C J J. A : W »37 / ^ / ■' ■-> ' -7-J FEDERAL PLAN FOR V %\ < **°'«\ U.S. DEPARTMENT Of COMMENCE Environmental Science Services Administratis Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research FEDERAL PLAN FOR WEATHER RADARS AND REMOTE DISPLAYS FISCAL YEARS 1969—1973 ^TES Of * U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Environmental Science Services Administration Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research DECEMBER 1969 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 70 cents FCM-69-5 FOREWORD This Plan for weather radar was prepared by the Inter- departmental Committee for Meteorological Services and the Inter- departmental Committee for Applied Meteorological Research. It replaces Plans issued in May 1967 — covering services programs — and March 1968 — covering supporting research. The Plan is a continuation of the original effort to utilize national weather radar resources most effectively and economically for synoptic network and local use applications. Concepts developed in the earlier Plans have been continued; agency requirements and programs have been updated. Federal agencies concerned with weather radar or radar having a weather capability have participated in preparing this Plan; specifically, the Departments of Commerce, Defense, Interior, and Transportation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. f5Sv Robert M. White Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research o '1 a < ■ 1 I. INTRODUCTION This Plan is limited to fixed radars and remote displays used for weather surveillance. Obsolete radars and equipment used only for research and development (R&D) are not included as part of the Plan although a brief discussion of them is given for back- ground purposes. Mobile radars used for field support of tactical units of the Army, Navy, and Air Force are discussed from the R&D aspects only, since sites are subject to frequent change for military purposes. The Plan: • Establishes national requirements for weather radar data based on the combined needs of Federal agencies in the 50 States and Puerto Rico. • Develops an operational concept and presents a coordinated plan, consisting of agency programs for Fiscal Years 1969- 1973, which provides the maximum integration of current and future weather radar facilities consistent with effective and efficient mission accomplishment. • Presents supporting research and development programs for Fiscal Years 1969-1973 aimed at stated deficiencies in service activities. Agency programs presented in this Plan represent current agency objectives. By meeting these objectives, investment and operating costs of each agency are substantially reduced through cooperative efforts. If an agency fails to meet a key objective, requirements of other agencies may not be met and the entire Plan and cooperative approach may be jeopardized. New technology and changing needs for services will change agency requirements and programs in coming years. However, funds requested to implement the programs are allocated on an annual basis. Thus, the ability of each agency to implement its part of the Plan, is subject to normal budgetary considerations. These, and other changes in the Plan, should be promptly brought to the attention of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research. The Plan will be reviewed annually and updated as required. ■ I. WEATHER RADAR Weather radar information represents an important and valu- able supplement to the surface and upper-air networks by giving the meteorologist a capability to look electronically far beyond the visual horizon and evaluate what is detected in terms trans- latable to synoptic and local uses. This information is not avail- able from other data sources even in areas having dense surface and upper-air observation coverage. Weather radar provides: • A continuous and almost instantaneous means of detect- ing precipitation within range of the set. This information is a prime input to the weather watch of the "local" area and helps avoid surprise onsets of unexpected weather conditions. • The best means now available for identifying and tracking squall lines, tornadoes, and other destructive storms. This information is essential to adequate local warnings for protection of life and property. Figure 1 shows a radar presentation of a squall line with hook-shaped echoes often associated with tornadoes. • A means of locating, tracking, and estimating the intensity of hurricanes as they approach the U.S. coastal areas. This information is vital to issuing warnings to the public, in- dustry, and government. Figure 2 is a radar presentation of a hurricane with a well-defined eye and typical spiral bands of echoes. Figi profile through a hurricane 3 shows a radar range-height Quantitative information upon which estimates of precipi- tation rates and amounts can be based. This information enhances the ability of hydrological personnel to provide flash flood warnings and gives a valuable input to the management of water resources in river basins. A nearly unique source of three-dimensional information on the location, intensity, and movement of precipitation areas and attendant hazardous conditions. This information may be a significant input to flight planning. Figure 2. — PP1 presentation of a hurricane with well-defined eye and spiral bands of echoes. Figure 1. — PPI presentation of a squall line with hook-shaped echoes associated with tornadoes. 25 50 Horizontal distance in miles • A means for indirectly estimating many important meteo- rological parameters such as turbulence associated with thunderstorms, winds aloft, cloud tops, precipitation types, freezing level, and aircraft icing levels. Considerable re- search is being carried out to quantify the above meteo- rological parameters. The capability of a weather radar to do the tasks outlined depends on many factors. Most important of these are: Frequency or wavelength Pulse length Range Power transmitted Receiver sensitivity Beam width Accuracy of azimuth, range, and elevation presentations Accuracy of echo intensity measurements Type of presentations (PPI, RHI, A/R) 1 Type of controls (automatic and manual) Range normalization System calibration In general, weather radar for synoptic network use requires maximum range and the ability to pass the signal through heavy Figure 3. — RHI presentation of a vertical profile through a hurricane. precipitation while weather radar for local use requires the sensi- tivity to minimum precipitation rates. Network radars must cover substantially greater areas than local use radars without signifi- cant degradation of capability. As a result, network weather radars generally operate in the S-band with high transmission power and accurate presentation and measurement capabilities. Newer models of local use weather radars are usually less ex- pensive than network radars since they may be lower powered and may operate in C-band or X-band where size and cost reduc- tions are possible at the expense of some degradation of perform- ance of functions requiring long-range and minimum precipitation attenuation. (For radar characteristics see Appendix II.) OPERATIONAL WEATHER RADAR EQUIPMENT There are three major types of weather radars now in opera- tional use by Federal agencies. In addition, there are several types of search radars with limited weather capability that are used for air traffic control and air defense. The characteristics of each are described in detail in Appendix II. The following are brief descriptions of this equipment: WSR-57 and AN/FPS-41 Radars These are S-band radars (10-cm wavelength) with the power, accuracy, and general sophistication to perform all network and local use functions to at least 100-mile range. Figure 4 shows the AN/FPS^ll operator's console. 'PPI: Plan-Position Indicator RHI: Range-Height Indicator A/R: Intensity-Range Figure 4. — WSR-57 (AN/FPS-41) operator's console. The 12-inch PPI scope is in the center with the AR scope on the left and the RHI scope on the right. Figure 5. — AN/FPS-77 operator's Figure 6. — AN/FPS-81 operator's console, console with Polaroid camera for PPI scope photography attached. •••:::•£ AN/FPS— 68, 77. and 81 Radars These are C-band radars (5-cm wavelength) designed for local use. Their use for longer-range network purposes is limited by precipitation attenuation in heavy rainfall. Figure 5 shows an AN/FPS-77 operator's console and figure 6 illustrates the AN/FPS-81 operator's console. AN/CPS— 9 Radars These are X-band radars (3-cm wavelength) and were the first radars specifically designed for weather use. They have high sensitivity but are attenuated in moderate or heavier rainfall and would require considerable modification to permit objective de- termination of echo information. Further, since these radars were designed in the late 1940's and have been in use for nearly 15 years, maintenance costs have become high in comparison with more modern equipment. Figure 7 illustrates the AN/CPS— 9 operator's console. Air Traffic Control and Air Defense Radars There are various search radars used for air traffic control and air defense. These radars are designed to do a very specialized job — detect aircraft. This specialization restricts or, in some modes of operation, completely negates their ability to provide meteorologically significant data. In general, these radars are deliberately designed to remove or subdue weather echoes and emphasize the aircraft targets they wish to detect and track. Some, however, may be operated in modes which allow useful meteorological data to be obtained. The FAA operates two types of search radar for air traffic con- trol. The ARSR series, operating in the L-band (20-cm wave- length), has a range of about 200-250 n. mi. with a fan-shaped beam about 1.3° wide in azimuth and 4°-6° wide in elevation. The ASR series, operating in the S-band, has a range of about 60 n. mi. with a fan-shaped beam similar to that of the ARSR series. These radars are configured with a normal vides channel and a Moving Target Indicator (MTI) channel. The MTI is a very effective technique to eliminate returns from fixed ground clutter. The antennas of both type radars are capable of radiating with Linear or Circular Polarization (CP). CP is used to reduce Figure 7. — AN/CPS-9 operator's console. the returns from precipitation. At the present time, these radars function in a broadband configuration in that no video processing is done and raw video is remoted and displayed. The displays are normally "gated" to display MTI video out to the range of ground clutter and Normal video beyond. The long-range radars are currently being implemented with digital video processing and digital narrow-band data remoting. The processors will have an adjunct capability to quantize precipitation clutter which the CP and MTI cannot eliminate. The processors will use log and MTI videos. There is also an FAA program underway to imple- ment digital processing for air traffic control radars. This infor- mation will be displayed in special format and will depict the areal extent of two levels of radar reflectivity (Z e value). Current FAA thinking envisions use of the normal ARTCC radar presentation as the principal source of data on hazardous weather echoes. The stronger precipitation areas which "punch through" the CP and MTI attenuation will be presented in the ARTCC's to give location and estimates of intensity of the harder cores of storms. The Air Force operates a number of long-range search radars as a part of the North American Air Defense Command. These radars have characteristics similar to those of the FAA air traffic control system and are capable of providing, under certain modes of operation, useful weather echoes. A joint-use policy which allows Weather Bureau personnel to operate in selected Air Defense Command radar sites to make observations under speci- fied hazardous conditions (principally hurricanes) has been in effect for several years. As control of the Air Force long-range search radars becomes more automatic and frequency diversity comes into wide use, these radars have decreasing usefulness for meteorological purposes. The Army has a substantial number of air defense search radars which operate in the S-band or L-band. These radars, like the FAA and Air Force radars, are designed to eliminate as many weather echoes as possible. Most of the Army radars would require substantial modification to provide useful weather echo information; and, in general, these radars are located near large metropolitan areas or major military installations where weather radars already exist. All of the long-range air traffic control and air defense search radars are limited to a significant degree by the following: • Beam characteristics generally preclude anything more than a general PPI presentation of weather echoes. RHI and A/R scopes are not usually available. • There is no manual antenna control (automatic rotation is the only mode of operation in most cases) and antennas are not tiltable for measuring echo heights. • The radars do not have range normalization and other features essential to objective determination of echo characteristics. In summary, long-range aircraft search radars of the FAA and Air Force can, under certain operating conditions, provide infor- mation on weather echo locations and useful estimates of echo intensity. The degree of usefulness of these radars in the western intermountain region was determined in 1965 by a Weather Bureau/FAA test at Salt Lake City. This test concluded that operationally useful weather radar information could be obtained from PPI displays associated with the Salt Lake City ARTCC from air traffic control radars at seven locations in the States of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah. The information generated was found to be very useful to FAA controllers as well as providing a means of expanding network-type functions into the intermountain region at minimum costs. Similar programs have been established at Palmdale, Calif., (Los Angeles ARTCC) and Albuquerque, N. Mex. These interim arrangements are feasible in the western intermountain area where the incidence of severe local storms, which demand very precise detecting and tracking capability to assure adequate warnings, is relatively low. WEATHER RADAR REMOTING EQUIPMENT There are three major types of weather radar remoting equip- ment in use by Federal agencies. The following are brief descrip- tions of this equipment: Wide-Band Video Remoting Systems Wide-band video remoting systems include repeater scopes (usually PPI) which require either video coaxial cabling or a Figure 8. (Top left) — Receiver Unit for CCTV Displays. (Top right)— Direct View Receiver for Single Displays. (Left)— 21-inch CCTV Dis- play Unit (Right), WB/RATTS-65 Slow Scan Transmitter Unit with operator manually inserting data. video microwave link between the radar set and the remote loca- tion. These types of remoting systems present the radar informa- tion in real time without discernable degradation of details. Co- axial cabling and microwave link video remotes are expensive and have significant disadvantages. For example, the console operator cannot send interpretive data over the video channel, the remote display is not retained when the operator changes from normal PPI scan to another mode of operation, and voice communications between the remote and console operator require a separate telephone channel. Because of the expense and disad- vantages, few microwave link video remotes are planned. Coaxial cable video remotes do have some application in those cases in which the disadvantages will not seriously affect the utility of the display. They are, however, generally limited to about a mile by the cost of the cable and installation. Narrow-Band Video Remoting Systems Narrow-band video remoting systems are designed for tele- phone bandwidth circuts (3kHz) between the radar console and remote receiver locations and use the principle of slow-scan tele- vision. The Weather Bureau Radar Remote (WBRR) System 2 provides remote PPI displays, updated so that no part of the display is more than 2 minutes old. It retains or stores the re- moted displays when it is necessary for the radar operator to go to a mode of operation other than normal PPI-scan or when transmissions between the radar and remote are interrupted for brief periods. Five gray levels provided by the System give good definition and resolution, and when used with echo intensity con- touring adequately portray relative intensities. 3 The WBRR System is versatile; users have receiver display and communications connecting options. Receiver display options are: • A single 7-inch PPI display unit. • TV displays, using conventional CCTV monitors from a receiver unit. As many as six TV displays can be operated 2 Previously designated Weather Bureau Radar Telephone-Transmission System (WB/RATTS). 3 The term "intensity" actually refers to "reflectivity." from the receiver. As a further option, the receiver may be equipped with data insertion capability to permit tailoring the TV displays to local needs. • Facsimile copies (10 inches by 10 inches) with preselected programs to update continuously or at intervals of 5, 10, 20, or 60 minutes. Time of receipt is automatically printed on each copy received. Communications options are: • Continuous connection between the remote receiver and transmitter using dedicated circuits when routine, uninter- rupted data flow is desired. • Use of standard telephone systems to dial any remote transmitter and receive the current PPI display in less than 2 minutes. • A combination of the two preceding modes when a loca- tion has need for routine support from a radar and oc- casional need for data from other radars equipped with transmitters. WBRR equipment is in use at several Weather Bureau Offices and is being considered for some FAA Flight Service Stations. Delivery of additional equipment on a joint Commerce/Navy procurement is scheduled for early FY-70. Private segments of the economy, especially airlines, television stations, and private meteorologists are expressing considerable interest in the slow- scan remoting systems. WBRR equipment is shown in Figure 8. A weather radar echo contouring device, termed Video Inte- grator and Processor (VIP), has been developed by ESSA's Weather Bureau. The VIP is indended for use with WSR— 57 radars and provides for simultaneous display of six contours of echo intensity on the PPI scopes, including remote displays. The calibrated contours of echo intensity add an important di- mension to remote displays by providing current information on the intensity of all echoes without the need for time-consuming manual data insertion. Echo-intensity contour presentations use only white, one gray shade, and black, thereby largely eliminat- ing the dependence on gray-scale separation for echo-intensity determinations. Figure 9 illustrates a PPI (or remote) presenta- tion with VIP. Joint Commerce and Navy procurement of VIP equipment is underway. Commerce plans give priority for VIP installation to WSR-57's supporting remote displays. Facsimile Remoting Systems Facsimile remoting systems are designated for 3kHz-telephoto circuits between the radar and remote receivers. The radar op- erator makes a tracing of the PPI presentation; adds interpre- tive information such as echo heights, intensity, and movement; and transmits the resulting weather radar map to one or more remote receivers. Transmissions are made on a scheduled basis with specials sent if necessary. Standard weather facsimile equip- ment is used as transmitting and receiving units. Facsimile re- moting is employed in the western portions of the U.S. where severe ground clutter makes it impractical to use the wide- or narrow-band remoting systems. The interpreted presentation re- moves this unwanted, potentially confusing information. In the western areas where echo patterns and intensities change less Figure 9. — PPI presentation of a squall line with VIP echo intensity contouring. FIGURE 10— EXAMPLE OF A FACIMILE REMOTE PRESENTATION 027 1520 DAY TIME OF THE YEAR AUTOMATIC ON EACH