PB-281 642 A DIRECTORY OF CDCTFUTER SOFTWARE flPPLlCfiTOlS Physics 1970-May, 1978 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-National Technical Information Service PB-281 642 a o u A DIRECTORY OF CDmPUTER SOFTWARE flppucnrans Physics 1970-May, 1978 spates &* U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 o a a Copyright Warning Portions of this publication bearing a copyright notice are copyrighted. International Copyright, ©National Technical Information Service 1978, under the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention. United States copyright is not asserted under the United States Copyright Law, Title 17, United States Code. 50272-101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT NO. NTIS/S A -7 8/0 9 4. Title and Subtitle A Directory of Computer Software Applications Physics, 1970-May, 1978 7. Author(s) 3. Recipient's Accession No. PB-281 642 5. Report Date Tune, 197 8 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Same 1 970 - May, 1978 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) Physics reports that list computer programs and/or their documentation are cited. These software applications pertain to topics, such as acoustics, electricity and magnetism, fluid mechanics, masers and lasers, optics, nuclear physics, plasma physics, solid state physics, and thermodynamics. Solid mechanics studies are excluded. The directory contains complete bibliographic data for each report as well as a subject and a corporate author index. 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms c. COSATI Field/Group 62B, 46 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report) 20. Security Class (This Page) 21. No. of Pages 331 22. Price $25.00 (See ANSI-Z39.18) See Instructions on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce CONTENTS Introduction V How To Use-- VII Abstracts , 1 Subject Index 1 Corporate Author Index 78 Order Blank At End PRICING Costs of documents are given in the form of price codes in the right- hand portion of the first line of each entry in the abstract section. PC stands for paper copy and MF for microfiche. A current price-code table may be obtained by writing to NTIS. Also, current tables are attached to the back cover of Abstract Newsletters and Government Reports An- nouncements & Index. ORDERING To order a document please fill out the order form bound in the back of this publication (or a copy) and send to NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Be sure to include the document order number (printed in the left-hand portion of the first line of each entry in the ab- stract section) and your check, payable to NTIS, in the current amount — if you do not use your deposit account or American Express charge number. NTIS can also ship-and-bill, but you will be billed an additional fee of $5 per order for this service. Entries received from DOE and NASA may not have abstracts included. Readers are referred to the appropriate volumes of ERA or Star. For the note "For abstract, see ERA citation . . . ." please refer to Energy Research Abstracts (ERA) published monthly by the U.S. Government Printing Office, (GPO), Washington D.C. 20402 for the Department of Energy, Technical Information Center, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Single issues and subscriptions are available to the public from Supt. of Docs., GPO. Certain classes of scientific users and governmental agencies may obtain free copies; contact the DOE Tech Center in Oak Ridge. For the note "For abstract, see Star . . . ." please refer to Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (Star) published semimonthly by the U.S. Government Printing Office, (GPO), Washington D.C. 20402 for the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. Subscriptions and single issues are available from Supt. of Docs., GPO. iii INTRODUCTION The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce is the central source for the public sale and announcement of Government-sponsored research, development and engineering reports and analyses prepared by Federal agencies, their contractors or grantees. NTIS supplies the public with approximately four million documents and microforms annually. The technical reports announced by NTIS often contain listings of com- puter programs and/or documentation covering a wide variety of appli- cations. The object of this directory is to announce to the scientist, systems ana- lyst, and programmer, the availability of these computer programs, and to disseminate this software as fully as possible to fulfill NTIS' role in information transfer. These computer program listings or the documentation can be pur- chased for the regular price of the technical report in either hard copy or microfiche, thereby providing the user with a viable piece of soft- ware at an exceptionally low price. If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact David Grooms, Product Manager (703) 557-4672. HOW TO USE Abstract Entry Order/accession number. This number must be used to order NTIS products Corporate author Keywords — used for indexing and searching _r PB-239 100/1CP PCA12/MFA01- Bechtel, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con-. straints. Appendices Final rept. on Phase 1 . Aug 74. 267p" Rept no. BECHTEL-10900-74-43- l-App Grant NSF-C867 Descriptors: "Energy supplies, "Computer pro- grams. Crude oil, Natural gas, Coal, Oil shale, Uranium, Thorium, Bituminous sands. Hydroelectric power generation, Geothermal prospecting, Solar energy conversion, Wastes, Systems analysis, Systems engineering, Capitalized costs, Fossil fuel deposits, Trans- portation, Planning, Forecasting, Algorithms, Flow charting, Mathematical models, FOR- TRAN. A computer program that calculates resource - requirements and summarizes results for any fuel mix is presented. The program tabulates an annual schedule of required facilities to be brought on-line and attendant annual schedules of capital (2 classes), manpower (4 types), and materials (9 categories) require- ments. The model is exercised for two likely fuel mixes and the implications in terms of an- ticipated capital, manpower, and materials con- straints are discussed. -Price codes: PC means paper copy; MF, microfiche. Consult current code-price table for ac- tual prices. 1 — Title of document Abstract of document Subject Index Entry Subject Term. — These are arranged in alphabetical se- quence in the Index ENERGY SUPPLIES Energy System Network Simulator (ESNS) li. A- User's Guide BNL-20979 9B Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints PB-239 099/5CP Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints. Appendices PB-239 100/1CP 21D An Economic Analysis of Declining Petroleum Supplies in Texas: Income, Employment. Tax and Production Effects as Measured by Input-Output and Supply-Demand Simulation Models PB-243 320/9CP 08I -Title Order number. Documents in the abstract section are se- quenced alphanumerically by this number. Corporate Author Index Entry Corporate author Order/accession number- BECHTEL, INC., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BECHTEL-10900-74-43-1 Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints PB-239 099/5CP 21 D BECHTEL-10900-74-43-l-App Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints. Appendices PB-239 100/1CP 21D -Title VII Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/directoryofcOOunit PHYSICS AAEC/E-257 PC E01/MF A01 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights. Modified Version of the Busing-Martin-Levy Least Squares Program for the Direct Fitting of Structures to Powder Diffraction Patterns by the Method of Profile Analysis J. C. Taylor, and G. W. Cox. Mar 73, 9p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Powders, 'Neutron diffraction, 'Uranium hexafluoride. Neutron diffraction, Computer codes, Crystallography, Gauss func- tion, Least square fit. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA28 06, number 13347. AAEC/TM-544 PC E01 MF A01 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights. Boptic- a Beam Transport Program in Fortran IV G. R. Dangerfield, and R. L. Walsh. Jul 70, 44p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Charged-particle beams, 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 03, number 05441 . AAEC/TM-578 PC E01 MF A01 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights. Programs for the Management and Processing of Neutron Diffraction Data M. M. Elcombe, G. W. Cox, A. W. Pryor, and F. H. Moore. Feb 71 , 56p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Data processing systems, 'Neutron-diffraction anal- ysis. For abstract, see NSA 25 15, number 36309. AAEC/TM-587 PC E01 MF A01 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights. The A.A.E.C. Fission Product Cross Section Libraries Fisprod.Pointxsl and Fis- prod.Groupxsl E.K.Rose. Mar 71, 19p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 17, number 41218. AAEC/TM-604 PC E01/MF A01 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights. Meatpi and Sorce- Two Programs to Calcu- late Scattering Potentials from Phase Shifts E. Clayton. Aug 72, 15p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Scattering. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 06, number 13311. AAEC/TM-605 PC E01/MF A01 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights. Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo E. L. R. Hetherington, and N. R. Wood. Feb 72, 16p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Iodine isotopes i-131, 'Iodine isotopes i-132, 'Lanthanum isotopes la-140, 'Molybdenum isotopes mo-99, 'Ruthenium isotopes ru- , 'Technetium isotopes tc-99. For abstract, see NSA 26 16, number 38324. AAEC/TM-621 PC A02/MF A01 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights. Comparison Between the Computer Codes Owen and Toscle in a Calculation of Two- Phase Flow Stability N. Spinks. Aug 72, 24p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Two-phase flow, 'Stability, 'Computer codes, 'O codes, Comparative evaluations, T codes. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 01 , number 00322. AD-A000 285/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering A Surface Formulation for Characteristic Modes of Material Bodies Technical rept. no. 2 Yu Chang, and Roger F. Harrington. Oct 74, 1 26p Rept no. TR-74-7 Contract N00014-67-A-0378-0006 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic scattering, Elec- tromagnetic fields. Dielectrics, Magnetic materials, Electric current, Matrices(Mathematics), Curve fitting, Graphics, Cylindrical bodies, Polarization, Computer pro- grams. A theory of characteristic modes for material bodies is developed using equivalent surface currents. This is in contrast to the alternative approach using induced volume currents. The mode currents form a weighted orthogonal set over the material body surface, and the mode fields form an orthogonal set over the sphere at infinity. The characteristic modes of material bodies have most of the properties of those for perfectly conducting bodies. Formulas for the use of these modes in electromagnetic scatter- ing problems are given. A procedure for com- puting the characteristic modes is developed, and applied to two-dimensional bodies. Illustra- tive examples of the computation of charac- teristic currents and scattering cross sections are given for cylinders of different material con- stants. (Author) AD-A000 620/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Edgewood Arsenal Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Inertial Impaction Efficiency of Cylindrical Collectors by Digital Techniques and Effects of Particle Size Distributions Technical rept. Feb-May 74 Arthur K. Stuempfle, and Claude R. Pellegrino. Oct 74, 41 p Rept no. EC-TR-74050 Descriptors: 'Particles, 'Impingement, Aerosols, Particle size. Impact, Flow fields, Par- ticle trajectories. Computer programs. Cylindri- cal bodies. Identifiers: IMPEF computer program, UNIVAC 1108 computers. The theory of inertial impaction of particles on cylinders has been analyzed and used to develop standard inertial impaction efficiency curves. Unique exponential functions have been generated by a digital computer that ac- curately fit the inertial impaction theory with a maximum relative error of less than 1%. Inter- polative routines have been adapted for the computer program to obtain inertial impaction efficiency predictions for all inertial parameter and velocity field scaling parameter values in the range of 0.13 = or< K = or < 300 and = or < PHI = or < 10,000. The complete computer program with examples and solutions of test cases are presented in the appendix. (Modified author abstract) AD-A000 899/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Avir Associates Inc Baltimore Md Sabot Aerodynamics During Discard Final contract rept. Ivan Stern. Oct 74, 64p BRL-CR-181 Contract DAAD05-73-C-0173 Descriptors: 'Gunnery, 'Sabot projectiles, 'Aerodynamic characteristics. Cylindrical bodies, Configurations, Lift, Aerodynamic drag, Pitch(Motion), Computer programs, Interior ballistics. Identifiers: 'Sabot disposal. Computer aided design. The aerodynamics of a generic sabot piece is treated using the Newtonian approximation. The sabot piece is composed of an inner and outer cylindrical surface, conical surfaces on either end, and longitudinal slices parallel to the axis. When assembled, an integral number of such similar pieces form an annular cylinder. A computer program is included which gives the Newtonian lift, drag, and moment coeffi- cients of the piece in terms of the front and rear cone angles, length, ratio of inner to outer radii, and number of pieces. Only pitching motion is treated, and no aerodynamic interference between sabot pieces or projectile is con- sidered. A discussion of a model for sabot discard is given. AD-A000 944/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Albuquerque N Mex Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume II. Late-Time High-Altitude Elec- tromagnetic Pulse Code Development Final rept. 5 May 72-31 Dec 73 James A. Marks, and Vernon W. Pine. Jun 74, 97p SAI-73-514-AQ, AFWL-TR-73-286-Vol-2 Contract F29601 -72-C-01 1 7 See also report dated Jun 74, AD-783 623. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses, 'Nuclear explosions, 'Computer programming, Airburst, High altitude, Maxwells equations, Gamma ray scattering, Neutron scattering. Curve fitting, Graphics. Identifiers: HAPS computer code. Late-time, two-dimensional, high-altitude, EMP field calculations were carried out using the HAPS field code. The objective of this effort was to determine effects which result from gamma rays scattered into the direct beam and possible effects from neutron sources. Direct-beam gamma sources were curve fit for comparison purposes. Comparisons showing the field enhancement are presented. Significant fields near the ground at 100 microseconds from a 20-km burst height by including neutrons were obtained. An estimate of neutron effects from a 100-km burst height resulted in fields near the ground of several volts at 1.5 milliseconds. A causality study showed perturbations travel across the two-dimensional HAPS grid in very nearly the correct transit time. A one-dimen- sional plane code was developed to solve a class of high-altitude EMP problems. The code compares at early times to one-dimensional codes. Field equations and air chemistry models are discussed. (Author) AD-A001 007/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ State College Applied Research Lab Three-Dimensional Potential Flow around a Body Spanning an Annulus: Computer Pro- gram and Solution Technical memo. A. Tamura, R. Howells, and B. Lakshminarayana. 30 Jul 73, 97p Rept no. TM- 73-173 Contract N0001 7-73-C-1 41 8 Descriptors: 'Three dimensional flow, "Computer programs, Inviscid flow, Incom- pressible flow, Subsonic flow, Bessel functions, Computations, Rings. Identifiers: Annuli. A set of computer programs for calculating the three-dimensional potential flow around a body spanning a cylindrical annulus is described. Bodies spanning the annulus may be represented by a superposition of radial vortex and source lines. Lifting bodies are restricted to a constant circulation radially since the theory does not consider shed vortices. Otherwise, the configuration may be of any arbitrary body geometry, stagger angle, spacing, and hub/tip ratio. Examples of input and output are pro- vided, as well as program listings. (Author) AD-A001 064/SCP PC A12/MF A01 Raytheon Co Wayland Mass Advanced Development Lab Multipath Measurements Final rept. 30 Apr-1 5 Aug 74 D. G. Armstrong, P. E. Cornwell, and A. H. Greene. Aug 74, 262p Rept no. ER74-4316 Contract DAAH01 -74-C-0704, ARPA Order-2731 See also AD-782 438. Descriptors'. 'Multipath transmission, 'Radar clutter, Measurement, Scattering, Compu- terized simulation, Radar tracking, Computer programs. Reported is Phase I of a research task to refine the classical multipath theory. The study completed has culminated in the design of a measurement program which can obtain data on terrain and sea reflection phenomena. The processed data can be used to quantify existing theory to assist in improving the performance of tracking radars operating at low elevation angles. The theory of specular and diffuse reflections is discussed in considerable detail, including the most recent modifications which deal quantitatively with the interaction of specular and diffuse reflection and which also describe the distribution of diffuse reflectivity over the glistening surface. A com puter simula- tion based on the advanced theory is described, and typical results presented. AD-A001 374/8CP PC A11/MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Coordinated Science Lab Surface Self-Diffusion on a Face Centered Crystal: An Atomic View Master's thesis Guy Ayrault. Oct 73, 235p Rept nos. R-631 , UILU-ENG-73-2234 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259, Grant NSF-GH- 31998 Descriptors: "Rhodium, "Diffusion, "Surfaces, "Adsorption, Crystal lattices, Computations, Ac- tivation energy, Coefficients, Atoms, Entropy, Surface properties, Computer programs, Elec- tron microscopy, Crystal structure, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Morse potential, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. Migration of individual atoms self-adsorbed on different low-index planes of a face-centered cubic metal has been studied. Diffusion coeffi- cients and activation energies for the motion of rhodium on perfect planes of the rhodium lat- tice, in the absence of high fields, have been derived from direct observation of atomic posi- tions, using a field ion microscope. Correlation effects, due to interactions with other rhodium atoms, are observed even at interatomic distances greater than 7.5 A. All diffusion parameters have therefore been derived from experiments with only a single atom on a plane. Estimates have been made of both the activa- tion energy and entropy, based on a simple model involving pair potentials. These give good account of the behavior observed on rhodium, but not of previous measurements on tungsten. No simple relationship is found for diffusion on similarly structured planes of the two metals. AD-A001 535/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A User's Manual to Compute Shock Reflec- tions in Elastic Solids Memorandum rept. G. H. Jonas. Sep 74, 74p Rept no. BRL-MR-2409 Descriptors: "Solids, "Shock waves, "Computer programming, Computations, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. A computer program in FORTRAN language for shock reflections in elastic solids is presented. Brief descriptions of the equations, input and program logic are included. A sample problem is given to display input and output. AD-A001 619/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Spinning Missile Magnus Force Measure- ments Technical rept. 1 Jan 74-1 Nov 74 H. L. Power. 1 Nov 74, 32p Rept no. NPS- 57PH74111 Descriptors: "Spin stabilized ammunition, "Magnus effect. Laminar flow. Boundary layer flow, Spinning(Motion), Angle of attack, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Wind tunnel data to determine Magnus force and center of pressure location on a spinning missile at angle of attack was correlated to a crossflow analog theory with good results. AD-A001 671/7CP PC A02/MF A01 Watervliet Arsenal N Y A New Device for Generating Pressures up to 400 Kilobars Technical rept. D. P. Kendall, P. V. Dembowski, and T. E. Davidson. Oct 74, 19p Rept no. WVT-TR-74045 Descriptors: "High pressure, Experimental design, Laboratory equipment, Phase transfor- mations, Calibration, Electrical resistivity. Identifiers: "Bridgman anvil devices. The paper describes a unique device for generating ultra-high pressures in the order of 400 kilobars (40 GPa). This is a variable lateral support, Bridgeman Anvil device which uses the principle of a segmented cylinder to provide the lateral support and to apply the force to the anvils. The system has been calibrated to 212 kilobars using resistivity measurements to de- tect the known phase transitions in bismuth, iron, lead and 10 and 20 percent cobalt alloys of iron. A pressure of 400 kilobars, based on a linear extrapolation of this calibration, has been attained. AD-A001 805/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Optical Properties of Laser-Plasma Interac- tions Technical note 8 Oct-2 Nov 73 Robert M. Wyatt. Dec 73, 39p Rept no. AFWL- DYS-TN-73-102 Descriptors: 'Plasmas(Physics), "Laser beams, 'Computer programs, Carbon dioxide lasers, Ruby lasers, Ray tracing, Exploding wires, In- teractions. Identifiers: "Plasma heating, RATRACE com- puter code. A two-dimensional code has been written to study the optical interactions of laser beams with preformed plasmas. Specifically, simula- tions of C02 and ruby lasers beams incident upon the plasmas of exploding wires have been accomplished for different beam configura- tions to find the optimum configuration for plasma heating. AD-A001 920/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Optical Science Consultants Yorba Linda Calif Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Concepts Final technical rept. 15 Jan-15 Aug 74 David L. Fried. Oct 74, 59p DR-28, RADC-TR-74- 276 Contract F30602-74-C-01 1 5 Descriptors: 'Light transmission, Turbulence, Transfer functions, Computer programs. In- tegral equations, Numerical integration, Com- putations. Identifiers: Modulation transfer functions, "Atmospheric attenuation, BASIC programming language. The objective of this work has been to develop an understanding of the quantitative theory of those aspects of propagation through turbu- lence that would limit the performance of vari- ous techniques of unconventional imagery, and to develop a basic for quantifying the effective magnitude of atmospheric turbulence. AD-A002 259/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif A Simplified Mode Conversion Program for VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Interim rept. Richard A. Pappert, and Linda R. Shockey. 1 Oct 74, 64p Rept no. NELC-IR-751 Descriptors: 'Radio transmission, 'Ionospheric propagation, Very low frequency, Computer programs, Modes, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. This report presents a variation of an earlier mode conversion program for numerically determining mode conversion coefficients and mode sums for a waveguide which is in- homogeneous along the direction of propaga- tion (invariance normal to the transmitter receiver line is assumed and reflections due to the horizontal inhomogeneity are neglected). Although somewhat more approximate than the earlier program the present version has the ad- vantage of not requiring a full wave fields pro- gram for the height gain calculations and can be implemented with about the same ease as a WKB program. It has one advantage over the WKB formulation and that is that mode num- bering along the horizontal inhomogeneity is immaterial. The mode conversion program will yield mode conversion coefficients and a mode sum plot for ground based vertical dipole ex- citation of the vertical electric field at the ground as a function of distance from the trans- mitter. Since the mode conversion coefficients are independent of transmitter terminator distance, allowance has also been made for in- crementing the latter distance and plotting mode sums for the incremented distances. AD-A002 343/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Mclean Va Monte Carlo Anaylsis of X-Ray and Gamma- Ray Transition Zone Dose and Photo-Comp- ton Current Interim rept. May-Sep 73 William L. Chadsey. 16 Nov 73, 49p SAI-73-578- AR, Scientific-3, AFCRL-TR-73-0572 Contract F1 9628-71 -C-01 98 Prepared in cooperation with General Electric Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Re-Entry and Environ- mental Systems Div. See also AD-893 41 3. Descriptors: *Photoelectrons, 'Gamma rays, *X rays, Gold, Aluminum, Interfaces, Secondary emission, Computations, Monte Carlo method, Computer applications. Identifiers: POEM computer code, Cobalt 60. The POEM Monte Carlo electron transport code has been used to calculate dose and photo- Compton current distributions near interfaces between dissimilar materials irradiated by x- rays and gamma-rays. The calculations were performed for a planar gold-aluminum inter- face irradiated by 300 kVp and 1000 kVp x-ray bremsstrahlung spectra, a Co60 gamma-ray spectrum, and 30, 100, and 200 keV monochro- matic x-ray spectra. For the monochromatic x- ray spectra several angles of x-ray incidence between and 85 degrees with respect to the interface normal were used. The results of the dose distribution calculations for the x-ray brem strahlung spectra are compared with the unpublished data of Wali. The results for the Co60 gamma-ray spectrum are compared with the published data of Wall and Burke. AD-A002 586/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio A Review of Parametric Oscillators and Mix- ers and an Evaluation of Materials for 2-6 micrometer Applications Technical rept. Elgene R. Nichols, John C. Corbin, Jr, and Vincent L. Donlan. Jul 74, 1 19p Rept no. AFAL- TR-74-161 Descriptors: "Tunable lasers, 'Tuning devices, 'Frequency multipliers, 'Infrared radiation, Laser beams, Optical pumping, Far infrared radiation, Infrared lasers, Tables(Data), Silver compounds, Arsenic compounds. Gallium compounds, Antimony compounds. Lithium compounds, Niobates, lodates. Zinc com- pounds, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Cad- mium selenides, Mercury compounds. Thallium compounds. Infrared upconversion. Identifiers: 'Parametric oscillators, Nonlinear optics, Proustite, Silver arsenic sulfides, Mercu- ry sulfides. Thallium arsenic selenides, Zinc germanium phosphides, Performance evalua- tion, Silver gallium sulfides, Silver gallium sele- nides, Silver antimony sulfides, Cadmium ger- manium arsenides, Lithium iodates, Lithium niobates. A tunable source of narrow line radiation in the 2-6 micrometer band and, to a lesser extent, the 8-12 micrometer band would be useful in several military applications. Only recently have nonlinear optical materials become available to permit construction of optical parametric oscil- lators (OPO's) and mixers operating at these wavelengths. In this report, a review of the progress in wavelength coverage and output of OPO's and mixers is given, the theoretical per- formance of eleven nonlinear materials is discussed in detail, and as an example, the materials are compared for use in operating a singly resonant OPO in the 3-6 micrometer band. For this application, the outstanding materials are HgS pumped at 1.06 micrometers and ZnGeP2 pumped at 2.1 micrometers. Other material performances discussed are Ag3AsS3 (Proustite), AgGaS2, AgGaSe2, Ag3SbS3, CdGeAs2, CdSe, LN03, LiNb03 and TI3AsSe3. Refractive index data on the nonlinear materi- als and details of the FORTRAN computer pro- gram used in the calculations are included. AD-A003 009/8CP PC E04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Dept of Ocean Engineering Unsteady Hydrodynamics of a Body of Revolution with Fairwater and Rudder Final rept. Oct 71 -Mar 74 Douglas P. Glasson. Mar 74, 130p Rept no. 74- 7 Contract N00014-67-A-0204-0058 Descriptors: 'Submarine hulls, 'Hydrodynamics, Submarines, Lifting surfaces, Vortices, Hydrodynamic control surfaces. Wake, Interactions, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. Potential flow models are developed for a sub- merged body of revolution with fin and rudder appendages. Forces and moments on the lifting surfaces and hull have been predicted at a steady angle of attack. The procedure is ex- tended to the time dependent angle of attack case. Experimental, analytical and numerical approaches are described. AD-A003 677/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear- FM Pulses Interim technical rept. J. J. G. McCue. 16 Jul 74, 119p TR-512, ESD-TR- 74-231 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Radiofrequency interference, 'Chirp radar, Radiofrequency pulses. Frequen- cy modulation, Power spectra, Computer pro- grams. Numerical analysis, FORTRAN. Approximate expressions are obtained for the power spectrum and the phase spectrum of a rectangular pulse with linear FM. It is shown that the phase spectrum outside the nominal frequency band of the pulse is very different from the in-band spectrum, and that con- sequently interference picked up from the skirt of the spectrum will not undergo pulse com- pression. If a chirp receiver and a chirp pulse have center frequencies differing by at least the larger of the two bandwidths, calculations of radio-frequency interference can be made with good accuracy by ignoring the FM. The response of a chirp receiver to a nonmatching linear-FM or constant-frequency pulse can readily be calculated, even when the difference of the center frequencies is small. The calcula- tion is discussed, first for rectangular pulses in receivers matched to rectangular pulses, and then for rectangular pulses in receivers with Hamming or similar weighting. AD-A003 908/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Acoustic Transmission Loss by Single-Profile Ray Tracing (Program RTRACE) Interim rept. Evan B.Wright. 23 Dec 74, 71pRept no. NRL- 7815 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Ray tracing, "Computer programs, Acoustic attenuation. Computations, FORTRAN. Identifiers: RTRACE computer program, CDC 3800 computers. A program called RTRACE for the calculation of underwater acoustic transmission loss by ray tracing and summation has been written for NRL's CDC-3800 computer. RTRACE uses a single-profile, flat-bottom model of the medium with an inverse quadratic function of depth to interpolate in the sound-speed profile. Ran- dom- or coherent-phase intensities may be cal- culated and results may be printed or plotted, along with detailed ray histories and a ray trajectory plot. AD-A004 182/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst Modifications to Compressor Test Data Anal- ysis Program UD0200 Technical interim rept. Oct 73-Jun 74 Richard M. Hearsey. Nov 74, 90p UDRI-TR-74- 26.ARL-74-0131 Contract F33615-74-C-4030 Descriptors: 'Axial flow compressors, 'Fluid flow, "Computer programs, Blocking, Data acquisition, FORTRAN, Static pressure. Identifiers: UDO200 Computer program. This report describes a slightly modified form of a previously published computer program that is designed for the analysis of single-stage axial compressor data. A special feature of the original program was the option to compute an- nulus blockage fractions such that experimen- tally determined casing data pressures would be matched by the computed values. The revised program extends this concept to in- clude the option to compute relative flow devia- tion angles instead of blockage such that the same static pressure match is achieved. Also, experimental static pressure may be specified to the calculation at any radius in the flowfield rather than only on the casing. A number of other less significant changes to the program are also recorded. AD-A004 397/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta School of Mechanical Engineering Wave Propagation and Choking in Two-Phase Two-Component Flow Doctoral thesis Dennis R. Liles. Dec 74, 124p AFOSR-TR-75- 0140 Grant AF-AFOSR-1 853-70 Descriptors: 'Two phase flow, Wave propaga- tion, Fluid flow. Pipes, Air water interactions, Bubbles, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Choking flow. The problem of wave propagation and choking has been examined analytically for gas-liquid flows. A drift-flux (mixture) model was em- ployed and the solution was provided by the method of characteristics. Major advances were made towards development of a model which can predict the critical flux in two-com- ponent gas-liquid flows in conduits. The characteristics of the resulting set of equations were examined and compared with speed of sound data and conclusions were drawn between the conditions at the critical point and the speed of pressure pulses in the system. The main emphasis of the research was on two- component flows but some results applicable to one-component flows were also developed. AD-A004 587/2CP PC E04/MF A01 Catholic Univ of America Washington D C Dept of Electrical Engineering Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Proces- sors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estima- tor Final rept. 1 May 73-31 Dec 74 Leonard E. Miller, and Jhong S. Lee. 31 Dec 74, 200 Contract N00014-67-A-0377-0021 Descriptors: "Sonar arrays, "Underwater sound, "Signal processing, Hydrophones, Bear- ing(Direction), Band pass filters. Probability density functions, Estimates, Signal to noise ratio, Information theory, Statistical analysis. Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Signal detection. Maximum likelihood estimation, BASIC programming lan- guage. Investigation is made of a 'multiplicative' receiver array to determine its capability as signal detector and bearing estimator. The same analyses are made of the conventional square-law array for comparison purposes. The probability density functions for the filter out- puts of array models are obtained for these ar- rays for the input signals consisting of monochromatic signals and narrowband addi- tive Gaussian noise. The number of sensor ele- ments, SNR, source bearing, and interelement noise correlation, are treated as parameters of the distribution, and their influences are dis- played graphically. Based on these probability density functions for the square-law and mul- tiplicative array processors, the authors then examine their performances as signal detectors and bearing estimators. AD-A004 591 /4CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detec- tion Master's thesis. James Blenn III Perkins. Dec 74, 11 4p Descriptors: "Acoustic signals, 'Amplitude modulation. Ocean surface, Acoustic scatter- ing, Signal processing, Computer programs. Probability density functions, Theses, Ocean waves, Acoustic detection. A study was conducted of the amplitude modu- lation of an acoustic signal forward scattered from a wind-generated, model ocean surface. The demodulated spectrum of the surface scat- tered sound was compared with the model ocean spectrum while varying the acoustic frequency and angle of incidence. Several methods of enhancing signal detection through a knowledge of the ocean spectrum were stu- died. The most promising of these shows potential gains of the order of three decibels when the received signal is weak and fluctuat- ing greatly, as at a Lloyd Mirror minimum. AD-A005 086/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Madrid Univ (Spain) Facultad de Ciencias Optical Constants of SiO in the IR Region Final technical rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 73 D. Escolar, and J. Morcillo. Jul 74, 118p Contract DAJA37-73-C-0468 Descriptors: 'Infrared spectra, Reflectance, Thin films, Vapor deposition. Computer pro- grams, Optical coatings, Silicon compounds. Monoxides, FORTRAN, Spain. Identifiers: 'Silicon monoxide, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. Values of the optical constants, n and k (n bar = n - i k), of vacuum deposited thin films of silicon monoxide over the range 1.0 to 50.0 microns, obtained from Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) are computed with a simple rigorous method. The ATR element used is a commercial one. A analysis is also presented of the calcula- tion of n and k from transmission measure- ments showing consistency with ATR measure- ments for a liquid sample. A double beam ATR system is described for making precise mea- surements at a variable angle of incidence of the reflectivity using only one hemicylindrical reflectance element. The cell has two compart- ments for sample and reference beam respec- tively. The beam has a wedge shape with the focal line parallel to the cylinder axis and the optical elements are all standard m irrors. AD-A005 321/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Compass Systems Inc San Diego Calif A Ray Trace Program for the CDC 1604 Com- puter Final rept. Baldwin van der Bijl. Sep 74, 37p 1 56, EPRF- CP-Note-18 Contract N62271-73-M-1022 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, "Acoustic velocity, 'Ray tracing, 'Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: RAYTRACE computer program, CDC 1604 computers, Calcomp plotters. The report describes a package of programs for practical use of an existing oceanic acoustic ray program (RAYTRACE) The RAYTRACE pro- gram is also presented with appropriate CDC 1604 computer operation procedures. Several of the programs in the package are presented to provide a method for developing the input data to the RAYTRACE program in required for- mat. The last program in the package (PLOTRAY) provides a means of visual display of the acoustic ray via CALCOMP graphics. AD-A005 466/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Models for Computing the Directional Radia- tion of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylin- drical Baffle Master's thesis Roland Ralph Johnson. Dec 74, 87p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Sonar trans- ducers, Acoustic Tracking, Acoustic detection, Acoustic reflection, Sound transmission, Sound ranging, Baffles, Mathematical models. Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Theses, Cylindrical bodies. The closed-form equations describing the acoustic radiation pattern for a source flush- mounted on a rigid cylindrical baffle are derived for three sonar transducer design configura- tions: two rectangular designs (Segment and Patch) and one circular. The derivation in- cludes both application and an extension of developments by previous theorists. A com- puter program based on the derived closed- form equations is included to permit design in- vestigation of the three (3) configurations. Preliminary results of the program agree with previously obtained patterns by other investiga- tors for the same source. The program, how- ever, allows extension to new configurations. AD-A005 733/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Induced Currents on Two Dimensional Elec- tromagnetic Planar Structures Master's thesis Jose Alberto Rospigliosi Balta, and Richard W. Adler Dec 74, 107p Rept no. NPS-52AB74124 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses, Electric current. Density, Distribution, Aircraft, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN, Computerized simulation. Theses, Plane waves. Electromagnetic pulse has become a possible threat to nearly all sophisticated military systems. The crossed dipole receiving antenna has been used as a representative model to ap- proximate electromagnetic pulse effects on air- craft. A very basic way to approximate an air- craft structure is by a two-dimensional cross. The paper is an application of the Piecewise- Sinusoidal Reaction Matching Technique (PSRMT) to find the current density distribution in a two-dimensional cross illuminated by a monochromatic plane wave. Other two-dimen- sional structures aie solved previous to the cross structure in order to gain insight and to validate this approach with respect to previous solution techniques. AD-A005 808/1CP PC A02/MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio , Hartree-Fock Electron Distribution of Cubic BN Journal article R. N. Euwema, G. T. Surratt, D. L. Wilhite, and G. G. Wepfer 3 Dec 73, 9p Rept no. ARL-75- 0075 Availability: Pub. in Philosophical Magazine, v29 n5 p1033-1039 May 74. Descriptors: 'Boron nitrides, 'Hartree-Fock ap- proximation, 'Electrons, Distribution, Com- puter programs, Crystals, X ray diffraction, Crystal structure, Eigenvectors, Compton scat- tering, Reprints. Identifiers: Compton profiles. The self-consistent crystalline Hartree-Fock X- ray structure factors and directional Compton profiles in the impulse approximation are given for cubic boron nitride. The first four structure factors agree within experimental error with the measurements of R. J. Weiss. The calculated Compton profiles are tabulated for the 100, 110, 111, 112 and 221 directions. The calculated profiles are several per cent above the experi- mental profiles for small momentum transfer. The spread due to directional dependence is 5% at zero momentum transfer. (Author) AD-A006 254/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Program TRIMAIN B.G. Roberts, Jr. 16 Dec 74, 135pReptno. NRL- 7827 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, 'Ray tracing, 'Computer programs, Acoustic velocity, Ocean bottom topography, Sonar, Control sequences, FORTRAN. Identifiers: TRIMAIN computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, CDC 3800 computers. Interest has arisen in the last few years to develop analytical models of the undersea acoustic environment which are suitable for use on digital computers. To realistically represent the sound-field structure which ex- ists in the ocean, one must consider the varia- tion of sound speed in two dimensions: depth and range. A computer program, TRIMAIN, was written in Fortran 4 in which the sound-speed field for a given region is divided into triangular segments of the range-and-depth plane. Four types of intensity calculations are available: a completely random phase summation, a completely coherent phase summation, a statistical influence over depth, and an average over a convergence zone. Additional output op- tions are ray depth distributions, ray printplots, and Calcomp ray plots, including plots of input sound speeds and of bathymetric profiles. AD-A006 552/4CP PC A17/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Calculations of X-Ray Bremsstrahlung Spec- tra and Scintillator Detector Yields for Relativistic Electron Energies from 10 keV to 10MeV Final rept. B. Grant Logan. Aug 74, 388p Rept no. NRL- MR-2861 Descriptors: "X rays, "Differential cross sec- tions, "Plasmas(Physics), Electron energy, Bremsstrahlung, Scintillation counters, Ta- bles(Data), Computer programs. Identifiers: KeV range 10-100, KeV range 100- 1000, MeV range 01-10. Differential cross sections for emission of bremsstrahlung x-rays by relativistic electrons of energy from 10 keV to 10 MeV are calculated and tabulated as a function of incident electron energy, ratio of x-ray energy to electron energy, and angle of x-ray emission to incident electron direction, for nuclei of Z=1 and Z = 22. The dif- ferential cross-sections integrated over angle and x-ray energy are also presented. From these x-ray spectra, ratios of x-ray transmission through various metal attenuators of several thicknesses and absorption in 1 inch Pilot B scintillators are calculated as a function of elec- tron energy and angle between electron and detector. AD-A006 600/1 CP PC A05/MF A01 Mount Auburn Research Associates Inc Newton Upper Falls Mass A Numerical Model of Droplet Entrainment from a Contained Oil Slick Final rept. Robert G. Zalosh . Sep 74, 83p USCG-D-65-75 Contract DOT-CG-41822-A Descriptors: "Drops, "Entrainment, Water flow, Rates, Oil spills, Mathematical models, Vor- tices, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Oil slicks, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, Oil pollution containment. A theoretical analysis of oil droplet entrainment from a contained oil slick moving relative to water has been performed as a function of rela- tive oil-water velocity. A numerical method in- corporating discrete vortices is used to calcu- late smooth stable headwave profiles at low velocities and unstable profiles at high veloci- ties. An oil droplet formation criterion is formu- lated and applied to the numerically modeled headwave region. The computed critical velocity corresponding to the onset of signifi- cant droplet entrainment is in close agreement with recent laboratory measurements. The computed entrainment rates are in approximate agreement with experiment, but do not exhibit systematic variation with water current. Oil drop trajectories are calculated using realistic starting conditions, but the present work does not extend beyond the first intersection of the drop with the slick. Recommendations are given for extending the work to include: post- formation droplet dynamics, wave effects, tur- bulence effects, and barrier design changes. AD-A006 930/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Phonon Spectrum and Strong-Coupling Su- perconductivity in Nb: A Single-Crystal Tun- neling Study Technical rept. Kenneth K. Lo, Judith L. Bostock, Margaret L. A. MacVicar, and Robert M. Rose. 21 Feb 75, 147p Rept no. TR-11 Contract N00014-67-A-0204-0041 Descriptors: 'Niobium, 'Superconductivity, "Tunneling(Electronics), Phonons, Spectra, Energy levels, Coupling(lnteraction), Crystal structure, Orientation(Direction), Electrical re- sistivity. Neutron diffraction. Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Density of states, Superconductor junctions. Lattice dynamics. Superconducting tunneling junctions of single crystal Nb grown in ultrahigh vacuum by the electron beam floating zone technique have been fabricated with counterelectrodes of Au, In, and Pb. The tunneling characteristics are nearly ideal and uniformly yield a Nb energy gap value of 2 delta (0) - 3.12 + -/5 mV. The first and second derivatives of the l-V curves of these junctions are measured with a precision better than one part in 0.0001 at 0.9 K using an AC bridge circuit. This tunneling data is decon- volved to give the electronic density of states, N(E) of superconducting Nb. Further, the ex- perimental data is used to determine the elec- tron-coupled phonon spectrum, (alpha squared)F, the electron-phonon coupling con- stant, lambda, and the dimensionless Coulomb pseudo-potential, mu", characteristic of Nb. These parameters, as determined from each of 11 different junctions, are compared and discussed in relation to crystal orientation, re- sistivity ratio, sample fabrication, etc. Finally, the general character of the (alpha squared)F spectrum is discussed in relation to a lattice dynamics calculation and the neutron diffrac- tion data of the N b phonon spectru m, F(w). AD-A007 058/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions The RESALE Chemical Laser Computer Pro- gram W. Dallas Adams, Emily B. Turner, James F. Holt, David G. Sutton, and Harold Mirels. 20 Feb 75, 163p TR-0075(5530)-5, SAMSO-TR-75-60 Contract F04701-74-C-0075 Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, Matrices(Mathematics), Mathematical models, Computer programming, Gain, Nonlinear dif- ferential equations, Nonlinear algebraic equa- tions. Relaxation, Solutions(General), Numeri- cal methods and procedures, Oscillation, Boltz- mann equation. Identifiers: Molecular relaxation, INHALE com- puter program, "RESALE computer program. This report describes the RESALE computer program for the calculation of laser action in a chemically reacting gas. The program is ap- plicable to either a one-dimensional steady flow or a time-dependent quiescent gas. RESALE uses either a constant-gain method or a numer- ical integration to obtain the intensity and to ac- count for population changes due to lasing. Vibrational populations are treated individually and thus are not in equilibrium. Rotational populations, however, are assumed to be in a Boltzmann distribution at the translational tem- perature. For continuous-wave lasers, it is possible to include the effects of diffusion of the reactants. The formulation of the equations, the numerical methods used, and the prepara- tion of input are described in detail. AD-A007 292/6CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Computer Code for Time Dependent Recombination Lasers Memorandum rept. Walter W. Jones, and A. W. Ali. Mar 75, 25p Rept no. NRL-MR-2999 Descriptors: "Plasmas(Physics), "Excitation, "Ultraviolet lasers, Temperature, Atomic energy levels, X rays. Stripped atoms. Electron density. Computerized simulation, Mathematical models, Gain. Identifiers: "X ray lasers, Recombination reac- tions, Population inversion(Energy levels). A computer code is developed which, starting from completely stripped ions and a given elec- tron temperature and density, solves for the population densities of excited states, inversion densities and gain with emphasis on short wavelength lasers. AD-A007 921/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif Computational Representation of Constitutive Relations for Porous Material Final rept. 24 Jan 73-31 Mar 74 Lynn Seaman, Robert E. Tokheim, and Donald R. Curran. May 74, 170p DNA-3412F Contract DNA001-73-C-01 19 Descriptors: "Porous materials, "X ray filters. Stress strain relations. Mathematical models. Elastic properties. Plastic properties, Compres- sive properties, Tensile properties, Equations of state, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Constitutive equations, FORTRAN 4 programming language. Porous materials are used as a protection against x-radiation because of their ability to minimize the stress generated by the radiation and to attenuate that stress as it propagates. For accurate design of this protection, wave propagation calculations are made to simulate the radiation deposition, stress generation, propagation, and spallation caused by stress waves. For such a calculation it is necessary to have a constitutive relation (stress-strain-ener- gy relation, or equation of state) that describes the material's response to heating and to com- pressive and tensile loading. The objective of this report is to document a set of constitutive relations that provide for: Elastic and plastic compaction loading with rate dependence; Heating or cooling that can occur simultane- ously with loading; Unloading and rate-depen- dent fracture; and, Melting and vaporization, with explicit treatment of solid, liquid, vapor, and mixed phases. Accompanying these rela- tions is a user's manual that includes a deriva- tion of the equations for the model and procedures for using it in Lagrangian wave propagation computer programs. AD-A007 979/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Washington Univ Seattle Aerospace Research Lab A Variational Formulation of the Compressi- ble Throughflow Problem Final rept. Mar73-Apr74 Gordon C. Oates, and Graham F. Carey. Aug 74, 93p AFAPL-TR-74-78 Contract F33615-73-C-2056 Descriptors: "Turbomachinery, "Flow fields, Compressible flow, Entropy, Enthalpy, Numeri- cal analysis, Finite element analysis. Computer programs. Identifiers: "Throughflow. A variational formulation of the compressible throughflow flow problem is developed. The method is suitable for the calculation of throughflow fields in which large rotational ef- fects, large compressibility effects and large variations in hub and tip radii may exist. The formulation requires the absence of viscous forces between blade rows, though the effects of losses within the blade rows may be included through the variation of entropy across stream- surfaces. The meridional Mach number is restricted to be less than unity, though the complete flow Mach number may be much in excess of unity. The variational formulation represents a complete statement of the problem in that the boundary conditions, far upstream and far downstream conditions, and matching conditions at all actuator discs are all natural conditions of the variational formula- tion. AD-A008 140/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md Evaluation of the Rexco-H and Rexco-Hep Reactor Excursion Containment Codes Final rept. Apr 72-Jun 74 Richard A. Lorenz. 14 Mar 75, 47p Rept no. NOLTR-74-63 Contract AT(49-1)-31 18 Descriptors: "Reactor control, "Computer pro- gramming, Stresses, Computations, Partial dif- ferential equations. Identifiers: REXCO-H computer code, REXCO- HEP computer code, "Nuclear reactor contain- ment. Liquid metal fast breeder reactors. The REXCO-H and REXCO-HEP Reactor Ex- cursion COtainment codes have been developed by Argonne National Laboratory. These codes analyze the response of the prima- ry containment system of a liquid metal fast breeder reactor to a core disassembly accident (CDA). REXCO-H analyzes the Hydrodynamic response, and REXCO-HEP analyzes the Hydrodynamic and Elastic-Plastic response. The author has completed an extensive and detailed analysis of the theory and the pro- gramming of the REXCO-H containment code, Release 2, and of the REXCO-HEP containment code. Release 1. This report presents the findings of this investigation: several pro- gramming errors have been discovered and corrected; the effects of the inherent short- comings in the programmed models are discussed; suggestions are made for future im- provements; and evaluations are given for the individual sections of the codes and for each code as a whole. AD-A008 279/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Optical Sciences Center First Quarter FY75 Applied Optics Research Report Quarterly rept. 1 Jul-30 Sep 74 P A Franken. Oct 74, 68p SAMSO-TR-75-67 Contract F04695-67-C-0197 Descriptors: 'Optics, Scientific research, Dif- fraction gratings, Holography, Numerical analy- sis, Computer programs, Quantum chemistry, Ammonia, Carbon dioxide lasers. Lasers, Neodymium lasers, Light pulses. Optical pump- ing, Infrared lasers. Water vapor, Germanium, Thermal expansion, Silicon, Image processing, Photographic processing. Identifiers: Speckle patterns. Design, Dimen- sional stability. The University of Arizona Optical Sciences Center presents results of work in mathematical optics, quantum optics, thermal expansion and dimensional stability and image processing. Also included is a list of professional publica- tions and activities of Optical Sciences Center personnel. AD-A008 349/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Ship Performance Dept Prediction of Ship Motions in Regular and Ir- regular Head Waves Final rept. E. N. Hubble, and J. B. Hadler. Apr 75, 31p Rept no. SPD-623-01 Descriptors: 'Ocean waves, 'Ship motion, Pitch(Motion), Heaving, Ship hulls. Spectral energy distribution, Computer programming. Identifiers: YF17 computer program. Current techniques for the prediction of ship motions in long-crested head waves are discussed. Addition of a speed term to the theoretical pitch damping coeffieient is corre- lated with experimental data. The relationship between absolute and relative motion along the ship length is discussed. Practical limits are established for integrating the spectral density functions for irregular-sea responses. Recom- mendations are made for updating computer program YF17, computing irregular wave responses with either idealized or real sea spectra such as the Station INDIA data. AD-A008 451/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment Portland (England) The Application of the Marker and Cell In- compressible Fluid Flow Technique to Impact Problems Technical note A. Mackey. Aug 74, 31p AUWE-TN-515/74, DRIC-BR-46447 Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, 'Incompressible flow, 'Computer programming, Flow fields, Equa- tions of motion, Fluid dynamics, Finite dif- ference theory, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Marker and cell method. The Marker and Cell method is a numerical technique suitable for digital computers which solves time dependent incompressible fluid flow problems with free surfaces. A modified Marker and Cell technique is described which is applicable to impact problems and an example is shown to give reasonable agreement with ex- perimental measurements. A Fortran listing of the computer program is included . AD-A008 557/1 CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md A Nonlinear Design Theory and Method for Supercavitating Cascades Bohyun Yim, and Laurie M. Higgins. Feb 75, 58p Rept no. NSRDC-4240 Descriptors: 'Cascade structures, 'Cavitation, Cascades(Fluid dynamics), Propellers, Pumps, Blunt bodies, Leading edges, Lifting surfaces, Load distribution, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Supercavitation, 'Supercavitating turbines. A nonlinear method for finding two-dimen- sional supercavitating sections in a cascade is developed. The load distribution is taken from linear theory for low-drag supercavitating foils in a cascade. The double spiral vortex model is used for cavity termination. Linear and non- linear theories are compared with special emphasis put on analyzing the blunt leading edge. The foil cavity shape, cavity drag, and cavitation number can be obtained by a com- puter program, when the cavity length and geometrical parameters of the cascade are given. AD-A008 559/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Silver Spring Md Applied Physics Lab A User's Guide for the Continuous Wave Laser Damage Computer Program Technical memo. R.W.Newman. Dec 74, 91 p Rept no. APL-JHU- TG-1268 Contract N00017-72-C-4401 Descriptors. 'Laser beams, 'Damage, Vaporiza- tion, Melting, Computer programs, Aerodynam- ic heating. Radiative transfer. Heating, Ablation, Thermal properties, Mass transfer, Manuals, Finite difference theory. Identifiers: 'Laser target interactions, Laser heating, CLAD computer program. A Continuous Wave Laser Damage computer program (CLAD) has been developed to com- pute material damage caused by a high power laser beam impinging on material surfaces. The program includes three-dimensional conduc- tion, temperature dependent thermal proper- ties, radiation relief, aerodynamic heating, laser radiation heating, heats of fusion and vaporiza- tion, chemical ablation, and material removal for flat and cylindrical bodies. The program uses finite difference techniques to compute mass loss and temperature histories of laser ir- radiated metals, ceramics, and ablatives. This report describes the computational methods contained in CLAD, along with some of the as- sumptions and limitations contained therein. The report is written as a user's manual and contains a description of the main program required to perform a CLAD analysis. Also in- cluded is a sample problem, the corresponding main program, and printed output, which will familiarize the user with an actual application of CLAD. AD-A008 986/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown Mass Quantitative Determination of Phase Content of Silicon Nitride by X-Ray Diffraction Analy- sis Final rept. Charles P. Gazzara, and Donald R. Messier. Feb 75, 19p Rept no. AMMRC-TR-75-4 Descriptors: 'Silicon nitrides, 'Phase studies, *X ray diffraction, Crystal structure, Mixtures, Composition(Property), Quantitative analysis. Computer programs, Numerical analysis. Pow- ders. Identifiers: HP 9810 computers, Desk top calcu- lators. Quantitative phase analysis of mixtures of polycrystalline materials is often difficult because of the number of variables that are in- volved in determining the relative amounts of each phase. Among the important variables are absorption coefficients, structure factors, parti- cle size, and identification and resolution of dif- fraction peaks. Phases of interest that com- monly occur in silicon nitride ceramics are alpha-Si3N4, beta-Si3N4, and unreacted Si. The purpose of this investigation was to establish a simple and reproducible technique for the determination of the phase content of silicon nitride. Of particular concern was the minimiza- tion of error due to preferred orientation ef- fects. The general approach involved calcula- tion of the relative intensities of selected dif- fraction peaks, correction of these to minimize preferred orientation, effects, and comparison of the theoretical results with those obtained from analysis of a standard. AD-A009 069/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Computing Methods Used in Support of Modeling Electron Concentrations in High-Al- titude Chemical Releases Final rept. R. B. Patton, Jr. Mar 75, 35p Rept no. BRL-MR- 2453 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric sounding, 'Ionization, 'Electromagnetic wave propaga- tion, Blackout(Propagation), Computations. Electron density, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Chemical release studies. The modeling of electron concentrations for high-altitude chemical releases requires a number of supporting computations that have not been reported previously. These computing methods are presented in detail. They include six coordinate transformations, a solution for the position of a cloud's center based on line- of-sight data from a pair of observing sites, and a solution to describe cloud appearance (size, shape, and orientation) as viewed from a given location. AD-A009 102/5CP PC A08/MF A01 Honeywell Corporate Research Center Bloomington Minn An Investigation of PLZT for Integrated Optics Final technical rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 74 D. Chen, and N. Marzwell. 1 Apr 75, 154p Rept no. HR-0359-1 Contract N00014-73-C-0359 See also report dated 28 Feb 74, AD-777 065. Descriptors: 'Ceramic materials, 'Ferroelectric materials, 'Electrooptics, 'Optical waveguides, Lanthanum compounds, Zirconates, Titanates, Lead compounds. Surface finishing. Refractive index, Integrated circuits, Fabrication, Epitaxial growth, Thin films. Diffusion, Light transmis- sion. Optical properties. Electrical properties. Computer programs, Single crystals. Identifiers: Optical modulators. Lead titanates. Lead zirconates. Lanthanum zirconates, Lanthanum titanates. Integrated optics. Lanthanum modified lead zirconate-lead titanate ceramics (PLZT) possesses many unique electrooptic and optical properties. Its utilization for integrated optic applications were investigated. Significant research results obtained from this investigation are: Graded refractive index was achieved in PLZT by polishing, by diffusion and by electrooptic techniques Optical waveguiding was achieved in optically polished PLZT wafers; An in- tegrated optic waveguide modulator was con- structed, utilizing the electric field induced scattering effect for beam intensity modulation. The modulation efficiency was 30mW/MHz for 50% modulation index; Single crystals of PLZT films up to 500 micrometers in size were ob- tained and major parameters governing the epitaxial growth were identified; and Large refractive index change of PLZT ceramics from 2.5 to 1 .6 were achieved by out-diffusion. AD-A009 157/9CP PC A11/MF A01 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst A Revised Computer Program for Axial Com- pressor Design. Volume II. Program Listing and Program Use Example Final rept. 1 Oct 73-30 Nov 74 Richard M. Hearsey. Jan 75, 250p U DRI-TR-74- 47-Vol-2, ARL-75-0001-Vol-2 Contract F33615-74-C-4030 See also Volume 1 , AD-A009 273. Descriptors: 'Axial flow compressors, 'Aerodynamic configurations, "Computer pro- grams, Compressor parts, Aerodynamics, Fluid dynamics, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Design criteria, "Aerodynamic design, FORTRAN 4 programming language. A revised computer program for the design of axial compressors is presented. It comprises three principal sections, two alternative means of determining blade geometry and an aerodynamic computation for the flow through the compressor. One method of determining blade geometry uses various analytic meanlines for the blade sections, and leads to the aerodynamic analysis of the flow through specified blading. The other method consists of creating arbitrary blade sections to follow the flow directions previously determined in an aerodynamic design calculation. The aerodynamic design section incorporates a loss calculation routine that may be used to esti- mate the design point performance of the com- pressor. One, two, or all three sections may be used in any one run of the program. This second volume of two describing the program shows the FORTRAN program listing and an ex- ample of the use of the program. AD-A009 273/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst A Revised Computer Program for Axial Com- pressor Design. Volume I. Theory, Descrip- tions, and User's Instructions Final technical rept. 1 Oct 73-30 Nov 74 Richard M. Hearsey. Jan 75, 125p UDRI-TR-74- 47-Vol-l , ARL-75-0001 -Vol-1 Contract F33615-74-C-4030 See also Volume 2, AD-A009 1 57. Descriptors: "Axial flow compressors, "Aerodynamic configurations, "Computer pro- gramming, Compressor parts, Aerodynamics, Fluid dynamics, Subroutines, FORTRAN, User needs. Identifiers: "Design criteria, "Aerodynamic design, FORTRAN 4 programming language. This report, in two volumes, describes a com- puter program that has been developed for the design of axial compressors. The principal pur- pose of the program is to enable a single com- puter program to determine the geometry of the compressor blading, details of the flow within the compressor, and the design point per- formance of the machine. Some optional calcu- lation routines will also enable effects of mixing of the flow to be investigated. The program consists fundamentally of three sections; two alternative means of determining blade geometry, and an aerodynamic computation for the flow through the compressor. AD-A009 698/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Doppler Shift Lifetime and Gamma-Ray Angu- lar Measurements in 93NB Final rept. R. M. Tapphorn, and R. Shnidman. Apr 75, 68p Rept no. BRL-1773 Descriptors: "Niobium, "Nuclear energy levels, Alpha particles, Gamma rays, Doppler effect, Nuclear structure, Computer programs, Com- putations. Identifiers: "Niobium 93, Li drifted Ge detectors. Mean lifetimes for four levels in 93Nb have been measured by the Doppler-shift attenuation method. Gamma-ray angular distributions have been measured for the gamma decay of excited levels in 93Nb up to 1127 keV in excitation. The levels were excited by the 90Zr(alpha, p gamma)93Nb reaction at a bombarding energy of 14.77 MeV. Spectra of gamma rays in coin- cidence with protons were obtained with a 55- cc Ge(Li) detector. Spin assignments obtained from the present results for the low-lying posi- tive-parity levels in 93Nb are in agreement with previous assignments. A spin of 3/2(-) has been assigned to a level at 685 keV in excitation and a spin of 5/2(-) (3/2-) has been assigned to an 809-keV negative-parity level. Gamma-ray mix- ing ratios measured for the gamma decay of excited low-lying levels in 93Nb have been combined with lifetime measurements to calcu- late the electromagnetic transition strengths. The experimental E2 transition strengths are shown to be consistent with those predicted by a weak-coupling model. AD-A009 902/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Second-Order Wave/Body Interaction Master's thesis Glen Walter Smith. Mar 75, 93p Descriptors: "Water waves, "Underwater struc- tures, Loads(Forces), Green's function, Boun- dary value problems, Laplace transformation, Potential theory, Numerical analysis, Interac- tions, Cylindrical bodies, Computer programs, Theses. The second-order solution of the problem of the interaction of a train or regular waves with a completely submerged, horizontal circular cylinder in finite depth water is presented for the two-dimensional case. The incident wave is developed as a second-order Stokes' wave by use of a perturbation method and the solution of both the first-order and second-order scat- tering potentials is obtained numerically using the Green's function approach. The hydrodynamic pressure and resulting first- order and second-order force coefficients are determined numerically and presented for vari- ous values of water depth, cylinder depth of submergence, and wave length. AD-A009 953/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab N Mex SOLA - A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows C. W. Hirt, B. D. Nichols, and N. C. Romero. Jan 75, 52p Rept no. LA-5852 Contract NAonr-6-75, W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Incompressible flow, "Finite dif- ference theory, "Computer programs, Navier Stokes equations, Transients, Equations of Mo- tion, FORTRAN. Identifiers: SOLA computer program. A finite difference technique is presented for solving the Navier-Stokes equations for an in- compressible fluid. The technique, based on the Marker-and-Cell method, is simplified to facilitate its use by persons with little or no ex- perience in numerical fluid dynamics. Section I of the report describes the basic algorithm, SOLA, for confined flows; Sec. II describes modifications necessary for free or curved rigid surface boundaries. Each includes a flow chart and a FORTRAN listing. Sample problems show how to incorporate simple modifications into the basic code to adapt it to a variety of problems. AD-A010 002/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Clarkson Coll of Technology Potsdam N Y CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solu- tion of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices Phase rept. Robert L. Basile, and Henry Domingos. Mar 75, 154pRADC-TR-75-74 Contract F30602-72-C-0463 Descriptors: "Semiconductor devices, *Conduction(Heat transfer), "Computer pro- gramming, Solid state physics. Thin films, Galli- um arsenides, Carbon resistors. Computations, FORTRAN, Gunn diodes. Identifiers: IBM 360/44 computers, CTRUMP computer program. The TRUMP program, developed by Arthur Ed- wards of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, has been adapted for use on the IBM 360/44, under the name CTRUMP. Modifications were made to enable calculations of three-dimen- sional heat flow in solid state devices, as a result of internal conduction and internal heat generation with constant boundary conditions. CTRUMP was then used to calculate tempera- ture rise in thin film and carbon resistor models, as well as in a model of a gallium arsenide Gunn effect diode. An operating manual for CTRUMP is included as an Appendix. AD-A010 336/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Opti- cal Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles Technical rept. Edward W. Stuebing, James J. Pinto, and Richard B. Gomez. May 75, 31 p Rept no. ECOM-5562 Prepared in cooperation with Frankford Ar- senal, Philadelphia, Pa. Pitman-Dunn Research Labs. Descriptors: "Laser beams, "Aerosols, At- mosphere models, MIE scattering. Optical pro- perties, Light transmission, Mathematical anal- ysis. Computer programs, Particles, Refractive index. Identifiers: "Atmospheric scattering, PGAUSS LT Computer program. This report describes a modified version of the code PGAUSS and will be referred to as PGAUSS-LT. The documentation for the PGAUSS code has been published as a separate report. The main purpose of PGAUSS- LT is to enable the user to compute luminous transmittance over nonhomogeneous at- mospheric paths containing an arbitrary size and number density of liquid and solid parti- cles. The absorbing and scattering particles are assumed to be homogeneous, isotropic, spheri- cal particles made up of a material whose com- plex refractive index with respect to the sur- rounding medium is known. The input specifi- cations to PGAUSS-LT are given and a sample input-output is provided. The modifications made to PGAUSS provide for (1) suppressing much of the detailed PGAUSS output and a slight change in the definition of the phase function, (2) calculating optical density per meter within the system of particles at specified wavelengths as a function of number density, (3) calculating luminous transmittance over various path lengths as a function of number density, (4) providing interpolation of the phase function over angular regions specified in the input, and (5) providing integration under the phase function over the angular regions. AD-A010 355/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Numerical Study of Steady Flow in a Two- Dimensional Rectangular Channel with an Asymmetric Velocity Input Profile Technical rept. Paul G. Hershall. Dec 74, 69p Rept no. HDL-TR- 1668 Descriptors: "Two dimensional flow, "Incompressible flow, "Finite difference theory, Laminar flow, Vortices, Navier Stokes equa- tions, Reynolds number, Iterations, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: IBM 7094 computers, FORTRAN 4 programming language. The two-dimensional, viscous, incompressible, steady flow in a semi-infinite rectangular chan- nel is investigated numerically. A given jet with asymmetrical velocity profile is assumed at the inlet and fully developed flow is assumed at an infinite distance downstream. Using the split Navier-Stokes equation, with stream function and vorticity as dependent variables, central differences are used to set up difference equa- tions. These are relaxed in the Gauss-Seidel mode with the aid of two relaxation factors for each equation and a maximum-number-of- iterations parameter for each equation. The op- timum convergence rate is investigated empiri- cally as a function of these six parameters. Con- vergence is obtained in this way up to Reynolds number 200 and optimum sets of values are given for (R sub e) = 1,10, 50, and 200. AD-A010 486/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Optical Sciences Center Semi-annual FY75 Applied Optics Research Report Quarterly rept. 1 Oct-31 Dec 74 P. A. Franken. Jan 75, 81 p SAMSO-TR-75-1 12 Contract F04695-67-C-0197 See also AD-A007 053. Descriptors: 'Optics, 'Electrooptics, Scientific research, Infrared radiation, Lasers, Synchronous satellites, Atmospheric motion. Mathematical analysis. Thermal expansion. Quantum theory, Optical equipment. Image processing, Computer programs. Mirrors, Opti- cal tracking, Germanium, Light pulses, Infrared radiation. Telescopes. Identifiers: Atmospheric attenuation. Remote sensing, Dimensional stability. Specifically covered in this report are infrared research, mathematical optics, optical processing, optical tracking, quantum optics, remote sensing and thermal expansion and dimensional stability. Also included is a list of professional publications and activities of Opti- cal Sciences Center personnel. AD-A010 868/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Underwater Range at Dabob Bay Master's thesis Victor Joseph Bankston. Mar 75, 86p Descriptors: "Underwater sound, *Ray tracing, Acoustic velocity, Sonar, Hydrophones, Un- derwater tracking. Computer programs, Theses, Washington(State). Identifiers: Dabob Bay, Keyport(Washington). An analysis of an experiment to determine the precision, the effects of varying amounts of en- vironmental data, and the feasibility of the use of historical environmental data at the NAV- TORPSTA, Keyport, Washington, Dabob Bay facility is presented. The analysis verifies and extends the results of a preliminary investiga- tion of the experimental data. The experiment consisted of tracking a 75-kHz source at six depths at each of six horizontal ranges. The data were analyzed using an isogradient ray- tracing program. The results showed that the precision of the range position as determined by the ranging system is dependent only on the rise-time of the 75kHz signal; that the use of less environmental data and historical data as the environmental input for position calcula- tions have been shown to cause only a minor degradation in the accuracy of the ranging system. AO-A011 212/8CP PC A10/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems Technical rept. James A. Ratches, Walter R. Lawson, Luanne P. Obert , Richard J. Bergemann, and Thomas W. Cassidy. Apr 75, 204p Rept no. ECOM-7043 Descriptors: 'Night vision devices, 'Night war- fare, 'Infrared detectors, Mathematical models. Computer programs, Military requirements, In- frared signatures, Infrared images, Background radiation, Display systems, Per- formance(Engineering), Temperature, Target designators, Signal to noise ratio. Identifiers: Modulation transfer functions, Noise equivalent temperature. The NVL thermal model predicts system noise equivalent temperature difference, minimum resolvable temperature, minimum detectable temperature and modulation transfer functions for any infrared imaging system. It also predicts detection and recognition as a function of range for a given atmosphere and target signa- ture. This model is documented, and the valida- tion from laboratory measurements and field experiments is also presented. The computer program and an in-depth user's manual are given in the appendices. This model can be and has been used in military systems analyses to direct component research, evaluate contractor proposals, and aid project manager decisions. AO-A011 228/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Mississippi Univ University Dept of Electrical Engineering Transient Radiated Fields from Rectangular Apertures Technical rept. Leonard L. Tsai. 20 Dec 74, 58p RG-75-26 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic fields. Transients, Electromagnetic radiation. Aper- tures, Solutions(General), Time domain, Fouri- er transformation, Rectangular bodies. Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Frequency domain. The subject of transient electromagnetic fields has received considerable attention in recent years primarily due to the impetus provided by activities in the area of emp phenomenology. In this report, a simple theoretical model will be assumed whereby the transient electromag- netic horn is viewed as merely capturing a rectangular constant-solid-angle section of an expanding spherical wave. AD-A011 395/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Missouri Univ Rolla Dept of Engineering Management Data Collection and Analysis Program Final rept. 1 Feb-31 Oct 74 Henry A. Wiebe, and James K. Byers. Oct 74, 128pARO-12110.1-RTL Grant DAHC04-74-G-0099 Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Data processing, Gas dynamics, Data acquisition, Mass flow, Computations, FOR- TRAN, Curve fitting, Plotters. Identifiers: HUNT1 computer program, HUNT2 computer program, HUNTM computer pro- gram, CalComp plotters, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. This manual contains the necessary informa- tion to implement and maintain the laser com- puter programs. Three separate program seg- ments are used for data collection and analysis at the Chemical Laser Facility. Program seg- ment HUNT1 is used to collect the data, pro- gram segment HUNT2 is used to reduce and analyze the data while program segment HUNTM is used to manage the associated data files. AD-A011 551/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Colorado Univ Boulder Electromagnetics Lab Microwave Model Study of Optical Dielectric Slab Waveguide Interim rept. H. A. Haddad, S. W. Maley, and D. C. Chang. Mar 75, 95p Scientif ic-1 2, AFOSR-TR-75-0800 Grant AF-AFOSR-2417-72 Descriptors: 'Dielectric waveguides, 'Optical waveguides, 'Acoustooptics, Radiation effects, Integrated circuits, Waveguide couplers, Sur- face waves. Mathematical models, Far field, Computer programs. Curvature, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Integrated optics. Slabs, Acoustic surface waves. The objective of this work is to investigate the characteristics of dielectric slab waveguides frequently used in integrated optics by a microwave modeling technique. The study in- cludes excitation of a surface wave mode in a low loss dielectric waveguide as well as coupling between two similar (degenerate mode) and different (non-degenerate) waveguides. The experimental data indicate the coupling length is short for the non- degenerate, and decreases as the separation between the two guides decreases for either case (degenerate or non-degenerate). The authors also investigated the field charac- teristics outside a curved slab and the contain- ment of radiation. Also included in this work is the investigation of far field pattern for guides with different radii of curvature. AD-A01 2 1 68/1 C P PC A02/M F A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J A Digital Polarimeter for Measuring the Faraday Rotation Using a Beacon from a Geostationary Satellite Final rept. F. J. Gorman, Jr. Jun 75, 25p Rept no. ECOM- 4330 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Faraday effect, 'Polarimeters, Space to sur- face, Digital systems. Electron density, Radio beacons, Polarization, Radiation, Phase locked systems. Receivers, Computer programs. The digital polarimeter described was designed to measure continuously and record automati- cally the rotation angle of a linearly polarized wave. The polarization rotation is caused by a phenomena known as the Faraday effect. The digital polarimeter uses a dual phase-lock-loop receiver which directly measures the phase dif- ference between the right- and left-hand circu- lar components of the received linearly polarized signal. This approach provides the optimum in sensitivity and dynamic range. A digital multicycle phase meter measures the phase difference between amplified and down converted circular components. The measured phase is then formatted and recorded on a digital magnetic tape recorder for automatic computer analysis. AD-A012 412/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Harmonic Motion of Cylinders in Uniform Flow Master's thesis James Thomas Fry. Jun 75, 53p Descriptors: 'Cylinders, 'Fluid flow, 'Vibration, Oscillation, Cables, Mooring, Computer pro- grams. Theses. Identifiers: 'Cable strumming. The time-dependent force acting on a cylinder undergoing harmonic in-line oscillations in an otherwise steady flow was measured for various amplitudes and frequencies of oscillation and mean flow velocity. The experiments were car- ried out in a recirculating water tunnel operat- ing as an open channel with a free surface at the test section. The time-dependent force has been expressed in terms of a mean drag coeffi- cient and the Fourier-averaged drag and inertia coefficients and as functions of the relative am- plitude and a frequency paramter. AD-A012 626/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Model for the Calculation of Multiply Scat- tered Fields Interim rept. Laura Davis. 23 Jun 75, 40p Rept no. NRL-7876 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic scattering, "Computations, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN, Antenna arrays, Reflection. Identifiers: CDC 3800 computers, Helmholtz in- tegral. This report is a description of a computer model developed to calculate the field multiply scattered by a collection of flat polygonal metallic reflectors. Given a radiating dipole and the vertices of a configuration of flat reflecting polygons, the model produces the total field at any number of specified point locations. The program incorporates a recently developed finite-sum representation of the standard far- field approximation to the Helmholtz integral. The replacement of a double integral by a finite sum significantly reduces computation time. AD-A012 697/9CP PC A10/MF A01 Martin Marietta Labs Baltimore Md Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer over Body of Revolution at Incidence. Part IX. Difference Method and Documentation of Program BLIND3' Interim rept. K. C. Wang, and S. Yamamura. Feb 75, 202p MML-TR-75-09C, AFOSR-TR-75-0943 Contract F44620-70-C-0085 See also Part 8 dated Oct 74, AD-A005 696. Descriptors: "Blunt bodies, "Laminar boundary layer, "Three dimensional flow, Flow separa- tion. Stagnation point, Skin friction, Laminar flow. Finite difference theory, FORTRAN, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: BLIND3 computer program, FOR- TRAN 5 programming language, UNIVAC 1108 computers, "Flow reversal. The report documents the program 'BLIND3' and its associated difference methods. BLIND3 stands for Boundary Layer in 3 Dimensions. This program is for calculating genuine three- dimensional, incompressible, laminar boundary layer over a blunt-body at incidence. The whole calculation consists of the following five parts: inviscid calculations from known inviscid solu- tion, stagnation-point boundary layer, sym- metry-plane boundary layer, nose region boun- dary layer, and main body boundary layer. This program has been written in FORTRAN 5 lan- guage, and used for a UNIVAC 1108 computer in batch mode and under Exec. 8 system. It has been employed to obtain complete boundary layer solutions for a prolate spheroid at low and high incidences. AD-A012 699/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research Ind Cascade Wake Structure. Part A. Theory and Results. Part B. Local Similarity Numerical Solution. User's Manual Final rept. 1 Apr 74-31 Mar 75 W. A. Gustafson, F. D. Deffenbaugh, and D. W. Davis, Jr. 31 May 75, 62p AFOSR-TR-75-0950 Contract F44620-74-C-0065 Prepared by Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Descriptors: "Wake, "Incompressible flow, *Cascades(Fluid dynamics), Turbulence, Boun- dary layer flow, Navier Stokes equations, Reynolds number, Partial differential equa- tions, Numerical integration, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Similarity analysis. This report presents the concluding work done on the investigation of cascade wake structure for an incompressible, turbulent fluid account- ing for curvature effects. Some of the background information contained in the semi- annual report, dated November 1974, is not in- cluded here in the interests of brevity. However, some repetition of equations and the develop- ment of the similarity analysis is repeated, so that the difference in method for global similari- ty and local similarity can be clearly seen. The new results contained in this report are those obtained by the method of local similarity. In general, these results represent an improve- ment over those obtained by global similarity as described in the semi-annual report. A detailed comparison of the results of the two methods is presented and discussed in the following parts of this report. In addition, a detailed description is provided for the numerical solution of the boundary value problems for local similarity. This should be an adequate guide for anyone wishing to use the program for related compu- tational work. AD-A012 737/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Pressure Recovery in a Constant-Area Dif- fuser for Chemical Lasers with Nozzle Base Relief Interim rept. D. A. Durran, and S. W. Liu. 30 Jun 75, 85p TR- 0075(5533)-3, SAMSO-TR-75-147 Contract F04701-74-C-0075 Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, "Diffusers, Noz- zles, Pressure, Supersonic flow. Hydrogen fluoride, Deuterium compounds. Fluorides, Continuous wave lasers, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Deuterium fluoride. A study of pressure recovery in a supersonic flow in which energetic exothermic reactions occur has been performed that is applicable for a cw chemical laser. Analytical and experimen- tal work has shown that typical HF(DF) laser flows can be recovered to approximately 200 Torr with the use of a constant-area diffuser. In addition, base relief, i.e., 'deadwater' regions, in the laser nozzle can be used to facilitate con- stant-pressure operation in the laser cavity without significantly reducing the potential for pressure recovery in the diffuser. AD-A012 810/8CP PC A09/MF A01 Environmental Research Inst of Michigan Ann Arbor Radar and Optics Div Evaluation of Hologram Optical Elements Final rept. 20 Oct 72-30 Sep 73 John N. Latta, and Ronald C. Fairchild. Jun 75, 178p Rept no. ERIM-194500-8-F Contract F33615-73-C-2039, ARPA Order-1957 Descriptors: "Holography, "Optics, "Stereoscopic display systems, Infrared telescopes, Apertures, Lenses, Optical equip- ment components, Computer programs, Distor- tion, Light transmission. Reflectance. Identifiers: Tests, Design. A major focus of this effort was on large aper- ture (10 inch) holographic optics, the applica- tion of wavelength shift techniques to the holo- graphic telescope, and infrared optics. One of the more promising results of the study were designs that use holographic optics in the in- frared. A two element telescope was designed using wavelength shift techniques where the elements were made in the visible spectrum and reconstructed at 10.6 micrometers. Both transmission and reflection elements were fabricated during this contract. Several other areas were also addressed: wide angle reflec- tion holographic optics and the development of facilities for producing high quality elements. Holographic optics have some very attractive features and attributes. Further, the producibili- ty of large aperture elements illustrates another advantage of holographic optics. AD-A012 873/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton IncNJ Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part I: Model Development, Verification, and Sen- sitivity to Initial Conditions Final rept. M. Stephen Lewellen, Milton Teske, and Coleman duP. Donaldson. Aug 74, 132p Rept no. ARAP-226-PM Contract N00014-72-C-0413, ARPA Order-1 910 See also Part 2, AD-A01 2 874. Descriptors: "Submarines, "Turbulent flow, "Wake, Fluid dynamics, Turbulence, Numerical analysis, Predictions, Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, Submarine detection. Identifiers: "Stratified flow, "Turbulent wake, WAKE computer program. A computational model has been developed for the turbulent wake of a body moving through a stably stratified fluid. Details of the wake growth, collapse and generation of internal waves were examined by the application of a second-order closure approach to turbulent flow developed at A. RAP. over the past few years. Predictions of the model have been verified by comparison with a wide variety of wake flows including wakes with no momen- tum, wakes with axial momentum, wakes with angular momentum, and for wakes in both stratified and unstratified fluids. A sensitivity in- vestigation reveals that the primary variable af- fecting the strength of the generated internal waves is the initial Richardson number, with the first local maximum of the vertical height of the wake scaling inversely with the 1/8th power of the initial Richardson number. AD-A012 874/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton IncNJ Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part II: User's Summary Guide to 'Wake' Computer Program Final rept. Milton Teske. Aug 74, 1 1 7p Rept no. ARAP-226- Pt-2 Contract N00014-72-C-0413, ARPA Order-1 910 See also Part 1 , A D-A01 2 873. Descriptors: "Submarines, "Turbulent flow, "Wake, Fluid dynamics. Turbulence, Numerical analysis, Predictions, Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, User needs, Submarine detection. Identifiers: "Stratified flow, "Turbulent wake, WAKE computer program. This document is a part of the final report on Contract N00014-72-C-0413 covering the period May 15, 1972, to June 30, 1974 and con- tains the user information needed to operate the WAKE program on the A.R.A.P. Digital Scientific Corporation META-4 computer system. Part I of this report summarizes the tur- bulent model derivation and verification, and the sensitivity of the wake collapse to changes in initial conditions. AD-A012 963/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Illinois UnivAt Urbana-Champaign Coordinated Science Lab Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Mil- limeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits Master's thesis William Victor McLevige. Feb 75, 80p Rept nos. R-673, UILU-ENG-75-2207 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259 Descriptors: "Dielectric waveguides, "Millimeter waves, "Integrated circuits, Wave propagation, 9 Boundary value problems, Partial differential equations, Maxwells equations, Numerical in- tegration, Computer programs, FORTRAN, theses. Identifiers: Integrated optics, FORTRAN 2 pro- gramming language. Some new dielectric waveguide structures suitable for millimeter wave and optical in- tegrated circuits are presented. A method of analyzing wave propagation in these guides is developed through assuming simple field dis- tribution and approximating the various re- gions of the guides in terms of effective dielec- tric constants. The mathematical formulation utilized results in a closed form solution from which the dispersion characteristics of the waveguides are readily obtained. Experimental results are described and the agreement between theory and experiment is shown to be quite good. AD-A013 091/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases Final rept. 31 Oct 73-31 Oct 74 Ira Katz, Robert C. Vik, and James Harvey. 2 May 75, 30p SSS-R-74-2416, DNA-3582F Contract DNA001 -73-C-0061 Descriptors: 'Ionized gases, 'Plasmas(Physics), 'Opacity, Thermal properties, Thermodynam- ics, Equations of state, Mathematical models, Computerized simulation, Oscillators, Electron density. Identifiers: Oscillator strength, CREMIT com- puter code, CAPO computer code. This report describes a collisional-radiative non-LTE code, CREMIT, that can calculate the time-dependent ionization recombination and radiative emission histories for moderate atomic number (Z < or = 30) ions in a plasma. The physical models are described in detail and include collisional excitation and ionization, collisional and radiative de-excitation and recombination, and dielectronic recombina- tion. The applicability of the model to mag- netohydrodynamic calculations is discussed. AD-A013 194/6CP PC A07/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computa- tion Program Part I. Theoretical Basis and Programming Technique Ruey Chen Apr 75, 149p Rept no. NSRDC-4370 Descriptors: 'Ship hulls, 'Ocean waves. Re- sistance, Hydrodynamics, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Pien computer program, SWATH vessels, 'Wavemaking. The waves produced at the rear of a ship as it travels at the water's surface are d irectly related to a component of the ship resistance known as wavemaking resistance. Pien's Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program adapts Havelock's mathematical representation of this phenomenon to provide the ship designer with a relatively quick and inexpensive way of deter- mining the wavemaking resistance of his proposed design. This computer program can also be used in determining the optimum hull form which has the least theoretical wavemak- ing resistance. Applied initially for the develop- ment of small waterplane area twin hull and sin- gle hull ships, the Pien program produced pre- dicted wavemaking resistances which com- pared favorably with those measured from ac- tual experimental model tests. AD-A013 218/3CP PC A05/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computa- tion Program. Part 2. Users Manual Research and development rept. Ruey Chen. Apr 75, 82p Rept no. NSRDC-4371 Descriptors: 'Wake, 'Waves, "Ship hulls, 'Computer programs. Catamarans, Planing sur- faces, Ship models, Digital computers, Fortran, Drag, Manuals. Identifiers. CDC 6000 computers, SWATH(Small waterplane area twin hull). Small waterplane area twin hull. Error codes, Pien computer pro- gram. The waves produced at the rear of a ship as it travels through the water's surface are directly related to a component of the ship's resistance known as wavemaking resistance. The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program adapts Havelock's mathematical representation of this phenomenon to provide the ship designer with a relatively quick and inexpensive way of determining the wavemaking resistance of his proposed design. The program can also be used in determining the optimum hull form which has the least theoretical wavemaking re- sistance. The Pien program has been used in the development of small waterplane area twin- hull ships and small waterplane area single-hull ships. The wavemaking resistances estimated by the Pien program compare favorably with those measured in actual experimental model tests. The use of the Pien program for the design of other type ships seems promising. The Pien program has been written in CDC FORTRAN Extended and developed for use on the CDC 6000-series computers. The theory un- derlying the logic of the program has been documented in Naval Ship Research and Development Center Report 4370, 'The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program - Part 1: Theoretical Basis and Programming Technique.' The use of the program is described in this report. (Author) AD-A013 256/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Normal Mode FORTRAN Programs for Calcu- lating Sound Propagation in the Ocean Interim rept. John F. Miller, and Frank Ingenito. Jun 75, 1 1 1 p Rept no. NRL-MR-3071 See also report dated Jan 72, AD-737 629. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic velocity. 'Computer programs, Acoustic at- tenuation, Sound transmission, Differential equations, Computations, FORTRAN. Identifiers: SOLID computer program, FLUID computer program, CDC 3800 computers. Two related normal mode computer programs which can be used to calculate the sound field produced in the ocean by a point source are described. The programs are written in FOR- TRAN for use with the Control Data Corporation 3800 computer system. The ocean environment is modeled as a constant depth layer of water (first layer) bounded above by a pressure release surface and below by a bottom consist- ing of a constant depth fluid layer (second layer) and a semi-infinite layer (third layer). The two programs differ in that the third layer is taken to be a fluid in one (PROGRAM FLUID) and a solid in the other (PROGRAM SOLID). The sound speed profiles in the first and second layers can be arbitrary functions of depth, how- ever, they and the other environmental parame- ters must be independent of range. The depth- dependent differential equation which results from the separation of the wave equation is solved numerically for the eigenfunctions, which are the normal modes of the system. Bot- tom attenuation and surface and bottom scat- tering loss are included as perturbations. The programs also provide, as a separate option, the calculation of the group velocities of the modes. AD-A013 320/7CP PC A02/MF A01 J G Engineering Research Associates Baltimore Md Sound Radiation from an Orthotropic Plate Supported by a Double Set of Stiffeners Interim technical rept. Joshua E. Greenspon. Jun 75, 23p Rept no. 0- 75-1 Contract N00014-71-C-01 15 Descriptors: 'Ship hulls. 'Acoustic emissions. Bulkheads, Stiffening, Acoustic fields, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: BASIC programming language. A solution is developed for sound radiation from point loading of an infinite orthotropic plate stiffened by two infinite sets of stiffeners. One set is intended to simulate the intermediate or ring stiffeners of a shell while the other set is intended to simulate the bulkheads. Results emphasize the importance of bulkheads at low frequency, the relative unimportance of rings at low frequency if stiff bulkheads are present and the relative insensitivity of the sound field to both ring and bulkhead stiffness. AD-A013 334/8CP PC A09/MF A01 West Virginia Univ Morgantown Dept of Aerospace Engineering Analysis of Circulation Controlled Airfoils Doctoral thesis Edward H. Gibbs, and Nathan Ness. Jun 75, 197p Rept no.TR-43 Contract N00014-68-A-0512 Descriptors: 'Airfoils, 'Flow fields. Flow separa- tion, Boundary layer flow, Potential flow. Finite difference theory, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Wall jets. A self-contained analysis for arbitrary circula- tion controlled airfoils in incompressible flow is developed. The analysis predicts the blowing slot conditions required to produce a specified lift coefficient on a given airfoil with given free stream conditions. An iterative procedure is used to find the blowing slot conditions that allow the Thwaites condition of constant pres- sure in the separated region to be satisfied. With the input given, a potential flow analysis is performed using the Theodorsen method. Boundary layer analyses for the lower and upper surfaces then yield the separation pres- sure on the lower surface and the boundary layer properties at the slot on the upper surface. The flow is initially laminar and usually becomes turbulent. The Cebeci, Smith finite difference method is used and an eddy viscosity model is used for turbulent flow. Blowing slot values are assumed and a turbulent wall jet analysis is performed to determine the wall pressure at separation on the upper surface. AD-A013 813/1CP PC A12/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacksburg Effects of Mass Transfer Into Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers Over Cones at Angle of Attack Final rept. 7 Dec 72-1 Apr 75 Michael C. Frieders, and Clark H. Lewis. Aug 75, 255p AEDC-TR-75-55 Contract F40600-73-C-0005 Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Atmosphere entry, 'Conical bodies, 'Supersonic characteristics, Hypersonic characteristics, Sharp bodies, Blunt bodies. Angle of attack. Laminar boundary layer. Mass transfer. Turbulent boundary layer. Boundary layer transition. Computer programs, Three dimensional flow, Equations of motion. Mathe- matical models, Simulation. A computer program has been developed for full three-dimensional boundary-layer analysis of sharp and blunt cones at angle of attack to 10 supersonic and hypersonic flows. This analysis includes laminar, transitional, and turbulent flows, with mass transfer of various foreign gases at the wall. The governing boundary- layer equations are integrated on a digital com- puter using a marching implicit finite-dif- ference scheme. Turbulence has been modeled by a two-layer eddy viscosity-mixing length ap- proach employing an intermittency factor in the transition region. Results of the program calcu- lations are compared to available experimental and numerical data. AD-A013 863/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Engineer Topographic Labs Fort Belvoir Va Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer Technical rept. Dec 74, 97p Rept no. ETL-TR-74-10 Descriptors: "Backscattering, "Electromagnetic radiation, 'Dielectric properties, "Surface roughness, Losses, Radiation attenuation. Polarization, Computer programs, Fortran, In- tegral equations, Fourier transformation, Per- turbation theory. Ice, Roads, Radar signals. In- terfaces. Identifiers: Layered media, Horizontal polariza- tion, Vertical polarization, Propagation con- stant. The purpose of this report is to analyze the problem of electromagnetic wave scattering from a layer which is rough on both sides. A general vector theory is developed for horizon- tal and vertical polarizations in which use is made of the Fourier transform and the small perturbation theory. Although there has been a great deal of work performed in the area of electromagnetic wave scattering from plane- layered media, there has been very little work on the problem of wave scattering from a layer which has both interfaces rough. A solution to this problem is important if one is interested in such things as radar scattering from a layered road surface or from a terrain surface covered with ice. There are many other applications in which a solution to this problem would be of great aid. AD-A013 936/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Colorado State Univ Fort Collins Dept of Elec- trical Engineering Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Argon Arc Plasma M. Niimura, P. W. Chan, and R. J. Churchill. Dec 74, 50p Scientific-12, AFCRL-TR-74-0638 Contract F19628-70-C-0035 Descriptors: *Plasmas(Physics), "Electric arcs, Thermoelectricity, Equilibrium(General), Elec- tron density, Ion density, Argon, Electron ener- gy. Computer programs. Identifiers: "Argon plasma, Thomson scatter- ing, Plasma diagnostics, Themis project. The axial distributions of the electron tempera- ture and number density in a free-burning argon arc plasma at atmospheric pressure have been measured experimentally using a Thom- son scattering technique. The axial tempera- ture distribution has also been measured spec- troscopically by the relative line intensity method. The results are presented in terms of the degree of non-equilibrium distribution shifted from the calculated Saha equilibrium temperature and the heavy particle temperature at different spatial positions along the axis of the arc. It is shown that the temperatures as measured by light scattering are different from those measured by relative line intensity ratio method. The difference is ascribed to the nonequilibrium of the arc as well as to the spe- cial geometry of the arc cathode. AD-A014 162/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Frankford Arsenal Philadelphia Pa PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Opti- cal Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles Technical research memo Edward W. Stuebing, James J. Pinto, and Richard B. Gomez. Apr 75, 31 p Rept no. FA-TM- 75019 Descriptors: "Atmospheric scattering, "Laser beams, "Aerosols, Atmosphere models, Mie scattering. Optical properties, Light transmis- sion, Mathematical analysis. Particles, Refrac- tive index. Identifiers: Atmospheric transmissivity, PGAUSS-LT computer program. The main purpose of PGAUSS-LT is to enable the user to compute luminous trasmittance over nonhomogeneous atmospheric paths con- taining an arbitrary size and number density of liquid and solid particles. The absorbing and scattering particles are assumed to be homogeneous, isotropic spherical particles made up of a material whose complex refractive index is known along with the real index of the surrounding medium. The modifications made to PGAUSS provide for (1 ) suppressing much of the detailed PGAUSS output and a slight change in the definition of the phase function, (2) calculating optical density per meter within the system of particles at specified wavelengths as a function of number density, (3) calculating luminous transmittance over various path lengths as a function of number density, (4) providing interpolation of the phase function over angular regions specified in the input, and (5) providing integration under the phase func- tion over the angular regions. AD-A014 328/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Ship Performance Dept Preliminary Report on a Fortran IV Computer Program for the Two-Dimensional Dynamic Behavior of General Ocean Cable Systems Henry T. Wang. Aug 75, 25p Rept no. SPD-633- 01 Descriptors: "Buoys, "Cables, Dynamic response, Ocean waves, Equations of motion, Drag, FORTRAN, Computer programs. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, CABUOY computer program. The present report describes program CABUOY, which analyzes in some detail the two-dimensional dynamic behavior of general ocean cable systems consisting of a surface buoy, connecting cable, and intermediate bodies. The report briefly presents the calcula- tions which are carried out in the program, gives computer time requirements for several cable cases, and outlines some relatively small additional areas of work. Detailed imput in- structions are given in the Appendix. AD-A014 788/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs Hanscom AFB Mass A Computer Program for Plotting Coordina- tion Polyhedra in Ionic Crystals-DRWMIN Environmental research papers Rossman F. Giese, Jr. 24 Apr 75, 29p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-75-0234, AFCRL-ERP-508 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Crystal structure, "Minerals, "Computer programs. Identifiers: DRWMIN computer program. In recent years emphasis has been placed on interpreting the chemical and physical proper- ties of crystals, and especially minerals, in terms of the arrangement of the atoms in the structure (or crystal structure). For example, most minerals, and especially silicate minerals, have complex structures which are difficult to understand without some sort of visual representation of the atomic positions in the unit cell. The crystal structure representations available in the literature are usually projec- tions along standard or conventional directions, and may not be appropriate for spe- cial problems such as twinning or cleavage. The combination of digital computer with an on-line or off-line plotting facility offers a logi- cal alternative. A computer program, DRWMIN, has been written. It is designed to draw projec- tions of inorganic crystal structures. The struc- tures, as drawn by the program, consist of coor- dination polyhedra of anions surrounding the cations. The projections may be along any direction (u v w) or onto the faces of the unit cell. AD-A014 839/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Optical Science Consultants Yorba Linda Calif Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Concepts. Volume I Interim rept. 15 Aug 74-15 Feb 75 David L. Fried. Jul 75, 76p DR-043-Vol-1 , RADC- TR-75-182-Vol-1 Contract F30602-74-C-01 15, ARPA Order-2646 See also Volume 2 dated Jul 75, AD-A014 840. Descriptors: "Optical images, "Light transmis- sion, "Data processing. Turbulence, Transfer functions. Computer programs, Integral equa- tions, Numerical integration. Computations, Probability. Identifiers: "Atmospheric transmissivity, At- mospheric attenuation, Modulation transfer functions, Basic programming language, Kar- hunen-Loeve transformation. The work reported here represents a complete treatment from development of the theory to presentation and interpretation of numerical results for the operation of a CENSORING System. The question asked is essentially what is the probability that at any instant of the ran- dom wavefront distortion over some circular aperture will be close enough to nothing more complex than a tilted plane, that a short expo- sure image formed at that instant will be almost diffraction-limited. (The problem is perhaps most succinctly defined by the question — How many pictures do you have to take to get a good one). The numerical results show that the probability is an exponential function of aper- ture area divided by r sub squared. If D/r = (7, 10, 15), the probability of getting a nearly dif- fraction-limited image is found to be P sub CENSOR is approximately (0.003, 0.000001, 3.4 times 10 to the 15th power). Derivation and basic results are presented in volume I. AD-A014 840/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Optical Science Consultants Yorba Linda Calif Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Concepts - Addendum Interim rept. 15 Aug 74-15 Feb 75 David L. Fried. Jul 74, 119p DR-043-Vol-2, R ADC-TR-75-1 82-Vol-2 Contract F30602-74-C-01 15, APRA Order-2646 See also Volume 1 dated Jul 75, AD-A01 4 839. Descriptors: "Optical images, "Data processing, "Light transmission. Turbulence, Transfer func- tions, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Tables(Data), Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: "Atmospheric transmissivity. At- mospheric attenuation, Karhunen-Loeve trans- formation. In Part II of this report, the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions for average tilt and average phase suppressed wavefront distortion on a cir- cular aperture are developed. (The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions without tilt distortion sup- pressed are also developed.) Using the eigen- value set, the CENSORING system probability, P sub CENSOR, of getting a short exposure image with less than one radian squared distor- tion averaged over the aperture is evaluated as 11 a multi-dimensional integral, evaluated by Monte Carlo techniques. The results are found to have the form P sub CENSOR is approxi- mately 5.6 exp (-0.1557 (D/ro)squared). The ex- ponential dependence on aperture area is in agreement with an earlier conjecture by Hufnagel (though with significantly different coefficients than were suggested by Hufnagel). The report has been bound in two volumes. The main volume presents the derivation and prin- cipal results. The addendum volume presents the more voluminous tables of intermediate results, particularly those that may be of use in working other problems. AD-A014 953/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Drexel Univ Philadelphia Pa A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Characteristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems • MCDU 43 Final contract rept. 1973-1975 Pei Chi Chou, Arthur Warnock, and William Flis. Jul 75, 158p BRL-CR-252 Contract DAAD05-73-C-0484 Descriptors: "Turbulent flow, 'Two dimensional flow, "Inviscid flow, "Method of characteristics, "Computer programs, "Finite difference theory, Complex variables, Differential equations, Nu- merical analysis, Digital computers. Polynomi- als, Interpolation, Least squares method, Itera- tions, Interactions, Boundary value problems, Blast waves, Shock waves. A computer code for solving two-dimensional, unsteady, inviscid, fluid-flow problems has been developed. Presented are details of the method-of-characteristics formulation, the treatment of the boundary conditions, and the numerical solution technique. In a sample problem of a cylindrical blast wave, the error to the exact solution is less than 0.05% at all points after 50 times planes of calculation. (Author) AD-A015 070/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Lamp User's Information. Volume II Technical rept. 8 Jul 74-30 Jun 75 A. J. McDanal, Alan W. Ratliff, and Marcus L. Pearson. Jun 75, 35p LMSC-HREC-TR- D390853, RK-CR-75-31 Contract DAAH01 -75-C-0033 See also AD-784 531, and Volume 3, AD-A015 071. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, Gas lasers, Gas dynamics. Reaction kinetics, Laser cavities, Mixing, Thermodynamics, Numerical analysis. Mathematical models. Computer programming, Turbulence. Identifiers: LAMP computer program. The objective of this document is to present the latest Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP) user information. During the continuing develop- ment of LAMP, various modifications were made to increase its utility, efficiency, versatility and accuracy. Some of the modifications were of a purely mechanical nature; better coding techniques, etc., while others involved refine- ment of various input quantities (mixing and kinetic rates) based upon correlation studies. Ancillary codes which were developed to ex- pedite LAMP inputs and provide for easier data analysis (automatic plotting, etc.), are also described herein. This report is intended to be used with Technical Report RK-CR-74-13 (AD- 784 531 ) 'Analysis of Chemical Lasers — Volume I — Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP) Theory and User's Guide,' June 1974. AD-A015 071 /4CP PC A05/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Lamp Reaction Models for Analysis of Chemi- cal Lasers Technical rept. 8 Jul 74-30 Jun 75 Shelby C. Kurzius. Jun 75, 77p LMSC-HREC- TR-D390852, RK-CR-75-31 -Vol-3 Contract DAAH01-75-C-0033 See also Volume 2, AD-A01 5 070. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, Hydrogen fluoride, Deuterium compounds, Fluorides, Carbon dioxide lasers, Reaction kinetics, Su- personic flow. Gas dynamics, Gas dynamic lasers, Mixing, Chemical reactions, Com- bustion, Laser cavities. Quantum chemistry, Energy levels, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Energy transfer. Identifiers: Hydrogen fluoride lasers. Deuterium fluoride lasers, LAMP computer program. Chemical kinetics inputs supporting numerical models developed for the evaluation of super- sonic flow chemical laser performance are presented and discussed. The kinetics inputs are presented as fourteen state-of-the-art reac- tion models which have been developed ex- plicitly for the LAMP computer code in the evaluation of HF/DF direct combustion and C02 transfer chemical laser systems of interest. AD-A015 297/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering A Low-Frequency Expansion for Charac- teristic Modes of Conducting Bodies Technical rept. no. 3 Harvey K. Schuman, and Roger F. Harrington. Aug 75, 97p Rept no. TR-75-7 Contract N00014-67-A-0378-0006 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic scattering, Elec- tromagnetic radiation. Wire, Computer pro- grams. Modes, Electromagnetic fields, Numeri- cal analysis, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Method of moments, FORTRAN 4 programming language. A lossless, electrically small body of an arbitrary shape has an associated set of characteristic current distributions. Upon excitation only a few of these currents are the major contributors to the radiation field. Since their inception less than a decade ago, characteristic-mode theory and application have been investigated primari- ly in the resonance region. The purpose of the report is to extend this investigation to low frequencies. AD-A015 544/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Riverside Research Inst New York A Study of Millimeter and Submiliimeter Wave Attenuation and Dispersion in the Earth's At- mosphere Final technical rept. 19 Mar-15 Aug 75 M. Greenebaum, and D. Koppel. 1 5 Aug 75, 45p Reptno. RRI-F-1/306-3-14 Contract DAAH01-74-C-0419, DARPAOrder- 2281 Descriptors: "Millimeter waves, "Submiliimeter waves, "Radiation attenuation, "Far infrared radiation, Atmospheric motion. Molecular spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy. Carbon monoxide, Oxygen, Computer programs, Mathematical models. Turbulence, Clouds, Isotopes, Absorption(Physical). Identifiers: SLAM computer program, "Atmospheric attenuation. Oxygen 16, Oxygen 18, Attitude. A summary is presented of new calculations of atmospheric absorption line parameters and of a slant-path absorption model (SLAM) intended for use in the millimeter and submiliimeter wave spectral regions. Results of a literature survey concerning altitude-dependent attenuation and dispersion in this spectral region, as well as weather-dependent scattering and fading strengths, are also summarized. Recommenda- tions are given for reducing the uncertainties in the model predictions. A list of 318 absorption lines of the molecular oxygen isotopes of prin- cipal concern in atmospheric transmission below 300/cm is included, together with their integrated strengths at 296K, line widths, lower- state energies, and identifying quantum num- bers, in the format of the AFCRL Atmospheric Absorption Line Parameters Compilation. AD-A015 731/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio Determination of Texture Pole Figures Using Picker FACS-1 Apparatus Technical rept. Apr-Dec 74 L. A. Jacobson, and Robert Schafrik. Jun 75, 48p Rept no. ARL-75-0190 Descriptors: "Crystallography, "Goniometers, "Polarography, "Diffraction analysis, "Computer programs, X ray diffraction, Coordinates, Minicomputers, Directional, Detectors, Plotting, Crystal structure. Identifiers: Stereographic projection, Rectan- gular coordinates, Picker FACS-1 apparatus. The Picker FACS-1 Apparatus consists of a three axis goniometer, with associated x-ray generating and detecting equipment, con- trolled by a dedicated PDP-8 minicomputer. By means of a control program developed at Van- derbilt University, it is possible to generate values of integrated x-ray diffraction peak in- tensity over preselected goniometer rotation angles. A specimen of the type proposed by Lopata and Kula, consisting of a plane cut at equal angles to the principal material axes (54 deg 44 ft), can be conveniently rotated to obtain data for an entire quadrant of the stereographic projection. Equations are presented for con- verting goniometer angles to latitude and lon- gitude, and for converting latitude and lon- gitude to rectangular coordinates for automatic plotting. A description of the plotting routine is presented along with examples of several tex- ture plots. (Author) AD-A015 747/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex The Treatment of Electron Scattering and Ap- proximate Methods Used for Specifying High- Altitude EMP Sources Final rept. Jul 73-Dec 74 John F. Morgan, and Gary R. Knutson. Apr 75, 25p Rept no. AFWL-TR-74-341 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic pulses, "Electron scattering, "X rays, Electron trans- port, High altitude, Monte Carlo method, Comp- ton scattering. Gamma rays, Geomagnetism, Photons, Energy. Identifiers: Monoenergetic electrons, Hemp computer code. A Monte Carlo electron transport code was used to calculate the EMP sources produced (1) by monoenergetic electrons, (2) by a Compton scatter distribution of electrons, and (3) by a photoelectric scatter distribution of electrons. The effects of nuclear-coulomb electron scat- tering, of the continuous slowing down method of electron energy loss, and of electron turning in the geomagnetic field of the earth were in- cluded in the calculations. Analytic results were obtained from the source routine of AFWL one- dimensional high-altitude EMP code, HEMP B. Sources include an improved slowing down model and the option of two electron scatter approximations based on small angle scatter theory; one based on an average obiquity of the distribution, and the other based on a random selection of scattering direction. The Monte Carlo results are compared to the analytic methods for a delta function source of photons. (Author) 12 AD-A01 5 790/9C P PC A02/M F A01 Maryland Univ College Park Coll of Engineering Effect of Kinetic Rate Uncertainties on Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Energy Predic- tions John D. Anderson. 13 Jan 74, 6p Paper-74-176, AFOSR-TR-75-1452 Grant AF-AFOSR -2575-74 Availability: Pub. in AIAA Jnl., v12 n12 p1699- 1703 Dec 74. Descriptors: *Gas dynamic lasers, "Carbon dioxide lasers, 'Infrared lasers, Temperature, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Gain, Carbon dioxide, Mixtures, Water vapor, Energy transfer, Reprints. Identifiers: Vibrational energy, Rate equations. Using an existing computer code, a study is made of the sensitivity of gasdynamic laser cal- culations to uncertainties in the vibrational energy exchange rates associated with C02- N2-H20 gas mixtures. The results show that calculations of gasdynamic laser gain and max- imum available energy in the laser cavity can be subject to noticeable inaccuracy due to rate data uncertainties. Moreover, those rates to which the calculations are most sensitive are clearly delineated. (Author) AD-A01 5 874/1 C P PC A03/M F A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Ship Per- formance Dept Comparison of Computer Predicted and Ex- perimentally Determined Leading Edge Cavitation of a Foil with Flaps Final rept. Richard M. Norton, and Benjamin B. Wisler. Aug 75, 28p Rept no. SPD-326-06 Descriptors: 'Cavitation, 'Hydrofoils, 'Leading edges, *Flaps(Control surfaces), Model tests. Two dimensional. Three dimensional. Lift, An- gles, Drag, Tables(Data), Hydrofoil craft, Com- puter programs, Mathematical prediction, Ex- perimental data, Accuracy, Comparison. Identifiers: PCH 1 vessel. A model test and computer study were com- pared to assess the ability of a computer pro- gram to predict leading-edge cavitation incep- tion. A 1/8 scale model of the PCH-1 forward foil was tested in the high speed towing tank at the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center and assessed by a two- dimensional computer program. Included is the method developed to take into account small flap angles. The results indicate that the two- dimensional program is able to make satisfac- tory predictions of leading edge cavitation for the PCH-1 foil when invested with three-dimen- sional values of the lift coefficient and the lift curve slope. (Author) AD-A016 113/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Solution for Laminar Flow Past a Rotating Cylinder in Crossflow Final rept. Kevin S. Fansler, and James E. Dan berg. Aug 75, 87p Rept no. B RL-1 816 Descriptors: 'Laminar flow, Laminar boundary layer, Vortices, Inviscid flow, Computations, Computer programs. Two dimensional flow, FORTRAN, Numerical integration, Cylindrical bodies. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. Two-dimensional subcritical flow past a rotat- ing cylinder has been theoretically treated to obtain agreement with the boundary-layer cal- culations. This study combined a source-wake bound-vortex flow model with a moving-wall boundary-layer calculation to force the final in- viscid-flow model to be consistent with boun- dary-layer theory. Consistency was obtained by an iterative process whereby the separation points of the inviscid-flow model converged toward the separation points found by bounda- ry-layer calculations. The boundary-layer is cal- culated using the integral-momentum and the integral-energy equations where the family of moving-wall similarity boundary-layer solutions provide relationships between some parame- ters of the equations. AD-A016 158/8CP PC A03/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ University Park Dept of Physics Research in the Area of Atmospheric Model- ing: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Trans- mittance Prediction (Part II) Interim rept. 1 Mar 74-30 Sep 74 August Miller, Robert L. Armstrong, Charles W. Welch, and Robert P. Sandoval. Aug 75, 48p Contract DAAD07-73-C-01 34 See also report dated Jun 74, AD-780 914. Descriptors: 'Laser beams, 'Light transmission. Atmospheres, Computer programs. Infrared radiation. Absorption spectra, Atmosphere models, FORTRAN, Infrared signatures, Target detection, Atmospheric scattering, Infrared lasers. Surface targets. Identifiers: Atmospheric transmissivity, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, ATRAN com- puter program. The primary technological concern of the Tar- get Signature Analysis (TSA) program is to locate, identify, and destroy stationary or mov- ing ground targets through their infrared emis- sion or reflective characteristics when viewed through low visibility atmospheric conditions. (The spectral band of interest is from 0.4 to 14 micrometers). The responsibility of the At- mospheric Sciences Laboratory (ASL) scientific group rests in the theoretical and empirical development of computerized models for the prediction of the attenuative effects of at- mospheric scattering and absorption. The New Mexico State University (NMSU) scientific group is currently assisting this program with the investigation and testing of a computerized scattering model for predicting the attenuation of laser energy transmitted through atmospher- ic paths. In addition, they have previously assisted in reviewing and developing techniques for high resolution infrared trans- mittance in homogeneous atmospheres. AD-A016 540/7CP PC A04/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Vibroacoustic Response of Turbulence Excited Thin Rectangular Finite Plates in Heavy and Fluid Media Research and development rept. Ralph C. Leibowitz. 3 Jun 74, 67p Rept no. DTNSRDC-2976G Availability: Pub. in Jnl. of Sound and Vibration, v40n4p441 -495 1975. Descriptors: 'Ship plates, 'Turbulent flow, 'Hydrodynamics, 'Finite element analysis. Vibration, Acoustic waves, Response, Hydro- static pressure, Damping, Loads(Forces), Thin- ness, Metal plates, Computations, Computer programs, Frequency, Reprints. Identifiers: Rectangular plates. A comparative study is made of various methods for computing the vibroacoustic response of a turbulence excited finite rectan- gular plate in an infinite rigid baffle. The plate is thin, flat, flexible, and isotropic, simply sup- ported or clamped, and is immersed in either heavy or light fluid media. One of the methods— that of Maestrello— applicable to an air loaded plate is modified to introduce (a) a correction for obtaining the true pressure statistics, (b) a simple procedure for including clamped sup- ports, (c) fluid loading, i.e., added mass, and (d) radiation damping. Numerical computations are made for the vibratory response and the radiated power of a water-loaded plate subject to turbulence excitation. The computations are shown to be valid over the low wavenumber- broad frequency range of interest. Basic turbu- lence-vibroacoustic relationships, useful in nu- merical computation, are given for infinite and finite plates in light and heavy fluid media. (Author) AD-A016 619/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Washington Univ Seattle Dept of Electrical En- gineering Analysis of Coupling Efficiency Between Semiconductor Lasers and Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides Quarterly progress rept. for period ending 3 Dec 74 Robert B. Smith, and Gordon L. Mitchell. 30 Jan 75, 30p Contract N00123-73-C-1200 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor lasers, 'Waveguides, 'Coupling circuits, Injection lasers. Efficiency, Shape, Digital computers, Dielectrics, Computer programs, Heterojunc- tions. Semiconductor junctions. Identifiers: 'Optical coupling, 'Integrated op- tics, CDC 6400 computers. The objective of this task was coupling from (rectangular) semiconductor laser sources to a rectangular optical waveguide. As a first step, a numerical calculation of coupling efficiency was programmed for the CDC-6400 computer at the University of Washington. This report summarizes the operation and results of the program. For examples run to date, this analy- sis indicates that neglecting Fresnel reflection coefficient losses at the fiber and coupling effi- ciencies that exceed 95% can be obtained in virtually all cases. (Author) AD-A016 629/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif A Computer Code to Calculate the Effect of Internal Waves on Acoustic Propagation Technical rept. Stanley M. Flatte, and Frederick D. Tappert. Mar 75, 62p Rept no. SRI-JRS-74-3 Contract DAHC1 5-73-C-0370, ARPA Order-2504 Descriptors: 'Internal waves, 'Acoustics, 'Sound transmission, 'Computer programs. Oceans, Underwater sound, Propagation, Oscillation, Computerized simulation. Hydrophones, Numerical analysis. The signal received by a hydrophone in the ocean many kilometers from a steady sound source fluctuates dramatically due to variations of the speed of sound in sea-water. A computer code that simulates the passage of acoustic CW signals through an ocean with internal waves is written. The code generates a sound-speed field from an internal-wave spectrum that has been derived from oceanographic measure- ments. The acoustic propagation is achieved through the use of the parabolic-equation ap- proximation. The code is limited fundamentally to acoustic frequencies above approximately 10 Hz, and by practical computer-time constraints to frequencies below approximately 400 Hz. The code allows the calculation of the am- plitude and phase of the full acoustic field as a function of depth and range at any desired time. (Author) AD-A016 672/8CP PC A11/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif CAPO User's Guide. Volume I Final rept. Ira Katz, Robert C. Vik, and James Harvey. 18 Jun 75, 236p SSS-R-74-2364, DNA-3600F-1 Contract DNA001-73-C-0061 13 Descriptors: *Plasmas(Physics), "Equations of state, "Computer programming, Thermodynam- ics, Gas ionization, Computations, FORTRAN, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: "CAPO computer code, FORTRAN 5 programming language, UNIVAC 1108 compu- ters. This CAPO User's Guide serves as a complete reference manual on the concept, theory, and operation of the CAPO equation of state/opacity codes. Volume I contains pro- gram documentation. AD-A016 847/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Saclant ASW Research Centre La Spezia (Italy) The use of the Parabolic Equation Method in Sound Propagation Modelling Finn Jensen, and Hans Krol. 1 5 Aug 75, 50p Rept no. SACLANTCEN-SM-72 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, "Partial dif- ferential equations, Ray tracing. Shallow water. Deep Water, Fourier transformation, Acoustic detection, Acoustic attenuation, Mathematical models. Computer programs, FORTRAN, Italy. Identifiers: "Parabolic differential equations, Fast Fourier transform. The parabolic equation method (PE method) is the latest major development in the field of acoustic modelling. A detailed description of the derivation of the parabolic equation from the wave equation is given together with a description of a marching solution technique based on Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT). Limitations on the method in terms of allowable step length in range, number of FFT points to be used, and restrictions on pressure field behaviour in order to obtain a stable solution, are mentioned. Furthermore, numerical exam- ples of propagation predictions are given for both shallow and deep water cases, with and without bottom absorption, and for both range- dependent and range-independent environ- mental conditions. AD-A016 953/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Dept of Ocean Engineering A Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional, Cavitatlng, Lifting Flows Daniel Wilson Golden. May 75, 102p Rept no. TR-81512-1 Contract N00014-67-A-0204-0083 Descriptors: "Hydrofoils, "Cavitation, Two dimensional flow, Lift, Lifting surfaces, Angle of attack, Boundary value problems, Numerical methods and procedures, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Cavitating flow, Lifting flow, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. A numerical method for two-dimensional cavitating flow is developed for the flat plate. The linearized boundary value problem is re- stated as a set of coupled integral equations. The integral equations are approximated nu- merically. The numerical approximation is ex- ecuted by a Fortran 4 computer program. The computed results are compared to the analytic solution. This method should provide insight into developing a method for three-dimensional cavitating flows and is readily extendable to cambered profiles. AD-A017 006/8CP PC A15/MF A01 Little (Arthur D) Inc Cambridge Mass Computation of Long-Range Propagation Losses in a Duct Richard G. Potts, and Gordon Raisbeck. 1 Nov 75, 346p Contract N00014-72-C-0173 See also AD-A01 7 007. Descriptors: "Sound transmission, "Acoustic velocity, Multipath transmission, Ray tracing, Computations, Computer programs, Acoustic attenuation, Differential equations. Numerical integration. An acoustic ray shows the direction in which acoustic energy flows, but not the intensity of the resulting field. The conventional way to esti- mate intensity is to infer the cross-section of a narrow bundle of rays from the difference in the trajectories of a closely spaced pair of rays. Where the distance is long, the detailed sound velocity structure is uncertain, and multi-path propagation exists, there are both practical and theoretical objections to this procedure. As an alternative, one can seek the average intensity at a given depth over a range interval about a nominal range. The resulting expression in- volves no differencing of ray trajectory parame- ters, only summing, which is computationally preferable. To a first approximation, the result- ing expression depends only on the velocity profiles at the source and receiver and the distance between them, but not on the detailed velocity structure between. This conceptually simple space average can be shown to be equivalent to the average of expected value resulting, by much more profound arguments, from uncertainty or from spatial or temporal fluctuations in the sound velocity structure. AD-A017 026/6CP PC A07/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ University Park Dept of Physics Research in the Area of Atmospheric Model- ing: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Trans- mittance Prediction Report for 1 Oct 74-30 Jun 75 August Miller, Robert L. Armstrong , and Charles W. Welch. 1 Jul 75, 128pReptno. NMSU-PHYS-537-75-1 Contract DAAD07-73-C-0134 See also report dated Aug 75, AD-A016 158. Descriptors: "Laser beams, "Light transmission, "Aerosols, Atmospheres, Computer programs, Absorption spectra, Atmosphere models, FOR- TRAN, Infrared signatures, Target detection. At- mospheric scattering, Rayleigh scattering. In- frared lasers. Surface targets. Identifiers: Atmospheric transmissivity, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, ATRAN com- puter program. An atmospheric IR transmittance prediction model which includes the effects of high resolution molecular absorption, certain molecular continuum absorption, Rayleigh scattering and single and multiple scattering by spherical, polydisperse aerosol materials is summarized. The multiple-scattering codes are discussed in some detail, as are its current limitations. Representative results obtained for three aerosol models are presented, together with descriptions of conclusions which may be drawn from them. In addition, the effects on transmittance of using generalized Voight line shape profile are discussed. Complete Fortran IV source code listings, as well as UNIVAC 1 108 running instructions are appended. AD-A017 316/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Vapor Growth of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te and Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Se Crystals Final rept. J. Lowney, R. Bis, and J. Dixon. Aug 75, 42p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-75-120 Descriptors: "Single crystals, "Crystal growth, "Semiconductors, Infrared optical materials, Laser materials, Lead compounds, Tellurides, Selenides, Tin compounds, Vapor phases, Computer programs. Identifiers: Lead tellurides, Lead selenides. Tin tellurides, Tin selenides. Bulk crystals of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te and Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Se were grown by a simple closed tube vapor transport technique. They were both of high crystalline quality and high electrical mo- bility. AD-A017 324/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor The Spherical Cavity Problem Final rept. T. B. A. Senior. Sep 75, 48p AFWL-TR-75-72 Contract F29601-74-C-0010 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic fields. Spheres, Integral equations, Numerical integration, Computer programs, Plane waves, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Spherical shells, RAMP computer program. For a time-harmonic electromagnetic field in- cident on a thin, perfectly conducting spherical shell with a circular aperture, methods for the exact determination of the interior fields are discussed. The advantages of the direct E-field integral equation are pointed out. The unknows are then the tangential components of the cur- rents induced in the shell, and two alternative versions of the resulting coupled integral equa- tions are developed. The one found most con- venient is particularized to the case of a plane wave incident symmetrically upon the aperture. AD-A01 7 372/4C P PC A04/ M F A01 Texas Univ At Austin Applied Research Labs Experimental Investigation of the Laser- Excited Thermoacoustic Array in Water Final rept. 1 Apr 73-31 Dec 74 C. Robert Culbertson. 23 Sep 75, 73p Rept no. ARL-TR-75-51 Contract N00014-70-A-01 66-001 5 Descriptors: "Acoustic arrays, "Laser beams, Sonar arrays, Light transmission, Ruby lasers, Neodymium lasers, Thermal expansion. Heat- ing, Sound transmission, Frequency modula- tion, Instrumentation, Mathematical models, Nonlinear systems, Theses, Green's function, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Thermoacoustic arrays, Optical modulation, Neodymium glass lasers. Non- linear acoustics, TAPATTRN computer pro- gram, FORTRAN 4 programming language. An experimental evaluation of the Westervelt- Larson theory for the pressure and directivity of the laser-excited thermoacoustic array in water has been conducted. Instrumentation includes a modulated laser system that operates at 0.6943 micrometer and 1.06 micrometers, with a modulated frequency range of 5 to 80 kHz. Apparatus and methods for measuring the at- tenuation of light in water at the optical wavelengths of interest have also been imple- mented. An existence test confirmed that an acoustic signal is produced by thermalization of modulated laser light in lake water. The sound is generated in a beam with a measured half-power angle theta that is in reasonable agreement with theoretical prediction. The source level is a linear function of laser output power and measured absolute values of source level are in good agreement with theory. It may be concluded that the Westervelt-Larson theory is a valid model for predicting the pressure and directivity of the laser-excited thermoacoustic array in water. AD-A017 400/3CP PC A04/MF A01 International Business Machines Corp Hopewell Junction N Y East Fishkill Lab Damage Profiles in Silicon and Their Impact on Device Reliability Technical rept. 1 Jan-30 Jun 75 G. H. Schwuttke. 1 Jul 75, 65p Rept nos. TR-6, TR-22.1921 Contract DAHC1 5-72-C-0274, ARPA Order-21 96 14 Descriptors: 'Silicon, "Crystal defects, 'Semiconductor devices, Electron microscopy, Electron diffraction, Crystal structure, Orienta- tion(Direction), Metal oxide semiconductors, FORTRAN, Computer programs, Epitaxial growth, Semiconducting films, Substrates, Re- liability(Electronics). Identifiers: Scanning electron microscopy, Kikuchi effects, Electron diffraction analysis, FORTRAN 4 programming language. This report describes work dealing with im- provements of advanced measurement techniques. Chapter 1 deals with the computer generation of Kikuchi patterns needed for com- plex structural analysis of crystal defects in sil- icon. The program is applicable to a large variety of problems and can be used to generate Kikuchi maps for different crystal structures, each desired crystal orientation, and electron energy. The program can also be used to generate channeling patterns for scanning electron microscopy application. The report provides a complete set of computer-generated Kikuchi maps for silicon and 200 keV electrons. A complete program in Fortran IV using an IBM 1800 computer is also given. The second part describes the application of MOS C-V and MOS G-V measurements for the evaluation of epitax- ial films on silicon or insulator substrates. It is shown that the presence of an underlying junc- tion requires important precautions with use of the MOS C-V measurement technique. The junction requires an increased number of com- ponents in the equivalent network, which im- pedes the analysis. This chapter shows how to solve the problem. Values for MOS dot diame- ter, layer and substrate resistivity, oxide thickness, etc. are given and refer to ranges where meaningful lifetime measurements can be carried out. AD-A017 459/9CP PC E12/MF E12 Environmental Research Inst of Michigan Ann Arbor Infrared and Optics Div Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance: Methods of Calculation IRIA State-of-the-Art rept. Anthony J. LaRocca , and Robert E. Turner. Jun 75, 508p Rept no. ERIM-1 07600-1 0-T Contract N00014-74-C-0285, N00014-73-A- 0321-0002 Descriptors: 'Light transmission, 'Radiative transfer, 'Computations, Absorption(Physical), Light scattering, Atmospheric chemistry. Water vapor. Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide. Methane, Ozone, Aerosols, Particles, Mathe- matical analysis, Integral equations, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric transmissivity, At- mospheric attenuation, Atmospheric composi- tion, Calculations. The report is broadly divided into the categories of scattering and absorption, with the greater stress laid on absorption. The first of these is the so-called line-by-line direct integration method, which requires a detailed compilation of the characteristics of individual molecular lines. The second of the absorption methods of calculation presented is the band-model technique. In this method, the line spectrum is approximated by some mathematically manipu- latable distribution function with undetermined band-model parameters. By comparison of cal- culated results with laboratory experimental data the parameters are defined, and the band- model is used for calculating transmittance under any required meteorological conditions. The third general set of techniques is given the heading 'Multi-Parameter Analytical Procedures.' These techniques are derived from the band-model concept, incorporating a larger number of parameters, with presumably greater accuracy in the resultant calculations. The rest of the report is either tutorial or sup- portive, presenting details of information which is required as input to the calculation procedures. AD-A017 573/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sound Speed in the California Current System off Monterey, Calif Master's thesis John George Hughes. Dec 75, 108p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic velocity. North Pacific Ocean, California, Salini- ty, Temperature, Pressure, Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: California current. The horizontal sound speed in an area of com- plex oceanographic structure was described using cross sections obtained from six noncon- secutive monthly lines of STD observations at a 5.5 km sampling interval off Monterey, Califor- nia. The sound speed field for each section was determined and visually analyzed. Cross-cor- relation functions of vertical sound speed gradients averaged over 2 m and 10 m incre- ments were computed between stations. Cross- correlation coefficients between stations were computed for detrended sound speed profiles sampled at 2 m depth increments. Sound speed was an excellent descriptor of water mass fea- tures. On depth scales greater than 10 m, well defined sound speed field features showed horizontal extents of less than 11 km in some cases. On vertical scales of 2 to 10 m horizontal extents of less than 11 km were also evident. Sound speed profiles showing similarities on the scale of 2 to 10 m tended to occur at 27.5 to 38.5 km intervals. AD-A017 670/1 CP PC A03/MF A01 Science Applications Inc La Jolla Calif Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials Final rept. 1 May 74-30 Apr 75 W. Malkmus, and G. M. Reynolds. Sep 75, 40p SAI-75-590-U, BRL-CR-260 Contract DAAD05-74-C-0768 Descriptors: 'Radioactive materials, 'Surface chemistry, Debris, Computer programs. Ad- sorption, Antimissile defense systems, Optical detectors. Sputtering, Ions, Interactions, Adhe- sion, Nuclear radiation. A computer program which has been developed to simulate the effect of an atom impinging on a solid surface is described. The computer code can accommodate an arbitrary number of different species in the lattice struc- ture as well as an arbitrary number of adsorbed species on the surface of the lattice. Evaluation and selection of optimum potential representa- tions for the atomic interactions are discussed. Results are presented for the predicted trajec- tories of neutral atoms incident on metallic lat- tices, for a range of incident particle energies and masses, and for various impact points and angles of impact. (Author) AD-A017 734/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs Hanscom AFB Mass Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Microns: Computer Code LOWTRAN 3 Environmental research papers J. E. A. Selby, and R. A. McClatchey. 7 May 75, 1 10p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-75-0255, AFCRL- ERP-513 Descriptors: 'Atmosphere models, 'Laser beams, Light transmission. Computer pro- grams. Radiative transfer, Infrared radiation. Refraction, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric transmissivity, At- mospheric attenuation, LOWTRAN 3 Computer program, Light(Visible radiation). A FORTRAN computer program, LOWTRAN 3, is described for calculating the transmittance of the atmosphere in the spectral region from 0.25 to 28.5 micrometers at a spectral resolution of 20/cm. The program provides a choice of six at- mospheric models covering seasonal and latitudinal variations from sea level to 100 km, two haze models, and accounts for molecular absorption, molecular scattering, and aerosol extinction. Refraction and earth curvature ef- fects are also included. This program provides some modifications to the molecular absorp- tion and aerosol extinction data provided in an earlier LOWTRAN 2 report. In addition, input modifications have been made, making the LOWTRAN 3 program considerably more flexi- ble in terms of the input of meteorological data. AD-A018 241/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Ap- plied Research Lab Computer Program Description for Super- cavitating Hydrofoil Section Design According to Linearized Theory Technical memo. R. F. Davis, and J. Fernanadez. 13 Oct 75, 165p Rept no. TM-75-221 Contract N00017-73-C-1418 See also AD-606 062 and AD-606 038. Descriptors: 'Hydrofoils, 'Cavitation, 'Computer applications, Structural engineer- ing, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Integral equations, Linear systems, Hydrodynamic configurations. Identifiers: Computer aided design, 'Supercavitating hydrofoils. A computer program used for calculating sec- tion properties of fully cavitating hydrofoils by a linearized Inverse Design method was exten- sively revamped and made operational on the IBM System 370/168 Computer. The changes to the program are discussed and the complete program is listed. AD-A018 287/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Draper (Charles Stark) Lab Inc Cambridge Mass Ultraviolet Radiometer Integration and Launch Activities Final rept. Aug 74-Aug 75 W. M. Johnson, and R. L. Wheeler. Jul 75, 92p R-891, SAMSO-TR-75-223 Contract F04701 -74-C-0466 Descriptors: 'Radiometers, 'Artificial satellites, Ultraviolet radiation. Launching, Payload, Ex- plosives initiators, Computer programs. Acoustics, Spacecraft. Identifiers: 'Ultraviolet radiometers. This report of the integration and launch activi- ties covers the period immediately preceeding the launch of the ultraviolet radiometer payload in the Air Force program, P72-2. Emphasis is placed on the final integration activities, orbital operation activities and software support pro- vided by the ultraviolet radiometer payload con- tractor. (Author) AD-A018 304/6CP PC A08/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif On the Stability of Poiseuille Flow William Francis Harrison. Sep 75, 163p Descriptors: 'Laminar flow, 'Aerodynamic sta- bility, 'Computer programs, "Navier Stokes equations, Numerical analysis. Piping systems, Perturbations, Two dimensional flow. Exponen- tial functions, Reynolds number, Vortices. Identifiers: Poiseuille flow, Pipeflows. The three-dimensional linearized vorticity transport equations for plane and pipe Poiseuille flow were studied using a highly generalized complex exponential form of solu- tion in both space and time. The stability of these flows was examined using frames of reference which move with the fluid particles. Numerical results for plane Poiseuille flow 15 show that the critical Reynolds number is lowered by the introduction of streamwise spa- tial decay. This result provides a new basis for improving the agreement between theory and experiment. Numerical results for pipe flow were not obtained due to a probable error in some detail of the analysis or numerical method. (Author) AD-A018 333/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Theoretical Investigations of a Tunable Col- linear Acousto-Optic Filter Master's thesis C. David DePriest. Mar 75, 137p Rept no. GEO/PH/75-1 Descriptors: 'Tunable lasers, 'Tuning devices, 'Acoustooptics, "Crystal filters, Computer pro- grams, Light transmission. Dye lasers, Calcium compounds, Lithium compounds, Niobates, Molybdates, Orientation(Direction), Wave propagation, Acoustic waves, Laser modula- tors, Photoelasticity, Birefringence, Refractive index, Polarization, Laser communications, Bandwidth, Visible spectra, Infrared spectra, Optical communications, Vidicons, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Calcium molybdates, Lithium niobates, Organic dye lasers. An acousto-optic filter employing collinear in- teraction of light and sound is analyzed. Rela- tions between the photoelastic tensor, im- permeability tensor, and optic and acoustic waves are explored. A method of determining the compatibility of acoustic and optic polariza- tions and crystal orientation is developed and the results are tabulated. The equations relating birefringence, and acoustic and optic frequen- cies, as well as those relating acoustic power, crystal length, and wave length, are derived and discussed. The bandwidth relations are discussed and bandwidth over the visual and near IR spectra is predicted for two specific fil- ters. Use of the filter in front of a vidicon to ob- tain spectral characteristics of visible scenes is investigated. Use in conjunction with a laser and photomultiplier to illuminate and detect distant objects is considered, and computer solutions of maximum object distance are given in graphical form. AD-A018 634/6CP PC A14/MF A01 Weiler Research Inc Mountain View Calif DOASIS: A Computer Code for the Deforma- tion Plastic, Orthotopic, Axisym metric (and Plane) Solution of Inelastic Solids. Volume I. Finite Element Program. Theoretical and Pro- grammers Manual Final rept. Jun 74-Oct 75 Frank C. Weiler. Oct 75, 316p AFML-TR-75-37- Vol-1 Contract F33615-74-C-0148 Descriptors: 'Finite element analysis, 'Computer programming, 'Stresses, 'Loads(Forces), Displacement, Stress strain relations, Thermal stresses, Matrices(Mat hematics), Computer programs, Differential equations, Numerical integration. Identifiers: 'DOASIS computer program, Struc- tural analysis, Stress analysis, Stiffness methods. The finite element (displacement) method is used to determine the displacements, (elastic, plastic, thermal) strains, stresses; effective strains and stress in axisymmetric, constant thickness and variable thickness plane solids, with different orthotropic, elastic -plastic, tem- perature dependent material properties in ten- sion and compression including the effect of either initial strains or stresses. The mechanical loads can be surface normal or tangential pres- sures, concentrated point or line nodal point loads, interference fit displacement conditions or body force loads (acceleration or angular velocity). The continuous solid is replaced by a system of discrete finite elements having either triangular or quadrilateral cross sections. The solution of the continuous solid is reduced to the solution of a set of linear, algebraic simul- taneous equations yielding the displacements, from which the strains and stresses are deter- mined. The nodal point forces are calculated at nodal points where displacements are specified. Residual errors and force equilibrium are checked. The DOASIS computer program is described and sample problems are presented, and illustrating its use. AD-A018 641/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Hughes Research Labs Malibu Calif Excimer Lasers Semiannual technical rept. no. 2, 1 Apr-30 Sep 75 A. J. Palmer. Dec 75, 65p Contract N00014-75-C-0081, ARPAOrder-1807 See also report dated Jun 75. AD-A01 1 925. Descriptors: 'Gas lasers, 'Potassium, Absorp- tion spectra, Electric discharges, Optical pump- ing, Xenon, Alkali metals. Complex com- pounds, Atomic energy levels, Transitions, Kinetics, Dimers, Emission spectra, Rates, Ex- perimental design. Pulsed lasers, Oscillators, Computer programs, Photoionization, Plasmas(Physics). Identifiers: 'Xenon lasers, 'Excimers. The primary goals of this program are to identi- fy specific operating conditions for achieving laser oscillation on the A to X transitions of the diatomic alkali-xenon excimer molecules (excimers) and of the diatomic homonuclear al- kali molecule (dimers) and to demonstrate net laser gain in a laboratory experiment from at least one of the alkali-xenon systems. AD-A018 671/8CP PC A02/MF A01 TRW Systems Group Redondo Beach Calif Wake Modeling Studies Final rept. 1 5 Aug 71 -31 Jul 75 Eric Baum. Jul 75, 10p Rept no. TRW-20086- 6014-RU-00 Contract N00014-72-C-0074, ARPA Order-1910 Descriptors: 'Wake, 'Computer programs, Mathematical models, Mathematical prediction. Coding, Underwater vehicles, Internal waves, Stratification, Flow fields, Turbulence, Turbu- lent flow, Oceans, Motion, Velocity, Equations of motion. One dimensional flow, Fourier trans- formation. Identifiers: Stratified flow. This report summarizes work performed in the development of a code for predicting the disturbance generated by a submerged moving body in a generally stratified medium. Details of this work have been documented separately. (Author) AD-A018 865/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio Analysis of Transonic Viscous-lnviscid In- teractions on Axisymmetric Afterbodies with Jet Effects and Boattail Injection in Separated Regions Final rept. Jun 74-Apr 75 Wladimiro Calarese. Sep 75, 77p Rept no. AFFDL-TR-75-117 Descriptors: 'Axially symmetric flow, 'Transonic flow, 'Boattail afterbodies, Jet mix- ing flow, Flow separation, Base flow, Jet flow, Inviscid flow, Interactions, Flow fields, Viscous flow, Mass flow. Mass energy relation, Shear properties, Perturbations, Equations, Injection, Interference, Computer programs. Drag, Bodies of revolution, Nozzles, Turbulent boundary layer. Identifiers: Drag coefficients, Korst base flow. The transonic flow with viscous-inviscid in- teractions over axisymmetric afterbodies is analyzed. Viscous effects are considered and iterated with the inviscid solution of the non- linear small perturbation equation. The jet flow is simulated by a sting-cone frustum combina- tion. For boattail flow separation, the shear flow properties and the viscous mixing are calcu- lated using a Korst base flow type of analysis. Boattail mass and energy injection are used in the separated region to obtain a favorable inter- ference with the inviscid flow with consequent drag reduction. A complete program listing is provided. The program can be used for sub- sonic free stream Mach number and zero angle of attack. (Author) AD-A018 999/3CP MF A01 Naval Air Development Center Warminster Pa Bent Plate Computer Program Listing Oct 75, 75p NADC-75251-20b, DOD/DF-75/003b For computer program on magnetic tape, see AD-A01 9 001 . See also AD-A01 9 000. Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Computer pro- grams, Aircraft antennas. Plates, High frequen- cy, Reflection, Diffraction, Predictions, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Bent plate computer program, CDC 6600 computers. The program can be used to show the elec- tromagnetic scattering effects from a flat or bent plate. One antenna or an array of antennas can be mounted near the plate. The program will compute information necessary for antenna pattern plots. If the plots are desired, a mag- netic tape drive is necessary to run the pro- gram. The generated tapes from these pro- grams can be used on a California Computer Products, Inc's CALCOMP pen plotter, model 763 to produce the desired antenna patterns. AD-A019 101/5CP PC A04/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Ship Per- formance Dept A Method of Estimating the Sway Force and Rolling Moment on a Submarine Due to Dif- ferentially Deflected Sailplanes Final rept. Jul 74-Jul 75 Keith P. Kerney. Nov 75, 66p Rept no. SPD-632- 10 Descriptors: 'Submarines, 'Deep submer- gence, 'Hydrodynamics, Hydrodynamic control surfaces, Roll, Moments, Estimates, Computer programs, Computations, Ailerons, Deflection. Identifiers: Sailplanes(Control surfaces), Sway force. A method, based on quasi-steady lifting-line theory, has been developed for calculating the sway force and rolling moment acting on a deeply submerged yawed or unyawed sub- marine due to actuation of sailplanes in the dif- ferentially deflected mode. Short digital-com- puter programs have been written to facilitate quick execution of the calculations. Com- parison of calculated and measured sway force and rolling moment shows fairly good agree- ment. AD-A019 116/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A FORTRAN Program to Plot Phase Shifts of the Three Dimensional Square Well Final rept. James L. Repace. Jul 75, 47p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3082 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'FORTRAN, 'Potential scattering, 'Quantum theory, 'Phase shift. Programming languages, Computer programs. Digital com- 16 puters, Nuclear energy, Nuclear particles, Nuclear energy levels, Three dimensional, Subroutines, Plotters, Two dimensional. Identifiers: CDC 3800 computers, de Broglie quantum particle. Square well approximation. This program calculates, and provides Cal- Comp plots of, the CDC 3800 Computer, phase shifts in radians or degrees for quantum- mechanical scattering from a 3-dimensional spherically symmetrical square well potential of width a and depth -V, for a de Broglie quantum particle of energy E. The program, which can plot in two or three dimensional representa- tions, calculates the first five phase shifts, and permits the determination of the number of bound states the well will support for each phase shift. (Author) AD-A019 301/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Systems Engineering Lab Plasma Simulation Using STARAN Interim rept. 1 Jul 72-30 Sep 75 Daniel S. Lo. Dec 75, 47p RADC-TR -75-294 Contract F30602-73-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Computerized simulation, 'Plasmas(Physics), Computer programs, Pro- gramming languages, Plasma medium, Al- gorithms, Mathematical models, Input, Output, Flow charting, Computers, Simulators, Elec- trons, Positrons. Identifiers: *STARAN, APPLE programming lan- guage, MAPPLE programming language. The application of the associative processor STARAN to plasma Simulation problems is demonstrated. The algorithm tested is based on PIC (particle-in-cell) method discussed in the paper by Lewis, Sykes and Wesson. The pro- gram is written in the associative processor programming languages APPLE and MAPPLE. (Author) AD-A019 422/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Coordinated Science Lab Optimal Summation of Gaussians for Ion Im- plantation Profile Control Technical rept. Andrew Joseph Zaremba. Nov 75, 75p Rept nos. R-698, UILU-ENG-75-2238 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259, Grant NSF-GH- 40450 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor doping, "Ion im- plantation, Impurities, Numerical analysis, Computer programs, Diffusion, Gallium arse- nides, Silicon, Gallium phosphides, Normal dis- tribution. Theses. The fact that the number of implanted ions can be accurately determined and controlled is used in the processing of numerous semicon- ductor devices. By contrast, there is very little fabrication of solid state devices which effec- tively uses the spatial impurity distribution of implanted ions. To a large degree, this is because the distribution of a particular implant is Gaussian, which is not a particularly useful profile. However, by using multiple implants the individual Gaussians may be effectively summed to approximate a wide range of desired impurity distributions. The summation of Gaussian distributions to achieve arbitrary functions is a mathematical problem of general interest, and the usefulness of solving the problem extends far beyond the desire to ap- proximate impurity distributions in semicon- ductors. Unfortunately, the solution here is complicated by the physics of the situation which limits the available Gaussian expansion functions. Under this condition it will be shown that the analytical solution of the p roblem is not feasible. A numerical solution is presented for a number of profiles, indicating that many desira- ble impurity distributions may be satisfactorily approximated. AD-A019 561/OCP PC A03/MF A01 United Aircraft Research Labs East Hartford Conn Reduction of Thermal Blooming by Beam Op- timization Quarterly rept. 1 Oct-31 Dec 73 David C. Smith. 1 1 Jan 74, 26p Rept no. UARL- N921 769-1 Contract DAAB07-74-C-0028 Descriptors: 'Thermal blooming, 'Laser beams, Nonlinear analysis, Computer programs, Tea lasers. Carbon dioxide lasers. Reduction, Shape, Optimization, High power. Propagation, Atmospheres, Beam forming. Identifiers: Beam shaping. The United Aircraft Research Laboratories are engaged in an experimental and theoretical research program to determine the optimum beam configuration to minimize the deleterious effects of thermal blooming or self-distortion on high power laser beams propagating in the atmosphere. During this initial report period ef- forts have been largely concentrated on various improvements to the UARL nonlinear propaga- tion code and application of the code to deter- mine the effect of different initial beam shapes on the thermal distortion due to a wind. AD-A019 692/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Aerophysics Lab Analytical Diffusion Model Computer Program Interim rept. Karen L. Foster, and John M. Herbelin. Jan 76, 28p TR-0076(6240-40)-3, SAMSO-TR-75-303 Contract F04701 -75-C-0076 Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, 'Diffusion, 'Computer programs. Hydrogen fluoride, Deu- terium compounds. Gas dynamic lasers. Mix- ing, Mathematical prediction. Supersonic noz- zles. Identifiers: ADM computer program, Hydrogen fluoride lasers. Deuterium fluoride lasers. The Analytical Diffusion Model (ADM) program has been written to predict the performance of continuous wave (cw) HF or DF chemical lasers. ADM performs laminar and turbulent calcula- tions for slit or axisymmetric nozzles. It is based upon a temperature-dependent analytical solu- tion for the premixed case coupled with a flame sheet mixing scheme, and can be run under either constant pressure or constant density conditions. The ADM program is ideal for parametric studies because of its minimal com- puter run time and is able to reproduce the results of the numerical cw chemical laser pro- grams consistently to within a few percent. AD-A019 771 /5CP PC A06/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Method of Moments Applications. Volume VII. Aperture Coupling Through Long Slots Phase rept. Jan-Oct 75 Jason Chou, and A. T. Adams. Dec 75, 1 14p RADC-TR-73-217-Vol-7 Contract F30602-72-C-0360 See also Volume 6, AD-A009 637. Descriptors: 'Strip transmission lines. Mo- ments, Electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic compatibility, Matrices(Mathematics), Green's function, Fourier analysis, Electrostatics, Polarization, Slots, Apertures, Coupling cir- cuits, Computer programs. The problem of a plane wave incident upon one or more long, parallel slots in an infinite plane screen is treated by the method of moments (1 ). A Galerkin's solution with triangular expansion and weighting functions is used. The complete solution for aperture fields, transmission coeffi- cients, near and far fields is formulated and programmed. Arbitrary polarization and arbitra- ry angles of incidence are treated. Where com- parison is possible, there is good agreement which classical results. Wide slots, and multiple slots, which cannot be treated by classical methods, are readily handled by the method of moments. Two separate computer programs have been prepared for (a) single slots and (b) double slots. Program listings and descriptions are presented. Representative examples are given. AO-A019 814/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Two Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Coated Conductor Master's thesis Clayton V. Stewart. Dec 75, 67p Rept no. GE/EE/75-39 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic scattering, Cylinders, Dielectrics, Coatings, Radar cross sections. Numerical methods and procedures, Two dimensional. Theses, Computer pro- gramming, FORTRAN. Identifiers: RAMCS computer program, Method of moments. The thesis deals with electromagnetic scatter- ing from a dielectric coated, conducting cylinder of arbitrary cross section and of infinite length. The incident field is assumed to be a uniform plane wave traveling normal to the axis of the scatterer. The integral equations for the transverse electric case are derived and dis- cretized for numerical solution. The Hadamard principle value is used to handle high order sin- gularities in the integral equations. A computer program RAMCS has been developed to solve for the two dimensional radar cross section for the case of a lossless dielectric coating. The nu- merical solution is formulated in terms of the method of moments. Results are presented for circular cylindrical scattering bodies. AD-A020 081 /6CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Computer Analysis for the Determination of Electrode Voltage Losses in Mac netohydrodynamic-Generator Plasmas Doctoral thesis Richard Charles Dolson. Dec 75, 149p Descriptors: 'Magnetohydrodynamic genera- tors, 'Plasma sheaths, 'Voltage, Losses, Elec- trodes, Partial differential equations, Mathe- matical models, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Power loss. This work investigates the nature and extent of the voltage drops in the vicinity of MHD non- emitting electrodes, especially the losses at- tributable to the sheath. The non-existence of a one-dimensional sheath solution is proved and a computer model with two-dimensional, periodic active sites representing a flat plate electrode is developed. The sheath and am- bipolar regions evolve from the same set of equations in a self-consistent way. obviating the requirement to match boundary conditions between the regions. With this model the ef- fects of a magnetic field and Joule heating are studied. Results are compared with experimen- tal observations. To supplement the sheath in- vestigation a peripheral study of the boundary layer voltage losses has been made and a rela- tively simple technique for determining these losses is presented. AD-A020 103/8CP PC A06/MF A01 National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center Atlantic C ity N J Responses of Small Rigid Aircraft to Discrete and Continuous Gust Analysis - Phase I Final rept. Nov 72-Nov 74 John Petrakis, and Nelson Miller. Dec 75, 1 24p FAA-NA-74-44, FAA/RD-74-160 17 Descriptors: "Airplanes, 'Gust loads, Dynamic response. Estimates, Turbulence, Methodolo- gy, Computer applications, Geometry, Rigidity, Mathematical analysis, Stability, Center of gravity, Tails(Aircraft), Computer programs. Identifiers: DOT/4DZ/DA, DOT/5 M, Small air- craft. An evaluation is made of methods developed for estimating longitudinal and lateral rigid- body responses of airplanes to random at- mospheric turbulence. A computer program has evolved from this study which calculates general aviation aircraft stability derivatives from known geometric properties to be used as inputs to the calculation of aircraft response (also a developed part of the computer pro- gram). It was found that the two degrees-of- freedom rigid-body power spectral density analysis produced lower normal load factor responses than a similar single degree-of- freedom analysis for aircraft of gross weight from 3,000 to 17,500 pounds. Also to produce an equivalent discrete load factor for the two degrees-of-freedom analysis, a higher spectral velocity value must be used compared to that of the single degree-of-freedom approach. AD-A020 106/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Patterns for Discrete Frequencies from Near- Field Measurements Master's thesis Frederick Roberts Crawford. Dec 75, 47p Descriptors: 'Submarines, 'Acoustic fields, 'Underwater sound, Antisubmarine warfare, Far field. Near field, Hydrophones, Fourier transfor- mation, Mathematical models, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Helmholtz equation. A theoretical model was developed which can predict discrete frequency far-field radiation patterns of submerged submarines from near- field measurements. The model developed uses the Helmholtz integral equation and the as- sumptions of the DRL method of near-field measurements. The DRL working formula is further modified by using a plane surface of in- tegration and restricting the far-field points of interest to a horizontal plane containing the source. These assumptions and restrictions lead to a mathematical solution of the Helm- holtz equation which is in the form of a Fourier transform. Near-field measurements on a horn speaker in an anechoic chamber were taken and the far-field beam pattern predicted by the model developed, using a simple computer pro- gram containing a Fourier transform routine. Computed beam patterns were in satisfactory agreement with measured far-field beam pat- terns, errors being concentrated in the outer side lobes from the acoustic axis. Problems which would be encountered in applying this model to at sea acoustic measurements are discussed. AD-A020 625/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Training Equipment Center Orlando Fla Supplementary Routines for Lens Design by Computer Rept. for Aug 72-Aug 75 Gottfried R. Rosendahl. Sep 75, 98p Rept no. NAVTRAEQUIPC-IH-253 See also report dated Aug 72, AD-750 249. Descriptors: 'Lenses, 'Computer aided design, 'Computer programs, Ray tracing. Optical materials, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Geometrical optics. Design. The basics and all necessary details of supple- mentary programs to serve in conjunction with computer programs for lens analysis and design are derived and explained. They provide an extended, mainly first-order analysis of opti- cal systems particularly with respect to practi- cal decision making and remedial actions dur- ing the lens design process including require- ments for an effective choice of glasses and of boundary conditions for design variables. AD-A020 642/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif Effective Ionospheric Height for a Simplified Mode Conversion Model at VLF Interim rept. Richard A. Pappert, and Linda R. Shockey. 1 Nov 75, 68p Rept no. NELC/IR-761 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Communication and radio systems, Very low frequency. Ionospheric models, Waveguides, Conversion, Low frequency. Height finding, Transmitter receivers, Dipole moments. Electric fields, Computer programs, Computations. This report generalizes an earlier program for calculating the effects on signal level of mode conversion at VLF/LF frequencies in the earth- ionosphere waveguide. The generalizations are (1) horizontal inhomogeneities are allowed to pass over the transmitter; and (2) the height parameter above which the height gains are discarded and below which the height gains are replaced by a linear combination of Airy func- tions is allowed to vary from slab to slab. Several methods of selecting the height parameters are examined. Although no one method appears to be superior, the reference height defined by Wait in his studies of ex- ponential profiles, because of ease of imple- mentation, is the preferred method. The present program will yield generalized mode conver- sion coefficients and a mode sum plot for ground based vertical electric dipole excitation of the vertical electric field at the ground as a function of transmitter-receiver distance or as a function of location of the horizontal in- homogeneity relative to the transmitter for fixed point transmissions. AD-A020 644/1 CP PC A04/MF A01 West Virginia Univ Morgantown Dept of Aerospace Engineering Real Time Development of the Wake of a Finite Wing Scientific rept. James D. Wilson, and John L. Loth. Feb 74, 61 p Rept no. TR-23 Contract N00014-68-A-0512 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Wake, 'Wings, 'Vortices, Com- puter programs, Real time. Aspect ratio, Angle of attack, Lift, Computerized simulation. Three dimensional, Distortion, Incompressible flow. Free stream, Wing tips. Trailing edges. Vortex shedding, Inviscid flow, Observation aircraft. Army aircraft, Theses. Identifiers: 0-1 aircraft. A real time, three-dimensional method is presented to monitor the development of the wake generated by a finite wing, which sud- denly begins to produce lift in an irrotational, incompressible fluid. The wake is represented by equal strength vortex filaments which are bounded by a lifting line at the wing position and a starting vortex which washes downstream with the free stream velocity. The geometric angle of attack of the wing was changed with time so that only one starting vor- tex was shed and the circulation of the bound vortex remains constant. The computational time was significantly reduced by neglecting the component of induced velocity in the free- stream direction. The Biot-Savart law was needed to calculate the wake deformation of an Army 0-1 aircraft, for which experimental results have been reported by B. W. McCor- mick. Experimental and theoretical values for circulation at contours in the wake showed agreement although the experimental results, which consisted of contours of constant vortici- ty, were limited to a region near the wing tips and within a chord length of the wing trailing edge. (Author) AD-A020 722/5CP MF A01 Bendix Corp North Hollywood Calif Elec- trodynamics Div Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters Research and Development rept. Feb-Nov 75 H. C. Bertucelli. Dec 75, 210p NUC-TP-164-Vol- 3 Contract N00123-74-C-1615 See also Volume 2, AD-863 778. Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Sonar, 'Computer programs, Ray tracing, Flow chart- ing, Subroutines, Compilers. Identifiers: 'SONAR computer program, 'RAYSRT computer program. This volume documents changes made in the SONAR programs and the RAYSRT program since publication of Volumes 1 and 2 of NUC TP 164 in December of 1969. Some of the changes are cosmetic; some correct flaws previously un- detected because the associated features had not been tested. Most of the changes, however, relate to the preparation by SONAR (either ver- sion) of two output tapes processed by other programs, one of which is RAYSRT. AD-A020 856/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Computing the Optical Properties of Mul- tilayer Coatings Final rept. John S. Loomis. Sep 75, 30p Rept no. AFWL- TR-75-202 Descriptors: 'Optical coatings, 'Computer pro- grams. Reflectance, Absorption(Physical), Opti- cal properties, Refractive index. Thickness, FORTRAN, Thin films. Identifiers: Multilayers, OPTCOAT computer program, CDC-6600 computers. A simple FORTRAN subroutine has been writ- ten to calculate the optical reflectance and ab- sorptance of a multilayer coating. This subrou- tine calculates the optical properties for any angle of incidence, wavelength, or coating design. The index of refraction and thickness of each layer plus the index of refraction of the substrate must be specified. AD-A020 923/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Extension of the Energy Deposition Code E- DEP-1 to Higher Energies Final rept. George P. Mueller, and J. Edward Westmoreland. Jan 76, 10p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3194 Descriptors: 'Ion beams, 'Computer pro- gramming, Energy transfer, Solids, Amorphous materials. Radiation effects. Helium, Nickel, Subroutines. Identifiers: E-DEP-1 computer program. The computer program E-DEP-1, 5 May 1973 version, has been modified to calculate the energy deposition of higher energy ions in amorphous solids. The original E-DEP-1 pro- gram is limited in beam energy by the form of the inelastic stopping law that it uses and by certain structural characteristics of the code. Other stopping laws are easily substituted; a sample is included in the appendix. The main body of this report outlines the structural changes that are necessary in order to use E- DEP-1 for higher beam energies. 18 AD-A020 927/OCP PC A08/MF A01 California Univ Los Angeles Dept of Physics A Study of the Trapping of Superfluid Per- sistent Currents in Superleaks Interim technical rept. Joseph Edward Heiserman. Dec 75, 153p Rept no. TR-38 Contract N00014-75-C-0246 Descriptors: "Superfluidity, "Liquid helium, "Superconductivity, Doppler effect, Test methods, Acoustic velocity, Vortices, Computer applications, Gyroscopes, Theses, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: First sound, Second sound. Fourth sound, Helium 4. Persistent currents in superleaks in contact with bulk superfluid helium were investigated using doppler shifts of the two acoustic modes of an annular resonator partially packed with superleak, and with a simple gyroscopic technique. The two modes have been studied between the temperatures 1.2K and the lambda temperature for annuii filled to various depths with superleak. The doppler shifts of the acoustic modes were used to obtain the per- sistent current velocities in the unpacked and packed regions of the resonator. Observations were made on a bare superleak using a simple gyroscopic apparatus suspended from a tor- sion wire. When the superleak is tilted with a persistent current, the change in the angular momentum vector leads to a torque which causes the gyroscope to swing on the torsion wire. The temperature dependence of the cur- rent in the bare superleak was found to be ap- proximately the same as that observed in other experiments on a superleak completely en- closed by metal walls. AO-A021 090/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn Evaluation of a Method for Computation of Separated, Turbulent, Compressible Bounda- ry Layers Final rept. 2 Jan 74-28 Feb 75 M. C. Altstatt. Feb 76, 46p Rept no. AEDC-TR- 76-27 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn., Rept. no. ARO-PWT-TR-75-103. Descriptors: "Turbulent boundary layer, "Compressible flow, "Flow separation, "Computer programs, Computations, Machine coding, Turbulent boundary layer, Velocity. Identifiers: "Separated flow. A computer code for a turbulent, compressible boundary-layer method, capable of carrying out computations in a region of separated flow, is developed and tested. The procedure after separation is to specify either friction velocity or boundary-layer thickness as an independent variable and obtain external velocity as a de- pendent variable. This requires a trial and error alternation of the specified variable in order to match the desired experimental or computed external velocity. Satisfactorily results were ob- tained by this method in the analysis of certain specialized cases of separated flow. (Author) AD-A021 330/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Applied Research Labs Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Description Loyd D. Hampton. 2 Jan 76, 127p Rept no. ARL- TR-75-41 Contract N00014-75-C-0429 Descriptors: "Ocean bottom, "Acoustic attenua- tion, "Acoustic absorption, Angle of arrival, In- teractions, Sonar signals, Acoustic reflection, Digital computers, Computer programs. Identifiers: Grazing angle. The purpose of the bottom interaction experi- ment is to examine the influence of the ocean bottom on low frequency acoustic propagation. This document describes the goals of the ex- periment, the design of the experiment, includ- ing site selection, and details of conducting the experiment, and includes the data analysis plan. The bottom interaction experiment will use ACODAC recording systems to obtain a record of SUS signals in a bottom limited re- gion. The geometry will be selected so that the number of bottom interactions and the bottom interaction angles will be known. Data will be collected at short ranges with a small number of bottom interactions to duplicate previous measurements. Data will also be collected out to maximum range permitted by SUS source level to ensure the maximum number of bottom interactions and small grazing angles. (Author) AD-A021 452/8CP PC A05/MF A01 R and D Associates Marina Del Rey Calif Linear and Non-Linear BMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab Technical rept. William J. Karzas, and Charles T. C. Mo. Jul 75, 80p Rept no. RDA-TR-9000-001 Contract N00014-75-C-0104 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic shielding, "Ferromagnetic materials, Electromagnetic pul- ses, Transverse waves, Penetration, Diffusion, Numerical analysis, Finite difference theory, Computer programs, Nonlinear systems. Identifiers: DIFUSN computer program. The report investigates the shielding problem for the incident EMP in the form of a cylindrical TEM wave, such as a wire carrying a surge ar- restor current terminated at an iron or steel shielding plane. Because of the large strength of the incident field, the nonlinear ferromag- netic saturation of the plate plays an important role in determining the peak and the shape of the shape of the transmitted field. This problem, based on and together with its one-dimensional plane-wave-incidence version, is solved analytically for a constant mu case. The analyti- cal results are then used to partly predict and to interpret the numerical results for the one- dimension nonlinear case, obtained by using a finite difference code DIFUSN, and to help pre- dict the behaviors for the cylindrical nonlinear case. AD-A021 693/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program. Volume E. Method and Computer Program Final rept. Nov 71 -Nov 74 Donald C. Todd. Feb 76, 1 10p Rept no. AEDC- TR-75-75-Vol-1 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn., Rept. no. ARO-PWT-TR-75-7- Vol-1 . See also Volume 2, AD-A021 694. Descriptors: "Three dimensional flow, "Computer programs, Flow fields. Subsonic flow. Mathematical models, Partial differential equations, Potential flow. A complete description of a computer analysis of the potential subsonic flow about complex three-dimensional bodies is presented. The linear, partial differential equation for the com- pressible velocity gradient is solved for cases where the local Mach number everywhere in the flow field is less than one. The compressible flow equation is transformed, using Goethert similarity parameter, into the equivalent incom- pressible form represented by Laplace's equa- tion. The solution to the equation is accom- plished by representing the body (or model) by a finite number of elements (or singularities). The singularities may be made up of either vor- tices or sources. The two volumes included in the report give the description of the computer program which is entitled the AEDC Potential Flow Program (PFP) and the computer analysis of several complex bodies. Volume 1 includes a theoretical development of the equations that lead to the set that are programmed in the PFP. A complete description of the computer pro- gram is given along with sample input and out- put from the program. AD-A021 694/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program. Volume II. Mathematical Modeling, Application, ai.d Verification Final rept. Nov 71 -Nov 74 Richard L. Palko. Feb 76, 56p Rept no. AEDC- TR-75-75-Vol-2 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn., Rept. no. ARO-PWT-TR-75-7- Vol-2. See also Volume 1 , AD-A021 693. Descriptors: "Three dimensional flow, "Computer programs, Flow fields, Mathemati- cal models, Aerodynamics, Wind tunnels, Theory, Experimental data, Fuselages, Wings, Vortices, Crosswinds, Nacelles. Volume 2 includes a discussion concerning the modeling techniques that can be used to represent a wide class of three-dimensional bodies and gives the results of the flow field computed about these bodies using the PFP. Comparisons of some of the theoretical results are made with wind tunnel experimental data. AD-A021 718/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Northrop Corp Hawthorne Calif Aircraft Div Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselages Interim rept. C. W. Chu, J. Der, Jr, and H. Ziegler. Aug 75, 78p Rept no. NOR-75-70 Contract N62269-74-C-0470 Descriptors: "Drag reduction, "Airframes, "Wings, Canopies, Jet fighters, Flow fields, Aerodynamic configurations, Method of characteristics, Computer programs, Mathe- matical models. Identifiers: F-4 aircraft, Latin squares, Wave drag. A numerical procedures has been developed to minimize the wave drag of a forward aircraft fuselage and canopy configuration subject to realistic constraints imposed by design require- ments. The procedure makes use of the Latin Square sampling technique and the Three- Dimensional Method of Characteristics. The former is used to efficiently sample the family of configurations, and the latter is used to accu- rately calculate the wave drags of the sampled configurations. The calculated wave drag coef- ficients are then used to derive a functional de- pendence of the wave drag on the geometric variables that define the family of configura- tions. The minimum wave drag configuration can be obtained by minimizing the wave drag function subject to a given set of constraints. A new concept which enables the minimizing procedure to improve by 'learning' from ex- perience is presented. This concept proves very useful and can be applied to other optimization procedures using Latin Square sampling. Finally, the wave drag reduction procedure is demonstrated using the F-4 fuselage as the baseline. The results are presented and discussed. (Author) AD-A021 746/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Hughes Research Labs Malibu Calif Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems Final technical rept. 1 Oct 74-22 Jun 75 S. Hansen. Aug 75, 46p Contract N60921 -75-C-0067 19 Descriptors: 'Optical radar, 'Lasers, 'Phase shift, 'Hydraulic actuators. Molybdenum, Phased arrays, Control systems, Computerized simulation, Fluid flow, Computer programs, Cooling, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Design, Coherent Optical Adaptive Techniques. A fast response, high accuracy, compact hydraulic actuator has been developed and demonstrated for applications that require ac- tuators providing moderate speed, high force, and large optical path length excursions, e.g., as a mirror driver in an adaptive optical system. The actuator is characterized by a -3 dB response bandwidth of 670 Hz when operated at a supply pressure of 3000 psi, and a total ex- cursion of 42.4 micrometers, which cor- responds to plus or minus 4 wavelengths of phase shift at 10.6 micrometers when used as a mirror driver. The actuator was tested in a deformable faceplate fixture that simulates nine actuator positions at a modular spacing of 2 cm (0.8 in.). Plots are given of measured mirror sur- face profiles and contours. A computed con- tour plot is given for comparison. Also included is a program for computer simulation of the ac- tuator in a complete multichannel, multidither COAT control system. AD-A021 960/OCP PC A24/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume I Technical rept. A. M. Morrison, M. Ciment, J. M. Solomon, and R. E. Ferguson. 1 Dec 75, 558p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-75-45-Vol-1 See also Volume 2, AD-A021 961 . Descriptors: "Aerodynamic configurations, 'Conical bodies, 'Spheres, "Flow fields, 'Handbooks, Pressure distribution, Center of gravity, Force(Mechanics), Aerodynamic load- ing, Mach number, Surfaces, Finite difference theory. Compressible flow, Three dimensional flow, Computer programs, Angle of attack. This report contains numerical tables of aerodynamic coefficients and surface pressure distributions for sphere cone configurations as a function of angle of attack and Mach number. These results were generated by an NSWC/WOL computer code based on a finite difference solution of the steady inviscid three- dimensional compressible flow equation for a perfect gas deg = 1.4. Cone half angles of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 20 are considered. Truncated values are obtained at axial stations to a length of 200 times the sphere radius, over a Mach number range of 3.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30, for an angle-of -attack span of 1, 3, 5, and 10 deg. Center-of-pressure location, and axial- and normal-force coefficients are tabularly presented at each axial-length increment sta- tion. Surface pressure distributions are also presented at each axial-length increment sta- tion, including seven meridian plane angles over the half plane from windward to leeward ray. The techniques utilized in generating the tables are described, and comparisons between computed values and values measured in some wind-tunnel experiments are presented. The presentation format is discussed to establish the mechanics necessary to use the tables. The tables are divided into two volumes; the first containing pressure information, and the second, aerodynamic information. AD-A021 961 /8CP PC A11/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume II Technical rept. A. M. Morrison. J. M. Solomon, M. Ciment, and R. E. Ferguson. 1 Dec 75, 239p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-75-45-Vol-2 See also Volume 1 , AD-A021 960. Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic configurations, 'Conical bodies, 'Spheres, 'Handbooks, 'Flow fields. Pressure distribution, Center of gravity, Force(Mechanics), Aerodynamic loading, Mach number, Surface properties, Finite difference theory. Compressible flow, Three dimensional flow, Computer programs, Angle of attack. This report contains numerical tables of aerodynamic coefficients and surface pressure distributions for sphere cone configurations as a function of angle of attack and Mach number. AD-A021 968/3CP PC A03/MF A01 West Virginia Univ Morgantown Dept of Aerospace Engineering Lining Jet Flow Fields Final contract rept. John L. Loth, Richard E. Walters, and Subrato Chandra. Aug 75, 49p Rept no. TR-46 Contract N00014-73-A-041 7-0003 See also Rept. no. TR-45, AD-A021 967. Descriptors: 'Vertical takeoff aircraft, "Mathematical models, "Jets, "Computer pro- grams. Flight, Transitions, Hovering, Lift, Flight control systems, Growth(General), Width, Aug- mentation, Interactions, Two dimensional flow, Ground effect. Decay, Axially symmetric flow. Jet flow, Pressure, Turbulent flow, Interactions, Computerized simulation. Exhaust nozzles. Jet propulsion. Identifiers: Lifting jets, Curved jets, Jet entrain- ment. Transition flight, Airframe-jet interac- tions. Free jet theory. The control of VTOL aircraft during transition from hover to forward flight is complicated due to the complex airframe-jet interaction. This in- vestigation is concerned with mathematical modelling of asymmetric entrainment of lifting jets. The analysis is for two dimensional aug- menters used on VTOL aircraft. The theoretical analysis of the lifting jets was limited to two dimensional curved jets in forward flight and out of ground effects. The aim was to predict the asymmetric entrainment rates of the curved jet along with its decay rate of the maximum velocity, and jet width growth rate. The results were obtained using turbulent curved free jet theory in conjunction with thin jet potential flow models to obtain the jet edge streamwise velocities. To test the effects of asymmetric en- trainment the results were inserted in a thick jet potential flow computer program to obtain transition flight performance of a typical VTOL augmenter wing. A concurrent experimental study was undertaken to determine curved jet characteristics issuing from a two dimensional model. Maximum velocity decay, jet curvature, jet width, velocity and pressure profiles were measured. Good agreement has been obtained between the theoretical predicted and experi- mental measured curved jet characteristics. It was necessary to adjust the constant in the tur- bulent shear stress model to get this good agreement. Both experiments on the straight and curved jets at West Virginia University and by others have been compared with the theory. AD-A022 512/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Medical Research Inst Bethesda Md Calculation of the Relative Speed of Sound in a Gas Mixture Medical research progress rept. Michael J. Ackerman, and Georgia Maitland. May 75, 7p Availability: Pub. in Undersea Biomedical Research, v2 n4 p305-310 Dec 75. Descriptors: "Speech analysis, "Breathing gases, "Sound waves, "Acoustic velocity, Div- ing, Computer programs, Sound pressure, Spectrum analysis, Density, Velocity, Reprints. Identifiers: Speed of sound. Since the frequency spectrum of a voice signal is directly dependent on the velocity of sound, studies of speech spectra include the problem of calculating the speed of sound in the gas mixture being used. A computer program writ- ten in BASIC has been developed to calculate the speed of sound relative to air in various div- ing gas mixtures. In addition, a set of tables available as a separate technical report has been generated using this program. These ta- bles are designed to provide a standard reference for reporting spectral shifts in speech due to different gas mixtures under normal div- ing conditions. (Author) AD-A022 666/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Ap- plied Research Lab Digital Reconstruction of Acoustic Holograms Technical memo. R. L. Cohen. 9 Jan 76, 141 p Rept no. TM-76-05 Contract N0001 7-73-C-1 41 8 Descriptors: "Acoustics, "Holograms, "Holography, "Computer graphics, Image processing, Digital systems, Reproduction, Computer programs. Identifiers: Gabor holography. The subject of this study is the development of a computer program capable of reconstructing images from acoustic holograms. The theory on which the program is based is that of Gabor type (on-axis) holography. A hologram is an in- tensity recording of the interference of an ob- ject wave and a reference wave. A reconstruc- tion from the hologram contains four com- ponents, namely the reference wave squared, the object wave squared, the conjugate image and the true image. Digital techniques for isolating the four components are presented along with examples of reconstructions. Reconstructions from digitally generated holo- grams of point sources are discussed. It was found that interference between images of point sources can drastically affect image in- tensity. Image intensity is also dependent on source position relative to the hologram aper- ture. A source located near the edge of the aperture reconstructs with only half the intensi- ty of the same source located at the aperture center. Methods of hologram generation are compared for image quality. Phase-only and bi- nary techniques add spurious high frequency information to the images, but in the applica- tion of source location this is not a serious han- dicap. Digitization range (-1, 1) was found su- perior to (0, 1 ) in that it eliminates two of the un- wanted image noise terms in tha phase-only and binary cases. Holograms containing only the conjugate image component give vastly im- proved signal to noise ratios compared with the other types, but they require knowledge of the amplitude and phase at every sample point rather than just the intensity. AD-A022 975/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Analysis and Computer Systems Inc Burlington Mass Development of Numerical Techniques and Computer Systems for Cllmatological, Iono- spheric and Microwave Physics Applications Final rept. 1 Mar 74-31 Dec 75 James F. Atkinson, Harold L. Dolan, Peter W. Lindstrom, and Kenneth C. Zwirble. Jan 76, 146p AFGL-TR-76-0006 Contract F19628-74-C-0122 Descriptors: "Climate, "Meteorology, "Microwaves, "Ionosphere, "Radio astronomy. Physics, Computer programs, Transducers, Data processing, Artificial satellites, Solar physics, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Surface acoustic waves. Total elec- tron content. During the period of performance, over 60 pro- grams were completed ranging in complexity 20 and size from conversion of programs from one language or computer system to another, to design and development of a large scale system operating in a real time environment. The com- puter programs and numerical techniques developed under this contract supported AFGL research projects in such areas as: Climatolo- gy, Meteorology, Microwave Physics, Iono- spheric Physics and Radio Astronomy. Some of these projects are outlined in this report. AD-A023 068/OCP PC A14/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Center for Materials Science and Engineering Research on Materials for High Power Laser Windows Final rept. 1 May 72-30 Apr 75 N.J.Grant, H. K. Bowen, R. M. Cannon, FA. McClintock, and R. M. N. Pelloux. Dec 75, 324p AFCRL-TR-76-0027 Contract F19628-72-C-0304, ARPA Order-2055 Descriptors: 'Infrared optical materials, 'Infrared windows, 'Laser materials, Halides, Zinc selenides, Defects(Materials), Recrystal- lization, Fatigue(Mechanics), Potassium chloride. Bromides, Potassium compounds, Im- purities, Grain boundaries. Diffusion, Computer programs. Test methods, Stresses, Electron microscopy, Infrared lasers, Frac- ture(Mechanics). Identifiers: Stress intensity factor, Fracture toughness, Potassium bromide. Contents: Substructure formation in hot forged KCI and KBr; Impurity drag theory in grain boundary migration of KCI; Space charge con- tribution to grain boundary diffusion; Design of laser windows using flaw analysis— (Statistical determination of surface flaw density in brittle materials. Users manual for flaw statistics pro- gram; generation of g(S) curves. Proof testing of brittle materials by thermal shock); Fracture toughness and fatigue; Transmission electron microscopy of alkali halides; Resu Itant publica- tions and theses. AD-A023 078/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Asymptotic Properties of the Mie Coefficients Technical rept. Dominick A. Giglio. Nov 75, 41 p Rept no. HDL- TR-1733 Descriptors: *Mie scattering, 'Asymptotic se- ries, 'Computer programs, 'Aerosols, Coeffi- cients, Computations, Plane waves, Spheres, Refractive index, Rayleigh scattering. Identifiers: Mie coefficient. Atmospheric at- tenuation, Atmospheric transmissivity. Analytic expressions for the asymptotic forms of the Mie coefficients are derived. The asymp- totic regions are defined as those where one of the dimensionless parameters x or n is much larger than the other, x being the Mie size parameter and n the coefficient index. The ac- curacy and range of applicability of the results is investigated and some important special cases are treated in detail. The utility of the results in numerical computations is also discussed. (Author) AD-A023 197/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation Final technical rept. May 74-May 75 E. J. Fremouw, and C. L. Rino. Feb 76, 58p RADC-TR-76-35 Contract F30602-74-C-0279, ARPA Order-2777 Descriptors: 'Radio transmission, 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Scintillation, Radio waves, Elec- tromagnetic scattering, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Ionospheric models. Identifiers: 'Transionospheric propagation. This is the final quarterly technical report on a one-year contract to extend and improve an ex- isting empirical model for worldwide behavior of ionospherically imposed radio-wave scintil- lation. The objectives of the project were (1) to improve the accuracy of model-based calcula- tions of the intensity-scintillation index and (2) to develop a capability for full description (from the point of view of engineering applications) of the first-order, complex-signal statistics that characterize the transionospheric radio com- munication channel. The stated objectives of the just-completed project were accomplished by starting with the scintillation model developed by Fremouw and Rino (1973), adding a geomagnetic-activity dependence for the behavior of scintillation-producing ionospheric irregularities, and substituting a more accurate and general scattering theory for that of Briggs and Parkin (1963) used in the earlier model. The results of these efforts have been implemented in two computer programs. The first, entitled RFMOD, contains the main elements of the scattering theory, the morphological model for ionospheric irregularity strength and other parameters, and subroutines for calculating the geometry and other relevant quantities from user-specified inputs. AD-A023 344/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Computer Program for Predicting the Frequency Response of Complex Pneumatic Line Networks Master's thesis Thomas A. Bird. Dec 74, 66p Rept no. GAE/AE/74-D-8 Descriptors: 'Pneumatic devices, "Fluid flow, 'Frequency response, Tubes, Phase shift, Laminar flow, FORTRAN, Computer programs, Theses. A computer program which can predict the frequency response of complex pneumatic line networks has been written in Fortran Extended language in overlay structure. The program as- sumes plane pressure wave propagation and small perturbations. The lines may terminate with an arifice, another line, two branching lines, or may be open or blocked. If the lines are not blocked the flow is calculated based on laminar flow equations for incompressible fluids, with corrections for pressure drops across each line. Experimental results were compared with computer prediction for frequencies up to 1200 hz. The blocked line cases showed excellent agreement with theory for both gain and phase shift. The case with flow overpredicted the peak pressure gains, but the frequencies at which the peaks occurred were predicted, and the phase shift data showed excellent agreement with theory. AD-A023 345/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Discrete Technique for the Analysis of Sta- tionary Random Data Master's thesis Stephen A. Colello. Dec 74, 75p Rept no. GAE/AE/74D-11 Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, 'Computer programs, Autocorrelation, Power spectra, Turbulence, Flutter, Theses. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. A computer program is presented that calcu- lates the probability density function, autocor- relation function, power spectral density, and cross-correlation function. The program has the capability of accepting data from any sta- tionary random process such as turbulence, aerodynamic flutter, cavity flow, or pressure wave analysis. The program accepts digitized data and processes the data via user controls producing both tabulated and graphical dis- plays. The program was written in Fortran IV, verified and tested, and is now operational. It was verified by a standard signal of known composition and also an experimental data signal which was analyzed by other techniques and compared. The program is not limited to fluid flow analysis. AD-A023 351/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Method for Simulating Steady State Friction in Transient Fluid Flow Master's thesis Robert R. Tindall. Dec 74, 80p Rept no. GAE/AE/74D-25 Descriptors: 'Fluid control, 'Frequency response, Time domain. Pressure gradients, Fluid flow, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: MIMIC programming language. The small amplitude signal response for a 5 ft. and a 10 ft. 0.17 inch ID line to pneumatic satu- rating ramps was experimentally found. Average mean line conditions were 50.0 psia and 74F. The experimental results were com- pared with the predicted response of R. G. Leonard's semiemperical time domain fluid model. The model was extended to include pre- diction of the steady state pressure loss. General agreement between the experimental and predicted response was indicated. Parametric studies were accomplished to ex- amine the modified model's response to dif- ferent line conditions. The MIMIC programming language was investigated and applied for nu- merical solution of predicted fluid line response. A carousel digital time delay was pro- grammed for use with the MIMIC numerical solution. The carousel time delay reduced ex- ecution time by a third as compared by MIMIC'S time delay function. AD-A023 525/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio Natural Convection in an Enclosed Gas Heated by Local Laser Radiation Final rept. 1 Jan 74-1 Dec 75 Allan J. Ferrenberg, and Kervyn Mach. Mar 76, 1 1 5p Rept no. AFAPL-TR-76-1 1 Descriptors: *Convection(Heat transfer), 'Gas dynamics. Laser beams. Heating, Radiation ab- sorption. Computer programs. Mathematical models, Equations of motion, Numerical methods and procedures. Mixtures, Confine- ment(General), Containers, Thermal properties, Heat transfer. Identifiers: 'Laser heating. This report describes a technique by which the thermal effects of heating a gas by laser radia- tion absorption can be modelled. This is ac- complished via a two-diemensional computer program which couples the equations of mo- tion, energy, and continuity. The program models the convective motion of the gas during the irradiation period and predicts thermal and velocity distribution in the gas mixture. Any par- tially absorbing gas mixture can be considered, as long as sufficient thermophysical properties and absorption coefficients are known. Energy absorbed from the laser as a function of time can also be determined AD-A023 537/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Arlington Va Propagation Modeling and Analysis for High Energy Lasers Final rept. Jul 74-Mar 75 L. N. Peckham, P. R. Carlson, R. T. Liner, and C. W. Wilson. Apr 75, 1 61 p Rept no. SAI-74-629- WA Contract N60921 -75-C-0007 21 Descriptors: 'Continuous wave lasers, 'Laser beams. Wave propagation, Atmospheric win- dows. Light transmission, Turbulence, Mirrors, Optical equipment. Apertures, Mathematical models. Computer programs. Deuterium com- pounds, Fluorides, Far field, Thermal blooming. Finite element analysis. Identifiers: "Atmospheric transmissivity, At- mospheric attenuation, Deuterium fluoride lasers, SAICOM computer program. This report analyzes simplified propagation codes and recommends improved models for characterizing the propagation of high energy CW laser beams. The following are included A simplified optical train model; Creation of SA- ICOM computer program; Molecular absorp- tion of DF laser radiation. AD-A023 539/OCP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Lens Performance in a Nonstandard or Un- stable Thermal Environment Master's thesis Everett W. Heinonen. Dec 74, 101 p Rept no. GAE/ME/74D-1 Descriptors: 'Camera lenses, 'Thermal proper- ties, Aerial photography, Optical detection. Heat transfer, Computer programs. Mathemati- cal analysis, Theses. Identifiers: Modulation transfer functions, 'Photographic lenses. Analytic techniques for determining the optical performance of a camera lens under the in- fluence of steady state and transient thermal conditions are developed. A computer program using a simplified model of the lens to deter- mine certain key physical and optical parame- ters is developed. The steady state analysis finds these parameters at a new temperature directly, while the transient analysis employs finite difference equations which are solved nu- merically to find the temperature inside the lens as a function of position and time prior to deter- mining the parameters. With this information, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), a measurement of lens performance, is deter- mined using existing methods. Based on limited experimental evidence, correct trends of lens performance under various thermal con- ditions can be predicted. AD-A023 616/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Prediction of Vertical Water-Entry Forces on Ogives from Cone Data Interim rept. J. L. Baldwin. 1 5 Aug 75, 46p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-75-100 Descriptors: 'Ogives, 'Water entry, Conical bodies. Vertical orientation. Drag, Coefficients, Angles, Mass, Friction, Steady state, Computa- tions, Computer programs, Experimental data, Mathematical prediction, Accuracy, Com- parison, Curve fitting. Identifiers: Basic computer program. An empirical method of predicting the drag coefficient for vertical water entry of pointed shapes is presented. The drag coefficient ver- sus depth function is generated from experi- mental results of the vertical entry of cones of various angles. Comparison with experimental results shows that the predicted values are ac- curate to within + or - 25 percent. A computer program for predicting the water-entry drag coefficient of many shapes is included. (Author) AD-A023 627/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Optical Science Consultants Yorba Linda Calif Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Concepts Final technical rept. 15 Feb-15 Aug 75 David L. Fried. Mar 76, 186p DR-048. RADC-TR- 76-51 Contract F30602-74-C-01 15, ARPA Order-2646 Descriptors: 'Light transmission, 'Atmospheric motion. Images, Computer programs, Angle of arrival. Distortion, Scintillation, Subroutines, Heterodyning. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric optics, Basic, Optical apertures, Optical aberrations, Isoplanatism, Atmospheric transmissivity. Atmospheric at- tenuation. This report is separated into two parts. Part I presents the analytic backup and computer code results of an effort to generate a fairly general computer code that would allow calcu- lation of a variety of standard optical propaga- tion effects. These effects are concerned with imaging resolution, heterodyne reception, laser transmitter antenna gain, scintillation, prede- tection compensation, etc. The computer pro- gram is written in Extended BASIC and can be run on a 16K memory size NOVA-type com- puter. Sample calculations are presented. Part II of the report is concerned with the subject of isoplanatism and its measurement. It is demon- strated that the isoplanatic patch size will, in general, not be the same for predetection com- pensation and for ordinary short-exposure imagery. The concept of angle-of-arrival isoplanatism is introduced and a simple in- tegral expression relating the distribution of C sub N sq to angle-of-arrival isoplanatism is developed. The procedure for inverting a set of measurements of the angle-of-arrival isoplanatism function to obtain the distribution of C sub n square, and from that calculating the predetection compensation isoplanatism func- tion is studied. Details of the procedure and for- mulation of its noise sensitivity are presented. Using sample angle-of-arrival isoplanatism measurements made against the edge of the sun, the predetection compensation isoplanatism function is evaluated as well as its rms uncertainty. AD-A023 891/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations Memorandum rept. Jay P. Boris. Mar 76, 83p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3237 Descriptors: 'Finite difference theory, 'Hydrodynamic codes, 'FORTRAN, 'Computer programs, 'Hydrodynamics, Transport proper- ties, Subroutines, Boltzmann equation, Numeri- cal analysis, Coordinates, Lagrangian func- tions, Modules(Electronics), Algorithms, Op- timization. Identifiers: 'Continuity equations, Flux-cor- rected transport. Two Fortran subroutines for solving general- ized continuity equations using optimized Flux- Corrected Transport techniques are docu- mented. The basic finite-difference algorithm has fourth-order accurate phases and minimum residual diffusion. Phoenical antidiffusion has been generalized to moving grids and the entire algorithm has been vectorized for efficient pipeline computation. Nonlinear coupled systems of equations and multidimensional systems can be solved by repeated application of these routines. Eulerian, sliding rezone, and Lagrangian grids are allowed, and the calcula- tions performed in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems. (Author) AD-A023 995/4CP PC A07/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Description and Evaluation of a Digital-Com- puter Program for Calculating the Viscous Drag of Bodies of Revolution Research and development rept. Keith P. Kerney, and Nadine M. White. Dec 75, 148p Rept no. DTNSRDC-4641 Descriptors: 'Drag, 'Viscous flow, 'Computer programs, Bodies of revolution. Turbulent boundary layer. Pressure distribution. Transi- tions, Laminar boundary layer, Mathematical prediction, Fortran. Identifiers: Viscous drag. A digital-computer program has been written for calculating the viscous drag of streamlined bodies of revolution in constant-density axial flow. The integral approach adopted incor- porates recently improved methods for predict- ing the transition point and for calculating the turbulent boundary layer. The inputs to the computer program are the body geometry, the associated inviscid pressure distribution, and the body-length Reynolds number Agreement of calculated and measured drag coefficients is good, particularly in cases where the transition point is predicted accurately. (Author) AD-A024 065/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Varian Associates Beverly Mass CFA Design Improvement Program Semi-annual rept. 1 Jul-31 Dec 75. Mar 76, 128p Contract N00123-75-C-1294 Descriptors: 'Microwave amplifiers, 'Crossed field devices, 'Microwave tubes, Emitters, Manufacturing, Computer programs, Compu- terized simulation. Identifiers: Sole(Electronics). This report describes the technical objectives and summarizes the accomplishments during the first six months (July 1, 1975 - December 31, 1975) of a program aimed at improving the design techniques for emitting sole, reentrant stream, crossed-field amplifiers. AD-A024 253/7CP PC A08/MF A01 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Arlington Va Computer Programs for the AUSEX (Aircraft Undersea Sound Experiment) Air-Water Acoustic Propagation Model Technical memo. David Sachs, Leo Sledjeski, and Raya Stern. 28 Jan 76, 155p Rept no. BBN-TM-W307 Contract N0001 4-75-C-0532, ARPA Order-2909 Descriptors: 'Sound transmission, Air to un- derwater, Air water interactions, Underwater sound. Sea states, Algorithms, Computer pro- grams, Mathematical models, Computations, FORTRAN. Identifiers: AUSEX program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. This report is a user's guide for a computerized mathematical model development in support of the Aircraft Undersea Sound Experiment (AUSEX) Program. The AUSEX Program is funded and directed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The sub- ject mathematical model is termed the AUSEX Acoustic Propagation Model and it describes the acoustic propagation from a moving sound source in air, to and across a rough air-water interface, and subsequently through the water to an arbitrarily located point-acoustic receiver. This report describes the computer program architecture and the input and output data as- sociated with the program's use. Two examples of the program's application are included. In addition, the complete program listing for the Fortran IV coding is included. AD-A024 290/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Hydronautics Inc Laurel Md High Speed Computer Studies of Vortex Mo- tions in Relation to Aircraft Wake Turbulence Final rept. Clinton E. Brown, and Peter Van Dyke. Jan 76, 41 p TR-71 15-4, AFOSR-TR-76-0481 22 Contract F44620-71-C-0080 Descriptors: "Wake, 'Commercial aircraft, "Vortices, Aircraft, Hazards, Aviation accidents. Flow fields, Sweptback wings, Flaps(Control surfaces), Spoilers, Load distribution, Jet trans- port planes, Moments, Ground effect, Turbu- lence, Hot wire anemometers. Coalescence, In- teractions, Aerodynamic loading, Experimental data, Counterrotation, Rotation, Computer pro- grams, Computers. Identifiers: "Vortex sheets, Boeing 747 aircraft, Rolling moment. Computations are presented and compared with experimental data from other sources for basic and advanced problems in aircraft - wake vortex interactions. Results are presented for coalescence of corotation and counterrotating vortex groups and finally a complete high speed computer method is developed for simu- lating the roll reaction of an aircraft to the wake produced by a large aircraft with flaps deployed. Suggestions for improved experi- mental approaches are also appended. (Author) AD-A024 311/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Statistics of Global IR Atmospheric Transmis- sion Project rept. Anthony P. Modica, and Herbert Kleiman. 3 Mar 76, 101pTT-7, ESD-TR-76-67 Contract F19628-76-C-0002, ARPA Order-2752 Descriptors: "Light transmission, "Infrared radiation, Attenuation, Atmospheres, Transmis- sion loss, Visibility, Humidity, Fog, Haze, Rain, Ceiling, Atmosphere models, Mathematical pre- diction. Sea level. Narrowband, Line of sight. Northern hemisphere, Meteorological data, Statistical distributions, Seasonal variations, Geographical distribution, Data bases, Elec- trooptics, Lasers, Weapon system effective- ness. Identifiers: LOWTRAN computer program, HOWLS project, Opaque project, Atmospheric attenuation, Atmospheric transmissivity. RAND weather data tapes have been used to obtain statistics of visibility, relative humidity and cloud ceiling heights for weather stations throughout the Northern Hemisphere to generate global probabilities for atmospheric attenuation in the infrared spectral region. The present analysis predicts seasonal probabilities for horizontal sea level transmission losses for several narrow IR bands (1.0-1.2), (3.8-4.2), (8.0- 11.5 micrometers) and four laser lines (106), (3.83), (4.73) and (10.6 micrometers). The results also include cloud-free-line-of-sight probabilities and attenuation losses through rain. (Author) AD-A024 361/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Dept of Aerospace En- gineering and Engineering Mechanics The Development of a Computer Aided Airfoil Design Procedure Including Preliminary Wind Tunnel Experiments on a Low Reynolds Number High Lift Section. Volume I Final rept. 1 Dec 70-30 Nov 75 Jimmy Charles Narramore, Ralph Dean Olander, and Ronald Oran Stearman. Jan 76, 151pAFOSR-TR-76-0536 Grant AF-AFOSR-1998-71 Descriptors: "Airfoils, "Computer aided design, Optimization, High lift, Subsonic flow, Methodology, Reynolds number, Flow fields, Stalling, Flutter, Incompressible flow, Suppres- sion, Calculus of variations, Computer pro- grams, Trailing edge, Pressure, Velocity, Dis- tribution, Theory, Two dimensional, Interac- tions, Gliders. Identifiers: Eppler inverse computer program, Lift coefficient, JN-1 53 airfoil. An investigation on the state of the art of sub- sonic airfoil section design, including a review of the historical development of airfoil design methodology, was carried out. A computer aided airfoil design procedure employing cur- rent technology was developed and utilized to design a low-Reynolds number, high-lift airfoil section. Preliminary wind tunnel studies were carried out on this high-lift section and the in- fluence of flow disturbances on its per- formances evaluated. This study represents the first phase in determining how changes in air- foil design parameters influence the dynamical properties of the airfoil. (Author) AD-A024 384/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C FORTRAN Subroutines to Evaluate, in Single or Double Precision, Bessel Functions of the First and Second Kinds for Complex Argu- ments Final rept. Lawrence Flax, and Janet P. Mason. 27 Apr 76, 29p Rept no. NRL-7997 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Bessel functions, "Acoustic scattering, Computations, FORTRAN, Special functions(Mathematical). Identifiers: CDC-3600 computers, CDC-3800 computers. Subroutines have been written in FORTRAN for the CDC 3600/3800 to evaluate Bessel func- tions of the first and second kinds for complex arguments. These routines will compute (J sub n)(x + iy) and (Y sub n)(x + iy), where x < or = 0, y > or = 0, and i = the square root of (-1). Using the identity 2/(pi(x + iy)) = J sub(n + 1)(x + iy)(Y sub n)(x + iy) - (J sub n)(x + iy)(Y sub(n + 1)(x + iy)) as a check, the single-preci- sion version will generate results that are accu- rate to eight figures or more for arguments equal to (plus or minus 20.0 plus or minus 20. Oi) and the double-precision version will generate results that are accurate for seven figures or more for arguments equal to (plus or minus 100.0 plus or minus 20.0i). AD-A024 393/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Optical Science Consultants Yorba Linda Calif Predetection Compensated Imaging Theory Interim rept. 18 Aug 75-15 Feb 76 David L. Fried. Apr 76, 110p DR-059. RADC-TR- 76-103 Contract F30602-76-C-0005 Descriptors: "Optical images, "Optical detec- tion, "Light transmission, Wavefronts, Finite element analysis. Computer programs, Phased arrays. Atmospheres, Optical instruments. At- mospheric sounding, Scintillation, Integral equations, Transfer functions, Apertures. Identifiers: Atmospheric transmissivity, Isoplanatism, Atmospheric attenuation, BASIC programming language. This report presents results on several subjects related to predetection compensated imaging. In Chapter I, it treats the relationship between noise in phase difference measurements and the resultant noise in the estimated wavefront. In Chapter II, results are presented for use in reduction and interpretation of the AMOS site characterization measurements. Chapter III presents results on the subject of intensity isoplanatism. Chapter IV is concerned with the accuracy with which the achieved OTF of a predetection compensated image can be esti- mated. AD-A024 667/8CP PC A13/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport R I A Study of the Drag Characteristics and Polymer Diffusion in the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmetric Body Technical rept. John E.Sirmalis. 12 Mar 76, 277p Rept no. NUSC-TR-4860 Doctoral thesis. Descriptors: "Drag reduction, 'Polymers, 'Ejection, 'Boundary iayer, 'Laminar boundary layer, Bodies of revolution, Pipes, Flat plate models, Fluid flow, Axisymmetric, Turbulent flow. Transitions, Turbulent boundary layer. Walls, Diffusion, Concentration(Composition), Test methods, Dyes, Water, Computer pro- grams, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: Polyox WSR-301 polymers. Drag reduction by ejection of high molecular weight polymers on free-running bodies of revolution has been demonstrated repeatedly. The quantities of polymer required have made the gains achieved marginal from a volume utilization tradeoff. The ejection process is hypothesized to be the controlling factor. Limited data obtained in pipe flow and flat plate flow experiments on ejection into developing boundary layers indicate a drastic reduction in polymer requirements for equivalent percent drag reductions. Extension to axisymmetric flow could result in significant achievable gains to volume utilization. This study examines these polymer ejection processes through measure- ment of wall and boundary layer concentration profiles and through a photographic study of the boundary layer. Tests performed with fresh water ejection and solutions of the drag reduc- ing polymer, Polyox WSR-301, lead to the hypothesis that optimal ejection for minimum polymer usage requires ejection into a laminar boundary layer prior to turbulent fiow transi- tion. Analytical routines are developed which predict boundary layer parameters and polymer wall concentrations for this postulated optimal ejection process or the suboptimal case. Limited verification of the model is made. (Author) AD-A024 721/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta School of Mechanical Engineering Geometrical Acoustics Techniques in Far Field Infrasonic Waveform Syntheses Scientific rept. no. 2 Allan D. Pierce, and Wayne A. Kinney. 7 Mar 76, 69pAFGL-TR-76-0055 Contract F19628-74-C-0065 See also AD-A022 978. Descriptors: 'Infrasonics, 'Ray tracing, Waveforms, Far field, Acoustic velocity. At- mospheres, Wave propagation, Computations, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Caustics, Airy functions, 'Geometrical acoustics. The present report is concerned with the development of a computational model for the prediction of long range infrasound propaga- tion in the atmosphere. The computational model discussed here is one which is partly based on ray acoustic concepts; it should be applicable to wave periods less than three minutes and is intended to complement the guided mode model of acoustic gravity wave propagation which has been extensively discussed in previous reports and papers. AD-A024 804/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Weapons Center China Lake Calif Low Efficiency Diffraction Grating Theory Final rept. J. M. Elson. Mar 76, 132p AFWL-TR-75-210 Descriptors: 'Diffraction gratings, 'Light scat- tering. "Infrared radiation, "Beam splitting, Op- tical coatings. Dielectric films. Surface waves, Surface roughness. Mathematical analysis. Computer programs. Perturbation theory, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: MULTI computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. 23 The scattering of light from low efficiency reflective diffraction gratings is theoretically analyzed using a first-order perturbation technique. While results are concerned primari- ly with radiation of 10.6 micrometer wavelength, the theory is valid for all wavelengths for which the dielectric constant of the grating is negative. Results apply to grat- ing groove profiles of arbitrary shape in the low efficiency region. Included are analyses of dif- fraction from bare gratings, from gratings over- coated with a single dielectric layer and from gratings with multiple dielectric layers. Con- sideration is also given to diffuse scattering from random roughness superimposed on the perfectly formed grating groove profile and to coupling of the incident beam energy into sur- face waves. AD-A025 092/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Science Applications Inc La Jolla Calif Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials (Supplement) Final rept. 16Jun-15 Sep 75 W. Malkmus, and G. M. Reynolds. Apr 76, 25p SAI-75-661-LJ, BRL-CR-298 Contract DAAD05-74-C-0768 Supplement to Report dated Sep 75, AD-A017 670. Descriptors: "Radioactive materials, 'Surface chemistry, Debris, Computer programs. Machine coding, Adsorption, Antimissile defense systems. Optical detectors, Sputtering, Ions, Interactions, Adhesion, Nuclear radiation, Strontium, Tin, Xenon, Samarium. This report describes the further development of a computer code for the purpose of simulat- ing the collision of an atom or ion with the sur- face of a solid material such as a metal or metal oxide. The computer program produces Morse function parameters by matching a given set of three physical properties of bulk material of fee structure. Results are presented for the impingement of certain radioactive debris ions (Sr+, Sn + , Xe+) and Sm+ on a metallic sur- face, and on the same surface contaminated with a monolayer of oxygen. (Author) AD-A025 145/4CP PC A05/MF A01 TRW Systems Group Redondo Beach Calif High Energy Laser Test Support Equipment Beam Diagnostic Program Final rept. Aug 74-Jul 75 R. C. Phillips. 28 Jul 75, 93p Rept no. TRW- 27166.4721-11 Contract DAAH01 -75-C-0023 Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, 'Laser beams, Infrared lasers, Diagnostic equipment, Helium, Neon, Electromechanical devices. Instability, Focusing, Computer programs. Identifiers: "High energy lasers, Helium neon lasers. A twelve-month program has been conducted to develop an optical diagnostic device for measuring the quality and jitter of a high energy laser beam. The beam diagnostic device developed consists of two sets of variable frequency, electromechanical scanners mounted in an orthogonal configuration, such that scans can be taken of a focused beam in both X and Y directions. The scanning system, its tracking of the beam centroid, data acquisi- tion, and beam quality and beam jitter calcula- tions are controlled by a PDP/8e m inicomputer. A fully computer-controlled system has been found to be essential, since a large quantity of data is required for determination of beam quality and beam jitter/wander. The bread- board device was fabricated and assembled and underwent preliminary testing and checkout in the laboratory using a HeNe laser. Following this, the device was moved to the Capistrano Test Site for design verification testinf using a chemical laser. A hot firing was conducted on 6 June 1975 with the diagnostic device operating under full computer control. All expected data were obtained. AD-A025 186/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton IncNJ Users Manual: Supersonic Unsteady Cascade Program. Volume II Final rept. 22 Apr-22 Dec 75 John E. Yates. Dec 75, 39p ARAP-262-Vol-2, AFFDL-TR-75-1 59-Vol-2 Contract F33615-75-C-3102 Descriptors: *Cascades(Fluid dynamics), 'Supersonic flow, 'Computer programs. Manuals, User needs. Aerodynamics, Two dimensional, Lift, Moments, Coefficients, Free stream, Wind tunnels. Blade airfoils. Identifiers: Kutta condition. This report is a users manual for a linearized unsteady supersonic cascade program. The basic theory is summarized in Section II together with a brief description of the numeri- cal algorithm. A detailed description of how to use the program is given in Section III. The pro- gram can be used to calculate unsteady lift and moment coefficients on a supersonic finite two- dimensional cascade in a wind tunnel or free stream. Individual blades are excited in transla- tion or rotation and the lift and moment coeffi- cients are calculated on all other blades. An op- tional modified Kutta condition is included in the program. The detailed underlying theory is included in a companion technical report ('Analysis of Supersonic Unsteady Cascades with the Method of Characteristics,' AFFDL-TR- 159, Volume I, December 1975). (Author) AD-A025 188/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Rutgers - the State Univ New Brunswick N J Dept of Mechanical Industrial and Aerospace Engineering Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Nozzle Interim technical rept. 1 Jul 73-1 Jul 74 T. A. DeRossett, C. E. G. Przirembel, and L. S. Fletcher. Dec 74, 1 15p Rept no. RU-TR-145- MIAE-F Contract DAAA21 -73-C-0781 Descriptors: 'Resonance, 'Tubes, 'Fluidics, 'Nozzles, 'Jet flow, 'Flow fields, Axisymmetric, Plates, Impingement, Jets, Heating, Cavities, Subsonic nozzles, Finite difference theory, Equations, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Input, Output, Literature surveys. Identifiers: 'Choked nozzles, 'Resonance tubes. A simple resonance tube consists of a cavity having the open end axially aligned with a suitable high velocity gas flow field. Under cer- tain flow conditions and for certain geometric configurations, the temperature of the gas trapped in the cavity may exceed substantially the adiabatic stagnation temperature of the driving jet. A rigorous theoretical solution to the complete resonance tube heating phenomenon is an exceedingly complex task. The first step in solving the complete problem was initiated in this investigation by considering the flow field of an axisymmetric jet impinging on a normal plate. A numerical solution of a simplified ax- isymmetric, unsteady flow was postulated, wherein the driving gas was assumed to be in- viscid, thermally-nonconducting and chemi- cally non-reacting. An implicit finite difference scheme was utilized in the development of the computer program. During the contract period, the governing equations of continuity, momen- tum and energy were formulated for axisym- metric flow and transformed into the 'convservation law' form as required for the Lax-Wendroff technique. The finite-difference equations were obtained, and an appropriate computer program was developed. The initial and boundary conditions for the flow field were postulated, and calculations for both a properly, expanded sonic nozzle and subsonic nozzle were initiated. Instabilities in the calcu- lations were investigated. Recommendations for additional work are proposed. (Author) AD-A025 260/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif Modified GRAY: An Improved Three-Phase Equation of State for Metals Final rept. William O. Wray, and Robert A. Cecil. Apr 76, 125p SSS-R-76-2753, BRL-CR-299 Contract DAAD05-74-C-0770 Descriptors: 'Metals, 'Equations of state, Phase studies, Phase transformations. Liquid metals, Vapors, Thermodynamics, Constants, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Modified Gray Equation of state, Van der Waals equation of state. An improved version of the GRAY three-phase equation of state for metals is presented in this report. The Grover model for liquid metals is modified by employing a single continuous representation of the specific heat thereby eliminating the somewhat artificial hot liquid region. A soft sphere representation is incor- porated into the modified van der Waals equa- tion of state for the vapor region yielding a model which is physically realistic at high tem- peratures and more compatible with the Gover model. A continuous and thermodynamically consistent join procedure is inserted between the Gover liquid and van der Walls vapor re- gions. This new join procedure does not distort the van der Waals model in the vicinity of the critical point and allows the vapor to limit cor- rectly at high temperatures and volumes. (Author) AD-A025 408/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Time Delay Estimation Technical rept. G. Clifford Carter. 9 Apr 76, 245p Rept no. NUSC-TR-5335 Descriptors: 'Bearing(Direction), 'Estimates, 'Computer programs. Signal processing, Delay, Digital systems. Probability density functions, FORTRAN, Nonlinear systems. Coherence. Identifiers: 'Maximum likelihood estimate, 'Time delay, 'Fast fourier transforms. This study investigates methodologies for pas- sive estimation of the bearing to a slowly mov- ing acoustically radiating source. The mathe- matics for the solution to such a problem is analogous to estimating the time delay (or group delay) between two time series. The esti- mation of time delay is intimately related to the coherence between two time series. New results on using coherence to provide informa- tion about linear and nonlinear systems are presented. The maximum likelihood (ML) esti- mate of time delay is derived; the explicit de- pendence of the estimate on coherence is evident in the realization in which the two time series are prefiltered (to accentuate frequency bands of high coherence) and subsequently crosscorrelated. Also included are statistics of the estimates of the magnitude-squared coherence (MSC), including the probability density function, the cumulative distribution function, and the m-th moment of the MSC esti- mate. A complete discussion of the bias and the variance of the MSC estimates is presented. The receiver operating characteristics of a linearly thresholded coherence estimation de- tector are also presented. A general FORTRAN 4 computer program using the fast Fourier transform to estimate time delay is given. 24 AD-A025 487/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Materi- als Research Lab Coating Science and Technology Final rept. 2 Jan-30 Nov 75 Bruce E. Knox, and K. Vedam. Mar 76, 88p RADC-TR-76-95 Contract F19628-75-C-01 10, ARPA Order-2415 Descriptors: 'Infrared optical materials, "Laser materials, 'Optical coatings, 'Infrared windows, Substrates, Cadmium tellurides, Germanium, Infrared lasers, Sputtering, Plasmas(Physics), Potassium chloride, Carbon, Polarimetry, Auger electron spectroscopy, Electron microscopy. Electron diffraction, X ray diffrac- tion, Crystal structure, Optical properties, Ab- sorption(Physical), Computer prog rams. Identifiers: Ion plating. Ion scattering spec- trometry, BASIC programming language. The objective of this research was to develop a thorough understanding of films applied as coatings on materials transparent to 10.6 and 3- 5 micrometer radiation. The approach included the preparation of films by sputtering or ion- plating, chemical and physical vapor deposi- tion, and plasma polymerization. The materials studied were CdTe and Ge. New efforts to deposit tetrahedral carbon films were also in- cluded. Characterization techniques for the coatings included infrared spectrometry, laser- Raman spectrometry, ion scattering spec- trometry, Auger electron spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffrac- tion, x-ray emission analysis, ellipsometry, and durability tests. The preparation of cadmium telluride films by sputter deposition was thoroughly investigated. Optical absorption studies were conducted with CdTe films deposited on KCI substrates. The oxidation of germanium films sputter-deposited on KCI sub- strates was investigated. These studies will be used to provide guidelines for the selection of the best materials, processes and process con- trols for the production of good optical coatings for infrared components. AD-A026 333/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Intelcom Rad Tech San Diego Calif SGEMP Phenomenology and Computer Code Development Final rept. Oct 73-Oct 74 Thomas N. Delmer, Eugene P. dePlomb, Eric P. Wenaas, and Andrew J. Woods. Nov 74, 112p INTEL-RT-81 04-029, DNA-3653F Contract DNA001 -74-C-0010 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses, 'Computer programming, Maxwells equations. Electron emission. Computations, Cylindrical bodies, Spheres, Artificial satellites. Identifiers: DYNA2CYL computer program, DYNASPHERE computer program . Two new computer codes, DYNA2CYL and DYNASPHERE, have been developed for use in system-generated EMP (SGEMP) and internal EMP (IEMP) problems. The code DYNA2CYL solves Maxwell's equations dynamically and self-consistently in two dimensions (r and z) in the region between two concentric cylinders of finite length. The calculations are for end-on ir- radiation of the cylinders, which is simulated by specified emission of electrons from either or both the outer and inner cylinders into the cylindrical cavity. The two cylinders can be iso- lated from one another or connected by an ar- bitrary load. The outputs of the code are fields and currents on the inner and outer cylinders, the potential difference between the two cylin- ders, and the current through the load between the cylinders. AD-A026 456/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Transonic Thermal Blooming Doctoral thesis Edwin Fenton Carey, Jr. Mar 76, 120p Descriptors: 'Laser beams, 'Thermal blooming, 'Transonic flow, Atmospheric motion, Heat, In- tegral equations, Mathematical analysis, Equa- tions of motion, Graphs, Computer programs, Algebraic functions, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric transmissivity, At- mospheric attenuation, BLOOM computer pro- gram. According to the linearized solutions for ther- mal blooming, the density perturbations become infinite (i.e. 'catastrophic' defocusing) as the Mach number approaches unity. How- ever, the nonlinearities in the transonic equa- tions cutoff the trend to infinity, and the values of the flow perturbation quantities are finite. The nonlinear equations with heat addition are transformed into simple linear algebraic equa- tions through the specification of the stream- line geometry in the heat release region. At a Mach number of unity, streamtube area varia- tion was found to be directly proportional to the change in total temperature. A steady, two- dimensional mixed flow solution has been found for the transonic thermal blooming problem. The solution for the density perturba- tions within a laser beam at a Mach number of precisely unity is given. AD-A026 466/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Method of Moments Applications - Coupling through a Rectangular Aperture in a Plane Screen Phase rept. Jan - Dec 73 A. T. Adams, and D. E. Warren. May 76, 84p RADC-TR-73-21 7-Vol-8 Contract F30602-72-C-0360 See also report dated Dec 75, AD-A01 9 771 . Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic susceptibility, 'Apertures, Coupling(lnteraction), Electromag- netic fields, Electromagnetic compatibility, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: WONDER computer program. Method of moments. This method of moments is used in conjunction with Babinet's principle to treat problems in- volving coupling of energy through rectangular apertures in a plane screen. The complementa- ry disk is approximated by a wire grid structure, and the method of moments for this wires is then applied. Loaded wires beyond the aperture may also be treated approximately. Aperture size up to about one square wavelength is per- mitted. AD-A026 613/OCP PC A09/MF A01 Acurex Corp Mountain View Calif Aerotherm Div Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program. Volume XVII. Computer User's Manual: Ero- sion Shape (EROS) Computer Code Interim rept. Apr 74-Mar 75 D. Rafinejad, and C. Derbidge. Dec 74, 198p AEROTHERM-UM-74-57, SAMSO-TR-74-86- Vol-17 Contract F04701-74-C-0069 See also Volume 1 5 dated Apr 74, AD-A020 71 3. Descriptors: 'Nose tips, 'Reentry vehicles, 'Ablation, 'Computer programming. Input out- put models, Computer programs, Numerical methods and procedures. Boundary layer flow, Shape, Materials, Response, Heat transfer, In- viscid flow, Equations, Surface properties, Handbooks, Computations. Identifiers: Passive nosetip technology, PANT program, EROS computer code. A computer program is developed to numeri- cally model the in-depth transient response and shape history of an ablating nosetip subjected to a reentry environment. The generality of the input also allows the user to conveniently analyze the boundary layer, shape change and in-depth response of many materials in a variety of test facilities. The computer code is capable of handling nosetips of shell or plug geometries. The boundary layer and heat transfer distribution are modeled for a variety of environments including hydrometer erosion. In addition, inviscid flow and heat transfer dis- tributions for many types of blunt bodies in hypersonic flow can be readily calculated. AD-A026 614/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Acurex Corp Mountain View Calif Aerotherm Div Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program. Volume XVIII. Nosetip Analyses Using the EROS Computer Code Interim rept. Apr 74-Mar 75 G. J. Neuner, M. R. Wool, and R. A. Berry. Jun 75, 80p Aerotherm-74-1 00, SAMSO-TR-74-86- Vol-18 Contract F04701 -74-C-0069 See also Volume 17 dated Dec 74, AD-A026 613. Descriptors: 'Nose tips, "Reentry vehicles, 'Ablation, "Computer applications, Computa- tions, Response, Shape, Graphite, Reinforced plastics, Heat transfer. Wind tunnels, Flight, Surface roughness, Hydrometeors, Assess- ment, Mathematical analysis. Erosion. Identifiers: EROS computer code, "Passive nosetip technology, PANT program. The results of nosetip response calculations using the newly-developed, EROsion Shape (EROS) computer code are documented. The code enables the evaluation of nosetip coupled erosion and ablation and shape change for ar- bitrary materials including fine weave car- bon/carbon, polycrystalline graphite, and rein- forced phenolics. Transient heat conduction is also treated through an innovative explicit dif- ferencing scheme. Calculations are presented for wind tunnel test environments, ICBM clear air flight conditions, and Terrier-Recruit sound- ing rocket flight conditions. In the analysis matrix, modeling techniques are varied to identify response sensitivity to modeling uncer- tainties. The primary conclusions are that: Transition altitude and overall recession of ICBM nosetips in clear air are critically sensitive to material roughness characteristics. Hydrometeor impacts cause significant nosetip erosion mass loss and increased surface ther- mochemical mass loss. AD-A026 619/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Acurex Corp Mountain View Calif Aerotherm Div Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program. Volume XXII. Coupled Erosion/Ablation of Reentry Materials Interim rept. Dec 74-Jun 75 C. J. Wolf, C. T. Nardo, and T. J. Dahm. Jul 75, 89p Aerotherm-75-160, SAMSO-TR-74-86-Vol- 22 Contract F04701 -71-C-0027 See also Volume 20 dated Aug 75, AD-A026 617. Descriptors: "Nose tips, "Reentry vehicles, "Ablation, 'Morphology, Erosion, Coupling(lnteraction), Uncertainty, Mass transfer, Impact, Shape, Models, Mathematical analysis, Experimental data, Materials, Varia- tions, Theory, Graphite. Identifiers: 'Passive nosetip technology, PANT program, EROS computer code. A study of coupled erosion/ablation effects in flight and ballistic range environments is con- ducted with the objectives of identifying and quantifying the sources, magnitudes and con- sequences of uncertainties associated with the data and phenomenology on which shape change calculations are based. The interac- tions of the phenomena of temperature depen- dent single impact mass loss and erosion in- duced augmented heating as key elements within the morphology of coupled effects are 25 Investigated. A test plan consisting of compli- mentary single impact and ballistic range ex- periments is presented in which the material sampl s, the impacting particle, the impact veloc' / and the thermal state of the material is closeiy matched. AD-A026 648/6CP PC A02/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Some Problems in the Simulation of Very Large Hydrodynamic Systems A. B. Nelson. Dec 75, 16p Rept no. P-5552 Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamics, 'Computerized simulation. Mathematical models, Computer programs, Atmospheric circulation, Tidal cur- rents, Tides, Com plex variables, Systems analy- sis. Computer graphics, Display systems, Cen- tral processing units, Data processing, Data management. Problem solving. Identifiers: "Tidal dynamics, Complex systems. Large scale continuous simulation systems place greater demands on computer resources than most computer applications. The need for extremely large amounts of high speed core and Cen**al Processing Unit time can tax even the largest and fastest machines. In addition, the high cost of each simulation experiment places a great responsibility on the people in- volved in the design, implementation and use of such Systems. This paper describes approaches to dealing with the difficulties inherent to the operation of several simulation programs in- cluding both 2-D and 3-D estuary models (used for the study of tidal dynamics and water quali- ty) and global models of ocean and atmospher- ic circulation. The computer requirements are discussed as well as some of the data manage- ment problems. Various procedures for simpli- fying the use of the programs and for validating and analyzing simulation results are con- sidered, including graphic display. (Author) AD-A026 755/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Reflected and Transmitted Fields for a Plane- Wave Pulse Incident on a Conducting Ground Technical rept. Egon Marx. Apr 76, 59p Rept no. H DL-TR-1 740 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic wave propaga- tion, "Plane waves, "Computer programs, Ground(Electrical), Electromagnetic pulses, Reflection, Fourier transformation, FORTRAN. Identifiers: GROUND computer program. Computer code GROUND is presented for determination and plotting of the total electric and magnetic fields in air and those transmitted below the surface for a plane-wave pulse in- cident on a ground of finite conductivity. The theory required to write down the necessary equations is also presented. The input to the code can be analytic, such as a double ex- ponential, or a digitized trace. A number of parameters determines the characteristics of the medium and the wave, and the flow of the program. AD-A026 915/9CP PC A07/MF A01 Battelle Columbus Labs Ohio Exploratory Development of Laser-Hardened Materials and Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters and Material Response to High- Power Laser Radiation. Volume II. Appen- dices A-E Final rept. 15 Mar 73-31 Aug 75 C. T. Walters, R. E. Ill Beverly, and T. J. Negrelli. Dec 75, 1 39p AFM L-TR-75-1 83-Vo I-2 Contract F33615-73-C-5045 See also Volume 1 , AD-A026 831 . Descriptors: "Carbon dioxide lasers, "Laser beams, "Materials, "Radiation hardening, "Laboratory equipment, Diagrams, Drawings, Wiring diagrams, Control panels, Circuit boards, Electronic equipment. Systems en- gineering, Data acquisition, Safety, Control systems, Irradiation, Vacuum, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: High power lasers, Laser target in- teractions. This three-volume report summarizes research efforts undertaken in a two-year research pro- gram to develop two laboratories at AFML for studies of the interaction of high-power C02 laser beams with materials of interest to the USAF. In Volume I, various elements of the laboratories developed by Battelle are discussed. Volume II contains Appendices A-E which present detailed schematics, listings, and drawings for some of the laser laboratory systems. Appendix A. Wiring Diagrams for LCL Control Console and EAL Timing Shutter Elec- tronics; Appendix B. NLCL Event Sequencer Schematic Diagrams; Appendix C. NLCL Safety Control Panel Schematic Diagrams; Appendix D. Software for NLCL Data Acquisition System; Appendix E. Detail Drawings for Vacuum ir- radiation system. (Author) AD-A027 043/9CP MF A01 Army Engineer Topographic Labs Fort Belvoir Va Holographic Ray Tracing and Spot Diagrams Research note Eugene A. Margerum. Aug 75, 1 27p Rept no. ETL-0052 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Holography, "Ray tracing, Holo- grams, Plotters, Automatic, Computer pro- grams, Refractive index. Identifiers: Image reconstruction. Spot dia- grams, Optical images. A method is developed for computing spot dia- grams of holographic images of point objects. The hologram is treated as an array of approxi- mating gratings, and the spot diagrams are ob- tained by extending the emergent rays to planes in the region of the Gaussian image. Computed spot diagrams are given for one set of formation parameters where the reconstruc- tion parameters have been varied to show the effects of slight to severe changes in recon- struction conditions. The parameters changed include variations x, y, and z coordinates of the reconstruction (reference) source and wavelength. Derivation of the new equations is given, and also a copy of a sample computer program is included. The spot diagrams were made using an automatic computer plotter. (Author) AD-A027 091/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif TRIOIL IV. A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Code for the ILLIAC IV Com- puter Topical rept. Jan-Sep 75 L. L. Reed, and D. R. Henderson. Dec 75, 39p SSS-IR-76-2807, DNA-3865T Contract DNA001 -75-C-0058 Descriptors: "Three dimensional flow, "Computer programs, Computations, Partial differential equations. Parallel processing, Mathematical models, Blast waves. Identifiers: "ILLIAC-4 computer, "TRIOIL4 com- puter program. The TRIOIL IV, 3-D Eulerian hydrodynamic code has been reconfigured from the UNIVAC 1108 to the ILLIAC IV. The code treats two materials and permits valuable zone sizes in three dimen- sions. The code has been tested with a three- dimensional blast problem with demonstrated gains in running time economy. AD-A027 215/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Riverside Research Inst New York Present Status of the RRI Slant-Path Absorp- tion Model (SLAM) Computer Program Technical rept. 1 9 Mar 75-23 Jan 76 D. Koppel. 23 Jan 76, 56p Rept no. RRI-T-2/306- 3-14 Contract DAAH01-74-C-041 9, ARPA Order-2281 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic wave propaga- tion, "Radiation attenuation, "Atmosphere models, "Computer programs, Millimeter waves, Submillimeter waves. Far infrared radia- tion. Identifiers: "Atmospheric attenuation, SLAM computer program. A computer program (SLAM) is described which calculates the attenuation by air of microwave and submillimeter radiaton. Besides the horizontal attenuation, the vertical attenua- tion from various levels down to the ground and out into space is calculated for a fixed frequen- cy. The line profile and atmospheric model can be selected from among several. Comparison is made with other calculations, and with experi- ments. Possibilities for improving the program are discussed. (Author) AD-A027 396/1 C P PC A05/ M F A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Programs for Obtaining Sound Speeds from Digitized Environmental Data Interim rept. David A. Nutile. 28 Jun 76, 78p Rept no. NRL- 7993 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, "Acoustic velocity, "Computer applications, "Bathythermographic data, Salinity, Computer programs, Computations, FORTRAN, North At- lantic Ocean. Identifiers: Ocean temperature. A system of programs has been written in For- tran for obtaining sound speeds in meters per second from digitized depth vs temperature data, in most cases XBT's. Six separate pro- grams were used to allow for human decisions at key steps in the process to ensure reliable results. Archival Nansen-cast data were used to calculate the grouped, avenged salinities. These values, along with the temperature data, are used to calculate sound speed from Leroy's second formula. Report-quality plots of the temperature and sound speed profiles are produced. This report explains the steps used, describes the programs completely, and gives examples of the outputs provided. AD-A027 522/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Ap- plied Research Lab Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spherical Sources with Mixed Boundary Con- ditions Master's thesis Christopher C. Gerding. 1 1 Mar 76, 82p Rept no. TM-76-76 Contract N00017-73-C-1418 Descriptors: "Acoustic fields, "Underwater sound, Fourier analysis, Legendre functions. Wave equations, Computer programs, Compu- tations, FORTRAN, Theses. Identifiers: IBM-370/168 computers, FORTRAN 4 programming language. Collocation method. Three acoustic radiation problems concerning axisymmetric radiating spheres with mixed boundary conditions on their surfaces have been treated numerically. They are: first, a radi- ally vibrating polar cap mounted on an other- wise rigid spherical baffle; second, the same cap mounted on an otherwise pressure release spherical baffle; and third, the same cap and a contiguous pressure release belt, both mounted on an otherwise rigid spherical baffle. The solution of the first problem is obtainable in terms of eigenfunctions which are orthogonal 26 over the sphere and is consequently well known; it was thus used as a comparison check for the second and third problem. The solutions of the above problems were accomplished by assuming a Fourier-Legendre series expansion of the acoustic pressure field and numerically determining the coefficients in the expansion, either by the least mean square error method, or by boundary collocation. The first and second problems were solved by both methods, while the third was treated by the least mean square error method only. The numerical com- putations were performed on an IBM 370/168 digital computer in FORTRAN IV. AD-A027 576/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp Bethpage N Y Research Dept A Model for Emission and Scattering of In- frared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Com- bustion Gases and Particles D. Vanderbilt, and M. Slack. Jun 76, 49p Rept no. RM-621 Descriptors: "Infrared signatures, 'Exhaust gases, 'Combustion products, 'Computerized simulation, Particles, Emission, Scattering, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Machine coding. Light scattering, Mie scatter- ing, Heat transfer. Homogeneity, Exhaust plumes. Infrared radiation, Absorption, Models. Identifiers: 'Plume detection, Air pollution de- tection, Rocket exhaust, Jet engine exhaust. A model for treating radiant heat transfer in in- homogeneous media containing both gases and anisotropically scattering particles is presented. Absorption and scattering coeffi- cients are calculated for discrete particle sizes using the Dave treatment of Mie scattering. The model incorporates a one dimensional beam approximation and couples the particulate and gaseous heat transfer equations. An existing gaseous infrared radiation computer code has been updated to included particulate scatter- ing, absorption and emission in its calculation of radiant heat transfer from combustion products and exhaust plumes. It is shown that the present model is an improvement over models which merely add independent compu- tations of gaseous and particulate radiation. (Author) AD-A027 578/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Westinghouse Oceanic Div Annapolis Md Nonlinear Scaling Laws for Parametric Receiving Arrays. Part II. Numerical Analysis J. W. Kesner, and F. H. Fenlon. 30 Jun 76, 120p Contract N00039-75-C-0259, ARPA Order-2910 Prepared in cooperation with Pennsylvania State Univ., State College. Applied Research Lab. See also Part 1 , AD-A027 577. Descriptors: 'Acoustic arrays, 'Parametric am- plifiers, 'Scaling factors, 'Computer programs, 'Numerical analysis, Acoustic waves, Wave propagation, Amplitude modulation, Plane waves, Carrier waves, Nonlinear systems. This report outlines the procedures used in a computer program for calculating nonlinear scaling laws for parametric receiving arrays. The basic equations, the program input and output, the program listing, and sample com- puter runs are included. The program output is in the form of curves for harmonic amplitudes as a function of range, the 'extra dB loss' as a function of range, and parametric receiving array beam patterns at given ranges. Both detailed analytical solutions and approximate solutions are available in the computer pro- gram. (Author) AD-A027 587/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Fluerics 38. A Computer-Aided Design Analy- sis for the Static and Dynamic Port Charac- teristics of Laminar Proportional Amplifiers Technical rept. Tadeusz M. Drzewiecki. Jun 76, 63p Rept no. HDL-TR-1758 See also report dated Aug 74, AD-A012 1 65. Descriptors: 'Fluid amplifiers, 'Laminar flow, Computer aided design, Equations, Computer programs, Flueric devices. Numerical analysis, Static tests. Dynamic tests. Identifiers: Proportional amplifiers, Amplifier port characteristics. This paper presents, in a computer program form, an analysis of laminar proportional am- plifiers (LPA's). The equations have been pro- grammed for a 16K-core minicomputer with typewriter graphics capability. Results of the numerical computations for the amplifier port characteristics are presented on a single sheet of computer output in both tabular and graphi- cal form. Tabulated data represented the input characteristic, the output characteristic, the self-staged operating conditions and gain, and the blocked gain. Graphical outputs are the input and output characteristics. Typical calcu- lations are presented for standard types of am- plifier configurations. AD-A027 879/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Cincinnati Univ Ohio Dept of Aerospace En- gineering Computer Program for Calculations of Parti- cle Trajectories through a Rotating Cascade Technical rept. M. Fathy Hussein, and W. Tabakoff. May 76, 99p 76-47, ARO-T-4.-76-E Contract DAHC04-69-C-0016 Descriptors: 'Particle trajectories, 'Computations, 'Computer programs, Cascade structures, Rotation, Erosion, Three dimen- sional flow, Blades, Walls, Axial flow, Mathe- matical analysis. Input output processing, Flow charting, Subroutines. This report gives a listing of the computer pro- gram used to calculate the three dimensional absolute paths of particles through a rotating cascade, their trajectories relative to the rotor and their velocity histories. The program con- siders the impact and rebound of particles with the blade walls or casing. The program is writ- ten for axial flow machines and may be modified to handle other types. The program procedures, description of the program input and output as well as program subroutines and their functions are discussed. (Author) AD-A027 956/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Mission Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif A Non-Reflecting Electromagnetic Outer Boundary Condition for Cylindrical Coor- dinates and the SGEMP Problem Topical rept. 1 Oct 74-30 Jun 75 Roger Stettner, and Robert Marks. Jun 75, 28p MRC-R-194, DNA-3890T Contract DNA001 -75-C-01 25 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses, 'Maxwells equations, Computer programming, Computations, Legendre functions. Identifiers: 'SGEMP computer code. The outer, non-reflective boundary condition for the numerical solution of the full time de- pendent set of Maxwell's equations for the SGEMP problem is discussed. A boundary con- dition which has a fractional error of roughly lambda/2 pi R (lambda is the maximum wavelength of the radiation, R is the distance from the origin to the boundary) is defined and tested for an axially symmetric system in cylin- drical coordinates and real time. Boundary con- dition schemes with greater potential accuracy are considered. AD-A028 000/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Optical Design of a Frequency Doubled Nd:YAG Laser Rept. for Jun 74-Jun 75 J. D. Barry. 17 Feb 75, 4p Rept no. AFAL-TR-76- 126 Availability: Pub. in IEEE Jnl. of Quantum Elec- tronics, v1 2 p254-256 Apr 76. Descriptors: *YAG lasers, 'Neodymium lasers. Resonators, Computer aided design, Computer programs, Reprints. Identifiers: Frequency doubling, Optical resonators. The design and laboratory manipulation of the optical resonator of a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser has been aided by a unique com- puter program written for the desk-top HP 9820 calculator-plotter. The program is a self-con- sistent treatment of Gaussian mode propaga- tion and includes the thermooptical effects of intracavity elements. The optimization of the frequency-doubled laser is greatly aided by use of the computer program. A listing and narra- tive of the computer program and its use in op- timization of the frequency-doubled Nd:YAG is available upon request. (Author) AD-A028 403/4CP PC A02/MF A01 University Coll Cork (Ireland) Dept of Electrical Engineering Submillimetre Laser, Microwave and Spectro- scopic Diagnostics of Ionization in Gaseous Plasmas Interim rept. 1 Jun 74-31 May 75 Michael C. Sexton. 31 Jul 75, 9p Scientific-3, AFOSR-TR-76-0826 Grant AF-AFOSR-2338-72 Descriptors: 'Microwave spectroscopy, 'Gas lasers, Plasma diagnostics. Microwave inter- ferometry, Submillimeter waves. Gases, Argon, Helium, Electron density, Afterglows, Decay, Ireland. Identifiers: Hydrogen cyanide lasers. Computer programs. Gas ionization. A numerical analysis of the helium afterglow decay was carried out with a one dimensional cylindrical code programmed such that impor- tant parameters could be readily varied to suit experiment. The plasma characteristics of a pulsed HCN laser were studied with line emis- sion spectra showing significant mode com- pression near the critical density. AD-A028 417/4CP PC A11/MF A01 Lockheed-California Co Burbank REXOR Rotorcraft Simulation. Volume III. User's Manual Final technical rept. W. D. Anderson, F. Conner, P. Kretsinger, and J. S. Reaser. Jul 76, 229p LR-27463-Vol-3, USAAMRDL-TR-76-28C Contract DAAE1 1-66-C-3667 See also Volume 1 , AD-A028 31 4. Descriptors: 'Helicopters, 'Helicopter rotors, 'Rotary wing aircraft, Aerodynamic charac- teristics. Computerized simulation. Airfoils, Blade airfoils, Tail helicopter rotors, Rotor blades, Computer programs, Digital computers. Simulation, Nonlinear systems, Mathematical models. Damping, Matrix theory, Machine cod- ing, Instruction manuals, Input output processing, Input output models. Identifiers: "REXOR model, IBM 360 computers, CDC 6000 computers, Computer software, Ro- torcraft. This report describes a rotorcraft nonlinear simulation called REXOR, and is divided into three volumes. The first volume is a develop- ment of rotorcraft mechanics and aerodynam- ics. The second is a development and explana- 27 tion of the computer code required to imple- ment the equations of motion. The third volume is a user's manual, and contains a description of code input/output as well as operating in- structions. The REXOR math model has been written for a single four-bladed, gyro-con- trolled, hingeless-rotor helicopter with addi- tional capability for analysis of teeter or hinge- offset rotor systems with conventional controls and two or four blades. The helicopter modeled may be conventional in design, winged or com- pounded. Modeling emphasis is on an accurate main rotor description with additional degrees of freedom to describe the rest of the helicopter. REXOR has been implemented on IBM 360 and CDC 6000 series equipment. The operating instructions are primarily based on the 360 equipment usage with additional in- structions to show use on the 6000 series equipment. (Author) AO-A028 521/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Applied Research Labs A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation, Implementation, and Application Technical rept. Kenneth E. Hawker, and Terry L. Foreman. 21 Jun 76, 79p Rept no. ARL-TR-76-23 Contract N00039-76-C-0081 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, 'Acoustic reflection, Wave equations, Numerical integra- tion, Acoustic velocity, Computer pro- gramming, Computations, Plane waves. Identifiers: "BOTLOSS computer program. This report describes a plane wave reflection coefficient model based on direct numerical in- tegration of the depth separated wave equation. The model treats a sequence of horizontally stratified fluid layers (sediments) overlying an infinite homogeneous substrate which may be either fluid or solid. In the fluid layers both the sound speed and density can vary in an arbitra- ry fashion. The numerical integration scheme is discussed in detail as is the important problem of error. It is shown not only that the local error is controlled but also that it can be specified by the user to optimize overall error and computa- tion time. The range and scope of problems to which this model is applicable is illustrated by a sequence of examples showing bottom loss and phase angle versus grazing angle as well as the auxiliary output of pressure versus depth. AD-A028 734/2CP PC A12/MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Edward L Ginzton Lab Acousto-Optic Interactions Final rept. 1 Feb 73-31 Aug 75 P. L. Adams, A. Albanese, C. F. Quate, and H. J. Shaw. Jul 76, 268p Rept no. GL-2523 Contract N00014-75-C-0778 See also report dated Mar 74, AD-778 693. Descriptors: "Optical waveguides, "Piezoelectric crystals, "Acoustooptics, Optical images, Optical scanning, Optical detection, Fiber optics, Electrooptics, Waveguide couplers, Fourier transformation, Multiplexing, Signal processing. Surface waves. Acoustic waves. Lithium compounds, Niobates, Deflec- tors, Computer programs. Identifiers: Lithium niobates. Acoustic surface waves, Integrated optics, Optical modulators. New devices are described which are based on optical waveguides on lithium niobate crystals, using the material anisotropy, including couplers, electro-optic modulator and light multiplexer, and optical deflector and scanner using collinear acousto-optic interaction between surface acoustic waves and optical surface waves. Complete theory for the propagating modes and coupled modes is presented. A new type of waveguide is presented for use with surface acoustic wave devices for real-time direct scanning and Fouri- er transform scanning of optical images, which introduces no additional transmission loss over that for unguided propagation. Test pattern results demonstrate the ability of this type of waveguiding to increase the transverse resolu- tion of such scanners, and good correlation between theoretical and experimental results is shown. AD-A028 828/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Picatinny Arsenal Dover N J Management Infor- mation Systems Directorate PIPSTEK - Properties of Irregular Planar Solids (Tektronix) User manual (Final) Robert I. Isakower, and Robert E. Barnas. Jul 76, 150p Rept no. MISD-UM-76-2 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Interactive graphics, "Data processing terminals. Com- puter programs, Solids, Programming manuals, Overlays, Moment of inertia, Mass, Center of gravity, Axes, Digital computers. User needs. Identifiers: "PIPSTEK computer program. User manuals, Planar structures, CDC-6500 compu- ters. PIPSTEK is an Interactive Computer Graphics program for the calculation of the Properties of Irregular Planar Solids. This program utilizes the graphics terminal to determine the mass, weight, center of gravity, mass moments of in- ertia, products of inertia, principal axes and center of percussion of assemblies of irregu- larly shaped parts (not necessarily touching nor in the same plane) with respect to an arbitrarily selected 3-axis coordinate system. The solids may either be described and read in on punched cards, or drawn at the graphics screen, or generated by attaching (and modify- ing) an existing file of parts. The inputted solids may be accumulated with other solids and their combined properties calculated. PIPSTEK was written for the CDC 6500/TEK 4014 facility operating under Scope 3.4.2 employing 15 overlays and 56K octal of 60 bit words of storage. (Author) AD-A028 858/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Pulse Height Analyzer Interfacing and Com- puter Programming in the Environmental Laser Propagation Project Master's thesis John Robert Plett. Jun 76, 74p Descriptors: "Pulse height analyzers, "Light transmission, "Laser beams. Atmospheric physics. Digital computers. Computer pro- grams, Interfaces, Boundary layer, Marine at- mospheres, Scintillation, Extinction, Theses. Identifiers: HP-9810A computers, Atmospheric attenuation. An effective data interface between a Victoreen PIP-400 pulse-height analyzer and a Hewlett- Packard 9810A calculator was designed, built, and tested. A calculator program was written which enabled a research group studying laser propagation in the marine boundary layer to conduct rapid, local processing of scintillation and extinction data. (Author) AD-A028 867/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Heat Transfer Analysis of a Rotating Heat Pipe Containing Internal, Axial Fins Master's thesis Robert David Corley. Jun 76, 71 p Descriptors: "Heat pipes, "Heat transfer. Fins, Mass flow. Flow rate, Finite element analysis. Computer programs, Theses. An analytical study was undertaken to deter- mine the two-dimensional wall conduction ef- fects in an internally finned, rotating heat pipe. The finite element method was employed to generate computer results for a copper con- denser with triangular fins. Heat transfer rates were shown to be approximately seventy-five percent greater than that predicted by an earli- er, one-dimensional analysis. Heat transfer rates were found to be insensitive to rotational speed and fin half-angle. Due to numerical dif- ficulties within the finite element program, no data was obtained for the finned, stainless steel condenser. AD-A028 971/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Users Manual for Computer Code NOZZLE Memorandum rept. John F. Polk. Aug 76, 45p Rept no. BRL-MR- 2659 Descriptors: "Nozzle gas flow, "Computer pro- grams, Machine coding, Transonic flow, Super- sonic flow, Axially symmetric flow, Steady state, Asymptotic series, Nozzle throats, Radius(Measure), Manuals, Computations, Per- turbations. Identifiers: NOZZLE computer program. A perturbation formula to describe the flow in the transonic region of an axisymmetric nozzle is combined with a computer code which calcu- lates the flow in the supersonic region by the method of characteristics. The perturbation parameter used in the transonic analysis is the normalized radius of curvature of the nozzle throat. Instructions for running the combined code, called NOZZLE, and a tabulation of the output from a test case are included. (Author) AD-A029 164/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Wake Vortex and Groundwind Meteorological Measurements Final rept. 28 Aug 74-5 Sep 75 M. R. Brashears, K. R. Shrider, D. A. Love , S. J. Robertson, and A. D. Zalay. May 76, 168p LMSC-HREC-TR-D496558.TSC-FAA-76-14 Contract DOT-TSC-904 Descriptors: "Wake, "Vortices, "Trailing vor- tices. Wind, Transport properties, Decay, Ground effect, Meteorological data. Ground level. Measurement, Mathematical models, Wind shear. Turbulence, Hazards, Meteorologi- cal instruments, Detectors, Computer pro- grams. Computerized simulation. Identifiers: Groundwind, Aircraft wakes. Wake vortex groundwind and meteorological measurements obtained by DOT-TSC at John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport have been reduced, analyzed, and correlated with a theoretical vortex transport model. The predic- tive Wake Vortex Transport Model has been up- dated so that detailed on-site meteorological measurements can be interpreted and utilized to predict more accurately the vortex transport and decay characteristics. A discussion of the wake vortex test data analysis and software development is presented, including a descrip- tion of the JFK wake vortex test program, the computer processing of wake vortex measure- ments, the analysis of groundwind sensor mea- surements, and the analysis of meteorological measurements. (Author) AO-A029 231/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Science Applications Inc La Jolla Calif SKIMMER - A Numerical Model for Nonlinear Waves Final rept. Oct 73-Jan 76 G. T. Phillips, and R. K.-C. Chan. 27 Aug 76, 43p Rept no. SAI-76-605-LJ Contract N0001 4-74-C-01 1 8 28 Descriptors: 'Planing surfaces, 'Surface waves, Water waves, Nonlinear systems, Mathematical models. Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Sheets, Numerical methods and procedures, Boundary value problems, Navier Stokes equations, Inviscid flow, Flow fields, Pressure, Time, Hydrodynamics. Identifiers: 'Skimmer model, Nonlinear waves. The calculation of nonlinear free surface waves produced by a moving disturbance on a free surface was studied using a time-dependent numerical model. Two frames of reference were tried in making the calculations, one fixed to the surface disturbance, and the other fixed to a laboratory reference frame. Verification studies were performed which indicate the model is capable of accurately reproducing both linear and nonlinear wave profiles, in either frame of reference. However, calculations, in which the disturbance was assumed to be fixed with the fluid streaming past it, were found to be more efficient in terms of computer storage and time. (Author) AO-A029 367/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn A Direct Comparison of Analytical and Experi- mental Surface and Flow-Field Data on a 4- Deg Cone at Incidence in a Hypersonic Stream with Laminar Boundary Layers Final rept. D. E. Boylan, W. T. Strike, and F. L. Shope. Aug 76, 39p Rept no. AEDC-TR-76-84 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn., Rept. no. ARO-VKF-TR-76-22. Descriptors: 'Wind tunnel tests, 'Conical bodies, 'Hypersonic flow, 'Laminar boundary layer, Computer programs, Machine coding. Viscous flow, Hypersonic waves. Shock waves. Mathematical prediction, Angle of attack, Aerodynamic forces, Pressure, Flow fields, Static stability. A wind tunnel investigation was conducted in the AEDC Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (C) at Mach numbers near 10 using a 4-deg half-angle cone to study lee side flow-field properties and sur- face pressures at angles of attack up to about 10 deg. The objective of the study was to pro- vide data to aid in the development of a three- dimensional, hypersonic, viscous shock layer computer code capable of accurately predict- ing the static stability characteristics of slender bodies at incidence. The results of the present investigation indicate that additional develop- ment of the computer code in question is required to fulfill this objective. (Author) AD-A029 516/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Dikewood Industries Inc Albuquerque N Mex Penetration of Electromagnetic Pulses through Larger Apertures in Shielded Enclo- sures Final rept. R. Mittra, and L. Wilson Pearson. May 76, 79p AFWL-TR-75-95 Contract F29601 -74-C-001 Prepared by Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Cham- paign. Descriptors: "Electromagnetic scattering, 'Coupling(lnteraction), Integral equations. Linear algebraic equations, Matrices(Mathematics), Algorithms, Computer programs, Computations, Apertures, FOR- TRAN, Transient radiation effects, Method of moments, Sparse matrix. Identifiers: IBM-360/370 computers. Singularity expansion method. The results of an initial investigation of the Sin- gularity Expansion Method representation of the electromagnetic coupling through a rectan- gular aperture in a perfectly conducting sheet are reported. The problem is formulated in terms of the coupled Hallen-type integral equa- tions for the dual problem of a rectangular plate. The integral equations are converted to a system of linear algebraic equations by way of the method of moments with subsectionally constant expansion functions and collocation testing. Several techniques used in minimizing the execution time of the computations are described. Some difficulties in accurately ap- proximating the singularities of the system of integral equations by the singularities of the al- gebraic system are discussed. These difficulties arise because the subsectionally constant representation for the current cannot adequately represent the correct edge singu- larities in the currents on the plate. A set of pole trajectories indicative of the trends in pole loca- tion for the plate is reported. A listing of the per- tinent computer code is provided. AD-A030 078/OCP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low- Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean Doctoral thesis Kirk Eden Evans. Sep 75, 1 78p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic at- tenuation, 'Transmission loss, Mathematical models, Computerized simulation, Wave equa- tions, Low frequency, Ocean bottom. Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: QMODE computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, IBM-360/67 computers. This work describes a computer model (QMODE) which uses the normal mode method for the estimation of low-frequency long-range acoustic transmission loss in the deep ocean. Wentzel-Kramer-Brillouin (WKB) solutions for the phase speeds (eigenvalues) and modes (eigenfunctions). The WKB solutions are ex- tended to consider the effects of the surface and bottom boundaries. The eigenvalues are in- itially estimated by a least-squares polynomial fit through sample results of the WKB charac- teristic equation. The effects of range depen- dence in the sound speed profile are simulated through the use of the adiabatic assumption, which has been extended to include the case of profiles with multiple sound channels. Results of the model agree generally with the transmis- sion loss observed in two long-range acoustic experiments. AD-A030 079/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Laser Plasma Particle Velocities Master's thesis Daniel James Callahan. Jun 76, 126p Descriptors: 'Plasma diagnostics. Electron energy. Electron density, Electrostatic probes, Laser beams. Computer programs. Computa- tions, Theses, Aluminum. Identifiers: 'Laser produced plasmas, IBM-360 computers, 'Aluminum plasma. Experiments were performed on laser produced plasma from aluminum target discs in a vacuum chamber at pressures a few times (10 to the (-6) power) torr. Plasma analysis was achieved using a floating double electrostatic probe of tungsten wires biased at -15 volts DC. In analyzing 376 oscilloscope trace pictures of the probe signal, four velocity signals occurred with regularity. The plasma velocities detected by the probe were determined to be 3.7 X (10 to the 7th power) cm/sec, 1.5 X (10 to the 7th power) cm/sec, 5.6 X (10 to the 6th power) cm/sec (the bulk of the plasma), and 4.0 X (10 to the 6th power) cm/sec. A fifth, very fast signal at 1.0 X (10 to the 8th power) cm/sec was also de- tected but it was not consistently present. In- vestigation of the velocity distributions as a function of time showed them not to be Boltz- mann distributions, but exponential power dis- tributions. AD-A030 085/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif X-Ray Diagnostics of Laser-Produced Alu- minum Plasmas Master's thesis Sydney A. Shewchuk. Jun 76, 1 25p Descriptors: 'Plasmas(Physics), *X ray diag- nostics, Electron energy. Laser beams, Photodiodes, Computer programs. Computa- tions, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Laser produced plasmas, 'Aluminum plasma. Electron temperatures have been evaluated using the x-ray emission from plasmas created by irradiating a solid Aluminum target with a 500MW, 25nsec Nd laser. Studies of the x-ray emission from the plasma at 5 x (1 to the 1 1 th power) W/(cm squared) using the two foil ab- sorption method indicated temperatures rang- ing from 136 to 185eV. No suprathermal activity was detected for the foil combinations used. Temperature was related to laser flux density by the scaling factor 0.404. Observed temperature remained constant for cratering with up to 25 laser pulses focused at the same spot. Prelimi- nary measurements indicated x-ray intensity was proportional to (p sup 1/4) over the range 10 to 300 microns. Initial work was completed on a vacuum photodiode useful for high resolu- tion photon detection in the soft x-ray region of the spectrum. AD-A030 088/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer Prediction of Tropospheric Radio Transmission Loss for Selected Paths in the Pacific Northwest Master's thesis Richard Michael Cassidy, Jr. Jun 76, 1 19p Rept no. NPS-32Ca76061 Descriptors: 'Radio transmission, 'Troposphere, 'Transmission loss, Very high frequency, S band. Computer programs. Statistical analysis, Theses, Puget Sound, Washington(State). Identifiers: TROPOPLOT computer program, Atmospheric attenuation. In order to characterize the propagation condi- tions along known paths at VHF and S Band frequencies, transmission loss predictions are produced by computer methods. An attempt is made to define the standard atmospheric con- ditions along these paths through the presenta- tion of the statistics for normal and super- refractive propagation conditions. AD-A030 219/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A FORTRAN Subroutine to Evaluate the Transport Integrals J2(X) Through J7(X) Final rept. D.J. Gillespie. Aug 76, 11p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3346 Descriptors: 'Integral equations, 'Transport properties, 'Computer programs, 'Electrical re- sistivity, 'Solids, FORTRAN, Specific heat. Subroutines, Mathematical models, Algorithms. Identifiers: Thermal resistivity, Transport in- tegrals. A computer program (in FORTRAN) has been written for evaluating the transport integrals J sub 2(x) through J sub 7(x) to approximately 6 significant figures. These integrals are often used in models describing such properties of solids as the electrical and thermal resistivity, thermoelectric power, and specific heat. 29 AD-A030 633/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA Memorandum rept. I. Manning, M. Rosen, and J. E. Westmoreland. Sep 76, 17p Rept no. NRL-MR-3358 Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamic codes, "Radiation effects, 'Radiation damage, 'Transport proper- ties, 'Ion bombardment, "Ion implantation. 'Computerized simulation, Energy levels, Cascades(Fluid dynamics). Elastic scattering, Inelastic scattering. Identifiers: PKA(Primary Knock on atoms), Pri- mary knock on atoms, Energy deposition, 'Transport theory, Ion ranges, E-DEP-1 com- puter program. The Naval Research Laboratory energy deposi- tion code E-DEP-1 has been adapted to calcu- late lateral ranges. The revised code, which is capable of handling incident energies varying from 1 keV to 50 MeV, retains the convenience and economy of the previous code. The accura- cy in the lateral ranges calculated is shown to be of the order of 15% for the case where the mass ratio of incident to target atoms is close to 1 and is much greater when this ratio differs significantly from unity. AD-A030 684/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Mission Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Development and Testing of DAVID: A Close- in EMP Coupling Code for Arbitrarily Shaped Objects Topical rept. 1 Feb-1 Oct 75 Michael A Messier, Robert M. Hamilton, and Kenneths. Smith. 7 Nov 75, 136p MRC-R-228, DNA-3923T Contract DNA001 -75-C-0094 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses, 'Hydrodynamic codes, 'Finite difference theory, 'Nuclear radiation, Coupling(lnteraction), Three dimensional. Nu- merical analysis. Gamma rays, Computer pro- grams. Plane waves, Nuclear physics. Field theory. Identifiers: Momentum equations, 'DAVID com- puter program. This report describes the development and test- ing of a 3-D, finite difference computer code used to estimate the currents and voltages in- duced on an arbitrarily shaped object when illu- minated by a plane wave gamma source. The application of the code is for performing calcu- lations to aid in the prediction of close-in EMP effects on systems. Included is a description of the way the physics of the problem is handled by the code, the methods used to obtain numer- ical solutions, the results of comparison tests and conclusions and recommendations. (Author) AD-A030 705/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn An Approximate Analysis of the Shock Struc- ture in Underexpanded Plumes Final rept. May-Jun 76 C. E. Peters, and W. J. Phares. Oct 76, 28p Rept no.AEDC-TR-76-129 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn., Rept. no. ARO-ETF-TR-76-85. Descriptors: 'Exhaust plumes, 'Supersonic nozzles, Shock waves. Expansion, Axially sym- metric flow. Transonic flow, Inviscid flow. Slip flow, Flow fields. Mathematical models. Disks, Boundary layer, Mach number, Supersonic flow. Shock. Identifiers: 'Underexpanded nozzle plumes, Riemann waves, Abbett models, Fox-Abbett computer program. An approximate analytical model has been developed for computing the first cycle of the shock structure in plumes from underexpanded axisymmetric supersonic nozzles. The physical basis of the model is the same as that of the Ab- bett model, i.e., the Mach disk location is deter- mined by the coupling of the flow in the vicinity of the Mach disk with the reaccelerating transonic flow downstream of the disk. The present model is based on a local compatibility condition for the flow just downstream of the Mach disk. To evaluate the local compatibility condition, the generalized shape of the slip line which originates at the shock triple point must be known. The Abbett method was used to compute slip line geometries for a number of plume flows; correlation equations for the slip line geometrical parameters were then developed. After the Mach disk is located, the supersonic flow outside of the slip line is com- puted for the prescribed slip line geometry. The approximate analytical model requires relative- ly small computation times and yields ac- ceptably accurate flow-field solutions over the range of conditions for which the slip line cor- relation equations are valid. AD-A030 779/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Transmission from a Rectangular Waveguide into Half Space through a Rectangular Aper- ture Interim technical rept. Joseph R. Mautz, and Roger F. Harrington. Aug 76, 56p Scientific-12, RADC-TR-76-264 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic wave propaga- tion, 'Waveguides, "Computer programs, Rectangular bodies, Moments, Apertures, Ad- mittance, Integral equations, Electric current. A computer program is developed for the problem of transmission of electromagnetic waves from a rectangular waveguide into half space through a rectangular aperture. The aperture may cover all or part of the waveguide cross section, but the sides of the aperture are parallel to those of the waveguide cross sec- tion. The solution uses the moment method ap- plied to the integral equation for the equivalent magnetic current in the aperture. The expan- sion and testing functions are triangles in the direction of current, and pulses transverse to the direction of current. Quantities computed are the equivalent magnetic current, the reflec- tion coefficient and equivalent aperture ad- mittance seen by the incident mode, and the radiation gain pattern. The computer program is described and listed with sample input-out- put data. (Author) AD-A030 853/6CP PC A10/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Aviation and Surface Effects Dept A Computer Program that Uses Interactive Graphics to Solve Inviscid Transonic Flows Over Lifting Airfoils Research and development rept. Douglas A. Lien, and Tsze C. Tai. Sep 73, 204p Aero-1 194, NSRDC-4252 Descriptors: 'Transonic flow, 'Inviscid flow, 'Airfoils, Interactive graphics, Lifting surfaces. Computer programs, Shock waves, Iterations, Convergence, Man computer interface. Effi- ciency, Supercritical flow, Fortran, Subrou- tines. A computer program that utilizes the method of integral relations has been developed at the Naval Ship Research and Development Center for use in determining the inviscid transonic flows past lifting airfoils. It allows for a change of entropy across the shock wave and accounts for the presence of an oblique or normal shock at the shock foot. Since many iteractions of the trial and error type are required to obtain the converged flow solution, the program has been adapted for use on the interactive graphic systems of the CDC 6700 computer. This minimizes the man-machine interaction time involved with such iterations. It has been ap- plied to several airfoil cases with supercritical flow on the upper surface and subcritical flow on the lower surface. The theoretical basis for this program has previously been reported. This report documents the computer program which is written in the language of FORTRAN Ex- tended Version 3.0. (Author) AD-A031 058/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Wyle Labs El Segundo Calif Atmospheric Absorption of Low Frequency Sound at High Pressures Final rept. 23 Jun 75-22 Jun 76 M. C. Lee, and L. C. Sutherland. Aug 76, 35p WR-76-13, ARO-12916.2-E Contract DAHC04-75-C-0027 Descriptors: 'Acoustic absorption. High pres- sure, Atmospheres. Humidity, Resonance ab- sorption, Low frequency, Sound transmission, Air, Moisture, Argon, Atmosphere models. Computer programs. Results of a limited experimental study of at- mospheric absorption in moist air at low frequencies are reported. The measurements were carried out in a resonance absorption tube at ratios of frequency to pressure of 4.6 to 403 Hz/atm. This extends the f/P range of laboratory measurements of absorption in air well below limits of previously published data in air of about 140 Hz/atm. The experimental ap- paratus was calibrated, using argon, over the same f/P range. The measured and predicted absorption in air and in argon generally agreed with existing theoretical models, although sub- stantial deviations remain to be explained. (Author) AD-A031 108/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Research Foundation Colum- bus GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual Technical rept. Oct 74-Dec 75 R.J. Luebbers, R. G. Kouyoumjian, and L. Ton- That. Feb 76, 64p RADC-TR-76-23 Contract F30602-75-C-0051 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Antennas, 'Electromagnetic radiation, Programming manuals, Scattering, Machine coding, Models, Diffraction, Reflection, User needs, Input out- put processing. Numerical analysis. This report describes the capabilities, limita- tions, and operation of the OSU, GTD-AMP Computer Code, which has been developed to calculate the electromagnetic radiation from currents on thin wires in the presence of a per- fectly-conducting polygonal plate positioned over a reflecting surface of infinite extent. Although the code is based on the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD) it is designed to be compatible with the Antenna Modeling Pro- gram (AMP). The GTD-AMP program described herein is capable of handling many antenna- scattering problems once the currents on the wire radiators are known. Ordinarily these cur- rents are found from the AMP program in the manner described in the text; however, they may be specified or obtained by other means. This combination of the moment method and GTD makes it possible to calculate radiation patterns which could not be calculated by either method individually. AD-A031 426/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab 30 Maximization of Reverberation Index Technical rept. Ding Lee. 2 Oct 76 , 61 p Rept no. NU SC-TR-5375 Descriptors: 'Sonar arrays, 'Reverberation, 'Signal processing, Signal to noise ratio, Am- bient noise, Eigenvectors, Gain, Matrix theory, Computer programs, Fortran. Identifiers: Toeplitz martices, Eigenvalues, Acoustic interference, Cylindrical arrays. Investigations into the problem of maximizing array gain(DI) for situations where ambient noise is the dominant interference have been conducted over the preceding two decades and possibly earlier. These investigations have resulted in mathematical solutions having sig- nificant promise in various practical applica- tions. A closely related problem arises when in- terference is dominated by reverberation; in this situation the gain against reverberation (the reverberation index, Rl) must be max- imized. The same general mathematical ap- proach can be applied to both problems in that the omnidirectional ambient noise limited con- dition can be considered a specific case of the more general directional ambient noise limited condition and the reverberation limited condi- tion. Much of the existing theory that has been developed has been directed at specific cases, thus leaving unfinished a comprehensive treat- ment of the general case. A concomitant exist- ing problem involves the determination of the computational complexity involved in the mathematical solution to the described problems since this complexity strongly in- fluences the degree to which computational methods can be applied to practical problems. AD-A031 536/6CP PC A02/MF A01 Stevens Inst of Tech Hoboken N J Dept of Mechanical Engineering Research on the Flutter of Axial Tur- bomachlne Blading F. Sisto, and P. V. K. Perumal. 1 Oct 76, 17p Rept no. ME-RT-76003 Contract N00014-76-C-0540 AGARD Conference Proceedings on Unsteady Phenomenon in Turbo Machinery, Rept. no. AGARD-CP-177, AD-A028 614. Descriptors: 'Airfoils, 'Flat plate models, 'Aeroelasticity, 'Vortices, 'Computer programs, 'Flow fields, Aerodynamic loading, Wake, Boundary layer transition, Turbulent flow, Structural response, Lift, Aerodynamic stability, Vibration, Fluid dynamics, Eddy currents, Oscil- lation. Identifiers: Auxiliary solutions, Time marching solutions, Singularity distribution principle. The unsteady response of a flat plate airfoil to large nonpotential flow disturbances is evalu- ated in the form of a translating rectangular grid of eddy-array. The singularity distribution principle in combination with the time- marching technique was used as the method of analysis. (Author) AD-A031 707/3CP PC A02/MF A01 Mission Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Generalized Boundary Condition in SEMP Topical rept. 1 Oct 74-30 Sep 75 Koger Stettner. 27 Oct 75, 19p MRC-R-196, DNA-3999T Contract DNA001 -75-C-0125 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic fields, 'Photoelectric emission, Computer applica- tions, Computations, Mathematical models. Identifiers: SEMP computer program. A generalized boundary condition, to be used for modeling structures which are not compati- ble with the finite differencing mesh of Max- well's equations, is proposed. The boundary condition is tested for a long thin conducting cylinder which is separated into two equal lengths by a small gap. AD-A031 820/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Metal Atom Oxidation Laser Master's thesis Richard C. Feierabend. Sep 76, 1 03p Descriptors: 'Gas lasers, Rare earth elements, Metal vapors, Oxidation, Atoms, Toxicity, Deposition, Computer programs, Laboratory equipment, Theses. Identifiers: 'Metal vapor lasers, BASIC pro- gramming language, Design. This work represents a continuation of research investigating the feasibility of a metal atom ox- idation laser. The work was done on a metal- atom oxidation laser set-up which was designed and constructed as part of previous thesis research. The series of experiments was conducted with ten rare earth elements in a pure oxygen environment. A brief discussion of the toxicity and handling characteristics of the rare earth elements, the metal oxide laser system, and the possible metal deposition techniques is presented. The technique finally used in the metal deposition process and the difficulties incurred with this technique are also discussed. Although no positive lasing action was noted, results from these experiments sug- gest further investigation is warranted. AD-A031 828/7CP PC A08/MF A01 Nielsen Engineering and Research Inc Moun- tain View Calif Prediction of Supersonic Store Separation Characteristics Volume I. Theoretical Methods and Comparisons with Experiment Final rept. 24 Feb 75-24 Mar 76 Marnix F. E. Dillenius, Frederick K. Goodwin, and Jack N. Nielsen. May 76, 163p NEAR-TR- 105, AFFDL-TR-76-41-VOI-1 Contract F33615-75-C-3053 See also Volume 2, AD-A031 388. Descriptors: 'External stores, 'Supersonic air- craft, 'Computer programs, Supersonic flow, Separation, Supersonic flight, Aerodynamic loading, Supersonic characteristics, Inter- ference, Mathematical prediction, Flow fields, Theory, Trajectories, Degrees of freedom, Wind tunnel models, Model tests, Airplane models. Identifiers: Store separation. Pylons. The primary objective of this report is to describe an investigation to develop a method for predicting the separation characteristics of a store released from a supersonic parent air- craft. The present computer program is designed to handle configurations consisting of a wing without dihedral or incidence which is attached to an axisymmetric fuselage. A pylon can be attached to the wing or under the fuselage. In this work, supersonic flow models are described to represent the configuration and special attention is given to the flow field calculation method. It is shown that the basic method utilizing linear, potential flow theory must be corrected for nonlinear effects caused by the shock from the wing leading edge. Ex- perimental results are presented from a wind- tunnel test program designed to provide data to aid in developing and testing the theory. Com- parisons between theory and experiment for flow fields, store loading distributions and store forces and moments indicate fair to very good agreement. Recommendations are given for im- proving the present method. (Author) AD-A032 026/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C MPLAW: A Multipulse-Scaling-Law Code Using Data-Base Interpolation Interim rept. D. Merritt Cordray. 6 Oct 76, 35p Rept no. NRL- 8055 Descriptors: 'Laser beams, 'Scaling factors, 'Computer programs, Interpolation, Data bases, Tables(Data), FORTRAN. Identifiers: MPLAW computer program, Irradi- ance. This report describes a program which provides the average focal-plane irradiance of a multi- ple-pulse truncated-Gaussian laser beam, given the input parameters necessary to describe the laser and the atmospheric condi- tions. The program contains a data base con- sisting of 720 data points which were obtained using the NRL propagation code. The irradi- ance is calculated by linear interpolation (or ex- trapolation) of a set of points from this data base. The program can be easily modified to use an expanded data base or to accept data for other beam shapes. AD-A032 036/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio A Users Manual for the 1-D Heat Conduction Calculator Program Final rept. 10 Mar 75-10 Mar 76 John C. Sparks. Aug 76, 71 p Rept no. AFFDL- TR-76-69 Descriptors: *Conduction(Heat transfer), 'Computer programs, 'Finite difference theory, Partial differential equations, Runge Kutta method, Microcomputers. Identifiers: BASIC programming language, HP- 9830 computers. A finite difference heat conduction program for small (8-K) calculators is presented. Features include dynamic user control of the solution process and quick turn-around which speed preliminary design. The program is written in BASIC for the HP9830 calculator system equipped with Matrix ROM and 9862A Plotter. Programming techniques described may be ap- plied to any small system having function keys or an equivalent interrupt capability. AD-A032 078/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Colorado Univ Boulder A Model for the Prediction of Semiconductor Heterojunction Discontinuities Using Bulk Band Structures Doctoral thesis William Robert Frensley. Sep 76, 151pARO- 12061.4-EL Grant DAHC04-74-G-01 14 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor junctions, 'Heterojunctions, 'Band theory of solids, Discontinuities, Bulk semiconductors, Pseu- dopotentials, Mathematical models, Mathe- matical prediction, Computer programs, Army research. The problem of theoretically predicting the energy band discontinuities at a semiconductor heterojunction is studied in a simple model. The bulk band structures and their relationship to the periodic electrostatic potential are calcu- lated by a self-consistent pseudopotential technique. A simple matching scheme deter- mines the lineup of the electrostatic potentials at the interface, and this determines the band lineup. The predicted band lineups are in good qualitative agreement with experimentally known lineups, and the model is applied to the prediction of discontinuities for heterojunc- tions for which no data are available. (Author) AD-A032 182/8CP PC A12/MF A01 Institute for Defense Analyses Arlington Va Science and Technology Div Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. Part 1. Theory, Methodology, and Data Base Final rept. Jul 74-Jul 76 Lucien M. Biberman. Aug 76, 263p P-1123, IDA/HQ-76-18660 31 Descriptors: "Optical detectors, *Tanks(Combat vehicles), Visibility, Weather, Mathematical pre- diction. Television equipment, Low light levels. Forward looking infrared systems, Surface tar- gets, West Germany, Meteorological data. Mathematical models, Light transmission. At- mosphere models, Transmittance, Target de- tection, Target recognition, Probability, Water vapor. Aerosols, Line of sight, Clouds, Diurnal variations, Seasonal variations, Limitations, Signal to noise ratio, Data bases, Computerized simulation, Electrooptics, Optical detection. Passive systems, Active systems, Air to surface. Identifiers: LOWTRAN 3 computer program, "Atmospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric at- tenuation. This paper examines the effect of weather on the probability of electrooptical detection of tanks at various ranges. The paper employs ac- tual weather data recorded hourly at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, for a full year (1970) and a mathematical model of the electro- optical detection/recognition process developed by R.L. Sendall and L.M. Biberman from the perceived signal-to-noise concept of F.A. Rosell. The mathematical model makes use of a slightly modified version of the LOWTRAN 3 atmospheric transmittance model developed by the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory. The results show a wide variability in the probability of detection caused by wide and frequent varia- tions in the weather. (Author) AD-A032 552/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Technion - Israel Inst of Tech Haifa Dept of Aeronautical Engineering Investigations of the Rolling-Up of the Vortex Wake and Calculation of Non-Linear Aerodynamic Characteristics of wings Final rept. 1 Jan 71-31 Dec 75 J. Rom, H. Portnoy, and C. Zorea. Jun 76, 109p TAE-277, AFOSR-TR-76-1 146 Grant AF-AFOSR-2145-71 Descriptors: "Wings, "Aerodynamic charac- teristics, Nonlinear systems, Trailing vortices, Vortex shedding, Wake, Aspect ratio, Lattice dynamics, Pressure distribution. Parameters, Planform, Numerical analysis, Computer pro- grams, Israel. Identifiers: Vortex rollup. This report investigates the rolling-up of vor- tices over and behind wings of low and high aspect ratios, and simultaneously the evalua- tion of the aerodynamic characteristics includ- ing the spanwise and chordwise pressure dis- tributions on the wings. The present method is based on the extension of the Vortex Lattice concepts also to low aspect ratio wings and the rolled-up vortex which is established over as well as behind the wings. The computer pro- gram, which was developed, is capable of reproducing the results of the Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) for linear aerodynamic coeffi- cients for high aspect ratio wings. The wake ef- fect is included in the modified VLM program. This wake calculation showed that the center of the tip vortex is very near the wings' tip for the high aspect ratios wings. The non-linear aerodynamic characteristics are evaluated when the vortices are shed over the wing and begin the rolling-up process from the leading edges. This effect is particularly important for wings of low aspect ratios. AD-A032 573/8CP PC A11/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif MODESRCH , An Improved Computer Pro- gram for Obtaining ELF/VLF/LF Mode Con- stants in an Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Research rept. David G Morfitt, and Charles H. Shellman. 1 Oct 76, 231p Rept no. NELC/IR-77T Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Electromagnetic wave propagation, "Waveguides, Extremely low frequency, Very low frequency, Low frequency, Ionospheric propagation, Modes, Fortran, Complex num- bers. Functions. Identifiers: "MODESRCH computer program, "Earth ionosphere waveguides. MODESRCH is a FORTRAN computer program designed to obtain rapidly, economically, and accurately, the mode constants needed to describe propagation in the earth-ionosphere waveguide at ELF, VLF and LF (10 Hz to 60 kHz). It is suggested that MODESRCH, along with required mode summing procedures, be used to replace waveguide' and 'wave-hop' codes currently used in network analysis pro- grams which cover the ELF to LF frequency bands. This report contains a discussion of the analytical approach taken in MODESRCH, a FORTRAN listing of the program, instructions for using the program and some sample calcu- lations. (Author) AD-A032 686/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems Final rept. 1 Jan 73-30 Jun 76 Roger F. Harrington. Sep 76, 19p RADC-TR-76- 306 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns, "Electromagnetic radiation, "Electromagnetic scattering, "Matrix theory, Antennas, Synthesis, Apertures, Linear arrays. Waveguides, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: "Antenna synthesis, Wire antennas, Method of moments. The objective of this research project was to in- vestigate applications of matrix methods to radiation and scattering systems. Four major topics were investigated, namely, (a) antenna pattern synthesis, (b) wire antennas over imper- fect ground, (c) radiation and scattering from large bodies, and (d) electromagnetic transmis- sion through apertures. All technical reports is- sued on project work are listed and abstracts of each are given. Published papers and oral papers related to project work are also listed. Based on the results of this project, recommen- dations for further research work are given. (Author) AD-A032 697/5CP PC A05/MF A01 International Business Machines Corp Hopewell Junction N Y East Fishkill Lab Defect Structure in GaAs Final rept. 1 Jun 75-31 May 76 Guenter H. Schwuttke. Sep 76, 96p IBM-TR- 22.2065, RADC-TR-76-256 Contract F19628-75-C-0174 Descriptors: "Gallium arsenides, "Crystal de- fects, Computer programs, Patterns, De- fects(Materials), Test methods. Wafers, Elec- tron microscopy, X Ray diffraction. A unified computer program is presented, which is useful for the generation of indexed Kossel, pseudo-Kossel. Kikuchi, and channel- ing maps. The application of Impact Sound Stressing, a novel technique to introduce damage into wafer surfaces, is discussed for GaAs. Equipment and operational parameters are given. Impact Sound Stress induced damage in GaAs surfaces is characterized by light optical and scanning electron microscopy. (Author) AD-A032 715/5CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Academy Annapolis Md Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors Research rept. Scott M.Jenkins. 17 Mar 76, 196p Rept no. USNA-TSPR-77 Report on a Trident scholar project. Descriptors: "Dielectric properties, "Semiconductors, Solid state electronics. Low frequency, Pressure transducers, Computer programs, Temperature, Audio frequency, Zinc selenides, Selenides, Arsenic compounds, Ar- senic sulfides. Cadmium selenides, Cadmium sulfides. Identifiers: Arsenide selenides, "Amorphous semiconductors. The complex dielectric constant has been mea- sured for single crystal CdS and CdSe, and amorphous As2S3, As2Se3, and ZnSe at five audio frequencies 1000-10000 Hz) over the tem- perature range 4.2-300K at 1 atmosphere and over the pressure range 1-3000 atmospheres at temperatures from 260-320K. Anomalies are noted in the temperature variation of the real part of the dielectric constant for the As glasses. One anomaly is attributable to a Debye-type impurity while the other remains unexplained. The volume independent tem- perature derivative and temperature indepen- dent volume derivative of the real part of the dielectric constant are calculated for each material. These are used in conjunction with the Clausius-Mossotti equation to evaluate the various contributions to the pressure and tem- perature derivatives of the dielectric constant. For CdS, the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation is found to hold and the Szigeti effective charge is calculated. Finally, the possible use of these materials as a pressure transducer is discussed. (Author) AD-A032 717/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Academy Annapolis Md Cyclic Liquid Jet Behavior in Pulsating Bub- bles Research rept. Nicholas E. Karangelen. 17 May 76, 99p Rept no. USNA-TSPR-79 Report on a Trident scholar project. Descriptors: "Cavitation, "Liquid jets, "Bubbles, Pulsation, Cycles, Vibration, Acoustics, Col- lapse, Cavitation noise, High speed photog- raphy, Photographic analysis. Laboratory procedures. Laboratory equipment, Legendre functions, Mathematical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: Acoustic cavitation, Trident scholar project. The report concerns the behavior of cyclic liquid jets in pulsating bubbles. The jets were developed in bubbles which were situated on a vibrating platform that was contained within a vessel capable of sustaining reduced pres- sures. The entire assembly was mounted on a variable frequency vibration table and driven at displacement amplitudes on the order of a mil- limeter. The reduced pressure enabled the jets to be quite easily formed within the vessel; the jets were formed in bubbles containing both vapor and gas, thus resulting in bubbles ex- hibiting jet behavior over several cycles. The bubbles were photographed with a high speed camera and a detailed analysis made of the behavior of the the jet as a function of time. It was found that the bubble surface could be well represented by the first four even terms of a Legendre polynomial expansion. Further, a graphic three-dimensional display of the bub- ble surface, generated by the expansion, gives excellent agreement with the observed behavior. AD-A032 724/7CP PC A02/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Non-Equilibrium Radiation for the HULL Code Final rept. Marvin L. Alme, Cydney Westmoreland, and Mark A. Fry. Oct 76, 22p Rept no. AFWL-TR-76- 244 32 Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamic codes, 'Nonequilibrium flow, Diffusion theory, Two dimensional flow, Differential equations, Dif- ference equations, Operators(Mathematics), Flux density. Identifiers: 'HULL computer program. A treatment of flux-limited radiation diffusion is incorporated into the HULL code. The dif- ferential equations in the non-equilibrium radiation diffusion model are discussed, as well as the flux limiters. The difference equations used are also derived. The code has been exer- cised on several test problems and results from two of these test problems are reported. (Author) AD-A033 029/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Current Status of HF/DF Chain Chemical Laser Final rept. Charles W. Clendening, Jr. Nov 76, 61 p Rept no. AFWL-TR-76-194 Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, 'Hydrogen fluoride lasers, Continuous wave lasers, Chain reactions, Reaction kinetics. Chemical reac- tions, Performance tests, Experimental design, Deuterium compounds, Combustors, Mathe- matical models, Deactivation, Vibrational spec- tra, Fluorides. Identifiers: Hydrogen fluoride lasers, 'Deuterium fluoride lasers, LAMP Computer program. Experimental performance of the H2 + F2 chain reaction chemical lasers has consistently fallen below the theoretically less advantageous F + H2 cold reaction. This report discusses the cur- rent status of chain laser modeling and con- siders the implications of the computer results. Experimental data have drastically changed the HF(V) V to T,R deactivation rate scale from V to V sup 2.3 independent of the deactivating spe- cies. A new H + HF(V) deactivation rate for V greater than or equal to 3 has been measured and determined to be approximately 10 to the 14th power/cc/mole sec. LAMP computer code results with the new kinetic rates have greatly improved the agreement between theory and experiment. The chain reaction for a chemical laser has been determined to be more efficient in the DF-C02 transfer laser and the HF pulsed laser. AD-A033 388/OCP PC A03/MF A01 New York Univ N Y Dept of Applied Science An Interaction Model for Supersonic, Laminar Separating Flows Gabriel Miller. Dec 75, 28p Contract N00014-67-A-0467-0021 Descriptors: 'Laminar flow, 'Supersonic flow, 'Viscous flow, Interactions, Mathematical models, Separation, Computer programs. Heat transfer, Pressure distribution. An analytical model and computer program has been developed to analyze supersonic, laminar separating flow fields over ramps. The impor- tant features of the model are its ability to in- clude the two family nature of the supersonic flow field, the matching of supersonic and sub- sonic profiles in the transonic region (which aids in the selection of the solution for a par- ticular problem when two exist, thus eliminat- ing the problem of branching solutions), the in- clusion of the normal momentum equation (and thus normal pressure gradients) throughout the flow field, and the solution of the separation problem by a marching technique. The elliptici- ty of separated flow fields is accounted for by casting the problem into one of the inverse na- ture. Correlations with data are utilized to determine upstream influence properties. Results for pressure distribution and heat transfer are presented and compared with ex- perimental data. The applicability of the model to more general flow fields and geometries is assessed. (Author) AD-A033 462/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Weapons Center China Lake Calif Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Hydraulic Ram IV. (User's Manual for Pressure Wave Genera- tion Model) Final rept. Jul 72-Dec 74 E. A. Lundstrom, and W. K. Fung. Oct 76, 82p JTCG/AS-74-T-018 Descriptors: 'Aircraft equipment, 'Hydraulic ram effect, 'Fuel systems, Bullets(Projectiles), Wave propagation, Pressure, Projectile trajec- tories. Computer programs. User needs. Mathe- matical models, Terminal ballistics, Penetra- tion, Survival(General), Vulnerability analysis, Fluid dynamics. Identifiers: Pressure waves. Hydraulic ram com- puter program, UNIVAC-1 110 computers. This report presents a theory for modeling the pressure wave generated by a penetrating pro- jectile in fluid. Assumptions and limitation of the model are discussed. The computer pro- gram and sample problem listing also are presented. AD-A033 498/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Cincinnati Univ Ohio Dept of Aerospace En- gineering Study of Non-lsoenergetic Turbulent Jet Mix- ing in a Constant Area Duct Technical rept. J. H. Blasenak, and W. Tabakoff. Sep 76, 38p Rept no. 76-49 Contract DAHC04-69-C-0016 Descriptors: 'Turbulent flow, 'Jet mixing flow, 'Ducts, Turbofan engines, Theory, Experimen- tal data, Configurations, Eccentricity, Tempera- ture, Axisymmetric, Mathematical models. Computer programs. Test facilities. Identifiers: Nonisoenergetic mixing. Concentric case, Eccentric case. A study of non-isoenergetic turbulent jet mixing between two streams has been conducted. Using a previously derived theoretical analysis for ducted mixing, an experimental investiga- tion was performed to verify this theory and to determine the non-isoenergetic turbulent jet mixing characteristics in a constant area duct. Temperature profiles were measured at several axial locations in the duct for both a concentric and an eccentric configuration. It was deter- mined that the theoretical and experimental temperature profiles agreed fairly well for both cases, although the concentric case showed better agreement than the eccentric case. It was also determined that a new constant of turbu- lence in the initial region was needed for non- isoenergetic mixing, mixing is generally more rapid than the theory predicted, the initial tem- perature difference between the two streams did not have much effect on the rate of mixing and a higher area ratio produced better agree- ment between the theory and the experimental data. It was concluded that the theory was good for a fairly simplified analysis. (Author) AD-A033 678/4CP PC A13/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model Final rept. Philip J. Craun. 5 Apr 76, 283p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-75-1 1 5 Descriptors: 'Ocean models, 'Sound transmis- sion, 'Computerized simulation, 'Underwater sound, Acoustic signals, Signal generators, Real time, Ray tracing. Sonar targets. Layers, Acoustic velocity. Angle of arrival, Underwater tracking, Minicomputers, Computer programs, Flow charting. Identifiers: Newton-Raphson method. The simulation of acoustic targets in the ocean environment requires an ocean model which produces realistic propagation effects. This re- port describes a three layer ocean model which is part of a real time acoustic signal generator developed at this laboratory. The ocean model is written in Data General assembly language and runs on a Super Nova minicomputer. Detailed charts and listings of the ocean model are included. AD-A034 079/4CP PC A09/MF A01 Arkansas Univ Fayetteville Dept of Electrical Engineering Laser Resonator Studies Final rept. M. M. Johnson, L G. Collier, and G. E. Smith. Dec 76, 185p AFWL-TR-75-333 Contract F29601 -74-C-0077 Descriptors: 'Laser cavities, 'Cavity resonators, 'Mirrors, Stability, High power, Coupling(lnteraction), Fast fourier transforms, Far field, Approximation(Mathematics), Com- puter programs, Iterations. The goal of the study was to find a hole-coupled resonator with good azimuthal mode dis- crimination for potential uses in high power laser applications. Two computer programs were developed to aid in the Analysis of hole- coupled resonators. The first program calcu- lates the scalar eigenmodes, of circular cylin- drical resonators with exp (+ or - jl times phi) where I is an integer azimuthal variaton and ar- bitrary radical mirror figure. Graphs of the radi- al mode eigenvalues (versus Fresnel number) for the four lowest order azimuthal modes revealed that typically, the larger the hole becomes in a hole-coupled resonator, the higher the azimuthal index of the dominant (lowest loss) mode (media gain saturation not included). The lowest order azimuthal mode losses were almost identical in one negative branch toroidal hole-coupled resonator and in a positive branch resonator where both mirrors had on-axis holes. The second computer pro- gram calculates the radial mirror profiles by a non-linear multiple regression technique such that the eigenmode mangitude and/or phase profiles are best, least squares, fits to use specified radial mode profiles. Tests showed, for example, that a field, uniform magnitude and phase, could be achieved in the hole for I = of a hole-coupled resonator. In most in- stances however the I = mode was not the dominant arbitrary azimuthal field variation so that best fits to desired azimuthal is designed for the lowest loss mode. (Author) AD-A034 163/6CP PC A02/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Finite Element Solution of Fluid-Structure In- teraction Problems Final rept. Erwin A. Schroeder, and Melvyn S. Marcus. Oct 76, 22p Rept no. DTNSRDC-76-0145 Presented at the Shock and Vibration Symposi- um (46th), Oct 75, San Diego, Calif. Descriptors: "Fluid mechanics, 'Finite element analysis, Structural analysis, Computer pro- grams. Vibration, Interactions, Underwater structures. Identifiers: NASTRAN computer program. A finite element method for computing natural frequencies of a submerged structure is imple- mented using a structural analysis program to solve a sample problem. In this method, the structure and the surrounding fluid are represented by finite elements. Finite element solutions of the sample problem compare well with an analytic solution for both consistent and lumped formulations of the fluid-structure interaction effects. (Author) 33 AD-A034 764/1CP PC A99/MF A01 Polytechnic Inst of New York Brooklyn Microwave Research Inst Progress Report Number 41, 15 September 1975 through 14 September 1976 to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee. A Summary of Current Research at the Microwave Research Institute Interim rept. Arthur A. Oliner. Nov 76, 640p Rept no. POLY- MRI-452.41-76 Contract F44620-74-C-0056 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetism, "Scientific research, Acoustics, Optics, Communication and radio systems, Control theory, Computers, Computer communications, Data processing. Energy conversion. Electronics, Quantum elec- tronics, Microelectronics, Waveguides, Com- puter programs. Solid state electronics. Microwaves. Identifiers: Microwave acoustics. This report is the forty-first in a series of progress reports to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee since inception of the Joint Services Electronics Program at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in July 1955. The report, now being issued annually, sum- marizes research accomplished under the aegis of the Microwave Research Institute and reflects the impact of the Joint Services Elec- tronics Program on the research activities of faculty and students of the Institute. The pro- gram covers a broad spectrum ranging from basic theoretical physics, mathematics, and en- gineering, to experimental investigations in- volving basic measurements, development of devices, and materials. Each activity reports in summary fashion on specific results obtained during the report period. 15 September 1975 through 14 September 1976, with individual acknowledgement of the sponsorship which has contributed to the reported work. The re- port is organized into two major divisions. The first, Electrophysics, includes the topics of: Electromagnetics; Acoustics; Optics; Quantum Electronics; Solid State and Materials; Wave- Matter Interactions; and Electric Power En- gineering. The second, Systems, includes the topics of: Communications; Computer and Computer-Communications Networks; Safety, Reliability and Software Engineering; Systems, Control and Networks; and Data Processing. (Author) AD-A034 876/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering An Analytical Study of the Effects of Mass Transfer on a Compressible Turbulent Boun- dary Layer Master's thesis A. J. Beauregard Dec 76, 32p Rept no. GA/MC/76D-3 Descriptors: 'Turbulent boundary layer, 'Compressible flow. Mass transfer, Navier Stokes equations. Laminar boundary layer. Transitions, Suction, Compression, Axisymmet- ric, Sharp bodies. Conical bodies, Flat plate models, Machine coding, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Flow charting, Theses. Given a Fortran code that solved for the charac- teristics of a laminar, transitional, and turbulent boundary layer, the problem was to modify the existing program to predict the boundary layer over a flat plate and sharp nosed axisymmetric cone with mass transfer as a boundary condi- tion at the surface of the model. The surface of the model was maintained at a constant tem- perature, and only the cases in which air was the transferred gas were studied To solve this problem the boundary layer was described by the standard boundary layer equations for con- tinuity, momentum, and energy. Incorporating mass transfer as a boundary condition, the governing equations underwent the transfor- mation of Probstein-Elliott and Levy-Lees. The resulting equations and boundary conditions were solved by finite differencing techniques for nondimensionalized velocity components and temperature at a finite number of nodes in the boundary layer field of flow. AD-A034 943/1 CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Numerical Solution of the Compressible Boundary Layer Equations Over Axisymmet- ric Surfaces Master's thesis Charles R. Blake Dec 76, 121p Rept no. GA/MC/76D-4 Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Compressible flow, 'Turbulent boundary layer, 'Equations, Laminar flow, Axisymmetric, Tur- bulent flow. Two dimensional, Numerical methods and procedures. Heat transfer, Solu- tions(General), Computer programs, Surfaces, Theses. A numerical solution of the compressible boun- dary layer equations was developed for flows over either two-dimensional or axisymmetric surfaces. The solution method is capable of solving for boundary layer parameters in either laminar or turbulent flows. In the case of turbu- lent flow, closure is achieved by use of a two- layered eddy viscosity model. The boundary layer equations are solved by a numerical marching procedure. A Mangier-Levy-Lees transformation of independent variables is used to improve the efficiency of the numerical solu- tion. The transformed boundary layer equations are then linearized by a three point finite dif- ference scheme. The linearized equations are solved by a matrix solution technique. Com- parisons of computed boundary layer parame- ters with experimentally determined parame- ters were made for both laminar and turbulent flows over axisymmetric bodies. The com- parisons show the numerical solution to be very accurate. (Author) AO-A034 948/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Interaction of Relativistic Protons with Matter Master's thesis Gene P. Bender. Dec 76, 160p Rept no. GNE/PH/76D-1 Descriptors: 'Proton beams, 'Particle colli- sions, 'Nuclear scattering, Nuclear cross sec- tions. Relativity theory, Interactions, Targets, Plasma medium, Electromagnetic fields. Elastic scattering, Bremsstrahlung, Computer pro- grams, Monte Carlo method. Theses. Identifiers: Boltzmann-Vlasov equation. The mechanisms associated with the interac- tion of a realtivistic proton beam with a target material are summarized, and a simple analytic calculation for each mechanism relates its im- portance in the deposition of energy. Because it was found that possible significant contribu- tions could be related to collective effects, the first three moments of the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation and the equations necessary to describe the internal and external electromag- netic fields associated with the target are developed. These equations are then formu- lated into a computer program to describe the collective interaction process. Sample runs demonstrate the ability of the computer model to predict plasma oscillation at the proper frequency Although an instability developed in the runs with the beam approaching the target, the preliminary analysis was accomplished, and the need for future detailed analysis of this process was established. (Author) AD-A034 975/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduction Computer Code Technical memo. J. Michael Clodfelter. Dec 76, 91 p Rept no. HDL-TM-76-28 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, "Radiation damage, 'Computer programs, "Machine coding, 'Radiation hardening. Curve fitting, Nuclear explosions, Electromagnetic pulses. Data processing, Subroutines, Data reduction. Plotting, Failure(Electronics), Least squares method. Identifiers. Semcon computer program. SEMCON is a semiconductor damage-data- reduction computer code that analyzes various semiconductor devices. The code evaluates semiconductor devices by giving the following information: (1) determination of damage— the failure or nonfailure of a device; (2) calculation of power, energy, and impedance; (3) least- squares fits of specific damage curves to chosen data; (4) selection of the best least- squares fit; and (5) log-log plots of least- squares fits. This report details the develop- ment and capabilities of SEMCON, as well as the procedures for using the code. (Author) AD-A035 275/7CP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adap- tive Extended Kalman Filter Master's thesis Zdzislaw H. Lewantowicz. Dec 76, 153p Rept no. GE/EE/76-29 Descriptors: 'Laser tracking, "Laser weapons, "Kalman filtering, Adaptive systems. Laser beams, Conical scanning, Glint, Aiming, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Adaptive laser optics techniques, Theses, Adaptive filters. An adaptive extended Kalman filter (EKF) is used in an Adaptive Laser Optics Techniques (ALOT) control loop to track the glint from a spherical target. A fourfold improvement in tracking bandwidth is obtained over a conven- tional conical scan ALOT tracking loop imple- mented with the same hardware. The increase in tracking bandwidth is manifested in the ratio between the (conical scan) dither frequency and the tracking bandwidth which is 2.5:1 for the EKF and 10:1 for the conventional analog or digital glint tracking schemes. The EKF pro- vides correct pointing error estimates over es- sentially the entire range of the pointing error, whereas in a conventional conical scan loop the demodulated error versus true pointing error function is highly non-linear due to the nonlinearity of the glint. AD-A035 335/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Cincinnati Univ Ohio Dept of Aerospace En- gineering Viscous Shock Layer Solutions for Hyper- sonic Sphere-Cones Final rept. Mar-Oct 76 B. N. Srivastava, M.J. Werle, and R. T. Davis. Jan 77, 184p AEDC-TR-77-20 Contract F40600-74-C-001 1 Descriptors: "Hypersonic flow, "Shock(Mechanics), Numerical analysis, Layers, Viscous flow. Blunt bodies. Conical bodies. Flow fields, Gradients, Discontinuities, Shock waves. Bow shock, Solutions(General), Equations, Numerical methods and procedures. Finite difference theory, Reynolds number. Heat transfer, Pressure, Computer programs, Flow charting. An analysis and numerical solution of the fully viscous shock layer equations for hypersonic flow past spherically blunted cones is presented. Attention is drawn to the adverse ef- 34 feet in the numerical solution due to discon- tinuities in the flow derivatives caused by the discontinuity in the surface curvature at the sphere/cone tangency point, when the usual surface coordinate frame of reference is used. It is shown that a finite difference formulation that accounts for the imbedded gradient discontinuities resolves these numerical dif- ficulties. This concept is demonstrated through a numerical scheme which utilizes a time de- pendent relaxation technique for the bow shock shape. A model problem analogous to the sphere/cone juncture problem is first for- mulated and finite difference schemes developed and demonstrated for this case. This approach is then extended to the solution of the viscous shock layer equations for hypersonic flow past spherically blunted cones with half cone angles varying from 30 deg to deg at high Reynolds number. For these cases the present results are found to compare well with independent inviscid flow calculations. In addi- tion, excellent comparisons with experimental pressure and heat transfer data on a 7.5 deg half angle cone are obtained. (Author) AD-A035 340/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Research Labs Malibu Calif Excimer Lasers Final technical rept. 1 Oct 74-15 Aug 76 A. Jay Palmer, and L. D. Hess. Dec 76, 95p Contract N00014-75-C-0081, ARPA Order-1 807 Descriptors: 'Lasers, 'Gas lasers, Dimers, Rare gases, Alkali metals. Continuous waves, Laser pumping, Cesium compounds. Heat pipes, Chromates, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Excimer lasers. The results of a theoretical and experimental program addressed to demonstrating the feasi- bility of a high-energy alkali-rare gas ex- cimer/dimer laser are reported. The major theoretical accomplishments are the develop- ment of a detailed model for flashlamp pump- ing of all the alkali-xenon excimer/dimer systems and for discharge pumping of the potassium-xenon and potassium-argon systems. The models predict that laser oscilla- tion is attainable under practical laboratory conditions on both the excimer and dimer bands of these systems. Major accomplish- ments of the experimental program are a mea- surement of the stimulated emission coefficient on the K-Xe excimer band during flashlamp pumping which was consistent with the model; the attainment of a 1 microsec, pulsed diffuse discharge through an aerosol-free K-Ar mixture under conditions predicted by the model to be sufficient for achieving laser oscillation on the excimer and dimer bands and the attainment of preliminary absolute fluorescence data on the discharge pumped K-Ar excimer band indica- tive of a resonance level concentration within an order of magnitude of that predicted by the model. (Author) AD-A035 613/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Iowa Inst of Hydraulic Research Iowa City Heat Transfer Analysis for Unsteady High Velocity Pipe Flow. Part I. On Minimization of Temperature Distortion in the Thermocouple Cavity. Part II. Improved Accuracy in the Pre- diction of Surface Heat Flux and Temperature by Intrinsic Thermocouple. Part III. Prediction of Transient Surface Heat Flux and Tempera- ture on a Hollow Cylinder Ching Jen Chen, Jenq Shing Chiou, Peter Li, and Hsai Yin Lee. Oct 76, 78p Rept no. IIHR-195 Grant DAAG29-76-G-0123 Descriptors: *Heat transfer, *Fluid flow, Ther- mocouples, Computer programs, Laplace transformation, Partial differential equations, Numerical integration, Computations, Heat flux, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Pipe flow. The work done for the project is reported here in three parts. The first is the analysis for minimization of the temperature distortion due to the thermocouple cavity. The error is minimized or reduced to zero by optimizing a combination of cavity diameter and depth and the thermocouple material and size. The second is the refinement of the presently availa- ble computer programs for prediction of the surface temperature and heat flux at the inner surface of the pipe by inverting the temperature measured by an interior probe close to the heated surface. The refinement is achieved by using the double precision format in the pro- gram and adapting the dimensionless formula- tion. The third is to study the inversion solution for a large time duration of a time dependent surface heat flux. The solution is obtained by the method of Laplace transform and the con- volution integral. Each of the above three sub- jects is reported as a part of the present report. AD-A035 678/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Pratt and Whitney Aircraft East Hartford Conn Supersonic Chordwise Bending Flutter in Cascades Final technical rept. 1 Apr 74-31 May 75 R. A. Arnoldi, F. O. Carta, A. O. St. Hilaire, and W. N. Ill Dalton. 31 May 75, 68p Rept no. PWA- 5271 Contract N00019-74-C-0305 Descriptors: 'Turbojet engines, 'Turbine blades, 'Flutter, Bending, Nonuniform flow. Aerodynamic forces, Bench tests, Data acquisi- tion, Experimental data, Vibration, Cascades(Fluid dynamics), Modes, Supersonic characteristics, Gas turbines, Mathematical prediction. Comparison. Identifiers: NASTRAN computer program. Fixed turbine blades, Unsteady flow. This report documents the results of an experi- mental program to study the phenomenon of chordwise bending flutter. An extensive series of vibration bench tests, using both prototype blades and the actual J-blade hardware, resulted in the choice of the first bending mode of a fully double-cantilevered configuration as the chordwise bending mode to be tested. Al- terations in both method of blade attachment and in the blade geometry itself were in- troduced to improve the desired mode shape and frequency. The vibration bench tests were carried out in conjunction with NASTRAN pre- dictions and supersonic cascade aerodynamic computations. Comparisons between theory and experiment are discussed. AD-A035 765/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Institute for Defense Analyses Arlington Va Science and Technology Div Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aerosol Methodology with Applica- tion to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base Final rept. Robert E. Roberts. Dec 76, 32p P-1 225, IDA/HQ- 76-18603 Contract DAHC15-73-C-0200 Descriptors: 'Light transmission, 'Atmosphere models, 'Aerosols, 'Infrared radiation, 'Infrared detectors. Infrared images, Extinction, Coeffi- cients, Mie scattering. Particle size, Electroop- tics, Meteorological data. Visibility, Models, Computerized simulation, Data bases. Identifiers: LOWTRAN Computer programs. At- mospheric windows, Meteorological instru- ments. Air pollution detection, Remote sensing, Optical measurement. Using Mie calculations for a wide variety of measured and assumed particle size distribu- tions, a strong relationship between the total volume content of the particulate along the transmission path and the aerosol extinction coefficient was established. Field measure- ments, such as those taken at Grafenwoehr, Federal Republic of Germany, further established the validity of this relationship. Both theory and experiment suggest that a phenomenological scaling of photopic trans- mission (related to normal meteorological visi- bility) to the infrared (IR) windows is possible which furthermore is independent of the struc- ture or shape of the particle size distribution. A second important implication is that a simple, possibly remote measurement of a quantity re- lated to the volume or mass of the aerosol could provide a direct measure of the IR transmission (an IR visibility meter). Such a routine meteorological measurement would clearly be of use to sensor performance modeling. (Author) AD-A035 850/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field Master's thesis Jorge Trelles Sanchez. Dec 76, 54p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Sonar signals, 'Acoustic signatures, Near field. Far field. Computer programs. Mathematical models. Antisubmarine warfare, Partial dif- ferential equations. Numerical integration. Theses. A theory is presented for computing the far field beam patterns from distributed random noise sources. The theoretical model uses the Green's Function for the wave equation and the space-time autocorrelation function for deter- mining the radiation from a randomly vibrating area. The actual far field beam pattern of a horn speaker in an anechoic chamber was obtained, and also near field measurements were taken to obtain the correlation distance and the mean square of the particle velocity using the au- tocorrelation function. Finally a computer pro- gram was written to evaluate the integral wave equation by numerical methods. It was found that the critical parameters in the mathematical model were the correlation distance and the frequency limits of integration. Small variations in the correlation distance modified greatly the width of the predicted beam pattern, while changes in the limits of integration had a moderate effect. The Frequency Spectrum was obtained in the anechoic chamber and it was used to determine the limits of integration of the integral solution for the intensity field. AD-A036 210/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst Stability of Highly-Cooled Compressible Laminar Boundary Layers Final rept. 23 Apr 74-22 Oct 76 Louis I. Boehman, and Michael G. Mariscalco. 