OS/. //. A DIRECTORY OF CDmPUTER SDFTLUflRE flPPUCfflCnS PB-284 924 Electrical & Electronics Engineering 1970-September, 1978 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-National Technical Information Service PB-284 924 3 3. Si A DIRECTORY OF CDfTFUTER SOFTWARE flPPUCflTOTS Electrical & Electronics Engineering 1970-September, 1978 fcHTOFCQ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 Copyright Warning Portions of this publication bearing a copyright notice are copyrighted. International Copyright, ©National Technical Information Service 1978, under the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention. United States copyright is not asserted under the United States Copyright Law, Title 17, United States Code. 50272-101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE l._ REPORT NO. NTIS/SA -78/14 3. Recipient's Accession No. PB-284 924 4. Title and Subtitle A Directory of Computer Software Applications Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1970- Septemher , 1978 5. Report Date September. 1978 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Same 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 1970 - Sept. , 1978 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) Electrical and electronics engineering reports that list computer programs and /or their documentation are cited. These software applications pertain to topics, such as computer aided design and computer aided analysis of electrical and electronic materials, components, and systems. The directory contains complete bibliographic data for each report as well as a subject and a corporate author index. The computer software offered by NTIS was created by a variety of Federal agen- cies to meet their diverse but quite specific objectives. It is provided without in- stallation, support, or maintenance services and sometimes requires customer modifications to run effectively in customer environments. 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms c. COSATI Field/Group 62B, 490 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report) 20. Security Class (This Page) 21. No. of Pages 126 22. Price $25.00 (SeeANSI-Z39.18) See Instructions on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce CONTENTS Introduction V How To Use VII Abstracts 1 Subject Index 80 Corporate Author Index 103 Order Blank At End PRICING Costs of documents are given in the form of price codes in the right- hand portion of the first line of each entry in the abstract section. PC stands for paper copy and MF for microfiche. A current price-code table may be obtained by writing to NTIS. Also, current tables are attached to the back cover of Abstract Newsletters and Government Reports An- nouncements & Index. ORDERING To order a document please fill out the order form bound in the back of this publication (or a copy) and send to NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Be sure to include the document order number (printed in the left-hand portion of the first line of each entry in the ab- stract section) and your check, payable to NTIS, in the current amount — if you do not use your deposit account or American Express charge number. NTIS can also ship-and-bill, but you will be billed an additional fee of $5 per order for this service. Entries received from DOE and NASA may not have abstracts included. Readers are referred to the appropriate volumes of ERA or Star. For the note "For abstract, see ERA citation . . . ." please refer to Energy Research Abstracts (ERA) published monthly by the U.S. Government Printing Office, (GPO), Washington D.C. 20402 for the Department of Energy, Technical Information Center, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Single issues and subscriptions are available to the public from Supt. of Docs., GPO. Certain classes of scientific users and governmental agencies may obtain free copies; contact the DOE Tech Center in Oak Ridge. For the note "For abstract, see Star . . . ." please refer to Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (Star) published semimonthly by the U.S. Government Printing Office, (GPO), Washington D.C. 20402 for the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. Subscriptions and single issues are available from Supt. of Docs., GPO. iii INTRODUCTION The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce is the central source for the public sale and announcement of Government-sponsored research, development and engineering reports and analyses prepared by Federal agencies, their contractors or grantees. NTIS supplies the public with approximately four million documents and microforms annually. The technical reports announced by NTIS often contain listings of com- puter programs and/or documentation covering a wide variety of appli- cations. The object of this directory is to announce to the scientist, systems ana- lyst, and programmer, the availability of these computer programs, and to disseminate this software as fully as possible to fulfill NTIS' role in information transfer. These computer program listings or the documentation can be pur- chased for the regular price of the technical report in either hard copy or microfiche, thereby providing the user with a viable piece of soft- ware at an exceptionally low price. If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact David Grooms, Product Manager (703) 557-4672. The computer software offered by NTIS was created by a variety of Federal agencies to meet their diverse but quite specific objectives. It is provided without installation, sup- port, or maintenance services and sometimes requires customer modifications to run effectively in customer en- vironments. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/directorOOunit HOW TO USE Abstract Entry Order/accession number. This number must be used to order NTIS products Corporate author Keywords — used for indexing- and searching PB-239 100/1CP PC A12/MF A01- Bechtel, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints. Appendices Final rept. on Phase 1 . Aug 74, 267p' Rept no. BECHTEL-10900-74-43- l-App Grant NSF-C867 ■Descriptors: 'Energy supplies, 'Computer pro- grams, Crude oil, Natural gas. Coal, Oil shale, Uranium, Thorium, Bituminous sands. Hydroelectric power generation, Geothermal prospecting, Solar energy conversion, Wastes, Systems analysis, Systems engineering, Capitalized costs, Fossil fuel deposits, Trans- portation, Planning, Forecasting, Algorithms, Flow charting, Mathematical models, FOR- TRAN. A computer program that calculates resource- requirements and summarizes results for any fuel mix is presented. The program tabulates an annual schedule of required facilities to be brought on-line and attendant annual schedules of capital (2 classes), manpower (4 types), and materials (9 categories) require- ments. The model is exercised for two likely fuel mixes and the implications in terms of an- ticipated capital, manpower, and materials con- straints are discussed. -Price codes: PC means paper copy; MF, microfiche. Consult current code-price table for ac- tual prices. ' — Title of document Abstract of document Subject Index Entry Subject Term. — These are arranged in alphabetical se- quence in the Index ENERGY SUPPLIES Energy System Network Simulator (ESNS) li, A. User's Guide BNL-20979 9B Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints PB-239 099/5CP Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints Appendices PB-239 100/1CP 21D An Economic Analysis ot Declining Petroleum Supplies in Texas: Income. Employment, Tax and Production Effects as Measured by Input-Output and Supply-Demand Simulation Models PB-243 320/9CP 081 -Title Order number. Documents in the abstract section are se- quenced alphanumerically by this number. Corporate Author Index Entry Corporate author Order/accession number ■ BECHTEL, INC., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BECHTEL-10900-74-43-1 Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints PB-239 099/5CP 21 D BECHTEL-10900-74-43-l-App Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints Appendices PB-239 100/1CP 21D -Title VII Electrical & Electronics Engineering AD-A001 105/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Reactively Loaded Directive Antennas Technical rept. Roger F. Harrington, and Joseph R. Mautz. Sep 74, 60p Rept nos. ATR-74-6, TR-1 Contract N00014-67-A-0378-0006 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, "Directional an- tennas, Gain, Electrical loads, Electrical im- pedance, Computer programs, Antenna radia- tion patterns. The radiation characteristics of an N-port an- tenna system can be controlled by impedance loading the ports and feeding only one or a few of them. The use of reactive loads to produce high gain antenna systems is studied first. The theory employs the concept of modal resonance to resonate the real current that produces maximum gain. When the resonated current is the principal contributor to the radia- tion pattern, then the pattern is almost indepen- dent of the position of the feed. This usually requires large coupling between the antenna elements, and can result in supergain antennas. The theory of resonance is extended to include complex port currents and impedance loads. Numerical methods are developed and applied to arrays of linear dipoles arbitrarily distributed on a plane. Computations are made using both the method of moments and the sinusoidal cur- rent approximation. The two methods giv similar results. Computer programs are in- cluded to allow application of the theory to ar- rays of the user's choice. AD-A001 306/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Analysis of Electrical Characteristics of Edge- Coupled Microstrip Lines with a Dielectric Overlay Interim rept. Barry E. Spielman. 25 Oct 74, 41 p Rept no. NRL- 7810 Descriptors: "Strip transmission lines, Couplers, Electric filters, Directional, Phase shift circuits, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Computer aided design, MICDOC Computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language. An analysis was performed of the electrical characteristics of edge-coupled microstrip lines with a dielectric overlay. This analysis is applicable to the design of broadband directional couplers, filters, and Schiffman phase shifters for microwave integrated circuit applications. The analysis incorporated an even- and odd-mode treatment that invokes a quasi-TEM propagation model. This treatment enabled the analysis to be formulated in terms of integro-differential equations involving equivalent sources at conductor and dielectric boundaries. The formulation was reduced to a form suitable for numerical solution by employ- ing a method-of-moment solution with pulse expansions of equivalent sources and point matching of the boundary conditions. The anal- ysis was implemented by a digital computer program that provides information on midband coupling, modal impedances, coupled line characteristic impedance, modal phase veloci- ties, and coupled line phase velocities. AD-A002 144/4CP PC A11/MF A01 Vermont Univ Burlington Dept of Electrical En- gineering Time Domain Aperture Antenna Study. Volume II Final rept. 21 Dec 72-21 May 74 Hugh C. Maddocks. Oct 74, 228p RADC-TR-74- 254-Vol-2 Contract F30602-73-C-0104 See also Volume 1, AD/A-002 143. Descriptors: "Antenna apertures, Time domain, Horn antennas, Transients, Far field, Antenna feeds, Parabolic antennas, Radiation, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. This research employs a direct time domain model applicable to aperture antennas of any shape excited by fields of any form in space and time to study theoretically the electromagnetic far fields of a paraboloid reflector when fed by a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) horn anten- na. First, the TEM horn antenna is considered as an aperture antenna with an arbitrary excita- tion V(t) applied to its apex. The time domain model is then applied to determine the electric far fields of the TEM horn, and the theoretical results are compared with published experi- mental data on a relative basis. Reasonable agreement is obtained. Approximate closed form solutions for the electric far fields of the TEM horn in the azimuth plane are also fo^ .. Secondly, the TEM horn is studied in terms of current sheets using the vector potential formu- lation in order to confirm the approximate closed form solutions found in the azimuth plane using the aperture model. AD-A002 335/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough (England) Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters Technical rept. B. Lake, and W. V. Reeder. Aug 74, 73p RAE- TR-74068, DRIC-BR-42762 Descriptors: "Band pass filters, "Strip transmis- sion lines, Computer programs, Computer ap- plications, Great Britain. Identifiers: Design, Computer aided design. The paper describes procedures used to design microstrip and stripline bandpass filters. Design computer programs are included together with worked examples. Comparisons between measured and theoretical responses for a number of practical filters are given. AD-A002 732/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Analysis of Conformal Phase Ar- rays J. K. Hsiao, and J. B. L. Rao. 15 Nov 74, 41 p Rept no. NRL-7826 Descriptors: "Phased arrays, "Computer appli- cations, Conformal structures, Far field, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. A systematic method of analyzing conformal ar- rays on a general surface is described. A com- puter program is included in this report along with the necessary subroutines. By using proper input data cards and the subroutines, the program can be used for the arrays on a general conformal surface or well-defined sur- face like that of a circular cylinder, circular torus, cone, or a plane. The computer output in- cludes a printout and a plot of the radiation pat- terns. Crosspolarization, if any, will be plotted on the same curve. AD-A003 538/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Hybrid Mode Analysis of Microstrip on Dielec- tric and Ferrite Substrate Master's thesis Ahmet Munir Tufekcioglu. Sep 74, 95p Descriptors: "Strip transmission lines, Sub- strates, Dielectrics, Perturbations, Numerical analysis, Computer programs, Power spectra, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Method of moments. A hybrid mode analysis of microstrip on a dielectric substrate is presented. A numerical solution for wavelength and characteristic im- pedance of single and coupled, balanced strips is obtained. Line parameters are shown to be very frequency dependent but in agreement with the quasi-static results of other investiga- tors in the low frequency limit. The extension of this technique to perturbation analysis of microstrip on ferrite is also described. A numer- ical solution for the propagation constant is ob- tained. AD-A004 131/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Analysis of Radiation by Linear Arrays of Parallel Horizontal Wire Antennas over Im- perfect Ground Tapan K. Sarkar, and Bradley J. Strait. 1 Sep 74. 31 p Scientific-3, AFCRL-TR-74-0538 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, Computer pro- grams, Linear arrays, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Parallel orientation, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. A user oriented computer program is presented and described for analyzing radiation from linear arrays of parallel horizontal thin-wire an- tennas over the surface of an imperfectly con- ducting earth. The program is equipped to treat unequally spaced arrays of wires that can be of different lengths and radii, but it is assumed the wires are all centerfed. The wires are assumed to be unloaded and that the conductivity of the earth is finite. The effects of the imperfectly conducting earth are accounted for approxi- mately by using the method of reflection coeffi- cients. Computed output consists of current distributions, input impedances, and far-field patterns specified by the user. AD-A004 227/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif 'ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Pro- gram, A General Purpose User-Oriented Computer Program for Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures in the Presence of Finite Ground Master's thesis Jerry Wayne McCormack. Dec 74, 133p Rept no. NPS-52AB74122 Descriptors: "Antennas, "Computerized simula- tion, "Computer programs, Wire, Scattering, Antenna radiation patterns. Electrical im- pedance, Currents, Theses. Identifiers: IBM 360 computers. Previous computer programs to solve the elec- tro-magnetic equations for thin-wire radiating structures have been coded in one of two forms; the very limited specialized form or the comprehensive all encompassing form. Thus, the beginning user, engineer or student, must possess expertise in computer programming as well as in electro-magnetic theory. This thesis develops a computer program which can be used by the student to gain insight into wire radiating structures and, at the same time, be used by the engineer to obtain the expertise necessary to use the more comprehensive pro- grams. AD-A004 235/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Electromagnetic Compatibility Study of Con- ducting Wires Master's thesis Levent Uluc. Dec 74, 26p Rept no. NPS- 52AB74121 Descriptors: "Electric wire, "Electromagnetic compatibility, Radiofrequency power. Coupling(lnteraction), Microwaves, Statistical analysis, Theses, Computer programs. Assigning probabilities to RF power picked up on aerospace cables at microwave frequencies by using analytical methods was the objective of this thesis. The coupling from radiated fields to typical unshielded wires was calculated in the frequency range 1 GHz to 10 GHz by using a thin wire antenna computer program. The data obtained from the calculations were used to get the cumulative distribution function of ab- sorbed power and also to observe its variation with changing frequency and loading of the wires. The results of this analysis compared favorably with those of a previous experimental approach. This demonstrates that analytical methods can be used for calculating and pre- dicting the coupling from radiated fields to unshielded wires. AD-A004 265/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer Analysis and