ENERGY RELATED INVENTIONS PROGRAM A Joint Program of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STATUS REPORT OCTOBER 1985 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS OFFICE OF ENERGY-RELATED INVENTIONS GAITHERSBURG, MARYLAND 20B97 r STATUS REPORT OF THE ENERGY-RELATED INVENTIONS PROGRAM AS OF OCTOBER 1, 1985 I. BACKGROUND The Office of Energy-Related Inventions (OERI) was established within the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) under the terms of Section 14 of the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974. Section 14 directs NBS to "give particular attention to the evaluation of all promising energy-related inventions, particularly those submitted by individual inven- tors and small companies for the purpose of obtaining direct grants" from the Department of Energy (DOE). A separate office was established within DOE to coordinate financial and other DOE support to be provided for inventions recommended by NBS. The NBS and DOE offices together constitute the Energy-Related Inventions Program. II. OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM OPERATION The Energy-Related Inventions Program is jointly operated by NBS and the DOE. Funding is provided in the DOE budget (Conservation and Renewable Energy, Conservation, Energy Conversion and Utilization Technology) with NBS reimbursed for activities approved by DOE. NBS (OERI) is responsible for evaluation of inventions whether submitted directly to OERI or submitted to DOE or other agencies and forwarded to OERI. OERI is also responsible for outreach activities aimed at bringing the Program to the attention of inventors and small businesses. OERI reviews and processes all evaluation requests. Evaluation is based on three general criteria: technical feasibility, potential energy-conservation or supply impact, and commercial feasibility. Inventors are notified of the results of the evaluation in each case. Those inventions which meet the NBS criteria for recommendation are forwarded to DOE for possible support action. Inventions forwarded by the OERI to DOE are recommended by OERI as "tech- nically valid and worthy of consideration for Government support" under the NBS/DOE Inventions Program. The OERI report furnished with the trans- mittal letter explains in detail the advantages of the technology as well as any qualifications of the recommendations such as required testing. It also provides guidance to DOE and the inventor in determining the nature and extent of support to be given. Inventions recommended by OERI may be at any stage of development; some may be conceptual, others at the laboratory testing stage, while others may be in production or may be in the process of being marketed. Support to be furnished will depend largely on what is required to move invention devel- opment forward or to resolve the question of whether development should continue; the latter question is of particular interest where the NBS recommendation is based on data furnished by the inventor and the rec- ommendation is qualified by an expressed need for data validation under controlled testing conditions. U.S.I The intent by DOE in each case is to accept the NBS recommendation and provide the appropriate support. However, there will be (and have been) cases in which DOE cannot or will not provide support. DOE attempts to reach agreement between the inventor and DOE on nature and extent of support within constraints. Constraints include the capabilities of the inventor and/or the company involved, possible duplication of prior or existing DOE-funded efforts, availability of private sector support, and DOE fund limitations. It should be noted that no further technical evaluation is performed by DOE, beyond that of NBS'. DOE does reserve the right to question and reject the NBS recommendation and to restrict support because of policy and/or funding considerations . Each case is decided on the basis of individual merit and need. If DOE decides to support the invention, support can include: a grant, a contract, or direct assistance of a technical or business nature. DOE's objective is that, at the completion of this support, the inventor will be In a position to do one or more of the following : - Compete effectively in obtaining contracts from other sources (including existing government programs) , to permit further development of the invention. - Assemble, with confidence of success, the people and capital necessary to produce and market products derived from the invention through a business enterprise in which the inventor is a major participant. - Negotiate arrangements with an existing company that will develop the inventor's product for commercialization. III. EVALUATION PROCEDURES (NBS) There are three principal steps in the evaluation process used by the National Bureau of Standards' Office of Energy-Related Inventions. In the first step, Disclosure Review and Analysis, invention disclosures are either accepted or rejected for evaluation, depending upon whether or not the invention is within program scope and the disclosure is sufficiently well-prepared to enable evaluation. If accepted, a formal evaluation is initiated. First-Stage Evaluation is a technical screening in which brief opinions are obtained from OERI staff evaluators, other government scientists or engineers, or consultants or contractors. If the invention is rated as "promising" in this first-stage, Second-Stage Evaluation is initiated. ("Promising" means the invention seems to be technically feasible, have significant energy conservation or supply potential, and is economically and commercially practical.) In Second-Stage Evaluation a more in-depth analysis is conducted, resulting in a formal report. If Second-Stage Evaluation confirms the finding of "promising," the disclosure and evaluation results are forwarded with a recommendation for Government support to DOE. Throughout the process, the inventor is kept informed of the status of the evaluation. When evaluation is complete after either first-or second-stage, a letter of notification is sent to the inventor reporting the results of the evaluation. If Second-Stage Evaluation had been conducted, a copy of the second-stage invention review is also sent to the inventor. IV. SUPPORT PROCEDURES (DOE) Upon receipt of a recommendation from NBS, DOE contacts the inventor, provides details of the support procedures, and requests a statement as to the nature and extent of support desired, generally in the form of a proposal or grant application. The DOE invention coordinator works with the inventor in proposal preparation to ensure effective review of support options and to develop a satisfactory statement of work and support plan. Decisions are then made on whether or not support will be provided as well as on the nature and extent of the support. If financial support is to be provided, DOE initiates procurement action, monitors progress of the procurement action, and helps to expedite until the award is made. While financial or other support is being provided, the DOE invention coordinator monitors and assists the inventor's effort. He also maintains a status report for use by both DOE and NBS. The following computerized report from OERI lists each recommendation by OERI and briefly describes its status as of September 30, 1985. Status is described in terras of the following steps in the DOE support process : Analysis I Recommendation received from NBS and processed, file initiated, etc. Inventor requested to submit description of proposed work. Receipt of inventor's preliminary proposal initiates next stage. Analysis II Formulate options for support , based upon input from NBS , DOE program staff, and inventor. Determination of the feasible options initiates next stage. Decision Phase Statement of Work derived from above options. Inventor requested to submit supporting documents for procurement action. Prepare purchase request. Other Assistance National Laboratory testing, or business planning assistance, sometimes leading to a grant award. Procurement Step-by-step processing of all documents leading to an award of grant or contract. Award Inventor awarded grant or contract. Work commences. Final report due at end of work period. No Basis For Inventor notified that sources of support within DOE have DOE Support been investigated, but recommendation will not be supported, e.g., inventor not interested, no area of appropriate DOE support could be identified, conflict with other DOE contractors being supported. Complete Inventor has complied with all the requirements of his Statement of Work, and/or DOE assistance in this program is terminated. V. SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES National Innovation Workshops (NIW) This project was initiated in early 1980 as a means of informing inventors about the Program and increasing the percentage of higher-quality inventions submitted to OERI. Another objective of the Workshop series is to assist inventors (thus to stimulate innovation in general) by putting them in touch with their community resources and by providing practical instruction in the various elements of the innovation process. Workshops are conducted in a standard format as 2-day seminars. On each day a plenary session and a luncheon session feature national-level speakers on invention and Innovation. Three 1-1/2 hour periods each day then are designated in which 8 to 10 concurrent Workshop sessions are conducted. The Workshops are organized as regional activities by a committee composed of representatives from such regional organizations as universities, venture or other financing groups, private sector institutions concerned with tech- nological innovation, state and local government agencies, patent law associations, etc. Federal involvement is restricted to provide guidance and financial support. The federal role is catalytic in nature in that Workshop feasibility is demonstrated with the expectation that the regional committee will continue Workshops and similar activities in the future without federal involvement. Twenty-nine NIWs have been held to date. Others scheduled are: Salt Lake City, Utah - November 15-16, 1985; Honolulu, HI - December 6-7, 1985; Newark, New Jersey - March 21-22, 1986; St. Louis, MO - May 9-10, 1986; and New England in the Spring of 1986. Attendance has averaged about 250 inventors and small businesses. Commercialization Planning Workshops (CPW) This series of workshops was initiated in June 1984 as a mechanism for providing direct and immediate assistance to inventors recommended by NBS. Each workshop brings together a group of 10-14 recommendees for a three day meeting with a "faculty" of six workshop leaders who are selected on the basis of their expertise in at least one aspect of innovation (business planning, marketing, finance, licensing, etc.). Workshop attendance is restricted to the recommendees and the faculty. The three day meeting is devised to provide a concentrated educational/informative experience for each recommendee; travel and other meeting expenses are paid for by the Government. The objective in each case is for the recommendee to develop, with the aid of the faculty, a detailed plan for commercialization of his invention. The plan then serves as the principal basis for the DOE office to conduct their initial review of the recommendation (Analysis I) . Three workshops were held during calendar 1985 in Tucson, AZ; Leesburg, VA; and Seattle, WA. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation DOE Inventor Number Name Recommendation Status Listing Deta i I s pp 1-163 I nvent i on Title Sta t e or Count r y Status Page 1 Millard Graves 2 Rita Paleschuck 3 Donald C Erickson 4 Joseph C Yater 5 George C Austin 6 Albert 6 Csonka 7 Oav id V i r I ey 8 Vincent E Carman 9 fllvin M Marks 10 Harrison Robert Woolworth 11 Rona Id H Sm i th 12 Frank R Summa 13 Ranendra K Base 14 Daniel J Schneider 15 Dante A Raponi 16 John U Bruce 17 Dav i d W Day I e 18 G R Fitterer 19 Ualter J Hasselmam Jr 2D Thomas P Hopper 21 Robert S Norr i s 22 Herbert G Lehmann 23 Int J l MGD Companies 24 Drew U Mar r i s 25 Donald C Erickson 26 Seymour Jarmul 27 R J Jones 28 Gil bert Ul D i d i on 29 Kenneth E Mayo 30 Leopold Pessel (Dec'd) 31 James C Uithers 32 Robert A Caughey 33 Joseph B Vogt 34 Hal Ellis 35 Gulab Chand Jain 36 Richard P Gingras 37 Lawrence E Bissel I 38 John McCa I I urn Demand Metering System MD for Electric Energy Fue I Miser Hydrogen Generation by Oxidation-Reduction of Tin Power Conversion of Energy Fluctuations Diesel Engine Conversion System Micro-Carburetor Hydraul i ca I ly Powered Waste Disposal Device I ner t i a I Storage Transmission Heat /E I ectr i c Power Conversion via Charged Aer oso I s Scrap Metal Preheating So I ar Co I I ector High Frequency Energy Saving Device Anti-Pol lution System Aer ody nam i c Lift Trans I ator Es tacron Vacuum Drying Osmotic-Hydro Power Generation Control of Low Carbon A I urn i nun Steels Rigid Board Insulation Ther ma I Shade Waste Oil Utilization System Fuel Burner Attachment Microgas Dispersions Can and Bottle Crushing Apparatus Sulfur Removal From Producer Gas Compact Energy Reservoir Waste Heat Utilization* Commercial Cooking Ul traf lo Tuned Sphere Stable Ocean Platforms Removing Sulfur Dioxide From F I ue Gases Ceramic Rotors and Vanes Wood Gas Reactor Temperature Indicating Dev i ce Delphic Thermogenic FL Pa i nt Solar Pond System India Computerstat CT Hotwater Engine CA Reduct i on OH Vo I a t i I i za t i ons No DOE Support NY Comp 1 ete MD Comp 1 ete MA Comp 1 ete CA Complete NY Comp 1 ete CA Comp 1 ete OR Comp 1 ete NY Comp 1 ete UA 'Camp 1 ete CA Comp 1 ete NY Comp 1 ete LA Comp 1 ete TX Comp 1 ete NC Camp 1 ete SD Comp 1 ete VA Camp 1 ete PA Camp 1 ete NY Comp 1 ete NH Camp 1 ete MA Camp 1 ete CT No DOE S MI No DOE S Comp I ete MD Camp 1 ete NY Complete CA Camp 1 ete OH Comp 1 ete NH Camp 1 ete PA Comp 1 ete VA Award NH Comp 1 ete MI Comp 1 ete Comp I ete No DOE Support Comp I ete Nd DOE Support Comp I ete ID ID 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 IB 19 19 DOE Inventor Number Name 39 4D 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6D 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 James H Law I er Roland P Sou I e William F Ar m i tage i Jr. Everett Mi I lard S i dney A Parker Leon La za r e Joe W Fouj I er David J Secunda Robert M Arthur Uei-ner E Howa I d Uayne S Boa I s Rober t Camer on R i chard B Bent I ey Robert G Landry (Dec'd) Harry E UloDd Paul H Schweitzer (Dec J d) Richard D 8. Chester Palone W i I I i am P Bou I et Rober t H U i ek en Char les M Kirk Bernard Zimmern William H Cone Willing B Fou I ke Thaddeus Pap i s Thomas LoG i ud i ce Sha I om Maha I I a Lee A Henningsen Philip Zacut o James A Browning Leroy M Bissett Enoch J Durbin Kenneth A Stofen Ar I e i gh Wa ng I er Joe Agar Me I v i n H Sachs G R Fitterer R i char d Jab I i n Donald R Ross James W McCord Robert McNe i I I Invent i an Title Lawler Steam Generator Blue Water Gas Photovoltaic Device by Sol id Phase Growth Flue Baffle Assembly Ther ma I Gradient Utilization Cycle New Working Fluids far Absorption Heat-Pump Bulk Cure Tobacco Barn Thexon Dehydration Wastewater Aeration Power Control Device Howa I d Combustor Automatic Control System tor Water Heaters Scotsman Fuel Energizer Thermal Efficiency Construct i on A i r Wedge High-Efficiency Water Heater Opt i m i zer Electrical ly Heated Sue ker-Rod Flexafla-The Wet Fuel Dr yer X-5 Smoke El iminator A Multiple Spark System Using Inductive Storage Volumetric Gas Turbine Electric Transport Ref r i gerator Fuel Preparation Process Tapered Plate Annular Mat r i x F I uor obu I b Maha I I a Process Watt Vendor Heat Extractor Hydraul ic Power for W i ndm ills He I i ca I Screw Compressor Ionic Fuel Control Compressor Heat-Recovery Sys tern Knight Guard Petro-Plant Waste Gas Bo i I er INTECH Fuel Ce I I Coke Quench i ng The Ross Furnace Var i ab I e Hea t Refrigeration System Sys tern for High Efficiency Power Generation from Low Temperature Sources State or Country Status Page " CA No DOE Support 20 NY No DOE Support 20 MA Na DOE Support 21 IL Comp 1 e te 21 TX Comp 1 ete 22 CT Camp 1 ete 22 NC Camp 1 ete 23 NJ Comp 1 ete 23 WI Comp 1 ete 24 OH Comp 1 ete 24 CA Na DOE Support 25 IL Comp 1 ete 25 NY No DOE Support 26 ME No DOE Support 26 LA Comp 1 ete 27 PA Comp 1 ete 27 AR No DOE Support 28 LA Comp 1 ete 28 MN Complete 29 FL Comp 1 ete 29 France No DOE Support 30 IA Camp 1 ete 30 DE Comp 1 ete 31 CA Complete 31 NY Comp 1 ete 32 AZ Comp 1 ete 32 PA Comp 1 ete 33 NY Comp 1 ete 33 NH Award 34 VA Other Assistance 34 NJ Comp 1 ete 35 WI Complete 35 CA No DOE Support 36 TX No DOE Support 36 MI Comp 1 ete 37 PA Comp 1 ete 37 NC Comp 1 ete 38 TX Camp 1 ete 38 KY Comp 1 ete 39 79 Marvin L Wahrman 80 Patsie C Campana Oi We I I Bit Insert Improved Unf ired Refractory Brick CA CA OH No DOE Support Camp I ete No DOE Support 39 40 40 DOE Inventor Number Name 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 8? 70 91 92 93 C R i chard Pan i co Robert L Ul I r i ch Charles James Bier Kenneth Ul Od i I Char les G Ka I t Douglas MacGregor Rue I Car I ton Terry Alex Rutshein, et al Henry E Allen Clinton Van Winkle James Al len Bagby John L Car ro I I Edward H Shelander 94 Ul i I I iam M F i oR i to 95 Va I Berto i a 96 Floyd R Anderson 97 James W McCord 98 James L Chill 99 Oscar Uleingart 100 Michael F Zi nn 101 Sharad M Dave 102 Frank C Bernhard 103 Edwin E Eckberg 104 Esk i I L Kar Ison 105 Al len D Zumbrunnen 106 James L Ramer 107 Ping-UIha Lin 108 Pau I J Cromwe I I 109 H. W. Kennick 110 Karl H. Bergey 111 John C Haspert 112 Paul Zanoni 113 Henry J Ua I I ace 114 Renato Monzini 115 Clyde G Phillips 116 Roy J Weikert 117 John Mattson 118 Roderick L Smith 119 Eldon L Asher Invention Title Flash Polymerization Coo I Air I nduc t i on Vertical Solar Louvers Kinetic Energy Type Pumping System Dielectric W i ndowshade Coke Desu I fur i za t i on Recovering Uranium From Coa I I n-S i tu System-100 Continuous Casting Process and Apparatus Gra in Dr yer Mine Brattice Tr i -Water She I ander-Burrows Process for Recovery of Metal I ic Values from Sme Iter Emissions Lantz Converter Omn i -Hor i z onta I Axis-Ulind Turbine Leavel I > Pneumatic Precussion Tools and Sys terns Water Drying System Process Development to Conserve Energy and Material Bearings Light Weight Composite Tra i I er Tubes So I ar o I I Control led Combustion Eng i ne Method of Burning Res i dua I Fue I Oil in D i st i I late Fue I Oil Bu r ne r s Low Vo I tage Ionic Fluorescent Light Bulb Low Continuous Energy Mass Separation System High Frequency Furnace Deep Shaft Hydro-Electric Power Waste Products Reclamation Process Processing Recovery of A I urn i num Hydrostat i c Meat Tender i zer Improved Windpower Generating System Haspert Mining System Pump Wallace Mold Additive System New Energy-Saving Tire for Motor Vehicles Refrigeration System Model 5000 ASEPAK System "Solarspan" Prism Trap Energy Adaptive Control of Precision Grinding Air Ratio Controller (AERTROL) Sta t e or Country Status Page MA Comp 1 ete 41 NM Comp 1 ete 41 VA Complete 42 TX No DOE Support 42 MA Comp 1 ete 43 LIT Comp 1 ete 43 CO Comp 1 ete 44 IA Comp 1 ete 44 NY Comp 1 ete 45 NE No DOE Support 45 KY Comp 1 ete 4 6 OR No DOE Support 46 GA Comp 1 ete LI CA Comp I ete PA No DOE Support AR Comp I ete KY Complete OH Award CA Comp 1 ete NY Comp 1 ete MI Comp 1 ete MO Comp 1 ete Milan, I No DOE Support DE Comp I ete OH No DOE Support MA Complete I L Comp I ete 47 49 48 49 49 50 sc 51 51 ID Comp 1 ete 52 PA Comp 1 ete 52 UT Comp 1 ete 53 M0 No DOE Support 53 IN Comp 1 ete 54 NY Comp 1 ete 54 OR Comp 1 ete 55 OK Camp 1 ete 55 CA Comp 1 ete 56 CT Awar d 56 PA Comp 1 ete 5? FL No DOE Support 57 58 58 59 59 60 DOE I nvent or Number Name Invent i on Title State or Count r y Sta t us Page 12D Robert Zartar i an 121 James B Whitmore 122 Mi chae I D Leshner 123 J Paul Pemsler 124 Char I ton Sad I er 125 Frank U Ba i I ey 126 Kar I D Schef ter 127 J D Seader 128 J D Seader 127 James E Kess I er 13D Arnold R Post 131 Edgar R Jordon 132 Michael Knezevich 133 F J Perhats 134 John C Rupert 135 M Hossein Khorsand 136 Albert S Richardson, Jr 137 H Roy Weber 138 Gerald R Seeman 139 Louis L Marton 140 U E Mattson 141 Samue I Sh i ber 142 Anatol Michelson 143 Robert A C lay 144 Robert C Saunders, Jr. 145 Robert E Salomon 146 Sy I va i n J Pirson 147 Henry Keep, Jr. 148 Leonard A Duua I 147 Ogden H Hammond 150 Edward U Midlam 151 Yao Tzu Li 152 David S Majkrzak Vapor Heat Transfer Commercial Griddle Solar Space Heating tor both Retrofit and New Construct i on Lean Limit Controller Comminution of Ores by a Lou-Energy Process Solar Collector The Turbulator Burner System Vac I a i m Process and Apparatus to Produce Crude Oi I from Tar Sands Continuous Disti I lation Apparatus and Method Super U System - Snap Strap Furnace Input Capacity Tr i mm i ng Sw i tch Valve Deactuator for Internal Combustion Eng i nes Process for Reclaiming and Upgrad i ng Thin-Wa I led Mai leable Waste Mater i a I AUTOTHERM Car Comfort System Expanded Polystyrene Bead Insulation System Point Focus Parabol ic Solar Collector U i ndamper A Portab I e Po I I ut i on Free Automob i I e Inc i nerator Phantom Tube Transformer With Heat D i ss i pa tor Counter Flow Dual Tube Heat Exchanger New Hydros tat i c Transmission Process tor Heat less Production of Hal low I terns Oil We I I Pump Jack SpaC i re Space C i r cu I at i on Fan Solar Conversion by Concentration Cells with Hydr i des Line Integral Method of Magneto -El ectr i c Exp I ora t i on Railroad Switch Heater Reclaimation of Oil and H i gh-Grade Iron Concentrates from Steel Mill Wastes SCOTCH - (Simple, Cos t-Et f ec t i ve , Optimum Temperature Control for Hous i ng ) Utilization of Oil Waste in the Manufacture of Port land Cement Fi Im Type Storm Window Vehicle Exhaust Gas Warm-up System MA MI NJ MA FL NJ NY UT UT KS PA MI IN MA Award 6D No DOE Support 61 Camp 1 ete 61 Comp 1 ete 62 No DOE Support 62 Comp 1 ete 63 Comp 1 ete 63 Comp 1 ete 64 Camp 1 ete 64 Comp 1 ete 65 No DOE Support 65 Camp 1 ete 66 No DOE Support Comp I ete 66 IL Camp 1 ete 67 MN Camp 1 ete 67 CA Comp 1 ete 68 MA Comp 1 ete 68 HI Award 67 CA No DOE Support 67 CA No DOE Support 70 MN Comp 1 ete 70 IL Comp 1 ete 71 FL Comp 1 ete 71 CA Award 72 MD No DOE Support 72 PA Comp 1 ete 73 TX Comp 1 ete 73 CT No DOE Support 74 OH Comp 1 ete 74 75 LA Comp 1 ete 75 MA No DOE Support 76 ND Comp 1 ete 76 DOE Inventor Number Name Invention Title State or Country Sta tu5 Page 153 Car I E Pear I 154 Forrest E Chancel lor 155 James M Cleary 156 James J Do I an 157 Albert L McQu i I len. Jr 15B Paul F Pugh 15? U i I I i am D Gram I i n9 160 Leon Lazare 161 Anthony A duPont 162 Lemuel Les I ie Ply 163 Dennis D Howard 164 John D Gi I I 165 Wu-Chi Chen 166 Robert F Evans 167 Edward B Connors 168 Spencer Kim Haws 169 Merv i n W Mart i n 170 Thomas R Mee 171 Karakian Bedrosian 172 Edward A Griswold 173 Bill Bur ley 174 E Nathaniel 175 Den M Acres 176 John D. Finnegan 177 Robert John Starr 178 John U North 177 Char les E Edwards 180 R i chard E Dame 181 Esk i I L Kar Ison 182 Robert F Evans 183 E. Stephen Mi I iaras 184 Nathan Gold 185 Cec i I H Llol f 186 Sy I va i n J Pirson A New Equipment Design Concept tor Storage of Hot Foods Rotating Horsehead for Pump i ng Un i t s Slip Mini ng D i rect-Current Electrical Heat -Treatment . Magnasea I Method and Means for Seal i ng Steel Ingot Casting Molds to Stools. Energy Conservative Electric Cable System Non-Tubing Type Gas Powered Lift Device High Efficiency Absorption Refrigeration Cyc I e duPont Conne I I Energy Coal Gas i f i ca t i on Process Tubular Pneumatic Conveyor P i pe I i ne Thermotropic Plastic F i I m s Elastomer Energy Recovery Elements Process tor Recovering Hydrogen from H2S Borehole Angle Control Vaned Pipe for Pipel i ne Transport of Sol ids The Hot Water Saver MIRAFOUNT Fog System - Low Energy Freeze Protection for Agr i cu I t u r e A Method of Preserving Fruits and Vegetables without Refrigeration GEM E I ectrostat i c F i I t rat i on System Ther ma I Ice Cap Skate on Plastic Ice Skating Sys tern A Low-Energy Carpet Back i ng Sys tern Se I f -Con ta i ned Portable Sol id Fuel Furnaces The Solar I Option Process and Apparatus for Producing Ce I I u I a ted Vitreous Refractory Mater i a I Development and Commercialization of Low Cost Nan-Metal lie. Solar Sys terns Adjustable Solar Concentrator (ASC) The Karlson Ozone St er i I i zer Improved Seal for Geothermal Drill Bit Increased Vapor Generator Feature Coasting Fuel Shutoff Insulated Garage Door Oi I Recovery by In-Situ Exfoliation Drive CA CA No DOE Support Ana lysis MA Award CT Comp I e te PA CA MA Comp I e t e CA Awa r d MD Comp 1 ete CT Comp 1 ete Awa r d Complete MD Comp 1 ete PA Comp 1 ete CA Awa r d MA Comp 1 ete CA Ana lysis IL Ana lysis TX Ana lysis 77 77 78 78 7? 79 80 BO 81 TX Comp 1 ete 81 PA Comp 1 ete 82 MD Comp 1 ete 62 TX Complete 83 TX Awa r d 83 ID Comp 1 ete 84 WA Comp 1 ete 84 MO No DOE Support 85 CA Analysis 85 NJ Comp 1 ete 86 CA Complete 86 PA Comp 1 ete 87 MO No DOE Support 87 GA Comp 1 ete 88 MN Decision Phasfi SB VT Comp 1 ete 89 GA Comp 1 ete 89 90 9C 91 91 92 92 93 93 DOE I nventor Number Name 187 Lew i s U Parker 186 John C Haspert 18? Gerald Eastman 19D Ul N Lawless 171 M i I tan Pravda 192 Donald C Lewis 193 Nicholas Archer Sanders 194 Oscar Leonard Doe I Iner 195 Edward L Barrett (Dec'd) 196 John A East i n 197 Robert F Kar I icek 198 Robert H Nea I y 199 John Hunter 200 Shao-E Tung 201 Louis A Hausknecht 202 Yao T 2 u Li 203 Morris R Jeppson 204 Raymond P Holland Jr 205 Char I es B James 206 Jonathan Gabe I 207 Frank L Anderson 208 Norman C Faw I ey 209 John U Yount 210 LI oyd Flat land 211 Robert F Evans 212 Louis E Govear 213 C lyde F Kauni tz 214 Dona Id E Ul I se 215 R i chard Jab I i n 216 Richard F K i I ey 217 Curtis J Tanner 218 Uiltord Dean Tannehill 219 Thomas M Meshbesher 220 Charles A Schwartz 221 Rudolf Iverson 222 Dona I d R Thomas 223 Ruel Carlton Terry Invent i on Title Variable Field Induction Motor Remote Control led Underground Mining System Pump Jack Oxygen-Conduct i ng Mater i a I and Oxygen-Sens i ng Method Rotary Heat Pump Air Condi t i oner Closed Cycle Dehum i d i f i cat i on Clothes Dryer Engine Heating Device Radiant Energy Power Source for Jet Aircraft Proportional Current Ba t ter y Manufacture of Nitrogen Ferti I izer on a Farm Frequency Regulator The Thermatreat System Rotary Coal Combustor and Heat Exchangers Remova I of Sulfur Dioxide from Stack Gas Hydraulic; Variable! Engine Valve Actuation System Uobb ling Type Disti I lation Apparatus Microwave Methods and Apparatus for Paving The Induction Propel ler Energy Efficient Arc Welding System Electromechanical Energy Conversion Devices Glass Sheet Manufacturing Method Fuel Transport Modules Reclaiming Process tor Resin Treated Fiberglass Ultra High Speed Dr i I I i ng Dev i ce Shock Mounted Stratapax Bi t Ua ter Ua r den The Kaunitz Process for Ue I d i ng Pipe Convertible Flat/Drop Tra i ler Slag Waste Heat Bo i ler Semiconductor Element Mount i ng Jointless Tape for Oi I Ue I I Pumps Behemoth Method for Mak i ng Aceta I dehyde from Ethano I Deep Throat Resistance Ue I der Stra i nercyc I e Louver Trombe Solar Storage Un i t Minimizing Subsidence Effects during Production of Coal In Si tu State or Country Status FL Ana lysis CA Comp 1 ete OK Comp 1 ete OH Comp 1 ete UA Award ME Complete VT Awar d AZ Comp 1 ete IL Awa r d NE Comp 1 ete CA Comp 1 ete PA Ana lysis Scot I and Award MA Award OH Comp I ete MA Comp 1 ete CA Comp 1 ete NM No DOE S MO No DOE S CA Award UV Ana 1 ys i s CA Awar d NC Awa r d CA Awa r d TX Award CA Comp 1 ete MI Ana lysis OR NC MA CA TX DE OH NY VT CO Award Dec i s i on Phase Award No DOE Support Other Ass i stance Award Awar d Other Assistance Other Assistance Award Page 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 98 99 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 103 104 104 105 105 106 106 107 107 108 108 109 109 110 110 111 111 112 DOE Inventor Number Name 224 Jack D Ha i I e (Dec'd) 225 Thomas C Edwards 226 Stewart Ryan 227 Norman C Faw I ey 228 Meredith C Gourdine 229 Edward M Tourtelot (Dec'd) 230 Donald C Erickson 231 Guy R B El I iott 232 Kenneth R Kurple 233 Dan i e I A Lock i e 234 Douglas E Wood 235 Jay E Ort 236 Ranald E Brandon 237 Dav id E Hicks 238 Harry E Wood 239 Jack Ulinnick 240 Jay R Royston 241 Richard J Gay 242 Donald Shuler 243 Edward J Sommer; Junior 244 Charles E Robinson 245 Thomas Ne i I Parker; Junior 246 Juan M Garcia; Junior 247 Nathan Cohn 248 Thorvald G Granryd 249 Patrick S Suiihart; Senior 250 Hugh Edwin Whitted III 251 Victor R Thayer (Dec'd) 252 William C Whitman 253 Anthony Peters 254 Daniel Douenias 255 Arthur F Stone 256 Evert S Green 257 R i chard H Baasch 258 Anthony T Ra I I i s 259 Wi I I iam A Jones I nuent i on Title Haile Alter nate Fuel Grain Dr yer ROVAC Hi gh Eft ic iency Low Pressure Air Conditioning System An Electronic Leak Detecting System CRM P ipe EGD Fog Dispersal System Variable Valve-Timing Mechan i sm Absorption Heat Pump Na tura I Gas from Deep-Brine Solutions Method of Separating L i gn i n and Mak i ng Epox i de-L i gn i n Mounted Steerab I e Ripper Geodes i c So I ar Paraboloid Single Stage Anaerobic Digestion Process Steam Turbine Packing R i ng Hicks Alter-Brake System Clothes Dryer Automatic Shut-Off Desu Iturizing Gas Mixtures Al I Steam Heated Sadiron for Commercial Use Po I ysu Ifide Oil Field Corrosion Control System New Petersburg Beam Trawl A I urn i num Rich Concentrate from Mun i c i pa I Was te CHARLIE I mpr oved i I U)e I I Pump i ng Un i t Max i mum Cruise Per tor mance Improved Control of Bulk Power Transfers Dyna-Bite Traction Intensifier Subsurface Flow Control for Gas We II s A System to Adapt Diesel Engines for Crude Oi I Low Energy Disti I lation Process Ther ma I Bank High Performance Heat Pump "Jur bo-G I a" Immersion Fur nace Method and Apparatus tor Sc rubbing Gas Plant Irrigation Method Method and Apparatus tar Me I t i ng Snow Corrosion Protection Process tor Bore Hole Too I Hydrostatic Support Sleeve and Rod - Gas Re I ease Probe State Count or *y Status NE Awar d FL Ana lysis OK Ana 1 ys i s CA Award NJ Procurement IL Ana lysis MD Award NM Awa r d MI Awa r d Page 112 113 113 114 114 115 115 116 116 CA No DOE S jppor t 117 WA Award 117 PA Award 118 NY Awar d 118 CO Award 119 LA Awar d 119 GA Awar d 120 CA No DOE S jppor t 120 TX Awar d 121 AK Award 121 TN Comp 1 ete 122 CO Awa r d 122 OK Award 123 CA Ana lysis 123 PA Awar d 124 IL Award 124 TX Awa r d 125 NC Ana lysis 125 DE Ana lysis 126 NJ Awa r d 126 NJ Award 127 NY Awar d 127 NJ Decision Phase 128 NY Other Assistance 128 NE Awar d 129 TX CA Awar d Awa r d 129 130 DOE Inventor Number Name Invent i on Title State or Country Status Page 260 Edward S Kress 261 Pau I E Braceg i rd I e 262 Kai-Chih Chang 263 Uli I I iam Tunderman 264 Donald F Othmer 265 John U) Richardson 266 Dan Egos i 267 Shang-I Cheng 26B Harold T Sawyer 269 Richard J Avery> Junior 270 Shi h-Ch ih Chang 271 Uli I I iam B Reta Mick 272 Robert M Roeg I i n 273 Julius Cza ja 274 Nathan E Passman 275 Don E Avery 276 Robert E Salomon 277 Guy C Dempsey 278 James M Stewart 279 Douglas R Reich Method and Apparatus tor IL Hand ling and Dry Quench i ng Coke Awar d 280 Andrew Ul Marn Junior 281 Arthur D Sams 282 Eugene Tippmann 283 Tom Atterbury 284 Anthony N Fresco 285 Hermann Ernst 286 Momtaz N Mansour 287 Don J Marsha I I 286 Norman L Dickinson 289 Marc S Caspe 290 Jerry Aleksandrow 291 Jerry Tagtagl i no 292 Thomas F Francovitch 293 Randel I D Ba I I A New Apparatus for Making Asphalt Concrete Energy Saving Pump and Pump i ng System Method for Reconditioning Rivetless Cha in Links Desu I f ur i za t i on of Coal Liquid Treatment for Growing Vegetation Energy Conversion Method Gasification of Coal and Solid Ulas t es Apparatus for Enhancing Chemical Reactions Refrigerant Accumulator and Charging Apparatus Method of Energy Recovery for Wastewater Treatment Hydrogen Storage System V-Plus System Open Cycle Latent Heat Eng i ne Flexible Lighting Low Head - High Volume Pump PA Other Ass i stance UIA Award IL Other Assistance NY Awa r d LA Award I srae 1 Other As NJ Awar d CA Ana lysis TX Ana lysis WA Award PA Award Uli Pr ocur ement NY Ana lysis I L Ana lysis HI Ana lysis Gas Concentration Ce I Is PA as Converters of Heat into Electrical Energy 294 Car I L Ster ner Electronic Conveyor Control Apparatus Complete System for Large Solar Water Heating and Storage Method and Means for FL Preventing Frost Damage to C r ops Downho I e and Above OK Ground Resistance Heating for Paraffin El i m i nat i on Sun Synchronous Solar CA Powered Refrigerator Insulated Siding Aluminum Roofing Chips Atomized Oi 1-InJected Rotary Screw Compressors Ring Seals tor Ra i I road Ax I e Bear i ngs Use of Pulse-Jet for Atom i zat ion of CWM Automatic Variable Pitch Ma r i ne Propeller DIPAC and MODIPAC An Earthquake Barrier Low Energy Ice Making Appa ra tus Selective Zone Isolation tor HVAC System Roof Construction Having Membrane and PhotD Ce I Is "Therm-A-Valve" - Insulated Va I ve Cover i ngs Highway Power Patcher CA Awa r d VA Ana lysis SC Award Awar d Awa r d Award IN Awar d OH Award NY Procurement MN Ana lysis MD Ana lysis MD Awa rd CA Ana lysis CA Ana lysis IL Ana lysis TX Ana lysis MD Awar d OK Ana lysis Awa r d 130 131 131 132 132 133 133 134 134 135 135 136 136 137 137 138 138 139 139 140 140 141 141 142 142 143 143 144 144 145 145 146 146 147 147 DOE Inventor Number Name Invention Title State or Country Status Page 295 J Pau I Perns I er 296 Raymond Hunter 297 E M Ta I bott 298 David L Swartz 299 William R Trutna 3DD James McArthur 301 Don E Avery 3D2 John H Burk 303 Nicholas Archer Sanders 304 Deborah D Chung 305 Harold L Bowman 306 John U Ack ley, III 307 Andrew Wortman 30B Jay Read 309 Robert N Rose 310 Robert M Hunter 311 Herbert D Easterly 312 Ray L Jones 313 Frank J Madison II 314 Mav Klein 315 Ra I ph A Mess i ng 316 George B Clark 317 Bernard L Sater 318 Louis A Joo 319 Shao-E Tung 320 Shang-I Cheng 321 Phi I ip H Gi ttord II 322 Maurice W Lee, Junior 323 Dav id M Id i I der 324 Gene S Cox 325 Forrest M Pa I mer Improved Method of MA Electroplating Aluminum for Corrosion Resistance Shower Bath Economizer TN Series (Two-Uire) MD V-Contro Mer Three/Tenths Degree OH Kelvin Closed Cycle Refrigeration System Process for Using TX Cocurrent Contacting Distillation Column Casing Stabb i ng Appa rat us Pump Control System for W i ndm ills Rock Impact Breakers Battery Heating Device Exfol iated Graphite Fibers Automatic Fi Iter Network Protect i on An Efficiency Computer for Heated or Air Conditioned Buildings Vortex Generators for CA Aft Regions of Aircraft Fuse I ages Binary Azeotropic, Hot IN Gas, Fat Extraction Process Process of Smelting with Submerged Burner Portable Wastewater Flow Meter i ng Dev i ce Auxi I iary Truck Heater The "Jones AWT" Process Control I er for St r i pper Oil We I I Pump i ng Un i ts F i Iter Apparatus Method of Processing Biodegradable Organic Mater i a I Thrust Impact Rock Sp I i tter Edge-I I I un i nated Multi-Junction Structures 8. Components Title: Fue I Miser Contact: Rita Paleschuck Inventor: Rita Paleschuck State/Country: NY Company: Flair Mfg. Corp. Description: The device is an attachment which can be used to retrofit a room thermostat with a synchronous motor-driven clock timer and an aux i I iary heating element to enable it to have a temperature set-back cycle. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Jul 14, 1975 Comp I et i on Date ■ Jul IS, 1976 Received by DOE from NBS > Feb 19, 1976 Status: Complete Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Summary: No research and development required, since the device is on the market. A generic brochure was written and pub I Ished on the "need for automatic temperature setback.' Extensive distribution was accomplished through DOE's Office of Public Affair's "supermarket handout" program and General Services Administration's Consumer Information Center. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page ■ Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 3 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig Contact: Donald C Erickson Director of Research OERI # 3 DOE Program Off: FE Energy Concepts Co. 17D4 South Harbor Lane Category: Other Natural Sources Annapo I is MD 21401 301-266-6521 Title 1 Hydrogen Generation from Producer Gas by Oxidation-Reduction of Tin Inventor: Donald C Erickson Patent App I i ed For State/Country: MD Company: Energy Concepts Co. Description: A new approach to the generation of tonnage hydrogen from carbonaceous fuels. Two reactions! steam with tini whereby hydrogen is produced) and the reduction of the tin oxide produced in the first reaction back to tin. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 7. 1975 Completion Date: Mar 18. 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: May 21. 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $80,820 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: A grant of $80>820 was awarded and completed for the grantee to identity the optimum operating conditions) and to do an economic study. Results showed efficiency less than predicted - which in turn> leads to marginal economics. There is a possibility for improvement with more R 8. D . Inventor seeking I icensee. DOE # 4 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Joseph C Yater Autumn Lane OERI * 230 DOE Program Off: ER Lincoln MA 01773 617-259-8544 Category: Direct Solar Title: Power Conversion of Energy Fluctuations Inventor: Joseph C Yater Patent Applied For State/Country: MA Company : Description: A solid state device is claimed that can transfer thermal energy into usable electrical power with high efficiency) by cascading large numbers of such circuits. Significant Dates) Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NB5 : Sep 18) 1975 Completion Date: J un 15) 1977 Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 4> 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $40>400 Development Stage 1 Concept Development Summary: A grant of $40)400 was awarded to define an adequate development plan. The plan was received and reviewed. Subsequent review indicated the scheme to be Incompatible with present state-of-art of micro-device manufacturing. Date: Sep 30 > 1985 Page! Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 5 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: George C Austin Austin Tool Company OERI ft 88 DOE Program Off: CE 223? North Lama Awe. South El Monte CA 91605 Category" Combustion Engines 8. Components 213-442-7338 Title ! Diesel Engine Conversion System for Gasol i ne Engines Inventor: George C Austin State/Country: CA Company: Austin Tool Co. Description: The system is proposed for converting a standard gasol i ne auto engine into a d i ese I eng i ne Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: j U n 30 > 1975 Completion Date: Nov 20 > 1978 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 12, 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $18,000 Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: A grant of 918,000 for a marketing study was awarded, and completed. Significant interest by those surveyed was expressed in the Austin diesel conversion, it they were having their engine rebuilt. DOE # 6 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Albert B Csonka FERRO Tech i nca I Co . OERI * 225 DOE Program Off: CE 109 Larchmont Road Buffalo NY 14214 Category: Combustion Engines 8. Components 716-833-3122 Title: Micro-Carburetor Inventor: Albert B Csonka Patent App I i ed For State/Country: NY Company: FERRO Technical Company Description: A new kind of carburetor which is claimed to be fuel-saving and po I I ut i on-reduc i ng . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 15, 1975 Completion Date: Feb 13, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 17, 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $193,500 Development Stage: Engineering Design Summaryi A fixed price development contract of $193,500 was awarded to bu i Id a working micro-carburetor, sized to fit a late model, standard 350 cubic inch V-B engine. Contract is being administered by Office of Transportation Programs, DOE. Carburetor was tested by NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab and report 8JPL 81-75, August, 1981 shows improvements ranging from 9 to 187. over standard carburetor. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 7 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact" Len Spelber Wastemate Corporation OERI # 387 DOE Program Off: CE 4830 Viewridge Avenue San Diego CA 72123 Category: Miscellaneous 617-272-3122 Title: Hydrau I i ca I ly Powered Waste Disposal Device Inventor: David Virley Patent # 3 7DD 178 State/Country: CA Company: Wastemate Corporation Description: The device is to replace conventional food waste disposal units which are powered by electric motors. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments' Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 10. 1775 Completion Date: Aug 20. 1777 Received by DOE from NBS ' Aug 26. 1776 Status: Complete Award Amount: $28,000 Development Stage: Production & Marketing Summary: A grant of $28,000 was awarded and completed for the grantee to prepare a qua I I f i ed business plan to assist in acquiring the necessary capital funding. The company went public and raised $1.5 million which was used mainly to buy production tools. The company is now in production. Fo I low-on financing desired by grantee. DOE # 8 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Fred Tunmore Advanced Energy Systems OERI # 423 DOE Program Off: CE Unit t»3, 575 Taylor Way Belmont CA 74002 Category: Transportation Systems. Vehicles 8. Components 503-256-1111 Title: Inertial Storage Transmission Inventor: Vincent E Carman Patent # 3 703 676 State/Country: OR Company: Advanced Energy Systems Grant # FG01-81CS15067 Description: The device is a system for improving the efficiency and reducing the fuel consumption of a motor vehicle, ut i I i 2 i ng a regenerative hydraul ic system to store the kinetic energy from deceleration tor use in accelerating the veh i c I e . Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 12, 1775 Completion Date* Aug 31, 1782 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 3. 1776 Status- - Complete Award Amount: $47,541 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Jul 21. 1781 - Aug 31. 1782 Summary: A grant of $47,541 was awarded for final preparation of vehicle to present to EPA far testing. Olsen Corporation has tested the device. Ownership changed recently and financing is at a reputed level of $3.2 million with 7 employees. Product Is available for distribution. Engineering details available from company. Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page' Inventions Recommended -for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 9 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Alvin M Marks Marks Polarized Corp. OERI # 151 DOE Program Off: ER 153-16 Tenth Avenue Uhitestone NY 11358 Category: Miscellaneous 212-767-9600 Title 1 Heat /E I ectr i c Power Conversion via Charged Aerosols Inventor: Alvin M Marks Patent App I i ed For State/Country: NY Company: Marks Polarized Corporation Grant t* EU7B-G01622S Description 1 This device is to convert thermal energy to electric energy without the use at mov i ng parts. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 4; 1775 Completion Date: May 9 . 1979 Received by DOE from NBS •' SeF 13) 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $5D;000 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: A grant of $50>D00 was awarded to construct and test an Electro Gas Dynamics Generator; and then use this device to investigate the condensation charging of a steam jet. This project was fol lowed by a three year project funded by another DOE program; to build and test a lOkw laboratory model of the device; of which the first year funding was $199)077. (The company's work force averages 25 people.) DOE tt ID DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: Harrison Robert Uloolworth International Preheater OERI tt 421 DOE Program Off: CE P.O. Box *88218 Tukwila Branch Category: Industrial Processes Seattle WA 98188 206-852-1992 Title: Scrap Metal Preheating Method and Apparatus Inventor: Harrison Robert Woolworth State/Country: WA Company: International Preheater Description: The device provides a means of extracting waste heat from hat ingots and billets and utilizing this waste heat to preheat scrap steel prior to placing it in an electric— arc furnace. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 11> 1975 Completion Date: Oct 23; 1978 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 29, 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $170;000 Development Stage: Production Engineering Summary: A grant of $170;000 was awarded to design and fabricate hardware; and to operate a system; utilizing waste heat for preheating scrap steel; in a working specialty steel mill. A 20 %> or more energy saving was demonstrated. Steel company interest has developed. Inventor obtained a $360;000 SBA guaranteed loan; has built an operating unit costing $500;Q00 at a steel pant in Knoxvi I le; Tennessee; and has several additional $50D;Q00 units on order. The company employs three people. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 11 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o OERI * 233 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: Solar Collector Contact 1 Ronald H Smith ISO Green Street Sa n Francisco 415-398-6813 CA 74111 Inventor: Ronald H Smith State/Country: CA Company: Solergy, Inc. Grant tt EM7B-G019214 Description: This is a composite extruded aluminum section — incorporating a cylindrical absorption tube that carries the working fluid. The collector surface is in the form of an Archimedes Spiral and a parabolic curve to maximize the collection angle and eliminate the need to reposition the collector. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 9» 1975 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 29. 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount Development Stage: Production Engineering Summar y Comp I et i on Date i $46,884 Nov 19. 1980 Contract Period: May 17, 1978 - Nov 19, 1980 A grant of $46,884 was awarded to Solergy, Inc., to initiate a series of marketing studies to determine the attitudes of Western U.S. manufacturers, distributors and designers, regarding prospects for successful instal lation of passive solar systems in new bu i I d i ngs . Survey results were used by Solergy to aid their marketing and manufacturing plans. Company is now out of business. DOE # 12 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI « 448 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title: High Frequency Energy Saving Device Contact 1 Thomas J Russo 100 Forest Avenue Staten Is land 212-273-0248 NY 10310 Inventor: Frank R Summa State/Country: NY Company: Electrides Corp, Patent App I i ed For Description: This invention consists of a high-frequency generator, to excite one of several fluorescent I ights, replacing the normal ba I last transformer, and allowing the system to operate at substantially higher efficiency. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 28, 1975 Completion Date: Dec 31, 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30, 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $3D,000 Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: A grant of $30,000 was awarded to engage the services of N i es i -F i tzmaur i ce and Associates, Inc., to conduct a marketing study and prepare a preliminary business plan for the purpose of commercial i z i ng the technology. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page ■ Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report Contact: Ranendra K Bose 6728 Carmen Meta i r i e 703-524-6207 Category! Transportation Systems) Vehicles 8. Components DOE * OERI * 13 53 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o DOE Program Off : CE LA 70003 Title: Ant i -Po I I ut i on System Inventor: Ranendra K Bose State/Country: LA Company '• Patent » 3 861 142 Grant « EM77-G014222 Description: This device ut i I izes a high speed turbine to retine exhaust gases and recirculate the unburned portions of that gas to the engine. Jan 3> 197? Significant Dates* Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Jun 3, 1775 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: S ep 30, 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $40,000 Development Stage! Limited Production/Marketing Summary: A grant Df $40,000 was awarded, and a prototype was bu i It and tested. Project goals were met. Final Report was accepted. Inventor plans to seek private assistance tor commercial ization. DOE * 14 DOE Coordinator G K Ellis OERI n 146 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Other Natural Sources Title: Aerodynamic Lift Translator Contact 1 Daniel J Schneider Route #1, Box #61 Just i n 817-430-0174 TX 76247 Inventor: Daniel J Schneider State/Country: TX Company '• Description: This device is a wind-activated power generating system intended to provide large power outputs In regions where the prevai I i ng wind direction does not vary appreciably during the year. The device also has application in low-head hydro . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 15, 1975 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30, 1976 Status' Complete Award Amount: Development Stage: Production Engineering Camp I et i on Date: $50,000 Jan 11, 197? Summary' A grant of $50,000 was awarded to develop performance and cost data tor the "Schneider Aerodynamic Power Generator". The inventor is currently pursuing the hydro application, and asked for program assistance in obtaining venture capital. The translator still requires technical development. Date' Sep 30, 1985 Page i Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE # 15 DOE Coordinator D . Me I I o OERI tt 373 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Estacron Contact: James L Bui lock Suite #403> Minges Building P. 0. Box #7151 Greenvi Me NC 27834 919-752-1138 Inventor: Dante A Rapon i State/Country: NC Company: Estacron International) Inc. Patent App I i ed For Grant # FG01-79IR10221 Description: Estacron consists ot an aggregate of Portland cement) fly ash; stack dust) and polyethlene. It has significant potential as a light-weight and energy-conservative construction material. Sep 28. 1979 Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 28. 1975 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30. 1976 Status: Complete Award Amount: $101,388 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Sep 28. 1979 - Jan 31. 1982 Summary: A grant of $101,388 was awarded to conduct an appl ication engineering and economic analysis of the material. Estacron. in order to assess its material characteristics and to recommend product applications. Results appear indeterminate. Inventor seeks funding for pilot plant design. DOE * 16 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis OERI # 486 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Method and Apparatus for Vacuum Drying of Commodities Contact: John U Bruce West Highway. #16 Mi tchel I 605-996-8335 SO 57301 Inventor' John Ul Bruce State/Country: SD Company ' Patent # 3 914 874 Description: This invention describes a new method of drying commodities, primarily applicable to such grains as corn. rice, and soybeans, by alternately exposing the commodities to dry heated air and to a vacuum. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 10. 1975 Completion Date: Received by DOE tram NBS: Nov 30. 1976 Mar 30. 1981 Status : Comp I ete Award Amount : $52,917 Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Summary: ft grant of $52,917 was awarded to design, fabricate, and demonstrate a device for efficiently drying agriculture commodities. The Montana Energy and MHD Development Institute is managing the technical aspects ot the program. In addition, the inventor received $32,000 to dry whey from a private sector source. Results from al tests appear indeterminate. Inventor is interested in sel I ing or I icensing patent rights and has ceased work on the technology. Date: s S p 30, 1985 Page 1 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE « 17 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: David U. Doyle. V.P. 1 nter techno I ogy Corp. OERI » 619 DOE Program Off: CE 1DD Main Street Uarrenton VA 22186 Category: Other Natural Sources - Title: Osmotic-Hydro Power Generation Inventor" David Ul Doyle Patent App I i ed For State/Country: VA Company: I nter Techno I ogy Corp. Grant *t EG77-G014066 Description 5 The invention uses a reverse osmosis to produce high pressure I i qu i d that can subsequently be passed through a hydraulic turbine to produce electric power. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Jan 21. 1976 Completion Date: May 1. 1978 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 14, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $48>95D Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Aug 11. 