22 Oct 76, 131pUDRI-TR-76-70, AFFDL-TR-76- 148 Contract F33615-74-C-3067 Descriptors: 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Boundary layer flow, 'Boundary layer transi- tion. Stability, Shock tubes. Free stream, Cool- ing, Walls, Mach number, Reynolds number, Compressible flow, Supersonic characteristics, Shock(Mechanics), Wind tunnel tests. Free flight. Computer programs. This report shows that wall cooling can be an effective means of increasing the stability of laminar boundary layer flows. The stability of two general classes of cooled boundary layer flows was investigated; shock tube induced boundary layers, and cooled subsonic steady flow boundary layers (such as that on a cooled aerodynamic surface in free flight or in a wind tunnel) AD-A036 213/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Mcdonnell Aircraft Co St Louis Mo 35 Numerical Solution of Subsonic Viscous-in- viscid Interacting Flows Final rept. 16 Apr 73-Dec 75 August Verhoff. Jul 76, 1 12p AFFDL-TR-76-64 Contract F33615-73-C-4062 Descriptors: *Navier Stokes equations, 'Boundary value problems, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Fluid dynamics. Numerical methods and procedures. Viscous flow, Inviscid flow. In- teractions, Subsonic flow, Turbulent boundary layer, Turbulent flow. Laminar flow, Boundary layer transition, Turbulence, Solu- tions(General), Steady state. Airfoils. Identifiers: Joukowsky airfoils. A numerical procedure has been developed which determines steady state solutions of the turbulent two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equa- tions as the asymptotic large-time limit of the full unsteady equations. The formulation is presented for inviscid flow, laminar flow and turbulent flow using an analytic transformation from the physical space around the body to a computational space. Accurate boundary con- ditions are derived for inviscid and laminar flow. Inviscid flow calculations for several body shapes show convergence to the steady state solution. The formulation for turbulent flow in- corporates equations for turbulence energy and dissipation, and uses a law-of-the-wall boundary condition to avoid the need for fine mesh spacing in the laminar sublayer. Results are presented for a symmetric Joukowsky airfoil for completely laminar flow and for laminar flow with transition to turbulence. (Author) AD-A036 450/5CP PC A03/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Ship Per- formance Dept User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Program for Calculating the Potential Flow/Boundary Layer Interaction on Axisym- metric Bodies Final rept. H. T. Wang, and T. T. Huang. Dec 76, 47p Rept no. SPD-737-01 Descriptors: 'Programming manuals, "Boundary layer flow, Interactions, Potential flow, Incompressible flow, Pressure distribu- tion, Axisymmetric, Bodies, User needs, Com- puter programs, Fortran, Methodology. A description is given of a computer program which calculates the incompressible boundary layer flow and pressure distribution over an ax- isymmetric body. A brief outline is given of the computation method Detailed input instruc- tions are provided A sample problem is solved to illustrate usage of the program and also to present the output. The general output scheme is explained and the output variables are defined. (Author) AD-A036 539/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Undersea Center San Diego Calif LORA: A Model for Predicting the Per- formance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems Final rept. 1972-1976 D. W. Hoffman. Dec 76, 125p Rept no NUC-TP- 541 Descriptors: 'Active sonar, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Sound transmission, 'Underwater sound, Long range(Distance), Per- formance(Engineering), Predictions, Propaga- tion, Losses, Reverberation, Ray tracing. Con- vergence Zone, Bottom bounce. Identifiers: LORA computer program, UNIVAC 1110 computers. LORA is a model developed to predict the per- formance of long-range active sonar systems. The supporting computer program uses 3-8 cpu seconds per run on the UNIVAC 1110 com- puter and requires 38,000 words of core storage. The performance prediction model comprises models that estimate propagation loss, reverberation level, and probability of de- tection. The propagation loss models are (1) empirical equations (modified AMOS) for near- surface ducts and (2) ray theory (Pedersen and Gordon) for direct-path, bottom-bounce, and convergence-zone sound propagation. The sound-speed profile is corrected for earth cur- vature, but is otherwise constant with range. Models for estimating reverberation use ray tracing to the centers of backscattering areas and volumes. The surface backscattering strength is obtained by using the Chapman- Harris equations, Eckart's equations, and Richter's data. The bottom backscattering strength uses equations derived from Lam- bert's Law and Schmidt's data. The volume backscattering strength is represented as column backscattering strength. Five probabili- ty-of-detection models are derived for various assumptions for signal distortion and detector characteristics. LORA features target doppler corrections for reverberation levels; multi-ping reverberation calculations; optional passive coherent and incoherent propagation loss out- puts; and multiple bottom-bounce and multiple convergence-zone calculations. (Author) AD-A036 864/7CP PC A02/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Annapolis Md Materials Dept A State-of-the-Art Data System for the Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Materials Research and development rept. Melvin H. Main, Jr, and Keith R. Musson. Feb 77, 22p Rept no. MAT-76-81 Descriptors: 'Acoustic materials, 'Underwater acoustics, 'Data acquisition. Test and evalua- tion, Automation, Waveguides, Computer appli- cations, Computer programs, Data processing. A computerized data acquisition system in- tended to completely automate the evaluation of underwater acoustic materials in the en- vironment of a waveguide has been designed by the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Annapolis, Maryland. The system utilizes software sampling: a technique whereby the complete time-varying, analog representation of an acoustic signal is con- verted into digital format by means of a digital oscilloscope and then transferred to a com- puter where it is processed under program con- trol. Data reduction occurs simultaneously with data acquisition and is obtained in hard-copy format as well as in graphical form. Measure- ments, such as reflection loss, energy absorp- tion, target strength reduction, and acoustic impedance, are incorporated into the system through software creation and require no addi- tional hardware subsystems. (Author) AD-A037 063/5CP PC A02/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Ship Per- formance Dept User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Program for Calculating Propeller/Stern Boundary-Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies Final rept. T T. Huang. Dec 76, 19p Rept no. SPD-737-02 Descriptors: 'Programming manuals, 'Boundary layer flow, 'Inviscid flow. Numerical methods and procedures, Approxima- tion(Mathematics), Propellers(Marine), Wake, Interactions, FORTRAN, Input output processing, Computer programs. A computer program which calculates the in- viscid approximation of propeller/stern boun- dary-layer interaction is given. The description includes a summary of the inviscid theory and the assumptions used, an outline of the numeri- cal procedure and computation method, a nu- merical example, FORTRAN listing, and input and output instructions. This program is designed to compute the effective velocity profile from the measured nominal velocity profile for propeller design. (Author) AD-A037 395/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C SSPARAMA: A Nonlinear, Wave Optics Mul- tipulse (and CW) Steady-State Propagation Code with Adaptive Coordinates Final rept. K. G. Whitney, G. L. Mader, and P. B. Ulrich. 10 Feb 77, 80p Rept no. NRL-8074 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Laser beams, 'Computer pro- grams Light pulses, 'Thermal blooming, Con- tinuous waves. High energy. Computerized simulation. Identifiers: 'Nonlinear optics, 'Atmospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric attenuation. This report describes the numerical procedures that are used to calculate the steady-state at- mospheric propagation and thermal blooming of either a train of high-energy laser pulses or a CW beam. The calculation is performed through the aid of a sequence of coordinate and variable transformations that enable one to adapt the scale and location of the transverse coordinate system to the amount of diffraction or thermal blooming taking place during beam propagation. A description is also given of the input parameters and diagnostics provided in the calculation along with a listing of the com- puter program. (Author) AD-A037 538/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Parker (Lee W) Inc Concord Mass Theory of Electron Emission Effects in Sym- metric Probe and Spacecraft Sheaths Final rept. 1 Nov 75-30 Jun 76 Lee W. Parker. 30 Sep 76, 76p AFGL-TR-76- 0294 Contract F19628-76-C-0110 Descriptors: 'Plasma sheaths, 'Langmuir probes, 'Spacecraft, 'Electrostatic charge, Photoelectric emission. Secondary emission. Computer programs. Surface properties, Ther- mionic emission. Cylindrical bodies, Spheres. Identifiers: Parkss computer program. A computer model developed earlier, for the rigorous theory of the steady-state sheath structure about and the particle fluxes to a con- ducting spherical body in a collisionless plasma, has been extended to include the con- tributions of emitted electrons in addition to those of the ambient plasma. The method is also extended to apply to long cylinders as well as to spheres. Potential barriers and general non-monotonic potential distributions are taken into account. Solutions are possible for wide ranges of the values of the relevant parameters, and are applicable to the sheaths and fluxes of emitting spacecraft, and to the current-voltage characteristics of emitting Langmuir probes. Solutions are presented for a number of sample problems, using a code PARKSS based on the analysis of this report. The discussion of these solutions includes comparisons with previous theories and experi- mental data. In these problems the effects are considered of variations of (a) surface potential, (B) monoenergetic versus Maxwellian emission velocity distributions, (c) emission flux relative to ambient fluxes (weak versus strong emis- sion), and (d) emission temperature relative to ambient temperatures (cold versus warm emis- sion), on potential barriers and net surface fluxes. AO-A037 754/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex 36 Thermal Radiative Losses from Graphite Calorimeters Used in Pulsed Electron Beam Experiments Final rept. John A. MacFarlane. Nov 76, 47p Rept no. AFWL-TR-76-180 Descriptors: "Calorimeters, "Heat transfer, 'Graphite, Thermal radiation, Diagno- sis(General), Electron beams, Computer pro- grams, Cooling, Curve fitting, Finite difference theory, Radiation damage. Radiation harden- ing. A study to analytically model the thermal behavior of a graphite calorimeter block sub- jected to an initially non-uniform temperature profile has been conducted. The model allows prediction of the amount of energy lost from the block by the time a uniform temperature profile is achieved. It is assumed that the only means of energy loss to the surroundings is that of ther- mal radiation; the effects of convection and thermal conduction to the surroundings are neglected. In addition, it is assumed that the calorimeter is exposed to a uniform beam of energy with an area equal to that of the calorimeter face. Thus, conduction in the lateral directions is neglected. Finally, it is as- sumed that the beam energy is deposited in- stantaneously, with the resultant temperature profile being taken as an initial condition. The results of a parametric study in which the radia- tion losses are quantified for a variety of elec- tron beam environments are presented. Finally, an evaluation of the manner in which calorimetry data are presently reduced is made. (Author) AD-A037 797/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Dept of Physics The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids: Their Surfaces and Interfaces Final rept. 1 Jan 72-31 Mar 76 A. Barry Kunz. Feb 77, 163p AFAL-TR-76-140 Contract F33615-72-C-1506 Descriptors: 'Crystal structure, 'Metal oxide semiconductors, Electronic states, Surfaces, Interfaces, Hartree-Fock approximation, Charge density, Compton scattering. Computer programs, Crystal lattices. Identifiers: 'Band structure of solids, 'Semiconductors, 'Metals. This project was designed to study accurate, non-empirical theoretical techniques which permit one to have a predictive theoretical capability for systems of interest in electronic devices of a solid state nature. Thus, the classes of materials of interest include insulator (principally oxides), semiconductors, and some metals. Properties of bulk crystalline solids are needed as are properties of surfaces and inter- faces. It is desired to develop a unified technique for all classes of systems. The most general available technique iss the Hartree- Fock Self-Consistent Field Method. In this case for most, if not all solids, this is best imple- mented by means of a local-orbital transforma- tion. Since the Hartree-Fock method is a mean- field theory, inclusion of correlation corrections is important for studies of ground state proper- ties (charge densities, Compton profiles, equilibrium lattice spacings). The best method overall in terms of economy and accuracy is the electronic-polaron model in its improved form. Similar techniques are viable for surface state and interface state studies. AD-A037 899/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Continuous Surface-Density Monte Carlo Solution to the Dirichlet Heat-Transfer Problem Final rept. Norman E. Banks, and Thomas J. Hoffman. Mar 77, 29p Rept no. BRL-1966 Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, 'Monte Carlo method, Integral equations, Dirichlet integral, Surface properties, Density, Geometry, Com- puter programs. Radiative transfer, Efficiency, Grids(Coordinates), Algorithms. Identifiers: Dirichlet problem. In this report a new and efficient Monte Carlo approach to the solution of the Dirichlet problem is developed and implemented. This approach, the surface-density technique, is capable of treating problems with arbitrary geometric complexity. No compromises with the physics of the problem are required, and new insight into efficient Monte Carlo solutions of many difficult problems of mathematical physics is gained. The adaptability of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes to this method is highly useful for problems that require calcu- lation of both heat transfer and radiation trans- port, e.g., analyses of fuel-shipping-casks. Criticality, shielding, and heat transfer can be calculated with one geometric description and one computer code. (Author) AD-A037 903/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif Electromagnetic System Interaction Al- gorithms (SEMCA, IPM, TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and Antenna Coupling, and Printouts) Technical document St Li. 3 Jan 77, 60p Rept no. NELC-TD-506 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic environments, 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Electromagnetic interference, Algorithms, Coupling(lnteraction), Computer programs, Shipboard, Models, Antennas, Radiofrequency, Data bases, Threshold effects, Attenuation, Er- rors, Transmitters, Receivers. Identifiers: TRED(Transmitter and receiver equipment development). TRED is a system design tool while SEMCA, IPM, and COSAM are mainly used as inter- ference prediction tools. A user-computer in- teractive program is recommended. It would be based on the TRED design philosophy and would be used during the design stage of ship- board RF communication systems. In addition, a performance evaluation program for ship- board RF communication systems is recom- mended. The purpose of the evaluation is to predict final system performance in terms of ar- ticulation index and bit error rate. (Author) AD-A038 132/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation Final quarterly technical rept. 16 Feb-14 May 75 E. J. Fremouw, and C. L. Rino. Aug 75, 54p Contract F30602-74-C-0279, ARPA Order-2777 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric scintillations, Iono- spheric models, Radio waves, Geomagnetism, Scattering, Computer programs, Gaussian noise, Statistical processes. Global. Identifiers: 'Radio transmission. This is the final quarterly technical report on a one-year contract to extend and improve an ex- isting empirical model for worldwide behavior of ionospherically imposed radio-wave scintil- lation. The objectives of the project were (1) to improve the accuracy of model-based calcula- tions of the intensity-scintillation index and (2) to develop a capability for full description (from the point of view of engineering applications) of the first-order, complex-signal statistics that characterize the trans-ionospheric radio com- munication channel. A follow-on project has been initiated to extend the channel model to include second-order signal statistics in the temporal, spatial, and spectral domains. The first priority in the follow-on work will be to cal- culate the fluctuation spectra of relevant signal parameters. In addition, it is intended to extend validity of the model into the multiple-scatter regime. AD-A038 160/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications. Volume I Richard B. Lauer, and Bernard Sussman. 9 Dec 76, 149p Rept no. NAVSEA-06H 1/036- EVA/MOST-10 Descriptors: 'Sonar, 'Computer programs. Un- derwater acoustics, Transmission loss, Models, Reverberation, Ambient noise, Memory devices, Time, Accuracy, Standards, Panel(Committee), Comparison. A methodology is presented for making an op- timum choice from several candidate models for a specific application. This is accomplished by providing information on several factors: ac- curacy, computer running time, computer storage required, ease of implementation, com- plexity of program execution, and available an- cillary outputs. The assessment of accuracy is performed by means of quantitative com- parisons with a standard. The method consists of obtaining differences between means of two data sets as a function of the independent vari- able, followed by assigning numerical weighting factors to statistical measures of the differences. In order to illustrate the application of this method, comparisons are made of six transmission loss models available at the Naval Underwater Systems Center at this writing. The models are compared with one another with respect to the parameters given above, and the predictions are compared with a set of PARKA data for accuracy. In this process, numerical rankings are assigned to the models. However, this is done solely for the purpose of illustrating the method, and is not meant as an endorse- ment of any model. The methodology is in a state of evolution, and the final version may differ in detail from the one presented in this re- port. (Author) AD-A038 299/4CP PC A13/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Dept of Electrical Engineering Techniques of Determining Ionospheric Structure from Oblique Radio Propagation Measurements Final rept. Oct 74-Sep 76 N. Narayana Rao, K. C. Yeh, M. Y. Youakim, K. E. Hoover, and P. Parhami. Dec 76, 282p UILU- Eng-76-2559, TR-59, RADC-TR-76-401 Contract F19628-75-C-0088 Descriptors: 'Radio transmission, 'Ionosphere, Ionospheric propagation, Aiming, Backscatter- ing, Ray tracing, Inversion, Computer applica- tions. Aspect angle, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric sounding. Computer techniques are developed to home the ray at a specified location with specified ac- curacy. Several methods have been in- vestigated whereby oblique radio propagation data can be used to obtain ionospheric profiles. In one method the optimum quasiparabolic layer can be found that is supposed to fit the given data within a tolerable error. Another method makes use of the Backus-Gilbert inver- sion technique. (Author) AD-A038 555/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex STREAM: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code in Cylindrical Geometry Final rept. 37 John A. Justice. Feb 77, 23p Rept no. AFWL-TR- 76-206 Descriptors: Tight transmission, Monte Carlo method, Ray tracing, Cylindrical bodies, Com- puter programs, Plasmas(Physics), Pinch ef- fect. Identifiers: 'STREAM computer program, SHIVA project. This report is a user's guide for STREAM, a code used to theoretically model light transmis- sion through complex, cylindrically symmetric SHIVA-type chamber geometries. Code access at the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) and program INPUT are described in detail. Sample output is provided. (Author) AD-A038 614/4CP PC A99/MF A01 General Electric Co Cincinnati Ohio Aircraft En- gine Group Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume III. Computer User's Manual for Aero- Acoustic Predictions Final technical rept. 1 Dec 72-23 Sep 75 David R. Ferguson, Michael A. Smith, and Paul R. Knott. Jul 76, 683p R74AEG452-Vol-3, AFAPL-TR-76-68-Vol-3 Contract F33615-73-C-2031 See also Volume 2, AD-A038 613. Descriptors: *Jet engine noise, 'Supersonic flow, 'Subsonic flow, 'Supersonic aircraft, 'Computer programs, Mathematical models, Mathematical prediction, Computerized simu- lation, Aerodynamics, Acoustics, Noise, Aircraft noise, Flow charting, Input, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: SSNOISE computer program, Su- personic jet noise prediction system, JETMIX computer program, SSFD computer program, MERGE computer program, NOISE computer program. This report gives a detailed description of aerodynamic (Shock-free/Shocked flow) and acoustic turbulent mixing computer prediction programs developed by the General Electric Company for subsonic and supersonic simple exhaust jets. In addition to giving detailed descriptions of the aeroacoustic formulations and discussions of computer manual instruc- tions for operating the program, extensive theory/data comparisons are given, as well as computer program listings and sample test cases. (Author) AD-A038 891/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB • In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 Final rept. 1 Dec 75, 1 29p Rept no. NAVSEA-06H1 /036- EVA/MOST-4 Prepared in cooperation with the NAVDAB Steering Group. See also Volume 4, AD-A038 892. Descriptors: 'Underwater acoustics, 'Sonar, 'Data banks, 'Acoustic data, Ocean environ- ments, Computer programs, Background noise. Identifiers: Most-4 project. The Naval Sea Systems Command Ocean En- vironmental Acoustic Data Bank (NAVDAB) was established to provide a data base of un- derwater acoustic and associated environmen- tal data. This document provides detailed infor- mation on the creation phase computer pro- grams. (Author) AD-A038 892/6CP PC A08/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 Final rept. 1 Dec 75, 162pReptno. NAVSEA-06H1/036- EVA/MOST-5 Prepared in cooperation with the NAVDAB Steering Group. See also Volume 5, AD-A021 840. Descriptors: 'Underwater acoustics, 'Sonar, 'Data banks, 'Acoustic data, Ocean environ- ments, Computer programs. Background noise. Identifiers: Most-5 project. The Naval Sea Systems Command Ocean En- vironmental Acoustic Data Bank (NAVDAB) was established to provide a data base of un- derwater acoustic and associated environmen- tal data. This document provides detailed infor- mation on the retrieval phase computer pro- grams. (Author) AD-A039 696/OCP PC A10/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Resulting from Rough Surface Scattering Master's thesis William E. Landis. Mar 77, 201 p Rept no. AFIT/GEO/EE/77-1 Descriptors: 'Radiation damage, 'Silicon, 'Neutron irradiation, Crystal defects, Neutron cross sections, Semiconductor diodes, Dis- placement, Legendre functions, Polynomials, Fitting functions(Mathematics), Computer pro- grams. Some preliminary experimental and theoretical results on the energy dependence of neutron- induced displacement damage in silicon are presented. The reduction in carrier lifetime, as reflected in the change in forward voltage at a fixed injection level, has been measured in wide-base silicon diodes, for monoenergetic neutrons at selected energies between 5.6 and 9.8 MeV. Twenty-five measurements at 19 ener- gies were made. To calculate the variations in damage with neutron energy, a computer pro- gram that could utilize all details of the best available neutron cross section data was prepared. This program accepts coefficients for a Legendre polynomial fit of a partial cross sec- tion, determines the silicon recoil energy at a particular angle, and calculates the Lindhard fraction of energy for displacement damage. The calculated results provide a direct indica- tion of the effect of angular distributions and the sensitivity of damage calculations to vari- ous details of the input neutron cross sections. (Author) AD-A039 790/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Time Integration of Unsteady Transonic Flow to a Steady State Solution by the Finite Ele- ment Method Master's thesis Raymond John Nichols, Jr. Mar 77, 1 10p Descriptors: 'Nonuniform flow, 'Transonic flow, 'Finite element analysis. Integration, Solu- tions(General), Steady state. Airfoils, Conver- gent divergent nozzles, Perturbations, Weighting functions, Boundary value problems, Computer programs. Theses. A finite element method was applied to the un- steady transonic small disturbance equation and integrated until the solution converged to the steady state for a thin nonlifting airfoil. The method of weighted residuals was used to for- mulate the finite element equations and Hou- bolt's method of central differencing in time was used to integrate these equations. A secon- dary investigation applied the steady transonic small disturbance equations to a converging- diverging nozzle. (Author) AD-A038 759/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Finite Element Method Applied to Flows in Turbomachines Master's thesis Valentin Francisco Gavito, Jr. Dec 76, 125p Descriptors: 'Axially symmetric flow, 'Turbomachinery, 'Finite element analysis, Compressible flow, Inviscid flow, Radial flow, Equilibrium(General), Equations, Matrices(Mathematics), Numerical integration, Computer programs, Flow charting. Subrou- tines, Theses. The finite element method is applied to the two- dimensional, inviscid, compressible radial equilibrium equation for axial compressors. Isoparametric elements are used along with three-point Gaussian integration for stiffness matrix evaluation. The radial equilibrium equa- tion is put into quasi-harmonic form for stream function formulation and results are presented using an isentropic flow assumption. Axial velocity profiles at rotor and stator blade edges are compared with published performance data of the NASA Task-1 stage transonic compressor and with numerical finite element results of Hirsch and Warzee. Descriptors: 'Laser tracking, 'Laser beams, 'Computer programs, Aiming, Scattering, Sur- face roughness. Propagation, Reflection, Dif- fraction, Fourier analysis, Fourier transforma- tion, Three dimensional, Focusing, Laser Weapons. Identifiers: Speckle patterns. The Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL/ALO) expressed a need to know what characteristics of reflected laser radiation could effect the operation of the Adaptive Laser Optical Techniques (ALOT) tracking and point- ing system. Because the radiation that is used for tracking is reflected from rough surfaces, the far field intensity pattern has a complex dis- tribution of irradiance. This complex distribu- tion of irradiance is called speckel. A computer model to calculate and plot laser speckle pat- terns was developed and tested. AD-A039 774/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Displacement Damage in Silicon Irradiated with 6- to 10-MeV Neutrons Memorandum rept. J. E. Youngblood, W. R. Van Antwerp, and R. M. Tapphorn. Apr 77, 36p Rept no. BRL-MR-2738 AD-A039 797/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Power-Density Distribution Below the Ocean Surface Due to Incident Laser Radiation Master's thesis Michael John Milchanowski. Mar 77, 85p Descriptors: 'Laser beams, Ocean surface, Penetration, Computerized simulation, Inter- faces, Ray tracing, Wind, Theses, Probability density functions, Computer programs, For- tran. Identifiers: 'Underwater light, Air water inter- faces. The time-averaged power-density distribution below the ocean surface due to incident laser radiation is examined by means of computer simulation of the geometrical optics involved with the air/sea interface and subsequent ocean penetration by the laser beam. The ef- fects over the entire spectra of incidence an- gles, wind velocities, wind directions, beam spot sizes and depths of penetration are analyzed. (Author) AD-A039 843/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C 38 Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Configured Bootlace Lenses Memorandum rept. J. P. Shelton. Apr 77, 31 p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3483 Contract DOT-FA75WAI-556 Descriptors: 'Microwave optics, "Lenses, Microwave antennas, Focusing, Computer pro- grams, Ground controlled approach radar, Ray tracing, Fortran. Identifiers: 'Bootlace lenses, Lens antennas. The line-source bootlace lens produces op- timum focusing characteristics when it is con- strained to exhibit front-to-back as well as right-left symmetry. It is shown that the sym- metric bootlace lens is a one-parameter family when the radiating array is specified to be lambda/2 spaced with + or - 90-degree coverage. Design equations for the lens are derived, and overall focusing performance and design data are plotted. A computer program of the design equations is presented. AD-A039 953/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Tdr Inc Los Angeles Calif Foundation of the Magnetic Field Integral Equation Code for the Calculation of Elec- tromagnetic Pulse External Interaction with Aircraft Final rept. Maurice I. Sancer, Scott Siegel, and A. D. Varvatsis. Apr 77, 148p AFWL-TR-76-279 Contract F29601-75-C-0067 Descriptors: 'Aircraft, "Electromagnetic pulses, Numerical analysis, Charge density. Computer programs, Current density. Airplane models, Computerized simulation. Frequency, Magnetic fields. Resonant frequency, Apertures, Cylindri- cal bodies, Approximation(Mathematics), In- tegral equations, Interactions. Identifiers: Bulk current. This report presents the equations that are pro- grammed along with their derivations and the underlying theory. The code determines the current density and charge density induced on a model of an aircraft. The equations that are programmed result from patch zoning the air- craft model in order to obtain a solution to the frequency domain representation of the mag- netic field intergial equation. The intent is to obtain solutions for a continuous spectrum that includes the low and resonant range of frequencies corresponding to the bulk of the energy in a typical EMP spectrum. (Author) AD-A040 006/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacksburg Coll of Engineering Kinetics, Energetics and Infrared Lasing in High Energy Rocket Propellant Ingredients at Cryogenic Temperatures Final scientific rept. Henry A. McGee, Jr. Mar 77, 76p AFOSR-TR-77- 0650 Grant AF-AFOSR-2109-71 Descriptors: "Laser materials, "Chemical lasers, "Cryogenic propellants, High energy propel- lants, Combustion products, Synthes- is(Chemistry), Liquid rocket fuels, Liquid rocket oxidizers, Exothermic reactions, Decomposi- tion, Propulsion systems, Reaction kinetics, Plasmas(Physics), Pyrolysis, Cryopumping, Quenching, Mathematical analysis, Computer programs, Rare gases. Boron hydrides. Molecular energy levels. Electric discharges. Electric discharge and pyrolytic activation com- bined with cryogenic quenching have been util- ized to synthesize isolable quantities of unusual small compounds of the first row elements. Most are endothermic and stable only at low temperatures. Several of these species have been burned in laser cavities of several designs to explore their efficacy in producing popula- tion inversions. Results have been generally disappointing, for no new lasers have been discovered, but work is continuing. (Author) AD-A040 019/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md EMPFIT: A Computer Code for Fitting EMP Waveforms that Facilitates the Calculation of the Fourier Transform Technical rept. J. Michael Clodfelter. Apr 77, 39p Rept no. HDL- TR-1801 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic pulses, "Fourier transformation, Machine coding. Computer programs, FORTRAN, Curve fitting. Identifiers: EMPFIT computer program. The computer code EMPFIT provides a method to fit an electromagnetic pulse, as well as other waveforms, with as little as 15 to 30 points. The code EMPFIT allows the user to fit a smooth curve to the data under consideration and to calculate the Fourier transform. An examina- tion of EMPFIT's capabilities is given along with the procedures for using the code. (Author) AD-A040 026/7CP MF A01 BDM Corp Albuquerque N Mex General Electromagnetic Model for the Analy- sis of Complex Systems. Volume I. User's Manual Final technical rept. 2 Apr 74-30 Sep 76 R. J. Balestri, T. R. Ferguson, and E. R. Anderson. Apr 77, 182p RADC-TR-77-137-Vol-1 Contract F30602-74-C-0182 See also Volume 2, AD-A040 027. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Electromagnetic compatibility, "Electromagnetic radiation, "Electromagnetic scattering, Antenna radiation patterns, Matrices(Mathematics), Solutions(General), Approximation(Mathematics), Iterations, User needs. Manuals, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN, Models. Identifiers: Method of moments, GEMACS com- puter program. Volume I of this report is the user's manual for the GEMACS code developed under this con- tract. GEMACS utilizes a MOM (Method of Mo- ments) formalism with the EFIE (Electric Field Integral Equation) for the solution of elec- tromagnetic radiation and scattering problems. The code employs both full matrix decomposi- tion and Banded Matrix Iteration solution techniques and is expressly designed for large problems. Volume II of this report describes the engineering approximations, the theory and im- plementation of the Banded Matrix Iteration scheme, and the results of a wire grid modeling study that established consistent wire grid modeling requirements for large structures. (Author) AD-A040 320/4CP MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Laurel Md Applied Physics Lab Experimental Research on the Propagation of Loran-C Signals. Volume D. Data and Analy- sis Technical memo. L. F. Fehlner, T. W. Jerardi, T. A. McCarty, R. G. Roll, and R. R. Smith. Jan 77, 390p Rept no. APL/JHU-TG-1298D Contract N00017-72-C-4401 See also Volume A, AD-A034 1 93. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Loran, "Radio transmission, "Electromagnetic wave propagation, Computer programs. Data processing, Ground waves(Electromagnetic), Data acquisition, Error analysis, Test methods, Artificial satel- lites, Real time, Flow charting, Preprocessing, Magnetic tape. Identifiers: Loran C. This report (Volume D of TG 1298) documents the data that were recorded and the analyses that were performed in conjunction with an ex- periment conducted by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for the U.S. Air Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to determine the validity of one facet of the theory of ground- wave propagation at 100 kHz. Volume A is the summary report, Volume B describes test operations, and Volume C describes the mea- surement system. This goal of the experiment was to determine if an analytic function could be developed for operational use that relates secondary phase factor to envelope to cycle dif- ference so that geodetic position can be com- puted, accurately and in real time, from Loran- C coordinates. Field test data were collected and analyzed. They show trends that tend to support the hypothesis that the desired func- tional relationship exists, at least under certain conditions. Additional analysis and perhaps tests will be necessary to define these condi- tions or to prove conclusively the existence of such a relationship. (Author) AD-A040 600/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Interaction between Steady Non-Uniform Two Dimensional Currents and Directional Wind-Generated Gravity Waves with Applica- tions for Current Measurements Final rept. Davidson T. Chen, and Paul Bey. May 77, 33p Rept no. NRL-MR-3508 Descriptors: "Gravity waves. Two dimensional flow, Wind, Interactions, Remote detectors, Computer programs. Wave equations, Energy, Spectral energy distribution. Currents, Wave propagation. Interactions between steady non-uniform two- dimensional currents and directional gravity waves are studied for the case of a random wave field which is actively generated by the wind. Directional wave number spectrum in the form suggested by Phillips, Kitaigorodskii, Pier- son-Moskowitz, and Longuet-Higgins-Cart- wright-Smith is used as the basic spectral form for zero current conditions. Modified spectral functions under the influence of current are found by solving the kinematic wave conserva- tion equation and the energy balance equation with the method of characteristics. By using this particular method, one can solve the problems of two-dimensional wave-current in- teractions by either specifying U and wave energy, E, or specifying wave number vector, k, and E, for every point space, x. The remote sensing techniques are suggested to be the best and the most convenient feasible way of measuring these parameters for inferring the current field. Thus the changes in wave charac- teristics, in the form of directional wave spec- tra, can readily be numerically calculated as the directional wind-generated gravity waves en- counter the steady non-uniform two-dimen- sional currents. Using the remote sensing techniques which are capable of observing these changes in waves over a large area, one will be able to infer the magnitude and the direction of the current encountered. This par- ticular method of inferring current field has great potential benefits in global applications. AD-A040 701/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Geophysics Lab Hanscom AFB Mass Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Micrometers: Supplement LOWTRAN 3B (1976) Environmental research papers J. E. A. Selby, E. P. Shettle, and R. A. McClatchey. 1 Nov 76, 77p Rept nos. AFGL-TR- 76-0258, AFGL-ERP-587 39 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric physics, Radiation attenuation, Spectral energy distribution, Com- puter programs, Machine coding, Water vapor, Atmosphere models, Boundary layer, Aerosols, Fog, Rural areas, Urban areas, Marine at- mospheres. Identifiers: LOWTRAN 3 computer program, At- mospheric attenuation, 'Atmospheric transmis- sivity, Ultraviolet detection, "infrared detection. This supplement provides several additions and updates to the LOWTRAN 3 computer code, which can be used to calculate the trans- mittance of the atmosphere from the ultraviolet to the middle infrared portion of the spectrum (0.25 to 28.5 micrometers) at a spectral resolu- tion of 20 cm. The major additions are the inclu- sion of water vapor continuum attenuation in the 3.5 to 4.2 micrometers region, and a tem- perature dependence to the H20 continuum at- tenuation coefficient in both the 4 micrometers and 10 micrometers regions. The contribution of foreign gas broadening in the 8-14 microme- ters region has also been reduced. Four aerosol models are included in this supplement. These include three boundary layer aerosol models for maritime, urban, and rural conditions in the lower 2 km of the atmosphere, and a tropo- spheric model for use mainly above 1 or 2 km altitude. The rural model is a replacement for the average continental model presently in LOWTRAN 3. A temporary provision is also given to accommodate fog conditions when the visual range falls below 2 km. (Author) AD-A040 772/6CP MF A01 Harris Corp Melbourne Fla Electronic Systems Div Fiber Optics Design Aid Package Final technical rept. I. B. Slayton, D. J. Estapa, J. R. Jones, and C. R. Patisaul. May 77, 201 p RADC-TR-77-163 Contract F30602-76-C-0246 Supplement to Rept. no. RADC-TR-75-187 dated Jul 75, AD-A016 846. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Fiber optics, 'Optical communi- cations, 'Computer programs, Data links. Analog systems, Digital systems, Data transmis- sion systems. Identifiers: Performance evaluation. This report contains a computer based program which will provide for system level and com- ponent level performance analysis for point to point fiber optic communication links. It ena- bles the user to optimize various aspects of a fiber optic comm unication link for either analog or digital transmission. (Author) AD-A040 972/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Aerophysics Lab Lorentz Broadening in the Modeling of the HF Chemical Laser Interim rept. Joseph J. T. Hough. 8 Jun 77, 67pTR- 007(2604)-1, SAMSO-TR-77-109 Contract F04701-76-C-0077 Descriptors: 'Hydrogen fluoride lasers, 'Chemical lasers, Line spectra. Quantum elec- tronics, Computer programs. Identifiers: Pressure, Mathematical models. The results of a survey of pressure-broadening data in the literature, pertaining to species present in H2-F2 chemical lasers are described. Pressure-broadened linewidths of the HF vibra- tion/rotation transitions were found to depend strongly on the vibrational and rotational quan- tum numbers, as well as on the perturbing spe- cies. The experimental data were incorporated into a rate equation model of the pulsed H2-F2 laser; where experimental data were unavaila- ble, theoretical values were used. The calcula- tions made from this model demonstrate the importance of including such detailed pres- sure-broadening information. Recent experi- mental results of Kwok and Cohen for HF V yeilds R, T deactivation were also included in the model and were taken to be a multiquantum process. Comparisons of model predictions for pulse energy and pulse duration with several at- mospheric-pressure laser measurements showed good agreement. (Author) AD-A040 998/7CP PC A17/MF A01 Northrop Corp Hawthorne Calif Aircraft Div Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselage- Wing Configurations. Volume II. Manual for Computer Programs Final rept. 30 Jun 75-30 Oct 76 C. W. Chu, J. Der, Jr, and H. Ziegler. Oct 76, 381 p NOR-76-190-VOI-2, NADC-771 57-30- Vol-2 Contract N62269-75-C-0537 See also Volume 1 , AD-A040 997. Descriptors: 'Programming manuals, 'Wing body configurations, 'Drag reduction, Aerodynamic drag, Optimization, Computer programs, Subroutines, Computer logic, Input output processing, Numerical methods and procedures, Flow fields, Wave equations, Three dimensional flow. Identifiers: Latin squares, Method of charac- teristics. An optimization procedure has been developed to minimize the wave drag of an aircraft fuselage-wing configuration subject to con- straints imposed by design requirements. The theory, methods, computer programs and results are presented in this report in two volumes. This volume is the user's manual for the computer programs. The input/output in- formation is described in detail. Listings of the programs are given, and samples of built-in program diagnostic messages are explained. Also included are the logical structures of the programs and the descriptions of the subrou- tines, which in combination with the program listings can be used for possible future modifi- cation, improvement, or extension of these computer programs. AD-A041 040/7CP PC A08/MF A01 Alabama Univ in Huntsville School of Science and Engineering Investigation of Transient Flow and Heating Problems Characteristic of High Energy Laser Gas Circulation Systems Final technical rept. 3 Feb 76-31 Mar 77 Cornelius C. Shih, and Gerald R. Karr. Mar 77, 166p UAH-RR-199, DRDMI-H-CR-77-9 Contract DAAK40-76-C-0474 Descriptors: 'Pulsed lasers, 'Gas flow, Circula- tion, High energy, Thermal properties, Recircu- lation, Numerical analysis, Closed cycle systems. Electric discharges, Gas dynamics, Nonuniform flow, High pressure, Heat exchan- gers, Scale models, Chemical lasers. Cavities, Acoustic attenuation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Design, Gas lasers. As a parallel effort to the program initiated to design and fabricate a small scale closed cycle circulator for repetitively pulsed electric discharge lasers at 200 K temperature and high pressures, this investigation was initiated to ob- tain the fundamental knowledge of fluid and thermal characteristics of the recirculating gas flow in the closed cycle circulator during the pulsed laser operation. AD-A041 152/OCP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer Simulation of the Sputtering of Sil- icon Master's thesis Gary Lloyd Smith. Jun 77, 176p Descriptors: 'Sputtering, 'Computerized simu- lation, 'Ion bombardment, 'Silicon, 'Argon, Single crystals, Lattice dynamics, Crystal struc- ture, Least squares method, Field theory, Atomic properties, Potential energy. Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Orientation, Intermolecular forces. Simulation models were developed for the bombardment of the (100), (110), and (111) orientations of a single-crystal silicon lattice by an argon ion. The interatomic potentials in- cluded repulsive terms only, and were approxi- mated in closed analytic form by least-squares fitting of the calculated interatomic potentials obtained from the Hartree-Foch-Slater self- consistent field equations. Sputtering was found to be predominantly a surface effect with most sputtering events occurring in the first three crystal layers. The (110) orientation demonstrated a sputtering mechanism not previously observed in fee copper simulations, and the (111) orientation showed that reflection of the knock-on atom from lower crystal layers is more common in silicon than in the fee copper lattice. Adjustment of the surface bind- ing energy parameter to a value of 4-7 eV produced results which agree with available ex- perimental data. (Author) AD-A041 179/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Forces on Roughened Cylinders in Harmonic Flow at High Reynolds Numbers Master's thesis Steven R. Evans. Sep 76, 72p Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, 'Hydrodynamics, Cylindrical bodies, Nonuniform flow. Oscilla- tion, Harmonics, Force(Mechanics), Drag, Lift, Inertia, Waves, Water tunnels, Coefficients, Fourier analysis, Surface roughness, Reynolds number, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Keulegan-Carpenter numbers. he in-line forces acting on sand-roughened cir- cular cylinders immersed in an harmonically oscillating flow have been measured using a U- shaped water tunnel. The drag and the inertia coefficients have been determined through the use of a Fourier analysis. These coefficients were found to depend on the Keulegan-Car- penter number, Reynolds number, and the rela- tive roughness. The results have shown that roughness dramatically increases the transcriti- cal drag coefficient. It is recommended that the experiments be extended to the self-excited hydroelastic oscillations of cylinders in har- monic flows as well as to the problems related to wave slamming. (Author) AD-A041 219/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Nielsen Engineering and Research Inc Moun- tain View Calif Computer Program for Calculation of Separated Turbulent Flows on Axisymmetric Afterbodies Final rept. 15 Mar 76-15 Apr 77 Gary D. Kuhn. Jun 77, 94p NEAR-TR-131, AEDC-TR-77-72 Contract F40600-76-C-0009 Descriptors: 'Flow separation, 'Nozzle gas flow, Computerized simulation, Turbulent boundary layer, Interactions, Inviscid flow. Compressible flow, Transonic flow. Two dimen- sional flow, Axially symmetric flow, Afterbodies, Free stream, Distribution, Angles, Computa- tions, Computer programs. Integration, Finite difference theory. Iterations. Identifiers: IBM 370 computers. A computer code for a turbulent boundary- layer, inviscid interaction method for axisym- metric configurations of the type used for iso- lated nozzle afterbody models is presented. The method is applicable to flows subsonic free streams, including slightly supercritical flows. 268433 0154 F1570 40 The method consists of an integral boundary- layer method and a finite-difference inviscid- flow method which are coupled iteratively through the boundary-layer displacement thickness. Both attached and separated boun- dary layers can be calculated. An option is pro- vided for calculating two-dimensional bounda- ry layers. The procedure for separated flows is to specify the displacement thickness of the boundary layer and calculate the free-stream velocity distribution from both the boundary- layer equations and the inviscid-f low equations. The separation point location and the angle of the displacement surface are found by an itera- tive procedure. The equations programmed are presented along with detailed instructions for the preparation of input data, description of the program output and instructions for operation of the program on an IBM 370 computer. Sam- ple cases are provided for a complete axisym- metric interaction calculation and for a two- dimensional boundary-layer calculation. AO-A041 313/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Flow Research Co Kent Wash Optimization of Low-Drag Bodies of Revolu- tion with Turbulent Boundary Layers Final rept. 1 5 Dec 74-1 4 Feb 77 Edward W. Geller, John E. Mercer, Ralph W. Metcalfe, and E. M. Murman. Apr 77, 44p Rept no. Flow-RR-79 Contract N00014-75-C-0425 Descriptors: "Low drag, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Bodies of revolution, Optimization, In- compressible flow, Potential flow, Computer programs, Hydrodynamics, Models. Numerical optimization methods are used to search for minimum-drag bodies of revolution in incompressible flow with all-turbulent boun- dary layers. Available methods for potential flow, boundary layer, drag, and optimization calculations are used. Results obtained with an empirical drag formula give a low-fineness ratio body with significantly lower drag than for traditional shapes. However, when the drag method of Nakayama and Patel is used as a representative state-of-the-art capability, results show that the drag is insensitive to per- turbations from the shape of traditional bodies, and only a small reduction in drag is obtained. (Author) AD-A041 419/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Frankford Arsenal Philadelphia Pa Optical Tools Computerized Design and Manufacture Technical engineering rept. Richard J. Cavaliere, and Clint Zim merman. Nov 76, 72p Rept no. FA-TR-76071 Descriptors: *Tools, "Optical lenses, Computer aided design, Manufacturing, Computer pro- grams. Polishing, Grinding. Identifiers: Design criteria. This report addresses the design, manufacture, and use of tooling used in the production of precision lenses. A computer program is presented which will provide tooling design based on lens specification input and from which a tape for NC manufacture of the tools can be produced. Economic data is presented on tooling made from the computer design using simulated NC methods. (Author) AD-A041 761/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Mission Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Analytic Solution of a Test Problem for MODE Topical Rept. 1 -30 Oct 76 James L. Gilbert, and Kenneth S. Smith. Oct 76, 26p MRC-N-264, DNA-4145T Contract DNA001 -77-C-0009 Descriptors: 'Internal electromagnetic pulses, 'Computer programs, 'Finite difference theory, Hydrodnsformation, Radiation hardening, Pulse generators, Green's function. Identifiers: SGEMP(System Generated Elec- tromagnetic Pulses), System generated elec- tromagnetic pulses, Mode. This report describes the analytic solution of a sphere driven by a radial current near the sur- face with a cosine angular distribution and a double exponential time history. This method was used to check the accuracy of the three- dimensional finite difference electromagnetics code MODE. (Author) AD-A042 093/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Coupling through Rotationally Symmetric Apertures in Cavities of Revolution Phase rept. H. K. Schuman, and D. E. Warren. Jun 77, 47 RADC-TR-77-214 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Electromagnetic fields, 'Coupling(lnteraction), 'Cavities, Apertures, Axisymmetric, Cylindrical bodies, Spheres, Computer programs. Method of moments. A method for predicitng the field penetrating a circumferential opening in a cavity of revolution is described here. This method employs the method of moments and an aperture equivalence theorem. The former permits rota- tionally symmetric cavities with otherwise ar- bitrary contours. The latter improves the sen- sitivity of field computation when the aperture height is tiny and/or points deep within the cavity are sought. This method is evaluated with comparison to classical theory and experiment via application to spherical and cylindrical cavi- ties. Results for a missile-like cavity irradiated by an obliquely incident plane wave are given. A computer program and user manual is availa- ble. (Author) AD-A042 143/8CP MF A01 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Canoga Park Calif Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Aircraft Operations. NOISEMAP Computer Program Operation Manual Addendum for Version 3.3 of NOISEMAP Rept. for 22 Mar-28 Dec 76 Nicolaas H. Reddingius. May 77, 30p BBN-3409, AMRL-TR-73-108-App-Add-1 Contract F08635-76-C-0188 Addendum 1 to Appendix dated Feb 76, AD- A022 911. See also basic report dated Jul 74, AD-785 360. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Aircraft noise, 'Noise pollution, 'Computer programming, Programming manuals. Military facilities. Airports, Runways, Algorithms, Input output processing, Executive routines. Identifiers: NOISEMAP computer programs. This report outlines modifications to NOISEMAP 3.2 and a user oriented description of a NOISEMAP data screening program called DATASCREEN. Changes to NOISEMAP include: new identification options for the FLTTRK, DE- PART, and RNPPAD cards; option to print only those pages from PRPLOT, ARPLOT, DMPGRD, or PRINT cards that contain parts of a contour; option to reduce the number of alignment pages; option to suppress the listings of SEL profiles; interface with GPCP is no longer restricted to a grid spacing of 1000 feet or less; addition of the CLEAR keyword that will ex- punge all entries in the library. The new pro- gram, DATASCREEN, provides an improved summary, improved error diagnostics, and ad- ditional graphic outputs. A deck prepared for DATASCREEN will be accepted by NOISEMAP. The purpose of DATASCREEN is to provide the user with an efficient screening program to use in preparing a data deck for Ldn contours. AD-A042 203/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Entry Flow in a Heated Tube Interim rept. Lun-Shin Yao. Jun 77, 62p Rept no. R-21 1 1 Contract DAHC15-73-C-0181, ARPAOrder-189- 1 Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, 'Pipes, 'Boundary layer control, Heating, Hydrodynamics, Un- derwater vehicles, Convection(Heat transfer), Solutions(General), Asymptotic series, Vor- tices, Axial flow, Boundary layer transition. Tur- bulence, Shear stresses, Pressure gradients, Boundary layer flow, Numerical integration, Computer programs. The asymptotic solution of flow near the en- trance of a heated straight pipe is obtained by perturbing the solution of flow in an unheated straight pipe. Two vortices result from motions of fluid particles induced by displacement of the boundary layer. The axial velocity has a concave profile and grows toward a uniform profile downstream. The downward stream caused by displacement of secondary boundary layer forces the axial velocity profile counter- clockwise if the flow is from left to right. A favorable pressure gradient is generated on the bottom wall; an unfavorable pressure gradient is induced on the top wall. AD-A042 263/4CP MF A01 Aerodyne Research Inc Bedford Mass MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer Final rept. 26 Mar-31 Dec 76 D. Kryger, and D. Robertson. Jan 77, 89p ARI- RR-97, AFGL-TR-77-0044 Contract F19628-76-C-0173, ARPA Order-2656 See also Rept. no. AFCRL-TR-73-0096. AD-762 904, and Rept. no. AFCRL-TR-75-0255, AD- A017 734. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Atmosphere models, "Computer programs, Transmittance, Data reduction, Minicomputers, Light transmission. Radiative transfer, Infrared radiation, Radiation attenua- tion, Resolution. Identifiers: HP 2100 computers, 'Atmospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric attenuation, MRDA computer program. This report describes the Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code (MRDA) which is a com- puter software code developed to run on the HP2100 mini-computer at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory. The code calculates the atmosphere transmittance of radiation in the 1800-6000/cm range. The code can be used for a variety of paths(horizontal, vertical, downward, to space, etc). The user has the op- tion of using either the 1962 U.S. Standard Model atmosphere or radiosonde data. Because of size restriction on the HP2100, MRDA is dividied into seven overlays. The spec- tral absorption coefficients, which are calcu- lated from the AFGL compilation of molecular line parameters (HITRAN), are accessed from a data tape. The transmittance calculated for horizontal paths near sea level agree with those calculated with HITRAN, but MRDA tends to overestimate the absorption in the neighbor- hood of strongly absorbing lines. Some recom- mendations for further upgrading of the code are given. (Author) AD-A042 299/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Wind Tunnel Wail Corrections for Arbitrary Planforms and Wind Tunnel Cross-Sections Master's thesis Chester Arthur Heard. Jun 77, 75 41 Descriptors: 'Wind tunnels, 'Walls, 'Corrections, 'Computer programs, Cross sec- tions, Vortices, Computations, Angle of attack, Aerodynamic drag, Pitch(Motion), Incompressi- ble flow, Planform, Edges, Ground effect, Theses. Identifiers: Constraints. A computer program was developed to obtain the wind tunnel wall corrections for wing angle of attack, induced drag, and pitching moment in incompressible flow. The vortex lattice method is used for computation of these cor- rection factors. The program can be applied to wind tunnels of arbitrary cross-sectional shape, and wings of any desired planform, subject to the constraint of straight leading and trailing edges. (Author) AD-A042 353/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Irt Corp San Diego Calif Analysis and Tests of a 90-cm Right Circular Cylinder in the PIMBS 1A Photon Environ- ment Final rept. R. Keyser, and W. D. Swift. Jun 77, 31 p IRT- 8114-045, AFWL-TR-77-19 Contract F29601-74-C-0105 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses. Com- puter programs. Cylindrical bodies, X rays, Bremsstrahlung, Magnetic fields, Electron emission, Photons, Experimentation. Identifiers: 'System generated electromagnetic pulses, SGEMP(System Generated Electromag- netic Pulses), QUICKE 2 computer code, ABORC computer program. An initial analysis verification experiment is described, based on a 90-cm right circular cylinder exposed to low-level, low-frequency, 75-keV bremsstrahlung, x-ray source. Pretest analytical predictions of several su rface H fields on the cylinder were made using QUICKE2 to calculate the electron emission from the object, for the expected photon pulse, and the 2D parti- cle code ABORC. These were then compared to the experimental results and found to be higher by a factor of 2.6 ( + 0.6 or -0.7). This is believed to result from emission that was a factor of about 2 lower than expected, as measured in a separate biased x-ray diode experiment. AD-A042 624/7CP MF A01 Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center Baltimore Md HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emis- sion and Transmission Model Interim technical rept. 28 Mar 74, 224p Contract DAAJ01 -72-C-0447 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Light transmission, 'Atmosphere models, 'Infrared signatures, 'Exhaust gases. Background radiation, Computer programs, Contrast, Suppression, Masking, Exhaust plumes, Exhaust pipes, High temperature. In- frared detection, Range(Distance), Light scat- tering, Atmospheric physics. Water vapor, Car- bon dioxide, Emission spectra, Infrared spec- tra. High resolution. Long path infrared equip- ment. Identifiers: 'HIDE computer program, Rocket exhaust, Infrared detection, Remote sensing, Atmospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric at- tenuation. This report describes the high resolution at- mospheric transmission and exhaust gas emis- sion models to be incorporated into the HIDE(Helicopter infrared detection estimate) computer model. HIDE is intended to predict the infrared signature of suppressed aircraft. 'Suppressed', as used here, implies masking of all hot metal, diluting exhaust plume gases and reducing body contrast with the background. Attention must be applied to the entire spec- trum of interest (1-16 microns) and over long paths (such as 40 air masses for a line of sight tangent to the horizon). This is because the signatures of self emitting sources are in- fluenced by the relatively short intervening paths and generally dominate some spectral in- terval. The body contrast signature, however, is comprised from remote sources (i.e. sun, sky, albedo, etc.) which traverse long atmospheric paths to illuminate the target and this signal is contrasted against a remote background (horizon, terrain, clouds, etc.) whose radiance has also been operated on by long path con- stituents. AD-A042 656/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Prototype Development Associates Inc Santa Ana Calif Erosion Mechanics and Micromechanics Pro- gram Final rept. 18 May 75-18 Aug 76 J. D. Buch. Jul 77, 63p Rept no. PDA-TR-1039- 00-01 Contract N00014-75-C-1036 Descriptors: 'Infrared windows, 'Erosion, 'Rain erosion, 'Reentry vehicles. Crack propagation, Water, Particles, Raindrops, Impact, Windows, Hypervelocity impact. Glass, Spheres, Brittle- ness, Cracking(Fracturing), Computer pro- grams, Numerical analysis, Mathematical models. Identifiers: WAVE-L computer program, Per- formance evaluation, Fracture(Materials). The objectives of this study were to provide the basic understanding of the particle impact phenomena which produce damage in IR win- dows in order to establish material develop- ment guidelines, to predict performance under anticipated operational conditions, to define failure conditions, to establish the technical base on which extrapolation into high velocity impact regimes can be carried out, and to ex- tend the understanding of material behavior into the transitional regime between low velocity rain erosion processes important to IR and optical windows and the hypervelocity reentry conditions which are critical to reentry vehicle designs. A series of three dynamic parti- cle impact analyses were carried out for PDA at California Research and Technology, Inc. using their WAVE-L computer program. A study of material fracture and micromechanics con- sideration led to an understanding of the material behavior associated with particle im- pact. Specific accomplishments of the study in- clude a theoretical explanation of the Rochester and Brunton experimental observa- tions of off-axis pressure peaking for water par- ticle impact, the discovery of major tensile com- ponents of the three-dimensional stress field not predicted accurately by static Hertzian analyses, and the formulation of a combined micromechanics and macromechanics analysis technique associated with the flaw distribution characteristics of the material being analyzed. (Author) AD-A042 769/OCP PC A07/MF A01 Radiation Research Associates Inc Fort Worth Tex Monte Carlo Studies on the Time-Dependent Transport of Optical and Infrared Radiation in the Atmosphere. Volume II. Thermal Radia- tion Transport Final rept. 1 Jul 75-30 Sep 76 Dave G. Collins, and Michael B. Wells. 1 Mar 77, 143p RRA-T7608-Vol-2, AFTAC-TR-77-6-Vol-2 Contract F08606-74-C-001 1 See also Volume 1, AD-C010 801 L. Descriptors: 'Thermal radiation, 'Infrared radiation, Monte Carlo method, Light, At- mosphere models, Transport, Absorption, Mie scattering, Rayleigh scattering, Clouds, Aerosols, Computer programs, Nuclear explo- sions. Identifiers: Polo computer program, 'Atmospheric attenuation. Atmospheric trans- missivity, Mathematical models. This report describes modifications that were made to the POLO procedures to treat infrared absorption by the gaseous molecules in the at- mosphere. Also described are the results of stu- dies performed with the POLO procedure to compute time-dependent scattered light fluxes at satellite receivers for (1) 0.4278-, 0.75-, and 1.07-micrometer wavelength anisotropic point sources; (2) 0.4278-, 0.5-, 0.6-, 0.75-, and 1.07- micrometer wavelength point isotropic sources in a 40-km meteorological range atmosphere; (3) point isotropic sources emitting in the 2.7- micrometer wavelength band; and (4) point isotropic 0.4278-, 0.75-, and 1.07-micrometer wavelength sources in model atmospheres containing a cloud layer. Three computer codes are described which were developed for con- volving the POLO-calculated wavelength- and time-dependent atmospheric scattering data with wavelength- and time-dependent source data for thermal radiation sources. A calcula- tional method is described that can be used to compute the Legendre polynomial coefficients required in discrete ordinates codes for defin- ing the phase function for light scattering by aerosols and cloud particles. AD-A042 984/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab Wright-Patter- son AFBOhio Integral Equation Methods for Two Dimen- sional Incompressible Flows for Multielement Airfoils Final rept. Dec 74-Jan 77 Charles L. Keller. Apr 77, 1 13p Rept no. AFFDL- TR-77-27 Descriptors: 'Airfoils, 'Incompressible flow, 'Profiles, Two dimensional flow. Integral equa- tions. Pressure distribution, Bernoulli distribu- tion, Potential theory, Logarithm functions. Coefficients, Approximation(Mathematics), Nu- merical methods and procedures, Splines(Geometry), Curve fitting. Computer programs. Identifiers: Fredholm equations. The potential or the stream function of the flow is expressed by potential theoretic methods. Once either of these functions is determined in principle, the velocity along the airfoil profile is determined and the pressure co-efficient can be obtained using Bernoulli's equation. The velocity along the profile is related to solution to an integral equation. To insure well condi- tioned integral equations, the profile elements in the physical plane are transformed (using a Karman Trefftz-like transformation) to an aux- iliary near circle plane. In the near circle plane the integrands can be expressed in terms of very smooth functions and consequently the in- tegrals can be evaluated with high accuracy by the trapezoidal rule. Most current methods use panel methods in the numerical evaluation of the integrals. The present method is chosen because it is independent of the number of profile elements. In contrast, procedures based on conformal mapping methods break down completely when the number of profile ele- ments exceeds two. (Author) AD-A043 607/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Old Dominion Systems Inc Gaithersburg Md Modifications to Fotonap Final rept. George E. Morduch. Jul 77. 39p ETL-01 16 Contract DAAK70-77-F-0130 Descriptors: 'Geodetic satellites, 'Radio receivers, 'Mathematical programming, 'Troposphere, Refraction, Range finding, Cor- rections, Space to surface. Space to space, Matrices(Mathematics), Integral equations, Computer programs. Computations, Modifica- tion. 42 Identifiers: Fotonap computer program, CDC 6400 computers. The Fotonap program has been modified (i) to include the option to compute the desired solu- tion without inverting the normal equations matrix (thus not obtaining the solution covari- ance matrix), and (ii) to include the capability to handle Geoceiver measurements. For a typical run involving photogrammetric data, imple- mentation of item (i) reduced the time taken to obtain the normal equations solution from 1 hour 50 minutes to 20 minutes. Two types of Geoceiver measurements have been modeled in Fotonap: satellite-to-ground and satellite-to- satellite. Each Geoceiver type may use either a fixed or a variable averaging time. Included in the implementation of the Geoceiver measure- ments is the Hopfield model for computing tropospheric refraction corrections. The above modifications have been implemented both on the UNIVAC 1 108 and the CDC 6400 versions of Fotonap. (Author) AD-A044 103/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi MD An Assembly-Language Digital Division Com- puter Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spec- troscopy Technical memo. Craig R. Heimbach. Sep 77, 12p Rept no. HDL- TM-77-20 Descriptors: "Assembly languages, "Computer programs, "Proton reactions, "Recoil particles, "Pulse height analyzers, "Neutron spectrome- ters, Minicomputers, Gamma rays, Digital systems, Analog systems. Voltage dividers, Dis- crimination. Identifiers: Proton recoil spectroscopy. A computer program has been modified to cir- cumvent the need for an analog divider for a neutron-energy spectrometer in use at the Harry Diamond Laboratories. The spectrometer is a proton-recoil system, and some division process is necessary to discriminate against gamma sensitivity of the gas proton-recoil de- tectors. The program is written in basic machine language for the minicomputer that controls spectrometer operation and collects and analyzes data. Coincident dual-parameter data (energies of recoiling protons and pulse rise times) are acquired by the program. The rise-time pulse-height distribution is divided by the energy distribution before storage in the computer memory. This normalization facilitates subtraction of the unwanted gamma sensitivity of the proton-recoil detectors, par- ticularly at low neutron energies. The elimina- tion of the analog divider improves per- formance and simplifies the operation of the spectrometer. (Author) AD-A044 204/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ NY Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Science Computer Programs for H-Field, E-Field, and Combined Field Solutions for Bodies of Revolution Interim technical rept. Joseph R. Mautz, and Roger F. Harrington. Jun 77, 52pTR-2, RADC-TR-77-215 Contract F19628-76-C-0300 Descriptors: "Programming manuals, "Electromagnetic scattering, Bodies of revolu- tion. Electric conductors. Equations, Elec- tromagnetic fields, Subroutines, Moments, Problem solving, Scattering cross sections, Bi- static radar. A computer program is given to implement the H-field, E-field, and Combined-field solutions given for a perfectly conducting body of revolu- tion excited by an oblique plane wave incident field. The program consists of several subrou- tines and a main program. The main program calculates the electric current on the body of revolution and the bistatic scattering cross sec- tion per square wavelength. Some examples of computations are given and discussed. (Author) AD-A044 226/9CP PC A05/MF A01 School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB Tex MIE: A Fortran Program for Computing Power Deposition in Spherical Dielectrics through Application of MIE Theory Interim rept. Sep 76-Jan 77 Earl L. Bell, David K. Cohoon, and John W. Penn. Aug 77, 82p Rept no. SAM-TR-77-1 1 Descriptors: "Dielectrics, "Electromagnetic fields, "Power, "Programming manuals. Densi- ty, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Elec- tromagnetic radiation, MIE scattering. Spheres, Absorption(Physical), Plane waves, Bessel functions, Legendre functions. Identifiers: Helmholtz equation, "MIE computer program. A homogeneous, nonmagnetic spherical dielectric is immersed in an electromagnetic field. The program is to determine the absorbed power density at internal points, average ab- sorbed power density, and total absorbed power inside the sphere. A FORTRAN computer program called MIE has been designed to com- pute the required numerical quantities. This re- port describes the program in sufficient depth to permit job setups and implementation on any modern computer. Mathematical theory and formulae, structure and sequence of control parameter and data cards, output format, and function subprograms and subroutines are covered in detail. An extensive discussion of the Mie solution, sample problems with as- sociated computer results, and a listing of pro- gram MIE are included in appendixes. (Author) AD-A044 268/1 CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Second-Order Solution for Wave Interac- tion with a Submerged Cylinder Final rept. Sep 74-Aug 77 C. J. Garrison, and G. W. Smith. 1 Aug 77, 93p Rept no. NPS-69Gm77081 Grant NSF-ENG-73-04019 Descriptors: "Water waves, "Wave equations, "Nonlinear propagation analyses, Interactions, Underwater structures, Cylindrical bodies, Two dimensional flow, Perturbation theory, Green's function, Potential theory. Scattering, Bounda- ry value problems, Pressure, Computer applica- tions, Computer programs. The second-order solution of the problem of the interaction of a train of regular waves with a completely submerged, horizontal circular cylinder in water of finite depth is presented for two-dimensional flow. The incident wave is developed as a second-order Stokes' wave by use of a perturbation method and the solution of both the first-order and second-order scatter potentials is obtained numerically using the Green's function approach. The hydrodynamic pressure and resulting first-order and second- order force coefficients are determined numeri- cally and presented for various values of water depth, cylinder depth of submergence and wave length. (Author) AD-A044 411/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi MD SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Operator's and User's Handbook Technical rept. Walter J. Scott, and John R. Hiller. Aug 77, 86p Reptno.HDL-TR-1817 Descriptors: "Data processing, "Electromagnetic pulses, "Communication satellites. Handbooks, Computer operators. Magnetic recording systems, Digitizers, Data management, Cost effectiveness, Magnetic tape, Computer programs, Files(Records), Transient radiation effects, Vulnerability. Identifiers: System generated electromagnetic pulses, SASP computer program. The objective of the Defense Nuclear Agency sponsored SKYNET program is to develop a methodology for the assessment of satellite vul- nerability to system generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP) effects from nuclear weapons. The approach includes a study of basic phenomenology and development of cost-ef- fective simulation techniques, as well as im- proving SGEMP instrumentation and data acquisition and recording techniques. This re- port presents a new procedure for capturing and processing complex SGEMP transients. The method is incorporated into an SGEMP Transportable Automated Recording System (STARS). It reduces manual data handling sig- nificantly (a major source of errors); outputs data as computer compatible magnetic tapes, annotated hard copies, or both; and lessens the manpower requirements for data acquisition and processing. The software implementation, SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP), is discussed here to provide STARS operators and users with the detailed informa- tion needed to effectively utilize the system. A companion volume, the SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Programmer's Hand- book, contains detailed summaries of all SASP source codes. AD-A044 490/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Armament Research and Development Command Aberdeen Proving Ground MD Chemical Systems Lab Computer Program for Reduction and Presen- tation of High-Pressure Capillary Viscometer Data Technical rept. Apr 76-Jan 77 Lawrence D. Ill Whiting, and Frederick H. Gaskins. Sep 77, 47p Rept no. ARCSL-TR- 77065 Descriptors: "Rheology, "Viscoelasticity, "Nonnewtonian fluids, "Viscosimeters, "Computer programs, Data processing, Shear stresses, High pressure, Capillary tubes, For- tran, Computerized simulation. Flow charting. This report is a description of a digital com- puter program for reducing and presenting data from the high-pressure capillary viscome- ter (HPCV). The HPCV is used to investigate the rheological behavior of viscoelastic fluids. A discussion of the theory and the viscometer's application is included. FORTRAN computer listings, sample input and output, and examples of the plotted rheological variables are further inclusions. (Author) AD-A044 625/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Ann Arbor Mich Linewidth and Chemistry Modeling of the HCI- H2 Non-Reacting Mixing Laser System Final rept. Apr 76-Apr 77 Frederick G. Smith, and Robert E. Meredith. 15 Aug 77, 1 31 p Rept no. SAI-77-003-AA Contract DAAK40-76-C-0754 Descriptors: "Hydrogen chloride lasers, "Hydrogen, "Computerized simulation. Com- puter programs, Models, Input, Subroutines, Mathematical models. The linewidth and Einstein coefficient values required for modeling the HCI non-reacting mixing laser (NRML) have been reviewed and new linewidth calculations prepared. The results have been fit to a simple functional form suitable for inclusion in detailed laser modeling codes. Further development was also carried out of an efficient non-equilibrium chemistry subroutine suitable for inclusion in laser 43 modeling codes. Listings of the detailed results and the chemistry code are given in appendices of the report. (Author) AD-A044 758/1 CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ NY Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Science A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Al- gorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scatter- ing Problems Phase rept. 1 Jul 75-31 Dec 76 D. J. Buchanan. Aug 77, 50p RADC-TR-77-278 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Descriptors: 'Wire, 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Electromagnetic scattering, Algorithms, Boun- dary value problems, Error analysis, Numerical methods and procedures. Mathematical analy- sis, Convergence, Point theorem, Computer programs. Electric current, Distribution. Identifiers: Method of moments. This report contains results of numerical tests on a method of moments algorithm for the solu- tion of thin wire radiation and scattering problems. The algorithm has convergence behavior similar to a highly overdetermined field point matching scheme. It has been as- sumed, therefore, that information about the range of applicability of overdetermined wire formulations can be inferred from the results of these tests. Unfortunately, in the tests per- formed so far, the algorithm has proven to be generally inferior to the other formulations tested. The report is divided into three sections. The algorithm, called MBCRE (for Minimum Boundary Condition Residual Error) is described in Section I. Section II explains the test result tables and also the connection between the MBCRE algorithm and overdeter- mined point matching schemes. Section III is a listing of the computer program used for the tests. (Author) AD-A045 002/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton- Recoil Spectrum Technical memo. Craig R. Heimbach. Sep 77, 27p Rept no. HDL- TM-77-18 Descriptors: 'Proton scattering, 'Neutron ir- radiation, 'Recoil particles, 'Computer pro- grams, Neutron flux, Neutron spectrum, Radia- tion damage, Spectrum analysis, On line systems. Minicomputers, Subroutines, As- sembly languages. An assembly-language computer program has been written for an ND812 minicomputer. The program allows rapid analysis of proton-recoil data by calculation of the neutron flux directly on the minicomputer. An oscilloscope displays the results. The data may then be examined without their being transferred to an external computer. (Author) AD-A045 703/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Finite Element Method and Corresponding Pilot Computer Code for Hyperbolic Systems of Equations in Two Spatial Dimensions and Time Applied to Unsteady Gas Flows Final rept. James A. Schmitt. Sep 77, 72p Rept no. BRL- 2017 Descriptors: 'Gas dynamics, 'Finite element analysis, 'Turbulent flow, Differential equa- tions, Machine coding, Computer programs, Compressible flow, Shock waves, Blast, Numer- ical analysis. Identifiers: Hyperbolic differential equations. Unsteady flow. This report contains a discussion of a numeri- cal method for solving systems of first order time dependent hyperbolic equations in two spatial variables. This scheme which combines the finite element methodology and the proper- ties of a hyperbolic system of differential equa- tions is applied to unsteady gas flow problems. The formulation is based on the elementwise least squares minimization of the differential residual error and on the construction of the finite elements in both space and time. The cor- responding computer program is listed. Numer- ical experiments involving both smooth and shocked flows are discussed. Areas of possible future code development are proposed. (Author) AD-A046 172/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Lab for Insulation Research Dielectric Constant and Loss Data, Part III Final rept. 1 Jul 74-1 Jan 77 William B. Westphal. May 77, 70p AFML-TR-74- 250-Pt-3 Contract F33615-75-C-5020 See also Part 2, AD-A035 691 . Descriptors: 'Dielectric properties, Computer programs, Indexes, Thickness, Glass, Ceramic materials, Inorganic materials, Organic materi- als. Liquids, Silicones, Rubber, Tables(Data). The main body of this report lists dielectric con- stant and loss data on materials measured in this laboratory in the period 1 July 1974 through 31 December 1976, together with measure- ments techniques and calculations. The index following the data section is intended to be a complete reference to dielectric measurement data of this laboratory to date. (Author) PC A04/MF A01 Madison Mathematics AD-A046 373/7CP Wisconsin Univ Research Center The Numerical Solution of Axisymmetric Free Boundary Porous Flow Well Problems Using Variational Inequalities Technical summary rept. Colin W. Cryer, and Hans Fetter. Jun 77, 60p Rept no. MRC-TSR-1761 Contract DAAG29-75-C-0024. Grant NSF-DCR- 75-03838 Descriptors: 'Porosity, 'Fluid flow, Numerical methods and procedures, Boundary value problems, Free field, Axially symmetric flow, Permeability, Variational methods, Inequalities, Finite element analysis. Water wells, Approxi- mation(Mathematics), Error analysis, Conver- gence, Banach space. Computer programs. Identifiers: Darcys law. No abstract available. AD-A046 484/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Automatic Real-Time Extinction Measure- ment Project rept. John M. Sorvari, and Cindy E. Beane. 12 Sep 77, 16pRept no. ETS-17 Contract F19628-76-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Photometry, 'Atmospheric densi- ty, Computer programs, Attenuation, Real time, Artificial satellites. Measurement. Identifiers: Geodss satellite. No abstract available. AD-A046 684/7CP MF A01 Navy Underwater Sound Lab New London Conn Transfer Function, Impulse Response and Reradiated Waveform for an Elliptically Sym- metric Reradiation Function of the Form Z to the nu Power, nu Half an Odd Integer (USL Program Number 0837) Technical memo. Donald A. Stremsky. 1 May 67, 23p Rept no. USL-TM-2242-1 56-67 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Acoustic waves, 'Radiation pat- terns, 'Computer applications, Transfer func- tions. Waveforms, Impulse loading. Response, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Fortran, Flow charting. Identifiers: MOST project-2. A computational program has been prepared by the Information Processing Division to compute a particular Reradiation Function w(X); Transfer Function W (w,P); Impulse Response w (t,P); and Reradiated Waveform g (t,P) as defined below in terms of the incident plane wave pulse. This IBM 704 program, designated USL Program No. 0837, is in Fortran II language and is described in Appendixes A and B. Similar computational programs are described in USL Technical Memorandum Nos. 2242-1 11 -o7 and 2242-157-67. (Author) AD-A046 702/7CP PC A09/MF A01 Bell Aerospace Textron Buffalo N Y Exploratory Development of Rain Erosion Re- sistant Infrared Window Materials Final summary rept. 16 Feb 76-15 Feb 77 J. Vaughn Hackworth, and Lawrence H. Kocher. May 77, 182p AFML-TR-77-84 Contract F33615-76-C-5125 Descriptors: 'Infrared windows, 'Rain erosion, Raindrops, Drops, Particle size, Impact, Velocity, Infrared optical materials, Zinc sul- fides. Zinc selenides. Gallium arsenides, Ger- manium, Polymethyl methacrylate. Optical pro- perties, Light transmission. Computer pro- grams, Mathematical prediction, Frac- ture(Mechanics), Experimental data. Identifiers: Infrared optical materials. A combined experimental and analytical pro- gram was performed to investigate the behavior of selected infrared transmitting materials ex- posed to raindrop environments. The experi- ments consisted of single drop impacts (0.7, 2.0 and 2.5 mm drops and impact velocities of 730 and 1120 fps); overlapping drop impacts (2.0 mm drops at 730 fps); and multiple drop im- pacts at 730 fps in a standard rainfield (1.8 mm drops, 1 in./hr. rainfall). Erosion damage mechanisms were defined by detailed optical and electron microscopic analyses performed on the materials before and after exposure to the selected environments. Single drop impact tests performed on zinc selenide, zinc sulfide, and gallium arsenide showed that each drop impact produced a ring fracture pattern charac- teristic of the material. Resistance to drop im- pact damage increased in the order zinc sele- nide, gallium arsenide, and zinc sulfide. The su- perior performance of zinc sulfide as compared to zinc selenide appeared to be related to the order of magnitude smaller grain size of zinc sulfide. Damage produced by overlapping drop impacts was essentially additive, at least for the first two or three drops impacting the same site. A zinc sulfide outer layer as thin as 0.25 mm protected zinc selenide from damage by impact of a 2.0 mm drop at 730 fps. Exposure of zinc sulfide at 730 fps to multiple drop impact in the rainfield showed transmittance loss at short wavelengths (0.5 to 2.1 micrometers) was linear with exposure time indicating a dependence on the extent of subsurface damage. At longer wavelengths (2.5 to 25 micrometers), there was an incubation period during which trans- mittance did not decrease. AD-A046 782/9CP PC A03/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Ship Per- formance Dept 44 A Comparison Between the Drags Predicted by BoundaryaLayer Theory and Experimental Drag Data for Bodies of Revolution Final rept. Nadine M. White. Aug 77, 31 Rept no. SPD-784- 01 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic drag, "Boundary layer, 'Bodies of revolution, Finite difference theory, Computer programs. Mathematical pre- diction. Incompressible flow, Aerodynamic configurations. Identifiers: "Axisymmetric bodies. A finite-difference method used by Wang and Huang to predict the drag coefficients of ax- isymmetric bodies is systematically applied to eight series of model forms comprising nearly fifty bodies. Calculations of residual drag are compared to available experimental data in order to determine the usefulness of the method for predictive purposes. The method is shown to exhibit little sensitivity to changes in nose or tail radii or prismatic coefficient. The method does exhibit the ability to correctly pre- dict drag trends for variations in length-to- diameter ratio, entrance-length-to-diameter ratio, and tail-length-to-diameter ratio. (Author) AD-A046 872/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Underwater Systems Inc Silver Spring Md Summary Report, Phase I Rept. for Mar-Sep 73 M. S. Weinstein, D. F. Young, and L. A. Mole. 27 Dec 73, 40p Contract N00014-72-C-0463 Descriptors: 'Acoustic arrays, 'Signal to noise ratio, 'Sound transmission, Computer pro- grams, Hydrophones, Vertical orientation, Om- nidirectional, Output, Nulls(Amplitude), Mul- tipath transmission, Bottom loss, Ambient noise, Sonar arrays, Tilt, Noise(Sound), Directional, Transmission loss. Underwater acoustics. Ocean environments, Deep oceans, Ocean bottom, Criticality. Identifiers: MOST Project-4, Vertical arrays. A computer program is described for calculat- ing the signal to noise ratio at the output of ver- tically directional acoustic arrays in the ocean. The vertical array consists of one to four ele- ments providing an omni-directional and four different types of null patterns. Provision is made for considering other patterns which may be found to be desirable. Multipath transmis- sion is considered in computing signal level. The signal along each path is convolved with the array response for the arrival angle, and the multiple arrivals summed incoherently at the array output. The vertical directionality of the noise is considered and convolved with the array pattern to obtain the noise output. The noise can be partitioned into coherent and in- coherent components. Provision is made to in- vestigate the effect of array tilt The purpose of the study is to compare the S/N ratios for vari- ous environmental conditions to determine the optimum pattern from among the available cho- ices; this portion of the study has not yet been undertaken. AD-A047 243/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Feasibility of a Special-Purpose Computer to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations Interim rept. E. C. Gritton, W. S. King, I. Sutherland, R. S. Gaines, and C. Gazley, Jr. Jun 77, 75p Rept no. R-2183-RC Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamics, 'Numerical anal- ysis, 'Parallel processors. Computer applica- tions, Boundary layer flow, Viscous flow. Equa- tions of motion, Man computer interface, Com- puter architecture, Computer programs, Matrix theory. Data management. Identifiers: 'Navier-Stokes equations, 'Computer calculations. Partial differential equations. This report summarizes the feasibility of developing a special-purpose computer to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. The conclu- sions suggest that a special-purpose, parallel- processor machine capable of important fluid dynamics simulations might be technically and economically feasible in the early 1980 time period The report presents a conceptual design for such a computer, an analysis of how it can be used to solve the Navier-Stokes equa- tions, and performance estimates. AD-A047 291/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center Dahlgren Lab Va Computation of Velocity in the Wave Train of a Point Source Final rept. A. V. Hershey. Sep 77, 54p Rept no. NSWC/DL- TR-3720 Descriptors: 'Wave propagation, 'Fluid flow, 'Velocity, Waveforms, Components, Fourier analysis, Potential theory. Computations, Nu- merical integration. Asymptotic series, Approxi- mation(Mathematics), Computer programs, Subroutines, Computer program documenta- tion. The velocity potential and the components of velocity in the wave train of a point source are derived from Havelock's integral. Analysis and documentation are given for the computation of velocity by trapezoidal integration, by asymp- totic approximation, and by integration by parts. Accuracy and efficiency are least depen- dent upon the depth of the source in the in- tegration by parts. The three methods of com- putation are available for application in a set of subroutines (Author) AD-A047 387/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Irt Corp San Diego Calif Multiple-Plate Modification of QUICKE2 Analytical Electron Emission Code Topical rept. 8 Sep 75-15 Jul 76 Shelley Rogers, and Andrew J. Woods. 15 Jul 76. 52p INTEL-RT-8141-026, SBIE-AD-E300-023 Contract DNA001-76-C-0068 Descriptors: 'Electron emision, Internal elec- tromagnetic pulses. Computer programming. Photons, Hydrodynamic codes. Attenuation, Subroutines, Input output processing. Identifiers: QUICKE2 computer program. System generated electromagnetic pulses, SGEMP(System Generated Electromagnetic Pulses). This report examines the performance of the QUICKE2 source code. The version referred to in this report contains an IRT Corp. modifica- tion to accommodate photon attenuation and electron emission for multiple layers Nu- merous comparisons are made of QUICKE2 cal- culations with other computer codes and with experiments for a variety of conditions. Infor- mation of a practical nature, necessary for modeling problems with the code, is provided. Specific input requirements are listed and out- puts are interpreted by means of a sample problem. AD-A047 438/7CP MF A01 Douglas Aircraft Co Long Beach Calif User's Manual for a Fully Automatic Three- Dimensional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part I. With Viscous Correction by Two-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Analysis Final rept. Oct 73-Mar 77 Dun-Pok Mack, and Suzanne M. Schimke. 1 Aug 77, 187p Rept no. MDC-J7644/01 Contract N00014-74-C-0059 Includes 6 informative pages. See also Part 2, A047 439. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Three dimensional flow, Computer programs. Com- puterized simulation, Computer logic, Fortran, User needs, Digital computers, Compressible flow, Lifting surfaces, Flow charting, Boundary value problems. Viscous flow, Two dimensional flow. This report describes a computer program which calculates the viscous effects on the lift and pressure distributions of arbitrary three- dimensional bodies The program is a combina- tion of a panel method which computes the potential flow about arbitrary three-dimen- sional lifting configurations, and a two-dimen- sional boundary-layer method, which calcu- lates the viscous-effects. These effects are ap- plied to the three-dimensional shape in a strip- theory' sense and the resultant viscous lift and pressure distributions are produced. Two methods of simulating the boundary layer in the final potential-flow calculation are available: (1 ) addition of the displacement thickness to the original shape, and (2) defining a surface blow- ing distribution on the body. The computer pro- gram is written in Fortran IV for the IBM 370 systems. 16 temporary external units are used for storage. The region size needed to execute the program is about 360K bytes, but this is a direct function of the number of elements defining the configuration. AD-A047 439/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Douglas Aircraft Co Long Beach Calif User's Manual for a Fully Automatic Three- Dimensional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part II. With Viscous Correction by Small Crossflow Boundary-Layer Analysis Final rept. Oct 73-Mar 77 Dun-Pok Mack. 1 Aug 77, 89p Rept no. MDC- J7644/02 Contract N00014-74-C-0059 See also part 1 , AD-A047 438. Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, "Three dimensional flow. Computer programs, Cross flow. Computerized simulation, Computer logic, Fortran, User needs. Digital computers, Compressible flow. Flow charting. Boundary value problems. Viscous flow. Pressure dis- tribution. Identifiers: Users manual. This report describes a computer program which calculates three-dimensional viscous ef- fects on the lift and pressure distributions of ar- bitrary three-dimensional bodies. The program is a combination of a panel method, which computes the potential flow about arbitrary three-dimensional lifting configurations, and a three-dimensional boundary-layer method, which calculates the viscous effects with small crossflow. These effects are applied to the three-dimensional shape, as in Part 1, in a strip-theory' sense and the resultant viscous lift and pressure distributions are again produced. The method of simulating the boun- dary layer in the final potential-flow calculation is by the addition of the displacement thickness to the original shape. The computer program is written in Fortran IV for the IBM 370 systems. 16 temporary external units are used for storage. The region size needed to execute the program is about 360K bytes, but this is a direct function of the number of elements defining the configu- ration. AD-A047 632/5CP PC A03/MF A01 General Electric Co Syracuse N Y Heavy Military Equipment Dept A Preliminary Analysis of the Performance of the University of Rochester's Glass Develop- ment Laser Technical information series G. T. Burnham. Oct 77, 29p Rept no. R77EMH12 45 Descriptors: "Neodymium lasers, Glass, Spatial filtering. Matrix materials. Optical processing, Machine coding, Performance(Engineering). Identifiers: Neodynium glass lasers. Computer programs, Mathematical predictions, Optical glass. The results of a three-dimensional computer code analysis of the University of Rochester's Glass Development Laser through the 90-mm diameter rod amplifier stage is presented. Through the use of re-imaging optics (via vacuum spatial filtering) system outputs as well as performance prediction capabilities are con- siderably improved, (Author) AD-A047 669/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Engineer Topographic Labs Fort Belvoir Va Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Terrain Technical rept. May 74-Oct 75 Richard A. Hevenor, Jun 77. 98p Rept no. ETL- 0105 Descriptors: 'Radar signals, "Electromagnetic scattering, "Backscattering, Terrain intel- ligence, Vegetation, Simulation, Random varia- bles, Probability density functions. Dielectric properties, Anisotropy, Depolarization, Coeffi- cients, Computations. Computer programs This report presents a vector theory for the backscattering of electromagnetic radar waves from vegetation. The basic technique employed in the solution required simulating the vegeta- tion with a random medium This medium pos- sesses an electrical permittivity that is generated by a continuous random process and is characterized by a particular probability den- sity function. A solution for the radar backscatter coefficient is obtained in terms of the statistical characteristics of the random medium. A comparison of the theory with ex- perimental data is given. Insight is given into the nature of depolarization, but explicit results for the depolarized terms are not obtained at this time because of the complexity and dif- ficulty of the solution. Some of the conclusions of this work are: a theory has been developed for computing the like polarized (HH and VV) radar backscatter coefficients from certain types of vegetation by using a vector renor- malization approach; no rigorous quantitative comparison of theory with experiment was possible: however, qualitative comparisons in- dicate reasonable agreement; and although no explicit solution was obtained for the depolarization components, it was learned that one cause of depolarization is the anisotropy associated with the correlation function of the dielectric fluctuations. (Author) AD-A047 819/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Measurement of the Acoustic Impedance of the Ocean Bottom Final rept. W. James Trott. Sep 77, 10p NRL-MR-3601 , AD- E000-028 Descriptors: "Acoustic impedance, "Ocean bot- tom, Measurement, Reflection, Scattering, Cross sections, Sound pressure, Transducers, Roughness, Hydrophones, Computer pro- grams, Ocean bottom topography, Differential equations, Random variables. Identifiers: Thevenin theorem, SHIP computer program, CHIEF computer program, Helholtz theorem. Transducer circuit theory is used to derive a means for measuring the impedance of a locally reacting surface. A directional source, linear or parametric, insonifies a finite area in a reference plane at which the impedance is specified Computer programs are referenced for calculating the required diffraction con- stants and radiation impedance for the test geometry. (Author) AD-A048 022/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment Salisbury (Australia) Autoceli: An Automated High Frequency Radio Interferometer Technical rept. D. N. Warren-Smith, and N. J Steer Jun 77, 34p Rept no WRE-TR-1644(A) Descriptors: "Radio interferometers, 'Radio receivers, High frequency, Automation, Dual channel, Australia, Computer applications, Bearing(Direction). Computer programs, Iono- spheric propagation Identifiers: Direction of arrival, Autoceli inter- ferometers Autoceli is a computer-controlled h.f. radio in- terferometer employing a single twin channel receiver for automatically taking contemporary measurements of the direction of arrival of up to ten transmissions of different frequencies propagated via the ionosphere. The basic hard- ware and software features of the system are described together with the results of prelimi- nary measurements made with the system dur- ing acceptance trials early in 1976. System limitations which might restrict its usefulness as a research tool for the study of ionospheric radio propagation and h.f. transmitter locating techniques are reported. (Author) AD-A048 199/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Nielsen Engineering and Research Inc Moun- tain View Calif Testing of Turbulence Models by Exact Nu- merical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equa- tions Annual technical rept. 1 Nov 76-31 Oct 77 Joel H. Ferziger, and Oden J. McMillan. 4 Nov 77, 48p Rept no NEAR-TR-155 Contract N00014-77-C-0008 Descriptors: "Turbulent flow, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models, Navier Stokes equations, Incompressible flow. Homogeneity, Computer programs, Reynolds number. Flow fields, Digital computers, Scaling factors, Time domain, Viscosity. This report presents preliminary results from a continuing study in which the validity of models used in large-eddy simulations of turbulent flow is tested by comparison with results from an exact simulation using the Navier-Stokes equa- tions. The results to date are for models of the eddy-viscosity type applied to a homogeneous isotropic incompressible flow. More com- plicated flows and models will be considered in future phases of this study (Author) AD-A048 287/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Design for High Accuracy Critical-Angle Sun Transit Sensor Technical note Norman R Trudeau, and Bradford Howland 20 Oct 77, 51pTN-1977-39, ESD-TR-77-272 Contract F19628-78-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Prisms(Optics), Optical equip- ment components, Optical glass, Satellite tracking systems, Synchronous satellites, Equatorial orbits. Sun, Satellite attitude, Accu- racy, Computer aided design. Measuring instru- ments, Angles. Identifiers: LES-8 satellite, LES-9 satellite, GREY computer program, "Sun sensors A sun transit sensor is used to detect the sun's passing a meridianal coordinate plane of the satellite. Accuracy of operation of earlier sen- sors is limited by curvature of the fan beams as- sociated with the critical angle prism. A new, two-element critical angle prism assembly was described having the following properties: (a) curvature of the fan beam can be cancelled, or balanced against higher order terms, (b) reflec- tion occurs at the interface between the glasses, (c) achromatism is possible. A sensor utilizing two such prism assemblies operating in push-pull exhibits a planar fan beam having accuracy of + or - sun latitude range of + or - 30 deg (equatorial orbit requirement), or + or - 5 arc seconds for sun latitudes of 5 deg (ecliptic orbit requirement). Equations governing the design, the choice of radiation resistant glasses, fabrication and testing will be discussed. AD-A048 477/4CP PC A20/MF A01 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Ala Aeroballistics Directorate Theoretical Analysis of the Flow Field Over a Family of Ogive Bodies Technical rept. Ronnie W. Guy 16 Aug 77, 451 p Rept no DRDMI-TD-CR-77-5 Descriptors: "Ogives, Flow fields, Blunt bodies, Three dimensional flow, Angle of attack, Mach number, Subsonic flow, Supersonic flow, Ax- isymmetric, Axially symmetric flow, Pressure, coefficients. Pressure distribution. Identifiers: Wave drag, RAXBOD computer pro- gram. Several analytical methods were employed to calculate the flow fields about spherically blunted ogives from Mach numbers of zero to 4.5. The methods used were the Dougles Her- man (a panel method) with compressibility cor- rection, the South potential flow program (RAXBOD) and the three dimensional method of characteristics. Bluntnesses varied from zero (sharp nosed) to one (hemispherical nose) and the finess ratio varied from 0.5 to 4.0. Where the computer codes being used permitted, the flow fields were calculated for 2 deg and deg angle of attack; in all other cases only deg angle of attack was considered. Data are presented for body surface distributions of pressure and Mach number and for wave drag. (Author) AD-A048 623/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Douglas Aircraft Co Long Beach Calif Status of a Higher-Order Panel Method for Nonlifting Three-Bimensional Potential Flow Final rept John L. Hess 31 Aug 77,41p MDC-J7714-01, NADC-761 18-30 Contract N62269-76-C-0377 Descriptors: "Three dimensional flow, Flow fields, Computer programs, Potential flow, Nu- merical analysis Identifiers: Panel method. The work described in this report consisted of developing a method for calculating potential flow about arbitrary three-dimensional configu- rations that is a great improvement over exist- ing methods is regard to computational speed and accuracy. The approach adopted is the so- called higher-order formulation of the general three-dimensional panel method' that represents a numerical discretization of the fundamental surface-singularity technique for potential flow. The method has been developed for the nonlifting case A computer program based on this method has been constructed and check-out and is considered operational This report describes the approach used and presents the results of calculations that have been performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the technique While the method is described completely, for brevity, detailed formulas are not given for every phase of the calculation. In- stead, examples are presented to indicate the level of complexity Similarly, the previously ex- 46 isting panel method for calculating low-speed flow is described to put the present work in its proper perspective, but details are relegated to the references. Author) AD-A048 749/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Transient Free-Surface Hydrodynamics Interim rept. M. J. Fritts. Nov 77, 38p NRL-MR-3651 , AD- E000-071 Descriptors: "Hydrodynamics, Algorithms, Lagrangian functions, Efficiency, Numerical methods and procedures, Triangles, Grids, Poisson equation. Hydrofoils, Transients, Com- puter programs, Finite difference theory, In- viscid flow. Incompressible flow. Identifiers: "Splish computer program. The control volume approach is used to obtain a finite-difference scheme for a Lagrangian for- mulation of inviscid incompressible flow using an irregular triangular mesh. The method per- mits grid reconnections and allows local vertex addition and deletion. Algorithms are presented which conserve divergence, vorticity, mass, momentum and energy even during grid restructuring. Examples are taken from simula- tions of shear flow and flow over a hydrofoil in which the restructuring algorithms are crucial. Although the structure of the code is highly scalar, techniques are outlined for producing efficient code even for the new vector compu- ters. (Author) AD-A048 872/6CP PC A07/MF A01 IRT Corp San Diego Calif The Arbitrary Body of Revolution Code (ABORC) for SGEMP/IEMP Topical rept. Sep 75-Jun 76 Andrew J. Woods, and Thomas N. Delmer. 1 Jul 76, 138p INTEL-RT-8141-028, AD-E300-064 Contract DNA001 -75-C-0071 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic pulses, "Electromagnetic fields, "Space charge, "Machine coding, Programming manuals. Inter- nal electromagnetic pulses, Maxwells equa- tions. Resonance, Photon cross sections, Compton scattering, Bodies of revolution, Scal- ing factors, Solutions(General), Boundary value problems, Computer programs, Electrical con- ductivity. Identifiers: SGEMP(System Generated Elec- tromagnetic Pulses), System generated elec- tromagnetic pulses, ABORC computer pro- gram, Space charge limiting. The ABORC computer code for the solution of electromagnetic currents and fields around ar- bitrary bodies of revolution in SGEMP/IEMP problems is documented. Detailed descriptions of the physics and modeling used in the code are provided, and validation tests are discussed. Sample problems of interest in SGEMP, including results obtained for a wide range of object sizes and photon excitations, as well as geometry effects calculations, are ex- plained. Considerations in choosing numerical grid sizes are outlined, and a complete user's manual is provided. (Author) AD-A049 041/7CP MF A01 Office of Telecommunications Boulder Colo Precipitation Variability in the U. S. A. For Microwave Terrestrial System Design E.J. Dutton. Nov 77, 132p Rept no. OT-77-134 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Identifiers: PRED77 computer program, "Atmospheric attenuation. A FORTRAN computer program, entitled PRED77, has been prepared to predict SHF microwave link degradation due to rain-caused attenuation in the United States of America. This program, which predicts 5, 50, and 95 per- cent confidence levels of rain-caused attenua- tion, is similar to one developed earlier for Eu- rope. Major changes are in the prediction of rain rate climatology. A telecommunications- oriented rainfall climatological index is developed for the U.S.A., and 19 zones of similar rainfall characteristics are subsequently developed, using a 359-station data base. Con- tour maps of important input parameters that can be used to assess rain rate and its variance at a location via numerical methods in PRED77 are presented. These numerical methods are also discussed, as well as the limitations of these methods for large variances of the input parameters. As in earlier work for Europe, an in- terpolation scheme for obtaining otherwise unknown data at a location from the 359-station data base is included in PRED77. AD-A050 080/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Illinois Inst of Tech Chicago Dept of Mechanics Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Analysis of Temperature Compensating Cir- cuits for Hot-Wires and Hot-Films Interim technical rept. 1 Jan 76-1 Jun 77 R. E. Drubka, J. Tan-Atichat, and H. M. Nagib. Jun 77, 38p IIT-FLUIDS/HEATTRANS-R77-2, ARO-12290.8-E Contract F44620-76-C-0062, Grant DAHC04-74- G-0160 Descriptors: "Hot wire anemometers. "Fluid flow. Circuit analysis, Compensation, Tempera- ture sensitive elements. Temperature coeffi- cients. Thermistors, Velocity, Flowmeters, Er- rors, Computer programs, Least squares method, Tungsten, Temperature measuring in- struments. A scheme utilizing a temperature probe im- mersed in the working fluid to compensate for the dependence of hot-wire (or hot-film) velocity calibration on ambient temperature variations is analyzed. To achieve compensa- tion, only properties of the anemometer bridge, the velocity and temperature probes need to be known. The scheme provides means for incor- porating the temperature compensation a priori to conducting the experiments, without the need for temperature calibration. Experiments were conducted, using tungsten hot-wires in air, to check the performance of the analysis and to verify some of the assumptions that were made. For typical probes, with an ambient tem- perature increase of 20 C, maximum error in the indicated velocity of 1% or less can be achieved. (Author) AD-A050 306/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Physical Model for Computing Fluid Flow Solutions Final rept. William P. Wright. Sep 77, 74p Rept no. BRL- 2012 Descriptors: "Fluid flow. Computerized simula- tion, Mathematical models, Integral equations, Lagrangian functions, Computer programs. Computer program verification, Flow charting. Moments, Hydrodynamics, Fluid dynamics. Velocity, Distribution functions. Time intervals, Fuel cells. A physical and mathematical scheme is described which can be the basis for the con- struction of a computer program designed to solve fluid flow problems important to the U.S. Army. Essentially the scheme consists of the determination of contributions of moments of physical quantities over Lagrangian cells of fluid, which move according to the local fluid velocity to neighboring fixed cells. Based on the sums of these contributions of moments, new distributions across the fixed cells are determined which correspond to fluid flow dur- ing an elapse of a finite interval of time The mo- ments of the physical quantities over subre- gions of the Lagrangian cells are evaluated by utilizing a set of integral equations which are derived in the report. (Author) AD-A050 401/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn An Analysis of Transonic Viscous/lnviscid In- teractions on Axisymmetric Bodies with Solid Stings or Real Plumes Final rept. 1 Oct 76-30 Sep 77 Steven F. Yaros. Feb 78, 176p Rept no. AEDC- TR-77-106 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, TN. Doctoral thesis. Descriptors: "Bodies of revolution, "Transonic flow, "Pressure distribution, "Mathematical analysis, Viscous flow, Inviscid flow, Computer programs. Digital computers. Boundary layer, Jet mixing flow, Turbulent flow. Plumes. A numerical and theoretical investigation of pressure distribution predictions over arbitrary bodies of revolution in transonic flow has been carried out. Special features of the study in- clude a comprehensive survey of previous and contemporary efforts in this direction and a detailed description of a combined viscous/inviscid digital computer program which was developed to iterate between the in- viscid transonic and the viscous portions of the analysis. For attached boundary layers the cal- culation procedure has been fully automated for both subcritical and supercritical cases, and predicted pressure distributions agree well with data. The entrainment effect of a real plume was modeled using the mixing theory first developed by Chapman and Korst. This method shows promise when its results are compared with data, but further work must be done to more correctly model the turbulent mixing of the two jets. (Author) AD-A050 564/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Corrected Parabolic-Equation Program Package for Acoustic Propagation Interim rept. John S. Perkins, and Ralph N. Baer. Jan 78, 27p NRL-MR-3688, AD-E000-114 Descriptors: "Acoustic waves, "Sound transmis- sion. Wave propagation, Wave equations. Com- puter programs. Algorithms, Differential equa- tions. Identifiers: "Parabolic differential equations, Split step algorithms. This report documents a package of computer programs which solves the parabolic equation for acoustic propagation using a split-step al- gorithm. These programs are implemented on the Texas Instruments ASC at NRL, and make use of its pipelining and vectorizing capabili- ties. They include the ability to partially correct for the errors induced by the parabolic assump- tions. The report contains a summary of the theory and information on how to run the pro- grams. (Author) AD-A050 709/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn Unsteady Transonic Flow Over Blunt and Pointed Bodies of Revolution Final rept. 1 Jul 75-13 Apr77 T. Hsieh. Feb 78, 48p Rept no. AEDC-TR-77-100 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn., Rept. no. ARO-PWT-TR-77-64. Descriptors: "Transonic flow, 'Bodies of revolu- tion, Slender bodies. Sharp bodies, Blunt bodies, Perturbation theory, Oscillation, Poten- tial flow, Flow fields, Pressure distribution, Derivatives(Mathematics), Aerodynamic stabili- 47 ty, Static stability, Harmonics, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Unsteady flow. A perturbation theory and numerical solution, based on the unsteady full potential equation, were developed to calculate the unsteady transonic flow field over blunt and pointed bodies of revolution performing harmonic oscillatory motions at zero incidence. Calcula- tions were performed for pulsatile oscillations for a hemisphere-cylinder and pitching oscilla- tions for an ogive-cylinder, an ellipse-cylinder, a hemisphere-cylinder, and a parabolic arc nose. Comparison between theory and experi- ments was made for the surface pressure dis- tribution at quasi-steady state and for the static and dynamic stability derivatives. (Author) AD-A050 874/7CP PC A09/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Theoretical Study of the Turbulence Induced Scintillation of a Dirty Laser Beam Interim rept. Jan-Sep 77 D. D. Duncan. Jan 78. 178p ESL-4232-5, RADC- TR-77-430 Contract F30602-76-C-0058 Descriptors: 'Laser beams. Scintillation, At- mospheric motion. Turbulence, Light scatter- ing. Electromagnetic wave propagation, Spec- tral energy distribution, Gaussian quadrature, Asymptotic series, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: Huygens-Fresnel principle, 'Atmospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric at- tenuation. This work is concerned with predicting the tem- poral scintillation spectrum of a laser beam which has propagated through the turbulent at- mosphere. Use is made of the Extended Huygens-Fresnel principle in deriving a very general but compact mathematical expression for the temporal scintillation spectrum of an un- specified source field with an arbitrary shaped extended receiver aperture This formula, which is restricted to the weak turbulence regime, is then applied to the analysis of several situations of contemporary interest. Specifi- cally, the analysis is directed toward the description of the effects of such a laser beam which is blemished in a deterministic sense. Spectra obtained under these conditions are shown to display increased sensitivity to the path distribution of the turbulence strength. AD-A051 067/7CP PC A09/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Electromag- netics Lab Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone Final rept. 16 Nov 76-15 Nov 77 S. W. Lee, and R. Mittra. Dec 77, 184p Rept nos. UIEM-77-24, UILU-ENG-77-2267 Contract N00019-77-C-0127 Descriptors: 'Admittance, 'Electric conductors, Slots, Cylindrical bodies. Diffraction analysis. Slot antennas, Antenna radiation patterns, Conical bodies, Green's function. Arrays, Con- formal structures. Computer programs. The present contract studied the mutual ad- mittance between two thin slots on a conduct- ing cylinder or a cone by ray techniques. Our main contribution in the development of an ap- proximate asymptotic Green's function for the surface function, expressed in terms of Fock functions, is simple to evaluate, and gives ex- cellent numberical results when compared with known exact solutions and/or experimental data. This report contains a brief administrative summary plus three attachments which give the technical details. AD-A051 346/5CP Irt Corp San Diego Calif PC A03/MF A01 User's Manual for the DYNACYL IEMP Air Pressure Effects Computer Code Topical rept. Sep 75-Jun 76 Andrew J. Woods. 14 May 76. 45p INTEL-RT- 8141-027, AD-E300-107 Contract DNA001-76-C-0068 Descriptors: "Internal electromagnetic pulses. Pressure measurement, Space charge, Max- wells equations, Plasmas(Physics), Simulation. Photoelectricity, Subroutines, Air, Compu- terized simulation. Manuals. Identifiers: DYNACYL computer program, SGEMP(System Generated Electromagnetic Pulses), System generated electromagnetic pulses. User manuals. The DYNACYL computer code for the solution of internal electromagnetic pulse (IEMP) in cylinders containing air is documented. The code obtains time-dependent fields and cur- rents produced by axisymmetric emissions of electrons fromthe ends of cylinders. Self-con- sistent fields and currents are calculated; migration of electrons, which are produced by air ionization, acts to reduce fields by means of a plasma conductivity. The calculation of this effect is contained in the code as a subroutine. (Author) AD-A051 497/6CP PC A03/MF A01 New York Univ N Y Dept of Applied Science The Effects of Acoustical Disturbances on Boundary Layer Transition Annual rept. 15 Sep 75-15 Dec 77 Gabriel Miller, and Andrew Callegari. 25 Jan 78, 36p Rept no. NYU/DAS-78/01 Contract N00014-76-C-0183 Descriptors: 'Boundary layer transition, 'Acoustic waves. Flow fields. Perturbations, Stability. Partial differential equations, Non- linear differential equations, Inviscid flow, Wave propagation. Equations of motion, Reynolds number, Navier Stokes equations. Computer programs. The analysis of transition from laminar to turbu- lent flow on a flat plate has been the subject of numerous investigations. In the present work, emphasis has been placed on establishing a computational technique which can be utilized to develop a basic understanding of the effects of the propagation of acoustic waves into a boundary layer, and the ultimate effect of such disturbances on transition. The nonlinear system of unsteady compressible partial dif- ferentia! equations have been solved by a Mac- Cormack predictor-corrector scheme which al- lows the effect of imposed disturbances to be tracked in time The question of the mismatch in propagation velocity between Tollmein Schlichting and acoustic waves has been stu- died. The program indicates that while disturbances are propagating with the speed of sound in the inviscid flow, the waves well within the boundary layer are propagating at a speed on the order of the freestream velocity and thus the boundary layer is being excited by the clas- sical Tollmein Schlichting waves. The analysis thus indicates that the effect of acoustical disturbances on transition is similar to the ef- fect of other perturbations as experiments have indicated. (Author) AD-A051 617/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Al Technology Lab Methods for Prediction of Atmospheric Ef- fects on Laser Guidance Systems Technical rept. J. Q. Lilly. 15 Nov 77, 42p Rept no. DRDMI-T-78- 16 Descriptors: "Laser beams, 'Laser guidance. Atmospheric scattering. Mathematical predic- tion, Atmospheric motion. Aerosols, Radiative transfer, Radiation absorption, Molecular states, Mathematical models. Fast fourier trans- forms, Frequency response, Dispersion rela- tions, Monte Carlo method, Terminal homing. Computer programs. Identifiers: "Atmospheric transmissivity, At- mospheric attenuation This report describes mathematical models which predict effects of atmospheric turbu- lence, molecular absorption and scattering, aerosol absorption and scattering, and radia- tive transport. Turbulence-induced angle-of-ar- rival fluctuations of a laser target designator are formulated to permit calculation of the fluctua- tion power spectrum. A numerical procedure employing the fast Fourier transform is used to convert the frequency-dependent power spec- trum into the time domain giving angular beam wander A separate computation gives the an- gular beamspread due to atmospheric turbu- lence. Descriptions of other models to deter- mine molecular line absorption and aerosol ab- sorption and scattering are also given. Models developed during this effort also provide first- order radiative transfer predictions and a multi- ple scattering model using Monte Carlo predic- tions. Utilization instructions are included for each of the models (Author) AD-B004 858/7CP PC A12/MF A01 Hi-Shear Corp Torrance Calif Ordnance Div Stores interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume II. Appendixes Final rept. Jan-Nov 74 Michael J. Lauro, and George T. Collins. Jan 75, 264p AFATL-TR-75-3-Vol-2 Contract F08635-73-C-0094 See also Rept. no. AFATL-TR-73-214, AD-919 471L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "External stores, 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Avionics, Interfaces, 'Data processing. Interfaces, Diagnostic equipment. Data processing equipment, Computer pro- grams. Computer printouts, Appendages. Identifiers: 'Jet aircraft. This technical report describes those improve- ments made to the Store Interface Data Han- dling Analysis - Phase I for automating Air- craft/Store Electrical Compatibility Analyses and computerized testing procedures. Until now, a manual method was used to compare hardcopy aircraft stores management system design data against store interface data generated by the Phase I Data Processing System. The improved system eliminates this time consuming task by automatically perform- ing the complete interface compatibility analy- sis/test A set of universal aircraft data docu- mentation formats and new computer pro- grams were developed for this added system capability. The new computer programs were designed to disclose any electrical incompati- bility that may exist between the aircraft and store selected for comparison. New computer printouts provide detailed pin to pin and general interface compatibility information Diagnostic message printouts are also provided to define each specific incompatibility condi- tion that was detected The improved system may be used to evaluate or verify the adequacy of an aircraft to control its existing store com- plement. Essentially, the improved system would compare the electrical design limits of the aircraft stores management system against store electrical requirements that are contained in the AFATL Store Data File. Any incompatible or marginal interface condition will be de- tected The system improvements described in this report will greatly reduce the time and cost associated with analyzing aircraft and stores from an electrical interface compatibility stand- point (Author) AD-B004 921/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Hi-Shear Corp Torrance Calif 48 Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume I. Technical Discussion Final rept. Jan-Nov 74 Michael J. Lauro, and George T. Collins. Jan 75, 127p AFATL-TR-75-3-Vol-1 Contract F08635-73-C-0094 See also Volume 2, AD-B004 858L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'External stores, "Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Avionics, Interfaces, 'Data processing, Interfaces, Computer programs, Computer printouts, Diagnostic equipment, Subroutines, Files(Records), Punched cards. Data processing equipment, Information retrieval, Test equipment. Identifiers: 'Jet aircraft. This technical report describes those improve- ments made to the Store Interface Data Han- dling Analysis - Phase I for automating Air- craft/Store Electrical Compatibility Analysis and computerized testing procedures. Until now, a manual method was used to compare hardcopy aircraft stores management system design data against store interface data generated by the Phase I Data Processing System. The Improved system eliminates this time consuming task by automatically perform- ing the complete interface compatibility analy- sis/test. A set of universal aircraft data docu- mentation formats and new computer pro- grams were developed for this added system capability. The new computer programs were designed to disclose any electrical imcompati- bility that may exist between the aircraft and store selected for comparison. New computer printouts provide detail pin to pin and general interface compatibility information. Diagnostic message printouts are also provided to define each specific incompatibility condition that was detected. The improved system may be used to evaluate or verify the adequacy of an aircraft to control its existing store complement. Essen- tially, the improved system would compare the electrical design limits of the aircraft stores management system against store electrical requirements that are contained in the AFATL Store Data File. Any incompatible or marginal interface condition will be detected. The system improvements described in this report will greatly reduce the time and cost associated with analyzing aircraft and stores form an elec- trical interface compatibility standpoint. (Author) AD-B009 668/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Aeronautical Systems Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Deputy for Development Planning ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual Final rept. Jul 72-Dec 74 Charles W. Stone, and Stanley E. Tate. Dec 75, 140p Rept no. ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-1 See also VOIume 2, AD-B009 669L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared signatures, 'Computer programs, 'Infrared detection, Aircraft, Predic- tions, Infrared radiation, Aircraft engines, Ex- haust plumes, Exhaust systems. Aerodynamic heating. Infrared suppressors, Sur- vival(General), Instruction manuals, Modular construction, Infrared countermeasures. Identifiers: ASDIR computer program. The Aeronautical Systems Division Infrared Signature Prediction Program (ASDIR) is a state-of-the-art functionally modularized com- puter code. Volume I is the ASDIR User Manual which describes the program input and pro- vides the user with example applications. (Author) AD-B009 669/3CP PC A13/MF A01 Aeronautical Systems Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Deputy for Development Planning ASDIR-II. Volume II. Program Description Final rept. Jul 72-Dec 74 Charles W. Stone, and Stanley E. Tate. Jan 75, 293p Rept no. ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-2 See also Volume 3, AD-B009 670L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared signatures, 'Computer programs, 'Infrared detection, Aircraft, Predic- tions, Infrared radiation, Aircraft engines, Ex- haust plumes, Aerodynamic heating, Infrared suppressors, Survival(General), Infrared coun- termeasures, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: ASDIR computer program. Volume 2 contains a functional and technical description of each of the programs used in ASDIR as well as a complete program listing. AD-B009 670/1 CP PC A07/MF A01 Aeronautical Systems Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Deputy for Development Planning ASDIR-II. Volume III. Reference Documenta- tion Final rept. Jul 72-Dec 74 Charles W. Stone, and Stanley E. Tate. Jan 75, 140p Rept no. ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-3 See also Volume 1 , AD-B009 668L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared signatures, 'Computer programs, 'Infrared detection. Computer pro- gram documentation. Aircraft, Predictions, In- frared radiation, Aircraft engines, Exhaust plumes, Aerodynamic heating, Infrared sup- pressors, Survival(General), Infrared counter- measures. Instruction manuals. Identifiers: ASDIR computer program. Volume 3 is a compilation of the essential reference material. AD-B017 022/5CP PC A09/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Computer Solutions to Heat and Diffraction Equations in High Energy Laser Windows. Volume II Interim rept. Peter D. Gianino, Bernard Bendow, N. Grier III Parke, and Theodore B. Barrett. Nov 76, 182p Rept no. RADC-TR-76-269-VOI-2 See also Volume 1, AD-B017 021L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Programming manuals, 'Thermal lens effect, 'Laser beams, Windows, Al- gorithms, Computer programs, Flow charting, FORTRAN, Plotting, Numerical methods and procedures. Equations, Heat, Diffraction. Identifiers: Laser materials, 'Radiation effects, CDC 6600 computers. To quantify the effects of thermal lensing, an ef- ficient computer program package was developed and programmed to run on a CDC 6600 computer. The package was written to handle Gussian-shaped beams incident on either a thin disc- or annular-shaped cylindrical window. Three coupled programs make up the package: TEMP5, which solves the full heat transport equation within the window for any given set of initial and boundary conditions on each surface; TIKIRK, which solves the vector Kirchhoff diffraction integrals for the beam transmitted to the far field; and DISPLAY, which plots these temperatures and/or intensities in a variety of ways, including three-dimensional perspective views. AD-705 248/CP HC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Magnetoplasma Dielectric. Gordon Kent, and Neil Sider. Mar 70, 45p TR- 70-3, AFOSR-70-0852TR Grant AF-AFOSR-1 266-67 Descriptors: 'Cavity resonators, 'Plasma medi- um, Resonant frequency, Simultaneous equa- tions, Bessel functions, Electromagnetic fields, Computer programs, Dielectrics. The computational procedures for obtaining the resonant frequencies, spatial parameters, and fields of a cavity resonator containing a cold, uniform, collisionless magnetoplasma dielectric are presented. The calculation of frequencies and spatial parameters involves the simultaneous solution of three equations. Two equations are rational in the three variables, and the third is transcendental in two of the variables. The transcendental functions have infinitely many real zeros and poles. An analysis is given to determine ranges of values of the spatial parameters and regions in the space of plasma parameters and frequency where solu- tions may exist. The method of solution starts with a trial value of frequency, the calculation of corresponding values of spatial parameters from two of the equations, and observation of the sign of the third function. A solution is determined by a change of sign of the third function. The transcendental functions are quotients of Bessel functions, and they are economically computed from continued frac- tions. The spatial paremeters enter into the field expressions as part of the arguments of Bessel functions. These functions, which have com- plex arguments, are computed from integral formulas. (Author) AD-705 513/CP HC E01 MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif Modifications and Applications of the Vera System of Codes. Volume I. Modifications of the Codes. Final rept. J. T. Palmer, B. E. Freeman, and J. H. Schaibly. Dec 69, 1 75p 3SCR-1 74, S3-Doc-69-256, DASA- 2420-1 Contract DASA01-69-C-0078 Descriptors: 'Nuclear radiation. Atmosphere, 'Nuclear scattering, 'Programming(Computers), Hydrodynamics, Transport properties, Compton scattering. Nu- merical analysis. Identifiers: 'Radiation transport, VERA com- puter code, TRAN computer code, IMTRAN computer code, SNPSHT computer code, PIPES computer code. The document describes modifications to the VERA (Variable Eddington Radiation Approxi- mation) code and discusses the Compton scat- tering treatments used in the VERA and TRAN codes. The progress made in the development of the IMTRAN (implicit transport) code is also reported. The VERA auxiliary codes SNPSHT and PIPES are documented and a detailed users guide provided. Finally, two problems in- vestigating various aspects of nonequilibrium phenomena are discussed. (Author) AD-705 565/CP HC E01 MF A01 Electromagnetic Research Corp College Park Md Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones in the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. Final rept. M. Katzin, and W. B. Johns, Jr. Jan 70, 83p HDL- 0036-1 Contract DAAG39-67-C-0036 Descriptors: 'Reentry vehicles, Blackout(Electromagnetic), 'Slot antennas. Plasma sheath. Antenna radiation patterns. Iterative methods, Integral equations, Ad- mittance, Computer programs. The radiation from slot antennas on a cone in the presence of an inhomogeneous sheath is treated. The sheath is considered as being made up of one or two conical layers, each of which is homogeneous. The boundary condi- 49 tions lead to a system of integral equations, which number 4M + 4 for a sheath composed of M(=1 or 2) conical layers. These are reduced to singular integral equations of Cauchy type, which are solved in iterative fashion. For suffi- ciently fine stratification of the sheath, the first iteration should suffice. In general, fields of both magnetic and electric types are generated in the presence of a sheath, even though only a field of magnetic type may be generated in free space. For a ring slot, however, in which the ex- citation is azimuthally symmetrical, only a field of magnetic type is generated even in the presence of a sheath. It is shown that the solu- tion for this case forms the basis of the solution for the general case. The far field is found by a multidimensional saddle point evaluation. This is illustrated in detail for the free-space case, and then the far field patterns in the presence of a sheath are determined. This can be carried out successfully for all components, and to ar- bitrary orders of iteration. (Author) AD-706 120/CP HC E01 MF A01 Radiation Research Associates Inc Fort Worth Tex Flash a Monte Carlo Procedure for Use in Calculating Light Scattering in a Spherical Shell Atmosphere. Final rept. 1 May 67-31 Jan 70 Dave G. Collins, and Michael B. Wells. 31 Jan 70, 57p RRA-T704, AFCRL-70-0206 Contract F19628-67-C-0298 Descriptors: "Atmosphere, Light transmission, 'Light transmission, Programming(Computers), Infrared radiation, Monochromatic light, Twilight, Propagation, Intensity, Scattering, Clouds, Aerosols, Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: FLASH computer program. A program designated FLASH has been developed to provide a means to study the propagation of monochromatic radiation from a plane parallel source through a spherical shell atmosphere. A simple illustration of the backward Monte Carlo method utilized in the development of the FLASH program is discussed in order to show the advantage of the method. A brief description of the methods em- ployed in the FLASH program is given to illus- trate the application of the backward Monte Carlo treatment of light propagation through a spherical shell atmosphere. Several com- parisons of FLASH generated data with data from other calculational methods are shown. (Author) AD-706 367/CP HC E01 MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics The Electromagnetic Fields of a Dipole in a Dissipative Half-Space: A Numerical Ap- proach. Technical rept. Marvin Siegel. May 70, 100p Rept no. TR-607 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0005, Grant NSF- GK-3800 Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas, Antenna radia- tion patterns, 'Electromagnetic fields, Bounda- ry value problems, Dipole moments, Integra- tion, Numerical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: Numerical integration. The theory for the numerical solution which evaluates the electromagnetic fields of a dipole in a dissipative half-space has been developed which is especially useful where asymptotic forms are not available or valid. In addition, to permit better use of the explicit forms of the asymptotic solutions, the restrictions implicit in the formulation of the approximations for the fields in the three subdivisions of horizontal range (near, intermediate, and asymptotic range) were analyzed. Practical tables were developed showing 'Valid Regions for Applica- tion of Banos' Asymptotic Formulas' for sea water, lake water, wet earth, and dry earth, over the useful frequency range. (Author) AD-706 412/CP HC E01 MF A01 Dartmouth Coll Hanover N H Thayer School of Engineering Short-Term Predictions on the Course of Polar Cap Absorption. Final rept. (Part 2), 1 Apr 68-31 May 69 Leif Owren. Dec 69, 1 29p AFCRL-69-0541 (II) Contract F19628-68-C-0308 See also Part 1 , AD-706 410. Descriptors: 'Radio transmission, Arctic re- gions, High frequency, Mathematical predic- tion, Solar flares, Riometers, Protons, Magnetic storms, Electron density, Charged particles, In- teractions, Attenuation, Data processing systems. Computer programs. Identifiers: Polar cap absorption. Part II of the Final Report presents the tapes of computer printouts generated by the compu- terized procedure for short-term prediction on the future course of a polar-cap-absorption event, as described in Part I of the Final Report. The printouts resulted from the use of the pro- grams 'RISE', DECAY', and NITEREC in the prediction process for each of the 4 PCA events which began in 7 July 1958, 31 March 1960, 5 April 1960, 4 May 1960. (Author) AD-707 856/CP HC E01 MF A01 Minnesota Univ Minneapolis Heat Transfer Lab Study of a Transpiration-Cooled, Constricted Arc. Final technical rept. Jul 67-Jun 69 J. Heberlein, E. Pfender, and E. R. G. Eckert. Jan 70, 136p HTL-89, ARL-70-0007 Contract F33615-67-C-1353 Descriptors: 'Electric arcs. Cooling, Argon, Nitrogen, Thermodynamics, Transport proper- ties, Porous materials, Ceramic materials, Tungsten, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Transpiration cooling. The report covers theoretical and experimental studies of a constricted, transpiration-cooled arc using argon or nitrogen at atmospheric pressure as coolant. Most of the experiments are conducted with argon as coolant in a cur- rent range from 40 to 200 Amps. Arc per- formance characteristics are shown obtained from solutions of the conservation equations with a number of simplifying assumptions. The sensitivity of these characteristics on uncer- tainties of thermodynamic and transport pro- perties is demonstrated and, for cooling with nitrogen, the influence of various boundary conditions on the arc characteristics is also shown. (Author) AD-708 720/CP HC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines. Technical rept. Edgar J. Denlinger. 19 Nov 69. 77p TR-470, ESD-TR-69-388 Contract AF 19(628)-5167 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, Microwave frequency, 'Transmission lines, Electrical im- pedance, Electromagnetic fields, Phase shif- ters. Coupling circuits, Computer programs, Substrates, Dielectrics, Ferrites, Integral trans- forms, Fourier analysis, Theses. Identifiers: Microstrip circuits, Fourier transfor- mation. The investigation presents theoretical and ex- perimental results of single and coupled microstrip propagation on both a pure dielec- tric and a ferrite substrate. The theory enables one to obtain the frequency dependence of phase velocity and characteristic impedance and also to obtain the electromagnetic field quantitites around the microstrip line. It utilizes a Fourier transform method in which the hybrid mode solutions for a 'fictitious' surface current at the substrate-air interface are summed in such a way as to represent the fields caused by a current distribution that is finite only over the region occupied by the conducting strip and is assumed equal to that for the static case. The theory for the magnetized ferrite microstrip takes into account both the diagonal and off- diagonal components of the substrate's permeability tensor. Excellent agreement is ob- tained between experimental and theoretical results for single microstrip lines on both ceramic and demagnetized ferrite substrates. The coupled microstrip theory is applied to two commonly used microwave integrated circuit devices, the directional coupler and the meander- line phase shifter. (Author) AD-708 735/CP HC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio Turbulent Mixing of Supersonic Jets. Final rept. Ronald L. Haugen. May 70, 104p Rept no. ARL- 70-0078 Descriptors: 'Jet mixing flow, 'Supersonic combustion, Supersonic combustion ramjet engines. Turbulence, Compressible flow, Com- puter programs. Integral equations, Transfor- mations(Mathematics). The mixing of compressible turbulent jets is in- vestigated theoretically. Two solution techniques are presented. A FORTRAN IV com- puter coding is included for each technique. In the first method, the problem is solved by first writing the momentum and energy equations in Crocco variables. The resulting coupled pair of integral equations are solved numerically using a method of successive approximation. In the second method, the problem is solved, assum- ing self-similar solutions, by applying a coor- dinate transformation. The resulting coupled pair of nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved numerically. (Author) AD-708 772/CP HC E01 MF A01 Washington State Univ Pullman Dept of Physics Equations of State in Liquids. Technical summary rept. no. 3, 8 Nov 67-7 Jan 69 C. T. Tung, Dan McLachlan, Jr, and G. E. Duvall. Apr 70, 134p WSU-SDL-69-01 , BRL-CR-10 Contract DA-04-200-AMC-1702(X) See also Technical summary rept. no. 2, AD-680 960. Descriptors: 'Liquids, 'Equations of state. Ther- modynamics, Molecular association. Computer programs, Defects(Materials). Identifiers: Eyring theory. Part I of the report is an extension of Eyring's Significant Structure Theory of the liquid state to high pressures. This extension is accom- plished by introducing a Lennard-Jones and Devonshire cell model for calculating the ener- gy of cold compression used in the solid part of the partition function. This potential is used to determine the frequency of oscillation in an Einstein solid or to determine the total classical partition function. Part II examines the basic physical concepts of the liquid state and proposes an alternative to the Eyring hole theory based on the mobility of atoms trapped between two partially separated layers. Some predictions based on this model are compared with experimental data. (Author) AD-709 142/CP HC E01 MF A01 Information Research Associates Inc Berkeley Calif 50 The MACYL6 Hydrodynamic Code: A Numeri- cal Method for Calculating Incompressible Axisymmetric Time-Dependent Free-Surface Fluid Flows at High Reynolds Number. John W. Pritchett. 15 May 70, 64p Rept no. IRA- TR-1-70 Contract N00014-70-C-0260, ARPA Order-1538 Descriptors: 'Nuclear explosions, Incompressi- ble flow, 'Underwater explosions, 'Numerical analysis, Hydrodynamics, Pro- gramming(Computers), Two-dimensional flow, Axially symmetric flow, Turbulence, Reynolds number. Identifiers: MACYL6 computer program, Com- puter analysis. A computer code was developed for solving in- compressible two-dimensional axisymmetric time-dependent viscous fluid flow problems in- volving up to two free surfaces. Heuristic models for turbulence are employed to extend the method to indefinitely high Reynolds number. Scalar quantities (heat and solute con- centrations) are also followed, and the fluid may be slightly nonhomogeneous in the Boussinesq approximation. The method is a second-order space, forward time explicit finite-difference scheme. Free surfaces are treated using the MAC ('Marker-and-Cell') technique. (Author) AD-709 196/CP HC E01 MF A01 Toronto Univ (Ontario) Inst for Aerospace Stu- dies A Numerical Model for a Combustion-Driven Spherical Implosion Wave. Technical note A. Elsenaar. Apr 70, 92p UTIAS-TN-144, ARL- 70-0074 Contract AF 33(61 5)-5313 Descriptors: 'Hypervelocity projectiles, Shock waves, Mathematical models, Hypervelocity guns, Velocity, Pressure, Numerical analysis. Computer programs, Canada. Identifiers: Implosions, Finite difference analy- sis. A study is made of a combustion-driven spheri- cal implosion wave inside a hemispherical cavi- ty, using a finite difference method to integrate the one-dimensional Lagrangian gasdynamic equations, combined with an artificial pressure term to represent the shocks and a realistic equation of state for the stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture. The application of this technique is studied in some detail. AD-709 351 /CP HC E01 MF A01 Princeton Univ N J Dept of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences Bibliography: Numbered Reports and Theses, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, Princeton University, 1947-1970. Alan F. Cook, Sr. Jun 70, 219p* Descriptors: 'Aeronautics, 'Bibliographies, 'Fluid mechanics, Bibliographies, Aerospace craft, Wind tunnel models, Aerodynamics, Hydrodynamics, Mathematical analysis, Fluid flow. Hypersonic characteristics, Supersonic characteristics, Computer programs. Com- bustion, Structures, Fuels. Reports and theses are listed by identification number, author, title, price and availability. AD-709 453/CP HC E01 MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Electronics Research Lab Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Turbulent Water Surface. D. E. Tremain, and D. J. Angelakos. 1 Jul 70, 62p Rept no. ERL-70-3 Contract N00014-69-A-0200-1035 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound signals, Detec- tion, 'Radio waves, Scattering, Low frequency, Ocean waves, Surface roughness, Backscatter- ing, Integral transforms, Statistical functions, Computer programs, Feasibility studies. An experiment has been constructed to in- vestigate the feasibility of detecting low frequency underwater sound sources under turbulent surface conditions by illuminating a small portion of the water surface with an un- modulated beam of 8mm microwave radiation. The unmodulated beam became phase modu- lated upon reflection from the water surface. This phase modulation was detected by a synchronous phase detector and was processed using digital autocorrelation and Fast Fourier Transform techniques to yield the spectral components present in the water sur- face. The angular positions of the transmitting and receiving antennas with respect to the sur- face normal were adjustable independently over wide ranges in this experiment. Results have been obtained for the case of specular reflection in which the angles of incidence and reflection each varied from 5 degrees to 50 degrees, with respect to the surface normal. These results indicate that a submerged source vibrating with a large amplitude at a frequency above the surface roughness spectrum may be detected readily for angles of incidence and reflection up to about 35 degrees from the nor- mal. The source may be detected for angles of incidence and reflection between 40 degrees and 50 degrees only if two or three transforms are averaged; detection is more difficult for an- gles in this range. A number of cases of backscattering have been investigated as well, but the source could not be detected in any of these cases because the detection system was not sufficiently sensitive. (Author) AD-709 459/CP HC E01 MF AS1 Union Carbide Corp Oak Ridge Tenn Comput- ing Technology Center The Use and 'Testing' of al, Fe, Ni, Cu, and PB Secondary gamma-Raj? Production Data Sets from the POPOP4 Library. W. E. Ill Ford, and D. H. Wallace. 1 Jul 70, 219p Rept no. CTC-20 Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Shielding, Dose rate, 'Neutron beams, Dose rate, 'Gamma-ray spectra. Data, Neutron capture, Neutron scattering, Inelastic scattering. Aluminum, Iron, Nickel, Copper, Lead, Pulse height analyzers, Tables. Identifiers: Nal(TI) detector, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, POPOP4 com- puter code. Aluminum, iron, nickel, copper, and lead secondary gamma-ray yield data sets for gamma-rays resulting from neutron capture and inelastic scattering reactions were evalu- ated by comparing calculated secondary gamma-ray pulse height spectra with spectra measured at the Tower Shielding Facility. The calculated spectra were obtained by using a discrete ordinates transport code to calculate the secondary gamma-ray angular flux result- ing from the exposure of slabs of the materials of interest to bare, cadmium-filtered, boron-fil- tered, and thermal' neutron beams from the TSR-II reactor and then folding the angular flux into pulse height spectra. (Author) AD-709 908/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Construction and Simulation of a Gas Dynam- ic Laser. Master's thesis Ronald Eugene Reedy. Jun 70, 55p Descriptors: 'Gas lasers, Design, Shock tubes, Performance(Engineering), Computer pro- grams, Simulation, Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Gas dynamic lasers. The thesis discusses the theory behind the gas dynamic laser. A computer program that solves the equations is included along with typical outputs. A description of a test apparatus is also presented with proof of laser action. (Author) AD-709 929/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analy- sis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. Master's thesis Leon Eugene Drouin, Jr. Jun 70, 61 p Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, Radia- tion damage, Diodes(Semiconductor), Sen- sitivity, Capacitance, Mathematical models, Nu- merical analysis. Recovery, Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: 'Radiation hardening, 'Semiconductor junctions. The thesis is concerned with the numerical solution of a semiconductor junction recovery from a radiation pulse. The junction is represented by an Ebers-Moll model to account for diffusion current and space-charge capacitance. The radiation pulse is considered as giving rise to a photo-current to which it is related by a linear differential equation. Exact solutions are presented and the recovery time is presented and discussed as a function of several parameters. A simple piecewise linear analysis for a diode circuit is also presented to provide insight into the nature of the transient response and the recovery time. (Author) AD-710 218/CP HC E01 MF A01 Plasma Sciences Labs Inc Van Nuys Calif Absorption Corrections for Optically Thick Plasmas. Final rept. H. N. Olsen. Mar 70, 69p ARL-70-0048 Contract F33615-67-C-1071 Descriptors: 'Plasma medium. Line spectrum, Absorption spectrum, Intensity, Measurement, Experimental data, Corrections, Computer pro- grams, Argon. Identifiers: MIPAP computer program, Fortran 4 programming language, FORTRAN. A self-consistent, iterative method has been developed for inverting spatially integrated spectral intensities of spectral lines to local emission coefficients with correction for self- absorption. The method is applicable to plasmas which are axisymmetric, exhibit local thermodynamic equilibrium and whose total absorption along the plasma diameter does not exceed approximately 20%. As wavelength profiles of the spectral lines need not be mea- sured, the method can be used to correct exist- ing experimental data obtained with no special consideration having been given to the possi- bility of a significant self-absorption. A Fortran 4 computer program is included which has been applied to experimental data obtained with the free-burning argon arc plasma at pres- sures of 0.5. 1 .1 and 2 atm. Corrected values for some argon transition probabilities are used to judge the accuracy of the method. (Author) AD-710 353/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sec- tions for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. Master's thesis Samuel Johnson Dennis. Jun 70, 55p Descriptors: 'Carbon, Electron bombardment, 'Lithium, Electron bombardment, 'Electrons, Elastic scattering, 'Nuclear structure. Deter- mination, Differential cross section, Phase shift. Carbon, Lithium, Nuclear structure. Computer programs. Measurement, Theses. 51 Identifiers: Born approximation, 'Carbon 12, Lithium 6, Dirac equation, Fortran 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN 4, 'Electron scattering. A phase shift analysis is used to outain scatter- ing across sections for incident electrons on Carbon-12 and Lithium-6. Results are given for incident electron energies of 10 - 100 Mev and for scattering angles of 45, 90 and 135 degrees. A gaussian p-shell charge distribution is used for Carbon-12, and an empirical charge dis- tribution developed by L. R. Suelzle is used for Lithium-6. A comparison is also made between the phase-shift results and results obtained using the Born approximation. (Author) AD-711 005/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Energy Loss of High Energy Electrons in Tin, Lead, and Gadolinium. Master's thesis Michael Lee Mosbrooker, and David Lee Sandquist. Jun 70, 82p Descriptors: 'Gadolinium, 'Electron bombard- ment, 'Lead, Electron bombardment, 'Tin, Electron bombardment, 'Electron beams, At- tenuation, Linear accelerators, Electron ac- celerators. Computer programs, Theses. The LINAC at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, was used to accelerate electrons to energies ranging from 52 to 92 MeV in order to study the energy distributions of high energy electrons before and after passing through layers of tin, gadolinium, and lead. The thickness of these materials ranged from 0.8 to 5.9 g/sq. cm. The most probable energy losses agreed with the theory of Blunck and Westphal for all materials used, while distribution half- widths agreed only for absorbers of thickness less than 3.0 g/sq. cm. The thickness at which theory and experiment began to exhibit a noticeable discrepancy was found to be depen- dent on the atomic number of the material. Where comparison was possible, results of this experiment generally agreed with the findings of similar works concluded previously. (Author) AD-711 099/CP HC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Computation of Green'S Functions for Bodies of Revolution. Roger F. Harrington, and Joseph R . Mautz. Jul 70, 62p Scientific-6, AFCRL-70-0393 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: 'Dipole moments, 'Electric fields, 'Green's function, Computer programs, Bodies of revolution, Integral equations, Matrix al- gebra, Scattering. Identifiers: Moments methods, Electric mo- ments. Computer programs are developed to calculate the electric field intensity at one point in space due to an electric dipole at another point in space, in the vicinity of a conducting body of revolution. The programs are valid both exter- nal and internal to the conducting surface. Hence, they may be used to compute not only radiated and scattered fields, but also fields in- ternal to resonant cavities. The current on the conducting body is computed as an intermedia- ry step in the program. The solution is obtained by the method of moments applied to the potential integral equation, and involves inver- sion of the generalized impedance matrix. The principal limitations to the solution are due to the matrix computation and inversion, which requires that the generating contour be at most several wavelengths long. Some examples of computations for spheres, disks, and cone- spheres are given to illustrate the programs. (Author) AD-711 285/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Academy Annapolis Md A Numerical Investigation of the Deuteron Ground State. Research rept. Philip T. Cahill. 1 5 May 70, 73p Rept no. USNA- TSPR-6 Report on A Trident Scholar Project. Descriptors: "Deuterons, Ground state, 'Nuclear forces, Potential scattering, Nuclear energy levels, Quantum mechanics, Wave func- tions, Integrals, Integration, Partial differential equations, Computer programs. Identifiers: Yukawa potential, Woods-Saxon potential function, Schrodinger equation. Schrodinger's equation is used to compute the energy depth and range parameters used in various forms for the potential experienced by the two nucleons of the deuteron in its ground state. Analytic expressions for the wave func- tion, effective range, scattering length, and root-mean-square radius for that system under the influence of a spherical square well are determined. For the more complex cases of potentials with exponential forms in them (excluding the cut-off exponential), analytic solutions are not so readily attainable; ac- cordingly, a numerical scheme involving the Numerov iteration technique, a Runge-Kutta method particularly useful for second-order dif- ferential equations lacking first order terms and suggested by Raynal, was set up and pro- grammed for use on the COMNET computer system using BASIC as the primary language. Parameters for various potentials were calcu- lated and, as a result a new picture of the nucleus developed. While a complete search scheme for these parameters could not be formed, three programs were written which can, with a minimum of assistance from the programmer, determine the parameters for potential forms involving four arbitrary con- stants. Among the criteria they use are the values of the binding energy, scattering length, effective range, and root-mean-square radius. (Author) AD-711 654/CP HC E01 MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Microwave Lab A Fresnel Drag Laser Gyroscope. Internal memo. G. A. Massey. Nov 69, 184p Rept no. ML-1812 Contract F33615-67-C-1245 Descriptors' 'Gyroscopes, Design, 'Gas lasers, Test methods, Resonators, Traveling-wave tubes. Computer programs, Per- formance(Engineering), Mathematical analysis, Backscattering. Identifiers: Helium neon lasers. Helium xenon lasers. Ring lasers. Laser gyroscopes, FOR- TRAN. The work is an evaluation of a technique for determining, with high sensitivity, the orienta- tion of the spin axis of a transparent, unmarked spherical rotor. The method makes use of the Fresnel drag effect, whereby the rotation of the dielectric sphere produces a non-reciprocal phase shift on light refracted through the rotor. By placing the rotating sphere inside the cavity of a traveling-wave ring laser, this phase shift can be measured by detecting the frequency difference or beat between the laser oscilla- tions traveling in opposite directions. In this study we have analyzed the basic operation of the device and have derived a figure of merit by which the most suitable laser transition for this application can be chosen. An optical resonator using a non-spherical concave mirror to com- pensate for astigmatism introduced by the off- center refraction of the laser modes through the sphere has been designed and operated. The various sources of error in measuring the cosine of the axis angle with this technique have been investigated in detail; these error sources include dispersion of the rotor and laser media, Langmuir flow of gas in the laser tube, and mode coupling by backscattering. The effect of departures from roundness and displacements of the rotor from its ideal posi- tion have been considered also. AD-711 798/CP HC E01 MF A01 Southern Methodist Univ Dallas Tex Dept of Statistics An Approximate Fourier Integral Transform Method for Analysis of Wave Propagation Signals. Technical rept. Hal Watson, Jr. Jul 70, 42p Rept no. THEMIS- SMU-TR-73 Contract N00014-68-A-0515 Report on Themis Signal Analysis Statistics Program. Descriptors: 'Signals, Propagation, 'Wave transmission, 'Integral transforms, Fourier analysis. Attenuation, Statistical analysis, Ap- proximation(Mathematics), Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Fourier transformation. An analytical-numerical method of obtaining integral Fourier and inverse integral Fourier transforms is discussed. The technique was used to obtain the approximate transforms of functions, the real transforms of which are known. (Author) AD-711 982/CP HC E01 MF A01 Motorola Inc Scottsdale Ariz Government Elec- tronics Div Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transdu- cers. Final rept. 1 Jun 69-30 Jun 70 Fred S. Hickernell. 30 Jun 70, 60p Contract N00014-69-C-0297 Descriptors: 'Electroacoustic transducers, Wave transmission, 'Wave transmission, Sil- icon, Substrates, Silicon dioxide, Cadmium sul- fides. Quartz, Zinc compounds, Oxides, Rayleigh waves, Very high frequency, Propaga- tion. Identifiers: SWEAT(Surface Wedge Elec- troAcoustic Transducer), SWEAT computer program, 'Surface waves. Wedge transducers, Love waves. Theoretical and experimental work was directed toward the development of wedge transducer techniques suitable for the genera- tion of broadband surface acoustic Love waves in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 500 MHz. Theoretical studies characterized wedge transduction and Love wave propagation characteristics. Bonding agents were identified which provided strong coupling of bulk shear waves to acoustic surface waves. Fused quartz and zinc oxide wedge transducers were used to excite surface waves in the VHF region. The propagation properties of Rayleigh waves on free surfaces and Rayleigh and Love waves on layered surfaces were investigated. Love and Rayleigh waves were guided on substrates of silicon using etched Si02 waveguide struc- tures. (Author) AD-712 562/CP HC E01 MF A01 Princeton Univ N J Plasma Physics Lab Numerical Simulation of Plasmas at Princeton I. Technical rept. 1 Apr-31 Dec 69 J M. Dawson, W. L. Kruer, J. P. Boris, J. H. Orens, and C. Oberman. 31 Dec 69, 39 Contract N0001 4-67-A-01 51 -0021 Sponsored in part by Atomic Energy Commis- sion, Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, Simulation, 'Magnetohydrodynamics, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Charged particles, Sta- bility, Interactions, Electric fields, Magnetic fields. 52 Identifiers: Computerized simulation. Plasma diagnostics. A program on numerical plasma simulation was undertaken. The following codes were developed: One- and two-dimensional models using finite-sized particles and including only electrostatic interactions between particles; One, one and a half (two velocities and one position), two, and two and a half (three veloci- ties and two positions) codes were developed using finite-sized particles, electrostatic parti- cle interactions and a fixed magnetic field; A three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic fluid model was developed. Extensive checks on the accuracy and reliability of the codes were made. The codes were applied to a number of problems in plasma turbulence and nonlinear behavior. Brief summaries of the work are at- tached. They are taken from the Annual Report of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. AD-712 612/CP HC E01 MF A01 Florida Univ Gainesville Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Mechanisms of Structural Transformation in Amorphous Solids Studied by X-Ray Scatter- ing Techniques. Technical rept. Robert W. Gould, and Larry L. Hench. 30 Sep 70, 89pReptno. TR-1 Contract N00014-68-A-01 75-0006 Descriptors: *Glass, Crystal structure, "Silicon dioxide, *X-ray diffraction analysis, Crystal lat- tice defects, Quartz, Computer programs, Ther- mal properties, Electrical properties. Optical properties, Chemical properties, Mechanical properties. Identifiers: Radial distribution analysis, Amorphous materials. The research is investigating thermally depen- dent structural changes occurring in glasses using x-ray r.d.f. and I.R. techniques. Recent improvements in x-ray theory and technique using pair function analysis has extended the limit of structural resolution to 3rd nearest neighbors and permits the evaluation of bond length and bond angle distributions. Structure- property correlations in vitreous silica are being carried out by stressing glass samples in the x- ray apparatus. The report discusses the results obtained in the first year of research under the Grant. (Author) AD-713 061/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Program for Calculating Propaga- tion Loss into the Shadow Zone. Final rept. Hanford N. Van Ness. 26 Aug 70, 43p Rept no. NRL-7108 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound. Attenuation, 'Sonar signals, 'Computer programs, Scatter- ing, Test methods, Intensity, Mathematical models. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, NELIAC programming language. As- sured range studies program, ARS(Assured Range Studies), Shadow zone, SURFSCAT computer program. A computer program has been developed for calculating the propagation loss of underwater sound into the region of the shadow zone. The calculations are based on a composite propagation scattering model. The computer program has been written partly in FORTRAN IV and partly in NELIAC. Copies of this program are available to interested parties. (Author) AD-713 156/CP HC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Computer Programs for Radiation and Scat- tering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires. Hu H. Chao, and Bradley J. Strait. 1 5 Sep 70, 101pScientific-7, AFCRL-70-0374 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic waves, Scatter- ing, 'Antenna configurations. Mathematical analysis. Integral equations. Differential equa- tions, Operators(Mathematics), Matrix algebra. Boundary value problems. Computer programs, Wave functions, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Electromagnetic radiation, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. The problem of electromagnetic radiation and scattering from thin wires with arbitrary shape and with arbitrary excitation and loading is con- sidered. This is treated as a boundary value problem which is formulated as an operator equation. Matrix methods along with the method of moments are used to solve the operator equation approximately. Computer programs suitable for handling radiation problems and plane-wave scattering problems are presented and described. For the former, current distributions, field patterns, and input impedances at the driving points are deter- mined. For the latter, current distributions and bistatic radar cross section patterns are found. Examples are given to illustrate several applica- tions of the programs. Numerical results are compared with experimental data and with results computed by other theoretical methods. (Author) AD-713 168/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif A Fortran Program for Waveguide Propaga- tion Which Allows for Both Vertical and Horizontal Dipole Excitation. Interim rept. Richard A. Pappert, Linda R. Shockey, and William F. Moler. 1 5 Jun 70, 77p Rept no. NELC- IR-702 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Computer programs, Waveguides, Dipole mo- ments, Electric fields, Very low frequency. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 63 pro- gramming language. The report presents an updated version of an earlier waveguide program written in the FOR- TRAN compiler language. The new program in- cludes the following additions: (1) Provision for calculating excitation factors for all electric field components Ex, Ey, and Ez as a function of height within ihe guide. (2) The excitation factors can be generated for both vertical and horizontal electric dipole exciters. (Author) AD-713 183/CP HC E01 MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Radiation Lab Scattering by a Periodic Surface. Tommy C. Tong, and Thomas B. A. Senior. Sep 70, 98p 1363-6-T, Scientific 7, AFCRL-70-0507 Contract F19628-68-C-0071 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic waves, Scatter- ing, 'Electric currents, Surfaces, Surface pro- perties, Diffraction, Computer programs, In- tegral equations. Identifiers: Periodic surfaces, Numerical in- tegration. Numerical procedures are developed for the digital solution of the integral equations for the currents induced in a perfectly conducting, two dimensional periodic surface when a plane electromagnetic wave is incident. Data are ob- tained for the surface and far fields for a variety of sinusoidal surfaces for plane waves of either polarization at oblique as well as normal in- cidence, and the results are compared with the predictions of physical optics. (Author) AD-713 485/CP HC E01 MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc White Plains NY Penetration of Photons Through a Hot Elec- tron Gas. Final rept. S. Hui, M. H. Kalos, H. Steinberg, and E. Troubetzkoy. Jun 70, 64p MR-7006, DASA-2556 Contract DASA01-69-C-0150 Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, Electrons, 'Photons, Penetration, Compton scattering, Thermal radiation, Monte Carlo method, Pro- gramming(Computers), Scattering. Identifiers: Maxwell-Boltzmann density func- tion, Electron gas, XPLASMA computer code. The work reported here is the first phase of the study of improved techniques for determining the time-dependent history of a radiation field. A standard problem of the penetration of a Planck spectrum of photons through a hot elec- tron gas is solved by the Monte Carlo technique. A code to calculate the energy and angular spectrum of transmitted radiation was written in which no attempt was made to in- clude stimulated scattering or any other non- linear effects. Such non-linear effects will be in- cluded in the second phase of this study and the calculations here will be repeated. Results for several spectra at different temperatures and a medium of an electron gas of tempera- ture between 0-20 Kev are given. (Author) AD-713 910/CP PC E01 MF A01 Boeing Co Renton Wash Commercial Airplane Div Quantitative Phase Analysis and Precise Lat- tice Parameter Measurements by X-Ray Dif- fraction. R. H. Olsen. 23 Sep 70, 37p Rept no. D6-25253 Descriptors: 'Titanium alloys, *X-ray diffraction analysis, Crystal lattices, Beta particles, Austenite, Least squares method. Metallic crystals, Titanium. Identifiers: Lattice parameters, XRAY computer program. Computer aided analysis. The technique developed for quantitative phase analysis involves using the Siemens X-Ray Dif- fractometer and specially designed specimen holder which tilts and rotates the specimen while the intensity profiles from particular dif- fraction planes are recorded. The intensity profiles are recorded on printed tape and input, along with phase chemistries and crystallo- graphic data, to a computer program XRAY that calculates the necessary intensity factors, in- tegrates the intensity profiles and calculates the volume fraction. Standard methods for retained austenite, and beta analysis in titanium were developed. The procedure for calculating lat- tice parameters is based on Cohens method of Least Squares analysis. Measured diffraction angles and the corresponding wavelength and hkl are input to computer program XRLP. (Author) AD-714 281/CP PC EJJ1 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Acoustics and Vibration Lab Finite Membranes and Plates Vibrating in a Dense Fluid: An Analysis of the Fully Coupled Problem. Technical rept. William T. Ellison. Jun 70, 135p Rept no. A/V- 71476-2 Contract N00014-67-A-0204-0030 Descriptors: 'Sound transmission. Metal plates, 'Underwater sound, Sound transmission, Vibration, Integral equations, Load- ing(Mechanics), Computer programs. Identifiers: Clamped plates. The analysis of the transmission of sound through a clamped circular plate set in an in- 53 finite rigid wall, exposed on both sides to a dense acoustic medium and excited by an obliquely incident plane wave is undertaken. The analysis is accomplished by an approxi- mate variational solution to the coupled in- tegral equations describing the problem. Ex- pressions are obtained tor the transmitted far field intensity and power and the displacement response. Results are also included for a practi- cal example of a steel plate submerged in water. In addition, an experimental analysis of the complementary problem of transmission of sound through a circular membrane set in an infinite rigid wall has been accomplished and the results of this analysis are compared with the corresponding variational solution for a membrane. (Author) AD-714 499/CP PC E01 MF A01 Cullen Coll of Engineering Houston Tex Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Com- putation. Technical rept. Raymond A. Williams, and Ernest J. Henley. Aug 69, 284p Rept no. THEMIS-RE-13-69 Contract N00014-68-A-0151 Descriptors: "Phase studies, 'Computer pro- grams, Vapors, Liquids, Thermodynamics, Curve fitting. Subroutines, Theses. Identifiers: Themis project, KVALUE computer program. The report is concerned with the development of a comprehensive computer program for the estimation of multicomponent vapor-liquid equilibria in two phase systems at low to moderate pressures. The system which was developed is referred to as 'the KVALUE rou- tines.' The KVALUE routines consist of approxi- mately 2,000 FORTRAN instructions which require 21,454 words of storage when loaded into an IBM 360/44. Included in the text discus- sion are the following topics: the ther- modynamic criteria for equilibrium, the compu- tation of vapor phase fugacity coefficients using both the virial and the Redlich-Kwong equations of state, the correlation of activity coefficients to liquid phase composition via the equations of Wilson, Van Laar, and Hildebrand, the calculation of standard-state fugacities from thermodynamic considerations and from the popular Chao-Seader correlation, and techniques for evaluating the necessary physi- cal properties and parameters. Also included is a discussion of Marquardt's method and the manner in which this algorithmic process is im- plemented to obtain a solution to the system of nonlinear equations which must be solved when estimating multicomponent vapor-liquid equilibria. (Author) AD-714 560/CP PC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions A Collection of Computer Programs for Molecular Spectroscopy. Richard T. Hall. 1 5 Sep 70, 142p" TR-0059(9260- 01 )-8, SAMSO-TR-70-364 Contract F04701-70-C-0059 Descriptors: "Molecular spectroscopy, "Computer programs. Molecular energy levels, Rotation, Electron transitions. Identifiers: Rotational energy levels, "Rotational spectra, Molecular rotation. A series of computer programs useful in deriv- ing molecular rotational constants and energy levels from observed rotational spectra of asymmetric rotor molecules is presented. A routine to obtain combination difference rela- tions from vibrational-rotational spectra that can be used in addition to the pure rotational transitions to determine a set of energy levels is included also. (Author) AD-714 573/CP PC E01 MF A01 Boston Univ Mass Dept of Physics Single Crystal Mossbauer Scattering. Final rept. Sep 68-Sep 70 Kanchan P. Singh, Peter Van den Beemt, and Gilbert R. Hoy. 30 Sep 70, 69p AFCRL-70-0547 Contract F19628-69-C-0002 Descriptors: "Single crystals, "Mossbauer ef- fect. Crystal structure. Scattering, Gamma rays. Iron compounds, Computer programs, Spec- trophotometers, Iron oxides, Cyanides, Fer- rates. Identifiers: Mossbauer spectroscopy, Sodium nitrosylpentacyano ferrate. The work enhances the applicability of Moss- bauer spectroscopy on single crystal specimens. Measurements were made on the following samples; Fe foils, alpha-Fe203 powder, Fe powder and single crystals of sodi- um nitroprusside. Experiments on these sam- ples were done using both the 14 keV gamma- ray and the 6 keV x-ray in scattering geometry. Aside from the effects of sample thickness, the 6 keV scattering results are the same as the or- dinary transmission results. In finding the inten- sity ratios of spectral lines in the same spec- trum, it is important to include thickness ef- fects. Each line has associated with it, its own effective thickness. This phenomenon is ex- plained. It is shown that scattering results can be used to obtain the effective field parameters in single crystals of thickness effects are in- cluded and carefully grown and cut crystals are used. A computational procedure is presented that is particularly suited to single crystal work. (Author) AD-715 259/CP PC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions Microwave Breakdown in the Presence of Spatial Nonuniformities: Computer Programs. Rept. for Aug 68-Mar 70 Glenn C. Light. 30 Sep 70, 25p TR-0059(6220- 10)-4, SAMSO-TR-70-392 Contract F04701-70-C-0059 Descriptors: "Plasma medium. Microwaves, "Air, Ionization, Shock waves, Blackout(Electromagnetic), Electron density. Partial differential equations, Integration, Pro- gramming(Computers), Nitrogen, Electric fields. Identifiers: Microwave breakdown, BRKDN3 computer code, BRKDN4 computer code. The conventional theory of microwave break- down in a uniform electric field is reviewed. Theoretical analyses are presented, on the basis of a variational formulation of Epstein, for continuous wave and for pulsed breakdown in the general case of nonuniform electric field and nonuniform gas properties. The results of computer calculations based on these theoreti- cal analyses are shown. Comparisons are made between these results and exact results in the limit of a uniform field and uniform gas. Com- parisons are also made between these results and those of several other investigators for the case of an x-band rectangular slot radiator in a ground plane. (Author) AD-715 262/CP PC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Engineering Science Operations Polypagos: Polychromic Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems. Technical rept. Feb 69-Nov 70 Silas Brewer. 1 Sep 70, 209p TR-0059(631 1 )-1 , SAMSO-TR-70-411 Contract F04701-70-C-0059 Descriptors: "Optical images. Data processing systems, "Computer programs. Light transmis- sion, Diffraction, Graphics, Integral transforms. Input-output devices, Lenses, Stereoscopic dis- play systems. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, Three dimensional display systems, "Computer graphics, "Ray tracing, POLYPAGOS(POLYchromic Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems), Polychromic program for the analysis of general optical systems, Fourier transforma- tion. The report discusses attempts to apply ad- vanced concepts in computer technology to the analysis of optical systems. The early efforts went in to the Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems' (PAGOS). In addition to the basic program, the report covers changes in the transfer function computations, including: (1) the use of two-dimensional Fouri- er transforms to replace the convolution technique of PAGOS; (2) the generation of point spread functions; (3) a polychromic, i.e., multi-wavelength feature. The acronym came from adding the prefix POLY(chromic) to the acronym of the original version, hence POLYPAGOS. The document is not only descriptive of the program, it will function as a user's manual. (Author) AD-715 284/CP PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Magnetic Moment Versus Temperature Curves of Ferrimagnetic Garnet Materials. Technical rept. Gerald F. Dionne. 9 Sep 70, 61 p TR-480, ESD- TR-70-150 Contract AF 19(628)-5167 Descriptors: "Garnet, "Magnetic moments, Yt- trium compounds. Iron compounds, Aluminum compounds. Gallium compounds, Indium com- pounds, Scandium compounds. Molecular as- sociation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Molecular field theory, Ferrimag- netic materials. Yttrium iron garnets. The molecular field coefficients employed in the Neel theory of ferrimagnetism have been determined as functions of the levels of diamagnetic ion substitution in the garnet fami- ly (Y(z)Gd(3-z))(R(x)Fe(2-x))(Q(y)Fe(3-y))0(1 2), where R and Q represent diamagnetic oc- tahedral and tetrahedral substitutions, respec- tively. With these coefficients the magnetic mo- ment versus temperature curves of composi- tions ranging from = or < x = or < 0.70, = or < y = or < 1 .95, and 0.40 = or < z = or < 1 .00 were computed and are presented in this re- port. (Author) AD-715 476/CP PC E01 MF A01 Science Applications Inc La Jolla Calif Multifrequency and Multidimensional Aspects of X-Ray Transport. Final rept. Oct 69-Sep 70 Robert J. Latko, and Gerald C. Pomraning. Nov 70, 1 33p SAI-70- 1 1 3, DASA-2572 Contract DASA01-70-C-0028 Descriptors: "Thermal radiation, Transport pro- perties, Wave transmission, Mathematical models. Neutron transport theory, Pro- gramming(Computers), X rays, Statistical anal- ysis. identifiers: VERA computer code, DRAD com- puter code. Radiative transfer. The report discusses multifrequency and mul- tidimensional aspects of radiative transfer problems. A new grey, or multigroup, equation of transfer is derived which is consistent with the moment equation often used in numerical work (i.e., in the VERA and DRAD codes). This equation involves generalization, to strong tem- perature gradients, of the Planck and Rosse- land mean opacities. The report also discuss a possible method for solving the two-dimen- sional moment equations which has the poten- tial of saving large amounts of computer time. 54 This method, called synthesis, involves representing the two-dimensional solution by a small number of coupled, one-dimensional solutions. A numerical example is given indicat- ing the potential of the method. (Author) AD-715 651/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Ga(2- X)Fe(X)03. Technical rept. Barry Franklin Levine. Jul 69, 287p Rept no. TR- 595 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0006 Descriptors: 'Gallium compounds, Elasticity, 'Ferrites, Magnetic properties, Magnetostric- tion, Computer programs. Ferrates, Cryogenics, Anisotropy. Identifiers: 'Gallium ferrates, Ferrimagnetic materials. Curie temperature. Molecular field theory. Magnetic anisotropy, Magnetoelastic effects, Magnetoelectric effects, Domain walls. A three sublattice ferrimagnetic model for Ga(2- x)F(x)03 is shown to explain all the presently available magnetic data. The x dependence of the iron occupation of the various sublattices is obtained, and the x dependence of the mag- netization and the Curie temperature is calcu- lated. All of these agree quite well with experi- mental data. It is shown that the magnetoelec- tric effect does not contribute (in the order con- sidered) to the various material constants. Most of the elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric con- stants of GaFe03 are measured. AD-715 724/CP PC E01 MF A01 Colorado Univ Boulder Dept of Electrical En- gineering Generalized Analytical Computer Program for Turbomachine-Driven Cryogenic Systems in Helium. F. Edward McDonald. Jun 70, 278p Contract DA-44-009-AMC-787(T) Descriptors: 'Turbines, Cryogenics, 'Computer programs, Heat transfer, Design, Heat exchan- gers. Thermodynamic cycles, Per- formance(Engineering), LIQUEFIED GASES, Helium. Identifiers: 'Cryogenic turbomachinery. Com- puter aided design, Aluminum alloy 1100, Alu- minum alloy 3003, Liquid helium. The work comprises a generalized computer program for the performance analysis and study of turbomachine-driven cryogenic systems in general, employing helium as the working fluid. With the facility of the broad input spectrum incorporated, the effect of nu- merical changes in all major variables or input parameters may be studied, either individually or in combination as desired. Systems may also be optimized for minimum size, weight, number of components, and power input require- ments by judicious selection of the various input parameters. The porous-plate type heat exchanger is specifically considered. Upon ac- tivating either one of two input codes, the com- puter will evaluate heat exchanger charac- teristics based on use of either AL-1100-F or AL-3003-F as the plate material. (Author) AD-715 910/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Coupled Electromagnetic and Electron Acoustic Wave Propagation in an In- homogeneous Lossy Plasma Layer. Technical rept. Nov 69-Aug 70 Hugh L. Southall. Sep 70, 1 71 p Rept no. AFWL- TR-70-110 Descriptors: 'Plasma sheath, Electron density, 'Atmosphere entry, Plasma sheath, 'Electromagnetic waves, Propagation, Hydrodynamics, Reentry vehicles, Partial dif- ferential equations, Drag, Wave functions, Nu- merical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: Plasma diagnostics, Wave equa- tions, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Finite difference theory. Electron acoustic waves. A hydrodynamic treatment is used to derive the coupled wave equations for wave propagation in a compressible plasma. Electron acoustic waves in the plasma are assumed to be excited by a vertically polarized electromagnetic wave obliquely incident upon a plane dielectric- plasma interface. Finite difference numerical solutions for the electromagnetic field and the scalar pressure field are obtained in a reentry- type plasma layer surrounding high-per- formance hypersonic reentry vehicles. An in- homogeneous plasma layer (or sheath) is modelled with a linearly increasing electron density profile. The coupling of acoustic waves to electromagnetic waves in this inhomogene- ous region is investigated. Numerical results are obtained for the conversion of electromag- netic energy to plasma wave energy and vice versa. (Author) AD-715 925/CP PC E01 MF A01 Sea Farm Research Foundation Inc Waltham Mass Study of Some Astrophysical Problems Con- cerning Plasma Processes and Rotational Hydrodynamics. Final rept. 1 5 Feb 69-31 Aug 70 John H. Frey, and Stanford P. Yukon. 30 Sep 70, 66pAFCRL-70-0532 Contract F19628-69-C-0215 Descriptors: 'Magnetohydrodynamics, As- trophysics, 'Hydrodynamics, Astrophysics, Solar flares, Computer programs, Plasma oscil- lations, Plasma medium, Emissivity, Rotation, Resonance, Cerenkov radiation. Identifiers: Synchrotron radiation. Synchrotron and Cherenkov radiation below the plasma frequency from particles spiraling in a magnetoplasma have been investigated. Both the longitudinal and transverse emissivity were calculated for mildly relativistic particles with particular attention being given to radiation from resonance regions. A new and stronger in- equality for the density dependence at fixed en- tropy of the equilibrium energy of an arbitrary collection of point particles interacting with Coulomb (inverse power law) forces has been derived. Calculations based upon this deriva- tion are necessary for models of the heavy planets as well as for models of stellar struc- ture. A dynamo mechanism for solar flare ener- gy production at photospheric heights was in- vestigated. A set of equations for the motions of ions and electrons located just above the photpsphere was obtained which facilitates the derivation of quantitative results. The problem of two-dimensional hydrodynamics with rota- tion, i.e., Rossby waves in a rotating disc of in- compressible fluid, was examined. (Author) AD-716 019/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Test of the Capabilities of Chief in the Nu- merical Calculation of Acoustic Radiation from Arbitrary Surfaces. A. L. Van Buren. 1 2 Nov 70, 27 Rept no. NRL- 7160 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound. Mathematical models, Sound transmission, Computer pro- grams, Propagation, Velocity, Transducers, Mechanical waves. Identifiers: CHIEF computer program, Gaussian quadrature. The computer program CHIEF was designed by Schenck and Barach of the Naval Undersea Research and Development Center to obtain approximate solutions to exterior steady-state acoustic radiation problems for surfaces of ar- bitrary shape vibrating with a prescribed nor- mal velocity. To test its capabilities as a research tool, CHIEF was applied to several problems for which accurate answers have been obtained using harmonic expansions. The accuracy and computation time of the results using CHIEF are discussed in terms of the sur- face subdivision scheme and the number of Gaussian quadrature points used to evaluate the Helmholtz integrals. In addition, new input subroutines to CHIEF which provide numerous geometrical options are also discussed. (Author) AD-716 320/CP Illinois Univ Urbana Engineering Experiment Station Backscattering for gamma Rays from a Point Source Near a Concrete Plane Surface. Arthur B. Chilton. 1964, 95p Rept no. Bull-471 Contract OCD-OS-63-66 Availability: Paper copy available from Universi- ty of Illinois, Altgeld Hall, Urbana, III. 61803 as University of Illinois Bulletin, v62 n36 Nov 64. $1 .50. No copies furnished by DDC or NTIS. Descriptors: 'Gamma-ray scattering, Concrete, 'Shielding, Gamma rays, Backscattering, Al- bedo, Dose rate, Cobalt, Cesium, Computer programs. Gamma-proton reactions, Gamma- ray cross sections, Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: Cobalt 60, Cesium 137. Backscattering factors, as fractions of a direct dose rate in a vacuum, are obtained for point sources of gamma radiation, specifically cesi- um-137 and cobalt-60, placed near a plane in- terface between vacuum and concrete. The method derived is based on application of al- bedo principles, using the Chilton-Huddleston formulation for albedo. Previously published values of parameters for the Chilton-Hud- dleston formula are not used; but a new set, be- lieved to be better, is derived. The results are considered practically applicable to air- concrete or air-ground interface situations, provided the distances of source to detector, source to interface, and detector to interface are greater than a mean-free-path of the source gamma radiation in the concrete or ground but substantially less than that in air. (Author) AD-716 435/CP PC E01 MF A01 Joint Inst for Lab Astrophysics Boulder Colo Classical Path a and B Functions for Line Broadening of Positive Ions. J. Cooper, U. Palmer, and G. K. Oertel. 25 Oct 70, 46p Rept no. JILA-105 Contract DA-31-124-ARO(D)-139 Descriptors: 'Ions, 'Line spectrum, Quantum mechanics, Mathematical analysis. Computer programs. Wave functions. Identifiers: 'Line broadening, 'Quantum chemistry. The A, a and B functions for electron broaden- ing of positive ions, that is, with an attractive hyperbolic path, are considered in detail for the dipole interaction. Functions for a repulsive hyperbola and quadrupole interactions are also discussed. (Author) AD-716 562/CP PC E01 MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Materi- als Research Lab Computer Analysis of Multi-Channel Sem and X-Ray Images from Fine Particles. Technical rept. E. W. White, K. Mayberry, and G. G. Johnson, Jr. 22 Dec 70, 94p Rept no. TR-3 Contract N00014-67-A-0385-0007 Descriptors: 'Electron microscopy, 'Data processing systems, Alumina, Analog-to-digital 55 converters. Computer programs, Pattern recog- nition, Digital recording systems, Electron microscopes. Air pollution, Dust. Identifiers: Computer graphics, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, 'Scanning electron microscopy, Aluminum oxide, Data processing. Techniques involving the computer processing of scanning electron microscope (SEM) images using a binary coded map approach have been developed. For each picture from one to six dif- ferent SEM signals are converted from analog to digital form and recorded on magnetic tape for subsequent computer analysis. The analysis of fine grained A1203 particles and multiphase particulate mixtures are carried through from the sample preparation, the actual examination under the SEM, the digital recording of the image and finally the computer processing of the images. The computer program and the results are viewed step by step - with an ex- planation of the possibilities. A listing of the en- tire computer program is given in the Appendix. (Author) AD-716 746/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Program for the Calculation of the Crystal Structure Invariants Based on Certain Conditonal Distributions. Final rept. on Phase 1 Janet E. Fisher, J. Harrison Hancock, and Herbert A. Hauptman. 7 Dec 70, 29p Rept no. NRL-7157 Descriptors: 'Crystal structure. Computer pro- grams, Crystal lattices. Crystal substructure, Distribution functions. Identifiers: Lattice parameters. Effective techniques leading from the values of the crystal structure invariants to the values of the individual phases have recently been ob- tained. In the present report a new formula ex- pressing the structure invariants in terms of the observed crystal structure amplitudes is given, and a computer program is described which facilitates the computation of the invariants. (Author) AD-716 747/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Program for the Least-Squares Determination of the Phases of the Crystal Structure Factors. Final rept. J. Harrison Hancock, Janet E. Fisher, and Herbert A. Hauptman. 16 Dec 70, 47p Rept no. NRL-7167 Descriptors: 'Crystal structure, Computer pro- grams, Least squares method, Phase studies. Crystal lattices. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Buildup computer pro- gram, LS Phases computer program, Lattice parameters. An effective technique, employing the Principle of Least Squares, which leads from the values of the crystal structure invariants to the values of individual phases, has recently been ob- tained. In the present report the details of the computer program which implements this technique are described. An auxiliary program to identify the required structure invariants has also been written and is contained herein. (Author) AD-716 992/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Digital Computer Solution of Magnetic Field Problems. Research and development technical rept. Charles M. DeSantis. Nov 70, 45p Rept no. ECOM-3358 Descriptors: 'Magnetic fields, Computer pro- grams, 'Ferromagnetic materials, Magnetic fields, 'Magnets, Design, Ferromagnetism, Mathematical models. Boundary value problems, Digital computers, Partial differential equations. Numerical analysis, Permeability. Identifiers: Harmonic functions. A computer program for the analysis of mag- netic field problems involving ferromagnetic materials is described. A discussion of the equations describing such problems, the boun- dary conditions employed, and the method of modeling on a digital computer is presented. Finally, in four appendices, the difference ex- pressions for Laplace's equation and the non- linear magnetic equation are derived, the boun- dary approximations used in the computer pro- gram are presented and explained, and the general make-up and use of the program in its time sharing format is described. (Author) AD-717 585/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Finite Element Study of Acoustic Waves. Master's thesis Dennis Vale Dean. Dec 70, 71 p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission. Acoustic impedance, Mechanical waves, Computer programs, Sonar signals, Transducers, Theses. Identifiers: Finite element analysis. The generation and propagation of small am- plitude acoustic waves in a homogeneous, loss- free, compressible fluid is studied by the finite element method. A diaphragm mounted in an infinite rigid baffle generates acoustic waves in a semi-infinite fluid region. Steady-state pres- sure distribution is found for a hemispherical region with boundary reflection suppressed through use of a radiation condition. The com- puter program developed for the purpose util- izes iso-parametric finite elements with cur- vilinear boundaries. Incorporated in the pro- gram is a versatile mesh generator which minimizes the quantity of input data. Accepta- ble agreement with analytic results is obtained when there are at least four elements per wave- length. (Author) AD-717 639/CP PC A99 MF A01 Gulf Energy and Environmental Systems Inc San Diego Calif Line and Continuum gamma-Ray Yields from Thermal-Neutron Capture in 75 Elements. Final rept. V. J. Orphan, N. C. Rasmussen, and T. L. Harper. 31 Jul 70, 685p GA-10248, DASA-2570 Contract DASA01-69-C-0151 Descriptors: 'Neutron capture gamma rays, Ta- bles, 'Neutron transport theory. Thermal neutrons, 'Reactor shielding calculations. Thermal neutrons, Nuclear binding energy, Gamma-ray spectra, Neutron cross sections, Neutron flux, Radiation measurement systems, Reactor shielding materials, Data processing systems. Computer programs. Identifiers: GAMABC computer code, DATTAP computer program. The document presents the results of an analy- sis of thermal capture gamma-ray spectral data obtained at the MIT Thermal Capture Gamma- Ray Facility using a Ge(Li)-Nal spectrometer. This data has been previously analyzed to ob- tain the energies and intensities of the resolved lines from radiative neutron capture in 75 natu- ral elements. In the present work, the spectral data was unfolded to remove the effect of the spectrometer response, and the total gamma- ray yield for both discrete lines and continuum, was determined. The method of analysis, described previously by Harper and Rasmus- sen, is briefly summarized. Also discussed are the binding energies producing a consistent set of values. A comparison of some of the present results with previous data is given. The capture gamma-ray energies and intensities are tabu- lated and the original gamma-ray spectra are shown for each element. The total gamma-ray yield data for each element has been written onto magnetic tape in the ENDF format to facilitate the use of this data by radiation trans- port codes. A description of the tape prepara- tion procedure and the data formats employed are given. (Author) AD-717 662/CP PC E01 MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Dept of Mechanical En- gineering Some Contributions to the Techniques for Testing Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces. Technical rept. John H. Stang. Dec 70, 139p Rept no. TR-74 Contract Nonr-225(91) Descriptors: 'Gas turbines, Heat exchangers, 'Heat exchangers, Test methods, 'Heat transfer. Mathematical models. Computer pro- grams, Design, Firing circuits, Control systems. Test equipment, Performance(Engineering), Theses. Two techniques for testing compact heat exchangers are refined. They are the maximum- slope variation of the single-blow transient technique, and the regular periodic technique. The maximum-slope method is improved by using an electronic control to produce a very fast heater response, thereby generating a sharper step change in airstream temperature. The design method for the electronic control is presented along with an experimental verifica- tion of its function. (Author) AD-717 681/CP PC E01 MF A01 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge Mass The Unsteady Hydrodynamics and Control of Hydrofoils Near a Free Surface. Final rept. 1 Aug 69-30 Apr 70 Joseph I. Smullin, and Erich K. Bender. 22 Jan 71 , 86p Rept no. BBN-1970 Contract N00014-70-C-0032 Descriptors: 'Hydrofoils, 'Hydrodynamics, Computer programs, Loading(Mechanics), Lift, Pitch(Motion), Moments, Trailing edge, Pres- sure, Numerical analysis, Control. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 2 pro- gramming language. A discussion is given of the development of a digital computer program to compute hydrofoil loads and some aspect of hydrofoil control. The program computes the lift, pitching moment, and flap hinge moment on a two-dimensional hydrofoil with a trailing edge flap operating near a free surface with waves. The computa- tional approach involves the numerical solution of an integral equation relating an upwash dis- tribution to a kernel function and pressure dis- tribution. The pressure distribution is expanded in a truncated Glauert series; the integration is carried out numerically using a Gaussian quadrature: and the coefficients of the Glauert series are evaluated by a minimum error collo- cation method. The control problem in- vestigated involves the positioning of a pivoted hydrofoil by means of a servo-controlled trim tab. When the foil is pivoted at its quarter chord point and control is implemented solely by means of a servo tab, the system is virtually un- controllable. However, by pivoting the foil off the quarter chord point or by augmenting the servo tab with a servo attached directly to the foil, the system can be controlled. (Author) AD-717 708/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Spshell, Oildrop, and Spclam: Three Pro- grams to Solve Hydrodynamics Problems in Two Dimensions. Technical rept. Sep 69-Jan 70 56 Robert C. Reynolds. Dec 70, 87p Rept no. AFWL-TR-70-96 Descriptors: "Hydrodynamics, *Programming(Computers), Two-dimensional flow, Fluid dynamic properties, Atmosphere models, Partial differential equations, Impact, Explosion effects, Atmosphere entry. Identifiers: FORTRAN, SPSHELL computer pro- gram, OILDROP computer program, SPCLAM computer program, Hypervelocity impact. Three programs have been written to solve two- dimensional hydrodynamics problems in a spherical, pure Eulerian coordinate system. An extensive analysis of the central program, SPSHELL, is given and the equations it solves are derived. A Fortran listing of each program is included with an explanation of the data deck needed to run it. (Author) AD-718 095/CP PC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Engineering Science Operations Application of Fourier Techniques to Image Evaluation William E. Stoelzner. 1 5 Oct 70, 71 TR- 0059(631 1 )-2, SAMSO-TR-71 -20 Contract F04701-70-C-0059 Descriptors: 'Optical images. Transfer func- tions, 'Light transmission, 'Diffraction, 'Integral transforms. Algorithms, 'Programming(Computers), Numerical analy- sis, Fourier analysis. Integration, Accuracy. Identifiers: POLYPAGOS computer program, PAGOS computer program. Numerical integra- tion, Cooley-Tukey algorithm, Fourier transfor- mation. The report is one of a series published to docu- ment the computerized image-evaluation pro- gram called POLYPAGOS The results of dif- fraction theory and transfer function theory for an imaging system are summarized, and two al- gorithms for numerical integration of Fourier integrals are compared. The selection of the grid interval, based on the sampling theorem, is discussed; formulae are given for estimating proper grid size. The report includes tables giv- ing the POLYPAGOS user an idea of the com- putational accuracy of the OTF value. (Author) AD-718 130/CP PC E01 MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Biological Computer Lab Pulse Interval Representations of Speech Events Technical rept. John W. Atwood. 15 Oct 70, 73p UILU-ENG-70- 294, TR-22, NASA-4 Grant AF-AFOSR-1865-70, MGR-1 4-005-1 1 1 Descriptors: 'Speech recognition, 'Coding, 'Speech transmission, Coding, Digital compu- ters, Data processing systems. Pulse position modulation, Synthesis, Analysis, Computer pro- grams. Theses. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, Waveforms. A new technique for the analysis, synthesis, and transmission of human speech is described which is based on the computation of time in- tervals between threshold transitions of the derivative in the speech waveform. The position taken here is that the sequence in which signifi- cant speech events occur, and their temporal relationships to each other, are for the descrip- tion of speech as important as its frequency- domain properties, i.e., the dynamic properties and the sustained properties of the speech waveform each are considered to contribute to our understanding of human speech. The described method of coding speech, in which only the intervals between transitions are recorded, is shown to have advantages in cer- tain areas of speech analysis, synthesis, and transmission, over other methods which rely essentially on phenomena in the frequency domain. In particular, it is shown that this cod- ing method provides a basis for transmitting speech with high intelligibility at low transmis- sion rates permits the measurement of many properties of the speech waveform which are difficult or impossible to evaluate using con- ventional techniques, and allows synthesis, by rule, of many speech sounds. (Author) AD-718 313/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Im- pedances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle R. L. Berkowitz, and R. V. Baier. 18 Jan71,62p Rept no. NRL-7008 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission, 'Sonar arrays, Acoustic impedance, Computer programs, Input-output devices, Mathematical analysis, Tables. Identifiers: MUTIMP computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. Formulas to calculate the self-impedance and mutual-impedance coefficients of acoustic radiation from disks in an infinite rigid baffle are discussed. A Fortran IV computer program which evaluates these expressions is listed, and two tables of numerical values are printed. The first table lists both the self-impedance and the mutual-impedance coefficients as a function of ka and kd, where kd = nka, for n = 2, 3, 4, .... 151, and where ka = 0.02 (0.02) 0.10, 0.15 (0.05) 1 .00, 1 .20 (0.20) 3.00. The second table lists only the self impedance for ka = 2.50 (0.50) 77.0. (Author) AD-718 332/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Heat Transfer in Infinite Slabs Masters' Thesis Donald Ray McNeill. Dec 70. 71 p Descriptors: *Convection(Heat transfer), Partial differential equations, 'Nuclear power plants, Nuclear engineering, Thermal properties. Curve fitting. Pipes, Concrete, Thermal conductivity, Fourier analysis. Pressure vessels. Computer programs, Theses. An analysis is made of temperature distribu- tions in a slab of finite thickness and infinite ex- tent, one surface of which is perfectly insulated and the other surface of which is exposed to a fluid the temperature of which varies in a specified way. Two cases are considered. In the first case, the temperature of the fluid is sud- denly changed and maintained at the new value. In the second case the temperature of the fluid increases linearly with time. From the solutions of these problems, curve sheets are developed which permit evaluating each of eight different quantities of engineering sig- nificance. These curve sheets cover more cases of interest and are easier to use than similar curves which have appeared in the report litera- ture. (Author) AD-718 356/CP PC E01 MF A01 North Carolina State Univ Raleigh Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering A Fortran Program for the Class V Flexten- sional Underwater Acoustic Transducer Technical rept. Ralph A. Nelson, Jr, and Larry H. Royster. Dec 70, 59pReptno.TR-11 Contract Nonr-486(11) Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission, 'Piezoelectric transducers. Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Input- output devices, Resonant frequency, Air, Un- derwater. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. A mathematical model has been developed for the Class V flextensional underwater acoustic transducer. A computer program correspond- ing to this model, written in Fortran IV G level for the IBM 360-75, has been developed which can be used to give results for the transducer in a vacuum (or in air). This program can also be run in conjunction with the program developed by Hess, which gives the pressures on an ar- bitrary body vibrating with a specified velocity distribution, to obtain the results of the trans- ducer in an acoustical media. (Author) AD-718 407/CP PC E01 MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Electronics Research Center Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide Technical rept. George A. Bennett, and Oren B. Kesler. 15 Oct 70, 111pTR-100, AFOSR-70-2874TR Grant AF-AFOSR-1792-69 Descriptors: 'Waveguides, 'Electromagnetic waves, Boundary value problems. Propagation, Numerical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: Electromagnetic radiation, Galer- kins method. The boundary value problem considered in the investigation was that of radiation of elec- tromagnetic waves from a two-dimensional parallel plate infinitely flanged waveguide. It was determined through extensive analysis that Galerkin's method is applicable to this problem and that its implementation by partial systems yields excellent results. Specific attention has been given to a study of the accuracy of the method and the results of this study are re- ported. The method has been utilized to com- pute results that are not available elsewhere - the first 120 non-zero reflection coefficients for various frequencies in the resonance region. Also for several frequencies in this region, graphs of the reflection coefficient modulus versus mode number, illustrating their asymp- totic behavior, are presented. The complete computer program is included for the readers discernment and general reference. Sug- gestions are made for extensions of this work. (Author) AD-718 858/CP PC E01 MF A01 University of Southern California Los Angeles Electronic Sciences Lab Instabilities in Laser Propagation in Fluids Final rept. 1 Aug 68-31 Oct 70 William G. Wagner. Oct 70, 191p Rept no. USCEE-400 Contract N00014-67-A-0269-0006, ARPA Order- 306-62 Descriptors: "Lasers, Light transmission, 'Light transmission. Air, Coherent radiation. Distor- tion, Mathematical models. Computer pro- grams, Wind, Laminar boundary layer, Stability, Fluid mechanics, Partial differential equations. Monochromatic light. Identifiers: Laser beams. Instabilities in the system of equations describ- ing electromagnetic wave propagation and fluid dynamics are discussed. The basic equa- tions are discussed, and the linearized stability analysis is presented along with an evaluation of the threshold for these growing waves. To follow the growth of the disturbances, com- puter studies were undertaken. In the course of these studies it became apparent that there was some merit to introducing a new concept to judge the value of an algorithm for computing the solutions of a system of partial differential equations. This concept was called 'utility', and is discussed along with several examples of its application to simpler partial differential equa- tions. Presented are the results of a calculation of beam distortion for a very high intensity pulse propagating through air for several kilometers. In the attempt to calculate distor- 57 tions of the type predicted by the linearized in- stability analysis, cylindrical symmetry was im- posed on the problem in order to facilitate the computer calculation. The report contains an analytic discussion of beam bending and ther- mal blooming for a slab beam propagating through a wind. A formula is derived which pro- vides for the transition between two regimes in which conduction and forced convection, respectively, dominate the dissipation of heat deposited in the medium from the laser beam. (Author) AD-718 898/CP PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Dept of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Computation of Periodic Propeller Forces in Non-Uniform Flows Using a Lifting Surface Model Final rept. Neal A. Brown, and Fritz Roland Bjorklund. 28 Jan 70, 1 1 9p Rept no. 70-1 9 Contract Nonr-1841(80) Descriptors: "Propellers(Marine), "Downwash, "Propeller blades, 'Vortices, Lift, Corrections, Mathematical prediction, Computer programs, Force(Mechanics). Identifiers: Nonuniform flow, Computer analy- sis, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. The report describes a method for calculating downwash effects of both radial and stream- wise vortex systems of a propeller blade and applying these results as a correction to the prediction of the propeller blade characteristics utilizing a lifting line model. A computer pro- gram was developed using FORTRAN 4. (Author) AD-718 969/CP PC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Bodies of Revolution Joseph R. Mautz, and Roger F. Harrington. Jan 71, 67p Scientific-10, AFCRL-71-0014 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic waves, Bodies of revolution, 'Computer programs, Electric cur- rents, Gain, Electrical impedance, Matrix al- gebra. Scattering, Microwaves. Identifiers: Characteristic impedance, Charac- teristic current. Characteristic gain, "Eigencurrents. Computer programs are given for calculating the characteristic currents and characteristic gain patterns of conducting bodies of revolu- tion. Also given are computer programs for using these characteristic currents in aperture radiation and plane-wave scattering problems. Plot programs for use with a Calcomp plotter are included. Operating procedures and pro- gram details are discussed, and sample input- output data are given. (Author) AD-719 943/CP REPRINT Southern Illinois Univ Carbondale Dept of Materials Science STLPLT - CalComp Plot of Crystallographic Projections of Laue Photographs MarisaCanut-Amoros. 20 May 70, 15p AFOSR- TR-71-0310 Grant AF-AFOSR-832-67 Availability: Pub. in Computer Physics Commu- nications, v1 n5 p293-305 Sep 70. Descriptors: "Programming (Computers), Crystal structure, "Crystal structure, "X-ray dif- fraction analysis, Crystallography, Metallog- raphy. Identifiers: STLPLT computer program, Laue method, Stereographic projection, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language. The program is designed to evaluate and plot the stereographic, stereognomonic and gnomonic projections from Laue photographs obtained with cylindrical, flat transmission or back reflection techniques. From the x,y coor- dinates of the Laue spots measured on the film, the rho, phi and the X,Y coordinates of the poles are calculated for the stereographic, stereognomonic or gnomonic projections. Cylindrical, flat transmission, or back-reflection Laue techniques can be used. The selected pro- jection is plotted in a circle of 100 mm. radius for any desired radius of the reference sphere. The blind zones of the experimental record determined by the film size and the backstop are also plotted on the projection. (Author) AD-719 975/CP MF AQ1 National Bureau of Standards Boulder Colo Inst for Basic Standards Unified Theory Calculations of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Lines Including Lower State interactions C. R. Vidal, J. Cooper, and E. W. Smith. Jan 71 , 50pNBS-Mono-120 Contract DA-31-124-ARO(D)-139 Availability: Paper copy available form Superin- tendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, D. C. 20402. $0.50 as C1 3.44: 120. Descriptors: "Hydrogen, "Stark effect, "Computer programs, "Line spectrum. Electron transitions, Atomic spectroscopy. Atomic ener- gy levels. Identifiers: Line broadening. Recently published calculations of hydrogen Stark broadening on the basis of the unified classical path theory have been extended to in- clude lower state interactions in the final line profile. A detailed comparison with experi- ments in the density range 10 to the 13th-10 to the 17th/cu cm is given. (Author) AD-720 270/CP PC E01 MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Electronics Research Center Acoustic Energy Transmission from a Rod into a Semi-Infinite Medium Technical rept. Gerald G. Maxwell, and E. L. Hixson. 2 Sep 70, 95p TR-98, AFOSR-70-2627TR Grant AF-AFOSR-1 792-69 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission, "Sonar signals, Sound transmission, Equations of motion. Transducers, Boundary value problems, Dispersion relations, Acoustic impedance, Programming(Computers), Flow charting, Approximation(Mathematics), Green's function. Identifiers: Wave equations, TABINT computer program, LINSOLV computer program, FIELDS computer program, RADPOW computer pro- gram, Greens function. The solution of the problem of the semi-infinite, cylindrical, elastic, homogeneous rod set in an infinite baffle and radiating into a semi-infinite liquid, non-viscous medium is the subject of this report. An approximation method is util- ized. The axisymmetric stress fields in the rod are expressed as infinite sums over eigenvalues which are solutions of the dispersion boundary conditions for the rod. The pressure in the liquid is derived using the Green's functions technique. An infinite series of integrals is the result as the velocity of the rod (which is ex- pressed as an infinite series) must be inserted in the integral expression for pressure. In order to solve the problem numerically these infinite sums are truncated. By matching the boundary conditions across the interface the velocity profile is obtained which can then be used to construct the farfield radiation patterns in the liquid. Power, radiation impedance, beam width, directivity factor and directivity index are calculated from the fields. (Author) AD-720 855/CP PC E01 MF A01 Eg and G Inc Bedford Mass On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Optical Range Finders Final rept. Mar-Jun 70 Sumner Ackerman. 31 Jul 70, 106pEG/G-B- 4248, AFCRL-71 -0021 Contract F19628-70-C-0200 Descriptors: "Opdar, Per- formance(Engineering), "Lasers, Range find- ing, Photoelectric effect. Signal-to-noise ratio, Calibration, Efficiency, Reliability(Electronics), Test methods, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Laser range finders, Range finders. A theory has been developed concerning the calibration, random errors, and efficiency of optical range finders as a function of signal energy; the magnitude of background noise is treated as a parameter. Efficiency is defined herein as the amount of information obtained on the location of the target within the trans- mitter-pulse period per range measurement trial per unit of signal energy used. Poisson and Bose-Einstein photoemission statistics were assumed. Experimental measurements are generally in good agreement with theoretical predictions. (Author) AD-720 964/CP REPRINT Queen'S Univ Belfast (Northern Ireland) Dept of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics A General Program for Calculating Angular Momentum Integrals in Atomic Structure A. Hibbert. 7 Jan 70, 21 p Contract N00014-69-C-0035, ARPA Order-1479 Availability: Pub. in Computer Physics Commu- nications, p359-377 1970. Descriptors: "Atomic orbitals, Wave functions, "Integral equations, "Programming(Computers), Atomic energy levels, Momentum, Integration, Hamiltonian, Great Britain. Identifiers: Slater integrals, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, Configuration interaction method, WEIGHTS computer pro- gram, "Quantum chemistry. In configuration interaction calculations, one wishes to evaluate the matrix of the Hamiltoni- an operator with respect to a basis set of con- figuration wave functions. The more diffucult part of this procedure is the determination of the two-electron interaction matrix elements. These matrix elements may be written up as a weighted sum of radial Slater integrals. The program calculates the coefficients of these in- tegrals. (Author) AD-721 089/CP PC E01 MF A01 Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough (England) Theoretical Aspects of the Determination of Particle-Size Distributions from Measure- ments of Scattered Light Intensity Technical rept. J. B. Abbiss. Aug 70, 46p RAE-TR-701 51 , TRC- BR-21859 Descriptors: "Clouds, Particle size, "Fog, Parti- cle size, "Light transmission, Aerosols, Digital computers, Computer programs. Diffraction, Distribution functions. Integral equations. Great Britain. The technique of determining the distribution of particle sizes in a cloud by measuring the in- tensity of the light scattered from it over a range of angles (sometimes known as the 'small an- gles' method) is discussed and the feasibility of the method demonstrated with the aid of digital computer calculations. The effect of experi- mental errors is considered and a detailed ex- amination made of the special difficulties as- sociated with monodispersions, in which all particles are of the same size. It is shown that in 58 both cases modification of the experimental data by means of suitable weighting functions yields enhanced reconstruction of the original distribution function. The limitations of the small angles method are discussed, together with the data requirements which should be met if good results are to be achieved. (Author) AD-721 179/CP MF A01 Office of Telecommunications Boulder Colo Inst for Telecommunication Sciences A New Method for Predicting HF Ground Wave Attenuation Over Inhomogeneous, Ir- regular Terrain Research rept. R. H. Ott. Jan 71 , 63p Rept no. OT/ITSSR-7 Availability: Paper copy available from SOD as C1. 60:7 $0.60. Descriptors: 'Radio waves, Attenuation, Ter- rain, Radio transmission. High frequency, Pre- dictions, Computer programs, Numerical analy- sis. Several examples of the numerical evaluation of an integral equation for the calculation of the attenuation of a radio wave are given. These waves are assumed to be propagated over realistic, smoothly varying irregular, in- homogeneous terrain. Results for propagation over a cylindrical earth show an accuracy to 3-4 significant figures when compared with the classical residue series. Calculations for propagation over smooth mixed land-sea paths agree with classical methods. The applicability of the program to permit computation of propagation over terrain with smooth height variation is demonstrated by calculations of propagation over one and two Gaussian- shaped hills. The ability of the program to allow treatment of variations in both ground conduc- tivity and height combined is illustrated by cal- culations of propagation from the sea up a sloping beach and by calculations of propaga- tion over an island. The last example illustrates the importance of the terrain profile in mixed path calculations. (Author) AD-721 460/CP PC E01 MF A01 Tennessee Univ Space Inst Tullahoma Electrical Characteristics and Transient Wave Growth in Magnetogasdynamic Channels Doctoral thesis Walter Lee Powers. 1 8 Mar 67, 97p AFAPL-TR- 67-33 Contract AF 33(61 5)-2691 Descriptors: "Plasma accelerators, 'Magnetohydrodynamics, *Magnetohydrodynamic generators. Energy conversion, Plasma oscillations. Electron den- sity. Hall effect, Magnetic fields, Partial dif- ferential equations, Dispersion relations. Elec- trical conductance, Magneto-optic effect, Gas ionization, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: FORTRAN. A graphical display of the generalized Ohm's law is presented which is useful in determining the steady state electrical characteristics of magnetogasdynamic accelerators and genera- tors. It is shown how this map aids in the selec- tion of the most desirable type device for a given requirement. The electrical parameters of generators are written in terms of the external resistivity and permits the entire range from short to open circuit to be investigated. A first order perturbation analysis of the gas dynamic equations is made which permits an investiga- tion of the initial growth of the transient acoustical response to natural disturbances which may disturb uniform flow conditions in generators. The cubic equation for the disper- sion relation resulting from a quasi-one-dimen- sional plane wave traveling in the channel axial direction is solved numerically for all disturbance wavelengths and all external re- sistivities of interest in all generators. Results show that the upstream and enthalpy waves can grow considerably in typical channels. (Author) AD-721 471 /CP PC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio Configuration Optimization of a Class of Hypersonic Cruise Vehicles Doctoral thesis Richard C. Walker. Dec 70, 137p Rept no. ARL- 70-0342 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic configurations, 'Optimization, 'Hypersonic flight, Su- peraerodynamics, Hypersonic planes. Hyper- sonic characteristics, Supersonic combustion ramjet engines, Airframes, Flight paths, Numer- ical analysis. Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Computer aided design, 'Hypersonic cruise vehicles. An optimization of air breathing hypersonic cruise vehicles was performed in order to deter- mine basic configuration characteristics and performance trends. A distinctive feature of the investigation is that prediction techniques such as the method of characteristics were used to determine the flow field surrounding the vehi- cle; therefore, any interaction between the aerodynamic and propulsive flow fields is ac- counted for in a fundamental manner. The general class of vehicles considered in the study cruise in the Mach 8-12 speed regime, utilize a hydrogen fueled supersonic com- bustion ramjet engine, and can be geometri- cally characterized as two-dimensional wedgelike shapes. Configurations were op- timized for maximum cruise range as deter- mined from the Breguet range equation which incorporates a measure of the aerodynamic, propulsive, and volumetric efficiencies of a configuration. A generalized configuration model was defined by a discrete parameters which transformed the variational problem to a static or discrete optimization problem. The direct method of function optimization, utilizing search algorithms such as random point and adaptive creeper techniques, was employed to determine the value of the parameters defining the optimum configuration for cruise at design Mach numbers of 8, 10, and 12. The design parameter space in the vicinity of the optimum point was explored to show performance sen- sitivity. (Author) AD-721 711/CP PC E01 MF A01 Washington Univ Seattle A Fluid-Mechanical Refracting Gas-Prism Progress rept. no. 2, 15 Jan 70-14 Jan 71 W. H. Christiansen. Jan 71 , 102p AFOSR-TR-71 - 0612 Grant AF-AFOSR-1 723-69 Descriptors: 'Coherent radiation, Waveguides, Diffraction, Nozzle gas flow. Gas lasers, Wave functions, Integrals, Matrix algebra. Computer programs. Identifiers: Helium neon lasers. Ring lasers, 'Photon capacitors, Fluid mechanical optics, 'Fluid mechanical gas prisms, FORTRAN, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, Laser beams. It is shown that, in principle, for certain monotonically decreasing inhomogeneous, to- roidally-shaped media, wave functions and real numbers exist. The waves are confined to a cer- tain central region depending on the type of media, the density profile and the mode order. Thus, it would appear that resonators of this type can support bound waves and thus they can be used to store electro-magnetic energy (photon capacitor) or in the case of active media the structure may support laser modes. The type of inhomogeneous toroidal resonator described is still in its initial stages of concep- tion and development. Questions such as the optimal media and how the efficiency of the to- roidal inhomogeneous resonator compared with that of other kinds of resonators still remain to be answered. (Author) AD-721 900/CP PC E01 MF A01 Joint Inst for Lab Astrophysics Boulder Colo Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye-Shielded Interaction J. Cooper, S. Klarsfeld, and G. K. Oertel. 17 Mar 71 , 49p Rept no. JILA-107 Contract DA-31-124(ARO)D-139 Descriptors: 'Electron bombardment, Atoms, 'Stark effect, Atoms, Electric fields, Interac- tions, Differential equations, Integral trans- forms, Integration, Asymptotic series. Com- puter programs. Identifiers: 'Atom electron interactions, Fourier transformation. Line broadening. Stark broadening calculations of isolated neutral atom lines in the classical path approxi- mation usually involve an electron (moving along a straight line path) interacting directly with the atom. Correlations between the elec- trons are then taken into account by imp sing a cutoff in the interaction, when the distance from the atom, rho exceeds the Debye length, rho sub D. A more consistent procedure for the correlation effects is to replace the direct in- teraction of the electron by a Debye-shielded interaction. The functions A, B, a and b which are required in the theory when the Debye- shielded interaction is used are considered in detail in this report. When rho/rho sub D < 0.1, it is found that the a and b functions may be closely reproduced by using unshielded func- tions in conjunction with an upper cutoff of 0.68 rho sub D. (Author) AD-722 029/CP PC E01 MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Ordnance Research Lab On the Transmission of Sound from a Monopole Source Through a Finite, Corru- gated Boundary Between Fluid Media Technical memo. J. A. Macaluso. 9 Feb 70, 140p Rept no. TM-214- 02 Contract N00017-70-C-1407 Doctoral thesis. Descriptors: 'Sound transmission, Interfaces, 'Underwater sound, Sound transmission. Boundary layer, Mathematical models. Surface properties. Integral equations. Computer pro- grams. Reflection, Partial differential equa- tions, Refraction, Experimental design, Test equipment, Theses. Identifiers: 'Air sea interfaces, Wave equations, Sound pressure. The investigation was undertaken with the ob- jective of developing techniques for solving the problem of sound transmission from a har- monic monopole source through a finite, corru- gated boundary between fluid media and to corroborate these techniques by means of laboratory data obtained for the important case of air-to-water sound transmission. Using a form of the Kirchoff radiation integral, expres- sions were derived describing both the reflected and transmitted acoustic potentials due to the scattering of monopole sound at a corrugated boundary between fluids. For the case of sound transmission through the boun- dary, the integral expression was reduced to an approximate closed-form solution which is valid in the limit of geometrical optics and for extended interface geometries for which the tangent plane approximation is applicable. Em- pirical data was obtained using four different laboratory models of corrugated (sinusoidal) surface sections designed to float on the sur- face of an anechoic tank so as to simulate dif- ferent corrugated air-water boundaries. (Author) 59 AD-722 062/CP PC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Wire Objects Joseph R. Mautz, and Roger F. Harrington. Mar 71,77pScientific-11,AFCRL-71-0174 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, Instruction manuals, 'Electromagnetic waves. Scattering, "Electric wire, 'Electromagnetic wave reflec- tions, Antennas, Differential cross section, Matrix algebra. Identifiers: Wire antennas. Computer programs for calculating the charac- teristic modes of wire objects of arbitrary shape are given. A program for computing the generalized impedance matrix of wire objects is included. It is valid for systems of N wires of ar- bitrary shape, using triangle functions for both expansion and testing. A program for using the characteristic modes in plane-wave scattering problems, showing convergence of the modal solution, is also given. Programs for making Calcomp plots of the characteristic currents, gain patterns and modal solutions are included. This report gives program descriptions, operat- ing instructions, listings, and sample input-out- put data for each program. (Author) AD-722 067/CP PC E01 MF A01 Southern Illinois Univ Carbondale Materials Science Lab X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Electron Polarization in Ferroelectrics Final scientific rept. 1 Dec 68-15 Dec 70 Marisa Canut-Amoros. 1 5 Dec 70, 1 49p AFOSR- TR-71-0905 Grant AF-AFOSR -832-67 Descriptors: 'Ferroelectric crystals, Ferroelec- tricity, 'Electric moments, Polarization, Ab- stracts, Computer programs, Electron density. X-ray diffraction analysis, Atomic structure. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, Computerized simulation. Molecular vibration, SDMPLT computer pro- gram. Electron polarizability in ferroelectrics is stu- died via a new method developed by the prin- cipal investigator. The method, selected elec- tron shell method, allows the independent study of the true electron density of the inner and outer electrons of atoms in crystals. By this method it is expected to get true information about effective electron density as a function of temperature in ferroelectrics. Special interest will be paid to the analysis of the electron polarizability in sodium nitrite, triglycine sulphate, barium titanate and other important ferroelectrics. A systematic study of the elec- tron density of the outer and inner shell elec- trons will be done using x-ray diffraction data, especially in the neighborhood of the ferro- paraelectric transition. Theoretical models computed via convolution method will be com- pared with experiments. The knowledge gained will increase the understanding of the funda- mentals behind the phenomenon of ferroelec- tricity in solids, and facilitate the design of fer- roelectric devices. (Author) AD-722 244/CP PC E01 MF A01 Boeing Scientific Research Labs Seattle Wash Computer Simulated Electron Diffraction Con- trast P. P. Gruner, and A. K. Eikum. Dec 70, 68p Rept no.D1-82-1033 Descriptors: 'Electron diffraction analysis, Computer programs, "Crystal lattice defects, Electron diffraction analysis. Electron beams. Absorption, Dislocations, Anisotropy, Integra- tion, Foils. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, FOR- TRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, Transmission electron microscopy. A computer program yielding the intensity dis- tribution of high-energy electrons that have passed through an absorbing crystal foil is developed for the two-beam case of the dynam- ical theory of diffraction. Tilted and untilted foils will be considered that contain one dislo- cation (perfect or partial) and up to three over- lapping parallel stacking fault planes. Elastic anisotropy of the medium is taken into account. AD-722 337/CP PC E01 MF A01 Institute for Defense Analyses Arlington Va Science and Technology Div New Monte Carlo Method and Review of Present Methods For Calculating the Charac- teristics of Excitation Geometries for Solid- State Lasers Research paper E. J. Seppi. Dec 70, 78p RP-P-655, IDA/HQ-70- 11620 Contract DAHC1 5-67-C-001 1 Descriptors: 'Lasers, Excitation, Pump- ing(Optical), Efficiency, Photons, Distribution theory, Monte Carlo method. Reflection, Refraction, Polarization, Absorption spectrum, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Solid state lasers, 'Ruby lasers, FORTRAN. Excitation geometries which have been used to transfer pumping radiation from the source to the active medium of lasers are reviewed and literature cited. Methods of analysis and simpli- fying assumptions used to calculate the charac- teristics of excitation geometries are discussed. A three-dimensional Monte Carlo calculation which accounts for interactions that affect the pump light and its distribution in the cavity and active medium of the laser is presented. The calculation accounts for the spectrum, polarization, and intensity distribution of the pump light and the reflection and fraction of the cavity, source, and active medium. The photon trajectories are traced through multiple reflec- tions and refractions by the components of the system until they are absorbed. Absorption in the active medium is based on the absorption coefficient as a function of frequency and on a ground state ion density where account is taken for excitation of active ions to the excited states and for return to the ground state by spontane- ous .and stimulated emission. Results are presented for various cavity and crystal geometries. (Author) AD-722 383/CP PC E01 MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Center for Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Research Oblique Collisionless Shock Waves in Plasma Final rept. William E. Drummond, and A. E. Robson. Sep 69, 112pDASA-2520 Contract DASA01 -68-C-01 56 Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, Shock waves. Light transmission. Lasers. Electron density, Ions, Shpck tubes. Magnetic fields. Electric fields, Differential equations, Numerical analy- sis, Computer programs. Identifiers: Electron energy. The work covered by this report is part of an ex- perimental program to study oblique shock waves in plasma. The support from DASA under this contract was for the continuation of the ex- perimental program with particular regard to measurements on shock using light scattering techniques. The measurements made on the Texas oblique shock experiment were first detailed investigation of the magnetic and elec- tronic structure of the oblique shock. Com- pared to the fairly extensive body of information which exists on shocks moving perpendicular to the magnetic field, there had previously been only very scanty results on oblique shocks. This was largely because the oblique shock has a larger scale length (approx. c/omega sub pi) than the perpendicular shock (approx. c/omega sub pe), and consequently experi- ments designed from the onset to study the oblique shock, and was significantly larger in scale (50 cm diameter) than most shock experi- ments. The experiment has yielded unique in- formation about the structure of oblique shocks. AD-722 443/CP PC E01 MF A01 Std Research Corp Pasadena Calif Current Distribution in Crossed-Field Ac- celerators. Part IV. Project Summary and Ap- plication Final rept. 1 Jul 69-30 Sep 70 George S. Argyropoulos, and S. T. Demetriades. Apr 71 , 73p STD-70-6, AEDC-TR-71 -91 Contract F40600-70-C-0001 See also Part 3, AD-866 460 and Part 2, AD-839 678. Descriptors: "Plasma accelerators, Mag- netohydrodynamics, 'Plasma medium. Gas flow. Turbulent boundary layer, Thermal diffu- sion, Electron density. Hall effect. Crossed field devices, Gas ionization. Transport properties. Numerical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: COUPLED computer program, FOR- TRAN, Plasma dynamics. Plasma diagnostics. Realistic analytical modeling of crossed-field accelerators is obtained by computing the development of turbulent mag- netohydrodynamic boundary layers on the walls and the coupled two-dimensional dis- tributions of current density, plasma properties, and fluid velocity, temperature and pressure over the entire channel. The analysis is based on methods developed in previous work by the authors, and considers the effects of electron nonequilibrium, thermal and concentration dif- fusion, suppression of turbulence by magnetic fields, finite reaction rates, and electron energy relaxation. Application to the Hirho channel gives excellent agreement with experimental results. It is shown that the reduction of the Hall field in Faraday channels is due to the fact that local axial current density is present over most of the flow, even when there is no net current leakage along the channel. The modeling is carried out by a well-documented computer program, of which a program listing, Fortran source deck, and explanation of input and out- put formats are provided. This work has demonstrated that realistic computations are necessary for the design of efficient mag- netohydrodynamic channels. (Author) AD-722 590/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Temporal and Spacial Variability of Sound Propagation in the Ocean Master's thesis Arthur Doron Clark. Mar71,98p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission, Sonar signals, Underwater sound equipment, Acoustic properties. Transmitter- receivers, Depth finding, Environment, Correla- tion techniques. Intensity, Mixture, Computer programs, Anomalies, Theses. Identifiers: 'Underwater sound transmission, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of non-environmental and small scale environmental acoustic factors on the variation of transmission loss within areas of the ocean which exhibit homogeniety of large scale en- vironmental factors. The method employed was to identify the influencing and non-influencing factors, pool over the non-influencing factors if they existed, and investigate the nature and 60 magnitude of the effect of the influencing fac- tors on the variation of transmission loss. The results generally indicated that source/receiver depth, the mixed layer, geographic location, and transmitting range and frequency signifi- cantly influenced the variation of transmission loss. (Author) AD-722 650/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Conduction Mechanisms in Epitaxial Gallium Arsenide Master's thesis Robert J. Kunkle. Mar 71 , 71 p Rept no. GE/EE/71-17 Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, Electrical con- ductance, 'Gallium arsenides, Electrical con- ductance, Epitaxial growth, Cryogenics, Impu- rities, Hall effect, Resistance(Electrical), Car- riers(Semiconductors), Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, Electron mobility. Electrical conduction in high quality epitaxial GaAs is quantatively explained for low fields and temperatures from 4K to room tempera- ture. Other conduction mechanisms found in less pure GaAs are also discussed . A technique for making Hall bridged in epitaxial material is described, as well as the technique and equip- ment for Hall effect measurements. A computer routine is presented which solves for impurity concentrations from Hall mobility and resistivity in the temperature range 15K to 30K together with room temperature Hall coefficient. (Author) AD-722 709/CP PC E01 MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume I Interim progress rept. 20 Oct 69-20 Sep 70 Howard D. Cohen, Donald E. Parks, and Albert G. Petschek. Apr 71, 125p3SR-465, DASA- 2597-1 Contract DASA01 -70-C-0030 Descriptors: 'Gas ionization. Equations of state, *Programming(Computers), Equations of state, 'Nuclear explosions. Explosion effects, Thermal properties, Optical properties, Mea- surement, Partial differential equations, In- tegrals, Statistical mechanics, Bessel functions, Distribution functions. Electrons, Ions, X rays. Scattering. Identifiers: CAPO computer program. Developments in the calculation of the opacity and equation of state of ionized gases are described. A principal result in the CAPO code, a highly modular computer program for the cal- culation of thermodynamic and optical proper- ties. Owing to its modular structure CAPO can be easily modified to allow improvements in the description of the physics. CAPO is based on the ionic model of a plasma. The system is viewed as an assemblage of ions and free elec- trons and each species is considered separately in the determination of the material properties. Free-free, bound-free and bound-bound processes contribute to the opacity. The line absorption is calculated in terms of a cluster or band model. Pressure ionization is treated in a manner that allows a thermodynamically con- sistent evaluation of thermodynamic functions. Considerations of the effect of pressure ioniza- tion on the electronic partition function suggest a reasonable method for avoiding the difficul- ties associated with the termination of the sum- mation over states at quantum numbers where the binding energy is about equal to the pres- sure lowering of the ionization potential. (Author) AD-722 713/CP PC E01 MF A01 Radiation Research Associates Inc Fort Worth Tex Computer Procedure for Calculating Time De- pendent Light Scattering in Spherical-Shell Atmospheres Final rept. 1 Jul 68-31 Jan 71 Dave G. Collins, and Michael B. Wells. Apr 71 , 140p RRA-T7017, DASA-2640 Contract DASA01-68-C-0169 Companion report to AD-722 714. Descriptors: 'Atmosphere, 'Light transmission. Scattering, Monte Carlo method, Absorption, Infrared radiation, Refractive index, Reflection, Polarization, Intensity, Pro- gramming(Computers). Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, Light(Visible radiation), FLASH computer program, SHINE computer program, MIE 2 computer program. The report describes three Monte Carlo procedures that were developed for the pur- pose of providing calculations! tools that could be used to study the transport of visible and in- frared light in spherical-shell atmosphere. These procedures, designated as FLASH, treat atmospheric scattering problems for plane- parallel, point, volume and spherical surface sources. The FLASH procedures consider the effect of Rayleigh and aerosol scattering and ozone, water vapor, C02, and aerosol particle absorption on the transport of light. The procedures also consider the changes in polarization that occurs at each scattering event. The input formats of the codes allows one to describe the scattering and absorption properties of the atmosphere as a function of altitude. Provisions are incorporated for treat- ing the reflection of light from ground and cloud surfaces with an albedo method. Also described are the MIE-II and SHINE procedures. The MIE-II procedure uses Mie theory to generate aerosol particle scattering and ab- sorption coefficients and the four elements of the aerosol phase matrix for use as input data to the FLASH procedures. The SHINE procedure was developed to integrate the results of FLASH CALCULATIONS FOR POINT MONOCHROMATIC SOURCES OVER AN AR- BITRARY WAVELENGTH AND TIME DEPEN- DENT SOURCE SPECTRUM. (Author) AD-722 714/CP PC E01 MF A01 Radiation Research Associates Inc Fort Worth Tex Computer Procedure for Calculating Time De- pendent Light Scattering in Plane Parallel At- mospheres Final rept. 1 Jul 68-31 Jan 71 Dave G. Collins, and Michael B. Wells. Apr 71 , 70p RRA-T7016, DASA-2641 Contract DASA01-68-C-0169 Companion rept. to AD-722 71 3. Descriptors: 'Atmosphere, 'Light transmission. Scattering, Monte Carlo method. Absorption, Monochromatic light, Infrared radiation, Polarization, Reflection, Intensity, Albedo, Pro- gramming(Computers). Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, Light(Visible + radiation), TPART 1 computer program, TPART 2 com- puter program. The report describes two Monte Carlo procedures that were developed for the pur- pose of providing calculational tools that could be used to study the transport of visible and in- frared light in plane-parallel atmospheres. These procedures, designated as TPART-I and TPART-II, treat atmospheric scattering problems for point and plane parallel monochromatic sources, respectively. The TPART procedures consider the effect of Rayleigh and aerosol scattering and ozone, water vapor, C02, and aerosol particle absorp- tion on the transport of light. The procedures also consider the changes in polarization that occurs at each scattering event. The input for- mat of the codes allows one to describe the scattering and absorption properties of the at- mosphere as a function of altitude. Provisions are incorporated for treating the ground sur- face with an albedo method. The output of the TPART procedures gives the scattered light in- tensity at each receiver position as a function of a polar and azimuthal angle and time. The procedures were written in FORTRAN-IV lan- guage for both the CDC-6600 and IBM Direct Couple Systems. The codes have been verified through comparisons with results of other cal- culations of light transport in the atmosphere. (Author) AD-723 188/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Fortran Programs for (P, gamma) Yield Calcu- lations Based on Vavilov's Theory of Energy Loss Distributions Final rept. Kenneth L. Dunning. 29 Mar 71, 83p Rept no. NRL-7230 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, Gamma- proton reactions, "Gamma-proton reactions. Nuclear resonance. Data processing systems. Differential equations, Integrals, Probability density functions, Electron density, Electron bombardment. Numerical analysis. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Vavilov theory, YIELD6 computer program, WINTGRL7 computer pro- gram. Two Fortran programs have been written to provide a method for the analysis of (p, gamma) resonance yield curves for targets that may be thick compared to resonance width but which have a total energy loss small compared to the energy of the incident particle. For the sake of definiteness, (p, gamma) reactions are discussed but the programs may be used for some other incident particles as well. The pro- grams are designed with several kinds of usage in view; in each, calculated and experimental yield curves are to be compared. A subprogram for plotting yield curves on a Calcomp plotter facilitates this comparison. Other subprograms provide plots that are useful in insuring that suitable parameters have been chosen as input data. Among the uses envisioned are: the ex- traction of resonance widths and energies from experimental (p, gamma) yield data for homogeneous targets and for targets that have a layer of inert matter or matter that contributes to the yield but which is different from that of the target; the determination of the energy loss characteristics of a layer of matter on a target which produces a reaction with a sharp resonance of known properties; the determina- tion of target thickness, e.g., for solid targets used in neutron production; the determination of the atomic composition of certain kinds of thin films; the calculation of energy loss dis- tributions; and the calculation of the beam energy distribution after the beam has passed through a slab of matter. (Author) AD-723 191/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Programs for the Analysis of the Broadening of X-Ray Powder Patterns Final rept. E. A. Metzbower. 5 Apr 71 , 47p Rept no. NRL- 7253 Descriptors: 'Metallic crystals, X-ray diffraction analysis, 'Programming(Computers), "X-ray dif- fraction analysis. Crystal lattices. Powder metals, Intensity, Computer programs, Fourier analysis, Series. Identifiers: ORTAILS computer program, XRAY 40 computer program, SEPARATE computer program. Hexagonal close packed lattices, Fourier series. 61 The report discusses in detail computer pro- grams that have been written to analyze the broadening of x-ray diffraction peaks of hex- agonal close-packed metals. The programs allow for the correction of the overlap of the long tails of the diffraction peak, and then cor- rect for polarization and geometric factors, atomic scattering factors, and the K alpha doublet. Fourier coefficients are calculated using Filon's method of evaluating trigonomet- ric integrals. The Stokes' corrected Fourier coefficients are separated into particle size and distortion coefficients using the Warren-Aver- bach technique modified for hexagonal close- packed metals. Domain sizes are obtained from fault-unaffected peaks, whereas stacking fault probabilities are obtained from fault-affected peaks. (Author) AD-723 241/CP PC E01 MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Applied Research Labs An Analysis of the Parametric Acoustic Array for Spherical Wave Fields Technical rept. Thomas G. Muir. May 71, 169p Rept no. ARL- TR-71-1 Contract N00014-70-A-0166 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission, Sound, Adsorption, Modulation, In- teractions, Networks, Lakes, Distortion, In- tegration, Response, Asymptotic series, Com- puter programs. Theses. Identifiers: Parametric acoustic arrays, 'Acoustic arrays. The nonlinear interaction of two collinear acoustic waves to produce a modulation product in the lower sideband is examined both theoretically and experimentally. The modula- tion takes place in a portion of the medium specified by the beamwidth and the absorption of the primary radiations. The difference- frequency sound so created has significance in engineering applications because of the high directivity it derives from the great length of the zone of interaction. In this sense, the phenomenon may be thought of as a paramet- ric, end-fired acoustic array. The theoretical ap- proach of Westervelt is adapted to obtain solu- tions for the interacting fields composed to beams of monochromatic spherical waves emitted by circular piston projectors. The anal- ysis is accomplished by an asymptotic method that is valid at long ranges from the interaction volume and by a more exact method involving a numerical integration that is valid in the farfield of the electroacoustic source. Beam pattern and sound propagation data resulting from several experiments conducted in a fresh water lake are presented to demonstrate the validity of the numerical solution. (Author) AD-723 280/CP PC E01 MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst Blacksburg Development of a Numerical Method to Solve the Three-Dimensional Compressible Laminar Boundary-Layer Equations with Ap- plication to Elliptical Cones at Angle of Attack J.J. Ill McGowan, and R.T. Davis. Dec 70, 120 ARL-70-0341 Contract F33615-70-C-1015 Descriptors: "Partial differential equations, "Numerical analysis, "Compressible flow, Laminar boundary layer, "Superaerodynamics, Three-dimensional flow, Conical bodies, Angle of attack, Flat plate models, Thermal analysis, Integration, Computer programs. Identifiers: Finite difference theory, Numerical integration. A method for solving general compressible three-dimensional boundary-layer flows is developed. The equations are initially placed in a Crocco-type form which makes use of similarity variables. A general solution tehc- nique which employs an implicit finite-dif- ference scheme that is stable for negative transverse velocities is developed. As an appli- cation of the method, solutions for 10 degree vertical half-angle elliptical cones of varying el- lipticity ratios at up to 8 degree angle of attack at a Mach number of 7.95 are presented. Skin friction and heat-transfer-rate distributions are presented for all cases. Good agreement is found with the experimental data of Tracy for heat-transfer rates on circular cones at angle of attack. (Author) AD-723 330/CP PC E01 MF A01 Texas A and M Univ College Station Dept of Physics A Program to Determine Fundamental Nuclear Data from Muon Intensity Measure- ments and to Investigate Geophysical Aspects of Cosmic Rays at High Energies Final scientific rept. Nelson M. Duller. 30 Mar 71, 132p AFOSR-TR- 71-1202 Grant AF-AFOSR-1315-67 Descriptors: "Cosmic rays, Muons, "Muons, At- mosphere, Terrestrial magnetism, Atmosphere models, Nuclear spectroscopy, Interactions, Meson reactions, Pions, K mesons. Differential equations, Integrals, Integration, Curve fitting. Computer programs. The final scientific report is presented on a comprehensive program planned to relate cosmic ray muon intensity measurements to theoretical calculations on the production and propagation of muons in the earth's at- mosphere. Complete theoretical treatment of several basic models of muon production is given, including special attention to effects of the geomagnetic field on muon charge ratios at observation. The experimental method of ob- taining absolute intensities is described in some detail. Experimental results on muon in- tensities and charge ratios at a variety of zenith angles and at moments above 3 GeV/c arc presented. (Author) AD-723 597/CP PC E01 MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Bureau of En- gineering Research Electrons in Random Media O. C. Meirelles, and W. J. Byatt. Apr 71 , 88p Rept no. EE-185(71)ONR-005 Descriptors: "Solid state physics. Diffusion, Electrons, Elastic scattering, Transmission lines. Semiconductors, Impurities, Computer programs, Wave functions, Partial differential equations, Matrix algebra, Integration, Poten- tial theory. Identifiers: Boltzmann equation, "Transport theory, Schrodinger equation, Electron scatter- ing. Network analysis theory, "Diffusion theory, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN, Eigenvalues. The question of particle transport in solids is discussed, for which there are available both classical and quantum mechanical formula- tions. In the past, the classical formulation, especially among engineers, has led to a diffu- sion theory description of particles in solids. It is the contention of this work that such a description is valid only asymptotically and otherwise suffers from serious deficiencies which are discussed. Starting from the Boltz- mann equation for the elastic scattering of elec- trons in solids, it is shown that when the scat- tering angles are discretized, the logical out- come is not the diffusion equation, but is, rather, a family of first order partial differential equations. This set of equations is then generalized in both one and two dimensions to include absorption and internal sources, and solutions are written down for a number of cases of some physical interest. (Author) AD-723 653/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio Theoretical Determination of Convection Heat-Transfer Coefficients Around a Turbine Airfoil (with Computer Program) Technical rept. 1 Jul-1 Oct 68 Lucien L. Debruge, and Walker H. Mitchell. Apr 69, 62p Rept no. AFAPL-TR-68-143 Descriptors: "Turbine blades. Thermal analysis, "Heat transfer, Mathematical prediction, Statistical distributions. Computer programs, Pressure, Cooling, High-temperature research. Correlation techniques, Test facilities. Identifiers: Fortran 4 programming language, Pressure distribution. A high-temperature test facility is being in- stalled in the Air Force aero propulsion labora- tory for analyzing various sophisticated cooling designs over an extended gas temperature range. The objective is to evaluate these schemes with respect to gas temperature and pressure levels. The experimental data will be correlated with theoretical predictions to pro- vide a basis for future high-temperature turbine blade designs. The report describes a theoreti- cal prediction of the convection heat-transfer coefficient distribution on a test blade and the computer program for making the necessary calculations. The program is written in Fortran 4 ready for an IBM 7094. The input and output are described. The program starts with the blade surface pressure distribution obtained experimentally and yields the heat-transfer coefficients on the blade contour. (Author) AD-724 106/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Programs to Evaluate Semiconduc- tor Materials in Conjunction with Schottky Barriers Research and development technical rept. Kenneth L. Klohn. Mar 71 , 32p Rept no. ECOM- 3407 Descriptors: "Semiconductors, Doping, "Computer programs, Curve fitting, "Carriers(Semiconductors), Density, Diodes(Semiconductor), Space charges. Least squares method, Polynomials. Identifiers: Schottky barriers. Semiconductor doping, FORTRAN. The report presents two computer programs written in FORTRAN COMPUTER LANGUAGE FOR USE ON REMOTE ACCESS TELETYPE TERMINALS WHICH CAN BE USED TO CALCU- LATE THE IMPURITY DOPING PROFILES OF SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS. These pro- grams are used in conjunction with capacitance-voltage measurements on rectify- ing Schottky barrier contacts. The basic mathe- matical equation used in the calculations are derived and the program logic is discussed. One program uses curve fitting techniques to obtain a polynomial which produces a 'best-fit' curve to the data by employing a least squares criterion. The second program is based on dif- ferential capacitance voltage measurements to make point-by-point calculations of carrier concentration and depth. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique are discussed. (Author) AD-724 110/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J The Thermoelectric Effect of Silver Iodide Technical rept. Herbert F. Hunger. Apr 71 , 34p Rept no. ECOM- 3418 Descriptors: "Seebeck effect, Silver com- pounds. Thermoelectricity, Iodides, Computer programs, Impurities, Thermal expansion, Ionic current, Mathematical analysis. 62 Identifiers: "Silver iodide, FORTRAN. Analysis of the thermoelectric effect of silver iodide has shown that one is dealing with a thermo-mechanical-electrical effect. A ther- modynamic expression for the thermoelectric power was modified to include material parameters such as the impurity ion concentra- tion and the negative thermal expansion coeffi- cient of silver iodide. The equation permitted computation of the thermoelectric power as a function of impurity ion concentration and tem- perature from to 140 degrees C. (Author) AD-724 477/CP REPRINT Polytechnic Inst of Brooklyn N Y Symmetry and Band Structure. I. Selection of Reciprocal Lattice Vectors V. Hoffstein, and O. Moller. 30 Jun 70, 8p AFOSR-TR-71-1510 Grant AF-AFOSR -1709-69 See also AD-724 478. Availability Pub. in Computer Physics Commu- nications, v2 p1 1-16 1971. Descriptors: 'Band theory of solids, 'Programming(Computers), Groups(Mathematics), Sym- metry(Crystallography), Brillouin zones, Wave functions. Matrix algebra, Aluminum. Identifiers: Face centered cubic lattices, Sym- metry and band structure computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. The document contains the first section of a program to perform the symmetry part of band structure calculations. This part selects a sym- metry adapted set of reciprocal lattice vectors. (Author) AD-724 478/CP REPRINT Polytechnic Inst of Brooklyn N Y Symmetry and Band Structure. II. Storage and Retrieval of Group Theoretical Informa- tion V. Hoffstein, and O. Moller. 20 Jul 70, 1 1 p AFOSR-TR-71-1512 Grant AF-AFOSR-1 709-69 See also AD-724 477 and AD-724 479. Availability: Pub. in Computer Physics Commu- nications, v2 p17-25 1971. Descriptors: 'Band theory of solids, 'Programming(Computers), Sym- metry(Crystallography), Matrix algebra. Wave functions. Identifiers: Symmetry and band structure com- puter program, FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN. The document contains the second section of a program to perform the symmetry part of band structure calculation. This part accepts the Luehrmann tables as input and stores them in an appropriate manner permitting easy access to any element in the table. (Autho r) AD-724 479/CP REPRINT Polytechnic Inst of Brooklyn N Y Symmetry and Band Structure. III. Construc- tion of Symmetrized Hamiltonian Matrix V. Hoffstein, and O. Moller. 12 Oct 70, 9p AFOSR-TR-71-1511 Grant AF-AFOSR-1709-69 See also AD-724 478. Availability Pub. in Computer Physics Commu- nications, v2 p26-32 1 971 . Descriptors: 'Band theory of solids, 'Programming(Computers), Sym- metry(Crystallography), Groups(Mathematics), Wave functions, Electron diffraction analysis, Aluminum, Matrix algebra. Identifiers: Symmetry and band structure com- puter program, FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, Pseudopotential theory. The document contains the third section of a program to perform the symmetry part of band structure calculations. This part constructs symmetrized plane waves and evaluates matrix elements between them. (Author) AD-724 734/CP PC E01 MF A01 Drexel Univ Philadelphia Pa A Method of Characteristics Code for Energy Deposition Calculations (MCDIT 3) Contract rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 70 Shun Chen, and Pei Chi Chou. Mar 71, 100p Drexel-125-15, BRL-CR-36 Contract DAAD05-70-C-0175 Descriptors: 'Equations of state, Alloys, 'Shock waves. Equations of motion, Partial differential equations, Difference equations, Vaporization, Hydrodynamics. Curve fitting. Computer pro- grams, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: MCDII computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Finite difference theory. A one-dimensional method of characteristics code for the calculation of material response due to intensive in-depth energy deposition is presented. Emphasis is placed on the response within 0.1 microsecond. Shock waves are formed in the materials due to the discontinu- ous distribution of deposited energy. The peak pressure calculated is higher than those calcu- lated by finite-difference codes. (Author) AD-724 735/CP PC E01 MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Inst of Science and Technology A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Per- formed during the Apollo II Moonwalk Technical rept. J. D. Erickson, and P. D. McCormick. Jan 71 , 60p Rept no. 1386-43-T Contract DAHC15-68-C-0144 Report of the Mount Haleakala Observatory. Descriptors: 'Reflectors, Design, 'Lasers, Reflectors, 'Moon, Range finding. Data processing systems, Pro- gramming(Computers), Computer programs. Experimental design, Signal-to-noise ratio, Quantum statistics. Identifiers: LUNASEE computer program, 'Retroreflectors, Apollo 11 spacecraft, Moon- walk, Ruby lasers, Signal processing, Apollo. The report summarizes an experiment to detect a retroreflector array placed on the moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts (by measuring the mag- nitude of the return of a reflected ruby-laser beam directed at the reflector array) before the astronauts left the moon. The Mount Haleakala Observatory on Maui, Hawaii, was in a location such that the moon and the Sea of Tranquillity site on the moon were observable during the moonwalk. (Author) AD-724 750/CP PC E01 MF A01 Picatinny Arsenal Dover N J Non-Grey Absorption Models of Ablator Vapors at High Temperatures with Applica- tion to Hypersonic Flow Fields Technical rept. Henry E. Hudgins, Jr. Apr 71, 103p Rept no. PA- TR-4116 Descriptors: 'Ablation, 'Atomic spectroscopy, Band spectrum, Absorption spectrum. Mathe- matical models, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Silicon, Computer programs. Ionization poten- tials. A representation of the 'exact' spectral absorp- tion coefficients due to the atomic continua and molecular bands of typical ablators containing C, H, O, and Si was constructed. This represen- tation then was fitted by a multi-band model using 12 bands between hv = 0.1 and 24.4 eV. The band model permits much more rapid cal- culation in applications than an 'exact' model, while retaining the non-grey characteristics of the actual absorption coefficient with good ac- curacy as shown by various comparisons. The effect of the large uncertainties in the molecu- lar f-numbers is investigated and found to be significant for hv < 10 eV at temperatures below about 15000 to 10000 K at pressures from 10 to 0.1 atmospheres. Spectral absorption coefficients and Planck and Rosseland mean absorption coefficients for carbon phenolic are also presented for a range of pressures from 0.1 to 10.0 atmospheres at temperatures from sublimation to 18000K. Instructions for the utilization and application of the model are pro- vided. (Author) AD-725 161/CP PC E01 MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif A Numerical Treatment of Scattering and Fluorescence in Plane Geometry Final rept. Roland H. Fisher, and R. A. Kruger. May 71, 40p 3SR-119, DASA-2418 Contract DASA01 -68-C-0072, DASA01-70-C- 0055 Descriptors: "Gamma rays, Transport proper- ties, 'Compton scattering, Gamma-ray cross sections. Photoelectric effect(Gamma rays). Fluorescence, Integral equations, Differential equations. Numerical analysis, Pro- gramming(Computers). Identifiers: Klein-Nishina cross sections, FSCATT computer code. The model which is discussed in this report has been developed and programmed as an inde- pendent energy deposition and transport code, FSCATT. FSCATT represents a general and economical treatment of the effects of photoelectric absorption, fluorescence, and Compton scattering for problems in slab geometry. In the FSCATT program the intensity of the radiation field is computed in terms of finite angular and energy groups. The Klein- Nishina cross section is used and softening of the incident spectrum is permitted. Effects of polarization, inverse Compton scattering, and stimulated emission have been neglected. The results of calculations made using FSCATT and the Monte Carlo code PHOTRAN are compared in this report. Preliminary observations indicate that comparable results are obtained with sub- stantially less computer time required using the FSCATT program. The scope of this report is limited to a discussion of the model and the presentation of some preliminary results. The FSCATT code will be documented in a sub- sequent report. (Author) AD-725 604/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Acoustics Research Lab Subharmonic Generation in Acoustic Systems Technical memo. Nai-chyuan Yen. May 71 , 38p Rept no. TM-65 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0007 Descriptors: 'Ultrasonic radiation. Harmonic generators, Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission. Mathematical models, Nonlinear systems, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Wave equations. The report is concerned with the theoretical and experimental study of subharmonic generation in acoustic systems. The general- ized formulation for lumped systems is con- sidered for the case of three oscillators coupled through a nonlinear element. The resulting analysis indicates that the high frequency oscil- lation is unstable and its energy can be diverted to low frequency oscillations: that is, subhar- monics are generated. Based on this mathe- matical model, the conditions for sustaining subharmonics are deduced in terms of the 63 system's parameters. For distributed systems, the quasielinear solution of the nonlinear wave equation, obtained by a two-variable (two-tim- ing) perturbation method, shows that the non- linear property of medium provides a coupling effect for signals of different frequencies. In a multi-resonant system, certain subharmonic modes, determined by a selection rule, can be excited by an external source. The present theory predicts the threshold for subharmonic generation as a function of the losses, non- linearity, and detuning parameters of the system. Experimental measurements of such phenomena in an interferometer-type resona- tor, operated around 1 .5 MHZ in water, are con- sistent with the analytic results, provided that cavitation in the medium is carefully avoided. (Author) AD-725 868/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Washington D C An Addition to the NASTRAN Element Library Final rept. MylesM. Hurwitz. Mar71,52p Rept no. NSRDC- 3628 See also N71 -21 559. Descriptors: *Programming(Computers), Boun- dary value problems, *Conduction(Heat transfer). Partial differential equations, Struc- tural parts, Temperature, Structural properties. Numerical analysis. Identifiers: NASTRAN computer program, Three degrees of freedom, Degrees of freedom. Structural analysis, Finite element analysis, Plates(Structural members). NASTRAN is a general purpose computer pro- gram for the analysis of large complex struc- tures. This report describes an element which has been added to NASTRAN's basic set of structural elements to test the capability of ad- ding elements. This new element is a 3-degree- of-freedom element which solves the steady- state heat conduction problem. (Author) AD-726 137/CP PC E01 MF A01 Colorado State Univ Fort Collins Dept of Physics Studies, Research and Investigations of the Optical Properties of Thin Films of Metals, Seml-Conductors and Dielectrics Semi-Annual rept. nos. 3 and 4, 15 Aug 67-15 Aug 68 Lawrence N. Had ley, and David H. Casler. Aug 68, 52p Contract DA-44-009-AMC-1 625(E) Includes The Optical Constants of Thin Gold Films, Master's thesis by David H. Casler. See also Semi-annual rept. nos. 1 and 2, AD-713 015. Descriptors: 'Gold, Optical properties, "Metal films, Vapor plating, Polarization, Computer programs, Magneto-optic effect, Refractive index, Theses. Identifiers: Polarimetry, OPTICS computer pro- gram, Thin films, LLIPTICAL POLARIZATION. The study is concerned with the measurement of the optical constants of evaporated gold films. The optical constants (the refractive index and the extinction coefficient) are deter- mined in the region from 0.40 micrometer to 0.74 micrometer using an ellipsometric method developed for this work. The theory of ellipti- cally polarized light is discussed and the per- tinent equations of ellipsometry are derived. Several techniques are described for measur- ing the optical constants of a given sample. Results were obtained for one year-old film and four freshly prepared films. Previous results are also given for com parison. (Author) AD-726 209/CP PC E01 MF A01 Catholic Univ of America Washington D C Inst of Ocean Science and Engineering Acoustic Radiation from Multiple Surfaces Final rept. Ronald New. 1970, 88p Rept no. 71-8 Contract N00014-69-A-0432 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Interactions, Green's function, Boundary value problems. Acoustic impedance, Transducers, Scattering, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Acoustic arrays, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN. A significant part of the current research effort in Acoustic Radiation Theory is concerned with transducer arrays and the effects of the interac- tion therein. There exist two broad sub-classes of the total problem: (1) one or more vibrating elements on a single common surface (baffle) and (2) one or more vibrating elements on mul- tiple surfaces. Problems within the 1st sub- class have been treated extensively. Few solu- tions exist for problems within the 2nd sub- class and those that do are very restricted. This exposition seeks to extend the list of analytic developments to include solutions to certain multiple surface problems. Initially, the author obtains a formal solution to the problem of two vibrating spheres using the method of Green's functions. The extension to N wibrating spheres, of arbitrary radii and location, follows and is obtained directly from the two-sphere problem. It is shown that the method is generally applicable to the N-body problem if the individual body shapes conform to a 'separable' coordinate system and the total field can be made to satisfy the Sommerfeld radiation condition. (Author) AD-726 370/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Weapons Command Rock Island III Research Development and Engineering Directorate Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat-Transfer Problems. Part I. Finite-Ele- ment Method Applied to Heat-Conduction Solids with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions Technical rept. Aug 70-May 71 Shih-Chi Chu, and Rao V. S. Yalamanchili. Jun 71 , 51 p Rept no. AMSWE-RE-71 -37 See also Part 2, AD-726 371 . Descriptors: *Conduction(Heat transfer), Boun- dary value problems, "Gun barrels, Conduc- tion(Heat transfer), Nonlinear differential equa- tions, Convection(Heat transfer). Thermal radiation, Iterations, Computer programs. Identifiers: Finite element analysis. The finite-element method was extended to solid heat conduction with a radiation-convec- tion, nonlinear heat-flux, boundary condition. General finite-element models are developed that enable approximate solutions of transient heat in an arbitrary three-dimensional body subjected to the described initial conditions and nonlinear or linear heat flux across the sur- faces of the body. Applications of the present approach involve: (a) heat in a semi-infinite solid with radiation taking place at the surface, (b) transient temperature in a slab subjected to radiation and convection boundary conditions at both surfaces, and (c) heat transfer of a small-caliber multilayer gun tube subjected to time-dependent heat convection and radiation boundary conditions under automatic firing situations. Numerical solutions to the first and the second problem are compared with the exact solution and with results obtained by use of the probability method. (Author) AD-726 371/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Weapons Command Rock Island III Research Development and Engineering Directorate Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat-Transfer Problems. Part II. Transient Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer with Convec- tion and Radiation Boundary Conditions Technical rept. Aug 70-May 71 Rao V. S. Yalamanchili, and Shih-Chi Chu. Jun 71, 75p Rept no. AMSWE-RE-71 -41 See also Part 1 , AD-726 370. Descriptors: *Conduction(Heat transfer), Dif- ference equations, "Gun barrels, Conduc- tion(Heat transfer). Boundary value problems. Partial differential equations, Thermal radia- tion, Nonlinear differential equations, Convec- tion(Heat transfer). Calculus of variations. Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Finite element analysis, Finite dif- ference theory. The transient two-dimensional heat-conduc- tion analysis was prepared by a variational prin- ciple and finite-element synthesis. This pro- vided for the use of arbitrary geometry, com- bination of orthotropic materials, and general boundary-conditions. The finite-element dif- ference expression and the ordinary finite-dif- ference formulas for the Laplacian term were derived. A particular finite-difference formula for the Laplacian term was chosen to bring the difference expressions of finite element, finite difference, and method of weighted residuals (Galerkin) into the same format. The stability criteria were established for all three techniques by use of the general stability, von Neumann, and Dusinberre concepts. The oscil- lation characteristics were derived for all three techniques. Various iteration techniques were investigated to represent nonlinear boundary- conditions (radiation). (Author) AD-726 868/CP REPRINT Naval Weapons Center China Lake Calif Computer Program for Determining Optical Constants of a Film on an Opaque Substrate Technical publication Jean M. Bennett, and Maxine J. Booty. 1 Jul 69, 8p Rept no. NWC-TP-5181 Availability: Pub. in Applied Optics, v8 n11 p2366-2368 Nov 68. Descriptors: "Sulfides, Optical properties, "Programming(Computers), Reflectivity, "Silver, Corrosion, Films, Flow charting. Sur- face properties. Identifiers: "Silver sulfides, Thin films. A computer program is described that deter- mines the optical constants of silver sulfide tarnish films on an opaque silver substrate. The program uses data from normal incidence reflectance measurements taken on two films of different thickness on silver. The sulfide film thickness were measured ellipsometrically. (Author) AD-726 990/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Langmulr Probe Diagnostics in the ELMAX Plasma Device Master's thesis James R. Nunn. Mar 71 , 100p Rept no. GEP/PH/71-14 Descriptors: "Plasma medium. Containment, "Magnetohydrodynamics, "Langmuir probes, Electron density, Ions, Computer programs, Magnetic fields, Argon, Stability, Theses. Identifiers: Plasma diagnostics, Electron ener- gy, Magnetic mirrors, ELMAX plasma device, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. Cylindrical Langmuir probes were used to determine quiescent plasma conditions and in- stability thresholds in a mirror geometry mag- netoplasma experiment (ELMAX). Radial profiles of electron temperature, density, and velocity distribution were measured in an argon plasma maintained by two magnetic annular arc sources. A digital data recording system was devised which facilitated reduction of the probe curves with a computer program using 64 collisionless probe theory. For magnetic fields below 400 gauss the peak values of electron temperature and density were 40,000 degrees K and 10 to the 13th power/cc respectively, and observed density oscillations were less than 5%. (Author) AD-726 991 /CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Mossbauer Study of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of NdCoS Master's thesis CarlD. Towery. Jun71, 115p Contract GEP/PH/71-18 Descriptors: 'Magnetic alloys, Mossbauer ef- fect, Cobalt alloys, Neodymium alloys, Inter- metallic compounds, Computer programs, Magnets, Anisotropy, Theses. Identifiers: 'Permanent magnets, Mag- netocrystalline anisotropy, Iron 57. The project was initiated to determine if Moss- bauer spectrometry can be used to monitor manufacturing processes of permanent mag- nets made of rare earth-3d transition element compounds. Mossbauer spectra were obtained with absorbers made of powdered NdCo5 al- loyed with Fe57. These spectra were obtained at four different temperatures in a range over which a 90 degree rotation of the magnetic axis of NdCo5 is known to occur. The spectra were complex and changed significantly as tempera- ture changed. The number of absorption peaks in each of the spectra indicates that Fe57 may enter three nonequivalent crystal lattice sites in NdCo5. (Author) AD-726 992/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering An Investigation of a Mixed-Phase Equation of State for the PUFF 66 Computer Code Master's thesis William H. Barrett. Jun 71, 118pReptno. GNE/PH/71-1 Descriptors: 'Aluminum alloys. Equations of state, 'Shock waves, Interactions, 'Nuclear ex- plosions, Thermal radiation, 'Programming(Computers), Equations of State, Thermodynamics, Spallation, Radiation damage, Computer programs. Hydrodynamics, Theses. Identifiers: Aluminum alloy 2024, PUFF 66 com- puter program, FORTRAN. A Mixed-Phase equation of state was pro- grammed for the PUFF material response code and the behavior of 2024 aluminum was in- vestigated. Identical PUFF problems were run on the CDC 6600 computer at the Air Force Weapons Laboratory to compare the existing and Mixed-Phase equations of state. The Mixed-Phase formulation is a more realistic representation of the response of materials to nuclear radition, but it predicts responses qualitatively similar to those predicted by the existing equation of state. (Author) AD-727 035/CP PC E01 MF A01 New York Univ Bronx Dept of Chemical En- gineering Research Directed Toward Preparation of Compound Semi-Conductors by Controlled Diffusion Mechanism in Gels Final rept. 1 Jan 67-30 May 69 Zwi Bland, and Walter Brenner. Mar 70, 214p AFCRL-70-0252 Contract F19628-67-C-0194 Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, 'Crystal growth, 'Lead compounds, Crystal growth, Sulfides, Single crystals, Gels, Diffusion, Crystal struc- ture, X-ray diffraction analysis. Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: 'Lead sulfides, FORTRAN, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. Single crystal growth in gels near ambient tem- perature offers many advantages, especially for substances which are slightly soluble in water and which are not easily grown from the melt or vapor. Selected group 2-6 compounds have been studied in this respect because of their potential for semiconductor applications. The role of major variables affecting nucleation and growth (including diffusion rates of reactants) was clarified. A graphical solution of the equa- tion for diffusion rates has been developed, permitting the gel growth optimization of single crystals, particularly lead sulfide. Experimental data obtained for single crystals of lead sulfide and selected other group 2-6 compounds are summarized emphasizing electronic properties. A novel system for batch and continuous gel growth of lead sulfide crystals up to 2mm on edge near ambient temperature is described. Additional studies are suggested to broaden the applicability of crystal growth in gels. (Author) AD-727 065/CP PC E01 MF A01 Yale Univ New Haven Conn Dept of Engineering and Applied Science Electronic Raman Scattering Theory in Rare Earth Garnets Technical rept. Joan L. Lewis. Jul 71 , 1 70p TR-1 , AFOSR-TR- 71-1804 Contract F44620-69-C-0102 Doctoral thesis. Descriptors: 'Raman spectroscopy, Garnet, Dysprosium compounds, Ytterbium com- pounds, Gallium compounds, Aluminates, Selection rules, Computer programs, Paramag- netic materials, Antiferromagnetism, Cryogenics, Theses. Identifiers: Ligand fields, Ytterbium aluminum garnets. Ytterbium aluminates, Ytterbium galli- um garnets. Ytterbium gallates, Dysprosium gallium garnets, Dysprosium gallates, Dysprosi- um aluminum garnets, Dysprosium aluminates. The work involves the calculation of the relative Raman scattering intensities of low-lying elec- tronic transitions in rare earth garnets. An evaluation is made as to the usefulness of such calculations in testing the crystal field wavefunctions of rare earth garnets. The gar- nets studied are paramagnetic YbGaG, YbAIG, DyGaG, and DyAIG, DyAIG is also studied at temperatures below its ordering temperature (T sub N = 2.5 degrees K) and with an applied magnetic field. In order to obtain crystal field wavefunctions necessary for the relative Raman intensity calculations, crystal field analysis are done in this work for DyGaG and DyAIG. For YbGaG and YbAIG the wavefunctions of Pear- son (1971) are used in the intensity calcula- tions. Simple expressions of the relative scat- tering intensities are derived for the paramag- netic and the antiferromagnetic cases. Such ex- pressions are obtained for several different combinations of the polarizations of the in- cident and scattered light. (Author) AD-727 588/CP PC E01 MF A01 Engineering Research Associates Toronto (Ontario) A Program to Calculate the Pressure Distribu- tion on a Hydrofoil with Pod and Strut Final rept. Dec 67 -Oct 68 Peter A. Bandler, and Michael Ludolph. Oct 68, 59p Rept no. ERA-53-6 Contract N0001 4-68-C-0208 Descriptors: 'Numerical analysis, 'Computer programs, 'Hydrofoils, Hydrodynamics, Pres- sure, Camber, Vortices, Hydrodynamic configu- rations, Computer logic. Mathematical models, Punched cards, Control sequences. Subrou- tines. Identifiers: 'Pressure distribution, Fortran 4 computer program. The method to calculate pressure distribution on a hydrofoil with pod and strut near the free surface, developed by J. R. Richardson in re- port 53-5, has been programmed for the IBM 360/65. The two sections of the present report document: preparation of input data, descrip- tion of program output, sample inputs and out- puts, data sheets, describing the mathematical expressions that were coded, and a listing of the Fortran IV program. (Author) AD-727 627/CP PC E01 MF A01 General Electric Co Santa Barbara Calif Tempo WEDCOM Propagation Model Improvements B. Gambill, and R. Rutherford. Jul 71 , 62p 71TMP-27, DASA-2682 Contract DASA01-69-C-0132 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Programming(Computers), 'Nuclear explo- sions, "Ionospheric propagation. Very low frequency, Low frequency, Blackout(Electromagnetic). Identifiers: WEDCOM MB computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. The report describes methods for improving and extending the WEDCOM MB computer code. Included are methods for adding calcula- tions for an elevated horizontal antenna and for improving calculations of reflection coeffi- cients. An improved procedure for solving the mode equation when the ground conductivity is very low is also described. (Author) AD-727 676/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif MOD-5: A Computer Code for Calculations of Neutron Time-Energy Distributions in the Slowing Down Region Technical rept. Theodore J. Williamson. Jun 71, 134p Rept no. NPS-61WN71061A Descriptors: 'Neutron transport theory, 'Computer programs, Mathematical models, Stochastic processes, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: MOD-5 computer code, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. The document provides users' information for a computer code, MOD-5, which calculates the time and energy dependent evolution of the neutron density in homogeneous media follow- ing initiation of a pulsed neutron source of ar- bitrary energy distribution. The code is based on a discrete stochastic model of the neutron slowing down process developed by the author. (Author) AD-727 798/CP PC E01 MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Angle of Arrival Calculations at 10.6 microns Technical rept. Logan R. Zintsmaster, and Stuart A. Collins, Jr. Jun 71 , 1 25 ESL-31 63-1 , RADC-TR-71 -1 24 Contract F30602-71 -C-01 32, ARPAOrder-1 279 Descriptors: 'Infrared radiation, Light transmis- sion, 'Coherent radiation, Angle of arrival, Irasers, Turbulence, Refractive index, Mathe- matical analysis. Computer programs. Identifiers: Laser beams. The report deals with the specification of the angular position of objects by measurement of the angles of arrival of light beams; and with the measurement uncertainties due to atmospheric turbulence. A survey of the literature is presented showing two approaches to angle of arrival, one for large aperture receivers and one for a single small aperture or a pair of pinholes. Pertinent defining equations are presented for 65 both cases and values are calculated for arrival angle mean square measured with a large aper- ture and correlation of arrival angles for small apertures. A synonymity between the small cor- relation function and large aperture mean square angle of arrival is presented and used to present further large aperture mean square values. This provides a significant simplifica- tion in calculation and measurement capabili- ties. Finally the regions of accuracy are presented for the Rytov approximation which forms the basis for the numeric calculations. (Author) AD-727 799/CP PC E01 MF A01 State Univ of New York Buffalo Faculty of En- gineering and Applied Sciences Diagnostics on Steady-State Cross-Flow Arcs, M: Influence of Velocity and Current Final rept. D. M. Benenson, and A. A. Cenkner, Jr. Feb 71 , 71pARL-71-0020 Contract AF33(61 5)-1 797, Grant NSF-GK-1 1 74 Sponsored in part by Grants NIH-FR-00126 and NSF-GP-7318. See also report dated May 68, AD-676 041 . Descriptors: 'Electric arcs. Thermodynamics, Argon, Plasma medium, Convection(Heat transfer), Electric currents. Flow visualization. Optical equipment. Computer programs, Ex- perimental design. Identifiers: Cross flow, Plasma diagnostics. The influence of parametric variations of through-flow velocity and of arc current upon the local temperature distribution (and as- sociated cross-sectional shape) of a steady- state, 1.1 atmosphere Argon cross-flow arc have been determined experimentally. Forced convection, at constant current, exerts profound influence upon the plasma. Isotherm distributions, obtained in a horizontal plane 4.94 mm above the anode (electrode spacing = 11.2 mm), indicate the pattern changes from that corresponding to the flow about a heated, blunt body (at low speeds) to that about a heated, highly streamlined body (at high speeds). The cross-section is noncircular, with major axis in the direction of flow. (Author) AD-728 024/CP PC E01 MF A01 Northern Research and Engineering Corp Cam- bridge Mass Compressor Sensitivity to Transient and Distorted Transient Flows. Volume II. Mathe- matical Details and Computer Programs Rept. for 1 Jun 69-Aug 70 Willem Jansen, Michael C. Swarden, and Albert W.Carlson. Jan 71, 184p Rept no. NREC-1 149- 2 Contract N00019-69-C-0602 See also Volume 1 , AD-875 297. Descriptors: 'Axially symmetric flow, *Programming(Computers), *Axial-flow com- pressors. Aerodynamic characteristics, Mathe- matical models, Gas turbines, Turbofan en- gines, Flow fields, Turbine parts, Transients, Computer programs. Identifiers: YTF-33 engines, TF-33 engines. The report is the second volume of a report describing the results of an analytical investiga- tion of compressor sensitivity, conducted under Contract No. N00019-69-C-0602 for the Depart- ment of the Navy, Naval Air Systems Command. The objectives of the investigation were to develop an analytical model which simulates compressor response to spatial and temporal flow disturbances; to establish by application of the model the importance of various flow mechanisms, and their relationship to design variables, in determining compressor response; and to establish some design trends by means of a limited parametric study. This volume con- tains the detailed mathematical development of the models and the theoretical background of the equations that were utilized; the results of the studies are described in general terms in Volume 1. (Author) AD-728 414/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif WKB Mode Summing Program for VLF/ELF Antennas of Arbitrary Length, Shape and Elevation Interim rept. Richard A. Pappert, and Linda R. Shockey. 2 Jun 71 , 41 p Rept no. NELC-IR-713 Descriptors: "Radio transmission, Numerical analysis, Very low frequency. Extremely low frequency. Antennas, Waveguides, Computer programs. The report presents a Fortran IV program which allows for WKB mode sum calculations of the three electric field components E sub x, E sub y and E sub z at any height within the guide and for transmitting antennas of arbitrary length and shape. (Author) AD-728 568/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Fourier Analysis of Experimental Finite-Am- plitude Standing Waves Master's thesis James R. Winn. Jun 71, 53p Descriptors: 'Sound, Fourier analysis, Har- monic analysis, Partial differential equations. Computer programs. Logic circuits. Analog-to- digital converters. Theses. Identifiers: Standing waves, Computer aided analysis, Signal processing. Spectrum analysis. Finite-amplitude standing waves in air at am- bient conditions contained in a rigid-walled cylindrical tube with a large length-to-diameter ratio were experimentally investigated. The pressure waveform at the end of the tube was digitized and Fourier analyzed on an IBM 360 digital computer. Amplitudes and phases were obtained for all harmonics with amplitudes greater than 1% of the fundamental for strength parameters from 0.25 to 1.00 and for frequency parameters from -0.8 to 2.0 The strength and frequency parameters are defined as MbQ and 2 delta f/delta f respectively, where M is the Mach number of fundamental, b the nonliniarity parameter, Q the quality factor of the resonator, delta f the frequency away from fundamental resonance, and delta f the band width at the half-power points. These results are compared to the theoretical model of Coppens and San- ders. (Author) AD-728 583/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Creation and Modification of Acoustic Signals by Discharge Plasma Doctoral thesis Richard Willis Tripp, Jr. Jun 71 , 1 70p Descriptors: *Gas discharges, Sound signals, 'Sound transmission, Plasma medium. Argon, Attenuation, Ionization, Interactions, Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: Plasma diagnostics, Thermionis diodes, Plasma diodes, 'Plasma acoustics. Sound production and modification in an Argon discharge plasma was investigated theoretically and experimentally. Sound production by ions in the cathode region was shown to be feasible and consistent with earlier experimental results. A numerical analysis of the theoretical dispersion relation of Ingard and Schulz showed that plasma amplification ef- fects will not compensate for acoustic losses. The theory of the mobility-limited thermionic diode operated as a microphone was ex- panded. Such microphones were used in an ex- perimental investigation of sound production and modification by a discharge plasma. Possi- ble plasma effects on sound propagation were observed. The characteristics of sound produc- tion by the plasma were found to be in reasona- ble agreement with theory. A departure from theory at low frequencies was interpreted as arising from the effects of particle diffusion, an effect not previously observed in acoustics. (Author) AD-728 761 /CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Academy Annapolis Md Experimental Comparison of Water Cooling and Transpiration Cooling of Plasma Genera- tor Constrictors Daniel L. Whitford. 18 May 71, 89p Rept no. USNA-TSPR-23 Report on A Trident Scholar Project. Descriptors: 'Plasma generators, Cooling, Gas ionization, Evapotranspiration, Gas flow, Nu- merical analysis. Computer programs. Identifiers: BASIC programming language. Water cooling and transpiration cooling in plasma generator constrictors were in- vestigated in this study. A comparison was ob- tained of the two types of cooling methods in order to determine the advantages of each and the range of their applicability. The comparison was made on the basis of similar device geometry and constant power. Argon was the propellant gas. Detailed findings are enclosed. (Author) AD-728 811/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Weapons Command Rock Island III Research Development and Engineering Directorate Conductive Heat-Transfer Resistance of Compound Barrel Interface Technical rept. Darrel M. Thomsen, and Alexis B. Zavoico. Jun 71, 47p Rept no. AMSWE-RE-71-36 Descriptors: 'Composite materials, *Conduction(Heat transfer), 'Gun barrels. Com- posite materials. Ceramic materials, Pyrolytic graphite, Thermal conductivity, Thermal stabili- ty. Manufacturing methods. Algorithms, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Compound gun barrels, M-60 guns. The report is a continuation of a heat-transfer investigation performed as In-House Laborato- ry Independent Research to determine the ef- fect of interface thermal-resistance on mul- tilayer gun barrel radial temperature distribu- tions. In previous Technical Reports 69-1 21 and 70-155, published under the same title, the task of establishing the feasibility of induced inter- face-resistance was discussed. During this re- porting period, heat-transfer analysis and ex- perimental correlation were continued. An ex- perimental M60 gun barrel was fabricated and tested. The reduced outside barrel tempera- tures, of this firing test, demonstrated the effect of interface thermal resistance. Also, a signifi- cant effort was directed toward establishing fabrication techniques for a full-length thermal interface barrel. (Author) AD-728 830/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities T. J. Gleason. Jul 71, 30p Rept no. HDL-TM-71- 5 Descriptors: 'Lasers, 'Optical materials. Com- puter programs, Optical properties. Focusing, Refractive index, Mirrors, Lenses. Identifiers: CANAL computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, 'Solid state lasers, Laser materials. A simple method of analyzing laser cavity eigenmodes in terms of 2-by-2 ray-transfer (or 66 ABCD) matrices is generalized to apply to com- plex cavities containing intracavity lenses and dielectric laser rods that may exhibit thermally induced focusing. The ray matrix equations are solved for the eigenmode radius and phase front curvature. A FORTRAN program to carry out such an analysis is given. (Author) AD-728 833/CP PC E01 MF A01 Texas Univ El Paso Evaluation of Bessel Functions with Imagina- ry Order for Applications to Certain Bounda- ry-Value Problems Final technical rept. 1 Jul 69-30 Jun 70 Phillip H. Duran. Jun 70, 222p ECOM-0359-F Contract DAAD07-69-C-0359 Descriptors: 'Bessel functions, Tables, 'Sound transmission, 'Boundary value problems, Asymptotic series. Partial differential equa- tions, Numerical analysis, Integration, Saddle point method. Underwater sounding, Complex variables, Power series, Computer programs. Atmosphere, Diffraction, Theses. Identifiers: Wave equations, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, BESSEL J computer program. The paper treats the mathematics of the Bessel function (J sub nu)(z) for large order and argu- ment, resulting in the tabulation of values of the (J sub nu)(z) and (J sub n)(x) functions for pure imaginary order nu = in and complex argument z, and for real order n and real argument x, for n = 100, 1000, 10000, and 100000. Heretofore, ta- bles of imaginary order were not available in the literature, and have now been computed in this work for the purpose of applying them to the theory of sound propagation in a medium where the conditions are such as to produce shadow zones. Of particular interest are future applications to the yet unsolved problem of computing mathematically the intensity of sound in the atmospheric shadow zone in terms of wind gradients. The Bessel function evalua- tions are based on Debye's asymptotic expan- sions. (Author) AD-728 836/CP PC A16 MF A01 Texas Univ El Paso Sound Intensity in Atmospheric Shadow Zones Assuming a Constant Velocity Gradient Final technical rept. 1 Jul-30 Sep 70 Phillip H. DURAN. Dec 70, 361 p ECOM-0359-F2 Contract DAAD07-69-C-0359 Descriptors: 'Sound transmission, Mathemati- cal models, Intensity, Attenuation, Velocity, Temperature, Wind, Bessel functions, Com- puter programs. Tables. Identifiers: 'Shadow zone, FORTRAN, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. A simplified mathematical model is completed which will give the shadow zone sound intensi- ties in a medium similar to the earth's at- mosphere. The assumed medium is an infinite fluid half-space in which the sound velocity decreases linearly with distance from a rigid plane surface. This model can now be extended to include new meteorological variables, such as wind and temperature gradients and variable sound velocity gradients. A%NALYTICAL SOLUTIONS ARE OBTAINED FOR THE VELOCITY POTENTIAL INTEGRALS FOR SOUND PROPAGATION ABOVE AND BELOW THE POINT SOURCE. A method is developed for calculating the small and large zeros of complex Bessel expression l%( X) + 2 x 13 (x) for generally complex order and argument. The intensity solution is an infinite sum of residues which converges rapidly at the shadow boun- dary and gives much smaller intensities inside the shadow zone. Large-scale plots of the sound field illustrate some characteristics of the shadow zones. Tables of the residues are reported, containing the first fifty terms in the series solution at several points of the sound field. Values of JK(z) + Screw Dislo- cation in Alpha Iron Technical rept. P. C. Gehlen. Oct 71 , 26p Rept no. TR-12 Contract N00014-70-C-0390 Descriptors: 'Iron, Dislocations, 'Dislocations, Equations of motion, Metallic crystals, Crystal lattice defects, Stresses, Deformation. Identifiers: "Screw dislocations, GRAPE com- puter program. Computerized simulation. The atomic configuration of a microkink along a a/2 <111> screw dislocation in alpha-iron is described. The core in the kink is 2 to 3 Burgers vectors wide and 4 to 5 Burgers vectors long. The energy of the kink is 0.08 eV and the atomic positions in the core are not very sensitive to the size of the model and to the choice of in- teratomic force law. It is shown that infinitely long straight dislocations move only under Peierls stresses considerably larger than ex- pected experimentally. Kinked dislocations on the other hand move under more reasonable stresses. (Author) AD-731 572/CP PC E01 MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena Semiannual technical rept. no. 4, 8 Jan-8 Jul 71 Stuart A. Collins. Aug 71 , 38 ESL-2880-4, RADC-TR-71-202 Contract F30602-70-C-0003, ARPA Order-1279 Descriptors: 'Coherent radiation, Light trans- mission, 'Infrared images, Data processing systems, Infrared detectors, Digital recording systems. Attenuation, Computer programs. Tur- bulence. Identifiers: 'Image processing, Fast Fourier transform, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. The report summarizes technical details of work performed at the Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory during the period January 8, 1971 to July 8, 1971. Progress is re- ported on the design, construction, and testing of apparatus and computer software for an ex- periment on atmospheric imaging and image reconstruction at 10.6 microns. The initial ex- periment involves recording, in digital format, the atmospherically degraded images of a pair of point sources and is to be applied later to images received from laser illuminated real ob- jects. Both experimetnal equipment data processing for image reconstruction are discussed. Preliminary data obtained by imag- ing an atmospherically degraded laser beam during recent tests at the RADC Verona PATS test site are presented. An analysis of errors resulting from tape drop-out during digital recording using a serial (Miller Code) technique is presented for both linear and logarithmic processing of the analog image data prior to recording. It is shown that linear processing is generally superior for the present digital system and hence is recommended. (Author) AD-731 778/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C Predicted and Measured Depth Dose Profiles for Pulsed Electron Spectra Dale R. Schallhorn, and Lawrence D. Buxton. Sep 71 , 20p Rept no. HDL-TR-1 483 Descriptors: "Electron bombardment, Materi- als, Radiation damage, Surface properties, Monte Carlo method, Pro- gramming(Computers), interferometers. Lasers, Aluminum, Silicon, Germanium, Copper, Tantalum, Gold, Indium antimonides. Identifiers: ZEBRA computer code, "Depth dose profiles, Laser interferometers. Experimentally measured depth dose profiles for several materials are compared with the theoretical profiles calculated by the electron transport computer code ZEBRA. The experi- mental profiles were obtained using a new technique. The samples of the materials were exposed to the pulsed electron beam from the flash x-ray machine at HDL. The surface motion induced by the exposure was measured with a laser interferometer. These measured respon- ses were converted to velocity histories that can be related to the depth dose profiles. The depth dose profiles of nine materials with atomic numbers ranging from 13 to 79 were obtained. For three of these materials, profiles were ob- tained for more than one electron spectrum. In general, the measured and calculated profiles agree with each other well enough to demon- strate the applicability of this experimental technique to a wide range of materials and electron spectra. (Author) AD-732 042/CP PC E01 MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Mass Four Hydrophone Array for Acoustic Three- Dimensional Location Technical rept. William A. Watkins, and William E. Schevill. Oct 71,91pReptno. WHOI-Ref-71-60 Contract N00014-66-C-0241 69 Descriptors: 'Hydrophones, Calibration, •Marine biological noise, Position finding, Un- derwater sound, Direction finding, Pro- gramming(Computers). Identifiers: WHALOC computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Underwater ambient noise. The report describes a non-rigid, floating, four- hydrophone array that can give accurate three- dimensional locations for certain underwater sound sources, particularly for those that are close. For more distant sounds, the array can indicate good directions (bearings) but range is liable to be uncertain. A system for concurrent calibration permits periodic reassessment of hydrophone positions. (Author) AD-732 396/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown Mass XTALT0S6, A Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated in- tensities of Bragg Reflections Technical rept. Christopher B. Walker, and David R. Chipman. Aug 71, 23p Rept no. AMMRC-TR-71-23 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Crystallography, 'Diffraction analysis, Single crystals, Programming(Computers), Scattering, Intensity, Crystal lattices. Identifiers: XTALTDS6 computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN, 'Bragg angle. The report describes a FORTRAN computer program to calculate the one-phonon thermal diffuse scattering included in the integrated in- tensity of a Bragg reflection from a cubic single crystal measured with a symmetrical omega- scan. Major features are the correct treatment of the anisotropy of the diffuse scattering and an approximate inclusion of instrumental resolution factors. Detailed instructions for using the program are given, together with a complete listing. (Authro) AD-732 593/CP Reprint Queen'S Univ Belfast (Northern Ireland) Dept of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Computation of Charge Transfer Probability Between Protons and Excited Hydrogen Atoms V. Malaviya. 20 Aug 70, 13p Contract N00014-69-C-0035, ARPA Order-1479 Availability: Pub. in Computer Physics Commu- nications, v1 p380-390 1970. Descriptors: 'Protons, Interactions, 'Hydrogen, Interactions, Molecular energy levels, Atoms, Matrix algebra, Partial differential equations. Computer programs, Numerical analysis, Great Britain. Identifiers: Atom proton interactions, 'Charge exchange reactions, Numerical integration, FORTRAN. The program simultaneously computes mo- mentum transfer matrix elements and excita- tion and charge transfer probabilities for colli- sions between protons and hydrogen atoms in the second quantum levels in any of the three molecular states associated with the second quantum level of the hydrogen atom. The alter- native procedure using direct numerical in- tegration is also discussed and developed. (Author) AD-732 61 5/CP Reprint Queen'S Univ Belfast (Northern Ireland) Dept of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics A New Version of a General Program to Cal- culate Angular Momentum Integrals in Atomic Structure A.Hibbert. 10Mar71, 11p Contract N00014-69-C-0035, ARPA Order-1479 Availability: Pub. in Computer Physics Commu- nications, v2 p1 80-1 90 1971. Descriptors: 'Atomic structure, Numerical anal- ysis, 'Programming(Computers), Numerical analysis, Matrix algebra, Hamiltonian, Elec- trons, Interactions, Computer programs, Eire. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. Electron electron interac- tions. The purpose of the program is to express the matrix elements of the two-electron interaction of the Hamiltonian as a weighted sum of radial Slater integrals. (Author) AD-732 749/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Fluid Transport Algorithm that Works Memorandum rept. Jay P. Boris. Nov 71 , 38p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2357 Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, Equations of motion, 'Partial differential equations, Integration, Tur- bulence, Stability, Difference equations, Ap- proximation(Mathematics), Hydrodynamics, Numerical analysis, Programming(Computers), Algorithms. Identifiers: Finite difference theory, SHASTA computer program. The paper describes a class of explicit, Eulerian finite-difference algorithms for solving the con- tinuity equation which are built around a technique called flux correction. These Flux- Corrected Transport Algorithms are of indeter- minate order but yield realistic, accurate results. In addition to the mass-conserving pro- perty of most conventional algorithms, the FCT algorithms strictly maintain the positivity of ac- tual mass densities so steep gradients and in- viscid shocks are handled particularly well. This paper concentrates on a one-dimensional ver- sion called SHASTA. (Author) AD-732 836/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown Mass XTDS2, A Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensi- ties of Bragg Reflections Technical rept. Christopher B. Walker, and David R. Chipman. Aug 71 , 18p Rept no. AMMRC-TR-71-25 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Crystallography, 'Diffraction analysis. Single crystals, Programming(Computers), Scattering, Intensity, Crystal lattices, Anisotropy. Identifiers: XTDS2 computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Bragg angle. The report describes a FORTRAN computer program to calculate the one-phonon thermal diffuse scattering included in the integrated in- tensity of a Bragg reflection from a cubic single crystal measured with either an Omega-scan or a Theta:2 theta-scan. The calculation treats correctly the anisotropy of the diffuse scatter- ing and allows inclusion of wavelength distribu- tion effects but neglects primary beam diver- gences. Detailed instructions are given for using the program, together with a complete listing. (Author) AD-733 028/CP Reprint Queen'S Univ Belfast (Northern Ireland) Dept of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics A Program to Generate Numerical Orbital Functions W. D. Robb. 17 Sep 70. 10p Contract N00014-69-C-0035, ARPA Order-1479 Availability: Pub. in Jnl. of Physics, B, v4 p819- 835 1970. Descriptors: 'Programming(Computers), Par- tial differential equations, 'Atomic orbitals, Pro- gramming(Computers), Numerical analysis. Matrix algebra, Bessel functions, Integration, Nuclear energy levels, Approxima- tion(Mathematics), Eire. Identifiers: BASFUN computer program, FOR- TRAN, 'Schrodinger equation, Eigenvalues, R- matrix. The program BASFUN solves the radial Schrod- inger equation for any specified central poten- tial and angular momentum, either at a given energy, or subject to a given R-matrix boundary condition. In both cases the solution can be made orthogonal to any number of specified functions. The eigenfunctions which are ob- tained in numerical form are required as con- tinuum basis functions in an9 R-matrix calcula- tion, and as Sturmian functions to be used in the calculation of atomic properties such as the van der Waals coefficient. (Author) AD-733 196/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Sound Propagation Conditions in the Black Sea Master's thesis Yavuz Ergengil. Sep 71 , 1 20p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Black Sea, Temperature, Salinity, Statistical data. Com- puter programs. Periodic variations, Reflection, Ocean bottom, Backscattering, Underwater sound signals, Theses. The sound propagation conditions in the cen- tral part of the Black Sea were investigated. Profiles of temperature and salinity were generated by averaging data from the U.S. Na- tional Oceanographic Data Center over monthly periods. Wilson's equation was used to com- pute sound velocities and a digital computer program provided plots of sound velocity ver- sus depth and selected ray trace diagrams. Seasonal temperature, salinity and sound velocity variations are found only in She upper layer of the Black Sea. Below 125 m, seasonal variations are insignificant. A well defined sound channel exists in the Black Sea that is caused by a cold intermediate layer. Therefore, a seasonal convergence zone is observed dur- ing the months of May, November and December. Finally, bottom reflectivity was cal- culated by Rayleight;s formula and surface backscattering strength was calculated accord- ing to Schulkin and Shaffer. (Author) AD-733 328/CP PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Div of Sponsored Research The Effect of Condensation on the Break- down Strength of a Helium-Mercury Mixture Daniel J. Fink. Aug 71 , 80p ARL-71 -01 28 Contract F3361 5-69-C-1 114 Descriptors: 'Gas discharges, Mixtures, 'Plasma generators, Electric fields. Helium, Mercury, Electrodes, Ion bombardment, Dis- tribution functions. Partial differential equa- tions, Gas ionization, Electric power produc- tion. Numerical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Electrohydrodynamics, 'Electrohydrodynamic generators, Boltzmann equation, Electron energy, FORTRAN. The effect of condensation on the DC break- down strength of a helium-mercury mixture (helium at a reference pressure of one at- mosphere with up to ten percent by weight of mercury) was calculated. The breakdown con- dition was determined by considering the elec- tron current produced by ion bombardment of the cathode. The first Townsend coefficient was used as the parameter to describe breakdown. The first Townsend coefficient was computed by taking moments of the electron distribution function. The distribution function was calcu- 70 lated using a first order expansion in spherical harmonics of the distribution function in Boltz- man's equation. The resulting equation for the distribution function was solved using integral and differential equation techniques in an itera- tive scheme. It was found that the presence of drops increased the breakdown strength by up to 88% over that of helium (with the Penning ef- fect) without drops. Also, an analytical form for the contribution of drops to the first Towsend coefficient and an analytical method of estimat- ing the increase in breakdown strength are presented. (Author) AD-733 331/CP PC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions ELSPEC: A Computer Program for Unfolding Electron Energy Spectra from Experimental Energy Deposition Profiles Rept. for Jul 70-Jun 71 Wendell M. Graven. 1 Nov 71 , 61 p TR- 0172(2250-30)-2, SAMSO-TR-71-255 Contract F04701-71-C-0172 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, Electron beams, 'Electron beams, Spectrum analyzers. Electron bombardment, Halocarbon plastics, Stainless steel, Computer programs. Identifiers: ELSPEC computer program. Elec- tron energy, Electron spectrum. A computer program for unfolding electron energy spectra from experimental deposition profiles is described. The program, called EL- SPEC, has been successfully tested with stain- less steel and Teflon within the electron energy range of 0.025 to 1 MeV. (Author) AD-733 436/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Tables of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Orr-Sommerfeld Equation for Plane Poiseuille Flows Technical rept. R. H.Gawain.and W.H.Clark. 10 Sep 71, 185p Rept no. NPS-57GN71092A Descriptors: 'Fluid flow. Equations of motion, 'Partial differential equations, Matrix algebra, Two-dimensional flow. Incompressible flow. Viscosity, Laminar flow, Integration, Numerical analysis, Curve fitting, Tables, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, 'Poseville flow, *Orr-Sommerfeld equation, Nu- merical integration, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. In the report the authors present a numerical technique for computing the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation for infinitesimal disturbances in plane Poiseuille flows. For the case alpha = 1.0, Rsube = 6667 the eigenvalues, beta sub Nm, (n = 1,2,3,4 m = 1,2,. ..199) and eigenfunctions, phi sub nm(y), (n = 1,2,3,4 m = 1,2, ...8) are presented in tabular and graphical form. In ad- dition the function, chi sub nm(y), which is orthogonal to phi sub nm(y), over the interval -1 10 keV). Capacitance- voltage measurements were used to monitor the majority-carrier concentrations before and after irradiation. (Author) AD-736 462/CP PC E01 MF A01 Minnesota Univ Minneapolis Dept of Electrical Engineering Study of Plasma Sheaths Final rept. 1 Feb 68-1 Jul 71 Hendrik J. Oskam, and James L. Peng. Aug 71, 88pAFCRL-71-0425 Contract F19628-68-C-0245 Descriptors: "Thermionic converters, "Space charges, "Plasma sheath. Theory, Ion beams, Boundary value problems, Initial value problems, Cathodes, Anodes, Electron density, Diodes(Electron tubes). Computer programs. Results obtained from a study of current-volt- age characteristics of gas diodes with and without positive ion injection are reported. It was found that ions are very effective in neutralizing the negative space-charge barrier in front of the thermionic emitter. Pulsed ion in- jection studies showed that the rate of loss of positive ions from the barrier region decreases with increasing barrier height and decreasing diffusion coefficient of the injected ions. These results were consistent with those obtained during the steady state studies. A theoretical model of a gas diode with and without ion injec- tion was constructed. This model was numeri- cally solved for a gas diode without ion injec- tion for various experimental conditions. The results obtained indicate the desirability to ex- tend the calculations to a gas diode with ion in- jection in order to explain the observed large 72 space-charge neutralization efficiencies of the injected ions. (Author) AD-736 467/CP PC E01 MF A01 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Jet Propulsion Center The Analysis of Nonequilibrium, Chemically Reacting, Supersonic Flow in Three Dimen- sions. Volume II. Computer program Manual Final technical rept. 1 Sep 68-31 Aug 71 Michael C.CIine, and Joe D. Hoffman. Dec 71, 62p AFAPL-TR-71 -73-Vol-2 Contract F3361 5-67 -C-1 068 See also Volume 1, AD-732 217. Descriptors: *Nozzle gas flow, *Programming(Computers), "Supersonic com- bustion ramjet engines, 'Supersonic nozzles, Three-dimensional flow. Subroutines, Nonequilibrium flow, Boundary value problems. Handbooks. Identifiers: 'Chemically reacting flow, Com- puter printouts. In Volume 1 of the report a theoretical develop- ment for the analysis of nonequilibrium, chemi- cally reacting, supersonic flow in three dimen- sions was presented. In Volume 2 the computer program that was developed is presented along with a discussion of its usage. The general pro- gram organization is discussed and a descrip- tion of each subroutine is given. The input parameters for the program are presented and discussed. The description, data cards, and selected output for four sample cases are given. AD-736 797/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Measurement of the Elastic, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric Constants of Bi12GeO20 Physical sciences research papers A.J. Slobodnik, Jr, and J. C. Sethares. 10 Nov 71 , 31 p Rept nos. AFCRL-71 -0570, AFCRL- PSRP-467 Descriptors: 'Bismuth compounds, Physical properties, Germanium compounds, Oxides, Crystals, Elasticity, Dielectric properties. Piezoelectric effect. Test methods, Computer programs. Delay lines. Identifiers: 'Bismuth germanates, Elastic pro- perties, Telcomp 2 computer program. The low acoustic velocity of bismuth germani- um oxide (Bi12GeO20) has made it an attractive delay line material for achieving long time delays in short spaces. To resolve conflicting published results concerning the values of the elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric constants of Bi12GeO20, an exhaustive study of the material was made. Over 45 samples of material grown by 3 independent sources were tested. The basic technique adopted for determining the elastic and piezoelectric coefficients in- volved the frequency measurement of acoustic resonances of thin plates. Since the largest dis- crepancy between two previous series of mea- surements was in the value of the piezoelectric constant, this coefficient was determined using three different methods. The first accurate determination of the dielectric constant of Bi12GeO20 at microwave (2 to 4 GHz) frequen- cies was made by measuring the frequency of a low order TE electromagnetic mode of a disk resonator placed between two semi-infinite conducting planes. A listing of the computer program relating theory and experiment for this measurement is provided. (Author) AD-736 828/CP PC E01 MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacksburg Va Compressible Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layers on Cones at Incidence to Shear and Axisy mmetric Wake Flows G. L. Bordner, andR.T. Davis. Nov 71,44pARL- 71-0262 Contract F33615-70-C-1015 Descriptors: 'Conical bodies, Supersonic characteristics, Flow fields, Three-dimensional flow, Laminar boundary layer. Angle of attack, External stores, Computer programs. Mathe- matical models. Identifiers: Inviscid flow, Cross flow. Solutions to three dimensional, compressible, laminar boundary layer equations were ob- tained for the cases of cones at incidence to nonuniform supersonic free stream flows. The boundary layer equations were placed in a Crocco-type form which makes use of similarity variables. A solution method is employed where the equations are converted to a finite dif- ference form using a scheme which is stable for both negative and positive transverse veloci- ties. The inviscid data used in the study are computer solutions and the cases include cir- cular cones in shear flows and in axisymmetric wake flows. The results from several solutions of the exact boundary layer equations were compared with results from a small crossflow model. AD-736 870/CP PC E01 MF A01 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind School of Mechani- cal Engineering Multi-Purpose-Instrument Research: A New Measurement Technique and Property Table Generation Final rept. Wolfgang Leidenf rost. Oct 71 , 1 49p WLRAF-8, AFOSR-TR-71-3010 Contract F44620-70-C-0070 Includes parts 1 , 2 and 3. Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, 'Measuring devices(Electrical + electronic), 'Equations of state, Measurement, Capacitance, Thermal conductivity. Thermal properties. Computer programs, Compressive properties, Heat of vaporization. Pressure, Volume, Temperature, Diffusion, Mathematical analysis. Identifiers: Mollier diagrams. Described is a Multi-purpose-Instrument which has demonstrated a new temperature-free technique to observe heat transfer and thermal transport properties by means of capacitance measurements. This technique is analyzed for a system of simple geometry. For a thick wall structure under programmed heat input capacitance-time curves are produced which depend on thermal conductivity only. Also described briefly are measurements on a test sample in gaseous and liquid state to observe: p-v-T, dielectric constant thermal conductivity, vapor pressure, saturation densities, thermal expansion coefficient, compressibility and specific heats. A computer program is developed to utilize p-v-T, dielectric and con- ductivity data to determine virial coefficients and values of intermolecular force parameters. (Author) AD-737 102/CP PC E01 MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Dept of Mechanical Engineering A Study of Energy Generation from Impact on Piezoelectric Materials Technical rept. Dec 68-Jul 71 R. C. Dove, W. E. Baker, and M. Valathur. Dec 71 , 201 p AFWL-TR-71 -1 1 8 Contract F29601-69-C-0023 Descriptors: 'Piezoelectric crystals, Electrical properties, 'Impact fuzes. Piezoelectric crystals, Piezoelectric effects, Ferroelectric materials, Circuits, Calibration, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. The feasibility of using piezoelectric or fer- roelectric materials to generate useful amounts of electrical energy when subjected to impact was investigated. A survey of the current litera- ture in this area was made and abstracts of per- tinent articles are included. The basic princi- ples and equations are placed in a form con- venient for use in this work and examples given of their application. Significant material proper- ties of common piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials are tabulated. Experimental work on crystals of selected materials was conducted. Static tests were conducted to check the specified piezoelectric coefficients. Two types of dynamic tests were conducted. The first util- ized a low pressure shock tube for applying the impulse to the crystal The second type of dynamic test investigated in depth was one which utilized a split Hopkinson pressure bar for loading the crystals. (Author) AD-737 384/CP PC E01 MF A01 Perkin-Elmer Corp Wilton Conn Digital Computer Simulation Programs for Electrostrictive Laser Beam Trapping Edwin L. Kerr. Oct 71 , 55p PE-1 0804, Scientif ic- 3, AFCRL-71 -0552 Contract F19628-69-C-0220 Descriptors: 'Coherent radiation, Focusing, 'Computer programs, Coherent radiation, Elec- trostriction, Optical glass, Radiation damage. Identifiers: Digital simulation, Laser beams, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN, Computer generated motion pictures, 'Self focusing. A package of computer programs for simulat- ing electrostrictive laser beam trapping is docu- mented. Experimentally a sufficiently powerful laser pulse can focus itself into a long, thin fila- ment by electrostrictively compressing experi- mental conditions and three discretization parameters. The output is a printed computer movie showing the beam propagation trajecto- ry at selected intervals during the laser pulse, and a graph of peak achieved intensity along the beam axis. The movie may also be plotted. (Author) AD-737 561/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mobil Research and Development Corp Prin- ceton N J Central Research Div Lab Ion Beam Probe for STTokamak Scientific rept. no. 6 (Final) Robert L. Hickok, and Forrest C. Jobes. Feb 72, 126pAFOSR-TR-72-0018 Contract F44620-69-C-0049 Descriptors: 'Ion beams, Probes(Electromagnetic), 'Plasma medium, Ion beams, Electromagnetic fields, Electron densi- ty. Distribution functions. Partial differential equations, Integrals, Integration, Curve fitting, Graphics, Numerical analysis. Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Plasma diagnostics, Tokamak devices, Electrostatic probes, ORBIT computer program, FORTRAN. The design, construction and operation of a heavy ion beam probe for measuring plasma density, space potential and current density on the ST Tokamak is described. The beam probe utilizes a 200 keV, 20 Micro amp., T1(+)ion beam and provides three dimensional space resolution of the order of 0.1 cc, time resolution of the order of 0.0001 sec, simultaneous mea- surements of all three plasma parameters and information that is continuous in both space and time. Preliminary results show good clean signals for all three quantities with signal to noise ratio of the order of 100 to 1. The results establish that there are density fluctuations in the ST plasma that are localized to finite radial positions. The preliminary results also indicate that the space potential goes negative towards the center of the plasma. More work remains in order to obtain quantitative interpretations of the current density signals and to increase the operating range of the beam probe system. (Author) 73 AD-73 >29/CP PCE01/MFA01 Naval f- earch Lab Washington D C A Norn . Mode Computer Program for Calcu- lating jund Propagation in Shallow Water with a Wbitr y Velocity Profile Final rept. Alfred V. Newman, and Frank Ingenito. Jan 72, 70p Rept no. NRL-MR-2381 Descriptors: 'Sound transmission, Shallow water, 'Underwater sound, 'Computer pro- grams, Attenuation, Difference equations, Boundary layer, Boundary value problems. Identifiers: NORMMODE computer program, FORTRAN, Helmholtz equation. Finite dif- ference theory. A computer pre ram has been written in FOR- TRAN 3400/360 /3800 which solves the Z de- pendent part o the Helmholtz equation for a two fluid shallow water model by means of a finite difference technique. Sound speed profiles for the model are entered as discrete sets of points. The first fluid is subdivided into N incremental I* ers to permit the use of the finite difference e ations. A linear interpolation is performed b t ween the profile depths and the depths at which the incremental layers are defined tc -jive sound speeds for the latter. The boundary conditions for continuity of acoustic pressure nd the vertical particle velocity are matched it the interface between the two fluids. T 1 i effect on each normal mode am- plitude i the first fluid due to an assumed small absorption in the second fluid is found. (Auth r) A >737 843/CP PC E01/MF A01 F aytheon Co Waltham Mass Research Div Experimentation and Investigation of Optical- Irradiation-lnduced Surface Damage in Opti- cally Nonlinear Materials Scientific rept. 1 May 70-31 Oct 71 Michael Bass, Harrison H. Barrett, and Lowell H. Holway, Jr. Feb 72, 130p Scientific-1, S-1378, AFCRL-71-0573 Contract F19628-70-C-0223, ARPA Order-1434 Descriptors: 'Lasers, Optical materials, 'Optical materials. Radiation damage. Thermal radia- tion, Surface properties, Electrooptics, Lithium compounds, Niobates, Nonlinear systems. Focusing, Probability, Computer programs. Identifiers: YAG lasers, Neodymium lasers, Ruby lasers, Lithium niobates, Self focusing. Surface damage to optically nonlinear materi- als has been studied both experimentally and theoretically. A model for the damaging process, based on the probability measure- ments and electron avalanche breakdown, has been devised. In its simplest form, this model has successfully explained the most important properties of the measured damage probability in over 10 different materials. This model is being refined to examine such areas as the de- pendence of damage probability on laser frequency and the temporal distribution of breakdown starting times. The present program has also explained the difference between damage produced by multimode and TEM(00) mode laser beams, shown that the form of damage (whether on the surfaces or in the volume) depends on the laser beam geometry and has demonstrated, using streak camera photography, the upstream movement of the beam focal point under self-focusing condi- tions. In addition, a refined theoretical analysis of self-focusing with both instantaneous and finite response-time mechanisms has been developed. (Author) AD-738 318/CP PC E01/MF A01 Douglas Aircraft Co Long Beach Calif A General Class of Airfoils Conformally Mapped from a Circle Richard M. James. 27 May 71 , 130p MDC-J5108, AFOSR-TR-72-0370 Contract F44620-70-C-0108 Descriptors: 'Airfoils, Conformal mapping, 'Flow fields, Problem solving, Aerodynamic configurations, Theory, Computer programs, Mathematical analysis, Vortices, Trailing edge, Simulation, Rings, Two-dimensional flow. Identifiers: Circular configurations. Exact or analytical solutions for flows about air- foils displaying certain prescribed features may require a special program incorporating many different features. To avoid unnecessary labor and simplify a much abused background of traditional exact' airfoils, the report presents a general mapping procedure and account of the supporting theory. Special features needed for a computer program and to describe limiting behavior are included for zero trailing-edge angle. In addition, a capability for generating exact solutions in the presence of an isolated external vortex simulating a slat is described and illustrated briefly. AD-738 435/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Simplified Theoretical Methods of Predicting the Motions of a Catamaran in Waves Research and development rept. R. Wahab, and E. N. Hubble. Jan 72, 43p Rept no. NSRDC-3736 Descriptors: 'Catamarans, Hydrodynamics, Mathematical prediction. Theory, Ship hulls, Pitch(Motion), Roll, Computer programs, Ocean waves. Identifiers: Ship motions, Ship motion predic- tors, Heaving. Simplified methods are discussed for estimat- ing (1) the pitch and heave of catamarans in head seas based on theory which has proved successful for conventional single hulled ships, and (2) the roll of catamarans in beam seas by representing the small amount of roll as al- ternate heaving of the two hulls. Both predic- tion methods neglect interaction effects between the two hulls. Computed values of pitch, heave, and roll are compared with experi- mental data from model tests of a catamaran in regular waves. Documentation of the computer program for predicting the roll of a catamaran in regular and irregular seas is also presented. AD-738 623/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio A Computerized Procedure to Obtain the Coordinates and Section Characteristics of NACA Designated Airfoils Final technical rept. Jun-Sep 70 Don W. Kinsey, and Douglas L. Bowers. Nov 71 , 79p Rept no. AFFDL-TR-71-87 Descriptors: "Airfoils, Aerodynamic charac- teristics, 'Programming(Computers), Airfoils, Computer programs, Incompressible flow, Two-dimensional flow. Drag, Pressure, Velocity, Data storage systems. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, Inviscid flow. Pressure distribution, 'NACA airfoils. The report describes the technical and analyti- cal aspects of a computer program written to give airfoil coordinates, incompressible inviscid section characteristics and two-dimensional drag-rise Mach numbers for a large number of NACA airfoils from a simple one card input. The computer program is a combination of two separate programs. One program gives the air- foil surface coordinates with only the NACA air- foil designation as input, and the other program uses the surface coordinates to predict incom- pressible, inviscid pressure distribution from which the section characteristics and drag-rise Mach number are determined. The capabilities and accuracies of the computer program are described. AD-738 647/CP PC E01/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions RESALE-1: A Chemical Laser Computer Pro- gram Research rept. Jul 69-Jan 71 George Emanuel, W. Dallas Adams, and Emily B. Turner. 1 5 Mar 72, 91 p TR-01 72(2776)-1 , SAMSO-TR-72-39 Contract F04701 -71 -C-01 72 Descriptors: 'Gas lasers, Chemical reactions, 'Programming(Computers), One-dimensional flow. Molecular properties. Quantum statistics, Gain, Distribution functions. Identifiers: RESALE-1 computer program, 'Chemical lasers. The report describes the RESALE-1 computer program for calculating laser action in a chemi- cally reacting gas. The program is applicable to either a one-dimensional steady flow or a time- dependent quiescent gas. A constant-gain method of solution is used to obtain the intensi- ty and to account for population changes due to lasing. Vibrational populations are treated in- dividually and thus are not in equilibrium. Rota- tional populations, however, are assumed to be in a Boltzmann distribution at the translational temperature. The report contains a detailed description of the formulation of the equations, the numerical methods used, and input preparation. (Author) AD-738 873/CP PC E01/MF A01 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Project Squid Headquarters Investigation of Particle-Size Determination from the Optical Response of a Laser-Dop- pler Velocimeter Technical rept. D. G. Andrews, and H. S. Seifert. Feb 72, 69p* Rept no. SQUID-TR-SU-1-PU Contract N00014-67-A-0226-0005 Prepared in cooperation with Stanford Univ., Calif. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Rept. no. SUDAAR-435. Descriptors: 'Flowmeters, Lasers, 'Two-phase flow. Measurement, 'Particle size. Measure- ment, Combustion products, Gas flow, Aerosols, Computer programs, Backscattering, Optical equipment, Refractive index. Identifiers: 'Laser velocimeters, SQUID project, FORTRAN, FORTRAN H programming lan- guage. The intensity of laser light back-scattered from a particle and transmitted by a Fabry-Perot in- terferometer is used to determine particle-size. The instrument's optics and electronics are calibrated by examining stationary particles of known diameter resting on a non-reflective glass slide. The response of the instrument is determined by comparing measured intensities with theoretical values calculated as a complex function of particle size, refractive index and ray geometry. The results show that the mea- sured intensities do approximate the theoreti- cal variation with particle size and in the range of particle diameters measured (1-10 microns), the error is less than one micron. (Author) AD-738 913/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Sound Dispersion and Phase Fluctuations in the Upper Ocean Technical rept. Juegen Rautmann. 1 Feb 72, 90p Rept no. NPS- 61MD72022A Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Measurement, Velocity, Scattering, Low frequency, Bubbles, Probability density functions, Power spectra, Statistical analysis, Salinity, Temperature, Computer programs, Theses, Naval research, Pacific Ocean. Identifiers: 'Acoustic velocity. 