■ <*>*# G&Li JK PENNA. STATE COUEG PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AERONAUTICS CONFERENCE OF WASHINGTON DECEMBER, 1928 PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AERONAUTICS CONFERENCE OF WASHINGTON UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1928 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/programinternatiOOinte il&k i^H l^iy^Hgfc ■Pn] WwM m*k . Syfc ' ra IK ' : mm Mk iB H ■ 5P i| 9 [ r fj 1: ' . ^.^4 ..Ip^v* * PROGRAM Tuesday, December 11 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. . Registration and deposit of credentials at con' ference headquarters. Wednesday, December 12 10 a. m Opening plenary session of the conference. 12.30 to 2 p. m. . . . Luncheon. 2.30 to 4.15 p. iii . . Subsessions of the conference. 5p.m Delegates received by the President at the White House. 9 p. m Reception by the Secretary of Commerce, at the United States Chamber of Commerce Building. Thursday, December 13 10 a. m Plenary session of the conference. 12.30 to 2 p. m. . . . Luncheon. 2.30 to 4.30 p. m. . Subsessions of the conference. 8.30 p. m Twenty -five Years of Flight, Washington Auditorium. Friday, December 14 10 a. m Plenary session of the conference. 12.30 to 2 p. m. . . . Luncheon. 2.30 to 4.30 p. m. . Subsessions of the conference. 8 p. m Banquet to members of the conference by Ameri' can delegation. 22395-2S [ 5 ] Saturday, December 15 10.30 a. m Aerial show at Boiling Field and Anacostia Naval Air Station by United States Army, Navy, and Marine Air Services. 12.30 to 2 p. m. . . . Luncheon. 2.45 p. m Inspection of laboratories at United States De^ partment of Commerce, Bureau of Standards. 6.30 p. m Departure of delegation for exercises at Kitty Hawk, N. C, in commemoration of the twenty fifth anniversary of the Wright brothers 1 first flight. Monday, December 17 1 to 2 p. m Ceremonies at Kitty Hawk, N. C. 2p.m Departure from Kitty Hawk on return trip to Washington. Tuesday, December 18 7 a. m Arrival in Washington. Disbandment. [6] GENERAL INFORMATION The headquarters of the conference is the United States Chamber of Commerce Building, at 1615 H Street NW., Washington, D. C. The executive officer, in Room E, will furnish information on all phases of the conference activities. SESSIONS OF THE CONFERENCE. All sessions of the conference will be held at the headquarters in rooms to be designated on the bulletin board located in the main entrance hall. The mornings of December 12, 13, and 14 will be taken up by ple- nary sessions of the conference. On the afternoons of each of the three days there will be three simultaneous subsessions of the conference devoted to various phases of civil aeronautical development. SUBJECTS FOR DISCUSSION AT THE CONFERENCE. All papers submitted to the conference in time will be printed and bound in a single book, a copy of which will be presented to each member of the conference before the opening session. Papers of special interest and importance will be selected from this volume by the program committee, to be read at the morning plenary sessions of the conference, and to form with other papers the subjects of discus- sion at the three simultaneous subsessions of the conference which will take place each afternoon. As soon as possible after the close of the conference, there will be prepared another book containing a record of the discussions at the conference. A copy of this book will be mailed to each member of the conference. [7] MEMBERS 1 CARDS. Each delegate and representative of an aeronautical organisation will, on registering and depositing his credentials, receive a member's card, bearing his name and number. This number is assigned to the member for the duration of the conference and will identify his mail box at the message center and his seat in the plenary session hall. This card will also serve for identification at various conference activities. MESSAGE CENTER. A message center has been established in the rear of the inner lobby of the headquarters. Distribution of all conference reports, invitations, and information circulars will be made there, as well as mail addressed to the members in care of the International Civil Aeronautics Conference. In order that mail may be delivered only to the delegates, members are requested to establish their identity at the message center by presenting their members 1 cards. POST OFFICE. There is, at the message center, a branch of the United States Post Office Department, where stamps may be purchased, letters mailed, etc. In this connection, attention is called to the special 2-cent and 5-cent commemorative stamps issued by the United States Post Office in connection with the International Civil Aeronautical Conference. CABLES, TELEGRAMS, AND RADIO MESSAGES. There are also at the message center branch offices of the cable, telegraph, and radio companies, prepared to handle at regular rates messages sent by the delegates. TELEPHONE SERVICE. Telephones are installed at the message center for the use of the members in making local calls. [8] LUNCHEONS. A luncheon for all members of the conference will be served gratis on December 12, 13, 14, and 15 at the Carlton Hotel, 923 Sixteenth Street at 12.30 p. m. The member's conference card will serve for admission to these luncheons. NEW YORK RECEPTION, AND RECEPTION AT OTHER PORTS. Foreign delegates will be met on shipboard at New York and other ports of entry by representatives of the reception committee and their landing facilitated through the customs. They will then be taken to their hotels in cars provided by the reception committee. At New York an office of the reception committee will be located at the Hotel Roosevelt, at Madison Avenue and Forty-fifth Street, and all dele- gates passing through New York are requested to call at that office as soon as possible in order to secure full information about the entire conference activities. The office will be open on November 26. TRIP TO CHICAGO AERONAUTICAL EXPOSITION— AIR TRANS^ PORTATION. At Chicago, 111., December 1 to 9, the International Aeronautics Exposition is being held under the auspices of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, and to this exposition all delegates and repre- sentatives to the International Civil Aeronautics Conference at Washington are invited. Free airplane transportation for the conference delegates and repre- sentatives has been provided, weather permitting, from Cleveland, Ohio, to Chicago, and from Chicago to Dayton, Ohio, on the return trip to Washington. The uncertain weather conditions at this time of year over the