Design of Electrical Circuits Using the IBM 360/67 and the XDS 9300 Computer and the AGT/10 Display Unit Master's thesis Banthit Nutasara. Dec 74, 109p Descriptors: "Electrical networks, 'Computer applications, Computer programs, Computer graphics, Transfer functions, Differential equa- tions, Numerical integration, Theses. Identifiers: 'Network analysis theory, 'Network synthesis, Computer aided design. Several small-scale, special-purpose computer programs that were written to provide the out- put of two-port networks as filters in the time domain and also the frequency domain over a wide range of parameter variations are con- tained herein. The computer program outputs are plotted on the screen display unit. The ef- fects of the responses when parameters are changed can be distinguished for the purpose of synthesis, and design. Some synthesis, anal- ysis and design techniques are also discussed. AD-A005 467/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Experimental Study of Correlator Filters Not Utilizing a Delay Master's thesis Tito Manlio Rincon. Dec 74, 78p Descriptors: 'Electric filters, 'Signal processing, 'Correlators, Low pass filters, Cir- cuits, Fourier transformation, Time series anal- ysis, Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: Signal detection, Autocorrelation, Laguerre functions, DSL computer program. This work is an application of the methods in obtaining the correlation functions. In particu- lar, the method of correlation without a 'pure' time-delay is presented together with the con- cept of 'orthogonal filters', which are Laguerre function type filters. Of these filters, the non- symmetric Laguerre type is analyzed and used to realize a practical correlator designed for low frequency signals. The correlator was com- puter-simulated by the DSL subroutine and the results of the autocorrelation of a 155 Hz sine wave were compared to the results obtained for the autocorrelation of a similar wave in the ac- tual correlator. A detail description of the design of the correlator and of the DSL pro- gram used are also presented. AD-A006 370/1CP PC A05/MF A01 General Electric Co Syracuse N Y Heavy Military Equipment Dept Computer-Aided Amplifier Design in BASIC Technical information series rept. L. Rider. Jul 74, 84p Rept no. R74EMH15 Descriptors: 'Transistor amplifiers, 'Computer aided design, Computer programs, Transdu- cers, Electrical networks, Gain, Impedance. Identifiers: TRANSAMP computer program, PARAM computer program, TRANSG computer program, TRANZ computer program, TRANS- FIX computer program, TGAIN computer pro- gram, Basic programming language. The report covers six computer programs which may be used as design aids in the synthe- sis of active or passive linear two-port net- works. These programs may be used in designs for any device which can be described by a set of two-port S-parameters. The program PARAM permits conversion of other two-port parameter sets to S-parameters. The TRANSAMP program provides stability information and constant gain contours. TRANSG computes the transducer gain of a two-port network from reflection coef- ficients. TRANZ computes the input or output reflection coefficients and impedances. TRANSFIX computes gain circles for specified termination impedances. TGAIN computes the transducer gain of a circuit having fixed- topology transmission line matching networks. Two sample designs are given to illustrate the use of the programs. A complete listing of all the programs is included. AD-A006 640/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Cooley Electronics Lab High-Frequency Transister Modeling for Cir- cuit Design Technical rept. A. B. Macnee, and R. J. Talsky. May 71 , 65p CEL-TR-205.014820-19-T, ECOM-0138-19-T Contract DAAB07-68-C-0138 Descriptors: 'Bipolar transistors, Mathematical models, Circuits, Computer aided design, Com- puter programs, Optimization. Identifiers: Network analysis theory. Network synthesis. It has been found that hybrid-pi or high- frequency T are inadequate high-frequency models for certain transistor types even though the models are supplemented by reasonable extrinsic elements. The hybrid-pi can be modified to model these transistors by replac- ing the (r sub pi)(C sub pi) circuit by an RC ladder. Using a computer optimization program an optimal, N-lump model is generated. For the 2N918 transistor a two-lump model extends the frequency range of the hybrid-pi model to (f sub T)/2. Typical circuit examples show most of the improvement in model performance can be ob- tained with a two-lump model. AD-A006 929/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab The Development of a Muititurn Loop Anten- na for the AN/PRC-77 Technical rept. R. J. Davis. Dec 74, 92p Rept no. ESL-3824-1 Contract N00123-74-C-0645 Descriptors: 'Loop antennas, 'Transmitter receivers, Manportable equipment, Om- nidirectional antennas, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: AN/PRC-77, AN/PRC-25. An electrically small antenna element, the mui- titurn loop, is proposed as a replacement for the three-foot monopole standard on the AN/PRC-77 and AN/PRC-25. The principal ob- jective was to develop a muititurn loop with an omnidirectional pattern and approximately the gain of the standard monopole. Based on past experience with muititurn loop antennas, loop configurations were selected which would minimize the increase in packset size for top, bottom and back-side mounting locations. Pat- terns were measured for these configurations and compared with patterns of the standard monopole antenna. Parameters were varied (loop size, turn spacing and position on the packset) to optimize the radiation efficiency of the muititurn loop. AD-A007 157/1CP PC A20/MF A01 Tennessee Technological Univ Cookeville Dept of Engineering Science Rain Impact Damage to Supersonic Radomes Final rept. 17 Nov 71-30 Jun 74 Ray Kinslow, Dallas G. Smith, VireshwarSahai, Leland L Long, and John Peddieson, Jr. Oct 74, 468p TTU-ES-74-3, RL-75-5 Contract DAAH01-72-C-0375 Descriptors: 'Radomes, 'Rain erosion, Ceramic bodies, Raindrops, Damage, Impact, Spallation, Fracture(Mechanics), Stress waves, Supersonic flight, Computer programs. The research described has been directed toward a better understanding of raindrop damage to vehicles traveling at very high velocities with emphasis upon the erosion of ceramic-type radomes. An accelerator capable of impacting targets with short water jets at speeds up to Mach 5 is described. The validity of using high-speed liquid jets to simulate rain- drop impact is demonstrated. Topics covered include: drop energy-crater volume relations; oblique and multiple impacts; erosion rates; in- ternal fracturing and spallation caused by stress waves; radome coatings; information from rocket sled tests; a theoretical analysis of the cratering process; motion of raindrops in the supersonic shock layer; probability model- ing of erosion; and spatial and temporal varia- tions of pressure exerted on the target surface by liquid impacts. AD-A007 659/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB Ohio Practical Stability of a Reluctance Synchronous Machine Final rept. Oct 73-Mar 74 William U. Borger. Feb 75, 81p Rept no. AFAPL- TR-74-118 Descriptors: 'Electric motors, Alternating cur- rent, Mathematical models, Computerized simulation, Lyapunov functions, Computer pro- grams, Stability. Identifiers: Synchronous machines. The ideal reluctance synchronous machine with dual rotor windings is modeled mathemati- cally and simulated on a digital computer. In addition, it is demonstrated that practical sta- bility of the machine exists when the Liapunov theorem requirements have been met. AD-A007 970/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Computer-Aided Design of Bulk Microwave Acoustic Delay Lines Technical rept. Theodore H. Hopp. Dec 74, 36p Rept no. HDL- TR-1676 Descriptors: 'Acoustic delay lines, Microwave equipment, Computer aided design, Mathe- matical models. Computerized simulation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Equivalent circuits. A mathematical model of a microwave acoustic delay line is derived and presented which takes into account the mechanical resonances of a finite acoustic delay medium. A computer simu- lation of the model shows that when the delay medium is taken to be finite the frequency response of the delay line is different from the response of a delay line with a completely ab- sorbing (infinite) delay medium. This difference in response is obtained experimentally when changing from pulse operation to continuous wave (CW) operation of a delay line. This is the first model known to the author which demon- strates this effect. AD-A008 509/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif An Analysis of the Fresnel Region of a Large Parabolic Communication Antenna with the Scalar Diffraction Theory Michael T. Tavis. 1 Jul 74, 60p TR-0075(5901- 02)-1,SAMSO-TR-75-84 Contract F04701-74-C-0075 Descriptors: 'Spacecraft antennas, "Parabolic antennas, Radio fields, Near field, Computer programs, Communication satellites. Identifiers: Fresnel region. Spacecraft antennas that are very large in terms of a wavelength present special problems after they are installed on the vehicle in that final tests to verify that no changes in the antenna performance have occurred during storage, handling, and installation can seldom be per- formed under far-field conditions. This report investigates the feasibility of making final mea- surements at distances that would be practical in typical assembly buildings. The data channel patterns and tracking patterns of a typical parabolic reflector communications antenna in the radiating near-field region are examined in this report using the Fresnel approximation to the scalar diffraction theory. AD-A008 526/6CP PC A14/MF A01 Mcdonnell Aircraft Co St Louis Mo Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Program. Volume I. User's Manual Engineering Section Final rept. 19 May 72-19 Nov 73 J. L. Bogdanor, R. A. Pearlman, and M. D. Siegel. Dec 74, 320p RADC-TR-74-342-Vol-1 Contract F30602-72-C-0277 See also Volume 2, AD-A008 527. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Computer programming, Life cycles, Air Force equipment, Electromagnetic interference, Radiofrequency interference, Mathematical models, Computer program documentation, Manuals, FORTRAN. Identifiers: IEMCAP computer program. The user's manual describes the operation and usage of the Intrasystem Electromagnetic Com- patibility Analysis Program (IEMCAP). IEMCAP is a USA Standard FORTRAN program for com- puter-aided implementation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) at all stages of an Air Force system's life cycle, applicable to aircraft, space/missile, and ground-based systems. Ex- tensive knowledge of computers is not required to use the program and all inputs are in easy to use, free-field format. The volume, the En- gineering Section, contains descriptions of the program, its organization, analytic basis, operating principles, and logic flow. The system model employed in IEMCAP for the various analysis tasks is presented. The systems ap- proach is derived from basic communications equations in analytic form and then quantized to sampled spectra for digital computers. The volume also contains a discussion of the pro- gram operation. AD-A008 S27/4CP PC A10/MF A01 Mcdonnell Aircraft Co St Louis Mo Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Program. Volume II. User's Manual Usage Section Final rept. 19 May 72-19 Nov 73 J. L. Bogdanor, R. A. Pearlman, and M. D. Siegel. Dec 74, 201 p RADC-TR-74-342-Vol-2 Contract F30602-72-C-0277 See also Volume 1 , AD-A008 526, and Volume 3, AD-A008 528. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Computer programming. Systems engineer- ing, Life cycles, Air Force equipment, Elec- tromagnetic interference, Radiofrequency in- terference, Computer program documentation, Manuals. Identifiers: IEMCAP computer program. The volume, the Usage Section, contains detailed instructions for usage of IEMCAP. A complete description of the input data require- ments, formats, and rules for applying them are given. Instructions are also given for data setup and program execution for the various analysis tasks. Sample outputs are presented and described to aid in interpretation of analysis results. An example run is also presented in which a typical system is analyzed. This shows how engineering data is converted into the IEMCAP input format and gives samples from the resulting computer output. Three appen- dices are provided. The first describes test methods for use with the computer-generated EMC specification limits along with an exam- ple. The second appendix describes a separate merge utility program. This program performs supplemental data file management which con- solidates two files. The third appendix describes the usage of another separate pro- gram which provides supplemental intermodu- lation frequency analysis. AD-A008 528/2CP PC A16/MF A01 Mcdonnell Aircraft Co St Louis Mo Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Program. Volume III. Computer Pro- gram Documentation Final rept. 19 May 72-19 Nov 73 J. L. Bogdanor, C. E. Clark, R. A. Pearlman, R. E. Plummer, and C. D. Skouby. Dec 74, 353p RADC-TR-74-342-VOI-3 Contract F30602-72-C-0277 See also Volume 2, AD-A008 527. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Computer programming, Systems engineer- ing. Life cycles, Air Force equipment, Elec- tromagnetic interference, Radiofrequency in- terference, Computer program documentation, FORTRAN, Manuals. Identifiers: IEMCAP Computer program. The report documents the programming details of IEMCAP. It contains detailed descriptions of all subroutines, variables, and constants used in the program. IEMCAP is a USA Standard FORTRAN program for computer-aided imple- mentation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) at all stages of an Air Force system's life cycle, applicable to aircraft systems, spacecraft and missile systems, and ground-based systems. Extensive knowledge of computers is not required to use the program, and all inputs are in easy-to-use, free-field format. The pro- gram incorporates analytical math models to perform four analysis tasks: generation of EMC specification limits tailored to a specific system, analysis for granting waivers to the specifica- tions, survey of the system for interference, and comparative analysis to aid in trade-off deci- sions. Math models are included covering a large number of source signal waveforms and RF modulation types, receptor types, and transfer modes between sources and receptors. Models are also included for effects of environ- mental electromagnetic fields. AD-A009 175/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Kentucky Univ Lexington SCEPTRE Models of a Pulse Forming System Phase rept. Ronald J. Kuhler, and Victor J. Watson. Mar 75, 33p RADC-TR-75-69 Contract F30602-72-C-0418 Descriptors: 'Networks, 'Transient radiation ef- fects, Circuits, Pulses, Electromagnetic com- patibility, Computerized simulation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Sceptre computer program. Work performed in the generation and testing of the pulse forming network SCEPTRE model is discussed with emphasis upon attempts to determine the pulse forming network element stressing factors under conditions of specific fault occurrences: pulse transformer failure via secondary short or load short; secondary open; and pulse forming network capacitance short. When the generator model is available, the composite system can be simulated to deter- mine the result of transient and fault conditions on the overall network operation. AD-A009 185/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Army Materiel Command Texarkana Tex Intern Training Center A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Cir- cuit Analysis Programs Final rept. Soo Young Shin. Mar 75, 76p Rept no. USAMC- ITC-02-08-75-220 Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, 'Computer programming, Computerized simulation, Matrices(Mathematics), Mathematical models. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program, 'Network analysis theory, Network synthesis, CORNAP computer program, SYSCAP com- puter programs, SCAP computer program, ECAP computer program, ECAP 2 computer program, CIRCUS computer program, CIRCUS 2 computer program, ASTAP computer pro- gram, BELAC computer program. This report is the result of a survey on a few computer-aided electronic circuit analysis pro- grams. The characteristic features and analysis capabilities of each program are discussed in detail. The common aspects among the pro- grams are tabulated for easy comparison. The actual computer program executions of two ex- ample circuit networks are included. The pro- grams surveyed are ECAP, ECAP-II, CIRCUS, CIRCUS II, SCEPTRE, ASTRAP, BELAC, SYSCAP, CORNAP and SCAP. AD-A009 594/3C P PC A1 1 /M F A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Needham Heights Mass Extended SCEPTRE. Volume I. User's Manual Final rept. 1 5 May 72-30 Jun 74 David Becker. Dec 74, 248p AFWL-TR-73-75- Vol-1 Contract F29601 -72-C-0093 See also Volume 2, Dec 74, AD-A009 595. Descriptors: 'Circuits, 'Transient radiation ef- fects, 'Computer programs, Control sequences, Debugging(Computers), FORTRAN, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: "SCEPTRE computer program, IBM 360 computers, IBM 7090/94 computer, FOR- TRAN 4 program ming language. Volume 1 of Extended SCEPTRE covers circuit preparation and entry and describes the use of the special program options, including: Stored model; re-output, continue and rerun; the sub- program capability; and the various print and plot options. Examples of the use of the old and new features are given. Separate chapters con- tain system information for using SCEPTRE on the 7090/94 and S/360 machines. CDC 6600 system information and additional notes to the user are contained in volume 1, appendixes G and H respectively. AD-A009 595/OCP PC A06/MF A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Needham Heights Mass Extended SCEPTRE. Volume II. Mathematical Formulation Final rept. 1 5 May 72-30 Jun 74 David Becker. Dec 74, 1 1 1p AFWL-TR-73-75- Vol-2 Contract F29601 -72-C-0093 See also Volume 1 dated Dec 74, AD-A009 594. Descriptors: 'Circuits, 'Transient radiation ef- fects, "Computer programs, Direct current. Al- ternating current, Voltage, Computations, Matrices(Mathematics), Differential equations, Numerical integration, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "SCEPTRE computer program, Sen- sitivity analysis, Newton-Raphson method, IBM 360 computers, IBM 7090/94 computer, Net- work analysis theory. Volume 2 of Extended SCEPTRE covers the fol- lowing subjects pertinent to the DC, AC, and transient solutions: Treatment of matrices in- cluding sparse matrices, sources and source derivatives, integration routines including im- plicit integration, and d-c option mathematics and the adjoint network. AD-A009 637/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Method of Moments Applications. Volume VI. Matrix Methods for Static Microstrip Phase rept. Jul 73-Sep 74 A. Farrar, and A. T. Adams. Feb 75, 162p RADC- TR-73-217-VOI-6 Contract F30602-72-C-0360 See also Volume 5, AD-783 897. Descriptors: 'Strip transmission lines, Elec- tromagnetic fields, Electromagnetic compati- bility, Matrices(Mathematics), Green's function, Fourier analysis, Capacitance, Electrostatics, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Method of moments, Fourier in- tegrals. Matrix methods are applied to static microstrip problems and used to deduce the approximate propagation characteristics of the dominant, quasi-TEM mode. Three basically different techniques are employed, in conjunction with the matrix methods. The first uses a free space Green's function, the second uses multiple imaging to obtain a Green's function for single substrate microstrip, and the third uses Fourier integral methods to obtain the Green's function for multilayered and/or covered microstrip. Several classes of problems are treated. The capacitance matrix, propagation constant, and characteristic impedance are obtained for two- dimensional (transmission line) problems. In addition, a general method for treating capaci- tive discontinuities in microstrip is developed and applied to typical three-dimensional discontinuity problems such as an open circuit, a gap in microstrip, and a sudden change in width of microstrip. Finally, multilayered and covered microstrip propagation is analyzed by a Fourier integral method. AD-A010 002/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Clarkson Coll of Technology Potsdam N Y CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solu- tion of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices Phase rept. Robert L. Basile, and Henry Domingos. Mar 75, 154pRADC-TR-75-74 Contract F30602-72-C-0463 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, *Conduction(Heat transfer), 'Computer pro- gramming, Solid state physics, Thin films, Galli- um arsenides, Carbon resistors, Computations, FORTRAN, Gunn diodes. Identifiers: IBM 360/44 computers, CTRUMP computer program. The TRUMP program, developed by Arthur Ed- wards of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, has been adapted for use on the IBM 360/44, under the name CTRUMP. Modifications were made to enable calculations of three-dimen- sional heat flow in solid state devices, as a result of internal conduction and internal heat generation with constant boundary conditions. CTRUMP was then used to calculate tempera- ture rise in thin film and carbon resistor models, as well as in a model of a gallium arsenide Gunn effect diode. An operating manual for CTRUMP is included as an Appendix. PC A06/MF A01 AD-A010 313/5CP Picatinny Arsenal Dover N J User's Manual for PCBOARD Final rept. Ralph E. Lombardi. Jan 75, 108p Descriptors: 'Printed circuits, 'Computer aided design, 'Interactive graphics, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: PCBOARD Computer program. PCBOARD is Super Tool-a digital computer program used to design the layouts of printed circuit boards. Not a substitute for printed cir- cuit layout experience, it rather provides the designer with the use of an interactive graphics terminal functioning as an electronic drafting board. Layouts can be generated on the face of the graphics screen thru the optimum place- ment of components and construction of the conductor paths interconnecting their common leads. A computer driven plotter produces inked drawing copies of the completed screen layout or when equipped with an optical expo- sure head this same plotter can produce an ac- tual size artwork master of the conductor pat- tern directly on photographic film for use in the manufacture of the board. AD-A011 343/1CP PC A02/MF A01 Braddock Dunn and Mcdonald Inc El Paso Tex Technical Tasks for the NET-2 Network Anal- ysis Program Final rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 74 Allan F. Malmberg. Dec 74, 21p HDL-071-1 Contract DAAG39-74-C-0071 Sponsored in part by Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, 'Computerized simulation, 'Bipolar transistors, Computer programs, Mathematical models. Identifiers: NET 2 computer program, Equivalent circuits. Various technical tasks have been performed in support of the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram, Release 8 and Release 9. These tasks in- clude final checkout of Release 9, data struc- ture improvements, work on eliminating com- putational delay, maintenance of the program, and addition of the Gummel-Poon bipolar transistor model. AD-A011 348/OCP PC A11/MF A01 University of South Florida Tampa Dept of Elec- trical Engineering SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Digital, and Control Systems. Revision I Final rept. James C. Bowers, John E. O'Reilly, and Gary A. Shaw. May 75, 233p Contract DAAA21-73-C-0433, DAAA21-73-C- 0655 Report on AMC CAD-E Series. See also AD-782 251 and AD-787 522. Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, 'Mechanical components, 'Computer applications, Logic circuits, Mechanical engineering, Gates(Circuits), Computer programming, In- struction manuals, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'SUPERSCEPTRE computer pro- gram, SCEPTRE computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language. Network analysis theory, Computer aided design, Feedback con- trol. SUPERSCEPTRE is a preprocessor developed for use in conjunction with the SCEPTRE cir- cuit analysis program. SUPERSCEPTRE ena- bles the user to simulate one-dimensional, n- degree of freedom mechanical systems, transfer functions, and digital logic devices in addition to electrical networks. SUPERSCEP- TRE retains the useful features of SCEPTRE and includes a mechanical description lan- guage analogous to the SCEPTRE circuit description language. The language is easy to learn and no previous computer programming experience is needed to use SUPERSCEPTRE effectively. The derivation of equations is not required since SUPERSCEPTRE automatically formulates the describing equations of a system from the component values and the system topology. AD-A011 603/8CP PC A09/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs Hanscom AFB Mass Impact of SAW Filters on RF Pulse Frequency Measurement by Double Detection Physical sciences research papers K. R. Laker, and A. J. Slobodnik, Jr. 6 Jan 75, 194pReptnos. AFCRL-PSRP-621 , AFCRL-TR- 75-0011 Descriptors: 'Band pass filters, Acoustic waves, Surface waves, Radiofrequency pulses, Mea- surement, Frequency bands, Detection, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Acoustic surface waves. When it is desired to measure the frequency of RF pulses to within a resolution comparable to the pulse spectral width, special techniques must be adopted. Double detection is such a method. The report presents a simplified mathematical model of the double detection frequency measurement technique. Both frequency and time domain (through the use of an FFT routine) responses of the two individual filters are considered along with the difference of the squares of the time domain responses. Good agreement between theory and experi- ment is shown. The model includes gating and thresholding and the effects of these parame- ters are investigated. A complete computer pro- gram description, listing, and test case are given. This model can be used to optimize the parameters of a double-detection system. Finally, the model has been used to evaluate the double detection performance of a variety of filter responses including Butterworth, flat ex- ponential filter, brick wall, Kaiser truncated sinx/x, Hamming, and Gaussian. AD-A012 963/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Coordinated Science Lab Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Mil- limeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits Master's thesis William Victor McLevige. Feb 75, 80p Rept nos. R-673, UILU-ENG-75-2207 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259 Descriptors: 'Dielectric waveguides, 'Millimeter waves, 'Integrated circuits, Wave propagation, Boundary value problems, Partial differential equations, Maxwells equations. Numerical in- tegration, Computer programs, FORTRAN, theses. Identifiers: Integrated optics, FORTRAN 2 pro- gramming language. Some new dielectric waveguide structures suitable for millimeter wave and optical in- tegrated circuits are presented. A method of analyzing wave propagation in these guides is developed through assuming simple field dis- tribution and approximating the various re- gions of the guides in terms of effective dielec- tric constants. The mathematical formulation utilized results in a closed form solution from which the dispersion characteristics of the waveguides are readily obtained. Experimental results are described and the agreement between theory and experiment is shown to be quite good. AD-A013 104/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Optimization of a Communication Satellite Multiple-Beam Antenna Technical note Andre R. Dion. 27 May 75, 62p TN-1 975-39, ESD-TR-75-180 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Descriptors: "Multiple beam antennas, 'Satellite antennas, "Lens antennas, Communi- cation satellites, Synchronous satellites. Waveguides, Lenses, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Pencil beams, Area coverage, Wide an- gles, Gain, Computer programs, X band, Satel- lite communications, Optimization. Identifiers: 'Waveguide lens antennas, Earth coverage. The dimensions of a multiple-beam antenna designed to optimize some desirable charac- teristics of a synchronous communication satellite are derived. The multiple-beam anten- na is an X-band waveguide lens with a cluster of feeds in its focal plane. Two antenna systems are considered: (1) an antenna system radiating pencil beams for area coverage, and (2) an an- tenna system radiating an earth-coverage beam with nulls in prescribed directions. The charac- teristics of the optimum configurations are stu- died over a band of frequency and for practical values of feed excitation errors. (Author) AD-A013 107/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Computer Simulation of MUX Bus Voltage Waveforms under Steady State Conditions Technical rept. R. A. Costa. Jun 75, 71p MTR-2948, ESD-TR-75- 67 Contract F19628-75-C-0001 Descriptors: "Avionics, "Bus conductors, "Computerized simulation, "Multiplexing, Relia- bility(Electronics), Costs, Voltage, Waveforms, Airborne, Electric cables, Shielding, Fortran, Computer programs. Equations, Steady state, Transformers, Resistors, Remote terminals. Identifiers: Computer software, Twisted pair, Fortran 4 programming language, Fault isola- tion. Digital techniques involving multiplex busing are being advocated in many quarters as a means of satisfying the need for greater relia- bility, decreased modification cost, and sim- plified maintenance of airborne avionics systems. This paper documents efforts to develop a computer simulation of a shielded, twisted pair cable multiplex bus with multiple subscribers using steady state equations. The simulation predicts voltage waveforms, driving point impedances, and power distributions for systems compatible with MIL-STD-1553 (USAF). Excellent agreement has been found between laboratory observations and the com- puter simulation, validating this approach. (Author) AD-A013 419/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Rockwell International Corp Anaheim Calif Electronics Research Div Programmable Acoustic Signal Processing Devices Final rept. 1 Oct 73-27 Feb 75 P.J. Hagon, L. R. Adkins, R. H. Harada, K. M. Lakin, and D. Penunuri. May 75, 88p C73- 369/501, ECOM-73-0106-F Contract DAAB07-73-C-0106 Descriptors: "Signal processing, "Acoustic delay lines, Acoustic waves, Surface waves. Computer programming, Correlators, Trans- mitter receivers, Coding, Ultrahigh frequency, Integrated circuits, Silicon, Sapphire, Matcticu filters, Spread spectrum, Decoding, Computer programs, Fabrication. Identifiers: Silicon on sapphire. The main objectives of this program were: To develop advanced programmable signal processing devices which employ surface acoustic wave tapped delay lines and in- tegrated control circuits. This included the design, fabrication, and evaluation of electroni- cally programmable tapped delay line (PTDL) waveform generators and matched filters. To design a transceiver which utilizes the PTDL's developed in Task 1 above as matched filters and demonstrate signal transmission and elec- tronically programmed decoding of spread spectrum phase coded wave-forms at 435 MHz with 20 MHz chip rates. To deliver six 435 MHz PTDL's to ECOM together with two demonstra- tion exerciser boxes and the transceiver. AD-A013 473/4CP PC A13/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Hybrid Mode Analysis of Coplanar Transmis- sion Lines Master's thesis Klaus-Dieter Kuchler. Jun 75, 285p Descriptors: "Slot lines, "Strip transmission lines, Ferrites, Resonators, Substrates, Fourier transformation, Computer programs, Matrices(Mathematics), Numerical analysis, Green's function, Transmission lines, Theses. Identifiers: Method of moments. A frequency dependent hybrid mode analysis of general coplanar transmission lines is presented. A Fourier transform technique is ap- plied and the resulting expressions are evalu- ated numerically using the method of moments. Shielded slot line resonators as well as disper- sion characteristic and characteristic im- pedance of open and closed boundary slot lines, coupled slot lines and coplanar strip lines are obtained. An extension of this technique is used in a perturbational analysis of slot lines on a ferrite substrate. The theoretical per- formances of various slot line directional couplers are predicted. Numerical results are compared with experiments in various cases, where excellent agreement has been obtained. AD-A013 950/1CP PC A02/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Minimum Directivity of Multiple-Beam Anten- nas Journal article Andre R. Dion. 24 Jun 74, 3p JA-4412, ESD-TR- 75-197 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Availability: Pub. in IEEE Transactions on An- tennas and Propagation, vAP-23 n2 p283-284 Mar 75. Descriptors: "Antennas, "Space communica- tions, "Antenna feeds, Directional, Focusing, Gain, Computer programs, Reprints. Identifiers: Multiple beam antennas, Spacing. The minimum directivity of a multiple-beam an- tenna is an important design parameter of the related communications system. This parame- ter is a function of the spacing between the feeds of a focusing device. In this communica- tion it is shown that the minimum directivity can be optimized by the proper choice of feed spac- ing. (Author) AD-A014 418/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Avionics Facility Indianapolis Ind MECA 74 (Multivalued Electronic Circuit Anal- ysis - Version 1974) - A Faster Computer Pro- gram for Analyzing Resistive Nonlinear Cir- cuits Technical rept. Paul A. Medlock. Sep 74, 70p Rept no. NAFI-TR- 2027 Descriptors: "Electrical networks, "Computer programming. Flip flop circuits, Linear systems, Nonlinear systems, Resistors, Voltage, Instruc- tion manuals. Identifiers: "MECA 74 computer program, "Network analysis theory. This report is a user's manual for MECA 74, a user oriented nonlinear network analysis pro- gram which uses less computer time on large networks than its predecessor MECA 68. MECA 74 is capable of finding operating points, driv- ing point characteristics, and transfer charac- teristics of resistive nonlinear networks con- taining controlled sources, and two terminal nonlinear resistors characterized by piecewise- linear voltage-cu rrent curves. AD-A014 643/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Alford (Andrew) Consulting Engineers Winchester Mass A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Structures Final rept. Oct 69-Apr 75 Andrew Alford, Edward French , and Raymond Schwartz. Apr 75, 146p FAA-RD-75-64 Contract DOT-FA70WA-2253 Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, "Instrument landings, "Glide path systems. Directional, Traveling waves. Directional antennas, Airports, Electromagnetic wave reflections. Hangars, Computer programs, Handbooks. Identifiers: Localizer arrays, DOT/4IZ/ID. Four new localizer antenna arrays, utilizing traveling wave elements, have been developed for the FAA. These elements are directional and are free of the mutual coupling problems of former arrays. Additionally the elements in the arrays are fed through couplers which have a 50 ohm input and output impedance. All arrays are broad band and operate without any line cutting. An initial part of this effort was to study a large number of the congested airports and determine the theoretical patterns necessary to provide CAT I or CAT II performance. Addi- tionally the arrays were to be modular, that is the smallest array could be expanded into the next bigger higher performance array and so forth to the very largest array. The smallest two arrays are single frequency arrays and the larger two are two-frequency capture-effect ar- rays. During the theoretical study phase, a com- puter program was developed to assist in analyzing the signal performance in the presence of reflecting surfaces. From this study, this handbook was developed to assist the engineer to make predictions with a minimum of mathematics as to what array to in- stall to give the perforamnce desired or what array is needed to upgrade a present localizer array. (Author) AD-A014 835/3CP PC E02/MF A01 General Electric Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, N.Y. Operator's Manual for Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Circuits Final rept. 1 Feb-30 Nov 74 K. L. Maxwell, F. A. Fisher, J. A. Plumer, and P. R. Rogers. Apr 75, 42 SRD-75-006, AFFDL-TR- 75-36-Vol-2 Contract F33615-74-C-3068 Descriptors: "Circuits, "Surges, Lightning, Air- craft equipment, Electric power, Coupling(lnteraction), Magnetic fields, Instruc- tion manuals, Computer programming. Predic- tions. The manual describes the use of computer pro- grams defined in the technical report 'Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightn- ing Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Cir- cuits.' It supplements the technical report with information on the use of the computer pro- grams. AD-A014 848/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Analysis of Radiation by Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground Tapan K. Sarkar, and Bradley J. Strait. 