74 In-Situ measurements of the speed of sound in the upper ocean have revealed the existence of significant dispersion and large fluctuations over the frequency range 25-80 kHz. The near- surface values of c ranged from + 6 M/sec to -3 M/sec relative to the bubble-free value, with a maximum estimated error of 0.5 M/sec. It was possible to identify bubbles of 'surface' radius centered around 54 microns down to 4.3 meter depth as well as a population centered around 124 microns (at 4.3 M) found at all depths. The speed fluctuation showed near-Faussian probability density functions except at the dispersion center frequencies. The standard deviation of the speed varied from 0.27 M/sec for 58.0 kHz to 0.52 M/sec at 69.6 kHz. (Author) AD-738 968/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Bubble distributions in Upper Ocean Master's thesis Frank Hilty Hiestand. Dec 71 , 67p Descriptors: "Sea water, Bubbles, "Underwater sound, Bubbles, Mathematical models. Velocity, Density, Equations of motion, Drag, Computer programs, Theses. A bubble transport equation has been developed that the bubble distribution, as a function of position, velocity, and size, must satisfy. An analytical model for bubble transport in the upper ocean is chosen and solutions are developed for this model. For a surface source only, these solutions compare favorably to ex- perimental data in the near-surface regions. The depth of this region of agreement depends upon the circulation field chosen, but is of the order of 3 meters. (Author) AD-739 166/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Photo-Equilibrium of Barium Environmental research papers Gordon T. Best, and Victor L. Corbin. 30 Nov 71 , 38p Rept nos. AFC RL-71 -0600, AFCRL-ERP- 377 Descriptors: 'Barium, *Gas ionization, 'Atmospheric sounding. Barium, Electron transitions, Atomic energy levels, Photon bom- bardment, Emissivity, Excitation, Chemical equilibrium. Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Photoionization, Chemical release studies. A model for numerical simulation of the solar pumping of a simple atomic system is con- structed and compared with the exact analyti- cal solution. The process is then extended to cover the more complex 5-level 5-transition barium ion term scheme and the 61 -level 86- transition barium neutral term scheme. An ad- vantage of the step-wise simulation is that in addition to yielding the equilibrium relative level populations and transition intensities, it also permits the dynamic grow-in to equilibri- um to be studied. The neutral barium system has also been studied with the inclusion of photoionization from each of several metasta- ble levels. (Author) AD-739 354/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex SPSHELL, OILDROP, and SPCLAM: Three Programs to Solve Hydrodynamics Problems in Two Dimensions Technical rept. Sep69-Aug 71 Robert C. Reynolds. Feb 72, 221 p Rept no. AFWL-TR-70-96-Rev Revision of report dated Dec 70, AD-717 708. Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamics, Pro- gramming(Computers), Computer programs. Two-dimensional flow, Fluid dynamic proper- ties, Atmosphere models, Explosion effects. Underwater explosions, Airburst, Underground explosions, Impact, Atmosphere entry, Partial differential equations. Identifiers: FORTRAN, SPSHELL computer pro- gram, OILDROP computer program, SPCLAM computer program, Hypervelocity impact. Three programs have been written to solve two- dimensional hydrodynamics problems in a spherical, pure Eulerian coordinate system. An extensive analysis of the central program, SPSHELL, is given and the equations it solves are derived. A Fortran listing of each program is included with an explanation of the data deck needed to run it. (Author) AD-739 357/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Amplitude Modulation of an Acoustic Wave Propagating Near the Sea Surface Technical rept. Wilton J. Smith, Jr. 1 Feb 72, 88p Rept no. NPS- 61Md72021A Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Amplitude modulation, Sound transmission, Attenuation, Refraction, Temperature, Salinity, Turbulence, Underwater sound equipment. Computer pro- grams, Correlation techniques, Theses. Identifiers: Wave equations. Sixth kHz CW sound was propagated parallel to and near the ocean surface adjacent to an array of four thermistors, a salinometer, a sound velocimeter, a turbulent velocity probe, and a wave-height probe in order to investigate the statistics and environmental causes of am- plitude modulation. The temporal variations of the sound amplitude were studied during four twenty-minute runs over a range of 2 meters at varying depths from near the surface to 14 me- ters during sea-state one conditions in water of 16 meters-depth. (Author) AD-739 526/CP PC E01/MF A01 Atlantic Research Corp Alexandria Va Elec- tronics and Communications Div IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I. Part I Final technical rept. Dec 68-Jul 71 William G. Duff, Frank E. Ferrante, Thomas E. Baldwin, Jr, and William P. Seneker. Jan 72, 258p RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-1-Pt-1 Contract F30602-69-C-0051 See also Volume 1 , Part 2, AD-739 527. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals. Mathematical models, Transmitter- receivers, Antennas, Bandwidth, Radiofrequen- cy interference. Identifiers: "Electromagnetic interference, IPP- 1 computer program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, Input output routines. The IPP-1 User Manual summarizes all of the contractual efforts relating to the electromag- netic interference prediction and analysis process which was developed under the spon- sorship of Rome Air Development Center Pro- ject 4540. The primary objective of the User Manual is to provide the interference analyst with a detailed description of and operating in- structions for the automated analyses process for evaluating the electromagnetic compatibili- ty between radiating and receiving equipments within an environment. Information contained in the IPP-1 User Manual includes a general discussion of the analysis process, a summary of analysis requirements, methods and techniques, detailed program descriptions and a discussion of the interpretation of analysis results. The major programs included in this re- port are: data management, rapid cull, frequen- cy cull, detailed analysis, and frequency band analysis. (Author) AD-739 527/CP PC A20/MF A01 Atlantic Research Corp Alexandria Va Elec- tronics and Communications Div IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I. Part II Final technical rept. William G. Duff, Thomas E. Baldwin, Jr, Frank E. Ferrante, and William P. Seneker. Jan 72, 460p RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-1-Pt-2 Contract F30602-69-C-0051 See also Volume 1, Part 1, AD-739 526, and Volume 2, Part 1 , AD-739 528. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Mathematical models. Propagation, High frequency. Low frequency, Very low frequency, Mathematical prediction, Radiofrequency interference. Identifiers: 'Electromagnetic interference, IPP- 1 computer program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN. The document, volume 1, part 2 of the IPP-1 User Manual contains a general discussion of the analysis program, a summary of analysis requirements, methods and techniques, detailed program descriptions and a discussion of the interpretation of analysis results on elec- tromagnetic compatability. The major topics in- cluded in this report are: propagation, frequen- cy-distance, intermodulation, adjacent chan- nel, and field strength-power density. AD-739 528/CP PC E01/MF A01 Atlantic Research Corp Alexandria Va Elec- tronics and Communications Div IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part I Final technical rept. Dec 68-Jul 71 William G. Duff, Frank E. Ferrante, Thomas E. Baldwin, Jr, and William P. Seneker. Jan 72, 288p RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-2-Pt-1 Contract F30602-69-C-0051 See also Volume 1, Part 2, AD-739 527, and Volume 2, Part 2, AD-739 529. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals. Flow charting, Antennas, Transmitter- receivers, Radiofrequency interference. Identifiers: 'Electromagnetic interference, IPP- 1 computer program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, Input output routines. The IPP-1 User Manual summarizes all of the contractual efforts relating to the electromag- netic interference prediction and analysis process which was developed under the spon- sorship of Rome Air Development Center Projec 4540. Information contained in the IPP-1 User Manual includes a general discussion of the analysis process, a summary of analysis requirements, methods and techniques, detailed program descriptions and a discussion of the interpretation of analysis results. The major programs included in this report are data management, rapid cull, frequency cull, and detailed analysis. (Author) AD-739 529/CP PC A14/MF A01 Atlantic Research Corp Alexandria Va Elec- tronics and Communications Div IPP-1 User's Manual. Volume II. Part II Final technical rept. Dec 68-Jul 71 William G. Duff, Frank E. Ferrante, Thomas E. Baldwin, Jr, and William P. Seneker. Jan 72, 303p RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-2-Pt-2 Contract F30602-69-C-0051 See also Volume 2, Part 1, AD-739 528, and Volume 2, Part 3, AD-739 530. Descriptors: "Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals. Flow charting, Antennas, Transmitter- receivers, Radiofrequency interference. Identifiers: 'Electromagnetic interference, IPP- 1 computer program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, Input output routines. 75 The IPP-1 User Manual summarizes all of the contractual efforts relating to the electromag- netic interference prediction and analysis process which was developed under the spon- sorship of Rome Air Development Center Pro- ject 4540. Information contained in the IPP-1 User Manual includes a general discussion of the analysis process, a summary of analysis requirements, methods and techniques, detailed program descriptions and a discussion of the interpretation of analysis results. The major programs included in the report are the continuation of frequency cull, detailed analy- sis, and frequency band analysis. (Author) AD-739 530/CP PC A20/MF A01 Atlantic Research Corp Alexandria Va Elec- tronics and Communications Div IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part III Final technical rept. Dec 68-Jul 71 William G. Duff, Frank E. Ferrante, Thomas E. Baldwin, Jr, and William P. Seneker. Jan 72, 471 p RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-2-Pt-3 Contract F30602-69-C-0051 See also Volume 2, Part 2, AD-739 529. Descriptors: "Electromagnetic compatibility, Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Flow charting. Propagation, High frequency, Low frequency, Very low frequency, Antennas, Transmitter-receivers, Radiofrequency interference. Identifiers: 'Electromagnetic interference, IPP- 1 computer program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN. The IPP-1 User Manual summarizes all of the contractual efforts relating to the electromag- netic interference prediction and analysis process which was developed under the spon- sorship of Rome Air Development Center Pro- ject 4540. Information contained in the IPP-1 User Manual includes a general discussion of the analysis process, a summary of analysis requirements, methods and techniques, detailed program descriptions and a discussion of the interpretation of analysis results. The major programs included in the report are: propagation, frequency-distance, intermodula- tion, adjacent channel and field strength-power density. (Author) AD-739 547/CP PC E01/MF A01 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst Computer Studies of Electric Fields and Fluid Fields in Eiectrofluid Dynamic Generators Final technical rept. 3 Oct 68-2 Oct 71 John E. Minardi, and Paul T. Bauer. Dec 71 , 96p UDRI-TR-71-50, ARL-71-0318 Contract F3361 5-69-C-1 1 1 3 Descriptors: 'Plasma generators, Electric fields, "Gas discharges, Electrical corona. Elec- tron density, Ions, Nozzle gas flow. Colloids, Electrodes, Mathematical models, Electric power production, Hydrodynamics, Integral transforms, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Electrohydrodynamic generators, Electrohydrodynamics, Computer aided analy- sis. Computer Studies of electric fields for an eiec- trofluid dynamic generator of realistic geometry are presented. A technique of numerical super- position is described and applied to the specific generator configuration. A study of electric breakdown in the absence of charges is presented. It is concluded that a more so- phisticated treatment of the breakdown phenomena will be required to accurately pre- dict breakdown in inhomogeneous electric fields and a possible technique is suggested that would be compatible with the available computer program. In addition, electric field studies are presented on basic configurations of simple geometry that are not amenable to analytical solutions of Poissons equation. Finally, a discussion is presented of a detailed model of the fluid flow field in the generator which is required to determine more realistic charge densities and gas densities in an eiec- trofluid dynamic generator. (Author) AD-739 742/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautical Establishment Ottawa (Ontario) Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Ax- isymmetric Bodies R. J. A. Dufault, and D. H. Henshaw. Nov 71 , 74p NAE-LR-556, NRC-12468 Descriptors: 'Incompressible flow, Pro- gramming(Computers), 'Jet engine nacelles, 'Axially symmetric flow, Subsonic flow, Three- dimensional flow, Computer programs, Aerodynamics, Two-dimensional flow, Subrou- tines, Canada. Identifiers: FORTRAN. A very general method of calculation for incom- pressible potential flow about arbitrary axisym- metric bodies has been coded for a modern TSS computer system. Potential flow at any angle of attack can be computed with or without suction through the body surface - fea- tures which render the meehod of considerable interest for application to such bodies as jet en- gine nacelles. The coding is of general interest because of its logical arrangement as well as for the procedures used in the calculation of the elliptic integrals and the method of equa- tion solution. The refinements to integrals for the singular elements are new. (Author) AD-739 921/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Computer Codes Available for Analysis of Direct Nuclear Reactions Memorandum rept. Yong S. Park, and Heber D. Jones. Mar 72, 38p Rept no. BRL-MR-2164 Descriptors: 'Neutron reactions, 'Programming(Computers), Nuclear scattering. Input-output devices, Data processing systems. Identifiers: 'Direct nuclear reactions. Form fac- tors, JIB computer code, MIFF computer code, DWUCK computer code, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN. The report is a documentation of computer codes available at BRL for the analysis of direct nuclear reactions. It has been generated as a detailed supplement to the existing instruction manuals, which, where available, provide only very general information on code applications. In the report, emphasis is placed on additional options which have been incorporated into the original programs to enhance their applicability to the types of experiments performed at this laboratory. Sample input and output for local users are presented to clarify the utilization of the codes in situations of interest to experimen- ters at BRL. (Author) AD-740 124/CP PC A14/MF A01 Douglas Aircraft Co Long Beach Calif Investigation of Aerodynamic Analysis Problems in Transonic Maneuvering. Volume II. Airfoil Analysis Computer Program Final rept. Jun 70-Aug 71 Arvel E. Gentry. Sep 71 , 31 3p Rept no. MDC- J5264-02 Contract N00014-70-C-0400 See also Volume 1 , AD-737 293. Descriptors: 'Transonic characteristics, 'Computer programs, 'Transonic airfoils, Nu- merical analysis, Subsonic characteristics. Pressure, Boundary layer, Buffeting. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. The report describes a computer program designed to facilitate the analysis of mono- and multi-element airfoils at subsonic flight condi- tions with attached flow. This program is a con- solidation of several existing computer pro- grams so that they are compatible, have stan- dard interfaces, and operate together as one very large program. This program includes a potential flow analysis, supercritical pressure calculations, and boundary layer calculations using either a finite-difference method or an in- tegral method. Application studies using this program are described in Volume 1 of this re- port. (Author) AD-740 216/CP PC E01/MF A01 Boeing Co Seattle Wash Aerospace Group A New Technique to Determine Amorphous Structure Using X-Ray Absorption Fine Struc- ture Final rept. Dale E. Sayers. 1972, 122pD180-14436-1, AROD-9209:4-P Contract DAHC04-71-C-0010, ARPA Order-1562 Special technical report on The Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. Descriptors: *X-ray absorption analysis, 'Crystal structure, Atomic structure. X-ray spectrum, Germanium, Germanium com- pounds, Oxides, Selenides, Copper, Iron, Crystal lattices, Computer programs. Identifiers: Amorphous semiconductors, 'Amorphous materials, EXAFS computer pro- gram, Germanium selendides. Germanium ox- ides. A new theory for extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) is presented which treats EXAFS as arising from the scattering of the ejected photoelectron by atoms surrounding the absorbing atom. The surrounding atoms are treated as a system of weak point scatterers which allows the scattered waves to be calcu- lated using standard scattering theory. These scattered waves are included in the wave func- tion of the ejected photoelectron and this is used to calculate the dipole transition matrix element from the x-ray absorption, which gives rise to oscillations in the absorption coefficient which depends on the positions of the sur- rounding atoms. The final result includes scat- tering factor, range and temperature terms and is general enough to handle any symmetry of atoms about the absorbing atom and any polarization state of the x-rays. (Author) AD-740 498/CP PC E01/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Applied Research Labs Finite-Amplitude Sound Propagation in the Farfield of Nonuniform Sources (I). The Dif- fraction of N Waves by a Circular Aperture in a Plane Baffle (II) James C. Lockwood. Jul 71, 167p ARL-TR-71- 26, AFOSR-TR-71-1916 Contract F44620-71-C-0015 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Diffraction, Initial value problems, Wave functions. Shock waves, Partial differential equations, Perturba- tion theory, Approximation(Mathematics), Pistons, Fluid flow. Viscosity, Conduction(Heat transfer), Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: Far field, Wave equations, FOR- TRAN. In part 1, a solution for the farfield propagation of finite-amplitude waves from nonuniform sources is presented. This solution was ob- tained by applying the method of multiple scales to solve a second-order, lossless, non- linear wave equation. The solution represents a generalization of the solution Earnshaw gave for plane waves. In part 2, a solution of the linear wave equation is presented for the dif- fraction of plane N waves by a circular aperture in a plane baffle. Analytical results are obtained. Because of their complexity, a computer has been used to draw the waveforms. For the case when the observation point is in the beam, the 76 observed waveform is composed of the incident signal plus a diffracted signal. The results show that as the observation point is moved off the axis, the diffracted wave quickly degrades to a low-level signal because of the reduced coherence of the signals from the aperture edge. The theoretical results, modified to apply to an incident spherical wave, agree very well with experimental results obtained by using a spark-produced N wave incident on an aper- ture. (Author) AD-740 576/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Scattering of HF Radio Waves by Elliptical Electron Density Distributions Physical sciences research papers Victor L. Corbin, and Milton M. Klein. 17 Jan 72, 43p Rept nos. AFCRL-72-0047, AFCRL-PSRP- 474 Descriptors: "Ionospheric propagation, High frequency, 'Radio waves, Scattering, Electron density. Partial differential equations, Refrac- tive index, Dispersion relations, Ellipsoids, Magnetic fields, Differential cross section, Ionospheric disturbances, Computer programs. Identifiers: Electromagnetic scattering, Ray tracing, Elliptic differential equations. The differential and total cross sections for el- lipsoids and elliptic cylinders having Gaussian electron density distributions have been ob- tained by a ray tracing procedure. Calculations for the case of an external magnetic field were restricted to the ellipsoidal distributions. The results show that the scattering is extremely sensitive to the orientation of the body. A peak in cross section occurs at the scattering angle corresponding to the ray normal to the critical surface, and increases as the surface becomes flatter. (Author) AD-740 816/CP PC E01/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Ordnance Research Lab An Acoustic-Array Model for the Computation of the Rotational Noise of a Lifting Rotor John A. Macaluso. 1 Feb71,30p Rept no. TR-1- 71 Contract N00017-70-C-1407 Descriptors: 'Propeller noise. Mathematical models, 'Helicopter rotors, Propeller noise, Helicopters, Rotor blades(Rotary wings), Pres- sure, Load distribution, Sound, Acoustic pro- perties, Computer programs. A description is given of the development and corroboration of a simplified computational model for the prediction of the radiated rota- tional noise of a lifting rotor or propeller. The method is based on a solution of the concen- trated force-excited wave equation and the identification of the terms in this solution with annular distributions of monopole sources of specified phase and amplitude. The computa- tional algorithms developed from this mathe- matical model provide a rapid means for deter- mining the amplitude and phase of the radiated sound field. They are particularly well suited for providing a description of rotor noise charac- teristics, which can be used as input to com- puter programs designed to calculate the rotor noise field in the presence of boundaries. (Author) AD-741 070/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Computer Program for Solving Transient Heat Conduction Problems Master's thesis Coskun Erbayram. Dec 71, 132p Descriptors: *Conduction(Heat transfer), 'Computer programs, Partial differential equa- tions, Numerical analysis, Integration, Subrou- tines, Transients, Nonlinear differential equa- tions. Theses. Identifiers: TRUMP computer program, Steady state, FORTRAN, Heat equation, Parabolic dif- ferential equations. A computer program, with the code name TRUMP, was developed in 1965 by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory to solve a variety of transient and steady-state conduction heat flow problems in simple or complicated geometric configurations. The purpose of this investigation was to adapt TRUMP to the Naval Postgraduate School IBM/360 Model 67 com- puter system. Several heat conduction problems are solved with the adapted version of TRUMP and the results compare closely with the analytical solutions to these problems. The example problem inputs may be used as guides in preparing input data for future problems. Some suggestions are also given for further development of the program. (Author) AD-741 243/CP PC E01/MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Coordinated Science Lab Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique Doctoral thesis Robert Michael Starnes. Apr 72, 1 23p Rept nos. R-554, UILU-ENG-72-2215 Contract DAAB07-67-C-0199 Descriptors: 'Sputtering, Semiconducting films, 'Nitrides, Polarization, Silicon com- pounds, Ionic current, Manufacturing methods, Instrumentation, Electrical properties, Com- puter programs. Theses. Identifiers: 'Silicon nitrides, Radiofrequency sputtering, Amorphous materials, Amorphous semiconductors. The thesis is a study of ionic polarization in RF sputtered Si3N4 films by the technique of Ther- mally Stimulated Current (TSC). The model for this polarization phenomenon is a bound ion which may reside in either of two equilibrium potential minima. When an ion moves from one site to the other it behaves as an electric dipole. The TSC procedure consists of (1) biasing the film to establish a non-equilibrium distribution of ions, (2) thermal quenching to freeze the ions in their non-equilibrium state, and (3) reheating the film while measuring the current resulting from the equilibrium of ions in their states. The thesis describes the construction of an RF sput- tering system to deposit refractory insulating films as well as a vacuum dewar and automatic temperature programmer for taking TSC data. (Author) AD-741 776/CP PC E01/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Radiation Lab The Numerical Solution of Low Frequency Scattering Problems Thomas B. A. Senior, and David J. Ahlgren. Feb 72, 1 1 2p 01 3630-9-T, Scientif ic-1 2, AFCRL-72- 0162 Contract F19628-68-C-0071 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic waves, Scatter- ing, 'Sound transmission, Wave functions, Low frequency. Geometric forms. Integral equa- tions, Partial differential equations, Dipole mo- ments, Integration, Numerical analysis, Green's function, Cauchy problem, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Acoustic scattering. The low frequency scattering of electromag- netic and acoustic waves by rotationally sym- metric bodies is considered. By concentrating on certain quantities such as the normalised component of the induced electric and mag- netic dipole moments, it is shown how the first one or two terms in the far zone scattered fields can be expressed in terms of quantities which are functions only of the geometry of the body. Each of these is the weighted integral of an ele- mentary potential function which can be found by solving an integral equation. A computer program has been written to solve the ap- propriate equations by the moment method, and for calculating the dipole moments, the electrostatic capacity, and a further quantity re- lated to the capacity. The program is described and related data are presented. (Author) AD-741 809/CP PC E01/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers Roger F. Harrington, and Joseph R. Mautz. Mar 72, 119p Scientif ic-16, AFCRL-72-0179 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: 'Radar signals, Scattering, Radar echo areas. Transmitter-receivers, Antennas, Electrical impedance, Graphics, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Electromagnetic scattering. An N-port loaded scatterer is one having N ports to which lumped impedance loads or a load network is connected. Methods are given to determine the characteristic modes of a loaded scatterer and for using them in a moda! solution for electromagnetic scattering. A procedure is also given for resonating any given real port current, which makes that cur- rent the dominant mode of the loaded scatterer. The theory is formulated both in terms of open- circuit and short-circuit network parameters. A number of numerical examples are given for a wire triangle to illustrate the general theory. Computer programs are included for all procedures discussed. (Author) AD-741 835/CP MF A01 Sundstrand Aviation Rockford III Determination of the Optimum Fluid and System Variables for .5-5 KWE Rankine Cycle Power Systems Final rept. 1 Feb-30 Sep 71 David B. Wigmore, and Richard E. Niggemann. Feb 72, 255p Rept no. SA/AER-642 Contract DAAK02-71-C-0142 Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: 'Power supplies, 'Rankine cycle, Optimization, Fuel systems. Temperature, Com- pressive properties, Specific heat, Boiling point, Fuel consumption, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Com- puter aided desig n. A computerized mathematical model of Ran- kine cycle performance analysis, component design, fluid thermodynamic and thermophysi- cal property evaluation integrated with a mul- tivariable optimization technique, was used to describe the sensitivity of the major system variables of initial cost weight, volume and per- formance over a .5 to 5 kwe power range to the independant fluid and system variables. These independant variables were automatically and simultaneously operated upon in a continuous manner to effect minimization of a criterion function defined as a weighted summation of the major system variables. (Author) AD-742 430/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Application of CV Characteristics to Con- trolling MIS Processing Master's thesis Robert A. Fritschie. Mar 72, 79p Rept no. GE/EE/72-12 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, Quality control, 'Semiconductors, Electrical proper- ties, Capacitors, Transistors, Silicon com- 77 pounds. Non-destructive testing, Impurities, Computer programs, Electrical conductance, Theses, Silicon dioxide, Alumina, Nitrides. Identifiers: Process control, IDLCV computer program, FORTRAN, Metal insulator semicon- ductors, Silicon nitrides. The purpose of this report is to determine the usefulness of the capacitance-voltage (CV) method as a process control tool. To accom- plish this task a study of the physics of MIS structures and the theory of the CV method are given. Then it is shown how the method can be used to obtain various physical properties of the semiconductor, insulator, and semiconduc- tor-insulator interface. A computer program which facilitates the determination of various properties from the CV characteristic is in- cluded. The substrate material used is n-type silicon and the kinds of insulators investigated in this study are: Si3N4:Si02, AI203:Si02, and Si02. (Author) AD-743 008/CP PC E01/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Electronics Research Center Laser Induced Breakdown in High Pressure Nobie Gases Technical rept. G. W. Haynes, and A. A. Dougal. 30 Sep 71, 146p TR-1 1 0, AFOSR-TR-72-01 99 Contract F44620-71-C-0091 Descriptors: 'Helium group gases, "Photon bombardment, *Gas ionization, "Lasers, *Gas discharges, Photon bombardment, Coherent radiation. High-pressure research, Computer programs. Diffusion, Electrons, Electron transi- tions, Refractive index. Identifiers: Laser beams, Photoionization. Laser induced breakdown is studied both ex- perimentally and analytically in high pressure helium, neon, and argon gases. It is shown that an analysis based on balancing electron production against electron loss yields good agreement with experimental data for the gases studied. Experimentally a giant-pulse ruby laser was used for the pressure range from ten at- mospheres to two thousand atmospheres. The model used in the analysis assumes that laser photons are absorbed by the process of inverse bremsstrahlung. Free electrons are produced by collisional ionization and from photoioniza- tion and associative ionization of excited neutrals. The data taken indicates a minimum in the plot of threshold field versus pressure for helium and argon and a possible minimum beyond the pressure system limits for neon. In the comparison of experimental data to theoretical calculations, non-ideal behavior of the gas and the change in index of refraction with gas pressure are taken into account. (Author) AD-743 171/CP PC E01/MF A01 Science Applications Inc La Jolla Calif The MORSE Code with Combinatorial Geometry Topical rept. 1 Jan 71-28 Feb 72 Edward A. Straker, William H. Scott, Jr, and N. Rick Byrn. May 72, 173p SAI-72-51 1-LJ, DNA- 2860T Contract DASA01 -71 -C-C-0044 Descriptors: "Neutron transport theory, "Computer programs, "Gamma rays, Transport properties, Geometry, Combinatorial analysis. Subroutines, Nuclear cross sections. Input-out- put devices, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: MORSE computer program, Com- binatorial geometry. The combinatorial geometry allows efficient Monte Carlo radiation transport calculations of detailed three-dimensional geometries. Because regions and media are formed by com- bination of basic bodies such as boxes, spheres, cylinders and others, the input required of the user is both relatively simple and easily modified. The MORSE code is a mul- tigroup neutron and gamma ray transport Monte Carlo code that may solve either neutron, gamma ray, or coupled neutron- gamma ray problems in either the forward and adjoint mode. MORSE has a wide variety of available input options, including splitting, Russian roulette, exponential transform, energy biasing, importance regions, albedo surfaces, and the scoring options available in the SAMBO analysis package. This document details the in- corporation of a new version of combinatorial geometry into the MORSE code and is meant as a user's manual. (Author) AD-743 287/CP PC E01/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Electronics Research Center Dispersion of Electrostatic Ion Plasma Waves near Harmonics of the Ion Cyclotron Frequen- cy Techncial rept. J. G. Melton, and A. A. Dougal. 22 Jan 72, 124p TR-1 1 9, AFOSR-TR-72-0535 Contract F44620-71-C-0091 Descriptors: "Plasma oscillations, Dispersion relations, Electrostatics, Cyclotron resonance phenomena. Electron density, Damping, Nu- merical analysis. Computer programs, Heating. Identifiers: Ion acoustic waves, Bernstein modes, Plasma heating, Plasma dynamics. Plasma waves which can propagate in a hot magnetized plasma near harmonics of the ion cyclotron frequency (Omega sub ci) were stu- died numerically in the electrostatic approxi- mation. The effects of collisionless damping processes and finite ion Larmor radius were in- cluded. The results obtained were compared first to those obtained from cammon approxi- mate equations, to determine when the approx- imate results are adequate to describe the waves, and then to the experimental results which have been obtained at several laborato- ries. (Author) AD-743 549/CP PC E01/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Palo Alto Calif Palo Alto Research Lab Trapped Radiation Studies Involving Plasma Instabilities and Radial Diffusion Annaul rept. Jan 71 -Feb 72 John B. Cladis, Gerald T. Davidson, William E. Francis, Walter I. Futterman, and Lester L. Newkirk. Apr 72, 52p LMSC/D246353, DNA- 2824F Contract DASA01 -71 -C-0047 Descriptors: "Magnetosphere, Charged parti- cles, "Plasma medium, Stability, Van Allen radiation belt, Electromagnetic waves. Interac- tions, Cyclotron resonance phenomena, Dispersion relations. Wave functions. Curve fitting. Computer programs, Nuclear explo- sions, Airburst, Plasma oscillations. Identifiers: Vlasov equation, Microinstabilities, Computerized simulation. The generation of unstable waves in the mag- netosphere is reviewed, with emphasis on waves occurring near the trapped particles' gyrofrequencies. Relativistic modifications to the basic theory are described. The evolution of trapped particles' distribution (diffusion) is discussed, and the non linear trieories of wave propagation and growth are invoked as the means whereby the evolution of the distribution functions can be studied. It is pointed out that, because of difficulties in the analytic theories, computer simulation may be the most certain technique for investigating effects of unstable waves on particles. Some particular unsolved problems are indicated, with special emphasis on trapping of artificially injected electrons. The development of a computer program which simulates actual physical processes in the mag- netosphere is described. (Author) AD-743 591/CP PC E01/MF A01 Colorado Univ Boulder Dept of Electrical En- gineering Synthesis of High Speed Homopolar Alterna- tors and Theory of Solid Rotor Electrical Machines Final rept. on Phase DD, Part 5 Edward A. Erdelyi, Milan Siegl, Salem G. Mouzughi, and David A. Remington. Mar 72, 163p Contract DA-44-009-AMC-787(T) Report on Experimental Techniques for Mea- suring Iron Losses and Radial Airgap Induc- tions. See also AD-688 673. Descriptors: "Generators, Alternating current, "Magnetic materials, Hysteresis, Iron, Design, Magnetic properties, Coils, Magnetic cores, Measurement, Computer programs. Identifiers: Homopolar alternators, AC genera- tors, Air gaps, Flux density. The experimental procedures described in the report are in reality of two different kinds, though both can be characterized as magnetic measurement. The report has been subdivided into two parts: A and B. Part A deals with mea- surement techniques of iron losses in premag- netized, alloyed magnetic laminations between 60 and 3,600 Hz. Part B deals with the measure- ment of radial airgap inductions in rotating electrical machines. AD-743 764/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Descriptive Model of a Shipboard Ecological System Master's thesis John Odgers Miner, Jr. Jun 72, 66p Descriptors: "Sanitary engineering, "Ships, Costs, Mathematical models, Monte Carlo method. Design, Sewage, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: "Shipboard sewage treatment systems, "Sewage treatment. An investigation into the problems of economi- cally processing sewage on board Naval ships resulted in the development of two computer simulations employing Monte Carlo analysis to describe the generation of sewage. Simulation one was based on a non-homogeneous Pois- son process. For simulation two, an empirical distribution describing the arrival behavior of sewage to the holding/processing unit over a 24 hour period was applied to known data on sewage generation. Results of the two simula- tions were compatible with one another. Aside from pointing out a most feasible combination of holding tank capacity, processor rate and processing policy, the simulations also in- dicated that a revision of the Navy's design parameter for the daily per capita sewage generation rate was in order. (Author) AD-743 834/CP PC E01/MF A01 Florida Univ Gainesville Dept of Electrical En- gineering A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices Fredrik A. Lindholm, Arthur J. Brodersen, Eugene R. Chenette, Larry L. Hench, and Sheng S. Li. 10 Oct 71, 178pScientific-8, AFCRL-72- 0075 Contract F19628-68-C-0058, ARPA Order-1060 See also AD-729 908. Descriptors: "Semiconductors, Electrical pro- perties, 'Semiconductor devices, Electrical properties, "Integrated circuits, Design, Silicon, Gallium arsenides, Photosensitivity, Radiation damage. Neutron reactions, Hall effect, Potassi- um compounds, Phosphates, Vanadium com- pounds, Oxides, Noise(Radio), Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Amorphous semiconductors, Photomagnetoelectric effect, Potassium phosphates. Vanadium oxides. 78 Contents: Photodetection using photomagnetoelectric and dember effects in gold-doped silicon; Investigation of the recombination and trapping processes of photo-injected carriers in semi-insulating Cr-doped GaAs using PME and PC methods; Low temperature photomagnetoelectric and photoconductive effects in n-type InAs; The effect of a buried layer on the collector breakdown voltages of bipolar junction transistors; Device characterization for com puter analysis of large semiconductor circuits; Structural effects on fast neutron radiation sensitivity of semiconducting glasses; Effects of microstructure on the radiation stability of amorphous semiconductors; Electronic materials interfacial characterization program. AD-743 948/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif Mode Conversion Program for an In- homogeneous Anisotropic Ionosphere Interim rept., Jun 71 -Apr 72 Richard A. Pappert, and Linda R. Shockey. 1 May 72, 69p Rept no. NELC-IR-722 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, Numer- ical analysis, Computer programs, Very low frequency, Electron density, Terrestrial mag- netism, Magnetic fields, Electric fields, Waveguides. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN. The report presents a program for numerically determining mode conversion coefficients and mode sums for a waveguide which is in- homogeneous along the direction of propaga- tion. The program allows for vertical in- homogeneity of the ionosphere as well as its anisotropy due to the geomagnetic field. The model assumes the perturbation has no horizontal space dependence perpendicular to the transmitter receiver line. Mode conversion coefficients are obtained by ignoring reflec- tions associated with the inhomogeneity along the direction of propagation. The latter as- sumption greatly simplifies the calculations and appears to be justified for a broad class of horizontal inhomogeneities. However, its validi- ty under severe artificial ionospheric disturbances requires further study. (Author) AD-744 508/CP PC E01/MF A01 Toronto Univ (Ontario) Inst for Aerospace Stu- dies Near-Free-Molecule Flow Calculations-Monte Carlo Study of Skimmer Interactions Technical note N. A. Derzko. Oct 71 , 42p UTIAS-TR-169, AFOSR-TR-72-1278 Grant AF-AFOSR-1481-68 Descriptors: 'Molecular beams, *Gas flow, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Monte Carlo method, Wedges, Simulation, Canada. Identifiers: "Molecular beam skimmers, Com- puterized simulation. The Monte Carlo simulation method of G. A. Bird was applied to the study of flow through a skimmer using various geometries, speed ratios, and Knudsen numbers. The computer program followed a sample of 3500 hard sphere molecules, accumulating distribution function profiles in each of 25 regions of the flowfield, the beam profile at the downstream end of the flowfield, and the mass flow through the skimmer orifice. The results show beam intensi- ties of the order of .3 of the no skimmer interac- tion value at Knudsen numbers of 01 and demonstrate clearly that most of the interaction occurs from to 4 mean free paths upstream of the orifice. (Author) AD-744 667/CP PC E01/MF A01 General Electric Co Santa Barbara Calif Tempo Evaluation of WEDCOM (Weapon Effects on D-region COMmunications) Propagation Models Jun 72, 64p 72TMP-12, DNA-2862T Contract DASA01-69-C-0132 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, Explo- sion effects, 'Nuclear explosions, Radiofrequency interference, Mathematical models, Very low frequency, Low frequency, Electric fields. Magnetic fields, Pro- gram ming(Computers). Identifiers: WEDCOM computer code. The report describes a quantitative evaluation of VLF and LF propagation models used in the WEDCOM (Weapon Effects on D-region COM- munications) computer code. The evaluation includes magnetic field effects, mode conver- sion, the effects of low ground conductivity, and the effect of the interface between VLF and LF propagation models. (Author) times, and TORCH will compute the tempera- tures based on the rates of radiation, ionization, and electron-ion energy exchange. Calcula- tions are included for aluminum plasmas with electron densities of 10 to the power of 18 to 10 to the power of 21 /CC and electron tempera- tures of 10 eV to several KeK. Also included are calculations of radiation from a deuterium plasma with 5% aluminum impurities. (Author) AD-744 865/CP PC E01/MF A01 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Jet Propulsion Center A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flow with Arbitrarily Defined Boundaries Final rept. 1 May 71-1 Jul 72 Brian A. Mclntyre, and H. Doyle Thompson. Jun 72, 182pAFAPL-TR-72-51 Contract F3361 5-71 -C-1 499 Descriptors: 'Supersonic flow, Numerical anal- ysis, 'Three-dimensional flow, Problem solving. Computer programs, Geometric forms. Flow fields. Equations of motion, Numerical analysis. Subroutines. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, CDC-6500 computer. Method of characteristics. A production type computer program has been developed, for the CDC-6500 computer, which is capable of solving supersonic flow problems through arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional geometries. Provisions have been made for the inclusion of an arbitrarily shaped three-dimen- sional centerbody in the flow. The geometry of the contours may be specified by tabular data or by expressing parameters in an analytic equation. A second-order numerical method of characteristics is used to solve the equations of motion for three-dimensional, steady super- sonic flow. (Author) AD-744 987/CP PC E01/MF A01 International Business Machines Corp San Jose Calif Calculation of Physical Properties of Diatomic Molecules Quarterly management rept. 18 Mar-17 Jun 72 P. S. Bagus. 17 Jun 72, 5p Contract DAHC04-69-C-0080, ARPA Order-1482 Descriptors: 'Diatomic molecules, Scientific research. Oxides, Aluminum compounds, Iron oxides, Molecular orbitals. Identifiers: ALCHEMY computer program. Alu- minum oxides. AD-744 319/CP PC A14/MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics Preparation and Optical Properties of Crystals and Films of Vanadium Oxides Technical rept. John C. C. Fan. May 72, 309p HP-28, ARPA-TR- 43 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0012, DAHC15-67- C-0219 Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, Optical proper- ties, 'Crystal growth, Vanadium compounds, 'Vanadium compounds, Optical properties, Single crystals, Semiconducting films, Oxides, Phase studies, Sputtering, Epitaxial growth, Optical equipment, Band theory of solids, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: 'Vanadium oxides, Semiconductor metal transition, Mott transition, Thin films, FORTRAN 4 programming lanquaqe, FOR- TRAN. The manuscript describes mainly the prepara- tion and optical properties of crystals and films of some of the vanadium oxides. In addition, different methods of determining the optical constants of solids are discussed and com- pared. (Author) AD-744 813/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Theoretical Calculation of X-Radiation from Non-Equilibrium Alumbium Plasmas Master's thesis Robert W. Boyd. Jun 72, 89p Rept no. GEP/PH/72-1 Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, X rays, Alu- minum, Electron density, Ions, Distribution functions, Interactions, Bremsstrahlung, Com- puter programs. Theses. Identifiers: 'Aluminum plasma, Deuterium plasma, Electron energy, Ion energy, TORCG computer code TORCH, a computer code which calculates the spectrum arising from the radiation of a metal- lic plasma, is described. The population of each ionic species is determined from a time-depen- dent corona model which includes three-body recombination. Both time-resolved and time-in- tegrated spectra are obtained, showing the contributions brom bremsstrahlung, recom- bination radiation, and line radiation. Ion and electron temperatures are allowed to differ, with radiative losses causing continuous elec- tron cooling. Energy may be added to the elec- trons and/or ions at arbitrary rates, for arbitrary Research on diatomic molecules is briefly described. It involves f numbers, sigma states of AIO, electronic states of FeO, molecular orbital calculations, and the ALCHEMY program. AD-745 295/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C SHIP (Simplified-Helmholtz-lntegral Pro- gram): A Fast Computer Program for Calcu- lating the Acoustic Radiation and Radiation Impedance for Free-Flooded-Ring and Finite- Circular-Cylinder Sources Interim rept. Peter H. Rogers. 19 Jun 72, 64p Rept no. NRL- 7240 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, "Computer programs, Acoustic impedance, Cylindrical bodies, Integral equations. Matrix algebra, In- tegration, Subroutines, Numerical analysis, Rings. Identifiers: SHIP computer program, Finite ele- ment analysis, Helmhotz equation, Numerical integration. Far field. The Naval Research Laboratory SHIP is a spe- cial-purpose acoustic radiation program designed for rapidly determining acoustic sur- face pressures, radiation impedances, and far- 79 field radiation patterns for acoustic sources in the form of finite cylinders and free-flooded rings and for acoustic sources which can be ap- proximated by such forms. The program uses a finite-element method based on a one-dimen- sional version of the surface Helmholtz integral equation. Axial symmetry is assumed in all cases. It is the complete use of this axial sym- metry which results in the high speed of this method relative to other formulations of this problem. The basic inputs to the program are the geometry of the ring or cylinder and the normal velocity on the surface of this source. The output is a representation of the complex acoustic pressure distribution on the surface of the source, the radiation impedance, and (if desired) the far-field radiation pattern. The pro- gram is presently limited to a single ring or sin- gle cylinder, but it may easily be modified to handle coaxial stacks of rings and cylinders. (Author) AD-745 346/CP PC E01/MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Dept of Civil Engineering A Numerical Method for Steady-State Cavity Flows Final rept. Theodor R. Mogel, and Robert L. Street. Feb 72, 122pReptno.TR-155 Contract N0001 4-67-A-01 1 2-0046 Descriptors: 'Cavitation, Two-dimensional flow, Numerical analysis, Equilibrium, Flat plate models, Mathematical models, Computer pro- grams. Incompressible flow, Equations of mo- tion. Identifiers: Cavity flow, Finite difference theory. Computer aided analysis, Supercavitating flow, Inviscid flow. The objective of the work was to develop a nu- merical method for steady-state cavity flows to provide systematic correction of an initial, as- sumed free streamline position. The method is based on an inviscid, irrotational and incom- pressible flowfield, uses a numerical finite-dif- ference representation with the fluid velocities as dependent variables, and obtains a solution by successive-overrelaxation. It has been im- plemented for two-dimensional fully cavitating flow past a vertical plate in a channel. Typical results and the computer program listing and output are given. (Author) AD-745 373/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mission Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Elastic Energy and Momentum Loss in Atom Collisions Above 50 eV Interim rept. R. W. Kilb. Jul 72, 23p MRC-R-16, DNA-2876I Contract DASA01 -71-C-0054 Descriptors: "Atoms, Interactions, Kinetic ener- gy, Potential energy, Scattering, Mathematical models, Momentum, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Atom atom interactions, "Atom ion interactions, Interatomic potentials, Avco ex- periment. The elastic energy and momentum loss is com- puted for atom-atom and atom-ion collisions at relative energies above 50 eV. The two-atom Thomas-Fermi interaction potential computed by Lee, Longmire, and Rosenbluth is used in conjunction with Firsov's scaling rule for unlike atoms to obtain general formulas for the loss cross sections sigma(e) and sigma(m). (Author) AD-745 374/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mission Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment Interim rept. Ralph W. Kilb. Jul 72, 34p MRC-R-1 8, DNA- 2878I Contract DASA01 -71-C-0054 Descriptors: "Atoms, Interactions, "Gas ioniza- tion, Air, Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Mo- mentum, Ionization, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Atom atom interactions, "Atom ion interactions, "Ion ion interactions, "Electron ion interactions, Interatomic potentials, Avco ex- periment. The gross features of the 45 mtorr Avco experi- ment with and without an applied magnetic field can be explained by the difference between a momentum snowplow and an energy conserving shock. The initial ionization of the air appears to be very low. With no applied field, the ionization apparently remains low, the shock is dominated by atom-atom and ion- atom collisions, and the UV radiation loss is relatively small, yielding an energy conserving shock. With a 200 gauss applied field, the ionization apparently is rapid in the shock front, leading to large ion-electron collisional heat transfer and associated UV losses, thereby producing a momentum snowplow. The details of how the magnetic field induces rapid ioniza- tion are not clear. (Author) AD-745 423/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex User's Manual: AFWL One-Dimensional Plasma Simulation Particle Codes Technical rept. Jan 71 -Mar 72 Brendon B. Godfrey, Clifford E. Rhoades, Jr, and Keith A. Taggart. Apr 72, 356p Rept no. AFWL-TR-72-47 Descriptors: "Plasma medium, Mathematical models, "Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Particle trajectories. Coherent radia- tion, Interactions, Partial differential equations, Numerical analysis, Integration, Stability, Shock waves, Magnetic pinch. Identifiers: STREAM computer code, SIM com- puter code, ZOOM computer code, SELF com- puter code, FULREL computer code, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Vlasov equations. The report is intended primarily as a user's manual for a series of five computer codes for the numberical simulation of one-dimentsional collisionless plasma phenomena. These codes solve, in effect, the one-dimensional Vlassov equation by following the trajectories of simula- tion particles under the influence of elec- tromagnetic fields. Thus, the particle codes describes are particularly useful for investigat- ing micro-instabilities, such as those encoun- tered in laser-plasma interactions, collisionless shocks, and plasma confinement. A discussion of numerical techniques is includes. The report also includes a listing of the CDC FORTRAN 4 codes, including machine language subrou- tines for CDC 6000 and 7000 machines. The microfilm routines used to obtain phase space plots and energy graphs employ the system routine PLOTQ, designed specifically for the CDC 280 mirofilmer. (Author) AD-745 839/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer Simulation of Split Interstitial Equilibrium Positions and Binding Energies in a Tungsten Crystal Master's thesis James Anthony Tankovich. Jun 72, 69p Descriptors: "Metallic crystals, Impurities, "Tungsten, Crystal lattice defects, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Chemical bonds, Crystal structure, Computer programs, Radia- tion damage, Adsorption, Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Body centered cubic lattices, "Interstitials, Point de- fects. Computer simulations were performed to locate the equilibrium positions and binding energies of interstitial He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe in a tungsten crystal. Heavy interstitial atoms in tungsten share a lattice site with the atom that normally occupies that site and form what is called a split interstitial. Three characteristic in- terstitial sites were located relative to each lat- tice site tested. The distance of the impurity atom from the site was seen to vary roughly in- versely with its mass, and the displacement of the lattice atom increased with the mass of the impurity atom. The foreign atom in its intersti- tial position was tested to determine the minimum initial kinetic energy needed to escape the lattice, as well as the optimum escape direction. (Author) AD-745 854/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Conversion of a Two-Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code from CDC- 6400 FORTRAN to IBM 360/67 FORTRAN Master's thesis Charles Stanley Yager, Jr. Jun 72, 21 5p Descriptors: "Magnetohydrodynamics, Mathe- matical analysis, "Computer programs, "Instruction manuals. Numerical analysis, Transformations, Magnetic pinch, Theses, Time sharing, Digital computers. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Plasma diagnostics, CDC 6400 computers, IBM 360/67 computers, Numerical integration, IRLSMHD computer program. In a previous thesis a very general method for numerically solving two-dimensional, two-fluid magnetohydrodynamic equations was developed. A copy of the computer code was given to the Physics Department at the Naval Postgraduate School for conversion to the IBM 360/67 system presently in operation at the school. The paper is intended to be a users manual for this code. Numerous changes to the original code were required due to the inherent differences between the CDC and IBM machines. The conversion of this code as well as a complete understanding of its operation and logic was the goal in the preparation of the paper. (Author) AD-745 872/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Computer Simulation of Copper Crystal Surface Dynamics Master's thesis Henry William Sterbenz, Jr. Jun 72, 141p Descriptors: "Copper, Surface properties, Metallic crystals. Crystal structure, Computer programs, Microstructure, Radiation damage. Crystal growth, Monte Carlo method, Potential energy. Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Face cen- tered cubic lattices, Vacancies(Crystal defects), FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. A simple physical model of a copper crystal sur- face was developed. Atoms were considered as quasi-hard spheres which occupied perfect lat- tice positions. A computer simulation, based on energy consideration only, using the Monte Carlo method was developed, tested and used to study equilibrium surface microstates. (Author) AD-746 108/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides Final rept. Lamont V. Blake. Jun 72, 43p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2458 Descriptors: "Waveguides, Microwave equip- ment, "Microwaves, Attenuation, Computer programs, Microwave frequency, Copper, Alu- minum alloys, Brass, Copper alloys, Silver, Magnesium. 80 Identifiers: FORTRAN, Aluminum alloy 1 100. A Fortran computer plotting program has been developed to plot the attenuation of air-filled rectangular waveguide for the TE(10) mode, in the frequency range from about cutoff to three times cutoff. Plots are presented for military standard waveguides in the range 300 MHz to 50 GHz. The basic equations on which the pro- gram is based and a listing of the program are given. (Author) AD-746 215/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering TEM sub oo Mode Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities Master's thesis Glenn R. Doughty. Mar 72, 90p Rept no. GEP/PH/72-3 Descriptors: 'Lasers, Optical properties, Dif- fraction, Optical equipment components. Mir- rors, Gain, Integral equations. Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: Mode computer program. A method of analyzing the dominant TEM(oo) mode of complex laser cavities is presented. The basic theory required for this analysis is summarized and extended to apply to cavities containing relatively short elements. This ex- tension, accomplished by including third order expansion terms to describe short cavity ele- ments, is specialized to cavities containing one plane mirror, one spherical mirror, an intra- cavity aperture, and a laser rod exhibiting a non-uniform gain distribution. The integral equation obtained by applying this theory is solved by the method of successive approxima- tions. The computer program used to solve the integral equation for the TEM(oo) mode pat- tern, diffraction loss, and other cavity parame- ters is presented. (Author) AD-746 234/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Weapons Command Rock Island III Weapons Lab Development of a Finite Element Approach for Approximate Analysis of Unsteady Com- pressible Fluid Flow Technical rept. Paul E. Ehle, and Albert E. Rahe. Jun 72, 62p Rept no. SWERR-TR-72-36 Descriptors: 'Compressible flow. Numerical analysis, One-dimensional flow. Numerical methods and procedures, Mathematical models, Equations of motion, Approxima- tion(Mathematics), Computer programs. Identifiers: *Gas dynamics. Unsteady flow. Computer aided analysis. A finite element method is developed to ap- proximately analyze unsteady com pressible gas flow in one spatial dimension. Extension of this analysis to three dimensions is possible. The present method, as programmed for an IBM 360/65 computer, is suited for a variety of one- dimensional flow situations, except those characterized by extremely large rates of pres- sure change. The form of the equations is such that heat and mass sources, and sinks, fric- tional losses, cross-sectional area changes, and other quantities of engineering sig- nificance can readily be incorporated. The anal- ysis can serve as a mathematical model to ap- proximate some of the dynamic phenomena in gas flow. (Author) AD-746 449/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md Calculation of Magnus Forces on Axisymmet- ric Bodies at Small Angles of Attack with In- compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers Neal Tetervin. 21 Mar 72, 1 57p Rept no. NOLTR- 72-80 Descriptors: "Magnus force, Mathematical analysis, "Slender bodies, Flow fields, Bodies of revolution, Mathematical models. Angle of at- tack, Curve fitting, Partial differential equa- tions, Rotation, Turbulent boundary layer. Three-dimensional flow, Integral equations. In- tegration, Computer programs. The Magnus force is found by adding the boun- dary layer displacement surface to the body and then calculating the force on the resulting non- axisymmetric body. The displacement surface is calculated by the simultaneous integation of a differential equation for a streamline, two par- tial-differential boundary layer integral-mo- mentum equations with the boundary layer thickness and the tangent of the angle between the local direction of the surface friction and potential flow streamline as dependent varia- bles, and a partial differential equation for the displacement surface thickness. The method is applied to a half-ellipsoid of fineness ratio 5 at 4 degrees angle of attack. Slender-body theory is used to calculate the force. (Author) AD-746 462/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY SAM-CE: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Trans- port Equations Final rept. Martin O. Cohen, Walter Guber, Henry Lichtenstein, Herbert A. Steinberq, and Eugene S. Troubetzkoy. Nov 71 , 283p MR-7021 , DNA- 2830F Contract DASA01 -70-C-0083 Descriptors: 'Neutron transport theory, 'Computer programs, 'Gamma rays, Transport properties, Neutron cross sections, Gamma-ray cross sections, Subroutines, Monte Carlo method, Geometry, Combinatorial analysis. Identifiers: SAM-CE computer code, FORTRAN, Combinatorial geometry. Gamma ray transport theory. The SAM-CE system is a FORTRAN Monte Carlo computer code designed to solve the time-dependent neutron and gamma ray trans- port equations in complex three-dimensional geometries. SAM-CE is applicable for forward neutron calculations and for forward as well as adjoint primary gamma ray calculations. Time- dependent fluxes, and flux functionals such as dose, heating, count rates, etc., are calculated as function of energy, time and position. A spe- cial feature of SAM-CE is its use of the com- binatorial geometry technique which affords the user geometric capabilities exceeding those available with other commonly used geometric packages. All nuclear interaction cross section data (derived from the ENDF/B-2 library for neutrons and from the UNC-format library for gamma rays) are tabulated in point energy meshes. (Author) AD-746 484/CP PC E01/MF A01 Larock (Bruce E) Davis Calif Transverse Gravity Effects on a Fully Cavitat- ing Hydrofoil Running Below a Free Surface Final technical rept. Dec 71 -Jul 72 Bruce E. Larock. Jul 72, 73p Rept no. TR-7201 Contract N00014-72-C-0109 Descriptors: 'Hydrofoils, Fluid dynamic proper- ties, Cavitation, Lift, Drag, Wake, Gravity, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. Equations are presented which describe the fully cavitating flow of fluid past a flat plate hydrofoil running below a free surface. Trans- verse gravity field effects are included in the analysis. The equations are developed by the use of complex function theory and Tulin's double-spiral-vortex cavity model. Two FOR- TRAN 4 computer programs have been developed to evaluate the equations. Features and use of these programs are discussed, and program listings are presented in the appendix. (Author) AD-746 505/CP PC E01/MF A01 West Virginia Univ Morgantown Dept of Aerospace Engineering Calculation of the Lift on Airfoils with Separated Boundary Layers Nathan Ness, Edward H. Gibbs, and Wen-An Peter Tseng. May 72, 108p Rept no. TR-31 Contract N00014-68-A-0512 Report on Project Navy V/STOL Aerodynamics. Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic control surfaces, Lift, Boundary layer. Flow separation, Angle of attack. Mathematical models, Experimental data, Correlation techniques, Airfoils, Com- puter programs, Stalling, Reynolds number, Theses. The report contains a method for calculating the sectional lift coefficient CI as a function of its angle of attack alpha and free stream Reynolds number Re even at large angles of at- tack beyond the maximum CI. The results of the present theory are in agreement with all known experimental data, that is, (1) the theory shows that CI increases with alpha until stall and then decreases as alpha is increased still further (keeping Re constant), (2) the theory shows that the Reynolds number effect on CI versus alpha is insignificant at the lower angles of attack but becomes more pronounced near and beyond the stall where viscous effects and flow separa- tion are more important, (3) the theory shows that CI increases with Re at constant (high) values of alpha. (Author) AD-746 611/CP PC E01/MF A01 Washington State Univ Pullman Dept of Physics Equation of State of Solids Final rept. George E. Duvall, C. T. Tung, D. P. Dandekar, and D. J. Andrews. May 72, 1 77p WSU-SDL-71- 01, BRL-CR-67 Contract DA-04-200-AMC-1 702(X) See also AD-719 307. Descriptors: 'Solids, 'Equations of state, 'Phase studies, Equations of state, 'Iron, Equa- tions of state, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Thermodynamics, Diffusion. Heat transfer, Wave transmission. Shock waves. Thermal expansion. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. The report describes a program for computing equation of state parameters for a material which undergoes a phase transition, either rate-dependent or reversible. The FORTRAN program is described in detail and a sample cal- culation is made for iron. A modification is described which makes it possible to compute the rarefaction shock arising from a phase transition. This too is computed for iron with and without rate-dependence in the transition. Next, a FORTRAN program is described for deriving crystalline elastic constants from sonic measurements at high pressure; it is capable of obtaining explicit temperature dependence if measurements are made at three temperatures. It is applied to data from calcite. Finally a theoretical equation of state is described for solid iron. (Author) AD-747 041/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Data Analysis Programs for Reflectometer Diagnosis of Thin Boundary Layer Plasma Sheaths: User's Manual Technical rept. Apr 69-Sep 71 Logan R. Zintsmaster. Mar 72, 86p AFWL-TR- 70-90 81 Contract F29601 -69-C-0086 Descriptors: 'Atmosphere entry, *Plasma sheath, "Computer programs. Instruction manuals, Electromagnetic wave reflections. Mathematical models. Simulation, Antenna apertures. identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. Plasma diagnostics, Computer aided analysis, Computerized simulation. The user's manual describes the use and al- gorithms of the FORTRAN 4 programs written to analyze data from a thin boundary layer plasma experiment. The experiment consists of an onboard measurement at two or three frequencies of the aperture reflection coeffi- cient of a flush mounted rectangular aperture using a five probe reflectometer. The five probe voltages are used to calculate a reflection coef- ficient which is transformed through an in- homogeneous dielectric filled waveguide to the aperture. The measured aperture reflection coefficient is compared to aperture reflection coefficients calculated for an exponential model plasma and stored in a table to obtain a minimum mean square error fit. (Author) AD-747 077/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Calculation of Electron Energy Losses in Various Metals Master's thesis Joe Christopher M idgett. Jun 72, 54p Descriptors: 'Electron bombardment, Metals, Energy, Targets, Mathematical models. Com- puter programs, Thickness, Beryllium, Alu- minum, Copper, Tin, Gadolinium, Lead, Theses. Identifiers: Energy dissipation. A reformulation of the Blunck and Westphal theory of electron energy loss in metals was performed for the metals beryllium, aluminum, copper, tin, gadolinium, and lead. Comparison with previous theoretical calculations shows good agreement for the most probable energy loss and for the full widths at half maximum of the electron energy loss distributions The com- puter program designed for these calculations is given. It is an improvement over previous pro- grams in both computation time and simplicity. A semi-empirical formula for the most probable energy loss was calculated. This formula agrees, within a few percent, with the most probable energy loss calculated according to the Blunck and Westphal theory except in the case of thick (>3 gm/sq cm) absorbers of heacy elements. The full width at half maximum for the energy loss distribution is presented in graphical form as functions of target thickness and atomic number. (Author) AD-747 697/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Momentum and Heat Transfer for Flow inside Eccentric Annuli Technical rept., Feb-Jun 69 William J Moulds, and Norrnan R. Byers. Jul 72, 72p Rept no. AFWL-TR-72-106 Descriptors: 'Pipes, Fluid flow. Heat transfer, Equations of motion, Statistical distributions, Mathematical models. Laminar flow, Computer programs, Mathematical prediction, Experi- mental data. Identifiers: 'Eccentric annuli, 'Concentric an- nuli, Temperature fields. A unique solution is developed for determining the temperature distribution in the walls of three eccentric annuli. This solution also in- cludes the development of a velocity-profile equation for eccentric annuli using the Hagen- Poisuille theory to obtain Lamb's equation for laminar flows in straight, concentric annuli under isothermal conditions. The final derived equation for momentum transfer accounts for turbulence and nonisothermal conditions. A computer program has been written in Fortran. A comparison is made between the theoretical predictions and experimental data. (Author) AD-747 761/CP PC E01/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C Fluerics 32. An Analytical Model for the Response of Flueric Wall-Attachment Am- plifiers John M. Goto, and Tadeusz M. Drzewiecki. Jun 72, 67p Rept no. HDL-TR-1598 See also AD-735 704. Descriptors: 'Fluidics, 'Control jets, Jets, Deflection, Fluid amplifiers. Bubbles, Turbu- lence, Attachment, Experimental data, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Fluerics, Wall attachment. Wall at- tachment amplifiers, Fluidic amplifiers. A two-dimensional, incompressible model is examined for the response of lamina and turbu- lent attached jets to arbitrary control pressures applied to either or both control ports of a fluer- ic bistable amplifier. Effects of the nonlinear, lumped-parameter, inductive and resistive supply, control, vent, and output lines, and ef- fects of the wall opposite the attachment wall are considered. All geometric parameters such as wall angle and offset, vent location, line size, and nozzle width may be varied. Switching time data for seven different geometries and steady- state attachment-point data for both closed and open control ports, as well as the response of an actual amplifier compare favorable with analytical predictins. The response of a laminar jet to a ramp input pressure change is also given. The analytical results are in good agree- ment with experimental data. These results in- dicate that the analytical model is valid and that it can be used as a basis in designing future flueric amplifiers. (Author) AD-748 025/CP PC E01/MF A01 Maryland Univ College Park Computer Science Center The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Pro- grams for any Computer Having a Pidgin For- tran Compiler Technical rept. J. M. Stewart, G. J. Kruger, H. L. Ammon, C. Dickinson, and S. R. Hall. Jun 72, 283p* Rept no. TR-192 Grant NGL-21 -002-008 Sponsored in part by Advanced Research Pro- jects Agency. Descriptors: 'Crystal structure, X-ray diffraction analysis, *X-ray diffraction analysis, 'Computer programs, Programming(Computers), Instruc- tion manuals, Catalogs, Integral transforms, Least squares method. Crystallography. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, PIDGIN FORTRAN pro- gramming language. The report is a manual for the use of a library of Fortran crystallographic programs. This library, called the x-ray system, is designed to carry out the calculations required to solve the structure of crystals by diffraction techniques. It has been implemented at the University of Maryland on the univac 1108 under exec VIII. It has, however, been developed and run on a variety of machines under various operating systems. Hence the authors consider it to be an essen- tially machine independent library of applica- tions programs. The report includes definition of crystallographic computing terms, program descriptions, with some text to show their ap- plication to specific crystal problems, detailed card input descriptions, mass storage file struc- ture and some example run streams. No pro- grams are shown. They are supplied separately as ca. 60000 cards on a blocked tape ap- propriate to the machine on which they are to be compiled and run. (Author) AD-748 282/CP PC E01/MF A01 Martin Marietta Corp Baltimore Md Research Inst for Advanced Studies Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layers Annual status rept. 1 Jul 71-30 Jun 72 K. C. Wang. Aug 72, 16p AFOSR-TR-72-1684 Contract F44620-70-C-0085 See also Part 5, AD-732 919. Descriptors: 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Three- dimensional flow, 'Bodies of revolution, Pro- gramming(Computers), Mathematical models, Computer programs, Flow fields, Pattern recognition, Angle of attack, Skin friction. Identifiers: Velocity profiles, Spheroids. Research efforts were mainly directed to developing the computer program which will calculate genuine three-dimensional boundary layer, especially that over an inclined body of revolution. (Author) AD-748 293/CP PC E01/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions RESALE-2, C02, and INHALE George Emanuel, and W. Dallas Adams. 25 Aug 72, 77p TR-0073(3430)-4, SAMSO-TR-72-210 Contract F04701 -72-C-0073 Descriptors: 'Gas lasers, Chemical reactions, 'Programming(Computers), One-dimensional flow, Power, Molecular properties, Carbon dioxide. Quantum statistics, Irasers, Atomic spectroscopy. Identifiers: RESALE-2 computer program, 'Chemical lasers, "Carbon dioxide lasers, IN- HALE computer program. The report describes three alterations to the RESALE computer program. First, computer code RESALE-2 is described. This new code determines spectrally the radiative power from a gas into a detector or monochromator. The gas may have arbitrary optical thickness with either positive or negative gain, and the spec- tral lines may have a Voigt profile. Second, data and their sources are presented for the spectro- scopic and line broadening constants required for a RESALE-1 calculation of lasing power on the 10.6 micrometer band of C02. Finally, com- puter code INHALE is described. This new input routine greatly simplifies the use of the RESALE program. (Author) AD-748 342/CP PC E01/MF A01 New York Univ Bronx Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics A Model for the Analysis of Viscous Inviscid Interaction Effects on Blunt Bodies in Hyper- sonic Flight Technical rept. Andrew Srokowski, and Gabriel Miller. Jun 72, 92p Rept no. NYU-AA-72-10 Contract N00014-67-A-0467-0021 Descriptors: 'Blunt bodies, Superaerodynam- ics. Flow fields. Interactions, Computer pro- grams. Boundary layer, Shock waves, Equa- tions of motion. Viscosity, Atmosphere entry. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. Viscous flow. Boundary layer equations. A model for the study of viscous inviscid in- teractions is presented. The boundary layer equations are solved by means of an implicit finite difference scheme; the supersonic por- tion of the flow is calculated by characteristics including viscous terms, and the two sections of the flow matched. The possibility of a non- zero normal pressure gradient in the boundary layer is taken into account by the analysis. A shock point calculation which includes the ef- fects of viscosity behind the shock is presented. The method is applied to a two-dimensional blunt body in hypersonic flight, and the sig- nificance of the model for high curvature and low Reynolds number conditions is discussed. 82 A listing of the computer program which generated these results is included in the re- port. (Author) AD-748 465/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measure- ment System Technical rept. 1 Oct 70-1 Dec 71 David J. Johnson . May 72, 52p Rept no. AFWL- TR-72-40 Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, *X-ray spec- troscopy, *X rays, 'Photoelectric cells(Semiconductor), 'X-ray filters, Photoelec- tric cells(Semiconductor), Computer programs. Fluorescence, Acceptability, Detectors, Semiconductors. Identifiers: ROSSPIN computer program, 'Plasma diagnostics, XRADAT computer pro- gram. Computer codes were developed to determine X-ray filter/solid state detector response curves and to reduce filter-detector oscilloscope trace data obtained from pulsed plasma devices.' The first of these codes also generates theoretical X-ray spectra and calculates anticipated detec- tor outputs to aid in unfolding spectra. Eleven Ross filter pairs are also presented which, when used with silicon PIN detectors, give time resolved X-ray spectral information in the ener- gy range from 5 to 67 keV. (Author) AD-748 661/CP PC E01/MF A01 Vanderbilt Univ Nashville Tenn School of En- gineering Structural Effects on Electrical Properties in Amorphous Semiconductors Semiannual technical rept. no. 4, 1 Jan-30 Jun 72 D. L. Kinser, and L. K. Wilson. 30 Ju I 72, 247p Contract DAHC04-70-C-0046, ARP A Order-1 562 See also report dated 31 Jan 72, AD-737 916. Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, Electrical pro- perties. Arsenic compounds, Selenides, Tellu- rides, Iron oxides, Phosphorus compounds, Copper compounds. Vanadium compounds, Magnesium compounds, Oxides, Glass, Phosphates, Magnetic properties. Dielectric properties, Thermal properties, Phase studies, Mossbauer effect, Computer programs, Semiconducting films. Identifiers: 'Amorphous semiconductors, Amorphous materials, Magnetic semiconduc- tors, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. Work has continued on a survey of the struc- ture, electrical and magnetic properties of transition metal oxide-phosphate glasses and glasses in the As2Te3-As2Se3 system which possess electrical or magnetic device potential. Results of magnetic and electrical observations in several transition metal-phosphate glasses have revealed a high degree of magnetic and structural order. The pronounced influence of glass-galss phase separation and composi- tional segregation has also been noted. Ex- amination of a series of FeO-P205 glasses has revealed a glass forming range which extends to 80 mole % FeO. Low temperature suscepti- bility and Mossbauer spectroscopy results on these glasses are reported herein. Low tem- perature susceptibility of the manganese, vanadium and iron glasses indicate that these glasses are all amorphous antiferromagnetic systems with a distinctive downward curvature of the reciprocal susceptibility versus tempera- ture plot. Detailed studies of the As2Te3- As2Se3 system has shown switching behavior which can be controlled with compositional variation. The compositional variation of the microstructure is noted in micrographs in- cluded in the report. (Author) AD-748 828/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown Mass SPASTIC - A System for Programming An- gles, Scalar, and Timer by Internal Counting Technical rept. C. Richard Desper, and Thomas F. Quatieri. Jun 72, 36p Rept no. AMMRC-TR-72-1 7 Descriptors: *X-ray diffraction analysis, Auto- mation, Special purpose computers, Computer programs. Programming languages. Identifiers: PDP-8L computers, FOCAL pro- gramming language, Diffractometers, SPASTIC computer program, Automatic control. SPASTIC is a modification of the FOCAL in- terpreter designed to control a simple PDP-8L interface for X-ray diffraction experiments. Control operations are accessed through a set of FOCAL functions which control four stepping motors, an internal data-break scalar, a timer based on a crystal clock interrupt, and the X-ray shutter solenoid. Counting of motor pulses, timer pulses, and scalar pulses are all accomplished within the computer to minimize the interface hardware. The system is used to control an Advanced Metals Research low- angle X-ray diffractometer, using one motor for the 2 theta drive and a second for the attenuator wheel. Programs have been written for zeroing in on the primary beam and for step-scanning through 2 theta, taking data points at various 2 theta intervals. The use of FOCAL permits flexi- bility in the design of experiments by facilitating the programming and the debugging. (Author AD-748 991/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Numerical Calculation of Thermal Blooming of Pulsed, Focused Laser Beams Peter B. Ulrich. 30 Dec 71 , 21 p Rept no. NRL- 7382 Descriptors: 'Coherent radiation, Atmosphere models, 'Light transmission. Computer pro- grams, Mathematical models. Hydrodynamics, Light pulses. Propagation, Partial differential equations. Identifiers: 'Laser beams, Thermal blooming, Wave equations, PULSE computer program. The report summarizes the development of a computer program which solves the problem of propagation of pulsed, focused laser beams in a gas. The code includes the effects of the ab- sorbing medium by self-consistent inclusion of the detailed hydrodynamic processes. The re- port presents a description of the transforma- tions of the relevant equations, a description and stability analysis of the algorithms used, a summary of the checks on accuracy and inter- nal consistency both of the wave optics and the hydrodynamics, comparison with analytic theo- ries, and presentation of an example of results for a typical case of interest. (Author) AD-749 038/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Examination of the Cold Tip Theory of Whisker Growth Master's thesis Mark Daniel Hovermale. Jun 72, 1 1 0p Descriptors: 'Crystal growth, Whiskers(Crystals), Composite materials. Rein- forcing materials, Dislocations, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Thermal conduc- tivity, Iron, Copper, Theses. Identifiers: 'Whisker composites. A new consideration in the growth mechanism of whiskers is examined. The heat flow due to the shape of the crystal and the thermodynam- ics of the growth reaction is believed to be an important factor in the unidirectional growth observed in whiskers. A computer program was formulated to model the heat flow as well as a method to calculate the time necessary for the temperature changes to occur. It was found that there is substantial reason to believe the whisker tip is significantly cooler than the sides. This phenomenon is referred to as the cold tip mechanism which provides a preferential growth site for reaction at the tip. (Author) AD-749 285/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Research Foundation Colum- bus A Study of Charged Particle Motion in a Free Vortex Flowfield Interim technical rept. R A. Cudnick, and H. R. Velkoff. Jul 72. 135p TR-12, AROD-4942:17-E Contract DA-31-124-ARO(D)-246 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Charged particles. Particle trajec- tories, 'Particle trajectories, Electrostatic fields, 'Atmospheric motion, Charged particles. Flow fields. Tornadoes, Dust storms. Vortices, Gas ionization, Magnetohydrodynamics, Differential equations. Computer programs, Graphics, Theses. Identifiers: Gas dynamics, Dust devils. A study was made of charged particle motion in a free-vortex flow field to determine the parameters affecting particle motion and to determine the extent to which applied electric fields can influence the particle motion. Four different cases were investigated. These in- cluded first, the analysis of the motion of an uncharged particle in a free-vortex; second, analysis of the motion of a charged particle in a viscous medium under the influence of an ap- plied electrostatic field; third, analysis of charged particle motion in a free-vortex under the influence of the applied electrostatic field, assuming the particle is first positively and then negatively charged; and fourth, analysis of the motion of two charged particles in a free-vor- tex, accounting for field effects due to particle charge. (Author) AD-749 332/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md CCAMIN, a Computer Program for Fitting Time of Arrival and Shock Peak Overpressure Datain a Gas Edgar A. Cohen, Jr. 4 Aug 72, 48 Rept no. NOLTR-72-169 Descriptors: "Hydrodynamics, Shock waves. 'Shock waves, Numerical analysis, Computer programs, Pressure, Mach number, Propaga- tion, Least squares method. Identifiers: CCAMIN computer program, FOR- TRAN, Overpressure, Computer aided analysis. CCAMIN is a Fortran package designed to fit time of arrival and shock peak overpressure versus slant range in a gas. The program allows one the option of either fitting both sets of data simultaneously or separately, and it allows for arbitrary nonlinear or linear regression forms. A listing of the program and sample cases as run on NC's CDC 6400 are included. (Author) AD-749 582/CP PC E01/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Sun- nyvale, Calif Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Temperature Sensitive Paints Final rept. May 7 1 -Mar 72 Howard D. Schultz. Jun 72, 106p AFFDL-TR-72- 52 Contract F33615-71-C-1635 Descriptors'. 'Aerodynamic heating. Measure- ment, Temperature, Computer programs, Wind tunnel models, Heat transfer, Shock waves, Boundary layer, Flow fields, Reentry vehicles. Identifiers: Temperature measurement, Tem- perature sensitive coatings. Data reduction. 83 FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. The report presents the results of a study which consisted to two principal phases: An analytical investigation to extend the validity of the tem- perature-sensitive coating technique for aerodynamic heating measurement to areas in which known theories do not apply; and A com- bined analytical and experimental study to develop methods of predicting areas of high thermal gradients in an interfering flow field. Two data reduction computer programs were developed to treat the general two-dimensional case of a finite-slab convectively heated on one or both sides. These programs provide an in- verse solution to the two-dimensional transient heat conduction equation with surface heating gradients and variable thermal properties. A three-dimensional shock interference wind tun- nel model was designed fabricated and tested. By use of the temperature-sensitive coating technique, heating distributions in the interac- tion region have been identified in greater detail than is possible by use of thermocouple- instrumented models. AD-749 709/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Academy Annapolis Md Time Dependent Shear Stress Beneath a Shoaling Wave Research rept. John Fisher. 19 May 72, 102p Rept no. USNA- TSPR-26 Report on A Trident Scholar Project. Descriptors: "Ocean waves, Beaches, Hydraulic models. Experimental design, Test equipment. Sensors, Shear stresses, Velocity, Computer programs. Identifiers: Trident Scholar project. The celerity of a shoaling wave was measured and plotted as a function of the parameter d/L(o) and compared to linear wave theory. A noticeably higher celerity was measured in the free stream than was measured by hot film shear sensors in the boundary layer. Hot film shear sensors were also used to determine the phase relationship between shear stress and free stream particle velocity. Data results in- dicate that the maximum shear stress in an oscillatory flow field leads the maximum parti- cle velocity by approximately 30 degrees - 35 degrees and that this has increased with distance from the bottom. The phase difference was also found to be dependent upon the length of the incident wave. (Author) AD-749 854/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Rocket Propulsion Lab Edwards AFB Calif Holography as Applied to Jet Breakup and an Analytical Method for Reducing Holographic Droplet Data Final rept. Dec 69-May 72 Daweel J. George, and Frank W. Spaid. Sep 72, 277p Rept no. AFRPL-TR-72-72 Descriptors: 'Supersonic flow, Flow visualiza- tion, 'Flow visualization, Stereoscopic photog- raphy, Flow fields, Drops, Distribution func- tions, Wind tunnels. Computer programs. Identifiers: "Holography, Holographic informa- tion storage The use of holography in studying certain fluid mechanics problems was investigated. This ef- fort specifically examined the application of holography to: (1 ) high speed (supersonic) flow fields by injecting different liquid jets perpen- dicularly into a Mach 3 gas stream to observe how jet breakup occurs, and (2) the atomization characteristics (droplet size and spatial dis- tribution) of a liquid jet injected into quiescent, atmospheric air. The holograms were recorded in the off-axis, Fresnel, transmission arrange- ment The analytical method for processing three-dimensional droplet data consisted of a system of computer programs which operated on the droplet size and spatial coordinates to determine size, mass, number and spatial dis- tribution. Two methods for retrieving holo- graphic data were devised. (Author) AD-749 962/CP PC E01/MF A01 Procedyne Corp New Brunswick N J The Deterministic Evaluation of Ship Motion Impulse Response Functions Final rept. Jun 71-Mar 72 Richard J. Wheeler, Robert Staffin, and Ronald J. Juels. 20 Mar 72, 51 p Rept no. TR-1 1 1 3-1 Contract N00014-71-C-0398 Descriptors: "Ships, "Hydrodynamics, Ocean waves, Computer programs, Integral trans- forms. Motion, Fourier analysis. Series, Polynomials. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, Fourier transformation, Impulse response functions, Fourier series, "Ship motion, Jacobi functions. An investigation of the applicability of the Jacobi Function orthogonal polynomial representation of the impulse response func- tion for the determination of ship motion from towing tank tests with irregular waves has been initiated. An analysis of the inverse Fourier transformability of the frequency domain gain and phase information obtained in lieu of time domain impulse response function is given with observations of areas of fallibility and recom- mendations on circumventive methods. AD-749 980/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY Modification of the SAM-CE System to SAM- CE Revision A Final rept. Henry Lichtenstein, Eugene S. Troubetzkoy, and Mendel Beer. Aug 72, 29p MR-7030, DNA- 2958F Contract DASA01-70-C-0083 Descriptors: "Nuclear radiation, Transport pro- perties, "Neutron transport theory, "Computer programs, "Gamma rays, Transport properties. Differential cross section, Dose rate. Shielding, Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: SAM-CE computer code, FORTRAN, Gamma ray transport theory. The most recent coding developments, which constitute Revision A of the SAM-CE Transport Code System, are summarized. Several exer- cises, which have been performed to demon- strate the production status of the SAM-CE system, are discussed. A machine independent post-processor, BCDEAN, which effects machine independence for a SAM-X generated EDT, and consequently the SAM-CE system, is described. The physics, mathematics, and cod- ing details, including operating instructions, for the SAM-CE system are extensively described in the SAM-CE code manual, which comple- ments the report. (Author) AD-750 038/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Two-Phase Nozzle Flow (Gas-Solid) Masters thesis Benjamin B. Frederick. Jun 72, 83p Rept no. GA/ME/72-5 Descriptors: "Rocket motor nozzles, "Nozzle gas flow, Convection(Heat transfer). Alumina, Mathematical models. Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. Equilibri- um theory, Aluminized propellants. A numerical method, requiring the use of a computer, is developed to determine mass flow rates in two-phase (gas-solid) rocket nozzle flow. In addition to the conservation equations of total mass, momentum, and energy, a parti- cle energy equation and equation of motion are included in the analysis. The selection of ap- propriate particle drag coefficients and convec- tive heat transfer coefficients is a primary con- sideration in the successful utilization of the method. (Author) AD-750 247/CP PC E01/MF A01 Tennessee Univ Knoxville Ultrasonics Lab Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in the Critical Temperature Region of Beta, Beta'- Dichloroethyl Ether + Hexane Technical rept. Elizabeth C. Miller. Aug 72, 83p Rept no. TR-10 Contract N0001 4-71 -A-01 21 -0001 Descriptors: "Hydrocarbons, Ultrasonic proper- ties, Solutions, Ethyl ethers, Halogenated hydrocarbons. Chlorine compounds, Computer programs. Temperature, Mixtures, Viscosity, Attenuation, Theses. Identifiers: Ultrasonic attenuation, Ether/dichloroethyl, Critical temperature. Chlorine aliphatic compounds, FORTRAN. Ultrasonic attenuation and velocity measure- ments in the critical temerpature region of the binary liquid system beta, beta'-dichloroethyl either + hexane are presented. This system has an upper critical solution temperature at 12.7C. Measurements were taken at frequencies between 1 and 9 MHz. The dependence of both attenuation and velocity on temperature and on frequency was investigated. The temperature dependence of the attenuation compares favorably with the theory of Fixman. However, the frequency dependence of the attenuation cannot be fit by a function that is a single power of frequency. A velocity dispersion is observed. (Author) AD-750 249/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Training Equipment Center Orlando Fla First- and Third-Order Lens Analysis by Pro- grammable Desk Calculator Summary technical rept. Apr 69-Mar 72 Gottfried R. Rosendahl. Aug 72, 151 p Rept no. NAVTRAEQUIPCEN-IH-208 Descriptors: "Lenses, Design, "Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Optical properties, Numerical analy- sis. Identifiers: Gauss/Seidel computer program, WANG 720 calculators, Ray tracing. Computer aided design. An optical program, 'Gauss/Seidel', has been written for a Programmable Desk Calculator and Output Typewriter with as complete a first- and third-order analysis of centered optical systems (including conic surfaces) as desirable and reasonably possible. Its purpose is: to prepare inputs for a complex lens design com- puter program, to evaluate outputs of such pro- gram to obtain a new and better input for the next computer run; both in a case a time-shar- ing computer is not available, and to analyse a systems approach or results obtained from another source in a case a complex program is not available. The general principles, on which this program is based, and all necessary details are explained. Instructions for the use of the program, several sample cases, and the pro- gram listings are included. (Author) AD-750 601 /CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown Mass PTDS2, a Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensi- ties of Powder Pattern Reflections Technical rept. Christopher B. Walker, and David R. Chipman. Jul 72, 21 p Rept no. AMMRC-TR-72-27 84 Descriptors: 'Diffraction analysis, 'Computer programs. Crystal structure, X-ray diffraction analysis, Phonons, Anisotropy, Instruction manuals, Corrections. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, PTDS2 computer program, Thermal diffuse scattering, UNIVAC 1108 com- puters, CDC 6400 computers. The report describes a FORTRAN computer program to calculate the correction for one- phonon thermal diffuse scattering included in the measured integrated intensity of a powder pattern reflection from a monatomic cubic material. The method improves on previous ap- proaches by employing a correct description of the frequencies and polarization vectors of the important long-wavelength phonons for materi- als of arbitrary elastic anisotropy. Detailed in- structions are given for using the program, together with a complete listing. (Author) AD-750 602/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown Mass PTDS3, a Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensi- ties of Powder Pattern Reflections Christopher B. Walker, and David R. Chipman. Jul 72, 15p Rept no. AMMRC-TR-72-28 Descriptors: 'Diffraction analysis, 'Computer programs. Crystal structure, X-ray diffraction analysis, Phonons, Instruction manuals, Cor- rections. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, PTDS3 computer program, Thermal diffuse scattering, CDC 6400 compu- ters. The report describes a FORTRAN computer program to calculate the correction for one- phonon thermal diffuse scattering included in the measured integrated intensity of a powder pattern reflection from a monatomic cubic material. The method, based on a modified Warren model, requires very little computation time and gives reasonably accurate results under most conditions even for very anisotropic materials. Detailed instructions are given for using the programs, together with a complete listing. (Author) AD-750 758/CP PC E01/MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Optical Sciences Center Application of Aspherics for Weight Reduc- tion in Selected Catadioptric Lenses Technical rept. Richard A. Buchroeder. Jul 71 , 54p Rept no. TR- 69 Contract N00039-69-C-0554 Descriptors: 'Aspherical lenses, Design, Telescopes, Night vision, Patents, Tolerances(Mechanics), Optical properties, Computer programs, Specifications. Identifiers: Cassegrain telescopes, Catadioptric systems, Low light level viewing. The history of modern wide-field, high-speed catadioptric lenses is reviewed. One system comprising only spherical curves and represen- tative of the current art for low-light-level systems is evaluated and used as a baseline design in a weight-reduction study. Five aspheric designs are computed and evaluated. It is found that the use of aspherics will permit weight reduction only in certain instances, i.e., if one element of an all-spherical design can be eliminated or if a fundamentally different con- figuration that is possible only with aspherics is substituted for the all-spherical configuration. Of these possibilities, the elimination of an ele- ment is the best replacement for the baseline design. The case of a highly constrained, purely refractive triplet is studied in some detail. Four designs are computed-from the all-spherical case to the most complex polynomial aspheric. (Author) AD-751 607/CP PC E01/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume I Final rept. 1 5 Oct 70-1 5 Oct 71 Howard D. Cohen, and Robert C. Vik. Oct 72, 1 21 p 3SCR-859-1 , DNA-2794F-1 Contract DASA01-70-C-0030 See also Volume 2, AD-751 608 and report dated Apr 71 , AD-722 709. Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, Equations of state, 'Programming(Computers), Equations of state, 'Nuclear explosions, Gas ionization, En- tropy, Ionization potentials, Atomic orbitals. Partial differential equations, Statistical mechanics. Curve fitting, Graphics, X rays. Electrons, Atoms, Interactions. Identifiers: CAPO computer program. Atom electron interactions, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 5 programming language, Univac 1108 compu- ters. The report discusses the changes that have been made in CAPO since the previous report (AD-722 709). CAPO is a program that calcu- lates the equation-of-state, thermodynamic functions, and opacities of plasmas. In addition reports of the following papers are included: Statistical Model of Incoherent X-ray Scatter- ing, on the Compensation Between the Bound State and Continuum Contribution to the Parti- tion Function, and A Continuum Approximate Treatment of Ionization Potential Lowering. (Author) AD-751 608/CP PC E01/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif A Study of Equations of State-Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume 2. Appendix D - Seg- mentation of CAPO. Appendix E - Listing of CAPO Final rept. 1 5 Oct 70-1 5 Oct 71 Howard D. Cohen, and Robert C. Vik. Oct 72, 1 51 p 3SCR-859-2, DNA-2794F-2 Contract DASA01-70-C-0030 See also AD-751 607. Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, Equations of state, 'Computer programs. Equations of state, 'Nuclear explosions. Gas ionization, Entropy, Ionization potentials. Atomic orbitals, Partial differential equations, Statistical mechanics. Curve fitting, Graphics, X rays, Electrons, Atoms, Interactions. Identifiers: CAPO computer program, FOR- TRAN 5 programming language, FORTRAN, Univac 1108 computers. Atom electron interac- tions. The report contains a listing of the CAPO pro- gram, which calculates equations-of-state, thermodynamic functions, and opacities of plasmas. This code is written in UNIVAC 1108 FORTRAN 5 and does not contain the relativistic subroutines. (Author) AD-751 617/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Trans- port Equations. Revision A Final rept. Martin O. Cohen, Walter Guber, Henry Lichtenstein, Herbert A. Steinberg, and Eugene S. Troubetzkoy.Jul72, 182p MR-7021-Rev-A, DNA-2830F-Rev-A Contract DASA01-70-C-0083 See also report dated Nov 71 , AD-746 462. Descriptors: 'Neutron transport theory, 'Programming(Computers), 'Gamma rays. Transport properties, Neutron cross sections, Gamma-ray cross sections, Geometry, Com- binatorial analysis, Monte Carlo method. Shielding, Subroutines, Input-output devices, Data processing systems. Numerical analysis. Identifiers: SAM-CE computer code, FORTRAN, Combinatorial geometry, 'Gamma ray transport theory. The SAM-CE system is a FORTRAN Monte Carlo computer code designed to solve the time-dependent neutron and gamma ray trans- port equations in complex three-dimensional geometries. SAM-CE is applicable for forward neturon calculations and for forward as well as adjoint primary gamma ray calculations. In ad- dition, SAM-CE is applicable for the gamma ray stage of the coupled neutron-secondary gamma ray problem, which also may be solved in either the forward or the adjoint mode. (Author) AD-751 634/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The HN3 + C02 Laser: an Analytical and Ex- perimental Investigation Master's thesis Francis Kenneth Helmsin. Mar 72, 78p Descriptors: 'Gas lasers, Chemical reactions, 'Irasers, Azides, Photolysis, Hydrogen com- pounds, Acids, Carbon dioxide. Reaction kinetics, Computer programs. Experimental design. Gain, Theses. Identifiers: 'Chemical lasers, 'Hydrazoic acid. A detailed description of the reaction mechanisms involved in the HN3 + C02 laser is presented. The explosive decomposition of HN3 and the resulting laser gain have been analytically modeled to gain an insight into the potential of the laser. In addition, an experi- mental investigation has been conducted in order to determine the existence of laser action and applicability of the model. AD-751 785/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Research Foundation Colum- bus A Study of Ion Trajectories in Potential Flows Interim technical rept. no. 1 1 Michael R. Deluca, and Henry R. Velkoff . Jul 72, 108pAROD-4942:19-E Contract DA-31-124-ARO(D)-246 Descriptors: 'Ions, Particle trajectories, 'Particle trajectories, Potential theory, Electri- cal corona, Electric fields, Electrodes, Gas ionization, Reynolds number, Equations of mo- tion, Partial differential equations, Graphics, Curve fitting, Computer programs. Numerical analysis, Integration, Field theory. Compressi- ble flow, Space charges. Cylindrical bodies, Ionic current. Theses. An analytical investigation of the motion of ions in a fluid was conducted to provide insight in the use of ions as a fluid flow diagnostic tool. Assuming small space charge density, potential fields and flows were considered. The specific cases studied were fine corona wire to a circu- lar cylinder. Both steady and nonsteady flows were considered, and the trajectories of the ions leaving the corona wire were mapped. (Author) AD-752 026/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md PEDAS: A 2-Dimensional Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Code for Photon-Energy Deposi- tion and Air Stripping Richard A. Lorenz. 14 Sep 72, 112p Rept no. NOLTR-72-218 Descriptors: "Gas ionization, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Nuclear explosions, Gas ionization, Monte Carlo method, Scattering, Differential cross section. Atomic energy levels. Identifiers: Electromagnetic scattering, FOR- TRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6400 computers, 'Electron stripping, PEDAS computer code. Assembly languages. 85 The PEDAS program is an axially-symmetric 2- dimensional Monte Carlo computer code which calculates the close-in time-dependent energy deposition and ionization due to the primary and scattered x-rays from one or more point sources in an exponential atmosphere. The ar- bitrary spectrum emitted by each source is specified individually and can be time depen- dent. A feature of the code allows a certain number of photons to be propagated simul- taneously in order to approximate better the ac- tual time relationship between scattered and unscattered photons. The code is described and the results of several sample calculations are discussed. A listing of the program is given. (Author) AD-752 066/CP PC E01/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif MRVERA the Multiregion VERA Code Topical rept. L. E. Bailey, S. Peyton, and M. C. Friedman. Mar 72,49pSSS-R-72-1115, DNA-2951T Contract DNA001 -72-C-0016 Descriptors: 'Thermal radiation. Transport pro- perties, 'Programming(Computers), Thermal radiation, Hydrodynamics, Boundary value problems, Transformations(Mathematics), Nu- merical analysis. Identifiers: Radiative transfer, VERA computer code, MRVERA computer code. A multiregion VERA code, MRVERA has been developed to solve radiation-hydrodynamic problems in complex geometries as a combina- tion of independent one-dimensional planar, cylindrical, and spherical problems. Radiation and hydrodynamics in the individual regions are calculated with VERA. The subject matter is the mathematical and physical analysis and not the coding. The multiregion is the model as- sumes that the energy coupling between re- gions occurs principally as radiation through the void between the regions. This radiation transport is calculated using relativistic view factors to relate fluxes between regions moving in different directions. For radiation making multiple traversals through the void, the relativistic corrections are necessary to con- serve energy. (Author) AD-752 301 /CP MF A01 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge Mass Study of Impulsive Sound Generated by Rotor Tips Accelerating Near the Sonic Speed Final rept. 25 Jun 69-24 Jun 71 Richard H. Lyon. 1 Nov 72, 22p AROD-8705:2-E Contract DAHC04-69-C-0085 Supersedes report dated 30 Jun 72, AD-746 287. Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: "Helicopter rotors, 'Propeller noise, Sound generators. Transonic flow. Per- turbation theory. Power spectra, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. The principal results obtained are summarized as follows: Compressibility effects at the rotor tip during high speed forward flight are an im- portant noise source. An acoustical model ap- pears to give resonable predictions of observed sound levels and directionality. Thickness radiation generally dominates lift radiation. By modifying the tip planform, section, and chord, sound level reductions can be achieved of the order of 10 dB or more. The thickness distribu- tions as derived appear sufficiently smooth so that they should be aerodynamically well behaved. (Author) AD-752 561/CP PC E01/MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Bureau of En- gineering Research A Radiation Effects Research Program Annual rept. 1 Sep 71-31 Aug 72 W. W. Grannemann, R. C. Allen, Jr, L. T. Boatwright, W. J. Byatt, and G. M. Wing. Sep 72, 144p Rept no. EE-199(72)ONR-005 Contract N00014-68-A-0158 Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, Radiation damage, 'Semiconductor devices, Radiation damage. Band theory of solids, Atomic energy levels, Silicon, Transport properties, Phonons, Wave functions, Transistors, Gallium arsenides, Phosphides, Dielectrics, Capacitors, Indium an- timonides, Tellurium, Manufacturing methods, Electron bombardment, Ion bombardment, Titanium compounds. Dioxides, Semiconduct- ing films. Computer programs. Identifiers: Gallium phosphides, Light emitting diodes. Ion implantation, Thin films, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, Invariant imbedding, Augmented plane wave method, Muffin tin potentials. Contents: Invariant imbedding applied to the solution of transport problems with internal sources - The ill-behaved reflection function case; Energy levels and density of states in three- dimensional crystals; Band structure of silicon by the APW method; Wave functions in semiconductors; Thermal oxidation of gallium arsenide phosphide; Radiation effects on GaAsP MIS capacitors; Open-tube Zn-diffused GaAs(1 -x)P(x) light- emitting diodes; A study of GaAs(1 /2)P(1 /2) MIS capacitors fabricated by using electron-beam- evaporated aluminum oxide; Electron and neutron radiation effects on electron-beam evaporated high-mobility thin films of indium antimonide; Fabrication of p-type tellurium thin-film transistors using photoengraving and anodized AI203 techniques; Pulsed electron beam bombardment of semiconductor materials; Metal-insulator-semiconductor structures created by ion implantation; Metal-Ti02-silicon structures; Hybrid radiation-hardened line-driver amplifier; Radiation testing accessories designed for use during electron-beam tree experiments. AD-753 191/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY Design of a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code for the ILLIAC IV Final rept. Herbert A. Steinberg, Eugene S. Troubetzkoy, and Malvin H. Kalos. Sep 72, 61 p MR-7031 , DNA-2972F Contract DNA001-72-C-0057 Descriptors: 'Nuclear radiation, Transport pro- perties, 'Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Neutron transport theory, Gamma rays, Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: ILLIAC 4 computer. Parallel proces- sors, SAM-CE computer code. The SAM-CE Monte Carlo radiation penetration code has been completely redesigned for effi- cient operation on the ILLIAC IV computer. Parallelization has been achieved by queuing up calculations of similar nature. (Author) AD-753 197/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Radar/Radio Tropospheric Absorption and Noise Temperature Final rept. Lamont V Blake. 30 Oct 72, 84p Rept no. NRL- 7461 Descriptors: 'Radio waves, Absorption, Tropo- sphere, Oxygen, Water vapor, Computer pro- grams, Microwaves, Attenuation. Identifiers: Noise temperature, Tropospheric propagation, FORTRAN. Fortran digital-computer routines to calculate absorption loss for radiowave propagation in the troposphere have been developed, and machine plots of radar attenuation as a func- tion of range have been made for a standard at- mosphere, over the frequency range 100 MHz to 100 GHz. The tropospheric noise temperature has also been calculated and plotted. This work is an updating of earlier calculations that were less accurate, especially in the frequency range above 10 GHz. Separate curves for the oxygen and water-vapor components of the absorption loss are provided in addition to the curves for total loss; this allows the loss for values of water-vapor density other than the standard 7.5 g/cu m to be found, by applying a simple mul- tiplicative factor. The computer routines, listed at the end of the report, have also been used as part of a computer program to calculate the maximum range of a radar system. (Author) AD-753 466/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Weapons Lab Dahlgren Va Microwave Properties of Germanium and Sil- icon Windows Technical rept. Robert W. Lothrop. Sep 72, 73p* Rept no. NWL- TR-2815 Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, "Infrared win- dows, 'Germanium, Microwaves, 'Silicon, Microwaves, Radiofrequency filters. Absorption spectrum, Doping, Refractive index, Microwave frequency, Attenuation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Semiconductor doping. Theoretical Analysis and on-the-bench tests were performed to determine the required dop- ing levels for germanium and silicon to produce infrared windows with large attentuations to microwave energy in the 1 to 10 GHz range. An optimum doping level was determined where infrared signals were attenuated by only 3% above that for a higher purity sample, while microwave signals were attenuated by over 100 dB with over 60% of this attenuation resulting from reflections on the window surface and not absorption within the doped window. Results, conclusions and potentialites are discussed. (Author) AD-753 696/CP PC A10/MF A01 Northrop Corp Hawthorne Calif Aircraft Div The Calculation of Three-Dimensional Super- sonic Flows around Spherically-Capped Smooth Bodies and Wings. Volume II. Manual for Computer Programs Final rept. 1 Dec 71-3 Jul 72 Chong-Wei Chu, and Sidney A. Powers. Sep 72, 205p NOR-72-87-Vol-2, AFFDL-TR-72-91-Vol-2 Contract F33615-72-C-1429 See also Volume 1 , AD-753 695. Descriptors: 'Airframes, 'Supersonic charac- teristics, 'Computer programs, Aerodynamics, Numerical analysis, Conical bodies. Delta wings. Instruction manuals. Blunt bodies, Hypersonic characteristics, Angle of attack, Three-dimensional flow. Subroutines. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, Inviscid flow, Smooth bodies, Spherically capped bodies. The report describes the theories, the numeri- cal methods and the computer programs developed for determining the inviscid three- dimensional flow about smooth shapes at su- personic speeds. Volume II is a user's manual for the computer programs and provides the detailed information needed to set up and use the programs. These programs can determine the supersonic flow past smooth blunted 86 bodies for any angle of attack for which the ini- tial value surface remains on the blunted nose. The lowest usable Mach number is on the order of 2.0, with lower values attainable by careful attention to the initial value surface solution. There is no computational upper limit on the Mach number. (Author) AD-753 920/CP PC E04/MF E02 Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown Mass Computer Programs for Reduction of X-Ray Diffraction Data for Oriented Polycrystalline Specimens Technical rept. C. Richard Desper. Nov 72, 65p AMMRC-TR-72- 34, CPG-73-0028 Descriptors: *X-ray diffraction analysis, *Programming(Computers), "Crystal structure, X-ray diffraction analysis, Intensity, Control sequences, Curve fitting, Scattering, Absorp- tion, Polarization. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, CDC 6400 computers, UNIVAC 1106 computers, UNIVAC 1108 compu- ters, PDP-8 computers. A set of programs have been written to process data on oriented polycrystalline samples, he programs are written in Fortran IV for the CDC 6400 computer, and modifications for running on the UNIVAC 1 106 or 1 108 are available. The programs are divided into three parts: RADLSC, which processes radial (2 theta) scan data; UNAXSC, which processes uniaxial orientation data; and BIAXSC, which processes biaxial orientation data. Data correnctions include background, Compton scattering, absorption, polarization, and balanced filter corrections. The processed data may be plotted on a Cal- comp plotter, or, in some instances, directly on a line printer. A subroutine is available for fitting as amy as eight overlapping Gauss or Cauchy function peaks to a set of radial or uniaxial can data. Similarly, orientation mea- surements may be corrected for overlap of dif- ferent diffraction peaks. THE PROGRAMS ALSO WILL CALCULATE VARIOUS MOMENTS OF THE INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION FOR ORIENTED SAMPLES TO AID IN INVERSION OF POLE FIGURES. In addition, partial pole figures obtained in reflection and transmission may be merged. The programs are written to accept data generated by a specific set of PDP-8 pro- grams used with the Picker FACS-1 automated system. Input statements have been isolated, however, to facilitate changes in the input data format. (Author) AD-754 005/CP PC E01/MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio Instability Regions for Density-Gradient- Driven Oscillations in Fully Ionized Mag- netoplasmas Technical rept. Walter Friz, Richard Franklin, and Gerhard Mueller. Nov 72, 44p Rept no. ARL-72-0153 Descriptors: "Plasma oscillations, Stability, Electron density, Ions, Complex numbers. Al- gebra, Numerical analysis, Polynomials, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Q machines, Nuclear fusion. Plasma diagnostics, IONWAVE computer program. Results of numerical calculations on the behavior of the low frequency density-gradient- driven drift instability in the collision dominated regime are presented. Real and imaginary parts of the instability frequency are given as a func- tion of the plasma parameters essential for this instability. The calculations are based on a dispersion relation derived from fluid equations applicable to the plasma slab geometry. (Author) AD-754 033/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio Univ Athens Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Propagation Characteristics of VLF Waves Below a Stratified and Generally Anisotropic Ionosphere Research and development technical rept. David W. Pidwell. Oct 72, 87p* EER-16-9, ECOM-0084-S-7 Contract DAAB07-68-C-0084 Descriptors: "Radio transmission, Atmosphere models, "Ionospheric propagation. Very low frequency, Radio waves, Attenuation, Electron density. Matrix algebra, Computer programs. The research constitutes one method of formu- lation for the calculation of very low frequency radio wave propagation characteristics of the earth-ionosphere waveguide. It involves a brief consideration of some general properties of the ionosphere which influence the propagation of VLF (very low frequencies) waves. In the analy- sis, the waveguide is the area formed by the earth and the lower conducting region of the ionosphere. The propagation characteristics are obtained from the solution of a modal equa- tion which is formulated directly in terms of the reflection coefficients of both the ionosphere and earth. The coupled vacuum mode theory of Poeverlein is extended to include the earth's curvature effects by assuming the ionosphere as a cylindrical stratified medium. The modal equation is solved by an iterative procedure and propagation characteristics are obtained for a variety of ionospheric conditions for different directions of propagation. A comparison of the numerical results is made with different formu- lations in the literature. (Author) AD-754 371/CP PC E01/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Silver Spring Md Applied Physics Lab The Propagation of Sound in the Deep Ocean: A Wave Formulation Technical memo. N.C. Nicholas. Sep 71, 139pRept no. APL-TG- 1152 Contract N0001 7-62-C-0604 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Wave func- tions. Deep water. Acoustic properties, Focus- ing, Propagation, Velocity, Perturbation theory, Computer programs. Identifiers: Sofar, Wave equations, Acoustic velocity. Sound propagation in the deep ocean is not adequately described by the high frequency ray acoustics approximation, and existing wave formulations are limited. A wave solution (valid at low frequencies) is formulated for an ideal- ized representation of the sound speed profile in the deep sound channel. Perturbation theory is applied to the ideal case to form solutions for sound speed profiles found in the ocean. Ex- tensive calculations are made to detail the ideal solutions and to show the validity of the per- turbed solutions for some realistic sound speed profiles. (Author) AD-754 429/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md The XYZ Potential Flow Program Charles W. Dawson, and Janet S. Dean. Jun 72, 69p Rept no. NSRDC-3892 Descriptors: "Fluid flow, "Programming(Computers), Partial differential equations, Iterative methods, Spheres, Integral equations, Incompressible flow, Potential theory. Identifiers: XYZ computer program, FORTRAN, CDC 6400 computers, CDC 6700 computers, IBM 360/91 computers. The XYZ Potential Flow Program is a FORTRAN program which computes approximate solu- tions to problems of flow about three-dimen- sional bodies of arbitrary shape. The surface of the body is approximated by a set of plane quadrilaterals. The solution is constructed in terms of a source density on the surface of the body. The integral equation for the source den- sity is approximated by a matrix equation on the assumption that the source density is constant in each quadrilateral. The matrix equation is solved by an iteration procedure. A problem with 500 quadrilaterals requires about 15 minutes of computer time when run with CDC 6400 processor. A detailed discussion of the preparation of the input and a sample problem are included. Additional routines which com- pute streamlines on or off the body are described. (Author) AD-754 634/CP PC E01/MF A01 Texas Univ El Paso The Theoretical Investigation of Wind Gradient Effects on Atmospheric Shadow Zones Technical rept. 2 Aug 71-30 Sep 72 Jesus Roberto Armijo Tamez, and Jose Javier Ramirez. Sep 72, 41p ECOM-0016 Contract DAAD07-72-C-0016 Descriptors: "Sound transmission, Atmospheric motion. Wind, Equations of motion, Partial dif- ferential equations, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Graphics, Curve fitting. Identifiers: Ray tracing, Shadow zone, Fourier transformation. Acoustic waves. A mathematical model is developed in the re- port for determining the square of the absolute value of the acoustic pressure within a shadow zone of the atmosphere which was produced by wind and temperature gradients. A computer program based on this model is included in the report. This program enables one to calculate the pressure amplitude squared in the shadow zone for a wide range of wind gradients, tem- perature gradients, and for different source frequencies. (Author) AD-754 645/CP PC E01/MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Hydraulic Engineering Lab The interaction of Waves and Turbulence in Water Technical rept. John D. Skoda. Jun 72, 126p Rept no. HEL-25-1 Contract DACW72-68-C-0033 Descriptors: "Ocean waves, Wind, Equations of motion, Gravity, Viscosity, Graphics, Interac- tions, Computer programs, Water waves, Tur- bulence, Theses. Identifiers: "Air water interactions, "Turbulent flow. Gravity waves. The report investigates a system in which water waves are generated and propagated in a tur- bulent flow field. Growth of wind wave spectra and decay of monochromatic waves are con- sidered. For monochromatic waves the turbu- lence in the water can greatly increase the rate of wave energy dissipation and that the data can be fitted by an equation with an eddy viscosity term proportional to the wave height, the phase speed of the waves, and the intensity of the larger scale turbulence. Growth of wind waves on turbulent water is faster than in still water; however, maximum wave height in tur- bulent water is always lower than in still water. Wave energy spectra at the longer fetches in turbulent water show more wave energy at low frequency and less at high frequency than those for still water. Turbulence in water alters the rate of transfer of energy from the wind to the waves, the maximum height allowed and the distribution of wave energy among the vari- ous frequencies. (Author) 87 AD-754 736/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C SHAS2D - A Fully Compressible Hydrodynam- ics Code in Two Dimensions Memorandum rept. Jay P. Boris. 6 Dec 72, 52p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2542 Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamics, Equations of mo- tion, *Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals. Numerical methods and procedures, Algorithms. Identifiers: SHAS2D computer code, Finite dif- ference theory, IBM 360/91 computers, FOR- TRAN. The report provides documentation for the SHAS2D computer code, a flexible, highly op- timized program for solving fully compressible, two-dimensional hydrodynamics problems. The numerical techniques are discussed in detail, the properties of the code are described, and the input data format is given. This program was the starting point for the multidimensional hydrodynamics program at NRL which use the Boris-Book flux-corrected transport al- gorithms. Sample results from simple calcula- tions are presented. (Author) AD-755 190/CP PC E01/MF A01 Science Applications Inc La Jolla Calif Spectral Unfolding: Its Mathematical Basis, Implementation and Application with MAZE2 Final rept. Martin Sperling. Oct 72, 103p SAI-72-574-LJ, DNA-2990F Contract DNA001 -72-C-0054 Descriptors: "Computer programs. Numerical analysis, 'Neutron spectrum, Spectrum analyzers, Statistical analysis, Matrix algebra, Data processing systems, Errors, Information theory. Random variables, Distribution func- tions, Partial differential equations, Optimiza- tion. Identifiers: MAZE 2 computer code, FORTRAN. A mathematical basis for spectral unfolding is provided by the formulation of an optimization function, W, consisting of the sum of a posteri- ori and a priori information. Nonquadratic op- timization functions result in nonlinear un- foldings. A particular nonquadratic W is formu- lated for application to general purpose nuclear spectral unfolding, and it is optimized by an ac- celerated gradient technique, with separate handling of high and low frequency spectral components. The local variation of W about its minimum specifies the error band of the un- folded spectrum. Use of the MAZE2 code is described, the code is listed, and a test problem is given. One subroutine now requires a com- puter with a 36-bit word length. AD-755 230/CP PC E01/MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics Deformation-Mechanism Maps and the Creep of Tungsten Lamp Filaments Interim technical rept. H. J. Frost, and M . F. Ashby. Oct 72, 37p Rept no. TR-7 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0020 Descriptors: "Deformation, Graphics, 'Creep, Filaments, Dislocations, Diffusion, Nickel, Tungsten, Computer programs. A crystalline solid can deform plastically in a number of ways. Deformation mechanism dia- grams can be constructed which display the fields of stress and temperature in which a given mechanism is dominant, and the strain rate it yields. This report describes some refine- ments in the computation of the diagrams, and illustrates their use by means of a case-study: the creep of tungsten lamp filaments. (Author) AD-755 353/CP PC A07/MF A01 Honeywell Inc St Petersburg Fla Aerospace Div GUERAP: General Unwanted Energy Rejec- tion Analysis Program User's Manual Tien S. Chou. 5 Oct 72, 1 27p* UERTD-TM-3366- 008, SAMSO-TR-72-314-VOI-1 Contract F04701 -71 -C-0377 Descriptors: 'Optical equipment, Mathematical models, 'Programming(Computers), Instruc- tion manuals, Optical properties, Statistical analysis. Light transmission, Absorption, Reflection, Diffraction, Refraction, Scattering. Identifiers: Ray tracing, GUERAP computer program. Computerized simulation, Pro- gramming manuals, Input output routines, CDC 6600 computers, FORTRAN. The report documents a significant new optical system analysis tool, the General Unwanted Energy Rejection Analysis Program (GUERAP). This CDC 6600 FORTRAN computer code is able to efficiently and accurately measure the off-axis rejection characteristics of a given opti- cal system or baffle. It is applicable to a wide spectrum of systems, such as radiometers, star trackers and sensors, optical system baffles, optical test chambers, spacecraft sun and Earth shields, etc. In addition to being a powerful off- axis rejection analysis tool, the GUERAP can also be used to evaluate on-axis image quality for most optical systems, including those with very complex geometry, and for the evaluation of the effect of both internal and external emis- sion energy on infrared systems. (Author) AD-755 933/CP PC E01/MF A01 Douglas Aircraft Co Long Beach Calif Calculation of Potential Flow About Arbitra- ry Three-Dimensional Lifting Bodies. Users Manual Dun-Pok Mack. Oct 72, 80p Rept no. MDC- J5679-02 Contract N00019-71-C-0524 See also report dated Oct 72, AD-755 480. Descriptors: *Programming(Computers), 'Three-dimensional flow, 'Lifting reentry vehi- cles, Aerodynamic characteristics, Instruction manuals, Angle of attack, Wake, Surface pro- perties. Vortices, Programming languages. Flow fields. Problem solving. Identifiers: IBM 370 computers, 'Fortran 4 pro- gramming language, Kutta points, Computer aided analysis. The report contains all the necessary informa- tion to run the lifting three dimensional poten- tial flow program. The program is written in Fortran IV language and is set up to be run on the IBM 370 system. The input considerations discussed in this report are: the body surface, Kutta points, off-body points, and other per- tinent information for the lifting sections. Load sheets and detailed deck set-ups are illustrated. The output interpretation and the required ex- ternal storage are also discussed. A check list for case set up is provided, and a sample test case and its output are shown as an example. AD-756 290/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY ANTE 3 - A FORTRAN Computer Code for the Solution of the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equation by the Monte Carlo Technique Final rept. Martin O. Cohen, and Mendel Beer. Oct 72, 175p MR-7028, DNA-2988F Contract DASA01-70-C-0102 Descriptors: 'Neutron transport theory, 'Programming(Computers), Monte Carlo method. Geometry, Combinatorial analysis. Neutron scattering. Nuclear cross sections. Fis- sion, Statistical analysis, Probability. Identifiers: ANTE3 computer code, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, Adjoint neutron transport equation. ANTE3 is a FORTRAN code designed to solve the time-dependent neutron transport equation in a three-dimensional geometry by the adjoint Monte Carlo technique. The code uses point energy cross section data derived from the ENDF 3 libraries. In addition to theoretical discussions, a complete description of com- puter input and output is presented. ANTE3 is written in FORTRAN 4 and is presently opera- tional on a CDC-6600 digital computer. (Author) AD-756 513/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif. Characterization of Elastic Solids Using Finite Element Methods Master's thesis Brian Alfred Edwards. Dec 72, 93p Descriptors: 'Elasticity, Solids, Anisotropy, Stresses, Strain(Mechanics), Matrix algebra, Partial differential equations. Integration, Theses, Computer programs, Numerical analy- sis, Linear systems, Tensor analysis. Identifiers: Finite element analysis, DPLISOP computer program, DLASTIC computer pro- gram. Finite element methods are applied to the problem of characterizing linear, anisotropic elastic solids. The conventional finite element displacement formulation is used to simulate an elastic material in plane stress. An inverted finite element formulation is then applied, and the characterizing six material constants are calculated as numerical results. A possible test device for the experimental characterization of anisotropic solids is postulated, the precision of displacement measurements to be required for such a device being determined by random perturbation analysis. Numerical constants ac- curate to within three percent are predicted if a precision of one part in eight hundred (1/800) can be measured. Numerical constants accu- rate to within one percent are predicted if a precision of one part in eight thousand (1/8000) can be measured in the test device. (Author) AD-756 534/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Application of Holographic Interferometry to Density Field Determination in Transonic Corner Flow Master's thesis Robert Anthony Kosakoski. Dec 72, 1 21 p Descriptors: 'Three-dimensional flow. Flow visualization, 'Flow visualization, Transonic flow, "Stereoscopic photography, Flow visualization, Supersonic wind tunnels, Wind tunnel models, Shock waves, Experimental design, Photographic techniques, Test equip- ment. Computer programs. Theses, Wings, Fuselages. Identifiers: 'Interferometric holography, FOR- TRAN, HOLOFER computer program. The successful application of holographic in- terferometry to the study of density fields around opaque bodies in wind tunnel experi- ments has been reported in the literature. The present report extends this technique to the study of the three-dimensional asymmetric flow fields encountered near the wing-fuselage junction of an aerodynamic model in the transonic flow regime. Finite fringe inter- ferometry has been used to obtain fringe infor- mation about a partially transparent wind-body structure. A FORTRAN computer program was used to invert the fringe information and produce a plot of the density field around the model. The resulting asymmetric density field and shock wave structure are shown to be an accurate representation of the phenomena en- countered in aerodynamic corner flow. (Author) AD-756 535/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif 88 The Application of Holographic Interferometry to the Determination of Discontinuous Three- Dimensional Density Fields Engineer's thesis Paul Edgar Van Houten. Dec 72, 69p Descriptors: *Gas flow, Stereoscopic photog- raphy, Density, Interferometers, Fourier analy- sis, Integral equations, Coherent radiation, Flow fields, Supersonic characteristics, Theses, Computer programs, Numerical methods and procedures. Identifiers: Fourier transformation, "Interferometric holography, Discontinuities, Density fields. A Fourier transform method is used to invert the integral equation resulting from holographic in- terferometry of three-dimensional weakly refractive phase objects. The inverted equation is applied to the determination of aerodynamic density fields. The effects of various numerical techniques are extensively evaluated in an at- tempt to minimize computational effort. Numer- ical filtering techniques are introduced in order to handle the discontinuities associated with supersonic aerodynamic phenomena. AD-756 542/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Effects of Proton Bombardment on PbSnTe Master's thesis David Graham Anderson. Dec 72, 85p Descriptors. "Semiconducting films, 'Radiation damage, "Tellurides, Proton bombardment, Lead compounds, Tin compounds, Car- riers(Semiconductors), Hall effect, Electrical properties, Annealing, Computer programs. In- frared detectors, Feasibility studies, Theses. Identifiers: Lead tellurides, Tin tellurides. Ion implantation, Thin films. Photovoltaic effect. The effects of 200-250 KeV proton bombard- ment on both p-type and n-type Pb(0.80)Sn(0.20)Te thin films were investigated. Emphasis was placed on p-type samples to determine the feasibility and dosage required to change the carrier type and to determine the stability after bombardment. This method of conversion has promise in the fabrication of photovoltaic diode arrays for infrared applica- tions. The samples were characterized by Hall effect and conductivity measurements from 90K to 300K. (Author) AD-756 543/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Hot-Wire Anemometer Study of Free Turbu- lent Mixing in Axial Pressure Gradients Master's thesis Michael Erwin Kearney. Dec 72, 256p Descriptors: 'Turbulence, *Gas flow. Wind tun- nels, Pressure, Flow visualization, Shear stresses, Anemometers, Pitot tubes, Probes, Data processing systems, Wake, Equations of motion, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: "Hot wire anemometry, "Turbulent mixing. Velocity fields, Pressure gradients. Kinematic viscosity. The report was prepared to describe the results of an experimental study of free turbulent mix- ing in axial pressure gradients. Both the pres- sure field and the velocity field were extracted using pitot-static probes and both a single nor- mal wire and an X-array hot-wire anemometers. The resulting hot-wire data present an excellent visual representation of the physical aspects of turbulent flow. An analysis of the results show that the Reynolds stresses in the flow are re- lated by function to the turbulent kinetic ener- gy- AD-756 547/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Forces on a Horizontal Cylinder Due to Non- Linear Waves Master's thesis Fred Herman Gehrman, Jr. Dec 72, 107p Descriptors: "Underwater objects, Load- ing(Mechanics), Cylindrical bodies, Ocean waves, Force(Mechanics), Experimental design, Test equipment, Computer programs. Theses, Nonlinear systems. Identifiers: "Underwater structures. Gravity waves, Internal waves. A horizontal cylinder, located near the floor of a two dimensional wave channel was subjected to a train of non-linear gravity waves. The horizontal and vertical forces were measured and presented in dimensionless form. Experi- mental values of horizontal and vertical force coefficients are presented as functions of dimensionless wave height and dimensionless wave period. The dimensionless force coeffi- cients predicted by a modified Morrison equa- tion and a Froude-Krilov force are compared to experimental data. Fluid particle volocity and acceleration values were calculated from Stokes fifth-order gravity wave theory. Experi- mental dimensionless wave periods from 10 to 200 were investigated. (Author) AD-756 570/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Statistical Study of Sound Speed in the In- homogeneous Upper Ocean Master's thesis James Richard Fitzgerald. Dec 72, 129p Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Velocity, Ocean waves, Hydrophones, Phase shift, Spec- trum analyzers. Transducers, Bubbles, Graphics, Curve fitting, Computer programs, Power spectra, Theses, Statistical analysis. Identifiers: Spectrum analysis, Acoustic velocity. The statistics of the fluctuations of the in-situ speed of sound in the upper ocean have been studied by analyzing the instantaneous phase difference of the output of two hydrophones separated by one meter for sounds of frequency 15 to 151 kHz. The experiment was conducted at 1 1 ft in water of depth 60 ft in low sea states at night. Comparison of the speed calculated from the time averaged phase difference, with the speed given by velocimeter or empirical relations, yielded differential speeds which deviate by 1 m/sec to 8 m/sec from the ac- cepted values, for frequencies less than 100 kHz. Correlation and spectral analysis of the sound phase and ocean height fluctuations has shown the close relation between these two parameters. There is strong evidence of the presence and importance of bubbles in all of the results, particularly of a large population resonant in the frequency range 56.3 to 71.1 kHz (radius 50 to 60 microns) (Author Modified Abstract) AD-757 034/CP PC E01/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Applied Research Labs An Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Array in Air Technical rept. Mary B. Bennett. 22 Jan 73, 1 24 Rept no. ARL- TR-73-3 Contract F44620-71-C-0015, N00014-70-A- 0166-0004 Descriptors: "Sound generators, Acoustic pro- perties, Transducers, Sound signals, Harmonic analysis. Propagation, Experimental design, Computer programs, Theses, Nonlinear systems, Air. Identifiers: Acoustic arrays, AIRBEAM com- puter program, AIRPROP computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN, Burgers equation, Nonlinear acoustics, AF. The results of an experimental investigation of the parametric array in air are presented and analyzed. This experiment was designed to yield quantitative data regarding both the propagation and directivity characteristics of the parametric array in air under the conditions of collinear source beams and spherical spreading. The characteristics of the sum frequency and second harmonic components as well as the difference frequency component of the parametric array were investigated. AD-757 080/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif WKB Fields Program for Lower ELF Interim rept. Richard A. Pappert, and Linda R. Shockey. 2 Jan 73, 51 p Rept no. NELC-IR-731 Descriptors: "Radio transmission, "Extremely low frequency, Computer programs, Ionospher- ic propagation, Gain, Electric fields, Magnetic fields, Radio interference. Identifiers: WKB approximation, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, N. The report presents a Fortran IV WKB mode sum program developed for estimating round the world interference effects in the lower ELF band. The mode sum consists of the superposi- tion of waves which travel over the long and short great circle paths to the observation point. WKB mode sum calculations are generated for the vertical electric field com- ponent, E(z), and the horizontal magnetic field component normal to the plane of propagation, H(y), excited by electric dipole sources of ar- bitrary elevation and orientation. (Author) AD-757 085/CP PC E01/MF A01 Washington Univ Seattle Stimulated Amplification of VLF and ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere by Localized In- jections of Plasma Clouds and Particle Beams Final rept. Harold B. Liemohn, and G. K. Parks. Dec 72, 135p Contract N0001 4-67-01 03-0027, ARPAOrder- 1479 Prepared in cooperation with Battelle Memorial Inst., Richland, Wash., Pacific Northwest Labs. Descriptors: "Magnetosphere, Plasma physics, "Radio transmission, Magnetosphere, Very low frequency, Ultralow frequency, Cyclotron resonance phenomena, Ionospheric disturbances, Electron beams, Proton beams, Lithium, Barium, Computer programs. Identifiers: Chemical release studies, N. The cyclotron resonance interaction between ULF-VLF waves and trapped particles may be strongly enhanced in the magnetosphere by the injection of either cold plasma or energetic par- ticle beams. A variety of natural conditions and injections are investigated numerically using the linear theory. Both satellite and rocket in- jection of cold plasma provide significant enhancements of amplification. Conventional hot electron beams may also amplify narrow frequency bands, if the beam geometry can be effectively altered at injection. Heavy ion beams appear to offer attractive propagation condi- tions as well as stimulate amplification. (Author) AD-757 189/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Numerical Procedure for Two Dimensional Heating and Melting Calculations, with Appli- cations to Laser Effects Technical rept. PeterJ.Torvik. Mar 72, 57p AFIT-TR-72-2 89 Descriptors: *Conduction(Heat transfer), Nu- merical analysis, 'Disks, 'Melting, Lasers, Ther- mal stresses. Heating, Difference equations, Equations of state, Computer programs, Alu- mina, Titanium, Stainless steel, Magnesium, Temperature, Transients. Identifiers: Finite element analysis, Finite dif- ference theory, AF. A method for determining the two dimensional transient temperature distribution and progres- sion of melting in disks subjected to an applied flux over one face is given. The calculations are performed by dividing the solid into a number of finite elements and performing a heat balance over finite time increments. The method was found to give good agreement with known solutions for two dimensional heat con- duction problems and one dimensional melting problems. Two dimensional melting problems in alumina, titanium, stainless steel, and mag- nesium are also considered as examples of the method. The results include a demonstration that the time required to melt through ap- proaches the time predicted by a one dimen- sional (axial) heat balance if the power per unit thickness is sufficiently large. (Author) AD-757 587/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Elastic Electron -Deuteron Scattering Mea- surements and the Neutron Charge Form Factor at Very Low Momentum Transfers Doctoral thesis Robert Leavy Topping. Dec 72, 154p Descriptors: 'Deuteron reactions, Elastic scat- tering, 'Neutron scattering, Nuclear moments, Electron beams, Differential cross section, Wave functions, Proton scattering, Nuclear energy levels, Linear accelerators. Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Electron scattering, Form factors, FORTRAN, N. Seventy-five measurements of the differential elastic electron-deuteron scattering cross sec- tion were made for values of (q sup 2) ranging from 0.05 to 0.35 (fm sup -2) at the NPS LINAC with electron scattering angles of 60 degrees to 120 degrees. The charge radius of the deuteron was determined to be (r sub (E sub d) = 1.9641 plus or minus 0.0074 fm. Values of the neutron charge from factors were calculated using Lomon-Feshbach Model 1,5, and 15 relativistic corrections to the deuteron save functions. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-757 633/CP PC E01/MF A01 General Motors Technical Center Warren Mich Materials and Structures Lab High Pressure Shock Wave Behavior of Greatly Distended Copper Contract rept. F. H. Shipman, and A. R. McMillan. Dec 72, 62p MSL-71-30, BRL-CR-84 Contract DAAD05-71-C-0403 Descriptors: 'Copper, 'Shock waves, 'Equations of state. Copper, Porous metals. Im- pact tests. Computer programs, High-pressure research. Identifiers: A. High pressure shock waves were produced and studied in porous copper samples by high velocity impact of flat plates. Flat plates of copper and tungsten alloy were projected at velocities up to 8 mm/microsecs using a two- stage light gas gun. Samples of porous copper with distention ratios of 3.08, 4.46 and 8.74 (32.4%, 22.4% and 11.4% of solid density) were studied through shock transit measurements. Analysis of the experiments reveals that a com- plex (two-wave) shock structure exists in the open called materials impacted at conditions that would result in shock stresses up to 4 Mb in solid targets. The nature of the double wave precludes the use of the Rankine-Hugoniot equations which assume that thermo-dynamic equilibrium is attained behind a discontinuous shock. (Author) AD-757 684/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Investigation of the Performance of a Gas- Loaded Variable Conductance Heat Pipe Master's thesis Keith Earl Reynolds. Dec 72, 79p Descriptors: 'Heat exchangers, Gases, Thermal conductivity, Thermal analysis. Gravity, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Heat pipes, N. A variable conductance heat pipe was designed and constructed to study the performance characteristics of the gas loaded heat pipe with particular emphasis on the effect of gravity. Heat inputs were varied from 10 to 50 watts and the operating position of the pipe was varied from horizontal to vertical with the condenser above the evaporator. Condenser temperature profiles are presented for various heat inputs and positions for the conventional and gas loaded heat pipe. The possibility of stratifica- tion in a horizontal heat pipe operating with a non-condensable gas that has a larger molecu- lar weight than the working fluid is discussed based on observations presented. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-757 699/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Sound Phase and Amplitude Fluctuations in an Anisotropic Ocean Master's thesis Charles Homer Alexander. Dec 72, 255p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Intensity, Sea water, Thermoclines, Statistical functions, Power spectra, Frequency, Underwater sound equipment, Microstructure, Theses, Naval research. Computer programs, Phase measure- ment. Identifiers'. Autocorrelation, Spectrum analysis, N. Sound of constant amplitude and frequency was transmitted simultaneously in three orthogonal beams over a distance of 1 .5 meters in the upper ocean. Time records of the result- ing phase and amplitude fluctuations of the sound beams were studied by means of auto and cross spectral analysis and correlation. The time lag between corresponding peaks of the phase fluctuation autocorrelation functions of vertical and horizontal beams indicate move- ment of inhomogeneities between the sound fields due to water particle motion caused by surface wave action. Envelope correlation times of the phase fluctuations are found to be approximately one-half as great in the mixed layer as in the thermocline, and are greater in the vertical than in the horizontal direction in the thermocline. Anisotropy in the thermocline is also indicated by the variance of phase fluc- tuation being greater for sound paths in the horizontal than in the vertical direction. The au- tocorrelation functions of amplitude and phase fluctuations in any one direction are similar. (Author) AD-757 724/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cincinnati Univ Ohio Dept of Aerospace En- gineering A Quasi-Analytical Method for the Calculation of Particle Trajectories G. Grant, and W. Tabakoff. Feb 73, 71 p 73-35, AROD-10223:3-E Grant DA-ARO-D-31-124-71-G154 Descriptors: 'Particle trajectories, Equations of motion, 'Fluid flow, Equations of motion, "Sand, Particle trajectories, Reynolds number, Integration, Numerical analysis, Erosion, Com- puter programs, Nonlinear differential equa- tions, Flow fields. Drag. Identifiers: A. The equation of motion of a sand particle under the influence of aerodynamic drag has been developed in the inertial coordinate system. The method of solution presented is very easy to use in that only one first order differential equation has to be solved. The equation of mo- tion has been integrated and solved for the spe- cial cases of one-dimensional steady flow and one-dimensional accelerating flow as well as the general case of two or three-dimensional accelerating flow. The computerized models of these three problems are presented along with solutions of example problems. High speed mo- vies were taken of sand particles which had been accelerated in a specially designed tun- nel. These results demonstrated the extreme accuracy of this method of solution. (Author) AD-757 992/CP PC E01/MF A01 Colorado State Univ Fort Collins Fluid Dynam- ics and Diffusion Lab On Diffusion from an Instantaneous Point Source in a Neutrally Stratified Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Laser Light Scattering Probe Technical rept. B. T. Yang, and R. N. Meroney. Oct 72, 237p Rept nos. CER72-73BTY-RNM-17, THEMIS- CER-TR-20 Contract N00014-68-A-0493-0001 Descriptors: 'Turbulent boundary layer, Diffu- sion, Stresses, Lasers, Dispersion relations, Partial differential equations, Bubbles, Com- puter programs, Heat transfer, Mathematical models. Atmospheric motion. Coherent radia- tion. Scattering. Identifiers: Themis project. Laser beams, 'Turbulent flow, N. The behavior of an instantaneous point source, as it disperses in a thick, neutrally stratified, tur- bulent shear layer, has been examined by a laser light-scattering technique in the Meteorological Wind Tunnel. An aerosol-filled gas bubble was released in a column of water to subsequently rise and burst at the floor of the wind tunnel. This pseudo-instantaneous gas volume dispersed in the turbulent shear layer. Time dependent concentrations at a point were monitored by measuring the scattered light from a coherent light source by a photomultipli- er-fiber optics probe. Data consisted of a series of concentration realizations downstream from the ground level source. The distribution of concentration was described by selecting coef- ficients empirically in a Gram-Charlier series. Puff dispersion characteristics were compared with prediction of the Lagrangian similarity dif- fusion theory. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-758 010/CP PC E01/MF A01 Applied Theory Inc Los Angeles Calif On the Eulerian AFTON Equations for Ax- isymmetric Fluid Flow John G.Trulio. Mar 73, 19p Rept no. ATR-73-33- 1 Contract N00014-71-C-0331 Descriptors: 'Axially symmetric flow, Equations of motion. Compressible flow, Navier-Stokes equations, Flow fields, Pro- gramming(Computers), Thermodynamics, Dif- ference equations. Identifiers: Finite difference theory, AFTON 2A computer code, N. The AFTON codes are based on a method for constructing finite difference equations that describe the evolution of classical fields, and more particularly on the continuum-motion equations that follow from the method for the common cases of flow symmetry. Axisymmetric 90 fields of motion are computed by the AFTON 2A code, one of whose versions has been special- ized for solution of the time-dependent Navier- Stokes equations for compressible flow, in Eu- lerian form. The version of AFTON 2A in question has now been used to compute many viscous compressible flow fields. This report discusses the following topics: Finite difference meshes and zones in AFTON 2A; Continuum equations for mass, momentum and energy conservation, and the internal energy relation; AFTON 2A finite difference equations of mo- tion. AD-758 449/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Correlated Sampling Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Using SAMCEP: Three Studies William B. Beverly, and Alan C. Engebretson. Feb 73, 46p Rept no. BRL-1633 Descriptors: "Neutron transport theory, Nitrogen, Neutron scattering, Neutron flux, Neutron cross sections, Pro- gramming(Computers), Curve fitting, Distribu- tion functions, Graphics, Sampling, Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: SAMCEP computer code, A. Three neutron transport studies in uniform nitrogen have been made using the correlated sampling, Monte Carlo, transport code SAM- CEP. They are (1 ) the scale check problem set, (2) the elastic angular distribution problem set, and (3) the Thomason Perturbation Problem Set. The calculated differences in the radiation field due to the various cross section perturba- tions either agreed with other calculations where comparison was possible or were self- consistent. An evaluation of the fluence-dif- ference statistic showed that its improvement was appreciable for realistic cross section per- turbations. (Author) AD-758 500/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Application of the Harris Expansion Method to the Elastic S-Wave Scattering of Electrons by Hydrogen Atoms and by Singly Ionized Helium Doctoral thesis Hugh Brasher Haskell. Dec 72, 172p Descriptors: 'Hydrogen, Elastic scattering, 'Helium, Elastic scattering. Atoms, Ions, Com- puter programs, Wave functions. Identifiers: "Electron scattering, Hydrogen atoms, 'Quantum chemistry, Autoionization, N. The Harris expansion method was applied to the elastic s-wave scattering of low energy elec- trons from hydrogen atoms and singly ionized helium atoms. The trial wave functions are Hyl- leraas functions of 22, 34, 50 and 70 parame- ters. It was found that reasonably accurate values of 2-H phase shifts can be calculated but e-He( + ) phase shifts are substantially less relia- ble. It is shown that the Harris method gives an accurate depiction of the location, but not the width, of the scattering resonances. Singlet and triplet s-wave phase shifts for e-H and e-He(+) scattering were compared with the results of other calculations, and H(-) and He S state energy levels including the auto-ionizing levels are presented and compared with other calcu- lations and with experiment. It is tentatively concluded that the Harris method does not work on systems whose long range potential is of the Coulomb type. (Author) AD-758 501/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer Simulation of Inert Gas Interstitials in Tungsten Master's thesis Richard David III Williams. Dec 72, 100p Descriptors: "Tungsten, Impurities, Crystal structure, Ion bombardment, Computer pro- grams, Helium, Neon, Krypton, Argon, Xenon, Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, "Interstitials, N. Computer simulation techniques were used to determine equilibrium positions and binding energies of inert gas atoms implanted in a tung- sten crystal and to investigate the potential wells around these equilibrium positions in both perfect lattices and relaxed latticed. Stable positions were found for inert gas interstitials near lattice atoms in the third and fourth layers of the crystal. Interstitial positions near atoms in the first and second layers of the crystal ap- peared to be unstable if they exist at all. As a result of potential well studies, it was con- cluded that the mechanism associated with equilibrium position formation was a combina- tion of local liquefaction of the lattice structure and interaction of the interstitial with lattice atoms. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-758 729/CP PC E01/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Ordnance Research Lab The Transmission of Sound through a Stochastic Interface Technical memo. JohnC. Calhoun. 21 Oct 71, 193p Rept no. TM- 71-219 Contract N00017-70-C-1407 Doctoral thesis. Descriptors: "Sound transmission. Interfaces, Statistical analysis. Wind, Oceans, Partial dif- ferential equations. Integral equations, Green's function, Scattering, Integration, Theses, Stochastic processes, Surface roughness, Computer programs, Perturbation theory. Identifiers: Air water interactions, Ocean sur- face, "Acoustic scattering, N. The problem of sound transmission through a stochastic interface was investigated using a surface model which employed two scales of roughness. The theory was developed for appli- cation to the problem of sound transmission from air to water at the ocean surface. A pertur- bation method was applied to obtain the local surface values of the pressure and the normal derivative of the pressure at the stochastic in- terface for use in the Kirchhoff integral. Two different correlation function models were em- ployed, one corresponding to isotropic surface roughness, with the other corresponding to anisotropic surface roughness. The isotropic model revealed the general behavior of the ef- fect of the large scale roughness on the mean square pressure as a function of position and frequency but failed to indicate the effect of the small scale roughenss. In addition, the effect of change in wind speed was not observed. The anisotropic model a similar general behavior for the effect of the large scale roughness and, in addition, indicated the effect of the small scale roughness and the variation with change in wind speed. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-758 760/CP PC E01/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Palo Alto Calif Luminescent Applications of Rare Earth Materials Final rept. R. A. Buchanan, T. G. Maple, H. N. Bailey, and R. V. Alves. Feb 73, 136p Rept no. LMSC- D315254 Contract DAHC15-71-C-0138 Descriptors: "Rare earths, "Luminescence, "Phosphorescent materials, Rare earths, 'Cathode ray tube screens, Rare earths, Films, Manufacturing methods, X-ray diffraction anal- ysis, Lanthanum compounds, Oxides, Sulfides, Fluorescent screens, Optical properties, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Thin films, 'Lanthanum oxide sul- fides, A. The rare earth oxysulfide (REOS) family of lu- minescent materials was chosen as a model system for intensive investigation because of its unusually high luminescent efficiency. The ob- jectives of this investigation were to develop practical applications for the high efficiency REOS materials and to gain a fundamental un- derstanding of REOS's in order to design more efficient luminescent materials. The general ef- fort of the applied portion of the applied portion of this program has been spent on the develop- ment of these luminescent films for CRT use. The following topics are discussed: Introduc- tion to luminescent films; Film preparation; Properties of rare earth oxysulfide films; Con- trast estimate of of particulate and film screens; Mathematical model for light trapping in thin films; Increasing film efficiency via surface al- ternations. AD-758 763/CP PC E01/MF A01 Avco Systems Div Wilmington Mass Electric Probe Data Analysis for Trailblazer II - Third Flight Ronald A. Johnson. 21 Nov 72, 60p AVSD-0461 - 72-CR, Scientific-2, AFCRL-72-0732 Contract F19628-72-C-0102 Descriptors: 'Hypersonic test vehicles, 'Atmosphere entry, 'Plasma sheath, Ionic cur- rent, Data processing systems, Computer pro- grams, Convection(Atmospheric), Partial dif- ferential equations, Probes(Electromagnetic), Reentry vehicles. Identifiers: 'Ion density(Concentration), Trail- blazer, Trailblazer 2, FORTRAN, AF. The ion current measured by flush mounted electric probes is compared with that predicted from flow field calculations for the Trailblazer 2 over an altitude range from 220 Kft to 270 Kft. Various approaches, all of which assumed the sheath to be collision-dominated were used to infer ion currents from the flow field predic- tions. Except for current traces associated with those probes located on the nose cap at 270 Kft, the experimental results were bound from above by the total convective current in the boundary layer and from below by a quasi-one- dimensional current or a diffusion current. The inclusion of convective effects helps provide agreement between theory and experiment for some of the higher altitude data. But over the altitude range considered, it is evident that no simple theory in which it is assumed that either convection, diffusion or a thermal flux respec- tively is the dominant mechanism for transport- ing ions into the sheath, produces results con- sistent with the data. The ion transport phenomena are too complex to be described by such simple theories. (Author) AD-758 809/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex BOUNCE: User's Manual Technical rept. Jan-Oct 72 Brendan B. Godfrey, Clifford E. Rhoades, Jr, and Keith A. Taggert. Mar 73, 128p Rept no. AFWL-TR-72-232 Descriptors: 'Plasma medium. Mathematical models, "Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Electron density. Lasers, Heating, Fourier analysis, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: BOUNCE computer code, Compu- terized simulation, "Plasma diagnostics, FOR- TRAN, Fourier transformation, Fast Fourier transformation, CDC 6600 computers, AF. The report is intended primarily as a user's manual for the optimized one-dimensional, nonrelativistic electrostatic particle code BOUNCE. This code is particularly well suited for the investigation of nonlinear, laser-induced instabilities in a one-dimensional homogene- 91 ous plasma, but is useful for other simulations as well. A brief discussion of numerical techniques is included. Complete FORTRAN and CDC 6600 compass assembly language listings together with sample output are at- tached. (Author) AD-759 168/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering The Effect of Gravity upon the 'Melt-Through Time' of a Solid Subjected to a High Intensity Laser Master's thesis Gilbert L. Cambu rn. Mar 72, 94p Rept no. GAM/MC/73-6 Descriptors: "Coherent radiation. Melting, 'Metal plates, Melting, Mathematical models. Heat transfer, Gravity, Titanium, Aluminum, Computer programs. Theses, Time. Identifiers: 'Laser beam melting, GRAVITY computer program, Finite element analysis, AF. An analysis was made of the effect of gravity upon the 'melt-through time' of a solid sub- jected to a high intensity laser. The analysis was accomplished by dividing a slab into a number of finite elements and performing an energy and force balance for each finite element, resulting in a computer-programmed mathe- matical model. Two metals, aluminum and titanium, each having a thickness of either 0.08 or 0.127 cm, were considered using absorbed peak intensities that ranged from 2,000 to 256,000 watts/sq cm. The effect of gravity upon the 'melt-through time' was found to be depen- dent upon the physical properties of the solid, the magnitude of the absorbed peak intensity, the thickness of the solid and, to a lesser degree, upon the type of distribution of the in- cident radiation. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-759 183/CP PC E01/MF A01 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Turbulent Flow Predictions for the Argon Cascade Arc Final rept. 21 Nov 71 -20 Nov 72 William W. Bower, and Frank P. Incropera. Mar 73, 58pARL-73-0039 Contract F33615-72-C-1271 Descriptors: "Plasma medium, Turbulence, Argon, Laminar flow, Predictions, Computer programs. Identifiers: Argon plasma, 'Turbulent flow, AF. A numerical model for the turbulent flow of argon in an arc has been solved for both water- cooled and transpiration-cooled configura- tions. Although the agreement with data ob- tained for a 1 cm diameter water-cooled arc is good, there is poor agreement with measured results for the transpiration-cooled arc. For the transpiration-cooled arc, the data is better cor- roborated by a laminar flow model. Turbulent flow parametric calculations have been per- formed for a large (2.54 cm diameter) water- cooled arc. (Author) AD-759 930/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab Hanover N H Internal Friction of Single-Crystal Ice Research rept. J. P. VanDevender, and K. Itagaki. Mar 73, 44p Rept no. CRREL-RR-243 Descriptors: 'Ice, 'Internal friction, Single crystals, Dislocations, Mechanical waves, Damping, Computer programs. Identifiers: Stress waves. Plastic deformation, X ray irradiation, A. The internal friction of single-crystal ice has been attributed to reorientation of the water molecule under periodic stress. However, the theory for damped dislocations, which offers another mechanism for the internal friction of ice, has not been investigated. The effects of scratching the surface of ice samples and X-ir- radiating andplastically deforming them were evaluated. The effects observed on the internal friction of pure, single-crystal ice, in the flexure mode of oscillation between 400 and 1400 Hz, supported the existence of a dislocation-con- trolled mechanism, with the drag produced by the interaction of the dislocation with the protons in the crystal. (Author Modified Ab- stract) AD-759 971/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Electrohydrodynamics (EHD) Research Final rept. 1971-1972 Oscar Biblarz. 12 Feb 73, 100p Rept no. NPS- 57ZI73021A Descriptors: 'Electric power production, Space charges. Generators, Gas flow, Electric fields. Potential theory. Computer programs. Experi- mental design, Theses. Identifiers: 'Electrohydrodynamics, Elec- trohydrodynamic power generation, Elec- trohydrodynamic generators, N. The report contains further considerations of the slip parameter for unsteady flow. Several important gas/particle combinations are represented and conclusions regarding electri- cal efficiency are given. Also, a computer study which solves the combines Laplace/Poisson equations for geometries representing the EHD channel is included. This program is used to predict the effect of voltage scheduling elec- trodes, and the predictions are checked out ex- perimentally. (Author) AD-759 994/CP PC E01/MF A01 Northwestern Univ Evanston III Dept of Materi- als Science A Program for Least-Squares Analysis of Fourier Coefficients of Peak Shapes and Comparisons of Old and New Procedures Technical rept. A. Kidron, and J. B. Cohen. 1 May 73, 100p Rept no. TR-7 Contract N00014-67-A-0356-0008 Descriptors: 'Crystal structure, *X-ray diffrac- tion analysis, 'Fourier analysis. Least squares method, Integral transforms, Computer pro- grams. Curve fitting, Graphics. Identifiers: 'Fourier transformation. Truncation errors, PROFILE computer program, LINEB computer program, N. At least two ways are now available of perform- ing Fourier analysis of peak shape, the older direct ransform method and a new procedure involving least-squares. In addition, there are at least three procedures in the literature of treat- ing the Fourier coefficients to correct for the main errors in the method due to the difficulty in establishing the true background. In the re- port a new enlarged version of a program for the least-squares procedure is presented along with comments on how to detect errors. This procedure is compared to the transform method. It is shown that both procedures give essentially similar results for particle size and strain. The computing time for the least- squares procedure is an order of magnitude greater. It is thus most useful when there are severe problems due to peak overlap and por- tions of the data must be removed. But under most situations the transform method is adequate and less expensive. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-760 002/CP PC E01/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Dept of Ocean Engineering Theoretical Evaluation of Ship Added Re- sistance in Waves Final technical rept. Theodore A. Loukakis. Aug 72, 86p Rept no. 72- 17 Contract N00014-67-A-0204-0035 Descriptors: 'Ships, 'Hydrodynamics, 'Ocean waves. Ships, Theory, Mathematical models, Power, Velocity, Motion, Computer programs, Ship hulls, Hydrodynamic configurations. Identifiers: 'Ship motions, Added resistance, Maruo theory, 'Seakeeping, Gerritsma theory, N. Theoretical added resistance calculations for a ship in regular waves were performed by Maruo's theory. The overall results were ap- plicable to ships with cruiser stern. The theory was applied to 72 hull forms with parametric variations of their principal characteristics. For a test case Maruo's theory yielded similar results to Gerritsma's theory. Theoretical pre- dictions of ship motions by different strip theo- ries were found to affect the added resistance calculations. A computer program for Mauro's theory is presented. An additional computer program allows the determination of added re- sistance in a seaway from the presented results in regular waves. (Author) AD-760 175/CP PC E01/MF A01 Kms Technology Center Irvine Calif Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Par- ticle Contaminants on Laser-Induced Air Breakdown Technical rept. 22 Jun 71 -30 Aug 72 Frank D. Feiock, and Lester K. Goodwin. Apr 73, 196pAFWL-TR-72-172 Contract F29601 -71 -C-01 1 8, ARPA Order-1 256 Descriptors: 'Gas discharges, 'Air, 'Aerosols, Gas discharges, Electron density, Quartz, Sap- phires, Particles, Gas ionization, Impurities, Hydrodynamics, Computer programs. Partial differential equations, Distribution functions. Identifiers: 'Dielectric breakdown, Laser beams, Atmospheric attenuation, AF. The effect of atmospheric contaminants on the laser-induced breakdown of air is investigated. Calculations were performed using a one- dimensional, Lagrangian, hydrodynamic code developed for the study. The results of this study indicate that the interaction of a laser beam with atmospheric contaminants such as Si02 and AI203 can supply a primary electron density that will lead to a significant decrease in the laser-induced breakdown threshold for air. (Author) AD-760 564/CP PC E01/MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Optical Sciences Center Further Studies and Investigations in Optical Technology Final rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 72 R. Brian Hooker, Howard E. Morrow, Richard Philbrick, James D. Rancourt, and Roland V. Shack. Mar 73, 99p AFAL-TR-73-75 Contract F33615-72-C-1222 Descriptors: 'Interferometers, Design, Polariza- tion, Computer programs. Mathematical models. Optical equipment, Electronic equip- ment. Wiring diagrams. Identifiers: FRINGE computer program, CDC 6600 computers, FROLIC computer program, AF. The development and evaluation of aerial cameras and reconnaissance systems requires the use of sophisticated tools and techniques. Several previously developed tools have been expanded, and a new tool has been developed. The computer program FROLIC is used to aid in the design analysis of optical systems. The pro- gram has been expanded to determine the ef- fect of tilted and decentered optical elements 92 such as may result from manufacturing errors. The Polarization Interferometer, an instrument capable of measuring wavefront perturbations to better than lambda/100, has been modified to give a profile display of a wavefront section in addition to a contour map display. The signals used to produce the profile display are suitable, with proper buffering, for input to a computer which could calculate the optical transfer function of the system under test. (Modified author abstract) AO-760 808/CP PC E01/MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio Analysis of Optically Thick, D. C.-lnduction Heated Arc Discharges Paul W. Schreiber, Allen M. Hunter, II, Paul Taylor, and Kenneth R. Benedetto. Apr 73, 78p Rept no. ARL-73-0073 Descriptors: 'Electric arcs, Direct current, "Plasma medium, Electric arcs, Inductance, Partial differential equations, Numerical analy- sis, Computer programs. Identifiers: Plasma diagnostics, Maxwells equa- tions, AF. An analytical study was made to determine the properties of arc discharges heated by com- binations of induction and d.c. electromagnetic fields. Induction power is supplied to the discharge by a solenoidal coil whose axis of symmetry is aligned with the applied d.c. elec- tric field. A numerical technique is used to simultaneously solve a set of linear differential equations which include Maxwell's field equa- tions, the single fluid energy equation, the mo- mentum balance equation, Ohm's law, and the radiation diffusion equation. A number of reasonable assumptions are made to obtain the final set of equations for programming. These assumptions restrict the calculations to azimuthally symmetric plasmas with axial gradients only in static pressure. In addition, the radiant energy flux is assumed to be isotropic within the plasma. (Modified author abstract) AD-761 082/CP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Coalescence of Cavities During Dynamic Fracture William S. de Rosset. Jan 73, 54p Rept no. BRL- 1631 Descriptors: *Fracture(Mechanics), Mathemati- cal models, Crack propagation, Load- ing(Mechanics), Impact tests, Aluminum, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, A. Two different modeling schemes have been used to predict the effect of coalescence on the observed growth laws of cavities during dynam- ic fracture. The first approach describes the coalescence problem 13 as a set of coupled equations. A simple physical model is proposed for which these equations can be solved analytically. Experimental data on void growth in aluminum during dynamic fracture are seen to fit the growth law predicted by the model. The second approach uses a computer simula- tion of cavity coalescence. Using true nuclea- tion and growth laws which are linear in time, this particular simulation predicts that the ob- served growth rate will be exponential in time. (Author) AD-761 370/CP PC A14/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Natural Modes and Frequencies of Free Vibration of Shells of Revolution - Analysis of a Shell of Linearly Varying Thickness - SATANS-III: Theory and User's Manual Master's thesis Ralph Robert Nebiker. Mar 73, 303p Descriptors: 'Structural shells, 'Vibration, 'Computer programs. Instruction manuals. Cylindrical bodies. Elastic shells. Hemispheri- cal shells, Resonant frequency. Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: SATANS computer programs. Cylin- drical shells, Shell theory. Digital simulation, SATANS 3 computer program, IBM 360/67 computers, FORTRAN, N. A digital computer program known as SATANS- 3 is developed as a modification to the program SATANS-I, incorporating the capability to per- form free vibration analyses for the natural frequencies and modes of thin, elastic shells of revolution. The geometric and material proper- ties of the shell may vary along the meridian. SATANS-3 retains the SATANS-I capability of performing geometrically nonlinear static and dynamic analyses of arbitrarily loaded shells. The free vibration analysis employs the inverse iteration method with spectral shifts, including the capability to search a specific range of frequencies. Several example problems are solved to illustrate the program's validity and accuracy. A user's manual for SATANS-III is presented. (Modified author abstract) AD-761 389/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Study of Turbulent Wakes in Constant Streamwise Pressure Gradients Master's thesis Terrance Edwards Anderson. Mar 73, 64p Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, Wake, Turbulence, Flow fields. Wind tunnel models. Wind tunnel nozzles. Pressure, Computer programs. Shear stresses. Data processing systems. Velocity, Equations of motion, Theses. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, Pressure gradients. Velocity profiles, Eddy viscosity, N. Two-dimensional turbulent wakes in constant adverse and favorable pressure gradients were studied experimentally. The static and dynamic pressures through the wake were obtained with calibrated Pradtl-type pitot-static probes, and a computer program was written to extract from these data the velocity profiles, displacement thickness, momentum thickness, and the shape factor. This program further provides the turbu- lent shear coefficient, eddy viscosity, and Prandtl mixing length within the wake. A wind tunnel was designed specifically for this experi- ment and its construction details are included. (Modified author abstract) AD-761 459/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Numerical Experiments with the Two- and Three-Dimensional Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations Technical rept. Gustave Hokenson. Apr 73, 80 Rept no. NPS- 57HW73041A Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, 'Navier-Stokes equa- tions, 'Flow fields, Flat plate models, Two- dimensional flow. Three-dimensional flow, Par- tial differential equations, Difference equations, Integration, Numerical analysis, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: N. The two- and three-dimensional unsteady Navi- er-Stokes equations are solved numerically for the flow field about an impulsively started flat plate. In attempting to obtain an exact time de- pendent solution, several significant results were observed. First, with regard to the formu- lation of the differential equations themselves, it appears that Poisson's equation for the pres- sure field is a fundamental equation in as much as it allows us to solve for pressure moat ex- actly at any given time. Secondly, the difference equations must be carefully and consistently formulated. In this research, a non-uniform lateral grid, a unique interpretation of the con- tinuity equation, and leap frog integration in time proved to be valuable techniques in ob- taining an exact solution. (Author) AD-761 473/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Feasibility Study of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te Charge Coupled Devices for Infrared Imaging Appli- cations Master's thesis Alan Jeffrey Doshier Mar 73, 85p Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, 'Infrared detectors, Lead compounds. Tin compounds, Tellurides, Electrical properties, Manufacturing methods, Feasibility studies, Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: Charge coupled devices, Lead tellu- rides, Tin tellurides, Metal insulator semicon- ductors, N. The purpose of this research was to examine the feasibility of narrow-gap semiconductor charged coupled devices for infrared imaging applications. The semiconductors considered are PbTe for a three to five micron imager and Pb(0.76)Sn(0.24)Te for an eight to 12 micron imager, both operated at a temperature of 85K. Theoretical calculations of signal current and storage time are made based on the metal-insu- lator-semiconductor theory developed for sil- icon MIS devices. Experimental studies of Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Te MIS were made which demonstrated that accumulation, depletion, and inversion layers can be controlled by gate voltage, follow- ing the general behavior of silicon MIS devices. A PbTe charged coupled device (CCD) infrated imager seems feasible. Feasibility of Pb(0.76)Sn(0.24)Te CCD's will require signifi- cant improvements in material and fabrication technology to increase storage time and reduce dark current. (Modified author abstract) AD-761 510/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Study of PbTe, PbSnTe, PbSe, PbSnSe, and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures Master's thesis Lawrence Michael Kost. Mar 73, 1 73p Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices. Electri- cal properties, 'Infrared detectors. Feasibility studies. Lead compounds, Tin compounds, Tel- lurides, Selenides, Germanium, Manufacturing methods. Semiconducting films. Field effect transistors. Radiation damage, Electron bom- bardment, Space environmental conditions, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: Metal insulator semiconductors. Lead tellurides. Lead selenides. Tin tellurides. Tin selenides, Charge coupled devices, N. A thorough understanding and a well developed fabrication procedure of MIS struc- tures are the prerequisite for charged coupled device applications. The object of this thesis is to study the narrow gap semiconductor MIS and investigate its feasibility for IR-charge cou- pled images applications. Two MIS studies were made. First, MIS of five lead-tin semicon- ductors were fabricated using E-gun evaporated 100-450A thick AI203 or Si02 layers as insulators. Second, MIS of 0.05ohm-cm p- type and 40ohm-cm n-type Ge were also stu- died. In addition, effects of electron bombard- ment simulating the space environment around Jupiter on a n-channel depletion MOSFET were studied. (Modified author abstract) AD-761 7307CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Interactive Hybrid Computer System for Time Domain Audio Synthesis Master's thesis James William M izerski. Mar 73, 1 99p 93 Descriptors: "Analog-digital computers, Audi- tory perception, 'Data processing systems. Au- ditory signals. Computer programs, Graphics, Real time, Transcendental functions, Informa- tion theory, Wave functions, Shift registers, Am- plitude modulation, Frequency modulation, Speech recognition, Time series analysis, Theses. Identifiers: Interactive computer graphics, Pschoacoustics, Periodic functions, Signal processing, N. A time domain oriented technique using periodic functions composed of first order seg- ments was employed in the development of a real-time interactive computer audio synthesis system. A general purpose analog computer was programmed to create non-monotonic function generators which are used to generate sequences of periodic functions that can be frequency and amplitude modulated. The system is appropriate for experiments in psychoacoustics. Exploration of the relation- ships between the physical and the perceptual significance of synthesis parameters of the technique is aided by real-time frequency anal- ysis programs and an audio output capability. The system includes an interactive graphics ter- minal for conversational I/O and conventional peripheral devices for creating permanent records. (Author) AD-761 826/CP PC E01/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions Calorimetric Transmission Measurements through Thin Carbon Foiis for Spectral Characterization of X-Ray Energies below 2 keV Rept. for Jan-Dec 72 W. M. Craven, and W. C. Burns. 25 May 73, 26p TR-0073(3250-30)1,SAMSO-TR-73-195 Contract F04701-72-C-0073 Descriptors: *X rays, Measurement, Experimen- tal design. Foils, Carbon, Calorimetry. Identifiers: EXSPEC computer code, AF. The feasibility of spectral characterization of a pulsed source of x rays with energies below 2 keV has been demonstrated. The method is based on calorimetric measurement of x-ray transmission through carbon foils of 1- micrometer thickness. With the use of a 12-ele- ment array of calorimeters, the complete trans- mitted fluence profile is obtained from a single x-ray pulse. The calorimeter elements have been designed for high sensitivity, and results show that a fluence as low as 10 microcal/sq cm is detectable. A new computer code, called EXSPEC, has been used to unfold x-ray spectra from experimental transmitted fluence profiles. (Author) AD-761 839/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards Washington D C A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code. GAMMOM-I Final technical note Charles M. Eisenhauer, George L. Simmons, and Lewis V. Spencer. Apr 73, 43p Rept no. NBS-TN-766 Availability: Paper copy available from GPO $0.75 as C. 13. 46:766. Descriptors: 'Gamma rays, Shielding, 'Programming(Computers), Gamma rays, Statistical analysis, Moments, Annihilation radiation, Transport properties. Identifiers: Gamma ray transport theory, GAM- MON-I computer program, FORTRAN, UNIVAC 1108 computers, Moments method, N. In the paper the authors describe a computer code for generating spatial-angular moments of gamma ray energy fluence in an infinite medium. The equation for moments of the ener- gy fluence is given and the techniques used for the solution are discussed. The structure of the code and of the main sub-routines is also given. Details of the input and output data are presented and the printout from a sample problem is included. (Author) AD-762 007/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program Francis M. Henderson. Mar 73, 32p Rept no. NSRDC-4033 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic im- pedance, 'Structures, Underwater, Vibration, Integral equations, Programming(Cornputers), Wave functions. Interpolation, Algorithms. Identifiers: XWAVE computer program, Un- derwater structures. Numerical integration, N. The report describes a method for calculating the acoustic radiation impedance of a vibrating structure submerged in an infinite fluid, via the solution of an integral equation relating normal surface velocity and pressure. The numerical solution of the integral equation is accom- plished through use of the acoustics radiation program XWAVE. The advantage of this ap- proach is in its applicability to structures with arbitrary surface geometry. The method is demonstrated by a calculation of the self- acoustic radiation impedance of a uniformly vibrating ring set in a rigid prolate spheroidal baffle. Computed results are compared with ex- isting analytic solutions. (Author) AD-762 049/CP PC SOt/MF A01 Tennessee Univ Knoxville Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Velocity and Temperature Development in the Entrance Region Between Two Rotating Con- centric Cylinders Interim rept. Mohamad Reza Kadivar. Jun 73, 100p Rept no. ME73-T57-16 Contract N00014-68-A-0144 Descriptors: 'Incompressible flow, Cylindrical bodies. Hydrodynamics, Navier-Stokes equa- tions, Reynolds Number, Heat transfer. Curve fitting, Computer programs, Integration, Nu- merical analysis. Identifiers: Elliptic differential equations, Parabolic differential equations, Numerical in- tegration, Finite difference theory, FORTRAN, N. The study concerns a numerical investigation of incompressible flow in the entrance region of a concentric annulus with the inside cylinder rotating. The elliptical Navier Stokes equations are reduced to parabolic equations with the aid of straining coordinates and assuming high leakage Reynolds number. The system of equa- tions is numerically integrated by the classical marching techniques which were developed for parabolic systems. The nondimensional mathe- matical system of equations is solved by the classical central difference Crank-Nicholson implicit scheme. The z and phi momentum equations and the energy equation are put in the form of a tri-diagonal matrix and are solved by the Gaussian reduction method. The pro- gram for the solution of velocity components was run without specifying any value for the Reynolds number. (Modified author abstract) AD-762 086/CP PC E01/MF A01 Utah Univ Salt Lake City Computer Science Div A Computer Program to Plot an Isometric Pro- jection of a Solution Space Surface Technical rept. Charles R. Brauer Aug 68, 14p Rept no. TR-4-9 Contract ARPA Order-829 Descriptors: 'Incompressible flow, 'Computer programs, Subroutines, Graphics, Plotters. Identifiers: Calcomp plotters, FORTRAN, SD. Subroutine ISOPLT was developed for the com- puter produced CALCOMP display of a solution space surface. The solution space, for the sam- ple plots given in Appendix B, is that of various flow functions of a time dependent, viscous, in- compressible fluid flow for various boundary configurations. Also shown in Appendix B is the surface plot of SIN (8*(X-1)/(X sub L) +1/4(Y- 1) + 1.0 (1) Appendix A gives a sample of the calling sequence for equation (1) in the MAIN program, and also a listing of FORTRAN subroute ISOPLT. AD-762 290/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Academy Colo Dept of Aeronautics Rotational Temperature Measurements in Flowing Nitrogen Discharges by Sidelight Spectroscopy Technical rept. Jul 72-Jan 73 Norman F. Roderick. May 73, 96p Rept no. DFAN-TR-73-1 Descriptors: 'Nitrogen, 'Gas discharges. Molecular energy levels. Excitation, Gas ioniza- tion, Computer programs, Numerical analysis, Temperature, Gas flow, Gas lasers. Identifiers: Molecular rotation, FORTRAN, AF. A technique using sidelight spectroscopy has been developed to obtain rotational tempera- tures and radial rotational temperature profiles in flowing gas discharges containing nitrogen similar to those used in gas discharge lasers. The experimental technique uses the relative intensities of the 3805A band of the second positive system of N2. Computer codes for ob- taining both average temperatures and tem- perature profiles from chord wise scans of in- tensities have been developed. Preliminary results indicate the expected increase in tem- perature for increasing current and/or pressure for high nitrogen partial pressures. For lower pressures standing striations in the column ap- pear to produce a marked local variation in lon- gitudinal rotational temperature. Radial tem- perature profiles show an off axis temperature maximum as opposed to the theoretically pre- dicted on axis maximum. (Author) AD-762 332/CP PC E01/MF A01 Federal Scientific Corp New York A System for Sampling, Labeling, and Digital Recording of Optical Measurement Data Final rept. Mark R. Weiss. Apr 73, 100p RADC-TR-73-86 Contract F30602-71 -C-0007, ARPA Order-1 279 Descriptors: 'Optics, Data processing systems, Analog-to-digitai converters, Digital recording systems. Coherent radiation, Light transmis- sion. Phase measurement. Angle of arrival, Transfer functions. Scintillation, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Optical data processing, GE 645 computers, PDP-8 computers, Data reduction, Modulation transfer function. Signal processing. Optical 1 computer program, AF. Optical measurement data generated at the Verona Test Site of RADC must be reduced in a computer to extract the desired parameters. These parameters are: angle-of-arrival, phase- structure function, modulation transfer func- tion, and amplitude scintillation. This report describes a system which processes the raw measurement data and generates digital tape recordings suitable for input to a GE 645 Com- puter. The system consists of two components. First is an Optical Data Processor (ODP) which reduces the dynamic range required for sam- pling and recording the raw data, and the storage volume required for the recordings. The second component of the system is soft- ware which was written for the PDP-8 computer at the test site. (Modified author abstract) 94 AD-762 359/CP PC A04/MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Electromagnetics Lab A New Method for Measuring Dielectric Pro- perties of Materia) Media Using Microstrip Cavity Mitsutake Sato, and Tatsuo Itoh. Apr 73, 57p* UIEL-73-5, UILU-ENG-73-2544, AROD-5405:37- E Grant DA-ARO-D-31-124-71-G77, NSF-GK- 36854 Descriptors: 'Dielectric properties, "Test methods. Non-destructive testing, Dielectrics, Strip transmission lines, Resonant frequency, Microwave frequency, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: A. A new non-destructive method is developed for measuring the dielectric properties of slab-type materials. The method uses a simple and rapid substitution procedure yielding accurate results. One begins by measuring the resonance frequency and the Q factor of a microstrip cavity with the reference material placed on top of the cavity. The reference material may be conveniently taken to be the same as the substrate. Then, the reference material is replaced by the unknown dielectric material, and the measurements for the resonance frequency and the Q factor are re- peated. The two sets of data are then processed to derive the dielectric properties of the unk- nown material. Several examples of the mea- sured data by this method are also included and it is confirmed that the present method is quite reliable and yet simple in operation. (Author) AD-762 482/CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Junction Capacitance Techniques to Charac- terize Radiation Damage in Silicon Physical sciences research papers J. W. Diebold, H. M. DeAngelis, L. C. Kimerling, and J. J. Fitzgerald. 12 Mar 73, 38p Rept nos. AFCRL-PSRP-542, AFCRL-TR-73-0157 Descriptors: 'Silicon, "Radiation damage, 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Electrical properties, Doping, Phosphorus, Capacitance, Voltage, Transients, Defects(Materials), Electron bom- bardment, Gamma rays. Neutron reactions, Computer programs. Identifiers: Schottky barrier diodes, CAPVOL computer program, FORTRAN, Semiconductor doping, AF. Capacitance-voltage and transient capacitance measurements were made on Schottky barrier- on-phosphorus-doped silicon diodes. Energy levels, emission coefficients, and associated in- troduction rates were determined for defects produced by 1.0-MeV electrons, Co(60)-gamma rays, and 5-MeV neutrons. Total defect in- troduction rates agree well with carrier removal data of companion Hall effect samples. In the electron- and gamma-irradiated samples, specific introduction data reveal radiation-in- duced traps at E(c) - 0.24 eV, E(c) - 0.44 eV, and below midgap. The introduction rate of the traps located below midgap exhibits a strong dependence on donor concentration. In neutron-irradiated, float-zoned silicon a band of shallow trap levels is evident along with levels at E(c) - 0.37 eV, E(c) - 0.40 eV, and below midgap. In neutron-irradiated, crucible-grown silicon, trap levels are observed at E(c) - 0.18 eV, E(c) - 0.23 eV, E(c) - 0.24 eV, E(c) - 0.31 eV, and below midgap. (Author) AD-762 536/CP PC E01/MF A01 Washington State Univ Pullman Dept of Physics Theory of Equations of State: Elastic-Plastic Effects II Final rept. George E. Duvall, and D. P. Dandekar. May 73, 119pWSU-SDL-72-01,BRL-CR-106 Contract DAAD05-71-C-0136 Descriptors: "Metals, Failure(Mechanics), "Alloys, Failure(Mechanics), "Deformation, Equations of state, "Thermodynamics, Solids, Plasticity, Dislocations, Stresses, Strain(Mechanics), Elasticity, Creep, Annealing, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Plastic deformation, Elastoplastici- ty, CYCLE computer program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, A. After a brief review of the history of material failure studies and of measurements of stored energy in plastically deformed bodies, energy and stress and strain relations are developed for both elastic and plastic deformation in uniaxial strain. The physical effects of plastic deformation are discussed and foundations are laid for thermodynamic calculations of plasti- cally deformed materials. Calculations of both thermodynamic and mechanical parameters are described for uniaxial strain with and without energy storage in internal strains. Con- ditions of uniaxial strain are found to yield new thermodynamic relations which are useful for synthesizing constitutive relations. (Author) AD-762 912/CP PC E01/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn A Method to Increase the Full-Scale Inlet/Engine System Testing Capability of the AEDC 16-ft Transonic Wind Tunnel Final rept Jan 71 -Jul 72 R. L. Palko.Jun73, 136p Rept no. AEDC-TR-73- 9 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn. Rept. no. ARO-PWT-TR-72-121. Descriptors: "Jet engine inlets, Test methods, "Jet planes, Jet engine inlets, Wind tunnel models, Angle of attack. Flow fields, Fuselages, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Transonic flow, Transonic wind tunnels. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, AF. A study was conducted of a new testing technique using flow shaping that together with some modifications of the AEDC 16-ft Transonic Propulsion Wind Tunnel will provide the capability to test full-scale inlet/engine con- figurations with forebody effects at high maneuvering angles at transonic velocities. The method used to obtain the flow simulation for high maneuvering angles utilized auxiliary flow shaping and geometric pitch. An analytical potential flow method was used to determine the configuration of devices necessary to produce the required flow fields; these devices were then checked experimentally to verify the results. (Modified author abstract) AD-762 937/CP PC E01/MF A01 Von Karman Inst for Fluid Dynamics Rhode- Saint-Genese (Belgium) Improved Computer Program for Calculation of Viscous-lnviscid Interactions Final rept. Bernard G. Gautier, and Jean J. Ginoux. Mar 73, 242p VKI-TN-82, EOAR-TR-73-1 1 Grant AF-AFOSR-2469-73 Descriptors: "Hypersonic flow, "Laminar boun- dary layer, "Aerodynamic heating, Hypersonic flow. Two-dimensional flow, Shock waves. Flow fields. Computer programs, Partial differential equations, Aerodynamic configurations, Design, Heat transfer. Numerical analysis, Belgium. Identifiers: Viscous flow, Numerical integration, AF. The report describes a theoretical and experi- mental investigation of the effect of wall cool- ing on the overall features of shock wave laminar boundary layer interactions in hyper- sonic two dimensional flow. The integral method of Lees-Reeves-Klineberg has been modified in order to compute viscous interac- tions over a continuous range of wall-to-stag- nation temperature ratios using a single set of universal' integral functions. Comparisons between the theoretical predictions and the ex- perimental results obtained from pressure and heat transfer distribution measurements show satisfactory agreements. (Modified author ab- stract) AD-763 087/CP MF A01 Boston Coll Chestnut Hill Mass Dept of Physics Electron Collisions and Cross Sections in Hydrogen Special scientific rept. Stanford P. Yukon. Jan 73, 148p AFCRL-TR-73- 0192 Contract F1 9628-71 -C-0079 Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: "Potential scattering. Electron transitions, "Hydrogen, Inelastic scattering, Molecules, Wave functions, Matrix algebra, Nu- merical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Electron molecule interactions, Collisional energy transfer. Electron scattering. Scattering cross sections, AF. Cross sections for inelastic scattering of elec- trons on molecular Hydrogen are determined using single center wave functions. Transitions among the 9 states X, B, C, E, B', a, b, c, e are calculated for a range of energies using various approximations for the exchange scattering amplitude. For more accurate low energy cross sections Seaton's partial wave analysis for atomic Hydrogen is extended here to molecular Hydrogen. (Author) AD-763 465/CP PC E01/MF A01 California Inst of Tech Pasadena Div of En- gineering and Applied Science Numerical Computations of Supercavitating Hydrofoils on Parabolic Shape with Wu and Wang's Exact Method Okitsugu Furuya. Jan 73, 84p Rept no. E79A.15 Contract N00014-67-A-0094-0021 Descriptors: "Hydrofoils, Fluid dynamic proper- ties, Incompressible flow, Parabolic bodies, Cavitation, Fluid flow, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Supercavitating hydrofoils, N. Wu and Wang in 1963 proposed a method to solve a system of nonlinear integral equations obtained to determine the supercavitating (s/c) flow past arbitrary hydrofoil shapes in which a functional iterative method was used. The ap- plication of the method is presently concerned with arbitrary-shaped s/c hydrofoils, especially with those having rounded leading edges, since there have been no such successful results up to date. The rounded nosed body in the present paper was a parabolic strut and the position of the upper cavity separation point and the body thickness were changed in several ways while the cavitation number was fixed to be zero throughout the investigation. (Modified author abstract) AD-763 808/CP PC E04/MF A01 Colorado Univ Boulder Dept of Aerospace En- gineering Sciences Diffusion Wave Technique Applied to a Mag- netized Helium Positive Column Plasma Doctoral thesis Richard Warren Richardson. 1973, 1 10p AFOSR-TR-73-1141 Grant AF-AFOSR-1908-70 Descriptors: "Plasma medium, Diffusion, Plasma oscillations. Magnetic fields, Electron density, Langmuir probes, Turbulence, Numeri- cal analysis, Com puter programs, Theses. Identifiers: Helium plasma. Electron energy. Plasma diagnostics, AF. 95 A new technique is developed for exciting a one-dimensional diffusion wave transverse to the magnetic field in an active helium positive column plasma. A modulated electron beam is used to produce a sinusoidal plasma density perturbation along the axis of a quiet mag- netized helium positive column plasma. The perturbation in plasma density dissipates radi- ally from the axis as a diffusion wave. Radial profiles of amplitude and phase of the perturba- tion are measured with a movable Langmuir probe input to a phase-lock amplifier. The transverse diffusion coefficient is obtained by fitting a diffusion model to the amplitude and phase profiles. (Modified author abstract) AD-763 905/CP PC A06/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers. Part I Final rept. Jurgen Thoenes, and Alan W. Ratliff . May 73, 116p* LMSC-HREC-D306475-1, RK-73-11-Pt1 Contract DAAH01 -72-C-0493 See also report dated May 73, AD-763 906. Descriptors: *Gas lasers, Mathematical models. Nozzle gas flow, Molecular properties. Gain, Chemical reactions. Reaction kinetics. Trans- port properties, Two-dimensional flow. Elec- tron transitions, Intensity, Irasers, Carbon diox- ide, Carbon monoxide. Hydrogen compounds, Deuterated compounds, Fluorides, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Chemical lasers, LAMP computer program, Carbon dioxide lasers, Carbon monoxide lasers, Hydrogen fluoride lasers, Deuterium fluoride lasers. Gas dynamics, A. A new laser and mixing analysis is described which considers the coupling between gasdynamic properties, cavity characteristics, and resulting laser radiation for diffusion-type chemical laser oscillator cavities. The formula- tion assumes parallel mixing and constant lateral pressure with lasing due to single or multiple transitions between certain vibra- tional/rotational molecular energy levels. Ex- citation of the active medium traversing a Fabry-Perot optical cavity is caused by higly ex- othermic reactions between gradually mixing reactants discharged from a grid nozzle. Uniform, premixed, inviscid laser cavity flows can be investigated as a special case of the more general analysis. Typical results are given for both uniform premixed and gradually mix- ing two-dimensional cavity flows. Volume I of this two-part final report documents the work accomplished on the development of the gain and power calculations, radiation model and its implementation into the constant lateral pres- sure Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP). (Modified author abstract) AD-763 906/CP PC A05/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers. Part II Final rept. Alan W. Ratliff, and Jurgen Thoenes. May 73, 97pLMSC-HREC-D-306475-2, RK-73-11-Pt2 Contract DAAH01 -72-C-0493 See also report dated May 73, AD-763 905. Descriptors: *Gas lasers, Mathematical models. Nozzle gas flow, Molecular properties, Gain, Chemical reactions, Reaction kinetics, Trans- port properties, Boundary layer, Electron transitions, INTENSITY, Irasers, Carbon diox- ide, Carbon monoxide, Hydrogen compounds, Deuterated compounds, Fluorides, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Chemical lasers, MOC-LAMP com- puter program, Carbon dioxide lasers, Carbon monoxide lasers, Hydrogen fluoride lasers, Deuterium fluoride lasers, A. The document is Volume II of a two-part final report. It deals with the effort involved in generating a Method-of-Characteristics Laser And Mixing Program (MOC-LAMP) to accom- modate chemical laser flows and reactants in the presence of both axial and lateral pressure gradients. Portions of Volumes I and II are repetitive to provide completeness and con- sistency. AD-763 943/CP PC E01/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Configuration to Electron Loading Final rept. K. G. Hamilton, J. W. Pritchett, and E. J. Halda. Dec 72, 166p SSS-R-72-1410, HDL-003-3 Contract DAAG39-71-C-0003 Descriptors: "Silicon, Radiation damage, 'Transistors, Electron bombardment, Transients, Deformation, Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: Transient response, CRAM com- puter code, A. A two-dimensional elastic-plastic hydrodynam- ics code has been used to calculate the mechanical response of six axisymmetric semiconductor configurations to electron- beam loading. The grid response is displayed and discussed. The time variations of rear-sur- face velocities and displacements are shown at selected positions, while some rear-surface responses are exhibited as functions of radius at particular times. These calculations were performed for the prediction of, and com- parison with, experimental measurements made on specimens tested using an electron accelerator at Harry Diamond Laboratories. (Author) AD-764 503/CP PC E06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Experimental Study of Taylor-Goertler Vortices in a Curved Rectangular Channel Master's thesis Robert Joe McKee. Jun 73, 163p Descriptors: 'Laminar flow, 'Vortices, Curved profiles. Rectangular bodies, Turbulence, Anemometers, Curve fitting, Graphics, Com- puter programs, Theses, Heat transfer, Reynolds number, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Turbulent flow, N. A rectangular cross section channel, with both a straight and a curved portion, was designed and built to create the laminar secondary Taylor-Goertler vortex flow. An aerosol was used to visualize these flow patterns, and photographs of the results are presented. A hot wire anemometer investigation of one location in the curved section was conducted to obtain the mean velocity profiles and turbulence levels. The pressure drop along both the straight and the curved sections was measured and compared. A constant temperature wall heater was also designed and installed in the straight section of the channel. Approximate values of the heating losses were obtained and the overall and local heat transfer coefficients were calculated for the straight portion of the channel. It was concluded that the vortices develop with both velocity increases and distance along the channel, and that the in- crease in pressure drop due to the vortices varied from near zero to approximately 20% with increasing Reynolds numbers. (Author) AD-764 505/CP PC E07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystalline Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals Master's thesis Kristin Lloyd Allen. Jun 73, 1 74p Descriptors: 'Metallic crystals, 'Secondary emission, "Copper, Ion bombardment, 'Silver, Ion bombardment, 'Molybdenum, Ion bom- bardment, 'Aluminum, Ion bombardment. Potassium compounds. Chlorides, Ions, Argon, Neon, Krypton, Xenon, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Potassium chloride, Computerized simulation, N. The thesis is a computer simulation of seconda- ry electron emission (SEE) from monocrystai- line metals and alkali-halides using a modified version of the Harrison, Carlston and Mag- nuson single collision theory of SEE. Three cases of SEE are investigated: the angular de- pendence of SEE from Cu bombarded by Ar( + ), the dependence of SEE as a function of energy for rare gas ions normally incident on the (100), (110) and (111) faces of metal single crystals, and the dependence of SEE as a function of energy for Ar(+) and Ne( + ) ions normally in- cident on the (100), (100) and (111) faces of KC1. (Modified author abstract) AD-764 506/CP PC E06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Coanda Effect with Jet Displacement over Planar, Concave, and Convex Walls Master's thesis Leo James Michael Baird. Dec 73, 161p Descriptors: 'Fluidics, 'Coanda effect. Fluid amplifiers, Jets, Two-dimensional flow. Turbu- lence, Mathematical models. Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: 'Fluerics, 'Flow attachment, N. Bourque and Newman presented an extensive paper analyzing the separate effects of deflec- tion angle and offset distance on the reat- tachment of flow issuing from a two-dimen- sional incompressible turbulent jet to an ad- jacent inclined flat plate. Levin and Manion combined the effects of offset distance and ver- tical wall incidence and derived a set of parametric equations to solve for the at- tachment distance at a given offset distance and deflection angle. Subsequently Perry ex- tended the control volume model to account for inaccuracies in defining a base pressure. As part of a general investigation of the Coanda ef- fect, the work of Levin and Manion has been ex- panded herein to encompass concave and con- vex surfaces of arbitrary planform. Two methods are outlined for determining the at- tachment distance for these additional plan- forms. (Modified author abstract) AD-764 702/7CP PC E04/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Beam Divergence: The Measurement of Nanosecond Laser Pulses Master's thesis Douglas E. Caldwell. Jun 73, 98p Rept no GEP- PH-73-5 Descriptors: 'Lasers, Light pulses, 'Irasers, Light pulses. Infrared radiation. Coherent radia- tion, Deflection, Test methods, Test equipment, Experimental design. Theses, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Laser beams, Neodymium glass lasers. Pulsed lasers, Divergence, Beam width, AF. The divergence of a laser beam is a measure of the rate at which the energy in the beam spreads. There are many ways of measuring the divergence of nanosecond pulses. The data reduction needed to gain accuracies of less than plus or minus 15% involves the expendi- ture of considerable time. The methods which give results in a short time generally have accu- racies of plus or minus 20% or worse. Two of 96 the more accurate methods which are based on photography, the Winer technique and Hart- mann method, are compared. Also, a mechanized technique known as SRTLAS, Semi-Real Time Laser Analysis Scanning is discussed. The 40 ns pulses measured during the comparison were produced by a Nd:Glass laser operating at 1.06 micrometer. (Modified author abstract) AD-764 721/7CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Transient Signal Propagation in Lossy Plasmas Physical sciences research papers Ronald L. Fante, and Richard L. Taylor. 25 Apr 73, 39p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-73-0277, AFCRL- PSRP-546 Descriptors: "Plasma medium, "Electromagnetic pulses. Transients, Plasma sheath, Blackout(Electromagnetic), At- mosphere entry, Nuclear explosions, Airburst, Integration, Computer programs. Identifiers: Maxwells equations, Step functions, Contour integration, FORTRAN, AF. Using contour integration techniques, the authors have calculated the transient response of a lossy homogeneous isotropic plasma to a unit step and a step-carrier sine wave. If was found that in the presence of losses the tem- poral step function response within the plasma does not approach zero for large time as for the collisionless case, but rather approaches unity. The rate at which the transient approaches the asymptotic value of unity is strongly dependent on the losses, being quite rapid for large losses and exceedingly slow for very small losses. This result has an important impact on the propaga- tion of EMP through the plasma sheath around a reentry vehicle, and through the ionized re- gion near a low altitude nuclear fireball. (Author) AD-765 697/8CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes Master's thesis Gordon Lee Smith. Jun 73, 89p Descriptors: "Diodes(Semiconductor), Electri- cal properties, 'Photodiodes, Electrical proper- ties, Lead compounds, Tin compounds, Tellu- rides, Band theory of solids. Manufacturing methods, Crystal growth, Car- riers(Semiconductors), Hall effect. Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Lead tellurides, "Tin tellurides, Heterojunctions, Photovoltaic effect, N. The electrical and photovoltaic properties of single heterojunction (SH) Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te diodes have been studied. SH diodes were fabricated by sequential depositions of p-type Pb(0.86)Sn(0.14)Te using stiochiometric source material and n-type Pb(0.80)Sn(0.20)Te using metal rich source material. At T = 77K, their energy gaps are 0.136 ev and 0.103 ev, respec- tively. SH diodes of good rectification with RoA products ranging from 3.5 to 18.6 have been obtained. Operated at 100K, 500K black body photovoltaic responses up to 0.2 volt/watt has been obtained. The current-voltage charac- teristics have been studied theoretically based on both the Anderson Diffusion Model and the Thermionic Emission Model. Using Anderson's model, and assuming delta E(c) = 0, constant electron affinity across the junction, fair agree- ments have been found between measurements and theoretical calculations. (Author) AD-766 238/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Frank J Seiler Research Lab United States Air Force Academy Colo The FOODES Program Description Interim rept. Carl A. Forbrich, Jr. Jul 73, 21 p Rept no. SRL- TR-73-0008 Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, Differential equations, "Computer programs, Fluid flow, Integration, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: FOODES computer program, FOR- TRAN, Numerical integration, AF. An extremely versatile computer program has been developed to solve systems of first order ordinary differential equations. The method of solution is discussed with the program applied to several problems of interest in fluid mechanics. (Author) AD-766 241/4CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Geomagnetic Field Models for Ray Tracing Environmental research papers Ming S. Wong, Krishna-Sastry Vanguri, and Manfred P. Friedman. 8 May 73, 49p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-73-0294, AFCRL-ERP-446 Descriptors: "Ionospheric propagation, Ter- restrial magnetism, Magnetic fields, Mathemati- cal models. Electron density. High frequency, Computer programs. Identifiers: Ray tracing, ITSA computer pro- gram, AF. An accurate geomagnetic-field model, consist- ing of the dipole plus seven higher-order har- monics in dipolar coordinates, is incorporated into a computer program for three-dimensional ray tracing. Three options of using magnetic- field models are provided: (1) using accurate field in computing both the ray trajectory and the propagation-aspect angle between the geomagnetic-field vector and the wave-normal vector associated with each point along the ray; (2) using the dipole field for computing rays but using the accurate field for computing aspect angles; (3) using the dipole field for both the rays and aspect angles. Comparisons are made among the results computed, using the three options, in the HF band for a nighttime polar ionosphere and for a noontime equatorial iono- sphere. Typical differences of few to ten degrees occur in the aspect angle, for aspect angles near 90 degrees — the value under which geomagnetic-field-aligned ionization, if present, would give rise to maximum backscatter of HF waves and thus cause clutter in Over-the-Horizon radars. (Author) AD-766 509/4CP PC E02/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY SAM-CE Monte Carlo Calculations of Nitrogen and Carbon Ball Integral Experi- ments Final rept. Martin O. Cohen, and Mendel Beer. 3 Aug 73, 42 MR-7033, DNA-3160Z Contract DNA001-73-C-0016 Presented at the Annual Meeting of American Nuclear Society (1 973), San Francisco, Calif. Descriptors: "Neutron scattering, Pro- gramming(Computers), "Gamma rays. Radia- tion measurement systems. Nitrogen, Carbon, Graphite, Neutron beams. Gamma-ray spectra. Curve fitting, Graphics. Identifiers: SAM CE computer code, FORTRAN, Gamma ray transport theory, SD. The SAM-CE Monte Carlo computer code has been used to calculate the neutron and secon- dary gamma ray counting rates at detectors located near spherical samples of graphite and liquid nitrogen which are subjected to a monodirectional neutron beam. The detectors were placed at angles of 30 degrees, 50 degrees, and 125 degrees to the initial neutron flight path. The calculated counting rates are compared with experimental results obtained by Gulf Radiation Technology. (Author) AD-766 647/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Arnold Engineering Development Center Ar- nold Air Force Station Tenn Fiber Optics Particle-Sizing System Final rept. Jul 71 -Jun 72 H. T. Bentley. Sep 73, 89p* Rept no. AEDC-TR- 73-111 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tul- lahoma, Tenn Rept. no ARO-OMD-TR-73-48. Descriptors: "Flow fields, Particle size, "Optical instruments, Flow visualization. Lasers, Fiber optics, Electrooptics, Distribution functions, Statistical distributions, Design, Wind tunnels. Computer programs. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, AF. A fiber optics particle-sizing system is discussed with respect to theory of operation and data acquisition and reduction techniques. The system uses a shadow-graphic technique to determine the dimensions and numbers of particles moving in a flow field. The system is digital in nature. Particles pass through a colli- mated laser beam and are imaged onto a linear array by a coaxial lens. The array is composed of the exposed ends of a fiber optics bundle which serves as a 'link' between the array plane and the sensing photo-detector modules. Being an imaging device, it can measure a wide range of particle sizes through the proper selection of optics. Sizes ranging from 2 to 1500 microme- ters have been measured in the course of this project. Comparisons of holographic data of a liquid rocket injector and of water spray nozzles are made with the fiber optics system. (Author) AD-766 705/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md The Tandem Van de Graaff On-Line Data Acquisition System Memorandum rept. Heber D. Jones. Jul 73, 61 p Rept no. BRL-Mr- 2307 Descriptors: "Particie accelerators. Data processing systems, "Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Van de Graaff generators, Analog-to- digital converters, Computer programs. Identifiers: Data acquisition, PDP-8 computers, AUTOFIT computer program, DATACS com- puter program. Programming manuals. On line systems, A. A detailed description of the computer-based on-line multiparameter data acquisition system at the Ballistic Research Laboratories Tanden Van de Graaff accelerator facility is presented. Complete instructions on the practical use of the hardware, data acquisition program, and data reduction program are included. (Author) AD-766 731/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Maryland Univ College Park Inst for Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics Collisional Coupling in Counter-Streaming Laser-Produced Plasmas Technical note David W. Koopman, and Robert R. Goforth. Jun 73, 50p BN-762, AFOSR-TR-73-1590 Grant AF-AFOSR -2225-72 Descriptors: "Plasma medium, Interactions, Lasers, Copper, Electron density, Ions, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: "Laser produced plasmas, Colli- sional energy transfer. Momentum transfer, "Plasma diagnostics, Copper plasma, MAD computer program, AF. 97 The collisional mechanisms by which a high density expanding plasma transfers momentum to an ambient stationary background are ex- amined, and applied to the example of a laser- produced plasma. Experimental measurements of collisional modification of the ion flow field confirm the treatment used for momentum transfer rates. A numerical model which simu- lates the collisional coupling of an expanding laser-produced plasma to a photoionized background is developed; the results are com- pared to laboratory data to assess the degree to which collisional coupling influences experi- mental interaction studies in which both colli- sionless and collisional effects may be impor- tant. (Author) AD-766 779/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Maryland Univ College Park Dept of Electrical Engineering The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials Quarterly technical rept. 22 Mar-21 Jun 73 Chi H. Lee, and Vutthi Bhanthumnavin. 26 Jul 73, 148pReptno.TR-014 Grant DA-ARO-D-31-124-72-G82 See also AD-760 560. Descriptors: 'Potassium compounds, Light transmission. Hydrogen compounds. Phosphates, Reflection, Prisms(Optics), Refraction, Harmonic analysis, Light pulses, Lasers, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Laser beams, Second harmonic generation, Nonlinear optics, "Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Neodymium lasers, Q switched lasers. Mode locked lasers. Potassium phosphates, A. The intensity of the second harmonic light in total reflection and in transmission from uniaxi- al KDP crystals immersed in an optically denser liquid l-bromonaphthalene have been mea- sured as a function of angle of incidence of the fundamental beam from a mode locked Nd:glass laser. The results agreed well with the theoretical predictions of theory given by Bloembergen and Pershan. In particular, the existence of a Nonlinear Brewster's angle of a transparent medium (KDP), with nonlinear polarization in the plane of reflection, has been first demonstrated. The transmitted second harmonic intensity under noncollinear phase matched condition by means of two beam spa- tial mixing (TBSM) in the KDP crystal, using Q- switched Nd:glass laser pulses, was observed as a function of the angle of incidence. The result was in good agreement with the theory of Bloembergen and Pershan. As a consequence, this result was used to measure the second order intensity auto-correlation function of Nd:glass laser radiation. (Author) AD-767 439/3CP PC A11/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Trans- port Equations - Revision B Final rept. Martin O. Cohen, Walter Guber, Eugene Troubetzkoy, Henry Lichtenstein, and Herbert Steinberg. 3 Aug 73, 248p MR-7021 -Rev-B, DNA-2830F-B Contract DNA-001-73-C-0016 See also AD-751 617. Descriptors: "Neutron transport theory, "Programming(Computers), "Gamma rays, Transport properties, Neutron cross sections. Gamma-ray cross sections, Shielding, Monte Carlo method, Geometry, Data processing systems, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: SAM-CE computer code, FORTRAN, Combinatorial geometry, "Gamma ray transport theory, SD. The SAM-CE system is a FORTRAN Monte Carlo computer code designed to solve the time-dependent neutron and gamma ray trans- port equations in complex three-dimensional geometries. SAM-CE is applicable for forward neutron calculations and for forward as well as adjoint primary gamma ray calculations. In ad- dition, SAM-CE is applicable for the gamma ray stage of the coupled neutron-secondary gamma ray problem, which also may be solved in either the forward or the adjoint mode. Time- dependent fluxes, and flux functionals such as dose, heating, count rates, etc., are calculated as function of energy, time and position. Multi- ple scoring regions are permitted and these may be either finite volume regions or point de- tectors or both. Other scores of interest, e.g., collision and adsorption densities, etc., are also made. A special feature of SAM-CE is its use of the 'combinatorial geometry' technique which affords the user geometric capabilities exceed- ing those available with other commonly used geometric packages. (Modified author abstract) AD-767 656/2CP PC E05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Tip Clearance and End Losses on Axial Com- pressor Performance Master's thesis John Kirtland Welch. Jun 73, 135p Descriptors: "Axial-flow compressor blades. Fluid flow, "Gas turbines, "Axial-flow compres- sors, Compressor rotors, Calibration, Torque, Flow fields, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: Turbomachinery, N. The objective of the study was to determine by experimental means the rotor efficiencies at different radii between hub and tip of a single stage axial compressor at its design point, to show the influence of tip clearance and end losses. Procedures for calibration and applica- tion of pressure probes to survey the flow in the compressor were established and programs were written to analyze the measured data. Recommendations are made for improvements of the data reduction method, which should precede experiments involving controlled changes in the blade tip clearances. (Author) AD-767 657/OCP PC E03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif High Frequency Propagation Anomalies Master's thesis Daniel Victor Stapleton, Jr. Jun 73, 84p Descriptors: "Radio transmission, Anomalies, High frequency. Data, Analysis, Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: Interactive computer graphics, Brigham project. Signal processing, AN/FLR- 15, AN/FRD-10, N. A search was made for propagation anomalies using a large quantity of high frequency data produced as a byproduct of BRIGHAM, a De- partment of Defense project. The BRIGHAM data is based on 800 KHz wide samples of the HF spectrum at a 25 cycle rate, using a 2.8 KHz resolution for a duration of approximately 2.5 minutes. This method of data collection is unique and it was hoped that propagation anomalies, including wide band anomalies, might be detected. Anomalies are believed to occur in the propagation of radio signals and they are usually other than known, routine ef- fects but may include known effects which can- not adequately be explained. The scope of the examination was limited to the visual analysis of computer processed data presented on an interactive graphics unit. (Author) AD-767 672/9CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Experimental Techniques in Holographic In- terferometry Master's thesis Richard Allan Everett. Jun 73, 92p Descriptors: "Flow visualization, "Interferometers, Stereoscopic photography, Fiber optics, Lasers, Flow fields. Three-dimen- sional flow. Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: "Interferometric holography, "Holography, N. Fiber light guides are used in conjunction with holographic interferometry. A Michelson inter- ferometer was constructed to test for temporal coherence of light passing through fiber optics. A finite-fringe hologram of a no-flow condition was taken to prove the feasibility of applying fiber optics to this field of flow investigation. The effect of opaque bodies on interferometric data inversion was sought. Two schemes for replacing the missing fringe data were used to see if the accuracy of the calculated density fields could be enhanced. (Author) AD-767 680/2CP PC E06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Turning Characteristics of the Bell 100 Ton Surface Effect Ship Master's thesis Kenneth Randall Myers. Jun 73, 145p Descriptors: "Ground effect machines, Maneu- verability, "Ships, Ground effect, Marine sur- face propulsion, Ocean waves, Marine rudders. Equations of motion, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: "Captured air bubble ships, Com- puter aided analysis, Computerized simulation, N. The turning characteristics of the Bell 100 ton captured Air Bubble Surface Effect Ship (CAB/SES) are studied with the aid of the Oceanic Incorporated computer simulation. The craft's motions for straight runs, straight runs with waves and turning runs under calm water conditions, are compared with the final set of computer simulation turning maneuvers with waves involving changing speeds, wavelengths, wave amplitudes, and final rudder angles. (Author) AD-767 732/1 CP PC A05/MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Bureau of En- gineering Research Energy States in Random Media Technical rept. Peter C. C. Chang, and W. J. Byatt. Aug 73, 84p Rept no. EE-210(73)ONR-005 Contract N00014-68-A-0158 Descriptors: "Band theory of solids, Crystals, Wave functions, Green's function. Potential energy, Statistical distributions. Computer pro- grams, Nonlinear differential equations. Identifiers: Density of states, Eigenvalues, Schroedinger equation, N. The report is concerned with energy levels and the density of states in random crystal. By developing a non-linear differential equation for the phase process in random crystals, it is shown how to calculate the density of states in one-dimensional random arrays. The method used has the virtues of simplicity and, where comparison with previous numerical results can be made, accuracy, with minimal comput- ing time. Various analytical results are found with the phase process method and these are equivalent with results found by other workers. In the three-dimensional case, it is shown how to use the phase process to help construct the Green's function and, from it, the density of states. No applications are given. By expanding in plane waves, a secular determinant is found for the determination of the energy eigenvalues in a random crystal. (Modified author abstract) 98 AD-767 895/6CP PC E03/MF A01 Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio A Theoretical Investigation of Axisymmetric Subsonic Diffuser Flow Technical rept. Jun 72-Apr 73 Kervyn D. Mach. Jul 73, 71 p Rept no. AFAPL- TR-73-40 Descriptors: "Axially symmetric flow, "Diffusers, Subsonic flow, Viscosity, Partial differential equations, Difference equations, Integration, Numerical analysis. Computer programs. Identifiers: Finite difference theory, AXILAX computer program, CDC 6600 computers, AF. A marching procedure for solving the finite dif- ference equations describing inviscid, sub- sonic, compressible flow in an axisymmetric duct is described. The concept of artificial viscosity is introduced and special provisions for maintaining continuity are included. The method predicts the pressure and velocity dis- tributions at any axial station in the duct. A computer program and several sample results are also presented and discussed. (Author) AD-768 042/4CP PC E01/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group Inc Elmsford NY Additional Analysis of Neutron and Seconda- ry Gamma Ray Transport in Concrete Using the SAM-CE Monte Carlo Code Final rept. Martin O. Cohen, and Mendel Beer. Sep 73, 43p MR-7035, DNA-3182T Contract DNA001 -73-C-0016 Descriptors: "Shielding, Concrete, "Neutron transport theory, *Programming(Computers), 'Gamma rays, Transport properties, Neutron cross sections. Gamma-ray cross sections, Graphics. Identifiers: *SAM CE computer code, Gamma ray transport theory, Histograms, SD. The SAM-CE Monte Carlo code has been used to analyze the time-dependent transport of neutrons and secondary gamma rays in a forty centimeter thick slab of concrete. Calculated counting rates and energy leakage spectra at a detector located behind the concrete slab, are compared with previous SAM-CE calculations involving older cross section sets. The results are also compared with similar experimental results obtained by Gulf Radiation Technology. (Author) AD-769 219/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A FORTRAN Program to Analyze Gamma-Ray Spectra Recorded with Ge(Li) Detectors Final rept. R. E. Larson, and J. L. Repace. Oct 73, 53p Rept nos. NRL-MR-2658, NRL-Computer Bull-34 Descriptors: 'Gamma ray spectra, "Computer programs, Spectrum analysis, Pulse height analyzers, Control sequences, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Germanium(Li) detectors, CDC 3800 computers, N. The set of routines was specifically designed for gamma-ray spectral analysis using a high resolution lithium-drifted germanium detector and a 4096 channel pulse height analyzer, with gainsettings of from .25 to 4 keV per channel. It was written to reproduce the results of manual analysis of spectra. Options provide data acquisition from magnetic tape, paper tape, or data cards. The program determines all statisti- cally significant peaks and computes the ener- gy and area of each peak for up to 512 peaks per spectrum. (Author) AD-769 280/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Wavelength Spectrum Shift of a Cavity- Dumped Argon laser-Pumped Rhodamine 6-G Organic-Dye Laser Master's thesis Gerald Warner Snyder. Sep 73, 61 p Descriptors: "Dye lasers, Spectrum analysis, Fluorescence, Reaction kinetics, Theses, Opti- cal pumping, Computer programs, Light pul- ses, Electron transitions, Models, Compu- terized simulation, Wavelengths, Emission spectra, Gain, Visible spectra, Absorption spec- tra. Identifiers: "Organic dye lasers, Pulsed lasers, Rhodamine 6G, Laser gain, Tunable lasers, N. The wavelength spectrum of a CW pumped Rhodamine 6-G organic dye laser is observed to shift approximately 150 Angstroms toward shorter wavelengths when pumped by 30 nsec pulses at a one megahertz repetition rate from a cavity-dumped Argon laser. Experimental evidence of the shift is presented, gain and rate equations are developed for a simplified dye laser model, and theoretical results are ob- tained for a computer simulation of the experi- mental results and satisfactory agreement is obtained within the limits of the values of the parameters used and the assumptions made in formulating the model. (Author) AD-769 338/5CP PC E06/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Numerical Model of Surface Recession Phenomena of Metals Subjected to Laser Radiation in an Aerodynamic Environment Master's thesis Richard G. Wigglesworth. Dec 72, 150p Rept no. GAW/MC/72-17 Descriptors: "Metal plates, Heating, Mathemati- cal models, Two dimensional, Aerodynamics, Environments, Surface properties. Theses, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Aluminum, Magnesium, Titanium, Stainless steel, Coherent optical radiation, Lasers. Identifiers: QUEST Computer program, Surface recession, "Laser heating, AF. A two-dimensional numerical model of the sur- face recession dynamics and transient heating of metal plates simultaneously subjected to high intensity laser radiation and aerodynamic frictional forces is developed. The model em- ploys heat and force balance calculations over successive finite time increments on an array of finite elements within the plate's cross-sec- tional profile lying parallel to the wind vector and bisecting the laser beam spot. A computer program of the model in FORTRAN Extended is provided. The model, exercised at various mach numbers, was found to give results consistent with simplified limiting cases of instantaneous melt removal. Melt-through times for 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20 centimeter thick sheets of aluminum, magnesium, stainless steel, and titanium ab- sorbing 1 and 10 kilowatts of power over spots of 1 sq cm and 10 sq cm at mach numbers rang- ing from 0.0 to 4.0 are presented. (Author) AD-769 415/1CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Analytical Analysis of the Effects of In- stantaneous Vorticity on Compressor Per- formance Master's thesis James Edward Shoemaker. Jun 73, 89p Descriptors: "Axial flow compressors, Surge, "Turbofan engines, Axial flow compressors, Theses, Vortices, Duct inlets, Pressure, Dis- tribution, Distortion, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, Computer aided design, N. Vorticity forms the basis for a new approach to the analysis of inlet distortion in axial flow fans and compressors. Farmer first formulated this approach and this paper represents a test of the usefulness of his theory. A summary of recent developments in the field along with a discus- sion of the effects of distortion on stall margin forms a background for this complex problem. A computer program calculates the vorticity pattern at the compressor face using data that are read from a magnetic tape. The data, which were provided by NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, consist of eleven stall events. The output of the program contains tables of stag- nation pressure and the partial derivatives of pressure and the partial derivatives of pressure in the R and theta directions as well as three maps. The three maps are of pressure and radi- al and circumferential vorticity. The results of the program show a correlation between a ring of large positive circumferential vorticity and stall, leading to the conclusion that the stall was caused by the increase in blade loading in- duced by the vorticity. This conclusion sug- gests a formulation for a universal inlet distor- tion index and provides a basis for the evalua- tion of the vorticity approach to the problem. (Author) AD-769 498/7CP PC E03/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Statistica! Techniques for the Analysis of Shear Flow Fields Master's thesis Richard Clarke Oliver. Mar 73, 74p Rept no. GAM/ME/73-4 Descriptors: "Turbulent flow, "Statistical analy- sis, "Subsonic flow, "Computer programs. Flow fields, Correlation techniques, Probability den- sity functions, Lasers, Interactions, FORTRAN, Theses Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, CDC 6600 computers, Autocorrelation, Shear flow, AF. Statistical analysis, which has found increasing use in the solution of complex problems in recent years, is presented in a form suitable for subsonic turbulent flow investigation. A com- puter program, designed for the CDC 6600 and written in FORTRAN IV, is the core of the analytical process. The statistical techniques employed are the probability density function, the autocorrelation function, the power spec- tral density, and the crosscorrelation function. The results of these techniques are discussed in general terms and related to turbulent flow parameters. The analytical process, including the digitizing of analog data, was verified using known functions. The analysis of constant tem- perature anemometer data from screen and cylinder turbulence generators matched results previously reported. The program was developed to support the investigation of flow/laser interactions. The program is not limited to fluid analysis. (Modified author ab- stract) AD-769 594/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Computer-Aided Optical Lens Design and Image Analysis Technical rept. William D. Hyman, and George L. Marshall, Jr. 20 Aug 73, 61 p Rept no. RE-73-34 Descriptors: "Optical lenses. Computer applica- tions, Computer programs. Plotters, Graphics, Tables(Data), FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Computer aided design, FOLDP computer program, IBM 7094 computers, CDC 6600 computers, A. At the core of the US Army Missile Command's (MICOM's) capability to design and analyze op- tical system performance is a computer pro- gram written for the National Aeronautics and 99 Space Administration (NASA) called FORTRAN Optical Lens Design Program (FOLDP). Person- nel at MICOM have modified this program to use the available SC 4020 digital computer plotter and developed a program to do a complete analysis of the image produced by the finished design. The modifications required on the basic program are discussed and a complete description of the Image Analysis Program and user guidelines are presented. The Image Analysis Program can be used in conjunction with any raytrace program which yields ray coordinates and direction cosines on the final optical surface as its end product. (Author) AD-769 760/OCP PC E06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Two Methods for the Numerical Calculation of Acoustic Normal Modes in the Ocean Master's thesis Kirk Eden Evans. Sep 73, 159p Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Wave equa- tions, Finite difference theory, Ray tracing, Par- tial differential equations, Numerical integra- tion, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: WKB approximation, N. Three computer programs were written to find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of acoustic normal modes in the ocean. The programs used two different methods: an iterative finite dif- ference scheme, and a method based upon the WKB(Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) approxima- tion of quantum mechanics. The methods as- sume a flat fluid bottom and are designed for any arbitrary sound speed profile. While the results of both the finite difference and the WKB methods agreed, the WKB method proved faster. (Author) AD-769 837/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacksburg Dept of Aerospace Engineering Boundary Layer Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack to Supersonic Nonuniform Free Streams. Volume II. Description of Computer Programs and User's Guide Final rept. 1 Sep 69-1 Dec 72 Michael C. Frieders, and Clark H. Lewis. Aug 73, 130pARL-73-0123-Vol-2 Contract F33615-70-C-1015 See also Volume 1, AD-768 966. Descriptors: 'Laminar boundary layer, Blunt bodies, 'Computer programming, Laminar boundary layer. Three dimensional flow, Wake, Skin friction, Heat transfer, Partial differential equations. Angle of attack, Graphics, Curve fitting, Supersonic flow, FORTRAN. Identifiers: AF. Two FORTRAN computer programs have been developed to solve the problem of laminar boundary layers on sharp and blunt cones at angle of attack to nonuniform free streams. An existing three-dimensional boundary layer pro- gram was modified to introduce nonuniform edge properties to the boundary layer on a sharp cone. A combination of axisymmetric and three-dimensional boundary layer programs was modified to solve the boundary layer on a blunt cone in nonuniform streams. The inviscid flow fields over blunt cones are predicted from blunt body and three-dimensional method of characteristics solutions. Conical flow field solutions are used over sharp cones in uniform streams, and three-dimensional method of characteristics solutions are used over sharp cones in nonuniform streams. Results have been compared to those found by experiment and by other computer programs and were found to be in good agreement. (Modified author abstract) AD-770 169/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacksburg Dept of Aerospace Engineering Inviscid Supersonic Nonuniform Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack. Volume II. Computer Pro- gram Descriptions and User's Guide Final rept. 1 Sep 69-1 Dec 72 Roie R. Balck, and Clark H. Lewis. Aug 73, 145p ARL-73-0124-Vol-2 Contract F33615-70-C-1015 See also Volume 1 , AD-768 966. Descriptors: 'Inviscid flow, "Supersonic flow, 'Three dimensional flow, 'Computer programs, 'Conical bodies, Blunt bodies, Angle of attack. Two dimensional flow. Instruction manuals. Nose cones, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, IBM 370/155 computers, AF. A system of six computer programs which may be arranged into several program packages for the purpose of solving inviscid flow fields over sharp and spherically blunted cones at angle of attack in both uniform and nonuniform super- sonic free streams has been developed. These programs are written in standard FORTRAN 4 and are currently being run on the Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State University IBM 370/155 computer. The six programs include a modified inverse blunt body solution program, a modified axisymmetric method of charac- teristics program, a modified three-dimensional method of characteristics program, two sharp cone zero and nonzero angle of attack uniform flow solution programs, and a master data input control program which reads input data and passes information to the other programs. (Modified author abstract) AD-770 335/8CP PC A11/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications Boulder Colo Inst for Telecommunication Sciences Computer Programs for Air/Ground Propaga- tion and Interference Analysis (0.1 to 20 GHz) Final rept. G. D. Gierhart, and M. E. Johnson. Sep 73, 229p FAA-RD-73-103 Contract FA68WAI-145 Descriptors: 'Radio transmission, 'Computer programs. Air to surface, Transmission losses, Signal to noise ratio, Ground to air communica- tions, TACAN, Distance measuring equipment. Guidance, Radio navigation, Very high frequen- cy. Identifiers: FAA. The report describes three computer programs for use in predicting the service coverage as- sociated with air/ground radio systems operat- ing in the frequency band from 0.1 to 20 GHz. Power density, station separation and service volume programs are used to obtain computer- generated microfilm plots. These are: (1) power density available at a particular altitude versus distance from a ground-based transmitting facility; (2) the desired-to-undesired signal ratio, D/U, available at an isotropic receiving antenna versus the distance separating desired and undesired facilities; and (3) constant D/U contours in the altitude versus distance space between the desired and undesired facilities. A detailed discussion of the propagation model involved and program listings are included in the appendices (Author) AD-770 370/5CP PC E03/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Evaluation of Operational Characteristics of Selected Unfolding Codes David T. Kilminster. Sep 73, 67p Rept no. BRL- 1675 Contract DA-1-B-0621 18-AD-51 Descriptors: 'Neutron spectrum, 'Computer programming, Graphics, Curve fitting, Approxi- mation. Identifiers: SAND 2 computer code, SPECTRA computer code, FERDOR computer code, A. A study was conducted to determine the sen- sitivity of three computer codes (SAND 2, SPECTRA, and FERDOR) used for unfolding neutron spectra from activation foil data to er- rors in measured foil activities and to the choice of first approximation spectra, and to evaluate these codes in terms of computer run time, user intervention, and required user experience. Based on the results of the study, it was con- cluded that (1) the solution spectrum is much more sensitive to the choice of the first approxi- mation spectrum than to errors in the measured foil activities, (2) the solution spectrum is more accurate in energy intervals containing many neutrons than in intervals containing few neutrons, (3) FERDOR, in the form received, was unsuitable for unfolding neutron spectra from activation foil data, (4) comparison of the computing run times of the two remaining codes is unwise because of the number of vari- ables involved, and (5) unfolding codes require considerable user experience in order to produce meaning ful solution spectra. (Author) AD-770 564/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport R I Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Trans- mitting Array Technical rept. William G. Kanabis. 20 Oct 73, 52p Rept no. NUSC-TR-4605 Descriptors: 'Sonar arrays, 'Underwater sound, 'Sound transmission, Phase, Amplitude, Matchings, Computer programs. Identifiers: S2041 computer program, N. A theoretical study to determine the optimum use of the Block Island-Fishers Island (BIFI) ver- tical transmitting array in exciting individual modes is described. Three methods of emphasizing individual modes — phase matching, exact amplitude matching, and rough amplitude matching — are described. The bases of these methods are derived from the basic properties of modes. Sample cases using these approaches were run through a computer program developed by the Naval Un- derwater Systems Center. The physical charac- teristics of the emplanted array and BIFI velocity profiles typical for summer and winter were assumed, and propagation loss was cal- culated for individual modes with the array matched in turn to modes 1 through 4. The three methods of emphasizing individual modes were evaluated for each profile and mode, and it was found that each method would successfully emphasize any desired mode and depress all others under a variety of thermal conditions. The best results would be obtained by using exact amplitude matching. (Author) AD-771 046/OCP PC E01/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) Technical rept. Charles J. Kiss. 1 Oct 73, 47p Rept no. RE-73-32 Descriptors: 'Frequency modulation, 'Pulse compression, 'Echo ranging, Matched filters, Doppler effect, Computer programs, Bats, Simulation. Identifiers: 'Hyperbolic frequency modulation, Chype, A. The report investigates a hyperbolic frequency modulation technique that is doppler invariant. This doppler invariant property assures its use- 100 fulness in both the realms of acoustic echolo- cation and radar. Bat echolocation techniques are discussed and are shown to be surprisingly analogous to current radar techniques. Spec- tral characteristics of the compressed hyper- bolic-FM are examined with respect to its pulse compression capability in extremely high velocity target environments and is shown to be superior to the conventional linear-FM. Matched filtering is simulated via an 11 -bit Fast Fourier Transform. AD-771 048/6CP PC E06/MF A01 Maryland Univ College Park Dept of Electrical Engineering The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials: Non- linear Optical Interactions in KDP Prisms Quarterly technical rept. 22 Mar-21 Jun 73 Chi H. Lee, and Vutthi Bhanthumnavin. 26 Jul 73, 148p TR-014, AROD-8921 8-P Grant DA-ARO-D-31-124-72-G82 See also report dated 1 Apr 73, AD-760 560. Descriptors: *Laser beams, "Laser materials, 'Frequency multipliers, Potassium compounds. Hydrogen compounds, Phosphates, Nonlinear systems, Neodymium lasers. Light pulses. Reflection, Refraction, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Second harmonic generation, Non- linear optics, 'Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Mode locked lasers, Q switched lasers, A. The intensity of the second harmonic light in total reflection and in transmission from uniaxi- al KDP crystals immersed in an optically denser liquid 1-bromonaphthalene have been mea- sured as a function of angle of incidence of the fundamental beam from a mode locked Ndglass laser. The existence of a Nonlinear Brewerster's angle of a transparent medium (KDP), with nonlinear polarization in the plane of reflection, has been first demonstrated. The transmitted second harmonic intensity under noncollinear phase matched condition by means of two beam spatial mixing (TBSM) in the KDP crystal, using Q-switched Nd:glass laser pulses, was observed as a function of the angle of incidence. (Modified author abstract) AD-771 068/4CP PC E01/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp Bethpage N Y Research Dept On a Numerical Scheme for Solving Non- linear Boundary Value Problems with Missed Boundary Conditions Research memo. Reuben R. Chow. Nov 73, 29p Rept no. RM-582 Descriptors: 'Numerical integration, 'Partial differential equations, 'Nonlinear differential equations, 'Fluid flow, Numerical methods and procedures, Matrices(Mathematics), Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, Parabolic differential equations, SD. In the paper, the author develops a modification of Keller's box scheme for solving boundary value problems to cover cases with mixed boundary conditions. Keller's scheme is a very efficient finite difference algrotihm for solving systems of ordinary differential equations and systems of parabolic partial differential equa- tions. The original method employed a block tridiagonal matrix formulation that was not directly applicable to problems with mixed boundary conditions. The author applied the present generalized method to the solution of two boundary value problems that arise in the theory of laminar viscous interactions. The main program is used as the core in a number of other computer codes to solve a variety of viscous problems. A user-oriented FORTRAN 4 subroutine is also included for the solution of the present matrix system. (Author) AD-771 107/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Army Materiel Command Texarkana Tex Intern Training Center A Computer Technique for Predicting Noise Levels Inside Large Enclosures Master's thesis Robert B. Perry. Dec 72, 78p* Rept no. USAMC- ITC-3-73-13 Descriptors: 'Noise(Sound), 'Acoustic mea- surement, 'Buildings, 'Noise reduction. Com- puter programs. Computerized simulation, Theses. Identifiers: IBM 1 130 computers, A. The research is an attempt to develop a procedure for predicting the noise levels that will be encountered in large enclosures which are subjected to acoustic excitation from one or more noise sources. A digital computer model of a rectangular room containing noise sources is presented. For verification of the model, three rooms containing both one and two noise sources are studied. Comparisons are made between the noise levels predicted by the model, and those actually observed under test conditions. (Modified author abstract) AD-772 001/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Rockwell International Corp Canoga Park Calif Rocketdyne Div Discovery of New Lasers Final technical rept. 1 Jan-28 Dec 73 Lawrence H. Hall. 28 Dec 73, 55p* R-9374, RK- CR-73-5 Contract DAAH01-73-C-0447 Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, 'Infrared lasers, "Cesium, 'Rubidium, Alkali metals. Metal vapors, Electron transitions, Chemilu- minescence, Computer programs. Identifiers: RESALE computer program, 'Metal vapor lasers. Cesium atoms, Rubidium atoms, A. The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the potential of using electronically excited al- kali metal atoms for a new chemical laser which would operate at wavelengths less than 2.2 micrometers. The study concentrated on the reaction of certain alkali metals (cesium and ru- bidium) with appropriate halogens (fluorine and chlorine). These reaction systems show promise of producing population inversions in the upper electronic states of the alkali metal atoms (based on their exothermicities and upon early work of Polanyi with the Na/CI2 system). AD-772 717/5CP PC A15/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Lab Opera- tions The Low-G Accelerometer Calibration System Orbital Accelerometer Experiment. Volume I. Experiment Description and Methodology Rept. for Jun 66-Jun 70 J. A. Pearson, R. W. Bruce, Y. T. Chiu, W. A. Feess, and E. G. Fotou. 1 Jul 73, 344p TR- 0074(4260-1 Q)-1-Vol-1,SAMSO-TR-73-355-Vol- 1 Contract F04701-73-C-0074 See also Volume 2, AD-772 718. Descriptors: 'Scientific satellites, 'Accelerometers, 'Atmospheric density, 'Upper atmosphere, Calibration, Acceleration, Aerodynamic drag. Data acquisition, Computer programs. Identifiers: LOGACS(Low G Accelerometer Calibration System), Low g accelerometer calibration system, MESA(Miniature Electro- static Accelerometers), Miniature electrostatic accelerometers, AF. The LOGACS (Low-G Accelerometer Calibra- tion System) experiment, which contained a miniature electrostatic accelerometer (Mesa), was placed in a low-altitude polar orbit on 22 May 1967. The experiment provided approxi- mately 100 hours of acceleration data from which the accelerometer scale factor, ac- celerometer null bias, and atmospheric drag on the satellite were calculated. The mission description, the characteristics of the ac- celerometer, the instrumentation used in the experiment, and a summary of the results of the inflight accelerometer calibration are presented in this volume. The accelerometer's sensing en- vironment is discussed, as are the data reduc- tion methods used to extract the scale factor and bias of the accelerometer and the methods of determining the acceleration due to aerodynamic drag. (Author) AD-772 849/6CP PC E06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Giant Multipole Resonances in 197Au Master's thesis Arnold Stephen Warshawsky, and Abbott Milton Webber, Jr. Dec 73, 129p Descriptors: 'Gold, 'Nuclear resonance, Elec- tron scattering, Inelastic scattering, Linear ac- celerators, Graphics, Approximation, Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Gold 197, 'Giant resonance, Born approximation, Form factors, N. For heavy nuclei, very few measurements of the nuclear giant multipole resonances have been conducted using inelastic electron scattering. In this work, measurements were made to identify the giant multipole resonances of 197Au. Five inelastic scattering spectra were obtained and analyzed. In each spectrum, giant multipole resonances were observed at excita- tion energies of 7.1, 9.1, 10.9, and 14 MeV. The strengths and multipolarities were found. (Modified author abstract) AD-772 919/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif Sensitivity of Material Response Calculations to the Equation of State Model Final rept. May-Oct73 William O. Wray. Dec 73, 66p SSS-R-73-1910. BRL-130 Contract DAAD05-73-C-0489 Descriptors: 'Aluminum, 'Beryllium, 'Equations of state, 'Titanium, "Computer programs. Mathematical models, Sensitivity. Identifiers: A. The report examines the sensitivity of material response calculations to the choice of equation of state model. Three equation of state models, all of which are available as subroutines in the RIP code, are considered: (1) modified PUFF; (2) RIP mixed phase; and (3) GRAY. Each of these models is used to calculate the one- dimensional response of aluminum, beryllium and titanium; this series of calculations is per- formed for two distinct x-ray sources. The sen- sitivity of the calculated material response to the choice of equation of state model is charac- terized in terms of the generated impulse and the peak propagating stress at the time the radiation source is cut off. For the calculations presented in this report, the three equation of state models are in fairly good agreement. (Author) AD-773 057/5CP PC E07/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacksburg Dept of Aerospace Engineering Boundary Layer Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack to Supersonic Nonuniform Free Streams. Volume II. Description of Computer Programs and Users Guide Final rept. Michael C. Frieders, and Clark H. Lewis. Aug 73, 1 69p ARL-73-01 23-Vol-2 Contract F33615-70-C-1015 See also Volume 1 , AD-773 056. 101 Descriptors: 'Conical bodies, "Boundary layer flow, 'Supersonic characteristics, Problem solving, Computer applications, Sharpness, Blunt bodies, Angle of attack, Flow fields, Laminar boundary layer, Three dimensional flow, Inviscid flow, Mathematical prediction, Fortran, Heat transfer, Skin friction. Identifiers'. AF. Two fortran computer programs have been developed to solve the problem of laminar boundary layers on sharp and blunt cones at angle of attack to nonuniform free streams. An existing three-dimensional boundary layer pro- gram was modified to introduce nonuniform edge properties to the boundary layer on a sharp cone. A combination of axisymmetric and three-dimensional boundary layer programs was modified to solve the boundary layer on a blunt cone in nonuniform streams. The inviscid flow fields over blunt cones are predicted from blunt body and three-dimensional method of characteristics solutions. Conical flow field solutions are used over sharp cones in uniform streams, and three-dimensional method of characteristics solutions are used over sharp cones in nonuniform streams. (Modified author abstract) AD-773 769/5CP PC A06/MF A01 California Univ Livermore Lawrence Livermore Lab WAMP: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program Final rept. Fred J. Deadrick, and Edmund K. Miller. 10 Dec 73, 110p Rept no. UCID-30084 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Computerized simula- tion. Computer programs. Antenna radiation patterns, Instruction manuals, FORTRAN. Identifiers: WAMP computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, "Wire anten- nas, CG. Program WAMP is a Wire Antenna Modeling Program written in FORTRAN IV and applicable to arbitrary antenna and support structures. WAMP models an antenna as a series of inter- connected straight wire segments, and solves the electromagnetic boundary value problems by numerically evaluating an electric field in- tegral equation. Antennas may be analyzed in free space, over a perfect ground, a radial ground screen or in the presence of any homogeneous media. Antenna input im- pedance, current distributions, near-electric fields and far-field radiation patterns are also calculated. The users manual covers both the theory and numerical techniques employed in WAMP. The program's input variables are defined, and illustrative examples are used to demonstrate the program's capabilities. (Author) AD-773 807/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio Thermoluminescence and Color Centers in Rare Earth Doped Ceria Crystals Peter L. Land. Dec 73, 75p Rept no. ARL-73- 0171 Descriptors: 'Rare earth compounds, 'Thermoluminescence, 'Color centers. Cerium compounds, Oxides, Doping, Crystal growth. Colors, Fluorescence, Magnetic resonance, Im- purities, Ultraviolet radiation, Photoelectric ef- fect. Excitation, Emission spectra, Interstitials, Band theory of solids, Atomic energy levels. Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Cerium oxides, Polarons, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, AF. Properties associated with electron traps, color centers, and luminescent centers are described for nominally pure and rare earth doped, flux grown crystals of Ce02. The published work on optical and electrical properties of Ceria and re- lated areas are reviewed and discussed in rela- tion to this work. Computer programs for the calculation of energies and frequency factors from glow curves are presented. (Modified author abstract) AD-774 059/OCP PC E03/MF A01 Air Force Rocket Propulsion Lab Edwards AFB Calif Plume Boundary Computer Program Final rept. 1 7 Apr-26 May 72 Fred S. Andes. Oct 73, 43p Rept no. AFRPL-TR- 73-85 Descriptors: 'Plumes, 'Boundary layer flow, "Computer programs, Expansion, Radial flow, One dimensional flow, Mach number. Specific heat, Nozzle gas flow, Pressure, Ratios. Identifiers: PLUME computer porgram, Method of characteristics, AF. A computer program was developed from an existing approximate method for determining the profile of a free expansion jet emanating into a quiescent atmosphere. Inclusion of a scale correlation factor was also a necessary addition to the theory to achieve good compati- bility between the approximate and method of characteristic (MOC) solutions. This inclusion gives excellent agreement, in the near-field, with MOC profiles for a wide range of exit Mach numbers, specific heat ratios, nozzle exit an- gles, and ambient-to-static pressure ratios. (Author) AD-774 161/4CP PC E03/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif Numerical Simulation of Turbulence Technical rept. K. M. Case, F. W. Perkins, F. J. Dyson, E. A. Frieman, and C. E. Grosch. Nov 73, 63p Rept no. SRI-JSR-73-3 Contract DAHC15-73-C-0370, ARPAOrder-2504 Descriptors: 'Turbulent flow, 'Parallel proces- sors, 'Navier Stokes equations, 'Numerical in- tegration, Reynolds number, Computer pro- gramming, Computerized simulation, Compu- tations. Identifiers: ILLIAC 4 computer, SD. Turbulent flows play a major role in many problems of great practical interest. In the re- port the authors consider whether the advent of a new generation of computers (llliac IV, Star, ASC) makes feasible a numerical attack on tur- bulence by direct integration of the Navier- Stokes equations. AD-775 027/6CP PC E05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Experiment to Measure Laser Beam Wander and Beam Spread in the Marine Boundary Layer Near Shore Master's thesis David Albert Beall. Dec 73, 94p Descriptors: 'Laser beams, 'Marine at- mospheres, Turbulent boundary layer, At- mospheric disturbances. Light transmission. Variations, Analog to digital converters. Com- puter programs, FORTRAN, Theses, identifiers: Monterey Bay, Helium neon lasers, N. A system to measure laser beam wander and beam spread in the atmosphere over the ocean has been designed, constructed, and tested. The apparatus employed a high resolution scanning telescope with a potential for use in a broad range of visual and infra-red wavelengths, and with the ability to measure beam wander and beam spread variations on the order of a few microradians in angle of in- cidence. Three successful trials with a propaga- tion path over the southern end of Monterey Bay were conducted. Data was processed using analog and digital computers. RMS values of beam wander from 4.6 to 30.2 microradians were observed. (Author) AD-775 223/1CP PC E04/MF A01 Arizona State Univ Tempe Dept of Mechanical Engineering Noise Reduction in Hydraulic Systems Final rept. Earl Logan, Jr. Sep 72, 87p Contract N00014-72-A-0070-0001 Descriptors: 'Deep submergence vehicles, 'Hydraulic equipment, 'Noise reduction, Hydraulic pressure pumps, Piping systems, Hydraulic valves, Sound pressure. Mathemati- cal analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: N. A preliminary investigation of noise in hydraulic systems was undertaken in order to determine causes and methods for reduction of noise. A method for predicting the sound pressure level associated with fluid pumping was achieved. Predictions made by this method agreed with experimental measurements made on a representative hydraulic system developed for this research. It is recommended that the calcu- lation method be extended to include all types of pumps and piping arrangements found in hydraulic systems and that the experimental apparatus be modified to further test predicted results. (Author) AD-775 257/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Yale Univ New Haven Conn Dept of Engineering and Applied Science Computer Programs for Calculating Conden- sation Rate in Steady, Adiabatic Expansions in Supersonic Nozzles Technical rept. Benjamin J. C. Wu. Jan 74, 1 18p Rept no. TR-26 Contract N00014-67-A-0097-0012 Descriptors: "Supersonic flow, "Supersonic nozzles, "Condensation, Gas dynamics, Nuclea- tion, Computer programs, Computations, Nu- merical integration, FORTRAN. Identifiers: N. The computer programs written in FORTRAN language for the numerical solution of super- sonic nozzle flows with condensation are presented. These programs are based on Oswatitsch's formulation of one dimensional nozzle flow of ideal gases with subcritical heat addition. Integration of the coupled gasdynam- ic equations for the flow and the kinetic equa- tions of condensation is done in a stepwise manner in the flow direction downstream from the throat, using a fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical integration algorithm. The nozzle cross-sectional area distribution, and physical properties of the vapor and condensate are written in separate sub-programs. The various forms of rate equations of homogeneous nucleation (classical or statistical mechanical) and free molecular droplet growth (for various ranges of droplet temperatures) are written in standard froms as several interchangeable subroutines Detailed description of the pro- gram, flow charts, and sample calculations are included in the appendices. (Author) AD-775 411/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume I. Laser and Mixing Program Theory and User's Guide Final rept. 24 Oct 72-24 Oct 73 Juergen Thoenes, A. J. McDanal, Alan W. Ratliff, and Sheldon D. Smith. Oct 73, 147p* LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900-1 , RK-CR-73-2-Vol-1 Contract DAAH01-73-C-0232 102 See also Volume 2, AD-775 41 2. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, *Gas dynamics, "Computer programming, Two dimensional flow, Chemical reactions, Mixing, Combustion, Thermodynamics, Transport properties, Con- tinuous waves, FORTRAN, Instruction manuals, Carbon dioxide lasers. Gas dynam ic lasers. Identifiers: LAMP computer program, Pro- gramming manuals, Deuterium fluoride lasers, A. A new Laser And Mixing Program (LAMP) is described which considers the coupling between gasdynamic properties, cavity charac- teristics, and resulting laser radiation for diffu- sion-type chemical laser oscillator cavities. The formulation assumes parallel mixing and con- stant lateral pressure with lasing due to single or multiple transitions between certain vibra- tional/rotational molecular energy levels. Ex- citation of the active medium traversing a Fabry-Perot optical cavity is caused by highly exothermic reactions between gradually mixing reactants discharged from a grid nozzle. Uniform, premixed inviscid laser cavity flows can be investigated as a special case of the more general analysis. The report contains a description of the analysis as well as a user's manual. (Author) AD-775 412/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume II. Two-Dimensional Fresnel Integral Laser and Mixing Program User's Guide Final rept. 24 Oct 72-24 Oct 73 Juergen Thoenes, Charles South, and David B. Rensch. Oct 73, 86p LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900- 2, RK-CR-73-2-Vol-2 Contract DAAH01 -73-C-0232 Prepared in cooperation with Hughes Research Labs., Malibu, Calif. See also Volume 1, AD-775 411 and Volume 3, AD-775 413. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, "Gas dynamics, "Computer programming, Gas dynamic lasers, Carbon dioxide lasers, Two dimensional flow, Chemical reactions. Mixing, Gain, Ther- modynamics, Transport properties, Continuous waves, FORTRAN, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: TDFI-LAMP computer program. Programming manuals, Deuterium fluoride lasers, A. The Two-Dimensional Fresnel Integral Laser and Mixing Program (TDFI-LAMP) is described. This computer program represents a combina- tion of the Hughes' developed Fresnel Integral Computer Program (FICP) and the Lockheed- developed Laser And Mixing Program (LAMP), thereby providing a sophisticated tool for the study of the interrelated gasdynamic and opti- cal properties of chemical laser resonators. (Author) AD-775 413/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume III. Lockheed One-Dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide Final rept. 24 Oct 72-24 Oct 73 Ronald R. Mikatarian, and Larry R. Ring. Oct 73, 52p LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900-3, RK-CR-73-2- Vol-3 Contract DAAH01 -73-C-0232 See also Volume 2, AD-775 412 and Volume 4, AD-775 414. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, "Gas dynamics, "Computer programming. One dimensional flow, Chemical reactions, Mixing, Ther- modynamics, Electron transitions, Continuous waves, Instruction manuals. Identifiers'. ODLAMP computer program, Pro- gramming manuals, A. The Lockheed One-Dimensional Laser and Mix- ing Program (ODLAMP) is described for analyz- ing multi-species lasing in a chemically react- ing one-dimensional stream with mass addi- tion. Mass is assumed to be injected (at a prescribed rate) from each of two separate streams, into a primary lasing stream. Lasing due to P-transitions (i.e., transitions proceeding from (v+1, J-1) to (v, J)) is treated. Both the analysis and computer programs are presented, including an input guide, sample calculation and flow chart. (Author) AD-775 414/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume IV. Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Program Theory and User's Guide Final rept. 24 Oct 72-24 Oct 73 Alan W. Ratliff, Juergen Thoenes, and Sheldon D. Smith. Oct 73, 93p LMSC-HREC-TR- D306900-4, RK-CR-73-2-Vol-4 Contract DAAH01-73-C-0232 See also Volume 3, AD-775 413 and Volume 5, AD-775 415. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, "Gas dynamics, "Computer programming, Two dimensional flow. Carbon dioxide lasers. Gas dynamic lasers, Chemical reactions, Combustion, Ther- modynamics, Transport properties. Mixing, Electron transitions. Continuous waves, Gain, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: MOC-LAMP computer program. Programming manuals. Deuterium fluoride lasers, A. A new laser and mixing computer program is described which considers the coupling between gasdynamic properties, cavity charac- teristics, and resulting laser radiation for diffu- sion-type chemical laser oscillator cavities. The formulation assumes non-uniform mixing with lateral pressure gradients and lasing due to a single transition between the upper and lower laser levels. Excitation of the active medium traversing a Fabry-Perot optical cavity is caused by highly exothermic reactions between gradually mixing reactants discharged from a grid nozzle. Uniform, premixed inviscid laser cavity flows can be investigated as a special case of the more general analysis. (Author) AD-775 417/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Sum- mary Volume Final rept. 24 Oct 72-24 Oct 73 John W. Benefield. Oct 73, 52p LMSC-HREC- TR-D306900-S, RK-CR-73-2-S Contract DAAH01-73-C-0232 See also Volume 6, AD-775 416. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, "Gas dynamics, "Computer programming, One dimensional flow, Two dimensional flow, Fluid mechanics. Chemical reactions, Reaction kinetics, Gas dynamic lasers, Carbon dioxide lasers, Com- bustion, Mixing, Flow fields. Identifiers: LAMP computer program, TDFI- LAMP computer program, ODLAMP computer program, MOC-LAMP computer program, Hydrogen fluoride lasers, Deuterium fluoride lasers, A. The general objectives of this effort were to im- prove the analytical tools available for studying chemical lasers and to apply these tools to further the understanding of chemical lasers. Four computer programs are described in the report: (1) One-Dimensional Laser and Mixing Program (ODLAMP); (2) Laser and Mixing Pro- gram (LAMP); (3) Two-Dimensional Fresnel In- tegral Laser and Mixing Program (TDFI-LAMP); and (4) Method-of-Characteristics Laser and Mixing Program (MOC-LAMP). Selected highlights are presented of the computer codes, analyses, results, conclusions and recommendations. The results presented in- clude the effects of fuel/oxidizer ratios, cavity pressure, mixing, optical characteristics, mode of operation, boundary layer and an assess- ment of the relationship of chemical laser cavity conditions to pressure recovery methods. (Author) AD-775 518/4CP PC E05/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ Madison Geophysical and Polar Research Center Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface Research rept. Gerald A. Sandness. 2 Oct 73, 1 1 9p Rept nos. RR-73-2, Contrib-304 Contract N00014-67-A-01 28-0009 Descriptors: "Acoustic scattering, "Electromagnetic scattering, "Surface roughness, Approximation(Mathematics), Nu- merical integration. Computer programs. Identifiers: Helmholtz equation, SCATTER com- puter program, TRANSLATE computer pro- gram, PGEN2 computer program, PSIN1 com- puter program, PSIN2 computer program, PDF computer program, N. The Helmholtz integral is often used as the basis for theories on scattering of acoustic signals from rough surfaces, but several ap- proximations must be made to obtain analytical solutions. Many of the mathematical difficulties in analytical computations can be avoided by numerically evaluating the Helmholtz integral. A numerical technique is described which uses measured values of the acoustic pressure of the incident beam, including the side lobes, thereby removing the uncertainty which nor- mally results from approximating the form of the incident beam. A comparison of numerical, analytical, and experimental results is made for the case of a vertically incident beam and a moderately rough surface. The numerical com- putations are shown to yield values of the scat- tered pressure which agree well with experi- mental data for both rough and smooth sur- faces. (Modified author abstract) AD-776 203/2CP PC E06/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst San Antonio Tex A General Theory of Unsteady Loads on Cavitating Hydrofoils - Computer Use Manual James F. Unruh, and R. L. Ill Bass. Dec 73, 138p Contract N00014-72-C-0075 See also AD-774 994. Descriptors: "Hydrofoils, "Cavitation, "Nonuniform flow. Computer programs. Mathe- matical prediction, Loads(Forces), Hydrodynamics, Planform, Aspect ratio, Steady state, Oscillation, Limitations, Theory. Identifiers: Unsteady flow, Cavitating hydrofoils, N. The manual describes the computer program which can be used to predict loads on finite aspect ratio, general planform, cavitating hydrofoils with both steady and oscillatory foil motion. The details of the theoretical develop- ment for predicting unsteady loads on cavitat- ing hydrofoils are covered in a final report. References to the equations in the final report are made, and the manual should be used in conjunction with the final report. AD-776 330/3CP PC E04/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C 103 Rare Earth Ion-Host Lattice Interactions. 1. Point Charge Lattice Sum in Scheelites Nick Karayianis, and C. A. Morrison. Oct 73, 68p Reptno. HDL-TR-1648 Descriptors: 'Rare earth compounds, 'Crystal structure, Lattice parameters, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Legendre functions, A. The procedure for performing a point charge lattice sum in scheelite-type crystals (including zircon structure crystals) is discussed, and con- vergence of the sums for various A(nm) is in- vestigated. It is concluded that including charges only within a given radius (spherical sums) gives faster convergence than rectangu- lar sums. Spheres of radii 25A and 70A are suffi- cient for A(nm) with n > or = 3 and n = 2, respectively. A listing of a Fortran computer program that performs the spherical sums is given, and the results for several scheelite and zircon structure crystals are given. Explicit ex- pressions for associated Legendre polynomi- als, P(nm), for n < or = 9 are also included for reference. (Author) AD-776 806/2CP PC A10/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Electron Physics Lab Determinaton of Current vs. Electric Field Characteristics in Multi valley Semiconductors Interim technical rept. 1 Aug-1 Nov 73 E. H.Sigman. 1 Nov 73, 21 5p TR-129, RADC-TR- 73-401 Contract F30602-71-C-0099 Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, Mathematical models, Microwave equipment. Electric fields, Electric current. Direct current, Electron densi- ty, Electron energy, Phonons, Boltzmann equa- tion, Maxwells equations, Germanium, Gallium phosphides. Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: AF. A computer simulation of the dc transport characteristics for both isotropic and anisotropic semiconductors of any arbitrary band structure is developed. A distinct drifted Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is used for each band. The zeroth, first and second mo- ments of the Boltzmann equation are used to calculate the electron density, velocity and tem- perature in each of the conduction bands for an applied electric field of any arbitrary orienta- tion. Acoustic phonon, optical phonon and polar optical phonon scattering are included in the analysis. A computer subroutine which cal- culates the collision integral due to phonon scattering by using numerical integration is developed and a solution scheme for the cur- rent vs. electric field characteristics which uses this subroutine is presented. The computer pro- gram is used to determine the current vs. elec- tric field characteristics for n-Ge for given elec- tric field orientations. (Modified author ab- stract) AD-777 724/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Washington Univ Seattle Lab for Applied Elec- tronic Sciences Garnet Film Optics Annual rept. Marcel W. Muller, Sang-Koo Chung, Ming-Jan Sun, Jerry W. Moody, and Roger W. Shaw. Feb 74, 144pReptno. 1974-1 Contract N00014-67-A-0445-0005, Grant NSF- GH-32000 Prepared in cooperation with Monsanto Co., Seattle, Wash. Descriptors: 'Optical materials, 'Garnet, 'Magnetic domains, Epitaxial growth, Refrac- tive index, Light transmission, Diffraction, Mag- netic properties, Thin films, Waveguides, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: 'Optical waveguides, N. The work during the reporting period was con- cerned with two main tasks; The evaluation of epitaxially grown garnet films as passive thin film optical waveguide, and the study of mag- netic domain structures in magnetic garnet films for possible application as passive and as field-controlled active components in in- tegrated optical circuits. (Modified author ab- stract) AD-778 077/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass A Doppler Shift Interferometric Technique for Measuring Small Absorption Coefficients Instrumentation papers Lyn H. Skolnik, Alfred Kahan, Audun Hordvik, and Martin Clark. 20 Dec 73, 32p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-74-0001.AFCRL-IP-210 Descriptors: 'Infrared windows, 'Absorption(Physical), Measuring instruments, Interferometers, Carbon dioxide lasers. Infrared lasers, Computer programs. Identifiers: AF. An automated laser Doppler interferometer is used to measure low absorption coefficients in infrared transmitting materials. The Hewlett- Packard interferometer employs a He-Ne laser whose lasing level is Zeeman split by an axial magnetic field into two frequencies. Half of the interferometer beam is optically self- heterodyned to supply a local oscillator frequency while the other half of the beam is frequency separated by polarization filters. One frequency is isolated and the other is trans- mitted through the infrared test window and returned. When the test material is irradiated by a C02 laser, the transmitted He-Ne beam un- dergoes a Doppler shift due to thermally in- duced changes in optical path through the win- dow. The resulting Doppler shift is detected by optically heterodyning the transmitted beam with the isolated portion and subtracting the local oscillator frequency. The shift is thus used to remotely monitor rate of thermal rise in the window sample and thereby to measure the op- tical absorption coefficient. This technique is compared to standard adiabatic calorimetry with a view toward eliminating many experi- mental difficulties inherent in the latter method. (Author) AD-778 413/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Dayton Univ Ohio Dept of Physics Investigation of Optical and Electrical Proper- ties of Light-Emitting Materials Interim rept. 19 Jun 72-Jun 73 James Schneider, and Phil Won Yu. Jun 73, 61p*ARL-74-0004 Contract F3361 5-72-C-21 1 4 Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, 'Luminescence, Electrooptics, Electroluminescence, Photolu- minescence, Crystal growth, Optical properties. Electrical properties, Transport properties. Sul- fides, Selenides, Tellurides, Silver compounds. Gallium compounds, Zinc sulfides. Zinc sele- nides. Copper compounds, Aluminum com- pounds, Indium compounds, X ray diffraction, Computer programs. Identifiers: Silver sulfides, Gallium sulfides. The report concerns research on the optical and electrical properties of l-lll-VI and ll-VI semiconductor compounds. Materials have been synthesized and crystals have been grown for these efforts. Six of the I-III-VI2 compound crystals were grown and were found upon anal- ysis to possess the chalcopyrite structure. The lattice parameters of these crystals were evalu- ated. The best quality crystals have been AgGaS2; consequently, this material has been the most extensively investigated. AD-778 683/3CP PC A08/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Cooley Electronics Lab Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel Technical rept. Raymond L. Veenkant. May 74, 175p* Rept nos. TR-226, 004860-4-T Contract N0001 4-67-A-01 81 -0035 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Signal processing, 'Information theory, Multipath transmission, Correlation techniques. Stochastic processes. Hydrophones, Power spectra, Computer programs, Florida Strait, Theses. Identifiers: MIMI project. An experimental investigation of analysis and display techniques for extracting stability infor- mation from underwater acoustic propagation data has shown the feasibility and usefulness of a specific display format called the Channel Digit Response. All of the complex nature of the channel reception is retained in the display, but the format compresses the data and enhances the extraction of qualitative stability informa- tion. The investigation and conclusions are limited to propagation tests using periodic transmissions, as periodic transmissions are the usual type used for studying varying mul- tipath propagation. The investigation data base spanned 133 hours, from a 43 n. mile range across the Straits of Florida. The effective time resolution of the data was .02 seconds. Cross- correlation, autocorrelation, and power spec- trum analysis, and several threshold techniques based on time-lag crosscorrelation were in- vestigated, and their effectiveness compared to the Channel Digit Response. (Author) AD-778 735/1CP PC E04/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ground Equipment and Materials Directorate An Experimental Determination of the Stress Intensity around Surface Flaws Embedded in Hollow Cylinders Subjected to Bending Technical rept. Bobby R. Mullinix, and Dallas G. Smith. 1 Feb 74, 90p Rept no. RL-74-7 Descriptors: 'Fracture(Mechanics), 'Cylindrical bodies, Defects( Materials), Surface properties. Bending, Loads( Forces), Computer programs. Identifiers: Stress intensity factor. An experimental determination of the stress in- tensity around surface flaws in hollow cylinders is presented. The photoelastic stress freezing and slicing method was used to determine the stress intensity factor at various points around the circular edge of a surface flaw embedded in a hollow cylinder subjected to bending loads. The effect of the flaw depth to wall thickness ratio is included in this work. Data from 11 dif- ferent geometries are presented. The effects of a change in the radius of the surface flaw or the cylindrical wall thickness are investigated separately for constant penetration depth to wall thickness ratios. (Author) AD-778 868/OCP PC A11/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Applied Research Labs Propagation of Plane Acoustic Noise of Finite Amplitude Frederick M. Pestorius. Aug 73, 236p ARL-TR- 73-23, AFOSR-TR-74-071 1 Contract F44620-71-C-0015, N00014-70-A- 0166-0004 Sponsored in part by Contract N00024-72-C- 1380-0007. Descriptors: 'Sound waves. Wave propagation, Plane waves, Noise(Sound), Shock waves, Waveforms, Computer programs, Numerical analysis. Theses. 104 The author investigates the propagation in air of plane finite-amplitude noise waves. The re- ported research is both theoretical and experi- mental, and the results obtained are valid both before and after shock formation. In the theoretical portion of the work, a new model called modified weak-shock theory is discussed. In this model the effects of ordinary weak-shock theory and Kirchhoff tube wall at- tenuation and dispersion are combined. The in- clusion of tube wall effects is necessary because the experimental work is done in a pipe. The modified weak-shock theory is imple- mented in a computer algorithm. (Modified author abstract) AD-778 925/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual Final rept. John J.Cornyn.21 Dec 73, 79p Rept no. NRL- 7642 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Computer programming, "Sonar signals, Sound transmis- sion. Transmission loss, Ray tracing. Instruc- tion manuals, FORTRAN. Identifiers: GRASS computer programs, CDC 3800 computers. GRASS (Germinating Ray-Acoustics Simulation System) is a set of linked digital computer pro- grams (Fortran), or modules. These modules: (1) convert salinity, temperature, and depth (STD) data to sound-speed profiles; (2) interpo- late and extrapolate the sound-speed field; (3) generate Calcomp or Gerber plots of the sound-speed profiles; (4) generate contour and three-dimensional isometric plots of the sound- speed field; (5) trace rays and calculate intensi- ties; (6) generate ray diagrams; and (7) con- struct plots of the calculated transmission loss versus range. The system can handle multiple profiles and a linear-segmented bottom profile. It is presently running on a CDC 3800. This re- port, the second of a two-volume set, is in- tended as a user's manual. In addition to describing input and output for each module, it contains a sample test case based upon actual experimental measurements. (Author) AD-779 091/8CP PC E04/MF A01 Electronic Associates Inc West Long Branch N J Scientific Computation Dept Ray Tracing Study Final rept. 10 Aug 67-31 May 70 Elias H. Hochman. 15 Feb 71, 72p Rept no. 30- 307001 Contract F19628-67-C-0358 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Ray tracing, 'Hybrid simulation, Electromagnetic wave propagation, Electron density, Computer programs, FORTRAN. The report describes the application of hybrid computer techniques to the simulation of the propagation of electromagnetic energy in the ionosphere. The study incorporates a two dimensional electron density profile. (Author) AD-779 844/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Divergence Analysis of Swept Hydrofoils- Computer Program (SWDIVRG) Final rept. John R. Caspar. Apr 74, 79p Rept no. NSRDC- 4245 Descriptors: 'Hydrofoil craft, 'Hydrofoils, FOR- TRAN, Bending moments, Torsion, Lifting sur- faces, Hydrodynamics, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, SWDIVRG computer program. A systematic approach is described by which divergence characteristics of swept or unswept hydrofoils may be calculated. The computer program, called SWDIVRG, developed to do the calculations makes use of a lumped-parameter approach, resulting in a matrix solution of the system. The bending and torsional displace- ments any of N stations along the hydrofoil span can be calculated at speeds less than divergence. Bending and torsional moments can be calculated for the condition of cantil- ever-beam constraints. The divergence spe d is principally computed by an eigenvector itera- tion scheme. A convenient formulation and a plot are provided for estimating the hydrodynamic loading parameters for finite- span, surface-piercing hydrofoils. Also, a useful closed-form divergence formulation, which considers submergence level, has been derived for the special case of a uniform cantilever strut or foil. Test calculations of airfoil models and one hydrofoil model, using both SWDIVRG and the closed-form solution, show good agree- ment with experimental model-divergence speeds. (Author) AD-779 867/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif A Program for Computing Earth Ionosphere ELF/VLF Excitation Factors for Satellite- Borne Antennas Interim rept. Richard A. Pappert, and Linda R. Shockey. 1 Apr 74, 79p Rept no. NELC-IR-741 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Satellite communications, Satellite antennas, Computer programs, Extremely low frequency, Very low frequency, Excitation. The report presents a variation of an earlier fields program. This variation is designed specifically for the purpose of calculating ex- citation factors of the earth-ionosphere wave guide by point dipoles at satellite heights. In particular, allowance is made for the following: (1) provision for calculating excitation factors for all electric field components, E sub x, E sub y and E sub z; (2) provision for calculating ex- citation by both electric and magnetic point dipoles; (3) provision for calculating excitation by vertical, horizontal end on and horizontal broadside configurations. (Author) AD-780 178/OCP PC A04/MF A01 TRW Systems Group Redondo Beach Calif H2-CI2 Chemical Laser Program. Part I. CHEMLUM Code for Spectroscopic Data Analysis Final rept Dec 72-Dec 73 J. T. Latimore, A. M. Takemoto, R. A. Ackerman, W. L. Shackleford, and G. Emanuel. Jan 74, 51p"RK-CR-74-9-Pt-1 Contract DAAH01 -73-C-0446 See also Part 2, AD-780 1 76. Descriptors: 'Spectrum analysis, 'Chemiluminescence, "Emission spectra, 'Computer programs, Hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen fluoride, FORTRAN, Temperature, Molecular rotation, Molecular vibration. Gain, Deuterium compounds, Chemical lasers. Transitions, Data reduction. Data processing. Identifiers: Deuterium fluoride, CHEMLUM computer code, CDC 6500 computers. A new computer code is described that analyzes data obtained from spectroscopic measurements of chemiluminescent emission. Primary input to the code is digitized spec- trometer signal data of the vibrational-rota- tional emission spectra of HCI, HF or DF molecules. The code computes the rotational temperature, vibrational number densities, and line-by-line gains of the excited species. This report presents the theoretical basis and nu- merical formulation for the code, and opera- tional procedures for its use. A sample case is included. (Author) AD-780 414/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Medical Research Inst Bethesda Md A Set of Tables of the Relative Speed of Sound in Various Diving Gas Mixtures Medical research progress rept. no. 1 Michael J. Ackerman, and Georgia Maitland. Mar 74, 41p Descriptors: 'Acoustic velocity, 'Gases, Mix- tures, Oxygen, Helium, Nitrogen, Neon, Air, Divers, Tables(Data), Computer programs, Speech recognition. Since the frequency spectrum of a voice signal is directly dependent on the velocity of sound, studies of speech spectra include the problem of calculating the speed of sound in the gas mixture being used. The present program has developed computer-generated tables designed to provide a standard reference for re- porting spectral shifts in speech due to dif- ferent gas mixtures under normal diving condi- tions. (Author) AD-780 514/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y THEROS: A Computer Program for Heat Flow Analysis Final rept. Jan 73-Feb 74 Thomas J. Rossiter. Apr 74, 52p Rept no. RADC- TR-74-113 Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, 'Computer pro- grams. Heat sinks. Heat transmission. Thermal conductivity. Circuits, FORTRAN. Identifiers: THEROS computer program, FOR- TRAN 5 programming language. The report describes the use of a computer pro- gram called THEROS which is capable of per- forming a time dependent thermal analysis of relatively complex geometrical structures. The program is written in Fortran 5 and is available to all users of the RADC computer system. It is designed with the user in mind, requiring only a few, very simple instruction statements. Theros has fast computation time and can analyze two dimensional, multi-material structures having temperature dependent thermal conductivities. (Author) AD-780 787/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development Paris (France) Annulus Wall Boundary Layers in Tur- bomachines AGARDograph rept. J. H. Horlock, and H. J. Perkins. May 74, 69p Rept no. AGARD-AG-185 NATO furnished. Descriptors: 'Turbomachinery, Boundary layer flow, Axially symmetric flow, Cascades(Fluid dynamics). Secondary flow. Mathematical models. Computer programs. The paper reviews a substantial body of funda- mental and applied research work on the sub- ject of annulus wall boundary layers in tur- bomachines. A product of this work is a method for predicting, with reasonable accuracy, the full three-dimensional boundary layer that develops through a single blade row. The limitations of the method are discussed in rela- tion to the experimental information available to the authors. In Part 2 the fundamental work is subjected to scrutiny in order to extract a boun- dary layer calculation method suitable for esti- mating the effects of annulus wall boundary layers on the performance of turbomachines. It is shown that a great many assumptions and simplifications are necessary at the present time but that reasonably satisfactory estimates are nevertheless possible. A computer program for the estimation of annulus blockage is listed. 105 AD-780 801/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Construction Engineering Research Lab Champaign Hi A New Look at Structural Energy Dissipation Final rept. F. B. Plummer, Jr. May 74, 63p Rept no. CERL- TM-M-82 Descriptors: 'Dynamic loads, "Steel, Energy, Dissipation, FORTRAN, Computerized simula- tion, Stresses, Stress strain relations, Computer programs. Identifiers: Finite element analysis. Steel A-36, "Energy dissipation. The investigation is the first step of a continu- ing study on energy dissipation in large, dynamically loaded structures. Work is directed at qualitatively and quantitatively defining the dissipative properties of complex structural systems, with a view toward improving the con- siderations of energy dissipation and nonlinear response in the seismic analysis and design of buildings. The present study deals with the ex- tension of finite element methods to provide an analytical means for determining energy dis- sipation caused by cyclic plasticity in cyclically loaded structures. A computer-based cyclic stress-strain simulation model is developed which serves as the basis for the finite element constitutive relation. The model's behavior in- corporates hysteretic material behavior and load history effects. It is experimentally verified for A-36 steel. (Modified author abstract) AD-780 914/8CP PC A07/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ University Park Dept of Physics Research in the Area of Atmospheric Model- ing: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Trans- mittance Prediction August Miller, Robert L. Armstrong , and Charles W. Welch. Jun 74, 126p Rept no. NMSU-PHYS-537-74-1 Contract DAAD07-73-C-0134 Descriptors: "Laser beams, "Light transmission, "Atmospheres, Computer programs. Infrared lasers, Infrared radiation, Absorption spectra. Atmosphere models, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Atmospheric attenuation, FORTRAN 4 programming language, HIGHTRAN com- puter program. The basic elements of line by line prediction of atmospheric transmittance at infrared wavelengths, and the quantum mechanical bases of line parameter computation are reviewed. A FORTRAN IV(G) computer program using the AFCRL Atmospheric Absorption Line Parameters Data Compilation tape for high resolution transmittance prediction under homogenous conditions is presented together with running instructions. An analysis of the ef- fects of the using collisionally narrowed line profiles rather than simple Lorentzian profiles is also included, and suggests that collisional- narrowing may be significant with certain types of transmission paths. (Author) AD-781 044/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex MAGPIE: A User's Manual Final rept. Dec 73-Apr74 H. S. Stockman, Jr. Jun 74, 55p Rept no. AFWL- TR-74-120 Descriptors: "Magnetohydrodynamics, "Computer programs, Exploding wires. Equa- tions of state, Plasmas(Physics), Instruction manuals, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: MAGPIE computer code, CDC 6600 computers. A user's guide for MAGPIE, a one-dimensional Lagrangian magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) computer code, has been prepared. MAGPIE is suitable for cylindrical geometries of conduct- ing and insulating materials, whose equations of state are either provided by the code or the user. Although time-dependent boundary con- ditions can be employed by the user, MAGPIE is capable of solving an external series circuit. As an example, an exploding wire problem has been run with MAGPIE. The resulting velocities and current features agree qualitatively with ex- perimental findings. (Author) AD-781 129/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif The Fresnel Diffraction Pattern of a Circular Aperture at Large Distances Rept for Apr-Nov 73 M.T.Tavis, and N.C. Chang. 15 Mar 74, 65p TR- 0074(401 0-01 )-1 , SAMSO-TR-74-1 39 Descriptors: "Apertures, "Diffraction, Circular, Laser beams. Computer programs. Identifiers: Diffraction patterns, DIFRAC com- puter program, Fresnal zone. A technique for evaluation of the Fresnel dif- fraction pattern of a circular aperture with ob- scuration is discussed. The analysis considers Gaussian illumination over the aperture with constant illumination as the limiting case of in- finite beam width. A lens correction factor is also applied. Examples of the pattern in the near region and Rayleigh region are given. Ex- amples with lenses with positive and negative focal lengths are also given. All numerical cases considered are for constant illumination. A computer program for the calculation is given in the Appendix. An Addendum comparing these results with the results of another author has been included. (Author) AD-781 230/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description John J. Cornyn. 21 Dec 73, 75p Rept no. NRL- 7621 See also Volume 2, AD-778 925. Descriptors: "Underwater sound, "Computer programming, "Sonar signals, Sound transmis- sion, Ray tracing. Transmission loss. Wave equations. Instruction manuals, FORTRAN, Nu- merical analysis. Identifiers: GRASS computer programs, CDC 3800 computers. GRASS (Germinating Ray-Acoustics Simulation System) is a set of linked digital computer pro- grams (Fortran), or modules. These modules: (1) convert salinity, temperature, and depth (STD) data to sound-speed profiles; (2) interpo- late and extrapolate the sound-speed field; (3) generate Calcomp or Gerber plots of the sound-speed profiles; (4) generate contour and three-dimensional isometric plots of the sound- speed field; (5) trace rays and calculate intensi- ties; (6) generate ray diagrams; and (7) con- struct plots of the calculated transmission loss versus range. The system can handle multiple profiles and a linear-segmented bottom profile. It is presently running on a CDC 3800. This re- port, the first of a two-volume set, includes an overview of each module, outlines the methods used in the calculations, provides the results of some test cases, makes some recommenda- tions for improvement, and briefly compares ray and normal-mode theories. (Author) AD-781 280/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Science Applications Inc La Jolla Calif MAZE 3 - A Sequential Computer Spectral Enhancement Code: Studied for Conversion to ILLIAC IV Final rept. 1 Nov 72-31 Jan 74 Louis Huszar, John H. Reed, and Martin Sperling. Dec 73, 74p SAI-73-649-LJ, DNA- 3274F Contract DNA001 -73-C-0026, ARPA Order-2247 Descriptors: "Parallel processors, "Computer programming, "Gamma ray spectra, "X ray spectra. Information theory, Probability, Power spectra. Statistical analysis. Identifiers: llliac 4 computer, MAZE 3 computer code. A mathematical model is described which forms the basis of a spectral enhancement pro- gram that follows along the lines of the MAZE series of spectral unfolding codes. The treat- ment of a priori and a posteriori information functions are elaborated as well as their op- timization and subsequent implementation. The code was developed for a serial computer and the results are demonstrated for several exam- ples. The code has also been converted to the llliac 4 parallel processor computer system in the Glypnir language. (Author) AD-781 396/7CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Application of Holographic Interferometry to Supersonic Flow Visualization of a Rear-Fac- ing Step and Application of Fast Fourier Transform Methods to Current Data Reduc- tion Techniques Master's thesis Harland Wilber Jones, Jr. Mar 74, 90p Descriptors: "Base flow, "Supersonic charac- teristics, "Flow visualization, Holography, Inter- ferometry, Fourier transformation. Computer programs. Wind tunnel models. Mathematical models, Equations of motion. Flat plate models, Boundary layer. Laminar flow. Turbulent flow. Theses. Identifiers: Interferometric holography, "Rear facing steps, "Fast Fourier transform. The successful application of holographic in- terferometry to the study of three-dimensional density fields around bodies in wind tunnel ex- periments has been reported in the literature. The present report has extended the applica- tion of holography as a flow visualization technique by investigating Mach 2.8 flow over a rear-facing 1/8 in. step. Two single-exposed holograms of the model and two double-ex- posed frozen fringe holographic interferograms of the flow were created. Fast Fourier Trans- form (FFT) methods have been reported as sig- nificantly reducing computational time. Two computer programs were designed to apply FFT methods to the Fourier transform approach to the basic interferometric equation. (Modified author abstract) AD-781 495/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Programmed Aid for Analysis of Three-Ele- ment Optical Systems Final rept. Daniel M. Litynski. Apr 74, 63p Rept no. BRL- MR-2372 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Optical equipment components, Ray tracing, Subrou- tines, Lenses, Mirrors. Magnification, Refrac- tive index. Identifiers: Design, Geometrical optics. A computer program has been written that out- puts one of several sets of optical system parameters, while iterating one of the input parameters. The code can handle a system of one to three optical elements; these can be refracting or reflecting surfaces, or thin lenses. Output is available in tabular numerical form, as a graph, or both. Current subroutines provide: the system AFCD matrix and cardinal points; the location and magnification of the final image of the system; the separation of the ele- ments needed to obtain a specific magnifica- tion and position of the final image; the powers of two of the elements required to obtain a specific magnification and position; and the 106 power and position, of one of the elements, needed to obtain a specific magnification and position. (Author) AD-781 647/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Documentation of PROP E, A Computer Pro- gram for the Propagation of High-Power Laser Beams through Absorbing Media Final rept. on phase 1 Peter B. Ulrich, John N. Hayes, J. Harrison Hancock, and Jeanne T. Ulrich. 29 May 74, 54p* Reptno. NRL-7681 See also report dated May 71 , AD-725 111. Descriptors: 'Laser beams, Partial differential equations, Computer programs, Numerical in- tegration, FORTRAN. Identifiers: PROP E computer program, 'Atmospheric attentuation. The report details the numerical methods em- ployed in a solution of the problem of high- power laser-beam propagation. A transforma- tion of the partial differential equation for the light beam is used which differs from that of a previous study of the problem and which offers a versatility allowing a study of highly distorted beams to be made. A detailed description of the subroutines and their operation is given along with flow charts and FORTRAN listings. (Modified author abstract) AD-781 649/9CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circular Cones Interim rept. R. G. Hughes, and J. D. Clamons. Jun 74, 18p Rept no. NRL-MR-2811 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Reverberation, 'Sonar signals, Doppler effect, Transducers, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. The common volume of two cones representing the reverberation volume of a transducer pair included in a doppler flow meter was calcu- lated. Variables in the calculation, written as a computer program, included the divergence angle of the cones, transducer separation, and transducer size. The volume was found to in- crease exponentially with an increase in the apex angle, psi, of the cones for a fixed inter- section angle, theta, limited to the condition psi < theta. (Author) AD-781 801/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Radiation Research Associates Inc Fort Worth Tex The Effects of Multiple Scattering on Backscatter Lidar Measurements in Fogs Final rept. 1 Aug 30 Nov 73, on Part 2 Wolfram G. Blattner, Dave G. Collins, and Michael B. Wells. 31 Jan 74, 93p RRA-T7402, AFCRL-TR-74-0168 Contract F19628-73-C-0130 See also Part 1 , AD-772 640. Descriptors: 'Fog, 'Optical radar, 'Light scat- tering, 'Visibility, Backscattering, Monochro- matic light, Computer programming. Identifiers: TPART computer programs, TPART- 3 computer program. Monte Carlo calculations were run to determine the effect of multiple scattering in the at- mosphere on the return signal measured by a Mark VIM ruby lidar system for fogs with meteorological ranges of 80, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 2100 meters. The multiple scattering calcu- lations were made using the TPART-3 Monte Carlo procedure which treats time-dependent light scattering in the atmosphere for colli- mated sources and receivers. The TPART-3 procedure is described and the results of calcu- lations run to determine time-dependent single and multiple scattered fluxes at the receiver for a ruby lidar are presented for fogs with meteorological ranges between 80 and 2100 meters. (Modified author abstract) AD-781 824/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases Final rept. 31 Oct 71-21 Oct 72 Howard Cohen, Robert Vik, Ira Katz, and James Harvey. May 74, 153p SSS-R-72-1396, DNA- 3061 F-1 Contract DNA001-72-C-0073 Descriptors: 'Plasmas(Physics), 'Equations of state, 'Opacity, Atomic energy levels, Compton scattering. Magnetic pinch. Lasers, Computer programs. Identifiers: Plasma heating, CAPO computer code, DANA computer program. Modifications have been made to the CAPO code for calculating the equation of state and opacities of plasmas. CAPO results have been used to calculate emission properties of a laser heated magnetically contained plasma. A new program, DANA, has been written which calcu- lates the group average opacities of CAPO out- put. (Author) AD-781 877/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C PROP-I: An Efficient Implicit Algorithm for Calculating Nonlinear Scalar Wave Propaga- tion in the Fresnel Approximation Final rept. Peter B. Ulrich. 29 May 74, 68p Rept no. NRL- 7706 Descriptors: 'Laser beams. Propagation, Partial differential equations, Numerical integration, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Laplace equation, Galerkin method. Parabolic differential equations, 'Atmospheric attenuation, PROP1 computer program. An algorithm has been developed to advance rapidly the solution of the parabolic equation which describes the problem of propagation of intense laser beams in absorbing media. The method uses an alternating-direction implicit (ADI) technique together with either central dif- ferencing or a Galerkin method with linear spline basis to represent the transverse Lapla- cian in the oartial differential equation. A guide to the code, a listing of the FORTRAN program, and a flow-chart are provided. (Author) AD-781 959/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Frankford Arsenal Philadelphia Pa Fire Control Development and Engineering Directorate Son Beam Optical Polishing System Computer Programs James D. Lester. Nov 73, 66p FA-R-2096 Descriptors: 'Polishes, 'Optical equipment components, 'Computer programs. Ions, Op- tics, Sputtering, Ion implantation, Fabrication, Automation, Computer applications, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: BFPSL computer program, IOPEM computer program, FORTRAN 2 programming language, FORTRAN 4 programming language. A low energy ion beam accelerator system has been developed for fabrication of precision op- tical elements. This system forms optical sur- faces by means of computer controlled sputter- ing and optical reticles by means of computer controlled implantation. The source language computer programs used to drive the accelera- tor are listed and described. (Author) AD-782 023/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Aerochem Research Labs Inc Princeton N J A Computer Code to Predict the Effects of Electrophilic Liquid Injection on Re-Entry Plasma Sheath Properties Final rept. 1 Oct 72-30 Nov 73 Harold S. Pergament, and Chung-jen Kau. Jan 74, 143p AeroChem-TP-308, AFCRL-TR-74- 0074 Contract F19628-73-C-0045 Descriptors: "Plasma sheaths, "Atmosphere entry, "Blackout(Propagation), "Computer pro- grams. Liquids, Injection, Electron density. Ion density, Reduction, Chemical reactions, Shock waves, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Electrophilic reactions, Electro- philic materials. A detailed description of a computer code to predict the influence of electrophilic liquid in- jection on re-entry plasma sheath properties is presented. The code requires input data on the liquid injection system parameters (i.e. electro- philic liquid properties, injection velocity, number of orifices, etc.) and the plasma sheath (shock layer) properties for no material addi- tion, and predicts altered shock layer flow pro- perties and species concentrations. Of primary interest is the ability of the code to predict reductions in shock layer electron concentra- tions, which determine the effectiveness of the injectant in alleviating re-entry blackout. (Modified author abstract) AD-782 202/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Flow Research Inc Kent Wash A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Lifting Bodies in Subsonic Inviscid Flow Final rept. F. A. Woodward, F. A. Dvorak, and E. W. Geller. Apr 74, 147p Flow Res-26, USAAMRDL-TR-74- 18 Contract DAAJ02-73-C-0065 Descriptors: 'Wing body configurations, 'Aerodynamic characteristics, 'Computer pro- grams. Lifting bodies. Three dimensional flow. Subsonic characteristics, Inviscid flow. Vor- tices, Angle of attack, Yaw, Mathematical models. Pressure, Coefficients, Numerical methods and procedures. Equations of motion, FORTRAN. Identifiers. FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. A computer program for the analysis of wing- body combinations in subsonic flow is described. The configuration is represented by a large number of surface panels. The circula- tion about lifting surfaces is provided by a system of vortex lattices. The strengths of the sources and vortices which satisfy the bounda- ry condition of tangential flow for a given Mach number, angle of attack, and/or angle of yaw are determined by solving a system of linear equations by an iterative procedure. The pro- gram computes the pressure coefficients at the panel centroids and integrates these pressures numerically to obtain the lift, drag, and pitching moments. (Modified author abstract) AD-782 262/OCP PC E03/MF A01 R and D Associates Santa Monica Calif Internal Waves Radiated by a Moving Source. Volume I. Analytic Simulation Michael Milder. Feb 74, 50p Rept no. RDA-TR- 2702-007 Contract N00014-73-C-0105, ARPA Order-2239 Descriptors: 'Ocean waves, 'Internal waves, Turbulence, Partial differential equations, Fourier transformation. Computer applications. Identifiers: XMODE computer program, Fast Fourier transform . An algorithm is derived for the efficient simula- tion of internal waves radiated from an object 107 moving at constant speed in a medium of ar- bitrarily stratified density. The algorithm is based on a Fourier/normal-mode expansion of the linearized fluid equations in rectangular coordinates, and owes its efficiency to the Fast Fourier Transform used for numerical inversion of the analytically-derived field transforms. Sample calculations from a prototype computer program, XMODE, are described. (Author) AD-782 327/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Saclant ASW Research Centre La Spezia (Italy) Some Numerical Considerations Concerning Eigenvalue Problems in the Theories of Un- derwater Sound and Internal Waves HansR. Krol. 15 Apr 74, 39p Rept no. SACLANTCEN-SM-40 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, "Sound trans- mission, 'Schrodinger equation, 'Internal waves, Wave equations. Spectrum analysis, Matrices(Mathematics), Computer programs. Computations, Italy. Identifiers: Eigenvalues, Cubic spline technique. The numerical treatment of the time-indepen- dent Schrodinger equation applied on the wave equations for underwater sound propagation and internal waves is considered. Some mathe- matical and physical aspects of spectral theory are described. A computer program based on cubic spline interpolation of the sound speed profile and a matrix eigenvalue method is ex- plained and added as an appendix. Some ex- amples are given. (Author) AD-782 419/6CP PC A13/MF A01 Rochester Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer Final rept. 1 Apr 72-30 Sep 73 P. Das. May 74, 290p RADC-TR-74-125 Contract F30602-72-C-0312 Descriptors: 'Surface waves, 'Acoustooptics, Elastic waves, Correlators, Space charge, Signal processing. Piezoelectric crystals, Semiconductors, Layers, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Ultrasonic radiation, Rayleigh waves. Lithium compounds, Niobates, Cadmi- um sulfides. Identifiers: 'Acoustic surface waves, Piezoelec- tric semiconductors, Lithium niobates. The is a comprehensive report on the theoreti- cal and experimental performance of devices using elastic surface waves in layered struc- tures. The following are the main achievements of this effort: (1) Space charge coupled convol- vers and correlators using surface waves and layer waves; experimental demonstration of lowest insertion loss, a few orders of magnitude lower than the previous state-of-the-art devices; and development of a detailed theory. (2) A new technique for optical probing of sur- face waves and layer waves: experimental determination of the decay parameter of a sur- face wave in the direction normal to the propagation surface; and the complete elastic fields in the layer wave structure; demonstra- tion of 25% diffraction efficiency for each first order with only 500 mw of electrical power driv- ing the surface wave transducers. Other impor- tant contributions in this report are the theoreti- cal analysis of the layer wave propagation in- cluding loss or gain, and the observation of streaming phenomena in a liquid layer due to layer waves. (Author) AD-782 421/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Magnetic Moment Versus Temperature Curves of LiZnTi Ferrites Technical rept. Gerald F. Dionne. 10 May 74, 30p TR-502, ESD- TR-74-206 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Ferrites, Lithium compounds, Zinc compounds. Titanium compounds, Mag- netic moments, Temperature, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Molecular field theory. Curie tem- perature. By empirical methods similar to those outlined previously for the iron garnets, molecular-field coefficients are reported for the complicated LiZnTi ferrite system. As in the case of the gar- nets, the intra-sublattice coefficients N(AA) and N(BB) are linearly dependent on the Ti(4 + ) and Zn(2 + ) concentrations, but the inter-sublattice coefficient N(AB) has a quadratic dependence on the Ti(4 + ) substitutions. Where possible the computed results are compared with experi- ment, and the agreement is found to be good over the ranges = or < t = or < 0.9 and = or < z = or 0.4. (Author) AD-782 446/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio An Analysis of Transient Flow in a Duct of Varying Cross Section Technical rept. Jun 73-Feb 74 Kervyn D. Mach. Jun 74, 72p Rept no. AFAPL- TR-74-50 Descriptors: 'Duct inlets, 'Gas dynamics, Transients, Flow fields, Equations of motion, Mathematical models. Feasibility studies, Air flow, Measurement, Finite difference theory, Approximation(Mathematics), Periodic varia- tions. Phase, Pressure, Computer programs. Identifiers: Dynamic computer program. Bell- mouth inlets, 'Transient flow. The transient flow in a bellmouth inlet is analyzed using a finite difference approxima- tion to the one-dimensional equations of mo- tion for a perfect gas. A brief derivation of the equations and a description of the method of solution are presented. The feasibility of mea- suring airflow in the bellmouth is evaluated for step and periodic disturbances. Plots of gain and phase angle of the airflow response versus driving frequency, airflow variation with time, and pressure variation with time and length are presented for a typical bellmouth. A listing of the computer program and instructions for its use are also presented. (Author) AD-783 040/9CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C An Organizational Description of High Energy Transport Code (HETC) Memorandum rept. James B. Langworthy. Jun 74, 24p Rept no. NRL-MR-2729 Descriptors: 'Pions, 'Meson scattering, 'Computer programming, Monte Carlo method. Subroutines. Identifiers: HETC computer code. Flow charts and descriptions are presented of the two routines MAIN and CASCAD and a func- tional description is provided for about half the remaining routines of High Energy Transport Code for nucleons and mesons. A description of the intranuclear cascade portion is not in- cluded. Most of the remaining reaction models are discussed and the Monte Carlo transport technique is completely described. The detailed information presented here should be very use- ful in any evaluation of the utility of a prospec- tive modification. (Author) AD-783 099/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Applied Research Labs A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Acoustic Receiving Array Technical rept. James J. Truchard. May 74, 149p Rept no. ARL- TR-74-17 Contract N00024-73-C-1 1 27 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic ar- rays, Plane waves. High frequency, Low frequency, Hydrophones, Transducers, Wave equations, Computer programs. Identifiers: BASIC programming language. The parametric reception of a low frequency plane wave by the use of nonlinear interactions between acoustic waves is examined both theoretically and experimentally. The paramet- ric reception of a low frequency wave is accom- plished by the use of a high frequency acoustic pump wave which interacts with the low frequency signal wave to produce sound waves at the sum and difference frequencies. These sound waves are received by a second trans- ducer placed on the axis of the pump trans- ducer. This type of parametric array allows for the possibility of narrowbeam detection of a low frequency acoustic signal wave. (Modified author abstract) AD-783 276/9CP MF A01 Optical Science Consultants Yorba Linda Calif Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Concepts Interim technical rept. 15 Jan-15 May 74 David L. Fried. May 74, 75p RADC-TR-74-185 Contract F30602-74-C-01 1 5, ARPA Order-2646 Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: 'Optical images, 'Data processing, Turbulence, Transfer functions. Computer pro- grams. Mathematical models, Tables(Data). Identifiers: 'Atmospheric attenuation. This report presents the more significant and complete results to date on a program of theoretical study related to unconventional imagery and techniques for suppression of at- mospheric turbulence effects on image quality. The objective of this work has been to develop an understanding and quantitative theory of those aspects of propagation through at- mospheric turbulence that would limit the per- formance of unconventional imagery techniques, and to develop a basis for quantify- ing the effective magnitude of atmospheric tur- bulence. Results of an analysis of the isoplanatic aspects of predetection compensa- tion imagery are given. AD-783 303/1CP PC A10/MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Thermosciences Div A Method for Calculation of a Fully Stalled Flow Interim rept. R. L. Woolley, and S. J. Kline. Nov 73, 220p MD- 33, AFOSR-TR-74-1293 Contract F44620-69-C-0010, Grant NGR-05- 020-526 Descriptors: 'Diffusers, 'Stalling, Turbulent flow, Flow fields, Flow separation, Nozzle area ratio, Two dimensional flow. Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage An interacting zone method of calculation is developed for predicting stalled turbulent flows which are nominally two-dimensional, incom- pressible, and steady. The total problem is di- vided into zones selected such that each can be represented by a manageable analytical model. When applied to the case of the fully stalled dif- fuser, adequate a priori predictions are achieved with careful handling. Predictions show a strong sensitivity to location of separa- tion — as does the actual diffuser. This suggests specific further consideration of analytical 108 models for the zone near separation. Given im- proved modeling of conditions in the vicinity of separation, even more accurate predictions of the primary flow characteristics are highly like- ly. (Modified author abstract) AD-783 478/1 CP PC A03/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md An Analysis of Mathematical Transformations and a Comparison of Numerical Techniques for Computation of High-Energy CW Laser Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Medium Final rept. Harold J. Breaux. Jun 74, 49p Rept no. BRL- 1743 Descriptors: 'Laser beams, Wave propagation, Hydrodynamics, Fourier transformation, Trans- formations(Mathematics), Coherent radiation, Computations, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Fast Fourier transform, FORTRAN 4 programming language, Atmospheric attenua- tion. Present methods for modeling the propagation of focused and collimated laser beams are ex- amined. Methods used for transforming the paraxial equation into a form more suitable for computation are generalized. This generaliza- tion is shown to lead to more beneficial compu- tational characteristics than transformations previously employed. Various strategies arising from these transformations are analyzed and compared for numerical efficiency. The trans- formed equations are shown to be a convenient point of departure for solution by a class of nu- merical methods. The formulation is shown to lead to a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) solution that does not require a Nyquist accuracy criterion, allowing the numerical procedure to march the solution forward in a more economi- cal fashion. (Modified author abstract) AD-783 484/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Light Refraction by Mean Temperature Gradients in the Near-Earth Atmosphere Final rept. Marvin L. Wesely, and Charles R. Stearns. Jun 74, 42p Rept no. BRL-MR-2386 Descriptors: "Laser beams, 'Refractive index, Coherent radiation, Ray tracing. Curve fitting, Distortion, Computations, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric attenuation, At- mospheric boundary layer. Visible light ray paths in the atmospheric sur- face layer are numerically computed by division of 500- to 5000-m ranges into small intervals so that the ray path height and thus the refractive index gradient is nearly constant for each step. Meteorological conditions are varied by using different combinations of sensible heat fluxes, surface stresses, and surface roughness. Although the effect of water vapor gradients can be substantial, their effect is not included here. The results are confined to heights less than five m because of the restrictive values chosen for the ratio of the eddy diffusivity of heat to that of momentum. Mirages hide lower portions of images and the minimum observa- ble height varies approximately in inverse pro- portion to the observer height. (Modified author abstract) AD-783 623/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Albuquerque N Mex Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume I. Two-Dimensional Ground-Burst Electromagnetic Pulse Calculational Methods Final rept. 5 May 72-31 Dec 73 Stephen J. Dalich, and Kenneth D. Granzow. Jun 74, 147p SAI-73-514-AQ, AFWL-TR-73-286- Vol-1 Contract F29601 -72-C-01 1 7 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses, 'Nuclear explosions, 'Computer programming, Surface burst. Maxwells equations. Computations, Curve fitting, Graphics, Compilers. Identifiers: SCX computer code, LEMP1 com- puter code. A description of the physics and numerical methods used in two-dimensional ground burst electromagnetic pulse calculations is given. In particular the SCX code, one of two computer codes which performs such calculations, is described. The source terms, air chemistry, and boundary conditions are also discussed. Mul- tipole expansion techniques for outer boundary conditions are described in detail. Com- parisons between the SCX code and the LEMP1 code are presented. Instructions for running SCX are contained in Appendix III. (Author) AD-783 807/1 CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Experiment to Measure the Modulation Transfer Function of the Atmosphere in the Marine Boundary Layer Master's thesis Marion Romaine Alexander, Jr. Jun 74, 66p Descriptors: 'Laser beams, Laser communica- tions. Carbon dioxide lasers, Fourier transfor- mation, Computer programs. Transfer func- tions. Attenuation, Theses. Identifiers: Modulation transfer functions, At- mospheric boundary layer, Monterey Bay, 'Atmospheric attenuation. Helium neon lasers. Fast Fourier transform, MODFUN computer program, AVSPEC computer program, AV- WAVE computer program. A system to measure the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the atmosphere over the ocean has been designed, constructed, and tested. The apparatus employs a high resolu- tion scanning telescope with the capability for use in a broad range of visual and infrared wavelengths. Two successful trials were con- ducted with a gyro-stabilized 6328 A laser mounted on board the R. V. ACANIA. The propagation path was approximately one km over open water from the ACANIA to Point Pinos. Two more successful trials were con- ducted with a 6328 A laser and a 10.6 microme- ter laser propagating simultaneously from shore to shore across 4 km of the southern end of Monterey Bay. Data was processed using fast Fourier transform methods. The MTF of the at- mosphere for 6328 A light was measured. (Author) AD-783 852/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst The Air Force Weapons Laboratory Laser Window Test Apparatus Final rept. Jun 72-Jun 73 P. W. Dueweke, D. D. Preonas, and D. G. Peterson, Jr. Jun 74, 144p AFWL-TR-73-181 Contract F29601-72-C-0122 Descriptors: 'Laser materials, 'Infrared optical materials, 'Infrared windows, 'Test equipment, Gas lasers, Carbon dioxide lasers, Infrared lasers, Optical properties. Interferometers, Photometers, Transmittance, Reflectance, Calibration, Minicomputers, Computer pro- grams. Rasters, Data processing. The Laser Window Test Apparatus (LWTA) eval- uates windows and other optical components for high-power infrared laser systems. Specimens are probed with narrow beams from low-power lasers (currently C02 lasers) to determine their optical characteristics at in- cidence angles between 2 and 76 degrees from the normal. The instrument includes a photometer that uses digitized ratiometric de- tection for measuring single-pass trans- mittance and single-pass reflectance; an inter- ferometer for measuring the optical pathlength through specimens; a rastering machine for moving the specimens in relation to the probing beams; and a minicomputer controls measure- ments, performs on-line calibrations, computes running statistical records of the acquired data, and generates an output tape of all data for use by a CDC-6600 computer program which generates the data in its final form and accura- cy. (Modified author abstract) AD-783 857/6CP PC E05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Electroexcitation of Giant Resonances between 5 MeV and 40 MeV Excitation Energy in 197Au Master's thesis Kenneth Paul Ferlic, and Ronald Dallas Waddell.Jun74, 111p Descriptors: 'Nuclear energy levels, 'Electron scattering, 'Nuclear resonance. Gold, Curve fitting, Graphics, Computer programs. Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Gold 197, Giant resonances. Sum rules. Inelastic electron scattering from 197Au between 5 MeV and 40 MeV excitation energy revealed giant multipole resonances. Angular distribution studies with incident 90 MeV elec- trons show evidence of previously unreported giant monopole states. Reduced matrix ele- ments have been extracted and multipolarity assignments have been made. Seven states have been observed at excitations of 7.3 (undetermined magnetic), 9.2 (EO), 10.8 (E2), 14.0 (E1), 18.0 (undetermined), 22.5 (E2), and 33.5 MeV (EO or E2). (Author) AD-783 864/2CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Analytical Investigation of Transient Diffuser Wave Phenomena Master's thesis Kenneth Dean Aanerud. Jun 74, 76p Descriptors: 'Gas dynamic lasers, 'Supersonic flow, 'Computer programs, One dimensional flow, Axial flow compressors, Aircraft, Airborne, Nozzle gas flow, Theses. A computer program was developed to solve the quasi-one-dimensional, unsteady flow problem associated with starting phenomena in various nozzle-short diffuser combinations of interest to gas dynamic lasers. The program was based on the techniques developed by George Rudinger in his book, Wave Diagrams for Nonsteady Flow in Ducts. The techniques were modified to facilitate a fixed grid for com- putational ease. The program was used to analyze the starting transients of a Mach 3 noz- zle with a semi-wedge diffuser. Results in- dicated that for a given inlet/exhaust pressure ratio, diffuser starts could be obtained at higher ramp angles for thin diffusers than for thick dif- fuses. (Author) AD-784 085/3CP PC E03/MF A01 Picatinny Arsenal Dover N J Description of the Revised Aero I Program, PA no. 010417 Technical memo. E. M. Friedman. Jun 74, 38p Rept no. PA-TM- 2151 Descriptors: 'Aeroballistics, 'Computer pro- gramming, Trajectories, Two dimensional, Degrees of freedom, Equations of motion, Spinning(Motion), One dimensional flow, Sta- bility, Mathematical models, Launching, Wind direction, Time, Yaw, Aerodynamic charac- teristics. Identifiers: AERO 1 computer program, Point mass trajectories. 109 A description is given of a computer program, AERO 1, which computes a two degree of freedom, point mass trajectory. A sketch is given of the form of the analytics with a thorough description of the input. The program solves the one-dimensional equation of spin in- dependently of the point mass trajectory, ex- cept that the dynamic pressure computed by the point mass solution for any instant of time is a parameter of the spin problem. This spin is used to compute the classical ballistic stability criteria, if desired. A description and proof of a technique for exactly simulating the effects of constant crosswind and/or range wind is ap- pended. (Author) AD-784 531 /6CP PC A08/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 1. Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP) Theory and User's Guide Final rept. 20 Sep 73-30 Jun 74 Juergen Thoenes, A. J. McDanal, Alan W. Ratliff, and Sheldon D. Smith. Jun 74. 154p* LMSC-HREC-TR-D390222-1,RK-CR-74-13-Vol- 1 Contract DAAH01 -74-C-0173 Supersedes rept. no. RK-CR-73-2. See also Volume 2, AD-784 532. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, Gas dynamics, Gas lasers, Laser cavities, Diffusion, Mixing, Reaction kinetics, Thermodynamics, Numerical analysis, Mathematical models, Computer pro- gramming. Gas dynamic lasers, Fluorides, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Hydrogen fluoride lasers, LAMP computer program. A Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP) is described which considers the coupling between gasdynamic properties, cavity charac- teristics, and resulting laser radiation for diffu- sion-type chemical laser oscillator cavities. The formulation assumes parallel mixing and con- stant lateral pressure with lasing due to single or multiple transitions between certain vibra- tional/rotational molecular energy levels. Ex- citation of the active medium traversing a Fabry-Perot optical cavity is caused by highly exothermic reactions between gradually mixing reactants discharged from a grid nozzle. Uniform, premixed inviscid laser cavity flows can be investigated as a special case of the more general analysis. This report contains a description of the analysis as well as a user's manual. (Author) AD-784 533/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 3. One- dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide Final rept. 20 Sep 73-30 Jun 74 Larry R. Ring, and Ronald R. Mikatarian. Jun 74, 77p* LMSC-HREC-TR-D390222-3, RK-CR-74- 13-Vol-3 Contract DAAH01 -74-C-0173 See also Volume 2, AD-784 532 and Volume 4, AD-784 534. Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, Gas dynamics, Gas dynamic lasers, Mixing, Mathematical models. One dimensional flow, Molecular ener- gy levels, Computer programming . Identifiers: ODLAMP computer program, Hydrogen fluoride lasers. The One-Dimensional Laser and Mixing Pro- gram (ODLAMP) is described for analyzing multi-species lasing in a chemically reacting one-dimensional stream with mass addition. Mass is assumed to be injected (at a predescribed rate) from each of two separate streams, into a primary lasing stream. Lasing due to P-transitions (i.e., transitions proceeding from (v + 1,J-1) to (v,J)) is treated. Both the anal- ysis and computer programs are presented, in- cluding an input guide, sample calculation and flow chart. (Author) AD-784 534/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 4. Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Program (MOC-LAMP) Theory and User's Guide Final rept. 20 Sep 73-30 Jun 74 Alan W. Ratliff, Juergen Thoenes, and Sheldon D. Smith. Jun 74, 93p* LMSC-HREC-TR- D390222-4, RK-CR-74-13-Vol-4 Contract DAAH01-74-C-0173 See also Volume 3, AD-784 533 and Volume 5, AD-784 548. Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers. Gas dynamics, Gas dynamic lasers. Gas lasers, Laser cavities, Diffusion, Mixing, Thermodynamics, Mathe- matical models, Computer programming, Fluorides, Reaction kinetics, Turbulent flow. Identifiers: Hydrogen fluoride lasers, LAMP computer program, MOC-LAMP computer pro- gram. A laser and mixing computer program is described which considers the coupling between gasdynamic properties, cavity charac- teristics, and resulting laser radiation for diffu- sion-type chemical laser oscillator cavities. The formulation assumes non-uniform mixing with lateral pressure gradients and lasing due to multiple transitions between the various excited levels of the lasing molecule. Excitation of the active medium traversing a Fabry-Perot optical cavity is caused by highly exothermic reactions between gradually mixing reactants discharged from a grid nozzle. Uniform, premixed inviscid laser cavity flows can be in- vestigated as a special case of the more general analysis. (Author) AD-784 548/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co Inc Huntsville Ala Huntsville Research and Engineering Center Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 5. Rota- tional Relaxation Effects Final rept. 20 Sep 73-30 Jun 74 Juergen Thoenes. Jun 74, 37p* LMSC-HREC- TR-D390222-5, RK-74-13-Vol-5 Contract DAAH01-74-C-0173 See also Volume 4, AD-784 534. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, Molecular rota- tion, Molecular energy Levels, Relaxation time. Electron transitions. Gas dynamics, Gas dynamic lasers. Mixing, Mathematical models. Identifiers: LAMP computer program, Hydrogen fluoride lasers. The previously developed Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP) theory is extended to explicitly include rotational relaxation effects. The theory considers the coupling between gasdynamic properties, cavity characteristics, and laser radiation for diffusion-type chemical laser oscillators. The formulation assumes parallel mixing and constant lateral pressure with las- ing due to single or multiple transitions between certain vibrational/rotational molecu- lar energy levels. (Author) AD-784 760/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Metal Oxidation Laser Master's thesis Leslie G. Murray. Jun 74, 73p Rept no. NPS- 57CO74061 Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, Aluminum, Ox- ides, Metal vapors, Exploding wires, Carbon dioxide lasers, Photolysis, Theses, Oxidation, Copper, Indium, Experimental design. Optical equipment. Infrared lasers, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Methane/azido, "Metal oxide lasers. Experiments were conducted with the C02- CH3N3 laser to determine if a chemical laser is feasible using a pumping scheme where energy released by photolysis of CH3N3 is used to create a population inversion in C02. A metal oxide laser system was designed and con- structed. The energy from an exothermic chemical reaction between a metal and an ox- idizing gas was used to create a population in- version in *he diatomic product molecules. The metal was vaporized using the exploding wire technique. The laser tube, resonant cavity, vacuum system, electrical control system and exploding wire circuit were designed and fabricated. Several experiments were per- formed using aluminum, copper and indium wire with oxygen gas. (Modified author ab- stract) AD-784 874/OCP PC A10/MF A01 Perkin-Elmer Corp Norwalk Conn GUERAP II - User's Guide Technical rept. Jun 71 -Jun 73 Bruce Bouce, Duncan Harris, and Robert Noll Feb 74, 21 5p PE-1 1615, SAMSO-TR-73-309 Contract F04701 -71-C-0376 Descriptors: "Light transmission, "Computer programs, "Ray tracing, Optical equipment, Dif- fraction, Reflection, Computations, FORTRAN. Identifiers: GUERAP computer program. This report describes a General Unwanted Energy Rejection Analysis Program (GUERAP). In addition to being a user's guide for the pro- gram, the report presents the theory behind the program. A deterministic approach to stray light computation is presented in terms of: (1) Differential ray trace methods (2) A ray theory of diffraction (3) A set of perturbative view factor matrices which allow the more important stray light effects to be calculated first. Some experi- mental verification of the calculated results is presented, as well as a description of how to use the program. (Author) AD-785 228/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Comprehensive Evaluation of Six Thin-Wing Lifting-Surface Computer Programs Henry T. Wang. Jun 74, 100p Rept no. NSRDC- 4333 Descriptors: "Lifting surfaces, "Thin wings, "Hydrofoils, Hydrodynamic control surfaces, Planform, Aspect ratio, Subsonic flow, Vortices, Drag, Computer applications. Identifiers: Computer aided design. A comprehensive evaluation is made of six computer programs that analyze thin wing lift- ing surfaces in steady subsonic flow. The pro- grams are compared with one another and with available experimental data for a total of 62 planform cases, 18 camber cases, and two flap cases. For the planform cases, four of the pro- grams were generally in good agreement with each other and with experimental results, one program showed moderate differences, and the remaining program showed large differences. The agreement predicted and experimental results was erratic for the camber cases and poor for the flap cases. (Author) AD-786 032/3CP PC A08/MF A01 Mcdonnell Aircraft Co St Louis Mo Active Multispectral Data Analysis Final rept. May 73-May 74 110 J. Carl Leader, David P. Owsley, and Charles R. Fulkerson. Aug 74, 171p RADC-TR-74-190 Contract F30602-73-C-0212 Descriptors: 'Target discrimination, 'Spectrum signatures, 'Detectors, Gas lasers, Laser beams, Multispectral, Signal processing, Data acquisition, Digital systems. Computer pro- grams, Electrooptics. A study was conducted for the systematic determination of the effects of various sensor parameters and environmental variables on the capability to identify target materials. The ap- proach incorporated an experimental program of data collection and laboratory target signa- ture measurements together with the develop- ment of a unique data analysis scheme. Targets were illuminated with a Krypton laser that produced visible light simultaneously in four spectral channels (0.65 micrometers, 0.57 micrometers, 0.52 micrometers, and 0.48 micrometers). The 1.5-watt beam, having a divergence of 1.6 mrad, was scanned horizon- tally across an existing test range. The primary target was a calibrated series of painted panels of various sizes, colors, and orientations. Parameters studied included gain, bandwidth, scan speed, field of view, color contrast, and surface moisture. Atmospheric transmission and background illumination were measured. (Modified author abstract) AD-786 223/8CP PC A05/MF A01 West Virginia Univ Morgantown Dept of Aerospace Engineering Laminar Separated Flow over Nonliving Ellip- ses Technical rept. Nathan Ness, Yang-Tai Thomas Lin, and Hsin- Fuh Wang. Jul 74, 77p Rept no. TR-41 Contract N00014-68-A-0512 Descriptors: 'Elipses, 'Laminar flow, Flow fields, Boundary layer flow, Flow separation, In- viscid flow. Viscous flow, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Ellipses. A theory is presented for the laminar separated flow over nonlifting ellipses as a function of thickness/chord ratio (t/c) and free stream Reynolds number. The theory includes the separated flow over a circular cylinder as the special case when (t/c) = 1 . The theory involves a coupling of inviscid and viscous flow through a search method. The inviscid analysis provides the pressure which is used in the boundary layer program to locate the boundary layer separation points. Convergence occurs when the boundary layer separation points are equal to the assumed inviscid separation points. (Modified author abstract) AD-786 351 /7CP PC A10/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C NRL Modified Version of CINDA-3G Program Final rept. Mary E. Gealy. 