mountains intervening between New York and Cleveland make flying the entire distance to Chicago uncertain. The part of the journey from New York to Cleveland must therefore be made by rail. A special train will leave New York at 6.30, the evening of Decem- ber 5, from the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. The members making this trip must limit their baggage to not more than 50 pounds weight (23 kilos). The train will arrive at Cleveland at 8.50 the following morning. [in ENTERTAINMENT AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. On arrival at Cleveland, where the delegates will be the guests of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, the delegation will be taken from the station to one of the principal hotels, where facilities for rest after the journey will be available. The delegation will then be entertained at luncheon by the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. The fleet of multimotored airplanes for the trip to Chicago will be assembled at the Cleveland Airport and departure of the delegation will be made not later than 1 o'clock Thursday, December 6, weather permitting. In case of very unfavorable flying weather, the trip to Chicago will be made by train, arriving at Chicago the same evening. ENTERTAINMENT AT CHICAGO. Headquarters for the conference at Chicago will be at the Hotel Stevens, South Michigan Boulevard and Seventh Street, and transpor- tation will be provided for the delegation from the airport or railroad station to the hotel. While in Chicago the delegation will be the guest of the Aero Commission of the City of Chicago. The International Aeronautics Exposition has designated the fol- lowing day, Friday, the 7th of December, as the day for the special entertainment of the delegates to the conference. Nearly every type of American airplane, both commercial and military, motors and acces- sories, and many interesting exhibits showing the recent development and progress of commercial aeronautics will be on display. There will also be exhibited European aircraft, sent to the United States for that purpose by the manufacturers. Luncheons to which the delegates have been invited have been arranged in Chicago for Friday, the 7th of December, and following the visit to the exposition on Friday afternoon, there will be a ban- quet given by the city of Chicago at the Sherman Hotel, North Clark and West Randolph Streets. Dayton, Ohio, is the home city of the Wright brothers and is the scene of their first experiments in aviation. The city of Dayton is celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Wright brothers 1 first flight, and the members of the conference have been invited to par- [12] ticipate in a dinner and a civic reception on the evening of Monday , December 10. The conference airplanes will leave Chicago for Dayton on Satur- day, December 8, or Sunday, December 9, weather permitting, for the purpose of transporting members of the conference to Dayton. In the event that bad weather makes flying impossible, a train will leave Chicago for Dayton Sunday evening, which will arrive at Dayton early Monday morning. ENTERTAINMENT AT DAYTON. At Dayton the members of the conference will be entertained by the city of Dayton and the Dayton Chamber of Commerce. They will be met either at the airport or the railroad station and taken to a hotel headquarters where they will have an opportunity to rest. At Dayton there are the experimental laboratories of the United States Army Air Service, embodying some of the most extensive and modern equipment in the United States. Arrangements will be made for those members of the conference who so desire to visit those laboratories. On Monday evening will take place the dinner and celebration for the Wright brothers given by the city of Dayton to which the members of the conference are invited. The trip to Washington, D. C, from Dayton, Ohio, must, be made by train because of uncertain weather conditions at this time of year over the mountains which intervene between Dayton and Washington . A special train will leave Dayton for Washington. Transportation will be provided from the hotel at Dayton to the railroad station. The train arrives at Washington about 1.30 Tuesday afternoon, Decern- ber 11. Transportation will be provided from the railroad station at Washington to the hotels at which the members of the conference will already have made reservations. On Tuesday afternoon it is hoped that the members of the confer- ence will register and deposit their credentials at the conference head- quarters, Room E, United States Chamber of Commerce Building, 1615 H Street NW., Washington, D. C. A special information circular giving full details of this trip will be sent to all members at an early date. [13; CEREMONIES AT KITTY HAWK, N. C. Monday, December 17, is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first flight of the Wright brothers, which took place at Kitty Hawk, N. C. Here at Kill Devil Hill there will be the unveiling of the cornerstone of a monument to be erected by the United States Government, and on the spot from which the first flight was made the unveiling of a memo- rial tablet placed there by the National Aeronautical Association. The delegates to the International Civil Aeronautics Conference are invited to participate in these ceremonies. A delegation, composed of the foreign members of the conference and of United States members, will leave Washington, D. C, by steamer at 6.30 p. m., Saturday, December 15, for a trip down Chesapeake Bay to Old Point Comfort, near Norfolk, Va., arriving at 7 a. m., Sunday, December 16. Sunday morning will be spent at the Chamberlain- Vanderbilt Hotel and in visiting the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratories, which is one of the most important aeronautical laboratories in the United States. On Monday morning, December 17, the trip will be continued by boat and by bus to Kitty Hawk, N. C, where the delegation will be the guest at luncheon of the Kill Devil Hills Memorial Association. Early in the afternoon, the delegation will take part in the cere- monies attending the laying of the corner stone of the national memorial to the Wright brothers and the unveiling of the memorial of the National Aeronautical Association at the site of the first flight. The delegation leaves Kitty Hawk at 2 o'clock on the return trip to Washington, arriving there early in the morning of Tuesday, December 18. A complete detailed description of this trip will be furnished to each member of the conference at an early date. [14 J lliliif