A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION - COUNTRY DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES GHANA ISP-30, NO. 2 IOVEMBER 1973 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Social and Economic Statistics Administration • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS INTRODUCTION This is the second in a series of demographic profiles which will present detailed data on individual countries for both a recent census year and the current period. Most readily available sources of demographic statistics contain basic unevaluated and unadjusted data as reported by the statistical offices of the separate countries. Because of age misreporting and under- enumeration in the censuses and registration systems, however, these data often do not reflect the actual structure and trends of the population in the countries. In order to meet a need for up-to-date statistics for individual countries, particularly in the developing areas, these profiles are being prepared to present not only the basic, unadjusted data, but evaluated and adjusted data as well. Due to the general paucity of statistics in the developing countries, many of the cells in the profiles will contain an NA, for data not available. As more information becomes available, many of these cells will be filled and new, updated profiles will be prepared to supersede previous issues. In addition, as noted below, the data in these profiles will be available to interested users through a private, time-sharing computer network, and the contents of the computer files will be periodi- cally updated. It is planned to prepare profiles for the countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia as a first priority, and to undertake the compilation of data for the countries of Europe, North America, and Oceania— where current, reliable demographic data are generally more available— only as a second priority. GENERAL CONTENTS OF THE PROFILES The individual items comprising each profile are listed below, with descriptions of those items for which the meaning or derivation may not be evident. A complete profile for each country contains three arrays of data— base, intermediate, and current— which are pre- sented side by side for ease of comparison. An entry in the profile contains, for each of the arrays, the data, the year to which the data refer, and a code to a source note which is given at the end of the profile. Base data refer to the year of the latest census for which detailed tabulations are available. They have generally not been updated to the most recent census year when only a total population figure is available from that census. Base data are either unadjusted figures or derived from unadjusted figures. Thus, the popula- tion total and age-sex distribution are usually taken directly from the latest census for which detailed results are available. Numbers of births and deaths for the census year are generally from the country's vital registration system or a vital rates survey. Other fertility and mortality items, such as crude birth and death rates, net and gross reproduction rates, and age-specific death rates, are usually calculated from reported, unadjusted data. Intermediate data are usually adjusted base data which also refer to the latest census year for which detailed results are available. For example, the inter- mediate population figures are usually the base popula- tion figures as adjusted for underenumeration and This profile was prepared by William G. Duncan of the International Statistical Programs Center under a participating agency service agreement with the Office of Population, Agency for International Development. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. Price $0.25 age-misreporting. They may be used with similarly adjusted vital statistics to calculate the fertility and mortality measures in the intermediate array. Other items in this array are also adjusted as necessary to provide a corrected census-year demographic profile. Occasionally the base data for a country may be considered adequate without adjustment. When this is the case, reliable unadusted data for a later year may be given in the intermediate array. Current data portray the demographic situation in a given country for the most recent year feasible. They may be estimates made at the International Statistical Programs Center (ISPC), or they may be taken from sources considered to be accurate and reliable. SOURCES Data for the profiles are compiled from various sources, including: (1) Censuses, surveys, statistical yearbooks, journals, and special reports published by individual countries; (2) statistical yearbooks, journals, and special analytical reports issued by the United Nations, including unpublished results of population projections prepared by the Population Division; (3) reports of specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization Produc- tion Yearbook, the International Labour Office Year- book of Labour Statistics , and the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook; (4) reports prepared by other international organizations, such as the Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia; and (5) technical papers prepared for conferences and articles in demographic or statistical journals. Many of the items have been prepared by ISPC for use by the Agency for International Development in various issues of its publication, Population Program Assistance . AVAILABILITY OF PROFILES THROUGH COMPUTER FACILITIES The data in this profile have been entered into the system of a private, time-sharing computer network, the Computer Network (COMNET) Corporation, and as presented here are taken from a computer printout of that system. Profiles for a number of other countries have been— and will continue to be— added to this data base, prior to being published in this series. Staff members of ISPC will periodically update these profiles, as new information becomes available, although older data originally entered in the profiles will be retained in some form. In addition, ISPC is developing plans to provide access to this data file for linkage with methodological and functional computer programs. This would give users the capability of manipulating the data file for such purposes as data evaluation and population projections. Persons or organizations interested in gaining access to these profiles through computer terminal facilities should write directly to the Computer Network Corpo- ration, 5185 MacArthur Boulevard, Washington, D.C., 20016. Detailed instructions on the retrieval of the data are provided in a user's manual which has been prepared by ISPC. Copies of this manual and additional informa- tion about the data files can be obtained by writing the Chief, International Statistical Programs Center, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 20233. LIST OF ITEMS Population Total population Male population Male population by age Female population Female population by age Percent urban, however defined (according to each country's definition, as explained in individual profile notes) Percent urban, 20,000+ (percent of population living in cities of 20,000 or more inhabitants) Population Growth Natural increase (births minus deaths) Rate of natural increase (per 1,000 population) Annual growth (natural increase plus or minus net migration) Rate of annual growth (per 1,000 population) Fertility Total births Crude birth rate (number of births per 1,000 population) Sex ratio at birth (males per 100 females) General fertility rate (number of births per 1,000 women of childbearing age, 1 5 to 49 years) Total fertility rate (the average number of children of both sexes that would be borne per 1,000 women in a cohort of females according to a given set of age-specific birth rates; equivalent to the sum of the age-specific birth rates multiplied by five) Age-specific birth rate (number of births per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Gross reproduction rate (the average number of daughters that would be borne per 1,000 women in a cohort of females starting life together, all of whom lived to the end of the childbearing period, if the cohort bore children according to a given set of age-specific birth rates) Net reproduction rate (the average number of daughters that would be borne per 1,000 women in a cohort of females starting