1 May 75, 74p Scientific-6, AFCRL-TR-75-0337 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, "Radio fields, Mathematical analysis, Computer programs, Orientation(Direction), Wire, Ground effect. Three user-oriented computer programs are presented and described for analyzing radia- tion from arrays of parallel vertical wires, paral- lel horizontal wires, and also arbitrary wire con- figurations over the surface of an imperfectly conducting earth. The first two programs are equipped to treat unequally spaced arrays of wires that can be of different lengths and radii and of arbitrary excitation and loading. The ef- fects of the imperfectly conducting earth are accounted for in an essentailly exact manner by using the Sommerfeld formulation. The third program treats arbitrary wire antennas and in- corporates the ground effects approximately by using the reflection-coefficient method. Com- puted output consists of current distribution, input impedances, and field patterns specified by the user. AD-A015 090/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Laurel Md Applied Physics Lab Wideband Solid-State Phased-Array Antenna Development at UHF Technical memo. G.J. Laughlin. Jul 75, 101 p Rept no. APL/JHU/TG-1278 Contract N00017-72-C-4401 Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, Ultrahigh frequen- cy, Solid state electronics. Broadband, Transistor amplifiers, Power amplifiers, In- tegrated systems, Impedance matching, Com- puter programs. Development of an experimental 16-element solid-state linear phased-array antenna that has an operating band from 0.6 to 0.95 GHz is described. Radiating elements in the antenna are novel strip radiators made using printed cir- cuit techniques. The array aperture has been impedance matched to a VSWR03.0:1 over the octave band from 0.5 to 1.0 GHz with beam scanning to plus or minus 60 degrees in the H plane. Element patterns measured on a 10- by 10-element array aperture indicate that the aperture is also matched with beam scanning to plus or minus 60 degrees in the E plane. Each of the radiators in the 16-element linear array was integrated with a microwave transistor amplifier with a nominal gain of 10 dB and efficiency of 50% at 3 watts output. Bandwidths of the am- plifiers limit the 16-element solid-state array to an operating band from 0.6 to 0.95 GHz. Beam scanning in the H plane is accomplished by in- serting lengths of coaxial delay lines between the integrated array and a 16:1 power divider network. Techniques and methods used in this development are applicable at higher radar frequencies. AD-A015 174/6CP PC A08/MF A01 General Electric Corporate Research and Development Schenectady N Y Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightn- ing Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Cir- cuits Final rept. 1 Feb-30 Nov 74 K.J. Maxwell, F. A. Fisher, J. A. Plumer, and P. R. Rogers. Apr 75, 161p SRD-75-005, AFFDL- TR-75-36-Vol-1 Contract F33615-74-C-3068 See also Volume 2, AD-A014 835. Descriptors: 'Transient radiation effects, 'Aircraft equipment, 'Lightning, 'Computer programs, Circuits, Electrical equipment, Surges, Magnetic fields, Predictions. Identifiers: DIFFUSION computer program, APERTURE computer program. The report describes a computerized program to define the induced circuit voltage within an aircraft electrical system due to a lightning strike on the aircraft. One routine of the pro- gram (DIFFUSION) calculates the effect of mag- netic fields caused by current on the aircraft skin. The other routine (APERTURE) calculates the magnetic field that enters the aircraft because of an opening. The induced voltages are then calculated for any given electrical cir- cuit. The program has defined geometrical con- figurations for a fuselage, rectangular wing, and empennage sections. A subroutine calcu- lates the current distribution on the skin of the section being analyzed. The program input cur- rent and output voltage are in the time domain. AD-A015 242/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Radiation Lab Sidelobe Suppression Mode Performance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas Interim rept. Jul 73-Jun 74 Jovan Zatkalik, Dipak L. Sengupta, and Chen- To Tai. Feb 75, 161 p TSC-FAA-75-3 Contract DOT-TSC-717 Descriptors: 'Air traffic control systems, 'Sidelobes, Antennas, Suppression, Radar beacons, Directional antennas, Antenna arrays, Antenna radiation patterns, Computerized simulation, Computer programs. Identifiers: DOT/4IZ/ID, ATCRBS(Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Systems), Air traffic con- trol radar beacon systems. The SLS mode performance of terminal and en- route ATCRBS using existing and various im- proved antennas in the presence of perfectly dielectric flat ground are investigated theoreti- cally. Necessary analytical expressions for vari- ous quantities characterizing the system per- formance have been derived. A computer pro- gram has been developed for the computation and tabulation of these quantities as functions of the elevation angle of the observation point for different combinations of heights of the directional and omnidirectional antennas. For each antenna combination results are given for the following seven quantities: the P1 and P2 pulse intensities, the pulse ratio P1/P2, the mainbeam killing and sidelobe punch-through zones in space, the effective azimuth beam- width, the number of replies and the coverage diagram. Short discussions of results are given wherever appropriate. AD-A015 243/9CP PC A08/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Radiation Lab Improved Sidelob Suppression Mode Per- formance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas Interim rept. Jul 73-Jun 74 Dipak L. Sengupta, Jovan Zatkalik, and Chen- To Tai. Feb 75, 1 68p TSC-FAA-75-4 Contract DOT-TSC-717 Descriptors: 'Air traffic control systems, 'Sidelobes, Antennas, Suppression, Radar beacons. Antenna arrays, Antenna radiation patterns, Computer programs, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: DOT/4IZ/ID, ATCRBS(Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Systems), Air traffic con- trol radar beacon systems. The ISLS mode performance of terminal and enroute ATCRBS using existing and various im- proved antennas in the presence of perfectly dielectric flat ground are investigated theoreti- cally. Necessary analytical expressions for vari- ous quantities characterizing the system per- formance have been derived. A computer pro- gram has been developed for the computation and tabulation of these quantities as functions of the elevation angle of the observation point for different combinations of heights of the directional and omnidirectional antennas. For each antenna combination results are given for the following seven quantities: the P1 and P2 pulse intensities, the pulse ratio P1/P2, the mainbeam killing and sidelobe punch-through zones in space, the effective azimuth beam- width, the number of replies and the coverage diagram. Short discussions of results are given wherever appropriate. AD-A015 675/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Design of Reactively Controlled Antenna Ar- rays Technical rept. Roger F. Harrington, Robert F. Wallenberg, and Alan R. Harvey. Sep 75, 42p Rept nos. TR-4, TR- 75-10 Contract N00014-67-A-0378-0006 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, Beam steering, Antenna radiation patterns, Circular antennas, Computer programs, Reactance, Transformers, Transmission lines, Directional antennas, An- tenna feeds, Dipole antennas. Identifiers: Univariate search. Design. This report considers the use of variable reactance loads to control the beam direction of reactively loaded antenna arrays. The arrays considered have a single feed point, no trans- mission lines to the elements, and one reactive load per element. Only partial control of the array characteristics is possible using this scheme. The initial design of the array is ob- tained by resonating the desired port currents, and this is then improved by an optimum seek- ing univariate search method. This procedure gives good results for arrays of moderate num- bers of relatively closely spaced elements. Several numerical examples are given for ar- rays of half-wavelength long dipole antennas. A computer program for the univariate search method, with operating instructions, is in- cluded. (Author) AD-A015 808/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Coordinated Science Lab Computer Aided Analysis of Integrated Injec- tion Logic Technical rept. Jeffrey Alan Nieh aus. Sep 75, 46p Rept nos. R- 689, UILU-ENG-75-2224 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Logic cir- cuits, Digital systems, Computerized simula- tion, Theses, Gates(Circuits), Computer appli- cations. Identifiers: 'Integrated injection logic circuits. Computer aided analysis, Large scale in- tegrated circuits, Logic design, SPICE com- puter program. Integrated injection logic is a low power, high density bipolar logic family. The switching speed is inversely proportional to the current levels used, which can vary anywhere from the nA to microamp range. Since integrated injec- tion logic is a current switching logic, it can operate over a wide range of supply voltages. Besides possessing a low speed power product, it has the highest packing density of any standard logic family. The paper compares results of derived equations with circuit simula- tions run under the Berkeley SPICE program on the DEC-10 Computer. Logic design with these multiple-output, single-input devices is also analyzed and simulated on the computer. AD-A016 576/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Method to Predict the Thermal Performance of Printed Circuit Board Mounted Solid State Devices Final rept. Matthew D. Kelleher. 31 Jul 75, 57p Rept no. NPS-59-Kk75071 Descriptors: 'Solid state electronics, Thermal analysis, Printed circuits, Circuit boards, Relia- bility(Electronics), Predictions, Cooling, Heat transfer, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Solid state devices, FORTRAN 4 programming language. The objective was to formulate a design procedure to be used in the prediction of the thermal performance of printed circuit board mounted solid state devices (specifically 14 and 16 pin DIP'S and TO-3 and TO-66 transistor cases). The project consists of an analytical phase which constitutes the actual formulation of the design procedure in the form of a digital computer program with appropriate documen- tation and an experimental phase which in- volves testing of actual P-C boards to verify the analytical model. AD-A016 776/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Damage Analysis Modified TRAC Computer Program (DAMTRAC) George H. Baker, Alan D. McNutt, David M. Rubenstein, and G. Bradford Shea. May 75, 96p Rept no. HDL-TM-75-6 See also report dated Jun 68, AD-836 683. Descriptors: 'Solid state electronics, 'Transient radiation effects, Semiconductor devices, Com- puter programming. Computerized simulation. Circuits. Identifiers: DAMTRAC computer program. A computer program tailored for EMP damage analysis of solid-state circuitry has been developed by modifying the existing transient radiation analysis by computer (TRAC) network analysis program. Modification of the TRAC diode and transistor models to include break- down prameters and the addition of a semicon- ductor device parameter library have greatly simplified the analyst's task. An added feature is a subroutine that automatically calculates the amplitude and duration of transient power dis- sipated in circuit components. AD-A016 826/OCP PC A15/MF A01 Joint Technical Coordinating Group on Elec- tronics Equipment Reliability Final Report of the Joint Logistics Comman- ders Electronic Systems Reliability Workshop 1 Oct 75, 334p See also Summary report dated 1 Aug 75, AD- A014 568. Descriptors: 'Reliability (Electronics), 'Meetings, Microcircuits, Electronic equip- ment, Management planning and control, Systems analysis, Test methods, Procurement, Avionics. Identifiers: Computer program reliability. The Workshop represents a culmination of al- most three years of effort by the Joint Technical Coordinating Group on Electronic Equipment Reliability (JTCG-EER), which was devoted to a series of investigations for improving reliability and procurement practices related to microcir- cuits. After making substantial progress on its device related projects, the JTCG-EER decided to organize the Electronic Systems Reliability Workshop in order to address the system relia- bility problem and to consider means of developing improved management procedures, documentation, standards, and analytic and testing techniques for producing more reliable systems. The Workshop was organized into seven work groups, namely: Acquisition Relia- bility Management, Operational Reliability Management, Reliability Testing, Reliability Documentation, Reliability Analysis, Reliability Design Techniques, and Software Reliability. AD-A017 094/4CP PC A14/MF A01 Florida Univ Gainesville Dept of Electrical En- gineering Investigation and Study of Computational Techniques for Design and Fabrication of In- tegrated Electronic Circuits Final rept. 7 Mar 74-30 Jun 75 David P. Kennedy. Sep 75, 305p Contract ARPA Order-2700, Grant MDA903-74- G5 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Computer aided design, 'Semiconductor devices, Costs, Manufacturing, Mathematical models, Com- puter programs, Communication equipment, Radar equipment, Epitaxial growth, Metal oxide semiconductors, Silicon, Transistors, Field ef- fect transistors, Ion implantation. Under ARPA Grant MDA903-74-G5, the Univer- sity of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, has un- dertaken a program of study on the topic of Computer Engineering of Integrated Circuits. The purpose of this program was to identify problem areas associated with the design and development of integrated semiconductor cir- cuits; problem areas that result in excessive cost and inadequate availability of the particu- lar type electronic structures required by the DoD. An additional purpose of this study is to recommend a program of research and development directed toward alleviating the identified problem areas. AD-A017 106/6CP PC A99/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs Hanscom AFB Mass Surface Acoustic Wave Filters at UHF: Design and Analysis Physical sciences research papers Andrew J. Slobodnik, Jr. 3 Jun 75, 672p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-75-031 1 , AFCRL-PSRP-634 Descriptors: 'Band pass filters, Acoustic waves, Surface waves, Transducers, Ultrahigh frequency. Frequency response, Frequency synthesizers, Periodic functions, Computer programs, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: 'Acoustic surface waves, Interdigital transducers, Design. The purpose of the report is to provide a unified and reasonably self-contained source of theoretical techniques for ideal Surface acoustic wave (SAW) bandpass filter design and analysis. Topics discussed include an in- troduction to sampling theory, transducer anal- ysis from sampling weights, cosine squared- on-a-pedestal transducers, phase reversal transducers, Dolph-Chebyshev and Kaiser weighting for sharp-cutoff filters, optimum (equiripple) filter synthesis plus Butterworth and other no-null frequency response filters. In addition, periodic time and frequency respon- ses are discussed. Synthesis of phase weighted bandpass filters are also considered in detail, as are second order and real life effects such as inaccurate apodization, inaccurate finger placement, electrode resistance effects, and phase distortion due to the finite gap between electrodes and dummy electrodes. In all cases, full computer program descriptions, listings and test runs are provided. AD-A017 475/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Avalanche and Depletion Region Widths for Uniformly Doped Gallium Arsenide Impact Avalanche Transit Time Diodes Research and development technical rept. Kenneth L. Klohn, and John F. Armata, Jr. Nov 75, 44p Rept no. ECOM-4368 Descriptors: 'IMPATT diodes, Gallium arse- nides, Doping, Breakdown(Electronic threshold), Direct current, Computer programs, Electrical properties. High dc to rf conversion efficiency is one of the primary objectives in designing impact avalanche transit time (IMPATT) devices. To aid in the design for best efficiency for any given frequency, it is very desirable to know the size of the avalanche region and depletion layer as a function of the doping concentration in the material. This report summarizes the dc analy- sis used to determine values of breakdown volt- age, depletion layer width, maximum electric field, avalanche width to depletion width ratio, dc to rf conversion efficiency and the range of possible transit time frequencies, all as a func- tion of doping concentration between 1 x 10 to the 15th and 1 x 10 to the 17th atoms percu cm. A calculator program is presented to perform the above calculations. Comparisons were made among four different sets of constants found in the literature for the ionization rate equation at room temperature and three sets for an operating temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Calculations were made for a uniformly