FRAME SAMPLE FROM WBRR-68 Note: Weather reporting stations are located with a small open circle and the three-letter designator. Range 125 nautical miles. Handwritten annotations are: Sut/t Heavy snow, increasing intensity, tops 42 echo height 4200 ft, 3025 echo movement from 300° at 25 knots. rapidly than in other areas of the country, the advantages of facsimile remotes outweigh the loss of real-time remoting provided by WBRR or wide-band systems. Figure 10 is an example of a facsimile remote presentation. III. REQUIREMENTS FOR WEATHER RADAR DATA There are two general categories of requirements or uses for weather radar data. The first is "synoptic" and the second is "local." Each category places certain demands on the type of equipment as well as its location and mode of operation. These general requirement categories are discussed in this Section. SYNOPTIC USE REQUIREMENTS Synoptic use of weather radar data requires systematic obser- vations by a network of radars for input to meteorological charts depicting the state of the atmosphere on the macroscale. The net- work of radars must provide accurate, quantitative measurement of meteorologically significant echoes in terms of azimuth, range, height, intensity, and positive identification of echoes indicative of severe storms to the maximum range necessary to provide com- plete area coverage. Studies have shown that operation of a radar for quantitative precipitation purposes is limited to a range of about 100 to 125 n. mi. Therefore, stations should be approxi- mately 200 n. mi. apart in a pattern which provides maximum coverage for all areas with a minimum of radars. In regions where high rainfall rates occur, the network radars should op- erate in the S-band; and in regions where heavy rains rarely occur and precipitation attenuation is not a problem, a radar which operates in the C-band or X-band is preferable. Both must have beam width characteristics, sensitivity, power, and other capabilities necessary to detect precipitation falling at a rate of 0.01 in./hr. or more to a range of about 100 n. mi. 4 Synoptic use of weather radar in mountainous areas places unusual requirements on both the weather radar equipment and 4 See Appendix II for characteristics of current weather radars and de- sired characteristics of an ideal network radar. Research has just begun on the use of Doppler techniques in association with the more conventional surveillance techniques. Results of this research may indicate that S-band radars are necessary to take full advantage of the Doppler measuremnts in identifying the character and intensity of echoes. the installation. Terrain features usually require that radar an- tennas be installed on mountain peaks to give a reasonably un- restricted horizon. These installations are frequently very costly since the radar must be operated by remote control from the operating console and the site may require new roads and power lines. In addition, beam width characteristics of radars used in mountainous areas should be as narrow as feasible to reduce the ground clutter effect of the irregular terrain. Weather radar observations for synoptic use are required hourly on a scheduled basis when precipitation is observed within the assigned area of responsibility. Observations are re- quired more frequently under certain conditions related to severe storms or rapidly changing weather situations. Equipment must be maintained and operated to ensure the integrity and com- patibility of data. Observations must convey the same values of meteorological parameters regardless of equipment, season, or location. Synoptic weather radar observations are collected, analyzed, and composited hourly to provide inputs to the preparation of conventional weather maps and forecasts. Composite weather radar charts for the conterminous 48 States and coastal waters are prepared on an hourly basis by the Weather Bureau in Kansas City, Mo., and some are transmitted on the National Facsimile Network to Weather Bureau, FAA, Air Force, Navy, and private weather offices to support analysis, forecasting, and briefing beyond the range of local radars. Facsimile transmis- sions of these charts have been requested on an hourly basis by the Air Force, Navy, NASA, and FAA; however, transmission time on the National Facsimile Network is not currently available for hourly charts. At the present time, 14 composite weather radar charts are transmitted daily: Ten of these cover the con- terminous 48 States and four are sectional charts selected to cover the most significant weather echoes. In addition to the com- posited charts for the conterminous 48 States, reports from Air Defense radars in Alaska are composited by the Weather Bureau at Anchorage and six transmissions made daily on the Intra- Alaskan Facsimile Network. Figure 11 shows a composite chart for facsimile transmission. LOCAL USE REQUIREMENTS Weather radar coverage of the local area is intended to provide information upon which the weather service office, civil or mili- tary, can base short-period forecasts and warnings for the im- mediate areas of responsibility. Local uses also include current information on the location of hazardous flying conditions for use in flight planning, relay to airborne aircraft, and by FAA controllers handling air traffic operations in the terminal area. In general terms, the Federal agencies have indicated a require- ment for weather radar coverage of the local area for most weather service offices. The requirement is not the same at all locations. Therefore, some agencies have established general cri- teria and priorities for providing local weather radar coverage for specific locations while other agencies consider each require- ment individually. Briefly, the agency criteria or policies follow: FIGURE 11— COMPOSITE RADAR CHART FOR FACIMILE TRANSMISSION ESSA— Weather Bureau There is a requirement for weather radar data at most Weather Bureau Offices. Highest priority has been assigned to stations meeting the following criteria: • Metropolitan areas having a population in excess of 250,000. • The most important metropolitan area in each State sub- ject to severe storms for which weather radar-based warn- ings would save life and property. • Airports with instrument landing systems at which instru- ment operations (arrivals plus departures) exceed 30,000 annually, and thunderstorms are expected at least 40 days annually. • Locations or areas susceptible to damage by floods and flash floods. • Locations or areas having a high incidence of lightning- caused forest fires. Air Force The Air Force requires weather radar data for local use in direct support of flying operations, for surveillance of installa- tion facilities, and for protection of military personnel and equipment. The weather radar data source is made an adjunct of the forecasting section where personnel are able to correlate the data with other weather information, thereby providing an im- mediate responsive advisory service to aircrews in flight, to those preparing for immediate flights and to responsible installation personnel. In addition to the base proper, area support includes missile sites and ground training areas, gunnery ranges, air- refueling areas, and both flight-training and combat crew-training routes. Determination on how best the requirements can be met is done on an individual basis with due consideration to all factors bearing on mission accomplishment, installation investment, safety of personnel and property, distance from other radars, and fre- quency of radar reportable weather. Navy The Navy uses weather radar data for local use purposes in support of its aircraft safety programs and requires weather radar data in Navy forecast offices in areas where the frequency of occurrence of Radar Detectable Weather (RDW) is a safety factor. These requirements can be met by local use radars (C- band), remote displays, or radar data on teletypewriter and facsimile — depending on mission, distance from a remotable radar, and frequency of RDW. FAA Weather radar information is used by Flight Service Station (FSS) Personnel when providing pilot weather briefings, whether it be face-to-face, over the telephone, or to those in flight. Where it is economically feasible, weather radar information is available at FSS facilities through radar displays remoted from Weather Bureau radar installations. Radar weather summaries are avail- able at all FSS facilities from teletypewriter bulletins. The terminal and en route air traffic control facilities provide weather radar information as an advisory service when time permits or when requested by the pilot. This service provides general information concerning the location of weather echoes appearing on the con- trollers' air traffic control radar display. Efforts are underway to provide weather radar facsimile displays in a few ARTC Centers to aid in the application of air traffic flow control procedures. NASA Weather radar data are required for local uses by NASA in conjunction with its programs. Since some NASA programs are carried on at NASA facilities and others are carried on at facili- ties operated by other agencies, weather radar data sources are varied. Weather radar data are obtained from other agencies whenever possible, and in some cases weather radars are installed and operated to provide necessary information. In general, the requirements of the Manned Spaceflight Program are the more demanding of NASA needs. Army The Army has a requirement for local use weather radar data at certain of its R&D facilities. This requirement is usually met by use of weather radars at R&D facilities. Army requirements for weather radar data at its major airfields in the conterminous U.S. are fulfilled in some cases by Air Force programs. 10 Private Users of Weather Radar Data Private sectors of the economy have used weather radar data for a number of years. These users include television stations, industrial and R&D corporations, universities, and private meteorologists. A number of television stations located in the Southern and Midwestern States have installed small weather radars as a sup- plement to their "weather" programming. Some stations have obtained remote PPI displays from Weather Bureau radars, and many more stations are expected to add these remoted displays as the newer slow-scan equipment comes into greater use. r> For example, one VHF TV station in Houston, Tex., has installed a remote display from the Weather Bureau WSR— 57 at Galveston. The remote display presentations, plus recordings of the text from the Weather Bureaus VHF/FM broadcast, are made 10 times daily. Also, in Galveston, Tex. a community antenna tele- vision (CATV) company has obtained a remote display from the WSR— 57. In this case, the remote display presentations and VHF/FM texts are broadcast continuously on one of the CATV channels. Corporations engaged in weather-sensitive operations have used weather radar data for some time. There is no specific informa- tion readily available on the number of weather radars involved in this area; however, there are sets at several locations along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico and in the Midwestern States. Most universities with atmospheric sciences programs have weather radars to support their research activities and for use in their student courses. The full extent of this equipping is not precisely known, but at least six modern weather radars are operated by universities alone or in conjunction with other private or governmental programs. Industrial and private meteorologists are finding weather radar to be a valuable input to their operations. In general, they are J These systems, with their data insertion features, offer a new and quite promising means of quickly and effectively communicating weather warn- ings and alerts to the public. The Weather Bureau, in its Circular Letter 4-65, has provided for agreements and licensing of radar remotes for non- government agencies and offices. unable to afford the initial investment and annual maintenance costs for their own radars. They are, however, showing a grow- ing interest in the new slow-scan remoting systems which will bring these data to them at reasonable costs. Two companies have expressed an interest in installing remote display transmitters on Weather Bureau WSR— 57s where govern- ment-owned equipment is not programmed for a number of years. These companies would in turn sell remote display services to private users (and to government agencies as well, if it is less costly than owning, operating, and maintaining government- owned display equipment). Details for such arrangements are being studied by the ESSA Weather Bureau. IV. OPERATIONAL CONCEPTS Requirements for weather radar data specified in Section III may be met by use of a weather radar at the location requiring the data. Under certain conditions, it is possible to meet local use requirements by use of a remote display from a weather radar some distance away. Determination of the method to be used in meeting any specific requirement necessitates an evaluation of what data must be provided against costs of the various means of providing it. SYNOPTIC WEATHER RADAR DATA Synoptic weather radar data are presently obtained by oper- ators working at the radar console with direct access to the radar controls to make the quantitative measurements and de- tailed echo examinations necessary for synoptic uses. Current state-of-the-art remote displays are not adequate for observing, col- lecting, processing, or compositing data for synoptic purposes. De- velopment of automated systems to perform these functions is re- ceiving priority consideration. The outlook is bright for significant improvements in this area within the next few years if adequate support is given to developing applications of digitizing equipment presently available. The WSR-57, or similar S-band radar, is the primary radar for the synoptic network. The AN/FPS— 68, 77, and 81 and similar 11 C-band radars are preferable substitutes for the S-band radars in the intermountain area west of about 105°W. and in the area north of 45°N. The AN/CPS-9 and other similar X-band radars are limited to interim use as network radars in all areas because of precipitation attenuation and other shortcomings related to lack of capability for objective determination of echo intensity. Air traffic control radars of the ARSR L-band type are acceptable substitutes for synoptic network reporting purposes in the area west of 105°W. LOCAL USE WEATHER RADAR DATA Weather radar data for local uses have traditionally been sup- plied by sets owned by the agency and operated at the location requiring the data. In a very few instances, agencies agreed to use remote displays from another agency's radar. This general absence of remoting was due to the cost of microwave or coaxial cable systems, lack of height and intensity data in the remote display, loss of effective remote display when the radar was not on normal PPI-scan, little or no user control over what was displayed, and the unwieldy or unsatisfactory administrative arrangements for managing these joint endeavors. The state of the art of remote weather radar displays has now advanced to a point where it is technically feasible to provide a remote PPI display with analyzed information on intensities, heights, and movements at costs substantially below individual weather radars. Problems related to direct access to the radar console to "con- trol" the set at all times have been greatly reduced since the slow-scan systems "freeze" the remote display when the radar is used for sector-scanning, height determinations, and other similar functions necessary for network or local uses. Agencies have agreed on standard procedures for operating radars sup- porting remotes and have made these a part of the Weather Radar Manual governing weather radar observations. Remote displays can meet local use requirements when the following criteria are met: • The prime weather radar should be an S-band of the WSR-57 (or AN/FPS-41) type. C-band radars of the AN/FPS-68, 77, and 81 type are acceptable substitutes in most cases; X-band radars of the AN/CPS-9 type should be used only on an interim basis until they can be replaced by an acceptable S- or C-band radar. • Remoting as far as 75-85 miles is feasible from WSR— 57 type radars; remoting as far as 50 miles is feasible from C- and X-band radars. Each remoting case must be con- sidered individually to assure effective weather radar coverage at least 50 miles around the office having the remote display. 6 • The weather radar must be maintained, calibrated, and operated at a high level of performance in accordance with established interdepartmental instructions. • Emergency power for the radar and remote system trans- mitter is desirable, although not essential; and provision should be made for connection with emergency power sys- tems where available. • An adequate staff should be available at the prime radar to provide for interpretation of weather echoes to include intensity, height, and velocity ; preparation of inserted data; and response to special queries and requests for assistance 24 hours per day. This support must be avail- able during severe local storm watches and warnings. • The mission, functions, and investment in weather-sensi- tive equipment at the remoted location may be considered in a few unique cases. V. PLAN FOR SYNOPTIC USES SYNOPTIC WEATHER RADAR NETWORK The plan for synoptic uses is based on a network of weather radars to provide general synoptic data and meet as many local use requirements as possible. The network will be installed and 6 The distance over which a radar may be remoted and still provide an effective display depends on many factors such as the type of radar, inter- vening terrain features, relative location of the radar, and remotes in rela- tion to predominant direction of movement of weather echoes. Feasible remoting distances should therefore be considered as general guidelines. 12 operated by the Weather Bureau as an integral part of the U.S. Basic Meteorological Services system when feasible from the standpoint of efficiency and economy in use of resources. Excep- tions to this general rule occur where it is feasible to use air traffic control radar as substitutes for weather radars, and in a number of locations where another agency previously installed, or is now installing, a weather radar to meet its own priority local requirements. The Synoptic Weather Radar Network is therefore a joint endeavor, and the weather radars contained in it will change from year to year as the participating agencies add modern weather radars suitable for network uses and decommis- sion obsolete or unsuitable radars or return them to the purely local uses for which these radars were designed and installed. The Network can be developed most effectively and efficiently by completing the partial network of S-band radars (WSR— 57 or AN/FPS— 41) operated by the Weather Bureau and Navy in those areas requiring S-band radars. The C-band radars (AN/FPS— 77 or 81) should be used where possible to fill gaps in the Network, with X-band radars (AN/CPS— 9) employed on an interim basis. The L-band air traffic control radars are ac- ceptable substitutes for Synoptic Network reporting in certain geographic areas. Figure 12 shows these areas and order of suit- ability of radars in each. Agencies agree that weather radars in the Synoptic Network must be maintained, calibrated, and operated in accord with national standards to assure accuracy and integrity of the observations. This requires a sufficient com- plement of trained personnel for each Network radar to assure 24-hour coverage of significant weather events. 