1977 - May 1. 1978 Summary: A grant of $48,950 was given tor research and development of membranes suitable for use in a "Osmo-Hydro Power" system. Studies included membrane long-term effects, polarization di lution, and concentration. The research was judged as high qua I i ty by the cognizant DOE program office. DOE # 18 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: G R Fitterer P.O. Box S206 OERI # 177 DOE Program Off: CE Oakmont PA 15139 412-82B-D233 Category: Industrial Processes Title: The Control of the Analysis of Lou Carbon Aluminum Steels Using Oxygen Sensors and Iron-Aluminum Al loy Inventor: G R Fitterer Patent 8 3 773 641 8. Others State/Country: PA Company: Fitterer Engineering Assoc., Inc. Description: The production of Al "ki I led" steel is intended to be control led by the use of Fe-A I al I oys instead of Al and by the use of oxygen probes to control the amounts of Al or oxygen in the melt. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 1. 1975 Completion Date: Sep 14, 1978 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 31, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,600 Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Summary: A grant of $99,600 was awarded for a system to conserve energy by monitoring and control I i ng the amount of oxygen in a low carbon a I urn i nym ki I led steel melt. The system was highly successful . On basis of the success, the steel company involved has initiated a research effort to apply the technology to other ferro melts. The technology is reported to have saved a steel company, doing $18 mi I I ion/yr business from bankruptcy. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBB ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 1? DOE Coordinator D.R.Crai9 Contact: Clair H Reinbergen. Pres . C. P. Chemical Co.i Inc. OERI 8 205 DOE Program Off: CE 25 Home Street Uhite Plains NY 10606 Category: Bu i I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components 914-428-2517 Title 1 Phenol Methalol Foam Rigid Board Insulation Inventor: Ua I ter J Hasselman, Jr Patent App I i ed For State/Country: NY Company: C. P. Chemical Co.) Inc. Description 1 This invention is a urea-formaldehyde phenol methalol modified form insulating board material . Properties are simi lar to others on the market except far its fire retardancy and the low toxicity of its combustion products. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS ' Aug IB. 1775 Completion Date: Sep 13, 1978 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 4, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $29,900 Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: A one-year grant of $29,900 was awarded to study physical properties of proprietary insulating material, and to determine the optimum ratios of base chemicals. The result was a product which maximizes insulating properties while minimizing costs. EPA banning of formaldehyde led to new product that eliminates formaldehyde without sacrificing performance. Court decision on Dec 9, 1982 overruled CPSC regulation, permitting sales. Production facility ready to begin production. DOE 8 20 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Thomas P Hopper 103 Old Loudon Road OERI 8 839 DOE Program Off: CE Concord NH 03301 603-225-7554 Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures &. Components Title: Thermal Shade Inventor: Thomas P Hopper Patent App I i ed For State/Country: NH Company: Insulating Shade Co. Grant 8 EM78-G014268 Description: The device is a multi-layer window shade to be fitted to conventional windows and to retract into a sma I I space -- uses reflective surface coatings and with dead air spaces between the layers to reduce heat transfer. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments! Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 26, 1976 Completion Date: Jan 6, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 28, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $50 > 707 Contract Period: Development Stage: Production Engineering May 17, 1978 - Jan 6> 1979 Summary: A grant of $50,707 was awarded for the investigations and research of sheet material, seal configurations, and assemblies with third party testing. In addition, marketing assistance was suppl i ed by MIT Innovation Center. Product is now being market tested. It is available for licensing. Last reported sales of $20,000 per month with 40 people working 2 shifts. Similar devices are being sold by other compan i es . Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page" 10 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 21 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: Robert S Norris Energy Conservation Systems OERI # 613 DOE Program Off: CE ID Starboard Uay - Box #472 West Dennis MA 02670 Category: Industrial Processes &17-398-3430 Title: Waste Oil Utilization System Inventor: Robert S Norris Patent # 3 DD2 626 8. Others State/Country: MA Company: Energy Conservation Systems Description 1 This invention would utilize existing emulsification machinery to add a mixture of used lubricating oi I and water to fuel oi I used in large power plant boilers. Key point is the use of existing additives in fuel oil to prevent bo i ler tube deposits. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Aug 25, 1775 Completion Date: Mar 30 , 1781 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 28 . 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $50,000 Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Summary- - A grant of $50,000 was awarded tor the purpose of a market survey tor use of waste automotive crankcase lubricating oil as a fuel additive to prevent bailer tube deposits, augment energy availability, and minimize environmental pollution. Utility plants, the prime potential user, were found to have I ittle incentive to purchase the cheaper additive. Product aval lable tor I icensing. DOE # 22 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Herbert G Lehmann OERI * 537 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title: Fuel Burner Attachment Inventor 1 Herbert G Lehmann State/Country: CT Company ■ Description: Device to reduce oil consumption by introducing air to oil stream of the bur ner . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS: Dec 29, 1975 Decision Date: s ep 19, 1977 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 28, 1977 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage 1 Laboratory Test Summary: The Inventor had his device tested without DOE funding by a private contractor and advised DOE that these tests demonstrated his device to be unsuccessful and that he is withdrawing his device from DOE consideration. Date: Sep 30, 19S5 Page: n Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ; OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE ft 23 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o 0ER1 » 751 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Other Natural Sources Title: Microgas Dispersions Contact: James E Luber Inventor: Int ; I MGD Companies State/Country: MI Company: lnt'1 MGD Co. Patent # 3 900 420 Descr i pt i on : Device consists of a motor i pump > bubble machine) and va I ves > uses #2 fuel oil» compressed air> surfactant) to maintain bubbles. Resulting mixture burns I ike natural gas> which burner can use interchangeably) thereby al lowing industrial burners to switch fuels. Can also use sma I I amounts of coal dust in the mixture. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 22) 1975 Decision Date: Oct 24, 1978 Received by DOE from NBS: Status- - No DOE Support Mar 28, 1977 Development Stage 1 Laboratory Test Summary: Brookhaven National Laboratory agreed to test the burner but advised on June 17> 1977, that they were unable to contact the inventor. An attorney representing the company stated in a letter dated November 10, 1977, that he wished to delay al I actions unt i I January 1978 pending resolution of patent related negotiations. On October 24, 1978, DOE advised inventor that support was terminated due to lack of response to repeated inquiries. DOE # 24 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis OERI n 819 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Can and Bottle Crushing Apparatus Contact' Drew U) Morris Inventor 1 Drew U Morris State/Country: Company" Dr ew- i t-Cor p . Patent App I i ed For Description: The invention consists of a portable trailer-mounted device for crushing cans and bottles thereby increasing the density of the scrap, making handl i ng more ef f i c i ent . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS ■ Mar 22. 1976 Completion Date: May 7. 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 30, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $35, 00D Development Stage: Production Engineering Summary: A grant of $35,000 was awarded to construct and operate five mob i le can-and-bot t I e crushers) and assemble data on the machine's efficiency and reliability. No final report has been received. DOE unable to locate the inventor. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 12 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE n 25 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig Contact: Donald C Erlckson Energy Concepts Co. OERI * 2 DOE Program Off: FE 1704 South Harbor Lane Annapo lis MD 21401 Category: Industrial Processes 301-266-6521 Title: Sulfur Removal from Producer Gas-High Temperature Inventor: Donald C Erickson State/Country: MD Company 1 Energy Concepts Company Grant # FGO 1-81CS15QS9 Description 1 The concept envisions the removal of hydrogen sulfide from a high temperature "reducing gas" stream using two scrubbing stages in series; a molten carbonate salt bath and a molten copper bath, each complete with a continuous regeneration cycle. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec ' d by NB5 i May 7, 1975 Completion Date: j u | 9, 1983 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 6. 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $91,032 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Jul 9. 1981 - Jul 9. 1983 Summary: An award of $91)032 was given to conduct a research program to establ ish the technical and economic feasibility of a hot fuel gas desu I t ur i zat i on . Inventor has been successful in generating $4 million follow-on financing on this and DOE #3 . This project has been completed. DOE * 26 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Seymour Jarmul 96 U i ndsor Gate OERI tt 782 DOE Program Off: CE North Hills NY 11040 516-365-9886 Category: Miscel laneous Title: Compact Energy Reservoir Inventor: Seymour Jarmul State/Country: NY Company: Grant 8 EU78-G016499 Description: A room-heating convector which stares energy in eutectic salts and radiates the heat to the room under thermostatic control. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Mar 17. 1976 Completion Date: Oct 26> 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 12. 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $20)740 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Aug 2> 1978 - May 2. 1979 Summary: A grant of $20>74D was awarded for a 9 month project. Inventor designed, constructed and functionally tested a prototype CER suitable for heating a 375 sq.ft. room in a well-insulated house similar to Solar One at the University of Delaware. DOE decided it was not necessary to subsequently subject the device to quantitative tests. A qualitative assessment was given to the inventor for his consideration. Date: Sep 3D. 1985 Page: 13 Inventions Recommended tar DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE » 27 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: R J Jones 2772 Sa I mon Dr i we OERI ft 12D5 DOE Program Off: CE Los Alamitos CA 70720 213-721-2641 Category: Buildings) Structures 8. Components Title: Waste Heat Ut i I i zat i on for Commercial Cooking Equipment Inventor: R J Jones Patent tt 4 084 745 State/Country: CA Company: Hydrocoi I Corporation! Inc. Grant 8 EM78-G031852 Description-' Waste heat utilization for commercial cooking equipment to recover some of the energy in such a way as to avoid interaction w i th grease vapors. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 13j 1776, Completion Date: Mar 25. 1780 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 14, 1777 Status: Complete Award Amount: $65, ODD Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Feb 1, 1778 - Mar 25, 1780 Summary: A grant of 565,000 tor a 7 month project mas awarded. Inventor fabricated two production-ready Hydrocoi ls : one for water, one tor air. Calspan Corporation conducted a series of tests. Research facility of American Gas Association evaluated and provided a comprehensive engineering report. Results of Fa I I '78 AGA tests proved that unit operates as expected. At last report, Inventor had sold three products. Technology is available for licensing. DOE * 28 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Gilbert U Didion OERI tt 161 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Buildings, Structures &. Components Title: Ul trat I o Inventor: Gilbert Ul Didion Patent « 3 668 884 State/Country: OH Company: Ultraf lo Corporation Description: Ultratlo, a hot water energy-saving system for buildings, is a water delivery system controlling temperature and flow by switches, low voltage current, and solenoid va I ves . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: J un 3D, 1775 Completion Date: Oct 24, 1778 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 27, 1777 Status : Comp I ete Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: The invention was tested in California under DOE mission program auspices. The same program provided the inventor with an opportunity for pub I i c i z i ng the technology in a marketing project in Denver in 1777. Inventor has obtained $160,000 in private financing and an additional $200,000 from Federal contracts. Product is now being marketed with I i m i ted success. Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 14 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 29 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Kenneth E Mayo Tuned Sphere Intl.) Inc OERI * 80D DOE Program Off: CE 111 Lock Street Nashua NH 03060 Category' Fossil Fuels Title' Tuned Sphere Stable Ocean Plat-forms Inventor: Kenneth E Mayo Patent *t 3 837 308 8, Others State/Country: NH Company' Tuned Sphere International) Inc. Description: This invention presents a unique design approach for an ocean platform) by which the body's natural tendency to rol I with wave excitation is diminished or of f set . Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ; d by NBS: Dec 1B> 1775 Completion Date: Feb 6, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: May 10> 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $90)000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 30. 1977 - Jun 30. 1978 Summary: An award of $9Q.0D0 was granted for a nine (9) month study program to test vessel models, list pertinent parametric data, produce motion picture evidence of vessel stabi I Ity) and provide reduced graphical data. Completion date was extended to August 1978) at no cost to al low for extension Df tank tests and subsequent data reduction. Final report has been received and accepted. Company obtained an additional $200,000 from R 8. D sales. DOE * 30 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: Ken Walmer AEL-EMTEC Corp. OERI # 482 DOE Program Off: FE P.O. Box #507 Lansdale PA 19446 Category: Industrial Processes 215-822-2929 Title: Method of Removing Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gases Inventor: Leopold Pessel (Deceased) Patent Applied For State/Country: PA Company' AEL-EMTEC Corp. Description: Embodies the scrubbing of flue gases with an aqueous solution of metal salt. Significant Dates) Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Dec 8. 1975 Completion Date: Mar 1. 1983 Received by DOE from NBS: May 17. 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $94,150 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary-* A grant of $94,150 was awarded to 1> conduct a laboratory-scale testing program to further clarify the basic chemical reactions of the process in controlled but real istlc environments, and 2) to provide background material tor an economic analysis of the process. The results appear promising. Now. with the death of the inventor, technology is available tor licensing or outright sale. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page= 15 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE t* 31 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI « 275 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8. Components Title: Ceramic Rotors and Vanes Contact: Richard E Engdah I Deposits and Composites; Inc. 316 Victory Drive Herndon VA 22D7D 703-471-7310 Inventor: James C Withers State/Country: VA Company: Deposits and Composites) Inc Grant » FG01-BSCE15214 Description: Technique for fabricating turbine rotors that uiill operate at high temperatures; thereby making it possible to operate at higher efficiencies. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NB5 ' Sep 1"?. 1975 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May 24. 1977 Status: Award Award Amount: $131,250 Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Apr IS, 19B5 Contract Per i od i May 24, 197B - Summary: A grant ($62,500 for each of two years) was awarded for the grantee to conduct a research program designed to Improve the material properties of his Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) material for use in energy-related applications. A variety of Chemical Vapor Deposition products are resulting. Entrepreneur is interested in licensing and/or forming and financing R 8. D limited partnerships. DOE inventions program is assisting by identifying financial resources. An additional $6,250 was awarded on April 15, 1985. DOE 8 32 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI *» 1174 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Foss i I Fuels Title: Uood Gas Reactor Contact: John C Calhoun, President Forest Fue Is, Inc. P.O. Box #207 Antrim NH 03440 603-876-3353 Inventor: Robert A Caughey State/Country: NH Company: Forest Fuels, Inc. Patent App I i ed For Description: The device produces a fuel gas from wood suitable for use in existing gas or oi l-tired combustion equipment. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 9, 1976 Completion Date: Mar 16, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: May 26, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $49,405 Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: A grant of $49,405 was awarded and completed, to design and bu i Id a gasif ier system to produce gaseous fuel from biomass. The unit is being used to demonstrate the practical use of alternate fuels in existing industrial boiler installations, and is in demonstration service at Forest Fuel Technical Center in Antrim, NH . About 30 units sold at $100,000 to $200,000 each as of Nov, 1982. The business is reported to be successful and employs twenty-five. Date: Sep 3Q, i Components Title: Temperature Indicating Device Inventor: Joseph B Vogt Patent App I i ed For State/Country: MI Company: Grant # FG01-77 I Rl 0272 Description: Device to identify malfunction of steam trap. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1017 Rec ; d by NBS: Apr 17. 1776 Completion Date: Aug 23, 1780 Received by DOE from NBS: May 31, 1777 Status: Complete Award Amount: $10,135 Contract Period: Development Stage: Engineering Design Aug 24, 1777 - Aug 23, 1780 Summary 1 A one year grant of $10,135 was awarded to conduct an engineering development project to test and improve the operation of the inventor's temperature monitoring device. Inventor determined that there is no market for his product. DOE # 34 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Ron Dav i es 4261 Howard Avenue OERI 8 1588 DOE Program Off: CE Kensington MD 20775 301-575-5252 Category: Buildings, Structures 8. Components Title 1 Delphic Thermogenic Paint (Heat Fi Im) Inventor: Hal Ellis Patent ** 3 723 677 8, Others State/Country: FL Company: Thermal Ventures, Inc. Grant tt FG0 1 -B2CE 15147 Description: A thin conductive paint containing crystalline graphite and pigments bonded to a surface such as Mylar with paral lei bussbar connections to 120/220v AC to be used as radiant heating. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 11, 1776 Completion Date: Mar 31, 1783 Received by DOE from NBS: J un 16, 1777 Status: Complete Award Amount: $25,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Production 8, Marketing Sep 30, 1782 - Mar 31, 1783 Summary: A grant of $25,000 was awarded to verity the claim that radiant heating al lows air temperature to be significantly lower than by convection heating, thus reducing bu i I d i ng heat losses with no loss in occupant comfort. An advisory group was formed to determine if additional experiments are required. The results were inconclusive, and no experiments are planned. Existing analysis methods seem adequate. The company has raised $4.5 million through public offering, another $6.2 million by private ventures, employs 50, and has sales to date of $2.3 mi I I ion. Date: Sep 3Q , 1785 Page: 17 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 35 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me II o Contact: Gulab Chand Jain OERI n 336 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title 1 Ut i I ization of Solar Energy by Solar Pond System Inventor: Gulab Chand Jain State/Country: India Company: M/S Metro Rubber Works Description: The proposal is for a solar pond demonstration plant. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS i Oct 23. 1775 Decision Date: Dec 12, 1977 Received by DOE from NBS: J un 23, 1977 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Program has dec I i ned support of this invention because the inventor's proposal does not respond to several significant problems which are inherent in the system. DOE n 36 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Richard P Gingras 41 Kenoria Avenue OERI tt 1283 DOE Program Off" CE Danbury CT 06B10 2D3-792-BB77 Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title 1 Computerstat Inventor: Richard P Gingras Patent Applied For State/Country: CT Company: Dynamic Electronic Control Inc. Grant # EM78-GQ142Q8 Description: Computerstat is a computerized thermostat set-back device that appears to be more energy-conserving than a conventional c I ock-ther mDS ta t . Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Farm 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 4, 1976 Completion Date: S ep 1, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: j un 24, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $65,000 Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Feb 24, 197B - Sep 1, 1979 Summary: Program office awarded a grant of $65,000 to bu i Id, test, and demonstrate the energy saving potential of a microprocessor control led thermostat designed for use in residential and small commercial buildings. Grant also included the design of a computer program to simulate operation in a smal I commercial bu i I d i ng . Company subsequently has gone bankrupt. Concept is now advertised by several companies. Date: Sep 30, 19B5 Page= 18 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE n 37 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OER1 tt 565 DOE Progran 0++= CE Category: Miscellaneous Title: Hotwater Engine Contact: Laurence E Bissel I Inventor: Laurence E Bissel I State/Country: CA Company '• Patent App I i ed For Description 1 The proposal is for the production of mechanical power from I qui grade heat. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Jan 2, 1976 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 5. 1977 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: The DOE program office recommended that the inventor be assisted by providing a special ized, highly sophisticated computer analysis of his device. ER1P requested a proposal to this effect) in October! 1977. To date there has been no response from the inventor indicating the type of device he would like tested) nor giving any specification or goals for the development. DOE # 38 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o OERI # 558 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Reduction Volatilizations Contact: John McCa I I um 5926 Beechvieui Drive Worth ington OH 43085 614-885-8416 Inventor: John McCa I I um State/Country: OH Company i Grant 8 EU7B-G016594 Description: The purpose of this invention is to produce volatile gases> liquids, and combustible coke, by passing pulverized coal through a eutectic molten metal bath of lead and sodium. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Deve I opments i Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Comp I ete Jan 2, 1976 Aug 11, 1977 Award Amount ! Comp I et i on Da te i $49,740 Jul 1, 1979 Development Stage: Prototype Development Contract Period: Aug 28, 1978 - Apr 20, 1979 Summary: A grant of $49,740 was awarded and completed for a 5 month experiment program to study chemical reactions of the process, measure all variables, outline plan for design of prototype plant and examine economic f eas i b i I i ty or large scale production. Ohio State University was the sub-contractor. Final report suggests that process is not economically feasible at this time. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 19 Inventions Recommended far DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 37 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: James H Lauler OERI ** 219 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Lauler Steam Generator and Lauiler System of Thermal Oi I Recovery Inventor-' James H Law ler State/Country: CA Company : Patent tt 3 543 732 Description: A small) high pressure! high temperature) mobile steam generator which can be economically operated at an oil well installation. Significant Dates) Status and Summary of Developments: Decision Date'- Feb 1, 177? Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 27, 1775 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 16) 1977 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Summary: On Feb. 1> 1777) the inventor was advised that DOE would not support his invention as it represented no advance in the state-of-the-art) and because having sold his equipment) he no longer had it avai lable for test. Contact: Roland P Sou I e DOE tt 4D DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis OERI tt 734 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Other Natural Sources Title: Improved Equipment and Process for Production of Blue Water Gas Inventor: Roland P Soule State/Country: NY Company ! Description: The ma in features of the invention are to use automatic valves tor controlling the blue gas process) a square reactor bed with a rotating grate which wi I I give positive ash removal --all of which permits a faster cycl i ng between the "run" and the "blow" of the process. Significant Dates: Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D17 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 8> 177& Decision Date: Jun 12) 1781 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 18> 1777 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: No feasible method of DOE support could be identified. Various options were considered) and several tentative expressions of interest from others were made known to the inventor. He dec I I ned each of them. In his m i d-e i ght i es > he was not interested in personal ly pursuing the development. Nor was he interested in deal i ng with a small company. Also> he disagreed upon the need for establishing economic and technical feasibility. Date: Sep 3D) 1785 Page: 2D Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ; OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE ft 41 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: William F Armitage Jr OERI » 580 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title 1 Fabrication of Photovoltaic Devices by Solid Phase Growth of Semi-conductors from Metal Layers Inventor: Ui I I iam F Armitage; Jr. State/Country: MA Company '■ Description: The purpose of the invention is to provide a more efficient and economical process for fabricating solar eel Is. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec J d by NBS : Jan 12. 1976 Decision Date: Nov 7, 1978 Received by DOE from NBS = Aug 30. 1977 Status-' No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Inventor f a i led to respond to repeated requests for an unso I icited proposal . DOE * 42 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI n 347 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Flue Baffle Assembly Contact: Everett Mi I lard 4030 Irving Park Road Ch i cago IL 312-777-4030 60641 Inventor: Everett Mi I lard State/Country: IL Company: Temperature Heating Control Systems Description: The invention is a baffle device to be inserted in hot air passage of old. sol id fuel-burning furnaces that have been converted to oil. The device increases heat transfer and reduces fuel gas temperature, thereby saving tue Sep 8. 1979 Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 3. 1975 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 23. 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: 430.000 Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: A grant of $30,000 was awarded and completed, to perform a six-task study and survey of existing coal fired heating systems that have been converted to oi I and which may be modified profitably to accept the inventor's energy-Saving flue baffle device. The survey f a i led to show a sufficient number of heating systems to warrant commercial ization of the battle. However, a secondary business developed as a result of the survey, in which the inventor measures flue gases that form basis tor optimizing air/fuel ratio to save energy. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page 21 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Briet Status Report DOE # 43 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI tt 1263 DOE Program Otf> CE Category: Other Natural Sources Title: Thermal Gradient Utilization Cycle Contact: Sidney A Parker S82D Diamond Oaks Dr., S Fort Worth TX 76117 817-834-5081 Inventor: Sidney A Parker State/Country: TX Company: The 21st Century Power Generation Co. Patent * 3 953 971 Grant tt EU78-C-01-6604 Description: The invention describes a new kind of power plant cycle using low grade, low temperature energy which does not need copious amounts of water for its opera t i on . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Jul 23, 1976 Completion Date: Aug 4, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $40,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Sep 16, 1978 - Jan 15, 1980 Summary: A grant of $40,000 tor one year was given to Mr. Parker, with support from Texas A8.M , assessing the technical and economic teasibi I i ty of the thermal gradient uti I ization cycle when app I i ed to selected energy conversion systems. Final report has been received. Inventor wi I I make final report ava i lable to others in the trade and DOE. DOE # 44 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI 8 1357 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Miscel laneous Contact: Leon Lazare 81 U i I I qui Street New Haven 203-776-0256 CT 06511 Title: New Uorking Fluids for Increasing the Cycle Efficiencies of Therma I Inventor: Leon Lazare State/Country: CT Company: Puraq Company Description: The invention is a new type Dt absorption refrigerator Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 24, 1976 Completion Date: May 1, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30, 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $75,000 Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Summary: A grant of $75,000 was awarded to research a dua I -so I vent system tor heat pump application, and to determine phase relationships and thermodynamic properties of certain specific three-component systems. Grant complete. Equipment failed to confirm theoretical predictions but yielded results which led to another invention which was subsequently funded by DOE. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 22 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 45 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Joe W Fowler Carol i na Thermal Company OERI # 1739 DOE Program Off: CE Iron Works Road Route #2, Box #39 Category' Industrial Processes Re i dsv i I I e NC 27320 717-342-0352 Title: Bulk Cure Tobacco Barn with Improvements Inventor: Joe U) Fowler Patent App I i ed For State/Country: NC Company: Carol i na Thermal Company Grant *t EM78-G014254 Description: The tobacco curing barn is a trailer-like structure that is fitted with a roof-top solar col lector; a recouperator formed by the double root structure; and the entire structure well insulated on all external walls and floor. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec ' d by NBS ' Jan 19; 1777 Completion Date: J un 1, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 20; 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $54;980 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k e t i ng May 31; 197B - Jun 1; 1979 Summary: A grant of $54;980 was awarded to manufacture; instal I on-site; and demonstrate a new type tobacco curing barn. Test data confirm this type barn yields significant energy savings compared to earl ier designs and present industry standards. Final report has been received and accepted as meeting al I the requirements of the grant. The business was not successful because; the inventor claims; of institutional bar r i er s . DOE 8 46 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: David J Secunda 90 Prospect Hi I I Avenue OERI «* 679 DOE Program Off: CE Summit NJ D7901 201-277-4475 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Thexon Dehydration Inventor: David J Secunda Patent App I i ed For State/Country: NJ Company : Description: The process uses mechanical methods to reduce a I iquid; containing the product to be dried; to a \jery fine spray of droplets; which are then carried to an air stream at ambient temperature; pressure and humidity so that some unidentified phenomenon; possibly surface evaporation; can cause crystal I i zat i on . Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Feb 4; 1976 Completion Date: Aug 1; I960 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep Z3; 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $47;660 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: A grant of $47;660 was awarded tor the grantee to contract with TRU to make exploratory holograms and do some I imited analysis; in order to assess the nature of the phenomena. The work has been completed; and the phenomenon found to be evaporation; but which occurs at room temperature without the del iberate addition of any external heat. Inventor is not presently pursuing the development of this techno'ogy and would be interested in considering I i cens i ng opportunities. Date: Sep 30; 1985 Page: 23 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 47 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Robert M Arthur 548 Pra i r ie Road OERI tt 1773 DOE Program Off: CE Fond du Lac UII 54935 414-922-6970 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Wastewater Aeration Power Control Device Inventor: Robert M Arthur Patent tt 3 74D 32D 8. Others State/Country: UI Company: Arthur Technology) Inc. Description: An on-line respirometer to measure the oxygen demand of microorganisms in waste waterj and to regulate the power required for supplying the oxygen needed to keep the organisms al i ve . Significant Dates > Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 7, 1977 Completion Date: j un 26> 1981 Received by DOE from NBS : Oct 2S . 1977 Status: Complete Award Amount: $5B>200 Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: A grant Df $5B>2D0 was awarded and inventor was successful in developing a low-cost) less sophisticated model of an energy-saving on-l i ne respirometer for use in wastewater treatment plants. Grantee has about $2 . 5M out in proposals. Response has been slow from municipal i t i es but good from industry. At last account) inventor was doing $0.5 mill ion/yr business! in 5-7 years> inventor estimates $25 mi I I ion. DOE tt 48 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Uerner E Howa I d OERI tt 197 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8, Components Title: Howa I d Combustor Inventor: Werner E Howa I d State/Country: OH Company '■ Description: A fuel nozzle and chamber that pre-mixes air and fuel for more efficient) and less polluting combustion in aviation and automotive gas turbines. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: j u | 10, 1975 Completion Date: Feb 8. 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 9> 1977 Status: Complete Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: MIT Innovation Center provided inventor with technical review and analysis of support possibilities. MIT determined that the combustor designs were engineering improvement) not patentable. The scale of laboratory testing required to develop jet-engine combustors is beyond the scope of this program and is not being pursued in any DOE laboratory. Inventor was referred to private consulting firm which special i zes in combuster design. Date: Sep 30 > 1985 Page: 24 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' 0ER1 - A Brief Status Report DOE « 49 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o OERI # 1172 DOE Program Oft' CE Category! Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Automatic Control System tor Water Heaters Contact: Wayne S Boa I s Inventor: Wayne S Boa I 5 State/Country: CA Company '■ Description: Invention is a valve to shut oft mater heater energy source, and to shut off cold water input in the event of a burst tank. It may also be applicable to solar systems . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec ; d by NBS: j u | 22) 1976 Decision Date: Sep 197B Received by DOE from NBS: Status: No DOE Support Oct 31. 1977 Development Stage: Production Engineering Summary: DOE determined that the device offered I itt'e or no direct energy saving potential A manufacturer of valves dec I i ned an offer of the technology citing marketing studies indicating poor sales potential. Program office stated that solar heating system appl ication was ineffective as conservation device. Development of s in i lar devices is now being pursued by others. DOE tt 5D DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI # 94 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8> Components Title: Scotsman Fuel Energizer Contact 1 Robert Cameron Scotsman Automotive Corp. 855 Ster I i ng Avenue. Suite 88 Palatine IL 60067 312-991-5770 Inventor: Robert Cameron State/Country: IL Company 1 Scotsman Automotive Corporation Patent ft 3 934 569 Description 1 An accessory screen to atomize fuel in carbureted internal combustion engines. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Camp I ete Jul 2. 1975 Nov 23, 1977 Awa r d Amount ■ Comp I et i on Da te i $74,579 Jul 11, 1978 Development Stage: Production &. Marketing Summary: A grant of $74,579 was awarded to the grantee to determine the principles of operation and to measure overal I fuel saving performance of the device. DOE determined, based upon the findings and conclusions of the Inspector General , the grant to be fraudulently obtained and that al I funds must be returned to DOE. Grantee has been notified. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page! 25 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOF # 51 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI * 1116 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs ; Structures 8. Components Title: Thermal Efficiency Construction Contact: Richard B Bent I ey Inventor: Richard B Bentley State/Country: NY Company > Description: A method for building on energy-efficient residence; incorporating a counterfloui heat exchanger; doub I e-uia I I insulation; and other unique features. Copyright plans sold under license. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments' Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 19; 1976 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Dec ZQ , 1977 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: I n July '78 inventor advised DOE of his intention to prepare a proposal. Nothing has been received to date. Inventor reported he had spp I i ed for a grant under the Appropriate Technology Program. DOE support cannot be considered without a proposal from the inventor; or his or her agent. DOE # 52 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis OERI » 172 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems; Vehicles 8. Components Title: Air Wedge Contact: Sherman R Jenney Inventor: Robert G Landry (Deceased) State/Country: ME Company : Patent # 3 74D 32D Descr i pt i on : The device is an aerodynamic drag device for use with trucks; mounted on the front face of the tra i ler or the cargo box. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS = Aug 13; 1975 Decision Date: Nov 28; 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 21; 1977 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: On November 28; 1979; the inventor was advised that there is no basis for DOE support because there are devices already instal led on trucks on the highway; which accomp I ish the same purpose. Date: Sep 3D; 1985 Page: 26 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 53 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 2D7D DOE Program Oft i CE Category: Bu i I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: High Efficiency Water Heater Contact: Harry E Wood 6465 Oak land Dr i ue New Or I eans 504-488-7853 LA 70118 Inventor: Harry E Wood State/Country: LA Company: Harry E Wood 8. Assoc. Patent App I i ed For Description: A direct contact) gas-fired hot water heater that can extract the latent heat of the water vapor formed during combustion. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 15. 1977 Completion Date: Mar 1, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Status > Complete Dec 23, 1977 Award Amount i $72,600 Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: A grant of $72,600 was awarded to instal I a direct contact gas fired hot water heater in a new 210-unit apartment bu i I d i ng > and measure the system characteristics, efficiency and reliability. The results of this DOE support, and some free publicity on a national CBS program shortly thereafter, have material ly assisted the inventor in marketing the technology. At last account, Kemco Co., Milwaukee, exclusive licensee, had sold 67 units (altogether saving 0.5 billion cu-ft gas/year), 48 in the last year, at $30,000 each, with 30 more on order. DOE * 54 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o OERI # 1355 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines & Components Title: Opt i m i zer Contact: Edward Perry Sikes, Jr. Optimizer Control Corp. Suite #104, 201 Burnside Pkwy Burnsvi Me MN 55337 612-894-3610 Inventor: Paul H Schweitzer (Deceased) State/Country: PA Company: Optimizer Control Corp. Patent « 3 974 412 8. Others Grant # EU78-GD16602 Description' A closed-loop electronic ignition tor automobile engines. Spark advance is optimized for maximum power output, and minimum fuel consumption. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Aug 25, 1976 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 11, 1978 Status : Comp I ete Award Amount i Comp I et i on Date: $BB,B95 Jun 15, 1981 Contract Per i od ' Development Stage: Working Model Sep 1978 Jun 18, 1981 Summary: A grant of $88,895 tor one-year program was awarded and completed to design, develop, fabricate and test a pilot model of the Optimizer. Pennsylvania State University sub-contracted electronic design tasks and analytical evaluation. First progress report indicated that prototype performed as predicted. Penn . State Univ. has been assigned greater role in development of instrumentation and additional test units. Final results showed insufficient improvement to warrant further development. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page i 27 Indentions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' 0ER1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 55 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI K 2523 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Foss i i Fuels Title: Electrically Heated Sucker-Rod Contact: Richard D Pa I one Inventor: Richard D & Chester Pa I one State/Country: AR Company : Patent # 3 859 5D3 Description: An electric heater is the sucker rod used to drive a pump at the bottom of an oil well j intended to prevent paraffin from congealing and restricting flow* thus avoiding consequent costly maintenance cleanout. Significant Dates) Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J u | 22. 1777 Decision Date: Dec 29. 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 30. 1978 Status 1 No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: This invention received a favorable review within DOE. During the last contact with the inventor, he said he had located an interested subcontractor and would soon be submitting a proposal requesting a DOE grant. Then, on December 29th> 198D he advised that he no lonser needed a grant. DOE n 56 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI » 2238 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Flexaflo-The Wet Fuel Dryer Contact: Jay Dornier Quality Industries P. 0. Box #406 Thibodoux LA 70301 504-447-4021 Inventor: Ui I I iam P Boulet State/Country: LA Company: Quality Industries Patent # 3 976 018 Description: A dryer/boiler using sugarcane waste (bagasse) for fuel! exhaust gases from process are used to "pre-dry" fuel prior to entering boiler. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 24. 1977 Completion Date: Apr 1. 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Comp I ete Mar 31, 1978 Award Amount ! $111,220 Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: A grant of $111,220 was awarded to Quality Industries to modify design of existing bagasse dryer in sugar cane refinery to control airborne bagac i I I io to enable bagasse to replace oi l-gas as alternate fuel for dryer. Results indeterminate due to poor industry economic conditions which tended to interfere with fair appraisal. Further testing needed to prove concept. Qua I i ty is interested in forming and financing R 8. D Limited Partnership in another industry with the same technology. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page ' 28 Inventions Recommended tar DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE » 57 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 274 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: X-S Smoke Eliminator Contact: Robert H Uieken 411 Betty Lane. West Saint Paul MN SS11B 612-457-8227 Inventor 1 Robert H Ulieken State/Country: MN Compa ny ' Patent tt 3 812 277 Grant # FG01-79IR10097 Description: A two-stage combustion chamber suitable for adapting existing incinerators to meet current EPA pa I lution requirement. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: J u | 23, 1775 Completion Date: Apr 1, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 31, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $55,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Apr 1, 1979 - Apr 1, 1981 Summary: A grant of $55,000 was awarded tor the grantee to convert the X-5 Smoke El iminator from its existing use as a gas burner to the burning of al I grades at fuel oi I . DOE # 58 OERI tt 1922 Contact: Charles M Kirk 1965 Arrowhead Lane, NE Saint Petersburg FL 33703 813-525-7878 Category: Transportation Systems, Vehicles 8. Components DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o DOE Program Of f : CE Title: A Multiple Spark System Using Inductive Storage Inventor: Charles M Kirk State/Country: FL Company ■' Patent App I ied For Grant 8 FG01-79IR10025 Description: Multiple spark system using a gated series of spark discharges on a single plug, to improve the fuel economy of a spa r k - i gn i t i on engine, by reducing the misfire rate. Feb 2b, 1979 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 10, 1977 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 31, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount 1 $59,079 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Feb 2b, 1978 - Feb 26, 1979 Summary: A grant of $59,079 was awarded to manufacture ten (10) prototype "MSS" units. Three units were installed on selected vehicles and dynamometer tested at University of Florida. ERIP assistance completed. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 29 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 59 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI t* 1680 DOE Program Off: CE Category; Combustion Engines S. Components Title 1 The Volumetric Gas Turbine Contact: Bernard Zimmern Inventor: Bernard Zimmern State/Country: France Company > Description-' A positive displacement! modified Brayton cycle enginei for use primarily in automobi les. Sep 24, 1782 Significant Dates ■ Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov IS, 1976 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 12, 1978 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: The inventor was interested in a large grant in the vicinity of $1 mill ion, an amount greater than the program could justify or provide. The inventor was advised that no support would be forthcoming. DOE tt 60 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o OERI tt 1654 DOE Program Off: CE Category 1 Miscel laneous Title: Electric Transport Refrigerator Contact: Ul i | | iam H Cone Coneco, Inc. 1151 Meadow Lane, A3 Waterloo IA 50701 319-233-8224 Inventor: U i I I iam H Cone State/Country: IA Company: Coneco, Inc. Patent tt 3 778 651 8. Others Grant tt EU78-G016601 Description: Prime mover engine of Refrigerated Truck is modified to function as an A.C. Generator as we I I as being an engine. Electricity produced, powers sealed refrigerator on trailer, replacing present diesel-powered refrigeration unit, Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 13, 1976 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 2B , 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $50,000 Development Stage: Prototype Test Apr 9, 1980 Contract Per i od : Sep 25, 1978 - Apr 9, 1980 Summary: A grant of $50,000 was awarded for one-year design, development, and testing of invention. Iowa State University was sub-contractor for electronic design tasks. Inventor procured a diesel engine for test and modification. Grantee completed all tasks except in-service demonstration. Technical problems with invention design prevented performance of last task. Inventor plans to seek private funds for continuation of project. Date: Sep 3Q , 1985 Page: 30 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 61 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mai Id OERI # 1D88 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Fuel Preparation Process Contact: Hurry 5. Laskey 2401 Pennsylvania Avenue Su i te #1010 U i I m i ngton DE 19806 302-652-0115 Patent # 3 732 145 Grant # FG01-61CS15041 Description: A method tor separating mineral matter from coal using a flotation process Inventor: Ui I I i ng B Foulke State/Country: DE Company: Fluid Coal Corp. Significant Dates > Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Coup I ete Jun 14, 1976 Apr 26, 1978 Awar d Amount : Comp I e t i on Date 1 $96,421 Development Stage: Concept Development Jun 17, 1983 Contract Period 1 Jun 17, 19B1 - Jun 14, 1982 Summary: A grant of $96,421 was awarded for an experimental program on a laboratory scale basis with Research Triangle Institute as the contractor tor the purpose of assessing the technical teasibi I ity of the Foulke process. Grant complete, and the results appear promising. Inventor seeks I icensing or other opportunities with i ndus try. DOE # 62 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI # 1029 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Tapered Plate Annular Matrix Contact: Thaddeus Pap i s 10115 Victoria Avenue Riverside CA 92503 714-689-5041 Inventor: Thaddeus Pap i 5 State/Country: CA Company ■ Description 1 A compact heat tank exchanger that offers significant improvement over conventional shel l-and-tank exchangers, especial ly tor very high pressure app I i cat i ons . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 28, 1976 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 28, 1978 Jun 22, 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $79,800 Development Stage: Production Engineering Summary: A grant of $79,800 was awarded and completed for the inventor to analyze the potential uses, energy-related benefits, production techniques, and comparative economics of the heat exchanger. The study culminated in the definition of, and a plan tor, a hardware demonstration program. The final report is being circulated among potential sources of private sector support for the hardware phase. Date: Sep 3D, 19B5 Page: 31 inventions Recommended tor 00E Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 63 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI ft 1330 DOE Program Oft: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title 1 Fluor Dbulb Contact: Thomas LoGiudice S2D East 7Zd Street New York NY 10D21 Z1Z-737-6703 Inventor: Thomas LoGiudice State/Country-' NY Company ■ Patent # 3 953 761 Grant ft FGD1-79IR10093 Description: Fluorescent bulb designed to directly replace an incandescent bulb. Z0 watt bulb and ba I last can be eas i ly separated. Bui It on Edison screwbase. Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status: Complete Aug 13, 1976 May 3. 1978 Aua r d Amount : Comp I et i on Da te i $49,500 Development Stage 1 Prototype Development Aug 18, 19B1 Cont rac t Period: Apr 11, 1979 - Aug 1, 1981 Summary: A grant of $49,500 was awarded and completed for research and product development. Grantee produced ten prototype bulbs, investigated problems of uniform coating, and produced certified data regarding lamp efficiency, luminous efficiency and accurate cost data for predicting production quantity costs. Data suggests that lamp is not likely to be manufactured at a competitive price. DOE tt 64 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis OERI ft 2543 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Contact 1 Lester Hendrickson Ar i zona State U . School of Engineering Tempe A2 85281 602-965-9011 Title: The Mahal la Process — A Hydrometal lurgical Method tor Extracting Copper Inventor: Shalom Mahal la State/Country: AZ Company ' Patent App I i ed For Description: A hydrometal lurgical process for refining copper that eliminates the e I ect r o t i n i ng step. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 1, 1977 Completion Date Received by DOE from NBS: Y\ay 8, 1978 Sep 1, 1979 Status: Complete Award Amoun t ; $88,933 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: A grant of $8B > 933 was awarded and the work completed, to develop and optimize the process variables on a laboratory scale. Uith the copper industry depressed, the technology is being adapted for industrial toxic waste recovery. At last account, Hendrickson sought $500,000 to build a pilot plant having enough flexibility to be adaptable to the processing of feed sources from various industrial plant wastes. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 3Z Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE # 65 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI * 741 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title' UlattVendor Contact: Lee A Henningsen Firetrol, Inc. 1617 Cascade Street Erie PA 16502 814-459-1770 Inventor: Lee A Henningsen State/Country: PA Company: Firetrol) Inc. Grant # FGD 1 -79 1 R 1 0266 Description: A coin operated device tor dispensing electricity. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 18, 1976 Completion Date: s ep ID, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: May 12, 197B Status: Complete Award Amount: $55,800 Contract Period 1 Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 14, 1979 - Dec 31, 19BD Summary: A grant of $55,800 was awarded and completed, to manufacture and instal I sufficient units to completely convert Hi I Iman Ferry Campground (TVA operated) from free to metered electric service. TVA will record user reactions, electric usage before and after, and operate units in one year demonstration program. DOE tt 66 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI # 2277 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Heat Extractor Contact: Daniel Ben-Shmuel Heat Extractor Corporation P.O. Box 8455 Johnstown NY 12095 518-568-2288 Inventor: Phi I ip Zacuto State/Country: NY Company: Heat Extractor Corp. Grant # EU7B-G016677 Description: A system for recovering "Waste Heat" from industrial combustion processes by us i ng water in direct contact with combustion products and an auxi I iary heat excha nger . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: j un 20, 1977 Received by DOE from NBS: May 26, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $125,000 Development Stage: Prototype Test Completion Da t e i Sep 29, 1978 Contract Period: Sep 29, 1978 Summary: A grant of $125,000 was awarded and completed to instal I i operate and test, a heat extractor in an operating paper mi II with Mohawk Paper Mi I Is, Inc. Included were funds to adapt the heat extractor tor coal-tired bo i lers. The work is complete. Results confirm significant fuel savings. As of January, I 985 , inventor had sold the industrial unit to a Pittsburg firm and the residential one to Armitron. The unit is re-engineered and being marketed through Heat Extractor, Inc., Melrose, MA (800-633-3324) Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 33 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 67 DOE Coordinator G. K. El I is Contact: James A Browning Browning Engineering Corp. OERI # 799 DOE Program Off: CE P.O. Box »B63 Hanover NH D3755 Category: Other Natural Sources 603-298-8400 Title: Ulindmi I I Using Hydraul ic System for Energy Transfer and Speed Con t r o I Inventor: James A Browning Patent Applied For State/Country: NH Company: Browning Engineering Corp. Grant tt FGD 1-BD 1 Rl D32D Description: A windmill design based on a hydraulic system for wind energy; particularly suited tor low to medium speed winds. Significant Dates? Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 5, 1976 Award Date: Dec 7, 177? Received by DOE from NBS: J un 2D > 1978 Status: Award Award Amount: 439)000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Dec 7; 1979 - Dec 1> 1980 Summary: A grant of $39,000 was awarded to complete the construction of the grantee's 70-ft diameter hydraulic windmill) and then to test it. Accidents and delays in receipt of materials have delayed the project. DOE tt 6B DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Charlie Baziel OERI * 631 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures &. Components Title: Under Compress icon and Over Compression Free He I i ca I Screw Rotary Compressor Inventor: Leroy M Bissett Patent tt 3 936 239 State/Country: \)f\ Company: Dunham Bush> Inc. Description: A compressor for use in med i um-to- I ar ge sized heat pump-air conditioning sys terns . Significant Dates) Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Jan 22 > 1976 Decision Date: Oct 1. 1979 Received by DOE from NBS = Jun 28) 1978 Status: Other Assistance Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: ft s a result of the NBS recommendation and in consideration of an unsolicited proposal from the grantee) the CE program within DOE funded a $3D0 > 000 two-year contract) which has now been completed. Results show good energy savings) but further work is required to develop a commercial prototype of a marketable size, Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 34 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE » 69 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: Enoch J Durbin Instrumentation S. Control Lab. OERI ft 844 DOE Program Off: CE Aero Lab.) Forrestal Campus Princeton University Category: Combustion Engines &. Components Princeton NJ D854Q 609-452-5154 Title: Ionic Fuel Control System for the Internal Combustion Engine Inventor: Enoch J Durbin Patent 8 3 470 741 State/Country: NJ Company '■ Description: A system for controlling the air-fuel ratio of a gasoline internal combustion engine to maintain lean operation! improved fuel economy; and good per t or ma nee . Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Mar 25, 1976 Completion Date: Jul 1. 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 29, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $87,051 Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: A grant of $87,051 was awarded to develop the Ionic Fuel Control System and to assess its commercial feasibi I i ty . A successful prototype was developed. Despite much work, the inventor's only success with an automotive company was Chrysler's successful bid on a mi I itary contract which incorporated the technnology. Adaptation of the device gives wind action in three directions, which could also be critical in determining velocities of STOL aircraft, where there have been a number of landing crashes for lack of this information. DOE ** 70 DOE Coordinator J. Ae I I en Contact: Kenneth A Stofen 3642 Country Avenue OERI tt 2B47 DOE Program Off: CE Racine UI 53405 414-554-7987 Category: Miscel laneous Title: Air Cod I ed Compressor Heat Recovery and Heat Circulation System plus Ambient Air Filter and Air Cleaner Inventor: KennethAStofen Patent Applied For State/Country: UI Company: Ken Stofen Associates Description: A heat recovery system for large compressors. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 21, 1977 Completion Date: Aug 8. 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: J U n 28, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $53,000 Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: A grant of $53,000 was awarded to design and bu i Id ecology cabinets; and then assemble, operate, and test air cooled compressor systems in environments with par t i cu I a t e- I aden and high temperature air. Final report received. Inventor is searching for venture capital and marketing assistance. He has sold a number of units but institutional factors prevent large sales. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 35 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 71 DOE Coordinator D. G. Mel OERI it ZS38 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs » Structures 8. Components Title: Knight Guard Contact: Ar I e i gh Uangler Inventor 1 Ar I e i gh UJangler State/Country: CA Company : Patent App I i ed For Description: A system tor remote controlling the lighting in a building by means of low frequency radio signals. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS s Aug ID. 1977 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J un 29. 1778 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Inventor is investigating law enforcement agencies' interest Sep 1, 1978 DOE ft 72 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: Basil Ul Balls OERI ft 733 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Utilization of Waste Gas tor Boilers and Furnaces in Refineries and Petrochemical Plants Inventor: Joe Agar State/Country: TX Company: Redland Automation Description: System exploits the relationship between specific gravity of the flare gas and its BTU content j to compute BTU per hour and subsequently control the fuel-air ratio of boilers. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 8> 1976 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Status: No DOE Support Jun 28, 1978 Aug 8, 1980 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: A procurement request for a grant was initiated on Apri I 20; 1979. Shortly thereafter; Mr. Agar sold the company and the new manager indicated that the earl ier proposal was not in accord with the company's new goals. Then, on Dec 28 1979. the company advised by telephone that they were not interested in pursuing the development at all. since it did not coincide with their company's new goals. Formal notification was received in an August 5. 1980 letter. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 36 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 73 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis OERI 8 1323 DOE Program Off: Category: Bui Idings, Structures 8. Components Title: INTECH Contact: Me I v i n H Sachs ISTECH, INC 27200 Vassar Awe Livonia 313-478-0606 Suite 8700 MI 48152 Inventor: Me I v i n H Sachs State/Country: MI Company: ISTECH. INC Patent # 3 BOO 015 i, Others Description: A system which uses I ight-meight aggregate insulation to provide the form-work ■for the concrete structural members of a bu i Iding. with pre-f inished exterior and interior surfaces. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 7. 1976 Completion Date: J un 22. 1777 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 10. 1778 Status: Complete Award Amount: $87 > 230 Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Summary: A grant of $87,230 was awarded for the purpose of contracting with Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. to perform fire tests, and to contract with Lev Zetl in Consultants for structural testing and analysis. This invention won the "outstanding individual inventor" award from the Dvorkovitz Technology Show of 1780. At last account. Sachs was looking for $2 million private sector money to design machinery for mass production. Some designs have been sold and bu i It. DOE tt 74 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o OERI 8 2560 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: A Solid Electrolyte Galvanic Solar Energy Conversion Cell Contact: G. R. Fitterer. President Scientific Applications. Inc. 825 Twe I tth Street Oakmont PA 15137 412-828-0233 Inventor: G R Fitterer State/Country: PA Company: Scientific Applications Inc Patent App I i ed For Grant tt FGO 1 -77 I R 1 0264 Description: A high-temperature, high voltage (1.51V) fuel cell utilizing a unique calcium stabilized zirconia solid electrolyte. Device promises high efficiency, minimum environmental problems and wide application. It can also simultaneously produce chemical feedstock. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 17. 1777 Completion Date: Oct 30, 1780 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 27, 1778 Status: Complete Award Amount: $50,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k e t i ng Aug 24, 1777 - Oct 30, 1780 Summary: A grant of $50,000 was awarded to conduct a two-part research project to investigate the characteristics of his Fuel Cell. Part one is a study of the primary cell and its voltage characteristics. Part two is research leading to selection of the best electrolyte. Results indicate that although workable, advantages over existing fuel cells are not significant. Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 37 Indentions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 75 DOE Coordinator G.K. Ellis OERI # 2265 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 Coke Quenching Steam Generator Contact: Richard Jabl in 2500 West Club Boulevard Durham NC 27705 919-286-4693 Inventor: Richard Jabl in State/Country: NC Company : Patent App I i ed Far Grant # FG01-79 IR10212 Description: The steam generator is a direct contact heat exchanger tor generation of process steam from hot coke. Objective: to bu i Id new coke ovens. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J un 6, 1977 Completion Date: May 14, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 29, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $119,400 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test May 14, 1979 - Jun 3, 1982 Summary: A grant of $119,400 was awarded to complete a program of laboratory and pi lot plant scale development. The work was successful , with steam qua I ity adequate tor process steam, and coke qua I ity superior to the only competing process. Inventor seeks I i m i ted partnership arrangement, and anticipates a $10 mi I I ion/year business. DOE tt 76 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 2075 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: The Ross Furnace Contact: Donald R Ross 3344 South Grove For t Uor t h 817-921-9671 TX 76110 Inventor 1 Donald R Ross State/Country: TX Company: Ross Research Company Patent App I i ed For Description: A new gas burner design tor use in high temperature industrial process furnace . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 18, 1977 Completion Date: May 5, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 18, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $82,000 Development Stage 1 Prototype Test Summary: A grant of $82,000 was awarded to bu i Id, assemble, operate and test two systems! one for a ti I ted furnace and one tor a rotary furnace. The work was completed sat i s f actora My. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 38 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS J OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 77 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OER1 tt 1173 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title' Variable Heat Refrigeration System Contact: James U McCord Corpane Industries) Inc. 250 Production Court Bluegrass Industrial Park Lou iswi I le KY 40297 502-471-4433 Inventor: James U McCord State/Country: KY Company: Corpane Industries) Inc Patent App I i ed For Grant 8 FG01-B0CS1S026 Description: An improved vapor degreasing system incorporating a heat pump to conserve energy) retain solvents) and reduce hazards associated with solvent vapors Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS : Aug 9 > 1776 Completion Date: Sep 23 , I960 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 25> 1778 Status: Complete Award Amount: $77>400 Contract Period: Development Stage: Uorking Model Sep 23. 1780 - Jun 1. 1782 Summary: An award of $?7>400 was granted to design and construct demonstration models of the variable heat refrigeration system. DOE tt 78 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: Robert McNeill OERI * 1154 DOE Program Off: ER Category: Other Natural Sources Title: System for High Efficiency Power Generation from Low Temperature Sources Inventor: Robert McNe i I I State/Country: CA Company : Description: Concept for reducing the heat sink temperature in power plant operation and other app I ications! ice would be generated during cold weather and used to reduce the heat sink temperature during warmer weather. Mar 11) 1781 Significant Dates) Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS: J un 30) 177& Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 28) 1778 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage 1 Concept Development Summary: Inventor advised DOE that he is no longer interested in pursuing the invention, because of other interests. Date: Sep 30 > 1785 Page: 37 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 77 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis OERI # 1732 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Oil Ue I I Bit Insert (Tooth), Cutting Article, Ablative Contact: Marvin L Uahrman 47 Red Rock I r v i ne 714-779-1260 CA 72714 Inventor: Marvin L Ulahrman State/Country: CA Compa ny : Patent App I i ed For Description: A new composite bit insert to replace the tungsten carbide inserts now commonly used in the rotary cone cutter bits for oi I and gas we I I dri I I i ngs It is claimed to have sharper edges, more resistant to wear, and to be stronger . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Jan 21, 1777 Completion Date: ian 27, 1781 Received by DOE from NBS = Aug 25, 1778 Status: Complete Award Amount Development Stage: Prototype Test $57,150 Summary: A grant of $57,150 was awarded to prove the technical feasibi I ity and to address the repeatabi I ity and controlabi I ity of the manufacturing process for these bits. A bit was developed which cuts 3-4 times faster and lasts longer than conventional ones. At last account, company had 4 employees and had expanded to produce saw blades. Inventor interested in joint venture and projects 10% of the market in 5 years, doing $50 to $100 mi I I ion business. DOE # 80 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI 8 1764 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 Improved Unf ired Refractory Brick Contact 1 Patsie C Campana Inventor: Patsie C Campana State/Country-' OH Company '• Description: Chemically bonded, unfired, brick for ladles handling molten steel, consisting of 70 % silica and containing 10%. clay with minor amounts of hardening agent and Gu lac. Mar 23, 1782 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 18, 1777 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 28, 1778 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: A proposal has been received from the inventor for several mi I I ion do I lars to bu i Id a production faci I ity. He was advised the program was unable to fund capital equipment, and potential alternatives of business plan and marketing study were described. The inventor has indicated no interest except on the basis of a large grant for capital equipment. Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 40 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 81 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me II o Contact: C Richard Panico Xenon Corporation OERI *t 2526 DOE Program Off: CE 66 Industrial Way Uli I m i ngton MA D1887 Category: Industrial Processes 61 7-658-8940 Title 1 Flash Polymerization Inventor: C Richard Panico Patent # 3 782 88"? State/Country: MA Company: Xenon Corp. Grant # FGD 1 -79 1 R 1 D3D Description: A process utilizing pulsed xenon arc. discharge lamps for polymerizing thermosetting resins. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: j u | 26, 1977 Completion Date: Feb 3, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 29. 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,990 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 29, 1979 - Feb 2, 1981 Summary: A grant of $99,990 was awarded and completed, to conduct a 3-part investigation of the energy-saving and market penetration potential tor this curing machine. A $500,000 contract tor automotive parts curing was captured as a result of DOE- supported Development work. Several venture capital ists have expressed considerable interest. Sale of the company has been discussed. DOE *t 82 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Robert L Ullrich Ul I r i ch Eng . 8. Mf g . , I nc . OERI tt 3061 DOE Program Off: CE 1717 East Second Street Roswe I I NM 88201 Category: Industrial Processes 505-662-1821 Title: Cool Air Induction Inventor: Robert L Ullrich State/Country: NM Company: Ullrich Engineering 8. Mfg., Inc. Grant » FG0 1 -79 1 R 1 0284 Description: Modification kit tor engines used tor powering irrigation pumps. Uses cool we I I water in air cooler placed between commercial supercharger and the eng i ne . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 23, 1977 Completion Date: Sep 24, 1979 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 27, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $68,402 Contract Period-' Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k e t i ng Sep Z4 , 1979 - Apr 30, I960 Summary: A two-phase grant in the amount of $99,282 was requested. The first phase was awarded ($68,402) and provided for analysis of existing operating data, a survey of the potential market, development and comparison of alternate strategies and a preparation of a formal business plan. Product is available tor licensing. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 41 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 83 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Charles James Bier Route #2, Box #35 OERI tt 2821 DOE Program Off: CE Ferrum VA 24088 703-365-5178 Category: Bui I d i ngs i Structures 8. Components Title: Vertical Solar Louvers Inventor: Charles James Bier State/Country: VA Company: Grant # FGD 1-82CE151 35 Description: Massive Rectangular Columns oriented in NE-SUI direction! located indoors behind a glazed southern exposure. Aesthetic improvement over conventional TROMBE wa I I should lead to increased acceptance of passive solar heating. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 17. 1977 Completion Date: Feb 28. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 27. 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $26,510 Contract Period-' Development Stage: Concept Development Aug 31. 1982 - Feb 28. 1984 Summary: A grant of $26,510 was awarded for inventor to prepare test plan, instrumentation strategy, and computer design guide. Final report was del ivered September 30th. 1984. Results will be published in several semi-technical journals to encourage the passive solar concept. DOE # 84 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Kenneth U Od i I OERI # 2032 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Kinetic Energy Type Pumping System Inventor-- Kenneth Ul Od i I Patent 8 3 123 009 State/Country: TX Company ! Description: Simplified pumping system utilizes the kinetic energy of a circulating fluid to reduce the bottom-hale pressure and to I itt the down-hole fluid. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 11, 1977 Decision Date: Sep 24. 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 30, 1978 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: A proposal was received from the inventor which was unacceptable because it was considerably beyond the level of support funds that could be justified. The inventor then endeavored to find a cost sharing arrangement with an interested private industry. A 5/13/82 check with him indicated that due to other business interests. Mr. Odil temporarily at least, is not interested in pursuing his invention. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 42 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 85 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI # 3691 DOE Program Off: CE Category 1 Bui I d i ngs , Structures & Components Title: Dielectric U i ndowshade Contact: Charles G Ka I t 29 Hawthorne Road U i I I i ams town 413-664-6371 MA 01267 Inventor: Charles G Ka I t State/Country: MA Company ■ Patent # 3 98? 357 Grant « FG01-B1CS1SQ76 Description: A method by which an applied voltage causes a reflective aluminized mylar film to unrol I and press flat against a window. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 12> 1978 Completion Date: Aug 18- 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 31, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,500 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Aug 18, 1981 - Nov 18, 1982 Summary: a grant of $99,500 was awarded and completed, to design, bu i Id and test, a demonstration model of the Dielectric U i ndows hade . A unique product resulted. Test-marketing for commercial greenhouses has been completed. DOE 8 86 DOE Coordinator G. K. El OERI « 2726 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Coke Desu I f ur i za t i on Contact: Howard Bovars Diamond Energy Corporation 1012 North Beck Street Sa I e Lake C i ty UT 84103 801-359-3718 Inventor: Douglas MacGregor State/Country: UT Company: Diamond Energy Corporation Patent # 4 011 303 Grant t» FG0 1 -80 I R 1 0305 Description: Method to remove sulfur from high sulfur coal during the coking process, which makes it possible to use high sulfur coals in the manufacture of metallurgical coke. Process can pay for itself with the sulfur by-product. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments-" Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 21 , 1977 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 27, 1978 Status 1 Complete Awar d Amoun t : Comp I e t i on Da te : $82,500 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Mar 23, 1981 Contract Period: Dec 7, 1979 - Sep 30, 1981 Summary: A grant of $82,500 was awarded tor Diamond Uest Corporation, exclusive I icensee, to perform sufficient additional technical, engineering and application investigation, to ready the technology for the marketplace. Licensee, with the help of the inventor, unable to duplicate results of initial experiment. But, they took a new approach and developed a successful process. $1.5 mi I I ion private monies invested to date, and doub I i ng that is anticipated. At last account, inventor had tentative plans for joint venture to build a calciner tor sale to coke industry. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 43 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBB ' OERI - A Briet Status Report DOE # 87 DOE Coordinator J. Ae I I en OERI tt 2224 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title : Recovering Uranium From Coal in Situ Contact: Rue I Carlton Terry 3090 South High Street Denver CO 80210 303-757-3826 Inventor 1 Rue I Carlton Terr; State/Country: CO Company '• Patent tt 4 113 313 Grant # FE01 -B0 I R 1 03D1 Description: A method tor recovering uranium from the sites of depleted coal desposits that have been mined by in situ gasification. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec J d by NBS t May 17, 1777 Completion Date: Feb 6, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 29, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $85,240 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Feb 1, 1980 - Aug 1, 1981 Summary: A grant of $85,240 was awarded to reduce two of the uncertainties related to eventual commercial ization of the process. The first uncertainty concerns potential sites and the second uncertainty relates to technical teasibi I ity. DOE Livermore Lab believes this method has good commercial possibilities, but uranium price must rise to make it commercially feasible. DOE tt 88 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o OERI tt 1816 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: System-100 Contact: Lawrence Lad i n c/o Compressor Controls Corp. P. 0. Box #1936 Des Moines IA 50306 515-244-1180 Inventor: Alex Rutshein, et al State/Country: IA Company: Compressor Controls Corp. Patent App I i ed For Grant tt FG0 1 -80CS150 12 Descr i pt i on : A strategy (control system) tor regulating centrifugal and reciprocating equipment used in natural gas compressor stations. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec ' d by NBS: Feb 10, 1977 Completion Date: Aug 12, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 30, 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount: $50, ODD Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Concept Development Aug 26, 1980 - Aug 15, 1981 Summary: A grant of $50,000 was awarded to develop a microprocessor- based strategy control system for control of compressors in gas transmission pipel i nes . Two p i pe I i nes have purchased product. Potential is eas i ly $1 mill ion annual savings. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 44 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE * 89 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI t* 2648 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Continuous Casting Process and Apparatus Contact: Henry E. Al len Techn i con Corp. 511 Benedict Avenue Tar ry town 203-629-1180 NY 1D591 Inventor 1 Henry E Al len State/Country: NY Company: Techn icon Corp. Patent » 3 517 725 Grant 8 FGD 1 -62CE 151 D 1 Description: A continuous horizontal casting process tor steel billetsi slabs> and tubing: which achieves a very high quality product at twice the speed of existing continuous casting processes. ignif icant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 22. 1977 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 3D. 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount Development Stage: Prototype Development Completion Da t e ■ $115. DOD Jul 31, 1984 Contract Period: Jul 29. 1982 - Jul 31. 1984 Summary: A grant of $115, ODD was awarded to bu i Id and test a device for continuous casting of 4-inch bars of steel . The work on this project is complete. The project was general ly successful . Lack of interest due to unfavorable economic conditions in steel industry however, prevents its commercialization. DOE tt 9D DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 3790 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Gra in Dryer Contact: Clinton Van Winkle Inventor: CI inton Van Ulinkle State/Country: NE Company : Patent # 4 003 139 Description: A device to be added to a grain combine, to uti I ize the exhaust energy from the combine engine tor drying the grain in the combine hopper tank. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 16, 1978 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Dec IB, 197B Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: Inventor not responsive. No basis for consideration of DOE grant support Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 45 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 91 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo 0ER1 tt 3210 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Mine Brattice Contact 1 Rees Kinneyi Atty. Bagby Brattices; Inc. P.O. Box #569 Greenv i I le KY 42345 502-336-5619 Inventor: James Al len Bagby State/Country: KY Company: Bagby Bratticesi Inc Patent tt 3 972 272 Grant 8 FGD 1 -79 I R 1 D3D2 Description: A reusable brattice tor use in coal mining. Quick) and inexpensive to install - seals better than present stoppings. Improved air seal saves power and improves safety. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 20. 1977 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 19. 1978 Status: Complete Award Amount : $62,664 Development Stage: Prototype Development Sep 20. 1979 Contract Period! Sep 29. 1979 - May 25, 19B3 Summary: A grant of $62,664 was awarded and completed to fabricate 25 prototype brattices and install them in Peabady Coal underground coal mine in Southern Illinois. Data was col lected and possibly detrimental effects of natural subsidence on the performances of the brattices was measured and found to be minimal . Product advanced rapidly, with sales organization formed and 1982 sales of $150,000. Product is accepted in the mining industries and is available tor distribution. Corporation has doubled sales. DOE tt 92 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 1160 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui Idings, Structures S. Components Title: Tri-Uater, A Combination Air Conditioning and Fire Protection System for a Building. Inventor: John L Carrol I State/Country: OR Company : Contact: John L Carrol Patent » 3 939 914 Description: Utilizes common plumbing system with water serving as heat source/sink for heat pumps as well as sprinkler system. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 22, 1976 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 28, 1978 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k et i ng Summary: Inventor has I icensed the technology to Amer i ca I Air Fi Iter Co Inc. A grant was dec I i ned on the be I ief that it would compromise the inventor's patent position. At last account, American Air had installed $22 million of the technology, including $2 mi I I ion tor equipment and $20 mi I I ion for construction, representing 36 jobs. Another 30 were on the drawing board. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: ub Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 73 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI tt 1300 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Contact: Edward H She lander P.O. Box #603 Br unsui i c k 912-265-8464 GA 31520 Title: She I a nder -Bu r r ou/s Process for Recovery of Metal I ic Values from Smelter Emissions Inventor: Edward H Shelander State/Country: GA Company : Patent tt 3 849 121 Grant tt FG01-80CS1SD04 Description: A so I ut i on /pr ec i p i ta t i on process for recovery of zinci lead) and copper from the baghouse dust col lected from smelter emissions. Mar 29, 1980 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 9, 1976 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 24, 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $89,742 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Mar 28, 1980 - Jun 1, 1981 Summary: A grant Df 989,742 was awarded, and has been completed to provide an engineering and economic analysis of the subject process. DOE tt 94 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI tt 3675 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Lantz Converter Contact: Uilliam M FioRita 12650 Mant ilia Road San Diego CA 92128 714-487-3945 Inventor: Uilliam M FioRito State/Country: CA Company: Pan American Resources, Inc. Patent tt 2 886 122 Grant tt FG01-82CE15126 Description: Unit tor pyrolyzing municipal refuse that uses natural gas to bring converter up to pyrolyzing temperature and then switches to pyrolytic gases to maintain the process . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Mar 2, 1978 Completion Date: J u | 10, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 30, 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $134,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Sep 20, 1982 - Sep 17, 1983 Summary: £ one year grant of $134,000 was awarded to operate the Lantz Converter under engineering-test conditions to determine significant operating and economic factors Date: Sep 30, 19B5 Page: 47 Inventions Recommended -for DOE Consideration by NBS ; OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE n 95 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I a OERI 8 3875 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Other Natural Sources Title: Omn i -Ho r i z on ta I Axis-Uind Turbine Contact: Va I Bertoia Inventor: Va I Bertoia State/Country: PA Company: Bertoia Studio Description 1 A low cost) self starting! horizontal axis w i nd turbine with novel blade orientation. Operation is relatively insensitive to wind direction. Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Apr ID, 1978 Decision Date: Aug 6, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 3D i 1979 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Inventor requested project be terminated tor his convenience. Prel iminary DOE review suggested that project would not be economical ly justifiable. DOE t* 96 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI tt 1869 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8. Components Contact: Floyd R Anderson Vast Research Company Seven Tiffany Lane Bel la Vista AR 72712 501-855-9202 Title: Leavell) Vibrationless, Low Noise, High Efficiency, Pneumatic Percussion Tools and Air Compressor Systems Inventor: Floyd R Anderson State/Country: AR Company: Vast Research Company Patent tt 3 266 581 8. Others Grant * FG01-IR10305 Description: Pneumatic tools (paving breaker, etc.) reconfigured to obtain additional energy from high temperature compressed air. High temperature and low pressure requires larger displacement and therefore overal I size to achieve same output power . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 28, 1977 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 28, 1979 Status 1 Complete Awa r d Amount : $76,675 Development Stage: Prototype Test Jul 28, 1980 Cont rac t Period: Dec 7, 1979 - Sep 30, 1981 Summary: A grant of $76,675 was awarded to design, bu i Id, and test six pneumatic tools. Independent test evaluation by a third party did analyze energy input and output, rate of work, noise and vibration. Results have been compared w , th performance of conventional tools; al I criteria show outstanding advantages of the Anderson system. Company has raised $3 mi I I ion in private investments and 130 units have been put into demonstration service. Product is available for distributor sales. Date : Sep 30, 1985 Page ' 48 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 97 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI * 3679 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Uater Drying System Contact: James Ul McCord Corpane Industries; Inc. 250 Production Court Bluegrass Industrial Park Loui svi I I e KY 40299 502-491-4433 Inventor: James Ul McCord State/Country: KY Company: Corpane Industries! Inc. Patent App I i ed For Grant » FGD1-80CS15025 Description: A technique tor removing wash water from manufactured parts by dipping parts into degreaser solvent and mechanical ly separating water by virtue of differences in liquid densities. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Aug 9, 1976 Completion Date: s ep 10; 1980 Received by DOE from NBS i Feb 28; 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $93;800 Contract Period: Development Stage: Engineering Design Sep 10; 1980 - Jun 10; 1982 Summary: A grant of $93;800 was awarded to design and construct demonstration models at a system to dry water from metal parts. Product is avai lable tor custom instal lation in production I i nes . The inventor has been successful in marketing his product. DOE n 98 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel la OERI tt 3547 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Contact: James L. Chill; President Chill cas t ; Inc. 404 Executive Boulevard Marion OH 43302 614-383-6337 Title: Process Development to Conserve Energy and Material (in the manufacture of) Bearings Inventor: James L Chi I I State/Country: OH Company: Chi I least; Inc. Patent App I i ed For Grant # FG01 -80 I R 1 032 1 Description: A methodology tor continuously casting a sheet of the desired bearing alloy; in the desired thickness; cutting it to the proper length; rolling it to the specified diameter; and welding it together. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 17; 1978 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 14; 1979 Status: Award Award Amount: S123;994 Development Stage: Prototype Development Jan 7, 1980 Contract Per iod ! Jan 7> I960 - Jun 30, 1983 Summary: A grant of $123;994 was awarded far the grantee to work with Battel le Memorial Institute to optimize the rol I ing-pass and heat treatment schedules; establ ish and compare the performance characteristics ot the prototype bearings with those made by current methods; evaluate cylindrical bearings with and without a seam weld; and investigate performance ot prototypes containing only 3% tin. An entrepreneur is needed to market this invention successful ly. Date: Sep 30; 1985 Page i 49 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Briet Status Report Contact: Robert Gordon) President Struct. Comp Inc.) Inc. 6344 N. Irui ndale Avenue Azusa CA 91702 Category: Transportation Systems) Vehicles 8. Components 213-334-8221 DOE # 99 OERI 8 4059 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I a DOE Program 0+ t > CE Title: Light Ueight Composite Trailer Tubes Inventor: Oscar Weingart State/Country: CA Company: Structural Composites Industries) Inc Grant # FGD 1 -BD I Rl 0319 Description: A design and manufacturing method tor manufacture of composite pressure vessels employed in highway transport of gaseous fuel . Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS: J un 5> 1978 Completion Date: Jan 14> 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 30. 1979 Status 1 Complete Award Amount: $96)000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Engineering Design Jan 14) 1980 - Dec 31) 1980 Summary: A grant of $96,000 was awarded to design) fabricate) and test a large scale section of a new I i ght-we i ght composite trai lor tube for highway transportation of compressed gases. Product requires sponsor tor commercial introduction. Licensing is ava i lable. Prototype product sales total $50,000. DOE # 100 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI 8 3236 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: So laro I I Contact: Michael F Zinn Bio-Energy Systems) Inc. Box #191 El lenv i I I e NY 12428 914-647-6482 Inventor 1 Michael F Zinn State/Country: NY Company: Bio-Energy Systems) Inc, Grant « FGD 1 -B0CS1S002 Description: A flexible rubber tubing solar collector tor hot water and building heating systems. Col lector is extrusion of ethylene-propylene-diamine rubber. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 5, 1977 Completion Date: Mar 25. I960 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 30 > 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $110)390 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing May 24; 1980 - Nov 25) 1981 Summary: A grant of $110)390 was awarded to test the product's performance in a variety of app I icationsi in I imited pr oduc t i on /ma r k e t i ng stage when recommended. Sales for 1981 exceeded $4 mill ion through 400 distributors and dealers in the U.S and from licensees in five foreign countries. Company now publicly held) from $2 .5 million stock issue and employs 100 in three divisions. New products are developed and on the market. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 50 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE # 1D1 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI « 2114 DOE Program Off' CE Category: Combustion Engines 8. Components Title: Controlled Combustion Engine Contact: Sharad M Dave 27689 Doreen Fa rmington Hills 313-476-5976 MI 48D24 Inventor: Sharad M Dave State/Country: Ml Company : Patent tt 3 762 381 Grant * FGD 1 -81CS15D4D Description: A modified intake valve for spark ignition engines. Creates increased turbulence at low throttle settings to allow lean burning mixtures. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS i Feb 2B , 1977 Completion Date: May 5, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 20; 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $85,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development May 5. 1981 - Nov 30 i 1982 Summary: An award of $85,000 to modify a conventional engine was granted to provide variable va I v i ng in a variety of design and test on an engine dynamometer both for efficiency and performance. The project is completed. Inventor is seeking licensing. DOE # 1D2 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI # 3205 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Contact 1 Frank C Bernhard 11936 Claychester Drive St. Louis MO 63131 314-822-3484 Title: Method of Burning Residual Fuel Oil in Distillate Fuel Oil Bur ner s Inventor: Frank C Bernhard State/Country: MO Company '• Patent tt 3 977 823 Grant « FGO 1-80CS15D03 Description: The invention is a method to convert standard disti I late fuel oi I burners to residual fuel oil; which is accomplished by heating that portion of the combustion air used to atomize the fuel oil. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 19; 1977 Completion Date: Feb 21. 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 24. 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $43,550 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Feb 21. I960 - Sep 30. 1982 Summary: A grant of $43,550 was awarded to design and bu i Id a packaged, self-contained fuel oi I burning test stand that can burn residual fuel oi I in any low-pressure, atomizing fuel oi I burner. Test showed technical v i ab i I ity. Market presently very poor . Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 51 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 103 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig Contact: Edwin E Eckberg Ecklux R 8. D Vacuum Lab Inc OERI t* 1446 DOE Program Off: CE 55D4 Currier Road Boise ID 63705 Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components 208-343-7442 Title: Low Voltage Ionic Fluorescent Light Bulb Inventor: Edwin E Eckberg Patent tt 3 447 098 &. Others State/Country: ID Company: Ecklux R &, D Vacuum Laboratory! Inc. Grant *t FGO 1-80CS15007 Description: Fluorescent light bulb built on Edison base. Excited by array of gas discharge tubes. Uniform output; high efficiency) and long life are claimed. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: S ep 17, 1 2) reagent tor treating waste water, and 3) agent to react with sulphur dioxide in stack gas scrubbing processes. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS i Sep 9 > 1976 Completion Date: Sep 30. 1782 Received by DOE from NBS: M ay 31, lDDD ps i tor severa I minutes. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec J d by NBS : Jan 11, 1978 Completion Date: J un 24, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: J un 19, 177"? Status: Complete Award Amount: $86, ODD Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Jun 24, 1780 - Mar 1, 1983 Summary: A grant of $86,000 was awarded to investigate and develop a feasible commercial process. The projects results show that the process is feasible and the product is at least as tender and tasty as traditional ly processed grain-ted beet. Technical data are ava i lable tor the cost of handl i ng from the University. DOE tt 110 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI # 3425 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Other Natural Sources Title: Improved Uindpower Generating System Contact: Karl H. Bergey Route #1 , Box ttlSIB Norman OK 73069 405-364-3675 Inventor: Karl H. Bergey State/Country: OK Company: Bergey Ulindpower Company Patent App I i ed For Grant tt FG01-08CS15011 Description: Self regulating, two-part windmill rotor with inner part tor low speed wind and outer part tor high speed wind. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS ' Received by DOE from NBS: Status: Complete Jan 19, 1978 Jun 29, 1979 Award Amount i Comp I et i on Date ■" $74,875 Development Stage: Prototype Development Aug 27, 1980 Contract Period 1 Aug 26, 1980 - Sep 30, 1982 Summary: A 13-month grant of $74,875 was awarded tor the development of an analytical program to characterize the operation of the Bergey windmill, design and test the prototype, and perform an economic analysis of the benefits of the design. Invention is available for wholesale and retail distribution. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 55 inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBB ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE f* 111 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI ft 3688 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Haspert Mining System Contact: John C. Haspert P.O. Box #1252 Ar cad i a 213-445-0030 CA 91006 InventDr: John C Haspert State/Country: CA Company: Underground Systems Patent tt 4 062 594 Grant tt FGO 1 -80CS1S006 Description: The invention is intended for developing rectangular openings tor mineral development. It is a mechanical apparatus that cuts I inear grooves in rock using drag bits and then breaks the rock between the grooves primari ly in the tension mode. Potential applications are in oil shale> rock and possibly coal. Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 27 > 1978 Completion Date: 5 ep n, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: J un 29; 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $125:000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i a n /Ma r k e t i ng Mar 27, 1980 - Jun 30, 1981 Summary: A grant of $125,000 mas awarded to provide a complete set of pre iminarry design drawings for a prototype machine for "'driving" a drift for the mining of oil shale and coal . The cutter produces uniformly sized material at lower costs than present methods. The work was completed and the inventor seeks I icensing and/or venture cap i ta I . DOE ** 112 DOE Coordinator D.P.Craig OERI t* 548 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Pump Paul Za non i Boulder Engineering; Inc. Fifty-Five Highland Street Ueatherst i eld CT 06109 203-529-2952 Inventor: Paul Zanoni State/Country: CT Company: noulder Engineering: Patent # 3 314 236 Grant # FGD 1 -81CS15057 Description: A conventional steam injector to serve as both teedwater pump and direct contact feedwater heater in conventional steam power plants. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 29, 1975 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 26, 1979 Status: Award Award Amount: $99,870 Development Stage 1 Concept Development Aug Aug 3, 1981 Contract Per i od : 3, 1981 - Jun 21, 1984 Summary: A grant of $99,870 was awarded to design, bu i Id, and instal I system for field tests at Dorchester Poly Tech in Massachusetts. System wi I I operate in conjunction with existing steam power plant. The inventor complains that he is not getting proper cooperation from Worcester Polytechnic, making it impossible to complete the project. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 56 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 113 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI t* 3865 DOE Program 0++= CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Ula I lace Mold Additive System Contact: Henry J Ua I lace 570 Squaw Run Road P i ttsburgh 412-963-0030 PA 15238 Inventor: Henry J Ua I lace State/Country: PA Company = Patent « 3 B71 05B 8. Others Grant # FG01-B2CE15093 Description: A device and method tor feeding smal I pieces ot metal scrap of known composition and at a fixed rate into a mold* while molten metal is being poured . Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Comp I ete Apr 20> 1978 Jul 31> 197^ Awa r d Amount Comp I et i on Da te : $89,000 Development Stage 1 Prototype Development Apr 17. 1985 Contract Period: Sep 22. 1982 - Sep 21. 