life together, allowing for mortality of some of the women, and assuming that there were no changes in the age-specific schedules of fertility and mortality) Births by age of woman (percent of total births occurring to women in a specified age group) Median age of women reporting births (repre- senting the age whereby one-half the mothers reporting births in a given year are younger and one-half are older) Births by order (percent of total births that are first births, second births, etc.) Median birth order (representing the birth order whereby one-half the births in a given year are of a lower order and one-half are of a higher order) General order-specific fertility rate (number of births of a given order per 1 ,000 women age 15 to 49 years) Child/woman ratio (number of children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women age 15 to 49 years) Children ever born (per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Surviving children (per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Mortality Total deaths Crude death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) Age standardized crude death rate (the crude death rate that results when the subject country's age- and sex-specific death rates are applied to the 1970 age-sex structure of the United States) Infant mortality rate (number of deaths under 1 year of age per 1 ,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (both sexes) Male life expectancy at birth Male region in model life table (selected from four alternative regions as presented in Ansley J. Coale and Paul Demeny, Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations , Princeton University Press, 1966) Female life expectancy at birth Female region in model life table (see note above for male region) Male age-specific death rate (number of deaths per 1 ,000 males in a specified age group) Female age-specific death rate (number of deaths per 1 ,000 females in a specified age group) Male net migration by age (a minus sign indicates net emigration) Female net migration by age (a minus sign indi- cates net emigration) Marriage Female age-specific marriage rate (number of marriages per 1 ,000 women in a specified age group, based on vital registration data) Married women by age (percent of all women in a specified age group who are married, based on census data) Mean age at marriage, females (based on the more reliable of the above two measures, as specified in the source notes for each profile) School Enrollment Primary school enrollment rate, local (percent of children in a specified age group actually enrolled; varying age groups defined in notes of individual profiles) Primary school enrollment rate, U.N. (unadjusted total primary school enrollment as a percent of population age 5 to 14 years, as reported in the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook) Labor Force Labor force participation rate (economically active population of both sexes as a percent of total population age 15 to 64 years) Male labor force participation rate (see note above for both sexes) Female labor force participation rate (see note above for both sexes) Labor force in agriculture (as a percent of total labor force) Male labor force in agriculture (percent) Migration Total net migration (a minus sign indicates net emigration) Density Total land per person (acres) Agricultural land per person (acres) a o o a a> a t5 20-34 3164 3 5-J9 3654 40-44 3526 45-t9 3661 5C-54 * NA MA TCTAL DcAThS 9J010 1%0 AH 16 02 90 1S6 AM 168951 1971 AQ CRUOE LtATF RAT. 14.4 I960 AH 24.0 196C AM lb.C 1971 A3 mGc STANCARJIZcl CRUDE CEATF RATE NA NA MA INFANT ^CRTALITY KATc 113.1 1960 AH LIFE EXPECTANCY «T ii.UF NA 160.0 I960 AK 39.60 1960 AM 122. o 1970 4J 48. uC 1971 AR MLE LIFE EXPECT/!iMC» AT L'IRTF NA MALE REOICN IN MCJEL LIFE TAbL'i NORTH 19b0 Al FEMALc LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH NA 38.10 1960 AM NOPTII 1960 AI 41.20 I9 60 AM 46.34 1971 AP NORTH 19/u .,1 4 9.63 1971 AR FcMALc RtGIOM IN MOCcL LIFE TAtiLE NORTH 19oC Al NORTH 1960 AI NORTH 19 70 AI PALE mOE-SPtCIFIC CEATH RATE UNDER 1 NA 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 4C-4 4 45-<«9 50-54 55-59 6G-o4 65-69 70-/4 75-79 8C* 