7 Appendix III presents a Synoptic Weather Radar Network for the conterminous 48 States. The Network changes from year to year as modern weather radars are added and obsolete or local 7 Agency standards vary in regard to training and manning, caused pri- marily by different concepts. ESSA's Weather Bureau looks to its network radars as a prime observing facility serving many users. Accordingly, ESSA gives its operators extensive training and provides for 24-hour, 7-day per week coverage. Other agencies view their weather radars as data sources for local uses and do not provide the same level of training or manning. Network radars must have an adequate staff with standby power and com- munications necessary to assure effective operation during severe weather conditions. use radars are replaced. The Network contains a number of Air Force and Navy radars. Some of these military radars are in- cluded on a permanent basis and others are only interim until a more suitable and effective Weather Bureau radar can be ob- tained and placed in operation. FAA's air traffic control radars are also included in the Network as substitutes for synoptic net- work reporting west of 105°W. Appendix III also presents loca- tions participating in Network-type operations in Alaska and Hawaii. FIGURE 12. — ORDER OF SUITABILITY OF RADARS FOR SYNOPTIC NETWORK REPORTING PURPOSES 1. S-BAND 2. C-BAND (INTERIM) 3. X-BAND (INTERIM 1. C-BAND 2. X-BAND (INTERIM) C-BAND X-BAND (INTERIM) L-BAND (POSSIBLE) 1. S-BAND 2. C-BAND (INTERIM) 3. X-BAND (INTERIM) 13 FIGURE 13.— TYPICAL CUMULATIVE COSTS FOR PROVIDING SYNOPTIC NETWORK WEATHER RADAR DATA 1000 10 Years Cost Factors a. S-band Purchase and Install Annual Operation and Maintenance $250,000 $ 80,000 b. C-band Purchase and Install $150,000 Annual Operation and Maintenance $ 75,000 Annual operation and maintenance includes 5 operators, 1 technician, spares, and utilities. (Weather Bureau mode of operation) c. L-band Purchase and Install $ Annual Operation and Maintenance $ 90,000 Annual operation and maintenance includes 7 personnel to prepare observations from as many as 7 radars and to provide support to ARTCC. Figure 13 compares costs of providing Synoptic Weather Radar Network coverage by S-band, C-band, and air traffic control radars. The accompanying maps in Figure 14 show the Synoptic Weather Radar Network at the end of FY-69 and at the end of FY-73. SYNOPTIC USE DEFICIENCIES Deficiencies related to synoptic uses may be categorized in terms of area coverage and operational capabilities. The Synoptic Weather Radar Network shown in Figure 14 for FY-73 generally provides adequate area coverage. As the radars comprising the Network come into use, experience may show some gaps in area coverage. ESSA's Weather Bureau, as the prime agency in the Network, should identify such gaps and propose means for eliminating them. Deficiencies in operational capabilities require supporting re- search to advance the state of the art to the point where new equipment or procedures may be brought into service. Support- ing research is required in the following: 8 (1) Methods for making synoptic weather radar observa- tions and then collecting and compositing them for fac- simile transmission involve serious time delays and re- quire a substantial manpower and communications in- put. Supporting research is needed to make this process faster and less expensive. In this respect, the System developed for automated collection and processing of synoptic weather radar data and the evolving auto- mated FAA Air Traffic Control System should allow for mutual exchange of weather radar data between the Systems. (2) Methods are inadequate for using weather radar data critical to aircraft movements in the Air Traffic Control System. Supporting research is needed to make both wide-area and local weather radar data readily available to decision-making personnel in the System. Most of these are also local use deficiencies. 14 FIGURE 14A.— SYNOPTIC WEATHER RADAR NETWORK FOR FY-69 COMMERCE Operational • Installing O Obsolete □ FAA ARTCC Remoted Radars A. DEFENSE * ALASKA * t? D on^ DEFENSE (Alaskan Air Command) radars composited by Commerce at Anchorage* FIGURE 14B.— SYNOPTIC WEATHER RADAR NETWORK FOR FY-73 COMMERCE Operational 9 FAA ARTCC Remoted Radars A Defense -fc ALASKA T»«5>. DEFENSE (Alaskan Air Command) radars composited by Commerce at Anchorage* (3) Techniques for estimating rainfall rates are inadequate to meet the requirements for flood warnings and water management in river basins. Continued supporting re- search is required to improve the determination of rainfall rates and accumulations by weather radar observations. (4) Techniques for identifying severe local storms by weather radar for public, industrial, and military warn- ings vary from fair to very good. Continued research, including Doppler techniques, is urgently required. (5) Techniques for interpretation of data in terms of haz- ards to aircraft in flight are crude. Continued support- ing research, including Doppler techniques, is urgently required. R&D REQUIREMENTS Two agencies — ESSA and the Air Force — have expressed re- quirements for R&D in synoptic weather radars. The Army, Navy, and the Department of the Interior have no activities in this field. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE The National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), Norman, Okla., one of ESSA's Research Laboratories, has the mission re- sponsibility to extend the understanding of severe convective phenomena such as tornadoes, hailstorms, thunderstorms, and heavy rain and develop improved methods for their early detec- tion, identification, and prediction. Weather radar is an indis- pensable tool for studying these phenomena; considerable spe- cialization in techniques of radar data display interpretation and data processing, including synthesis of radar data with other kinds of observations, is required. The Laboratory serves as a research facility for development and application of radar to general meteorology and for the national system. The present projects at NSSL are conducted to: • Gain new knowledge of the morphology and dynamics of severe storms and thereby contribute to the development of improved forecasting and understanding of these phenomena. • Discover improved methods for collecting, interpreting, and processing severe storm data and stimulate develop- ment of equipment, especially radar equipment, holding promise of expanded capabilities. • Study operating configurations of men and equipment, and thereby contribute to the design of improved storm observing and reporting systems. The Systems Development Office (SDO) of the Weather Bureau, is charged with improving the Bureau's Forecast and Warning Services System insofar as it is technically and economically feasible. One of the responsibilities of the SDO is to design, develop, test and evaluate equipment and techniques which will enhance the Bureau's operational meteorological radar program so that it may function in an effective, efficient and economical manner. The Wave Propagation Laboratory (WPL), at Boulder, Colo., another of ESSA's Research Laboratories, is concerned with the development and use of Doppler radar techniques for the probing of atmospheric motion, with emphasis placed on the study of convective story dynamics, mesoscale storm dynamics, and clear air motion variability. It is, however, anticipated that this effort will provide results which will drastically change the concept of Synoptic Weather Radar Network. Therefore, even if this research is primarily devoted to the study of small-scale processes in local atmospheric phenomena, it is expected that some of the findings will have a direct application to the upgrading of the Synoptic Weather Radar Network for more efficient and appropriate use of the meteorological radar capabilities. For instance, the ex- perience acquired in the design of automated radar operation and use of digital systems or digital computers for the recording and processing of the Doppler data will be a valuable experience for the development of meteorological radar systems. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE The Air Force has the following requirements for synoptic weather radar R&D which is under the cognizance of the Weather Radar Branch, Meteorology Laboratory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, L. G. Hanscom Field, Mass. 16 Development of indirect means to probe the atmosphere by electromagnetic radiation is underway. The aims of this research are to: • Develop radar and other indirect probing techniques for the observation in mesoscale and microscale of atmospheric structure and meteorological phenomena such as winds, wind shear, refractivity, hydrometeors in stratiform, and severe storms. • Utilize this information to gain understanding of atmos- pheric processes as they affect Air Force operations. R&D PROGRAM Programs are being conducted at three research sites oper- ated by the Department of Commerce and at one location oper- ated by the Air Force. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE- NATIONAL SEVERE STORMS LABORATORY Work in progress at the NSSL includes the use of radar for determining the characteristics of large thunderstorms with re- spect to rotation, severity, and movement. In addition, various radars are being compared as to their effectiveness for observing storms by photographing radar scopes simultaneously, with all radars trained on the same target. The testing of various methods of signal display (log contour, integrated log contour) on both ground-based and airborne equipment is in progress. Methods are being developed to process these data by electronic means for digital readout, machine computation, and interoffice transmission. Rapid recording of the integrated log contour data in digital form on magnetic tape has been accomplished. Studies are being made to improve the knowledge of the rela- tionship between radar data and rainfall rates as well as to develop advanced concepts for effective processing of radar data for river forecasting. Work is continuing to develop techniques for determining the motion and predictability of severe thunderstorms in relation to the statistical properties of the radar display. A radar system, utilizing a high-performance S-band system equipped with an R-meter which measures fluctuations of signal amplitude, is being evaluated as a means of determining the dis- tribution of turbulence in clouds. This work includes necessary steps toward the design of improved Doppler radar and associated systems for processing of Doppler data. a. Future Plans Improved methods of processing, displaying, and transmitting radar information will be sought. The distribution and movement of hydrometeors indicated by radar will continue to be a vital part of the efforts to identify the physical processes in severe storms. For application of Doppler radar to determination of air motions in storms, a fully coherent S-band system is anticipated in FY-71. b. Results Expected The following results are expected from the R&D program: • Development of methods to permit classification of severe storms and areas of turbulence more accurately and to increase the effectiveness of public and aviation severe weather warnings. • Establishment of relationships of weather radar measure- ments with synoptic and dynamic meteorological observa- tions and analysis, such as rainfall rates. • Provision of real-time interpolation and transmission of the significant features of radar data for resolution of par- ticular forecast or observing problems. • Determination of the capability of different radars to detect weather phenomena. Coordinated observations of the three-dimensional structures of severe storms, utilizing especially designed networks of surface, upper air, and airborne meteorological sensors, will be made. The observations include those made by rawinsondes, Doppler radar, lasers, weather radar, aircraft, instrumented tower, and surface mesonetwork. The approach to severe storm problems by in-house and contractual work is based on observations and on theoretical models developed during the program. Doppler radar can measure the radial speeds of scattering elements, hence can be a basis for deducing much information 17 about winds, and probably holds the greatest potential of all the new tools for expanding man's knowledge of wind fields accom- panying precipitating weather systems. Doppler data can be used to infer distributions of precipitation particle size and contribute to understanding of the microphysical processes fundamental to precipitation production. Recent applications of Doppler have contributed to better understanding of the nature of radar echoes from invisible sources, the radar "angels," and suggest advanced techniques which may provide a needed breakthrough in the study of clear air turbulence (CAT). The width of the Doppler spectrum from precipitation depends on the variation of radial speeds among the scattering particles and may be a measure of aircraft-sensed turbulence. NSSL will use aircraft in coordination with Doppler and conventional radars to search for a suitable means for identifying locations of severe turbulence quickly and economically. Research success would have benefits for aviation meteorology. The application of Doppler techniques to meteorology requires special signal-processing techniques; at present there are very few Doppler-weather facilities. Because of the great potential of Doppler radar, NSSL is developing an installation for use by its staff and other meteorologists. c. Personnel Resources Estimates of personnel allocations for FY-69 through FY-73 are tabulated below. Fiscal Years 69 70 71/73 5 6 8 7 7 10 2 2 3 Professionals Subprofessionals Support TOTAL 14 15 21 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT OFFICE, ESSA-WEATHER BUREAU Work in progress at the SDO of the Weather Bureau, includes several tasks which seek the continuing development of new or improved meteorological radars and related devices as well as refinement of existing operational systems such as the WSR— 57 radar system. Work currently underway includes the following: 1. Radar Digitizer/WSR-57— The Bureau's hydrologic program is in need of digital radar data for its computer-based streamflow forecasting. There are many possible ways of digitizing and trans- mitting radar data. The cost and performance of three techniques have been ascertained. One technique is based on the efforts of NSSL and uses the VIP to obtain digits. The second is an adaptation of the WBRR system of slow-scan remoting. The third is based on an effort being conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2. Local Use Radar — As pointed out in the May 1967 Federal Plan for Weather Radars and Remote Displays, there is a need for a new radar to fill gaps in the WSR-57 network and to provide basic network coverage in the western mountain regions of the U.S. To this end, the SDO has undertaken a study to ascertain the performance characteristics such a radar should have. In addition, analyses of the cost, perform- ance, reliability and availability of different designs for the radar are being conducted. The end result of this effort will provide a technical basis for soliciting pro- posals from industry for a prototype development. a. Future Plans At this point, the SDO's future plans for radar R&D are rather indefinite. However, there are a number of possible areas of activity contemplated over the next 5 years. These are: 1. Investigation into the development of digital radar sys- tems. Following up the initial effort by NSSL on a radar digitizer, the Office would explore the possibilities of quantizing and processing radar data. This effort would include exploratory development of equipment, objective analysis, and forecasting techniques using such radar data. 2. Plans to continue use of cooperative civil and military air traffic control radars where there are no meteorolog- ical radars (for example, Hawaii, Alaska, and Western 18 States). The development of equipment and techniques to enhance the effectiveness of this "piggyback" arrange- ment would be explored. 3. Analyze the cost/effectiveness of various levels and con- figurations for automated radar observations as a part of a long range data acquisition automation study. b. Results Expected Essentially any effort undertaken by the SDO is in response to operational needs. Thus, successful developments are implemented as operating funds become available. Specifically, the effort on the local use radar will hopefully result in the procurement of a prototype for test and evaluation. The results of the long-range data acquisition study will define the proper role of automation in radar observations. Exploratory development of digital radar data will ultimately lead to improved use of radar data in detecting, analyzing, and forecasting meteo- rological phenomena. Any work enhancing the meteorological utility of air traffic control radar data would benefit on-going service programs by effectively extending the meteorological radar network. c. Personnel Resources Estimates of personnel allocations for FY-69 through FY-73 are tabulated below. Fiscal Years 69 70 71/73 Professionals 2 14 Subprofessionals 2 Support 111 TOTAL 3 2 7 d. Summary All of the SOD's radar effort is in supporting research. For FY-69, this includes radar digitizer investigation and local use radar performance analysis. For FY-70 through FY-73 this includes digital radar data sys- tems, meteorological use of air traffic control radar, and long- range automation study. WAVE PROPAGATION LABORATORY Programs of the WPL include: 1. Development of Doppler radar and Doppler radar signal processing techniques with large emphasis placed on the design of automated radar-scanning process, digital re- cording of the Doppler data, and processing of these data by digital computer. 2. Design and use of a two or three Doppler radar system for the study of three-dimensional field of atmospheric velocities in convective storms, widespread mesoscale sys- tems, and clear air. 3. Development and use of S-band Doppler radars to sup- port local meteorological projects and provide experience for the application of Doppler techniques to synoptic weather radar. Two mobile X-band Doppler radars have been designed and built. Work is in progress on the completion of a digital recording system for storing signals on magnetic tape in a format compatible with fast processing of the Doppler radar signals by standard digital computers. Computer programs have been successfully tested for the computing, displaying, and storing of the Doppler spectra. Work is underway on the testing of programs capable of computing and displaying three-dimensional velocity and signal intensity fields. The design of an automated radar-scanning op- eration, essential for computer processing of the data, is included in the effort. a. Future Plans Within the near future, plans call for making an extensive use of the Doppler radars and digital systems being built to investigate the three-dimensional field of particle velocities in convective storms and mesoscale systems. This field also includes the probing of storm environment and clear air by use of suitable air motion tracers. Future plans call for real-time processing of the Doppler radar signals and for some real-time analysis of the velocity spectra by use of special-purpose small computers with hard-wired, fast Fourier transform algorithms. This approach will also provide statistical processing of the data and effective reduc- tion of the recorded samples by a factor of 10. 