22 Aug 74, 208p Rept no. NRL- 7656 Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, 'Computer pro- grams, Conduction(Heat transfer), Convec- tion(Heat transfer). Partial differential equa- tions, Finite difference theory, Compilers, Com- putations, Curve fitting, FORTRAN. Identifiers: CINDA 3G computer program, FOR- TRAN 5 programming language, CDC 3800 computers. A programming manual has been prepared for the thermal analyzing program, CINDA. The program's options offer the user a variety of methods for solution of thermal analog models presented to it in a network format. The net- work representation of the thermal problem is unique in that it has a one-to-one correspon- dence to both the physical model and the mathematical model. This analogy enables en- gineers quickly to construct mathematical models of complex thermophysical problems and prepare them for program input. In addi- tion, the program contains numerous subrou- tines for handling interrelated complex phenomena such as sublimation; diffuse radia- tion within enclosures; simultaneous, one- dimensional, incompressible fluid flow includ- ing valving and transport delay effects; etc. It can handle all three types of heat transfer— con- duction, convection, and radiation. (Modified author abstract) AD-786 352/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculat- ing the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids Interim rept. B.J. King, and A. L. Van Buren. 16 Jul 74, 89p Rept no. NRL-7694 Descriptors: 'Acoustic signals, 'Computer pro- grams, Spheres, Wave functions, Green's func- tion. Acoustic velocity, Numerical analysis, FORTRAN, Acoustic detection. Identifiers: PSPRDS computer program, OSPRDS computer program. The computer programs PSPRDS and OSPRDS calculate acoustic radiation from two prolate and two oblate spheroids, respectively. The programs use an eigenfunction expansion of the appropriate Green's function in spheroidal wave functions. An addition theorem which ex- presses spheroidal wave functions in one coor- dinate system in terms of spheroidal wave func- tions in another coordinate system is used to facilitate application of homogeneous Neu- mann boundary conditions on the two sphe- roids in order to determine the unknown expan- sion coefficients. Only axially symmetrical problems are handled by the programs. The basic inputs to the programs are the geometry of the spheroidal configuration and the normal velocity distribution on the surface of each spheroid. The output consists of radiation im- pedances, the azimuthal far-field pressure dis- tribution, and near-field pressures at desired points. (Author) AD-786 381/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md TRCMOD: A Computer Program for the Com- putation of High-Order Correlation Coeffi- cients of Turbulence Data Dolores R. /Wallace May 74, 49p Rept no. NSRDC-4320 Descriptors: "Turbulence, 'Computer pro- gramming, 'Computations, Subroutines, Statistical analysis. Analog to digital conver- ters. Identifiers: TRCMOD computer program. The computer program TRCMOD has been developed to compute the higher-order cor- relation coefficients R sup(m.n) for m, n=0, 1, 2 14 from digital data, such digital data on binary tape converted from analog form by the XDS-910 analog-to-digital converter. The TRC- MOD PROGRAM PRODUCES BOTH A PRIN- TOUT AND PUNCHED CARDS, THE CARDS BEING SUITABLE AS INPUT FOR OTHER RE- LATED PROGRAMS. TRCMOD has been used in the analysis of data for studies on the theory of turbulence. It not only reduces computation cost, through its use of an existing fast tape- reading subroutine; it also reduces core memory requirements, by using an existing overlay scheme and special data-handling techniques. (Author) AD-786 451 /5CP PC A07/MF A01 Minnesota Univ Minneapolis Dept of Electrical Engineering Study of Plasma Sheaths Final rept. 1 Feb 73-31 Mar 74 Hendrik J. Oskam, and Ramanuj Sharan. Apr 74, 128p AFCRL-TR-74-0221 Contract F19628-73-C-0128 Descriptors: 'Thermionic converters, 'Plasma sheaths, Diodes, Space charge. Differential equations, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: DIODE computer program. A theoretical model of a thermionic gas diode with ion injection through the anode was developed. Charged particle currents due to the electric field as well as due to charged particle density gradients were incorporated in the model. This made it possible to study the effect of ion injection on the magnitude and location of the potential barrier in front of the hot cathode. The model was solved numerically for various experimental conditions. The results obtained explained the previously observed large space charge neutralization efficiencies of the injected ions. (Author) AD-786 647/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Oregon Graduate Center Beaverton Dept of Ap- plied Physics and Electronic Science Experimental Pulsed Laser, Remote Cross- wind Measurement System — Feasibility Study and Design Final rept. 7 Dec 73-30 Jun 74 J. Fred Holmes, and J. Richard Kerr. Jul 74, 47p ECOM-740094-1 Contract DAAD07-74-C-0094 Descriptors: 'Ruby lasers, 'Wind velocity, Light pulses. Measurement, Vidicons, Real time, Computer programs. Meteorological instru- ments. Identifiers: Q switched lasers, 'Pulsed lasers. Remote sensing. The feasibility determination and design for an experimental, pulsed laser, diffuse target, remote crosswind measurement system is described. The system consists of a laser trans- mitter, a diffuse target and a receiver. A unique scheme using a double-pulsed, Q-switched ruby laser is used to measure the slope of the time delayed autocovariance function at zero time delay which under appropriate conditions is proportional to the weighted average cross- wind along the laser propagation path. The receiver consists of two silicon vidicons, a spinning disk for directing alternate pulses to the vidicons and appropriate scanning circuitry for generating a 10 x 10 array of apertures on each vidicon. (Modified author abstract) AD-786 707/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Washington Univ Seattle Applied Physics Lab A Calculation of the Acoustic Shear Wave At- tenuation in Sea Ice Final rept. J. G. Hanse, and R. E. Bunney. Jul 74, 46p APL- UW-7310, CGR/DC-21/74 Contract DOT-CG-24595-A Descriptors: 'Sea ice, 'Acoustic waves, "Attenuation, Ice reporting. Thickness, Shear properties. Wave equations. Computer pro- grams. The attenuation of an acoustic disturbance propagating in a medium which is not perfectly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic can be considered to be the result of energy dissipa- tion due to classical processes and scattering. The contribution of each of these mechanisms is dependent upon the frequency of the sound wave. In this report several mathematical models are discussed for a transverse wave moving in a visco-elastic material and a scatter- ing theory is developed. The theory is applied to sea ice and attenuation as a function of frequency is predicted for this material. (Author) 111 AO-786 847/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Rochester Univ N Y Inst of Optics Studies in Optics Technical rept. 13 Feb 70-15 Dec 73 Douglas C. Sinclair, Michael Hercher, and Brian J. Thompson. Jun 74, 65p AFAL-TR-74-1 77 Contract F33615-70-C-1451, ARPA Order-0745 See also report dated Mar 72, AD-893 201 . Descriptors: 'Laser beams, "Frequency shift, 'Electrooptics, Interferometry, Doppler effect, Lasers, Optical equipment. Computer pro- grams. The studies covered in this report are the design of optical frequency shifters for AC in- terferometry (Section II) and the production and assessment of corrector plates used to optically compensate for distortions in laser beams (Section III). Section II describes efforts to work out an electrooptical system for producing Doppler frequency shifts in laser beams. Sec- tion III describes the design, fabrication, and testing of a correction plate for removing distortions in a laser beam. (Modified author abstract) AD-786 885/4CP PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex The Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamical Simu- lation of an Electromagnetic Implosion Device Technical rept. Jul 72-Feb 73 Clifford E. Rhoades, Jr, and Keith A. Taggart. Mar 74, 131 p Rept no. AFWL-TR-73-267 Descriptors: 'Plasma sheaths, 'Magnetic pinch, Magnetohydrodynamics, Implosions, Partial differential equations. Electrodes, Numerical integration, Computer programs. The electromagnetic implosion device which is geometrically a Z-pinch is simulated by a two- dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamical com- puter code. The usual Lagrangian differencing scheme problem of mesh distortion is over- come by a coordinate orthogonalization scheme. This report described in detail the physics as well as the numerical techniques of the simulation. It is also intended as a user's manual for the computer code. (Author) AD-787 063/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Atmospheric Ray Tracing Final rept. B. G. Roberts, Jr, and E. H. Bebbs. Aug 74, 121p Rept no. NRL-MR-2865 Descriptors: 'Acoustic velocity, 'Ray tracing, 'Computer programs, Atmospheres, Plotters, Computations, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Calcomp plotters, TRIMAINA com- puter program, 'Atmospheric attenuation. A computer program has been written in FOR- TRAN to predict the acoustical ray paths in the atmosphere, as well as determining the trans- mission loss in air. The program accepts data in the form of a temperature or sound speed ver- sus height profile. A wind velocity profile may also be entered. The program will produce a printplot of the ray trajectories, as well as a printplot of the transmission loss vs range. A CALCOMP plot of the ray trajectories may also be obtained. (Author) AD-787 292/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Guidance and Control Directorate The Transient Current Induced on a Conduct- ing Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Ap- ?lications to Cable Driver Design echnical rept. Hugh W. Greene, J. Darryl Holder, and Leonard L. Tsai. 16 Aug 74, 63p Rept no. RG-7508 Descriptors: 'Electric cables, "Electromagnetic pulses, 'Electromagnetic shielding, Transients, Plane waves, Fourier transformation, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Radiation hardening. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, CDC 6600 computers. The current excited on an infinite perfectly con- ducting cylinder by an incident electromagnetic pulse plane wave is analyzed using Fourier transform techniques. Two methods, eigen- function series solution and moment methods, are used independently to calculate the cur- rents in the frequency domain. Time domain cylinder currents are found by inverse trans- forming the eigenfunction series results. These are computed at various aspects angles on the cylinder for three different cylinder sizes. The apparent rotational asymmetry and increase in rise time from the theoretical solution should be useful in improving cable driver design. A number of possible extensions of this problem are given together with an approach to corre- late simulator and cable driver data. (Author) AD-787 455/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Numerical Solutions of the Three-Dimen- sional Kinetic Equation of the Parametric Decay Instability Final rept. Jan 73-74 J. D. Letterio, and B. B. Godfrey. Jul 74, 136p Rept no. AFWL-TR-74-146 Descriptors: 'Plasmas(Physics), 'Laser beams, Langmuir probes. Optical pumping, Instability, Spectrum analysis, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN, Deuterium. Identifiers: Parametric instabilities, Deuterium plasma. The three-dimensional time dependent kinetic equation for the saturation of the weakly driven parametric decay instability is solved numeri- cally. Two cases are considered: (1) nonlinear Landau damping only and (2) nonlinear Landau damping plus mode-coupling. For both, relative pump powers range from 1 to 20. In general, the mode-coupling terms act to enhance saturation energy somewhat at large angles, without sig- nificantly affecting the total saturation energy level or the time evolution prior to saturation. For a deuterium plasma, the anomalous re- sistivity rate (relative to the plasma collision frequency) is found to be approximately 3.2 P sup(1.35), with P the relative pump power. (Author) AD-787 540/4CP PC A07/MF A01 Army Engineer Topographic Labs Fort Belvoir Va Theoretical and Experimental Study of Wave Scattering from Composite Rough Surfaces Annual rept. no. 1 on Task 1 Robert M. Axline, Jr, and Robert Mater. May 74, 130p CRES-TR-234-2. ETL-CR-74-4 Contract DAAK02-73-C-0106 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic scattering, Sur- faces, Roughness, Backscattering, Radar signals. Theses, Computer programs. The report describes the results of an elec- tromagnetic experiment which compares mea- surements of scattering coefficient with non- coherent and coherent theories for two, two- dimensional, two-scale targets; one a good conductor (aluminum), and one a lossy dielec- tric (plaster). Included are (1) a detailed description of the construction of the two-scale scattering targets; (2) a description of the ex- perimental 25 GHz radar system used to make scattering coefficient measurements, (3) a statistical analysis of the roughness parameters of the surface; (4) the results of the scattering coefficient measurements for the VV, HH, VH and HV polarization states; and (5) a com- parison of the measurements with scattering coefficient predictions of two-scale non- coherent and coherent backscattering theories. (Modified author abstract) AD-787 629/5CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md Comparisons of Normal Mode Theory, Ray Theory, and Modified Ray Theory for Arbitrary Sound Velocity Profiles Resulting in Conver- gence Zones Ira M. Blatstein. 29 Aug 74, 197p Rept no. NOLTR-74-95 Descriptors: 'Acoustic velocity, 'Ray tracing, 'Underwater sound, Special func- tions(Mathematical), Partial differential equa- tions. Underwater explosions. Shock waves, Graphics, Numerical analysis, Computer pro- grams. Theses. Identifiers: Airy functions, Caustics. Normal mode theory, ray theory, and modified ray theory are compared for several arbitrary velocity profiles. The normal mode theory pro- gram uses a finite difference approach to solve for the spectrum of discrete modes once an ar- bitrary sound velocity profile and a constant velocity fluid bottom are specified. A ray tracing program is used to find the coherent sum of rays at points of interest. Modified ray theory leading to an Airy function solution is used to correct ray theory at caustics and in adjacent shadow zones. (Modified author abstract) AD-787 636/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md An Optical Ray Tracing Program Technical rept. Charles E. Higdon. 1 May 74, 95p Rept no. NOLTR-74-70 Descriptors: 'Optical equipment, "Light trans- mission, 'Ray tracing. Computer programs, Refraction, Computations, Computer graphics. Identifiers: RAYTRACE computer program, Computer aided design, Geometrical optics. A useful aid in the design of optical systems is a digital computer program for tracing a light beam through an optical system. The optical system is comprised of a large class of reflect- ing and refracting optical elements which in- cludes cylindrical optics. The mathematical technique developed for tracing rays does not require rotational symmetry and is restricted to geometrical optics. RAYTRACE, the ray tracing program, includes graphics among its output options. (Author) AD-787 878/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Applied Research Labs The Propagation of a Spherical N Wave in an Absorbing Medium and Its Diffraction by a Circular Aperture Interim rept. Mark O. Anderson. Aug 74, 108p ARL-TR-74-25, AFOSR-TR-74-1736 Contract F44620-71-C-0015 Descriptors: 'Acoustic waves, 'Diffraction, Shock waves. Waveforms, Signal processing, Integral equations. Computer programs. Identifiers: *N waves. The report investigates the effects of finite am- plitude on the diffraction of a spherical N wave by a circular aperture. The investigation was to be carried out in the farfield of the aperture, i.e., where the incident and diffracted signals were not completely resolved. An experiment was done in which an N wave was produced by an electric spark. A condenser microphone received the acoustic signal, and an aperture in a rigid baffle was placed between the spark and the microphone. The preliminary investigations revealed that, in the farfield, absorptions as well as nonlinear distortion is important. A com- 112 puter algorithm was developed in which the ef- fects of nonlinear distortion and absorption are combined in a stepwise manner. To test the al- gorithm, it was used to predict the waveform of a propagating N wave. The predicted waveforms agree very favorably with experi- ment. (Modified author abstract) AD-800 437/CP HC E01 MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab., Kirtland AFB, N. Mex. Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation Computer Program (Heatab). Technical rept., Jan-May 66 William J. Moulds, and J. D. Young. Oct 66, 47p Rept no. AFWL-TR-66-105 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Aerodynamic heating, Computer programs, *Ablation, Computer programs, •Reentry vehicles, Atmosphere entry, Nose cones, Heat transfer, Equations, Hypersonic flight, Boundary layer. Identifiers: HEATAB computer program. An Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation Com- puter Program (HEATAB) is presented to establish a means by which heat transfer problems may be solved with minimum effort. This program computes the boundary layer conditions, time-temperature distribution in a body, the ablation recession rate, and weight loss. The program was written in Fortran IV for the CDC 6600 computer. (Author) AD-814 991/CP PC E01/MF A01 Auerbach Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. Data Structuring Study for Interference Pre- diction Analysis Final rept. Apr 67, 136p 1390-TR-1, RADC-TR -67-47 Contract AF 30(602)-4335 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Radiofrequency interference, 'Data processing systems, Pro- gramming(Computers), Radio interference, Radar interference, Mathematical prediction, Computer programs. This report presents the results of a study into the feasibility of applying data organization and management techniques to the Interference Prediction Analysis Data at Rome Air Develop- ment Center. Specifically, the techniques em- bodied in DM-1, the Data Management System designed for Rome Air Development Center, Reliability Central Group were applied to this data set. The report describes the general characteristics and capabilities of DM-1. Detailed data structures are presented with the rationale for the specific organization selected. Methods of entering programs into the system and operating procedures are defined. An im- plementation plan is presented which describes an orderly, efficient transition from the present analytic capability through several intermediary phases, until the desired operational environ- ment within DM-1 is achieved. AD-824 826/CP HC E01 MF A01 SACLANT ASW Research Centre, La Spezia (Italy). Numerical Determination of Experimental Bottom Reflection Losses. Technical rept. O. F. Hastrup, and E. Schunk. 1 Dec 67, 27p Rept no. SACLANTCEN-TR-104 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Data processing systems, Reflection, Numerical analysis, Integration, Fourier analysis, Phase, Frequency, Analog-to-digital converters, Digital systems, Digital computers, Computer pro- grams, Integral transforms, Italy. Identifiers: Fourier transformation. When analyzing bottom reflection data, the reflection coefficient is usually obtained by analogue band filtering, squaring, and integra- tion. This method leads to a loss of information regarding both amplitude and phase. Another method is suggested using Fourier transforms giving the reflection coefficient as a continuous function of frequency. The analogue-recorded signal is then either directly converted to digital form or a graphical representation is converted to digital data by the use of an electronic digitizing table. The digital data so obtained can then be used as the input to the computer together with the programs for computing the reflection loss and phase angle. The results can be obtained either as a continuous function of frequency or in different frequency bands. (Author) AD-825 415/CP PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Aeroelastic and Structures Research Lab. High Radiation-Induced Ablation of a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow. Technical rept. Anthony N. Pirri, Leon Schindel, and W. Bryan Brooks. Oct 66. 100p ASRL-TR-1 39-3, BSD-TR- 66-394 Contract AF 04(694)-427, AF 04(694)-857 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Flat plate models, 'Ablation, 'Hypersonic flow, Mass transfer, Thermal radia- tion, Aerodynamic configurations, Heat transfer, Aerodynamic heating. Gas flow, Com- pressible flow, Boundary layer, Approxima- tion(mathematics), umerical analysis, Pressure, Surface properties, Absorption, Computer pro- grams, Flow fields. Identifiers: Inviscid flow, 'Radiation induced ablation, Fortran. An analysis for the flow configuration above a rapidly ablating semi-infinite flat plate is presented. When the surface mass-transfer rate is such that the ablation mass flow becomes a significant fraction of the free-stream mass flow. The boundary layer separates from the surface and the flow field can be approximated by (1) the inviscid flow of injected material, (2) an inviscid external hypersonic flow, and (3) a hypothetical contact surface dividing the two inviscid flows. The external heat input is radia- tion, and the external flow is assumed to be describable by Newtonian flow theory which yields the pressure distribution on the contact surface. (Author) AD-847 480/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility, Al- burquerque, N. Mex. Analysis of Number of Eigenvalues Needed When Computing Temperatures for Multilayer Cylinders Using the Exact Solution Method Eva M. Thorn. 16 Dec 68, 1 16p Rept no. NWEF- 1028 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: *Conduction(Heat transfer), 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear warheads, Vul- nerability, 'Guided missiles, Thermal analysis. Partial differential equations, Bessel functions, Thermal properties. Cylindrical bodies, Tem- perature. Identifiers: Eigenvalues, FORTRAN. The eigenvalues required for the eigenfunction solutions of the typical partial differential heat- conduction equations for n-layer slabs and cylinders have been analyzed in detail to ascer- tain the following: the neighborhood of the smallest eigenvalue, the number of eigenvalues required, the number of decimal places needed, and the neighborhood of the largest eignen- value which will give valid temperatures in the final solutions. The purpose of the analysis was to write a computer program that will solve for the eigenvalues in the least possible time. The computer program will do the following: com- pute temperatures for a one-layer slab and/or cylinder; computer eigenvalues; and compute the Bessel functions. (Author) AD-850 272/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. School of Electrical Engineering. Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide Technical rept. Stephen Ingalls Long. Mar 69, 1 22p RADC-TR- 69-42 Contract F30602-68-C-0042 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Gallium arsenides. Epitaxial growth, 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Microwave oscillators. Solutions, Semiconducting films, Carriers(Semiconductors), Electrical proper- ties, Computer programs. Impurities, Theses. Identifiers: 'Gunn diodes. The theory and experimental procedure for growth of epitaxial layers of GAAS by the solu- tion regrowth method is described. Both GAAS of low carrier concentration with high mobility and intentionally doped GAAS layers, suitable for application to Gunn effect devices, can be grown by this process. Several methods for the evaluation of the thickness, doping profiles and mobility of the GAAS layers are discussed. The limitations of these methods are also presented. Several working Gunn devices were fabricated either with solution grown contacts on commercially made epitaxial active layers or with solution grown active layers. (Author) AD-857 866/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility, Al- buquerque, N. Mex. TWIG-A Computer Program for Calculating Unidirectional Transient and Steady-State Temperature Distributions in One, Two, and Three-Layer Slabs and Cylinders-Constant Heat Flux Applied to Outside Surface Eva M. Thorn. 1 May 69, 220p Rept no. NWEF- 1038 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: *Conductor(Heat transfer), 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear warheads, Vul- nerability, 'Guided missiles. Thermal analysis, Roundary value problems. Temperature, Transients, Naval equipment, Cylindrical bodies. Instruction manuals. Identifiers: TWIG computer programs, TWIG-A computer program. Computerized simulation. Computer program TWIG was developed to permit calculations of unidirectional heat flow by conduction through solids in one-, two-, and three-layer slabs and hollow cylinders. TWIG also permits comparative study calculations to determine how well a slab can approximate a cylinder. The boundary conditions for the pro- gram simulate a suddenly activated plane heat source immediate to the outside surface of the body. The complete program is published in this report together with instructions for its use. Included as appendixes are equations for find- ing instructions for its use. Included as appen- dixes are equations for finding temperature as a function of distance and time for all the geometric configurations considered, a complete listing of the program, input and out- put data, and solutions to exercise problems. (Author) AD-859 670/CP PC A06/MF A01 Syracuse Univ., N.Y. Dept. of Electrical En- gineering. Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolution Final rept. 1 Jun 67-31 Jul 69 Roger F. Harrington, and Joseph R. Mautz. Jul 69, 101p AFCRL-69-0305 Contract F19628-67-C-0233 Distribution Limitation now Removed. 113 Descriptors: *Radar targets, Scattering, 'Radar echo areas, Bodies of revolution, 'Antennas, Bodies of revolution. Computer programs. Dif- fraction. The problem of electromagnetic radiation and scattering from conducting bodies of revolu- tion, both loaded and unloaded, is considered. The solution is obtained by the method of mo- ments applied to the integro-differential equa- tion, and is expressed in terms of generalized network parameters. AD-863 327/CP HC E01 MF A01 SACLANT ASW Research Centre, La Spezia (Italy). A Ray Tracing Program. Technical memo. R. Skaer. 1 Feb 66, 56p Rept no. SACLANTCEN- TM-102 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Sound trans- mission, 'Sound transmission, "Computer pro- grams, Plotters, Tables, Refraction, Pro- gramming languages. Velocity, Oceans, Graphics, Italy. Identifiers: Ray tracing, Algol prog ramming lan- guage. Velocity profiles, Computer graphics. The first stage of a ray-tracing prog ram for trac- ing the propagation of sound energy in the ocean is described. This stage includes all of the 'mechanical part', i.e. it will trace the rays correctly through the medium, print out tables, or plot the traces on a graph-plotter. A full prin- tout of the algol program is included. (Author) AD-869 613/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab., Wright-Patter- son AFB, Ohio. A Compilation of Computer Programs in Flight Vehicle Technology 1968-1969 Technical rept. Ambrose B. Nutt. Mar 70, 68p Rept no. AFFDL- TR-66-Supp-1 Supplement to report dated Apr 68, AD-835 368. Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Aircraft, Aerodynamic charac- teristics, 'Computer programs, Aerodynamics, Airframes, Flight control systems, Environment, Escape systems(Aerospace), Controlled at- mospheres, Landing gear, Bibliographies. The repoit is a compilation of computer pro- grams useful in the design of flight vehicles. Technical domains covered include the follow- ing: Structures, Aerodynamics, Vehicle dynam- ics, Flight control, Environmental control. Crew escape and retardation, and Landing gear subsystems. (Author) AD-874 659/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. School of Engineering. A Study of Finite Moliere Scattering Master's thesis Dennis R. Rossbach. Jun 70, 140p Rept no. GSP/PH/70-19 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, N-body problem, 'Electron beams. Scattering, 'Measuring devices(Electrical + electronic), Design, In- tegral equations, Computer programs, Electron density. Theses, Plasma medium. Identifiers: Electron scattering, Moliere scatter- ing. Plasma diagnostics. An improved apparatus was constructed for the measurement of small angle Moliere scattering in a plasma and preliminary data was obtained using the device. An extension of Moliere's cross section expansion, (F sup (3) ) PHI, was derived, and accurate finite beam -detector cal- culations for the Moliere theory were made using a set of programs developed for this pur- pose. Also, comparison of the Moliere theory and Monte Carlo predictions was made to check the validity of several assumptions. The Monte Carlo predictions agree very well with the Moliere calculation, and suggest that multi- ple scattering in a plasma is independent of the number density profile in the interaction zone to at least first order. (Author) AD-878 619/CP PC A14 MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Washington, DC. Engineering Guide and Computer Programs for Determining Turbulence-Induced Vibra- tion and Radiation of Plates Final rept. Jun 67-Sep 69 Ralph C. Leibowitz, and Dolores R. Wallace. Jan 70, 323p Rept no. NSRDC-2976 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Vibration, 'Computer programs. Turbulence, Flat plate models, Acoustic proper- ties. Hydrodynamics. Identifiers: Computer analysis. The report is an engineering guide to the use of the dyer method of manual computation and to several computer programs for determining turbulence-induced vibration and radiation of finite plates in air and in water. Both simple and clamped boundary conditions are treated. The dyer method and the computer programs are presented in a series of appendixes: bolt beranek and newman manual method; boeing program I; electric boat program; underwater sound laboratory program; boeing program II - finite element. The documentation is intended to facilitate the performance of flow-induced vibroacoustic computations as well as to furnish the groundwork for computations as well as to furnish the groundwork for future research. (Author) AD-881 790/CP PC E01/MF A01 von Karman Inst, for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode- Saint-Genese (Belgium). A First Order Theory for Predicting the Stabili- ty of Cable Towed and Tethered Bodies Where the Cable Has a General Curvature and Tension Variation Technical note James D. DeLaurier. Dec 70, 124p VKI-TN-68, AFOSR-TR-72-0219 Grant EOOAR-70-0083 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Towed bodies. Stability, 'Towing cables, Mathematical models. Physical proper- ties. Stresses, Mooring, Mathematical predic- tion, Theory, Balloons, Towed sonar, Fluid dynamic properties, Model theory, Computer programs, Equations of motion, Boundary value problems. Partial differential equations. Acceleration, Velocity, Perturbation theory, Mo- ments. The cable-body system is treated analytically by considering it to be essentially a cable problem, where the body provides end and auxiliary con- ditions. Moreover, the cable itself is considered to be composed of cable segments - each with its own mean tension and angle. These seg- ments are then matched - one to the next - by the end conditions of displacement and slope, thus yielding a physical model for a cable with a general shape and tension variation. (Author) AD-890 462/CP PC E01/MF A01 von Karman Inst, for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode- Saint-Genese (Belgium). Supersonic Gas-Solids Particle Flow in an Ax- isymmetric Nozzle by the Method of Charac- teristics Technical note G. R. Johnson. Aug 71 , 51 p VKI-TN-78, AFOSR- TR-72-0276 Grant EOOAR-70-0083 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Supersonic nozzles, Particles, Ax- ially symmetric flow, Supersonic flow, Two- dimensional flow, Convergent divergent noz- zles, Equations of motion. Computer programs. Programming languages, Subroutines, Digital computers, Gas flow. Mixtures, Flow fields, Par- tial differential equations. Algorithms, Data processing systems. Particle size, Belgium. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Fortran 4 programming languages, IBM 1130 computers, 'Particulated gas flow. A study applied numerically treatment to a mix- ture composed of a gas and solid particles in a supersonic, axisymmetric nozzle. The govern- ing equations are a set of eight first order, quasi-linear, partial differential equations, seven of which are hyperbolic when the flow is supersonic. The eighth is rewritten as an in- tegral equation to be solved. The resulting equations are solved by the modified Euler Pre- dictor-Corrector Algorithm, and programmed for an IBM 1 130 computer. A sample nozzle cal- culation is given and compared with the one- dimensional calculations. (Author) AD-908 863/4CP PC A06/MF A01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. High Speed Electronic Bit Synchronizer Final rept. Ted J. Johnson, D. J. Andrew, K. Fawcett, and F. Carper. Mar 73, 1 1 9p AFAL-TR-73-1 2 Contract F3361 5-71 -C-1 866 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Optical communications, 'Mode locked lasers, Synchronization(Electronics), Optical communications, Phase locked com- munications, Integrated circuits, Simulators, Strip transmission lines, Data transmission systems. Errors, Gain, Matched filters. Auto- matic gain control, Computer programs. Identifiers: Jitter, Large scale integration, Sam- ple and hold circuits. Communications by means of mode-locked lasers requires a bit synchronizer at the receiver capable of detecting an Rz pulse stream at a data rate of 1.0 gigabit/second. A synchronizer meeting these requirements was designed, constructed, and tested. The report presents a description of the synchronizer and highlights significant advances in circuit technology that were developed. Of particular note is the discussion of the theory and design of a passive microstrip filter that performs a continuous in- tegrate and dump operation with an Rz signal. A laser link simulator was designed and con- structed, and a description of it is presented. AD-911 533/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Information Systems, Menlo Park, Calif. Comparative Performance of Hollow-Cathode and Axial Plasma Helium-Neon Lasers Final rept. 15 Dec 71-15 Dec 72 H. G. Heard, and A. J. Palmer. Mar 73, 94p IS-R- 73/03, AFAL-TR-73-58 Contract F33615-72-C-1323 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors'. "Gas lasers, Cathodes(Electron tubes). Glow discharges, Gas discharges, Sta- bility, Plasma medium, Magnetic fields. Sput- tering, Erosion, Voltage, Power, Digital compu- ters. Computer programs. Focusing, Efficiency, Gain, Pressure, Helium, Neon. Identifiers: Computer aided design, Current density, Hollow cathodes. Helium neon lasers. This report covers a 12 month investigation of the comparative performance characteristics of slotted hollow-cathode and axial plasma (positive column) 6328A He-Ne lasers. The pro- gram included the evaluation of parameters that control power performance and cul- minated in the construction of a TEM mode power-optimized slotted hollow-cathode laser. 114 AD-914 193/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, Calif. Laser Div. Rare Earth Laser Engineering Program Final rept. 1 Jun 72-30 Jun 73 John A. Caird. Oct 73, 86p HAC-P73-299, AFAL- TR-73-323-PT-1 Contract F33615-72-C-2038 Prepared in cooperation with California Univ., Los Angeles. Dept. of Physics. Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: *Lasers, 'Rare earth elements, Computer programs, Phonons, Molecular ener- gy levels, Ions, Phase studies, Doping, Trans- port properties, Theory, Intensity, Oscillators, Line spectra. Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium. Identifiers: Injection lasers, Room temperature, Continuous waves, 'Rare earth lasers. This report discusses the application of current theories of radiative and non-radiative relaxa- tion processes to the evaluation of crystalline rare earth laser devices. A computer program was developed to evaluate radiative oscillator strengths and transition rates between energy levels of trivalent rare earth ions doped in crystals. Non-radiative relaxation rates were computed using a phenomenological theory of multiphonon emission. The analysis was ap- plied first to some fifteen known rare earth laser devices to establish a basis for comparison with predictions. The program was then used to study the possibility of laser emission form a large number of energy levels throughout the rare earth series. This resulted in the identifica- tion of many transitions with significant poten- tial for laser action with wavelengths varying from about 0.5 to 3.25 micrometers. Fitting of an Ordered Set of Mode Frequen- cies S. O. Schriber. Oct 70, 37p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Cavity resonators, "Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 05, number 09902. AECL-3730 HC E01 MF A01 Atomic Energy Of Canada Ltd., Chalk River (Ontario). Chalk River Nuclear Labs. ELMOS- A CDC-6600 FORTRAN-IV CODE TO MANIPULATE SINGLE PARTICLE WAVEFUNCTIONS AND SOLVE THE ELLIP- SOIDAL MODIFIED OSCILLATOR PROBLEM R. Y. Cusson. Oct 70, 44p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Nuclear models. For abstract, see NSA 25 06, number 12623. AECL-3783 PC E01 MF A01 Atomic Energy Of Canada Ltd., Chalk River (Ontario). Chalk River Nuclear Labs. A Package of Computer Programs for the Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Three Dimensional Systems M. B. Carver. Dec 70, 37p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 09, number 18577. An outline is given of a general computer pro- gram, DIPOS, to calculate the structure and energy of defects in ionic crystals. Important features of the method of calculation are the use of a rigid boundary model and a point ion and shell model. The program was used to cal- culate the core configurations and energies of the two symmetric configurations of an a/2(110) edge dislocation in MgO. A detailed account is given of the derivation of two ver- sions of the short-range interatomic potential and the shell model parameters for MgO. The two versions of the potential used in the pro- gram were developed by Catlow, Faux and Nor- gett who previously employed the potential and the shell model in a program used to calculate Schottky defect energies and volumes of for- mation for MgO. Some of the results obtained with the model are presented and discussed. Emphasis in the discussion is on the effect that model type and model size has on the calcu- lated core configurations and the strain ener- gies. (Atomindex citation) AECL-5508 MF A01 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, On- tario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs. Progress Report, Physics Division, January 1 to March 31, 1976 Jun 76, 131p Rept no. PR-P-109 Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Crnl mp tandem accelerator, "Nuclear physics, "Radiation detectors, "Solid state physics, Computer codes, Mathematical models. Neutron diffraction. Research pro- grams. Identifiers: ERDA/651000, ERDA/656000, ERDA/430000, ERDA/440100, Canada. AD-921 655/7CP PC A11/MF A01 United Aircraft Research Labs., East Hartford, Conn. Demonstration of HF Chain Reaction Laser Final rept. Edward C. Kepler, Thomas J. Sadowski, Richard Roback, and Richard A. Meinzer. Jul 74, 227p RK-CR-75-4 Contract DAAH01 -73-C-0321 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, "Gas dynamic lasers, "Infrared lasers, "Molecular spectrosco- py. Hydrogen fluoride, High power, Continuous waves, Diatomic molecules. Laser cavities. Mir- rors, Infrared radiation. Vibrational spectra, Electron transitions, Pressure, Gain, Super- sonic nozzles, Diffusers, Molecular energy levels. Population, Distribution, Feasibility stu- dies, Deuterium compounds, Emission spectra, Hydrogen, Fluorine, Reaction kinetics, Com- puter programs, Digital computers, Inter- mediate infrared radiation. Identifiers: Hydrogen fluoride lasers, Chain reaction lasers, Specific power, Vibration states, Deuterium fluoride lasers, Excited states, Continuous wave lasers. A theoretical and experimental investigation was conducted to evaluate the performance potential of the HF/DF chain reaction laser. The program consisted of: theoretical calculations to aid in the selection of design and laser operating conditions, laser power and gain tests of an 8 in. nozzle array, and chemilu- minescent emission tests of a one in. nozzle segment. The experiments were conducted with a mass heater to preheat the primary flow to temperatures sufficient to dissociate only a small fraction of the fluorine molecules to F- atoms, which initiate the chain reaction, and preclude lasing solely under 'cold' reaction conditions. AECL-3669 PC E01 MF A01 Atomic Energy Of Canada Ltd., Chalk River (Ontario). Chalk River Nuclear Labs. AECL-3801 PC E01 MF A01 Atomic Energy Of Canada Ltd., Chalk River (Ontario). Evalin- a Cdc 6600 Fortran IV Code to Perform an Extended Variational Approximation for Light and Intermediate Nuclei R. Y. Cusson, and H. C. Lee. Jan 71 , 1 16p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 2, number 28439. AECL-4832 PC A03/MF A01 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, On- tario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs. Chebinq: A Fortran Program to Calculate Chebyshev Inequalities and Gaussian In- tegration Parameters. K. B. Winterbon. Jul 74, 44p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, *C codes, "Gauss function, "Numerical solution, Bibliographies, Cdc computers. Distribution functions, Fortran, Mathematics, Probability, Quadratures. For abstract, see NSA 31 03, number 07986. AECL-5237 MF A01 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, Manitoba. Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment. Atomistic Model to Calculate the Core Struc- ture and Energy of Dislocations in Ionic Crystals. Part 1. Rigid Boundary Model M. P. Puis. Nov 75, 64p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Magnesium oxides, "Crystal structure, Ionic crystals, Crystal defects, Mathe- matical models. Identifiers: ERDA/656000, Canada, "Dislocations, DIPOS computer program. Interim results are reported on research dealing with accelerator physics, solid state physics, detectors, and applied mathematics and com- putation in support of the above mentioned programs. (Atomindex citation 07:279534) AEEW-M-1136 PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith (England). Comparison of Leap, Tor and Slab, Pro- grammes for Computing the Scattering Law S(Alpha,beta) from a Phonon Frequency Function A. T. D. Butland. Oct 72, 28p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 07, number 16018. PC A03/MF A01 Establishment, Winfrith AEEW-M-1200 Atomic Energy (England). Leap and Addelt, a Users Guide to Two Com- plementary Codes on the lcl-470 for Calculat- ing the Scattering Law from a Phonon Frequency Function A. T. D. Butland. Jun 73, 40p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Neutron transport theory, Com- puter codes, "Computer codes, "A codes, "Thermal neutrons, "Spectra, Icl computers, L codes, Phonons, Scattering. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 07, number 17695. AEEW-M-730 PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith (England). An Investigation of a Monte Carlo Treatment of Thermal Neutron Scattering J. C. Basher, and I. C. Pull. Jan 69, 40p U.S. Sales only 115 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ thermal. For abstract, see NSA 26 18, number 44462. AEEW-R-778 PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith (England). Two Dimensional Transport Code Twotran. A Users Guide to the Winfrith Fortran IV Version for Use on the IBM 360 Computer D. Harris. Oct 71, 67p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Reactors. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 50001 . PC A03/MF A01 Establishment, Winfrith AEEW-R-804 Atomic Energy (England). Gog B: An Improved Two Dimensional Mul- tlgroup Diffusion Code I. Brittain.5Jul72,43p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *G codes, 'Neutron transport theory, Computer codes, Adjoint flux, Boundary conditions. Data processing. Eigenvalues, Fission, Fission neutrons, Fortran, Iterative methods, Mul- tigroup theory, Neutron diffusion equation, Neutron sources, Numerical solution, W codes. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 01, number 01 259. AERE-M-2474 PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Har- well (England). Nerma- a Programme for Evaluating Neutron Induced Energy Release in Materials S. Blow. Nov 71,1 9p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Niobium, 'Thermonuclear reactors. For abstract, see NSA 26 10, number 24207. AERE-M-2872 MF A01 UKAEA Research Group, Harwell (England). Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Modification of the Fission Product Inventory Program Fispin R. B. Thomas. May 77, 1 4p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Actinides, 'Computer codes, 'Fission products, Chemical composition. Computer calculations, F codes, Inventories, Mathematical models, Quantity ratio, Reactors, Reprocessing, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/652016, ERDA/050700, ERDA/050800, ERDA/055001, Great Britain. The fission product inventory program FISPIN calculates inventories of fission products, acti- nides and activation products, during and after irradiation in a nuclear reactor, estimates also being given for heat output and radioactive ac- tivity of the isotopes. The program has been developed further by making provision for the simulation of fuel reprocessing and in provid- ing subroutines to make the program compati- ble with nuclear data in a slightly modified ENDF/B4 format. Continuous development of FISPIN over the years has however involved many program alterations and additions, and this has resulted in a generally untidy and cum- bersome program. An attempt has therefore been made to improve the basic structure of the program. The subject is dealt with under the following headings: modularisation, direct ac- cess data, override facility, selective output, flowcharts, summary. (Atomindex citation 08:331148) AERE-R-7072 PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Har- well (England). Fortran Program to Calculate Energy Loss of Charged Particles M. W. Mcnaughton. Mar 72, 13p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Charged particles, 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 7, number 42364. AERE-R-7302 PC E04/MF A01 Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Har- well (England). Monte Carlo Computer Program for Neutron Elastic Scattering Simulation B. H. Meardon. Jan 73, 87p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Neutron reactions, 'Elastic scat- tering, 'Computer codes, *N codes, 'Neutron transport theory. Computer codes, Bragg reflection, Cylinders, Fortran, Ibm computers, Monte carlo method, Sheets. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 03, number 06933. AERE-R-7593 PC A07/MF A01 Ukaea Research Group, Harwell. Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Rs 96: The Evaporation of Binary Mixtures in Forced Convection. Part II. Theoretical Stu- dies. R. A. W. Shock. Oct 73, 132p Descriptors: 'Binary mixtures, 'Evaporation, Computer codes, Forced convection, Mass transfer. Nucleate boiling, Tubes. For abstract, see NSA 29 1 1 , number 26793. AERE-R-8456 MF A01 UKAEA Research Group, Harwell (England). Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Computer Program for Determining Multiplici- ties of Bragg Reflections for Any Space Group K. D. Rouse, and M. J. Cooper. Oct 76, 18p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Neutron dif- fraction, *X ray diffraction, 'Crystal structure, Bragg reflection. Miller indices. Multiplicity, Ta- bles. Identifiers: ERDA/656000, Great Britain, Com- puter programs. A computer program is described which deter- mines the multiplicity factors for a given set of X-ray or neutron powder diffraction reflections. The value of the multiplicity for each reflection is determined from a look-up table which is in- dexed by the symmetry type and the reflection type. The symmetry type is determined directly from the Space Group number and the reflec- tion type from the Miller indices. There are no restrictions on the choice of indices which are used to specify the reflections. (Atomindex cita- tion 08:319590) AERE-R-8656 MF A01 UKAEA Research Group, Harwell (England). Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Ion Beam Studies. Part 5. The Computer Simulation of Composite Ion Implantation Profiles J. H. Freeman, and D. V. Booker. Jan 77, 16p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Accelerators, 'Ion implantation. Computer codes, Computers, Depth, Energy dependence. Ion beams, Radiation doses, Range, Simulation, Spatial distribution, Uses, Variations. Identifiers: ERDA/430200, Great Britain. The computer simulation of composite ion im- plantation profiles produced by continuous energy programming and by discrete multiple dose doping is described. It is shown that precise matching of the computed profile to various uniform and power-law distributions can be achieved. (Atomindex citation 08:323048) AI-AEC-MEMO-12915 HC E01 MF A01 Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif. The Evaluation of Several Endf/B Nuclide Cross-Sections by a Monte Carlo Technique. C. L. Dunford, and H. Alter. 15 Jan 70, 28p Contract AT(04-3)-701 Descriptors: 'Neutron cross sections, Monte Carlo method, Neutron scattering, Neutron ab- sorption. Identifiers: TYCHE 4 computer program, 'Neutron age. For abstract, see NSA 2418 AI-AEC-12994(VOL.1) PC E01 MF A01 Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif. Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evalua- tion System. Volume I. Operators Guide C. L. Dunford. 15May71,101p Contract AT(04-3)-824 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Data dis- play systems, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 17, number 41 21 9. AI-AEC-12994(VOL.2) PC E01 MF A01 Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif. Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evalua- tion System. Volume II. System Guide C. L. Dunford. 15 Jun 71,54p Contract AT(04-3)-824 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Data dis- play systems, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 17, number 41220. AI-AEC-13018 PC E01/MF A01 Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif. Score-lll-A- an Interactive Display System for Evaluation of Multilevel Resonance Parame- ters in the Adler Format P. F. Rose. 15 Mar 72, 35p Contract AT(04-3)-824 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 4, number 3481 0. AI-AEC-13024 PC E01/MF A01 Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif. U3R- a Code to Calculate Unresolved Resonance Cross Section Probability Tables J. M. Otter, R. C. Lewis, and L. B. Levitt. 31 Jul 72. 53p Contract AT(04-3)-824 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 49310. ANCR-1022 PCA11/MFA01 Aerojet Nuclear CO., Idaho Falls, Idaho. 116 Raffle General Purpose Monte Carlo Code W. E. Vesely, F. J. Wheeler, and R. S. Marsden. Apr 73, 243p Contract AT(1 0-1 )-1 375 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *R codes, 'Neutron transport theory, Computer codes, Fortran, Ibm computers, Monte carlo method, Multigroup theory. Spherical harmonics method. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 03, number 06934. ANCR-1042 PCE01/MFA01 Aerojet Nuclear Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Ac sap) N. H. Marshall, J. W. Codding, O. D. Simpson, J. R. Smith, and R. C. Young. Jul 72, 1 45p Contract AT(1 0-1 )-1 375 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 54468. ANCR-1043 PCE01/MFA01 Aerojet Nuclear Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Gauss V- a Computer Program for the Analy- sis of gamma-Ray Spectra from GE(Li) Spec- trometers R. G. Helmer, and M. H. Putnam. Jan 72, 68p Contract AT(10-1 )-1375 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma radiation, 'Gamma spectrometers. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 1 , number 25652. ANCR-1068 PC E01/MF A01 Aerojet Nuclear Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho. C-Sure- Cross Sections for Unresolved Resonances from Endf/B G. L. Singer, and R. A. Grimesey. May 72, 63 Contract AT(1 0-1 )-1 375 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 49421 . ANCR-1263 PC A10/MF A01 Aerojet Nuclear Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Idaho National Engineering Lab. MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Proper- ties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior P. E. MacDonald, and L. B. Thompson. Feb 76, 224p Contract E1 0-1 )-1 375 Descriptors: *Bwr type reactors, 'Fuel ele- ments, 'Plutonium dioxide, "Pwr type reactors, 'Reactor materials, 'Uranium dioxide, 'Zircaloy, Computer codes, Fuel cans. Mechanical pro- perties, Physical properties. Identifiers: ERDA/210100, ERDA/210200, ERDA/360100, ERDA/360200, 'MATPRO com- puter program. This handbook describes the materials proper- ties correlations and computer subcodes (MATPRO) developed for use with various LWR fuel rod behavior analytical programs at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Docu- mentation and formulations that are generally semiempirical in nature are presented for urani- um dioxide and mixed uranium-plutonium dioxide fuel, zircaloy cladding, gas mixture, and LWR fuel rod material properties. (ERA citation 01:016028) ANCR-1296 PC A09/MF A01 Idaho National Engineering Lab., Idaho Falls. Quarterly Technical Report on Water Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Division of Reactor Safety Research, July—September 1975 Feb 76, 188p Contract E(10-1)-1375 Descriptors: *Bwr type reactors, "Loft reactor, *Pwr type reactors, 'Reactor safety, Blowdown, Computer codes, Eccs, Engineered safety systems, Heat transfer, Hydraulics, Loss of coo- lant, Mathematical models, Mockup, Planning, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/210100, ERDA/210200, Light water reactors. Light water reactor safety activities performed during July through September 1975 are sum- marized. The isothermal blowdown test series of the Semiscale Mod-1 test program has pro- vided data for evaluation of break flow phenomena and analyses of piping flow regimes and pump performance. In the LOFT Program, measurement uncertainties were evaluated. The Thermal Fuels Behavior Pro- gram completed two power-cooling-mismatch tests on PWR-type fuel rods to investigate criti- cal heat flux characteristics. Model develop- ment and verification efforts of the Reactor Behavior Program included development of the SPLEN1 computer code, subroutines for the FRAP-T code, verification of RELAP4, and results of the Halden Recycle Plutonium Ex- periment. (ERA citation 01 :01 3268) ANL-CT-76-37 MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. User's Manual for Evits: A Steady State Fluids Code for Complex Two-Dimensional Geometries H. M. Domanus. Jul 76, 150p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Steady flow. Boundary conditions, E codes, Incompressible flow. Isothermal processes, Manuals, Two- dimensional calculations, Viscous flow, Vortex flow. Identifiers: ERDA/640410. A 2-D computer code, EVITS, has been developed for estimating steady state, incom- pressible, isothermal flow fields in complex geometries. A vorticity-stream function formu- lation is used along with a model to resolve viscous effects at solid boundaries. Sufficient geometry and boundary type options are in- cluded within the code so that a large number of flow situations can be specified without modifying the program. All instructions to the code are via an input dataset. Detailed instruc- tions for preparing the user oriented input, along with examples, are included in this users' manual. (ERA citation 02:011537) ANL-7406 PC E01/MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. Tess- a One-Dimensional S/Sub n/ Trans- port-Theory Code for the Cdc-3600 Ronald W. Goin, and J. P. Plummer. Dec 71 , 152p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 5, number 37395. ANL-7556 HC E01 MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. The Quad Scheme: A New Method for Phase Space Integration. F. M. Mueller, J. W. Garland, M. H. Cohen, and K. H. Bennemann. Mar 69, 43p Contract W-31 -1 09-eng-38 Descriptors: 'Transition metals, 'Band struc- ture of solids, "Measure and integration, Com- puter programs, Face centered cubic lattices, Brillouin zones, FORTRAN. Identifiers: QUAD computer program. For abstract, see NSA 2420 ANL-76-14 PC A04/MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. SYNBURN: Fast-Reactor Fuel-Cycle Program P. A. Pizzica, and D. A. Meneley. Jan 76, 64p Contract W-31 -1 09-eng-38 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *Fbr type reac- tors, 'Fuel cycle, Burnup, Reactor kinetics, S codes. Identifiers: ERDA/210500, SYNBURN computer program. The SYNBURN computer program for fast reac- tors will calculate all the neutronics necessary to completely characterize the equilibrium cycle as well as the startup to equilibrium cy- cles. The program's run time is very short and this makes the program suitable for survey of parametric studies. It can search on the cycle time for a specified burnup, for the shim control necessary for criticality as well as feed en- richments and the enrichment ratio among core zones. SYNBURN synthesizes in a very simple fashion the one-dimensional fluxes in radial and axial geometry to achieve an approximate two-dimensional solution which agrees very well with the exact two-dimensional solution when measuring regional integrated quantities. (ERA citation 01 :016069) ANL-76-6 PC A02/MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. Physics of Reactor Safety. Quarterly Report, July-September 1975. 1975, 25p Contract W-31 -109-Eng-38 Descriptors: 'Lmfbr type reactors, Reactor safety, 'Reactor safety. Research programs, Computer codes, Excursions, Loss of flow, Meltdown, Monte carlo method, Reactor core disruption, Simulation, Temperature gradients. Included are reports on reactor safety research and technical coordination of the RSR safety analysis program by members of the Reactor Safety Appraisals Group, Monte Carlo analysis of safety-related critical assembly experiments by members of the Theoretical Fast Reactor Physics Group, and planning of DEMO safety- related critical experiments by members of the Zero Power Reactor (ZPR) Planning and Ex- periments Group. ANL-7611 PC E01 MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. Analysis of Compton Continuum Measure- ments R. Gold, and I. K. Olson. Feb 70, 84p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: 'Compton effect, 'Computer pro- grams. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 1 , number 25704. ANL-7659 HC A14 MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVER- SION SYMMETRY R. L. Aurbach, J. B. Ketterson, F. M. Mueller, and L. R. Windmiller. Jul 70, 31 1p Contract W-31 -1 09-ENG-38 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Solid state physics. For abstract, see NSA 25 07, number 14433. 117 ANL-7727 PC E01 MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. Penetration and Cascade Phenomena G. Zarablich. Aug 70, 75p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors'. 'Cascade showers, "Charged par- ticles, 'Computer programs, 'Cosmic showers, "Elementary particle models, 'Elementary parti- cles, 'Hadrons, 'Particles. For abstract, see NSA25 09, number 19971. ANL-7780 PC E01 MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. Dblscat- a Computer Code for Double-Scat- tering Corrections A. K. Agrawal, S. G. Das, and F. M. Mueller. Feb 71,30p Contract W-31 -1 09-ENG-38 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Plates. For abstract, see NSA25 14, number 33948. ANU-P-438 PC E01 MF A01 Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School Of Physical Sciences. Gamma Ray Analysis Programs T. R.Ophel. Feb 69, 5p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma radiation, 'Gamma spectroscopy. For abstract, see NSA 25 15, number 3491 5. ANU-P-439 PC E01 MF A01 Australian National Univ., Canberra. Dept. Of Theoretical Physics. Computer Subprograms for Scattering Problems P. B.Treacy. 1969, 9p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Mathematical physics, 'Nuclear reactions DIRECT, 'Scattering. For abstract, see NSA 25 15, number 36813. ANU-P-451 PC E01 MF A01 Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School Of Physical Sciences. Optical Model Code JIB3 (Version Perey 3) D.J. Baugh.and W. P. Bourke. 1969, 9p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear models. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions DIRECT. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 3, number 31 390. ANU-P-512 PC E01 MF A01 Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School Of Physical Sciences. Hauser- a Computer Code for the Calculation of Compound Nucleus Cross Sections Using the Hauser-Feshbach Theory P.J. Dallimore. 1970, 20p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 25 13, number31391. AREAEE-148 PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo (Egypt). Nuclear Physics Dept. Nuclear Statistical Fluctuation Program (Ncfl) M. N. H. Comsan. 1972, 36 U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 06, number 13569. AWRE-O-40/71 PC E01 MF A01 Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Al- dermaston (England). Multigroup Neutron Diffusion Theory Pertur- bation. Program Jinx P. H. West, P. C. E. Hemment, and W. H. G. Wilson. Jul 71, 16p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 26 02, number 03631 . BARC-576 PC E01/MF A01 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (India). Sigfmula- a Crystallographic Program for Symbolic Addition in Centrosymmetric Crystals S. K. Sikka. 1971, 23p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Crystals. For abstract, see NSA 26 06, number 14590. Descriptors: 'Nuclear reactions, *R matrix. Alpha reactions, Alpha reactions, Cdc compu- ters, Computer codes. Cross sections, Elastic scattering, Lithium 6. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 09, number 23043. BLG-453 PC E01/MF A01 Centre D'Etude De L'Energie Nucleaire, Mol (Belgium). Medop- Fortran-IV Program for Calculating Matrix Elements of One-Body Operators Between Projected Hartree-Fock Functions H. Depuydt, L. Schotsmans, M. Bouten, and M. C. Bouten-Denys. Feb 71 , 28p Lang- In Dutch. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Atoms, "Computer programs, "Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 26 06, number 13188. BNL-NUREG-23105 PC A02/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. Hydrodynamic Model of Two-Phase Pipe Flow U. S. Rohatgi, S. V. Lekach, and G. Srikantiah. 1977, 13p Rept no. CONF-770708-1 1 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Thermal reactor safety meeting. Sun Valley, Idaho, United States of America (USA), 31 Jul 1977. Descriptors: "Pipes, "Two-phase flow. Bounda- ry conditions, Computer codes, Hydrodynamic model, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, THOR computer pro- gram. A main objective of the advanced computer code development effort at BNL (THOR Pro- gram) is to attain economy in computing time while retaining accuracy of results. With this objective in mind, a lumped parameter model has been developed for describing transient two-phase flow in a pipe on the basis of the four conservation equations of the drift flux model. In order to assess computing speed and accu- racy of the lumped parameter approach, a dis- crete parameter method has also been developed based on the same basic model. In the lumped parameter approach, the governing partial differential equations have been reduced to ordinary differential equations in the time coordinate by use of shape functions or profiles which describe the spatial distribution of the variables within the component. In the discrete parameter method, a first order implicit Euler formulation for the governing equations has been used to develop a computer algorithm capable of solving problems with implicit boun- dary conditions. (ERA citation 02:060693) For abstract, see NSA 25 15, number 36814. ANU-P-500 PC E01 MF A01 Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School Of Physical Sciences. Fidel- an Optical Model Search Code with Spin-Orbit Terms for Spin-/Sup 1///Sub 2/ and Spin-1 Particles D. M. Rosalky. 1970, 11p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Nuclear models. For abstract, see NSA 25 13, number 31389. ANU-P-507 PC E01 MF A01 Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School Of Physical Sciences. Sandra- the Dwba Codes Julie and Dwuck Adapted for Use on the IBM 360/50 Computer P.J. Dallimore, and J. R. Davis. 16p U.S. Sales only BARC-658 PC A03/MF A01 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (India). Program Knmatics: Two Body Nuclear Relativistic Kinematics D. K. Srivastava, and N. K. Ganguly. 1973, 30p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *K codes, 'Nuclear reaction kinetics, 'Two-body problem, Differential cross sections, Energy, Nuclear reactions, Relativity theory. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 05, number 11913. BARC-663 PC A03/MF A01 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (India). Nuclear Cross-Section Calculations Using R- Matrix M. Balakrishnan. 1973, 36p U.S. Sales Only. BNL-NUREG 50502 PC A04/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. SSC: An Advanced Thermohydraulic Transient Code for LMFBR. Quarterly Progress Report, October 1— December 31, 1975 A. K. Agrawal. Apr 76, 54p Contract E(30-1)-16 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Lmfbr type reactors, 'Loss of flow, After-heat, After-heat removal, Failures, Heat transfer. Hydraulics, Liquid flow, Mathematical models, Primary coolant circuits. Reactor safety, Research pro- grams, S codes, Sodium, Transients. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/210500, SSC computer program. The accomplishments of the SSC research pro- gram are described. The SSC code is being developed to analyze the response of an LMFBR system (1) due to a massive pipe rup- ture in the primary heat transport system, and (2) the long-term shutdown heat removal capa- 118 bility in the absence of any forced pumping power. The progress made during this quarter is reported under the following five categories: (1) In-vessel Modeling, (2) Primary Loop Model- ing, (3) Intermediate Loop Modeling, (4) Tertiary Loop Modeling, and (5) Code Development. (ERA citation 01 :019340) BNL-16700 PC E01/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N. Y. Program Scope D. E. Cullen.Apr72, 125p Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA26 14, number 34811. BNL-17408 PCE01/MFA01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N. Y. Program Inter O. Ozer. Feb72,22p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA27 05, number 10778. BNL-17706 PCE01/MFA01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N. Y. Computer Programs for Ags Injection H. . Brown, and J. Claus. 3p Rept no. CONF- 730310-20 Descriptors: 'Synchrotrons, 'Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 1 1 , number 25359. BNL-20102 PCA02/MFA01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Crysnet: A Network for Crystallographic Com- puting. T. F. Koetzle, L. C. Andrews, F. C. Bernstein, and H. J. Bernstein. 1975, 24p Rept no. CONF- 750806-1 Descriptors: 'Crystallography, 'Data processing, Computer codes, Crystal structure. Organic compounds. Identifiers: ERDA/400300, CRYSNET system. The CRYSNET system is comprised of a group of five intelligent terminals, which are used primarily for computations in the field of crystallography, and which communicate with the CDC CYBER 70/76 system at Brookhaven. Three out of the five terminals consist of DEC PDP 11/40 minicomputers with 28K words of core memory and interfaced with Vector General three-dimensional displays. An exten- sive library of interactive molecular-modeling software is being developed for these terminals. Programs are currently available which allow real-time rotation in stereo of stick figures of molecules with up to 740 atoms, display of space-filling models with variable van der Waals radii, generation of stick models from a specified connectivity plus bond distances, an- gles, and torsion angles, and interactive fit of molecular models to electron-density maps. The terminals provide access to the data files for organic compounds compiled by the Cam- bridge, England Crystallographic Data Centre, and to the Protein Data Bank, a comprehensive file of crystallographic data for macromolecules, compiled at Brookhaven, which currently includes data for 20 proteins. BNL-21023 PC A05/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. OSCIL: One-Dimensional Spring-Mass System Simulator for Seismic Analysis of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Core L. Lasker. Jan 76, 92p Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Htgr type reac- tors, Mathematical models, O codes, Reactor cores, Seismic effects, Springs. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/210300, 'OSCIL computer program. OSCIL is a program to predict the effects of seismic input on a HTGR core. The present model is a one-dimensional array of blocks with appropriate spring constants, inter-elemental and ground damping, and clearances. It can be used more generally for systems of moving masses separated by nonlinear springs and dampers. (ERA citation 01:016186) BNL-21714 MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. CRYSNET Manual. Informal Report Jul 76, 633p Contract E(30-1)-16, NSF-G-DCR- Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Computer networks, 'Crystallography, 'Proteins, Cdc computers, Computer codes. Information systems, Interactive display devices, Manuals, Molecular structure, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/640305, ERDA/656000, CRYSNET system. This manual describes the hardware and soft- ware which together make up the crystallo- graphic computing network (CRYSNET). The manual is intended as a users' guide and also provides general information for persons without any experience with the system. CRYSNET is a network of intelligent remote graphics terminals that are used to commu- nicate with the CDC Cyber 70/76 computing system at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Central Scientific Computing Facility. Terminals are in active use by four research groups in the field of crystallography. A protein data bank has been established at BNL to store in machine-readable form atomic coordinates and other crystallographic data for macromolecules. The bank currently includes data for more than 20 proteins. This structural information can be accessed at BNL directly by the CRYSNET graphics terminals. More than two years of experience has been accumulated with CRYSNET. During this period, it has been demonstrated that the terminals, which provide access to a large, fast third-generation com- puter, plus stand-alone interactive graphics capability, are useful for computations in crystallography, and in a variety of other appli- cations as well. The terminal hardware, the ac- tual operations of the terminals, and the opera- tions of the BNL Central Facility are described in some detail, and documentation of the ter- minal and central-site software is given. (ERA citation 02:023863) BNL-22746 PC A02/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Julian: A Monte-Carlo Hauser—Feshbach Pro- gram for Evaporation from Compound Nuclei M. Hillman, and Y. Eyal. 1977, 11p Rept no. CONF-770523-7 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Symposium on neutron cross sections 10-40 MeV, Upton, New York, United States of Amer- ica (USA), 3 May 1977. Descriptors: 'Compound-nucleus reactions, A codes, Computer codes, Evaporation model, Hauserfeshbach theory, J codes, Monte carlo method. Identifiers: ERDA/653003, ERDA/990200. A historical introduction is given to evaporation calculations. The program ALICE is discussed; it apparently has a feature which is "patently in- correct" and it should be ignored, it is seemingly considered useless even by the authors. The code JULIAN is considered in some detail; in particular, the handling of the Monte Carlo technique by a method that is quite fast is explained. The method allows con- siderable flexibility. 4 figures, 1 table. (ERA cita- tion 02:053328) BNL-50199 HC E01 MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Mogus: A Code for Evaluating the Mott Scat- tering Cross Section and the Goudsmit-Saun- derson Angular Multiple-Scattering Distribu- tion for Use in Electron Transport Calcula- tions. R. M. Felder. Jul 69, 65p Rept no. BNL-T-549 Descriptors: 'Electrons, Transport properties. Nuclear energy levels, Computer programs. Identifiers: MOGUS computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Mott scattering, 'Electron scattering. For abstract, see NSA 2414 BNL-50246 HC E01 MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N. Y. GROGI2- A NUCLEAR EVAPORATION COM- PUTER CODE- DESCRIPTION AND USER'S MANUAL Jacob Gilat. Jun 70, 92p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 25 08, number 17952. BNL-50296 PC E01 MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N. Y. Endf/B Processing Codes for the Resonance Region M. R. Bhat. Jun 71, 1 81 p Rept no ENDF-148 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 26 02, number 04034. BNL-50458 PC A03/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Development of a Computer Code for Ther- mal Hydraulics of Reactors (THOR) W. Wulff. 1975, 43p Contract E(30-1)-1 6 Descriptors: *Bwr type reactors, 'Computer codes, *Pwr type reactors, 'Reactor accidents, Heat transfer. Hydraulics, Pressurizers, Primary coolant circuits. Reactor cores, Reactor safety, Research programs, T codes, Transients. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/210100, ERDA/210200. The purpose of the advanced code develop- ment work is to construct a computer code for the prediction of thermohydraulic transients in water-cooled nuclear reactor systems. The fun- damental formulation of fluid dynamics is to be based on the one-dimensional drift flux model for non-homogeneous, non-equilibrium flows of two-phase mixtures. Particular emphasis is placed on component modeling, automatic pre- diction of initial steady state conditions, inclu- sion of one-dimensional transient neutron kinetics, freedom in the selection of computed spatial detail, development of reliable constitu- tive descriptions, and modular code structure. Numerical solution schemes have been imple- mented to integrate simultaneously the one- dimensional transient drift flux equations. The lumped-parameter modeling analyses of ther- mohydraulic transients in the reactor core and in the pressurizer have been completed. The code development for the prediction of the ini- tial steady state has been completed with preliminary representation of individual reactor system components. A program has been developed to predict critical flow expanding from a dead-ended pipe; the computed results 119 have been compared and found in good agree- ment with idealized flow solutions. Transport properties for liquid water and water vapor have been coded and verified. (ERA citation 01:019338) BNWL-1432 PC E01 MF A01 Battelle-Northwest, Richland, Wash. Pacific Northwest Lab. HRG3- a Code for Calculating the Slowing- down Spectrum in the p/sub 1/ or B/sub 1/ Approximation. J. L. Carter. Jun 70, 1 26p Contract AT(45-1)-1 830 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 24 24, number 52353. BNWL-1634 PCE01/MFA01 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. Granit- a Code for Calculating Position De- pendent Thermal Neutron Spectra in Doubly Heterogeneous Systems by the Integral Transport Method C. L. Bennett. Dec 71 , 81 p Contract AT(45-1 )-1830 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ thermal. For abstract, see NSA 26 14, number 34812. BNWL-1675 PCE01/MFA01 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. Tisk- a Program for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernels, and Its Applica- tion to H/Sub 2/0 A. G. Gibbs, and C. W. Lindenmeier. Jun 72, 64p Contract AT(45-1 )-1830 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ thermal. For abstract, see NSA 26 23, number 57531 . CEA-CONF-1970 PC E01/MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Computer Program for Solution of Diffusion Equations for Two Impurities J. Monnier, M. Maffei, M. Stern, and D. Vandorpe. 27 Oct 71 , 44p Rept no. CONF- 711011-2 Lang- In French. From Eurocon Computer Ap- plications Conference- Lausanne, Switzerland (18 Oct 1971). U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Semiconductors. For abstract, see NSA 26 14, number 35681. CEA-N-1259 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Logical and Mathematical Scheme for the Digital Calculation of the Cross Sections of Inelastic Electron Scattering by the Phase Shift Method. Christian Bardin, Yves Dandeu, and Jean- claude Samour. Jul 70, 42p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Cross sec- tions, 'Electrons. For abstract, see NSA 24 21, number 45013. CEA-N-1294 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons. Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved. Program Source. P. Chabry, and J. P. Genthon. 1969, 91p Rept no. DPE-SPE-69-504 U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Fission fragments, 'Iron, 'Neutrons/ pile, 'Solids, 'Tungsten, 'Uranium. For abstract, see NSA 24 24, number 51 784. CEA-N-1312 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Fontenay- Aux-Roses (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. The Program Igor. Straight Line Attenuation. Adjustment of the Attenuation Nuclei in Spherical Geometry. Michel Simon. Jun 70, 13p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 02, number 03525. CEA-N-1381(1) PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Gamma-Ray Spectra Computer Code. Part I Michel Delor. Sep 70, 46p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, spectrometers. "Gamma For abstract, see NSA 25 1 1 , number 23834. CEA-N-1457 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Space Charge Effects in Proton Linear Ac- celerators Michel Prome. Jul 71, 190p Thesis. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Linear ac- celerators. For abstract, see NSA 26 02, number 03447. CEA-N-1467 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Limeil- Brevannes (France). Centre D'Etudes. Programs for Computing the Coefficients of Clebsch-Gordan (And 3-Jm), of Racah (And 6- J) 9-J, Z' (Compound Nucleus), and Z' (Statistical Model) Michel Martinot, and Michele Gautier. 7 Jul 71, 70p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Constants and conversion factors, 'Mathematical physics, 'Racah coefficients. For abstract, see NSA 26 01, number 01355. CEA-N-1506 PCE01/MFA01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Sara- a Code for the Analysis of Spectra Recorded by GE-Li Spectrometers Alain L'homme. Dec 71 , 83p Lang- In French. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma spectrometers. For abstract, see NSA 26 12, number 28212. CEA-N-1532(E) PC E01/MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Comparison of Spherical Optical Model Codes and Proposition of Standard Values for Testing a Code Yasuyuki Kikuchi. Mar 72, 29p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ fast, 'Nuclear models. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 49455. CEA-N-1564 PC E01/MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Computer Program for Analysis of the Cross Sections of Fissile Nuclei in the Resonance Region Using a Multilevel Formalism H. Derrien, and M . Alix. Oct 72, 36p Lang- In French. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Fissionable material, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 27 05, number 10981. CEA-N-1956 MF A01 CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. des Etudes Mecaniques et Thermiques. DELFBNE Program S. Goldstein, and N. Juignet. 23 Dec 76, 34p Available in microfiche only. In French. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, "Heat transfer, Boundary conditions, Computer calculations, D codes, Finite element method, Mathematical models. Mechanical structures. Two-dimen- sional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, France, Delfine com- puter program, 'Heat equation, CEASEMT system. The DELFINE code is intended for solving the heat equation in planar, axially symmetric, two- dimensional geometries, using the finite ele- ment method with boundary conditions and physical properties depending on the tempera- ture. DELFINE is part of the CEASEMT system; the calculation method and input-output systems used are consistent with the mechani- cal structure computer codes included in the CEASEMT system. The special property of the code is its input flexibility allowing various boundary conditions to be taken into account. (Atomindex citation 08:303377) CEA-R-4198 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Evaluation of Stopping Power and Range of Charged Particles of 10 Mev to 30 Gev in Matter Evelyne Bertel, and Lucien Pages. Jul 71 , 1 29p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 26 03, number 05573. CEA-R-4331 PCE01/MFA01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Limeil- Brevannes (France). Centre D'Etudes. Spurious Reflections in an Optical System G.Gallais.Jul72,77p Lang- In French. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, systems. "Optical For abstract, see NSA 27 04, number 091 62. 120 CERN-TRANS-71-8 PC E01 MF A01 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet Po Ispol'Zovaniyu Atomnoi Energii Sssr, Moscow. Institut Teoreticheskoi I Eksperimental'Noi Fiziki. Filtering of Tracks Measured on the Smp R. P. Kokoulin, V. P. Mikheev, and V. P. Protasov. 20p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Particle tracks. For abstract, see NSA25 18, number 421 35. CERN-70-15 PC E01 MF A01 European Organization For Nuclear Research, Geneva (Switzerland). Planning of Cern Projects with the Help of the PERT Method. T. Anderson, J. Blondel, L. Brouwers, G. Chevallier, and J. Gayral. 12 May 70, 53p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Cern synchrotron, 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA24 21, number 45621. CERN-70-23 PC E01 MF A01 European Organization For Nuclear Research, Geneva (Switzerland). Graphical Man-Machine Interactive Systems for Numerical Problems- Peg, a Special Pur- pose System- and gamma, a General Pur- pose System. L. B. Smith, and C. E. Vandoni. 18 Aug 70, 48p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Hadrons. For abstract, see NSA 24 24, number 51920. CISE-R-245 PC E01/MF A01 Centro Informazioni Studi Esperienze, Milan (Italy). Pde- Digital Program for the Calculation of the Thermal-Hydrodynamic Condition in a Cir- cuit of a Two Phase Mixture Water and Steam M. Muscettola, and G. Barbieri. Oct 67, 1 75p Lang- In Italian. U . S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Fluid flow, 'Steam, 'Water. For abstract, see NSA 26 19, number 45458. CISE-R-249 PCE01/MFA01 Centro Informazioni Studi Esperienze, Milan (Italy). Programs for the Automatic Working out of Nuclear Measurements F. Taddei.Oct67, 82p Lang- In Italian. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Radiation detectors/ activation. For abstract, see NSA 26 18, number 42992. CISE-R-252 PCE01/MFA01 Centro Informazioni Studi Esperienze, Milan (Italy). Ras- a Synthesis Program for the Calculation of 2-Group Neutron Flux in R-theta L. Brusa, M. Giorcelli, and G. Sclocchi. Feb 68, 95p Lang- In Italian. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 54471 . CLM-R-106 PC E01 MF A01 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Abingdon (England). Culham Lab. Vortex- a 2-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Simulation Code J. P. Christiansen. Jul 70, 41 p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Fluid flow. For abstract, see NSA 25 05, number 08407. CLM-R-146 PC A03/MF A01 UKAEA Research Group, Abingdon. Culham Lab. Numerical Solutions of Dirichlet Problems with Axisymmetry by an Integral Equation Method. P. J. Fielding, and M. K. Bevir. Mar 75, 27p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, Bubbles, 'Bubbles, 'Motion, 'Dirichlet problem, 'Numerical solu- tion, Boiling, Computer codes. Finite difference method, Integral equations. For abstract, see NSA 33 01 , number 00535. CNEN-RT/FI-77-3 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale per I'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Crapone: A Fortran IV Code for the Automatic Search for Local and Non Local Optical Potential Parameters for Neutrons F. Fabbri, G. Fratamico, and G. Reffo. 1977, 33p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Optical models, C codes, Com- puter codes, Differential cross sections. Elastic scattering, Fortran, Neutrons, Nuclear poten- tial, Total cross sections. Identifiers: ERDA/653003, Italy. Crapone is a Fortran IV code designed to search automatically for neutron optical model parameters. The fitting procedure can be ap- plied to different sets of experimental data de- pending on the local or non local approxima- tions choice. In any case total, elastic, dif- ferential elastic cross sections, e=0, e=1 strength functions and scattering length can be considered. In the non local approximation the fitting procedure can be simultaneously per- formed over the whole energy range. (Atomindex citation 08:331760) CNEN-RT/FI-77-4 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale per I'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Erinni an Optical Model Fortran IV Code for the Calculation of Multiple Cascading Particle Emissions F. Fabbri, and G. Reffo. 1977, 21 p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Compound-nucleus reactions. Compound nuclei, Computer codes, E codes, Fortran, Gamma cascades, Optical models. Identifiers: ERDA/653003, Italy. ERINNI is an extension of the CERBERO code to the calculations of compound nucleus decay cascades. Up to three successive decays are considered. Optical model transmission coeffi- cients are internally calculated. (authorsO. (Atomindex citation 08:331761) CNRS-CPT-70-P-318 HC E01 MF A01 Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique, Marseilles (France). Centre De Physique Theorique. COMPUTATION OF RENORMALIZED RADIA- TIVE CORRECTIONS- APPLICATION TO THE SCALAR THEORY LAMBDAPHI/SUP 3/ Michel Perrottet. 1970, 87p Thesis. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Quantum field theory. For abstract, see NSA 25 06, number 12245. CNRS-CPT-70-P-336 HC E01 MF A01 Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique, Marseilles (France). Centre De Physique Theorique. COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF FEYNMAN DIAGRAMS. APPLICATION TO THE CALCU- LATION OF THE ANOMALOUS MAGNETIC MOMENT OF THE ELECTRON AND OF THE MUON Jacques Calmet. 1970, 131p Thesis. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Electrons, 'Mesons. For abstract, see NSA 25 06, number 12136. CNRS-CPT-72-P-453 PC E01/MF AQ1 Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique, Marseilles (France). Centre De Physique Theorique. Reduce Approach to the Calculation of Feyn- nan Diagrams J. Calmet. Mar 72, 16p Rept no. CONF-720423- 5 From 1. European Conference On Computa- tional Physics- Geneva, Switzerland (10 Apr 1972). U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Quantum electrodynamics. For abstract, see NSA 27 01 , number 01 397. COM-71-00788/CP PC £01 MF A01 Stevens Inst, of Tech., Hoboken, N. J. Davidson Lab. Barge Trains in a Coastal Seaway. Part II. Predictions of Lateral Motions and Bending Moments H. Eda. Jun 70, 44p SIT-DL-70-1 523, MA-RD- 901-71-16 Contract MA-2701 See also Part 1 , COM-71 -00471 . Descriptors: 'Barges, 'Hydrodynamics, Ship models, Surface waves, Pitching, Yaw, Model basins, Tugboats, Computer programs. Oscilla- tions, Bending moments, Correlations, Model tests. Identifiers: 'Seakeeping, 'Barge trains, Ship motions, Feeder services. An analytical computer program was developed to predict oscillatory sway and yaw motions and lateral bending moments of push barge tows in a seaway. Predictions, from the computer pro- gram, for sway, yaw and lateral bending mo- ment are given for two and three barge line ahead push tows. The lateral bending moment predictions are compared with model experi- ment results. (MA abstract) COM-71 -00806/ CP Reprint National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Cryogenics Div. A Computer Program for Marten site Crystal- lography H. M. Ledbetter, and C. M. Wayman. 6 Oct 70, 7p Rept no. NBS-R-624 Summary in French and German. Pub. in Materials Science and Engineering, v7 p151- 157 Mar 71. Descriptors: 'Iron alloys, Crystal structure, 'Computer programming, Phase transforma- tions, Martensite, Crystal structure. Input out- put routines, FORTRAN, Platinum containing alloys. A digital computer program has been written in FORTRAN for computing and plotting stereo- graphically the geometrical features of marten- sitic transformations. The algorithm follows the 121 theore cal formulation of Bowles and Macken- zie and is quite general, computing all crystallo- graphy features from the lattice parameters of the par nt and product phases, the lattice cor- respor ence between the two phases and a system of inhomogeneous shear. Other modes of calculation are also possible. For example, the elements of the inhomogeneous shear can be calculated from shape deformation data. An example is given for the f.c.c. to b.c.c, gamma to alpha, transformation in Fe about 25 at.%Pt. Program listings are available. (Author) COM-71-50297/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Cryogenics Div Corrections ai i Calculations on an X-Ray Diffraction Line Profile: A Computer Program Technical note Raymond E. Schramm. Jun 71 , 36p NBS-R-637. NBS-TN-600 Paper copy available from GPO $0.40/copy as C13.46:600. Descriptors: Computer programming, *X ray diffraction, X ray analysis, Fourier analysis, Iron containin alloys, Nickel containing alloys. Cor- rections, crystal defects. Identifier- UNFOLD computer program. A compi ar program was written to perform correctir is and make calculations on an x-ray diffraction profile before Fourier analysis. The corre r, ions are for background and for varia- tions A intensity with the Bragg angle. Also cal- culated are the separation of the K alpha 1 - K a'pha 2 doublet and the centroid and position c peak maximum with their standard devia- tions. There is also an option to smooth the profile. (Author) COM-71-50308/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Cryogenics Div. Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffraction Line Profile: A Computer Program Technical note Raymond E. Schramm. Jun 71,35p NBS-TN- 600 Paper copy available from GPO $0.40/copy as C13.46:600. Descriptors: *X ray diffraction, Correction, 'Nickel steels, X ray diffraction, 'Computer pro- grams, X ray diffraction, Line spectra, In- coherent scattering, Fourier analysis, Bragg angle, FORTRAN. Identifiers: National Bureau of Standards. The computer program was written to perform corrections and make calculations on an x-ray diffraction profile before Fourier analysis. The corrections are for background and for varia- tions of intensity with the Bragg angle. Also cal- culated are the separation of the K alpha sub 1 - K alpha sub 2 doublet and the centroid and position of peak maximum with their standard deviations. There is also an option to smooth the profile. (Author) COM-71-50374/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Nuclear Radiation Div. Computer Code for the Calculation of Ther- mal Neutron Absorption in Spherical and Cylindrical Neutron Sources Technical note V. Spiegel, Jr, and W. M. Murphey. May 71 , 32p NBS-TN-576 Paper copy available from GPO $0.35 as stock no. 0303-0851 , C1 3.46:576. Descriptors: 'Neutron absorption, Thermal neutrons, 'Computer programming. Neutron absorption, Computer programs, Reactor cores, Fissionable materials, Numerical in- tegration, Fission cross sections. A computer code has been written in FORTRAN IV for the calculation of thermal neutron ab- sorption in spherical and cylindrical neutron sources. The formalism of the calculation, the structure of the computer code, a listing of the code, and some sample results are presented. (Author) COM-72-50522/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Radiation Research. A Neutron Moments Computer Code, Moment Technical note Charles M. Eisenhauer, George L. Simmons, and Lewis V. Spencer. May 72, 41 p Rept no. NBS-TN-725 Paper copy available from GPO $0.50 as C13. 46:725. Descriptors: 'Neutron flux, 'Computer pro- grams, Neutron scattering. Neutron cross sec- tions, Gamma rays, Radiation shielding, Subroutines, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Neutron transport theory. In the paper the authors discuss a computer code for generating spatial-angular moments of neutron flux in an infinite medium. The equa- tion for the flux moments is given and the techniques used for the solution are discussed. The structure of the computer code and of the main subroutines is also discussed. Details of the input and output data are given and the printout from a sample problem is included. (Author) COM-72-50537/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Radiation Research. A Neutron Moments Computer Code, Moment I Final rept. Charles M. Eisenhauer, George L. Simmons, and Lewis V. Spencer. May 72, 42p Rept no. NBS-TN-725 Paper copy available from GPO $0.50 as C13.46:725. Descriptors: 'Radiation shielding, Neutron flux, 'Neutron flux, 'Computer programs, Neutron scattering, Neutron cross sections, Subrou- tines, Carbon. Identifiers: Neutron transport theory. In the paper the authors discuss a computer code for generating spatial-angular moments of neutron flux in an infinite medium. The equa- tion for the flux moments is given and the techniques used for the solution are discussed. The structure of the computer code and of the main subroutines is also discussed. Details of the input and output data are given and the printout from a sample problem is included. (Author) COM-72-50682/CP Not available NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Evaluation of the Neutron Source Absorption Correction in a Manganous Sulfate Bath Final rept. V.Spiegel, Jr. 1971, 2p Pub. in Proceedings of American Nuclear Society National Topical Meeting on Neutron Sources and Applications, held at Augusta, Ga., 1 9-21 Apr 71 , chap, in Neutron Sources and Ap- plications, II 1-170--1-171 1971. Descriptors: 'Neutron sources, Neutron ab- sorption, Thermal neutrons, Absorption cross sections, Computer programs. A computer code has been written and experi- mentally verified for the correction to the Man- ganous Bath Technique for thermal neutron self absorption in spherical and cylindrical neutron sources. The correction is generally small for most absolutely calibrated neutron sources, but may be as large as four or five per- cent for some commercially available sources with large thermal-neutron cross sections. Neutron multiplication in Pu-Be sources may partially or even overcompensate for neutron absorption. The thermal-neutron flux at the source location, the source dimensions, and the macroscopic fission and absorption cross sections for all materials in the source are required as program input. (Author) COM-73-50104/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Computation of Spectral Data for a Josephson Junction Circuit Technical note, Apr-Oct 72 E. G. Johnson, Jr, and D. G. McDonald. Nov 72, 61 p Rept no. NBS-TN-627 Paper copy available from GPO $0.60 as C13.46:627. Descriptors: 'Josephson junctions. Supercon- ductivity, Mathematical models, Power spectra. Harmonic analysis, Fourier transformation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: JOSPHC computer program, JOSPA computer program, Fast fourier transform. A computer program has been developed to study power flow between different frequency channels in a Josephson junction circuit. The paper discusses the mathematical assumptions used to get such results. They are the trape- zoidal approximation from spline theory and the use of a finite range of frequencies to characterize the frequency spectrum. This paper describes the program and provides the FORTRAN listing, flow charts, and discusses how to use the program. A discussion of possi- ble sources of errors is also included. (Author) COM-73-50209/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Radiation Research. An Adjoint Gamma-Ray Moments Computer Code, ADJMOM-I Technical note (Final) George L. Simmons. Feb 73, 24p Rept no. NBS- TN-748 Paper copy available from GPO $0.30 as C13.46:748. Descriptors: 'Gamma flux density, 'Computer programming, Radiation shielding, Transport properties, Moments, FORTRAN. Identifiers: ADJMOM 1 computer code, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, UNIVAC 1108 computers, CDC 3600 computers, IBM 360/75 computers, IBM 360/91 computers. In the paper the author discusses a computer code for generating spatial-angular moments of the adjoint gamma-ray flux in an infinite medium. The equation for the flux moments is given and techniques used for the solution are described. Details of the input data and a sam- ple problem are also supplied. (Author) COM-73-50374/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Radiation Research. A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code, GAMM0M-I Final technical note Charles M. Eisenhauer, George L. Simmons, and Lewis V. Spencer. Apr 73, 43p Rept no. NBS-TN-766 Paper copy available from GPO $0.75 as C13.46:766. Descriptors: 'Gamma rays. Nuclear moments, 'Computer programming. Gamma rays, Gamma flux density, Gamma ray scattering, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Gamma ray transport theory, GAMMON 1 computer code, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, NBS. 122 The report describes a computer code for generating spatial-angular moments of gamma ray energy fluence in an infinite medium. The equation for moments of the energy fluence is given and the techniques used for the solution are discussed. The structure of the code and of the main subroutines is also given. Details of the input and output data are presented and the printout from a sample problem is included. (Author) COM-74-10172/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Center for Dredging Studies. An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Field Surrounding a Suction Pipe Inlet William J. Apgar, and David R. Basco. Oct 73 80pTAMU-SG-74-203, CDS-172, NOAA- 73122715 Grant NOAA-043-158-18 Descriptors: "Dredges, "Vacuum apparatus, "Pipe flow, Pipes(Tubes), Dredging, Fluid flow, Flow fields, Intake systems. Computerized simulation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, NOAA. The object of the study was to develop a mathe- matical model of the flow field around a single suction pipe inlet near a horizontal boundary in an infinite reservoir. The basis for the theoreti- cal approach was potential flow theory which neglects frictional and viscous effects. For sim- plicity, a point sink was imployed. In order to in- vestigate the actual flow conditions, an experi- mental apparatus was developed to test a model suction inlet. The inlet was a simple cylindrical pipe placed at various heights from and at an angle to the horizontal boundary. The experimental results did conform to the theoretical for initial flow conditions when viscous effects were small. The viscous effects subsequently caused an altered flow with zones of separation. The resulting flow development negated the value of the potential flow solution. (Author) COM-74-51064/5CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Electromagnetics Div. Advances in the Measurement of rf Power and Attenuation Using SQUIDS Final rept. Jul 73-Jun 74 R. A. Kamper, M. B. Simmonds, R. T. Adair, and C. A. Hoer. Sep 74, 32p Rept no. NBS-TN-661 Paper copy available from GPO as C13. 46:661. Descriptors: "Radiofrequency power, "Attenuation, "Measuring instruments, Super- conductors, Josephson junctions, Computer programs. Identifiers: XX, "Squid devices. Stable SQUIDs were developed with preset junctions which survive thermal cycling and mechanical shock. Further work is required to arrive at a version suitable for precise rf mea- surements. A 'breadboard' system was assem- bled capable of measuring rf power at levels down to 10 to the minus 15 power W in the range of frequency from 100 MHz to 1 GHz. The authors have extended the dynamic range of the system to measure rf attenuation to 60 dB, and have developed the hardware to partially automate its operation and to accommodate step attenuators. The authors have tested a portable version of this system, and are in process of designing an improved version based on what was learned from the first one. COM-75-10266/5CP PC E03/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., University Park. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. UHF Multipath Phenomena in a Marine En- vironment Keith R. Carver. Dec 74, 165 NOAA-75021201 Grant NOAA-04-4-1 58-41 Descriptors: "Multipath transmission, Fading, Ultrahigh frequencies, Remote sensing, Marine atmospheres. Computerized simulation. Com- puter programs. Antennas, Scientific satellites, Data links, FORTRAN. Identifiers: GOES-1 satellite, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, SCTTR computer pro- gram. This report develops a model which predicts surface multipath signal variability (fading) in a marine environment which is applied to the UHF link between the buoy or ship and GOES. In addition to the theoretical multipath model, experimentally measured results are reported which confirm the prediction of the model that both fading range and median power level should be hight dependent, critically so for low elevation angles. Height-gain data were mea- sured using improvised means and only over the 3.5 ft. -14ft. MSL range, but seemingly in- dicate that the received power varied twice as rapidly with height as expected. Also, this re- port contains antenna design information tailored to the buoy situation and the discus- sion of linear array theory contains previously unreported information on the directivity and beamwidth of arrays. Experimentally observed data confirm the dependence of both fading range and median power level on antenna height. COM-75-10290/5CP PC A07/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Materials Research. A System of FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- grams for Crystal Structure Computations Technical note Larry W. Finger, and E. Prince. Feb 75, 136p Rept no. NBS-TN-854 Prepared in cooperation with Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington, D.C. Geophysical Lab. Paper-1651. Paper copy also available from GPOasC13.46:854. Descriptors: "Crystal structure, "Computer pro- grams, "Computation, Crystal lattices, Pro- gramming manuals, FORTRAN, Chemical bonds. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. This report gives detailed descriptions and in- structions for use of a system of programs for crystallographic calculations, including least- squares refinement with generalized systems of constraints, calculation of bond distances and angles with errors, Fourier synthesis, plotting of contours in Fourier maps, and preparation of structure factor tables for publication. COM-75-10524/7CP PC A02/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Basic Standards. Basic Considerations of Densitometer Adjust- ment and Calibration Interim rept. Richard E. Swing. 3 Feb 75, 19p Rept no. NBSIR-75-682 Revision of rept. no. NBS-10970 dated Dec 72. Descriptors: "Densitometers, "Calibrating, Opti- cal density, Measuring instruments. Standards, Computer programs, BASIC programming lan- guage. The adjustment and calibration of a densitome- ter are considered. This is accomplished through the use of physical measurement stan- dards with a procedure appropriate for the in- strument, and brings the instrument response in line with measurements traceable to NBS. The difference between primary and secondary physical measurement standards for diffuse (visual) density is discussed. A calibration table is suggested for best use of the instrument and a computer program (BASIC language) is pro- vided that will calculate and print a table relat- ing instrument reading to diffuse (visual) densi- ty- COM-75-10711/0CP PCA03/MFA01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Electronic Technology Div. Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data Final rept. Sep 72-Sep 74 Richard L. Mattis, and Martin G. Buehler. Jun 75, 43p Rept no. NBS-Special Pub-400-1 1 Contract ARPA Order-2397 Sponsored in part by Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 75-619089. Paper copy also available from GPO as C13. 10:400-11. Descriptors: "Semiconductor doping, "Junction diodes. Computer programs, Silicon, Semicon- ductors, Density(Number/volume), Capacitance, Electrical potential. Semiconduc- tor devices, BASIC programming language, Ad- ditives. Identifiers: CV1 computer program, CV2 com- puter program. A computer program is presented which is suitable for calculating dopant density vs. depth profiles from capacitance-voltage data for the case of a Gaussian-diffused p-n junction diode. The program includes corrections for peripheral capacitance of round or rectangular diodes and back depletion of the space charge region into the diffused layer. Inputs to the pro- gram consist of the surface dopant density, the junction depth, the background dopant density in the diffused layer, the junction diameter, three scaling parameters, and the capacitance- voltage data pairs. Output from the program is in the form of a plot and an optional listing of dopant density as a function of depth. The equations underlying the program are given and are related to the program whose operation is described in detail. A second program, for generating idealized capacitance-voltage data pairs. Output from the program is in the form of a plot and an optional listing of dopant density as a function of depth. The equations underly- ing the program are given and are related to the program whose operation is described in detail. A second program, for generating idealized capacitance-voltage data for a Gaussian-dif- fused diode on material with a constant dopant density is also included. COM-75-10813/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, Colo. Inst. forTelecommunication Sciences. The Numerical Representation of the Critical Frequency of the F1 Region of the Ionosphere Rayner K. Rosich , and William B. Jones. Oct 73, 103p Rept no. OTR-73-22 Sponsored in part by Voice of America, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Ionospheric propagation, *F 1 re- gion, "Critical frequencies. Computerized simu- lation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. A numerical representation of the monthly median F1 -layer critical frequency foF1 is given for the worldwide geographic and diurnal varia- tion, as well as for the periodic seasonal varia- tion and the secular trend due to solar activity. A companion numerical representation of the maximum solar zenith angle (at ground level), chi max, for the presence of the F1 layer is also given. These maps are based upon analysis of about 40,000 data values from a worldwide net- work of ionospheric stations for the period January 1954 to December 1966. The expres- sion for foF1 is a function of solar zenity angle (at ground level) chi max, the Zurich 12-month running average sunspot number R, and the seasonal components which are periodic in the month number M. This expression is a sum of 123 36 terms, each composed of a numerical coeffi- cient multiplied by an elementary function of chi, R, and M. A similar expression for chi max has 22 terms and is a function of the modified (Rawer) magnetic dip eta R, and M . CONF-710301-6 PC E01 MF A01 Idaho Nuclear Corp., Idaho Falls. Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Acsap) N. H. Marshall, J. W. Codding, O. D. Simpson, andJ.R. Smith. 1 971, 7p From 3. Conference On Neutron Cross Sections And Technology- Knoxville, Tenn. (15 Mar 1971). Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 1 , number 25709. COO-1779-63 PCE01/MFA01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region J. .Black. 1971, 296p Thesis. Descriptors: 'Calcium isotopes ca-40, 'Cobalt isotopes co-53, "Computer programs, 'Iron isotopes fe-53, 'Manganese isotopes mn-53, 'Scandium isotopes sc- , 'Titanium isotopes ti-. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 10, number 23543. COO-2022-7 PC E01 MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. Of Physics. Codilli II- a Fortran IV Program for the Analy- sis of Neutron Resonance with Program Score. Technical Report No. 3 D.B. Adler, and F. T. Adler. Jan 71, 29p Contract AT(1 1-1 )-2022 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 25 23, number 56814. COO-3494-27 PC A02/MF A01 Rochester Univ., N.Y. Program Hybrid/Gdh. Revision M. Blann, and J. Bisplinghoff. Oct 75, 22p Contract EY-76-S-02-3494 Descriptors: 'Precompound-nucleus emission, Computer codes, Excitons, H codes, Nuclear models. Identifiers: ERDA/653003. This code is the most recent in a series of codes for doing a-priori pre-equilibrium decay calcu- lations. It has been written to permit the user to exercise many options at time of execution. It will, for example, permit calculation with either Hybrid model or the geometry dependent Hybrid model (GDH). Intranuclear transition rates can be calculated using either a nucleon- nucleon scattering approach (improved over earlier results) or based on the imaginary opti- cal potential. Transition rates based on exciton lifetimes can be selected (as suggested in the Hybrid model formulation) or an average lifetime for each n-exciton configuration may be selected (more in the spirit of earlier exciton model formulations). (ERA citation 02:027904) PC E01/MF A01 Nuclear Structure COO-3496-10 Rochester Univ., N.y. Research Lab. Computer Programs for Statistical Nuclear Decay C. . Lu, L. . Vaz, and J. . Huizenga. Apr 72, 101p Reptno. UR-NSRL-51 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions, 'Nuclear theory. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 1 1 , number 26371 . COO-3496-11 PC E01/MF A01 Rochester Univ., N.y. Nuclear Structure Research Lab. Statistical Program Gamaj L. . Vaz, C. . Lu, and J. . Huizenga. May 72, 28p Reptno.UR-NSRL-54 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 1 1 , number 26372. COO-3551-8 PC A02/MF A01 Vermont Univ., Burlington (Usa). Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Interstitial Hydrogen Isotopes in Palladium. Progress Report, April 1, 1973—December 15, 1973. J.S. Brown. 1973, 9p Contract AT(11-1)-3551 Descriptors: 'Palladium, 'Electric conductivity, 'Nickel, Electric conductivity, 'Palladium hydrides. Electric conductivity, "Palladium compounds, Electric conductivity, Computer calculations, Computer codes. Copper hydrides, D waves, Deuterium, Electronic struc- ture. Gold hydrides, Liquid metals, Muffin-tin potential, Silver hydrides, Transition elements. For abstract, see NSA 29 11, number 2891 7. COO-535-606 HC E01 MF A01 Colorado Univ., Boulder. Dept. of Physics. Instructions for the Use of Dwuck: A Distorted Wave Born Approximation Program. P. D. Kunz. 8 Aug 69, 20p Descriptors'. 'Nuclear scattering, 'Computer programs, Elastic scattering, Inelastic scatter- ing. Identifiers: DWUCK computer program. For abstract, see NSA 2413 COO-535-613 PC E01 MF A01 Colorado Univ., Boulder. Dept. Of Physics. Algebra Used by Dwuck with Applications to the Normalization of Typical Reactions. P. D. Kunz. Jul 70, 9p Contract AT(1 1-1 )-535 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 24 23, number 49921 . DEMO-72/13 PC E01/MF A01 Democritus Nuclear Research Center, Athens (Greece. Kinematics of Three-Body Reactions P. . Assimakopoulos. Oct 72, 42p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 09, number 21 179. DP-1275 PC E01 MF A01 Du Pont De Nemours (E. I.) And Co., Aiken, S. C. Savannah River Lab. GELI2 and Span 2- Fortran Programs to Cal- culate Nuclide Abundances from Multichan- nel gamma Ray Spectra R. V. Slates. Oct 71, 40p Contract AT(07-2)-1 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma spectroscopy. For abstract, see NSA 25 23, number 55035. DP-1276 PC E01/MF A01 Du Pont De Nemours (E. I.) And Co., Aiken, S. C. Savannah River Lab. Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0, D/Sub 2/0, C, Zrh/Sub 2/, (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub XI, Be, Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ F. J. Mccrosson, D. R. Finch, and E. C. Olson. Oct 71 , 46p Rept no. ENDF-158 Contract AT(07-2)-1 Descriptors: 'Benzene, 'Beryllium isotopes be- 9, 'Beryllium oxides, 'Computer programs, 'Ethylene polymers, 'Graphite, 'Neutrons/ ther- mal, 'Uranium oxides uor, 'Water, *Water-dr, 'Zirconium hydrides. For abstract, see NSA 26 05, number 10716. DP-1278 PC E01/MF A01 Du Pont De Nemours (E. I.) And Co., Aiken, S. C. Savannah River Lab. Flange II (Version 71-1)- A Code to Process Thermal Neutron Data from an Endf/B Tape Henry C. Honeck, and Donald R. Finch. Oct 71 , 1 16p Rept no. ENDF-152 Contract AT(07-2)-1 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections, 'Neutrons/ thermal, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 1 , number 27059. EIR-232 PC A04/MF A01 Eidgenoessisches Institut fuer Reaktor- forschung, Wuerenlingen (Switzerland). New Spatial Differencing for the Neutron Transport Equation J. J. Arkuszewski. Feb 73, 57p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Neutron transport theory, Com- puter codes, 'Computer codes, *D codes, Dis- crete ordinate method. Two-dimensional calcu- lations. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 02, number 04020. ESDU-78007 PC E99 Engineering Sciences Data Unit Ltd., London (England). Pressure Losses in Flow Through a Sudden Contraction of Duct Area Data item. Dec 77, 22p* Rept no. ISBN-0-85679-209-8 For information on availability of series, sub-se- ries, and other individual data items, write NTIS, Attn:ESDU, Springfield, Va. 22161. Descriptors: 'Ducts, 'Contraction, 'Fluid flow. Subsonic flow. Pressure distribution, Pressure gradients, Computer programs. Data sources, Graphic methods. User needs, Great Britain. Identifiers: ESDU/L, 'Constricted flow. Pres- sure loss. This item gives information on the pressure changes that occur when single-phase fluids flow through a duct that has a sudden contrac- tion in area: no consideration has been given to the effects of phase changing such as flashing or cavitation. The data, which are presented in non-dimensional form as total-pressure loss coefficients for incompressible flow and as total-pressure ratios for compressible flow, were obtained from experiments on sudden contraction in axisymmetric ducts of circular section. 124 EUR-CEA-FC-611 PC E01/MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Fontenay- Aux-Roses (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Comparison of Deca II Mirror Machine Results with a Fokker-Plank Computer Code J. Kesner. Sep 71 , 27p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Magnetic mirror machines, 'Plasma. For abstract, see NSA 26 11, number 27133. EUR-CEA-FC-833 MF A01 Association Euratom-CEA, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Groupe de Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee. Program 'Neutre'. Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation under Its Integral Form: Description of the Evolution of Neutrals in a Cylindrical Plasma J. P. Boujot, J. P. Morera, C. Mercier, and F. Werkoff. Nov76,20p Available in microfiche only. In French. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Plasma, 'Boltzmann equation, N codes. Neutral parti- cles, Numerical solution, Scattering, Toroidal configuration. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, France, Neutre com- puter program. The program 'NEUTRE' merges into an inde- pendent modular form every part in the one- dimensional toroidal diffusion code of Fon- tenay-aux-Roses, that deals with the evolution of the neutral particles from light atoms. The mathematical model used is presented and the capabilities of the program are discussed. The program involves the computation of the neutrals distribution inside the plasma and its associated matter and energy sources. The flux of neutrals hitting the wall can also be com- puted as a function of the energy. The spectrum of the neutrals outgoing along a given direction can also be computed and consequently the validity of the experimental value of T(i) ob- tained from charge exchange between neutrals can be tested. An exemple of application of 'NEUTRE' is given. (Atomindex citation 08:300317) EUR-CEA-FC-874 MF A01 Association Euratom-CEA, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Groupe de Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee. Weakly Turbulent Kinetic Theory of the Elec- tromagnetic Ion-Cyclotron Instability. Initial Noise and Quiet Start (Q.S.) in Electromag- netic Particle Simulation Codes A. Sternlieb. Jan 77, 25p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Cyclotron instability, Anisotropy, Computer codes, Instability growth rates, Ion wave instability, Kinetic equations, Simulation, Turbulence. Identifiers: ERDA/700107, France. The parallel propagation of electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves in a multicomponent mag- netized plasma is investigated via a weakly tur- bulent kinetic theory. A tendency appeared for iso-thermalization of the warm anisotropic components, a mass-dependent nonresonant heating of the cold components, and a gradual decrease in the unstable spectrum range. Fair agreement is found with computer simulation results. Some possible constrictive con- sequences concerning plasma heating and confinement in magnetic devices are men- tioned. The results of applying first and second moment quiet start to simulation of electromag- netic ion-cyclotron instability are also presented. It is found that proper use of the method is necessary when accurate evaluations of growth rates with a relatively small number of simulation particles are desired. A reduction in the initial noise of more than two orders of magnitude is obtained. (Atomindex citation 08:329270) EUR-4404(PT.2) PC E01/MF A01 European Atomic Energy Community, Geel (Belgium). Central Nuclear Measurements Bu- reau. IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 2. Interrupt Ser- vicing Programs for Data Handling and Reduction H. Horstmann, and F. Coiling. 2 Feb 72, 182p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Data processing systems, 'Linear accelerators, 'Van de graaff accelerators. For abstract, see NSA 26 16, number 39103. EUR-4404(PT.3) PC E01/MF A01 European Communities, Brussels (Belgium). Commission. European Atomic Energy Com- munity, Geel (Belgium). Central Nuclear Mea- surements Bureau. IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 3. Programs for Interactive Data Reduction H. Horstmann. Mar 72, 1 12p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Linear ac- celerators, 'Van de graaff accelerators. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 5, number 36689. EUR-4519 PC E01 MF A01 European Atomic Energy Community, Ispra (Italy). Joint Nuclear Research Center. Timoc- a General Purpose Monte Carlo Code for Stationary and Time Dependent Neutron Transport H. Kschwendt, and H. Rief. 16 Jun 70, 236p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 13, number 31 167. EUR-4599 PC E01 MF A01 European Atomic Energy Community, Ispra (Italy). Joint Nuclear Research Center. Dochap- a Fortran IV Program for the Cor- rection and Calibration of Neutron Inelastic Scattering Data K. Krebs, and D. J. Winfield. 17 Oct 70, 42p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron spectrometers. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 1 , number 23837. EUR-4601 PC E01 MF A01 European Atomic Energy Community, Ispra (Italy). Joint Nuclear Research Center. Jn-METDI- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solv- ing Neutron Transport Problems with Isotrop- ic Scattering in Bare Spheres and Homogene- ous Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method T. Asaoka. 16 Sep 70, 90p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 12, number 28146. EUR-4760 PCE01/MFA01 European Atomic Energy Community, Geel (Belgium). Central Nuclear Measurements Bu- reau. IBM 360 and IBM 1800 Versions of the Shape and Area Analysis Programs of S. E. Atta and J. A. Harvey W. Kolar. 1972, 126p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 2, number 29726. EUR-4839 PC E01/MF A01 European Atomic Energy Community, Ispra (Italy). Joint Nuclear Research Center. Jn-METD2- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solv- ing Neutron Transport Problems with Isotrop- ic Scattering in Multilayer Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method T. Asaoka, and E. Caglioti Bonanni. 1972, 57p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 54481 . EUR-4869 PC E01/MF A01 European Atomic Energy Community, Ispra (Italy). Joint Nuclear Research Center. Program for the Theoretical Reconstruction of ESR Spectra L. Mongini, and C. Thonet. Oct 72, 30p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Magnetic resonance. For abstract, see NSA 27 04, number 091 81. FRRSR-9 PC A05/MF A01 CEA, 75 - Paris (France). Reliability and Availability of a System with Active R/M Repairable Redundancies. General Solution: FIDIAS Program J. P. Signoret, and A. Blin. Jun 75, 88p Work performed under United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission— Light Water Reactor Safety Technical Exchange Program. Translation of DSN-71 . Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Nuclear power plants, 'Reactor components, 'Reliability, F codes, Failures, Markov process. Mathematical models, Probability, Statistics. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/220200, Translations, France, 'FIDIAS computer pro- gram. The problem of active r/m repairable redundan- cies is frequently encountered by the reliability engineer. Various methods can be used to solve it. The purpose of this report is to describe an adequate method, based on the Markov process and using operational and matrix cal- culations. A FORTRAN IV program, FIDIAS: Re- liability and Availability by an analytical method of redundant r/m systems, has been developed to evaluate the reliability, the MTBF (mean time between failures), the availability and the mean availability of such systems. A subroutine is used to give the corresponding curves for a graphic solution of the problem. (ERA citation 01:016231) GA-A-13745 PC A05/MF A01 General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. GARTH, a Full-Range Integral Transport Code for Reactor Design Calculations J. M. Fiscella. 21 Nov 75, 100p Contract E(04-3)-1 67 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Neutron trans- port theory, "Reactor kinetics. Computer calcu- 125 lations, G codes, Mathematical models, Neutron flux. One-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/220100, "GARTH computer program. The most widely used integral transport (IT) method (up to the present) has been the numer- ical model originally developed by H. Honeck, in the THERMOS code. Since 1961, many revi- sions and improvements to the generic THER- MOS n>odel have been made, none of which are really computationally significant. The code described by the report presented incorporates techniques of the latest THERMOS-type codes presently available, including some IT models different from the original THERMOS model. This code is an extension of BRT-I. Therefore, the enhanced input and edit options available in BRT-I are available in this code along with some additional ones. (ERA citation 01 :016128) GA-A-14159 PC A05/MF A01 General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. Sigma: A Code for Generating Multi-Group, Neutral Plasma Cross Sections W. Pfeiffer. Jan77,88p Contract EY-76-C-03-016-PRJ-38 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Plasma, Atom- atom collisions, Cross sections. Electron colli- sions. Ion collisions, S codes. Identifiers: ERDA/700103, Sigma computer program. SIGMA is a computer code for generating multi- group, neutral-plasma cross sections for input to the neutron transport codes DTFX and TWOTRAN. Only cross sections for hydrogen plasmas are considered at present. At the op- tion of the user, either 1/v, P-O or non-1/v, P-1 cross sections can be generated. (ERA citation 02:038810) GA-10060 HC E01 MF A01 Gulf General Atomic, Inc., San Diego, Calif. Integral Neutron Thermalization. Quarterly progress rept. 1 Jan-31 Mar 70 E. L. Slaggie. G. M. Borgonovi, D. H. Houston, and J. M. Neill. 7 Apr 70, 18p Contract AT(04-3)-167 Descriptors: 'Neutron scattering, Thermal neutrons, Neutron spectra. Energy transfer. Identifiers: Flange 2 computer program. For abstract, see NSA 241 8 GA-9264 HC E01 MF A01 Gulf General Atomic, Inc., San Diego, Calif Tac3d: A General Purpose Three-Dimen- sional Heat Transfer Computer Code: Mathe- matical Formulations and Programmer's Guide. S. S. Clark, J. V. Del Bene, and J. F. Petersen. Sep 69, 242p Contract AT(04-3)-167 Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, Computer pro- grams, 'Nuclear reactor coolants. Heat transfer. Mathematical models, Difference equations. Identifiers: TAC3D computer code. Finite dif- ference theory. For abstract, see NSA 241 7 GEAP-10546 PCA03/MFA01 General Electric CO , San Jose, Calif. (Usa). Nuclear Fuels Dept. Part I. Theory Report for Creep-Plast Com- puter Program: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems under Simultaneous Creep and Plasticity Y. R. Rashid Jan 72, 28p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *C codes, 'Creep, 'Two-dimensional calculations, 'Plasticity, Two-dimensional calculations, Equations of state, Finite element method, Metals, Stainless steels, Strains, Stresses. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 29 05, number 12417. GEAP-13262 PC A03/MF A01 General Electric CO., San Jose, Calif. (Usa). Atomic Power Equipment Dept. Part II. User's Manual for Creep-Plast Com- puter Program Y. R. Rashid. Mar 72, 50p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *C codes, 'Creep, Computer codes, 'Plasticity, Computer codes, Equations of state, Fortran, Manuals, Metals. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 29 05, number 12418. GEAP-13704 PC E01 MF A01 General Electric Co., Sunnyvale, Calif. Breeder Reactor Dept. Endrun-ll- a Computer Code to Generate a Generalized Multigroup Data File from Endf/B B. A. Hutchins, C. L. Cowan, M. D. Kelley, and J. E.Turner. Mar 71, 137p Contract AT(04-3)-1 89 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 26 01, number 01366. GEMP-728 HC E01 MF A01 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Missile and Space Div. Spectra Program User's Manual. N. R. Baumgardt. Dec 69, 197p Contract AT(40-1 )-2847 Descriptors: "Neutron reactions, Pro- gramming(Computers), Monte Carlo method, Neutron transport theory, Particle spectra. Identifiers: Neutron irradiation, SPECTRA com- puter program. For abstract, see NSA 241 2 GEMP-742 HC E01 MF A01 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nuclear Systems Programs. Analysis of Ebr-ll Neutron Spectra by Monte Carlo and Discrete Ordinate Methods. W. E. Edwards, W. B. Henderson, and N. R. Baumgardt. Dec 69, 374p Contract AT(40-1 )-2847 Descriptors: 'Radiation damage, Correlation techniques, 'Neutron spectrum. Analysis, Neutron flux, Dosimeters, Computer programs, Monte Carlo method, Tables. Identifiers: Experimental breeder reactor 2. For abstract, see NSA 241 4 HASL-244 PC E01 MF A01 New York Operations Office (Aec), N. Y. Health And Safety Lab. User's Guide to Swift, a Monte Carlo Technique for Unfolding Neutron Spectra Roberts. Sanna. Jul 71, 12p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron spectrometers, 'Radiation dosimeters/ ther- moluminescent. For abstract, see NSA 25 23, number 55036. HEDL-TME-76-80 PC 05/MF A01 Hanford Engineering Development Lab., Richland, Wash. Hauser*4, a Computer Code to Calculate Nuclear Cross Sections F. M. Mann. Sep 76. 90p Contract EY-76-C-14-2170 Descriptors: 'Nuclear reactions, Computer codes, Cross sections, H codes, Hauser-fesh- bach theory, Statistical models. Identifiers: ERDA/653003. HAUSER*4 is a computer code that performs statistical model calculations to predict nuclear cross sections. The code is unrestricted as to particle type, includes fission and capture, makes width-fluctuation corrections, and per- forms three-body calculations, all in minimum computer time. Transmission coefficients can be generated internally or supplied externally. This report describes the equations used, necessary input and the resulting output. (ERA citation 03:013220) HTS-74-3 MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (UK). Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Kase Problems for the Teach Computer Pro- grams A. D. Gosman, and W. M. Pun. Jan 74, 18p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Laminar flow, "Turbulent flow, Algorithms, Computer calcula- tions, T codes. Two-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/640410, Great Britain. The essential mathematical and programming details of all the KASE problems for the TEACH computer programs are given Details of the SIMPLE numerical algorithm, of the structure of the basic programs, etc. are contained in the lecture-note booklet for the Two-dimensional Recirculating Flows course. (Atomindex cita- tion) HW-78062 PC A03/MF A01 General Electric Co., Richland, Wash. Hanford Atomic Products Operation. 709/7090 Program for Indexing X-Ray Diffrac- tion Powder Patterns. Mi. The Orthorhombic Case. J. B. Goebel, and A. S. Wilson. 1 Jun 64, 48p Rept no. HW-SA-3589 Contract AT(45-1 )-1 350 Descriptors: "X-ray diffraction, "Data processing. Computer codes, Crystallography, Miller indices, Orthorhombic lattices, Powders. Identifiers: ERDA/400104, Crystal structure. Input data for this program are the 2 theta reflections where theta is the Bragg angle as measured by a diffractometer from powdered crystalline samples. The program indexes the set of reflections on the basis of the orthorhom- bic system then calculates all lattice constants by the method of least squares. The printed out- put includes the lattice constants and their standard deviations, the observed and calcu- lated sin exp 2 theta values and the differences between these latter two. An error term, E, is also printed. The value of E and the standard deviations indicate to the crystallographer the validity of the indexing. The Miller indices, h k I, are printed in the form h exp 2 , k exp 2 , and I exp 2 . I.R.I.-133-70-4 PCE01/MFA01 Interuniversitair Reactor Instituut, Delft (Netherlands). Icpeax- Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detec- tors P. J. M. Korthoven. 41p 126 U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma spectrometers, 'Radiation detectors/ semicon- ductor. For abstract, see NSA26 13, number 31 124. IA-1325 (V. 1 • 2) MF A01 Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Yavne. Soreq Nuclear Research Center. Calculation of Cross Sections for Heavy Isotopes M. Caner. Apr 76, 1p Available in microfiche only. Thesis. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Plutonium 238 target, 'Plutonium 240 target, 'Plutonium 241 target, 'Plutonium 242 target, Capture, Computer codes, Cross sections, Data, Data compilation. Differential cross sections, Elastic scattering, Fast fission, Inelastic scattering, Kev range 10-100, Kev range 100-1000, Knock-out reactions, Mev range 01-10, Mev range 10-100, Neutrons, Plu- tonium isotopes, Total cross sections, Uranium 236, Uranium 237, Uranium 238, Uranium isotopes. Identifiers: ERDA/652025, ERDA/652026, Israel. In the present work an integrated system of codes for basic neutron data evaluation were assembled and built. Complete evaluations for the isotopes exp 240 Pu, exp 241 Pu, exp 242 Pu and exp 238 Pu were performed. The following cross sections: total, elastic, radiative capture, fission, total inelastic, partial inelastic, (n,2n), (n,3n) and differential elastic were evaluated as well as the average number of neutrons per neutron-induced fission and the average elastic scattering cosine in the lab system. The data for the plutonium isotopes were incorporated into the German KEDAK file. A method was developed for calculating the energy distribu- tions of the second and third secondary neutrons from the A(n,2n) and (n,3n) reactions in the framework of the compound nucleus theory, and utilizing the nuclear data of the nuclei A, A-1, A-2. This method was used to generate the exp 238 U secondary neutron energy distributions in the incident neutron energy range of 6 to 15 MeV. A nuclear data evaluation for exp 237 U in the resolved in- elastic scattering range (10-700 keV) was per- formed. The compound elastic and partial in- elastic scattering cross sections were used in the exp 238 U secondary neutron energy dis- tribution calculations. (Atomindex citation 08:302035) IAE-1969 PC E01 MF A01 Institut Atomnoi Energii, Moscow (Ussr). Urs Program for Calculating Slow Neutron Spectra by Differential Equations M. V. Fedulov. 1970, 20p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 22, number 53490. IAE-2002 PC E01 MF A01 Institut Atomnoi Energii, Moscow (Ussr). "Kristall" Program for Studying Dynamics of Radiation Damage in Crystal Lattices Yu. N. Knizhnikov. 1970, 44p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Crystals, 'Radiation, 'Silicon. For abstract, see NSA 25 14, number 33405. IAE-2112 PC E01/MF A01 Institut Atomnoi Energii, Moscow (Ussr). High-Speed Modifications of the Method of Probabilities of the First Collision. Part III A. F. Solodov. 1971, 32p Lang- In Russian. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Cylinders, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 21, number 51966. IAE-2614 MF A01 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Energii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoi Energii. Computer Simulation of Dislocation Move- ment Through the Field of Randomly Located Point Defects V. V. Kolomytkin. 1976, 36p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Dislocations, "Point defects, Computer codes, Absolute zero temperature, Computer calculations, Fortran, G codes, Mo- tion, Randomness, Shear properties, Stresses, Velocity. Identifiers: ERDA/656000, USSR. An attempt has been made to consider the ef- fect of lattice point defect density variations on dislocation movement. Theoretical foundations to calculate the dislocation movement through the field of random point defects at deg K are brief depicted. The flow sheet, description and tent of the calculational FORTRAN code 'GLIDE' are highlighted. Thus the dependence has been calculated of the critical shear stress on the critical angle formed by a dislocation line to tear off from a point defect. The case of thermally activated dislocation movement (T deg K) is also under consideration. A modifica- tion of the code 'GLIDE' (not presented in the paper) has been used to calculate the depen- dence of the dislocation rate on the critical shear stress at various activation energies of the process. A parallel with previous papers has been drawn. (Atomindex citation 03:338528) PC E01 MF A01 Idaho Falls, Idaho. IDO-ITR-110 Phillips Petroleum Co Atomic Energy Div. Computer Program for Steam and Water Pro- perties from the Asme (1967) Ifc Formula- tions. (Nrts Computer Program No. 40.0969) A. M. Brist. Mar 69, 64p Contract AT(10-1)-205 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Steam, 'Water. For abstract, see NSA 25 21 , number 4871 1 . IFA-DNBR-3 PC E01 MF A01 Institutul De Fizica Atomica, Bucharest (Romania). Program for the Computing of the Scattering Cross-Sections in Heavy Water D. Gheorghe, S. Rapeanu, and H. Stefan. 1971, 21p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons, *Water-dr. For abstract, see NSA 25 24, number 59671 . IFA-DNBR-4 PC E01/MF A01 Institutul De Fizica Atomica, Bucharest /sup 8/romania/sup 9/. Use of Cubic Spline Functions in Nuclear Data Processing N. Deciu, and S. Rapeanu. 1972, 13p Descriptors: 'Benzene, 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ cold, 'Neutrons/ epithermal, 'Uranium isotopes u- 8. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 08, number 18640. IFA-M-47 PC E01/MF A01 Institutul De Fizica Atomica, Bucharest (Romania). Numerical Accuracy of the Regular Coulomb Function B. Carstoiu, C. Deberth, C. Hategan, and A. Sandulescu. Sep 71, 11p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Quantum mechanics. Forabstract, see NSA 26 16, number40174. IFA-NR-41-1972 PC E01/MF A01 Institutul de Fizica Atomica, Bucharest (Romania). Multilevel Calculation of exp 235 U Neutron Fission Cross-Section I. M. Mihailescu, and M. Petrascu. 1972, 10p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Uranium 235, Neutron reactions, 'Neutron reactions, 'Thermal fission. Bound state, Computer codes, Epithermal neutrons, Ev range 01-10, Excitation functions, Fortran, Ibm computers, Level widths, Milli ev range, R matrix, Thermal neutrons. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 02, number 04202. IKO-KE-2 MF A01 Instituut voor Kernphysisch Onderzoek, Am- sterdam (Netherlands). One Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Reaction p + D Implies p+p+N at 13.25 and 50 Mev over the Full Three-Body Space Y. Haitsma, G. J. F. Blommestijn, and R. van Dantzig. Dec 76, 59p Available in microfiche only. 17 refs., 29 figs., 1 app., 2 tables. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Hydrogen 1 target, Breakup reactions, Deuteron reactions, Faddeev equations, K codes, Mev range 10-100, Monte carlo method, Neutrons, Protons, S matrix. Three-body problem, Deuterium target, Proton reactions. Identifiers: ERDA/651215, ERDA/651225, Netherlands. Experimental and theoretical deuteron break- up cross-sections are analyzed in multi-dimen- sional representations. A theory based on the work of Faddeev has been developed to ex- press the 3-body scattering matrices in terms of 2-body T-matrices. A global outline is given. The Monte Carlo simulation program KNOR used in the analysis of the data and the experi- mental set-up are discussed briefly. (Atomindex citation 08:302821) IN-1446 PC E01 MF A01 Idaho Nuclear Corp., Idaho Falls. Scans- Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets M. H. Putnam, and G. E. Putnam. Nov 70, 23p Contract AT(10-1 )-1 230 Descriptors. 'Computer programs, "Neutrons/ fast, 'Neutrons/ thermal, 'Radiation detectors/ activation, 'Reactors. Forabstract, see NSA 25 09, number 18641. INIS-mf-3352 MF A01 Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging, Utrecht. Sectie Kernfysica. Program Mephisto for Microscopic Calcula- tions of (P,p') Reactions, D4 H. P. Blok. 15 Oct 76, 14pReptno.CONF- 7610111- 127 Available in microfiche only. Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging, Sectie Kernfysica, autumn meeting, Groningen, Netherlands, 22 Oct 1976, Published in summary form only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, 'Proton reac- tions, Asymmetry, Cdc computers, Cross sec- tions, Inelastic scattering, L-s coupling, M codes, Nucleon-nucleon potential, Oriented nuclei, Protons, Spin orientation, Tensor forces, Wave functions. Identifiers: ERDA/653003, Netherlands. No abstract available. INIS-mf-3836 MF A01 Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goteborg (Sweden). Institutionen for Fysik. Total beta -Decay Energies and Atomic Masses in Regions Far from beta -Stability. On Line Isotope Separator Investigations in the Mass Regions a = 75-87, 120-135 and 222- 229 K. Aleklett. 1977, 55p Thesis. Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Heavy nuclei, 'Intermediate mass nuclei, Beta decay. Beta spectra. Binding ener- gy. Coincidence methods, Computer codes, Droplet model, Excited states, Ground states, Hamiltonians, Hartree-fock method. Instability, Li-drifted ge detectors, Li-drifted si detectors, Mass, Mass formulae, Matrices, Neutron-defi- cient isotopes, Neutron-rich isotopes, Q-value, Response functions, Self-consistent field, Shell models, Strength functions, Wave functions. Identifiers: ERDA/651522, ERDA/651622, ERDA/651722, ERDA/651822, ERDA/651922, Sweden. This thesis is a summary of experimental in- vestigations on total beta -decay energies and deduced atomic masses of nuclei far from the region of beta -stability. The Qsub( beta ) values are given for isotopes of Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Br, Rb, In, Sn, Sb, Te, Cs, Fr, Ra and Ac, with beta -un- stable nuclei These unstable nuclei have very short half-lives, often below 10s, and the ex- perimental techniques for the production, separation and collection of these short-lived nuclei are described. Neutron deficient nuclides were produced by spallation, in the ISOLDE facility, and neutron deficient nuclides were produced by thermal neutron induced fis- sion of exp 235 U in the OSIRIS facility, beta - spectra were recorded using an Si(Li)-detector and a coincidence system. Qsub( beta ) values obtained from mass formulae have been com- pared with experimental values obtained in dif- ferent mass regions and a comparison made between results obtained from different droplet mass formulae. (Atomindex citation 08:334069) INP-741 PC E01 MF A01 Institute Of Nuclear Physics, Krakow (Poland). Optical Model Programme with the Automatic Search Routine Extended to Include the Spin- Orbit Term. "Omas." Miroslaw Ziemkiewicz. Jan 71 , 41 p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclei, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA25 23, number 5681 5. INP-744 PC E01/MF A01 Institute Of Nuclear Physics, Krakow (Poland). Computing Programmes for Strong Absorp- tion Model "Kenut" and "Zolw." M. Makowska-Rzeszutko, and G. Pytkowicz. 1971, 31p Lang- In Polish. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 5, number 37530. INP-746 PC E01 MF A01 Institute Of Nuclear Physics, Krakow (Poland). Distorted Wave Born Approximation Pro- grammes for Inelastic Scattering of Charged Particles "MIS-0," "MIS-2," "MIS-3," "MlS-4," and "MIS-5." Andrzej Kobos. Feb 71 , 49p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions DIRECT. For abstract, see NSA 25 18, number 43954. INP-785 PC E01/MF A01 Institute Of Nuclear Physics, Krakow (Poland). Calculation of Optical Model Phase Shifts in Born Approximation Krzysztof Kwiatkowski. Dec 71 , 22p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Protons. For abstract, see NSA 26 13, number 32189. INR-1186 PC E01 MF A01 Institute Of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland). Minigasket- a Code for Thermal Neutron Scattering Law in Polycrystals Jacek Arkuszewski. 1970, 124p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Ice, 'Neutrons/ thermal, 'Polycrystals. For abstract, see NSA 25 09, number 20229. INR-1260 PC E01 MF A01 Institute Of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland). Flange-al 4 Code for the Gier Computer J. Arkuszewski, W. Baran, and K. Kowalska. 1971, 36p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 13, number 31 168. INR-1429 PCE01/MFA01 Institute Of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland. Energy-Angular Distribution of alpha Parti- cles Emitted in Fission of /Sup 236/U. Polar Emission E. Piasecki. 1972, 181 p Thesis. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ thermal, 'Uranium isotopes u- 5. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 10, number 23598. INR-1457 PC E03/MF A01 Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland). Gier-ALGOL 4 Program for the Statistical Model Calculations of the Multistage Nuclear Reactions W. Grochulski, and A. Marcinkowski. 1973, 68p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *l codes, 'Nucleon reactions, 'Cross sections, Algol, Energy spectra, Statistical models. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 08, number 20001 . INR-1527/9A/PR/B MF A01 Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland). Programme "SLOT" for Calculating Curvature of Slits for Rotors of Neutron Semimonochro- mators A. Graffstein. 1974, 54p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Neutron chop- pers, Computer calculations. Design, Energy range. Neutron beams. Neutrons, S codes, Trajectories. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, ERDA/070200, Po- land, SLOT computer program, Algol, Fortran. The algorithm and adequate program written in GIER ALGOL and FORTRAN 4 used for calcu- lating the trajectory of neutrons passing through the rotating disk of the chopper are described. Using the least squares method, the arc of the circle is adjusted to this trajectory. The parameters of the arc centre and its radius are computed. The problem of getting the neutrons with suitable velocity through the slits in an undistrubed way is verified. The procedure and the results obtained are en- closed. (Atomindex citation 08:338526) INS-TL-108 PC E01 MF A01 Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Inst. For Nuclear Study. Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer, li. Qv- spac and Qvcspa Jun Kokame. 1 Dec 70, 1 1 p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer 'Synchrocyclotrons. programs, For abstract, see NSA 25 14, number 33888. INS-TL-109 PC E01 MF A01 Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Inst. For Nuclear Study. Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer. Hi. Ckspao Jun Kokame. 1 Dec 70, 22p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer 'Synchrocyclotrons. programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 14, number 33889. IPP-6/90 PC E01 MF A01 Institut Fuer Plasmaphysik, G.m.b.h. Garching (West Germany). A Two Dimensional Computer Programme for Solving the MHD Equations for the theta Pinch in a Time-Dependent Coordinate System F. Hertweck, and W. Schneider. Jul 70, 66p Rept no. IPP-1/110 U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, devices, 'Plasma. "Pinch For abstract, see NSA 25 09, number 19647. IS-T-728 PC A04/MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Charge Radius of the Pion R. W. Reimer. Oct 76, 70 Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Thesis. Submitted to Iowa State Univ. of Science and Tech., Ames. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Pions, C codes, Fortran, Ibm computers, Particle radii, Phase shift, Threshold energy. Identifiers: ERDA/645202. Computer programs used in the analysis of the problem of the increase in the radius of the pion due to the threshold enhancement of the phase shift are developed, and the computational techniques are discussed. (ERA citation 02:035295) 128 IS-2185 HC E01 MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Fit, a Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting Pro- gram to Obtain Interatomic Force Constants from Observed Phonon Frequencies. Thomas Stephen Prevender. Oct 69, 17p Contract W-7405-eng-82 Descriptors: 'Crystal structure, Chemical bonds, 'Phonons, Scattering, Computer pro- grams, Curve fitting. Least squares method. For abstract, see NSA2410 IS-2186 HC E01 MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Trio, a Computer Program for the Calculation of Phonon Dispersion Curves, Atom Polariza- tion Vectors, and Normalized Structure Fac- tors. Thomas Stephen Prevender. Oct 69, 13p Contract W-7405-eng-82 Descriptors: 'Crystal structure, Determination, 'Phonons, Scattering, Inelastic scattering. Computer programs. Polarization. Identifiers: TRIO computer program, Scattering cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 241 IS-2210 HC E01 MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. A Fortran IV Crystallographic System of Pro- grams for Generalized Superpositions. Camden R. Hubbard, and Robert A. Jacobson. Nov 69, 34p Contract W-7405-eng-82 Descriptors: 'Symmetry(Crystallography), 'Computer programs, Crystal lattices. For abstract, see NSA 2410 IS-2915 PC E01/MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Dual and Dual-Pomeron Calculations- a Documentation D. E. Johnson. Jul 72, 38p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Elementary particles, 'Nucleons, 'Nucleons ANTI N. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 48942. IS-3469 PC A05/MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Algorithm for Automatic Indexing and Bravais Lattice Selection. The Programs Blind and Alice. R. A. Jacobson. Sep 74, 76p Contract W-7405-eng-82 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *A codes, 'Crystal lattices, 'Indexes, Algorithms, Automa- tion, B codes, Documentation, Lattice parame- ters. Photography, PI-1 language. For abstract, see NSA 30 12, number 34559. IS-3691 PC A09/MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors C. H. Culp, and D. E. Eckels. Jan 76, 197p Contract W-7405-eng-82 Descriptors: "Computer codes, 'On-line mea- surement systems, 'Semiconductor switches, Data acquisition systems. Design, Electric con- ductivity, Electronic circuits, Hp computers, Measuring methods, Performance testing. Pul- ses, Semiconductor materials, Timing proper- ties. Identifiers. ERDA/420800, ERDA/360603, ERDA/990200, Amorphous semiconductors. A computer-controlled data acquisition system which was employed to measure the threshold switching parameters of amorphous semicon- ductors is described. This system is capable of measuring the delay time required for a sample to switch, the electrical energy put into a sam- ple and the charge passing through it during the delay time, and its ambient temperature. With this equipment an experimenter is able to control the magnitude and maximum duration of the voltage applied to a sample, the time in- terval between applications of voltage, and the load resistor in series with a sample. An HP 21 14B minicomputer provides control and anal- ysis capabilities for this system. Basically, this apparatus is a constant voltage pulse generator and signal processor. Major modules of this system are a transistorized high voltage switch, a digitally controlled high voltage resistor and power supply, a low-thermal-noise input- scanner, a precision timer, and two analog in- tegrators. The amplitude of a voltage pulse can be varied from 0V to 1 kV and the maximum du- ration can be varied from 10 mu s to 300 s. Dur- ing the voltage pulse, a signal which represents the current through a sample is processed by analog integrators and signal multipliers. If the sample switches to a low-resistance state dur- ing a voltage pulse, this equipment automati- cally detects the event and removes the voltage from the sample to prevent sample deteriora- tion. Following the voltage pulse, a tele- typewriter prints the raw data from the integra- tors, power supply, and timer and the calcu- lated values of the charge and energy input. 44 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 01 :013994) IS-4017 PC A03/MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. NEDR: A Computer Program for Calculating AC Losses in a Type-ll Superconductor with a Field-Dependent Surface Barrier N. C. Rouze, and J. R. Clem. Aug 76, 48p Contract W-7405-ENG -82 Descriptors: *Type-ll superconductors, Ac losses, Computer codes. Critical current. Cur- rent density, Magnetic fields, Magnetic flux, N codes. Identifiers: ERDA/656100, 'Computer pro- grams, NEDR computer program. A computer program "NEDR" which calculates low-frequency ac losses in a type-ll supercon- ductor with a field-dependent surface barrier, is presented and described. Numerous quantities associated with the losses can be calculated, including the magnetic field and flux density profiles, the surface, bulk-pinning, and bulk- annihilation contributions to the losses, the spatial dependence of the bulk losses, and the net energy loss per cycle. The program is con- structed such that the critical current density J/sub c/, field H/sub eq/, the critical entry field H/sub en/, and the critical exit field H/sub ex/ as functions of the flux density B are written as subprogram functions and may be easily changed for different models. (ERA citation 02:015314) IS -41 06 PC A03 Ames Lab., Iowa. PL-1 Program System for Generalized Patter- son Superpositions C. R. Hubbard, M. W. Babich, and R. A. Jacobson. Jan 77, 43p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Monoclinic lat- tices, 'Orthorhombic lattices, 'Patterson method, 'Triclinic lattices, A codes, IBM com- puters, Maps, P codes, PL-1 language, S codes. Symmetry. Identifiers: ERDA/656000, ERDA/990200, PLIGEN computer program, ALSPL1 computer program, SYMPL1 computer program A new system of three programs written in PL/1 can calculate symmetry and Patterson super- position maps for triclinic, monoclinic, and orthorhombic space groups as well as any space group reducible to one of these three. These programs are based on a system of For- tran programs developed at Ames Laboratory, but are more general and have expanded utility, especially with regard to large unit cells. The program PLIGEN calculates a direct access data set, SYMPL1 calculates a direct access symmetry map, and ALSPL1 calculates a super- position map using one or multiple superposi- tions. A detailed description of the use of these programs including symbolic program listings is included. 2 tables. (ERA citation 02:061 520) IS-4168 PC A03/MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Systems Analysis Guide for the Rare-Earth Information Center's Information Retrieval System (RICIRS) L. C. Moon. Apr 77, 43p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: 'Rare earths. Computer codes, In- formation centers. Information retrieval. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, "Information systems, PL/I programming language, IBM-360 computers, IBM-370 computers. The Rare-Earth Information Center Information Retrieval System (RICIRS) is a system of pro- grams written in PL/1 and compiled by the PL/I optimizing compiler for an IBM 360-370 en- vironment. It is a keyword-based retrospective information retrieval system. Conference papers, journal articles, books, and other bibliographic material are abstracted by the Rare-Earth Information Center personnel and placed in the data base. This report details the programs and their operation with respect to the files built by the Rare-Earth Information Center personnel. It is intended to be a guide for a programmer-analyst to maintaining and upgrading the system. (ERA citation 02:061851) ITEF-43 MF A01 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoi Energii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Teoreticheskoi i Eksperimental'noi Fiziki. Modified Variant of the Magneto-Optical Pro- gram Transport V. V. Miller. 1974. 1P Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Accelerators, 'Beam optics. Beam transport, Besm computers. Computer calcula- tions. Computer codes, Electromagnetic len- ses, Fortran, Magnets, Mathematical models. Solenoids, T codes. Tables. Identifiers: ERDA/430200. USSR. A modified version of the TRANSPORT program for magneto-optical calculations is described. The original program has been compiled in FORTRAN language. The modified version is a translation in to FORTRAN-CERN language for the BESM-6 computer. The program operating with a 'DUBNA' monitor system has a memory approximating 70 K. The program makes it possible to calculate and optimize matrices of the first and second order for magnets, quadru- pole and sextuple lenses, solenoids, accelerat- ing gaps, strong-focusing accelerators, etc. The original program has been modified as fol- lows: convergence of the iterative process is improved, renovation of R 1-matrix is excluded, presetting of angle of rotation in magnets is made possible, cyclic calculation of system al- ternatives is facilitated, and better printing results provided. (Atomindex citation 08:330764) ITJ-21 PCE01/MFA01 Institute Of Nuclear Techniques, Krakow (Poland) 129 Determination of Spinel Structure Parameters from Neutron Diffraction Data Using Odra 1204 Computer Andrzej Zieba. Jun 72, 23p Lang- In Polish. U S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron- diffraction analysis, 'Spinels. For abstract, see NSA27 05, number 11586. Juel-1134-AT PC A03/MF A01 Kernforschungsanlage Juelich G.m.b.H. (F.R. Germany). Zentralabteilung Allgemeine Technologie. Numerical Treatment of Heat Conduction Problems with the Help of Finite Elements in Three Dimensions. H. J. Leyers. Nov 74, 34p In German. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Thermal conduction, "Three- dimensional calculations, "Computer codes, *H codes. Finite element method, Numerical solu- tion. Identifiers: West Germany. For abstract, see NSA 33 05, number 09200. JAERI-M-4571 PC E01/MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Computer Program Fit for Fitting gamma-Ray Spectrum Kanji Tasaka. Sep 71 , 26p Lang- In Japanese. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Fission products, 'Gamma spectrometers For abstract, see NSA 26 12, number 28214. JAERI-M-4652 PC E01/MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Analysis of Pulsed Neutron Experiments on Bare Fast Multiplying System by Storrer- Stievenart's Theory Toru Hiraoka, Kinichi Moriguchi, Masafumi Nakano, Tsutomu lijima, and Tomoo Nakamura. Dec 71, 15p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Uranium. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 54483. JAERI-M-6474 MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Two-Dimensional Simulation of the MHD Sta- bility, (1) G. Kurita, and T. Amano. Mar 76, 14p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Plasma macroinstabilities, 'Magnetohydrodynamics, Computer codes. Equilibrium, Magnetic field configurations. Plasma instability, Plasma simulation. Stability, Tokamak devices, Toroidal configuration, Two- dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/700107, Japan. The two-dimensional computer code has been prepared to study MHD stability of an axisym- metric toroidal plasma with and without the surrounding vacuum region It also includes the effect of magnetic surfaces with non-circular cross sections. The linearized equations of mo- tion are solved as an initial value problem. The results by computer simulation are compared with those by the theory for the cylindrical plasma: they are in good agreement. (Atomindex citation 08:300365) JAERI-M-6734 MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst , Tokyo Numerical Code SPHEX for Free Boundary MHD Equilibrium with Legendre Expansion Method S. Seki, H. Maeda, A. Kitsunezaki, and R. Saito. Oct 76, 48p Available in microfiche only. In Japanese. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Equilibrium plasma, 'Magnetohydrodynamics, Boundary conditions. Differential equations. Electric cur- rents. Equilibrium, Iterative methods, Legendre polynomials. Magnet coils, Magnetic fields, Magnetic flux, Manuals, Numerical solution, Plasma, S codes, Tokamak devices. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, Japan, SPHEX com- puter program. A calculation method and its numerical code to solve the free-boundary problem of the toroidal MHD equilibrium are presented. The poloidal magnetic flux function psi is expressed with the orthogonal series of the first-order associated Legendre function in the spherical coordinates. This code is useful for the study of the MHD equilibrium in a shell-less tokamak with noncir- cular cross section. (Atomindex citation 08:313645) JAERI-M-6740 Not available NTIS Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Error Estimation of Hybrid Simulation Method for Basic Heat-Exchange Model K. Kudo, H. Usui, and M. Hara. Oct 76, 68p Available in microfiche only. In Japanese. U.S. Sales Only. Available from ERDA, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, Attn: TIC. Descriptors: 'Heat exchangers, Accuracy, Com- puter calculations, Computer codes, Counter current, Differential equations, Errors, Func- tional models, High temperature, Hybrid com- puters, Numerical solution. Simulation, Spatial distribution, Transients. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, Japan, 'Hybrid simu- lation. A practical study of the hybrid computation method for the heat exchanger dynamics is described. The mathematical model is usually expressed in a set of hyperbolic partial dif- ferential equations. The CSDT (Continuous- Space-Discrete-Time) method has been used as a powerful technique for the hybrid simula- tion, but any practical estimation of the com- puting error is not reported. Therefore the parameter effects of the CSDT method on the computing accuracy are studied in detail and also the problems in application of the method are discussed here. For the mathematical model, a simplified linear one of the counter flow type is chosen to simplify the subject clear. Accuracy of the method is examined by com- paring with the results obtained by pure digital computation using a finite difference method. (Atomindex citation 08:313639) JAERI-MEMO-4116 PC E01 MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Graph- a Computer Program for Plotting Ex- perimental Data in Neudada System Tsuneo Nakagawa, and Sin-iti Igarasi. Aug 70, 39p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Cross sec- tions. For abstract, see NSA 25 09, number 20230. JAERI-MEMO-4138 PC E01 MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Manual for Jupitor-1 (Supplement) Masamiti Wakai, Sin-iti Igarasi, Osamu Mikoshiba, and Shuhei Yamaji. Sep 70, 61 p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 25 09. number 20479. JAERI-MEMO-4211 PC E01 MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Thrush- a Code for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernel H. Kadotani. Nov 70, 20p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons/ thermal. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 1 , number 25608. JAERI-1191 PCE01MFA01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai. Tokai Research Establishment. Stax 2- a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Moldauer'S Theory. Yoshiaki Tomita. Jul 70, 27p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 24 23, number 49926. JAERI-1198 PCE01/MFA01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai. Tokai Research Establishment. Fp-S- Program for Calculation of Atomic Den- sity for Each Fission Product Nuclide Kanji Tasaka, and Nobuo Sasamoto. 1 1 Dec 70, 24p Lang- In Japanese. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Fission products. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 2, number 29728. JINR-E1-6907 PCE01/MFA01 Joint Inst. For Nuclear Research, Dubna (Ussr). Lab. Of High Energy. Real Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scattering Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. I G. . Adylov, F. . Aliev, and V. Gaevski. 1973, 16p Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Electrons, "Mesons. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 10, number 23366. JINR-E1-6908 PC E01/MF A01 Joint Inst. For Nuclear Research, Dubna (Ussr). Lab. Of High Energy. Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scattering Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. II G. . Adylov, F. . Aliev, and V. Gaevski. 1973, 18p Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Electrons, 'Mesons. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 10, number 23367. JINR-E1-6909 PC E01/MF A01 Joint Inst. For Nuclear Research, Dubna (Ussr). Lab. Of High Energy. Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-P Elastic Scattering Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer G. . Adylov, F. . Aliev, and V. Gaveski. 1973, 10p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Mesons, 'Protons. Identifiers: AEC. 130 For abstract, see NSA27 10, number 23368. JINR-R-9-9476 MF A01 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Formation of a Laminar Flow in a High-Cur- rent Electron Gun I. M. Matora, and L. A. Merkulov. 1976, 16p In Russian. Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Electrodes, "Electron guns, Amp beam currents, Computer calculations, Com- puter codes, Configuration, Diagrams, Fortran, Laminar flow, Sds computers. Identifiers: ERDA/430100. Methods are presented of calculation of elec- tron gun electrode configuration (pulse current 250A, voltage 500 kv) which ensures a close-to- laminar electron flux emitted by the cathode on the working part of the voltage pulse. Laminari- ty is ensured through the automatic determina- tion of the necessary cathode surface configu- ration with a computer. In the process of calcu- lations one neglects non-laminarity resulting from a thermal spread in velocities of the elec- trons emitted by a hot cathode surface as well as microparticle dispersion and space charge neutralization effects. The calculation program has been compiled in the GERN-FORTRAN lan- guage for SDS-6400 computer. A block diagram of the program operation is presented. (Atomindex citation 08:3251 18) JUL-668-RG PC E01 MF A01 Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich (West Ger- many). Institut Fuer Reaktorentwicklung. Colli- a Program Package for Calculation of Thermal-Neutron Scattering Guenter Schroeder. Jul 70, 139p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Beryllium isotopes be-9, "Beryllium oxides, "Computer programs, "Graphite, "Neutrons/ thermal. For abstract, see NSA 25 10, number 22973. JUL-683-MA PC E01 MF A01 Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich (West Ger- many). Zentralinstitut Fuer Angewandte Mathe- matik. Program for Solution of the Stationary Neutron Transport Equation with Spherical Symmetry W. Hnake, and E. Horlitz. Jul 70, 24p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 12, number 28147. JUL-821-TP PCE01/MFA01 Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich (West Ger- many). Institut Fuer Technische Physik. Methods of Calculation and Computer Pro- grams for Interpretation of Laue and Kossel Diagrams E. Preuss. Jan 72, 296p Lang- In German. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Crystallography. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 5, number 38068. K/CSD/TM-11 PC A05/MF A01 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn. HEATPLOT: A Temperature Distribution Plotting Program for Heating D. C. Elrod, and W. D. Turner. Jul 77, 78p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Temperature distribution, Computer graphics, H codes, Plot- ters. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, HEATPLOT com- puter program, IBM-360 computers, IBM-370 computers. HEATPLOT is a temperature distribution plotting program that may be used with HEAT- INGS, a generalized heat conduction code. HEATPLOT is capable of drawing temperature contours (isotherms), temperature-time profiles, and temperature-distance profiles from the current HEATING5 temperature dis- tribution or from temperature changes relative to the initial temperature distribution. Contour plots may be made for two- or three-dimen- sional models. Temperature-time profiles and temperature-distance profiles may be made for one-, two-, and three-dimensional models. HEATPLOT is an IBM 360/370 computer code which uses the DISSPLA plotting package. Plots may be created on the CALCOMP pen- and-ink, and CALCOMP cathode ray tube (CRT), or the EAI pen-and-ink plotters. Printer plots may be produced or a compressed data set that may be routed to any of the available plotters may be made. (ERA citation 03:007243) K/CSD/TM-12 PC A04/MF A01 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn. REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data DC. Elrod. Aug 77, 70p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Heat transfer, Fortran, H codes, IBM computers, One-dimen- sional calculations, PDP computers, R codes, Three-dimensional calculations. Two-dimen- sional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "REGPLOT com- puter program, "HEATING5 computer program, IBM-360 computers, IBM-370 computers, Decsystem-10 computers, "Conduction. The plotting program, REGPLOT, was written to allow users of HEATING5, a generalized heat conduction code, to graphically check their HEATING5 input data. REGPLOT reads HEAT- INGS input data and plot specification data for one-, two-, and three-dimensional models. The program then creates maps of the regions, the materials, the heat generation function num- bers, the initial condition function numbers, and the boundary condition function numbers by drawing the region boundaries and labeling each region appropriately. The user can then check his modeling data visually. The plot specification data allow the user to input the planes that are to be plotted if the model is three-dimensional, the type of map that is to be created, the area of the plane that is to be drawn, and the scaling factors that are to be used. Default values will be used if the area of the plane to be drawn and the scaling factors are not specified. The REGPLOT program is operational in the batch mode on the IBM 360/370 computer systems, and in the timesharing mode on the DEC PDP-10 system accessed by a graphics terminal. 19 figures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 03:002018) K/CSD/TM-15 PCA03/MFA01 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn. Direct Solution Technique for Solving Steady- State Problems Using the HEATING5 Heat Transfer Code B. R. Becker. Oct 77, 45p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, 'Heat transfer, Analytical solution, H codes. Temperature dis- tribution. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, HEATING5 computer program. A direct solution technique for one- and two- dimensional steady-state problems has been added to HEATING5. This technique uses a convergence criterion based upon the nodal heat residual, rather than the maximum relative change in temperature, which is the conver- gence criterion used by HEATING5 in the suc- cessive overrelaxation technique for steady- state problems. The direct solution technique consists of an interface subroutine, which uses the nodal configuration and effective con- ductances between nodes (as generated by HEATING5) to build a banded system of equa- tions. A second routine then solves the system. (ERA citation 03:012950) K/CSD/TM-9 PC A03/MF A01 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn. CSD-YAQUI: An Eulerian Computer Code for Flow at All Speeds in Ducts J. N. Tunstall. Aug77,48p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Compressible flow, "Computer codes, "Navier-Stokes equation, C codes, Ducts, Fortran, Numerical analysis, Numerical solution. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, "Duct flow. An IBM 360 computer program designed to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for a viscous, compressible fluid flow in ducts which can be described by quadrilateral cells is presented. A description of the conservative finite dif- ferences, the time-dependent method of solu- tion, and user details of the FORTRAN program are presented. A sample problem is also re- ported. (ERA citation 03:004744) KAPL-P 4056 PC A02/MF A01 Knolls Atomic Power Lab., Schenectady, NY. Application of the Substructuring Method to Thermal Analysis D. B. MacMillan. 1977, 18p Rept no. CONF- 770903-5 Contract EY-76-C-1 2-0052 ASME energy technology conference on com- posites in pressure vessels and piping, Houston, Texas, USA, 18 Sep 1977. Descriptors: "Heat transfer, CDC computers, Computer codes, Mathematical models, Pro- gramming, Two-dimensional calculations. Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/420400. The development of a general-purpose two- dimensional heat transfer computer program which uses the substructuring approach for or- ganizing the internal details of the calculation, the preparation of input, and the output, is described. This computer program has had over 3 years of successful production use. (ERA citation 03:008939) KFK-EXT-4/76-37 MF A01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Inst, fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktor- technik. Revised Definitions in Kedak-3 F. H. Froehner, and B. Goel. Dec 76, 9p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Neutron reac- tions. Cross sections. Data compilation. Data processing, Energy-level density, Fission spec- tra, K codes. Level widths, Strength functions. Identifiers: ERDA/651725, ERDA/990200, West Germany. Definitions used in KEDAK are briefly reviewed as far as they differ from prior KEDAK version or otherwise need documentation. (Atomindex citation 08:323686) KFK-EXT-8/75-2 PC A03/MF A01 Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (F.R. Ger- many). Inst, fuer Reaktorentwicklung. Regent: Seventh Semiannual Progress Re- port, October 1974*— March 1975. E. G. Schlechtendahl. Aug 75, 43p 131 In German. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: *Power reactors, Design, Com- puter codes, Data processing, Fluid flow, Heat transfer, Hydraulics, Thermodynamics. The project REGENT(German acronym for CAD, Computer Aided Design) was started early 1972 by the Institut fuer Reaktorentwicklung. The seventh semiannual progress report sum- marizes the results achieved up to March 31, 1975, in particular with respect to the develop- ment of the REGENT system nucleus and its ap- plication for the first REGENT subsystems. The development of the REGENT nucleus and of a graphical subsystem has become a part of the project CAD since mid 1974. Other subsystems are being developed within the framework of the project PNS (Project Nuclear Safety). KFK-1247 HC E01 MF A01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Institut Fuer Angewandte Kernphysik. A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DISCOVERY OF EXCITED NUCLEAR STATES ACCORDING TO THE RITZ COMBINATION PRINCIPLE Dieter Heck. Jul 70, 35p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA25 06, number 12519. KFK-1333 PC E01 MF A01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Zyklotron-Laboratorium. Improved Version of Tamura's Code for Cou- pled Channel Calculations- "Jupitor Karl- sruhe Version." H. Rebel, and G. W. Schweimer. Feb 71 , 78p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. Forabstract, see NSA25 15, number 36818. KFK-1420 PCE01/MFA01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Zyklotron-Laboratorium. "Abe"- a Computer Program for Analyzing the Elastic and Inelastic Scattering on the Basis of the Austem-Blair Theory J. Specht, and G. W. Schweimer. Jun 71, 58 Lang- In German. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Alpha particles, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 26 06, number 14195. KFK-1576 PCE01/MFA01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Institut Fuer Neutronenphysik Und Reaktortechnik. Nusys-Phases 41501-41505. Equivalent Ap- proximation of the Step Function and Its Use in Nuclear Calculations (Iterative Remo Procedure) K. Boehnel, E. Stein, D. Thiem, and G. Willerding. Mar 72, 35p Lang- In German. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. Forabstract, see NSA 26 20, number 49313. KFK-1590 PCE01/MFA01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Institut Fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik. Beam 72- Computer Program for Develop- ment of Beam Transport Systems W. > uengst. Apr 72, 43p Lang- In German. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Electromagnetic lenses. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 48524. KFK-1784 PC E07/MF A01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Institut fuer Neutronenphysik und Reak- tortechnik. Migros-2: A Program Written in Fortran for the Calculation of Microscopic Group Constants from Nuclear Data H. Huschke, and B. Krieg. Jun 73, 204p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *M codes, 'Multigroup theory, "Group constants, Fortran. Identifiers: AEC For abstract, see NSA 28 10, number 26093. KFK-2187 MF A01 Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Inst, fuer Angewandte Kernphysik. Tiflis (Time-of-Flight-Spectra) a Data Reduc- tion Program for the Evaluation of Time-of- Flight Experiments W. Abel, and J. B. Suck. Jul 76, 68p Available in microfiche only. 1 fig.; 2 tabs.: with refs. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, "Neutron reac- tions, *Time-of-flight method. Computer calcu- lations. Differential cross sections. Gases, Liquids, Polycrystals, Programming, Scatter- ing, T codes. Thermal neutrons. Identifiers: ERDA/651100, ERDA/654003, West Germany, 'Tiflis computer program, IBM 360 computers, Fortran 4 programming language. The purpose of TIFLIS (Tlme-of-FLIght-Spec- tra) is the evaluation of the double differential cross section and the scattering law from time- of-flight-spectra of thermal neutrons scattered in atomic systems (gases, simple liquids, amorphous materials and polycrystals). TIFLIS is a software package based upon FORTRAN IV for IBM/360 series machines and was compiled and tested on the IBM/370-168 at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center (GfK). The present program is limited to finite plane slab geometry, but time-of-flight-spectra from other sample geometries can be evaluated by replacing two subroutines. TIFLIS is characterized by a lot of correction routines (except corrections for resolution and multiple scattering), which also take into account several mishaps that might occur during the experiment. An IBM/2250-1 graphics display unit can be employed to solve specific problems with interactive graphics dur- ing and after a TIFLIS run. (Atomindex citation 07:279515) KFKI-70-35-RPT PC E01 MF A01 Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. Biot- a 3-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Code I. Toth, L. Szabados, and P. Grillo. 30 Nov 70, 19p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Heat transfer. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 1 , number 23735. KFKI-71-22 PC E01 MF A01 Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. Program for the Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation Data A. Fisher, and L. Turi. 33p U. S.Salesonly Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Radiation detectors/ activation. For abstract, see NSA 25 24, number 57725. KFKI-72-65 PC E01/MF A01 Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. Spectrans- a Computer Code for Standardiz- ing Neutron Spectra J. Palfalvi, and P. Zarand. Sep 72, 24p U. S.Salesonly Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons. Identifiers: AEC. Forabstract, see NSA 27 07, number 16023. KFKI-73-2 PC A04/MF A01 Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. let Version of the 05R Program System I. Lux, and O. L. Koblinger. Nov 72, 55p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *D codes, 'Neutron transport theory. Computer codes, Fortran, Icl computers, Monte carlo method, O codes. Programming, R codes. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 07, number 16835. LA-NUREG-6623 PC A07/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. K-FIX: A Computer Program for Transient, Two-Dimensional, Two-Fluid Flow W. C. Rivard, and M. D. Torrey. Nov 76, 129p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, "Two-phase flow, "Water cooled reactors, K codes, Mathe- matical models, Reactor accidents. Two- dimensional calculations. Velocity. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, K-FIX computer pro- gram. The transient dynamics of two-dimensional, two-phase flow with interracial exchange are calculated at all flow speeds using the K-FIX program. Each phase is described in terms of its own density, velocity, and temperature. The six field equations for the two phases couple through mass, momentum, and energy exchange. The equations are solved using an Eulerian finite difference technique that im- plicitly couples the rates of phase transitions, momentum, and energy exchange to deter- mination of the pressure, density, and velocity fields. The implicit solution is accomplished iteratively without linearizing the equations, thus eliminating the need for numerous deriva- tive terms. K-FIX is written in a highly modular form to be easily adaptable to a variety of problems. It is applied to growth of an isolated steam bubble in a superheated water pool. (ERA citation 02:056785) LA-NUREG-6818-MS PC A05/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Fpdcys and Fpspec: Computer Programs for Calculating Fission-Product beta and gamma Multigroup Spectra from Endf/B-IV Data M. G. Stamatelatos, and T. R. England. May 77, 82p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Fission products, After-heat, Beta decay, Beta spectra, F codes, Fortran, Gamma spectra, Loss of coo- lant, Multigroup theory, Q-value. Identifiers: ER DA/65201 6, ERDA/220900, ERDA/990200. FPDCYS and FPSPEC are two FORTRAN com- puter programs used at the Los Alamos Scien- 132 tific Laboratory (LASL), in conjunction with the CINDER-10 program, for calculating cumulative fission-product beta and/or gamma multigroup spectra in arbitrary energy structures, and for arbitrary neutron irradiation periods and cool- ing times. FPDCYS processes ENDF/B-IV fis- sion-product decay energy data to generate multigroup beta and gamma spectra from in- dividual ENDF/B-IV fission-product nuclides. FPSPEC further uses these spectra and the cor- responding nuclide activities calculated by the CINDER-10 code to produce cumulative beta and gamma spectra in the same energy grids in which FPDCYS generates individual isotope decay spectra. The code system consisting of CINDER-10, FPDCYS, and FPSPEC has been used for comparisons with experimental spec- tra and continues to be used at LASL for generating spectra in special user-oriented group structures. 3 figures. (ERA citation 02:055318) LA-UR-76-1229 PC A03/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Numerical Method for Two-Dim ensional Un- steady Reacting Flows T. D. Butler, and P. J. O'Rourke. 1976, 35p Rept no.CONF-760805-14 Contract W-7405-Eng-36 Symposium on detonation, San Diego, Califor- nia, United States of America (USA), 24 Aug 1976. Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, 'Navier-stokes equa- tion, Chemical reactions. Combustion, Com- puter codes. Detonations, Differential equa- tions. Dimensions, Energy-level transitions. Equations of motion, Flames, Laminar flow. Mixing, One-dimensional calculations. Time dependence, Two-dimensional calculations, Velocity. Identifiers: ERDA/640410, ERDA/420400. A method that numerically solves the full two- dimensional, time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with species transport, mixing, and chemical reaction between species is presented. The generality of the formulation permits the solution of flows in which deflagra- tions, detonations, or transitions from deflagra- tion to detonation are found. The solution procedure is embodied in the RICE computer program. RICE is an Eulerian finite difference computer code that uses the Implicit Continu- ous-fluid Eulerian (ICE) technique to solve the governing equations. One first presents the dif- ferential equations of motion and the solution procedure of the Rice program. Next, a method is described for artificially thickening the com- bustion zone to dimensions resolvable by the computational mesh. This is done in such a way that the physical flame speed and jump condi- tions across the flame front are preserved. Finally, the results of two example calculations are presented. In the first, the artificial thicken- ing technique is used to solve a one-dimen- sional laminar flame problem. In the second, the results of a full two-dimensional calculation of unsteady combustion in two connected chambers are detailed. (ERA citation 01:024921) LA-UR-77-1031 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Cross Sections in the Energy Range from 10 to 40 Mev Calculated with the Gnash Code E. D. Arthur, and P. G. Young. 1977, 22p Rept no.CONF-770523-5 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Symposium on neutron cross sections 10-40 MeV, Upton, New York, United States of Amer- ica (USA), 3 May 1 977. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Neutron reac- tions, 'Proton reactions, Cross sections, Emis- sion spectra, G codes, Mev range 10-100, Statistics. Identifiers: ERDA/653003, ERDA/990200. A brief description of the preequilibrium- statistical model code GNASH is given. Fea- tures which make the code applicable to the calculation of cross sections induced by nucleons of energy 40 MeV or less are described. Finally, examples of calculations of neutron- and proton-induced reaction cross sections, activation cross sections, and secon- dary spectra made with global input parameters are given. (ERA citation 03:001747) LA-UR-77-576 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Linear Accelerator Modeling: Development and Application R.A.Jameson, and W. D. Jule. 1977, 4p Rept no. CONF-770313-4 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Particle accelerator conference, Chicago, Il- linois, United States of America (USA), 16 Mar 1977. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Lampf linac, 'Linear accelerators. Beam dynamics, Mathe- matical models. Modifications, P codes. Test- ing, Tuning. Identifiers: ERDA/430200. Most of the parameters of a modern linear ac- celerator can be selected by simulating the desired machine characteristics in a computer code and observing how the parameters affect the beam dynamics. The code PARMILA is used at LAMPF for the low-energy portion of linacs. Collections of particles can be traced with a free choice of input distributions in six-dimen- sional phase space. Random errors are often included in order to study the tolerances which should be imposed during manufacture or in operation. An outline is given of the modifica- tions made to the model, the results of experi- ments which indicate the validity of the model, and the use of the model to optimize the lon- gitudinal tuning of the Alvarez linac. (ERA cita- tion 02:049436) LA-UR-77-838 PC A03/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Numerical Methods for Two-Dimensional CW Chemical Laser Power Calculations J. D. Ramshaw, and T. D. Butler. 1977, 33p Rept no.CONF-770341-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Tri-service chemical laser symposium, Hunt- sville, Alabama, United States of America (USA), 1 Mar 1977. Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, Computer codes. Finite difference method. Mathematical models, Power, R codes, Two-dimensional cal- culations. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, Computer programs, RICE-RAD computer program. The current status of two-dimensional chemical laser modeling at Los Alamos is reviewed, with emphasis on numerical methods for coupling the radiation field to the fluid dynamics so that laser power can be calculated. The primary computational model is embodied in a two- dimensional time-dependent computer code called RICE-RAD. The RICE-RAD code was developed by incorporating radiation and las- ing into the basic RICE code for transient com- pressible multicomponent reactive fluid flow. A steady-state solution is generated as the asymptotic limit of a time-dependent calcula- tion in which the radiative time scale is artifi- cially lengthened to make it comparable to the fluid dynamical and chemical time scales. This procedure generates a fully converged simul- taneous solution to the coupled steady-state radiation intensity and fluid dynamics equa- tions. Threshold, J-shifting, and cutoff are fully and automatically accounted for without the necessity of special logic and testing. Example solutions are presented to illustrate the applica- tion of the code to several existing and proposed chemical laser systems. Finally, an al- ternate approximate method is described for estimating laser power based on nonlasing (small-signal) vibrational distributions as input. (ERA citation 02:052732) LA-4264 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Energy Distributions Calculated by a Hard- Sphere Model Computer Program Compared with Boltzmann Distribution Law Predictions. Donald R. Conant. Jun 69, 10p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Statistical mechanics. Probability density functions, Boltzmann equation, Proba- bility theory. Kinetic energy, Statistical distribu- tions. Identifiers: Boltzman density function. Com- puter analysis. For abstract, see NSA 2418 LA-4274 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Target-to-Detector Transport Code for Low- Energy p-p Vacuum Polarization and Bremss- trahlung Experiments. J. D. Johnson, L. E. Porter, and J. E. Brolley. Sep 69, 147p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Proton scattering, Computer pro- grams. Electrostatic fields, Bremsstrahlung, Vacuum, Polarization, Subroutines. Identifiers: DIVLENS computer program. For abstract, see NSA 241 5 LA-4327 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Perturbation Transformation of Nuclear Cross-Section Parameters Between Wigner- Eisenbud and Kapur-Peierls Formalisms: The Perta Program. Donald R. Harris. 25 Nov 69, 16p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Nuclear cross sections, Transfor- mations(Mathemattcs), Perturbation theory. Neutron cross sections, Pro- gramming(Computers). Identifiers: PERTA computer program, Wigner- Eisenbud formula, Kapur-Peierls formula. For abstract, see NSA 241 1 LA-4337 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Laph: A Multigroup Photon Production Matrix and Source Vector Code for Endf/B. Donald J. Dudziak, Alan H. Marshall, and Robert E. Seamon. Aug 69, 116pENDF-132 Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Neutron cross sections, Com- puter programs, 'Gamma-ray cross sections. Computer programs, Nuclear resonance. Infor- mation retrieval. Identifiers: LAPH computer code. For abstract, see NSA 241 5 LA-4348 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Compton Current in Presence of Fields for Lemp 1. H.J. Longley. 5 Jan 70, 33p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Compton effect, Particle trajecto- ries, Differential equations, Computer pro- gramming, Tables(Data), Electron scattering. Identifiers: LEMP 1 computer code. For abstract, see NSA 2420 133 LA-4349 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Relkin: A Two-Body Relativistic Kinematics Code. J. Davidson, N. Jarmie, and A. Niethammer. 18 Dec 69, 8p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: "Nuclear reactions, Computer pro- grams, Photoproduction, Excitation, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: RELKIN computer code. For abstract, see NSA 2419 LA-4370 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. The Smac Method: A Numerical Technique for Calculating Incompressible Fluid Flows. Anthony A. Amsden, and Francis H. Harlow. 17 Feb 70, 85p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Incompressible flow, Numerical analysis, Potential theory, Subroutines. Identifiers: ZUNI computer program, Marker and cell method. For abstract, see NSA 241 5 LA-4402 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Calculation of Atomic-Energy-Level Values. Leon J. Radziemski, Jr, Kay J. Fisher, and David W. Steinhaus. Feb 70, 79p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Atomic energy levels, 'Atomic spectroscopy, Computer programs, Least squares method. For abstract, see NSA 241 7 LA-4403 HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Relativistic Calculation of Anomalous Scat- tering Factors for X Rays. Don T. Cromer, and David Liberman. May 70, 163p* Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: *X rays, Photoelectric cross sec- tions, Quantum theory, X ray diffraction, Relativity, Computer programs, Tables(Data). For abstract, see NSA 2419 LA-4443 PC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils. W. K. Brown, and D. W. Watkins. May 70, 7p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Alpha particles, 'Computer pro- grams, "Foils, 'Protons, 'Radiation targets, 'Tritons. For abstract, see NSA 24 24, number 51383. LA-4488 PC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Mcna- a Computer Program to Solve the Ad- joint Neutron Transport Equation by Coupled Sampling with the Monte Carlo Method Leland L. Carter. Aug 70, 50p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Teplo- a Heat Conduction Code for Studying Thermal Explosions in Laminar Composites C. A. Anderson. Aug 70, 44p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Composite materials, 'Computer programs, 'Explosives, 'Laminates. For abstract, see NSA 25 05, number 08961 . LA-4708 PC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Dchain- a Pdp-9/Pdp-15 Computer Program for Radioactive Decay and Capture Chain Calculations Larry V. East. Jun 71, 10p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Nuclei, 'Radioisotopes. For abstract, see NSA 25 18, number 43889. LA-4750 PC E01/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Laphano- a P/Sub 0/ Multigroup Photon- Production Matrix and Source Code for Endf D. J. Dudziak, R. E. Seamon, and D. V. Susco. Jan 72, 12p Rept no. ENDF-156 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Photons. For abstract, see NSA 26 12, number 30446. LA-4751 PC A03/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Men: A Neutron Monte Carlo Code E. D. Cashwell, J. R. Neergaard, W. M. Taylor, and G. D. Turner. Jan 72, 35p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *M codes, "Neutrons, "Thermalization, "Neutron transport theory. Computer codes. Cross sections, Geometry, Light nuclei, Monte carlo method, Neutron beams. Neutron flux. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 01 , number 01 269. LA-4868 PCE01/MFA01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution Law with Illustrations from a Hard-Sphere Model Computer Program Donald R. Conant. Jun 72, 16p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Gases, "Statistics. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 55071 . LA-4963 PC E01/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Laphan- a Code to Compute the P/Sub 0/ to P/Sub 4/ Multigroup Photon-Production Matrices D.J. Dudziak, and G. E. Bosler. Jan 73, 15p Rept no.ENDF-182 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 07, number 16024. Descriptors: 'Carbides, 'Computer programs, 'Diffusion, 'Hydrides. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 06, number 11921. LA-5068 PCE01/MFA01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Low-Temperature Equation of State for Metals A. . Merts, and N. . Magee Jr. Jan 73, 30p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Metals. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 08, number 19382. LA-5100 PC E01/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Yaqui: An Arbitrary Lagrangian— Eulerian Computer Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds A. A. Amsden, and C. W. Hirt Mar 73, 191p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *Y codes, 'Fluid flow, "Computer calculations, Lagrange equa- tions, Velocity. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 01 , number 02027. LA-5110 PCE01/MFA01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Exotic- a Computer Code for Energy Levels of Exotic Atoms J. H. Koch, and M. M. Sternheim. Jan 73, 6p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Mesic atoms. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 08, number 18237. LA-5157-MS PC E01/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Monte Carlo Photon Codes: Meg and Mcp E. D. Cashwell, J. R. Neergaard, C. J. Everett, R. G. Schrandt, and W. M Taylor. Mar 73, 45p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Gamma transport theory, "Computer codes, Coherent scattering, In- coherent scattering, Kev range, M codes, Mev range, Monte carlo method. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 03, number 071 90. LA-5176 PCA03/MFA01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. G exp 3 : General Purpose gamma-Ray Scat- tering Program R. E. Malenfant. Jun 73, 45p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: "Gamma transport theory, Com- puter codes, 'Computer codes, *G codes, Gamma radiation, Multiple scattering, Scatter- ing. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 08, number 20138. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 13, number 31 171 . LA-4511 PC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. LA-4985 PCE01/MFA01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Time-Dependent Solution to Interstitial Diffu- sion in a Temperature Gradient C. E. Lee, and T. C. Wallace. Nov 72, 29p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 LA-5680 PC A07/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Kachina: An Eulerian Computer Program for Multifield Fluid Flows. A. A. Amsden, and F. H. Harlow. Dec 74, 134p Contract W-7405-eng-36 134 Descriptors: 'Supersonic flow, 'Flow models, 'Subsonic flow, Flow models, 'Incompressible flow, Flow models, 'Computer codes, *K codes, Numerical solution. For abstract, see NSA31 07, number 16476. LA-5812 PC A07/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Rice: A Computer Program for Multicom- ponent Chemically Reactive Flows at All Speeds. W. C. Rivard, O. A. Farmer, and T. D. Butler. Nov 74, 136p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Chemical lasers, 'Chemical reac- tion kinetics, 'Computer codes, *R codes, Hydrofluoric acid, Navier-stokes equation, Time dependence. Two-dimensional calculations. The fluid dynamics of chemically reactive mix- tures are calculated at arbitrary flow speeds with the RICE program. The dynamics are governed by the two-dimensional, time-depen- dent Navier-Stokes equations together with the species transport equations and the mass-ac- tion rate equations for the chemical reactions. The mass and momentum equations for the mixture are solved implicitly by the ICE technique. The equations for total energy and species transport are solved explicitly while the chemical rate equations are solved implicitly with a time step that may be a submultiple of the hydrodynamic time step. Application is made to continuous wave HF chemical lasers to compute the supersonic mixing and chemical reactions that take place in the lasing cavity. LA-5942-MS PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Numerical Calculation of Two-Phase Flows. J. R. Travis, F. H. Harlow, and A. A. Amsden. Jun 75, 12p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Two-phase flow, 'Numerical solu- tion, Aerosols, Computer calculations, Com- puter codes, Finite difference method, Fluidized bed, Reactor safety. The theoretical study of time-varying two-phase flow problems in several space dimensions in- troduces such a complicated set of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations that nu- merical solution procedures for high-speed computers are required in almost all but the simplest examples. Efficient attainment of realistic solutions for practical problems requires a finite- difference formulation that is simultaneously implicit in the treatment of mass convection, equations of state, and the momen- tum coupling between phases. Such a method is described, the equations on which it is based are discussed, and its properties are illustrated by means of examples. In particular, the capa- bility for calculating physical instabilities and other time-varying dynamics, at the same time avoiding numerical instability is emphasized. The computer code is applicable to problems in reactor safety analysis, the dynamics of fluidized dust beds, raindrops or aerosol trans- port, and a variety of similar circumstances, in- cluding the effects of phase transitions and the release of latent heat or chemical energy. LA-5984 PC A05/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. NAP: A Computer Program for the Computa- tion of Two-Dimensional, Time-Dependent, Inviscid Nozzle Flow M. C. Cline.Jan77, 86p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Gas flow, Com- puter calculations, Finite difference method, Mathematical models, N codes, Nozzles, Sub- sonic flow, Supersonic flow. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, NAP computer pro- gram. A computer program, NAP, is presented for cal- culating inviscid, steady, and unsteady flow in two-dimensional and axisymmetric nozzles. In- terior mesh points are computed using the MacCormack finite-difference scheme, while a characteristic scheme is used to calculate the boundary mesh points. An explicit artificial viscosity term is included for shock computa- tions. The fluid is assumed to be a perfect gas. This method was used to compute the steady flow in a 45 exp 0-15 exp conical, converging- diverging nozzle, a 15 exp conical, converg- ing nozzle, and a 10 exp conical, plug nozzle. The numerical solution agreed well with the ex- perimental data. In contrast to previous time- dependent methods for calculating steady flows, the computational times were less than 1 min on a CDC 6600 computer. (ERA citation 02:027227) LA-6190 PC A04/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Computer Program for Designing Reflective Spectrographs J. V.Kline. Dec 75, 51p Contract W-7405-Eng-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Optical spec- trometers, Design, G codes. Images, Reflection. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, ERDA/990200, GTRACE computer program. A computer program (GTRACE) that traces skew rays through a two-mirror plane-grating spectrograph is presented. Simple commands permit convenient adjustment of the spectro- graph being investigated, search for minimum image size, and display the resulting spot dia- gram on the line printer or on microfilm. (ERA citation 01 :020793) LA-6236 PC A03/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Sola-Ice: A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Compressible Fluid Flows L. D. Cloutman, C. W. Hirt, and N. C. Romero. Feb 76, 47p Contract W-7405-Eng-36 Descriptors: 'Compressible flow, 'Computer codes, "Fluid mechanics, Algorithms, Fluid flow, Fortran, S codes. Identifiers: ERDA/640410. A finite difference technique is presented for solving the equations of motion for an arbitrari- ly compressible fluid. The technique, which in- cludes the Implicit Continuous-fluid Eulerian (ICE) method as an optional feature, is sim- plified to facilitate its use by persons with little or no experience in numerical fluid dynamics. This report describes the basic algorithm in detail, discusses some accuracy and stability considerations, includes a flow chart and a FORTRAN listing, and describes three test problems in detail. (ERA citation 02:008330) LA-6315-MS PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calcula- tions W.A.Cook. Apr 76, 17p Contract W-7405-Eng-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Coordinates, 'Electric fields, 'Magnetic fields, Cdc compu- ters, Cylindrical configuration, Finite element method, Fortran, G codes, I codes, Three- dimensional calculations, Toroidal configura- tion. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "INGEN computer program, 'NASTRAN computer program, *GRAD computer program. An approach is described that may be used to solve three-dimensional potential problems using three separate codes: INGEN, NASTRAN, and GRAD. INGEN calculates the three-dimen- sional mesh, NASTRAN calculates the finite ele- ment solution to the potential problem, and GRAD enhances the output of NASTRAN. The largest segment of this report is devoted to the input instructions for INGEN and a demonstra- tion mesh of a three-dimensional problem. 8 figures. (ERA citation 01 :022349) LA-6342 PC A05/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Baal: A Code for Calculating Three-Dimen- sional Fluid Flows at All Speeds with an Eu- lerian-Lagrangian Computing Mesh W. E. Pracht, and J. U. Brackbill. Apr 76, 95p Contract W-7405-Eng-36 Descriptors: 'Fluid flow, B codes, Computer codes. Finite difference method, Fortran, Three-dimensional calculations Identifiers: ERDA/640410, ERDA/990200. A technique for computing the time-dependent dynamics of three-dimensional fluid flows is presented. The finite-difference solution procedure is based upon an arbitrary Lagrangi- an-Eulerian computing mesh whose vertices may move with the fluid (Lagrangian), remain fixed (Eulerian), or move in any prescribed manner. An implicit treatment of the pressure makes the method applicable to flows at all speeds, from far subsonic to far supersonic. The marker particles used may follow the mo- tion of the fluid exactly to aid in flow visualiza- tion, or may represent particulate matter whose behavior is affected by inertia, drag, gravity, and diffusion. Included is a derivation of the generalized difference equations and their in- corporation into a program called BAAL, for which portions of a FORTRAN listing are pro- vided. Several sample calculations illustrate some of the uses and the flexibility of this new three-dimensional computing technique. (ERA citation 02:008331) LA-6391-MS PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Temperature- and Density-Dependent X-Ray Scattering in a Low-Z Plasma R. T. Brown. Jun 76, 12p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Plasma, Computer codes, Cross sections, Lte, Plasma density, Radiations, Scat- tering, Thermodynamics, X radiation. Identifiers: ERDA/700105. A computer program is described which calcu- lates temperature- and density-dependent dif- ferential and total coherent and incoherent x- ray scattering cross sections for a low-2 scat- tering medium. Temperature and density are ar- bitrary within the limitations of the validity of local thermodynamic equilbrium, since ionic populations are calculated under this assump- tion. Scattering cross sections are calculated in the form factor approximation. The scattering medium may consist of any mixure of elements with Z less than or equal to 8, with this limita- tion imposed by the availability of atomic data. (ERA citation 02:004254) LA-6517-MS PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Graser: A Kinetics Code for Study of Neutron- Pumped gamma-Ray Laser Systems J. W. Pettit, and G. C. Baldwin. Sep 76, 24p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Lasers, Com- puter graphics, G codes, Gamma radiation. Nuclear pumping, Stimulated emission. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, Neutron irradiation, Laser pumping. 135 Description, listing, sample plots and operating instructions are given of a computer code for the CDC-6600 which calculates the time-depen- dence of populations of isomeric nuclear states and the time- and space-dependences of the vector potential of a plane wave of recoilless gamma radiation initiated by spontaneous emission and amplified by stimulated emission in a medium of specified properties. The code is based upon a continuous-function approxima- tion of the neutron flux arising from a fast source burst of user-specified intensity in an in- finite hydrogenous moderator. A variety of pro- perties of the nuclear transition and of the medium may be specified by the user, including single-resonance and l/v capture parameters of the parent isotope; statistical weight factors, isomer inversion ratio and lifetimes of the graser levels; and degree of line broadening, Debye— Waller factor and nonresonant absorp- tion coefficient of the medium. (ERA citation 02:010781) LA-6631-T Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Design and Construction of a Spectrometer Facility and Experiment for intermediate Energy Proton Scattering on Helium R.M.Rolfe.Dec76, 199p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Thesis. Submitted to Univ. of California, Los Angeles. Microfiche copies only. Descriptors; 'Helium 4 target, "Magnetic spec- trometers, Computer codes. Design, Proton reactions, Scattering, Wave functions. Identifiers: ERDA/651225, ERDA/440103. The goal of the research was to investigate proton scattering on nuclei at intermediate energies and in particular to investigate proton scattering on helium. A theoretical investiga- tion of the helium nucleus and the nature of the intermediate energy interaction, design and op- timization of an energy-loss spectrometer facility for proton-nucleus scattering, and the unique superfluid helium target and experi- mental design are discussed. (ERA citation 02:031380) LA-6885-MS PC A04/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Automated Heuristic Stability Analysis for Nonlinear Equations L. D. Cloutman, and L. W. Fullerton. Jul 77, 52p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Differential equations. Algebra, Automation, Errors, Fluid mechanics, Instability, Nonlinear problems, Se- ries expansion. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Finite difference theory. The modified equation method of heuristic sta- bility analysis has proved to be a useful tool for the prediction of instabilities of nonlinear finite difference equations that are used in numerical fluid dynamics. The need to calculate and manipulate multidimensional Taylor series ex- pansions is a serious disadvantage of this technique, and for many problems of interest, it is difficult to obtain a reliable result by hand. General purpose programs were written, there- fore, to do the algebra by computer, for both the series expansions and elimination of time derivatives from the truncation error terms of the modified equation. Some important fea- tures of the procedure are discussed, and ex- amples of how the results may be used to design and improve difference methods are presented. 4 figures. (ERA citation 02:061832) LBL-1214 PCE01/MFA01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Efficiency of Detecting a /Sup 8/Be with a Deltae-E Counter Telescope H. L. Harney, and G. J. Wozniak. Sep 72, 30p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Beryllium isotopes be-8, "Computer programs, "Radiation detectors/ telescope. For abstract, see NSA 27 03, number 05305. LBL-1418 PC A06/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley (Usa). Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Computer Program to Calculate Low Energy Electron Diffraction Intensities. M. Martin. Dec 72, 115p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: "Electron diffraction, "Mathematical models, Computer codes, In- elastic scattering. MF A01 For abstract, see NSA 29 1 1 , number 28942. LBL-3222 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Su- perconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Mag- nets. M. A. Green. Oct 74, 2p Rept no. CONF-741001- 61 Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *S codes, "Beam bending magnets, "Design, "Beam focusing magnets, Design, "Accelerators, "Superconducting magnets. Magnetic dipoles, Quadrupoles. Programs SCMAG1, SCMAG2, SCMAG3, and SCMAG4 are a group of programs used to design and calculate the characteristics of con- ductor dominated superconducting dipole and quadrupole magnets. These magnets are used to bend and focus beams of high energy parti- cles and are being used to design the super- conducting magnets for the LBL ESCAR ac- celerator. The four programs are briefly described. LBL-4843 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Lattice: An Interactive Lattice Computer Code J. Staples. Oct 76, 18p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Synchrotrons, Beam dynamics, Cdc computers, L codes. Identifiers: ERDA/430200. LATTICE is a computer code which enables an interactive user to calculate the functions of a synchrotron lattice. This program satisfies the requirements at LBL for a simple interactive lat- tice program by borrowing ideas from both TRANSPORT and SYNCH. A fitting routine is in- cluded. (ERA citation 02:036620) LBL-5125 PC A05/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Computer Simulation of Homogeneous Nucleation and Growth Processes K. W. Mahin. May 76, 79p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Thesis. Descriptors: "Grain growth, Microstructure, Computer codes, Phase transformations, Crystallization, Nucleation, Shape, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/360000, "Materials, Compu- terized simulation. The morphology of grain structures and the statistical distributions of their geometrical fea- tures in two and three dimensions are impor- tant factors which determine the effect a microstructure will have upon the physical and mechanical properties of a material. In order to fully characterize the microstructure, it is necessary to be able to correlate the mechanism of the transformation to the resultant morphology of the grain structure. The research reported deals with the develop- ment of a computer program capable of simu- lating a variety of transformation conditions and analyzing the resultant grain structures. Two ideal microstructure models were fully characterized by this process and the com- puter-generated results agree well with theoretical predictions. 28 figures. (ERA cita- tion 02:003453) LBL-564 PCE01/MFA01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Computer Programs for Accelerators and Electronic Circuit Designs .'ohn S. Colonias. Dec 71, 59p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Accelerators, "Circuits, "Computer programs, "Electric fields, "Electromagnetic fields. For abstract, see NSA 26 11, number 26167. LBL-6613 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Theoretical Study of Two-Phase Decomposi- tion and Coarsening E. S. Pundarika, K. Hanson, and J. W. Morris, Jr. Jun 77, 8p Rept no. CONF-771 109-32 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 ANS winter meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 Nov 1977. Descriptors: "Crystal structure, Precipitation, Computer codes. Simulation, Solids, Separa- tion processes. Identifiers: ERDA/360102. A computer code was constructed for the effi- cient dynamic simulation of precipitation and coarsening processes in large atom arrays. Some initial results are illustrated. (ERA citation 03:015448) LBL-765 PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Mafco III- a Code for Calculating Particle Trajectories in Magnetic and Electric Fields W. A. Perkins, and S. J. Sackett. Sep 72, 25p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Charged particles, "Computer programs, "Electric fields, "Magnetic fields. For abstract, see NSA 27 02, number 03276. LFEN-NI-72-A PC E01/MF A01 Junta De Energia Nuclear, Sacavem (Portugal). Laboratorio De Fisica E Engenharia Nucleares. Program for Analysis of Elastic Nuclear Scat- tering with the Optical Model A. C. SaFonseca. 1971, 33p Lang- In Portuguese. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 26 16, number 39902. LNF-69/59 PC E01 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Frascati (Italy). Laboratori Nazionali Di Frascati. 136 Program for Calculation of Photoproduction of Single Plons from Nucleons. Note No. 453. M. Nigro, P. Spillantini, and V. Valente. 14 Oct 69, 13p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Mesons , 'Nucleons, 'Photons. For abstract, see NSA 24 24, number 52001 . LRP-46/71 PC E01 MF A01 Centre De Recherches En Physique Des Plasmas, Lausanne (Switzerland). Generalized One Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code for Par- tially Ionized Hydrogen or Helium Plasmas F. Hofmann. Feb 71 , 42p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Helium, 'Hydrogen, 'Plasma. For abstract, see NSA 25 14, number 33263. LUSY-7007 PC E01 MF A01 Lund Univ. (Sweden). Dept. Of Physics. Computer Programme for Calculation of Solid Angles and Angular Acceptances Toeivelemb Kivikas. Sep 70, 75p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Radiation detectors, 'Radiation targets. For abstract, see NSA 25 05, number 09910. LUSY-7101 PCE01/MFA01 Lund Univ. (Sweden). Dept. Of Physics. Computer Program for Acceptance Calcula- tions for Two-Body Photoproduction Reac- tions Toeivelemb Kivikas. Nov 71 , 36p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions, 'Nuclei, 'Photons, 'Radiation target chambers. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 2, number 29732. LYCEN-7078 PC E01 MF A01 Lyon Univ. (France). Institut De Physique Nucleaire. SU3 Fractional Parentage in the 1-P Shell J. Meyer, R. S. Nahabetian, J. Joseph, and J. Lafourcriere. Nov 70, 20p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 25 10, number 23062. MATT-1231 PC A13/MF A01 Princeton Univ., N.J. Plasma Physics Lab. Simulation Model for Studying Low Frequen- cy Microinstabilities W. W. Lee, and H. Okuda. Mar 76, 300p Contract E(11-1)-3073 Descriptors: 'Plasma microinstabilities, Com- puter codes, Electron drift, Mathematical models, Nonlinear problems, Plasma simula- tion, Transport theory. Identifiers: ERDA/700107. A 2 exp 1 / sub 2 dimensional, electrostatic par- ticle code in a slab geometry has been developed to study low frequency oscillations such as drift wave and trapped particle insta- bilities in a nonuniform bounded plasma. A drift approximation for the electron transverse mo- tion is made which eliminates the high frequen- cy oscillations at the electron gyrofrequency and its multiples. It is, therefore, possible to study the nonlinear effects such as the anoma- lous transport of plasmas within a reasonable computing time using a real mass ratio. Several examples are given to check the validity and usefulness of the model. (ERA citation 01:018285) MATT-728 HC E01 MF A01 Princeton Univ., N.J. Plasma Physics Lab. Time-Dependent Behavior of Fusion Reac- tors. R.G.Mills. Apr 70, 43p Contract AT(30-1 )-1 238 Descriptors: 'Thermonuclear reactions, Con- finement, Plasma medium, Kinetic energy, Sta- bility, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Thermonuclear reactors, REAC- TOR computer program, GREACTOR computer program. For abstract, see NSA 241 2 MATT-850 PC E01 MF A01 Princeton Univ., N. J. Plasma Physics Lab. Analytic Orderings Generated by Computer Bernard Rosen, and Niels K. Winsor. Nov 71 , 11p Contract AT(30-1)-1 238 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Plasma. For abstract, see NSA 26 03, number 05472. MATT-896 PC E01/MF A01 Princeton Univ., N. J. Plasma Physics Lab. Bperp, Bslant, and Globe: Optimized Codes for the Simulation of Plasmas in a Static Uniform Magnetic Field B. Rosen, H. Okuda, and L. G. Di Massa. Jun 72, 14p Contract AT(1 1 -1 )-3073 Descriptors: 'Plasma simulation, 'Computer codes, Algorithms, B codes, G codes. Magnetic fields. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 07, number 1 71 75. MHSMP-73-43-L PC E01/MF A01 Mason and Hanger-Silas Mason CO., Inc., Amarillo, Tex. (Usa). Computer Microdensitometer (Drum Scanner) System. Period Covered: July— September 1973 L. W. Black. 1973, 2p Contract DA-1 1 -1 73-AMC-487(A) Descriptors: 'Densitometers, 'Specifications, 'Photographic films, 'Image scanners, 'Optical systems, Image scanners, Computer codes, Computers, Control systems. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 29 06, number 15164. MIT-3944-2 PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst. Of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. Of Nuclear Engineering. Gamanl- a Computer Program Applying Fouri- er Transforms to the Analysis of gamma Spectral Data T. Harper, T. Inouye, and N. C. Rasmussen. Aug 68, 87p Rept no. MITNE-97 Contract AT(30-1 )-3944 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, spectroscopy. 'Gamma For abstract, see NSA 25 22, number 53747. MLM-2400 PC A02/MF A01 Mound Lab., Miamisburg, Ohio. Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Dif- fraction Interplanar (D) Spacings with a Tek- tronix-31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator R. R. Eckstein, and Y. G. Ishida. 22 Feb 77, 16p Contract EY-76-C-04-0053 Descriptors: 'Crystal structure, *X-ray diffrac- tion, Computer calculations, Computer codes, Debye-scherrer method, Equations, Powders. Identifiers: ERDA/360202, ERDA/990200, Tek- tronix 31 programmable calculators, PDP 8/I computers. A Tektronix-31 (Tektronix Inc. Beaverton, Oregon) desk top calculator program, which is used as a backup to the PDP-8/I computer pro- gram, is described. The program yields inter- planar (d) spacings and (2theta) angle values from measurements made on an x-ray diffrac- tion film of a powdered sample of a crystalline material. Use of the calculator provides accu- rate computations in a relatively rapid time in- terval when the PDP-8/I is not functioning because of downtime for repairs, maintenance, etc. (ERA citation 02:032847) MRR-167 MF A01 Technische Univ. Munich (West Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Reaktordynamik und Reaktor- sicherheit. Calculation of Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Coefficients During Rewetting of Highly Heated Tubes A. B. Wahba. Nov 76, 68p In German. Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Heat transfer. High temperature, I codes. Mathematical models, Pipes, Rewetting, Temperature depen- dence, Temperature measurement, Tubes. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, West Germany, INSTHIC computer program. The computer program INSTHTC was developed to calculate the time-dependent local heat transfer coefficients. The model was applied to calculate the rewetting experiments performed in connection with the BMFT- Research Projekt RS 62. In the advanced ver- sion INSTHTC 2 the insulation of the heated tube was also simulated. The presence of an air gap between the outer surface of the tube and the insulation was taken into account. The cal- culated surface temperature of the insulation agrees well with the one derived from caloric measurements. The influence of radiant heat- transfer through the air gap was studied. The time-dependent heat-transfer coefficient at the inner surface of the tube was calculated using the appropriate saturation temperature of the water according to the measured pressure. The causes for the oscillation of the calculated heat-transfer coefficients are discussed in detail. (Atomindex citation 08:335123) N-70-42026 PC E03/MF A01 Brown Engineering CO., Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Caveat: Revised Version of the General Pur- pose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 1. Theory and Techniques. Revised N. R. Byrn. Apr 70, 66p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 102878, SE-290(Vol.1)(Rev.) Contract NAS8-201 66 Descriptors: 'Neutron transport theory, 'Computer codes, 'Gamma transport theory. Computer codes, Air, C codes, Monte carlo method. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 03, number 07191. N-70-42027 PC A07/MF A01 Brown Engineering CO., Inc., Huntsville, Ala. 137 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Pur- pose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 2. Users' Manual. Revised N. R. Byrn. Aug 69, 128p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 102877, SE-290(Vol2.)(Rev.) Contract NAS8-20166 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *C codes, "Neutron transport theory, Computer codes, 'Gamma transport theory, Computer codes. Manuals, Monte carlo method. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 03, number 07192. N-72-29705 PC A03/MF A01 Alabama a and M Univ., Normal (Usa). Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron In- elastic Scattering from Light Nuclei. Final Re- port M. C. George. Jun 72, 45p Rept no. NASA-CR- 127781 Descriptors: 'Light nuclei, 'Neutron reactions, 'Oxygen 16, Neutron reactions, "Neutron beams, "Inelastic scattering. Computer codes. Cross sections. Fast neutrons, Gamma cascades, Gamma radiation, L codes, Nuclear reactions, Optical models. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA28 06, number 14003. N-72-30618 PC E05/MF A01 Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville, Ala. (Usa). Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accom- panying gamma Radiation. Final Report R. Snow, H. R. Rosner, M. C. George, and J. D. Hayes Sep 71 , 237 Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 21 023, SE-SSL-1407 Contract NAS8-25534 Descriptors: 'Aluminium 27, 'Neutron reac- tions, 'Iron 56, Neutron reactions, 'Silicon 28, Neutron reactions, 'Lead 208, Neutron reac- tions, Compound nucleus reactions, Computer codes, Cross sections. Inelastic scattering, Neutron beams, Nuclear reactions. Statistical models. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA28 05, number 11918. NAL-64 PC E01/MF A01 National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, III. Turtle (Trace Unlimited Rays Through Lumped Elements)- a Computer Program for Simulating Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems David C. Carey. Dec 71 , 47p Contract AT(49-8)-3000 Descriptors: 'Charged-particle 'Computer programs. beams. For abstract, see NSA 26 23, number 56826. NIIAR-P-259 MF A01 Nauchno-lssledovatel'skii Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Dimitrovgrad (USSR). UNT - a Procedure for Solving a Non-Sta- tionary Heat Transfer Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates G. K. Antipin. 1975, 23p In Russian. Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, Algol, Algorithms, BESM computers, Computer codes, Cylindrical configuration, Finite difference method, Quasilinear problems, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, USSR. The algorithm for solution a non-stationary heat transfer equation in cylindrical coor- dinates is considered. The equation is solved by the finite difference method. Boundary condi- tions of the first, second and third kind can be taken in any combinations. The solution of quasilinear non-stationary heat transfer equa- tion is presented as a procedure written in the ALGOL-60 language. (Atomindex citation 08:335561) NLCO-1066 PC E01 MF A01 National Lead Co. Of Ohio, Cincinnati. "Girls"- General Indexing in Reciprocal Lat- tice Space R.W. Hill. Nov 70. 25p Contract AT(30-1 )-1 1 56 Descriptors: 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 03, number 06240. NP-18649 PC E01 MF A01 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Ger- many). Institut Fuer Radiochemie. Calculation of the Activity Produced by Ir- radiation of Thin Targets with High-Energy Neutrons. Neurak Program H. Muenzel, and K. Schmidt. Oct 70, 39p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ fast, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 25 10, number 23063. NP-19217 PC E01/MF A01 Rome Univ. (Italy). Istituto Di Fisica. Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Subprogram for the Calculation of the Matrix Element of Spin According to the Zemach Method. Note No. 328 Mario Gaspero. 13 Jul 71, 19p Lang- In Italian. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Protons ANTI P. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 5, number 37277. NP-19804 PCA02/MFA01 Jyvaskyla Univ. (Finland). Dept. Of Physics. Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reac- tions According to the Fragmentation Model P. Pirilae, and P. V. Ruuskanen. Feb 73, 21 p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *S codes, "Pion- proton interactions, 'Final-state interactions, 'Pion-pion interactions. Final-state interac- tions, 'Proton-proton interactions, Final-state interactions, Cdc computers, Fortran, Linear momentum, Monte carlo method, Particle models. Particle production, Pions. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 07, number 16755. NYO-3661-34 HC E01 MF A01 New England Inst., Inc., Ridgefield, Conn. NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES FIT TO MULTI-EXPONENTIAL COMPONENT CURVES- DATA REDUCTION PROGRAMS FOR POSITRON ANNIHILATION LIFETIME SPECTRA Marcia Hyde, and S. J. Tao. Nov 70, 20p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Positrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 08, number 16794. N70-22574/CP HC E01 MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Calculation of Scattered Patterns from Asym- metrical Reflectors. A. C. Ludwig. 15 Feb 70, 74p Rept nos. NASA- CR-109249, JPL-TR-32-1430 Contract NAS7-1 00 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Electromagnetic fields, 'Reflectors, Antenna radiation patterns, Cassegrain antennas, Fouri- er series. For abstract, see STAR 0810 N70-22824/CP HC E01 MF A01 Danish Space Research Inst., Lyngby. The Effect of Large Scale Irregularities on the Propagation of VLF Waves Through the Lower Ionosphere with Special Reference to Auroral Hiss. E. Ungstrup. Oct 69, 21 p Spon- Sponsored By Tech. Univ. of Den. Descriptors: "Arcs, "Hiss, "Lower ionosphere, "Ray tracing, "Very low frequencies. Computer programs, D region, E region, Electromagnetic scattering. Electron density (concentration), Ionospheric propagation, Irregularities, Snells law, Whistlers. For abstract, see STAR 0810 N70-23423/CP HC E01 MF A01 Hydronautics, Inc., Laurel, Md. Three-Dimensional Flow Field from a Radial Vortex Filament in a Cylindrical Annulus. R. J. Etter, and P. Van Dyke. Dec 69, 63p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 02560, TR-703-7 Contract NAS8-20625 Descriptors: "Annular flow, "Axial flow turbines, "Flow distribution, "Three dimensional flow, Computer programs, Filaments, Tables (data), Two dimensional flow. Vortices. For abstract, see STAR 081 N70-23805/CP HC E01 MF A01 Fraunhofer Institut, Freiburg (West Germany). Formulas and Tables on the Mach Reflection of Shock Waves (Triple Shock Theory). Formeln Und Tabellen Zur Machschen Reflexion Von Stosswellen (Dreistosstheorie) H.-O. Amann, and W. Heilig. Oct 67, 53p Rept no. REPT-1-68 Lang- in German Descriptors: "Mach cones, "Wave reflection, Bow waves, Computer programs, Formulas (mathematics), Mach number, Method of characteristics, Nozzles, Rankine-hugoniot relation, Shadowgraph photography. Shock waves, Tables (data). Wedge flow. For abstract, see STAR 0810 N70-23859/CP HC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'etudes Nucleaires. Energy Losses, Range and Bremsstrahlung Yield for 10 Ke V to 100 ME V Electrons in Some Simple Elements and Chemical Com- pounds. Pertes D'energie, Parcours Et Rendement de Freinage pour les Electrons de 10 Kev A 100 Mev Dans les Elements Simples Et Ouelques Composes Chimiques E. Bertel, H. Joffre, L. Pages, and L. Sklavenitis. Jan 70, 142p Rept no. CEA-R-3942 Lang- in French, English Summary Descriptors: "Bremsstrahlung, "Computer pro- grams, "Stopping power, Electron trajectories, Energy dissipation, Ionization, Tables (data). For abstract, see STAR 0810 138 N70-23999/CP HC E01 MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Radio Astronomy Observatory. Ogo-2 Data Analysis Satellite Plasma Wake Study Final Report. H. Weil, and R. G. Yorks. Feb 70, 76p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 09457, REPT-70-1 Contract NGR-23-005-314 Descriptors: 'Electrical impedance, *Ogo-c, "Plasmas (physics), "Wakes, Antennas, Capacitance, Computer programs, Lines of force, Magnetic fields, Magnetic probes. For abstract, see STAR 081 1 N70-24369/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Effect of an Aperture on Measurement of the Axial Distribution Function in a Magnetically Confined Plasma. R. Krawec. Apr 70, 42p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 5746, E-5447 Contract 129-02 Descriptors 'Magnetic fields, 'Plasmas (physics), 'Velocity distribution, Apertures, Computer programs. Distortion, Subroutines. For abstract, see STAR 081 1 N70-25924/CP HC E01 MF A01 Rome Univ. (Italy). School of Aerospace En- gineers. Flutter in Continuous Panels. Flutter Di Pannelli Continui R. Barboni, and S. Pascalino. Dec 69, 28p Rept no. REPT-11 Lang- in Italian Conf- Presented At Congr. Biennale Air-aida, Rome, 25-28 Oct. 1969 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Galerkin method, 'Panel flutter. Approximation, Elastic properties, Rigid structures, Shell stability, Systems engineering. For abstract, see STAR 081 2 N70-26117/CP HCE01MFA01 Stanford Univ., Calif. Microwave Lab. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids Semiannual Status Report, 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1969. G. S. Kino. Jan 70, 14p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 109616, SU-ML-1823 Contract NGL-05-020-165 Descriptors: 'Amplifiers, 'Gallium arsenides, 'Microwaves, Computer programs, Gunn effect, Solids, Space charge, Wave propagation. For abstract, see STAR 081 2 N70-26255/CP HC E01 MF A01 Office National D Etudes Et de Recherches Aerospatiales, Paris (France). Dept. D'etudes Et de Recherches en Technologie Spatiale. Physical Interpretation of Hall Effect Mea- surements by a Least Squares Method - Ap- plication to Different Models. Interpretation Physique de Mesures D'effet Hall A I'Aide Dune Methode de Moindres Arres - Application A Differents Modeles A. Roizes, J. F. Roux, and R. Schuttler. May 69, 52p Rept no. ONERA-NT-02-12 Lang- in French Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Hall effect, "Least squares method, *N-type semiconduc- tors, Conduction bands, Electrical resistivity, Impurities, Silicon. For abstract, see STAR 081 2 N70-26461/CP HC E01 MF A01 Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., Pinawa (Manitoba). Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment. Calculations of Flux Spectra and Energy Deposition for Fast Neutrons. P. R. Kry, and K. Y. Mehta. Sep 69, 1 27p Rept no. AECL-3423 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Energy dis- sipation, 'Fast neutrons, 'Neutron cross sec- tions, 'Radiant flux density, Elastic scattering, Flux (rate), Nuclear physics, Target thickness. For abstract, see STAR 081 2 N70-26530/CP HC E01 MF A01 European Atomic Energy Community, Geel (Belgium). Joint Nuclear Research Center. Data Reduction Programs for Total Cross Section Experiments. G. Nastri, and H. Schmid. 1970, 62p Rept no. EUR-4456-E Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Data reduc- tion, 'Neutron cross sections, Particle beams, Scattering cross sections. Time of flight spec- trometers. For abstract, see STAR 081 3 N70-27166/CP HC E01 MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report. R.J. Prozan. 1970, 78p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 109852, LMSC/HREC-D162177 Contract NAS7-743 Descriptors: 'Convergent-divergent nozzles, 'Finite difference theory, 'Flow equations, 'Rocket nozzles, "Transonic nozzles, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Equations of motion, Flow distribution, Transonic flow. For abstract, see STAR 0813 N70-27387/CP HC E01 MF A01 Signals Research and Development Establish- ment, Christchurch (England). Wavelength Calibration of Monochromators in the 0.3 to 2.0 mu Region. R. W. Clarke, A. F. Cox, and J. M. Williams. Sep 69, 15p Rept no. SRDE-69042 Descriptors: "Calibrating, "Line spectra, "Monochromators, "Wavelengths, Computer programs, Gas discharge tubes, Mercury vapor. Prisms, Recording instruments, Spectrum anal- ysis. For abstract, see STAR 081 3 N70-27491/CP HC E01 MF A01 Koln Univ. (West Germany). Inst. Fuer Geophysik Und Meteorologie. A Computer Program for Evaluating Radio Signal Propagation from Artificial Earth Satel- lites. Ein Rechenprogramm Zur Bestimmung Der Ausbreitung Von Radiosignalen Kuenstlicher Erdsatelliten G. Herrmann. Jan 70, 39p Rept no. BMBW-FB- W-70-04 Lang- in German, English Summary Spon- Sponsored By Bundesmin. Fuer Bildung Und Wiss. Descriptors: 'Artificial satellites, 'Computer programs, 'Optical tracking, 'Radio signals, 'Radio wave refraction, Geomagnetism, Iono- spheric propagation, Light scattering, Wave propagation. For abstract, see STAR 081 3 N70-27510/CP HC E01 MF A01 Reactor Centrum Nederland, Petten. Andante - an ALGOL Program for Decomposi- tion of gamma-Ray Spectra and Processing of Foil Counting Data. H. P. Struch. Dec 69, 131pRept no. RCN-116 Descriptors: 'Algol. 'Computer programs, 'Emission spectra, 'Gamma rays, 'Neutron ac- tivation analysis, Data reduction, Fluence, Flux (rate), Foils (materials). For abstract, see STAR 0813 N70-27513/CP HC E01 MF A01 Ling-temco-vought, Inc., Dallas, Tex. Nuclear and Space Physics Group. Comparisons of Experimental and Calculated Electron Transmission and Bremsstrahlung Spectra for Electron Energies Below 3.0 ME V Final Report, 12 Mar. 1969 - 12 Mar. 1970. D. H. Rester. Mar 70, 64p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 102662, REPT-0-71100/0R-6 Contract NAS8-30521 Descriptors: "Bremsstrahlung, 'Electron diffu- sion, "Emission spectra, "Monte carlo method, Computer programs, Self consistent fields, Tar- get thickness. For abstract, see STAR 081 3 N70-27641/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Computer Code. H. A. Putre. May 70, 19p Rept no. NASA-TN-D- 5835 Contract 122-29 Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, "Eddy viscosity, "Flow equations, "Free jets, "Two phase flow, "Velocity distribution, Boundary layer flow, Coaxial flow. Gas flow, Jet flow, Nuclear rocket engines. For abstract, see STAR 0813 N70-27716/CP HC E01 MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. Prediction of Electron Density and Collision Cross Section. Volume 2 - Equilibrium Elec- tron Density Prediction, a Mathematical Model Final Report. J. H. Mc Dermit. Feb 70, 45p Rept nos. NASA- CR-102612, LMSC/HREC-D162139-2 Contract NAS8-2 1022 Descriptors: "Electron density (concentration), "Equilibrium equations, "Mathematical models, Computer programs, Ionization, Nonlinear systems. Radio frequencies, Thermochemical properties. For abstract, see STAR 0813 N70-27998/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Daisey - an Efficient Program for Production of Neutron Pseudo Resonance Parameter Chains in the Unresolved Energy Region. T. T. Semler. May 70, 43p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-5837, E-5378 Contract 129-02 Descriptors: "Absorption cross sections, 'Computer programs, 'Fast neutrons, 'Resonance, Doppler effect, Kolmogoroff-smir- noff test, Monte carlo method, P waves, S waves, Uranium 238. For abstract, see STAR 0814 139 N70-28860/CP HC E01 MF A01 Nationaal Lucht-en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium, Amsterdam (Netherlands). An Application of the n-Strip Method of In- tegral Relations for Analyzing the Flow around a Circular Cone. H. I. Baurdoux, and P. J. Zandbergen. 1969, 52p Rept no. NLR-TR-69020-U Descriptors: 'Algorithms, "Circular cones, "Conical flow, 'Problem solving, "Supersonic flow, Asymptotic series, Boundary value problems, Computer programs, Matrices (mathematics), Partial differential equations, Pressure distribution. For abstract, see STAR 0814 N70-29173/CP HC E01 MF A01 Fraunhofer Institut, Freiburg (West Germany). A Program for Plotting Wave Diagrams for the Simple Membrane Shock Tube. Ein Programm Zur Erstellen Von Wellendiagrammen Fuer Das Einfache Membranstossrohr G. Guerke, and G . Schwarzkopf. Dec 69, 76p Rept no. REPT-1 2/69 Lang- in German Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Plotting, "Shock tubes, "Shock wave profiles, "Shock wave propagation. Air, Algol, Gas mixtures. Helium, Hydrogen, Mathematical models, Mem- brane structures, Rankine-hugoniot relation. Tables (data). For abstract, see STAR 0814 N70-29734/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fortran Program for Calculating Compressi- ble Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Arbitrary Pressure Gradients. W. D. Mc Nally. May 70, 1 1 1 p Rept nos. NASA- TN-D-5681 , E-5256 Contract 126-15 Descriptors: "Compressible boundary layer, "Computer programs, "Fortran, "Laminar boun- dary layer, "Pressure gradients, "Turbulent boundary layer. Mathematical models, Pressure distribution, Runge-kutta method, Tur- bomachinery, Wall temperature. For abstract, see STAR 0815 N70-29743/CP HC E01 MF A01 Alabama Univ., Huntsville. Bureau of Engineer- ing Research. Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Beds under Variable Body Forces, Part 4 Final Report. H. R. Henry, and A. S. Piper. Dec 69, 1 21 p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 02708, REPT-22-6560-PT-4 Contract NAS8-21 143 Descriptors: "Heat transfer, "Reduced gravity, "Two phase flow, Beds (process engineering), Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Liquid-vapor interfaces. Mathematical models. Porous materials. For abstract, see STAR 081 5 N70-29873/CP HC E01 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L Energia Nucleare, Bologna (Italy). Centro Di Calcolo. Bostaw - a Fortran Program for the Calcula- tion of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods- Saxon Well. F. Fabbri, and A. M. Saruis. 25 Jul 69, 18pRept no. RT/FI/69/30 Descriptors: "Boundary value problems, "Computer programs, "Nucleons, "Schroedinger equation, Eigenvalues, Eigen- vectors, Fortran, Ibm 7094 computer. Mathe- matical models, Problem solving, Spin-orbit in- teractions. For abstract, see STAR 081 5 N70-29990/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Ntwo - a Nitrogen Properties Package. R. C. Hendricks, K. J. Pew, and R. J. Simoneau. 1970, 28p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-52814 Conf- Presented At Cryog. Eng. Conf., Boulder, Colo., 17-19 Jun. 1970, Sponsored By Nas-nrc Descriptors: "Fortran, "Nitrogen, "Subroutines, "Thermodynamic properties, "Transport pro- perties. Computer programs, Fluid flow, Heat transfer. For abstract, see STAR 081 5 N70-30085/CP HC E01 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L Energia Nucleare, Bologna (Italy). Centro Di Calcolo. Surf - a Fortran Program for the Coupled- Channel Calculation of the Photoreaction Cross-Sections in the One Particle - One Hole Continuum Approximation. F. Fabbri, M. Marangoni, and A. M. Saruis. 7 Jul 69, 38p Rept no. RT/FI/69/29 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Fortran, "Photochemical reactions, Dipole moments, Nuclei (nuclear physics), Scattering cross sec- tions. For abstract, see STAR 0815 N70-30137/CP HC E01 MF A01 Erlangen Univ. (West Germany). Technische Fakultaet. The Hydrodynamics of Two-Phase Flow around Fence Layers - Volume Parts, Pres- sure Loss and Axial Dispersion of the Gas and Liquid Phases in Up-Current Columns. Zur Hydrodynamik Zweiphasig Durchstroemter Schuettschichten - Volumenanteile, Druckverlust Und Axialdispersion Der Gasfoermigen Und Fluessigen Phase in Aufstromkolonnen W. Heilmann. 1969, 171p Lang- in German Spon- Sponsored Jointly By Deut. Forsch. Gemeinschaft and Max-buchner Found. Descriptors: "Columns (process engineering), "Hydrodynamics, "Two phase flow, Absorbers (equipment), Chemical reactors, Computer pro- grams. Flow distribution, Gas-liquid interac- tions. Pressure distribution. Volumetric analy- sis. For abstract, see STAR 0815 N70-30393/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Numerical Solution of the Compressible Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Bounda- ry Layer Equations with Comparisons to Ex- perimental Data. J. E. Harris. May 70, 192p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 62963 Descriptors: "Compressible boundary layer, "Laminar boundary layer, "Numerical analysis, "Transition flow, "Turbulent boundary layer, Boundary layer flow, Computer programs, Eddy viscosity, Finite difference theory, Flow equa- tions. For abstract, see STAR 081 5 N70-31390/CP HC E01 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L Energia Nucleare, Frascati (Italy). Lab. Nazionali. A Program for Calculating the Magnitude of Single Photoproduction of Pions from Nucleons. Un Programma Di Calcolo Per le Grandezze Delia Fotoproduzione Singola Di Pioni Da Nucleoni M. Nigro, P. Spillantini, and V. Valente. 14 Oct 69, 14p Rept no. LNF-69/59 Lang- in Italian Seri- Its Nota Interna No. 453 Descriptors: "Nucleons, "Photoproduction, "Pions, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Nuclear reactions. Scattering am- plitude. For abstract, see STAR 0816 N70-31643/CP HC E01 MF A01 A Computer Program to Determine Equilibri- um- Air Flow-Field Data About a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations. F. W. Taylor. Jun 70, 79p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 2041.L-7071 Contract 125-23-04-04 Descriptors: "Blunt bodies, "Computer pro- grams, "Flow characteristics, "Flow distribu- tion. Codes, Computer programming. Digital computers. Equilibrium flow, Integral equa- tions. For abstract, see STAR 0816 N70-32540/CP HC E01 MF A01 Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich (West Ger- many). Zentralinst. Fuer Reaktorexperimente. Computer Program for Photo-Peak Analysis. Rechenprogramm Zur Photopeakanalyse C. Meixner. Feb 69, 52p Rept no. JUL-572-RX Lang- in German Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Spectrum analysis, Energy spectra. Gamma rays. Least squares method, Neutron activation analysis. Nuclear radiation spectroscopy. For abstract, see STAR 081 7 N70-33112/CP HCE01MFA01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Pertran - a Transport-Perturbation Program. J. L. Anderson. Jul 70, 65p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-5906, E-5359 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutron decay, Fortran, Neutron physics. Nuclear reac- tions. Transport theory. For abstract, see STAR 0817 N70-33123/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Method for the Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft, Including All Multiple Reflections and Shading among Diffuse, Gray Surfaces. D. P. Swofford. Jul 70, 64p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-5910, L-6063 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Spacecraft structures, "Surface properties, "Thermodynamic properties. Digital computers, Finite element method, Mathematical models. For abstract, see STAR 081 7 N70-33818/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. 140 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 18- ME V Protons on Ne 20. N. Baron, J. H. Jett, R. F. Leonard, and W. M. Stewart. 1969, 10p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-52708 Conf- Presented At Am. Phys. Soc, Boulder, Colo., 30 Oct. - 1 Nov. 1969 Descriptors: "Neon, "Proton scattering, "Scattering cross sections, Computer pro- grams. Elastic scattering, Polarization (spin alignment). Tables (data). For abstract, see STAR 081 8 N70-35621/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex. Computer Program to Predict the Newtonian Aerodynamics of General Bodies Approxi- mated by Flat Plates. R. E.Graham, R. H. Lamb, and P.O. Romere. 11 Aug 65, 26p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-64431 Seri- Its General Working Paper No. 10054 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Flat plates, "Newton theory, Aerodynamic characteristics. Digital systems, Hypersonic flow. For abstract, see STAR 0819 N70-35774/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Electronics Research Center, Cambridge, Mass. A Ray Tracing Digital Computer Program for the Study of Magnetospheric Duct Propaga- tion. J. Ramasastry, and E. J. Walsh. 1 970, 299p Rept no. NASA-SP-3055 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Digital computers, "Electromagnetic radiation, "Magnetosphere, "Ray tracing, Control units (computers). Input/output routines, Integrators, Manuals, Mathematical models. For abstract, see STAR 0819 N70-36673/CP HC E01 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Theoretical Chemis- try Inst. Molecular Beam Focusing of Diatomics in Selected States - Two New Methods. T. G. Waech. 16 Oct 68, 182p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 12680, WIS-TCI-325-X Grant NSG-275-62 Descriptors: "Diatomic molecules, "Focusing, "Molecular beams. Computer programs. Elec- tric fields, Interatomic forces. Molecular energy levels. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-36799/CP HC E01 MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai. Physics Div. STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Moldauer'S Theory. Y. Tomita. Jul 70, 28p Rept no. JAERI-1 1 91 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Elastic scattering, "Inelastic scattering, "Mathematical models, "Matrices (mathematics), "Resonance, Numerical analysis. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-36917/CP HC E01 MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Thermofluids Section. Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 1 - the Basic Differential Equa- tions. R. G. Taylor. Dec 68, 33p Rept no. ET/TN/A/5 Conf- Lecture Presented At Post-experience Course, London, 17-19 Dec. 1968 Descriptors: "Differential equations, "Digital computers, "Mass transfer, "Numerical analysis, "Steady flow, Chemical reactions, Computer programs, Convective heat transfer. Fluid boundaries, Thermodynamic properties, Trans- port properties. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-36922/CP HC E01 MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Thermofluids Section. Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 6 - Structure of the Computer Programme. A. D. Gosman. Dec 68, 42p Rept no. EF/TN/A/10 Conf- Lecture Presented At Post-experience Course, London, 17-19 Dec. 1968 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Laminar flow, "Turbulent flow. Error analysis, Fortran, Heat transfer, Ibm computers, Mass transfer. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-36925/CP HC E01 MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Thermofluids Section. Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 9 - Further Development of the Method of Computation. D. B. Spalding. Dec 68, 32p Rept no. EF/TN/A/13 Conf- Lecture Presented At Post-experience Course, London, 17-19 Dec. 1968 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Heat transfer, "Mass transfer, Laminar flow. Turbu- lent flow. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-36988/CP HC E01 MF A01 Cambridge Univ. (England). Chemical Lab. Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report, Jan. 1969 • Jan. 1970. 1970, 64p Rept nos. OSTI-5064, REPT-1-70 Descriptors: "Crystallography, "Information systems, "Organic compounds, Computer pro- grams, Crystal structure, Data processing, Documentation. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-37079/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aerospace Lab., Amsterdam (Netherlands). Computer Application of a Linearised Super- sonic Lifting Surface Theory on a Certain Class of Wings. TH. E. Labrujere. Jul 69, 27p Rept no. NLR-TR- G-50 Subm- Submitted for Publication Spon- Spon- sored By Meth. Min. of Defence Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Pressure distribution, "Supersonic flow, "Thin wings, Algol, F- 104 aircraft, Lift devices, Lifting bodies, Polynomials, Rectangular wings. Trail- ing edges, Wing camber. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-37089/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A General Transient Heat-Transfer Computer Program for Thermally Thick Walls. L. B. Garrett, and J. I. Pitts. Aug 70, 153p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2058, L-6850 Descriptors: "Aerodynamic heating, "Aerothermodynamics, "Computer programs, "Conductive heat transfer, Finite difference theory, Launch vehicles, Mathematical models, Skin friction, Transient heating. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-37365/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Tests of Evaluated Beryllium (N,2N) Cross Sections by Analysis of 1.4-E V Flux in Water for an Americium-Beryllium Source Enclosed in Beryllium Spheres. R. L. Alexander, D. Fieno, and C. H. Ford. Sep 70, 40p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-5995, E-5444 Contract 129-02 Descriptors: "Americium, "Beryllium 9, "Neutron cross sections, "Neutron flux density, Computer programs. Indium, Radioactive decay, Resonance, Shells (structural forms), Transport theory. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-37584/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. A Brief Discussion of Berger'S Latest Monte Carlo Program. J. H. Derrickson. 16 Sep 69, 14p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-5391 5, MSFC-SSL-P-68-1 2 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Monte carlo method, "Transport theory, Electron transitions, Photons, Stochastic processes. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-37813/CP HC E01 MF A01 Unidev, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Analysis of Fluid Sloshing in Arbitrary Tanks Having Rotational Symmetry - a Correction for Low Gravity Conditions. Volume 2 - Com- putational Application. T.S. Chandler, and DO. Lomen. Mar 70, 114p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 02732, UR-0001 1-VOL-2 Contract NAS8-2 1272 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Cylindrical tanks, "Liquid sloshing, "Propellant tanks, "Reduced gravity, Equations of motion. Liquid rocket propellants. For abstract, see STAR 0821 N70-38683/CP HC E01 MF A01 Deutsche Forschungs- Und Versuchsanstalt Fuer Luft- Und Raumfahrt, Karlsruhe (West Germany). Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-De- pendent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Dif- ference Method. Die Loesung Der Dreidimensionalen Instationaeren Navier-stokes-gleichungen Mit Dem Differenzenverfahren W. Schoenauer. Apr 70, 135p Rept no. DLR-FB- 70-15 Lang- in German, English Summary Descriptors: "Difference equations, "Navier- stokes equation, "Reynolds number, "Three dimensional flow, "Time dependence, 'Turbulent flow. Computer programs, Iterative solution, Matrices (mathematics). For abstract, see STAR 0821 141 N70-40522/CP PC E01 British Broadcasting Corp., Kingswood (England). Research Dept. An Investigation into the Prediction of Field Strength - the Guildford Experiment. J. H. Causebrook, R. W. Lee, and R. S. Sandell. Aug 70, 20 Rept no. BBC-1970/26 Descriptors: "Field strength, 'Radio frequency interference, 'Signal transmission, 'Terrain analysis, Computer programs. Histograms, Maps, Prediction analysis techniques. Ultrahigh frequencies. For abstract, see STAR 0823 N70-42160/CP PC E01 MF A01 Advanced Technology Labs., Inc., Jericho N. Y. An Analysis of Internal Supersonic Flows with Diffusion, Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Com- bustion. S. Dash. May 70, 58p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 111783, ATL-TR-1 52 Contract NASI -9560 Descriptors: "Combustion, 'Diffusion, 'Dissipation, 'Numerical analysis, "Supersonic flow. Air, Computer programs, Flow equations, Hydrogen, Method of characteristics, Nozzle flow. Viscous flow. For abstract, see STAR 0824 N70-42196/CP PC E01 MF A01 General Applied Science Labs., Inc., Westbury, N.Y. An Investigation of the High Speed Turbulent Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradient. Part 3 - Computer Program Manual. J. Boccio, and J. Schneider. Oct 70, 93p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1681, GASL-TR-719-PT-3 Contract NASI -8424 Coll- 93 P Refs Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat transfer, 'Pressure gradients, 'Turbulent boun- dary layer, Conservation equations, Finite dif- ference theory. Problem solving, Ther- modynamics. For abstract, see STAR 0824 N70-43047/CP PC E01 MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interac- tion Final Report. C. E. Craven. Jan 70, 32p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 102890, LMSC/HREC-D162004 Contract NAS8-21 285 Descriptors: 'Flow distribution, 'Flow velocity, 'Nozzle flow, 'Supersonic wind tunnels, 'Velocity measurement. Computer programs, Feasibility, Graphs (charts), Lasers, Saturn 2 launch vehicles. For abstract, see STAR 0824 N70-43192/CP PC E01 MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. A Computer Program for Fuel Sloshing in an Axisymmetric Tank. W.-H. Chu, R. Gonzales, A. F. Muller, and D. R. Saathoff. Aug 70, 82p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 102889, TR-10 Contract NAS8-20290 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Fuel tanks, 'Liquid sloshing, 'Rigid structures, Axisymmet- ric bodies, Equilibrium flow, Finite difference theory, Free boundaries. Liquid surfaces, Mathematical models, Triangles. For abstract, see STAR 0824 N71-10467/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fortran Program for Calculating Aerodynamic Forces from Pressure or Velocity Distribu- tions on Blade Sections. W. D. Mc Nally. Nov 70, 38p Rept nos. NASA- TM-X-2123, E-5652 Contract 126-15 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic forces, 'Computer programs, 'Turbomachine blades, Flow charac- teristics, Fortran, Lift drag ratio, Pressure dis- tribution. Velocity distribution. For abstract, see STAR 0901 N71-11017/CP PC A05 Von Karman Inst, for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint-genese (Belgium). A Parametric Study of Adiabatic Laminar Boundary Layer Shock Wave Interactions by the Method of Lees- Reeves- Klineberg. J. J. Ginoux, and M. L. Riethmuller. Jun 70, 90p Rept no. VKI-TN-60 Descriptors: 'Adiabatic flow, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Shock wave interaction, Flat plates. Flow equations, Mathe- matical models. Two dimensional flow. For abstract, see STAR 0902 N71-11475/CP PC A03 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Aeronautics. Applications of a General Method of Calculat- ing Turbulent Shear Layers. P. Bradshaw, and D. H. Ferriss. Oct 70, 30p Rept no. IC/70/06 Descriptors: 'Differential equations, 'Shear layers, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Compressi- bility, Computer programs, Heat transfer. Pres- sure, Unsteady flow. For abstract, see STAR 0902 N71-12763/CP PC A02 National Physical Lab., Teddington (England). ShipDiv. The 1957 Ittc Model-Ship Correlation Line Values of Frictional Resistance Coefficient. A. Morrall. Jun 70, 10p Rept no. NPL-SHIP-142 Descriptors: 'Coefficient of friction, 'Reynolds number, 'Scale models, 'Ship hulls, 'Tables (data), Computer programs, Correlation, Fric- tion drag. For abstract, see STAR 0903 N71-12766/CP PC E01 MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Dynamic Interaction Between Structure and Liquid Propellants in a Space Shuttle Vehicle Model, Part 1 Final Report. P. H. Francis, D. D. Kana, W. L. Ko, and A. Nagy. 15 Oct 70, 97p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 1 1801 Contract NASI -9890 Descriptors: 'Dynamic models, 'Fluid dynam- ics, 'Liquid rocket propellants, 'Space shuttles, 'Spacecraft structures, Computer programs, Liquid flow, Mathematical models, Matrices (mathematics). Thin walled shells. For abstract, see STAR 0903 N71-12767/CP PC E01 MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Propellant Dynamic Problems in Space Shut- tle Vehicles, Part 2 Final Report. W. J. Astleford, W.-H. Chu, and F. T. Dodge. 15 Oct 70, 70p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 1 1 802 Contract NASI -9890 Descriptors: 'Fluid dynamics, 'Liquid sloshing, 'Propellant tanks, 'Spacecraft docking, Com- puter programs, Graphs (charts), Liquid flow, Liquid rocket propellants. Orbits, Spacecraft structures. For abstract, see STAR 0903 N71-13319/CP PC A03 National Physical Lab., Teddington (England). Div. of Quantum Metrology. The Vacuum Uv Optical Constants of Alumini- um and of Magnesium Fluoride, and the Per- formance of Magnesium Fluoride Coated Mir- rors. G. H. Freeman, and M. A. Rejman. Aug 70, 26p Rept no. NPL-QU-12 Descriptors: 'Aluminum, 'Far ultraviolet radia- tion, 'Magnesium fluorides, Coatings. Com- puter programs, Extinction, Mirrors, Polarizers, Reflectance. For abstract, see STAR 0903 N71-13388/CP PC A03 National Physical Lab., Teddington (England). Ship Div. Automated Analysis of Wave Patterns Behind Towed Models. N. Hogben. Jun 70, 30p Rept no. NPL-SHIP-143 Descriptors: 'Least squares method, 'Matrices (mathematics), "Recording instruments, "Towed bodies, "Waveforms, Computer pro- grams, Prototypes, Scale models, Surface waves, Water waves. Wave resistance. For abstract, see STAR 0903 N71-13798/CP PC A02 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Mechanical Engineer- ing. Computation of Laminar Flow Between Shrouded Rotating Discs A. D. Gosman, and D. B. Spalding. Sep 70, 7p Rept no. EF/TN/A/30 Descriptors: "Gas flow, "Laminar flow, "Rotating disks, Computer programs, Gas dynamics. Numerical analysis. For abstract, see STAR 0904 N71-14081/CP PC E01 MF A01 Kaman Nuclear, Colorado Springs, Colo. Sound Propagation from a Moving Source Final Report C. E. Buell. 24 Nov 70, 104p Rept nos. NASA- CR-102945, KN-70-698-/FR/ Contract NAS8-1 1348 Descriptors: "Aerospace vehicles, "Computer programs, "Ray tracing, "Sound intensity, Flow charts. Input/output routines, Mathematical models, Radiosondes, Snells law, Sound propagation. For abstract, see STAR 0904 N71-15830/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fortran 4 Program for Studying Ion Polar Molecule Collisions R. B. Canright, Jr, and J. V. Dugan, Jr. Jan 71, 57p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-21 51 , E-5832 Contract 129-02 Descriptors: "Equations of motion, "Molecular collisions, "Molecular ions. Computer pro- grams, Fortran, Numerical analysis. For abstract, see STAR 0906 142 N71-16429/CP PC E01 MF A01 Hayes International Corp., Birmingham, Ala. Application of Moderate Resolution Band Models to the Prediction of Heat Transfer from Rocket Exhaust Plumes G. B. McKay, and J. E. Reardon. Apr 70, 66p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 02998, ER-1677 Contract NAS8-21 162 Descriptors: "Computer programs, *Exhaust flow simulation, "Heat transfer, *J- 2 engine. Performance prediction, Rocket engines, Spec- tral bands. For abstract, see STAR 0906 N71-18621/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. GIG - A FORTRAN 4 GEOMETRY INPUT GENERATOR PROGRAM FOR A FINITE-ELE- MENT HEAT- TRANSFER CODE E. L. Sprague. Mar 71 , 26p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-2204, E-5978 Contract 129-04 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Heat transfer, 'Tables (data), Coding, Finite element method, Fortran, Geometry. For abstract, see STAR 0908 N71 -22294/CP PC A04 Cambridge Univ. (England). Dept. of Engineer- ing. The off Design Analysis of Flow in Axial Com- pressors H. Daneshyar. 1970, 56p Rept no. CUED/A- TURBO/TR-19 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Curve fitting, 'Flow distribution, "Turbocompressors, Existence theorems. Truncation errors, Unique- ness theorem. Identifiers: NASA subject code 1 2. For abstract, see STAR 091 1 N71-16887/CP PC E01 MF A01 Catholic Univ. of America, Washington, D. C. Dept. of Space Science and Applied Physics. Mathematical Modeling of Cryogenic Heat Pipes S. W. Chi. Sep 70, 123p Rept no. NASA-CR- 116175 Contract NGR-09-005-071 Descriptors: 'Cryogenic equipment, 'Heat pipes, 'Mathematical models, Computer pro- grams, Computerized design, Fluid mechanics, Fortran, Performance prediction. For abstract, see STAR 0906 N71-17424/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLAN- FORMS J. E. Lamar, and R.J. Margason. Feb 71, 141 p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-6142, L-7262 Contract 126-13-10-06 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic characteristics, 'Computer programs, 'Fortran, 'Planforms, 'Subsonic speed, "Vortices, Aerodynamic coef- ficients, Drag, Leading edges, Lift, Pitching mo- ments. For abstract, see STAR 0907 N71-18426/CP PC E01 MF A01 Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, Inc., N.J. A STUDY OF COMPRESSIBLE TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS USING THE METHOD OF INVARIANT MODELING C. D. Donaldson, B. D. Gilligan, and J. E. Yates. Jan 71 , 16p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 1 6781 , ARAP- 71-4 Contract NASW-1 777 Descriptors: 'Compressible boundary layer, 'Mathematical models, 'Turbulent boundary layer, Computer programs, Difference equa- tions, Navier-stokes equation. For abstract, see STAR 0908 N71-18583/CP PC A02 Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare, Rome (Italy). DESIGN OF THE OPTICS OF A SPARK CHAMBER EXPERIMENT I. Laakso. 5 Jun 70, 13p Seri- Its Nota Interna No. 268 Descriptors: 'Mirrors, 'Spark chambers, 'Stereophotography, Computer programs, For- tran, Optical equipment, Optical properties. For abstract, see STAR 0908 N71-18782/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULA- TIONS T. M. Jordan, and M. L. Wohl. Mar 71 , 9p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-52973, E-6179 Conf- Presented At the Natl. Symp. on Nat. and Manmade Radiation in Space, Las Vegas, Nev., 1-5 Mar. 1971, Sponsored By Nasa and Aec Descriptors: 'Gamma rays, 'Mass transfer, 'Neutrons, 'Radiation shielding, 'Transport theory, Computer programs, Monte carlo method, Nuclear reactors. Photons. For abstract, see STAR 0908 N71-18796/CP PC E01 MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ROCKET PLUME IMPINGEMENT STUDY FOR SEPARATION ANALYSIS FINAL REPORT M. M. Penny, R.J. Prozan, and C. J. Wojciechowski. Jan 71 , 74p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 14875, LMSC-HREC-D-162852 Contract NAS9-1 1156 Descriptors'. 'Impingement, "Rocket exhaust, "Space shuttles, 'Stage separation, Computer programs, Exhaust flow simulation, Heat transfer, Systems analysis, Trajectory optimiza- tion. For abstract, see STAR 0908 N71-21562/CP PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Nucleon- Meson Transport Code (Nmtc) T. W. Armstrong, and W. A. Coleman. Oct 70, 91 p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 1 7496, ORNL-4606 Contract NASA ORDER H-38280A, W-7405- ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Meson- nucleon interactions, 'Monte carlo method, 'Transport theory, Fortran, Muons, Nuclear models, Particle collisions, Pions. Identifiers: NASA subject code 24. For abstract, see STAR 0910 N71-21574/CP PC E01 MF A01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. Engineering Mechanics Section. User's Manual for the Gnat Computer Pro- gram - Numerical Analysis of Stratification in Supercritical Oxygen P.J. Heinrniller. Mar 71, 30p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 14963, TRW-1 761 8-H 121 -R0-00 Contract NAS9-8 166 Descriptors: 'Apollo spacecraft, "Cryogenic fluid storage, 'Liquid oxygen, Computer pro- grams, Numerical analysis, Physical properties. Stratification. Identifiers: NASA subject code 23. For abstract, see STAR 0910 N71-22330/CP PC A04 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Mechanical Engineer- ing. The Prediction of Laminar Flows Using a Modified Version of the Elliptic Programme L. W. Roberts. Sep 70, 64p Rept no. EF/TN/B/31 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Elliptic dif- ferential equations, 'Laminar flow, Flow geometry, Fluid boundaries. Iterative solution, Mathematical models. Two dimensional flow, Vorticity equations. Identifiers: NASA subject code 12. For abstract, see STAR 091 1 N71-22335/CP PC A06 International Business Machines S. A. E., Madrid (Spain). Temperature Variance in Spacecraft Thermal Analysis Atv-70 Program M.J. De Lucas. Jul 70, 109p Contract ESTEC-583-68 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Mathematical models, 'Satellite temperature, 'Temperature gradients, Probability theory, Solar radiation, Temperature measurement. Thermal vacuum tests, Thermophysical proper- ties. Identifiers: NASA subject code 33. For abstract, see STAR 091 1 N71-22336/CP PC A04 International Business Machines S. A. E., Madrid (Spain). General Report on Implementation of Ther- mal Programs in the Estec System for the Calculation of Temperature Distribution by the Method of Zones S. Baeza, and A. Hernando. Jul 70, 64p Contract ESTEC-583-68 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Ibm 360 computer, "Temperature distribution, Compu- tation, Differential equations, Numerical in- tegration. Specific heat. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Time constant. Identifiers: NASA subject code 33. For abstract, see STAR 091 1 N71-22569/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tangential Slot Injection I. E. Beckwith, and D. M. Bushnell. Apr 71 , 75p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-6221 , L-751 5 Contract 129-01-20-09 Descriptors: 'Film cooling, "Finite difference theory, "Mixing length flow theory, "Supersonic flow, "Turbulent boundary layer, Computer pro- grams, Fluid injection. Heat transfer. Partial dif- ferential equations, Slots, Turbulent diffusion. 143 Identifiers: NASA subject code 01 . For abstract, see STAR 091 1 N71-22588/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Computer Program for Compressible Laminar or Turbulent Nonsimiiar Boundary Layers I, E. Beckwith, D. M. Bushnell, and B. A. Hixon. Apr 71, 82p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2140, L-7399 Contract 129-04-20-02 Descriptors: 'Axisymmetric flow, 'Flow equa- tions, "Flow theory, "Two dimensional flow. Boundary layer flow. Compressible flow. Com- puter programs, Enthalpy. Identifiers: NASA subject code 12. For abstract, see STAR 091 1 N71-23357/CP PC A04 Institut Fuer Chemie Der Treibstoffe, Berghausen (West Germany). Performance Calculation of Rocket Propel- lants and Propeilant Charge Powders Leistungsberechnung Von Raketentreibstoffen Und Treibladungspulvern F. Volk. 30 Jun 70, 54p Rept no. ICT-3/70 Lang- in German Descriptors: 'Combustion physics, 'Computer programs, 'Equilibrium equations, Chemical reactions, Explosives, Nonlinear equations, Propellants. Identifiers: NASA subject code 33. For abstract, see STAR 091 2 N71-23762/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Analytic Performance of Two Grid Accelerator Designs for Kaufman Thrusters W. C. Lathem. Apr 71 , 27p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-6275, E-6032 Contract 120-26 Descriptors: 'Electric propulsion, 'Ion ac- celerators, 'Ion engines, 'Mathematical models. Beam currents, Computer programs, Sert 2 spacecraft, Systems analysis. Identifiers: NASA subject code 28. For abstract, see STAR 0912 N71-23915/CP PCE01MFA01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Numerical Solution of the Unsteady Navier- Stokes Equations and Application to Flow in a Rectangular Cavity with a Moving Wall L. F. Donovan. Apr 71, 58p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-6312, E-5577 Contract 129-01 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Navier- stokes equation, 'Numerical analysis, 'Unsteady flow, Cavities, Flow visualization, Fortran, Motion pictures. Identifiers: NASA subject code 08. For abstract, see STAR 091 2 N71-23999/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion, Washington, D. C. Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction J. Cooper, S. Klarsfield, and G. K. Oertel. 17 Mar 71,48p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-671 49, JILA-107 Contract DA-31-1 24-ARO/D/-139 Lab. Astrophys. Date- 17 Mar. 1971 Coll- 48 P Spon- Supported in Part By Arpa Descriptors: 'Debye length, 'Electron plasma, 'Electron scattering, 'Scattering functions, 'Stark effect, Computer programs, Correlation, Integral equations. Numerical integration, S matrix theory. Identifiers: NASA subject code 24. For abstract, see STAR 091 2 N71-24140/CP PC E01 MF A01 Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Fluid Mechanics Group. Examination of Turbulent Shear Models and the Prediction of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers by the Method of Weighted Residuals D. E.Abbott, and G. R. Deboy. Jan 71, 189pRept nos. NASA-CR-1 1 8079, FMTR-71 -1 Contract NGT-1 5-005-005 Descriptors: 'Compressible boundary layer, 'Mathematical models, 'Shear stress, 'Turbulent boundary layer, Computer pro- grams. Finite difference theory. Iterative solu- tion. Partial differential equations, Stress con- centration. Identifiers: NASA subject code 1 2. For abstract, see STAR 0912 N71-24594/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer Insulation G. R. Cowgill, and W. R. Johnson. May 71 , 62p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-6228, E-591 1 Contract 129-04 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat transfer, 'Space storage, 'Spherical tanks, 'Thermal insulation, Fortran, Heat shielding, Ibm 7094 computer, Temperature distribution. For abstract, see STAR 091 3 N71-24723/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Proper 3 C - a Nucleon Pion Transport Code T. A. Filippas, J. J. Lambiotte, Jr, and J. W. Wilson. Apr 71 , 1 31 p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 2158, L-7326 Contract 129-04-20-02 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'High ener- gy interactions, 'Nucleons, "Pions, Atomic energy levels, Computerized simulation. Scat- tering cross sections, Transport properties. For abstract, see STAR 091 3 N71-25443/CP PC A03 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Mechanical Engineer- ing. Impulsively Starting Incompressible Jet A. S. Ma, and K. S. Ong Nov 70, 30p Rept no. EF/TN/A/28 Descriptors: 'Finite difference theory, 'Flow equations, "Incompressible flow, 'Jet flow, Computer programs, Equations of motion, Flow geometry, impulses. For abstract, see STAR 091 3 N71-25812/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Mathematical Analysis of a Vuilleumier Refrigerator A. Sherman. Mar 71 , 39p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 65534, X-763-71 -125 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Cryogenic equipment, 'Mathematical models, 'Refrigerators, Aerospace systems, Fluid dynamics. Heat exchangers. Heat transfer coef- ficients, Regenerators. For abstract, see STAR 091 4 N71-26419/CP PCE01MFA01 Alabama Univ., University. Bureau of Engineer- ing Research. Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Com- munications Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospher- ic Effects on Wave Propagation at 10.6 Microns Interim Report K.H.George, and W. E.Webb. Mar 71, 107p Rept nos. NASA-CR-103113, BER-130-70-VOL- 2 Contract NAS8-25562 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric turbulence, "Gas lasers, 'Heterodyning, 'Optical communication, 'Scintillation, 'Signal to noise ratios. Apertures, Atmospheric models. Computer programs, Data reduction. For abstract, see STAR 0914 N71-26440/CP PC E01 MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Thermal Analysis System 1 - User's Manual J. A. Hultberg.and P. F. Obrien. 1 Mar71,65p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 18649, JPL-TR-32-1416 Contract NAS7-1 00 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Temperature control, 'Thermodynamics, For- tran, Infrared radiation. Mathematical models. Matrices (mathematics), Radiant heating. Radiative heat transfer. For abstract, see STAR 0914 N71-26908/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detector Using Integrated Circuits R. J. Jirberg, and J. C. Sturman. May 71 , 26p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-6338, E-6033 Contract 720-03 Descriptors: "Cryogenic magnets, 'Electrical engineering, 'Integrated circuits, 'Magnetic coils, 'Nuclear magnetic resonance, 'Resonance probes. Coaxial cables, Computer programs, Magnetic fields. Magnetometers, Radio frequencies, Superconducting magnets. For abstract, see STAR 0915 N71-27004/CP PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Gas Turbine Lab. Computational Studies of Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress D. A. Oliver, and P. Sparis. May 71 , 36p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 816, GTL-101 Contract NGL-22-009-383 Coll- 36 PRefs Descriptors: 'Cascade flow, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Shear flow, 'Three dimensional flow, 'Transonic flow, Blade tips, Transonic com- pressors, Turbomachinery. For abstract, see STAR 0915 N71-27926/CP PC E01 MF A01 Westinghouse Research Labs., Pittsburgh, Pa. Optimization of a Solution Growth Experiment for Zero Gravity and Development of Ap- 144 paratus for a Melt Growth Experiment Final Report C. S. Duncan, M. Rubenstein, and R. G. Seidensticker. 1971, 122pRept no. NASA-CR- 119792 Contract NAS8-26 122 Descriptors: 'Crystal growth, 'Experimental design, 'Gallium arsenides, 'Indium antimo- nides, 'Weightlessness, 'Zone melting, Com- puter programs, Diffusion coefficient, Mathe- matical models, Solutes, Systems engineering. For abstract, see STAR 0915 N71-29024/CP PC A04 Montpellier Univ. (France). Dept. de Physique Mathematique. Computer Study of Solution Method for Inver- sion Problem Etude de Ordinateur D'une Methode de Resolution Du Probleme Inverse F. Q. Phu. Jun 70, 73p Rept no. PM /70/5 Lang- in French Descriptors: 'Nonrelativistic mechanics, 'Nuclear models, 'Particle collisions, 'Potential energy, Computer programs, Newton theory, Particle theory. Theoretical physics. For abstract, see STAR 0916 N71-29922/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Computer Program for Evaluation of Bloch- Grueneisen Parameters of Metals and Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity of Tan- talum as a Function of Temperature J. P. Riehl, and T. T. Semler. Jul 71 , 27p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2320, E-6242 Contract 129-02 Descriptors: 'Bloch band, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Gruneisen constant, 'Metals, Electrical resistivity, Tantalum, Temperature effects. For abstract, see STAR 0917 N71-30558/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. Theory and Application of an Edge Gradient System for Generating Optical Transfer Func- tions E. Klingman. Jul 71 , 21 p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 6424, M-441 Contract 948-80-80-5500 Descriptors: 'Crystal defects, 'Crystal optics, 'Refractivity, 'Transfer functions. Computer programs, Edge dislocations, Optical measure- ment, Optica! paths. For abstract, see STAR 0918 N71-31104/CP PCE01MFA01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. Construction of General Purpose Programs for the Numerical Solution of Certain Elec- tromagnetic Scattering Problems R. Mireles. 28 Feb 69, 34p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 1 1 5084, TRW-1 1 1 76-H092-R0-00 Contract NAS9-81 66 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric scattering, 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Lunar radiation. Computer pro- grams. Mathematical models, Numerical analy- sis. For abstract, see STAR 0918 N71-31105/CP PCE01MFA01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. A Class of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Solvable by Debye's Representa- tion R. Mireles. 14 Feb 69, 142p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 1 15083, TRW-1 1 176-H122-R0-00 Contract NAS9-81 66 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Electromagnetic scattering, Computer pro- grams, Debye-scherer method, Numerical anal- ysis. For abstract, see STAR 091 8 N71-31311/CP PC E01 MF A01 Techtran Corp., Glen Burnie, Md. Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Surfaces of Venus Srednekvadratichnyye Ugly Naklona Poverkhnosti Venery N. N. Krupenio. Jul 71 , 24p Rept nos. NASA-TT- F-13741.PR-49 Contract NASW-2037 Coll- 24 P Refs Tran- Transl. Into English From Russian Report Pr-49 Descriptors: 'Backscattering, 'Diagrams, 'Planetary surfaces, 'Radio waves, 'Venus (planet). Computer programs. Planetary at- mospheres. For abstract, see STAR 091 8 N71-31663/CP PC E01 MF A01 Von Karman Inst, for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint-genese (Belgium). Free-Flight Static Stability Measurements of Cones in Hypersonic Flow S. Culotta, K. R. Enkenhus, and P. Krogmann. Jan 70, 78p Rept no. VKI-TN-66 Descriptors: 'Data reduction, 'Free flight, 'Half cones, 'Hypervelocity wind tunnels, 'Static sta- bility, Aerodynamic coefficients, Computer pro- grams, Wind tunnel models. Wind tunnel sta- bility tests. For abstract, see STAR 091 9 N71-32793/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Noz- zle with Boundary Layer Correction L. J. Goldman, and M. R. Vanco. Aug 71 , 61 p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2343, E-6261 Contract 120-34 Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Computer programs, 'Nozzle geometry, 'Supersonic flow, 'Supersonic nozzles, Fortran, Supersonic tur- bines. For abstract, see STAR 0919 N71-33318/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Gasp - a Computer Code for Calculating the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Eight Fluids - Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide A. Baron, R. C. Hendricks, I. Peller, and K. J. Pew. 1971, 49p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-67895, E- 6501 Conf- Presented At the 13th Intern. Congr. of Refrig., Washington, D. C, 27 Aug. - 3 Sep. 1971, Sponsored By the Natl. Acad, of Sci./Natl. Res. Council Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Cryogenic fluids, 'Thermodynamics, 'Transport proper- ties. Argon, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Fluid flow, Heat transfer, Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen, Oxygen. For abstract, see STAR 0920 N71-33670/CP PC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid, Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack R. W. Barnwell, and R. M. Davis. Sep 71 , 72p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2334, L-7771 Contract 136-13-05-01 Descriptors: 'Blunt bodies, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Hypersonic speed, 'Inviscid flow, 'Manuals, 'Supersonic speeds, Adiabatic flow, Axisymmetric flow. Finite difference theory, Ideal gas, Shock waves. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Three dimensional flow. For abstract, see STAR 0920 N71-34262/CP PC E01/MF A01 Iowa State Univ. of Science and Technology, Ames. Engineering Research Inst. REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CON- STANT STAGGER CASCADES Interim Report M. J. Miller, and T. Skanberg. Jun 71 , 75p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 21679, ISU-ERI-AMES-99985 Contract NGL- 16-002-005 Proj- Eri Proj. 626 Descriptors: 'Cascade control, "Compressor blades, 'Computer programs, 'Inlet flow, 'Staggering, Axial flow, Hydrodynamics, Tur- bomachinery. For abstract, see STAR 0921 N71-34895/CP PC E01/MF A01 Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Lausanne (Switzerland). GENERALIZED ONE DIMENSIONAL MAG- NETOHYORODYNAMIC COMPUTER CODE FOR PARTIALLY IONIZED HYDROGEN OR HELIUM PLASMAS F. Hofmann. Feb 71 , 42p Rept no. LRP-46/71 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Magnetohydrodynamic flow, 'One dimen- sional flow, 'Plasma dynamics, Helium plasma, Hydrogen plasma, Nuclear models. For abstract, see STAR 0921 PC E01/MF A01 Santa Barbara. Solid-state N71-34906/CP California Univ. Lab. RELIABILITY STUDIES IN SEMICONDUCTOR FABRICATION Final Technical Report 1971, 17p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 19800 Contract NGR-05-010-041 Descriptors: 'Anodic coatings, 'Component re- liability, 'Computer programs, 'Electrochemical oxidation, "Semiconductor junctions. Crystal defects. Crystal growth, Im- purities, Semiconductor devices, Silicon ox- ides. For abstract, see STAR 0921 N71-35336/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Hetran a Computer Program to Solve the Two-Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduc- tion on a Cladded Tube with a Connecting Fin F. B. Molls. Sep 71 , 56p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 2351 . E-6351 145 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Conductive heat transfer, *Fins, "Pipes (tubes), Boundary value problems, Cladding, Finite difference theory, Fortran, Mathematical models. For abstract, see STAR 0922 N71-35405/CP PC E01/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. School of Aerospace Engineering. Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three-Oimensional Acoustic Fields Quarterly Report, 1 Jun. - 31 Aug. 1 971 B. T. Zinn, A. J. Smith, Jr, B. R. Daniel, and W. A. Bell. 2 Sep 71 , 18p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 19941 Contract NGL-1 1 -001 -085 Descriptors: 'Acoustic ducts, 'Computer pro- grams, "Convergent nozzles, 'Electrical im- pedance, 'Performance prediction, Analog to digital converters, Data reduction, Three dimensional flow. For abstract, see STAR 0922 N71-35410/CP PC E01/MF A01 Von Karman Inst, for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint-genese (belgium). Calculation of the Flow Through Supercritical Turbine Cascades, with a View to Designing Blades with Reduced Shock Strength R. G. Sampson. Mar 70, 89p Rept no. VKI-TN-57 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Supercritical flow, 'Turbine blades, 'Turbomachinery, Gas turbine engines, Pres- sure effects. Shock waves, Supersonic tur- bines, Surface geometry, Transonic nozzles. For abstract, see STAR 0922 N71-35899/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Penetration of High Energy Radiation 1 Sep 71 , 5p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 1 9939 Contract NASA ORDER R-09-022-01 1 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Electron diffusion, 'Particle interactions, 'Penetration, Bremsstrahlung, Computer techniques, Elec- tron irradiation. Media. For abstract, see STAR 0922 N71-36405/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Physical Lab., Teddington (england). Div. of Numerical Analysis and Computing Analytical and Numerical Studies of Downwash over Rectangular Planforms H. C. Garner, and G. F. Miller. May 71 , 28p Rept no. NPL-MA-99 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Downwash, 'Rectangular planforms, Aerodynamic loads, Aspect ratio, Asymptotes, Leading edges, Lift devices, Lifting bodies, Mathematical models. Numerical integration, Singularity (mathematics), Subsonic flow, Surfaces, Wing tips. For abstract, see STAR 0923 N71-36417/CP PCE01/MFA01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Computer Program to Determine Radiating, Nonadiabatic, Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations F.W.Taylor. Oct 71, 164p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-2328, L-7807 Descripters: 'Blunt bodies, 'Computer pro- grams, "Flow characteristics, 'Integral equa- tions, 'Inviscid flow, Digital computers, Subrou- tines. For abstract, see STAR 0923 N71-36701/CP PC E01/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Cavitation and Mul- tiphase Flow Lab. Computer Simulation of High Speed Collision with Rain Drop (Combined Spherical-Cylindri- cal Shape) Y. C. Huang, F. G. Hammitt, and W. Yang. Sep 71,35pReptno. UMICH-03371-12-T Contract NSF GK-730 Subm- Submitted To Asme for Publication Descriptors: "Erosion, 'Impact tests, 'Pressure measurements, 'Raindrops, Computer pro- grams, Flow equations, Numerical analysis. For abstract, see STAR 0923 N71-37569/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Effects Shape Change L. M. Howser, and S. S. Tompkins. Oct 71 , 82p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2375, L-7900 Descriptors: 'Ablation, 'Axisymmetric bodies, "Computer programs, "Heat transfer, "Transient response, Boundary layer flow, Differential equations, Finite difference theory. For abstract, see STAR 0923 N71-37734/CP PC E01/MF A01 Aerojet-general Corp., Azusa, Calif. Power Systems Div. Modified Thermal Analyzer Digital Computer Program (Tap) D. E. Knittle. 10 Nov 69, 116p Rept nos. NASA- CR-72916, AGC-TM-494269-602 Contract NAS5-41 7 Descriptors: "Analogies, "Computer programs, "Finite difference theory, "Heat transmission, Fortran, Heat transfer, Ibm 360 computer, Steady state, Transient heating. For abstract, see STAR 0924 N71-37735/CP PC E01/MF A01 Aerojet-general Corp., Azusa, Calif. Mufan, a Computer Program for the Analysis of Multi-Loop Fluid Flow Systems D. G. Michaels. 21 Jun 71, 117p Rept nos. NASA-CR-72943, AGC-TM-797570-644 Contract NAS3-1 3458 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Fluid flow, "Incompressible flow, "One dimensional flow, Flow velocity, Fortran, Ibm 360 computer, Pipes (tubes). Pressure. For abstract, see STAR 0924 N71-38394/CP PC E01/MF A01 Scottish Research Reactor Centre, East Kil- bride. Details of Some beta Heating Calculations J.Scobie.and R. C. Scott. 1971, 12p Rept no. SRRC-3871 Descriptors: "Fission, "Nuclear energy, 'Plutonium isotopes, "Uranium isotopes, Branching (mathematics), Computer programs, Half life. For abstract, see STAR 0924 N72-10237/CP PC E01/MF A01 Oxford Univ. (england). Lab. of Engineering. Some Numerical Solutions in Unsteady Pipe Flow R. J. Pope. 1971, 19p Rept no. REPT-1019/71 Descriptors: "Pipe flow, 'Problem solving, 'Unsteady flow, Boundary value problems, Computer programs, Navier-stokes equation, Numerical analysis. Pressure gradients, Velocity distribution. For abstract, see STAR 1 001 N72-11010/CP PC E01/MF A01 Lockheed-georgia Co., Marietta. Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Multi-Component Airfoils in Viscous Flow W. A. Stevens, S. H. Goradia, and J. A. Braden. Jul 71, 167p Rept no. NASA-CR-1843 Contract NAS1-9143 Misc Osupplement To Nasa-cr-1843 Descriptors: 'Airfoils, 'Computer programs, "Two dimensional flow, 'Viscous flow. Mathe- matical models. For abstract, see STAR 1002 N72-11288/CP PCE01/MFA01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg. Laminar or Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows of Perfect Gases or Reacting Gas Mixtures in Chemical Equilibrium E. C. Anderson, and C. H. Lewis. Oct 71,1 75p Rept no. NASA-CR-1893 Contract NASI -9337 Descriptors: 'Chemical equilibrium, 'Finite dif- ference theory, "Gas mixtures, 'Ideal gas, 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Computer programs, Mass transfer, Pres- sure gradients, Problem solving, Temperature effects. For abstract, see STAR 1002 N72-11560/CP PC E01/MF A01 Istituto Superiore Di Sanita, Rome (italy). Lab. Di Fisica. A Computer Program for the Evaluation of the Optical Constants of Solids, Via the Disper- sion Relations . UN Programma Per II Calcolo Delle Costanti Ottiche di UN Solido Mediante le Relazioni di Dispersione A. Verdecchia. 30 Jan 71 , 38p Rept no. ISS-71 /1 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Optical properties, "Solids, Dielectric properties, Free electrons. Reflectance, Refraction. For abstract, see STAR 1002 N72-11828/CP PC E01/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dept. Calculation of Inviscid Surface Streamlines and Heat Transfer on Shuttle Type Configura- tions. Part 2 Description of Computer Pro- gram F. R. Dejarnette, and M. H.Jones. Aug 71, 255p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 11922 Contract NASI -10277 Descriptors: "Aerodynamic heating, 'Blunt bodies, "Computer programs, 'Hypersonic flow. Cones, Delta wings, Heat transfer, HI-10 reentry vehicle. Slabs, Space shuttles. For abstract, see STAR 1002 N72-12222/CP PC E01/MF A01 Nielsen Engineering and Research, Inc., Moun- tain View, Calif. 146 Calculation of Compressible Nonadiabatic Boundary Layers in Laminar, Transitional and Turbulent Flow by the Method of Integral Relations G. D. Kuhn. Nov 71, 132pReptnos. NASA-CR- 1797, NEAR-TR-25 Contract NASI -94 29 Descriptors: 'Boundary layers, "Computer pro- grams, 'Flow characteristics, 'Integral equa- tions, Axisymmetric bodies, Eddy viscosity, Flow velocity. Two dimensional bodies. For abstract, see STAR 1003 N72-12684/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Atomic Emission Line Wavelength Calcula- tions Below 2000 Angstroms for Lithium II Through Cobalt XXVI M.D.Williams. 1971, 118p Rept no. NASA-SP- 3068 Descriptors: 'Cobalt, 'Emission spectra, 'Line spectra, 'Lithium, 'Wavelengths, Computer programs, Error analysis, Fortran, Least squares method, Tables (data). For abstract, see STAR 1003 N72-13271/CP PCE01/MFA01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Computer Program for Calculating Super- sonic Flow on the Windward Side Conical delta Wings by the Method of Lines E. B. Klunker.J. C. South, Jr, and R. M.Davis. Jan 72, 58p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2438, L-7950 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Delta wings, 'Supersonic flow, Circular cones, Coni- cal flow. Flow distribution, Fortran. For abstract, see STAR 1004 N72-14301/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Factors Which Influence the Analysis and Design of Ejector Nozzles B. H. Anderson. 1 972, 10p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-67976, E-6698 Conf- Presented At 10th Aerospace Sci. Meet- ing, San Diego, Calif., 17-19 Jan. 1972 Descriptors: 'Aircraft design, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Exhaust nozzles, 'Supersonic aircraft, Flow characteristics, Mixing, Thrust. For abstract, see STAR 1005 N72-14303/CP PC E01/MF A01 New York Univ., NY. Dept. of Mathematics. Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Three- Dimensional Corner L. Ting, and F. Kung. May 71 , 53p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 26482, NYU-AA-70-28 Contract NGL-33-016-1 19 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Corners, 'Three dimensional flow, 'Wave diffraction, Nu- merical analysis, Plane waves, Pressure dis- tribution, Shock fronts. For abstract, see STAR 1 005 N72-14308/CP PC E01/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (england). Dept. of Aeronautics. A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boundary Layer Development P. Bradshaw. Nov 71, 18p Rept nos. IC-AERO- 71-24, NPL-71-24 Misc Oaddendum To Npl-71-24 Descriptors: 'Compressible flow, 'Ducted flow, 'Three dimensional flow, 'Turbulent boundary layer, 'Turbulent heat transfer, Adiabatic flow, Computer programming, Hyperbolic functions, Method of characteristics, Swept wings. For abstract, see STAR 1005 N72-14697/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer Regions Using Numerical Integration Methods R. F. Schmidt. Jul 71 , 47p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-65779, X-81 1-71-392 Subm- Submitted for Publication Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic fields, 'Far fields, 'Fresnel region, 'Numerical integration, Antenna radiation patterns, Computer pro- grams, Digital computers. Parabolic reflectors. For abstract, see STAR 1005 N72-14703/CP PC E01/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three Dimensional Acoustic Fields Quarterly Report, 1 Sep. - 30 Nov. 1971 B. T. Zinn, W. A. Bell, B. R. Daniel, and A. J. Smith, Jr. 30 Nov 71 , 41 p Rept no. NASA-CR- 121070 Contract NGL-1 1 -002-085 Descriptors: 'Acoustic nozzles, 'Nozzle design, Analog to digital converters. Computer pro- grams, Data reduction, Regression analysis, Riccati equation, Tables (data). For abstract, see STAR 1 005 N72-14935/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Comparison of the Radiation Flux Profiles and Spectral Detail from Three Detailed Non- gray Radiation Models at Conditions Representative of Hypervelocity Earth Entry J. T. Suttles. Jan 72, 27p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 2447, L-7986 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic heating, 'Computerized simulation, 'Hypersonic reentry, 'Radiative heat transfer, Computer programs, Hypervelocity. For abstract, see STAR 1005 N72-14938/CP PC E01/MF A01 Missouri Univ., Rolla. Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen-Heli- um Plasmas H. F.Nelson. Nov 71, 125pRept no. NASA-CR- 1861 Contract NGR-26-003-055 Descriptors: 'Helium plasma, 'High tempera- ture, 'Hydrogen plasma, 'Thermodynamic pro- perties, Computer programs, Tables (data), Temperature gradients. For abstract, see STAR 1005 N72-14988/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Investigation of a Mixed Compression Ax- isymmetric Inlet at Mach Number 5.3 E. A. Latham, N. E. Sorenson, and D. B. Smeltzer. Jan 72, 35p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 6647, A-4160 Descriptors: 'Axisymmetric flow, 'Hypersonic flow, 'Intake systems. Angle of attack, Bounda- ry layers, Computer programs. High pressure. For abstract, see STAR 1006 N72-15173/CP PCE01/MFA01 General Applied Science Labs., Inc., Westbury, NY. Calculation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Utilizing a Compressibility Transformation. Part 3 Computer Program Manual J. Schneider, and J. Boccio. Jan 72, 97p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 925, GASL-TR-748-PT-3 Contract NASI -9624 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat transfer, 'Pressure gradients, 'Turbulent boun- dary layer. Boundary layer flow, Compressible boundary layer. Conservation equations, Croc- co method. For abstract, see STAR 1 006 N72-15382/CP PC E01/MF A01 Bochum Univ. (west Germany). Abteilung Fuer Physik Und Astronomie. Tables of Mie-Scattering Functions. Part 1 Mixtures of Dielectric Particles R. H. Giese. May 71 , 133p Rept nos. BMBW-FB- W-71-23, DK-535.36 Subm- Sponsored By Bundesmin. Fuer Bildung Und Wiss. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, *Mie scat- tering, 'Scattering functions, 'Tables (data), Absorbers (materials), Dielectrics, Dispersion, Fortran, Light scattering, Numerical integra- tion, Particle size distribution. Spheres. For abstract, see STAR 1 006 N72-16209/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Computer Program for Calculating Super- sonic Flow About Circular, Elliptic, and Biel- liptic Cones by the Method of Lines E. B. Klunker, J. C. South, Jr, and R. M. Davis. Feb 72, 89p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2437, L-7951 Descriptors: 'Circular cones, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Ellipsoids, 'Method of characteristics, 'Supersonic flow. Conical flow, Flow equations. Manuals. For abstract, see STAR 1007 N72-17208/CP PC E01/MF A01 Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash. Commercial Air- plane Group. Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three- Dimensional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small-Disturbance Equations, Part 2 E. Dsylva. Feb 72, 300p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 1927, D6-25124-PT-2 Contract NASI -9562 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Flow charts, 'Flow equations, 'Hypersonic flow, 'Numerical analysis, 'Supersonic flow, Aircraft configurations, Digital simulation, Flow dis- tribution, Inviscid flow, Steady flow, Three dimensional flow. For abstract, see TN1 7375. 147 N72-17988/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities in the Meridional Plane of a Turbomachine 1 Centrifugal Compressor M. R. Vanco. Mar 72, 57p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-6701 , E-6592 Descriptors: "Centrifugal compressors, 'Computer programs, 'Meridional flow, 'Velocity measurement, Flow distribution, Fiow equations, Fortran, Impellers, Mathematical models. Rotor blades (turbomachinery). The program will determine the velocities in the meridional plane of a backward-swept impeller, a radial impeller, and a vaned diffuser. The velocity gradient equation with the assumption of a hub-to-shroud mean stream surface is solved along arbitrary quasi-orthogonals in the meridional plane. These quasi-orthogonals are fixed straight lines. (Author) N72-18961/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02- AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures C. G. Ill Miller. Mar 72, 61 p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-2512, L-8135 Descriptors: 'Data acquisition, 'Flow equa- tions, 'Gas flow, 'Shock waves, "Test facilities, Heat transfer, Hypersonic flow, Pressure dis- tribution. Supersonic flow. Data reduction procedures for determining free-stream and post-normal-shock flow condi- tions are presented. These procedures are ap- plicable to flows of C02, N2, 02, Ar, or mixtures of these gases and include the effects of dis- sociation and ionization. The assump tion of thermochemical equilibrium free-stream and post-normal-shock flow is made. Although derived primarily to meet the immediate needs of an expansion tube of a hot gas radiation research facility, these procedures are applica- ble to any supersonic or hypersonic test facility using these gases or mixtures thereof. The data reduction procedures are based on combina- tions of three of the following flow parameters measured in the immediate vicinity of the test section: (1) stagnation pressure behind normal shock, (2) free-stream static pressure, (3) stag- nation-point heat-transfer rate, (4) free-stream velocity, and (5) free-stream density. Thus, these procedures do not depend explicitly upon measured or calculated upstream flow parame- ters. The procedures are incorporated into a single computer program written in FORTRAN IV language. A listing of this computer program is presented, along with a description of the in- puts required and a sample of the data printout. (Author) N72-19211/CP PCE01/MFA01 Kiruna Geophysical Observatory (Sweden). Polarization Measurements of Frequency Sta- bilized VLF Signals J. Svennesson. Dec 71, 35p Rept no. KGO-716 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, "Polarization characteristics, 'Signal measure- ment, 'Signal reception, 'Very low frequencies, Computer programs, Diurnal variations. Frequency stability, Loop antennas. Polar re- gions, Roofs, Signal transmission. A strong effect of induced secondary fields at the measuring site on the roof of the observato- ry building is observed. A source of secondary fields consisting of an inductive loop is found, which well describes the observed anomalies both in magnitude and phase. From continuous polarization measurements it is concluded that there is no diurnal variation in the polarization parameters although the parameters are less variable when the receiver site is in sunlight. No correlation is observed between ionospheric events and changes in the polarization parame- ters. A higher degree of polarization by a factor of approximately 3 is observed for east-west propagation compared to west-east propaga- tion. (Author) N72-19312/CP PC E01/MF A01 Dynamic Science, Irvine, Calif. Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 1 Numeri- cal Solutions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations with Equilibrium Chemistry Final Report J. N. Levine.Jun 71, 114p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 125683, SN-230-VOL-1 Contract NAS7-791 Subm- Prepared for Jpl Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Equations of motion, 'Finite difference theory, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Chemical reactions, Film cool- ing. Hydrogen oxygen engines. Sweat cooling. A finite difference turbulent boundary layer computer program has been developed. The program is primarily oriented towards the cal- culation of boundary layer performance losses in rocket engines; however, the solution is general, and has much broader appl icability. The effects of transpiration and film cooling as well as the effect of equilibrium chemical reac- tions (currently restricted to the H2-02 system) can be cal culated. The turbulent transport terms are evaluated using the phenomenologi- cal mixing length - eddy viscosity concept. The equations of motion are solved using the Crank- Nicolson implicit finite difference technique. The analysis and computer program have been checked out by solving a series of both laminar and turbulent test cases and com- paring the results to data or other solutions. These comparisons have shown that the pro- gram is capable of producing very satisfactory results for a wide range of flows. Further refine- ments to the analysis and program, especially as applied to film cooling solutions, would be aided by the acquisition of a firm data base. (Author) N72-19320/CP PC E01/MF A01 Deutsche Forschungs- Und Versuchsanstalt Fuer Luft- Und Raumfahrt, Goettingen (west Germany). Fortran IV Computer Program for Boundary Layers in Compressible Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Flow J. Rotta. May 70, 89p Rept nos. DLR-FB-71-51, AVA-FB-7113 Lang- in German English Summary Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Flow equa- tions, 'Laminar flow, 'Turbulent boundary layer, Compressible flow, Mathematical models, Numerical analysis. A computer program is described, which calcu- lates laminar and turbulent boundary layers in compressible flow without heat transfer. The computation method is based on simultaneous integration of the integral equations for mo- mentum and kinetic energy. The instructions, which are relevant to the user, as well as the basis of both the underlying theory and the computational pro cedure are presented. Two examples explain the application of the pro gram. (Author) N72-20192/CP PC E01/MF A01 Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt (west Ger- many). Fakultaet Fuer Mathematik Und Physik. The Three-Dimensional Transport Problem of Linear Programming Characteristics and Solution . das Dreidimensionale Transport- problem der Linearen Planungsrechnung- Eigenschaften und Loesung Ph.D. Thesis U. Barth. 15Jul71,174p Descriptors: 'Numerical analysis, 'Three dimensional flow, 'Transport theory, 'Two dimensional flow, Algorithms, Computer pro- grams. Mathematical models. A decomposition equation for the solution of the three dimensional transport problem is presented. The equation is based on the Wil- liams decomposition equation for the two dimensional transport problem. The equation is applied in the solution of problem is presented. The equation is based on the Williams decom- position equation for the two dimensional transport problem. The equation is applied in the solution of an axial problem and leads to a general problem in linear programming. The computer programs for solving the equations are described. Mathematical models of the operations involved are included. N72-20897/CP PC E01/MF A01 Wiggins (j. H.) Co., Inc., Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. Structural Model Optimization Using Statisti- cal Evaluation Interim Report J. D. Collins, G. C. Hart, R. T. Gabler, and B. Kennedy. Feb 72, 62p Rept no. NASA-CR- 123575 Contract NAS8-27331 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Statistical analysis, 'Structural analysis, Bayes theorem, Degrees of freedom, Matrices (mathematics). The results of research in applying statistical methods to the problem of structural dynamic system identification are presented. The study is in three parts: a review of previous ap- proaches by other researchers, a development of various linear estimators which might find application, and the design and development of a computer program which uses a Bayesian estimator. The method is tried on two models and is estimators which might find application, and the design and development of a computer program which uses a Bayesian estimator. The method is tried on two models and is successful where the predicted stiffness matrix is a proper model, e.g., a bending beam is represented by a bending model. Difficulties are encountered when the model concept varies. There is also evidence that nonlinearity must be handled properly to speed the convergence. (Author) N72-20969/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fortran Program for Generating a Two- Dirrtensional Orthogonal Mesh Between Two Arbitrary Boundaries W. D. Mcnally. Apr 72, 45p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-6766, E-6644 Descriptors: 'Channel flow, 'Computer pro- grams, "Coordinates, Computer graphics, Finite difference theory, Fortran, Meridional flow. Orthogonal functions, Plotting, Tur- bomachinery. A FORTRAN 4 program is presented which computes and plots coordinates for a two- dimensional orthogonal mesh in the region between the walls of a flow channel. The pro- gram is designed for a channel containing a body about which flow passes and which spans the channel from one wall to the other. How- ever, the condition that the channel contain an is designed for a channel containing a body about which flow passes and which spans the channel from one wall to the other. However, the condition that the channel contain an im- mersed body can be easily removed from the 148 program. Input to the program consists of spline points of the channel walls and the body geometry. Output includes printed and plotted coordinates of the generated orthogonal mesh and angles of the mesh with the horizontal plane. (Author) N72-21312/CP PCE01/MFA01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas J. M. Price, and J. F. Harris. Apr 72, 1 16p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2458, L-8037 Descriptors: 'Compressible boundary layer, 'Computer programs, 'Laminar flow, 'Transition flow, 'Turbulent flow, Axisymmetric flow, Difference equations, Eddy viscosity, Finite difference theory. Ideal gas, Mixing length flow theory. A computer program is described which solves the compressible laminar, transitional, or tur- bulent boundary-layer equations for planar or axisymmetric flows. Three-point implicit dif- ference relations are used to reduce the mo- mentum and energy equations to finite-dif- ference form. These equations are solved turn and energy equations to finite-difference form. These equations are solved simultaneously without iteration. Turbulent flow is treated by the inclusion of either a two-layer eddy-viscosi- ty model or a mixing-length formulation. The eddy conductivity is related to the eddy viscosi- ty through a static turbulent Prandtl number which may be an arbitrary function of the distance from the wall boundary. The transi- tional boundary layer is treated by the inclusion of an intermittency function which modifies the fully turbulent model. The laminar-boundary- layer equations are recovered when the inter- mittency is zero, and the fully turbulent equa- tions are solved when the intermittency is unity. (Author) N72-21677/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Computer Program for Moessbauer Data Processing L. M. Howser, J. J. Singh, and R. E. Smith, Jr. Apr 72, 63p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2522, L-81 76 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Line spec- tra, 'Mossbauer effect, Absorption spectra. Digital computers, Fortran, Least squares method. A computer program to analyze Mossbauer data is presented in detail. The least-squares curve fitting techniques described apply to sin- gle line spectra, single hyperfine spectra, or when the constituent spectra are separated well enough to let the individual absorption peaks stand alone. The present program is not adapted for complex spectra resulting from the existence of several local environments in the absorber iron alloy. Sample problems are presented to aid the user in setting up and running the present program is not adapted for complex spectra resulting from the existence of several local environments in the absorber iron alloy. Sample problems are presented to aid the user in setting up and running the program. The program is written in FORTRAN 4 language for the Control Data 6000 series digital computer with the SCOPE 3.0 operating system and requires approximately 115,000 octal locations of core storage. A typical case with one absorp- tion peak runs in 20 seconds, and a typical problem with six absorption peaks requires 50 seconds. (Author) N72-21683/CP PC E01/MF A01 Rome Univ. (italy). Inst, of Physics. Subprograms for the Calculation of Spin Matrix Elements Using the Zemach Method . Sottoprogrammi Per II Calcolo Degli Elements di Matrice di Spin Secondo II Metodo di Zemach M.Gaspero. 13 Jul 71, 20p Rept no. NOTA- INTERNA-328 Descriptors: 'Annihilation reactions, "Matrices (mathematics), 'Spin, 'Subroutines, An- tiprotons, Computer programs, Lorentz trans- formations, Neutrons, Pions, Relativistic ef- fects. A Monte Carlo program, called OXALIS, was written for the UNIVAC 1 108 computer to study the antiproton-neutron annihilation: antiproton + neutron yields 2 positive pions + 3 negative pions. The program includes a set of subrou- tines enabling the calculation of the spin matrix elements, in the Zemach relativistic form, using a few FORTRAN instructions. Two subroutines executing Zemach relativistic form, using a few FORTRAN instructions. Two subroutines ex- ecuting special Lorentz transformations are described and examples are given showing the use of OXALIS subroutines in the case where the angular momentum is larger than two. N72-22330/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa (Ontario). Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Ax- isymmetric Bodies R. J. Dufault, and D. H. Henshaw. Nov 71 , 77p Rept nos. NRC-NAE-LR-556, NRC-12468 Descriptors: 'Axisymmetric flow, 'Computer programs, 'Incompressible flow, 'Potential flow, Aerodynamics, Subroutines, Vertical takeoff aircraft. A very general method is presented for calculat- ing incompressible potential flow about arbitra- ry axisymmetric bodies. It has been coded for a modern TSS computer system. Potential flow at any angle of attack can be computed with or without suction through the body surface - fea- tures which render the method of considerable interest for application to such bodies as jet en- gine nacelles. The coding is of general interest because of its logical arrangement as well as for the procedures used in the calculation of the elliptic integrals and the method of equa- tion solution. The refinements to integrals for the singular elements are new. (Author) N72-24289/CP PC E04/MF A01 NUS Corp., Rockville, Md. Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad, Volume 1 Final Report J. J. Steyn, R. Huang, and H. Firstenberg. May 71, 109p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 22407. NUS- 786/1 -VOL-1 Contract NAS5-1 1781 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma rays, 'Monte carlo method, 'Photons, 'Transport theory. Albedo, Energy distribution, Fluorescence, Pulse amplitude. Scattering functions, Scintillation counters. The NUGAM2 code predicts forward and backward angular energy differential and in- tegrated distributions for gamma photons and fluorescent radiation emerging from finite laminar transport media. It determines buildup and albedo data for scientific research and en- gineering purposes; it also predicts the emis- sion characteristics of finite radioisotope sources. The results are shown to be in very good agreement with available published data. The code predicts data for many situations in which no published data is available in the energy range up to 5 MeV. The NUGAM3 code predicts the pulse height response of inorganic (Nal and Csl) scintillation detectors to gamma photons. Because it allows the scintillator to be clad and mounted on a photomultiplier as in the experimental or industrial application, it is a more practical and thus useful code than others previously reported. Results are in excellent agreement with published Monte Carlo and ex- perimental data in the energy range up to 4.5 MeV. (Author) M72-24290/CP PC E09/MF A01 NUS Corp., Rockville, Md. Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 2 Code User Manual Final Report J.J. Steyn, and R. Huang. May71,94p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 22408, NUS-786/2-VOL-2 Contract NAS5-1 1781 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma rays, 'Monte carlo method, 'Photons, 'Transport theory, Albedo, Energy distribution, Fluorescence, Pulse amplitude, Scattering functions, Scintillation counters. A code user manual is presented for the NUGAM2 and NUGAM3 Monte Carlo computer programs. General operating instructions for both programs are given along with sample input and output listings. N72-24291/CP PC A03/MF A01 NUS Corp., Rockville, Md. Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method Final Report H. Firstenberg. May 71 , 37p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 22409, NUS-786/3-VOL-3 Contract NAS5-1 1781 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma rays, 'Monte carlo method, 'Photons, 'Statistical distributions, 'Transport theory, Al- bedo, Energy distribution, Fluorescence, Pulse amplitude, Scattering functions, Scintillation counters. The statistics are considered of the Monte Carlo method relative to the interpretation of the NUGAM2 and NUGAM3 computer code results. A numerical experiment using the NUGAM2 code is presented and the results are statisti- cally interpreted. (Author) M72-243S2/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. A Computer Program for the Calculation of Thermal Stratification and Self-Pressurization in a Liquid Hydrogen Tank R. W. Arnett, and R. O. Voth. May 72, 132p Rept no. NASA-CR-2026 Contract NASA ORDER C-33768B Descriptors: 'Fuel tanks, 'Pressurizing, 'Temperature distribution, Cdc 3600 computer. Centaur launch vehicle, Ibm 360 computer, Liquid hydrogen. An analysis and computer program are described for calculating the thermal stratifica- tion and the associated self-pressurization of a closed liquid hydrogen tank. FORTRAN-IV lan- guage is used and runs were made on IBM 360/65 and CDC 3600 computers. Comparisons are made between the program calculations and test results from both ground and orbital coast tests of a Centaur space vehicle. (Author) N72-25301/CP PC E06/MF A01 Dynamic Science, Irvine, Calif. Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 2 Com- puter Program and Users Manual Final Report R. J. Gloss. Jun 71, 147pRept nos. NASA-CR- 126728, SNr230-VOL-2 Contract NAS7-791 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Finite ele- ment method, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Flow equations, Laminar flow. Thermodynamic pro- perties. A finite difference turbulent boundary layer computer program which allows for mass transfer wall cooling and equilibrium chemistry effects is presented. The program is capable of calculating laminar or turbulent boundary layer solutions for an arbitrary ideal gas or an equilibrium hydrogen oxygen system. Either two dimensional or axisymmetric geometric configurations may be considered. The equa- tions are solved, in nondimension-alized physi- cal coordinates, using the implicit Crank-Nicol- son technique. The finite difference forms of the conservation of mass, momentum, total enthalpy and elements equations are linearized and uncoupled, thereby generating easily solvable tridiagonal sets of algebraic equations. A detailed description of the computer pro- gram, as well as a program user's manual is provided. Detailed descriptions of all boundary layer subroutines are included, as well as a sec- tion defining all program symbols of principal importance. Instructions are then given for preparing card input to the program and for in- terpreting the printed output. Finally, two sam- ple cases are included to illustrate the use of the program. (Author) N72-25308/CP PC E09/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. Supplement to the Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Nozzle Analysis Computer Program S. Omori, and K. W Gross. May 72, , P Rept no. 15 Descriptors: OMPUTER PROGRAMMING, 'Turbulent boundary layer , 23, NUALS, Nozzle efficiency. Subroutines , 24. SUPPLEMENT IS PRESENTED FOR A TURBU- LENT BOUNDARY LAYER NOZZLE ANALYSIS COMPUTER PROGRAM. It describes the pro- gram calculation sequence and presents a detailed documentation of each subroutine. Im- portant equations are derived explicitly, and im- provements to the program are discussed. (Author) N72-26004/CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Extrapolation of Sonic Boom Pressure Signa- tures by the Waveform Parameter Method C. L. Thomas. Jun 72, 35p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-6832, A-4232 Descriptors: 'Extrapolation, 'Pressure distribu- tion, 'Sonic booms, 'Waveforms, Acoustics, At- mospheric temperature, Computer programs, Potential gradients, Sound propagation. The waveform parameter method of sonic boom extrapolation is derived and shown to be equivalent to the F-function method. A com- puter program based on the waveform parame- ter method is presented and discussed, with a sample case demonstrating program input and output. (Author) N72-26229/CP PC E01/MF A01 Princeton Univ., N.J. Computer Program for Calculating Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Development in Compressible Flow H. J. Herring, and G. L. Mellor. Jun 72, 95p Rept no. NASA-CR-2068 Contract NGR-31 -001-074 Descriptors: 'Compressible flow, 'Computer programs, 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Turbulent boundary layer, Blasius equation, Equations of motion, Falkner-skan equation, Numerical in- tegration. A computer program is described which per- forms a numerical integration of the equations of motion for a compressible two-dimensional boundary layer. Boundary layer calculations may be carried out for both laminar and turbu- lent flow for arbitrary Reynolds number and free stream Mach number distribution on planar or axisymmetric bodies with wall heating or cooling, longitudinal wall curvature, wall suction or blowing, and a rough or a smooth wall. A variety of options are available as initial conditions. The program can generate laminar initial conditions such as Falkner-Skan similari- ty solutions (so that initial wedge flows can be simulated including Blasius or stagnation point flow) or approximate equilibrium turbulent profiles. Alternatively, initial profile input data can be utilized. (Author) N72-26232/CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. Boundary Layer Loss Sensitivity Study Using a Modified Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Computer Program S. Omori, A. Krebsbach, and K. W. Gross. 3 Mar 72, 52p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-64661 Descriptors: 'Computerized simulation, 'Liquid rocket propellants, 'Nozzle flow, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Flow velocity. Fluid dynamics, Heat transfer. Modifications of the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) computer program refer to a more accu- rate representation of boundary layer edge con- ditions, internal calculation of the Prandtl number, a changed friction coefficient relation- ship, and computation of the performance degradation. Important input parameters of the modified TBL program such as wall tempera- ture distribution, Prandtl number, Stanton number, and velocity profile exponent were changed and the individual effects on signifi- cant boundary layer parameters, heat transfer, and performance degradation are described. (Author) N72-26289/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., State College. Inst, for Environmental Studies. A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Concentration Profiles in a Turbulent Boun- dary Layer over a Flat Plate M.S. Thesis J. W. Dow. Jun 72, 1 16p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 2050, IES-72-02-001 Contract NGL-25-001-32 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric diffusion, 'Flat plates, 'Mass transfer, 'Numerical analysis, 'Turbulent boundary layer, Ammonia, At- mospheric models. Computer programs, For- tran, Turbulent diffusion. A numerical solution of the turbulent mass transport equation utilizing the concept of eddy diffusivity is presented as an efficient method of investigating turbulent mass transport in boun- dary layer type flows. A FORTRAN computer program is used to study the two-dimensional diffusion of ammonia, from a line source on the surface, into a turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate. The results of the numerical solution are compared with experimental data to verify the results of the solution. Several other solu- tions to diffusion problems are presented to il- lustrate the versatility of the computer program and to provide some insight into the problem of mass diffusion as a whole. (Author) N72-26666/CP PC A03/MF A01 Interuniversitair Reactor Instituut, Delft (netherlands). Icpeax, a Computer Program for the Auto- matic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Ob- tained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors P.J. Korthoven. 1970, 43p Rept no. IRI-133-70- 04 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma rays, 'Semiconductor devices, 'Spectrum anal- ysis, Least squares method, Normal density functions. The program ICPEAX is a computer program for the automatic analysis of gamma ray spectra obtained with high resolution semiconductor detectors. The peaks are located by inspection of the smoothed second and third derivatives of the spectrum. The smoothing depends on the average peak width. A region of the peak is then fitted with a Gaussian function with a nonlinear least squares method. The limits of this region are determined by the quality of the detector response. From the peak parameters the area and energy of all peaks are calculated. Error estimates for these quantities are also given. (Author) N72-26963/CP PC E04/MF A01 George Washington Univ., Washington, D.C. School of Engineering and Applied Science. Mathematical Modeling of High and Low Tem- perature Heat Pipes Final Report S. W. Chi. Dec 71 , 94p Rept no. NASA-CR- 122419 Contract NGR-09-01 0-070 Descriptors: 'Heat pipes, 'Heat transfer, 'Mathematical models. Computer programs, Cryogenics, Liquid metals, Performance pre- diction, Temperature gradients. Following a review of heat and mass transfer theory relevant to heat pipe performance, math models are developed for calculating heat- transfer limitations of high-temperature heat pipes and heat-transfer limitations and tem- perature gradient of low temperature heat pipes. Calculated results are compared with the available experimental data from various sources to increase confidence in the present math models. Complete listings of two com- puter programs for high- and low-temperature heat pipes respectively are included. These pro- grams enable the performance to be predicted of heat pipes with wrapped-screen, rectangu- lar-groove, or screen-covered rectangular- groove wick. (Author) N72-27002/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equa- tions D. L. Smith. Aug 72, 43p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 6860, L-8278 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic forces, 'Algorithms, "Matrices (mathematics), 'Wind tunnel ap- paratus, 'Wind tunnels, Computer programs. Iterative solution. Numerical analysis. An iterative procedure applying matrix methods to accomplish an efficient algorithm for auto- matic computer reduction of wind-tunnel force- balance data has been developed. Balance equations are expressed in a matrix form that is convenient for storing balance sensitivities and interaction coefficient values for online or offline batch data reduction. The convergence of the iterative values to a unique solution of this system of equations is investigated, and it is shown that for balances which satisfy the criteria discussed, this type of solution does 150 occur. Methods for making sensitivity adjust- ments and initial load effect considerations in wind-tunnel applications are also discussed, and the logic for determining the convergence accuracy limits for the iterative solution is given. This more efficient data reduction pro- gram is compared with the technique presently in use at the NASA Langley Research Center, and computational times on the order of one- third or less are demonstrated by use of this new program. (Author) N72-27317/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aerospace Lab., Tokyo (japan). A Description of the Ideas Underlying a Com- puter Program for Predicting the Aerofoil Pressure Distributions in Subcritical Viscous Flow M. Ebihara, Y. Ishida, and T. Okonogi. Nov 71 , 18p Rept no. NAL-TR-248 LANG- IN JAPANESE ENGLISH SU MMARY Descriptors: "Airfoils, 'Pressure distribution, 'Subcritical flow, Boundary layers, Computer programming, Viscous flow. The calculation is based on a compressibility correction formula and on the boundary layer camber model to account for viscous effects. The process by which the modification is ef- fected is explained and the limitation of the boundary layer camber model is discussed. Comparison of the computed results with available experimental data indicates that the method gives results with an accuracy suffi- cient for most practical applications. (Author) N72-28279/CP PC E03/MF A01 General Dynamics/Convair, San Diego, Calif. Aerospace Div. An Analytical Study of Reduced-Gravity Liquid Reorientation Using a Simplified Marker and Cell Technique W. S. Betts, Jr. Aug 72, 73p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 120944, GDCA-DDB72-003 Contract NAS3-1 4361 Descriptors: 'Acceleration (physics), 'Computer programs, 'Flow characteristics, 'Incompressible fluids, Computerized simula- tion. Finite difference theory, Navier-stokes equation. A computer program called HOPI was developed to predict reorientation flow dynam- ics, wherein liquids move from one end of a closed, partially filled, rigid container to the other end under the influence of container ac- celeration. The program uses the simplified marker and cell numerical technique and, using explicit finite-differencing, solves the Navier- Stokes equations for an incompressible viscous fluid. The effects of turbulence are also simu- lated in the program. HOPI can consider curved as well as straight walled boundaries. Both free-surface and confined flows can be calcu- lated. The program was used to simulate five liquid reorientation cases. Three of these cases simulated actual NASA LeRC drop tower test conditions while two cases simulated full-scale Centaur tank conditions. It was concluded that while HOPI can be used to analytically deter- mine the fluid motion in a typical settling problem, there is a current need to optimize HOPI. This includes both reducing the com- puter usage time and also reducing the core storage required for a given size problem. (Author) N72-28285/CP PC A05/MF A01 California Univ., Davis. Dept. of Mechanical En- gineering. A Computer Program for the Calculation of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows H. A. Dwyer, E. D. Doss, and A. L. Goldman. 1972, 76p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 14366 Contract NAS2-6362 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Turbulent boundary layer, Ax- isymmetric flow, Boundary value problems, Compressible flow, Equations of motion, In- compressible flow. Two dimensional flow. The results are presented of a study to produce a computer program to calculate laminar and turbulent boundary layer flows. The program is capable of calculating the following types of flow: (1) incompressible or compressible, (2) two dimensional or axisymmetric, and (3) flows with significant transverse curvature. Also, the program can handle a large variety of boundary conditions, such as blowing or suction, arbitra- ry temperature distributions and arbitrary wall heat fluxes. The program has been specialized to the calculation of equilibrium air flows and all of the thermodynamic and transport proper- ties used are for air. For the turbulent transport properties, the eddy viscosity approach has been used. Although the eddy viscosity models are semi-empirical, the model employed in the program has corrections for pressure gradients, suction and blowing and compressi- bility. The basic method of approach is to put the equations of motion into a finite difference form and then solve them by use of a digital computer. The program is written in FORTRAN 4 and requires small amounts of computer time on most scientific machines. For example, most laminar flows can be calculated in less than one minute of machine time, while turbulent flows usually require three orfour minutes. (Author) N72-29229/CP PC E07/MF A01 Boeing Co., Renton, Wash. Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loadings Caused by Trailing Edge Control Surface Motions in Subsonic Compressible Flow Computer Program Description M. C. Redman, W. S. Rowe, and B. A. Winther. 1972, 207p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 12015 Contract NASI -10536 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic loads, 'Compressible flow, 'Computer programs, 'Control surfaces, 'Subsonic speed, Aerodynamic characteristics, Lift devices, Lift- ing bodies, Numerical analysis, Surfaces. A digital computer program has been developed to calculate unsteady loadings caused by motions of lifting surfaces with trail- ing edge control based on the subsonic kernal function approach. The pressure singularities at hinge line and side edges have been ex- tracted analytically as a preliminary step to solving the integral by collocation. The pro- gram calculates generalized aerodynamic forces for user supplied deflection modes. Op- tional intermediate output includes pressure at an array of points, and sectional generalized forces. From one to four controls on the half span can be accommodated. (Author) N72-29705/CP PC A03/MF A01 Alabama A • M Univ., Normal. Dept. of Physics. A Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron In- elastic Scattering from Light Nuclei Final Report M. C. George. Jun 72, 45p Rept no. NASA-CR- 127781 Contract NGR-01 -001 -007 Descriptors: 'Gamma rays, 'Neutron scattering, 'Nuclei (nuclear physics), Computer programs. Inelastic collisions, Ionizing radiation, Oxygen, Theoretical physics. Gamma-ray production cross section by the in- elastic scattering of neutrons from light nuclei are considered. The applicability of optical model potential is discussed. Based on experi- mental data, a cascade approach is developed to calculate the inelastic gamma production cross sections. In the case of 0-16 using com- puter code LINGAP in conjunction with ABACUS-2; results are compared with reported values. (Author) N72-29707/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measure- ments of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma J. O. Mcclenahan. Aug 72, 35p Rept nos. NASA- TN-D-6920, A-4234 Descriptors: 'Far ultraviolet radiation, 'Hypersonic reentry, 'Line spectra, 'Nitrogen plasma, 'Radiation measurement, Computer programs, Radiant flux density. Shock waves. Line radiation, in the wavelength region from 1040 to 2500en1 A from nitrogen plasmas, was measured at conditions typical of those produced in the shock layer in front of vehicles entering the earth's atmosphere at superorbital velocities. The radiation was also predicted with a typical radiation transport computer pro- gram to determine whether such calculations adequately model plasmas for the conditions tested. The results of the comparison show that the radiant intensities of the lines between 1040 and 1700 A are actually lower than are pre- dicted by such computer models. (Author) N72-30618/CP PC E08/MF A01 Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville, Ala. Science and Engineering. Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accom- panying gamma Radiation Final Report R. Snow, H. R. Rosner, M. C. George, and J. D. Hayes. Sep 71 , 237p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 121023, SE-SSL- 1407 Contract NAS8-25534 Descriptors: 'Energy distribution, 'Gamma rays, 'Inelastic scattering, 'Nuclear reactions, Computer programs, Continuum mechanics. Statistical analysis. Theoretical physics. Several aspects of nonelastic nuclear reactions which proceed through the formation of a com- pound nucleus are dealt with. The full statistical model and the partial statistical model are described and computer programs based on these models are presented along with operat- ing instructions and input and output for sam- ple problems. A theoretical development of the expression for the reaction cross section for the hybrid case which involves a combination of the continuum aspects of the full statistical model with the discrete level aspects of the par- tial statistical model is presented. Cross sec- tions for level excitation and gamma produc- tion by neutron inelastic scattering from the nuclei AI-27, Fe-56, Si-28, and Pb-208 are cal- culated and compared with available experi- mental data. (Author) N72-30650/CP PC E01/MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., State College. Dept. of Aerophysics and Aerospace Engineering. Theoretical Models and Numerical Studies of Waves in a Three-Fluid Medium D. L. Murphree. Jun 72, 287p Rept no. NASA- CR-2071 Contract NGL-25-001-032, NGL-25-001-028 Descriptors: 'Iterative solution, 'Mathematical models, 'Plasma diagnostics, 'Wave disper- sion, 'Wave propagation, Atmospheric models, Computer programs, Ibm 360 computer, Iono- sphere, Magnetic fields. Matrices (mathematics), PI/1 . For abstract, see STAR 1021 151 N72-30773/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. Wall Temperature Distribution Calculation for a Rocket Nozzle Contour S. Omori, K. W. G ross, and A. Krebsbach. Jul 72, 1 1 5p Rept no. NASA-TN-D-6825 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Rocket nozzles, 'Temperature distribution, 'Wall tem- perature. Heat transfer. Regenerative cooling, Turbulent boundary layer. The JANNAF turbulent boundary layer (TBL) computer program, applicable to rocket noz- zles, requires a wall temperature distribution among other input parameters to determine boundary layer behavior, heat transfer, and per- formance degradation. The inclusion of a complete regenerative cooling cycle model with associate geometry, material and fluid pro- perty data provides a capability to internally cal- culate wall temperature profiles on the hot gas and coolant flow-side, as well as the coolant flow bulk temperature variation. Besides the regular heat transfer and performance degradation calculations, the new concept can be used to optimize the cooling cycle, flow requirements, and cooling jacket geometry. (Author) N72-31305/CP PC A03/MF A01 Cambridge Univ. (England). Dept. of Engineer- ing. Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow D. S. Whitehead. 1972, 44p Rept nos. ARC-R/M- 3685, ARC-32017 MiscOsupersedes Arc-32017 Descriptors: 'Bending vibration, "Flat plates, 'Sound waves, 'Subsonic flow, 'Turbomachine blades. Cascade flow, Compressibility, Com- puter programs. Torsional vibration, Unsteady flow, Wakes. Particulars are given of a method of calculation, which has been programmed for a digital com- puter, for linearized two-dimensional subsonic unsteady flow through a cascade of flat plates operating at zero mean incidence. Inputs to the calculation are motion of the blades due to either bending or torsional vibration, wakes from moving obstructions upstream of the cascade, and incoming acoustic waves. For each of these inputs the output gives the force and moment on the blades, the wakes shed from the trailing edges, and the outgoing acoustic waves. The program therefore pro- vides all the information necessary for calcula- tion of forced and self-excited vibration of the blades, and for the generation, transmission, and reflection of acoustic waves by a cascade. Two kinds of acoustic resonance are found, one corresponding to resonance of an annular duct without blades, and the other being an acoustic resonance in the passages between the blades. (Author) N72-31306/CP PC A03/MF A01 National Gas Turbine Establishment, Farn- borough (England). A Streamline Curvature Through-Flow Com- puter Program for Analysing the Flow Through Axial-Flow Turbomachlnes D. H. Frost. 1972, 37p Rept nos. ARC-R/M-3687, NGTE-R-312 MiscOsupersedes Ngte-r-312 Arc-32776 Descriptors: 'Axial flow turbines, 'Flow dis- tribution, 'Turbocompressors, 'Turbomachine blades, Computer programs, Inviscid flow, Steady flow, Subsonic flow. A computer program for the analysis of the fluid motion in the meridional plane of axial flow tur- bomachines is described. The method uses a streamline curvature approach and the pro- gram allows calculations within blade rows. Comparisons with experiment and various other methods of analysis are presented. (Author) N72-31307/CP PC A03/MF A01 Aeronautical Research Council, London (England). Fortran Programmes for Axisymmetric Poten- tial Flow around Closed and Semi-Infinite Bodies C. M. Albone. 