186.1 I960 AY 142.5 1971 AY 39.6 27.5 12.5 9.0 0.4 4.7 7.2 5.d 10.2 8.1 1C.7 8.6 11.5 9.2 13.1 10.4 15.8 12.4 19.0 15.2 23.9 19.6 31.3 25.6 43.4 36.5 62.7 53.8 96.4 83. C 143.9 126.2 250.3 253.7 GHANA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current FEMALE AGE-SPECIFIC CEATH RATE UNDER 1 NA 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 2C-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 7C-74 75-79 8C + 159.2 I960 AY 121.1 1971 AY 37.6 26.1 12.3 8.7 6.5 4.7 6.8 5.2 8.0 6.2 9.3 7.1 10.7 8.3 12.3 9.4 13.5 10.6 14.8 11.8 18.2 14.9 24.8 20.1 36.2 30.0 55.1 46.4 85.1 72.7 127.0 111.5 247.8 239.8 TCTAL NET MIGRATION NA NA NA MALE NET MIGRATION BY AGE NA NA NA FEMALE NET MIGRATION BY AGE NA NA NA FEMALE AGE-SPECIFIC MARRIAGE RATE NA NA NA MARRItD HCMEN BY AGE (t) NA NA NA MEAN AGE AT MARRIAGE (FEMALES) NA NA NA PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT RATE (LOCAL) NA NA NA PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT RATE (UN) 32.0 1960 AF NA NA LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE 40.5 1960 AG NA NA MALE LABCR FORCE PA3TI C IPAT ICN RATE 49.3 196C AG NA NA GHANA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued FEMALE LABCR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE 31. 4 I960 AG LABOR FCRCE IN AGRICULTURE (?) 58.0 I960 AG PALE LABCR FCRCE IN AGRICULTURE U) 59.6 I960 AG TOTAL LAND PEP PERSON (ACRES) 8.665 I960 AX AGRICULTURAL LANC PER PERSCN (ACRES) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.C09 1960 AX NA 6.166 1972 AX NA * - CATA INCLLOED IN PREVIOUS CATEGORY. SOURCE NOTES: AA- PGPULATICN ON M*RCH 20» 1960t FROM 196C POPULATICN CENSUS OF GHANA (CENSLS OFFICE, 1964). DATA DO NOT INCLUDE ADJUSTMENTS FOR OVERENUMERATICN ESTIMATED TO BE APPROXIMATELY 1.6 PER CENT. CHlLD/hCMAN RATIC CALCULATED AT ISPC. AB- CALCLLATEC AT ISPC BY SLETRACTING DEATHS FROM BIRTHS. AC- UNITED NATICNS DEMOGRAPHIC YEARBCCK 1962. CATA APE FRCM A VITAL STATISTICS REGISTRATION AREA COVERING ABOUT 16 PEP CENT OF THE TOTAL POPULATION, ANC ARE NCT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENTATIVE OF THE LARGER POPULATION. TOTAL BIRTHS AND GENERAL FERTILITY RATE CALCULATED AT ISPC BY RELATING CRLDE BIRTH RATE TC MID-YEAR POPULATION ESTIMATED BY UPDATING MARCH 20, 1960 CENSUS POPULATICN AT 1948-1960 AVERAGE ANNUAL INTEK- CENSAL GPCWTF RATE OF 4.2 PER CENT. AC- CALCULATEC AT ISPC ESTIMATE OF A QUASI IN 196C," BUREAU OF POST-ENUMERATION SU CF WOMEN, ASSUMING THEIR AGE IS THE SA AGE GROUP RATHER Th TOTAL BIRTHS CALCUL ADJUSTED TOTAL PGPU YEAR AT ADJUSTED 19 RATE OF 3.2 PER CEN AND PRESENTED IN PETER GARDINER, "AN -STABLE AGE-SEX DISTRIBUTION FOR GFANA THE CENSLS WORKING PAPER NO. 33, 1972. RVEY CATA ADJUSTED FCR AGE MISREPOPTING THAT THE FERTILITY OF WOMEN WFC MISREPURTED ME AS THE AVERAGE FERTILITY CF TFEIR TRUE AN THAT OF THE GRCUP THEY WERE REPORTED IN. ATED AT ISPC BY RELATING BIRTH RATE TO LATICN UPCATED FRCM MARCH 20, I960 TO MID- 48-1960 AVERAGE ANNUAL INTEPOENSAL GROWTH T. AE- ADJUSTED BY ISPC FOR ESTIMATED 1.6 PER CENT OVERENUMERAT I ON , AND FOR AGE M I SP EPORT ING. METHODS EMPLOYED ARE DESCRIBED IN PETER GARCINER, "AN ESTIMATE OF A CUASI-STABLE AGE-SE* DIS- TRIBUTION FOR GHANA IN 1960," BUREAU OF THE CENSUS rfOKKING PAPER NJ.3J, 1S72. AF- UNESCO STATISTICAL YEARBCCK 1968 AG- ILOt YEARBCCK QF LABOR STATISTICS, 1970. AH- CALCULATEC AT ISPC FRCM CATA IN UMTEC NATICNS CEMOGRAPHIC YEARBCCK 1964. TOTAL DEATHS CALCULATED AT ISPC BY RELATING CRUDE CtATH RATE TO 1960 CENSUS POPULATICN UPCATED TC MID- YEAR LSING UNADJLSTED 1948-1960 AVERAGE ANNUAL INTERCENSAL GROWTH RATE CF 4.2 PER CENT. THE DATA ARE FRCM A VITAL STATISTICS REGISTRATICN AREA COVERING ABOUT 16 PER CENT OF THE TOTAL POFJLATION, ANC ARE NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LARGER POPULATION. AI- WILLIAM BRASS AND ANSLEY COALt, "METHCCS CF ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATION," PAGE 89 IN ERASS ET. AL. (EDS.), THE DEMOGRAPHY CF TROPICAL AFRICA. AJ- CALCULATED <3Y ISPC FROM THE COALE AND DEMENY MODEL LIFE TABLES. AK- ESTIMATED BY S. K. GAISIE USING CHILD SURVIVAL RATES AND COALE AND OEMENY REGIONAL MODEL LIFE TABLES. SEE HIS "ESTI- MATION OF VITAL «ATES FOR GHANA," POPULATION