19 b. Results Expected It is anticipated that the multi-Doppler radar method now being tested will provide valuable information on the wind fields inside storms and in their mesoscale environment. The use of large digital computers will provide capabilities which should include the reduction, analysis, and presentation of the data in the form of three-dimensional velocity fields. The effort will be pur- sued during calendar year 1969 and is expected to reveal the ultimate capability of the Doppler radar technique. This experi- ence will also be used to assess the potential application of these methods to the Synoptic Weather Radar Nework. c Personnel Resources Estimates of personnel allocations for FY-69 through FY-73 are tabulated below. Fiscal Years 69 70 71/73 Professionals 3 4 4 Subprofessionals 3 4 3 Support 2 12 TOTAL 8 9 9 d. Summary of Plans During FY-69, completed the development of a dual X-band Doppler radar with associated digital recording facilities. Used the method for the study of convective storms, widespread storms, and low-level air turbulence. Tested digital computer methods for the estimate and display of the three-dimensional velocity and radar reflectivity fields in a form suitable for meteorological analysis. During FY-70, develop real-time digital Doppler signal proc- essing capabilities by means of hard-wired, fast Fourier transform algorithms and additional processing of the data. Fabricate a third radar. Use the Doppler radar method in various field projects. Investigate application of the signal processing tech- niques to the synoptic weather radar concept. During FY-71 through FY-74, continue the efforts devoted to the use of the three Doppler radar method in various field projects. Develop S-band Doppler radars for extended range in fixed-base operation. Use the S-band system to assist local storm studies involving the two or three X-band Doppler radar systems. The experience acquired from the use of such S-band radars will be directly applicable to the design of the new generation of weather radars. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE— AIR FORCE Work in progress at the AFCRL includes: • Investigation of dot angels and utilization of their motions as tracers of the wind field. • Study of radar echoes from the variability of refractive index structure of the atmosphere, including stratified layers (throughout the troposphere and at the tropopause) sea-breeze fronts, and boundaries of convective cells. This work is directed toward radar detection of atmospheric structures indicative of CAT. • Theoretical and experimental investigation of the possi- bility of using forward-scatter experiments to enhance the detection of atmospheric refractivity in high-altitude layers associated with CAT. • Determination of the kinematic properties of the wind field in an extensive storm system (e.g., a coastal cyclone), using a single Doppler radar. • Doppler radar investigation of precipitation processes and wind field (including shear and cloudy-air turbulence) in convective storms, directed toward development of Doppler radar techniques for identification of severe thunderstorms. Development of techniques for utilization of motion components measured within convective storms in contributing to information on dynamics of airflow. • Study of precipitation growth, phase change, and trans- formation of particle size distributions in and below the melting-layer bright band of vertically-oriented Doppler radar measurements of stratiform storms. • Study of scale relationships of boundary-layer turbulence in snowstorms by Doppler radar measurements. 20 • Development of techniques for economical processing of Doppler spectra for eventual operational use. • Investigation of various types of storms by means of dual-beam incoherent radars for measuring tangential winds and a Doppler radar for measuring radial winds. • A digital integrator, having 1,000 range gates and possible integrations of 4 to 4096 pulses in multiples of 2, will be delivered in late 1969. The integrator incorporates a digital range normalization correction, 6 contours of var- iable intervals, and will operate on a variety of radars. Digital in addition to analog outputs are available. • The radars employed include the ultrasensitive, multi- wavelength NASA facility at Wallops Island; a C-band pulse Doppler radar; a dual-beam K^ -band incoherent radar; an X-band storm detection radar (CPS— 9) ; an S-band heightfinder (FPS-6) ; and a 0.86-cm vertically pointing radar (TPQ— 11). The radar research program at Wallops Island is funded by AFCRL and NASA's Wallops Station. In addition, NASA par- ticipates in much of the research on clear-air radar echoes by providing aircraft tracking data and special radiosonde support and by conducting special atmospheric soundings simultaneously with the radar observations. Several cooperative experiments have been completed or are in progress with other research organiza- tions. Agencies participating in these cooperative experiments over the past 3 years include the Radio and Space Research Station at Slough, England; University of Pennsylvania; College of Wil- liam and Mary; and University of Chicago. a. Future Plans All of the aforementioned studies are expected to continue. Anticipated improvements in instrumental capability will provide significant advances in these investigatons. For example, a theo- retical assessment of forward scattering indicates enhanced detec- tion of atmospheric refractivity. Implementation of a forward- scatter link (with a transmitter installed at the University of Pennsylvania and a received at Wallops Island), planned during the next 5 year period, is expected to uncover more possibilities for determining the relationship between CAT and refractive index gradients. Continued development of real-time spectral processing techniques, such as the Plan Shear Indicator, will proceed by incorporation of digital fast-Fourier transform in the Doppler radar and by further application of these techniques toward the identification of hazardous winds in convective storms. Addition of a second Doppler radar, within 25 miles of the AFCRL site will provide an opportunity for less ambiguous determination of air flow in complex precipitation systems such as extratropical coastal cyclones, hurricanes, and convective instability lines. Improvements in antenna-scanning techniques of the ultrasensitive radar facility at Wallops Island, combined with fine-scale atmospheric measurements obtained with an air- craft, will enable measurements of the earliest stages of precipi- tation growth in convective storms. Procedures, hypotheses, and data handling will be basically similar to current methods, with some modification for the special problems and unique capabili- ties afforded by improved instrumentation. b. Results Expected Over the next 5 years the following results are expected: • Determination of feasibility for using ground-based radar techniques to detect CAT. • Increased knowledge of the detailed structure of the sea breeze, convective cells, and stratification within the at- mosphere, detected in the clear atmosphere by the refrac- tive index variations which are associated with these phenomena. • Improved understanding of the precipitation processes because the early stages of precipitation growth can be studied using ultrasensitive radars, and latter stages of precipitation growth and interaction between precipitation and wind structure can be investigated by Doppler radar. • Improved understanding of small-scale (less than meso- scale) wind structure in the atmosphere and its relation- ship to mesoscale structure of the lower troposphere. • Development of real-time Doppler radar techniques, using improved versions of the Plan Shear Indicator and meas- 21 FIGURE 15. — COMPARISON OF COSTS OF PROVIl LOCAL WEATHER RADAR DATA 250 5 200 E o AN/FPS-81 AN/FPS-77 WSR-72 1 2 3 Years of Operation Cost Factors AN/CPS-9 AN/FPS- 77 81 WSR-72 Remote* Remote** System Receiver Investment*** — $90,000 $140,000 $150,000 $27,000 $5,000 Annual 0&M $31,000 $34,000 $ 24,500 $ 10,000 $ 8,000 $3,000 Remote Circuit — (50 mi) — — — $ 2,000 $2,000 *WBRR transmitter and facsimile-type receiver unit. **WBRR facsimile-type receiver unit or standard facsimile receiver (ARTCC). '*No investment costs are included for the AN/CPS-9 because there are no plans for further procurement and installation of these radars. The remaining modern equipment is included in agency plans for procurement and installation. ures of spectral variance, for identification of severe con- vective storms which constitute hazards to aircraft in flight or which threaten ground installations and personnel by tornadoes or other damaging winds and by large hail. c. Personnel Resources Estimates of personnel allocations for FY-69 through FY-73 are tabulated below. AN/CPS-9 Professionals Subprofessionals Support 69 11 7 1 Fiscal Years 70 71/73 11 11 7 6 1 1 REMOTE SYSTEM No Operator TOTAL 19 19 18 REMOTE RECEIVER VI. PLAN FOR LOCAL 1 JSES No Operator LOCAL USE RADARS AND REMOTE DISPLAYS Requirements for weather radar data can be met by network radars, relatively low-cost radars, or remote displays from weather radars. In some cases, local use requirements can be met by data obtained from air traffic control or air defense radars. Figure 15 shows that it is always less expensive from the aspects of capital investment and annual operating and maintenance costs to meet new local use requirements with narrow-band type remote displays used to their effective remoting limits. The figure also shows that it is more economical to decommission an existing radar and substitute a remote display. In an operational program where lives and property must be protected, priority is given to effectiveness. In certain locations, redundant coverage by a local use weather radar may be desirable to provide backup support to the Synoptic Weather Radar Network. In other cases, agencies have indicated that the nature of the local requirement is such that the weather radar set must be located with and completely controlled by the local weather service office; economy of operation becomes sec- 22 ondary in such cases. Remote displays should be used to meet local use requirements where there is a suitable radar existing or planned within effective remoting distances, and the local requirement does not demand a separate local use radar. The question of the most effective and efficient course of action in cases of two or more existing weather radars giving redundant coverage has no easy answer. Economy of operation points toward substitution of remote displays wherever feasible; but, this re- quires additional agency funds to buy and install the remote dis- plays, and the weather radar then represents a resource for which the agency (or perhaps even the Federal Government) may have no need. The best approach to this problem is to: • Substitute remote displays as the radars become obsolete or uneconomical to maintain. • Substitute remote displays when the radar could be moved to meet a nonremotable Federal requirement at another location in the U.S. or overseas. Locations requiring weather radar coverage, but considered feasible for remoting from a nearby radar, are listed in Appendix IV. Some locations are not recommended for remoting even though they meet the general remoting criteria presented earlier. These locations are listed in Appendix I, together with the reasons for not recommending remoting. The Weather Bureau plans to install remoting equipment on all of its WSR— 57 radars. Weather Bureau offices within about 75 n. mi. are to be equipped with remote display equipment. In addition, all remoting transmitters are to have dial-call capability. Weather Bureau Offices in turn are to be equipped with a remote display receiver with dial-call capability to permit receipt of radar data from any radar station within the area of forecast responsi- bility. Thus, the Forecast offices may obtain radar data when needed to assist with specific weather forecast problems. LOCAL USE DEFICIENCIES Local use deficiencies are also grouped into two categories — those relating to service needs which can be met within the state of the art, and those which require supporting research to pro- duce new equipment or techniques. The principal deficiencies within the first category are locations requiring weather radar data which do not now have a suitable source of information. A majority of these requirements can be met by remoting systems; in some cases, however, the locations are beyond effective remoting distance and local use radars are needed to meet the requirements adequately. Meeting of require- ments which can be satisfied by remoting systems is largely a matter of agency priority for the service and the resulting alloca- tion of funds to buy, install, and operate the remotes. Meeting of requirements which can only be satisfied by a local use radar is also a function of agency priority. Developments in solid state electronics technology over the last decade indicate that a new local use radar based on this technology would offer comparable initial costs and reduced maintenance costs. Figure 16 illustrates Commerce projections for its proposed WSR— 72 local use radar and compares these costs with projections for an AN/FPS— 81. The need for a new local use radar is discussed further in follow- ing paragraphs dealing with supporting research requirements and programs. The second category of local use deficiency relates to inadequate equipment or procedures and requires supporting research to advance the state of the art to the point that new technology may be placed in service. Supporting research is required in the following areas: 9 (1) New methods needed to make local weather radar data readily available to decision-making personnel in the Air Traffic Control System. Some effort in this direction has been made by providing air traffic control personnel with optional weather outline contours on their radar displays as part of the Weather and Fixed Map Unit of the National Airspace System (NAS) En Route Stage A weather subsystem. (2) Techniques for estimating rainfall rates are inadequate to meet the requirements for localized flood warnings. Continued supporting research is required to improve 9 These local use deficiencies are generally the same as synoptic use deficiencies; the scope of the problems has been reduced to reflect the change in scale from synoptic to local. 23 FIGURE 16.— COMPARISON OF WEATHER BUREAU COSTS FOR LOCAL USE RADARS 400 300 Z 200 .AN/FPS-81 "WSR-72 100 the determination of rainfall rates and accumulations by weather radar observations. (3) Techniques for identifying severe local storms by weather radar for localized public, industrial, and military warn- ings vary from fair to very good. Continued research, including Doppler techniques, is urgently required. (4) Techniques for interpreting data in terms of hazards to aircraft in flight are crude. Continued supporting research, including Doppler techniques, is urgently required. (5) A new local use radar needed for deployment in the FY— 73 to FY— 78 period and for operation through the mid and late 1980s. Weather detection capabilities will be about the same as the WSR— 57. The design will include provision for range normalization and simul- taneous display of up to six contours of echo intensity. No decision has been made on the inclusion of Doppler capability, however, this feature will be included as an option in the systems design analysis. 6 8 10 12 14 16 Years of Operation Cost Factors AN/FPS-81 WSR-72 R&D $ $ 17,000 Buy and Install $140,000 $150,000 Annual Maintenance $ 8,500 $ 6,000 NOTES: 1. R&D Costs: For AN/FPS-81, R&D = because these costs have been amortized in production runs. r- ,.,™ ™ Estimated R&D Total Costs non . . ., .. For WSR-72, -^ tt, — z . , =R&D Costs per Unit. Planned Number of Sets 2. Annual Maintenance Costs: Spare Parts!- Maintenance Technician Costs : Annual Maintenance Costs. 3. Buy and install: Estimated costs for FY-72. R&D REQUIREMENTS Department of Defense (Air Force, Army, and Navy) and the Department of the Interior have expressed requirements for R&D in local use radars. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE— AIR FORCE The AFCRL has been assigned the function to develop improved instrumentation for Air Force use in making local observations of weather and to develop techniques for effectively utilizing these observations. These developments are aimed at enabling the Air Weather Service to provide necessary weather support to operations at Air Force Bases. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE— ARMY The Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, U.S. Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, N.J. is engaged in three distinct ef- forts, whose objectives follow: 1. Surface-Based Radar Development — The overall mission is to (1) provide the modern field army with weather radar and 24 ancillary display equipment capable of observing and measuring precipitation, and clouds formed by natural physical processes and nuclear detonations; (2) determine better relationships be- tween radar return and rainfall measurement, and (3) devise new operational and display techniques for both natural and nuclear clouds. 2. Ground Radar Research and Development Support — The general objectives and goals of this R&D effort are to ( 1 ) estab- lish improved relationships between meteorological variables and radar measured parameters, necessary for field army applications. One example is that of attenuation versus reflectivity relationships for various locations in the world; (2) develop techniques which utilize weather radar input for making tactical army decisions. One example is the utilization of weather radar to provide the areal precipitation inputs required in making hydrologic predic- tions of floods and trafficability. 3. Research in Weather Radar — The function of basic research in weather radar is to discover those characteristics of precipi- tation which allow for the most accurate measure of rainfall rate when using radar for observation. Techniques are devised for gaining optimum usefulness from the radar signal. Raindrop-size distributions are measured and analyzed from different kinds of storms in various climates of the world. Ex- tensive measurements with a drop camera have led to a clima- tology sensitive to the relationship between rainfall rate and radar signal intensity. Radar observations are correlated with data received from 1,760-square mile network of 196 recording rain gages. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE— NAVY In the field of supporting research, in radar meteorology, the Meteorological Division, Naval Air Systems Command, has the function of providing technical support to the Naval Weather Service Command. The mission of the Naval Weather Service Command is to provide meteorological support to the operating forces of the U.S. Navy and oceanographic forecasts for all DOD elements in support of military operations. On aspect of this support is the application of radar to state-of-the-sea measure- ments. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR There is a requirement to develop radar instrumentation needed for weather modification research and pilot operations. Local area meteorological radars are used to provide historical and real-time records of the volume containing hydrometeors of dif- ferent radar reflectivities and the relative motion of clouds and hydrometeors. Historical data are required for the analysis of precipitation processes both natural and modified. Real-time data are required to recognize opportunities where precipitation can be modified and to evaluate the effectiveness of cloud seeding operations. R&D PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE— AIR FORCE Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories are currently awaiting the delivery of a digital solid-state weather radar signal integrator. The integrator is capable of integrating 1,000 pulses and has an output that can be in either analog or digital form. The primary objective of the development is to provide a mini- mum of 10-db improvement in sensitivity or radar return signals in the AN/TPQ-1L The integrator was designed with enough flexibility to enable experimentation with it on all existing opera- tional weather radars. a. Future Plans In-house testing of the signal integrator will be performed on the AN/TPQ-11 to determine the extent of benefits of improved sensitivity for operational use. Emphasis will be placed on deter- mining which additional clouds — fogs, haze, and other aerosols — can be detected. Other studies will be made in the analysis of angels and the possible detection of CAT. The feasibility of using the integrator with a scanning radar, such as the AN/FPS- 77 and AN/CPS-9, will also be investigated. b. Results Expected If the evaluation of the radar signal integrator shows it to improve substantially the detectability of the radar and if the 25 FIGURE 17.— TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AN/TPS-41 Transmitter-Modulator Peak Power Frequency Pulse widths Pulse repetition frequency 250 kw 8500-9600 mc/sec 1.0 ,,sec— 5.0 „sec 200, 400. 800 cps (internal, line, external) Receiver Noise figure Sensitivity Dynamic range, linear linear-log log IF STC (range normalization) Bandwidth 5 db 109 dbm 40 db 10 + 70 db 80 db 60 mc/sec 60 db 2MHz (1.0 sec) 600 kHz (5.0 „sec) Antenna Diameter Beamwidth Gain Azimuth, continuous rotation sector scan Elevation, manual sector scan 5 ft 1.5° at 9300 mc/sec 39.5 db cw or ccw at 5 rpm any 10° to 50° sector —5° to +90° any 10° to 50° sector A/R Scope A-scope ranges R-scope ranges Range marks Strobe 10, 40, 80, 160, 240 km any 8 or 32 km 1, 10, 40 km to 240 km ± 100 RHI/PPI Display Ranges (azimuth) (height) Off center (PPI) Azimuth spokes Iso-echo contouring selectable RHI or PPI 10, 40, 80, 160, 240 km 3, 15, 30, 50 km corrected for earth curvature variable 2 radii every 10° 10 steps, 3 db each (linear) 10 steps, 7 db each (log) light, moderate, heavy IEC alarm selectable Remote RHI/PPI Location Display up to 1 mile from shelter same as RHI/PPI Power Requirements Power 400 cps, 3-phase, 120 volts Weight Radar com Radar com ponents ponents and only shelter 2800 lbs 650 lbs Size S-280 shelter 12 x 7 x 7 ft (588 cu ft) improvement is judged to be of real operational value, the pro- curement of the integrator will be recommended to the Air Weather Service. c. Personnel Resources The personnel of the AFCRL assigned to weather radar devel- opment in the period FY-69 through FY-73 includes two pro- fessional and one subprofessional. d. Current and Planned Research Current research will be devoted to testing and analyzing the benefits of the radar signal integrator. Future research will be directed toward the improvement of radar displays such as multi- color CRT's and toward the use of digital data processing tech- niques for more efficient dissemination of weather radar data. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE— ARMY In pursuing the three objectives listed in R&D Requirements for local use radar, the Army has the following plans: 1. Surface— Based Radar Development Radar Set AN/TPS-41 is designed for local use but also for operating satisfactorily to nearly 250 km range. Delivery of the engineering model is expected during December 1969, user test is scheduled to begin in March 1970. The list of Set charac- teristics are shown in figure 17. The radar is designed for operation within a modified S-280 shelter, with the antenna raised to the roof through a roof hatch and lifting mechanism. All radar components are designed for operation as outdoor equipment capable of withstanding all the stringent environmental and transport conditions of the field army. Any component (none heavier than 150 lbs), including the antenna and pedestal, can be removed from the shelter within 10 minutes by two men. The entire radar installed in the shelter weighs 2,800 lbs, ex- cluding the external power source. The radar operating outside of the shelter will weigh approximately 650 lbs. Remote indicators use a single twisted pair of standard field wire for all data trans- mission to locations at least 1 mile from the radar. Subsystems include: 26 Tower Antenna-Pedestal — An experimental tower-antenna ped- estal (TAP) was designed to be placed into operation within 1 hour, provide antenna elevation from 15 to 40 ft in height, store in a volume no larger than 50 cu ft and have no com- ponent (including pedestal) greater than 150 lbs. The present tower weighs 500 lbs in the 40-ft height configuration. The use of inflatable towers is under investigation and examples of such towers are expected to be tested using the antenna-pedestal de- veloped with the present tower. Area Precipitation Measuring Indicator (APMI) — An APMI is an ancilliary indicator that will provide composite intensity data for the entire precipitation pattern for each antenna revo- lution at the elevation angle of the antenna. The APMI will display numerals in polar coordinates representing reflected in- tensity levels of precipitation or nuclear detonations in real-time from their geographic location to the 160-km range of the radar. The areal extent represented by each numeral is proportional to the range displayed. The same amount of numerals will be dis- played for each range, and thereby represent smaller areas for shorter ranges displayed. Areas will vary from 1.5-km square on a 40-km range to 10-km square on a 160-km range. Numerals will represent range-interated-intensity averaged over the azi- muthal extent. Precipitation attenuation will be compensated up to 25 db of attenuation. Radio Transmission of Radar Data — In-house studies and de- velopment of data transmission interface and coding devices to transmit radar data directly to remote locations via radio link using standard army transmission and receiving sets are under investigation. Since the display sweep positioning and iso-echo data are already digitized in the Radar Set AN/TPS-41 and video amplitude slices are available directly from the APMI, the transmission of coded data via radio link may be possible within minimum distortion. Nuclear Echo Discriminator — In-house studies and development of methods to indicate to an operator when a nuclear detonation has occurred and to provide a means for measuring the resulting cloud dimensions are underway. Data storage methods under development include a quick-echo display device to indicate the presence of a new, rapidly expanding echo even in the vicinity of precipitation echoes. Accumulated Rainfall Measurement — Using a combination of techniques similar to the nuclear-detecting device and APMI, a method (for use with any radar set) is being studied to provide accumulated rainfall measurements for any areal location in the radar area of surveillance. It is anticipated a single device may provide both accumulation and nuclear detection capabilities. Tactical Atmospheric Radar for Airmobile Missions (T ARAM) — A design study is being made to determine the design character- istics and size and weight requirements for a ground-based air- borne weather radar to provide direct support to Army air mobile operations. This radar would provide a detection capability to a range of approximately 25 miles, be of K-band frequency for minimum size and weight and maximum detection capability for visibility indications, and be capable of operation on the ground or mounted in the open door of a helicopter. The weight is ex- pected to be less than 200 lbs for a complete militarized radar system, minus the power source. a. Future Plans The following plans will be undertaken: (1) Continue the development and test of Radar Set AN/TPS— 41 through service, arctic, and tropic tests. Prepare procurement data for production models. Re- lease field models in FY-73. (2) Complete evaluation of metal and inflatable towers, submit SDR for most suitable design, and prepare pro- curement data for ET/ST models. (3) Procure service test model of APMI, complete service test in FY-71, and release field models in FY-73. (4) Evaluate and test radio transmission of radar data (exploratory development completed) in FY-71 and field interface equipment by FY-74. (5) Continue Nuclear Echo Discriminator- Accumulated Rainfall Measurement development, evaluate hardware by FY-71 (exploratory development completed), and field equipment by FY-75. 27 (6) Design, study, fabricate, and test portable tactical- weather radar wind-measuring radar (Portable Radar for Wind Measurement— PRAWM ) . b. Results Expected At present, the U.S. Army possesses no weather radar for tactical use. Therefore, all successful research adds a new capa- bility for the field army. The Radar Set AN/TPS-41 will provide a versatile, lightweight, tactical radar that can be a building block for many radar purposes. The module construction will permit the interchange of individual components to tailor the radar for any specific use. Its militarized lightweight design and ease of maintenance provide a radar useful to all military and civilian users. c. Personnel Resources Estimates of 11 personnel allocations for FY-69 through FY-73 are required: 6 professionals, 2 subprofessionals, and 3 support members. 2. Ground Radar Research and Development Support Research support for radar equipment development included: (a) The rainfall versus reflectivity relationships, developed for several locations throughout the world, will be in- corporated into the APMI system. Mie attenuation theory will be applied. (b) Attenuation versus reflectivity relationships, developed for several locations throughout the world, will be in- corporated into attenuation correction circuitry for the AN/TPS— 41. Mie attenuation theory will be applied. a. Future Plans Work described immediately above, (a) and (b) was completed in FY-69. New work underway includes: (1) Radar Snowfall Relationships — The objective is to de- velop quantitative relationships between radio-echo strength and the intensity of snowfall causing the echo. In addition, the relationships of visibility in snow, par- ticle-size distribution, and contribution of falling snow to the density of the air as functions of snow type, in- tensity of convection, airmass type, topography and geographical area will be studied. (2) Precipitation-Measuring Techniques for Ground Mo- bility — The objective is to coordinate with the Corps of Engineers, Waterway Experiment Station in the de- velopment of a reliable means for predicting the traf- ficability of any soil type within the Army's operating area for periods up to 48 hours. Contributions by the ASL to this project involve the development of efficient methods for recording and integrating precipitation data from weather radar observations which will yield total rainfall amounts for selected grid areas. (3) Measurement of Radial Velocity by Radar; Doppler — Indirect-sounding techniques seek not only to reduce the major meteorological data sampling barrier by not measuring the dynamic processes directly, but also do this more rapidly and thoroughly than is possible with conventional atmospheric probes. Radial velocity of precipitation or other echo sources in the atmosphere can be determined by Doppler measurements within the state of the art. b. Results Expected Results expected from the work underway follow: (1) Radar Snowfall Relationships — Success of this research will make feasible the capability to determine remotely and indirectly such atmospheric parameters required by the Army as visibility in snow, particle size distribution, and modification of air density caused by falling snow. (2) Precipitation-Measuring Techniques for Ground Mo- bility — Success of this research will provide improved techniques for real-time prediction of trafficability and river stages. This information is vitally needed in the field army for efficient planning of troop and equipment movements. 28 (3) Measurement of Radial Velocity by Radar; Doppler — A capability is needed by the Army for determining each wind component to the nearest 1 knot ( in volume ele- ments not greater than 500 m in diameter) and for ap- plying such data to artillery ballistics, CB operations, and fallout predictions. Success of this research might permit the measurements. c. Personnel Resources There were 8 personnel allocated — 2 professionals, 1 subpro- fessional, and 5 support members — for FY-69. For FY-70 through FY-73, estimates of personnel allocations include one additional professional member. 3. Research in Weather Radar Techniques are being devised to provide more representative measures of areal amounts and rates of precipitation. These techniques involve the concept of contiguous range integration, using bilateral gates and analog integration. Evaluation of data handled in this manner is being made by comparison to a rain gage network. a. Future Plans The evaluation of techniques to provide representative radar measurements of rainfall will be reported. It is expected the effort will take one year to accomplish. Successful completion of the processor study will permit revaluation of some Z-R 10 rela- tionships resulting from improved data, presentation. Radar studies will be made of mesoscale rain systems that pass over the rain gage network. b. Results Expected Basic knowledge of rain systems and new radar data processing techniques which will contribute to an increased accuracy in the areal measurement of precipitation will be acquired. c. Personnel Resources One professional person is allocated for FY-69 through FY-73. 1 Z: radar reflectivity value. R: rainfall rate. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE— NAVY A contractor, the University of Miami, is currently engaged in the development of equipment designed to analyze radar sea clut- ter information electronically and to provide readouts in terms of the sea state. The objective of this research is the design of equipment which can be attached to Navy radar sets to provide readouts of wave height and period. Current work, based on past studies, includes the fabrication and testing of a final prototype model. a. Future Plans Based on tests of the prototype model, equipment for operational use will be developed by a Navy laboratory. b. Results Expected Sea state information will be used in harbors and around naval vessels to support air, sea, and amphibious operations; and, to- gether with other weather data, such information will provide sea state forecasts. c. Personnel Resources One part-time professional person is allocated for FY-69 through FY-73. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Work is underway in the Department on three projects which include: (1) A modified Nike-Ajax 3-cm radar for use with a PDP— 8 computer and an echo profiler (28 data channels) to produce simplified three-dimensional records and dis- plays of reflectivity data. Current activity is emphasiz- ing optimization of the profiler and computer programs. (2) Data processing equipment under development to trans- mit radar profiler data from remote radar sites to a centrally located computer. Wind field data are also remotely processed in near real-time for control of ex- periments. (3) A 50-kw, 3-cm Doppler radar under construction for measurement of vertical velocities. Data processing techniques are dependent on ESSA research and later funding. 29 a. Future Plans More useful three-dimensional records and displays for opera- tional control will be developed in future years. Remote processing of radar data to link several local area radars to a weather modification control center will be continued. The basic Doppler radar unit will be used as an element of a stereo Doppler complex to produce two-and three-dimensional wind field records. The basic unit will be digitized and telemetry equipment developed to control two or three Dopplers from a central computer. b. Results Expected Knowledge of real-time wind field and hydrometeor distribu- tions in a test area will permit better control of weather modifi- cation experiments. c. Personnel Resources Estimates of personnel allocation for FY-69 through FY-73 are tabulated below. Fiscal Years 70 71 72 69 7.". Professionals 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 Subprofessionals 0.3 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Support — — TOTAL 0.5 1.0 2.5 3.5 3.5 VII. WEATHER RADAR RESOURCES Agency requirements for synoptic and local use weather radar data have been stated and general concepts for meeting these re- quirements have been outlined in previous Sections. This Section summarizes current national weather radar and remote display resources reflected in this Plan and agency programs for chang- ing these resources. Complete agency programs for both radars and remote displays by location and fiscal year are contained in Appendix IV. FY-69 RESOURCES Agencies of the Federal government had (or had on order) the following modern weather radar resources (on hand and on order) for meteorological services purposes in the 50 States and Puerto Rico in FY-69. ESSA— Weather Bureau WSR-57 radars 48 Remote receivers 53 ARTCC/ADC units 4 Air Force AN/CPS-9 radars 17 AN/FPS-77 radars 73 Remote receivers 5 Navy AN/FPS-41 radars 6 AN/FPS-68 radars 1 AN/FPS-81 radars 9 Remote receivers 5 Army AN/CPS-9 radars 1 NASA AN/CPS-9 radars 2 FAA Remote receivers 27 FY-70 CHANGES IN RESOURCES ESSA— Weather Bureau AN/FPS-41 radars +4 (transfers from Navy) ARTCC/ADC units +1 Air Force AN/CPS-9 radars Navy AN/FPS-41 radars -4 AN/FPS-81 radars + 5 Remote receivers + 17 NASA Remote receivers + 2 (3 replaced by 77s; base closing) (transfers to WB) 30 FAA Remote receivers _ 5 (prime radars decommis- sioned) FY-71 CHANGES IN RESOURCES ESSA-Weather Bureau AN/FPS-41 radars +1 (transfers from Navy) Remote receivers +13 Air Force Remote receivers +9 Navy AN/FPS-41 radars -1 (transfers to WB) AN/FPS-68 radars -1 (salvage) Army Remote receivers +3 NASA AN/CPS-9 radars -2 FAA Remote receivers —1 (prime radars decommis- sioned) FY-72 AND 73 CHANGES IN RESOURCES ESSA-Weather Bureau WSR-57 radars +3 WSR-72 radars +25 Remote receivers +23 Navy AN/FPS-81 radars +1 NASA Remote receivers +1 FAA Remote receivers —5 (prime radars decommis- sioned) VIII. PROCUREMENT, INSTALLATION, AND OPERATION WEATHER RADARS The Plan for locating and installing weather radars and remote displays and the evolution of a Synoptic Weather Radar Network was presented in prior Sections. This Section covers equipment procurement, installation schedules, and operating procedures. EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT Weather radars are programmed for procurement by the Navy and Weather Bureau. The Bureau plans to complete its procure- ment of the WSR— 57 network radar in FY-71 and procure new local use radars (WSR— 72) in subsequent years. The Navy is procuring local use radars (AN/FPS— 81) principally as replace- ments for existing sets which are obsolescent or are projected to be beyond economical repair. While joint procurement of local use radars would be desirable, it is in the Federal interest for the Navy to complete the AN/FPS— 81 program and thereby simplify its maintenance, operator, and spare parts problems. Similarly, the proposed WSR— 72 represents the WB's initial venture into local use radars; the WSR— 72's solid state technology represents the best choice for the mid and latter 1970's. A large number of slow-scan remoting systems and components are programmed for procurement in the next 5 years. It is im- perative that these systems be completely compatible, permitting one agency to remote from another agency's radar or remote trans- mitter, and that maintenance of the equipment can be done effec- tively and economically. In this respect, agencies have agreed that cross-service maintenance of remote display equipment installed by one agency at another agency's radar site is feasible and desir- able and that such arrangements will be made in cases where the distance between locations exceeds about 10 miles. Responsibility for procurement of slow-scan transmitters gen- erally rests with the agency requiring the remote service. In a number of cases involving multiagency remoting from a prime radar, agencies having a priority requirement of funds available 31 have agreed to provide the transmitters. Appendix IV shows agency responsibility for remote transmitters. INSTALLATION SCHEDULES The installation schedules given in Appendix IV represents the best agency programs available at this time. Slippages caused by funding problems, production and installation delays, and changes in priority can be expected; however, those agencies programming a weather radar or a remote display transmitter which will serve remote displays of other agencies should take every possible action to assure that the programs are performed as scheduled. In the event that circumstances beyond the control of an agency prevent it from carrying out an action affecting other agencies, the agency should immediately advise the Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services (ICMS) of the situation so that alterna- tive arrangements can be