1972, 41 p Rept nos. ARC-CP- 1216, ARC-32346 Misc Osupersedes Arc-32346 Descriptors: 'Axisymmetric flow, 'Bodies of revolution, 'Computer programs, 'Fortran, Af- terbodies, Incompressible flow, Pressure dis- tribution. Two programs are presented in ICL FORTRAN, for the pressure distribution on the surface of an arbitary body of revolution in axisymmetric, incompressible flow. One program evaluates the pressure distribution on an arbitary closed body of revolution. The second deals with a body which has a parallel afterbody extending to infinity downstream. Listings for each pro- gram are given. Results from both programs are presented and their accuracy is demonstrated. The range of bodies for which the programs work is also shown. (Author) N72-32296/CP PC E01/MF A01 Iowa State Univ. of Science and Technology, Ames. Development of Equilibrium Air Computer Programs Suitable for Numerical Computa- tion Using Time-Dependent or Shock-Captur- ing Methods J. C. Tannehill, and R. A. Mohling. Sep 72, 50p Rept no. NASA-CR-2134 Contract NGR-1 6-002-038 Descriptors: 'Air, 'Computer programs, 'Thermodynamic properties. Curve fitting, Gas density, llliac 4 computer. Independent varia- bles, Least squares method, Time dependence. Computer programs were developed which compute the thermodynamic properties of equilibrium air for use in either the time-depen- dent or shock-capturing computational methods. For the time-dependent method, tne NASA-ARC RGAS computer program was modified to allow internal energy and density to be used as the independent variables. In addi- tion, simplified-curve fits for p = p(e,rho), a = a(e,rho), and T = T(p,rho) were devised to reduce computer time. For the shock-capturing method a simplified curve fit for h = h(p.rho) was made. These approximate curve fits may be particularly useful when employed on advanced computers such as the llliac 4 or the CDC Star since they avoid the cumbersome table-lookup feature of the RGAS program. (Author) N72-32300/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Program for Calculating Expansion-Tube Flow Quantities for Real-Gas Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Results C. G. Ill Miller. Sep 72, 99p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-6830, L-8361 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gas expan- sion, 'Real gases, 'Shock tubes. Flow equa- tions, Fortran, Frozen equilibrium flow, Gas dis- sociation, Thermochemical properties. A computer program written in FORTRAN 4 lan- guage is presented which determines expan- sion-tube flow quantities for real test gases C02 N2, 02, Ar, He, and H2, or mixtures of these gases, in thermochemical equilibrium. The ef- fects of dissociation and first and second ionization are included. Flow quantities behind the incident shock into the quiescent test gas are determined from the pressure and tempera- ture of the quiescent test gas in conjunction with: (1) incident-shock velocity, (2) static pres- sure immediately behind the incident shock, or (3) pressure and temperature of the driver gas (imperfect hydrogen or helium). The effect of the possible existence of a shock reflection at the secondary diaphragm of the expansion tube is included. Expansion-tube test-section flow conditions are obtained by performing an isen- tropic unsteady expansion from the conditions behind the incident shock or reflected shock to either the test-region velocity or the static pres- sure. Both a thermochemical-equilibrium ex- pansion and a frozen expansion are included. Flow conditions immediately behind the bow shock of a model positioned at the test section are also determined. Results from the program are compared with preliminary experimental data obtained in the Langley 6-inch expansion tube. (Author) N72-33662/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet R. C. Linton. Oct 72, 39p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 7061 , M-449 Descriptors: 'Far ultraviolet radiation, 'Gold, 'Optical properties, 'Platinum, 'Thin films, Computer programs, Monochromators, Reflec- tion. The optical constants of platinum and gold thin films have been determined in the spectral re- gion of 40 to 200 nm by reflection measure- ments. The highly polarized continuum of synchrotron radiation emitted by the 240-MeV electron storage ring at the Physical Sciences Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin was used as a light source for the spectrum below 120 nm, while a windowless discharge lamp coupled to a normal incidence monochromator provided a source for the longer wavelengths. Optical constants were determined by a com- puter program based on iterative solutions to the Fresnel equations for reflection as a func- tion of the angle of incidence. (Author) N72-33663/CP PC E01/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Optical Sciences Center. Electromagnetic Diffraction by Plane Reflec- tion Diffraction Gratings Final Report R. P. Bocker, and A. S. Marathay. Jul 72, 10p Rept no. NASA-CR- 130092 Contract NAS5-1 1456 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Gratings (spectra), 'Plane waves, Computer programs, Electromagnetic fields, Polarization (waves). A plane wave theory was developed to study electromag-netic diffraction by plane reflection diffraction gratings of infinite extent. A com- puter program was written to calculate the energy distribution in the various orders of dif- fraction for the cases when the electric or mag- netic field vectors are parallel to the grating grooves. Within the region of validity of this theory, results were in excellent agreement with those in the literature. Energy conservation checks were also made to determine the region of validity of the plane wave theory. The com- puter program was flexible enough to analyze any grating profile that could be described by a single value function f(x). Within the region of validity the program could be used with con- fidence. The computer program was used to in- vestigate the polarization and blaze properties of the diffraction grating. (Author) 152 N72-33712/CP PC E01/MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Theoretical Determination of Cesiated Work Functions R. M.Szejn. 15 Sep 72, 19p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 128339, JPL-TM-33-565 Contract NAS7-1 00 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Thermionic converters, 'Work functions, Bimetals, Cesium vapor, Charge transfer, Rhenium, Substrates. A computer program based on the theoretical work of Gyftopoulos, Steiner, and Levine on bimetallic systems and using a modified version of Wilkins' SIMCON subroutine SURFAS was written for the Univac 1108. This program, WFGSL, accepts the operating conditions and the physical parameters pertinent to the sub- strate and adsorbate, and outputs the field-free work function, electron current (Richardson equation), ion current (Saha equation), and fractional substrate coverage by the adsorbate. A brief description of the theory is presented together with a program description and listing. An application of the program to a bimetallic system of cesium (adsorbate) and rhenium (substrate) is also described. (Author) N73-10324/CP PC E04/MF A01 Institut Franco-allemand de Recherches, St. Louis (France). Abel Transormation. Applications to Wake Density Measurement . la Transformation Dabel. Applications a la Mesure des Masses Volumiques Dans les Sillages L. Oudin, and M. Jeanmaire. 24 Nov 70, 101p Reptno. ISL-21/70 Descriptors: 'Abel function, 'Algorithms, 'Hypersonic wakes, 'Reliability analysis, Com- puter programs, Entropy, Fortran, Integral transformations, Mass, Refractivity, Spheres. Different methods for solving the Abel function are presented and applied to the restitution of the refractive indexes in the hypersonic entropy wakes of 16 mm diameter spheres (3 to 5 km/sec velocity and 20 to 10 mm mercury pres- sure) and to the obtainment of the luminance distribution within a cylindrical radiating body. The reliability of the algorithm selected accord- ing to the fields of application is evaluated. The mathematical formulation, computation modes, software, and performance such as compilation time, accuracy, etc., are discussed. (Author) N73-10891/CP PCE11/MFA01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. School of Mechanical Engineering. Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Com- puter Code W. Z. Black, and W. Wulff. Apr 72, 364p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 28594 Contract NAS9-1 041 5 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic heating, 'Computer programs, 'Heat exchangers, 'Heat transfer, 'Radiators, 'Thermodynamic properties. Aerodynamic heating, Cooling systems, Numer- ical analysis, Systems analysis. A computer program that simulates the per- formance of a space radiator is presented. The program basically consists of a rigorous analy- sis which analyzes a symmetrical fin panel and an approximate analysis that predicts system characteristics for cases of non-symmetrical operation. The rigorous analysis accounts for both transient and steady state performance in- cluding aerodynamic and radiant heating of the radiator system. The approximate analysis con- siders only steady state operation with no aerodynamic heating. A description of the radiator system and instructions to the user for program operation is included. The input required for the execution of all program op- tions is described. Several examples of pro- gram output are contained in this section. Sam- ple output includes the radiator performance during ascent, reentry and orbit. (Author) N73-11131/CP PCA03/MFA01 Research Inst, of National Defence, Stockholm (Sweden). The Influence of the Lower Ionosphere on Wave Propagation in the LF Range Up to a Distance of 300 Km L. Ladell. Apr 71, 47p Rept nos. FOA-3-C-3673- 60, REPT-18 Descriptors: 'Ionospheric disturbances, 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Low frequencies, 'Radio waves. Computer programs. Hyperbolic navigation, Numerical analysis. Calculations of the electric field strength of ionospheric waves are presented, assuming realistic ionospheric models. The earth mag- netic field is neglected and the ionosphere is considered to be horizontally stratified. The cal- culations are made by a multislab approxima- tion method, using a computer. It is determined that of the three different ionospheric profiles considered, only the night profile gives a seri- ously distrubing ionospheric wave. (Author) N73-11726/CP PCE04/MFA01 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River (Ontario). Physics Div. Nuclear, Solid State, and Theoretical Physics Research Progress Report, 1 Apr. -30Jun. 1972 Aug 72, 92p Rept nos. AECL-4257, PR-P-94 Descriptors: 'Nuclear physics, 'Research pro- jects, 'Solid state devices, 'Theoretical physics, Atomic energy levels. Computer programs, Lat- tice vibrations. Neutron spectra, Solid state physics, Uranium compounds. Research activities provided: (1) alpha decay properties for certain levels in N-20 and a theoretical model of that nucleus; (2) a method for determining U-235/U-238 ratios in uranium ores; (3) resonance neutron spectra in TI-203; (4) measurements of neutron scattering from liquid helium; (5) theoretical model of lattice vibration in molecular crystals; (6) relationship between specific heat and temperature in NaN03; (7) crystal vibration measurements in Pb-Sn-Te alloys; (8) vacancy formation energy measurements in Al; (9) production of high pu- rity germanium crystals and germanium detec- tors; (10) hydrodynamic model for fluid oscilla- tions in tube; (11) calculations on gas bubble growth in zirconium alloys; and (12) various computer programs for nuclear research appli- cations. N73-12149/CP PC A03/MF A01 Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. A Computer Program for Mapping Satellite- Borne Narrow-Beam Antenna Footprints on Earth T. W. Stagl, and J. P. Singh. Mar 72, 29p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 29283, MEMO-72/3 Contract NGL-26-008-054 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, 'Mapping, 'Satellite an- tennas, Coordinates, Earth (planet). Plotting, Synchronous satellites. A computer program has been developed that computes the locus of intersection of a quadric cone and a sphere. The outputs of the program are a list of the longitude and latitude coor- dinates of the locus of intersection and a plot of the locus. It was written primarily to define the area of the earth covered by a narrow beam an- tenna carried on a synchronous satellite in cir- cular, near equatorial orbits. The program was written for use with a CalComp 570/563 off-line plotting system and uses the standard CalComp subroutines supplied with the system. The plot is drawn using linear longitude and latitude scales and nonlinear scales such as Mercator scales cannot be used. It should be noted that this program assumes the earth to be spherical rather than oblate is it actually is. However, by assuming a spherical earth, maximum error distances of about 11.5 nautical miles are in- troduced. For many purposes, this error can be ignored. (Author) PC A03/MF A01 Lab., Amsterdam N73-12224/CP National Aerospace (Netherlands). Computer Application of Subsonic Lifting Sur- face Theory T. E. Labrujere, and J. G. Wouters. Sep 70, 38p Rept no. NLR-TR-70088-U Subm- Submitted for Publication Sponsored By Direc. of Materiel Air Rnlaf Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Lift, 'Subsonic flow, 'Thin wings, Aerodynamic characteristics, Algol, Compressible flow. Force distribution. An ALGOL program is described, based on an elaborate method for lift distribution deter- mination on thin wings in subsonic flow. This method is briefly described. (Author) N73-12727/CP PC A04/MF A01 United Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, Conn. Research Labs. Spectral Absorption Coefficients of Argon and Silicon and Spectral Reflectivity of Alu- minum N. L. Krascella. Sep 72, 53p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 29300, L-91 094-3 Contract SNPC-70 Descriptors: 'Absorption spectra, 'Aluminum, 'Argon, 'Silicon, 'Spectral reflectance. Com- puter programs, Nuclear electric propulsion. Nuclear lightbulb engines, Radiative heat transfer. A theoretical investigation was conducted to estimate the spectral properties of argon as a function of pressure, temperature, and wave number. The spectral characteristics of the argon buffer gas exert a strong influence on radiative energy transfer in the in-reactor test configuration of the nuclear light bulb engine. An existing computer program was modified and used to calculate the spectral absorption coefficients of argon at total pressures of 50, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 atm in the tempera- ture interval between 1000 and 30,000 K. At each pressure and temperature, spectral pro- perties were calculated for forty-seven wave numbers in the interval between 1000 and 1,000,000 cm/1. Estimates of the spectral ab- sorption coefficients of silicon were made as part of an evaluation of silicon vapor as a possi- ble buffer-gas seeding agent for the reference nuclear light bulb engine. Existing cross-sec- tion data were used to calculate the spectral characteristics of silicon at twenty-four tem- peratures in the interval between 2000 and 10,000 K. (Author) N73-12811/CP PC E01/MF AOt National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Properties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films Ph.D. Thesis - Va. Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ. R. B. Owen. Dec 72, 1 1 1 p Rept no. NASA-TR-R- 393 Descriptors: 'Cermets, 'Dielectrics, 'Microscopy, "Microstructure, 'Sputtering, 153 "Thin films, Computer programs, Numerical analysis, Refractivity. A transmission electron microscopy study in- volving direct and replicating techniques is directed to a definition of the microstructure of radio frequency-sputtered, thin lead-dielectric cermet films. Once defined, this microstructure is used to obtain theoretical film refractive in- dices. The Maxwell Garnett theory provides a basis for the theoretical results. Measurements of film transmission and reflectivity are used to obtain rough experimental values for film refractive indices by the Tekucheva method. More exact values are obtained via ellip- sometry. The rough Tekucheva values are used to determine the range over which computer calculations interpreting the ellipsometric results must be made. This technique yields ac- curate values for the film refractive indices. (Author) N73-13665/CP PC A03/MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). The Influence of Tilt, Cone Angle and Beam Intensity Cross Section on the Computed Per- formance of Narrow Band Optical Inter- ference Filters M. S. Brown. Jul 72, 29p Rept no. WRE-TN- 710(AP) Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Electromagnetic interference, 'Light beams, 'Optical filters, Fortran, Thin films. A FORTRAN 4 computer program which calcu- lates the effective transmission and reflection coefficients for thin film filter constructions operated in nonparallel light is described. The performance of some typical narror pass band filters when operated at normal incidence and also tilted in cones of light with linear and with Gaussian intensity cross sections is analyzed. (Author) N73-13737/CP PC E09/MF A01 Maryland Univ., College Park. Computer Science Center. The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Pro- grams for Any Computer Having a Pidgin For- tran Compiler J. M. Stewart, G. J. Kruger, H. L. Ammon, C. Dickinson, and S. R. Hall. Jun 72, 283p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 29908, TR-192 Contract NGL-21 -002-008 Subm- Sponsored in Part By Arpa Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Crystal structure. Crystallography, Diffraction, Fortran. A manual is presented for the use of a library of crystallo-graphic programs. This library, called the X-ray system, is designed to carry out the calculations required to solve the structure of crystals by diffraction techniques. It has been implemented at the University of Maryland on the Univac 1108. It has, however, been developed and run on a variety of machines under various operating systems. It is con- sidered to be an essentially machine indepen- dent library of applications programs. The re- port includes definition of crystallographic computing terms, program descriptions, with some text to show their application to specific crystal problems, detailed card input descrip- tions, mass storage file structure and some ex- ample run streams. (Author) N73-13951/CP PC E07/MF A01 General Dynamics/Convair, San Diego, Calif. Optimization of Thermal Protection Systems for the Space Vehicle. Volume 2 Users Manual 30 Oct 72, 179p Rept nos. NASA-CR-128618, GDCA-DDB72-005-VOL-2 Contract NAS9-1 1922 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Heat shielding, 'Optimization, 'Space shuttles, Equipment specifications, Heat transfer, Spacecraft design. Thermodynamic properties. The development of the computational techniques for the design optimization of ther- mal protection systems for the space shuttle vehicle are discussed. The resulting computer program was then used to perform initial op- timization and sensitivity studies on a typical thermal protection system (TPS) to demon- strate its application to the space shuttle TPS design. The program was developed in FOR- TRAN IV for CDC 6400 computer, but it was subsequently converted to the FORTRAN V lan- guage to be used on the Univac 1 1 08. (Author) N73-15304/CP PC E03/MF A01 Research Inst, of National Defence, Stockholm (Sweden). Basis for Calculating Effects of Air Re- sistance to H5 Shrapnel B. Janzon. May 71 , 84p Rept no. FOA-2-A-2539- 44 Language Swedish Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic drag, 'Friction drag, "Projectiles, "Shrapnel, 'Skin friction. Com- puter programs, Flow resistance, Hypersonic forces, Numerical analysis, Pressure drag. A study of literature and a collection of existing information at home and abroad concerning !y to fragmented shrapnel of different shapes are presented. Simple recommendation suitable for computer and rough estimates connected with measurements of effects are provided. The methods for the experimental determination of briefly mentioned and in conclusion some sim- ple sample calculations are given. A nomogram for quick estimation of air resistance is in- cluded. (Author) N73-15305/CP PC A04/MF A01 Research Inst, of National Defence, Stockholm (Sweden). Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time-Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Dif- ferent Conditions A. Nylander. May 71 , 57p Rept no. FOA-2-C- 2471-25 Language Swedish Descriptors: 'Explosives, 'Flow equations, 'Gas flow, 'Hydrodynamics, 'Reaction kinetics, 'Spherical shells, Computer programs, Detona- tion, Flow characteristics, Polytropic processes, Pressure gradients, Thermodynamic properties. A computer program for the calculation of in- flux towards the center of a spherical symmetri- cal metal shell, when accelerated by detonation of a spherical symmetrically placed explosive substance is presented. This is a problem in time dependent hydrodynamics for a one- dimensional space. In addition to the basic hydrodynamic equations in differential form, the following environmental conditions are in- troduced into the program: (1) the equation for a polytropic gas (for the explosive material reaction products) and (2) the relationships for the metal. Burst models for the metal are in- cluded. The method for solving the hydrodynamic equations is that given by van Neumann and Shockwaves are treated accord- ing to the q method. (Author) N73-15309/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Tables of Critical-Flow Functions and Ther- modynamic Properties for Methane and Com- putational Procedures for Both Methane and Natural Gas R. C. Johnson. 1 972, 73p Rept no. NASA-SP- 3074 Descriptors: 'Mass flow rate, 'Methane, 'Natural gas, "Nozzle flow, Computer programs, Fortran, Tables (data). Procedures for calculating the mass flow rate of methane and natural gas through nozzles are given, along with the FORTRAN 4 subroutines used to make these calculations. Three sets of independent variables are permitted in these routines. In addition to the plenum pressure and temperature, the third independent varia- ble is either nozzle exit pressure, Mach number, or temperature. A critical-flow factor that becomes a convenient means for determining the mass flow rate of methane through critical- flow nozzles is tabulated. Other tables are in- cluded for nozzle throat velocity and critical pressure, density, and temperature ratios, along with some thermodynamic properties of methane, including compressibility factor, enthalpy, entropy, specific heat, specific-heat ratio, and speed of sound. These tabulations cover a temperature range from 120 to 600 K and pressures to 3en1 million N/sq m. (Author) N73-16013/CP PCE01/MFA01 Mount Auburn Research Associates, Inc., New- ton Upper Falls, Mass. Godunov Method and Computer Program to Determine the Pressure and Flow Field As- sociated with a Sonic Boom Focus L. W. Parker, and R. G. Zalosh. Jan 73, 1 09p Rept no. NASA-CR-2127 Contract NASI -10276 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Flow dis- tribution, "Sonic booms, "Supersonic speeds, Mathematical models. Numerical analysis, Wave propagation. Identifiers: NASA. A computer method has been developed to cal- culate the flow field associated with sonic boom focusing. Solutions are obtained for focussing caused by localized cold spots in the atmosphere, as weil as for N-waves with con- cave fronts. Results include focus factors and the length scales of the focal region. Both strong and weak shock waves are studied. (Author) N73-16677/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Magnetic-Field Measurements for the Lewis Research Center Cyclotron T. E. Fessler. Feb 73, 52p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-2692, E-6956 Descriptors: "Cyclotrons, "Magnetic fields, "Magnetic measurement, Computer programs, Hall effect, Magnetic coils, Temperature com- pensation. Transducers. Identifiers: NASA. The magnetic field of the Lewis Center cyclotron was mapped by using a Hall-effect magnetic-field transducer. Main-field Fourier coefficients were determined on a polar mesh of 40 radii for each of seven levels of main-field coil current. Incremental fields for eight sets of trim coils and two sets of harmonic coils were also determined at four of these main-field levels. A stored-program, digital computer was used to perform the measurements. The process was entirely automatic; all data-taking and data-reduction activities were specified by the computer programs. A new method for tem- perature compensation of a Hall element was used. This method required no temperature control of the element. Measurements of the Hall voltage and Hall-element resistance were sufficient to correct for temperature effects. (Author) 154 N73-16927/CP PC A04/MF A01 Bell Aerospace Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Comoc Thermal Analysis Variant. Users Manual Program Users Manual Jun. - Oct. 1972 A. M. Bauer, and A. J. Baker. Oct 72, 61 p Rept nos. NASA-CR-130148, REPT-9500-920256 Contract NAS5-1 1935 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Heat transfer, Conductive heat transfer, Convective heat transfer, Differential equations, Finite ele- ment method, Problem solving. Identifiers: NASA. The Thermal Analysis Variant of the COMOC (computational continuum mechanics) com- puter system solves problems involving transient heat conduction and convection in stationary continua spanning arbitrarily irregu- lar two-dimensional and axisymmetric solution domains. COMOC is based upon a finite ele- ment solution algorithm for the energy equa- tion, and solves for the transient nodal tem- perature distribution using a highly stable and automatic explicit integration procedure. COMOC is exten-sively user-oriented, requires minimal input, and no a priori knowledge con- cerning the stability character of the differential equation system. It can readily output com- puted data in user-specified format fields, that geometrically resemble the solution domain discretization (for rapid engineering evalua- tion). Complete information is provided for ap- plying COMOC to a specific problem. (Author) N73-18273/CP PC E06/MF A01 Deutsche Forschungs- Und Versuchsanstalt Fuer Luft- Und Raumfahrt, Berlin (West Ger- many). Inst. Fuer Turbulenzforschung. The Solution of the Boundary Layer Equa- tions of Chemically Reacting Gases with a Hermitian Finite Difference Method N. Peters. 1972, 1 56p Rept no. DLR-FB-72-58 Language German English Summary Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Finite dif- ference theory, 'Flat plates, 'Gases, 'Problem solving, Chemical reactions. Computer pro- grams, Fortran, Nonequilibrium flow. Identifiers: NASA. A highly accurate finite difference method for solving the boundary layer equations of the laminar chemically reacting flat plate flow of a binary gas mixture is developed. First the derivatives in flow direction are replaced by second order finite difference relations. The resulting ordinary differential equations are solved with a fourth order Hermitian finite dif- ference scheme. The stability of the finite dif- ference formulation and the convergence of the iteration procedure are discussed. Numerical results are presented for various flow parame- ters including a nonequilibrium flow along a plate with discontinuously changing catalytic efficiency. The listing of the FORTRAN-pro- gram is included. (Author) N73-18729/CP PC A03/MF A01 Nagoya Univ. (Japan). Inst, of Plasma Physics. On-Line Correlation Measurement in a Plasma A. Ogata, and K. Matsuura. Dec 72, 32p Rept no. IPPJ-T-12 Descriptors: 'Buffer storage, 'Correlation, 'On- line programming, 'Plasma physics, Computer programs, Digital computers, Electromagnetic pulses, Hardware. Identifiers: NASA. An on-line system to calculate correlations in a plasma is developed. A combination of a fast buffer memory and a digital computer enables analysis of signals up to 4 MHz, with application to pulsed plasma diagnostics. Hardware and software aspects of the system are described (together) with (a few) applications. (Author) N73-18803/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Analytical and Experimental Performance of Optimal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet J. R. Zeller, B. Lehtinen, L. C. Geyser, and P. G. Batterton. Mar 73, 87p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 7188, E-7173 Descriptors: 'Air flow, 'Control theory, 'Engine inlets, 'Optimal control, 'Supersonic flow, 'Supersonic inlets, Computer programs, Nu- merical analysis. Identifiers: NASA. The techniques of modern optimal control theory were applied to the design of a control system for a supersonic inlet. The inlet control problem was approached as a linear stochastic optimal control problem using as the per- formance index the expected frequency of up- starts. The details of the formulation of the stochastic inlet control problem are presented. The computational procedures required to ob- tain optimal controller designs are discussed, and the analytically predicted performance of controllers designed for several different inlet conditions is tabulated. The experimental im- plementation of the optimal control laws is described, and the experimental results ob- tained in a supersonic wind tunnel are presented. The control laws were implemented with analog and digital computers. Com- parisons are made between the experimental and analytically predicted performance results. Comparisons are also made between the results obtained with continuous analog com- puter controllers and discrete digital computer versions. (Author) N73-18961/CP PCA04/MFA01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). A Fortran Program for Predicting the Tem- perature-Time Histories of Hemispherical Shells Subjected to Aerodynamic Heating I. C. Heron. Oct 72, 55p Rept no. WRE-TN- 783(WR/D) Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic heating, 'Computer programs, 'Fortran, 'Hemispherical shells. Heat transfer, Temperature measurement, Time measurement. Identifiers: NASA. A method is described for calculating the inner and outer surface temperatures of a hemispher- ical head subjected to aerodynamic heat transfer. In designing rocket-borne experi- ments it is often necessary to predict the tem- perature that will be experienced by the nose section. This temperature is governed by the thickness of the shell, the trajectory of the rocket vehicle and the thermal properties of the shell material. The computer program described uses these parameters to predict the required temperature-time histories. Modified Newtonian theory, which describes fairly accu- rately the pressure distribution around a hemi- sphere, is first used to calculate local flow pro- perties at specific stations. The method of Van Driest is then applied, together with a form fac- tor and corrections for compressibility, to cal- culate local heat-transfer coefficients. Com- pressibility is accounted for by means of the in- termediate enthalpy method. Both radial and circumferential heat flow are taken into ac- count. To operate the program input data must be provided to specify the rocket vehicle trajec- tory and the free stream flow properties as functions of time. (Author) N73-19425/CP PC A03/MF A01 Particle Measuring Systems, Boulder, Colo. The Study and Development of an Active Scattering Particle Size Spectrometer for Space Environments Final Report R. G. Knollenberg. 20 Dec 72, 38p Rept no. NASA-CR-124111 Contract NAS8-28297 Descriptors: 'Lasers, *Mie scattering, 'Spectrometers, 'Vacuum spectroscopy, Backscattering, Computer programs, Doppler effect, Light scattering, Wavelengths. Identifiers: NASA. The work is reported on laser operation in a vacuum, and the theoretical response of active scattering particle spectrometers (ASPS). The theoretical considerations connected with the thermal, interferometric and electrical problems that influence laser operation under vacuum conditions are discussed along with the scattering signal pulses with high frequency ripple content which were observed while operating the ASPS. N73-20020/CP PC A03/MF A01 Linguistic Systems, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Description and Implementation of a Method for Characterizing Noise Sources in Jets J. Taillet. Apr 73, 27p Rept no. NASA-TT-F- 14851 Contract NASW-2482 Tran- Transl. Into English From Description Et Mise en Oeuvre Dune Methode de Caracterisa- tion des Sources de Bruit Dans Let Jets Chantil- lon-sous-bagneux, France, Onera Report Descriptors: 'Acoustic measurements, 'Infrared radiation, 'Jet aircraft noise. Acoustic proper- ties, Computer programs, Noise reduction, Nu- merical analysis. Identifiers: NASA. A technique for characterizing noise sources in jets which is based on the measurement of in- frared emission is described. The proposed method is an extension of Lighthill's theory and takes as the initial variables the mean parame- ters and the moments derived from experimen- tally obtained fluctuating parameters, which are introduced into a computer program yielding the spectrum and the radiation pattern of the sonic far field. The acoustic variables can thus be calculated from the measured charac- teristics of the jet turbulence, so that the problem of noise reduction is reduced to an aerodynamics problem. (Author) N73-20309/CP PC E05/MF A01 Lockheed Electronics Co., Houston, Tex. Ap- plied Mechanics Dept. Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 1 C. P. Li. Feb 73, 1 23p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 128871, TR2007-VOL-1 Contract NAS9-1 2200 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric entry, "Flow dis- tribution, 'Flow equations, 'Nose cones, 'Space shuttle orbiters, Boundary layer flow, Computer programs. Reentry physics. Viscous flow. Identifiers: NASA. The computer programs developed for compu- tation of viscous shock layer flow distribution surrounding the nose of a shuttle orbiter during reentry are presented. The problem formulation and the numerical procedures used to solve the basic set of equations are described. The results of flow distribution properties at several trajectory points, ranging from the high altitude rarefied region to the low altitude boundary layer region are analyzed. (Author) N73-20310/CP PC E11/MF A01 Lockheed Electronics Co., Houston, Tex. Ap- plied Mechanics Dept. Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 2 C. P. Li. Feb 73, 383p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 128872, TR2007-VOL-2 Contract NAS9-1 2200 155 Descriptors: 'Flow characteristics, 'Flow dis- tribution, "Flow equations, *Nose cones, 'Space shuttle orbiters, Boundary layer flow, Computer programs, Numerical analysis, Viscous flow. Identifiers: NASA. Computer programs for calculating the flow distribution in the nose region of a blunt body at arbitrary speed and altitude are discussed. The programs differ from each other in their ability to consider either thin shock or thick shock conditions and in the use of either ideal, equilibrium air, or nonequilibrium air chemis- try. The application of the programs to analyz- ing the flow distribution around the nose of the shuttle orbiter during reentry is reported. (Author) N73-20311/CP PC E04/MF A01 New York Univ., N.Y. Aerospace Lab. Description of a Computer Program to Calcu- late Reacting Supersonic Internal Flow Fields with Shock Waves Using Viscous Charac- teristics Program Manual and Sample Calcu- lations R. J. Cavalleri.and A. M. Agnone. 1972, 100p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 12303 Contract NGR-33 -016-131 Descriptors: 'Chemical reactions, 'Computer programs, 'Flow distribution, 'Shock waves, 'Supersonic flow, Combustion chambers. Flow characteristics, Manuals. Identifiers: NASA. A computer program for calculating internal su- personic flow fields with chemical reactions and shock waves typical of supersonic com- bustion chambers with either wall or mid- stream injectors is described. The usefulness and limitations of the program are indicated. The program manual and listing are presented along with a sample calculation. (Author) N73-20312/CP PC A04/MF A01 New York Univ., N.Y. Aerospace Lab. Computer Program for Assessing the Theoretical Performance of a Three Dimen- sional Inlet A. M. Agnone, and F. Kung. 1972, 52p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 12304, NYU-AA-72-13 Contract NGL-33 -016-119 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Intake systems, 'Three dimensional flow, Leakage, Loads (forces). Identifiers: NASA. A computer program for determining the theoretical performance of a three dimensional inlet is presented. An analysis for determining the capture area, ram force, spillage force, and surface pressure force is presented, along with the necessary computer program. A sample cal- culation is also included. (Author) N73-20933/CP PC E01/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif. The Vise Code a Users Manual K. Wilson. Mar 73, 42p Rept no. NASA-CR-2237 Contract NAS2-6668 Descriptors: 'Ablation, 'Blunt bodies, 'Computer programs, 'Stagnation point, 'Viscous flow, Atmospheric entry, Fortran, Mathematical models, Planetary atmospheres, Univac 1 1 08 com puter. Identifiers: NASA. The VISC code is a computer automated scheme for solving the equations describing the fully coupled viscous, radiating flow at the stagnation-point of a blunt body which may or may not be ablating. The code provides a basis for obtaining prediction of the stagnation-point heating to a body entering any planetary at- mosphere at hyperbolic velocities. The code is written in FORTRAN V and is operational on both the Univac 1108 (EXECenl 8) system and the CDC 7600 system. The report gives an over- view of the VISC code computational logic flow, a description of the input requirements and output results and comments on the practical use of the code. As such the report forms a users manual for operation of the VISC code. (Author) N73-21282/CP PC A04/MF A01 New York Univ., N.Y. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Supersonic Flow Calculations for a Cone with an Elliptic Flare H. Lehrhaupt. Jun 70, 51 p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 112301, NYU-AA-70-1 6 Contract NGR-33-016-131 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Conical bodies, 'Flow distribution, 'Three dimensional flow, Flared bodies. Subroutines, Zero angle of attack. Identifiers: NASA. A three-dimensional supersonic flow program is presented for calculating the flow field about a cone at zero angle of attack with an elliptical flare. The program is irrotational, and results remain valid in the region ahead of the first re- lected characteristic from the points of shock where the shock is no longer axisymmetric. N73-21287/CP PC E04/MF A01 Institut Franco-allemand de Recherches, St. Louis (France). Blast Wave Propagation in Tunnels. Part 4 Calculations Taking into Account Wall Roughness . Propagation des Souffles en Galerie. Quatrieme Partie Calculs Tenant Compte de la Rugosite de la Paroi L. Bobin. 24 Jul 72, 87p Rept no. ISL-17/72-PT- 4 Contract DTEN-71. 70.181 Language French Descriptors: 'Shock wave propagation, 'Skin friction. Blast loads, Computer programs. Method of characteristics. Shock tunnels. Shock wave attenuation. Shock wave profiles. Turbulent boundary layer. Unsteady flow. Identifiers: NASA. A computer program based on the method of characteristics to study the blast load propaga- tion and attenuation in shock tunnels where the air is assumed to act as a perfect gas, is presented. The friction coefficients introduced in the flow equations are discussed. Results ob- tained by experiments and computation methods were compared, discussed and found to agree on a small scale. Future study using strong shock waves propagating at large distances is recommended. In addition it is sug- gested to use tables of the air in chemical equilibrium including second virial corrections instead of the perfect gas equation of state to improve the prediction of shock wave attenua- tion. N73-21897/CP PC E07/MF A01 Kansas Univ., Lawrence. Flight Research Lab. A Parametric Study of Planform and Aeroelastic Effects on Aerodynamic Center, alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives. Appendix a a Computer Program for Calculating alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives and Induced Drag for Thin Elastic Aeroplanes at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds J. Roskam, C. Lan, and S. Mehrotra. Oct 72, 175p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 12229, CRINC-FRL- 72-01 1-APP-A Contract NGR-1 7-002-071 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic drag, 'Aircraft sta- bility, 'Computerized simulation, 'Fighter air- craft, Aeroelasticity, Computer programs, Dynamic structural analysis, Slender bodies, Subsonic aircraft, Supersonic aircraft. Identifiers: NASA. The computer program used to determine the rigid and elastic stability derivatives presented in the summary report is listed in this appendix along with instructions for its use, sample input data and answers. This program represents the airplane at subsonic and supersonic speeds as (a) thin surface(s) (without dihedral) composed of discrete panels of constant pressure accord- ing to the method of Woodward for the aerodynamic effects and slender beam(s) for the structural effects. Given a set of input data, the computer program calculates an aerodynamic influence coefficient matrix and a structural influence coefficient matrix. (Author) N73-21909/CP PC A05/MF A01 Royal Netherlands Aircraft Factories Fokker, Schiphol-oost. Dept. of Dynamics and Compu- tation. Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Introduction and Part 1 A. J. Hasekamp. 1 Nov 72, 77p Rept no. FOK-X- 449-PT-1 Descriptors: 'Algol, 'Computer programs, 'Delta wings, 'Lifting bodies, 'Rectangular planforms. Flow distribution, Harmonic oscilla- tion. Lift devices, Pressure distribution. Procedures, Supersonic flow. Velocity distribu- tion. Wing oscillations. Identifiers: NASA. With the aid of five ALGOL 60 procedures, the velocity potential and pressure distribution on three types of planforms oscillating harmoni- cally in a supersonic mainstream can be calcu- lated. The three types of planforms considered are: a rectangular planform, a triangular plan- form with supersonic leading edges, and a tri- angular planform with subsonic leading edges. Part 1 of the report is a user's guide to the five procedures, while Part 2 gives the derivation of the formulas from which the procedures have been programmed. N73-21910/CP PC E09/MF A01 Royal Netherlands Aircraft Factories Fokker, Schiphol-oost. Dept. of Dynamics and Compu- tation. Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Part 2 A. J. Hasekamp. 1 Nov 72, 270p Rept no. FOK-X- 449-PT-2 Descriptors'. "Algol, 'Computer programs, 'Delta wings, 'Lifting bodies, 'Rectangular planforms. Flow distribution. Harmonic oscilla- tion. Lift devices, Pressure distribution, Procedures, Supersonic flow. Velocity distribu- tion. Wing oscillations. Identifiers: NASA. For abstract, see STAR 1113 N73-22896/CP PC E04/MF A01 Oxford Univ. (England). Cryogenics Lab. Heprop a Computer Programme for the Ther- mophysical Properties of Helium B. A. Hands. 12 Jan 73, 97p Rept no. REPT- 1046/72 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Helium, 'Thermophysical properties, Equations of state, Fluid mechanics, Fortran. Identifiers: NASA. HEPROP is a set of subprograms used to calcu- late the thermophysical properties of helium. The thermodynamic properties are derived 156 from an equation of state which is valid from about 2k to 1700K, and up to about 10 sup 8 Nm minusenl 2. By analytical differentiation and in- tegration, pressure, enthalpy, and entropy, are calculated as a function of density and temeprature. Equations are provided for pres- sure, liquid density and vapor density at satura- tion, thus enabling saturation properties to be calculated. (Author) N73-23376/CP PC E06/MF A01 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aircraft Engine Group. Stc-Sab Program Users Manual for the Turbu- lent Boundary Layer and Turbulent Separa- tion Prediction Methods Employed in the NASA Langley Streamtube Curvature Com- puter Program Computer Program Users Manual, Aug. - Nov. 1972 D. R. Ferguson. Dec 72, 158p Rept no. NASA- CR-1 12240 Contract NASI -10804 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Transonic flow, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Input/output routines, Nacelles, Test facilities. Identifiers. NASA. The streamtube curvature program (STC) has been developed to predict the inviscid flow field and the pressure distribution about nacelles at transonic speeds. The effects of boundary layer are to displace the inviscid flow and effectively change the body shape. Thus, the body shape must be corrected by the displacement thickness in order to calculate the correct pres- sure distribution. This report describes the coupling of the Stratford and Beavers boundary layer solution with the inviscid STC analysis so that all nacelle pressure forces, friction drag, and incipient separation may be predicted. The usage of the coupled STC-SAB computer pro- gram is outlined and the program input and output are defined. Included in this manual are descriptions of the principal boundary layer ta- bles and other revisions to the STC program. The use of the viscous option is controlled by the engineer during program input definition. (Author) PC E04/MF A01 Space Astronomy N73-23531/CP Arizona Univ., Tucson. Group. Literature Survey for Suppression of Scat- tered Light in Large Space Telescopes W. G. Tifft, and B. B. Fannin. 16 Feb 73, 101 p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 24240 Contract NAS8-27804 Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, 'Large space telescope, 'Light scattering, Astronomy, Com- puter programs, Surface properties. Identifiers: NASA. A literature survey is presented of articles deal- ing with all aspects of predicting, measuring, and controlling unwanted scattered (stray) light. The survey is divided into four broad clas- sifications: (1) existing baffle/telescope designs; (2) computer programs for the analy- sis/design of light suppression systems; (3) the mechanism, measurement, and control of light scattering; and (4) the advantages and problems introduced by the space environment for the operation of diffraction-limited optical systems. (Author) N73-24309/CP PC E11/MF A01 Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hypersonic Shock Layers, Volume 1 C. D. Engel. Oct 71 , 388p Rept no. NASA-CR- 112306 Contract NGR-19-001-059 Descriptors: 'Nylon (trademark), 'Phenolic resins, 'Radiant heating, Ablation, Computer programs, Flow distribution. Identifiers: NASA. The results for a stagnation-line analysis of the radiative heating of a phenolic-nylon ablator are presented. The analysis includes flow field coupling with the ablator surface, equilibrium chemistry, a step-function diffusion model and a coupled line and continuum radiation calcu- lation. This report serves as the documentation, i e. users manual and operating instructions for the computer programs listed in the report. (Author) N73-24310/CP PC E09/MF A01 Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hypersonic Shock Layers, Volume 2 C. D. Engel. Oct 71 , 271 Rept no. NASA-CR- 112307 Contract NGR-19-001-059 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Radiant flux density, Ablation, High temperature air, Nylon (trademark). Identifiers: NASA. A computer program can be used to determine the radiative flux and flux divergence through a nonisothermal planar slab of gas is described. The program considers species typical of air at high temperatures and nylon or carbon phenol- ic ablation products. The equations solved are for a variable optical depth line and continuum gas model using species cross sections and line widths as the basic data. (Author) N73-24313/CP PC E08/MF A01 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aircraft Engine Group. Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Anal- ysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Volume 1 J. S. Keith, D. R. Ferguson, and P. H. Heck. Dec 72, 21 9p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 12239-1 Contract NASI -10804 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nacelles, 'Pressure distribution, 'Transonic speed, Al- gorithms, Equations of motion. Flow distribu- tion, Inviscid flow. Identifiers: NASA. The computer program, Streamtube Curvature Analysis, is described for the engineering user and for the programmer. The user oriented documentation includes a description of the mathematical governing equations, their use in the solution, and the method of solution. The general logical flow of the program is outlined and detailed instructions for program usage and operation are explained. General procedures for program use and the program capabilities and limitations are described. From the standpoint of the grammar, the overlay structure of the program is described. The vari- ous storage tables are defined and their uses explained. The input and output are discussed in detail. The program listing includes nu- merous comments so that the logical flow within the program is easily followed. A test case showing input data and output format is included as well as an error printout descrip- tion. (Author) N73-24314/CP PC A03/MF A01 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aircraft Engine Group. Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Anal- ysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Volume 2 D. R. Ferguson. Dec 72, 32p Rept no. NASA-CR- 112239-2 Contract NASI -10804 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Nacelles, 'Pressure distribution, 'Transonic speed. Ap- proximation, Bow waves, Flow distribution, Laminar flow, Shock waves. Identifiers: NASA. A special version of the Streamtube Curvature Analysis (STC) was been constructed to include a detached bow shock upstream of a plane or axisymmetric inlet. The bow wave is modeled using the method of Moeckel in conjunction with an approxi-mate definition of the shock stand-off distance. A description of the Moeckel method and its implementation in the STC program are given. (Author) N73-24315/CP PC E10/MF A01 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aircraft Engine Group. User Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analy- sis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pres- sure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Appendix J. S. Keith, D. R. Ferguson, and P. H. Heck. 1973, 304p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 12239-3 Contract NASI -10804 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nacelles, 'Pressure distribution, 'Transonic speed, Data processing, Flow distribution, Format, Fortran. Identifiers: NASA. The computer program listing of Streamtube Curvature Analysis is presented. The listing in- cludes explanatory statements and titles so that the program flow is readily discernable. The computer program listing is in CDC FORTRAN 2.3 source language form, except for three subroutines, GETIX, GETRLX, and SAVIX, which are in COMPOSE 1.1 language. (Author) N73-24936/CP PC A05/MF A01 Florida Univ., Gainesville. Dept. of Nuclear En- gineering Sciences. Thermodynamic Properties of Uf Sub 6 Mea- sured with a Ballistic Piston Compressor D. E. Sterritt, G. T. Lalos, and R. T. Schneider. Mar 73, 79p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 32051 Contract NGL-1 0-005-089 Descriptors: 'Thermodynamic properties, 'Uranium fluorides, Computer programs, Gas mixtures, Helium, Specific heat. Identifiers: NASA. From experiments performed with a ballistic piston compressor, certain thermodynamic properties of uranium hexafluoride were in- vestigated. Difficulties presented by the no- nideal processes encountered in ballistic com- pressors are discussed and a computer code BCCC (Ballistic Compressor Computer Code) is developed to analyze the experimental data. The BCCC unfolds the thermodynamic proper- ties of uranium hexafluoride from the helium- uranium hexafluoride mixture used as the test gas in the ballistic compressor. The ther- modynamic properties deduced include the specific heat at constant volume, the ratio of specific heats for UF6, and the viscous coupling constant of helium-uranium hexafluoride mix- tures. (Author) N73-25285/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cincinnati Univ., Ohio. Computer Programs for Predicting Super- sonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating D. J. Morris, and J. W. Keyes. May 73, 158 Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2725, L-8547 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Flow dis- tribution, 'Hypersonic flow, 'Jet impingement, 'Shock heating, 'Supersonic jet flow, Inviscid flow, Shear layers. Shock wave interaction, Static pressure. Identifiers: NASA. 157 For abstract, see STAR 1116 PC A03/MF A01 N73-25287/CP Cincinnati Univ., Ohio. Experimental Investigation of Liquid Propel lant Dynamics in a Double Cylindrical Tank Final Report G. F. Ransleben, Jr. May 73, 42p Rept no. NASA- CR-1 24277 Contract NAS8-28086, SWRI PROJ. 02-3363 Descriptors: 'Liquid sloshing, "Oscillations, "Propellant tanks, "Resonant frequencies, Computer programs, Excitation, Tank geometry, Vibration mode. Identifiers: NASA. Experimental data are presented for verifying the computer program for computing propel- lant oscillation modes and frequencies for tanks of any shape, fill level, or orientation. The experimental apparatus including the tank, support and excitation system, and instrumen- tation is described along with the procedures. Results showing slosh forces and moments are tabulated for different fill heights. It was found that for the vertical tank excited along the long axis, the frequencies of the higher modes are significantly higher than with the tank tilted. Lit- tle difference was noted for excitation along the short axis. N73-26996/1CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities and Streamlines on the Hub-Shroud Mid- Channel Flow Surface of an Axial- or Mixed- Flow Turbomachine. 1: User's Manual T. Katsanis. Jul 73, 97p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 7343, E-7154 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Subsonic flow, "Transonic flow, "Turbomachinery, Flow characteristics. Flow equations. Numerical analysis. Pressure distribution. Identifiers: NASA. A FORTRAN 4 computer program has been developed that obtains a subsonic or shock- free transonic flow solution on the hub-shroud mid-channel flow surface of a turbomachine. The blade row may be fixed or rotating, and may be twisted and leaned. Flow may be axial or mixed, up to 45 deg from axial. Upstream and downstream flow variables may vary from hub to shroud, and provision is made to correct for loss of stagnation pressure. The results include velocities, streamlines, and flow angles on the flow surface; and approximate blade surface velocities. Subsonic solutions are obtained by a finite-difference stream-function solution. Transonic solutions are obtained by a velocity- gradient method, using information from a finite-difference stream-function solution at a reduced mass flow. (Author) N73-27143/9CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Beamr: An Interactive Graphic Computer Pro- gram for Design of Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems R. F. Leonard, and C. C. Giamati. Jul 73, 45p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-7352, E-7384 Descriptors: "Charged particles, "Computer programs, "Particle beams, Computer graphics, Magnets, Optics, Pdp computers. Identifiers: NASA. A computer program for a PDP-15 is presented which calculates, to first order, the charac- teristics of charged-particle beam as it is trans- ported through a sequence of focusing and bending magnets. The maximum dimensions of the beam envelope normal to the transport system axis are continuously plotted on an oscilloscope as a function of distance along the axis. Provision is made to iterate the calculation by changing the types of magnets, their posi- tions, and their field strengths. The program is especially useful for transport system design studies because of the ease and rapidity of al- tering parameters from panel switches. A typi- cal calculation for a system with eight elements is completed in less than 10 seconds. An IBM 7094 version containing more-detailed printed output but no oscilloscope display is also presented. (Author) N73-27174/4CP PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Al- dermaston (England). Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal-Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock- Tube Geometry. Part 1: Theoretical Descrip- tion K. Morgan. Jun 73, 1 1 p Rept nos. GRO/44/91 /26-PT-1 , TRG-2459-PT-1 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Liquid- solid interfaces, "Shock tubes, "Thermodynamic properties, Compressible flow, Equations of motion, Unsteady flow. Identifiers: NASA. A description is given of the computer program TOPAL which was written to investigate metal- liquid thermal interactions under shock tube conditions. The program solves the Lagrangian equations of motion for one-dimensional un- steady compressible fluid flow in plane geometry. (Author) N73-27210/6CP PC E03/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. Solution of Non-lsoenergetic Supersonic Flows by Method of Characteristics, Volume 3 Final Report. R. J. Prozan. Jan 72, 74p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 132274, HREC-7761-3-REV-A Contract NAS7-761 Descriptors: "Flow distribution, "Method of characteristics, "Supersonic flow, Computer programs, Equations of motion. Identifiers: NASA. The calculation of supersonic flow fields by the method of characteristics. The theoretical ap- proach to the solution of these flow fields and a computer program to implement the numerical solution of the flow equations are discussed. This versatile program has a flexible set of boundary conditions enabling the calculation of nozzles, plumes and many other complex flow fields. A complete derivation of the equa- tions of motion for reacting gas systems is presented. An important consequence of this derivation is that, for the reaction assumptions which were made, the thermochemistry was shown to be uncoupled from the flow solution and as such could be solved separately. The methods of characteristics equations are shown to be formally the same for ideal, frozen, and equilibrium reacting gas mixtures. (Author) N73-27211/4CP PC E06/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. Development of Analytical Methods of Pre- dicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds: Exact Solution Final Report. B. Grossman, and G. Moretti. Jul 73, 153p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 12271 Contract NASI -10803 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Flow dis- tribution, "Nacelles, "Numerical analysis, Euler equations of motion, Problem solving, Transonic flow. Identifiers: NASA. A computer program to predict the inviscid, transonic flow field about isolated nacelles was developed. The problem was to be formulated to solve Euler's equations without any approxi- mation (such as small disturbances) and hence the terminology exact solution. The flow field was complicated by the presence of imbedded shock waves, an engine-inlet interface, and ex- haust plumes. Furthermore, the transonic nacelles of interest had a very slender but blunt cowl lip. This created two distinct length scales, the length of the nacelle and the cowl lip radius that can differ by several orders of magnitude. These aspects of the flow field presented many numerical difficulties. The approach to the problem was to calculate the nacelle flow field using the method of time-dependent computa- tions (TDC). Although at the time of the is- suance of this contract, other approaches to transonic flow calculations existed, it was felt that TDC offered the most effective means of meeting the goals of the contract. (Author) PC A04/MF A01 Establishment Valcartier N73-27430/0CP Defence Research (Quebec). Internal Structure of Tea Laser Discharges T. Tricker. Apr 73, 51 p Rept no. DREV-TN- 2061/73 Descriptors: "Carbon dioxide lasers, "Coherent radiation, "Laser outputs, "Plasma dynamics, Computer programs. Ionization coefficients, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: NASA. The behavior of a system of equations describ- ing the stationary internal structure of a plasma in an homogeneous TEA laser discharge has been investigated using analog and digital computer techniques. Universal curves which apply for any cathode secondary emission fac- tor and enhanced surface flux at the cathode, and which predict the electron and ion densi- ties and the electric field strength in the region of the cathode, have been obtained as a func- tion of the form of the ionization coefficient and the presence of an external volume source term. (Author) N73-27890/5CP PC E01/MF A01 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aircraft Engine Group. Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds Final Report. J. S. Keith, D. R. Ferguson, C. L. Merkle, P. H. Heck, and D.J. Lahti. Jul 73, 156p Rept no. NASA-CR-2217 Contract NASI -1 0804 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Nacelles, "Pressure distribution, "Two dimensional flow, "Viscous flow. Aerodynamic characteristics, Air flow. Flow characteristics, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: NASA. The formulation and development of a com- puter analysis for the calculation of streamlines and pressure distributions around two-dimen- sional (planar and axisymmetric) isolated nacelles at transonic speeds are described. The computerized flow field analysis is designed to predict the transonic flow around long and short high-bypass-ratio fan duct nacelles with inlet flows and with exhaust flows having ap- propriate aerothermodynamic properties. The flow field boundaries are located as far up- stream and downstream as necessary to obtain minimum disturbances at the boundary. The far-field lateral flow field boundary is analyti- cally defined to exactly represent free-flight conditions or solid wind tunnel wall effects. The inviscid solution technique is based on a Streamtube Curvature Analysis. The computer program utilizes an automatic grid refinement procedure and solves the flow field equations 158 with a matrix relaxation technique. The boun- dary layer displacement effects and the onset of turbulent separation are included, based on the compressible turbulent boundary layer solution method of Stratford and Beavers and on the turbulent separation prediction method of Stratford. (Author) N73-28914/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). A Computer Program to Solve the One Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem Using the Hopscotch Algorithm R. L. Pope, and N . F. Mack. Mar 73, 23p Rept no. WRE-TN-884(WR/D) Descriptors'. 'Aerodynamic heating, 'Computer programs, "Heat transmission, Algorithms, Nu- merical analysis, Problem solving, Ther- modynamic properties. Identifiers'. NASA. A computer program which will provide solu- tions to the one dimensional heat flow problem is presented. The program uses the hopscotch algorithm. Some tests of the algorithm are described and estimates given of error variation with step size for problems involving aerodynamic heating. (Author) N73-28921/7CP PC E03/MF A01 General Electric Co., Utica, N.Y. Aerospace Electronic Systems Dept. An Efficient Numerical Technique for Calcu- lating Thermal Spreading Resistance Final Report. E. H. Gale, Jr. 8 Feb 73, 84p Rept no. NASA-CR- 12412 Contract NAS8-28516 Descriptors: 'Numerical analysis, 'Thermal re- sistance, Computer programs, Electronic equipment, Fortran, Temperature profiles, Thermal boundary layer. Identifiers: NASA. The results of a thermal spreading resistance data generation technique study are reported. The method developed is discussed in detail, il- lustrative examples given, and the resulting computer program is included. (Author) N73-29965/3CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Application of Phase-Change Technique to Thin Sections with Heating on Both Surfaces J. L. Hunt, J. I. Pitts, and C. B. Rich ie. Aug 73, 69p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-7193, L-7774 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat transfer coefficients, 'Phase transformations. Digital computers, Thin wings. Identifiers: NASA. A numerical digital computer program was developed to calculate the heat-transfer coeffi- cients for both sides of a one-dimensional finite slab subject to the boundary conditions as- cribed to the phase-change coating heat- transfer technique. In a typical tunnel test situa- tion where a thin wing was exposed to heating on both sides, the data reduction procedures for a semi-infinite slab gave heat-transfer coef- ficients as much as 375 percent too high on the side with the lowest heating. The results from the one-dimensional finite-slab procedure are presented in the form of correction factors to the solution for a semi-infinite slab in terms of parameters normally used with the phase- change heat-transfer technique. These correla- tions are not restricted to slab thickness or thermophysical properties and are easily used to obtain accurate data on thin model sections. (Author) N73-30689/6CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Computer Program for Determining Rota- tional Line Intensity Factors for Diatomic Molecules E. E. Whiting. Sep 73, 63p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-7268, A-4863 Descriptors: 'Diatomic molecules. 'Line spec- tra, 'Molecular structure, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Electron states, Fortran, Spectroscopy. Identifiers: NASA. A FORTRAN IV computer program, that pro- vides a new research tool for determining relia- ble rotational line intensity factors (also known as Honl-London factors), for most electric and magnetic dipole allowed diatomic transitions, is described in detail. This users manual includes instructions for preparing the input data, a pro- gram listing, detailed flow charts, and three sample cases. The program is applicable to spin-allowed dipole transitions with either or both states intermediate between Hund's case (a) and Hund's case (b) coupling and to spin- forbidden dipole transitions with either or both states intermediate between Hund's case (c) and Hund's case (b) coupling. (Author) N73-31240/7CP PC E08/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Numerical Studies of Unsteady Two Dimen- sional Subsonic Flows Using the Ice Method Ph.D. Thesis - Toledo Univ. P. R. Wieber. Aug 73, 246p Rept no. NASA-TM- X-68288 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Two dimensional flow, Algorithms, Chemical reac- tions, Compressible flow. Laminar flow. Identifiers: NASA. A numerical program was developed to com- pute transient compressible and incompressi- ble laminar flows in two dimensions with mul- ticomponent mixing and chemical reaction. The algorithm used the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory ICE (Implicit Continuous-Fluid Eu- lerian) method as its base. The program can compute both high and low speed compressi- ble flows. The numerical program incorporat- ing the stabilization techniques was quite suc- cessful in treating both old and new problems. Detailed calculations of coaxial flow very close to the entry plane were possible. The program treated complex flows such as the formation and downstream growth of a recirculation cell. An implicit solution of the species equation pre- dicted mixing and reaction rates which com- pared favorably with the literature. (Author) N73-32197/8CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffu- sion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks M. Perlmutter. Oct 73, 41 p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-7405, E-6794 Descriptors: 'Markov chains, 'Molecular diffu- sion, 'Monte carlo method, 'Random walk, "Rarefied gases. Computer programs. Mathe- matical models, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: NASA. Molecular diffusion through a rarefied gas is analyzed by using the theory of Markov random walks. The Markov walk is simulated on the computer by using random numbers to find the new states from the appropriate transition probabilities. As the sample molecule during its random walk passes a scoring position, which is a location at which the macroscopic diffusing flow variables such as molecular flux and molecular density are desired, an appropriate payoff is scored. The payoff is a function of the sample molecule velocity. For example, in ob- taining the molecular flux across a scoring position, the random walk payoff is the net number of times the scoring position has been crossed in the positive direction. Similarly, when the molecular density is required, the payoff is the sum of the inverse velocity of the sample molecule passing the scoring position. The macroscopic diffusing flow variables are then found from the expected payoff of the ran- dom walks. (Author) N74-10505/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Optical Sciences Center. Electromagnetic Diffraction Efficiencies for Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings Final Report, 1972 - 1973. A. S. Marathay, and T. E. Shrode. Jul 73, 34p Rept no. NASA-CR- 132854 Contract NAS5-1 1456 Descriptors: 'Diffraction, 'Gratings (Spectra), "Holography, Computer programs. Electromag- netic spectra. Identifiers: NASA. Results are presented of research activities on holographic grating research. A large portion of this work was performed using rigorous vector diffraction theory, therefore, the necessary theory has been included in this report. The dif- fraction efficiency studies were continued using programs based on a rigorous theory. The simultaneous occurrence of high diffrac- tion efficiencies and the phenomenon of dou- ble Wood's anomalies is demonstrated along with a graphic method for determining the necessary grating parameters. Also, an analyti- cal solution for a grating profile that is perfectly blazed is obtained. The performance of the per- fectly blazed grating profile is shown to be sig- nificantly better than grating profiles previously studied. Finally, a proposed method is described for the analysis of coarse echelle gratings using rigorous vector diffraction that is currently being developed. (Author) N74-11047/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Aeronautics. Apparatus and Programs for Digital Analysis of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Flow A. Brandt, and P. Bradshaw. Apr 72, 26p Rept no. IC-AERO-72-11 Contract SRC-B/SR/7377, SRC-B/SR/8978 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Data sam- pling, 'Flow measurement, 'Fortran, 'Turbulent flow. Coding, Data retrieval. Digital data, Shear layers, Statistical analysis, Subroutines, Velocity distribution. Identifiers: NASA. FORTRAN programs for the statistical analysis of digitized records of velocity-fluctuation mea- surements in turbulent flow are described. Details are given of data retrieval subroutines which deposit the unpacked magtape data into storage arrays, one for each analog data chan- nel, and the analysis subroutines proper. The programs were developed primarily for condi- tional sampling of turbulence data but are adaptable to other types of random data analy- sis. N74-12045/2CP PC E09/MF A01 LTV Aerospace Corp., Dallas, Tex. Vought Systems Div. Thermal and Flow Analysis Subroutines for the Sinda-Version 9 Computer Routine J. A. Oren, and D. R. Williams. 24 Sep 73, 274p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 341 21 , REPT-00-1 582 Contract NAS9-6807 159 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Fluid flow, 'Thermodynamics, Incompressible flow, Input/output routines, Pipe flow, Subroutines. Identifiers: NASA. Fluid flow analysis, special thermal analysis and input/output capabilities of the MOTAR routine were incorporated into the SINDA routine. All the capabilities were added in the form of user subroutines so that they may be added to dif- ferent versions of SINDA with a minimum of programmer effort. Two modifications were made to the existing subroutines of SINDA/8 to incorporate the above subroutines. These were: (1 ) A modification to the preprocessor to permit actual values of array numbers, conductor numbers, node numbers or constant numbers supplied as array data to be converted to rela- tive numbers. (2) Modifications to execution subroutine CNFAST to make it compatible with the radiant interchange user subroutine, RADIR. This modified version of SINDA has been designated SINDA/version 9. A detailed discussion of the methods used for the capa- bilities added is presented. The modifications for the SINDA subroutines are described, as well as user subroutines. All subroutines added or modified are listed. (Author) N74-12047/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). The Treatment in the Three-Dlmensional Boundary-Layer Program of Walls Which Do Not Pass Through Grid Nodes J. J. Mcguirk, and D. B. Spalding. Mar 73, 22p Reptno. HTS/73/13 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Three dimensional boundary layer, Ducted flow. Laminar flow, Performance prediction, Pipe flow. Identifiers: NASA. The modifications are described which were made to an existing computer program so that it can handle flows in ducts with nonrectangu- lar boundaries. As an example of its use, pre- dictions are presented for laminar flow in a cir- cular tube; both uniform and nonuniform inlet conditions are considered. (Author) N74-12066/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Mechanical Engineer- ing. The Numerical Computations of Turbulent Flows B. E. Launder, and D. B. Spalding. Jan 73, 60p Rept no. HTS/73/2 Descriptors: 'Fluid dynamics, 'Numerical anal- ysis, 'Turbulent flow, Boltzmann transport equation, Computer programs, Energy dissipa- tion. Kinetic energy, Turbulence. Identifiers: NASA. The problem of making numerical predictions of turbulent flow is reviewed. It advocates that computational economy, width of applicability and physical realism are best served at present by turbulence models in which the magnitudes of two turbulence quantities, the turbulence kinetic energy K and its dissipation rate Ep- silon, are calculated from transport equations solved simultaneously with those governing the mean flow behaviour. The width of applicability of the model is demonstrated by reference to numerical computations of nine substantially different kinds of turbulent flow. (Author) N74-12079/1CP PC E06/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Mechanical Engineer- ing. A General Computer Program for Two-Dimen- sional Boundary-Layer Problems D. B. Spalding. Sep 73, 1 58p Rept no. HTS/73/48 Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Computer programs, Chemical reactions, Laminar flow. Transport properties. Turbulent flow. Identifiers: NASA. A program is presented capable of predicting laminar and turbulent steady flows, with and without chemical reaction. The boundary layer may be a jet in freely moving surroundings, a layer adjacent to a solid wall, a flow wholly con- fined in a duct, or some combination of these flow types. A listing of the program is supplied in the form of one basic program and nine up- date programs. (Author) N74-12090/8CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Computer Program for Calculating the Per- fect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Ax- isymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg E. V. Zoby, and R. A. Graves, Jr. Dec 73, 58p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2843, L-8944 Descriptors: 'Blunt bodies, 'Flow distribution, 'Gas flow, 'Inviscid flow, 'Zero angle of attack, Axisymmetric bodies, Cdc 6600 computer, Computer programs. Shock layers, Shock waves. Identifiers: NASA. A method for the rapid calculation of the in- viscid shock layer about blunt axisymmetric bodies at an angle of attack of deg has been developed. The procedure is of an inverse na- ture, that is, a shock wave is assumed and cal- culations proceed along rays normal to the shock. The solution is iterated until the given body is computed. The flow field solution procedure is programed at the Langley Research Center for the Control Data 6600 computer. The geometries specified in the pro- gram are sphores, ellipsoids, paraboloids, and hyperboloids which may conical afterbodies. The normal momentum equation is replaced with an approximate algebraic expression. This simplification significantly reduces machine computation time. Comparisons of the present results with shock shapes and surface pressure distributions obtained by the more exact methods indicate that the program provides reasonably accurate results for smooth bodies in axisymmetric flow. However, further research is required to establish the proper approximate form of the normal momentum equation for the two-dimensional case. (Author) N74-12991/7CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing G. L. Smith, and L. B. Garrett. Dec 73, 82p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-2805, L-8918 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Equilibrium flow, 'Laminar flow, 'Stagnation flow, "Stagnation point, 'Viscous flow, Flow equa- tions, Fortran, Numerical analysis, User manuals (Computer programs). Identifiers: NASA. A computer program (program LEE) has been developed to calculate the fully coupled solu- tion of the radiating viscous stagnation stream- line flow with strong blowing. The report describes the digital computer program, in- cluding FORTRAN IV listing, flow charts, in- structions for the user, and a test case with input and output. Program LEE is available through COSMIC. (Author) N74-13663/1CP PC E05/MF A01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. Materials Science Staff. User'S Manual for the TRW Gaspipe 2 Pro- gram: A Vapor-Gas Front Analysis Program for Heat Pipes Containing Non-Condensible Gas D. K. Edwards, G. L. Fleischman, and B. D. Marcus. Oct 73, 1 28p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 1 14672, TRW-1 31 1 1 -6054-R0-00 Contract NAS2-5503 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat pipes, 'Heat transfer, 'Temperature control, "Thermodynamic properties, Mass transfer, Nu- merical analysis, Performance prediction. Tem- perature effects. Identifiers: NASA. A digital computer program for design and analysis of heat pipes which contain non-con- densible gases, either for temperature control or to aid in start-up from the frozen state, is presented. Some of the calculations which are possible with the program are: (1 ) wall tempera- ture profile along a gas-loaded heat pipe, (2) amount of gas loading necessary to obtain desired evaporator temperature at a desired heat load, (3) heat load versus evaporator tem- perature for a fixed amount of gas in the pipe, and (4) heat and mass transfer along the pipe, including the vapor-gas front region. (Author) N74-14979/0CP PC E03/MF A01 Oxford Univ (England). Engineering Lab. Dnf: A Dynamic Filter for the on-Line Estima- tion and Prediction of Transient Pressures and Flows in a Gas Network R. Hastings-james. 27 Mar 73, 72p Rept no. REPT- 1064/73 Descriptors: 'Dynamic models, 'Filtration, 'Gas pressure, 'Pressure measurements, 'Transient pressures, Computer programs, Dynamic characteristics, Filtration, Gas flow, Simulation. Identifiers: NASA. The use of a dynamic gas network model as a basis for filtering noisy measurements taken of actual network pressures is considered. The model allows the estimation of other network pressures of interest but for which no measure- ments are available. The features of the filter proposed for estimating the pressures and flows in the gas network under transient condi- tions are outlined. The encouraging preliminary experimental results, together with the filter features and the fact that the filtering algorithm can be set up with minimal operator interaction, have strong implications towards the utilization of a digital computer to provide on-line esti- mates and future predictions of network pres- sures and flows. N74-15976/5CP PC E01/MF A01 Old Dominion Univ. Research Foundation, Nor- folk, Va. Correlation of Heat Transfer for the Zero Pressure Gradient Hypersonic Laminar Boun- dary Layer for Several Gases W. J. Cook. Nov 73, 14p Rept no. NASA-CR- 132400 Contract NASI -11707 Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Flow characteristics, 'Gas flow, 'Hypersonic flow, 'Laminar flow, Computer programs, Heat transfer, Numerical analysis, Pressure gradients, Shock waves. Identifiers: NASA. A theoretical study of heat transfer for zero pressure gradient hypersonic laminar boundary layers for various gases with particular applica- 160 tion to the flows produced in an expansion tube facility was conducted. A correlation based on results obtained from solutions to the govern- ing equations for five gases was formulated. Particular attention was directed toward the laminar boundary layer shock tube splitter plates in carbon dioxide flows generated by high speed shock waves. Computer analysis of the splitter plate boundary layer flow provided information that is useful in interpreting experi- mental data obtained in shock tube gas radia- tion studies. (Author) N74-16699/2CP PC E03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Boundary Condition Program for Aerodynam- ic Lifting Surface Theory R. T. Medan, and K. S. Ray. Nov 73, 67p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-62323 Descriptors: 'Fortran, 'Lifting bodies, "User manuals (Computer programs). Aerodynamic characteristics, Boundary layers. Identifiers: NASA. Users manual for a U.S.A. FORTRAN 4 com- puter program which determines boundary conditions for a thin wing lifting surface pro- gram is described. This program, the geometry program, and several other programs are used together in the analysis of lifting, thin wings in steady, subsonic flow according to a kernel function lifting surface theory. The program calculates specific types of boundary condi- tions automatically such as those necessary to determine pitch and roll damping derivatives. The program also accepts descriptions of the camber or downwash and twist in the form of tables and/or coefficients of equations. The program performs interpolations so that tables and/or coefficients can apply at stations selected by the user and not at stations dictated by the control point locations. (Author) N74-16700/8CP PC E05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Equation Solving Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory R. T. Medan, and O. J. Lemmer. Jan 74, 91 p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-62325 Descriptors: "Aerodynamic characteristics, 'Kernel functions, 'Subsonic flow, 'User manuals (Computer programs), 'Wings, Aerodynamic coefficients, Computer programs, Fortran, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: NASA. A description of and user's manual are presented for one of a group of FORTRAN pro- grams which, together, can be used for the analysis and design of wings in steady, sub- sonic flow according to a kernel function method lifting surface theory. This particular program is the one which solves the sets of simultaneous, linear, algebraic equations aris- ing from the thin wing analysis. This program has the capability of striking out rows and columns of the aerodynamic influence matrix and rows of the associated boundary condition vectors (right hand sides). This capability sig- nificantly enhances the effectiveness of the ker- nel function method of lifting surface theory because studies of the convergence of solu- tions with the number of control points can be done with the calculation of only a single in- fluence matrix. (Author) N74-16701/6CP PC E03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Influence Matrix Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory R. T. Medan, and K. S. Ray. Dec 73, 62p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-62324 Descriptors: 'Lifting bodies, 'Subsonic flow, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Fortran, Kernel functions, Thin wings. Trailing edges. Identifiers: NASA. A users manual is described for a USA FOR- TRAN 4 computer program which computes an aerodynamic influence matrix and is one of several computer programs used to analyze lift- ing, thin wings in steady, subsonic flow accord- ing to a kernel function method lifting surface theory. The most significant features of the pro- gram are that it can treat unsymmetrical wings, control points can be placed on the leading and/or trailing edges, and a stable, efficient al- gorithm is used to compute the influence matrix. (Author) N74-16703/2CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Rapid Numerical Solution to Subsonic Flow over Planar and Axisymmetric Profiles at an Angle of Attack of Deg V. R. Mascitti. Mar 74, 33p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-7410, L-8904 Descriptors: 'Finite difference theory, 'Flow equations, 'Incompressible flow, "Subsonic flow. Angle of attack, Cdc 6600 computer, Com- puter programs, Numerical analysis, Two dimensional flow. Identifiers: NASA. A numerical solution is presented for the in- compressible flow over thin planar and axisym- metric profiles at an angle of attack of degrees. The method uses a finite-difference field solution to the governing equation with a Gauss-Seidel successive overtaxation scheme. However, the use of a simple Cartesian grid system restricts this method to slender profiles. Results are presented for a cambered airfoil, airfoil in wall effect (two-dimensional flowthrough inlet), body of revolution, and flowthrough nacelle. A computer program is presented which can be used for any of the previously mentioned cases with simple input changes. Results for compressible flow are available with the use of the appropriate two- dimensional or axisymmetric compressibility corrections. Computational time for a typical field calculation of 3000 grid points and 200 cy- cles through the field is less than 1 minute with less than 50,000 octal storage on the Control Data Corporation 6600 computing system. (Author) N74-17015/0CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimen- sional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Friction - Application to Gas Film Seals J. Zuk, and P. J. Smith. Feb 74, 86p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-7481 , E-7241 Descriptors: 'Compressible flow, 'Computer programs, 'Flow resistance, 'Gas flow, 'Seals (Stoppers), Chokes (Fuel systems), Friction, Laminar flow. Turbulent flow. Identifiers: NASA. A computer program is presented for com- pressible fluid flow with friction and area change. The program carries out a quasi-one- dimensional flow analysis which is valid for laminar and turbulent flows under both sub- sonic and choked flow conditions. The program was written to be applied to gas film seals. The area-change analysis should prove useful for choked flow conditions with small mean thickness, as well as for face seals where radial area change is significant. The program is writ- ten in FORTRAN 4. (Author) N74-17914/4CP PC E06/MF A01 Alfred Univ., NY. Coll. of Ceramics. Crystallographic and General Use Programs for the Xds sigma 5 Computer R. L. Snyder. 1973, 143p Rept no. NASA-CR- 137050 Contract NCAW-33-1 87-002 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Crystallography, Fortran, Input/output rou- tines, Subroutines, User manuals (Computer programs). Identifiers: NASA. Programs in basic FORTRAN 4 are described, which fall into three catagories: (1) interactive programs to be executed under time sharing (BTM); (2) non interactive programs which are executed in batch processing mode (BPM); and (3) large non interactive programs which require more memory than is available in the normal BPM/BTM operating system and must be run overnight on a special system called XRAY which releases about 45,000 words of memory to the user. Programs in catagories (1) and (2) are stored as FORTRAN source files in the account FSNYDER. Programs in catagory (3) are stored in the XRAY system as load modules. The type of file in account FSNYDER is identified by the first two letters in the name. (Author) N74-18103/3CP PC E04/MF A01 DBA Systems, Inc., Melbourne, Fla. Photogrammetric Calibration of the NASA- Wallops Island Image Intensifier System B. F. Harp. 15 May 72, 73p Rept no. NASA-CR- 137455 Contract NAS6-2066 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Image in- tensifiers, 'Mathematical models, 'Photogrammetry, Barium ion clouds, Cameras, Distortion, Ge 625 computer, Wallops island. Identifiers: NASA. An image intensifier was designed for use as one of the primary tracking systems for the barium cloud experiment at Wallops Island. Two computer programs, a definitive stellar camara calibration program and a geodetic stellar camara orientation program, were originally developed at Wallops on a GE 625 computer. A mathematical procedure for deter- mining the image intensifier distortions is out- lined, and the implementation of the model in the Wallops computer programs is described. The analytical calibration of metric cameras is also discussed. N74-18647/9CP PC A08/MF A01 United Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, Conn. Finite-Difference Solution for Turbulent Swirling Compressible Flow in Axisymmetric Ducts with Struts. Final Report. O. L. Anderson. Feb 74, 154p Rept nos. NASA- CR-2365, L911211-1 Contract NAS3-1 5402 Descriptors: 'Axisymmetric flow, 'Compressible flow, 'Ducted flow, 'Finite dif- ference theory, 'Turbulent flow, Computer pro- grams, Guide vanes, Numerical analysis, Struts. Identifiers: NASA. A finite-difference procedure for computing the turbulent, swirling, compressible flow in ax- isymmetric ducts is described. Arbitrary dis- tributions of heat and mass transfer at the boundaries can be treated, and the effects of struts, inlet guide vanes, and flow straightening 161 vanes can be calculated. The calculation procedure is programmed in FORTRAN 4 and has operated successfully on the UNIVAC 1 108, IBM 360, and CDC 6600 computers. The analy- sis which forms the basis of the procedure, a detailed description of the computer program, and the input/output formats are presented. The results of sample calculations performed with the computer program are compared with experimental data. (Author) N74-18651/1CP PCA02/MFA01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Modification of a Three-Dimensional Super- sonic Nozzle Analysis and Comparison with Experimental Data. A. R. Bishop, and B. W. Sanders. Mar 74, 23p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-3025, E-7486 Descriptors: "Flow characteristics, 'Nozzle design, 'Nozzle flow, "Three dimensional flow, Computer programs. Flow equations, Numeri- cal analysis. Identifiers: NASA. A computer program previously developed to analyze three-dimensional supersonic nozzles by the method of characteristics has been modified to study less restrictive nozzle geometries and nonuniform inlet conditions. An example indicates that a one-dimensional calculation that uses an averaged initial profile may be significantly in error. A comparison between the analysis and the data from a three- dimensional experiment shows generally good agreement between the two. (Author) N74-20314/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Stanford Univ., Calif. W. W. Hansen Lab. of Physics. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids. Final Report, Apr. 1966 - Dec. 1972. G. S. Kino. Mar 73, 12p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 138980, SU-ML-2157 Contract NGL-05-020-165 Descriptors: 'Gunn effect, "Microwaves, "Oscillators, "Research and development, *S waves, Computer programs, Epitaxy, Gallium arsenides, Gunn diodes, Traveling wave am- plifiers. Methods cf generating microwave shear waves efficiently were studied. A new technique of mode conversion from a longitudinal wave to a shear wave was investigated and virtually 100% conversion efficiency could be obtained. Several aspects of Gunn oscillators were stu- died. One involved the detailed study of domains in Gunn oscillators using long sam- ples of bulk gallium arsenide. Several new techniques were devised for measu ring the pro- perties of the domains. A fundamental theory of the efficiency of a Gunn oscillator was worked out. A computer program was devised to study the transient effect of domains passing through Gunn diodes. Some of the first planar epitaxial Gunn oscillators were made using liquid epitax- ial material grown by liquid phase techniques on semi-insulating substrate. A new theory which predicted the properties of RF signals propagating in a thin film layer of GaAs was developed. The theory of the operation of a traveling wave am plif ier is described. (Author) N74-21926/2CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using Fortran 4 Routines. R. C. Johnson. Apr 74, 90p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-7653, E-7643 Descriptors: "Flow measurement, "Hypersonic flow, "Real gases, "Supersonic flow, "Thermodynamic properties, Argon, Computer programs. Fortran, Helium, Hydrogen, Oxygen. Sets of routines are presented that calculate such real-gas supersonic stream properties as velocity, density, enthalpy, entropy, and isen- tropic exponent. Two alternative sets of mea- surements are assumed: (1) stagnation pres- sure, stagnation temperature, and the pressure on the surface of a static-pressure wedge; or (2) pressure and temperature in a plenum up- stream of a supersonic nozzle and the stagna- tion pressure at the exit of this nozzle. The rou- tines are applicable to any gas whose proper- ties are known. Explicit routines are presented for determining these properties for air, nitrogen, oxygen, normal hydrogen, para- hydrogen, helium, argon, steam, methane, and natural gas. (Author) N74-21927/0CP PC A11/MF A01 Scientific Translation Service, Santa Barbara, Calif. Ph.D. Thesis - Karlsruhe Univ. A Procedure for the Direct Numerical Simula- tion of Turbulent Flows in Plate and Annular Channels and Its Application in the Develop- ment of Turbulence Models. U. Schumann. Apr 74, 227p Rept no. NASA-TT- F-15391 Contract NASW-2483 Tran-Transl. Into English from German Ph.D. Thesis, Kernforschungszentrum Report, Karl- sruhe, 1973 p 1-249. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Incompressible fluids, "Three dimensional flow, "Turbulent flow, Flow equations, Mathe- matical models, Navier-stokes equation. Nu- merical analysis. A numerical difference scheme is described to simulate three-dimensional, time-dependent, turbulent flows of incompressible fluids at high Reynolds numbers in a plate channel and in concentric annuli. The Navier-Stokes equations averaged over grid volumes are integrated. A model has been developed which takes into ac- count strongly inhomogeneous turbulence and grid volumes of unequal side lengths. Stability criteria are established for this method and for similar difference schemes. For computation of the pressure field the appropriate Poisson's equation is solved by Fast Fourier Transform. The procedure implemented in the TRUBIT-1 program is used to simulate turbulent flows in a plate channel and an annulus radius ratio of 5:1. The numerical results are in good agree- ment with experimental values. Especially the velocity profile and the mean velocity fluctua- tions are computed with significantly better ac- curacy than in earlier, direct simulations. (Author) N74-22318/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. ElectroScience Lab. Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scat- tering from Plates, Corner Reflectors and Dielectric-Coated Cylinders. N.N. Wang. Apr 74, 1 35p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 138175, ESL-2909-15 Contract NGL-36-008-138 Descriptors: "Cylindrical bodies, "Electromagnetic radiation, "Electromagnetic scattering, "Plates (Structural members), "Reaction kinetics. Computer programs, Dielectrics, Electric conductors. Electromag- netic fields. The reaction concept is employed to formulate an integral equation for radiation and scatter- ing from plates, corner reflectors, and dielec- tric-coated conducting cylinders. The surface- current density on the conducting surface is ex- panded with subsecticnal bases. The dielectric layer is modeled with polarization currents radiating in free space. Maxwells equation and the boundary conditions are employed to ex- press the polarization-current distribution in terms of the surface-current density on the con- ducting surface. By enforcing reaction tests with an array of electric test sources, the mo- ment method is employed to reduce the integral equation to a matrix equation. Inversion of the matrix equation yields the current distribution, and the scattered field is then obtained by in- tegrating the current distribution. The theory, computer program and numerical results are presented for radiation and scattering from plates, corner reflectors, and dielectric-coated conducting cylinders. (Author) N74-25807/0CP PC A08/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Computer Program for Calculating Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layers for a Compressible Axisymmetric Flow. J. A. Albers, and J. L. Gregg. Apr 74, 1 74p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-7521, E-7819 Descriptors: "Boundary layer flow, "Boundary layer separation, "Compressible flow, "Viscous flow, Computer programs, Finite difference theory. Laminar flow, Numerical analysis, Tur- bulent flow. A finite-difference program is described for cal- culating the viscous compressible boundary layer flow over either planar or axisymmetric surfaces. The flow may be initially laminar and progress through a transitional zone to fully turbulent flow, or it may remain laminar, de- pending on the imposed boundary conditions, laws of viscosity, and numerical solution of the momentum and energy equations. The flow may also be forced into a turbulent flow at a chosen spot by the data input. The input may contain the factors of arbitrary Reynolds number, free-stream Mach number, free-stream turbulence, wall heating or cooling, longitu- dinal wall curvature, wall suction or blowing, and wall roughness. The solution may start from an initial Falkner-Skan similarity profile, an approximate equilibrium turbulent profile, or an initial arbitrary input profile. (Author) N74-26363/3CP PC A02/MF A01 MacNeal-Schwendler Corp., Los Angeles, Calif. Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements. Final Report. R. L. Harder. 8 Mar 74, 24p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 139007, EC-245 Contract NAS5-24055 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Plotting, "Structural analysis, "Thermodynamic proper- ties, "Variance (Statistics), Computer techniques, Data processing. Numerical analy- sis. The NASTRAN Thermal Analyzer has been in- tended to do variance analysis and plot the thermal boundary elements. The objective of the variance analysis addition is to assess the sensitivity of temperature variances resulting from uncertainties inherent in input parameters for heat conduction analysis. The plotting capa- bility provides the ability to check the geometry (location, size and orientation) of the boundary elements of a model in relation to the conduc- tion elements. Variance analysis is the study of uncertainties of the computed results as a func- tion of uncertainties of the input data. To study this problem using NASTRAN, a solution is made for both the expected values of all inputs, plus another solution for each uncertain varia- ble. A variance analysis module subtracts the results to form derivatives, and then can deter- mine the expected deviations of output quanti- ties. (Author) 162 N74-26819/4CP PC A11/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Computer Program for Calculation of Real Gas Turbulent Boundary Layers with Variable Edge Entropy. L. R. Boney. Jun 74, 240p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 71970 Descriptors: "Computer programs, *Gas flow, 'Thermodynamic equilibrium, "Turbulent boun- dary layer, Crocco method, Flow charac- teristics, Flow equations, Handbooks, Numeri- cal analysis. A user's manual for a computer program which calculates real gas turbulent boundary layers with variable edge entropy on a blunt cone or flat plate at zero angle of attack is presented. An integral method is used. The method includes the effect of real gas in thermodynamic equilibrium and variable edge entropy. A modified Crocco enthalpy velocity relationship is used for the enthalpy profiles and an empiri- cal correlation of the N-power law profile is used for the velocity profile. The skin-friction- coefficient expressions of Spalding and Chi and Van Driest are used in the solution of the momentum equation and in the heat-transfer predictions that use several modified forms of Reynolds analogy. (Author) N74-26823/6CP PC A10/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Phenomena within a Vortex Sink Rate Sensor. Ph.D. Thesis - Old Dominion Univ. D. K. Patel. Jul 74, 203p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 70179 Descriptors: "Flow distribution, "Vortices, Com- puter programs, Hilsch tubes, Velocity mea- surement, Viscous flow. A description of the flow field within a vortex sink rate sensor was obtained, and the in- fluence of viscous effects on its performance was observed. The sensor basically consisted of a vortex chamber and a sink tube. The vortex chamber consisted of two circular coaxial disks held apart, at their periphery, by a porous coupling. One circular disk had an opening to permit the mounting of the sink tube, in such a manner that the vortex chamber as well as the sink tube had a common axis of rotation. Air was supplied radially to the sensor through its porous coupling as the sensor was rotated at various speeds. Particular emphasis was directed toward an understanding of the flow field in the sink tube region. Thus velocity mea- surements at various stations along the length of the sink tube as well as along a given radius at any designated station were taken. (Author) N74-28422/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Southern Univ., Baton Rouge, La. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Radiative Property Investigation. Final Report. R. L. Scott, Jr. May 74, 132p Rept no. NASA-CR- 138459 Contract NGR-1 9-005-009 Descriptors: "Metal coatings, "Reflectance, "Spacecraft construction materials, "Surface properties, "Zinc oxides. Computer programs, Digital computers, Materials tests, Numerical analysis. A detailed formulation of radiative heat transfer problems involving the use of bidirectional reflectance is discussed. Except for very simple systems this formulation is very intricate. For this reason and the fact that bidirectional data are scarce, such a formulation is not in com- mon use. However, with the development of the digital computer there have been numerical methods developed for detailed radiative in- vestigations using the bidirectional reflectance. Since computations using bidirectional reflectance are coming into use for spacecraft radiative studies, it is necessary to have reflectance data on the materials involved. Materials that are frequently studied are coatings which are used in controlling the ther- mal environment of spacecrafts. This study is primarily concerned with the bidirectional reflectance of zinc oxide which is one con- stituent commonly used for coatings. (Author) N74-28756/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Aerotherm Corp., Mountain View, Calif. Interim User's Manual for Boundary Layer In- tegral Matrix Procedure, Version J. R. M. Evans, and H. L. Morse. Mar 74, 44p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 20268, AEROTHERM-UM-74- 41 Contract NAS8-29667 Descriptors: "Boundary layer flow, "Flow characteristics, "Nozzle flow, "Two dimensional flow, Computer programs, Flow equations, Nu- merical analysis. A computer program for analyzing two dimen- sional and axisymmetric nozzle performance with a variety of wall boundary conditions is described. The program has been developed for application to rocket nozzle problems. Several aids to usage of the program and two auxiliary subroutines are provided. Some fea- tures of the output are described and three sample cases are included. (Author) N74-28757/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Separated Flow over Bodies of Revolution Using an Unsteady Discrete-Vorticity Cross Wake. Part 2: Computer Program Description. F. J. Marshall, and F. D. Deffenbaugh. Jun 74, 156p Rept no. NASA-CR-2415 Contract NGR-15-005-119 Descriptors: "Bodies of revolution, "Computer programs, "Separated flow, "Vorticity, Aerodynamic forces, Cross flow, Flow distribu- tion, Unsteady flow, Wakes. A method is developed to determine the flow field of a body of revolution in separated flow. The computer was used to integrate various solutions and solution properties of the sub- flow fields which made up the entire flow field without resorting to a finite difference solution to the complete Navier-Stokes equations. The technique entails the use of the unsteady cross flow analogy and a new solution to the two- dimensional unsteady separated flow problem based upon an unsteady, discrete-vorticity wake. Data for the forces and moments on aerodynamic bodies at low speeds and high angle of attack (outside the range of linear in- viscid theories) such that the flow is substan- tially separated are produced which compare well with experimental data. In addition, three dimensional steady separated regions and wake vortex patterns are determined. The com- puter program developed to perform the nu- merical calculations is described. (Author) N74-29035/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Bell Aerospace Co., Buffalo, N.Y. A Finite Element Solution Algorithm for the Navier-Stokes Equations. Final Report. A. J. Baker. Jun 74, 77p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 2391, D91 98-950001 Contract NASI -11809 Descriptors: "Algorithms, "Finite element method, "Navier-stokes equation, Computer programs, Kinematics, Partial differential equa- tions, Thermodynamics, Viscosity. A finite element solution algorithm is established for the two-dimensional Navier- Stokes equations governing the steady-state kinematics and thermodynamics of a variable viscosity, compressible multiple-species fluid. For an incompressible fluid, the motion may be transient as well. The primitive dependent vari- ables are replaced by a vorticity-streamfunction description valid in domains spanned by rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coor- dinate systems. Use of derived variables pro- vides a uniformly elliptic partial differential equation description for the Navier-Stokes system, and for which the finite element al- gorithm is established. Explicit non-linearity is accepted by the theory, since no psuedo-varia- tional principles are employed, and there is no requirement for either computational mesh or solution domain closure regularity. Boundary condition constraints on the normal flux and tangential distribution of all computational vari- ables, as well as velocity, are routinely piecewise enforceable on domain closure seg- ments arbitrarily oriented with respect to a global reference frame. (Author) N74-29638/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Systems, Inc., Waverly, Ala. Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Jets in Local Chemical Equilibrium: A Guide to the Charnal Computer Program. Final Report. D. B. Spalding, B. E. Launder, A. P. Morse, and G. Maples. Jun 74, 87p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 2407, REPT-73-1 Contract NAS1-12167 Descriptors: "Air jets, "Hydrogen, "Supersonic combustion, "User manuals (Computer pro- grams), Differential equations, Flow charac- teristics, Kinetics, Turbulent mixing. A guide to a computer program, written in FOR- TRAN 4, for predicting the flow properties of turbulent mixing with combustion of a circular jet of hydrogen into a co-flowing stream of air is presented. The program, which is based upon the Imperial College group's PASSA series, solves differential equations for diffusion and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy and also of the R.M.S. fluctuation of hydrogen concen- tration. The effective turbulent viscosity for use in the shear stress equation is computed. Chemical equilibrium is assumed throughout the flow. (Author) N74-30109/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Radiation, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich. Holographic Optical Elements: Fabrication and Testing. Final Report, Jul. 1973 -Mar. 1974. R. G. Zech, M. Shareck, and L. M. Ralston. Mar 74, 94p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 20272, REPT- 1321-F-2 Contract NAS8-28949 Descriptors: "Electro-optics, "Holography, "Performance tests, Bragg angle. Computer programs, Fourier transformation, Optical memory (Data storage). The basic properties and use of holographic optical elements were investigated to design and construct wide-angle, Fourier-transform holographic optical systems for use in a Bragg- effect optical memory. The performance characteristics are described along with the construction of the holographic system. (Author) N74-31752/0CP PC A03/MF A01 Aerotherm Corp., Mountain View, Calif. 163 Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications. Final Report. R. M. Evans, and H. L. Morse. Mar 74, 42p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 20364, AEROTHERM-74-95 Contract NAS8-29667, AEROTHERM PROJ. 6282 Descriptors: "Boundary layer flow, "Computer programs, 'Flow characteristics, "Free flow, 'Nozzle flow, Data processing, Matrices (Mathematics), Numerical analysis, Per- formance prediction. A summary of modifications to Aerotherm's Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure (BLIMP) code is presented. These modifica- tions represent a preliminary effort to make BLIMP compatible with other JANNAF codes and to adjust the code for specific application to rocket nozzle flows. Results of the initial verification of the code for prediction of rocket nozzle type flows are discussed. For those cases in which measured free stream flow con- ditions were used as input to the code, the boundary layer predictions and measurements are in excellent agreement. In two cases, with free stream flow conditions calculated by another JANNAF code (TDK) for use as input to BLIMP, the predictions and the data were in fair agreement for one case and in poor agreement for the other case. The poor agreement is be- lieved to result from failure of the turbulent model in BLIMP to account for laminarization of a turbulent flow. Recommendations for further code modifications and improvements are also presented. (Author) N74-31753/8CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Comparison of Interference-Free Numerical Results with Sample Experimental Data for the AEDC Wall-Interference Model at Transonic and Subsonic Flow Conditions. P. A. Newman, and D. O. Allison. Jul 74, 94p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-71991 Descriptors: 'Subsonic flow, 'Transonic flow, 'Wall flow, 'Wind tunnel walls, Angle of attack, Computer programs, Numerical analysis, Wings. Numerical results obtained from two computer programs recently developed with NASA sup- port and now available for use by others are compared with some sample experimental data taken on a rectangular-wing configuration in the AEDC 16- Foot Transonic Tunnel at transonic and subsonic flow conditions. This data was used in an AEDC investigation as reference data to deduce the tunnel-wall inter- ference effects for corresponding data taken in a smaller tunnel. The comparisons were originally intended to see how well a current state-of-the-art transonic flow calculation for a simple 3-D wing agreed with data which was felt by experimentalists to be relatively inter- ference-free. As a result of the discrepancies between the experimental data and computa- tional results at the quoted angle of attack, it was then deduced from an approximate stress analysis that the sting had deflected ap- preciably. Thus, the comparisons themselves are not so meaningful, since the calculations must be repeated at the proper angle of attack. Of more importance, however, is a demonstra- tion of the utility of currently available compu- tational tools in the analysis and correlation of transonic experimental data. (Author) N74-31754/6CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Solution by Meridional Plane Analysis. T. Katsanis, and W. D. Mcnally. 1974, 30p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-71593, E-8084 Conf-Proposed for Presentation at the Natl. Aerospace Eng. Meeting, San Diego, Calif., 30 Sep. - 4 Oct. 1974; Sponsored by Sae. Descriptors: 'Air flow, 'Flow characteristics, 'Subsonic flow, 'Transonic flow, 'Turbomachinery, Computer programs. Data processing, Flow distribution. Numerical analy- sis. A computer program has been developed to ob- tain subsonic or shockfree transonic, non- viscous flow analysis on the hub-shroud mid- channel flow surface of a turbomachine. The analysis may be for any annular passage, with or without blades. The blades may be fixed or rotating and may be twisted and leaned. The flow may be axial, radial or mixed. Blade sur- face velocities over the entire blade are approx- imated based on the rate of change of angular momentum. This gives a 3-D flow picture based on a 2-D analysis. The paper discusses the method used for the program and shows exam- ples of the type of passages and blade rows which can be analyzed. Also, some numerical examples are given to show how the program can be used for practical assistance in design of blading, annular passages, and annular dif- fusers. (Author) N74-32747/9CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. An Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave Motion and Upstream Influence in a Stratified Fluid. D. A. Hurdis. Aug 74, 90p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 7744, G-7440 Descriptors: "Fluid mechanics, 'Stratified flow, 'Wave propagation, Computer programs. Geophysics, Liquids, Upstream. A system consisting of two superimposed layers of liquid of different densities, with a thin transition layer at the interface, provides a good laboratory model of an ocean thermocline or of an atmospheric inversion layer. This research was to gain knowledge about the propagation of disturbances within these two geophysical systems. The technique used was to observe the propagation of internal waves and of up- stream influence within the density-gradient re- gion between the two layers of liquid. The disturbances created by the motion of a vertical flat plate, which was moved longitudinally through this region, were examined both ex- perimentally and numerically. An upstream in- fluence, which resulted from a balance of iner- tial and gravitational forces, was observed, and it was possible to predict the behavior of this in- fluence with the numerical model. The predic- tion included a description of the propagation of the upstream influence to steadily increasing distances from the flat plate and the shapes and magnitudes of the velocity profiles. (Author) N74-33802/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Aeronautics. An Improved Fortran Program for the Bradshaw-Ferriss-Atwell Method of Calculat- ing Turbulent Shear Layers. P. Bradshaw, and K. Unsworth. Feb 74, 43p Rept nos. IC-AERO-74-02, NPL-AERO-1269 Contract MIN-DEF/PE-AT/2037/0102, MIN- DEF/PE-AT/2037/0133 Misc-Supersedes Npl-AERO-1269; IC-AERO- 71-24. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Incompressible boundary layer, 'Shear layers, 'Turbulent flow, Fortran, Strain rate, Turbulent heat transfer. The improved program includes allowances for the effect of small extra strain rates: it was rear- ranged into subroutines for ease of modifica- tion, the input was simplified and the speed of execution increased. A full description and running instructions are given for the basic pro- gram for two-dimensional incompressible boundary layers. Further extensions are at present: solution of a length-scale equation, for rapidly changing flows, and calculation of iieat transfer in compressible or incompressible flow, using an eddy conductivity assumption. (Author) N74-34220/5CP PC A04/MF A01 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Har- well (England). Theoretical Physics Div. General Formulation of the Problem of Calcu- lating the Energies of Lattice Defects in Ionic Crystals. M.J. Norgett. Jan 74, 52p Rept no. AERE-R- 7650 Descriptors: 'Crystal defects, "Crystal lattices, "Ionic crystals, Computer programs, Energy, Mathematical models, Physical properties. A unified approach to the problem of calculat- ing energies of simple lattice defects in ionic crystals was developed. Consideration was given to the calculation of lattice energy, methods for minimising that energy to obtain the equilibrium lattice configuration, and suita- ble boundary conditions describing the lattice relaxation far from the defect. The discussion is within the context of an assumed rigid ion model for the ionic crystal except in the final section when the development is extended to a consideration of calculations using the more sophisticated shell model. (Author) N75-11211/0CP PCA05/MFA01 Boeing Co., Wichita, Kans. Acoustic Attenuation Analysis Program for Ducts with Mean Flow. R. K. Kunze, Jr. 1 7 Aug 72, 95p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 20985, D3-8677 Contract NAS3-1 4321 Descriptors: 'Acoustic attenuation, 'Ducted flow, Boundary layer flow. Computer programs, Mathematical models. A computerized acoustic attenuation prediction procedure has been developed to evaluate acoustically lined ducts for various geometric and environmental parameters. The analysis procedure is based on solutions to the acoustic wave equation, assuming uniform airflow on a duct cross section, combined with appropriate mathematical lining impedance models. The impedance models included in the analysis procedure are representative of either per- forated sheet or porous polyimide impregnated fiberglass facing sheet coupled with a cellular backing space. Advantages and limitations of the analysis procedure are reviewed. (Author) N75-12640/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Witwatersrand Univ., Johannesburg (South Africa). School of Mechanical Engineering. A Computer Programme for Flowfield Predic- tions in the Interaction of a Shock Wave with a 90 Degree Bend. K. Meinjes, and B. W. Skews. Jul 74, 57p Rept no. REPT-58 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Flow dis- tribution, 'Shock wave interaction, Finite dif- ference theory, Fortran, Unsteady flow. A FORTRAN program, based on an Eulerian finite difference (fluid-in-cell) method is described. The program is used for the predic- tion of the unsteady flowfield during shock wave interaction with a right angled corner in two-dimensional cartesian or axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates. The program is described in detail and its use is illustrated by 164 examples. Adaptation to other problems with similar geometries is discussed. Good agree- ment with experimental data is obtained for those cases where comparisons are made. (Author) N75-13198/7CP PC E99/MF A01 Martin Marietta Corp., Denver, Colo. Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys). R. J. Connor, R. E. Paulson, R. G. Goble, and C. L. Jensen. May 74, 278 Rept nos. NASA-CR- 140373, MCR-74- 107 Contract NAS9-13033 Descriptors: 'Thermal radiation, "User manuals (Computer programs), Data processing. Input/output routines. Radiation measurement, Subroutines. A user's manual is presented for TRASYS, which is a digital software system with a generalized capability for solving radiation problems. Subroutines, file, and variable defini- tions are presented along with subroutine and function descriptions for the preprocessor. Definitions and descriptions of components of the processor are also presented. N75-13546/7CP PC A13/MF A01 Martin Marietta Corp., Baltimore, Md. Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys) User'S Manual, Appendix H, Volume 2. May 73, 277p Rept nos. NASA-CR-140375, MCR-73-1 05-VOL-2-APP-H Contract NAS9-1 3033 Descriptors: "Thermal radiation, "User manuals (Computer programs), Computer programs. Input/output routines. For abstract, see STAR 1304 N75-14067/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Alabama Univ., Huntsville. School of Graduate Studies and Research. Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions. Final Report. M. Ludewig, S. Omori, and G. L. Rao. Oct 74, 143p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 20559 Contract NAS8-28736 Descriptors: "Channel flow, "Flow measure- ment, "Fluid flow, "Pressure gradients, "Textiles, Computer programs. Flow charac- teristics, Flow equations. Numerical analysis. Tests were conducted to determine the experi- mental pressure drop and velocity data for water flowing through woven screens. The types of materials used are dutch twill and square weave fabrics. Pressure drop measures were made at four locations in a rectangular channel. The data are presented as change in pressure compared with the average entry velocity and the numerical relationship is deter- mined by dividing the volumetric flow rate by the screen area open to flow. The equations of continuity and momentum are presented. A computer program listing an extension of a theoretical model and data from that computer program are included. (Author) N75-14991/4CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Effects of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on the Inviscid Design of an Axisymmetric Nozzle for Hypersonic Flow. J. B.Anders, Jr. Jan 75, 41 p Rept nos. NASA- TN-D-7801.L-9723 Descriptors: "Hypersonic flow, "Nonequilibrium flow, "Nozzle geometry, "Vibrational freezing, Arc heating, Chemical reactions, Computer programs, Enthalpy, Mach number. An axisymmetric, hypersonic nozzle for arc- heated air is described. The method of charac- teristics is used to compute an inviscid nozzle contour in which vibrational nonequilibrium is approximated by the sudden-freeze technique. Chemical reactions are shown to freeze early in the nozzle expansion, and the result of vibra- tional and chemical freezing on the nozzle con- tour is demonstrated. The approximate nozzle design is analyzed by an exact calculation based on the method of characteristics for flow with vibrational nonequilibrium. Exit profiles are computed, and the usefulness of the ap- proximate design is discussed. An analysis of the nozzle performance at off-design condi- tions is presented. (Author) N75-14996/3CP PC A04/MF A01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. Computer Program Grade for Design and Analysis of Graded-Porosity Heat-Pipe Wicks. J. E. Eninger. Aug 74, 62p Rept no. NASA-CR- 137618 Contract NAS2-8310 Descriptors: "Computer programming, "Heat pipes, "Wicks, Computerized design, Dif- ferential equations, Fluid mechanics. Gravita- tional fields. Heat transfer, Input/output rou- tines. Iterative solution, Porosity. A computer program for numerical solution of differential equations that describe heat pipes with graded-porosity fibrous wicks is discussed. A mathematical problem is provided with a summary of the input and output steps used to solve it. The program is also applied to the analysis of a typical heat pipe. N75-16800/5CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Evaluation of Image Quality in a Cassegrain- Type Telescope with an Oscillating Seconda- ry Mirror. E. F. Erickson, and S. Matthews. Feb 75, 26p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-3137, A-5657 Descriptors: "Astronomical telescopes, "Cassegrain optics, "Mirrors, Airborne equip- ment, Computer programs. Imagery, Infrared astronomy, Ray tracing. A ray-trace analysis is described of aberrations and extreme rays of a Casseg rain-type telescope with a tilted secondary mirror. The work was motivated by the need to understand the factors limiting image quality and to assist in the design of secondary mirrors for three telescopes with oscillating secondary mirrors (OSM) used at Ames Research Center for high altitude infrared astronomy. The telescopes are a 31 -cm-diameter Dall-Kirkham (elliptical pri- mary, spherical secondary) flown aboard a Lear jet, a 71 -cm balloon-borne Dall-Kirkham flown on the AIROscope gondola, and a 91 -cm true Cassegrain (parabolic primary, hyperbolic secondary) flown aboard a C-141 jet transport. The optics for these telescopes were not designed specifically for OSM operation, but all have OSM's and all must be used with various detector configurations; therefore, a facility that evaluates the performance of a telescope for a given configuration is useful. The analyti- cal expressions are summarized and results for the above systems are discussed. Details of the calculation and a discussion of the computer program are given in the appendices. (Author) N75-19190/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Aeronautics. Users' Guide to the Gibson-Spalding and Green Programs for the Calculation of Com- pressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Pressure Gradient and Heat Transfer. C. Osborne. Mar 73, 89p Rept no. IC-AERO-73- 01 Descriptors: "Compressible boundary layer, "Computer programs, "Heat transfer, "Pressure gradients, "Turbulent boundary layer, Axisym- metric flow, Compressible flow, Finite dif- ference theory, Integral equations. Two dimen- sional flow, User manuals (Computer pro- grams). The use of two programs for the calculation of compressible turbulent boundary layers is described. The first is that of Gibson and Spald- ing who modified the basic Patankar-Spalding finite difference program for use with the k-w model of turbulence. The second is for the in- tegral method of Green, who extended the en- trainment ideas of Head to compressible flow. Both programs may be used for axisymmetric and two-dimensional flows including the effect of heat transfer and pressure gradients. (Author) N75-19591/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Huntsville Research and Engineering Center. User'S Guide and Description of the Stream- line Divergence Computer Program. P. R. Sulyma, and J. V. Mcanally. Jan 75, 45p Rept nos. NASA-CR-141717, LMSC-HREC-TM- D390450 Contract NAS9-1 3429 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Convective heat transfer, "Laminar flow, "Turbulent heat transfer, Flow characteristics, Flow distribu- tion, Impingement, Inviscid flow. Rocket ex- haust. The streamline divergence program was developed to demonstrate the capability to trace inviscid surface streamlines and to calcu- late outflow-corrected laminar and turbulent convective heating rates on surfaces subjected to exhaust plume impingement. The analystical techniques used in formulating this program are discussed. A brief description of the stream- line divergence program is given along with a user's guide. The program input and output for a sample case are also presented. (Author) N75-20265/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Aeronautical Research Inst, of Sweden, Stockholm. Aerodynamics Dept. The Calculation of Supersonic Axisymmetric Afterbody Flow with Jet-Interference and Possible Flow Separation. Final Report. R. A. White. Dec 74, 39p Rept no. FFA-TN-AU- 912 Contract F-INK-1 2-21 470 Descriptors: "Afterbodies, "Boattails, "Boundary layer separation, "Supersonic flow, Axisymmetric flow. Computer programs. Coni- cal bodies. Correlation coefficients. Jet mixing flow. An analysis was made of results from an experi- mental program on supersonic flow field inter- ference for conical and cylindrical boattails with a centered propulsive jet. An improved theoretical-experimental correlation allowing the calculation of the base pressure and possi- ble flow separation and which accounts for both the relative size of the jet and geometry (angularity) is proposed. The large recompres- sion coefficient values required for vehicles with conical boattails are shown to be con- sistent and compatible with earlier results ob- tained for cylindrical afterbodies. It was also demonstrated that an improved boundary layer separation criteria is needed to account for the effects of boattail curvature and termination. 165 Physical and analytical reasons for recompres- sion coefficients greater than unity required to correlate the experimental results are ex- amined, and means for modifying components of the flow field model to obtain values con- sistent with experimentally observed recom- pression conditions are given. A comparison of experimental and computed results shows ex- cellent agreement for base pressure and good agreement for drag and separation location. Means for improving both the drag and separa- tion location predictions are included. (Author) N75-21565/7CP PC A13/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Program and Charts for Determining Shock Tube, and Expansion Tunnel Flow Quantities for Real Air. C. G. lii Miller, and S. E. Wilder. Feb 75, 280p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-7752, L-9700 Descriptors: 'Air flow, 'Computer programs, *Flow chambers, 'Shock tubes, Fortran, Frozen equilibrium flow, Real gases, Reflected waves, Thermodynamic properties. Unsteady flow. A computer program in FORTRAN 4 language was written to determine shock tube, expansion tube, and expansion tunnel flow quantities for real-air test gas. This program permits, as input data, a number of possible combinations of flow quantities generally measured during a test. The versatility of the program is enhanced by the inclusion of such effects as a standing or totally reflected shock at the secondary diaphragm, thermochemical-equilibrium flow expansion and frozen flow expansion for the expansion tube and expansion tunnel, attenua- tion of the flow in traversing the acceleration section of the expansion tube, real air as the ac- celeration gas, and the effect of wall boundary layer on the acceleration section air flow. Charts which provide a rapid estimation of ex- pansion tube performance prior to a test are in- cluded. (Author) N75-21987/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacksburg. Dept. of Aerospace Engineering. A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar, Transitional and-or Turbulent Boun- dary Layer Flows. E. W. Miner, E. C. Anderson, and C. H. Lewis. May 71, 191p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 132601, VPI- E-71-8 Contract NASI -9337 Descriptors: "Axisymmetric flow, 'Computer programs, 'Ideal gas, 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Turbulent boundary layer, 'Two dimensional flow, Chemical equilibrium. Finite difference theory, Fortran, Rocket nozzles, Wind tunnel nozzles. A computer program is described in detail for laminar, transitional, and/or turbulent bounda- ry-layer flows of non-reacting (perfect gas) and reacting gas mixtures in chemical equilibrium. An implicit finite difference scheme was developed for both two dimensional and ax- isymmetric flows over bodies, and in rocket nozzles and hypervelocity wind tunnel nozzles. The program, program subroutines, variables, and input and output data are described. Also included is the output from a sample calcula- tion of fully developed turbulent, perfect gas flow over a flat plate. Input data coding forms and a FORTRAN source listing of the program are included. A method is discussed for obtain- ing thermodynamic and transport property data which are required to perform boundary-layer calculations for reacting gases in chemical equilibrium. (Author) N75-23340/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). The Computation of Growth Charts and the Effect of Layer Thickness Variations for Thin Film Interference Filters. M. S. Brown. Dec 74, 28p Rept no. WRE-TN- 1311(AP) Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Image fil- ters, 'Optical thickness, 'Thin films, Absorption spectra. Dielectrics, Fabry-perot interferome- ters. Light transmission, Refractivity. Modifications to a previously published com- puter program were made to aid in the design and manufacture of thin-film filters. The com- putation of growth charts which show how the spectral transmission of a thin film filter changes as the layer system is built up during manufacture are performed by one modifica- tion. The computation of the change in the spectral transmission of a filter as the thickness of any layer of the interference system is changed is performed by a second modifica- tion. (Author) N75-25674/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. Thermal Acoustic Oscillations, Volume 2. Final Report. L. W. Spradley, W. H. Sims, and C. Fan. Mar 75, 140p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 02776, LMSC- HREC-TR-D390690-2 Contract NAS8-26642 Seri-3. Descriptors: 'Acoustics, 'Cryogenic fluid storage, 'Heat transfer, Computer programs, Finite difference theory, Navier-stokes equa- tion. Numerical analysis, Thermodynamics. A number of thermal acoustic oscillation phenomena and their effects on cryogenic systems were studied. The conditions which cause or suppress oscillations, the frequency, amplitude and intensity of oscillations when they exist, and the heat loss they induce are discussed. Methods of numerical analysis utilizing the digital computer were developed for use in cryogenic systems design. In addi- tion, an experimental verification program was conducted to study oscillation wave charac- teristics and boiloff rate. The data were then reduced and compared with the analytical pre- dictions. N75-26307/9CP PC A11/MF A01 Avco Corp., Wilmington, Mass. The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis, Volume 1. Final Report. W. L. Bade, and J. M. Yos. Jun 75, 230p Rept nos. NASA-CR-2547, AVSD-0288-74-RR Contract NAS3-9744 Descriptors: 'Gas dynamics, 'Nonequilibrium conditions, 'Nozzle flow. 'User manuals (Computer programs), 'Wind tunnels. Laminar boundary layer. Mathematical models. Nozzle geometry, Stagnation point. Wedge flow. A computer program for calculating quasi-one- dimensional gas flow in axisymmetric and two- dimensional nozzles and rectangular channels is presented. Flow is assumed to start from a state of thermochemical equilibrium at a high temperature in an upstream reservoir. The pro- gram provides solutions based on frozen chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and nonequilibrium flow with finite reaction rates. Electronic nonequilibrium effects can be in- cluded using a two-temperature model. An ap- proximate laminar boundary layer calculation is given for the shear and heat flux on the nozzle wall. Boundary layer displacement effects on the inviscid flow are considered also. Chemical equilibrium and transport property calculations are provided by subroutines. The code contains precoded thermochemical, chemical kinetic, and transport cross section data for high-tem- perature air, C02-N2-Ar mixtures, helium, and argon. It provides calculations of the stagnation conditions on axisymmetric or two-dimensional models, and of the conditions on the flat sur- face of a blunt wedge. The primary purpose of the code is to describe the flow conditions and test conditions in electric arc heated wind tun- nels. (Author) N75-28849/8CP PC A10/MF A01 Boeing Co., Wichita, Kans. Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. R. J. Beckemeyer, and D. T. Sawdy. 1 2 Dec 71 , 202p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 20849, D3-861 1-1 Contract NAS3-1 4321 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Ducted fans, 'Jet aircraft noise, 'Sound waves. Acoustic ducts, Far fields, Noise propagation, Noise reduction. An acoustic radiation analysis was developed to predict the far-field characteristics of fan noise radiated from an acoustically lined unflanged duct. This analysis is comprised of three modu- lar digital computer programs which together provide a capability of accounting for the im- pedance mismatch at the duct exit plane. Ad- missible duct configurations include circular or annular, with or without an extended center- body. This variation in duct configurations pro- vides a capability of modeling inlet and fan duct noise radiation. The computer programs are described in detail. (Author) N75-28850/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Boeing Co., Wichita, Kans. Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. R.J. Beckemeyer, and D. T. Sawdy 1 2 Dec 71 , 67p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 20850, D3-861 1 -2 Contract NAS3-1 4321 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Ducted fans, 'Jet aircraft noise, 'Sound waves, Acoustic ducts, Far fields. Noise propagation. Noise reduction. For abstract, see N75-28849. N75-28851/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Boeing Co., Wichita, Kans. Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. R. J. Beckemeyer, and D. T. Sawdy. 12 Dec 71, 77p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 20851 , D3-861 1 -3 Contract NAS3-1 4321 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Ducted fans, 'Jet aircraft noise, 'Sound waves. Acoustic ducts, Far fields, Noise propagation. Noise reduction. For abstract, see N75-28849. N75-29355/5CP PC E99/MF A01 National Aerospace Lab., Tokyo (Japan). Three-Dimensional Inviscid Effects in Axial Flow Turbomachinery and Limitation of Cascade Theory. A. Tamura. Aug 74, 38 Rept no. NAL-TR-379T Descriptors: 'Axial flow, 'Cascade flow, 'Inviscid flow, 'Three dimensional flow, 'Turbomachinery, Computer programs, Design analysis, Turbine blades. The calculation was based on the method of distributed singularities; the blades are represented by a series of line vortices and line sources which have their axes along the radial 166 direction and are arranged along the blade camber surface. The basic perturbed velocity fields due to radial vortex lines of constant strength and radial source lines of variable strength were computed from a modified theory based on Tyson's and Rossow's formulation. A computer program was developed to obtain the three dimensional flow field in a turbomachin- ery with arbitrary number of blades, number of singular points per blade, and various hub/tip ratios. Examples are presented illustrating the three dimensional effects due to hub/tip ratio, stagger angle, number of the blades. The ef- fects of the radial variation of the strength of the radial source line were examined. The three dimensional effects are found to be appreciable for low hub/tip configuration with fewer number of blades. (Author) N75-29369/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Technische Hogeschool, Delft (Netherlands). Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering. Numerical Integration of the Momentum-In- tegral Equations and Application of the Results to the Flow Between Rotating Disks. B. C. Chandrasekhara. Aug 74, 63p Rept no. VTH-183 Descriptors: *Karman-bodewadt flow, 'Laminar boundary layer, 'Numerical integration, 'Rotating disks, 'Turbulent flow, Axial flow, Computer programs. Cylinders, Magnetic fields, Mass flow, Mathematical models, Walls. Laminar boundary layers were investigated which are on rotating disks of finite radius con- tained in a stationary cylinder filled with a fluid of constant properties, with or without a uniform transverse magnetic field; von Kar- man's -T method was used. A parabolic relation is assumed for the tangential velocity distribu- tion which is in agreement with the model con- sidered. Important flow quantities such as the radial mass flow in boundary layers, the axial out-flow velocity, the boundary layer thickness, and the amplitude of radial velocity are com- puted from numerical integration. Results of the analysis indicate that the axial out-flow velocity exhibits inward or outward flowing layers for values of Kappa greater than 0.5 and the boundary layer thickness and radial mass flow also exhibit marked change in behavior for Kappa greater than 0.5. The secondary flow in end-wall boundary layers depends on the tan- gential Reynolds number and can be reduced by increasing the length of the cylinder or decreasing the tangential Reynolds number. The presence of a uniform transverse magnetic field reduces the boundary layer thickness; the axial out-flow velocity exhibits outward and in- ward flowing layers at low values of Kappa. (Author) N75-29407/4CP PC A05/MF A01 McDonnell-Doug las Astronautics Co., St. Louis, Mo. Particulate Contamination Spectrometer. Volume 1 : Technical Report. Final Report, Jul. 1974 - Mar. 1975. R. J. Schmitt, B. A. Boyd, and R. M. F. Linford. May 75, 86p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 44375, MDC- E1249-VOL-1 Contract NAS9-14171 Descriptors: 'Laser applications, 'Light scatter- ing, 'Particle size distribution, 'Spectrometers, Aerosols, Computer programs, Design analysis, Laser cavities, Mie scattering. A laser particulate spectrometer (LPS) system was developed to measure the size and speed distributions of particulate (dusts, aerosols, ice particles, etc.) contaminants. Detection of the particulates was achieved by means of light scattering and extinction effects using a single laser beam to cover a size range of 0.8 to 275 microns diameter and a speed range of 0.2 to 20 meter/second. The LPS system was designed to operate in the high vacuum environment of a space simulation chamber with cold shroud temperatures ranging from 77 to 300 K. (Author) N75-29818/2CP PC A10/MF A01 Science Applications, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study. N. R. Byrn. 31 Jul 75, 207p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 120672, SAI-76-558-HU Contract NAS8-27541 Descriptors: 'Material absorption, 'Monte carlo method, 'Nuclear radiation, 'Radiation effects, 'Variance (Statistics), Analysis of variance, Boltzmann transport equation, Computer pro- grams. Iteration, Particle flux density, Radiation dosage, Statistical mechanics. A mathematical analysis of the transport of nuclear radiation through matter is presented. A computer test bed that was developed is shown, along with flow charts. N75-30470/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacksburg. Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Dept. Computer User'S Guide for a Chemically Reacting Viscous Shock-Layer Program. E. W. Miner, and C. H. Lewis. May 75, 186p Rept no. NASA-CR-2551 Contract NAS9-1 2630 Descriptors: 'Blunt bodies, 'Chemical reac- tions, 'Laminar flow, "Shock layers, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Heat transfer, Reentry vehicles, Reynolds number. A description is given of the computer code for predicting viscous shock-layer flows over nonanalytic blunt bodies (Program VISLNABB) for hypersonic, low Reynolds number flows. Four specific and one general body geometries are considered. In addition to sphere-cones, cylinder wedges and geometries defined in tabular form, options for hyperboloids and paraboloids are included. Details of the theory and results are included in a separate engineer- ing report. The program, subroutines, variables in common, and input and output data are described. Listings of the program code, output data for a sample case, and the input data for this sample case are included. (Author) N75-30482/4CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Method for Calculating a Real-Gas Two- Dimensional Nozzle Contour Including the Ef- fects of gamma. C. B. Johnson, and L. R. Boney. Sep 75, 40p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-3243, L-10144 Descriptors: 'Method of characteristics, "Nozzle design, "Real gases, 'Specific heat, Ax- isymmetric bodies, Ideal gas, Two dimensional bodies, User manuals (Computer programs). A method for calculating two-dimensional in- viscid nozzle contours for a real gas or an ideal gas by the method of characteristics is described. The method consists of a modifica- tion of an existing nozzle computer program. The ideal-gas nozzle contour can be calculated for any constant value of gamma. Two methods of calculating the center-line boundary values of the Mach number in the throat region are also presented. The use of these three methods of calculating the center-line Mach number dis- tribution in the throat region can change the distance from the throat to the inflection point by a factor of 2.5. A user's guide is presented for input to the computer program for both the two-dimensional and axisymmetric nozzle con- tours. (Author) N75-31854/3CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. An Improved Technique for Determining Reflection from Semi-Infinite Atmospheres with Linearly Anisotropic Phase Functions. C. L. Fricke. Sep 75, 41 p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 8011, L-10153 Descriptors: 'Atmospheres, "Functions (Mathematics), "Radiative transfer, "Reflection, Chandrasekhar equation, Computer programs. Flow charts, Light beams, Light scattering. A solution to the problem of reflection from a semi-infinite atmosphere is presented, based upon Chandrasekhar's H-function method for linearly anisotropic phase functions. A modifi- cation to the Gauss quadrature formula which gives about the same accuracy with 10 points as the conventional Gauss quadrature does with 100 points was developed. A computer program achieving this solution is described and results are presented for several illustrative cases. (Author) N75-31877/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Florida Univ., Gainesville. Engineering and In- dustrial Experiment Station. Evaluation of Atomic Constants for Optica! Radiation, Volume 1. Final Report, Nov. 1970 - Feb. 1974. C. D. Kylstra, and R. J. Schneider. Dec 74, 36p Rept no. NASA-CR-143460 Contract NGL-1 0-005-049 Descriptors: 'Atomic energy levels, 'Light (Visible radiation), 'Transition probabilities, Computer programs, Quantum numbers. Ta- bles (Data). Atomic constants for optical radiation are discussed which include transition probabili- ties, line strengths, and oscillator strengths for both dipole and quadrupole transitions, as well as the associated matrix elements needed for line broadening calculations. Atomic constants were computed for a wide selection of elements and lines. An existing computer program was used, with modifications to include, in an ap- proximate manner, the effect of equivalent electrons, and to enable reordering and restructuring of the output for publication. This program is suitable for fast, low cost computa- tion of the optical constants, using the Cou- lomb approximation formalism for LS coupling. (Author) N75-31880/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Optical Sciences Center. User'S Manual for University of Arizona Apart Program (Analysis Program - Arizona Radia- tion Trace). R. P. Breault. Aug 75, 137p Rept no. NASA-CR- 143938 Contract NAS8-27804 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Light scat- tering, 'Sky radiation, 'Telescopes, Beams (Radiation), Optical measurement. Symmetry. A description and operating instructions for the Analysis Program Arizona Radiation Trace (APART) are given. This is a computer program that is able to efficiently and accurately predict the off-axis rejection characteristics of un- wanted stray radiation for complex rotationally symmetric optical systems. The program first determines the critical objects or areas that scatter radiation to the image plane either directly or through imaging elements: this pro- vides the opportunity to modify, if necessary, the design so that the number of critical areas seen by the image plane is reduced or the radia- tion to these critical areas is minimized. Next, the power distribution reaching the image plane and a sectional power map of all internal 167 surfaces are computed. Angular information is also provided that 9relates the angle by which the radiation came into a surface to the angle by which the radiation is scattered out of the surface. N75-32383/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Stanford Univ., Calif. Dept. of Mechanical En- gineering. The Behavior of Transpired Turbulent Boun- dary Layers. W. M. Kays, and R.J. Moffat. Apr 75, 1 14p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 19147, HMT-20 Contract NGR-05-020-134, N00014-67-A-01 12- 0072 Descriptors: "Heat transfer, "Transpiration, 'Turbulent boundary layer. Computer pro- grams. Data bases. Finite difference theory. Free flow. Experimental and analytical studies of the heat transfer behavior of the turbulent boundary layer are summarized. The principal objective was the acquisition of a reliable data base and its modeling by means of a finite difference computer program. Experimental results are provided to the computer in terms of values and variations of mixing length parameters and tur- bulent Prandtl numbers. The data base covers a wide range of boundary conditions and free stream conditions. Conditions: free stream velocities, uniform velocity, accelerations at constant K up to relaminarization, and decelerations at constant B, but not including separation; transpiration suction and blowing at constant blowing fraction with stepwise and arbitrary variations; and wall temperature at uniform, stepwise, and arbitrary distributions. It is shown that a single pair of functions suffice to recover all of the data. Both the surface data and the profiles of mean velocity and tempera- ture are predictable with acceptable accuracy. (Author) N75-32384/0CP PC A10/MF A01 Bell Aerospace Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Programmer's Manual. J. A. Orzechowski, and A. J. Baker. May 74, 220p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 32449, D91 92-954001 Contract NAS1-1 1214 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Three dimensional boundary layer, 'User manuals (Computer programs). Algorithms, Boundary layer equations. Compressible fluids. Finite ele- ment method. Partial differential equations. The three-dimensional boundary region variant of the COMOC computer program system solves the partial differential equation system governing certain three-dimensional flows of a viscous, heat conducting, multiple-species, compressible fluid including combustion. The solution is established in physical variables, using a finite element algorithm for the bounda- ry value portion of the problem description in combination with an explicit marching technique for the initial value character. The computational lattice may be arbitrarily non- regular, and boundary condition constraints are readily applied. The theoretical foundation of the algorithm, a detailed description on the construction and operation of the program, and instructions on utilization of the many features of the code are presented. (Author) N75-32385/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Bell Aerospace Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Theoretical Manual and User's Guide. A. J. Baker, and S . W. Zelazny. May 74, 78p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 32450, D9192-950002 Contract NAS1-1 1214 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Three dimensional boundary layer, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Algorithms, Boundary layer equations, Compressible fluids, Finite ele- ment method. Partial differential equations. The theoretical and mechanical structure of the computer program is presented along with guidance on adaptation of the code to solution of a particular problem. Sample solutions are discussed for several problems, especially with respect to solution accuracy and speed as a function of parameters under control of the user. Construction of input data decks for sam- ple problems is discussed. (Author) N75-32941/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.. Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4. J. A. Tevepaugh, M. M. Penny, and L. R. Baker. Mar 75, 59p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 44431 , LMSC-HREC-TM-D390169 Contract NAS9-13429 Descriptors: 'Air, 'Computer programs, 'Fortran, "Freon, 'Physical properties, 'Thermodynamic properties, Equations of state. Exhaust flow simulation, Isentropic processes. Method of characteristics, Nozzle flow. FORTRAN computer programs were developed to calculate the thermodynamic properties of Freon 14 and air for isentropic expansion from given plenum conditions. Thermodynamic pro- perties for air are calculated with equations derived from the Beattie-Bridgeman nonstan- dard equation of state and, for Freon 14, with equations derived from the Redlich-Quang nonstandard equation of state. These two gases are used in scale mode! testing of model rocket nozzle flow fields which requires simulation of the prototype plume shape with a cold flow test approach. Utility of the computer programs for use in analytical prediction of flow fields is enhanced by arranging card or tape output of the data in a format compatible with a method- of-characteristics computer program. (Author) N75-33137/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. Research Dept. Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. Final Report. C. Li. Jul 75, 164p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 43981, RE-507 Contract NAS8-29662 Descriptors: "Crystallization, 'Evaporation, 'Solidification, "Space manufacturing, "Weightlessness, Computer programs, Crystal growth. Gallium arsenides, Prediction analysis techniques. Single crystals. Computer programs are developed and used in the study of the combined effects of evapora- tion and solidification in space processing. The temperature and solute concentration profiles during directional solidification of binary alloys with surface evaporation were mathematically formulated. Computer results are included along with an econotechnical model of crystal growth. This model allows: prediction of crystal size, quality, and cost; systematic selection of the best growth equipment or alloy system; op- timization of growth or material parameters; and a maximization of zero-gravity effects. Segregation in GaAs crystals was examined along with vibration effects on GaAs crystal growth. It was found that a unique segregation pattern and strong convention currents exist in GaAs crystal growth. Some beneficial effects from vibration during GaAs growth were discovered. The implications of the results in space processing are indicated. (Author) N75-33352/6CP PC A08/MF A01 LTV Aerospace Corp., Dallas, Tex. Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1, Revision a. J. A. Oren.andD. R.Williams. 15 Feb 75, 160p Rept nos. NASA-CR-14451 1 , REPT-2- 53002/4R-3167-VOL Contract NAS9-1 0435 Subm-Prepared in Cooperation with TRW Systems Group, Houston, Tex. Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Flow characteristics, 'Fluid flow, 'Systems analysis, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Data storage. Input/output routines, Specific heat, Subroutines, Temperature measurement. The SINFLO package was developed to modify the SINDA preprocessor to accept and store the input data for fluid flow systems analysis and adding the FLOSOL user subroutine to perform the flow solution. This reduced and simplified the user input required for analysis of flow problems. A temperature calculation method, the flow-hybrid method which was developed in previous VSD thermal simulator routines, was incorporated for calculating fluid temperatures. The calculation method accuracy was improved by using fluid enthalpy rather than specific heat for the convective term of the fluid temperature equation. Subroutines and data input require- ments are described along with user subrou- tines, flow data storage, and usage of the plot program. (Author) N75-33353/4CP PC A12/MF A01 LTV Aerospace Corp., Dallas, Tex. Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 2, Revision a. J. A. Oren, and D. R. Williams. 15 Feb 75, 268p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 4451 2, REPT-2- 53002/4R-3167-VOL Contract NAS9-1 0435 Subm-Prepared in Cooperation with TRW Systems Group, Houston, Tex. Descriptors: 'Flow characteristics, "Fluid flow, "Subroutines, 'Systems analysis, "User manuals (Computer programs), Computer pro- gramming. Input/output routines. Listings of subroutines which were added and modified during the development of SINDA/SINFLO are presented in alphabetical order. For Volume 1 , see . N76-11032/9CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Theoretical Performance of Cross-Wind Axis Turbines with Results for a Catenary Vertical Axis Configuration. R. J. Muraca, M. V. Stephens, and J. R. Dagenhart. Oct 75, 85p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 72662 Descriptors: "Catenaries, "Cross flow, "Performance, "Prediction analysis techniques, "Windmills (Windpowered machines). Airfoil profiles. Aspect ratio, Computer programs. In- terference, Rotating fluids, Struts, Wind tunnel tests. A general analysis capable of predicting per- formance characteristics of cross-wind axis turbines was developed, including the effects of airfoil geometry, support struts, blade aspect ratio, windmill solidity, blade interference and curved flow. The results were compared with available wind tunnel results for a catenary blade shape. A theoretical performance curve for an aerodynamically efficient straight blade configuration was also presented. In addition, a linearized analytical solution applicable for straight configurations was developed. A listing of the computer program developed for numer- ical solutions of the general performance equa- tions is included in the appendix. (Author) 168 N76-11046/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Study of Viscous Flow About Airfoils by the Integro-Differential Method. Final Report. J. C. Wu.and S. Sampath. Oct 75, 61 p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 45693 Grant NSG-1 004 Descriptors: 'Airfoil profiles, "Differential equa- tions, 'Integral equations, "Viscous flow, Com- puter programs, Impulses, Initiation, Joukowski transformation, Numerical integration, Trailing edges. Unsteady flow, Vorticity. An integro-differential method was used for nu- merically solving unsteady incompressible viscous flow problems. A computer program was prepared to solve the problem of an impul- sively started 9% thick symmetric Joukowski airfoil at an angle of attack of 15 deg and a Reynolds number of 1000. Some of the results obtained for this problem were discussed and compared with related work completed previ- ously. Two numerical procedures were used, an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method and a Successive Line Relaxation (SLR) method. Generally, the ADI solution agrees well with the SLR solution and with previous results are sta- tions away from the trailing edge. At the trailing edge station, the ADI solution differs substan- tially from previous results, while the vorticity profiles obtained from the SLR method there are in good qualitative agreement with previous results. N76-11382/8CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Compressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions. C. H. Cooke, and D. K. Blanchard. Oct 75, 60p Grant NSG-1 098 Subm-Prepared in Cooperation with Old Dominion Univ. Res. Found. Descriptors: "Compressible flow, "Computer programs, "Finite element method, "Navier- stokes equation, "Shear flow, "Time depen- dence, "Viscous flow, Algorithms, Galerkin method, High speed. Iterative solution. Trian- gles, Two dimensional flow. A finite element algorithm for solution of fluid flow problems characterized by the two-dimen- sional compressible Navier-Stokes equations was developed. The program is intended for viscous compressible high speed flow; hence, primitive variables are utilized. The physical solution was approximated by trial functions which at a fixed time are piecewise cubic on tri- angular elements. The Galerkin technique was employed to determine the finite-element model equations. A leapfrog time integration is used for marching asymptotically from initial to steady state, with iterated integrals evaluated by numerical quadratures. The nonsymmetric linear systems of equations governing time transition from step-to-step are solved using a rather economical block iterative triangular decomposition scheme. The concept was ap- plied to the numerical computation of a free shear flow. Numerical results of the finite-ele- ment method are in excellent agreement with those obtained from a finite difference solution of the same problem. (Author) N76-11882/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Huntsville, Ala. Research and Engineering Center. Skylab M518 Multipurpose Furnace Convec- tion Analysis. Final Report. S. V. Bourgeois, and L. W. Spradley. Sep 75, 85p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 44036, LMSC-HREC- TR-D496534 Contract NAS8-2701 5 Descriptors: "Computer techniques, "Convective heat transfer, "Skylab program, Computer programs, Crystal growth. Germani- um, Indium antimonides, Mass transfer. An analysis was performed of the convection which existed on ground tests and during skylab processing of two experiments: vapor growth of IV-VI compounds growth of spherical crystals. A parallel analysis was also performed on Skylab experiment indium antimonide crystals because indium antimonide (InSb) was used and a free surface existed in the tellurium- doped Skylab III sample. In addition, brief analyses were also performed of the microsegregation in germanium experiment because the Skylab crystals indicated turbulent convection effects. Simple dimensional analy- sis calculations and a more accurate, but com- plex, convection computer model, were used in the analysis. (Author) N76-11902/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Oxford Univ. (England). Cryogenics Lab. Heprop: A Computer Programme for the Ther- modynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Helium. B. A. Hands. Jun 75, 1 10p Rept no. OUEL- 1121/75-REV Misc-Revised. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Helium, "Subroutines, "Thermodynamic properties, Equations of state. Subroutine libraries (Computers). HEPROP is a set of subprograms used to calcu- late the thermophysical properties of helium. The thermodynamic properties are derived from the equation of state developed by Mc- Carty, which is valid from about 2K to 1700K, and up to about 100 MPa. By analytical dif- ferentiation and integration, pressure, enthalpy, entropy, (dP/dT)rho, (dP/drho)T and CV are calculated as a function of density (rho) and temperature (T). Equations are provided for pressure, liquid density and vapor density at saturation, thus enabling saturation properties to be calculated. In addition, programs were written for Cp, h(fg), S(fg), the velocity of sound and the Joule-Thomson coefficient using stan- dard thermodynamic relationships. HEPROP is stored in a library file in Oxford University's ICL 1906A computer. N76-12317/3CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Tabulation of Pipe Length to Diameter Ratios as a Function of Mach Number and Pressure Ratios for Compressible Flow. G. V. Dixon, S. R. Barringer, C. E. Gray, and A. D. Leatherman. Oct 75, 92p Rept no. NASA-TM- X-72756 Descriptors: "Compressible flow, "Computer programs, "Mach number, "Pipes (Tubes), Adiabatic flow, Diameters, Isothermal flow, Length, Pressure distribution, Tables (Data). Computer programs and resulting tabulations are presented of pipeline length-to-diameter ratios as a function of Mach number and pres- sure ratios for compressible flow. The tabula- tions are applicable to air, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen for compressible isothermal flow with friction and compressible adiabatic flow with friction. Also included are equations for the determination of weight flow. The tabula- tions presented cover a wider range of Mach numbers for choked, adiabatic flow than availa- ble from commonly used engineering literature. Additional information presented, but which is not available from this literature, is unchoked, adiabatic flow over a wide range of Mach num- bers, and choked and unchoked, isothermal flow for a wide range of Mach numbers. (Author) N76-14336/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Research Inst, of National Defence, Stockholm (Sweden). Computed Mie Scattering Properties for Laser Wavelengths in Various Atmospheric Media. O. Steinvall. Mar 74, 41 p Rept no. FOA-2-C- 2662-E1-E3 Descriptors: "Atmospheric models, "Laser out- puts, "Mie scattering. Wave scattering, Aerosols, Backscattering, Computer programs, Fog, Particle size distribution. Wavelengths. Identifiers: Laser beams, "Atmospheric trans- missivity, Atmospheric attenuation clouds, In- frared radiation. Computer calculations of the Mie scattering properties of some haze, fog, cloud and smoke models were made for six laser wavelengths from 0.337 to 10.6 microns. For each wavelength the volume backscattering function and the total extinction and scattering coeffi- cients are given. The angular volume scattering for some wavelengths is also presented. (Author) N76-14410/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Witwatersrand Univ., Johannesburg (South Africa). School of Mechanical Engineering. Mass Transfer Through a Porous Tube. Part 1: Theory and Computer Programme. B. A. Rotteveel. Sep 75, 1 1 9p Rept nos. ISBN-0- 85494-330-7-PT-1, REPT-62-PT-1 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Mass transfer, "Pipes (Tubes), Flow distribution, Fluid flow, Mathematical models. Potential flow. The flow field which is examined is produced by a cylindrical pipe along which fluid passes axi- ally. Through the porous walls of the pipe, fluid can be extracted or introduced in varying amounts. The situation is modelled using a potential flow technique involving the representation of the pipe surface by means of singularities such as sources and sinks. The strength of the method lies in its generality, as the solution does not require the boundary of the pipe to be analytic in shape, and the boun- dary conditions also need not be analytic or continuous. Regions of suction or mass addi- tion may be applied to the pipe by an inclusion of suitable boundary conditions. Comparisons between theories and available experimental results are good. The potential flow solution provides a useful overall picture of the flow situation and predicts such properties as pres- sure distributions and suction variations. (Author) N76-15113/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt, Cologne (West Ger- many). Inst, fuer Angewandte Gasdynamik. Comparison of Slender Channel Computa- tions with Experiments for Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Nozzle Flows. Final Report. N. K. Mitra, and M. Fiebig. 17 Sep 75, 79p Rept no. DLR-FB-75-64 Subm-Sponsored by Deut. Forschung- sgemeinschaft. Descriptors: "Flow equations, "Hypersonic flow, "Nozzle flow, "Numerical analysis, "Slender bodies, Argon, Computer programs, Conical nozzles, Nitrogen, Reynolds number, Stagna- tion temperature, Wall temperature. High enthalpy low Reynolds number hyper- sonic nozzle flows were numerically in- vestigated and the results were compared with 169 available experimental data. Solutions were ob- tained under various experimental conditions for argon and nitrogen flows. Pitot pressure, local ma ,s flow rate, total enthalpy, velocity, Static temperature and Mach number profiles were calculated. Comparison with experimental results at the nozzle exit shows in general good agreement. Comparison of theory and experi- ments shows also that the usual method to determine the stagnation temperature from measured total mass flow rate and stagnation pressure, using he assumption of one dimen- sional inviscid flow to the throat leads to errors of up to 20 % in the stagnation temperature. (Author) N76-17925/8CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Computer Program for the Determination of the Acoustic Pressure Signature of Helicopter Rotors Due to ' lade Thickness. G. H. Mall, and \ Farassat. Jan 76, 80p Rept nos. NASA-Tfv X-3323, L-10437 Descriptor^. 'Aerodynamic noise, "Computer programs, 'Propeller blades, 'Rotary wings, Far fields, Flo charts. Near fields, Noise measure- ment. A comput r prog ram is presented for the deter- mination of the thickness noise of helicopter rotors, he results were obtained in the form of an acoutic pressure time history. The parame- ters of the program are the rotor geometry and thf helicopter motion descriptors, and the for- mulation employed is valid in the near and far fields. The blade planform must be rectangular, but the helicopter motion is arbitrary; the ob- server position is fixed with respect to the ground with a maximum elevation of 45 deg above or below the rotor plane. With these restrictions, the program can also be used for the calculation of thickness noise of propellers. (Author) N76-18121/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Washington Univ., Seattle. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. A Study of Sound Generation in Subsonic Ro- tors, Volume 2. Final Report. J. D. Chalupnik, and L. T. Clark. 1975, 63p Rept nos. NASA-CR-146420, ME-73-1 1-V-2 Contract NGR-48-002-144 Descriptors: 'Airfoils, "Computer programs, 'Rotor blades (Turbomachinery), 'Rotors, 'Sound propagation. Aircraft noise, Correla- tion, Covariance, Fortran, Fourier transforma- tion, Mathematical models, Noise spectra, Sub- sonic speed, Time series analysis, Wakes. Computer programs were developed for use in the analysis of sound generation by subsonic rotors. Program AIRFOIL computes the spec- trum of radiated sound from a single airfoil im- mersed in a laminar flow field. Program ROTOR extends this to a rotating frame, and provides a model for sound generation in subsonic rotors. The program also computes tone sound generation due to steady state forces on the blades. Program TONE uses a moving source analysis to generate a time series for an array of forces moving in a circular path. The resultant time series are than Fourier transformed to render the results in spectral form. Program SDATA is a standard time series analysis package. It reads in two discrete time series and forms auto and cross covariances and normal- izes these to form correlations. The program then transforms the covariances to yield auto and cross power spectra by means of a Fourier transformation. (Author) N76-18889/5CP PC A08/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Computer Program to Predict Rotor Rota- tional Noise of a Stationary Rotor from Blade Loading Coefficient. R. Ramakrishnan, D. Randall, and R. N. Hosier. Feb 76, 1 64p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-3281 , L- 9796 Descriptors: 'Aircraft noise, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Prediction analysis techniques, 'Rotary wings. Aerodynamic loads, Digital techniques, Fortran, Noise spectra, Printouts. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. The programing language used is FORTRAN IV. A description of all main and subprograms is provided so that any user possessing a FOR- TRAN compiler and random access capability can adapt the program to his facility. Rotor blade surface-pressure spectra can be used by the program to calculate: (1) blade station load- ing spectra, (2) chordwise and/or spanwise in- tegrated blade-loading spectra, and (3) far-field rotational noise spectra. Any of five standard in- line functions describing the chordwise dis- tribution of the blade loading can be chosen in order to study parametrically the acoustic pre- dictions. The program output consists of both printed and graphic descriptions of the blade- loading coefficient spectra and far-field acoustic spectrum. The results may also be written on binary file 9for future processing. Ex- amples of the application of the program along with a description of the rotational noise pre- diction theory on which the program is based are also provided. (Author) N76-18953/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Structures. J. D. Gassaway. Feb 76, 96p Rept nos. NASA- CR-144175, EIRS-EE-74-1 Contract NAS8-26749 Descriptors: 'Charge coupled devices, 'Electrostatics, 'Numerical analysis, "Shift re- gisters, Algorithms, Bucket brigade devices, Computer programs. Dielectrics, Iterative solu- tion. Semiconductors (Materials). An analysis is presented which is based upon a numerical solution of Gauss's law for the multi- ple dielectric semiconductor and electrode structure. The formulation resulted in a large set of equations, usually nonlinear, which were solved by an iterative scheme based upon the Gauss-Seidel method employing a relaxation parameter. Proper consideration of the non- linearity of the space-charge in the semicon- ductor allowed convergent solutions which can give reasonable approximations to the channel potential profiles though not as good for esti- mating the space charge itself. The results of this work, which are three computer programs, are listed. None of the programs give the elec- tric field explicitly as output data. However, when this information is desired, the programs can be expanded to include field estimations based on a polynominal fit to the potential field, or they may serve as subprograms for main pro- grams dealing with general aspects of charge transfer. (Author) N76-19369/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Applied Theory, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. Computation of Steady Axisymmetric Flow Using a One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Method. L. Walitt. Aug 74, 61 p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 137818, ATR-74-16-1 Contract NAS2-4998 Descriptors: 'Axial flow, "Iteration, "Viscous flow, Computer programs, Flow distribution, Navier-stokes equation, Three dimensional flow, Time dependence. An iterative numerical method for computing steady, three dimensional, viscous, compressi- ble flow fields, about aerodynamic bodies was studied. In order to develop the iterative method economically, the primary emphasis was directed towards supersonic, axisymmetric flow. However, the technique readily extends to three spatial dimensions. The viscous flow field about a cone-cylinder-flare body was calcu- lated and compared to existing experimental data. Numerical predictions of the cone boun- dary layer and the flow field shock wave struc- ture agreed with corresponding measurements. A separation was calculated at the cylinder- flare junction in six iterations; however, the size of the vortex did not correspond to the mea- sured size. It was estimated that fifty iterations would be required to properly define the vortex. It was concluded that the iteration technique is of limited value for plane two dimensional and axisymmetrix tlows, but of great value for three- dimensional flows. (Author) N76-20408/0CP PC A03/MF A01 Old Dominion Univ. Research Foundation, Nor- folk, Va. School of Engineering. Simulation of Turbulent Wall Pressure. Progress Report. R. L. Ash. Mar 76, 32p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 146534, TR-76-T2 Grant NSG-1 100 Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, "Turbulent boundary layer, "Wall pressure, Blasius flow, Computer programs, Incom- pressible fluids, Low speed, Transient pres- sures. A computer program has been developed to simulate the transient wall pressure field produced by a low speed fully turbulent boun- dary layer. The theoretical basis for the simula- tion has been discussed and preliminary results from a pressure simulation are presented. (Author) N76-20453/6CP PC A04/MF A01 European Space Agency, Paris (France). Method for the Analysis of Laser Doppler Signals with the Aid of a Computer. J. C. Petersen. Nov 75, 57p Rept nos. ESA-TT- 208, DLR-MITT-75-07 Tran-Transl. Into English of 'Eine Methode Zur Anal. Digitalisierter Laser-Doppler-Signale MIT Hilfe Eines Rechners', Dfvlr, Porz, West Ger. Report Dlr-Mitt-75-07, 7 Mar. 1975. Misc- Original German Report Available from Dfvlr, Porz, West Ger. Dm 24,70. Descriptors: "Digital computers, "Digital techniques, "Laser doppler velocimeters, 'Signal analysis. Analog to digital converters. Computer programs, Data reduction. Data storage. Error analysis, Fast Fourier transfor- mations. Identifiers: Translations, West Germany. To supplement existing systems for the analysis of laser Doppler signals, a method was developed for performing the signal analysis with the aid of a computer. In principle, the pro- gram classifies the digitized signals and evalu- ates the mean frequency of those judged valid. The method can be used either on-line, without storage of the raw data, or in an off-line mode, storing the raw data before performing data reduction. The programs produced are described together with a brief description of system-dependent errors. (Author) 170 N76-20575/6CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Identifying Unknown Minerals and Com- pounds from X-Ray Diffraction Patterns Using the Johnson and Vand Fortran 4 Computer Program. F. T. Kyte. Jan 76, 44p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 73092 Contract NCA-2-OR-675-514 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Minerals, 'Crystal structure, *X ray diffraction. Automa- tion, Computer techniques, Fortran. Identifiers: X ray analysis. Automated computer identification of minerals and compounds from unknown samples is pro- vided along with detailed instructions and worked examples for use in graduate level courses in mineralogy and X-ray analysis appli- cations. (Author) N76-21156/4CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Raxbod: A Fortran Program for Inviscid Transonic Flow over Axisymmetric Bodies. J. D. Keller, and J . C. South, Jr. Feb 76, 71 p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-72831 Descriptors: "Axisymmetric bodies, 'Computer programs, 'Inviscid flow, 'Transonic flow. Dif- ference equations, Fortran, Potential theory, Problem solving. Identifiers: RAXBOD computer program. A program called RAXBOD is presented for the analysis of steady, inviscid, irrotational, transonic flow over axisymmetric bodies in free air. The method solves the exact equation for the disturbance velocity potential function and applies the exact surface boundary condition. Instructions on program usage and listings of the program and sample cases are given. (Author) N76-21452/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Bell Aerospace Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Modeling of Three-Dimensional Mixing and Reacting Ducted Flows. Final Report. S. W. Zelazny, A.J. Baker, and W. L. Rushmore. Apr 76, 100p Rept no. NASA-CR-2661 Contract NAS1-13165 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Ducted flow, 'Three dimensional flow, 'Turbulent mix- ing. Diffusion coefficient. Finite element method. Numerical analysis. A computer code, based upon a finite element solution algorithm, was developed to solve the governing equations for three-dimensional, reacting boundary region, and constant area ducted flow fields. Effective diffusion coeffi- cients are employed to allow analyses of turbu- lent, transitional or laminar flows. The code was used to investigate mixing and reacting hydrogen jets injected from multiple orifices, transverse and parallel to a supersonic air stream. Computational results provide a three- dimensional description of velocity, tempera- ture, and species-concentration fields downstream of injection. Experimental data for eight cases covering different injection condi- tions and geometries were modeled using mix- ing length theory (MLT). These results were used as a baseline for examining the relative merits of other mixing models. Calculations were made using a two-equation turbulence model (k + d) and comparisons were made between experiment and mixing length theory predictions. The k+d model shows only a slight improvement in predictive capability over MLT. Results of an examination of the effect of ten- sorial transport coefficients on mass and mo- mentum field distribution are also presented Solutions demonstrating the ability of the code to model ducted flows and parallel strut injec- tion are presented and discussed. (Author) N76-21453/5CP PC A14/MF A01 Avco Systems Div., Wilmington, Mass. The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 2: User's Manual. Final Report. W. L. Bade, and J. M. Yos. 1975, 302p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 41 743, AVSD-0068-75-CR-V-2 Contract NAS9-9744 Descriptors: 'Channel flow, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Gas flow, 'Nozzle flow, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Argon, Carbon dioxide. Chemical equilibrium, Helium, High tempera- ture gases, Thermodynamic equilibrium, Wind tunnels. Identifiers: NATA computer code. The NATA code is a computer program for cal- culating quasi-one-dimensional gas flow in ax- isymmetric nozzles and rectangular channels, primarily to describe conditions in electric archeated wind tunnels. The program provides solutions based on frozen chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and nonequilibrium flow with finite reaction rates. The shear and heat flux on the nozzle wall are calculated and boundary layer displacement effects on the inviscid flow are taken into account. The program contains com- piled-in thermochemical, chemical kinetic and transport cross section data for high-tempera- ture air, C02-N2-Ar mixtures, helium, and argon. It calculates stagnation conditions on axisymmetric or two-dimensional models and conditions on the flat surface of a blunt wedge. Included in the report are: definitions of the in- puts and outputs; precoded data on gas models, reactions, thermodynamic and trans- port properties of species, and nozzle geometries; explanations of diagnostic outputs and code abort conditions; test problems; and a user's manual for an auxiliary program (NOZFIT) used to set up analytical curvefits to nozzle profiles. (Author) N76-21454/3CP PC A02/MF A01 Thermo Mechanical Systems Co., Canoga Park, Calif. Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. Final Report. J. L. Harp, Jr. and T. P. Oatway. Dec 75, 18p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 37851, SR-26 Contract NAS2-8471 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Flow dis- tribution, "Lifting bodies, 'Navier-stokes equa- tion, 'Viscous flow, Finite difference theory, Laminar flow, Prediction analysis techniques, Response time (Computers), Transonic flow. Identifiers: STOKES computer code. A research effort was conducted with the goal of reducing computer time of a Navier Stokes Computer Code for prediction of viscous flow fields about lifting bodies. A two-dimensional, time-dependent, laminar, transonic computer code (STOKES) was modified to incorporate a non-uniform timestep procedure. The non- uniform time-step requires updating of a zone only as often as required by its own stability criteria or that of its immediate neighbors. In the uniform timestep scheme each zone is up- dated as often as required by the least stable zone of the finite difference mesh. Because of less frequent update of program variables it was expected that the nonuniform timestep would result in a reduction of execution time by a factor of five to ten. Available funding was ex- hausted prior to successful demonstration of the benefits to be derived from the non-uniform time-step method. (Author) N76-21458/4CP PC A99/MF A01 Avco Systems Div., Wilmington, Mass. The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 3: Programmer's Manual. Final Report. W. L. Bade, and J. M. Yos. 2 Sep 75, 635p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 41 744, AVSD-0138-75-RR-V-3 Contract NAS9-9744 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nozzle flow, "Reentry vehicles, "Wind tunnels, Flight simulators, Fluid dynamics, Fortran, Heat transfer, Subroutines, Wind tunnel models. Identifiers: IBM-360 computers, UNIVAC-1108 computers, NATA computer code. The present, third volume of the final report is a programmer's manual for the code. It provides a listing of the FORTRAN 4 source program; a complete glossary of FORTRAN symbols; a discussion of the purpose and method of operation of each subroutine (including mathe- matical analyses of special algorithms); and a discussion of the operation of the code on IBM/360 and UNIVAC 1108 systems, including required control cards and the overlay structure used to accommodate the code to the limited core size of the 1108 In addition, similar infor- mation is provided to document the pro- gramming of the NOZFIT code, which is em- ployed to set up nozzle profile curvefits for use in NATA. (Author) N76-22432/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby. Elec- tromagnetics Inst. A Numerical Technique to Predict Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (User's Guide for the Computer Program ROT2). O. Rydahl. Dec 75, 1 46p Rept nos. R-1 50, ESA- CR(P)-769 Contract ESTEC-2290/74-HP Descriptors: 'Bodies of revolution, 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Prediction analy- sis techniques, 'User manuals (Computer pro- grams), Computer programs. Electric conduc- tors, FORTRAN, Integral equations, Numerical analysis, Satellite antennas. Identifiers: Denmark, ROT2 computer program. A user manual is presented for a FORTRAN 4 program to calculate the scattered field from perfectly conducting bodies of revolution of ar- bitrary shape, e.g. satellite antennas. The elec- tric field integral equation on which the calcula- tion is based is obtained from the potential in- tegrals plus the boundary conditions. A solu- tion is effected by the method of moments. Due to the rotational symmetry it is possible to choose expansion and test functions that make the impedance matrix separate for each har- monic defined by the azimuthal variation, phi. The solution becomes a Fourier series in phi, each term of which is uncoupled to every other term. The expansion and test functions are sub- sectional and triangular in t (contour length). The two surface current components computed are directed along the tangent to the contour and in the azimuthal direction, respectively. N76-22494/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. Development of a Computer Code for Calcu- lating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 1: Computational Technique. Final Report. F. Marconi, M. Salas, and L. Yaeger. Apr 76, 1 01 p Rept no. NASA-CR-2675 Contract NASI -11525 Descriptors: "Aerospace vehicles, 'Computer programming, "Flow distribution, "Three dimensional flow, Finite difference theory. Hypersonic flow, Inviscid flow. Supersonic flow. 171 A numerical procedure has been developed to compute the inviscid super/hypersonic flow field about complex vehicle geometries accu- rately and efficiently. A second order accurate finite difference scheme is used to integrate the three dimensional Euler equations in regions of continuous flow, while all shock waves are computed as discontinuities via the Rankine Hugoniot jump conditions. Conformal mappings are used to develop a computational grid. The effects of blunt nose entropy layers are computed in detail. Real gas effects for equilibrium air are included using curve fits of Mollier charts. Typical calculated results for shuttle orbiter, hypersonic transport, and su- personic aircraft configurations are included to demonstrate the usefulness of this tool. (Author) N76-23627/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. A Numerically Efficient Finite Element Hydroelastic Analysis. Volume 1: Theory and Results. Final Report. R. N. Coppolino. Apr 76, 103p Rept no. NASA- CR-2662 Contract NASI -10635 Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamic equations, 'Hydroelasticity, Compressible flow, Fluid mechanics, Incompressible flow. Mathematical models, NASTRAN. Identifiers: "NASTRAN computer program, Finite element analysis. Symmetric finite element matrix formulations for compressible and incompressible hydroelasticity are developed on the basis of Toupin's complementary formulation of classi- cal mechanics. Results of implementation of the new technique in the NASTRAN structural analysis program are presented which demon- strate accuracy and efficiency. (Author) N76-24152/0CP PC A08/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. Development of a Computer Code for Calcu- lating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 2: Code Description. Final Report. F. Marconi, and L. Yaeger. May 76, 153p Rept no. NASA-CR-2676 Contract NASI -11 525 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Hypersonic flow, "Three dimensional flow, Aerodynamic configurations, Entropy, Euler equations of mo- tion, Finite difference theory, Gas dynamics, Hypersonic aircraft, Mollier diagram, Rankine- hugoniot relation. Shock waves. A numerical procedure was developed to com- pute the inviscid super/hypersonic flow field about complex vehicle geometries accurately and efficiently. A second-order accurate finite difference scheme is used to integrate the three-dimensional Euler equations in regions of continuous flow, while all shock waves are computed as discontinuities via the Rankine- Hugoniot jump conditions. Conformal mappings are used to develop a computational grid. The effects of blunt nose entropy layers are computed in detail. Real gas effects for equilibrium air are included using curve fits of Mollier charts. Typical calculated results for shuttle orbiter, hypersonic transport, and su- personic aircraft configurations are included to demonstrate the usefulness of this tool. (Author) N76-24240/3CP PC A06/MF A01 General Dynamics/Fort Worth, Tex. Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale, Two-Dim ensional, Ex- ternal-Compression, Variable-Geometry, Su- personic Inlet Configuration. J. E. Hawkins, F. P. Kirkland, and R. L. Turner. Apr 76, 107p Rept no. NASA-CR-2680 Contract NAS2-7210 Descriptors: 'Drag, 'Inlet flow, 'Inlet nozzles, 'Subsonic flow, 'Supersonic inlets, 'Two dimensional flow. Computer programs, Drag measurement. Finite difference theory. Accurate spillage drag and pressure data are presented for a realistic supersonic inlet con- figuration. Results are compared with predic- tions from a finite-differencing, inviscid analy- sis computer procedure. The analytical technique shows good promise for the evalua- tion of inlet drag, but necessary refinements were identified. A detailed description of the analytical procedure is contained in the Appen- dix. (Author) N76-24505/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Div. of En- gineering Research. The Vorcom. Part 1: Analytical Considera- tions. Annual Report. J. F. Foss. 30 Apr 76, 53p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 148130, AR-2 Contract NGR-23-004-091 Descriptors: 'Hot-wire flowmeters, 'Turbulence meters, 'Vortices, Algorithms, Circuits, Com- puter programs, Flow velocity, Numerical anal- ysis. Shear flow. The analytical considerations which support the computation of (1) two components of the velocity vector from an X-array and (2) the transverse vorticity from the X-array and an ad- jacent parallel wire pair are presented. The electronic circuit which will execute these com- putations at a 50 khz rate is also described. The factors limiting the accuracy of the measure- ments are identified and quantitative estimates are given for a typical x-probe. An extensive analysis of the factors which effect the output and which are unknown (or unknowable) dur- ing the measurements is presented. Quantita- tive estimates of these effects are developed in the form of an uncertainty analysis. Numerical values, calculated using the analytical structure of the response equations, are tabulated; other estimates which require special experiments are described. (Author) N76-25059/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash. Space Processing Float Zone Thermal Analy- sis. J. T. Pogson, and D. M. Anderson. May 76, 62p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 44294 Contract NAS8-31635 Descriptors: 'Crystal growth, 'Space manufac- turing, 'Semiconductor devices, 'Silicon, Ther- modynamic properties, Computer programs, Cylindrical bodies. Heat transmission. Inter- faces, Phase shift. Identifiers: Heat transfer. Zone melting. Thermal analysis (BETA) computer program adaptations were prepared to analyze phase change histories in crystal specimens. The first program (BETA-CYL) treats right circular cylinder configurations and the second, more general, program (BETA-BOR) treats a general- ized body-of-revolution configuration. A series of computer runs were made for silicon materi- al to determine boundary conditions which produce flat solidification interfaces while, at the same time, minimizing peak temperatures in the molten zone. Flat solidification interfaces are a goal believed by some investigators to be required to produce high quality semiconduc- tor materials. The thermal effects of convection in a molten zone were examined and found to be negligible in comparison to the conduction heat transfer of the melt. (Author) N76-26429/0CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Solution of a Large Hydrodynamic Problem Using the Star-100 Computer. K. J. Weilmuenster, and L. M. Howser. May 76, 30p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-73904 Descriptors: *CDC 6600 computer, 'Hydrodynamics, 'Numerical integration. Com- puter programs. Computer techniques. Flat plates, Fortran, Shock waves, Vector analysis. A representative hydrodynamics problem, the shock initiated flow over a flat plate, was used for exploring data organizations and program structures needed to exploit the STAR-100 vec- tor processing computer. A brief description of the problem is followed by a discussion of how each portion of the computational process was vectorized. Finally, timings of different portions of the program are compared with equivalent operations on serial machines. The speed up of the STAR-100 over the CDC 6600 program is shown to increase as the problem size in- creases. All computations were carried out on a CDC 6600 and a CDC STAR 100, with code writ- ten in FORTRAN for the 6600 and in STAR FOR- TRAN for the STAR 1 00. (Author) N76-27250/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). The Complete Software for the S1 Wind Tun- nel Data Acquisition and Control System. I. C. Heron. Sep 75, 195p Rept no. WRE-REPT- 1484(WR/D) Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Data acquisition, 'Wind tunnels, Digital data, Parallel computers, Pdp 11 computers, User manuals (Computer programs), identifiers: Australia, PDP-15 computers. The S1 wind tunnel data acquisition system is based on a PDP-15/PDP-11 dual processor (UNICHANNEL-15) computer. It incorporates a large amount of instrumentation which has been designed locally. This report describes in detail the data acquisition and control software which services the system and includes full operating instructions for intending users. Computer listings of all programs are also presented. (Author) N76-28820/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Chemistry. Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contami- nants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy. Final Technical Report, 1 Jan. 1974 - 31 Aug. 1976. J. I. Steinfeld. 31 Aug 76, 124p Rept no. NASA- CR-1 48481 Contract NGR-22-009-766 Descriptors: 'Absorption spectroscopy, 'Gas detectors, 'In-flight monitoring, "Laser applica- tions, 'Pollution monitoring, 'Spacecraft cabin atmospheres. Computer programs, Contami- nants, Gas composition, Gas spectroscopy, Radiometers, Raman spectra, Remote sensors. Laser-based spectrophotometric methods which have been proposed for the detection of trace concentrations of gaseous contaminants include Raman backscattering (LIDAR) and passive radiometry (LOPAIR). Remote sensing techniques using laser spectrometry are presented and in particular a simple long-path laser absorption method (LOLA), which is capa- ble of resolving complex mixtures of closely re- lated trace contaminants at ppm levels is 172 discussed. A number of species were selected for study which are representative of those most likely to accumulate in closed environ- ments, such as submarines or long-duration manned space flights. Computer programs were developed which will permit a real-time analysis of the monitored atmosphere. Esti- mates of the dynamic range of this monitoring technique for various 9system configurations, and comparison with other methods of analy- sis, are given. (Author) N76-30921/0CP PC A02/MF A01 Flow Research, Inc., Kent, Wash. Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jet Noise, Part 2. Ft. W. Metcalfe, and S. A. Orszag. Feb 76, 25p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 44978, REPT-62-PT-2 Contract NASI -12870 Descriptors: "Jet aircraft noise, "Turbulent jets. Computerized simulation, Compressibility, Computer programs, Eddy viscosity. Flow dis- tribution, Navier-stokes equation, Sound fields. Results on the numerical simulation of jet flow fields were used to study the radiated sound field, and in addition, to extend and test the capabilities of the turbulent jet simulation codes. The principal result of the investigation was the computation of the radiated sound field from a turbulent jet. In addition, the computer codes were extended to account for the effects of compressibility and eddy viscosity, and the treatment of the nonlinear terms of the Navier- Stokes equations was modified so that they can be computed in a semi-implicit way. A summary of the flow model and a description of the nu- merical methods used for its solution are presented. Calculations of the radiated sound field are reported. In addition, the extensions that were made to the fundamental dynamical codes are described. Finally, the current state- of-the-art for computer simulation of turbulent jet noise is summarized. (Author) Not available NTIS Atomica, Bucharest N76-30968/1CP Institutul de Fizica (Romania). Three Numerical Methods for the Computa- tion of the Electrostatic Energy. D. N. Poenaru, and D. Galeriu. 1975, 20p Rept no. IFA-CRD-60-1975 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Electrostatics, Accuracy, Bodies of revolution, Deformation, Fortran, Integral equations, Mathematical models. Nuclear fission. Response time (Computers). Identifiers: Rumania. The FORTRAN programs for computation of the electrostatic energy of a body with axial sym- metry by Lawrence, Hill-Wheeler and Beringer methods are presented in detail. The accuracy, time of computation and the required memory of these methods are tested at various deforma- tions for two simple parametrizations: two over- lapping identical spheres and a spheroid. On this basis the field of application of each method is recommended. (Author) N76-31206/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Von Karman Inst, for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode- Saint-Genese (Belgium). The Computation of Two Dimensional Super- sonic Flows in Laval Type Nozzles. A. Hillman, and H . J. Wirz. Feb 76, 4 1 p Rept no. VKI-TN-116 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Flow equa- tions, "Laval number, "Nozzle geometry, Ax- isymmetric flow, Euler equations of motion, Finite difference theory, Nozzle flow, Super- sonic flow, Supersonic nozzles. Throats, Two dimensional flow. Identifiers: Belgium. A computer program was developed to solve the steady two-dimensional inviscid Euler equations for supersonic flows in Laval type nozzles using a finite difference method, and axisymmetric potential flows examined in noz- zles of various throat curvatures. The finite dif- ference method has demonstrated the concept of the optimum nozzle and may be extended to three dimensions to treat axisymmetric nozzle geometries. The range of Laval nozzle shapes to which the method may be applied is only limited by the accuracy by which starting condi- tions for the integration procedure may be specified. PC A05/MF A01 RVO-TNO, The Hague N76-31809/6CP Physics Lab. (Netherlands). Solumat: A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer. A. A. Vanmeeteren, and J. Vanschie. Dec 75, 86p Rept nos. PHL-1975-46, TDCK-67163 Contract A72/KL/027 Descriptors: "Atmospheric effects, "Image con- trast, "Light transmission, "Luminance, "Optical data processing, Computer programming, Daytime, Statistical analysis. Tables (Data). Identifiers: SOLUMAT computer program, Netherlands, Atmospheric transmissivity. The results of the SOLUMAT (Statistical in- vestigation of the Luminance of the At- mosphere) program for measuring contrast decrease in the atmosphere are presented. For the past 3.5 years an automated observatory has performed measurements (by day only) of contrast decrease and related variables. Data were handled and interpreted by a computer. Distributions of many variables are presented in tabular form. In addition a few special treat- ments of the data are discussed. (Author) N76-32877/2CP PC A08/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1. J. E. Davis, W. S. Bonnett, and R. T. Medan. Jul 76, 154p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-73074, A-6338 Descriptors: "Computer systems programs, "Flow equations, "Potential flow, "Three dimen- sional flow, Iteration, Least squares method, Linear equations. Identifiers: "SOLN computer program. A computer program known as SOLN was developed as an independent segment of the NASA-Ames three-dimensional potential flow analysis systems of linear algebraic equations. Methods used include: LU decomposition, Householder's method, a partitioning scheme, and a block successive relaxation method. Due to the independent modular nature of the pro- gram, it may be used by itself and not neces- sarily in conjunction with other segments of the POTFAN system. (Author) N76-33146/1CP PC A02/MF A01 Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, Lon- don (England). Dept. of Aeronautics. A Skin-Friction Law for Compressible Turbu- lent Boundary Layers Based on the Full van Driest Transformation. P. Bradshaw. Jan 76, 20p Rept no. IC-AERO-76- 02 Contract MIN-DEF/PE-AT/2037/0133 Descriptors: "Compressible boundary layer, "Skin friction, "Turbulent boundary layer, Com- puter programs, Prandtl number, Reynolds number. Transformations (Mathematics), Tur- bulent heat transfer. Velocity distribution. Wall temperature. Identifiers: Great Britain. The Van Driest inner-layer transformation using the mixing length formulae for velocity and temperature together with the mean-momen- tum and mean-enthalpy equation has frequently been used successfully to correlate velocity profiles throughout the boundary layer. The use of the Van Driest transformation to re- late high-speed velocity profiles to the low speed wall plus wake formulation of Coles yields a C sub f law which can be improved by using velocity profile data. This generalized C sub f formula may be useful in integral methods for arbitrary boundary layers providing C sub f is not significantly affected by upstream varia- tions of wall temperature. (Author) N76-33499/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby. Inst, of Electromagnetics. Rate Equations of the Semiconductor Injec- tion Laser. M. Danielsen. Jun 75, 26p Rept no. TUD-R-139 Descriptors: "Injection lasers, "Semiconductor lasers. Transient response, Computer pro- grams, Dynamic response, Electric current, Electron density (Concentration), Photon den- sity. Spontaneous emission. Step functions, Stimulated emission. Identifiers: Excitation, Electron transitions, Denmark. The rate equations of the injection laser are described, taking into account the influence of spontaneous emission on the dynamic behavior of the laser and the dependence of photon life time on the electron density. A computer pro- gram is presented and used to show the dynam- ic behavior with different values of the spon- taneous emission parameter, different driving currents, and different starting conditions. (Author) N76-33536/3CP PC A11/MF A01 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung e. V., Darmstadt (West Germany). Lab. fuer Betriebsfestigkeit. Fatigue Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Multiaxial out of Phase Stresses with Con- stant and Changing Directions of Principal Stresses. A. Simbuerger. 1 975, 237p Rept no. FB- 121(1975) In German; English Summary. Descriptors: "Ductility, "Fatigue (Materials), "Mechanics (Physics), "Stress analysis, "Stresses, Computer programs, Fatigue tests, Mathematical models. Identifiers: West Germany. A theory was developed for the fatigue behavior of ductile materials under multiaxial stresses. The resulting mathematical models and sup- porting computer programs are described. The validity of the theory was confirmed experimen- tally through a series of tests which are also documented. (Author) N76-33791/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Laboratorio di Ricerca e Technologia per lo Studio del Plasma nello Spazio, Frascati (Italy). One-Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Gravitational Antenna: Preliminary Results. G. V. Pallottino. Sep 75, 80p Rept no. LPS-75-30 Descriptors: "Antennas, "Computerized simula- tion, "Gravitational waves. Correlation, Al- gorithms, Characterization, Computer pro- grams. Estimating, Pulse duration. Signal to noise ratios, Tables (Data). Identifiers: Italy. The simulation is based on a one-dimensional model, the physical basis of which is related to 173 the representation of the antenna as a dis- tributed rather than as a concentrated model. The two sensor correlation technique was analyzed and successfully applied to the detec- tion of long duration GW imbedded in Browni- an noise. Other techniques are presented, such as a distance algorithm in the signal space that appears to be very promising for the detection of short pulses of GW. (Author) N77-10553/4CP PC A02/MF A01 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria (South Africa). Geomechanics Div. Finite Element Analysis of Transversely Isotropic Bodies. W. L. Vanheerden. Sep 75, 18p Rept no. CSIR- ME-1407 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Finite ele- ment method, 'Isotropic media, 'Stress-strain diagrams, Elastic properties, Matrices (Mathematics), Rocks. Identifiers: South Africa. Relationships between stress and strain for a transversely isotropic body are given. It is shown that thase relationships can be included in an existing finite element program for isotropic bodies so that transversely isotropic bodies can also be analyzed. (Author) N77-10554/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria (South Africa). Strength Mechanics Div. Signals Analysis Program 4 (Sapg 4): Com- puter Software Developed for the Extraction of Various Signal Parameters from Fatigue In- ducing Loading Spectra. J T D Fritz. Sep 75. 105p Rept no. CSIR-ME- 1408 Descriptors 'Computer programs, "Fatigue (Materials), "Signal processing, "Spectrum analysis, Random loads, Flow charts, Statistical analysis Identifieis South Africa Computer software was developed to extract various descriptive and counting parameters Irom any random loading spectrum. The theory and algorithms used in determining various spectrum parameters are described and infor- mation on the various input and output data lormats is given. (Author) N77-10810/8CP PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Gasplot: A Computer Program for Rapid Production of Thermophysical Properties Charts for Cycle Analysis and Property Evaluations. R. C. Hendricks, and R. J. Trivisonno. 1976, 23p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-71915, E-8707 Conf-Proposed for Presentation at Winter Ann. Meeting of the AM. Soc. Of Mechanical En- gineers, New York, 5-10 Dec. 1976. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Thermophysical properties, Fortran, Enthalpy, Entropy, Plotters, Specific heat. Thermal con- ductivity, Viscosity. Identifiers: GASPLOT computer program, FOR- TRAN 5 programming language, CALCOMP plotters. GASPLOT is a FORTRAN 5 computer program which slaves a CALCOMP plotter to produce a variety of accurate thermophysical properties charts. The ordinate-abscissa pair may be any two of pressure, temperature, density, enthalpy, entropy, specific heat, sonic velocity, thermal conductivity, viscosity, or surface tension. The parameters may be temperature, pressure, den- sity, entropy or enthalpy. A special feature of this program is the ability to produce a chart which amplifies (or reduces) a given chart to achieve the desired resolution. (Author) N77-11012/0CP PC A04/MF A01 Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches, St. Louis (France). A Fortran Program for the Computation of Two-Dimensional or Antisymmetric Nozzles UN Programme Fortran pour le Calcul d'Une Tuyere Supersonique Plane ou de Revolution. B. C. Jaeggy. 4 Apr 75, 58p Rept no. ISL-R- 110/75 Language in French. Descriptors: "Nozzles, 'Two dimensional flow. Computer programs, Fortran, Axisymmetric bodies, Free jets, Method of characteristics, Nozzle design, Supersonic flow. Identifiers: "Nozzle flow, France. This program, minimizing operator interven- tions, provides the necessary codes for the manufacturing of the nozzle using the following data: ratio of heat mass of gas, Mach number required at the nozzle exit, ratio of throat curva- ture radius to height or to throat radius, and height or diameter of exit section. The program and numerical method used (method of charac- teristics for the supersonic zone, development of velocity potential for the initial conditions) are described. The principal characteristics of a nozzle applied to an installation for studying the supersonic free jets are given. N77-11853/7CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. The Theoretical Reflectance of X-Rays from Optical Surfaces. J. R. Neergaard, J. M. Reynolds, and S. A. Fields. Nov 76, 55p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-8366. M-195 Descriptors: "Optical reflection, "X rays, Reflected waves, Beryllium, Chromium, Com- puter programs, Gold, Silicon dioxide, Thickness. Identifiers: Films, X ray spectra. The theoretical reflectance of X-rays from vari- ous materials and evaporated films is presented. A computer program was written that computes the reflected intensity as a func- tion of the angle of the incident radiation. The quantities necessary to generate the efficiency and their effect on the data are demonstrated. Five materials were chosen for evaluation: (1) fused silica, (2) chromium, (3) beryllium, (4) gold, and (5) a thin layer contaminant. Fused silica is a versatile and common material; chromium has high reflection efficiency at X- ray wavelengths and is in the middle of the atomic number range; beryllium contains a sin- gle atomic shell and has a low range atomic number; gold contains multiple atomic shells and has a high atomic number; the contami- nant is treated as a thin film in the calculations and results are given as a function of thickness for selected wavelengths. The theoretical results are compared to experimental data at lambda = 8.34 A. (Author) N77-13086/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Laboratoire de Geophysique Externe du C.N.R.S., St. Maur-des-Fosses (France). Experiment Araks: Measurement of Quasi- Static Natural or Artificial Electric Fields and of the Ion Temperature Using Retarding Potential Ion Analyzers Experience Araks. Mesure des Champs Electriques Quasi- Statiques Naturels ou Artificiels et de la Tem- perature lonique Par Analyseurs d'lons a Potentiel Retardateur. J. J. Berthelier, D. Fouassier, M. Godefroy, G. Gogly, and M. Pirre. Jan 76, 114p Rept no. LGE- 002 Language in French Descriptors: 'Electric fields, "Ion temperature. Experimental design, Computer programs, Electric potential, Ion currents, Magnetospher- ic ion density. Photoelectrons, Plasma poten- tials, Retarding. Identifiers: France. The Araks experiment for measurement of quasi-static natural or simulated electric fields using a dipolar probe and three retarding potential ion analyzers is described. These analyzers allow direct determination of the plasma drift velocity and, therefore, of the quasi-static electric fields (from weak natural fields to strong intensive artificial fields) as well as the ion temperature. The measurement prin- ciple is presented. The current connected by an analyzer is calculated. The principle of electric field measurement during the Araks experiment is reviewed and the experimental design is described. Results of tests obtained during plasma simulation are discussed. N77-13367/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Old Dominion Univ. Research Foundation, Nor- folk, Va. Tap 1: A Finite Element Program for Steady- State Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Structures. Interim Report, 1 Sep. 1975 - 30 Sep. 1976. E. A. Thornton. Nov 76, 1 35p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 45069, TR-76-M6 Grant NSG-1 237 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Convective heat transfer, "Finite element method. Conduc- tive heat transfer. Fluid flow, Iterative solution. Mathematical models, Solids, Steady state. User manuals (Computer programs). Identifiers: TAP 1 computer program. The program has a finite element library of six elements: two conduction/convection ele- ments to model heat transfer in a solid, two convection elements to model heat transfer in a fluid, and two integrated conduc- tion/convection elements to represent com- bined heat transfer in tubular and plate/fin fluid passages. Nonlinear thermal analysis due to temperature dependent thermal parameters is performed using the Newton-Raphson iteration method. Program output includes nodal tem- peratures and element heat fluxes. Pressure drops in fluid passages may be computed as an option. A companion plotting program for dis- playing the finite element model and predicted temperature distributions is presented. User in- structions and sample problems are presented in appendixes. N77-13402/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches, St. Louis (France). Reliability of a New Velocity Measurement Method for Gases: The Laser Velocimetry Contribution a I'Etude de la Fiabilite d'Une Nouvelle Methode de Mesure de Vitesses dans UN Ecoulement Gazeux: La Velocimetrie Laser. Ph.D. Thesis - Conservatoire Natl, des Arts et Metiers. G. Koerber. 13 Dec 75, 167p Rept no. ISL-R- 132/75 Language in French. Descriptors: "Laser doppler velocimeters, "Reliability, 'Turbulent flow, "Velocity measure- ment, Correlation, Computer programs, Flow charts. Free jets, Graphs (Charts), Hot-wire anemometers. Subsonic flow, Supersonic flow. Identifiers: France. The experimental results for various types of flow studied by laser velocimetry are presented. Subsonic and supersonic flows (turbulent or nonturbulent) as well as free jets were studied, and the results compared with hot wire anemometer measurements. The correlation 174 between both types of measurement are discussed to assess the reliability of the laser velocimetry method. N77-13470/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Ernst-Mach-lnst., Freiburg (West Germany). Diffraction of a Dilatational Pulse in an Elastic Medium at a Reinforced Cylindrical Cavity. P. W. Buecking. 1 976, 121 p Rept no. REPT-3/76 In German; English Summary. Descriptors: 'Cavities, 'Dilatational waves, 'Elastic media, 'Pulses, 'Wave diffraction, Computer programs, Cylindrical shells, Fourier series, Plane waves, Pulse duration, Reinforce- ment (Structures), Time functions. Identifiers West Germany. The problem of reflection and refraction of a plane pulse at an infinitely long reinforced cylindrical cavity was studied. The pulse's direction of incidence is perpendicular to the cylinder's axis; its time history is given as an ex- ponential time function. The reinforcement is caused by a layer of finite thickness concentri- cally surrounding the cavity, in which Young's modulus and density continuously and weakly grow towards the cavity boundary. The linearized equations were solved for distinct frequencies of the pulse spectrum by use of Fourier series. These solutions were numeri- cally integrated by Gaussian quadrature. It was then possible to compute the time history of displacements, circumferential stress, etc., at the cavity boundary during the transit of the pulse. The influence of the reinforcement was found for different pulse widths but unchanged amplitude by comparison with the nonrein- forced cavity. N77-14995/3CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field Calif. Nasa Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analyses System (Potfan) Boundary Condition Code (Bcdn), Version 1 . J. E. Davis, and R. T. Medan. Jan 77, 53p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-73187 Descriptors: 'Potential flow, 'Three dimen- sional flow, Boundary value problems. Com- puter programs. Incompressible flow, Laplace transformation. Identifiers: POTFAN system. This segment of the POTFAN system is used to generate right hand sides (boundary condi- tions) of the system of equations associated with the flow field under consideration. These specified flow boundary conditions are en- countered in the oblique derivative boundary value problem (boundary value problem of the third kind) and contain the Neumann boundary condition as a special case. Arbitrary angle of attack and/or sideslip and/or rotation rates may be specified, as well as an arbitrary, nonuniform external flow field and the influence of prescribed singularity distributions. No numer- ic data are presented. N77-16153/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Vacuumschmelze G.m.b.H., Hanau (West Ger- many). Entwicklungsabteilung. Superconducting Materials for Pulsed Field Application. Final Report. H. Hillmann. Jun 76, 96p Rept no. BMFT-FB-T- 76-13 Contract BMFT-NT-254 In German; English Summary. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic pulses, 'Metal fibers, 'Niobium alloys, 'Superconducting mag- nets, 'Titanium alloys, Computer programs. Copper, Direct current, Phase transformations, Superconductors, Synchrotrons, Cold working, Copper, Current density, Electrical resistivity, Filament winding, Metal fibers, Superconduc- tors, Temperature effects. Wiring. Identifiers: West Germany. Niobium titanium superconductors were developed; the investigations were especially devoted to the reliable and reproducible production of multicore conductors in techni- cal needed lengths, with substrates of copper or mixed metals. Other experiments concerned current and resistivity in the transition region - superconducting to normal, mechanical pro- perties including stress effect on critical cur- rent, and the behavior of the conductors in test magnets. Extended experiments were made in the field of transposition (braids and ropes) and in measurements of such conductors. The fol- lowing results were achieved: multicores with steep slope of the resistivity/current density curves; up to 3721 filaments in thickness down to 10 micrometer; lengths in the km-region. Multicore niobium titanium filament construc- tion with copper or mixed metal substrates; the variables include metal fiber diameter, sub- strate composition, modulus of elasticity, elec- trical resistance, current density, temperature effects, cold forming, filament winding, and metal wire lengths; 49 figures and 6 tables are included. N77-16290/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Stanford Univ., Calif. STAN5: A Program for Numerical Computa- tion of Two-Dimensional Internal and External Boundary Layer Flows. M. E. Crawford, and W. M. Kays. Nov 76, 136p Rept nos. NASA-CR-2742, SU-HMT-23 Contract NAS3-14336, NGR-05-020-134 Descriptors: 'Boundary layer flow, 'Computation, 'Computer programs, 'Two dimensional flow, Laminar flow, Mathematical models, Nozzle flow, Turbulent flow, Turbulent mixing. Identifiers: STAN5 computer program. A large variety of two dimensional flows can be accommodated by the program, including boundary layers on a flat plate, flow inside noz- zles and diffusers (for a prescribed potential flow distribution), flow over axisymmetric bodies, and developing and fully developed flow inside circular pipes and flat ducts. The flows may be laminar or turbulent, and provi- sion is made to handle transition. N77-16295/6CP PC A06/MF A01 National Aerospace Lab., Amsterdam (Netherlands). Scientific Services. A Computer Program for the Finite Element Calculation of Axisymmetric Subcritical Com- pressible Flow. T. E. Labrujere, and A. Sanderse. 20 Feb 75, 1 19p Rept no. NLR-TR-75031-U Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Finite ele- ment method, 'Subcritical flow, Algol, Axisym- metric flow, Cdc computers, Compressible flow, Flow distribution, Input/output routines, Potential theory. Identifiers: Netherlands, Cyber 72 computers. A computer program, developed at NLR, for the calculation of the axisymmetric subcritical compressible flow around and inside bodies of revolution is described. The solution is formu- lated in terms of a velocity potential which is approximated quadratically using TRIM6 and isoparametric elements for the discretization of the flow field. The program is written in ALGOL for a CDC Cyber 72 computer. A survey is given of the formulae. The flow of the computation is illustrated by means of a flow chart. The procedures are described and a complete list of input and output quantities is included. The computer program was applied to different configurations. A typical example involved 902 unknowns to be determined. The semi-band- width was 69 and the number of iteration steps required was 6. N77-17407/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches, St. Louis (France). Calculation of a Quasi One-Dimensional Gas Flow in Equilibrium or Not. Comparison of the Results and Application to a Hypersonic Wake Calcul d'UN Ecoulement Quasi Monodimensionnel d'UN Gaz en Equilibre ou Non. Comparaison des Resultats et Applica- tion au Sillage Hypersonique. B. C. Jaeggy. 8 Jul 75, 94p Rept no. ISL-R- 128/75 Language in French. Descriptors: 'Gas flow, 'Hypersonic vehicles, 'Hypersonic wakes, 'One dimensional flow, 'Reaction kinetics, Compressible flow, Com- puter programs, Equilibrium flow, Fortran, Gas expansion, Laminar flow, Shock waves. Identifiers: France. The flow around a hypersonic body is represented by the following one-dimensional model: equilibrium gas flow with constant cross section, straight shock, sudden expan- sion of the equilibrium frozen gas, and new gas flow equilibrium with constant cross section. The equations applied to this problem, as well as the numerical solution methods, are described (including a computer program). Some results are reported, especially on the ef- fect of the final cross section under given initial conditions. The results are also compared to those obtained by a more elaborate calculation of the wake taking into account reaction kinetics. N77-17504/0CP PC A09/MF A01 Del West Associates, Inc., Woodland Hills, Calif. Msfc Crack Growth Analysis Computer Pro- gram, Version 2 (Users Manual). M. Creager. Aug 76, 184p Rept no. NASA-CR- 150153 Contract NAS8-3 1624 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Crack propagation, User manuals (Computer pro- grams), Data processing, Data reduction, Nasa programs, Stress concentration. An updated version of the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Crack Growth Analysis Program is described. The updated computer program has significantly expanded capabili- ties over the original one. This increased capa- bility includes an extensive expansion of the library of stress intensity factors, plotting capa- bility, increased design iteration capability, and the capability of performing proof test logic analysis. The technical approaches used within the computer program are presented, and the input and output formats and options are described. Details of the stress intensity equa- tions, example data, and example problems are presented. N77-17847/3CP PC A08/MF A01 Zeiss (Carl), Oberkochen (West Germany). Ab- teilung Math-Photo. Optimization of Optical Systems. Final Report. F. Determann, H. Fischer, E. Glatzel, M. Krautter, and G. Scheid. Jul 76, 155p Rept no. BMFT-FB-T-76-27 Contract BMFT-NT-96 In German; English Summary. Descriptors: "Adaptive control, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Correction, 'Optical equipment, 'Optimal control, Matrix methods, Modulation transfer function. Optimization, Pivots, Aspher- icity, Focusing, Lens design, Matrix methods. Optical correction procedure, Optical transfer function, Phase modulation. 175 Identifiers: West Germany. In the adaptive automatic correction program for the optical systems of E. Glatzel two new features were introduced: The pivots of the matrix inversions, the comparison of which in- dicates the mutual dependence of the aberra- tions, were used to control the procedure. An attempt was made to use the properties of the modulation transfer functions calculated under certain conditions to control the procedure. Diverse data are presented; variables include optical transfer function, focusing, asphericity, pivot arrangement, lens geometry, lens thickness, matrix methods, phase modulation, and image enhancement. N77-18390/3CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va Stay lam: A Fortran Program for the Suction Transition Analysis of a Yawed Wing Laminar Boundary Layer. J. E. Carter. Mar 77, 80p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 74013 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Laminar boundary layer, "Suction, Fortran, Heat transfer, Leading edges, Transonic speed, Wings, Yaw. Identifiers: STAYLAM computer program. A computer program called STAYLAM is presented for the computation of the com- pressible laminar boundary-layer flow over a yawed infinite wing including distributed suc- tion. This program is restricted to the transonic speed range or less due to the approximate treatment of the compressibility effects. The prescribed suction distribution is permitted to change discontinuously along the chord mea- sured perpendicular to the wing leading edge. Estimates of transition are made by considering leading edge contamination, cross flow insta- bility, and instability of the Tollmien-Schlicht- ing type. A program listing is given in addition to user instructions and a sample case. N77-19374/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Gesellschaft fuer Kernforschung m.b.H., Karl- sruhe (West Germany). Computer Program Ganesi: Description of a Computer Program for the Simulation of Un- steady Flows in Gas Distribution Networks. A. Weirnann, and K. Wanka. Jan 76, 30p Rept no. KFK-PDV-66 In German; English Summary. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Computerized simulation, *Gas flow, "Unsteady flow, Gas dynamics, Mathematical models, Systems engineering. Identifiers: GANESI computer program, West Germany. Models for the simulation of the dynamics of gas distribution networks play an important role for design and control of these processes. The computer program GANESI for the simula- tion of unsteady flows in gas distribution net- works is described. Network modeling, applica- tions and handling of the program are discussed. The validity and efficiency of the program are demonstrated by calculated net- work examples. N77-20021/0CP PC A06/MF A01 Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, Inc., N.J. Gyc: A Program to Compute the Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Rotating Cone. R. D. Sullivan. Aug 76, 102p Rept nos. NASA- CR-151981, WORKING PAPER-76-2 Contract NAS2-8014 Descriptors: "Conical bodies, "Rotating cylin- ders, "Turbulent boundary layer, Computer pro- grams, Axisymmetric bodies, Cdc 7600 com- puter. Differential equations, Invariant im- beddings. Identifiers: GYC computer program. A computer program, GYC, which is capable of computing the properties of a compressible turbulent boundary layer on a rotating axisym- metric cone-cylinder body, according to the principles of invariant modeling was studied. The program is extended to include the calcula- tion of the turbulence scale by a differential equation. GYC is in operation on the CDC-7600 computer and has undergone several cor- rections and improvements as a result of the experience gained. The theoretical basis for the program and the method of implementation, as well as information on its operation are given. N77-21382/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches, St. Louis (France). Program for Computing One-Dimensional Steady Flows with Energy Addition In a Tube of Given Shape Programme de Calcul d'Ecoulements Monodlmensionnels Station makes Avec Apport d'Energie dans line Con- duite de Forme Donnee. M. Joly, and B. C. Jaeggy. 5 Nov 75, 76p Rept no. ISL-R-1 30/75 Language in French. Descriptors: "Gas lasers, "Nozzle flow, "One dimensional flow, Computer programs, Flow equations. Convergent-divergent nozzles, Energy transfer, Flow distribution, Fluid mechanics, Fortran, Ideal gas, Inviscid flow, Runge-kutta method, Steady flow, Transonic flow, Wind tunnel nozzles. Identifiers: France. The equations applicable to a one-dimensional flow with energy addition are transferred into canonical form and solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta method. The case of a sonic flow is examined in particular, since the righthand sides of the equations have an un- determined form or become infinity. The problem of inertial conditions as well as of ther- mal blocking, occurring when too much energy is added, were also investigated. The computer program used for practical application of the method is described and exemplified for some nozzle flow configurations. N77-22421/0CP PC A03/MF A01 Advanced Technology Labs., Inc., Jericho, N. Y. A Fortran Program for the Determination of Nozzle Contours for Rotational, Non-Homen- tropic Gas Mixtures. P. Kalben. Mar 77, 27p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 145196, ATL-TM-148 Contract NASI -9560 Descriptors: "Gas mixtures, "Nozzle flow, For- tran, Computer programs. Input/output rou- tines, Numerical analysis, Viscous flow. A program was written which generates a noz- zle contour and the complete flow field for two dimensional or axisymetric flows designed to exit parallel to the axis at uniform pressure. The flow is that of a rotational, non-homentropic gas mixture where viscous effects were neglected and the chemistry is assumed frozen. A description of the numerical program developed, is also described. N77-22468/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Proposed Computer Model for Electric Discharge Atomic Vapor Lasers. K. G. Harstad. 15 Mar 77, 90p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 52681 , JPL-PUBL-77-1 1 Contract NAS7-1 00 Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, "Electric discharges, "Lasers, "Reaction kinetics, Computer programming, Masers, Mathematical models. Plasmas (Physics), Rare- fied gas dynamics. A detailed computer model for the rate kinetics of an atomic vapor laser excited by electrical discharge is proposed. The model equations are defined and the computer program struc- ture is discussed. N77-23411/QCP PC A11/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Appli- cation Including a Guide to Modeling En- gineering Problems, Volume 1. H. P. Lee. Apr 77, 250p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 3503 Seri-2. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Finite ele- ment method, "Heat transfer, "Nastran, "User manuals (Computer programs), Matrices (Mathematics), Rayleigh equations, Ther- modynamic properties, Thermoelasticity. The NASTRAN Thermal Analyzer Manual describes the fundamental and theoretical treatment of the finite element method, with emphasis on the derivations of the constituent matrices of different elements and solution al- gorithms. Necessary information and data relat- ing to the practical applications of engineering modeling are included. N77-23412/8CP PC A24/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Appli- cation Including a Guide to Modeling En- gineering Problems, Volume 2. C. E. Jackson, Jr. Apr 77, 551 p Rept no. NASA- TM-X-3504 Seri-2. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Finite ele- ment method, "Heat transfer, "Nastran, "User manuals (Computer programs), Matrices (Mathematics), Rayleigh equations, Ther- modynamic properties, Thermoelasticity. A sample problem library containing 20 problems covering most facets of Nastran Ther- mal Analyzer modeling is presented. Areas discussed include radiative interchange, ar- bitrary nonlinear loads, transient temperature and steady-state structural plots, temperature- dependent conductivities, simulated multi-layer insulation, and constraint techniques. The use of the major control options and important DMAP alters is demonstrated. N77-23494/6CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Finite-Element Computer Program for Ax- isymmetric Loading Situations Where Com- ponents May Have a Relative Interference Fit. C. M. Taylor. May 77, 50 Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 8483, E-9018 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Finite ele- ment method, "Loads (Forces), Axisymmetric bodies, Input/output routines, Isotropic media. Structural analysis, Thermal stresses. A finite element computer program which ena- bles the analysis of distortions and stresses oc- curring in compounds having a relative inter- ference is presented. The program is limited to situations in which the loading is axisymmetric. Loads arising from the interference fit(s) and external, inertial, and thermal loadings are ac- 176 commodated. The components comprise several different homogeneous isotropic materials whose properties may be a function of temperature. An example illustrating the data input and program output is given. PC A04/MF A01 RVO-TNO, The Hague N77-24935/7CP Physics Lab. (Netherlands). Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation. J. B. Vandevrie. Nov 76, 53p Rept nos. PHL- 1976-41, TDCK-68562 Descriptors: 'Background radiation, 'Infrared radiation, 'Ocean surface, 'Sky radiation, At- mospheric models, Infrared scanners, Meteorological parameters. Surface tempera- ture, Water temperature. Identifiers: Solar radiation, Air water interface, Atmospheric attenuation, 'Atmospheric trans- missivity, Lowtran 3 computer program, Netherlands. An investigation of sea and sky background radiance as a function of elevation in three wavelength intervals 3.0-5.0, 3.4-4.1 and 8.0- 14.0 micrometers is described. A computer model, which has the Lowtran 3 atmospheric transmission model as a subroutine, was developed to study the separate influence of a few meteorological parameters on these func- tions. The occurrence of a dip in the apparent temperature of the sea near the horizon has notably been analyzed. Results are summarized of the measurements of the background radia- tion around the horizon, made during a year by a scanning radiometer at an altitude of 30 meter above the sea surface. The radiance of the sky is measured and computed also for higher elevations (0-90 deg). Computations and mea- surements are in very good agreement except for the small interval 3.4-4.1 micrometers. The latter might be caused by an overestimation of the transmission by the Lowtran 3 model in this wavelength band. N77-28015/4CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Gasplot - a Computer Graphics Program That Draws a Variety of Thermophysical Property Charts. R.J. Trivisonno, and R. C. Hendricks. Jun 77, 58p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-8507, E-8627 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Thermophysical properties, "Computer graphics, Fluids, Gases, Fortran, Graphs (Charts), Plotting, Univac 1100 series compu- ters. Identifiers: Fortran 5 programming language, "Gasplot computer program. A FORTRAN V computer program, written for the UNIVAC 1100 series, is used to draw a variety of precision thermophysical property charts on the Calcomp plotter. In addition to the program (GASPLOT), which requires (15 160) sub 10 storages, a thermophysical properties routine needed to produce plots. The program is designed so that any two of the state varia- bles, the derived variables, or the transport vari- ables may be plotted as the ordinate - abscissa pair with as many as five parametric variables. The parameters may be temperature, pressure, density, enthalpy, and entropy. Each parameter may have as many a 49 values, and the range of the variables is limited only by the thermophysi- cal properties routine. N77-28581/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Modeling of Fluidized Bed Silicon Deposition Process. K. Kim, G. Hsu, R. Lutwack, and A. Praturi. 15 Jun 77, 47p Rept nos. NASA-CR-154120, JPL- PUBL-77-25 Contract NAS7-1 00 Descriptors: "Fluidized bed processors, "Mathematical models, "Silicon, Computation, Computer programs, Deposition, Reactor design, Research and development. Identifiers: Chemical reactors, Vapor deposi- tion. The model is intended for use as a means of im- proving fluidized bed reactor design and for the formulation of the research program in support of the contracts of Silicon Material Task for the development of the fluidized bed silicon deposition process A computer program derived from the simple modeling is also described Results of some sample calculations using the computer program are shown. N77-28832/2CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fluid: A Numerical Interpolation Procedure for Obtaining Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids. T. E. Fessler. Aug 77, 27p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-3572, E-9132 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Thermodynamic properties, Interpolation, Transport properties. Liquid phases, Liquid-gas mixtures, Real gases. Vapor phases. Identifiers: FLUID computer program, Fortran. A computer program subroutine, FLUID, was developed to calculate thermodynamic and transport properties of pure fluid substances. It provides for determining the thermodynamic state from assigned values for temperature- density, pressure-density, temperature-pres- sure, pressure-entropy, or pressure-enthalpy. Liquid or two-phase (liquid-gas) conditions are considered as well as the gas phase. A van der Waals model is used to obtain approximate state values; these values are then corrected for real gas effects by model-correction factors ob- tained from tables based on experimental data. Saturation conditions, specific heat, entropy, and enthalpy data are included in the tables for each gas Since these tables are external to the FLUID subroutine itself, FLUID can implement any gas for which a set of tables has been generated. (A setup phase is used to establish pointers dynamically to the tables for a specific gas.) Data-table preparation is described. FLUID is available in both SFTRAN and FOR- TRAN N77-29367/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Marseilles (France). Lab. d'Astronomie Spa- tiale. Theory and Computing Methods for Stacked Thin Films Theorie et Methodes de Calculs d'Empilements de Couches Minces. M. Blanc. 2 Dec 75, 74p Rept no. LAS-75-OPT- 25 Language in French. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Electrical impedance, "Electromagnetic radiation, "Mathematical models, "Thin films, Analog computers, Film thickness. Incidence, Poynting theorem, Superposition (Mathematics). Identifiers: France. A presentation is given of the mathematical for- mulation that enables to calculate, using the admittance method, the amplitudes and phases of transmitted absorbed and reflected elec- tromagnetic radiation when normal or oblique incident radiation is in the presence of a stack of thin films with known thicknesses and opti- cal constants. Computer programs derived from the formulae are given. N77-33462/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Selskapet for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning, Trondheim (Norway). Div. of Structural En- gineering. Flow 22: Users'S Description. V. Dalen. 18 Feb 75, 58p Rept nos. STF71- A75003, ISBN-82-595-0428-6 Subm-Sponsored by Roy. Norweg. Council for Sci. And Ind. Res. Descriptors: "Porous materials, "Two phase flow, "User manuals (Computer programs), Finite difference theory, Finite element method, Galerkin method, Oils, Solubility, Two dimen- sional flow, Water. Identifiers: Norway, FLOW22 computer pro- gram. FLOW 22 is a program for the description of two dimensional (essentially plane or axisymmetric) flow of two immiscible, incompressible fluids through a porous medium. From an initial state and boundary conditions defined in terms of potentials (pressures) and/or discrete produc- tion rates at some nodal points, the saturation and potential distributions for any subsequent time stations may be calculated. Production rate and cumulative production, for both fluid phases and all nodal points at which fluids are produced or injected were calculated. The solu- tion method is based on the spatial discretiza- tion by the finite element formulation of the Galerkin method; the time integration by finite difference formulas; the modified Newton itera- tion for the solution of sets of non-linear al- gebraic equations; and a direct method for the solution of the linearized equations. N77-33983/6CP PC A02/MF A01 Nagoya Univ. (Japan). Inst of Plasma Physics. Computer Simulations on the Nonlinear Frequency Shift and Nonlinear Modulation of ion-Acoustic Waves. Y. Ohsawa, and T. Kamimura. Nov 76, 25p Rept no. IPPJ-266 Descriptors: "Ion acoustic waves, Amplitude modulation, Computer programs, Frequency shift, Nonlinear systems, Ion density (Concentration), Plasmas (Physics), Schroed- inger equation. Trapped particles, Wave in- teraction. Wave packets. Identifiers: Japan. The nonlinear behavior of ion acoustic waves with rather short wavelength was investigated by computer simulation. The nonlinear frequency shift is negative and is proportional to the square root of the initial wave amplitude when the amplitude is approximately less than 0.1. This proportionality breaks down and the frequency shift can become positive for large temperature ratios then the amplitude is ap- proximately greater than 0.1. Nonlinear modu- lation of the wave packet was clearly seen; however, no modulational instability was ob- served. The importance of the effects of the trapped ions to these phenomena is discussed. N78-11340/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Cambridge Hydrodynamics, Inc., Lexington, Mass. Prediction of Compliant Wall Drag Reduction, Part 1. S. A. Orszag. Nov 77, 42p Rept no. NASA-CR- 2911 Contract NASI -14275 Descriptors: "Drag, "Flow distortion, 'Wall flow, Computer programs, Predictions, Flow stabili- ty, Mathematical models, Polynomials. Computer codes developed to test Bushnells compliant wall drag reduction model are discussed. One code computes the evolution of mean velocity profiles during the period between bursts as forced by an imposed large- scale pressure pulse due to earlier bursts 177 Another code computes the local stability characteristics of these computed profiles. The programs use Chebyshev polynomials to resolve the normal boundary layer (y) direction and a staggered grid of mesh points to resolve the x direction Typically, 257 grid points and 33 Chebyshev polynomials are used in the compu- tations. N78-11798/3CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. A Finite Element Simulation of Sound At- tenuation in a Finite Duct with a Periphally Variable Liner. W. R. Watson. Oct 77, 41 p Rept no. NASA-TM- 74080 Conf-Presented at 4TH Aeroacoust. Conf., At- lanta, 3-5 Oct. 1977. Descriptors: 'Acoustic attenuation, "Acoustic ducts. Finite element method, Linings, Variable geometry structures, Computer programs, Rectangular planforms, Three dimensional boundary layer, Wave equations. Using multimodal analysis, a variational finite element method is presented for analyzing sound attenuation in a three-dimensional finite duct with a peripherally variable liner in the absence of flow. A rectangular element, with cubic shaped functions, is employed. Once a small portion of a peripheral liner is removed, the attenuation rate near the frequency where maximum attenuation occurs drops signifi- cantly The positioning of the liner segments af- fects the attenuation characteristics of the liner Effects of the duct termination are important in the low frequency ranges. The main effect of peripheral variation of the liner is a broadening of the attenuation characteristics in the mid- frequency range. Because of matrix size limita- tions of the presently available computer pro- gram, the eigenvalue equations should be solved out of core in order to handle realistic sources. N78-12034/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Advanced Technology Labs., Inc., Westbury, N. Y. Computation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Through Rotating and Stationary Cascades. 2: User's Guide to Fortran Program B2datl. Final Report. E. Alzner, and P. P. Kalben. Nov 77, 81p Rept nos. NASA-CR-2901 , ATL-TR-205-V-2 Contract NAS3-16807 Descriptors: 'Cascades. "Transonic flow, "Unsteady flow. Computer programs, User manuals (Computer programs). Flow charts, Fluid dynamics, Fortran, Subroutines. Identifiers: B2DATL Computer program. Documentation for the FORTRAN program B2DATL is provided The program input, out- put, and operational procedures are described; a dictionary of the principal Fortran variables is provided; the function of all subroutines; is out- lined and flow charts of the principal subrou- tines and the main program are presented. N78-13367/5CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. An llliac Program for the Numerical Simula- tion of Homogeneous Incompressible Turbu- lence. R. S. Rogallo. Nov 77, 35p Rept nos. NASA-TM- 73203, A-6899 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Homogeneous turbulence, "Incompressibility, Numerical analysis. Algorithms, Fourier analy- sis, ILLIAC computers, Transformations (Mathematics). An algorithm and ILLIAC computer program, developed for the simulation of homogeneous incompressible turbulence in the presence of an applied mean strain, are described. The tur- bulence field is represented spatially by a trun- cated triple Fourier series (spectral method) and followed in time using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm. These include: (1) transformation of variables suggested by Taylor's sudden-distortion theory; (2) implicit viscous diffusion by use of an integrating fac- tor; (3) implicit pressure calculation suggested by Taylor's sudden-distortion theory, and (4) in- expensive control of aliasing by random and phased coordinate shifts. N78-13422/8CP PC A15/MF A01 Arkansas Univ., Fayetteville. Computing Ser- vices. Data Processing and Display of Laser Dop- pler Experimental Results, Volume 1. Final Report. B. R. Ashmore, A. Kimura, and R. W. Skeith. Sep 76, 345p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 50441 Contract NAS8-31771 Descriptors: "Laser doppler velocimeters, "Optical data processing, Computer graphics. Real time operation, Computer programs. Data conversion routines, Floating point arithmetic, Vortices. Identifiers: "Optical detection, "Wake detection, Aircraft, Speed indicators. Contract activities performed in developing a laser Doppler system for detecting, tracking, and measuring aircraft wake vortices are sum- marized. The computer program for processing and displaying the Dust Devil experimental data is presented. Program listings are included in the appendix. N78-14314/6CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. Single-Node Orbit Analsyis with Radiation Heat Transfer Only. J. A. Peoples. Sep 77, 35p Rept no. NASA-TM- 78142 Descriptors: "Heat shielding, "Radiative heat transfer, "Thermal environments, Computer programs. Energy dissipation. The steady-state temperature of a single node which dissipates energy by radiation only is discussed for a nontime varying thermal en- vironment. Relationships are developed to illus- trate how shields can be utilized to represent a louver system A computer program is presented which can assess periodic tempera- ture characteristics of a single node in a time varying thermal environment having energy dis- sipation by radiation only. The computer pro- gram performs thermal orbital analysis for five combinations of plate, shields, and louvers. N78-15435/8CP PC A09/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, NY. Cave; A Computer Code for Two-Dimensional Transient Heating Analysis of Conceptual Thermal Protection Systems for Hypersonic Vehicles. Final Report. K. A. Rathjen. Nov 77, 196p Rept no. NASA-CR- 2897 Contract NASI -13655 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic heating, "Conductive heat transfer, "Hypersonic vehi- cles, "Thermal protection, Eigenvectors, Nu- merical analysis, User manuals (Computer pro- grams), Value. Identifiers: CAVE computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. A digital computer code CAVE (Conduction Analysis Via Eigenvalues), which finds applica- tion in the analysis of two dimensional transient heating of hypersonic vehicles is described. The CAVE is written in FORTRAN 4 and is operational on both IBM 360-67 and CDC 6600 computers. The method of solution is a hybrid analytical numerical technique that is in- herently stable permitting large time steps even with the best of conductors having the finest of mesh size. The aerodynamic heating boundary conditions are calculated by the code based on the input flight trajectory or can optionally be calculated external to the code and then en- tered as input data. The code computes the net- work conduction and convection links, as well as capacitance values, given basic geometrical and mesh sizes, for four generations (leading edges, cooled panels, X-24C structure and slabs). Input and output formats are presented and explained. Sample problems are included. A brief summary of the hybrid analytical-numer- ical technique, which utilizes eigenvalues (thermal frequencies) and eigenvectors (thermal mode vectors) is given along with aerodynamic heating equations that have been incorporated in the code and flow charts. ORNL/CSD/TM-15 PC A06/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. HEATING5: An IBM 360 Heat Conduction Pro- gram W. D. Turner, D. C. Elrod, and 1. 1. Siman-Tov. Mar 77, 119p Contract W-7405-ENG-26, NRC-INA-40-54 Descriptors: "Computer codes, 'Thermal con- duction. Finite difference method, H codes. Materials, Numerical solution, Temperature de- pendence, Time dependence. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, HEATING5 computer program, IBM-360 computers. HEATING5, a modification of the generalized heat conduction code HEATING3, is designed to solve steady-state and/or transient heat con- duction problems in one-, two-, or three-dimen- sional Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates or one-dimensional spherical coordinates. The thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat may be both spatially and temperature-depen- dent. The thermal conductivity may be anisotropic. Materials may undergo a change of phase. Heat generation rates may be dependent on time, temperature and position, and boun- dary temperatures may be time-dependent. The boundary conditions, which may be surface-to- boundary or surface-to-surface, may be fixed temperatures or any combination of prescribed heat flux, forced convection, natural convec- tion, and radiation. The boundary condition parameters may be time- and/or temperature- dependent. The mesh spacing can be variable along each axis. The code is designed to allow a maximum of 100 regions, 50 materials, and 50 boundary conditions. The maximum number of lattice points can be easily adjusted to fit the problem and the computer storage require- ments. The storage requirements on an IBM 360 machine range from approximately 250K bytes for one lattice point to 1256K bytes for 6000 lat- tice points. Transient problems involving materials with change-of-phase capabilities cannot be solved using the implicit technique with this version of HEATING5 (ERA citation 02:060696) ORNL/CSD/TM-18 PC A04/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Fortran Programs for Transient Eddy Current Calculations Using a Perturbation-Polynomial Expansion Technique K. H. Carpenter. Nov 76, 69p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Eddy currents, Computer calcula- tions. Computer codes, Electromagnetic fields, Fortran, Magnet coils. Identifiers: ERDA/700202, Perturbation theory. 178 A description is given of FORTRAN programs for transient eddy current calculations in thin, non-magnetic conductors using a perturba- tion-polynomial expansion technique. Basic equations are presented as well as flow charts for the programs implementing them. The im- plementation is in two steps--a batch program to produce an intermediate data file and in- teractive programs to produce graphical out- put. FORTRAN source listings are included for all program elements, and sample inputs and outputs are given for the major programs. (ERA citation 02:019069) ORNL/CSD/TM-27 PC A05/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. EBT Time-Dependent Point Model Code: Description and User's Guide J. F. Roberts, and N. A. Uckan. Jul 77, 94p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *Elmo bumpy torus, Deuterium tritides. Energy balance, Mathematical models, Time dependence. Identifiers: ERDA/700101. A D-T time-dependent point model has been developed to assess the energy balance in an EBT reactor plasma. Flexibility is retained in the model to permit more recent data to be incor- porated as they become available from the theoretical and experimental studies. This re- port includes the physics models involved, the program logic, and a description of the varia- bles and routines used. All the files necessary for execution are listed, and the code, including a post-execution plotting routine, is discussed. (ERA citation 02:057628) ORNL/Sub-4269/15 Not available NTIS RE/SPEC, Inc., Rapid City, S.Dak. Documentation of the Heat Conduction Code TRANCO G. D. Callahan. 8 Aug 75, 33p Contract W-7405-ENG-26, SUB-4269 Available from ERDA, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, Attn: TIC. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *Heat transfer, Finite element method. Numerical solution, T codes, Transients. Identifiers: ERDA/420400, TRANCO computer program, *Conduction(Heat transfer). A transient heat conduction code used for ther- mal, thermoelastic, thermoelastic/plastic, and thermo/viscoelastic analyses is presented. The code can solve two-dimensional X-Y and axially symmetric R-theta-z thermal problems with the following conditions: constant temperature, constant flux, convective, or adiabatic bounda- ry conditions; time-dependent or constant in- ternal heat generation; and anisotropic thermal conductivities. (ERA citation 02:046099) ORNL-TM-1950(REV.1) PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Program Weight- a Fortran IV Program for Evaluation of Weighting Functions Used in Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Mary G. Buchanan, and Robert W. Hendricks. Nov 70, 65p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 03, number 06246. ORNL-TM-2866 HC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions from X-Ray Data. R.O.Williams. Mar70,41p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Solid solutions, "Crystal struc- ture, X-ray diffraction analysis, Computer pro- grams, Simulation. Identifiers: SHIFT computer program, Compu- terized simulation. For abstract, see NSA 2409 ORNL-TM-2903 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Legck, a Subroutine to Analyze Legendre Coefficients for Negativity in the Angular Dis- tribution D. C. Irving. 10 Sep 70, 37p Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 03, number 05476. ORNL-TM-3119 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Evap-4- Another Modification of a Code to Calculate Particle Evaporation from Excited Compound Nuclei. Miriam P. Guthrie. 10 Sep 70, 17p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 25 01, number 01764. ORNL-TM-3179 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Inclusion of Fission and Charged-Particle Emission in Calculations of Nuclear Reac- tions- Computed Energies, Angles, and Ranges of Recoil Nuclei R. L. Hahn, and O. W. Hermann. 7 Apr 71, 53p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 25 13, number 31313. ORNL-TM-3203 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Sambo, a Collision Analysis Package for Monte Carlo Codes V. R.Cain. 1 Sep 70, 68p Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Monte carlo method. For abstract, see NSA 25 03, number 05237. ORNL-TM-3208 HC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. HEATING3- AN IBM 360 HEAT CONDUCTION PROGRAM W D. Turner, and M. Siman-Tov. Feb 71 , 93p Descriptors: "Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 08, number 18292. ORNL-TM-3220 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Computer Program for Calculating, Tabulat- ing, and Plotting Outgassing Rates of Selected Gases D. S. Easton, Sandra H. Merriman, Carla L. Armstrong, and R. E. Clausing. Feb 71 , 149p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Reactor fuel elements, "Vacuum systems. For abstract, see NSA 25 09, number 19195. ORNL-TM-3266 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Editor- a Processing Code for Endf/B Format Data C. L. Thompson, J. R. Stockton, L. M. Petrie, R. Q.Wright, and S. K. Penny. 16 Feb 71, 33p Rept no.ENDF-142 Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 12, number 28148. ORNL-TM-3295 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Computer Programs for Some Eddy-Current Problems, 1970 W. A. Simpson, J. W. Luquire. C. V. Dodd, and W. G. Spoeri. Jun 71 , 281 p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Eddy current testing. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 5, number 3721 2. ORNL-TM-3324 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Orthis, Orthat- Two Computer Programs for Solving Two-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Problems R. C. Durfee, and C. W. Nestor Jr. Jul 71, 173p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Heat transfer. For abstract, see NSA 25 18, number 41 985. ORNL-TM-3401 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. New Data System for Interem J. E. Francis, and O. C. Yonts. May 71 , 76p Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Data processing systems, "Magnetic mirror machines. Forabstract, see NSA 25 15, number36193. ORNL-TM-3518 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Xchekr- a Multigroup Cross-Section Editing and Checking Code C. E. Burgart, and E. A. Straker. 13 Aug 71,35p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Gamma cross sections, "Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 22, number 53492. ORNL-TM-3575 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Computer Program to Calculate Auger Transi- tions for a Surface Containing Several Kinds of Atoms W. A. Coghlan. Oct 71 , 50p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Atoms, "Computer programs, "Elements. For abstract, see NSA 26 02, number 02784. ORNL-TM-3585 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Collision Site Plotting Routines and Collision Density Fluence Estimates for the Morse Monte Carlo Code E. A. Straker, and M B. Emmett. 4 Oct 71 , 125p Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 05, number 10724. 179 ORNL-TM-3610 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Evaluation of the Plasma Dispersion Function E. A. Ferguson. Oct 71 , 18p Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Plasma wave phenomena. For abstract, see NSA 26 01 , number 00898. ORNL-TM-3646 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Xlacs- a Program to Produce Weighted Mul- tigroup Neutron Cross Sections from Endf/B N. M. Greene, J. L. Lucius, J. E. White, R. Q. Wright, and C. W. Craven Jr. 3 Apr 72, 104p Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 26 18, number 44185. ORNL-TM-3809 PC E04/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Swanlake, a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Section Sensitivity Analysis D. E. Bartine, F. R. Mynatt, and E. M. Oblow. May 73, 93p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *S codes, "Nuclear reactions, "Cross sections, "Dose rates. Computer codes, "Tissues, "Radiation doses, Boltzmann equation, Discrete ordinates, Gamma radiation, Neutrons, One-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 04, number 09887. ORNL-TM-3896 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Folded Form Factors and the Code Fold W. K. Bell, and G. R. Satchler. Aug 72, 8p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Mathematics, "Nuclear models. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 49473. PC E01/MF A01 ORNL-TM-3985 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Pion Dose Calculations T. W. Armstrong. Oct 72, 29p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors "Computer programs, "Mesons. For abstract, see NSA 27 03, number 06776. ORNL-TM-3994 PC E05/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Mack: Computer Program to Calculate Neutron Energy Release Parameters (Fluence-to-Kerma Factors) and Multigroup Neutron Reaction Cross Sections from Nuclear Data in Endf Format M. A. Abdou, C. W. Maynard, and R. Q. Wright Jul 73, 112p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *M codes, "Neutron reactions, "Cross sections, 'Neutron beams. Cross sections, Dose rates, Energy losses, Fortran, Heating, Ibm computers, Kerma, Multigroup theory. Neutron fluence, Nuclear reactions, Univac computers. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 08, number 19798 ORNL-TM-4015 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. ALC1 Program for Cross-Section Library Management W. A. Rhoades Dec 72, 15p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutron cross sections. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 06, number 13384. ORNL-TM-4041 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Comparison of the Group Constants Generated by the Endf/B Processing Codes Etox and Supertog R. Q. Wright, R. E. Schenter, and J. D. Jenkins. Apr 73, 14p Rept no. ENDF-184 Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *E codes, "Uranium 235, "Neutron reactions, "Uranium 238, Neutron reactions, Ev range, Kev range, Mev range 01-10, Neutron beams, Plutonium 239, S codes, Scattering. Identifiers: AEC For abstract, see NSA 28 01 , number 01 271 . ORNL-TM-4095 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Dkdata- Subroutine for Retrieving Radionuclide gamma-Ray Decay Data from Rsic Data Set Dlc-19/Decaygam J. . Wachter. Feb 73, 19p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer programs. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 09, number 21 109. ORNL-TM-4185 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow L Dresner, V. R. Cain, and W. Jr. Davis. Jul 73, 75p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Power plants, "Cooling, 'Computer codes, I codes, 'Plankton, "Intake, "I codes, "Flow rate, Coolants, Water. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 06, number 1 2878. ORNL-TM-4257 PC A03/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sec- tions from Adler-Adler Resonance Parame- ters R.Q.Wright. Jun 73, 31 p Rept no. ENDF-191 Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, 'A codes, "Uranium 233, Neutron reactions, "Neutron reactions, "Cross sections, 'Neutron beams, "Fission, Doppler broadening, Epithermal neutrons, Ev range 01-10, Ev range 10-100, For- tran, Ibm computers, Nuclear reactions, Total cross sections, Capture, Gamma radiation, Uranium 234. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 06, number 14104. ORNL-TM-4497 PC A03/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (Usa). Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Bibliography. C. W. Jr. Nestor. Mar 74, 48p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Heat transfer, "Bibliographies, "Fluid flow, Bibliographies, Computer codes. For abstract, see NSA 29 10, number 24127. ORNL/TM-4784 PC A02/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Preliminary Results of the 3-D Nonlinear Ideal MHD Code J. Wooten, H. R. Hicks, G. Bateman, and R. A. Dory. Nov 74, 16p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Plasma macroinstabilities, 'Magnetohydrodynamics, Computer codes, Nonlinear problems. Plasma, Three-dimen- sional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/700107. A computer code was developed to follow the evolution of the 3-D nonlinear ideal MHD equa- tions over time. The code was used to study fixed boundary MHD instabilities of a plasma filling a rectangular cylinder. For plasmas with uniform density and longitudinal B-field, the dominant nonlinear effect is cross-field con- vection around essentially fixed poloidal vortex cells. (ERA citation 02:050371 ) ORNL/TM-4952 PC A05/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. CACHE: An Extended Basic Program Which Computes the Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers J. R. Tallackson. Mar 76, 90p Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Heat exchan- gers, 'Htgr type reactors, C codes, Computer calculations, Heat transfer, Helium, Per- formance, Rhr systems. Identifiers: ERDA/210300, 'CACHE computer program, BASIC programming language. An extended BASIC program, CACHE, has been written to calculate steady state heat exchange rates in the core auxiliary heat exchangers, (CAHE), designed to remove afterheat from High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGR). Computationally, these are unbaffled counterflow shell and tube heat exchangers. The computational method is straightforward. The exchanger is subdivided into a user- selected number of lengthwise segments; heat exchange in each segment is calculated in sequence and summed. The program takes the temperature dependencies of all thermal con- ductivities, viscosities and heat capacities into account providing these are expressed algebra- ically. CACHE is easily adapted to compute steady state heat exchange rates in any unbaf- fled counterflow exchanger. As now used, CACHE calculates heat removal by liquid weight from high-temperature helium and heli- um mixed with nitrogen, oxygen and carbon monoxide. A second program, FULTN, is described. FULTN computes the geometrical parameters required as input to CACHE. As re- ported herein, FULTN computes the internal dimensions of the Fulton Station CAHE. The two programs are chained to operate as one. Complete user information is supplied. The basic equations, variable lists, annotated pro- gram lists, and sample outputs with explanatory notes are included. (ERA citation 01 :012979) ORNL/TM-5159 PC A04/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. ORECA-1: A Digital Computer Code for Simu- lating the Dynamics of HTGR Cores for Emer- gency Cooling Analyses S.J. Ball Apr 76, 57p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Eccs, 'Htgr type reactors, Computer calculations, Fluid flow, Heat transfer, O codes. Performance, Reactor accidents, Reactor cores. Reactor safety, Simulation, Vrain reactor. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/210300, 'ORECA-1 computer code. 180 ORECA-I predicts the three-dimensional transient thermal-hydraulic behavior of the core of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) for specified emergency shutdown con- ditions. It was modeled after the RECA code (Reactor Emergency Cooling Analysis) by the General Atomic Company to provide a better understanding of the relative importance of mechanisms for afterheat removal and enable independent evaluation of the General Atomic Company analyses. Descriptions are given of the modeling and solution techniques, and ex- amples of transient calculations are presented. Predictions of several types of accident transients were in good agreement with the results of RECA calculations. The relatively small computation times required for ORECA also make it convenient to use for model and parameter sensitivity studies. (ERA citation 01:013317) ORNL-TM-5177 PC A08/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Three Computer Codes of General Use in X- Ray Crystallography. H.L. Yakel.Jan76, 157p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *L codes, *X-ray diffraction, Computer codes, 'Crystal structure, Crystallography, Debye-scherrer method, For- tran, Laue method, R codes, S codes, Structural chemical analysis. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. This report contains the FORTRAN listings and sample problem inputs and outputs for three programs of general use in x-ray diffraction analyses. The programs calculate and plot stereographic projections, Laue patterns, and Debye— Scherrer patterns for general crystal systems and, in the case of the third, for known crystal structures. 16 figures. ORNL/TM-5296 PC A02/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. AMP (Activity Manipulation Program) W. W. Engle.Jr. Mar 76, 13p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Neutron flux, 'Reactor kinetics, A codes, Activity levels, Com- puter calculations, Group constants. Neutron transport theory. Identifiers: ERDA/220100, ERDA/654003, 'AMP computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language. AMP is a FORTRAN IV program written to han- dle energy-group structured activity factors such as sources, conversion factors, and response functions, as used by ANISN, DOT III, and other nuclear reactor and shielding codes. Activities may be retrieved from ANISN-type cross-section and activity sets found on cards and tapes, and from tabular-type sets on cards. They may be altered by change of group struc- ture, multiplication by a constant, or multiplica- tion by delta E (the group-energy interval), and then output to ANISN-type cards or tape and tabular-type cards. A full edit of input and out- put activities is always printed by group and ac- tivity number. (ERA citation 01 :013148) ORNL/TM-5332 PC A04/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. HTCAP: A Fortran IV Program for Calculating Coated-Particle Operating Temperatures in HFIR Target Irradiation Experiments M. J. Kania. May 76, 64p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Coated fuel particles, 'Computer codes, 'Htgr type reactors, Computer calcula- tions, H codes, Hfir reactor, Irradiation, Per- formance testing, Temperature distribution. Identifiers: ERDA/210300, HTCAP computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language. A description is presented of HTCAP, a com- puter code that calculates in-reactor operating temperatures of loose coated ThO sub 2 parti- cles in the HFIR target series of irradiation tests. Three computational models are employed to determine the following: (1) fission heat generation rates, (2) capsule heat transfer anal- ysis, and (3) maximum particle surface tem- perature within the design of an HT capsule. Maximum particle operating temperatures are calculated at daily intervals during each irradia- tion cycle. The application of HTCAP to sleeve CP-62 of HT-15 is discussed, and the results are compared with those obtained in an earlier thermal analysis on the same capsule. Agree- ment is generally within +-5 percent, while decreasing the computational time by more than an order of magnitude. A complete FOR- TRAN listing and summary of required input data are presented in appendices. Included is a listing of the input data and a tabular output from the thermal analysis of sleeve CP-62 of HT-15. (ERA citation 01 :0191 19) ORNL/TM-5487 PC A06/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. FIFPC, a Fast Ion Fokker-Pianck Code R. H. Fowler, J. D. Callen, J. A. Rome, and J. Smith. Jul 76, 105p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Fokker-Pianck equation, 'Plasma, Distribution, F codes, Ions, Neutral atom beam injection, Numerical solu- tion, Tokamak devices. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, FIFPC computer pro- gram. A computer code is described which solves the Fokker--Planck equation for the velocity space distribution of fast ions injected into a tokamak plasma. The numerical techniques are described and use of the code is outlined. The program is written in FORTRAN IV and is modu- larized in order to provide greater flexibility to the user. A program listing is provided and the results of sample cases are presented. (ERA citation 02:008770) ORNL/TM-6050 PC A03/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Numerical Calculation of Impurity Charge State Distributions E. C. Crume, and D. E. Arnurius. Sep 77, 41 p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Plasma, 'Tokamak type reactors, Charge exchange, Computer codes, Electron temperature, I codes, Impurities, Ionization, Mathematical models, Time dependence. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, IMPDYN computer program. The numerical calculation of impurity charge state distributions using the computer program IMPDYN is discussed. The time-dependent corona atomic physics model used in the calcu- lations is reviewed, and general and specific treatments of electron impact ionization and recombination are referenced. The complete program and two examples relating to tokamak plasmas are given on a microfiche so that a user may verify that his version of the program is working properly. In the discussion of the ex- amples, the corona steady-state approximation is shown to have significant defects when the plasma environment, particularly the electron temperature, is changing rapidly. (ERA citation 03:013332) ORNL/TM-6054 PC A04/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Ornl Alice: A Statistical Model Computer Code Including Fission Competition F. Plasil.Nov77, 75p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Heavy ion reac- tions. Angular momentum. Compound-nucleus reactions, Evaporation model, Fortran, Ibm computers, Mev range, O codes, Statistical models. Identifiers: ERDA/653003. A listing of the computer code ORNL ALICE is given. This code is a modified version of com- puter codes ALICE and OVERLAID ALICE. It al- lows for higher excitation energies and for a greater number of evaporated particles than the earlier versions. The angular momentum removal option was made more general and more internally consistent. Certain roundoff er- rors are avoided by keeping a strict accounting of partial probabilities. Several output options were added. (ERA citation 03:013222) ORNL-TR-2353 PC E01 MF A01 Karlsruhe Univ. (West Germany). Institut Fuer Struktur Der Materie. Dp-1- an ALGOL Program for the Calculation of the Energy Spectra of Scattered gamma- Rays in a Plane Shielding Layer. S. A. W. Gerstel. 40p Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Shielding. For abstract, see NSA 24 21 , number 45302. ORNL-TR-2408 HC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Fontenay- Aux-Roses (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. ANISN SYSTEM, REPORT NO. 2. LGR/B PRO- GRAM- FOR UPDATING THE ANISN LIBRARY TAPES WITH PLOTTING OF CROSS SECTION CURVES Gilles Brandicourt, and Jacques De Scheemaecker. 47p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 07, number 1 4986. ORNL-TR-2419 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Fontenay- Aux-Roses (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Anisn System- Description and Service In- structions for the Anisn Discrete Ordinate Program and Subroutines Christian Devillers. 90p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Gamma radiation, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 2, number 28149. ORNL-TR-2519 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Fontenay- Aux-Roses (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. ELF Neutron Program Francois Gervaise. 27p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 03, number 05944. ORNL-4425 HC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Report of Interem Data System. J. E. Francis, and N. H. Lazar. Jun 70, 51 p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Plasma medium, Confinement, Electrons, Ions, Scattering, Bremsstrahlung, Heating, Computer programs. Identifiers: Fusion reactions. For abstract, see NSA 2416 181 ORNL-4564 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3, a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions H. W. Bertini, M. P. Guthrie, and O. W. Hermann. May 71, 53p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Mesons K, 'Mesons J, 'Neutrons, 'Nuclei, 'Protons. For abstract, see NSA 25 15, number 36733. ORNL-4606 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc. W. A. Coleman, and T. W. Armstrong. Oct 70, 91 p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Mesons , 'Mesons K, 'Mesons J, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 01, number 01530. ORNL-4687 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Instructions for the Operation of the Program Package Pica, an Intranuclear-Cascade Cal- culation for High-Energy (30 to 400 Mev) Photon-Induced Nuclear Reactions T. A. Gabriel, M. P. Guthrie, and O. W. Hermann. Sep71,44p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Cascade showers, 'Computer programs, 'Nuclei, 'Photons. For abstract, see NSA 25 21 , number 50809. ORNL-4736 PC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Analysis Subroutines for the Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc T. W. Armstrong, and K. C. Chandler. Nov 71 , 59p Contract W-7405-26 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Mesons, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA 26 02, number 03467. ORNL-4744 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Operating Instructions for the High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Hetc K. C. Chandler, and T W. Armstrong. Jan 72, 40p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Mesons K, 'Mesons J, 'Muons, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA 26 08, number 18951. ORNL-4763 PC E01/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Trapp, a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear-Reaction Products Neglected J. Barish, R. T Santoro, F. S. Alsmiller, and R. G Alsmiller Jr. Aug 72, 72p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Computations, Tables, and Approximations for Grain Boundary Diffusion Theory. R. E Funderlic, and G. Young. Mar 75, 69p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Grain boundaries, "Diffusion, 'Computer codes, *A codes, C codes, Integral equations. For abstract, see NSA 31 10, number 28942. ORNL-5138 PC A07/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. OR-TEP-2: A Fortran Thermal-Ellipsoid Plot Program for Crystal Structure Illustrations C. K.Johnson. Mar 76, 130p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Crystal struc- ture, Atoms, Diagrams, Fortran, Motion, O codes. Identifiers: ERDA/360000, 'OR TEP-2 computer program, FORTRAN. A computer program is described for drawing crystal structure illustrations using a mechani- cal plotter. Ball-and-stick type illustrations of a quality suitable for publication are produced with either spheres or thermal-motion proba- bility ellipsoids on the atomic sites. The pro- gram can produce stereoscopic pairs of illus- trations which aid in the visualization of com- plex packing arrangements of atoms and ther- mal motion patterns. Interatomic distances, bond angles, and principal axes of thermal mo- tion are also calculated to aid the structural study. The most recent version of the program, OR TEP-II, has a hidden-line-elimination fea- ture to omit those portions of atoms or bonds behind other atoms or bonds. (ERA citation 01:013591) ORNL-5140 PC A03/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions R. O. Williams. May 76, 39p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Solid solutions, *X-ray diffraction, Computer codes. Crystal lattices, Cubic lat- tices, Fee lattices. Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/360102, 'Crystal structure, 'Lattice parameters. This report describes a computer program which rearranges the atoms on a lattice con- taining 12,075 sites until the populations in a set of 18 shells are in agreement with those cal- culated from x-ray measurements. To improve the accuracy, eight independent runs are made. Because of the large amount of computation in- volved, considerable effort went into selecting an efficient algorithm and constructing the pro- gram for the most efficient execution. The out- put consists of a model showing the atoms that have been moved from their initial position; the output also gives shell populations (including error estimates). Also, the intensity is calculated for both the x-ray data and the model. Finally, various structural features for the model are determined and compared with the same fea- tures in the initial random model. The program is written for the face-centered cubic lattice, but its conversion for modeling the body-cen- tered cubic lattice would not be difficult. (ERA citation 01:019912) For abstract, see NSA 25 20, number 481 16. ORO-3674-4 HC E01 MF A01 Georgia Inst. Of Tech., Atlanta. Engineering Ex- periment Station. MAGNETIC PHENOMENA AT METAL SUR- FACES. TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT, FEBRUARY 1-DECEMBER 31, 1970 Stephen Spooner. 94p Contract AT(40-1 )-3674 Descriptors: 'Cobalt, 'Computer programs, 'Iron carbonates, "Manganese chlorides, "Neutron-diffraction analysis. For abstract, see NSA 25 06, number 1 1 981 . ORO-3912-10 PC E01 MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Computer Simulation of Radiation-Induced Void Nucleation and Growth in Metals J. R. BeelerJr. Jun 71, 58p Rept no.CONF- 710601-16 Contract AT(40-1 (-3912 From International Conference On Radiation- induced Voids In Metals- Albany, N. Y. (9 Jun 1971). Descriptors: "Iron, 'Metals, 'Radiation. For abstract, see NSA 26 03, number 05600. ORO-3912-15 PCE01/MFA01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and Annealing Processes. Progress Report, June 1, 1969-December 31, 1971 J. R. BeelerJr. Feb 72, 25p Contract AT(40-1 )-391 2 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Iron, 'Metals, 'Radiation. For abstract, see NSA 26 09, number 22076. ORO-3912-19 PCE01/MFA01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and Annealing Processes. Progress Report, June 1-September 30, 1972 J. R. BeelerJr. Oct 72, 53p Contract AT(40-1 )-391 2 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Electrons, 'Helium, 'Iron. For abstract, see NSA 27 04, number 08889. ORO-3912-20 PCE01/MFA01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and Annealing Processes. Progress Report, October 1, 1972-December 31, 1972 J. . BeelerJr. Jan 73, 15p Contract AT(40-1 )-3912 Descriptors. 'Computer programs, 'Electrons, 'Ions, 'Iron, 'Metals. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 10, number 23781. Descriptors: 'Alpha particles, 'Computer pro- grams. 'Protons, 'Shielding, "Solar flares, 'Space flight. For abstract, see NSA 26 21, number 52244 ORNL-4906 PC A04/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. ORO-2972-196 PC E01 MF A01 Texas Univ., Austin. Center For Nuclear Stu- dies. Spectra A. J. Wolfram, C. F. Moore, and W. R. Coker. 1970, 40p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions, 'Nuclei ORO-3912-22 PC A02/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh (Usa). Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and Annealing Processes. Progress Report, April 1, 1973-June 30, 1973. J. R. Jr. Beeler. Jul 73, 19p Contract AT(40-1)-3912 182 Descriptors: "Physical radiation effects, 'Simulation, "Iron, Physical radiation effects, Annealing, Atomic beams, Computer codes, Crystal defects, Fee lattices, Mev range 01-10, Threshold energy. For abstract, see NSA 29 1 1 , number 27372. ORO-3912-26 PC A02/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh (Usa) Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and Annealing Processes. Progress Report, July 1, 1972— March 1, 1974. J. R. Jr. Beeler. Mar 74, 25p Contract AT(40-1)-391 2 Descriptors: 'Physical radiation effects, 'Simulation, 'Iron-gamma, Physical radiation effects. Annealing, Atomic beams, Comparative evaluations. Computer codes, Dislocations, Fee lattices, Interstitials, Ion beams, Kev range, Knock-on reactions, Metals, Mev range, Neutron beams, Research programs, Thermal spikes. For abstract, see NSA 29 1 1 , number 27373. ORO-5126-27 PC A02/MF A01 Maryland Univ., College Park. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy. Simple Graphical Display Program for Physics P.J.Moffa. Aug 77, 8p Contract EY-76-S-05-51 26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graphics, Cathode ray tubes, P codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. A simple subroutine based on the Tektronix Plot-10/Advanced Graphing II package to be used with a Tektronix CRT terminal is presented. It is specifically designed for the needs of a physicist, but contains enough op- tions to allow for a wider use. 1 figure. (ERA citation 03:01631 7) PATENT-3 992 619 Not available NTIS Department of the Navy Washington D C Optical Scanner Patent Lyman F. VanBuskirk. Filed 23 Jun 75, patented 16 Nov 76, 4p AD-D003 610/3, PAT-APPL-589 161 Supersedes PAT-APPL-589 161-75. Availability: This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of patent available Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C. 20231 $0.50. Descriptors: 'Patents, "Optical scanning, In- frared radiation, Computer programs, Focus- ing, Rotation. Identifiers: PAT-CL-250-203, Infrared detection. This patent concerns an optical scanning system having a rotatably driven, curved reflec- tive surface with a predetermined pattern of reflective and non-reflective portions annularly arranged near the circumference of the surface. The emission source, such as an infrared source, is focused onto an area of the surface in the ring of the portions such that when the sur- face is rotated the portions are rotated under the image and as each reflective portion is brought into alignment with the image, The image is reflected to a detector. The orientation of the surface is continuously monitored for correlation with each detection. The sum of the orientations at detection per rotation defines placement of the source in the field of view of the system. Appropriate computer programs may be used to increase processing speed and, thereby, increase efficiency. (Author) PB-191 282/CP HC E01 MF A01 Hawaii Inst, of Geophysics, Honolulu. An Integral Equation Approach to Diffusion Problems. Richard Paul Shaw. Jan 70, 35p Rept no. HIG- 70-1 Descriptors: *Conduction(Heat transfer), Boun- dary value problems, "Integral equations. Nu- merical analysis, Surface temperatures, Com- puter programs, Transients, Nonlinear systems, Green's function, Integration, Diffusion. Identifiers: Numerical integration. A method of solution of transient diffusion problems in homogeneous and isotropic media with internal sources and arbitrary (including nonlinear) boundary conditions and initial con- ditions is proposed. Heat conduction is taken as the physical basis of the problem although the approach is applicable to any other physical diffusion process. The method is based on the reduction of the problem to one only involving surface values of temperature and/or heat flux in the form of an integral equation through the introduction of fundamental solutions and the use of Green's Theorem. The integral equation is solved numerically for two specific examples. (Author) PB-192 139/CP HC E01 MF A01 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Risley (England). Reactor Group. Heatran. A Finite Element Code for Heat Transfer Problems. W. D. Collier. 1969, 52p Rept no. TRG-1807(R) Descriptors: "Heat transfer, "Prog ram ming(Computers), "Temperature, Determination, Boundary value problems, Nu- merical analysis, Integration, Great Britain. Identifiers: Finite difference theory, HEATRAN computer program. HEATRAN solves the heat diffusion equation over a two dimensional area of any shape or material distribution. Transfer by radiation across voids is allowed and special provision is made for narrow gaps. A wide range of bounda- ry conditions are available. Over 1000 nodes may be used in either XY (slab) or RZ (cylindrical) geometry. This report gives the data requirements of the program in detail. The use of the program is illustrated, and a brief description of the derivation of the equations is given. (Author) PB-199 169/CP PC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Structural Engineer- ing Lab Non-Linear Heat Transfer Analysis of Ax- isymmetric Solids Iraj Farhoomand, and Edward L. Wilson. Apr 71 , 75p Rept no. UCSESM-71-6 Report on Structures and Materials Research. Descriptors: "Heat transfer, Computer pro- gramming, Conduction, Convection, Thermal radiation, Solids, Equations of state, Specific heat, Nonlinear differential equations, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. Finite element analysis. The finite element method of analysis as ap- plied to nonlinear heat transfer can represent, with good approximation, many factors which previously have been neglected. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation is to modify the finite element method as applied to heat transfer problems, and to develop a technique for the evaluation of the temperature in two- dimensional axisymmetric bodies. Based on this approach a general digital computer pro- gram is developed for two-dimensional axisym- metric systems of arbitrary geometry. The non- linearity effects of conduction, radiation, con- vection, and cooling pipe forms of heat transfer are considered by the program. PC E01 MF A01 Madison. Water Resources in Fluid Flow PB-201 744/CP Wisconsin Univ. Center. Unsteady Inertial Effects Through Porous Media Technical rept. John A. Spooner. 18 Jun 71, 157p OWRR-B- 021-WIS(2) Contract DI-1 4-01 -0001 -1 957 Descriptors: "Unsteady flow. Porous materials, "Ground water, Fluid flow, Inertia, Equations of motion, Partial differential equations. Hydro- static pressure. Hydraulic conductivity, Darcys Law, Permeability, Compressibility, Fourier se- ries. Computer programs. Theses. Linear inertial terms are included in the mo- mentum equation for the unsteady flow. The continuity equation is given in terms of the compressibilities of the constituents involved- solid, gas, and/or liquid. When these two equa- tions are combined, the result is a hyperbolic partial differential equation for pressure. The solution of this equation is used to describe the propagation of pressure waves in the fluid in the porous medium. Theoretical solutions for a harmonic, repetitive pulse, and step input in pressure are obtained. The frequency depen- dence of the hydraulic conductivity is demon- strated when harmonic or repetitive pulses are considered. The hydraulic conductivity is time dependent when a step variation in pressure is introduced. Experimental measurements were conducted on air dry, liguid saturated, partially liquid saturated, and drained sands. The results of the experiments were found to be in agree- ment with the theory for all but the liquid satu- rated case. Methods for determining the static (Darcy) hydraulic conductivity and compressi- bility using sound wave propagation are developed and applied. (Author) PB-201 836/CP PC E01 MF A01 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria (South Africa). Chemical Engineering Group. Computation of Gas and Dust Flow Rates from Point Measurements in a Duct, Using Surface Fitting J. P. Paulsen, and R. E. Hicks. Apr 71. 16p Rept no. CSIR-SR-CHEM-149 Descriptors: "Ducts, Flow distribution, "Computer programming, Manuals, Chimneys, Dust, Gas flow, Concentration(Composition), Velocity, Flow rate, FORTRAN, Union of South Africa. Identifiers: EMIT computer program, FORTRAN 4 G programming language. Physical and statistical laws are used to deter- mine best' surfaces through point velocity and dust concentration values measured in indus- trial ducts or stacks. These surfaces are in- tegrated numerically to give the total gas and dust flow rates. Velocity and concentration profiles are presented as a print-out in grid form. (Author) PB-201 916/CP PC E01 MF A01 Serendipity, Inc., Arlington, Va. Eastern Opera- tions Div. Community Median Noise Level Computer Model Jul71,10pDOT-OST-ONA-71-6 Descriptors: 'Noise(Sound), 'Computer pro- gramming, 'Urban areas, Noise(Sound), Subroutines, Data processing, Transportation, Mathematical models. The report contains a computer listing of the community median noise level computer model developed during the course of a study on transportation noise as contained in Report No. OST-ONA-71-1, A Study of the Magnitude of Transportation Noise Generation and Potential 183 Abatement,' November 1970. Report No. OST- ONA-71v1 is printed in seven volumes. Volume 6 contains a description of the development of the subject computer model and instructions for its use. (Author) PB-201 929/CP PC E01 MF A01 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria (South Africa). Chemical Engineering Group. Plotting of Contour Maps for Representing Flow Distributions in a Duct J. P. Paulsen. May 71, 15p Rept no. CSIR-SR- CHEM-150 Descriptors: 'Ducts, Flow distribution, 'Computer programming, Manuals, FORTRAN, Input output devices(Computers), Plotters, Dust, Velocity, Union of South Africa. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 G programming lan- guage, EMIT computer program, CONMAP computer program. Surfaces fitted through point velocity and con- centration values in a duct by the programme EMIT are presented graphically as contour maps. (Author) PB-202 575/CP PC E01 MF A01 Serendipity, Inc., Arlington, Va. Eastern Opera- tions Div. Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model Jul 71 , 63p DOT-OST-ONA-71 -5 Descriptors: 'Noise reduction, Highways, "Computer programs, 'Transportation models, 'Railroad trains, Noise reduction, Compu- terized simulation, Subroutines, Data processing. The report contains computer listings of the highway/motor vehicle computer model and the train system computer model developed during the course of a study on transportation noise as contained in Report No. OST-ONA-71- 1, A Study of the Magnitude of Transportation Noise Generation and Potential Abatement,' November 1970. Report No. OST-ONA-71-1 is printed in seven volumes. Volumes 4 and 5 con- tain descriptions of the development of the sub- ject computer models and instructions for their use. (Author) PB-203 999/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, Md. Div. of Electronic Products. Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Area Kenneth R. Envall, and Richard W. Peterson. Sep71,65pBRH/DEP-72-4, FDA72-8012 Paper copy available from GPO $0.75 as HE20. 41 10:72-4. Descriptors: 'Radio field strength, Measure- ment, 'Radiation hazards, Radio waves, 'Public health, 'Radio waves, Very high frequency, Electromagnetic radiation control, Radio trans- mitters, Television transmitters, Radiofrequen- cy power, Nevada, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Radio frequency radiation hazards, 'Electromagnetic radiation hazards, Las Vegas(Nevada). Electromagnetic power levels were measured and compared with theoretical power levels from selected transmitters operating in the frequency range of 54 to 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, area. The field measurements were made at 62 grid locations by means of calibrated dipole and biconical antennas. Power variations with respect to antenna height, time of day, distance from a grid point, angular dependence, and terrain were in- vestigated. The data were evaluated in terms of observed and theoretical power levels and con- verted to power densities for hazards analysis applications. The results indicate that estimates of theoretical power levels should serve as a satisfactory measure of population exposure to electromagnetic energy in the frequency range considered. (Author) PB-207 135/CP PC E01/MF A01 Kansas Water Resources Research Inst., Man- hattan. Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Ground- Water Flow Including Effects of Evapotrans- piration Project completion rept. Jul 69-Aug 71 Don W. Green, Hassan Dabiri, and J. D. Khare. Jan 72, 195p Contrib-72, W72-05089 Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3084 Descriptors: 'Ground water, Fluid flow, 'Soil water, Evapotranspiration, 'Two phase flow, Mathematical models, Nonlinear differential equations, Atmospheric motion, Numerical in- tegration, Computer programs. Permeability, Porosity, Simulation, Partial differential equa- tions. Plants, Climatology, Finite difference theory, Kansas. A mathematical model describing two-phase flow in porous media has been developed. The model, which consists of describing differential equations and an algorithm for their numerical solution, is applicable to the problem of one dimensional, vertical ground water movement in unsaturated soils, considering evaporation and transpiration losses (evapotranspiration). The model is a major extension of one presented earlier by the authors which describes unsaturated flow in the absence of evapotranspiration. The second order, non linear, partial differential equations describing water-air flow through porous media have been extended to include water losses due to un- steady-state evapotranspiration. The basis of the extension is an analogy to Ohm's law. The water transport in the soil atmosphere or the soil plant-atmosphere system has been con- sidered to take place due to the existence of successively decreasing driving-force poten- tials from the soil to the atmosphere. (Author) PB-207 710/CP PC E01/MF A01 Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif. Calculation of Amphiboie Structural Formulae Fraser E. Goff, and Gerald K. Czamanske. 1972, 20p Rept nos. USGS-GD-72-016, USGS- Computer Contrib-16 Descriptors: 'Amphiboles, Crystal structure, 'Crystal structure. Computer programs, "Silicate minerals, Crystal structure, Concentra- tion(Composition), Oxides, Water. A computer program is discussed which calcu- lates cations per unit cell, site-occupancies, and a list of cation ratios on the basis of 23 ox- ygen anions, for any amphibole, when given a chemical analysis of cations in oxide weight percent. (Author) PB-209 838/CP PC E01/MF A01 Geological Survey, Washington, DC. X-Ray Diffractometer Data Reduction Pro- gram Marshall Strong Hellman. 1971, 37p Rept nos. USGS-CCD-71 -005, USGS-Computer Contrib-9 Descriptors: "X-ray diffraction, Data reduction, Computer programs, Crystallography, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. Two operationally independent programs, A637 and A638, replace manual measurements of peak positions on strip charts from X-ray dif- fractometers and simultaneously make data corrections and supply measurements previ- ously not available. Processed digitized output from the diffractometer radiation detector is used as input to the program A637. The pro- gram creates an output file on disk or tape, but printed output of residual intensity, noise level of the data, and pattern identification are also supplied. A card deck is punched that contains peak locations and associated X-ray wavelength in a form suitable for input to a pro- gram for least-squares unit cell refinement, U.S.G.S. Computer Program W9214. (Author) PB-211 863/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab., Washington, D.C. Report of NRL Progress Jul 72, 57p Also available on subscription $15.00/year domestic, $1 8. 00/year foreign. Descriptors: "Naval research, Reviews, Elastic waves. Surface waves, Communication equip- ment, Hydrophones, Microwave equipment. Metallurgy, Plasmas(Physics), Astrogeology, Electron paramagnetic resonance, Orbits. Identifiers: Acoustic surface waves, AFFF(Aqueous Film Forming Foam), Aqueous film forming foam, TRIP computer program, Station keeping. Contents: Surface acoustic waves; Acoustics; Chemistry; Electronics; Mathematics; Metallurgy; Ocean technology; Plasma physics; Radar; Solid state physics; Space systems; Papers by NRL Staff Members. PB-214 499/6CP PC E01/MF A01 Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Water Resources Research Inst. Free Falling Particle in Density Stratified Fluid Completion rept., Sep 71 -Aug 72 Chin Y. Kuo. Oct 72, 56p UPRICO-WRRI-PR-72- 32, OWRR-A-032-PR(1) Descriptors: "Fluid flow. Particles, 'Particles, Equations of motion, "Sedimentation, Mathe- matical models, Theorems, Thermoclines, Stratification, Density ratio. Free fall models, Experimental data, Computer programs, Viscosity, Gravity, Hydrodynamics. Free falling particle due to gravity in a linear density stratified fluid was investigated theoretically and experimentally. The equations governing particle motion in a homogeneous viscous fluid can be applied to this case if the density stratified fluid body is considered to be composed of infinite homogeneous layers of finite thickness. The particle motion is found to be a function of the fluid density gradient. The proposed calculation of particle displacement can describe the phenomena of particle sedi- mentation in zones of thermoclines in most natural water bodies. (Author) PB-216 188/3CP PCE01/MFA01 Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Indexing and Least-Squares Refinement of Powder Diffraction Data. (Job 9214) Final rept. Daniel E. Appleman, and Howard T. Evans, Jr. Feb 73, 65p* Rept nos. USGS Computer Contrib-20, USGS-GD-73-003 Descriptors: "X-ray diffraction, "Computer pro- grams, "Lattire parameters, X-ray diffraction, Crystallography, Debye-Scherrer method, Least squares method, Standard error, FORTRAN. 184 Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, IBM 360/65 computers, IBM 7090 com- puters, USGS. A computer technique has been developed for simultaneous cyclic indexing of powder diffrac- tion data and refinement of unit cell dimen- sions. The FORTRAN 4 IBM360/65 program ac- cepts as input any combination of indexed and/or unindexed 2-theta or d-values, along with crystal system, extinction criteria and ap- proximate lattice parameters. Calculated and observed peak positions are matched accord- ing to predetermined statistical criteria which can be set by the user. Satisfactorily indexed observed peaks are used to compute new lat- tice parameters by least-squares refinement. Ambiguities of indexing, bad measurements and peaks due to impurities are clearly in- dicated. Program listings are included. (Author) PB-224 409/3CP PC E07/MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Computer Science. The Energy Transport Properties of One Dimensional Anharmonic Lattices Doctoral thesis Kenichi Miura. 20 Jul 73, 176p Rept no. UIUCDCS-R-73-586 Descriptors: 'Crystal lattices, Thermal conduc- tivity, Energy transfer, Heat flux, Wave func- tions. Lattice parameters, Numerical integra- tion, Computer programs, Orthogonal func- tions, Theses. Identifiers: Chebychev functions, Solitary waves, IUU. The energy transport properties of the solitary waves are studied both analytically and numeri- cally. It was found that the piecewise linear function model clearly explains the charac- teristics of such waves. Numerical experiments were performed extensively to clarify the vari- ous properties of the solitary waves in the one dimensional anharmonic lattice. These results were used to interpret the heat conduction problem of the crystal lattice. (Author) PB-226 087/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Manual for Highway Noise Prediction (Appendix B) Technical rept. J. E. Wesler. Mar 72, 84p* Rept no. DOT-TSC- FHWA-72-1-App-B Contract DOT-OS-207 Paper copy also available from NTIS $8.00/set of 3 reports as PB-226 085-SET. Descriptors: *Noise(Sound), "Highways, 'Motor vehicles, 'Computer programming, Manuals, Mathematical prediction, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Subroutines, Flow charts. Identifiers: Fortran 4 programming language, Traffic noise levels, Vehicular traffic noise, FHAPR. The basic manual, published as the first volume of this report, is intended for use as a tool in predicting noise levels which will be generated by freely-flowing vehicle traffic along a highway of known characteristics. The first volume ex- plains the basis for the computerized prediction model, used for highway noise level prediction, and contains the user's manual for the com- puter program. This volume contains the pro- grammer's manual for the computer program, and the program listing in FORTRAN 4. PB-231 882/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Dept. of Computer Sciences. Discrete Mechanics - A General Treatment Technical rept. Robert A. LaBudde, and Donald Greenspan. Dec 73, 75p Rept no. WIS-CS-192-73 Descriptors: 'Classical mechanics, 'Many body problem, 'Equations of motion, 'Numerical analysis, Potential theory, Vector analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: WISCS. A new numerical method for use in the solution of classical equations of motion is described, accurate to third-order in the coordinates and second-order in the velocities. The method has the unique property of preserving the energy and total linear and angular momenta at their initial values in the computation. This 'discrete mechanics' is derived from general symmetry properties of the equations of motion and is compared in several numerical examples with conventional predictor-corrector methods. The theory is applied to derive a general expression for the impulsive limit of motion due to a poten- tial. (Author) PB-231 905/1CP PC E02/MF A01 Weapons Research Establish, Salisbury (Australia). A Numerical Solution for Supersonic Flow Around A Cone at Small Angles of Attack D. L. Thomson. Feb 74, 24p Rept no. WRE-TN- 1138(WR/D) Descriptors: 'Conical bodies, 'Supersonic characteristics, 'Angle of attack, 'Numerical analysis, Specific heat, Computer programs, Numerical integration, Flow distribution, Equa- tions of motion, Problem solving, Australia. Identifiers: AWRE. The document describes a method for finding the supersonic flow around a right circular cone at small angles of attack for a ratio of specific heats varying from 9/7, the triatomic value, to 5/3, the monatomic value. The equa- tions are due to Sims and follow from the work of Ferri. The approach is similar to that outlined by Sims, a Runge Kutta method being used for the numerical integration. A Fortran 2 program for calculating flow properties, given the cone angle and Mach number, is presented. PB-232 143/8CP PC E07/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Environmental Resources Center. The Numerical Solution of Transient Super- critical Flow by the Method of Characteristics with a Technique for Simulating Bore Propagation Jerome Joseph Zovne. May 70, 186p ERC-0370, W74-07732 Descriptors: 'Supercritical flow, 'Finite dif- ference theory, 'Open channel flow, Shallow water, Partial differential equations, Compu- terized simulation, Computer programs, Hydraulic jump, Theses. Identifiers: Method of characteristics. Two finite-difference schemes for the solution of unsteady, supercritical flow problems are analyzed and the results are used in proposing a method to simulate bore propagation in su- percritical flow. Two nonlinear one-dimen- sional partial-differential equations are written for a rectangular cross section including only the gravity and friction forces. The equations are solved by employing two finite-difference schemes programmed on a digital computer. PB-233 066/OCP PC A09/MF A01 Iowa State Univ., Ames. Heat Transfer Lab. A Boundary Layer Finite Difference Method for Calculating through the Separation Point and into the Region of Recirculation in Incom- pressible Laminar Flow Technical rept. C. L. Dancey, and R. H. Pletcher. Jun 74, 182p Rept nos. ISU-ERI-AMES-74103, HTL-2 Grant NSG-GK-1 8810 Descriptors: 'Laminar flow, 'Incompressible flow, 'Finite difference theory, Navier - Stokes equations, Viscous flow, Boundary layer separation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. A finite difference calculation procedure is presented for computing past the separation point for incompressible laminar boundary layer flows. The method includes an iterative in- teraction calculation whereby the pressure gradient is altered by the boundary layer growth, resulting in the removal of the separa- tion point singularity and a shift in the predicted separation point downstream (compared with ordinary boundary layer predictions) more in line with recent Navier-Stokes solutions for laminar flows. The use of a reversed flow model permits integration beyond the separation point, into the recirculating flow region, while retaining the marching method of solution. (Modified author abstract) PB-234 177/4CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. Dept. of En- vironmental and Water Resources Engineering. Negatively Buoyant Jets in a Cross Flow Environmental protection technology series Jerry Lee Anderson, Frank L. Parker, and Barry A. Benedict. Oct 73, 225p EPA-660/2-73-012 GrantEPA-R-800613 Paper copy available from GPO, PCS2.50. Descriptors: 'Thermal pollution, 'Hydraulic jets, 'Fluid flow, 'Outfall sewers, Surface waters, Cooling water, Density, Mathematical models, Dilution, Entrainment, Buoyancy, Froude number, Computer programs. Modification of Fan's and Abrahams jet diffu- sion models were used to predict the trajectory and dilution of a negatively buoyant jet. Such jets can occur when a chemical waste is discharged into a less dense ambient water or when cool, hypolimnetic water is used for con- denser cooling water and discharged into less dense surface waters, then a sinking jet would result. Experimental investigations were con- ducted involving different combinations of den- simetric Froude number, velocity ratio, and ini- tial angle of discharge. Salt was used as the tracer, yielding a fluid that was denser than the ambient receiving water and facilitated measur- ing concentration profiles of the jet plume. The experimental data was then fitted with pre- dicted jet dilution, trajectory, and cross sec- tional values for each model. PB-234 311/9CP PCA06/MFA01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. An Ecological Systems Approach to Commu- nity Noise Abatement. Phase I Final rept. Jun 73-May 74 B. K. Huang. Jun 74, 1 10p* DOT-OS-30102 Contract DOT-OS-30102 Descriptors: 'Noise reduction, 'Communities, Computerized simulation, Vehicular traffic. Surveys, Environments, Trees(Plants), Rever- beration, Sound transmission, Evaluation, Computer programs. The study deals with development of a noise- environment-ecological system model. Evalua- tion has been made on available traffic noise prediction models and simulation programs. Computer graphic techniques have been developed for quantitative identification of en- vironmental noise levels and control. Surveys on noise attenuation characteristics of various plants, such as, trees, shrubs, and grasses have been performed to determine the effects of biological and physical parameters on noise abatement. Significant noise reduction is ob- tainable by properly selected shrub belts and grasses. Reverberation tests have been con- ducted to investigate the absorptive reflection and sound scattering by vegetation to incor- 185 porate plant growth dynamics related to noise attenuation characteristics. PB-236 675/5CP PC A07/MF AOt Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Performance of Heated Perforated Flat Plates Final rept. Wen-Jei Yang. Jun73, 141p APTD-1554 Contract EPA-68-04-0019 Descriptors: "Steam engines, "Marine engines, "Cooling towers, "Heat exchangers, Plates(Structural members). Cavities, Heat transfer, Cooling fins, Design, Computer pro- grams, Automobiles. A large scale modelling technique is developed to examine the effects of perforation geometry on the heat transfer and friction loss per- formance of compact heat exchanger fins. The cores were tested in a subsonic wind tunnel designed specifically for testing automobile radiators, environmental system condensers, and liquid-to-air heat exchangers. The plate surface porosity, the core frontal porosity, and the perforation size and arrangement were varied. The Reynolds numbers ranged from those corresponding to both laminar and turbu- lent flow. The heat transfer factor (j), friction fractor (f) and their ratio (f/j) for a single plate- channel system are obtained as functions of the Reynolds number, the plate surface porosity and the core frontal porosity. These results represent qualitatively those of a compact plate-fin heat exchanger having the same geometric scaling factors when these systems are represented by appropriate geometric, dynamic and thermodynamic similarity parame- ters. (Modified author abstract) PB-236 788/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Kentucky Water Resources Inst., Lexington. Spatially Varied Subcritical and Supercritical Flow in Gullies Research rept. T. Y. Kao. Aug 74, 109p RR-74, OWRT-A-037- KY(2) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -351 7, DI-1 4-31 -0001 - 3817 Descriptors: "Open channel flow, "Gullies, "Erosion, Momentum, Standing Waves, Sub- critical flow, Boundary layer, Supercritical flow, Flumes, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Soil erosion, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. The objective of this study was to investigate the phenomena of subcritical and superctitical spatially varied flow in rectangular expansions such as that in an erosion gully. Based on mo- mentum and continuity principles, equations were developed to predict such flow phenomena. Computations of the water surface profiles for subcritical spatially varied flow were carried out by applying direct step numerical calculations. Because of the presence of stand- ing waves, the method of characteristics was employed in the analytical analysis of the su- percritical flow phenomena. Of primary im- portance in this study is the effect of varying amounts of lateral inflow rates. Other parame- ters varied during the experimental tests were the slope of the channel and the main channel discharge. Comparison of the analytical and ex- perimental results indicated that for both sub- critical and supercritical spatially varied flow, water surface profiles can be predicted with good accuracy. PB-236 902/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Geological Survey, Tacoma, Wash. Water Resources Div. Direct Beam Solar Radiation. A Digital Com- puter program Lowell A. Rasmussen. Oct 74, 47p Rept no. USGS/WRD-74-036 Descriptors: "Solar radiation, "Transmissivity, "Computer programs. Atmospheric refraction, FORTRAN. A digital computer program is described that provides bihourly direct beam solar radiation values (langleys/minute) and daily totals (langleys) for one or more sites anywhere on the Earth, for one or more days of the year, for eight different atmospheric transmissivity values. The site may have arbitrary elevation above sea level, and the horizon may be ar- bitrarily modified topographically; the plane of the site may have arbitrary inclination from the horizontal, including vertical. The program gives the (true solar) times of sunrise and sun- set, as well as of the beginning and conclusion of other topographic obstructions of the Sun. Care has been taken in the FORTRAN coding to enhance the ease of installation of the program on the widest possible selection of computers, both existing and anticipated, of the prepara- tion of input data and the use of the output data, and of possible modification of the pro- gram to serve specialized purposes. PB-237 560/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Agron Arc Plasma Final rept. 1 Apr 72-30 Nov 74 P. W. Chan, M. Niimura, and B. C. Schanberg. Nov 74, 51 p NSF-GK-32473-002 Grant NSF-GK-32473 Presented at the Annual Plasma Meeting of the American Physical Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 31 October-3 November, 1973. Descriptors: "Plasmas(Physics), "Electric arcs. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Line spectra, Electron energy. Ionization potentials, Plasma diagnostics, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Argon plasma. The axial distributions of the electron tempera- ture and number density a free-burning argon arc plasma at atmospheric pressure have been measured experimentally using a Thomson scattering technique. The axial temperature distribution has also been measured spectro- scopically by relative line intensity method. The results are presented in terms of the degree on non-equilibrium distribution shifted from the calculated Saha equilibrium temperature and the heavy particle temperature at different spa- tial positions along the axis of the arc. It is shown that the temperatures as measured by light scattering are different from those mea- sured by relative line intensity ratio method. The difference is ascribed to the non-equilibri- um of the arc as well as to the special geometry of the arc. PB-238 199/4CP PC A10/MF A01 Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. Electromagnetic Fields About a Finite Electric Wire Source Final rept. Walter L. Anderson. 1974, 209p Rept no. USGS- GD-74-041 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic fields, "Computer programs. Electric wire, FORTRAN, Numerical integration, Interactions. Identifiers: Interactive graphics, Hankel func- tions, EMFIN computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language. A Decsystem-10 Fortran IV program is described for numerically computing all Carte- sian components of both electric and magnetic fields about a grounded horizontal electric dipole or finite wire source of arbitrary length for the quasi-static case over an isotropic horizontally stratified earth. The calculations for many complex Hankel transforms and com- plex numerical integrations over a finite interval are discussed. An interactive TTY-printer plot version of the program provides for matching observed and theoretically computed frequen- cy or transient sounding curves. Additionally, the mutual coupling for a source and receiver configuration is optionally computed. The pro- gram listing, documentation, and some exam- ple runs are included. PB-240 496/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Iowa State Univ., Ames. Heat Transfer Lab. Analysis of Combined Forced and Free Laminar Convection in Horizontal Tubes Interim technical rept. S. W. Hong, and A. E. Bergles. Nov 74, 1 65p Rept nos. ISU-ERI-AMES-74155, HTL-4 Grant NSF-GK-36851 Descriptors: "Heat exchangers, "Laminar flow, "Heat transfer, Tubes, Heat flux. Convection, Thermal conductivity, Viscosity, Computer pro- grams. Laminar flow heat transfer with uniform heat flux in horizontal circular tubes has been analyzed to determine the effect of buoyancy on heat transfer in the thermal entry region and the effects of temperature-dependent proper- ties (density and viscosity) on heat transfer in the fully-developed region. A solution for heat transfer in the entrance region of circular tubes was carried out assuming that the wall heat flux is uniform circumferentially and axially. The results indicate that the traditional constant property thermal entrance region solutions are valid only for very low heat fluxes associated with low Rayleigh numbers (less than 1000). At higher Rayleigh numbers, Ra* = 1,000,000 for example, the Nusselt number in the fully- developed region is about 200 percent above the constant property value and the thermal en- trance length is about one-tenth that predicted by the constant property solution. PB-241 155/1CP PC A10/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. The Impact Between a Liquid Drop and an Elastic Half-Space Doctoral thesis Jia-Bo Gilbert Hwang. Mar 75, 208p Rept no. UMICH-012449-5-T Grant NSF-401 30 Descriptors: "Impact strength, "Drops(Liquids), "Solids, "Cavitation corrosion, Stresses, Hydrodynamics, Computation, Computer pro- grams, Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, Theses. The high pressure and stress induced during the collision of a liquid drop (or jet) and solid body are responsible for the erosion of steam turbine blades and aircraft components. They can also be used to cut non-metallic materials and to fracture rocks. The hydrodynamic behavior of the liquid drop and the elas- todynamic response of the solid body were computer-simulated. The dynamic equations for a compressible inviscid fluid, neglecting the surface tension and body force, were solved by the modified Compressible Cell and Marker (ComCAM) numerical scheme initially developed by Y.C. Huang. The dynamic equa- tions for a homogeneous isotropic elastic half- space were solved by a finite difference method. By coupling the solutions of these two sets of equations, the transient stresses of the solid body can be calculated without assuming a surface load. 186 PB-241 316/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Drexel Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Momentum Transfer in Hydrodynamically Developing Laminar Flow in a Straight Chan- nel Topical rept. C. William Savery, and Mohinder S. Bhatti. Feb 75, 97p Grant NSF-ENG-73-08125 Descriptors: 'Laminar flow, 'Hydrodynamics, 'Channel flow, Boundary value problems, Laminar boundary layer, Partial differential equations, Numerical integration, Computer programs, Viscous flow, Tables(Data). The non-linear momentum boundary layer equation is solved exactly by the technique of equation splitting. The relations between boun- dary layer thickness and pressure drop with core velocity are determined by applying con- tinuity of mass across the channel. The mechanical energy equation than gives the variation of core velocity along the channel. Closed form, dimensionless expressions are obtained for all momentum transfer quantities. This analysis results in a fully developed, incre- mental pressure defect of (K sub infinity) = 0.5969 and an entrance length of (xi) = (0.1674) Re. Predicted axial pressure drops fall within 3% of data measured by Sparrow and cowor- kers. Theoretical predictions of the local fric- tion coefficient are also in good ag reement with the data of Hahnemann and Ehret taken along a rectangular channel. PB-241 838/2CP PC A10/MF A01 Abcor, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Walden Research Div. Procedures for Measurement in Stratified Gases. Volume II. Appendices Final rept. Jun 73-May 74 A. Zakak, R. Siegel, J. McCoy, S. Arab-lsmali, and J. Porter. Sep 74, 214p EPA/650/2-74-086- b Contract EPA-68-02-1306 Paper copy also available in set of 2 reports as PB-241 836-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: "Gas sampling, 'Samplers, 'Gas flow, 'Stratification, Flue gases, Probes, Mix- ing, Computer programs, Velocity, Concentra- tion(Composition), Profiles. Identifiers: Tracers. The report contains appendices to results of a program to develop methods for the continu- ous extraction of representative gas samples from gas streams that exhibit compositional stratification, such as a stack or chimney. The program considered available data in the litera- ture, as well as field data generated during the program. Wind tunnel tests and mathematical modeling were used to develop sampling methodologies which are recommended. Ap- pendices include: Automatic isokinetic sam- pling systems; Arrays and mechanical traversing systems; Diffusion tube sampling; Temperature stabilized diffusion tube; Tracer methods; Thermal null probes; Velocity and concentration profiles; The effect of jet impingement on mixing in a gas stream; Jet mixing in a duct; Combustion and material balance calculations; Computer program for analytical simulation of procedures for velocity and emission measurements in stratified stack gases (theory and user manual). PB-242 416/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, Calif. Data Reduction by an Approximate Thermal Diffusion Solution Special rept. J. M. Kendall. Mar 75, 62p Rept no. EPRI-SR-8 Descriptors: 'Nuclear power plants, 'Reactor cores, 'Heat transfer, Conduction, Nuclear fuel rods, Partial differential equations, Transfer functions, Approximation, Nuclear reactor safety, Computation, Computer programs. A solution of the differential equations for a one dimensional time dependent heat conduction problem is used to generate approximate transfer functions for the response for the geometry defined by the boundary conditions. The resulting approximate transfer functions are used to develop a method for calculating the transient surface conditions of simulated nuclear fuel rods from known transient internal conditions. The method is applied to example cases based on the results of selected experi- ments. The primary advantages of the method are computational speed and stability. The prin- cipal limitations are the assumptions of con- stant thermal properties (independent of tem- perature) to obtain a linear system, and uncer- tainties associated with the approximate forms of transfer functions. The approximation func- tions are not unique; the specific functions discussed in this report were generated based on quasi-steady state considerations. For the parameters studied, the approximation for the measured temperature/surface heat flux transfer function is the most limiting. Further refinements of the approximations could be ex- pected to reduce this source of error. PB-243 118/7CP PCA06/MFA01 Stanford Univ., Calif. Thermosciences Div. Prediction of the Effects of Longitudinal Wall Curvature and System Rotation on Turbulent Boundary Layers Progress rept. 1973-74 S. A. Eide, and J. P. Johnston. Nov 74, 106p Rept no. PD-19 Grant NSF-GK-1 6450 Descriptors: 'Curved profiles, "Turbulent boun- dary layer, Flow fields, Boundary layer separa- tion, Turbulent flow, Vortices, Predictions, Computer programs. Two-dimensional (x,y plane) turbulent bounda- ry layers on walls with convex curvature in the mean flow (x) direction have lower turbulence stress levels than equivalent layers on flat walls. As a result, convex wall flows have higher shape factors H, lower skin friction coefficients (C sub f) and lower momentum-thickness Reynolds numbers (Re sub theta). Opposite ef- fects are seen on concave walls. Flows over flat walls which rotate at a steady rate, as a system, about a spanwise (z) axis have been shown to have similar effects. A calculation method utilizing a simple mixing-length correction fac- tor is developed and is seen to predict the ef- fects of weak curvature and slow rotation on H, (C sub f), and (Re sub theta) reasonably well. The predicted effects of curvature and rotation are shown to be particularly strong in flows with adverse pressure gradients. PB-243 133/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Dept. of Agricultural Engineering. Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Pro- gramming Approach Master's thesis Kwang-Ping Yang. Dec 73, 94p OWRT-B-029- Hl(1) Descriptors: 'Pipes(Tubes), 'Pipe flow, 'Computer aided design, Pipeline transporta- tion, Piping systems, Distribution systems, Dynamic programming, Theses, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. The dynamic programming technique has been successfully applied previously in solving serial type fluid systems. This technique was ex- panded to application to nonserial diverging branch type fluid networks. An interactive com- puter program based on a more efficient op- timization method was developed. Pressure loss between pipe segments due to change of conduit sizes was incorporated into the design. The computer program was discussed with flow charts and a sample run of the program was presented. Results from this example demon- strated that the dynamic programming method is applicable to the solution of diverging branch type fluid system problems. Appendixes con- tain the FORTRAN listing of the program and the program output for the sample run. PB-243 219/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Control Data Corp., Palo Alto, Calif. Structural Engineering Services. Thermal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod Final rept. M. Hsu, and W. Lee. Apr 75, 185p Rept no. SES/PSD-74/017 Descriptors: 'Pressurized water reactors, "Nuclear reactor accidents, "Nuclear fuel rods, "Stress analysis, "Thermal analysis, Nuclear reactor safety, Heat transfer, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Loss of coolant, Finite element analysis. The purpose of this investigation was to per- form an analytical evaluation of a postulated loss of coolant incident in a large pressurized water reactor. A coupled thermal and stress finite element analysis of a fuel rod subjected to a hypothetical blow-down transient was carried out. The effect of two gap conditions and two initial stress states on the response of the fuel rod was studied. Both one-dimensional and three-dimensional models were investigated. To study the heat transfer in the gap region one assumes a conductive mode of heat transfer in the gap characterized by an equivalent thermal conductivity, which is dependent on the current gap width. Accordingly, coupled analysis procedure and computational scheme were established. A mesh generation computer pro- gram was developed for the three-dimensional model. The mesh program can be used, with minor modification, to include any degree of ovalization of the clad. PB-244 391/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. Development of ENDF/B-IV Multigroup Neutron Cross-Section Libraries for the Leopard and Laser Codes Technical rept. on Phase 1 U. P. Jenquin, K. B. Stewart, and CM. Heeb. Jul 75,36pEPRI-221 Sponsored in part by Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, Calif. Descriptors: "Reactor cores, "Neutron cross sections, "Fission products, Nuclear electric power generation, Computer programming, Data processing. Identifiers: ENDF/B-4 file, LEOPARD computer program, LASER computer program. The principal aim of this neutron cross-section research is to provide the utility industry with a standard nuclear data base' that will perform satisfactorily when used for analysis of thermal power reactor systems. EPRI is coordinating its activities with those of the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG), responsi- ble for the development of the Evaluated Nuclear Data File-B (ENDF/B) library, in order to improve the performance of the ENDF/B library in thermal reactors and other applica- tions of interest to the utility industry. Battelle- Northwest (BNW) was commissioned to process the ENDF/B Version-4 data files into a group-constant form for use in the LASER and LEOPARD neutronics codes. Performance in- formation on the library should provide the necessary feedback for improving the next ver- sion of the library, and a consistent data base is 187 expected to be useful in intercomparing the versions of the LASER and LEOPARD codes presently being used by different utility groups. This report describes the BNW multi-group libraries and the procedures followed in their preparation and testing. PB-244 665/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. Cross-Section Standardization for Thermal Power Reactors Final rept. B. R. Leonard, Jr, D. A. Kottwitz, U. P. Jenquin, K. B. Stewart, and C. M. Heeb. Jul 75, 67p EPRI- 221-FR Descriptors: 'Neutron cross sections, 'Power reactors(Nuclear), Uranium 233, Uranium 235, Plutonium 239, Plutonium 241. Identifiers: ENDF/B-4 file, LASER computer program, LEOPARD computer program. The objective of the first phase was to process the ENDF/B Version IV data files into group constant form for use in the neutronic codes LASER and LEOPARD, two codes which are in wide-spread use by the electrical utilities. The second phase of work was to initiate evaluation of the thermal data for 233U, 239Pu, and 241 Pu. The results of this task proved the feasibility of a major portion of this development by the suc- cessful application of simultaneous fits to mul- tiple data sets of fission, capture and eta data for 235U. As a second task tentative absolute errors were assig ned in a reevaluation of fission measurements performed at GEEL. For the third task several evaluation contributions were made. This is the final report for this phase of this project. Battelle Northwest is proposing a follow-on program to continue this work based on the promise of the ultimate achievement of valuable information indicated by the results of this initial effort. PB-244 786/OCP PC E02/MF A01 Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. An Analysis of the Thermal and Nutrient Pro- perties of the Condenser Discharge Plume Created by an Ocean Thermal Difference Power Plant Oct 74, 60 NSF/RANN/SE/GI-34979/TR/74/2, NSF/RA/N-74-185 Grant NSF-GI-34979 Descriptors: 'Solar sea power plants, "Plumes, 'Environmental impacts. Condensers, Design, Thermodynamics, Marine biology, Physical properties, Velocity, Trajectories, An- gles(Geometry), Salinity, Mathematical models. Computerized simulation. Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Waste heat. The condenser plume created by a submerged ocean thermal gradient electricity generating system is described and analyzed for various outlet geometries from the point of view of maximizing potentially beneficial effects to marine biota stemming from such a discharge. The overall system concept and basic ther- modynamics of the ocean thermal difference process are presented. The integral conserva- tion model for the plume behavior is discussed and the range of varibles (outlet geometries and ambient conditions) considered. PB-246 054/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. MEKIN: MIT-EPRI Nuclear Reactor Core Kinetics Code Final rept. Robert W. Bowring, John W. Stewart, Robert A. Shober, and Randal N. Sims. Sep 75, 104p EPRI-227 Descriptors: 'Power reactors(Nuclear), "Nuclear reactor kinetics, "Computer programs, Nuclear reactor safety, Neutron flux, Reactor cores. Identifiers: MEKIN computer code. The computer program MEKIN provides a solu- tion in three dimensions for the time-depen- dent, two-group, neutron diffusion equations and corresponding thermal-hydraulic equa- tions that model the transient behavior of a light water moderated power reactor. The code ac- cepts initial steady state power level, inlet coo- lant temperature and flow rate. It first computes the initial steady state flux and power distribu- tions throughout the core and then the response to a user-specified transient (change in inlet flow, temperature or control rod pat- tern). For PWR's the code represents transient cross flow between thermal-hydraulic chan- nels. This document, in three parts, describes the code capabilities and overall calculational strategies, the instructions for setting up a problem, and the detailed structure of the pro- gram for those who may wish to make changes in it. PB-247 070/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. SPAR, A FORTRAN Program for Computing Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons, and Heavy Ions T. W. Armstrong, and K. C. Chandler. May 73, 35p ORNL-4869, NSF/RA/T-73-037 Contract W-7405-eng-26, NSF-AG-399 Descriptors: "Charged particles, "Computer programming, Muons, Pions, Protons, Ions, Ionization potentials. Computation, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "SPAR computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, "Stopping power. SPAR is a FORTRAN 4 program that computes the stopping powers and ranges for muons, pions, protons, and heavy ions in any nongase- ous medium at energies from zero to several hundred GeV. The method of calculation and the input required are described, and computed stopping powers and ranges for various parti- cles slowing down in water and in tissue are given. PB-247 733/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Dept. of Mechani- cal and Nuclear Engineering. Evaluation of Fission Product After-Heat Annual rept. 1 May 74-30 Jun 75 B. I. Spinrad. 30 Jun 75, 1 16p NUREG-75/099 Contract AT(49-24)-0157 Descriptors: "Fission products, Mathematical prediction, Statistical analysis. Algorithms, Computation, Computer programs, Uranium 235, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Reactor shutdown, "After heat. The information available for prediction of fis- sion product heating following nuclear reactor shutdown was evaluated by reviewing the literature on fission product yields, decay schemes and energies. The result of this review was a critique of the data characterized by a set of recommended data with errors and ranges of error. The errors were evaluated in accordance with experimental and theoretical errors on the individual data and with constraints on the total data. The after-heat was predicted for a variety of reactor histories by summing the individual contribution of fission product energy deposi- tion at various times after reactor shutdown, with the main emphasis on the time between 0.1 and 1.000 seconds. The summation was re- peated for each history with basic data being al- lowed to vary within the constrained error of the after-heating. ENDF/B-IV, the most recent eval- uated fission product nuclide data set, served as the basic data source. The target was evalua- tion of after-heat from thermal converter reac- tors. The chief effort is on nuclides resulting from thermal fission of U-235. PB-248 207/3CP PC A25/MF A01 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Germantown, Md. Probabilistic Analysis Branch. Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Ac- cident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. Appendix VII. Release of Radioactivity in Reactor Accidents. Appendix VIII. Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents. Appendix IX. Safety Design Ra- tionale for Nuclear Power Plants. Appendix X. Design Adequacy Oct 75, 588p* Rept nos. WASH-1400-App-7-10, NUREG-75/014-App-7-10 Supersedes reports dated Aug 74, WASH-1400- APP-7-D, WASH-1400-APP-8-D, WASH-1400- APP-9-D, and WASH-1400-10-D. See also Ap- pendix 1 1 , PB-248 208. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as PB-248 200-SET. PC E99. Descriptors: "Nuclear power plants, "Nuclear reactor accidents, "Risk, "Radiation hazards. Fission products. Nuclear reactor safety, Nu- merical analysis, Computation, Pressurized water reactors. Boiling water reactors, Com- puter programs. No abstract available. PB-248 856/7CP PC A09/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, Colo. Inst, for Telecommunication Sciences. A Versatile Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Computer Program for Radio Waves in the Ionosphere Technical rept. R. Michael Jones, and Judith J. Stephenson. Oct 75, 195p Rept no. OTR-75-76 Descriptors: "Ionospheric propagation, "Ray tracing, "Computer programs. Radio transmis- sion, FORTRAN, Partial differential equations. Numerical integration. Identifiers: CDC 3800 computers. This report describes an accurate, versatile FORTRAN computer program for tracing rays through an anisotropic medium whose index of refraction varies continuously in three dimen- sions. Although developed to calculate the propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere, the program can be easily modified to do other types of ray tracing because of its organization into subroutine. The program can represent the refractive index by either the Appleton-Hartree or the Sen-Wyller formula, and has several ionospheric models for electron density pertur- bations to the electron density (irregulrities), the earth's magnetic field and electron collision frequency. For each path, the program can cal- culate group path length, phase path length, absorption, Doppler shift due to a time-varying ionosphere, and geometrical path length. In ad- dition to printing these parameters and the direction of the wave normal at various points along the ray path, the program can plot the projection of the ray path on any vertical plane or on the ground and punch the main charac- teristics of each ray path on cards. The docu- mentation includes equations, flow charts, pro- gram listings with comments, definitions of program variables, deck set-ups, description of input and output, and a sample case. PB-249 255/1CP PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Office of Developmental Automation and Control Technology. Guide to Improving the Performance of a Manipulator System for Nuclear Fuel Han- dling through Computer Controls Final rept. John M. Evans, Jr, James S. Albus, Anthony J. Barbera, Robert Rosenthal, and William B. Truitt. Nov 75, 53p* Rept no. NBSIR-75-973 Descriptors: "Nuclear fuel reprocessing, "Robots, "Computer programming, Remote 188 handling, Automatic control equipment, Nuclear fuels, Computer programs. Manipula- tors. Identifiers: Computer applications. The Office of Developmental Automation and Control Technology of the Institute for Com- puter Sciences and Technology of the National Bureau of Standards provides advising ser- vices, standards and guidelines on interface and computer control systems, and per- formance specifications for the procurement and use of computer controlled manipulators and other computer based automation systems. These outputs help other agencies and industry apply this technology to increase productivity and improve work quality by removing men from hazardous environments. In FY 74 person- nel from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory visited NBS to discuss the feasibility of using computer control techniques to improve the operation of remote control manipulators in nuclear fuel reprocessing. Subsequent discus- sions led to an agreement for NBS to develop a conceptual design for such a computer control system for the PaR Model 3000 manipulator in the Thorium Uranium Recycle Facility (TURF) at ORNL. This report provides the required analy- sis and conceptual design. Complete computer programs are included for testing of computer interfaces and for actual robot control in both point-to-point and continuous path modes. PB-249 541/4CP PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Nuclear Science Div. The NIRA Computer Program Package (Photonuclear Data Center) Final rept. H. J. Vander Molen, and Henry M. Gerstenberg. Feb 76, 33p Rept no. NBS-TN-903 Descriptors: "Photonuclear reactions, 'Computer programming, Nuclear cross sec- tions, Control sequences. The Photonuclear Data Center's NIRA library of programs, executable from mass storage on the National Bureau of Standard's central com- puter facility, is described. Detailed instructions are given (with examples), for the use of the library to analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and produce for publication, camera-ready tabular and graphical presentations of digital photonuclear reaction cross-section data. NIRA is the acronym for Nuclear Information Research Associate. PB-249 616/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. User's Manual for RELAP 3B-MOD 101. A Reactor System Transient Code Jan 76, 11 3p Rept no. NUREG-0004 Descriptors: 'Nuclear reactor safety, "Nuclear reactor accidents, "Computer programming, Surges, Radiation hazards, Heat transfer, Nuclear reactor reactivity. Mathematical models. Programming manuals. Water cooled reactors. Identifiers: "RELAP3B computer program, Loss of coolant. The RELAP3B computer program describes the behavior of water cooled reactors during postu- lated accidents or power transients, such as large reactivity excursions, coolant loss transient, steam line break accident and the class of transients called ATWS. The program calculates flows, mass and energy inventories, pressures, temperatures and steam qualities along with variables associated with reactor power, reactor heat transfer or control systems. PB-249 622/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Nuclear Associates International Corp., Rockville, Md. Advanced Recycle Methodology Program W. J. Eich. Dec 75, 55p EPRI-1 18-1 Descriptors: "Reactor cores, "Nuclear reactor kinetics, "Nuclear fuel cycles, "Nuclear fuel reprocessing, Computerized simulation. Com- puter programs, Bench marks. Identifiers: Light water reactors. In earlier work on this project preliminary specifications were outlined for a system of computer code modules for the analysis of light water reactor core physics, including thermal- hydraulic performance. The period of per- formance of this contract has been extended through January 31, 1976 (contract effective May 1, 1974), and additional work has been scoped. The body of this report summarizes the main accomplishments of the project through November 1975. PB-249 624/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Science Applications, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif. User's Guide for the WAM-BAM Computer Code F. L. Leverenz, and H. Kirch. Jan 76, 46p EPRI- 217-2-5 Descriptors: "Nuclear reactor safety. Computer programming. Boolean algebra, Gates(Circuits). Identifiers: "WAM BAM computer program, "Fault tree analysis. This report contains the information needed to use the WAM-BAM computer codes. These codes were developed to evaluate probabilisti- cally, systems modeled with complex Boolean algebra. A common example is a fault tree, whose gates, with WAM-BAM, can be any Boolean function (i.e., AND, OR, NAND, NOR, NOT). The current version operates on the CDC 6600 and CDC 7600 computers and requires 1 70000(base 8) words of storage. PB-250 743/2CP PC A08/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Materials Research. Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2, FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals Technical note Brian Dickens, and LeRoy W. Schroeder. Jan 76, 161p* Rept no. NBS-TN-893 GrantPHS-DE-40015 Prepared in cooperation with American Dental Association Health Foundation, Chicago, III. Research Inst., Grant PHS-DE-00572. Descriptors: "Crystal structure, "Epitaxy, "Twinning, "Crystal growth, "Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN, Grain boundaries. Calcium phosphates, Orientation. Identifiers: "MATCH1 computer program, "MATCH2 computer program, FORTRAN 5 pro- gramming language, UNIVAC-1 108 computers. Two computer programs to evaluate possible structural matches for use in epitaxy and twinning studies have been written in FOR- TRAN V for the UNIVAC 1108. They should be readily convertible to other comparable compu- ters. The first program, MATCH1, requires knowledge of the unit cell parameters. It ob- tains all matching networks in two unit cell lat- tices and sorts the matches into an order of probable epitaxy (or twinning if the two unit cells are the same) based solely on criteria of dimensional mismatch and network area. The second program, MATCH2, requires knowledge of positional parameters of the atoms in the crystal structures. It calculates the degree of structural fit for slices supplied from visual in- spection of the crystal structures or as matching networks determined by MATCH1. The slice comparison is carried out in terms of the vector set of the environment of each atom in each slice. The procedure is not valid when the twin operation is a rotation about the nor- mal of the compositional plane or a reflection in a mirror parallel to this plane. The atomic pat- terns comprising the slices are matched piece by piece in MATCH2. A third program, MATCH3, will match whole patterns once three fiducial atoms in each pattern have been picked from the output of MATCH2 and will handle all the twinning cases. This Technical Note explains the procedure in MATCH1 and MATCH2 and in- cludes examples of results. The programs are available on magnetic tape or card decks ob- tainable from the authors. PB-251 294/5CP PC A07/MF A01 New Technology, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Identification of Dynamic Characteristics of Nuclear Reactor Systems Final rept. Chun Hsu. Jan 76, 126p EPRI-302-1-FR Descriptors: "Nuclear reactor safety, "Reactor cores, Wear, Vibration, Surveillance, Damage, Computer programs, Spectrum signatures. Identifiers: NTI computer program. The feasibility of applying the Randomdec Signature technique as a potential diagnostic tool in the detection and prediction of core structural damage due to vibration and wear were demonstrated. The existing NTI computer program was modified and extended for characterizing flow-induced mechanical core vibrations from ex-core neutron detection. Cur- rent reactor operating data corresponding to various phases of operation were used to demonstrate its feasibility and to establish anal- ysis procedures for monitoring operating reac- tors. PB-251 717/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Office of Standards Development. Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water Reactors (BWR-GALE Code) Apr 76, 138p* Rept no. NUREG-0016 Descriptors: "Radioactive wastes, "Boiling water reactors, 'Computer programs, Mathe- matical models, Effluents, Radioactive materi- als, Environmental impacts. Nuclear reactor coolants, Gases, Nuclear power plants, Ventila- tion, Nuclear electric power generation, FOR- TRAN, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: BWR-GALE computet code. The document describes a computerized mathematical model for calculating the release of radioactive material in gaseous and liquid ef- fluents from nuclear power plants using boiling water reactors. The model is known as the BWR-GALE Code.' PB-251 718/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Office of Standards Development. Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR-GALE Code) Apr 76, 146p* Rept no. NUREG-0017 Descriptors: "Radioactive wastes, "Pressurized water reactors, "Computer programs, Mathe- matical models, Effluents, Radioactive materi- als, Environmental impacts. Nuclear reactor coolants, Gases, Nuclear power plants, Ventila- tion, Nuclear electric power generation, FOR- TRAN, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: PWR-GALE computer code. The document describes a computerized mathematical model for calculating the release of radioactive material in gaseous and liquid ef- 189 fluents from nuclear power plants using pres- surized water reactors. The model is known as the PWR-GALE Code.' PB-252 406/4CP PC A10/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Heat Transfer Lab. Post Critical Heat Transfer to Flowing Liquid in a Vertical Tube Final rept. David N. Plummer, Onwuamaeze C. Iloeje, Warren M. Rohsenow, Peter Griffith, and Ejup Ganic. Sep 74, 209p Rept no. TR-72718-91 Grant NSF-GK-1 7745 Descriptors: "Heat transfer, "Critical flow, Boil- ing water reactors, Heat flux, Film boiling, Nu- merical analysis, Computer programs, Transients, Heat transfer coefficient, Liquid nitrogen. Identifiers: FILMBOIL computer program. The heat transfer characteristics of a liquid in vertical upflow in a tube in which the critical heat flux has been exceeded is investigated. Using a novel transient experimental technique the entire forced convection boiling curve for liquid nitrogen was obtained for a given mass flux-quality combination from which paramet- ric effects of heater material, surface roughness and oxide scale, and dryout length on the dry wall film boiling region were determined. The results show that both increased roughness and oxide scale increase the post critical heat transfer. Increasing the dryout length decreases the heat transfer at a given mass flux-quality combination due to thermal nonequilibrium effects. No material effects were noted. PB-252 580/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacksburg. Coll. of Engineering. A Computer Program for the Simulation of X- Ray Diffraction Intensity Bands Final rept. J. Unnam, D. R. Tenney, J. A. Carpenter, and C. R. Houska. Feb 76, 68p Rept no. VPI-E-76-9 Grant NSF-GH-30180 Descriptors: "Diffusion, *X ray diffraction, "Computer programs, Crystal structure. Copper alloys, Nickel alloys, Single crystals, Compu- terized simulation, FORTRAN, Body centered cubic lattices, Face centered cubic lattices. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. A computer program has been developed to simulate the X-ray intensity diffracted from planar one-dimensional diffusion couples. It is written for cubic single crystals having any set of (hkl) planes parallel to the surface. Single or two-phase binary alloy systems can be treated provided the variation of lattice parameter with composition is known. A convolution subrou- tine is employed to allow for instrumental or other forms of X-ray line broadening. Cauchy or Gaussian broadening functions can be selected to broaden the K sub alpha 1 line. An auxiliary program has also been developed to calculate the X-ray reflectivity and linear absorption coef- ficient as a function of composition for any bi- nary alloy system that has either a body-cen- tered-cubic (BCC) or a face-centered-cubic (FCC) crystal structure. The reflectivities and linear absorption coefficients calculated by this program are used as input data to the X-ray in- tensity simulation program. Both programs are written in FORTRAN IV. PB-252 699/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Stanford Univ., Calif. Inst, for Plasma Research. A New Approach to the Study of Planar Plasma Pinch Stability Progress rept. Robert J. Barker, and Oscar Buneman. Jul 75, 50p Rept no. SU-IPR-635 Grant NSF-ENG73-03722 Descriptors: "Plasma pinch, "Computerized simulation, "Nuclear fusion, Mathematical models, Optimization, Finite element analysis, Maxwells equations, Computer programs. This report lays the necessary ground work for a systematic study of the stability of current- sheared (plywood model) planar, plasma pinches. The analysis will be carried out using a 'multi-stream', one-dimensional simulation. Details of a finite-element optimization scheme which may eventually be applied to increase the efficiency of the simulation are also provided. PB-252 758/8CP PC E03/MF A01 Energy, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. An Evaluation of State-Of-The-Art Two- Velocity Two-Phase Flow Models and Their Applicability to Nuclear Reactor Transient Analysis. Volume 3. Data Comparisons Final rept. J. H. McFadden, R W. Lyczkowski, and G. F. Niederauer. Feb 76, 92 EPRI/NP-143-Vol-3 Paper copy also available in set of 3 reports as PB-252 755-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: "Nuclear reactor safety, "Two phase flow. Mathematical models. Heat transfer. Finite difference theory. Computer programming. Identifiers: "Loss of coolant, UVUT computer code. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) sponsored this state-of-the-art review in order to provide the nuclear industry with a publicly available assessment of two volocity thermal- hydraulic models and their applicability to nuclear reactor technology. The two major ob- jectives of this state-of-the-art evaluation were: (1) document the basic theory in a consistent self-contained report; and (2) apply a prototype two-velocity' code (UVUT) to a limited number of separate effect tests. The results of this study are presented in three volumes. Volume 3 presents the data comparisons. PB-253 278/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Dept. of Nuclear and Chemical Engineering. Temperature and Eddy Diffusivity Distribu- tions in Fully Turbulent Pipe Flow Master's thesis Gail Ann Klein. Aug 74, 97p Grant NSF-GK-35776 Descriptors: "Pipe flow, "Heat transfer, "Liquid metals, Turbulence, Reynolds number, Partial differential equations. Mathematical models. Turbulent flow, Computer programs, Theses. A model consistent with the energy equation and a number of conditions is proposed to describe mean temperature and eddy diffusivity distributions for liquid metals in fully developed pipe flow (19000 < Re < 350000). Two func- tions, representing the eddy diffusivity of heat in the low and high Reynolds number ranges, respectively, were generated in this analysis, which, upon substitution into the turbulent energy equation, provide temperature profile data which are in reasonably good agreement with published experimental values. PB-254 391/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. SIGLEARN: A Program for Simultaneous Least-Squares Fitting of Thermal Neutron Cross Sections and Related Ratios D. A. Kottwitz. Feb 76, 76p EPRI/NP-168 Descriptors: "Thermal neutrons, "Neutron cross sections, Curve fitting, Least squares method, Computer programming, Computation. Identifiers: "SIGLEARN computer program. The computer program SIGLEARN has been written to assist in the evaluation of the shapes of neutron cross sections fissile nuclides in the thermal energy region. Specifically, the pro- gram employs the method of nonlinear least squares to fit simultaneously up to 7 different types of data for a single nuclide. The program is a special adaption of the general-purpose nonlinear least-squares program LEARN, which uses the Adler-Adler formulation for sigma f and sigma c, and the Breit-Wigner formula for sigma s. In addition to adjusting the free parameters and calculating the associated covariance matrix, the program performs a statistical evaluation of the quality of individual data points and relevance of parameter sub- sets. This report, on project 512, is the docu- mentation of the computer program and con- sists of 3 parts: (1) the application section or user's manual; (2) the problem definition; and (3) the programming information section. PB-254 425/2CP PC A10/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume I: Theory and Experiment Key Phase rept Richard Alan Smith, and Peter Griffith. May 76, 212pEPRI/NP-151-Vol-1 See also Volume 2, PB-254 426. Descriptors: "Nuclear reactor coolants, "Two phase flow, "Digital simulation, "Pressurized water reactors, "Heat flux, Surges, Unsteady flow, Computer programming, Computation, Theses. Identifiers: Loss of coolant, BACTRAC 3 com- puter program, Ethane/trichloro-trifluoro, FORTRAN 4 programming language. This investigation, produced a self-consistent physically based procedure for calculating when the vapor blanketing or Critical Heat Flux (CHF) conditions develop in a constant pres- sure rapid flow reversal transient. The method uses steady state CHF correlations with transient predictions of local fluid conditions and adequately predicts the CHF level, time, and location in high pressure FREON 113 flow reversal transients. An analysis shows that under conditions of a pipe break, even if CHF did not occur, complete voiding of liquid coo- lant from the core could occur in from one to two seconds. The homogeneous two phase model is shown to be adequate for analysis of rapid flow reversal transients, and a computer program (BACTRAC3) is included for either pressure drop forced or inlet flow forced one- dimensional simulation of such complicated constant pressure rapid flow transients. Volume I is theory and experiment. PB-254 426/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume II: Analytical Techniques Key Phase rept. Richard Alan Smith, and Peter Griffith. May 76, 162pEPRI/NP-151-Vol-2 See also Volume 1 , PB-254 425. Descriptors: "Nuclear reactor coolants, "Two phase flow, "Digital simulation, "Pressurized water reactors, "Heat flux, Surges, Unsteady flow. Partial differential equations, Finite dif- ference theory, Computer programs, Computa- tion, Fluorohydrocarbons, FORTRAN. Identifiers: BACTRAC 3 computer program, Loss of coolant, Ethane/trichloro-trifluoro, FORTRAN 4 programming language. Method of characteristics. This investigation produced a self-consistent physically based procedure for calculating when the vapor blanketing or Critical Heat Flux (CHF) conditions develop in a constant pres- 190 sure rapid flow reversal transient. The method uses steady state CHF correlations with transient predictions of local fluid conditions and adequately predicts the CHF level, time, and location in high pressure FREON 113 flow reversal transients. An analysis shows that under conditions of a pipe break, even if CHF did not occur, complete voiding of liquid coo- lant from the core could occur in from one to two seconds. The homogeneous two phase model is shown to be adequate for analysis of rapid flow reversal transients, and a computer program (BACTRAC3) is included for either pressure drop forced or inlet flow forced one- dimensional simulation of such complicated constant pressure rapid flow transients. Volume I is theory and experiment; Volume II is analytical techniques. PB-254 968/1CP PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Application of a Drift-Flux Model to Flashing in Straight Pipes C. W. Hirt, and N. C. Romero. Jul 76, 20p LA- 6005-MS, NR-DRSR-001 Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: "Unsteady flow, 'Pipe flow, 'Nuclear reactor safety. Two dimensional flow, Equations of motion, Computation, Computer programming. Identifiers: 'SOLA-DF computer program. A new computer program, SOLA-DF, has been written to solve the unsteady, two-dimensional equations of motion for a two-phase mixture. The equations solved are based on the drift-flux approximation and include a phase transition model and a general drift velocity calculation. In this report the SOLA-DF code is used for a study of the blowdown of straight pipes initially filled with water at high temperature and pres- sure. Computed results are presented that show the relative importance of phase transi- tion rates, pipe friction, drift velocity mag- nitude, and other model variations. The com- puted results are also compared with experi- mental data. PB-255 405/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Science Applications, Inc., Oakland, Calif. 'Stealth' A Lagrange Explicit Finite-Difference Code for Solids Structural, and Ther- mohydraulic Analysis Technical rept. Ronald Hofmann. Jun 76, 84p TR-1 , EPRI/NP- 176 Descriptors: 'Nuclear reactors, 'Computerized simulation, 'Finite difference theory, Computer programming, Continuum mechanics, Thermal analysis, Hydrodynamics, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: 'STEALTH computer program, 'Computer aided design. A useful computer simulation method based on the explicit finite-difference technique can be used to address transient dynamic situations associated with nuclear reactor design and analysis. This report, on project 307, contains an introduction to explicit finite-difference technology, the theoretical background (physical and numerical) a review of some ex- plicit codes, a discussion of nuclear reactor ap- plications, and a brief description of EPRI's STEALTH codes, STEALTH computer code manuals are available which describe the nu- merical equations, programming architecture, input conventions, sample and verification problems, and plotting system. The STEALTH codes are based entirely on the published technology of the Lawrence Livermore Labora- tory (LLL), Livermore, California, and Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. PB-256 282/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacksburg. Div. of Minerals Engineering. Iterative and Finite Difference Computer Pro- grams for Diffusion in Single and Two Phase Systems Final rept. J. Unnam, and C. R. Houska. Jan 76, 105p NSF- GH-30180A-1 Grant NSF-GH-30180 Descriptors: 'Diffusion theory, 'Finite dif- ference theory, 'Computer programs. Atomic theory, Boltzmann equation. Mathematical models, Partial differential equations. Compu- tation, FORTRAN. Four computer programs are included in this report which describe atomic diffusion in finite, single and two-phase systems. They are restricted to planar, one-dimensional systems. However, the diffusion coefficient may vary continuously with composition and need not be fitted to special functions. Consequently, smoothed experimental coefficients can be used as input. Two of the programs are iterative solutions based upon modified Boltzmann in- tegral functions. Both require two to three mag- nitudes less computer time than the cor- responding finite-difference calculations and are readily used to determine diffusion coeffi- cients by a trial and error fitting of the composi- tion profile. Two finite difference programs are also included which treat the same problem conditions. PB-256 480/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Heat Transfer and Carryover of Low Pressure Water in a Heated Vertical Tube Master's thesis Thomas A. Smith. Aug 76, 1 15p NUREG-0105 Contract AT(49-24)-0230 See also PB-256 481. Descriptors: 'Nuclear reactor coolants, 'Heat transfer, Nuclear reactor safety. Low pressure research, Numerical analysis, Theses. Identifiers: 'Loss of coolant, FLECHT computer program. Local heat transfer coefficients in the stable film boiling and dispersed flow regimes were studied for the upward flow of low pressure water in a heated vertical tube. Wall tempera- tures were maintained constant with time and along the tube so that both axial and time tem- perature gradients approached zero. Heat flux along the tube was not constant but was ap- plied so as to maintain a steady state tempera- ture profile. A preheater was used to bring the liquid to saturation before it entered the main portion of the test section and in some cases the equilibrium quality was greater than zero at the entrance to the main test section. PB-256 639/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Dept. of Architectural Engineering. Sound Power Measurements in Reverbera- tion Chambers Final rept. Jun 73-Jan 76 Jiri Tichy, Martin J. Brien, and Kenneth P. Roy. Jan 76, 234p NBS-GCR-76-59 Contract NBS-4-9030 Descriptors: 'Acoustic measurement, 'Diffusers, 'Test chambers, Elastic waves. Wave propagation, Spectrum analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Reverberation chambers, 'Acoustic chambers, Rotating diffusers. Analytic and experimental studies of the effect of moving diffusers on the precision and accu- racy of reverberation room measurements are reported. The analytic model involves numeri- cal computations of the sound field produced by a point source in a rectangular room with one moving wall The results of computations using this model suggest that a moving diffuser reduces spatial variation of sound fields from pure tone sources, improving the precision of the measurement, but do not necessarily im- prove the measurement accuracy when per- formed in accordance with present standard practice. The effectiveness of the diffuser is found to depend on room absorption, source position and frequency, in the low frequency band studied. Experimental measurements on scale model rotating diffusers are reported, which confirm these trends. PB-257 376/4CP PC A03/MF A01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion, Boulder, Colo. Wave Propagation Lab. A Stellar Scintillometer for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles Technical memo. G. R. Ochs, Ting-i Wang, and F. Merrem. Apr 76, 26p Rept no. NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-15 Contract F30602-74-0108 Descriptors: 'Extraterrestrial atmospheres, 'Optical measuring instruments, Atmospheric attenuation, Light transmission. Optical detec- tors, Refractive index, Remote sensing. Com- puter programs, BASIC programming lan- guage. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric transmissivity, Optical spatial filters, 'Stellar scintillometers. An optical system for measuring refractive-tur- bulence profiles in the atmosphere is described. The instrument measures the profile along the light path to a star by analyzing the scintillation of the star by the atmosphere. The circuit diagram, computer program, and operating instructions for the instrument are in- cluded. PB-257 728/6CP CP T04 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analysis of Crystallographic Quantities Software LeRoy W. Schroeder, and Brian Dickens. Jan 76, mag tape NBS-11916, NBS/DF-76/004 Source tape is in BCD character set. Tape can be prepared in most standard 7 or 9 track recording modes for one-half inch tape. Identify recording mode desired by specifying character set, tract, density, and parity. Call NTIS Computer Products if you have questions. Price includes documentation, PB-257 729. Descriptors: 'Crystallography, 'Software, 'Crystal structure, FORTRAN, Computation, Least squares method, Statistical analysis. Computer programs. Magnetic tape. Identifiers: UNIVAC-1 108 computers. This Report describes a FORTRAN computer program for evaluation of (1) the results of crystallographic least-squares refinements by examination of the residuals, (2) differences in sets of data collected by different methods from the same crystal, (3) differences in data sets collected by the same method from different crystals of the same material, and (4) the dif- ferences in parameters in different models representing the crystal structure of the same material. Part of the evaluation is accomplished by plots of residuals against the expected nor- mal distribution quantities. Additional plots compare residuals with the independent varia- ble, d*, and with the calculated variable F(c squared)sin 2 theta. The Miller indices can be used to divide a data set into various classes and octants so that the possibility of anisotrop- ic effects can be examined. The program will treat up to 7200 data points in each of two ex- perimental data sets or 1000 structural parame- ters, and is oriented specifically towards ex- amining crystallographic data. 191 PB-257 729/4CP PC A08/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Inst, for Materials Research. Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: Status. A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analysis of Crystallographic Quantities Final rept. LeRoy W. Schroeder, and Brian Dickens. Jan 76, 153pNBSIR-76-1102, NBS/DF-76/004a For system on magnetic tape, see PB-257 728. Descriptors: 'Crystallography, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Crystal structure, FORTRAN, Computa- tion, Statistical analysis, Programming manuals. Identifiers: UNIVAC-1 108 computers. This Report describes a FORTRAN computer program for evaluation of (1) the results of crystallographic least-squares refinements by examination of the residuals, (2) differences in sets of data collected by different methods from the same crystal, (3) differences in data sets collected by the same method from different crystals of the same material, and (4) the dif- ferences in parameters in different models representing the crystal structure of the same material. Part of the evaluation is accomplished by plots of residuals against the expected nor- mal distribution quantities. Additional plots compare residuals with the independent varia- ble, d*, and with the calculated variable F(c squared)/sin 2 theta. The Miller indices can be used to divide a data set into various classes and octants so that the possibility of anisotrop- ic effects can be examined. The program will treat up to 7200 data points in each of two ex- perimental data sets or 1000 structural parame- ters, and is oriented specifically towards ex- amining crystallographic data. PB-258 556/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, Colo. Inst. forTelecommunication Sciences. Predicting the Performance of High Frequen- cy Sky-Wave Telecommunication Systems (the Use of the HFMUFES 4 Program) George W Haydon, Margo Leftin, and Rayner K. Rosich. Sep 76, 1 65p Rept no. OTR-76-102 Descriptors: "Ionospheric propagation, High frequencies, Radio transmission, Forecasting, Radio communication. Punched cards, Predic- tions. Identifiers: HFMUFES 4 computer program. The report describes the input information required and the outputs available from the latest version of the OT/ITS high-frequency sky-wave system performance prediction pro- gram (HFMUFES 4). Input requirements and typical output formats are described including their application in the planning and operation of high frequency communication systems using sky waves. The report stresses the mechanics of using HFMUFES 4 or its output rather than the theoretical aspects of the pre- diction method. The report is directed primarily toward new users of HF sky-wave predictions. Planned improvements in the predictions, ex- pected benefits from these improvements and progress toward these improvements are a part of the report. PB-259 121/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics. Effect of Electrode Geometry on the Tanh Conductivity Arc Model Interim rept. Bejoy K. Choudhury, and Ira M. Cohen. Sep 76, 48pMEAM-76-6, EPRI-378-1/3 See also PB-250 962. Descriptors: 'Electric arcs, 'Electric discharges, 'Electrodes, Heat transfer. Electro- static charge, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Electrical resistivity, functions. Identifiers: Galerkin method. Hyperbolic Conservation of energy for the temperature field is solved jointly with conservation of charge for the electrostatic potential for an arc in which the effects of convection and radiation are neglected. The electrical conductivity is modeled by a hyperbolic tangent function. Pro- late spheroidal coordinates are used to emphasize the effects of electrode shape. Elec- trodes are chosen as hyperboloids of revolution (varying from needle-like to planar) and the bounding wall is a prolate spheroid. Approxi- mate solutions are obtained by Galerkin's method. Current-voltage characteristics, arc shapes, and heat transfer to the electrodes and bounding wall are obtained. It was found that current-voltage characteristics are sensitive to electrode geometry and temperature. Blunt and hot electrodes yield monotonically increasing characteristics. Cooling the electrodes and in- creasing their tip curvature both act to increase the voltage to drive a given current, especially for small currents, giving characteristics with distinct maxima and minima. The blunter the cathode, the larger the potential difference to drive a given current. The results also indicate that equipotentials are very close to coordinate lines justifying an assumption of a one-dimen- sional electric field made elsewhere. PB-260 927/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Ocean Engineering Program. Supplemental Lighting for Underwater Photography. A Computer Program for Design Analysis Bernard D. Greeson, and Robert E. Randall. Sep 76, 86p COE-194, TAMU-SG-76-212, NOAA-76092303 Grant NOAA-04-5-1 58-19 Descriptors: "Underwater light, 'Underwater photography, Design criteria. Light scattering, Computer programs. Cameras, Mathematical analysis. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Oceanographic equipment. Objectives are to discuss some mathematical expressions which can be used to analyze the design of an underwater lighting system, to in- troduce a computer program which can be used to solve these expressions by numerical techniques, and to illustrate the use of this pro- gram in the design of two hypothetical lighting arrangements. Mathematical expressions for the image contrast, spectral radiance, and overall brightness of the light received by the camera are developed. A computer program is described which numerically solves the mathe- matical equations for image contrast, spectral radiance, and over-all brightness for a particu- lar lighting system. The underwater lighting system can be evaluated rather inexpensively and quickly on the computer prior to an actual underwater test. Two hypothetical lighting situations are evaluated to demonstrate the capabilities of the computer program. PB-261 183/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. Electromagnetic Scattering by Multiple Con- ductors in the Earth Due to a Plane Wave Source Final rept. Walter L. Anderson, Gerald W. Hohmann, and Bruce D. Smith. 1976, 78p Rept no. USGS/GD- 76/019 Report on DEC system - 10 Documentation, Program SCATPW Prepared in cooperation with Kennecott Exploration, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Computer programs, Computation, Time shar- ing, Fourier transformation, Greens function. Numerical integration, Bessel functions, Plane waves. Identifiers: 'SCATPW computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, DEC-10 com- puters. A DECsystem-10 FORTRAN 4 program (called SCATPW) is described for computing the elec- tromagnetic scattering by multiple conductors in the earth due to a plane wave source. The plane wave mode is for the electric field parallel to the strike of multiple two-dimensional rectangular bodies buried in a conductive half- space, where each body has the same constant conductivity contrast with respect to the half- space. An option is provided to simulate dipping bodies. The program computes at the surface: apparent resistivity, impedance, ellip- ticity, tilt-angle, and the electric and magnetic field components over the bodies. The numeri- cal technique involves an approximation to an integral equation, which only requires a solu- tion within the cross-sectional bodies and not thoughout the half-space. For this reason, the method is practical in terms of computer speed and storage requirements for modeling simple rectangular structures. The report defines pro- gram input parameters in detail for proper pro- gram execution. The complete (psuedo ANSI) FORTRAN 4 source code is listed, along with four example input/output problems and exter- nal plots of the results. PB-264 519/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, Colo. Inst. forTelecommunication Sciences. An Automated Technique for Calculating In- terference from Airborne Transmitters to Ter- restrial Receivers Technical memo. John K. Wheeler, and Eldon J. Haakinson. Feb 77, 82p* Rept no. OTR-77-1 10 Descriptors: 'Radiofrequency interference. Microwave communication. Computation, Computer programming. Identifiers: ATTIC computer program, Ground stations. A computer program (ATTIC) has been developed with the ability to automatically com- pute and plot interference contours around ex- isting microwave systems when new airborne systems are proposed or planned. The frequen- cy manager or spectrum analyst can utilize ATTIC to vary the airborne system parameters and examine the size of the interference con- tours. The ATTIC program implements a procedure for determining the level of inter- ference generated in a terrestrial microwave terminal (or system of microwave terminals) by an airborne telecommunication system. The output of this procedure is a set of contours defining those aircraft positions which produce a constant signal-to-interference (S/l) ratio to the terrestrial systems being analyzed. The S/l contours are plotted on a map with U.S. state boundaries. The user supplies the basic aircraft data while the terrestrial receiver(s) data are ob- tained from a computer accessible data base. Although program flow and program limitations will be discussed in this report, emphasis is on implementing ATTIC, interpreting the output, and presenting sample analyses. PB-266 615/4CP PC A09/MF A01 Idaho Univ., Moscow. Center for Applied Ther- modynamic Studies. Guide for the Use of Computer Programs for Least Squares Fitting of Equations of State to Thermodynamic Data. Volume II. Programs for Simultaneous Fitting of Multiple Data Forms Using Stepwise Regression R. T. Jacobsen, R. B Stewart, and T. Christian. Apr 76, 181pReptno. CATS-76/4 Contract NSF-ENG75-03275 192 Descriptors: "Equations of state, 'Least squares method, "Computer programs, "Oxygen, "Thermodynamic properties, Computation, Regression analysis, Specific heat, Saturation, Liquid phases, Vapor phases, Fortran. Identifiers: IBM 370 computers. Computer programs developed at the Center for Applied Thermodynamic Studies at the University of Idaho for incorporating several data forms in a multiple stepwise regression in the determination of a thermodynamic equation of state are described. Methods are included for incorporating P-rho-T data, isochoric heat capacity data, saturation density data (to define liquid-vapor phase equilibrium criteria), velocity of sound data, and second virial coeffi- cients in the determination of an equation of state. The weighted least squares fit uses polynomial functions of up to 50 terms with large sets of measured data. Provisions are in- cluded for the selective elimination of in- dividual terms on the basis of a statistical analy- sis of the fit. These programs were prepared specifically for the development of a ther- modynamic formulation for oxygen and must be modified for use with other fluids. PB-267 278/OCP PC A06/MF A01 Notre Dame Univ., Ind. Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. UNDSAFE-I: A Computer Code for Buoyant Flow in an Enclosure Technical rept. K. T. Yang, and L. C. Chang. 1 Mar 77, 106p TR- 79002-77-1, NBS-GCR-77-84 Descriptors: "Fires, "Buildings, "Computer pro- grams, "Fluid dynamics, Numerical analysis, Doors, Windows, Openings, Pressure distribu- tion. Ceilings, Floors, Models, Fortran. Identifiers: UNDSAFE 1 computer program, Buoyant flow, Fire spread, "Corridor fires, Fire research. This report describes a numerical computer code known as UNDSAFE-1 for predicting the flow, temperature and pressure fields in a sim- ple two-dimensional rectangular enclosure due to a volumetric heat source. It accommodates either a doorway or a window, and a variety of conditions such as location, extent and strength of the heat source as well as various thermal boundary conditions along the ceiling and the floor of the enclosure. Physical effects taken into account in this code include strong buoyancy, compressibility, and turbulence. The code is fully documented and explained in this report in terms of input data and format as well as available output options. A com plete numeri- cal example is presented. PB-267 717/7CP PC A12/MF A01 Connecticut Univ., Storrs. Inst, of Water Resources. The Effect of Aeration on Water Jet Spread- ing Doctoral thesis Anthony Hsu-An Hsia. 1977, 259p OWRT-A-050- CONN(5) Descriptors: "Water flow, "Jet flow, "Aeration, Two phase flow, Hydrodynamics, Bubbles, Tur- bulent flow, Velocity, Temperature, Computer programs, Experimental data, Differential equa- tions, Numerical integration, Theses. Identifiers: Submerged jets. Theoretical and experimental studies were made on jet characteristics when a large number of small air bubbles (.050 to .080 in dia) were injected into the submerged water jet to form a two phase flow. In experimental studies for both axisymmetric and planar aerated jets, initial jet velocity was varied from 1.39 to 9.23 ft/sec, initial air to mixture void fraction from to .495, initial temperature difference between the jet and its ambient from to 34. 2C, and for the aerated planar jet tests, submergence from 4.9 to 14.9 in. Respective influences from these parameters on jet behavior were investigated. The dependent variables measured included jet trajectory, local jet diameter or thickness for a planar jet, and centerline temperature decay. The theoretical analyses for both axisymmetric and planar aerated jets were based on a separated-flow model in which fundamental equations characterizing each phase of the air- water mixture were included. The system of dif- ferential equations was solved numerically and yielded predictions in agreement with the ex- perimental data. PB-270 714/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria (South Africa). Chemical Engineering Research Group. Flow Rate and Property-Related Flux from Point Measurements in a Duct. User's Guide to the FORTRAN Program EMIT 2 D. G. Rogers. Jul 77, 16p Rept nos. CSIR-CENG- 192, ISBN-0-7988-1161-7 Descriptors: "Flow rate, "Ducts, "Heat transmis- sion, "Dust, Computer programming, Fluid flow, Laminar flow. Aspect ratio, Fortran, Manuals, South Africa, Velocity, Mathematical models. Surfaces. Identifiers: EMIT 2 computer program. The program EMIT, for calculating fluid- and property-related (e.g., dust or heat) flow rates from point measurements in a duct using sur- face fitting techniques, has been extended to include laminar flow fields and high aspect ratio ducts. An improved surface fitting routine has been incorporated and the data input sim- plified. PB-273 921/7CP PC A02/MF A01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion, Boulder, Colo. Wave Propagation Lab. Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measure- ment of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles Technical memo. G. R. Ochs, Ting-i Wang, and F. Merrem. Apr 77, 24p NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-25, NOAA-77092205 Sponsored in part by Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, N.Y. Descriptors: "Optical measuring instruments, "Scintillation counters, Telescopes, At- mospheric attenuation, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Light transmission, Optical de- tectors, Refractive index, Remote sensing. Spa- tial filtering, Instrumentation, BASIC pro- gramming language. Identifiers: "Atmospheric transmissivity, "Scintillometers. An optical system for measuring refractive-tur- bulence profiles in the atmosphere is described. The instrument measures the profile along the light path to a star by analyzing the scintillation of the star by the atmosphere, and is an improved version of an earlier system. The circuit diagram, computer program, and operating instructions for the instrument are in- cluded. PB-274 119/7CP PCA04/MFA01 Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. Calculation of Standard Transient and Frequency Sounding Curves for a Horizontal Wire Source of Arbitrary Length Final rept. James Kauahikaua, and Walter L. Anderson. 1977, 63p Rept no. USGS/GD-77/007 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic propecting, "Computer programs, Electric fields, Magnetic fields, Computation, Electric wire, Stratifica- tion, Fortran, Frequency response, Transient response, Numerical integration, Integral equa- tions, Electromagnetic fields. Identifiers: Fortran 4 programming language, MULTICS system. A Honeywell Multics Fortran 4 program is described for numerically computing all Carte- sian components of both electric and magnetic fields about a grounded horizontal electric dipole, a finite wire source of arbitrary length, or an infinite wire for the quasistatic case over an isotropic horizontally stratified earth. Closed form expressions and rapid numerical methods have been developed to compute the fields about the finite-length grounded wire. The fields may be computed as functions of time or frequency. The program listing, documenta- tion, and some example terminal sessions are included. PB-274 650/1CP PC A02/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Fluid Meters Section. A Computer Code for the Simulation of Turbu- lent Swirling Flow Through Closed-Conduit Flow Meters Final rept. R. W. Davis, and E. F. Moore. Dec 77, 13p Rept no. NBSIR-77-1394 Descriptors: "Flowmeters, "Turbulent flow, Computerized simulation, Fluid flow. Swirling, Pipe flow. Identifiers: Closed conduits, TEACH computer code. A computer code is presented for the simula- tion of turbulent swirling flow through closed- conduit flow meters. The code is reasonably fast and accurate. The response of a flow meter to changes in its operating environment is easi- ly assessed. Through the use of computer plotting routines, a complete picture of the flowfield through a meter can be obtained. An example flowfield for a target meter is presented. PB-274 712/9CP PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Optics and M icrometrology Section. An Improved Photographic Edge-Artifact Final rept. William R. Smallwood, and Richard E. Swing. Aug 76, 49p Rept no. NBSIR-76-1 129 Descriptors: "Photographic acutance, "Edges, "Densitometers, Calibrating, Optical measure- ment, Standards, X rays. Tests, Tantalum, Photographic images, Computer programs, BASIC programming language. Identifiers: Microdensitometry, DOODAH com- puter program. The history of edge-objects for use in optical and photographic testing is briefly reviewed. A summary is presented of the techniques developed at NBS in 1965 for producing photo- graphic edges by x-ray exposures of High Resolution Plates with a tantalum strip to generate the discontinuity. The report then covers the development of an improved method for producing these edge-artifacts. It is shown that with x-ray exposure, the relation of density to exposure is linear up to densities of approxi- mately 2.0. This linear relation is then exploited to produce two kinds of edge-artifacts. Both ar- tifacts contain ten (10) values of density and three edge-discontinuities. The edges on one artifact have the same value of contrast, with different mean densities, while the edges on the other have different values of contrast. The use of each type is discussed. Techniques for deter- mining exposures, for determining the trans- mittances of the aluminum step tablets used to modulate x-ray exposure and for determining the linear relation between density and expo- sure are presented in mathematical detail and exemplified in subsequent illustrative experi- ments. 193 PB-275 574/2CP PC A07/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Basic Standards. Interactive Computer Program for the Deter- mination of Reverberation Time Final rept. Thomas W. Bartel. Dec 77, 128p Rept no. NBSIR-77-1383 Descriptors: 'Reverberation, "Computer pro- grams, "Acoustic absorption, Computation, Acoustic velocity, Acoustic measurement, Real time operations, Microphones, Random noise. Identifiers: Fortran 5 programming language. A description of the computer program used to measure the reverberation time in a reverbera- tion room is presented. The program controls the operation of a real-time analyzer, a random noise generator, and a microphone multiplexer. The reverberation time for each digitally recorded decay curve is determined from a straight line least-squares fit. The program is written in Fortran 5 and requires approximately 35,000 eight-bit bytes of core memory. Flow charts, source listings, and sample printouts are included. PB-277 152/5CP PC A14/MF A01 Washington Univ., Seattle. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Calculation of Complex Propagating Modes in Arbitrary, Plane-Layered, Complex Dielectric Structures. I. Analytic Formulation. II. Fortran Program MODEIG Technical rept. Robert B. Smith, and Gordon L. Mitchell. Dec 77, 301 p Rept nos.UW-EE-TR-206,UW-TR-206 Grant NSF-ENG76-09937 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic wave propaga- tion, Computer programs, Dielectrics, Layers, Fortran, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Gallium ar- senide lasers, Semiconductor lasers. Identifiers: MODEIG computer program, "Optical waveguides, Planar structures. In- tegrated optics, Two point boundary value problems. A method is presented for calculating complex eigenmodes of propagation in plane-layered structures composed of homogeneous, isotropic materials having arbitrary complex dielectric properties. The formulation is completely general, permitting any number of guiding and non-guiding layers, with loss or gain each layer. All modes having complex propagation constants and field distributions can be calculated with equal ease. These in- clude modes having gain or attentuation in the direction of propagation, and having bounded or unbounded, leaky, or radiative properties in the transverse direction. A 2x2 vector-matric representation for the differential equations, field solutions, and boundary conditions is used, which permits a simple constructive definition for the characteristic equation re- gardless of the complexity of any particular structure. A general complex root-searching al- gorithm is used to calculate the mode eigen- values, and several novel features greatly im- prove the efficiency of the search. Field dis- tributions and power density across the struc- ture may be efficiently calculated using the same 2x2 matrix multiplications. A Fortran pro- gram has been written to implement the calcu- lations, and a listing is included. The program has proved to be highly efficient and accurate. PB-277 274/7CP PC A02/MF A01 Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center. Coupled Gasdynamics and Kinetics During Condensation by a Rarefaction Wave Rept. of investigations David R. Forshey, and Welby G. Courtney. 1977, 22p Rept no. BuMines-RI-8256 Descriptors: "Detonation waves, "Rarefied gas dynamics, Reaction kinetics, Shock waves, Condensation reactions, Shock tubes. Identifiers: Method of characteristics, SHOCK computer program, DOWNSTREAM computer program. A quantitative theoretical analysis is presented of a coupled gasdynamics/heat release system involving the kinetics of water condensation in and behind the rarefaction wave in a shock tube using the method of characteristics. The merger of characteristics to form a shock wave is included. PPPL-1335 PC A02/MF A01 Princeton Univ., N.J. Plasma Physics Lab. Monte Carlo Algorithm for Calculating Neutral Gas Transport in Plasmas M. H. Hughes, and D. E. Post. Mar 77, 24p Contract EY-76-C-02-3073 Descriptors: "Transport theory, Tokamak type reactors, Algorithms, Atoms, Backscattering, Computer codes. Diffusion, Gases, Impurities, Molecules, Monte carlo method. Sputtering. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, 'Plasmas(Physics). A Monte Carlo treatment of neutral gas trans- port is described. The model is implemented in a code which is sufficiently fast and compact to be incorporated as part of a radial diffusion code. Models for backscattering and sputtering at surfaces are included as options. (ERA cita- tion 02:044522) PPPL-1384 PC A04/MF A01 Princeton Univ., N.J. Plasma Physics Lab. Multigroup Calculations of Low Energy Neutral Transport in Tokamak Plasmas J. G. Gilligan, S. L. Gralnick, W. G. Price, Jr, and T. Kammash. Sep 77, 68p Contract EY-76-C-02-3073 Descriptors: "Plasma, "Tokamak type reactors, Computer codes, Discrete ordinate method, Plasma density, Plasma sheath, Tftr device, Transport theory. Identifiers: ERDA/700105. Multigroup discrete ordinates methods avoid many of the approximations that have been used in previous neutral transport analyses. Of particular interest are the neutral profiles generated as an integral part of larger plasma system simulation codes. To determine the ap- propriateness of utilizing a particular mul- tigroup code, ANISN, for this purpose, results are compared with the neutral transport module of the Duchs code. For a typical TFTR plasma, predicted neutral densities differ by a maximum factor of three on axis and outfluxes at the plasma boundary by 40%. This is found to be significant for a neutral transport module. Possible sources of the observed discrepancies are indicated from an analysis of the approxi- mations used in the Duchs model. Recommen- dations are made concerning the future appli- cation of the multigroup method. (ERA citation 03:016204) PRNC-160 PC A05/MF A01 Puerto Rico Nuclear Center, Mayaguez. Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spectra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides A. E. Gileadi, and N. Kuppusamy. Jan 73, 80p Contract AT(40-1)-1833 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *P codes, "Li- drifted ge detectors, "Gamma spectra, 'Gamma spectrometers, "Data processing, "Radioisotopes, Gamma spectra, Fortran, Gamma spectroscopy, Ibm computers, Pdp computers. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 01 , number 00497. RD/B/N-1915 PC E01 MF A01 Central Electricity Generating Board, Berkeley (England). Berkeley Nuclear Labs. A Theoretical Study of the Structure of Atomic Collision Cascades. Part I. Method of Analy- sis G. A. Wheeler, and R. L. Woolley. Mar 71 , 35p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Solids. "Computer programs, "Ions, For abstract, see NSA 25 1 6, number 38543. RD/B/N-1962 PC E01 MF A01 Central Electricity Generating Board, Berkeley (England). Berkeley Nuclear Labs. Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfold- ing Spectra. Part I. Theory, Discussion, and Results J. P. Longworth. May 71 , 42p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 02, number 03503. RD/B/N-1963 PC E01 MF A01 Central Electricity Generating Board, Berkeley (England). Berkeley Nuclear Labs. Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfold- ing Spectra. Part 2. Program Details and User Instructions J. P. Longworth. May 71 , 39p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Spectrometers. For abstract, see NSA 25 23, number 55042. PC E01 MF A01 Energy Lab., Chilton RHEL/R-205 Rutherford High (England). Computer Graphics Patching of Failed Cyclops Events for a Spark Chamber Experi- ment. SB. M.Bell. Aug 70, 38p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Particle tracks, 'Radiation detectors/ spark chamber. For abstract, see NSA 25 02, number 02486. RISO-M-1348 PC E01 MF A01 Danish Atomic Energy Commission, Risoe. Research Establishment. Mosspec- a Programme for Resolving Moess- bauer Spectra A. J. Stone, H. J. Aagaard, and J. Fenger. Feb 71,42p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Moessbauer effect. For abstract, see NSA 25 13, number 30688. RL-76-029/A MF A01 Science Research Council, Chilton (England). Rutherford Lab. Gfun3d User Guide A. G. Armstrong, C. J. Collie, N. J. Diserens, M. J. Newman, and J. Simkin. Nov 76, 1 p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Magnetic materials, Diagrams, Electric conductors, G codes, Ibm computers, Interactive display devices, Magnetic fields, Magnets, Planning, Specifications. Identifiers: ERDA/430200, Great Britain. 194 The GFUN 3D computer program is primarily a design tool for calculating the magnetic fields for a system of conductors and non-linear (variable permeability) magnetic materials in three dimensions. The package was developed at the Rutherford Laboratory for use with the IBM 360/195 computer and interactive graphics terminals. Detailed instructions for submitting and using the computer program are presented, together with several examples showing how practical magnet problems can be solved. (Atomindex citation 08:301598) MF A01 Chilton (UK). RL-76-076/B Science Research Council, Rutherford Lab. Application Software for Multi-Wire Beam Profile Monitors J. C. Kerr. Jun 76, 7p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Beam monitors, "Linear accelera- tors, Beam monitoring, Beam profiles, Com- puter codes, Computers, Data acquisition, Data processing, Display devices, Mev range 10-100, On-line measurement systems, Proton beams, Protons, Wires. Identifiers: ERDA/430300, Great Britain. The beam distribution in the X and Y planes, at various points in a 70 MeV Proton Linear Ac- celerator are measured using multi-wire beam profile monitors. A GEC 4080 Computer is used on-line, for data collection, processing and dis- play. This paper describes an Application Process (program) used to process the data from the beam profile monitors. (Atomindex citation 08:310848) RL-76-140/B MF A01 Science Research Council, Chilton (UK). Rutherford Lab. Data Logging on the Nimrod 70 Mev Linac I. Lisney. Nov 76, 20p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Nimrod, Camac system, Com- puter codes, Computers, Data acquisition systems, Data processing, Memory devices, Mev range 10-100, On-line measurement systems, Readout systems. Identifiers: ERDA/430300, Great Britain. Data logging on the Nimrod 70 MeV Linac is provided by a suite of programs (processes) running on the Nimrod GEC 4080 Computer. The hardware/software interface system allows the acquisition of all data in the Linac CAMAC Control System. The acquired data is deposited in a well structured data base and is thus readily available for further processing by the com- puter system. On demand print out of the Linac equipment settings plus periodic archiving of the data base to a disk file is provided. A sche- matic diagram of the complete system is in- cluded in this report. Further development would allow easy access to all this control data by other application processes. (Atomindex citation 08:310855) RLO-2227-T-11-2 PC E01/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Dept. Of Physics. Oregon State Coupled-Channel Code M. J. Stomp, F. A. Schmittroth, and V. A. Madsen. 1972, 186p Contract AT(45-1 )-2227 Descriptors: 'Computational modular systems, 'Computer programs, 'Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA27 04, number 08681. RPI-328-126 HC E01 MF A01 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY. Dept. of Nuclear Science. Holpert: A Fortran IV Diffusion Theory Pro- gram for Estimating the Effect of Re-Entrant Hole in Asymptotic-Decay Pulsed Neutron Ex- periments. F. McGirt, and M. Becker. Jun 68, 25p Contract AT(30-3)-328 Descriptors: 'Neutron transport theory, Com- puter programs, Neutron flux, Cylindrical bodies, Geometry. Identifiers: HOLPERT computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. For abstract, see NSA2414 RPI-328-187 PC E01 MF A01 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. 86p Contract AT(30-1)-328 Descriptors: 'Aluminum, 'Chromium isotopes cr-50, 'Chromium isotopes cr-52, 'Chromium isotopes cr-53, 'Chromium isotopes cr-54, 'Computer programs, 'Neutron spectrometers, 'Neutrons, 'Neutrons/ fast, 'Neutrons/ inter- mediate, 'Nickel isotopes ni-60, 'Plutonium isotopes pu-240, 'Tantalum, 'Uranium isotopes u-235, 'Vanadium. For abstract, see NSA 24 23, number 49862. RPI-328-220 PC E01 MF A01 Knolls Atomic Power Lab., Schenectady, N. Y. Cross-Section Data Analysis Utilizing an In- teractive Graphics Display M. Lubert, and R. C. Block. 1969, 8p Contract AT(30-1 )-328 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 1 1 , number 25725. RPP/A-94 PCE01/MFA01 Rutherford High Energy Lab., Chilton /sup 8/england/sup 9/. Gfun- an Interactive Program as an Aid to Magnet Design M. . Newman, C. . Trowbridge, and L. . Turner. Sep 72, 10p Rept no. CONF-720908-34 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Magnets. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 08, number 1 7974. RT/FI-(69)30 PC E01 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Bostaw- a Fortran Programme for the Calcu- lation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods-Saxon Well. F. Fabbri, and A. M. Saruis. 25 Jul 69, 17p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclei, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA 24 21 , number 45800. RT/FI-(69)44 PC E01 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Fispro II- a Fortran IV Code for Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Calculations. V. Benzi, G. C. Panini.andG. Reffo. 15 Oct 69, 28p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons/ fast, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 24 23, number 49932. RT/FI-(71)11 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Mimoc- a Fortran Programme for the Cou- pled-Channel Calculation of the Nucleon Scattering on Even-Even Nuclei with a Micro- scopic Description of Target States F. Fabbri, and M. Marangoni. 1971, 37p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclei, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA 26 06, number 14202. RT/FI-(71)29 PCE01/MFA01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Dirco- a Fortran Programme for Calculation of Dipole Radiative Capture Cross Section Ac- cording to Direct and Collective Models F. Fabbri, G. Longo, and F. Saporetti. 25 Oct 71 , 35p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclei, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 2, number 29736. RT/FI-(71)30 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Spec- a Computer Programme for Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from Radiative Nucleon Capture F. Fabbri, G. Longo, and F. Saporetti. 25 Oct 71 , 45p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclei, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 1 , number 26971 . RT/FI-(71)31 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Kiss- a Fortran Code for Quadrupole Direct Radiative Capture Cross Section Calculation F. Fabbri, G. Longo, and F. Saporetti. 25 Oct 71 , 36p U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Nuclei, 'Nucleons. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 1 , number 26972. RT/FI-(71)6 PC E01 MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Sassi- a Fortran Programme for the Calcula- tion of Neutron Scattering from a Spherical Optical Potential V. Benzi, F. Fabbri, and L. Zuffi. 16 Feb 71, 17p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 25 24, number 59842. RT/FI-(72)1 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Trud- an Anisotropic Diffusion Code for Xy Geometry A. Daneri, M. Michelini, and G. Toselli. 24 Jan 72, 273p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Neutrons. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 54488. 195 RT/FI-(72)27 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Bologna (Italy). Centro Di Calcolo. Utoe- an Ukndl to Endf/B Translation Pro- gramme G. .Panini. 12 Jul 72, 58p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Neutron cross sections. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA27 09, number 21010. RT/FI-(72)43 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy. Modified Version of the Rigel Code D. Gheorghe, and M. Salvatores. 16 Oct 72, 39p Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutron cross sections. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA27 07, number 16027. RT/FI-(72)50 PC A03/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per I'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). "Piume" Code for the Multilevel Two-Channel Cross Section Calculations T. Martinelli, and M. Motta. 21 Dec 72, 34p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, *P codes, "Neutron reactions, "Cross sections, Breit- wigner formula. Compound nucleus reactions, Energy levels, Fission, Fortran, Ibm computers. Interference. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA2801, number01409. RT/FI-(72)7 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy). Mare- a Fortran IV Code for Compound Nucleus Reaction Calculations in the Con- tinuum G. Reffo, and M. Vaccari. 20 Mar 72, 53p U.S. Sales only. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Nuclear reactions. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 54701 . RT/FIMA-(72)6 PC E01/MF A01 Comitato Nazionale Per L'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy. Program for Calculation of the Diffusion- Transport Coupling Constant G. Bitelli.and L. Torelli. 19 Apr 72, 21p Lang- In Italian. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Neutrons, "Transport theory. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 09, number 21014. SAN-799-X-1 PCE01/MFA01 San Francisco Operations Office (Aec), Calif. Research into and Use of Computer Models of Plasmas in Controlled Thermonuclear Research. Progress Report, December 1, 1972-April 30, 1973 O. Buneman, and C. Barnes. 1973, 2p Contract AT(04-3)-799 Descriptors: "Plasma simulation, "Mathematical models. Computer codes. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 05, number 11975. SAND-74-0096 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Description of the Sandia Version of the NASA-Ames Flow Field Code: Input-Output and Storage Locations. R. R. Eaton, and D. E. Larson. Nov 74, 38p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *N codes, "Supersonic flow, "Computer calculations. For abstract, see NSA 31 03, number 081 1 1 . SAND-74-0097 PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Extensions and Revisions for the NASA- Ames and Gas-NAS Flow Field Codes. R. R. Eaton, and E. E. Larson. Dec 74, 51 p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *G codes, "Fluid mechanics, "Computer calculations, Configura- tion, Drag, Fluid flow, Fortran, Geometry, Length, N codes. Supersonic flow. For abstract, see NSA 31 04, number 10446. SAND-74-0189 PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Analysis of One-Dimensional Algorithms to Use with Operator Splitting in Programs for Computing Wave Propagation D. L. Hicks, H. S. Lauson, and M. M. Madsen. Feb 75, 63p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Hydrodynamics, "Shock waves, Algorithms, Computer calculations. Mathematical opera- tors, One-dimensional calculations, T codes, Wave propagation. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/640410, THREEDY computer program. The analysis of the techniques of wavefitting, movable meshes, controlled entropy produc- tion, and an implicit-optional-explicit conserva- tive discrete scheme indicates that these methods can be used to improve the THREEDY wavecode. THREEDY employs operator splitting. Operator splitting decomposes the three-dimensional operator into three one- dimensional operators, and thus simplifies the code. Wavefitting improves the accuracy around wavefronts. A movable mesh alleviates the severe distortion suffered in material coor- dinates on certain problems. The implicit-op- tional-explicit scheme is used to avoid the CFL (Courant, Friedrichs, and Lewy) constraint when it is overly restrictive. The explicit option is employed to save time by not iterating to the implicit solution when the CFL restriction hap- pens to be satisfied by the growth restriction timestep. The growth restriction tirnestep prevents volumes and energies from changing too rapidly and/or going negative. Controlled entropy production avoids the extremes of severe oscillations associated with too little en- tropy production and excessive smearing with too much entropy increase. (ERA citation 03:009503) SAND-75-0155(Pt.1) PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Conchas— Manymat Wavecode: A Program to Compute Fine Details of Shock Wave Struc- ture in Rate Dependent Materials. D. L. Hicks, and D. B. Holdridge. Apr 75, 23p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *C codes, "Shock waves. Computer codes, Boundary con- ditions. Interfaces, Relaxation. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. It is inconvenient or impossible to solve certain problems by using the standard wavecodes. An example is sharp shock computation in rate-de- pendent materials. If an artificial viscosity method is used, then details of shock wave structure are obscured. If characteristic coor- dinates are employed, then the numerical in- tegration of rate-dependent quantities (such as the relaxation function) along the characteristic curves causes timestep restrictions and other difficulties which tend to destroy the usefulness of the standard method of characteristics. Among these other difficulties is the problem that the character of the equations changes in such a way that true characteristic curves no longer exist, and thus the applicability of the "standard method of characteristics" is questionable. CONCHAS was constructed to calculate the fine details of shocks in relaxing media and thus fill a gap in computational capability. CONCHAS-MANYMAT is the exten- sion of CONCHAS to a many-material version in order to treat the complex case of fitting many shocks in different materials and the interac- tions between shocks and boundaries. SAND-75-0155(Pt.2) PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Conchas--Manymat Wavecode: Program to Compute Fine Details of Shock Wave Struc- ture in Rate Dependent Materials, Part II. D. L. Hicks, and D. B. Holdridge. Apr 75, 72p Contract AT(29-1 )-789 Descriptors: "Shock waves, "Mathematical models, "Computer codes, *C codes, Computer calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/420200. A listing of CONCHAS-MANYMAT with the first output page as the problem is set up for the lithium fluoride calculations described in the applications section of Part I of the CONCHAS- MANYMAT report is presented. The best way to learn how to use the code is to read the com- ments in the listing of the input routine. For further information on using this code, contact one of the authors. SAND-75-0350 PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Test Results of the Threedy Wavefitting Al- gorithm on One-Dimensional Wave Propaga- tion Problems. D. L. Hicks, H. S. Lauson, and M. M. Madsen. Aug 75, 64p Contract AT(29-1 )-789 Descriptors: "Wave propagation, "Computer calculations, "Computer codes, *T codes, "Shock waves, Wave propagation, Algorithms, Errors, Interfaces, One-dimensional calcula- tions, Testing, Three-dimensional calculations, Two-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. The THREEDY wavefitting algorithm applied to certain one-dimensional wave propagation problems produces lower errors than the stan- dard wave smearing technique (the Richtmyer— von Neumann artificial viscosity method). This wavefitting method can be extended to two- and three-dimensional wavecodes by using splitting, and it appears to provide sufficient resolution in the limited number of zones available for three-dimensional calculations. SAND-75-0424 PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Visar Data Reduction. E. G. Young, and L. M. Barker. Nov 75, 65p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "V codes, "Interferometers, "Data processing, "Velocity, Measuring methods, Distribution, Fortran, Laser radiation, Pdp computers. Shock waves. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Velocity measure- ment. 196 The data reduction theory which allows both specimen surface velocity and surface velocity distribution to be determined from the data of the Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector (VISAR) is presented. Two time-shar- ing, user-interactive computer programs which implement the theory are described, and the program listings are provided. SAND-75-0448 PC A07/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Numerical and Computational Analysis of the Partial Differential Equations in Hydrocodes and Wavecodes D. L. Hicks, and R. T. Walsh. Jun 76, 141 p Contract AT(29-1 )-789 Descriptors: 'Differential equations, 'Hydrodynamics, Wave propagation, Computer codes, Finite difference method, Finite element method. Numerical solution, Stability. Identifiers: ER DA/658000, ERDA/990200, 'Partial differential equations. Discrete methods for the solution of the partial differential equations arising in hydrocodes and wavecodes are presented in a tutorial fashion. By discrete methods is meant, for ex- ample, the methods of finite differences, finite elements, discretized characteristics, etc. The concepts of stability, consistency, conver- gence, order of accuracy, true accuracy, etc., and their relevance to the hydrocodes and wavecodes are discussed. (ERA citation 02:002109) SAND-75-0493 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Improved Real Gas Routines for Sandia's NASA Ames Flow Field Program R. R. Eaton, and D. E. Larson. Feb 76, 44p Contract AT(29-1 )-789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Gas flow, Equilibrium, F codes, Fortran, Thermodynamic properties Identifiers: ERDA/640410. The real gas subroutines in Sandia's version of the NASA Ames flow field code have been ex- tensively revised. Using these modifications the required computer run time for a difficult high Mach number case has been reduced from 1330 seconds to 151 seconds. (ERA citation 01:014844) SAND-76-0075 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Boundary Layer Solutions for Natural Con- vection in Porous Media H. C. Hardee. May 76, 33p Contract AT(29-1 )-789 Descriptors: 'Geologic structures, 'Heat transfer, 'Sand, Analytical solution, Boundary layers, Computer codes, Differential equations, Heat exchangers, Heat sources, Integral equa- tions, Natural convection, Permeability, Porosi- ty, Soils, Water. Identifiers: ERDA/640410, ERDA/580200, ERDA/420400, ERDA/210500, ERDA/153000. An approximate solution is developed for natu- ral convection in porous media resulting from localized heat sources. The method is applica- ble for moderate levels of convection. Results of the method compare well with those of other calculational methods and with experimental data. The solution for a spherical source can be used as an indirect method for the determina- tion of permeability in some cases. (ERA cita- tion 01:024922) SAND-76-8200 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. ESR Powder Line Shape Calculations J.Vitko.Jr, and R. E. Huddleston. May 76, 43p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Dielectric materials, Electron spin resonance, Amorphous state, Computer calcu- lations, Computer codes, Numerical solution. Saturation, Zeeman effect. Identifiers: ERDA/656000, ERDA/360603, ERDA/400600, 'Electron paramagnetic resonance. A program has been developed for computing the ESR spectrum of a collection of randomly oriented spins subject only to an electronic Zeeman interaction and having a Lorentzian single crystal line shape. Other single crystal line shapes, including numerical solutions of the Bloch equations, can be accommodated with minor modifications. The program differs in several features from those existing el- sewhere, thus enabling one to study saturation effects, over-modulation effects, both absorp- tive and dispersive signals, and second and higher order derivative signals. (ERA citation 01 :025050) SAND-76-8231 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. Mesh Generation for Two-Dimensional Re- gions Using a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) Graphics Terminal V. K. Gabrielson. Jul 76, 27 Rept no. CONF- 751033-2 Contract E(29-1)-789 Conference on applications of computer graphics in engineering, Hampton, Virginia, USA, 1 Oct 1975. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Mechanical structures, 'Stress analysis, D codes. Numerical analysis. Identifiers: ERDA/420200, 'Finite element anal- ysis, 'Heat transfer. The DVMESH code and the use of the Tektronix DVST graphics terminal to prepare mesh data for various two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element stress analysis and heat transfer codes are discussed in two parts. The first part is a reproduction of the paper presented at the Conference on Applications of Computer Graphics in Engineering at Langley Research Center on October 2, 1975. The second part is a user's manual for the code's implementation at Sandia Laboratories, Livermore. (ERA citation 02:010671) SAND-77-0374 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Stability Analysis of the von Neumann— Richt- myer Difference Scheme with Rate Depen- dent Materials Relations. Part 2. Subcycling and the Malvern Relation D.L. Hicks. May 77,31 p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Hydrodynamics, Computer calculations, One- dimensional calculations, Stability, W codes. Identifiers. ERDA/640410, ERDA/990200. Stability criteria are developed for solving problems involving rate-dependent material properties in hydrocodes such as WONDY. As severe restrictions in the allowable timestep size result for small relaxation times, sub- cycling was introduced to solve this problem. That is, if the subcycle number (m) is large enough, then the timestep restriction as it ex- ists in WONDY is sufficient for stability; this is shown herein for the case of a simple backward difference subcycling scheme for the Malvern rate-dependent material relation. The problem of precisely how large m must be for a given ratio of the timestep to the relaxation time, h = delta t/tau, was studied. Although the form of solution for m as a function of h is complicated, it can be incorporated easily into WONDY. In the extreme cases of h very small or large, the solution can be simply stated: if h is very small, then m = 1 suffices; if h greater than 2, then m greater than or equal to h suffices. The fact that the solution reduces to m greater than or equal to h for large h is an elegant and interesting result. (ERA citation 02:050201) SC-CR-69-3271 HC E01 MF A01 Aerotherm Corp., Palo Alto, Calif. An Evaluation of Thermodynamic and Trans- port Properties for Use in the Blimp Non- similar Multicomponent Boundary Layer Pro- gram. Christian Deblaye, and Eugene P. Bartlett. Jul 69, 78p Prepared in cooperation with Sandia Labs., Al- buquerque, N. Mex. Descriptors: *Air, 'Thermodynamics, Laminar flow, Turbulence, Boundary layer. Transport properties, Programming(Computers), Diffu- sion, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen. Identifiers: BLIMP computer program. For abstract, see NSA 241 6 SC-CR-69-3309 HC E01 MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., State College. Dept. of Physics. Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens. Final rept. H. Val McAdams, Jr. Jan 70, 62p Descriptors: 'Antenna configurations, Elec- tromagnetic fields, 'Integral equations, Numeri- cal analysis. Penetration, Antennas, Computer programs. Algorithms, Electric currents. Elec- tric wire. For abstract, see NSA 2415 SC-DR-69-318 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Magyar: A Single-Collision Model Neutron Heating Code for Component Design (User'S Manual). Thomas T. Shishman. Jun 70, 51 p Descriptors: 'Neutron irradiation. Heating, 'Nuclear reactor materials, Heating, Computer programs. Computerized simulation, Mathe- matical models, Design. Identifiers: MAGYAR computer code. For abstract, see NSA 2418 SC-DR-69-690 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Program Wtdplt: A Computer Code for Plotting Aerodynamic Data. D. E. Berg. Jun 70, 150p Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic characteristics. Computer programs, Wind tunnels. Identifiers: WTDPLT computer code. For abstract, see NSA 241 5 SC-DR-70-510 PC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. A User's Manual for the Two-Dimensional Ax- isymmetric Transient Heat Conduction Material Ablation Computer Program (Asthma) C. B. Moyer, B. F. Blackwell, and P. C. Kaestner. Dec 70, 21 5p Descriptors: 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 12, number 28883. SC-DR-710320 PC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. 197 Processing Codes for Group-Averaged Dis- crete Ordinates Cross-Section Tables Kenneth G. Adams, James H. Renken, and Joann H. Flinchum. Sep 71, 42p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Cross sec- tions, 'Gamma cross sections, 'Neutron cross sections. For abstract, see NSA 25 24, number 59843. SC-DR-720733 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Alternating-Direction Implicit MHD Code for Simulating Laser Plasmas M. . Widner, and T. . Wright. Jan 73, 24p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Plasma. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 08, number 18910. SC-M-70-83 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs. Albuquerque, N Mex. Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Dif- ference Forms of Heat Equation. Jimmie H. Smith. Mar 70, 63p* Descriptors: 'Atmosphere entry. Simulation, 'Heat transfer, 'Partial differential equations, 'Integration, 'Numerical analysis, Computer programs, Reviews. Identifiers: 'Finite difference theory. Heat equa- tion. For abstract, see NSA 241 1 SC-RR-69-739 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. An Improved Capability for Solution of Photon Transport Problems by the Method of Dis- crete Ordinates. James H. Renken, and Kenneth F. Adams. Dec 69, 195p Descriptors: 'Photons, Transport properties, 'Differential cross section, Computer pro- grams. Scattering, Shielding, X rays, Gamma rays. Identifiers: GAM LEG 69 computer program, DTF 69 computer program, Discrete ordinate method. For abstract, see NSA 241 5 SC-RR-70-251 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Theory and Application of the Generalized Spectra Code. J. A. Halbleib, Sr. Apr 70, 34p Descriptors: 'Neutron spectroscopy, Matrix theory, Fredholm equations, Lagrangian func- tions, Least squares method, Computer pro- gramming. Identifiers: SPECTRA computer code. For abstract, see NSA 241 9 SC-RR-70-28 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Improvements in the Chart D Radiation- Hydrodynamic Code I: Analytic Equations of State. Samuel L. Thompson. Jan 70, 121p Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamics, Equations of state, 'Equations of state, 'Computer programs, Plasmas(Physics), Magnetohydrodynamics, Solids, Liquids, Vapors, Transition points. For abstract, see NSA 241 8 SC-RR-70-314 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. A One-Dimensional Electrostatic Pic Code. J. W. Poukey. Jun 70, 32p Descriptors: 'Plasmas(Physics), Computer pro- gramming, 'Electron beams. Interactions, Elec- tric fields, Partial differential equations. Identifiers: PIC computer code. For abstract, see NSA 241 7 SC-RR-70-428 HC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Radiation Generated Wave Propagation in Elastic Nonconductors. Jace W. Nunziato. Jun 70, 23p Descriptors: 'Stress waves, Thermoelastic theory, 'Laser beams, Interactions, Thermal stresses, Numerical analysis, Boundary value problems. Identifiers: WONDY 3 computer program. For abstract, see NSA 2420 SC-RR-710112 PCE01MFA01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Numerical Techniques for One-Dimensional Rate-Dependent Porous Material Compaction Calculations B. M. Butcher. Apr 71 , 64p Descriptors: 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 16, number 39393. SC-RR-720684 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Dint- a Computer Program Which Prepares Multigroup Coherent-Incoherent Cross Sec- tions for Photon Transport Calculations K. G. Adams, F. Biggs, and J. H. Renken. Dec 72, 65p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Photons. For abstract, see NSA 27 05, number 1 1 1 68. SCL-DR-70-108 PC E01 MF A01 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. Spectre- a Finite Difference Computer Pro- gram for Calculating the Dynamic Response of a Cylindrical Shell M. R. Birnbaum, F. J. Cupps, and A. F. Emery. Dec 70, 186p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 25 05, number 10380. SCL-DR-720004 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. Heatmesh-71- a Computer Code for Generat- ing Geometrical Data Required for Studies of Heat Transfer in Axisymmetric Structures V. K. Gabrielson. Sep 72, 80p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Supersedes Scl-dr-67-30. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat transfer. For abstract, see NSA 26 22, number 55610. SCL-RR-720324 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. Couple- a Pseudo Finite Element Conduction Code for the Transient Thermal Response of Axisymmetric or Plane Anisotropic Materials E. C. Lemmon. Dec 72, 88p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat transfer. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 06, number 14433. SFB-MHD-3 PC E01/MF A01 Technische Universitaet, Berlin (West Ger- many). Theoretical Investigation of the Temperature Distribution in a NA-K Counter Flow Heat Exchanger with Liquid Reversal S. Meier. Feb71,65p Lang- In German U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat exchangers. For abstract, see NSA 26 23, number 56026. SGAE-2007 PC E01/MF A01 Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft Fuer Atomenergie G.m.b.h., Seibersdorf. Physik-ln- stitut. Electra- a Computer Program for Calculation of Space-Charge-Free Paraxial Trajectories in Axially Symmetric Electrostatic Fields H. Meier, S. Pissenberger, and F. Ruedenauer. Mar 72, 1 7p Rept no. PH-1 1 5/72 Lang- In German. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Charged particles, 'Computer programs, 'Electrostatic fields. For abstract, see NSA 26 1 8, number 43675. SLA-73-0477 PC A07/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Improvements in the Chart D Energy Flow Hydrodynamic Code V: 1972/73 Modifications. S. L. Thompson. Aug 73, 142p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Energy transfer, "Mathematical models, 'Hydrodynamics, Mathematical models, 'Computer codes, *C codes, Equations of state. Porosity, Viscosity. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. CHART D is a flexible code for computing cou- pled hydrodynamic motion and energy flow. The experiences of code users have suggested several modifications and model improve- ments, and many of these have been incor- porated into CHART D and its support pro- grams. Most are relatively minor, but some represent major changes. These include the treatments of porous materials, artificial viscosity and additional equation of state op- tions. The theory sections in the present report are intended to supplement, not replace, previ- ous CHART D literature. Revised and complete input instructions for CHART D and its support programs are given. SLA-73-1023 PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (Usa). Numerical Solution for Electron-Beam-Con- trolled CO sub 2 Laser Performance. J. B. Moreno. Apr 74, 59p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Carbon dioxide lasers, 'Performance, Boltzmann equation. Carbon dioxide. Computer codes. Control systems. Electron beams, Electrons, Lasers, Numerical solution. For abstract, see NSA 30 01 , number 00234. SLA-73-628 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Development and Comparison of Several Analytical Models for the Planar Turbulent Near Wake in Supersonic Flow Combining Component and Critical Point Methods J. H.Smith. Jul 73, 146p Descriptors: 'Supersonic flow, 'Turbulence, 'Computer codes, *N codes, Planning. 198 Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 08, number 20586. SLA-73-635 PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (Usa). Nonlinear Viscoelastic Equation of State for Use in Stress Propagation Calculations R. J. Lawrence. Sep 73, 53p Contract AT(29-1 )-789 Descriptors: 'Solids, Equations of state, 'Composite materials, Equations of state, 'Equations of state, 'Stresses, Computer codes, Finite difference method, Functional models, Nonlinear problems, W codes. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 29 01 , number 02393. SLA-74-5190 PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (Usa). Thermal Stress and Creep. R. E. Nickell. 1973, 20p Rept no. CONF-740604- 2 Descriptors: 'Solids, 'Mechanical properties, Algorithms, Availability, Computer codes, Creep, Equations of state, Errors, Fluid flow, Thermal stresses, Time dependence. For abstract, see NSA 30 02, number 05826. SLAC-123 PC E01 MF A01 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Calif. Themi- Monte Carlo Generation of Elec- tromagnetic Events Dennis C. Blanchard, and William P. Swanson. Oct 70, 13p Contract AT (04-3)-51 5 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Photons, 'Protons. For abstract, see NSA 25 05, number 09705. SLAC-91 HC E01 MF A01 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Calif. Transport/360: A Computer Program for Designing Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems. Karl L. Brown, and Sam K. Howry. Jul 70, 394p Contract AT(04-3)-51 5 Descriptors: 'Particle accelerators, Design, 'Particle beams, Computer programs, Electron optics, Transport theory, Electron beams, Flow charting, Manuals, Magnetic fields, Alignment. Identifiers: Stanford linear accelerator, TRANS- PORT/360 computer program. For abstract, see NSA 2420 TID-26368 PC E01/MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. High-Gradient Column Computer Program Called Kalum G. A. Concaildi, and R. D. George. 1 Mar 73, 6p Descriptors: 'Computer codes, K codes, *K codes, Electrostatic accelerators, 'Electrostatic accelerators, 'Electric fields, Electric potential, Electrodes. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 08, number 19093. TID-26370 PC E01/MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. Operation Manual for Program "Nuwie" G. A. Concaildi. 1 7 Apr 73, 8p Descriptors: 'Computer codes, N codes, *N codes, Beam monitoring, 'Beam monitoring, Computer codes, Beam emittance. Beam posi- tion. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 08, number 18984. TREE-1127 PCA15/MFA01 Idaho Coll., Caldwell. Snake River Regional Studies Center. SIMIR/6: A Two Dimensional Steady State and Transient Heat Conduction Code for Use on an IBM 360/75 Computer. A User's Guide H.G.Kraus. Apr 77, 332p Contract EY-76-C-07-1570 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Thermal stresses. Materials, Thermal conduction, Itera- tive methods, Manuals, Mathematical models, S codes, Steady-state conditions, Temperature gradients, Transients, Two-dimensional calcu- lations. Identifiers: ERDA/1 50903, IBM-360/75 compu- ters, 'SIMIR 6 computer program. The two-dimensional heat conduction code, SIMIR/4, has provided the basis to create the new and only documented version of this code, SIMIR/6. Although the numerical technique, upon which all versions of SIMIR have been based, is briefly presented, this report is cen- tered around the user. Many minor changes have been made to the code including simplifi- cation of the form of some data that is trans- ferred between the user supplied Subroutine SUBR and the main program. Isothermal con- tour plotting capability and the moment generating equivalent linear temperature dis- tribution routines are built into SIMIR/6. The latter routines make it possible to generate thermal gradient information for support of thermal stress analyses in accordance with Subsection NB-3653 of the ASME Section III Code for application of the thermal stress pipe equations. Uniform temperature initialization of the conducting regions of a model is now possible. Additional input data is defined for use of these added capabilities. The old SIMIR input data forms have been abandoned. SIMIR/6 can handle up to a 100 x 100 mesh array in 2D cartesian (x-y) or cylindrical (r-z) coordinates with up to 100 different materials in any given thermal model. The materials may represent conducting or convecting regions. Convection materials may be on internal or ex- ternal surfaces of conducting materials. A detailed presentation of SIMIR/6 input and out- put data with four examples illustrating the vari- ous options of the code is also included. Con- vergence accuracy and stability characteristics were studied. (ERA citation 02:048247) TRG-Report-2684(R) PC A03/MF A01 UKAEA Reactor Group, Risley. Threat: A 3-D Heat Transfer Program. W. D.Collier. Jun 75, 30p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, 'Mathematical models, 'Computer codes, *T codes, Prismatic configuration, Solids, Temperature distribu- tion, Triangular configuration. For abstract, see NSA 33 03, number 05550. TRG-2459 PC E01/MF A01 Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Al- dermaston (England). Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal-Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock- Tube Geometry. Part 1. Theoretical Descrip- tion K. Morgan. Jun 73, 11 p Rept no. GRO-44/91/26 U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Metals, 'Heat transfer, 'Liquids, Heat transfer, 'Computer codes, *T codes, Compressible flow, Computer calculations, Lagrange equations. Shock tubes. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 06, number 12810. UCID-16171 PCA02/MFA01 California Univ., Livermore (Usa). Lawrence Livermore Lab. Users Manual for Code Epsol. Static Analysis of Elastic— Plastic Solids. M. Hartzman. 13 Nov 72, 8p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *E codes, "Solids, 'Stress analysis, Lawrence livermore laboratory, Manuals, Mechanical properties. For abstract, see NSA 30 01 , number 02257. UCID-16313 PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Steps Toward Importance Sampling for Mcmeg W. E. Loewe. 6 Jul 73, 9p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, M codes, 'Neutron transport theory. Computer codes, 'Neutron importance function, 'Algorithms, *M codes, Neutron importance function. Computer calculations, Monte carlo method. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 09, number 22734. UCID-16525 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Lamp Code Users Guide. P. F. Thompson. 17 Jun 74, 68p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *L codes, 'Laser radiation, 'Wave propagation. Lasers, Maxwell equations. For abstract, see NSA 30 06, number 15276. UCID-16550 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Laser Intensity Measurement. R. A. Saroyan. 2 Aug 74, 48p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Laser radiation, 'Measuring methods, Computer codes, Densimeters, Photographic films. For abstract, see NSA 31 02, number 03243. UCID-16697 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Example of Code Optimization. T. Rudy. Jan 75, 27p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamics, 'Computer cal- culations, Computer codes, Fortran, Pro- gramming, Shock waves. For abstract, see NSA 31 10, number 28898. UCID-16827-2 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Current Status of LLL Four-D Atmospheric Propagation Code Effort J. A. Fleck, Jr, and J. R. Morris. 16 Mar 76, 21 p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Laser radiation, Computer codes, F codes, Uses, Wave propagation, Wind. 199 Identifiers: ERDA/420300, "Laser beams, At- mospheric transmissivity. Atmospheric at- tenuation. Optical detection. The deployment of high-energy lasers against moving targets is almost always noncoplanar. This noncoplanarity creates a vertical wind component in the transverse plane that causes the effective wind vector to rotate continuously. All propagation codes that have been developed in the past have been based on the assumption of a purely horizontal wind. The scenario capability of the Four-D code has now been generalized from the previous coplanar version, which assumed a moving laser plat- form, a target on a collision course with the platform, and an arbitrarily oriented coplanar wind. Currently the laser can be displaced to any height above the platform, and the scenario plane can be aribitrarily oriented with respect to the horizon. The scenario routine returns to the hydrodynamics routine of the code a transverse wind velocity vector of varying magnitude and orientation. The hydrodynamics routine of the Four-D code is now capable of treating both CW and multipulse steady state sources with winds of arbitrary magnitude and d irection rela- tive to the x-axis. A complete time-dependent capability for arbitrary wind directions will be completed some time in the near future. (ERA citation 01:02041 9) UCID-16871 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Liraq-2 Boundary Conditions. J.J. Walton. Aug 75, 7p Contract W-7405-Eng-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *L codes, 'Mass transfer, Computer codes, 'Fluid flow. Com- puter codes, Boundary conditions. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. By boundary conditions is meant the species concentrations assumed immediately to the sides of and above the region of interest when flow is inward. The needs for the particular boundary conditions and the implications of choosing these are discussed. These condi- tions are in use in LIRAQ-2 and give physically reasonable behavior. UCID-16963 PC E99/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Stu- dying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. R. M. Bevensee. 3 Nov 75, 57 Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Shielding, 'Magnetic shielding, 'Computer calculations, 'Computer codes, *W codes, Wires. Identifiers: ERDA/644007, ERDA/420800, 'Electromagnetic shielding, W2T-ARI2/LLL1 computer code. This code is an extension of the code ARBANG developed at the University of Arizona. The original code solved for the temporal e/sub z/(anti rho.t) field on the shadow side of a sin- gle planar grating of round, equally spaced parallel wires excited by an incident plane wave of temporal excitation composed of two decay- ing exponentials. The incident field is polarized parallel to the wires, the system is infinitely long in that direction, and the angle of incidence is arbitrary. The extended code W2T-ARIZ/LLL1 which was developed at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) computes the e/sub z/(anti rho.t) field at any point in empty space for any one of three cases: (1) a single grating of AR- BANG, (2) a pair of parallel gratings (with the wires parallel), and (3) one grating with a per- fectly conducting plane some distance away. The theoretical basis of the code is presented and the accompanying code listing is ex- plained. Some limitations are noted and sample computations for a particular data set are discussed. Information is given about code storage- and execution-time. PC A03/MF A01 Livermore Lawrence Liver- UCID-17013 California Univ. more Lab. Bbc Hydrodynamics. W. G. Sutcliffe. Feb 74, 44p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Hydrodynamics, 'Two-dimen- sional calculations, 'Computer codes, *B codes, Computer calculations, Cylindrical con- figuration, Fortran, Rectangular configuration, Slabs, Vectors. Identifiers: ERDA/640401 , ERDA/990200. Calculations of two-dimensional multifluid Eu- lerian hydrodynamics in BBC are discussed; hydro routines in the FORTRAN code BBC make extensive use of vectors. Calculations are performed with either cylindrical- or slab-type symmetry. The problem grid is bounded by a rectangular band of empty boundary zones. The interfaces between the regular and boun- dary zones can be selected to be either rigid or vacuum interfaces. The set up for BBC problems is described in the KEG manual (UCIR-646). A hydro cycle consists of four one- dimensional sub-cycles (or passes) that include the Lagrangian and advection calculations. UCID-17026 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. TARTNP User's Manual J. Kimlinger, and E. Plechaty. 9 Feb 76, 29p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Gamma transport theory, 'Neutron transport theory, Boundary condi- tions, Computer codes, Monte carlo method, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/640440, ERDA/654001, ERDA/990200, 'TARTNP computer program. The operating instructions and input definitions are given for the TARTNP Monte Carlo neutron/photon transport code. It also describes the limitations of the code and the pitfalls that may be encountered in using it. (ERA citation 01 :021527) UCID-17050 Not available NTIS California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. 880 Nanosecond Particle in Cell Mover for the CDC 7600 K. Estabrook, and J. E. Tull. 4 Oct 77, 36p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Plasma, Charged-particle trans- port, Computer codes, Electric fields, One- dimensional calculations, Plasma simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, Cloud in cell method, CDC-7600 computers, Particle in cell technique. A very fast computational method of moving particles for one dimensional electrostatic plasma simulations using integer arithmetic is described. The cloud in cell method forms the basis of this technique. This paper is in the form of a compass compilable subroutine with com- ments and examples describing methods of using an entirely integer representation to gain up to an order of magnitude increase in speed over equivalent floating point Fortran coding. Integer arithmetic has several advantages over floating point arithmetic for one dimensional particle movers. The adds are much faster, and the binary numerical description allows the im- plementation of very simple boundary condi- tions if the simulation region extends from zero to a power of two. Furthermore, integer arithmetic makes very efficient use of each memory bit since there is no floating point ex- ponent. Consequently, it becomes feasible and fast in long word length machines to pack the velocity and position of a particular particle into the same word, thus saving a factor of two in computer storage and/or 10. These advantages are combined with the fact that integer adds and logicals complete in only two computer cy- cles allowing nearly complete optimization of register and instruction interleaving. The mea- sured timings on a CDC 7600 are 880 nanoseconds and 935 nanoseconds per parti- cle for the periodic and general boundary con- dition sections respectively. Methods for adapt- ing the technique to other computers are discussed. (ERA citation 03:009386) PC A11/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCID-17175 California Univ., more Lab. Abmac-Arbitrary Boundary Marker and Cell Eulerian Hydrodynamic Incompressible Nu- merical Method W. J. Garcia, Jr, and J. A. Viecelli. Jun 76, 249p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Hydrodynamics, A codes, Cdc computers, For- tran, Incompressible flow, Manuals. Identifiers: ERDA/640410, ERDA/658000, ERDA/990200. This report is intended to be a "user manual" for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory version of the Eulerian incompressible hydrodynamic computer code ABMAC. The theory of the nu- merical model is discussed in general terms. The format for data input and data printout is described in detail. A listing and flow chart of the computer code are provided. (ERA citation 01 :026698) PC A02/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCID-17179 California Univ more Lab. Physics Options in the Plasma Code VOA P. G. Eltgroth.Jun76, 15p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Plasma, Computer codes, Elec- tromagnetic fields, Electrons, Mag- netohydrodynamics, Two-dimensional calcula- tions, V codes. Identifiers. ERDA/700105. A two dimensional relativistic plasma physics code has been modified to accomodate general electromagnetic boundary conditions and vari- ous approximations of basic physics. The code can treat internal conductors and insulators, imposed electromagnetic fields, the effects of external circuitry and non-equilibrium starting conditions. Particle dynamics options include a full microscopic treatment, fully relaxed elec- trons, a low frequency electron approximation and a combination of approximations for specified zones. Electromagnetic options in- clude the full wave treatment, an electrostatic approximation and two varieties of mag- netohydrodynamic approximations in specified zones. (ERA citation 02:004255) UCID-17196 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. FOKN: A Relativistic Fokker-Planck Code with Large Angle Scattering and Radiation Losses G. Zimmerman, T. Scharlemann, L. Wood, T. Weaver, and T. Chu. Jul 76, 37p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Plasma, Al- gorithms, Distribution functions, Energy losses. 200 F codes, Fokker-planck equation, Radiations, Scattering, Transport theory. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, 'FOKN computer code. FOKN is a computer code which employs a relativistic Fokker-Planck algorithm to evolve the distribution functions of the various mu- tually interacting components of a multi-spe- cies plasma forward in time, with the optional addition of high angle, large energy and mo- mentum transfer interactions between the vari- ous charged species of the plasma. As a com- putational expediency, the latter processes are handled by transfer matrices which are generated separately by another code, RNUX, so that once specific transfer matrices are generated, they can be used over and over by FOKN provided the group structures are com- patible. (ERA citation 01 :026800) PC A05/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCID-17217 California Univ., more Lab. Four-D Propagation Code for High-Energy Laser Beams: A User's Manual J. R. Morris. 5 Aug 76, 92 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Laser beams, F codes. Manuals, Wave propagation. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, Computers pro- grams. This manual describes the use and structure of the June 30, 1976 version of the Four-D propagation code for high energy laser beams. It provides selected sample output from a typi- cal run and from several debug runs. The Four- D code now includes the important non- coplanar scenario feature. Many problems that required excessive computer time can now be meaningfully simulated as steady-state non- coplanar problems with short run times. (ERA citation 02:023100) UCID-17350 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Status of Navy "Dirty Air" Breakdown Research A. Edwards, and J. A. Fleck, Jr. Dec 76, 14p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Laser radiation. Absorption, Air, Breakdown, Computer codes, Dusts, L codes, Plasma, Wave propagation. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, Computer programs, LASNEX computer code. The LASNEX code has been upgraded to in- clude optical ray tracing of laser light through the dynamically changing Lagrangian hydrodynamic mesh. Calculations have been carried out to simulate the absorption of laser light by a two-dimensional breakdown plasma initiated by a vaporizing dust particle. (ERA citation 02:025195) UCID-17356 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Calculation of the Small Scale Self-Focusing Ripple Gain Spectrum for the Cyclops Laser System: A Status Report J. A. Fleck, Jr, J. R. Morris, and P. F. Thompson. Oct 76, 15p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Lasers, Computer codes, F codes, Gain, Mathematical models. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, FLAC computer code. The FLAC code (Fourier Laser Amplifier Code) was used to simulate the CYCLOPS laser system up to the third B-module and to calcu- late the maximum ripple gain spectrum. The model of this portion of CYCLOPS consists of 33 segments that correspond to 20 optical ele- ments (simulation of the cell requires 2 seg- ments and 1 2 external air spaces). (ERA citation 02:025196) UCID-17366 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Fundamentals of the Kraken Code R. B. DeBar. Mar 74, 18p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Hydrodynamics, Compressible flow, Ideal flow, K codes. Two-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/640410, ERDA/990200. KRAKEN is an Eulerian hydrodynamics code capable of treating compressible nonviscous flow of several fluids in a two-dimensional (axially symmetric) region. In many respects it is reminiscent of the FLIC/PIC methods, although it is considerably different in detail. Both Lagrangian and advection (transport) phases of the problem are considered. The code has a straight-forward approach to differencing. The presently used version of the code is discussed; it is hoped that a more efficient version will soon be completed. (ERA citation 02:031323) UCID-17381 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Artemis: A Diffraction Model for Laser Light Propagation 3 Feb 77, 35p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Laser beams, Lasers, A codes. Computer codes. Diffraction, Optimization, Wave propagation. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, Coherent radiation. Computerized simulation, ARTEMIS computer program. The development, optimization, and un- derstanding of large laser systems are depen- dent on a diffraction analysis of light propaga- tion. Because of the high power yields, the analysis of such systems is dominated by the nonlinear effects upon the light - the result of passing intense fields through largely glass op- tical elements. Efforts to understand and com- bat these effects has resulted in the develop- ment of a computer-based simulation, employ- ing diffraction theory, to model current and proposed glass laser systems. The computer program, ARTEMIS, simulates the nonlinear propagation and focusing of laser light through a simplified chain of optical elements. Its specific capabilities include: diffraction, spatial filter transmission, non-uniform gain, gain saturation, whole beam self-focusing, non- linear propagation in both rod and disk-type amplifiers, focusing, thin lens combinations, nonlinear ripple growth, "soft"apertures, and seidal aberrations. Currently, only radially sym- metric beams are allowed, thus limiting the types of distortions; and of the basic Seidal ab- berations, only spherical aberration is con- sidered. In addition to the radial (spatial) profile of the laser pulse, it is possible to model the temporal dependence - the basis for encounter- ing gain saturation. (ERA citation 02:038187) UCID-17440 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Observations on the Operation of the SEM- PEX Code H. G. Hudson, and D. L. Lager. 22 Sep 77, 50p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Electromagnetic radiation, Antennas, Errors, Iterative methods, S codes, Sampling, Scatter- ing, Singularity, Wires. Identifiers: ERDA/657007, ERDA/990200, SEM- PEX computer program. Observations on the use of the SEMPEX com- puter code are given. The issues of proper sam- pling rate and total sampling interval are ad- dressed. The effect that noise in the data has on the results and the ability of autocorrelation, truncation filtering, and the sliding-window technique to reduce these effects are also discussed. 35 figures, 24 tables. (ERA citation 03:007709) UCID-17461 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Keg, an Eulerian Configuration Generator for Bbc and Voa S. I. Warshaw. May 77, 74p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Hydrodynamics, B codes, Cdc computers, K codes. Plasma, Two-dimensional calculations, V codes. Identifiers: ERDA/640410, ERDA/990200, ERDA/700105. KEG is an extremely flexible generator for BBC, a two-dimensional multifluid Eulerian hydrodynamics code, and for VOA, a plasma version of BBC. This document describes the operating details for the use of KEG, the con- tents of the input deck required to set up a problem to be calculated on the BBC or VOA, and other miscellanea related to output and file handling. Matters relevant to the actual calcula- tions of the hydrodynamics are found el- sewhere. 19 figures. (ERA citation 02:046795) UCID-17517 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. LASNEX: Ponderomotive Force Algorithm J. A. Harte, and G. B. Zimmerman. 7 Jul 77, 12p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, Accuracy, Al- gorithms, Cylindrical configuration, Interac- tions, L codes, Laser radiation, Reflection, Wave propagation. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, LASNEX computer program, 'Ponderomotive force. The new algorithm used to calculate the pon- deromotive force in LASNEX is discussed. The algorithm is shown to be identical with the cor- responding analytic expression when the WKB solution for the fields in a plane-parallel medi- um is used. LASNEX calculations performed to check the ponderomotive force algorithm are described. 2 figures (ERA citation 02:053588) UCID-17544 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Tandem Mirror Rate Code and Cyclic Purging of Alphas in Tandem Reactors R. H. Cohen. 3 Aug 77, 36p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: *Tmx devices. Alpha particles, Computer codes, Energy losses. Plasma densi- ty Identifiers: ERDA/700101. A set of coupled rate equations for densities and energies in a tandem mirror machine have been incorporated into a fast-running code. The code is suitable for parameter-searching and studying time-dependent processes. The code has been used to study buildup of ther- malized alphas in a tandem mirror reactor, and cyclic schemes for limiting the alpha popula- tion. The principal findings are: Q/sub av/ is 201 drastically reduced as alphas build up from a steady-state in which alphas were artificially eliminated; running in a pulsed mode to clean out alphas improves the time-averaged Q sig- nificantly, but not enough; elimination of 80% of the alphas by nonadiabatic loss and running in pulsed mode allows a reasonable time- averaged Q. (ERA citation 03:001793) UCID-17550 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. EDOT: A Code to Calculate Charge Particle Slowing down in a Plasma S. T. Perkins. 5 Aug 77, 39p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *Plasma, Boltz- mann statistics, Charged-particle transport, E codes, Scattering, Slowing-down, Test parti- cles. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, EDOT computer pro- gram. EDOT is a code that calculates the slowing down of a test particle in a Maxwellian plasma utilizing continuous slowing down theory. Both nuclear scattering and reactions are included. The output includes slowing down parameters as well as spectra of knock-on ions and in-flight reaction probabilities. The theory, input, and output for the code are described. (ERA citation 03:011223) UCID-17608 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Nscat: A Code to Obtain Charged Particle Nuclear (Plus Interference) Differential Scat- tering Cross Sections from Experimental Data S. T. Perkins. 1 Sep 77, 12p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Charged-particle reactions, 'Computer codes. Differential cross sections, Elastic scattering, Interference, N codes, Nuclear forces. Identifiers: ERDA/653003. Given the experimental charged-particle total elastic scattering differential cross section, NSCAT substracts off the Coulomb component to obtain the nuclear (plus interference) com- ponent. This report describes the equations, input, and output for the code. 1 table. (ERA citation 03:009299) UCID-30023(REV.1) PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. User's Manual for the Buckle X-Ray Deposi- tion Program Arthur L. Edwards. 1 May 72, 37p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, *X radiation. For abstract, see NSA 26 17, number 42368. UCID-30089 PC A09/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore (Usa). Lawrence Livermore Lab. Shemp: A Service Program for the Hemp Pro- gram. J. A. Leibee. 19 Feb 74, 190p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Fluid mechanics, 'Two-dimen- sional calculations, 'Computer codes, *H codes, Cdc computers, Elasticity, Finite dif- ference method, Fortran, Hydrodynamics, Lagrangian function, Lawrence livermore laboratory, Plasticity, S codes. Forabstract, see NSA 29 12, number31615. UCLA-34-P-201-4 PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Los Angeles. Dept. Of Materi- als. Elastic Interaction of Tetragonal Precipitates in Cubic Crystals. Second Topical Progress Report, January 1-December 31, 1972 C. V. Hodge, and D De Fontaine. Sep 72, 86p Rept no. UCLA-ENG-7292 Contract AT(04-3)-34 Descriptors: 'Alloys, 'Computer programs, 'Metals. Identifiers: AEC. Forabstract, see NSA 27 06, number 14445. UCRL-13582 PC A03/MF A01 R and D Associates, Santa Monica, Calif. (Usa). Brem II: A Code for Calculating the Free- Free Gaunt Factor in an Arbitrary Atomic Potential J. M. Green. Jun 73, 38p Rept no. RDA-TR-237- AEC Descriptors: "Lasers, 'Absorption, 'Computer codes, *B codes, Atoms, Ev range 01-10, Green function, Partial waves. Phase shift. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 29 02, number 04782. UCRL-13727 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Davis. Dept. of Applied Science. Trapped Particles and Harmonic Generation W. E. Hobbs.Jr, and J.S. DeGroot. 19p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Ion acoustic waves, "Plasma waves, Algorithms, Computer codes, Damping, Excitation, Harmonics, Korteweg-de vries equation, Trapping. Identifiers: ERDA/700108. A novel fluid-particle algorithm has been used to study the evolution of continuously generated ion acoustic waves numerically. The code permits the simultaneous analysis of the two nonlinearities involved: wave steepening or harmonic generation, a fluid effect; and wave damping and amplitude oscillations, a particle effect. For a temperature ratio 10 < T/sub e//T/sub i/ < 30, the behavior of low amplitude long wavelength waves is well described by a Korteweg-deVries equation augmented to in- clude a time dependent damping term. (ERA citation 02:057675) UCRL-18882 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Radiation Lab. Magnetic Field Calculations for the 184-Inch Synchrocyclotron. A. C. Paul, and J. S. Colonias. Feb 70, 19p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: "Synchrocyclotrons, Magnetic fields, Design, Excitation, Mathematical models, Magnetic poles. Experimental data. Identifiers: TRIM computer program. Compu- terized simulation. Forabstract, see NSA 2419 UCRL-19407 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ , Berkeley. Lawrence Radiation Lab. Trajectory: An Orbit and Ion Optic Matrix Pro- gram for the 184-Inch Cyclotron. AC. Paul. Sep 69, 17p Contract W-7405-eng-48 PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT FULLY LEGIBLE. Descriptors: 'Cyclotrons, Particle trajectories, 'Particle trajectories, 'Computer programs, Charged particles, Magnetic fields, Equations of motion, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: TRAJECTORY computer program. For abstract, see NSA 241 1 UCRL-19452 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Radiation Lab. Sampo: A Fortran IV Program for Computer Analysis of gamma Spectra from Ge(Li) De- tectors, and for Other Spectra with Peaks. Jorma T. Routti. 20 Oct 69, 34p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Gamma-ray spectroscopy, Com- puter programs, Gamma counters, Gamma-ray spectra. Identifiers: SAMPO computer program, Ge(Li) detectors, Photopeak analysis. Forabstract, see NSA 2416 UCRL-19804 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Radiation Lab. Study of a Multielement Regenerative Extrac- tion System for the Berkeley 184-Inch Cyclotron. Arthur C. Paul. May 70, 18p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Synchrocyclotrons, Extractors, Vectors(Mathematics), Perturbation theory. Computer programming, Matrices(Mathematics), Particle trajectories. Identifiers: LeCouteur matrices, REGEN com- puter program. For abstract, see NSA 2420 UCRL-19903 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Radiation Lab. A Computer Program for the Smoothing and Differentiation of Data from Multichannel Analyzers. D. J. Gorman. Jun 70, 39p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Pulse height analyzers. Gamma ray spectra, 'Alpha spectra, Data smoothing. Computer programs, Tables(Data), Least squares method. Curve fitting, Convolution in- tegrals. For abstract, see NSA 2420 UCRL-20120 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Radiation Lab. PHYSICS REPORT, NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 115p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Accelerators, 'Atomic physics, 'Computer programs, 'Elementary particles, 'High-energy physics, 'Plasma. For abstract, see NSA 25 08, number 1 7351 . UCRL-50028-75-4 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. H-Division Quarterly Report, October- December 1975. R. Grover. 1975, 57p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Materials, 'Equations of state, 'Mechanics, Research programs, 'Fluid mechanics. Research programs. Computer codes, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. 202 This report presents a brief summary of the overall goals of each of the seven groups com- prising H-Division of the Physics Department, and supplies a concise statement of the status of projects under way. References and experi- mental details are kept to a minimum. The groups included are as follows: theoretical EOS (equation-of-state) group, code development group, experimental EOS group, dynamic materials response group, solid mechanics group, fluid mechanics group, and special pro- jects group (for short-term projects). 24 figures, 6 tables. UCRL-50028-76-1 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. H-Division Quarterly Report, January—March 1976 1976, 54p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 'Materials, 'Fluid mechanics, *Bwr type reac- tors, "Containment systems, *Pwr type reactors, 'Solids, 'Shock waves, Research programs, Equations of state, Compressible flow, Com- puter codes, Time dependence, High pressure, High temperature, Physical properties, Mechanics, Performance, Simulation, Reflec- tion, Supersonic flow. Unsteady flow. Identifiers: ERDA/360000, ERDA/640410, ERDA/210100, ERDA/210200. This report supplies a concise statement of the status of the projects under way in H division; references and experimental details are kept to a minimum. A list of project titles follows: stu- dies in fracture mechanics; multi-component form of the dense plasma equation of state (EOS); equilibrium properties of high-density fluids; GRAYK user's manual; new three-phase EOS; EOS of water; the CHAMP hydrodynamics program; TEULER-CHAMP coupling develop- ment; multi-material, two-phase flow; HEMPDST: a version of HEMP with sliding on J- lines K-lines, and triangles; warhead impact problem; energy conservation in CEL; isobaric expansion; BRL vehicular armor program; Hu- goniot measurements on aluminum; tantalum hugoniot; double-pulsed laser holographic in- terferometry development; sabot stripper for high-velocity projectiles; generalized shape charge program; thermal-effect study for shal- low burst munitions; crack initiation and growth in nuclear pressure vessels; mechanics of long-rod penetrators at high angles of obliquity; finite-difference calculations of high- explosive-induced-fracture in coal; improve- ments to the HEMP system; (P. O. Weidhaas) PWR and BWR Safety Containment Analysis; Double-Mach reflection of shock waves in real gases. 24 figures, 3 tables,. (ERA citation 01:019883) UCRL-50028-76-2 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. H-Division Quarterly Report, April— June 1976 14 Jul 76, 51p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Fluid mechanics, 'Mechanics, Computer codes, Equations of state, Fractures, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Metals, Pro- jectiles, Research programs, Solids, Turbu- lence. Identifiers: ERDA/360100, ERDA/657002, ERDA/640410. The purview of H-Division is the mechanics of fluids and solid bodies. Concise status reports of the projects undertaken by the various groups in the division are given. Representative topics studied include equations of state of various materials, fracture mechanics, penetra- tion of armor by projectiles, turbulence genera- tion, and the development of dynamics com- puter codes. 31 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 02:005310) UCRL-50028-76-3 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. H-Division Quarterly Report, July— September 1976 8 Nov 76, 59p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 'Research programs, Computer codes, Equa- tions of state, Fluid mechanics, Mechanics, Reactor safety. Water, Carbon, Expansion, Lithium, Tantalum, Thermodynamic properties, Tubes, Yield strength, Aluminium, Melting, Car- bon steels, Cracks, Fracture properties, Pres- sure vessels. Identifiers: ERDA/990100, Nuclear reactor materials, Glassy carbon, Materials. Brief descriptions are given of the current work of the Theoretical Equation of State (EOS), Ex- perimental Physics, Code Development, Fluid Mechanics, and Solid Mechanics groups. Among the projects underway at this time are the following: construction of a two-phase EOS for water to be used in reactor safety calcula- tions; isobaric expansion experiments on glas- sy carbon and lithium to clarify thermodynamic properties; determination of the high-tempera- ture yield strength of hallow tantalum tubes; study of the melting transition of Al; influence of EOS fluctuations on thermodynamic processes; fundamental study of crack initia- tion and propagation of application to pressure vessels; photographic diagnostics for uniaxial tension test of A533 steel specimen; and stu- dies in fracture mechanics. 45 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 02:02571 1 ) UCRL-50400(V.17)(Pt.A) PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculations! Con- stants. Program Linear (Version 77-1): Linearize Data in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format D.E.Cullen. 12 Jan 77, 27p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Cross sections, 'Neutron reactions, 'Photonuclear reactions, Data processing. Interpolation, L codes. Identifiers: ERDA/651000. We have written a computer code called LINEAR that both converts evaluated cross sec- tions in the ENDF/B format to linear-linear in- terpolatable form and thins those sections al- ready in that form. The main advantage of the code is that it eliminates the need for any sub- sequent code to consider anything but linear- linear data. (ERA citation 02:061328) UCRL-50400(V.1 7)(Pt.B) PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Con- stants. Program SIGMA1 (Version 77-1): Dop- pler Broaden Evaluated Cross Sections in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format D. E. Cullen.12Jan77, 45p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Cross sections, Computer codes, Doppler broadening, Nuclear reactions, S codes. Identifiers: ERDA/651000. A code, SIGMA1, has been designed to Doppler broaden evaluated cross sections in the ENDF/B format. The code can only be applied to tabulated data that vary linearly in energy and cross section between tabulated points. This report describes the methods usea in the code and serves as a user's guide to the code. (ERA citation 02:044360) HC E01 MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Radia- UCRL-50802 California Univ. tion Lab. Description of the Pufl Fortran Program. Leota Barr, and Eleanor Reed. Jan 70, 38p Descriptors: 'Nuclear explosions. Nuclear in- dustrial applications, 'Gas flow, Pro- gramming(Computers), Faults(Geology), Subroutines, Simulation. Identifiers: Natural gas, Graben(Geology), Gas production, Plowshare operation, Gas dynam- ics. For abstract, see NSA 241 3 UCRL-50816 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radia- tion Lab. Fed: A Computer Program to Generate Geometric Input for the Heat-Transfer Code Trump. Dale A. Schauer. 1 Feb 70, 95p Descriptors: 'Heat transfer, Computer pro- grams, Geometric forms, Input-output devices, Flow charting. Identifiers: FED computer program, TRUMP computer code. For abstract, see NSA 241 4 UCRL-50820 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radia- tion Lab. The Ogre Code: A Two-Dimensional Numeri- cal Model of the Transient Flow of One or Two Compressible Fluids Through Confined Porous Media. John A. Korver. 1 1 Feb 70, 229p Descriptors: 'Nuclear explosions, Underground explosions, 'Oil recovery. Porous materials, 'Compressible flow. Mathematical models, Computerized simulation, Pressure gradients, Nuclear explosions. Petroleum industry, Natu- ral gas, Gas production. Viscous flow, Finite difference theory. Permeability, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: OGRE computer code, "Nuclear stimulation. For abstract, see NSA 241 8 UCRL-50910 PC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radia- tion Lab. Tibro-General. Richard Knox. 19 Aug 70, 61 p Descriptors: 'Charged particles, 'Computer programs, 'Magnetic fields. For abstract, see NSA 24 23, number 491 51. UCRL-51079(Rev.1) PC A10/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore (Usa). Lawrence Livermore Lab. Hemp User's Manual. E. D. Giroux. 17 Dec 73, 206p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Fluid mechanics, 'Two-dimen- sional calculations, 'Computer codes, *H codes, Cdc computers, Elasticity, Finite dif- ference method, Fortran, Hydrodynamics, Lagrangian function, Manuals, Plasticity. 203 For abstract, see NSA29 12, number 31 61 7. PC A03/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCRL-51390 California Univ. more Lab. Static Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids with Material and Geometric Nonlinearities by the Finite Element Method M. Hartzman. 19 Jan 73, 33p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: "Solids, "Stresses, Computer codes, Deformation, Elasticity, Finite element method. Geometry, Nonlinear problems, Plasticity, Rotation, Strains, Symmetry. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 1 1 , number 29561 . UCRL-51574 PC A05/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. M. L. Wilkins, R. E. Blum, E. Cronshagen, and P. Grantham. 24 Apr 74, 87p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: "Stress analysis. Computer codes, "Computer codes, *H codes, S codes. Thermal stresses, V codes. For abstract, see NSA 30 07, number 18483. UCRL-51574(Rev.1) PC A05/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. M. L. Wilkins, R. E. Blum, E. Cronshagen, and P. Grantham. 30 May 75, 87p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Mechanical structures, "Stress analysis, "Computer codes, *S codes. "Stators, Stress analysis, Elasticity, Finite difference method. Finite element method. Plasticity, Thermal shock. Thermal stresses, Three- dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/420200. Details are given for a versatile computer pro- gram that employs finite element and finite dif- ference techniques to describe complex physi- cal phenomena in three dimensions and time. Applications include problems in gas dynamics, elasticity, dynamic plasticity, fracture, and ther- mal conduction. The main features of the pro- gram are illustrated by a calculation that deter- mines the thermal-shock stresses in a stator blade of a gas turbine engine. Appendices present an outline of SOLID SAP, a complete mathematical development of HEM P 3D, a com- parison between finite difference and finite ele- ment methods, and descriptions of subroutines for discretizing, for display, and for calculation of three-dimensional thermal diffusion. PC A06/MF A01 Livermore Lawrence Liver- UCRL-51622 California Univ more Lab. S3f-Syr/LLL1: The Syracuse Computer Code for Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolution, Extended for Near-Field Compu- tations. R. M. Bevensee. 28 May 74, 104p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *S codes, "Electromagnetic radiation, "Emission, Anten- nas, Backscattering, Geometry, Manuals, Mo- tion, Rotation, Scattering, Solids. For abstract, see NSA 30 12, number 34512. UCRL-51673 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Computer Model for Wave Propagation in Porous Materials. F. H.Ree.7 0ct74, 22p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: "Wave propagation, "Mathematical models. Computer calculations. Computer codes, Computers, Porosity, Relaxation, Solids, Stresses. For abstract, see NSA 31 04, number 10450. UCRL-51806 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. MAFJ: Some Simple Additions to MAFCO C. H. Ill Finan, and B. McNamara. 12 Jan 76, 12p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Magnet coils, "Plasma, Cdc computers. Electric currents, Equilibrium, Fortran, Integrals, Kinetics, M codes, Magnetic fields. Three-dimensional cal- culations. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/700103, "MAFJ computer program. MAFJ is a revision of the MAFCO code which generates magnetic fields (B) resulting from collections of current elements. In addition to the original MAFCO's capabilities, MAFJ fol- lows field lines through a region of interest and calculates integrals of functions along these lines. It can also generate three-dimensional grids of B. MAFJ runs from eight to 15 times faster than MAFCO, depending on the types of current elements chosen. 2 tables. (ERA cita- tion 01 :022374) PC A04/MF A01 Livermore Lawrence Liver- UCRL-51826 California Univ. more Lab. Time-Dependent Propagation of High Energy Laser BEAMS Through the Atmosphere. J. A. Fleck, Jr, J. R. Morris, and M. J. Feit. 2 Jun 75, 61 p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: "Laser radiation, Wave propaga- tion. Computer codes. Earth atmosphere. Time dependence. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, Laser beams, "Atmospheric transmissivity. A general time-dependent three-space-dimen- sional propagation code is described. This code is capable of treating the propagation of high energy laser beams through the at- mosphere in the presence of a horizontal wind and turbulence for most situations of interest. Possible cases are propagation of cw beams through stagnation zones, multipulse propaga- tion, including the self-consistent treatment of pulse self-blooming, and propagation involving transonic slewing. The solution of the Maxwell wave equation in Fresnel approximation is ob- tained by means of a discrete Fourier transform method, which, surprisingly, gives excellent results for diffraction problems. The latter pro- vide a stringent test for the accuracy of any solution method. Considerable use is also made of discrete Fourier transform methods in solving the hydrodynamic equations. The treat- ment of turbulence is based on the generation of random phase screens at each calculation step along the propagation path. In a time-de- pendent calculation the random phase screens can be either made to move with the wind at a given propagation position or generated anew for each successive time. The code is equipped with a general scenario routine involving a moving laser platform as well as target. This routine allows the code to treat an effective transverse wind velocity that varies with time as well as axial position. Thus it is possible to take into account the motion of the stagnation point in treating the propagation of beams through stagnation zones. The code is equipped with extensive editing facilities which generate vari- ous averages, contour plots, and plots of quan- tities of interest as a function of time. The report also contains illustrative examples of the code's different calculational features. PC A02/MF A01 Livermore Lawrence Liver- UCRL-51847 California Univ., more Lab. Litepath: A Computer Code to Simulate an Optical System. L. G. Yaffe, V. A. Mode, D. H. Sisson, and G. G. McMillan. 6 Nov 75, 22p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *L codes, "Optical spectrometers. Computer codes, Cdc computers, Fortran, Optical systems. Identifiers: ERDA/644005, ERDA/990200, Com- puterized simulation, LITEPATH computer code. A computer code to simulate a general spectro- scopic optical system was written. The user has the freedom to construct essentially any ar- rangement of optical surfaces between a light source and a detector. The source may be a point source, or an emitting volume with a linear or nonlinear intensity profile. The optical surfaces may absorb, reflect, refract, filter, or transmit photons. With this code, it was possi- ble to calculate instrument correction factors for actual fluorescence systems and to verify the model with experimental results. A listing of the source code and two support programs are included. (7 figures, 3 tables). PC A03/MF A01 Livermore Lawrence Liver- UCRL-51860 California Univ. more Lab. Pinhole for Producing a Close-in Image of an Extended 14-Mev Neutron Source. S. M. Matthews. 1 Jul 75, 50p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Neutron sources, "Images, "Computer codes, *P codes. Beam optics, Mean free path, Mev range 10-100, Spatial distribu- tion, Two-dimensional calculations. In pulsed-neutron pinhole imaging experi- ments, it is desirable to produce images of ex- tended 14-MeV neutron sources close to the source itself to minimize time-of-flight distor- tions. 'Close' means that the thickness of the pinhole barrier is not negligible in comparison with the distance from the source to the image plane. A pinhole assembly capable of produc- ing close-in images extended 14-MeV neutron sources was designed and used in a number of experiments. A computer program was devised to predict the performance of the pinhole by calculating the distribution of neutrons incident on the image plane from a neutron point source in the source plane. The calculation of the image-plane neutron distribution takes into ac- count edge penetration through the barrier and is a function both of the neutron mean free path in the barrier material and of the system geometry. UCRL-51931 PC A14/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Numerical Investigation of the Pulsed NF3 + H2 Chemical Laser Using a Model Which In- cludes Rotational Relaxation and Semi-Clas- sical Laser Equations. J. R. Creighton. 1 Sep 75, 31 4p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, Mathematical models. Computer codes. Hydrofluoric acid, Hydrogen, M codes, Nitrogen fluorides. Popula- tion inversion, Wave forms. 204 Identifiers: Nitrogen fluoride(NF3), Hydrogen fluoride lasers. Waveforms and population distributions have been calculated by a numerical model and compared with experiment for an electric- discharge-initiated, pulsed NF sub 3 + H sub 2 chemical laser. The model treats each vibra- tional-rotational state separately, allowing rota- tional relaxation between adjacent states as well as vibrational relaxation and lasing accord- ing to P-branch selection rules. Calculated waveforms agree with experiment and show several features not seen when rotational equilibrium is assumed: simultaneous lasing on many transitions, cascade behavior, spikes due to laser relaxation oscillations, non-Boltzmann rotational distributions, and "hole burning" in the population distributions. The calculations give insight into the physical phenomena governing the shape and duration of the waveforms. The effect of varying certain parameters, relaxation rates, temperature, pressure, and diluents, is studied. Best fit to ex- perimental waveforms is obtained when the rotational relaxation rate and collisional line broadening rate are approximately equal at about 10 times the hard sphere collision rate. The IXION computer code, developed for these calculations, is described in detail. In addition, an analytic model is presented which accounts for major features of the total (all transitions) output waveform of the laser assuming rota- tional equilibrium, a steady state laser model, and constant temperature. A second computer code, MINOTAR, was developed as a general purpose chemical kinetics code. It verifies the analytic model and extends the results to adiabatic reactions where the temperature va- ries, and can yield waveforms using the as- sumptions of rotational equilibrium and a steady state laser. The MINOTAR code, being general, can also be used for chemical kinetics problems such as air pollution and combustion. PC A04/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCRL-51993 California Univ more Lab. Design Optimization of Beta- and Photovolta- ic Conversion Devices R. Wichner, A. Blum, E. Fischer-Co Ibrie, and H. Chau. 8 Jan 76, 55p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Betavoltaic cells, "Photovoltaic cells, Carrier mobility, Computer calculations, Computer codes, Design, Efficiency, Optimiza- tion, P-n junctions. Identifiers: ERDA/300600, ERDA/070301, Solar energy conversion, Silicon, Gallium arsenides. This report presents the theoretical and experi- mental results of an LLL Electronics Engineer- ing research program aimed at optimizing the design and electronic-material parameters of beta- and photovoltaic p-n junction conversion devices. To meet this objective, a comprehen- sive computer code has been developed that can handle a broad range of practical condi- tions. The physical model upon which the code is based is described first. Then, an example is given of a set of optimization calculations along with the resulting optimized efficiencies for sil- icon (Si) and gallium-arsenide (GaAs) devices. The model we have developed, however, is not limited to these materials. It can handle any ap- propriate material— single or polycrystalline— provided energy absorption and electron-trans- port data are available. To check code validity, the performance of experimental silicon p-n junction devices (produced in-house) were measured under various light intensities and spectra as well as under tritium beta irradiation. The results of these tests were then compared with predicted results based on the known or best estimated device parameters. The com- parison showed very good agreement between the calculated and the measured results. (ERA citation 02:000930) UCRL-52029 PC A06/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Abcxyz: Vector Potential (A) and Magnetic Field (B) Code (C) for Cartesian (Xyz) Geometry Using General Current Elements D. V. Anderson, J. Breazeal, C. H. Finan, and B. M.Johnston. 14 Sep 76, 120p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: *2x devices, 'Computer codes, "Magnetic fields, A codes, Cartesian coor- dinates, Cdc computers, Electric currents, For- tran, Vectors, Wires. Identifiers: ERDA/657007, ERDA/990200, ERDA/700202, ABCXYC computer program. ABCXYZ is a computer code for obtaining the Cartesian components of the vector potential and the magnetic field on an observed grid from an arrangement of current-carrying wires. Arbitrary combinations of straight line seg- ments, arcs, and loops are allowed in the specification of the currents. Arbitrary positions and orientations of the current-carrying ele- ments are also allowed. Specification of the wire diameter permits the computation of well- defined fields, even in the interiors of the con- ductors. An optical feature generates magnetic field lines. Extensive graphical and printed out- put is available to the user including contour, grid-line, and field-line plots. 12 figures, 1 table. (ERA citation 02:021234) MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCRL-52112 California Univ more Lab. Numerical Methods in Hydrodynamic Calcula- tions W. F. Noh.8Jun76, 84p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Compressible flow, "Hydrodynamics, C codes, Calculation methods, Computer codes, Differential equa- tions. Finite difference method, Heat transfer, K codes, L codes, Lawrence livermore laboratory, O codes. Rivers, S codes, Shock waves, Stabili- ty, Viscosity. Identifiers: ERDA/420400. The elements of the theory of finite difference methods for the numerical solution of systems of partial differential equations, and in particu- lar the equations of compressible fluid dynam- ics, are presented. It is assumed that the reader is knowledgeable in hydrodynamics, but the discussion does not require an advanced stu- dent of numerical methods. The notions of nu- merical stability, consistency, order of accura- cy, etc., of finite difference schemes are defined, and examples of each notion are given using both the linear heat equation and the linear wave equation. The integral or "weak" formulation of the hydrodynamic equations is derived, and from this the Rankine-Hugoniot "jump" conditions for shocks and the condi- tions that hold at contact discontinuities are formulated. The general theory of the viscosity method of von Neumann and Richtmyer for fol- lowing shocks is derived, and the most com- mon difference methods for the Lagrangian and the Eulerian representations are presented. Because future code development will build on past successes and should also profit from past mistakes, a brief historical review of LLL's two- dimensional hydrodynamics codes is presented and a few personal views of anticipated progress are expressed. (ERA citation 02:020706) UCRL-52149 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Computerization of Spectroscopic Constants for Selected Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules E. A. Henry, and V. E. Hampel. 6 Oct 76, 25p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Lasers, Molecules, Energy levels. Identifiers: ERDA/420300, "Data base manage- ment systems, Information systems, "Data bases, Diatomic molecules, "Laser materials. Spectroscopy, Tables(Data), Chemical com- pounds. A computerized data base of spectroscopic constants for approximately 160 selected heteronuclear diatomic molecules was developed using data on more than 1000 molecular levels prepared by S. N. Suchard. These data are of potential use for laser appli- cation. The MASTER CONTROL data-base management system is used. These compu- terized spectroscopic constants can be requested from the ERDA Computer Program Exchange and Information Center of the Ar- gonne National Laboratory or from the National Technical Information Service of the U.S. De- partment of Commerce. (ERA citation 02:014465) UCRL-52189 , PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Tibro-X: A Code to Compute Trajectories of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields J. D. Hanson, and R. S. Devoto. 10 Dec 76, 15p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Charged particles, "Computer codes, Magnetic fields. Magnetic mirrors, T codes, Trajectories. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, "Tibro-X computer program, "Particle trajectories. TIBRO-X is a code for computing trajectories of charged particles in magnetic fields. It is based on an earlier code TIBRO, which was developed to study nonadiabatic behavior of ions trapped by magnetic mirror fields. Modifications have been made to enable it to also be used to study properties of untrapped ions. Some features in- clude computation of the instantaneous parti- cle gyrocenter; capability of starting a particle gyrating with a specified v/sub parallel/, v/sub perpendicular/, and phase about a specified field line; and superposed plots of field line and subsequent gyrocenter trajectories. Magnetic fields may be computed from analytic expres- sions, from MAFCO subroutines, or via inter- polation on a grid. (ERA citation 02:038833) PC A12/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCRL-52218 California Univ more Lab. Calculation of Transport Coefficients in an Axisymmetric Plasma D. E. Shumaker. Jan 77, 274p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Thesis. Descriptors: "Plasma, "Tokamak type reactors, Computer codes, Impurities, Toroidal configu- ration, Transport theory. Identifiers: ERDA/700105. A method of calculating the transport coeffi- cient in an axisymmetric toroidal plasma is presented. This method is useful in calculating the transport coefficients in a Tokamak plasma confinement device. The particle density and temperature are shown to be a constant on a magnetic flux surface. Transport equations are given for the total particle flux and total energy flux crossing a closed toroidal surface. Also transport equations are given for the toroidal magnetic flux. A computer code was written to calculate the transport coefficients for a three species plasma, electrons and two species of ions. This is useful for calculating the transport coefficients of a plasma which contains impuri- ties. It was found that the particle and energy transport coefficients are increased by a large 205 amount, and the transport coefficients for the toroidal magnetic field are reduced by a small amount. (ERA citation 02:038834) UCRL-52276 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. XSNQ-U: A Non-LTE Emission and Absorp- tion Coefficient Subroutine W. A. Lokke, and W. H. Grasberger. 6 Jan 77, 35p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, "Laser- produced plasma, Absorption, Atom collisions, Electron-ion collisions. Emission, Excited states, Gases, Kinetics, Time dependence, X codes. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, XSNQ-U computer program. This report describes the non-LTE atomic-state computer program, XSNQ-U. The original clas- sified report was issued in 1971 . Since then, im- portant changes and improvements have been included. XSNQ-U provides frequency-depen- dent emission and absorption coefficients for a material not in LTE (local thermodynamic equilibrium). As in XSNB, an LTE opacity subroutine, a compromise was sought between accuracy and computer speed. The result, XSNQ-U, is intended for use as a subroutine in any transport code. This report surveys the basic non-LTE equations for the average ion model, as pioneered by Grasberger (UCRL- 12408 and -5135), and gives details for the ap- proximations and technique used in XSNQ-U. Also included are some illustrative numerical examples. Since the writing of the classified re- port, the code has been modified to handle the case of multiple elements. The extension is straight forward; the notation of this report would only be more cumbersome if the single- element notation were replaced by the multiple- element notation. Also, the method of solving the rate equations by using analytical dif- ferentials as discussed in the classified report was replaced by a more direct incremental dif- ferences scheme, which is discussed in the present version. 12 figures, 2 tables. (ERA cita- tion 02:061633) PC A03/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCRL-52321 California Univ. more Lab. Evaluation of Two Computer Programs for Modeling Electromagnetic Interactions with Surfaces T. H. Lehman, D. L. Lager, and A.J. Poggio. 20 Sep77,27p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Electromagnetic radiation, "Plates, B codes, Cdc computers, Comparative evaluations, Effi- ciency, Electric fields, F codes, Finite difference method. Finite element method, Integral equa- tions, Mathematical models. Numerical solu- tion, Scattering, Surfaces. Identifiers: ERDA/657007, FINITE/ELEMENT computer program, BNTPLT COMPUTER pro- gram, "Electromagnetic scattering , Comperized simulation. Two computer programs designed to determine the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of thin plates were tested and evaluated in this study for the U.S. Navy. Particular attention was directed to program convergence charac- teristics, efficiency, and adaptability to ar- bitrarily shaped surfaces. One program, FINITE/ELEMENT, was based on a finite-ele- ment formulation, while the other program, BNTPLT, was based on a mixed potential ap- proach. The operation of FINITE/ELEMENT produced convergence difficulties and used ex- cessive computer time. Also, its use required the addition of a somewhat fictitious thickness parameter. Reformulated expressions for this program may circumvent many of these dif- ficulties. BNTPLT performed more satisfactori- ly, but not significantly better than the existing NEC program to justify an extension of its use for general surfaces. Based on these findings, a course of action for the U.S. Navy is suggested with regard to their present and future needs. 12 figures. (ERA citation 03:013231) UCRL-72640 PC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radia- tion Lab. Computer Simulation of Fracture. M. L. Wilkins. 18 Aug 70, 14p Rept no. CONF- 700910-1 From 17th Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference, Raquette Lake, N Y. Descriptors: "Cracks. For abstract, see NSA 24 22, number 48027. UCRL-72700 PC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radia- tion Lab. Flag- Free-Lagrange Method for Numerically Simulating Hydrodynamic Flows in Two Dimensions. W. P. Crowley. 28 Aug 70, 28p Rept no. CONF- 700906-2 From 2nd International Conference On Numeri- cal Methods In Fluid Dynamics, Berkeley, Calif. Descriptors: "Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 24 22, number 48028. PC E01/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCRL-74109 California Univ. more Lab. Computer Calculations of X-Ray Production by Laser-Produced Plasmas R. E. Birkett, and G. B. Zimmerman. 27 Oct 72, 8p Rept no. CONF-721 132-3 Descriptors: "Plasma production, "X-ray spec- tra, Absorption, Computer codes, Distribution functions, L codes, Laser radiation, Plasma. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 01, number 01480. UCRL-74110 PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Self-Generated Magnetic Fields and Nonther- mal Electrons in Laser-Produced Plasmas: Simulation Techniques and Calculational Results G. B. Zimmerman, E. T. Scharleman, and L. L. Wood. 27 Oct 72, 7p Rept no. CONF-721 132-9 Descriptors: "Plasma simulation, "Computer codes, "Plasma production. Plasma simulation. Electrons, Laser radiation, Magnetic fields. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 01, number 01481. UCRL-75814 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Calculation of Rotational Nonequilibrium in a Pulsed HF Laser. J. R. Creighton, and R. K. Pearson. 15 Nov 74, 22p Rept no. CONF-741048-1 Descriptors: "Chemical lasers, "Reaction kinetics, Computer calculations. Computer codes, Hydrofluoric acid, Mathematical models, Pulses, R codes. For abstract, see NSA 31 07, number 16402. UCRL-75916 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Self-Calibration and Analysis of Image For- mation in the sub-Nanosecond Domain. H. J. Weaver, G. E. Sommargren, and E. S. Bliss. 6 Aug 74, 8p Rept no CONF-740823-6 Descriptors: "Laser radiation, "Calibration, "Computer codes, *P codes, Interferometers, Pulses. For abstract, see NSA 30 12, number31912. UCRL-76084 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Computer Programs for Simulating Physical Phenomena in Three Space Dimensions and Time. P. Grantham, and E. Cronshagen. 8 Oct 74, 9p Rept no. CONF-741001-28 Descriptors: "Elasticity, "Computer calcula- tions, "Plasticity, Computer calculations, "Gas flow, Computer calculations, Computer graphics. Distance, Finite element method, Gases, Kinetics, Mechanical properties. Numer- ical solution, Programming, Simulation, Ther- mal conduction, Time resolution. For abstract, see NSA 31 04, number 10453. UCRL-76135(Add.1) PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Listing of Clem7c. T. Freeman. 9 May 75, 1 1 p Descriptors: "Sound waves, "Spatial distribu- tion, "Computer codes, *C codes. Identifiers: ERDA/644004. A listing of the program CLEM7C is given. This program is intended to display acoustic source locations in large bodies. Only the FORTRAN IV listing is presented; the only explanations given are those on the COMMENTS cards. UCRL-77328 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Internal Variable Theory of Plasticity Based Upon Dislocation Mechanics R. W. Werne, and J. M. Kelly. Apr 76, 5p Rept no. CONF-760819-1 International conference on the mechanical behavior of materials, Federation of Materials Societies, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America (USA), 16 Aug 1976. Descriptors: "Solids, Computer codes, Crystal models, Crystal structure, Deformation, Dislo- cations, Finite element method, Plasticity, Polycrystals, Slip. Identifiers: ERDA/360102, ERDA/360103, "Plastic properties. Using the internal variable theory of nonlinear material behavior, a theory of polycrystalline plasticity has been developed using dislocation mechanics as a guide to model the internal processes which cause macroscopic plastic flow. In crystalline solids the key to their elastic- plastic behavior lies in the nature of the crystal structure and the effect of dislocations on that structure. When stresses are applied to a crystal containing dislocations most remain stationary until the state of stress reaches some critical value at which time they will begin to move at a finite velocity. As the dislocations move along their glide planes, sections of the crystal slip relative to one another resulting in isochoric plastic deformation at the macroscopic level. Prediction of plastic deformation from the mo- tion of dislocations within an individual crystal grain is not possible. However, it has been 206 shown that the randomness associated with a polycrystalline solid is consistent with the con- tinuum concept of isotropy. This point of view is adopted in the theory in which a polycrystalline solid is assumed to be a continuum with the ad- ditional property that it contains a dislocation flux. The theory as summarized by equations and has been incorporated as a constitutive subroutine into a two dimensional finite ele- ment code. The resulting material model yields an elastic-viscoplastic behavior which can be seen in example problems presented in figures. (ERA citation 02.020476) UCRL-77512(Rev.1) PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Simulation of Optical Systems L. G. Yaffe, V. A. Mode, D. H. Sisson, and G. G. McMillan. 1 1 Mar 76, 5p Rept no. CONF- 760703-1 Summer computer conference, Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America (USA), 12 Jun 1976. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Optical systems, Fluorescence spectroscopy, L codes, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, LITEPATH computer code, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC-7600 computer. Computerized simulation. A comupter code to evaluate quantitatively the macroscopic behavior of photons in a broad range of optical systems, especially lu- minescence spectrometers, is briefly described. The user has full flexibility to define the ele- ments and optical characteristics of the system and to use a source having nonlinear charac- teristics. This code, LITEPATH, was pro- grammed at the Lawrence Livermore Laborato- ry in a modified FORTRAN IV language for operation on the CDC 7600 computers. The program and its support routines are fully in- teractive via LLL keyboard terminals and TV networks. (ERA citation 01 :017168) UCRL-77974 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Moment-Method Techniques in Electromag- netics from an Application's Viewpoint E. K. Miller, and A.J. Poggio. 11 Jun 76, 61 p Rept no. CONF-760610-2 Contract W-7405-eng-48 National conference on electromagnetic scat- tering theory, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America (USA), 15 Jun 1976. Descriptors: *Electromagnetism, Computer codes, Moments method. Numerical solution. Identifiers. ERDA/657007. The various issues of concern in the practical application of Moment— Method techniques in electromagnetics are discussed. Special atten- tion is devoted to the steps involved in the development and use of a computer model. A survey of the state-of-the-art in connection with problem types most often encountered is also given. A recommendation is made for a methodological framework to be developed for EM problem solving to more effectively exploit analytical, computational and experimental procedures. (ERA citation 02:0061 33) UCRL-78049 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. MHSS: A Material Handling System Simulator L. Pomernacki, and R. B. Hollstien . 7 Apr 76, 8p Rept no. CONF-760703-2 Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Summer computer conference, Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America (USA), 12 Jul 1976. Descriptors: 'Materials handling, 'Safeguards, Accounting, Computers, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/055001, Nuclear materials management, MHSS computer program. A Material Handling System Simulator (MHSS) program is described that provides specialized functional blocks for modeling and simulation of nuclear material handling systems. Models of nuclear fuel fabrication plants may be built using functional blocks that simulate material receiving, storage, transport, inventory, processing, and shipping operations as well as the control and reporting tasks of operators or on-line computers. Blocks are also provided that allow the user to observe and gather statistical information on the dynamic behavior of simulated plants over single or replicated runs. Although it is currently being developed for the nuclear materials handling application, MHSS can be adapted to other industries in which material accountability is important. In this paper, emphasis is on the simulation methodology of the MHSS program with appli- cation to the nuclear material safeguards problem. (ERA citation 01 :018799) UNI-35 PC A03/MF A01 United Nuclear Industries, Inc., Richland, Wash. (Usa). Univac 1108 Hammer-Hanford Version Sup- plementary Users Note H.Toffer. 20 Jun 73, 48p Contract AT(45-1 )-1 857 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *H codes, 'Neutron reactions, 'Cross sections, 'Neutron beams, 'Nuclear reactions, Fortran, Univac computers. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA28 08, number 19800. USIP-71-3 PC E01 MF A01 Stockholm Univ. (Sweden). Inst. Of Physics. Automatic Selection of Kinematical Hypotheses from Two Prong Proton-Proton Interactions in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber at19Gev/C O. Danielsson, L Granstroem, and B. E. Ronne. Apr71,63p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Protons. For abstract, see NSA 25 23, number 56523. UWFDM-216 PC A02/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ. -Madison. Dept. of Nuclear En- gineering. POICOU: A Point Plasma Code Including Profile Effects for Tokamak Power Reactors L. Lao. Aug 77, 20p Contract EY-76-S-02-2272 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Plasma drift. Energy balance. Kinetic equations, P codes. Plasma density, Transport theory. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, POICOU computer program. A time independent point computer code for tokamak power reactors is reported which in- cludes effects of different particle density and temperature profiles. The code is used to study the gas blanket power reactor by assuming it has a flat density profile and a bell-shaped tem- perature distribution. It was seen that while the average plasma density and temperature may remain the same compared with the one having both bell-shaped profiles, the thermal output can drop by a factor of as high as 25%. (ERA citation 03:007738) WANL-TME-1872 PC E01 MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Astronuclear Lab. Tap-a- a Program for Computing Transient or Steady-State Temperature Distributions. B. L. Pierce, and H. J. Stumpf. Dec 69, 123p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Heat transfer. For abstract, see NSA 24 21, number 44189. WANL-TME-2721 PC E01 MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Astronuclear Lab. W-Mesher- a Computer Program to Analyti- cally Partition a Two-Dimensional Figure M. R. Monkelis. Jul 70, 140p Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Temperature. For abstract, see NSA 25 09, number 18578. WANL-TMI-1722 PC A03/MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Astronuclear Lab. General Loss Coefficient Program. W. L. Jacob. 22 May 67, 45p Descriptors: 'Gas flow, 'Pressure drop, 'Computer codes, *L codes. Air, Argon, Com- puter calculations, Flow rate. Helium, Hydrogen, Reynolds number, Thermodynamic properties. For abstract, see NSA 32 03, number 06339. WAPD-TM-1227 PC A03/MF A01 Bettis Atomic Power Lab., West Mifflin, Pa. Hydraulic Pressure Pulses with Structural Flexibility: Test and Analysis (LWBR Develop- ment Program) D. A. Prelewicz. Apr 76, 49p Contract E(36-1)-GEN-14 Descriptors: 'Lwbr type reactors, 'Pressure vessels, 'Primary coolant circuits, Comparative evaluations. Computer codes. Hydraulics, Loss of coolant, Mockup, Performance testing. Pres- sure gradients. Reactor safety, Simulation, Stresses. Identifiers: ERDA/210500, ERDA/220500. Pressure pulse tests were conducted with both solid and flexible test sections in a test vessel filled with room temperature water. Pressure pulses of magnitude up to 1150 psid and dura- tions from 6 to 47 msec were generated with a drop hammer and piston pulse generator. FLASH-34 calculations show good agreement with the test data. In particular, FLASH-34 adequately predicts the decrease in peak pres- sure and the increase in pulse duration due to the presence of a flexible test section. Both test data and FLASH-34 calculations showed the structural response to be approximately quasi- static, except for slight departures from quasi- static response for the most rapid pressure pul- ses. All of the structural responses were in the elastic range. (ERA citation 01:01 6089) WAPD-TM-822(Add.1) HC E01 MF A01 Bettis Atomic Power Lab., Pittsburgh, Pa. Epoch: A Program to Calculate Neutron Ages Using the Endf/B Library. J. D. Butler, E. M. Gelbard, and E. Schmidt. May 70, 25p Descriptors: 'Neutron flux, 'Computer pro- grams. Neutron spectra, Neutron cross sec- tions, Partial differential equations. Identifiers: Epoch computer program. Neutron age. For abstract, see NSA 2418 WAPD-TM-935 PC E01 MF A01 Bettis Atomic Power Lab., Pittsburgh, Pa. 207 Gramp- a Program to Generate Reich and Moore Parameters for Multilevel Unresolved Resonances. Mark Goldsmith. May 70, 14p Contract AT-1 1-1 -GEN-14 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutrons, 'Nuclei. For abstract, see NSA 24 23, number 49865. WCAP-3845-2 HC E01 MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Atomic Power Dept. Description of the Generation of Data Decks by Etog-1 for Use in Creating Muft and GAM Libraries. S. Kellman, and D. E. Kusner. Jan 70, 26p ENDF- 133 Contract AT(30-1 )-3845 Descriptors: 'Nuclear cross sections, 'Information retrieval, Pro- gramming(Computers). Identifiers: ETOG 1 computer program, GAM computer code, M UFT computer code. For abstract, see NSA 241 2 WCAP-7363 PCE01/MFA01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Etot- a Fortran IV Program to Process Data from the Endf/B File to Thermal Library For- mat Charles L. Beard, and Robert A. Dannels. Mar 71,69pReptno. ENDF-146 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Neutron cross sections, 'Nuclear physics. For abstract, see NSA 26 09, number 21881. Y-DR-83 PC E01/MF A01 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn. Y-12 Plant. Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of Neutron Interacting Units. Part III. Arrays of U(93.2) Metal Separated by Various Materials D. W. Magnuson. 15 May 72, 9 Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Cellulose, 'Computer programs, "Glass, "Plastics, "Plywood, "Uranium. For abstract, see NSA 26 17, number 41490. Y/OWI/SUB-77/22303/6 PC A04/MF A01 RE/SPEC, Inc., Rapid City, S.Dak. Data Input Manual for RSI/TEVCO: A Ther- mo/Viscoelastic Finite Element Computer Program G. D. Callahan, and A. F. Fossum. 1 Feb 77, 70p Contract W-7405-ENG-26-SUB-89Y-22303C Hypfil: A Fortran Computer Program for the Investigation of Process Parameters in Sin- gle-Stage Hyperfiltration Processes. W. L. Griffith, R. M. Keller, R. A. Ebel, and R. S. Dillon. 10 Feb 70, 27p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Fluid flow, "Computer programs, "Desalination, Computer programs. Turbu- lence, Filters(Fluid). Identifiers: HYPFIL computer program, "Filtration. For abstract, see NSA 2409 HC E01 MF A01 Oak Ridge, Tenn. Y-12 Y-1729 Union Carbide Corp. Plant. A Fortran IV Computer Program for Calculat- ing Interplanar Spacings. A. L. Coffey, Jr. 1 5 Jul 70, 25p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: "Crystal lattices. Determination, "X ray diffraction, Analyzing, "Electron diffraction, Analyzing, Bragg angle, Computer programs, Time sharing, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. For abstract, see NSA 241 8 Y-1741 PCE01/MFA01 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn. Y-12 Plant. Heat Transfer Study for a Quasi-isostatic Hot Pressing Process H. P. Wayland Jr. 1 1 Apr 72, 83p Contract 0W-7405-ENG-260 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Heat transfer, "High-pressure systems, "Magnesium oxides, "Metallurgical equipment, "Zirconium oxides. For abstract, see NSA 26 12, number 27998. ZJE-63 PC E01 MF A01 Skoda Concern, Pilsen (Czechoslovakia). Nuclear Power Plants Div. Dimensioniess Thermal Stress in a Plate. C. Fojticek. 1969, 42p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Plates. For abstract, see NSA 24 23, number 48218. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Rock mechanics, Elasticity, Geologic deposits, R codes, Radioactive waste disposal. Identifiers: ERDA/580300, ERDA/052002, RSI/TEVCO computer program, Finite element analysis. RSI/TEVCO is a plane finite element code designed to analyze elastic, thermoelastic, viscoelastic, or thermoviscoelastic problems. The basic element is the eight noded isoparametric quadrilateral element, but a six noded subparametric triangular element may be used separately or for gradation purposes with quadrilateral elements. (ERA citation 02:061118) Y-1699 HC E01 MF A01 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn. Y-12 Plant. 208 SUBJECT INDEX 2X DEVICES Abcxyz: Vector Potential (A) and Magnetic Field (B) Code (C) for Cartesian (Xyz) Geometry Using General Current Elements UCRL-52029 A COOES Leap and Addelt, a Users Guide to Two Comple- mentary Codes on the lcl-470 for Calculating the Scattering Law from a Phonon Frequency Func- tion AEEW-M-1200 Algorithm for Automatic Indexing and Bravais Lattice Selection. The Programs Blind and Alice. IS-3469 Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 Computations, Tables, and Approximations for Grain Boundary Diffusion Theory. ORNL-4906 ABEL FUNCTION Abel Transormation. Applications to Wake Density Measurement . la Transformation Dabel. Applica- tions a la Mesure des Masses Volumiques Dans les Sillages N73-10324/CP ABLATION Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVII. Computer User's Manual: Erosion Shape (EROS) Computer Code AD-A026 613/OCP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program. Volume XVIII Nosetip Analyses Using the EROS Computer Code AD-A026 614/8CP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program. Volume XXII. Coupled Erosion/Ablation of Reentry Materials AD-A026 619/7CP Non-Grey Absorption Models of Ablator Vapors at High Temperatures with Application to Hyper- sonic Flow Fields AD-724 750/CP Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation Computer Program (Heatab). AD-800 437/CP High Radiation-Induced Ablation of a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow. AD-825 415/CP Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Ef- fects Shape Change N71-37569/CP The Vise Code a Users Manual N73-20933/CP ABSORPTION Brem II A Code for Calculating the Free— Free Gaunt Factor in an Arbitrary Atomic Potential UCRL-13582 ABSORPTION CROSS SECTIONS Daisey - an Efficient Program for Production of Neutron Pseudo Resonance Parameter Chains in the Unresolved Energy Region. N70-27998/CP ABSORPTION (PHYSICAL) A Doppler Shift Interferometric Technique for Measuring Small Absorption Coefficients AD-778 077/8CP ABSORPTION SPECTRA Spectral Absorption Coefficients of Argon and Silicon and Spectral Reflectivity of Aluminum N73-12727/CP ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contaminants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy. N76-28820/8CP ACCELERATION (PHYSICS) An Analytical Study of Reduced-Gravity Liquid Reorientation Using a Simplified Marker and Cell Technique N72-28279/CP ACCELERATORS Ion Beam Studies. Part 5. The Computer Simula- tion of Composite Ion Implantation Profiles AERE-R-8656 Modified Variant of the Magneto-Optical Program Transport ITEF-43 Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets. LBL-3222 PHYSICS REPORT. NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 UCRL-20120 ACCELEROMETERS The Low-G Accelerometer Calibration System Or- bital Accelerometer Experiment. Volume I. Experi- ment Description and Methodology AD-772 717/5CP ACOUSTIC ABSORPTION Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Descrip- tion AD-A021 330/6CP Atmospheric Absorption of Low Frequency Sound at High Pressures AD-A031 058/1CP Interactive Computer Program for the Determina- tion of Reverberation Time PB-275 574/2CP ACOUSTIC ARRAYS Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Thermoacoustic Array in Water AD-A017 372/4CP Nonlinear Scaling Laws for Parametric Receiving Arrays. Part II. Numerical Analysis AD-A027 578/4CP Summary Report, Phase I AD-A046 872/8CP An Analysis of the Parametric Acoustic Array for Spherical Wave Fields AD-723 241 /CP Acoustic Radiation from Multiple Surfaces AD-726 209/CP A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Acoustic Receiving Array AD-783 099/SCP ACOUSTIC ATTENUATION Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Descrip- tion AD-A021 330/6CP A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low- Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/OCP Acoustic Attenuation Analysis Program for Ducts with Mean Flow. N75-11211/0CP A Finite Element Simulation of Sound Attenuation in a Finite Duct with a Periphally Variable Liner. N78-11798/3CP ACOUSTIC CHAMBERS Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers PB-256 639/6CP ACOUSTIC DATA NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891 /8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP ACOUSTIC DUCTS Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three- Dimensional Acoustic Fields N71-35405/CP A Finite Element Simulation of Sound Attenuation in a Finite Duct with a Periphally Variable Liner. N78-11798/3CP ACOUSTIC EMISSIONS Sound Radiation from an Orthotopic Plate Sup- ported by a Double Set of Stiffeners AD-A013 320/7CP ACOUSTIC FIELDS Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Pat- terns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measurements AD-A020 106/1CP Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spheri- cal Sources with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-A027 522/2CP ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE Measurement of the Acoustic Impedance of the Ocean Bottom AD-A047 819/8CP Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP ACOUSTIC MATERIALS A State-of-the-Art Data System for the Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Materials AD-A036 864/7CP ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENT A Computer Technique for Predicting Noise Levels Inside Large Enclosures AD-771 107/OCP Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers PB-256 639/6CP ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS Description and Implementation of a Method for Characterizing Noise Sources in Jets N73-20020/CP ACOUSTIC NOZZLES Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three Dimensional Acoustic Fields N72-14703/CP ACOUSTIC REFLECTION A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation, Implemen- tation, and Application AD-A028 521 /3CP ACOUSTIC SCATTERING FORTRAN Subroutines to Evaluate, in Single or Double Precision, Bessel Functions of the First and Second Kinds for Complex Arguments AD-A024 384/OCP The Numerical Solution of Low Frequency Scat- tering Problems AD-741 776/CP The Transmission of Sound through a Stochastic Interface AD-758 729/CP Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 518/4CP ACOUSTIC SIGNALS Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detection AD-A004 591 /4CP FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculating the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids AD-786 352/5CP ACOUSTIC SIGNATURES Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP ACOUSTIC SURFACE WAVES Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer AD-782 419/6CP ACOUSTIC VELOCITY A Ray Trace Program for the CDC 1604 Computer AD-A005 321 /5CP Normal Mode FORTRAN Programs for Calculating Sound Propagation in the Ocean AD-A013 256/3CP Computation of Long-Range Propagation Losses in a Duct AD-A017 006/8CP The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sound Speed in the California Current System off Mon- terey. Calif AD-A017 573/7CP Calculation of the Relative Speed of Sound in a Gas Mixture AD-A022 512/8CP Computer Programs for Obtaining Sound Speeds from Digitized Environmental Data AD-A027 396/1 CP Sound Dispersion and Phase Fluctuations in the Upper Ocean AD-738 913/CP A Set of Tables of the Relative Speed of Sound in Various Diving Gas Mixtures AD-780 414/9CP Atmospheric Ray Tracing AD-787 063/7CP Comparisons of Normal Mode Theory. Ray Theory, and Modified Ray Theory for Arbitrary Sound Velocity Profiles Resulting in Convergence Zones AD-787 629/5CP ACOUSTIC WAVES Transfer Function, Impulse Response and Reradiated Waveform for an Elliptically Symmet- SUBJECT INDEX ric Reradiation Function of the Form Z to the nu Power, nu Halt an Odd Integer (USL Program Number 0837) AD-A046 684/7CP A Corrected Parabolic-Equation Program Package for Acoustic Propagation AD-A050 564/4CP The Effects of Acoustical Disturbances on Boun- dary Layer Transition AD-A051 497/6CP A Calculation of the Acoustic Shear Wave At- tenuation in Sea Ice AD-786 707/OCP The Propagation of a Spherical N Wave in an Ab- sorbing Medium and Its Diffraction by a Circular Aperture AD-787 878/8CP ACOUSTICS A Computer Code to Calculate the Effect of Inter- nal Waves on Acoustic Propagation AD-A016 629/8CP Digital Reconstruction of Acoustic Holograms AD-A022 666/2CP Thermal Acoustic Oscillations, Volume 2. N75-25674/3CP ACOUSTOOPTICS Microwave Model Study of Optical Dielectric Slab Waveguide AD-A011 551 /9CP Theoretical Investigations of a Tunable Collinear Acousto-Optic Filter AD-A018 333/5CP Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer AD-782 419/6CP ACTINIDES Modification of the Fission Product Inventory Pro- gram Fispin AERE-M-2872 ACTIVE SONAR LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP ADAPTIVE CONTROL Optimization of Optical Systems. N77-17847/3CP ADIABATIC FLOW A Parametric Study of Adiabatic Laminar Bounda- ry Layer Shock Wave Interactions by the Method of Lees- Reeves- Klineberg. N71-11017/CP ADMITTANCE Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP AOSORPTION Surface Self-Diffusion on a Face Centered Crystal An Atomic View AD-A001 374/8CP AERATION The Effect of Aeration on Water Jet Spreading PB-267 717/7CP AEROBALLISTICS Description of the Revised Aero I Program, PA no, 010417 AD-784 085/3CP AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Sabot Aerodynamics During Discard AD-AOOO 899/5CP Investigations of the Rolling-Up of the Vortex Wake and Calculation of Non-Linear Aerodynamic Characteristics of wings AD-A032 552/2CP A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Lift- ing Bodies in Subsonic Inviscid Flow AD-782 202/6CP VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-17424/CP Equation Solving Program for Aerodynamic Lift- ing Surface Theory N74-16700/8CP Program Wtdplt: A Computer Code for Plotting Aerodynamic Data SC-DR-69-690 AERODYNAMIC CONFIGURATIONS A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design Volume II. Program Listing and Pro- gram Use Example AD-A009 157/9CP A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume I. Theory, Descriptions, and User's Instructions AD-A009 273/4CP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions Volume I AD-A021 960/OCP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions Volume II AD-A021 961 /8CP Configuration Optimization of a Class of Hyper- sonic Cruise Vehicles AD-721 471/CP AERODYNAMIC CONTROL SURFACES Calculation of the Lift on Airfoils with Separated Boundary Layers AD-746 505/CP AERODYNAMIC DESIGN A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design Volume II. Program Listing and Pro- gram Use Example AD-A009 157/9CP A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design Volume I. Theory, Descriptions, and Users Instructions AD-A009 273/4CP AERODYNAMIC DRAG A Comparison Between the Drags Predicted by Boundary-Layer Theory and Experimental Drag Data for Bodies of Revolution AD-A046 782/9CP Basis for Calculating Effects of Air Resistance to H5 Shrapnel N73-15304/CP A Parametric Study of Planform and Aeroelastic Effects on Aerodynamic Center, alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives Appendix a a Computer Pro- gram for Calculating alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives and Induced Drag for Thin Elastic Aeroplanes at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds N73-21897/CP AERODYNAMIC FORCES Fortran Program for Calculating Aerodynamic Forces from Pressure or Velocity Distributions on Blade Sections N71-10467/CP An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equations N72-27002/CP AERODYNAMIC HEATING Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Tem- perature Sensitive Paints AD-749 582/CP Improved Computer Program for Calculation of Viscous-lnviscid Interactions AD-762 937/CP Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation Computer Program (Heatab). AD-800 437/CP A General Transient Heat-Transfer Computer Pro- gram for Thermally Thick Walls. N70-37089/CP Calculation of Inviscid Surface Streamlines and Heat Transfer on Shuttle Type Configurations. Part 2 Description of Computer Program N72-11828/CP Comparison of the Radiation Flux Profiles and Spectral Detail from Three Detailed Nongray Radiation Models at Conditions Representative of Hypervelocity Earth Entry N72-14935/CP Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Computer Code N73-10891/CP A Fortran Program for Predicting the Tempera- ture-Time Histories of Hemispherical Shells Sub- jected to Aerodynamic Heating N73-18961/CP A Computer Program to Solve the One Dimen- sional Heat Conduction Problem Using the Hop- scotch Algorithm N73-28914/2CP Cave: A Computer Code for Two-Dimensional Transient Heating Analysis of Conceptual Thermal Protection Systems for Hypersonic Vehicles N78-15435/8CP AERODYNAMIC LOADS Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loadings Caused by Trailing Edge Control Surface Motions in Subsonic Compressible Flow Computer Pro- gram Description N72-29229/CP AERODYNAMIC NOISE A Computer Program for the Determination of the Acoustic Pressure Signature of Helicopter Rotors Due to Blade Thickness N76-17925/8CP AERODYNAMIC STABILITY On the Stability of Poiseuille Flow AD-A018 304/6CP AEROELASTICITY Research on the Flutter of Axial Turbomachine Blading AD-A031 536/6CP AERONAUTICS Bibliography: Numbered Reports and Theses. Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, Princeton University, 1947- 1970. AD-709 351/CP AEROSOLS PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A010 336/6CP PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A014 162/2CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-A017 026/6CP Asymptotic Properties of the Mie Coefficients AD-A023 078/9CP Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aerosol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Particle Contaminants on Laser-Induced Air Breakdown AD-760 175/CP AEROSPACE VEHICLES Sound Propagation from a Moving Source Final Report N71-14081/CP Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations Volume 1: Computa- tional Technique N76-22494/8CP AEROTHERMODYNAMICS A General Transient Heat-Transfer Computer Pro- gram for Thermally Thick Walls. N70-37089/CP AFTER HEAT Evaluation of Fission Product After-Heat PB-247 733/9CP AFTERBODIES The Calculation of Supersonic Axisymmetric Af- terbody Flow with Jet-Interference and Possible Flow Separation. N75-20265/5CP AIR Microwave Breakdown in the Presence of Spatial Nonuniformities: Computer Programs. AD-715 259/CP Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Particle Contaminants on Laser-Induced Air Breakdown AD-760 175/CP Development of Equilibrium Air Computer Pro- grams Suitable for Numerical Computation Using Time-Dependent or Shock-Capturing Methods N72-32296/CP Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4 N75-32941/7CP An Evaluation of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Use in the Blimp Nonsimilar Mul- ticomponent Boundary Layer Program. SC-CR-69-3271 AIR FLOW Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Meridional Plane Analysis N74-31754/6CP Solution by SUBJECT INDEX ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERNS Program and Charts for Determining Shock Tube, and Expansion Tunnel Flow Quantities for Real Air, N75-21565/7CP AIR JETS Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Jets in Local Chemi- cal Equilibrium A Guide to the Charnal Computer Program. N74-29638/5CP AIR SEA INTERFACES On the Transmission of Sound from a Monopole Source Through a Finite, Corrugated Boundary Between Fluid Media AD-722 029/CP AIR WATER INTERACTIONS The Interaction of Waves and Turbulence in Water AD-754 645/CP AIRCRAFT Foundation of the Magnetic Field Integral Equa- tion Code for the Calculation of Electromagnetic Pulse External Interaction with Aircraft AD-A039 953/5CP Mathematical Wind Gust Model and Computer Programs for Use with Aircraft Simulations AD-733 905/CP A Compilation of Computer Programs in Flight Vehicle Technology 1968-1969 AD-869 613/CP AIRCRAFT DESIGN Factors Which Influence the Analysis and Design of Ejector Nozzles N72-14301/CP AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Hydraulic Ram IV. (User's Manual for Pressure Wave Generation Model) AD-A033 462/3CP AIRCRAFT NOISE Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations. NOISEMAP Computer Program Operation Manual Addendum for Version 3.3 of NOISEMAP AD-A042 143/8CP A Computer Program to Predict Rotor Rotational Noise of a Stationary Rotor from Blade Loading Coefficient. N76-18889/5CP AIRCRAFT STABILITY A Parametric Study of Planform and Aeroelastic Effects on Aerodynamic Center, alpha- and O- Stability Derivatives. Appendix a a Computer Pro- gram for Calculating alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives and Induced Drag for Thin Elastic Aeroplanes at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds N73-21897/CP AIRFOIL PROFILES Study of Viscous Flow About Airfoils by the In- tegro-Differential Method N76-11046/9CP AIRFOILS Analysis of Circulation Controlled Airfoils AD-A013 334/8CP The Development of a Computer Aided Airfoil Design Procedure Including Preliminary Wind Tunnel Experiments on a Low Reynolds Number High Lift Section. Volume I AD-A024 361 /8CP A Computer Program that Uses Interactive Graphics to Solve Inviscid Transonic Flows Over Lifting Airfoils AD-A030 853/6CP Research on the Flutter of Axial Turbomachine Blading AD-A031 536/6CP Integral Equation Methods for Two Dimensional Incompressible Flows for Multielement Airfoils AD-A042 984/5CP A General Class of Airfoils Conformally Mapped from a Circle AD-738 318/CP A Computerized Procedure to Obtain the Coor- dinates and Section Characteristics of NACA Designated Airfoils AD-738 623/CP Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Multi- Component Airfoils in Viscous Flow N72-11010/CP A Description of the Ideas Underlying a Computer Program for Predicting the Aerofoil Pressure Dis- tributions in Subcritical Viscous Flow N72-27317/CP A Study of Sound Generation in Subsonic Rotors, Volume 2. N76-18121/3CP AIRFRAMES Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselages AD-A021 718/2CP The Calculation of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flows around Spherically-Capped Smooth Bodies and Wings Volume II. Manual for Computer Pro- grams AD-753 696/CP AIRPLANES Responses of Small Rigid Aircraft to Discrete and Continuous Gust Analysis - Phase I AD-A020 103/8CP ALGOL Andante - an ALGOL Program for Decomposition of gamma-Ray Spectra and Processing of Foil Counting Data. N70-27510/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Introduction and Part 1 N73-21909/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Part 2 N73-21910/CP ALGORITHMS An Application of the n-Strip Method of Integral Relations for Analyzing the Flow around a Circu- lar Cone N70-28860/CP An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equations N72-27002/CP Abel Transormation Applications to Wake Density Measurement . la Transformation Dabel Applica- tions a la Mesure des Masses Volumiques Dans les Sillages N73-10324/CP A Finite Element Solution Algorithm for the Navi- er-Stokes Equations. N74-29035/4CP Steps Toward Importance Sampling for Mcmeg UCID-16313 ALLOYS Theory of Equations of State: Elastic-Plastic Ef- fects II AD-762 536/CP Elastic Interaction of Tetragonal Precipitates in Cubic Crystals. Second Topical Progress Report, January 1-December 31, 1972 UCLA-34-P-201-4 ALPHA PARTICLES "Abe"- a Computer Program for Analyzing the Elastic and Inelastic Scattering on the Basis of the Austern-Blair Theory KFK-1420 Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils. LA-4443 Trapp, a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear- Reaction Products Neglected ORNL-4763 ALPHA SPECTRA A Computer Program for the Smoothing and Dif- ferentiation of Data from Multichannel Analyzers UCRL-19903 ALUMINIUM 27 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation Final Report N-72-30618 ALUMINUM Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP Sensitivity of Material Response Calculations to the Equation of State Model AD-772 919/7CP The Vacuum Uv Optical Constants of Aluminium and of Magnesium Fluoride, and the Performance of Magnesium Fluoride Coated Mirrors N71-13319/CP Spectral Absorption Coefficients of Argon and Silicon and Spectral Reflectivity of Aluminum N73-12727/CP Linear Accelerator Project Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 ALUMINUM ALLOYS An Investigation of a Mixed-Phase Equation of State for the PUFF 66 Computer Code AD-726 992/CP ALUMINUM PLASMA Laser Plasma Particle Velocities AD-A030 079/8CP X-Ray Diagnostics of Laser-Produced Aluminum Plasmas AD-A030 085/5CP Theoretical Calculation of X-Radiation from Non- Equihbrium Alumbium Plasmas AD-744 813/CP AMERICIUM Tests of Evaluated Beryllium (N.2N) Cross Sec- tions by Analysis of 1.4-E V Flux in Water for an Americium-Berylhum Source Enclosed in Berylli- um Spheres. N70-37365/CP AMORPHOUS MATERIALS A New Technique to Determine Amorphous Struc- ture Using X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure AD-740 216/CP AMORPHOUS SEMICONDUCTORS Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP Structural Effects on Electrical Properties in Amorphous Semiconductors AD-748 661 /CP AMP COMPUTER PROGRAM AMP (Activity Manipulation Program) ORNL/TM-5296 AMPHIBOLES Calculation of Amphibole Structural Formulae PB-207 710/CP AMPLIFIERS Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids Semi- annual Status Report, 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1969 N70-26117/CP AMPLITUDE MODULATION Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detection AD-A004 591 /4CP ANALOG-DIGITAL COMPUTERS An Interactive Hybrid Computer System for Time Domain Audio Synthesis AD-761 730/CP ANALOGIES Modified Thermal Analyzer Digital Computer Pro- gram (Tap) N71-37734/CP ANGLE OF ATTACK A Numerical Solution for Supersonic Flow Around A Cone at Small Angles of Attack PB-231 905/1CP ANNIHILATION REACTIONS Subprograms for the Calculation of Spin Matrix Elements Using the Zemach Method . Sottopro- grammi Per II Calcolo Degli Elementi di Matrice di Spin Secondo II Metodo di Zemach N72-21683/CP ANNULAR FLOW Three-Dimensional Flow Field from a Radial Vor- tex Filament in a Cylindrical Annulus. N70-23423/CP ANODIC COATINGS RELIABILITY STUDIES IN SEMICONDUCTOR FABRICATION N71-34906/CP ANTENNA CONFIGURATIONS Computer Programs for Radiation and Scattering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires AD-713 156/CP Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens. SC-CR-69-3309 ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERNS Bent Plate Computer Program Listing AD-A018 999/3CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. Users Manual AD-A031 108/4CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP Radiation from Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Fed Aperture Antennas AD-731 292/CP SUBJECT INDEX Polarization Measurements of Frequency Stabil- ized VLF Signals N72-19211/CP A Computer Program for Mapping Satellite-Borne Narrow-Beam Antenna Footprints on Earth N73-12149/CP ANTENNA SYNTHESIS Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP ANTENNAS GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual AD-A031 108/4CP WAMP: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program AD-773 769/5CP Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion AD-859 670/CP One-Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Gravitational Antenna: Preliminary Results. N76-33791/4CP APERTURES Method of Moments Applications - Coupling through a Rectangular Aperture in a Plane Screen AD-A026 466/3CP The Fresnel Diffraction Pattern of a Circular Aper- ture at Large Distances AD-781 129/2CP APOLLO SPACECRAFT User's Manual for the Gnat Computer Program - Numerical Analysis of Stratification in Supercriti- cal Oxygen N71-21574/CP ARCS The Effect of Large Scale Irregularities on the Propagation of VLF Waves Through the Lower Ionosphere with Special Reference to Auroral Hiss. N70-22824/CP ARGON Computer Simulation of the Sputtering of Silicon AD-A041 152/OCP Spectral Absorption Coefficients of Argon and Silicon and Spectral Reflectivity of Aluminum N73-12727/CP ARGON PLASMA Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Argon Arc Plasma AD-A013 936/OCP Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Agron Arc Plasma PB-237 560/8CP ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES Ultraviolet Radiometer Integration and Launch Activities AD-A018 287/3CP A Computer Program for Evaluating Radio Signal Propagation from Artificial Earth Satellites. N70-27491/CP ASPHERICAL LENSES Application of Aspherics for Weight Reduction in Selected Catadioptric Lenses AD-750 758/CP ASSEMBLY LANGUAGES An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/OCP ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES Evaluation of Image Quality in a Cassegrain-Type Telescope with an Oscillating Secondary Mirror. N75-16800/5CP ASYMPTOTIC SERIES Asymptotic Properties of the Mie Coefficients AD-A023 078/9CP ATMOSPHERE Flash a Monte Carlo Procedure for Use in Calcu- lating Light Scattering in a Spherical Shell At- mosphere. AD-706 120/CP Computer Procedure for Calculating Time Depen- dent Light Scattering in Spherical-Shell At- mospheres AD-722 713/CP Computer Procedure for Calculating Time Depen- dent Light Scattering in Plane Parallel At- mospheres AD-722 714/CP ATMOSPHERE ENTRY Effects of Mass Transfer Into Laminar and Turbu- lent Boundary Layers Over Cones at Angle of At- tack AD-A013 813/1CP Coupled Electromagnetic and Electron Acoustic Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Lossy Plasma Layer AD-715 910/CP Data Analysis Programs for Reflectometer Diag- nosis of Thin Boundary Layer Plasma Sheaths User s Manual AD-747 041 /CP Electric Probe Data Analysis for Trailblazer II - Third Flight AD-758 763/CP A Computer Code lo Predict the Effects of Elec- trophilic Liquid Injection on Re-Entry Plasma Sheath Properties AD-782 023/6CP Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Forms of Heat Equation SC-M-70-83 ATMOSPHERE MODELS Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Microns: Computer Code LOWTRAN 3 AD-A017 734/5CP Present Status of the RRI Slant-Path Absorption Model (SLAM) Computer Program AD-A027 215/3CP Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aerosol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer AD-A042 263/4CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP ATMOSPHERES Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-780 914/8CP An Improved Technique for Determining Reflec- tion from Semi-Infinite Atmospheres with Linearly Anisotropic Phase Functions N75-31854/3CP ATMOSPHERIC ATTENTUATION Documentation of PROP E. A Computer Program for the Propagation of High-Power Laser Beams through Absorbing Media AD-781 647/3CP ATMOSPHERIC ATTENUATION Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-A001 920/8CP A Study of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave At- tenuation and Dispersion in the Earth's At- mosphere AD-A015 544/OCP Present Status of the RRI Slant-Path Absorption Model (SLAM) Computer Program AD-A027 215/3CP Monte Carlo Studies on the Time-Dependent Transport of Optical and Infrared Radiation in the Atmosphere. Volume II. Thermal Radiation Trans- port AD-A042 769/OCP Precipitation Variability in the U. S. A. For Microwave Terrestrial System Design AD-A049 041 /7CP PROP-I: An Efficient Implicit Algorithm for Calcu- lating Nonlinear Scalar Wave Propagation in the Fresnel Approximation AD-781 877/6CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-783 276/9CP Light Refraction by Mean Temperature Gradients in the Near-Earth Atmosphere AD-783 484/9CP An Experiment to Measure the Modulation Transfer Function of the Atmosphere in the Marine Boundary Layer AD-783 807/1CP Atmospheric Ray Tracing AD-787 063/7CP ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY Automatic Real-Time Extinction Measurement AD-A046 484/2CP The Low-G Accelerometer Calibration System Or- bital Accelerometer Experiment. Volume I. Experi- ment Description and Methodology AD-772 717/5CP ATMOSPHERIC DIFFUSION A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Con- centration Profiles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate N72-26289/CP ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS Solumat: A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer N76-31809/6CP ATMOSPHERIC ENTRY Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 1 N73-20309/CP ATMOSPHERIC MODELS Computed Mie Scattering Properties for Laser Wavelengths in Various Atmospheric Media. N76-14336/1CP ATMOSPHERIC MOTION Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-A023 627/3CP A Study of Charged Particle Motion in a Free Vor- tex Flowfield AD-749 285/CP ATMOSPHERIC OPTICS Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-A023 627/3CP ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Micrometers: Supplement LOWTRAN 3B (1976) AD-A040 701 /5CP ATMOSPHERIC SCATTERING PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A010 336/6CP PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A014 162/2CP Construction of General Purpose Programs for the Numerical Solution of Certain Electromag- netic Scattering Problems N71-31104/CP ATMOSPHERIC SOUNDING Computing Methods Used in Support of Modeling Electron Concentrations in High-Altitude Chemi- cal Releases AD-A009 069/6CP Techniques of Determining Ionospheric Structure from Oblique Radio Propagation Measurements AD-A038 299/4CP Photo-Equilibrium of Barium AD-739 166/CP ATMOSPHERIC TRANSMISSIVITY Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts. Volume I AD-A014 839/5CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts - Addendum AD-A014 840/3CP Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance: Methods of Calculation AD-A017 459/9CP Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Microns: Computer Code LOWTRAN 3 AD-A017 734/5CP Propagation Modeling and Analysis for High Energy Lasers AD-A023 537/4CP Transonic Thermal Blooming AD-A026 456/4CP Effect of Weather at Hannover. Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. Part 1. Theory, Methodology, and Data Base AD-A032 182/8CP SSPARAMA: A Nonlinear. Wave Optics Multipulse (and CW) Steady-State Propagation Code with Adaptive Coordinates AD-A037 395/1 CP Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Micrometers: Supplement LOWTRAN 3B (1976) AD-A040 701 /5CP MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer AD-A042 263/4CP SUBJECT INDEX BEAM FOCUSING MAGNETS Theoretical Study of the Turbulence Induced Scintillation of a Dirty Laser Beam AD-A050 874/7CP Methods for Prediction of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Guidance Systems AD-A051 617/9CP Computed Mie Scattering Properties for Laser Wavelengths in Various Atmospheric Media N76-14336/1CP Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation. N77-24935/7CP A Stellar Scintillometer for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-257 376/4CP Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921 /7CP Time-Dependent Propagation of High Energy Laser BEAMS Through the Atmosphere. UCRL-51826 ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 10 6 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP ATOM ATOM INTERACTIONS Pilot Close Coupling Code for Heavy Particle Col- lisions AD-734 756/CP Elastic Energy and Momentum Loss in Atom Col- lisions Above 50 eV AD-745 373/CP Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment AD-745 374/CP ATOM ELECTRON INTERACTIONS Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye- Shielded Interaction AD-721 900/CP ATOM ION INTERACTIONS Elastic Energy and Momentum Loss in Atom Col- lisions Above 50 eV AD-745 373/CP Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment AD-745 374/CP ATOMIC ENERGY LEVELS Calculation of Atomic-Energy-Level Values. LA-4402 Evaluation of Atomic Constants for Optical Radia- tion. Volume 1 . N75-31877/4CP ATOMIC ORBITALS A General Program for Calculating Angular Mo- mentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-720 964/CP A Program to Generate Numerical Orbital Func- tions AD-733 028/CP ATOMIC PHYSICS PHYSICS REPORT, NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 UCRL-20120 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Non-Grey Absorption Models of Ablator Vapors at High Temperatures with Application to Hyper- sonic Flow Fields AD-724 750/CP Calculation of Atomic-Energy-Level Values. LA-4402 ATOMIC STRUCTURE A New Version of a General Program to Calculate Angular Momentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-732 615/CP ATOMS Elastic Energy and Momentum Loss in Atom Col- lisions Above 50 eV AD-745 373/CP Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment AD-745 374/CP Medop- Fortran-IV Program for Calculating Matrix Elements of One-Body Operators Between Pro- jected Hartree-Fock Functions BLG-453 Computer Program to Calculate Auger Transitions for a Surface Containing Several Kinds of Atoms ORNL-TM-3575 ATTENUATION A Calculation of the Acoustic Shear Wave At- tenuation in Sea Ice AD-786 707/OCP Advances in the Measurement of rf Power and At- tenuation Using SQUIDS COM-74-51064/5CP AVIONICS Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II Volume II. Appendixes AD-B004 858/7CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume I. Technical Discussion AD-B004 921 /3CP AXIAL FLOW Three-Dimensional Inviscid Effects in Axial Flow Turbomachinery and Limitation of Cascade Theory N75-29355/5CP Computation of Steady Axisymmetric Flow Using a One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Method N76-19369/7CP AXIAL-FLOW COMPRESSOR BLADES Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Tip Clearance and End Losses on Axial Compressor Performance AD-767 656/2CP AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSORS Modifications to Compressor Test Data Analysis Program UD0200 AD-A004 182/2CP A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume II Program Listing and Pro- gram Use Example AD-A009 157/9CP A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume I Theory. Descriptions, and User's Instructions AD-A009 273/4CP Compressor Sensitivity to Transient and Distorted Transient Flows Volume II Mathematical Details and Computer Programs AD-728 024/CP Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Tip Clearance and End Losses on Axial Compressor Performance AD-767 656/2CP An Analytical Analysis of the Effects of Instan- taneous Vorticity on Compressor Performance AD-769 415/1CP AXIAL FLOW TURBINES Three-Dimensional Flow Field from a Radial Vor- tex Filament in a Cylindrical Annulus. N70-23423/CP A Streamline Curvature Through-Flow Computer Program for Analysing the Flow Through Axial- Flow Turbomachines N72-31306/CP AXIALLY SYMMETRIC FLOW Analysis of Transonic Viscous-lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Afterbodies with Jet Ef- fects and Boattail Injection in Separated Regions AD-A018 865/6CP The Finite Element Method Applied to Flows in Turbomachines AD-A038 759/7CP Compressor Sensitivity to Transient and Distorted Transient Flows Volume II Mathematical Details and Computer Programs AD-728 024/CP Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies AD-739 742/CP On the Eulerian AFTON Equations for Axisymmet- ric Fluid Flow AD-758 010/CP A Theoretical Investigation of Axisymmetric Sub- sonic Diffuser Flow AD-767 895/6CP AXISYMMETRIC BODIES A Comparison Between the Drags Predicted by Boundary-Layer Theory and Experimental Drag Data for Bodies of Revolution AD-A046 782/9CP Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Ef- fects Shape Change N71-37569/CP Raxbod: A Fortran Program for Inviscid Transonic Flow over Axisymmetric Bodies. N76-21156/4CP AXISYMMETRIC FLOW Computer Program for Compressible Laminar or Turbulent Nonsimilar Boundary Layers N71-22588/CP Investigation of a Mixed Compression Axisymmet- ric Inlet at Mach Number 5.3 N72-14988/CP Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies N72-22330/CP Fortran Programmes for Axisymmetric Potential Flow around Closed and Semi-Infinite Bodies N72-31307/CP Finite-Difference Solution lor Turbulent Swirling Compressible Flow in Axisymmetric Ducts with Struts. N74-18647/9CP A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar. Transi- tional and-or Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows N75-21987/3CP B CODES Bbc Hydrodynamics. UCID-17013 Brem II: A Code for Calculating the Free -Free Gaunt Factor in an Arbitrary Atomic Potential UCRL-13582 BACKGROUND RADIATION Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation N77-24935/7CP BACKSCATTERING Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Sur- faces of Venus N71-31311/CP BAND STRUCTURE OF SOLIDS The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids: Their Surfaces and Interfaces AD-A037 797/8CP The Quad Scheme A New Method for Phase Space Integration. ANL-7556 BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS A Model for the Prediction of Semiconductor Heterojunction Discontinuities Using Bulk Band Structures AD-A032 078/8CP Symmetry and Band Structure I Selection of Reciprocal Lattice Vectors AD-724 477/CP Symmetry and Band Structure II Storage and Retrieval of Group Theoretical Information AD-724 478/CP Symmetry and Band Structure III Construction of Symmetrized Hamiltonian Matrix AD-724 479/CP Energy States in Random Media AD-767 732/1CP BARGE TRAINS Barge Trains in a Coastal Seaway Part II Predic- tions of Lateral Motions and Bending Moments COM-71-00788/CP BARGES Barge Trains in a Coastal Seaway Part II Predic- tions of Lateral Motions and Bending Moments COM-71-00788/CP BARIUM Photo-Equilibrium of Barium AD-739 166/CP BASE FLOW Application of Holographic Interferometry to Su- personic Flow Visualization of a Rear-Facing Step and Application of Fast Fourier Transform Methods to Current Data Reduction Techniques AD-781 396/7CP BATHYTHERMOGRAPHS DATA Computer Programs for Obtaining Sound Speeds from Digitized Environmental Data AD-A027 396/1 CP BEAM BENDING MAGNETS Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets LBL-3222 BEAM FOCUSING MAGNETS Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets LBL-3222 SUBJECT INDEX BEAM MONITORING Operation Manual for Program "Nuwie" TID-26370 BEAM MONITORS Application Software for Multi-Wire Beam Profile Monitors RL-76-076/B BEAM OPTICS Modified Variant of the Magneto-Optical Program Transport ITEF-43 BEAM SPLITTING Low Efficiency Diffraction Grating Theory AD-A024 804/7CP BEARING (DIRECTION) Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP BEARINGS Turbulence and Inertia Effects in the Aligned Face Seal AD-730 723/CP BENDING VIBRATION Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow N72-31305/CP BENZENE Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0. D/Sub 2/0. C. Zrh/Sub 2/. (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub XI. Be, Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/. and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 Use of Cubic Spline Functions in Nuclear Data Processing IFA-DNBR-4 BERYLLIUM Sensitivity of Material Response Calculations to the Equation of State Model AD-772 919/7CP BERYLLIUM 9 Tests of Evaluated Beryllium (N.2N) Cross Sec- tions by Analysis of 1.4-E V Flux in Water for an Americium-Beryllium Source Enclosed in Berylli- um Spheres. N70-37365/CP BERYLLIUM ISOTOPES BE-8 Efficiency of Detecting a /Sup 8/Be with a Deltae- E Counter Telescope LBL-1214 BERYLLIUM ISOTOPES BE-9 Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0. D/Sub 2/0, C. Zrh/Sub 21. (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub XI. Be, Beo. C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 Colli- a Program Package for Calculation of Ther- mal-Neutron Scattering JUL-668-RG BERYLLIUM OXIDES Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0, D/Sub 2/0, C, Zrh/Sub 21. (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub XI. Be, Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 Colli- a Program Package for Calculation of Ther- mal-Neutron Scattering JUL-668-RG BESSEL FUNCTIONS FORTRAN Subroutines to Evaluate, in Single or Double Precision, Bessel Functions of the First and Second Kinds for Complex Arguments AD-A024 384/OCP Evaluation of Bessel Functions with Imaginary Order for Applications to Certain Boundary-Value Problems AD-728 833/CP BETAVOLTAIC CELLS Design Optimization of Beta- and Photovoltaic Conversion Devices UCRL-51993 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bibliography: Numbered Reports and Theses, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences. Princeton University, 1947- 1970 AD-709 351 /CP Literature Survey for Suppression of Scattered Light in Large Space Telescopes N73-23531/CP Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Bibliography. ORNL-TM-4497 BINARY MIXTURES Rs 96: The Evaporation of Binary Mixtures in Forced Convection Part II Theoretical Studies. AERE-R-7593 BISMUTH COMPOUNDS Measurement of the Elastic. Piezoelectric, and Dielectric Constants of Bi12GeO20 AD-736 797/CP BISMUTH GERMANATES Measurement of the Elastic, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric Constants of Bi12GeO20 AD-736 797/CP BLACK SEA The Sound Propagation Conditions in the Black Sea AD-733 196/CP BLACKOUT (PROPAGATION) A Computer Code to Predict the Effects of Elec- trophilic Liquid Injection on Re-Entry Plasma Sheath Properties AD-782 023/6CP BLOCH BAND Computer Program for Evaluation of Bloch- Grueneisen Parameters of Metals and Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity of Tantalum as a Function of Temperature N71-29922/CP BLUNT BODIES Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer over Body of Revolution at Incidence Part IX. Dif- ference Method and Documentation of Program BLIND3 AD-A012 697/9CP A Model for the Analysis of Viscous Inviscid In- teraction Effects on Blunt Bodies in Hypersonic Flight AD-748 342/CP A Computer Program to Determine Equilibrium- Air Flow-Field Data About a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations. N70-31643/CP A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid, Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP A Computer Program to Determine Radiating, Nonadiabatic, Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N71-36417/CP Calculation of Inviscid Surface Streamlines and Heat Transfer on Shuttle Type Configurations. Part 2 Description of Computer Program N72-11828/CP The Vise Code a Users Manual N73-20933/CP A Computer Program for Calculating the Perfect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Axisymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-12090/8CP Computer User S Guide for a Chemically Reacting Viscous Shock-Layer Program N75-30470/9CP BOATTAIL AFTERBODIES Analysis of Transonic Viscous-lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Afterbodies with Jet Ef- fects and Boattail Injection in Separated Regions AD-A018 865/6CP BOATTAILS The Calculation of Supersonic Axisymmetric Af- terbody Flow with Jet-Interference and Possible Flow Separation. N75-20265/5CP BODIES OF REVOLUTION A Comparison Between the Drags Predicted by Boundary-Layer Theory and Experimental Drag Data for Bodies of Revolution AD-A046 782/9CP An Analysis of Transonic Viscous/lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Bodies with Solid Stings or Real Plumes AD-A050 401 /9CP Unsteady Transonic Flow Over Blunt and Pointed Bodies of Revolution AD-A050 709/5CP Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layers AD-748 282/CP Fortran Programmes for Axisymmetric Potential Flow around Closed and Semi-Infinite Bodies N72-31307/CP Separated Flow over Bodies of Revolution Using an Unsteady Discrete-Vorticity Cross Wake Part 2: Computer Program Description. N74-28757/4CP A Numerical Technique to Predict Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (User's Guide for the Com- puter Program ROT2). N76-22432/8CP BOILING WATER REACTORS Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water Reactors (BWR-GALE Code) PB-251 717/5CP BOLTZMANN EQUATION Program Neutre' Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation under Its Integral Form: Description of the Evolution of Neutrals in a Cylindrical Plasma EUR-CEA-FC-833 BOOTLACE LENSES Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP BORON NITRIDES Hartree-Fock Electron Distribution of Cubic BN AD-A005 808/1 CP BOTLOSS COMPUTER PROGRAM A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation, Implemen- tation, and Application AD-A028 521 /3CP BOUNDARY LAYER A Study of the Drag Characteristics and Polymer Diffusion in the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmet- ric Body AD-A024 667/8CP A Comparison Between the Drags Predicted by Boundary-Layer Theory and Experimental Drag Data for Bodies of Revolution AD-A046 782/9CP User s Manual Volume I Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure (BLIMP) AD-734 744/CP BOUNDARY LAYER CONTROL Entry Flow in a Heated Tube AD-A042 203/OCP BOUNDARY LAYER FLOW Effects of Mass Transfer Into Laminar and Turbu- lent Boundary Layers Over Cones at Angle of At- tack AD-A013 813/1CP Numerical Solution of the Compressible Bounda- ry Layer Equations Over Axisymmetric Surfaces AD-A034 943/1 CP Stability of Highly-Cooled Compressible Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A036 210/3CP User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- gram for Calculating the Potential Flow/Boundary Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies AD-A036 450/5CP User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- gram for Calculating Propeller/Stern Boundary- Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies AD-A037 063/5CP User s Manual for a Fully Automatic Three-Dimen- sional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part I. With Viscous Correction by Two-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Analysis AD-A047 438/7CP User's Manual for a Fully Automatic Three-Dimen- sional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part II. With Viscous Correction by Small Crossflow Boundary-Layer Analysis AD-A047 439/5CP Boundary Layer Flows Over Sharp and Spheri- cally Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack to Super- sonic Nonuniform Free Streams. Volume II Description of Computer Programs and Users Guide AD-773 057/5CP Plume Boundary Computer Program AD-774 059/OCP Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Nozzle with Boundary Layer Correction N71-32793/CP The Solution of the Boundary Layer Equations of Chemically Reacting Gases with a Hermitian Finite Difference Method N73-18273/CP SUBJECT INDEX CATAMARANS A General Computer Program for Two-Dimen- sional Boundary-Layer Problems N74-12079/1CP Correlation of Heat Transfer for the Zero Pressure Gradient Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer for Several Gases N74-15976/5CP Computer Program for Calculating Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layers for a Compressible Axisymmetric Flow. N74-25807/0CP Interim User'S Manual for Boundary Layer In- tegral Matrix Procedure, Version J. N74-28756/6CP Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications. N74-31752/0CP STAN5: A Program for Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Internal and External Boundary Layer Flows. N77-16290/7CP BOUNDARY LAYER SEPARATION Computer Program for Calculating Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layers for a Compressible Axisymmetric Flow. N74-25807/0CP The Calculation of Supersonic Axisymmetric Af- terbody Flow with Jet-Interference and Possible Flow Separation. N75-20265/5CP BOUNDARY LAYER TRANSITION Stability of Highly-Cooled Compressible Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A036 210/3CP The Effects of Acoustical Disturbances on Boun- dary Layer Transition AD-A051 497/6CP BOUNDARY LAYERS Calculation of Compressible Nonadiabatic Boun- dary Layers in Laminar, Transitional and Turbu- lent Flow by the Method of Integral Relations N72-12222/CP BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS Numerical Solution of Subsonic Viscous-lnviscid Interacting Flows AD-A036 213/7CP Evaluation of Bessel Functions with Imaginary Order for Applications to Certain Boundary-Value Problems AD-728 833/CP Bostaw - a Fortran Program for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods- Saxon Well. N70-29873/CP BRAGG ANGLE XTALTDS6, A Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 396/CP BREATHING GASES Calculation of the Relative Speed of Sound in a Gas Mixture AD-A022 512/8CP BREMSSTRAHLUNG Energy Losses, Range and Bremsstrahlung Yield for 10 Ke V to 100 ME V Electrons in Some Sim- ple Elements and Chemical Compounds. N70-23859/CP Comparisons of Experimental and Calculated Electron Transmission and Bremsstrahlung Spec- tra for Electron Energies Below 3 ME V Final Report, 12 Mar. 1969 - 12 Mar. 1970. N70-27513/CP BRIDGMAN ANVIL DEVICES A New Device for Generating Pressures up to 400 Kilobars AD-A001 671 /7CP BUBBLES Cyclic Liquid Jet Behavior in Pulsating Bubbles AD-A032 717/1CP Numerical Solutions of Dirichlet Problems with Axisymmetry by an Integral Equation Method. CLM-R-146 BUFFER STORAGE On-Line Correlation Measurement in a Plasma N73-18729/CP BUILDINGS A Computer Technique for Predicting Noise Levels Inside Large Enclosures AD-771 107/0CP UNDSAFE-I: A Computer Code for Buoyant Flow in an Enclosure PB-267 278/OCP BUOYS Preliminary Report on a Fortran IV Computer Pro- gram for the Two-Dimensional Dynamic Behavior of General Ocean Cable Systems AD-A014 328/9CP BWR TYPE REACTORS MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 Quarterly Technical Report on Water Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the Nuclear Regu- latory Commission's Division of Reactor Safety Research, July--September 1975 ANCR-1296 Development of a Computer Code for Thermal Hydraulics of Reactors (THOR) BNL-50458 H-Division Quarterly Report, January— March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 C CODES Chebinq: A Fortran Program to Calculate Chebyshev Inequalities and Gaussian Integration Parameters AECL-4832 Part I. Theory Report for Creep-Plast Computer Program: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems under Simultaneous Creep and Plasticity GEAP-10546 Part II. User'S Manual for Creep-Plast Computer Program GEAP-13262 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort Volume 2 Users Manual Revised N-70-42027 Conchas— Manymat Wavecode A Program to Compute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials SAND-75-0155(Pt.1) Conchas-Manymat Wavecode: Program to Com- pute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials, Part II SAND-75-0155(Pt.2) Improvements in the Chart D Energy Flow Hydrodynamic Code V: 1972/73 Modifications SLA-73-0477 Listing of Clem7c UCRL-76135(Add 1) CABLE STRUMMING Harmonic Motion of Cylinders in Uniform Flow AD-A012 412/3CP CABLES Preliminary Report on a Fortran IV Computer Pro- gram for the Two-Dimensional Dynamic Behavior of General Ocean Cable Systems AD-A014 328/9CP CACHE COMPUTER PROGRAM CACHE: An Extended Basic Program Which Com- putes the Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers ORNL/TM-4952 CALCIUM ISOTOPES CA-40 Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO- 1779-63 CALIBRATING Basic Considerations of Densitometer Adjustment and Calibration COM-75-10524/7CP Wavelength Calibration of Monochromators in the 0.3 to 2.0 mu Region N70-27387/CP CALIBRATION Self-Calibration and Analysis of Image Formation in the sub-Nanosecond Domain. UCRL-75916 CALORIMETERS Thermal Radiative Losses from Graphite Calorimeters Used in Pulsed Electron Beam Ex- periments AD-A037 754/9CP CAMERA LENSES Lens Performance in a Nonstandard or Unstable Thermal Environment AD-A023 539/0CP CAPO COMPUTER CODE CAPO User's Guide. Volume I AD-A016 672/8CP CAPTURED AIR BUBBLE SHIPS Turning Characteristics of the Bell 100 Ton Sur- face Effect Ship AD-767 680/2CP CARBIDES Time-Dependent Solution to Interstitial Diffusion in a Temperature Gradient LA-4985 CARBON Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. AD-710 353/CP CARBON 12 Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. AD-710 353/CP CARBON DIOXIDE LASERS Effect of Kinetic Rate Uncertainties on Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Energy Predictions AD-A015 790/9CP Exploratory Development of Laser-Hardened Materials and Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters and Material Response to High-Power Laser Radiation Volume II Appendices A-E AD-A026 915/9CP A Computer Program for C02-N2-H20 Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Maximum Available Power AD-735 878/CP RESALE-2, C02, and INHALE AD-748 293/CP Internal Structure of Tea Laser Discharges N73-27430/0CP Numerical Solution for Electron-Beam-Controlled CO sub 2 Laser Performance SLA-73-1023 CARRIERS (SEMICONDUCTORS) Computer Programs to Evaluate Semiconductor Materials in Conjunction with Schottky Barriers AD-724 106/CP CASCADE CONTROL REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CONSTANT STAGGER CASCADES N71-34262/CP CASCADE FLOW Computational Studies of Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress N71-27004/CP Three-Dimensional Inviscid Effects in Axial Flow Turbomachinery and Limitation of Cascade Theory. N75-29355/5CP CASCADE SHOWERS Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 Instructions for the Operation of the Program Package Pica, an Intranuclear-Cascade Calcula- tion for High-Energy (30 to 400 Mev) Photon-In- duced Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4687 CASCADE STRUCTURES A Nonlinear Design Theory and Method for Su- percavitating Cascades AD-A008 557/1 CP CASCADES Computation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Through Rotating and Stationary Cascades. 2: User'S Guide to Fortran Program B2datl N78-12034/2CP CASCADES (FLUID DYNAMICS) Cascade Wake Structure. Part A. Theory and Results Part B. Local Similarity Numerical Solu- tion. User s Manual AD-A012 699/5CP Users Manual: Supersonic Unsteady Cascade Program Volume II AD-A025 186/8CP CASSEGRAIN OPTICS Evaluation of Image Quality in a Cassegrain-Type Telescope with an Oscillating Secondary Mirror N75-16800/5CP CATAMARANS Simplified Theoretical Methods of Predicting the Motions of a Catamaran in Waves AD-738 435/CP SUBJECT INDEX CATENARIES Theoretical Performance of Cross-Wind Axis Tur- bines with Results for a Catenary Vertical Axis Configuration. N76-11032/9CP CATHODE RAY TUBE SCREENS Luminescent Applications of Rare Earth Materials AD-758 760/CP CAVITATING FLOW A Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional. Cavitating. Lifting Flows AD-A016 953/2CP CAVITATION A Nonlinear Design Theory and Method for Su- percavitating Cascades AD-A008 557/1CP Comparison of Computer Predicted and Experi- mentally Determined Leading Edge Cavitation of a Foil with Flaps AD-A015 874/1CP Two-Dimensional, A Numerical Method for Cavitating. Lifting Flows AD-A016 953/2CP Computer Program Description for Supercavitat- ing Hydrofoil Section Design According to Linearized Theory AD-A018 241/OCP Cyclic Liquid Jet Behavior in Pulsating Bubbles AD-A032 717/1CP A Numerical Method for Steady-State Cavity Flows AD-745 346/CP A General Theory of Unsteady Loads on Cavitat- ing Hydrofoils - Computer Use Manual AD-776 203/2CP CAVITATION CORROSION The Impact Between a Liquid Drop and an Elastic Half-Space PB-241 155/1CP CAVITIES Coupling through Rotationally Symmetric Aper- tures in Cavities of Revolution AD-A042 093/5CP Diffraction of a Dilatational Pulse in an Elastic Medium at a Reinforced Cylindrical Cavity. N77-13470/8CP CAVITY RESONATORS Laser Resonator Studies AD-A034 079/4CP The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Mag- netoplasma Dielectric AD-705 248/CP Fitting of an Ordered Set of Mode Frequencies AECL-3669 CDC 6600 COMPUTER Solution of a Large Hydrodynamic Problem Using the Star-100 Computer. N76-26429/0CP CELLULOSE Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of Neutron In- teracting Units. Part III Arrays of U(93 2) Metal Separated by Various Materials Y-DR-83 CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities in the Meridional Plane of a Turbomachine 1 Centrifugal Compressor N72-17988/CP CERAMIC MATERIALS An Investigation of PLZT for Integrated Optics AD-A009 102/5CP CERIUM OXIDES Thermoluminescence and Color Centers in Rare Earth Doped Ceria Crystals AD-773 807/3CP CERMETS A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Proper- ties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films N73-12811/CP CERN SYNCHROTRON Planning of Cern Projects with the Help of the PERT Method CERN-70-15 CESIUM Discovery of New Lasers AD-772 001/4CP CHANNEL FLOW Fortran Program for Generating a Two-Dimen- sional Orthogonal Mesh Between Two Arbitrary Boundaries N72-20969/CP Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions N75-14067/3CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 2: User'S Manual. N76-21453/5CP Momentum Transfer in Hydrodynamically Developing Laminar Flow in a Straight Channel PB-241 316/9CP CHARGE COUPLED DEVICES Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP CHARGE EXCHANGE REACTIONS Computation of Charge Transfer Probability Between Protons and Excited Hydrogen Atoms AD-732 593/CP CHARGED-PARTICLE BEAMS Boptic- a Beam Transport Program in Fortran IV AAEC/TM-544 Turtle (Trace Unlimited Rays Through Lumped Elements)- a Computer Program for Simulating Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems NAL-64 CHARGED-PARTICLE REACTIONS Nscat: A Code to Obtain Charged Particle Nuclear (Plus Interference) Differential Scattering Cross Sections from Experimental Data UCID-17608 CHARGED PARTICLES A Study of Charged Particle Motion in a Free Vor- tex Flowfield AD-749 285/CP Fortran Program to Calculate Energy Loss of Charged Particles AERE-R-7072 Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 Mafco III- a Code for Calculating Particle Trajec- tories in Magnetic and Electric Fields LBL-765 Beamr: An Interactive Graphic Computer Program for Design of Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems N73-27143/9CP SPAR, A FORTRAN Program for Computing Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons. Chaiged Pions. Protons, and Heavy Ions PB-247 070/6CP Electra- a Computer Program for Calculation of Space-Charge-Free Paraxial Trajectories in Axi- ally Symmetric Electrostatic Fields SGAE-2007 Tibro-General. UCRL-50910 Tibro-X: A Code to Compute Trajectories of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields UCRL-52189 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM Laminar or Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows of Perfect Gases or Reacting Gas Mixtures in Chemical Equilibrium N72-11288/CP CHEMICAL LASERS The RESALE Chemical Laser Computer Program AD-A007 058/1 CP Data Collection and Analysis Program AD-A011 395/1 CP Pressure Recovery in a Constant-Area Diffuser for Chemical Lasers with Nozzle Base Relief AD-A012 737/3CP Lamp User's Information Volume II AD-A015 070/6CP Lamp Reaction Models for Analysis of Chemical Lasers AD-A015 071/4CP Analytical Diffusion Model Computer Program AD-A019 692/3CP High Energy Laser Test Support Equipment Beam Diagnostic Program AD-A025 145/4CP Current Status of HF/DF Chain Chemical Laser AD-A033 029/OCP Kinetics, Energetics and Infrared Lasing in High Energy Rocket Propellant Ingredients at Cryogenic Temperatures AD-A040 006/9CP Lorentz Broadening in the Modeling of the HF Chemical Laser AD-A040 972/2CP RESALE-1 A Chemical Laser Computer Program AD-738 647/CP RESALE-2, C02. and INHALE AD-748 293/CP The HN3 + C02 Laser: an Analytical and Experi- mental Investigation AD-751 634/CP Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers Part I AD-763 905/CP Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers Part II AD-763 906/CP Discovery of New Lasers AD-772 001 /4CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume I Laser and Mixing Program Theory and User's Guide AD-775 411/2CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Volume II Two-Dimensional Fresnel Integral Laser and Mix- ing Program User s Guide AD-775 412/OCP Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume III. Lockheed One-Dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide AD-775 413/8CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Volume IV. Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Pro- gram Theory and User's Guide AD-775 414/6CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Summary Volume AD-775 417/9CP Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 1 Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP) Theory and User's Guide AD-784 531/6CP Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 3. One- dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide AD-784 533/2CP Analysis of Chemical Lasers Volume 4 Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Program (MOC- LAMP) Theory and User's Guide AD-784 534/OCP Analysis of Chemical Lasers Volume 5 Rotational Relaxation Effects AD-784 548/OCP Metal Oxidation Laser AD-784 760/1 CP Demonstration of HF Chain Reaction Laser AD-921 655/7CP Numerical Methods for Two-Dimensional CW Chemical Laser Power Calculations LA-UR-77-838 Rice: A Computer Program for Multicomponent Chemically Reactive Flows at All Speeds LA-5812 Numerical Investigation of the Pulsed NF3 + H2 Chemical Laser Using a Model Which Includes Rotational Relaxation and Semi-Classical Laser Equations. UCRL-51931 Calculation of Rotational Nonequilibrium in a Pulsed HF Laser. UCRL-75814 CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICS Rice: A Computer Program for Multicomponent Chemically Reactive Flows at All Speeds LA-5812 CHEMICAL REACTIONS Description of a Computer Program to Calculate Reacting Supersonic Internal Flow Fields with Shock Waves Using Viscous Characteristics Pro- gram Manual and Sample Calculations N73-20311/CP Computer User's Guide for a Chemically Reacting Viscous Shock-Layer Program. N75-30470/9CP CHEMICAL RELEASE STUDIES Computing Methods Used in Support of Modeling Electron Concentrations in High-Altitude Chemi- cal Releases AD-A009 069/6CP SUBJECT INDEX COMPRESSIBLE FLOW CHEMICALLY REACTING FLOW The Analysis of Nonequilibrium, Chemically Reacting, Supersonic Flow in Three Dimensions Volume II Computer program Manual AD-736 467/CP CHEMILUMINESCENCE H2-CI2 Chemical Laser Program. Part I. CHEM- LUM Code for Spectroscopic Data Analysis AD-780 178/OCP CHIRP RADAR Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear-FM Pulses AD-A003 677/2CP CHOKED NOZZLES Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP CHROMIUM ISOTOPES CR-50 Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31. 1970. RPI-328-187 CHROMIUM ISOTOPES CR-52 Linear Accelerator Project Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 CHROMIUM ISOTOPES CR-53 Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 CHROMIUM ISOTOPES CR-54 Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970 RPI-328-187 CIRCUITS Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs L8L-564 CIRCULAR CONES An Application of the n-Strip Method of Integral Relations for Analyzing the Flow around a Circu- lar Cone. N70-28860/CP Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow About Circular, Elliptic, and Bielliptic Cones by the Method of Lines N72-16209/CP CLASSICAL MECHANICS Discrete Mechanics - A General Treatment PB-231 882/2CP CLIMATE Development of Numerical Techniques and Com- puter Systems for Climatological, Ionospheric and Microwave Physics Applications AD-A022 975/7CP CLOUDS Theoretical Aspects of the Determination of Parti- cle-Size Distributions from Measurements of Scattered Light Intensity AD-721 089/CP COANDA EFFECT The Coanda Effect with Jet Displacement over Planar, Concave, and Convex Walls AD-764 506/CP COATED FUEL PARTICLES HTCAP: A Fortran IV Program for Calculating Coated-Particle Operating Temperatures in HFIR Target Irradiation Experiments ORNL/TM-5332 COBALT Atomic Emission Line Wavelength Calculations Below 2000 Angstroms for Lithium II Through Cobalt XXVI N72-12684/CP MAGNETIC PHENOMENA AT METAL SURFACES. TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT, FEBRUARY 1- DECEMBER 31, 1970 ORO-3674-4 COBALT ISOTOPES CO-53 Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO-1 779-63 CODING Pulse Interval Representations of Speech Events AD-718 130/CP COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION The 1957 Ittc Model-Ship Correlation Line Values of Frictional Resistance Coefficient N71-12763/CP COHERENT RADIATION A Fluid-Mechanical Refracting Gas-Prism AD-721 711/CP Angle of Arrival Calculations at 10.6 microns AD-727 798/CP Radial Heat Conduction in Laser Heating of Material Slabs AD-729 642/CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-731 572/CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-734 074/CP Digital Computer Simulation Programs for Elec- trostrictive Laser Beam Trapping AD-737 384/CP A Numerical Calculation of Thermal Blooming of Pulsed, Focused Laser Beams AD-748 991 /CP The Effect of Gravity upon the Melt-Through Time' of a Solid Subjected to a High Intensity AD-759 168/CP Internal Structure of Tea Laser Discharges N73-27430/0CP COLOR CENTERS A Theoretical Investigation of the D3 Center in KBr AD-729 455/CP Thermoluminescence and Color Centers in Rare Earth Doped Ceria Crystals AD-773 807/3CP COLUMNS (PROCESS ENGINEERING) The Hydrodynamics of Two-Phase Flow around Fence Layers - Volume Parts, Pressure Loss and Axial Dispersion of the Gas and Liquid Phases in Up-Current Columns. N70-30137/CP COMBUSTION An Analysis of Internal Supersonic Flows with Dif- fusion, Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Combustion. N70-42160/CP COMBUSTION PHYSICS Performance Calculation of Rocket Propellants and Propellant Charge Powders N71-23357/CP COMBUSTION PRODUCTS A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT High Speed Computer Studies of Vortex Motions in Relation to Aircraft Wake Turbulence AD-A024 290/9CP COMMUNICATION AND RADIO SYSTEMS Effective Ionospheric Height for a Simplified Mode Conversion Model at VLF AD-A020 642/5CP COMMUNICATION SATELLITES SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Operator's and User's Handbook AD-A044 411/7CP COMMUNITIES An Ecological Systems Approach to Community Noise Abatement. Phase I PB-234 311/9CP COMPONENT RELIABILITY RELIABILITY STUDIES IN SEMICONDUCTOR FABRICATION N71-34906/CP COMPOSITE MATERIALS Conductive Heat-Transfer Resistance of Com- pound Barrel Interface AD-728 811/CP Teplo- a Heat Conduction Code for Studying Thermal Explosions in Laminar Composites LA-4511 Nonlinear Viscoelastic Equation of State for Use in Stress Propagation Calculations SLA-73-635 COMPOUND-NUCLEUS REACTIONS Julian: A Monte-Carlo Hauser— Feshbach Program for Evaporation from Compound Nuclei BNL-22746 Erinni an Optical Model Fortran IV Code for the Calculation of Multiple Cascading Particle Emis- sions CNEN-RT/FI-77-4 COMPRESSIBLE BOUNDARY LAYER Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients N70-29734/CP Numerical Solution of the Compressible Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layer Equa- tions with Comparisons to Experimental Data N70-30393/CP A STUDY OF COMPRESSIBLE TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS USING THE METHOD OF INVARIANT MODELING N71-18426/CP Examination of Turbulent Shear Models and the Prediction of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers by the Method of Weighted Residuals N71-24140/CP Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas N72-21312/CP Users' Guide to the Gibson-Spalding and Green Programs for the Calculation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Pressure Gradient and Heat Transfer. N75-19190/8CP A Skin-Friction Law for Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers Based on the Full van Driest Transformation. N76-33146/1CP COMPRESSIBLE FLOW Evaluation of a Method for Computation of Separated, Turbulent, Compressible Boundary Layers AD-A021 090/6CP An Analytical Study of the Effects of Mass Transfer on a Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer AD-A034 876/3CP Numerical Solution of the Compressible Bounda- ry Layer Equations Over Axisymmetric Surfaces AD-A034 943/1 CP Development of a Numerical Method to Solve the Three-Dimensional Compressible Laminar Boun- dary-Layer Equations with Application to Elliptical Cones at Angle of Attack AD-723 280/CP Development of a Finite Element Approach for Approximate Analysis of Unsteady Compressible Fluid Flow AD-746 234/CP CSD-YAQUI. An Eulerian Computer Code for Flow at All Speeds in Ducts K/CSD/TM-9 Sola-Ice: A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Compressible Fluid Flows LA-6236 A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boun- dary Layer Development N72-14308/CP Computer Program for Calculating Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Development in Com- pressible Flow N72-26229/CP Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loadings Caused by Trailing Edge Control Surface Motions in Subsonic Compressible Flow Computer Pro- gram Description N72-29229/CP Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Fric- tion - Application to Gas Film Seals N74-17015/0CP Finite-Difference Solution for Turbulent Swirling Compressible Flow in Axisymmetric Ducts with Struts. N74-18647/9CP Computer Program for Calculating Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layers for a Compressible Axisymmetric Flow. N74-25807/0CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP A Tabulation of Pipe Length to Diameter Ratios as a Function of Mach Number and Pressure Ratios for Compressible Flow. N76-12317/3CP The Ogre Code: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model of the Transient Flow of One or Two Com- pressible Fluids Through Confined Porous Media. UCRL-50820 SUBJECT INDEX Numerical Methods in Hydrodynamic Calculations UCRL-52112 COMPRESSOR BLADES REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CONSTANT STAGGER CASCADES N71-34262/CP COMPTON EFFECT Analysis of Compton Continuum Measurements ANL-7611 Compton Current in Presence of Fields for Lemp 1. LA-4348 COMPTON SCATTERING A Numerical Treatment of Scattering and Fluorescence in Plane Geometry AD-725 161 /CP COMPUTATION A System of FORTRAN IV Computer Programs for Crystal Structure Computations COM-75-10290/5CP STAN5: A P ogram for Numerical Compulation of Two-Dimensional Internal and External Boundary Layer Flows N77-162jO/7CP COMPUTATIONAL MODULAR SYSTEMS Oregon State Coupled-Channel Code RLO-22 7-T-11-2 COMPUTATIONS Model for the Calculation of Multiply Scattered Fields AD- \012 626/8CP Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance Methods of Calculation AD-A017 459/9CP Computer Program for Calculations of Particle Trajectories through a Rotating Cascade AD-A027 879/6CP TRCMOD: A Computer Program for the Computa- tion of High-Order Correlation Coefficients of Turbulence Data AD-786 381 /4CP COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Supplementary Routines for Lens Design by Com- puter AD-A020 625/OCP The Development of a Computer Aided Airfoil Design Procedure Including Preliminary Wind Tunnel Experiments on a Low Reynolds Number High Lift Section. Volume I AD-A024 361 /8CP Computer-Aided Optical Lens Design and Image Analysis AD-769 594/3CP Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach PB-243 133/6CP Stealth' A Lagrange Explicit Finite-Difference Code for Solids Structural, and Thermohydraulic Analysis PB-255 405/3CP COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Computer Program Description for Supercavitat- ing Hydrofoil Section Design According to Linearized Theory AD-A018 241/OCP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program. Volume XVIII. Nosetip Analyses Using the EROS Computer Code AD-A026 614/8CP Computer Programs for Obtaining Sound Speeds from Digitized Environmental Data AD-A027 396/1CP Transfer Function, Impulse Response and Reradiated Waveform for an Elliptically Symmet- ric Reradiation Function of the Form Z to the nu Power, nu Half an Odd Integer (USL Program Number 0837) AD-A046 684/7CP COMPUTER CALCULATIONS Feasibility of a Special-Purpose Computer to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A047 243/1CP Yaqui: An Arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian Com- puter Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds LA-5100 Description of the Sandia Version of the NASA- Ames Flow Field Code: Input-Output and Storage Locations SAND-74-0096 Extensions and Revisions for the NASA-Ames and Gas-NAS Flow Field Codes. SAND-74-0097 Test Results of the Threedy Wavefitting Algorithm on One-Dimensional Wave Propagation Problems SAND-75-0350 Example of Code Optimization UCID-16697 W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Computer Programs for Simulating Physical Phenomena in Three Space Dimensions and Time. UCRL-76084 COMPUTER CODES Comparison Between the Computer Codes Owen and Toscle in a Calculation of Two-Phase Flow Stability AAEC/TM-621 Chebinq A Fortran Program to Calculate Chebyshev Inequalities and Gaussian Integration Parameters AECL-4832 Leap and Addelt, a Users Guide to Two Comple- mentary Codes on the lcl-470 for Calculating the Scattering Law from a Phonon Frequency Func- tion AEEW-M-1200 Gog B. An Improved Two Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Code AEEW-R-804 Modification of the Fission Product Inventory Pro- gram Fispin AERE-M-2872 Monte Carlo Computer Program for Neutron Elastic Scattering Simulation AERE-R-7302 Computer Program for Determining Multiplicities of Bragg Reflections for Any Space Group AERE-R-8456 Raffle General Purpose Monte Carlo Code ANCR-1022 Users Manual for Evits: A Steady State Fluids Code for Complex Two-Dimensional Geometries ANL-CT-76-37 SYNBURN: Fast-Reactor Fuel-Cycle Program ANL-76-14 Program Knmatics: Two Body Nuclear Relativistic Kinematics BARC-658 SSC An Advanced Thermohydraulic Transient Code for LMFBR Quarterly Progress Report, Oc- tober 1 -December 31. 1975 BNL-NUREG-50502 OSCIL: One-Dimensional Spring-Mass System Simulator for Seismic Analysis of High Tempera- ture Gas Cooled Reactor Core BNL-21023 Development of a Computer Code for Thermal Hydraulics of Reactors (THOR) BNL-50458 DELFINE Program CEA-N-1956 New Spatial Differencing for the Neutron Trans- port Equation EIR-232 Program Neutre Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation under Its Integral Form: Description of the Evolution of Neutrals in a Cylindrical Plasma EUR-CEA-FC-833 Reliability and Availability of a System with Active R/M Repairable Redundancies. General Solution: FIDIAS Program FRRSR-9 GARTH, a Full-Range Integral Transport Code for Reactor Design Calculations GA-A-13745 Sigma: A Code for Generating Multi-Group, Neutral Plasma Cross Sections GA-A-14159 Part I. Theory Report for Creep-Plast Computer Program: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems under Simultaneous Creep and Plasticity GEAP-10546 Part II User'S Manual for Creep-Plast Computer Program GEAP-13262 Kase Problems for the Teach Computer Programs HTS-74-3 One Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Reaction p+ D Implies p+ p+ N at 13.25 and 50 Mev over the Full Three-Body Space IKO-KE-2 Program Mephisto for Microscopic Calculations of (P,p) Reactions, D4 INIS-mf-3352 Gier-ALGOL 4 Program for the Statistical Model Calculations of the Multistage Nuclear Reactions INR-1457 Programme "SLOT" for Calculating Curvature of Slits for Rotors of Neutron Semimonochromators INR-1527/9A/PR/B Charge Radius of the Pion IS-T-728 Algorithm for Automatic Indexing and Bravais Lattice Selection The Programs Blind and Alice. IS-3469 Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 PL-1 Program System for Generalized Patterson Superpositions IS-4106 Numerical Code SPHEX for Free Boundary MHD Equilibrium with Legendre Expansion Method JAERI-M-6734 Numerical Treatment of Heat Conduction Problems with the Help of Finite Elements in Three Dimensions Juel-1134-AT CSD-YAQUI: An Eulerian Computer Code for Flow at All Speeds in Ducts K/CSD/TM-9 HEATPLOT. A Temperature Distribution Plotting Program for Heating K/CSD/TM-11 REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 Direct Solution Technique for Solving Steady- State Problems Using the HEATINGS Heat Transfer Code K/CSD/TM-15 Revised Definitions in Kedak-3 KFK-EXT-4/76-37 Migros-2: A Program Written in Fortran for the Calculation of Microscopic Group Constants from Nuclear Data KFK-1784 Tiflis (Time-of-Flight-Spectra) a Data Reduction Program for the Evaluation of Time-of-Flight Ex- periments KFK-2187 Id Version of the 05R Program System KFKI-73-2 K-FIX: A Computer Program for Transient, Two- Dimensional, Two-Fluid Flow LA-NUREG-6623 Fpdcys and Fpspec: Computer Programs for Cal- culating Fission-Product beta and gamma Mul- tigroup Spectra from Endf/B-IV Data LA-NUREG-6818-MS Linear Accelerator Modeling: Development and Application LA-UR-77-576 Cross Sections in the Energy Range from 10 to 40 Mev Calculated with the Gnash Code LA-UR-77-1031 Men: A Neutron Monte Carlo Code LA-4751 Yaqui: An Arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian Com- puter Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds LA-5100 Monte Carlo Photon Codes: Meg and Mcp LA-5157-MS G exp 3 : General Purpose gamma-Ray Scattering Program LA-5176 Kachina: An Eulerian Computer Program for Mul- tifield Fluid Flows. LA-5680 Rice: A Computer Program for Multicomponent Chemically Reactive Flows at All Speeds. LA-5812 NAP: A Computer Program for the Computation of Two-Dimensional, Time-Dependent. Inviscid Nozzle Flow LA-5984 10 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTER CODES Computer Program for Designing Reflective Spectrographs LA-6190 Sola-Ice: A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Compressible Fluid Flows LA-6236 Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS Graser A Kinetics Code for Study of Neutron- Pumped gamma-Ray Laser Systems LA-6517-MS Automated Heuristic Stability Analysis for Non- linear Equations LA-6885-MS Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets LBL-3222 Lattice: An Interactive Lattice Computer Code LBL-4843 Bperp, Bslant, and Globe: Optimized Codes for the Simulation of Plasmas in a Static Uniform Magnetic Field MATT-896 Calculation of Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Coefficients During Rewetting of Highly Heated Tubes MRR-167 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 1. Theory and Techniques Revised N-70-42026 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort Volume 2. Users' Manual Revised N-70-42027 Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reactions According to the Fragmentation Model NP- 19804 HEATING5 An IBM 360 Heat Conduction Program ORNL/CSD/TM-15 EBT Time-Dependent Point Model Code Descrip- tion and User's Guide ORNL/CSD/TM-27 Documentation of the Heat Conduction Code TRANCO ORNL/Sub-4269/15 Swanlake, a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 Mack: Computer Program to Calculate Neutron Energy Release Parameters (Fluence-to-Kerma Factors) and Multigroup Neutron Reaction Cross Sections from Nuclear Data in Endf Format ORNL-TM-3994 Comparison of the Group Constants Generated by the Endf/B Processing Codes Etox and Super- tog ORNL-TM-4041 Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 CACHE An Extended Basic Program Which Com- putes the Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers ORNL/TM-4952 ORECA-1: A Digital Computer Code for Simulat- ing the Dynamics of HTGR Cores for Emergency Cooling Analyses ORNL/TM-5159 Three Computer Codes of General Use in X-Ray Crystallography ORNL-TM-5177 AMP (Activity Manipulation Program) ORNL/TM-5296 HTCAP: A Fortran IV Program for Calculating Coated-Particle Operating Temperatures in HFIR Target Irradiation Experiments ORNL/TM-5332 FIFPC, a Fast Ion Fokker-Planck Code ORNL/TM-5487 Ornl Alice: A Statistical Model Computer Code In- cluding Fission Competition ORNL/TM-6054 Computations, Tables, and Approximations for Grain Boundary Diffusion Theory. ORNL-4906 OR-TEP-2: A Fortran Thermal-Ellipsoid Plot Pro- gram for Crystal Structure Illustrations ORNL-5138 Simple Graphical Display Program for Physics ORO-5126-27 Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 Gfun3d User Guide RL-76-029/A ' Piume" Code for the Multilevel Two-Channel Cross Section Calculations RT/FI-(72)50 Description of the Sandia Version of the NASA- Ames Flow Field Code: Input-Output and Storage Locations. SAND-74-0096 Extensions and Revisions for the NASA-Ames and Gas-NAS Flow Field Codes. SAND-74-0097 Analysis of One-Dimensional Algorithms to Use with Operator Splitting in Programs for Comput- ing Wave Propagation SAND-74-0189 Conchas--Manymat Wavecode A Program to Compute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials. SAND-75-0155(Pt.1) Conchas--Manymat Wavecode: Program to Com- pute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials, Part II. SAND-75-0155(Pt.2) Test Results of the Threedy Wavefitting Algorithm on One-Dimensional Wave Propagation Problems SAND-75-0350 Visar Data Reduction. SAND-75-0424 Improved Real Gas Routines for Sandia s NASA Ames Flow Field Program SAND-75-0493 Mesh Generation for Two-Dimensional Regions Using a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) Graphics Terminal SAND-76-8231 Stability Analysis of the von Neumann-Richtmyer Difference Scheme with Rate Dependent Materi- als Relations Part 2. Subcycling and the Malvern Relation SAND-77-0374 Improvements in the Chart D Energy Flow Hydrodynamic Code V: 1972/73 Modifications SLA-73-0477 Development and Comparison of Several Analyti- cal Models for the Planar Turbulent Near Wake in Supersonic Flow Combining Component and Critical Point Methods SLA-73-628 High-Gradient Column Computer Program Called Kalum TID-26368 Operation Manual for Program Nuwie" TID-26370 SIMIR/6: A Two Dimensional Steady State and Transient Heat Conduction Code for Use on an IBM 360/75 Computer A User s Guide TREE-1127 Threat: A 3-D Heat Transfer Program. TRG-Report-2684(R) Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1. Theoretical Description TRG-2459 Users Manual for Code Epsol Static Analysis of Elastic— Plastic Solids. UCID-16171 Steps Toward Importance Sampling for Mcmeg UCID-16313 Lamp Code Users Guide UCID-16525 Liraq-2 Boundary Conditions. UCID-16871 W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Bbc Hydrodynamics. UCID-17013 Abmac-Arbitrary Boundary Marker and Cell Eu- lerian Hydrodynamic Incompressible Numerical Method UCID-17175 FOKN: A Relativistic Fokker-Planck Code with Large Angle Scattering and Radiation Losses UCID-17196 Four-D Propagation Code for High-Energy Laser Beams A User's Manual UCID-17217 Fundamentals of the Kraken Code UCID-17366 Observations on the Operation of the SEMPEX Code UCID-17440 Keg, an Eulerian Configuration Generator for Bbc and Voa UCID-17461 LASNEX: Ponderomotive Force Algorithm UCID-17517 EDOT: A Code to Calculate Charge Particle Slow- ing down in a Plasma UCID-17550 Nscat: A Code to Obtain Charged Particle Nuclear (Plus Interference) Differential Scattering Cross Sections from Experimental Data UCID-17608 Shemp: A Service Program for the Hemp Pro- gram. UCID-30089 Brem II: A Code for Calculating the Free--Free Gaunt Factor in an Arbitrary Atomic Potential UCRL-13582 Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Constants. Program Linear (Version 77-1): Linearize Data in the Evalu- ated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format UCRL-50400(V 17)(Pt.A) Hemp User S Manual. UCRL-51079(Rev.1) Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. UCRL-51574 Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. UCRL-51574(Rev.1) S3f-Syr/LLL1: The Syracuse Computer Code for Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion, Extended for Near-Field Computations. UCRL-51622 MAFJ: Some Simple Additions to MAFCO UCRL-51806 Litepath A Computer Code to Simulate an Opti- cal System UCRL-51847 Pinhole for Producing a Close-in Image of an Ex tended 14-Mev Neutron Source. UCRL-51860 Abcxyz: Vector Potential (A) and Magnetic Field (B) Code (C) for Cartesian (Xyz) Geometry Using General Current Elements UCRL-52029 Computerization of Spectroscopic Constants for Selected Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules UCRL-52149 Tibro-X: A Code to Compute Trajectories of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields UCRL-52189 XSNQ-U: A Non-LTE Emission and Absorption Coefficient Subroutine UCRL-52276 Evaluation of Two Computer Programs for Model- ing Electromagnetic Interactions with Surfaces UCRL-52321 Self-Generated Magnetic Fields and Nonthermal Electrons in Laser-Produced Plasmas: Simulation Techniques and Calculational Results UCRL-74110 Self-Calibration and Analysis of Image Formation in the sub-Nanosecond Domain. UCRL-75916 Listing of Clem7c. UCRL-76135(Add.1) Simulation of Optical Systems UCRL-77512(Rev.1) Univac 1108 Hammer-Hanford Version Supple- mentary Users Note UNI-35 POICOU: A Point Plasma Code Including Profile Effects for Tokamak Power Reactors UWFDM-216 General Loss Coefficient Program. WANL-TMI-1722 11 SUBJECT INDEX Data Input Manual for RSI/TEVCO: A Ther- mo/Viscoelastic Finite Element Computer Pro- gram Y/OWI/SUB-77/22303/6 COMPUTER GRAPHICS A Computer Program for Plotting Coordination Polyhedra in Ionic Crystals-DRWMIN AD-A014 788/4CP Digital Reconstruction of Acoustic Holograms AD-A022 666/2CP PIPSTEK - Properties of Irregular Planar Solids (Tektronix) AD-A028 828/2CP Polypagos: Polychromic Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems. AD-715 262/CP CRYSNET Manual. Informal Report BNL-21714 Gasplot - a Computer Graphics Program That Draws a Variety of Thermophysical Property Charts. N77-28015/4CP Simple Graphical Display Program for Physics ORO-51 26-27 COMPUTER NETWORKS CRYSNET Manual Informal Report BNL-21714 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies Volume II Late-Time High-Altitude Electromag- netic Pulse Code Development AD-AOOO 944/9CP A User's Manual to Compute Shock Reflections in Elastic Solids AD-A001 535/4CP Evaluation of the Rexco-H and Rexco-Hep Reac- tor Excursion Containment Codes AD-A008 140/6CP The Application of the Marker and Cell Incom- pressible Fluid Flow Technique to Impact Problems AD-A008 451 /7CP A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design Volume I. Theory. Descriptions, and User's Instructions AD-A009 273/4CP CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices AD-A010 002/4CP CAPO User's Guide Volume I AD-A016 672/8CP DOASIS: A Computer Code for the Deformation Plastic. Orthotropic, Axisymmetric (and Plane) Solution of Inelastic Solids. Volume I Finite Ele- ment Program Theoretical and Programmers Manual AD-A018 634/6CP Extension of the Energy Deposition Code E-DEP- 1 to Higher Energies AD-A020 923/9CP SGEMP Phenomenology and Computer Code Development AD-A026 333/5CP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVII. Computer User's Manual: Erosion Shape (EROS) Computer Code AD-A026 613/OCP Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations. NOISEMAP Computer Program Operation Manual Addendum for Version 3.3 of NOISEMAP AD-A042 143/8CP Boundary Layer Flows Over Sharp and Spheri- cally Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack to Super- sonic Nonuniform Free Streams Volume II Description of Computer Programs and User's Guide AD-769 837/6CP Evaluation of Operational Characteristics of Selected Unfolding Codes AD-770 370/5CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume I Laser and Mixing Program Theory and User's Guide AD-775 411/2CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume II Two-Dimensional Fresnel Integral Laser and Mix- ing Program User's Guide AD-775 412/OCP Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume III. Lockheed One-Dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide AD-775 413/8CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Volume IV Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Pro- gram Theory and User's Guide AD-775 414/6CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Summary Volume AD-775 417/9CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual AD-778 925/8CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP MAZE 3 - A Sequential Computer Spectral Enhancement Code: Studied for Conversion to IL- LIAC IV AD-781 280/3CP An Organizational Description of High Energy Transport Code (HETC) AD-783 040/9CP Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume I. Two-Dimensional Ground-Burst Elec- tromagnetic Pulse Calculational Methods AD-783 623/2CP Description of the Revised Aero I Program. PA no. 010417 AD-784 085/3CP TRCMOD: A Computer Program for the Computa- tion of High-Order Correlation Coefficients of Turbulence Data AD-786 381 /4CP A Computer Program for Martensite Crystallog- raphy COM-71-00806/CP Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffrac- tion Line Profile: A Computer Program COM-71-50297/CP Computer Code for the Calculation of Thermal Neutron Absorption in Spherical and Cylindrical Neutron Sources COM-71-50374/CP An Adjoint Gamma-Ray Moments Computer Code. ADJMOM-I COM-73-50209/CP A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code, GAMMOM-I COM-73-50374/CP Computer Program Grade for Design and Analysis of Graded-Porosity Heat-Pipe Wicks. N75-14996/3CP Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant. Programmer's Manual. N75-32384/0CP Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Theoretical Manual and User'S Guide N75-32385/7CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1, Revi- sion a. N75-33352/6CP Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations Volume 1: Computa- tional Technique. N76-22494/8CP The Complete Software for the S1 Wind Tunnel Data Acquisition and Control System. N76-27250/9CP Computation of Gas and Dust Flow Rates from Point Measurements in a Duct, Using Surface Fitting PB-201 836/CP Community Median Noise Level Computer Model PB-201 916/CP Plotting of Contour Maps for Representing Flow Distributions in a Duct PB-201 929/CP Manual for Highway Noise Prediction (Appendix B) PB-226 087/5CP SPAR, A FORTRAN Program for Computing Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons, and Heavy Ions PB-247 070/6CP Guide to Improving the Performance of a Manipu- lator System for Nuclear Fuel Handling through Computer Controls PB-249 255/1CP The NIRA Computer Program Package (Photonuclear Data Center) PB-249 541/4CP User's Manual for RELAP 3B-MOD 101 A Reactor System Transient Code PB-249 616/4CP COMPUTER PROGRAMS Boptic- a Beam Transport Program in Fortran IV AAEC/TM-544 Programs for the Management and Processing of Neutron Diffraction Data AAEC/TM-578 The A. A. EC. Fission Product Cross Section Libra- ries Fisprod.Pointxsl and Fisprod.Groupxsl AAEC/TM-587 Meatpi and Sorce- Two Programs to Calculate Scattering Potentials from Phase Shifts AAEC/TM-604 Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 Three-Dimensional Potential Flow around a Body Spanning an Annulus: Computer Program and Solution AD-A001 007/4CP Optical Properties of Laser-Plasma Interactions AD-A001 805/1 CP Acoustic Transmission Loss by Single-Profile Ray Tracing (Program RTRACE) AD-A003 908/1 CP Modifications to Compressor Test Data Analysis Program UD0200 AD-A004 182/2CP A Ray Trace Program for the CDC 1604 Computer AD-A005 321 /5CP Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Pro- gram TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume II. Program Listing and Pro- gram Use Example AD-A009 157/9CP SOLA - A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows AD-A009 953/1 CP Data Collection and Analysis Program AD-A011 395/1 CP The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program Part 2. Users Manual AD-A013 218/3CP Normal Mode FORTRAN Programs for Calculating Sound Propagation in the Ocean AD-A013 256/3CP A Computer Program for Plotting Coordination Polyhedra in Ionic Crystals-DRWMIN AD-A014 788/4CP A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Charac- teristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems - MCDU 43 AD-A014 953/4CP Determination of Texture Pole Figures Using Picker FACS-1 Apparatus AD-A015 731 /3CP A Computer Code to Calculate the Effect of Inter- nal Waves on Acoustic Propagation AD-A016 629/8CP On the Stability of Poiseuille Flow AD-A018 304/6CP Wake Modeling Studies AD-A018 671/8CP Bent Plate Computer Program Listing AD-A018 999/3CP Analytical Diffusion Model Computer Program AD-A019 692/3CP Supplementary Routines for Lens Design by Com- puter AD-A020 625/OCP Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AO-A020 722/5CP Computing the Optical Properties of Multilayer Coatings AD-A020 856/1 CP 12 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTER PROGRAMS Evaluation of a Method for Computation of Separated, Turbulent, Compressible Boundary Layers AD-A021 090/6CP The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program. Volume I Method and Com- puter Program AD-A021 693/7CP The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program. Volume II. Mathematical Modeling, Application, and Verification AD-A021 694/5CP Lifting Jet Flow rields AD-A021 968/3CP Asymptotic Properties of the Mie Coefficients AD-A023 078/9CP Discrete Technique for the Analysis of Stationary Random Data AD-A023 345/2CP Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations AD-A023 891 /5CP Description and Evaluation of a Digital-Computer Program for Calculating the Viscous Drag of Bodies of Revolution AD-A023 995/4CP FORTRAN Subroutines to Evaluate, in Single or Double Precision. Bessel Functions of the First and Second Kinds for Complex Arguments AD-A024 384/OCP Users Manual: Supersonic Unsteady Cascade Program. Volume II AD-A025 186/8CP Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP Reflected and Transmitted Fields for a Plane- Wave Pulse Incident on a Conducting Ground AD-A026 755/9CP TRIOIL IV. A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Code for the ILLIAC IV Computer AD-A027 091 /8CP Present Status of the RRI Slant-Path Absorption Model (SLAM) Computer Program AD-A027 215/3CP Nonlinear Scaling Laws for Parametric Receiving Arrays Part II Numerical Analysis AD-A027 578/4CP Computer Program for Calculations of Particle Trajectories through a Rotating Cascade AD-A027 879/6CP A Users Manual for Computer Code NOZZLE AD-A028 971/OCP A FORTRAN Subroutine to Evaluate the Transport Integrals J2(X) Through J7(X) AD-A030 219/OCP Transmission from a Rectangular Waveguide into Half Space through a Rectangular Aperture AD-A030 779/3CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual AD-A031 108/4CP Research on the Flutter of Axial Turbomachine Blading AD-A031 536/6CP Prediction of Supersonic Store Separation Characteristics Volume I Theoretical Methods and Comparisons with Experiment AD-A031 828/7CP MPLAW: A Multipulse-Scaling-Law Code Using Data-Base Interpolation AD-A032 026/7CP A Users Manual for the 1-D Heat Conduction Cal- culator Program AD-A032 036/6CP MODESRCH', An Improved Computer Program for Obtaining ELF/VLF/LF Mode Constants in an Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A032 573/8CP SEMCON. A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP Numerical Solution of Subsonic Viscous-lnviscid Interacting Flows AD-A036 213/7CP LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications. Volume I AD-A038 160/8CP Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume III. Computer User's Manual for Aero- Acoustic Predictions AD-A038 614/4CP Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Resulting from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP Fiber Optics Design Aid Package AD-A040 772/6CP Analytic Solution of a Test Problem for MODE AD-A041 761 /8CP MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer AD-A042 263/4CP Wind Tunnel Wall Corrections for Arbitrary Plan- forms and Wind Tunnel Cross-Sections AD-A042 299/8CP An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/OCP Computer Program for Reduction and Presenta- tion of High-Pressure Capillary Viscometer Data AD-A044 490/1 CP A Machine-Language Computer Program to Ob- tain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASDIR-II Volume II Program Description AD-B009 669/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume III Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/1 CP Computer Program for Calculating Propagation Loss into the Shadow Zone. AD-713 061/CP A Fortran Program for Waveguide Propagation Which Allows for Both Vertical and Horizontal Dipole Excitation. AD-713 168/CP Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Compu- tation. AD-714 499/CP A Collection of Computer Programs for Molecular Spectroscopy. AD-714 560/CP Polypagos: Polychromic Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems. AD-715 262/CP Generalized Analytical Computer Program for Turbomachine-Driven Cryogenic Systems in Heli- um. AD-715 724/CP Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Bodies of Revolution AD-718 969/CP Unified Theory Calculations of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Lines Including Lower State Interac- tions AD-719 975/CP Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Wire Objects AD-722 062/CP Fortran Programs for (P, gamma) Yield Calcula- tions Based on Vavilov's Theory of Energy Loss Distributions AD-723 188/CP Computer Programs to Evaluate Semiconductor Materials in Conjunction with Schottky Barriers AD-724 106/CP A Program to Calculate the Pressure Distribution on a Hydrofoil with Pod and Strut AD-727 588/CP MOD-5: A Computer Code for Calculations of Neutron Time-Energy Distributions in the Slowing Down Region AD-727 676/CP User's Manual for Propeller Noise Detectability Program AD-729 435/CP NUDATA - A Computer Program to Prepare Cross Section Data for the MAGI-SGD Code AD-730 625/CP XTALTDS6, A Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 396/CP XTOS2, A Program for Calculating the Thermal D fuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 836/CP ELSPEC: A Computer Program for Unfolding Electron Energy Spectra from Experimental Ener- gy Deposition Profiles AD-733 331 /CP Numerical and Experimental Studies of Spectral Unfolding Volume II AD-734 204/CP Computer Program for Calculating Multiple Scat- tering with Cylindrical Geometry AD-734 397/CP A Computer Program for Determining the Polycrystalline Elastic Moduli from the Single- Crystal Elastic Constants AD-734 664/CP User's Manual Volume I Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure (BLIMP) AD-734 744/CP Pilot Close Coupling Code for Heavy Particle Col- lisions AD-734 756/CP Polypagos User's Manual AD-735 674/CP A Computer Program for C02-N2-H20 Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Maximum Available Power AD-735 878/CP Digital Computer Simulation Programs for Elec- trostrictive Laser Beam Trapping AD-737 384/CP A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculat- ing Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbitrary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP Investigation of Aerodynamic Analysis Problems in Transonic Maneuvering. Volume II. Airfoil Anal- ysis Computer Program AD-740 124/CP A Computer Program for Solving Transient Heat Conduction Problems AD-741 070/CP The MORSE Code with Combinatorial Geometry AD-743 171/CP SHIP (Simplified-Helmholtz-lntegral Program): A Fast Computer Program for Calculating the Acoustic Radiation and Radiation Impedance for Free-Flooded-Ring and Finite-Circular-Cylinder Sources AD-745 295/CP User's Manual: AFWL One-Dimensional Plasma Simulation Particle Codes AD-745 423/CP Conversion of a Two-Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code from CDC- 6400 FORTRAN to IBM 360/67 FORTRAN AD-745 854/CP SAM-CE: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions AD-746 462/CP Data Analysis Programs for Reflectometer Diag- nosis of Thin Boundary Layer Plasma Sheaths: User's Manual AD-747 041 /CP The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler AD-748 025/CP Modification of the SAM-CE System to SAM-CE Revision A AD-749 980/CP PTDS2. a Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Powder Pattern Reflections AD-750 601/CP PTDS3, a Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Powder Pattern Reflections AD-750 602/CP A Study of Equations of State-Opacity of Ionized Gases Volume 2 Appendix D - Segmentation of CAPO Appendix E - Listing of CAPO AD-751 608/CP PEDAS: A 2-Dimensional Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Code for Photon-Energy Deposition and Air Stripping AD-752 026/CP The Calculation of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flows around Spherically-Capped Smooth Bodies and Wings Volume II Manual for Computer Pro- grams AD-753 696/CP 13 SUBJECT INDEX Spectral Unfolding: Its Mathematical Basis, Imple- mentation and Application with MAZE2 AD-755 190/CP BOUNCE: Users Manual AD-758 809/CP Natural Modes and Frequencies of Free Vibration of Shells of Revolution - Analysis of a Shell of Linearly Varying Thickness - SATANS-III: Theory and User's Manual AD-761 370/CP A Computer Program to Plot an Isometric Projec- tion of a Solution Space Surface AD-762 086/CP The FOODES Program Description AD-766 238/OCP A FORTRAN Program to Analyze Gamma-Ray Spectra Recorded with Ge(Li) Detectors AD-769 219/7CP Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Shear Flow Fields AD-769 498/7CP Inviscid Supersonic Nonuniform Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack Volume II. Computer Program Descrip- tions and User's Guide AD-770 169/1CP Computer Programs for Air/Ground Propagation and Interference Analysis (0.1 to 20 GHz) AD-770 335/8CP Sensitivity of Material Response Calculations to the Equation of State Model AD-772 919/7CP Plume Boundary Computer Program AD-774 059/0CP H2-CI2 Chemical Laser Program Part I. CHEM- LUM Code for Spectroscopic Data Analysis AD-780 178/OCP THEROS A Computer Program for Heat Flow Analysis AD-780 514/6CP MAGPIE: A User's Manual AD-781 044/3CP A Programmed Aid for Analysis of Three-Element Optical Systems AD-781 495/7CP Ion Beam Optical Polishing System Computer Programs AD-781 959/2CP A Computer Code to Predict the Effects of Elec- trophilic Liquid Injection on Re-Entry Plasma Sheath Properties AD-782 023/6CP A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Lift- ing Bodies in Subsonic Inviscid Flow AD-782 202/6CP Analytical Investigation of Transient Diffuser Wave Phenomena AD-783 864/2CP GUERAP II - User's Guide AD-784 874/OCP NRL Modified Version of CINDA-3G Program AD-786 351/7CP FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculating the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids AD-786 352/5CP Atmospheric Ray Tracing AD-787 063/7CP Analysis of Number of Eigenvalues Needed When Computing Temperatures tor Multilayer Cylinders Using the Exact Solution Method AD-847 480/CP TWIG-A Computer Program for Calculating Unidirectional Transient and Steady-State Tem- perature Distributions in One. Two. and Three- Layer Slabs and Cylinders-Constant Heat Flux Ap- plied to Outside Surface AD-857 866/CP A Ray Tracing Program AD-863 327/CP A Compilation of Computer Programs in Flight Vehicle Technology 1968-1969 AD-869 613/CP Engineering Guide and Computer Programs for Determining Turbulence-Induced Vibration and Radiation of Plates AD-878 619/CP Fitting of an Ordered Set of Mode Frequencies AECL-3669 ELMOS- A CDC-6600 FORTRAN-IV CODE TO MANIPULATE SINGLE PARTICLE WAVEFUNC- TIONS AND SOLVE THE ELLIPSOIDAL MODIFIED OSCILLATOR PROBLEM AECL-3730 A Package of Computer Programs for the Analy- sis of Temperature Distribution in Three Dimen- sional Systems AECL-3783 Evalin- a Cdc 6600 Fortran IV Code to Perform an Extended Variational Approximation for Light and Intermediate Nuclei AECL-3801 An Investigation of a Monte Carlo Treatment of Thermal Neutron Scattering AEEW-M-730 Comparison of Leap, Tor and Slab. Programmes for Computing the Scattering Law S(Alpha.beta) from a Phonon Frequency Function AEEW-M-1136 Two Dimensional Transport Code Twotran A Users Guide to the Winfrith Fortran IV Version for Use on the IBM 360 Computer AEEW-R-778 Nerma- a Programme for Evaluating Neutron In- duced Energy Release in Materials AERE-M-2474 Fortran Program to Calculate Energy Loss of Charged Particles AERE-R-7072 Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System Volume I. Operators Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL1) Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System Volume II System Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL2) Score-lll-A- an Interactive Display System for Evaluation of Multilevel Resonance Parameters in the Adler Format AI-AEC-13018 U3R- a Code to Calculate Unresolved Resonance Cross Section Probability Tables AI-AEC-13024 Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Acsap) ANCR-1042 Gauss V- a Computer Program for the Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from GE(Li) Spectrometers ANCR-1043 C-Sure- Cross Sections for Unresolved Resonances from Endf/B ANCR-1068 Tess- a One-Dimensional S/Sub n/ Transport- Theory Code for the Cdc-3600 ANL-7406 Analysis of Compton Continuum Measurements ANL-7611 INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVERSION SYM- METRY ANL-7659 Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 Dblscat- a Computer Code for Double-Scattering Corrections ANL-7780 Gamma Ray Analysis Programs ANU-P-438 Computer Subprograms for Scattering Problems ANU-P-439 Optical Model Code JIB3 (Version Perey 3) ANU-P-451 Fidel- an Optical Model Search Code with Spin- Orbit Terms for Spin/Sup 1///Sub 2/ and Spin-1 Particles ANU-P-500 Sandra- the Dwba Codes Julie and Dwuck Adapted for Use on the IBM 360/50 Computer ANU-P-507 Hauser- a Computer Code for the Calculation of Compound Nucleus Cross Sections Using the Hauser-Feshbach Theory ANU-P-512 Nuclear Statistical Fluctuation Program (Ncfl) AREAEE-148 Multigroup Neutron Diffusion Theory Perturba- tion Program Jinx AWRE-O-40/7I Sigfmula- a Crystallographic Program for Symbol- ic Addition in Centrosymmetric Crystals BARC-576 Medop- Fortran-IV Program for Calculating Matrix Elements of One-Body Operators Between Pro- jected Hartree-Fock Functions BLG-453 Program Scope BNL-16700 Program Inter BNL-17408 Computer Programs for Ags Injection BNL-17706 GROGI2- A NUCLEAR EVAPORATION COM- PUTER CODE- DESCRIPTION AND USER'S MANUAL BNL-50246 Endf/B Processing Codes for the Resonance Re- gion BNL-50296 HRG3- a Code for Calculating the Slowing-down Spectrum in the p/sub 1/ or B/sub 1/ Approxima- tion BNWL-1432 Granit- a Code for Calculating Position Depen- dent Thermal Neutron Spectra in Doubly Heterogeneous Systems by the Integral Transport Method BNWL-1634 Tisk- a Program for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernels, and Its Application to H/Sub 2/0 BNWL-1675 Logical and Mathematical Scheme for the Digital Calculation of the Cross Sections of Inelastic Electron Scattering by the Phase Shift Method CEA-N-1259 Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons. Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved Program Source. CEA-N-1294 The Program Igor Straight Line Attenuation. Ad- justment of the Attenuation Nuclei in Spherical Geometry. CEA-N-1312 Gamma-Ray Spectra Computer Code. Part I CEA-N-1381(1) Space Charge Effects in Proton Linear Accelera- tors CEA-N-1457 Programs for Computing the Coefficients of Clebsch-Gordan (And 3-Jm), of Racah (And 6-J) 9-J. Z (Compound Nucleus), and Z' (Statistical Model) CEA-N-1467 Sara- a Code for the Analysis of Spectra Recorded by GE-Li Spectrometers CEA-N-1506 Comparison of Spherical Optical Model Codes and Proposition of Standard Values for Testing a Code CEA-N-1532(E) Computer Program for Analysis of the Cross Sec- tions of Fissile Nuclei in the Resonance Region Using a Multilevel Formalism CEA-N-1564 Evaluation of Stopping Power and Range of Charged Particles of 10 Mev to 30 Gev in Matter CEA-R-4198 Spurious Reflections in an Optical System CEA-R-4331 Filtering of Tracks Measured on the Smp CERN-TRANS-71-8 Planning of Cern Projects with the Help of the PERT Method. CERN-70-15 Graphical Man-Machine Interactive Systems for Numerical Problems- Peg, a Special Purpose System- and gamma, a General Purpose System CERN-70-23 Pde- Digital Program for the Calculation of the Thermal-Hydrodynamic Condition in a Circuit of a Two Phase Mixture Water and Steam CISE-R-245 Programs tor the Automatic Working out of Nuclear Measurements CISE-R-249 Ras- a Synthesis Program for the Calculation of 2-Group Neutron Flux in R-theta CISE-R-252 Vortex- a 2-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Simula- tion Code CLM-R-106 14 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTER PROGRAMS COMPUTATION OF RENORMALIZED RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS- APPLICATION TO THE SCALAR THEORY LAMBDAPHI/SUP 3/ CNRS-CPT-70-P-318 COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF FEYNMAN DIA- GRAMS. APPLICATION TO THE CALCULATION OF THE ANOMALOUS MAGNETIC MOMENT OF THE ELECTRON AND OF THE MUON CNRS-CPT-70-P-336 Reduce Approach to the Calculation ot Feynman Diagrams CNRS-CPT-72-P-453 Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffrac- tion Line Profile: A Computer Program COM-71-50308/CP A Neutron Moments Computer Code, Moment I COM-72-50522/CP A Neutron Moments Computer Code, Moment I COM-72-50537/CP A System of FORTRAN IV Computer Programs for Crystal Structure Computations COM-75-10290/5CP Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Acsap) CONF-710301-6 Instructions for the Use of Dwuck: A Distorted Wave Born Approximation Program COO-535-606 Algebra Used by Dwuck with Applications to the Normalization of Typical Reactions. COO-535-613 Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO-1 779-63 Codilli II- a Fortran IV Program for the Analysis of Neutron Resonance with Program Score Techni- cal Report No. 3 COO-2022-7 Computer Programs for Statistical Nuclear Decay COO-3496-10 Statistical Program Gamaj COO-3496-11 Kinematics of Three-Body Reactions DEMO-72/13 GELI2 and Span 2- Fortran Programs to Calculate Nuclide Abundances from Multichannel gamma Ray Spectra DP-1275 Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0, D/Sub 2/0, C. Zrh/Sub 21, (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub X/, Be, Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 Flange II (Version 71-1)- A Code to Process Ther- mal Neutron Data from an Endf/B Tape DP-1278 IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements Part 2. Interrupt Servicing Pro- grams for Data Handling and Reduction EUR-4404(PT 2) IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 3. Programs for Interactive Data Reduction EUR-4404(PT3) Timoc- a General Purpose Monte Carlo Code for Stationary and Time Dependent Neutron Trans- port EUR-4519 Dochap- a Fortran IV Program for the Correction and Calibration of Neutron Inelastic Scattering Data EUR-4599 Jn-METD1- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems with Isotropic Scat- tering in Bare Spheres and Homogeneous Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method EUR-4601 IBM 360 and IBM 1800 Versions of the Shape and Area Analysis Programs of S E. Atta and J A Harvey EUR-4760 Jn-METD2- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems with Isotropic Scat- tering in Multilayer Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method EUR-4839 Program for the Theoretical Reconstruction of ESR Spectra EUR-4869 Endrun-ll- a Computer Code to Generate a Generalized Multigroup Data File from Endf/B GEAP-13704 User's Guide to Swift, a Monte Carlo Technique for Unfolding Neutron Spectra HASL-244 Icpeax- Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors I. R.I. -133-70-4 Urs Program for Calculating Slow Neutron Spec- tra by Differential Equations IAE-1969 "Kristall" Program for Studying Dynamics of Radiation Damage in Crystal Lattices IAE-2002 High-Speed Modifications of the Method of Probabilities of the First Collision Part III IAE-2112 Computer Program for Steam and Water Proper- ties from the Asme (1967) Ifc Formulations. (Nrts Computer Program No. 40.0969) IDO-ITR-110 Program for the Computing of the Scattering Cross-Sections in Heavy Water IFA-DNBR-3 Use of Cubic Spline Functions in Nuclear Data Processing IFA-DNBR-4 Numerical Accuracy of the Regular Coulomb Function IFA-M-47 Scans- Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets IN-1446 Optical Model Programme with the Automatic Search Routine Extended to Include the Spin- Orbit Term. Omas ." INP-741 Computing Programmes for Strong Absorption Model "Kenut" and "Zolw." INP-744 Distorted Wave Born Approximation Programmes for Inelastic Scattering of Charged Particles "MIS-0." "MIS-2," "MIS-3," "MIS-4," and MIS- 5." INP-746 Calculation of Optical Model Phase Shifts in Born Approximation INP-785 Minigasket- a Code for Thermal Neutron Scatter- ing Law in Polycrystals INR-1186 Flange-al 4 Code for the Gier Computer INR-1260 Energy-Angular Distribution of alpha Particles Emitted in Fission of /Sup 236/U Polar Emission INR-1429 Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer, li. Qvspac and Qvcspa INS-TL-108 Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer In Ckspao INS-TL-109 A Two Dimensional Computer Programme for Solving the MHD Equations for the theta Pinch in a Time-Dependent Coordinate System IPP-6/90 A Fortran IV Crystallographic System of Programs for Generalized Superpositions IS-2210 Dual and Dual-Pomeron Calculations- a Docu- mentation IS-2915 NEDR: A Computer Program for Calculating AC Losses in a Type-ll Superconductor with a Field- Dependent Surface Barrier IS-4017 Determination of Spinel Structure Parameters from Neutron Diffraction Data Using Odra 1204 Computer ITJ-21 Computer Program Fit for Fitting gamma-Ray Spectrum JAERI-M-4571 Analysis of Pulsed Neutron Experiments on Bare Fast Multiplying System by Storrer-Stievenart's Theory JAERI-M-4652 Graph- a Computer Program for Plotting Experi- mental Data in Neudada System JAERI-MEMO-4116 Manual for Jupitor-1 (Supplement) JAERI-MEMO-4138 Thrush- a Code for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernel JAERI-MEMO-4211 Stax 2- a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory JAERI-1191 Fp-S- Program for Calculation of Atomic Density for Each Fission Product Nuclide JAERI-1198 Real Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. I JINR-E1-6907 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. II JINR-E1-6908 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-P Elastic Scattering Experiment Using an HP 2116B Com- puter JINR-E1-6909 Colli- a Program Package for Calculation of Ther- mal-Neutron Scattering JUL-668-RG Program for Solution of the Stationary Neutron Transport Equation with Spherical Symmetry JUL-683-MA A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DISCOVERY OF EXCITED NUCLEAR STATES ACCORDING TO THE RITZ COMBINATION PRINCIPLE KFK-1247 Improved Version of Tamura's Code for Coupled Channel Calculations- Jupitor Karlsruhe Ver- sion.'' KFK-1333 "Abe"- a Computer Program for Analyzing the Elastic and Inelastic Scattering on the Basis of the Austern-Blair Theory KFK-1420 Nusys-Phases 41501-41505. Equivalent Approxi- mation of the Step Function and Its Use in Nuclear Calculations (Iterative Remo Procedure) KFK-1576 Beam 72- Computer Program for Development of Beam Transport Systems KFK-1590 Biot- a 3-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Code KFKI-70-35-RPT Program for the Determination of Neutron Spec- tra from Activation Data KFKI-71-22 Spectrans- a Computer Code for Standardizing Neutron Spectra KFKI-72-65 Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils. LA-4443 Mcna- a Computer Program to Solve the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equation by Coupled Sampling with the Monte Carlo Method LA-4488 Teplo- a Heat Conduction Code for Studying Thermal Explosions in Laminar Composites LA-4511 Dchain- a Pdp-9/Pdp-15 Computer Program for Radioactive Decay and Capture Chain Calcula- tions LA-4708 Laphano- a P/Sub 0/ Multigroup Photon-Produc- tion Matrix and Source Code for Endf LA-4750 Laphan- a Code to Compute the P/Sub 0/ to P/Sub 4/ Multigroup Photon-Production Matrices LA-4963 Time-Dependent Solution to Interstitial Diffusion in a Temperature Gradient LA-4985 Low-Temperature Equation of State for Metals LA-5068 Exotic- a Computer Code for Energy Levels of Exotic Atoms LA-5110 Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 Mafco III- a Code for Calculating Particle Trajec- tories in Magnetic and Electric Fields LBL-765 15 SUBJECT INDEX Efficiency of Detecting a /Sup 8/Be with a Deltae- E Counter Telescope LBL-1214 Program for Analysis of Elastic Nuclear Scattering with the Optical Model LFEN-NI-72-A Program for Calculation of Photoproduction of Single Pions from Nucleons. Note No. 453. LNF-69/59 Generalized One Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code for Partially Ionized Hydrogen or Helium Plasmas LRP-46/71 Computer Programme for Calculation of Solid Angles and Angular Acceptances LUSY-7007 Computer Program for Acceptance Calculations for Two-Body Photoproduction Reactions LUSY-7101 SU3 Fractional Parentage in the 1-P Shell LYCEN-7078 Analytic Orderings Generated by Computer MATT-850 Gamanl- a Computer Program Applying Fourier Transforms to the Analysis of gamma Spectral Data MIT-3944-2 Calculation of Scattered Patterns from Asymmet- rical Reflectors. N70-22574/CP Energy Losses. Range and Bremsstrahlung Yield for 10 Ke V to 100 ME V Electrons in Some Sim- ple Elements and Chemical Compounds. N70-23859/CP Flutter in Continuous Panels. N70-25924/CP Physical Interpretation of Hall Effect Measure- ments by a Least Squares Method - Application to Different Models. N70-26255/CP Calculations of Flux Spectra and Energy Deposi- tion for Fast Neutrons. N70-26461/CP Data Reduction Programs for Total Cross Section Experiments N70-26530/CP A Computer Program for Evaluating Radio Signal Propagation from Artificial Earth Satellites N70-27491/CP Andante - an ALGOL Program for Decomposition of gamma-Ray Spectra and Processing of Foil Counting Data N70-27510/CP Daisey - an Efficient Program for Production of Neutron Pseudo Resonance Parameter Chains in the Unresolved Energy Region. N70-27998/CP A Program for Plotting Wave Diagrams for the Simple Membrane Shock Tube N70-29173/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients. N70-29734/CP Bostaw - a Fortran Program for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods- Saxon Well. N70-29873/CP Surf - a Fortran Program for the Coupled- Chan- nel Calculation of the Photoreaction Cross-Sec- tions in the One Particle - One Hole Continuum Approximation. N70-30085/CP A Computer Program to Determine Equilibrium- Air Flow-Field Data About a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations. N70-31643/CP Computer Program for Photo-Peak Analysis N70-32540/CP Pertran - a Transport-Perturbation Program. N70-33112/CP A Method for the Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft, Including All Multiple Reflections and Shading among Diffuse. Gray Surfaces. N70-33123/CP Computer Program to Predict the Newtonian Aerodynamics of General Bodies Approximated by Flat Plates. N70-35621/CP A Ray Tracing Digital Computer Program for the Study of Magnetospheric Duct Propagation. N70-35774/CP STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory. N70-36799/CP Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 6 - Structure of the Computer Pro- gramme. N70-36922/CP Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 9 - Further Development of the Method of Computation. N70-36925/CP Computer Application of a Linearised Supersonic Lifting Surface Theory on a Certain Class of Wings. N70-37079/CP A General Transient Heat-Transfer Computer Pro- gram for Thermally Thick Walls N70-37089/CP A Brief Discussion of Berger'S Latest Monte Carlo Program. N70-37584/CP Analysis of Fluid Sloshing in Arbitrary Tanks Hav- ing Rotational Symmetry - a Correction for Low Gravity Conditions. Volume 2 - Computational Ap- plication. N70-37813/CP An Investigation of the High Speed Turbulent Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Arbitrary Pressure Gradient Part 3 - Computer Program Manual. N70-42196/CP A Computer Program for Fuel Sloshing in an Ax- isymmetric Tank. N70-43192/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Aerodynamic Forces from Pressure or Velocity Distributions on Blade Sections N71-10467/CP A Parametric Study of Adiabatic Laminar Bounda- ry Layer Shock Wave Interactions by the Method of Lees- Reeves- Klineberg. N71-11017/CP Sound Propagation from a Moving Source Final Report N71-14081/CP Application of Moderate Resolution Band Models to the Prediction of Heat Transfer from Rocket Exhaust Plumes N71-16429/CP VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-17424/CP GIG - A FORTRAN 4 GEOMETRY INPUT GENERA- TOR PROGRAM FOR A FINITE-ELEMENT HEAT- TRANSFER CODE N71-18621/CP Nucleon- Meson Transport Code (Nmtc) N71-21562/CP The off Design Analysis of Flow in Axial Compres- sors N71-22294/CP The Prediction of Laminar Flows Using a Modified Version of the Elliptic Programme N71-22330/CP Temperature Variance in Spacecraft Thermal Analysis Atv-70 Program N71-22335/CP General Report on Implementation of Thermal Programs in the Estec System for the Calculation of Temperature Distribution by the Method of Zones N71-22336/CP Performance Calculation of Rocket Propellants and Propellant Charge Powders N71-23357/CP Numerical Solution of the Unsteady Navier- Stokes Equations and Application to Flow in a Rectangular Cavity with a Moving Wall N71-23915/CP Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer Insulation N71-24594/CP Proper 3 C - a Nucleon Pion Transport Code N71-24723/CP Mathematical Analysis of a Vuilleumier Refrigera- tor N71-25812/CP Thermal Analysis System 1 - User s Manual N71-26440/CP Computational Studies ot Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress N71-27004/CP Computer Program for Evaluation of Bloch- Grueneisen Parameters of Metals and Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity of Tantalum as a Function of Temperature N71-29922/CP Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Nozzle with Boundary Layer Correction N71-32793/CP Gasp - a Computer Code for Calculating the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Eight Fluids - Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen. Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Diox- ide N71-33318/CP A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid, Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CONSTANT STAGGER CASCADES N71-34262/CP GENERALIZED ONE DIMENSIONAL MAG- NETOHYDRODYNAMIC COMPUTER CODE FOR PARTIALLY IONIZED HYDROGEN OR HELIUM PLASMAS N71-34895/CP RELIABILITY STUDIES IN SEMICONDUCTOR FABRICATION N71-34906/CP Hetran a Computer Program to Solve the Two- Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction on a Cladded Tube with a Connecting Fin N71-35336/CP Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three- Dimensional Acoustic Fields N71-35405/CP Calculation of the Flow Through Supercritical Turbine Cascades, with a View to Designing Blades with Reduced Shock Strength N71-35410/CP Penetration of High Energy Radiation N71-35899/CP Analytical and Numerical Studies of Downwash over Rectangular Planforms N71-36405/CP A Computer Program to Determine Radiating. Nonadiabatic, Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N71-36417/CP Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Ef- fects Shape Change N71-37569/CP Modified Thermal Analyzer Digital Computer Pro- gram (Tap) N71-37734/CP Mufan, a Computer Program for the Analysis of Multi-Loop Fluid Flow Systems N71-37735/CP Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Multi- Component Airfoils in Viscous Flow N72-11010/CP A Computer Program for the Evaluation of the Optical Constants of Solids, Via the Dispersion Relations UN Programma Per II Calcolo Delle Costanti Ottiche di UN Solido Mediante le Relazioni di Dispersione N72-11560/CP Calculation of Inviscid Surface Streamlines and Heat Transfer on Shuttle Type Configurations Part 2 Description of Computer Program N72-11828/CP Calculation of Compressible Nonadiabatic Boun- dary Layers in Laminar, Transitional and Turbu- lent Flow by the Method of Integral Relations N72-12222/CP Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow on the Windward Side Conical delta Wings by the Method of Lines N72-13271/CP Factors Which Influence the Analysis and Design of Ejector Nozzles N72-14301/CP Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Three-Dimen- sional Corner N72-14303/CP 16 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTER PROGRAMS Calculation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Utilizing a Compressibility Transformation. Part 3 Computer Program Manual N72-15173/CP Tables of Mie-Scattering Functions. Part 1 Mix- tures of Dielectric Particles N72-15382/CP Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow About Circular, Elliptic, and Bielliptic Cones by the Method of Lines N72-16209/CP Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations, Part 2 N72-17208/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities in the Meridional Plane of a Turbomachine 1 Centrifugal Compressor N72-17988/CP Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program Volume 1 Numerical Solu- tions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations with Equilibrium Chemistry N72-19312/CP Fortran IV Computer Program for Boundary Layers in Compressible Two-Dimensional and Ax- isymmetric Flow N72-19320/CP Structural Model Optimization Using Statistical Evaluation N72-20897/CP Fortran Program for Generating a Two-Dimen- sional Orthogonal Mesh Between Two Arbitrary Boundaries N72-20969/CP Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas N72-21312/CP A Computer Program for Moessbauer Data Processing N72-21677/CP Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies N72-22330/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad, Volume 1 N72-24289/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 2 Code User Manual N72-24290/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 2 Computer Program and Users Manual N72-25301/CP Computer Program for Calculating Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Development in Com- pressible Flow N72-26229/CP Icpeax, a Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors N72-26666/CP An Analytical Study of Reduced -Gravity Liquid Reorientation Using a Simplified Marker and Cell Technique N72-28279/CP A Computer Program for the Calculation of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows N72-28285/CP Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loadings Caused by Trailing Edge Control Surface Motions in Subsonic Compressible Flow Computer Pro- gram Description N72-29229/CP Wall Temperature Distribution Calculation for a Rocket Nozzle Contour N72-30773/CP Fortran Programmes for Axisymmetric Potential Flow around Closed and Semi-Infinite Bodies N72-31307/CP Development of Equilibrium Air Computer Pro- grams Suitable for Numerical Computation Using Time-Dependent or Shock-Capturing Methods N72-32296/CP • rne A Program for Calculating Expansion-Tube Flow Quantities for Real-Gas Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Results N72-32300/CP Theoretical Determination of Cesiated Work Functions N72-33712/CP Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Computer Code N73-10891/CP A Computer Program for Mapping Satellite-Bo Narrow-Beam Antenna Footprints on Earth N73-12149/CP Computer Application of Subsonic Lifting Surface Theory N73-12224/CP The Influence of Tilt, Cone Angle and Beam In- tensity Cross Section on the Computed Per- formance of Narrow Band Optical Interference Filters N73-13665/CP The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for Any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler N73-13737/CP Optimization of Thermal Protection Systems for the Space Vehicle. Volume 2 Users Manual N73-1395t/CP Godunov Method and Computer Program to Determine the Pressure and Flow Field As- sociated with a Sonic Boom Focus N73-16013/CP Comoc Thermal Analysis Variant. Users Manual N73-16927/CP A Fortran Program for Predicting the Tempera- ture-Time Histories of Hemispherical Shells Sub- jected to Aerodynamic Heating N73-18961/CP Description of a Computer Program to Calculate Reacting Supersonic Internal Flow Fields with Shock Waves Using Viscous Characteristics Pro- gram Manual and Sample Calculations N73-20311/CP Computer Program for Assessing the Theoretical Performance of a Three Dimensional Inlet N73-20312/CP The Vise Code a Users Manual N73-20933/CP Supersonic Flow Calculations for a Cone with an Elliptic Flare N73-21282/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Introduction and Part 1 N73-21909/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Part 2 N73-21910/CP Heprop a Computer Programme for the Ther- mophysical Properties of Helium N73-22896/CP Stc-Sab Program Users Manual for the Turbulent Boundary Layer and Turbulent Separation Predic- tion Methods Employed in the NASA Langley Streamtube Curvature Computer Program N73-23376/CP Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hyper- sonic Shock Layers. Volume 2 N73-24310/CP Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds. Volume 1 N73-24313/CP Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Volume 2 N73-24314/CP User Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds. Appendix N73-24315/CP Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities and Streamlines on the Hub-Shroud Mid-Channel Flow Surface of an Axial- or Mixed-Flow Tur- bomachine. 1: User's Manual N73-26996/1CP Beamr: An Interactive Graphic Computer Program for Design of Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems N73-27143/9CP Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1. Theoretical Description N73-27174/4CP Development of Analytical Methods of Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds: Exact Solution N73-27211/4CP Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds N73-27890/5CP A Computer Program to Solve the One Dimen- sional Heat Conduction Problem Using the Hop- scotch Algorithm N73-28914/2CP Application of Phase-Change Technique to Thin Sections with Heating on Both Surfaces N73-29965/3CP Numerical Studies of Unsteady Two Dimensional Subsonic Flows Using the Ice Method N73-31240/7CP Apparatus and Programs for Digital Analysis of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Flow N74-11047/9CP Thermal and Flow Analysis Subroutines for the Sinda-Version 9 Computer Routine N74-12045/2CP The Treatment in the Three-Dimensional Bounda- ry-Layer Program of Walls Which Do Not Pass Through Grid Nodes N74-12047/8CP A General Computer Program for Two-Dimen- sional Boundary-Layer Problems N74-12079/1CP A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-1299t/7CP UserS Manual for the TRW Gaspipe 2 Program: A Vapor-Gas Front Analysis Program for Heat Pipes Containing Non-Condensible Gas N74-t 3663/1 CP Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Fric- tion - Application to Gas Film Seals N74-17015/0CP Crystallographic and General Use Programs for the Xds Sigma 5 Computer N74-17914/4CP Photogrammetric Calibration of the NASA-Wal- lops Island Image Intensifier System N74-18103/3CP A Procedure for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows in Plate and Annular Channels and Its Application in the Development of Turbu- lence Models. N74-21927/0CP Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements. N74-26363/3CP Computer Program for Calculation of Real Gas Turbulent Boundary Layers with Variable Edge Entropy. N74-26819/4CP Separated Flow over Bodies of Revolution Using an Unsteady Discrete-Vorticity Cross Wake. Part 2: Computer Program Description. N74-28757/4CP Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications N74-31752/0CP An Improved Fortran Program tor the Bradshaw- Fernss-Atwell Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N74-33802/1CP A Computer Programme for Flowfield Predictions in the Interaction of a Shock Wave with a 90 Degree Bend. N75-12640/9CP Users Guide to the Gibson-Spalding and Green Programs for the Calculation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Pressure Gradient and Heat Transfer. N75-19190/8CP 17 SUBJECT INDEX User'S Guide and Description of the Streamline Divergence Computer Program. N75-19591/7CP Program and Charts for Determining Shock Tube, and Expansion Tunnel Flow Quantities for Real Air. N75-21565/7CP A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar, Transi- tional and-or Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows N75-21987/3CP The Computation of Growth Charts and the Effect of Layer Thickness Variations for Thin Film Inter- ference Filters. N75-23340/3CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts Duct Termination Impedance Program N75-28851/4CP User'S Manual for University of Arizona Apart Program (Analysis Program - Arizona Radiation Trace). N75-31880/8CP Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and F reon CF4 N75-32941/7CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP Heprop A Computer Programme for the Ther- modynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Helium. N76-11902/3CP A Tabulation of Pipe Length to Diameter Ratios as a Function of Mach Number and Pressure Ratios for Compressible Flow. N76-12317/3CP Mass Transfer Through a Porous Tube. Part 1 : Theory and Computer Programme. N76-14410/4CP A Computer Program for the Determination of the Acoustic Pressure Signature of Helicopter Rotors Due to Blade Thickness N76-17925/8CP A Study of Sound Generation in Subsonic Rotors. Volume 2. N76-18121/3CP A Computer Program to Predict Rotor Rotational Noise of a Stationary Rotor from Blade Loading Coefficient. N76-18889/5CP Identifying Unknown Minerals and Compounds from X-Ray Diffraction Patterns Using the John- son and Vand Fortran 4 Computer Program, N76-20575/6CP Raxbod A Fortran Program for Inviscid Transonic Flow over Axisymmetric Bodies N76-21156/4CP Modeling of Three-Dimensional Mixing and Reacting Ducted Flows N76-21452/7CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 2: User'S Manual N76-21453/5CP Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions. N76-21454/3CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 3 Programmer S Manual. N76-21458/4CP Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 2: Code Description N76-24152/0CP Three Numerical Methods for the Computation of the Electrostatic Energy N76-30968/1CP The Computation of Two Dimensional Supersonic Flows in Laval Type Nozzles. N76-31206/5CP Finite Element Analysis of Transversely Isotropic Bodies N77-10553/4CP Signals Analysis Program 4 (Sapg 4): Computer Software Developed for the Extraction of Various Signal Parameters from Fatigue Inducing Loading Spectra. N77-10554/2CP Gasplot: A Computer Program for Rapid Produc- tion of Thermophysical Properties Charts for Cycle Analysis and Property Evaluations. N77-10810/8CP Tap 1: A Finite Element Program for Steady-State Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Struc- tures. N77-13367/6CP STAN5: A Program for Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Internal and External Boundary Layer Flows N77-16290/7CP A Computer Program for the Finite Element Cal- culation of Axisymmetric Subcritical Compressi- ble Flow. N77-16295/6CP Msfc Crack Growth Analysis Computer Program, Version 2 (Users Manual). N77-17504/0CP Optimization of Optical Systems N77-17847/3CP Staylam: A Fortran Program for the Suction Transition Analysis of a Yawed Wing Laminar Boundary Layer. N77-18390/3CP Computer Program Ganesi: Description of a Com- puter Program for the Simulation of Unsteady Flows in Gas Distribution Networks. N77-19374/6CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer; Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems. Volume 1. N77-23411/0CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer; Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems. Volume 2 N77-23412/8CP Finite-Element Computer Program for Axisymmet- ric Loading Situations Where Components May Have a Relative Interference Fit N77-23494/6CP Gasplot - a Computer Graphics Program That Draws a Variety of Thermophysical Property Charts N77-28015/4CP Fluid: A Numerical Interpolation Procedure for Obtaining Thermodynamic and Transport Proper- ties of Fluids N77-28832/2CP Theory and Computing Methods for Stacked Thin Films Theorie et Methodes de Calculs d'Empilements de Couches Minces. N77-29367/8CP An llliac Program for the Numerical Simulation of Homogeneous Incompressible Turbulence N78-13367/5CP Turtle (Trace Unlimited Rays Through Lumped Elements)- a Computer Program for Simulating Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems NAL-64 Girls- General Indexing in Reciprocal Lattice Space NLCO-1066 Calculation of the Activity Produced by Irradiation of Thin Targets with High-Energy Neutrons. Neurak Program NP-18649 Subprogram for the Calculation of the Matrix Ele- ment of Spin According to the Zemach Method Note No 328 NP-19217 NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES FIT TO MULTI- EXPONENTIAL COMPONENT CURVES- DATA REDUCTION PROGRAMS FOR POSITRON AN- NIHILATION LIFETIME SPECTRA NYO-3661-34 Program Weight- a Fortran IV Program for Evaluation of Weighting Functions Used in Small- Angle X-Ray Scattering ORNL-TM-1950(REV.1) Legck. a Subroutine to Analyze Legendre Coeffi- cients for Negativity in the Angular Distribution ORNL-TM-2903 Evap-4- Another Modification of a Code to Calcu- late Particle Evaporation from Excited Compound Nuclei ORNL-TM-3119 Inclusion of Fission and Charged-Particle Emis- sion in Calculations of Nuclear Reactions- Com- puted Energies, Angles, and Ranges of Recoil Nuclei ORNL-TM-3179 Sambo, a Collision Analysis Package for Monte Carlo Codes ORNL-TM-3203 HEATING3- AN IBM 360 HEAT CONDUCTION PROGRAM ORNL-TM-3208 Computer Program for Calculating, Tabulating, and Plotting Outgassing Rates of Selected Gases ORNL-TM-3220 Editor- a Processing Code for Endf/B Format Data ORNL-TM-3266 Orthis. Orthat- Two Computer Programs for Solv- ing Two-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Problems ORNL-TM-3324 New Data System for Interem ORNL-TM-3401 Xchekr- a Multigroup Cross-Section Editing and Checking Code ORNL-TM-3518 Computer Program to Calculate Auger Transitions for a Surface Containing Several Kinds of Atoms ORNL-TM-3575 Collision Site Plotting Routines and Collision Density Fluence Estimates for the Morse Monte Carlo Code ORNL-TM-3585 Evaluation of the Plasma Dispersion Function ORNL-TM-3610 Xlacs- a Program to Produce Weighted Mul- tigroup Neutron Cross Sections from Endf/B ORNL-TM-3646 Folded Form Factors and the Code Fold ORNL-TM-3896 Pion Dose Calculations ORNL-TM-3985 ALC1 Program for Cross-Section Library Manage- ment ORNL-TM-4015 Dkdata- Subroutine for Retrieving Radionuclide gamma-Ray Decay Data from Rsic Data Set Dlc- 19/Decaygam ORNL-TM-4095 Dp-1- an ALGOL Program lor the Calculation of the Energy Spectra of Scattered gamma-Rays in a Plane Shielding Layer. ORNL-TR-2353 ANISN SYSTEM. REPORT NO. 2. LGR/B PRO- GRAM- FOR UPDATING THE ANISN LIBRARY TAPES WITH PLOTTING OF CROSS SECTION CURVES ORNL-TR-2408 Anisn System- Description and Service Instruc- tions for the Anisn Discrete Ordinate Program and Subroutines ORNL-TR-2419 ELF Neutron Program ORNL-TR-2519 Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3. a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4564 Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc ORNL-4606 Instructions for the Operation of the Program Package Pica, an Intranuclear-Cascade Calcula- tion for High-Energy (30 to 400 Mev) Photon-In- duced Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4687 Analysis Subroutines for the Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc ORNL-4736 Operating Instructions for the High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Hetc ORNL-4744 Trapp, a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear- Reaction Products Neglected ORNL-4763 Spectra ORO-2972-196 MAGNETIC PHENOMENA AT METAL SURFACES. TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT. FEBRUARY 1- DECEMBER 31, 1970 ORO-3674-4 18 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, June 1, 1969-December 31. 1971 ORO-3912-15 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, June 1-Sep- tember 30, 1972 ORO-3912-19 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report. October 1, 1972-December 31. 1972 ORO-3912-20 Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 575/CP Indexing and Least-Squares Refinement of Powder Diffraction Data. (Job 9214) PB-216 188/3CP Direct Beam Solar Radiation. A Digital Computer program PB-236 902/3CP Electromagnetic Fields About a Finite Electric Wire Source PB-238 199/4CP MEKIN: MIT-EPRI Nuclear Reactor Core Kinetics Code PB-246 054/1 CP A Versatile Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Com- puter Program for Radio Waves in the Ionosphere PB-248 856/7CP Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry MATCH1 and MATCH2. FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water Reactors (BWR-GALE Code) PB-251 717/5CP Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR-GALE Code) PB-251 718/3CP A Computer Program for the Simulation of X-Ray Diffraction Intensity Bands PB-252 580/6CP Iterative and Finite Difference Computer Pro- grams for Diffusion in Single and Two Phase Systems PB-256 282/5CP Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: Status A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analy- sis of Crystallographic Quantities PB-257 729/4CP Electromagnetic Scattering by Multiple Conduc- tors in the Earth Due to a Plane Wave Source PB-261 183/8CP Guide for the Use of Computer Programs for Least Squares Fitting of Equations of State to Thermodynamic Data Volume II. Programs for Simultaneous Fitting of Multiple Data Forms Using Stepwise Regression PB-266 615/4CP UNDSAFE-I A Computer Code for Buoyant Flow in an Enclosure PB-267 278/OCP Calculation of Standard Transient and Frequency Sounding Curves for a Horizontal Wire Source of Arbitrary Length PB-274 119/7CP Interactive Computer Program for the Determina- tion of Reverberation Time PB-275 574/2CP A Theoretical Study of the Structure of Atomic Collision Cascades Part I Method of Analysis RD/B/N-1915 Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfolding Spectra. Part I. Theory, Discussion, and Results RD/B/N-1962 Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfolding Spectra. Part 2 Program Details and User Instruc- tions RD/B/N-1963 Computer Graphics Patching of Failed Cyclops Events for a Spark Chamber Experiment. RHEL/R-205 Mosspec- a Programme for Resolving Moess- bauer Spectra RISO-M-1348 Oregon State Coupled-Channel Code RLO-2227-T-11-2 Linear Accelerator Project Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970 RPI-328-187 Cross-Section Data Analysis Utilizing an Interac- tive Graphics Display RPI-328-220 Gfun- an Interactive Program as an Aid to Magnet Design RPP/A-94 Bostaw- a Fortran Programme for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods-Saxon Well. RT/FI-(69)30 Fispro II- a Fortran IV Code for Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Calculations. RT/FI-(69)44 Sassi- a Fortran Programme for the Calculation of Neutron Scattering from a Spherical Optical Potential RT/FI-(71)6 Mimoc- a Fortran Programme for the Coupled- Channel Calculation of the Nucleon Scattering on Even-Even Nuclei with a Microscopic Description of Target States RT/FI-(71)11 Dirco- a Fortran Programme for Calculation of Dipole Radiative Capture Cross Section Accord- ing to Direct and Collective Models RT/FI-(71)29 Spec- a Computer Programme for Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from Radiative Nucleon Cap- ture RT/FI-(71)30 Kiss- a Fortran Code for Quadrupole Direct Radiative Capture Cross Section Calculation RT/FI-(71)31 Trud- an Anisotropic Diffusion Code for Xy Geometry RT/FI-(72)1 Mare- a Fortran IV Code for Compound Nucleus Reaction Calculations in the Continuum RT/FI-(72)7 Utoe- an Ukndl to Endf/B Translation Programme RT/FI-(72)27 Modified Version of the Rigel Code RT/FI-(72)43 Program for Calculation of the Diffusion-Trans- port Coupling Constant RT/FIMA-(72)6 A User s Manual for the Two-Dimensional Axisym- metric Transient Heat Conduction Material Abla- tion Computer Program (Asthma) SC-DR-70-510 Processing Codes for Group-Averaged Discrete Ordinates Cross-Section Tables SC-DR-710320 Alternating-Direction Implicit MHD Code for Simulating Laser Plasmas SC-DR-720733 Improvements in the Chart D Radiation- Hydrodynamic Code I: Analytic Equations of State SC-RR-70-28 Numerical Techniques for One-Dimensional Rate- Dependent Porous Material Compaction Calcula- tions SC-RR-710112 Dint- a Computer Program Which Prepares Mul- tigroup Coherent-Incoherent Cross Sections for Photon Transport Calculations SC-RR-720684 Spectre- a Finite Difference Computer Program for Calculating the Dynamic Response of a Cylin- drical Shell SCL-DR-70-108 Heatmesh-71- a Computer Code for Generating Geometrical Data Required for Studies of Heat Transfer in Axisymmetric Structures SCL-DR-720004 Couple- a Pseudo Finite Element Conduction Code for the Transient Thermal Response of Ax- isymmetric or Plane Anisotropic Materials SCL-RR-720324 Theoretical Investigation of the Temperature Dis- tribution in a NA-K Counter Flow Heat Exchanger with Liquid Reversal SFB-MHD-3 Electra- a Computer Program for Calculation of Space-Charge-Free Paraxial Trajectories in Axi- ally Symmetric Electrostatic Fields SGAE-2007 Themi- Monte Carlo Generation of Electromag- netic Events SLAC-123 User's Manual for the Buckle X-Ray Deposition Program UCID-30023(REV 1) Elastic Interaction of Tetragonal Precipitates in Cubic Crystals. Second Topical Progress Report. January 1-December 31, 1972 UCLA-34-P-201-4 Trajectory An Orbit and Ion Optic Matrix Pro- gram for the 184-Inch Cyclotron. UCRL-19407 PHYSICS REPORT. NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 UCRL-20120 Tibro-General UCRL-50910 Flag- Free-Lagrange Method for Numerically Simulating Hydrodynamic Flows in Two Dimen- sions UCRL-72700 Automatic Selection of Kinematical Hypotheses from Two Prong Proton-Proton Interactions in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber at 19 Gev/C USIP-71-3 Tap-a- a Program for Computing Transient or Steady-State Temperature Distributions WANL-TME-1872 W-Mesher- a Computer Program to Analytically Partition a Two-Dimensional Figure WANL-TME-2721 Epoch: A Program to Calculate Neutron Ages Using the Endf/B Library. WAPD-TM-822(Add.1) Gramp- a Program to Generate Reich and Moore Parameters for Multilevel Unresolved Resonances. WAPD-TM-935 Etot- a Fortran IV Program to Process Data from the Endf/B File to Thermal Library Format WCAP-7363 Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of Neutron In- teracting Units. Part III. Arrays of U(93.2) Metal Separated by Various Materials Y-DR-83 Hypfil: A Fortran Computer Program for the In- vestigation of Process Parameters in Single-Stage Hyperfiltration Processes. Y-1699 Heat Transfer Study for a Quasi-lsostatic Hot Pressing Process Y-1741 Dimensionless Thermal Stress in a Plate ZJE-63 COMPUTER PROGRAMS LIGHT PULSES SSPARAMA: A Nonlinear. Wave Optics Multipulse (and CW) Steady-State Propagation Code with Adaptive Coordinates AD-A037 395/1 CP COMPUTER SYSTEMS PROGRAMS Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1. N76-32877/2CP COMPUTER TECHNIQUES Skylab M518 Multipurpose Furnace Convection Analysis. N76-11882/7CP COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION Plasma Simulation Using STARAN AD-A019 301/1CP Some Problems in the Simulation of Very Large Hydrodynamic Systems AD-A026 648/6CP A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP Computer Simulation of the Sputtering of Silicon AD-A041 152/OCP Linewidth and Chemistry Modeling of the HCI-H2 Non-Reacting Mixing Laser System AD-A044 625/2CP 19 SUBJECT INDEX WAMP: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program AD-773 769/5CP Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Com- puter Code N70-27641/CP Comparison of the Radiation Flux Profiles and Spectral Detail from Three Detailed Nongray Radiation Models at Conditions Representative of Hypervelocity Earth Entry N72-14935/CP Boundary Layer Loss Sensitivity Study Using a Modified Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Com- puter Program N72-26232/CP A Parametric Study of Planform and Aeroelastic Effects on Aerodynamic Center, alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives Appendix a a Computer Pro- gram for Calculating alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives and Induced Drag for Thin Elastic Aeroplanes at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds N73-21897/CP Simulation of Turbulent Wall Pressure. N76-20408/0CP One-Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Gravitational Antenna Preliminary Results. N76-33791/4CP Computer Program Ganesi Description of a Com- puter Program for the Simulation of Unsteady Flows in Gas Distribution Networks. N77-19374/6CP Proposed Computer Model for Electric Discharge Atomic Vapor Lasers. N77-22468/1CP A New Approach to the Study of Planar Plasma Pinch Stability PB-252 699/4CP Stealth' A Lagrange Explicit Finite-Difference Code for Solids Structural, and Thermohydraulic Analysis PB-255 405/3CP CONCENTRIC ANNULI Momentum and Heat Transfer for Flow Inside Ec- centric Annuli AD-747 697/CP CONDENSATION Computer Programs for Calculating Condensation Rate in Steady, Adiabatic Expansions in Super- sonic Nozzles AD-775 257/9CP CONDUCTION REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 CONDUCTION (HEAT TRANSFER) CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices AD-A010 002/4CP A Users Manual for the 1-D Heat Conduction Cal- culator Program AD-A032 036/6CP An Addition to the NASTRAN Element Library AD-725 868/CP Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat- Transfer Problems. Part I. Finite-Element Method Applied to Heat-Conduction Solids with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions AD-726 370/CP Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat- Transfer Problems. Part II. Transient Two-Dimen- sional Heat Transfer wilh Convection and Radia- tion Boundary Conditions AD-726 371 /CP Conductive Heat-Transfer Resistance of Com- pound Barrel Interface AD-728 811/CP A Computer Program for Solving Transient Heat Conduction Problems AD-741 070/CP A Numerical Procedure for Two Dimensional Heating and Melting Calculations, with Applica- tions to Laser Effects AD-757 189/CP Analysis of Number of Eigenvalues Needed When Computing Temperatures for Multilayer Cylinders Using the Exact Solution Method AD-847 480/CP Documentation of the Heat Conduction Code TRANCO ORNL/Sub-4269/15 An Integral Equation Approach to Diffusion Problems. PB-191 282/CP CONDUCTIVE HEAT TRANSFER A General Transient Heat-Transfer Computer Pro- gram for Thermally Thick Walls. N70-37089/CP Hetran a Computer Program to Solve the Two- Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction on a Cladded Tube with a Connecting Fin N71-35336/CP Cave. A Computer Code for Two-Dimensional Transient Heating Analysis of Conceptual Thermal Protection Systems for Hypersonic Vehicles. N78-15435/8CP CONDUCTOR (HEAT TRANSFER) TWIG-A Computer Program for Calculating Unidirectional Transient and Steady-State Tem- perature Distributions in One, Two, and Three- Layer Slabs and Cylinders-Constant Heat Flux Ap- plied to Outside Surface AD-857 866/CP CONICAL BODIES Effects of Mass Transfer Into Laminar and Turbu- lent Boundary Layers Over Cones at Angle of At- tack AD-A013 813/1CP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume I AD-A021 960/OCP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume II AD-A021 961 /8CP A Direct Comparison of Analytical and Experi- mental Surface and Flow-Field Data on a 4-Deg Cone at Incidence in a Hypersonic Stream with Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A029 367/OCP Compressible Three-Dimensional Laminar Boun- dary Layers on Cones at Incidence to Shear and Axisymmetric Wake Flows AD-736 828/CP Inviscid Supersonic Nonuniform Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack. Volume II. Computer Program Descrip- tions and User's Guide AD-770 169/1CP Boundary Layer Flows Over Sharp and Spheri- cally Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack to Super- sonic Nonuniform Free Streams. Volume II. Description of Computer Programs and Users Guide AD-773 057/5CP Supersonic Flow Calculations for a Cone with an Elliptic Flare N73-21282/CP Gyc A Program to Compute the Turbulent Boun- dary Layer on a Rotating Cone N77-20021/0CP A Numerical Solution for Supersonic Flow Around A Cone at Small Angles of Attack PB-231 905/1CP CONICAL FLOW An Application of the n-Strip Method of Integral Relations for Analyzing the Flow around a Circu- lar Cone N70-28860/CP CONSTANTS AND CONVERSION FACTORS Programs for Computing the Coefficients of Clebsch-Gordan (And 3-Jm), of Racah (And 6-J) 9-J. Z' (Compound Nucleus), and Z (Statistical Model) CEA-N-1467 CONSTRICTED FLOW Pressure Losses in Flow Through a Sudden Con- traction of Duct Area ESDU-78007 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS H-Division Quarterly Report, January-March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 CONTINUITY EQUATIONS Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations AD-A023 891 /5CP CONTINUOUS WAVE LASERS Propagation Modeling and Analysis for High Energy Lasers AD-A023 537/4CP CONTRACTION Pressure Losses in Flow Through a Sudden Con- traction of Duct Area ESDU-78007 CONTROL JETS Fluerics 32. An Analytical Model for the Response of Flueric Wall-Attachment Amplifiers AD-747 761 /CP CONTROL SURFACES Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loadings Caused by Trailing Edge Control Surface Motions in Subsonic Compressible Flow Computer Pro- gram Description N72-29229/CP CONTROL THEORY Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP CONVECTION (HEAT TRANSFER) Natural Convection in an Enclosed Gas Heated by Local Laser Radiation AD-A023 525/9CP Heat Transfer in Infinite Slabs AD-718 332/CP CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER User'S Guide and Description of the Streamline Divergence Computer Program. N75-19591/7CP Skylab M518 Multipurpose Furnace Convection Analysis N76-11882/7CP Tap 1: A Finite Element Program for Steady-State Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Struc- tures. N77-13367/6CP CONVERGENT-DIVERGENT NOZZLES Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report. N70-27166/CP CONVERGENT NOZZLES Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three- Dimensional Acoustic Fields N71-35405/CP COOLING Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 COOLING TOWERS Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Performance of Heated Perforated Flat Plates PB-236 675/5CP COORDINATES Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS Fortran Program for Generating a Two-Dimen- sional Orthogonal Mesh Between Two Arbitrary Boundaries N72-20969/CP COPPER A Computer Simulation of Copper Crystal Surface Dynamics AD-745 872/CP High Pressure Shock Wave Behavior of Greatly Distended Copper AD-757 633/CP Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP CORNERS Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Three-Dimen- sional Corner N72-14303/CP CORRECTION Optimization of Optical Systems N77-17847/3CP CORRECTIONS Wind Tunnel Wall Corrections for Arbitrary Plan- forms and Wind Tunnel Cross-Sections AD-A042 299/8CP CORRELATION On-Line Correlation Measurement in a Plasma N73-18729/CP CORRIDOR FIRES UNDSAFE-I A Computer Code for Buoyant Flow in an Enclosure PB-267 278/0CP COSMIC RAYS A Program to Determine Fundamental Nuclear Data from Muon Intensity Measurements and to Investigate Geophysical Aspects of Cosmic Rays at High Energies AD-723 330/CP 20 SUBJECT INDEX CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COSMIC SHOWERS Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 COUPLING CIRCUITS Analysis of Coupling Efficiency Between Semiconductor Lasers and Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides AD-A016 619/9CP COUPLING (INTERACTION) Penetration of Electromagnetic Pulses through Larger Apertures in Shielded Enclosures AD-A029 516/2CP Coupling through Rotationally Symmetric Aper- tures in Cavities of Revolution AD-A042 093/5CP CRACK PROPAGATION Msfc Crack Growth Analysis Computer Program, Version 2 (Users Manual). N77-17504/0CP CRACKS Computer Simulation of Fracture. UCRL-72640 CREEP Deformation-Mechanism Maps and the Creep of Tungsten Lamp Filaments AD-755 230/CP Part I. Theory Report for Creep-Plast Computer Program: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems under Simultaneous Creep and Plasticity GEAP-10546 Part II. User's Manual for Creep-Plast Computer Program GEAP-13262 CRITICAL FLOW Post Critical Heat Transfer to Flowing Liquid in a Vertical Tube PB-252 406/4CP CRITICAL FREQUENCIES The Numerical Representation of the Critical Frequency of the F1 Region of the Ionosphere COM-75-10813/4CP CRNL MP TANDEM ACCELERATOR Progress Report, Physics Division, January 1 to March 31, 1975 AECL-5508 CROSS FLOW Theoretical Performance of Cross-Wind Axis Tur- bines with Results for a Catenary Vertical Axis Configuration. N76-11032/9CP CROSS SECTIONS Logical and Mathematical Scheme for the Digital Calculation of the Cross Sections of Inelastic Electron Scattering by the Phase Shift Method. CEA-N-1259 Gier-ALGOL 4 Program for the Statistical Model Calculations of the Multistage Nuclear Reactions INR-1457 Graph- a Computer Program for Plotting Experi- mental Data in Neudada System JAERI-MEMO-4116 Swanlake. a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 Mack: Computer Program to Calculate Neutron Energy Release Parameters (Fluence-to-Kerma Factors) and Multigroup Neutron Reaction Cross Sections from Nuclear Data in Endf Format ORNL-TM-3994 Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 "Piume" Code for the Multilevel Two-Channel Cross Section Calculations RT/FI-(72)50 Processing Codes for Group-Averaged Discrete Ordinates Cross-Section Tables SC-DR-710320 Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Constants. Program Linear (Version 77-1): Linearize Data in the Evalu- ated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format UCRL-50400(V.17)(Pt.A) Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Constants. Program SIGMA1 (Version 77-1): Doppler Broaden Evalu- ated Cross Sections in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format UCRL-50400(V.17)(Pt.B) Univac 1108 Hammer-Hanford Version Supple- mentary Users Note UNI-35 CROSSED FIELD DEVICES CFA Design Improvement Program AD-A024 065/5CP CRYOGENIC EQUIPMENT Mathematical Modeling of Cryogenic Heat Pipes N71-16887/CP Mathematical Analysis of a Vuilleumier Refrigera- tor N71-25812/CP CRYOGENIC FLUID STORAGE Users Manual for the Gnat Computer Program - Numerical Analysis of Stratification in Supercriti- cal Oxygen N71-21574/CP Thermal Acoustic Oscillations. Volume 2. N75-25674/3CP CRYOGENIC FLUIDS Gasp - a Computer Code for Calculating the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Eight Fluids - Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen. Carbon Monoxide. Oxygen. Argon, Carbon Diox- ide N71-33318/CP CRYOGENIC MAGNETS Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP CRYOGENIC PROPELLANTS Kinetics. Energetics and Infrared Lasing in High Energy Rocket Propellant Ingredients at Cryogenic Temperatures AD-A040 006/9CP CRYOGENIC TURBOMACHINERY Generalized Analytical Computer Program for Turbomachine-Driven Cryogenic Systems in Heli- um. AD-715 724/CP CRYSTAL DEFECTS Damage Profiles in Silicon and Their Impact on Device Reliability AD-A017 400/3CP Defect Structure in GaAs AD-A032 697/5CP Theory and Application of an Edge Gradient System for Generating Optical Transfer Functions N71-30558/CP General Formulation of the Problem of Calculat- ing the Energies of Lattice Defects in Ionic Crystals. N74-34220/5CP CRYSTAL FILTERS Theoretical Investigations of a Tunable Collinear Acousto-Optic Filter AD-A018 333/5CP CRYSTAL GROWTH Vapor Growth of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te and Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Se Crystals AD-A017 316/1CP Research Directed Toward Preparation of Com- pound Semi-Conductors by Controlled Diffusion Mechanism in Gels AD-727 035/CP Crystal Growth of Materials for Electro-Optic Modulators AD-729 463/CP Preparation and Optical Properties of Crystals and Films of Vanadium Oxides AD-744 319/CP An Examination of the Cold Tip Theory of Whisker Growth AD-749 038/CP Optimization of a Solution Growth Experiment for Zero Gravity and Development of Apparatus for a Melt Growth Experiment Final Report N71-27926/CP Space Processing Float Zone Thermal Analysis N76-25059/6CP Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2, FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP CRYSTAL LATTICE DEFECTS Computer Simulated Electron Diffraction Contrast AD-722 244/CP CRYSTAL LATTICES Algorithm for Automatic Indexing and Bravais Lattice Selection. The Programs Blind and Alice. IS-3469 General Formulation of the Problem of Calculat- ing the Energies of Lattice Defects in Ionic Crystals. N74-34220/5CP The Energy Transport Properties of One Dimen- sional Anharmonic Lattices PB-224 409/3CP A Fortran IV Computer Program for Calculating Interplanar Spacings Y-1729 CRYSTAL OPTICS Theory and Application of an Edge Gradient System for Generating Optical Transfer Functions N71-30558/CP CRYSTAL STRUCTURE A Computer Program for Plotting Coordination Polyhedra in Ionic Crystals-DRWMIN AD-A014 788/4CP The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids Their Surfaces and Interfaces AD-A037 797/8CP Computer Program for the Calculation of the Crystal Structure Invariants Based on Certain Conditonal Distributions. AD-716 746/CP Computer Program for the Least-Squares Deter- mination of the Phases of the Crystal Structure Factors. AD-716 747/CP STLPLT - CalComp Plot of Crystallographic Pro- jections of Laue Photographs AD-719 943/CP A New Technique to Determine Amorphous Struc- ture Using X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure AD-740 216/CP The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler AD-748 025/CP Computer Programs for Reduction of X-Ray Dif- fraction Data for Oriented Polycrystalline Specimens AD-753 920/CP A Program for Least-Squares Analysis of Fourier Coefficients of Peak Shapes and Comparisons of Old and New Procedures AD-759 994/CP Rare Earth Ion-Host Lattice Interactions 1. Point Charge Lattice Sum in Scheelites AD-776 330/3CP Atomistic Model to Calculate the Core Structure and Energy of Dislocations in Ionic Crystals Part 1. Rigid Boundary Model AECL-5237 Computer Program for Determining Multiplicities of Bragg Reflections for Any Space Group AERE-R-8456 A System of FORTRAN IV Computer Programs for Crystal Structure Computations COM-75-10290/5CP Fit, a Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting Program to Obtain Interatomic Force Constants from Ob- served Phonon Frequencies IS-2185 Trio, a Computer Program for the Calculation of Phonon Dispersion Curves, Atom Polarization Vectors, and Normalized Structure Factors. IS-2186 Theoretical Study of Two-Phase Decomposition and Coarsening LBL-6613 Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffraction Interplanar (D) Spacings with a Tektronix-31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator MLM-2400 The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for Any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler N73-13737/CP Identifying Unknown Minerals and Compounds from X-Ray Diffraction Patterns Using the John- son and Vand Fortran 4 Computer Program. N76-20575/6CP Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions from X-Ray Data ORNL-TM-2866 21 SUBJECT INDEX Three Computer Codes of General Use in X-Ray Crystallography. ORNL-TM-5177 OR-TEP-2; A Fortran Thermal-Ellipsoid Plot Pro- gram for Crystal Structure Illustrations ORNL-5138 Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions ORNL-5140 Calculation of Amphibole Structural Formulae PB-207 710/CP Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2, FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analysis of Crystallographic Quantities PB-257 728/6CP Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: Status. A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analy- sis of Crystallographic Quantities PB-257 729/4CP CRYSTALLIZATION Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. N75-33137/1CP CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Determination of Texture Pole Figures Using Picker FACS-1 Apparatus AD-A015 731 /3CP XTALTDS6, A Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 396/CP XTDS2, A Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 836/CP Crysnet: A Network for Crystallographic Comput- ing. BNL-20102 CRYSNET Manual. Informal Report BNL-21714 Methods of Calculation and Computer Programs for Interpretation of Laue and Kossel Diagrams JUL-821-TP Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report. Jan. 1969 - Jan. 1970. N70-36988/CP Crystallographic and General Use Programs for the Xds sigma 5 Computer N74-17914/4CP A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analysis of Crystallographic Quantities PB-257 728/6CP Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: Status. A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analy- sis of Crystallographic Quantities PB-257 729/4CP CRYSTALS Sigfmula- a Crystallographic Program for Symbol- ic Addition in Centrosymmetric Crystals BARC-576 "Kristall" Program for Studying Dynamics of Radiation Damage in Crystal Lattices IAE-2002 CURVE FITTING The off Design Analysis of Flow in Axial Compres- sors N71-22294/CP CURVED PROFILES Prediction of the Effects of Longitudinal Wall Curvature and System Rotation on Turbulent Boundary Layers PB-243 118/7CP CYCLOTRON INSTABILITY Weakly Turbulent Kinetic Theory of the Elec- tromagnetic Ion-Cyclotron Instability. Initial Noise and Quiet Start (OS.) in Electromagnetic Particle Simulation Codes EUR-CEA-FC-874 CYCLOTRONS Magnetic-Field Measurements for the Lewis Research Center Cyclotron N73-16677/CP Trajectory: An Orbit and Ion Optic Matrix Pro- gram for the 184-Inch Cyclotron UCRL-19407 CYLINDERS Harmonic Motion of Cylinders in Uniform Flow AD-A012 412/3CP High-Speed Modifications of the Method of Probabilities of the First Collision. Part III IAE-2112 CYLINDRICAL BODIES An Experimental Determination of the Stress In- tensity around Surface Flaws Embedded in Hol- low Cylinders Subjected to Bending AD-778 735/1CP Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scatter- ing from Plates, Corner Reflectors and Dielectric- Coated Cylinders N74-22318/1CP CYLINDRICAL TANKS Analysis of Fluid Sloshing in Arbitrary Tanks Hav- ing Rotational Symmetry - a Correction for Low Gravity Conditions Volume 2 - Computational Ap- plication. N70-37813/CP D CODES New Spatial Differencing for the Neutron Trans- port Equation EIR-232 Id Version of the 05R Program System KFKI-73-2 DAMAGE A User's Guide for the Continuous Wave Laser Damage Computer Program AD-A008 559/7CP DATA ACQUISITION A State-of-the-Art Data System for the Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Materials AD-A036 864/7CP Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02-AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures N72-18961/CP The Complete Software for the S1 Wind Tunnel Data Acquisition and Control System. N76-27250/9CP DATA BANKS NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development Volume 3 AD-A038 891 /8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Computerization of Spectroscopic Constants for Selected Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules UCRL-52149 DATA BASES Computerization of Spectroscopic Constants for Selected Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules UCRL-52149 DATA DISPLAY SYSTEMS Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System. Volume I. Operators Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL1) Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System. Volume II. System Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL2) DATA PROCESSING Data Collection and Analysis Program AD-A011 395/1 CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts. Volume I AD-A014 839/5CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts - Addendum AD-A014 840/3CP SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Operator's and User's Handbook AD-A044 411/7CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II Volume II. Appendixes AD-B004 858/7CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II Volume I. Technical Discussion AD-B004 921/3CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-783 276/9CP Crysnet: A Network for Crystallographic Comput- ing BNL-20102 709/7090 Program for Indexing X-Ray Diffraction Powder Patterns, lii. The Orthorhombic Case. HW-78062 Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 Visar Data Reduction. SAND-75-0424 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS Programs for the Management and Processing of Neutron Diffraction Data AAEC/TM-578 Computer Analysis of Multi-Channel Sem and X- Ray Images from Fine Particles. AD-716 562/CP An Interactive Hybrid Computer System for Time Domain Audio Synthesis AD-761 730/CP Data Structuring Study for Interference Prediction Analysis AD-814 991/CP IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 2. Interrupt Servicing Pro- grams for Data Handling and Reduction EUR-4404(PT.2) New Data System for Interem ORNL-TM-3401 DATA PROCESSING TERMINALS PIPSTEK - Properties of Irregular Planar Solids (Tektronix) AD-A028 828/2CP DATA REDUCTION Data Reduction Programs for Total Cross Section Experiments. N70-26530/CP Free-Flight Static Stability Measurements of Cones in Hypersonic Flow N71-31663/CP DATA SAMPLING Apparatus and Programs for Digital Analysis of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Flow N74-11047/9CP DAVID COMPUTER PROGRAM Development and Testing of DAVID: A Close-in EMP Coupling Code for Arbitrarily Shaped Ob- jects AD-A030 684/5CP DEBYE LENGTH Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction N71-23999/CP DEEP SUBMERGENCE A Method of Estimating the Sway Force and Rolling Moment on a Submarine Due to Dif- ferentially Deflected Sailplanes AD-A019 101/5CP DEEP SUBMERGENCE VEHICLES Noise Reduction in Hydraulic Systems AD-775 223/1CP OEFORMATION Deformation-Mechanism Maps and the Creep of Tungsten Lamp Filaments AD-755 230/CP Theory of Equations of State: Elastic-Plastic Ef- fects II AD-762 536/CP DELTA WINGS Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow on the Windward Side Conical delta Wings by the Method of Lines N72-13271/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory. Introduction and Part 1 N73-21909/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Part 2 N73-21910/CP DENSITOMETERS Basic Considerations of Densitometer Adjustment and Calibration COM-75-10524/7CP Computer Microdensitometer (Drum Scanner) System Period Covered July — September 1973 MHSMP-73-43-L An Improved Photographic Edge-Artifact PB-274 712/9CP DEPTH DOSE PROFILES Predicted and Measured Depth Dose Profiles for Pulsed Electron Spectra AD-731 778/CP 22 SUBJECT INDEX DOASIS COMPUTER PROGRAM DESALINATION Hypfil: A Fortran Computer Program for the In- vestigation of Process Parameters in Single-Stage Hyperfiltration Processes. Y-1699 DESIGN Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets. LBL-3222 DESIGN CRITERIA A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume II. Program Listing and Pro- gram Use Example AD-A009 157/9CP A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume I. Theory, Descriptions, and User's Instructions AD-A009 273/4CP DETECTORS Active Multispectral Data Analysis AD-786 032/3CP DETONATION WAVES Coupled Gasdynamics and Kinetics During Con- densation by a Rarefaction Wave PB-277 274/7CP DEUTERIUM FLUORIDE LASERS Current Status of HF/DF Chain Chemical Laser AD-A033 029/OCP DEUTERON REACTIONS Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering Measure- ments and the Neutron Charge Form Factor at Very Low Momentum Transfers AD-757 587/CP DEUTERONS A Numerical Investigation of the Deuteron Ground State. AD-711 285/CP DIAGRAMS Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Sur- faces of Venus N71-31311/CP DIATOMIC MOLECULES Calculation of Physical Properties of Diatomic Molecules AD-744 987/CP Molecular Beam Focusing of Diatomics in Selected States - Two New Methods. N70-36673/CP Computer Program for Determining Rotational Line Intensity Factors for Diatomic Molecules N73-30689/6CP DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Particle Contaminants on Laser-Induced Air Breakdown AD-760 175/CP DIELECTRIC MATERIALS ESR Powder Line Shape Calculations SAND-76-8200 DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP Dielectric Constant and Loss Data. Part III AD-A046 172/3CP A New Method for Measuring Dielectric Proper- ties of Material Media Using Microstrip Cavity AD-762 359/CP DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDES Microwave Model Study of Optical Dielectric Slab Waveguide AD-A011 551/9CP Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP DIELECTRICS MIE: A Fortran Program for Computing Power Deposition in Spherical Dielectrics through Appli- cation of MIE Theory AD-A044 226/9CP A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Proper- ties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films N73-12811/CP DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-Depen- dent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Difference Method. N70-38683/CP DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTION An Improved Capability for Solution of Photon Transport Problems by the Method of Discrete Ordinates. SC-RR-69-739 DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTIONS Calculations of X-Ray Bremsstrahlung Spectra and Scintillator Detector Yields for Relativistic Electron Energies from 10 keV to 10 MeV AD-A006 552/4CP DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Automated Heuristic Stability Analysis for Non- linear Equations LA-6885-MS Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 1 - the Basic Differential Equations. N70-36917/CP Applications of a General Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N71-11475/CP Study of Viscous Flow About Airfoils by the In- tegro-Differential Method. N76-11046/9CP Numerical and Computational Analysis of the Par- tial Differential Equations in Hydrocodes and Wavecodes SAND-75-0448 DIFFRACTION Application of Fourier Techniques to Image Evaluation AD-718 095/CP The Fresnel Diffraction Pattern of a Circular Aper- ture at Large Distances AD-781 129/2CP The Propagation of a Spherical N Wave in an Ab- sorbing Medium and Its Diffraction by a Circular Aperture AD-787 878/8CP Electromagnetic Diffraction Efficiencies for Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings N74-10505/7CP DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS Determination of Texture Pole Figures Using Picker FACS-1 Apparatus AD-A015 731 /3CP XTALTDS6. A Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 396/CP XTDS2. A Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 836/CP PTDS2. a Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Powder Pattern Reflections AD-750 601 /CP PTDS3. a Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Powder Pattern Reflections AD-750 602/CP DIFFRACTION GRATINGS Low Efficiency Diffraction Grating Theory AD-A024 804/7CP DIFFUSERS Pressure Recovery in a Constant-Area Diffuser for Chemical Lasers with Nozzle Base Relief AD-A012 737/3CP A Theoretical Investigation of Axisymmetric Sub- sonic Diffuser Flow AD-767 895/6CP A Method for Calculation of a Fully Stalled Flow AD-783 303/1CP Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers PB-256 639/6CP DIFFUSION Surface Self-Diffusion on a Face Centered Crystal: An Atomic View AD-A001 374/8CP Analytical Diffusion Model Computer Program AD-A019 692/3CP Time-Dependent Solution to Interstitial Diffusion in a Temperature Gradient LA-4985 An Analysis of Internal Supersonic Flows with Dif- fusion, Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Combustion. N70-42160/CP Computations, Tables, and Approximations for Grain Boundary Diffusion Theory. ORNL-4906 A Computer Program for the Simulation of X-Ray Diffraction Intensity Bands PB-252 580/6CP DIFFUSION THEORY Electrons in Random Media AD-723 597/CP Iterative and Finite Difference Computer Pro- grams for Diffusion in Single and Two Phase Systems PB-256 282/5CP DIGITAL COMPUTERS A Ray Tracing Digital Computer Program for the Study of Magnetospheric Duct Propagation. N70-35774/CP Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 1 - the Basic Differential Equations. N70-36917/CP Method for the Analysis of Laser Doppler Signals with the Aid of a Computer. N76-20453/6CP DIGITAL SIMULATION Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume I: Theory and Experiment PB-254 425/2CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume II: Analytical Techniques PB-254 426/OCP DIGITAL TECHNIQUES Method for the Analysis of Laser Doppler Signals with the Aid of a Computer N76-20453/6CP DILATATIONAL WAVES Diffraction of a Dilatational Pulse in an Elastic Medium at a Reinforced Cylindrical Cavity N77-13470/8CP DIODES (SEMICONDUCTOR) Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide AD-850 272/CP DIPOLE ANTENNAS The Electromagnetic Fields of a Dipole in a Dis- sipative Half-Space: A Numerical Approach. AD-706 367/CP DIPOLE MOMENTS Computation of Green'S Functions for Bodies of Revolution. AD-711 099/CP DIRECT NUCLEAR REACTIONS Computer Codes Available for Analysis of Direct Nuclear Reactions AD-739 921 /CP DIRICHLET PROBLEM Numerical Solutions of Dirichlet Problems with Axisymmetry by an Integral Equation Method. CLM-R-146 DISKS A Numerical Procedure for Two Dimensional Heating and Melting Calculations, with Applica- tions to Laser Effects AD-757 189/CP DISLOCATIONS On the Motion of the a/2 < 111> Screw Disloca- tion in Alpha Iron AD-731 401/CP Atomistic Model to Calculate the Core Structure and Energy of Dislocations in Ionic Crystals Part 1 Rigid Boundary Model AECL-5237 Computer Simulation of Dislocation Movement Through the Field of Randomly Located Point De- fects IAE-2614 DISSIPATION An Analysis of Internal Supersonic Flows with Dif- fusion, Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Combustion. N70-42160/CP DOASIS COMPUTER PROGRAM DOASIS: A Computer Code for the Deformation Plastic, Orthotropic. Axisymmetric (and Plane) Solution of Inelastic Solids. Volume I. Finite Ele- ment Program. Theoretical and Programmers Manual AO-A018 634/6CP 23 SUBJECT INDEX DOSE RATES Swanlake, a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations tor Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 DOWNWASH Computation of Periodic Propeller Forces in Non- Uniform Flows Using a Lifting Surface Model AD-718 898/CP Analytical and Numerical Studies of Downwash over Rectangular Planforms N71-36405/CP DRAG Description and Evaluation of a Digital-Computer Program for Calculating the Viscous Drag of Bodies of Revolution AD-A023 995/4CP Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale. Two-Dimensional, External-Com- pression, Variable-Geometry, Supersonic Inlet Configuration N76-24240/3CP Prediction of Compliant Wall Drag Reduction, Part 1. N78-11340/4CP DRAG REDUCTION Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselages AD-A021 718/2CP A Study of the Drag Characteristics and Polymer Diffusion in the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmet- ric Body AD-A024 667/8CP Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselage-Wing Configurations. Volume II. Manual for Computer Programs AD-A040 998/7CP DREDGES An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Field Surrounding a Suction Pipe Inlet COM-74-10172/6CP DROPS A Numerical Model of Droplet Entrainment from a Contained Oil Slick AD-A006 600/1CP DROPS (LIQUIDS) The Impact Between a Liquid Drop and an Elastic Hali-Space PB-241 155/1CP DUCT FLOW CSD-YAQUI: An Eulerian Computer Code tor Flow at All Speeds in Ducts K/CSD/TM-9 DUCT INLETS An Analysis of Transient Flow in a Duct of Vary- ing Cross Section AD-782 446/9CP DUCTED FANS Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP DUCTED FLOW A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boun- dary Layer Development N72-14308/CP Finite-Difference Solution for Turbulent Swirling Compressible Flow in Axisymmetric Ducts with Struts. N74-18647/9CP Acoustic Attenuation Analysis Program for Ducts with Mean Flow. N75-11211/0CP Modeling of Three-Dimensional Mixing and Reacting Ducted Flows N76-21452/7CP DUCTILITY Fatigue Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Mul- tiaxial out of Phase Stresses with Constant and Changing Directions of Principal Stresses. N76-33536/3CP DUCTS Study of Non-lsoenergetic Turbulent Jet Mixing in a Constant Area Duct AD-A033 498/7CP Pressure Losses in Flow Through a Sudden Con- traction of Duct Area ESDU-78007 Computation of Gas and Dust Flow Rates from Point Measurements in a Duct, Using Surface Fitting PB-201 836/CP Plotting of Contour Maps for Representing Flow Distributions in a Duct PB-201 929/CP Flow Rate and Property- Related Flux from Point Measurements in a Duct. User's Guide to the FORTRAN Program EMIT 2 PB-270 714/9CP DUST Flow Rate and Property-Related Flux from Point Measurements in a Duct. User's Guide to the FORTRAN Program EMIT 2 PB-270 714/9CP DYE LASERS The Wavelength Spectrum Shift of a Cavity- Dumped Argon laser-Pumped Rhodamine 6-G Or- ganic-Dye Laser AD-769 280/9CP DYNAMIC LOADS A New Look at Structural Energy Dissipation AD-780 801 /7CP DYNAMIC MODELS Dynamic Interaction Between Structure and Liquid Propellants in a Space Shuttle Vehicle Model, Part 1 Final Report N71-12766/CP Dnf: A Dynamic Filter for the on-Line Estimation and Prediction of Transient Pressures and Flows in a Gas Network N74-14979/0CP E CODES Comparison of the Group Constants Generated by the Endf/B Processing Codes Etox and Super- tog ORNL-TM-4041 Users Manual for Code Epsol. Static Analysis of Elastic— Plastic Solids. UCID-16171 EARTH IONOSPHERE WAVEGUIDES MODESRCH', An Improved Computer Program for Obtaining ELF/VLF/LF Mode Constants in an Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A032 573/8CP ECCENTRIC ANNULI Momentum and Heat Transfer for Flow Inside Ec- centric Annuli AD-747 697/CP ECCS ORECA-1: A Digital Computer Code for Simulat- ing the Dynamics of HTGR Cores for Emergency Cooling Analyses ORNL/TM-5159 ECHO RANGING Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/0CP EDDY CURRENT TESTING Computer Programs for Some Eddy-Current Problems, 1970 ORNL-TM-3295 EDDY CURRENTS Fortran Programs for Transient Eddy Current Cal- culations Using a Perturbation-Polynomial Expan- sion Technique ORNL/CSD/TM-18 EDDY VISCOSITY Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Com- puter Code N70-27641/CP EDGES An Improved Photographic Edge-Artifact PB-274 712/9CP EIGENCURRENTS Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Bodies of Revolution AD-718 969/CP EJECTION A Study of the Drag Characteristics and Polymer Diffusion in the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmet- ric Body AD-A024 667/8CP ELASTIC MEDIA Diffraction of a Dilatational Pulse in an Elastic Medium at a Reinforced Cylindrical Cavity. N77-13470/8CP ELASTIC SCATTERING Monte Carlo Computer Program for Neutron Elastic Scattering Simulation AERE-R-7302 STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory. N70-36799/CP ELASTICITY A Computer Program for Determining the Polycrystalline Elastic Moduli from the Single- Crystal Elastic Constants AD-734 664/CP Characterization of Elastic Solids Using Finite Element Methods AD-756 513/CP Computer Programs for Simulating Physical Phenomena in Three Space Dimensions and Time. UCRL-76084 ELECTRIC ARCS Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Argon Arc Plasma AD-A013 936/OCP Study of a Transpiration-Cooled, Constricted Arc. AD-707 856/CP Diagnostics on Steady-State Cross-Flow Arcs, II: Influence of Velocity and Current AD-727 799/CP Analysis of Optically Thick. D. C. -Induction Heated Arc Discharges AD-760 808/CP Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Agron Arc Plasma PB-237 560/8CP Effect of Electrode Geometry on the Tanh Con- ductivity Arc Model PB-259 121/2CP ELECTRIC CABLES The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of In- terstitial Hydrogen Isotopes in Palladium Progress Report, April 1, 1973-December 15, 1973. COO-3551-8 ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP ELECTRIC CURRENTS Scattering by a Periodic Surface. AD-713 183/CP ELECTRIC DISCHARGES Proposed Computer Model for Electric Discharge Atomic Vapor Lasers. N77-22468/1CP Effect of Electrode Geometry on the Tanh Con- ductivity Arc Model PB-259 121/2CP ELECTRIC FIELDS Computation of Green S Functions for Bodies of Revolution. AD-711 099/CP Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 Mafco III- a Code for Calculating Particle Trajec- tories in Magnetic and Electric Fields LBL-765 Experiment Araks: Measurement of Quasi-Static Natural or Artificial Electric Fields and of the Ion Temperature Using Retarding Potential Ion Analyzers Experience Araks. Mesure des Champs Electriques Quasi-Statiques Naturels ou Artificiels et de la Temperature lonique Par Analyseurs d'lons a Potentiel Retardateur. N77-13086/2CP High-Gradient Column Computer Program Called Kalum TID-26368 ELECTRIC MOMENTS X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Electron Polarization in Ferroelectrics AD-722 067/CP 24 SUBJECT INDEX ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION HAZARDS ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION Electrohydrodynamics (EHD) Research AD-759 971 /CP ELECTRIC PROPULSION Analytic Performance of Two Grid Accelerator Designs for Kaufman Thrusters N71-23762/CP ELECTRIC WIRE Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Wire Objects AD-722 062/CP ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE Ogo-2 Data Analysis Satellite Plasma Wake Study Final Report. N70-23999/CP Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three- Dimensional Acoustic Fields N71-35405/CP Theory and Computing Methods for Stacked Thin Films Theorie et Methodes de Calculs d'Empilements de Couches Minces. N77-29367/8CP ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY A FORTRAN Subroutine to Evaluate the Transport Integrals J2(X) Through J7(X) AD-A030 219/OCP ELECTRO-OPTICS Holographic Optical Elements: Fabrication and Testing. N74-30109/4CP ELECTROACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers. AD-711 982/CP ELECTROCHEMICAL OXIDATION RELIABILITY STUDIES IN SEMICONDUCTOR FABRICATION N71-34906/CP ELECTRODES Formation of a Laminar Flow in a High-Current Electron Gun JINR-R-9-9476 Effect of Electrode Geometry on the Tanh Con- ductivity Arc Model PB-259 121/2CP ELECTROHYDRODYNAMIC GENERATORS The Effect of Condensation on the Breakdown Strength of a Helium-Mercury Mixture AD-733 328/CP Computer Studies of Electric Fields and Fluid Fields in Electrofluid Dynamic Generators AD-739 547/CP ELECTROHYDRODYNAMICS The Effect of Condensation on the Breakdown Strength of a Helium-Mercury Mixture AD-733 328/CP Electrohydrodynamics (EHD) Research AD-759 971 /CP ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA. IPM. TRED. and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences. Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A040 026/7CP Coupling through Rotationally Symmetric Aper- tures in Cavities of Revolution AD-A042 093/5CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II Volume II. Appendixes AD-B004 858/7CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume I. Technical Discussion AD-B004 921 /3CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I. Part I AD-739 526/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I. Part II AD-739 527/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part I AD-739 528/CP IPP-1 User's Manual. Volume II. Part II AD-739 529/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part III AD-739 530/CP ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENTS Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA, IPM, TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS Transient Radiated Fields from Rectangular Aper- tures AD-A011 228/4CP The Spherical Cavity Problem AD-A017 324/5CP Generalized Boundary Condition in SEMP AD-A031 707/3CP Coupling through Rotationally Symmetric Aper- tures in Cavities of Revolution AD-A042 093/5CP MIE: A Fortran Program for Computing Power Deposition in Spherical Dielectrics through Appli- cation of MIE Theory AD-A044 226/9CP The Arbitrary Body of Revolution Code (ABORC) for SGEMP/IEMP AD-A048 872/6CP The Electromagnetic Fields of a Dipole in a Dis- sipative Half-Space: A Numerical Approach. AD-706 367/CP Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 Calculation of Scattered Patterns from Asymmet- rical Reflectors. N70-22574/CP The Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer Regions Using Numerical Integration Methods N72-14697/CP Electromagnetic Fields About a Finite Electric Wire Source PB-238 199/4CP ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA, IPM, TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy. Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I. Part I AD-739 526/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I. Part II AD-739 527/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part I AD-739 528/CP IPP-1 User's Manual. Volume II. Part II AD-739 529/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part III AD-739 530/CP The Influence of Tilt, Cone Angle and Beam In- tensity Cross Section on the Computed Per- formance of Narrow Band Optical Interference Filters N73-13665/CP ELECTROMAGNETIC LENSES Beam 72- Computer Program for Development of Beam Transport Systems KFK-1590 ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPECTING Calculation of Standard Transient and Frequency Sounding Curves for a Horizontal Wire Source of Arbitrary Length PB-274 119/7CP ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies Volume II. Late-Time High-Altitude Electromag- netic Pulse Code Development AD-A00O 944/9CP Induced Currents on Two Dimensional Elec- tromagnetic Planar Structures AD-A005 733/1 CP The Treatment of Electron Scattering and Ap- proximate Methods Used for Specifying High-Al- titude EMP Sources AD-A015 747/9CP SGEMP Phenomenology and Computer Code Development AD-A026 333/5CP A Non-Reflecting Electromagnetic Outer Bounda- ry Condition lor Cylindrical Coordinates and the SGEMP Problem AD-A027 956/2CP Development and Testing of DAVID A Close-in EMP Coupling Code for Arbitrarily Shaped Ob- jects AD-A030 684/5CP Foundation of the Magnetic Field Integral Equa- tion Code for the Calculation of Electromagnetic Pulse External Interaction with Aircraft AD-A039 953/5CP EMPFIT: A Computer Code for Fitting EMP Waveforms that Facilitates the Calculation of the Fourier Transform AD-A040 019/2CP Analysis and Tests of a 90-cm Right Circular Cylinder in the PIMBS 1A Photon Environment AD-A042 353/3CP SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Operator's and User's Handbook AD-A044 411/7CP The Arbitrary Body of Revolution Code (ABORC) for SGEMP/IEMP AD-A048 872/6CP Transient Signal Propagation in Lossy Plasmas AD-764 721 /7CP Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume I. Two-Dimensional Ground-Burst Elec- tromagnetic Pulse Calculational Methods AD-783 623/2CP The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP Superconducting Materials for Pulsed Field Appli- cation. N77-16153/7CP ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual AD-A031 108/4CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A040 026/7CP A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems AD-A044 758/1 CP A Ray Tracing Digital Computer Program for the Study of Magnetospheric Duct Propagation. N70-35774/CP Construction of General Purpose Programs for the Numerical Solution of Certain Electromag- netic Scattering Problems N71-31104/CP A Class of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Solvable by Debye's Representation N71-31105/CP Electromagnetic Diffraction by Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings N72-33663/CP Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scatter- ing from Plates, Corner Reflectors and Dielectric- Coated Cylinders. N74-22318/1CP Theory and Computing Methods for Stacked Thin Films Theorie et Methodes de Calculs d'Empilements de Couches Minces. N77-29367/8CP W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Observations on the Operation of the SEMPEX Code UCID-17440 S3f-Syr/LLL1 : The Syracuse Computer Code for Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion. Extended for Near-Field Computations. UCRL-51622 Evaluation of Two Computer Programs for Model- ing Electromagnetic Interactions with Surfaces UCRL-52321 ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION HAZARDS Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating 25 SUBJECT INDEX Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Area PB-203 999/CP ELECTROMAGNETIC SCATTERING A Surface Formulation for Characteristic Modes of Material Bodies AD-A000 285/7CP Model for the Calculation of Multiply Scattered Fields AD-A012 626/8CP A Low-Frequency Expansion for Characteristic Modes of Conducting Bodies AD-A015 297/5CP Bent Plate Computer Program Listing AD-A018 999/3CP Two Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Coated Conductor AD-A019 814/3CP Penetration of Electromagnetic Pulses through Larger Apertures in Shielded Enclosures AD-A029 516/2CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems. Volume I User's Manual AD-A040 026/7CP Computer Programs for H-Field, E-Field. and Combined Field Solutions for Bodies of Revolu- tion AD-A044 204/6CP A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems AD-A044 758/1 CP Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP The Numerical Solution of Low Frequency Scat- tering Problems AD-741 776/CP Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers AD-741 809/CP Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 518/4CP Theoretical and Experimental Study of Wave Scattering from Composite Rough Surfaces AD-787 540/4CP Construction of General Purpose Programs for the Numerical Solution of Certain Electromag- netic Scattering Problems N71-31104/CP A Class of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Solvable by Debye's Representation N71-31105/CP Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scatter- ing from Plates, Corner Reflectors and Dielectric- Coated Cylinders N74-22318/1CP A Numerical Technique to Predict Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (User'S Guide for the Com- puter Program ROT2). N76-22432/8CP Electromagnetic Scattering by Multiple Conduc- tors in the Earth Due to a Plane Wave Source PB-261 183/8CP Evaluation of Two Computer Programs for Model- ing Electromagnetic Interactions with Surfaces UCRL-52321 ELECTROMAGNETIC SHIELDING Linear and Non-Linear EMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab AD-A021 452/8CP The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP W2t-Anz/LLL1 A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 ELECTROMAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY Method ot Moments Applications - Coupling through a Rectangular Aperture in a Plane Screen AD-A026 466/3CP ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION Computing Methods Used in Support of Modeling Electron Concentrations in High-Altitude Chemi- cal Releases AD-A009 069/6CP Reflected and Transmitted Fields for a Plane- Wave Pulse Incident on a Conducting Ground AD-A026 755/9CP Present Status of the RRI Slant-Path Absorption Model (SLAM) Computer Program AD-A027 215/3CP Transmission from a Rectangular Waveguide into Half Space through a Rectangular Aperture AD-A030 779/3CP MODESRCH', An Improved Computer Program for Obtaining ELF/VLF/LF Mode Constants in an Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A032 573/8CP Experimental Research on the Propagation of Loran-C Signals Volume D Data and Analysis AD-A040 320/4CP Calculation of Complex Propagating Modes in Ar- bitrary, Plane-Layered, Complex Dielectric Struc- tures. I Analytic Formulation II. Fortran Program MODEIG PB-277 152/5CP ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE REFLECTIONS Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Wire Objects AD-722 062/CP ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Computer Programs for Radiation and Scattering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires AD-713 156/CP Scattering by a Periodic Surface. AD-713 183/CP Coupled Electromagnetic and Electron Acoustic Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Lossy Plasma Layer. AD-715 910/CP Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide AD-718 407/CP Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Bodies of Revolution AD-718 969/CP Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Wire Objects AD-722 062/CP The Numerical Solution of Low Frequency Scat- tering Problems AD-741 776/CP ELECTROMAGNETISM Progress Report Number 41, 15 September 1975 through 14 September 1976 to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee. A Summary of Current Research at the Microwave Research In- stitute AD-A034 764/1 CP Moment-Method Techniques in Electromagnetics from an Application's Viewpoint UCRL-77974 ELECTRON BEAMS Energy Loss of High Energy Electrons in Tin, Lead, and Gadolinium. AD-711 005/CP ELSPEC: A Computer Program for Unfolding Electron Energy Spectra from Experimental Ener- gy Deposition Profiles AD-733 331/CP A Study of Finite Moliere Scattering AD-874 659/CP A One-Dimensional Electrostatic Pic Code. SC-RR-70-314 ELECTRON BOMBARDMENT Energy Loss of High Energy Electrons in Tin, Lead, and Gadolinium. AD-711 005/CP Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye- Shielded Interaction AD-721 900/CP Predicted and Measured Depth Dose Profiles for Pulsed Electron Spectra AD-731 778/CP Calculation of Electron Energy Losses in Various Metals AD-747 077/CP ELECTRON DENSITY (CONCENTRATION) Prediction of Electron Density and Collision Cross Section. Volume 2 - Equilibrium Electron Density Prediction, a Mathematical Model Final Report N70-27716/CP ELECTRON DIFFRACTION Computer Program to Calculate Low Energy Elec- tron Diffraction Intensities L8L-1418 A Fortran IV Computer Program for Calculating Interplanar Spacings. Y-1729 ELECTRON DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS Computer Simulated Electron Diffraction Contrast AD-722 244/CP ELECTRON DIFFUSION Comparisons of Experimental and Calculated Electron Transmission and Bremsstrahlung Spec- tra for Electron Energies Below 3.0 ME V Final Report, 12 Mar 1969 - 12 Mar. 1970. N70-27513/CP Penetration of High Energy Radiation N71-35899/CP ELECTRON EMISION Multiple-Plate Modification of OUICKE2 Analytical Electron Emission Code AD-A047 387/6CP ELECTRON GUNS Formation of a Laminar Flow in a High-Current Electron Gun JINR-R-9-9476 ELECTRON ION INTERACTIONS Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment AD-745 374/CP ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Computer Analysis of Multi-Channel Sem and X- Ray Images from Fine Particles AD-716 562/CP ELECTRON MOLECULE INTERACTIONS Electron Collisions and Cross Sections in Hydrogen AD-763 087/CP ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE ESR Powder Line Shape Calculations SAND-76-8200 ELECTRON PLASMA Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction N71-23999/CP ELECTRON SCATTERING The Treatment of Electron Scattering and Ap- proximate Methods Used for Specifying High-Al- titude EMP Sources AD-A015 747/9CP Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. AD-710 353/CP Application of the Harris Expansion Method to the Elastic S-Wave Scattering of Electrons by Hydrogen Atoms and by Singly Ionized Helium AD-758 500/CP Electroexcitation of Giant Resonances between 5 MeV and 40 MeV Excitation Energy in 197Au AD-783 857/6CP Mogus: A Code for Evaluating the Mott Scattering Cross Section and the Goudsmit-Saunderson An- gular Multiple-Scattering Distribution for Use in Electron Transport Calculations. BNL-50199 Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction N71-23999/CP ELECTRON STRIPPING PEDAS: A 2-Dimensional Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Code for Photon-Energy Deposition and Air Stripping AD-752 026/CP ELECTRONS Hartree-Fock Electron Distribution of Cubic BN AD-A005 808/1 CP Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. AD-710 353/CP Mogus: A Code for Evaluating the Mott Scattering Cross Section and the Goudsmit-Saunderson An- gular Multiple-Scattering Distribution for Use in Electron Transport Calculations. BNL-50199 Logical and Mathematical Scheme for the Digital Calculation of the Cross Sections of Inelastic Electron Scattering by the Phase Shift Method CEA-N-1259 COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF FEYNMAN DIA- GRAMS. APPLICATION TO THE CALCULATION OF THE ANOMALOUS MAGNETIC MOMENT OF THE ELECTRON AND OF THE MUON CNRS-CPT-70-P-336 26 SUBJECT INDEX EXHAUST NOZZLES Real Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. I JINR-E1-6907 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. II JINR-E1-6908 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, June 1 -Sep- tember 30, 1972 ORO-3912-19 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, October 1, 1972-December 31. 1972 ORO-3912-20 ELECTROOPTICS An Investigation of PLZT for Integrated Optics AD-A009 102/5CP Semi-annual FY75 Applied Optics Research Re- port AD-A010 486/9CP Crystal Growth of Materials for Electro-Optic Modulators AD-729 463/CP Studies in Optics AD-786 847/4CP ELECTROPHILIC REACTIONS A Computer Code to Predict the Effects of Elec- trophilic Liquid Injection on Re-Entry Plasma Sheath Properties AD-782 023/6CP ELECTROSTATIC ACCELERATORS High-Gradient Column Computer Program Called Kalum TID-26368 ELECTROSTATIC CHARGE Theory of Electron Emission Effects in Symmetric Probe and Spacecraft Sheaths AD-A037 538/6CP ELECTROSTATIC FIELDS The Electrostatic Potential Inside a Hemisphere: Its Use as an Electron Energy Analyzer and as a Triode Electronic Device AD-729 914/CP Electra- a Computer Program for Calculation of Space-Charge-Free Paraxial Trajectories in Axi- ally Symmetric Electrostatic Fields SGAE-2007 ELECTROSTATICS Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP Three Numerical Methods for the Computation of the Electrostatic Energy. N76-30968/1CP ELEMENTARY PARTICLE MODELS Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 ELEMENTARY PARTICLES Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 Dual and Dual-Pomeron Calculations- a Docu- mentation IS-2915 PHYSICS REPORT, NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 UCRL-20120 ELEMENTS Computer Program to Calculate Auger Transitions for a Surface Containing Several Kinds of Atoms ORNL-TM-3575 ELIPSES Laminar Separated Flow over Nonlifting Ellipses AD-786 223/8CP ELLIPSES Laminar Separated Flow over Nonlifting Ellipses AD-786 223/8CP ELLIPSOIDS Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow About Circular, Elliptic, and Bielliptic Cones by the Method of Lines N72-16209/CP ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS The Prediction of Laminar Flows Using a Modified Version of the Elliptic Programme N71-22330/CP ELMO BUMPY TORUS EBT Time-Dependent Point Model Code: Descrip- tion and User's Guide ORNL/CSD/TM-27 EMISSION S3f-Syr/LLL1 : The Syracuse Computer Code for Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion, Extended for Near-Field Computations. UCRL-51622 EMISSION SPECTRA H2-CI2 Chemical Laser Program. Part I. CHEM- LUM Code for Spectroscopic Data Analysis AD-780 178/OCP Andante - an ALGOL Program for Decomposition of gamma-Ray Spectra and Processing of Foil Counting Data. N70-27510/CP Comparisons of Experimental and Calculated Electron Transmission and Bremsstrahlung Spec- tra for Electron Energies Below 3.0 ME V Final Report. 12 Mar 1969 - 12 Mar. 1970. N70-27513/CP Atomic Emission Line Wavelength Calculations Below 2000 Angstroms for Lithium II Through Cobalt XXVI N72-12684/CP ENERGY DISSIPATION A New Look at Structural Energy Dissipation AD-780 801 /7CP Calculations of Flux Spectra and Energy Deposi- tion for Fast Neutrons. N70-26461/CP ENERGY DISTRIBUTION Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation N72-30618/CP ENERGY TRANSFER Improvements in the Chart D Energy Flow Hydrodynamic Code V: 1972/73 Modifications. SLA-73-0477 ENGINE INLETS Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP ENTRAINMENT A Numerical Model of Droplet Entrainment from a Contained Oil Slick AD-A006 600/1 CP ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS An Analysis of the Thermal and Nutrient Proper- ties of the Condenser Discharge Plume Created by an Ocean Thermal Difference Power Plant PB-244 786/0CP EPITAXY Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2, FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP EQUATIONS Numerical Solution of the Compressible Bounda- ry Layer Equations Over Axisymmetric Surfaces AD-A034 943/1 CP EQUATIONS OF MOTION Fortran 4 Program for Studying Ion Polar Molecule Collisions N71-15830/CP Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 1 Numerical Solu- tions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations with Equilibrium Chemistry N72-19312/CP Discrete Mechanics - A General Treatment PB-231 882/2CP EQUATIONS OF STATE CAPO User's Guide. Volume I AD-A016 672/8CP Modified GRAY: An Improved Three-Phase Equa- tion of State for Metals AD-A025 260/1 CP Equations of State in Liquids AD-708 772/CP A Method of Characteristics Code for Energy Deposition Calculations (MCDIT 3) AD-724 734/CP Multi-Purpose-Instrument Research: A New Mea- surement Technique and Property Table Genera- tion AD-736 870/CP Equation of State of Solids AD-746 611/CP High Pressure Shock Wave Behavior of Greatly Distended Copper AD-757 633/CP Sensitivity of Material Response Calculations to the Equation of State Model AD-772 919/7CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases AD-781 824/8CP Guide for the Use of Computer Programs for Least Squares Fitting of Equations of State to Thermodynamic Data. Volume II Programs for Simultaneous Fitting of Multiple Data Forms Using Stepwise Regression PB-266 615/4CP Improvements in the Chart D Radiation- Hydrodynamic Code I Analytic Equations of State SC-RR-70-28 Nonlinear Viscoelastic Equation of State for Use in Stress Propagation Calculations SLA-73-635 H-Division Quarterly Report, October— December 1975. UCRL-50028-75-4 EQUILIBRIUM EQUATIONS Prediction of Electron Density and Collision Cross Section. Volume 2 - Equilibrium Electron Density Prediction, a Mathematical Model Final Report N70-27716/CP Performance Calculation of Rocket Propellants and Propellant Charge Powders N71-23357/CP EQUILIBRIUM FLOW A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-12991/7CP EQUILIBRIUM PLASMA Numerical Code SPHEX for Free Boundary MHD Equilibrium with Legendre Expansion Method JAERI-M-6734 EROSION Erosion Mechanics and Micromechanics Program AD-A042 656/9CP Computer Simulation of High Speed Collision with Rain Drop (Combined Spherical-Cylindrical Shape) N71-36701/CP Spatially Varied Subcritical and Supercritical Flow in Gullies PB-236 788/6CP ESTIMATES Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP ETHYLENE POLYMERS Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0, D/Sub 2/0, C, Zrh/Sub 2/, (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub XI, Be, Beo. C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 EVAPORATION Rs 96: The Evaporation of Binary Mixtures in Forced Convection. Part II Theoretical Studies. AERE-R-7593 Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. N75-33137/1CP EXCIMER LASERS Excimer Lasers AD-A035 340/9CP EXCIMERS Excimer Lasers AD-A018 641/1CP EXCITATION A Computer Code for Time Dependent Recom- bination Lasers AD-A007 292/6CP EXHAUST FLOW SIMULATION Application of Moderate Resolution Band Models to the Prediction of Heat Transfer from Rocket Exhaust Plumes N71-16429/CP EXHAUST GASES A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP EXHAUST NOZZLES Factors Which Influence the Analysis and Design of Ejector Nozzles N72-14301/CP 27 SUBJECT INDEX EXHAUST PLUMES An Approximate Analysis of the Shock Structure in Underexpanded Plumes AD-A030 705/8CP EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Optimization of a Solution Growth Experiment for Zero Gravity and Development of Apparatus for a Melt Growth Experiment Final Report N71-27926/CP EXPLOSIVES Teplo- a Heat Conduction Code for Studying Thermal Explosions in Laminar Composites LA-451 1 Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time- Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Different Conditions N73-15305/CP EXTERNAL STORES Prediction of Supersonic Store Separation Characteristics Volume I. Theoretical Methods and Comparisons with Experiment AD-A031 828/7CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II Volume II Appendixes AD-B004 858/7CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume I. Technical Discussion AD-B004 921 /3CP EXTRAPOLATION Extrapolation of Sonic Boom Pressure Signatures by the Waveform Parameter Method N72-26004/CP EXTRATERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERES A Stellar Scintillometer for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-257 376/4CP EXTREMELY LOW FREQUENCY WKB Fields Program for Lower ELF AD-757 080/CP F 1 REGION The Numerical Representation of the Critical Frequency of the F1 Region of the Ionosphere COM-75-10813/4CP FAR FIELDS The Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer Regions Using Numerical Integration Methods N72-14697/CP FAR INFRARED RADIATION A Study of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave At- tenuation and Dispersion in the Earth's At- mosphere AD-A015 544/OCP FAR ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION The Vacuum Uv Optical Constants of Aluminium and of Magnesium Fluoride, and the Performance of Magnesium Fluoride Coated Mirrors. N71-13319/CP Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measurements of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma N72-29707/CP The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet N72-33662/CP FARADAY EFFECT A Digital Polarimeter for Measuring the Faraday Rotation Using a Beacon from a Geostationary Satellite AD-A012 168/1CP FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM Application of Holographic Interferometry to Su- personic Flow Visualization of a Rear-Facing Step and Application of Fast Fourier Transform Methods to Current Data Reduction Techniques AD-781 396/7CP FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMS Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP FAST NEUTRONS Calculations of Flux Spectra and Energy Deposi- tion for Fast Neutrons. N70-26461/CP Daisey - an Efficient Program for Production of Neutron Pseudo Resonance Parameter Chains in the Unresolved Energy Region. N70-27998/CP FATIGUE (MATERIALS) Fatigue Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Mul- tiaxial out of Phase Stresses with Constant and Changing Directions of Principal Stresses. N76-33536/3CP Signals Analysis Program 4 (Sapg 4): Computer Software Developed for the Extraction of Various Signal Parameters from Fatigue Inducing Loading Spectra. N77-10554/2CP FAULT TREE ANALYSIS User's Guide for the WAM-BAM Computer Code PB-249 624/8CP FBR TYPE REACTORS SYNBURN: Fast-Reactor Fuel-Cycle Program ANL-76-14 FERRITES Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Ga(2- X)Fe(X)03. AD-715 651/CP Magnetic Moment Versus Temperature Curves of LiZnTi Ferrites AD-782 421/2CP FERROELECTRIC CRYSTALS X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Electron Polarization in Ferroelectrics AD-722 067/CP FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS An Investigation of PLZT for Integrated Optics AD-A009 102/5CP FERROMAGNETIC MATERIALS Linear and Non-Linear EMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab AD-A021 452/8CP Digital Computer Solution of Magnetic Field Problems. AD-716 992/CP FIBER OPTICS Fiber Optics Design Aid Package AD-A040 772/6CP FIDIAS COMPUTER PROGRAM Reliability and Availability of a System with Active R/M Repairable Redundancies. General Solution: FIDIAS Program FRRSR-9 FIELD ION MICROSCOPY Grain Boundary Contrast in Field Ion Microscope Images AD-734 839/CP FIELD STRENGTH An Investigation into the Prediction of Field Strength - the Guildford Experiment. N70-40522/CP FIGHTER AIRCRAFT A Parametric Study of Planform and Aeroelastic Effects on Aerodynamic Center, alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives. Appendix a a Computer Pro- gram for Calculating alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives and Induced Drag for Thin Elastic Aeroplanes at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds N73-21897/CP FILM COOLING Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Su- personic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tan- gential Slot Injection N71-22569/CP FILTRATION Dnf: A Dynamic Filter for the on-Line Estimation and Prediction of Transient Pressures and Flows in a Gas Network N74-14979/0CP Hypfil: A Fortran Computer Program for the In- vestigation of Process Parameters in Single-Stage Hyperfiltration Processes. Y-1699 FINAL-STATE INTERACTIONS Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reactions According to the Fragmentation Model NP-19804 FINITE DIFFERENCE THEORY SOLA - A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows AD-A009 953/1 CP Numerical Study of Steady Flow in a Two-Dimen- sional Rectangular Channel with an Asymmetric Velocity Input Profile AD-A010 355/6CP A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Charac- teristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems - MCDU 43 AD-A014 953/4CP Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations AD-A023 891 /5CP Development and Testing of DAVID: A Close-in EMP Coupling Code for Arbitrarily Shaped Ob- jects AD-A030 684/5CP A Users Manual for the 1-D Heat Conduction Cal- culator Program AD-A032 036/6CP Analytic Solution of a Test Problem for MODE AD-A041 761 /8CP Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report. N70-27166/CP Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Su- personic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tan- gential Slot Injection N71-22569/CP Impulsively Starting Incompressible Jet N71-25443/CP Mcdified Thermal Analyzer Digital Computer Pro- gram (Tap) N71-37734/CP Laminar or Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows of Perfect Gases or Reacting Gas Mixtures in Chemical Equilibrium N72-11288/CP Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 1 Numerical Solu- tions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations with Equilibrium Chemistry N72-19312/CP The Solution of the Boundary Layer Equations of Chemically Reacting Gases with a Hermitian Finite Difference Method N73-18273/CP A Rapid Numerical Solution to Subsonic Flow over Planar and Axisymmetric Profiles at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-16703/2CP Finite-Difference Solution for Turbulent Swirling Compressible Flow in Axisymmetric Ducts with Struts. N74-18647/9CP The Numerical Solution of Transient Supercritical Flow by the Method of Characteristics with a Technique for Simulating Bore Propagation PB-232 143/8CP A Boundary Layer Finite Difference Method for Calculating through the Separation Point and into the Region of Recirculation in Incompressible Laminar Flow PB-233 066/OCP Stealth' A Lagrange Explicit Finite-Difference Code for Solids Structural, and Thermohydraulic Analysis PB-255 405/3CP Iterative and Finite Difference Computer Pro- grams for Diffusion in Single and Two Phase Systems PB-256 282/5CP Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Forms of Heat Equation. SC-M-70-83 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Vibroacoustic Response of Turbulence Excited Thin Rectangular Finite Plates in Heavy and Fluid Media AD-A016 540/7CP DOASIS A Computer Code for the Deformation Plastic, Orthotropic. Axisymmetric (and Plane) Solution of Inelastic Solids. Volume I. Finite Ele- ment Program. Theoretical and Programmers Manual AD-A018 634/6CP Finite Element Solution of Fluid-Structure In- teraction Problems AD-A034 163/6CP The Finite Element Method Applied to Flows in Turbomachines AD-A038 759/7CP Time Integration ol Unsteady Transonic Flow to a Steady State Solution by the Finite Element Method AD-A039 790/1 CP A Finite Element Method and Corresponding Pilot Computer Code for Hyperbolic Systems of Equa- tions in Two Spatial Dimensions and Time Ap- plied to Unsteady Gas Flows AD-A045 703/6CP Mesh Generation for Two-Oimensional Regions Using a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) Graphics Terminal SAND-76-8231 28 SUBJECT INDEX FLOW EQUATIONS FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 2 Computer Program and Users Manual N72-25301/CP A Finite Element Solution Algorithm tor the Navi- er-Stokes Equations. N74-29035/4CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP Finite Element Analysis of Transversely Isotropic Bodies. N77-10553/4CP Tap 1: A Finite Element Program for Steady-State Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Struc- tures. N77-13367/6CP A Computer Program for the Finite Element Cal- culation of Axisymmetric Subcritical Compressi- ble Flow. N77-16295/6CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 1. N77-23411/0CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 2. N77-23412/8CP Finite-Element Computer Program for Axisymmet- ric Loading Situations Where Components May Have a Relative Interference Fit. N77-23494/6CP FINS Hetran a Computer Program to Solve the Two- Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction on a Cladded Tube with a Connecting Fin N71-35336/CP FIRES UNDSAFE-I: A Computer Code for Buoyant Flow in an Enclosure PB-267 278/OCP FISSION Details of Some beta Heating Calculations N71-38394/CP Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 FISSION FRAGMENTS Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons. Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved Program Source CEA-N-1294 FISSION PRODUCTS Modification of the Fission Product Inventory Pro- gram Fispin AERE-M-2872 Computer Program Fit for Fitting gamma-Ray Spectrum JAERI-M-4571 Fp-S- Program for Calculation of Atomic Density for Each Fission Product Nuclide JAERI-1198 Fpdcys and Fpspec: Computer Programs tor Cal- culating Fission-Product beta and gamma Mul- tigroup Spectra from Endf/B-IV Data LA-NUREG-6818-MS Development of ENDF/B-IV Multigroup Neutron Cross-Section Libraries for the Leopard and Laser Codes PB-244 391 /9CP Evaluation of Fission Product After-Heat PB-247 733/9CP FISSIONABLE MATERIAL Computer Program for Analysis of the Cross Sec- tions of Fissile Nuclei in the Resonance Region Using a Multilevel Formalism CEA-N-1564 FLAPS (CONTROL SURFACES) Comparison of Computer Predicted and Experi- mentally Determined Leading Edge Cavitation of a Foil with Flaps AD-A015 874/1CP FLAT PLATE MODELS Research on the Flutter of Axial Turbomachine Blading AD-A031 536/6CP High Radiation-Induced Ablation of a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow. AD-825 415/CP FLAT PLATES Computer Program to Predict the Newtonian Aerodynamics of General Bodies Approximated by Flat Plates. N70-35621/CP A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Con- centration Profiles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate N72-26289/CP Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow N72-31305/CP The Solution of the Boundary Layer Equations of Chemically Reacting Gases with a Hermitian Finite Difference Method N73-18273/CP FLOW ATTACHMENT The Coanda Effect with Jet Displacement over Planar, Concave, and Convex Walls AD-764 506/CP FLOW CHAMBERS Program and Charts for Determining Shock Tube, and Expansion Tunnel Flow Quantities for Real Air. N75-21565/7CP FLOW CHARACTERISTICS A Computer Program to Determine Equilibrium- Air Flow-Field Data About a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N70-31643/CP A Computer Program to Determine Radiating. Nonadiabatic. Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N71-36417/CP Calculation of Compressible Nonadiabatic Boun- dary Layers in Laminar, Transitional and Turbu- lent Flow by the Method of Integral Relations N72-12222/CP An Analytical Study of Reduced-Gravity Liquid Reorientation Using a Simplified Marker and Cell Technique N72-28279/CP Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 2 N73-20310/CP Correlation of Heat Transfer for the Zero Pressure Gradient Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer for Several Gases N74-15976/5CP Modification of a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Analysis and Comparison with Experimen- tal Data. N74-18651/1CP Interim User'S Manual for Boundary Layer In- tegral Matrix Procedure, Version J. N74-28756/6CP Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications N74-31752/0CP Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Solution by Meridional Plane Analysis. N74-31754/6CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1. Revi- sion a. N75-33352/6CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine. Volume 2, Revi- sion a. N75-33353/4CP FLOW CHARTS Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations, Part 2 N72-17208/CP FLOW DISTORTION Prediction of Compliant Wall Drag Reduction. Part 1. N78-11340/4CP FLOW DISTRIBUTION Three-Dimensional Flow Field from a Radial Vor- tex Filament in a Cylindrical Annulus. N70-23423/CP A Computer Program to Determine Equilibrium- Air Flow-Field Data About a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N70-31643/CP Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interaction Final Report. N70-43047/CP The off Design Analysis of Flow in Axial Compres- sors N71-22294/CP A Streamline Curvature Through-Flow Computer Program for Analysing the Flow Through Axial- Flow Turbomachines N72-31306/CP Godunov Method and Computer Program to Determine the Pressure and Flow Field As- sociated with a Sonic Boom Focus N73-16013/CP Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 1 N73-20309/CP Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 2 N73-20310/CP Description of a Computer Program to Calculate Reacting Supersonic Internal Flow Fields with Shock Waves Using Viscous Characteristics Pro- gram Manual and Sample Calculations N73-20311/CP Supersonic Flow Calculations for a Cone with an Elliptic Flare N73-21282/CP Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP Solution of Non-lsoenergetic Supersonic Flows by Method of Characteristics. Volume 3 N73-27210/6CP Development of Analytical Methods of Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds Exact Solution N73-27211/4CP A Computer Program tor Calculating the Perfect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Axisymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-12090/8CP An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Phenomena within a Vortex Sink Rate Sen- sor N74-26823/6CP A Computer Programme for Flowfield Predictions in the Interaction of a Shock Wave with a 90 Degree Bend N75-12640/9CP Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions. N76-21454/3CP Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 1: Computa- tional Technique N76-22494/8CP FLOW EQUATIONS Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report N70-27166/CP Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Com- puter Code N70-27641/CP Computer Program for Compressible Laminar or Turbulent Nonsimilar Boundary Layers N71-22588/CP Impulsively Starting Incompressible Jet N71-25443/CP Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations, Part 2 N72-17208/CP Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02-AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures N72-18961/CP Fortran IV Computer Program for Boundary Layers in Compressible Two-Dimensional and Ax- isymmetric Flow N72-19320/CP Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time- Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Different Conditions N73-15305/CP Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 1 N73-20309/CP Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 2 N73-20310/CP 29 SUBJECT INDEX A Rapid Numerical Solution to Subsonic Flow over Planar and Axisymmetric Profiles at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-16703/2CP Comparison of Slender Channel Computations with Experiments for Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Nozzle Flows. N76-15113/3CP The Computation of Two Dimensional Supersonic Flows in Laval Type Nozzles. N76-31206/5CP Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1 . N76-32877/2CP FLOW FIELDS A Variational Formulation of the Compressible Throughflow Problem AD-A007 979/8CP Analysis of Circulation Controlled Airfoils AD-A013 334/8CP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions Volume I AD-A021 960/OCP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume II AD-A021 961/8CP Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP Research on the Flutter of Axial Turbomachine Blading AD-A031 536/6CP A General Class of Airfoils Conformally Mapped from a Circle AD-738 318/CP Numerical Experiments with the Two- and Three- Dimensional Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations AD-761 459/CP Fiber Optics Particle-Sizing System AD-766 647/2CP FLOW MEASUREMENT Apparatus and Programs for Digital Analysis of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Flow N74-11047/9CP Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using For- tran 4 Routines N74-21926/2CP Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions N7S-14067/3CP FLOW MODELS Kachina An Eulerian Computer Program for Mul- tifield Fluid Flows LA-5680 FLOW RATE Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 Flow Rate and Property-Related Flux from Point Measurements in a Duct. User's Guide to the FORTRAN Program EMIT 2 PB-270 714/9CP FLOW RESISTANCE Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Fric- tion - Application to Gas Film Seals N74-17015/0CP FLOW REVERSAL Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer over Body of Revolution at Incidence Part IX. Dif- ference Method and Documentation of Program BLIND3' AD-A012 697/9CP FLOW SEPARATION Evaluation of a Method for Computation of Separated. Turbulent. Compressible Boundary Layers AD-A021 090/6CP Computer Program for Calculation of Separated Turbulent Flows on Axisymmetric Afterbodies AD-A041 219/7CP FLOW THEORY Computer Program for Compressible Laminar or Turbulent Nonsimilar Boundary Layers N71-22588/CP FLOW VELOCITY Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interaction Final Report. N70-43047/CP FLOW VISUALIZATION Holography as Applied to Jet Breakup and an Analytical Method for Reducing Holographic Droplet Data AD-749 854/CP Application of Holographic Interferometry to Den- sity Field Determination in Transonic Corner Flow AD-756 534/CP Experimental Techniques in Holographic Inter- ferometry AD-767 672/9CP Application of Holographic Interferometry to Su- personic Flow Visualization of a Rear-Facing Step and Application of Fast Fourier Transform Methods to Current Data Reduction Techniques AD-781 396/7CP FLOWMETERS Investigation of Particle-Size Determination from the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter AD-738 873/CP A Computer Code for the Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flow Through Closed-Conduit Flow Me- ters PB-274 650/1CP FLUERICS Fluencs 32 An Analytical Model for the Response of Flueric Wall-Attachment Amplifiers AD-747 761/CP The Coanda Effect with Jet Displacement over Planar, Concave, and Convex Walls AD-764 506/CP FLUID AMPLIFIERS Fluerics 38 A Computer-Aided Design Analysis for the Static and Dynamic Port Characteristics of Laminar Proportional Amplifiers AD-A027 587/5CP FLUID CONTROL A Method for Simulating Steady State Friction in Transient Fluid Flow AD-A023 351 /OCP FLUID DYNAMICS Numerical Solution of Subsonic Viscous-lnviscid Interacting Flows AD-A036 213/7CP Dynamic Interaction Between Structure and Liquid Propellants in a Space Shuttle Vehicle Model. Part 1 Final Report N71-12766/CP Propellant Dynamic Problems in Space Shuttle Vehicles, Part 2 Final Report. N71-12767/CP The Numerical Computations of Turbulent Flows N74-12066/8CP UNDSAFE-I A Computer Code for Buoyant Flow in an Enclosure PB-267 278/OCP FLUID FLOW Modifications to Compressor Test Data Analysis Program UD0200 AD-A004 182/2CP The Application of the Marker and Cell Incom- pressible Fluid Flow Technique to Impact Problems AD-A008 451/7CP Harmonic Motion of Cylinders in Uniform Flow AD-A012 412/3CP A Computer Program for Predicting the Frequen- cy Response of Complex Pneumatic Line Net- works AD-A023 344/5CP Discrete Technique for the Analysis of Stationary Random Data AD-A023 345/2CP Heat Transfer Analysis for Unsteady High Velocity Pipe Flow. Part I, On Minimization of Temperature Distortion in the Thermocouple Cavity Part II. Im- proved Accuracy in the Prediction of Surface Heat Flux and Temperature by Intrinsic Ther- mocouple. Part III. Prediction of Transient Surface Heat Flux and Temperature on a Hollow Cylinder AD-A035 613/9CP Forces on Roughened Cylinders in Harmonic Flow at High Reynolds Numbers AD-A041 179/3CP Entry Flow in a Heated Tube AD-A042 203/OCP The Numerical Solution of Axisymmetric Free Boundary Porous Flow Well Problems Using Variational Inequalities AD-A046 373/7CP Computation of Velocity in the Wave Train of a Point Source AD-A047 291 /OCP Analysis of Temperature Compensating Circuits for Hot-Wires and Hot-Films AD-A050 080/1 CP A Physical Model for Computing Fluid Flow Solu- tions AD-A050 306/OCP A Fluid Transport Algorithm that Works AD-732 749/CP Tables of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Orr-Sommerfeld Equation for Plane Poiseuille Flows AD-733 436/CP The XYZ Potential Flow Program AD-754 429/CP A Quasi-Analytical Method for the Calculation of Particle Trajectories AD-757 724/CP A Study of Turbulent Wakes in Constant Stream- wise Pressure Gradients AD-761 389/CP Numerical Experiments with the Two- and Three- Dimensional Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations AD-761 459/CP The FOODES Program Description AD-766 238/OCP On a Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-771 068/4CP Pde- Digital Program for the Calculation of the Thermal-Hydrodynamic Condition in a Circuit of a Two Phase Mixture Water and Steam CISE-R-245 Vortex- a 2-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Simula- tion Code CLM-R-106 Numerical Solutions of Dirichlet Problems with Axisymmetry by an Integral Equation Method. CLM-R-146 Pressure Losses in Flow Through a Sudden Con- traction of Duct Area ESDU-78007 Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional Unsteady Reacting Flows LA-UR-76-1229 Yaqui: An Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Com- puter Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds LA-5100 Baal: A Code for Calculating Three-Dimensional Fluid Flows at All Speeds with an Eulerian- Lagrangian Computing Mesh LA-6342 Mufan, a Computer Program for the Analysis of Multi-Loop Fluid Flow Systems N71-37735/CP Thermal and Flow Analysis Subroutines for the Sinda-Version 9 Computer Routine N74-12045/2CP Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions. N75-14067/3CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1. Revi- sion a N75-33352/6CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine. Volume 2. Revi- sion a N75-33353/4CP Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Bibliography ORNL-TM-4497 Free Falling Particle in Density Stratified Fluid PB-214 499/6CP Negatively Buoyant Jets in a Cross Flow PB-234 177/4CP Liraq-2 Boundary Conditions UCID-16871 Hypfil A Fortran Computer Program for the In- vestigation of Process Parameters in Single-Stage Hypertiltration Processes. Y-1699 FLUID MECHANICAL GAS PRISMS A Fluid-Mechanical Refracting Gas-Prism AD-721 711/CP FLUID MECHANICS Finite Element Solution of Fluid-Structure In- teraction Problems AD-A034 163/6CP 30 SUBJECT INDEX GAMMA RADIATION Bibliography: Numbered Reports and Theses, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, Princeton University, 1947- 1970 AD-709 351 /CP Sola-Ice: A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Compressible Fluid Flows LA-6236 An Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave Motion and Upstream Influence in a Stratified Fluid. N74-32747/9CP Extensions and Revisions for the NASA-Ames and Gas-NAS Flow Field Codes SAND-74-0097 Shemp A Service Program for the Hemp Pro- gram UCID-30089 H-Division Quarterly Report, October-December 1975 UCRL-50028-75-4 H-Division Quarterly Report, January—March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 H-Division Quarterly Report. Apnl--June 1976 UCRL-50028-76-2 Hemp User's Manual UCRL-51079(Rev 1) FLUIOICS Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP Fluerics 32. An Analytical Model for the Response of Flueric Wall-Attachment Amplifiers AD-747 761 /CP The Coanda Effect with Jet Displacement over Planar, Concave, and Convex Walls AD-764 506/CP FLUIDIZED BED PROCESSORS Modeling of Fluidized Bed Silicon Deposition Process. N77-28581/5CP FLUTTER Supersonic Chordwise Bending Flutter in Cascades AD-A035 678/2CP FOCUSING Molecular Beam Focusing of Diatomics in Selected States - Two New Methods. N70-36673/CP Theoretical Aspects of the Determination of Parti- cle-Size Distributions from Measurements of Scattered Light Intensity AD-721 089/CP The Effects of Multiple Scattering on Backscatter Lidar Measurements in Fogs AD-781 801 /6CP FOILS Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils LA-4443 FOKKER-PLANCK EQUATION FIFPC, a Fast Ion Fokker-Planck Code ORNL/TM-5487 FOKN COMPUTER CODE FOKN: A Relativistic Fokker-Planck Code with Large Angle Scattering and Radiation Losses UCID-17196 FORTRAN A FORTRAN Program to Plot Phase Shifts of the Three Dimensional Square Well AD-A019 116/3CP Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations AD-A023 891/5CP Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients N70-29734/CP Ntwo - a Nitrogen Properties Package. N70-29990/CP Surf - a Fortran Program for the Coupled- Chan- nel Calculation of the Photoreaction Cross-Sec- tions in the One Particle - One Hole Continuum Approximation. N70-30085/CP VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-17424/CP Fortran Programmes for Axisymmetric Potential Flow around Closed and Semi-Infinite Bodies N72-31307/CP A Fortran Program for Predicting the Tempera- ture-Time Histories of Hemispherical Shells Sub- jected to Aerodynamic Heating N73-18961/CP Apparatus and Programs for Digital Analysis of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Flow N74-11047/9CP Boundary Condition Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16699/2CP Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4 N75-32941/7CP FORTRAN 4 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Calculation of Potential Flow About Arbitra- ryThree-Dimensional Lifting Bodies Users Manual AD-755 933/CP FOURIER ANALYSIS A Program for Least-Squares Analysis of Fourier Coefficients of Peak Shapes and Comparisons of Old and New Procedures AD-759 994/CP FOURIER TRANSFORMATION EMPFIT: A Computer Code for Fitting EMP Waveforms that Facilitates the Calculation of the Fourier Transform AD-A040 019/2CP A Program for Least-Squares Analysis of Fourier Coefficients of Peak Shapes and Comparisons of Old and New Procedures AD-759 994/CP FRACTURE (MECHANICS) Coalescence of Cavities During Dynamic Fracture AD-761 082/CP An Experimental Determination of the Stress In- tensity around Surface Flaws Embedded in Hol- low Cylinders Subjected to Bending AD-778 735/1CP FREE FLIGHT Free-Flight Static Stability Measurements of Cones in Hypersonic Flow N71-31663/CP FREE FLOW Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications. N74-31752/0CP FREE JETS Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Com- puter Code. N70-27641/CP FREON Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4. N75-32941/7CP FREQUENCY MODULATION Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP FREQUENCY MULTIPLIERS A Review of Parametric Oscillators and Mixers and an Evaluation of Materials for 2 - 6 microme- ter Applications AD-A002 586/6CP The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials: Nonlinear Optical Interactions in KDP Prisms AD-771 048/6CP FREQUENCY RESPONSE A Computer Program for Predicting the Frequen- cy Response of Complex Pneumatic Line Net- works AD-A023 344/5CP A Method for Simulating Steady State Friction in Transient Fluid Flow AD-A023 351. 'OCP FREQUENCY SHIFT Studies in Optics AD-786 847/4CP FRESNEL REGION The Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer Regions Using Numerical Integration Methods N72-14697/CP FRICTION DRAG Basis for Calculating Effects of Air Resistance to H5 Shrapnel N73-15304/CP FUEL CYCLE SYNBURN: Fast-Reactor Fuel-Cycle Program ANL-76-14 FUEL ELEMENTS MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 FUEL SYSTEMS Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Hydraulic Ram IV. (User's Manual for Pressure Wave Generation Model) AD-A033 462/3CP FUEL TANKS A Computer Program for Fuel Sloshing in an Ax- isymmetric Tank N70-43192/CP A Computer Program for the Calculation of Ther- mal Stratification and Self-Pressurization in a Liquid Hydrogen Tank N72-24362/CP FUNCTIONS (MATHEMATICS) An Improved Technique for Determining Reflec- tion from Semi-Infinite Atmospheres with Linearly Anisotropic Phase Functions. N75-31854/3CP G CODES Gog B: An Improved Two Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Code AEEW-R-804 G exp 3 : General Purpose gamma-Ray Scattering Program LA-5176 Extensions and Revisions for the NASA-Ames and Gas-NAS Flow Field Codes. SAND-74-0097 GADOLINIUM Energy Loss of High Energy Electrons in Tin, Lead, and Gadolinium. AD-711 005/CP GALERKIN METHOD Flutter in Continuous Panels N70-25924/CP GALLIUM ARSENIDE LASERS Neutron Irradiation Effects on Diffused GaAs Laser Diodes AD-735 939/CP GALLIUM ARSENIDES Defect Structure in GaAs AD-A032 697/5CP Conduction Mechanisms in Epitaxial Gallium Ar- senide AD-722 650/CP Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide AD-850 272/CP Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids Semi- annual Status Report. 1 Oct. - 31 Dec 1969 N70-26117/CP Optimization of a Solution Growth Experiment for Zero Gravity and Development of Apparatus for a Melt Growth Experiment Final Report N71-27926/CP GALLIUM COMPOUNDS Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Ga(2- X)Fe(X)03 AD-715 651/CP GALLIUM FERRATES Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Ga(2- X)Fe(X)03 AD-715 651/CP GAMMA CROSS SECTIONS Xchekr- a Multigroup Cross-Section Editing and Checking Code ORNL-TM-3518 Processing Codes for Group-Averaged Discrete Ordinates Cross-Section Tables SC-DR-710320 GAMMA FLUX DENSITY An Adjoint Gamma-Ray Moments Computer Code, ADJMOM-I COM-73-50209/CP GAMMA-PROTON REACTIONS Fortran Programs for (P. gamma) Yield Calcula- tions Based on Vavilov s Theory of Energy Loss Distributions AD-723 188/CP GAMMA RADIATION Gauss V- a Computer Program for the Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from GE(Li) Spectrometers ANCR-1043 31 SUBJECT INDEX Gamma Ray Analysis Programs ANU-P-438 Anisn System- Description and Service Instruc- tions for the Anisn Discrete Ordinate Program and Subroutines ORNL-TR-2419 GAMMA-RAY CROSS SECTIONS Laph: A Multigroup Photon Production Matrix and Source Vector Code for Endf/B. LA-4337 GAMMA-RAY SCATTERING Backscattering for gamma Rays from a Point Source Near a Concrete Plane Surface. AD-716 320/CP GAMMA-RAY SPECTRA The Use and Testing' of al. Fe. Ni. Cu. and PB Secondary gamma-Ray Production Data Sets from the POPOP4 Library AD-709 459/CP A FORTRAN Program to Analyze Gamma-Ray Spectra Recorded with Ge(Li) Detectors AD-769 219/7CP MAZE 3 - A Sequential Computer Spectral Enhancement Code Studied for Conversion to IL- LIAC IV AD-781 280/3CP GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY Sampo: A Fortran IV Program for Computer Anal- ysis of gamma Spectra from Ge(Li) Detectors, and for Other Spectra with Peaks UCRL-19452 GAMMA RAY TRANSPORT THEORY SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions Revision A AD-751 617/CP SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions - Revision B AD-767 439/3CP GAMMA RAYS Monte Carlo Anaylsis of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Transition Zone Dose and Photo-Compton Cur- rent AD-A002 343/2CP A Numerical Treatment of Scattering and Fluorescence in Plane Geometry AD-725 f61/CP SAM-A, an Adjoint Monte Carlo Gamma Ray Transport Code AD-734 401 /CP The MORSE Code with Combinatorial Geometry AD-743 171/CP SAM-CE: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions AD-746 462/CP Modification of the SAM-CE System to SAM-CE Revision A AD-749 980/CP SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions Revision A AD-751 617/CP A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code GAM- MOM-I AD-761 839/CP SAM-CE Monte Carlo Calculations of Nitrogen and Carbon Ball Integral Experiments AD-766 509/4CP SAM-CE A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions - Revision B AD-767 439/3CP Additional Analysis of Neutron and Secondary Gamma Ray Transport in Concrete Using the SAM-CE Monte Carlo Code AD-768 042/4CP A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code. GAMMOM-I COM-73-50374/CP Andante - an ALGOL Program for Decomposition of gamma-Ray Spectra and Processing of Foil Counting Data. N70-27510/CP SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS N71-18782/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 1 N72-24289/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad Volume 2 Code User Manual N72-24290/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP Icpeax, a Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors N72-26666/CP A Computer Code for Predicting gamma Produc- tion Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scatter- ing from Light Nuclei N72-29705/CP Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation N72-30618/CP GAMMA SPECTRA Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 GAMMA SPECTROMETERS Gauss V- a Computer Program for the Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from GE(Li) Spectrometers ANCR-1043 Gamma-Ray Spectra Computer Code Part I CEA-N-1381(1) Sara- a Code for the Analysis of Spectra Recorded by GE-Li Spectrometers CEA-N-1506 Icpeax- Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors I. R.I. -133-70-4 Computer Program Fit for Fitting gamma-Ray Spectrum JAERI-M-4571 Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Gamma Ray Analysis Programs ANU-P-438 GELI2 and Span 2- Fortran Programs to Calculate Nuclide Abundances from Multichannel gamma Ray Spectra DP-1275 Gamanl- a Computer Program Applying Fourier Transforms to the Analysis of gamma Spectral Data MIT-3944-2 GAMMA TRANSPORT THEORY Monte Carlo Photon Codes Meg and Mcp LA-5157-MS G exp 3 : General Purpose gamma-Ray Scattering Program LA-5176 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program. Cohort. Volume 1 Theory and Techniques Revised N-70-42026 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort Volume 2 Users Manual. Revised N-70-42027 TARTNP User s Manual UCID-17026 GARNET Magnetic Moment Versus Temperature Curves of Ferrimagnetic Garnet Materials AD-715 284/CP Garnet Film Optics AD-777 724/6CP GARTH COMPUTER PROGRAM GARTH, a Full-Range Integral Transport Code for Reactor Design Calculations GA-A-13745 GAS DETECTORS Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contaminants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy N76-28820/8CP GAS DISCHARGES Creation and Modification of Acoustic Signals by Discharge Plasma AD-728 583/CP The Effect of Condensation on the Breakdown Strength of a Helium-Mercury Mixture AD-733 328/CP Computer Studies of Electric Fields and Fluid Fields in Electrofluid Dynamic Generators AD-739 547/CP Laser Induced Breakdown in High Pressure Noble Gases AD-743 008/CP Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Particle Contaminants on Laser-Induced Air Breakdown AD-760 175/CP Rotational Temperature Measurements in Flowing Nitrogen Discharges by Sidelight Spectroscopy AD-762 290/CP GAS DYNAMIC LASERS Effect of Kinetic Rate Uncertainties on Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Energy Predictions AD-A015 790/9CP A Computer Program for C02-N2-H20 Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Maximum Available Power AD-735 878/CP Analytical Investigation of Transient Diffuser Wave Phenomena AD-783 864/2CP Demonstration of HF Chain Reaction Laser AD-921 655/7CP GAS DYNAMICS Natural Convection in an Enclosed Gas Heated by Local Laser Radiation AD-A023 525/9CP A Finite Element Method and Corresponding Pilot Computer Code for Hyperbolic Systems of Equa- tions in Two Spatial Dimensions and Time Ap- plied to Unsteady Gas Flows AD-A045 703/6CP Development of a Finite Element Approach for Approximate Analysis of Unsteady Compressible Fluid Flow AD-746 234/CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume I. Laser and Mixing Program Theory and Users Guide AD-775 411/2CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Volume II Two-Dimensional Fresnel Integral Laser and Mix- ing Program User's Guide AD-775 412/0CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Volume III. Lockheed One-Dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide AD-775 413/8CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development Volume IV Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Pro- gram Theory and User's Guide AD-775 414/6CP Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Summary Volume AD-775 417/9CP An Analysis of Transient Flow in a Duct of Vary- ing Cross Section AD-782 446/9CP The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis, Volume 1. N75-26307/9CP GAS EXPANSION A Program for Calculating Expansion-Tube Flow Quantities for Real-Gas Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Results N72-32300/CP GAS FLOW Investigation of Transient Flow and Heating Problems Characteristic of High Energy Laser Gas Circulation Systems AD-A041 040/7CP Near-Free-Molecule Flow Calculations-Monte Carlo Study of Skimmer Interactions AD-744 508/CP The Application of Holographic Interferometry to the Determination of Discontinuous Three-Dimen- sional Density Fields AD-756 535/CP A Hot-Wire Anemometer Study of Free Turbulent Mixing in Axial Pressure Gradients AD-756 543/CP NAP: A Computer Program for the Computation of Two-Dimensional, Time-Dependent. Inviscid Nozzle Flow LA-5984 Computation of Laminar Flow Between Shrouded Rotating Discs N71-13798/CP 32 SUBJECT INDEX GROUND WATER Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02-AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures N72-18961/CP Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time- Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Different Conditions N73-15305/CP A Computer Program for Calculating the Perfect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Axisymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-12090/8CP Correlation of Heat Transfer for the Zero Pressure Gradient Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer for Several Gases N74-15976/5CP Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Fric- tion - Application to Gas Film Seals N74-17015/0CP Computer Program for Calculation of Real Gas Turbulent Boundary Layers with Variable Edge Entropy. N74-26819/4CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 2: User'S Manual. N76-21453/5CP Calculation of a Quasi One-Dimensional Gas Flow in Equilibrium or Not Comparison of the Results and Application to a Hypersonic Wake Calcul d UN Ecoulement Quasi Monodimensionnel d'UN Gaz en Equilibre ou Non. Comparaison des Resultats et Application au Sillage Hypersonique. N77-17407/6CP Computer Program Ganesi: Description of a Com- puter Program for the Simulation of Unsteady Flows in Gas Distribution Networks. N77-19374/6CP Procedures for Measurement in Stratified Gases. Volume II. Appendices PB-241 838/2CP Improved Real Gas Routines for Sandia's NASA Ames Flow Field Program SAND-75-0493 Description of the Pufl Fortran Program. UCRL-50802 Computer Programs for Simulating Physical Phenomena in Three Space Dimensions and Time. UCRL-76084 General Loss Coefficient Program. WANL-TMI-1722 GAS IONIZATION A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume I AD-722 709/CP Photo-Equilibrium of Barium AD-739 166/CP Laser Induced Breakdown in High Pressure Noble Gases AD-743 008/CP Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment AD-745 374/CP PEDAS: A 2-Dimensional Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Code for Photon-Energy Deposition and Air Stripping AD-752 026/CP GAS LASERS Excimer Lasers AD-A018 641/1CP Submillimetre Laser, Microwave and Spectro- scopic Diagnostics of Ionization in Gaseous Plasmas AD-A028 403/4CP Metal Atom Oxidation Laser AD-A031 820/4CP Excimer Lasers AD-A035 340/9CP Construction and Simulation of a Gas Dynamic Laser. AD-709 908/CP A Fresnel Drag Laser Gyroscope. AD-711 654/CP A Computer Program for C02-N2-H20 Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Maximum Available Power AD-735 878/CP RESALE-1 : A Chemical Laser Computer Program AD-738 647/CP RESALE-2, C02. and INHALE AD-748 293/CP The HN3 + C02 Laser: an Analytical and Experi- mental Investigation AD-751 634/CP Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers. Part I AD-763 905/CP Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers. Part II AD-763 906/CP Comparative Performance of Hollow-Cathode and Axial Plasma Helium-Neon Lasers AD-911 533/8CP Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 10.6 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP Program for Computing One-Dimensional Steady Flows with Energy Addition in a Tube of Given Shape Programme de Calcul d'Ecoulements Monodimensionnels Stationnaires Avec Apport d'Energie dans Une Conduite de Forme Donnee. N77-21382/5CP GAS MIXTURES Laminar or Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows of Perfect Gases or Reacting Gas Mixtures in Chemical Equilibrium N72-11288/CP A Fortran Program for the Determination of Noz- zle Contours for Rotational. Non-Homentropic Gas Mixtures. N77-22421/0CP GAS PRESSURE Dnf: A Dynamic Filter for the on-Line Estimation and Prediction of Transient Pressures and Flows in a Gas Network N74-14979/0CP GAS SAMPLING Procedures for Measurement in Stratified Gases. Volume II. Appendices PB-241 838/2CP GAS TURBINES Some Contributions to the Techniques for Testing Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces. AD-717 662/CP Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Tip Clearance and End Losses on Axial Compressor Performance AD-767 656/2CP GASES A Set of Tables of the Relative Speed of Sound in Various Diving Gas Mixtures AD-780 414/9CP Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution Law with Illustrations from a Hard-Sphere Model Computer Program LA-4868 The Solution of the Boundary Layer Equations of Chemically Reacting Gases with a Hermitian Finite Difference Method N73-18273/CP GASPLOT COMPUTER PROGRAM Gasplot - a Computer Graphics Program That Draws a Variety of Thermophysical Property Charts. N77-28015/4CP GAUSS FUNCTION Chebinq: A Fortran Program to Calculate Chebyshev Inequalities and Gaussian Integration Parameters AECL-4832 GENERATORS Synthesis of High Speed Homopolar Alternators and Theory of Solid Rotor Electrical Machines AD-743 591 /CP GEODETIC SATELLITES Modifications to Fotonap AD-A043 607/1 CP GEOLOGIC STRUCTURES Boundary Layer Solutions for Natural Convection in Porous Media SAND-76-0075 GEOMETRICAL ACOUSTICS Geometrical Acoustics Techniques in Far Field In- frasonic Waveform Syntheses AD-A024 721 /3CP GERMANIUM Microwave Properties of Germanium and Silicon Windows AD-753 466/CP GIANT RESONANCE Giant Multipole Resonances in 197Au AD-772 849/6CP GLASS Mechanisms of Structural Transformation in Amorphous Solids Studied by X-Ray Scattering Techniques. AD-712 612/CP Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of Neutron In- teracting Units. Part III. Arrays of U(93.2) Metal Separated by Various Materials Y-DR-83 GOLD Studies. Research and Investigations of the Opti- cal Properties of Thin Films of Metals. Semi-Con- ductors and Dielectrics AD-726 137/CP Giant Multipole Resonances in 197Au AD-772 849/6CP The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet N72-33662/CP GOLD 197 Giant Multipole Resonances in 197Au AD-772 849/6CP Electroexcitation of Giant Resonances between 5 MeV and 40 MeV Excitation Energy in 197Au AD-783 857/6CP GONIOMETERS Determination of Texture Pole Figures Using Picker FACS-1 Apparatus AD-A015 731 /3CP GRAD COMPUTER PROGRAM Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS GRAIN BOUNDARIES Grain Boundary Contrast in Field Ion Microscope Images AD-734 839/CP Computations. Tables, and Approximations for Grain Boundary Diffusion Theory. ORNL-4906 GRAIN GROWTH Computer Simulation of Homogeneous Nuclea- tion and Growth Processes LBL-5125 GRAPHITE Thermal Radiative Losses from Graphite Calorimeters Used in Pulsed Electron Beam Ex- periments AD-A037 754/9CP Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0. D/Sub 2/0. C. Zrh/Sub 21, (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub XI. Be. Beo. C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/. and Uo/Sub 2/ DP- 1276 Colli- a Program Package for Calculation of Ther- mal-Neutron Scattering JUL-668-RG GRATINGS (SPECTRA) Electromagnetic Diffraction by Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings N72-33663/CP Electromagnetic Diffraction Efficiencies for Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings N74-10505/7CP GRAVITATIONAL WAVES One-Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Gravitational Antenna: Preliminary Results. N76-33791/4CP GRAVITY WAVES Interaction between Steady Non-Uniform Two- Dimensional Currents and Directional Wind- Generated Gravity Waves with Applications tor Current Measurements AD-A040 600/9CP GREEN'S FUNCTION Computation of Green'S Functions for Bodies of Revolution. AD-711 099/CP GROUND EFFECT MACHINES Turning Characteristics of the Bell 100 Ton Sur- face Effect Ship AD-767 680/2CP GROUND WATER Unsteady Inertial Effects in Fluid Flow Through Porous Media PB-201 744/CP 33 SUBJECT INDEX Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Ground- Water Flow Including Effects of Evapotranspira- tion PB-207 135/CP GROUP CONSTANTS Migros-2: A Program Written in Fortran for the Calculation of Microscopic Group Constants from Nuclear Data KFK-1784 GRUNEISEN CONSTANT Computer Program for Evaluation of Bloch- Grueneisen Parameters of Metals and Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity of Tantalum as a Function of Temperature N71-29922/CP GUIDED MISSILES Analysis of Number of Eigenvalues Needed When Computing Temperatures for Multilayer Cylinders Using the Exact Solution Method AD-847 480/CP TWIG-A Computer Program for Calculating Unidirectional Transient and Steady-State Tem- perature Distributions in One, Two. and Three- Layer Slabs and Cylinders-Constant Heat Flux Ap- plied to Outside Surface AD-857 866/CP GULLIES Spatially Varied Subcritical and Supercritical Flow in Gullies PB-236 788/6CP GUN BARRELS Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat- Transfer Problems Part I Finite-Element Method Applied to Heat-Conduction Solids with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions AD-726 370/CP Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat- Transfer Problems Part II Transient Two-Dimen- sional Heat Transfer with Convection and Radia- tion Boundary Conditions AD-726 371 /CP Conductive Heat-Transfer Resistance of Com- pound Barrel Interface AD-728 811/CP GUNN DIODES Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide AD-850 272/CP GUNN EFFECT Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids. N74-20314/2CP Sabot Aerodynamics During Discard AD-AOOO 899/5CP GUST LOADS Responses of Small Rigid Aircraft to Discrete and Continuous Gust Analysis - Phase I AD-A020 103/8CP Mathematical Wind Gust Model and Computer Programs for Use with Aircraft Simulations AD-733 905/CP GYROSCOPES A Fresnel Drag Laser Gyroscope AD-711 654/CP H CODES Numerical Treatment of Heat Conduction Problems with the Help of Finite Elements in Three Dimensions. Juel-1134-AT Shemp: A Service Program for the Hemp Pro- gram. UCID-30089 Hemp User's Manual. UCRL-51079(Rev.1) Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. UCRL-51574 Univac 1108 Hammer-Hanford Version Supple- mentary Users Note UNI-35 HADRONS Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 Graphical Man-Machine Interactive Systems for Numerical Problems- Peg. a Special Purpose System- and gamma, a General Purpose System CERN-70-23 HALF CONES Free-Flight Static Stability Measurements of Cones in Hypersonic Flow N71-31663/CP HALL EFFECT Physical Interpretation of Hall Effect Measure- ments by a Least Squares Method - Application to Different Models. N70-26255/CP HANDBOOKS Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume I AD-A021 960/OCP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume II AD-A021 961/8CP HARTREE-FOCK APPROXIMATION Hartree-Fock Electron Distribution of Cubic BN AD-A005 808/1 CP HEAT EQUATION DELFINE Program CEA-N-1956 HEAT EXCHANGERS Some Contributions to the Techniques for Testing Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces AD-717 662/CP Investigation of the Performance of a Gas-Loaded Variable Conductance Heat Pipe AD-757 684/CP Error Estimation of Hybrid Simulation Method for Basic Heat-Exchange Model JAERI-M-6740 Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Computer Code N73-10891/CP CACHE: An Extended Basic Program Which Com- putes the Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers ORNL/TM-4952 Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Performance of Heated Perforated Flat Plates PB-236 675/5CP Analysis of Combined Forced and Free Laminar Convection in Horizontal Tubes PB-240 496/OCP Theoretical Investigation of the Temperature Dis- tribution in a NA-K Counter Flow Heat Exchanger with Liquid Reversal SFB-MHD-3 HEAT FLUX Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume I Theory and Experiment PB-254 425/2CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients Volume II: Analytical Techniques PB-254 426/OCP HEAT PIPES Heat Transfer Analysis of a Rotating Heat Pipe Containing Internal, Axial Fins AD-A028 867/OCP Investigation of the Performance of a Gas-Loaded Variable Conductance Heat Pipe AD-757 684/CP Mathematical Modeling of Cryogenic Heat Pipes N71-16887/CP Mathematical Modeling of High and Low Tem- perature Heat Pipes N72-26963/CP User'S Manual for the TRW Gaspipe 2 Program: A Vapor-Gas Front Analysis Program for Heat Pipes Containing Non-Condensible Gas N74-13663/1CP Computer Program Grade for Design and Analysis of Graded-Porosity Heat-Pipe Wicks N75-14996/3CP HEAT SHIELDING Optimization of Thermal Protection Systems for the Space Vehicle Volume 2 Users Manual N73-13951/CP Single-Node Orbit Analsyis with Radiation Heat Transfer Only. N78-14314/6CP HEAT TRANSFER Heat Transfer Analysis of a Rotating Heat Pipe Containing Internal. Axial Fins AD-A028 867/OCP Heat Transfer Analysis for Unsteady High Velocity Pipe Flow Part I On Minimization of Temperature Distortion in the Thermocouple Cavity. Part II. Im- proved Accuracy in the Prediction of Surface Heat Flux and Temperature by Intrinsic Ther- mocouple Part III Prediction of Transient Surface Heat Flux and Temperature on a Hollow Cylinder AD-A035 613/9CP Thermal Radiative Losses from Graphite Calorimeters Used in Pulsed Electron Beam Ex- periments AD-A037 754/9CP Continuous Surface-Density Monte Carlo Solution to the Dirichlet Heat-Transfer Problem AD-A037 899/2CP Some Contributions to the Techniques for Testing Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces AD-717 662/CP Theoretical Determination of Convection Heat- Transfer Coefficients Around a Turbine Airfoil (with Computer Program) AD-723 653/CP Multi-Purpose-Instrument Research: A New Mea- surement Technique and Property Table Genera- tion AD-736 870/CP THEROS: A Computer Program for Heat Flow Analysis AD-780 514/6CP NRL Modified Version of CINDA-3G Program AD-786 351 /7CP DELFINE Program CEA-N-1956 Tac3d: A General Purpose Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer Computer Code: Mathematical For- mulations and Programmer's Guide GA-9264 REGPLOT A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATINGS Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 Direct Solution Technique for Solving Steady- State Problems Using the HEATING5 Heat Transfer Code K/CSD/TM-15 Application of the Substructuring Method to Thermal Analysis KAPL-P-4056 Biot- a 3-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Code KFKI-70-35-RPT Calculation of Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Coefficients During Rewetting of Highly Heated Tubes MRR-167 Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Beds under Variable Body Forces. Part 4 Final Report N70-29743/CP Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 9 - Further Development of the Method of Computation. N70-36925/CP An Investigation of the High Speed Turbulent Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Arbitrary Pressure Gradient Part 3 - Computer Program Manual. N70-42196/CP Application of Moderate Resolution Band Models to the Prediction of Heat Transfer from Rocket Exhaust Plumes N71-16429/CP GIG - A FORTRAN 4 GEOMETRY INPUT GENERA- TOR PROGRAM FOR A FINITE-ELEMENT HEAT- TRANSFER CODE N71-18621/CP Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer insulation N71-24594/CP Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Ef- fects Shape Change N71-37569/CP Calculation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Utilizing a Compressibility Transformation Part 3 Computer Program Manual N72-15173/CP Mathematical Modeling of High and Low Tem- perature Heat Pipes N72-26963/CP Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Computer Code N73-10891/CP Comoc Thermal Analysis Variant Users Manual N73-16927/CP User S Manual for the TRW Gaspipe 2 Program. A Vapor-Gas Front Analysis Program for Heat Pipes Containing Non-Condensible Gas N74-13663/1CP 34 SUBJECT INDEX HTGR TYPE REACTORS Users' Guide to the Gibson-Spalding and Green Programs for the Calculation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Pressure Gradient and Heat Transter. N75-19190/8CP Thermal Acoustic Oscillations, Volume 2. N75-25674/3CP The Behavior of Transpired Turbulent Boundary Layers. N75-32383/2CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 1. N77-23411/0CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 2. N77-23412/8CP UNT - a Procedure for Solving a Non-Stationary Heat Transfer Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates NIIAR-P-259 Documentation of the Heat Conduction Code TRANCO ORNL/Sub-4269/15 Orthis, Orthat- Two Computer Programs for Solv- ing Two-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Problems ORNL-TM-3324 Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Bibliography. ORNL-TM-4497 Heatran. A Finite Element Code for Heat Transfer Problems. PB-192 139/CP Non-Linear Heat Transfer Analysis of Axisymmet- ric Solids PB-199 169/CP Analysis of Combined Forced and Free Laminar Convection in Horizontal Tubes PB-240 496/OCP Data Reduction by an Approximate Thermal Diffu- sion Solution PB-242 416/6CP Post Critical Heat Transfer to Flowing Liquid in a Vertical Tube PB-252 406/4CP Temperature and Eddy Diffusivity Distributions in Fully Turbulent Pipe Flow PB-253 278/6CP Heat Transfer and Carryover of Low Pressure Water in a Heated Vertical Tube PB-256 480/5CP Boundary Layer Solutions for Natural Convection in Porous Media SAND-76-0075 Mesh Generation for Two-Dimensional Regions Using a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) Graphics Terminal SAND-76-8231 Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Forms of Heat Equation SC-M-70-83 Heatmesh-71- a Computer Code for Generating Geometrical Data Required for Studies of Heat Transfer in Axisymmetric Structures SCL-DR-720004 Couple- a Pseudo Finite Element Conduction Code for the Transient Thermal Response of Ax- isymmetric or Plane Anisotropic Materials SCL-RR-720324 Threat: A 3-D Heat Transfer Program TRG-Report-2684(R) Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1. Theoretical Description TRG-2459 Fed: A Computer Program to Generate Geometric Input for the Heat-Transfer Code Trump UCRL-50816 Tap-a- a Program for Computing Transient or Steady-State Temperature Distributions WANL-TME-1872 Heat Transfer Study for a Quasi-lsostatic Hot Pressing Process Y-1741 HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS Application of Phase-Change Technique to Thin Sections with Heating on Both Surfaces N73-29965/3CP HEAT TRANSMISSION Modified Thermal Analyzer Digital Computer Pro- gram (Tap) N71-37734/CP A Computer Program to Solve the One Dimen- sional Heat Conduction Problem Using the Hop- scotch Algorithm N73-28914/2CP Flow Rate and Property-Related Flux from Point Measurements in a Duct. User's Guide to the FORTRAN Program EMIT 2 PB-270 714/9CP HEATING Radial Heat Conduction in Laser Heating of Material Slabs AD-729 642/CP HEATINGS COMPUTER PROGRAM REGPLOT A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 HEAVY ION REACTIONS Ornl Alice: A Statistical Model Computer Code In- cluding Fission Competition ORNL/TM-6054 HEAVY NUCLEI Total beta -Decay Energies and Atomic Masses in Regions Far from beta -Stability. On Line Isotope Separator Investigations in the Mass Regions a = 75-87. 120-135 and 222-229 INIS-mf-3836 HELICOPTER ROTORS REXOR Rotorcraft Simulation. Volume III. User's Manual AD-A028 417/4CP An Acoustic-Array Model for the Computation of the Rotational Noise of a Lifting Rotor AD-740 816/CP Study of Impulsive Sound Generated by Rotor Tips Accelerating Near the Sonic Speed AD-752 301/CP HELICOPTERS REXOR Rotorcraft Simulation. Volume III. User's Manual AD-A028 417/4CP HELIUM Application of the Harris Expansion Method to the Elastic S-Wave Scattering of Electrons by Hydrogen Atoms and by Singly Ionized Helium AD-758 500/CP Generalized One Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code for Partially Ionized Hydrogen or Helium Plasmas LRP-46/71 Heprop a Computer Programme for the Ther- mophysical Properties of Helium N73-22896/CP Heprop: A Computer Programme for the Ther- modynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Helium. N76-11902/3CP Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, June 1-Sep- tember 30. 1972 ORO-3912-19 HELIUM 4 TARGET Design and Construction of a Spectrometer Facility and Experiment for Intermediate Energy Proton Scattering on Helium LA-6631-T HELIUM GROUP GASES Laser Induced Breakdown in High Pressure Noble Gases AD-743 008/CP HELIUM PLASMA Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen-Helium Plasmas N72-14938/CP HEMISPHERICAL SHELLS A Fortran Program for Predicting the Tempera- ture-Time Histories of Hemispherical Shells Sub- jected to Aerodynamic Heating N73-18961/CP HETERODYNING Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 10 6 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP HETEROJUNCTIONS A Model for the Prediction of Semiconductor Heterojunction Discontinuities Using Bulk Band Structures AD-A032 078/8CP HIDE COMPUTER PROGRAM HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP HIGH ENERGY INTERACTIONS Proper 3 C - a Nucleon Pion Transport Code N71-24723/CP HIGH ENERGY LASERS High Energy Laser Test Support Equipment Beam Diagnostic Program AD-A025 145/4CP HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS PHYSICS REPORT. NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 UCRL-20120 HIGH PRESSURE A New Device for Generating Pressures up to 400 Kilobars AD-A001 671 /7CP HIGH-PRESSURE SYSTEMS Heat Transfer Study for a Quasi-lsostatic Hot Pressing Process Y-1741 HIGH TEMPERATURE Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen-Helium Plasmas N72-14938/CP HIGHWAYS Manual for Highway Noise Prediction (Appendix B) PB-226 087/5CP HISS The Effect of Large Scale Irregularities on the Propagation of VLF Waves Through the Lower Ionosphere with Special Reference to Auroral Hiss. N70-22824/CP HOLOGRAMS Digital Reconstruction of Acoustic Holograms AD-A022 666/2CP HOLOGRAPHY Evaluation of Hologram Optical Elements AD-A012 810/8CP Digital Reconstruction of Acoustic Holograms AD-A022 666/2CP Holographic Ray Tracing and Spot Diagrams AD-A027 043/9CP Holography as Applied to Jet Breakup and an Analytical Method for Reducing Holographic Droplet Data AD-749 854/CP Experimental Techniques in Holographic Inter- ferometry AD-767 672/9CP Electromagnetic Diffraction Efficiencies for Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings N74-10505/7CP Holographic Optical Elements: Fabrication and Testing N74-30109/4CP HOMOGENEOUS TURBULENCE An llliac Program for the Numerical Simulation of Homogeneous Incompressible Turbulence. N78-13367/5CP HOT WIRE ANEMOMETERS Analysis of Temperature Compensating Circuits for Hot-Wires and Hot-Films AD-A050 080/1 CP HOT WIRE ANEMOMETRY A Hot-Wire Anemometer Study of Free Turbulent Mixing in Axial Pressure Gradients AD-756 543/CP HOT-WIRE FLOWMETERS The Vorcom Part 1: Analytical Considerations. N76-24505/9CP HTGR TYPE REACTORS OSCIL: One-Dimensional Spring-Mass System Simulator for Seismic Analysis of High Tempera- ture Gas Cooled Reactor Core BNL-21023 CACHE: An Extended Basic Program Which Com- putes the Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers ORNL/TM-4952 ORECA-1 A Digital Computer Code for Simulat- ing the Dynamics of HTGR Cores for Emergency Cooling Analyses ORNL/TM-5159 HTCAP: A Fortran IV Program for Calculating Coated-Particle Operating Temperatures in HFIR Target Irradiation Experiments ORNL/TM-5332 35 SUBJECT INDEX HULL COMPUTER PROGRAM Non-Equilibrium Radiation for the HULL Code AD-A032 724/7CP HYBRID SIMULATION Ray Tracing Study AD-779 091 /8CP Error Estimation of Hybrid Simulation Method for Basic Heat-Exchange Model JAERI-M-6740 HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT Noise Reduction in Hydraulic Systems AD-775 223/1CP HYDRAULIC JETS Negatively Buoyant Jets in a Cross Flow PB-234 177/4CP HYDRAULIC RAM EFFECT Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Hydraulic Ram IV. (Users Manual for Pressure Wave Generation Model) AD-A033 462/3CP HYDRAZOIC ACID The HN3 + C02 Laser: an Analytical and Experi- mental Investigation AD-751 634/CP HYDRIDES Time-Dependent Solution to Interstitial Diffusion in a Temperature Gradient LA-4985 HYDROCARBONS Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in the Critical Tem- perature Region of Beta. Beta'-Dichloroethyl Ether + Hexane AD-750 247/CP HYDRODYNAMIC CODES Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations AD-A023 891 /5CP Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP Development and Testing of DAVID: A Close-in EMP Coupling Code for Arbitrarily Shaped Ob- jects AD-A030 684/5CP Non-Equilibrium Radiation for the HULL Code AD-A032 724/7CP HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATIONS A Numerically Efficient Finite Element Hydroelastic Analysis Volume 1 : Theory and Results N76-23627/2CP HYDRODYNAMIC SEALS Turbulence and Inertia Effects in the Aligned Face Seal AD-730 723/CP HYDRODYNAMICS Unsteady Hydrodynamics of a Body of Revolution with Fairwater and Rudder AD-A003 009/8CP Vibroacoustic Response of Turbulence Excited Thin Rectangular Finite Plates in Heavy and Fluid Media AD-A016 540/7CP A Method of Estimating the Sway Force and Rolling Moment on a Submarine Due to Dif- ferentially Deflected Sailplanes AD-A019 101/5CP Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations AD-A023 891 /5CP Some Problems in the Simulation of Very Large Hydrodynamic Systems AD-A026 648/6CP Forces on Roughened Cylinders in Harmonic Flow at High Reynolds Numbers AD-A041 179/3CP Feasibility of a Special-Purpose Computer to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A047 243/1CP Transient Free-Surface Hydrodynamics AD-A048 749/6CP Study of Some Astrophysical Problems Concern- ing Plasma Processes and Rotational Hydrodynamics. AD-715 925/CP The Unsteady Hydrodynamics and Control of Hydrofoils Near a Free Surface AD-717 681/CP Spshell, Oildrop, and Spclam: Three Programs to Solve Hydrodynamics Problems in Two Dimen- sions AD-717 708/CP RADOIL and RAM AD-729 701/CP SPSHELL, OILDROP. and SPCLAM: Three Pro- grams to Solve Hydrodynamics Problems in Two Dimensions AD-739 354/CP CCAMIN. a Computer Program for Fitting Time of Arrival and Shock Peak Overpressure Datain a Gas AD-749 332/CP The Deterministic Evaluation of Ship Motion Im- pulse Response Functions AD-749 962/CP SHAS2D - A Fully Compressible Hydrodynamics Code in Two Dimensions AD-754 736/CP Theoretical Evaluation of Ship Added Resistance in Waves AD-760 002/CP Barge Trains in a Coastal Seaway Part II. Predic- tions of Lateral Motions and Bending Moments COM-71-00788/CP The Hydrodynamics of Two-Phase Flow around Fence Layers - Volume Parts, Pressure Loss and Axial Dispersion of the Gas and Liquid Phases in Up-Current Columns. N70-30137/CP Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time- Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Different Conditions N73-15305/CP Solution of a Large Hydrodynamic Problem Using the Star-100 Computer. N76-26429/0CP Momentum Transfer in Hydrodynamically Developing Laminar Flow in a Straight Channel PB-241 316/9CP Analysis of One-Dimensional Algorithms to Use with Operator Splitting in Programs for Comput- ing Wave Propagation SAND-74-0189 Numerical and Computational Analysis of the Par- tial Differential Equations in Hydrocodes and Wavecodes SAND-75-0448 Stability Analysis of the von Neumann— Richtmyer Difference Scheme with Rate Dependent Materi- als Relations. Part 2 Subcycling and the Malvern Relation SAND-77-0374 Improvements in the Chart D Radiation- Hydrodynamic Code I Analytic Equations of State SC-RR-70-28 Improvements in the Chart D Energy Flow Hydrodynamic Code V; 1972/73 Modifications. SLA-73-0477 Example of Code Optimization UCID-16697 Bbc Hydrodynamics. UCID-17013 Abmac-Arbitrary Boundary Marker and Cell Eu- lerian Hydrodynamic Incompressible Numerical Method UCID-17175 Fundamentals of the Kraken Code UCID-17366 Keg. an Eulerian Configuration Generator for Bbc and Voa UCID-17461 Numerical Methods in Hydrodynamic Calculations UCRL-52112 HYDROELASTICITY A Numerically Efficient Finite Element Hydroelastic Analysis Volume 1 : Theory and Results N76-23627/2CP HYDROFOIL CRAFT Divergence Analysis of Swept Hydrofoils-Com- puter Program (SWDIVRG) AD-779 844/OCP HYDROFOILS Comparison of Computer Predicted and Experi- mentally Determined Leading Edge Cavitation of a Foil with Flaps AD-A015 874/1CP A Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional. Cavitating. Lifting Flows AD-A016 953/2CP Computer Program Description for Supercavitat- ing Hydrofoil Section Design According to Linearized Theory AD-A018 241/OCP The Unsteady Hydrodynamics and Control of Hydrofoils Near a Free Surface. AD-717 681/CP A Program to Calculate the Pressure Distribution on a Hydrofoil with Pod and Strut AD-727 588/CP Transverse Gravity Effects on a Fully Cavitating Hydrofoil Running Below a Free Surface AD-746 484/CP Numerical Computations of Supercavitating Hydrofoils on Parabolic Shape with Wu and Wang's Exact Method AD-763 465/CP A General Theory of Unsteady Loads on Cavitat- ing Hydrofoils - Computer Use Manual AD-776 203/2CP Divergence Analysis of Swept Hydrofoils-Com- puter Program (SWDIVRG) AD-779 844/OCP Comprehensive Evaluation of Six Thin-Wing Lift- ing-Surface Computer Programs AD-785 228/8CP HYDROGEN Linewidth and Chemistry Modeling of the HCI-H2 Non-Reacting Mixing Laser System AD-A044 625/2CP Unified Theory Calculations of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Lines Including Lower State Interac- tions AD-719 975/CP Computation of Charge Transfer Probability Between Protons and Excited Hydrogen Atoms AD-732 593/CP Application of the Harris Expansion Method to the Elastic S-Wave Scattering of Electrons by Hydrogen Atoms and by Singly Ionized Helium AD-758 500/CP Electron Collisions and Cross Sections in Hydrogen AD-763 087/CP Generalized One Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code for Partially Ionized Hydrogen or Helium Plasmas LRP-46/71 Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Jets in Local Chemi- cal Equilibrium: A Guide to the Charnal Computer Program. N74-29638/5CP HYDROGEN 1 TARGET One Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Reaction p+ D Implies p-t- P+ N at 13.25 and 50 Mev over the Full Three-Body Space IKO-KE-2 HYDROGEN CHLORIDE LASERS Linewidth and Chemistry Modeling of the HCI-H2 Non-Reacting Mixing Laser System AD-A044 625/2CP HYDROGEN FLUORIDE LASERS Current Status of HF/DF Chain Chemical Laser AD-A033 029/OCP Lorentz Broadening in the Modeling of the HF Chemical Laser AD-A040 972/2CP HYDROGEN PLASMA Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen-Helium Plasmas N72-14938/CP HYDROPHONES Four Hydrophone Array for Acoustic Three- Dimensional Location AD-732 042/CP HYPERBOLIC FREQUENCY MODULATION Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP HYPERSONIC CRUISE VEHICLES Configuration Optimization of a Class of Hyper- sonic Cruise Vehicles AD-721 471/CP HYPERSONIC FLIGHT Configuration Optimization of a Class of Hyper- sonic Cruise Vehicles AD-721 471/CP 36 SUBJECT INDEX INELASTIC SCATTERING HYPERSONIC FLOW A Direct Comparison of Analytical and Experi- mental Surface and Flow-Field Data on a 4-Deg Cone at Incidence in a Hypersonic Stream with Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A029 367/OCP Viscous Shock Layer Solutions for Hypersonic Sphere-Cones AD-A035 335/9CP Improved Computer Program for Calculation of Viscous-lnviscid Interactions AD-762 937/CP High Radiation-Induced Ablation of a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow. AD-825 415/CP Calculation of Inviscid Surface Streamlines and Heat Transfer on Shuttle Type Configurations. Part 2 Description of Computer Program N72-11828/CP Investigation of a Mixed Compression Axisymmet- ric Inlet at Mach Number 5.3 N72-14988/CP Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations, Part 2 N72-17208/CP Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP Correlation of Heat Transfer for the Zero Pressure Gradient Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer for Several Gases N74-15976/5CP Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using For- tran 4 Routines. N74-21926/2CP Effects of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on the In- viscid Design of an Axisymmetric Nozzle for Hypersonic Flow. N7S-14991/4CP Comparison of Slender Channel Computations with Experiments for Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Nozzle Flows. N76-15113/3CP Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 2: Code Description. N76-24152/0CP HYPERSONIC REENTRY Comparison of the Radiation Flux Profiles and Spectral Detail from Three Detailed Nongray Radiation Models at Conditions Representative of Hypervelocity Earth Entry N72-14935/CP Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measurements of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma N72-29707/CP HYPERSONIC SPEED A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid, Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP HYPERSONIC TEST VEHICLES Electric Probe Data Analysis for Trailblazer II - Third Flight AD-758 763/CP HYPERSONIC VEHICLES Calculation of a Quasi One-Dimensional Gas Flow in Equilibrium or Not. Comparison of the Results and Application to a Hypersonic Wake Calcul d'UN Ecoulement Quasi Monodimensionnel d'UN Gaz en Equilibre ou Non. Comparaison des Resultats et Application au Sillage Hypersonique N77-17407/6CP Cave: A Computer Code for Two-Dimensional Transient Heating Analysis of Conceptual Thermal Protection Systems for Hypersonic Vehicles. N78-15435/8CP HYPERSONIC WAKES Abel Transormation. Applications to Wake Density Measurement . la Transformation Dabel. Applica- tions a la Mesure des Masses Volumiques Dans les Sillages N73-10324/CP Calculation of a Quasi One-Dimensional Gas Flow in Equilibrium or Not. Comparison of the Results and Application to a Hypersonic Wake Calcul d'UN Ecoulement Quasi Monodimensionnel d'UN Gaz en Equilibre ou Non. Comparaison des Resultats et Application au Sillage Hypersonique N77-17407/6CP HYPERVELOCITY PROJECTILES A Numerical Model for a Combustion-Driven Spherical Implosion Wave. AD-709 196/CP HYPERVELOCITY WIND TUNNELS Free-Flight Static Stability Measurements of Cones in Hypersonic Flow N71-31663/CP I CODES Gier-ALGOL 4 Program for the Statistical Model Calculations of the Multistage Nuclear Reactions INR-1457 Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 IBM 360 COMPUTER General Report on Implementation of Thermal Programs in the Estec System for the Calculation of Temperature Distribution by the Method of Zones N71-22336/CP ICE Internal Friction of Single-Crystal Ice AD-759 930/CP Minigasket- a Code for Thermal Neutron Scatter- ing Law in Polycrystals INR-1186 IDEAL GAS Laminar or Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows of Perfect Gases or Reacting Gas Mixtures in Chemical Equilibrium N72-11288/CP A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar, Transi- tional and-or Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows. N75-21987/3CP ILLIAC-4 COMPUTER TRIOIL IV. A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Code for the ILLIAC IV Computer AD-A027 091 /8CP IMAGE CONTRAST Solumat: A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer N76-31809/6CP IMAGE FILTERS The Computation of Growth Charts and the Effect of Layer Thickness Variations for Thin Film Inter- ference Filters. N75-23340/3CP IMAGE INTENSIFIERS Photogrammetric Calibration of the NASA-Wal- lops Island Image Intensifier System N74-18103/3CP IMAGE PROCESSING Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-731 572/CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-734 074/CP IMAGE SCANNERS Computer Microdensitometer (Drum Scanner) System. Period Covered: July— September 1973 MHSMP-73-43-L IMAGES Pinhole for Producing a Close-in Image of an Ex- tended 14-Mev Neutron Source. UCRL-51860 IMPACT FUZES A Study of Energy Generation from Impact on Piezoelectric Materials AD-737 102/CP IMPACT STRENGTH The Impact Between a Liquid Drop and an Elastic Half-Space PB-241 155/1CP IMPACT TESTS Computer Simulation of High Speed Collision with Rain Drop (Combined Spherical-Cylindrical Shape) N71 -36701 /CP IMPINGEMENT Inertial Impaction Efficiency of Cylindrical Collec- tors by Digital Techniques and Effects of Particle Size Distributions AD-A00O 620/5CP SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ROCKET PLUME IMPINGEMENT STUDY FOR SEPARATION ANAL- YSIS FINAL REPORT N71-18796/CP IN-FLIGHT MONITORING Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contaminants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy N76-28820/8CP INCOMPRESSIBILITY An llliac Program for the Numerical Simulation of Homogeneous Incompressible Turbulence. N78-13367/5CP INCOMPRESSIBLE BOUNDARY LAYER An Improved Fortran Program for the Bradshaw- Ferriss-Atwell Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N74-33802/1CP INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW The Application of the Marker and Cell Incom- pressible Fluid Flow Technique to Impact Problems AD-A008 451 /7CP SOLA - A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows AD-A009 953/1 CP Numerical Study of Steady Flow in a Two-Dimen- sional Rectangular Channel with an Asymmetric Velocity Input Profile AD-A010 355/6CP Cascade Wake Structure. Part A. Theory and Results. Part B. Local Similarity Numerical Solu- tion. User's Manual AD-A012 699/5CP Integral Equation Methods for Two Dimensional Incompressible Flows for Multielement Airfoils AD-A042 984/5CP Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies AD-739 742/CP Velocity and Temperature Development in the En- trance Region Between Two Rotating Concentric Cylinders AD-762 049/CP A Computer Program to Plot an Isometric Projec- tion of a Solution Space Surface AD-762 086/CP The Smac Method: A Numerical Technique for Calculating Incompressible Fluid Flows. LA-4370 Kachina: An Eulerian Computer Program for Mul- tifield Fluid Flows. LA-5680 Impulsively Starting Incompressible Jet N71-25443/CP Mufan, a Computer Program for the Analysis of Multi-Loop Fluid Flow Systems N71-37735/CP Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies N72-22330/CP A Rapid Numerical Solution to Subsonic Flow over Planar and Axisymmetric Profiles at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-16703/2CP A Boundary Layer Finite Difference Method for Calculating through the Separation Point and into the Region of Recirculation in Incompressible Laminar Flow PB-233 066/OCP INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS An Analytical Study of Reduced-Gravity Liquid Reorientation Using a Simplified Marker and Cell Technique N72-28279/CP A Procedure for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows in Plate and Annular Channels and Its Application in the Development of Turbu- lence Models. N74-21927/0CP INDEXES Algorithm for Automatic Indexing and Bravais Lattice Selection The Programs Blind and Alice. IS-3469 INDIUM ANTIMONIDES Optimization of a Solution Growth Experiment for Zero Gravity and Development of Apparatus for a Melt Growth Experiment Final Report N71-27926/CP INELASTIC SCATTERING STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross 37 SUBJECT INDEX Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory N70-36799/CP Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Light Nuclei Final Report N-72-29705 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation N72-30618/CP INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Description of the Generation of Data Decks by Etog-1 for Use in Creating Muft and GAM Libra- ries. WCAP-3845-2 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Systems Analysis Guide for the Rare-Earth Infor- mation Center's Information Retrieval System (RICIRS) IS-4168 Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report. Jan. 1969 - Jan 1970 N70-36988/CP INFORMATION THEORY Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP INFRARED DETECTION Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28 5 Micrometers: Supplement LOWTRAN 3B (1976) AD-A040 701 /5CP ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASDIR-II Volume II. Program Description AD-B009 669/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume III Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/1CP INFRARED DETECTORS Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP Atmospheric Transmission Modeling Proposed Aerosol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP Feasibility Study of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te Charge Cou- pled Devices for Infrared Imaging Applications AD-761 473/CP Study of PbTe, PbSnTe. PbSe, PbSnSe. and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures AD-761 510/CP INFRARED IMAGES Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-731 572/CP Investigation of 106 Micron Phenomena AD-734 074/CP Propagation INFRARED LASERS Effect of Kinetic Rate Uncertainties on Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Energy Predictions AD-A015 790/9CP Discovery of New Lasers AD-772 001 /4CP Demonstration of HF Chain Reaction Laser AD-921 655/7CP INFRARED OPTICAL MATERIALS Research on Materials for High Power Laser Win- dows AD-A023 068/0CP Coating Science and Technology AD-A025 487/OCP The Air Force Weapons Laboratory Laser Window Test Apparatus AD-783 852/7CP INFRARED RADIATION A Review of Parametric Oscillators and Mixers and an Evaluation of Materials for 2-6 microme- ter Applications AD-A002 586/6CP Statistics of Global IR Atmospheric Transmission AD-A024 311/3CP Low Efficiency Diffraction Grating Theory AD-A024 804/7CP Atmospheric Transmission Modeling Proposed Aerosol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP Monte Carlo Studies on the Time-Dependent Transport of Optical and Infrared Radiation in the Atmosphere Volume II. Thermal Radiation Trans- port AD-A042 769/OCP Angle of Arrival Calculations at 10 6 microns AD-727 798/CP Description and Implementation of a Method for Characterizing Noise Sources in Jets N73-20020/CP Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation. N77-24935/7CP INFRARED SIGNATURES A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP ASDIR-II Volume I. User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASDIR-II. Volume II. Program Description AD-B009 669/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume III. Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/1CP INFRARED SPECTRA Optical Constants of SiO in the IR Region AD-A005 086/4CP INFRARED WINDOWS Research on Materials for High Power Laser Win- dows AD-A023 068/OCP Coating Science and Technology AD-A025 487/OCP Erosion Mechanics and Micromechanics Program AD-A042 656/9CP Exploratory Development of Rain Erosion Re- sistant Infrared Window Materials AD-A046 702/7CP Microwave Properties of Germanium and Silicon Windows AD-753 466/CP A Doppler Shift Interferometric Technique for Measuring Small Absorption Coefficients AD-778 077/8CP The Air Force Weapons Laboratory Laser Window Test Apparatus AD-783 852/7CP INFRASONICS Geometrical Acoustics Techniques in Far Field In- frasonic Waveform Syntheses AD-A024 721 /3CP INGEN COMPUTER PROGRAM Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS INJECTION LASERS Rate Equations of the Semiconductor Injection Laser N76-33499/4CP INLET FLOW REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CONSTANT STAGGER CASCADES N71-34262/CP Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale, Two-Dimensional. External-Com- pression. Variable-Geometry. Supersonic Inlet Configuration. N76-24240/3CP INLET NOZZLES Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale. Two-Dimensional. External-Com- pression. Variable-Geometry. Supersonic Inlet Configuration. N76-24240/3CP INSTRUCTION MANUALS User's Manual for Propeller Noise Detectability Program AD-729 435/CP Conversion of a Two-Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code from CDC- 6400 FORTRAN to IBM 360/67 FORTRAN AD-745 854/CP INTAKE Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 INTAKE SYSTEMS Investigation of a Mixed Compression Axisymmet- ric Inlet at Mach Number 5.3 N72-14988/CP Computer Program for Assessing the Theoretical Performance of a Three Dimensional Inlet N73-20312/CP INTEGRAL EQUATIONS A FORTRAN Subroutine to Evaluate the Transport Integrals J2(X) Through J7(X) AD-A030 219/OCP A General Program for Calculating Angular Mo- mentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-720 964/CP A Computer Program to Determine Radiating, Nonadiabatic. Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N71-36417/CP Calculation of Compressible Nonadiabatic Boun- dary Layers in Laminar, Transitional and Turbu- lent Flow by the Method of Integral Relations N72-12222/CP Study of Viscous Flow About Airfoils by the In- tegro-Differential Method. N76-11046/9CP An Integral Equation Approach to Diffusion Problems. PB-191 282/CP Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens SC-CR-69-3309 INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS An Approximate Fourier Integral Transform Method for Analysis of Wave Propagation Signals. AD-711 798/CP Application of Fourier Techniques to Image Evaluation AD-718 095/CP INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines. AD-708 720/CP A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices AD-743 834/CP Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP INTEGRATED OPTICS Analysis of Coupling Efficiency Between Semiconductor Lasers and Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides AD-A016 619/9CP INTEGRATION Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Forms of Heat Equation SC-M-70-83 INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS PIPSTEK - Properties of Irregular Planar Solids (Tektronix) AD-A028 828/2CP INTERFEROMETERS Further Studies and Investigations in Optical Technology AD-760 564/CP Experimental Techniques in Holographic Inter- ferometry AD-767 672/9CP Visar Data Reduction. SAND-75-0424 INTERFEROMETRIC HOLOGRAPHY Application of Holographic Interferometry to Den- sity Field Determination in Transonic Corner Flow AD-756 534/CP The Application of Holographic Interferometry to the Determination of Discontinuous Three-Dimen- sional Density Fields AD-756 535/CP Experimental Techniques in Holographic Inter- ferometry AD-767 672/9CP INTERMEDIATE MASS NUCLEI Total beta -Decay Energies and Atomic Masses in Regions Far from beta -Stability On Line Isotope Separator Investigations in the Mass Regions a = 75-87. 120-135 and 222-229 INIS-mf-3836 38 SUBJECT INDEX IRON 56 INTERNAL ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES Analytic Solution of a Test Problem for MODE AD-A041 761 /8CP User's Manual for the DYNACYL IEMP Air Pres- sure Effects Computer Code AD-A051 346/5CP INTERNAL FRICTION Internal Friction of Single-Crystal Ice AD-759 930/CP INTERNAL WAVES A Computer Code to Calculate the Effect of Inter- nal Waves on Acoustic Propagation AD-A016 629/8CP Internal Waves Radiated by a Moving Source. Volume I. Analytic Simulation AD-782 262/OCP Some Numerical Considerations Concerning Eigenvalue Problems in the Theories of Un- derwater Sound and Internal Waves AD-782 327/1CP INTERSTITIALS Computer Simulation of Split Interstitial Equilibri- um Positions and Binding Energies in a Tungsten Crystal AD-745 839/CP Computer Simulation of Inert Gas Interstitials in Tungsten AD-758 501 /CP INVISCID FLOW A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Charac- teristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems - MCDU 43 AD-A014 953/4CP A Computer Program that Uses Interactive Graphics to Solve Inviscid Transonic Flows Over Lifting Airfoils AD-A030 853/6CP User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- gram for Calculating Propeller/Stern Boundary- Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies AD-A037 063/5CP Inviscid Supersonic Nonuniform Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack. Volume II Computer Program Descrip- tions and User's Guide AD-770 169/1CP A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid, Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP A Computer Program to Determine Radiating, Nonadiabatic, Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N71-36417/CP A Computer Program for Calculating the Perfect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Axisymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-12090/8CP Three-Dimensional Inviscid Effects in Axial Flow Turbomachinery and Limitation of Cascade Theory. N75-29355/5CP Raxbod. A Fortran Program for Inviscid Transonic Flow over Axisymmetric Bodies. N76-21156/4CP IODINE ISOTOPES 1-131 Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 IODINE ISOTOPES 1-132 Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 ION ACCELERATORS Analytic Performance of Two Grid Accelerator Designs for Kaufman Thrusters N71-23762/CP ION ACOUSTIC WAVES Computer Simulations on the Nonlinear Frequen- cy Shift and Nonlinear Modulation of Ion-Acoustic Waves. N77-33983/6CP Trapped Particles and Harmonic Generation UCRL-13727 ION BEAMS Extension of the Energy Deposition Code E-DEP- 1 to Higher Energies AD-A020 923/9CP Ion Beam Probe for ST Tokamak AD-737 561 /CP ION BOMBARDMENT Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP Computer Simulation of the Sputtering of Silicon AD-A041 152/0CP ION DENSITY (CONCENTRATION) Electric Probe Data Analysis for Trailblazer II - Third Flight AD-758 763/CP ION ENGINES Analytic Performance of Two Grid Accelerator Designs for Kaufman Thrusters N71-23762/CP ION IMPLANTATION Optimal Summation of Gaussians for Ion Implan- tation Profile Control AD-A019 422/5CP Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP Ion Beam Studies. Part 5. The Computer Simula- tion of Composite Ion Implantation Profiles AERE-R-8656 ION ION INTERACTIONS Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment AD-745 374/CP ION TEMPERATURE Experiment Araks: Measurement of Quasi-Static Natural or Artificial Electric Fields and of the Ion Temperature Using Retarding Potential Ion Analyzers Experience Araks Mesure des Champs Electriques Quasi-Statiques Naturels ou Artificiels et de la Temperature lonique Par Analyseurs d'lons a Potentiel Retardateur. N77-13086/2CP IONIC CRYSTALS General Formulation of the Problem of Calculat- ing the Energies of Lattice Defects in Ionic Crystals N74-34220/5CP IONIZATION Computing Methods Used in Support of Modeling Electron Concentrations in High-Altitude Chemi- cal Releases AD-A009 069/6CP IONIZED GASES A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases AD-A013 091 /4CP IONOSPHERE Development of Numerical Techniques and Com- puter Systems for Climatological. Ionospheric and Microwave Physics Applications AD-A022 975/7CP Techniques of Determining Ionospheric Structure from Oblique Radio Propagation Measurements AD-A038 299/4CP IONOSPHERIC DISTURBANCES The Influence of the Lower Ionosphere on Wave Propagation in the LF Range Up to a Distance of 300 Km N73-11131/CP IONOSPHERIC PROPAGATION A Simplified Mode Conversion Program for VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A002 259/0CP A Digital Polarimeter for Measuring the Faraday Rotation Using a Beacon from a Geostationary Satellite AD-A012 168/1CP Effective Ionospheric Height for a Simplified Mode Conversion Model at VLF AD-A020 642/5CP Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation AD-A023 197/7CP A Fortran Program for Waveguide Propagation Which Allows for Both Vertical and Horizontal Dipole Excitation. AD-713 168/CP WEDCOM Propagation Model Improvements AD-727 627/CP Scattering of HF Radio Waves by Elliptical Elec- tron Density Distributions AD-740 576/CP Mode Conversion Program for an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Ionosphere AD-743 948/CP Evaluation of WEDCOM (Weapon Effects on D-re- gion COMmunications) Propagation Models AD-744 667/CP Propagation Characteristics of VLF Waves Below a Stratified and Generally Anisotropic Ionosphere AD-754 033/CP Geomagnetic Field Models for Ray Tracing AD-766 241/4CP Ray Tracing Study AD-779 091 /8CP A Program for Computing Earth Ionosphere ELF/VLF Excitation Factors for Satellite-Borne Antennas AD-779 867/1CP The Numerical Representation of the Critical Frequency of the F1 Region of the Ionosphere COM-75-10813/4CP The Influence of the Lower Ionosphere on Wave Propagation in the LF Range Up to a Distance of 300 Km N73-11131/CP A Versatile Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Com- puter Program for Radio Waves in the Ionosphere PB-248 856/7CP Predicting the Performance of High Frequency Sky-Wave Telecommunication Systems (the Use of the HFMUFES 4 Program) PB-258 556/OCP IONOSPHERIC SCINTILLATIONS Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation AD-A038 132/7CP IONS Classical Path a and B Functions for Line Broadening of Positive Ions. AD-716 435/CP A Study of Ion Trajectories in Potential Flows AD-751 785/CP Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, October 1, 1972-December 31, 1972 ORO-3912-20 A Theoretical Study of the Structure of Atomic Collision Cascades. Part I. Method of Analysis RD/B/N-1915 IRASERS The HN3 + C02 Laser: an Analytical and Experi- mental Investigation AD-751 634/CP Beam Divergence: The Nanosecond Laser Pulses AD-764 702/7CP Measurement of IRON On the Motion of the a/2 < 111 > Screw Disloca- tion in Alpha Iron AD-731 401 /CP Equation of State of Solids AD-746 611/CP Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved. Program Source. CEA-N-1294 Computer Simulation of Radiation-Induced Void Nucleation and Growth in Metals ORO-3912-10 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, June 1, 1969-December 31, 1971 ORO-3912-15 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, June 1 -Sep- tember 30, 1972 ORO-3912-19 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, October 1, 1972-December 31, 1972 ORO-3912-20 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, April 1, 1973- -June 30, 1973. ORO-3912-22 IRON 56 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation. Final Report N-72-30618 39 SUBJECT INDEX IRON ALLOYS A Computer Program for Martensite Crystallog- raphy COM-71-00806/CP IRON CARBONATES MAGNETIC PHENOMENA AT METAL SURFACES TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT, FEBRUARY 1- DECEMBER 31. 1970 ORO-3674-4 IRON-GAMMA Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report. July 1. 1972- -March 1. 1974. ORO-3912-26 IRON ISOTOPES FE-53 Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO-1 779-63 ISOTROPIC MEDIA Finite Element Analysis of Transversely Isotropic Bodies. N77-10553/4CP ITERATION Computation of Steady Axisymmetric Flow Using a One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Method. N76-19369/7CP ITERATIVE SOLUTION Theoretical Models and Numerical Studies of Waves in a Three-Fluid Medium N72-30650/CP J- 2 ENGINE Application of Moderate Resolution Band Models to the Prediction of Heat Transfer from Rocket Exhaust Plumes N71-16429/CP JET AIRCRAFT Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume II. Appendixes AD-B004 858/7CP Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume I. Technical Discussion AD-B004 921 /3CP JET AIRCRAFT NOISE Description and Implementation of a Method for Characterizing Noise Sources in Jets N73-20020/CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jet Noise, Part 2. N76-30921/0CP JET ENGINE INLETS A Method to Increase the Full-Scale Inlet/Engine System Testing Capability of the AEDC 16-ft Transonic Wind Tunnel AD-762 912/CP JET ENGINE NACELLES Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies AD-739 742/CP JET ENGINE NOISE Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation Volume III. Computer User's Manual for Aero- Acoustic Predictions AD-A038 614/4CP JET FLOW Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP Impulsively Starting Incompressible Jet N71-25443/CP The Effect of Aeration on Water Jet Spreading PB-267 717/7CP JET IMPINGEMENT Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP JET MIXING FLOW Study of Non-lsoenergetic Turbulent Jet Mixing in a Constant Area Duct AD-A033 498/7CP Turbulent Mixing of Supersonic Jets. AD-708 735/CP JET PLANES A Method to Increase the Full-Scale Inlet/Engine System Testing Capability of the AEDC 16-ft Transonic Wind Tunnel AD-762 912/CP JETS Lifting Jet Flow Fields AD-A021 968/3CP JOSEPHSON JUNCTIONS Computation of Spectral Data for a Josephson Junction Circuit COM-73-50104/CP JUNCTION DIODES Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data COM-75-10711/0CP K COOES Program Knmatics: Two Body Nuclear Relativistic Kinematics BARC-658 Kachina: An Eulerian Computer Program for Mul- tifield Fluid Flows. LA-5680 High-Gradient Column Computer Program Called Kalum TID-26368 KALMAN FILTERING Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/7CP KARMAN-BODEWADT FLOW Numerical Integration of the Momentum-Integral Equations and Application of the Results to the Flow Between Rotating Disks. N75-29369/6CP KERNEL FUNCTIONS Equation Solving Program for Aerodynamic Lift- ing Surface Theory N74-16700/8CP L CODES Three Computer Codes of General Use in X-Ray Crystallography. ORNL-TM-5177 Lamp Code Users Guide. UCID-16525 Liraq-2 Boundary Conditions. UCID-16871 Litepath: A Computer Code to Simulate an Opti- cal System. UCRL-51847 General Loss Coefficient Program. WANL-TMI-1722 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Exploratory Development of Laser-Hardened Materials and Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters and Material Response to High-Power Laser Radiation. Volume II. Appendices A-E AD-A026 915/9CP LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYER Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer over Body of Revolution at Incidence. Part IX. Dif- ference Method and Documentation of Program BLIND3' AD-A012 697 /9CP A Study of the Drag Characteristics and Polymer Diffusion in the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmet- ric Body AD-A024 667/8CP A Direct Comparison of Analytical and Experi- mental Surface and Flow-Field Data on a 4-Deg Cone at Incidence in a Hypersonic Stream with Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A029 367/OCP Stability of Highly-Cooled Compressible Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A036 210/3CP Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layers AD-748 282/CP Improved Computer Program for Calculation of Viscous-lnviscid Interactions AD-762 937/CP Boundary Layer Flows Over Sharp and Spheri- cally Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack to Super- sonic Nonuniform Free Streams. Volume II. Description of Computer Programs and User's Guide AD-769 837/6CP Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients. N70-29734/CP Numerical Solution of the Compressible Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layer Equa- tions with Comparisons to Experimental Data N70-30393/CP A Parametric Study of Adiabatic Laminar Bounda- ry Layer Shock Wave Interactions by the Method of Lees- Reeves- Klineberg. N71-11017/CP Laminar or Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows of Perfect Gases or Reacting Gas Mixtures in Chemical Equilibrium N72-11288/CP Computer Program for Calculating Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Development in Com- pressible Flow N72-26229/CP A Computer Program for the Calculation of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows N72-28285/CP A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar, Transi- tional and-or Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows. N75-21987/3CP Numerical Integration of the Momentum-Integral Equations and Application of the Results to the Flow Between Rotating Disks. N75-29369/6CP Staylam: A Fortran Program for the Suction Transition Analysis of a Yawed Wing Laminar Boundary Layer. N77-18390/3CP LAMINAR FLOW A Solution for Laminar Flow Past a Rotating Cylinder in Crossflow AD-A016 113/3CP On the Stability of Poiseuille Flow AD-A018 304/6CP Fluerics 38. A Computer-Aided Design Analysis for the Static and Dynamic Port Characteristics of Laminar Proportional Amplifiers AD-A027 587/5CP An Interaction Model for Supersonic. Laminar Separating Flows AD-A033 388/OCP An Experimental Study of Taylor-Goertler Vortices in a Curved Rectangular Channel AD-764 503/CP Laminar Separated Flow over Nonlifting Ellipses AD-786 223/8CP Kase Problems for the Teach Computer Programs HTS-74-3 Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 6 - Structure of the Computer Pro- gramme. N70-36922/CP Computation of Laminar Flow Between Shrouded Rotating Discs N71-13798/CP The Prediction of Laminar Flows Using a Modified Version of the Elliptic Programme N71-22330/CP Fortran IV Computer Program for Boundary Layers in Compressible Two-Dimensional and Ax- isymmetric Flow N72-19320/CP Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar. Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas N72-21312/CP A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-12991/7CP Correlation of Heat Transfer for the Zero Pressure Gradient Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer for Several Gases N74-15976/5CP User's Guide and Description of the Streamline Divergence Computer Program. N75-19591/7CP Computer User'S Guide for a Chemically Reacting Viscous Shock-Layer Program. N75-30470/9CP A Boundary Layer Finite Difference Method for Calculating through the Separation Point and into 40 SUBJECT INDEX LASER RANGE FINDERS the Region of Recirculation in Incompressible Laminar Flow PB-233 066/OCP Analysis of Combined Forced and Free Laminar Convection in Horizontal Tubes PB-240 496/OCP Momentum Transfer in Hydrodynamically Developing Laminar Flow in a Straight Channel PB-241 316/9CP LAMINATES Teplo- a Heat Conduction Code for Studying Thermal Explosions in Laminar Composites LA-4511 LAMPF LINAC Linear Accelerator Modeling: Development and Application LA-UR-77-576 LANGMUIR PROBES Theory of Electron Emission Effects in Symmetric Probe and Spacecraft Sheaths AD-A037 538/6CP Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in the ELMAX Plasma Device AD-726 990/CP LANTHANUM ISOTOPES LA-140 Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 LANTHANUM OXIDE SULFIDES Luminescent Applications of Rare Earth Materials AD-758 760/CP LARGE SPACE TELESCOPE Literature Survey for Suppression of Scattered Light in Large Space Telescopes N73-23531/CP LASER APPLICATIONS Particulate Contamination Spectrometer Volume 1 : Technical Report. N75-29407/4CP Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contaminants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy. N76-28820/8CP LASER BEAM MELTING The Effect of Gravity upon the Melt-Through Time' of a Solid Subjected to a High Intensity Laser AD-759 168/CP LASER BEAMS Optical Properties of Laser-Plasma Interactions AD-A001 805/1CP A User's Guide for the Continuous Wave Laser Damage Computer Program AD-A008 559/7CP PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A010 336/6CP PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A014 162/2CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction (Part II) AD-A016 158/8CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-A017 026/6CP Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Thermoacoustic Array in Water AD-A017 372/4CP Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28 5 Microns: Computer Code LOWTRAN 3 AD-A017 734/5CP Reduction of Thermal Blooming by Beam Op- timization AD-A019 561/OCP Propagation Modeling and Analysis for High Energy Lasers AD-A023 537/4CP High Energy Laser Test Support Equipment Beam Diagnostic Program AD-A025 145/4CP Transonic Thermal Blooming AD-A026 456/4CP Exploratory Development of Laser-Hardened Materials and Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters and Material Response to High-Power Laser Radiation. Volume II. Appendices A-E AD-A026 915/9CP Pulse Height Analyzer Interfacing and Computer Programming in the Environmental Laser Propagation Project AD-A028 858/9CP MPLAW: A Multipulse-Scaling-Law Code Using Data-Base Interpolation AD-A032 026/7CP SSPARAMA: A Nonlinear. Wave Optics Multipulse (and CW) Steady-State Propagation Code with Adaptive Coordinates AD-A037 395/1 CP Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Resulting from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP Power-Density Distribution Below the Ocean Sur- face Due to Incident Laser Radiation AD-A039 797/6CP Theoretical Study of the Turbulence Induced Scintillation of a Dirty Laser Beam AD-A050 874/7CP Methods for Prediction of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Guidance Systems AD-A051 617/9CP Computer Solutions to Heat and Diffraction Equa- tions in High Energy Laser Windows Volume II AD-B017 022/5CP A Numerical Calculation of Thermal Blooming of Pulsed. Focused Laser Beams AD-748 991 /CP Measurement of Beam Divergence: The Nanosecond Laser Pulses AD-764 702/7CP The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials AD-766 779/3CP The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials: Nonlinear Optical Interactions in KDP Prisms AD-771 048/6CP An Experiment to Measure Laser Beam Wander and Beam Spread in the Marine Boundary Layer Near Shore AD-775 027/6CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-780 914/8CP Documentation of PROP E. A Computer Program for the Propagation of High-Power Laser Beams through Absorbing Media AD-781 647/3CP PROP-I: An Efficient Implicit Algorithm for Calcu- lating Nonlinear Scalar Wave Propagation in the Fresnel Approximation AD-781 877/6CP An Analysis of Mathematical Transformations and a Comparison of Numerical Techniques for Com- putation of High-Energy CW Laser Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Medium AD-783 478/1CP Light Refraction by Mean Temperature Gradients in the Near-Earth Atmosphere AD-783 484/9CP An Experiment to Measure the Modulation Transfer Function of the Atmosphere in the Marine Boundary Layer AD-783 807/1CP Studies in Optics AD-786 847/4CP Numerical Solutions of the Three-Dimensional Kinetic Equation of the Parametric Decay Insta- bility AD-787 455/5CP Radiation Generated Wave Propagation in Elastic Nonconductors. SC-RR-70-428 Current Status of LLL Four-D Atmospheric Propagation Code Effort UCID-16827-2 Four-D Propagation Code for High-Energy Laser Beams: A User's Manual UCID-17217 Artemis: A Diffraction Model for Laser Light Propagation UCID-17381 LASER CAVITIES Laser Resonator Studies AD-A034 079/4CP LASER DIODES Neutron Irradiation Effects on Diffused GaAs Laser Diodes AD-735 939/CP LASER DOPPLER VELOCIMETERS Method for the Analysis of Laser Doppler Signals with the Aid of a Computer. N76-20453/6CP Reliability of a New Velocity Measurement Method for Gases: The Laser Velocimetry Con- tribution a I'Etude de la Fiabilite d'Une Nouvelle Methode de Mesure de Vitesses dans UN Ecoule- ment Gazeux: La Velocimetrie Laser. N77-13402/1CP Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1. N78-13422/8CP LASER GUIDANCE Methods for Prediction of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Guidance Systems AD-A051 617/9CP LASER HEATING Natural Convection in an Enclosed Gas Heated by Local Laser Radiation AD-A023 525/9CP Radial Heat Conduction in Laser Heating of Material Slabs AD-729 642/CP A Numerical Model of Surface Recession Phenomena of Metals Subjected to Laser Radia- tion in an Aerodynamic Environment AD-769 338/5CP LASER MATERIALS Research on Materials for High Power Laser Win- dows AD-A023 068/OCP Coating Science and Technology AD-A025 487/OCP Kinetics, Energetics and Infrared Lasing in High Energy Rocket Propellant Ingredients at Cryogenic Temperatures AD-A040 006/9CP The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials: Nonlinear Optical Interactions in KDP Prisms AD-771 048/6CP The Air Force Weapons Laboratory Laser Window Test Apparatus AD-783 852/7CP Computerization of Spectroscopic Constants for Selected Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules UCRL-52149 LASER OUTPUTS Internal Structure of Tea Laser Discharges N73-27430/0CP Computed Mie Scattering Properties for Laser Wavelengths in Various Atmospheric Media. N76-14336/1CP LASER-PRODUCED PLASMA XSNQ-U: A Non-LTE Emission and Absorption Coefficient Subroutine UCRL-52276 LASER PRODUCED PLASMAS Laser Plasma Particle Velocities AD-A030 079/8CP X-Ray Diagnostics of Laser-Produced Aluminum Plasmas AD-A030 085/5CP Collisional Coupling in Counter-Streaming Laser- Produced Plasmas AO-766 731 /4CP LASER RADIATION Lamp Code Users Guide. UCID-16525 Laser Intensity Measurement. UCID-16550 Current Status of LLL Four-D Atmospheric Propagation Code Effort UCID-16827-2 Status of Navy Dirty Air" Breakdown Research UCID-17350 Time-Dependent Propagation of High Energy Laser BEAMS Through the Atmosphere. UCRL-51826 Self-Calibration and Analysis of Image Formation in the sub-Nanosecond Domain. UCRL-75916 LASER RANGE FINDERS On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Optical Range Finders AD-720 855/CP 41 SUBJECT INDEX LASER TARGET INTERACTIONS A User's Guide for the Continuous Wave Laser Damage Computer Program AD-A008 559/7CP LASER TRACKING Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/7CP Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Resulting from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP LASER VELOCIMETERS Investigation of Particle-Size Determination from the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter AD-738 873/CP LASER WEAPONS Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/7CP LASERS Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP Excimer Lasers AD-A035 340/9CP Instabilities in Laser Propagation in Fluids AD-718 858/CP On the Calibration. Accuracy, and Efficiency of Optical Range Finders AD-720 855/CP New Monte Carlo Method and Review of Present Methods For Calculating the Characteristics of Excitation Geometries for Solid-State Lasers AD-722 337/CP A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities AD-728 830/CP Neutron Irradiation Effects on Diffused GaAs Laser Diodes AD-735 939/CP Experimentation and Investigation of Optical-lr- radiation-lnduced Surface Damage in Optically Nonlinear Materials AD-737 843/CP Laser Induced Breakdown in High Pressure Noble Gases AD-743 008/CP TEM sub oo Mode Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities AD-746 215/CP Beam Divergence: The Measurement of Nanosecond Laser Pulses AD-764 702/7CP Rare Earth Laser Engineering Program AD-914 193/8CP Graser A Kinetics Code for Study of Neutron- Pumped gamma-Ray Laser Systems LA-6517-MS The Study and Development of an Active Scatter- ing Particle Size Spectrometer for Space Environ- ments N73-19425/CP Proposed Computer Model for Electric Discharge Atomic Vapor Lasers N77-22468/1CP Calculation of the Small Scale Self-Focusing Rip- ple Gain Spectrum for the Cyclops Laser System A Status Report UCID-17356 Brem II: A Code for Calculating the Free— Free Gaunt Factor in an Arbitrary Atomic Potential UCRL-13582 Computerization of Spectroscopic Constants for Selected Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules UCRL-52149 LATTICE PARAMETERS Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions ORNL-5140 LATTIRE PARAMETERS Indexing and Least-Squares Refinement of Powder Diffraction Data (Job 9214) PB-216 188/3CP LAVAL NUMBER The Computation of Two Dimensional Supersonic Flows in Laval Type Nozzles N76-31206/5CP LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABORATORY H-Division Quarterly Report. January—March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 H-Division Quarterly Report, July— September 1976 UCRL-50028-76-3 LEAD Energy Loss of High Energy Electrons in Tin, Lead, and Gadolinium. AD-711 005/CP LEAD 208 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation Final Report N-72-30618 LEAD COMPOUNDS Research Directed Toward Preparation of Com- pound Semi-Conductors by Controlled Diffusion Mechanism in Gels AD-727 035/CP LEAD SULFIDES Research Directed Toward Preparation of Com- pound Semiconductors by Controlled Diffusion Mechanism in Gels AD-727 035/CP LEAD TELLURIDES Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP LEADING EDGES Comparison of Computer Predicted and Experi- mentally Determined Leading Edge Cavitation of a Foil with Flaps AD-A015 874/1CP LEAST SQUARES METHOD Physical Interpretation of Hall Effect Measure- ments by a Least Squares Method - Application to Different Models N70-26255/CP Automated Analysis of Wave Patterns Behind Towed Models N71-13388/CP Guide for the Use of Computer Programs for Least Squares Fitting of Equations of State to Thermodynamic Data Volume II. Programs for Simultaneous Fitting of Multiple Data Forms Using Stepwise Regression PB-266 615/4CP LENSES Supplementary Routines for Lens Design by Com- puter AD-A020 625/OCP Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP First- and Third-Order Lens Analysis by Pro- grammable Desk Calculator AD-750 249/CP LI-DRIFTED GE DETECTORS Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 LIFT Computer Application of Subsonic Lifting Surface Theory N73-12224/CP LIFTING BODIES Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory. Introduction and Part 1 N73-21909/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory. Part 2 N73-21910/CP Boundary Condition Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16699/2CP Influence Matrix Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16701/6CP Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions N76-21454/3CP LIFTING REENTRY VEHICLES Calculation of Potential Flow About Arbitra- ryThree-Dimensional Lifting Bodies Users Manual AD-755 933/CP LIFTING SURFACES Comprehensive Evaluation of Six Thin-Wing Lift- ing-Surface Computer Programs AD-785 228/8CP LIGHT BEAMS The Influence of Tilt, Cone Angle and Beam In- tensity Cross Section on the Computed Per- formance of Narrow Band Optical Interference Filters N73-13665/CP LIGHT NUCLEI Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Light Nuclei. Final Report N-72-29705 LIGHT SCATTERING Low Efficiency Diffraction Grating Theory AD-A024 804/7CP The Effects of Multiple Scattering on Backscatter Lidar Measurements in Fogs AO-781 801 /6CP Literature Survey for Suppression of Scattered Light in Large Space Telescopes N73-23531/CP Particulate Contamination Spectrometer Volume 1 : Technical Report N75-29407/4CP User's Manual for University of Arizona Apart Program (Analysis Program - Arizona Radiation Trace). N75-31880/8CP LIGHT TRANSMISSION Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-A001 920/8CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts Volume I AD-A014 839/5CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts - Addendum AD-A014 840/3CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction (Part II) AD-A016 158/8CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-A017 026/6CP Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance Methods of Calculation AD-A017 459/9CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-A023 627/3CP Statistics of Global IR Atmospheric Transmission AD-A024 311/3CP Predetection Compensated Imaging Theory AD-A024 393/1 CP Pulse Height Analyzer Interfacing and Computer Programming in the Environmental Laser Propagation Project AD-A028 858/9CP Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aerosol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP STREAM: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code in Cylindrical Geometry AD-A038 555/9CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP Flash a Monte Carlo Procedure for Use in Calcu- lating Light Scattering in a Spherical Shell At- mosphere. AD-706 120/CP Application of Fourier Techniques to Image Evaluation AD-718 095/CP Instabilities in Laser Propagation in Fluids AD-718 858/CP Theoretical Aspects of the Determination of Parti- cle-Size Distributions from Measurements of Scattered Light Intensity AD-721 089/CP Computer Procedure for Calculating Time Depen- dent Light Scattering in Spherical-Shell At- mospheres AD-722 713/CP Computer Procedure for Calculating Time Depen- dent Light Scattering in Plane Parallel At- mospheres AD-722 714/CP 42 SUBJECT INDEX MAGNETIC FIELDS A Numerical Calculation of Thermal Blooming of Pulsed, Focused Laser Beams AD-748 991 /CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-780 914/8CP GUERAP II - Users Guide AD-784 874/OCP An Optical Ray Tracing Program AD-787 636/OCP Solumat. A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer. N76-31809/6CP LIGHT (VISIBLE RADIATION) Evaluation of Atomic Constants for Optical Radia- tion, Volume 1 N75-31877/4CP LINE BROADENING Classical Path a and B Functions for Line Broadening of Positive Ions AD-716 435/CP LINE SPECTRA Wavelength Calibration of Monochromators in the 3 to 2.0 mu Region N70-27387/CP Atomic Emission Line Wavelength Calculations Below 2000 Angstroms for Lithium II Through Cobalt XXVI N72-12684/CP A Computer Program for Moessbauer Data Processing N72-21677/CP Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measurements of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma N72-29707/CP Computer Program for Determining Rotational Line Intensity Factors for Diatomic Molecules N73-30689/6CP LINE SPECTRUM Classical Path a and B Functions for Line Broadening of Positive Ions. AD-716 435/CP Unified Theory Calculations of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Lines Including Lower State Interac- tions AD-719 975/CP LINEAR ACCELERATORS Space Charge Effects in Proton Linear Accelera- tors CEA-N-1457 IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 2. Interrupt Servicing Pro- grams for Data Handling and Reduction EUR-4404(PT2) IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 3. Programs for Interactive Data Reduction EUR-4404(PT3) Linear Accelerator Modeling: Development and Application LA-UR-77-576 Application Software for Multi-Wire Beam Profile Monitors RL-76-076/B LIQUID HELIUM A Study of the Trapping of Superfluid Persistent Currents in Superleaks AD-A020 927/OCP LIQUID JETS Cyclic Liquid Jet Behavior in Pulsating Bubbles AD-A032 717/1CP LIQUID METALS Temperature and Eddy Diffusivity Distributions in Fully Turbulent Pipe Flow PB-253 278/6CP LIQUID OXYGEN Users Manual for the Gnat Computer Program - Numerical Analysis of Stratification in Supercriti- cal Oxygen N71-21574/CP LIQUID ROCKET PROPELLANTS Dynamic Interaction Between Structure and Liquid Propellants in a Space Shuttle Vehicle Model, Part 1 Final Report. N71-12766/CP Boundary Layer Loss Sensitivity Study Using a Modified Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Com- puter Program N72-26232/CP LIQUID SLOSHING Analysis of Fluid Sloshing in Arbitrary Tanks Hav- ing Rotational Symmetry - a Correction for Low Gravity Conditions Volume 2 - Computational Ap- plication. N70-37813/CP A Computer Program for Fuel Sloshing in an Ax- isymmetric Tank. N70-43192/CP Propellant Dynamic Problems in Space Shuttle Vehicles, Part 2 Final Report N71-12767/CP Experimental Investigation of Liquid Propellant Dynamics in a Double Cylindrical Tank N73-25287/CP LIQUID-SOLID INTERFACES Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1 : Theoretical Description N73-27174/4CP LIQUIDS Equations of State in Liquids AD-708 772/CP Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1. Theoretical Description TRG-2459 LITHIUM Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. AD-710 353/CP Atomic Emission Line Wavelength Calculations Below 2000 Angstroms for Lithium II Through Cobalt XXVI N72-12684/CP LMFBR TYPE REACTORS Physics of Reactor Safety. Quarterly Report, July- -September 1975. ANL-76-6 SSC: An Advanced Thermohydraulic Transient Code for LMFBR Quarterly Progress Report, Oc- tober 1— December 31 , 1975 BNL-NUREG-50502 LOADS (FORCES) DOASIS: A Computer Code for the Deformation Plastic, Orthotropic, Axisymmetric (and Plane) Solution of Inelastic Solids. Volume I. Finite Ele- ment Program. Theoretical and Programmers Manual AD-A018 634/6CP Finite-Element Computer Program for Axisymmet- ric Loading Situations Where Components May Have a Relative Interference Fit. N77-23494/6CP LOFT REACTOR Quarterly Technical Report on Water Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the Nuclear Regu- latory Commission's Division of Reactor Safety Research, July—September 1975 ANCR-1296 LORAN Experimental Research on the Propagation of Loran-C Signals. Volume D. Data and Analysis AD-A040 320/4CP LOSS OF COOLANT Thermal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod PB-243 219/3CP An Evaluation of State-Of-The-Art Two-Velocity Two-Phase Flow Models and Their Applicability to Nuclear Reactor Transient Analysis. Volume 3. Data Comparisons PB-252 758/8CP Heat Transfer and Carryover of Low Pressure Water in a Heated Vertical Tube PB-256 480/5CP LOSS OF FLOW SSC: An Advanced Thermohydraulic Transient Code for LMFBR. Quarterly Progress Report, Oc- tober 1— December 31, 1975 BNL-NUREG-50502 LOW DRAG Optimization of Low-Drag Bodies of Revolution with Turbulent Boundary Layers AD-A041 313/8CP LOW FREQUENCIES The Influence of the Lower Ionosphere on Wave Propagation in the LF Range Up to a Distance of 300 Km N73-11131/CP LOWER IONOSPHERE The Effect of Large Scale Irregularities on the Propagation of VLF Waves Through the Lower Ionosphere with Special Reference to Auroral Hiss. N70-22824/CP LUMINANCE Solumat: A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer N76-31809/6CP LUMINESCENCE Luminescent Applications of Rare Earth Materials AD-758 760/CP Investigation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Light-Emitting Materials AD-778 413/5CP LUNAR RADIATION Construction of General Purpose Programs for the Numerical Solution of Certain Electromag- netic Scattering Problems N71-31104/CP LWBR TYPE REACTORS Hydraulic Pressure Pulses with Structural Flexi- bility: Test and Analysis (LWBR Development Pro- gram) WAPD-TM-1227 M COOES Migros-2: A Program Written in Fortran for the Calculation of Microscopic Group Constants from Nuclear Data KFK-1784 Men: A Neutron Monte Carlo Code LA-4751 Mack: Computer Program to Calculate Neutron Energy Release Parameters (Fluence-to-Kerma Factors) and Multigroup Neutron Reaction Cross Sections from Nuclear Data in Endf Format ORNL-TM-3994 Steps Toward Importance Sampling for Mcmeg UCID-16313 MACH CONES Formulas and Tables on the Mach Reflection of Shock Waves (Triple Shock Theory). N70-23805/CP MACH NUMBER A Tabulation of Pipe Length to Diameter Ratios as a Function of Mach Number and Pressure Ratios for Compressible Flow. N76-12317/3CP MACHINE CODING SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP The Arbitrary Body of Revolution Code (ABORC) for SGEMP/IEMP AD-A048 872/6CP MAFJ COMPUTER PROGRAM MAFJ: Some Simple Additions to MAFCO UCRL-51806 MAGNESIUM FLUORIDES The Vacuum Uv Optical Constants of Aluminium and of Magnesium Fluoride, and the Performance of Magnesium Fluoride Coated Mirrors. N71-13319/CP MAGNESIUM OXIDES Atomistic Model to Calculate the Core Structure and Energy of Dislocations in Ionic Crystals Part 1. Rigid Boundary Model AECL-5237 Heat Transfer Study for a Quasi-lsostatic Hot Pressing Process Y-1741 MAGNET COILS MAFJ: Some Simple Additions to MAFCO UCRL-51806 MAGNETIC ALLOYS Mossbauer Study of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of NdCo5 AD-726 991/CP MAGNETIC COILS Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP MAGNETIC DOMAINS Garnet Film Optics AD-777 724/6CP MAGNETIC FIELDS Digital Computer Solution of Magnetic Field Problems. AD-716 992/CP 43 SUBJECT INDEX Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS Mafco III- a Code for Calculating Particle Trajec- tories in Magnetic and Electric Fields LBL-765 Effect of an Aperture on Measurement of the Axial Distribution Function in a Magnetically Con- fined Plasma. N70-24369/CP Magnetic-Field Measurements for the Lewis Research Center Cyclotron N73-16677/CP Tibro-General. UCRL-50910 Abcxyz: Vector Potential (A) and Magnetic Field (B) Code (C) for Cartesian (Xyz) Geometry Using General Current Elements UCRL-52029 MAGNETIC MATERIALS Synthesis of High Speed Homopolar Alternators and Theory of Solid Rotor Electrical Machines AD-743 591 /CP Gfun3d User Guide RL-76-029/A MAGNETIC MEASUREMENT Magnetic-Field Measurements for the Lewis Research Center Cyclotron N73-16677/CP MAGNETIC MIRROR MACHINES Comparison of Deca II Mirror Machine Results with a Fokker-Plank Computer Code EUR-CEA-FC-611 New Data System for Interem ORNL-TM-3401 MAGNETIC MOMENTS Magnetic Moment Versus Temperature Curves of Ferrimagnetic Garnet Materials. AD-715 284/CP MAGNETIC PINCH The Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamical Simulation of an Electromagnetic Implosion Device AD-786 885/4CP MAGNETIC RESONANCE Program for the Theoretical Reconstruction of ESR Spectra EUR-4869 MAGNETIC SHIELDING W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings UCID-16963 MAGNETIC SPECTROMETERS Design and Construction of a Spectrometer Facility and Experiment for Intermediate Energy Proton Scattering on Helium LA-6631-T MAGNETOHYORODYNAMIC FLOW GENERALIZED ONE DIMENSIONAL MAG- NETOHYDRODYNAMIC COMPUTER CODE FOR PARTIALLY IONIZED HYDROGEN OR HELIUM PLASMAS N71-34895/CP MAGNETOHYORODYNAMIC GENERATORS A Computer Analysis for the Determination of Electrode Voltage Losses in Mag netohydrodynam ic-Generator Plasmas AD-A020 081 /6CP Electrical Characteristics and Transient Wave Growth in Magnetogasdynamic Channels AD-721 460/CP MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS Numerical Simulation of Plasmas at Princeton I AD-712 562/CP Study of Some Astrophysical Problems Concern- ing Plasma Processes and Rotational Hydrodynamics AD-715 925/CP Electrical Characteristics and Transient Wave Growth in Magnetogasdynamic Channels AD-721 460/CP Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in the ELMAX Plasma Device AD-726 990/CP Conversion of a Two-Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code from CDC- 6400 FORTRAN to IBM 360/67 FORTRAN AD-745 854/CP MAGPIE: A Users Manual AD-781 044/3CP Two-Dimensional Simulation of the MHD Stability, (1) JAERI-M-6474 Numerical Code SPHEX for Free Boundary MHD Equilibrium with Legendre Expansion Method JAERI-M-6734 Preliminary Results of the 3-D Nonlinear Ideal MHD Code ORNL/TM-4784 MAGNETOSPHERE Trapped Radiation Studies Involving Plasma In- stabilities and Radial Diffusion AD-743 549/CP Stimulated Amplification of VLF and ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere by Localized Injections of Plasma Clouds and Particle Beams AD-757 085/CP A Ray Tracing Digital Computer Program for the Study of Magnetospheric Duct Propagation. N70-35774/CP MAGNETS Digital Computer Solution of Magnetic Field Problems AD-716 992/CP Gfun- an Interactive Program as an Aid to Magnet Design RPP/A-94 MAGNUS EFFECT Spinning Missile Magnus Force Measurements AD-A001 619/6CP MAGNUS FORCE Calculation of Magnus Forces on Axisymmetric Bodies at Small Angles of Attack with Incom- pressible Turbulent Boundary Layers AD-746 449/CP MANGANESE CHLORIDES MAGNETIC PHENOMENA AT METAL SURFACES TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT. FEBRUARY 1- DECEMBER 31. 1970 ORO-3674-4 MANGANESE ISOTOPES MN-53 Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO-1 779-63 MANUALS A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid. Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP MANY BODY PROBLEM Discrete Mechanics - A General Treatment PB-231 882/2CP MAPPING A Computer Program for Mapping Satellite-Borne Narrow-Beam Antenna Footprints on Earth N73-12149/CP MARINE ATMOSPHERES An Experiment to Measure Laser Beam Wander and Beam Spread in the Marine Boundary Layer Near Shore AD-775 027/6CP MARINE BIOLOGICAL NOISE Four Hydrophone Array for Acoustic Three- Dimensional Location AD-732 042/CP MARINE ENGINES Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Performance of Heated Perforated Flat Plates PB-236 675/5CP MARKOV CHAINS Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffusion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks N73-32197/8CP MASS FLOW RATE Tables of Critical-Flow Functions and Ther- modynamic Properties for Methane and Computa- tional Procedures for Both Methane and Natural Gas N73-15309/CP MASS TRANSFER Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows Lecture 1 - the Basic Differential Equations. N70-36917/CP Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 9 - Further Development of the Method of Computation. N70-36925/CP SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS N71-18782/CP A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Con- centration Profiles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate N72-26289/CP Mass Transfer Through a Porous Tube. Part 1 Theory and Computer Programme N76-14410/4CP Liraq-2 Boundary Conditions. UCID-16871 MATCH1 COMPUTER PROGRAM Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2. FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP MATCH2 COMPUTER PROGRAM Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2, FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP MATERIAL ABSORPTION Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study. N75-29818/2CP MATERIALS Exploratory Development of Laser-Hardened Materials and Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters and Material Response to High-Power Laser Radiation. Volume II. Appendices A-E AD-A026 915/9CP Computer Simulation of Homogeneous Nuclea- tion and Growth Processes LBL-5125 H-Division Quarterly Report. October— December 1975. UCRL-50028-75-4 H-Division Quarterly Report. January— March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 MATERIALS HANDLING MHSS: A Material Handling System Simulator UCRL-78049 MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS An Analysis of Transonic Viscous/lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Bodies with Solid Stings or Real Plumes AD-A050 401 /9CP MATHEMATICAL MODELS Lifting Jet Flow Fields AD-A021 968/3CP Computer Program to Calculate Low Energy Elec- tron Diffraction Intensities. LBL-1418 Prediction of Electron Density and Collision Cross Section. Volume 2 - Equilibrium Electron Density Prediction, a Mathematical Model Final Report. N70-27716/CP STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory. N70-36799/CP Mathematical Modeling of Cryogenic Heat Pipes N71-16887/CP A STUDY OF COMPRESSIBLE TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS USING THE METHOD OF INVARIANT MODELING N71-18426/CP Temperature Variance in Spacecraft Thermal Analysis Atv-70 Program N71-22335/CP Analytic Performance of Two Grid Accelerator Designs for Kaufman Thrusters N71-23762/CP Examination of Turbulent Shear Models and the Prediction of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers by the Method of Weighted Residuals N71-24140/CP Mathematical Analysis of a Vuilleumier Refrigera- tor N71-25812/CP Mathematical Modeling of High and Low Tem- perature Heat Pipes N72-26963/CP Theoretical Models and Numerical Studies of Waves in a Three-Fluid Medium N72-30650/CP Photogrammetric Calibration of the NASA-Wal- lops Island Image Intensifier System N74-18103/3CP Modeling of Fluidized Bed Silicon Deposition Process. N77-28581/5CP 44 SUBJECT INDEX METEOROLOGY Theory and Computing Methods for Stacked Thin Films Theorie et Methodes de Calculs d'Empilements de Couches Minces. N77-29367/8CP Research into and Use of Computer Models of Plasmas in Controlled Thermonuclear Research. Progress Report, December 1, 1972— April 30, 1973 SAN-799-X-1 Conchas--Manymat Wavecode: Program to Com- pute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials, Part II. SAND-75-0155(Pt.2) Improvements in the Chart D Energy Flow Hydrodynamic Code V: 1972/73 Modifications. SLA-73-0477 Threat: A 3-D Heat Transfer Program. TRG-Report-2684(R) Computer Model for Wave Propagation in Porous Materials. UCRL-51673 MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Computer Subprograms for Scattering Problems ANU-P-439 Programs for Computing the Coefficients of Clebsch-Gordan (And 3-Jm). of Racah (And 6-J) 9-J, Z' (Compound Nucleus), and Z' (Statistical Model) CEA-N-1467 MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Modifications to Fotonap AD-A043 607/1CP MATHEMATICS Folded Form Factors and the Code Fold ORNL-TM-3896 MATPRO COMPUTER PROGRAM MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 MATRICES (MATHEMATICS) STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory. N70-36799/CP Automated Analysis of Wave Patterns Behind Towed Models. N71-13388/CP Subprograms for the Calculation of Spin Matrix Elements Using the Zemach Method . Sottopro- grammi Per II Calcolo Degli Elementi di Matrice di Spin Secondo II Metodo di Zemach N72-21683/CP An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equations N72-27002/CP MATRIX THEORY Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATE Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP MAXWELLS EQUATIONS A Non-Reflecting Electromagnetic Outer Bounda- ry Condition for Cylindrical Coordinates and the SGEMP Problem AD-A027 956/2CP MEASURE AND INTEGRATION The Quad Scheme: A New Method for Phase Space Integration. ANL-7556 MEASURING DEVICES (ELECTRICAL • ELECTRONIC) Multi-Purpose-Instrument Research: A New Mea- surement Technique and Property Table Genera- tion AD-736 870/CP A Study of Finite Moliere Scattering AD-874 659/CP MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Advances in the Measurement of rf Power and At- tenuation Using SQUIDS COM-74-51064/5CP MEASURING METHODS Laser Intensity Measurement. UCID-16550 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Stress and Creep. SLA-74-5190 MECHANICAL STRUCTURES Mesh Generation for Two-Dimensional Regions Using a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) Graphics Terminal SAND-76-8231 Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. UCRL-51574(Rev.1) MECHANICS H-Division Quarterly Report, October—December 1975. UCRL-50028-75-4 H-Division Quarterly Report, April—June 1976 UCRL-50028-76-2 MECHANICS (PHYSICS) Fatigue Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Mul- tiaxial out of Phase Stresses with Constant and Changing Directions of Principal Stresses. N76-33536/3CP MELTING A Numerical Procedure for Two Dimensional Heating and Melting Calculations, with Applica- tions to Laser Effects AD-757 189/CP MERIDIONAL FLOW Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities in the Meridional Plane of a Turbomachine 1 Centrifugal Compressor N72-17988/CP MESIC ATOMS Exotic- a Computer Code for Energy Levels of Exotic Atoms LA-5110 MESON-NUCLEON INTERACTIONS Nucleon- Meson Transport Code (Nmtc) N71-21562/CP MESON SCATTERING An Organizational Description of High Energy Transport Code (HETC) AD-783 040/9CP MESONS COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF FEYNMAN DIA- GRAMS. APPLICATION TO THE CALCULATION OF THE ANOMALOUS MAGNETIC MOMENT OF THE ELECTRON AND OF THE MUON CNRS-CPT-70-P-336 Real Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. I JINR-E1-6907 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer II JINR-E1-6908 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-P Elastic Scattering Experiment Using an HP 2116B Com- puter JINR-E1-6909 Program for Calculation of Photoproduction of Single Pions from Nucleons. Note No. 453. LNF-69/59 Pion Dose Calculations ORNL-TM-3985 Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc. ORNL-4606 Analysis Subroutines for the Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc ORNL-4736 MESONS J Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3, a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4564 Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc. ORNL-4606 Operating Instructions for the High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Hetc ORNL-4744 MESONS K Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3, a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4564 Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc. ORNL-4606 Operating Instructions for the High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Hetc ORNL-4744 METAL COATINGS Radiative Property Investigation. N74-28422/5CP METAL FIBERS Superconducting Materials for Pulsed Field Appli- cation. N77-16153/7CP METAL FILMS Studies, Research and Investigations of the Opti- cal Properties of Thin Films of Metals. Semi-Con- ductors and Dielectrics AD-726 137/CP METAL OXIDE LASERS Metal Oxidation Laser AD-784 760/1 CP METAL OXIDE SEMICONDUCTORS The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids: Their Surfaces and Interfaces AD-A037 797/8CP METAL PLATES The Effect of Gravity upon the Melt-Through Time' of a Solid Subjected to a High Intensity Laser AD-759 168/CP A Numerical Model of Surface Recession Phenomena of Metals Subjected to Laser Radia- tion in an Aerodynamic Environment AD-769 338/5CP METAL VAPOR LASERS Metal Atom Oxidation Laser AD-A031 820/4 CP Discovery of New Lasers AD-772 001/4CP METALLIC CRYSTALS Computer Programs for the Analysis of the Broadening of X-Ray Powder Patterns AD-723 191/CP Computer Simulation of Split Interstitial Equilibri- um Positions and Binding Energies in a Tungsten Crystal AD-745 839/CP Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP METALLURGICAL EQUIPMENT Heat Transfer Study for a Quasi-lsostatic Hot Pressing Process Y-1741 METALS Modified GRAY: An Improved Three-Phase Equa- tion of State for Metals AD-A025 260/1 CP The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids: Their Surfaces and Interfaces AD-A037 797/8CP Theory of Equations of State: Elastic-Plastic Ef- fects II AD-762 536/CP Low-Temperature Equation of State for Metals LA-5068 Computer Program for Evaluation of Bloch- Grueneisen Parameters of Metals and Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity of Tantalum as a Function of Temperature N71-29922/CP Computer Simulation of Radiation-Induced Void Nucleation and Growth in Metals ORO-3912-10 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report. June 1. 1969-December 31, 1971 ORO-3912-15 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, October 1, 1972-December 31, 1972 ORO-3912-20 Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1. Theoretical Description TRG-2459 Elastic Interaction of Tetragonal Precipitates in Cubic Crystals. Second Topical Progress Report. January 1 -December 31, 1972 UCLA-34-P-201 -4 METEOROLOGY Development of Numerical Techniques and Com- puter Systems for Climatological. Ionospheric and Microwave Physics Applications AD-A022 975/7CP 45 SUBJECT INDEX METHANE Tables of Critical-Flow Functions and Ther- modynamic Properties for Methane and Computa- tional Procedures for Both Methane and Natural Gas N73-15309/CP METHOD OF CHARACTERISTICS A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Charac- teristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems - MCDU 43 AD-A014 953/4CP Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow About Circular, Elliptic, and Bielliptic Cones by the Method of Lines N72-16209/CP Solution of Non-lsoenergetic Supersonic Flows by Method of Characteristics, Volume 3 N73-27210/6CP A Method for Calculating a Real-Gas Two-Dimen- sional Nozzle Contour Including the Effects of gamma. N75-30482/4CP MICROSCOPY A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Proper- ties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films N73-12811/CP MICROSTRUCTURE A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Proper- ties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films N73-12811/CP MICROWAVE AMPLIFIERS CFA Design Improvement Program AD-A024 065/5CP MICROWAVE OPTICS Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP MICROWAVE SPECTROSCOPY Submillimetre Laser, Microwave and Spectro- scopic Diagnostics of Ionization in Gaseous Plasmas AD-A028 403/4CP MICROWAVE TUBES CFA Design Improvement Program AD-A024 065/5CP MICROWAVES Development of Numerical Techniques and Com- puter Systems for Climatological, Ionospheric and Microwave Physics Applications AD-A022 975/7CP Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides AD-746 108/CP Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids Semi- annual Status Report, 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1969 N70-26117/CP Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids. N74-20314/2CP MIE COMPUTER PROGRAM MIE: A Fortran Program for Computing Power Deposition in Spherical Dielectrics through Appli- cation of MIE Theory AD-A044 226/9CP MIE SCATTERING Asymptotic Properties of the Mie Coefficients AD-A023 078/9CP Tables of Mie-Scattering Functions Part 1 Mix- tures of Dielectric Particles N72-15382/CP The Study and Development of an Active Scatter- ing Particle Size Spectrometer for Space Environ- ments N73-19425/CP Computed Mie Scattering Properties for Laser Wavelengths in Various Atmospheric Media. N76-14336/1CP MILLIMETER WAVES Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP A Study of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave At- tenuation and Dispersion in the Earth's At- mosphere AD-A015 544/OCP MINERALS A Computer Program for Plotting Coordination Polyhedra in Ionic Crystals-DRWMIN AD-A014 788/4CP Identifying Unknown Minerals and Compounds from X-Ray Diffraction Patterns Using the John- son and Vand Fortran 4 Computer Program N76-20575/6CP MIRRORS Laser Resonator Studies AD-A034 079/4CP DESIGN OF THE OPTICS OF A SPARK CHAMBER EXPERIMENT N71-18583/CP Evaluation of Image Quality in a Cassegrain-Type Telescope with an Oscillating Secondary Mirror N75-16800/5CP MIXING LENGTH FLOW THEORY Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Su- personic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tan- gential Slot Injection N71-22569/CP MODE LOCKED LASERS High Speed Electronic Bit Synchronizer AD-908 863/4CP MODESRCH COMPUTER PROGRAM MODESRCH', An Improved Computer Program for Obtaining ELF/VLF/LF Mode Constants in an Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A032 573/8CP MOESSBAUER EFFECT Mosspec- a Programme for Resolving Moess- bauer Spectra RISO-M-1348 MOLECULAR BEAM SKIMMERS Near-Free-Molecule Flow Calculations-Monte Carlo Study of Skimmer Interactions AD-744 508/CP MOLECULAR BEAMS Near-Free-Molecule Flow Calculations-Monte Carlo Study of Skimmer Interactions AD-744 508/CP Molecular Beam Focusing of Diatomics in Selected States - Two New Methods N70-36673/CP MOLECULAR COLLISIONS Fortran 4 Program for Studying Ion Polar Molecule Collisions N71-15830/CP MOLECULAR DIFFUSION Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffusion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks N73-32197/8CP MOLECULAR IONS Fortran 4 Program for Studying Ion Polar Molecule Collisions N71-15830/CP MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY A Collection of Computer Programs for Molecular Spectroscopy. AD-714 560/CP Demonstration of HF Chain Reaction Laser AD-921 655/7CP MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Computer Program for Determining Rotational Line Intensity Factors for Diatomic Molecules N73-30689/6CP MOLYBDENUM Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP MOLYBDENUM ISOTOPES MO-99 Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 MONOCHROMATORS Wavelength Calibration of Monochromators in the 0.3 to 2 mu Region N70-27387/CP MONOCLINIC LATTICES PL-1 Program System for Generalized Patterson Superpositions IS-4106 MONTE CARLO METHOD Continuous Surface-Density Monte Carlo Solution to the Dirichlet Heat-Transfer Problem AD-A037 899/2CP Comparisons of Experimental and Calculated Electron Transmission and Bremsstrahlung Spec- tra for Electron Energies Below 3.0 ME V Final Report, 12 Mar 1969 - 12 Mar. 1970. N70-27513/CP A Brief Discussion of Berger'S Latest Monte Carlo Program N70-37584/CP Nucleon- Meson Transport Code (Nmtc) N71-21562/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad, Volume 1 N72-24289/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 2 Code User Manual N72-24290/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffusion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks N73-32197/8CP Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study N75-29818/2CP Sambo, a Collision Analysis Package for Monte Carlo Codes ORNL-TM-3203 MOON A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP MORPHOLOGY Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program. Volume XXII. Coupled Erosion/Ablation of Reentry Materials AD-A026 619/7CP MOSSBAUER EFFECT Single Crystal Mossbauer Scattering. AD-714 573/CP A Computer Program for Moessbauer Data Processing N72-21677/CP MOTION Numerical Solutions of Dirichlet Problems with Axisymmetry by an Integral Equation Method. CLM-R-146 MOTOR VEHICLES Manual for Highway Noise Prediction (Appendix B) PB-226 087/5CP MULTIGROUP THEORY Migros-2: A Program Written in Fortran for the Calculation of Microscopic Group Constants from Nuclear Data KFK-1784 MULTIPATH TRANSMISSION Multipath Measurements AD-A001 064/5CP UHF Multipath Phenomena in a Marine Environ- ment COM-75-10266/5CP MUONS A Program to Determine Fundamental Nuclear Data from Muon Intensity Measurements and to Investigate Geophysical Aspects of Cosmic Rays at High Energies AD-723 330/CP Operating Instructions for the High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Hetc ORNL-4744 N CODES Monte Carlo Computer Program for Neutron Elastic Scattering Simulation AERE-R-7302 Description of the Sandia Version of the NASA- Ames Flow Field Code: Input-Output and Storage Locations. SAND-74-0096 Development and Comparison of Several Analyti- cal Models for the Planar Turbulent Near Wake in Supersonic Flow Combining Component and Critical Point Methods SLA-73-628 Operation Manual for Program "Nuwie" TID-26370 N-TYPE SEMICONDUCTORS Physical Interpretation of Hall Effect Measure- ments by a Least Squares Method - Application to Different Models N70-26255/CP N WAVES The Propagation of a Spherical N Wave in an Ab- sorbing Medium and Its Diffraction by a Circular Aperture AD-787 878/8CP 46 SUBJECT INDEX NEUTRON-DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS NACA AIRFOILS A Computerized Procedure to Obtain the Coor- dinates and Section Characteristics of NACA Designated Airfoils AD-738 623/CP NACELLES Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Volume 1 N73-24313/CP Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds. Volume 2 N73-24314/CP User Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Appendix N73-24315/CP Development of Analytical Methods of Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds: Exact Solution N73-27211/4CP Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds N73-27890/5CP NASTRAN Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 1. N77-23411/0CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 2. N77-23412/8CP NASTRAN COMPUTER PROGRAM Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS A Numerically Efficient Finite Element Hydroelastic Analysis. Volume 1 : Theory and Results. N76-23627/2CP NATURAL GAS Tables of Critical-Flow Functions and Ther- modynamic Properties for Methane and Computa- tional Procedures for Both Methane and Natural Gas N73-15309/CP NAVAL RESEARCH Report of NRL Progress PB-211 863/CP NAVIER-STOKES EQUATION CSD-YAQUI: An Eulerian Computer Code for Flow at All Speeds in Ducts K/CSD/TM-9 Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional Unsteady Reacting Flows LA-UR-76-1229 Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-Depen- dent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Difference Method. N70-38683/CP Numerical Solution of the Unsteady Navier- Stokes Equations and Application to Flow in a Rectangular Cavity with a Moving Wall N71-23915/CP A Finite Element Solution Algorithm for the Navi- er-Stokes Equations N74-29035/4CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions. N76-21454/3CP NAVIER STOKES EQUATIONS On the Stability of Poiseuille Flow AD-A018 304/6CP Numerical Solution of Subsonic Viscous-lnviscid Interacting Flows AD-A036 213/7CP Feasibility of a Special-Purpose Computer to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A047 243/1 CP Numerical Experiments with the Two- and Three- Dimensional Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations AD-761 459/CP Numerical Simulation of Turbulence AD-774 161 /4CP NEODYMIUM LASERS Optical Design of a Frequency Doubled NdYAG Laser AD-A028 000/8CP A Preliminary Analysis of the Performance of the University of Rochester's Glass Development AD-A047 632/5CP NEON Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 18- ME V Protons on Ne 20. N70-33818/CP NEUTRON ABSORPTION Computer Code for the Calculation of Thermal Neutron Absorption in Spherical and Cylindrical Neutron Sources COM-71-50374/CP NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS Andante - an ALGOL Program for Decomposition of gamma-Ray Spectra and Processing of Foil Counting Data N70-27510/CP NEUTRON AGE The Evaluation of Several Endf/B Nuclide Cross- Sections by a Monte Carlo Technique AI-AEC-MEMO-12915 NEUTRON BEAMS The Use and Testing' of al, Fe. Ni, Cu. and PB Secondary gamma-Ray Production Data Sets from the POPOP4 Library. AD-709 459/CP Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Light Nuclei. Final Report N-72-29705 Mack: Computer Program to Calculate Neutron Energy Release Parameters (Fluence-to-Kerma Factors) and Multigroup Neutron Reaction Cross Sections from Nuclear Data in Endf Format ORNL-TM-3994 Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 Univac 1108 Hammer-Hanford Version Supple- mentary Users Note UNI-35 NEUTRON CAPTURE GAMMA RAYS Line and Continuum gamma-Ray Yields from Thermal-Neutron Capture in 75 Elements. AD-717 639/CP NEUTRON CHOPPERS Programme "SLOT" for Calculating Curvature of Slits for Rotors of Neutron Semimonochromators INR-1527/9A/PR/B NEUTRON CROSS SECTIONS The A.A.E.C. Fission Product Cross Section Libra- ries Fisprod.Pointxsl and Fisprod.Groupxsl AAEC/TM-587 The Evaluation of Several Endf/B Nuclide Cross- Sections by a Monte Carlo Technique. AI-AEC-MEMO-12915 Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System. Volume I. Operators Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL.1) Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System. Volume II. System Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL2) Score-lll-A- an Interactive Display System for Evaluation of Multilevel Resonance Parameters in the Adler Format AI-AEC-13018 U3R- a Code to Calculate Unresolved Resonance Cross Section Probability Tables AI-AEC-13024 Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Acsap) ANCR-1042 Unresolved C-Sure- Cross Sections for Resonances from Endf/B ANCR-1068 Program Scope BNL- 16700 Program Inter BNL-17408 Endf/B Processing Codes for the Resonance Re- gion BNL-50296 The Program Igor. Straight Line Attenuation. Ad- justment of the Attenuation Nuclei in Spherical Geometry. CEA-N-1312 Computer Program for Analysis of the Cross Sec- tions of Fissile Nuclei in the Resonance Region Using a Multilevel Formalism CEA-N-1564 Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Acsap) CONF-710301-6 Flange II (Version 71-1)- A Code to Process Ther- mal Neutron Data from an Endf/B Tape DP-1278 Laph: A Multigroup Photon Production Matrix and Source Vector Code for Endf/B. LA-4337 Calculations of Flux Spectra and Energy Deposi- tion for Fast Neutrons. N70-26461/CP Data Reduction Programs for Total Cross Section Experiments. N70-26530/CP Tests of Evaluated Beryllium (N.2N) Cross Sec- tions by Analysis of 1.4-E V Flux in Water for an Americium-Beryllium Source Enclosed in Berylli- um Spheres. N70-37365/CP Editor- a Processing Code for Endf/B Format Data ORNL-TM-3266 Xchekr- a Multigroup Cross-Section Editing and Checking Code ORNL-TM-3518 Xlacs- a Program to Produce Weighted Mul- tigroup Neutron Cross Sections from Endf/B ORNL-TM-3646 ALC1 Program for Cross-Section Library Manage- ment ORNL-TM-4015 ANISN SYSTEM, REPORT NO 2 LGR/B PRO- GRAM- FOR UPDATING THE ANISN LIBRARY TAPES WITH PLOTTING OF CROSS SECTION CURVES ORNL-TR-2408 Development of ENDF/B-IV Multigroup Neutron Cross-Section Libraries for the Leopard and Laser Codes PB-244 391 /9CP Cross-Section Standardization for Thermal Power Reactors PB-244 665/6CP SIGLEARN: A Program for Simultaneous Least- Squares Fitting of Thermal Neutron Cross Sec- tions and Related Ratios PB-254 391 /6CP Cross-Section Data Analysis Utilizing an Interac- tive Graphics Display RPI-328-220 Utoe- an Ukndl to Endf/B Translation Programme RT/FI-(72)27 Modified Version of the Rigel Code RT/FI-(72)43 Processing Codes for Group-Averaged Discrete Ordinates Cross-Section Tables SC-DR-710320 Etot- a Fortran IV Program to Process Data from the Endf/B File to Thermal Library Format WCAP-7363 NEUTRON DECAY Pertran - a Transport-Perturbation Program. N70-33112/CP NEUTRON DIFFRACTION Modified Version of the Busing-Martin-Levy Least Squares Program for the Direct Fitting of Struc- tures to Powder Diffraction Patterns by the Method of Profile Analysis AAEC/E-257 Computer Program for Determining Multiplicities of Bragg Reflections for Any Space Group AERE-R-8456 NEUTRON-DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS Programs for the Management and Processing of Neutron Diffraction Data AAEC/TM-578 Computer Program for Calculating Multiple Scat- tering with Cylindrical Geometry AD-734 397/CP Determination of Spinel Structure Parameters from Neutron Diffraction Data Using Odra 1204 Computer ITJ-21 MAGNETIC PHENOMENA AT METAL SURFACES. TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT, FEBRUARY 1- DECEMBER 31. 1970 ORO-3674-4 47 SUBJECT INDEX NEUTRON FLUX A Neutron Moments Computer Code. Moment I COM-72-50522/CP A Neutron Moments Computer Code, Moment I COM-72-50537/CP AMP (Activity Manipulation Program) ORNL/TM-5296 Epoch: A Program to Calculate Neutron Ages Using the Endf/B Library. WAPD-TM-822(Add.1) NEUTRON FLUX DENSITY Tests of Evaluated Beryllium (N.2N) Cross Sec- tions by Analysis of 1.4-E V Flux in Water for an Americium-Beryllium Source Enclosed in Berylli- um Spheres. N70-37365/CP NEUTRON IMPORTANCE FUNCTION Steps Toward Importance Sampling for Mcmeg UCID-16313 NEUTRON IRRADIATION Displacement Damage in Silicon Irradiated with 6- to 10-MeV Neutrons AD-A039 774/5CP A Machine-Language Computer Program to Ob- tain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3CP Magyar: A Single-Collision Model Neutron Heat- ing Code for Component Design (User's Manual). SC-DR-69-318 NEUTRON REACTIONS Computer Codes Available for Analysis of Direct Nuclear Reactions AD-739 921 /CP Monte Carlo Computer Program for Neutron Elastic Scattering Simulation AERE-R-7302 Spectra Program User'S Manual. GEMP-728 Multilevel Calculation of exp 235 U Neutron Fis- sion Cross-Section IFA-NR-41-1972 Revised Definitions in Kedak-3 KFK-EXT-4/76-37 Tiflis (Time-of-Flight-Spectra) a Data Reduction Program for the Evaluation of Time-of-Flight Ex- periments KFK-2187 Cross Sections in the Energy Range from 10 to 40 Mev Calculated with the Gnash Code LA-UR-77-1031 Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Light Nuclei. Final Report N-72-29705 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation. Final Report N-72-30618 Mack: Computer Program to Calculate Neutron Energy Release Parameters (Fluence-to-Kerma Factors) and Multigroup Neutron Reaction Cross Sections from Nuclear Data in Endf Format ORNL-TM-3994 Comparison of the Group Constants Generated by the Endf/B Processing Codes Etox and Super- tog ORNL-TM-4041 Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 "Piume" Code for the Multilevel Two-Channel Cross Section Calculations RT/FI-(72)50 Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Constants. Program Linear (Version 77-1): Linearize Data in the Evalu- ated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format UCRL-50400(V.17)(Pt.A) Univac 1108 Hammer-Hanford Version Supple- mentary Users Note UNI-3S NEUTRON SCATTERING Computer Program for Calculating Multiple Scat- tering with Cylindrical Geometry AD-734 397/CP Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering Measure- ments and the Neutron Charge Form Factor at Very Low Momentum Transfers AD-757 587/CP SAM-CE Monte Carlo Calculations of Nitrogen and Carbon Ball Integral Experiments AD-766 509/4CP Integral Neutron Thermalization. GA-10060 A Computer Code for Predicting gamma Produc- tion Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scatter- ing from Light Nuclei N72-29705/CP NEUTRON SOURCES Evaluation of the Neutron Source Absorption Cor- rection in a Manganous Sulfate Bath COM-72-50682/CP Pinhole for Producing a Close-in Image of an Ex- tended 14-Mev Neutron Source. UCRL-51860 NEUTRON SPECTROMETERS An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/OCP Dochap- a Fortran IV Program for the Correction and Calibration of Neutron Inelastic Scattering Data EUR-4599 User's Guide to Swift, a Monte Carlo Technique for Unfolding Neutron Spectra HASL-244 Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report. January 1. 1970-March 31. 1970. RPI-328-187 NEUTRON SPECTROSCOPY Theory and Application of the Generalized Spec- tra Code. SC-RR-70-251 NEUTRON SPECTRUM Numerical and Experimental Studies of Spectral Unfolding. Volume II AD-734 204/CP Spectral Unfolding: Its Mathematical Basis, Imple- mentation and Application with MAZE2 AD-755 190/CP Evaluation of Operational Characteristics of Selected Unfolding Codes AD-770 370/5CP Analysis of Ebr-ll Neutron Spectra by Monte Carlo and Discrete Ordinate Methods. GEMP-742 NEUTRON TRANSPORT THEORY Line and Continuum gamma-Ray Yields from Thermal-Neutron Capture in 75 Elements. AD-717 639/CP MOD-5: A Computer Code for Calculations of Neutron Time-Energy Distributions in the Slowing Down Region AD-727 8/6/CP The MORSE Code with Combinatorial Geometry AD-743 171/CP SAM-CE: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions AD-746 462/CP Modification of the SAM-CE System to SAM-CE Revision A AD-749 980/CP SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions. Revision A AD-751 617/CP ANTE 3 - A FORTRAN Computer Code for the Solution of the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equa- tion by the Monte Carlo Technique AD-756 290/CP Correlated Sampling Monte Carlo Neutron Trans- port Using SAMCEP: Three Studies AD-758 449/CP SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions - Revision B AD-767 439/3CP Additional Analysis of Neutron and Secondary Gamma Ray Transport in Concrete Using the SAM-CE Monte Carlo Code AD-768 042/4CP Leap and Addelt, a Users Guide to Two Comple- mentary Codes on the lcl-470 for Calculating the Scattering Law from a Phonon Frequency Func- tion AEEW-M-1200 Gog B: An Improved Two Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Code AEEW-R-804 Monte Carlo Computer Program for Neutron Elastic Scattering Simulation AERE-R-7302 Raffle General Purpose Monte Carlo Code ANCR-1022 New Spatial Differencing for the Neutron Trans- port Equation EIR-232 GARTH, a Full-Range Integral Transport Code for Reactor Design Calculations GA-A-13745 Icl Version of the 05R Program System KFKI-73-2 Men: A Neutron Monte Carlo Code LA-4751 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 1. Theory and Techniques. Revised N-70-42026 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 2. Users' Manual. Revised N-70-42027 Holpert: A Fortran IV Diffusion Theory Program for Estimating the Effect of Re-Entrant Hole in Asymptotic-Decay Pulsed Neutron Experiments. RPI-328-126 Steps Toward Importance Sampling for Mcmeg UCID-16313 TARTNP User's Manual UCID-17026 NEUTRONS Comparison of Leap, Tor and Slab, Programmes for Computing the Scattering Law S(Alpha.beta) from a Phonon Frequency Function AEEW-M-1136 Two Dimensional Transport Code Twotran. A Users Guide to the Winfrith Fortran IV Version for Use on the IBM 360 Computer AEEW-R-778 Nerma- a Programme for Evaluating Neutron In- duced Energy Release in Materials AERE-M-2474 Tess- a One-Dimensional S/Sub n/ Transport- Theory Code for the Cdc-3600 ANL-7406 Dblscat- a Computer Code for Double-Scattering Corrections ANL-7780 HRG3- a Code for Calculating the Slowing-down Spectrum in the p/sub 1/ or B/sub 1/ Approxima- tion. BNWL-1432 The Program Igor. Straight Line Attenuation. Ad- justment of the Attenuation Nuclei in Spherical Geometry. CEA-N-1312 Ras- a Synthesis Program for the Calculation of 2-Group Neutron Flux in R-theta CISE-R-252 Codilli II- a Fortran IV Program for the Analysis of Neutron Resonance with Program Score. Techni- cal Report No. 3 COO-2022-7 Timoc- a General Purpose Monte Carlo Code for Stationary and Time Dependent Neutron Trans- port EUR-4519 Jn-METD1- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems with Isotropic Scat- tering in Bare Spheres and Homogeneous Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method EUR-4601 IBM 360 and IBM 1800 Versions of the Shape and Area Analysis Programs of S. E. Atta and J. A. Harvey EUR-4760 Jn-METD2- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems with Isotropic Scat- tering in Multilayer Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method EUR-4839 Urs Program for Calculating Slow Neutron Spec- tra by Differential Equations IAE-1969 High-Speed Modifications of the Method of Probabilities of the First Collision. Part III IAE-2112 48 SUBJECT INDEX NONLINEAR PROPAGATION ANALYSES Program for the Computing of the Scattering Cross-Sections in Heavy Water IFA-DNBR-3 Flange-al 4 Code for the Gier Computer INR-1260 Analysis of Pulsed Neutron Experiments on Bare Fast Multiplying System by Storrer-Stievenarts Theory JAERI-M-4652 Stax 2- a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory. JAERI-1191 Program for Solution of the Stationary Neutron Transport Equation with Spherical Symmetry JUL-683-MA Nusys-Phases 41501-41505. Equivalent Approxi- mation of the Step Function and Its Use in Nuclear Calculations (Iterative Remo Procedure) KFK-1576 Program for the Determination of Neutron Spec- tra from Activation Data KFKI-71-22 Spectrans- a Computer Code for Standardizing Neutron Spectra KFKI-72-65 Mcna- a Computer Program to Solve the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equation by Coupled Sampling with the Monte Carlo Method LA-4488 Men: A Neutron Monte Carlo Code LA-4751 Laphan- a Code to Compute the P/Sub 0/ to P/Sub 4/ Multigroup Photon-Production Matrices LA-4963 SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS N71-18782/CP Subprogram for the Calculation of the Matrix Ele- ment of Spin According to the Zemach Method. Note No. 328 NP-19217 Legck, a Subroutine to Analyze Legendre Coeffi- cients for Negativity in the Angular Distribution ORNL-TM-2903 Collision Site Plotting Routines and Collision Density Fluence Estimates for the Morse Monte Carlo Code ORNL-TM-3585 Anisn System- Description and Service Instruc- tions for the Anisn Discrete Ordinate Program and Subroutines ORNL-TR-2419 ELF Neutron Program ORNL-TR-2519 Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3, a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4564 Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc. ORNL-4606 Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfolding Spectra. Part I. Theory, Discussion, and Results RD/B/N-1962 Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 Sassi- a Fortran Programme for the Calculation of Neutron Scattering from a Spherical Optical Potential RT/FI-(71)6 Trud- an Anisotropic Diffusion Code for Xy Geometry RT/FI-(72)1 Program for Calculation of the Diffusion-Trans- port Coupling Constant RT/FIMA-(72)6 Gramp- a Program to Generate Reich and Moore Parameters for Multilevel Unresolved Resonances. WAPD-TM-935 NEUTRONS/ COLD Use of Cubic Spline Functions in Nuclear Data Processing IFA-DNBR-4 NEUTRONS/ EPITHERMAL Use of Cubic Spline Functions in Nuclear Data Processing IFA-DNBR-4 NEUTRONS/ FAST Comparison of Spherical Optical Model Codes and Proposition of Standard Values for Testing a Code CEA-N-1532(E) Scans- Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets IN-1446 Calculation of the Activity Produced by Irradiation of Thin Targets with High-Energy Neutrons. Neurak Program NP- 18649 Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 Fispro II- a Fortran IV Code for Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Calculations. RT/FI-(69)44 NEUTRONS/ INTERMEDIATE Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 NEUTRONS/ PILE Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons. Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved. Program Source. CEA-N-1294 NEUTRONS/ THERMAL An Investigation of a Monte Carlo Treatment of Thermal Neutron Scattering AEEW-M-730 Granit- a Code for Calculating Position Depen- dent Thermal Neutron Spectra in Doubly Heterogeneous Systems by the Integral Transport Method BNWL-1634 Tisk- a Program for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernels, and Its Application to H/Sub 2/0 BNWL-1675 Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0, D/Sub 2/0. C, Zrh/Sub 2/, (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub X/. Be, Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 Flange II (Version 71-1)- A Code to Process Ther- mal Neutron Data from an Endf/B Tape DP-1278 Scans- Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets IN-1446 Minigasket- a Code for Thermal Neutron Scatter- ing Law in Polycrystals INR-1186 Energy-Angular Distribution of alpha Particles Emitted in Fission of /Sup 236/U. Polar Emission INR-1429 Thrush- a Code for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernel JAERI-MEMO-4211 Colli- a Program Package for Calculation of Ther- mal-Neutron Scattering JUL-668-RG NEWTON THEORY Computer Program to Predict the Newtonian Aerodynamics of General Bodies Approximated by Flat Plates. N70-35621/CP NICKEL Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of In- terstitial Hydrogen Isotopes in Palladium Progress Report, April 1, 1973— December 15, 1973. COO-3551-8 NICKEL ISOTOPES NI-S0 Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report, January 1. 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 NICKEL STEELS Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffrac- tion Line Profile: A Computer Program COM-71-50308/CP NIGHT VISION DEVICES Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP NIGHT WARFARE Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP NIMROD Data Logging on the Nimrod 70 Mev Linac RL-76-140/B NIOBIUM Phonon Spectrum and Strong-Coupling Super- conductivity in Nb: A Single-Crystal Tunneling Study AD-A006 930/2CP Doppler Shift Lifetime and Gamma-Ray Angular Measurements in 93NB AD-A009 698/2CP Nerma- a Programme for Evaluating Neutron In- duced Energy Release in Materials AERE-M-2474 NIOBIUM 93 Doppler Shift Lifetime and Gamma-Ray Angular Measurements in 93NB AD-A009 698/2CP NIOBIUM ALLOYS Superconducting Materials for Pulsed Field Appli- cation. N77-16153/7CP NITRIDES Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP NITROGEN Rotational Temperature Measurements in Flowing Nitrogen Discharges by Sidelight Spectroscopy AD-762 290/CP Ntwo - a Nitrogen Properties Package N70-29990/CP NITROGEN PLASMA Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measurements of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma N72-29707/CP NOISE POLLUTION Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations. NOISEMAP Computer Program Operation Manual Addendum for Version 3.3 of NOISEMAP AD-A042 143/8CP NOISE REDUCTION A Computer Technique for Predicting Noise Levels Inside Large Enclosures AD-771 107/0CP Noise Reduction in Hydraulic Systems AD-775 223/1CP Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 575/CP An Ecological Systems Approach to Community Noise Abatement. Phase I PB-234 311/9CP NOISE (SOUND) A Computer Technique for Predicting Noise Levels Inside Large Enclosures AD-771 107/OCP Community Median Noise Level Computer Model PB-201 916/CP Manual for Highway Noise Prediction (Appendix B) PB-226 087/5CP NONEQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis Volume 1. N75-26307/9CP NONEQUILIBRIUM FLOW Non-Equilibrium Radiation for the HULL Code AD-A032 724/7CP Effects of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on the In- viscid Design of an Axisymmetric Nozzle for Hypersonic Flow. N75-14991/4CP NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS On a Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-771 068/4CP NONLINEAR OPTICS SSPARAMA: A Nonlinear, Wave Optics Multipulse (and CW) Steady-State Propagation Code with Adaptive Coordinates AD-A037 395/1 CP NONLINEAR PROPAGATION ANALYSES The Second-Order Solution for Wave Interaction with a Submerged Cylinder AD-A044 268/1 CP 49 SUBJECT INDEX NONNEWTONIAN FLUIDS Computer Program for Reduction and Presenta- tion ot High-Pressure Capillary Viscometer Data AD-A044 490/1 CP NONRELATIVISTIC MECHANICS Computer Study of Solution Method for Inversion Problem N71-29024/CP NONUNIFORM FLOW Time Integration of Unsteady Transonic Flow to a Steady State Solution by the Finite Element Method AD-A039 790/1CP A General Theory of Unsteady Loads on Cavitat- ing Hydrofoils - Computer Use Manual AD-776 203/2CP NOSE CONES Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 1 N73-20309/CP Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 2 N73-20310/CP NOSE TIPS Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVII. Computer User's Manual: Erosion Shape (EROS) Computer Code AD-A026 613/OCP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVIII Nosetip Analyses Using the EROS Computer Code AD-A026 614/8CP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XXII Coupled Erosion/Ablation of Reentry Materials AD-A026 619/7CP NOZZLE DESIGN Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three Dimensional Acoustic Fields N72-14703/CP Modification of a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Analysis and Comparison with Experimen- tal Data N74-18651/1CP A Method for Calculating a Real-Gas Two-Dimen- sional Nozzle Contour Including the Effects of gamma. N75-30482/4CP NOZZLE FLOW Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interaction Final Report N70-43047/CP Boundary Layer Loss Sensitivity Study Using a Modified Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Com- puter P ogram N72-26232/CP Tables of Critical-Flow Functions and Ther- modynamic Properties for Methane and Computa- tional Procedures for Both Methane and Natural Gas N73-15309/CP Modification of a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Analysis and Comparison with Experimen- tal Data. N74-18651/1CP Interim User's Manual for Boundary Layer In- tegral Matrix Procedure, Version J N74-28756/6CP Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications. N74-31752/0CP The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis. Volume 1. N75-26307/9CP Comparison of Slender Channel Computations with Experiments for Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Nozzle Flows. N76-15113/3CP The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis Volume 2: User's Manual. N76-21453/5CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis Volume 3: Programmer S Manual N76-21458/4CP A Fortran Program for the Computation of Two- Dimensional or Axisymmetric Nozzles UN Pro- gramme Fortran pour le Calcul d'Une Tuyere Su- personique Plane ou de Revolution. N77-11012/0CP Program for Computing One-Dimensional Steady Flows with Energy Addition in a Tube of Given Shape Programme de Calcul d'Ecoulements Monodimensionnels Stationnaires Avec Apport d'Energie dans Une Conduite de Forme Donnee. N77-21382/5CP A Fortran Program for the Determination of Noz- zle Contours for Rotational, Non-Homentropic Gas Mixtures. N77-22421/0CP NOZZLE GAS FLOW A Users Manual for Computer Code NOZZLE AD-A028 971 /OCP Computer Program for Calculation of Separated Turbulent Flows on Axisymmetric Afterbodies AD-A041 219/7CP The Analysis of Nonequilibrium, Chemically Reacting, Supersonic Flow in Three Dimensions. Volume II Computer program Manual AD-736 467/CP Two-Phase Nozzle Flow (Gas-Solid) AD-750 038/CP NOZZLE GEOMETRY Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Nozzle with Boundary Layer Correction N71-32793/CP Effects of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on the In- viscid Design of an Axisymmetric Nozzle for Hypersonic Flow. N75-14991/4CP The Computation of Two Dimensional Supersonic Flows in Laval Type Nozzles N76-31206/5CP NOZZLES Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP A Fortran Program for the Computation of Two- Dimensional or Axisymmetric Nozzles UN Pro- gramme Fortran pour le Calcul d'Une Tuyere Su- personique Plane ou de Revolution. N77-11012/0CP NUCLEAR CROSS SECTIONS NUDATA - A Computer Program to Prepare Cross Section Data for the MAGI-SGD Code AD-730 625/CP Perturbation Transformation of Nuclear Cross- Section Parameters Between Wigner-Eisenbud and Kapur-Peierls Formalisms: The Perta Pro- gram. LA-4327 Description of the Generation of Data Decks by Etog-1 for Use in Creating Muft and GAM Libra- ries. WCAP-3845-2 NUCLEAR ENERGY Details of Some beta Heating Calculations N71-38394/CP NUCLEAR ENERGY LEVELS Doppler Shift Lifetime and Gamma-Ray Angular Measurements in 93NB AD-A009 698/2CP Electroexcitation of Giant Resonances between 5 MeV and 40 MeV Excitation Energy in 197Au AD-783 857/6CP NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume II Late-Time High-Altitude Electromag- netic Pulse Code Development AD-A000 944/9CP The MACYL6 Hydrodynamic Code: A Numerical Method for Calculating Incompressible Axisym- metric Time-Dependent Free-Surface Fluid Flows at High Reynolds Number. AD-709 142/CP A Study ot Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases Volume I AD-722 709/CP An Investigation of a Mixed-Phase Equation of State for the PUFF 66 Computer Code AD-726 992/CP WEDCOM Propagation Model Improvements AD-727 627/CP Two-Dimensional Characteristic Ray Code Development AD-730 124/CP Pilot Close Coupling Code for Heavy Particle Col- lisions AD-734 756/CP Evaluation of WEDCOM (Weapon Effects on D-re- gion COMmunications) Propagation Models AD-744 667/CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume I AD-751 607/CP A Study of Equations of State-Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume 2. Appendix D - Segmentation of CAPO. Appendix E - Listing of CAPO AD-751 608/CP PEDAS: A 2-Dimensional Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Code for Photon-Energy Deposition and Air Stripping AD-752 026/CP Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume I Two-Dimensional Ground-Burst Elec- tromagnetic Pulse Calculational Methods AD-783 623/2CP Description of the Pufl Fortran Program UCRL-50802 The Ogre Code: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model of the Transient Flow of One or Two Com- pressible Fluids Through Confined Porous Media. UCRL-50820 NUCLEAR FORCES A Numerical Investigation of the Deuteron Ground State. AD-711 285/CP NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLES Advanced Recycle Methodology Program PB-249 622/2CP NUCLEAR FUEL REPROCESSING Guide to Improving the Performance of a Manipu- lator System for Nuclear Fuel Handling through Computer Controls PB-249 255/1CP Advanced Recycle Methodology Program PB-249 622/2CP NUCLEAR FUEL RODS Thermal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod PB-243 219/3CP NUCLEAR FUSION A New Approach to the Study of Planar Plasma Pinch Stability PB-252 699/4CP NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP NUCLEAR MODELS ELMOS- A CDC-6600 FORTRAN-IV CODE TO MANIPULATE SINGLE PARTICLE WAVEFUNC- TIONS AND SOLVE THE ELLIPSOIDAL MODIFIED OSCILLATOR PROBLEM AECL-3730 Optical Model Code JIB3 (Version Perey 3) ANU-P-451 Fidel- an Optical Model Search Code with Spin- Orbit Terms for Spin-/Sup 1///Sub 2/ and Spin-1 Particles ANU-P-500 Comparison of Spherical Optical Model Codes and Proposition of Standard Values for Testing a Code CEA-N-1532(E) Computer Study of Solution Method for Inversion Problem N71-29024/CP Folded Form Factors and the Code Fold ORNL-TM-3896 NUCLEAR PHYSICS Progress Report, Physics Division. January 1 to March 31. 1976 AECL-5508 Nuclear, Solid State, and Theoretical Physics Research N73-11726/CP Etot- a Fortran IV Program to Process Data from the Endf/B File to Thermal Library Format WCAP-7363 NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Heat Transfer in Infinite Slabs AD-718 332/CP Reliability and Availability of a System with Active R/M Repairable Redundancies. General Solution: FIDIAS Program FRRSR-9 Data Reduction by an Approximate Thermal Diffu- sion Solution PB-242 416/6CP Reactor Safety Study An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. Appendix VII. Release of Radioactivity in Reactor 50 SUBJECT INDEX NUCLEI Accidents. Appendix VIII. Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents. Appendix IX. Safety Design Rationale for Nuclear Power Plants. Ap- pendix X. Design Adequacy PB-248 207/3CP NUCLEAR RADIATION Development and Testing of DAVID: A Close-in EMP Coupling Code for Arbitrarily Shaped Ob- jects AD-A030 684/5CP Modifications and Applications of the Vera System of Codes. Volume I. Modifications of the Codes. AD-705 513/CP Modification of the SAM-CE System to SAM-CE Revision A AD-749 980/CP Design of a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code for the ILLIAC IV AD-753 191/CP Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study. N75-29818/2CP NUCLEAR REACTION KINETICS Program Knmatics: Two Body Nuclear Relativistic Kinematics BARC-658 NUCLEAR REACTIONS Hauser- a Computer Code for the Calculation of Compound Nucleus Cross Sections Using the Hauser-Feshbach Theory ANU-P-512 Nuclear Statistical Fluctuation Program (Ncfl) AREAEE-148 Multigroup Neutron Diffusion Theory Perturba- tion Program Jinx AWRE-O-40/71 Nuclear Cross-Section Calculations Using R- Matrix BARC-663 GROGI2- A NUCLEAR EVAPORATION COM- PUTER CODE- DESCRIPTION AND USER'S MANUAL BNL-50246 Algebra Used by Dwuck with Applications to the Normalization of Typical Reactions. COO-535-613 Computer Programs for Statistical Nuclear Decay COO-3496-10 Statistical Program Gamaj COO-3496-11 Kinematics of Three-Body Reactions DEMO-72/13 Endrun-ll- a Computer Code to Generate a Generalized Multigroup Data File from Endf/B GEAP-13704 Hauser"4. a Computer Code to Calculate Nuclear Cross Sections HEDL-TME-76-80 Computing Programmes for Strong Absorption Model "Kenut" and "Zolw ." INP-744 Manual for Jupitor-1 (Supplement) JAERI-MEMO-4138 Improved Version of Tamura's Code for Coupled Channel Calculations- "Jupitor Karlsruhe Ver- sion." KFK-1333 Relkin: A Two-Body Relativistic Kinematics Code LA-4349 Program for Analysis of Elastic Nuclear Scattering with the Optical Model LFEN-NI-72-A Computer Program for Acceptance Calculations for Two-Body Photoproduction Reactions LUSY-7101 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation N72-30618/CP Evap-4- Another Modification of a Code to Calcu- late Particle Evaporation from Excited Compound Nuclei. ORNL-TM-3119 Inclusion of Fission and Charged-Particle Emis- sion in Calculations of Nuclear Reactions- Com- puted Energies, Angles, and Ranges of Recoil Nuclei ORNL-TM-3179 Swanlake, a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 Spectra ORO-2972-196 Oregon State Coupled-Channel Code RLO-2227-T-11-2 Mare- a Fortran IV Code for Compound Nucleus Reaction Calculations in the Continuum RT/FI-(72)7 Univac 1108 Hammer-Hanford Version Supple- mentary Users Note UNI-35 NUCLEAR REACTIONS DIRECT Computer Subprograms for Scattering Problems ANU-P-439 Sandra- the Dwba Codes Julie and Dwuck Adapted for Use on the IBM 360/50 Computer ANU-P-507 Distorted Wave Born Approximation Programmes for Inelastic Scattering of Charged Particles MIS-0." "MIS-2," "MIS-3." "MIS-4." and "MIS- 5." INP-746 NUCLEAR REACTOR ACCIDENTS Thermal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod PB-243 219/3CP Reactor Safety Study An Assessment of Accident Risks in US Commercial Nuclear Power Plants Appendix VII Release of Radioactivity in Reactor Accidents. Appendix VIII. Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents Appendix IX. Safety Design Rationale for Nuclear Power Plants Ap- pendix X. Design Adequacy PB-248 207/3CP User's Manual for RELAP 3B-MOD 101. A Reactor System Transient Code PB-249 616/4CP NUCLEAR REACTOR CONTAINMENT Evaluation of the Rexco-H and Rexco-Hep Reac- tor Excursion Containment Codes AD-A008 140/6CP NUCLEAR REACTOR COOLANTS Tac3d: A General Purpose Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer Computer Code: Mathematical For- mulations and Programmer's Guide GA-9264 Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients Volume I: Theory and Experiment PB-254 425/2CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume II: Analytical Techniques PB-254 426/0CP Heat Transfer and Carryover of Low Pressure Water in a Heated Vertical Tube PB-256 480/5CP NUCLEAR REACTOR KINETICS MEKIN: MIT-EPRI Nuclear Reactor Core Kinetics Code PB-246 054/1 CP Advanced Recycle Methodology Program PB-249 622/2CP NUCLEAR REACTOR MATERIALS Magyar: A Single-Collision Model Neutron Heat- ing Code for Component Design (User'S Manual). SC-DR-69-318 NUCLEAR REACTOR SAFETY User's Manual for RELAP 3B-MOD 101 A Reactor System Transient Code PB-249 616/4CP User's Guide for the WAM-BAM Computer Code PB-249 624/8CP Identification of Dynamic Characteristics of Nuclear Reactor Systems PB-251 294/5CP An Evaluation of State-Of-The-Art Two-Velocity Two-Phase Flow Models and Their Applicability to Nuclear Reactor Transient Analysis. Volume 3 Data Comparisons PB-252 758/8CP Application of a Drift-Flux Model to Flashing in Straight Pipes PB-254 968/1CP NUCLEAR REACTORS Stealth' A Lagrange Explicit Finite-Difference Code for Solids Structural, and Thermohydraulic Analysis PB-255 405/3CP NUCLEAR RESONANCE Giant Multipole Resonances in 197Au AD-772 849/6CP Electroexcitation of Giant Resonances between 5 MeV and 40 MeV Excitation Energy in 197Au AD-783 857/6CP NUCLEAR SCATTERING Interaction of Relativistic Protons with Matter AD-A034 948/OCP Modifications and Applications of the Vera System of Codes Volume I. Modifications of the Codes. AD-705 513/CP Instructions for the Use of Dwuck: A Distorted Wave Born Approximation Program COO-535-606 NUCLEAR STIMULATION The Ogre Code: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model of the Transient Flow of One or Two Com- pressible Fluids Through Confined Porous Media UCRL-50820 NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. AD-710 353/CP NUCLEAR THEORY Computer Programs for Statistical Nuclear Decay COO-3496-10 NUCLEAR WARHEADS Analysis of Number of Eigenvalues Needed When Computing Temperatures for Multilayer Cylinders Using the Exact Solution Method AD-847 480/CP TWIG-A Computer Program for Calculating Unidirectional Transient and Steady-State Tem- perature Distributions in One, Two. and Three- Layer Slabs and Cylinders-Constant Heat Flux Ap- plied to Outside Surface AD-857 866/CP NUCLEI Evahn- a Cdc 6600 Fortran IV Code to Perform an Extended Variational Approximation for Light and Intermediate Nuclei AECL-3801 Medop- Fortran-IV Program for Calculating Matrix Elements of One-Body Operators Between Pro- jected Hartree-Fock Functions BLG-453 Codilli II- a Fortran IV Program for the Analysis of Neutron Resonance with Program Score. Techni- cal Report No 3 COO-2022-7 Flange II (Version 71-1)- A Code to Process Ther- mal Neutron Data from an Endf/B Tape DP-1278 IBM 360 and IBM 1800 Versions of the Shape and Area Analysis Programs of S E. Atta and J. A. Harvey EUR-4760 Optical Model Programme with the Automatic Search Routine Extended to Include the Spin- Orbit Term. "Omas." INP-741 A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DISCOVERY OF EXCITED NUCLEAR STATES ACCORDING TO THE RITZ COMBINATION PRINCIPLE KFK-1247 "Abe"- a Computer Program for Analyzing the Elastic and Inelastic Scattering on the Basis of the Austern-Blair Theory KFK-1420 Dchain- a Pdp-9/Pdp-15 Computer Program for Radioactive Decay and Capture Chain Calcula- tions LA-4708 Computer Program for Acceptance Calculations for Two-Body Photoproduction Reactions LUSY-7101 SU3 Fractional Parentage in the 1-P Shell LYCEN-7078 Calculation of the Activity Produced by Irradiation of Thin Targets with High-Energy Neutrons. Neurak Program NP-18649 Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3, a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4564 Instructions for the Operation of the Program Package Pica, an Intranuclear-Cascade Calcula- tion for High-Energy (30 to 400 Mev) Photon-In- duced Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4687 Spectra ORO-2972-196 51 SUBJECT INDEX Bostaw- a Fortran Programme for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods-Saxon Well. RT/FI-(69)30 Fispro II- a Fortran IV Code for Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Calculations. RT/FI-(69)44 Mimoc- a Fortran Programme for the Coupled- Channel Calculation of the Nucleon Scattering on Even-Even Nuclei with a Microscopic Description of Target States RT/FI-(71)11 Dirco- a Fortran Programme for Calculation of Dipole Radiative Capture Cross Section Accord- ing to Direct and Collective Models RT/FI-(71)29 Spec- a Computer Programme for Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from Radiative Nucleon Cap- ture RT/FI-(71)30 Kiss- a Fortran Code for Ouadrupole Direct Radiative Capture Cross Section Calculation RT/FI-(71)31 Gramp- a Program to Generate Reich and Moore Parameters for Multilevel Unresolved Resonances. WAPD-TM-935 NUCLEI (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) A Computer Code for Predicting gamma Produc- tion Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scatter- ing from Light Nuclei N72-29705/CP NUCLEON REACTIONS Gier-ALGOL 4 Program for the Statistical Model Calculations of the Multistage Nuclear Reactions INR-1457 NUCLEONS Optical Model Programme with the Automatic Search Routine Extended to Include the Spin- Orbit Term. "Omas." INP-741 Dual and Dual-Pomeron Calculations- a Docu- mentation IS-2915 Program for Calculation of Photoproduction of Single Pions from Nucleons Note No 453. LNF-69/59 Bostaw - a Fortran Program for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods- Saxon Well. N70-29873/CP A Program for Calculating the Magnitude of Sin- gle Photoproduction of Pions from Nucleons. N70-31390/CP Proper 3 C - a Nucleon Pion Transport Code N71-24723/CP Analysis Subroutines for the Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc ORNL-4736 Operating Instructions for the High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Hetc ORNL-4744 Bostaw- a Fortran Programme for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods-Saxon Well. RT/FI-(69)30 Mimoc- a Fortran Programme for the Coupled- Channel Calculation of the Nucleon Scattering on Even-Even Nuclei with a Microscopic Description of Target States RT/FI-(71)11 Dirco- a Fortran Programme for Calculation of Dipole Radiative Capture Cross Section Accord- ing to Direct and Collective Models RT/FI-(71)29 Spec- a Computer Programme for Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from Radiative Nucleon Cap- ture RT/FI-(71)30 Kiss- a Fortran Code for Ouadrupole Direct Radiative Capture Cross Section Calculation RT/FI-(71)31 NUCLEONS ANTI N Dual and Dual-Pomeron Calculations- a Docu- mentation IS-2915 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Nonlinear Scaling Laws for Parametric Receiving Arrays. Part II. Numerical Analysis AD-A027 578/4CP Feasibility of a Special-Purpose Computer to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A047 243/1CP The MACYL6 Hydrodynamic Code: A Numerical Method for Calculating Incompressible Axisym- metric Time-Dependent Free-Surface Fluid Flows at High Reynolds Number. AD-709 142/CP Development of a Numerical Method to Solve the Three-Dimensional Compressible Laminar Boun- dary-Layer Equations with Application to Elliptical Cones at Angle of Attack AD-723 280/CP A Program to Calculate the Pressure Distribution on a Hydrofoil with Pod and Strut AD-727 588/CP Numerical Solution of the Compressible Laminar. Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layer Equa- tions with Comparisons to Experimental Data. N70-30393/CP Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 1 - the Basic Differential Equations. N70-36917/CP An Analysis of Internal Supersonic Flows with Dif- fusion. Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Combustion N70-42160/CP Numerical Solution of the Unsteady Navier- Stokes Equations and Application to Flow in a Rectangular Cavity with a Moving Wall N71-23915/CP Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations. Part 2 N72-17208/CP The Three-Dimensional Transport Problem of Linear Programming Characteristics and Solution das Dreidimensionale Transportproblem der Linearen Planungsrechnung-Eigenschaften und Loesung N72-20192/CP A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Con- centration Profiles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate N72-26289/CP Development of Analytical Methods of Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds: Exact Solution N73-27211/4CP An Efficient Numerical Technique for Calculating Thermal Spreading Resistance N73-28921/7CP The Numerical Computations of Turbulent Flows N74-12066/8CP Comparison of Slender Channel Computations with Experiments for Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Nozzle Flows. N76-15113/3CP Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP Discrete Mechanics - A General Treatment PB-231 882/2CP A Numerical Solution for Supersonic Flow Around A Cone at Small Angles of Attack PB-231 905/1CP Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Forms of Heat Equation. SC-M-70-83 NUMERICAL INTEGRATION On a Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-771 068/4CP Numerical Simulation of Turbulence AD-774 161/4CP The Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer Regions Using Numerical Integration Methods N72-14697/CP Numerical Integration of the Momentum-Integral Equations and Application of the Results to the Flow Between Rotating Disks. N75-29369/6CP Solution of a Large Hydrodynamic Problem Using the Star-100 Computer. N76-26429/0CP NUMERICAL SOLUTION Chebinq: A Fortran Program to Calculate Chebyshev Inequalities and Gaussian Integration Parameters AECL-4832 \ Numerical Solutions of Dirichlet Problems with Axisymmetry by an Integral Equation Method. CLM-R-146 Numerical Calculation of Two-Phase Flows. LA-5942-MS NYLON (TRADEMARK) Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hyper- sonic Shock Layers, Volume 1 N73-24309/CP O CODES Comparison Between the Computer Codes Owen and Toscle in a Calculation of Two-Phase Flow Stability AAEC/TM-621 OCEAN BOTTOM Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Descrip- tion AD-A021 330/6CP Measurement of the Acoustic Impedance of the Ocean Bottom AD-A047 819/8CP OCEAN MODELS Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP OCEAN SURFACE Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation. N77-24935/7CP OCEAN WAVES Prediction of Ship Motions in Regular and Irregu- lar Head Waves AD-A008 349/3CP The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program Part I. Theoretical Basis and Pro- gramming Technique AD-A013 194/6CP Time Dependent Shear Stress Beneath a Shoaling Wave AD-749 709/CP The Interaction of Waves and Turbulence in Water AD-754 645/CP Theoretical Evaluation of Ship Added Resistance in Waves AD-760 002/CP Internal Waves Radiated by a Moving Source. Volume I. Analytic Simulation AD-782 262/OCP OGIVES Prediction of Vertical Water-Entry Forces on Ogives from Cone Data AD-A023 616/6CP Theoretical Analysis of the Flow Field Over a Family of Ogive Bodies AD-A048 477/4CP OGO-C Ogo-2 Data Analysis Satellite Plasma Wake Study Final Report. N70-23999/CP OIL RECOVERY The Ogre Code: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model of the Transient Flow of One or Two Com- pressible Fluids Through Confined Porous Media. UCRL-50820 OIL SLICKS A Numerical Model of Droplet Entrainment from a Contained Oil Slick AD-A006 600/1CP ON-LINE MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 ON-LINE PROGRAMMING On-Line Correlation Measurement in a Plasma N73-18729/CP ONE DIMENSIONAL FLOW GENERALIZED ONE DIMENSIONAL MAG- NETOHYDRODYNAMIC COMPUTER CODE FOR PARTIALLY IONIZED HYDROGEN OR HELIUM PLASMAS N71-34895/CP Mufan. a Computer Program for the Analysis of Multi-Loop Fluid Flow Systems N71-37735/CP Calculation of a Quasi One-Dimensional Gas Flow in Equilibrium or Not. Comparison of the Results and Application to a Hypersonic Wake Calcul d'UN Ecoulement Quasi Monodimensionnel d'UN Gaz en Equilibre ou Non. Comparaison des Resultats et Application au Sillage Hypersonique. N77-17407/6CP Program for Computing One-Dimensional Steady Flows with Energy Addition in a Tube of Given Shape Programme de Calcul d'Ecoulements 52 SUBJECT INDEX OXYGEN Monodimensionnels Stationnaires Avec Apport d'Energie dans Une Conduite de Forme Donnee. N77-21382/5CP OPACITY A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases AD-A013 091 /4CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases AD-781 824/8CP OPDAR On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Optical Range Finders AD-720 855/CP OPEN CHANNEL FLOW The Numerical Solution of Transient Supercritical Flow by the Method of Characteristics with a Technique for Simulating Bore Propagation PB-232 143/8CP Spatially Varied Subcritical and Supercritical Flow in Gullies PB-236 788/6CP OPTICAL COATINGS Computing the Optical Properties of Multilayer Coatings AD-A020 856/1 CP Coating Science and Technology A0-A025 487/OCP OPTICAL COMMUNICATION Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 10.6 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Fiber Optics Design Aid Package AD-A040 772/6CP High Speed Electronic Bit Synchronizer AD-908 863/4CP OPTICAL COUPLING Analysis of Coupling Efficiency Between Semiconductor Lasers and Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides AD-A016 619/9CP OPTICAL DATA PROCESSING A System for Sampling, Labeling, and Digital Recording of Optical Measurement Data AD-762 332/CP Solumat: A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer N76-31809/6CP Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1. N78-13422/8CP OPTICAL DETECTION Predetection Compensated Imaging Theory AD-A024 393/1CP Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1. N78-13422/8CP OPTICAL DETECTORS Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. Part 1. Theory, Methodology, and Data Base AD-A032 182/8CP OPTICAL EQUIPMENT GUERAP: General Unwanted Energy Rejection Analysis Program User's Manual AD-755 353/CP An Optical Ray Tracing Program AD-787 636/OCP Optimization of Optical Systems. N77-17847/3CP OPTICAL EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS A Programmed Aid for Analysis of Three-Element Optical Systems AD-781 495/7CP Ion Beam Optical Polishing System Computer Programs AD-781 959/2CP OPTICAL FILTERS The Influence of Tilt, Cone Angle and Beam In- tensity Cross Section on the Computed Per- formance of Narrow Band Optical Interference Filters N73-13665/CP OPTICAL IMAGES Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts. Volume I AD-A014 839/5CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts - Addendum AD-A014 840/3CP Predetection Compensated Imaging Theory AD-A024 393/1 CP Polypagos: Polychromic Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems. AD-715 262/CP Application of Fourier Techniques to Image Evaluation AD-718 095/CP Polypagos User s Manual AD-735 674/CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts AD-783 276/9CP OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Fiber Optics Particle-Sizing System AD-766 647/2CP OPTICAL LENSES Optical Tools Computerized Design and Manufac- ture AD-A041 419/3CP Computer-Aided Optical Lens Design and Image Analysis AD-769 594/3CP OPTICAL MATERIALS Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities AD-728 830/CP Experimentation and Investigation of Optical-lr- radiation-lnduced Surface Damage in Optically Nonlinear Materials AD-737 843/CP Garnet Film Optics AD-777 724/6CP OPTICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS A Stellar Scintillometer for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-257 376/4CP Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921/7CP OPTICAL MODELS Crapone: A Fortran IV Code for the Automatic Search for Local and Non Local Optical Potential Parameters for Neutrons CNEN-RT/FI-77-3 OPTICAL PROPERTIES A Computer Program for the Evaluation of the Optical Constants of Solids, Via the Dispersion Relations . UN Programma Per II Calcolo Delle Costanti Ottiche di UN Sohdo Mediante le Relazioni di Dispersione N72-11560/CP The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet N72-33662/CP OPTICAL RADAR Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP The Effects of Multiple Scattering on Backscatter Lidar Measurements in Fogs AD-781 801/6CP OPTICAL REFLECTION The Theoretical Reflectance of X-Rays from Opti- cal Surfaces. N77-11853/7CP OPTICAL SCANNING Optical Scanner PATENT-3 992 619 OPTICAL SPECTROMETERS Computer Program for Designing Reflective Spectrographs LA-6190 Litepath: A Computer Code to Simulate an Opti- cal System. UCRL-51S47 OPTICAL SYSTEMS Spurious Reflections in an Optical System CEA-R-4331 Computer Microdensitometer (Drum Scanner) System. Period Covered: July— September 1973 MHSMP-73-43-L Simulation of Optical Systems UCRL-77512(Rev.1) OPTICAL THICKNESS The Computation of Growth Charts and the Effect of Layer Thickness Variations for Thin Film Inter- ference Filters N75-23340/3CP OPTICAL TRACKING A Computer Program for Evaluating Radio Signal Propagation from Artificial Earth Satellites. N70-27491/CP OPTICAL WAVEGUIDES An Investigation of PLZT for Integrated Optics AD-A009 102/5CP Microwave Model Study of Optical Dielectric Slab Waveguide AD-A011 551/9CP Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP Garnet Film Optics AD-777 724/6CP Calculation of Complex Propagating Modes in Ar- bitrary, Plane-Layered, Complex Dielectric Struc- tures. I. Analytic Formulation II Fortran Program MODEIG PB-277 152/5CP OPTICS First Quarter FY75 Applied Optics Research Re- port AD-A008 279/2CP Semi-annual FY75 Applied Optics Research Re- port AD-A010 486/9CP Evaluation of Hologram Optical Elements AD-A012 810/8CP A System for Sampling, Labeling, and Digital Recording of Optical Measurement Data AD-762 332/CP OPTIMAL CONTROL Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP Optimization of Optical Systems N77-17847/3CP OPTIMIZATION Configuration Optimization of a Class of Hyper- sonic Cruise Vehicles AD-721 471/CP Optimization of Thermal Protection Systems for the Space Vehicle Volume 2 Users Manual N73-13951/CP OR TEP-2 COMPUTER PROGRAM OR-TEP-2: A Fortran Thermal-Ellipsoid Plot Pro- gram for Crystal Structure Illustrations ORNL-5138 ORECA-1 COMPUTER CODE ORECA-1: A Digital Computer Code for Simulat- ing the Dynamics of HTGR Cores for Emergency Cooling Analyses ORNL/TM-5159 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report, Jan. 1969 - Jan. 1970. N70-36988/CP ORGANIC DYE LASERS The Wavelength Spectrum Shift of a Cavity- Dumped Argon laser-Pumped Rhodamine 6-G Or- ganic-Dye Laser AD-769 280/9CP ORR-SOMMERFELD EQUATION Tables of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Orr-Sommerfeld Equation for Plane Poiseuille Flows AD-733 436/CP ORTHORHOMBIC LATTICES PL-1 Program System for Generalized Patterson Superpositions IS-4106 OSCIL COMPUTER PROGRAM OSCIL: One-Dimensional Spring-Mass System Simulator for Seismic Analysis of High Tempera- ture Gas Cooled Reactor Core BNL-21023 OSCILLATIONS Experimental Investigation of Liquid Propellant Dynamics in a Double Cylindrical Tank N73-25287/CP OSCILLATORS Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids. N74-20314/2CP OUTFALL SEWERS Negatively Buoyant Jets in a Cross Flow PB-234 177/4CP Guide for the Use of Computer Programs for Least Squares Fitting of Equations of State to 53 SUBJECT INDEX Thermodynamic Data. Volume II. Programs for Simultaneous Fitting of Multiple Data Forms Using Stepwise Regression PB-266 615/4CP OXYGEN 16 Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Light Nuclei Final Report N-72-29705 P CODES Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 "Piume" Code for the Multilevel Two-Channel Cross Section Calculations RT/FI-(72)50 Pinhole for Producing a Close-in Image of an Ex- tended 14-Mev Neutron Source UCRL-51860 Self-Calibration and Analysis of Image Formation in the sub-Nanosecond Domain. UCRL-75916 PALLADIUM Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of In- terstitial Hydrogen Isotopes in Palladium. Progress Report, April 1, 1973--December 15, 1973 COO-3551-8 PALLADIUM COMPOUNDS Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of In- terstitial Hydrogen Isotopes in Palladium. Progress Report, April 1, 1973-December 15, 1973. COO-3551-8 PALLADIUM HYDRIDES Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of In- terstitial Hydrogen Isotopes in Palladium Progress Report, April 1, 1973--December 15, 1973. COO-3551-8 PANEL FLUTTER Flutter in Continuous Panels. N70-25924/CP PARABOLIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS The use of the Parabolic Equation Method in Sound Propagation Modelling AD-A016 847/6CP A Corrected Parabolic-Equation Package for Acoustic Propagation AD-A050 564/4CP Program PARALLEL PROCESSORS Feasibility of a Special-Purpose Computer to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A047 243/1CP Numerical Simulation of Turbulence AD-774 161 /4CP MAZE 3 - A Sequential Computer Spectral Enhancement Code: Studied for Conversion to IL- LIAC IV AD-781 280/3CP PARAMETRIC AMPLIFIERS Nonlinear Scaling Laws for Parametric Receiving Arrays Part II. Numerical Analysis AD-A027 578/4CP PARAMETRIC OSCILLATORS A Review of Parametric Oscillators and Mixers and an Evaluation of Materials for 2 - 6 microme- ter Applications AD-A002 586/6CP PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS The use of the Parabolic Equation Method in Sound Propagation Modelling AD-A016 847/6CP Development of a Numerical Method to Solve the Three-Dimensional Compressible Laminar Boun- dary-Layer Equations with Application to Elliptical Cones at Angle of Attack AD-723 280/CP Error Prediction for the Implicit Numerical Solu- tion of the Heat Conduction Equation AD-729 652/CP A Fluid Transport Algorithm that Works AD-732 749/CP Tables of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Orr-Sommerfeld Equation for Plane Poiseuille Flows AD-733 436/CP On a Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-771 068/4CP Numerical and Computational Analysis of the Par- tial Differential Equations in Hydrocodes and Wavecodes SAND-75-0448 Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Forms of Heat Equation. SC-M-70-83 PARTICLE ACCELERATORS The Tandem Van de Graaff On-Line Data Acquisi- tion System AD-766 705/8CP Transport/360: A Computer Program for Desig- ning Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems. SLAC-91 PARTICLE BEAMS Beamr: An Interactive Graphic Computer Program for Design of Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems N73-27143/9CP Transport/360 A Computer Program for Desig- ning Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems. SLAC-91 PARTICLE COLLISIONS Interaction of Relativistic Protons with Matter AD-A034 948/OCP Computer Study of Solution Method for Inversion Problem N71-29024/CP PARTICLE INTERACTIONS Penetration of High Energy Radiation N71-35899/CP PARTICLE SIZE Investigation of Particle-Size Determination from the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter AD-738 873/CP PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Particulate Contamination Spectrometer. Volume 1 : Technical Report. N75-29407/4CP PARTICLE TRACKS Filtering of Tracks Measured on the Smp CERN-TRANS-71-8 Computer Graphics Patching of Failed Cyclops Events for a Spark Chamber Experiment. RHEL/R-205 PARTICLE TRAJECTORIES Computer Program for Calculations of Particle Trajectories through a Rotating Cascade AD-A027 879/6CP A Study of Charged Particle Motion in a Free Vor- tex Flowfield AD-749 285/CP A Study of Ion Trajectories in Potential Flows AD-751 785/CP A Quasi-Analytical Method for the Calculation of Particle Trajectories AD-757 724/CP Trajectory: An Orbit and Ion Optic Matrix Pro- gram for the 184-Inch Cyclotron. UCRL-19407 Tibro-X A Code to Compute Trajectories of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields UCRL-52189 PARTICLES Inertial Impaction Efficiency of Cylindrical Collec- tors by Digital Techniques and Effects of Particle Size Distributions AD-AOOO 620/5CP Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 Free Falling Particle in Density Stratified Fluid PB-214 499/6CP PARTICIPATED GAS FLOW Supersonic Gas-Solids Particle Flow in an Ax- isymmetric Nozzle by the Method of Charac- teristics AD-890 462/CP PASSIVE NOSETIP TECHNOLOGY Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVIII. Nosetip Analyses Using the EROS Computer Code AD-A026 614/8CP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XXII Coupled Erosion/Ablation of Reentry Materials AD-A026 619/7CP PATTERSON METHOD PL-1 Program System for Generalized Patterson Superpositions IS-4106 PENETRATION Penetration of High Energy Radiation N71-35899/CP PERFORMANCE Theoretical Performance of Cross-Wind Axis Tur- bines with Results for a Catenary Vertical Axis Configuration. N76-11032/9CP Numerical Solution for Electron-Beam-Controlled CO sub 2 Laser Performance. SLA-73-1023 PERFORMANCE PREDICTION Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three- Dimensional Acoustic Fields N71-35405/CP PERFORMANCE TESTS Holographic Optical Elements: Fabrication and Testing N74-30109/4CP PERMANENT MAGNETS Mossbauer Study of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of NdCo5 AD-726 991 /CP PHASE SHIFT A FORTRAN Program to Plot Phase Shifts of the Three Dimensional Square Well AD-A019 116/3CP Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP PHASE STUDIES Quantitative Determination of Phase Content of Silicon Nitride by X-Ray Diffraction Analysis AD-A008 986/2CP Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Compu- tation. AD-714 499/CP Equation of State of Solids AD-746 611/CP PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS Application of Phase-Change Technique to Thin Sections with Heating on Both Surfaces N73-29965/3CP PHENOLIC RESINS Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hyper- sonic Shock Layers, Volume 1 N73-24309/CP PHONONS Fit, a Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting Program to Obtain Interatomic Force Constants from Ob- served Phonon Frequencies IS-2185 Trio, a Computer Program for the Calculation of Phonon Dispersion Curves. Atom Polarization Vectors, and Normalized Structure Factors. IS-2186 PHOSPHORESCENT MATERIALS Luminescent Applications of Rare Earth Materials AD-758 760/CP PHOTOCHEMICAL REACTIONS Surf - a Fortran Program for the Coupled- Chan- nel Calculation of the Photoreaction Cross-Sec- tions in the One Particle - One Hole Continuum Approximation. N70-30085/CP PHOTODIODES Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP PHOTOELECTRIC CELLS (SEMICONDUCTOR) A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP PHOTOELECTRIC EMISSION Generalized Boundary Condition in SEMP AD-A031 707/3CP PHOTOELECTRONS Monte Carlo Anaylsis of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Transition Zone Dose and Photo-Compton Cur- rent AD-A002 343/2CP PHOTOGRAMMETRY Photogrammetric Calibration of the NASA-Wal- lops Island Image Intensifier System N74-18103/3CP PHOTOGRAPHIC ACUTANCE An Improved Photographic Edge-Artifact PB-274 712/9CP PHOTOGRAPHIC FILMS Computer Microdensitometer (Drum Scanner) System. Period Covered: July— September 1973 MHSMP-73-43-L 54 SUBJECT INDEX PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES Lens Performance in a Nonstandard or Unstable Thermal Environment AD-A023 539/OCP PHOTOIONIZATION Photo-Equilibrium of Barium AD-739 166/CP PHOTOMETRY Automatic Real-Time Extinction Measurement AD-A046 484/2CP PHOTON BOMBARDMENT Laser Induced Breakdown in High Pressure Noble Gases AD-743 008/CP PHOTON CAPACITORS A Fluid-Mechanical Refracting Gas-Prism AD-721 711/CP PHOTONS Penetration of Photons Through a Hot Electron Gas. AD-713 485/CP Laphano- a P/Sub 0/ Multigroup Photon-Produc- tion Matrix and Source Code for Endf LA-4750 Program for Calculation of Photoproduction of Single Pions from Nucleons. Note No 453. LNF-69/59 Computer Program for Acceptance Calculations for Two-Body Photoproduction Reactions LUSY-7101 Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad, Volume 1 N72-24289/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 2 Code User Manual N72-24290/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP Instructions for the Operation of the Program Package Pica, an Intranuclear-Cascade Calcula- tion for High-Energy (30 to 400 Mev) Photon-In- duced Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4687 An Improved Capability for Solution of Photon Transport Problems by the Method of Discrete Ordinates SC-RR-69-739 Dint- a Computer Program Which Prepares Mul- tigroup Coherent-Incoherent Cross Sections for Photon Transport Calculations SC-RR-720684 Themi- Monte Carlo Generation of Electromag- netic Events SLAC-123 PHOTONUCLEAR REACTIONS The NIRA Computer Program Package (Photonuclear Data Center) PB-249 541 /4CP Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Caiculational Constants Program Linear (Version 77-1): Linearize Data in the Evalu- ated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format UCRL-50400(V.1 7)(Pt.A) PHOTOPRODUCTION A Program for Calculating the Magnitude of Sin- gle Photoproduction of Pions from Nucleons. N70-31390/CP PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS Design Optimization of Beta- and Photovoltaic Conversion Devices UCRL-51993 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4. N75-32941/7CP PHYSICAL RADIATION EFFECTS Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, April 1, 1973- -June 30, 1973 ORO-3912-22 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, July 1, 1972- -March 1, 1974. ORO-3912-26 PIEZOELECTRIC CRYSTALS Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP A Study of Energy Generation from Impact on Piezoelectric Materials AD-737 102/CP PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS A Fortran Program for the Class V Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Transducer AD-718 356/CP PINCH DEVICES A Two Dimensional Computer Programme for Solving the MHD Equations for the theta Pinch in a Time-Dependent Coordinate System IPP-6/90 PION-PION INTERACTIONS Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reactions According to the Fragmentation Model NP-19804 PION-PROTON INTERACTIONS Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reactions According to the Fragmentation Model NP-19804 PIONS An Organizational Description of High Energy Transport Code (HETC) AD-783 040/9CP Charge Radius of the Pion IS-T-728 A Program for Calculating the Magnitude of Sin- gle Photoproduction of Pions from Nucleons. N70-31390/CP Proper 3 C - a Nucleon Pion Transport Code N71-24723/CP PIPE FLOW Heat Transfer Analysis for Unsteady High Velocity Pipe Flow. Part I. On Minimization of Temperature Distortion in the Thermocouple Cavity. Part II. Im- proved Accuracy in the Prediction of Surface Heat Flux and Temperature by Intrinsic Ther- mocouple. Part III. Prediction of Transient Surface Heat Flux and Temperature on a Hollow Cylinder AD-A035 613/9CP An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Field Surrounding a Suction Pipe Inlet COM-74-10172/6CP Some Numerical Solutions in Unsteady Pipe Flow N72-10237/CP Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach PB-243 133/6CP Temperature and Eddy Diffusivity Distributions in Fully Turbulent Pipe Flow PB-253 278/6CP Application of a Drift-Flux Model to Flashing in Straight Pipes PB-254 968/1 CP PIPES Entry Flow in a Heated Tube AD-A042 203/OCP Momentum and Heat Transfer for Flow Inside Ec- centric Annuli AD-747 697/CP Hydrodynamic Model of Two-Phase Pipe Flow BNL-NUREG-23105 PIPES (TUBES) Hetran a Computer Program to Solve the Two- Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction on a Cladded Tube with a Connecting Fin N71-35336/CP A Tabulation of Pipe Length to Diameter Ratios as a Function of Mach Number and Pressure Ratios for Compressible Flow. N76-12317/3CP Mass Transfer Through a Porous Tube. Part 1: Theory and Computer Programme N76-14410/4CP Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach PB-243 133/6CP PIPSTEK COMPUTER PROGRAM PIPSTEK - Properties of Irregular Planar Solids (Tektronix) AD-A028 828/2CP PLANE WAVES Reflected and Transmitted Fields for a Plane- Wave Pulse Incident on a Conducting Ground AD-A026 755/9CP Electromagnetic Diffraction by Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings N72-33663/CP PLANETARY SURFACES Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Sur- faces of Venus N71-31311/CP PLANFORMS VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-17424/CP PLANING SURFACES SKIMMER - A Numerical Model for Nonlinear Waves AD-A029 231 /8CP PLANKTON Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 PLASMA Comparison of Deca II Mirror Machine Results with a Fokker-Plank Computer Code EUR-CEA-FC-611 Program Neutre*. Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation under Its Integral Form Description of the Evolution of Neutrals in a Cylindrical Plasma EUR-CEA-FC-833 Sigma A Code for Generating Multi-Group. Neutral Plasma Cross Sections GA-A-14159 A Two Dimensional Computer Programme for Solving the MHD Equations for the theta Pinch in a Time-Dependent Coordinate System IPP-6/90 Temperature- and Density-Dependent X-Ray Scat- tering in a Low-Z Plasma LA-6391-MS Generalized One Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code for Partially Ionized Hydrogen or Helium Plasmas LRP-46/71 Analytic Orderings Generated by Computer MATT-850 FIFPC, a Fast Ion Fokker-Planck Code ORNL/TM-5487 Numerical Calculation of Impurity Charge State Distributions ORNL/TM-6050 Multigroup Calculations of Low Energy Neutral Transport in Tokamak Plasmas PPPL-1384 Alternating-Direction Implicit MHD Code for Simulating Laser Plasmas SC-DR-720733 880 Nanosecond Particle in Cell Mover for the CDC 7600 UCID-17050 Physics Options in the Plasma Code VOA UCID-17179 FOKN A Relativistic Fokker-Planck Code with Large Angle Scattering and Radiation Losses UCID-17196 EDOT: A Code to Calculate Charge Particle Slow- ing down in a Plasma UCID-17550 PHYSICS REPORT, NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 UCRL-20120 MAFJ: Some Simple Additions to MAFCO UCRL-51806 Calculation of Transport Coefficients in an Ax- isymmetric Plasma UCRL-52218 PLASMA ACCELERATORS Electrical Characteristics and Transient Wave Growth in Magnetogasdynamic Channels AD-721 460/CP Current Distribution in Crossed-Field Accelera- tors Part IV Project Summary and Application AD-722 443/CP PLASMA ACOUSTICS Creation and Modification of Acoustic Signals by Discharge Plasma AD-728 583/CP PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS Laser Plasma Particle Velocities AD-A030 079/8CP Ion Beam Probe for ST Tokamak AD-737 561 /CP A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP 55 SUBJECT INDEX BOUNCE: Users Manual AD-758 809/CP Collisional Coupling In Counter-Streaming Laser- Produced Plasmas AD-766 731 /4CP Theoretical Models and Numerical Studies of Waves in a Three-Fluid Medium N72-30650/CP PLASMA DRIFT POICOU: A Point Plasma Code Including Profile Effects for Tokamak Power Reactors UWFDM-216 PLASMA DYNAMICS GENERALIZED ONE DIMENSIONAL MAG- NETOHYDRODYNAMIC COMPUTER CODE FOR PARTIALLY IONIZED HYDROGEN OR HELIUM PLASMAS N71-34895/CP Internal Structure of Tea Laser Discharges N73-27430/0CP PLASMA GENERATORS Experimental Comparison of Water Cooling and Transpiration Cooling of Plasma Generator Con- strictors AD-728 761 /CP The Effect of Condensation on the Breakdown Strength of a Helium-Mercury Mixture AD-733 328/CP Computer Studies of Electric Fields and Fluid Fields in Electrofluid Dynamic Generators AD-739 547/CP PLASMA HEATING Optical Properties of Laser-Plasma Interactions AD-A001 805/1CP PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES Two-Dimensional Simulation of the MHD Stability, (1) JAERI-M-6474 Preliminary Results of the 3-D Nonlinear Ideal MHD Code ORNL/TM-4784 PLASMA MEDIUM The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Mag- netoplasma Dielectric AD-705 248/CP Absorption Corrections for Optically Thick Plasmas AD-710 218/CP Numerical Simulation of Plasmas at Princeton I. AD-712 562/CP Penetration of Photons Through a Hot Electron Gas. AD-713 485/CP Microwave Breakdown in the Presence of Spatial Nonuniformities: Computer Programs AD-715 259/CP Oblique Collisionless Shock Waves in Plasma AD-722 383/CP Current Distribution in Crossed-Field Accelera- tors. Part IV Project Summary and Application AD-722 443/CP Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in the ELMAX Plasma Device AD-726 990/CP Computations on Relativistic Electron Beams and Rings AD-728 994/CP Radar Reflection Coefficients from a Plasma Gradient Including the Effects of Electron-Neutral and Electron-Ion Collisions AD-735 146/CP Ion Beam Probe for ST Tokamak AD-737 561/CP Trapped Radiation Studies Involving Plasma In- stabilities and Radial Diffusion AD-743 549/CP Theoretical Calculation of X-Radiation from Non- Equilibrium Alumbium Plasmas AD-744 813/CP Users Manual: AFWL One-Dimensional Plasma Simulation Particle Codes AD-745 423/CP A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases Volume I AD-751 607/CP A Study of Equations of State-Opacity of Ionized Gases Volume 2 Appendix D - Segmentation of CAPO Appendix E - Listing of CAPO AD-751 608/CP BOUNCE: User's Manual AD-758 809/CP Turbulent Flow Predictions for the Argon Cascade Arc AD-759 183/CP Analysis of Optically Thick, D C. -Induction Heated Arc Discharges AD-760 808/CP Diffusion Wave Technique Applied to a Mag- netized Helium Positive Column Plasma AD-763 808/CP Transient Signal Propagation in Lossy Plasmas AD-764 721 /7CP Collisional Coupling in Counter-Streaming Laser- Produced Plasmas AD-766 731 /4CP A Study of Finite Moliere Scattering AD-874 659/CP Report of Interem Data System. ORNL-4425 PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES Simulation Model for Studying Low Frequency Microinstabilities MATT-1231 PLASMA OSCILLATIONS Dispersion of Electrostatic Ion Plasma Waves near Harmonics of the Ion Cyclotron Frequency AD-743 287/CP Instability Regions for Density-Gradient-Driven Oscillations in Fully Ionized Magnetoplasmas AD-754 005/CP PLASMA PHYSICS On-Line Correlation Measurement in a Plasma N73-18729/CP PLASMA PINCH A New Approach to the Study of Planar Plasma Pinch Stability PB-252 699/4CP PLASMA PRODUCTION Computer Calculations of X-Ray Production by Laser-Produced Plasmas UCRL-74109 Self-Generated Magnetic Fields and Nonthermal Electrons in Laser-Produced Plasmas: Simulation Techniques and Calculational Results UCRL-74110 PLASMA SHEATH Coupled Electromagnetic and Electron Acoustic Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Lossy Plasma Layer. AD-715 910/CP Study of Plasma Sheaths AD-736 462/CP Data Analysis Programs for Reflectometer Diag- nosis of Thin Boundary Layer Plasma Sheaths User s Manual AD-747 041 /CP Electric Probe Data Analysis for Trailblazer II - Third Flight AD-758 763/CP PLASMA SHEATHS A Computer Analysis for the Determination of Electrode Voltage Losses in Mag- netohydrodynamic-Generator Plasmas AD-A020 081 /6CP Theory of Electron Emission Effects in Symmetric Probe and Spacecraft Sheaths AD-A037 538/6CP A Computer Code to Predict the Effects of Elec- trophilic Liquid Injection on Re-Entry Plasma Sheath Properties AD-782 023/6CP Study of Plasma Sheaths AD-786 451 /5CP The Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamical Simulation of an Electromagnetic Implosion Device AD-786 885/4CP PLASMA SIMULATION Bperp. Bslant. and Globe: Optimized Codes for the Simulation of Plasmas in a Static Uniform Magnetic Field MATT-896 Research into and Use of Computer Models of Plasmas in Controlled Thermonuclear Research Progress Report, December 1, 1972-April 30, 1973 SAN-799-X-1 Self-Generated Magnetic Fields and Nonthermal Electrons in Laser-Produced Plasmas Simulation Techniques and Calculational Results UCRL-74110 PLASMA WAVE PHENOMENA Evaluation of the Plasma Dispersion Function ORNL-TM-3610 PLASMA WAVES Trapped Particles and Harmonic Generation UCRL-13727 PLASMAS (PHYSICS) Optical Properties of Laser-Plasma Interactions AD-A001 805/1 CP Calculations of X-Ray Bremsstrahlung Spectra and Scintillator Detector Yields for Relativistic Electron Energies from 10 keV to 10 MeV AD-A006 552/4CP A Computer Code for Time Dependent Recom- bination Lasers AD-A007 292/6CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases AD-A013 091/4CP Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Argon Arc Plasma AD-A013 936/OCP CAPO User's Guide Volume I AD-A016 672/8CP Plasma Simulation Using STARAN AD-A019 301/1CP X-Ray Diagnostics of Laser-Produced Aluminum Plasmas AD-A030 085/5CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases AD-781 824/8CP Numerical Solutions of the Three-Dimensional Kinetic Equation of the Parametric Decay Insta- bility AD-787 455/5CP Ogo-2 Data Analysis Satellite Plasma Wake Study Final Report. N70-23999/CP Effect of an Aperture on Measurement of the Axial Distribution Function in a Magnetically Con- fined Plasma. N70-24369/CP Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Agron Arc Plasma PB-237 560/8CP Monte Carlo Algorithm for Calculating Neutral Gas Transport in Plasmas PPPL-1335 A One-Dimensional Electrostatic Pic Code SC-RR-70-314 PLASTIC DEFORMATION Theory of Equations of State: Elastic-Plastic Ef- fects II AD-762 536/CP PLASTIC PROPERTIES Internal Variable Theory of Plasticity Based Upon Dislocation Mechanics UCRL-77328 PLASTICITY Part I. Theory Report for Creep-Plast Computer Program: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems under Simultaneous Creep and Plasticity GEAP-10546 Part II User's Manual for Creep-Plast Computer Program GEAP-13262 Computer Programs for Simulating Physical Phenomena in Three Space Dimensions and Time. UCRL-76084 PLASTICS Experimental Demonstration of a Viscoelastic Crossover' Phenomenon. The Reflection of Stress Pulses at the Boundary between Nearly-Elastic and Lossy Viscoelastic Media Whose Impedances Are Matched AD-729 823/CP Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of Neutron In- teracting Units. Part III. Arrays of U(93.2) Metal Separated by Various Materials Y-DR-83 PLATES Dblscat- a Computer Code for Double-Scattering Corrections ANL-7780 56 SUBJECT INDEX PRESSURE GRADIENTS Evaluation of Two Computer Programs for Model- ing Electromagnetic Interactions with Surfaces UCRL-52321 Dimensionless Thermal Stress in a Plate. ZJE-63 PLATES (STRUCTURAL MEMBERS) Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scatter- ing from Plates, Corner Reflectors and Dielectric- Coated Cylinders. N74-22318/1CP PLATINUM The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet N72-33662/CP PLOTTING A Program for Plotting Wave Diagrams for the Simple Membrane Shock Tube. N70-29173/CP Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements. N74-26363/3CP PLUME DETECTION A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP PLUMES Plume Boundary Computer Program AD-774 059/OCP An Analysis of the Thermal and Nutrient Proper- ties of the Condenser Discharge Plume Created by an Ocean Thermal Difference Power Plant PB-244 786/OCP PLUTONIUM 238 TARGET Calculation of Cross Sections for Heavy Isotopes IA-1325 (V. 1 • 2) PLUTONIUM 240 TARGET Calculation of Cross Sections for Heavy Isotopes IA-1325 (V. 1 • 2) PLUTONIUM 241 TARGET Calculation of Cross Sections for Heavy Isotopes IA-1325 (V 1 • 2) PLUTONIUM 242 TARGET Calculation of Cross Sections for Heavy Isotopes IA-1325 (V. 1 • 2) PLUTONIUM DIOXIDE MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 PLUTONIUM ISOTOPES Details of Some beta Heating Calculations N71-38394/CP PLUTONIUM ISOTOPES PU-240 Linear Accelerator Project Progress Report, January 1. 1970-March 31. 1970. RPI-328-187 PLYWOOD Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of Neutron In- teracting Units. Part III. Arrays of U(93.2) Metal Separated by Various Materials Y-DR-83 PNEUMATIC DEVICES A Computer Program for Predicting the Frequen- cy Response of Complex Pneumatic Line Net- works AD-A023 344/5CP POINT DEFECTS Computer Simulation of Dislocation Movement Through the Field of Randomly Located Point De- fects IAE-2614 POLARIMETERS A Digital Polarimeter for Measuring the Faraday Rotation Using a Beacon from a Geostationary Satellite AD-A012 168/1CP POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Polarization Measurements of Frequency Stabil- ized VLF Signals N72-19211/CP POLAROGRAPHY Determination of Texture Pole Figures Using Picker FACS-1 Apparatus AD-A015 731/3CP POLISHES Ion Beam Optical Polishing System Computer Programs AD-781 959/2CP POLLUTION MONITORING Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contaminants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy. N76-28820/8CP POLYCRYSTALS Minigasket- a Code for Thermal Neutron Scatter- ing Law in Polycrystals INR-1186 POLYMERS A Study of the Drag Characteristics and Polymer Diffusion in the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmet- ric Body AD-A024 667 /8CP PONDEROMOTIVE FORCE LASNEX: Ponderomotive Force Algorithm UCID-17517 POROSITY The Numerical Solution of Axisymmetric Free Boundary Porous Flow Well Problems Using Variational Inequalities AD-A046 373/7CP POROUS MATERIALS Computational Representation of Constitutive Relations for Porous Material AD-A007 921 /OCP Flow 22: Users'S Description. N77-33462/1CP POSEVILLE FLOW Tables of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Orr-Sommerfeld Equation for Plane Poiseuille Flows AD-733 436/CP POSITRONS NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES FIT TO MULTI- EXPONENTIAL COMPONENT CURVES- DATA REDUCTION PROGRAMS FOR POSITRON AN- NIHILATION LIFETIME SPECTRA NYO-3661-34 POTASSIUM Excimer Lasers AD-A018 641/1CP POTASSIUM BROMIDE A Theoretical Investigation of the D3 Center in KBr AD-729 455/CP POTASSIUM CHLORIDE Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP POTASSIUM COMPOUNDS The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials AD-766 779/3CP POTASSIUM DIHYDROGEN PHOSPHATE The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials AD-766 779/3CP The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials: Nonlinear Optical Interactions in KDP Prisms AD-771 048/6CP POTENTIAL ENERGY Computer Study of Solution Method for Inversion Problem N71-29024/CP POTENTIAL FLOW Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies N72-22330/CP Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1. N76-32877/2CP Nasa Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analyses System (Potfan) Boundary Condition Code (Bcdn), Version 1. N77-14995/3CP POTENTIAL SCATTERING A FORTRAN Program to Plot Phase Shifts of the Three Dimensional Square Well AD-A019 116/3CP Pilot Close Coupling Code for Heavy Particle Col- lisions AD-734 756/CP Electron Collisions and Cross Sections in Hydrogen AD-763 087/CP POWDERS Modified Version of the Busing-Martin-Levy Least Squares Program for the Direct Fitting of Struc- tures to Powder Diffraction Patterns by the Method of Profile Analysis AAEC/E-257 POWER MIE: A Fortran Program for Computing Power Deposition in Spherical Dielectrics through Appli- cation of MIE Theory AD-A044 226/9CP POWER PLANTS Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 POWER REACTORS Regent: Seventh Semiannual Progress Report, October 1974-March 1975. KFK-EXT-8/75-2 POWER REACTORS (NUCLEAR) Cross-Section Standardization for Thermal Power Reactors PB-244 665/6CP MEKIN: MIT-EPRI Nuclear Reactor Core Kinetics Code PB-246 054/1CP POWER SUPPLIES Determination of the Optimum Fluid and System Variables for .5-5 KWE Rankine Cycle Power Systems AD-741 835/CP PRECOMPOUND-NUCLEUS EMISSION Program Hybrid/Gdh. Revision COO-3494-27 PREDICTION ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Theoretical Performance of Cross-Wind Axis Tur- bines with Results for a Catenary Vertical Axis Configuration. N76-11032/9CP A Computer Program to Predict Rotor Rotational Noise of a Stationary Rotor from Blade Loading Coefficient. N76-18889/5CP A Numerical Technique to Predict Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (User'S Guide for the Com- puter Program ROT2). N76-22432/8CP PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION An Analysis of Transonic Viscous/lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Bodies with Solid Stings or Real Plumes AD-A050 401 /9CP A Program to Calculate the Pressure Distribution on a Hydrofoil with Pod and Strut AD-727 588/CP Computer Application of a Linearised Supersonic Lifting Surface Theory on a Certain Class of Wings. N70-37079/CP Extrapolation of Sonic Boom Pressure Signatures by the Waveform Parameter Method N72-26004/CP A Description of the Ideas Underlying a Computer Program for Predicting the Aerofoil Pressure Dis- tributions in Subcritical Viscous Flow N72-27317/CP Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds. Volume 1 N73-24313/CP Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds. Volume 2 N73-24314/CP User Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds. Appendix N73-24315/CP Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds N73-27890/5CP PRESSURE DROP General Loss Coefficient Program WANL-TMI-1722 PRESSURE GRADIENTS Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients. N70-29734/CP An Investigation of the High Speed Turbulent Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Arbitrary 57 SUBJECT INDEX Computer Program Pressure Gradient Part 3 Manual. N70-42196/CP Calculation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Utilizing a Compressibility Transformation. Part 3 Computer Program Manual N72-15173/CP Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions N75-14067/3CP Users' Guide to the Gibson-Spalding and Green Programs for the Calculation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Pressure Gradient and heat Transfer. N75-19190/8CP PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS Computer Simulation of High Speed Collision with Rain Drop (Combined Spherical-Cylindrical Shape) N71-36701/CP Dnf: A Dyr mic Filter for the on-Line Estimation and Predk ion of Transient Pressures and Flows in a Gas Network N74-14 3/OCP PRESSURE VESSELS Hydra c Pressure Pulses with Structural Flexi- bility: >st and Analysis (LWBR Development Pro- gram) WAPC TM-1227 PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS Th rmal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod PE 243 219/3CP Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR-GALE Code) PB-251 718/3CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients Volume I Theory and Experiment PB-254 425/2CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume II Analytical Techniques PB-254 426/OCP PRESSURIZING A Computer Program for the Calculation of Ther- mal Stratification and Self-Pressurization in a Liquid Hydrogen Tank N72-24362/CP PRIMARY COOLANT CIRCUITS Hydraulic Pressure Pulses with Structural Flexi- bility: Test and Analysis (LWBR Development Pro- gram) WAPD-TM-1227 PRISMS (OPTICS) Design for High Accuracy Critical-Angle Sun Transit Sensor AD-A048 287/7CP PROBLEM SOLVING An Application of the n-Strip Method of Integral Relations for Analyzing the Flow around a Circu- lar Cone N70-28860/CP Some Numerical Solutions in Unsteady Pipe Flow N72-10237/CP The Solution of the Boundary Layer Equations of Chemically Reacting Gases with a Hermitian Finite Difference Method N73-18273/CP PROFILES Integral Equation Methods for Two Dimensional Incompressible Flows for Multielement Airfoils AD-A042 984/5CP PROGRAMMING (COMPUTERS) Modifications and Applications of the Vera System of Codes Volume I Modifications of the Codes AD-705 513/CP Spshell, Oildrop, and Spclam: Three Programs to Solve Hydrodynamics Problems in Two Dimen- sions. AD-717 708/CP Application of Fourier Techniques to Image Evaluation AD-718 095/CP STLPLT - CalComp Plot of Crystallography Pro- jections of Laue Photographs AD-719 943/CP A General Program for Calculating Angular Mo- mentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-720 964/CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume I AD-722 709/CP Computer Programs for the Analysis of the Broadening of X-Ray Powder Patterns AD-723 191/CP Symmetry and Band Structure I. Selection of Reciprocal Lattice Vectors AD-724 477/CP Symmetry and Band Structure II Storage and Retrieval of Group Theoretical Information AD-724 478/CP Symmetry and Band Structure III Construction of Symmetrized Hamiltonian Matrix AD-724 479/CP An Addition to the NASTRAN Element Library AD-725 868/CP Computer Program for Determining Optical Con- stants of a Film on an Opaque Substrate AD-726 868/CP An Investigation of a Mixed-Phase Equation of State for the PUFF 66 Computer Code AD-726 992/CP WEDCOM Propagation Model Improvements AD-727 627/CP Compressor Sensitivity to Transient and Distorted Transient Flows Volume II. Mathematical Details and Computer Programs AD-728 024/CP User's Manual for Propeller Noise Detectability Program AD-729 435/CP Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensi- ties of Bragg Reflections AD-729 507/CP RADOIL and RAM AD-729 701 /CP A New Version of a General Program to Calculate Angular Momentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-732 615/CP A Program to Generate Numerical Orbital Func- tions AD-733 028/CP The Analysis of Nonequilibrium, Chemically Reacting. Supersonic Flow in Three Dimensions. Volume II. Computer program Manual AD-736 467/CP A Computerized Procedure to Obtain the Coor- dinates and Section Characteristics of NACA Designated Airfoils AD-738 623/CP RESALE-1 : A Chemical Laser Computer Program AD-733 647/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I Part I AD-739 526/CP IPP-1 User Manual Volume I. Part II AD-739 527/CP IPP-1 User Manual Volume II Part I AD-739 528/CP IPP-1 User's Manual Volume II Part II AD-739 529/CP Computer Codes Available for Analysis of Direct Nuclear Reactions AD-739 921/CP RESALE-2, C02. and INHALE AD-748 293/CP First- and Third-Order Lens Analysis by Pro- grammable Desk Calculator AD-750 249/CP A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases Volume I AD-751 607/CP SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions Revision A AD-751 617/CP MRVERA the Multiregion VERA Code AD-752 066/CP Design of a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code for the ILLIAC IV AD-753 191/CP Computer Programs for Reduction of X-Ray Dif- fraction Data for Oriented Polycrystalline Specimens AD-753 920/CP The XYZ Potential Flow Program AD-754 429/CP SHAS2D - A Fully Compressible Hydrodynamics Code in Two Dimensions AD-754 736/CP GUERAP: General Unwanted Energy Rejection Analysis Program User's Manual AD-755 353/CP Calculation of Potential Flow About Arbitra- ryThree-Dimensional Lifting Bodies Users Manual AD-755 933/CP ANTE 3 - A FORTRAN Computer Code for the Solution of the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equa- tion by the Monte Carlo Technique AD-756 290/CP A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code. GAM- MOM-I AD-761 839/CP The Tandem Van de Graaff On-Line Data Acquisi- tion System AD-766 705/8CP SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions - Revision B AD-767 439/3CP Additional Analysis of Neutron and Secondary Gamma Ray Transport in Concrete Using the SAM-CE Monte Carlo Code AO-768 042/4CP Heatran A Finite Element Code for Heat Transfer Problems. PB-192 139/CP PROGRAMMING MANUALS User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- gram for Calculating the Potential Flow/Boundary Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies AD-A036 450/5CP User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- gram for Calculating Propeller/Stern Boundary- Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies AD-A037 063/5CP Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselage-Wing Configurations. Volume II Manual for Computer Programs AD-A040 998/7CP Computer Programs for H-Field, E-Field, and Combined Field Solutions for Bodies of Revolu- tion AD-A044 204/6CP MIE: A Fortran Program for Computing Power Deposition in Spherical Dielectrics through Appli- cation of MIE Theory AD-A044 226/9CP Computer Solutions to Heat and Diffraction Equa- tions in High Energy Laser Windows Volume II AD-B017 022/5CP PROJECTILES Basis for Calculating Effects of Air Resistance to H5 Shrapnel N73-15304/CP PROPELLANT TANKS Analysis of Fluid Sloshing in Arbitrary Tanks Hav- ing Rotational Symmetry - a Correction for Low Gravity Conditions. Volume 2 - Computational Ap- plication. N70-37813/CP Propellant Dynamic Problems in Space Shuttle Vehicles. Part 2 Final Report N71-12767/CP Experimental Investigation of Liquid Propellant Dynamics in a Double Cylindrical Tank N73-25287/CP PROPELLER BLADES Computation of Periodic Propeller Forces in Non- Uniform Flows Using a Lifting Surface Model AD-718 898/CP A Computer Program for the Determination of the Acoustic Pressure Signature of Helicopter Rotors Due to Blade Thickness. N76-17925/8CP PROPELLER NOISE Noise Detectability Prediction Method for Low Tip Speed Propellers AD-729 432/CP Users Manual for Propeller Noise Detectability Program AD-729 435/CP An Acoustic-Array Model for the Computation of the Rotational Noise of a Lifting Rotor AD-740 816/CP Study of Impulsive Sound Generated by Rotor Tips Accelerating Near the Sonic Speed AD-752 301 /CP 58 SUBJECT INDEX RADIATION DETECTORS/ SEMICONDUCTOR PROPELLERS (MARINE) Computation of Periodic Propeller Forces in Non- Uniform Flows Using a Lifting Surface Model AD-718 898/CP Noise Detectability Prediction Method for Low Tip Speed Propellers AD-729 432/CP User's Manual for Propeller Noise Detectability Program AD-729 435/CP PROTEINS CRYSNET Manual. Informal Report BNL-21714 PROTON BEAMS Interaction of Relativistic Protons with Matter AD-A034 948/OCP PROTON-PROTON INTERACTIONS Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reactions According to the Fragmentation Model NP-19804 PROTON REACTIONS An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/OCP Program Mephisto for Microscopic Calculations of (P,p) Reactions. D4 INIS-mf-3352 Cross Sections in the Energy Range from 10 to 40 Mev Calculated with the Gnash Code LA-UR-77-1031 PROTON SCATTERING A Machine-Language Computer Program to Ob- tain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3CP Target-to-Detector Transport Code for Low-Ener- gy p-p Vacuum Polarization and Bremsstrahlung Experiments. LA-4274 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 18- ME V Protons on Ne 20 N70-33818/CP PROTONS Computation of Charge Transfer Probability Between Protons and Excited Hydrogen Atoms AD-732 593/CP Calculation of Optical Model Phase Shifts in Born Approximation INP-785 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-P Elastic Scattering Experiment Using an HP 2116B Com- puter JINR-E1-6909 Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils. LA-4443 Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3, a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4564 Trapp. a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear- Reaction Products Neglected ORNL-4763 Themi- Monte Carlo Generation of Electromag- netic Events SLAC-123 Automatic Selection of Kinematical Hypotheses from Two Prong Proton-Proton Interactions in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber at 19 Gev/C USIP-71-3 PROTONS ANTI P Subprogram for the Calculation of the Matrix Ele- ment of Spin According to the Zemach Method Note No 328 NP-19217 PUBLIC HEALTH Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Area PB-203 999/CP PULSE COMPRESSION Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZERS Pulse Height Analyzer Interfacing and Computer Programming in the Environmental Laser Propagation Project AD-A028 858/9CP An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/OCP A Computer Program for the Smoothing and Dif- ferentiation of Data from Multichannel Analyzers UCRL-19903 PULSED LASERS Investigation of Transient Flow and Heating Problems Characteristic of High Energy Laser Gas Circulation Systems AD-A041 040/7CP Experimental Pulsed Laser, Remote Crosswind Measurement System -- Feasibility Study and Design AD-786 647/8CP PULSES Diffraction of a Dilatational Pulse in an Elastic Medium at a Reinforced Cylindrical Cavity. N77-13470/8CP PWR TYPE REACTORS MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 Quarterly Technical Report on Water Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the Nuclear Regu- latory Commission's Division of Reactor Safety Research, July— September 1975 ANCR-1296 Development of a Computer Code for Thermal Hydraulics of Reactors (THOR) BNL-50458 H-Division Quarterly Report, January—March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Classical Path a and B Functions for Line Broadening of Positive Ions AD-716 435/CP A General Program for Calculating Angular Mo- mentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-720 964/CP Application of the Harris Expansion Method to the Elastic S-Wave Scattering of Electrons by Hydrogen Atoms and by Singly Ionized Helium AD-758 500/CP QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS Reduce Approach to the Calculation of Feynman Diagrams CNRS-CPT-72-P-453 QUANTUM FIELD THEORY COMPUTATION OF RENORMALIZED RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS- APPLICATION TO THE SCALAR THEORY LAMBDAPHI/SUP 3/ CNRS-CPT-70-P-318 QUANTUM MECHANICS Numerical Accuracy of the Regular Coulomb Function IFA-M-47 QUANTUM THEORY A FORTRAN Program to Plot Phase Shifts of the Three Dimensional Sguare Well AD-A019 116/3CP R CODES Raffle General Purpose Monte Carlo Code ANCR-1022 Rice: A Computer Program for Multicomponent Chemically Reactive Flows at All Speeds. LA-5812 R MATRIX Nuclear Cross-Section Calculations Using R- Matrix BARC-663 RACAH COEFFICIENTS Programs for Computing the Coefficients of Clebsch-Gordan (And 3-Jm), of Racah (And 6-J) 9-J, Z' (Compound Nucleus), and Z' (Statistical Model) CEA-N-1467 RADAR CLUTTER Multipath Measurements AD-A001 064/5CP RADAR ECHO AREAS Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion AD-859 670/CP RADAR REFLECTIONS Radar Reflection Coefficients from a Plasma Gradient Including the Effects of Electron-Neutral and Electron-Ion Collisions AD-735 146/CP RADAR SIGNALS Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers AD-741 809/CP RADAR TARGETS Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion AD-859 670/CP RADIAL FACE SEALS Turbulence and Inertia Effects in the Aligned Face Seal AD-730 723/CP RADIANT FLUX DENSITY Calculations of Flux Spectra and Energy Deposi- tion for Fast Neutrons. N70-26461/CP Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hyper- sonic Shock Layers. Volume 2 N73-24310/CP RADIANT HEATING Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hyper- sonic Shock Layers. Volume 1 N73-24309/CP RADIATION Kristall Program for Studying Dynamics of Radiation Damage in Crystal Lattices IAE-2002 Computer Simulation of Radiation-Induced Void Nucleation and Growth in Metals ORO-3912-10 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, June 1, 1969-December 31, 1971 ORO-3912-15 RADIATION ATTENUATION A Study of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave At- tenuation and Dispersion in the Earth's At- mosphere AD-A015 544/0CP Present Status of the RRI Slant-Path Absorption Model (SLAM) Computer Program AD-A027 215/3CP RADIATION DAMAGE Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP Displacement Damage in Silicon Irradiated with 6- to 10-MeV Neutrons AD-A039 774/5CP Neutron Irradiation Effects on Diffused GaAs Laser Diodes AD-735 939/CP The Effects of Proton Bombardment on PbSnTe AD-756 542/CP Junction Capacitance Technigues to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP Analysis of Ebr-ll Neutron Spectra by Monte Carlo and Discrete Ordinate Methods GEMP-742 RADIATION DETECTORS Progress Report, Physics Division, January 1 to March 31, 1976 AECL-5508 Computer Programme for Calculation of Solid Angles and Angular Acceptances LUSY-7007 RADIATION DETECTORS/ ACTIVATION Programs for the Automatic Working out of Nuclear Measurements CISE-R-249 Scans- Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets IN-1446 Program for the Determination of Neutron Spec- tra from Activation Data KFKI-71-22 RADIATION DETECTORS/ SEMICONDUCTOR Icpeax- Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors I.R.I -133-70-4 59 SUBJECT INDEX RADIATION DETECTORS/ SPARK CHAMBER Computer Graphics Patching of Failed Cyclops Events for a Spark Chamber Experiment. RHEL/R-205 RADIATION DETECTORS/ TELESCOPE Efficiency of Detecting a /Sup 8/Be with a Deltae- E Counter Telescope LBL-1214 RADIATION DOSES Swanlake. a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 RADIATION DOSIMETERS/ THERMOLUMINESCENT User's Guide to Swift, a Monte Carlo Technique for Unfolding Neutron Spectra HASL-244 RADIATION EFFECTS Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP Computer Solutions to Heat and Diffraction Equa- tions in High Energy Laser Windows. Volume II AD-B017 022/5CP Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study N75-29818/2CP RADIATION HARDENING Exploratory Development of Laser-Hardened Materials and Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters and Material Response to High-Power Laser Radiation. Volume II. Appendices A-E AD-A026 915/9CP SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. AD-709 929/CP RADIATION HAZARDS Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Area PB-203 999/CP Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in US Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. Appendix VII. Release of Radioactivity in Reactor Accidents. Appendix VIII. Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents. Appendix IX Safety Design Rationale for Nuclear Power Plants. Ap- pendix X Design Adequacy PB-248 207/3CP RADIATION INDUCED ABLATION High Radiation-Induced Ablation of a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow. AD-825 415/CP RADIATION MEASUREMENT Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measurements of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma N72-29707/CP RADIATION PATTERNS Transfer Function, Impulse Response and Reradiated Waveform for an Elliptically Symmet- ric Reradiation Function of the Form Z to the nu Power, nu Half an Odd Integer (USL Program Number 0837) AD-A046 684/7CP RADIATION SHIELDING A Neutron Moments Computer Code, Moment I COM-72-50537/CP SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS N71-18782/CP RADIATION TARGET CHAMBERS Computer Program for Acceptance Calculations for Two-Body Photoproduction Reactions LUSY-7101 RADIATION TARGETS Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils. LA-4443 Computer Programme for Calculation of Solid Angles and Angular Acceptances LUSY-7007 RADIATION TRANSPORT Modifications and Applications of the Vera System of Codes. Volume I. Modifications of the Codes. AD-705 513/CP RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFER Comparison of the Radiation Flux Profiles and Spectral Detail from Three Detailed Nongray Radiation Models at Conditions Representative of Hypervelocity Earth Entry N72-14935/CP Single-Node Orbit Analsyis with Radiation Heat Transfer Only N78-14314/6CP RADIATIVE TRANSFER Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance: Methods of Calculation AD-A017 459/9CP An Improved Technique for Determining Reflec- tion from Semi-Infinite Atmospheres with Linearly Anisotropic Phase Functions N75-31854/3CP RADIATORS Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Computer Code N73-10891/CP RADIO ASTRONOMY Development of Numerical Techniques and Com- puter Systems for Climatological, Ionospheric and Microwave Physics Applications AD-A022 975/7CP RADIO FIELD STRENGTH Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Area PB-203 999/CP RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE An Investigation into the Prediction of Field Strength - the Guildford Experiment. N70-40522/CP RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION HAZARDS Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas. Nevada. Area PB-203 999/CP RADIO INTERFEROMETERS Autocell: An Automated High Frequency Radio In- terferometer AD-A048 022/8CP RADIO RECEIVERS Modifications to Fotonap AD-A043 607/1 CP Autocell: An Automated High Frequency Radio In- terferometer AD-A048 022/8CP RADIO SIGNALS A Computer Program for Evaluating Radio Signal Propaaation from Artificial Earth Satellites. N70-27491/CP RADIO TRANSMISSION A Simplified Mode Conversion Program for VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A002 259/OCP Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation AD-A023 197/7CP Computer Prediction of Tropospheric Radio Transmission Loss for Selected Paths in the Pacific Northwest AD-A030 088/9CP Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation AD-A038 132/7CP Techniques of Determining Ionospheric Structure from Oblique Radio Propagation Measurements AD-A038 299/4CP Experimental Research on the Propagation of Loran-C Signals. Volume D Data and Analysis AD-A040 320/4CP Short-Term Predictions on the Course of Polar Cap Absorption. AD-706 412/CP WKB Mode Summing Program for VLF/ELF An- tennas of Arbitrary Length. Shape and Elevation AD-728 414/CP Propagation Characteristics of VLF Waves Below a Stratified and Generally Anisotropic Ionosphere AD-754 033/CP WKB Fields Program for Lower ELF AD-757 080/CP Stimulated Amplification of VLF and ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere by Localized Injections of Plasma Clouds and Particle Beams AD-757 085/CP High Frequency Propagation Anomalies AD-767 657/OCP Computer Programs for Air/Ground Propagation and Interference Analysis (0.1 to 20 GHz) AD-770 335/8CP RADIO WAVE REFRACTION A Computer Program for Evaluating Radio Signal Propagation from Artificial Earth Satellites. N70-27491/CP RADIO WAVES Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Turbu- lent Water Surface. AD-709 453/CP A New Method for Predicting HF Ground Wave Attenuation Over Inhomogeneous, Irregular Ter- rain AD-721 179/CP Scattering of HF Radio Waves by Elliptical Elec- tron Density Distributions AD-740 576/CP Radar/Radio Tropospheric Absorption and Noise Temperature AD-753 197/CP Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Sur- faces of Venus N71-31311/CP The Influence of the Lower Ionosphere on Wave Propagation in the LF Range Up to a Distance of 300 Km N73-11131/CP Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas. Nevada. Area PB-203 999/CP RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials AD-A017 670/1 CP Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials (Supplement) AD-A025 092/8CP RADIOACTIVE WASTES Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water Reactors (BWR-GALE Code) PB-251 717/5CP Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR-GALE Code) PB-251 718/3CP RAOIOFREQUENCY INTERFERENCE Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear-FM Pulses AD-A003 677/2CP Data Structuring Study for Interference Prediction Analysis AD-814 991 /CP An Automated Technique for Calculating Inter- ference from Airborne Transmitters to Terrestrial Receivers PB-264 519/OCP RADIOFREQUENCY POWER Advances in the Measurement of rf Power and At- tenuation Using SQUIDS COM-74-51064/5CP RADIOISOTOPES Dchain- a Pdp-9/Pdp-15 Computer Program for Radioactive Decay and Capture Chain Calcula- tions LA-4708 Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 RADIOMETERS Ultraviolet Radiometer Integration and Launch Activities AD-A018 287/3CP RAILROAD TRAINS Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 575/CP RAIN EROSION Erosion Mechanics and Micromechanics Program AD-A042 656/9CP Exploratory Development of Rain Erosion Re- sistant Infrared Window Materials AD-A046 702/7CP RAINDROPS Computer Simulation of High Speed Collision with Rain Drop (Combined Spherical-Cylindrical Shape) N71 -36701 /CP 60 SUBJECT INDEX REFLECTORS RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY Electronic Raman Scattering Theory in Rare Earth Garnets AD-727 065/CP RANDOM WALK Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffusion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks N73-32197/8CP RANKINE CYCLE Determination of the Optimum Fluid and System Variables for .5-5 KWE Rankine Cycle Power Systems AD-741 835/CP RARE EARTH COMPOUNDS Thermoluminescence and Color Centers in Rare Earth Doped Ceria Crystals AD-773 807/3CP Rare Earth Ion-Host Lattice Interactions. 1. Point Charge Lattice Sum in Scheelites AD-776 330/3CP RARE EARTH ELEMENTS Rare Earth Laser Engineering Program AD-914 193/8CP RARE EARTH LASERS Rare Earth Laser Engineering Program AD-914 193/8CP RARE EARTHS Luminescent Applications of Rare Earth Materials AD-758 760/CP Systems Analysis Guide for the Rare-Earth Infor- mation Center's Information Retrieval System (RICIRS) IS-4168 RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS Coupled Gasdynamics and Kinetics During Con- densation by a Rarefaction Wave PB-277 274/7CP RAREFIED GASES Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffusion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks N73-32197/8CP RAY TRACING Acoustic Transmission Loss by Single-Profile Ray Tracing (Program RTRACE) AD-A003 908/1 CP A Ray Trace Program for the CDC 1604 Computer AD-A005 321/5CP Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Pro- gram TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Un- derwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A010 868/8CP Geometrical Acoustics Techniques in Far Field In- frasonic Waveform Syntheses AD-A024 721/3CP Holographic Ray Tracing and Spot Diagrams AD-A027 043/9CP Polypagos: Polychromic Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems AD-715 262/CP Ray Tracing Study AD-779 091 /8CP GUERAP II - User's Guide AD-784 874/OCP Atmospheric Ray Tracing AD-787 063/7CP Comparisons of Normal Mode Theory. Ray Theory, and Modified Ray Theory for Arbitrary Sound Velocity Profiles Resulting in Convergence Zones AD-787 629/5CP An Optical Ray Tracing Program AD-787 636/OCP The Effect of Large Scale Irregularities on the Propagation of VLF Waves Through the Lower Ionosphere with Special Reference to Auroral Hiss. N70-22824/CP A Ray Tracing Digital Computer Program for the Study of Magnetospheric Duct Propagation. N70-35774/CP Sound Propagation from a Moving Source Final Report N71-14081/CP A Versatile Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Com- puter Program for Radio Waves in the Ionosphere PB-248 856/7CP RAYSRT COMPUTER PROGRAM Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP REACTION KINETICS Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time- Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Different Conditions N73-15305/CP Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scatter- ing from Plates, Corner Reflectors and Dielectric- Coated Cylinders N74-22318/1CP Calculation of a Quasi One-Dimensional Gas Flow in Equilibrium or Not. Comparison of the Results and Application to a Hypersonic Wake Calcul d'UN Ecoulement Quasi Monodimensionnel d'UN Gaz en Equilibre ou Non. Comparaison des Resultats et Application au Sillage Hypersonique. N77-17407/6CP Proposed Computer Model for Electric Discharge Atomic Vapor Lasers. N77-22468/1CP Calculation of Rotational Nonequilibrium in a Pulsed HF Laser. UCRL-75814 REACTOR ACCIDENTS Development of a Computer Code for Thermal Hydraulics of Reactors (THOR) BNL-50458 REACTOR COMPONENTS Reliability and Availability of a System with Active R/M Repairable Redundancies General Solution: FIDIAS Program FRRSR-9 REACTOR CONTROL Evaluation of the Rexco-H and Rexco-Hep Reac- tor Excursion Containment Codes AD-A008 140/6CP REACTOR CORES Data Reduction by an Approximate Thermal Diffu- sion Solution PB-242 416/6CP Development of ENDF/B-IV Multigroup Neutron Cross-Section Libraries for the Leopard and Laser Codes PB-244 391 /9CP Advanced Recycle Methodology Program PB-249 622/2CP Identification of Dynamic Characteristics of Nuclear Reactor Systems PB-251 294/5CP REACTOR FUEL ELEMENTS Computer Program for Calculating, Tabulating, and Plotting Outgassing Rates of Selected Gases ORNL-TM-3220 REACTOR KINETICS GARTH, a Full-Range Integral Transport Code for Reactor Design Calculations GA-A-13745 AMP (Activity Manipulation Program) ORNL/TM-5296 REACTOR MATERIALS MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 REACTOR SAFETY Quarterly Technical Report on Water Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the Nuclear Regu- latory Commission's Division of Reactor Safety Research, July—September 1975 ANCR-1296 Physics of Reactor Safety Quarterly Report, July- -September 1975. ANL-76-6 REACTOR SHIELDING CALCULATIONS Line and Continuum gamma-Ray Yields from Thermal-Neutron Capture in 75 Elements AD-717 639/CP REACTOR SHUTDOWN Evaluation of Fission Product After-Heat PB-247 733/9CP REACTORS Two Dimensional Transport Code Twotran. A Users Guide to the Winfrith Fortran IV Version for Use on the IBM 360 Computer AEEW-R-778 Scans- Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets IN-1446 REAL GASES A Program for Calculating Expansion-Tube Flow Quantities for Real-Gas Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Results N72-32300/CP Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using For- tran 4 Routines. N74-21926/2CP A Method for Calculating a Real-Gas Two-Dimen- sional Nozzle Contour Including the Effects of gamma. N75-30482/4CP REAR FACING STEPS Application of Holographic Interferometry to Su- personic Flow Visualization of a Rear-Facing Step and Application of Fast Fourier Transform Methods to Current Data Reduction Techniques AD-781 396/7CP RECOIL PARTICLES An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/OCP A Machine-Language Computer Program to Ob- tain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3CP RECORDING INSTRUMENTS Automated Analysis of Wave Patterns Behind Towed Models. N71-13388/CP RECTANGULAR PLANFORMS Analytical and Numerical Studies of Downwash over Rectangular Planforms N71-36405/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Introduction and Part 1 N73-21909/CP Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Part 2 N73-21910/CP REDUCED GRAVITY Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Beds under Variable Body Forces, Part 4 Final Report N70-29743/CP Analysis of Fluid Sloshing in Arbitrary Tanks Hav- ing Rotational Symmetry - a Correction for Low Gravity Conditions Volume 2 - Computational Ap- plication. N70-37813/CP REENTRY VEHICLES Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVII. Computer Users Manual: Erosion Shape (EROS) Computer Code AD-A026 613/OCP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVIII. Nosetip Analyses Using the EROS Computer Code AD-A026 614/8CP Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XXII. Coupled Erosion/Ablation of Reentry Materials AD-A026 619/7CP Erosion Mechanics and Micromechanics Program AD-A042 656/9CP Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones in the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. AD-705 565/CP Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation Computer Program (Heatab). AD-800 437/CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis Volume 3: Programmer's Manual. N76-21458/4CP REFLECTANCE Radiative Property Investigation. N74-28422/5CP REFLECTION An Improved Technique for Determining Reflec- tion from Semi-Infinite Atmospheres with Linearly Anisotropic Phase Functions. N75-31854/3CP REFLECTORS A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP Calculation of Scattered Patterns from Asymmet- rical Reflectors N70-22574/CP 61 SUBJECT INDEX REFRACTIVE INDEX Light Refraction by Mean Temperature Gradients in the Near-Earth Atmosphere AD-783 484/9CP REFRACTIVITY Theory and Application of an Edge Gradient System for Generating Optical Transfer Functions N71-30558/CP REFRIGERATORS Mathematical Analysis of a Vuilleumier Refrigera- tor N71-25812/CP REGPLOT COMPUTER PROGRAM REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 RELAP3B COMPUTER PROGRAM Users Manual for RELAP 3B-MOD 101 A Reactor System Transient Code PB-249 616/4CP RELIABILITY Reliability and Availability of a System with Active R/M Repairable Redundancies. General Solution: FIDIAS Program FRRSR-9 Reliability of a New Velocity Measurement Method for Gases: The Laser Velocimetry Con- tribution a I'Etude de la Fiabilite d'Une Nouvelle Methode de Mesure de Vilesses dans UN Ecoule- ment Gazeux: La Velocimetrie Laser. N77-13402/1CP RELIABILITY ANALYSIS Abel Transormation Applications to Wake Density Measurement . la Transformation Dabel. Applica- tions a la Mesure des Masses Volumiques Dans les Sillages N73-10324/CP RESALE COMPUTER PROGRAM The RESALE Chemical Laser Computer Program AD-A007 058/1CP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids. N74-20314/2CP RESEARCH PROGRAMS H-Division Quarterly Report, July--September 1976 UCRL-50028-76-3 RESEARCH PROJECTS Nuclear, Solid State, and Theoretical Physics Research N73-11726/CP RESONANCE Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP Daisey - an Efficient Program for Production of Neutron Pseudo Resonance Parameter Chains in the Unresolved Energy Region. N70-27998/CP STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer S Theory. N70-36799/CP RESONANCE PROBES Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP RESONANCE TUBES Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP RESONANT FREQUENCIES Experimental Investigation of Liquid Propellant Dynamics in a Double Cylindrical Tank N73-25287/CP RETARDING POTENTIAL ANALYZERS The Electrostatic Potential Inside a Hemisphere: Its Use as an Electron Energy Analyzer and as a Triode Electronic Device AD-729 914/CP RETROREFLECTORS A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP REVERBERATION Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/OCP Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circu- lar Cones AD-781 649/9CP Interactive Computer Program for the Determina- tion of Reverberation Time PB-275 574/2CP REVERBERATION CHAMBERS Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers PB-256 639/6CP REXOR MODEL REXOR Rotorcraft Simulation Volume III. Users Manual AD-A028 417/4CP REYNOLDS NUMBER Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-Depen- dent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Difference Method. N70-38683/CP The 1957 Ittc Model-Ship Correlation Line Values of Frictional Resistance Coefficient N71-12763/CP RHEOLOGY Computer Program for Reduction and Presenta- tion of High-Pressure Capillary Viscometer Data AD-A044 490/1CP RHODIUM Surface Self-Diffusion on a Face Centered Crystal: An Atomic View AD-A001 374/8CP RIGID STRUCTURES A Computer Program for Fuel Sloshing in an Ax- isymmetric Tank. N70-43192/CP RISK Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in US Commercial Nuclear Power Plants Appendix VII. Release of Radioactivity in Reactor Accidents. Appendix VIII. Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents. Appendix IX Safety Design Rationale for Nuclear Power Plants. Ap- pendix X Design Adequacy PB-248 207/3CP ROBOTS Guide to Improving the Performance of a Manipu- lator System for Nuclear Fuel Handling through Computer Controls PB-249 255/1CP ROCK MECHANICS Data Input Manual for RSI/TEVCO: A Ther- mo/Viscoelastic Finite Element Computer Pro- gram Y/OWI/SUB-77/22303/6 ROCKET EXHAUST SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ROCKET PLUME IMPINGEMENT STUDY FOR SEPARATION ANAL- YSIS FINAL REPORT N71-18796/CP ROCKET MOTOR NOZZLES Two-Phase Nozzle Flow (Gas-Solid) AD-750 038/CP ROCKET NOZZLES Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report N70-27166/CP Wall Temperature Distribution Calculation for a Rocket Nozzle Contour N72-30773/CP ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT REXOR Rotorcraft Simulation Volume III Users Manual AD-A028 417/4CP ROTARY WINGS A Computer Program for the Determination of the Acoustic Pressure Signature of Helicopter Rotors Due to Blade Thickness N76-17925/8CP A Computer Program to Predict Rotor Rotational Noise of a Stationary Rotor from Blade Loading Coefficient. N76-18889/5CP ROTATING CYLINDERS Gyc: A Program to Compute the Turbulent Boun- dary Layer on a Rotating Cone N77-20021/0CP ROTATING DISKS Computation of Laminar Flow Between Shrouded Rotating Discs N71-13798/CP Numerical Integration of the Momentum-Integral Equations and Application of the Results to the Flow Between Rotating Disks N75-29369/6CP ROTATIONAL SPECTRA A Collection of Computer Programs for Molecular Spectroscopy. AD-714 560/CP ROTOR BLADES (TURBOMACHINERY) A Study of Sound Generation in Subsonic Rotors, Volume 2 N76-18121/3CP ROTORS A Study of Sound Generation in Subsonic Rotors, Volume 2 N76-18121/3CP RUBIDIUM Discovery of New Lasers AD-772 001 /4CP RUBY LASERS New Monte Carlo Method and Review of Present Methods For Calculating the Characteristics of Excitation Geometries for Solid-State Lasers AD-722 337/CP Experimental Pulsed Laser, Remote Crosswind Measurement System — Feasibility Study and Design AD-786 647/8CP RUTHENIUM ISOTOPES RU Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 S COOES Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets. LBL-3222 Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reactions According to the Fragmentation Model NP-19804 Swanlake. a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. UCRL-51574(Rev 1) S3f-Syr/LLL1 : The Syracuse Computer Code for Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion, Extended for Near-Field Computations UCRL-51622 S WAVES Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids. N74-20314/2CP SABOT DISPOSAL Sabot Aerodynamics During Discard AD-A000 899/5CP SABOT PROJECTILES Sabot Aerodynamics During Discard AD-A000 899/5CP SAFEGUARDS MHSS: A Material Handling System Simulator UCRL-78049 SAM CE COMPUTER CODE Additional Analysis of Neutron and Secondary Gamma Ray Transport in Concrete Using the SAM-CE Monte Carlo Code AD-768 042/4CP SAMPLERS Procedures for Measurement in Stratified Gases Volume II Appendices PB-241 838/2CP SAND A Quasi-Analytical Method for the Calculation of Particle Trajectories AD-757 724/CP Boundary Layer Solutions for Natural Convection in Porous Media SAND-76-0075 SANITARY ENGINEERING Descriptive Model of a Shipboard Ecological System AD-743 764/CP SATELLITE ANTENNAS A Computer Program for Mapping Satellite-Borne Narrow-Beam Antenna Footprints on Earth N73-12149/CP SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS A Program for Computing Earth Ionosphere ELF/VLF Excitation Factors for Satellite-Borne Antennas AD-779 867/1CP 62 SUBJECT INDEX SHADOW ZONE SATELLITE TEMPERATURE Temperature Variance in Spacecraft Thermal Analysis Atv-70 Program N71-22335/CP SCALE MODELS The 1957 Ittc Model-Ship Correlation Line Values of Frictional Resistance Coefficient. N71-12763/CP SCALING FACTORS Nonlinear Scaling Laws for Parametric Receiving Arrays. Part II. Numerical Analysis AD-A027 578/4CP MPLAW: A Multipulse-Scaling-Law Code Using Data-Base Interpolation AD-A032 026/7CP SCANDIUM ISOTOPES SC- Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO-1 779-63 SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Computer Analysis of Multi-Channel Sem and X- Ray Images from Fine Particles. AD-716 562/CP SCATPW COMPUTER PROGRAM Electromagnetic Scattering by Multiple Conduc- tors in the Earth Due to a Plane Wave Source PB-261 183/8CP SCATTERING Meatpi and Sorce- Two Programs to Calculate Scattering Potentials from Phase Shifts AAEC/TM-604 Computer Subprograms for Scattering Problems ANU-P-439 SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONS Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 18- ME V Protons on Ne 20 N70-33818/CP SCATTERING FUNCTIONS Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction N71-23999/CP Tables of Mie-Scattering Functions. Part 1 Mix- tures of Dielectric Particles N72-15382/CP SCHRODINGER EQUATION A Program to Generate Numerical Orbital Func- tions AD-733 028/CP Some Numerical Considerations Concerning Eigenvalue Problems in the Theories of Un- derwater Sound and Internal Waves AD-782 327/1CP SCHROEDINGER EQUATION Bostaw - a Fortran Program for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods- Saxon Well. N70-29873/CP SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Progress Report Number 41, 15 September 1975 through 14 September 1976 to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee A Summary of Current Research at the Microwave Research In- stitute AD-A034 764/1CP SCIENTIFIC SATELLITES The Low-G Accelerometer Calibration System Or- bital Accelerometer Experiment Volume I. Experi- ment Description and Methodology AD-772 717/5CP SCINTILLATION Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation AD-A023 197/7CP Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 106 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP SCINTILLATION COUNTERS Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921/7CP SCINTILLOMETERS Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921 /7CP SCREW DISLOCATIONS On the Motion of the a/2 < 111> Screw Disloca- tion in Alpha Iron AD-731 401/CP SEA ICE A Calculation of the Acoustic Shear Wave At- tenuation in Sea Ice AD-786 707/OCP SEA WATER Bubble distributions in Upper Ocean AD-738 968/CP SEAKEEPING Theoretical Evaluation of Ship Added Resistance in Waves AD-760 002/CP Barge Trains in a Coastal Seaway Part II Predic- tions of Lateral Motions and Bending Moments COM-71-00788/CP SEALS Turbulence and Inertia Effects in the Aligned Face Seal AD-730 723/CP SEALS (STOPPERS) Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Fric- tion - Application to Gas Film Seals N74-17015/0CP SECOND HARMONIC GENERATION The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials: Nonlinear Optical Interactions in KDP Prisms AD-771 048/6CP SECONDARY EMISSION Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP SEDIMENTATION Free Falling Particle in Density Stratified Fluid PB-214 499/6CP SEEBECK EFFECT The Thermoelectric Effect of Silver Iodide AD-724 110/CP SELF FOCUSING Digital Computer Simulation Programs for Elec- trostrictive Laser Beam Trapping AD-737 384/CP SEMICONDUCTING FILMS The Effects of Proton Bombardment on PbSnTe AD-756 542/CP SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices AD-A010 002/4CP Damage Profiles in Silicon and Their Impact on Device Reliability AD-A017 400/3CP SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. AD-709 929/CP Application of CV Characteristics to Controlling MIS Processing AD-742 430/CP A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices AD-743 834/CP A Radiation Effects Research Program AD-752 561/CP Feasibility Study of Pb(1 -x)Sn(x)Te Charge Cou- pled Devices for Infrared Imaging Applications AD-761 473/CP Study of PbTe. PbSnTe. PbSe. PbSnSe, and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures AD-761 510/CP Icpeax. a Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors N72-26666/CP Space Processing Float Zone Thermal Analysis. N76-25059/6CP SEMICONDUCTOR DOPING Optimal Summation of Gaussians for Ion Implan- tation Profile Control AD-A019 422/5CP Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data COM-75-10711/0CP SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTIONS A Model for the Prediction of Semiconductor Heterojunction Discontinuities Using Bulk Band Structures AD-A032 078/8CP Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. AD-709 929/CP RELIABILITY STUDIES FABRICATION N71-34906/CP IN SEMICONDUCTOR SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS Analysis of Coupling Efficiency Between Semiconductor Lasers and Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides AD-A016 619/9CP Rate Equations of the Semiconductor Injection Laser. N76-33499/4CP SEMICONDUCTOR SWITCHES Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 SEMICONDUCTORS Vapor Growth of Pb(l -x)Sn(x)Te and Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Se Crystals AD-A017 316/1CP Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids Their Surfaces and Interfaces AD-A037 797/8CP Conduction Mechanisms in Epitaxial Gallium Ar- senide AD-722 650/CP Computer Programs to Evaluate Semiconductor Materials in Conjunction with Schottky Barriers AD-724 106/CP Research Directed Toward Preparation of Com- pound Semiconductors by Controlled Diffusion Mechanism in Gels AD-727 035/CP Application of CV Characteristics to Controlling MIS Processing AD-742 430/CP A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices AD-743 834/CP Preparation and Optical Properties of Crystals and Films of Vanadium Oxides AD-744 319/CP Structural Effects on Electrical Properties in Amorphous Semiconductors AD-748 661 /CP A Radiation Effects Research Program AD-752 561/CP Microwave Properties of Germanium and Silicon Windows AD-753 466/CP Determinaton of Current vs. Electric Field Charac- teristics in Multivalley Semiconductors AD-776 806/2CP Investigation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Light-Emitting Materials AD-778 413/5CP Computer Program for Solution of Diffusion Equations for Two Impurities CEA-CONF-1970 SEPARATED FLOW Evaluation of a Method for Computation of Separated, Turbulent, Compressible Boundary Layers AD-A021 090/6CP Separated Flow over Bodies of Revolution Using an Unsteady Discrete-Vorticity Cross Wake. Part 2: Computer Program Description. N74-28757/4CP SEWAGE TREATMENT Descriptive Model of a Shipboard Ecological System AD-743 764/CP SGEMP COMPUTER CODE A Non-Reflecting Electromagnetic Outer Bounda- ry Condition for Cylindrical Coordinates and the SGEMP Problem AD-A027 956/2CP SHADOW ZONE Sound Intensity in Atmospheric Shadow Zones Assuming a Constant Velocity Gradient AD-728 836/CP 63 SUBJECT INDEX SHEAR FLOW Computational Studies of Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress N71-27004/CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP SHEAR LAYERS Applications of a General Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N71-11475/CP An Improved Fortran Program for the Bradshaw- Ferriss-Atwell Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers N74-33802/1CP SHEAR STRESS Examination of Turbulent Shear Models and the Prediction of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers by the Method of Weighted Residuals N71-24140/CP SHIELDING The Use and Testing' of al, Fe, Ni. Cu, and PB Secondary gamma-Ray Production Data Sets from the POPOP4 Library AD-709 459/CP Backscattering for gamma Rays from a Point Source Near a Concrete Plane Surface. AD-716 320/CP Additional Analysis of Neutron and Secondary Gamma Ray Transport in Concrete Using the SAM-CE Monte Carlo Code AD-768 042/4CP Dp-1- an ALGOL Program for the Calculation of the Energy Spectra of Scattered gamma-Rays in a Plane Shielding Layer. ORNL-TR-2353 Trapp. a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear- Reaction Products Neglected ORNL-4763 W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 SHIFT REGISTERS Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP SHIP HULLS The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program Part I. Theoretical Basis and Pro- gramming Technique AD-A013 194/6CP The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program Part 2. Users Manual AD-A013 218/3CP Sound Radiation from an Orthotropic Plate Sup- ported by a Double Set of Stiffeners AD-A013 320/7CP The 1957 Ittc Model-Ship Correlation Line Values of Frictional Resistance Coefficient. N71-12763/CP SHIP MOTION Prediction of Ship Motions in Regular and Irregu- lar Head Waves AD-A008 349/3CP The Deterministic Evaluation of Ship Motion Im- pulse Response Functions AD-749 962/CP SHIP MOTIONS Theoretical Evaluation of Ship Added Resistance in Waves AD-760 002/CP SHIP PLATES Vibroacoustic Response of Turbulence Excited Thin Rectangular Finite Plates in Heavy and Fluid Media AD-A016 540/7CP SHIPBOARD SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS Descriptive Model of a Shipboard Ecological System AD-743 764/CP SHIPS Descriptive Model of a Shipboard Ecological System AD-743 764/CP The Deterministic Evaluation of Ship Motion Im- pulse Response Functions AD-749 962/CP Theoretical Evaluation of Ship Added Resistance in Waves AD-760 002/CP Turning Characteristics of the Bell 100 Ton Sur- face Effect Ship AD-767 680/2CP SHOCK HEATING Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP SHOCK LAYERS Computer User's Guide for a Chemically Reacting Viscous Shock-Layer Program N75-30470/9CP SHOCK (MECHANICS) Viscous Shock Layer Solutions for Hypersonic Sphere-Cones AD-A035 335/9CP SHOCK TUBES A Program for Plotting Wave Diagrams for the Simple Membrane Shock Tube. N70-29173/CP A Program for Calculating Expansion-Tube Flow Quantities for Real-Gas Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Results N72-32300/CP Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1: Theoretical Description N73-27174/4CP Program and Charts for Determining Shock Tube, and Expansion Tunnel Flow Quantities for Real Air. N75-21565/7CP SHOCK WAVE INTERACTION A Parametric Study of Adiabatic Laminar Bounda- ry Layer Shock Wave Interactions by the Method of Lees- Reeves- Klineberg. N71-11017/CP A Computer Programme for Flowfield Predictions in the Interaction of a Shock Wave with a 90 Degree Bend. N75-12640/9CP SHOCK WAVE PROFILES A Program for Plotting Wave Diagrams for the Simple Membrane Shock Tube. N70-29173/CP SHOCK WAVE PROPAGATION A Program for Plotting Wave Diagrams for the Simple Membrane Shock Tube. N70-29173/CP Blast Wave Propagation in Tunnels. Part 4 Calcu- lations Taking into Account Wall Roughness . Propagation des Souffles en Galerie. Quatrieme Partie Calculs Tenant Compte de la Rugosite de la Parol N73-21287/CP SHOCK WAVES A User's Manual to Compute Shock Reflections in Elastic Solids AD-A001 535/4CP A Method of Characteristics Code for Energy Deposition Calculations (MCDIT 3) AD-724 734/CP An Investigation of a Mixed-Phase Equation of State for the PUFF 66 Computer Code AD-726 992/CP CCAMIN. a Computer Program for Fitting Time of Arrival and Shock Peak Overpressure Datain a Gas AD-749 332/CP High Pressure Shock Wave Behavior of Greatly Distended Copper AD-757 633/CP Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02-AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures N72-18961/CP Description of a Computer Program to Calculate Reacting Supersonic Internal Flow Fields with Shock Waves Using Viscous Characteristics Pro- gram Manual and Sample Calculations N73-20311/CP Analysis of One-Dimensional Algorithms to Use with Operator Splitting in Programs for Comput- ing Wave Propagation SAND-74-0189 Conchas— Manymat Wavecode: A Program to Compute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials. SAND-75-0155(Pt 1) Conchas— Manymat Wavecode: Program to Com- pute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials. Part II. SAND-75-0155(Pt.2) Test Results of the Threedy Wavefitting Algorithm on One-Dimensional Wave Propagation Problems. SAND-75-0350 H-Division Quarterly Report. January— March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 SHRAPNEL Basis for Calculating Effects of Air Resistance to H5 Shrapnel N73-15304/CP SIGLEARN COMPUTER PROGRAM SIGLEARN: A Program for Simultaneous Least- Squares Fitting of Thermal Neutron Cross Sec- tions and Related Ratios PB-254 391 /6CP SIGNAL ANALYSIS Method for the Analysis of Laser Doppler Signals with the Aid of a Computer. N76-20453/6CP SIGNAL DETECTION Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP SIGNAL MEASUREMENT Polarization Measurements of Frequency Stabil- ized VLF Signals N72-19211/CP SIGNAL PROCESSING Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/OCP Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP Signals Analysis Program 4 (Sapg 4): Computer Software Developed for the Extraction of Various Signal Parameters from Fatigue Inducing Loading Spectra. N77-10554/2CP SIGNAL RECEPTION Polarization Measurements of Frequency Stabil- ized VLF Signals N72-19211/CP SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO Summary Report, Phase I AD-A046 872/8CP SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIOS Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 10.6 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP SIGNAL TRANSMISSION An Investigation into the Prediction of Field Strength - the Guildford Experiment. N70-40522/CP SIGNALS An Approximate Fourier Integral Transform Method for Analysis of Wave Propagation Signals. AD-711 798/CP SILICATE MINERALS Calculation of Amphibole Structural Formulae PB-207 710/CP SILICON Damage Profiles in Silicon and Their Impact on Device Reliability AD-A017 400/3CP Displacement Damage in Silicon Irradiated with 6- to 10-MeV Neutrons AD-A039 774/5CP Computer Simulation of the Sputtering of Silicon AD-A041 152/OCP Microwave Properties of Germanium and Silicon Windows AD-753 466/CP Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Con- figuration to Electron Loading AD-763 943/CP "Kristall" Program for Studying Dynamics of Radiation Damage in Crystal Lattices IAE-2002 Spectral Absorption Coefficients of Argon and Silicon and Spectral Reflectivity of Aluminum N73-12727/CP Space Processing Float Zone Thermal Analysis. N76-25059/6CP 64 SUBJECT INDEX SONAR TRANSDUCERS Modeling of Fluidized Bed Silicon Deposition Process. N77-28581/5CP SILICON 28 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation. Final Report N-72-30618 SILICON DIOXIDE Mechanisms of Structural Transformation in Amorphous Solids Studied by X-Ray Scattering Techniques. AD-712 612/CP SILICON MONOXIDE Optical Constants of SiO in the IR Region AD-A005 086/4CP SILICON NITRIDES Quantitative Determination of Phase Content of Silicon Nitride by X-Ray Diffraction Analysis AD-A008 986/2CP Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP SILVER Computer Program for Determining Optical Con- stants of a Film on an Opaque Substrate AD-726 868/CP Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP SILVER IODIDE The Thermoelectric Effect of Silver Iodide AD-724 110/CP SILVER SULFIDES Computer Program for Determining Optical Con- stants of a Film on an Opaque Substrate AD-726 868/CP SIMIR 6 COMPUTER PROGRAM SIMIR/6 A Two Dimensional Steady State and Transient Heat Conduction Code for Use on an IBM 360/75 Computer. A User's Guide TREE-1127 SIMULATION Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report, April 1, 1973- -June 30. 1973. ORO-3912-22 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes Progress Report. July 1. 1972- -March 1, 1974 ORO-3912-26 SINGLE CRYSTALS Vapor Growth of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te and Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Se Crystals AD-A017 316/1CP Single Crystal Mossbauer Scattering. AD-714 573/CP SKIMMER MODEL SKIMMER - A Numerical Model for Nonlinear Waves AD-A029 231/8CP SKIN FRICTION Basis for Calculating Effects of Air Resistance to H5 Shrapnel N73-15304/CP Blast Wave Propagation in Tunnels Part 4 Calcu- lations Taking into Account Wall Roughness . Propagation des Souffles en Galerie. Quatrieme Partie Calculs Tenant Compte de la Rugosite de la Paroi N73-21287/CP A Skin-Friction Law for Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers Based on the Full van Driest Transformation N76-33146/1CP SKY RADIATION User'S Manual for University of Arizona Apart Program (Analysis Program - Arizona Radiation Trace). N75-31880/8CP Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation. N77-24935/7CP SKYLAB PROGRAM Skylab M518 Multipurpose Furnace Convection Analysis. N76-11882/7CP SLENDER BODIES Calculation of Magnus Forces on Axisymmetric Bodies at Small Angles of Attack with Incom- pressible Turbulent Boundary Layers AD-746 449/CP Comparison of Slender Channel Computations with Experiments for Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Nozzle Flows. N76-15113/3CP SLOT ANTENNAS Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones in the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. AD-705 565/CP Radiation from Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Fed Aperture Antennas AD-731 292/CP SOFTWARE A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analysis of Crystallographic Quantities PB-257 728/6CP SOIL WATER Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Ground- Water Flow Including Effects of Evapotranspira- tion PB-207 135/CP SOLA-DF COMPUTER PROGRAM Application of a Drift-Flux Model to Flashing in Straight Pipes PB-254 968/1CP SOLAR FLARES Trapp, a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear- Reaction Products Neglected ORNL-4763 SOLAR RADIATION Direct Beam Solar Radiation. A Digital Computer program PB-236 902/3CP SOLAR SEA POWER PLANTS An Analysis of the Thermal and Nutrient Proper- ties of the Condenser Discharge Plume Created by an Ocean Thermal Difference Power Plant PB-244 786/OCP SOLID SOLUTIONS Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions from X-Ray Data. ORNL-TM-2866 Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions ORNL-5140 SOLID STATE DEVICES Nuclear, Solid State, and Theoretical Physics Research N73-11726/CP SOLID STATE LASERS New Monte Carlo Method and Review of Present Methods For Calculating the Characteristics of Excitation Geometries for Solid-State Lasers AD-722 337/CP Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities AD-728 830/CP SOLID STATE PHYSICS Electrons in Random Media AD-723 597/CP Progress Report, Physics Division, January 1 to March 31, 1976 AECL-5508 INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVERSION SYM- METRY ANL-7659 SOLIDIFICATION Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. N75-33137/1CP SOLIDS A User's Manual to Compute Shock Reflections in Elastic Solids AD-A001 535/4CP A FORTRAN Subroutine to Evaluate the Transport Integrals J2(X) Through J7(X) AD-A030 219/OCP Equation of State of Solids AD-746 611/CP Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved. Program Source. CEA-N-1294 A Computer Program for the Evaluation of the Optical Constants of Solids. Via the Dispersion Relations UN Programma Per II Calcolo Delle Costanti Ottiche di UN Solido Mediante le Relazioni di Oispersione N72-11560/CP The Impact Between a Liquid Drop and an Elastic Half-Space PB-241 155/1CP A Theoretical Study of the Structure of Atomic Collision Cascades Part I Method of Analysis RD/B/N-1915 Nonlinear Viscoelastic Equation of State for Use in Stress Propagation Calculations SLA-73-635 Thermal Stress and Creep. SLA-74-5190 Users Manual for Code Epsol Static Analysis of Elastic— Plastic Solids. UCID-16171 H-Division Quarterly Report, January— March 1976 UCRL-50026-76-1 Static Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids with Material and Geometric Nonlinearities by the Finite Element Method UCRL-51390 Internal Variable Theory of Plasticity Based Upon Dislocation Mechanics UCRL-77328 SOLN COMPUTER PROGRAM Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1 N76-32877/2CP SONAR Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications Volume I AD-A038 160/8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891 /8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP SONAR ARRAYS Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/0CP Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Impedances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle AD-718 313/CP Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP SONAR COMPUTER PROGRAM Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP SONAR SIGNALS Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP Computer Program for Calculating Propagation Loss into the Shadow Zone AD-713 061/CP Acoustic Energy Transmission from a Rod into a Semi-Infinite Medium AD-720 270/CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System Volume 2 User s Manual AD-778 925/8CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System Volume 1 Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circu- lar Cones AD-781 649/9CP SONAR TRANSDUCERS Models for Computing the Directional Radiation of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylindrical Baffle AD-A005 466/8CP 65 SUBJECT INDEX SONIC BOOMS Extrapolation of Sonic Boom Pressure Signatures by the Waveform Parameter Method N72-26004/CP Godunov Method and Computer Program to Determine the Pressure and Flow Field As- sociated with a Sonic Boom Focus N73-16013/CP SOUND Fourier Analysis of Experimental Finite-Amplitude Standing Waves AD-728 568/CP SOUND GENERATORS An Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Array in Air AD-757 034/CP SOUND INTENSITY Sound Propagation from a Moving Source Final Report N71-14081/CP SOUND PROPAGATION A Study of Sound Generation in Subsonic Rotors, Volume 2. N76-18121/3CP SOUND TRANSMISSION A Computer Code to Calculate the Effect of Inter- nal Waves on Acoustic Propagation AD-A016 629/8CP Computation of Long-Range Propagation Losses in a Duct AD-A017 006/8CP Computer Programs for the AUSEX (Aircraft Un- dersea Sound Experiment) Air-Water Acoustic Propagation Model AD-A024 253/7CP Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP Summary Report, Phase I AD-A046 872/8CP A Corrected Parabolic-Eguation Program Package for Acoustic Propagation AD-A050 564/4CP Finite Membranes and Plates Vibrating in a Dense Fluid: An Analysis of the Fully Coupled Problem. AD-714 281/CP On the Transmission of Sound from a Monopole Source Through a Finite, Corrugated Boundary Between Fluid Media AD-722 029/CP Creation and Modification of Acoustic Signals by Discharge Plasma AD-728 583/CP Evaluation of Bessel Functions with Imaginary Order for Applications to Certain Boundary-Value Problems AD-728 833/CP Sound Intensity in Atmospheric Shadow Zones Assuming a Constant Velocity Gradient AD-728 836/CP A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculat- ing Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbitrary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP The Numerical Solution of Low Frequency Scat- tering Problems AD-741 776/CP The Theoretical Investigation of Wind Gradient Effects on Atmospheric Shadow Zones AD-754 634/CP The Transmission of Sound through a Stochastic Interface AD-758 729/CP Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP Some Numerical Considerations Concerning Eigenvalue Problems in the Theories of Un- derwater Sound and Internal Waves AD-782 327/1CP A Ray Tracing Program, AD-863 327/CP SOUND WAVES Calculation of the Relative Speed of Sound in a Gas Mixture AD-A022 512/8CP Propagation of Plane Acoustic Noise of Finite Amplitude AD-778 868/OCP Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow N72-31305/CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program N75-28851/4CP Listing of Clem7c. UCRL-76135(Add,1) SPACE CHARGE The Arbitrary Body of Revolution Code (ABORC) for SGEMP/IEMP AD-A048 872/6CP SPACE CHARGES Study of Plasma Sheaths AD-736 462/CP SPACE FLIGHT Trapp, a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear- Reaction Products Neglected ORNL-4763 SPACE MANUFACTURING Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. N75-33137/1CP Space Processing Float Zone Thermal Analysis N76-25059/6CP SPACE SHUTTLE ORBITERS Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 1 N73-20309/CP Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 2 N73-20310/CP SPACE SHUTTLES Dynamic Interaction Between Structure and Liquid Propellants in a Space Shuttle Vehicle Model, Part 1 Final Report. N71-12766/CP SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ROCKET PLUME IMPINGEMENT STUDY FOR SEPARATION ANAL- YSIS FINAL REPORT N71-18796/CP Optimization of Thermal Protection Systems for the Space Vehicle. Volume 2 Users Manual N73-13951/CP SPACE STORAGE Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer Insulation N71-24594/CP SPACECRAFT Theory of Electron Emission Effects in Symmetric Probe and Spacecraft Sheaths AD-A037 538/6CP SPACECRAFT CABIN ATMOSPHERES Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contaminants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy N76-28820/8CP SPACECRAFT CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Radiative Property Investigation. N74-28422/5CP SPACECRAFT DOCKING Propellant Dynamic Problems in Space Shuttle Vehicles, Part 2 Final Report. N71-12767/CP SPACECRAFT STRUCTURES A Method for the Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft, Including All Multiple Reflections and Shading among Diffuse. Gray Surfaces. N70-33123/CP Dynamic Interaction Between Structure and Liquid Propellants in a Space Shuttle Vehicle Model. Part 1 Final Report. N71-12766/CP SPAR COMPUTER PROGRAM SPAR, A FORTRAN Program for Computing Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions. Protons, and Heavy Ions PB-247 070/6CP SPARK CHAMBERS DESIGN OF THE OPTICS OF A SPARK CHAMBER EXPERIMENT N71-18583/CP SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION Listing of Clem7c. UCRL-76135(Add.1) SPECIFIC HEAT A Method for Calculating a Real-Gas Two-Dimen- sional Nozzle Contour Including the Effects of gamma. N75-30482/4CP SPECIFICATIONS Computer Microdensitometer (Drum Scanner) System. Period Covered: July—September 1973 MHSMP-73-43-L SPECTRA Leap and Addelt, a Users Guide to Two Comple- mentary Codes on the lcl-470 for Calculating the Scattering Law from a Phonon Frequency Func- tion AEEW-M-1200 SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE Spectral Absorption Coefficients of Argon and Silicon and Spectral Reflectivity of Aluminum N73-12727/CP SPECTROMETERS The Study and Development of an Active Scatter- ing Particle Size Spectrometer for Space Environ- ments N73-19425/CP Particulate Contamination Spectrometer. Volume 1 : Technical Report. N75-29407/4CP Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfolding Spectra. Part 2 Program Details and User Instruc- tions RD/B/N-1963 SPECTRUM ANALYSIS H2-CI2 Chemical Laser Program Part I. CHEM- LUM Code for Spectroscopic Data Analysis AD-780 178/OCP Computer Program for Photo-Peak Analysis. N70-32540/CP Icpeax, a Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors N72-26666/CP Signals Analysis Program 4 (Sapg 4): Computer Software Developed for the Extraction of Various Signal Parameters from Fatigue Inducing Loading Spectra. N77-10554/2CP SPECTRUM SIGNATURES Active Multispectral Data Analysis AD-786 032/3CP SPEECH ANALYSIS Calculation of the Relative Speed of Sound in a Gas Mixture AD-A022 512/8CP SPEECH RECOGNITION Pulse Interval Representations of Speech Events AD-718 130/CP SPEECH TRANSMISSION Pulse Interval Representations of Speech Events AD-718 130/CP SPHERES Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume I AD-A021 960/OCP Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume II AD-A021 961 /8CP SPHERICAL SHELLS Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time- Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Different Conditions N73-15305/CP SPHERICAL TANKS Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer Insulation N71-24594/CP SPIN Subprograms for the Calculation of Spin Matrix Elements Using the Zemach Method . Sottopro- grammi Per II Calcolo Degli Elementi di Matrice di Spin Secondo II Metodo di Zemach N72-21683/CP SPIN STABILIZED AMMUNITION Spinning Missile Magnus Force Measurements AD-A001 619/6CP SPINELS Determination of Spinel Structure Parameters from Neutron Diffraction Data Using Odra 1204 Computer ITJ-21 66 SUBJECT INDEX SUBROUTINES SPLISH COMPUTER PROGRAM Transient Free-Surface Hydrodynamics AD-A048 749/6CP SPUTTERING Computer Simulation of the Sputtering of Silicon AD-A04t 152/OCP Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Proper- ties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films N73-12811/CP SQUID DEVICES Advances in the Measurement of rf Power and At- tenuation Using SQUIDS COM-74-51064/5CP STABILITY Comparison Between the Computer Codes Owen and Toscle in a Calculation of Two-Phase Flow Stability AAEC/TM-621 STAGE SEPARATION SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ROCKET PLUME IMPINGEMENT STUDY FOR SEPARATION ANAL- YSIS FINAL REPORT N71-18796/CP STAGGERING REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CONSTANT STAGGER CASCADES N71-34262/CP STAGNATION FLOW A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-12991/7CP STAGNATION POINT The Vise Code a Users Manual N73-20933/CP A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-12991/7CP STALLING A Method for Calculation of a Fully Stalled Flow AD-783 303/1 CP STARAN Plasma Simulation Using STARAN AD-A019 301/1CP STARK EFFECT Unified Theory Calculations of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Lines Including Lower State Interac- tions AD-719 975/CP Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye- Shielded Interaction AD-721 900/CP Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction N71-23999/CP STATIC STABILITY Free-Flight Static Stability Measurements of Cones in Hypersonic Flow N71-31663/CP STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Shear Flow Fields AD-769 498/7CP Structural Model Optimization Using Statistical Evaluation N72-20897/CP STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP STATISTICAL MECHANICS Energy Distributions Calculated by a Hard-Sphere Model Computer Program Compared with Boltz- mann Distribution Law Predictions. LA-4264 STATISTICS Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution Law with Illustrations from a Hard-Sphere Model Computer Program LA-4868 STATORS Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time UCRL-51574(Rev.1) STEADY FLOW User's Manual for Evits: A Steady State Fluids Code for Complex Two-Dimensional Geometries ANL-CT-76-37 Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 1 - the Basic Differential Equations. N70-36917/CP STEALTH COMPUTER PROGRAM Stealth' A Lagrange Explicit Finite-Difference Code for Solids Structural, and Thermohydraulic Analysis PB-255 405/3CP STEAM Pde- Digital Program for the Calculation of the Thermal-Hydrodynamic Condition in a Circuit of a Two Phase Mixture Water and Steam CISE-R-245 Computer Program for Steam and Water Proper- ties from the Asme (1967) Ifc Formulations. (Nrts Computer Program No 40 0969) IDO-ITR-110 STEAM ENGINES Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Performance of Heated Perforated Flat Plates PB-236 675/5CP STEEL A New Look at Structural Energy Dissipation AD-780 801 /7CP STELLAR SCINTILLOMETERS A Stellar Scintillometer for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-257 376/4CP STEREOPHOTOGRAPHY DESIGN OF THE OPTICS OF A SPARK CHAMBER EXPERIMENT N71-18583/CP STEREOSCOPIC DISPLAY SYSTEMS Evaluation of Hologram Optical Elements AD-A012 810/8CP STEREOSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPHY Application of Holographic Interferometry to Den- sity Field Determination in Transonic Corner Flow AD-756 534/CP STOPPING POWER Energy Losses, Range and Bremsstrahlung Yield for 10 Ke V to 100 ME V Electrons in Some Sim- ple Elements and Chemical Compounds. N70-23859/CP SPAR, A FORTRAN Program for Computing Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons, and Heavy Ions PB-247 070/6CP STRATIFICATION Procedures for Measurement in Stratified Gases. Volume II Appendices PB-241 838/2CP STRATIFIED FLOW Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part I: Model Development, Verification, and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions AD-A012 873/6CP Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part II: Users Summary Guide to Wake' Computer Pro- gram AD-A012 874/4CP An Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave Motion and Upstream Influence in a Stratified Fluid N74-32747/9CP STREAM COMPUTER PROGRAM STREAM: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code in Cylindrical Geometry AD-A038 555/9CP STRESS ANALYSIS Fatigue Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Mul- tiaxial out of Phase Stresses with Constant and Changing Directions of Principal Stresses. N76-33536/3CP Thermal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod PB-243 219/3CP Mesh Generation for Two-Dimensional Regions Using a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) Graphics Terminal SAND-76-8231 Users Manual for Code Epsol Static Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Solids UCID-16171 Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time UCRL-51574 Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time UCRL-51574(Rev 1) STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS Finite Element Analysis of Transversely Isotropic Bodies N77-10553/4CP STRESS WAVES Radiation Generated Wave Propagation in Elastic Nonconductors SC-RR-70-428 STRESSES DOASIS: A Computer Code for the Deformation Plastic, Orthotropic, Axisymmetric (and Plane) Solution of Inelastic Solids. Volume I Finite Ele- ment Program Theoretical and Programmers Manual AD-A018 634/6CP Fatigue Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Mul- tiaxial out of Phase Stresses with Constant and Changing Directions of Principal Stresses. N76-33536/3CP Nonlinear Viscoelastic Equation of State for Use in Stress Propagation Calculations SLA-73-635 Static Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids with Material and Geometric Nonlinearities by the Finite Element Method UCRL-51390 STRIP TRANSMISSION LINES Method of Moments Applications Volume VII. Aperture Coupling Through Long Slots AD-A019 771/5CP STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Structural Model Optimization Using Statistical Evaluation N72-20897/CP Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements N74-26363/3CP STRUCTURAL SHELLS Natural Modes and Frequencies of Free Vibration of Shells of Revolution - Analysis of a Shell of Linearly Varying Thickness - SATANS-III: Theory and User's Manual AD-761 370/CP STRUCTURES Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP SUBCRITICAL FLOW A Description of the Ideas Underlying a Computer Program for Predicting the Aerofoil Pressure Dis- tributions in Subcritical Viscous Flow N72-27317/CP A Computer Program for the Finite Element Cal- culation of Axisymmetric Subcritical Compressi- ble Flow. N77-16295/6CP SUBMARINE HULLS Unsteady Hydrodynamics of a Body of Revolution with Fairwater and Rudder AD-A003 009/8CP SUBMARINES Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid Part I: Model Development, Verification, and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions AD-A012 873/6CP Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part II: User's Summary Guide to Wake' Computer Pro- gram AD-A012 874/4CP A Method of Estimating the Sway Force and Rolling Moment on a Submarine Due to Dif- ferentially Deflected Sailplanes AD-A019 101/5CP Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Pat- terns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measurements AD-A020 106/1 CP SUBMILLIMETER WAVES A Study of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave At- tenuation and Dispersion in the Earth's At- mosphere AD-A015 544/OCP SUBROUTINES Ntwo - a Nitrogen Properties Package. N70-29990/CP Subprograms for the Calculation of Spin Matrix Elements Using the Zemach Method Sottopro- 67 SUBJECT INDEX grammi Per II Calcolo Degli Elementi di Matrice di Spin Secondo II Metodo di Zemach N72-21683/CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine. Volume 2, Revi- sion a. N75-33353/4CP Heprop: A Computer Programme for the Ther- modynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Helium. N76-11902/3CP SUDSONIC FLOW Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume III. Computer User's Manual for Aero- Acoustic Predictions AD-A038 614/4CP Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Shear Flow Fields AD-769 498/7CP Kachina: An Eulerian Computer Program for Mul- tifield Fluid Flows. LA-5680 Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow N72-31305/CP Computer Application of Subsonic Lifting Surface Theory N73-12224/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities and Streamlines on the Hub-Shroud Mid-Channel Flow Surface of an Axial- or Mixed-Flow Tur- bomachine 1: User's Manual N73-26996/1CP Equation Solving Program for Aerodynamic Lift- ing Surface Theory N74-16700/8CP Influence Matrix Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16701/6CP A Rapid Numerical Solution to Subsonic Flow over Planar and Axisymmetnc Profiles at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-16703/2CP Comparison of Interference-Free Numerical Results with Sample Experimental Data for the AEDC Wall-Interference Model at Transonic and Subsonic Flow Conditions. N74-31753/8CP Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Solution by Meridional Plane Analysis. N74-31754/6CP Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale, Two-Dimensional, External-Com- pression. Variable-Geometry. Supersonic Inlet Configuration N76-24240/3CP SUBSONIC SPEED VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-I7424/CP Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loadings Caused by Trailing Edge Control Surface Motions in Subsonic Compressible Flow Computer Pro- gram Description N72-29229/CP SUCTION Staylam A Fortran Program for the Suction Transition Analysis of a Yawed Wing Laminar Boundary Layer N77-18390/3CP SULFIDES Computer Program for Determining Optical Con- stants of a Film on an Opaque Substrate AD-726 868/CP SUN SENSORS Design for High Accuracy Critical-Angle Sun Transit Sensor AD-A048 287/7CP SUPER AERODYNAMICS Development of a Numerical Method to Solve the Three-Dimensional Compressible Laminar Boun- dary-Layer Equations with Application to Elliptical Cones at Angle of Attack AD-723 280/CP SUPIRCAVITATING HYDROFOILS Computer Program Description for Supercavitat- ing Hydrofoil Section Design According to Linearized Theory AD-A018 241/OCP Numerical Computations of Supercavitating Hydrofoils on Parabolic Shape with Wu and Wang's Exact Method AD-763 465/CP SUPERCAVITATING TURBINES A Nonlinear Design Theory and Method for Su- percavitating Cascades AD-A008 557/1 CP SUPERCAVITATION A Nonlinear Design Theory and Method for Su- percavitating Cascades AD-A008 557/1 CP SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets. LBL-3222 Superconducting Materials for Pulsed Field Appli- cation. N77-16153/7CP SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Phonon Spectrum and Strong-Coupling Super- conductivity in Nb: A Single-Crystal Tunneling Study AD-A006 930/2CP A Study ot the Trapping of Supertluid Persistent Currents in Superleaks AD-A020 927/OCP SUPERCRITICAL FLOW Calculation of the Flow Through Supercritical Turbine Cascades, with a View to Designing Blades with Reduced Shock Strength N71-35410/CP The Numerical Solution of Transient Supercritical Flow by the Method of Characteristics with a Technique for Simulating Bore Propagation PB-232 143/8CP SUPERFLUIDITY A Study of the Trapping of Supertluid Persistent Currents in Superleaks AD-A020 927/OCP SUPERSONIC AIRCRAFT Prediction of Supersonic Store Separation Characteristics Volume I Theoretical Methods and Comparisons with Experiment AD-A031 828/7CP Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation Volume III Computer User's Manual for Aero- Acoustic Predictions AD-A038 614/4CP Factors Which Influence the Analysis and Design of Ejector Nozzles N72-14301/CP SUPERSONIC CHARACTERISTICS Effects of Mass Transfer Into Laminar and Turbu- lent Boundary Layers Over Cones at Angle of At- tack AD-A013 813/1CP The Calculation of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flows around Spherically-Capped Smooth Bodies and Wings. Volume II. Manual for Computer Pro- grams AD-753 696/CP Boundary Layer Flows Over Sharp and Spheri- cally Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack to Super- sonic Nonuniform Free Streams. Volume II. Description of Computer Programs and Users Guide AD-773 057/5CP Application of Holographic Interferometry to Su- personic Flow Visualization of a Rear-Facing Step and Application of Fast Fourier Transform Methods to Current Data Reduction Techniques AD-781 396/7CP A Numerical Solution for Supersonic Flow Around A Cone at Small Angles of Attack PB-231 905/1CP SUPERSONIC COMBUSTION Turbulent Mixing of Supersonic Jets. AD-708 735/CP Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Jets in Local Chemi- cal Equilibrium A Guide to the Charnal Computer Program N74-29638/5CP SUPERSONIC COMBUSTION RAMJET ENGINES The Analysis of Nonequilibnum, Chemically Reacting. Supersonic Flow in Three Dimensions Volume II Computer program Manual AD-736 467/CP SUPERSONIC FLOW Users Manual: Supersonic Unsteady Cascade Program Volume II AD-A025 186/8CP An Interaction Model for Supersonic. Laminar Separating Flows AD-A033 388/OCP Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume III. Computer User's Manual for Aero- Acoustic Predictions AD-A038 614/4CP A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Su- personic Flow with Arbitrarily Defined Boundaries AD-744 865/CP Holography as Applied to Jet Breakup and an Analytical Method for Reducing Holographic Droplet Data AD-749 854/CP Inviscid Supersonic Nonuniform Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack Volume II. Computer Program Descrip- tions and User's Guide AD-770 169/1CP Computer Programs for Calculating Condensation Rate in Steady. Adiabatic Expansions in Super- sonic Nozzles AD-775 257/9CP Analytical Investigation of Transient Diffuser Wave Phenomena AD-783 864/2CP Kachina: An Eulerian Computer Program for Mul- tifield Fluid Flows. LA-5680 An Application of the n-Strip Method of Integral Relations for Analyzing the Flow around a Circu- lar Cone N70-28860/CP Computer Application of a Linearised Supersonic Lifting Surface Theory on a Certain Class of Wings. N70-37079/CP An Analysis of Internal Supersonic Flows with Dif- fusion, Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Combustion. N70-42160/CP Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Su- personic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tan- gential Slot Injection N71-22569/CP Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Nozzle with Boundary Layer Correction N71-32793/CP Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow on the Windward Side Conical delta Wings by the Method of Lines N72-13271/CP Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow About Circular, Elliptic, and Bielliptic Cones by the Method of Lines N72-16209/CP Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations, Part 2 N72-17208/CP Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP Description of a Computer Program to Calculate Reacting Supersonic Internal Flow Fields with Shock Waves Using Viscous Characteristics Pro- gram Manual and Sample Calculations N73-20311/CP Solution of Non-lsoenergetic Supersonic Flows by Method of Characteristics. Volume 3 N73-27210/6CP Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using For- tran 4 Routines. N74-21926/2CP The Calculation of Supersonic Axisymmetric Af- terbody Flow with Jet-Interference and Possible Flow Separation. N75-20265/5CP Description of the Sandia Version of the NASA- Ames Flow Field Code Input-Output and Storage Locations SAND-74-0096 Development and Comparison of Several Analyti- cal Models for the Planar Turbulent Near Wake in Supersonic Flow Combining Component and Critical Point Methods SLA-73-628 SUPERSONIC INLETS Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP 68 SUBJECT INDEX THERMAL NEUTRONS Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale, Two-Dimensional. External-Com- pression, Variable-Geometry, Supersonic Inlet Configuration. N76-24240/3CP SUPERSONIC JET FLOW Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP SUPERSONIC NOZZLES An Approximate Analysis of the Shock Structure in Underexpanded Plumes AD-A030 705/8CP The Analysis of Nonequilibrium, Chemically Reacting, Supersonic Flow in Three Dimensions. Volume II. Computer program Manual AD-736 467/CP Computer Programs for Calculating Condensation Rate in Steady. Adiabatic Expansions in Super- sonic Nozzles AD-775 257/9CP Supersonic Gas-Solids Particle Flow in an Ax- isymmetric Nozzle by the Method of Charac- teristics AD-890 462/CP Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Nozzle with Boundary Layer Correction N71-32793/CP SUPERSONIC SPEEDS A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid, Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP Godunov Method and Computer Program to Determine the Pressure and Flow Field As- sociated with a Sonic Boom Focus N73-16013/CP SUPERSONIC WIND TUNNELS Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interaction Final Report. N70-43047/CP SURFACE CHEMISTRY Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials AD-A017 670/1 CP Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials (Supplement) AD-A025 092/8CP SURFACE PROPERTIES A Method for the Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft, Including All Multiple Reflections and Shading among Diffuse, Gray Surfaces. N70-33123/CP Radiative Property Investigation. N74-28422/5CP SURFACE ROUGHNESS Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 518/4CP SURFACE WAVES SKIMMER - A Numerical Model for Nonlinear Waves AD-A029 231/8CP Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers. AD-711 982/CP Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer AD-782 419/6CP SURFACES Surface Self-Diffusion on a Face Centered Crystal: An Atomic View AD-A001 374/8CP SYMMETRY (CRYSTALLOGRAPHY) A Fortran IV Crystallographtc System of Programs for Generalized Superpositions. IS-2210 SYNCHROCYCLOTRONS Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer, li. Qvspac and Qvcspa INS-TL-108 Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer, lii. Ckspao INS-TL-109 Magnetic Field Calculations for the 184-Inch Synchrocyclotron. UCRL-18882 Study of a Multielement Regenerative Extraction System for the Berkeley 184-Inch Cyclotron. UCRL-19804 SYNCHROTRONS Computer Programs for Ags Injection BNL-17706 Lattice: An Interactive Lattice Computer Code LBL-4843 SYSTEM GENERATED ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES Analysis and Tests of a 90-cm Right Circular Cylinder in the PIMBS 1A Photon Environment AD-A042 353/3CP SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1, Revi- sion a. N75-33352/6CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 2, Revi- sion a. N75-33353/4CP T CODES Test Results of the Threedy Wavefitting Algorithm on One-Dimensional Wave Propagation Problems. SAND-75-0350 Threat: A 3-D Heat Transfer Program. TRG-Report-2684(R) Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1. Theoretical Description TRG-2459 TABLES (DATA) The 1957 Ittc Model-Ship Correlation Line Values of Frictional Resistance Coefficient. N71-12763/CP GIG - A FORTRAN 4 GEOMETRY INPUT GENERA- TOR PROGRAM FOR A FINITE-ELEMENT HEAT- TRANSFER CODE N71-18621/CP Tables of Mie-Scattering Functions. Part 1 Mix- tures of Dielectric Particles N72-15382/CP TANKS (COMBAT VEHICLES) Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. Part 1. Theory. Methodology, and Data Base AD-A032 182/8CP TANTALUM Linear Accelerator Project Progress Report, January 1. 