STUDIES, VOL. 23, NO. 1 (1969). AL- FRCM POPULATION CENSUS TAKEN MARCH 2C, 1960. URBAN IS DEFINED AS LOCALITIES OF 5000 OP MORE INHABITANTS. AM- ESTIMATEC AT ISPC USING CHILD SURVIVAL DATA FROM THE POST ENUMERATION SURVcY AND COALE AND CEMENY REGIONAL MODEL LIFE TABLES. FOR CALCULATIONS SEE PETER GARDINER, "AN ESTIMATE OF A QUASI-STABLE AGE-SEX DISTRIBUTION FOR GHANA IN 1960," BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WORKING PAPER NO. 33, 1972. TOTAL CEAThS CALCULATEC AT ISPC BY RELATING ADJUSTED CRUDE DEATH RATE TO ADJLSTEC I960 CENSUS PGPULATICN UPCATED TO MID-YEAR USING ADJUSTED 1948-1960 AVERAGE ANNUAL INTERCENSAL GROWTH RATE OF 3.Z FER CENT. AN- CALCULATEC AT ISPC FROM CATA IN UNITED NATICNS DEMOGRAPHIC YEARBOOK, 1965. THE CATA ARE FRCM A VITAL STATISTICS REGIS- TRATION AREA COVERING ABOUT 16 PER CENT OF THE TOTAL POPULA- TION, ANC ARE NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LARGER POPULATICN. AO- THE NATIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC SAMPLE SURVEY, 1968-69, VOL. 2A , GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SAMPLE POPULATION, DEMO- GRAPhlC UNIT, DEPARTMENT CF SOCIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF GHANA. URBAN IS CEFINEC AS LOCALITIES OF 50C0 OR MORE INHABITANTS. AP- TOTAL POPULATICN ESTIMATE FRCM AGENCY FCR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, POPULATICN PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 1972. JANUARY It 1972 ESTIMATE UPCATEC TO MID-YEAR USING 3.0 PER CENT ANNUAL RATE OF NATURAL INCREASE. TOTAL POPULATICN OF 8,559,313 ACCORDING TO POPULATION CENSUS OF MARCH 1, 1970 IS NOT USEC AS A BASIS FCR THE ESTIMATE BECAUSE THIS CENSUS HAS NCI YET BEEN EVALUATED. AGE-SEX CONFIGURATION FOR MIC-1972 IS A 1970 UNITED NATIONS MEDIUM VARIANT PROJECTION FRCM AN UNPUBLISHED COMPUTER PRINTOUT WHICH IS THE CATA BASE FOR UNITED NATIONS WORKING PAPER NO. 30, "^GRLD PCFULATICN PROSPECTS 1965-85, AS ASSESSED IN 1968." 10 <<.- BIRTH ANC CEATH KATfcS ARE CURRENT ESTIMATbS FROM AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, FOPULATICN PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 1972 TOTAL BIRTHS, T3TU DEATHS, AND GENERAL FERTILITY RATE CALCU- LATED AT ISPC 8Y RELATING THESE RATES TO MID-1971 POPULATION ESTIMATED BY REVERSING JANUARY 1, 1972 POPULATION USING 3.0 PER CENT ANNUAL RATE OF NATURAL INCREASE. AR- TOTAL LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH FRCM AGENCY FOP INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, POPULATION PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 1972. MALE AND FEMALE LIFE EXPECTANCIES CALCULATED AT ISPC USING ADJLSTED 1960 SEX RATIO 4T BIRTH AND NORTH MUCEL LIFE TABLES. AS- CALCULATE: AT ISPC USING CATA FRCM THIS PROFILE. GRR DE^lVEC FRCM TFR FUR THE APPROPRIATE YEAR AND ADJUSTED SEX KATIO AT BIRTH CF 1C2. NRR CALCULATED USING AGE-SPECIFIC BIRTh RATES FUR THE APPROPRIATE YEAR, L(X) VALUiS FRCM NORTH MODEL LIFE TABLES, ANC AOJUSTEC SEX RATIO AT BIRTH CF 102. AT- AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, PCPULATICN PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 1972. URBAN IS DEFINED AS LOCALITIES CF 5CC0 OR MORE INHABITANTS. AU- THE NATIONAL CEMCGRAPHIC SAMPLE SURVEY, 1968-69, VOLUME 1, GENERAL REPORT. CEMCGRAPHIC UNIT, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF GhANA. AGE-SPECIFIC BIRTH RATES FOR 1967-68 ADJUSTED SLIGHTLY FCR CCMPAT IB IL ITY WITH CRUDE BIRTH PATE PRESENTED IN THIS PROFILE. AV- CALCULATEC AT ISPC FRCM AGE-SEX DISTRIBUTION AND AGE- SPECIFIC EIRTH RATES FOR ThE APPROPRIATE YEAR PRESENTED IN THIS PROFILE. AW- CALCULATEC AT ISPC FROM DATA PRESENTED IN THIS PROFILE. AX- CALCULATEC AT ISPC USING LAND CATA FRCM FAO PRODUCTION YEARBOOK 1966, ANJ POPULATION CATA FCR THE APFRCFRIATE YEAR FROM THIS PROFILE. AY- ESTIMATED AT ISPC USING M(X) RATES FRCM MODEL LIFE TABLES REGICN NORTH, ACJUSTED FCR COMPATIBILITY WITH CRUOi CEATH RATE FCR THE APPROPRIATE YEAR PRESENTED IN THIS PROFILE. A U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973—542-650/1109 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE DIVISION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Washington, DC 20402 OFFICIAL BUSINESS FIRST CLASS MAIL