made. INSTALLATION OF REMOTE DISPLAYS The agency installing a remote display system from another agency's weather radar or remote display transmitter is responsi- ble for making all arrangements for installation, including neces- sary communications circuits, and maintenance of equipment lo- cated in that agency's facility. OPERATING PROCEDURES The ICMS Subcommittee on Basic Meteorological Services has taken action to standardize weather radar observations. The Weather Radar Manual provides interagency instructions for: • Observation schedules for network use. • Observation instructions for network and local use. • Scope photography for network and local use. • Transmission of reports on teletypewriter circuits. • Quality control procedures for network observation. • Staffing standards for prime radars supporting remote dis- plays. • Procedures for operation of prime radars supporting re- mote displays. REVIEWING PROCEDURES AND PLANS The ICMS or its Subcommittee on Basic Meteorological Services should continue systematic review and updating of the operational concepts and procedures for the Synoptic Weather Radar Network and local use support by remote displays. This work should be pointed toward assuring that concepts and procedures are con- sistent with current technology and user requirements for weather radar data. The ICMS should also periodically review the entire Plan and make recommendations for revisions to the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research. COORDINATION WITH NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM PLANS The radar portions of the National Airspace System (NAS) being developed by the FAA may have significant impacts on the weather radar programs set out in this Plan because a major part of the network and local use requirements for weather radar data are to be met by use of air traffic control radars. Air traffic control radar types, performance, and locations are based upon the needs of the Air Traffic Service. Any use of these radars as part of the national weather radar program must be on a noninterference basis with the air traffic control functions. Therefore, there will be times when and places where it will be impossible to use FAA radars in either a primary or secondary role in the weather radar network. Accordingly, close coordina- tion between the FAA and ESSA's Weather Bureau must be main- tained for determining where and when FAA radars cannot be used as part of the weather radar network and for satisfying the requirements of the network through some other means. ■X. RELATED EFFORT Certain R&D efforts in weather radar are not intended to improve meteorological services specifically. These are being performed by the Department of the Interior and the National Science Foundation (NSF). A description of their effort follows: 32 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR The Department of the Interior is supporting a Precipitation Management Research Program within its Bureau of Reclamation. This project (SKYWATER) has 29 surplus military radars, such as Nike-Ajax, M-33, T-9 (an early version of the Nike-Ajax radar and GPG-1 (Skysweeper). These radars are being used periodi- cally for weather modification research at 10 field sites in the Western United States — from Washington State to New Mexico. Most of the radars have been modified to facilitate display on PPI scopes of apparent precipitation echoes at 3-cm radar wave- length, to track pibals and radiosondes, and to track transponder- aided balloons and aircraft. Two ATMOS II mobile, 3-cm meteorological radars (50-kw) are being used as prototypes for developing new radar techniques to support weather modification research. Project SKYWATER personnel have an interest in the avail- ability of radars with specific characteristics; they expect to co- operate (with ESSA or other interested agencies) to obtain their development, if funding permits. The radar characteristics desired include: • A general-purpose meteorological radar which will include Doppler spectrum, CAPPI, multifrequency, and contouring options. • Digital processing and display features which will produce simplified displays in real-time for monitoring weather modification experiments. • Millimeter radar for mapping snowfall rate. • Mobile, computer-controlled radar, and radiosonde system for obtaining soundings and wind data. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION The NSF supports basic research in the field of weather radar research with the advancement of knowledge as the only goal. As a result, it is difficult to estimate future levels of effort because the Foundation reacts only to proposals requesting support. This is therefore a status report of current research being supported and an estimate of what the support picture may be like between now and FY-74. Some weather radar research is supported by the National Cen- ter for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Essentially this consists of a development program to make new and useful radars avail- able to NCAR scientists, to the university community through the Facilities Laboratory, and to a research effort within the Labora- tory of Atmospheric Sciences. THE NCAR PROGRAM Facilities Laboratory — A development program is underway to complete an S-band coherent radar for use in cloud physics re- search. The transmitter components have been adopted from an FPS— 18 system. The radar was field tested in northeastern Colo- rado during the summer of 1969. Another development program has as its goal the production of a 10-cm noncoherent radar for use in the field as a weather sur- veillance radar. The equipment will consist of all new standard components except for the transmitter section which comes from an M— 33 acquisition radar. It was used in Nebraska during the summer of 1969 to support the research efforts of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. An airborne X-band radar of light weight and low cost is being assembled also for weather surveillance and as a classroom dem- onstration tool. This is an excess APS^12 system with video dis- play and timing circuits added by the Laboratory. Several tracking radars will be procured within the next few years subject to the availability of funds. The new systems are scheduled to replace the older M— 33 systems. Funds to purchase the first of these radars are included as a part of the FY-70 budget request. Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences — The radar research ef- forts at NCAR concentrate on the dynamics of hailstorms and the physical processes that create hailstones. A dual-band (X and S) radar is being used in a study whose objective is to compare field observations of hail in Colorado to those predicted by the Russian model. The field efforts climaxed during the summer of 1969; about five personnel were involved full time with the program. In the FY-71 budget, funds will be requested to add an antenna with a 1° — beam width to the system. If the antenna is obtained, a suitable site for installation will be rented. 33 APPENDIX I. LOCATIONS MEETING MINIMUM REMOTING CRITERIA AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING SUMMARY OF EXISTING AND PLANNED RADARS WITHIN REMOTING DISTANCE OF ANOTHER EXISTING OR PLANNED RADAR AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING LOCATION, TYPE, AND STATUS REMOTING POSSIBLE FROM REMOTE DISTANCE (in n. mi.) REMARKS Andrews AFB, Md. 77 Operational Patuxent River NAS, Md. 41 Planned 35 Support to VIP traffic overriding consideration. Beaufort MCAS, S.C. 41 Operational 81 Planned Charleston, S.C. 57 Operational 50 Replacement installation under study by Navy. Current FPS^tl is backup to Synoptic Network radar in critical hurricane area. Blytheville AFB, 77 Operational Ark. Memphis NAS, Tenn. 41 Planned, FY-70 15 Large number of weather-sensitive aircraft. Craig AFB, Ala. 77 Operational Maxwell AFB, Ala. 9 Operational 40 Extensive pilot training. Dover AFB, Del. 77 Operational Atlantic City, N.J. 57 Operational 55 Unusually large number of weather-sensitive aircraft. Eglin AFB, Fla. 9 Operational 77 Planned Pensacola NAS, Fla. 41 Operational 50 Requirement for radar to support test operations is overriding consideration. Forbes AFB, Kans. 77 Operational Kansas City, Mo. 57 Operational 65 Unusually large number of weather-sensitive aircraft. Border- line for effective remoting. Fort Campbell, Ky. 77 Operational Nashville, Tenn. 57 Planned, FY-71 65 Requirement could not wait 2-3 years. Borderline for effective remoting. 34 APPENDIX 1. LOCATIONS MEETING MINIMUM REMOTING CRITERIA AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING— continued SUMMARY OF EXISTING AND PLANNED RADARS WITHIN REMOTING DISTANCE OF ANOTHER EXISTING OR PLANNED RADAR AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING LOCATION, TYPE, AND STATUS REMOTING POSSIBLE FROM REMOTE DISTANCE (in n. mi.) REMARKS Fort Wolters, Tex. 77 Operational Fort Worth, Tex. 57 Operational 65 Extensive pilot training in helicopters at many dispersed sites and high incidence of RDW. Borderline for effective remoting. Homestead AFB, Fla. 77 Operational Miami, Fla. 57 Operational 20 Provides backup for Synoptic Network in critical hurricane area. Langley AFB, Va. 77 Operational Norfolk NAS, Va. 81 Operational 15 Large number of weather-sensitive aircraft and support to major air command headquarters. Little Rock AFB, Ark. 77 Operational Little Rock, Ark. 57 Operational 15 77 was installed when Commerce planned to relocate 57 to Prescott Ark., beyond remoting distance. Prescott relocation deferred indefinitely. McConnell AFB, Kans. 77 Operational Wichita, Kans. 57 Operational 5 Large number of weather-sensitive aircraft, extensive aircrew training, and support to TITAN II missiles. McCoy AFB, Fla. 77 Operational Daytona Beach, Fla. 57 Operational 50 Large number of weather-sensitive aircraft, very high incidence of RDW, and critical hurricane area. McGuire AFB, N.J. 77 Operational Atlantic City, N.J. 57 Operational 40 Large number of weather-sensitive aircraft. Moody AFB, Ga. 77 Operational Waycross, Ga. 57 Operational, FY-70 50 Training requirements in large numbers of weather-sensitive aircraft. Myrtle Beach AFB, 77 Operational S.C. Wilmington, N.C. 57 Operational 75 Borderline for effective remoting. 35 APPENDIX I. LOCATIONS MEETING MINIMUM REMOTING CRITERIA AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING— continued SUMMARY OF EXISTING AND PLANNED RADARS WITHIN REMOTING DISTANCE OF ANOTHER EXISTING OR PLANNED RADAR AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING LOCATION, TYPE, AND STATUS REMOTING POSSIBLE FROM REMOTE DISTANCE (in n. mi.) REMARKS New Orleans NAS, La. 81 Operational New Orleans, La. 5 Backup to Synoptic Network radar in critical hurricane area. Otis AFB, Mass. 77 Operational Chatham, Mass. 41 Planned, FY-70 35 Requirement could not wait 2-3 years. Patrick AFB, Fla. 9 Operational 77 Operational Daytona Beach, Fla. 57 Operational 65 Radar support Eastern Test Range and NASA Kennedy Space Center is overriding consideration. 9 located at Patrick AFB; 77 located at Cape Kennedy, Fla. Richards-Gebaur AFB, 77 Operational Mo. Kansas City, Mo. 57 Operational 10 Large number of weather-sensitive aircraft. Randolph AFB, Tex. 77 Operational Hondo, Tex. 57 Planned, FY-71 45 Extensive pilot training and high incidence of RDW. Scott AFB, 111. 9 Operational St. Louis, Mo. 57 Operational 25 Large number of weather-sensitive aircraft; extensive transient and medical air evacuation operations. Sewart AFB, Tenn. 9 Operational Nashville, Tenn. 57 Planned, FY-71 10 Base closes FY-70. Shaw AFB, S.C. 77 Operational Charleston, S.C. 57 Operational 75 Borderline for effective remoting. Tyndall AFB, Fla. 77 Operational Apalachicola, Fla. 57 Operational 40 Extensive pilot training, high incidence of RDW, and critical hurricane area. 36 APPENDIX I. LOCATIONS MEETING MINIMUM REMOTING CRITERIA AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING— continued SUMMARY OF EXISTING AND PLANNED RADARS WITHIN REMOTING DISTANCE OF ANOTHER EXISTING OR PLANNED RADAR AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REMOTING LOCATION, TYPE, AND STATUS REMOTING POSSIBLE FROM BEMOTE DISTANCE (in n. mi.) REMARKS Vance AFB, Okla. 77 Operational Oklahoma City, Okla. 57 Operational 75 Borderline for effective remoting. Training requirements in large numbers of weather-sensitive aircraft. Webb AFB, Tex. 77 Operational Midland, Tex. 57 Planned, FY-70 45 Training requirements in large numbers of weather-sensitive aircraft. APPENDIX II. CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF IDEAL NETWORK RADAR In regions where high rainfall rates occur, the radar should operate in the 2700-2900 mc ("S") band. In regions where heavy rains rarely occur and precipitation attenuation is not a problem, a radar operating in the 5600-5650 mc ("C") band is satisfactory provided it has the beam characteristics, sensitivity, power, and other capabilities, as listed below, necessary to detect precipitation falling at a rate of 0.01 in./hr. or more to a range of 100 n. mi. The radar shall be tuneable within the operating band to minimize interference problems. Ability to detect the 0.01 in./hr. precipitation rate at a range of 100 n. mi. can be satisfied by an S-band radar having the following capabilities: Peak transmitted power: 500 kw. Receiver sensitivity: — 108 db below 1 mw. Pulse length: 4 microseconds plus an optional 0.5 ,usec. pulse length for the high resolution necessary to detect critical storm features such as tornado "hooks." Beam width, both horizontal and vertical: 1°. Radome, so as to permit operation in high winds. 1 Range normalization to 125 n. mi. range" Capability to measure backscatter signal strength. Calibration and measurement of backscatter signal strength to allow accuracy of measured rainfall rate within a factor of two. Antenna elevation angle positioning accuracy ± 0.33°. Antenna azimuth angle positioning accuracy ± 0.33°. Range accuracy ± 1% of range. PPI display ranges 50, 125, 250 n. mi. RHI display ranges of 50, 125 n. mi.; height scale to 70,000 ft. A-scope display ranges of 50, 125, 250 n. mi. R-scope gate width variable between 5 and 25 n. mi. Antenna azimuth rotation rate 3 to 5 rpm (both auto- matically and manually controllable in azimuth). Antenna elevation scan rate 6 cpm (both automatically and manually controllable in elevation), sector variable 0°-90°. 1 See Table 1. 37 Table 1. -CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS RADARS Type Primary User Wave Length Pulse Length and PRF Peak Power Output Type of Antenna Beam Width Type of Sweep WSR-57 FPS-41 WB Navy 10.3 cm 0.5 ,usec — 658 pps 4 /xsec — 164 pps 500 kw 12' parabola 2° Automatic and manual in horizontal and ver- tical, either direction. CPS-9 AF 3.2 cm 0.5 /xsec — 931 pps 5 /xsec — 186 pps 225 kw 8' parabola 1° Manual and automatic in horizontal and ver- tical, either direction. Sector scan in both planes. FPS-68 FPS-81 FPS-77V Navy Navy AF 5.3 cm 2 /xsec — 324 pps 300 kw 8' parabola 1.6° Automatic and manual in azimuth and eleva- tion 5 rpm. WSR-1 WB 10 cm 1 /xsec — 650 pps 2 /xsec — 325 pps 60 kw 6' parabola 4 C Automatic, 12 rpm, manual control of an- tenna tilt. WSR-3 WSR-4 WB 10 cm 1 /xsec — 650 pps 2 /xsec — 325 pps 60 kw 6' parabola 4 C Automatic, variable speed to 12 rpm, re- versible, automatic and manual control of an- tenna tilt. SP (Modified) WB 10 cm 1 /xsec — 600 pps 5 usee — 120 pps 700 kw 12' parabola 2° Manual and automatic horizontal, manual in vertical. Decca-41 WB 3.2 cm 0.2 /xsec — 250 pps 2 /xsec — 250 pps 30 kw 2.6' high 14' wide 2.8° vert. 0.6 horiz. Automatic, 5 rpm, manual elevation. APQ-13 AF 3 cm 0.5 /xsec — 1,350 pps 0.75 /isec — 675 pps 2 /xsec — 270 pps 40 kw 30" parabola 3° Automatic, 12 rpm, manual control of an- tenna tilt. FPS-20 FPS-67 AF 23 cm 6 /xsec — 360 pps 5,000 kw 40' wide 16' high 1.3° azi. 22° vert. Automatic in azimuth. 38 Maximum PPI Ranging Presentation Range Accuracy Major Deficiencies as a Network Radar PPf, off- 250 n. mi. center, PPI, RHI, R, A 0.5% Beam width too great. PPI, off- 400 s. mi. center, PPI, RHI, R, A 0.1 mi. Precipitation attenuation, due to operating wave length. No quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability. PPI, R, A RHI 200 n. mi. ± 0.5% at maximum range Beam width too great. Precipitation attenuation, due to operating wave length (not as severe as with CPS-9). PPI, A 180 n. mi. PPI, A, RHI 180 n. mi. 1 mi. mi. No RHI, no quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability, beam width too great, not able to detect 0.01 in./hr. rainfall rate at 100 n. mi., no manual antenna control, insufficient antenna positioning accuracy, no R-scope, no range normalization. PPI, A, R 300 n. mi. ±0.1 mi. Beam width too great, no quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability, no RHI, no range normalization. PPI 250 n. mi. ±1% Precipitation attenuation, no echo-intensity measurement capability, no RHI, no A/R scope, vertical beam width too wide, no range normalization. PPI, A 75 s. mi. ± 1 mi. Precipitation attenuation, no echo-intensity measurement capability, no RHI, no R-scope, not able to detect 0.01 in./hr. rainfall rate at 100 n. mi., no manual antenna control, no range normalization. PPI 250 n. mi. ± 1 mi. No quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability, no RHI, no manual antenna control, beam width too great, no range normalization, no A/R scope. 39 Table 1.— CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS RADARS-continued Type Primary User Wave Length Pulse Length and PRF Peak Power Output Type of Antenna Beam Width Type of Sweep FPS-6 MPS-14 AF AF 10 cm 2 /xsec — 360 pps (nominal) 5,000 kw 30' high 8' wide 3.2° azi. 0.85° elev. Automatic and manual rotation in azimuth and elevation. CPS-6B FPS-10 AF AF 10 cm 1 /tsec — 600 pps 2 /xsec — 300 pps 900 kw 25' wide 15' high 1° azi. 24° vert. Automatic rotation in azimuth. MPS-4 AF 4.6 cm 0.3 /xsec — 656 pps 1.37 /xsec — 656 pps 140 kw 15' high 3' wide 0.75° vert. 3.75° horiz. Automatic in azimuth and elevation. M-33 (Acquisition Radar) M-33 (Tracking Radar) AF AF 9.1 cm 3.3 cm 1.3 /xsec — 1,000 pps 0.25 /xsec— 1,000 pps 1,000 kw 250 kw parabola 16' x 5' Waveguide lens, 6'9" diameter 1.4° horiz. variable ver- tical from narrow to fan-shaped. 1.1° horiz. and vert. Automatic operation in azimuth; 10, 20, 30 rpm; elevation 0° to 45°. Automatic operation in azimuth and elevation. ARSR-IE FAA 23 cm 2 /xsec — 360 pps 5,000 kw 40" wide 11' high 1.35° horiz. 6.2° esc 2 vert. Automatic PPL ARSR-2 FAA 23 cm 2 /xsec — 360 pps 5,000 kw 47' wide 23' high 1.2° horiz. 3.75° vert. Automatic PPL ASR-4 FAA 10.3 cm 0.833 /xsec— 1,040 pps 1,170 pps 1,200 pps 425 kw 9' wide 17' high 1.5° horiz. 