1983 Summary: A grant ot $89,000 was awarded to bu i Id and test a feeding device to be instal led on a mini-mi I I located in Florida. The grant work is completed. The Ua I lace injection system is patented in the U.S. and many other countries. The inventor is seeking I icensing arrangement for his process through Blaii — Knox Equipment Division of Blairnox. Pa. (412.781-2700). Blair-Konx Equipment is licensed to supply apparatus to- the Uallace Additive Injection System. DOE # 114 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI « 3863 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems. Vehicles &. Components Title: New Energy-Saving Tire for Motor Vehicles Contact 1 Mario Bruno Inventor: Renato Monzini State/Country: Milan. I Company: ECO Tires Company Description: An autcmobile tire of innovative design intended to reduce rolling friction below that ot equivalent radial tires. Special rims are required. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 20, 1978 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 31, 1779 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage 1 Prototype Development Summary: f\j basis tor support. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 57 Inventions Recommended far DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 115 DOE Coordinator D. G. Me I I o Contact: Clyde G Phillips Rural Route #2 OERI tt 1188 DOE Program 0++= CE Box S14B-G, Angola Beach Lewes DE 19971 Category: Miscellaneous 3Q2-945-9093 Title: Refrigeration System Inventor: Clyde G Phillips Patent 8 3 783 629 State/Country: DE Company: Phillips Engineering Company Grant # FGD1-8DIR1D31B Description: Device to be instal led between the compressor and the air cooled condenser in a small refrigeration unit. It consists of a dryer-filter heat exchanger) a ven tur i -e jec t or i and connecting piping. Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Jul 2, 1976 Completion Date: Feb 22. 19B0 Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 31, 1779 Status: Complete Award Amount: $6>910 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Dec 7> 1979 - Dec 1> I960 Summary: The grantee instal led his device in one I a r ge — capac i t y ; and one sma I l — capacity commercially available air conditioners and shipped them to an independent testing laboratory where the change in performance was documented. Nd energy savings were apparent . DOE n 116 DOE Coordinator G. K. Ellis Contact: Roy J Ueikert OERI # 2946 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Model 5DDD A5EPAK System Inventor: Roy J Ueikert Patent tt 3 813 845 &. Others State/Country: OH Company: General Fi I ms > Inc. Description: The inventions are for new methods for fabricating and aseptically filling sterile plastic bags with certain classes of food materials that have been previously sterilized by ultra-high temperature processes for very short periods of time. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 4. 1977 Decision Date: Oct 4, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 30, 1979 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: Unable to identify suitable scope of work which was both agreeable to the inventor and supportable by DOE. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 58 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 117 DOE Coordinator J. Ae II en OERI 8 218? DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: -"Solarspan" Prism Trap Contact: George E Mattson 361 Moraine Street Brockton MA 617-585-3598 02401 Inventor: John Mattson State/Country: MA Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant 8 FGD 1 -80CS15024 Description: An all-plastici black liquid) solar collector with provisions tor freeze and overheat protection. Plastic can be molded to give good structural properties with thin sections. Sep 3D, 1980 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec ' d by NBS: Mar 28, 1977 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 20, 197? Status: Complete Award Amount: $98,700 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 30, I960 - Oct 30, 19B1 Summary: A grant of $98,700 was awarded to design, test and construct, low-cost plastic solar water heating panels. The project was successful. Evaluation by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory comments that this invention "wi I I save the solar program by showing all concerned that low costs can be achieved." Product is available tor wholesale distribution. DOE * 118 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 3876 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Energy Adaptive Control of Precision Grinding Contact: Roderick L Smith Energy Adaptive Grinding, Inc. 29 Airport Drive Rocktord IL 61109 815-399-S614 Inventor: Roderick L Smith State/Country: IL Company 1 Energy Adaptive Grinding, Inc Patent tt 3 653 855 Grant # FG0 1 -81CS15075 Description: An otherwise conventional, universal, external cylindrical grinder retrofitted with a computer control to save energy in removing metal . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS = Apr 24, 1978 Completion Date: J u | ID, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 27, 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,328 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 15, 1981 - Sep 15, 1982 Summary: A grant of $99,328 was awarded to perform a complete engineering design and test of the invention prototype equipment. The inventor is successfully producing and marketing his product. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 59 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 119 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI t* 4056 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Air Ratio Controller (AERTROL) Contact : Ot i s U Sm i th Inventor: Eldon L Asher Sta te /Count r y : FL Company: PROTROL , Inc. Description: A controller that controls the running time of a blower in proportion to the rate ot -flow of liquid in forced aeration type sewage plants! developed specifically to serve many small package treatment plants u/ith liquid flow ot less that 100)000 gallons per day. Significant Datesi Status and Summary ot Deve I opmenxs : Form 1019 Rec'd by NB5 ' Jun 5. 1978 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS : Sep 28, 1979 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Proposal tor marketing was rejected by DOE. Jul 17, 1981 DOE 8 120 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI # 4562 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Vapor Heat Transfer Commercial Griddle Contact: Robert Zartarian Food Fac i I i t i es Des i gn Fifteen Redman Road Canton MA 02021 Inventor: Robert Zartarian State/Country: MA Company: Food Facilities Design Patent App I i ed For Grant # FG01-82CE15124 Description: A griddle for restaurants with its surface heated by vapor condensation. This vapor is boiled with electric elements in a sump below the griddle surface. Vapor and condensed I i qu i d are hermetical ly sealed. Significant Dates, Status and Summary ot Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 2, 1978 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 17, 1979 Status: Award Award Amount: $72,603 Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Sep 2, 1982 Contract Period: Sep 2, 1982 - Aug 31, 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant ot $72,603 was awarded for a two-phase, 7-task development project in which the grantee will perform R 8. D tasks relating to product improvement and safety, as we I I as market development. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: &Q Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 121 DOE Coordinator J. Aeilen OERI 8 4643 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: Solar Space Heating for both Retrofit and New Construction Contact: James B Uhitmore Inventor' James B Uhitmore State/Country-- MI Company: Sunway Heatings Systems i Inc. Description: Passive solar collector using air as the transfer fluid. Designed tor uert ica south wa I I of a structure. Significant Dates, Status and 5ummary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 8. 1979 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS ■ Oct 25, 1979 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k e t i ng Summary: Inventor is in commercial production. Over 6000 instal lationsj costing $30 mi I I ion have been made . DOE » 122 DOE Coordinator J. Aeilen OERI # 4035 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8. Components Title: Lean Limit Controller Contact: Michael Leshner Fuel Injection Dev . Corp. 110 Harding Avenue Be I I mawr NJ 0B03D 609-931-3168 Inventor: Michael D Leshner State/Country: NJ Company: Fuel Injection Development Corp, Patent # 4 015 572 Grant # FG0 1-80CS15022 Description - - A device to apply adaptive control to air-fuel metering in internal conbustion engines. Sep 24> 1980 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS = Jan 12, 1978 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 23, 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,500 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 24, 1980 - Dec 24, 1981 Summary: An grant of $99,500 was awarded to design and test a lean I imit control device tor an internal combustion engine. Device is workable but engineering estimates show it wi I I not be cost effective. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 61 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS J OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 123 DOE Coordinator G.K. Ellis OERI 8 4573 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Comminution of Ores by a Loui-Energy Process Contact: J. Paul Pemsler, President Castle Technology Corp. P. 0. Box 8403 Lexington MA 02133 617-861-1274 Inventor: J Paul Pemsler State/Country: MA Company: Castle Technology Corp. Grant 8 FG01-80C515D2D Description: Heating with microwaves to differentially expand and fracture the sulphur containing elements of are and porphory rocki intended as a pre I iminary stage in the processing of ore before the grinding stage. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS ' Nov 6, 1978 Completion Date: Sep 25; 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 29. 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $90 > 394 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Sep IS, I960 - Nov 25i 1981 Summary: A grant of $90)394 was awarded to explore the technical feasibi I ity and determine the energy input tor the process. The energy requirements to accompl i sh any practical degree of fracturing were found to be beyond the range of equipment that was ava i lable for this project. DOE 8 124 DOE Coordinator J/Aellen OERI 8 4352 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: Solar Collector Contact: Charlton Sadlef Inventor: Charlton Sadler State/Country: FL Company : Patent 8 4 170 983 & Others Description: This solar collector is a two foot square module constructed entirely of a non-porous ceramic which has been fired at high temperatures so that it is v i t r i f i ed . Jun 2. 1982 Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 30, 1978 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 30, 1979 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Working Model Summary: Unable to agree with the inventor upon an acceptable statement of work. No basis for suppor t . Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page' 62 Inventions Recommended -for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 125 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI * 7D7 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Buildings; Structures 8. Components Title 1 The Turbulator Burner System Contact: Frank (J Ba i ley P.O. Box #94 Four t h Ay enue Haskel I NJ 07420 Inventor: Frank Ul Ba i ley State/Country: NJ Company 1 Ba i ley Burners; Inc. Patent App I i ed For Grant tt FGO 1-B1CS150 16 Description: Invention is a stirred heat exchanger (SHE) consisting of a heat exchanger with an annular cross section surrounding a region where the higher temperature fluid flows axial I y . Blades attached to an axial shaft stir the fluid at the surface of convective heat transfer. Offers possibi I ity of enhanced heat transfer using dirty gases. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS ■ Feb 11; 1976 Completion Date: Sep 29. 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 31; 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $75;000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 11; 1980 - Sep 14; 1981 Summary: A grant of $75)000 was awarded to design; bu i Id; test; and evaluate both an external ly and an internal ly stirred heat exchanger. Trying to locate inventor; and unable as yet; to evaluate grant results. DOE tt 126 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI # 4970 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Vac I a i m Contact: Karl D Schetfer 121 Governor Drive Scot i a 518-399-0016 NY 12302 Inventor: Karl D Scheffei- State/Country: NY Company : Grant # FGD 1 -8 1CS15036 Description: A system tor use in metal casting foundries. Reclaims heat from metal castings and energy from the binder in no-bake molds. El iminates smoke and fumes from the foundry. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 19; 1979 Completion Date: Apr 1; 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 31; 1979 Status 1 Complete Award Amount: $97)734 Contract Period-' Development Stage: Laboratory Test Apr 1> 1981 - Jun 30 > 1983 Summary: A grant of $97;734 was awarded for fabrication and testing heat recovery in vacuum metal casting process using no-bake molds. Inventor seeks I icense arrangements. Date: Sep 30; 1985 Page: £3 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI A Brief Status Report DOE 8 127 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI » 50D3 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Foss i I Fuels Title: Process and Apparatus to Produce Crude Oi I from Tar Sands Contact: J D Seader Merrill Engineering Building University of Utah Sale Lake City UT 84112 801-581-6348 Inventor: J D Seader State/Country: UT Company '• Grant # FGO 1 -B2CE1S136 Description: Two vessel fluidized bed system connected by heat pipes to transfer heat between the upper pyrol izer vessel > and the lower combuster vessel in which char residue is burned. Clean sand comes out in the ta i I i ngs and a usable grade of synthetic crude oi I nut the overhead. Significant Dates* Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 26, 1979 Completion Date: Sep 16, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 31, 1979 Status: Complete Award Amount: $49,749 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Sep 16, 1982 - Sep 3D, 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $49,949 was awarded to the University of Utah to design, construct and operate, a device for the purpose of producing crude oi I from tar sands. Goals to prove the design and optimize the variables including the product mix, and to prove the concept, have been achieved. DOE 8 128 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I n OERI # 5004 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Foss i I Fuels Title: Continuous Disti I lation Apparatus and Method Contact: J D Seader Merrill Engineering Building University of Utah Sa I t Lake C i ty UT 84112 801-581-6348 Inventor: J D Seader State/Country: UT Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant # FG01-82CE15138 Description 1 New design for distilling column where the rectifying and stripping sections are side by side and heat pipes transfer heat from the rectifying to the stripping section. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Comp I ete Mar 26, 1979 Dec 31, 1979 Awa r d Amount : Comp I e t ion Date : $49,652 Development Stage: Concept Development Apr 2, 19B5 Contract Period 1 Sep 16, 1982 - Sep 30, 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $49,652 was awarded to the University of Utah to design, construct and operate, a model disti I lation apparatus to simulate the rectifying and stripping sections of a proposed continuous disti I lation apparatus. Date : Sep 30, 1985 Page i 64 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 129 DOE Coordinator J. Ae I I en OERI ft 4DD7 DOE Program 0++= CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures &. Components Title 1 Super U System - Snap Strap Contact: James E Kessler Box #8115 Lea wood 713-722-0504 KS 66208 Inventor: James E Kessler State/Country: KS Company: CIS International Patent # 4 067 636 Grant ft FGD1-81CS1S2D9 Description: Super U-Snap strap insulation system which is an innovative application techn i que . Nov 28, 1780 Significant Datesi Status and Summary ot Developments: Form 1017 Rec ' d by NBS : Nay 24 , 1978 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 31. 1780 Status: Complete Award Amount: $84 > 642 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Nov 28 , 1780 - Nov 28, 1781 Summary: A grant of $84,642 was awarded to test market the Super U System. The project has created ten jobs, and sales have increased 1007, (to $300, 000). Product is available for t ranch i se . DOE ft 130 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI ft 4387 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title: Furnace Input Capacity Trimming Switch Contact: Arnold R Post Inventor: Arnold R Post State/Country: PA Company : Description: A simple inexpensive device for gas and oi I furnaces to reduce the flue gas heat loss. During morning startup, when the room thermostat is ca I I i ng tor heat, the device will cycle the furnace on and off to minimize flue gas heat I OS 5 . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 11, 1778 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 26, 1780 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: Project terminated because inventor f a i led to respond. After repeated requests, inventor was finally informed that he had until August 30, 1781 to submit a prel iminary proposal or his invention would no longer be considered tor DOE support. Inventor tai led to respond - project terminated. Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 65 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 131 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI 8 5110 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8, Components Title : Valve Deactuator tor Internal Combustion Engines Contact: N. John Beck BKM, Inc. 1065 Bay Bl vd . , Su i te C Chula Vista CA 92011 714-425-3510 Inventor: Edgar R Jordon State/Country : MI Company: LPK , Inc. Patent 8 4 114 588 Grant 8 FGO 1-08C515D23 Description: A retrofit device that can provide variable displacement operation on existing gasol i ne engines by one cyl inder at a time deactuating. Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 1> 1979 Completion Date: Sep 25, 1980 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 29, 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $65,972 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Sep 25, 1980 - Jun 25, 1982 Summary-' A grant of $65,972 was awarded to develop and test a valve deactivator tor internal combustion engines. The invention is available for sale or lease. DOE 8 132 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI 8 3045 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 Process tor Reclaiming and Upgrading Thin-Walled Malleable Was te Ma ter i a I Contact: Michael Knezevich Inventor: Michael Knezevich State/Country: IN Company: M. K. Metals, Inc. Patent 8 4 119 453 Description-' Is a system for mechanically pelletizing ferrous and non-ferrous metals and some plastics, grading according to size and then separation according to density by conventional gravity techniques. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: [\| ov 22, 1977 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 25, 1980 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i o n /Ma r k e t i ng Summary: Other financial commitments prevent inventor from proceeding. Date: Sep 30, l Inc. OERI 8 4641 DOE Program Off' CE 314 East Main Street P.O. Box 8333 Category: Transportation Systems> Vehicles & Components Barrington IL 60010 312-361-6366 Title: AUTOTHERM Car Comfort System Inventor: F J Perhats Patent App I i ed For State/Country: IL Company: Autotherm. Inc. Grant 8 FG01-B1CS15050 Description: It is an auxiliary coolant circulator for an automobile which will provide heat to the vehicle operator for a period of time without requiring the engine to idle. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Jul 27, 1978 Completion Date: Jun 19. 1983 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 26. I960 Status: Complete Award Amount: $71,034 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Mar k et i ng Jun 19, 1981 - Jun 19, 1983 Summary: A 24-month grant of $71,034 was awarded to perform the necessary research and development to ready the invention tor the marketplace. A component, the pump, is on the market with sales of $36,000. An additional $300,000 in sales, supporting a 5-man operation, has come from Europe and Canada. Product is avai lable for wholesale distribution. To date the company has sold 10K units at $160 each, altogether saving 0.625 tri I I ion Btu/Yr . They expect to sel I 5-10K units/Yr. for the next 5 years. DOE 8 134 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: John C Rupert 1S11 Grantham Street OERI 8 5239 DOE Program Off: CE Saint Paul MN 551D8 612-645-0414 Category: Buildings, Structures 8. Components Title: Expanded Polystyrene Bead Insulation System Inventor: John C Rupert Patent App I ied For State/Country: MN Company: Rupert Insulation Products, Inc. Grant 8 FG0 1 -80CS15027 Description: It is a means tor retro-insulating housing walls, utilizing expanded polystyrene bead insulation coated with a t I ame-r e ta r da n t adhesive, and applied with a unique blower— mixer nozzle. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 30, 1979 Completion Date: Jan 2, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 31, I960 Status: Complete Award Amount: $80,844 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Sep 26, 1980 - Dec 31, 1982 Summary: A grant of $80,844 was awarded to select an adhes i ve/ 1 I ame retardant, test it at an independent laboratory, develop the blower system, develop a business plan, and demonstrate the technology. A final report is due. A first commercial sale grossed $14,D00, with total residential sales grossing $100,000. Firm employs three i nd i v i dua I s . Date: Sep 3Q , i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec ' d by NBS: May 29, 1977 Completion Date: J un 22, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 30, 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $97,892 Contract Period: Development Stage: Ulorking Model Jun 22, 1982 - Jun 22, 1984 Summary: A 24-month grant of $97,892 was awarded to design, bu i Id and analyze a prototype point focus collector. DOE * 136 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI n 3885 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Windamper Contact: Albert S Richardson, Jr. 83 Second Avenue Bur I i ngton MA D1BD3 617-862-7200 Inventor: Albert S Richardson, Jr. State/Country: MA Company: Richardson Products, Inc Patent # 3 440 328 Grant # FG0 1-82CE15102 Description: Wind damper for high voltage electric transmission line to prevent galloping in wind and ice storms Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 25, 1978 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May 8, 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $76, ODD Development Stage : Limited Product ion/Market i ng Sep 1, 1982 Contract Period 1 Sep 1 , 1982 - Aug 31, 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $76,000 was awarded to extend the analysis of the windamper antigallop merits from single conductor to bundled conductor applications. To date, a total of 1400 units has been instal led with a total market value of $130,000. The invention is available for licensing, both domestic and foreign. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: £8 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 137 DOE Coordinator J. Ae I I en OERI « 5130 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 A Portable Pollution Free Automobile Incinerate Contact: H Roy Weber Box «336 Ka i I ua 80B-262-6548 HI 76734 Inventor: H Roy Ueber State/Country: HI Company: Ka i I ua Auto Wreckers Description: Portable automobile incinerator Patent App I i ed For Grant 8 FGO 1 -81CS15044 Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 17, 197? Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May B. 1980 Status: Award Award Amount: $99,408 Development Stage: Prototype Development Jun 20, 1981 Contract Per i od '■ Jun 20, 1981 - Sep 30, 1982 Summary: A 15-month grant of $99,408 was awarded to fabricate, construct and test, an incinerator to prove the invention is a viable method of" reducing scrap cars into satisfactory condition for recycling into the iron and steel industry. DOE ** 138 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen OERI tt 1994 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title 1 Phantom Tube Contact: Bernard Joseph Margowsky Inventor 1 Gerald R Seeman State/Country: CA Company: Developmental Sciences, Inc Patent # 3 956 665 Grant tt FG01-B5CE15235 Description: Phantom tube is a non light emitting, low energy device to be paired with a fluorescent tube in rapid or instant start fixtures. Device completes the electrical circuit to allow fixtures to operate on fewer lamps than original design specified, thus reducing electric power consumption. Product lifetime is virtually unlimited. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 28, 1977 Decision Date: Dec 31, -1981 Received by DOE from NBS: May 28, 1980 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage 1 Limited Production/Marketing Summary: No appropriate DOE support can be identified. Product supports 5 employees and is on the market. The relatively slow sales of 1.5 million units/year appear adequate to support any needed market research the company might wish to initiate. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 69 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBB ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE » 137 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI # 3487 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title 1 Transformer Ulith Heat Dissipator Contact : Louis L Marton Inventor: Louis L Marton State/Country: CA Company : Patent tt 3 65? 23? 8. Others Description: An improved method for cool i ng dry-type transformers) therby increasing their efficiency without increasing their weight and cost. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS = Jan 16, 1978 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May 29, 198D Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k e t i ng Summary: Inventor does not seek grant money but wishes us to exert legislative influence to require more efficient transformers in general . It does not appear that this service can be provided. DOE « 140 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI t* 3830 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Counter Flow Dual Tube Heat Exchanger Contact: Tony Uilhelm Uilhelm Engineering Company 707 Second Street Uest Ashland UI 54806 715-682-8175 Inventor: U E Mattson State/Country: MN Company: Uilhelm Engineering Company Grant # FG0 1 -82CE15 1 4£ Description: It is a simple plastic heat exchanger to preheat ventilating air for poultry or I ivestock barns. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 6, 1978 Completion Date: J u | 31, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 20, 1980 Status 1 Complete Award Amount: $49,758 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Definition Sep 22, 1982 - Jul 22, 1983 Summary: A 10-month grant of $49 > 75B was awarded to design, fabricate, instrument and operate, a prototype dual tube hear exchanger. The invention is avai lable for I icensing. It has proved to be cost effective. Date: Sep 3D, 19B5 Page: 70 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE n 141 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI # 3673 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems; Vehicles &. Components Title : New Hydrostatic Transmission Contact: Samuel Shiber P. 0. Box #371 Munde I e i n IL 60060 Inventor: Samuel Shiber State/Country: IL Company : Patent App I i ed Far Grant # FG01-B1CS15064 Description 1 A continuously variable hydraulic positive displacement transmission with lockupi overdrive; and regenerative braking for automotive and other vehicular uses. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 6, 1978 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 23; 19BD Status: Complete Award Amount: $95;000 Development Stage: Concept Development Jul 9, 1981 Contract Period: Jul 9, 1981 - Jul 9, 1983 Summary: A grant of $95;0QD was awarded to design; bu i Id and test; a Volkswagen Sirocco with a prototype hydrostatic transmission instal led. Project was funded with 9D percent i nventor -or i g i nated funds and ID percent DOE funds. Inventor's share was SO percent domestic and 50 percent foreign funded. Transmission is now avai lable for I icensing. DOE # 142 DOE Coordinator J. Ae I I en OERI # 5822 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Process for Heatless Production of Hd I low Items Contact: Anatol Michelson 3235 P i ne Va I I ey Drive Sarasota FL 33579 Inventor: Anatol Michelson State/Country: FL Company : Description: A metal casting method tor hoi low parts Patent App I i ed For Grant # FG01-81CS15055 Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: S ep 24; 1979 Completion Date: J u | 1, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: J un 26; 198D Status: Complete Award Amount: $108;920 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Jun 30; 1981 - Dec 31; 1982 Summary: An 18-month grant of $108;920 was awarded to construct and test a working model to demonstrate the heatless production of hoi low casting. The work has been completed. The invention has potential for greatly increasing productivity of the casting process. Inventor interested in I icensing. Date: Sep 30; 1985 Page: 71 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 143 DOE Coordinator J Ae I I en OERI # 5888 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Oil Ue I I Pump Jack Contact: Amar Amancharla Hous ton 713-830- TX 77D52 Inventor: Robert A Clay State/Country: CA Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant # FGD1-84CE15 188 Description: A new design pump that uiou I d replace the conventional beam pumps in pumping oi I uie I Is. It ut i I izes longer strokes than general ly used by the beam pumps and has slower rates of acceleration/deceleration; reducing the power required to overcome the inertia of the sucker rods and other moving parts. Jul 31, 1784 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 19, 1979 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J un 27, 1980 Status: Award Award Amount: $52,500 Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: A phase one grant of $52,500 was made to perform engineering designs of the pump jack. Phase two will be funded upon ava i labi I ity of funds. Uork on phase one is in progress . DOE t* 144 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI t* 5852 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title: SpaCirc Space Circulation Fan Contact: Robert C Saunders, Jr. Inventor: Robert C Saunders, Jr. State/Country: MD Compa ny : Description: The invention is a different type of ceiling fan designed for improved circulation and mixing of air throughout an air conditioned room. The increased air velocity al lows the perception of comfort at higher temperatures and humidities. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 9, 1979 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 23, 1980 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Unable to reach agreement on work to be done. Inventor's interest has waned, due to several competitors now in the field and expected high costs of production of the Spacirc. No further action is anticipated. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 72 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 145 DOE Coordinator J. Aellen Contact: Robert E Salomon Chemistry Depertment OERI * 6213 DOE Program Off: CE Temple University Phi lade Iph ia PA 17122 Category: Direct Solar 215-787-7125 Title: Solar Conversion by Concentration Cells with Hydrides Inventor: Robert E Salomon State/Country: PA Company: Grant 8 FGD1-81C51 5043 Description: The invention is a hydrogen concentration cell which converts solar energy to electricity by using heat to generate the gas pressure to drive the cell. (It is an electrochemical heat engine with sunlight furnishing the heat.) Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS = Dec 26, I??? Completion Date: Jul l, 1781 Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 27, I960 Status: Complete Award Amount: $67,868 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Jul 1, 1781 - Sep 3D, 1783 Summary: A 17-month grant of $67,868 was awarded to bu i Id and test a laboratory model of the inventor's system, tD determine efficiency and teasibi I ity. Inventor requested an extension through 8/83 to al low summer school student assistance to continue. Inventor interested in industry financial support, and eventual licensing. This project is completed. DOE tt 146 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Ronald M Hertzfeld 5310 Harvest Hill OERI 8 4774 DOE Program Off: FE Suite 8285 Da I las TX 75230 Category: Fossil Fuels 214-386-7311 Title: Line Integral Method of Magneto-Electric Exploration Inventor: Sy I va i n J Pirson Patent tt 3 743 436 State/Country: TX Company: Independex Inc - (Sweetwater Oi I Co) Grant ft FGO 1 -82CE15127 Description: A method of exploring tor gas and oil deposits by plotting the intensity and polarities of local perturbations in the earths magnetic field. These perturbations are caused by natural ly occuring electrotel luric (ET) currents associated with the oil and gas. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Jan 25, 1777 Completion Date: Aug 15> 1753 Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 30, 1780 Status: Complete Award Amount 1 $74,687 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Aug 13, 1782 - Aug 15, 1783 Summary: A grant of $74,687 was awarded to make a priori predictions on at least 10 locations where wildcat wells are planned. Results show not only accuracy of prediction of dry/wet holes, but also predicted depth of dri I I i ng required. The inventor has sold about ten projects based on these results. Project is complete. Date: Sep 3Q , 1 Jr. Patent App I i ed For State/Country: CT Company: Heat Trace Division) Multistressi Inc. Description: The invention is an electric resistance heater for attachment to railroad switches. The heater can be activated to prevent ice and snow from clogging the area where the rai Iroad switch is closed or opened. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 4, 1979 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 31, 1 I960 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Mar 10, 1982 - Sep 9, 1982 Summary: I n FY 82, a 6-month grant of $99,000 was awarded to test the Duval mi I Iscale deoiling process, using Duval's pilot plant with a design capacity of 2 tons/hr of oi ly mi I Iscale. In FY 84 the inventor reported to NBS that he had achieved commercial success with the first plant being built in Aurora, Ohio. Others are planned for Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Hamilton, Ontario. An export license was signed with SPEICHIM in Paris that covers Europe, China and the USSR. Negotiations were underway with C. Itoh of Tokyo. Each plant will require $5 million capital and 35 employees. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 74 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' 0ER1 - A Brief Status Report DOE # 149 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig Contact: Ogden H Hammond Count Digital) Inc. OERI * 5610 DOE Program Off: CE Post Office Box #324 Monument Beach MA D2553 Category: Bui ldings> Structures 8. Components 617-646- 1 400 Title: SCOTCH - (Simple) Cost-Effective; Optimum Temperature Control for Housing) Inventor 1 Ogden H Hammond State/Country: MA Company: Count Digital > Ltd. Grant ** FGO 1 -81CS15038 Description: A system to retrofit residential and other steam heating systems to al I out zone heat i ng . Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec ' d by NBS: Aug 6> 1979 Completion Date: Jan 28, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug IB, 1980 Status 1 Complete Award Amount: $91,962 Contract Period 1 Development Stage: Concept Development Jan 26, 1981 - Jul 28, 1982 Summary: A grant at $91,962 was awarded to design, bu i Id and test prototype instal lations in several residences in the Boston area where steam heated homes are numerous and winters severe. Grant is complete, the company made some sales, and is I icensing the control system which uses house wiring to convey signals. DOE » 150 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Edward Ul Midlam 2300 21st Street OERI * 7141 DOE Program Off: CE Lake Charles LA 70601 316-478-7844 Category: Industrial Processes Title: The Use of Solid Ulaste Material from a Lubricating Oil and/or Vegetable Oil Refining Operation. Inventor: Edward U Midlam State/Country: LA Company: Grant tt FGO 1 -81CS15073 Description: The invention involves the use of solid waste material from a lubricating oil and/or vegetable oil refining operation being used as a raw material tor a Portland Cement plant. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec ' d by NBS: J un 16, 1980 Completion Date: Aug 6, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30, 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $64,200 Contract Period: Development Stage: Production Engineering Aug 6, 1981 - Jun 30, 1983 Summary: A 24-month grant of $64,200 was awarded tc investigate one or more specific marketing opportunities. Unfavorable market conditions prevented inventor from pursuing the project further. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 75 Indentions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 151 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 5494 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Film Type Storm Window Contact: Yao Tzu L Inventor: Yao Tzu Li State/Country: MA Company: Energy 8. Innovation; Inc Patent # 4 21D 191 Description: A plastic film type of storm window that is tensioned at the corners and sealed on the perimeter to produce a wrinkle free and air tight membrane tor w i ndow insulation. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J u | 3D, 1979 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 3D, I960 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Inventor sold Product. DOE tt OERI # Contact: David S Majkrzak 345 Cherry Court Ules t Fa r go 701-282-5593 Category: Transportation Systems, Vehicles 8. Components 152 6439 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo DOE Program Of t : CE Title: Vehicle Exhaust Gas Ulai Sy s ten ND 58D78 Inventor: David S Majkrzak State/Country: ND C ompa ny '■ Grant 8 FGD 1-B1CS15D63 Description: An accelerated warm-up system tor an internal combustion engine which uses the hot exhaust gases to heat the cool i ng water. Engine cool i ng water is ducted to a heat exchanger /mut f I er in the exhaust system during the warm-up period. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 12, I960 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 3D, 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $77,500 Development Stage: Prototype Development Aug 1981 Contract Period: Aug h, 1961 - Aug 1983 Summary: A grant of $77,500 was awarded to design, bui Id and test a prototype model of the vehicle gas warm-up system. ERIP assistance is complete. Other innovations in this area may have made this invention obsolete. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page lb Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER i A Brief Status Report DOE 8 153 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI » 5553 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: A New Equipment Design Concept tor Storage ot Hot Foods Contact : Carl E Pear I Inventor: Carl E Pearl State/Country: CA Company '■ Description: A series of food handling systems designed to reduce heat loss/gain during storage or transport. The basic concept is that ot including a heat storage material with the food enclosed in an insulated container to allow the food to stay warm/cool longer. Feb li 1783 Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 10. 1979 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 3D. 198D Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: The inventor has decided to suspend effort on this project in tavor of another, mare promising invention, not supported by ERIP. DOE It 154 OERI # 5750 Category: Foss DOE Coordinator J . Ae I len DOE Program Ot t ' CE Fue I s Contact: Forrest E Chancel lor Title: Rotating Horsehead tor Pumping Units Inventor: Forrest E Chancel I or State/Country: CA Compa ny i Patent # 4 121 471 Description: A n ellipsoidal head for an oil well pump beam unit used in sucker-rod pumping. The el I ipsoidal head increases the strokes of the sucker-rod over that ot the conventional "horse" head and thus causes an increase in flow. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: s ep 7, 1979 Decision Date; Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 29. 1980 Status: Analysis Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Awaiting revised proposal. Needs Licensing. May 14, 1981 Date: Sep 3Q, J.9BS Page: 77 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I A Brief Status Report DOE 8 155 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 7292 DOE Program Off: CE Category 1 Fossil Fuels Title: Slip Mining Contact: James M Cleary 92 McCa I I urn Drive Box 8541 Falmouth 617-548-6686 MA 02541 Inventor: James M Cleary State/Country: MA Compa ny '• Patent 8 4 D59 3D9 8. Others Grant 8 FGD1 -85CE 1 5195 Description: A method of surface mining coal that involves skidding a series of overburden blocks off the coal . The blocks are buoyantly supported) stabi I i zed and displaced by a dense mud slurry. Slabs of coal uncovered by block movement are floated to the surface of the dense mud and recovered from the surface of the mud filled pit. Aug 28, 1985 Significant Dates* Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS = Jul 23. 1980 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 31. 1980 Status: Award Award Amount: $69>775 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Dec 10> 1984 - Summary: A phase one grant of $25)275 was awarded on December 10> 1984. A phase II grant of $44)500 was awarded on August 28. 1985. DOE 8 156 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 5375 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Contact: James J Dolan Valjim Corporation P. 0. Box 85203 Ues t por t 203-259-1249 CT 06880 Title: Direct-Current Electrical Heat-Treatment of Continuous Metal Sheets in a Protective Atmosphere. Inventor: James J Dolan State/Country: CT Company: v'a I j i m Corporation Patent 8 4 154 432 8. Others Grant 8 FG0 1 -B1CS15058 Description: A new application at electrical conduction for the continuous heat treatment of rolled steel strip that uses less energy than conventional methods. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS = Jul 3, 1979 Completion Date: J u | 23. 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 31, 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,4B5 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited P r oduc t i on /Ma r k e t i ng Jul 23) 1981 - Jul 23, 1982 Summary: A 12-month grant Dt $99 > 485 was awarded to design a plant for Southwest Pipe Company, prepare a design manual , and to col lect data on energy savings. Two instal lations are now running: one in Texas and one in Alabama. Negotiations underway for three more in Indian Steel Mills. Date Sep 30, 1985 Page: 78 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 157 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Albert L McQuillen, Jr 1701 Partridge Run Road OERI tt 5968 DOE Program 0++= CE Pittsburgh PA 15241 412-835-2836 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Magnasea I Method and Means for Seal i ng Steel Ingot Casting Mo I ds to Stools. Inventor: Albert L McQuillen, Jr Patent # 3 837 393 State/Country: PA Company: 33 Hundred, Inc. Grant # FGD 1 -81CS15D51 Description: A means of sealing steel ingot casting molds to stools by use of tine metallic particles and an electromagnetic field to emplace the particles. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS •• Nov 1, 1979 Completion Date: j un 18. 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 31, 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $91,202 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Jun 18, 1981 - Dec 31, 1982 Summary: A grant of $91,202 was awarded to bu i Id and instal I a Magnaseal system in the U. S. Steel plant in Lorrain, Ohio! and to demonstrate and test it. DOE # 158 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Paul F Pugh 4082 Sequoyah Road OERI tt 2049 DOE Program Off: CE Oakland CA 94605 415-638-5015 Category: Miscel laneous Title: Energy Conservative Electric Cable System Inventor: Paul F Pugh Patent App I i ed For State/Country: CA Company: Grant tt FG0 1 -81CS15074 Description 1 A low-loss shielded power cable using a natural ly cooled sodium conductor and a pressurized gas insulator. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 13, 1977 Award Date: Sep 16, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 31, 1980 Status: Award Award Amount: $140,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Product ion/Market i ng Sep 16, 1981 - Mar 31, 1983 Summary: A grant of $140, D00 was awarded to construct and lay cable from the mainland to Alcatraz Island, off the coast of California. Inventor will also build and conduct lab tests on high voltage cable tor subsequent evaluation by independent third party. The work has been delayed tor several reasons and is sti I I in progress. Cable has been approved under the National Electric Code. Inventor negitiating with venture capital sources to raise $4.5 mi I I ion to bu i Id new plant and set up national distribution network. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 79 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS- 1 OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 157 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 538D DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title- - Non-Tubing Type Lift Device) Described as the NTT Rabbit Contact: (J j | | jam D Gram I i ng 5144 Newport Avenue Chevy Chase MD 20016 301-686-4125 Inventor: Ulilliam D Gramling State/Country: MD Company: Gramling Engineering Patent # 4 113 010 & Others Grant # FG0 1-81CS15062 Description: A gas powered lift device designed to collect oil from low producing (or non-producing) wells. It is a piston device which is lowered inside the oil we I I casing into the I i qu i d . A pressure operated valve closes; the gas pressure below increases* and the device rises lifting the fluid trapped above . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS > May 7, 1779 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 25 > 1780 Status: Complete Award Amount' Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Comp I et i on Da te : $71 ,278 Jul 24, 1781 Contract Period: Jul 24, 1781 - Apr 24, 1783 Summary: A grant of 471,278 was awarded to modify, design, instal I and test the device in several gas/oil wells in Glenville, West Virginia and to investigate and test the feasibility of installing the devices in other areas. After several modifications the unit was tested and operates successful ly. However, there appears to be no market for this invention. DOE tt 160 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI * 670D DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title: High Efficiency Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Contact: Leon Lazare c/o The Puraq Company 111 Hanna's Road Stamford CT 06703 203-322-4125 Inventor: Leon Lazare State/Country: CT Company: The Puraq Company Grant tt FGO 1 -81CS15046 Description: An improved absorption refrigeration cycle employing a novel combination of absorbent and refrigerant fluids. Both a simple stage and two-stage cycle system are presented. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: May 22, 1780 Completion Date: Apr 30, 1781 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 25, 17B0 Status: Complete Award Amount: $87,537 Contract Period: Development Stage: Engineering Design Apr 30, 1981 - Apr 30, 1782 Summary: A grant of $87,537 was awarded tor a plan leading to the instal lation of the system in four chemical plants to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibi I ity of the process when applied to four different, but representative chemical lines. The grant is complete. Best market for the technology was found to be in ammonia plants. Sales have not yet been closed. Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 80 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 161 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI » 854 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: duPont Connell Energy Coal Gasification Process Contact: Anthony A duPont DuPont Aerospace Companyj Inc 1111 East Ulakehami Suite J Santa Ana CA 92705 714-753-4125 Inventor 1 Anthony A duPont State/Country: CA Company: duPont Conne I I Energy Patent App I i ed For Grant 8 FGD 1 -B1CS1S06B Description: A method of making I ouj- to-med i urn Btu gas from coal is described. A key feature is control of retort heat fluxes. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Mar 31. 1776 Award Date: Aug 5> 1781 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 28. 1980 Status: Award Award Amount: $98,074 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Aug 5. 1981 - Feb 5. 1983 Summary 1 A grant of $98,074 was awarded to design, bu i Id. and test a laboratory scale model of the inventor's concept. DOE *» 162 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI * 6992 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Tubular Pneumatic Conveyor P i pe I i ne Contact: Lemuel Les I ie Ply Route »1 . Box 8354-E Wimberly TX 78676 512-847-9885 Inventor: Lemuel Les I ie Ply State/Country: TX Company : Patent t* 4 116 491 Grant 8 FGD 1-82CE 15128 Description: A pneumatic tubular conveyor pipeline tor transporting dry granular materials such as coal, barite or cement over long distances. The pipeline has an outer impervious pipe and an inner porous pipe radial ly spaced. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 23. 198D Completion Date: Sep 30. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 28. 1980 Status: Complete Award Amount: $44,480 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Sep 3D. 1982 - Sep 30. 1984 Summary: A grant of $44,480 was awarded to design, bu i Id. and test a prototype section of pipeline using several 10-foot sections of pipe. This project is complete. Date: Sep 3D. 1985 Page: 81 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 163 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI # 6831 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title : Thermotropic Plastic Films Contact: Dennis D Howard 2DD West Grandview Boulevard Erie PA 16512 B14-868-3611 Inventor: Dennis D Howard State/Country: PA Company: Hughson Chemicals Grant * FGO 1 -B1CS1S04S Description: A thermotropic plastic film which can be formulated to become opaque above a particular temperature. When sealed between two layers of glass it could serve as a window shade tor greenhouses or other solar heated structures. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Comp I ete May IS, 1980 Dec 4, 1980 Awa r d Amount i Comp I et i on Date : $99,093 Jul 13, 1981 Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Jul 1981 Jul 13, 1982 Summary: A grant at $99,093 was given to perform research and development leading to a practical design with special attention given to edge seal i ng and general weather proofing of the laminated panes. The grant is complete, double glass enclosures were found to be too costly. Inventor is using his own funds to develop an embossed plastic seal via smal I compartments of fluid separated by heat-sealed pattern. Company seeks joint venture and/or I icensing. DOE # 164 OERI tt 6433 Contact: John D Gi I I Elastomer Energy Recovery I nc 419 Fourth Street Annapo lis MD 21403 Category: Transportation Systems, Vehicles 8. Components 301-263-5735 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig DOE Program Of t : CE Title 1 Elastomer Energy Recovery Elements and Vehicle Component App I i cat i ons Inventor: John D Gi I I State/Country: liD Company: Elastomer Energy Recovery Inc Grant # FG0 1 -B1CS15054 Description: A regenerative braking device, for a small urban automobile, that stores energy during downhill operation for additional acceleration and power when needed with a minimum of fuel consumption. Energy is mechanical ly stored by an elastomeric storage device. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Comp I ete Dec 12, 1979 Dec 4, 1980 Awa r d Amount i Completion Date: $89,507 Jul 1981 Development Stage: Concept Development Ju Contract Period: 9, 1981 - Apr 15, 1982 Summary: A grant of $89 , 5D7 was awarded to design, bu i Id, and test a scale model to determine optimum design after which a full scale model will be built and tested. The grant is complete. Inventor now seeks $100,000 private sector support to demonstrate proof of concept of a two-person, enclosed, three wheel moped using a smal I gasol i ne motor. Energy is stored in elastomer via pedals on downhi I I runs and upon deceleration. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page i 82 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS J OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 165 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI # 6985 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Contact: Ulu-Chi Chen 859 Br i ttmore Road Houston TX 77079 713-461-6811 Title: Process tor Recovering Hydrogen and Elemental Sulfur from Hydrogen Sulfide and/or Mercaptans-Containing Hydrogen Inventor: Uu-Chi Chen State/Country: TX Company '■ Patent * 4 D66 739 Grant tt FGD 1 -81CS1 5D65 Description 1 A new process far recovering hydrogen and elements l-sul fur from hydrogen sulfide using iodine slurry Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS : Received by DOE from NBS ■ Status : Comp I ete May 16, 19BD Dec 29, 198D Awa r d Amount ; Completion Date : $70,000 Development Stage: Concept Development Aug Oct 29. 1984 Contract Period: 4, 1981 - Jan 15, 1983 Summary: A grant of $70,000 was awarded to investigate the teasibi I ity of the process by performing laboratory and economic studies. Inventor is discussing I icensing possibilities with private research corporations. The project is now complete. DOE tt 166 DOE Coordinator D.R.Craig OERI 8 4656 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Borehole Angle Control Contact 1 Robert F Evans Box #45674 Da I I as 214-943-2181 TX 75235 Inventor: Robert F Evans State/Country: TX Company ' Grant # FGO 1 -81 CS15067 Description: A modified oil well drill bit which can correct the course of the borehole as the hole is being drilled. It selectively injects cuttings to one side of the dri I I bit to provide a wedging action between the bit and the borehole. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 27. 1978 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 29, 1980 Status: Award Award Amount: $98,148 Development Stage 1 Concept Development Jul 28. 1981 Contract Period 1 Jul 2B, 1981 - Mar 1 . 1984 Summary: A grant of $98,148 was awarded to design, fabricate and conduct field tests on the drill bits and control system. DOE waiting from a final report from the inventor. Date: Sep 3Q , 1 combined with an advanced method of applying and removing the 17)000 sq. ft of thermal insulation. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ; d by NBS: Jan 7> 1980 Completion Date: Aug 10> 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 26 , 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount 1 $79)726 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Aug 19> 1981 - May 15) 1982 Summary: A grant of $79)726 was awarded to bu i Id and test a prototype model of the thermal ice cap> and was successfully completed. Energy savings were experimentally determined to be almost exactly as predicted by NBS analysis. This experimental device is still in use on the Mall in Washington) DC. Inventor seeks opportunities to direct sales. DOE tt 174 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI ft 6241 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Skate on Plastic Ice Skating System Contact: Gene Plattner Inventor: E Nathaniel State/Country: MO Company: Skate-0n> Inc Patent # 4 030 729 Description: A non-refrigerated plastic skating surface to replace energy intensive ice skating surfaces. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 31, 1979 Decision Date: Sep 28, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar S> 1981 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Invention coordinator and inventor agreed to scope of work for a grant. Prior funding by the Sma I I Business Administration has led to sales of some units. Units were not a commercial success because of perceived "extra skating effort". Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 87 nventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE n 175 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen 0ER1 8 6931 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 A Louj-Energy Carpet Backing System Contact: U W Seujard c/o DASH, Inc. 1303 Dug-Gap Road Da I ton 404-278-2556 GA 30720 Inventor: Den M Acres State/Country: GA Company: DASH, Inc. Patent App I ied For Grant 8 FGO 1 -B1CS15070 Description: A I ouj energy carpet backing system which uses a hot-melt thermoplastic coating. The hot-melt coating replaces the present latex adhesive coating uih i ch locks the tufts or stitches into the primary backing fabric. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Camp I e te May 5, I960 Mar 26, 1981 Awa r d Amount Completion Date ; $79, 173 Development Stage 1 Prototype Development Aug 1, 1981 Contract Period: Aug 1, 1981 - Jan 31, 1983 Summary: A grant of $79,173 was awarded and completed to refit a carpet backing machine with automatic control elements and test on a variety of carpet products. Grantee intends to market the product directly to carpet mi I Is, and predicts an estimated 86% energy savings in manufacture of coated carpeting. Commercial viabi I ity of the technology was demonstrated. Inventor is in commercial production. He seeks venture capital ass i stance. Contact: Dale Flickinger DOE t* 176 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 7428 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui Idings, Structures 8. Components Title: Self-Contained, Water Proof, Stoker Fired, Fully Automatic, Portable 5o I id Fuel Furnaces Inventor: John D. Finnegan State/Country: MN Company-' Solid Fuel Systems, Inc. Description: An automatically tired portable furnace for burning coal and agricultural waste (e.g. corn, wood waste, poultry manure) for use in drying grain and heating homes and buildings. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 18, 1980 Decision Date: Sep 22, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 3, 1981 Status 1 Decision Phase Development Stage 1 Ulorking Model Summary: Inventor intends to sel I through heating contractors. Marketing plan is avai lable. Date: Sep 3D, 198S Page: 88 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 177 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Robert John Starr R.F.D. OERI # 6040 DOE Program 0++= CE Sutton VT 05867 802-626-8045 Category: Direct Solar Title: The Solar I Option Inventor: Robert John Starr State/Country: VT Company: Grant 1* FGD 1 -82CE 15 1 40 Description: A solar heating system using commercially available collectors and components and a concrete floor slab as a heat storage device and heat exchanger. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 3, 1979 Completion Date: Aug 15. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: May 7, 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount: $52,960 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Sep 24; 1982 - Jun 30 > 1984 Summary: A grant of $52,960 was awarded to test the effectiveness of a previously instal led system. The University of Massachusetts furnished instrumentation) data analysis and computer programs for future design analysis. Energy savings were essential ly as predicted. Some sales have been made> but generally "solar" market is slow. This project is completed. DOE 8 178 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: John Ul North J U North Company OERI 8 7726 DOE Program Off: CE c/o Silica-North, Ltd. P Box #838 Category: Industrial Processes Tuscombia AL 35674 205-381-3582 Title: Process and Apparatus for Producing Ce I lulated Vitreous Refractory Material Inventor: John W North Patent 8 4 212 635 8. Others State/Country: GA Company: J U North Company Grant 8 FGD 1 -82CE151 17 Description: A process and apparatus to produce cellular vitreous refractory material in prescribed shapes I ighter than conventional brick or ti le and more impermeable. The material will have high structural strength and will be highly insulative and light weight. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 30, 1980 Completion Date: Jul 23, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 15, 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount: 594,688 Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Sep 8, 1982 - Sep 8, 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $94,688 was awarded to design, bu i Id and operate a pi lot plant for manufacture of cell glass building material. There appears to be no market for th i s product . Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 89 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 177 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Charles E Edwards Solex Corporation OERI 8 7158 DOE Program Off: CE 52 Meadowcrott Street Louie I I MA 01852 Category: Direct Solar 617-459-3582 Title 1 Development and Commercialization of Low Cost? Non-Metallic> So I a r Sy s terns Inventor: Charles E Edwards Patent App I i ed For State/Country: MA Company: Solex Corporation Grant 8 FGD 1 -81CS15D71 Description: A solar hot water heating system consisting of a non-metallic flat plate solar col lector made from Et hy I ene-Pr opo I ene-D i ene monomer and non-pressurized ther ma I s torage . Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Jun 19s 1980 Completion Date: Jan 3, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 17. 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,999 Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Prototype Development Aug 17, 1981 - Jan 3> 1984 Summary: A grant of $99 > 999 was awarded to Solex Corporation to final ize design and manufacturing methods tor a low cost solar collector. Prototypes were manufactured and tested tor efficiency and weatherabi I ity. The inventor got $5D0>0DD over a 5-year contract in Saudi Arabia. Governments of Saudi Arabia and Jordon have indicated interest in I icensing his technology. He has received numerous inquiries about his technology from al I over the world. DOE 8 18D DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Richard E Dame 1D7D1 Harper Avenue OERI 8 2116 DOE Program Off: CE Silver Spring MD 20901 301-681-6903 Category: Direct Solar Title: Adjustable Solar Concentrator ( ASC ) Inventor: Richard E Dame Patent App I i ed For State/Country: MD Company: Grant 8 FGD 1-B1CS15172 Description: A Concentrating Solar Col lector using movements and loads on edges of elastic sheets to form cylindrical parabolic reflector. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 27, 1977 Completion Date: Aug 15. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 20 > 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount: $97,066 Contract Period-' Development Stage: Working Model Aug 26, 1981 - Dec 28, 1983 Summary: A grant of $97,066 was awarded to develop a fabrication technique tor a low-cost, high-performance adjustable concentrating solar collector. Effort successful, but market for medium-temperature cdI lectors is very poor. The project is completed. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 90 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE *t 181 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 8061 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Mi see I laneous Title 1 The Karlson Ozone Sterilizer Contact: Eskil L Karlson 4634 State Street Erie 814-868-1121 PA 16509 Inventor: Eskil L Karlson State/Country: PA Company '• Patent tt 3 719 017 8. Others Grant tt FG01-82CE15082 Description: An ozone sterilizer for medical use in both field and hospital. It is low-powered and lightweight. It sterilizes in less than ten minutes; requires no steam and can automatical ly package steri I ized instruments for storage up tD several months. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Feb 9, 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: May 29, 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount Development Stage: Prototype Development Completion Date: $133,304 May Apr 27, 1982 Contract Period: 1 , 1982 - May 1 , 1984 Summary- - a 24-month grant of $133,304 was awarded to design, develop, and test the Karlson ozone steri I izer system. Inventor seeks venture capital and/or I icensing for third world and other markets. This project is completed. DOE n 182 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 7089 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Other Natural Sources Title: Improved Seal for Geothermal Drill Bit Contact: Robert F Evans Box »62 La M i rada 213-697-8486 CA 90637 Inventor: Robert F Evans State/Country: CA Company = Patent App I i ed For Grant tt FG01-82CE1S104 Description: A new type of seal i ng arrangement tor the cone bearings of a standard rotary drill bit used tor geothermal exploration which prolongs the bearing life for a given load and rotary speed. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J un 3, 1980 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May 29, 1981 Status: Award Award Amount: $94,898 Development Stage 1 Concept Development Aug 26, 1982 Contract Period: Sep 1 , 1982 - Aug 31 , 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $94,898 was awarded to select by research the best elastomer tor use as a bearing seal, and then to test it in the laboratory and in the field. Inventor has made no decision yet on marketing strategy. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page 91 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE n 183 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI » 5961 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Increased Vapor Generator Feature. Reheat Vapor Generator Contact 1 E. Stephen Mi I iaras c/o Ener got echno I ogy Corp. 238 Main Street) Suite #514 Cambridge MA D2142 617-492-3700 Inventor: £. Stephen Mi 1 iaras State/Country: MA Company: Ener go techno I ogy Corp. Patent tt 3 826 093 &. Others Grant tt FGO 1-82CE1S194 Description: A method to provide peak power more economical ly from a base s team / tur b i ne electric plant. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ; d by NBS : Oct 16, 1777 Completion Date: J un 7. 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 18, 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount: $98)977 Contract Period: Development Stage'- Engineering Design Jun 7> 1982 - Dec 31) 1983 Summary: A grant of $98)977 was awarded to design the system for a specific instal lation that wi I I need increased capacity. For the purpose) negotiations are under way with Southern Calitirnia Edison. Extensive subcontracting of the installation will be done by Dynatech R 8. D o f Boston. Design completed and 10% capacity increase predicted. Construction awaits SCE needs for additional capacity. The project is comp I eted . DOE * 184 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 2111 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8. Components Title: Coasting Fuel Shutoft Contact: Nathan Gold Inventor: Nathan Gold State/Country: CA Company i Description: A device suitable for new production or retrofit to turn off the fuel during coasting conditions for automobiles. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Apr 27 > 1977 Decision Date: J U n 30) 19B1 Received by DOE from NBS: J un 23) 1981 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Several contacts have been made with the inventor) none of which el icited a response. Other simi lar devices are now on the market. Date: Sep 30 > 1985 Page: 92 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE ft 1B5 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI * 2443 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui ldings> Structures 8. Components Title: Insulated Garage Door Contact 1 Charles Bach Inventor: Ceci I H Uo I f State/Country: IL Company : Patent App I i ed For Description: An insulated overhead rol I -up garage door with special seals to reduce direct heat transmission and inti Itration. The door is sectional ized and is comprised of pivotal I y connected panels each having a cavity tilled with insulation. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS : Jul 11 j 1977 Decision Date: Aug IS. 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Jul 27, 1981 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage 1 Ulorking Model Summary: Inventor has yet to furnish an acceptable proposal or business plan to DOE. DOE ft 186 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI ft 7361 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Oil Recovery by In-Situ Exfoliation Drive Contact: Ronald Hertzteld Inventor: Sy I va i n J Pirson State/Country: TX Company: Independex Inc - (Sweetwater Oi I Co) Description: fi, process for recovering oil in-situ from oil shale which involves alternatively heating and cool i ng a rubble chamber to extol iate the crushed rock. The rock releases hydrocarbons which are then pumped to the surface. Aug 5> 1981 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: j u | 31, 1 which has also been recommended to ERIP. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 93 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 187 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI # 3145 DOE Program Off: CE Category; Miscel laneous Title: Variable Field Induction Motor Contact: Lewis W Parker Inventor: Lewis Ul Parker State/Country: FL Company: Parker Electronics Patent App I i ed For Description: A means of controlling the field current in an AC induction motor to improve the effiency under partial load conditions. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 7, 1977 Decision Date: Aug 7. 1981 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 6, 1981 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Inventor is marketing the product in Chinai and is also attempting to market the product domestically with applications to typewriters and DC motors. He has not yet submitted a written proposal. DOE # 18B DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas OERI 8 7486 DOE Program Off: FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Contact: John C Haspert Underground Systems P. 0. Box #1252 735 West Duarte Road Arcadia CA 91DD6 213-445-DD3D Title: Remote Controlled Underground Mining System for Horizontal or Pitching Seams Inventor: John C Haspert State/Country: CA Company: Underground Systems Patent App I i ed For Grant # FGD1 -82CE151 3D Description: A remote control led underground mining system which uses a unique guidance system for directional drilling of horizontal and pitching seams. Gaseous deposits can be mined without exposure of manpower to hazards. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 8) 1980 Completion Date: Aug lb, 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 28. 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount 1 $98,251 Contract Period 1 Development Stage: Working Model Aug 16. 1982 - Nov \b> 1983 Summary: A grant of $98,251 was awarded to design special mining equipment, specifying standard parts that are required to bu i Id the remote mining system. Grant completed. Designs and drawings submitted to DOE. There is no obvious commercial interest. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 94 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE n 189 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Gerald Eastman P. 0. Box #145 OERI » 7658 DOE Program 0+f= FE Ochelata OK 74051 918-535-2393 Category: Miscel laneous Title: Pump Jack Inventor: Gerald Eastman State/Country: OK Company: Grant # FGD 1 -82CE 15D87 Description: An oil well pumping system in which a hydraulic pump drives a double-acting hydraul ic cyl inder in an upward motion. During the down-stroke the pressure below the piston in bled through a flaw control valve. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS: Oct ID. 198Q Completion Date: J un 15. 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 31. 19B1 Status: Complete Award Amount: $83,604 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Jun 15. 1982 - Dec 15. 1983 Summary: An grant of $83,604 was awarded to field test and document the results of testing several of these units at varying depths from 2000 to 7000 feet. Rhino Engineering is supervising the tests and documenting the results. After several fa i lures and corrections, units operated trouble tree for 10 months. Medium-sized company seeks I icense from inventor. This project is complete. DOE 8 190 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: U N Lawless Lake Shore Ceramics. Inc OERI tt 7963 DOE Program Off: CE 64 East Ulalnut Street Wester v i I I e OH 43081 Category: Miscellaneous 614-891-2243 Title: Oxygen-Conducting Material and Oxygen-Sensing Method Inventor: Ul N Lawless State/Country: OH Company 1 Lake Shore Ceramics. Inc Grant tt FG0 1 -82CE1509S Description: An improved oxygen sensing device formed by tape casting an oxygen-conducting material into a dense ceramic body with metal electrodes i n t er d i spe r sed between ceramic layers. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Jan 7, 1981 Completion Date: May IB. 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30. 19B1 Status: Complete Award Amount: $89,076 Contract Period: Development Stage: Engineering Design May 18. 1982 - May 17. 1983 Summary: A grant of $89,076 was awarded to fabricate and test several ceramic compositions that will be useful tor oxygen sensing and possibly be useful as a fuel eel I material. First items fabricated under subcontract by Penn State U. are promising. The potential fuel cell application was identified in ERIP's pilot testing of I icensing opportunities, the inventor being told that it represented a potential significant advance in state-of-the-art for fuel cells. As indicated, recent tests have confirmed this. This project has been completed. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 95 Indentions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 171 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: William Lake Manco Corporation OERI tt 4890 DOE Program Off: CE P Box 81574 Ula I la Wa I la U1A 97362 Category: Buildings. Structures &. Components 509-527-2243 Title: Rotary Heat Pump Air Condi t i oner . Heater and Went i lator tor Automotive) Mobile and Stationary Use. Inventor: Milton Pravda Patent tt 3 740 766 State/Country: UIA Company: Manco Corporation Grant tt FGO 1 -B4CE151 76 Description: The invention is an air conditioning unit for mobile or internal stationary application; utilizing waste heat from an internal combustion engine. The refrigeration cycle is a conventional lithium-bromide absorption cycle. Various cycle components are enclosed in a hermetic cylinder) which is rotated by an electric motor. Heat is absorbed or rejected by rotating tinned surfaces . Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Feb 13, 1979 Award Date: Jul 26 , 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 30, 1961 Status: Award Award Amount: $27,900 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Jul 26, 1784 - Summary: A phase one grant of 527,900 was awarded on July 26th, 1784. Phase one funds have been used to modify the heat exchanger design and test it in a commercial dryer exhaust tor performance and efficiency. The test results are encouraging. Lint and dust particles do not adhere to the surface, thus keeping its effiency high in service. A detai led mathematical analysis has been prepared for the rotary heat pump. Phase II will be initiated on receipt of a suitable work proposal for building and testing a prototype. DOE tt 172 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o Contact: Donald C Lewis P. 0. Box #1107 OERI tt 7743 DOE Program Off: CE Bangor ME 04401 800-648-7200 Category: Miscel laneous Title 1 Closed Cycle Dehum i d i f i ca t i on Clothes Dryer Inventor: Donald C Lewis State/Country: ME Company: NYLE Corporation Grant tt FG01-82CE 151 00 Description: A clothes dryer that uses a vapor compression refrigeration cycle to dehumidify the air that passes through the dryer. Air temperature wi I I gradual ly increase as the condenser restores heat lost to the evaporator and adds energy introduced into the refrigerant by the compressor. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 30, 1780 Completion Date: J un 15, 1783 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 7, 1781 Status: Complete Award Amount: $81,648 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Jul 16, 1782 - Jun 15, 1783 Summary: A n 8-month grant of $81,648 was awarded to design, construct and test the clothes dryer. Prel iminary tests of the unit, which operates at 115v, show 65-70 percent energy savings over the conventional dryer. Inventor expects profitable operation at 1% of total dryer market, and is looking far licensing opportunities with eventual sel I -out if market share expands. Date: Sep 3Q , 1785 Page: 96 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 193 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Nicholas Archer Sanders Glen Ridge Road OERI 8 6928 DOE Program Oft: CE Norwich VT D5G55 802-649-3869 Category: Transportation Systems i Vehicles 8. Components Title: Engine Heating Device Inventor: Nicholas Archer Sanders Patent App I i ed For State/Country: VT Company: Grant ** FGD 1 -82CE 15141 Description: A truck diesel engine heater ( Hea t-e xchanger /hea t -s i nk ) which stares heat from the exhaust tor later use in warming a cold engine prior to startup. Crankcase oi I or engine coolant is circulated through the heat exchanger and engine tor wa r mup . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 7, 1980 Award Date: Sep 30. 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 30; 1981 Status: Award Award Amount: $91,150 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Sep 3D. 1982 - Sep 30. 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $91,150 was awarded to construct and test a prototype unit. Results of testing showed large energy savings, but equipment cost needs to be reduced. Marketing proceeding! Honeywe I I > State of Minnesota and US Army are among interested parties. DOE tt 194 DOE Coordinator T.A.Coultas Contact: Oscar Leonard Doe I Iner 130 North Jacobus Avenue OERI # 5673 DOE Program Off: CE Tucson AZ 85705 602-623-7303 Category: Transportation Systems. Vehicles 8. Components Title: Radiant Energy Power Source tor Jet Aircraft Inventor: Oscar Leonard Doe I Iner Patent 8 4 090 359 State/Country: AZ Company: Grant * FG0 1 -82CE 1 5144 Description: Installation of photovoltaic cells in proximity to the liner of a jet engine combustion chamber to generate electrical power tor replacing aircraft primary - and/or auxi I iary-power units. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 30. 1979 Completion Date: Feb 14. 1983 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 12. 1981 Status 1 Complete Award Amount 1 $10,000 Contract Period 1 Development Stage: Concept Development Sep 20. 1982 - Dec 31. 1983 Summary: A grant of $10)000 was awarded. Ground tests on the J-85 engine wi I I determine it sufficient radiant energy is ava i lable to power photovoltaic eel Is. Tests to be made at Uilliams AFB. Tests using silica fiber optics have been concluded, but results require considerable interpretation. The project has received national and international recognition. The inventor is in the process of preparing a test report. Project is otherwise completed. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 97 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 195 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERi 8 728Q DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Proportional Current Battery Contact: Howard L Barrett 506 Ma I den Avenue La Grange Park 312-354-3215 1L 605ZS Inventor: Edward L Barrett (Deceased) State/Country: IL Company: Ba r r et t-Keenan Company Patent * 3 846 174 Grant tt FGD1-B2CE151 D3 Description: A proportional current electric storage battery with tapered plate thickness that can maintain high current drain and charging rates with minimal material and weight. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Jul 14, 198D Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 13, 1981 Status: Award Award Amount Development Stage: Concept Development Awa r d Da te : $87,757 Sep 15, 1982 Contract Per i od ■ Sep 15, 1982 - Jan 15, 1984 Summary: A grant of $87, 757 was awarded to build and test a working model of the tapered plate battery. The inventor has no plans yet for marketing. DOE « 196 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 461 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Contact: John A Eastin P. 0. Box S3B9 Grant 3QB-352-4454 NE 69140 Title: Manufacturing and Using Nitrogen Fertilizer Solutions on a Fa r m Inventor: John A Eastin State/Country: NE Compa ny : Patent App I i ed For Grant # FGO 1 -82CE 15142 Description: The continuous manufacture, on a farm, ai nitrogenous ferti I izer by the reaction of nitrogen dioxide with water to produce nitric acid which is neutral ized to ammonium nitrate or other nitrogenous compounds that can be applied tD a field by way of an irrigation system. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 5, 1975 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 23, 1981 Status : Comp I ete Development Stage: Prototype Test Award Amount: $99,592 Aug 31 i 19B2 Contract Per i od ! Aug 31, 1982 - Aug 31, 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $99,592 was awarded to construct and test a prototype integrated unit, and measure its efficiency. Grantee plans to manufacture and sell units if process is successful . Farm coops wi I I produce ferti I izer, thus diversifying the process and reducing costs of transportation and storage. This project has been comp I e ted . Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 98 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 197 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI * 7086 DOE Program Off" CE Category: Other Natural Sources Contact 1 Robert F Karl icek 1720 Cam i no Centroloma Fu I I erton CA 72633 714-871-8046 Title: Frequency Regulator and Protective Devices for Synchronous Generators Inventor: Robert F Karl icek State/Country: CA Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant *t FGD 1 -B2CE1 51 32 Description: A sol id-state frequency control ler and protective device for smal I scale synchronous generators used for isolated power generation such as hydroelectric generation. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J U n 3» 1980 Completion Date: Sep IS. 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 28 , 1981 Status: Complete Award Amount: $65>990 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 2D) 1982 - Sep 2D) 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $65)990 was awarded to bu i ld> test and develop a sol id state frequency control ler and protective device for smal I scale synchronous generators of three sizes: 5>1QD and ISOkw. ERIP assistance is complete. No further report is a va i I ab I e . DOE » 198 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI * 5281 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: The Thermatreat System Contact: Robert H Nea I y Inventor: Robert H Nea I y State/Country: PA Company = Description: An on-site aerobic sewage treatment plant for home use which recovers heat tor space and water heating. Significant Dates > Status and Summary of Developments 1 Jun 6. 1979 Dec 3D. 1981 Dec i s i on Da t e : Dec 3D, 1981 Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE, with some further need for negotiation indicated. Inventor seeks $500,000 tor R 8. D , and invention is in the concept stage. DOE action in abeyance in ty 84 pending inventor obtaining SEC approved prospectus. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: Structures 8. Components Title: Rotary Coal Combustor and Heat Exchangers Contact: John Hunter 34 Camus Avenue Ed i nburgh EH10 6QU Scot land 031-445-1272 Inventor: John Hunter State/Country-' Scotland Company : Patent 8 1 521 088 8. Others Grant # FG01-85CE15242 Description: A rotary multi-tuel tluidized-bed-combuster and heat exchanger that can be used in paral lei with steam turbines for power generation or to provide a pressurized clean gas for use with high temperature gas turbines. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS: Oct 24; 1980 Award Date: Aug 16; 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 18; 19B2 Status: Award Award Amount: $63;S47 Contract Period: Development Stage: Engineering Design Aug 16; 1985 - Summary: A grant of $63;B47 was awarded on August 16; I9B5> to Lehigh University to perform engineering analysis on fir. Hunter's combustor/Gasifier. Designs will be prepared and economic analysis will be performed. The proposed combustor/Gasifier will be compared with state-of-the-art units. DOE # 200 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 7385 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Contact: Shao-E Tung 91 Blake Road Br ook I i ne 617-731-5490 MA 02146 Title 1 Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from the Stack Gas of Combusters Burning High Sulfur Fuel Inventor: Shao-E Tung State/Country: MA Company ■ Patent 8 4 324 775 8. Others Grant 8 FG0 1-82CE 15125 Description: A process for removing sulfur dioxide from flue gasses and converting sulfur dioxide to elemental sulfur. Significant Dates; Status and Summary at Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 8; 1980 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 27; 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $99;82D Development Stage: Engineering Design Aug 10; 1982 Contract Per i od : Aug 10. 198Z - Feb 10. 1984 Summary: An IB month R 8. D contract of $99;B20 was awarded to obtain laboratory data on equilibrium and rates; upon which the absorption/stripping portion of the invention is based. The possibi I ity exists for tol low-on investment by the Repub I ic of China. Inventor seeks I icensing opportunities. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 100 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report Contact 1 Louis A Hausknecht 4504 State Road C I ewe I and 216-749-1686 Category: Transportation Systems) Vehicles 8. Components DOE # 0ER1 » 2D1 6680 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o DOE Program Of t : CE OH 44109 Title: Hydraulic) Variable; Engine Value Actuation System Inventor: Louis A Hausknecht State/Country: OH Company ■ Patent # 4 153 016 8. Others Grant ft FG01-B2CE15137 Description 1 A modified hydraulic valve lifter which provides a means to vary valve timing and I ift to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. The device is actuated by engine oil pressure and is controlled by manifold vacuum in response to eng i ne demand . Dec 31) 1984 Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Mar 31) 1980 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 26. 1982 Status: Complete Award Amount: $85)060 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Aug 27> 1982 - Aug 27 > 1983 Summary: A 12-month grant of $8S>060 was awarded for the design) assembly and testing of a prototype hydraul ic variable valve actuating system to be used in automobi le engines. DOE n 202 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon OERI * 5495 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Wobbling Type Distillation Apparatus Contact: Yao Tzu Li Huck I eberry Hill L i nco I n 617-259-9592 MA 01773 Inventor: Yao Tzu Li State/Country: MA Company > Patent App I i ed For Grant 8 FG01-82CE15129 Description: A multiple-effect vacuum distillation system employing sets of wobbling tubes to produce a thin liquid film thereby improving the evaporation efficiency. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Jul 30. 1979 Completion Date: S ep a,, 1983 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 31 . 1982 Status: Complete Award Amount: $99,880 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Sep 17) 1982 - Sep 16. 1983 Summary: A grant of $99,880 was awarded to design) bu i Id and test a prototype disti I lation device capable of 25 gal Ions/minute throughout. The inventor is seeking licenses or capital to build and market his machine. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 101 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 2D3 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhi I ion Contact: Morris R Jeppson Box #221489 OERI # 5878 DOE Program 0t+= CE Carmel CA 93922 408-624-3152 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Microwave Methods and Apparatus for Paving and Paving Ma i ntenance Inventor: Morris R Jeppson Patent # 4 319 856 8. Others State/Country: CA Company: Microdry Corporation Grant tf FGD1-84CE151 73 Description: A method to repave asphalt roads in place using recycled material and microwave heating. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 2, 1979 Completion Date: Dec 21, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 28, 1982 Status: Complete Award Amount: $52, ODD Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Sep 22, 1982 - Dec 21, 1984 Summary: A grant tor $52,000 was awarded on December 12, 1984 to design a prototype machine. The inventor prepared a design tor a tul l-scale automatic paving machine. He has a smaller prototype which appears to perform well. He is seeking capital or an industrial partner to build a full-scale prototype of his machine. He has received numerous inquiries about his machine from prospective users. DOE 8 204 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Raymond P Holland Jr OERI 8 3872 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems, Vehicles 8, Components Title: The Induction Propeller Inventor: Raymond P Holland Jr Patent H 3 226 031 State/Country: NM Company: The Hoi land Corporation Description: An induction propeller tor ship propulsion designed to include forward hydrodynamic rake for increased mass flow and higher efficiency. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 11, 1978 Decision Date: Nov 10, 1982 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 29, 1982 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: Inventor has abandoned this project in favor of another more promising invention not being supported by ERIP. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page : 102 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 2D5 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Charles B James OERI # 7178 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Energy Efficient Solid Sta te> Mu I t i p I e Operator Metallic Arc We I d i ng System Inventor: Charles B James State/Country: MO Company: Big-4 Manufacturing Co Inc Description: A system tor distributing and controlling AC electric power tor metal arc welding to multiple welding stations. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS i Jun 26, 1980 Decision Date: J U n 9, 1983 Received by DOE from NBS: May 21> 1982 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: Dec I i ned DOE assistance. DOE # 206 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Jonathan Gabe I 5600 Ocean View Drive OERI » 7962 DOE Program Off: CE Oakland CA 94618 415-653-8879 Category: Combustion Engines &> Components Title: Method and Apparatus tor High Efficiency Operation of Electromechanical Energy Conversion Inventor: Jonathan Gabe I Patent App I i ed For State/Country: CA Company: Grant # FGD 1 -85CE15159 Description 1 An electrical control ler tor a separately-excited (shunt) DC motor which optimizes the ratio of armature and field currents to achieve minimum electrical I-squared-R losses tor any load conditions. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Jan 7> 1981 Award Date* Apr 8; 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: May 26, 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $49,500 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Apr 8, 1985 - Summary: f\ grant of $49,500 was awarded on Apri I 8, 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype, Date: Sep 3Q , i Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Jun IS. 1981 Decision Date: Jun 23, 1782 Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 23. 1782 Sta tus : Ana lysis Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. DOE # 208 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o Contact: Norman C Fawley, President NCF I ndustr i es OERI # 8406 DOE Program Off: CE 2205 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach CA 90805 Category: Fossil Fuels 213-630-8754 Title: CNG Automotive Fuel Cyl inders/Gas Transport Modules Inventor: Norman C Faui I ey Patent App I i ed For State/Country: CA Company: NCF Industries Grant tt FG01 -B4CE1S196 Description: A I ightweight aluminum gas transport vessel tor storing compressed natural gas to fuel light transportation vehicles. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J un 1, 1981 Award Date: Sep 11. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: j un 23. 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $50,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 15. 1984 - Jul 15. 1985 Summary: An award of $50,000 was made to pressure test the inventor's transport module. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 104 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE * 209 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI * 7661 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Reclaiming Process for Resin Treated Fiberglass Contact 1 John U Yount P Box #7 Bu I I ock 719-693-4B39 NC Z75D7 Inventor: John Ul Yount State/Country: NC Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant * FGO 1 -84CE1S174 Description 1 A process for reclaiming fiberglass from waste material far use as insulation by separating it from the ur ea- 1 or ma I dehy de resin coating with which it is impregnated during manufacture. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 3, 1980 Award Date; Received by DOE from NBS: J U n 28 > 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $S0>000 Development Stage: Production Engineering Apr Apr 4> 1984 Contract Period: 3. 1984 - Summary: A grant of $50 ; 000 was authorized on April 4th , 1984> for building and testing fiberglass reclaiming machine. Inventor has delayed signing grant document in favor of direct I icensing negotiations with manufacturers. DOE » 210 DOE Coordinator G.K. Ellis OERI » 7631 DOE Program Off: CE/FE Category: Fossi I Fuels Contact: Lloyd Flatland Fifteeen Quisisana Drive Kentfield CA 94904 415-456,-6889 Title: Ultra High Speed Drilling Device for Use in Hard Rock Format i ons Inventor: Lloyd Flatland State/Country: CA Company ' Grant tt FGO 1 -B4CE 1 51B5 Description: A diamond cutting disk which is rotated at high linear velocities by twin downho I e turbines to dri I I hard rock formations tor deep oi I recovery. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 3> 1980 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J U n 29 > 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $46i000 Development Stage: Prototype Test Aug 28. 19B4 Contract Period: Aug 28> 19B4 - Summary: A phase I grant of $46,000 was awarded On August 28 > 1984, to bu i Id and test a prototype high-speed drill. Suitability to drill hard rock will be determined. Phase I has been successful ly completed. Phase II grant package is in process. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 105 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE * 211 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 791B DOE Program Off: CE/FE Category 1 Fossi I Fuels Title: Shock Mounted Stratapax Bit Contact: Robert F Evans P Box #45674 Da I las 214-351-6487 TX 75235 Inventor: Robert F Evans State/Country: TX Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant * FG01-B2CE15149 Description: An oil well drilling bit to support polycrystalline diamond cutters. It is designed with concentric spring tempered steel rings containing helical slots, Sep 24, 1982 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec IB, 1980 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: j un 29, 19B2 Status 1 Award Award Amount: $57,545 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Definition Sep 24, 19B2 - Feb 28, 1984 Summary: A grant of $57,545 was awarded for the grantee to design, fabricate and test, four variations of the invention. DOE 8 212 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI * B517 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title 1 Hater Warden Contact 1 Hugh Huislander Inventor: Louis E Govear State/Country: CA Company: Chemworld Corporation Patent tt 4 2D2 525 Description: A plastic disc about two inches in diameter that installs in a commercial type of to i let water control valve to reduce the flushing cycle. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: J un 14, 1981 Completion Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 3D, 1982 Status: Complete Development Stage: Production &. Marketing Summary: Inventor requested assistance in marketing his invention in the Federal sector. A DOE letter of introduction and a I isting of States'" contacts has been provided. Date: Sep 30, 1965 Page: 106 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE t» 213 DOE Coordinator G.K. Ellis OERI tt BUD DOE Program Off: CE Category 1 Industrial Processes Title: The Kaun i tz Process for Welding Pipe Contact: Clyde F Kaunitz Inventor: Clyde F Kaunitz State/Country: MI Company ■ Description: A pipe joining process particularly for large transmission pipelines that involves expanding and machining each end and then al igning both sections axial I y and radially prior to welding. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 20; 1981 Decision Date: Oct 24, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 30 > 1982 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: The inventor has not provided a work plan after repeated requests by DOE. DOE * 214 OERI *» 8723 Contact: Donald E Wise 1875 Mohawk Blvd, 871 Springfield OR 97477 5D3-683-4002 Category: Transportation Systems, Vehicles & Components DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis DOE Program Oft : CE Title 1 Convertible Flat/Drop Trailer Inventor: Donald E Wise State/Country : OR Company ' Patent » 4 290 642 Grant * FGO 1-B4CE151 75 Description' A removable bed trailer, constructed in three sections, that enables a single unit to function as a flat-bed trailer, drop-center trailer or a detachable-neck I ight-duty trai ler. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Award Nov 2, 1981 Jul 29, 1982 Awa r d Amount '• Award Date : $63,069 Development Stage: Production Engineering Sep 18, 1984 Contract Period: Sep 18, 1984 - Summary: A grant of $63,069 was awarded an September 18, 1984 to bu i Id and test a prototype convertible trai ler to determine fuel savings. The inventor has I icensed his technology to Trail King Company in Nebraska. Waiting for final report on the project . Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 107 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 215 DOE Coordinator G.K.EI OERI n 2333 DOE Program Off: CE/FE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Slag Waste Heat Boiler Contact: Richard Jab I i n Inventor: Richard Jabl in State/Country: NC Company : Patent App I i ed For Description: A slag waste heat boiler which produces wet steam from steel plant heat during the steel making process. Molten slag, a by-product > is poured over water-filledi rotating cylinders. Steam is formed inside the cylinders and the solidified slag is scraped from the cylinders. Sep 17, 1985 Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J un 7, 1977 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 29, 1982 Status : Dec i s i on Phase Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: A prel iminary work proposal has been received by DOE. It is under study. DOE 8 216 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI *t 8499 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines S. Components Title: Method and Assembly for Mounting a Semiconductor Element Contact: Richard F K i I ey Thermal Associates Inc 197 Main Street, P Box #248 North Reading MA 01864 617-664-3342 Inventor: Richard F Kiley State/Country: MA Company: Thermal Associates, Inc Patent Appl i ed For Grant # FGD 1-B4SE15199 Description: A method of packaging semiconductor wafers to achieve double-sided cooling of the water without clamps, springs or studs; power semi-conductors, such as used in motor control lers, can thus operate at higher current levels. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Jul 7, 19B1 Award Date: Sep 14, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Jul 30, 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $53,900 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Sep 20, 1984 - Sep 20, 1985 Summary: A grant of $53,900 was awarded to bu i Id and test prototype semiconductor elements. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 108 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 217 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Jeff Landua OERI # 8074 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title 1 Jointless Advanced Composite Material Tape for Operating Lift Pumps in Oil Ule I I s Inventor 1 Curtis J Tanner State/Country: CA Company: Hen I in Company Description-' A jointless composite material tape (ribbon rod) made from carbon fibers, epoxy and fiber tape for use in place of steel sucker rods normal ly used in conjunction with beam pumping of oil wells. Significant Dates > Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Feb 12. 1781 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 30, l983 was awarded to perform an economic study Sep 18, 1984 DOE tt 220 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI tt 7767 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Deep Throat Resistance Welder Contact: Charles A Schwartz 24545 Bryden Road Beachwood 216-831-3099 OH 44122 Inventor: Charles A Schwartz State/Country: OH Company '• Patent App I i ed For Grant * FG01-CEB415192 Description: A high-frequency spot-welding system which permits relatively small and flexible power cab I i ng between the gun and the power source as compared with the heavy cab I i ng required of either 60-hertz or DC systems. This al lows a greater proportion of the power-l i ne energy being transferred to the weld rather than dissipated in the system conductors. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Farm 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov 4. I960 Award Date: Sep 14, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 30, 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $4S>920 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep 19. 19B4 - Sep 1B» 1985 Summary: A grant of $45,920 was awarded on September 14,1984 to bu i Id and test a prototype. Date: s e p 30, 1?85 Page: HO Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 221 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI * 8964 DOE Program Off* CE Category: Bui IdingS) Structures 8. Components Title: St ra i ner eye I e Contact: John Griffin Inventor: Rudolf Iverson State/Country: NY Company: Thermocycle International > lnc Patent 8 3 975 443 Description: A means tor providing cool i ng in a bu i lding> when the outside temperature drops be I ow 6,5 degrees Fahrenheit) by injecting strained cool i ng tower water into chilled water circuits in order to eliminate the use at mechanical refrigeration during this time. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1017 Rec ; d by NBS: Mar 25. 19S2 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 13) 1982 Status: Other Assistance Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Summary: ERIP identified government market tor inventor. Sep 23> 1982 DOE » 222 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI 8 7979 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: Louver Trombe Solar Storage Unit Contact: Donald R Thomas Inventor: Donald R Thomas State/Country: vT Company: Solar Works Description: A jalousie shutterj Trombe-type> phase exchange storage unit. Each shutter is prism shaped and exposes> alternately; a transmission! absorption or combination - side toward the sun. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec ' d by NBS: Jan 15. 1981 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 7, 1982 Status: Other Assistance Development Stage 1 Laboratory Test Summary: ERIP assistance is completed. Referred to National Appropriate Technology Assistance Service (NATAS) tor assistance. Date: Sep 30> 1985 Page: m Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 223 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI t* 8456 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Contact: Rue I Carlton Terry 3090 South High Street Denver CO 80210 303-759-3826 Title: Minimizing Subsidence Effects during Production of Coal In S i tu Inventor: Rue I Carlton Terry State/Country: CO Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant # FG01-84CE15169 Description: The invention is a process tor using a foaming mud cement to prevent or minimize subsidence in underground gasification sites. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J U n 17> 1981 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 14, 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $53,964 Development Stage: Concept Development Apr 4, 1984 Contract Per i od ; Apr 4, 1984 - Summary: A grant of $53,964 has been awarded to perform lab work. Fo I low-up funding by other sources expected depending upon results. DOE * 224 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI n 6782 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title' Ha i I e Alternate Fuel Grain Dryer Contact: Gwyer Grimminger, Presiden COMET, Inc 3221 Ramada Road Grand Island 308-381-2990 NE 68801 Inventor: Jack D Ha i le (Deceased) State/Country-' NE Company: COMET, Inc Patent App I i ed For Grant * FG01-84CE15190 Description: This is a design for a grain dryer which is capable of using grain dust collected from grain elevators as an alternate fuel. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 9, 1980 Award Date: Sep 14, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 14, 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $50,000 Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: A grant of $50, 0D0 was awarded tor design and engineering analysis of the grain dryer using grain dust as fuel. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 112 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Cans i der at i on by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 225 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Thomas C Edwards OERI ft 8593 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems; Vehicles &. Components Title: ROVAC High Efficiency Lou Pressure Air Conditioning System Inventor: Thomas C Edwards Patent App I i ed For State/Country: FL Company: The ROVAC Corporation Description 1 An air conditioning unit which utilizes rotary wane compressor with multiple wanes and low pressure refrigerant such as R-114. The wanes in the compressor are mechanical ly restrained so that they do not touch the casing. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Aug 24. 1981 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 28. 1982 Status : Ana I ys i s Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: So far no satisfactory proposal has been received by DOE. DOE ft 226 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Stewart Ryan OERI » 8826 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui ldings> Structures 8. Components Title: An Electronic Anemometer System for Locating Air-Infiltration Heat Leaks in Buildings Inventor: Stewart Ryan State/Country: OK Company : Description: An electronic anemometer system tor detection and location of air infiltration in residential and commercial structures. A tan creates a negative pressure inside the structure and an electronic leak detector detects air motion at cracks in the building. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Dec 28. 1981 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 29. 1982 Status : Ana I ys i s Development Stage 1 Prototype Development Summary: Action temporarily suspended at inventors request. Inventor sold six month option. Date: Sep 3D. 1985 Page: 113 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE « 227 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI n 9055 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: CRM P ipe Contact: Norman C Faw I ey NCF 1 ndus tries 2205 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach CA 90805 312-630-1151 Inventor: Norman C Fawle> State/Country: CA Company: NCF Industries Grant # FGD 1-84CE 15197 Description: A process for manufacturing pipe for high pressure gas transmission lines Metal pipe is mound with resin impregnated composite-fibre reinforcement. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 101? Rec'd by NBS: M ar i, 19B2 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 14. 1982 Status: Award Award Amount: $50,000 Development Stage: Concept Development Aug 8. 1984 Contract Period: Jul 15> 1984 - Jul 15) 1785 Summary: A grant of $50,000 was awarded to test inventor's device to arrest crack propagation in gas pipelines. DOE # 228 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 8466 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems. Vehicles &. Components Title: EGD Fog Dispersal System Contact: Meredith C Gourdine Inventor: Meredith C Gourdine State/Country: NJ Company: Energy Innovations Inc Grant # FG0 1 -84CE15 184 Description: An e I ec t r ogasdy nam i c device for dispersing fog that propels a stream of negatively charged water droplets into the air causing fog droplets to become charged and electrical ly attracted to the ground. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: J un 19, 1981 Decision Date: Jun 3. 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 15. 19B2 Status: Procurement Development Stage: Prototype Development Summary: Cost sharing proposal accepted. A $80,709 grant package is in procurement. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 114 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBB ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 22? DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Edward M Tourtelot (Deceased) 0ER1 # 6982 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines & Components Title: Contoured Finger Follower Variable Valve-Timing Mechanism tor Internal Combustion Engines Inventor: Edward M Tourtelot (Deceased) Patent App I i ed Far State/Country: IL Company : Description 1 An inexpensive mechanism for varying the valve-timing of internal combustion engines in response to variations in engine operating conditions. Significant Dates? Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS : Apr 14. 1782 Decision Date: Nov 19. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 2D. 1983 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage 1 Concept Development Summary: Deceased inventor's son will carry project forward. A proposal is being prepared for DOE consideration. DOE 8 23D DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: Donald C Erickson 627 R i dge I y Avenue OERI # 7S3D DOE Program Off: CE Annapolis MD 214D1 301-2&6-6521 Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Absorption Heat Pump Augmented Separation Process Inventor: Donald C Erickson State/Country: MD Company: Energy Concepts Co Grant # FGD 1 -84CE1 51 72 Description: A reverse absorption heat pump which transfers heat from the condenser of a disti I lation column to the reboi ler using a I i th i um-b r om i de-wa t e r system. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Sep 24. 198D Award Date: Apr 9. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 24, 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $25,000 Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Concept Development Apr 9, 1984 - Summary: A first, phase grant of $25,000 was awarded on April 9. 1984 to find a suitable application and perform initial design. The inventor is still looking for an industrial partner to install and test a full-scale absorption heat pump. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: US Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 231 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI * 9008 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Natural Gas from Deep-Brine Solutions Contact : Guy R B Elliott Los Alamos Cons Alpha Inc 133 La Senda Road Los Alamos NM 87544 505-672-3603 Inventor: Guy R B El I iott State/Country: NM Company: Los Alamos Consultants Alpha Inc Patent tt 4 262 747 Grant tt FG01-B4CE151 71 Description: A process tor recovering genpressure methane gas by use of a deep-submerged separator Dt special design which separates the methane at depth and continuously recirculates the spent brine back into the formation of origin. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: May 5. 1982 Award Date: Apr 2. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 24. 1983 Status 1 Award Award Amount: $75,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Apr 2> 1984 - Summary; An grant of $75>000 was awarded to bu i Id and test a prototype on the lab scale. Carbon dioxide dissolved in water will be used to operate the pump. DOE tt 232 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 7662 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Method of Separating Lignin and Making Epox i de-L i gn i n Contact: Kenneth R Kurple 9533 Springborn Road Anchorv i I I e MI 48004 313-727-7631 Inventor: Kenneth R Kurple State/Country: MI Company : Patent tt 4 111 928 Grant tt FG01-84CE15193 Description: A process ^ar low cost separation of lignin from the black cooking liquor which is a waste product from the kraft and sulfite paper pulping process, and for producing lignin-epoxide resins. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS i Oct 14. 1980 Award Date: j u | 19, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS ■ Jan 26. 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $61,739 Contract Period: Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Jul 19. 1984 - Summary: A $61,739 first phase grant was awarded to perform lab analysis. A second phase grant is anticipated depending on ava i labi I i ty of funds. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: U6 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ; OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 233 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact-- Daniel A Lockie OERI # 8984 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title : Mounted Steerable Ripper for Deep So i I Ripping and Subsoi I Operat i ons Inventor: Daniel A Lockie State/Country: CA Company '• Description: An hydraul ical ly-actuated; rear-mounted> steerable ripper tor crawler tractors intended for agricultural deep tillage operations. The steering action of the ripper assists or effects tractor steer ingi permitting more effective utilization of power transmitted to the tractor tracks. Significant Dates j Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Apr 1S> 1782 Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 1> 1783 Status: No DOE Support Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Comparable technology is already on the market. DOE t* 234 DOE Coordinator G.K.EM is Contact: Douglas E Wood Box #32 OERI » 2968 DOE Program Off: CE Fox Island UA 98333 2D6-549-219D Category: Direct Solar Title: Geodesic Solar Paraboloid Inventor: Douglas E Wood Patent tt 4 171 876 State/Country: UIA Company: Solar Steam Inc Grant *t FGO 1 -85CE 1 52D3 Description: A parabolical point-focusing solar concentrator consisting of a dish reflecting surface; a track and a geodesic reflector support system. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Nov IB; 1977 Award Date: Apr 17; 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 24; 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $5D;00Q Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Apr 17; 1985 - Summary: A grant of $5D;DDD was awarded on Apri I 17; 1985 to make design improvements to the existing prototype. It is currently being tested tor improvement of efficiency. Date: Sep 3Q , 1985 Page: 117 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 Z35 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon OERI tt 8644 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Single Stage Anaerobic Digestion Process Contact: Harry Curtin Penn State Engineering Inc 522 East Col lege Avenue P Box 8177 State Co I I ege PA 16801 814-238-5013 Inventor: Jay E Ort State/Country: PA Company: Penn State Engineering; Inc Patent App I i ed For Grant 8 FGO 1-B4CE151 70 Description: A process tor accelerating the manufacture of relatively high-purity methane fuel gas through a process of anaerobic digestion; involving retention of organic material in an aqueous slurry which is maintained at a predetermined V/I ratio; temperature; and minimizes the production of carbon dioxide. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments 1 Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Received by DOE from NBS: Status : Award Sep 18, 1781 Mar 30; 1983 Awa r d Amount '■ Auar d Da te ; $50,000 Apr 1784 Development Stage: Concept Development Contract Period: Apr 2, 1984 - Summary: A phase one grant of $50,000 was awarded on Apri I 2, 1784 to study and optimize the basic parameters of the process. The first run of tests were not successful due to detective equipment. Another series of tests are currently in process and results should be available in late 1785. DOE 8 236 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI 8 9167 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines & Components Title: Steam Turbine Packing Ring Contact: Ronald E Brandon 1734 Lenox Road Schenec tady 518-374-3241 NY 12308 Inventor: Ronald E Brandon State/Country: NY Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant 8 FGD 1-B4CE151B9 Description: A self-adjusting steam turbine packing ring that provides large shaft clearance during turbine start-up and reduced shaft clearance at normal turbine operating speeds. This action avoids packing ring damage during start-up and results in higher operating efficiency. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec'd by NBS: Oct 25; 1982 Award Date: Aug 8. 19B4 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 7; 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $51,900 Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Aug 8; 1984 - Jul 2; 1986 Summary: A grant of $51;900 was made to bu i Id and test prototype turbine packing rings. Date : Sep 30, 1965 Page: 118 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report Contact: David E Hicks 5244 Cracker Barrel Circle Colorado Springs CO 80917 303-596-4390 Category: Transportation Systems) Vehicles 8, Components DOE 8 237 OERi tt 9232 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo DOE Program Of f : CE Title: Hicks Alter-Brake System/Electric Charging Apparatus for Ground Veh i c I es Inventor: David E Hicks State/Country: CO Company : Grant # FGD 1 -B4CE15183 Description: An automotive electrical generating and battery charging system that is driven primari ly by vehicle momentum during braking; thus reducing required engine power output. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1D19 Rec'd by NBS: Jan 19, 19B2 Award Date Received by DOE from NBS: M ay 12, 19B3 Status: Award Award Amount 1 $56,438 Development Stage-' Prototype Test Sep 20. 1984 Contract Per i od : Sep 20, 1984 - Sep 20, 1985 Summary: A grant of $56,438 was awarded to bu i Id and test prototype battery charging system using automobi le momentum only. DOE tt 238 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 9120 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Contact: Harry E Wood 6465 Oak land Dr i ve New Or I eans 504-488-7853 LA 70118 Title: Industrial and Residential Clothes Dryer Automatic Shut-Oft at Dr y ness Inventor: Harry E Wood State/Country: LA Company : Grant # FG0 1-84CE151 68 Description: A sensing system to shut oft clothes dryer when the clothes have been dried completely. The proposed system measures the time interval between consecutive peaks as the dryer is cycled on and oft between high and low temperature I imits and shuts the dryer off when the time intervals become constant. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Form 1019 Rec ' d by NBS: Aug 31, 1982 Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May 12, 19B3 Status: Award Award Amount: $57,000 Development Stage: Laboratory Test Mar Sep 17, 1985 Contract Period: 7, 1984 - Sep 17, 1985 Summary: A grant of $57,000 was awarded on September 17, 1985 tor bu i I d i ng and testing a prototype. The project was successful ly concluded. The inventor I icensed his technology. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 119 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Briet Status Report DOE 8 239 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 8674 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Electrochemical Separation and Concentration of Su I f ur -Conta i n i n9 Gases from Gas Mixtures Inventor: Jack Uinnick State/Country: GA Compa ny : Contact: Jack Uinnick 3028 V i n i ngs Uay At I anta 404-894-283? GA 30339 Patent 8 4 246 D81 Grant # FG01-B4CE151 78 Description: An electrochemical process for removing sulfur oxides from flue gas discharges from power plants which burn sulfur- containing fuels; principally high sulfur coa I s . Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 43 Ueeks Award Date: Jun 7. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: May 18. 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $50 > 000 Development Stage: Working Model Summary: A grant Df $50)000 was provided through Pittsburg Engineering Technical Center to bu i Id prototype. ERIP transferred $50,000 to PETC . Ulork will be performed at Georgia Tech Research Institute. (GTRI) DOE # 24D DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 8823 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Al I Steam Heated Sadiron for Commercial Use Contact: Uwe H Butenhoff Inventor: Jay R Royston State/Country: CA Company ■ I . R . D . A . Patent App I i ed For Description'- A commercial use sadiron which is operated solely by superheated high pressure steam generated from an external bo i ler to supply both the heat to the iron sole plate and steam tor moisture spray appl i cat i on as needed during the ironing practice. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 76 Ueeks Decision Date: Sep 17. 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: j u | 1?, 1 1984 - Summary: A grant of $73,900 was awarded on December 7th> 1984 to perform lab test) analysis and field test . DOE n 242 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon OERI n 931D DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: New Petersburg Beam Trawl Contact: Donald Shuler Genera I Deli 1785 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 29, 1783 Status: Complete Award Amount: $50,640 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Sep 15, 1984 - Sep 13, 1985 Summary: A grant of $50, ODD was awarded on September 13th 1985 to design, bu i Id and test a prototype of the waste recovery system. The tests were successful . There have been numerous I icensing inquiries from large companies in the U.S. as we I I as overeas. The inventor has I icensed his process to National Recovery Technology in Nashvi I le> TN . They wi I I market the system. DOE 8 244 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Brad L Pteifley CAMACAN, Inc. OERI 8 9459 DOE Program Off: CE 1623 South Syracuse Denver CO 8D231 Category: Transportation Systems, Vehicles 8, Components 303-426-0695 Title: CHARLIE - Trademark - Federally Registered #1123957 Inventor: Charles E Robinson Patent tt 4 305 353 & Others State/Country: CO Company: CAMACAN, Inc. Grant ft FGO 1 -B4CE15194 Description: An electronic system for controlling engine-compression type brakes used on trucks . Significant Dates, Status and Summary Df Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 30 Weeks Award Date: Sep 13, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 29, 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $51,655 Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k et i ng Summary: A grant of $51,655 was awarded to bu i Id and test a prototype. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 122 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 245 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI n 9241 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Improved Oi I Ue I I Pumping Unit Contact: Daniel M Busby Itrad Innovation Center P Box »133S Durant OK 405-566-2535 747D1 Inventor: Thomas Ne i I Parker i Junior State/Country: OK Company: Itrad Innovation Center Description: A vector force balanced oi I ue I I pumping assembly Grant # FGC 1 -84CE 151 77 Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 37 Weeks Award Date: Received by DOE from NBS = Sep 29 > 19B3 Status: Award Award Amount: $61)801 Development Stage: Working Model Apr 8: 1985 Contract Per i od ■ Jun 25> 1984 - Summary: A grant of $59>121 was awarded on June 25th> 1984 to bu i Id and test a prototype. Work to be conducted in cooperation with Rural Enterprises Inc. Potential exists for cost sharing in development and marketing. A supplemental grant of $2 > 680 was awarded on Apri I Bth> 19B5. DOE * 246 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI # 8733 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems: Vehicles 8. Components Title: Maximum Cruise Performance Contact: Juan M Garcia> Junior Inventor: Juan M Garciai Junior State/Country: CA Company : Description: Maximum cruise performance of jet powered aircraft is achieved by maintaining the ratio of "fuel flow to ground speed" to a minimum by using a closed loop feedback system and a software algorithm package connected into the aircraft's avionic mission computer network. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $60;000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Sep 5> 1984 - Feb 15; 1986 Summary: A grant of $60;000 was awarded to study the uneconomical inadvertent interchange of electric power between a number of cooperating electric utility companies; and to recommend a method to correct the resulting energy losses. DOE # 248 DOE Coordinator y . Ae I I en Contact: Thorvald G Granryd 1Z-6Q North Uestern OERI » 8617 DOE Program Off: CE 1D9 Lake Forest IL 6DD45 312-234-8250 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Dyna-Bite Traction Intensities Model Agri> for Agricultural Tractors or the Like Inventor: Thorvald G Granryd Patent tt 4 225 D82 8. Others State/Country: IL Company: T. G. Strips. Inc. Grant # FG01-B4CE1S186 Description: A device consisting of individual tire segments that are strapped to the driving wheels of a tractor or similar vehicle to improve traction and minimize the need tor adding weight to get better traction. Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 57 Ueeks Award Date: Sep 18; 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 22. 1963 Status: Award Award Amount: $34)664 Contract Period: Development Stage: Production Engineering Sep 1B> 1984 - Summary: A grant of $32;064 was awarded on September 18; 1985 to bu i Id and test prototype traction i ntens i f i er 5 . Tests performed for traction were successful; but the device had minor durabi I ity problems. The inventor is seeking additional funds from DOE and the State of Illinois to improve the linkage design. Date: Sep 30; 1985 Page: 124 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ; OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 24? DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Patrick S Swihart, Senior 3507 Baumann OERI * 9220 DOE Program Off: CE Midland TX 79703 915-694-1516 Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Subsurface Flow Control (Gas Wells) and High GOR Oil Wells Inventor: Patrick S Swihart, Senior Patent # 4 036 297 8. Others State/Country: TX Company: Grant « FGO 1 -B5CE 15202 Description: Subsurface gas we I I f I oui control and purge valve. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 48 Ueeks Award Date: Aug 19. 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 30 . 1983 Status: Award Award Amount: $16,074 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Aug 19> 1985 - Summary: An award was granted for $16>074 on August 19> 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype. DOE # 250 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o Contact: Hugh Edwin Uhitted III OERI # 9458 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Combustion Engines 8. Components Title: A System to Adapt Diesel Engines to the Use of Crude Oi Is Inventor: Hugh Edwin Uhitted III State/Country: NC Company '• Description: A three-part system tor converting conventional diesel engines so they can be operated on either No. 2 diesel fuel or heavy fuels such as crude oi I or vegetab I e oils. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 39 Ueeks Decision Date : Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 30. 1983 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Currently, inventor is receiving NATAS help. DOE awaiting news of NATAS action. Inventor also negotiating with major a i r -compr essor manufacturers for cooperative demonstration programs. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 125 Inventions Recommended fnr DOE Consideration by NBS ; OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 251 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 9260 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Process and Apparatus for Reducing the Energy Required to Separate Liquids by Distillation Contact: Victor R Thayer (Deceased) Inventor: Victor R Thayer (Deceased) State/Country: DE Company ' Patent tt 4 265 736 Description: A method for heat recovery in distillation by providing heat exchange tubing directly on the trays of the tower. This method is used primarily in crude oi stills. Significant Dates, Status and Summary at Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 48 Weeks Decision Date : Sep 17, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: J an 31, 1 Structures 8. Components Title: High Performance Heat Pump' Contact: Anthony Peters 3DD Winston Drive CI i f fs ide Park 201-686-1320 NJ 07010 Inventor: Anthony Peters State/Country: NJ Company • Grant 8 FG0 1 -85CE 15198 Description: A modified Brayton refrigeration cycle using injected I i qu i d to achieve better per tor ma nee . Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 100 Ueeks Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 24 > 1984 Status: Award Award Amount Development Stage: Engineering Design Awa r d Date : $63,200 Jul 22, 1985 Contract Per i od ! Sep 27, 1984 - Summary: An award of $63,200 was granted to perform a thermodynamic analysis, study component design and perform an economic analysis. Received the final report for the work done in phase I. The inventor worked on a different version of heat pump rather than the one that was recommended by N.B.S. without prior approval of DOE. Uork termination on this project is being condidered. About $25,000 of the total grant has been spent so far . DOE # 254 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel OERI tt 9327 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: "Turbo-Glo" Immersion Furnace Contact: Girn Metal Products, Inc 164 Glen Cove Road Car I e Place NY 11514 516-741-3005 Inventor: Daniel Douenias State/Country: NY Company: Girn Metal Products, Inc Grant # FG01-85CE15201 Description: A gas-tired melting furnace designed for melting aluminum. The design uses a new type combustion chamber and heat transfer device. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 43 Ueeks Award Date: Jan 29, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 23, 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $74,700 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Jan 29, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $74,700 was awarded on January 29, 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype under actual foundry conditions. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 127 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 255 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Arthur F Stone OERI 8 9806 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Method and Apparatus for Scrubbing Gas - Scrubbing Apparatus Inventor: Arthur F Stone Patent 8 4 289 506 &. Others State/Country: NJ Company: Grant 8 FGD 1-B5CE1S237 Description: A patented stack gas scrubber which contains a rotatable impeller to duplicate high energy venturi scrubber performance and which is claimed; as a result of test i to use 50 7, the power consumption. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 22 Weeks Decision Date 1 Sep 17> 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 27. 1784 Status: Decision Phase Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: A proposal was received from the inventor. It is under study by DOE. DOE 8 256 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Evert S Green OERI 8 9696 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Method and Apparatus for Irrigating Container Grown Plants Inventor: Evert S Green Patent 8 4 245 434 8. Others State/Country: NY Compa ny s Description: A Method and apparatus tor irrigating container grown plants. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 28 Weeks Decision Date; Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 25 > 1984 Status: Other Assistance Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Summary: Referred to NATAS tor I icensing assistance. Date: Sep 30 > 1985 Page: 128 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE n ZS7 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI n 9758 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Method and Apparatus tor Melting Snow Contact: Richard H Baasch Joseph Uosser 324 Bue I I Street Ravenna 308-452-9171 NE 68869 Inventor: Richard H Baasch State/Country: NE Company I Patent App I i ed For Grant tt FGD 1-85CE 1S2D4 Description: A process to remove snow trom city streets by melting instead of hauling to dump sites. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 26 Weeks Award Date: Received by DOE trom NBS ' Apr 30 > 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $60,491 Development Stage: Production Engineering Aug 26. 1985 Contract Per i od '■ Aug 26. 1985 - Summary: A grant of $60,492 was awarded on August 26. 19B5 to bu i Id and test three prototypes in cooperation with various municipalities. DOE # 258 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 9525 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Corrosion Protection Process for Bare Hole Too I Contact: Anthony T Ra I I is 304 Capora I Court El Paso 915-584-9171 TX 79932 Inventor 1 Anthony T Ra I I is State/Country: TX Company : Grant tt FGD 1-85CE15213 Description: A process tor providing an aluminum allloyed surface on iron-base alloys for down-hole tools and parts for improved corrosion resistance replacing more expensive al loys such as chromium and nickel-based al I oys and others. This process would be used primarily tor parts used in gas and oil wells. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments 1 Time in NBS Processing: 48 Ueeks Award Date: Apr 22. 1985 Received by DOE trom NBS: May 15. 1984 Status: Award Award Amount 1 $67,766 Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Concept Development Apr 22. 1985 - Summary: A grant of $67,766 was awarded on Apri I 22d . 1985 to prepare samples suitable tor laboratory and field tests. Date: Sep 30 > 1985 Page: 129 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 257 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Uilliam A Jones P Box #621 OERI 8 9812 DOE Program Off: CE Lotus CA 95651 916-622-9171 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Hydrostatic Support Sleeve and Rod - Gas Release Probe Inventor: Ui | | | am A Jones State/Country: CA Company: Grant 8 FGO 1-85CE15216 Description: A mechanism for reducing or eliminating gas-lock problems with oil well pumps. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 25 Ueeks Award Date: Apr 15; 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: May 17, 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $81,220 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Apr 15, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $81,220 was awarded on Apr i I 15, 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype in cooperation with oi I producing companies. Inventor attended CPU workshop in Uashington, DC during 1985. DOE 8 260 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Edward S Kress, President KRESS CORPORATION OERI 8 9736 DOE Program Off: CE P Box 8368 Brimfield IL 61517 Category: Industrial Processes 309-446-9171 Title 1 Method and Apparatus for Handl i ng and Dry Quenching Coke Inventor: Edward S Kress Patent 8 4 285 772 State/Country: IL Company: KRESS CORPORATION Grant 8 FG01-85CE15227 Description: Method and apparatus for handling and dry quenching coke which is pollution free, producing higher yields of qua I i ty coke with a recovery means of sensible heat far a useful purpose. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 30 Ueeks Award Date: ^ay 31, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: May 24, 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $57,773 Contract Period: Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing May 31, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $57,773 was awarded on May 31st, 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype, Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 130 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 261 DOE Coordinator E.K.Ellis OERI * 7670 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 A New Apparatus for Making Asphalt Concrete Contact: Paul E Bracegirdle Inventor: Paul E Bracegirdle State/Country: PA Company: Mix Design Methods Inc Patent 8 4 378 162 8. Others Description: An asphalt concrete manufacturing process that reduces energy requirements by recovering the latent heat of vaporization from the moisture removed during the manufacturing process and eliminates air pollution by using modern heat transfer methods. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 3D Weeks Decision Date: Sep 17. 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: May 24 > 1984 Status: Other Assistance Development Stage 1 Production Engineering Summary: Inventor I icensed his technology to some foreign company. There is no further action requ i red of DOE . DOE tt 262 DOE Coordinator J.Aelien OERI tt 7671 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscellaneous Title: Energy Saving Pump and Pumping System Contact: Kai-Chih Chang Innovative Tech Laboratory 2337 Davison Avenue Richland WA 77352 5D7-37S-7171 Inventor: Kai-Chih Chang State/Country: WA Company : Patent # 4 376 347 Grant « FGD1-85CE1S2D7 Description: A centrifugal pump and pumping system that automatically provide recirculating f I oui at I oui output flows when pump cool i ng is needed) and that recover hydraul ic energy in response to reduced output flows. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 35 Weeks Award Date: Apr 17. 1795 Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 2D, 1784 Status: Award Award Amount: $85,837 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Apr 17, 1785 - Summary: A grant of $85,837 was awarded on Apri I 17th, 1785 to bu i Id and test the proposed pump . Date: Sep 3D, 1785 Page: 131 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE ft 263 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 9849 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Method for Reconditioning Rivet less Chain Links Contact 1 Uilliam Tunderman Inventor: Ui I I iam Tunderman State /Count r y : IL Compa ny : Patent ft 4 229 962 Grant # FG01-B5CE15228 Description: An upsetting process used to recondition chain I inks of the type used on industrial conveyors. Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 39 Weeks Decision Date: Sep 18) 1985 Received by DOE from NBS = Jun 22 > 1984 Status: Other Assistance Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Inventor received about $12>DD0 to conduct a market survey from the State of Illinois. Further assistance will be considered by DOE at the completion of the ma rket survey. DOE ft 264 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI ft 92D2 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Desu I f ur i za t i on of Coal Contact: Donald F Othmer The Polytechnic Institute 333 Jay Street Brooklyn NY 11201 212-643-9171 Inventor: Donald F Othmer State/Country: NY Company : Patent ft 4 2S1 277 Grant ft FG01-BSCE1S206 Description: A process for the selective wet oxidation of the sulfur content of high sulfur coal into sulfur trioxide or other use in order to produce a low sulfur coal for the slurry p i pe I i ne transport or other use. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: £1 Weeks Award Date : Received by DOE from NBS: J U n 22, 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $71,244 Development Stage: Engineering Design Jul 3, 1985 Contract Per i od ' Ju I 3, 1985 - Dec 2, 1985 Summary: A grant of $71,244 was awarded on July 3rd, 1985 to perform laboratory tests tor desu I phur i za t i on of coal by Zimpro, Inc., located in Wisconsin. Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 132 Inventions Recommended -for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE ft 265 DOE Coordinator G.K.EI OERI n 7718 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Contact: John U Richardson J Sherman Richardson Route Three; Box #81 Colfax LA 71417 318-627-7171 Title: Method and Apparatus tor Direct App I ication of Treatment Liquid to Growing Vegetation Inventor: John U Richardson State/Country: LA Company : Patent App I i ed For Grant # FGD1-65CE15217 Description: A t rac tor -mount ed app I icator that wipes herbicide onto growing weeds. Apr 2, 1785 Significant Dates i Status and Summary of Developments! Time in NBS Processing: 26 Weeks Award Date 1 Received by DOE from NBS: Jul 1B> 1784 Status: Award Award Amount 1 $86 > 767 , Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Apr 2> 1785 - Summary: A grant of $86)767 was awarded on Apri I 2> 1785 to bu i Id and test a prototype. Testing will be performed at Louisiana State University. DOE 8 266 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon OERI *t 7582 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui Idingsi Structures 8. Components Title 1 Energy Conversion Method Contact : Dan Egos i Inventor: Dan Egos i Sta te /Count r y : Israel Company = Patent tt 4 282 D7D Description: A novel "Heat Pump" using engine — driven compressor and steam ejectors to compress low pressure steam to more useful levels. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 71 Weeks Decision Date: Sep 13> 1785 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 22 > 1784 Status: Other Assistance Development Stage: Concept Development Summary-" Inventor needs licensing help. DOE sent him names of appropriate companies in the U.S. to be contacted for I icensing. He visited NBS and complained about some of the negative comments in the recommendation. NBS wi I I study his suggestions. Date: Sep 3D. 1785 Page: 133 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by MBS' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 267 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Shang-I Cheng Seventeen Uoodsend Drive OERI n 9565 DOE Program Off: CE Matawan NJ D7747 201-583-9171 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Integrated Gasification of Coal > Municipal Solid Wastes and S I udge Inventor: Shang-I Cheng Patent # 4 357 713 State/Country: NJ Company: Grant *t FGD 1 -B5CE15222 Description: Hardware and a process for gasifying coal > sol id wastes and sewage sludge. Significant Dates) Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 52 Ueeks Award Date: May 10) 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 22 i 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $70>000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development May 1 > 19B5 - Summary: A grant of $70>000 was awarded on May IDj 1985 to perform laboratory teStBi computer simulation and preliminary design. DOE tt 268 DOE Coordinator 850918en Contact: Robert L Moody OERI 8 9794 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Apparatus for Enhancing Chemical Reactions Inventor: Harold T Sawyer Patent # 4 369 1DD 8, Others State/Country: CA Company: Moody /Languor thy Partners Description: A process tor using ultrasonic energy to enhance chemical reactions and extraction processes. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments 1 Time in NBS Processing: 39 Ueeks Decision Date: Sep 18. 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 22 > 1984 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Received prel iminary work proposal . It is under study at DOE. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 134 Inventions Recommended -for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE * 269 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Richard J Avery, Junior OERI * 9971 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title 1 Refrigerant Accumulator and Charging Apparatus Inventor: Richard J Avery> Junior Patent App I i ed For State/Country: TX Company : Description: An accumu I ator -char ger instal led in the suction I i ne of a vapor -compr ess i on refrigeration unit. It provides for accumulation of liquid refrigerant/oil therby preventing liquid refrigerant from bring drawn into the compressor, and intended to prevent overcharging or undercharging the refrigerant system. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 30 Weeks Decision Date: Sep 7, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 3D, 19B4 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Inventor attended commercial ization workshop in Leesburg, VA during 1985. DOE # 270 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: Shih-Chih Chang 2339 Daviscn Avenue OERI # 9767 DOE Program Off: CE Richland UIA 993S2 509-375-3123 Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 Method of Energy Recovery for Wastewater Treatment Inventor: Shih-Chih Chang State/Country: UA Company: Grant # FG01-85CE15210 Description: A process and apparatus to recover ava i lable hydraul ic energy for wastewater aeration by using a specially designed hydraulic gas compressor. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 47 Weeks Award Date: Apr 5, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 7. 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $65,045 Contract Period: Development Stage: Engineering Design Apr 5, 1985 - Summary: A grant of S65 ,045 was awarded on April 5th, 1985 to optimize the variables in a bench-scale test set-up. The inventor has prepared and instrumented this test set-up. He will be conducting tests shortly to determine optimum process variables Date: Sep 3D, 1985 Page: 135 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 271 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI « 9734 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Hydrogen Storage System Contact: Ui | | iam B Reta I I ick 1432 Johnny's Way Ulest Chester PA 19380 215-379-1371 Inventor: William B Retail ick State/Country: PA Company '• Grant tt FGD 1 -B5CE15230 Description A new geometric design hydrogen storage system for rapid heat cyclings using metal hydride systems in tinned tubes. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 45 Weeks Award Date: J un 21; 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: s ep 26 . 1984 Status: Award Award Amount 1 450,338 Contract Period 1 Development Stage: Concept Development Jun 21 i 1985 - Summary: A grant of 450 > 338 was awarded on June 21st> 1985 to bu i I d and test a prototype storage system. DOE *» 272 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillc OERI # 9730 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: V-P I us System Contact: Robert M Roeg I in Inventor: Robert M Roeglin State/Country: WI Company: 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 27, 1984 Status: Procurement Development Stage: Production 8. Marketing Summary: A grant package of 4100,000 was submitted for approval on July 28, 1985 for testing the lubricant cool i ng system manufactured by V i Iter Manufacturing Corporation. The test will be conducted at the Herrick Laboratory at Purdue University. Due to the relatively large grant request, approval is in doubt. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 136 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE * 273 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: Julius Czaja OERI # 9866 DOE Program Off: CE Category 1 Combustion Engines 8. Components Title: Open Cycle Latent Heat Engine Inventor: J u | i us Czaja Patent ** 4 IDA 294 State/Country: NY Company : Description: A novel Engine that uses relatively low temperature water as a heat source. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 3 Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: Z5 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 15) 1984 Status: Analysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Oct 22, 1984 DOE ft 276 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI ft 9713 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Contact: Robert E Salomon Chemistry Department Temple University Phi lade l P h ia PA 17122 215-787-7125 Title: Gas Concentration eel Is as Converters of Heat into Electrical Energy Inventor: Robert E Salomon State/Country: PA Company '• Grant ft FGO 1-85CE 15211 Description: A system tor using gas concentration cells to convert waste heat directly into electricity through heat driven electrochemical reactions. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 52 Weeks Award Date; Received by DOE from NBS: Oct 25, 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: 979,957 Development Stage: Concept Development Jun 1, 1985 Contract Period: Apr 2b, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $79,957 was awarded on June 1st, 1965 to Temple University tor bu i I d i ng and testing a prototype model . Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 138 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBB ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE ft 277 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 1D221 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Electronic Conveyor Control Apparatus Contact: Guy C Dempsey Inventor ■ Guy C Dempsey State/Country: VA Company = Patent tt 4 372 439 Grant # FGD 1 -85CE15247 Description: Electronic conveyor control) U 5 Patent #4,372,439 dated February Bi 1983! describes an automatic start/stop system tor conveyor belts. Tests in three post offices over two 3D day periods (with and without the control) show a 50%. reduction in energy used to drive the belts. Significant Dates j Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 24 Ueeks Decision Date : Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 23; 1984 Status ; Ana lysis Development Stage 1 Limited Pr oduc t i on /Ma r k e t i ng Summary: Received pre I iminary proposal . It is under study at DOE. Sep 18> 1985 DOE 8 278 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes OERI # 9238 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: Complete System for Large Solar Water Heating and Storage Contact: James M Stewart 115 Sy I va n Uay Gr een v i I I e 8D3-242-9492 SC 29605 Inventor: James M Stewart State/Country: SC Company: Solar Fundamentals Inc Patent tt 4 340 033 S. Others Grant tt FGO 1 -85CE 15223 Description: An integrated system of solar col lection and thermal storage tor service water heating. It is a large-scale water heating system utilizing a heat pipe arrangement to extract thermal energy from an air-based solar col lector. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 100 Ueeks Award Date: Jun 25 > 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 29, 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $52,969 Contract Period: Development Stage: Production Engineering Jun 25, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $52,969 was awarded on June 25th, 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype solar water heating system. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 139 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE *» 279 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes Contact: Douglas R Reich 20? Gaze lie Dr i ve OERI n 9638 DOE Program Off: CE North Fort Myers FL 339D3 B13-995-D2DB Category: Industrial Processes Title: Method and Means -for Preventing Frost Damage to Crops Inventor: Douglas R Reich Patent Applied For State/Country: FL Company: Grant # FGD 1-85CE15231 Description 1 A mobile machine tor preventing frost damage to crops by taking in warmer air from above crop level i heating the air slightly with a burner) and blowing the air horizontally through the crops at low level. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 98 Uleeks Award Date: Aug 26> 198S Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 29. 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $74>280 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Aug 26 > 1985 - Summary: A grant of $74 > 280 was awarded on August 26th> 1985 to fabricate a prototype and evaluate it in a real situation. DOE *» 280 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Andrew U Marr. Junior P Box #1464 OERI # 9509 DOE Program Off: CE Ardmore OK 734D1 405-657-4202 Category: Foss i I Fuels Title: Down Hole and Above Ground Resistance Heating for Paraffin El i m i na t i on Inventor: Andrew Ul Marr. Junior Patent # 4 3D3 128 8. Others State/Country: OK Company: Grant # FG0 1 -85CE1 5220 Description: A method for removing paraffin from down-hole oil well tubing by use of resistance heating induced in the tubing to heat and melt the paraffin. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments 1 Time in NBS Processing: 69 Uleeks Award Date: Aug 28 > 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Nov 30; 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $58>2B6 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Aug 28 > 1985 - Summary: A grant of $58 > 286 was awarded on August 2B> 1985. Date: Sep 3D > 1985 Page: 140 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 2B1 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo Contact: Arthur D Sams Polar Products OERI # 10256 DOE Program Off: CE 2908 Oregon Court, I— 11 Torrence CA 70503 Category: Buildings) Structures 8. Components 213-320-3514 Title: Sun Synchronous Solar Powered Refrigerator Inventor: Arthur D Sams State/Country: CA Company: Polar Products Grant *» FG0 1 -B5CE 15219 Description: Photovoltaic powered refrigerator. Key features are durab i I ity> goad insulationi efficient vapor /compress i on cycle, thermal storage, low cost, and sun synchronous operation without the use of batteries. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 22 Weeks Award Date: Aug 12, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec IB, 1984 Status 1 Award Award Amount 1 $69,415 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Development Aug 12, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $69,415 was awarded on August 12, 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype. Recipient will contribute $24, 960 in addition to the grant. DOE # 282 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: Eugene Tippmann 4221 Boca Tra i I OERI n 10002 DOE Program Off: CE Fort Ulayne IN 46815 219-423-2456 Category: Buildings, Structures 8. Components Title: Insulated Siding Inventor: Eugene Tippmann State/Country: IN Company: Grant * FG01 -85CE15240 Description: An insulated siding for use on houses. Both vinyl and aluminum siding are fabricated with urethane foam averaging 1/2" thick and lined with aluminum foil back i ng . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 35 Ueeks Award Date: Aug 29, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec IB, 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $57,798 Contract Period: Development Stage 1 Prototype Development Aug 29, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $57,798 was awarded on August 29, 1985 to Ba I I State University to bu i Id and test prototype insulated sidings. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 141 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 283 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes OERI « 10182 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Aluminum Roofing Chips Contact: Mark A Smith Transmet Corporation 4290 Perimeter Drive Columbus OH 43228 614-276-5522 Inventor: Tom Atterbury State/Country: OH Company: Transmet Corporation Grant tt FG01-85CE15232 Description: A reflective coating tor application to built-up roofing. Aluminum chips are spray-appl i ed to surfaces with good adhesion. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 22 Ueeks Award Date: J un 27, 1785 Received by DOE from NBS: Dec 18. 1984 Status: Award Award Amount: $78,878 Contract Period: Development Stage: Working Model Jun 27, 1985 - Summary: A grant of S78,878 was awarded on June 27th, 1985 to optimize the size, shape and composition of the aluminum roofing chip system. DOE tt 284 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon OERI # 9662 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures &. Components Title: Atomized Oi l-Injected Rotary Screw Compressors Contact: Anthony N Fresco Inventor: Anthony N Fresco State/Country: NY Company '■ Grant # FGO 1 -B5CE15245 Description: An atomized oil-injection system to improve the power and volumetric efficiencies of the rotary compressors. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 52 Ueeks Decision Date : Sep 13, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 24, 1985 Status 1 Procurement Development Stage: Concept Definition Summary: A grant package of $100, ODD was submitted for approval for testing Mr. Fresco's atomized oil injection concept tor improved efficiency, at Purdue University's Harrick Laboratory. Due to the relatively large amount of the grant request, the approval is in doubt. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 142 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 285 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o Contact: Hermann Ernst 0ER1 # 10167 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems) Vehicles &. Components Title: Novel Fluid Ring (F/R) Seal Systems for Railroad Axle Bearing Systems Inventor: Hermann Ernst State/Country: MN Company ■■ Description: A lubricant seal for railroad car axle bearings) the seal having no direct frictional contact between rotating and non-rotating parts and depending on dynamic effects for seal i ng . Significant Dates j Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 35 Weeks Decision Date : Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 25; 1785 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Mar 4, 1785 DOE tt 286 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 1D313 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8, Components Title: Use of Pulse-Jet tor Atomization of Coal/Water Mixture Contact: Momtaz N Mansour Inventor: Momtaz N Mansour State/Country: MD Company: Management and Technology Consultants Description: Propane or a fuel gas is burned in a pulse-jet. The pulse-jet exhaust is used aerodynamical ly to atomize a stream of coa I -wa t er -m i x t ur e injected into a large steam bo i ler combustor. Mar 4, 1785 Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 24 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 25. 1785 Status : Ana I ys i s Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Inventor is under consideration for assistance by Pittsburg Energy Technology Center, a DOE laboratory. Date: Sep 3D. 1785 Page: 143 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE n 287 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: Don J Marshall 1DB7 Rodgers Road OERI # 10259 DOE Program Off: CE P Box #15? Churchtan MD 20733 Category: Transportation Systems; Vehicles 8. Components 301-867-2135 Title: Automatic Variable Pitch Marine Propeller Inventor: Don J Marshall Patent # 4 297 079 8. Others State/Country: MD Company: GSM Company Grant » FG01-85CE15243 Description 1 A variable geometry marine propeller having the blades pivoted and balanced so as to automatically adjust propeller pitch) diameter i and basic area ratio in response to shaft speed and hydrodynamic load; thereby enabl i ng the driving engine to function at optimum RPM and fuel efficiency over a broad range of hul I speeds and ladings. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 30 Ueeks Award Date: Sep 6, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 25 > 1985 Status: Award Award Amount: $41)593 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Sep b > 1985 - Summary: A grant of $41)593 was awarded on September 6> 1985> to bu i Id and test the proposed propeller. The test will take place at Mississippi State University in cooperation with Sea Grant Advisory Service. DOE 8 288 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Norman L Dickinson OERI 8 10307 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Dickinson Pure Air Combustion (DIPAC) and Modified DIPAC (MODIPAC) Inventor: Norman L Dickinson Patent 8 4 380 960 &. Others State/Country: CA Company i Description: A method of burning coal or coa I / wa t er /m i x t ur e at high pressure without resultant air pollution. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 24 Ueeks Decision Date: Sep 17) 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Jan 30 i 1985 Sta tus '• Analysis Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: Received prel iminary proposal i it is under study. Date: Sep 3D) 1985 Page: 144 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 289 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes OERI # 10311 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs » Structures &. Components Title: An Earthquake Barrier Contact: Marc S Caspe Inventor: Marc S Caspe State/Country: CA Company: M. S. Caspe Company Patent * 3 638 377 Description: A concept to absorb the energy of an earthquake with bilinear force-deflection devices at the foundation of a building; thereby providing positive protection against inelastic distortions that cause building damage. This concept is claimed to avoid damage to the buildings during an earthquake and save human I i fe. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments 1 Time in NBS Processing: 21 Ueeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS ■ Feb 28. 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: Received preliminary proposal! it is under study. Sep 16; 198S DOE tt 290 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI n 98D7 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Lou Energy Ice Making Apparatus Contact: Jerry Aleksandrow Inventor: Jerry Aleksandrow State/Country: IL Company: Universal Ice Machine Products Patent tt 4 357 807 Description 1 I n this ice-making apparatus; ice is progressively formed on evaporator plates and harvested by a secondary condensor grid heated by the warm I i qu i d refrigerant discharged by the primary water cooler condensor. Significant Dates; Status and Summary at Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 60 Ueeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 28 > 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Mar 11; 1984 Date: Sep 30; 1985 Page: 145 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 291 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Jerry Tartaglino OERI # 10331 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs > Structures 8. Components Title: Selective Zone Isolation tor HVAC System Inventor: Jerry Tagtagl i no Patent App I i ed For State/Country: TX Company '• Description: A method tor controlling air -flow from a central HVAC system in a programmed way so that only selected zones within a building receive air flow during specified time periods Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 26 Ueeks Decision Date: Mar 11> 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 26 > 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Working Model Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Inventor attended commercial i zat i on workshop in Seattle: U)A during 1985. DOE 8 292 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Thomas F Francovitch 7348 Carved Stone OERI # 10297 DOE Program Off: CE Columbia MD 21045 301-997-0562 Category: Direct Solar Title: Roof Construction Having Membrane and Photo Cel Is Inventor: Thomas F Francovitch Patent Appl ied For State/Country: MD Company: Grant # FG0 1 -85CE15239 Description: A building roof construction that also serves as a substrate; electrical interconnection) and protective covering for an array of flexible voltaic elements intended to generate electrical power for use in the building or elsewhere. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments-' Time in NBS Processing: 26 Ueeks Award Date: Aug 26 , 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Feb 28. 1985 Status: Award Award Amount: $40,135 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Aug 26 > 1985 - Summary: A grant of $40,135 was awarded on August 28 > 1985 to perform laboratory tests on the roof membrane and photocel Is. Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 146 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS' ObRI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 293 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: Randell D Ball OERI n 10130 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Foss i I Fuels Title: "Therm-A-yalue" - Insulated Value Coverings Inventor: Randell D Ball Patent Applied For State/Country: OK Company: PFI, Inc Description: A solar powered system to keep critical flow control valves from freezing on gas wells during cold weather. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 39 Weeks Decision Date: Sep 13. 1785 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 29, 19BS Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Prel iminary proposal received to bu i Id and test five prototype models for Therm-A-Va I ve for $87 > 829 . DOE # 294 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: Carl L Sterner Route Four , Box #372 OERI * 10077 DOE Program Off: CE Bakersfield CA 93309 805-589-3355 Category: Industrial Processes Title: Highway Power Patcher Inventor: Carl L Sterner Patent App I i ed For State/Country: CA Company: Grant 8 FG01 -B5CE 1524 1 Description: A portable self-propelled pavement patching machine which blows debris from a distressed area of pavement! mixes and appl i es an unheated crusted rock and asphalt patching material) and compacts the patch by means of a roller. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 39 Uleeks Award Date: Aug 15, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 29, 1985 Status: Award Award Amount: $60,031 Contract Period: Development Stage: Prototype Test Aug 15, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $60,031 was awarded on August 15, 1985 to bu i Id and test a self-propel led highway pavement patching machine. Mr. Sterner has already received numerous inquiries about his machine from al I over the U.S. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 147 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 295 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI n 1D185 DOE Program Off: CE Category- - Industrial Processes Contact: J Paul Pemsler Castle Technology Corporation Fifty-Two Dragon Court Uoburn MA D1BD1 617-933-5634 Title: Improved Method of Electroplating Aluminum for Corrosion Res i stance Inventor: J Paul Pemsler State/Country: MA Company: Castle Technology Corporation Grant tt FG01 -BSCE15236 Description: A method tor electroplating ferrous metals with aluminum tor improved corrosion resistance. Significant Dates? Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 44 Ueeks Award Date: Aug 2B > 1965 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 29) 1985 Status: Award Award Amount: $69,000 Contract Period: Development Stage: Laboratory Test Aug 2B> 1985 - Summary: A grant of $70;000 was awarded on August 28 ; 1985 to bu i Id and test a prototype, DOE # 296 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes OERI t* 9516 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Buildings; Structures 8. Components Title 1 Shower Bath Economizer Contact: Raymond Hunter Inventor: Raymond Hunter State/Country: TN Company: Tennessee Energ Cons Innov Patent # 4 372 372 Description: A heat Exchanger installed at a shower-booth or tub drain which transfers heat from the drain water to the incoming cold water; therby reducing the amount of energy required to heat the water. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 87 Ueeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 29; 1985 Status •• Ana lysis Development Stage: Production Engineering Summary: Received preliminary proposal; It is under study. Sep 16, 1985 Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 148 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE « 297 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 10261 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui Idings, Structures 8. Components Title: Series ( Two-U i r e ) ^-Controller Contact: E M Talbott 1314 Doves Cove Road Towson MD 212D4 3D1-321-D131 Inventor: E M Talbott State/Country: MD Company: Eta I on Corporation Patent App I i ed For Grant * FGD1-B5CE15233 Description: An electronic light dimmer tor fluorescent lamps; that will mount in a single two— wired switch box without the need for re-wiring or replacing conventional lamp ballasts with "dimming" ballasts. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 23 Weeks Award Date: Aug 17, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Mar 29, 1985 Status 1 Award Award Amount: $51 , 18D Contract Period: Development Stage: Concept Development Aug 19, 1985 - Summary: A grant of $51,771 was awarded on August 18, 1985 to design and bu i Id a prototype. Tests will be conducted in phase II. Contact: David L Swartz DOE tt 298 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 1D254 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Bui I d i ngs , Structures 8. Components Title: Three Tenths Degree Kelvin Closed Cycle Refrigeration System Inventor: David L Swartz State/Country: OH Company: C r y OS ys terns > Inc. Grant tt FGD 1-85CE 15248 Description 1 Closed cycle refrigeration system to provide cooling to .3 degrees Kelvin. Does not consume he I i urn or other I i qu i d cryogens. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 34 Weeks Decision Date: Sep IB, 19B5 Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 19, 1985 Status: Decision Phase Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: A grant package is being prepared to build and test a prototype. Date: Sep 3D, i 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Limited Pr oduc t i on /Mar k et i ng Summary: Received prel iminary proposal > it is under study. Sep 17, 1785 DOE 8 302 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI * 10539 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Carri-Cel Impact Breaker and Counterflow Impact Rock Contact 1 John H Burk •eaket Inventor: John H Burk State/Country: CA Company : Patent App I i ed For Description' A vertical shaft impact rock breaker having a direct-drive vertical shaft motor - and - an impact rock breaker in which the thrown rock is directed back toward the impeller so that most rock breakage occurs during collisions of thrown and returning rock. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 29 Ueeks Decision Date Received by DOE from NBS: Apr 30, 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. May 6, 1985 Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 151 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 303 DOE Coordinator J.Aeilen OERI t» 10170 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems? Vehicles &. Components Title : Battery Heating Device Contact: Nicholas Archer Sanders Inventor: Nicholas Archer Sanders State/Country: VT Company ' Patent » 4 258 671 Description: An automotive battery heating device wh i ch stores exhaust heat in a phase-change storage material and which includes the necessary heat exchangers and controls to transfer heat to the battery to f ac i I itate cold weather starting. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 48 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May 31. 1985 Status: Decision Phase Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Received preliminary proposal; cost is being negotiated. Sep IB, 1985 DOE * 304 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI # 10315 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: Exfoliated Graphite Fibers Contact: Deborah D Chung Inventor 1 Deborah D Chung State/Country: PA Company : Patent App I i ed For Description: A new material, exfoliated graphite fibers, a novel form of fiber, and a method for producing them. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 37 Weeks Decision Date ; Received by DOE from NBS: May 31, 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Jun 3, 1985 Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 152 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBB' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 3D5 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Max McElmurry OERI * 10257 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Automatic Filter Network Protection) Failure Detection and Correction System and Method Inventor: Harold L Bowman State/Country: AR Company: White River Technologies Inc Patent 8 4 356 DD7 Description: A flap valve> to be used in fabric bag filter systems such as those used in coal-burning power plants; which automatically shuts off the flow of gas and fly ash through ruptured ti Iter bags. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 3"? Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: May 31. 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Production Engineering Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Jun 3, 1785 DOE 8 3D6 DOE Coordinator J.S.Dhillon Contact: John W Ackley, III OERI » 1QD45 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title: An Efficiency Computer for Heated or Air Conditioned Bu i I d i ngs Inventor: John W Ackley. Ill State/Country: NY Company: Energy Data Company. Inc Description: Microprocessor-based device continuously evaluates overal I space-conditioning performance. "Feedback" is used to teach a new. useful concept of efficiency to building owners, occupants, and maintenance personnel. Significant Dates. Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 52 Weeks Decision Date : Received by DOE from NBS : Jun 28. 1785 Status ■• Ana lysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Jul 1, 1985 Date: Sep 3D. 1985 Page: 153 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 3D7 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o OERI * 10454 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems! Vehicles 8. Components Title: Vortex Generators tor Aft Regions of Aircraft Fuselages Contact: Andrew Uortman Inventor: Andrew Uortman State/Country: CA Compa ny : Description: A method for using small vortex generators at the aft end of aircraft fuselages, (particularly those with rear loading doors) to energize the flow in that region> reduce flow separation) and reduce form drag. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 26 Ueeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 28> 1985 Sta tus : Ana lysis Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Received preliminary proposal; it is under study. Jul 1, 1965 DOE 8 3DB DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI tt 10201 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Binary Azeotropici Hot Gas > Fat Extraction Process Contact: Jay Read Inventor: Jay Read State/Country: IN Company: Plymouth Ferti I izer Company) Inc Patent App I i ed For Description: A solvent extraction process tor rendering animal wastes. Invention would use n - heptane as to extract the fat and would be recycled. Sol ids recovered wi I I be produced at lower temperatures print SOsent processes. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 60 Ueeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 2B> 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Jul 1. 1985 Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 154 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 309 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI n 1D351 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 Process of Smelting with Submerged Burner Contact: Robert C LeMay Inventor: Robert N Rose State/Country: CT Company: R c LeMay Associates! Inc Patent 8 4 2D3 761 Description: A submerged burner tor melting and refining metals. The design produces submerged combustion process resulting in a uniform oxidizing or reducing atmosphere circulating through the molten zone. Significant Dates > Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 3? Uleeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jun 28. 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Ju 1, 1985 DOE # 310 DOE Coordinator G.K.EM is OERI * 1D3D8 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Portable Wastewater Flow Metering Device Contact: Robert M Hunter Inventor: Robert M Hunter State/Country: U)A Company : Patent App I i ed For Description: A portable venturi type flowmeter tor measuring liquid flow in sewers under either full flow or partial flow conditions. Significant Dates . Status and Summary Dt Developments 1 Time in NBS Processing: 47 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Jul 31. 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Jul 31. 1985 Date: Sep 30. 1985 Page: 155 ' Inventions Recommended -for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 311 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 6675 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Transportation Systems' Vehicles 8. Components Title: Auxi I iary Truck Heater Contact: Herbert D Easter Inventor: Herbert D Easterl State/Country: TN Compa ny = Patent tt 4 172 457 Description: A diesel fuel-fired heater used to heat truck engines prior to starting and also used to heat truck cabs. Significant Dates, Status and Summary at Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 52 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: J u | 31, l?8S Status: Analysis Development Stage: Concept Definition Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Jul 31, 1985 DOE ft 312 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes OERI # 10368 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: The "Jones AWT", a Micro-Computer-Based Automatic Well Tester tor Use of Producing Oi I Wei Is Inventor: Ray L Jones State/Country: CA Company: Petroleum Automation Systems, Inc Contact- - Ray L Jones Patent t* 3 711 256 Description: An automatic well tester for in-line automatic measurement of oil, gas and water produced by an oi I we I I . Significant Dates, Status and Summary Df Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 43 Weeks Decision Date 1 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 9, 1765 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: Received preliminary proposal! it is under study. Sep 17, 19B5 Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 156 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE * 313 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes OERI # 1D425 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title 1 Process Controller for Stripper Oil Ue I I Pumping Units Contact: Frank J Madison II Inventor: Frank J Madison II State/Country: PA Company: Madison Engineering Description: A programmable microprocessor control system that determines the optimum pumping speed of a beam oi I we I I pump by comparing the wave form of current flow during each pumping cycle to a wave form stored in memory. Based on the results of the comparison; the controller either modifies the pumping speed [ shuts the pump off for a given period of time. The device is primarily intended for stripper wells. Significant Datesi Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 39 Ueeks Decision Date : Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 13, 1785 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Aug 13, 1985 DOE # 314 DOE Coordinator D.G.Mel lo OERI # 1D734 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 Filter Apparatus Contact : Max Klein Inventor: Max Klein State/Country: MA Company : Patent # 4 394 146 Description: An air filtration system wherin a long filter mat is drawn in a zig-zag path across an air flow path to give multiple filtration passages of the air through the f i Iter mat. The mat is continuously drawn from a large rol I such that fresh filter surface is continuously ted through the filter chamber. The used mat is discarded. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: IS Ueeks Decision Date : Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 3D, 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Aug 3D, 1985 Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 157 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE # 315 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI » 10446 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Fossi I Fuels Title 1 Method of Processing Biodegradable Organic Material Contact: Ralph A Messing Inventor: Ralph A Messing State/Country: NY Company: Biodynamic Systems! Inc Patent App I i ed For Description: A high rate continuous biodegrading reactor using immobilized microbes for producing natural gas from a high load waste system. Significant Datesi Status and 5ummary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 34 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 30, 1785 Status: Analysis Development Stage: Engineering Design Summary: Recommenda t r i on under consideration by DOE. Aug 30, 1785 DOE tt 316 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes OERI » 10647 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title 1 Thrust Impact Rock Splitter Contact: Ray E Snyder Inventor: George B Clark State/Country: MO Company: University of Missouri Patent # 4 072 353 Description: A rock splitting device in which two or more splitting segments are positioned in a hole in the rock, and the segments are moved outward by a wedge driven by an impact force superimposed on a constant force. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 22 Ueeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 30, 1785 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Aug 30, 1785 Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 158 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OER 1 - A Brief Status Report DOE 8 317 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Bernard L Sater 0ER1 n 4602 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Direct Solar Title: Edge-Illuminated Mu I t i -Junct i on (VMJ) Solar Cell Inventor: Bernard L Sater Patent App I i ed For State/Country: OH Company '• Description 5 An edge illuminated vertical multijunction photovoltaic cell to be operated with concentrators from about 200 to 1000 suns. Significant Dates> Status and Summary of Developments' Time in NBS Processing: U2 Weeks Decision Date: Aug 30 > 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 30, 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Working Model Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. DOE # 318 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen Contact: Louis A Joo OERI # 10523 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Bi-Polar Electrode for Hall-Heroult Electrolysis Inventor: Louis A Joo Patent # 4 462 889 State/Country: TN Company: Great Lakes Carbon Corporation Description: A new design for a bi-polar electrode for Hall-Heroult electrolysis tor aluminum production. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 26 Weeks Decision Date: Aug 30, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Aug 30, 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: 159 Inventions Recommended tor DOE Consideration by NB5 ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 319 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI # 1D53D DOE Program Off: Category: Industrial Processes Title: Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from a Gas Stream Contact: Shao-E Tung Inventor: Shao-E Tung State/Country: MA Company : Patent Applied For Description: A non-reactive adsor pt i on / r egener a t i on process for removing hydrogen sulfide from a gas stream . Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 26 Uleeks Decision Date Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 23. 1985 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage 1 Engineering Design Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Sep 23, 1985 DOE # 32D DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI * 10&3B DOE Program Off: Category: Fossil Fuels Title 1 Coal Gasification with Carbon Dioxide and Lime Recycling Contact: Shang-I Cheng Inventor: Shang-I Cheng State/Country: NJ Company : Patent » 4 446 588 8. Others Description' A coal gasification process that uses air instead of oxygen to produce a nitrogen free 400 BTU per cubic foot gas by use of re-cycled carbon dioxide and lime. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 17 Uleeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 23, 1785 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage ' Prototype Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Sep 23, 1985 Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: lfcD Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE * 321 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis Contact: Philip H Gifford II OERI # 10279 DOE Program Off: Category: Fossi I Fuels Title: Process tor Recovery of Oi I from Oi I Shale Simultaneously Producing Hydrogen Inventor: Philip H Gitford II Patent # 4 DD1 IDS & Others State/Country: CO Company t Description 1 A shale oil recovery process that also gasifies coke in the spent shale to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide in a water gas shift reaction. Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: &0 Ueeks Decision Date: Sep 23, 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 23, 1965 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage ■• Laboratory Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. DOE n 322 DOE Coordinator D . G . Me I I o Contact: Maurice U Lee, Junior OERI n 10139 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Miscel laneous Title 1 Electrical Resistance Cooking Apparatus with Automatic Circuit Contro I Inventor: Maurice U Lee, Junior Patent. Appl ied For State/Country: OK Company: Smokarama, Inc Description: A method of using high frequency energy to cook meat for fast food vendors The key feature is the lack of need tor a vent. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 65 Ueeks Decision Date: Sep 30, 1984 Received by DOE from NBS: Sep 3D, 1984 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Limited Production/Marketing Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Date: Sep 30, 1985 Page: l&i Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBB ' OERI - A Brief Status Report DOE # 323 DOE Coordinator G.K.Ellis OERI 8 10&13 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Rolling Mill tor Reduction of Moisture Content in Waste Mater i a I Contact: David M Ul i Ider Inventor: David M U t Ider State/Country: OR Compa ny : Patent # 4 436 D2B Description: A drive to remove mechanically some of the water from wood waste fuel. The previously pulverized wood is passed between two rol lers and water is pressed from the wood . Significant Dates» Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 26 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: S ep 30, 1785 Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Prototype Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Sep 30> 17B5 Contact: Ray E Snyder DOE # 324 DOE Coordinator J.Aellen OERI 8 10684 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Method and Composition tor Enhancement of Mycorrhizal Development by Foliar Fertilization Inventor: Gene S Cox State/Country: MO Company: University of Missouri at Columbia Description: A method tor increasing plant growth by means of a foliar fertilization process intended to increase the infection of plant roots by mycorrhizal fungi, thus increasing their uptake of water and nutrients from the soil Significant Dates; Status and Summary of Developments: Time in NBS Processing: 26 Weeks Decision Date: Received by DOE from NBS: 5ep 30 > 198S Status : Ana lysis Development Stage: Concept Development Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Sep 30, 1785 Date: Sep 30, 1785 Page: 162 Inventions Recommended for DOE Consideration by NBS' OER I - A Brief Status Report DOE tt 325 DOE Coordinator P.M.Hayes Contact: Forrest M Palmer OERI *t 9934 DOE Program Off: CE Category: Industrial Processes Title: Low Cost> Low Energy Machine and Method for Continuous Casting Non-Ferrous Strip and Composites Inventor: Forrest M Palmer Patent Applied For State/Country: MI C Dmpa ny : Description: A process for continuous casting of non-ferrous and composite materials into thin strips. Significant Dates, Status and Summary of Developments 1 Time in NBS Processing: 57 Uleeks Decision Date: S ep 30 > 1985 Received by DOE from NBS: 5 ep 3D, 1985 Status 1 Analysis Development Stage: Laboratory Test Summary: Recommendation under consideration by DOE. Date: Sep 3Q . 1985 Page: n,3 APPENDIX A INVENTIONS LISTED BY INVENTION CLASS TECHNICAL CATEGORIES 1.00 Fuels and Lubricants acquisition, production, distribution 1.01 Geophysical prospecting 1.1 Fossil Fuels 1.11 Coal Mining and Mining Methods 1.111 Coal Liquification 1.112 Coal Gasification 1.113 Greater Resource Recovery-Methods 1.114 Greater Resource Recovery-Equipment 1.12 Oil Wells and Oil Pipelines 1.121 Greater Resource Recovery-Methods 1.122 Greater Resource Recovery-Equipment 1.13 Oil Shale 1.131 Tar Sands 1.14 Natural Gas and Gas Pipelines 1.141 Chemical Conversion of Gas to Liquids 1.2 Alternate Fuels 1.201 Miscellaneous not included below 1.21 Propane 1.22 Methane 1.23 Hydrogen 1.24 Alcohols (Fermentation Processes) 1.25 Hybrid 1.26 Fuel Cells 1.27 Fuel Additivies 1.28 Bioengineering-Biomass 1.29 Miscellaneous Synthetic Processes 1.30 Greases and Lubricants 1.4 Refined Petroleum Products 2.00 Energy Conversion from Natural Sources 2.1 Solar Collectors 2.10 Concentrator Designs 2.101 Photovoltaic Devices only-does not include power generation (see 2.1) 2.11 Solar to Direct Mechanical Energy 2.12 Solar Electric Power Generating Systems 2.13 Photovoltaic Power Generation Devices 2.2 Geo thermal 2.21 Electrical Power Generation 2.3 Ocean Thermal 2.4 Wind 2.41 Wind Driven Motors & Components Thereof 2.42 Processes Using Energy from Wind 2.43 Electrical Power Generating by Wind Energy 2.5 Water Power Processes (Inland) 2.51 Electrical Power Generation by Water Power (Inland) 2.6 Ocean Water Power 2.61 Wave Power Systems 2.62 Tidal Power Systems 2.63 Ocean Current Power Systems 2.7 Atmospheric Pressure Page 2 3.00 Energy Conversion from Secondary Sources (No EC Equivalent) 3.1 Combustion Engines and Components Thereof 3.11 Reciprocal 3.12 Rotary 3.13 Turbine 3.14 Fuel Systems 3.141 Carburetors and Modifications Thereof 3.142 Fuel Injectors 3.143 Water Injectors 3.144 Multi-Fuel Mixers 3.145 Air and Oxygen Injection 3.146 Combustion Analyzers 3.15 Ignition Systems 3.2 Steam Engines and Turbines 3.3 Air Compressors and Motors 3.4 Hydraulic Pumps and Motors 3.5 Electric Motors and Generators (Utilities) 3.51 Miscellaneous Electric Power Generating Systems 3.6 Chemical 3.61 Photochemical 3.7 Mechanical 3.8 Heat Pumps 3.9 Highway Power Generators 4.00 Energy Generation Storage and Distribution 4.1 Electrical Transmission 4.11 Storage (batteries) 4.12 Distribution (Transformers, Switchgears, Controls) 4.2 Mechanical (Flywheels) 4.3 Thermal 4.4 Pneumatic (Compressed Air and Gas) 4.5 Hydraulic (Water, Pumped Storage, etc.) 4.6 Miscellaneous Power Generation, Storage and Transmission 5.00 Transportation 5.1 Air 5.2 Water 5.3 Rail 5.4 Highway Vehicles and Systems 5.41 Highways, Streets and Traffic Control 5.42 Vehicular Power Systems 5.421 Combustion Engine Vehicles 5.422 Electric Vehicles 5.423 Steam Vehicles 5.424 Hybrid Vehicles 5.43 Vehicular components (Except engines or Fuel Systems) for which see 3.00+) 5.431 Transmissions 5.432 Braking Systems (Regenerative Braking, etc.) 5.433 Wheels and Tires 5.434 Suspensions 5.435 Body and Chassis Design 5.436 Lubrication Systems 5.437 Driver and Fuel Economy Control Systems 5.438 Air Conditioning Page 3 6.00 Buildings, Structures and Components 6.1 Design, Construction and Construction Practices 6.2 Heating, Cooling and Ventilating 6.201 Instruments and Controls 6.21 Fireplaces 6.22 Solar Heaters 6.221 Heat Storage Per Solar 6.23 Boilers and Furnaces 6.231 Flue Heat Recovery 6.232 Air and Oxygen Inductors and Injectors 6.233 Flue Vent Control 6.234 Oil Burners 6.235 Stokers 6.236 Combustion Controls, Combustion Equipments, Combustion Chemical 6.237 Coal-Oil-Water Mixtures, etc. 6.24 Electric Heat 6.25 Beat Pumps 6.26 Air Conditioning 6.27 Ventilating Systems 6.28 Humidification Systems 6.29 Solar Air Conditioning 6.3 Hot Water Supply 6.31 Heating Systems 6.311 Solar Heaters 6.32 Hot Water Conservation Devices and Practices 6.4 Insulation and Insulating Practices 6.5 Electrical Wiring and Fixtures 6.6 Plumbing and Fixtures (Sewage and Sanitation) 7.00 Industrial Processes 7.01 Chemical, Chemical Process Industries Unit Operations 7.02 Textiles, Fabrics, Rugs, Clothing 7.03 Food, Feeds, Leather, Furs, Feathers, etc. 7.04 Lumber, Wood, Wood Products 7.05 Paper and Allied Products 7.06 Petroleum, Oil, and Natural Gas Industries 7.07 Rubber and Plastics 7.08 Stone, Clay, Glass 7.09 Primary Metals 7.010 Steel Rolling and Finishing 7.011 Iron and Steel Foundries 7.012 Primary Non-ferrous Metals 7.013 Fabricated Metal Products 7.014 Air Separation 7.015 Water and Waste Treatment 7.016 Packaging and Containers 7.017 Miscellaneous - Desalinization - Electrolysis 7.018 Solar Distillation Processes 7.019 Solar Evaporation Processes 7.020 Other Solar Industrial 7.1 Civil Engineering 7.2 Agriculture Equipment and Farm Equipment 7.3 Oil Spill Recovery 7.4 Mechanical Contrivances (non-vehicular) Page 4 8.00 Consumer Products and Practices 8.1 Consumer Education and Behavior 8.2 Appliances 8.3 Tools 8.4 Lamps and Light Bulbs (6.5 for lighting fixtures) 9.00 Miscellaneous 9.1 Not Energy-Related 9.2 Nuclear 9.3 Perpetual Motion 9.4 Uninterpretable 9.5 Instrumentation 9.51 Electrical Demand, Overload or Consumption Indicators 9.6 Computer - Data Storage and Retrieval 9.7 Communication Systems and Equipment 9.8 Printing Systems and Equiment Class Doe-Num Contact Name l.DDDDD 32 John C Calhoun? President l.DDDDD 161 Anthony A duPont 1.D1DD0 21D Lloyd Flat land 1.11000 86 Howard Bovars 1.11000 91 Rees Kinney? Atty. 1.11000 111 John C. Haspert 1.11000 112 Paul Zanoni 1.11000 155 James M Cleary 1.11000 IBB John C Haspert 1.11000 223 Ruel Carlton Terry 1.11200 320 Shang-I Cheng 1.11300 268 Robert L Moody 1.12000 27 Kenneth E Mayo 1.12000 39 James H Lawler 1.12000 55 Richard D Palone 1.12000 79 Marvin L Uahrman 1.12000 127 J D Seader 1.12000 128 J D Seader Short Title Uood Gas Reactor duPont Connel I Energy Coa I Gas i f i ca t i on Process Ultra High Speed Drilling Device Coke Desu I f ur i za t i on M i ne Bratt i ce Haspert Mining System Pump Slip Mining Remote Control led Underground Mining System Minimizing Subsidence Effects during Production of Coal In Si tu Coal Gasification with Carbon Dioxide and Lime Recy c I i ng Apparatus for Enhancing Chemical Reactions Tuned Sphere Stable Ocean Platforms Lawler Steam Generator Electrically Heated Sucker-Rod Oil Ue I I Bit Insert Process and Apparatus to Produce Crude Oi I from Tar Sands Continuous Disti I lation Apparatus and Method 1.12000 143 Amar Amancharla Oil Ue I I Pump Jack Class Dae- N urn Contact Name 1.12DD0 146 Ranald M Hertzfeld 1.120DD 154 Forrest E Chancellor 1.12DDD 159 Uilliam D Gramling 1.12DDD 166 Robert F Evans 1.12DDD 186 Ranald Hertzfeld 1.12000 211 Robert F Evans 1.12000 217 Jeff Landua 1 . 12000 241 Ri chard J Gay 1.12000 245 Daniel M Busby 1.12000 249 Patrick S Swihart> Senior 1.12000 280 Andrew U Marn Junior 1 . 12000 293 Randel I D Ba I I 1.12000 300 John Patton 1 . 12000 312 Ray L Jones 1.12000 313 Frank J Madison II 1.13000 321 Philip H Gifford II Short Title Line Integral Method of Magneto-El ectr i c Exp I Drat i on Rotating Horsehead for Pump i ng Un i t s Non-Tubing Type Gas Powered Lift Device Borehole Angle Control Oil Recovery by In -Situ Exfoliation Drive Shock Mounted Stratapax Bi t Jointless Tape for Oil Ue I I Pumps Po I ysu Ifide Oil Field Corrosion Control System I mpr oved Oil Ue I I Pumping Unit Subsurface Flow Control far Gas Ue I I s Downhole and Above Ground Resistance Heating for Paraffin El i m i na t i on w Therm-A-Valve w - Insulated Valve Cover i ngs Casing Stabb i ng Appa rat us The "Janes AUT" Process Control ler for St r i pper i I Ue I ! Pump i ng Un i 1 5 Recovery of Hydrogen and Oi I from Oi I Sha I e 1.14000 88 Lawrence Lad i n System-100 Class Doe-Num Contact Name 1.14000 208 Norman C Fawley> President 1 . 14000 231 Guy R B El I i ott 1.20000 23 James E Luber 1 .20000 40 Ro land P Sou I e 1.23000 3 Donald C Erickson 1.23000 165 Wu-Chi Chen 1.26000 276 Robert E Salomon 1.28000 235 Harry Curtin 1.28000 315 Ralph A Messing 2.00000 2.00000 2. 10000 2. 10000 2. 10000 2. 10000 2. 10000 2. 10000 2. 10000 2. 10000 17 Davi d U. Doy I e> V.P 78 Robert McNe i 4 Joseph C Yater 11 Rona Id H' Sm i th 35 Gulab Chand Jain 41 Uilliam F Armitage Jr 74 G. R. Fi tterer ) President 100 M i chae I F Z i nn 117 George E Mattson 121 James B Uhitmore Short Title Fuel Transport Modules Na t ur a I Gas from Deep-Brine Solutions Microgas Dispersions Blue Water Gas Hydrogen Generation by Oxidation-Reduction of Ti n Process for Recovering Hydrogen from H2S Gas Concentration Cel Is as Converters of Heat into Electrical Energy Single Stage Anaerobic Digestion Process Method of Processing Biodegradable Organic Mater i a I Osmotic-Hydro Power Ge ne r a t i on Sy s tern for High Efficiency Power Generation from Lou Temperature Sources Power Conversion of Energy Fluctuations Solar Collector Solar Pond System Photovoltaic Device by Sol id Phase Growth Fue I Ce I I So I ar o I I "Salarspan" Prism Trap Solar Space Heating for both Retrofit and New Construct i on Class Doe-Num Contact Name 2.1DDDD 124 Charlton Sadler 2.1DD0D 135 M Hossein Khorsand 2.10000 145 Robert E Salomon 2.1D00D 177 Robert John Starr 2.1DDDD 17? Charles E Edwards 2.1DD0D 180 Richard E Dame 2.1DDDD 222 Donald R Thomas 2.1DDD0 234 Douglas E Uood 2.10000 278 James M Stewart 2.10000 272 Thomas F Francovitch 2.10000 317 Bernard L Satei Shor t Title So I ar Coll ector Point Focus Parabol ic Solar Collector Solar Conversion by Concentration Cells with Hyd rides The So I ar I Opt i on Deve I opment and Commercial ization of Low Cost Non-Meta I I i c j Solar Sys terns Ad jus table So I sr Concentrator ( ASC ) Louver Trambe Solar Storage Un i t Geodes i c Solar Parabo I o i d Complete System for Large Solar Uater Heat i ng and Storage Roof Construction Having Membrane and Photo Ce I Is Edge-I I I un i nated Mu I t i -Junct i on (VMJ ) Solar Cell 2.20000 182 Robert F Evans Improved Seal for Geothermal Dr i I I Bit 2.40000 14 Daniel J Schneider Aerodynamic Lift Trans lator 2.40000 67 James A Browning Hydraul ic Power for U i ndm ills 2.40000 95 Val Berto ia 2.40000 110 Karl H. Bergey Omn i -Hor i zonta I Axis-Uind Turbine Improved Uindpower Generating System 2.50000 197 Robert F Karlicek Frequency Regulator Class Doe-Num Contact Name 2.80000 43 Sidney A Parker 3.DDDDD 9 Aluin M Marks 3.00000 37 Lawrence E Bissell 3.000D0 62 Thaddeus Pap i s 3.00000 77 James U McCord 3.00000 273 Julius Czaja 3.10000 48 Uerner E Howa I d 3.11000 5 George C Austin 3.11000 54 Edward Perry Sikes> Jr. 3.11000 101 Sharad M Dave 3.11000 122 Michael D Leshner 3.11000 131 N. John Beck 3.11000 229 Edward M Tourtelot (Dec J d) 3.13000 31 Richard E Engdah I 3.13000 59 Bernard Zimmern 3.14000 6 Albert B Csonka 3.14000 69 Enoch J Durbin 3.14000 250 Hugh Edwin Uhitted III 3.14100 50 Robert Cameron 3.14100 184 Nathan Gold 3.20000 96 Floyd R Anderson Short Title Thermal Gradient Utilization Cycle Hea t /E I ect r i c Power Conversion via Charged Aer oso I s Hotwater Eng i ne Tapered Plate Annular Matr i x \/ar i ab I e Heat Refrigeration System Open Cycle Latent Heat Eng i ne Howa I d Combustor Diesel Engine Conversion System Opt i m i zer Control led Combustion Eng i ne Lean Limit Controller Valve Deactuator for Internal Combustion Eng i nes Variable Valve-Timing Mechan i sm Ceramic Rotors and Vanes Volumetric Gas Turbine Mi cro-Carburetor Ionic Fue I Control A System to Adapt Diesel Engines for Crude Oi I Scotsman Fuel Energizer Coasting Fuel Shutoff Leave I I > Pneumatic Precussion Tools and Systems Class Doe-Num Contact Name 3.2DDDD 236 Ronald E Brandon 3.30000 7D Kenneth A Stofen 3.4DDDD 189 Gerald Eastman 3.40000 262 Kai-Chih Chang 3.4DDDD 275 Don E Avery 3.4DDDD 301 Don E Avery 3.5DDDD 60 Ui I I iam H Cone 3.50000 106 James L Ramer 3.50000 187 Lewis U Parker 3.50000 206 Jonathan Gabe I 3.50000 216 Richard F K i I ey 3.60000 219 Thomas M Meshbesher 3.80000 44 Leon Lazar e 4.00000 227 Norman C Fawley 4.D0000 271 William B Retallick 4.11000 195 Howard L Barrett 4.12000 136 Albert 5 Richardson; Jr 4.12000 139 Louis L Marton 4.12000 158 Paul F Pugh Short Title Steam Turbine Packing R i ng Compressor Heat-Recovery System Pump Jack Energy Saving Pump and Pump i ng Sys tern Low Head - High Volume Pump Pump Control System for W i ndm ills Electric Transport Re f r i gerator Deep Shaft Hydro-Electric Power Variable Field Induction Motor Electromechanical Energy Conversion Devices Semiconductor Element Mount i ng Method for Mak i ng Acetaldehyde from Ethano I New Working Fluids for Absorption Heat-Pump CRM P i pe Hydrogen Storage System Proportional Current Battery W i ndamper Transformer With Heat Diss i pator Energy Conservative Electric Cable System Class Doe-Num Contact Name 4.12000 247 Nathan Cohn 4.300DD 26 Seymour Jarmul 4.3DDDD 252 William C Whitman 5.1DDDD 174 Oscar Leonard Doellner 5.1DDDD 228 Meredith C Gourdine 5.1DDDD 246 Juan M Garcia* Junior 5.1DDDD 3D7 Andrew Uortman 5.20000 204 Raymond P Holland Jr 5.20000 287 Don J Marshall 5.30000 147 A. D. Barrett, VP 5.30000 285 Hermann Ernst 5.40000 5.42000 99 Robert Gordon? President 5.40000 214 Donald E Wise 58 Char les M Kirk 5.42100 13 Ranendra K Base 5.43000 133 James V Enright 5.43000 152 David S Majkrzak 5.43000 193 Nicholas Archer Sanders 5.43000 201 Louis A Hausknecht Shor t Title Improved Control of Bulk Power Transfers Compact Energy Reservoir Ther ma I Bank Radiant Energy Power Source for Jet Aircraft EGD Fog Dispersal System Maximum Cruise Per for ma nee Vortex Generators for Aft Regions of Aircraft Fus e I ages The Induction Propel ler Automatic Variable Pitch Ma rine Propeller Ra i Iroad Switch Heater Ring Seals for Ra i Iroad Ax I e Bea rings Light Weight Composite Trailer Tubes Convertible Flat/Drop Tr a i ler A Multiple Spark System Using Inductive Storage Anti-Pollution System AUTOTHERM Car Comfort Sy s tern Vehicle Exhaust Gas Warm-up System Engine Heating Device Hydraulic* Variable* Engine Valve Actuation Sys tern 5.43000 237 David E Hicks Hicks Alter-Brake System Class Doe-Num Contact Name 5.430DD 3D3 Nicholas Archer Sanders 5.43D00 311 Herbert D Easterly 5.43100 8 Fred Tunmore 5.43100 141 Samuel Shiber 5.43200 164 John D Gi I I 5.43200 244 Brad L Pfeifley 5.43300 114 Mario Bruno 5.43500 52 Sherman R Jenney 5.43800 225 Thomas C Edwards 6.10000 51 Richard B Bentley 6.10000 73 Melvin H Sachs 6.10000 83 Charles James Bier 6.10000 283 Mark A Smith 6.10000 289 Marc S Caspe 6.20000 36 Richard P Gingras 6.2000D 68 Charlie Baziel 6.20000 72 John L Carrol I 6.20000 163 Dennis D Howard 6.20000 174 Gene Plattner 6.20000 191 Ui I I iam Lake 6.20000 221 John Gr i f f in 6.20100 2 Rita Paleschuck Short Title Battery Heating Device Aux i I iary Truck Heater I ner t i a I Storage Transm i ss i on New Hydrostatic Transm i 55 i on Elastomer Energy Recovery Elements CHARLIE New Energy-Saving Tire for Motor Vehicles A i r Uedge ROVAC High Efficiency Low Pressure Air Conditioning System Thermal Efficiency Const r uct i on INTECH Vertical Solar Louvers Aluminum Roofing Chips An Earthquake Barrier Computer stat He I i ca I Screw Compressor Tr i -Uater Thermotropic Plastic Films Skate on Plastic Ice Skat i ng System Rotary Heat Pump Air Cond i t i oner St ra i ner eye I e Fuel Miser Class Doe-Num Contact Name 6.20100 33 Joseph B Vast 6.20100 149 Ogden H Hammond 6. 20100 226 Stewart Ryan 6.20100 271 Jerry Tartagl i no 6.23000 53 Harry E Uood 6.23000 57 Robert H Ulieken 6.23000 130 Arnold R Post 6.23000 176 Dale Flickinger 6.23000 197 John Hunter 6.23000 266 Dan Egos i 6.23100 27 R J Jones 6.23100 42 Everett Millard 6.23200 22 Herbert G Lehmann 6.23400 102 Frank C Bernhard 6.23400 125 Frank U Bailey 6.23600 288 Norman L Dickinson 6.23700 286 Momtaz N Mansour 6.24000 34 Ron Dav i es Short Title Temperature Indicating Dev i ce SCOTCH - (Simple, Cost-Effective? Optimum Temperature Control for Hous i ng ) An Electronic Leak Detecting System Selective Zone Isolation for HVAC System High-Efficiency Water Heater X-5 Smoke El iminator Furnace Input Capacity Trimming Switch Se I f -Conta i ned Portable Sol id Fuel Furnaces Rotary Coal Combustor and Heat Exchangers Energy Conversion Method Uaste Heat Ut i I ization* Commercial Cooking Flue Baffle Assembly Fuel Burner Attachment Method of Burning Res i dua I Fue I Oil in D i st i I I ate Fue I Oil Bur ne r 5 The Turbu lator Burner System DIPAC and MODIPAC Use of Pulse-Jet for Atom i zat ion of CUM Delphic Thermogenic Pa i nt Class Doe-Num Contact Name 6.25000 230 Donald C Erickson 6.25000 253 Anthony Peters 6.26000 160 Leon Lazare 6.26000 267 Richard J Avery, Junior 6.26000 272 Robert M Roeg I i n 6.260D0 281 Arthur D Sams 6.26000 284 Anthony N Fresco 6.26000 270 Jerry A I eksandr ou 6.26000 278 David L Swartz 6.27000 144 Robert C Saunders, Jr. 6.30000 168 Spencer Kim Haws 6.32000 28 Gilbert U D i d i on 6.32000 47 Wayne S Boa I s 6.32000 276 Raymond Hunter 6.40000 15 James L Bullock 6.40000 17 Clair H Reinbergen, Pres 6.40000 20 Thomas P Hopper 6.40000 85 Charles G Ka I t 6.40000 127 James E Kessler 6.40000 134 John C Rupert Short Title Absorption Heat Pump High Performance Heat Pump High Efficiency Absorption Refrigeration Cyc I e Refrigerant Accumulator and Charging Apparatus V-Plus System Sun Synchronous Solar Powered Refrigerator Atomized Oil-Injected Rotary Screw Compressors Low Energy Ice Making Appa r a t us Three/Tenths Degree Kelvin Closed Cycle Refrigeration System SpaC i r c Space Circulation Fan The Hat Uater Saver Ul traf lo Automatic Control System for Uater Heaters Shower Bath Economizer Es tacr on Rigid Board Insulation The r ma I Shade Dielectric Llindowshade Super U System - Snap Strap Expanded Polystyrene Bead Insulation System Class Doe-Num Contact Name 6.4000Q 151 Yao Tzu Li 6.40000 173 Bill Bur ley 6.40000 1B5 Charles Bach 6. 