doped gallium arsenide IMPATT device which is the simplest structure to fabricate. AD-A017 677/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass The 'Standard' MUX Bus: Some Constraints on Information Flow Arising from MIL-STD- 1553 (USAF) Technical rept. P. R. Cloud. Nov 75, 44p MTR-3041 , ESD-TR- 75-96 Contract F19628-75-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Bus conductors, "Time division multiplexing, 'Message processing, 'Communications networks, Avionics, Specifi- cations, Military requirements, Standards, Communications traffic, Control systems, Com- puter programs, Information transfer, Remote terminals, Word organized storage. Identifiers: Constraints. MITRE has designed, constructed, and operated an avionics time division multiplex bus compatible with the requirements of MIL- STD-1553 (USAF). In the course of engineering the software to perform the message control function for this network, some constraints on the message flow were encountered that are not immediately apparent when reading the standard. The purpose of this report is to alert the system designer to some of these potential difficulties. Four main topics are discussed: (1) Bus capacity; (2) A time constraint on message handling; (3) Subaddresses, and Data Word ac- cessibility; and (4) Temporal characteristics of information transferred on the bus. AD-A017 956/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J A Quantum Mechanical Description of Charge Injection Devices (CID) Final rept. Steven A. Bleier. Jul 75, 85p Rept no. ECOM- 4342 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Charge coupled devices, Quan- tum theory, Semiconductor devices, Vidicons, Wave functions, Schrodinger equation, Com- putations, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Metal insulator semiconductors, 'Charge injection devices. Of the two charge transfer techniques in use today, the charge injection device (CID) is analyzed by using quantum mechanical methods. First, the basic structure of the CID is reviewed. The CID consists of a linear array of metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) elements. Each element of the device is a photon detector whose function is to transform the incident image into a distribution of minority carriers located in an inversion region under the metal gates. Since the MIS structure is the primary mechanism by which this transformation operation occurs, its characteristics are analyzed. The prime concern of this paper is to investigate characteristics of the depletion re- gion formed when voltage is applied to the MIS structure. By assuming that a constant electric field exists within the semiconductor and a constant potential exists within the insulator, approximate wave functions and energy levels for the minority carriers are found by computa- tional methods for both regions. Finally, the theory of quantum transitions is used to derive an expression for the transition probability when light is absorbed by the MIS structure. AD-A018 444/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Bdm Corp Albuquerque N Mex The EMCAP (Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Program) Properties of the Banded Matrix Iterative Solution Technique for Thin Wire Moments Problems Phase rept. 2 Apr-1 Jul 75 T. R. Ferguson. Nov 75, 35p BDM/A-141-75-TR, RADC-TR-75-272 Contract F30602-74-C-0182 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Computer programs, 'Mathematical predic- tion, 'Electric wire. Equations, Simultaneous equations, Moments, Stability, Errors, Control systems, Computer logic, Iterations, Matrices(Mathematics), Electrical impedance, Thinness, Bandwidth, Exponential functions, Efficiency, Approximation(Mathematics). Identifiers: Linear equations. Efficient solution of the linear simultaneous equations arising from thin wire moments problems by a banded matrix iterative technique has been demonstrated for a variety of small problems in previous reports. This re- port includes studies of stability of the equa- tions, computation of residual errors in the iterative method, statistics on performance of a new convergence measure, prediction of effi- ciencies during the iteration, possibilities for control logic for the iteration with checkpoint/restart capabilities, and an attempt to accelerate convergence. (Author) AD-A018 452/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Coordinated Science Lab Analysis of Slot Line Type Waveguides Technical rept. Nikola Samardzija. Nov 75, 52p Rept nos. R- 697, UILU ENG-75-2232 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Waveguide slots, 'Strip transmis- sion lines, 'Dielectric waveguides, Waveguides, Wavelengths, Transmission lines, Electric fields, Coaxial cables, Electromagnetic fields, Propagation, Computer programs, Theses, In- tegrated circuits, Magnetic fields. The idea of having electromagnetic fields propagating along the slot in a metal sheet is not a new one. It has been used for radiating antenna elements, in which radiation was of primary interest. Also dielectric-covered reso- nant slots have been analyzed by Bailey in 1967. The basic difference between previous slot ele- ments and the slot line is that in the latter we are interested in minimizing radiation in order to achieve superior transmission charac- teristics. AD-A018 546/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Thermal Technology Lab Inc Buffalo N Y Development of Lightweight Transformers for Airborne High Power Supplies. Volume II Final technical rept. Jun 72-Jan 75 R. Haumesser, D. Lockwood, R. McNall, and James P. Welsh. Jun 75, 1 12p AFAPL-TR-75-15- Vol-2 Contract F33615-72-C-1944 See also Volume 1, AD-A018 545. Descriptors: 'Transformers, 'Computer pro- grams, Power supplies, Subroutines, Airborne, Programming manuals. User needs, Cooling, Printers(Data processing), Debugging(Computers), Plotting, Winding, Cores, Capacitance, Lightweight, Parameters. Identifiers: TDPLOT computer program, Design. A procedure, Function TDP, and its associated subroutines and functions, determines a con- sistent set of values for dependent design parameters for a given set of independent design parameter values. A listing of trans- former design parameters and a consistent set of units are presented. These are passed in and out of TDP through a 300 element array PV in labeled common block PVDC. Section 2 discusses general features and limitations of TDP. Considerations that must be taken into ac- count in order to avoid infeasable transformer designs are discussed in Section 3. Program TDPLOT is an aid in optimizing transformer designs. This procedure generates an output in the form of 3-dimensional line printer and/or Cal-Comp plots of the objective function and final transformer design parameter values. A description of the input required by PROGRAM TDPLOT and the output that is generated is discussed in Section 4. Appendix 2 discusses computing system requirements and presents an example run. An FTN compiler source listing of the program is provided in Appendix 3. AD-A018 697/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Some Comments on Power Combiner/Switch Matrices C. W. Young, Jr, and M. L. Reuss, Jr. 26 Nov 75, 27p Rept no. NRL-7937 Descriptors: 'Signal processing, 'Matrices(Circuits), Switching circuits. Errors, Power conditioning, Computer programs. High-power signals can be switched with low- power switch control using hybrid matrices and parallel amplifiers. This study treats the effects of input phase and amplitude errors on the out- puts of combiner/switch matrices. Worst-case isolation and loss are considered as a function of the errors mentioned and of the unbalance of the hybrids forming the matrix. Effects of each parameter are considered individually; a com- puter program to study the effects of several er- rors simultaneously is listed in the report. AD-A018 999/3CP MF A01 Naval Air Development Center Warminster Pa Bent Plate Computer Program Listing Oct 75, 75p NADC-75251 -20b, DOD/DF-75/003b For computer program on magnetic tape, see AD-A019 001 . See also AD-A019 000. Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, "Electromagnetic scattering, 'Computer pro- grams, Aircraft antennas, Plates, High frequen- cy, Reflection, Diffraction, Predictions, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Bent plate computer program, CDC 6600 computers. The program can be used to show the elec- tromagnetic scattering effects from a flat or bent plate. One antenna or an array of antennas can be mounted near the plate. The program will compute information necessary for antenna pattern plots. If the plots are desired, a mag- netic tape drive is necessary to run the pro- gram. The generated tapes from these pro- grams can be used on a California Computer Products, Inc's CALCOMP pen plotter, model 763 to produce the desired antenna patterns. AO-A019 000/9CP MF A01 Naval Air Development Center Warminster Pa Roll Plane Computer Program Oct 75, 142p NADC-75251 -20a, DOD/DF- 75/003a For computer program on magnetic tape, see AD-A019 001 . See also AD-A018 999. Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, Aircraft antennas, Air- frames, Predictions, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Roll plane computer program, CDC 6600 computers. The Roll Plane program can be used to predict an antenna radiation pattern for a fuselage mounted antenna. The aircraft's fuselage, wings and horizontal stabilizers can be modeled in the program. The program will com- pute information necessary for antenna pattern plots. If the plots are desired, a magnetic tape drive is necessary to run the program. The generated tapes from the program can be used on a California Computer Products, Inc. CAL- COMP pen plotter, Model 763 to produce the desired antenna patterns. AD-A019 001/7CP CP T04 Naval Air Development Center Warminster Pa Roll Plane and Bent Plate Programs. Release No. 1 Software Walter D. Burnside, Robert E. Lee, and Robert D. Hayes. Oct 75, 2400 ft NADC-75251 -20, DOD/DF-75/003 Availability: Available in 9 track, 800/1600 ASCII character code, odd parity only. Price includes documentation, AD-777 975, AD-777 976, AD- 777 977 and AD-777 989. Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, Air- craft antennas, High frequency, Predictions, Electromagnetic scattering, Reflection, Diffrac- tion, Airframes, Magnetic tape, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Software, Roll plane computer pro- gram, Bent plate computer program, CDC 6600 computers. This tape contains two source computer pro- grams. They are named the Roll Plane and Bent Plate Programs. The Roll Plane program can be used to predict an antenna radiation pattern for a fuselage mounted antenna. The aircraft's fuselage, wings and horizontal stabilizers can be modeled in the program. The Bent Plate pro- gram can be used to show the electromagnetic scattering effects from a flat or bent plate. One antenna or an array of antennas can be mounted near the plate. Both programs will compute information necessary for antenna pattern plots. If the plots are desired, a mag- netic tape drive is necessary to run the pro- gram. The generated tapes from these pro- grams can be used on a California Computer Products, Inc's CALCOMP pen plotter, model 763 to produce the desired antenna pat- terns Software description: These programs were written in the FORTRAN programming language for implementation on a CDC 6600 computer using the SCOPE 3.3 operating system. AD-A019 155/1CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Ammunition Depot Crane Ind Neutron Hardness Assurance for Bipolar Transistors through Determination of Physi- cal Parameters Final rept. R. D. Blice, and J. A. Munarin.Nov 75, 199p AFWL-TR-74-327 8 Descriptors: 'Bipolar transistors, Radiation re- sistance, Nondestructive testing, Neutron ir- radiation, Predictions, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Transient radiation effects. A nondestructive method of neutron radiation hardness assurance is developed for bipolar transistors using a detailed one-dimensional model to obtain the powers (sensitivity parame- ters) relating postirradiation h sub FE and V sub CE(sat) at any operating point to preirradiation physical parameters and preirradiation electri- cal measurements at specified operating points. The transistor model uses physical dimensions, doping concentrations, diffusion constants, electric fields, and minority carrier lifetimes determined from terminal electrical measurements. The sensitivity parameters are applied to (1) predicting postirradiation h sub FE and V sub CE(sat) from preirradiation elec- trical measurements and the physical parame- ters extracted from them and (2) establishing upper or lower bounds on preirradiation physi- cal parameters. In this study, sensitivity parameters are calculated for a medium-power double-diffused planar epitaxial NPN device (2N2222A). AD-A019 219/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Operational Procedures for Optimized Relia- bility and Component Life Estimator (ORACLE) Final rept. Jerry Kastning. Dec 75, 78p Rept no. ECOM- 4382 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Reliability, 'Reliability(Electronics), Electronic equipment, Integrated circuits, Semiconductor devices. Capacitors, REsistors, Diodes, Electrical equip- ment, Failure(Electronics), Cost analysis. Data bases, Trade off analyses, Predictions, Modules( Electronics). Optimization. Identifiers: Mean time between failure, ORACLE computer program, Software. Optimized Reliability And Component Life Esti- mator (ORACLE) is a software program which determines the failure rate of integrated cir- cuits, discrete semiconductors, capacitors, re- sistors and inductors. In determining individual component failure rates, ORACLE follows the procedures prescribed in MIL-HDBK-217B. Thus ORACLE eliminates the most tedious parts of producing a reliability analysis for mili- tary equipment; namely, the looking up of the myriad of individual component parameters and formulas needed to determine component failure rates. The data base is restricted to com- ponents with a military part number. Those components currently found in the data base include integrated circuits, transistors, various types of diodes, capacitors, and inductors. Re- sistors, some styles of capacitors and some styles of inductors do not need to be in the data base as their individual part number contains enough information to allow ORACLE to decode and determine the failure rate without further information from a data base. ORACLE produces: (1) the total failure rate for a module (a set of related parts that together perform a specified function); (2) the MTBF for the module; (3) the price for each component if purchased in small quantities; and (4) the price for each component if purchased in quantities of 1000 or more. The component part input for- mats provide for the submission of component application dependent information such as the operating temperature, the operating environ- ment, the component screening level, the duty cycle or usage, and other specific information uniquely applicable to each part. The purpose of this procedure is to perform a tradeoff analy- sis. AD-A019 438/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Princeton Univ N J Solid State and Materials Lab A Computer Program to Calculate Surface State Densities and Lateral Nonuniformities In Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices Technical rept. T. A. Pandolfi, and B. S. H. Royce. 22 Dec 75, 59p Rept nos. PSSL-221275, 1256-AMS Contract N00014-75-C-1022 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, 'Computer programs, Metal oxide semiconduc- tors, Surface properties. Doping, Depletion, Surface energy, Density. Identifiers: BASIC programming language. A Basic language computer program to control data taking and parameter calculation of metal- oxide-semiconductor devices is presented. The program calculates surface potential, surface state density, apparent doping density, and depletion width. AD-A019 470/4CP PC A02/MF A01 Bdm Corp El Paso Tex Maintenance for the NET-2 Network Analysis Program Final rept. 2 Apr-31 Dec 75 Larry D. Ray. Dec 75, 15p HDL-140-1 Contract DAAG39-75-C-0140 Descriptors: 'Circuit analysis, 'Computer pro- grams, Radiation effects. Networks, Nuclear radiation, Maintenance, Electronic equipment. Maintenance activities for the Release 9 version of the NET-2 Network Analysis Program are described. These activities include correction of logical and programming errors, improve- ment of numerical techniques as required, and provision of engineering assistance and con- sultation in the application of NET-2 as directed by the Harry Diamond Laboratories. (Author) AD-A019 851/5CP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Automated Design of Digital Integrate Circuit Masks Master's thesis Russell A. Glastetter. Dec 75, I55p Rept no. GE/EE/75-30 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Masks, 'Computer aided design, Chips(Electronics), Metallizing, Algorithms, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Theses. Identifiers: Large scale integrated circuits, Lee algorithm, CDC-6600 computers. A computer program is developed to generate an integrated circuit mask for the metalization layer of a standard COS/MOS chip. The pro- gram is written in FORTRAN Extended for the CDC 6600 computer. It is designed for digital circuits and bridges the gap from logic diagram level information to actual mask production tapes. The program was designed for use with the RCA Gate Universal Array family of chips. These chips consist of a large array of COS/MOS transistors. Circuits are built up from such digital logic functions as gates, flip-flops, binary dividers and other small scale logic func- tions. The interconnecting paths between the modules are routed by a form of the Lee al- gorithm. The output is via standard plotting system subroutines and, with very slight modifi- cation, can be used with most plotting systems. AD-A020 872/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta School of Electri- cal Engineering Silicon Controlled Rectifier Large Signal Model Final rept. 1 Oct 74-30 Jun 75 R. P. Webb, W. R. Callen, W. E. Sayle, and R. D. Jones. Oct 75, 26p AFAPL-TR-75-89 Contract F33615-74-C-2039 Descriptors: 