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 TARGET DISCRIMINATION Active Multispectral Data Analysis AD-786 032/3CP TARTNP COMPUTER PROGRAM TARTNP User s Manual UCID-17026 TECHNETIUM ISOTOPES TC-99 Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 TELESCOPES User'S Manual for University of Arizona Apart Program (Analysis Program - Arizona Radiation Trace). N75-31880/8CP TELLURIDES The Effects of Proton Bombardment on PbSnTe AD-756 542/CP TEMPERATURE Heatran. A Finite Element Code for Heat Transfer Problems. PB-192 139/CP W-Mesher- a Computer Program to Analytically Partition a Two-Dimensional Figure WANL-TME-2721 TEMPERATURE CONTROL Thermal Analysis System 1 - User's Manual N71-26440/CP User'S Manual for the TRW Gaspipe 2 Program: A Vapor-Gas Front Analysis Program for Heat Pipes Containing Non-Condensible Gas N74-13663/1CP TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION HEATPLOT: A Temperature Distribution Plotting Program for Heating K/CSD/TM-11 General Report on Implementation of Thermal Programs in the Estec System for the Calculation of Temperature Distribution by the Method of Zones N71-22336/CP A Computer Program for the Calculation of Ther- mal Stratification and Self-Pressurization in a Liquid Hydrogen Tank N72-24362/CP Wall Temperature Distribution Calculation for a Rocket Nozzle Contour N72-30773/CP TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS Temperature Variance in Spacecraft Thermal Analysis Atv-70 Program N71-22335/CP TERRAIN ANALYSIS An Investigation into the Prediction of Field Strength - the Guildford Experiment. N70-40522/CP TEST CHAMBERS Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers PB-256 639/6CP TEST EQUIPMENT The Air Force Weapons Laboratory Laser Window Test Apparatus AD-783 852/7CP TEST FACILITIES Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02-AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures N72-18961/CP TEST METHODS A New Method for Measuring Dielectric Proper- ties of Material Media Using Microstrip Cavity AD-762 359/CP TEXTILES Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions. N75-14067/3CP THEORETICAL PHYSICS Nuclear, Solid State, and Theoretical Physics Research N73-11726/CP THERMAL ANALYSIS Thermal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod PB-243 219/3CP THERMAL BLOOMING Reduction of Thermal Blooming by Beam Op- timization AD-A019 561 /OCP Transonic Thermal Blooming AD-A026 456/4CP SSPARAMA: A Nonlinear. Wave Optics Multipulse (and CW) Steady-State Propagation Code with Adaptive Coordinates AD-A037 395/1 CP THERMAL CONDUCTION Numerical Treatment of Heat Conduction Problems with the Help of Finite Elements in Three Dimensions Juel-1134-AT HEATING5: An IBM 360 Heat Conduction Program ORNL/CSD/TM-15 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Radial Heat Conduction in Laser Heating of Material Slabs AD-729 642/CP Error Prediction for the Implicit Numerical Solu- tion of the Heat Conduction Equation AD-729 652/CP THERMAL ENVIRONMENTS Single-Node Orbit Analsyis with Radiation Heat Transfer Only. N78-14314/6CP THERMAL FISSION Multilevel Calculation of exp 235 U Neutron Fis- sion Cross-Section IFA-NR-41-1972 THERMAL INSULATION Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer Insulation N71-24594/CP THERMAL LENS EFFECT Computer Solutions to Heat and Diffraction Equa- tions in High Energy Laser Windows. Volume II AD-B017 022/5CP THERMAL NEUTRONS Leap and Addelt, a Users Guide to Two Comple- mentary Codes on the lcl-470 for Calculating the 69 SUBJECT INDEX Characteristic Ray Code Scattering Law from a Phonon Frequency Func- tion AEEW-M-1200 SIG LEARN: A Program for Simultaneous Least- Squares Fitting of Thermal Neutron Cross Sec- tions and Related Ratios PB-254 391 /6CP THERMAL POLLUTION Negatively Buoyant Jets in a Cross Flow PB-234 177/4CP THERMAL PROPERTIES Lens Performance in a Nonstandard or Unstable Thermal Environment AD-A023 539/OCP THERMAL PROTECTION Cave: A Computer Code for Two-Dimensional Transient Heating Analysis of Conceptual Thermal Protection Systems for Hypersonic Vehicles N78-15435/8CP THERMAL RADIATION Monte Carlo Studies on the Time-Dependent Transport of Optical and Infrared Radiation in the Atmosphere Volume II. Thermal Radiation Trans- port AD-A042 769/OCP Multifrequency and Multidimensional Aspects of X-Ray Transport AD-715 476/CP RADOIL and RAM AD-729 701 /CP Two-Dimensional Development AD-730 124/CP MRVERA the Multiregion VERA Code AD-752 066/CP Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys). N75-13198/7CP Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys) User's Manual, Appendix H, Volume 2. N75-13546/7CP THERMAL RESISTANCE An Efficient Numerical Technique for Calculating Thermal Spreading Resistance N73-28921/7CP THERMAL STRESSES SIMIR/6: A Two Dimensional Steady State and Transient Heat Conduction Code for Use on an IBM 360/75 Computer A User's Guide TREE-1127 THERMALIZATION Men: A Neutron Monte Carlo Code LA-4751 THERMIONIC CONVERTERS Study of Plasma Sheaths AD-736 462/CP Study of Plasma Sheaths AD-786 451/5CP Theoretical Determination of Cesiated Work Functions N72-33712/CP THERMOACOUSTIC ARRAYS Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Thermoacoustic Array in Water AD-A017 372/4CP THERMODYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM Computer Program for Calculation of Real Gas Turbulent Boundary Layers with Variable Edge Entropy N74-26819/4CP THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES Ntwo - a Nitrogen Properties Package. N70-29990/CP A Method for the Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft, Including All Multiple Reflections and Shading among Diffuse, Gray Surfaces. N70-33123/CP Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen-Helium Plasmas N72-14938/CP Development of Equilibrium Air Computer Pro- grams Suitable for Numerical Computation Using Time-Dependent or Shock-Capturing Methods N72-32296/CP Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Computer Code N73-10891/CP Thermodynamic Properties of Uf Sub 6 Measured with a Ballistic Piston Compressor N73-24936/CP Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry Part 1 Theoretical Description N73-27174/4CP User's Manual for the TRW Gaspipe 2 Program: A Vapor-Gas Front Analysis Program for Heat Pipes Containing Non-Condensible Gas N74-13663/1CP Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using For- tran 4 Routines. N74-21926/2CP Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements. N74-26363/3CP Input Guide tor Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4. N75-32941/7CP Heprop: A Computer Programme for the Ther- modynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Helium. N76-11902/3CP Fluid: A Numerical Interpolation Procedure for Obtaining Thermodynamic and Transport Proper- ties of Fluids. N77-28832/2CP Guide for the Use of Computer Programs for Least Squares Fitting of Equations of State to Thermodynamic Data. Volume II. Programs for Simultaneous Fitting of Multiple Data Forms Using Stepwise Regression PB-266 615/4CP THERMODYNAMICS Theory of Equations of State: Elastic-Plastic Ef- fects II AD-762 536/CP Thermal Analysis System 1 - User's Manual N71-26440/CP Gasp - a Computer Code for Calculating the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Eight Fluids - Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Diox- ide N71-33318/CP Thermal and Flow Analysis Subroutines for the Sinda-Version 9 Computer Routine N74-12045/2CP An Evaluation of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Use in the Blimp Nonsimilar Mul- ticomponent Boundary Layer Program. SC-CR-69-3271 THERMOLUMINESCENCE Thermoluminescence and Color Centers in Rare Earth Doped Ceria Crystals AD-773 807/3CP THERMONUCLEAR REACTIONS Time-Dependent Behavior of Fusion Reactors. MATT-728 THERMONUCLEAR REACTORS Nerma- a Programme for Evaluating Neutron In- duced Energy Release in Materials AERE-M-2474 Time-Dependent Behavior of Fusion Reactors MATT-728 THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Heprop a Computer Programme for the Ther- mophysical Properties of Helium N73-22896/CP Gasplot A Computer Program for Rapid Produc- tion of Thermophysical Properties Charts for Cycle Analysis and Property Evaluations. N77-10810/8CP Gasplot - a Computer Graphics Program That Draws a Variety of Thermophysical Property Charts N77-28015/4CP THIN FILMS The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet N72-33662/CP A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Proper- ties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films N73-12811/CP The Computation of Growth Charts and the Effect of Layer Thickness Variations for Thin Film Inter- ference Filters N75-23340/3CP Theory and Computing Methods for Stacked Thin Films Theorie et Methodes de Calculs d Empilements de Couches Minces. N77-29367/8CP THIN WINGS Comprehensive Evaluation of Six Thin-Wing Lift- ing-Surface Computer Programs AD-785 228/8CP Computer Application of a Linearised Supersonic Lifting Surface Theory on a Certain Class of Wings. N70-37079/CP Computer Application of Subsonic Lifting Surface Theory N73-12224/CP THREE DIMENSIONAL BOUNDARY LAYER The Treatment in the Three-Dimensional Bounda- ry-Layer Program of Walls Which Do Not Pass Through Grid Nodes N74-12047/8CP Comoc Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Programmer's Manual. N75-32384/0CP Comoc Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant. Theoretical Manual and User's Guide N75-32385/7CP THREE-DIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS Numerical Treatment of Heat Conduction Problems with the Help of Finite Elements in Three Dimensions. Juel-1134-AT THREE DIMENSIONAL FLOW Three-Dimensional Potential Flow around a Body Spanning an Annulus Computer Program and Solution AD-A001 007/4CP Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer over Body of Resolution at Incidence Part IX Dif- ference Method and Documentation of Program BLIND3' AD-A012 697/9CP The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program Volume I. Method and Com- puter Program AD-A021 693/7CP The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program. Volume II. Mathematical Modeling, Application, and Verification AD-A021 694/5CP TRIOIL IV. A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Code for the ILLIAC IV Computer AD-A027 091/8CP User's Manual for a Fully Automatic Three-Dimen- sional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part I. With Viscous Correction by Two-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Analysis AD-A047 438/7CP User s Manual for a Fully Automatic Three-Dimen- sional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part II. With Viscous Correction by Small Crossflow Boundary-Layer Analysis AD-A047 439/5CP Status of a Higher-Order Panel Method for Non- lifting Three-Dimensional Potential Flow AD-A048 623/3CP A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Su- personic Flow with Arbitrarily Defined Boundaries AD-744 865/CP Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layers AD-748 282/CP Calculation of Potential Flow About Arbitra- ryThree-Dimensional Lifting Bodies Users Manual AD-755 933/CP Application of Holographic Interferometry to Den- sity Field Determination in Transonic Corner Flow AD-756 534/CP Inviscid Supersonic Nonuniform Flows Over Sharp and Spherically Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack Volume II Computer Program Descrip- tions and User's Guide AD-770 169/1CP Three-Dimensional Flow Field from a Radial Vor- tex Filament in a Cylindrical Annulus. N70-23423/CP Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-Depen- dent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Difference Method. N70-38683/CP Computational Studies of Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress N71-27004/CP Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Three-Dimen- sional Corner N72-14303/CP A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boun- dary Layer Development N72-14308/CP 70 SUBJECT INDEX TRANSONIC SPEED The Three-Dimensional Transport Problem of Linear Programming Characteristics and Solution das Dreidimensionale Transportproblem der Linearen Planungsrechnung-Eigenschaften und Loesung N72-20192/CP Computer Program for Assessing the Theoretical Performance of a Three Dimensional Inlet N73-20312/CP Supersonic Flow Calculations for a Cone with an Elliptic Flare N73-21282/CP Modification of a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Analysis and Comparison with Experimen- tal Data. N74-18651/1CP A Procedure for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows in Plate and Annular Channels and Its Application in the Development of Turbu- lence Models. N74-21927/0CP Three-Dimensional Inviscid Effects in Axial Flow Turbomachinery and Limitation of Cascade Theory. N75-29355/5CP Modeling of Three-Dimensional Mixing and Reacting Ducted Flows N76-21452/7CP Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 1: Computa- tional Technique N76-22494/8CP Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations Volume 2: Code Description N76-24152/0CP Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1 . N76-32877/2CP Nasa Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analyses System (Potfan) Boundary Condition Code (Bcdnj, Version 1 N77-14995/3CP THROUGHFLOW A Variational Formulation of the Compressible Throughflow Problem AD-A007 979/8CP TIBRO-X COMPUTER PROGRAM Tibro-X: A Code to Compute Trajectories of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields UCRL-52189 TIDAL DYNAMICS Some Problems in the Simulation of Very Large Hydrodynamic Systems AD-A026 648/6CP TIFLIS COMPUTER PROGRAM Tiflis (Time-of-Flight-Spectra) a Data Reduction Program for the Evaluation of Time-of-Flight Ex- periments KFK-2187 TIME DELAY Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP TIME DEPENDENCE Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-Depen- dent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Difference Method. N70-38683/CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP TIME-OF-FLIGHT METHOD Tiflis (Time-of-Flight-Spectra) a Data Reduction Program for the Evaluation of Time-of-Flight Ex- periments KFK-2187 TIN Energy Loss of High Energy Electrons in Tin, Lead, and Gadolinium. AD-711 005/CP TIN TELLURIDES Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP TISSUES Swanlake, a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 TITANIUM Sensitivity of Material Response Calculations to the Equation of State Model AD-772 919/7CP TITANIUM ALLOYS Quantitative Phase Analysis and Precise Lattice Parameter Measurements by X-Ray Diffraction. AD-713 910/CP Superconducting Materials for Pulsed Field Appli- cation. N77-16153/7CP TITANIUM ISOTOPES Tl- Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO-1 779-63 TMX DEVICES Tandem Mirror Rate Code and Cyclic Purging of Alphas in Tandem Reactors UCID-17544 TOKAMAK TYPE REACTORS Numerical Calculation of Impurity Charge State Distributions ORNL/TM-6050 Multigroup Calculations of Low Energy Neutral Transport in Tokamak Plasmas PPPL-1384 Calculation of Transport Coefficients in an Ax- isymmetric Plasma UCRL-52218 TOOLS Optical Tools Computerized Design and Manufac- ture AD-A041 419/3CP TOWED BODIES A First Order Theory for Predicting the Stability of Cable Towed and Tethered Bodies Where the Cable Has a General Curvature and Tension Variation AD-881 790/CP Automated Analysis of Wave Patterns Behind Towed Models N71-13388/CP TOWING CABLES A First Order Theory for Predicting the Stability of Cable Towed and Tethered Bodies Where the Cable Has a General Curvature and Tension Variation AD-881 790/CP TRAILING VORTICES Wake Vortex and Groundwind Meteorological Measurements AD-A029 164/1 CP TRANSFER FUNCTIONS Theory and Application of an Edge Gradient System for Generating Optical Transfer Functions N71-30558/CP TRANSIENT FLOW An Analysis of Transient Flow in a Duct of Vary- ing Cross Section AD-782 446/9CP TRANSIENT PRESSURES Dnf: A Dynamic Filter for the on-Line Estimation and Prediction of Transient Pressures and Flows in a Gas Network N74-14979/0CP TRANSIENT RESPONSE Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Ef- fects Shape Change N71-37569/CP TRANSIONOSPHERIC PROPAGATION Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation AD-A023 197/7CP TRANSISTORS The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Con- figuration to Electron Loading AD-763 943/CP TRANSITION FLOW Numerical Solution of the Compressible Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layer Equa- tions with Comparisons to Experimental Data. N70-30393/CP Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas N72-21312/CP TRANSITION METALS The Quad Scheme: A New Method for Phase Space Integration ANL-7556 TRANSITION PROBABILITIES Evaluation of Atomic Constants for Optical Radia- tion, Volume 1 . N75-31877/4CP TRANSMISSION LINES Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines AD-708 720/CP TRANSMISSION LOSS A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low- Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/OCP Computer Prediction of Tropospheric Radio Transmission Loss for Selected Paths in the Pacific Northwest AD-A030 088/9CP TRANSMISSIVITY Direct Beam Solar Radiation. A Digital Computer program PB-236 902/3CP TRANSONIC AIRFOILS Investigation of Aerodynamic Analysis Problems in Transonic Maneuvering. Volume II. Airfoil Anal- ysis Computer Program AD-740 124/CP TRANSONIC CHARACTERISTICS Investigation of Aerodynamic Analysis Problems in Transonic Maneuvering Volume II. Airfoil Anal- ysis Computer Program AD-740 124/CP TRANSONIC FLOW Analysis of Transonic Viscous-lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Afterbodies with Jet Ef- fects and Boattail Injection in Separated Regions AD-A018 865/6CP Transonic Thermal Blooming AD-A026 456/4CP A Computer Program that Uses interactive Graphics to Solve Inviscid Transonic Flows Over Lifting Airfoils AD-A030 853/6CP Time Integration of Unsteady Transonic Flow to a Steady State Solution by the Finite Element Method AD-A039 790/1 CP An Analysis of Transonic Viscous/lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Bodies with Solid Stings or Real Plumes AD-A050 401 /9CP Unsteady Transonic Flow Over Blunt and Pointed Bodies of Revolution AD-A050 709/5CP Computational Studies of Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress N71-27004/CP Stc-Sab Program Users Manual for the Turbulent Boundary Layer and Turbulent Separation Predic- tion Methods Employed in the NASA Langley Streamtube Curvature Computer Program N73-23376/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities and Streamlines on the Hub-Shroud Mid-Channel Flow Surface of an Axial- or Mixed-Flow Tur- bomachine. 1 : User S Manual N73-26996/1CP Comparison of Interference-Free Numerical Results with Sample Experimental Data for the AEOC Wall-Interference Model at Transonic and Subsonic Flow Conditions. N74-31753/8CP Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Solution by Meridional Plane Analysis. N74-31754/6CP Raxbod A Fortran Program for Inviscid Transonic Flow over Axisymmetric Bodies. N76-21156/4CP Computation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Through Rotating and Stationary Cascades. 2: User S Guide to Fortran Program B2datl. N78-12034/2CP TRANSONIC NOZZLES Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report N70-27166/CP TRANSONIC SPEED Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Volume 1 N73-24313/CP 71 SUBJECT INDEX Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method tor Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Volume 2 N73-24314/CP User Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Appendix N73-24315/CP TRANSPIRATION The Behavior of Transpired Turbulent Boundary Layers. N75-32383/2CP TRANSPIRATION COOLING Study of a Transpiration-Cooled, Constricted Arc. AD-707 856/CP TRANSPORT PROPERTIES A FORTRAN Subroutine to Evaluate the Transport Integrals J2(X) Through J7(X) AD-A030 219/OCP Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP Ntwo - a Nitrogen Properties Package N70-29990/CP Gasp - a Computer Code for Calculating the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Eight Fluids - Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide. Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Diox- ide N71-33318/CP TRANSPORT THEORY Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP Electrons in Random Media AD-723 597/CP A Brief Discussion of Berger'S Latest Monte Carlo Program N70-37584/CP SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS N71-18782/CP Nucleon- Meson Transport Code (Nmtc) N71-21562/CP The Three-Dimensional Transport Problem of Linear Programming Characteristics and Solution das Dreidimensionale Transportproblem der Linearen Planungsrechnung-Eigenschaften und Loesung N72-20192/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad, Volume 1 N72-24289/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad Volume 2 Code User Manual N72-24290/CP Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP Monte Carlo Algorithm for Calculating Neutral Gas Transport in Plasmas PPPL-1335 Program for Calculation of the Diffusion-Trans- port Coupling Constant RT/FIMA-(72)6 TRANSPORTATION MODELS Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 575/CP TRICLINIC LATTICES PL-1 Program System for Generalized Patterson Superpositions IS-4106 TRIOIL4 COMPUTER PROGRAM TRIOIL IV. A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Code for the ILLIAC IV Computer AD-A027 091 /8CP TRITONS Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils. LA-4443 TROPOSPHERE Computer Prediction of Tropospheric Radio Transmission Loss for Selected Paths in the Pacific Northwest AD-A030 088/9CP Modifications to Fotonap AD-A043 607/1CP TUBES Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP TUNABLE LASERS A Review of Parametric Oscillators and Mixers and an Evaluation of Materials for 2 - 6 microme- ter Applications AD-A002 586/6CP Theoretical Investigations of a Tunable Collinear Acousto-Optic Filter AD-A018 333/5CP TUNGSTEN Computer Simulation of Split Interstitial Equilibri- um Positions and Binding Energies in a Tungsten Crystal AD-745 839/CP Computer Simulation of Inert Gas Interstitials in Tungsten AD-758 501 /CP Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved Program Source. CEA-N-1294 TUNING DEVICES A Review of Parametric Oscillators and Mixers and an Evaluation of Materials for 2-6 microme- ter Applications AD-A002 586/6CP Theoretical Investigations of a Tunable Collinear Acousto-Optic Filter AD-A018 333/5CP TUNNELING (ELECTRONICS) Phonon Spectrum and Strong-Coupling Super- conductivity in Nb: A Single-Crystal Tunneling Study AD-A006 930/2CP TURBINE BLADES Supersonic Chordwise Bending Flutter in Cascades AD-A035 678/2CP Theoretical Determination of Convection Heat- Transfer Coefficients Around a Turbine Airfoil (with Computer Program) AD-723 653/CP Calculation of the Flow Through Supercritical Turbine Cascades, with a View to Designing Blades with Reduced Shock Strength N71-35410/CP TURBINES Generalized Analytical Computer Program for Turbomachine-Driven Cryogenic Systems in Heli- um. AD-715 724/CP TURBOCOMPRESSORS The off Design Analysis of Flow in Axial Compres- sors N71-22294/CP A Streamline Curvature Through-Flow Computer Program for Analysing the Flow Through Axial- Flow Turbomachines N72-31306/CP TURBOFAN ENGINES An Analytical Analysis of the Effects of Instan- taneous Vorticity on Compressor Performance AD-769 415/1CP TURBOJET ENGINES Supersonic Chordwise Bending Flutter in Cascades AD-A035 678/2CP TURBOMACHINE BLADES Fortran Program for Calculating Aerodynamic Forces from Pressure or Velocity Distributions on Blade Sections N71-10467/CP Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow N72-31305/CP A Streamline Curvature Through-Flow Computer Program for Analysing the Flow Through Axial- Flow Turbomachines N72-31306/CP TURBOMACHINERY A Variational Formulation of the Compressible Throughflow Problem AD-A007 979/8CP The Finite Element Method Applied to Flows in Turbomachines AD-A038 759/7CP Annulus Wall Boundary Layers in Turbomachines AD-780 787/8CP Calculation of the Flow Through Supercritical Turbine Cascades, with a View to Designing Blades with Reduced Shock Strength N71-35410/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities and Streamlines on the Hub-Shroud Mid-Channel Flow Surface of an Axial- or Mixed-Flow Tur- bomachine 1 : User's Manual N73-26996/1CP Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Solution by Meridional Plane Analysis. N74-31754/6CP Three-Dimensional Inviscid Effects in Axial Flow Turbomachinery and Limitation of Cascade Theory. N75-29355/5CP TURBULENCE A Hot-Wire Anemometer Study of Free Turbulent Mixing in Axial Pressure Gradients AD-756 543/CP TRCMOD: A Computer Program for the Computa- tion of High-Order Correlation Coefficients of Turbulence Data AD-786 381 /4CP Development and Comparison of Several Analyti- cal Models for the Planar Turbulent Near Wake in Supersonic Flow Combining Component and Critical Point Methods SLA-73-628 TURBULENCE METERS The Vorcom. Part 1: Analytical Considerations N76-24505/9CP TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER Evaluation of a Method for Computation of Separated, Turbulent, Compressible Boundary Layers AD-A021 090/6CP An Analytical Study of the Effects of Mass Transfer on a Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer AD-A034 876/3CP Numerical Solution of the Compressible Bounda- ry Layer Equations Over Axisymmetric Surfaces AD-A034 943/1 CP Optimization of Low-Drag Bodies of Revolution with Turbulent Boundary Layers AD-A041 313/8CP On Diffusion from an Instantaneous Point Source in a Neutrally Stratified Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Laser Light Scattering Probe AD-757 992/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients. N70-29734/CP Numerical Solution of the Compressible Laminar. Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layer Equa- tions with Comparisons to Experimental Data. N70-30393/CP An Investigation of the High Speed Turbulent Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Arbitrary Pressure Gradient Part 3 - Computer Program Manual N70-42196/CP Applications of a General Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers N71-11475/CP A STUDY OF COMPRESSIBLE TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS USING THE METHOD OF INVARIANT MODELING N71-18426/CP Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Su- personic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tan- gential Slot Injection N71-22569/CP Examination of Turbulent Shear Models and the Prediction of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers by the Method of Weighted Residuals N71-24140/CP Laminar or Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows of Perfect Gases or Reacting Gas Mixtures in Chemical Equilibrium N72-11288/CP A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boun- dary Layer Development N72-14308/CP Calculation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Utilizing a Compressibility Transformation. Part 3 Computer Program Manual N72-15173/CP 72 SUBJECT INDEX TWO-PHASE FLOW Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 1 Numerical Solu- tions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations with Equilibrium Chemistry N72-19312/CP Fortran IV Computer Program for Boundary Layers in Compressible Two-Dimensional and Ax- isymmetric Flow N72-19320/CP Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 2 Computer Program and Users Manual N72-25301/CP Supplement to the Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Nozzle Analysis Computer Program N72-25308/CP Computer Program for Calculating Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Development in Com- pressible Flow N72-26229/CP Boundary Layer Loss Sensitivity Study Using a Modified Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Com- puter Program N72-26232/CP A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Con- centration Profiles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate N72-26289/CP A Computer Program for the Calculation of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows N72-28285/CP Stc-Sab Program Users Manual for the Turbulent Boundary Layer and Turbulent Separation Predic- tion Methods Employed in the NASA Langley Streamtube Curvature Computer Program N73-23376/CP Computer Program for Calculation of Real Gas Turbulent Boundary Layers with Variable Edge Entropy. N74-26819/4CP Users' Guide to the Gibson-Spalding and Green Programs for the Calculation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Pressure Gradient and Heat Transfer. N75-19190/8CP A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar, Transi- tional and-or Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows. N75-21987/3CP The Behavior of Transpired Turbulent Boundary Layers. N75-32383/2CP Simulation of Turbulent Wall Pressure. N76-20408/0CP A Skin-Friction Law for Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers Based on the Full van Driest Transformation. N76-33146/1CP Gyc: A Program to Compute the Turbulent Boun- dary Layer on a Rotating Cone. N77-20021/0CP Prediction of the Effects of Longitudinal Wall Curvature and System Rotation on Turbulent Boundary Layers PB-243 118/7CP TURBULENT FLOW Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part I: Model Development, Verification, and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions AD-A0I2 873/6CP Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part II: User's Summary Guide to Wake' Computer Pro- gram AD-A012 874/4CP A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Charac- teristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems - MCDU 43 AD-A014 953/4CP Vibroacoustic Response of Turbulence Excited Thin Rectangular Finite Plates in Heavy and Fluid Media AD-A016 540/7CP Study of Non-lsoenergetic Turbulent Jet Mixing in a Constant Area Duct AD-A033 498/7CP A Finite Element Method and Corresponding Pilot Computer Code for Hyperbolic Systems of Equa- tions in Two Spatial Dimensions and Time Ap- plied to Unsteady Gas Flows AD-A045 703/6CP Testing of Turbulence Models by Exact Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A048 199/4CP The Interaction of Waves and Turbulence in Water AD-754 645/CP On Diffusion from an Instantaneous Point Source in a Neutrally Stratified Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Laser Light Scattering Probe AD-757 992/CP Turbulent Flow Predictions for the Argon Cascade Arc AD-759 183/CP Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Shear Flow Fields AD-769 498/7CP Numerical Simulation of Turbulence AD-774 161/4CP Kase Problems for the Teach Computer Programs HTS-74-3 Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 6 - Structure of the Computer Pro- gramme. N70-36922/CP Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-Depen- dent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Difference Method. N70-38683/CP Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas N72-21312/CP Apparatus and Programs for Digital Analysis of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Flow N74-11047/9CP The Numerical Computations of Turbulent Flows N74-12066/8CP Finite-Difference Solution for Turbulent Swirling Compressible Flow in Axisymmetric Ducts with Struts. N74-18647/9CP A Procedure for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows in Plate and Annular Channels and Its Application in the Development of Turbu- lence Models. N74-21927/0CP An Improved Fortran Program for the Bradshaw- Ferriss-Atwell Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N74-33802/1CP Numerical Integration of the Momentum-Integral Equations and Application of the Results to the Flow Between Rotating Disks. N75-29369/6CP Reliability of a New Velocity Measurement Method for Gases: The Laser Velocimetry Con- tribution a I'Etude de la Fiabilite d'Une Nouvelle Methode de Mesure de Vitesses dans UN Ecoule- ment Gazeux: La Velocimetrie Laser. N77-13402/1CP A Computer Code for the Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flow Through Closed-Conduit Flow Me- ters PB-274 650/1CP TURBULENT HEAT TRANSFER A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boun- dary Layer Development N72-14308/CP User's Guide and Description of the Streamline Divergence Computer Program. N75-19591/7CP TURBULENT JETS Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jet Noise, Part 2 N76-30921/0CP TURBULENT MIXING A Hot-Wire Anemometer Study of Free Turbulent Mixing in Axial Pressure Gradients AD-756 543/CP Modeling of Three-Dimensional Mixing and Reacting Ducted Flows. N76-21452/7CP TURBULENT WAKE Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part I: Model Development, Verification, and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions AD-A012 873/6CP Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part II: User's Summary Guida to Wake' Computer Pro- gram AD-A012 874/4CP TWINNING Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2, FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP TWO-BODY PROBLEM Program Knmatics: Two Body Nuclear Relativistic Kinematics BARC-658 TWO-DIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS Part I. Theory Report for Creep-Plast Computer Program: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems under Simultaneous Creep and Plasticity GEAP-10546 Bbc Hydrodynamics. UCID-17013 Shemp: A Service Program for the Hemp Pro- gram. UCID-30089 Hemp User'S Manual. UCRL-51079(Rev.1) TWO DIMENSIONAL FLOW Numerical Study of Steady Flow in a Two-Dimen- sional Rectangular Channel with an Asymmetric Velocity Input Profile AD-A010 355/6CP A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Charac- teristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems - MCDU 43 AD-A014 953/4CP Computer Program for Compressible Laminar or Turbulent Nonsimilar Boundary Layers N71-22588/CP Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Multi- Component Airfoils in Viscous Flow N72-11010/CP The Three-Dimensional Transport Problem of Linear Programming Characteristics and Solution das Dreidimensionale Transportproblem der Linearen Planungsrechnung-Eigenschaften und Loesung N72-20192/CP Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds N73-27890/5CP Numerical Studies of Unsteady Two Dimensional Subsonic Flows Using the Ice Method N73-31240/7CP Interim User'S Manual for Boundary Layer In- tegral Matrix Procedure, Version J. N74-28756/6CP A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Nonreacting Perfect Gas and Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Laminar, Transi- tional and-or Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows. N75-21987/3CP Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale, Two-Dimensional. External-Com- pression, Variable-Geometry, Supersonic Inlet Configuration. N76-24240/3CP A Fortran Program for the Computation of Two- Dimensional or Axisymmetric Nozzles UN Pro- gramme Fortran pour le Calcul d'Une Tuyere Su- personique Plane ou de Revolution. N77-11012/0CP STAN5: A Program for Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Internal and External Boundary Layer Flows. N77-16290/7CP TWO-PHASE FLOW Comparison Between the Computer Codes Owen and Toscle in a Calculation of Two-Phase Flow Stability AAEC/TM-621 Wave Propagation and Choking in Two-Phase Two-Component Flow AD-A004 397/6CP Investigation of Particle-Size Determination from the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter AD-738 873/CP Hydrodynamic Model of Two-Phase Pipe Flow BNL-NUREG-23105 K-FIX: A Computer Program for Transient, Two- Dimensional, Two-Fluid Flow LA-NUREG-6623 Numerical Calculation of Two-Phase Flows. LA-5942-MS Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Com- puter Code. N70-27641/CP 73 SUBJECT INDEX Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Beds under Variable Body Forces, Part 4 Final Report N70-29743/CP The Hydrodynamics of Two-Phase Flow around Fence Layers - Volume Parts. Pressure Loss and Axial Dispersion of the Gas and Liquid Phases in Up-Current Columns. N70-30137/CP Flow 22: Users'S Description N77-33462/1CP Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Ground- Water Flow Including Effects of Evapotranspira- tion PB-207 135/CP An Evaluation of State-Of-The-Art Two-Velocity Two-Phase Flow Models and Their Applicability to Nuclear Reactor Transient Analysis. Volume 3 Data Comparisons PB-252 758/8CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume I: Theory and Experiment PB-254 425/2CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume II: Analytical Techniques PB-254 426/OCP TYPE-II SUPERCONDUCTORS NEDR: A Computer Program for Calculating AC Losses in a Type-ll Superconductor with a Field- Dependent Surface Barrier IS-4017 ULTRASONIC RADIATION Subharmonic Generation in Acoustic Systems AD-725 604/CP ULTRAVIOLET LASERS A Computer Code for Time Dependent Recom- bination Lasers AD-A007 292/6CP ULTRAVIOLET RADIOMETERS Ultraviolet Radiometer Integration and Launch Activities AD-A018 287/3CP UNDEREXPANDED NOZZLE PLUMES An Approximate Analysis of the Shock Structure in Underexpanded Plumes AD-A030 705/8CP UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS A State-of-the-Art Data System for the Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Materials AD-A036 864/7CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891 /8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP UNDERWATER EXPLOSIONS The MACYL6 Hydrodynamic Code: A Numerical Method for Calculating Incompressible Axisym- metric Time-Dependent Free-Surface Fluid Flows at High Reynolds Number. AD-709 142/CP UNDERWATER LIGHT Power-Density Distribution Below the Ocean Sur- face Due to Incident Laser Radiation AD-A039 797/6CP Supplemental Lighting for Underwater Photog- raphy A Computer Program for Design Analysis PB-260 927/9CP UNDERWATER OBJECTS Forces on a Horizontal Cylinder Due to Non- Linear Waves AD-756 547/CP UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY Supplemental Lighting for Underwater Photog- raphy A Computer Program for Design Analysis PB-260 927/9CP UNDERWATER SOUND Acoustic Transmission Loss by Single-Profile Ray Tracing (Program RTRACE) AD-A003 908/1CP Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP A Ray Trace Program for the CDC 1604 Computer AD-A005 321 /5CP Models for Computing the Directional Radiation of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylindrical Baffle AD-A005 466/8CP Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Pro- gram TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Un- derwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A010 868/8CP Normal Mode FORTRAN Programs for Calculating Sound Propagation in the Ocean AD-A013 256/3CP The use of the Parabolic Equation Method in Sound Propagation Modelling AD-A016 847/6CP The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sound Speed in the California Current System off Mon- terey, Calif AD-A017 573/7CP Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Pat- terns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measurements AD-A020 106/1CP Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP Computer Programs for Obtaining Sound Speeds from Digitized Environmental Data AD-A027 396/1CP Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spheri- cal Sources with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-A027 522/2CP A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation. Implemen- tation, and Application AD-A028 521 /3CP A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low- Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/0CP Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP Computer Program for Calculating Propagation Loss into the Shadow Zone. AD-713 061/CP Finite Membranes and Plates Vibrating in a Dense Fluid: An Analysis of the Fully Coupled Problem. AD-714 281/CP A Test of the Capabilities of Chief in the Numeri- cal Calculation of Acoustic Radiation from Ar- bitrary Surfaces. AD-716 019/CP Finite Element Study of Acoustic Waves. AD-717 585/CP Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Impedances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle AD-718 313/CP A Fortran Program for the Class V Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Transducer AD-718 356/CP Acoustic Energy Transmission from a Rod into a Semi-Infinite Medium AD-720 270/CP On the Transmission of Sound from a Monopole Source Through a Finite. Corrugated Boundary Between Fluid Media AD-722 029/CP Temporal and Spacial Variability of Sound Propagation in the Ocean AD-722 590/CP An Analysis of the Parametric Acoustic Array for Spherical Wave Fields AD-723 241/CP Acoustic Radiation from Multiple Surfaces AD-726 209/CP Noise Detectability Prediction Method for Low Tip Speed Propellers AD-729 432/CP User's Manual for Propeller Noise Detectability Program AD-729 435/CP The Sound Propagation Conditions in the Black Sea AD-733 196/CP A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculat- ing Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbitrary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP Sound Dispersion and Phase Fluctuations in the Upper Ocean AD-738 913/CP Bubble distributions in Upper Ocean AD-738 968/CP Amplitude Modulation of an Acoustic Wave Propagating Near the Sea Surface AD-739 357/CP Finite-Amplitude Sound Propagation in the Far- field of Nonuniform Sources (I) The Diffraction of N Waves by a Circular Aperture in a Plane Baffle (II) AD-740 498/CP SHIP (Simplified-Helmholtz-lntegral Program): A Fast Computer Program for Calculating the Acoustic Radiation and Radiation Impedance for Free-Flooded-Ring and Finite-Circular-Cylinder Sources AD-745 295/CP The Propagation of Sound in the Deep Ocean: A Wave Formulation AD-754 371/CP Statistical Study of Sound Speed in the In- homogeneous Upper Ocean AD-756 570/CP Sound Phase and Amplitude Fluctuations in an Anisotropic Ocean AD-757 699/CP Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP Two Methods for the Numerical Calculation of Acoustic Normal Modes in the Ocean AD-769 760/0CP Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2 User's Manual AD-778 925/8CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circu- lar Cones AD-781 649/9CP Some Numerical Considerations Concerning Eigenvalue Problems in the Theories of Un- derwater Sound and Internal Waves AD-782 327/1CP A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Acoustic Receiving Array AD-783 099/5CP Comparisons of Normal Mode Theory. Ray Theory, and Modified Ray Theory for Arbitrary Sound Velocity Profiles Resulting in Convergence Zones AD-787 629/5CP Numerical Determination of Experimental Bottom Reflection Losses. AD-824 826/CP A Ray Tracing Program AD-863 327/CP UNDERWATER SOUND SIGNALS Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Turbu- lent Water Surface. AD-709 453/CP UNDERWATER SOUND TRANSMISSION Temporal and Spacial Variability of Sound Propagation in the Ocean AD-722 590/CP UNDERWATER STRUCTURES Second-Order Wave/Body Interaction AD-A009 902/8CP Forces on a Horizontal Cylinder Due to Non- Linear Waves AD-756 547/CP UNSTEADY FLOW Numerical Solution of the Unsteady Navier- Stokes Equations and Application to Flow in a Rectangular Cavity with a Moving Wall N71-23915/CP 74 SUBJECT INDEX VISCOUS FLOW Some Numerical Solutions in Unsteady Pipe Flow N72-10237/CP Computer Program Ganesi: Description of a Com- puter Program for the Simulation of Unsteady Flows in Gas Distribution Networks. N77-19374/6CP Computation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Through Rotating and Stationary Cascades. 2: User'S Guide to Fortran Program B2datl N78-12034/2CP Unsteady Inertial Effects in Fluid Flow Through Porous Media PB-201 744/CP Application of a Drift-Flux Model to Flashing in Straight Pipes PB-254 968/1CP UPPER ATMOSPHERE The Low-G Accelerometer Calibration System Or- bital Accelerometer Experiment Volume I, Experi- ment Description and Methodology AD-772 717/5CP URANIUM Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons. Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved. Program Source. CEA-N-1294 Analysis of Pulsed Neutron Experiments on Bare Fast Multiplying System by Storrer-Stievenart's Theory JAERI-M-4652 Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of Neutron In- teracting Units Part III Arrays of U(93.2) Metal Separated by Various Materials Y-DR-83 URANIUM 233 Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 URANIUM 235 Multilevel Calculation of exp 235 U Neutron Fis- sion Cross-Section IFA-NR-41-1972 Comparison of the Group Constants Generated by the Endf/B Processing Codes Etox and Super- tog ORNL-TM-4041 URANIUM 238 Comparison of the Group Constants Generated by the Endf/B Processing Codes Etox and Super- tog ORNL-TM-4041 URANIUM DIOXIDE MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 URANIUM FLUORIDES Thermodynamic Properties of Uf Sub 6 Measured with a Ballistic Piston Compressor N73-24936/CP URANIUM HEXAFLUORIDE Modified Version of the Busing-Martin-Levy Least Squares Program for the Direct Fitting of Struc- tures to Powder Diffraction Patterns by the Method of Profile Analysis AAEC/E-257 URANIUM ISOTOPES Details of Some beta Heating Calculations N71-38394/CP URANIUM ISOTOPES U-235 Linear Accelerator Project Progress Report, January 1, 1970-March 31, 1970. RPI-328-187 URANIUM ISOTOPES U- 5 Energy-Angular Distribution of alpha Particles Emitted in Fission of /Sup 236/U Polar Emission INR-1429 URANIUM ISOTOPES U- 8 Use of Cubic Spline Functions in Nuclear Data Processing IFA-DNBR-4 URANIUM OXIDES UOR Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0, D/Sub 2/0. C, Zrh/Sub 21. (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub X/, Be, Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 URBAN AREAS Community Median Noise Level Computer Model PB-201 916/CP USER MANUALS (COMPUTER PROGRAMS) Computer Program for Determining Rotational Line Intensity Factors for Diatomic Molecules N73-30689/6CP Boundary Condition Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16699/2CP Equation Solving Program for Aerodynamic Lift- ing Surface Theory N74-16700/8CP Influence Matrix Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16701/6CP Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Jets in Local Chemi- cal Equilibrium: A Guide to the Charnal Computer Program. N74-29638/5CP Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys). N75-13198/7CP Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys) User'S Manual, Appendix H, Volume 2. N75-13546/7CP The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis, Volume 1. N75-26307/9CP Computer User's Guide for a Chemically Reacting Viscous Shock-Layer Program. N75-30470/9CP Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Programmer's Manual. N75-32384/0CP Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Theoretical Manual and User'S Guide N75-32385/7CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1, Revi- sion a N75-33352/6CP Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine. Volume 2, Revi- sion a. N75-33353/4CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 2 User S Manual N76-21453/5CP A Numerical Technique to Predict Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (User'S Guide for the Com- puter Program ROT2). N76-22432/8CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 1. N77-23411/0CP Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems, Volume 2. N77-23412/8CP Flow 22: Users'S Description. N77-33462/1CP V CODES Visar Data Reduction. SAND-75-0424 VACUUM APPARATUS An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Field Surrounding a Suction Pipe Inlet COM-74-10172/6CP VACUUM SPECTROSCOPY The Study and Development of an Active Scatter- ing Particle Size Spectrometer for Space Environ- ments N73-19425/CP VACUUM SYSTEMS Computer Program for Calculating, Tabulating, and Plotting Outgassing Rates of Selected Gases ORNL-TM-3220 VAN DE GRAAFF ACCELERATORS IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 2. Interrupt Servicing Pro- grams for Data Handling and Reduction EUR-4404(PT2) IBM 1600 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 3 Programs for Interactive Data Reduction EUR-4404(PT3) VANADIUM Linear Accelerator Project Progress Report, January 1. 1970-March 31. 1970 RPI-328-187 VANADIUM COMPOUNDS Preparation and Optical Properties of Crystals and Films of Vanadium Oxides AD-744 319/CP VANADIUM OXIDES Preparation and Optical Properties of Crystals and Films of Vanadium Oxides AD-744 319/CP VARIANCE (STATISTICS) Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements N74-26363/3CP Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study N75-29818/2CP VELOCITY Computation of Velocity in the Wave Train of a Point Source AD-A047 291 /0CP Visar Data Reduction. SAND-75-0424 VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION Effect of an Aperture on Measurement of the Axial Distribution Function in a Magnetically Con- fined Plasma. N70-24369/CP Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Com- puter Code. N70-27641/CP VELOCITY MEASUREMENT Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interaction Final Report N70-43047/CP Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities in the Meridional Plane of a Turbomachine 1 Centrifugal Compressor N72-17988/CP Reliability of a New Velocity Measurement Method for Gases: The Laser Velocimetry Con- tribution a I'Etude de la Fiabilite d'Une Nouvelle Methode de Mesure de Vitesses dans UN Ecoule- ment Gazeux: La Velocimetrie Laser N77-13402/1CP VENUS (PLANET) Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Sur- faces of Venus N71-31311/CP VERTICAL TAKEOFF AIRCRAFT Lifting Jet Flow Fields AD-A021 968/3CP VERY LOW FREQUENCIES The Effect of Large Scale Irregularities on the Propagation of VLF Waves Through the Lower Ionosphere with Special Reference to Auroral Hiss. N70-22824/CP Polarization Measurements of Frequency Stabil- ized VLF Signals N72-19211/CP VIBRATION Harmonic Motion of Cylinders in Uniform Flow AD-A012 412/3CP Natural Modes and Frequencies of Free Vibration of Shells of Revolution - Analysis of a Shell of Linearly Varying Thickness - SATANS-III: Theory and User's Manual AD-761 370/CP Engineering Guide and Computer Programs for Determining Turbulence-Induced Vibration and Radiation of Plates AD-878 619/CP VIBRATIONAL FREEZING Effects of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on the In- viscid Design of an Axisymmetric Nozzle for Hypersonic Flow. N75-14991/4CP VISCOELASTICITY Computer Program for Reduction and Presenta- tion of High-Pressure Capillary Viscometer Data AD-A044 490/1 CP Experimental Demonstration of a Viscoelastic Crossover' Phenomenon The Reflection of Stress Pulses at the Boundary between Nearly-Elastic and Lossy Viscoelastic Media Whose Impedances Are Matched AD-729 823/CP VISCOSIMETERS Computer Program for Reduction and Presenta- tion of High-Pressure Capillary Viscometer Data AD-A044 490/1 CP VISCOUS FLOW Description and Evaluation of a Digital-Computer Program for Calculating the Viscous Drag of Bodies of Revolution AD-A023 995/4CP 75 SUBJECT INDEX An Interaction Model for Supersonic, Laminar Separating Flows AD-A033 388/OCP Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Multi- Component Airfoils in Viscous Flow N72-11010/CP The Vise Code a Users Manual N73-20933/CP Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds N73-27890/5CP A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-12991/7CP Computer Program for Calculating Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layers for a Compressible Axisymmetric Flow. N74-25807/0CP Study of Viscous Flow About Airfoils by the In- tegro-Differential Method. N76-11046/9CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP Computation of Steady Axisymmetric Flow Using a One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Method. N76-19369/7CP Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions. N76-21454/3CP VISIBILITY The Effects of Multiple Scattering on Backscatter Lidar Measurements in Fogs AD-781 801 /6CP VOLTAGE A Computer Analysis for the Determination of Electrode Voltage Losses in Mag- netohydrodynam ic-Generator Plasmas AD-A020 081 /6CP VORTEX SHEETS High Speed Computer Studies of Vortex Motions in Relation to Aircraft Wake Turbulence AD-A024 290/9CP VORTICES Real Time Development of the Wake of a Finite Wing AD-A020 644/1CP High Speed Computer Studies of Vortex Motions in Relation to Aircraft Wake Turbulence AD-A024 290/9CP Wake Vortex and Groundwind Meteorological Measurements AD-A029 164/1CP Research on the Flutter of Axial Turbomachine Blading AD-A031 536/6CP Computation of Periodic Propeller Forces in Non- Uniform Flows Using a Lifting Surface Model AD-718 898/CP An Experimental Study of Taylor-Goertler Vortices in a Curved Rectangular Channel AD-764 503/CP VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-17424/CP An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Phenomena within a Vortex Sink Rate Sen- sor. N74-26823/6CP The Vorcom. Part 1: Analytical Considerations N76-24505/9CP VORTICITY Separated Flow over Bodies of Revolution Using an Unsteady Discrete-Vorticity Cross Wake Part 2: Computer Program Description N74-28757/4CP W CODES W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings UCID-16963 WAKE Cascade Wake Structure. Part A Theory and Results Part B Local Similarity Numerical Solu- tion. User's Manual AD-A012 699/5CP Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part I: Model Development, Verification, and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions AD-A012 873/6CP Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part II: User's Summary Guide to Wake' Computer Pro- gram AD-A012 874/4CP The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program. Part 2. Users Manual AD-A013 218/3CP Wake Modeling Studies AD-A018 671 /8CP Real Time Development of the Wake of a Finite Wing AD-A020 644/1 CP High Speed Computer Studies of Vortex Motions in Relation to Aircraft Wake Turbulence AD-A024 290/9CP Wake Vortex and Groundwind Meteorological Measurements AD-A029 164/1CP WAKE DETECTION Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1. N78-13422/8CP WAKES Ogo-2 Data Analysis Satellite Plasma Wake Study Final Report N70-23999/CP WALL FLOW Comparison of Interference-Free Numerical Results with Sample Experimental Data for the AEDC Wall-Interference Model at Transonic and Subsonic Flow Conditions. N74-31753/8CP Prediction of Compliant Wall Drag Reduction, Part 1. N78-11340/4CP WALL JETS Analysis of Circulation Controlled Airfoils AD-A013 334/8CP WALL PRESSURE Simulation of Turbulent Wall Pressure. N76-20408/0CP WALL TEMPERATURE Wall Temperature Distribution Calculation for a Rocket Nozzle Contour N72-30773/CP WALLS Wind Tunnel Wall Corrections for Arbitrary Plan- forms and Wind Tunnel Cross-Sections AD-A042 299/8CP WAM BAM COMPUTER PROGRAM User's Guide for the WAM-BAM Computer Code PB-249 624/8CP WASTE HEAT An Analysis of the Thermal and Nutrient Proper- ties of the Condenser Discharge Plume Created by an Ocean Thermal Difference Power Plant PB-244 786/OCP WATER Pde- Digital Program for the Calculation of the Thermal-Hydrodynamic Condition in a Circuit of a Two Phase Mixture Water and Steam CISE-R-245 Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0, D/Sub 2/0, C, Zrh/Sub 21, (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub X/. Be. Beo. C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 Computer Program for Steam and Water Proper- ties from the Asme (1967) Ifc Formulations. (Nrts Computer Program No. 40 0969) IDO-ITR-110 WATER COOLED REACTORS K-FIX: A Computer Program for Transient, Two- Dimensional, Two-Fluid Flow LA-NUREG-6623 WATER-DR Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0. D/Sub 2/0. C. Zrh/Sub 2/. (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub X/, Be. Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/, and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 Program for the Computing of the Scattering Cross-Sections in Heavy Water IFA-DNBR-3 WATER ENTRY Prediction of Vertical Water-Entry Forces on Ogives from Cone Data AD-A023 616/6CP WATER FLOW The Effect of Aeration on Water Jet Spreading PB-267 717/7CP WATER WAVES Second-Order Wave/Body Interaction AD-A009 902/8CP The Second-Order Solution for Wave Interaction with a Submerged Cylinder AD-A044 268/1 CP WAVE DIFFRACTION Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Three-Dimen- sional Corner N72-14303/CP Diffraction of a Dilatational Pulse in an Elastic Medium at a Reinforced Cylindrical Cavity. N77-13470/8CP WAVE DISPERSION Theoretical Models and Numerical Studies of Waves in a Three-Fluid Medium N72-30650/CP WAVE EQUATIONS The Second-Order Solution for Wave Interaction with a Submerged Cylinder AD-A044 268/1 CP WAVE PROPAGATION Computation of Velocity in the Wave Train of a Point Source AD-A047 291 /OCP Theoretical Models and Numerical Studies of Waves in a Three-Fluid Medium N72-30650/CP An Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave Motion and Upstream Influence in a Stratified Fluid. N74-32747/9CP Test Results of the Threedy Wavefitting Algorithm on One-Dimensional Wave Propagation Problems. SAND-75-0350 Lamp Code Users Guide UCID-16525 Computer Model for Wave Propagation in Porous Materials. UCRL-51673 WAVE REFLECTION Formulas and Tables on the Mach Reflection of Shock Waves (Triple Shock Theory) N70-23805/CP WAVE TRANSMISSION An Approximate Fourier Integral Transform Method for Analysis of Wave Propagation Signals. AD-711 798/CP Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers. AD-711 982/CP WAVEFORMS Automated Analysis of Wave Patterns Behind Towed Models. N71-13388/CP Extrapolation of Sonic Boom Pressure Signatures by the Waveform Parameter Method N72-26004/CP WAVEGUIDES Analysis of Coupling Efficiency Between Semiconductor Lasers and Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides AD-A016 619/9CP Transmission from a Rectangular Waveguide into Half Space through a Rectangular Aperture AD-A030 779/3CP MODESRCH', An Improved Computer Program for Obtaining ELF/VLF/LF Mode Constants in an Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A032 573/8CP Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide AD-718 407/CP Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides AD-746 108/CP WAVELENGTHS Wavelength Calibration of Monochromators in the 0.3 to 2.0 mu Region. N70-27387/CP Atomic Emission Line Wavelength Calculations Below 2000 Angstroms for Lithium II Through Cobalt XXVI N72-12684/CP WAVEMAKING The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program Part I. Theoretical Basis and Pro- gramming Technique AD-A013 194/6CP 76 SUBJECT INDEX ZONE MELTING WAVES The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program. Part 2. Users Manual AD-A013 218/3CP WEIGHTLESSNESS Optimization of a Solution Growth Experiment for Zero Gravity and Development of Apparatus for a Melt Growth Experiment Final Report N71-27926/CP Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. N75-33137/1CP WHISKER COMPOSITES An Examination of the Cold Tip Theory of Whisker Growth AD-749 038/CP WICKS Computer Program Grade for Design and Analysis of Graded-Porosity Heat-Pipe Wicks. N75-14996/3CP WIND TUNNEL APPARATUS An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equations N72-27002/CP WIND TUNNEL TESTS A Direct Comparison of Analytical and Experi- mental Surface and Flow-Field Data on a 4-Deg Cone at Incidence in a Hypersonic Stream with Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A029 367/0CP WIND TUNNEL WALLS Comparison of Interference-Free Numerical Results with Sample Experimental Data for the AEDC Wall-Interference Model at Transonic and Subsonic Flow Conditions. N74-31753/8CP WIND TUNNELS Wind Tunnel Wall Corrections for Arbitrary Plan- forms and Wind Tunnel Cross-Sections AD-A042 299/8CP An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equations N72-27002/CP The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis, Volume 1. N75-26307/9CP The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 3: Programmer's Manual. N76-21458/4CP The Complete Software for the S1 Wind Tunnel Data Acquisition and Control System. N76-27250/9CP WIND VELOCITY Experimental Pulsed Laser. Remote Crosswind Measurement System -- Feasibility Study and Design AD-786 647/8CP WINDMILLS (WINDPOWERED MACHINES) Theoretical Performance of Cross-Wind Axis Tur- bines with Results for a Catenary Vertical Axis Configuration. N76-11032/9CP WING BODY CONFIGURATIONS Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselage-Wing Configurations. Volume II. Manual for Computer Programs AD-A040 998/7CP A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Lift- ing Bodies in Subsonic Inviscid Flow AD-782 202/6CP WINGS Real Time Development of the Wake of a Finite Wing AD-A020 644/1 CP Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselages AD-A021 718/2CP Investigations of the Rolling-Up of the Vortex Wake and Calculation of Non-Linear Aerodynamic Characteristics of wings AD-A032 552/2CP Equation Solving Program for Aerodynamic Lift- ing Surface Theory N74-16700/8CP WIRE A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems AD-A044 758/1 CP WIRE ANTENNAS WAMP: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program AD-773 769/5CP WORK FUNCTIONS Theoretical Determination of Cesiated Work Functions N72-33712/CP X RADIATION User's Manual for the Buckle X-Ray Deposition Program UCID-30023(REV.1) X-RAY ABSORPTION ANALYSIS A New Technique to Determine Amorphous Struc- ture Using X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure AD-740 216/CP X RAY DIAGNOSTICS X-Ray Diagnostics of Laser-Produced Aluminum Plasmas AD-A030 085/5CP X RAY DIFFRACTION Quantitative Determination of Phase Content of Silicon Nitride by X-Ray Diffraction Analysis AD-A008 986/2CP Computer Program for Determining Multiplicities of Bragg Reflections for Any Space Group AERE-R-8456 Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffrac- tion Line Profile: A Computer Program COM-71-50297/CP Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffrac- tion Line Profile: A Computer Program COM-71-50308/CP 709/7090 Program for Indexing X-Ray Diffraction Powder Patterns. Mi. The Orthorhombic Case. HW-78062 Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffraction Interplanar (D) Spacings with a Tektronix-31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator MLM-2400 Identifying Unknown Minerals and Compounds from X-Ray Diffraction Patterns Using the John- son and Vand Fortran 4 Computer Program. N76-20575/6CP Three Computer Codes of General Use in X-Ray Crystallography ORNL-TM-5177 Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions ORNL-5140 X-Ray Diffractometer Data Reduction Program PB-209 838/CP Indexing and Least-Squares Refinement of Powder Diffraction Data (Job 9214) PB-216 188/3CP A Computer Program for the Simulation of X-Ray Diffraction Intensity Bands PB-252 580/6CP A Fortran IV Computer Program for Calculating Interplanar Spacings. Y-1729 X-RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS Mechanisms of Structural Transformation in Amorphous Solids Studied by X-Ray Scattering Techniques. AD-712 612/CP Quantitative Phase Analysis and Precise Lattice Parameter Measurements by X-Ray Diffraction AD-713 910/CP STLPLT - CalComp Plot of Crystallographic Pro- jections of Laue Photographs AD-719 943/CP Computer Programs for the Analysis of the Broadening of X-Ray Powder Patterns AD-723 191/CP Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensi- ties of Bragg Reflections AD-729 507/CP The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler AD-748 025/CP SPASTIC - A System for Programming Angles. Scalar, and Timer by Internal Counting AD-748 828/CP Computer Programs for Reduction of X-Ray Dif- fraction Data for Oriented Polycrystalline Specimens AD-753 920/CP A Program for Least-Squares Analysis of Fourier Coefficients of Peak Shapes and Comparisons of Old and New Procedures AD-759 994/CP X RAY FILTERS Computational Representation of Constitutive Relations for Porous Material AD-A007 921 /OCP A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP X RAY LASERS A Computer Code for Time Dependent Recom- bination Lasers AD-A007 292/6CP X RAY SPECTRA MAZE 3 - A Sequential Computer Spectral Enhancement Code: Studied for Conversion to IL- LIAC IV AD-781 280/3CP Computer Calculations of X-Ray Production by Laser-Produced Plasmas UCRL-74109 X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP X RAYS Monte Carlo Anaylsis of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Transition Zone Dose and Photo-Compton Cur- rent AD-A002 343/2CP Calculations of X-Ray Bremsstrahlung Spectra and Scintillator Detector Yields for Relativistic Electron Energies from 10 keV to 10 MeV AD-A006 552/4CP The Treatment of Electron Scattering and Ap- proximate Methods Used for Specifying High-Al- titude EMP Sources AD-A015 747/9CP A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP Calorimetric Transmission Measurements through Thin Carbon Foils for Spectral Characterization of X-Ray Energies below 2 keV AD-761 826/CP Relativistic Calculation of Anomalous Scattering Factors for X Rays. LA-4403 The Theoretical Reflectance of X-Rays from Opti- cal Surfaces. N77-11853/7CP XENON LASERS Excimer Lasers AD-A018 641 /1CP Y CODES Yaqui: An Arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian Com- puter Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds LA-5100 YAG LASERS Optical Design of a Frequency Doubled NdYAG Laser AD-A028 000/8CP ZERO ANGLE OF ATTACK A Computer Program for Calculating the Perfect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Axisymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-12090/8CP ZINC OXIDES Radiative Property Investigation N74-28422/5CP ZIRCALOY MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 ZIRCONIUM HYDRIDES Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0. D/Sub 2/0. C, Zrh/Sub 21. (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub XI. Be. Beo. C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/. and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 ZIRCONIUM OXIDES Heat Transfer Study for a Quasi-lsostatic Hot Pressing Process Y-1741 ZONE MELTING Optimization of a Solution Growth Experiment for Zero Gravity and Development of Apparatus for a Melt Growth Experiment Final Report N71-27926/CP 77 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ABCOR, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. WALDEN RESEARCH DIV. Procedures for Measurement in Stratified Gases. Volume II. Appendices (EPA/650/2-74-086-b) PB-241 838/2CP ACUREX CORP MOUNTAIN VIEW CALIF AEROTHERM DIV AEROTHERM-UM -74-57 Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVII. Computer User's Manual: Erosion Shape (EROS) Computer Code (SAMSO-TR-74-86-Vol-17) AD-A026 613/OCP Aerotherm-74-100 Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XVIII. Nosetip Analyses Using the EROS Computer Code (SAMSO-TR-74-86-Vol-18) AD-A026 614/8CP Aerotherm-75-160 Passive Nosetip Technology (PANT) Program Volume XXII Coupled Erosion/Ablation of Reentry Materials (SAMSO-TR-74-86-Vol-22) AD-A026 619/7CP ADMIRALTY UNDERWATER WEAPONS ESTABLISHMENT PORTLAND (ENGLAND) AUWE-TN-515/74 The Application of the Marker and Cell Incom- pressible Fluid Flow Technique to Impact Problems (DRIC-BR-46447) AD-A008 451 /7CP ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LABS., INC., JERICHO, N. Y. ATL-TM-148 A Fortran Program for the Determination of Noz- zle Contours for Rotational. Non-Homentropic Gas Mixtures. N77-22421/0CP ATL-TR-152 An Analysis of Internal Supersonic Flows with Dif- fusion. Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Combustion. N70-42160/CP NASA-CR-111783 An Analysis ot Internal Supersonic Flows with Dif- fusion, Dissipation and Hydrogen-Air Combustion N70-42160/CP NASA-CR-145196 A Fortran Program for the Determination of Noz- zle Contours for Rotational, Non-Homentropic Gas Mixtures. N77-22421/0CP ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LABS., INC., WESTBURY, N. Y. ATL-TR-205-V-2 Computation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Through Rotating and Stationary Cascades. 2: User S Guide to Fortran Program B2datl N78-12034/2CP NASA-CR-2901 Computation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Through Rotating and Stationary Cascades. 2: User's Guide to Fortran Program B2datl. N78-12034/2CP ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARIS (FRANCE) AGARD-AG-185 Annulus Wall Boundary Layers in Turbomachines AD-780 787/8CP AEROCHEM RESEARCH LABS INC PRINCETON N J AeroChem-TP-308 A Computer Code to Predict the Effects of Elec- trophilic Liquid Injection on Re-Entry Plasma Sheath Properties (AFCRL-TR-74-0074) AD-782 023/6CP AERODYNE RESEARCH INC BEDFORD MASS ARI-RR-97 MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer (AFGL-TR-77-0044) AD-A042 263/4CP AEROJET-GENERAL CORP., AZUSA, CALIF. AGC-TM-797570-644 Mufan, a Computer Program for the Analysis of Multi-Loop Fluid Flow Systems N71-37735/CP NASA-CR-72943 Mufan, a Computer Program for the Analysis of Multi-Loop Fluid Flow Systems N71-37735/CP AEROJET-GENERAL CORP., AZUSA, CALIF. POWER SYSTEMS DIV. AGC-TM-494269-602 Modified Thermal Analyzer Digital Computer Pro- gram (Tap) N71-37734/CP NASA-CR-72916 Modified Thermal Analyzer Digital Computer Pro- gram (Tap) N71-37734/CP AEROJET NUCLEAR CO., IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO. Raffle General Purpose Monte Carlo Code ANCR-1022 Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Acsap) ANCR-1042 Gauss V- a Computer Program for the Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from GE(Li) Spectrometers ANCR-1043 C-Sure- Cross Sections Resonances from Endf/B ANCR-1068 Unresolved AEROJET NUCLEAR CO., IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO. IDAHO NATIONAL ENGINEERING LAB. MATPRO: A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior ANCR-1263 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES OF PRINCETON, INC., N.J. ARAP-71-4 A STUDY OF COMPRESSIBLE TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS USING THE METHOD OF INVARIANT MODELING N71-18426/CP ARAP-226-PM Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid Part I: Model Development, Verification, and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions AD A012 873/6CP ARAP-226-Pt-2 Turbulent Wakes in a Stratified Fluid. Part II: User's Summary Guide to Wake Computer Pro- gram AD-A012 874/4CP ARAP-262-VOI-2 Users Manual Supersonic Unsteady Cascade Program Volume II (AFFDL-TF?-75-f59-Vo/-2; AD-A025 186/8CP NASA-CR-1 16781 A STUDY OF COMPRESSIBLE TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS USING THE METHOD OF INVARIANT MODELING N71-18426/CP NASA-CR-151981 Gyc A Program to Compute the Turbulent Boun- dary Layer on a Rotating Cone. N77-20021/0CP WORKING PAPER-76-2 Gyc: A Program to Compute the Turbulent Boun- dary Layer on a Rotating Cone. N77-20021/0CP AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, LONDON (ENGLAND). ARC-CP-1216 Fortran Programmes for Axisymmetric Potential Flow around Closed and Semi-Infinite Bodies N72-31307/CP ARC-32346 Fortran Programmes for Axisymmetric Potential Flow around Closed and Semi-Infinite Bodies N72-31307/CP AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH INST. OF SWEDEN, STOCKHOLM. AERODYNAMICS DEPT. FFA-TN-AU-912 The Calculation of Supersonic Axisymmetric Af- terbody Flow with Jet-Interference and Possible Flow Separation. N75-20265/5CP AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS DIV WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO DEPUTY FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-1 ASDIR-II Volume I User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-2 ASDIR-II Volume II Program Description AD-B009 669/CCP ASD/XR-TR-75-1 -Vol-3 ASDIR-II Volume III Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/1CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF TR-0074(4010-01)-1 The Fresnel Diffraction Pattern of a Circular Aper- ture at Large Distances (SAMSO-TR-74-139) AD-781 129/2CP TR-0075(5533)-3 Pressure Recovery in a Constant-Area Diffuser for Chemical Lasers with Nozzle Base Relief (SAMSO-TR-75-147) AD-A012 737/3CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF AEROPHYSICS LAB TR-007(2604)-1 Lorentz Broadening in the Modeling of the HF Chemical Laser (SAMSO-TR-77-109) AD-A040 972/2CP TR-0076(6240-40)-3 Analytical Diffusion Model Computer Program (SAMSO-TR- 75-303) AD-A019 692/3CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF ENGINEERING SCIENCE OPERATIONS TR-0059(6311)-1 Polypagos: Polychromic Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems. (SAMSO-TR- 70-41 7) AD-715 262/CP TR-0059(6311)-2 Application of Fourier Techniques to Image Evaluation (SAMSO-TR-71-20) AD-718 095/CP TR-0172(2311)-1 Polypagos User s Manual (SAMSO-TR-71-322) AD-735 674/CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF LAB OPERATIONS TR-0059(6220-10)-4 Microwave Breakdown in the Presence of Spatial Nonuniformities: Computer Programs (SAMSO-TR-70-392) AD-715 259/CP TR-0059(9260-01)-8 A Collection of Computer Programs for Molecular Spectroscopy (SAMSO-TR-70-364) AD-714 560/CP TR-0073(3250-30)1 Calorimetric Transmission Measurements through Thin Carbon Foils for Spectral Characterization of X-Ray Energies below 2 keV (SAMSO-TR-73-195) AD-761 826/CP TR-0073(3430)-4 RESALE-2, C02. and INHALE (SAMSO-TR-72-210) AD-748 293/CP TR-0074(4260-1 0)-1 -Vol-1 The Low-G Accelerometer Calibration System Or- bital Accelerometer Experiment. Volume I. Experi- ment Description and Methodology (SAMSO-TR-73-355-Vol-1 ) AD-772 717/5CP TR-0075(5530)-5 The RESALE Chemical Laser Computer Program (SAMSO-TR-75-60) AD-A007 058/1 CP TR-01 72(2250-30 )-2 ELSPEC: A Computer Program for Unfolding Electron Energy Spectra from Experimental Ener- gy Deposition Profiles (SAMSO-TR-77-255) AD-733 331 /CP TR-01 72(2776)-1 RESALE-1 : A Chemical Laser Computer Program (SAMSO-TR-72-39) AD-738 647/CP AEROSPACE RESEARCH LABS WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO ARL-70-0078 Turbulent Mixing of Supersonic Jets. AD-708 735/CP ARL-70-0342 Configuration Optimization of a Class of Hyper- sonic Cruise Vehicles AD-721 471/CP ARL-72-0153 Instability Regions for Density-Gradient-Driven Oscillations in Fully Ionized Magnetoplasmas AD-754 005/CP 78 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO ARL-73-0073 Analysis of Optically Thick, D. C. -Induction Heated Arc Discharges AD-760 808/CP ARL-73-0171 Thermoluminescence and Color Centers in Rare Earth Doped Ceria Crystals AD-773 807/3CP ARL-75-0075 Hartree-Fock Electron Distribution of Cubic BN AD-A005 808/1 CP ARL-75-0190 Determination of Texture Pole Figures Using Picker FACS-1 Apparatus AD-A015 731/3CP AEROTHERM CORP., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. AEROTHERM-UM -74-41 Interim User's Manual for Boundary Layer In- tegral Matrix Procedure, Version J N74-28756/6CP AEROTHERM-74-95 Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications. N74-31752/0CP NASA-CR-1 20268 Interim User's Manual for Boundary Layer In- tegral Matrix Procedure. Version J. N74-28756/6CP NASA-CR-1 20364 Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Code Modifications and Verifications. N74-31752/0CP User's Manual Volume I Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure (BLIMP) (AFWL-TR-69- 1 14-Vol- 1 -Suppl) AD-734 744/CP AEROTHERM CORP., PALO ALTO, CALIF. An Evaluation of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Use in the Blimp Nonsimilar Mul- ticomponent Boundary Layer Program SC-CR-69-3271 AIR FORCE ACADEMY COLO DEPT OF AERONAUTICS DFAN-TR-73-1 Rotational Temperature Measurements in Flowing Nitrogen Discharges by Sidelight Spectroscopy AD-762 290/CP AIR FORCE AERO PROPULSION LAB WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFAPL-TR-68-143 Theoretical Determination of Convection Heat- Transfer Coefficients Around a Turbine Airfoil (with Computer Program) AD-723 653/CP AFAPL-TR-73-40 A Theoretical Investigation of Axisymmetric Sub- sonic Diffuser Flow AD-767 895/6CP AFAPL-TR-74-50 An Analysis of Transient Flow in a Duct of Vary- ing Cross Section AD-782 446/9CP AFAPL-TR-76-11 Natural Convection in an Enclosed Gas Heated by Local Laser Radiation AD-A023 525/9CP AIR FORCE AVIONICS LAB WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFAL-TR-74-161 A Review of Parametric Oscillators and Mixers and an Evaluation of Materials for 2-6 microme- ter Applications AD-A002 586/6CP AFAL-TR-76-126 Optical Design of a Frequency Doubled Nd:YAG Laser AD-A028 000/8CP AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH LABS HANSCOM AFB MASS AFCRL-ERP-508 A Computer Program for Plotting Coordination Polyhedra in Ionic Crystals-DRWMIN AD-A014 788/4CP AFCRL-ERP-513 Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Microns: Computer Code LOWTRAN 3 AD-A017 734/5CP AFCRL-TR-75-0234 A Computer Program for Plotting Coordination Polyhedra in Ionic Crystals-DRWMIN AD-A014 788/4CP AFCRL-TR-75-0255 Atmospheric Transmittance from 25 to 28 5 Microns Computer Code LOWTRAN 3 AD-A017 734/5CP AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH LABS L G HANSCOM FIELD MASS AFCRL-ERP-377 Photo-Equilibrium of Barium AD-739 166/CP AFCRL-ERP-446 Geomagnetic Field Models for Ray Tracing AD-766 241 /4CP AFCRL-IP-210 A Doppler Shift Interferometric Technique for Measuring Small Absorption Coefficients AD-778 077/8CP AFCRL-PSRP-458 The Electrostatic Potential Inside a Hemisphere: Its Use as an Electron Energy Analyzer and as a Triode Electronic Device AD-729 914/CP AFCRL-PSRP-467 Measurement of the Elastic, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric Constants of Bi12GeO20 AD-736 797/CP AFCRL-PSRP-474 Scattering of HF Radio Waves by Elliptical Elec- tron Density Distributions AD-740 576/CP AFCRL-PSRP-542 Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP AFCRL-PSRP-546 Transient Signal Propagation in Lossy Plasmas AD-764 721 /7CP AFCRL-TR-73-0157 Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP AFCRL-TR-73-0277 Transient Signal Propagation in Lossy Plasmas AD-764 721/7CP AFCRL-TR-73-0294 Geomagnetic Field Models for Ray Tracing AD-766 241 /4CP AFCRL-TR-74-0001 A Doppler Shift Interferometric Technique for Measuring Small Absorption Coefficients AD-778 077/8CP AFCRL-71-0369 The Electrostatic Potential Inside a Hemisphere: Its Use as an Electron Energy Analyzer and as a Triode Electronic Device AD-729 914/CP AFCRL-71-0570 Measurement of the Elastic, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric Constants of Bi12GeO20 AD-736 797/CP AFCRL-71-0600 Photo-Equilibrium of Barium AD-739 166/CP AFCRL-72-0047 Scattering of HF Radio Waves by Elliptical Elec- tron Density Distributions AD-740 576/CP AIR FORCE FLIGHT DYNAMICS LAB., WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB, OHIO. AFFDL-TR-66-Supp-1 A Compilation of Computer Programs in Flight Vehicle Technology 1968-1969 AD-869 613/CP AFFDL-TR-71-87 A Computerized Procedure to Obtain the Coor- dinates and Section Characteristics of NACA Designated Airfoils AD-738 623/CP AFFDL-TR-75-117 Analysis of Transonic Viscous-lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Afterbodies with Jet Ef- fects and Boattail Injection in Separated Regions AD-A018 865/6CP AFFDL-TR-76-69 A Users Manual for the 1-D Heat Conduction Cal- culator Program AD-A032 036/6CP AFFDL-TR-77-27 Integral Equation Methods for Two Dimensional Incompressible Flows for Multielement Airfoils AD-A042 984/5CP AIR FORCE GEOPHYSICS LAB HANSCOM AFB MASS AFGL-ERP-587 Atmospheric Transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 Micrometers: Supplement LOWTRAN 3B (1976) AD-A040 701 /5CP AFGL-TR-76-0258 Atmospheric Transmittance from 25 to 28 5 Micrometers Supplement LOWTRAN 3B (1976) AD-A040 701 /5CP AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AFIT/GEO/EE/77-1 Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Resulting from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP GA/MC/76D-3 An Analytical Study of the Effects of Mass Transfer on a Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer AD-A034 876/3CP GA/MC/76D-4 Numerical Solution of the Compressible Bounda- ry Layer Equations Over Axisymmetric Surfaces AD-A034 943/1 CP GA/ME/72-5 Two-Phase Nozzle Flow (Gas-Solid) AD-750 038/CP GAE/AE/74-D-8 A Computer Program for Predicting the Frequen- cy Response of Complex Pneumatic Line Net- works AD-A023 344/5CP GAE/AE/74D-11 Discrete Technique for the Analysis of Stationary Random Data AD-A023 345/2CP GAE/AE/74D-25 A Method for Simulating Steady State Friction in Transient Fluid Flow AD-A023 351 /0CP GAE/ME/74D-1 Lens Performance in a Nonstandard or Unstable Thermal Environment AD-A023 539/OCP GAM/MC/73-6 The Effect of Gravity upon the Melt-Through Time' of a Solid Subjected to a High Intensity Laser AD-759 168/CP GAM/ME/73-4 Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Shear Flow Fields AD-769 498/7CP GAW/MC/72-17 A Numerical Model of Surface Recession Phenomena of Metals Subjected to Laser Radia- tion in an Aerodynamic Environment AD-769 338/5CP GE/EE/71-17 Conduction Mechanisms in Epitaxial Gallium Ar- senide AD-722 650/CP GE/EE/72-12 Application of CV Characteristics to Controlling MIS Processing AD-742 430/CP GE/EE/75-39 Two Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Coated Conductor AD-A019 814/3CP GE/EE/76-29 Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/7CP GEO/PH/75-1 Theoretical Investigations of a Tunable Collinear Acousto-Optic Filter AD-A018 333/5CP GEP/PH/71-14 Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in the ELMAX Plasma Device AD-726 990/CP GEP/PH/72-1 Theoretical Calculation of X-Radiation from Non- Equilibrium Alumbium Plasmas AD-744 813/CP GEP/PH/72-3 TEM sub oo Mode Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities AD-746 215/CP 79 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX GEP-PH-73-5 Beam Divergence: The Measurement of Nanosecond Laser Pulses AO-764 702/7CP GNE/PH/71-1 An Investigation of a Mixed-Phase Equation of State for the PUFF 66 Computer Code AD-726 992/CP GNE/PH/76D-1 Interaction of Relativistic Protons with Matter AD-A034 948/OCP GSP/PH/70-19 A Study of Finite Moliere Scattering AD-874 659/CP Mossbauer Study of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of NdCo5 AD-726 991 /CP A Numerical Procedure for Two Dimensional Heating and Melting Calculations, with Applica- tions to Laser Effects (AFIT-TR-72-2) AD-757 189/CP AIR FORCE ROCKET PROPULSION LAB EDWARDS AFB CALIF AFRPL-TR-72-72 Holography as Applied to Jet Breakup and an Analytical Method for Reducing Holographic Droplet Data AD-749 854/CP AFRPL-TR-73-85 Plume Boundary Computer Program AD-774 059/OCP AIR FORCE WEAPONS LAB KIRTLAND AFB N MEX AFWL-DYS-TN-73-102 Optical Properties of Laser-Plasma Interactions AD-A001 805/1CP AFWL-TR-66-105 Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation Computer Program (Heatab) AD-800 437/CP AFWL-TR-70-96 Spshell, Oildrop, and Spclam: Three Programs to Solve Hydrodynamics Problems in Two Dimen- sions. AD-717 708/CP AFWL-TR-70-96-Rev SPSHELL. OILDROP. and SPCLAM: Three Pro- grams to Solve Hydrodynamics Problems in Two Dimensions AD-739 354/CP AFWL-TR-70-110 Coupled Electromagnetic and Electron Acoustic Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Lossy Plasma Layer. AD-715 910/CP AFWL-TR-72-40 A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP AFWL-TR-72-47 User's Manual: AFWL One-Dimensional Plasma Simulation Particle Codes AD-745 423/CP AFWL-TR-72-106 Momentum and Heat Transfer for Flow Inside Ec- centric Annuli AD-747 697/CP AFWL-TR-72-232 BOUNCE: User's Manual AD-758 809/CP AFWL-TR-73-267 The Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamical Simulation of an Electromagnetic Implosion Device AD-786 885/4CP AFWL-TR-74-120 MAGPIE A User's Manual AD-781 044/3CP AFWL-TR-74-146 Numerical Solutions of the Three-Dimensional Kinetic Equation of the Parametric Decay Insta- bility AO-787 455/5CP AFWL-TR-74-341 The Treatment of Electron Scattering and Ap- proximate Methods Used for Specifying High-Al- titude EMP Sources AD-A015 747/9CP AFWL-TR-75-202 Computing the Optical Properties of Multilayer Coatings AD-A020 856/1CP AFWL-TR-76-180 Thermal Radiative Losses from Graphite Calorimeters Used in Pulsed Electron Beam Ex- periments AD-A037 754/9CP AFWL-TR-76-194 Current Status of HF/DF Chain Chemical Laser AD-A033 029/OCP AFWL-TR-76-206 STREAM A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code in Cylindrical Geometry AD-A038 555/9CP AFWL-TR-76-244 Non-Equilibrium Radiation for the HULL Code AD-A032 724/7CP ALABAMA A AND M UNIV., NORMAL (USA). NASA-CR-1 27781 Computer Code for Predicting gamma Production Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Light Nuclei. Final Report N-72-29705 ALABAMA A • M UNIV., NORMAL. DEPT. OF PHYSICS. NASA-CR-127781 A Computer Code for Predicting gamma Produc- tion Cross Sections by Neutron Inelastic Scatter- ing from Light Nuclei N72-29705/CP ALABAMA UNIV., HUNTSVILLE. BUREAU OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH. NASA-CR-102708 Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Beds under Variable Body Forces. Part 4 Final Report. N70-29743/CP REPT-22-6560-PT-4 Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Beds under Variable Body Forces. Pari 4 Final Report. N70-29743/CP ALABAMA UNIV., HUNTSVILLE. SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH. NASA-CR-1 20559 Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions. N75-14067/3CP ALABAMA UNIV IN HUNTSVILLE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UAH-RR-199 Investigation of Transient Flow and Heating Problems Characteristic of High Energy Laser Gas Circulation Systems (DRDMI-H-CR-77-9) AD-A041 040/7CP ALABAMA UNIV., UNIVERSITY. BUREAU OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH. BER-130-70-VOL-2 Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems. Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 10.6 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP NASA-CR-103113 Study of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Communi- cations Systems Volume 2 - Atmospheric Effects on Wave Propagation at 106 Microns Interim Re- port N71-26419/CP ALFRED UNIV., N.Y. COLL. OF CERAMICS. NASA-CR-137050 Crystallographic and General Use Programs for the Xds sigma 5 Computer N74-17914/4CP AMES LAB., IOWA. Charge Radius of the Pion IS-T-728 Fit, a Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting Program to Obtain Interatomic Force Constants from Ob- served Phonon Frequencies. IS-2185 Trio, a Computer Program for the Calculation of Phonon Dispersion Curves. Atom Polarization Vectors, and Normalized Structure Factors IS-2186 A Fortran IV Crystallographic System of Programs for Generalized Superpositions IS-2210 Dual and Dual-Pomeron Calculations- a Docu- mentation IS-2915 Algorithm for Automatic Indexing and Bravais Lattice Selection The Programs Blind and Alice. IS-3469 Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 NEDR: A Computer Program for Calculating AC Losses in a Type-ll Superconductor with a Field- Dependent Surface Barrier IS-4017 PL-1 Program System for Generalized Patterson Superpositions IS-4106 Systems Analysis Guide for the Rare-Earth Infor- mation Center's Information Retrieval System (RICIRS) IS-4168 ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC BURLINGTON MASS Development of Numerical Techniques and Com- puter Systems for CMmatological, Ionospheric and Microwave Physics Applications (AFGL-TR-76-0006) AD-A022 975/7CP APPLIED THEORY INC LOS ANGELES CALIF ATR-73-33-1 On the Eulerian AFTON Equations for Axisymmet- ric Fluid Flow AD-758 010/CP ATR-74-16-1 Computation of Steady Axisymmetric Flow Using a One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Method. N76-19369/7CP NASA-CR-137818 Computation of Steady Axisymmetric Flow Using a One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Method. N76-19369/7CP ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB., ILL. User's Manual for Evits A Steady State Fluids Code for Complex Two-Dimensional Geometries ANL-CT-76-37 Physics of Reactor Safety Quarterly Report, July- September 1975 ANL-76-6 SYNBURN Fast-Reactor Fuel-Cycle Program ANL-76-14 Tess- a One-Dimensional S/Sub n/ Transport- Theory Code for the Cdc-3600 ANL-7406 The Quad Scheme: A New Method for Phase Space Integration. ANL-7556 Analysis of Compton Continuum Measurements ANL-7611 INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVERSION SYM- METRY ANL-7659 Penetration and Cascade Phenomena ANL-7727 Dblscat- a Computer Code for Double-Scattering Corrections ANL-7780 High-Gradient Column Computer Program Called Kalum TID-26368 Operation Manual for Program Nuwie" TID-26370 ARIZONA STATE UNIV TEMPE DEPT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Noise Reduction in Hydraulic Systems AD-775 223/1CP ARIZONA UNIV., TUCSON. OPTICAL SCIENCES CENTER. NASA-CR-1 30092 Electromagnetic Diffraction by Plane Reflection Diffraction Gratings N72-33663/CP NASA-CR-132854 Electromagnetic Diffraction Efficiencies for Plane Reflection Diflraction Gratings N74-10505/7CP NASA-CR-143938 User's Manual for University of Arizona Apart Program (Analysis Program - Arizona Radiation Trace) N75-31880/8CP TR-69 Application of Aspherics for Weight Reduction in Selected Catadioptric Lenses AD-750 758/CP First Quarter FY75 Applied Optics Research Re- port (SAMSO-TR-75-67) 80 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP ALEXANDRIA VA ELECTRONICS AND AD-A008 279/2CP Semi-annual FY75 Applied Optics Research Re- port (SAMSO-TR-75-112) AD-A010 486/9CP Further Studies and Investigations in Optical Technology (AFAL-TR-73-75) AD-760 564/CP ARIZONA UNIV., TUCSON. SPACE ASTRONOMY GROUP. NASA-CR-124240 Literature Survey for Suppression of Scattered Light in Large Space Telescopes N73-23531/CP ARKANSAS UNIV., FAYETTEVILLE. COMPUTING SERVICES. NASA-CR- 150441 Data Processing and Display of Laser Ooppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1. N78-13422/8CP ARKANSAS UNIV FAYETTEVILLE OEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Laser Resonator Studies (AFWL-TR-75-333) AD-A034 079/4CP ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD CHEMICAL SYSTEMS LAB ARCSL-TR-77065 Computer Program for Reduction and Presenta- tion of High-Pressure Capillary Viscometer Data AD-A044 490/1 CP ARMY CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING RESEARCH LAB CHAMPAIGN ILL CERL-TM-M-82 A New Look at Structural Energy Dissipation AD-780 801/7CP ARMY ELECTRONICS COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH N J ECOM-3358 Digital Computer Solution of Magnetic Field Problems. AD-716 992/CP ECOM-3407 Computer Programs to Evaluate Semiconductor Materials in Conjunction with Schottky Barriers AD-724 106/CP ECOM-3418 The Thermoelectric Effect of Silver Iodide AO-724 110/CP ECOM-3479 Mathematical Wind Gust Model and Computer Programs for Use with Aircraft Simulations AD-733 905/CP ECOM-4330 A Digital Polarimeter for Measuring the Faraday Rotation Using a Beacon from a Geostationary Satellite AD-A012 168/1CP ECOM-5562 PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A010 336/6CP ECOM-7043 Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP ARMY ENGINEER TOPOGRAPHIC LABS FORT BELVOIR VA CRES-TR-234-2 Theoretical and Experimental Study of Wave Scattering from Composite Rough Surfaces (ETL-CR-74-4) AD-787 540/4CP ETL-TR-74-10 Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP ETL-0052 Holographic Ray Tracing and Spot Diagrams AD-A027 043/9CP ETL-0105 Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP ARMY MATERIALS AND MECHANICS RESEARCH CENTER WATERTOWN MASS AMMRC-TR-71-17 Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensi- ties of Bragg Reflections AD-729 507/CP AMMRC-TR-71-23 XTALTDS6, A Program for Calculating the Ther- mal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 396/CP AMMRC-TR-71-25 XTDS2. A Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Bragg Reflections AD-732 836/CP AMMRC-TR-71-30 Grain Boundary Contrast in Field Ion Microscope Images AD-734 839/CP AMMRC-TR-72-17 SPASTIC - A System for Programming Angles, Scalar, and Timer by Internal Counting AD-748 828/CP AMMRC-TR-72-27 PTDS2, a Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Powder Pattern Reflections AD-750 601/CP AMMRC-TR-72-28 PTDS3, a Program for Calculating the Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Integrated Intensities of Powder Pattern Reflections AD-750 602/CP AMMRC-TR-72-34 Computer Programs for Reduction of X-Ray Dif- fraction Data for Oriented Polycrystalline Specimens (CPG -73-0028) AD-753 920/CP AMMRC-TR-75-4 Quantitative Determination of Phase Content of Silicon Nitride by X-Ray Diffraction Analysis AD-A008 986/2CP ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND TEXARKANA TEX INTERN TRAINING CENTER USAMC-ITC-3-73-13 A Computer Technique for Predicting Noise Levels Inside Large Enclosures AD-771 107/0CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA ADVANCED SENSORS DIRECTORATE RE-73-32 Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP RE-73-34 Computer-Aided Optical Lens Design and Image Analysis AD-769 594/3CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA GROUND EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS DIRECTORATE RL-74-7 An Experimental Determination of the Stress In- tensity around Surface Flaws Embedded in Hol- low Cylinders Subjected to Bending AD-778 735/1CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA GUIDANCE AND CONTROL DIRECTORATE RG-7508 The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL AL TECHNOLOGY LAB DRDMI-T-78-16 Methods for Prediction of Atmospheric Effects on Laser Guidance Systems AD-A051 617/9CP ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA AEROBALLISTICS DIRECTORATE DRDMI-TD-CR-77-5 Theoretical Analysis of the Flow Field Over a Family of Ogive Bodies AD-A048 477/4CP ARMY WEAPONS COMMAND ROCK ISLANO ILL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING DIRECTORATE AMSWE-RE-71-36 Conductive Heat-Transfer Resistance of Com- pound Barrel Interface AD-728 811/CP AMSWE-RE-71-37 Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat- Transfer Problems. Part I. Finite-Element Method Applied to Heat-Conduction Solids with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions AD-726 370/CP AMSWE-RE-71-41 Application of the Finite-Element Method to Heat- Transfer Problems. Part II. Transient Two-Dimen- sional Heat Transfer with Convection and Radia- tion Boundary Conditions AD-726 371 /CP ARMY WEAPONS COMMAND ROCK ISLANO ILL WEAPONS LAB SWERR-TR-72-36 Development of a Finite Element Approach for Approximate Analysis of Unsteady Compressible Fluid Flow AD-746 234/CP ARNOLD ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT CENTER ARNOLD AIR FORCE STATION TENN AEDC-TR-73-9 A Method to Increase the Full-Scale Inlet/Engine System Testing Capability of the AEDC 16-ft Transonic Wind Tunnel AD-762 912/CP AEDC-TR-73-111 Fiber Optics Particle-Sizing System AD-766 647/2CP AEDC-TR-75-75-Vol-1 The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program. Volume I. Method and Com- puter Program AD-A021 693/7CP AEDC-TR-75-75-Vol-2 The AEDC Three-Dimensional, Potential Flow Computer Program. Volume II. Mathematical Modeling. Application, and Verification AD-A021 694/5CP AEDC-TR-76-27 Evaluation of a Method for Computation of Separated. Turbulent, Compressible Boundary Layers AD-A021 090/6CP AEDC-TR-76-84 A Direct Comparison of Analytical and Experi- mental Surface and Flow-Field Data on a 4-Deg Cone at Incidence in a Hypersonic Stream with Laminar Boundary Layers AD-A029 367/OCP AEDC-TR-76-129 An Approximate Analysis of the Shock Structure in Underexpanded Plumes AD-A030 705/8CP AEDC-TR-77-100 Unsteady Transonic Flow Over Blunt and Pointed Bodies of Revolution AD-A050 709/5CP AEDC-TR-77-106 An Analysis of Transonic Viscous/lnviscid Interac- tions on Axisymmetric Bodies with Solid Stings or Real Plumes AD-A050 401/9CP ASSOCIATION EURATOM-CEA, CENTRE D'ETUDES NUCLEAIRES DE FONTENAY-AUX-ROSES, 92 (FRANCE). GROUPE DE RECHERCHES SUR LA FUSION CONTROLEE. Program Neutre'. Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation under Its Integral Form: Description of the Evolution of Neutrals in a Cylindrical Plasma EUR-CEA-FC-833 ASSOCIATION EURATOM-CEA, CENTRE D'ETUDES NUCLEAIRES DE FONTENAY-AUX-ROSES (FRANCE). GROUPE DE RECHERCHES SUR LA FUSION CONTROLEE. Weakly Turbulent Kinetic Theory of the Elec- tromagnetic Ion-Cyclotron Instability. Initial Noise and Quiet Start (OS.) in Electromagnetic Particle Simulation Codes EUR-CEA-FC-874 ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP ALEXANDRIA VA ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIV IPP-1 User Manual. Volume I. Part I (RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-1-Pt-1) AD-739 526/CP IPP-1 User Manual Volume I. Part II (RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-1-Pt-2) AD-739 527/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part I (RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-2-Pt-1) AD-739 528/CP IPP-1 Users Manual. Volume II. Part II (RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-2-Pt-2) AD-739 529/CP IPP-1 User Manual. Volume II. Part III (RADC-TR-71-300-Vol-2-Pt-3) AD-739 530/CP 81 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ATOMIC ENERGY ESTABLISHMENT, CAIRO (EGYPT). NUCLEAR PHYSICS DEPT. Nuclear Statistical Fluctuation Program (Ncfl) AREAEE-148 ATOMIC ENERGY ESTABLISHMENT, WINFRITH (ENGLAND). An Investigation of a Monte Carlo Treatment ot Thermal Neutron Scattering AEEW-M-730 Comparison of Leap. Tor and Slab, Programmes for Computing the Scattering Law S(Alpha.beta) from a Phonon Frequency Function AEEW-M-1136 Leap and Addelt, a Users Guide to Two Comple- mentary Codes on the lcl-470 for Calculating the Scattering Law from a Phonon Frequency Func- tion AEEW-M-1200 Two Dimensional Transport Code Twotran A Users Guide to the Winfrith Fortran IV Version for Use on the IBM 360 Computer AEEW-R-778 Gog B An Improved Two Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Code AEEW-R-804 ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LTD., CHALK RIVER (ONTARIO). Evalin- a Cdc 6600 Fortran IV Code to Perform an Extended Variational Approximation for Light and Intermediate Nuclei AECL-3801 ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LTD., CHALK RIVER, ONTARIO. CHALK RIVER NUCLEAR LABS. PR-P-109 Progress Report, Physics Division, January 1 to March 31, 1976 AECL-5508 Fitting of an Ordered Set of Mode Frequencies AECL-3669 ELMOS- A CDC-6600 FORTRAN-IV CODE TO MANIPULATE SINGLE PARTICLE WAVEFUNC- TIONS AND SOLVE THE ELLIPSOIDAL MODIFIED OSCILLATOR PROBLEM AECL-3730 A Package of Computer Programs for the Analy- sis of Temperature Distribution in Three Dimen- sional Systems AECL-3783 Chebinq A Fortran Program to Calculate Chebyshev Inequalities and Gaussian Integration Parameters. AECL-4832 ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LTD., CHALK RIVER (ONTARIO). PHYSICS DIV. AECL-4257 Nuclear, Solid State, and Theoretical Physics Research N73-11726/CP PR-P-94 Nuclear, Solid State, and Theoretical Physics Research N73-11726/CP ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA, LTD., PINAWA (MANITOBA). WHITESHELL NUCLEAR RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. AECL-3423 Calculations of Flux Spectra and Energy Deposi- tion for Fast Neutrons. N70-26461/CP Atomistic Model to Calculate the Core Structure and Energy of Dislocations in Ionic Crystals. Part 1 Rigid Boundary Model AECL-5237 ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL (ENGLAND). Nerma- a Programme for Evaluating Neutron In- duced Energy Release in Materials AERE-M-2474 Fortran Program to Calculate Energy Loss of Charged Particles AERE-R-7072 Monte Carlo Computer Program for Neutron Elastic Scattering Simulation AERE-R-7302 ATOMIC WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, ALDERMASTON (ENGLAND). GRO-44/91/26 Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry Part 1 Theoretical Description TRG-2459 GRO/44/91/26-PT-1 Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry Part 1: Theoretical Description N73-27174/4CP TRG-2459-PT-1 Topal: A Computer Code for Investigating Metal- Liquid Thermal Interactions in Shock-Tube Geometry. Part 1: Theoretical Description N73-27174/4CP Multigroup Neutron Diffusion Theory Perturba- tion. Program Jinx AWRE-O-40/71 ATOMICS INTERNATIONAL, CANOGA PARK, CALIF. The Evaluation of Several Endf/B Nuclide Cross- Sections by a Monte Carlo Technique. AI-AEC-MEMO-12915 Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System Volume I. Operators Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL 1) Score- an Interactive Cross Section Evaluation System. Volume II. System Guide AI-AEC-12994(VOL2) Score-lll-A- an Interactive Display System for Evaluation of Multilevel Resonance Parameters in the Adler Format AI-AEC-13018 U3R- a Code to Calculate Unresolved Resonance Cross Section Probability Tables AI-AEC-13024 AUERBACH CORP., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1390-TR-1 Data Structuring Study for Interference Prediction Analysis (RADC-TR-67-47) AD-814 991/CP AUSTRALIAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, LUCAS HEIGHTS. Modified Version of the Busing-Martin-Levy Least Squares Program for the Direct Fitting of Struc- tures to Powder Diffraction Patterns by the Method of Profile Analysis AAEC/E-257 Boptic- a Beam Transport Program in Fortran IV AAEC/TM-544 Programs for the Management and Processing of Neutron Diffraction Data AAEC/TM-578 The A. A. EC. Fission Product Cross Section Libra- ries Fisprod Pointxsl and Fisprod Groupxsl AAEC/TM-587 Meatpi and Sorce- Two Programs to Calculate Scattering Potentials from Phase Shifts AAEC/TM-604 Impure- a Fortran Program for the Analysis of the gamma Spectrum of /Sup 99M/TC Eluted from Fission Produced /Sup 99/Mo AAEC/TM-605 Comparison Between the Computer Codes Owen and Toscle in a Calculation of Two-Phase Flow Stability AAEC/TM-621 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIV., CANBERRA. DEPT. OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS. Computer Subprograms for Scattering Problems ANU-P-439 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIV., CANBERRA. RESEARCH SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES. Gamma Ray Analysis Programs ANU-P-438 Optical Model Code JIB3 (Version Perey 3) ANU-P-451 Fidel- an Optical Model Search Code with Spin- Orbit Terms for Spin-/Sup 1///Sub 2/ and Spin-1 Particles ANU-P-500 Sandra- the Dwba Codes Julie and Dwuck Adapted for Use on the IBM 360/50 Computer ANU-P-507 Hauser- a Computer Code for the Calculation of Compound Nucleus Cross Sections Using the Hauser-Feshbach Theory ANU-P-512 AVCO CORP., WILMINGTON, MASS. AVSD-0288-74-RR The Nata Code Theory and Analysis, Volume 1 N75-26307/9CP NASA-CR-2547 The Nata Code: Theory and Analysis, Volume 1 N75-26307/9CP AVCO SYSTEMS DIV., WILMINGTON, MASS. AVSD-0068-75-CR-V-2 The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis Volume 2: User's Manual. N76-21453/5CP AVSD-0138-75-RR-V-3 The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 3: Programmer's Manual N76-21458/4CP AVSD-0461-72-CR Electric Probe Data Analysis for Trailblazer II - Third Flight (AFCRL-72-0732) AD-758 763/CP NASA-CR-141743 The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis. Volume 2: User'S Manual. N76-21453/5CP NASA-CR-141744 The Nata Code; Theory and Analysis Volume 3: Programmer S Manual N76-21458/4CP Scientific-2 Electric Probe Data Analysis for Trailblazer II - Third Flight (AFCRL-72-0732) AD-758 763/CP AVIR ASSOCIATES INC BALTIMORE MD Sabot Aerodynamics During Discard (BRL-CR-181) AD-A000 899/5CP BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABS ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD BRL-MR-2164 Computer Codes Available for Analysis of Direct Nuclear Reactions AD-739 921 /CP BRL-Mr-2307 The Tandem Van de Graaff On-Line Data Acquisi- tion System AD-766 705/8CP BRL-MR-2372 A Programmed Aid for Analysis of Three-Element Optical Systems AD-781 495/7CP BRL-MR-2386 Light Refraction by Mean Temperature Gradients in the Near-Earth Atmosphere AD-783 484/9CP BRL-MR-2409 A User's Manual to Compute Shock Reflections in Elastic Solids AD-A001 535/4CP BRL-MR-2453 Computing Methods Used in Support of Modeling Electron Concentrations in High-Altitude Chemi- cal Releases AD-A009 069/6CP BRL-MR-2659 A Users Manual for Computer Code NOZZLE AD-A028 971 /0CP BRL-MR-2738 Displacement Damage in Silicon Irradiated with 6- to 10-MeV Neutrons AD-A039 774/5CP BRL-1631 Coalescence of Cavities During Dynamic Fracture AD-761 082/CP BRL-1633 Correlated Sampling Monte Carlo Neutron Trans- port Using SAMCEP: Three Studies AD-758 449/CP BRL-1675 Evaluation of Operational Characteristics of Selected Unfolding Codes AD-770 370/5CP BRL-1743 An Analysis of Mathematical Transformations and a Comparison of Numerical Techniques for Com- putation of High-Energy CW Laser Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Medium AD-783 478/1CP BRL-1773 Doppler Shift Lifetime and Gamma-Ray Angular Measurements in 93NB AD-A009 698/2CP BRL-1816 A Solution for Laminar Flow Past a Rotating Cylinder in Crossflow AD-A016 113/3CP BRL-1966 Continuous Surface-Density Monte Carlo Solution to the Dirichlet Heat-Transfer Problem AD-A037 899/2CP 82 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, N.Y. BRL-2012 A Physical Model for Computing Fluid Flow Solu- tions AD-A050 306/OCP BRL-2017 A Finite Element Method and Corresponding Pilot Computer Code for Hyperbolic Systems of Equa- tions in Two Spatial Dimensions and Time Ap- plied to Unsteady Gas Flows AD-A045 703/6CP BATTELLE COLUMBUS LABS OHIO Exploratory Development of Laser-Hardened Materials and Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters and Material Response to High-Power Laser Radiation Volume II Appendices A-E (AFML-TR-75-183-VOI-2) AD-A026 915/9CP BATTELLE MEMORIAL INST COLUMBUS OHIO COLUMBUS LABS TR-12 On the Motion of the a/2 < 111 > Screw Disloca- tion in Alpha Iron AD-731 401 /CP BATTELLE-NORTHWEST, RICHLAND, WASH. PACIFIC NORTHWEST LAB. HRG3- a Code for Calculating the Slowing-down Spectrum in the p/sub 1/ or B/sub 1/ Approxima- tion. BNWL-1432 BATTELLE PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABS., RICHLAND, WASH. Granit- a Code for Calculating Position Depen- dent Thermal Neutron Spectra in Doubly Heterogeneous Systems by the Integral Transport Method BNWL-1634 Tisk- a Program for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernels, and Its Application to H/Sub 2/0 BNWL-1675 Development of ENDF/B-IV Multigroup Neutron Cross-Section Libraries for the Leopard and Laser Codes (E PR 1-221) PB-244 391 /9CP Cross-Section Standardization for Thermal Power Reactors (EPRI-221-FR) PB-244 665/6CP SIGLEARN A Program for Simultaneous Least- Squares Fitting of Thermal Neutron Cross Sec- tions and Related Ratios (EPRI/NP-168) PB-254 391/6CP BDM CORP ALBUQUERQUE N MEX General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems Volume I User's Manual (RADC-TR-77- 1 37-VOI-1 ) AD-A040 026/7CP BELL AEROSPACE CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. D91 92-950002 Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Theoretical Manual and User'S Guide N75-32385/7CP D91 92-954001 Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Programmer's Manual. N75-32384/0CP D91 98-950001 A Finite Element Solution Algorithm for the Navi- er-Stokes Equations. N74-29035/4CP NASA-CR-2391 A Finite Element Solution Algorithm for the Navi- er-Stokes Equations. N74-29035/4CP NASA-CR-2661 Modeling of Three-Dimensional Mixing and Reacting Ducted Flows N76-21452/7CP NASA-CR-130148 Comoc Thermal Analysis Variant Users Manual N73-16927/CP NASA-CR-1 32449 Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Programmer's Manual. N75-32384/0CP NASA-CR-1 32450 Comoc: Three Dimensional Boundary Region Variant, Theoretical Manual and User'S Guide. N75-32385/7CP REPT-9500-920256 Comoc Thermal Analysis Variant. Users Manual N73-16927/CP BELL AEROSPACE TEXTRON BUFFALO N Y Exploratory Development of Rain Erosion Re- sistant Infrared Window Materials (AFML-TR-77-84) AD-A046 702/7CP BENDIX CORP NORTH HOLLYWOOD CALIF ELECTRODYNAMICS DIV Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters (NUC-TP-164-Vol-3) AD-A020 722/5CP BETTIS ATOMIC POWER LAB., PITTSBURGH, PA. Epoch: A Program to Calculate Neutron Ages Using the Endf/B Library. WAPD-TM-822(Add.1) Gramp- a Program to Generate Reich and Moore Parameters for Multilevel Unresolved Resonances. WAPD-TM-935 BETTIS ATOMIC POWER LAB., WEST MIFFLIN, PA. Hydraulic Pressure Pulses with Structural Flexi- bility: Test and Analysis (LWBR Development Pro- gram) WAPD-TM-1227 BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE, BOMBAY (INDIA). Sigfmula- a Crystallographic Program for Symbol- ic Addition in Centrosymmetric Crystals BARC-576 Program Knmatics: Two Body Nuclear Relativistic Kinematics BARC-658 Nuclear Cross-Section Calculations Using R- Matrix BARC-663 BOCHUM UNIV. (WEST GERMANY). ABTEILUNG FUER PHYSIK UND ASTRONOMIE. BMBW-FB-W-71-23 Tables of Mie-Scattering Functions. Part 1 Mix- tures of Dielectric Particles N72-15382/CP DK-535.36 Tables of Mie-Scattering Functions. Part 1 Mix- tures of Dielectric Particles N72-15382/CP BOEING CO., RENTON, WASH. NASA-CR-1 12015 Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loadings Caused by Trailing Edge Control Surface Motions in Subsonic Compressible Flow Computer Pro- gram Description N72-29229/CP BOEING CO RENTON WASH COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE DIV D6-25253 Quantitative Phase Analysis and Precise Lattice Parameter Measurements by X-Ray Diflraction. AD-713 910/CP BOEING CO., SEATTLE, WASH. NASA-CR-144294 Space Processing Float Zone Thermal Analysis. N76-25059/6CP BOEING CO SEATTLE WASH AEROSPACE GROUP D180-14436-1 A New Technique to Determine Amorphous Struc- ture Using X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (AROD-9209 4-P) AD-740 216/CP BOEING CO., SEATTLE, WASH. COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP. D6-25124-PT-2 Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations, Part 2 N72-17208/CP NASA-CR-1927 Flow Field Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Using a Numerical Solution to the Three-Dimen- sional Unified Supersonic/Hypersonic Small- Disturbance Equations, Part 2 N72-17208/CP BOEING CO., WICHITA, KANS. D3-8611-1 Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP D3-8611-2 Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP D3-8611-3 Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program N75-28851/4CP D3-8677 Acoustic Attenuation Analysis Program for Ducts with Mean Flow. N75-11211/0CP NASA-CR-120849 Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP NASA-CR-120850 Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP NASA-CR-120851 Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP NASA-CR-120985 Acoustic Attenuation Analysis Program for Ducts with Mean Flow. N75-11211/0CP BOEING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH LABS SEATTLE WASH D 1-82- 1033 Computer Simulated Electron Diffraction Contrast AD-722 244/CP BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC ARLINGTON VA BBN-TM-W307 Computer Programs for the AUSEX (Aircraft Un- dersea Sound Experiment) Air-Water Acoustic Propagation Model AD-A024 253/7CP BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC CAMBRIDGE MASS BBN-1970 The Unsteady Hydrodynamics and Control of Hydrofoils Near a Free Surface. AD-717 681 /CP Study of Impulsive Sound Generated by Rotor Tips Accelerating Near the Sonic Speed (AROD-8705:2-E) AD-752 301/CP BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC CANOGA PARK CALIF BBN-3409 Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations. NOISEMAP Computer Program Operation Manual Addendum for Version 3.3 of NOISEMAP (AMRL-TR-73-108-App-Add-1) AD-A042 143/8CP BOSTON COLL CHESTNUT HILL MASS DEPT OF PHYSICS Electron Collisions and Cross Sections in Hydrogen (AFCRL-TR-73-0192) AD-763 087/CP BOSTON UNIV MASS OEPT OF PHYSICS Single Crystal Mossbauer Scattering. (AFCRL-70-0547) AD-714 573/CP BRITISH BROADCASTING CORP., KINGSWOOD (ENGLAND). RESEARCH DEPT. BBC-1970/26 An Investigation into the Prediction of Field Strength - the Guildford Experiment. N70-40522/CP BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, N.Y. BNL-T-549 Mogus: A Code for Evaluating the Mott Scattering Cross Section and the Goudsmit-Saunderson An- gular Multiple-Scattering Distribution for Use in Electron Transport Calculations. BNL-50199 CONF-730310-20 Computer Programs for Ags Injection BNL-17706 CONF-750806-1 Crysnet: A Network for Crystallographic Comput- ing. BNL-20102 CONF-770523-7 Julian: A Monte-Carlo Hauser— Feshbach Program for Evaporation from Compound Nuclei BNL-22746 CONF-770708-11 Hydrodynamic Model of Two-Phase Pipe Flow BNL-NUREG-23105 83 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ENDF-148 Endf/B Processing Codes for the Resonance Re- gion BNL-50296 SSC: An Advanced Thermohydraulic Transient Code for LMFBR. Quarterly Progress Report, Oc- tober 1— December 31, 1975 BNL-NUREG-50502 Program Scope BNL-16700 Program Inter BNL-17408 OSCIL One-Dimensional Spring-Mass System Simulator for Seismic Analysis of High Tempera- ture Gas Cooled Reactor Core BNL-21023 CRYSNET Manual. Informal Report BNL-21714 GROGI2- A NUCLEAR EVAPORATION COM- PUTER CODE- DESCRIPTION AND USERS MANUAL BNL-50246 Development of a Computer Code for Thermal Hydraulics of Reactors (THOR) BNL-50458 BROWN ENGINEERING CO., INC., HUNTSVILLE, ALA. NASA-CR-102877 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 2. Users' Manual. Revised N-70-42027 NASA-CR-102878 Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 1. Theory and Techniques. Revised N-70-42026 SE-290(Vol.1)(Rev.) Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort Volume 1. Theory and Techniques. Revised N-70-42026 SE-290(Vol2.)(Rev.) Caveat: Revised Version of the General Purpose Monte Carlo Program, Cohort. Volume 2. Users' Manual. Revised N-70-42027 BROWN UNIV PROVIDENCE R I DIV OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS TR-18 Experimental Demonstration of a Viscoelastic Crossover' Phenomenon. The Reflection of Stress Pulses at the Boundary between Nearly-Elastic and Lossy Viscoelastic Media Whose Impedances Are Matched (AROD-560615-E) AD-729 823/CP BUREAU OF MINES, PITTSBURGH, PA. PITTSBURGH MINING AND SAFETY RESEARCH CENTER. BuMines-RI-8256 Coupled Gasdynamics and Kinetics During Con- densation by a Rarefaction Wave PB-277 274/7CP BUREAU OF RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH, ROCKVILLE, MD. DIV. OF ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS. BRH/DEP-72-4 Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada. Area (FDA72-8012) PB-203 999/CP CALIFORNIA INST OF TECH PASADENA DIV OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE E79A.15 Numerical Computations of Supercavitating Hydrofoils on Parabolic Shape with Wu and Wang's Exact Method AD-763 465/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY ELECTRONICS RESEARCH LAB ERL-70-3 Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Turbu- lent Water Surface. AD-709 453/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING LAB HEL-25-1 The Interaction of Waves and Turbulence in Water AD-754 645/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB. CONF-741001-61 Scmag Series of Programs for Calculating Super- conducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets. LBL-3222 CONF-771 109-32 Theoretical Study of Two-Phase Decomposition and Coarsening LBL-6613 Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 Mafco III- a Code for Calculating Particle Trajec- tories in Magnetic and Electric Fields LBL-765 Efficiency of Detecting a /Sup 8/Be with a Deltae- E Counter Telescope LBL-1214 Lattice: An Interactive Lattice Computer Code LBL-4843 Computer Simulation of Homogeneous Nuclea- tion and Growth Processes LBL-5125 Lamp Code Users Guide. UCID-16525 TARTNP User's Manual UCID-17026 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. LAWRENCE RADIATION LAB. Magnetic Field Calculations for the 184-Inch Synchrocyclotron. UCRL-18882 Trajectory: An Orbit and Ion Optic Matrix Pro- gram for the 184-Inch Cyclotron. UCRL-19407 Sampo: A Fortran IV Program for Computer Anal- ysis of gamma Spectra from Ge(Li) Detectors, and for Other Spectra with Peaks. UCRL-19452 Study of a Multielement Regenerative Extraction System for the Berkeley 184-Inch Cyclotron. UCRL-19804 A Computer Program for the Smoothing and Dif- ferentiation of Data from Multichannel Analyzers. UCRL-19903 PHYSICS REPORT, NOVEMBER 1969-JUNE 1970 UCRL-20120 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LAB. UCSESM-71-6 Non-Linear Heat Transfer Analysis of Axisymmet- ric Solids PB-199 169/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY (USA). LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB. Computer Program to Calculate Low Energy Elec- tron Diffraction Intensities LBL-1418 CALIFORNIA UNIV., DAVIS. DEPT. OF APPLIED SCIENCE. Trapped Particles and Harmonic Generation UCRL-13727 CALIFORNIA UNIV., DAVIS. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-1 14366 A Computer Program for the Calculation of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows N72-28285/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE. LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. CONF-721 132-3 Computer Calculations of X-Ray Production by Laser-Produced Plasmas UCRL-74109 CONF-721132-9 Self-Generated Magnetic Fields and Nonthermal Electrons in Laser-Produced Plasmas: Simulation Techniques and Calculational Results UCRL-74110 CONF-740823-6 Self-Calibration and Analysis of Image Formation in the sub-Nanosecond Domain UCRL-75916 CONF-741001-28 Computer Programs for Simulating Physical Phenomena in Three Space Dimensions and Time UCRL-76084 CONF-741048-1 Calculation of Rotational Nonequilibrium in a Pulsed HF Laser. UCRL-75814 CONF-760610-2 Moment-Method Techniques in Electromagnetics from an Application's Viewpoint UCRL-77974 CONF-760703-1 Simulation of Optical Systems UCRL-77512(Rev.1) CONF-760703-2 MHSS: A Material Handling System Simulator UCRL-78049 CONF-760819-1 Internal Variable Theory of Plasticity Based Upon Dislocation Mechanics UCRL-77328 UCID-30084 WAMP: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program AD-773 769/5CP Steps Toward Importance Sampling for Mcmeg UCID-16313 Laser Intensity Measurement. UCID-16550 Example of Code Optimization. UCID-16697 Current Status of LLL Four-D Atmospheric Propagation Code Effort UCID-16827-2 Liraq-2 Boundary Conditions. UCID-16871 W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Bbc Hydrodynamics. UCID-17013 880 Nanosecond Particle in Cell Mover for the CDC 7600 UCID-17050 Abmac-Arbitrary Boundary Marker and Cell Eu- lerian Hydrodynamic Incompressible Numerical Method UCID-17175 Physics Options in the Plasma Code VOA UCID-17179 FOKN: A Relativistic Fokker-Planck Code with Large Angle Scattering and Radiation Losses UCID-17196 Four-D Propagation Code for High-Energy Laser Beams: A User's Manual UCID-17217 Status of Navy "Dirty Air" Breakdown Research UCID-17350 Calculation of the Small Scale Self-Focusing Rip- ple Gain Spectrum for the Cyclops Laser System: A Status Report UCID-17356 Fundamentals of the Kraken Code UCID-17366 Artemis: A Diffraction Model for Laser Light Propagation UCID-17381 Observations on the Operation of the SEMPEX Code UCID-17440 Keg. an Eulerian Configuration Generator for Bbc and Voa UCID-17461 LASNEX: Ponderomotive Force Algorithm UCID-17517 Tandem Mirror Rate Code and Cyclic Purging of Alphas in Tandem Reactors UCID-17544 EDOT: A Code to Calculate Charge Particle Slow- ing down in a Plasma UCID-17550 Nscat: A Code to Obtain Charged Particle Nuclear (Plus Interference) Differential Scattering Cross Sections from Experimental Data UCID-17608 User s Manual for the Buckle X-Ray Deposition Program UCID-30023(REV1) H-Division Quarterly Report, October—December 1975. UCRL-50028-75-4 H-Division Quarterly Report. January--March 1976 UCRL-50028-76-1 84 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX CINCINNATI UNIV., OHIO. H-Division Quarterly Report, April— June 1976 UCRL-50028-76-2 H-Division Quarterly Report, July— September 1976 UCRL-50028-76-3 Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Constants. Program Linear (Version 77-1): Linearize Data in the Evalu- ated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Formal UCRL-50400(V 1 7)(Pt.A) Integrated System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Constants. Program SIGMA1 (Version 77-1): Doppler Broaden Evalu- ated Cross Sections in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File/Version B (Endf/B) Format UCRL-50400(V1 7)(Pt.B) Static Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids with Material and Geometric Nonlinearities by the Finite Element Method UCRL-51390 Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. UCRL-51574 Method for Computer Simulation of Problems in Solid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics in Three Dimensions and Time. UCRL-51574(Rev.1) S3f-Syr/LLL1 : The Syracuse Computer Code for Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion, Extended for Near-Field Computations. UCRL-51622 Computer Model for Wave Propagation in Porous Materials. UCRL-51673 MAFJ: Some Simple Additions to MAFCO UCRL-51806 Time-Dependent Propagation of High Energy Laser BEAMS Through the Atmosphere. UCRL-51826 Litepath: A Computer Code to Simulate an Opti- cal System. UCRL-51847 Pinhole for Producing a Close-in Image of an Ex- tended 14-Mev Neutron Source. UCRL-51860 Numerical Investigation of the Pulsed NF3 + H2 Chemical Laser Using a Model Which Includes Rotational Relaxation and Semi-Classical Laser Equations. UCRL-51931 Design Optimization of Beta- and Photovoltaic Conversion Devices UCRL-51993 Abcxyz: Vector Potential (A) and Magnetic Field (B) Code (C) for Cartesian (Xyz) Geometry Using General Current Elements UCRL-52029 Numerical Methods in Hydrodynamic Calculations UCRL-52112 Computerization of Spectroscopic Constants for Selected Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules UCRL-52149 Tibro-X: A Code to Compute Trajectories of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields UCRL-52189 Calculation of Transport Coefficients in an Ax- isymmetric Plasma UCRL-52218 XSNQ-U: A Non-LTE Emission and Absorption Coefficient Subroutine UCRL-52276 Evaluation of Two Computer Programs for Model- ing Electromagnetic Interactions with Surfaces UCRL-52321 Listing of Clem 7c. UCRL-76135(Add.1) CALIFORNIA UNIV., UVERMORE. LAWRENCE RADIATION LAB. CONF-700906-2 Flag- Free-Lag range Method for Numerically Simulating Hydrodynamic Flows in Two Dimen- sions. UCRL-72700 CONF-700910-1 Computer Simulation of Fracture. UCRL-72640 Description of the Pufl Fortran Program. UCRL-50802 Fed: A Computer Program to Generate Geometric Input for the Heat-Transfer Code Trump. UCRL-50816 The Ogre Code: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model of the Transient Flow of One or Two Com- pressible Fluids Through Confined Porous Media UCRL-50820 Tibro-General. UCRL-50910 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE (USA). LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. Users Manual for Code Epsol. Static Analysis of Elastic— Plastic Solids. UCID-16171 Shemp: A Service Program for the Hemp Pro- gram. UCID-30089 Hemp User's Manual. UCRL-51079(Rev.1) CALIFORNIA UNIV., LOS ANGELES. DEPT. OF MATERIALS. UCLA-ENG-7292 Elastic Interaction of Tetragonal Precipitates in Cubic Crystals. Second Topical Progress Report, January 1 -December 31, 1972 UCLA-34-P-201-4 CALIFORNIA UNIV LOS ANGELES DEPT OF PHYSICS TR-38 A Study of the Trapping of Supertluid Persistent Currents in Superleaks AD-A020 927/OCP CALIFORNIA UNIV., SANTA BARBARA. SOLID- STATE LAB. NASA-CR-1 19800 RELIABILITY STUDIES IN SEMICONDUCTOR FABRICATION N71-34906/CP CAMBRIDGE HYDRODYNAMICS, INC., LEXINGTON, MASS. NASA-CR-2911 Prediction of Compliant Wall Drag Reduction, Part 1. N78-11340/4CP CAMBRIDGE UNIV. (ENGLAND). CHEMICAL LAB. OSTI-5064 Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report, Jan. 1969 - Jan. 1970. N70-36988/CP REPT-1-70 Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report, Jan. 1969 - Jan. 1970. N70-36988/CP CAMBRIDGE UNIV. (ENGLAND). DEPT. OF ENGINEERING. ARC-R/M-3685 Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow N72-31305/CP ARC-32017 Vibration and Sound Generation in a Cascade of Flat Plates in Subsonic Flow N72-31305/CP CUED/A-TURBO/TR-19 The off Design Analysis of Flow in Axial Compres- sors N71-22294/CP CATHOLIC UNIV OF AMERICA WASHINGTON D C DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP CATHOLIC UNIV. OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. DEPT. OF SPACE SCIENCE AND APPLIED PHYSICS. NASA-CR-1 16175 Mathematical Modeling of Cryogenic Heat Pipes N71-16887/CP CATHOLIC UNIV OF AMERICA WASHINGTON D C INST OF OCEAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 71-8 Acoustic Radiation from Multiple Surfaces AD-726 209/CP CEA, 75 - PARIS (FRANCE). Reliability and Availability of a System with Active R/M Repairable Redundancies. General Solution: FIDIAS Program FRRSR-9 CEA CENTRE D'ETUDES NUCLEAIRES DE SACLAY, 91 - GIF-SUR-YVETTE (FRANCE). DEPT. DES ETUDES MECANIQUES ET THERMIQUES. DELFINE Program CEA-N-1956 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY GENERATING BOARD, BERKELEY (ENGLAND). BERKELEY NUCLEAR LABS. A Theoretical Study of the Structure of Atomic Collision Cascades. Part I. Method of Analysis RD/B/N-1915 Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfolding Spectra. Part I. Theory, Discussion, and Results RD/B/N-1962 Mimusa- a Fortran IV Subroutine for Unfolding Spectra. Part 2. Program Details and User Instruc- tions RD/B/N-1963 CENTRE D'ETUDE DE L'ENERGIE NUCLEAIRE, MOL (BELGIUM). Medop- Fortran-IV Program for Calculating Matrix Elements of One-Body Operators Between Pro- jected Hartree-Fock Functions BLG-453 CENTRE DE RECHERCHES EN PHYSIQUE DES PLASMAS, LAUSANNE (SWITZERLAND). LRP-46/71 GENERALIZED ONE DIMENSIONAL MAG- NETOHYDRODYNAMIC COMPUTER CODE FOR PARTIALLY IONIZED HYDROGEN OR HELIUM PLASMAS N71-34895/CP Generalized One Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code for Partially Ionized Hydrogen or Helium Plasmas LRP-46/71 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, MARSEILLES (FRANCE). CENTRE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE. CONF-720423-5 Reduce Approach to the Calculation of Feynman Diagrams CNRS-CPT-72-P-453 COMPUTATION OF RENORMALIZED RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS- APPLICATION TO THE SCALAR THEORY LAMBDAPHI/SUP 3/ CNRS-CPT-70-P-318 COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF FEYNMAN DIA- GRAMS. APPLICATION TO THE CALCULATION OF THE ANOMALOUS MAGNETIC MOMENT OF THE ELECTRON AND OF THE MUON CNRS-CPT-70-P-336 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, MARSEILLES (FRANCE). LAB. D'ASTRONOMIE SPATIALE. LAS-75-OPT-25 Theory and Computing Methods for Stacked Thin Films Theorie et Methodes de Calculs d'Empilements de Couches Minces. N77-29367/8CP CENTRO INFORMAZIONI STUDI ESPERIENZE, MILAN (ITALY). Pde- Digital Program for the Calculation of the Thermal-Hydrodynamic Condition in a Circuit of a Two Phase Mixture Water and Steam CISE-R-245 Programs for the Automatic Working out of Nuclear Measurements CISE-R-249 Ras- a Synthesis Program for the Calculation of 2-Group Neutron Flux in R-theta CISE-R-252 CHALMERS UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY, GOTEBORG (SWEDEN). INSTITUTIONEN FOR FYSIK. Total beta -Decay Energies and Atomic Masses in Regions Far from beta -Stability. Cn Line Isotope Separator Investigations in the Mass Regions a = 75-87, 120-135 and 222-229 INIS-mf-3836 CINCINNATI UNIV., OHIO. L-8547 Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP NASA-CR-1 24277 Experimental Investigation of Liquid Propellant Dynamics in a Double Cylindrical Tank N73-25287/CP NASA-TM-X-2725 Computer Programs for Predicting Supersonic and Hypersonic Interference Flow Fields and Heating N73-25285/CP 85 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX CINCINNATI UNIV OHIO DEPT OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 73-35 A Quasi-Analytical Method lor the Calculation of Particle Trajectories (AROD-102233-E) AD-757 724/CP 76-47 Computer Program for Calculations of Particle Trajectories through a Rotating Cascade (ARO-T-4 -76-E) AD-A027 879/6CP 76-49 Study of Non-lsoenergetic Turbulent Jet Mixing in a Constant Area Duct AD-A033 498/7CP Viscous Shock Layer Solutions for Hypersonic Sphere-Cones (AEDC-TR-77-20) AD-A035 335/9CP CLARKSON COLL OF TECHNOLOGY POTSDAM N Y CTRUMP Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices (RADC-TR-75-74) AD-A010 002/4CP COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING LAB HANOVER N H CRREL-RR-243 Internal Friction of Single-Crystal Ice AD-759 930/CP COLORADO STATE UNIV FORT COLLINS DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Scientific-12 Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Argon Arc Plasma (AFCRL-TR-74-0638) AD-A013 936/OCP Non-Equilibrium in a Free-Burning Agron Arc Plasma (NSF-GK-32473-002) PB-237 560/8CP COLORADO STATE UNIV FORT COLLINS DEPT OF PHYSICS Studies, Research and Investigations of the Opti- cal Properties of Thin Films of Metals. Semi-Con- ductors and Dielectrics AD-726 137/CP COLORADO STATE UNIV FORT COLLINS FLUID DYNAMICS AND DIFFUSION LAB CER72-73BTY-RNM-17 On Diffusion from an Instantaneous Point Source in a Neutrally Stratified Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Laser Light Scattering Probe AD-757 992/CP THEMIS-CER-TR-20 On Diffusion from an Instantaneous Point Source in a Neutrally Stratified Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Laser Light Scattering Probe AD-757 992/CP COLORADO UNIV BOULDER A Model for the Prediction of Semiconductor Heterojunction Discontinuities Using Bulk Band Structures (ARO-12061 4-EL) AD-A032 078/8CP COLORADO UNIV BOULDER DEPT OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING SCIENCES Diffusion Wave Technique Applied to a Mag- netized Helium Positive Column Plasma (AFOSR-TR-73-1141) AD-763 808/CP COLORADO UNIV BOULDER DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Generalized Analytical Computer Program for Turbomachine-Driven Cryogenic Systems in Heli- um AD-715 724/CP Synthesis of High Speed Homopolar Alternators and Theory of Solid Rotor Electrical Machines AD-743 591 /CP COLORADO UNIV., BOULDER. DEPT. OF PHYSICS. Instructions for the Use of Dwuck: A Distorted Wave Born Approximation Program COO-535-606 Algebra Used by Dwuck with Applications to the Normalization of Typical Reactions COO-535-613 COLORADO UNIV BOULDER ELECTROMAGNETICS LAB Scientific-12 Microwave Model Study of Optical Dielectric Slab Waveguide (AFOSR-TR-75-0800) AD-A011 551 /9CP COMITATO NAZIONALE PER L ENERGIA NUCLEARE, BOLOGNA (ITALY). CENTRO Dl CALCOLO. RT/FI/69/29 Surf - a Fortran Program for the Coupled- Chan- nel Calculation of the Photoreaction Cross-Sec- tions in the One Particle - One Hole Continuum Approximation. N70-30085/CP RT/FI/69/30 Bostaw - a Fortran Program for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods- Saxon Well. N70-29873/CP Utoe- an Ukndl to Endf/B Translation Programme RT/FI-(72)27 COMITATO NAZIONALE PER L ENERGIA NUCLEARE, FRASCATI (ITALY). LAB. NAZIONALI. LNF-69/59 A Program for Calculating the Magnitude of Sin- gle Photoproduction of Pions from Nucleons. N70-31390/CP COMITATO NAZIONALE PER L'ENERGIA NUCLEARE, FRASCATI (ITALY). LABORATORI NAZIONALI Dl FRASCATI. Program for Calculation of Photoproduction of Single Pions from Nucleons Note No. 453 LNF-69/59 COMITATO NAZIONALE PER L'ENERGIA NUCLEARE, ROME (ITALY). Crapone: A Fortran IV Code for the Automatic Search for Local and Non Local Optical Potential Parameters for Neutrons CNEN-RT/FI-77-3 Erinni an Optical Model Fortran IV Code for the Calculation of Multiple Cascading Particle Emis- sions CNEN-RT/FI-77-4 Bostaw- a Fortran Programme for the Calculation of the Nucleon Bound States in a Woods-Saxon Well. RT/FI-(69)30 Fispro II- a Fortran IV Code for Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Calculations. RT/FI-(69)44 Sassi- a Fortran Programme for the Calculation of Neutron Scattering from a Spherical Optical Potential RT/FI-(71)6 Mimoc- a Fortran Programme for the Coupled- Channel Calculation of the Nucleon Scattering on Even-Even Nuclei with a Microscopic Description of Target States RT/FI-(71)11 Dirco- a Fortran Programme for Calculation of Dipole Radiative Capture Cross Section Accord- ing to Direct and Collective Models RT/FI-(71)29 Spec- a Computer Programme for Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra from Radiative Nucleon Cap- ture RT/FI-(71)30 Kiss- a Fortran Code for Ouadrupole Direct Radiative Capture Cross Section Calculation RT/FI-(71)31 Trud- an Anisotropic Diffusion Code for Xy Geometry RT/FI-(72)1 Mare- a Fortran IV Code for Compound Nucleus Reaction Calculations in the Continuum RT/FI-(72)7 Modified Version of the Rigel Code RT/FI-(72)43 "Piume" Code for the Multilevel Two-Channel Cross Section Calculations RT/FI-(72)50 Program for Calculation of the Diffusion-Trans- port Coupling Constant RT/FIMA-(72)6 COMMISSARIAT A LENERGIE ATOMIOUE, CADARACHE (FRANCE). CENTRE D ETUDES NUCLEAIRES. Gamma-Ray Spectra Computer Code Part I CEA-N-1381(1) COMMISSARIAT A LENERGIE ATOMIQUE, FONTENAY-AUX-ROSES (FRANCE). CENTRE DETUDES NUCLEAIRES. The Program Igor. Straight Line Attenuation. Ad- justment of the Attenuation Nuclei in Spherical Geometry. CEA-N-1312 Comparison of Deca II Mirror Machine Results with a Fokker-Plank Computer Code EUR-CEA-FC-611 ANISN SYSTEM. REPORT NO. 2. LGR/B PRO- GRAM- FOR UPDATING THE ANISN LIBRARY TAPES WITH PLOTTING OF CROSS SECTION CURVES ORNL-TR-2408 Anisn System- Description and Service Instruc- tions for the Anisn Discrete Ordinate Program and Subroutines ORNL-TR-2419 ELF Neutron Program ORNL-TR-2519 COMMISSARIAT A LENERGIE ATOMIQUE, GRENOBLE (FRANCE). CENTRE DETUDES NUCLEAIRES. CONF-711011-2 Computer Program for Solution of Diffusion Equations for Two Impurities CEA-CONF-1970 COMMISSARIAT A LENERGIE ATOMIOUE, LIMEIL- BREVANNES (FRANCE). CENTRE DETUDES. Programs for Computing the Coefficients of Clebsch-Gordan (And 3-Jm), of Racah (And 6-J) 9-J. Z' (Compound Nucleus), and Z' (Statistical Model) CEA-N-1467 Spurious Reflections in an Optical System CEA-R-4331 COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIOUE, SACLAY (FRANCE). CENTRE DETUDES NUCLEAIRES. CEA-R-3942 Energy Losses, Range and Bremsstrahlung Yield for 10 Ke V to 100 ME V Electrons in Some Sim- ple Elements and Chemical Compounds. N70-23859/CP DPE-SPE-69-504 Irradiation Damage from Pile Neutrons Detailed Calculations on the Atomic Processes Involved. Program Source. CEA-N-1294 Logical and Mathematical Scheme for the Digital Calculation of the Cross Sections of Inelastic Electron Scattering by the Phase Shift Method CEA-N-1259 Space Charge Effects in Proton Linear Accelera- tors CEA-N-1457 Sara- a Code for the Analysis of Spectra Recorded by GE-Li Spectrometers CEA-N-1506 Comparison of Spherical Optical Model Codes and Proposition of Standard Values for Testing a Code CEA-N-1532(E) Computer Program for Analysis of the Cross Sec- tions of Fissile Nuclei in the Resonance Region Using a Multilevel Formalism CEA-N-1564 Evaluation of Stopping Power and Range of Charged Particles of 10 Mev to 30 Gev in Matter CEA-R-4198 COMPASS SYSTEMS INC SAN DIEGO CALIF 156 A Ray Trace Program for the CDC 1604 Computer (EPRF-CP-Note-18) AD-A005 321 /5CP CONNECTICUT UNIV., STORRS. INST. OF WATER RESOURCES. The Effect of Aeration on Water Jet Spreading (OWR7-A-050-CO/vrv(5)) PB-267 717/7CP CONTROL DATA CORP., PALO ALTO, CALIF. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES. SES/PSD-74/017 Thermal and Stress Analysis of a Fuel Rod PB-243 219/3CP CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N.Y. SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide (RADC-TR-69-42) AD-850 272/CP 86 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX DRAPER (CHARLES STARK) LAB INC CAMBRIDGE MASS COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, PRETORIA (SOUTH AFRICA). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING GROUP. CSIR-SR-CHEM-149 Computation of Gas and Dust Flow Rates from Point Measurements in a Duct, Using Surface Fitting PB-201 836/CP CSIR-SR-CHEM-150 Plotting of Contour Maps for Representing Flow Distributions in a Duct PB-201 929/CP COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, PRETORIA (SOUTH AFRICA). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH GROUP. CSIR-CENG-192 Flow Rate and Property-Related Flux from Point Measurements in a Duct. User's Guide to the FORTRAN Program EMIT 2 PB-270 714/9CP ISBN-0-7988-1161-7 Flow Rate and Property-Related Flux from Point Measurements in a Duct. User's Guide to the FORTRAN Program EMIT 2 PB-270 714/9CP COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, PRETORIA (SOUTH AFRICA). GEOMECHANICS DIV. CSIR-ME-1407 Finite Element Analysis of Transversely Isotropic Bodies. N77-10553/4CP COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, PRETORIA (SOUTH AFRICA). STRENGTH MECHANICS DIV. CSIR-ME-1408 Signals Analysis Program 4 (Sapg 4): Computer Software Developed for the Extraction of Various Signal Parameters from Fatigue Inducing Loading Spectra. N77-10554/2CP CULLEN COLL OF ENGINEERING HOUSTON TEX THEMIS-RE-13-69 Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Compu- tation. AD-714 499/CP DANISH ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, RISOE. RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. Mosspec- a Programme for Resolving Moess- bauer Spectra RISO-M-1348 DANISH SPACE RESEARCH INST., LYNGBY. The Effect of Large Scale Irregularities on the Propagation of VLF Waves Through the Lower Ionosphere with Special Reference to Auroral Hiss. N70-22824/CP DARTMOUTH COLL HANOVER N H THAYER SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Short-Term Predictions on the Course of Polar Cap Absorption. (AFCRL-69-0S41 (II)) AD-706 412/CP DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER ANNAPOLIS MD MATERIALS DEPT MAT-76-81 A State-of-the-Art Data System for the Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Materials AD-A036 864/7CP DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESOA MD DTNSRDC-76-0145 Finite Element Solution of Fluid-Structure In- teraction Problems AD-A034 163/6CP DTNSRDC-2976G Vibroacoustic Response of Turbulence Excited Thin Rectangular Finite Plates in Heavy and Fluid Media AD-A016 540/7CP DTNSRDC-4641 Description and Evaluation of a Digital-Computer Program for Calculating the Viscous Drag of Bodies of Revolution AD-A023 995/4CP NSRDC-4370 The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program Part I. Theoretical Basis and Pro- gramming Technique AD-A013 194/6CP NSRDC-4371 The Pien Wavemaking Resistance Computation Program. Part 2. Users Manual AD-A013 218/3CP DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESOA MD AVIATION AND SURFACE EFFECTS DEPT Aero-1194 A Computer Program that Uses Interactive Graphics to Solve Inviscid Transonic Flows Over Lifting Airfoils (NSRDC-4252) AD-A030 853/6CP DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESOA MD SHIP PERFORMANCE DEPT SPD-326-06 Comparison of Computer Predicted and Experi- mentally Determined Leading Edge Cavitation of a Foil with Flaps AD-A015 874/1CP SPD-632-10 A Method of Estimating the Sway Force and Rolling Moment on a Submarine Due to Dif- ferentially Deflected Sailplanes AD-A019 101 /5CP SPD-737-01 User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- gram for Calculating the Potential Flow/Boundary Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies AD-A036 450/5CP SPD-737-02 User's Manual for a FORTRAN IV Computer Pro- gram for Calculating Propeller/Stern Boundary- Layer Interaction on Axisymmetric Bodies AD-A037 063/5CP SPD-784-01 A Comparison Between the Drags Predicted by Boundary-Layer Theory and Experimental Drag Data for Bodies of Revolution AD-A046 782/9CP DAYTON UNIV OHIO DEPT OF PHYSICS Investigation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Light-Emitting Materials (ARL-74-0004) AD-778 413/5CP DAYTON UNIV OHIO RESEARCH INST UDRI-TR-71-50 Computer Studies of Electric Fields and Fluid Fields in Electrofluid Dynamic Generators (ARL-71-0318) AD-739 547/CP UDRI-TR-74-26 Modifications to Compressor Test Data Analysis Program UD0200 (ARL-74-0131) AD-A004 182/2CP UDRI-TR-74-47-VOI-1 A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume I. Theory. Descriptions, and User's Instructions (ARL-75-0001-VOI-1) AD-A009 273/4CP UDRI-TR-74-47-VOI-2 A Revised Computer Program for Axial Compres- sor Design. Volume II Program Listing and Pro- gram Use Example (ARL-75-0001-Vol-2) AD-A009 157/9CP UDRI-TR-76-70 Stability of Highly-Cooled Compressible Laminar Boundary Layers (AFFDL-TR-76-148) AD-A036 210/3CP The Air Force Weapons Laboratory Laser Window Test Apparatus (AFWL-TR-73-181) AD-783 852/7CP DBA SYSTEMS, INC., MELBOURNE, FLA. NASA-CR-137455 Photogrammetric Calibration of the NASA-Wal- lops Island Image Intensifier System N74-18103/3CP DEFENCE RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT VALCARTIER (QUEBEC). DREV-TN-2061/73 Internal Structure of Tea Laser Discharges N73-27430/0CP DEL WEST ASSOCIATES, INC., WOODLAND HILLS, CALIF. NASA-CR-150153 Msfc Crack Growth Analysis Computer Program, Version 2 (Users Manual). N77-17504/0CP DEMOCRITUS NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTER, ATHENS (GREECE. Kinematics of Three-Body Reactions DEMO-72/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON D C AD-D003 610/3 Optical Scanner PATENT-3 992 619 PAT-APPL-589 161 Optical Scanner PATENT-3 992 619 DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT, BERLIN (WEST GERMANY). INST. FUER TURBULENZFORSCHUNG. DLR-FB-72-58 The Solution of the Boundary Layer Equations of Chemically Reacting Gases with a Hermitian Finite Difference Method N73-18273/CP DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT, COLOGNE (WEST GERMANY). INST. FUER ANGEWANDTE GASDYNAMIK. DLR-FB-75-64 Comparison of Slender Channel Computations with Experiments for Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Nozzle Flows. N76-15113/3CP DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT, GOETTINGEN (WEST GERMANY). AVA-FB-7113 Fortran IV Computer Program for Boundary Layers in Compressible Two-Dimensional and Ax- isymmetric Flow N72-19320/CP DLR-FB-71-51 Fortran IV Computer Program for Boundary Layers in Compressible Two-Dimensional and Ax- isymmetric Flow N72-19320/CP DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT- UNO RAUMFAHRT, KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). DLR-FB-70-15 Solution of the Three-Dimensional Time-Depen- dent Navier- Stokes Equations by the Difference Method. N70-38683/CP DIKEWOOD INDUSTRIES INC ALBUQUERQUE N MEX Penetration of Electromagnetic Pulses through Larger Apertures in Shielded Enclosures (AFWL-TR-75-95) AD-A029 516/2CP DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO LONG BEACH CALIF MDC-J5108 A General Class of Airfoils Conformally Mapped from a Circle (AFOSR-TR-72-0370) AD-738 318/CP MDC-J5264-02 Investigation of Aerodynamic Analysis Problems in Transonic Maneuvering. Volume II. Airfoil Anal- ysis Computer Program AD-740 124/CP MDC-J5679-02 Calculation of Potential Flow About Arbitra- ryThree-Dimensional Lifting Bodies. Users Manual AD-755 933/CP MDC-J7644/01 User's Manual for a Fully Automatic Three-Dimen- sional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part I. With Viscous Correction by Two-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Analysis AD-A047 438/7CP MDC-J7644/02 User's Manual for a Fully Automatic Three-Dimen- sional Potential-Flow Calculation Method. Part II. With Viscous Correction by Small Crossflow Boundary-Layer Analysis AD-A047 439/5CP MDC-J7714-01 Status of a Higher-Order Panel Method for Non- lifting Three-Dimensional Potential Flow (NADC-76118-30) AD-A048 623/3CP DRAPER (CHARLES STARK) LAB INC CAMBRIDGE MASS R-891 Ultraviolet Radiometer Integration and Launch Activities (SAMSO-TR-75-223) AD-A018 287/3CP 87 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX DREXEL UNIV PHILADELPHIA PA Drexel-125-15 A Method of Characteristics Code for Energy Deposition Calculations (MCDIT 3) (BRL-CR-36) AD-724 734/CP A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Method of Charac- teristics Analysis of Fluid Flow Problems - MCOU 43 (BRL-CR-252) AD-A014 953/4CP DREXEL UNIV., PHILADELPHIA, PA. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS. Momentum Transfer in Hydrodynamically Developing Laminar Flow in a Straight Channel PB-241 316/9CP DU PONT DE NEMOURS (E. I.) AND CO., AIKEN, S. C. SAVANNAH RIVER LAB. ENDF-152 Flange II (Version 71-1)- A Code to Process Ther- mal Neutron Data from an Endf/B Tape DP-1278 ENDF-158 Testing of Endf/B-Thermos Cross Sections for H/Sub 2/0. D/Sub 2/0, C, Zrh/Sub 2/, (C/Sub 2/H/Sub 4/)/Sub X/, Be. Beo, C/Sub 6/H/Sub 6/. and Uo/Sub 2/ DP-1276 GELI2 and Span 2- Fortran Programs to Calculate Nuclide Abundances from Multichannel gamma Ray Spectra DP-1275 DYNAMIC SCIENCE, IRVINE, CALIF. NASA-CR-1 25683 Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 1 Numerical Solu- tions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations with Equilibrium Chemistry N72-19312/CP NASA-CR-1 26728 Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 2 Computer Program and Users Manual N72-25301/CP SN-230-VOL-1 Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 1 Numerical Solu- tions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations with Equilibrium Chemistry N72-19312/CP SN-230-VOL-2 Transpiration and Film Cooling Boundary Layer Computer Program. Volume 2 Computer Program and Users Manual N72-25301/CP EDGEWOOD ARSENAL ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD EC-TR-74050 inertial Impaction Efficiency of Cylindrical Collec- tors by Digital Techniques and Effects of Particle Size Distributions AD-A000 620/5CP EG AND G INC BEDFORD MASS EG/G-B-4248 On the Calibration. Accuracy, and Efficiency of Optical Range Finders (AFCRL-71-0021) AD-720 855/CP EIOGENOESSISCHES INSTITUT FUER REAKTORFORSCHUNG, WUERENLINGEN (SWITZERLAND). New Spatial Differencing for the Neutron Trans- port Equation EIR-232 ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INST., PALO ALTO, CALIF. EPRI-SR-8 Data Reduction by an Approximate Thermal Diffu- sion Solution PB-242 416/6CP ELECTROMAGNETIC RESEARCH CORP COLLEGE PARK MD Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones in the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. (HDL-0036-1) AD-705 565/CP ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES INC WEST LONG BRANCH N J SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION DEPT 30-307001 Ray Tracing Study AD-779 091 /8CP ENERGY, INC., IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO. An Evaluation of State-Of-The-Art Two-Velocity Two-Phase Flow Models and Their Applicability to Nuclear Reactor Transient Analysis. Volume 3. Data Comparisons (EPRI/NP-143-VOI-3) PB-252 758/8CP ENGINEERING RESEARCH ASSOCIATES TORONTO (ONTARIO) ERA-53-6 A Program to Calculate the Pressure Distribution on a Hydrofoil with Pod and Strut AD-727 588/CP ENGINEERING SCIENCES DATA UNIT LTD., LONDON (ENGLAND). ISBN-0-85679-209-8 Pressure Losses in Flow Through a Sudden Con- traction of Duct Area ESDU-78007 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INST OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR INFRARED AND OPTICS DIV ERIM-107600-10-T Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance: Methods of Calculation AD-A017 459/9CP ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INST OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR RADAR AND OPTICS DIV ERIM-194500-8-F Evaluation of Hologram Optical Elements AD-A012 810/8CP ERLANGEN UNIV. (WEST GERMANY). TECHNISCHE FAKULTAET. The Hydrodynamics of Two-Phase Flow around Fence Layers - Volume Parts, Pressure Loss and Axial Dispersion of the Gas and Liquid Phases in Up-Current Columns. N70-30137/CP ERNST-MACH-INST., FREIBURG (WEST GERMANY). REPT-3/76 Diffraction of a Dilatational Pulse in an Elastic Medium at a Reinforced Cylindrical Cavity. N77-13470/8CP EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY, GEEL (BELGIUM). CENTRAL NUCLEAR MEASUREMENTS BUREAU. IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 2. Interrupt Servicing Pro- grams for Data Handling and Reduction EUR-4404(PT.2) IBM 360 and IBM 1800 Versions of the Shape and Area Analysis Programs of S. E. Atta and J. A. Harvey EUR-4760 EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY, GEEL (BELGIUM). JOINT NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTER. EUR-4456-E Data Reduction Programs for Total Cross Section Experiments. N70-26530/CP EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY, ISPRA (ITALY). JOINT NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTER. Timoc- a General Purpose Monte Carlo Code for Stationary and Time Dependent Neutron Trans- port EUR-4519 Dochap- a Fortran IV Program for the Correction and Calibration of Neutron Inelastic Scattering Data EUR-4599 Jn-METD1- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems with Isotropic Scat- tering in Bare Spheres and Homogeneous Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method EUR-4601 Jn-METD2- a Fortran-IV Programme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems with Isotropic Scat- tering in Multilayer Slabs by the J/Sub n/ Method EUR-4839 Program for the Theoretical Reconstruction of ESR Spectra EUR-4869 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, BRUSSELS (BELGIUM). COMMISSION. EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY, GEEL (BELGIUM). CENTRAL NUCLEAR MEASUREMENTS BUREAU. IBM 1800 Programs for Data Processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 3. Programs for Interactive Data Reduction EUR-4404(PT3) EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). Planning of Cern Projects with the Help of the PERT Method CERN-70-15 Graphical Man-Machine Interactive Systems for Numerical Problems- Peg. a Special Purpose System- and gamma, a General Purpose System. CERN-70-23 EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY, PARIS (FRANCE). DLR-MITT-75-07 Method for the Analysis of Laser Doppler Signals with the Aid of a Computer. N76-20453/6CP ESA-TT-208 Method for the Analysis of Laser Doppler Signals with the Aid of a Computer. N76-20453/6CP FEDERAL SCIENTIFIC CORP NEW YORK A System for Sampling. Labeling, and Digital Recording of Optical Measurement Data (RADC-TR-73-86) AD-762 332/CP FLORIDA UNIV GAINESVILLE DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Scientific-8 A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices (AFCRL-72-0075) AD-743 834/CP FLORIDA UNIV GAINESVILLE DEPT OF METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING TR-1 Mechanisms of Structural Transformation in Amorphous Solids Studied by X-Ray Scattering Techniques. AD-712 612/CP FLORIDA UNIV., GAINESVILLE. DEPT. OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SCIENCES. NASA-CR-132051 Thermodynamic Properties of Uf Sub 6 Measured with a Ballistic Piston Compressor N73-24936/CP FLORIDA UNIV., GAINESVILLE. ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL EXPERIMENT STATION. NASA-CR-143460 Evaluation of Atomic Constants for Optical Radia- tion, Volume 1 . N75-31877/4CP FLOW RESEARCH CO KENT WASH Flow-RR-79 Optimization of Low-Drag Bodies of Revolution with Turbulent Boundary Layers AD-A041 313/8CP FLOW RESEARCH INC KENT WASH Flow Res-26 A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Lift- ing Bodies in Subsonic Inviscid Flow (USAAMRDL-TR-74-18) AD-782 202/6CP NASA-CR-1 44978 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jet Noise, Part 2. N76-30921/0CP REPT-62-PT-2 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jet Noise, Part 2. N76-30921/0CP FLUID MECHANICS AND THERMAL SYSTEMS, INC., WAVERLY, ALA. NASA-CR-2407 Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Jets in Local Chemi- cal Equilibrium: A Guide to the Charnal Computer Program. N74-29638/5CP REPT-73-1 Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Jets in Local Chemi- cal Equilibrium: A Guide to the Charnal Computer Program. N74-29638/5CP FRANK J SEILER RESEARCH LAB UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY COLO SRL-TR-73-0008 The FOODES Program Description AD-766 238/0CP FRANKFORD ARSENAL PHILADELPHIA PA FA-TM-75019 PGAUSS-LT: A Program for Computing Optical Properties of Single Scattering Aerosol Clouds of Homogeneous Particles AD-A014 162/2CP 88 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. SCHOOL OF FA-TR-76071 Optical Tools Computerized Design and Manufac- ture AD-A041 419/3CP FRANKFORD ARSENAL PHILADELPHIA PA FIRE CONTROL DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING DIRECTORATE Ion Beam Optical Polishing System Computer Programs (FA-R-2096) AD-781 959/2CP FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E. V., DARMSTADT (WEST GERMANY). LAB. FUER BETRIEBSFESTIGKEIT. FB-121(1975) Fatigue Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Mul- tiaxial out of Phase Stresses with Constant and Changing Directions of Principal Stresses. N76-33536/3CP FRAUNHOFER INSTITUT, FREIBURG (WEST GERMANY). REPT-1-68 Formulas and Tables on the Mach Reflection of Shock Waves (Triple Shock Theory) N70-23805/CP REPT-12/69 A Program for Plotting Wave Diagrams for the Simple Membrane Shock Tube. N70-29173/CP GENERAL APPLIED SCIENCE LABS., INC., WESTBURY, N. Y. GASL-TR-719-PT-3 An Investigation of the High Speed Turbulent Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Arbitrary Pressure Gradient. Part 3 - Computer Program Manual. N70-42196/CP GASL-TR-748-PT-3 Calculation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Utilizing a Compressibility Transformation. Part 3 Computer Program Manual N72-15173/CP NASA-CR-1681 An Investigation of the High Speed Turbulent Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Arbitrary Pressure Gradient. Part 3 - Computer Program Manual. N70-42196/CP NASA-CR-1925 Calculation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Utilizing a Compressibility Transformation Part 3 Computer Program Manual N72-15173/CP GENERAL ATOMIC CO., SAN DIEGO, CALIF. GARTH, a Full-Range Integral Transport Code for Reactor Design Calculations GA-A- 13745 Sigma: A Code for Generating Multi-Group. Neutral Plasma Cross Sections GA-A-14159 GENERAL DYNAMICS/CONVAIR, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. GDCA-DDB72-005-VOL-2 Optimization of Thermal Protection Systems for the Space Vehicle. Volume 2 Users Manual N73-13951/CP NASA-CR-128618 Optimization of Thermal Protection Systems for the Space Vehicle. Volume 2 Users Manual N73-13951/CP GENERAL DYNAMICS/CONVAIR, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. AEROSPACE DIV. GDCA-DDB72-003 An Analytical Study of Reduced -Gravity Liquid Reorientation Using a Simplified Marker and Cell Technique N72-28279/CP NASA-CR-120944 An Analytical Study of Reduced -Gravity Liquid Reorientation Using a Simplified Marker and Cell Technique N72-28279/CP GENERAL DYNAMICS/FORT WORTH, TEX. NASA-CR-2680 Inlet Spillage Drag Tests and Numerical Flow- Field Analysis at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a 1/8-Scale. Two-Dimensional. External-Com- pression, Variable-Geometry, Supersonic Inlet Configuration. N76-24240/3CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. AIRCRAFT ENGINE GROUP. NASA-CR-2217 Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds N73-27890/5CP NASA-CR-1 12239-1 Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds. Volume 1 N73-24313/CP NASA-CR-1 12239-2 Users Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Volume 2 N73-24314/CP NASA-CR-1 12239-3 User Manual for Streamtube Curvature Analysis Analytical Method for Predicting the Pressure Dis- tribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds, Appendix N73-24315/CP NASA-CR-1 12240 Stc-Sab Program Users Manual for the Turbulent Boundary Layer and Turbulent Separation Predic- tion Methods Employed in the NASA Langley Streamtube Curvature Computer Program N73-23376/CP R74AEG452-Vol-3 Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation Volume III. Computer Users Manual for Aero- Acoustic Predictions (AFAPL-TR-76-68-VOI-3) AD-A038 614/4CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. MISSILE AND SPACE DIV. Spectra Program User'S Manual. GEMP-728 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. NUCLEAR SYSTEMS PROGRAMS. Analysis of Ebr-ll Neutron Spectra by Monte Carlo and Discrete Ordinate Methods. GEMP-742 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., RICHLAND, WASH. HANFORD ATOMIC PRODUCTS OPERATION. HW-SA-3589 709/7090 Program for Indexing X-Ray Diffraction Powder Patterns lii. The Orthorhombic Case HW-78062 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SAN JOSE, CALIF. (USA). ATOMIC POWER EQUIPMENT DEPT. Part II. User'S Manual for Creep-Plast Computer Program GEAP-13262 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SAN JOSE, CALIF. (USA). NUCLEAR FUELS DEPT. Part I. Theory Report for Creep-Plast Computer Program: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems under Simultaneous Creep and Plasticity GEAP-10546 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO SANTA BARBARA CALIF TEMPO 71TMP-27 WEDCOM Propagation Model Improvements (DASA-2682) AD-727 627/CP 72TMP-12 Evaluation of WEDCOM (Weapon Effects on D-re- gion COMmunications) Propagation Models (DNA-2862T) AD-744 667/CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SUNNYVALE, CALIF. BREEDER REACTOR DEPT. Endrun-ll- a Computer Code to Generate a Generalized Multigroup Data File from Endf/B GEAP- 13704 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO SYRACUSE N Y HEAVY MILITARY EQUIPMENT DEPT R77EMH12 A Preliminary Analysis of the Performance of the University of Rochester s Glass Development AD-A047 632/5CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., UTICA, N.Y. AEROSPACE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DEPT. NASA-CR-12412 An Efficient Numerical Technique for Calculating Thermal Spreading Resistance N73-28921/7CP GENERAL MOTORS TECHNICAL CENTER WARREN MICH MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES LAB MSL-71-30 High Pressure Shock Wave Behavior of Greatly Distended Copper (BRL-CR-84) AD-757 633/CP GENERAL RESEARCH CORP SANTA BARBARA CALIF GRC-RM-1545 Radar Reflection Coefficients from a Plasma Gradient Including the Effects of Electron-Neutral and Electron-Ion Collisions (DNA-2786T) AD-735 146/CP GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DENVER, COLO. USGS-GD-74-041 Electromagnetic Fields About a Finite Electric Wire Source PB-238 199/4CP USGS/GD-76/019 Electromagnetic Scattering by Multiple Conduc- tors in the Earth Due to a Plane Wave Source PB-261 183/8CP USGS/GD-77/007 Calculation of Standard Transient and Frequency Sounding Curves for a Horizontal Wire Source of Arbitrary Length PB-274 119/7CP GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, MENLO PARK, CALIF. USGS-Computer Contrib-16 Calculation of Amphibole Structural Formulae PB-207 710/CP USGS-GD-72-016 Calculation of Amphibole Structural Formulae PB-207 710/CP GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, TACOMA, WASH. WATER RESOURCES DIV. USGS/WRD-74-036 Direct Beam Solar Radiation. A Digital Computer program PB-236 902/3CP GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINGTON, D.C. USGS-CCD-71-005 X-Ray Diffracto meter Data Reduction Program PB-209 838/CP USGS-Computer Contrib-9 X-Ray Diffractometer Data Reduction Program PB-209 838/CP USGS Computer Contrib-20 Indexing and Least-Squares Refinement of Powder Diffraction Data. (Job 9214) PB-216 188/3CP USGS-GD-73-003 Indexing and Least-Squares Refinement of Powder Diffraction Data (Job 9214) PB-216 188/3CP GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV., WASHINGTON, D.C. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE. NASA-CR-122419 Mathematical Modeling of High and Low Tem- perature Heat Pipes N72-26963/CP GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. NASA-CR-121070 Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three Dimensional Acoustic Fields N72-14703/CP NASA-CR-1 45693 Study of Viscous Flow About Airfoils by the In- tegro-Differential Method. N76-11046/9CP GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. MAGNETIC PHENOMENA AT METAL SURFACES. TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT, FEBRUARY 1- DECEMBER 31. 1970 ORO-3674-4 GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES CENTER. ERC-0370 The Numerical Solution of Transient Supercritical Flow by the Method of Characteristics with a Technique for Simulating Bore Propagation (W74-07732) PB-232 143/8CP GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-1 19941 Behavior of Nozzles and Acoustic Liners in Three- Dimensional Acoustic Fields N71-35405/CP 89 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-1 28594 Space Radiator Simulation Manual for Computer Code N73-10891/CP Wave Propagation and Choking in Two-Phase Two-Component Flow (AFOSR-TR-75-OUO) AD-A004 397/6CP Geometrical Acoustics Techniques in Far Field In- frasonic Waveform Syntheses (AFGL-TR-76-0055) AD-A024 721 /3CP GESELLSCHAFT FUER KERNFORSCHUNG M.B.H., KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). KFK-PDV-66 Computer Program Ganesi: Description of a Com- puter Program for the Simulation of Unsteady Flows in Gas Distribution Networks N77-19374/6CP GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOL'ZOVANIYU ATOMNOI ENERGII SSSR, MOSCOW. INST. TEORETICHESKOI I EKSPERIMENTALNOI FIZIKI. Modified Variant of the Magneto-Optical Program Transport ITEF-43 GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOL'ZOVANIYU ATOMNOI ENERGII SSSR, MOSCOW. INSTITUT TEORETICHESKOI I EKSPERIMENTALNOI FIZIKI. Filtering of Tracks Measured on the Smp CERN-TRANS-71-8 GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOL'ZOVANIYU ATOMNOJ ENERGII SSSR, MOSCOW. INST. ATOMNOI ENERGII. Computer Simulation of Dislocation Movement Through the Field of Randomly Located Point De- fects IAE-2614 GRUMMAN AEROSPACE CORP., BETHPAGE, N.Y. NASA-CR-2662 A Numerically Efficient Finite Element Hydroelastic Analysis Volume 1 : Theory and Results. N76-23627/2CP NASA-CR-2675 Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 1: Computa- tional Technique. N76-22494/8CP NASA-CR-2676 Development of a Computer Code for Calculating the Steady Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow around Real Configurations. Volume 2: Code Description. N76-24152/0CP NASA-CR-2897 Cave: A Computer Code for Two-Dimensional Transient Heating Analysis of Conceptual Thermal Protection Systems for Hypersonic Vehicles. N78-15435/8CP NASA-CR-1 12271 Development of Analytical Methods of Predicting the Pressure Distribution About a Nacelle at Transonic Speeds: Exact Solution N73-27211/4CP GRUMMAN AEROSPACE CORP., BETHPAGE, N.Y. RESEARCH DEPT. NASA-CR-1 43981 Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. N75-33137/1CP RE-507 Segregation Effects During Solidification in Weightless Melts. N75-33137/1CP RM-582 On a Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-771 068/4CP RM-621 A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP GULF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS INC SAN DIEGO CALIF GA-10248 Line and Continuum gamma-Ray Yields from Thermal-Neutron Capture in 75 Elements. (DAS A -2570) AD-717 639/CP GULF GENERAL ATOMIC, INC., SAN DIEGO, CALIF. Tac3d: A General Purpose Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer Computer Code: Mathematical For- mulations and Programmer's Guide GA-9264 Integral Neutron Thermalization. GA-10060 GULF RADIATION TECHNOLOGY SAN DIEGO CALIF Gulf-RT-10486-Vol-2 Numerical and Experimental Studies of Spectral Unfolding Volume II (DASA-2720-2) AD-734 204/CP HAMILTON STANDARD WINDSOR LOCKS CONN HSER-5834 Noise Detectability Prediction Method for Low Tip Speed Propellers (AFAPL-TR-71-37) AD-729 432/CP HSER-5835 User's Manual for Propeller Noise Detectability Program (AFAPL-TR-71-38) AD-729 435/CP HANFORD ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT LAB., RICHLAND, WASH. Hauser'4, a Computer Code to Calculate Nuclear Cross Sections HEDL-TME-76-80 HARRIS CORP MELBOURNE FLA ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DIV Fiber Optics Design Aid Package (RADC-TR-77-W3) AD-A040 772/6CP HARRY DIAMOND LABS ADELPHI MO HDL-TM-76-28 SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP HDL-TM-77-18 A Machine-Language Computer Program to Ob- tain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3CP HDL-TM-77-20 An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/OCP HDL-TR-1668 Numerical Study of Steady Flow in a Two-Dimen- sional Rectangular Channel with an Asymmetric Velocity Input Profile AD-A010 355/6CP HDL-TR-1733 Asymptotic Properties of the Mie Coefficients AD-A023 078/9CP HDL-TR-1740 Reflected and Transmitted Fields for a Plane- Wave Pulse Incident on a Conducting Ground AD-A026 755/9CP HDL-TR-1758 Fluerics 38. A Computer-Aided Design Analysis for the Static and Dynamic Port Characteristics of Laminar Proportional Amplifiers AD-A027 587/5CP HDL-TR-1801 EMPFIT A Computer Code for Fitting EMP Waveforms that Facilitates the Calculation of the Fourier Transform AD-A040 019/2CP HDL-TR-1817 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Operator's and User's Handbook AD-A044 411/7CP HARRY DIAMOND LABS WASHINGTON D C HDL-TM-71-5 Analysis of Complex Laser Cavities AD-728 830/CP HDL-TR-1483 Predicted and Measured Depth Dose Profiles for Pulsed Electron Spectra AD-731 778/CP HDL-TR-1598 Fluerics 32. An Analytical Model for the Response of Flueric Wall-Attachment Amplifiers AD-747 761/CP HDL-TR-1648 Rare Earth Ion-Host Lattice Interactions 1 Point Charge Lattice Sum in Scheelites AD-776 330/3CP HARVARD UNIV CAMBRIDGE MASS ACOUSTICS RESEARCH LAB TM-65 Subharmonic Generation in Acoustic Systems AD-725 604/CP HARVARD UNIV CAMBRIDGE MASS DIV OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED PHYSICS HP-28 Preparation and Optical Properties of Crystals and Films of Vanadium Oxides (ARPA-TR-43) AD-744 319/CP TR-7 Deformation-Mechanism Maps and the Creep of Tungsten Lamp Filaments AD-755 230/CP TR-595 Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Ga(2- X)Fe(X)03. AD-715 651/CP TR-607 The Electromagnetic Fields of a Dipole in a Dis- sipative Half-Space: A Numerical Approach AD-706 367/CP HAWAII INST. OF GEOPHYSICS, HONOLULU. HIG-70-1 An Integral Equation Approach to Diffusion Problems. PB-191 282/CP HAWAII UNIV., HONOLULU. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach (OWRT-B-029-HI(1)) PB-243 133/6CP HAYES INTERNATIONAL CORP., BIRMINGHAM, ALA. ER-1677 Application of Moderate Resolution Band Models to the Prediction of Heat Transfer from Rocket Exhaust Plumes N71-16429/CP NASA-CR-102998 Application of Moderate Resolution Band Models to the Prediction of Heat Transfer from Rocket Exhaust Plumes N71-16429/CP HI-SHEAR CORP TORRANCE CALIF Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume I. Technical Discussion (AFATL-TR-75-3-Vol-1 ) AD-B004 921 /3CP HI-SHEAR CORP TORRANCE CALIF ORDNANCE DIV Stores Interface Data Handling Analysis - Phase II. Volume II Appendixes (AFATL-TR-75-3-Vol-2) AD-B004 858/7CP HONEYWELL CORPORATE RESEARCH CENTER BLOOMINGTON MINN HR-0359-1 An Investigation of PLZT for Integrated Optics AD-A009 102/5CP HONEYWELL INC ST PETERSBURG FLA AEROSPACE DIV UERTD-TM-3366-008 GUERAP: General Unwanted Energy Rejection Analysis Program User's Manual (SAMSO-TR-72-31 4-Vol-1 ) AD-755 353/CP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO., CULVER CITY, CALIF. LASER DIV. HAC-P73-299 Rare Earth Laser Engineering Program (AFAL-TR-73-323-PT-1 ) AD-914 193/8CP HUGHES RESEARCH LABS MALIBU CALIF Excimer Lasers AD-A018 641 /1CP Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP Excimer Lasers AD-A035 340/9CP HYDRONAUTICS, INC.. LAUREL, MD. NASA-CR-1 02560 Three-Dimensional Flow Field from a Radial Vor- tex Filament in a Cylindrical Annulus. N70-23423/CP TR-703-7 Three-Dimensional Flow Field from a Radial Vor- tex Filament in a Cylindrical Annulus. N70-23423/CP 90 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX INSTITUT FRANCO- A LLEM AND DE RECHERCHES, ST. LOUIS TR-7115-4 High Speed Computer Studies of Vortex Motions in Relation to Aircraft Wake Turbulence (AFOSR-TR-76-0481) AD-A024 290/9CP IDAHO COLL., CALDWELL. SNAKE RIVER REGIONAL STUDIES CENTER. SIMIR/6: A Two Dimensional Steady State and Transient Heat Conduction Code for Use on an IBM 360/75 Computer. A User's Guide TREE-1127 IDAHO NATIONAL ENGINEERING LAB., IDAHO FALLS. Quarterly Technical Report on Water Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the Nuclear Regu- latory Commission's Division of Reactor Safety Research, July-September 1975 ANCR-1296 IDAHO NUCLEAR CORP., IDAHO FALLS. Automated Cross Section Analysis Program (Acsap) CONF-710301-6 Scans- Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets IN-1446 IDAHO UNIV., MOSCOW. CENTER FOR APPLIED THERMODYNAMIC STUDIES. CATS-76/4 Guide for the Use of Computer Programs for Least Squares Fitting of Equations of State to Thermodynamic Data. Volume II. Programs for Simultaneous Fitting of Multiple Data Forms Using Stepwise Regression PB-266 615/4CP ILLINOIS INST OF TECH CHICAGO DEPT OF MECHANICS MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING IIT-FLUIDS/HEATTRANS-R77-2 Analysis of Temperature Compensating Circuits for Hot-Wires and Hot-Films (ARO-12290 8-E) AD-A050 080/1 CP ILLINOIS UNIV AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COORDINATED SCIENCE LAB R-673 Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963 /5CP R-698 Optimal Summation of Gaussians for Ion Implan- tation Profile Control AD-A019 422/5CP UILU-ENG-75-2207 Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP UILU-ENG-75-2238 Optimal Summation of Gaussians for Ion Implan- tation Profile Control AD-A019 422/5CP ILLINOIS UNIV AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TR-59 Techniques of Determining Ionospheric Structure from Oblique Radio Propagation Measurements (RADC-TR-76-401) AD-A038 299/4CP UILU-Eng-76-2559 Techniques of Determining Ionospheric Structure from Oblique Radio Propagation Measurements (RADC-TR-76-401) AD-A038 299/4CP ILLINOIS UNIV AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEPT OF PHYSICS The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids: Their Surfaces and Interfaces (AFAL-TR-76-140) AD-A037 797/8CP ILLINOIS UNIV AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ELECTROMAGNETICS LAB UIEM-77-24 Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP UILU-ENG-77-2267 Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP ILLINOIS UNIV URBANA BIOLOGICAL COMPUTER LAB TR-22 Pulse Interval Representations of Speech Events (NASA-4) AD-718 130/CP UILU-ENG-70-294 Pulse Interval Representations of Speech Events (NASA-4) AD-718 130/CP ILLINOIS UNIV URBANA COORDINATED SCIENCE LAB R-554 Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP R-631 Surface Self-Diffusion on a Face Centered Crystal: An Atomic View AD-A001 374/8CP UILU-ENG-72-2215 Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP UILU-ENG-73-2234 Surface Self-Diffusion on Crystal: An Atomic View AD-A001 374/8CP Face Centered ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. UIUCDCS-R-73-586 The Energy Transport Properties of One Dimen- sional Anharmonic Lattices PB-224 409/3CP ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. DEPT. OF PHYSICS. Codilli II- a Fortran IV Program for the Analysis of Neutron Resonance with Program Score. Techni- cal Report No. 3 COO-2022-7 ILLINOIS UNIV URBANA ELECTROMAGNETICS LAB UIEL-73-5 A New Method for Measuring Dielectric Proper- ties of Material Media Using Microstrip Cavity (AROD-5405 37-E) AD-762 359/CP UILU-ENG-73-2544 A New Method for Measuring Dielectric Proper- ties of Material Media Using Microstrip Cavity (AROD-S40S.37-E) AD-762 359/CP ILLINOIS UNIV URBANA ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Bull-471 Backscattering for gamma Rays from a Point Source Near a Concrete Plane Surface. AD-716 320/CP IMPERIAL COLL. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON (ENGLAND). HTS/73/13 The Treatment in the Three-Dimensional Bounda- ry-Layer Program of Walls Which Do Not Pass Through Grid Nodes N74-12047/8CP IMPERIAL COLL. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON (ENGLAND). DEPT. OF AERONAUTICS. IC-AERO-71-24 A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boun- dary Layer Development N72-14308/CP IC-AERO-72-11 Apparatus and Programs for Digital Analysis of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Flow N74-11047/9CP IC-AERO-73-01 Users' Guide to the Gibson-Spalding and Green Programs for the Calculation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Pressure Gradient and Heat Transfer. N75-19190/8CP IC-AERO-74-02 An Improved Fortran Program for the Bradshaw- Ferriss-Atwell Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N74-33802/1CP IC-AERO-76-02 A Skin-Friction Law for Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers Based on the Full van Driest Transformation. N76-33146/1CP IC/70/06 Applications of a General Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N71-11475/CP NPL-AERO-1269 An Improved Fortran Program for the Bradshaw- Ferriss-Atwell Method of Calculating Turbulent Shear Layers. N74-33802/1CP NPL-71-24 A Computer Program for the Calculation of Boun- dary Layer Development N72-14308/CP IMPERIAL COLL. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON (ENGLAND). DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. EF/TN/A/28 Impulsively Starting Incompressible Jet N71-25443/CP EF/TN/A/30 Computation of Laminar Flow Between Shrouded Rotating Discs N71-13798/CP EF/TN/B/31 The Prediction of Laminar Flows Using a Modified Version of the Elliptic Programme N71-22330/CP HTS/73/2 The Numerical Computations of Turbulent Flows N74-12066/8CP HTS/73/48 A General Computer Program for Two-Dimen- sional Boundary-Layer Problems N74-1 2079/1 CP IMPERIAL COLL. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON (ENGLAND). THERMOFLUIDS SECTION. EF/TN/A/10 Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows. Lecture 6 - Structure of the Computer Pro- gramme. N70-36922/CP EF/TN/A/13 Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows Lecture 9 - Further Development of the Method of Computation. N70-36925/CP ET/TN/A/5 Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows Lecture 1 - the Basic Differential Equations. N70-36917/CP IMPERIAL COLL. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON (UK). DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Kase Problems for the Teach Computer Programs HTS-74-3 INDIANAPOLIS CENTER FOR ADVANCED RESEARCH IND Cascade Wake Structure. Part A. Theory and Results. Part B. Local Similarity Numerical Solu- tion. User's Manual (AFOSR-TR-75 -0950) AD-A012 699/5CP INFORMATION RESEARCH ASSOCIATES INC BERKELEY CALIF IRA-TR-1-70 The MACYL6 Hydrodynamic Code: A Numerical Method for Calculating Incompressible Axisym- metric Time-Dependent Free-Surface Fluid Flows at High Reynolds Number AD-709 142/CP INFORMATION SYSTEMS, MENLO PARK, CALIF. IS-R-73/03 Comparative Performance of Hollow-Cathode and Axial Plasma Helium-Neon Lasers (AFAL-TR-73-58) AD-911 533/8CP INSTITUT ATOMNOI ENERGII, MOSCOW (USSR). Urs Program for Calculating Slow Neutron Spec- tra by Differential Equations IAE-1969 "Kristall" Program for Studying Dynamics of Radiation Damage in Crystal Lattices IAE-2002 High-Speed Modifications of the Method of Probabilities of the First Collision. Part III IAE-2112 INSTITUT FRANCO-ALLEMAND DE RECHERCHES, ST. LOUIS (FRANCE). ISL-R-1 10/75 A Fortran Program for the Computation of Two- Dimensional or Axisymmetric Nozzles UN Pro- gramme Fortran pour le Calcul d'Une Tuyere Su- personique Plane ou de Revolution. N77-11012/OCP ISL-R-128/75 Calculation of a Quasi One-Dimensional Gas Flow in Equilibrium or Not. Comparison of the Results and Application to a Hypersonic Wake Calcul d'UN Ecoulement Quasi Monodimensionnel d UN Gaz en Equilibre ou Non. Comparaison des Resultats et Application au Sillage Hypersonique N77-17407/6CP 91 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ISL-R-1 30/75 Program for Computing One-Dimensional Steady Flows with Energy Addition in a Tube ot Given Shape Programme de Calcul d'Ecoulements Monodimensionnels Stationnaires Avec Apport d Energie dans Une Conduite de Forme Donnee. N77-21382/5CP ISL-R-132/75 Reliability of a New Velocity Measurement Method for Gases: The Laser Velocimetry Con- tribution a I'Etude de la Fiabilite d'Une Nouvelle Methode de Mesure de Vitesses dans UN Ecoule- ment Gazeux: La Velocimetrie Laser N77-13402/1CP ISL-17/72-PT-4 Blast Wave Propagation in Tunnels. Part 4 Calcu- lations Taking into Account Wall Roughness Propagation des Souffles en Galerie. Quatrieme Partie Calculs Tenant Compte de la Rugosite de la Parol N73-21287/CP ISL-21/70 Abel Transormation. Applications to Wake Density Measurement la Transformation Dabel. Applica- tions a la Mesure des Masses Volumiques Dans les Sillages N73-10324/CP INSTITUT FUER CHEMIE DER TREIBSTOFFE, BERGHAUSEN (WEST GERMANY). ICT-3/70 Performance Calculation of Rocket Propellants and Propellant Charge Powders N71-23357/CP INSTITUT FUER PLASMAPHYSIK, GMBH. GARCHING (WEST GERMANY). IPP-1/110 A Two Dimensional Computer Programme for Solving the MHD Equations for the theta Pinch in a Time-Dependent Coordinate System IPP-6/90 INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES ARLINGTON VA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DIV P-1123 Effect of Weather at Hannover. Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. Part 1 Theory, Methodology, and Data Base (IDA/HQ-76-18660) AD-A032 182/8CP P-1225 Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aerosol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base (IDA/HO-76-18603) AD-A035 765/7CP RP-P-655 New Monte Carlo Method and Review of Present Methods For Calculating the Characteristics of Excitation Geometries for Solid-State Lasers (1DA/HQ-70-11620) AD-722 337/CP INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS, KRAKOW (POLAND). Optical Model Programme with the Automatic Search Routine Extended to Include the Spin- Orbit Term. "Omas." INP-741 Computing Programmes for Strong Absorption Model "Kenut" and "Zolw." INP-744 Distorted Wave Born Approximation Programmes for Inelastic Scattering of Charged Particles ■MIS-0," ■MlS-a." 'MIS-3," ■'MIS-4, " and MIS- 5." INP-746 Calculation of Optical Model Phase Shifts in Born Approximation INP-785 INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH, WARSAW (POLAND). Minigasket- a Code for Thermal Neutron Scatter- ing Law in Polycrystals INR-1186 Flange-al 4 Code for the Gier Computer INR-1260 Energy-Angular Distribution of alpha Particles Emitted in Fission of /Sup 236/U. Polar Emission INR-1429 Gier-ALGOL 4 Program for the Statistical Model Calculations of the Multistage Nuclear Reactions INR-1457 Programme SLOT" for Calculating Curvature of Slits for Rotors of Neutron Semimonochromators INR-1527/9A/PR/B INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES, KRAKOW (POLAND). Determination of Spinel Structure Parameters from Neutron Diffraction Data Using Odra 1204 Computer ITJ-21 INSTITUTUL DE FIZICA ATOMICA, BUCHAREST (ROMANIA). IFA-CRD-60-1975 Three Numerical Methods for the Computation of the Electrostatic Energy. N76-30968/1CP Program for the Computing of the Scattering Cross-Sections in Heavy Water IFA-DNBR-3 Numerical Accuracy of the Regular Coulomb Function IFA-M-47 Multilevel Calculation of exp 235 U Neutron Fis- sion Cross-Section IFA-NR-41-1972 INSTITUTUL DE FIZICA ATOMICA, BUCHAREST /SUP 8/ROMANIA/SUP 9/. Use of Cubic Spline Functions in Nuclear Data Processing IFA-DNBR-4 INSTITUUT VOOR KERNPHYSISCH ONDERZOEK, AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS). One Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Reaction p+ D Implies p+ p+ N at 13.25 and 50 Mev over the Full Three-Body Space IKO-KE-2 INTELCOM RAD TECH SAN DIEGO CALIF INTEL-RT-8104-029 SGEMP Phenomenology and Computer Code Development (DNA-3653F) AD-A026 333/5CP INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP HOPEWELL JUNCTION N Y EAST FISHKILL LAB IBM-TR-22.2065 Defect Structure in GaAs (RADC-TR-76-2S6) AD-A032 697/5CP TR-6 Damage Profiles in Silicon and Their Impact on Device Reliability AD-A017 400/3CP TR-22.1921 Damage Profiles in Silicon and Their Impact on Device Reliability AD-A017 400/3CP INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP SAN JOSE CALIF Calculation of Physical Properties of Diatomic Molecules AD-744 987/CP INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES S. A. E., MADRID (SPAIN). Temperature Variance in Spacecraft Thermal Analysis Atv-70 Program N71-22335/CP General Report on Implementation of Thermal Programs in the Estec System for the Calculation of Temperature Distribution by the Method of Zones N71-22336/CP INTERUNIVERSITAIR REACTOR INSTITUUT, DELFT (NETHERLANDS). IRI-133-70-04 Icpeax, a Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors N72-26666/CP Icpeax- Computer Program for the Automatic Analysis of gamma Ray Spectra Obtained with High Resolution Semiconductor Detectors I. R.I. -133-70-4 IOWA INST OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH IOWA CITY IIHR-195 Heat Transfer Analysis for Unsteady High Velocity Pipe Flow. Part I On Minimization of Temperature Distortion in the Thermocouple Cavity. Part II. Im- proved Accuracy in the Prediction of Surface Heat Flux and Temperature by Intrinsic Ther- mocouple. Part III. Prediction of Transient Surface Heat Flux and Temperature on a Hollow Cylinder AD-A035 613/9CP IOWA STATE UNIV., AMES. HEAT TRANSFER LAB. HTL-2 A Boundary Layer Finite Difference Method for Calculating through the Separation Point and into the Region of Recirculation in Incompressible Laminar Flow PB-233 066/OCP HTL-4 Analysis of Combined Forced and Free Laminar Convection in Horizontal Tubes PB-240 496/OCP ISU-ERI-AMES-74103 A Boundary Layer Finite Difference Method for Calculating through the Separation Point and into the Region of Recirculation in Incompressible Laminar Flow PB-233 066/OCP ISU-ERI-AMES-74155 Analysis of Combined Forced and Free Laminar Convection in Horizontal Tubes PB-240 496/OCP IOWA STATE UNIV. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, AMES. NASA-CR-2134 Development of Equilibrium Air Computer Pro- grams Suitable for Numerical Computation Using Time-Dependent or Shock-Capturing Methods N72-32296/CP IOWA STATE UNIV. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, AMES. ENGINEERING RESEARCH INST. ISU-ERI-AMES-99985 REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CONSTANT STAGGER CASCADES N71-34262/CP NASA-CR-121679 REFERENCE INCIDENCE ANGLES IN CONSTANT STAGGER CASCADES N71-34262/CP IRT CORP SAN DIEGO CALIF INTEL-RT-8141-026 Multiple-Plate Modification of OUICKE2 Analytical Electron Emission Code (SBIE-AD-E300-023) AD-A047 387/6CP INTEL-RT-8141-027 User's Manual for the DYNACYL IEMP Air Pres- sure Effects Computer Code (AD-E300-107) AD-A051 346/5CP INTEL-RT-8141-028 The Arbitrary Body of Revolution Code (ABORC) for SGEMP/IEMP (AD-E300-064) AD-A048 872/6CP IRT-81 14-045 Analysis and Tests of a 90-cm Right Circular Cylinder in the PIMBS 1A Photon Environment (AFWL-TR-77-19) AD-A042 353/3CP ISRAEL ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, YAVNE. SOREO NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTER. Calculation of Cross Sections for Heavy Isotopes IA-1325 (V. 1 • 2) ISTITUTO NAZIONALE Dl FISICA NUCLEARE, ROME (ITALY). DESIGN OF THE OPTICS OF A SPARK CHAMBER EXPERIMENT N71-18583/CP ISTITUTO SUPERIORE 01 SANITA, ROME (ITALY). LAB. Dl FISICA. ISS-71/1 A Computer Program for the Evaluation of the Optical Constants of Solids, Via the Dispersion Relations . UN Programma Per II Calcolo Delle Costanti Ottiche di UN Solido Mediante le Relazioni di Dispersione N72-11560/CP J G ENGINEERING RESEARCH ASSOCIATES BALTIMORE MO 0-75-1 Sound Radiation from an Orthotropic Plate Sup- ported by a Double Set of Stiffeners AD-A013 320/7CP JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH INST., TOKAI. PHYSICS DIV. JAERI-1191 STAX2 - a Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory. N70-36799/CP JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH INST., TOKAI. TOKAI RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. Stax 2- a Computer Program lor Calculating Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross 92 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX KMS TECHNOLOGY CENTER IRVINE CALIF Sections by Means of the Optical Model and Mol- dauer'S Theory. JAERI-1191 Fp-S- Program for Calculation of Atomic Density for Each Fission Product Nuclide JAERI-1198 JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH INST., TOKYO. Computer Program Fit for Fitting gamma-Ray Spectrum JAERI-M-4571 Analysis of Pulsed Neutron Experiments on Bare Fast Multiplying System by Storrer-Stievenart's Theory JAERI-M-4652 Two-Dimensional Simulation of the MHD Stability, (1) JAERI-M-6474 Numerical Code SPHEX for Free Boundary MHD Equilibrium with Legendre Expansion Method JAERI-M-6734 Error Estimation of Hybrid Simulation Method for Basic Heat-Exchange Model JAERI-M-6740 Graph- a Computer Program for Plotting Experi- mental Data in Neudada System JAERI-MEMO-4116 Manual for Jupitor-1 (Supplement) JAERI-MEMO-4138 Thrush- a Code for Calculating Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernel JAERI-MEMO-4211 JET PROPULSION LAB., CALIF. INST. OF TECH., PASADENA. JPL-PUBL-77-11 Proposed Computer Model for Electric Discharge Atomic Vapor Lasers. N77-22468/1CP JPL-PUBL-77-25 Modeling of Fluidized Bed Silicon Deposition Process. N77-28581/5CP JPL-TM-33-565 Theoretical Determination of Cesiated Work Functions N72-33712/CP JPL-TR-32-1416 Thermal Analysis System 1 - User's Manual N71-26440/CP JPL-TR-32-1430 Calculation of Scattered Patterns from Asymmet- rical Reflectors. N70-22574/CP NASA-CR-109249 Calculation of Scattered Patterns from Asymmet- rical Reflectors. N70-22574/CP NASA-CR-1 18649 Thermal Analysis System 1 - User's Manual N71-26440/CP NASA-CR-1 28339 Theoretical Determination of Cesiated Work Functions N72-33712/CP NASA-CR-1 52681 Proposed Computer Model for Electric Discharge Atomic Vapor Lasers. N77-22468/1CP NASA-CR-154120 Modeling of Fluidized Bed Silicon Deposition Process. N77-28581/5CP JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV LAUREL MD APPLIED PHYSICS LAB APL/JHU-TG-1298D Experimental Research on the Propagation of Loran-C Signals. Volume D. Data and Analysis AD-A040 320/4CP JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV SILVER SPRING MD APPLIED PHYSICS LAB APL-JHU-TG-1268 A User's Guide for the Continuous Wave Laser Damage Computer Program AD-A008 559/7CP APL-TG-1152 The Propagation of Sound in the Deep Ocean: A Wave Formulation AD-754 371/CP JOINT INST FOR LAB ASTROPHYSICS BOULDER COLO JILA-105 Classical Path a and B Functions for Line Broadening of Positive Ions. AD-716 435/CP JILA-107 Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye- Shielded Interaction AD-721 900/CP JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). Formation of a Laminar Flow in a High-Current Electron Gun JINR-R-9-9476 JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). LAB. OF HIGH ENERGY. Real Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. I JINR-E1-6907 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-E Scatter- ing Experiment Using an HP 2116B Computer. II JINR-E1-6908 Real-Time on-Line Programs for the pi-P Elastic Scattering Experiment Using an HP 2116B Com- puter JINR-E1-6909 JUNTA DE ENERGIA NUCLEAR, SACAVEM (PORTUGAL). LABORATORIO DE FISICA E ENGENHARIA NUCLEARES. Program for Analysis of Elastic Nuclear Scattering with the Optical Model LFEN-NI-72-A JYVASKYLA UNIV. (FINLAND). DEPT. OF PHYSICS. Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Energy Reactions According to the Fragmentation Model NP- 19804 KAMAN NUCLEAR, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. KN-70-698-/FR/ Sound Propagation from a Moving Source Final Report N71-14081/CP NASA-CR-102945 Sound Propagation from a Moving Source Final Report N71-14081/CP KANSAS UNIV., LAWRENCE. FLIGHT RESEARCH LAB. CRINC-FRL-72-01 1 -APP-A A Parametric Study of Planform and Aeroelastic Effects on Aerodynamic Center, alpha- and Q- Stability Derivatives. Appendix a a Computer Pro- gram for Calculating alpha- and O- Stability Derivatives and Induced Drag for Thin Elastic Aeroplanes at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds N73-21897/CP NASA-CR-1 12229 A Parametric Study of Planform and Aeroelastic Effects on Aerodynamic Center, alpha- and O- Stability Derivatives. Appendix a a Computer Pro- gram for Calculating alpha- and O- Stability Derivatives and Induced Drag for Thin Elastic Aeroplanes at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds N73-21897/CP KANSAS WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST., MANHATTAN. Contrib-72 Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Ground- Water Flow Including Effects of Evapotranspira- tion (W72-05089) PB-207 135/CP KARLSRUHE UNIV. (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT FUER STRUKTUR DER MATERIE. Dp-1- an ALGOL Program for the Calculation of the Energy Spectra of Scattered gamma-Rays in a Plane Shielding Layer. ORNL-TR-2353 KENTUCKY WATER RESOURCES INST., LEXINGTON. RR-74 Spatially Varied Subcritical and Supercritical Flow in Gullies (OWRT-A-037-KY(2)) PB-236 788/6CP KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE JUELICH G.M.B.H. (F.R. GERMANY). ZENTRALABTEILUNG ALLGEMEINE TECHNOLOGIE. Numerical Treatment of Heat Conduction Problems with the Help of Finite Elements in Three Dimensions. Juel-1134-AT KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE, JUELICH (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT FUER REAKTORENTWICKLUNG. Colli- a Program Package for Calculation of Ther- mal-Neutron Scattering JUL-668-RG KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE, JUELICH (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT FUER TECHNISCHE PHYSIK. Methods of Calculation and Computer Programs for Interpretation of Laue and Kossel Diagrams JUL-821-TP KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE, JUELICH (WEST GERMANY). ZENTRALINST. FUER REAKTOREXPERIMENTE. JUL-572-RX Computer Program for Photo-Peak Analysis. N70-32540/CP KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE, JUELICH (WEST GERMANY). ZENTRALINSTITUT FUER ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK. Program for Solution of the Stationary Neutron Transport Equation with Spherical Symmetry JUL-683-MA KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM KARLSRUHE (F.R. GERMANY). INST. FUER REAKTORENTWICKLUNG. Regent: Seventh Semiannual Progress Report. October 1974-March 1975. KFK-EXT-8/75-2 KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM KARLSRUHE (GERMANY, F.R.). INST. FUER ANGEWANDTE KERNPHYSIK. Tiflis (Time-of-Flight-Spectra) a Data Reduction Program for the Evaluation of Time-of-Flight Ex- periments KFK-2187 KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). INST. FUER NEUTRONENPHYSIK UND REAKTORTECHNIK. Revised Definitions in Kedak-3 KFK-EXT-4/76-37 KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT FUER ANGEWANDTE KERNPHYSIK. A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DISCOVERY OF EXCITED NUCLEAR STATES ACCORDING TO THE RIT2 COMBINATION PRINCIPLE KFK-1247 KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT FUER EXPERIMENTELLE KERNPHYSIK. Beam 72- Computer Program for Development of Beam Transport Systems KFK-1590 KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT FUER NEUTRONENPHYSIK UND REAKTORTECHNIK. Nusys-Phases 41501-41505. Equivalent Approxi- mation of the Step Function and Its Use in Nuclear Calculations (Iterative Remo Procedure) KFK-1576 Migros-2: A Program Written in Fortran for the Calculation of Microscopic Group Constants from Nuclear Data KFK-1784 KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT FUER RADIOCHEMIE. Calculation of the Activity Produced by Irradiation of Thin Targets with High-Energy Neutrons. Neurak Program NP- 18649 KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, KARLSRUHE (WEST GERMANY). ZYKLOTRON-LABORATORIUM. Improved Version of Tamura's Code for Coupled Channel Calculations- "Jupitor Karlsruhe Ver- sion." KFK-1333 "Abe"- a Computer Program for Analyzing the Elastic and Inelastic Scattering on the Basis of the Austern-Blair Theory KFK-1420 KIRUNA GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY (SWEDEN). KGO-716 Polarization Measurements of Frequency Stabil- ized VLF Signals N72-19211/CP KMS TECHNOLOGY CENTER IRVINE CALIF Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Particle Contaminants on Laser-Induced Air Breakdown (AFWL-TR-72-172) AD-760 175/CP 93 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX KNOLLS ATOMIC POWER LAB., SCHENECTADY, N.Y. CONF-770903-5 Application of the Substructuring Method to Thermal Analysis KAPL-P-4056 Cross-Section Data Analysis Utilizing an Interac- tive Graphics Display RPI-328-220 KOLN UNIV. (WEST GERMANY). INST. FUER GEOPHYSIK UNO METEOROLOGIE. BMBW-FB-W-70-04 A Computer Program for Evaluating Radio Signal Propagation from Artificial Earth Satellites. N70-27491/CP LABORATOIRE DE GEOPHYSIOUE EXTERNE DU C.N.R.S., ST. MAUR-DES-FOSSES (FRANCE). LGE-002 Experiment Araks: Measurement of Quasi-Static Natural or Artificial Electric Fields and of the Ion Temperature Using Retarding Potential Ion Analyzers Experience Araks. Mesure des Champs Electriques Ouasi-Statiques Naturels ou Artificiels et de la Temperature lonique Par Analyseurs d'lons a Potentiel Retardateur. N77-13086/2CP LABORATORIO Dl RICERCA E TECHNOLOGIA PER LO STUDIO DEL PLASMA NELLO SPAZIO, FRASCATI (ITALY). LPS-75-30 One-Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Gravitational Antenna: Preliminary Results. N76-33791/4CP LAROCK (BRUCE E) DAVIS CALIF TR-7201 Transverse Gravity Effects on a Fully Cavitating Hydrofoil Running Below a Free Surface AD-746 484/CP LING-TEMCO-VOUGHT, INC., DALLAS, TEX. NUCLEAR AND SPACE PHYSICS GROUP. NASA-CR-1 02662 Comparisons of Experimental and Calculated Electron Transmission and Bremsstrahlung Spec- tra for Electron Energies Below 3.0 ME V Final Report. 12 Mar. 1969 - 12 Mar. 1970. N70-27513/CP REPT-0-71100/0R-6 Comparisons of Experimental and Calculated Electron Transmission and Bremsstrahlung Spec- tra for Electron Energies Below 3 ME V Final Report, 12 Mar 1969 - 12 Mar. 1970. N70-27513/CP LINGUISTIC SYSTEMS, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. NASA-TT-F-14851 Description and Implementation of a Method for Characterizing Noise Sources in Jets N73-20020/CP LITTLE (ARTHUR D) INC CAMBRIDGE MASS Computation of Long-Range Propagation Losses in a Duct AD-A017 006/8CP LOCKHEED-CALIFORNIA CO BURBANK LR-27463-Vol-3 REXOR Rotorcraft Simulation. Volume III. Users Manual (USAAMRDL-TR-76-28C) AD-A028 417/4CP LOCKHEED ELECTRONICS CO., HOUSTON, TEX. APPLIED MECHANICS DEPT. NASA-CR-128871 Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 1 N73-20309/CP NASA-CR-128872 Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows, Volume 2 N73-20310/CP TR2007-VOL-1 Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 1 N73-20309/CP TR2007-VOL-2 Computations of Non-Reacting and Reacting Viscous Blunt Body Flows. Volume 2 N73-20310/CP LOCKHEED-GEORGIA CO., MARIETTA. NASA-CR-1843 Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Multi- Component Airfoils in Viscous Flow N72-11010/CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO., HUNTSVILLE, ALA. HUNTSVILLE RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING CENTER. LMSC-HREC-TM-D390450 User'S Guide and Description of the Streamline Divergence Computer Program N75-19591/7CP NASA-CR-141717 User'S Guide and Description of the Streamline Divergence Computer Program. N75-19591/7CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO., HUNTSVILLE, ALA. RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING CENTER. HREC-7761-3-REV-A Solution of Non-lsoenergetic Supersonic Flows by Method of Characteristics, Volume 3 N73-27210/6CP LMSC/HREC-D162004 Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interaction Final Report. N70-43047/CP LMSC/HREC-D1 621 39-2 Prediction of Electron Density and Collision Cross Section Volume 2 - Equilibrium Electron Density Prediction, a Mathematical Model Final Report N70-27716/CP LMSC/HREC-D162177 Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report. N70-27166/CP LMSC-HREC-D-162852 SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ROCKET PLUME IMPINGEMENT STUDY FOR SEPARATION ANAL- YSIS FINAL REPORT N71-18796/CP LMSC-HREC-TM-D390169 Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4. N75-32941/7CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D390690-2 Thermal Acoustic Oscillations. Volume 2 N75-25674/3CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D496534 Skylab M518 Multipurpose Furnace Convection Analysis. N76-11882/7CP NASA-CR-102612 Prediction of Electron Density and Collision Cross Section. Volume 2 - Equilibrium Electron Density Prediction, a Mathematical Model Final Report. N70-27716/CP NASA-CR-102776 Thermal Acoustic Oscillations, Volume 2 N75-25674/3CP NASA-CR-102890 Optical Measurement of Multiplume Interaction Final Report N70-43047/CP NASA-CR-1 09852 Transonic Flow in a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Final Report N70-27166/CP NASA-CR-1 14875 SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ROCKET PLUME IMPINGEMENT STUDY FOR SEPARATION ANAL- YSIS FINAL REPORT N71-18796/CP NASA-CR-1 32274 Solution of Non-lsoenergetic Supersonic Flows by Method of Characteristics, Volume 3 N73-27210/6CP NASA-CR-144036 Skylab M518 Multipurpose Furnace Convection Analysis. N76-11882/7CP NASA-CR-144431 Input Guide for Computer Programs to Generate Thermodynamic Data for Air and Freon CF4. N75-32941/7CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO INC HUNTSVILLE ALA HUNTSVILLE RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING CENTER LMSC-HREC-D306475-1 Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers. Part I (RK-73-1 1-Ptl) AD-763 905/CP LMSC-HREC-D-306475-2 Development and Application of Analytical Models for Chemical Lasers. Part II (RK-73-1 1-P12) AD-763 906/CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900-1 Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume I. Laser and Mixing Program Theory and User's Guide (RK-CR-73-2-Vol-1) AD-775 411/2CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900-2 Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume II. Two-Dimensional Fresnel Integral Laser and Mix- ing Program User's Guide (RK-CR-73-2-Vol-2) AD-775 412/OCP LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900-3 Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume III Lockheed One-Dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide (RK-CR-73-2-Vol-3) AD-775 413/8CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900-4 Chemical Laser Analysis Development. Volume IV Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Pro- gram Theory and User's Guide (RK-CR-73-2-Vol-4) AD-775 4M/6CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D306900-S Chemical Laser Analysis Development Summary Volume (RK-CR-73-2-S) AD-775 417/9CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D390222-1 Analysis of Chemical Lasers Volume 1 Laser and Mixing Program (LAMP) Theory and User's Guide (RK-CR-74-13-Vol-1) AD-784 531/6CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D390222-3 Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 3 One- dimensional Laser and Mixing Program Guide (RK-CR-74-13-Vol-3) AD-784 533/2CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D390222-4 Analysis of Chemical Lasers. Volume 4. Method of Characteristics Laser and Mixing Program (MOC- LAMP) Theory and User's Guide (RK-CR-74-13-Vol-4) AD-784 534/0CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D390222-5 Analysis of Chemical Lasers Volume 5. Rotational Relaxation Effects (RK-74-13-Vol-5) AD-784 548/0CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D390852 Lamp Reaction Models for Analysis of Chemical Lasers (RK-CR-75-31-Vol-3) AD-A015 071/4CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D390853 Lamp User's Information. Volume II (RK-CR-75-31) AD-A015 070/6CP LMSC-HREC-TR-D496558 Wake Vortex and Groundwind Meteorological Measurements (TSC-FAA-76-14) AD-A029 164/1 CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO INC PALO ALTO CALIF LMSC-D315254 Luminescent Applications of Rare Earth Materials AD-758 760/CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO INC SUNNYVALE, CALIF Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Tem- perature Sensitive Paints (AFFDL-TR-72-52) AD-749 582/CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO PALO ALTO CALIF PALO ALTO RESEARCH LAB LMSC/D246353 Trapped Radiation Studies Involving Plasma In- stabilities and Radial Diffusion (DNA-2824F) AD-743 549/CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO., SUNNYVALE, CALIF. NASA-CR-2237 The Vise Code a Users Manual N73-20933/CP LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB., N.MEX. CONF-760805-14 Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional Unsteady Reacting Flows LA-UR-76-1229 94 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK DEPT OF ELECTRICAL CONF-770313-4 Linear Accelerator Modeling: Development and Application LA-UR-77-576 CONF-770341-1 Numerical Methods for Two-Dimensional CW Chemical Laser Power Calculations LA-UR-77-838 CONF-770523-5 Cross Sections in the Energy Range from 10 to 40 Mev Calculated with the Gnash Code LA-UR-77-1031 ENDF-156 Laphano- a P/Sub 0/ Multigroup Photon-Produc- tion Matrix and Source Code for Endf LA-4750 ENDF-182 Laphan- a Code to Compute the P/Sub 0/ to P/Sub 4/ Multigroup Photon-Production Matrices LA-4963 LA-5852 SOLA - A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows AD-A009 953/1 CP LA-6005-MS Application of a Drift-Flux Model to Flashing in Straight Pipes (NR-DRSR-001) PB-254 968/1CP K-FIX: A Computer Program for Transient, Two- Dimensional, Two-Fluid Flow LA-NUREG-6623 Fpdcys and Fpspec: Computer Programs for Cal- culating Fission-Product beta and gamma Mul- tigroup Spectra from Endf/B-IV Data LA-NUREG-6818-MS Energy Distributions Calculated by a Hard-Sphere Model Computer Program Compared with Boltz- mann Distribution Law Predictions. LA-4264 Target-to-Detector Transport Code for Low-Ener- gy p-p Vacuum Polarization and Bremsstrahlung Experiments. LA-4274 Perturbation Transformation of Nuclear Cross- Section Parameters Between Wigner-Eisenbud and Kapur-Peierls Formalisms: The Perta Pro- gram. LA-4327 Laph: A Multigroup Photon Production Matrix and Source Vector Code for Endf/B. (ENDF-132) LA-4337 Compton Current in Presence of Fields for Lemp 1. LA-4348 Relkin: A Two-Body Relativistic Kinematics Code. LA-4349 The Smac Method: A Numerical Technique for Calculating Incompressible Fluid Flows. LA-4370 Calculation of Atomic-Energy-Level Values. LA-4402 Relativistic Calculation of Anomalous Scattering Factors for X Rays. LA-4403 Calculation of Light-Particle Energy Loss in Thick Foils. LA-4443 Mcna- a Computer Program to Solve the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equation by Coupled Sampling with the Monte Carlo Method LA-4488 Teplo- a Heat Conduction Code for Studying Thermal Explosions in Laminar Composites LA-451 1 Dchain- a Pdp-9/Pdp-15 Computer Program for Radioactive Decay and Capture Chain Calcula- tions LA-4708 Men: A Neutron Monte Carlo Code LA-4751 Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution Law with Illustrations from a Hard-Sphere Model Computer Program LA-4868 Time-Dependent Solution to Interstitial Diffusion in a Temperature Gradient LA-4985 Low-Temperature Equation of State for Metals LA-5068 Yaqui: An Arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian Com- puter Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds LA-5100 Exotic- a Computer Code for Energy Levels of Exotic Atoms LA-5110 Monte Carlo Photon Codes: Meg and Mcp LA-5157-MS G exp 3 General Purpose gamma-Ray Scattering Program LA-5176 Kachina: An Eulerian Computer Program for Mul- tifield Fluid Flows. LA-5680 Rice: A Computer Program for Multicomponent Chemically Reactive Flows at All Speeds. LA-5812 Numerical Calculation of Two-Phase Flows. LA-5942-MS NAP: A Computer Program for the Computation of Two-Dimensional, Time-Dependent, Inviscid Nozzle Flow LA-5984 Computer Program for Designing Reflective Spectrographs LA-6190 Sola-Ice: A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Compressible Fluid Flows LA-6236 Three-Dimensional Potential Field Calculations LA-6315-MS Baal: A Code for Calculating Three-Dimensional Fluid Flows at All Speeds with an Eulerian- Lagrangian Computing Mesh LA-6342 Temperature- and Density-Dependent X-Ray Scat- tering in a Low-Z Plasma LA-6391-MS Graser: A Kinetics Code for Study of Neutron- Pumped gamma-Ray Laser Systems LA-6517-MS Design and Construction of a Spectrometer Facility and Experiment for Intermediate Energy Proton Scattering on Helium LA-6631-T Automated Heuristic Stability Analysis for Non- linear Equations LA-6885-MS LOUISIANA STATE UNIV., BATON ROUGE. NASA-CR-1 12306 Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hyper- sonic Shock Layers, Volume 1 N73-24309/CP NASA-CR-1 12307 Ablation and Radiation Coupled Viscous Hyper- sonic Shock Layers, Volume 2 N73-24310/CP LTV AEROSPACE CORP., DALLAS, TEX. NASA-CR-1 44511 Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1, Revi- sion a. N75-33352/6CP NASA-CR-144512 Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 2, Revi- sion a. N75-33353/4CP REPT-2-53002/4R-3167-VOL Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 1, Revi- sion a. N75-33352/6CP REPT-2-53002/4R-3167-VOL Sinda/Sinflo Computer Routine, Volume 2, Revi- sion a. N75-33353/4CP LTV AEROSPACE CORP., DALLAS, TEX. VOUGHT SYSTEMS DIV. NASA-CR-134121 Thermal and Flow Analysis Subroutines for the Sinda-Version 9 Computer Routine N74-12045/2CP REPT-00-1582 Thermal and Flow Analysis Subroutines for the Sinda-Version 9 Computer Routine N74-12045/2CP LUND UNIV. (SWEDEN). DEPT. OF PHYSICS. Computer Programme for Calculation of Solid Angles and Angular Acceptances LUSY-7007 Computer Program for Acceptance Calculations for Two-Body Photoproduction Reactions LUSY-7101 LYON UNIV. (FRANCE). INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE NUCLEAIRE. SU3 Fractional Parentage in the 1-P Shell LYCEN-7078 MACNEAL-SCHWENDLER CORP., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. EC-245 Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements. N74-26363/3CP NASA-CR-139007 Nastran Variance Analysis and Plotting of Hbdy Elements. N74-26363/3CP MADRID UNIV (SPAIN) FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS Optical Constants of SiO in the IR Region AD-A005 086/4CP MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA KOZPONTI FIZIKAI KUTATO INTE2ETE, BUDAPEST. Biot- a 3-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Code KFKI-70-35-RPT Program for the Determination of Neutron Spec- tra from Activation Data KFKI-71-22 Spectrans- a Computer Code for Standardizing Neutron Spectra KFKI-72-65 Icl Version of the 05R Program System KFKI-73-2 MARTIN MARIETTA CORP., BALTIMORE, MD. MCR-73-105-VOL-2-APP-H Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys) User'S Manual, Appendix H, Volume 2. N75-13546/7CP NASA-CR-1 40375 Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys) User'S Manual. Appendix H, Volume 2. N75-13546/7CP MARTIN MARIETTA CORP BALTIMORE MD RESEARCH INST FOR ADVANCED STUDIES Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layers (AFOSR-TR-72- 1684) AD-748 282/CP MARTIN MARIETTA CORP., DENVER, COLO. MCR-74-107 Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys). N75-13198/7CP NASA-CR-140373 Thermal Radiation Analysis System (Trasys). N75-13198/7CP MARTIN MARIETTA LABS BALTIMORE MD MML-TR-75-09C Three-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer over Body of Revolution at Incidence. Part IX. Dif- ference Method and Documentation of Program BLIND3' (AFOSR-TR-75-0943) AD-A012 697/9CP MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK COLL OF ENGINEERING Paper-74-176 Effect of Kinetic Rate Uncertainties on Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Energy Predictions (AFOSfl-TR-75-7452) AD-A015 790/9CP MARYLAND UNIV., COLLEGE PARK. COMPUTER SCIENCE CENTER. NASA-CR-129908 The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for Any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler N73-13737/CP TR-192 The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler AD-748 025/CP TR-192 The X-Ray System of Crystallographic Programs for Any Computer Having a Pidgin Fortran Com- piler N73-13737/CP MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TR-014 The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials AD-766 779/3CP 95 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX TR-014 The Study of the Interaction of Intense Picosecond Light Pulse with Materials: Nonlinear Optical Interactions in KDP Prisms (AROD-8921.8-P) AD-771 048/6CP MARYLAND UNIV., COLLEGE PARK. DEPT. OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY. Simple Graphical Display Program for Physics ORO-51 26-27 MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK INST FOR FLUID DYNAMICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS BN-762 Collisional Coupling in Counter-Streaming Laser- Produced Plasmas (AFOSR-TR-73-1590) AD-766 731 /4CP MASON AND HANGER-SILAS MASON CO., INC., AMARILLO, TEX. (USA). Computer Microdensitometer (Drum Scanner) System. Period Covered: July— September 1973 MHSMP-73-43-L MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE TR-11 Phonon Spectrum and Strong-Coupling Super- conductivity in Nb: A Single-Crystal Tunneling Study AD-A006 930/2CP MEKIN: MIT-EPRI Nuclear Reactor Core Kinetics Code (EPRI-227) PB-246 054/1 CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION LAB A/V-71 476-2 Finite Membranes and Plates Vibrating in a Dense Fluid: An Analysis of the Fully Coupled Problem. AD-714 281/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. AEROELASTIC AND STRUCTURES RESEARCH LAB. ASRL-TR-139-3 High Radiation-Induced Ablation of a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow. (BSD-TR-66-394) AD-825 415/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE CENTER FOR MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Research on Materials for High Power Laser Win- dows (AFCRL-TR-76-0027) AD-A023 068/OCP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY. NASA-CR-148481 Monitoring Spacecraft Atmosphere Contaminants by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy. N76-28820/8CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume I: Theory and Experiment (EPRI/NP-151-Vol-1) PB-254 425/2CP Critical Heat Flux in Flow Reversal Transients. Volume II: Analytical Techniques (EPRI/NP-151-Vol-2) PB-254 426/OCP Heat Transfer and Carryover of Low Pressure Water in a Heated Vertical Tube (NUREG-0105) PB-256 480/5CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE DEPT OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING 70-19 Computation of Periodic Propeller Forces in Non- Uniform Flows Using a Lifting Surface Model AD-718 898/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING. MITNE-97 Gamanl- a Computer Program Applying Fourier Transforms to the Analysis of gamma Spectral Data MIT-3944-2 MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE DEPT OF OCEAN ENGINEERING 72-17 Theoretical Evaluation of Ship Added Resistance in Waves AD-760 002/CP Unsteady Hydrodynamics of a Body of Revolution with Fairwater and Rudder AD-A003 009/8CP TR-81512-1 A Numerical Method for Cavitating, Lifting Flows AD-A016 953/2CP Two-Dimensional. MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE DIV OF SPONSORED RESEARCH The Effect of Condensation on the Breakdown Strength of a Helium-Mercury Mixture (ARL-71-0128) AD-733 328/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. GAS TURBINE LAB. GTL-101 Computational Studies of Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress N71-27004/CP NASA-CR-1816 Computational Studies of Three-Dimensional Transonic Shear Flow - Work in Progress N71-27004/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH.. CAMBRIDGE. HEAT TRANSFER LAB. TR-72718-91 Post Critical Heat Transfer to Flowing Liquid in a Vertical Tube PB-252 406/4CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE LAB FOR INSULATION RESEARCH Dielectric Constant and Loss Data, Part III (AFML-TR-74-2S0-PI-3) AD-A046 172/3CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH LEXINGTON LINCOLN LAB ETS-17 Automatic Real-Time Extinction Measurement AD-A046 484/2CP TN-1977-39 Design for High Accuracy Critical-Angle Sun Transit Sensor (ESD-TR-77-272) AD-A048 287/7CP TR-470 Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines. (ESD-TR-69-388) AD-708 720/CP TR-480 Magnetic Moment Versus Temperature Curves of Ferrimagnetic Garnet Materials. (ESD-TR-70-150) AD-715 284/CP TR-502 Magnetic Moment Versus Temperature Curves of LiZnTi Ferrites (ESD-TR-74-206) AD-782 421 /2CP TR-512 Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear-FM Pulses (ESO-TR-74-231) AD-A003 677/2CP TT-7 Statistics of Global IR Atmospheric Transmission (ESD-TR-76-67) AD-A024 311/3CP MASSACHUSETTS UNIV., AMHERST. NSF/RANN/SE/GI-34979/TR/74/2 An Analysis of the Thermal and Nutrient Proper- ties of the Condenser Discharge Plume Created by an Ocean Thermal Difference Power Plant (NSF/RA/N-74-18S) PB-244 786/0CP MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS GROUP INC ELMSFORD N Y MR-7021 SAM-CE: A Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions (DNA-2830F) AD-746 462/CP MR-7021 -Rev-A SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions. Revision A (ON A-2830F -Rev-A) AD-751 617/CP MR-7021 -Rev-B SAM-CE: A Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Code for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and For- ward and Adjoint Gamma Ray Transport Equa- tions - Revision B (DNA-2830F-B) AD-767 439/3CP MR-7028 ANTE 3 - A FORTRAN Computer Code for the Solution of the Adjoint Neutron Transport Equa- tion by the Monte Carlo Technique (DNA-2988F) AD-756 290/CP MR-7030 Modification of the SAM-CE System to SAM-CE Revision A (DNA-2958F) AD-749 980/CP MR-7031 Design of a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code for the ILLIAC IV (DNA-2972F) AD-753 191/CP MR -7033 SAM-CE Monte Carlo Calculations of Nitrogen and Carbon Ball Integral Experiments (ONA-3160Z) AD-766 509/4CP MR-7035 Additional Analysis of Neutron and Secondary Gamma Ray Transport in Concrete Using the SAM-CE Monte Carlo Code (DNA-3182T) AD-768 042/4CP MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS GROUP INC WHITE PLAINS N Y MR -7006 Penetration of Photons Through a Hot Electron Gas. (DASA-2556) AD-713 485/CP MR-7019 SAM-A. an Adjoint Monte Carlo Gamma Ray Transport Code (DNA-2780F) AD-734 401 /CP NUDATA - A Computer Program to Prepare Cross Section Data for the MAGI-SGD Code (AFWL-TR-70-185) AD-730 625/CP MCDONNELL AIRCRAFT CO ST LOUIS MO Numerical Solution of Subsonic Viscous-lnviscid Interacting Flows (AFFDL-TR-76-64) AD-A036 213/7CP Active Multispectral Data Analysis (RADC-TR-74-190) AD-786 032/3CP MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS ASTRONAUTICS CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. MDC-E1249-VOL-1 Particulate Contamination Spectrometer. Volume 1 : Technical Report. N75-29407/4CP NASA-CR- 144375 Particulate Contamination Spectrometer. Volume 1 : Technical Report. N75-29407/4CP MICHIGAN STATE UNIV., EAST LANSING. Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies of Short-Lived Neutron-Deficient Species in the F/Sub 7/2/ Shell Region COO-1 779-63 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV., EAST LANSING. DIV. OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH. AR-2 The Vorcom. Part 1: Analytical Considerations. N76-24505/9CP NASA-CR- 1481 30 The Vorcom. Part 1 : Analytical Considerations. N76-24505/9CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR The Spherical Cavity Problem (AFWL-TR-75-72) AD-A017 324/5CP MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. CAVITATION AND MULTIPHASE FLOW LAB. UMICH-03371-12-T Computer Simulation of High Speed Collision with Rain Drop (Combined Spherical-Cylindrical Shape) N71 -36701 /CP 96 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. AMES MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR COOLEY ELECTRONICS LAB 004860-4-T Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP TR-226 Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. OEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. UMICH-012449-5-T The Impact Between a Liquid Drop and an Elastic Half-Space PB-241 155/1CP Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Performance of Heated Perforated Flat Plates (APTD-1554) PB-236 675/5CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR ELECTRON PHYSICS LAB TR-129 Determinaton of Current vs. Electric Field Charac- teristics in Multivalley Semiconductors (RADC-TR-73-401) AD-776 806/2CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR INST OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1386-43-T A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR RADIATION LAB 1363-6-T Scattering by a Periodic Surface. (AFCRL-70-0507) AD-713 183/CP 013630-9-T The Numerical Solution of Low Frequency Scat- tering Problems (AFCRL-72-0162) AD-741 776/CP Scientific 7 Scattering by a Periodic Surface. (AFCRL-70-0507) AD-713 183/CP Scientific-12 The Numerical Solution of Low Frequency Scat- tering Problems (AFCRL-72-0162) AD-741 776/CP MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. RADIO ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY. NASA-CR-1 09457 Ogo-2 Data Analysis Satellite Plasma Wake Study Final Report. N70-23999/CP REPT-70-1 Ogo-2 Data Analysis Satellite Plasma Wake Study Final Report. N70-23999/CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LAB Plasma Simulation Using STARAN (RADC-TR-75-294) AD-A019 301/1CP MINNESOTA UNIV MINNEAPOLIS DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Study of Plasma Sheaths (AFCRL-7 1-0425) AD-736 462/CP Study of Plasma Sheaths (AFCRL-TR-74-0221) AD-786 451 /5CP MINNESOTA UNIV MINNEAPOLIS HEAT TRANSFER LAB HTL-89 Study of a Transpiration-Cooled, Constricted Arc. (ARL-70-0007) AD-707 856/CP MISSION RESEARCH CORP SANTA BARBARA CALIF MRC-N-264 Analytic Solution of a Test Problem for MODE (DNA-4145T) AD-A041 761 /8CP MRC-R-16 Elastic Energy and Momentum Loss in Atom Col- lisions Above 50 eV (DNA-28761) AD-745 373/CP MRC-R-18 Collisional Aspects of the Avco Experiment (DNA-28781) AD-745 374/CP MRC-R-194 A Non-Reflecting Electromagnetic Outer Bounda- ry Condition for Cylindrical Coordinates and the SGEMP Problem (DNA-3890T) AD-A027 956/2CP MRC-R-196 Generalized Boundary Condition in SEMP (DNA-3999T) AD-A031 707/3CP MRC-R-228 Development and Testing of DAVID: A Close-in EMP Coupling Code for Arbitrarily Shaped Ob- jects (DNA-3923T) AD-A030 684/5CP MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV., MISSISSIPPI STATE. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. EIRS-EE-74-1 Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP NASA-CR-144175 Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV., STATE COLLEGE. DEPT. OF AEROPHYSICS AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-2071 Theoretical Models and Numerical Studies of Waves in a Three-Fluid Medium N72-30650/CP MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV., STATE COLLEGE. DEPT. OF PHYSICS. Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens. SC-CR-69-3309 MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV., STATE COLLEGE. INST. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. IES-72-02-001 A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Con- centration Profiles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate N72-26289/CP NASA-CR-2050 A Direct Numerical Method for Predicting Con- centration Profiles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate N72-26289/CP MISSISSIPPI UNIV UNIVERSITY OEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Transient Radiated Fields from Rectangular Aper- tures (RG-75-26; AD-A011 228/4CP MISSOURI UNIV ROLLA OEPT OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT Data Collection and Analysis Program (ARO-12110.1-RTL) AD-A011 395/1 CP MISSOURI UNIV., ROLLA. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-1861 Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen-Helium Plasmas N72-14938/CP MOBIL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORP PRINCETON N J CENTRAL RESEARCH DIV LAB Ion Beam Probe for ST Tokamak (AFOSR-TR-72-0018) AD-737 561 /CP MONTPELLIER UNIV. (FRANCE). DEPT. DE PHYSIQUE MATHEMATIOUE. PM/70/5 Computer Study of Solution Method for Inversion Problem N71-29024/CP MOTOROLA INC SCOTTSDALE ARIZ GOVERNMENT ELECTRONICS DIV Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers. AD-711 982/CP MOUND LAB., MIAMISBURG, OHIO. Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffraction Interplanar (D) Spacings with a Tektronix-31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator MLM-2400 MOUNT AUBURN RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC., NEWTON UPPER FALLS, MASS. NASA-CR-2127 Godunov Method and Computer Program to Determine the Pressure and Flow Field As- sociated with a Sonic Boom Focus N73-16013/CP A Numerical Model of Droplet Entrainment from a Contained Oil Slick fUSCG-D-65-75; AD-A006 600/1 CP NAGOYA UNIV. (JAPAN). INST. OF PLASMA PHYSICS. IPPJ-T-12 On-Line Correlation Measurement in a Plasma N73-18729/CP IPPJ-266 Computer Simulations on the Nonlinear Frequen- cy Shift and Nonlinear Modulation of Ion-Acoustic W3V6S N77-33983/6CP NATIONAAL LUCHT-EN RUIMTEVAARTLABORATORIUM, AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS). NLR-TR-69020-U An Application of the n-Strip Method of Integral Relations for Analyzing the Flow around a Circu- lar Cone. N70-28860/CP NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LAB., BATAVIA, ILL. Turtle (Trace Unlimited Rays Through Lumped Elements)- a Computer Program for Simulating Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems NAL-64 NATIONAL AERONAUTICAL ESTABLISHMENT OTTAWA (ONTARIO) NAE-LR-556 Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies (NRC-12468) AD-739 742/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. AMES RESEARCH CENTER, MOFFETT FIELD, CALIF. A-4160 Investigation of a Mixed Compression Axisymmet- ric Inlet at Mach Number 5.3 N72-14988/CP A-4232 Extrapolation of Sonic Boom Pressure Signatures by the Waveform Parameter Method N72-26004/CP A-4234 Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measurements of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma N72-29707/CP A-4863 Computer Program for Determining Rotational Line Intensity Factors for Diatomic Molecules N73-30689/6CP A-5657 Evaluation of Image Quality in a Cassegrain-Type Telescope with an Oscillating Secondary Mirror. N75-16800/5CP A-6338 Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1. N76-32877/2CP A-6899 An llliac Program for the Numerical Simulation of Homogeneous Incompressible Turbulence. N78-13367/5CP NASA-TM-X-3137 Evaluation of Image Quality in a Cassegrain-Type Telescope with an Oscillating Secondary Mirror. N75-16800/5CP NASA-TM-X-62323 Boundary Condition Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16699/2CP NASA-TM-X-62324 Influence Matrix Program for Aerodynamic Lifting Surface Theory N74-16701/6CP NASA-TM-X-62325 Equation Solving Program for Aerodynamic Lift- ing Surface Theory N74-16700/8CP NASA-TM-X-73074 Nasa-Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis System (Potfan) Equation Solver Code (Soln) Version 1. N76-32877/2CP 97 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NASA-TM-X-73092 Identifying Unknown Minerals and Compounds from X-Ray Diffraction Patterns Using the John- son and Vand Fortran 4 Computer Program. N76-20575/6CP NASA-TM-X-73187 Nasa Ames Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Analyses System (Potfan) Boundary Condition Code (Bcdn). Version 1. N77-14995/3CP NASA-TM-73203 An llliac Program for the Numerical Simulation of Homogeneous Incompressible Turbulence. N78-13367/5CP NASA-TN-D-6647 Investigation of a Mixed Compression Axisymmet- ric Inlet at Mach Number 5.3 N72-14988/CP NASA-TN-D-6832 Extrapolation of Sonic Boom Pressure Signatures by the Waveform Parameter Method N72-26004/CP NASA-TN-D-6920 Vacuum Ultraviolet Line Radiation Measurements of a Shock-Heated Nitrogen Plasma N72-29707/CP NASA-TN-D-7268 Computer Program for Determining Rotational Line Intensity Factors for Diatomic Molecules N73-30689/6CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. NASA-SP-3055 A Ray Tracing Digital Computer Program for the Study of Magnetospheric Duct Propagation. N70-35774/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, GREENBELT, MD. G-7440 An Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave Motion and Upstream Influence in a Stratified Fluid. N74-32747/9CP NASA-TM-X-3503 Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems. Volume 1. N77-23411/0CP NASA-TM-X-3504 Nastran Thermal Analyzer: Theory and Applica- tion Including a Guide to Modeling Engineering Problems. Volume 2. N77-23412/8CP NASA-TM-X-65534 Mathematical Analysis of a Vuilleumier Refrigera- tor N71-25812/CP NASA-TM-X-65779 The Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer Regions Using Numerical Integration Methods N72-14697/CP NASA-TN-D-7744 An Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave Motion and Upstream Influence in a Stratified Fluid. N74-32747/9CP X-763-71-125 Mathematical Analysis of a Vuilleumier Refrigera- tor N71-25812/CP X-81 1-71 -392 The Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer Regions Using Numerical Integration Methods N72-14697/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER, LANGLEY STATION, VA. L-6063 A Method for the Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft, Including All Multiple Reflections and Shading among Diffuse, Gray Surfaces. N70-33123/CP L-6850 A General Transient Heat-Transfer Computer Pro- gram for Thermally Thick Walls. N70-37089/CP L-7262 VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-17424/CP L-7326 Proper 3 C - a Nucleon Pion Transport Code N71-24723/CP L-7399 Computer Program for Compressible Laminar or Turbulent Nonsimilar Boundary Layers N71-22588/CP L-7515 Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Su- personic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tan- gential Slot Injection N71-22569/CP L-7771 A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid. Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP L-7774 Application of Phase-Change Technique to Thin Sections with Heating on Both Surfaces N73-29965/3CP L-7807 A Computer Program to Determine Radiating, Nonadiabatic. Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N71-36417/CP L-7900 Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Ef- fects Shape Change N71-37569/CP L-7950 Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow on the Windward Side Conical delta Wings by the Method of Lines N72-13271/CP L-7951 Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow About Circular, Elliptic, and Bielliptic Cones by the Method of Lines N72-16209/CP L-7986 Comparison of the Radiation Flux Profiles and Spectral Detail from Three Detailed Nongray Radiation Models at Conditions Representative of Hypervelocity Earth Entry N72-14935/CP L-8037 Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas N72-21312/CP L-8135 Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02-AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures N72-18961/CP L-8176 A Computer Program for Moessbauer Data Processing N72-21677/CP L-8361 A Program for Calculating Expansion-Tube Flow Quantities for Real-Gas Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Results N72-32300/CP L-8904 A Rapid Numerical Solution to Subsonic Flow over Planar and Axisymmetric Profiles at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-16703/2CP L-8918 A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-12991/7CP L-8944 A Computer Program for Calculating the Perfect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Axisymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-12090/8CP L-9700 Program and Charts for Determining Shock Tube, and Expansion Tunnel Flow Quantities for Real Air N75-21565/7CP L-9723 Effects of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on the In- viscid Design of an Axisymmetric Nozzle for Hypersonic Flow N75-14991/4CP L-9796 A Computer Program to Predict Rotor Rotational Noise of a Stationary Rotor from Blade Loading Coefficient. N76-18889/5CP L-10144 A Method for Calculating a Real-Gas Two-Dimen- sional Nozzle Contour Including the Effects of gamma. N75-30482/4CP L-10153 An Improved Technique for Determining Reflec- tion from Semi-Infinite Atmospheres with Linrarly Anisotropic Phase Functions. N75-31854/3CP L-10437 A Computer Program for the Determination of the Acoustic Pressure Signature of Helicopter Rotors Due to Blade Thickness N76-17925/8CP NASA-SP-3068 Atomic Emission Line Wavelength Calculations Below 2000 Angstroms for Lithium II Through Cobalt XXVI N72-12684/CP NASA-TM-X-2058 A General Transient Heat-Transfer Computer Pro- gram for Thermally Thick Walls. N70-37089/CP NASA-TM-X-2140 Computer Program for Compressible Laminar or Turbulent Nonsimilar Boundary Layers N71-22588/CP NASA-TM-X-2158 Proper 3 C - a Nucleon Pion Transport Code N71-24723/CP NASA-TM-X-2328 A Computer Program to Determine Radiating, Nonadiabatic, Inviscid Flow over a Blunt Body by the Method of Integral Relations N71-36417/CP NASA-TM-X-2334 A Computer Program for Calculating Inviscid, Adiabatic Flow About Blunt Bodies Traveling at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds at Angle of Attack N71-33670/CP NASA-TM-X-2375 Computer Program for the Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Ef- fects Shape Change N71-37569/CP NASA-TM-X-2437 Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow About Circular. Elliptic, and Bielliptic Cones by the Method of Lines N72-16209/CP NASA-TM-X-2438 Computer Program for Calculating Supersonic Flow on the Windward Side Conical delta Wings by the Method of Lines N72-13271/CP NASA-TM-X-2447 Comparison of the Radiation Flux Profiles and Spectral Detail from Three Detailed Nongray Radiation Models at Conditions Representative of Hypervelocity Earth Entry N72-14935/CP NASA-TM-X-2458 Computer Program for Solving Compressible Nonsimilar-Boundary-Layer Equations for Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Flows of a Perfect Gas N72-21312/CP NASA-TM-X-2512 Computer Program of Data Reduction Procedures for Facilities Using C02-N2-02-AR Equilibrium Real-Gas Mixtures N72-18961/CP NASA-TM-X-2522 A Computer Program for Moessbauer Data Processing N72-21677/CP NASA-TM-X-2805 A Computer Program to Calculate Radiating Viscous Stagnation Streamline Flow with Strong Blowing N74-12991/7CP NASA-TM-X-2843 A Computer Program for Calculating the Perfect Gas Inviscid Flow Field About Blunt Axisymmetric Bodies at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-12090/8CP 98 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS NASA-TM-X-3243 A Method for Calculating a Real-Gas Two-Dimen- sional Nozzle Contour Including the Effects of gamma. N75-30482/4CP NASA-TM-X-3281 A Computer Program to Predict Rotor Rotational Noise of a Stationary Rotor from Blade Loading Coefficient. N76-18889/5CP NASA-TM-X-3323 A Computer Program for the Determination of the Acoustic Pressure Signature of Helicopter Rotors Due to Blade Thickness. N76-17925/8CP NASA-TM-X-62963 Numerical Solution of the Compressible Laminar. Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layer Equa- tions with Comparisons to Experimental Data. N70-30393/CP NASA-TM-X-70179 An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Phenomena within a Vortex Sink Rate Sen- sor. N74-26823/6CP NASA-TM-X-71970 Computer Program for Calculation of Real Gas Turbulent Boundary Layers with Variable Edge Entropy. N74-26819/4CP NASA-TM-X-71991 Comparison of Interference-Free Numerical Results with Sample Experimental Data for the AEDC Wall-Interference Model at Transonic and Subsonic Flow Conditions N74-31753/8CP NASA-TM-X-72662 Theoretical Performance of Cross-Wind Axis Tur- bines with Results for a Catenary Vertical Axis Configuration. N76-11032/9CP NASA-TM-X-72756 A Tabulation of Pipe Length to Diameter Ratios as a Function of Mach Number and Pressure Ratios for Compressible Flow N76-12317/3CP NASA-TM-X-72831 Raxbod: A Fortran Program for Inviscid Transonic Flow over Axisymmetric Bodies. N76-21156/4CP NASA-TM-X-73904 Solution of a Large Hydrodynamic Problem Using the Star-100 Computer N76-26429/0CP NASA-TM-X-74013 Staylam: A Fortran Program for the Suction Transition Analysis of a Yawed Wing Laminar Boundary Layer. N77-18390/3CP NASA-TM-74080 A Finite Element Simulation of Sound Attenuation in a Finite Duct with a Periphally Variable Liner N78-11798/3CP NASA-TN-D-5910 A Method for the Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft, Including All Multiple Reflections and Shading among Diffuse, Gray Surfaces. N70-33123/CP NASA-TN-D-6142 VORTEX-LATTICE FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SUBSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX PLANFORMS N71-17424/CP NASA-TN-D-6221 Calculation by a Finite Difference Method of Su- personic Turbulent Boundary Layers with Tan- gential Slot Injection N71-22569/CP NASA-TN-D-6830 A Program for Calculating Expansion-Tube Flow Quantities for Real-Gas Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Results N72-32300/CP NASA-TN-D-7193 Application of Phase-Change Technique to Thin Sections with Heating on Both Surfaces N73-29965/3CP NASA-TN-D-7410 A Rapid Numerical Solution to Subsonic Flow over Planar and Axisymmetric Profiles at an Angle of Attack of Deg N74-16703/2CP NASA-TN-D-7752 Program and Charts for Determining Shock Tube, and Expansion Tunnel Flow Quantities for Real Air. N75-21565/7CP NASA-TN-D-7801 Effects of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on the In- viscid Design of an Axisymmetric Nozzle for Hypersonic Flow. N75-14991/4CP NASA-TN-D-8011 An Improved Technique for Determining Reflec- tion from Semi-Infinite Atmospheres with Linearly Anisotropic Phase Functions. N75-31854/3CP Finite Element Computation of a Viscous Com- pressible Free Shear Flow Governed by the Time Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations. N76-11382/8CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, CLEVELAND, OHIO. E-5256 Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients. N70-29734/CP E-5359 Pertran - a Transport-Perturbation Program. N70-33112/CP E-5378 Daisey - an Efficient Program for Production of Neutron Pseudo Resonance Parameter Chains in the Unresolved Energy Region. N70-27998/CP E-5444 Tests of Evaluated Beryllium (N.2N) Cross Sec- tions by Analysis of 1 4-E V Flux in Water for an Americium-Beryllium Source Enclosed in Berylli- um Spheres N70-37365/CP E-5447 Effect of an Aperture on Measurement of the Axial Distribution Function in a Magnetically Con- fined Plasma N70-24369/CP E-5577 Numerical Solution of the Unsteady Navier- Stokes Equations and Application to Flow in a Rectangular Cavity with a Moving Wall N71-23915/CP E-5652 Fortran Program for Calculating Aerodynamic Forces from Pressure or Velocity Distributions on Blade Sections N71-10467/CP E-5832 Fortran 4 Program for Studying Ion Polar Molecule Collisions N71-158307CP E-5911 Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer Insulation N71-24594/CP E-5978 GIG - A FORTRAN 4 GEOMETRY INPUT GENERA- TOR PROGRAM FOR A FINITE-ELEMENT HEAT- TRANSFER CODE N71-18621/CP E-6032 Analytic Performance of Two Grid Accelerator Designs for Kaufman Thrusters N71-23762/CP E-6033 Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP E-6179 SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS N71-18782/CP E-6242 Computer Program for Evaluation of Bloch- Grueneisen Parameters of Metals and Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity of Tantalum as a Function of Temperature N71-29922/CP E-6261 Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Nozzle with Boundary Layer Correction N71-32793/CP E-6351 Hetran a Computer Program to Solve the Two- Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction on a Cladded Tube with a Connecting Fin N71-35336/CP E-6501 Gasp - a Computer Code for Calculating the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Eight Fluids - Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen. Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Diox- ide N71-33318/CP E-6592 Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities in the Meridional Plane of a Turbomachine 1 Centrifugal Compressor N72-17988/CP E-6644 Fortran Program for Generating a Two-Dimen- sional Orthogonal Mesh Between Two Arbitrary Boundaries N72-20969/CP E-6698 Factors Which Influence the Analysis and Design of Ejector Nozzles N72-14301/CP E-6794 Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffusion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks N73-32197/8CP E-6956 Magnetic-Field Measurements for the Lewis Research Center Cyclotron N73-16677/CP E-7154 Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities and Streamlines on the Hub-Shroud Mid-Channel Flow Surface of an Axial- or Mixed-Flow Tur- bomachine 1: User'S Manual N73-26996/1CP E-7173 Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP E-7241 Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Fric- tion - Application to Gas Film Seals N74-17015/0CP E-7384 Beamr: An Interactive Graphic Computer Program for Design of Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems N73-27143/9CP E-7486 Modification of a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Analysis and Comparison with Experimen- tal Data. N74-18651/1CP E-7643 Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using For- tran 4 Routines N74-21926/2CP E-7819 Computer Program for Calculating Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layers for a Compressible Axisymmetric Flow. N74-25807/0CP E-8084 Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Solution by Meridional Plane Analysis. N74-31754/6CP E-8627 Gasplot - a Computer Graphics Program That Draws a Variety of Thermophysical Property Charts. N77-28015/4CP E-8707 Gasplot: A Computer Program for Rapid Produc- tion of Thermophysical Properties Charts for Cycle Analysis and Property Evaluations. N77-10810/8CP E-9018 Finite-Element Computer Program for Axisymmet- ric Loading Situations Where Components May Have a Relative Interference Fit. N77-23494/6CP E-9132 Fluid: A Numerical Interpolation Procedure for Obtaining Thermodynamic and Transport Proper- ties of Fluids. N77-28832/2CP 99 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX L-8278 An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equations N72-27002/CP NASA-SP-3074 Tables of Critical-Flow Functions and Ther- modynamic Properties for Methane and Computa- tional Procedures for Both Methane and Natural Gas N73-15309/CP NASA-TM-X-2123 Fortran Program for Calculating Aerodynamic Forces from Pressure or Velocity Distributions on Blade Sections. N71-10467/CP NASA-TM-X-2151 Fortran 4 Program for Studying Ion Polar Molecule Collisions N71-15830/CP NASA-TM-X-2204 GIG - A FORTRAN 4 GEOMETRY INPUT GENERA- TOR PROGRAM FOR A FINITE-ELEMENT HEAT- TRANSFER CODE N71-18621/CP NASA-TM-X-2320 Computer Program for Evaluation of Bloch- Grueneisen Parameters of Metals and Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity of Tantalum as a Function of Temperature N71-29922/CP NASA-TM-X-2343 Computer Program for Design of Two-Dimen- sional Sharp-Edged-Throat Supersonic Nozzle with Boundary Layer Correction N71-32793/CP NASA-TM-X-2351 Hetran a Computer Program to Solve the Two- Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction on a Cladded Tube with a Connecting Fin N71-35336/CP NASA-TM-X-2692 Magnetic-Field Measurements for the Lewis Research Center Cyclotron N73-16677/CP NASA-TM-X-3025 Modification of a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Analysis and Comparison with Experimen- tal Data. N74-18651/1CP NASA-TM-X-3572 Fluid: A Numerical Interpolation Procedure for Obtaining Thermodynamic and Transport Proper- ties of Fluids. N77-28832/2CP NASA-TM-X-52708 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 18- ME V Protons on Ne 20. N70-33818/CP NASA-TM-X-52814 Ntwo - a Nitrogen Properties Package. N70-29990/CP NASA-TM-X-52973 SHIELD WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION USING MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS N71-18782/CP NASA-TM-X-67895 Gasp - a Computer Code for Calculating the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for Eight Fluids - Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Diox- ide N71-33318/CP NASA-TM-X-67976 Factors Which Influence the Analysis and Design of Ejector Nozzles N72-14301/CP NASA-TM-X-68288 Numerical Studies of Unsteady Two Dimensional Subsonic Flows Using the Ice Method N73-31240/7CP NASA-TM-X-71593 Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Meridional Plane Analysis. N74-31754/6CP NASA-TM-X-71915 Gasplot: A Computer Program for Rapid Produc- tion of Therm ophysical Properties Charts for Cycle Analysis and Property Evaluations. N77-10810/8CP NASA-TN-D-5681 Fortran Program for Calculating Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Ar- bitrary Pressure Gradients N70-29734/CP Solution by NASA-TN-D-5746 Effect of an Aperture on Measurement of the Axial Distribution Function in a Magnetically Con- fined Plasma. N70-24369/CP NASA-TN-D-5835 Improved Data Agreement Using New Eddy Viscosity Equations in a Coaxial Free-Jet Com- puter Code. N70-27641/CP NASA-TN-D-5837 Daisey - an Efficient Program for Production of Neutron Pseudo Resonance Parameter Chains in the Unresolved Energy Region. N70-27998/CP NASA-TN-D-5906 Pertran - a Transport-Perturbation Program. N70-33112/CP NASA-TN-D-5995 Tests of Evaluated Beryllium (N.2N) Cross Sec- tions by Analysis of 1.4-E V Flux in Water for an Americium-Beryllium Source Enclosed in Berylli- um Spheres N70-3736S/CP NASA-TN-D-6228 Computer Program for Thermal Analysis of Tank Mounted Multilayer Insulation N71-24594/CP NASA-TN-D-6275 Analytic Performance of Two Grid Accelerator Designs for Kaufman Thrusters N71-23762/CP NASA-TN-D-6312 Numerical Solution of the Unsteady Navier- Stokes Equations and Application to Flow in a Rectangular Cavity with a Moving Wall N71-23915/CP NASA-TN-D-6338 Wide Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detec- tor Using Integrated Circuits N71-26908/CP NASA-TN-D-6701 Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities in the Meridional Plane of a Turbomachine 1 Centrifugal Compressor N72-17988/CP NASA-TN-D-6766 Fortran Program for Generating a Two-Dimen- sional Orthogonal Mesh Between Two Arbitrary Boundaries N72-20969/CP NASA-TN-D-6860 An Efficient Algorithm Using Matrix Methods to Solve Wind Tunnel Force-Balance Equations N72-27002/CP NASA-TN-D-7188 Analytical and Experimental Performance of Op- timal Controller Designs for a Supersonic Inlet N73-18803/CP NASA-TN-D-7343 Fortran Program for Calculating Velocities and Streamlines on the Hub-Shroud Mid-Channel Flow Surface of an Axial- or Mixed-Flow Tur- bomachine. 1 : User'S Manual N73-26996/1CP NASA-TN-D-7352 Beamr: An Interactive Graphic Computer Program for Design of Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems N73-27143/9CP NASA-TN-D-7405 Monte-Carlo Analysis of Rarefied-Gas Diffusion Including Variance Reduction Using the Theory of Markov Random Walks N73-32197/8CP NASA-TN-D-7481 Computer Program for Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Area Change and Fric- tion - Application to Gas Film Seals N74-17015/0CP NASA-TN-D-7521 Computer Program for Calculating Laminar. Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layers for a Compressible Axisymmetric Flow. N74-25807/0CP NASA-TN-D-7653 Calculation of Supersonic Stream Parameters of a Real Gas from Measurable Quantities Using For- tran 4 Routines N74-21926/2CP NASA-TN-D-8483 Finite-Element Computer Program for Axisymmet- ric Loading Situations Where Components May Have a Relative Interference Fit. N77-23494/6CP NASA-TN-D-8507 Gasplot - a Computer Graphics Program That Draws a Variety of Thermophysical Property Charts. N77-28015/4CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER, HOUSTON, TEX. NASA-TM-X-64431 Computer Program to Predict the Newtonian Aerodynamics of General Bodies Approximated by Flat Plates N70-35621/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. 15 Supplement to the Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Nozzle Analysis Computer Program N72-25308/CP M-195 The Theoretical Reflectance of X-Rays from Opti- cal Surfaces. N77-11853/7CP M-441 Theory and Application of an Edge Gradient System for Generating Optical Transfer Functions N71-30558/CP M-449 The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet N72-33662/CP MSFC-SSL-P-68-12 A Brief Discussion of Berger'S Latest Monte Carlo Program N70-37584/CP NASA-TM-X-53915 A Brief Discussion of Berger'S Latest Monte Carlo Program. N70-37584/CP NASA-TM-X-64661 Boundary Layer Loss Sensitivity Study Using a Modified Icrpg Turbulent Boundary Layer Com- puter Program N72-26232/CP NASA-TM-78142 Single-Node Orbit Analsyis with Radiation Heat Transfer Only. N78-14314/6CP NASA-TN-D-6424 Theory and Application of an Edge Gradient System for Generating Optical Transfer Functions N71-30558/CP NASA-TN-D-6825 Wall Temperature Distribution Calculation for a Rocket Nozzle Contour N72-30773/CP NASA-TN-D-7061 The Optical Properties of Platinum and Gold in the Vacuum Ultraviolet N72-33662/CP NASA-TN-D-8366 The Theoretical Reflectance of X-Rays from Opti- cal Surfaces. N77-11853/7CP NASA-TR-R-393 A Study of the Microstructure and Optical Proper- ties of Thin Lead-Dielectric Cermet Films N73-12811/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. JILA-107 Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction N71-23999/CP NASA-TM-X-67149 Classical Path Broadening Functions for a Debye Shielded Interaction N71-23999/CP NATIONAL AEROSPACE LAB., AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS). NLR-TR-G-50 Computer Application of a Linearised Supersonic Lifting Surface Theory on a Certain Class of Wings. N70-37079/CP NLR-TR-70088-U Computer Application of Subsonic Lifting Surface Theory N73-12224/CP 100 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NAVAL ELECTRONICS LAB CENTER SAN DIEGO CALIF NATIONAL AEROSPACE LAB., AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS). SCIENTIFIC SERVICES. NLR-TR-75031-U A Computer Program for the Finite Element Cal- culation of Axisymmetric Subcritical Compressi- ble Flow. N77-16295/6CP NATIONAL AEROSPACE LAB., TOKYO (JAPAN). NAL-TR-248 A Description of the Ideas Underlying a Computer Program for Predicting the Aerofoil Pressure Dis- tributions in Subcritical Viscous Flow N72-27317/CP NAL-TR-379T Three-Dimensional Inviscid Effects in Axial Flow Turbomachinery and Limitation of Cascade Theory. N75-29355/5CP NATIONAL AVIATION FACILITIES EXPERIMENTAL CENTER ATLANTIC CITY N J FAA-NA-74-44 Responses of Small Rigid Aircraft to Discrete and Continuous Gust Analysis - Phase I (FAA/RD-74-160) AD-A020 103/8CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, BOULDER, COLO. NASA-CR-2026 A Computer Program for the Calculation of Ther- mal Stratification and Self-Press urization in a Liquid Hydrogen Tank N72-24362/CP NBS-TN-627 Computation of Spectral Data for a Josephson Junction Circuit COM-73-50104/CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, BOULDER, COLO. CRYOGENICS DIV. NBS-R-624 A Computer Program for Marten site Crystallog- raphy COM-71-00806/CP NBS-R-637 Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffrac- tion Line Profile: A Computer Program (NBS-TN-600) COM-71-50297/CP Corrections and Calculations on an X-Ray Diffrac- tion Line Profile: A Computer Program (NBS-TN-600) COM-71-50308/CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, BOULDER, COLO. ELECTROMAGNETICS DIV. NBS-TN-661 Advances in the Measurement of rf Power and At- tenuation Using SQUIDS COM-74-51064/5CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS BOULDER COLO INST FOR BASIC STANDARDS Unified Theory Calculations of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Lines Including Lower State Interac- tions (NBS-Mono-120) AD-719 975/CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. NASA-CR-1 19939 Penetration of High Energy Radiation N71-35899/CP NBS-TN-766 A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code. GAM- MOM-I AD-761 839/CP NBS-11916 A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analysis of Crystallographic Quantities (NBS/DF-76/004) PB-257 728/6CP Evaluation of the Neutron Source Absorption Cor- rection in a Manganous Sulfate Bath COM-72-50682/CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. CENTER FOR RADIATION RESEARCH. NBS-TN-725 A Neutron Moments Computer Code, Moment I COM-72-50522/CP NBS-TN-725 A Neutron Moments Computer Code. Moment I COM-72-50537/CP NBS-TN-748 An Adjoint Gamma-Ray Moments Computer Code, ADJMOM-I COM-73-50209/CP NBS-TN-766 A Gamma Ray Moments Computer Code, GAMMOM-I COM-73-50374/CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY DIV. NBS-Special Pub-400-11 Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data COM-75-10711/0CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. FLUID METERS SECTION. NBSIR-77-1394 A Computer Code for the Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flow Through Closed-Conduit Flow Me- ters PB-274 650/1CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. INST. FOR BASIC STANDARDS. NBSIR-75-682 Basic Considerations of Densitometer Adjustment and Calibration COM-75-10524/7CP NBSIR-77-1383 Interactive Computer Program for the Determina- tion of Reverberation Time PB-275 574/2CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. INST. FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH. NBS-TN-854 A System of FORTRAN IV Computer Programs for Crystal Structure Computations COM-75-10290/5CP NBS-TN-893 Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: MATCH1 and MATCH2, FORTRAN Programs to Predict and Evaluate Mutual Orientation of Polycrystals PB-250 743/2CP NBSIR-76-1102 Computer Programs for Structural Chemistry: Status. A FORTRAN Program for Statistical Analy- sis of Crystallographic Quantities (NBS/DF-76/004a) PB-257 729/4CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. NUCLEAR RADIATION DIV. Computer Code for the Calculation of Thermal Neutron Absorption in Spherical and Cylindrical Neutron Sources (NBS-TN-576) COM-71-50374/CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. NUCLEAR SCIENCE DIV. NBS-TN-903 The NIRA Computer Program Package (Photonuclear Data Center) PB-249 541 /4CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENTAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY. NBSIR-75-973 Guide to Improving the Performance of a Manipu- lator System for Nuclear Fuel Handling through Computer Controls PB-249 255/1 CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. OPTICS AND MICROMETROLOGY SECTION. NBSIR-76-1129 An Improved Photographic Edge-Artifact PB-274 712/9CP NATIONAL GAS TURBINE ESTABLISHMENT, FARNBOROUGH (ENGLAND). ARC-R/M-3687 A Streamline Curvature Through-Flow Computer Program for Analysing the Flow Through Axial- Flow Turbomachines N72-31306/CP NGTE-R-312 A Streamline Curvature Through-Flow Computer Program for Analysing the Flow Through Axial- Flow Turbomachines N72-31306/CP NATIONAL LEAD CO. OF OHIO, CINCINNATI. "Girls"- General Indexing in Reciprocal Lattice Space NLCO-1066 NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, BOULDER, COLO. WAVE PROPAGATION LAB. NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-15 A Stellar Scintillometer for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-257 376/4CP NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-25 Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles (NOAA-77092205) PB-273 921 /7CP NATIONAL PHYSICAL LAB., TEDDINGTON (ENGLAND). DIV. OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTING NPL-MA-99 Analytical and Numerical Studies of Downwash over Rectangular Planforms N71-36405/CP NATIONAL PHYSICAL LAB., TEDDINGTON (ENGLAND). DIV. OF QUANTUM METROLOGY. NPL-QU-12 The Vacuum Uv Optical Constants of Aluminium and of Magnesium Fluoride, and the Performance of Magnesium Fluoride Coated Mirrors. N71-13319/CP NATIONAL PHYSICAL LAB., TEDDiNGTON (ENGLAND). SHIP DIV. NPL-SHIP-142 The 1957 Ittc Model-Ship Correlation Line Values of Frictional Resistance Coefficient. N71-12763/CP NPL-SHIP-143 Automated Analysis of Wave Patterns Behind Towed Models N71-13388/CP NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA, OTTAWA (ONTARIO). NRC-NAE-LR-556 Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies N72-22330/CP NRC-12468 Potential Flow Calculations for Arbitrary Axisym- metric Bodies N72-22330/CP NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INST. ATOMNYKH REAKTOROV, DIMITROVGRAD (USSR). UNT - a Procedure for Solving a Non-Stationary Heat Transfer Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates NIIAR-P-259 NAVAL ACADEMY ANNAPOLIS MD USNA-TSPR-6 A Numerical Investigation of the Deuteron Ground State AD-711 285/CP USNA-TSPR-14 A Theoretical Investigation of the 03 Center in KBr AD-729 455/CP USNA-TSPR-23 Experimental Comparison of Water Cooling and Transpiration Cooling of Plasma Generator Con- strictors AD-728 761 /CP USNA-TSPR-26 Time Dependent Shear Stress Beneath a Shoaling Wave AD-749 709/CP USNA-TSPR-77 Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP USNA-TSPR-79 Cyclic Liquid Jet Behavior in Pulsating Bubbles AD-A032 717/1 CP NAVAL AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER WARMINSTER PA NADC-75251-20b Bent Plate Computer Program Listing (DOD/DF-75/003b) AD-A018 999/3CP NAVAL ELECTRONICS LAB CENTER SAN DIEGO CALIF NELC/IR-77T MODESRCH . An Improved Computer Program for Obtaining ELF/VLF/LF Mode Constants in an Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A032 573/8CP NELC-IR-702 A Fortran Program for Waveguide Propagation Which Allows for Both Vertical and Horizontal Dipole Excitation AD-713 168/CP 101 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NELC-IR-713 WKB Mode Summing Program for VLF/ELF An- tennas of Arbitrary Length. Shape and Elevation AD-728 414/CP NELC-IR-722 Mode Conversion Program for an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Ionosphere AD-743 948/CP NELC-IR-731 WKB Fields Program for Lower ELF AD-757 080/CP NELC-IR-741 A Program for Computing Earth Ionosphere ELF/VLF Excitation Factors tor Satellite-Borne Antennas AD-779 867/1 CP NELC-IR-751 A Simplified Mode Conversion Program for VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide AD-A002 259/OCP NELC/IR-761 Effective Ionospheric Height for a Simplified Mode Conversion Model at VLF AD-A020 642/5CP NELC-TD-506 Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA, IPM. TRED. and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility. Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP NAVAL MEDICAL RESEARCH INST BETHESDA MD Calculation of tl-e Relative Speed of Sound in a Gas Mixture AD-A022 512/8CP A Set of Tables of the Relative Speed of Sound in Various Diving Gas Mixtures AD-780 414/9CP NAVAL ORDNANCE LAB WHITE OAK MD NOLTR-71-142 Computer Program for Calculating Multiple Scat- tering with Cylindrical Geometry AD-734 397/CP NOLTR-71-210 A Computer Program for C02-N2-H20 Gasdynamic Laser Gain and Maximum Available Power AD-735 878/CP NOLTR-72-80 Calculation of Magnus Forces on Axisymrnetric Bodies at Small Angles of Attack with Incom- pressible Turbulent Boundary Layers AD-746 449/CP NOLTR-72-169 CCAMIN, a Computer Program for Fitting Time of Arrival and Shock Peak Overpressure Datain a Gas AD-749 332/CP NOLTR-72-218 PEDAS A 2-Dimensional Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Code for Photon-Energy Deposition and Air Stripping AD-752 026/CP NOLTR-74-63 Evaluation of the Rexco-H and Rexco-Hep Reac- tor Excursion Containment Codes AD-A008 140/6CP NOLTR-74-70 An Optical Ray Tracing Program AD-787 636/OCP NOLTR-74-95 Comparisons of Normal Mode Theory, Ray Theory, and Modified Ray Theory for Arbitrary Sound Velocity Profiles Resulting in Convergence Zones AD-787 629/5CP NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIF NPS-32Ca76061 Computer Prediction of Tropospheric Radio Transmission Loss for Selected Paths in the Pacific Northwest AD-A030 088/9CP NPS-52AB74124 Induced Currents on Two Dimensional Elec- tromagnetic Planar Structures AD-A005 733/1CP NPS-57CO74061 Metal Oxidation Laser AD-784 760/1CP NPS-57GN71092A Tables of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Orr-Sommerfeld Equation for Plane Poiseuille Flows AD-733 436/CP NPS-57HW73041A Numerical Experiments with the Two- and Three- Dimensional Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations AD-761 459/CP NPS-57PH74111 Spinning Missile Magnus Force Measurements AD-A001 619/6CP NPS-57ZI73021A Electrohydrodynamics (EHD) Research AD-759 971 /CP NPS-61Md72021A Amplitude Modulation of an Acoustic Wave Propagating Near the Sea Surface AD-739 357/CP NPS-61MD72022A Sound Dispersion and Phase Fluctuations in the Upper Ocean AD-738 913/CP NPS-61WN71061A MOD-5: A Computer Code for Calculations of Neutron Time-Energy Distributions in the Slowing Down Region AD-727 676/CP NPS-69Gm77081 The Second-Order Solution for Wave Interaction with a Submerged Cylinder AD-A044 268/1 CP Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detection AD-A004 591 /4CP Models for Computing the Directional Radiation of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylindrical Baffle AD-A005 466/8CP Second-Order Wave/Body Interaction AD-A009 902/8CP An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Un- derwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A010 868/8CP Harmonic Motion of Cylinders in Uniform Flow AD-A012 412/3CP The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sound Speed in the California Current System off Mon- terey, Calif AD-A017 573/7CP On the Stability of Poiseuille Flow AD-A018 304/6CP A Computer Analysis for the Determination of Electrode Voltage Losses in Mag- netohydrodynamic-Generator Plasmas AD-A020 081 /6CP Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Pat- terns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measurements AD-A020 106/1CP Transonic Thermal Blooming AD-A026 456/4CP Pulse Height Analyzer Interfacing and Computer Programming in the Environmental Laser Propagation Project AD-A028 858/9CP Heat Transfer Analysis of a Rotating Heat Pipe Containing Internal. Axial Fins AD-A028 867/OCP A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low- Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/OCP Laser Plasma Particle Velocities AD-A030 079/8CP X-Ray Diagnostics of Laser- Produced Aluminum Plasmas AD-A030 085/5CP Metal Atom Oxidation Laser AD-A031 820/4CP Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP The Finite Element Method Applied to Flows in Turbomachines AD-A038 759/7CP Time Integration of Unsteady Transonic Flow to a Steady State Solution by the Finite Element Method AD-A039 790/1 CP Power-Density Distribution Below the Ocean Sur- face Due to Incident Laser Radiation AD-A039 797/6CP Computer Simulation of the Sputtering of Silicon AD-A041 152/0CP Forces on Roughened Cylinders in Harmonic Flow at High Reynolds Numbers AD-A041 179/3CP Wind Tunnel Wall Corrections for Arbitrary Plan- forms and Wind Tunnel Cross-Sections AD-A042 299/8CP Construction and Simulation of a Gas Dynamic Laser AD-709 908/CP Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions AD-709 929/CP Calculation of Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-Twelve and Lithium-Six Using Phase Shift Analysis. AD-710 353/CP Energy Loss of High Energy Electrons in Tin, Lead, and Gadolinium. AD-711 005/CP Finite Element Study of Acoustic Waves AD-717 585/CP Heat Transfer in Infinite Slabs AD-718 332/CP Temporal and Spacial Variability of Sound Propagation in the Ocean AD-722 590/CP Fourier Analysis of Experimental Finite-Amplitude Standing Waves AD-728 568/CP Creation and Modification of Acoustic Signals by Discharge Plasma AD-728 583/CP The Sound Propagation Conditions in the Black Sea AD-733 196/CP Bubble distributions in Upper Ocean AD-738 968/CP A Computer Program for Solving Transient Heat Conduction Problems AD-741 070/CP Descriptive Model of a Shipboard Ecological System AD-743 764/CP Computer Simulation of Split Interstitial Equilibri- um Positions and Binding Energies in a Tungsten Crystal AD-745 839/CP Conversion of a Two-Dimensional Mag- netohydrodynamic Computer Code from CDC- 6400 FORTRAN to IBM 360/67 FORTRAN AD-745 854/CP A Computer Simulation of Copper Crystal Surface Dynamics AD-745 872/CP Calculation of Electron Energy Losses in Various Metals AD-747 077/CP An Examination of the Cold Tip Theory of Whisker Growth AD-749 038/CP The HN3 + C02 Laser: an Analytical and Experi- mental Investigation AD-751 634/CP Characterization of Elastic Solids Using Finite Element Methods AD-756 513/CP Application of Holographic Interferometry to Den- sity Field Determination in Transonic Corner Flow AD-756 534/CP The Application of Holographic Interferometry to the Determination of Discontinuous Three-Dimen- sional Density Fields AD-756 535/CP The Effects of Proton Bombardment on PbSnTe AD-756 542/CP A Hot-Wire Anemometer Study of Free Turbulent Mixing in Axial Pressure Gradients AD-756 543/CP Forces on a Horizontal Cylinder Due to Non- Linear Waves AD-756 547/CP Statistical Study of Sound Speed in the In- homogeneous Upper Ocean AD-756 570/CP 102 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON D C Elastic Electro n-Deuteron Scattering Measure- ments and the Neutron Charge Form Factor at Very Low Momentum Transfers AD-757 587/CP Investigation of the Performance of a Gas-Loaded Variable Conductance Heat Pipe AD-757 684/CP Sound Phase and Amplitude Fluctuations in an Anisotropic Ocean AD-757 699/CP Application of the Harris Expansion Method to the Elastic S-Wave Scattering of Electrons by Hydrogen Atoms and by Singly Ionized Helium AD-758 500/CP Computer Simulation of Inert Gas Interstitials in Tungsten AD-758 501 /CP Natural Modes and Frequencies of Free Vibration of Shells of Revolution - Analysis of a Shell of Linearly Varying Thickness - SATANS-ltl: Theory and User's Manual AD-761 370/CP A Study of Turbulent Wakes in Constant Stream- wise Pressure Gradients AD-761 389/CP Feasibility Study of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te Charge Cou- pled Devices for Infrared Imaging Applications AD-761 473/CP Study of PbTe, PbSnTe, PbSe, PbSnSe. and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures AD-761 510/CP An Interactive Hybrid Computer System for Time Domain Audio Synthesis AD-761 730/CP An Experimental Study of Taylor-Goertler Vortices in a Curved Rectangular Channel AD-764 503/CP Secondary Electron Emission from Monocrystal- line Metal and Alkali-Halide Crystals AD-764 505/CP The Coanda Effect with Jet Displacement over Planar, Concave, and Convex Walls AD-764 506/CP Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Tip Clearance and End Losses on Axial Compressor Performance AD-767 656/2CP High Frequency Propagation Anomalies AD-767 657/OCP Experimental Techniques in Holographic Inter- ferometry AD-767 672/9CP Turning Characteristics of the Bell 100 Ton Sur- face Effect Ship AD-767 680/2CP The Wavelength Spectrum Shift of a Cavity- Dumped Argon laser-Pumped Rhodamine 6-G Or- ganic-Dye Laser AD-769 280/9CP An Analytical Analysis of the Effects of Instan- taneous Vorticity on Compressor Performance AD-769 415/1CP Two Methods for the Numerical Calculation of Acoustic Normal Modes in the Ocean AD-769 760/0CP Giant Multipole Resonances in 197Au AD-772 849/6CP An Experiment to Measure Laser Beam Wander and Beam Spread in the Marine Boundary Layer Near Shore AD-775 027/6CP Application of Holographic Interferometry to Su- personic Flow Visualization of a Rear-Facing Step and Application of Fast Fourier Transform Methods to Current Data Reduction Techniques AD-781 396/7CP An Experiment to Measure the Modulation Transfer Function of the Atmosphere in the Marine Boundary Layer AD-783 807/1 CP Electroexcitation of Giant Resonances between 5 MeV and 40 MeV Excitation Energy in 197Au AD-783 857/6CP Analytical Investigation of Transient Diffuser Wave Phenomena AD-783 864/2CP NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON D C NRL-Computer Bull-34 A FORTRAN Program to Analyze Gamma-Ray Spectra Recorded with Ge(Li) Detectors AD-769 219/7CP NRL-MR-2284 Computations on Relativistic Electron Beams and Rings AD-728 994/CP NRL-MR-2357 A Fluid Transport Algorithm that Works AD-732 749/CP NRL-MR-2381 A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculat- ing Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbitrary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP NRL-MR-2458 Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides AD-746 108/CP NRL-MR-2542 SHAS2D - A Fully Compressible Hydrodynamics Code in Two Dimensions AD-754 736/CP NRL-MR-2658 A FORTRAN Program to Analyze Gamma-Ray Spectra Recorded with Ge(Li) Detectors AD-769 219/7CP NRL-MR-2729 An Organizational Description of High Energy Transport Code (HETC) AD-783 040/9CP NRL-MR-2811 Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circu- lar Cones AD-781 649/9CP NRL-MR-2861 Calculations of X-Ray Bremsstrahlung Spectra and Scintillator Detector Yields for Relativistic Electron Energies from 10 keV to 10 MeV AD-A006 552/4CP NRL-MR-2865 Atmospheric Ray Tracing AD-787 063/7CP NRL-MR-2999 A Computer Code for Time Dependent Recom- bination Lasers AD-A007 292/6CP NRL-MR-3071 Normal Mode FORTRAN Programs for Calculating Sound Propagation in the Ocean AD-A013 256/3CP NRL-MR-3082 A FORTRAN Program to Plot Phase Shifts of the Three Dimensional Square Well AD-A019 116/3CP NRL-MR-3194 Extension of the Energy Deposition Code E-DEP- 1 to Higher Energies AD-A020 923/9CP NRL-MR-3237 Flux-Corrected Transport Modules for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations AD-A023 891 /5CP NRL-MR-3346 A FORTRAN Subroutine to Evaluate the Transport Integrals J2(X) Through J7(X) AD-A030 219/OCP NRL-MR-3358 Computer Code for the Calculation of Lateral Range of a PKA AD-A030 633/2CP NRL-MR-3483 Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP NRL-MR-3508 Interaction between Steady Non-Uniform Two- Dimensional Currents and Directional Wind- Generated Gravity Waves with Applications for Current Measurements AD-A040 600/9CP NRL-MR-3601 Measurement of the Acoustic Impedance of the Ocean Bottom (AD-E000-028) AD-A047 819/8CP NRL-MR-3651 Transient Free-Surface Hydrodynamics (AD-E000-071) AD-A048 749/6CP NRL-MR-3688 A Corrected Parabolic-Equation Program Package for Acoustic Propagation (AD-E000-114) AD-A050 564/4CP NRL-7008 Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Impedances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle AD-718 313/CP NRL-7108 Computer Program for Calculating Propagation Loss into the Shadow Zone AD-713 061/CP NRL-7157 Computer Program for the Calculation of the Crystal Structure Invariants Based on Certain Conditonal Distributions. AD-716 746/CP NRL-7160 A Test of the Capabilities of Chief in the Numeri- cal Calculation of Acoustic Radiation from Ar- bitrary Surfaces AD-716 019/CP NRL-7167 Computer Program for the Least-Squares Deter- mination of the Phases of the Crystal Structure Factors AD-716 747/CP NRL-7230 Fortran Programs for (P, gamma) Yield Calcula- tions Based on Vavilov's Theory of Energy Loss Distributions AD-723 188/CP NRL-7240 SHIP (Simplified-Helmholtz-lntegral Program): A Fast Computer Program for Calculating the Acoustic Radiation and Radiation Impedance for Free-Flooded-Ring and Finite-Circular-Cylinder Sources AD-745 295/CP NRL-7253 Computer Programs for the Analysis of the Broadening of X-Ray Powder Patterns AD-723 191/CP NRL-7314 Radial Heat Conduction in Laser Heating of Material Slabs AD-729 642/CP NRL-7333 A Computer Program for Determining the Polycrystalline Elastic Moduli from the Single- Crystal Elastic Constants AD-734 664/CP NRL-7382 A Numerical Calculation of Thermal Blooming of Pulsed, Focused Laser Beams AD-748 991/CP NRL-7461 Radar/Radio Tropospheric Absorption and Noise Temperature AD-753 197/CP NRL-7621 GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP NRL-7642 GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual AD-778 925/8CP NRL-7656 NRL Modified Version of CINDA-3G Program AD-786 351 /7CP NRL-7681 Documentation of PROP E. A Computer Program for the Propagation of High-Power Laser Beams through Absorbing Media AD-781 647/3CP NRL-7694 FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculating the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids AD-786 352/5CP NRL-7706 PROP-I: An Efficient Implicit Algorithm for Calcu- lating Nonlinear Scalar Wave Propagation in the Fresnel Approximation AD-781 877/6CP NRL-7815 Acoustic Transmission Loss by Single-Profile Ray Tracing (Program RTRACE) AD-A003 908/1 CP 103 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NRL-7827 Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Pro- gram TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP NRL-7876 Model for the Calculation of Multiply Scattered Fields AD-A012 626/8CP NRL-7993 Computer Programs for Obtaining Sound Speeds from Digitized Environmental Data AD-A027 396/1CP NRL-7997 FORTRAN Subroutines to Evaluate, in Single or Double Precision, Bessel Functions of the First and Second Kinds for Complex Arguments AD-A024 384/OCP NRL-8055 MPLAW: A Multipulse-Scaling-Law Code Using Data-Base Interpolation AD-A032 026/7CP NRL-8074 SSPARAMA: A Nonlinear, Wave Optics Multipulse (and CW) Steady-State Propagation Code with Adaptive Coordinates AD-A037 395/1CP Report of NRL Progress PB-211 863/CP NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND WASHINGTON D C NAVSEA-06H1/036-EVA/MOST-4 NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development Volume 3 AD-A038 891 /8CP NAVSEA-06H1/036-EVA/MOST-5 NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP NAVSEA-06H1/036-EVA/MOST-10 A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications Volume I AD-A038 160/8CP NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD NSRDC-3736 Simplified Theoretical Methods of Predicting the Motions of a Catamaran in Waves AD-738 435/CP NSRDC-3892 The XYZ Potential Flow Program AD-754 429/CP NSRDC-4033 Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP NSRDC-4240 A Nonlinear Design Theory and Method for Su- percavitating Cascades AD-A008 557/1CP NSRDC-4245 Divergence Analysis of Swept Hydrofoils-Com- puter Program (SWDIVRG) AD-779 844/OCP NSRDC-4320 TRCMOD: A Computer Program for the Computa- tion of High-Order Correlation Coefficients of Turbulence Data AD-786 381 /4CP NSRDC-4333 Comprehensive Evaluation of Six Thin-Wing Lift- ing-Surface Computer Programs AD-785 228/8CP NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD SHIP PERFORMANCE DEPT SPD-623-01 Prediction of Ship Motions in Regular and Irregu- lar Head Waves AD-A008 349/3CP SPD-633-01 Preliminary Report on a Fortran IV Computer Pro- gram for the Two-Dimensional Dynamic Behavior of General Ocean Cable Systems AD-A014 328/9CP NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER, WASHINGTON, D.C. NSRDC-2976 Engineering Guide and Computer Programs for Determining Turbulence-Induced Vibration and Radiation of Plates AD-878 619/CP NSRDC-3628 An Addition to the NASTRAN Element Library AD-725 868/CP NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER DAHLGREN LAB VA NSWC/DL-TR-3720 Computation of Velocity in the Wave Train of a Point Source AD-A047 291 /OCP NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER WHITE OAK LAB SILVER SPRING MD NSWC/WOL/TR-75-45-VOI-1 Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions. Volume I AD-A021 960/OCP NSWC/WOL/TR-75-45-Vol-2 Handbook of Inviscid Sphere-Cone Flow Fields and Pressure Distributions Volume II AD-A021 961 /8CP NSWC/WOL/TR-75-100 Prediction of Vertical Water-Entry Forces on Ogives from Cone Data AD-A023 616/6CP NSWC/WOL/TR-75-1 15 Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP NSWC/WOL/TR-75-1 20 Vapor Growth of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te and Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Se Crystals AD-A017 316/1CP NAVAL TRAINING EQUIPMENT CENTER ORLANDO FLA NAVTRAEQUIPC-IH-253 Supplementary Routines for Lens Design by Com- puter AD-A020 625/OCP NAVTRAEQUIPCEN-IH-208 First- and Third-Order Lens Analysis by Pro- grammable Desk Calculator AD-750 249/CP NAVAL UNDERSEA CENTER SAN DIEGO CALIF NUC-TP-541 LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER NEW LONDON CONN NEW LONDON LAB NUSC-TR-5335 Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP NUSC-TR-5375 Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/OCP NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER NEWPORT R I NUSC-TR-4605 Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP NUSC-TR-4860 A Study of the Drag Characteristics and Polymer Diffusion in the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmet- ric Body AD-A024 667/8CP NAVAL WEAPONS CENTER CHINA LAKE CALIF NWC-TP-5181 Computer Program for Determining Optical Con- stants of a Film on an Opaque Substrate AD-726 368/CP Low Efficiency Diffraction Grating Theory (AFWL-TR-75-210) AD-A024 804/7CP Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Hydraulic Ram IV. (User's Manual for Pressure Wave Generation Model) (JTCG/AS-74-T-01B) AD-A033 462/3CP NAVAL WEAPONS EVALUATION FACILITY, ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX. NWEF-1038 TWIG-A Computer Program for Calculating Unidirectional Transient and Steady-State Tem- perature Distributions in One, Two, and Three- Layer Slabs and Cylinders-Constant Heat Flux Ap- plied to Outside Surface AD-857 866/CP NAVAL WEAPONS EVALUATION FACILITY, ALBURQUERQUE, N. MEX. NWEF-1028 Analysis of Number of Eigenvalues Needed When Computing Temperatures for Multilayer Cylinders Using the Exact Solution Method AD-847 480/CP NAVAL WEAPONS LAB DAHLGREN VA NWL-TR-2815 Microwave Properties of Germanium and Silicon Windows AD-753 466/CP NAVY UNDERWATER SOUND LAB NEW LONDON CONN USL-TM-2242-1 56-67 Transfer Function. Impulse Response and Reradiated Waveform for an Elliptically Symmet- ric Reradiation Function of the Form Z to the nu Power, nu Half an Odd Integer (USL Program Number 0837) AD-A046 684/7CP NEDERLANDSE NATUURKUNDIGE VERENIGING, UTRECHT. SECTIE KERNFYSICA. CONF-7610111- Program Mephisto for Microscopic Calculations of (P.p) Reactions. D4 INIS-mf-3352 NEVADA UNIV RENO Error Prediction for the Implicit Numerical Solu- tion of the Heat Conduction Equation AD-729 652/CP NEW ENGLAND INST., INC., RIDGEFIELD, CONN. NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES FIT TO MULTI- EXPONENTIAL COMPONENT CURVES- DATA REDUCTION PROGRAMS FOR POSITRON AN- NIHILATION LIFETIME SPECTRA NYO-3661-34 NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV., UNIVERSITY PARK. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING. UHF Multipath Phenomena in a Marine Environ- ment (NOAA-75021201) COM-75-10266/5CP NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK DEPT OF PHYSICS NMSU-PHYS-537-74-1 Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-780 914/8CP NMSU-PHYS-537-75-1 Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction AD-A017 026/6CP Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Prediction (Part II) AD-A016 158/8CP NEW MEXICO UNIV ALBUQUERQUE BUREAU OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH EE-185(71)ONR-005 Electrons in Random Media AD-723 597/CP EE-186(71)ONR-005 Neutron Irradiation Effects on Diffused GaAs Laser Diodes AD-735 939/CP EE-199(72)ONR-005 A Radiation Effects Research Program AD-752 561 /CP EE-210(73)ONR-005 Energy States in Random Media AD-767 732/1CP NEW MEXICO UNIV ALBUQUERQUE DEPT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING A Study of Energy Generation from Impact on Piezoelectric Materials (AFWL-TR-71-118) AD-737 102/CP NEW MEXICO UNIV ALBUQUERQUE OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Radiation from Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Fed Aperture Antennas (AFWL-TR-71-110) AD-731 292/CP NEW TECHNOLOGY, INC.. HUNTSVILLE, ALA. Identification of Dynamic Characteristics of Nuclear Reactor Systems (EPRI-302-1-FR) PB-251 294/5CP 104 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TENN. NEW YORK OPERATIONS OFFICE (AEC), N. Y. HEALTH AND SAFETY LAB. User's Guide to Swift, a Monte Carlo Technique for Unfolding Neutron Spectra HASL-244 NEW YORK UNIV BRONX DEPT OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS NYU-AA-72-10 A Model for the Analysis of Viscous Inviscid In- teraction Effects on Blunt Bodies in Hypersonic Flight AO-748 342/CP NEW YORK UNIV BRONX DEPT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Research Directed Toward Preparation of Com- pound Semi-Conductors by Controlled Diffusion Mechanism in Gels (AFCRL-70-0252) AD-727 035/CP NEW YORK UNIV., N.Y. AEROSPACE LAB. NASA-CR-1 12303 Description of a Computer Program to Calculate Reacting Supersonic Internal Flow Fields with Shock Waves Using Viscous Characteristics Pro- gram Manual and Sample Calculations N73-20311/CP NASA-CR-1 12304 Computer Program for Assessing the Theoretical Performance of a Three Dimensional Inlet N73-20312/CP NYU-AA-72-13 Computer Program for Assessing the Theoretical Performance of a Three Dimensional Inlet N73-20312/CP NEW YORK UNIV., N.Y. DEPT. OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS. NASA-CR-1 12301 Supersonic Flow Calculations for a Cone with an Elliptic Flare N73-21282/CP NYU-AA-70-16 Supersonic Flow Calculations for a Cone with an Elliptic Flare N73-21282/CP NEW YORK UNIV N Y DEPT OF APPLIED SCIENCE NYU/DAS-78/01 The Effects of Acoustical Disturbances on Boun- dary Layer Transition AD-A051 497/6CP An Interaction Model for Supersonic. Laminar Separating Flows AD-A033 388/OCP NEW YORK UNIV., N.Y. DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS. NASA-CR-1 26482 Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Three-Dimen- sional Corner N72-14303/CP NYU-AA-70-28 Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Three-Dimen- sional Corner N72-14303/CP NIELSEN ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH, INC., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. NASA-CR-1 797 Calculation of Compressible Nonadiabatic Boun- dary Layers in Laminar, Transitional and Turbu- lent Flow by the Method of Integral Relations N72-12222/CP NEAR-TR-25 Calculation of Compressible Nonadiabatic Boun- dary Layers in Laminar, Transitional and Turbu- lent Flow by the Method of Integral Relations N72-12222/CP NEAR-TR-105 Prediction of Supersonic Store Separation Characteristics Volume I. Theoretical Methods and Comparisons with Experiment (AFFDL-TR-76-41-Vol-1) AD-A031 828/7CP NEAR-TR-131 Computer Program for Calculation of Separated Turbulent Flows on Axisymmetric Afterbodies (AEDC-TR-77-72) AD-A041 219/7CP NEAR-TR-155 Testing of Turbulence Models by Exact Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A048 199/4CP NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV., RALEIGH. CONF-710601-16 Computer Simulation of Radiation-Induced Void Nucleation and Growth in Metals ORO-3912-10 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, June 1. 1969-December 31, 1971 ORO-3912-15 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report. June 1 -Sep- tember 30, 1972 ORO-3912-19 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, October 1, 1972-December 31, 1972 ORO-3912-20 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV., RALEIGH. DEPT. OF BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. An Ecological Systems Approach to Community Noise Abatement. Phase I (DOT-OS-30102) PB-234 311/9CP NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV RALEIGH DEPT OF MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING TR-11 A Fortran Program for the Class V Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Transducer AD-718 356/CP NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV., RALEIGH. MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPT. NASA-CR-1 11922 Calculation of Inviscid Surface Streamlines and Heat Transfer on Shuttle Type Configurations. Part 2 Description of Computer Program N72-11828/CP NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV., RALEIGH (USA). Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, April 1, 1973- -June 30, 1973. ORO-3912-22 Computer Experiment Studies on Mechanisms for Irradiation Induced Defect Production and An- nealing Processes. Progress Report, July 1, 1972- -March 1. 1974. ORO-3912-26 NORTHERN RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING CORP CAMBRIDGE MASS NREC-1 149-2 Compressor Sensitivity to Transient and Distorted Transient Flows. Volume II Mathematical Details and Computer Programs AD-728 024/CP NORTHROP CORP HAWTHORNE CALIF AIRCRAFT DIV NOR-72-87-Vol-2 The Calculation of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flows around Spherically-Capped Smooth Bodies and Wings. Volume II. Manual for Computer Pro- grams (AFFDL-TR-72-91-VOI-2) AD-753 696/CP NOR-75-70 Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselages AD-A021 718/2CP NOR-76-190-Vol-2 Wave Drag Reduction for Aircraft Fuselage-Wing Configurations. Volume II Manual for Computer Programs (NADC-77157-30-Vol-2) AD-A040 998/7CP NORTHWESTERN UNIV EVANSTON ILL DEPT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE TR-7 A Program for Least-Squares Analysis of Fourier Coefficients of Peak Shapes and Comparisons of Old and New Procedures AD-759 994/CP NOTRE DAME UNIV., INO. DEPT. OF AEROSPACE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. TR-79002-77-1 UNDSAFE-I: A Computer Code for Buoyant Flow in an Enclosure (NBS-GCR-77-84) PB-267 278/OCP NUCLEAR ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL CORP., ROCKVILLE, MD. Advanced Recycle Methodology Program (EPRI- 118-1) PB-249 622/2CP NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, GERMANTOWN, MD. PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS BRANCH. NUREG-75/014-App-7-10 Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment ol Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants Appendix VII. Release of Radioactivity in Reactor Accidents. Appendix VIII Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents Appendix IX Salety Design Rationale for Nuclear Power Plants. Ap- pendix X. Design Adequacy PB-248 207/3CP WASH-1400-App-7-10 Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. Appendix VII. Release of Radioactivity in Reactor Accidents. Appendix VIII Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents. Appendix IX Safety Design Rationale for Nuclear Power Plants. Ap- pendix X. Design Adequacy PB-248 207/3CP NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION. NUREG-0004 User's Manual for RELAP 3B-MOD 101. A Reactor System Transient Code PB-249 616/4CP NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT. NUREG-0016 Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water Reactors (BWR-GALE Code) PB-251 717/5CP NUREG-0017 Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR-GALE Code) PB-251 718/3CP NUS CORP., ROCKVILLE, MD. NASA-CR-1 22407 Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad, Volume 1 N72-24289/CP NASA-CR-1 22408 Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad Volume 2 Code User Manual N72-24290/CP NASA-CR-122409 Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP NUS-786/1-VOL-1 Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 1 N72-24289/CP NUS-786/2-VOL-2 Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 2 Code User Manual N72-24290/CP NUS-786/3-VOL-3 Modification of Codes Nualgam and Bremrad. Volume 3 Statistical Considerations of the Monte Carlo Method N72-24291/CP OAK RIDGE GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT, TENN. CSD-YAQUI: An Eulerian Computer Code for Flow at All Speeds in Ducts K/CSD/TM-9 HEATPLOT: A Temperature Distribution Plotting Program for Heating K/CSD/TM-11 REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 Direct Solution Technique for Solving Steady- State Problems Using the HEATING5 Heat Transfer Code K/CSD/TM-15 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TENN. ENDF-142 Editor- a Processing Code for Endf/B Format Data ORNL-TM-3266 ENDF-184 Comparison of the Group Constants Generated by the Endf/B Processing Codes Etox and Super- tog ORNL-TM-4041 105 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ENDF-191 Adler-lll: A Program to Calculate Cross Sections from Adler-Adler Resonance Parameters ORNL-TM-4257 NASA-CR-1 17496 Nucleon- Meson Transport Code (Nmtc) N71-21562/CP ORNL-4606 Nucleon- Meson Transport Code (Nmtc) N71-21562/CP ORNL-4869 SPAR, A FORTRAN Program for Computing Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons, and Heavy Ions (NSF/RA/T-73-037) PB-247 070/6CP HEATING5: An IBM 360 Heat Conduction Program ORNL/CSD/TM-15 Fortran Programs for Transient Eddy Current Cal- culations Using a Perturbation-Polynomial Expan- sion Technique ORNL/CSD/TM-18 EBT Time-Dependent Point Model Code: Descrip- tion and User's Guide ORNL/CSD/TM-27 Program Weight- a Fortran IV Program for Evaluation of Weighting Functions Used in Small- Angle X-Ray Scattering ORNL-TM-1950(REV1) Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions from X-Ray Data. ORNL-TM-2866 Legck, a Subroutine to Analyze Legendre Coeffi- cients for Negativity in the Angular Distribution ORNL-TM-2903 Evap-4- Another Modification of a Code to Calcu- late Particle Evaporation from Excited Compound Nuclei ORNL-TM-3119 Inclusion of Fission and Charged-Particle Emis- sion in Calculations of Nuclear Reactions- Com- puted Energies, Angles, and Ranges of Recoil Nuclei ORNL-TM-3179 Sambo, a Collision Analysis Package for Monte Carlo Codes ORNL-TM-3203 HEATING3- AN IBM 360 HEAT CONDUCTION PROGRAM ORNL-TM-3208 Computer Program for Calculating, Tabulating, and Plotting Outgassing Rates of Selected Gases ORNL-TM-3220 Computer Programs for Some Eddy-Current Problems, 1970 ORNL-TM-3295 Orthis, Orthat- Two Computer Programs for Solv- ing Two-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Heat Conduction Problems ORNL-TM-3324 New Data System for Interem ORNL-TM-3401 Xchekr- a Multigroup Cross-Section Editing and Checking Code ORNL-TM-3518 Computer Program to Calculate Auger Transitions for a Surface Containing Several Kinds of Atoms ORNL-TM-3575 Collision Site Plotting Routines and Collision Density Fluence Estimates for the Morse Monte Carlo Code ORNL-TM-3585 Evaluation of the Plasma Dispersion Function ORNL-TM-3610 Xlacs- a Program to Produce Weighted Mul- tigroup Neutron Cross Sections from Endf/B ORNL-TM-3646 Swanlake. a Computer Code Utilizing Anisn Radiation Transport Calculations for Cross Sec- tion Sensitivity Analysis ORNL-TM-3809 Folded Form Factors and the Code Fold ORNL-TM-3896 Pion Dose Calculations ORNL-TM-3985 Mack: Computer Program to Calculate Neutron Energy Release Parameters (Fluence-to-Kerma Factors) and Multigroup Neutron Reaction Cross Sections from Nuclear Data in Endf Format ORNL-TM-3994 ALC1 Program for Cross-Section Library Manage- ment ORNL-TM-4015 Dkdata- Subroutine for Retrieving Radionuclide gamma-Ray Decay Data from Rsic Data Set Dlc- 19/Decaygam ORNL-TM-4095 Intake: A Numerical Program to Calculate Fluid Velocity Profiles Near a Rectangular Inlet in a Stream with Cross Flow ORNL-TM-4185 Preliminary Results of the 3-D Nonlinear Ideal MHD Code ORNL/TM-4784 CACHE: An Extended Basic Program Which Com- putes the Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers ORNL/TM-4952 ORECA-1: A Digital Computer Code for Simulat- ing the Dynamics of HTGR Cores for Emergency Cooling Analyses ORNL/TM-5159 Three Computer Codes of General Use in X-Ray Crystallography. ORNL-TM-5177 AMP (Activity Manipulation Program) ORNL/TM-5296 HTCAP: A Fortran IV Program for Calculating Coated-Particle Operating Temperatures in HFIR Target Irradiation Experiments ORNL/TM-5332 FIFPC, a Fast Ion Fokker— Planck Code ORNL/TM-5487 Numerical Calculation of Impurity Charge State Distributions ORNL/TM-6050 Ornl Alice: A Statistical Model Computer Code In- cluding Fission Competition ORNL/TM-6054 Report of Interem Data System. ORNL-4425 Instructions for the Operation of Codes As- sociated with Mecc-3, a Preliminary Version of an Intranuclear-Cascade Calculation for Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4564 Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc. ORNL-4606 Instructions for the Operation of the Program Package Pica, an Intranuclear-Cascade Calcula- tion for High-Energy (30 to 400 Mev) Photon-In- duced Nuclear Reactions ORNL-4687 Analysis Subroutines for the Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Nmtc ORNL-4736 Operating Instructions for the High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Transport Code Hetc ORNL-4744 Trapp, a Computer Program for the Transport of alpha Particles and Protons with All Nuclear- Reaction Products Neglected ORNL-4763 Computations, Tables, and Approximations for Grain Boundary Diffusion Theory. ORNL-4906 OR-TEP-2: A Fortran Thermal-Ellipsoid Plot Pro- gram for Crystal Structure Illustrations ORNL-5138 Computer Program for the Simulation of Solid Solutions ORNL-5140 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TENN. (USA). Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Bibliography. ORNL-TM-4497 OESTERREICHISCHESTUOIENGESELLSCHAFT FUER ATOMENERGIE G.M.B.H., SEIBERSOORF. PHYSIK-INSTITUT. PH-1 15/72 Electra- a Computer Program for Calculation of Space-Charge-Free Paraxial Trajectories in Axi- ally Symmetric Electrostatic Fields SGAE-2007 OFFICE NATIONAL D ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES AEROSPATIALES, PARIS (FRANCE). OEPT. D'ETUOES ET OE RECHERCHES EN TECHNOLOGIE SPATIALE. ONERA-NT-02-12 Physical Interpretation of Hall Effect Measure- ments by a Least Squares Method - Application to Different Models. N70-26255/CP OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS BOULDER COLO OT-77-134 Precipitation Variability in the U. S. A. For Microwave Terrestrial System Design AD-A049 041 /7CP OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS BOULDER COLO INST FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SCIENCES OT/ITSSR-7 A New Method for Predicting HF Ground Wave Attenuation Over Inhomogeneous. Irregular Ter- rain AD-721 179/CP OTR-73-22 The Numerical Representation of the Critical Frequency of the F1 Region of the Ionosphere COM-75-10813/4CP OTR-75-76 A Versatile Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Com- puter Program for Radio Waves in the Ionosphere PB-248 856/7CP OTR-76-102 Predicting the Performance of High Frequency Sky-Wave Telecommunication Systems (the Use of the HFMUFES 4 Program) PB-258 556/OCP OTR-77-110 An Automated Technique for Calculating Inter- ference from Airborne Transmitters to Terrestrial Receivers PB-264 519/OCP Computer Programs for Air/Ground Propagation and Interference Analysis (0.1 to 20 GHz) (FAA-RD-73-103) AD-770 335/8CP OHIO STATE UNIV COLUMBUS ELECTROSCIENCE LAB ESL-2880-4 Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena (RADC-TR-71-202) AD-731 572/CP ESL-2880-5 Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena (RADC-TR-71-286) AD-734 074/CP ESL-2909-15 Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scatter- ing from Plates. Corner Reflectors and Dielectric- Coated Cylinders. N74-22318/1CP ESL-3 163-1 Angle of Arrival Calculations at 10.6 microns (RADC-TR-71-124) AD-727 798/CP ESL-4232-5 Theoretical Study of the Turbulence Induced Scintillation of a Dirty Laser Beam (RADC-TR-77-430) AD-A050 874/7CP NASA-CR-1 381 75 Reaction Formulation for Radiation and Scatter- ing from Plates, Corner Reflectors and Dielectric- Coated Cylinders. N74-22318/1CP Data Analysis Programs for Reflectometer Diag- nosis of Thin Boundary Layer Plasma Sheaths: User's Manual (AFWL-TR-70-90) AD-747 041/CP OHIO STATE UNIV RESEARCH FOUNDATION COLUMBUS TR-12 A Study of Charged Particle Motion in a Free Vor- tex Flowfield (AROD-4942.17-E) AD-749 285/CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual (RADC-TR-76-23) AD-A031 108/4CP A Study of Ion Trajectories in Potential Flows (AROD-494219-E) AD-751 785/CP OHIO UNIV ATHENS OEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EER-16-9 Propagation Characteristics of VLF Waves Below a Stratified and Generally Anisotropic Ionosphere (ECOM-0084-S-7) AD-754 033/CP 106 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PRINCETON UNIV N J PLASMA PHYSICS LAB OLD DOMINION SYSTEMS INC GAITHERSBURG MB Modifications to Fotonap (ETL-0116) AD-A043 607/1CP OLD DOMINION UNIV. RESEARCH FOUNDATION, NORFOLK, VA. NASA-CR-132400 Correlation of Heat Transfer for the Zero Pressure Gradient Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer for Several Gases N74-15976/5CP NASA-CR-1 45069 Tap 1: A Finite Element Program for Steady-State Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Struc- tures. N77-13367/6CP TR-76-M6 Tap 1 : A Finite Element Program for Steady-State Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Struc- tures. N77-13367/6CP OLD DOMINION UNIV. RESEARCH FOUNDATION, NORFOLK, VA. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-146534 Simulation of Turbulent Wall Pressure. N76-20408/0CP TR-76-T2 Simulation of Turbulent Wall Pressure. N76-20408/0CP OPTICAL SCIENCE CONSULTANTS YORBA LINDA CALIF DR-28 Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts (RADC-TR-74-276) AD-A001 920/8CP DR-043-Vol-1 Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts. Volume I (HADC-7"fi-75-i82-l/oM; AD-A014 839/5CP DR-043-VOI-2 Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts - Addendum (RADC-TR-75- 182-Vol-2) AD-A014 840/3CP DR-048 Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts (RADC-TR-76-51 ) AD-A023 627/3CP DR-059 Predetection Compensated Imaging Theory (RADC-TR-76-103) AD-A024 393/1 CP Theoretical Study of Non-Standard Imaging Con- cepts (RADC-TR-74-185) AD-783 276/9CP OREGON GRADUATE CENTER BEAVERTON DEPT OF APPLIED PHYSICS AND ELECTRONIC SCIENCE Experimental Pulsed Laser, Remote Crosswind Measurement System -- Feasibility Study and Design (ECOM-740094-1) AD-786 647/8CP OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL AND NUCLEAR ENGINEERING. Evaluation of Fission Product After-Heat (NUREG-75/099) PB-247 733/9CP OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. DEPT. OF PHYSICS. Oregon State Coupled-Channel Code RLO-2227-T-11-2 OXFORD UNIV. (ENGLAND). CRYOGENICS LAB. OUEL-1121/75-REV Heprop: A Computer Programme for the Ther- modynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Helium. N76-11902/3CP REPT-1 046/72 Heprop a Computer Programme for the Ther- mophysical Properties of Helium N73-22896/CP OXFORD UNIV. (ENGLAND). ENGINEERING LAB. REPT-1 064/73 Dnf: A Dynamic Filter for the on-Line Estimation and Prediction of Transient Pressures and Flows in a Gas Network N74-14979/0CP OXFORD UNIV. (ENGLAND). LAB. OF ENGINEERING. REPT-1019/71 Some Numerical Solutions in Unsteady Pipe Flow N72-10237/CP PARKER (LEE W) INC CONCORD MASS Theory of Electron Emission Effects in Symmetric Probe and Spacecraft Sheaths (AFGL-TR-76-0294) AD-A037 538/6CP PARTICLE MEASURING SYSTEMS, BOULDER, COLO. NASA-CR-124111 The Study and Development of an Active Scatter- ing Particle Size Spectrometer for Space Environ- ments N73-19425/CP PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV STATE COLLEGE APPLIED RESEARCH LAB TM-73-173 Three-Dimensional Potential Flow around a Body Spanning an Annulus: Computer Program and Solution AD-A001 007/4CP PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK APPLIED RESEARCH LAB TM-75-221 Computer Program Description for Supercavitat- ing Hydrofoil Section Design According to Linearized Theory AD-A018 241 /OCP TM-76-05 Digital Reconstruction of Acoustic Holograms AD-A022 666/2CP TM-76-76 Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spheri- cal Sources with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-A027 522/2CP PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV., UNIVERSITY PARK. DEPT. OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING. Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers (NBS-GCR- 76-59) PB-256 639/6CP PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK MATERIALS RESEARCH LAB TR-3 Computer Analysis of Multi-Channel Sem and X- Ray Images from Fine Particles. AD-716 562/CP Coating Science and Technology (RADC-TR-76-95) AD-A025 487/OCP PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK ORDNANCE RESEARCH LAB TM-71-219 The Transmission of Sound through a Stochastic Interlace AD-758 729/CP TM-214-02 On the Transmission of Sound from a Monopole Source Through a Finite. Corrugated Boundary Between Fluid Media AD-722 029/CP TR-1-71 An Acoustic-Array Model for the Computation of the Rotational Noise of a Lifting Rotor AD-740 816/CP PENNSYLVANIA UNIV., PHILADELPHIA. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS. MEAM-76-6 Effect of Electrode Geometry on the Tanh Con- ductivity Arc Model (EPRI-37B-U3) PB-259 121/2CP PERKIN-ELMER CORP NORWALK CONN PE-11615 GUERAP II - User's Guide (SAMSO-TR-73-309) AD-784 874/OCP PERKIN-ELMER CORP WILTON CONN PE-10804 Digital Computer Simulation Programs for Elec- trostrictive Laser Beam Trapping (AFCRL-71-0552) AD-737 384/CP Scientific-3 Digital Computer Simulation Programs for Elec- trostrictive Laser Beam Trapping (AFCRL-71-0552) AD-737 384/CP PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO., IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO. ATOMIC ENERGY DIV. Computer Program for Steam and Water Proper- ties from the Asme (1967) Ifc Formulations. (Nrts Computer Program No. 40.0969) IDO-ITR-110 PHYSICS LAB. RVO-TNO, THE HAGUE (NETHERLANDS). PHL-1 975-46 Solumat: A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer N76-31809/6CP PHL-1976-41 Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation. N77-24935/7CP TDCK-67163 Solumat: A Programme for Measuring the In- fluence of the Atmosphere on Contrast Transfer. N76-31809/6CP TDCK-68562 Infrared Sea and Sky Background Radiation N77-24935/7CP PICATINNY ARSENAL DOVER N J PA-TM-2151 Description of the Revised Aero I Program. PA no 010417 AD-784 085/3CP PA-TR-4116 Non-Grey Absorption Models of Ablator Vapors at High Temperatures with Application to Hyper- sonic Flow Fields AD-724 750/CP PICATINNY ARSENAL DOVER N J MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTORATE MISD-UM-76-2 PIPSTEK - Properties of Irregular Planar Solids (Tektronix) AD-A028 828/2CP PLASMA SCIENCES LABS INC VAN NUYS CALIF Absorption Corrections for Optically Thick Plasmas. (ARL-70-0048) AD-710 218/CP POLYTECHNIC INST OF BROOKLYN N Y Symmetry and Band Structure. I Selection of Reciprocal Lattice Vectors (AFOSR-TR-71-1510) AD-724 477/CP Symmetry and Band Structure. II. Storage and Retrieval of Group Theoretical Information (AFOSR-TR-71-1512) AD-724 478/CP Symmetry and Band Structure. III. Construction of Symmetrized Hamiltonian Matrix (AFOSR-TR-71-1511) AD-724 479/CP POLYTECHNIC INST OF NEW YORK BROOKLYN MICROWAVE RESEARCH INST POLY-MRI-452.41-76 Progress Report Number 41, 15 September 1975 through 14 September 1976 to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee A Summary of Current Research at the Microwave Research In- stitute AD-A034 764/1 CP PRATT AND WHITNEY AIRCRAFT EAST HARTFORD CONN PWA-5271 Supersonic Chordwise Bending Flutter in Cascades AD-A035 678/2CP PRINCETON UNIV., N.J. NASA-CR-2068 Computer Program for Calculating Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Development in Com- pressible Flow N72-26229/CP PRINCETON UNIV N J DEPT OF AEROSPACE AND MECHANICAL SCIENCES Bibliography: Numbered Reports and Theses, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, Princeton University, 1947- 1970. AD-709 351 /CP PRINCETON UNIV N J PLASMA PHYSICS LAB Numerical Simulation of Plasmas at Princeton I. AD-712 562/CP Time-Dependent Behavior of Fusion Reactors. MATT-728 Analytic Orderings Generated by Computer MATT-850 107 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX Bperp, Bslant, and Globe: Optimized Codes for the Simulation of Plasmas in a Static Uniform Magnetic Field MATT-896 Simulation Model for Studying Low Frequency Microinstabilities MATT-1231 Monte Carlo Algorithm for Calculating Neutral Gas Transport in Plasmas PPPL-1335 Multigroup Calculations of Low Energy Neutral Transport in Tokamak Plasmas PPPL-1384 PROCEDYNE CORP NEW BRUNSWICK N J TR-1113-1 The Deterministic Evaluation of Ship Motion Im- pulse Response Functions AD-749 962/CP PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES INC SANTA ANA CALIF PDA-TR-1039-00-01 Erosion Mechanics and Micromechanics Program AD-A042 656/9CP PUERTO RICO NUCLEAR CENTER, MAYAGUEZ. Computer Aided Decomposition of gamma Spec- tra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides PRNC-160 PUERTO RICO UNIV., MAYAGUEZ. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. UPRICO-WRRI-PR-72-32 Free Falling Particle in Density Stratified Fluid (OWRR-A-032-PR(1» PB-214 499/6CP PURDUE UNIV., LAFAYETTE, IND. NASA-CR-2415 Separated Flow over Bodies of Revolution Using an Unsteady Discrete-Vorticity Cross Wake Part 2: Computer Program Description N74-28757/4CP Turbulent Flow Predictions tor the Argon Cascade Arc (ARL-73-0039) AD-759 183/CP PURDUE UNIV., LAFAYETTE, IND. DEPT. OF NUCLEAR AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. Temperature and Eddy Diffusivity Distributions in Fully Turbulent Pipe Flow PB-253 278/6CP PURDUE UNIV., LAFAYETTE, IND. FLUID MECHANICS GROUP. FMTR-71-1 Examination of Turbulent Shear Models and the Prediction of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers by the Method of Weighted Residuals N71-24140/CP NASA-CR-1 18079 Examination of Turbulent Shear Models and the Prediction of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers by the Method of Weighted Residuals N71-24140/CP PURDUE UNIV LAFAYETTE IND JET PROPULSION CENTER The Analysis of Nonequilibrium , Chemically Reacting. Supersonic Flow in Three Dimensions. Volume II. Computer program Manual (AFAPL-TR-71 -73-Vol-2) AD-736 467/CP A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Su- personic Flow with Arbitrarily Defined Boundaries (AFAPL-TR-72-51) AD-744 865/CP PURDUE UNIV LAFAYETTE IND PROJECT SQUID HEADQUARTERS SQUID-TR-SU-1-PU Investigation of Particle-Size Determination from the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter AD-738 873/CP PURDUE UNIV LAFAYETTE IND SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WLRAF-8 Multi-Purpose-Instrument Research: A New Mea- surement Technique and Property Table Genera- tion (AFOSR-TR-71-3010) AD-736 870/CP QUANTUM SYSTEMS INC ALBUQUERQUE N MEX Pilot Close Coupling Code for Heavy Particle Col- lisions (AFWL-TR-71-76) AD-734 756/CP QUEEN'S UNIV BELFAST (NORTHERN IRELAND) DEPT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS A General Program for Calculating Angular Mo- mentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-720 964/CP Computation of Charge Transfer Probability Between Protons and Excited Hydrogen Atoms AD-732 593/CP A New Version of a General Program to Calculate Angular Momentum Integrals in Atomic Structure AD-732 615/CP A Program to Generate Numerical Orbital Func- tions AD-733 028/CP R AND D ASSOCIATES MARINA DEL REY CALIF RDA-TR-9000-001 Linear and Non-Linear EMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab AD-A021 452/8CP R AND D ASSOCIATES SANTA MONICA CALIF RDA-TR-2702-007 Internal Waves Radiated by a Moving Source. Volume I Analytic Simulation AD-782 262/OCP R AND D ASSOCIATES, SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (USA). RDA-TR-237-AEC Brem II: A Code for Calculating the Free-Free Gaunt Factor in an Arbitrary Atomic Potential UCRL-13582 RADIATION, INC., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NASA-CR-120272 Holographic Optical Elements: Fabrication and Testing. N74-30109/4CP REPT-1321-F-2 Holographic Optical Elements: Fabrication and Testing N74-30109/4CP RADIATION RESEARCH ASSOCIATES INC FORT WORTH TEX RRA-T704 Flash a Monte Carlo Procedure for Use in Calcu- lating Light Scattering in a Spherical Shell At- mosphere. (AFCRL-70-0206) AD-706 120/CP RRA-T7016 Computer Procedure for Calculating Time Depen- dent Light Scattering in Plane Parallel At- mospheres (DASA-2641) AD-722 714/CP RRA-T7017 Computer Procedure for Calculating Time Depen- dent Light Scattering in Spherical-Shell At- mospheres (DASA-2640) AD-722 713/CP RRA-T7402 The Effects of Multiple Scattering on Backscatter Lidar Measurements in Fogs (AFCRL-TR-74-0168) AD-781 801/6CP RRA-T7608-Vol-2 Monte Carlo Studies on the Time-Dependent Transport of Optical and Infrared Radiation in the Atmosphere. Volume II. Thermal Radiation Trans- port (AFTAC-TR-77-6-Vol-2) AD-A042 769/OCP RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CALIF P-5552 Some Problems in the Simulation of Very Large Hydrodynamic Systems AD-A026 648/6CP R-2111 Entry Flow in a Heated Tube AD-A042 203/OCP R-2183-RC Feasibility of a Special-Purpose Computer to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations AD-A047 243/1 CP RAYTHEON CO WALTHAM MASS RESEARCH DIV S-1378 Experimentation and Investigation of Optical-lr- radiation-lnduced Surface Damage in Optically Nonlinear Materials (AFCRL-71-0573) AD-737 843/CP Scientific-1 Experimentation and Investigation of Optical-lr- radiation-lnduced Surface Damage in Optically Nonlinear Materials (AFCRL-71-0573) AD-737 843/CP RAYTHEON CO WAYLAND MASS ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT LAB ER74-4316 Multipath Measurements AD-A001 064/5CP RE/SPEC, INC., RAPID CITY, S.DAK. Documentation of the Heat Conduction Code TRANCO ORNL/Sub-4269/15 Data Input Manual for RSI/TEVCO: A Ther- mo/Viscoelastic Finite Element Computer Pro- gram Y/OWI/SUB-77/22303/6 REACTOR CENTRUM NEDERLAND, PETTEN. RCN-116 Andante - an ALGOL Program for Decomposition of gamma-Ray Spectra and Processing of Foil Counting Data N70-27510/CP RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INST., TROY, N. Y. Linear Accelerator Project. Progress Report. January 1, 1970-March 31. 1970. RPI-328-187 RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INST., TROY, N.Y. DEPT. OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE. Holpert: A Fortran IV Diffusion Theory Program for Estimating the Eflect of Re-Entrant Hole in Asymptotic-Decay Pulsed Neutron Experiments RPI-328-126 RESEARCH INST. OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN). FOA-2-A-2539-44 Basis for Calculating Effects of Air Resistance to H5 Shrapnel N73-15304/CP FOA-2-C-2471-25 Sfin Computer Program for Calculation of Time- Dependent Flow in Uni-Dimensional Symmetry of Various Materials under Different Conditions N73-15305/CP FOA-2-C-2662-E1-E3 Computed Mie Scattering Properties for Laser Wavelengths in Various Atmospheric Media. N76-14336/1CP FOA-3-C-3673-60 The Influence of the Lower Ionosphere on Wave Propagation in the LF Range Up to a Distance of 300 Km N73-11131/CP REPT-18 The Influence of the Lower Ionosphere on Wave Propagation in the LF Range Up to a Distance of 300 Km N73-11131/CP RIVERSIDE RESEARCH INST NEW YORK RRI-F-1/306-3-14 A Study of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave At- tenuation and Dispersion in the Earth's At- mosphere AD-A015 544/OCP RRI-T-2/306-3-14 Present Status of the RRI Slant-Path Absorption Model (SLAM) Computer Program AD-A027 215/3CP ROCHESTER UNIV., N.Y. Program Hybrid/Gdh Revision COO-3494-27 ROCHESTER UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer (RADC-TR-74-t25) AD-782 419/6CP ROCHESTER UNIV N Y INST OF OPTICS Studies in Optics (AFAL-TR-74-177) AD-786 847/4CP ROCHESTER UNIV., N.Y. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE RESEARCH LAB. UR-NSRL-51 Computer Programs for Statistical Nuclear Decay COO-3496-10 UR-NSRL-54 Statistical Program Gamaj COO-3496-11 108 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC LA JOLLA CALIF ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORP CANOGA PARK CALIF ROCKETDYNE DIV R-9374 Discovery of New Lasers (RK-CR-73-5) AD-772 001 /4CP ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER GRIFFISS AFB N Y RADC-TR-74-113 THEROS: A Computer Program for Heat Flow Analysis AD-780 514/6CP RADC-TR-76-269-VOI-2 Computer Solutions to Heat and Diffraction Equa- tions in High Energy Laser Windows Volume II AD-B017 022/5CP ROME UNIV. (ITALY). INST. OF PHYSICS. NOTA-INTERNA-328 Subprograms for the Calculation of Spin Matrix Elements Using the Zemach Method . Sottopro- grammi Per II Calcolo Degli Elementi di Matrice di Spin Secondo II Metodo di Zemach N72-21683/CP ROME UNIV. (ITALY). ISTITUTO DI FISICA. ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FISICA NUCLEARE, ROME (ITALY). Subprogram for the Calculation of the Matrix Ele- ment of Spin According to the Zemach Method Note No. 328 NP-19217 ROME UNIV. (ITALY). SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERS. REPT-11 Flutter in Continuous Panels N70-25924/CP ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT FARNBOROUGH (ENGLAND) RAE-TR-70151 Theoretical Aspects of the Determination of Parti- cle-Size Distributions from Measurements of Scattered Light Intensity (TRC-BR-21859) AD-721 089/CP ROYAL NETHERLANDS AIRCRAFT FACTORIES FOKKER, SCHIPHOL-OOST. DEPT. OF DYNAMICS AND COMPUTATION. FOK-X-449-PT-1 Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Introduction and Part 1 N73-21909/CP FOK-X-449-PT-2 Some Test Cases Based on Analytical Methods in Linearized Supersonic Oscillating Lifting Surface Theory, Part 2 N73-21910/CP RUTGERS - THE STATE UNIV NEW BRUNSWICK N J DEPT OF MECHANICAL INDUSTRIAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING RU-TR-145-MIAE-F Analytical Study of an Axisymmetric Choked Noz- zle AD-A025 188/4CP RUTHERFORD HIGH ENERGY LAB., CHILTON (ENGLAND). Computer Graphics Patching of Failed Cyclops Events for a Spark Chamber Experiment. RHEL/R-205 RUTHERFORD HIGH ENERGY LAB., CHILTON /SUP 8/ENGLAND/SUP 9/. CONF-720908-34 Gfun- an Interactive Program as an Aid to Magnet Design RPP/A-94 SACLANT ASW RESEARCH CENTRE LA SPEZIA (ITALY) SACLANTCEN-SM-40 Some Numerical Considerations Concerning Eigenvalue Problems in the Theories of Un- derwater Sound and Internal Waves AD-782 327/1CP SACLANTCEN-SM-72 The use of the Parabolic Equation Method in Sound Propagation Modelling AD-A016 847/6CP SACLANTCEN-TM-102 A Ray Tracing Program. AD-863 327/CP SACLANTCEN-TR-104 Numerical Determination of Experimental Bottom Reflection Losses. AD-824 826/CP SAN FRANCISCO OPERATIONS OFFICE (AEC), CALIF. Research into and Use of Computer Models of Plasmas in Controlled Thermonuclear Research Progress Report, December 1, 1972— April 30, 1973 SAN-799-X-1 SANDIA CORP., ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX. Theory and Application of the Generalized Spec- tra Code. SC-RR-70-251 SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX. Description of the Sandia Version of the NASA- Ames Flow Field Code: Input-Output and Storage Locations SAND-74-0096 Extensions and Revisions for the NASA-Ames and Gas-NAS Flow Field Codes. SAND-74-0097 Analysis of One-Dimensional Algorithms to Use with Operator Splitting in Programs for Comput- ing Wave Propagation SAND-74-0189 Conchas— Manymat Wavecode: A Program to Compute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials. SAND-75-0155(Pt.1) Conchas— Manymat Wavecode: Program to Com- pute Fine Details of Shock Wave Structure in Rate Dependent Materials, Part II SAND-75-0155(Pt.2) Test Results of the Threedy Wavefitting Algorithm on One-Dimensional Wave Propagation Problems. SAND-75-0350 Visar Data Reduction SAND-75-0424 Numerical and Computational Analysis of the Par- tial Differential Equations in Hydrocodes and Wavecodes SAND-75-0448 Improved Real Gas Routines for Sandia's NASA Ames Flow Field Program SAND-75-0493 Boundary Layer Solutions for Natural Convection in Porous Media SAND-76-0075 Stability Analysis of the von Neumann— Richtmyer Difference Scheme with Rate Dependent Materi- als Relations. Part 2. Subcycling and the Malvern Relation SAND-77-0374 Magyar: A Single-Collision Model Neutron Heat- ing Code for Component Design (User'S Manual). SC-DR-69-318 Program Wtdplt: A Computer Code for Plotting Aerodynamic Data. SC-DR-69-690 A User's Manual for the Two-Dimensional Axisym- metric Transient Heat Conduction Material Abla- tion Computer Program (Asthma) SC-DR-70-510 Processing Codes for Group-Averaged Discrete Ordinates Cross-Section Tables SC-DR-710320 Alternating-Direction Implicit MHD Code for Simulating Laser Plasmas SC-DR-720733 Survey of Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Forms of Heat Equation SC-M-70-83 An Improved Capability for Solution of Photon Transport Problems by the Method of Discrete Ordinates SC-RR-69-739 Improvements in the Chart D Radiation- Hydrodynamic Code I: Analytic Equations of State. SC-RR-70-28 A One-Dimensional Electrostatic Pic Code. SC-RR-70-314 Radiation Generated Wave Propagation in Elastic Nonconductors. SC-RR-70-428 Numerical Techniques for One-Dimensional Rate- Dependent Porous Material Compaction Calcula- tions SC-RR-710112 Dint- a Computer Program Which Prepares Mul- tigroup Coherent-Incoherent Cross Sections for Photon Transport Calculations SC-RR-720684 Improvements in the Chart D Energy Flow Hydrodynamic Code V: 1972/73 Modifications. SLA-73-0477 Development and Comparison of Several Analyti- cal Models for the Planar Turbulent Near Wake in Supersonic Flow Combining Component and Critical Point Methods SLA-73-628 SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX. (USA). CONF-740604-2 Thermal Stress and Creep. SLA-74-5190 Nonlinear Viscoelastic Equation of State for Use in Stress Propagation Calculations SLA-73-635 Numerical Solution for Electron-Beam-Controlled CO sub 2 Laser Performance. SLA-73-1023 SANDIA LABS., LIVERMORE, CALIF. CONF-751 033-2 Mesh Generation for Two-Dimensional Regions Using a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) Graphics Terminal SAND-76-8231 ESR Powder Line Shape Calculations SAND-76-8200 Spectre- a Finite Difference Computer Program for Calculating the Dynamic Response of a Cylin- drical Shell SCL-DR-70-108 Heatmesh-71- a Computer Code for Generating Geometrical Data Required for Studies of Heat Transfer in Axisymmetric Structures SCL-DR-720004 Couple- a Pseudo Finite Element Conduction Code for the Transient Thermal Response of Ax- isymmetric or Plane Anisotropic Materials SCL-RR-720324 SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE MEDICINE BROOKS AFB TEX SAM-TR-77-11 MIE: A Fortran Program for Computing Power Deposition in Spherical Dielectrics through Appli- cation of MIE Theory AD-A044 226/9CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC ALBUQUERQUE N MEX SAI-73-514-AQ Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume II. Late-Time High-Altitude Electromag- netic Pulse Code Development (AFWL-TR-73-286-VOI-2) AD-A000 944/9CP SAI-73-514-AQ Electromagnetic Pulse Environment Studies. Volume I. Two-Dimensional Ground-Burst Elec- tromagnetic Pulse Calculational Methods (AFWL-TR- 73-286- Vol-1 ) AD-783 623/2CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC ANN ARBOR MICH SAI-77-003-AA Linewidth and Chemistry Modeling of the HCI-H2 Non-Reacting Mixing Laser System AD-A044 625/2CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC ARLINGTON VA SAI-74-629-WA Propagation Modeling and Analysis lor High Energy Lasers AD-A023 537/4CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS, INC., HUNTSVILLE, ALA. NASA-CR-120672 Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study. N75-29818/2CP SAI-76-558-HU Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Study. N75-29818/2CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC LA JOLLA CALIF SAI-70-113 Multifrequency and Multidimensional Aspects of X-Ray Transport. (DASA-2572) AD-715 476/CP SAI-70-122 Two-Dimensional Characteristic Ray Code Development (DASA-2605) AD-730 124/CP SAI-72-511-LJ The MORSE Code with Combinatorial Geometry (DNA-2860T) AD-743 171/CP 109 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX SAI-72-574-U Spectral Unfolding: Its Mathematical Basis. Imple- mentation and Application with MAZE2 (DNA-2990F) AD-755 190/CP SAI-73-649-LJ MAZE 3 • A Sequential Computer Spectral Enhancement Code: Studied for Conversion to IL- LIAC IV (DNA-3274F) AD-781 28073CP SAI-75-590-LJ Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials (BRL-CR-260) AD-A017 670/1CP SAI-75-661-LJ Theoretical Studies of Radioactive Debris At- tachment to ABM Materials (Supplement) (BRL-CR-298) AD-A025 092/8CP SAI-76-605-LJ SKIMMER - A Numerical Model for Nonlinear Waves AD-A029 231 /8CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC MCLEAN VA SAI-73-578-AR Monte Carlo Anaylsis of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Transition Zone Dose and Photo-Compton Cur- rent (AFCRL-TR-73-0572) AD-A002 343/2CP Scientific-3 Monte Carlo Anaylsis of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Transition Zone Dose and Photo-Compton Cur- rent (AFCRL-TR-73-0572) AD-A002 343/2CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS, INC., OAKLAND, CALIF. TR-1 Stealth' A Lagrange Explicit Finite-Difference Code for Solids Structural, and Thermohydraulic Analysis (EPRI/NP-176) PB-255 405/3CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS, INC., PALO ALTO, CALIF. User's Guide for the WAM-BAM Computer Code (EPRI-21 7-2-5) PB-249 624/8CP SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL, CHILTON (ENGLAND). RUTHERFORD LAB. Gfun3d User Guide RL-76-029/A SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL, CHILTON (UK). RUTHERFORD LAB. Application Software for Multi-Wire Beam Profile Monitors RL-76-076/B Data Logging on the Nimrod 70 Mev Linac RL-76-140/B SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATION SERVICE, SANTA BARBARA, CALIF PH.D. THESIS - KARLSRUHE UNIV. NASA-TT-F-15391 A Procedure for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows in Plate and Annular Channels and Its Application in the Development of Turbu- lence Models. N74-21927/0CP SCOTTISH RESEARCH REACTOR CENTRE, EAST KILBRIDE. SRRC-3871 Details of Some beta Heating Calculations N71-38394/CP SEA FARM RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC WALTHAM MASS Study of Some Astrophysical Problems Concern- ing Plasma Processes and Rotational Hydrodynamics. (AFCRL-70-0532) AD-715 925/CP SELSKAPET FOR INDUSTRIELL OG TEKNISK FORSKNING, TRONDHEIM (NORWAY). DIV. OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. ISBN-82-595-0428-6 Flow 22: Users S Description N77-33462/1CP STF71-A75003 Flow 22 Users S Description N77-33462/1CP SERENDIPITY, INC., ARLINGTON, VA. EASTERN OPERATIONS DIV. Community Median Noise Level Computer Model (DOT-OST-ONA-71-6) PB-201 916/CP Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model (DOT-OST-ONA-71-5) PB-202 575/CP SIGNALS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ESTABLISHMENT, CHRISTCHURCH (ENGLAND). SRDE-69042 Wavelength Calibration of Monochromators in the 0.3 to 2.0 mu Region N70-27387/CP SKODA CONCERN, PILSEN (CZECHOSLOVAKIA). NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS DIV. Dimensionless Thermal Stress in a Plate ZJE-63 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV CARBONDALE DEPT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE STLPLT - CalComp Plot of Crystallographic Pro- jections of Laue Photographs (AFOSR-TR-71-0310) AD-719 943/CP SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV CARBONDALE MATERIALS SCIENCE LAB X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Electron Polarization in Ferroelectrics (AFOSR-TR-71-0905) AD-722 067/CP SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIV DALLAS TEX DEPT OF STATISTICS THEMIS-SMU-TR-73 An Approximate Fourier Integral Transform Method for Analysis of Wave Propagation Signals. AD-711 798/CP SOUTHERN UNIV., BATON ROUGE, LA. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-138459 Radiative Property Investigation. N74-28422/5CP SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INST., SAN ANTONIO, TEX. NASA-CR-102889 A Computer Program for Fuel Sloshing in an Ax- isymmetric Tank. N70-43192/CP NASA-CR-1 11801 Dynamic Interaction Between Structure and Liquid Propellants in a Space Shuttle Vehicle Model, Part 1 Final Report N71-12766/CP NASA-CR-1 11802 Propellant Dynamic Problems in Space Shuttle Vehicles. Part 2 Final Report. N71-12767/CP TR-10 A Computer Program for Fuel Sloshing in an Ax- isymmetnc Tank. N70-43192/CP A General Theory of Unsteady Loads on Cavitat- ing Hydrofoils - Computer Use Manual AD-776 203/2CP STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER, CALIF. Transport/360: A Computer Program for Desig- ning Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems. SLAC-91 Themi- Monte Carlo Generation of Electromag- netic Events SLAC-123 STANFORD RESEARCH INST MENLO PARK CALIF SRI-JRS-74-3 A Computer Code to Calculate the Effect of Inter- nal Waves on Acoustic Propagation AD-A016 629/8CP SRI-JSR-73-3 Numerical Simulation of Turbulence AD-774 161/4CP Computational Representation of Constitutive Relations for Porous Material (DNA-3412F) AD-A007 921 /0CP Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation (RADC-TR- 76-35) AD-A023 197/7CP Modeling of Transionospheric Radio Propagation AD-A038 132/7CP STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. NASA-CR-2742 STAN5 A Program for Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Internal and External Boundary Layer Flows N77-16290/7CP SU-HMT-23 STAN5: A Program for Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Internal and External Boundary Layer Flows. N77-16290/7CP STANFORD UNIV CALIF DEPT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING TR-155 A Numerical Method for Steady-State Cavity Flows AD-745 346/CP STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. HMT-20 The Behavior of Transpired Turbulent Boundary Layers. N75-32383/2CP NASA-CR-1 19147 The Behavior of Transpired Turbulent Boundary Layers N75-32383/2CP TR-74 Some Contributions to the Techniques for Testing Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces AD-717 662/CP STANFORD UNIV CALIF EDWARD L GINZTON LAB GL-2523 Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. INST. FOR PLASMA RESEARCH. SU-IPR-635 A New Approach to the Study of Planar Plasma Pinch Stability PB-252 699/4CP STANFORD UNIV CALIF MICROWAVE LAB ML-1812 A Fresnel Drag Laser Gyroscope. AD-711 654/CP NASA CR-109616 Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids Semi- annual Status Report. 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1969. N70-26117/CP SU-ML-1823 Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids Semi- annual Status Report, 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1969. N70-26117/CP STANFORD UNIV CALIF THERMOSCIENCES DIV MD-33 A Method for Calculation of a Fully Stalled Flow (AFOSR-TR-74-1293) AD-783 303/1CP PD-19 Prediction of the Effects of Longitudinal Wall Curvature and System Rotation on Turbulent Boundary Layers PB-243 118/7CP STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. W. W. HANSEN LAB. OF PHYSICS. NASA-CR-138980 Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids. N74-20314/2CP SU-ML-2157 Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Collective Microwave Phenomena in Solids N74-20314/2CP STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK BUFFALO FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES Diagnostics on Steady-State Cross-Flow Arcs. II: Influence of Velocity and Current (ARL-71-0020) AD-727 799/CP STD RESEARCH CORP PASADENA CALIF STD-70 6 Current Distribution in Crossed-Field Accelera- tors Part IV Project Summary and Application (AEDC-TR-71-91) AD-722 443/CP STEVENS INST. OF TECH., HOBOKEN, N. J. DAVIDSON LAB. SIT-DL-70-1523 Barge Trains in a Coastal Seaway Part II. Predic- tions of Lateral Motions and Bending Moments (MA-RD-901-71-16) COM-71-00788/CP 110 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX TENNESSEE UNIV KNOXVILLE DEPT OF MECHANICAL AND STEVENS INST OF TECH HOBOKEN N J DEPT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ME-RT-76003 Research on the Flutter of Axial Turbomachine Blading AD-A031 536/6CP STOCKHOLM UNIV. (SWEDEN). INST. OF PHYSICS. Automatic Selection of Kinematical Hypotheses from Two Prong Proton-Proton Interactions in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber at 19 Gev/C USIP-71-3 SUNDSTRAND AVIATION ROCKFORD ILL SA/AER-642 Determination of the Optimum Fluid and System Variables for .5-5 KWE Rankine Cycle Power Systems AD-741 835/CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Scientific-12 Transmission from a Rectangular Waveguide into Halt Space through a Rectangular Aperture (RADC-TR-76-264) AD-A030 779/3CP Scientific-16 Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers (AFCRL-72-0179) AD-741 809/CP TR-74-7 A Surface Formulation for Characteristic Modes of Material Bodies AD-AOOO 285/7CP TR-75-7 A Low-Frequency Expansion for Characteristic Modes of Conducting Bodies AD-A015 297/5CP Method of Moments Applications. Volume VII. Aperture Coupling Through Long Slots (RADC-TR-73-217-Vol-7) AD-A019 771/5CP Method of Moments Applications - Coupling through a Rectangular Aperture in a Plane Screen (RADC-TR-73-21 7-Vol-B) AD-A026 466/3CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems (RADC-TR-76-306) AD-A032 686/8CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Scientific-6 Computation of Green'S Functions for Bodies of Revolution. (AFCRL-70-0393) AD-711 099/CP Scientific-7 Computer Programs for Radiation and Scattering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires. (AFCRL-70-0374) AD-713 156/CP Scientific-10 Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Bodies of Revolution (AFCRL-71-0014) AD-718 969/CP Scientific-1 1 Computer Programs for Characteristic Modes of Wire Objects (AFCRL-71-0174) AD-722 062/CP TR-70-3 The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Mag- netoplasma Dielectric. (AFOSR-70-0852TR) AD-705 248/CP Coupling through Rotationally Symmetric Aper- tures in Cavities of Revolution (RADC-TR-77-214) AD-A042 093/5CP Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolu- tion (AFCRL-69-0305) AD-859 670/CP SYRACUSE UNIV NY DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER SCIENCE TR-2 Computer Programs for H-Field, E-Field, and Combined Field Solutions for Bodies of Revolu- tion (RADC-TR-77-215) AD-A044 204/6CP A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems (RADC-TR-77-278) AD-A044 758/1 CP SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SOFTWARE LA JOLLA CALIF 3SCR-174 Modifications and Applications of the Vera System of Codes. Volume I. Modifications of the Codes. (DASA-2420-1) AD-705 513/CP 3SCR-859-1 A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases. Volume I (DNA-2794F-1) AD-751 607/CP 3SCR-859-2 A Study of Equations of State-Opacity of Ionized Gases Volume 2. Appendix D - Segmentation of CAPO Appendix E - Listing of CAPO (DNA-2794F-2) AD-751 608/CP 3SR-104 RADOIL and RAM (DASA-2649) AD-729 701 /CP 3SR-119 A Numerical Treatment of Scattering and Fluorescence in Plane Geometry (DASA-2418) AD-725 161/CP 3SR-465 A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases Volume I (DASA-2597-1) AD-722 709/CP S3-DOC-69-256 Modifications and Applications of the Vera System of Codes. Volume I Modifications of the Codes. (DASA-2420-1) AD-705 513/CP SSS-IR-76-2807 TRIOIL IV A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Code for the ILLIAC IV Computer (DNA-3865T) AD-A027 091 /8CP SSS-R-72-1115 MRVERA the Multiregion VERA Code (DNA-2951T) AD-752 066/CP SSS-R-72-1396 A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases (DNA-3061F-1) AD-781 824/8CP SSS-R-72-1410 The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Con- figuration to Electron Loading (HDL-003-3) AD-763 943/CP SSS-R-73-1910 Sensitivity of Material Response Calculations to the Equation of State Model (BRL-130) AD-772 919/7CP SSS-R-74-2364 CAPO User's Guide Volume I (DNA-3600F-1) AD-A016 672/8CP SSS-R-74-2416 A Study of Equations of State/Opacity of Ionized Gases (DNA-3582F) AD-A013 091 /4CP SSS-R-76-2753 Modified GRAY: An Improved Three-Phase Equa- tion of State for Metals (BRL-CR-299) AD-A025 260/1 CP TDR INC LOS ANGELES CALIF Foundation of the Magnetic Field Integral Equa- tion Code for the Calculation of Electromagnetic Pulse External Interaction with Aircraft (AFWL-TR-76-279) AD-A039 953/5CP TECHNICAL UNIV. OF DENMARK. LYNGBY. ELECTROMAGNETICS INST. ESA-CR(P)-769 A Numerical Technique to Predict Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (User'S Guide for the Com- puter Program ROT2) N76-22432/8CP R-150 A Numerical Technique to Predict Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (User'S Guide for the Com- puter Program ROT2) N76-22432/8CP TECHNICAL UNIV. OF DENMARK, LYNGBY. INST. OF ELECTROMAGNETICS. TUD-R-139 Rate Equations of the Semiconductor Injection Laser. N76-33499/4CP TECHNION - ISRAEL INST OF TECH HAIFA DEPT OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING TAE-277 Investigations of the Rolling-Up of the Vortex Wake and Calculation of Non-Linear Aerodynamic Characteristics of wings (AFOSR-TR-76-1146) AD-A032 552/2CP TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE, DARMSTADT (WEST GERMANY). FAKULTAET FUER MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK. The Three-Dimensional Transport Problem of Linear Programming Characteristics and Solution das Dreidimensionale Transportproblem der Linearen Planungsrechnung-Eigenschaften und Loesung N72-20192/CP TECHNISCHE HOGESCHOOL, DELFT (NETHERLANDS). DEPT. OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING. VTH-183 Numerical Integration of the Momentum-Integral Equations and Application of the Results to the Flow Between Rotating Disks N75-29369/6CP TECHNISCHE UNIV. MUNICH (WEST GERMANY). LEHRSTUHL FUER REAKTORDYNAMIK UND REAKTORSICHERHEIT. Calculation of Time-Dependent Heat Transfer Coefficients During Rewetting of Highly Heated Tubes MRR-167 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET, BERLIN (WEST GERMANY). Theoretical Investigation of the Temperature Dis- tribution in a NA-K Counter Flow Heat Exchanger with Liquid Reversal SFB-MHD-3 TECHTRAN CORP., GLEN BURNIE, MD. NASA-TT-F-13741 Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Sur- faces of Venus N71-31311/CP PR -49 Mean Quadratic Angles of Inclination of the Sur- faces of Venus N71-31311/CP TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-121023 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation N72-30618/CP SE-SSL-1407 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation N72-30618/CP TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. (USA). NASA-CR-121023 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation. Final Report N-72-30618 SE-SSL-1407 Nonelastic Nuclear Reactions and Accompanying gamma Radiation Final Report N-72-30618 TENNESSEE UNIV KNOXVILLE DEPT OF MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ME71-T57-12 Turbulence and Inertia Effects in the Aligned Face Seal AD-730 723/CP ME73-T57-16 Velocity and Temperature Development in the En- trance Region Between Two Rotating Concentric Cylinders AD-762 049/CP 111 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX TENNESSEE UNIV KNOXVILLE ULTRASONICS LAB TR-10 Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in the Critical Tem- perature Region o1 Beta, Beta'-Dichloroethyl Ether + Hexane AD-750 247/CP TENNESSEE UNIV SPACE INST TULLAHOMA Electrical Characteristics and Transient Wave Growth in Magnetogasdynamic Channels (AFAPL-TR-67-33) AD-721 460/CP TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. CENTER FOR DREDGING STUDIES. CDS-172 An Experimental and Theoretical Study ot the Flow Field Surrounding a Suction Pipe Inlet (NOAA-73122715) COM-74-10172/6CP TAMU-SG-74-203 An Experimental and Theoretical Study ol the Flow Field Surrounding a Suction Pipe Inlet (NOAA-73122715) COM-74-10172/6CP TEXAS A AND M UNIV COLLEGE STATION DEPT OF PHYSICS A Program to Determine Fundamental Nuclear Data from Muon Intensity Measurements and to Investigate Geophysical Aspects of Cosmic Rays at High Energies (AFOSR-TR-71-1202) AD-723 330/CP TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. OCEAN ENGINEERING PROGRAM. COE-194 Supplemental Lighting for Underwater Photog- raphy A Computer Program for Design Analysis (NOAA-76092303) PB-260 927/9CP TAMU-SG-76-212 Supplemental Lighting for Underwater Photog- raphy. A Computer Program for Design Analysis (NOAA-76092303) PB-260 927/9CP TEXAS UNIV AT AUSTIN APPLIED RESEARCH LABS ARL-TR-74-25 The Propagation of a Spherical N Wave in an Ab- sorbing Medium and Its Diffraction by a Circular Aperture (AFOSR-TR-74-1 736) AD-787 878/8CP ARL-TR-75-41 Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Descrip- tion AD-A021 330/6CP ARL-TR-75-51 Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Thermoacoustic Array in Water AD-A017 372/4CP ARL-TR-76-23 A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation. Implemen- tation, and Application AD-A028 521/3CP TEXAS UNIV AT AUSTIN DEPT OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MECHANICS The Development of a Computer Aided Airfoil Design Procedure Including Preliminary Wind Tunnel Experiments on a Low Reynolds Number High Lift Section. Volume I (AFOSR-TR-76-0536) AD-A024 361/8CP TEXAS UNIV AUSTIN APPLIED RESEARCH LABS ARL-TR-71-1 An Analysis of the Parametric Acoustic Array for Spherical Wave Fields AD-723 241/CP ARL-TR-71-26 Finite-Amplitude Sound Propagation in the Far- field ol Nonuniform Sources (I) The Diffraction of N Waves by a Circular Aperture in a Plane Baffle (II) (AFOSR-TR-71-1916) AD-740 498/CP ARL-TR-73-3 An Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Array in Air AD-757 034/CP ARL-TR-73-23 Propagation of Plane Acoustic Noise of Finite Amplitude (AFOSR-TR-74-0711) AD-778 868/OCP ARL-TR-74-17 A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Acoustic Receiving Array AD-783 099/5CP TEXAS UNIV., AUSTIN. CENTER FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES. Spectra ORO-2972-196 TEXAS UNIV AUSTIN CENTER FOR PLASMA PHYSICS AND THERMONUCLEAR RESEARCH Oblique Collisionless Shock Waves in Plasma (DASA-2520) AD-722 383/CP TEXAS UNIV AUSTIN ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER TR-98 Acoustic Energy Transmission from a Rod into a Semi-Infinite Medium (AFOSR-70-2627TR) AD-720 270/CP TR-100 Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide (AFOSR-70-2874TR) AD-718 407/CP TR-110 Laser Induced Breakdown in High Pressure Noble Gases (AFOSR-TR-72-0199) AD-743 008/CP TR-119 Dispersion of Electrostatic Ion Plasma Waves near Harmonics of the Ion Cyclotron Frequency (AFOSR-TR-72-0535) AD-743 287/CP TEXAS UNIV EL PASO Evaluation of Bessel Functions with Imaginary Order for Applications to Certain Boundary-Value Problems (ECOM-0359-F) AD-728 833/CP Sound Intensity in Atmospheric Shadow Zones Assuming a Constant Velocity Gradient (ECOM-0359-F2) AD-728 836/CP The Theoretical Investigation of Wind Gradient Effects on Atmospheric Shadow Zones (-ECOM-0016) AD-754 634/CP THERMO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS CO., CANOGA PARK, CALIF. NASA-CR-1 37851 Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions. N76-21454/3CP SR-26 Development of an Efficient Computer Code to Solve the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equa- tions. N76-21454/3CP TOKYO UNIV. (JAPAN). INST. FOR NUCLEAR STUDY. Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer, li. Qvspac and Qvcspa INS-TL-108 Pdp-9 Programs for Ins FM Analyzer. Hi. Ckspao INS-TL-109 TORONTO UNIV (ONTARIO) INST FOR AEROSPACE STUDIES UTIAS-TN-144 A Numerical Model for a Combustion-Driven Spherical Implosion Wave. (ARL-70-0074) AD-709 196/CP UTIAS-TR-169 Near-Free-Molecule Flow Calculations-Monte Carlo Study ot Skimmer Interactions (AFOSR-TR-72-1278) AD-744 508/CP TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CENTER, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. DOT-TSC-FHWA-72-1-App-B Manual for Highway Noise Prediction (Appendix B) PB-226 087/5CP TRW SYSTEMS GROUP, REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. NASA-CR-1 15083 A Class of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Solvable by Debye s Representation N71-31105/CP NASA-CR-1 15084 Construction of General Purpose Programs for the Numerical Solution of Certain Electromag- netic Scattering Problems N71-31104/CP NASA-CR-137618 Computer Program Grade for Design and Analysis of Graded-Porosity Heat-Pipe Wicks. N75-14996/3CP TRW-1 1 176-H092-R0-00 Construction of General Purpose Programs for the Numerical Solution of Certain Electromag- netic Scattering Problems N71-31104/CP TRW-1 1 176-H1 22-R0-00 A Class of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Solvable by Debye's Representation N71-31105/CP TRW-20086-6014-RU-00 Wake Modeling Studies AD-A018 671/8CP TRW-27166.4721-11 High Energy Laser Test Support Equipment Beam Diagnostic Program AD-A025 145/4CP H2-CI2 Chemical Laser Program. Part I. CHEM- LUM Code for Spectroscopic Data Analysis a _j Ol LLI GC o a o. o _i < a 111 U 111 > O o a in 5 e o 2 " I O e Z ui s oc ID — U TJ<0 ._ • £ in a 3 Z into a Ui H s a UI a a