40000 20"? John Ul Yount 6.40000 282 Eugene Tippmann 6.50000 12 Thomas J Russo 6.50000 63 Thomas LoGiudice 6.50000 71 Arleigh Dangler 6.50000 103 Edwin E Eckberg 6.50000 138 Bernard Joseph Margowsky 6.50000 297 E M Talbott 6.60000 212 Hugh Huislander 7.00D00 10 Harrison Robert Woolworth 7.00000 16 John Ul Bruce 7.00D0D IB G R Fitterer 7.00000 21 Robert S Norris 7.00000 24 Drew Ul Morris 7„00000 25 Donald C Erickson 7.00000 30 Ken Ualmer 7.00000 38 John McCa I I urn 7.00000 45 Joe Ul Fowler 7.00000 46 David J Secunda Short Title Fi Im Type Storm Uindow Therma I I ce Cap Insulated Garage Door Reclaiming Process for Resin Treated Fiberglass Insulated Siding High Frequency Energy Sav i ng Dev i ce F I uorobu I b Knight Guard Low v"o I tage Ionic Fluorescent Light Bulb Phantom Tube Series ( Twd-U ire) V-Contro I I er Water Warden Scrap Metal Preheating Vacuum Dry i ng Control of Low Carbon A I urn i num Steels Uaste Oil Ut i I i rat i on System Can and Bottle Crushing Apparatus Sulfur Removal From Producer Gas Removing Sulfur Dioxide From F I ue Gases Reduct i on Vo I at i I i zat i ons Bulk Cure Tobacco Barn Thexon Dehydrat i on Class Doe-Num Contact Name 7.DDDDD 47 Robert M Arthur 7.DDDDD 7.DQ00D 7.DDDDD 7.DDD0D 7.DDDDD 7.0DDD0 7.DDDDD 7.DDDDD 7.00000 7.DDDDD 7.00000 7.QQD0a 7.DDDDD 7.D0DDD 7.DDDDD 7.DaDDD 7.00000 7.DDDDD 7.00000 56, Jay Dor n i er 61 Murry S. Laskey £>4 Lester Hendrickson 6>6> Daniel Ben-Shmuel 72 Bas i I U Balls 75 Richard Jab I i n 1L Dona I d R Ross 80 Pats i e C Campana 81 C R i chard Pan i co 84 Kenneth U Od i I 87 Rue I Carlton Terry 89 Henry E. Allen 93 Edward H Shelander 94 Ui I I iam M F i oR i to 97 James W McCord 98 James L. Chill, President 1D5 Al len D Zumbrunnen 1D7 P i ng-Uha Lin 1D8 Pau I J Cromwe I I Short Title Uasteuiater Aeration Power Control Device Flexaf lo-The Wet Fuel Dryer Fuel Preparation Process Maha I I a Process Heat Extractor Petro-Plant Waste Gas Bo i I er Coke Quench i ng The Ross Furnace Improved Unf ired Refractory Brick Flash Polymerization Kinetic Energy Type Pumping System Recovering Uranium From Coal I n-S i tu Continuous Casting Process and Apparatus She lander -Bur rows Process tor Recovery of Metal I ic Values from Sme Iter Em i ss i ons Lantz Converter Water Drying System Process Development to Conserve Energy and Mater i a I Bear i ngs High Frequency Furnace Waste Products Reclamation Process Processing Recovery of A I urn i num Class Doe-Num Contact Name 7.DD0DD 113 Henry J Wallace 7.0DDDD 116 Roy J Ueikert 7.DDDDD 118 Roderick L Smith 7.DDQCID 11? Ot is U) Sm i th 7.DDDDD 123 J. Paul Pemsler, President 7.00000 126 Karl D Scheffer 7.0DDDD 132 Michael Knezevich 7.00DDD 137 H Roy Webei 7.00000 142 Anatol Michelson 7.00000 148 Thomas F Rogers 7.00000 150 Edward LI Midlam 7.00000 156 James J Dolan 7.00000 157 Albert L McQuillen, Jr 7.00000 162 Lemuel Leslie Ply 7.00000 167 Edward B Connors Short Title Ua I I ace Mo I d Add i t i ve System Model 5000 ASEPAK System Energy Adaptive Control of Precision Grinding Air Ratio Controller (AERTROL) Comminution of Ores by a Low-Energy Process Vac I a i m Process for Reclaiming and Upgr ad i ng Th i n-Ua I I ed Ma I I eab I e Waste Mater i a I A Por tab I e Pollution Free A u t d m o b i I e Inc i nerator Process for Meatless Production of Hoi low I terns Reclaimation of Oil and High-Grade Iron Concentrates from Steel Mill Wastes Utilization of Oil Waste in the Manufacture of Portland Cement D i rect-Current Electrical Heat-Treatment . Magnaseal Method and Means for Seal i ng Steel Ingot Casting Molds to Stools. Tubular Pneumatic Conveyor P i pe I i ne Vaned Pipe for P i pe I i ne Transport of Sol ids Class Dae-Num Contact Name 7.DDDDD 172 Edward A Griswold 7.DDDDD 175 U U Seward 7.DDDDD 178 John Ul North 7.00000 183 E. Stephen Miliaras 7.DDDDD 178 Robert H Nea I y 7.DDDDD 2DD Shao-E Tung 7,DDDDa 2D5 Charles B James 7.00000 2D7 Frank L Anderson 7.00000 213 Clyde F Kaunitz 7.00000 215 Richard Jab I i n 7.00000 218 Wilford Dean Tannehill 7.00000 220 Charles A Schwartz 7.00000 232 Kenneth R Kurple 7.00000 239 Jack Uinnick 7.00000 242 Donald Shuler 7.00000 243 Garry R Kenny 7.00000 251 Victor R Thayer (Dec J d) 7.00000 254 Girn Metal Products* Inc Shor t Title GEM E I ectr ostat i c F i I t rat i on System A Low-Energy Carpet Back i ng System Process and Apparatus for Producing Cellulated Vitreous Refractory Mater i a I Increased Vapor Generator Feature The Thermatreat System Remova I of Sulfur Dioxide from Stack Gas Energy Efficient Arc Ue I d i ng Sys tern Glass Sheet Manufacturing Method The Kaunitz Process for Ue I d i ng Pipe Slag Waste Heat Bo i ler Behemoth Deep Throat Resistance Ue I der Method of Separating L i gn i n and Mak i ng Epox i de-L i gn i n Desu I f ur i z i ng Gas Mi xtur es New Petersburg Beam Traw I Aluminum Rich Concentrate from Mun i c i pa I Uas te Low Energy Distillation Process " Turbo -Glo" Immersion Furnace Class Doe-Num Contact Name 7.DDDDD 255 Arthur F Stone 7.00000 258 Anthony T Ra Mis 7.00000 257 Ui I I iam A Jones 7.00000 260 Edward S Kress> President 7.00000 261 Paul E Bracegirdle 7.00000 264 Donald F Othtner 7.00000 267 Shang-I Cheng 7.00000 270 Shih-Chih Chang 7.00000 295 J Paul Pemsler 7.00000 29? Willi am R Trutna 7.00000 308 Jay Read 7.00000 309 Robert C LeMay 7.00000 310 Robert M Hunter 7.00000 314 Max Klein 7.00000 316 Ray E Snyder 7.00000 318 Louis A Joo Short Title Method and Apparatus for Scr ubb i ng Gas Corrosion Protection Process for Bore Hole Tool Hydrostatic Support Sleeve and Rod - Gas Release Probe Method and Apparatus for Handl i ng and Dry Quenching Coke A New Apparatus for Making Asphalt Concrete Desul fur izat ion of Coal Gasification of Coal and So lid Uastes Method of Energy Recovery for Wastewater Tr ea t me n t Improved Method of Electroplating Aluminum for Corrosion Resistance Process far Us i ng Cocurrent Contacting Distillation Column Binary Azeotropic* Hot Gas > Fat Extraction Process Process of Smelting with Submerged Burner Portable Wastewater Flow Metering Device F i Iter Appa rat us Thrust Impact Rock Sp I i t ter Bi-Polar Electrode for Ha I l-Herou I t Electrolysis Class Doe-Num Contact Name 7.DDDDD 31? Shao-E Tung 7.00000 323 David M Ui Idei 7.00000 325 Forrest M Palmer 7.01700 305 Max McElmurry 7.10000 203 Morris R Jeppson 7.10000 274 Carl L Sterner 7.20000 82 Robert L Ullrich 7.20000 90 Clinton Van Winkle 7.20000 140 Tony Ui I he I m 7.20000 169 B Combs 7.20000 17D Thomas R Mee 7.20000 171 Karakian Bedrosian 7.20000 196 John A East i n 7.20000 224 Gwyer Grimminger> Presiden 7.20000 233 Daniel A Lockie 7.20000 248 Thorvald G Granryd 7.20000 265 John U Richardson 7.20000 279 Douglas R Reich Short Title Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from a Gas Stream Ro I I i ng Mill for Reduction of Moisture Content i n Uas te Mater i a I Continuous Non-Ferrous Strip Cast i ng Automatic Fi Iter Network Protect i on Microwave Methods and Apparatus for Paving Highway Power Patcher Cool Air I nduct i on Grain Dryer Counter Flow Dual Tube Heat Exchanger MIRAFOUNT Fog System - Low Energy Freeze Protection for Agr i cu I t ur e A Method of Preserving Fruits and Vegetables without Refrigeration Manufacture of Nitrogen Fertilizer on a Farm Ha i le Alternate Fuel Grain Dryer Mounted Steerable Ripper Dyna-Bite Traction Intensifier Liquid Treatment for Growing Vegetation Method and Means for Preventing Frost Damage to Crops Class Doe-Num Contact Name 7.20000 324 Ray E Snyder 7. 40000 263 Uilliam Tunderman 7.40000 277 Guy C Dempsey 7.40000 302 John H Burk 8.10000 1 Murray G Lowenthal 8.10000 306 John U Ackley. Ill 8.20000 7 Len Spe I ber 8.20000 120 Robert Zartarian 8.20000 153 Car I E Pear 8.20000 192 Donald C Lewis 8.20000 238 Harry E Uood 8.20000 240 Uwe H Butenhoff 8.20000 322 Maurice U Lee > Junior 8.40000 274 Nathan E Passman 9.00000 104 Esk i I L Kar Ison 7.00000 107 H. U. Kennick Short Title Foliar Fertilization Process Method for Reconditioning Rivet less Cha in Links Electronic Conveyor Control Apparatus Rock Impact Breakers Demand Meter i ng System for Electric Energy An Efficiency Computer for Heated or Air Conditioned Buildings Hydrau I i ca I ly Powered Uaste Disposal Device Vapor Heat Transfer Commercial Griddle A New Equipment Design Concept for Storage of Hot Foods Closed Cyc I e Dehum i d i f i cat i on Clothes Dryer Clothes Dryer Automatic Shut-Off Al I Steam Heated Sadiron for Commercial Use Electrical Resistance Cooking Apparatus with Automatic Circuit Cont r o I Flexible Li ght i ng Low Continuous Energy Mass Separation System Hydrostatic Meat Tender i z er 7.00000 115 C I yde G Ph i I I i P s Refrigeration System Class Doe-Num Contact Name 7.00000 181 Esk i I L Kar Ison 7.00000 190 U N Lawless 9.00000 202 Yao Tzu Li 9.00000 256 Evert S Green 9.00000 257 Richard H Baasch 9.00000 3D4 Deborah D Chung Short Title The Karlson Ozone Ster i I i z er Oxygen-Conduct i ng Mater i a I and Oxygen-Sensing Method Uobb I i ng Type Distillation Apparatus Plant Irrigation Method Method and Apparatus for Me I t i ng Snow Exfol iated Graphite Fibers 9.510DD 65 Lee A Henningsen Uatt Vendor APPENDIX B INVENTIONS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY INVENTOR'S NAME Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name ACKLEYIII JOH U 306 John bd Ackley, III ACRES DEN M AGAR JOE ALEKSANDR JER ALLEN HEN E ANDERSON FLO R ANDERSON FRA L ARMITAGE UIL F ARTHUR ROB M ASHER ELD L ATTERBURY TOM AUSTIN GEO C AVERY DON E AVERY DON E AVERY RIC J BAASCH RIC H BAGBY JAM ALL BAILEY FRA U 175 Ul U Seward 72 Bas i I U Balls 270 Jerry Aleksandrow 89 Henry E . A I I en 96 Floyd R Anderson 2D7 Frank L Anderson 41 Ui I I iam F Armitage Jr 47 Robert M Arthur 117 Otis U Smith 283 Mark A Sm i th 5 George C Austin 275 Don E Avery 3D1 Don E Avery 267 Richard J Avery> Junior 257 Richard H Baasch 71 Rees Kinney. Atty. 125 Frank U Ba i I ey Short Title An Efficiency Computer for Heated or Air Conditioned Buildings A Low-Energy Carpet Bac k i ng System Petro-Plant Uaste Gas Bo i I er Low Energy Ice Making Appa r a t us Continuous Casting Process and Apparatus Leave I I > Pneumatic Precussion Tools and Systems Glass Sheet Manufacturing Method Photovoltaic Device by Sol id Phase Growth Wastewater Aeration Power Control Device Air Ratio Controller (AERTROL) Aluminum Roofing Chips Diesel Engine Conversion System Low Head - High Vo I ume Pump Pump Control System for U i ndm i I Is Refrigerant Accumulator and Charging Apparatus Method and Apparatus for Me I t i ng Snow Mine Brattice The Turbulator Burner System Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name BALL RAN D 273 Randell D Ba BARRETT EDUI L BEDROSIAN KAR BENTLEY RIC B BERGEY KAR H BERNHARD FRA C BERTOIA VAL BIER CHA JAM BISSELL LAU E BISSETT LER M BOALS UAY S BOSE RAN K BOULET UIL P BOWMAN HAR L BRACEGIRD PAU E BRANDON RON E BROWNING JAM A 195 Howard L Barrett 171 Karakian Bedrosian 51 R i chard B Bent I ey 110 Karl H. Bersey 102 Frank C Bernhard 95 Va I Bertoia 83 Charles James Bier 37 Lawrence E Bissel I 68 Char I i e Baz i e I 4? Wayne S Boa I s 13 Ranendra K Bose 56 Jay Dor n i er 3D5 Max McElmurry 261 Paul E Bracegirdle 236 Ronald E Brandon 67 James A Browning Short Title "Therm-A-Val we" - Insulated Va I ve Cover i ngs Proportional Current Battery A Method o+ Preserving Fruits and Vegetables without Refrigeration Thermal Efficiency Construct i on Improved Windpower Generating System Method of Burning Res i dua I Fue I Oil in D i st i I late Fue I Oil Bur ner s Omn i -Hor i zonta I Axis-Wind Turbine Vertical Solar Louvers Hotwater Engine He I i ca I Screw Compressor Automatic Control System for Water Heaters Ant i -Pa I I ut i on System Flexaflo-The Wet Fuel Dryer Automatic Fi Iter Network Protect i on A New Apparatus for Making Asphalt Concrete Steam Turbine Packing R i ng Hydraul ic Power for W i ndm i I Is BRUCE JOH W 16 John W Bruce Vacuum Drying Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name BURK JOH H 3D2 John H Burk BURLEY BIL 173 Bill Bur ley CAMERON ROB 50 Robert Cameron CAMPANA PAT C BD Patsie C Campana CARMAN VIN E CARROLL JOH L CASPE MAR S CAUGHEY ROB A CHANCELLO FOR E CHANG CHANG CHEN CLARK KAI CHI SHI UU CHI CHENG SHA CHENG SHA CHILL JAM L CHUNG DEB D L GEO B CLAY ROB A CLEARY JAM M COHN NAT 8 Fred Tunmore 72 John L Carro I I 28? Marc S Caspe 32 John C Calhoun? President 154 Forrest E Chancel lor 262 Kai-Chih Chang 270 Shih-Chih Chang 165 Wu-Chi Chen 267 Shang-I Cheng 320 Shang-I Cheng 98 James L. Chill, President 304 Deborah D Chung 316 Ray E Snyder 143 Amar Amancharla 155 James M C I ear y 247 Nathan Cohn Short Title Rock Impact Breakers Thermal Ice Cap Scotsman Fuel Energizer Improved Un+ired Refractory Brick Inertial Storage Transm i ss i on Tr i -Water An Earthquake Barrier Wood Gas Reactor Rotating Horsehead for Pump i ng Un i ts Energy Saving Pump and Pump i ng System Method 0+ Energy Recovery for Wastewater Treatment Process for Recovering Hydrogen from H2S Gasification of Coal and So I i d Was tes Coal Gasification with Carbon Dioxide and Lime Recyc I i ng Process Development to Conserve Energy and Mater i a I Bear i ngs Exfoliated Graphite Fibers Thrust Impact Rock Sp I i tter Oil We I I Pump Jack Slip Mining Improved Control of Bulk Power Transfers Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name CONE UIIL H 6D Uilliam H Cone CONNORS EDU) B COX GEN S CROMWELL PAU J CSONKA ALB B CZAJA JUL DAME DAVE RIC E SHA M DEMPSEY GUY C DICKINSON NOR L DID ION GIL U DOELLNER OSC LEO DOLAN JAM J DOUENIAS DAN DOYLE DAV U DUPONT ANT A DURBIN ENO J DUVAL LEO A 167 Edward B Connors 324 Ray E Snyder 108 Pau I J Cromwe I I 6 A I bert B Csonka 273 Julius Cza ja 18D Richard E Dame 1D1 Sharad M Dave 277 Guy C Dempsey 288 Norman L Dickinson 28 Gil bert U) D i d i on 194 Oscar Leonard Doel I ner 156 James J Do I an 254 Girn Metal Products) Ini 17 David U. Doyle, V.P. 161 Anthony A duPont 67 Enoch J Dur b i n 148 Thomas F Rogers Short Title Electric Transport Refr i gerator Vaned Pipe for Pipeline Transport of Sol ids Foliar Fertilization Process Processing Recovery of A I urn i num Mi cro-Carburetar Open Cycle Latent Heat Eng i ne Ad jus tab I e So I ar Concentrator ( ASC > Controlled Combustion Eng i ne Electronic Conveyor Control Apparatus DIPAC and MODIPAC Ul traf lo Radiant Energy Power Source tor Jet Aircraft D i rect— Current Electrical Heat-Treatment . "Turba-Glo" Immersion Furnace Osmotic-Hydro Power Gener a t i on duPont Conne I I Energy Coal Gas i f i ca t i on Process Ionic Fue I Control Reclaimation of Oil and High-Grade Iron Concentrates from Steel Mill Wastes Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name EASTERLY HER D 311 Herbert D Easterly EASTIN JOH H 176 John A East in EASTMAN GER ECKBERG EDU E EDWARDS CHA E EDWARDS THO C EGOSI DAN ELLIOTT GUY RB ELLIS HAL ERICKSON DON C ERICKSON DON C ERICKSON DON C ERNST HER EVANS EVANS EVANS ROB F ROB F ROB F FAWLEY NOR C FAWLEY NOR C FINNEGAN JOH D 187 Gerald Eastman 103 Edw i n E Eckberg 177 Charles E Edwards 225 Thomas C Edwards Z6L Dan Egos i 231 Guy R B El I iott 34 Ron Dav i es 3 Donald C Erickson 25 Donald C Erickson 230 Dona Id C Er i ckson 285 Hermann Ernst 166 Robert F Evans 1B2 Robert F Evans 211 Robert F Evans 208 Norman C Fawleyj President 227 Norman C Fawley 176 Da I e F I i ck i nger Short Title Auxi I iary Truck Heater Manufacture of Nitrogen Fertilizer on a Farm Pump Jack Low Vo I tage Ionic Fluorescent Light Bulb Deve I opment and Commercial i zat ion of Low Cost .Nan-Metal I in Solar Systems ROVAC High Ef f iciency Low Pressure Air Conditioning System Energy Conversion Method Na tur a I Gas from Deep-Brine Solutions Delphic Thermogenic Pa i nt Hydrogen Generation by Oxidation-Reduction of Tin Sulfur Removal From Producer Gas Absorption Heat Pump Ring Seals for Ra i I road Ax I e Bea rings Borehole Angle Control Improved Seal for Geothermal Drill Bit Shock Mounted Stratapax Bit Fuel Transport Modules CRM Pipe Se I f -Conta i ned Portable Sol id Fuel Furnaces Inventor Name Key Doe-Nun Contact Name FIORITO UIL M 74 William M FioRito FITTERER G R 18 G R Fitterer FITTERER G R FLATLAND LLO FOULKE UIL B FOULER JOE U FRANCOVIT THO F FRESCO ANT N GABEL JON GARCIA JUA M GAY RIC J GIFFORD PHI H GILL JOH D GINGRAS RIC P GOLD NAT GOURDINE MER C GOVEAR LOU E GRAMLING UIL D GRANRYD THO G GRAVES UIL 74 G. R. Fitterer* President 21D Lloyd Flat land 61 Murry S. Laskey 45 Joe U Fowler 272 Thomas F Francovitch 284 Anthony N Fresco 2Q6 Jonathan Gabe I 246 Juan M Garcia* Junior 241 Richard J Gay 321 Phi I i P H Gi fford II 164 John D Gi I I 36 Richard P Gingras 184 Nathan Gold 228 Meredith C Gourdine 212 Hugh Huislander 157 Uilliam D Gramling 248 Thorvald G Granryd 1 Murray G Louientha I Shor t Title Lantz Converter Control of Low Carbon A I urn i num Steels Fuel Cel I Ultra High Speed Drilling Device Fuel Preparation Process Bulk Cure Tobacco Barn Root Construction Having Membrane and Photo Cel Is Atomized Oi l-Injected Rotary Screw Compressors Electromechanical Energy Conversion Devices Maximum Cruise Per for mance Poly sulfide Oil Field Corrosion Control System Recovery of Hydrogen and i I from i I Sha I e Elastomer Energy Recovery Elements Computers tat Coasting Fuel Shutoff EGD Fog Dispersal System Uater Uarden Non-Tubing Type Gas Powered Lift Device Dyna-Bite Traction Intensifier Demand Metering System for Electric Energy GREEN EVE S 256 Evert S Green Plant Irrigation Method Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name HAILE JAC D 224 Gwyer Grimminger? Presiden HAMMOND OGD H HASPERT JOH C HASPERT JOH C HASSELMAN UAL J HAUSKNECH LOU A HAUS SPE KIM HENNINGSE LEE A HICKS DAY E HOLLAND RAY P HOPPER THO P HOUALD UER E HOUARD DEN D HUNTER JOH HUNTER RAY HUNTER ROB M INTERNATI MGD COM IVERSON RUD JABLIN RIC JABLIN RIC JAIN GUL CHA 147 Ogden H Hammond 111 John C. Haspert 18B John C Haspert 17 Clair H Reinbergenj Pres 2D1 Louis A Hausknecht 168 Spencer Kim Haws 65 Lee A Henningsen 237 David E Hicks 204 Raymond P Holland Jr 20 Thomas P Hopper 48 Werner E Howa I d 163 Dennis D Howard 177 John Hunter 276 Raymond Hunter 310 Robert M Hunter 23 James E Luber 221 John Gr i f f i n 75 R i chard Jab I i n 215 R i chard Jab I i n 35 Gulab Chand Jain Short Title Ha i le Alternate Fuel Grain Dryer SCOTCH - (Simple) Cost-Ef feet i ve > Optimum Temperature Control tor Hous i ng ) Haspert Mining System Remote Control led Underground Mining System Rigid Board Insulation Hydraulic; Variable) Engine Valve Actuation System The Hot Uater Saver Uatt Vendor Hicks Alter-Brake System The Induction Propel I er Therma I Shade Howa I d Combustor Thermotropic Plastic Films Rotary Coal Combustor and Heat Exchangers Shower Bath Economizer Portable Wastewater Flow Metering Device Microgas Dispersions Stra i nercyc I e Coke Quench i ng Slag Waste Heat Bo i ler Solar Pond System Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name JAMES CHA B 205 Charles B James JARMUL SEY JEPPSON MOR R JONES R JONES RAY L JONES WIL A JOO LOU A JORDON EDG R KALT CHA G KARLICEK ROB F KARLSON ESK L KARLSON ESK L KAUNITZ CLY F KEEP HEN JR KENNICK H Ul KESSLER JAM E KHORSAND M HOS KILEY RIC F KIRK CHA M 26 Seymour Jarmul 2D3 Morris R Jeppson 27 R J Jones 312 Ray L Jones 25? U i II i am A Jones 318 Lou is A Joo 131 N. John Beck 85 Char I es G Ka I t 197 Robert F Kar I i cek 1D4 Esk i I L Kar I son 181 Esk i I L Kar I son 213 C I yde F Kaun i tz 147 A. D. Barrett, VP ID? H. U. Kennick 129 James E Kess I er 135 M Hossein Khorsand 216 Richard F K i I ey 58 Char I es M Kirk Short Title Energy Efficient Arc Welding System Compact Energy Reservoi Microwave Methods and Apparatus for Paving Waste Heat Ut i I ization, Commercial Cooking The "Jones AWT" Hydrostatic Support Sleeve and Rod - Gas Release Probe Bi-Palar Electrode for Ha I I -Herou I t Electrolysis Valve Deactuator for Internal Combustion Eng i nes Dielectric Windowshade Frequency Regulator Low Continuous Energy Mass Separation System The Kar I son Ozone Ster i I i zer The Kaunitz Process for We I d i ng Pipe Ra i Iroad Switch Heater Hydrostat i c Meat Tender i zer Super U System - Snap Strap Point Focus Parabol ic Solar Collector Semiconductor Element Mount i ng A Multiple Spark System Using Inductive Storage Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name KLEIN MAX 314 Max Klein KNEZEVICH MIC 132 Michael Knezevich KRESS EDUI S KURPLE KEN R LANDRY ROB G LAWLER JAM H LAWLESS Ul N LAZARE LEO LAZARE LEO LEE MALI U LEHMANN HER G LESHNER MIC D LEWIS DON C LI YAO TZU LI YAO TZU LIN PIN WHA 260 Edward S Kress* President 232 Kenneth R Kurple 52 Sherman R Jenney 39 James H Law I er 190 W N Lawless 44 Leon Lazare 160 Leon Lazare 322 Maurice W Lee> Junior 22 Herbert G Lehmann 122 Michael D Leshner 192 Donald C Lewis 151 Yao Tzu Li 202 Yao Tzu Li 107 P i ng-Wha L i n Short Title Filter Apparatus Process for Reclaiming and Upgr ad i ng Thi n-Wa I I ed Ma I leable Waste Mater i a I Method and Apparatus for Handl i ng and Dry Quench i ng Coke Method of Separating L i gn i n and Mak i ng Epox i de-L i gn i n Air Wedge Law I er Steam Generator Oxygen-Conduct i ng Material and Oxygen-Sens i ng Method New Working Fluids tor Absorption Heat-Pump High Efficiency Absorption Refrigeration Cyc I e Electrical Resistance Cooking Apparatus with Automat i c Circuit Cont r o I Fuel Burner Attachment Lean Limit Controller Closed Cycle Dehum i d i f i cat i on Clothes Dryer Fi Im Type Storm Window Wobb I i ng Type Disti I lation Apparatus Waste Products Reclamation Process LOCKIE DAN A 233 Dan i e I A Lock i e Mounted Steerable Ripper Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name LOGIUDICE THO 63 Thomas LoGiudice MACGREGOR DOU 86 Howard Bovars MADISON FRA J 313 Frank J Madison II MAHALLA SHA MAJKRZAK DM S MANSOUR MOM N MARKS MARR ALV M AND U MARSHALL DON J MARTIN MER U MARTON LOU L MATTSON JOH MATTSON U E MAYO KEN E MCARTHUR JAM MCCALLUM JOH MCCORD JAM U MCCORD JAM U MCNEILL ROB 64 Lester Hendrickson 152 Dav i d S Majkrzak 286 Momtaz N Mansour 9 A I v i n M Marks 280 Andrew U Mam Junior 287 Don J Marshal I 167 B Combs 139 Louis L Marton 117 George E Mattson 14D Tony Ui I he I m 29 Kenneth E Mayo 3DD John Patton 38 John McCa I I urn 77 James U McCord 97 James W McCord 78 Robert McNe i I I Short Title F I uor obu I b Coke Desu I fur i zat i on Process Control ler for Str i pper Oil U)e I I Pump i ng Un i ts Maha I I a Process Vehicle Exhaust Gas Uarm-up System Use of Pulse-Jet for Atom i zat ion of CUM Heat /E I ec t r i c Power Conversion via Charged Aer oso I s Downhole and Above Ground Resistance Heating for Paraffin El i m i nat i on Automatic Variable Pitch Mar i ne Pr ope I I er MIRAFOUNT Transformer Uith Heat D i ss i pator "Solarspan" Prism Trap Counter Flow Dual Tube Heat Exchanger Tuned Sphere Stable Ocean Platforms Cas i ng Stabb i ng Apparatus Reduction Vo I at i I i zat i ons Var i ab I e Heat Refrigeration System Uater Drying System System for High Efficiency Power Generation from Low Temperature Sources Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name MCQUILLEN ALB L 157 Albert L McQuillen, Jr MEE THO R MESHBESHE THO M MESSING RAL A MICHELSON ANA MIDLAM EDW U MILIARAS E STE MILLARD EVE MONZINI REN MORRIS DRE U NATHANIEL E NEALY ROB H NIGUEL LAG NORRIS ROB S NORTH ODIL JOH bJ KEN U 17D Thomas R Mee 219 Thomas M Meshbesher 315 Ra I ph A Mess i ng 142 Anatol Michelson 15D Edward U M i d I am 183 E. Stephen Miliaras 42 Everett Mi I lard 114 Mar i o Bruno 24 Drew U Morris 174 Gene Plattner 178 Robert H Nea I y 172 Edward A Griswold 21 Robert S Norris 178 John Ul North 84 Kenneth U Od i I Short Title Magnaseal Method and Means for Seal i ng Steel Ingot Casting Molds to Stools. Fog System - Low Energy Freeze Protection for Agr i cu I t u r e Method for Mak i ng Acetaldehyde from Ethano I Method of Processing Biodegradable Organic Mater i a I Process for Heatless Production of Hoi low I terns Utilization of Oil Waste in the Manufacture of Portland Cement Increased Vapor Generator Feature Flue Baffle Assembly New Energy-Saving Tire for Motor Vehicles Can and Bottle Crushing Appa r a tus Skate on Plastic Ice Skat i ng Sys t em The Thermatreat System GEM E I ectrostat i c Filtration System Waste Oil Utilization System Process and Apparatus for Producing Cellulated Vitreous Refractory Mater i a I Kinetic Energy Type Pump i ng Sys tern Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name ORT JAY E 235 Harry Curtin 0THME1 DON F PALEBCHUC RIT PALMER FOR M PALONE RIC D PANICO C RIC PAPIS THA PARKER LEU) U PARKER SID A PARKER THO NEI PASSMAN NAT E PEARL CAR E PEMSLER J PAU PEMSLER J PAU PERHATS F J PESSEL LEO PETERS ANT PHILLIPS CLY G PIRSON SYL J 264 Donald F Othmer 2 Rita Paleschuck 325 Forrest M Palmer 55 R i chard D Pa I one 81 C Richard Panico 62 Thaddeus Pap i s 187 Lew is Ul Parker 43 Sidney A Parker 245 Dan i e I M Busby 274 Nathan E Passman 153 Car I E Pear I 123 J. Paul Pemsler, President 275 J Pau I Perns I er 133 James V Enright 3D Ken Ula I mer 253 Anthony Peters 115 Clyde G Phillips 146 Rona Id M Hertzfeld Short Title Single Stage Anaerobic Digestion Process Desu I fur i zat i on of Coal Fue I Miser Continuous Non-Ferrous Strip Cast i ng Electrically Heated Sucker-Rod Flash Polymerization Tapered Plate Annular Matr i x Variable Field Induction Motor Thermal Gradient Utilization Cycle I mpr oved i I Ue I I Pump i ng Un i t Flexible Lighting A New Equipment Design Concept for Storage of Hot Foods Comminution of Ores by a Low-Energy Process Improved Method of Electroplating Aluminum for Corrosion Resistance AUTOTHERM Car Comfort System Removing Sulfur Dioxide From Flue Gases High Performance Heat Pump Refrigeration System Line Integral Method of Magneto-Electr ic Exploration Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name PIRSON SYL J 186 Ronald Hertzfeld PLY POST LEM LEB ARN R PRAVDA MIL PUGH PAU F RALLIS ANT T RAMER RAPONI READ REICH JAM L DAN A JAY DOU R RETALLICK UIL B RICHARDBO ALB S RICHARDSO JOH U ROBINSON CHA E ROEGLIN ROB M ROSE ROB N ROSS DON R ROYSTON JAY R RUPERT JOH C 162 Lemuel Les I ie Ply 130 Arno I d R 'Post 171 Ui I I iam Lake 158 Paul F Pugh 258 Anthony T Ra I I i s 106 James L Ramer 15 James L Bu I I ock 308 Jay Read 277 Douglas R Reich 271 Ui I I iam B Reta I I ick 136 Albert S Richardson? Jr 265 John U Richardson 244 Brad L Pfei f ley 272 Robert M Roeg I i n 307 Robert C LeMay 76 Donald R Ross 24D Uwe H Butenhoff 134 John C Rupert Short Title Oi I Recovery by In-Situ Exfoliation Drive Tubular Pneumatic Conveyor P i pe I i ne Furnace Input Capacity Trimming Sw itch Rotary Heat Pump Air Conditioner Energy Conservative Electric Cable System Corrosion Protection Process for Bore Hole Tool Deep Shaft Hydro-Electric Power Es tacr on Binary Azeotropio Hot Gas > Fat Extraction Process Method and Means for Preventing Frost Damage to Crops Hydrogen Storage System U i ndamper Liquid Treatment for Growing Vegetation CHARLIE V-Plus System Process of Smelting with Submerged Burner The Ross Furnace Al I Steam Heated Sadiron for Commercial Use Expanded Polystyrene Bead Insulation System Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name RUTSHEIN ALE 88 Lawrence Lad i n RYAN STE 226 Stewart Ryan SACHS MEL H SADLER CHA SALOMON ROB E SALOMON ROB E SAMS ART D SANDERS NIC ARC SANDERS NIC ARC SATER BER L SAUNDERS ROB C SAWYER HAR T SCHEFFER KAR D SCHNEIDER DAN J SCHWARTZ CHA A SCHWEITZE PAU H SEADER J D SEADER J D 73 Melvin H Sachs 124 Char I ton Sad I er 145 Robert E Salomon 276 Robert E Salomon 281 Arthur D Sams 193 Nicholas Archer Sanders 3D3 Nicholas Archer Sanders 317 Bernard L Sater 144 Robert C Saunders? Jr. 268 Robert L Moody 126 Kar I D Schef fer 14 Daniel J Schneider 22D Charles A Schwartz 54 Edward Perry Sikes> Jr. 127 J D Seader 128 J D Seader Short Title System-IDO An Electronic Leak Detecting System INTECH So I ar Collector Solar Conversion by Concentration Ce I Is with Hydr i des Gas Concentration Ce I Is as Converters of Heat into Electrical Energy Sun Synchronous Solar Powered Refrigerator Engine Heating Device Battery Heating Device Edge-II luninated Mu I t i -Junct i on (VMJ) Solar Cel I SpaC i re Space Circulation Fan Apparatus for Enhancing Chemical Reactions Vac I a i m Aer odynam i c Lift Translator Deep Throat Resistance We I der Opt im izer Process and Apparatus to Produce Crude Oi I from Tar Sands Continuous Disti I lation Apparatus and Method SECUNDA DAV J 46 David J Secunda Thexon Dehydration Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name SEEMAN GER R 138 Bernard Joseph Margowsky SHELANDER EDU H 93 Edward H Shelander SHIBER SAM SHULER DON SMITH ROD L SMITH RON H SOMMER EDU J SOULE ROL P STARR ROB JOH STERNER CAR L STEUART JAM M STOFEN KEN A STONE ART F SUMMA FRA R SUIARTZ DAV L SUIIHART PAT S TALBOTT E M 141 Samuel Shiber 242 Donald Shuler 118 Roder i ck L Sm i th 11 Rona Id H Sm i th 243 Garry R Kenny 40 Roland P Sou I e 177 Robert John Starr 274 Car I L Sterner 278 James M Stewart 7D Kenneth A Stafen 255 Arthur F Stone 12 Thomas J Russo 298 David L Swartz 249 Patrick S Swihart) Senior 297 E M Talbott Short Title Phantom Tube She I ander-Burrows Process for Recovery of Metal I ic Values from Smelter Emissions New Hydr os ta t i c Transm i ss i on New Petersburg Beam Trawl Energy Adaptive Control of Precision Grinding Solar Collector A I urn i num Rich Concentrate from Mun i c i pa I Uas te Blue Water Gas The Solar I Option Highway Power Patcher Complete System for Large Solar Uater Heating and Storage Compressor Heat-Recovery System Method and Apparatus for Sc r ubb i ng Gas High Frequency Energy Sav i ng Dev i ce Three/Tenths Degree Kelvin Closed Cycle Refrigeration System Subsurface Flow Control for Gas Ue I I s Ser i es ( Two-U ire) V-Cont r o I I er TANNEHILL IJIL DEA 218 Uilford Dean Tannehill Behemoth Inventor Name Key Doe-Nura Contact Name TANNER CUR J 217 Jeff Landua TARTAGLIN JER TERRY RUE CAR TERRY RUE CAR THAYER VIC R THOMAS DON R TIPPMANN EUG TOURTELOT EDU M TRUTNA UIL R TUNDERMAN UIL TUNG TUNG SHA SHA E ULLRICH ROB L VANUINKLE CLI VIRLEY DAY VOGT JOS P UAHRMAN MAR L UALLACE HEN J 271 Jerry Tartagl i no 87 Rue I Carlton Terry 223 Rue I Carlton Terry 251 Victor R Thayer (Dec'd) 222 Donald R Thomas 282 Eugene Tippmann 229 Edward M Tourtelot (Dsc'd) 279 U i I I i am R Trutna 263 Ui I I iam Tunderman 319 Shao-E Tung 2DD Shao-E Tung 82 Robert L UI I r ich 90 CM nton Van Ui nk I e 7 Len Spe I ber 33 Joseph B Vogt 79 Marvin L Uahrman 113 Henry J Ua I lace Short Title Jointless Tape for Oi I Ue I I Pumps Selective Zone Isolation for HVAC System Recovering Uranium From Coal I n~S i tu Minimizing Subsidence Effects during Production of Coal In Si tu Low Energy Distillation Process Louver Trombe Solar Storage Un i t Insulated Siding Variable Valve-Timing Mechanism Process for Using Cocurrent Contacting Distillation Column Method for Reconditioning Rivetless Chain Links Removal of Hydrogen Su I f i de from a Gas Stream Remova I of Sulfur Dioxide from Stack Gas Cool Air Induction Grain Dryer Hydraul i ca I ly Powered Uaste Disposal Device Temperature Indicating Device Oil Ue I I Bit Insert Wallace Mold Additive System Inventor Name Key Dae-Num Contact Name UANGLER ARL 71 Ar I e i gh Wangler WEBER H ROY 137 H Roy Ueber UEIKERT ROY J UEINGART OSC WHITMAN UIL C WHITMORE JAM B WHITTED HUG EDU WIEKEN ROB H WILDER DAV M WINNICK JAC WISE DON E WITHERS JAM C WOLF CEC H WOOD DOU E WOOD WOOD HAR E HAR E WOOLWORTH HAR ROB WORTMAN AND YATER JOS C 116 Roy J Weikert 99 Robert Gordon) President 252 Wi I I i am C Whitman 121 James B Whitmore 250 Hugh Edwin Whitted III 57 Robert H Wieken 323 Davi d M Wi I der 237 Jack W i nn i ck 214 Dona Id E Wise 31 Richard E Engdah I 185 Char I es Bach 234 Douglas E Wood 53 Harry E Wood 238 Harry E Wood ID Harrison Robert Woolworth 3D7 Andrew Wortman 4 Joseph C Yater Short Title Knight Guard A Portab I e Po I I ut i on Free Automobile Inc i nerator Model 5000 ASEPAK System Light Weight Composite Trailer Tubes Thermal Bank Solar Space Heating for both Retrofit and New Construct i on A System to Adapt Diesel Engines for Crude Oi I X-5 Smoke El iminator Ro I I i ng M i II for Reduction of Moisture Content in Was t e Mater i a I Desulfurizing Gas Mi x tur es Convertible Flat/Drop Tra i I er Ceramic Rotors and Vanes Insulated Garage Door Geodes i c Solar Paraboloid High-Efficiency Water Heater Clothes Dryer Automatic Shut-Off Scrap Metal Preheating Vortex Generators for Aft Regions of Aircraft Fuse I ages Power Conversion of Energy Fluctuations Inventor Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name YOUNT JOH U 207 John LJ Yount ZACUTO PHI ZANONI PAU ZARTARIAN ROB ZIMMERN BER ZINN MIC F ZUMBRUNNE ALL D k>h Daniel Ben-Shmuel 112 Paul Zanoni 12D Robert Zartarian 59 Bernard Zimmern 1DD Michae I F Zinn 1D5 Al len D Zumbrunnen Short Title Reclaiming Process for Resin Treated Fiberglass Heat Extractor Pump Vapor Heat Transfer Commercial Griddle Volumetric Gas Turbine So I ar o I I High Frequency Furnace APPENDIX C INVENTIONS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY CONTACT'S NAME Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name ACKLEYIII JOH U 30& John LJ Ackley> Ill ALEKSANDR JER ALLEN HEN E AMANCHARL AMA ANDERSON FLO R ANDERSON FRA L ARMITAGE UIL F ARTHUR ROB M AUSTIN GEO C AVERY DON E AVERY DON E AVERY RIC J BAASCH RIC H BACH CHA BAILEY FRA W BALL RAN D BALLS BAS U 270 Jerry A I eksandr aw 8? Henry E. Al I en 143 Amar Amancharla 96 Floyd R Anderson 2D7 Frank L Anderson 41 Will iam F Armitage Jr 47 Robert M Arthur 5 George C Aus t i n 275 Don E Avery 3D1 Don E Avery 269 Richard J Averyj Junior 257 Richard H Baasch 185 Char I es Bach 125 Frank U Ba i I ey 273 Randel I D Ba I I 72 Bas i I U Ba I I s Short Title An Efficiency Computer for Heated or Air Conditioned Buildings Lou Energy Ice Making Apparatus Continuous Casting Process and Apparatus Oil Del I Pump Jack Leave I I > Pneumatic Precussion Tools and Sys terns Glass Sheet Manufacturing Method Photovoltaic Device by Sol id Phase Growth Wastewater Aeration Power Control Device Diesel Engine Conversion Sys tern Low Head - High Volume Pump Pump Control System tor U i ndm ills Refrigerant Accumulator and Charging Apparatus Method and Apparatus for Me I t i ng Snow Insulated Garage Door The Turbulator Burner Sys tern "Therm-A-Va I ve" - Insulated Va I ve Cover i ngs Petro-Plant Waste Gas Bo i I er BARRETT A D 147 A. D. Barrett, VP Ra i Iroad Switch Heater Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name BARRETT HOU L 195 Howard L Barrett BAZIEL CHA BECK N JOH BEDROSIAN KAR BENSHMUEL DAN BENTLEY RIC B BERGEY KAR H BERNHARD FRA C BERTOIA VAL BIER CHA JAM BISSELL LAW E BOALS UAY S BOSE RAN K BOVARS HOU BRACEGIRD PAU E BRANDON RON E BROUNING JAM A BRUCE JOH U BRUNO MAR 68 Char I i e Baz i e I 131 N. John Beck 171 Karakian Bedrosian 66 Daniel Ben-Shmuel 51 R i chard B Bent I ey 110 Karl H. Bergey 1D2 Frank C Bernhard 95 Va I Bertaia 83 Charles James Bier 37 Lawrence E Bissel I 49 Uayne S Boa I s 13 Ranendra K Base 86 Howard Bovars 261 Pau I E Braceg i rd I e 236 Ronald E Brandon 67 James A Browning 16 John U Bruce 114 Mar i o Bruno Short Title Proportional Current Battery He I i ca I Screw Compressor Valve Deactuator for Internal Combustion Eng i nes A Method of Preserving Fruits and Vegetables without Refrigeration Heat Extractor Thermal Efficiency Construct i on Improved Uindpower Generating System Method of Bur n i ng Residual Fuel Oil in D i st i I late Fue I Oil Bur ner s Omn i -Hor i zonta I Axis-Uind Turbine Vertical Solar Louvers Hotwa ter Eng i ne Automatic Control System for Uater Heaters Anti -Pollution System Coke Desu I f ur i zat i on A New Apparatus for Making Asphalt Concrete Steam Turbine Packing R i ng Hydraul ic Power for U i ndm i I Is Vacuum Drying New Energy-Saving Tire for Motor Vehicles Contact Name Key BULLOCK JAM L BURK JOH H BURLEY BIL BUSBY DAN M BUTENHOFF UUE H CALHOUN JOH C CAMERON ROB CAMPANA PAT C CARROLL JOH L CASPE MAR S CHANCELLO FOR E CHANG KAI CHI CHANG SHI CHEN UU CHI CHENG SHA CHENG SHA CHILL CHUNG JAM L DEB D L CLEARY JAM M COHN NAT Doe-Num Contact Name 15 James L Bu II ock 3D2 John H Burk 173 Bill Bur ley 245 Dan i e I M , Busby 24D Uwe H Butenhoft 32 John C Calhounj President 5D Robert Cameron 80 Patsie C Campana 92 John L Carro I I 289 Marc S Caspe 154 Forrest E Chancel lor 262 Kai-Chih Chang 27D Shih-Chih Chang 165 Ulu-Chi Chen 267 Shang-I Cheng 32D Shang-I Cheng 78 James L. Chill, President 3D4 Deborah D Chung 155 James M Cleary 247 Nathan Cohn Short Title Es tac r on Rock Impact Breakers Ther ma I Ice Cap Improved Oil Well Pump i ng Un i t Al I Steam Heated Sadiron for Commercial Use Wood Gas Reactor Scotsman Fuel Energizer Improved Unf ired Refractory Brick Tr i -Water An Earthquake Barrier Rotating Horsehead tor Pump i ng Un i ts Energy Saving Pump and Pumping System Method of Energy Recovery for Wastewater Tr ea tment Process for Recovering Hydrogen from H2S Gasification of Coal and Solid Wastes Coal Gasification with Carbon Dioxide and Lime Rec yc I i ng Process Development to Conserve Energy and Mater i a I Bea rings Exfol iated Graphite Fibers Slip Mini ng Improved Control of Bulk Power Transfers Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name COMBS BO 16? B Combs CONE UIL H 60 Uilliam H Cone CONNERS EDW B CROMUELL PAU J CSONKA ALB B CURTIN HAR CZAJA JUL DAME DAVE RIC E SHA M DAVIES RON DEMPSEY GUY C DICKINSON NOR L DID ION GIL U DOELLNER OSC LEO DOLAN JAM J DORNIER JAY DOYLE DAY U DUPONT ANT A 167 Edward B Connors IDS Paul J Cromwe I I 6 Albert B Csonka 235 Har ry Curt i n 273 Julius Czaja ISO Richard E Dame 101 Sharad M Dave 34 Ron Oavies 277 Guy C Dempsey 288 Norman L Dickinson 28 Gil bert U D i d i on 174 Oscar Leonard Doe I I ner 156 James J Do I an 56 Jay Dor n i er 17 David U. Doyle, V.P. 161 Anthony A duPont Short Title MIRAFOUNT Electric Transport Refrigerator Vaned Pipe for P i pe I i ne Transport of Sol ids Processing Recovery of A I urn i num Micro -Carburetor Single Stage Anaerobic Digestion Process Open Cycle Latent Heat Eng i ne Adjustable So I ar Concentrator ( ASC ) Controlled Combustion Eng i ne Delphic Thermogenic Pa i nt Electronic Conveyor Control Apparatus DIPAC and MODIPAC Ul traf lo Radiant Energy Power Source for Jet Aircraft D i rect-Current E I ectr i ca I Heat-Treatment . Flexafla-The Uet Fuel Dryer Osmotic-Hydro Power Generation duPont Connel I Energy Coa I Gas i f i cat i on Process DURBIN ENO J 69 Enoch J Durb i n Ionic Fue I Control Contact Name Key EASTERLY HER D EASTIN JOH H EASTMAN GER ECKBERG EDW E EDWARDS CHA E EDUARDS THO C EGOSI DAN ELLIOTT GUY RB ENGDAHL RIC E ENRIGHT JAM V ERICKSON DON C ERICKSON DON C ERICKSON DON C ERNST HER EVANS EVANS EVANS ROB F ROB F ROB F Doe-Num Contact Name 311 Herbert D Easterly 196 John A East i n IS*? Gerald Eastman 1D3 Edwin E Eckberg 179 Char I es E Edwards 225 Thomas C Edwards 266 Dan Egos i 231 Guy R B El I iott 31 R i chard E Engdah I 133 James V Enr i ght 3 Donald C Erickson 25 Donald C Erickson 23D Dona Id C Er i ckson 285 Hermann Ernst 1&6 Robert F Evans 182 Robert F Evans FAULEY NOR C FAWLEY NOR C 211 Robert F Evans 2D8 Norman C Fawley> President 227 Norman C Faw I ey Short Title Aux i I iary Truck Heater Manufacture of Nitrogen Ferti I izer on a Farm Pump Jack Low Vo I tage Ionic Fluorescent Light Bulb Development and Commercialization of Low Cost Non-Metal I ic> Solar Systems ROVAC High Eft ic iency Low Pressure Air Conditioning System Energy Conversion Method Na t ur a I Gas from Deep-Brine Solutions Ceramic Rotors and Vanes AUTOTHERM Car Comfort Sys tern Hydrogen Generation by Oxidation-Reduction of Ti n Sulfur Removal From Producer Gas Absorption Heat Pump Ring Seals for Railroad Ax I e Bear i ngs Borehole Angle Control Improved Seal for Geotherma I Drill Bit Shock Mounted Stratapax Bi t Fuel Transport Modules CRM Pipe Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name FIORITO UIL M 74 William M FioRitD FITTERER G R 18 G R Fitterer FITTERER G R FLATLAND LLO FLICKINGE DAL FOULER JOE U FRANCOVIT THO F FRESCO ANT N GABEL JON GARCIA JUA M GAY RIC J GIFFORD PHI H GILL JOH D GINGRAS RIC P GIRN MET PRO GOLD NAT GORDON ROB GOURD I NE MER C GRAMLING UIL D GRANRYD THO G 74 G. R. Fitterer? President 21D Lloyd Flat land 176 Da I e F I i ck i nger 45 Joe U Fow I er 272 Thomas F Francov i tch 284 Anthony N Fresco 206 Jonathan Gabel 246 Juan M Garcia) Junior 241 Richard J Gay 321 Phi I i P H Gi f ford II 164 John D Gi I I 36 Richard P Gingras 254 Girn Metal Products? Inc 184 Nathan Gold 77 Robert Gordon) President 228 Meredith C Gourdine 157 Ui I I iam D Graml i ng 248 Thorvald G Granryd Short Title Lantz Converter Control of Low Carbon A I urn i num Steels Fuel Cel I Ultra High Speed Drilling Device Se I f-Conta i ned Portable Sol id Fuel Furnaces Bulk Cure Tobacco Barn Roof Construction Having Membrane and Photo Cel Is Atomized Oi l-Injected Rotary Screw Compressors Electromechanical Energy Conversion Devices Max i mum Cruise Per f o r mance Po I ysu Ifide Oil Field Corrosion Control System Recovery of Hydrogen and Oil from i I Sha I e Elastomer Energy Recovery Elements Computerstat "Turbo-El d" Immersion Fur nace Coasting Fuel Shutoff Light Ue i ght Composite Trailer Tubes EGD Fog Dispersal System Non-Tub i ng Type Gas Powered Lift Device Dyna-Bite Traction Intens i f ier Contact Name Key Doe-Nun Contact Name GREEN EVE S 256 Evert S Green GRIFFIN JOH 221 John Griffin GRIMMINGE GUY 224 Gwyer Grimminger, Presiden HAMMOND OGD H HASPERT JOH C HA5PERT JOH C HAUSKNECH LOU A HAU5 SPE KIM HENDRICKS LEE HENNINGSE LEE A HERTZFELD RON HERTZFELD RON M HICKS DAV E HOLLAND RAY P HOPPER THO P HOUALD UER E HOUARD DEN D HUISLANDE HUG HUNTER JOH 149 Ogden H Hammond 111 John C. Haspert 188 John C Haspert 2D1 Louis A Hausknecht 168 Spencer Kim Haws 64 Lester Hendrickson 65 Lee A Henningsen 186 Ronald Hertzfeld 146 Ronald M Hertzfeld 237 Daw i d E Hi cks 2D4 Raymond P Holland Jr 20 Thomas P Hopper 48 Uerner E Howa I d 163 Dennis D Howard 212 Hugh Huislander 17? John Hunter Short Title Plant Irrigation Method Strainercycle Ha i le Alternate Fuel Grain Dryer SCOTCH - (Simple, Cost-Effective? Optimum Temperature Control for Hous i ng ) Haspert Mining System Remote Control led Underground Mining Sys tern Hydraulic, Variable, Engine Valve Actuation Sys tern The Hot Water Saver Maha I I a Process Watt Vendor Oi I Recovery by In-Situ Exfoliation Drive Line Integral Method of Magneto-Electr ic Exp lorat ion Hicks Alter-Brake System The Induction Propel ler Therma I Shade Howa I d Combustor Thermotropic Plastic Films Water Warden Rotary Coal Combustor and Heat Exchangers HUNTER RAY 296 Raymond Hunter Shower Bath Economizer Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name HUNTER ROB M 310 Robert M Hunter JABLIN JABLIN JAIN JAMES RIC RIC GUL CHA CHA B JARMUL SEY JENNEY SHE R JEPPSON MOR R JONES R JONES RAY L JONES UIL A JOO LOU A KALT CHA G KARLICEK ROB F KARLSON ESK L KARLSON ESK L KAUNITZ CLY F KENNICK H U KENNY GAR R KESSLER JAM E 75 Richard Jablin 215 R i chard Jab I i n 35 Gu I ab Chand Jain 2D5 Char I es B James 26 Seymour Jarmul 52 Sherman R Jenney 203 Morris R Jeppson 27 R J Jones 312 Ray L Jones 257 Ui I I iam A Jones 318 Lou is A Joo 85 Char I es G Ka I t 197 Robert F Kar I i cek 104 Esk i I L Kar I son 181 Esk i I L Kar Ison 213 Clyde F Kauni tz 107 H. U. Kennick 243 Garry R K enn V 12? James E Kess I er Short Title Portable Wastewater Flow Meter i ng Device Coke Quench i ng Slag Uaste Heat Bo i ler Solar Pond System Energy Efficient Arc Welding System Compact Energy Reservoir Air Wedge Microwave Methods and Apparatus for Paving Uaste Heat Ut i I ization> Commercial Cooking The "Jones AUT" Hydrostatic Support Sleeve and Rod - Gas Release Probe Bi-Polar Electrode for Ha I I -Herou I t Electrolysis Dielectric Windowshade Frequency Regulator Low Continuous Energy Mass Separation System The Karlson Ozone Ster i I i zer The Kaunitz Process for Ue I d i ng Pipe Hydrostat i c Meat Tender i zer Aluminum Rich Concentrate from Municipal Was te Super U System - Snap Strap Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name KHORSAND M HOS 135 M Hossein Khorsand KILEY RIC F KINNEY REE KIRK CHA M KLEIN MAX KNEZEVICH NIC KRESS LEE EDW S KURPLE KEN R LADIN LAW LANDUA JEF LASKEY MUR S LAWLER JAM H LAWLESS U N LAZARE LEO LAZARE LEO MAU U 216 Richard F K i I ey 71 Rees Kinney> Atty. 58 Char I es M Kirk 314 Max Klein 132 Michael Knezevich 26 D Edward S Kress* President 232 Kenneth R Kurple 88 Lawrence Ladin 217 Jeff Landua 61 Murry S. Laskey 39 James H Law I er 190 U N Lawless 44 Leon Lazare 160 Leon Lazare 322 Maurice W Lee> Junior Short Title Point Focus Parabol ic So I ar Collector Semiconductor Element Mount i ng M i ne Bratt i ce A Multiple Spark System Us i ng Inductive Storage F i Iter Apparatus Process for Reclaiming and Upgrad i ng Thin-Wal led Ma I leable Uas te Mater i a I Method and Apparatus for Hand I i ng and Dry Quench i ng Coke Method of Separating Lignin and Ma king Epox i de-L i gn i n System-lOO Jointless Tape for Oil We I I Pumps Fuel Preparation Process Lawler Steam Generator Oxygen-Conduct i ng Mater i a I and Oxygen-Sensing Method New Working Fluids for Absorption Heat-Pump High Efficiency Absorption Refrigeration Cyc I e Electrical Resistance Cooking Apparatus with Automatic Circuit Cont r o I LEHMANN HER G 22 Herbert G Lehmann Fuel Burner Attachment Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name LEMAY ROB C 3D9 Robert C LeMay LESHNER MIC D LEUIS DON C LI YAO TZU LI YAO TZU LIN PIN UHA LOCKIE DAN A LOGIUDICE THO LOUENTHAL MUR G LUBER JAM E MADISON FRA J MAJKRZAK DAV S MANSOUR MOM N MARGOUSKI BER JOS MARKS ALV M MARR AND U MARSHALL DON J MARTON LOU L 122 Mi chae I D Leshner 192 Donald C Lewis 151 Yao Tzu Li 2D2 Yao Tzu Li 1D7 Ping-Uha Lin 233 Dan i e I A Lack i e 63 Thomas LoGiudice 1 Murray G Lowenthal 23 James E Luber 313 Frank J Madison II 152 David S MaJkrzak 286 Momtaz N Mansour 138 Bernard Joseph Margowsky 9 A I v i n M Marks 2S0 Andrew U Marr> Junior 287 Don J Marsha I I 139 Louis L Marton Short Title Process of Smelting with Submerged Burner Lean Limit Controller Closed Cycle Dehum i d i f i cat i on Clothes Dryer Fi Im Type Storm Window Wobb I i ng Type Distillation Apparatus Uaste Products Reclamation Process Mounted Steerable Ripper F I uor obu I b Demand Metering System for Electric Energy Microgas Dispersions Process Control I er for Stripper Oil Ue I I Pump i ng Un i ts Vehicle Exhaust Gas Uarm-up System Use of Pulse-Jet for Atomization of CUM Phantom Tube Heat /E I ec t r i c Power Conversion via Charged Aerosols Downho I e and Above Ground Resistance Heating for Paraffin El i m i nat i on Automatic Variable Pitch Marine Propeller Transformer Uith Heat D i ss i pa t or Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name MATTSON GEO E 117 George E Mattson MAYO KEN E 29 Kenneth E Mayo MCCALLUM JOH MCCORD JAM Ul MCCORD JAM U MCELMURRY MAX MCNEILL ROB MCQUILLEN ALB L MEE THO R MESHBESHE THO M MESSING RAL A MICHELSON ANA MIDLAM EDU bJ MILIARAS E STE MILLARD EVE MOODY ROB L 38 John McCa I I urn 77 James W McCord 97 James U McCord 3D5 Max McElmurry 78 Robert McNe i I I 157 Albert L McQu i Mem Ji 170 Thomas R Mee 219 Thomas M Meshbesher 315 Ra I ph A Mess i ng 142 Anatol Michelson 15D Edward U Midlam 183 E. Stephen Mi I iaras 42 Everett Mi M ard 268 Robert L Moody Short Title "Solarspan" Prism Trap Tuned Sphere Stable Ocean Platforms Reduc t i on Volati I izations Var i ab I e Heat Ref r i ger at i on System Ulater Drying System Automatic Fi Iter Network Protection System tor High Efficiency Power Generation from Low Temperature Sources Magnaseal Method and Means tor Seal i ng Steel Ingot Casting Molds to Stoo I s . Fog System - Low Energy Freeze Protection for Agr i cu I t ur e Method for Making Acetaldehyde from Ethano I Method of Processing Biodegradable Organic Mater i a I Process for Heat less Production of Ho I low I terns Utilization of Oil Uaste in the Manufacture of Port land Cement Increased Vapor Generator Feature Flue Baffle Assembly Apparatus for Enhancing Chemical Reactions Contact Name Key Dae-Num Contact Name MORRIS DRE U 24 Drew U Morris NEALY ROB H NIGUEL LAG NORRIS ROB S NORTH ODIL JOH U KEN Ul OTHMER DON F PALESCHUC RIT PALMER FOR M PALONE RIC D PANICO C RIC PAPIS THA PARKER LEU Ul PARKER SID A PASSMAN NAT E PATTON JOH PEARL PEMSLER PEMSLER CAR E PAU PAU 178 Robert H Nea I y 172 Edward A Griswold 21 Robert S Norr i s 178 John U North 84 Kenneth U Od i I 264 Donald F Othmer 2 Rita Paleschuck 325 Forrest M Pa I mer 55 Richard D Pa I one 81 C Richard Panico &2 Thaddeus Pap i s 187 Lewis Ul Parker 43 Sidney A Parker 274 Nathan E Passman 3DD John Patton 153 Car I E Pear I 123 J. Paul Pemsler? President 275 J Paul Perns I er Short Title Can and Bottle Crushing Apparatus The Thermatreat System GEM El ectrDStat i c F i I t rat i on Sys tern Waste Oil Ut i I i zat i on Sys tern Process and Apparatus for Producing Ce I lulated Vitreous Refractory Mater i a I Kinetic Energy Type Pumping System Desu I fur i zat ion of Coal Fue I Miser Continuous Non-Ferrous Strip Casting Electrically Heated Suckei — Rod Flash Polymerization Tapered Plate Annular Matr i x Variable Field Induction Motor Thermal Gradient Utilization Cycle Flexible Lighting Casing Stabbing Apparatus A New Equipment Design Concept for Storage of Hot Foods Comminution of Ores by a Low-Energy Process Improved Method of Electroplating Aluminum for Corrosion Resistance Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name PETERS ANT 253 Anthony Peters PFEIFLEY BRA L PHILLIPS CLY G PLATTNER GEN PLY POST PUGH LEM LES ARN R PAU F RALLIS ANT T RAMER READ REICH JAM L JAY DOU R REINBERGE CLA H RETALLICK UIL B RICHARDSO ALB S RICHARDSO JOH U ROEGLIN ROB M ROGERS THO F ROSS RUPERT DON R JOH C 244 Brad L Ptei f ley 115 C lyde G Ph i I I i P s 174 Gene Plattner 162 Lemuel Leslie Ply 130 Arnold R Post 158 Paul F Pugh 258 Anthony T Ra I I i s 106 James L Ramer 308 Jay Read 211 Douglas R Reich 17 Clair H Reinbergen> Pres 271 Ui I I iam B Reta I I ick 136 Albert S Richardson> Jr. 265 John W Richardson 272 Robert M Roeg I i n 148 Thomas F Rogers 76 Donald R Ross 134 John C Rupert Short Title High Performance Heat Pump CHARLIE Refrigeration System Skate on Plastic Ice Skat i ng System Tubular Pneumatic Conveyor Pipeline Furnace Input Capacity Tr i mm i ng Sw i tch Energy Conservative Electric Cable System Corrosion Protection Process for Bore Hole Tool Deep Shaft Hydro-Electric Power Binary Azeotropic> Hot Gas> Fat Extraction Process Method and Means for Preventing Frost Damage to Crops Rigid Board Insulation Hydrogen Storage System U) i ndamper Liquid Treatment for Growing Vegetation V-Plus System Reclaimation of Oil and High-Grade Iron Concentrates from Steel Mill Wastes The Ross Furnace Expanded Polystyrene Bead Insulation System Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name RUSSO THO J 12 Thomas J Russo RYAN STE SACHS MEL H SADLER CHA SALOMON ROB E SALOMON ROB E SAMS ART D SANDERS NIC ARC SANDERS NIC ARC SATER BER L SAUNDERS ROB C SCHALLIG HAN J SCHEFFER KAR D SCHNEIDER DAN J SCHUARTZ CHA A SEADER J D SEADER J D SECUNDA DAV J SEUARD LJ U 226 Stewart Ryan 73 Melwin H Sachs 124 Char I ton Sad I er 145 Robert E Salomon 276 Robert E Salomon 281 Arthur D Sams 193 Nicholas Archer Sanders 3D3 Nicholas Archer Sanders 317 Bernard L Sater 144 Robert C Saunders? Jr. 191 Uli I I iam Lake 126 Kar I D Schefter 14 Daniel J Schneider 22Q Charles A Schwartz 127 J D Seader 128 J D Seader 46 David J Secunda 175 U U Seward Short Title High Frequency Energy Saw i ng Dev i ce An Electronic Leak Detect i ng System INTECH So I ar Collector Solar Conversion by Concentration Ce I Is with Hydr i des Gas Concentration Ce I Is as Converters of Heat into Electrical Energy Sun Synchronous Solar Powered Refrigerator Engine Heating Device Battery Heating Device Edge-I I luninated Multi-Junction (VMJ) Solar Cell SpaC i re Space Circulation Fan Rotary Heat Pump Air Cond i t i oner Vac I a i m Aer odynam i c L i ft Trans lator Deep Throat Resistance Ue I der Process and Apparatus to Produce Crude Oi I from Tar Sands Continuous Disti I lation Apparatus and Method Thexon Dehydration A Low-Energy Carpet Back i ng System Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name SHELANDER EDU H 93 Edward H She lander SHIBER SAM SHULER DON SIKES EDU PER SMITH MAR A SMITH OTI Ul SMITH ROD L SMITH RON H SNYDER RAY E SNYDER RAY E SOULE ROL P SPELBER LEN STARR RON JOH STERNER CAR L STEWART JAM M STOFEN KEN A STONE ART F SUARTZ DAV L SUIHART PAT S 141 Samuel Shiber 242 Donald Shuler 54 Edward Perry Sikes> Jr. 283 Mark A Sm i th 11? Ot i 5 Ul Sm i th 118 Roder i ck L Sm i th 11 Rona Id H Sm i th 316 Ray E Snyder 324 Ray E Snyder 40 Roland P Sou I e 7 Len Spe I ber 177 Robert John Starr 294 Car I L Sterner 278 James M Stewart 7D Kenneth A Stofen 255 Arthur F Stone 298 David L Swartz 249 Patrick S Swihart* Senior Short Title She lander-Burrows Process for Recovery of Metal I ic Values from Smelter Emissions New Hydrostatic Transm i ss i on New Petersburg Beam Trawl Op t i m i z e r Aluminum Roofing Chips Air Ratio Controller (AERTROL) Energy Adaptive Control of Precision Grinding Solar Collector Thrust Impact Rock Sp I i t ter Foliar Fertilization Process Blue Uater Gas Hydraul i ca I ly Powered Waste Disposal Device The So I ar I Opt i on Highway Power Patcher Complete System for Large Solar Water Heating and Storage Compressor Heat-Recovery Sys tern Method and Apparatus for Sc r ubb i ng Gas Three/Tenths Degree Kelvin Closed Cycle Refrigeration System Subsurface Flow Control for Gas Wells Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name TALBOTT E M 277 E M Talbott TANNEHILL UIL DEA TARTAGLIN JER TERRY RUE CAR TERRY RUE CAR THAYER VIC R THOMAS DON R TIPPMANN EUG TOURTELOT EDU M TRUTNA UIL R TUNDERMAN UIL TUNG TUNG SHA SHA E TUNMORE FRE ULLRICH ROB L VANUINKLE CLI VOGT JOS P 218 Uilford Dean Tannehill 291 Jerry Tartagl i no 87 Rue I Carlton Terry 223 Ruel Carlton Terry 251 Victor R Thayer (Dec'd) 222 Donald R Thomas 282 Eugene Tippmann 227 Edward M Tourtelot (Dec'd) 297 William R Trutna 263 Ui I I iam Tunderman 319 Shao-E Tung 2DD Shao-E Tung 8 Fred Tunmor e 82 Robert L UI I r ich 9D CM nton Van U i nk I e 33 Joseph B Vogt Short Title Series ( Two-U ire) V-Cont r o I I er Behemoth Selective Zone Isolation far HVAC System Recovering Uranium From Coal I n-S i tu Minimizing Subsidence Effects during Production of Coal In Si tu Low Energy Distillation Process Louver Trombe Solar Storage Un i t Insulated Siding Variable Valve-Timing Mechan i sm Process for Using Cocurrent Contacting Distillation Column Method for Reconditioning Rivetless Chain Links Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from a Gas Stream Remova I of Sulfur Dioxide from Stack Gas Inertial Storage Transmission Cool Air 1 nduct i on Grain Dryer Temperature Indicating Device UAHRMAN MAR L 79 Marvin L Uahrman Oil Ue I I Bit Insert Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name WALLACE HEN J 113 Henry J Wallace WALMER KEN WANGLER ARL WEBER H ROY UEIKERT ROY J WHITMAN UIL C WHITMORE JAM B WHITTED HUG EDW UIEKEN ROB H WILDER DAV M WILHELM TON WINNICK JAC WISE WOOD WOOD WOOD DON E DOU E HAR E HAR E WOOLWORTH HAR ROB WORTMAN AND 30 Ken Wa I mer 71 Ar I e i gh Wangler 137 H Roy Weber 116 Roy J We i kert 252 William C Wh i tman 121 James B Whitmore 250 Hugh Edwin Whitted III 57 Robert H Wieken 323 Dav id M Wi I der 140 Tony Wilhelm 23? Jack Winnick 214 Dona Id E Wise 234 Douglas E Wood 53 Harry E Wood 238 Harry E Wood 10 Harrison Robert Woolwarth 307 Andrew Wortman Short Title Wa I I ace Mo I d Add i t i ve System Removing Sulfur Dioxide From Flue Gases Knight Guar d A Por tab I e Po I I ut i an Free Automobile Inc i nerator Model 5000 ASEPAK System Ther ma I Bank Solar Space Heating for both Retrofit and New Construct i on A System to Adapt Diesel Engines for Crude Oi I X-5 Smoke El iminator Ro I I i ng M i I I for Reduction of Moisture Content in Waste Mater ia I Counter Flow Dual Tube Heat Exchanger Desu I f ur i z i ng Gas Mi xtur es Convertible Flat/Drop Tr a i ler Geodes i c Solar Parabo I o i d High-Efficiency Water Heater Clothes Dryer Automatic Shut-Off Scrap Metal Preheating Vortex Generators for Aft Regions of Aircraft Fuse I ages Contact Name Key Doe-Num Contact Name YATER JOS C 4 Joseph C Yater YOUNT JOH U ZANONI PAU ZARTARIAN ROB ZIMMERN BER ZINN MIC F ZUMBRUNNE ALL D 20? John LJ Yount 112 Paul Zanoni 120 Robert Zartarian 5? Bernard Zimmern 100 Michael F Zinn 105 Al len D Zumbrunnen Short Title Power Conversion of Energy Fluctuations Reclaiming Process for Resin Treated Fiberglass Pump Vapor Heat Transfer Commercial Griddle Volumetric Gas Turbine So I ar o I I High Frequency Furnace