'Silicon controlled rectifiers, Com- puterized simulation, Mathematical models, Transients. Identifiers: Supersceptre computer program. Experimental measurements and a computer model of the transient behavior of standard low and intermediate power SCR's are described. The forward current through the device is monitored as the gate is triggered, with an ini- tially applied forward voltage. The anode cur- rent as a function of time has been measured for fixed gate pulse duration, with gate pulse amplitude as a parameter. A computer model, using exponential functions to describe the anode current as a function of time, has been developed and is compared with the experi- mental results. AD-A020 994/OCP PC E03/MF A01 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Intensified Silicon Diode-Array Target TV- Camera Tube (EBSICON); Description and Mathematical Model Technical rept. K. F. Muller, and G. O. Sauermann. Jan 76, 129 MTR-3073, ESD-TR-75-362 Contract F19628-76-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Camera tubes, Electron tube tar- gets, Vidicons, Silicon, Semiconductor diodes, Image intensification, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Gain, Optical images. Storage, Arrays, Space surveillance systems. Identifiers: Electron beam semiconductor devices, GEODSS system. In the document the mechanical configuration and the electrical operation of a low light level TV scanning image tube which incorporates high optical gain and image storage is described. The physical phenomena associated with these properties are described. From analytical descriptions of the phenomena, a mathematical model is developed. The com- puter program implementations of the model provide economical tools for overall system design considerations. These implementations of the model are flexible enough to encompass all sensor tube characteristics and their operat- ing modes conceivable at this time. Where suf- ficiently accurate tube and operating parame- ters were available, comparisons of the model performance with experimental data showed very good quantitative agreement. AD-A021 171/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Artificial Intelligence Lab Heuristic Techniques in Computer Aided Cir- cuit Analysis Gerald Jay Sussman, and Richard Matthew Stallman. Mar 75, 28p Rept no. AI-M-328 Contract N00014-70-A-0362-0005 Descriptors: 'Circuit analysis, 'Computer aided instruction, 'Artificial intelligence, 'Heuristic methods, Electrical networks, Bias, Voltage, Transistor amplifiers, Steady state. Identifiers: EL computer program. Whereas other circuit analysis systems rely on classical, formal analysis techniques, EL em- ploys heuristic inspection methods to solve rather complex DC bias circuits. These techniques also give EL the ability to explain any result in terms of its own qualitative reason- ing processes. EL's reasoning is based on the concept of a local one-step deduction aug- mented by various teleological principles and by the concept of a macro-element. Several an- notated examples of EL in operation and an ex- planation of how it works were presented. Also how EL can be extended in several directions, including sinusoidal steady state analysis were discussed. EL is significant not only as a novel approach to circuit analysis but also as an ap- plication of Artificial Intelligence techniques to a new and interesting domain. AD-A021 452/8CP PC A05/MF A01 R and D Associates Marina Del Rey Calif Linear and Non-Linear EMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab Technical rept. William J. Karzas, and Charles T. C. Mo. Jul 75, 80p Rept no. RDA-TR-9000-001 Contract N00014-75-C-0104 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic shielding, 'Ferromagnetic materials, Electromagnetic pul- ses, Transverse waves, Penetration, Diffusion, Numerical analysis. Finite difference theory, Computer programs, Nonlinear systems. Identifiers: DIFUSN computer program. The report investigates the shielding problem for the incident EMP in the form of a cylindrical TEM wave, such as a wire carrying a surge ar- restor current terminated at an iron or steel shielding plane. Because of the large strength of the incident field, the nonlinear ferromag- netic saturation of the plate plays an important role in determining the peak and the shape of the shape of the transmitted field. This problem, based on and together with its one-dimensional plane-wave-incidence version, is solved analytically for a constant mu case. The analyti- cal results are then used to partly predict and to interpret the numerical results for the one- dimension nonlinear case, obtained by using a finite difference code DIFUSN, and to help pre- dict the behaviors for the cylindrical nonlinear case. AD-A021 720/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Coordinated Science Lab Computer-Aided Analysis of Mixer Circuits Technical rept. William Hsia Kao. Jan 76, 107p Rept nos. R-716, UILU-ENG-76-2204 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259, Grant NSF-ENG- 75-02708 Descriptors: "Circuit analysis, "Mixing circuits, *Mixers(Electronics), "Computerized simula- tion. Computer applications, Algorithms, Transients, Computer programs, Steady state, Waveforms, Theses, Transistors, Parameters, Costs. While great advances have been made in nu- merical algorithms for d.c, a.c, and transient analysis of systems, very little research has been done on the development of simulation programs for the steady state analysis of non- linear communication circuits. This thesis car- ries out an assessment of computer aided simu- lation techniques in the analysis of mixer cir- cuits. Problems that are frequently encountered in mixer circuits, some mixer performance criteria, and some design tips are discussed. A survey of various computational techniques for the steady state analysis of nonlinear circuits is also presented. (Author) AD-A021 736/4CP PC A07/MF A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Mountain View Calif Electret Tape Transducer Final rept. Mar-Sep 75 G. Kirby Miller. Feb 76, 132p RADC-TR-76-22 Contract F30602-75-C-0075 Descriptors: "Transducers, Electrets, Tapes, In- trusion detection, Acoustic detectors, Ul- trasonic radiation, Doppler systems. Computer programs, FORTRAN. The report covers an initial program to establish the feasibility of a new line transducer based on an active ultrasonic electret tape con- cept. It describes a theoretical model based on a lumped-element harmonic electromechanical analysis and was programmed for a high speed digital computer to allow the assessment of the effects of fourteen transducer parameters. It also describes the method used for charging the electret layer, the techniques developed for fabricating samples of the transducer, the test procedures required to evaluate the active and passive performance characteristics of the samples, and refinements to the fabrication process necessary to develop long samples. AD-A021 789/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Microstrip Loss Master's thesis Remzi Arikonmaz. Dec 75, 73p Descriptors: "Strip transmission lines, Losses, Spectrum analysis, Computer programs, Im- pedance, Theses. The thesis presents a frequency dependent analysis of microstrip loss. Spectral domain theory is employed to develop expressions for both dielectric and conductor loss in a form suitable for programming on a digital com- puter. Computational results are presented and compared with those of other investigators. AD-A022 375/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta School of Electri- cal Engineering A Computer Model for a High Power SCR Final rept. 1 Oct 74-30 Jun 75 H. A. Nienhaus, J. C. Bowers, and M. S. Ziemacki. Dec 75, 62p AFAPL-TR-75-106 Contract F33615-74-C-2039 Prepared in cooperation with University of South Florida, Tampa. Dept. of Electrical En- gineering. Descriptors: "Silicon controlled rectifiers, "Computer programs, High power, Electrical properties, Mathematical models, Compu- terized simulation. This paper describes a computer model for the Westinghouse T527-1284 series of SCR's. This device, which has an average continuous cur- rent rating of 115a and a one cycle surge cur- rent rating of 1200a, consists of two SCR's in the amplifying gate configuration. The described model can also be applied to other devices which employ the amplifying gate and shorted emitter. (Author) AD-A022 702/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Rockwell International Cedar Rapids Iowa Col- lins Radio Group High Stability Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator Study Interim progress rept. no. 3, 28 Feb 74-28 Feb 75 Alan B. Mroch, and Glenn R. Hykes. Feb 76, 114pECOM-73-0137-3 Contract DAAB07-73-C-0137 See also Rept. No. ECOM-73-0137-2, AD-A003 921. Descriptors: "Crystal oscillators, Tactical com- munications, Thermal stability, Frequency sta- bilizers, Voltage regulators, Sensitivity, Com- pensation, Digital to analog converters, Radiofrequency filters, Packaged circuits, Tem- perature, Integrated circuits, Computer pro- grams, Sizes(Dimensions). Identifiers: Large scale integrated circuits. The purpose of this program is the further development of a high stability temperature compensated crystal oscillator (HSTCXO) ini- tially developed under contract DAAB07-71-C- 0136. This HSTCXO is digitally compensated and is intended for use as a reference frequen- cy source in advanced tactical communications systems. The program is to include detailed in- vestigations into critical areas of size reduction, compensation simplification, and performance improvement. Five advanced exploratory models of the digitally compensated HSTCXO are to be delivered. AD-A022 966/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Center for Naval Analyses Arlington Va Opera- tions Evaluation Group MATCHAR - A Computer Program for Estimat- ing Character Error Rate Research contribution Rodger E. Poore. Dec 75, 53p Rept no. CRC-289 Contract N00014-76-C-0001 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Message processing, "Communications traffic, Errors, Communication and radio systems, Naval equipment, Quality control, Estimates, Circuits, Data reduction, Rates. Identifiers: MATCHAR computer program, "Character error rate. A computer program for estimating character error rate by comparing send and receive character streams is described and evaluated. (Author) AD-A022 979/9CP PC A10/MF A01 Boeing Aerospace Co Seattle Wash Users Manual for SUPERSAP2 Final rept. J. L. Cooke, J. J. Schwarz, D. E. Duncan, and L. H. Skinner. Feb 76, 21 Op D224-1 3047-2, AFWL- TR-75-70 Contract F29601 -74-C-0008 Prepared in cooperation with BDM Corp., Al- buquerque, N. Mex. Rept. no. BDM/A-120-74- TRR1. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Electromagnetic susceptibility, "Semiconductors, Semiconductor devices, In- tegrated circuits, Data storage systems, Failure(Electronics), User needs, Machine cod- ing, Data bases, Programming languages, Pro- gramming manuals, Information retrieval, Threshold effects. Identifiers: "Supersap 2 computer program, CDC series 6000 computers. This report presents user information for the computer code SUPERSAP2. SUPERSAP2 is a data storage and retrieval program. It is designed to manipulate data from two large data bases in support of EMP susceptibility threshold analysis. The Component Data Base contains data on approximately 86,000 elec- tronic component types. The System Descrip- tion Data Base is user defined. SUPERSAP2 uses a command language to provide user con- trol of a variety of data manipulations. (Author) AD-A023 174/6CP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Automated Multiple Fault Test Generation for Combinational Networks Master's thesis Robert A. Hendrix. Mar 76, 156pReptno. GE/EE/76-2 Descriptors: "Logic circuits, "Reliability(Electronics), Gates(Circuits), Com- puter programming, Sensitivity, Computer pro- grams, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Fault detection. This report deals with multiple fault detection in combinational logic networks; the faults con- sidered are those which may be represented by one or more lines stuck at logic value or 1. Some new theorems and rules are presented which aid in the identification of masking faults, and an algorithm is developed which produces multiple fault detection test sets for single-out- put combinational logic networks. The al- 10 gorithm uses a path sensitizing technique to generate tests for members of a set of prime faults; any network fault can be represented by a combination of faults from the prime fault set, and a test which detects all combinations of prime faults will detect any single or multiple fault in the network. A modified version of the algorithm is implemented in the FORTRAN computer programming language; the auto- mated version produces test sets which are op- timal or near-optimal and usually complete. In the test generation process, certain redundan- cies are also detected. AD-A023 198/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Bdm Corp Albuquerque N Mex Wire Moments Problems of Intermediate Size Phase rept. 2 Jul-1 Oct 75 T.R.Ferguson. Mar 76, 11 1p BDM/A-2-76-TR, RADC-TR-76-48 Contract F30602-74-C-0182 Descriptors: "Wire, "Moments, 'Computer pro- grams, "Electromagnetic compatibility, Elec- tromagnetism, Matrices(Mathematics), Itera- tions, Linear algebraic equations, Method of moments, Electromagnetic radiation, Elec- tromagnetic scattering, Antennas. Identifiers: Thin wire moments problems, Banded matrix iteration. This report discusses results obtained from a general purpose computer code for solving thin wire moments problems in which a banded matrix iterative solution technique has been substituted in the place of Gaussian elimina- tion. Results are reported for comparison to previous reports and to solutions in the litera- ture, including a disk, washer, sphere, hemi- sphere, and toroid. The effect of varied wire radius, sigment lengths, and mesh size are stu- died. The remaining economic barrier to solv- ing large problems is the cost of computing matrix elements. A brief study of the use of ap- proximate matrix elements is included. Two possibilities are discussed for automating the segment numbering to minimize the bandwidth in the solution algorithm. (Author) AD-A023 225/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Engineering Ex- periment Station Shaped Elevation Beam Antenna Final technical rept. Robert A. Moore, Neal T. Alexander, and Henry P. Cotten. Feb 76, 1 21 p Rept no. GIT-A-1708-F Contract N00014-75-C-0574 Descriptors: "Radar antennas, Height finding, Beam forming, Systems analysis, Fabrication, Computer aided design, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Microwave antennas, Far field, Antenna feeds, Computer programs, FORTRAN. This report contains information on the design, development, and tests of the Shaped Elevation Beam Antennas. Two identical Shaped Eleva- tion Beam Antennas were designed, fabricated, tested and delivered to NWC. These antennas when installed in an appropriate manner will form the antenna for a height finding radar system. AD-A023 252/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Electron Physics Lab Analysis, Design, and Fabrication of High-Ef- ficiency, High Average Power, Pulsed TRAPATT Diode Oscillators Final rept. 21 Jun 74-31 Aug 75 N. A. Masnari, R. J. Lomax, J. R. East, and M. Khochnevis-Rad. Dec 75, 63p 0121 47-F, HDL- CR-75-201-1 Contract DAAG39-74-C-0201 Descriptors: "TRAPATT devices, "Avalanche diodes, "Microwave oscillators, Oscillation, Cir- cuits, Interactions, Computer programs. Identifiers: Risetime. The objectives of the program are to investigate theoretically and experimentally to verify the start-up transient behavior of the TRAPATT mode in both n- and p-type avalanche diodes. The investigation has involved three stages: (a) The development of a computer program which models with good accuracy the coaxial line cur- rently in use in our laboratory; (b) The interac- tion of the above program with an already exist- ing device program; and, (c) The investigation of the effect of pulse rise time on the turn-on behavior of the TRAPATT mode. Two basic stu- dies were performed: (a) Theoretical Computer Study. This phase of the program has involved the development of a computer model which takes into consideration both the diode and the circuit properties. A particular current drive is assumed to exist and the interaction between the diode and circuit is evaluated thus resulting in the time-varying voltage wave shape developed across the diode, (b) Experimental Measurement of Transient TRAPATT Triggering Behavior. Detailed experiments have been ex- ecuted to identify those mechanisms which participate in the turn-on characteristics of a TRAPATT device. The investigations have revealed the presence of numerous oscillations being present during the initiation of the TRAPATT mode. The various signals are identified, and it is demonstrated that the TRAPATT mode may be triggered by any one of the signals which are present. AD-A023 287/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Design of a Varactor Tuned Gunn Oscillator Using Microstrip Circuitry John M. Vranish. 