5° esc 2 to 30° Automatic PPL 40 Presentation Maximum PPI Ranging Range Accuracy Major Deficiencies as a Network Radar RHI 225 n. mi. No PPI, azimuth beam width too great, no quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability, no range normalization, no A/R scope. PPI 133 n. mi. 266 n. mi. No RHI, vertical beam width too great, no manual antenna control, no quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability, no range normalization. PPI, RHI 120 n. mi. ±1% Not able to detect 0.01 in./hr. rainfall rate at 100 n. mi., no quantitative echo- intensity measurement capability, horizontal beam width too great, does not operate in an authorized frequency band. PPI 3 -type Precision Indicator A-scan indicators for azimuth range, and elevation 68 s. mi. 57 s. mi. Insufficient range, no RHI, vertical beam width too great, no manual antenna control, no quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability on acquisition radar, no range normalization. PPI PPI 250 n. mi. 250 n. mi. ±1% 1% ( Optional circular polarization, beam width too great, no manual antenna control, no \ RHI, no A/R scope. PPI 60 n. mi. ±1% No quantitative echo-intensity measurement capability, optional circular polarization, beam width too great, no manual antenna control, no RHI, no A/R scope, not able to detect 0.01 in./hr. rainfall rate at 100 n. mi. 41 APPENDIX III. SYNOPTIC WEATHER RADAR NETWORK The Synoptic Weather Radar Network is composed of Depart- ment of Commerce WSR— 57 radars supplemented by modern Navy and Air Force weather radars. Selection of radars for the Network has been made on the basis of attaining required data at a minimum cost. The S-band weather radars are used as the primary radar, and C-band local use weather radars presently installed or planned are used wherever feasible to avoid further redundant coverage. Pending completion of the installation pro- grams for modern weather radars, a number of obsolete or obso- lescent radars are used on an interim basis. In the western inter- mountain region, air traffic control radars remoted into an ARTCC are used as substitutes for weather radars. Since the Synoptic Weather Radar Network is composed of radars (or ARTCC remotes) operated by Commerce, Navy, and Air Force, their observations are collected on different teletype- writer systems. In general, Commerce locations transmit on the RAREP and Warning Coordination (RAWARC) systems and the military locations transmit on the COMET II system. An Inter- ARTCC Facsimile Network connects the ARTCC weather radar units in the Western States, providing data exchanges among these units. The National Severe Storms Forecast Center has a terminal on this Network to obtain these data for national com- positing, complementing data from conventional weather radars. Network observation procedures and schedules, instruction for photography, repositing data, and quality control will be as specified in the Weather Radar Manual. 1 The following locations are designated as the Synoptic Weather Radar Network, with emergency alternate locations as indicated: ESS A— WEATHER BUREAU WSR-57 Radars Primary Alternate Sacramento, Calif. None Medford, Oreg. (Planned operational, FY-70) None Missoula, Mont. None Limon, Colo. (Planned operational, FY-71) Peterson Field Amarillo, Tex. Cannon AFT, N. Mex Fort Worth, Tex. Carswell AFB* Hondo, Tex. (Planned operational, FY-72) Randolph AFB Midland, Tex. (Planned operational, FY-70) Webb AFB Galveston, Tex. None Brownsville, Tex. None Lake Charles, La. None New Orleans, La. New Orleans NAS Little Rock, Ark. Little Rock AFB Oklahoma City, Okla. Tinker AFB* Garden City, Kans. (Planned operational, FY-71) None Wichita, Kans. McConnell AFB Kansas City, Mo. Richards-Gebaur AFB Monett, Mo. (Planned operational, FY-70) None Saint Louis, Mo. Scott AFB,* 111. Grand Island, Nebr. (Planned operational, FY-71) Off utt AFB 1 To be designated Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 7 when the manual is reissued. * Obsolete or obsolescent radar; serves as emergency alternate radar until decommissioned. If replaced by modern radar, it continues to serve as alternate. 42 ESSA— Weather Bureau— continued WSR-57 Radars— continued Primary Huron, S. Dak. Alternate (Planned operational, Jackson, Miss. FY-71) None Meridian NAAS, Miss. Centreville, Ala. (Planned operational, FY-70) Columbus AFB Nashville, Tenn. (Planned operational, FY-71) None Bristol, Tenn. (Planned operational, FY-71) None Evansville, Ind. None Cincinnati, Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Chicago, 111. (Relocate to Ottawa, FY-72) None Des Moines, Iowa None Minneapolis, Minn. None Oshkosh, Wis. (Planned operational, FY-71) None Detroit, Mich. Selfridge AFB* Apalachicola, Fla. Tyndall AFB Miami, Fla. Homestead AFB Key West, Fla. None Daytona Beach, Fla. None Tampa, Fla. MacDill AFB* Waycross, Ga. None Athens, Ga. Dobbins AFB Charleston, S.C. Beaufort MCAS Primary Alternate Hatteras, N.C. Cherry Point MCAS South Boston, Va. (Planned operational FY-73) None Washington, D.C. 2 Andrews AFB, Md. Atlantic City, N.J. McGuire AFB New York, N.Y. None Pittsburgh, Pa. None Buffalo, N.Y. Binghampton, N.Y. (Planned operational, FY-73) Griffiss AFB Memphis, Tenn. (Transfers from Navy, FY-70) None Chatham, Mass. (Transfers from Navy, FY-70) None Brunswick, Maine (Transfers from Navy, FY-70) None Obsolete Radars Fort Smith, Ark. (Replaced by Monett, Mo., 57, FY-70) Springfield, Mo. (Replaced by Monett, Mo., 57, FY-70) Concordia, Kans.** (Replaced by Grand Island, Nebr., 57, FY-71) None None None * Obsolete or obsolescent radar; serves as emergency alternate radar until decommissioned. If replaced by modern radar, it continues to serve as alternate. 2 Decommission and substitute the Weather Bureau at Patuxent River NAS, Md., in Fy-70. ** Irregular operation during winter, resulting from operating limits of radar. 43 ESS A— Weather Bureau— continued Obsolete Radars— continued Primary Alternate North Platte, Nebr.** (Replaced by Grand Island 57, FY-71) None Goodland, Kans.** (Replaced by Garden City, 57, FY-71) None Sioux Falls, S. Dak.** (Replaced by Huron 57, FY-72) None Madison, Wis.** (Replaced by Oshkosh 57, FY-71) None Memphis, Tenn. (Replaced by FPS-41, FY-70) None NAVY AN /FPS-41 Radars Pensacola, Fla. AIR FORCE AN/CPS-9 Radars Malmstrom AFB, Mont. Stewart AFB, Tenn. (Base closes, FY-70) Maxwell AFB, Ala. (Replaced by Centreville 57, FY-70) None None WBO Nashville* Craig AFB (04-18LST) * Obsolete or obsolescent radar; serves as emergency alternate radar until decommissioned. If replaced by modern radar, it continues to serve as alternate. ** Irregular operation during winter, resulting from operating limits of radar. Primary Alternate Pope AFB, N.C. (Until decommissioned) Seymour Johnson A AN/FPS-77 Radars Fairchild AFB, Wash. None Kingsley Field, Oreg. (Replaced by Medford 57, FY-70) None Nellis AFB, Nev. 3 None Francis E. Warren AFB, Wyo. None Grand Forks AFB, N. Dak. None Duluth IAP, Minn. None Luke AFB, Ariz. 4 None Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. None Kirtland AFB, N. Mex. 4 None Cannon AFB, N. Mex. Reese AFB, Tex. Holloman AFB, N. Mex. None Peterson Field, Colo. (Replaced by Limon 57, FY-71) None Laughlin AFB, Tex. None Webb AFB, Tex. (Replaced by Midland 57, FY-70) WBO Midland* Randolph AFB, Tex. (Replaced by Hondo 57, FY-72) WBO San Antonio* Bergstrom AFB, Tex. (Replaced by Hondo 57, FY-72) None * Obsolete or obsolescent radar; serves as emergency alternate radar until decommissioned. If replaced by modern radar, it continues to serve as alternate. 3 Temporarily in the Network until the Palmdale, Calif., and Albuquerque, N. Mex., ARTCC compositing function is operating 24 hours daily in FY-70. * Temporarily in the Network until the Los Angeles and Albuquerque ARTCC compositing function is operating 24 hours daily in FY-70. 44 Air Force— continued AN/FPS— 77 Radars— continued Primary Alternate Sheppard AFB, Tex. Altus AFB, Okla. K. I. Sawyer AFB, Mich. None Wurtsmith AFB, Mich. None Otis AFB, Mass. (Replaced by Chatham 57, FY-70) None Griffiss AFB, N.Y. (Replaced by Binghamton 57, FY-73) WBO Binghamton* Pittsburgh AFB, N.Y. None Minot AFB, N. Dak None Ellsworth AFB, S. Dak. None Loring AFB, Maine None Offutt AFB, Nebr. (Replaced by Grand Island 57, FY-71) None Barksdale AFB, La. None * Obsolete or obsolescent radar; serves as emergency alternate radar until decommissioned. If replaced by modern radar, it continues to serve as alternate. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ARSR Radars remoted to ARTCCs with ESSA's Weather Bureau personnel performing limited Synoptic Network opera- tions from the remoted displays. Salt Lake City ARTCC Ashton, Idaho Battle Mountain, Nevada Boise, Idaho Cedar City, Utah Lovell, Wyo. Rock Springs, Wyo. Salt Lake City, Utah Seattle ARTCC Klamath Falls, Oreg. Salem, Oreg. Los Angeles ARTCC Cedar City, Utah Boron, Calif. Las Vegas, Nev. Los Angeles, Calif. Albuquerque ARTCC Amarillo, Texas El Paso, Texas Mesa Rica, N. Mex. Seattle, Wash. Spokane, Wash. Mt. Laguna, Calif. Paso Robles, Calif. San Pedro, Calif. Phoenix, Ariz. Silver City, N. Mex. West Mesa, N. Mex. SYNOPTIC WEATHER RADAR NETWORK IN ALASKA Reports from the following Air Force Alaskan Air Command radars are analyzed and composited by ESSA's Weather Bureau personnel at WBFO Anchorage. Teletypewriter summaries and facsimile composite charts are transmitted. Campion, Alaska Cape Lisburne, Alaska Cape Newenham, Alaska Cape Romanzof, Alaska Fire Island, Alaska Fort Yukon, Alaska Indian Mountain, Alaska King Salmon, Alaska Kotzebue, Alaska Murphy Dome, Alaska Northeast Cape, Alaska Sparrevohn, Alaska Tatalina, Alaska Tin City, Alaska Unalakleet, Alaska SYNOPTIC WEATHER RADAR NETWORK IN HAWAII Limited synoptic and local use radar data are obtained from Hawaiian Air National Guard aircraft surveillance radars on Mount Kaala (Island of Oahu) and Kahee (Island of Kauai). No data are obtained for the Island of Hawaii and the eastern portion of the Island of Maui. Also, data are not available from echoes directly over the other islands. 45 APPENDIX IV. AGENCY OPERATIONAL PROGRAMS The following symbols and abbreviations are used throughout this Appendix: B — Buy C — Coaxial Cable Remote F — Facsimile System I — Install M — Microwave Remote O — Operational P — Under Procurement R — Relocate S — Slow-Scan Remote System T — Slow-Scan Remote Transmitter V — Slow-Scan TV Receiver X — Slow-Scan Facsimile Receiver AF — Air Force WB — Weather Bureau AFB — Air Force Base DOC — Department of Commerce FSS — Flight Service Station IAP — International Airport NAS — Naval Air Station NAF — Naval Air Facility USN — United States Navy WBO — Weather Bureau Office CCTV — Closed-Circuit Television MCAF — Marine Corps Air Facility MCAS — Marine Corps Air Station NAAF — Naval Auxiliary Air Facility NAAS — Naval Auxiliary Air Station NASA — National Aeronautics and Space Administration WBFC — Weather Bureau Forecast Center WBMO — Weather Bureau Meteorological Observatory ARTCC — Air Route Traffic Control Center NSSFC — National Severe Storms Forecast Center NAVSTA — Naval Station 9 — AN/CPS— 9 Radar 13 — APQ — 13 Radar 41 — AN/FPS — 41 Radar 57 — WSR— 57 Radar 68 — AN/FPS— 68 Radar 72 — WSR— 72 Radar 77 — AN/FPS— 77 Radar 81 — AN/FPS — 81 Radar Some Weather Bureau stations are listed as receiving remoting recorders, but no explanation is given under remarks regarding source of the data. In these cases, dial capability is to be used in place of leased time. WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE LOCATION Requir NET. ement LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Birmingham, Ala. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Centreville. Centreville, Ala. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WB S to WBFO Birmingham, WBO Montgomery, and NASA Hunts- ville. Huntsville, Ala. X B72 S from WBMO Nashville, Tenn. Mobile, Ala. X X IOX USN S from 41 at Pensacola NAS, Fla. Montgomery, Ala. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Centreville. Anchorage, Alaska X (Alaskan Air Command) Campion Cape Lisburne Cape Newenham Cape Romanzof Fire Island Fort Yukon Indian Mountain King Salmon Kotzebue Murphy Dome Northeast Cape Sparrevohn Tatalina Tin City Unalakleet X Coded radar reports are transmit- ted by telephone from Alaskan Air Command radars to WBFO for processing into teletype sum- maries and facsimile charts. Fif- teen radars are incorporated into the initial network. Phoenix, Ariz. X X IOF On Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Net- work. Tucson, Ariz. X X BX Army S from 77 at Davis-Monthan AFB. 47 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Fort Smith, Ark. X B72 Little Rock, Ark. X 57 BS WB Fresno, Calif. X IOF Local F from Los Angeles ARTCC. Los Angeles, Calif. X F WB Local F from Los Angeles ARTCC. Terminal on Inter- ARTCC Facsimile Network. Palmdale, Calif. (Los Angeles ARTCC) Boron, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Mount Laguna, Calif. Paso Robles, Calif. San Pedro, Calif. Las Vegas, Nev. Cedar City, Utah X X ARTCC-remoted radars used for limited Network data. Terminal on Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Net- work. WBFO Los Angeles, FSS Los Angeles, and Los Angeles Flood Control District on local F. Sacramento, Calif. X X 57 F Limon, Colo. X 57 T WB Local F to WBFO San Francisco, FSS Sacramento, and Mather, Travis, Beale, and McClellan AFBs. Terminal on Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Network. San Diego, Calif. X IOF Local F from Los Angeles ARTCC. San Francisco, Calif. X F WB Local F from 57 at WBO Sacramento. Colorado Springs, Colo. X BX WB S from 57 at WBMO Limon. Denver, Colo. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Limon. 1057 IOT WB S to WBFO Denver, WBO Colo- rado Springs, Buckley Air Na- tional Guard Base, and WBO Pueblo. 48 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Pueblo, Colo. Washington, D.C. Requirement PRES. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS NET. LOG EQUIP. 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Limon, 1071. Temporary S from 77 at Peterson Field, until 57 at WBMO Limon is established. Bridgeport, Conn. X BX Hartford, Conn. X BX WB S from 77 at Westover AFB, Mass. Wilmington, Del. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Atlantic City, N.J. 57 T R57 WB S to WBFO Suitland and WB Hdq., Silver 1 Spring, Md. To be replaced by 41 at Patuxent River NAS, Md., in FY-70. The 57 will be reconditioned and used in place of a procurement. Apalachicola, Fla. X X 57 BT IOT WB S to WBO Tallahassee. Daytona Beach, Fla. X X 57 BT IOT WB S to NASA Cape Kennedy and WBO Orlando. Fort Myers, Fla. X BX Jacksonville, Fla. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Waycross, Ga. Key West, Fla. X X 57 IOT USN S to Key West NAS. Lakeland, Fla. X BX Miami, Fla. X X 57 TX I0TX WB S to WBO West Palm Beach. Orlando, Fla. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Daytona Beach. 4V< WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement PRES. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS NET. LOC. EQUIP. 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Pensacola, Fla. X X IOX S from 41 at Pensacola NAS. Tallahassee, Fla. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Apalachicola. Tampa, Fla. X X 57 BT WB West Palm Beach, Fla. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBFO Miami. Athens, Ga. X X 57 T IOT WB S to WBFO Atlanta, WBO Augusta, WBO Greenville, S.C., and NAS Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga. X V IOV WB S from 57 at WBO Athens. Augusta, Ga. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Athens. Columbus, Ga. X BX Macon, Ga. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Waycross. Savannah, Ga. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Waycross. Waycross, Ga. X X 57 T IOT WB S to WBO Savannah, WBO Macon, and WBO Jacksonville, Fla. Honolulu, Hawaii (WBFO) X Kahee Mount Kaala BS WB S from aircraft surveillance radar at Mount Kaala. Coded radar re- ports are telephoned to WBFO from Hawaiian Air National Guard radars for processing and local use. Boise, Idaho Cairo, 111. X X IOF WB Local F from Salt Lake City, Utah, ARTCC. BX 50 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement - PRES. NET. LOC. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Chicago, 111. (WBFO) X X 57 T R57 RT IOX WB S to WBO O'Hare and WBO Rockford. The 57 relocates to WBMO Ottawa in FY-72 with S to WBFO Chicago, WBO Chi- cago, WBO Peoria, and WBO Rockford. Chicago, 111. (O'Hare WBO) X X WB S from 57 at WBFO Chicago. Moline, 111. X B72 Ottawa, 111. X X RT R57 WB S to WBFO Chicago, WBO O'Hare, WBO Peoria, and WBO Rockford. Peoria, 111. X X IOX WB S from 57 to WBMO Ottawa. Rockford, 111. X X WB S from 57 at WBFO Chicago. Springfield, 111. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBFO Saint Louis, Mo. Evansville, Ind. X X 57 BT IOT WB S to WBO Louisville, Ky. Fort Wayne, Ind. X B72 Indianapolis, Ind. X BX B72 South Bend, Ind. X B72 Des Moines, Iowa X X 57 BS Dubuque, Iowa X BX Sioux City, Iowa X BX Waterloo, Iowa X BX 51 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS- ■continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Concordia, Kans. X B72 Dodge City, Kans. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Garden City. Garden City, Kans. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Dodge City. Goodland, Kans. X B72 Topeka, Kans. X X IOX WB S from 57 at NSSFC Kansas City, Mo. Wichita, Kans. X X 57 BT WB Lexington, Ky. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Cincinnati, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Evansville, Ind. Baton Rouge, La. X B72 Lake Charles, La. X X 57 BT WB New Orleans, La. (WBFO) X 57 S IOS WB Shreveport, La. X BX WB S from 77 at Barksdale AFB. Brunswick NAS, Maine X X 41 T 041 IOT WB WB will operate radar at NAS. S to WBO Portland and WBFO Portland. Portland, Maine (WBFO) X X IOX WB S from 41 at Brunswick NAS. Portland, Maine (WBO) X X IOX WB S from 41 at Brunswick NAS. Baltimore, Md. X X IOX WB S from 41 at Patuxent River NAS. 52 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS PRES. NET. LOC. EQUIP. 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Patuxent River NAS, Md. X X 41 041 IOT WB WB will operate radar at NAS late FY-70. S to WBO Richmond, Va., WBFO Suitland, WBO Bal- timore, WB Hdq. Silver Spring, Andrews NAF, and Fort Belvoir, Va. Suitland, Md. (WBFO) X WB S from 57 at WBO Washington, D.C. (from 41 at Patuxent River NAS after relocation). V to X in FY-70. Silver Spring, Md. (WB Hdq.) WB S from 57 at WBO Washington, D.C. (from 41 at Patuxent River NAS after relocation). V to X in FY-70. Boston, Mass. X IOX WB S from 41 at WBMO Chatham, Mass. Chatham, Mass. X X 41 T R041 IOT WB 41 relocated from Quonset Point NAS, R.I. S to WBFO Boston, WBO Worcester, WBO Provi- dence, R.I., Quonset Point NAS, R.I., and South Weymouth NAS. Worcester, Mass. X BX WB S from 41 at WBMO Chatham. Alpena, Mich. X BX IOX WB S from 77 at Wurtsmith AFB. Detroit, Mich. X X 57 T BX IOX WB S to WBO Lansing, WBO Flint, WBO Toledo, Ohio, and Detroit NAS. Flint, Mich. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBFO Detroit. 53 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS i AND PROGRAMS- -continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Grand Rapids, M ich. X RX S from 72 at WRO Muskegon. Houghton Lake, Mich. X RX WR S from 77 at Wurtsmith AFR. Lansing, Mich. X X WR S from 57 at WRFO Detroit. Marquette, Mich. X X RX WR S from 77 at K. I. Sawyer AFR. In Synoptic Network. Muskegon, Mich. X R72 WR S to WRO Grand Rapids. Duluth, Minn. X X RX WR S from 77 at Duluth IAP. In Synoptic Network. Minneapolis, Minn. X X 57 RT IOT RX IOX WR S to WRO Rochester and WRO Saint Cloud. Saint Cloud, Minn. X RX WR S from 57 at WRFO Minneapolis. Rochester, Minn. X RX IOX WR S from 57 at WRFO Minneapolis. Jackson, Miss. X X 57 T IOT RX WR S to WRO Meridian. Meridian, Miss. X X IOX WR S from 57 at WRFO Jackson. Columbia, Mo. X R72 Kansas City, Mo. (NSSFC) X X 57 T IOT RX IOX WR S to WRO Kansas City and WRO Topeka, Kans. Kansas City, Mo. (WRO) X RX WR S from 57 at NSSFC Kansas City. Monett, Mo. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WR S to WRO Springfield, Mo. Saint Louis, Mo. X X 57 RS IOT IOX WR S to WRO Springfield, 111. 54 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued Atlantic City, N.J. COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Springfield, Mo. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Monett. Billings, Mont. X B72 Great Falls, Mont. X X M IOF WB M from 9 at Malmstrom AFB. On Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Network. Helena, Mont. X X IOF On Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Net- work. Missoula, Mont. X X 57 IOF WB C to Forest Service. On Inter- ARTCC Facsimile Network. Grand Island, Nebr. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Norfolk. Offutt AFB in Synoptic Network until FY-71. Lincoln, Nebr. X BX Norfolk, Nebr. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Grand Island. North Platte, Nebr. X B72 Omaha, Nebr. X BX WB S from 77 at Offutt AFB. Scottsbluff, Nebr. X B72 Valentine, Nebr. X BX Concord, N.H. X BX X X 57 BT IOT WB S to Willow Grove NAS, Pa. Lakehurst NAS, WBO Trenton, WBFO Philadelphia, Pa., and WBO Wilmington, Del. Newark, N.J. M BX IOX WB M from 57 at WBO New York. To be replaced by S in FY-72. 55 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Trenton, N.J. X BX WB S from 57 at WBO Atlantic City. Albuquerque, N. Mex. (ARTCC) Phoenix, Ariz. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Mesa 'Rica, N. Mex. Silver City, N. Mex. Amarillo, Tex. El Paso, Tex. X X New York, N.Y. WB ARTCC-remoted radars used for limited Network data. Terminal on Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Net- work. Local F to WBFO Albu- querque and WBO El Paso, Tex. Albuquerque, N. Mex. (WBFO) X F WB Local F from Albuquerque ARTCC. Albany, N.Y. X BX B72 Binghamton, N.Y. X X B57 BT 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Scranton-Wilkes Barre, Pa., and WBO Allentown, Pa. Buffalo, N.Y. X X 57 BS IOT WB S to WBO Rochester. X 57 M BT IOT M to WBFO University, WBO LaGuardia, WBO Kennedy, WBO Newark, N.J., and NAS New York. New York, N.Y. (Kennedy WBO) X M BX IOX WB M from 57 at WBO New York. To be replaced by S in FY-72. New York, N.Y. (LaGuardia WBO) X M BX IOX WB M from 57 at WBO New York. To be replaced by S in FY-72. New York, N.Y. (University WBFO) X M 10 BX IOX WB M from WBO New York 57. To be replaced by S in FY-72. Rochester, N.Y. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Buffalo. Syracuse, N.Y. X BX Asheville, N.C. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Bristol, Tenn. 56 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND 1 PROGRAMS- ■continued COMMERCE —continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR 69 70 71 PROGRAMS 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Charlotte, N.C. X B72 Greensboro, N.C. X BX Hatteras, N.C. X X 57 BT Raleigh, N.C. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO South Boston, Va. Wilmington, N.C. X X 57 BT Bismarck, N. Dak. X BX B72 WB S from 77 at Minot AFB. Fargo, N. Dak. X S IOX WB S from 77 at Grand Forks AFB. Akron, Ohio X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Pittsburgh, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio X X 57 T IOT WB M to be replaced by S. S to WBO Lexington, Ky., and WBO Dayton. Cincinnati, Ohio (Downtown Office) Cleveland, Ohio X M X IOX WB M from 57 at WBO Cincinnati to be replaced by S. BX B72 Columbus, Ohio X X BX Dayton, Ohio X IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Cincinnati. Mansfield, Ohio Toledo, Ohio X BX X WB S from 57 at WBFO Detroit, Mich. Youngstown, Ohio X BX Oklahoma City, Okla. X 57 BS WB 57 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS-continued COMMERCE- continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Tulsa, Okla. X B72 Medford, Oreg. X X 57 IOS7 IOF WB Local F from Auburn, Wash., ARTCC. Pendleton, Oreg. X B72 Portland, Oreg. X IOF WB Local F from Auburn, Wash., ARTCC. Salem, Oreg. X IOF WB Local F from Auburn, Wash., ARTCC. Allentown, Pa. X BX WB S from 57 at WBO Binghamton, N.Y. Erie, Pa. X BX Harrisburg, Pa. X B72 Philadelphia, Pa. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Atlantic City, NJ. Pittsburgh, Pa. X X 57 T WB S to WBO Pittsburgh, WBFO Pittsburgh, and WBO Akron, Ohio. Pittsburgh, Pa. (City WBO) X V WB S from 57 at WBMO Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Airport WBFO) X V WB S from 57 at WBMO Pittsburgh. Scranton-Wilkes Barre, Pa. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Binghamton, N.Y. Williamsport, Pa. X BX Providence, R.I. X X IOX WB S from 41 at WBMO Chatham, Mass. 58 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Charleston, S.C. X X 57 T IOT WB M to Charleston AFB replaced by S. S to WBFO Columbia. Columbia, S.C. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Charleston. Greenville, S.C. X X IOX S from 57 at WBO Athens, Ga. Aberdeen, S. Dak. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Huron. Huron, S. Dak. X X T R57 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Aberdeen and WBO Sioux Falls. R57 from storage. Rapid City, S. Dak. X X V WB S from 77 at Ellsworth AFB. In Synoptic Network. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Huron. Bristol, Tenn. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Knoxville and WBO Asheville, N.C. Chattanooga, Tenn. X BX Knoxville, Tenn. X X IOX WB S from 57s at WBMO Nashville and WBO Bristol. Memphis, Tenn. (NAS) X X 41 T 041 IOT WB WB will operate 41 at Memphis NAS. S to WBFO Memphis. Memphis, Tenn. (WBFO) X X IOX WB S from 41 at Memphis NAS. Nashville, Tenn. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Nashville, WBO Knox- ville, and NASA Huntsville, Ala. Nashville, Tenn. (WBO) X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Nashville. Abilene, Tex. X BX WB S from 77 at Dyess AFB. Amarillo, Tex. X X 57 BT WB Austin, Tex. X BX IOX AF S from 77 at Bergstrom AFB. Brownsville, Tex. X X 57 BT 59 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL 69 70 YEAR PROGRAMS 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Corpus Christi, Tex. X X IOX USN S from 81 at Corpus Christi NAS. Dallas, Tex. X M BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Fort Worth replaces M. Del Rio, Tex. X X BX WB S from 77 at Laughlin AFB. El Paso, Tex. X F Local F from Albuquerque ARTCC. Fort Worth, Tex. X X 57 M BT IOT WB M replaced by S. S to WBFO Fort Worth, WBO Dallas, WBO Waco, and Dallas NAS. Fort Worth, Tex. (WBFO) X BX IOX S from 57 at WBO Fort Worth. Galveston, Tex. X X 57 T WB S to WBO Port Arthur, WBO Houston, and Ellington AFB. Hondo, Tex. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WB S to WBFO San Antonio. Houston, Tex. X V WB S from 57 at WBO Galveston. Lubbock, Tex. X BX WB S from 77 at Reese AFB. Midland, Tex. X X 57 1057 BT WB S to WBO San Angelo. Port Arthur, Tex. X V WB S from 57 at WBMO Galveston. San Angelo, Tex. X BX S from 57 at WBO Midland. San Antonio, Tex. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Hondo. Victoria, Tex. X BX Radar data obtained under cooperative arrangement with private source. Waco, Tex. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Fort Worth. Wichita Falls, Tex. *> X BX WB S from 77 at Sheppard AFB. 60 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement - PRES. NET. LOC. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Salt Lake City, Utah (ARTCC) Ashton, Idaho Boise, Idaho Battle Mountain, Nev. Cedar City, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah Lovell, Wyo. Rock Springs, Wyo. X WB ARTCC-remoted radars used for limited Network data. Terminal on Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Net- work. Local F to WBFO Salt Lake City, FSS Salt Lake City, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, and WBO Boise, Idaho. Data phone link to NSSFC Kansas City. Mo. Burlington, Vt. X X BX WB S from 77 at Plattsburgh AFB, N.Y. Lynchburg, Va. X BX Norfolk, Va. X BX IOX USN S from 81 at Norfolk NAS. Richmond, Va. X X IOX WB S from 41 at Patuxent River NAS, Md. Roanoke, Va. X BX South Boston, Va. X X B57 BT 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Raleigh, N.C. Auburn, Wash. (ARTCC) Klamath Falls, Oreg. Salem, Oreg. Seattle, Wash. Spokane, Wash. X IOF ARTCC-remoted radars used for limited Network data. Terminal on Inter-ARTCC Facsimile Net- work. Local F to WBFO Port- land, Oreg., WBFO Seattle, WBO Salem, Oreg., WBO Medford, Oreg., and WBO Spokane. Quillayute, Wash. X B72 Seattle, Wash. (WBFO) X IOF WB Local F from Seattle ARTCC. Spokane, Wash. X X IOF Local F from Seattle ARTCC. 77 at Fairchild AFB in Synoptic Network. 61 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued COMMERCE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Beckley, W. Va. X BX Charleston. W. Va. X B72 BS WB S from 72 to WBO Huntington. Elkins, W. Va. X BX Huntington, W. Va. X BX WB S from 72 at WBO Charleston. Green Bay, Wis. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Oshkosh. Madison, Wis. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Oshkosh. Milwaukee, Wis. X X IOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Oshkosh. Oshkosh, Wis. X X 57 T 1057 IOT WB S to WBO Green Bay, WBO Madison, and WBO Milwaukee. Cheyenne, Wyo. X X BX WB S from 77 at Francis E. Warren AFB. San Juan, P.R. X M WB M from FAA/Navy Air Search Radar. DEPARTMENT OF 1 DEFENSE LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Albany NAS, Ga. X APQ- 13 B1081 1081 APQ-13 on loan from Air Force. Altus AFB, Okla. X 77 BIOT AF S to Fort Sill. Andrews AFB, Md. X 77 Andrews NAF, Md. X BX IOX WB S from 41 at Patuxent River NAS. Atlanta NAS, Ga. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Athens. 62 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Barksdale AFB, La. X 77 WB Synoptic Network functions. S to WBO Shreveport. Beale AFB, Calif. X F WB Local F from 57 at WBO Sacramento. Beaufort MCAS, S.C. X 41 B81 1081 Transfer 41 to WB FY-71. Bergstrom AFB, Tex. X 77 BIOT AF S to Fort Hood and WBO Austin. Blytheville AFB, Ark. X 77 Brunswick NAS, Maine X 41 BX IOX WB WB operates 41 at NAS FY-70; S from radar site to WBFO Port- land and WBO Portland. Buckley Air National Guard Base, Colo. X BIOX WB S from 57 at WBMO Limon. Cannon AFB, N. Mex. X 77 Synoptic Network functions. Cape Kennedy, Fla. X 77 AF Eastern Test Range support. CCTV to NASA Cape Kennedy. Carswell AFB, Tex. X 9 Cecil Field NAS, Fla. X BX IOX USN S from 81 at Jacksonville NAS. Chanute AFB, 111. X 9 77 Operator training plus local use (1-9; 6-77s). Charleston AFB, S.C. X M BIOX WB M from 57 at WBO Charleston; replaced with S. Chase Field NAAS, Tex. X 81 Cherry Point MCAS, N.C. X 81 BT IOT USN S to New River MCAF. Columbus AFB, Miss. X 77 Corpus Christi NAS, Tex. X 81 BT IOT USN S to Kingsville NAAS and WBO Corpus Christi. 63 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS- -continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement - PRES. - NET. LOC. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Craig AFB, Ala. X 77 Dallas NAS, Tex. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Fort Worth. Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. X 77 BIOT Army S to WBO Tucson and Fort Hua- chuca. Synoptic Network func- tions until FY-70. Replaced by Albucmerque, N. Mex., ARTCC. Detroit NAS, Mich. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBFO Detroit. Dobbins AFB, Ga. X 77 Dover AFB, Del. X 77 Dugway Proving Ground, Utah X 77F 1077 WB Local F from Salt Lake City ARTCC. Duluth IAP, Minn. X 77 WB S to WBO Duluth. Synoptic Network functions. Dyess AFB, Tex. X 77 WB S to WBO Abilene. Eglin AFB, Fla. X 9 77 1077 BIOT AF Test range support. S to Hurlburt Field. Ellington AFB, Tex. X BIOX WB S from 57 at WBO Galveston. Ellsworth AFB, S. Dak. X 77 WB S to WBO Rapid City. Synoptic Network functions. Ellyson Field NAAS, Fla. X IOX USN S from 41 at Pensacola NAS. England AFB, La. X 77 Fairchild AFB, Wash. X 77 Synoptic Network functions. Forbes AFB, Kans. X 77 Fort Belvoir, Va. X BIOX WB S from 41 at Patuxent River NAS, Md. Fort Benning, Ga. X 77 64 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS- -continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS Remote Transmitter 69 70 71 72 73 Provided By REMARKS Fort Campbell, Ky. X 77 Fort Eustis, Va. X BIOX AF S from 77 at Langley AFB. Fort Hood, Tex. X BIOX AF S from 77 at Bergstrom AFB. Fort Huachuca, Ariz. X BIOV Army S from 77 at Davis-Monthan AFB. Fort Riley, Kans. X 77 Fort Rucker, Ala. X 77 Fort Sill, Okla. X BIOX AF S from 77 at Altus AFB. Fort Stewart, Ga. X BIOV Army S from 9 at Hunter Army Air Field. Fort Wolters, Tex. X 77 Francis E. Warren AFB, Wyo. X 77 WB S to WBO Cheyenne. Synoptic Network functions. Glenview NAS, 111. X 81 Glynco NAS, Ga. X 81 Grand Forks AFB, N. Dak. X 77 IOT WB Synoptic Network functions. S to WBO Fargo. Griffiss AFB, N.Y. X 77 Synoptic Network functions until FY-73. Replaced by 57 at WBO Binghamton. Grissom AFB, Ind. X 77 Hill AFB, Utah X 77 Holloman AFB, N. Mex. X 77 BIOT Army Synoptic Network functions. S to White Sands. Homestead AFB, Fla. X 77 65 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS-continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS 69 70 71 72 73 Hunter Army Air Field, Ga. X 9 BIOT Army S to Fort Stewart. Ga. Hurlburt Field, Fla. X BIOX AF S from 77 at Eglin AFB. Jacksonville NAS, Fla. X 68 B81 BT 1081 R68 IOT USN S to Cecil Field NAS and May- port NAVSTA; 68 relocates to salvage. Keesler AFB, Miss. X 77 Kelly AFB, Tex. X 9 Key West NAS, Fla. X I ox USN S from 57 at WBO Key West. Kingsley Field, Oreg. X 77 Svnoptic Network functions until FY- 70. Replaced by 57 at WBO Medford. Kingsville NAAS, Tex. Kirtland AFB, N. Mex. X BX 10X USN S from 81 at Corpus Christi NAS. X 77 Synoptic Network functions until FY-70. Replaced by Albuquerque ARTCC. K. I. Sawyer AFB, Mich. Lakehurst NAS, N.J. X 77 WB S to WBO Marquette. Synoptic Network functions. X 81 BX R81 IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Atlantic City. Fan-ley AFB, Va. Laredo AFB, Tex. Lauirhlin AFB, Tex. X 77 BIOT AF S to Fort Eustis. \ 77 X 77 WB S to WBO Del Rio. Synoptic Net- work functions. Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Mass. Little Rock ALB, Ark. X X 77 Research and development plus local use. 77 66 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS 69 70 71 72 73 Lockbourne AFB. Ohio X 77 Loring AFB. Maine X 77 Synoptic Network functions. Luke AFB. Ariz. X 77 WB Synoptic Network functions until FY-70. Replaced by Albuquerque ARTCC. S to Williams AFB. MaeDill AFB. Fla. X 9 Malmstrom AFB. Mont. X 9 WB M to WBFO Great Falls. Synoptic Network functions. Mather AFB, Calif. X F WB Local F from 57 at WBO Sacramento. Maxwell AFB. Ala. X 9 WB Mayport NAVSTA. Fla. X BX IOX USN S from 81 at Jacksonville NAS. McChord AFB. Wash. X WB Local F from Seattle ARTCC. McClellan AFB. Calif. X F WB Local F from 57 at WBO Sacramento. McConnell AFB. Kans. X 77 McCoy AFB. Fla. X 77 McGuire AFB. N.J. X 9 77 1077 Memphis NAS. Tenn. X 41 WB operates 41 at NAS in mid FY-70. Meridian NAAS. Miss. X 81 Minot AFB, N. Dak. X 77 Synoptic Network functions. Moody AFB, Ga. X 77 Mountain Home AFB. Id< iho X 77 67 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS- ■continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS Remote Transmitter 69 70 71 72 73 Provided By REMARKS Myrtle Beach AFB, S.C. X 77 Nellis AFB, Nev. X 77 Synoptic Network functions until FY-70. Replaced by Los Angeles ARTCC. New Orleans NAS, La. X 81 New River MCAF, N.C. X BX IOX USN S from 81 at Cherry Point MCAS. New York NAS, N.Y. X M WB M from 57 at WBO New York. To be replaced by S in FY-72. Norfolk NAS, Va. X 81 IOT USN S to Oceana NAS and WBO Norfolk. Oceana NAS, Va. X IOX USN S from 81 at Norfolk NAS. Offutt AFB, Nebr. X 77 Synoptic Network functions until FY-71. Replaced by 57 at WBO Grand Island. Otis AFB, Mass. \ 77 Synoptic Network functions until FY-70. Replaced by 57 at WBMO Chatham. Pacific Missile Range, Barking Sands, Hawaii Patrick AFB, Fla. B81 1081 Range support. Patuxent River NAS, Md. II WB operates 41 at NAS late FY- 70 to replace 57 at WBO Wash- ington, D.C. S to Fort Belvoir, Va.. WBO Richmond. Va.. WBO Baltimore. WBFO Suitland, WB Hdq. Silver Spring, and Andrews NAF in FY-70. 68 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS PRES. NET. LOC. EQUIP. 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Pease AFB. N.H. 77 Pensacola NAS, Fla. X 41 IOT USN S to NAASS at Saufley Field, Whiting Field, Ellyson Field, WBO Pensacola, and WBO Mo- bile, Ala. Synoptic Network func- tions. Perrin AFB, Tex. X 77 Peterson Field, Colo. X 77 Synoptic Network functions until FY-71. Replaced by 57 at WBMO Limon. Pittsburgh AFB, N.Y. X 77 WB S to WBO Burlington, Vt. Synop- tic Network functions. Pope AFB, N.C. X 9 Synoptic Network functions. Quonset Point NAS, R.I. X 41 BIOX WB S from 41 at Chatham, Mass.; 41 transfers to WB, FY-70. Ramey AFB, P.R. X 77 Randolph AFB, Tex. X 77 Reese AFB. Tex. X 77 WB S to WBO Lubbock. Richards-Gebaur AFB, Mo. X 77 Robins AFB, Ga. X 77 Roosevelt Roads NAS, P.R. B81 1081 Saufley Field NAAS, Fla. X IOX USN S from 41 at Pensacola NAS. Scott AFB, 111. X 9 Selfridge AFB, Mich. X 9 69 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS- •continued DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS Remote REMARKS Transmitter 69 70 71 72 73 Provided By Sewart AFB, Term. X 9 Base closes April 1970. Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C. X 77 Shaw AFB, S.C. X 77 Sheppard AFB, Tex. X 77 WB S to WBO Wichita Falls. Synoptic Network functions. South Weymouth NAS, Mass. X BX I OX WB S from 41 at WBMO Chatham. Tinker AFB, Okla. X 9 Travis AFB, Calif. X F WB Local F from 57 at WBO Sacramento. Tyndall AFB. Fla. X 77 Vance AFB, Okla. X 77 Vandenberg AFB. Calif. X 77 1077 Webb AFB, Tex. X 77 Synoptic Network functions until FY-70. Replaced by 57 at WBO Midland. Westover AFB, Mass. X 77 WB S to WBO Hartford. Conn. Whiteman AFB, Mo. X 9 White Sands. N. Mex. X BV 4rmy S from 77 at Holloman AFB. Whiting Field NAAS, Fla. X I OX USN S from 41 at Pensacola NAS. Williams AFB, Ariz. X BX IOX WB S from 77 at Luke AFB. Willow Grove NAS, Pa. X BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBO Atlantic City. N.J. Wright-Patterson AFB. Ohio X 9 70 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued Boston. Mass. Buffalo. N.Y. DEFENSE— continued LOCATION Requirement pure FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS NET. LOC. EQUIP. 69 70 71 72 73 Wurtsmith AFB. Mich. X 77 WB S to WBO Alpena and WBO Houghton Lake. Synoptic Net- work functions. FAA LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Abilene. Tex. X C From obsolete radar decommis- sioned after FY-73. DOC plans S from 77 at Dyess AFB. Albany, N.Y. X C From obsolete radar. DOC plans WSR-72. Amarillo. Tex. X C From 57 at WBO Amarillo. Austin. Tex. X c From obsolete radar decommis- sioned FY-72. DOC plans S from 77 at Bergstrom AFB. Birmingham. Ala. X c From obsolete radar decommis- sioned FY-70. DOC plans S from 57 at WBMO Centreville. X From obsolete radar decommis- sioned FY-70. DOC plans S from 41 at WBMO Chatham. X From 57 at WBO Buffalo. Charleston. S.C. Cleveland. Ohio From 57 at WBO Charleston. X From obsolete radar decommis- sioned after FY-73. DOC plans WSR-72. 71 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS-continued FA A— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Columbus, Ohio X c From obsolete radar. Des Moines, Iowa X c From 57 at WBO Des Moines. Houston, Tex. X WB Television monitor on DOC S from 57 at WBO Galveston. DOC relocates to new airport, early FY-70. Jackson, Miss. X From 57 at WBFO Jackson. Los Angeles, Calif. X WB Local F from Los Angeles ARTCC. Memphis, Tenn. Raleigh, N.C. X X From obsolete radar decommis- sioned FY-70. DOC plans to oper- ate 41 at Memphis NAS with S at WBFO Memphis. Minneapolis, Minn. X c From 57 at WBFO Minneapolis. Mobile, Ala. X c From obsolete radar decommis- sioned FY-71. DOC plans S from 41 at Pensacola NAS, Fla. Nashville, Tenn. X X From obsolete radar decommis- sioned FY-71. Replaced by 57 at WBMO Nashville. From obsolete radar decommis- sioned FY-73. DOC plans S from 57 at WBMO South Boston, Va. Sacramento, Calif. X WB Local F from 57 at WBO Sacramento. Saint Louis, Mo. X From 57 at WBFO Saint Louis. Salt Lake City, Utah X WB Local F from Salt Lake City ARTCC. 72 WEATHER RADAR REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS— continued FAA— continued LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL YEAR PROGRAMS 69 70 71 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Tulsa. Okla. X c From obsolete radar decommis- sioned after FY-73. DOC plans WSR-72. Washington, D.C. X From 57 at WBO Washington de- commissioned FY-70. DOC plans to operate 41 at Patuxent River NAS, Md., with S to various loca- tions but not to WBO Washing- ton. Wichita. Kans. X From 57 at WBO Wichita. Wichita Falls, Tex. X From obsolete radar decommis- sioned after FY-73. DOC plans S from 77 at Sheppard AFB. Windsor Locks, Conn. X From obsolete radar at WBO Hartford decommissioned FY-73 or later. DOC plans S from 77 at Westover AFB, Mass. NASA LOCATION Requirement NET. LOC. - PRES. - EQUIP. FISCAL 69 70 YEAR 71 PROGRAMS 72 73 Remote Transmitter Provided By REMARKS Bay St. Louis, Miss., Mississippi Test Center X 9 BX IOX WB S from 57 at WBFO New Orleans. Cape Kennedy, Fla., Kennedy Space Center X CCTV BX IOX AF WB CCTV remote from 77 at Cape Kennedy. S from 57 at WBO Daytona Beach. Huntsville, Ala., Marshall Space Flight Center X 9 BX IOX WB S from WBMO Nashville, Tenn., and WBMO Centreville. 73 •.'. U. S. CiOVKRNMKNT PRINTING OKKICK : 1070 O - 377-541 PE |ri. S |MM i y. N ir^ RS,TYL| BRAR.ES A 0000 70^33^