10 Jan 75, 70p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-75-3 Descriptors: "Microwave oscillators, Gunn diodes, Varactor diodes, Tuning devices, Strip transmission lines, Mathematical models, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Design. The paper presents a procedure used in desig- ning and fabricating a working model of a varactor tuned oscillator using microstrip cir- cuitry. The design procedure includes mathe- matical models and their associated computer programs in Fortran Computer Language. The fabrication of the working model includes ex- perimental techniques; both for measurements of oscillator components and for adjusting (trimming) the oscillator frequency. AD-A023 480/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Multiwall Radome ANalysis Program Final rept. Jun 74-Jun 75 Robert M. Blumgold. Feb 76, 76p Rept no. AFAL-TR-75-183 Descriptors: "Radomes, "Computer aided design, "Computer programs, Transmissivity, Electrical conductivity, Reflectivity, Antenna radiation patterns, Radar antennas, Aircraft an- tennas, Multimode. Identifiers: Multiwall radomes, Radome com- puter program, Waves 2 computer program, Contour station antennas. This report describes a computer analysis tool for calculating the electrical transmission and reflection properties of a multiwall radome. The radome program may be used with a suitable antenna program to estimate the effects of the radome on the antenna pattern. The analysis tool is comprised of two programs, a radome- geometry program, RADOME, and a flat-panel analysis program, WAVES2. The geometry pro- gram calculates the incidence angle for each ray (a ray represents the radiated RF power from each antenna element) at the radome wall. The output data from the geometry program, RADOME, serves as input to the flat-panel pro- gram. The flat-panel program then calculates the electrical transmission and reflection parameters of the radome for each ray. These parameters may then be used with a suitable free-space antenna pattern simulation pro- gram, and the resultant antenna pattern in the presence of the radome can be computed. (Author) AD-A023 899/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Analysis of Two Low Q Active Filter Circuits Final analysis rept. Dennis Stutzel, and Stephen Martin. 19 Dec 75, 94p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-75-51 Descriptors: "Operational amplifiers, "Radiofrequency filters, Acoustic torpedoes, Thermal stability, Homing torpedoes, Active systems, Drift, Computer programs, Sensitivity, Transfer functions, Q factors. Identifiers: Mark -48 torpedoes. Circuit equations for a sensitivity analysis of two active filter circuits are derived using a sin- gle pole model of the op amp. A BASIC com- puter program is used to calculate the sensitivi- ties of center frequency, Q, and gain to varia- tions in each component value and op amp parameter. The computer program also mul- tiplies the sensitivities by the temperature coef- ficients of the circuit components and op amp parameters to indicate the relative amounts of temperature drift in filter characteristics that are caused by each component. A second method for determining drifts in filter parame- ters with temperature is also described; this ap- proach makes use of a network analysis pro- gram to plot the temperature shifted transfer function of each filter based on component drifts in the worst case directions determined by the signs of the sensitivities. Both of these techniques are used to compare the tempera- ture stabilities of four active filters related to the Gamma Detector of the Mk 48 Mod 1 Torpedo. (Author) AD-A023 926/9CP PC A16/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Reliability Growth Study Final technical rept. Oct 75, 360p Rept no. RADC-TR-75-253 Includes printout of tables. Descriptors: "Electronic equipment, "Reliability, "Economic models, "Data bases, Growth(General), Tables(Data), Computer pro- grams, Parametric analysis. No abstract available. AD-A024 028/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Weapons Center China Lake Calif Numerical Method for Determination of Microstrip Interdigitated Coupler Design Parameters Summary rept. Donald D. Paolino. Mar 76, 35p Rept no. NWC- TP-5843 Descriptors: "Waveguide couplers, Strip trans- mission lines, Couplers, Mathematical models, Computer aided design. Computer programs. A method of determining design parameters for the microstrip interdigitated (Lange) coupler is presented. Parameters investigated include coupling coefficients, odd and even mode velocities, and characteristic impedance. A general method of analysis is reviewed, conver- gence of the method is studied, and a computer program implementing this analysis along with supporting test data are presented. Test results indicate a good agreement between measured and predicted coupling and directivity for the interdigitated couplers. 11 AD-A024 065/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Varian Associates Beverly Mass CFA Design Improvement Program Semi-annual rept. 1 Jul-31 Dec 75. Mar 76, 128p Contract N00123-75-C-1294 Descriptors: 'Microwave amplifiers, 'Crossed field devices, 'Microwave tubes, Emitters, Manufacturing, Computer programs, Compu- terized simulation. Identifiers: Sole(Electronics). This report describes the technical objectives and summarizes the accomplishments during the first six months (July 1, 1975 - December 31, 1975) of a program aimed at improving the design techniques for emitting sole, reentrant stream, crossed-field amplifiers. AD-A024 432/7CP PC A12/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Electron Physics Lab Properties of S-Band TRAPATT Diode Oscilla- tors Technical rept. R.J.Trew. Mar76,265pTR-134, RADC-TR-76- 62 Contract F30602-74-C-0012 Doctoral thesis. Descriptors: 'TRAPATT devices, 'Microwave oscillators, 'Avalanche diodes, 'Semiconductor diodes, S band, Electrical properties, Mathe- matical models, Waveforms, Harmonics, Cir- cuits, Optimization, Computer programs. Identifiers: Microwave circuits. The purpose of this investigation is to study theoretically and experimentally the operation of TRAPATT mode (an acronym for trapped plasma avalanche triggered transit) oscillators. The solid-state device and microwave circuit as well as the interaction between them are con- sidered in detail. A simplified computer model of a TRAPATT oscillator that considers the operation of the device from the terminal volt- age-current waveforms has been developed. This model allows the investigation of arbitrary current waveforms and therefore can be used in the study of harmonic tuning effects and the requirements for high-efficiency operation. The simplified computer model is used to study the operation of the oscillator with many different terminal voltage-current waveforms. Waveforms containing up to ten harmonic frequencies are considered. By individually varying the amplitude and phase angles of each harmonic component the optimum tuning con- ditions for high-efficiency operation are ob- tained. It has been determined that the oscilla- tor efficiency is primarily dependent upon the amplitude and phase angle of the fundamental signal and the phase angle of the second-har- monic component. The amplitude of the second harmonic and the amplitudes and phase angles of the third and higher harmonic components have a significant effect on oscilla- tor frequency but only a minor effect on oscilla- tor efficiency. It has also been determined, theoretically at least, that steady-state TRAPATT oscillations are possible with single- frequency operation. (Author) AD-A024 448/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Performance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP Interim rept. S. Hanish, B.J. King, R. V. Baier, and P. H. Rogers. 19 Apr 76, 187p Rept no. NRL-7964 See also Part 1 , AD-A002 924. Descriptors: 'Electroacoustic transducers, 'Acoustic detection, 'Antisubmarine warfare, Magnetostrictive elements, Shells(Structural forms), Rings, Mathematical models, Computa- tions, Computer programs. Electrical im- pedance, Mechanical impedance, Efficiency, Performance, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'EIGSHIP computer program, CDC- 3800 computers. The mathematical model of the electroacoustic performance of a force-driven free-flooding magnetostrictive cylinder shell used as an un- derwater sound transducer, originally developed in another report, has been coded into a computer program called EIGSHIP. This program is designed to predict electrical and mechanical impedances of the loaded shell, transmitting responses, electroacoustic effi- ciency, surface velocities, far-field beam pat- terns, and other relevant performance parame- ters. An experimental check on the prediction capabilities of EIGSHIP was undertaken on three specially constructed magnetostrictive shells which were tested under water load con- ditions in an indoor test facility. A full discus- sion of the comparison of predicted and mea- sured performance is presented. The coded listing of EIGSHIP and instructions on its input requirements and output format are furnished in detail. Samples of typical computer runs are displayed and commented on. AD-A024 552/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Air Development Center Warminster Pa Aero-Electronic Technology Dept Antenna Prediction Computer Programs Interim rept. for period ending Oct 75 Robert D. Hayes. 1 5 Apr 76, 5p Rept no. NADC- 75251 -20C Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, Fortran, Files(Records), Magnetic tape, Aircraft antennas, electromag- netic scattering, Costs. Identifiers: Roll plane computer program, Bent plate computer program. The purpose of this report is to identify a mag- netic tape which has stored on it two computer programs. These are the Roll Plane and Bent Plate Programs. (Author) AD-A024 634/8CP PC A11/MF A01 Naval Air Development Center Warminster Pa Aero-Electronic Technology Dept Computer Programs for Scattering Effects In- vestigation Interim rept. Robert D. Hayes. 14 Apr 76, 240p Rept no. NADC-75250-20 Descriptors: 'Aircraft antennas, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Mathematical prediction, "Electromagnetic scattering, Fuselages, Wings, Horizontal stabil- izers, Data processing, Output. Identifiers: Roll plane computer program, Bent plate computer program, CDC 6600 computers. To aid potential users of two computer antenna prediction programs, sample problems were developed and executed on a computer. For these programs, input load sheets, problem diagrams, program listing and output data are given. (Author) AD-A024 768/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Darcom Intern Training Center Texarkana Tex A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Cir- cuit Design Programs Final rept. J. A. Moore. Apr 76, 69p Rept no. DARCOM-ITC- 02-08-76-016 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Computer aided design, Computer programming, Linear systems, Optimization. Identifiers: 'MAGIC computer program, 'CIRCAL2 computer program. Two computer-aided circuit design programs and a design system for linear integrated cir- cuits are examined, and their features and capabilities are discussed. The programs are MAGIC and CIRCAL-2, two programs which are capable of handling a large class of design problems. The design system for integrated cir- cuits aids the user in all phases of integrated circuit design. AD-A025 029/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Kentucky Univ Lexington Dept of Electrical En- gineering Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume II. Computation of the Capacitance Matrices for Ribbon Cables Final rept, Arthur E. Feather, and Clayton R. Paul. Apr 76, 155p RADC-TR-76-101-Vol-2 Contract F30602-72-C-0418 See also Volume 1 , AD-A025 028. Descriptors: 'Multiconductor cables, Cable as- semblies, Electromagnetic compatibility, Coupling(lnteraction), Transmission lines, Crosstalk, Interference, Matrices( Mathematics), Computer programs. Capacitance, Fourier se- ries, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Flat cables, GETCAP computer program. Multi-conductor ribbon cables using closely coupled dielectric-coated conductors are now used extensively to interconnect electronic subsystems. General techniques involving solu- tion of the multiconductor transmission line equations can be used to predict unwanted in- terference or crosstalk in the cable. Inherent in these techniques is knowledge of the per-unit- length transmission line capacitance and in- ductance matrices of the ribbon cable. A com- puter implemented numerical technique for determining these matrices for ribbon cables is described. The per-unit-length charge distribu- tions on the conductor and dielectric surfaces are described by Fourier series with the poten- tial and displacement vector equations at these surfaces enforced as boundary conditions. A matric inversion techniques is used to develop elements of the generalized and transmission line capacitance matrices. Computer program GETCAP was written in a user-oriented format. The user simply describes the physical charac- teristics and GETCAP computes the per-unit- length capacitance matrices for the ribbon cable described. AD-A025 132/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Litton Systems Inc San Carlos Calif Electron Tube Div Development of Computer Program TWTVA for Calculation of 3-D Electron Trajectories in Coupled-Cavity TWTs Final rept. 10 Nov 75-10 Mar 76 J. R. M. Vaughan. 10 Mar 76, 119p Rept no. L- 59333-2 Contract N00123-76-C-0424 Descriptors: 'Traveling wave tubes, Electron beams, Particle trajectories, Computer pro- gramming, FORTRAN. The report describes the development of a computer program for calculation of three- dimensional electron trajectories in a coupled cavity traveling wave tube. RF, magnetic and space charge fields are included without parax- ial approximations. Both PPM and solenoid magnetic fields are admitted. Each field is represented by a potential matrix. The rf vector potential matrix is computed from an integra- tion of Kosmahl and Branch's field formulation. The magnetic vector potential matrix is derived from ideal current loops representing the field sources. The space charge potential matrix is obtained by an extension of Hockney and Bu- neman's Fourier Analysis Cyclic Reduction 12 method to cylindrical coordinates. The trajecto- ry steps are then computed from analytic in- tegrals of the general cross-field equations of motion, using a fast subroutine for simultane- ous interpolation and differentiation of the potential matrices. A comprehensive example is given of output obtained from the program. AO-A025 154/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Epsco Labs Wilton Conn Development and Analysis of Four Pole Balanced Armature Transducer for US Navy Sound Powered Telephones Final rept. Thomas A. Giordano. Apr 76, 100p Rept no. 5082 Contract N00024-75-C-04323 Descriptors: 'Telephone equipment, 'Armatures, Electroacoustic transducers, Sen- sitivity, Low frequency. Magnetic alloys, Permeability, Electrical impedance, Computer programs. A thorough analytical study of the Four Pole Balanced Armature Transducer has been made and its application to a sound powered telephone has been examined. Four prototype transducers have been fabricated and tested. These transducers proved to be more efficient than the current 2 pole devices, with overall transducer-to-transducer response showing a 3 - 7 db increase in overall sensitivity. This in- crease is attributed not only to the inherent im- provement in sensivity of the 4 pole transducer over the 2 pole transducer but also to the lighter mass structure of an interconnecting tube through the diaphragm to improve low frequen- cy response. (Author) AD-A025 259/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Research Foundation Colum- bus Antenna Mathematical Modeling (GTD) Final technical rept. 1 Nov 74-31 Dec 75 R. G. Kouyoumjian, R. J. Luebbers, and L. Ton- That. Apr 76, 70p RADC-TR-76-107 Contract F30602-75-C-0051 Descriptors: 'Antennas, Mathematical models. Diffraction analysis, Computer programs, Nu- merical analysis. Moments, Antenna radiation patterns, Dipole antennas. Electrical im- pedance. The primary objective of this effort has been to employ the geometrical theory of diffraction in combination with the moment method to develop a user-oriented computer code to cal- culate the radiation pattern of wire antennas in the presence of perturbing structures. The work accomplished can be divided into two parts. A theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of edges on antenna input impedance and current was conducted. Then based on the results of this study, a user-oriented computer code was developed for wire antennas in the presence of a conducting surface bounded by edges, which is positioned over a reflecting sur- face of infinite extent. Such a configuration can be used to simulate conditions encountered in the design of antennas to meet Air Force requirements. This report describes the above work and concludes with some recommenda- tions to imporve the present code. AD-A025 457/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering A Computer program for Radiation from Ar- bitrarily Oriented Wire Antennas over Imper- fect Ground Interim technical rept. Tapan K. Sarkar, and Bradley J. Strait. May 76, 37p Scientif ic-1 1 , RADC-TR-76-1 36 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Ground(Electrical), 'Computer programs, Electric wire, Electric fields, Load- ing(Electronics), Antenna feeds, Electrical im- pedance, Planar structures, Electrical conduc- tivity, Wavelengths. Identiriers: Thin wire antennas, Ground plane, Imperfect grounds. This report describes and lists a computer pro- gram for analyzing radiation from antenna ar- rays of arbitrarily oriented thin-wire antennas over the plane surface of an imperfectly con- ducting earth. The solution is that obtained from the E-field integral equation by the method of moments. The program input is the problem geometry, the array excitation and loading, and the characteristics of the earth. The program output is the current distribution on the wires, input independences of the feed points, and the complex E-field at points in space specified by the users. Sample input-out- put data are included. (Author) AD-A025 718/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab A Moment Method Technique for Probe-Fed Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas Technical rept. A.J. Fenn.and G. A. Thiele. Mar 76, 108p Rept no. ESL-4091-3 Contract N00014-75-C-0313 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Slot antennas, 'Antenna feeds, Antenna arrays, Antenna apertures, Coupling(lnteraction), Moments, Cavities, In- tegral equations. Low frequency, Computer programs, Theses. A technique is presented which permits the ap- plication of the method of moments to cavity- backed slot antennas. Of specific interest are slot antennas operating over large bandwidths (e.g., 3.3:1) whose aperture distribution cannot be assumed and must be determined by the type of excitation employed, the electrical size of the aperture, and to a lesser extent by mutual coupling effects. (Author) AD-A026 102/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Undersea Center San Diego Calif LOLA User's Manual Research and development rept. Mar-Jul 75 M. S. Ball, and D. M. Cottel. Feb 76, 83p Rept no. NUC-TP-517 Descriptors: 'Assemblers, 'Programming manuals, 'Computer architecture, Computer aided design, User needs, Computer logic, Computer programs, Equations, Digital systems, Integrated circuits, Input output processing. Identifiers: 'Logic language assembler, LOLA(Logic Language Assembler). This document describes the Logic Language Assembler, a computer program developed to aid in the design and implementation of digital logic systems. The circuit components and in- terconnections are specified with Boolean-like logic equations. The program checks this system specification for inconsistencies, al- locates logic functions to circuit components, and produces a list describing the com- ponent/pin connections for every signal name. (Author) AD-A026 111/5CP PC A21/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Electro Op- tical Div Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 Final rept. 20Jun 75-30 Apr 76 K. E. Myers. Apr 76, 494p HAC-Ref-D4535-Vol-3, HAC-P76-121-Vol-3, SAMSO-TR-76-83-Vol-3 Contract F04701-75-C-0241, ARPA Order-2954 Descriptors: 'Signal processing, 'Surveillance, Real time, Onboard, Spaceborne, Electroop- tics, Dual mode, Radar, Computer programs. Digital systems, Logic devices, Integrated cir- cuits. Identifiers: 'Adaptive signal processors. Video encoders. This report presents the results of a study to define an Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor (APSP) suitable for on-board satel- lite processing of data generated by spaceborne electro-optical surveillance sen- sors and dual mode radars. The tasks per- formed included: (1) definition of system requirements based upon mission require- ments supplied by SAMSO, (2) definition of processor performance requirements, (3) con- figuration of a processor architecture to meet those requirements, (4) evaluation of present and projected semi-conductor device technolo- gy applicable to APSP development, (5) identifi- cation and preliminary design of those devices critical to APSP development, and (6) prepara- tion of a plan for designing, fabricating and testing a feasibility demoonstration model of an APSP, including requirement component development. (Author) AD-A026 188/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Civil Engineering Lab (Navy) Port Hueneme Calif Instrumentation of Replacement Base Insula- tor Assembly • VLF East Tower, Lualualei, Hawaii Final technical note Jul 74-Jun 75 S. K. Takahashi. Apr 76, 48p Rept no. CEL-TN- 1430 Descriptors: 'Antenna masts, 'Electrical insula- tion. Very low frequency, Hawaii, Loads(Forces), Finite element analysis. Replacement, Instrumentation, Computer pro- grams. The cone-type base insulators beneath a 1,500- foot-high guyed VLF antenna was replaced with station post-type base insulators. Strain gages were mounted on both types of insulators dur- ing the tower raising and lowering operations to determine the distribution of load on the base insulator assembly. The maximum strain deviation for the cone-type insulators from the average strain was 6%, which indicated that the load was distributed almost equally on the three insulators at the midtier. The strain deviation for the station post-type insulators varied from - 36 to 052% when compared with the average strain value. Finite element computer analyses were performed for both the cone and post in- sulators subjected to a direct axial load. The vertical and circumferential stresses compared very well with the average values of the experi- mental strain readings. AD-A026 222/OCP PC A09/MF A01 Intelcom Rad Tech San Diego Calif Packaging Effects on Semiconductor Device Radiation Response Final phase rept. Jul 74-Apr 75 Robert A. Berger, and Joseph L. Azarewicz. 15 May 75, 195p Rept no. INTEL-RT-8025-724 Contract F04701 -72-C-0322 Descriptors: 'Radiation damage, "Semiconductor devices, 'Integrated circuits. Electronic equipment, Environmental tests, Photons, Epitaxial growth, Transistors, Com- puter programs, Gates(Circuits), Dosimetry, Response. Identifiers: Nand gates. This report examines the effect of FXR-stimu- lated, re-emitted radiation from the packages of three planar-epitaxial transistors and two high- level NAND gate integrated circuits on the photocurrent response of the devices. Experi- mental measurements were made on the five 13 devices in both low- and high-engery photon (FXR) environments. The experimental results are compared with a radiation transport analy- sis (including use of the SANDYL code) of the device package, materials, and proton energy spectrum. This work adds further verification to a procedure for extending simulation test data to a real photon environment. (Author) AD-A026 266/7CP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Thin-Film Semiconductor Detectors for 10.6 micrometer Radiation Doctoral thesis Jon C. Zimmerman. 1975, 151p Rept no. AFIT- CI-76-45 Descriptors: 'Infrared detectors, 'Semiconducting films, Bolometers, Schottky barrier devices, Antimony compounds, Sul- fides, Germanium, Tellurium, Selenium, Bismuth, Gold, Alumina, Substrates, Measuring instruments, Instrumentation, Fabrication, Thermal analysis, Computer programs, Thermal radiation. Identifiers: Thermal measuring instruments, 'Infrared bolometers. Thin-film semiconductor detectors were in- vestigated for use as room temperature thermal detectors for infrared radiation at 10.6 micrometers. Some of the materials in- vestigated were antimony trisulfide, germani- um, tellurium, and selenium. The most success- ful devices were fabricated from 400 A bismuth, 6800 A selenium, and 1500 A gold on an alu- mina substrate. The method of operation was also studied and it was found that devices operating in the avalanche region of the Schott- ky diode formed between selenium and bismuth provided the best responsivity and frequency response. The responsivity of the device was measured as a function of the geometry and the modulation frequency. A comprehensive thermal analysis of thin-film thermal detectors has been made and a com- puter program written to calculate the respon- sivity of arbitrary devices. The analysis is completely general and is applicable to mul- tilayered devices and diode as well as thermal change of resistance type of devices. AD-A026 567/8CP PC A11/MF A01 University of South Florida Tampa Dept of Elec- trical and Electronic Systems A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs Final rept. Jan 75-Jan 76 James C. Bowers, Charles Lors, John E. O'Reilly, George Wzobrist, and Thomas Rodby. Apr 76, 233p AFAPL-TR-76-33 Contract F30602-75-C-01 18 Descriptors: 'Computer aided design, 'Computer programs, 'Computer program documentation, 'Circuit analysis, Core storage, Circuits, Transients, Errors, Computers, Time domain. Identifiers: 'Computer software, 'Electronic cir- cuit analysis software, Run time, ECAP com- puter program. This report contains a survey of sixteen com- puter aided design programs useful for elec- tronic circuit analysis. Most of the well known, first generation programs (such as ECAP) were not included in this survey. These older pro- grams can no longer compete with the second and third generation nonlinear, sophisticated programs. However, some of the lesser known European linear programs were included, as a matter of information only. It is divided into three major parts. Part 1 contains general data on each program along with a sum man/ of each of the user's manuals. This part of the report is prefixed by four tables which summarize the properties of all the programs. Part 2 of the re- port contains a critical analysis of each of the programs. The eighteen circuits given in the ap- pendix were the basis upon which flexibility, accuracy, and cost comparisons were made. Part 3 contains a comparison analysis of all the programs and conclusions which may be known from the results of this survey. As a result of some of the advanced publicity con- cerning this survey, several individuals brought to our attention programs which were not being included. Some of these do look promising, but were unknown and unpublished, hence there was no realistic way to have found out about them in time. (Author) AD-A027 022/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md ICEDIT — An Interactive Graphics Editor for Integrated Circuit Masks Technical memo. Steven J. Choy. May 76, 60p Rept no. HDL-TM- 76-8 Descriptors: 'Interactive graphics, 'Computer programs, 'Integrated circuits, Minicomputers, Data processing terminals, Masks, Computer aided design. Identifiers: ICEDIT system, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, PRIME-300 computers, Editing routines. The ICEDIT system is an interactive graphic edi- tor used to input, manipulate, and store in- tegrated circuit masks. Its capabilities include graphic input, keyboard input, interactive graphic editing, and data output to teletype, printer, nine-track magnetic tape, or disc file on a PRIME 300 minicomputer in FORTRAN IV. GRAFHELP and GTS are used as the graphics support. The graphics terminal is the Imlac PDS-4 display system. The capabilities, opera- tions, and software design of the system are discussed. AD-A027 071/OCP PC A11/MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif Adaptive Processing Experiment (APE) Phase II Final technical rept. Jun-Dec 75 J. Bailey, J. Mallett, B. Whitehead, A. Katz, and T. Boak. May 76, 242p RADC-TR-76-130 Contract F30602-75-C-0264 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Adaptive control systems, 'Digital filters, Computer programs, Computer program documentation, Radar, Over the horizon detec- tion, Antennas, Beam forming, Receivers, Sidelobes, Channels, Radar mapping. Matched filters, Data processing, Power spectra. Identifiers: 'Adaptive processing, Computer software. The impact of receiver passband phase and am- plitude error on the RMS sidelobes of a digital beamforming system is analyzed. A method is developed whereby a digital transversal filter is used on the output of each receiver prior to beamforming to minimize the error in a LMS sense. The method is applied to an OTH radar system and results given. With a 1 6-tap filter the receivers error is reduced from -35 dB to -63 dB. Additionally, a method of calibrating an H. F. receive array by the use of a known near-field source is illustrated. Results are shown for the performance of the calibrated array against OTH sources using conventional and adaptive beamforming techniques. Discrimination of better than 40 dB is illustrated for an OTH signal source 2000 miles from the array. (Author) AD-A027 260/9CP PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Volt- age, Vaporization-Cooled, Three-Phase, Core-Type Transformer Master's thesis Edgar L. Dove. Jun 76, 141 p Rept no. GE/EE/76-8 Descriptors: 'Transformers, 'Magnetic cores, 'Computer aided design, High voltage, High power, Vaporization, Cooling, Airborne, Power supplies, Parametric analysis, Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: Three phase transformers. This parameter sensitivity analysis considers which independent design parameters have the most influence upon the determination of the weight and volume of a high-voltage, vaporiza- tion-cooled, three-phase, core-type trans- former. The analysis is conducted through the use of a computer program which given a set of independent design parameters calculates a consistent set of values for the transformer's dependent design parameters. Two of the de- pendent design parameters are weight and volume. Initially, the weight and volume are determined for a reasonable set of independent design parameters. Then each independent design parameter is varied while all other inde- pendent parameters are held constant. With the weight and volume of th initial design as the common reference points, the comparison of the graphs of weight and volume as functions of the individually varied independent design parameters is the basis of the analysis. The analysis shows that the independent design parameters which most influence the deter- mination of the weight and volume of the trans- former are the power-out of the transformer, voltage-in, voltage-out, frequency of operation, number of inside secondary layers, maximum flux densities, conductor cooling rates, and the parameters which specify the core leg cross sectional areas. (Author) AD-A027 267/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar Master's thesis Lars Terje Saetre. Dec 75, 93p Descriptors: 'Recursive filters, 'Signal processing, 'Moving target indicators, Charge coupled devices, Cancellation, Radar clutter, Computer programs, Theses, Analog systems. The design of second order sampled analog fil- ters using Z-transform techniques developed in digital theory was studied. A second order recursive CTD- filter was implemented and in- vestigated. Deviation from theoretical frequen- cy response was found to be partly due to frequency dependent circuitry. MTI- simulation was performed, and the ability of the CTD-filter to cancel clutter and pass doppler frequencies was demonstrated. Unexplained glitches in the filter output were noted. AD-A027 407/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab Hanover N H Heat Sinks: A Study of Variable Types of Heat Sinks (En Undersogelse af Forskelligt Udfor- mede Koleprofiler. Forskellige Faktorers Ind- flydelse pa Prof Nets Virkning) U. Fabricius. Jan 76, 58p Rept no. CRREL-TL- 508 Trans, from Danish Research Center for Ap- plied Electronics 70p 1974. Descriptors: 'Heat sinks, 'Electronic equip- ment, 'Heat transfer, Thermal resistance, Tem- perature, Experimental design, Optimization, Convection(Heat transfer), Conduction(Heat transfer), Radiative transfer, Load- ing(Electronics), Comparison, Theory, Profiles, Computer programs, Translations, Denmark. Identifiers: Temperature distribution. Twelve various types of heat sinks are included in this investigation, which is stressing a com- 14 parison between the profiles rather than a com- parison between manufactures. It has been ex- amined as to how much power can be added to the heat sink at intermittent service without in- fluencing the junction temperature of the power component to exceed a tolerated max- imum temperature. (Author) AD-A02S 734/2CP PC A12/MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Edward L Ginzton Lab Acousto-Optic Interactions Final rept. 1 Feb 73-31 Aug 75 P. L. Adams, A. Albanese, C. F. Quate, and H. J. Shaw. Jul 76, 268p Rept no. GL-2523 Contract N00014-75-C-0778 See also report dated Mar 74, AD-778 693. Descriptors: 'Optical waveguides, 'Piezoelectric crystals, 'Acoustooptics, Optical images, Optical scanning, Optical detection, Fiber optics, Electrooptics, Waveguide couplers, Fourier transformation, Multiplexing, Signal processing. Surface waves, Acoustic waves, Lithium compounds, Niobates, Deflec- tors, Computer programs. Identifiers: Lithium niobates, Acoustic surface waves, Integrated optics, Optical modulators. New devices are described which are based on optical waveguides on lithium niobate crystals, using the material anisotropy, including couplers, electro-optic modulator and light multiplexer, and optical deflector and scanner using collinear acousto-optic interaction between surface acoustic waves and optical surface waves. Complete theory for the propagating modes and coupled modes is presented. A new type of waveguide is presented for use with surface acoustic wave devices for real-time direct scanning and Fouri- er transform scanning of optical images, which introduces no additional transmission loss over that for unguided propagation. Test pattern results demonstrate the ability of this type of waveguiding to increase the transverse resolu- tion of such scanners, and good correlation between theoretical and experimental results is shown. AD-A028 781/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Radar Microwave Lab Phased Array Antennas Scanned near End- fire Final rept. Jan 75-Mar 76 P. C. Bargeliotes, A. T. Villeneuve, and W. H. Kummer. Mar 76, 57p Rept nos. HAC-P76-232, HAC-Ref-D3119 Contract N00019-75-C-0160 Descriptors: "Conical antennas, 'Antenna ar- rays, 'Slot antennas, "Electronic scanners, "Phased arrays, Cylindrical bodies. Computer programs, Mathematical models, Diffraction, Electric fields, Polarization. Identifiers: Endfire antennas, Geometrical op- tics, Cylindrical antennas. Excellent agreement has been shown between element patterns of circumferential and radial slots on a cone, computed with the normal mode series computer programs, and patterns measured with an experimental model with both types of slots. When the modal series is used for the computation of exact patterns, the number of modes required for convergence of the series increases as the distance of the slot location from the tip of the cone increases. Computational difficulties from accumulated round-off errors also affect the accuracy and limit the applicability of the modal series pro- gram to element positions not too far from the cone tip. The approximate asymptotic ap- proach, on the other hand, allows the separa- tion of the diffracted field and the geometrical optics field. More specifically, the asymptotic approach resulted in complete expressions for the E sub theta and E sub phi radiation fields in terms of optical, transition, and diffraction fields. The complete expressions for each of the two field components, in a form suitable for nu- merical computation, were included in the Final Report on Contract No. N00019-74-C-0127. An examination of these expressions indicates that the diffraction coefficients of both field com- ponents are only a function of the angular coor- dinates and not of the location of the radiating element. AD-A029 211/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer-Aided Analysis of Dissipation Losses in Isolated and Coupled Transmission Lines for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave In- tegrated-Circuit Applications Interim rept. Barry E. Spielman. Jul 76, 98p Rept no. NRL- 8009 Descriptors: "Strip transmission lines, "Microwave equipment, "Integrated circuits, "Computer aided design. Dissipation, Losses, Charge density, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Directional couplers, Method of mo- ments. The analysis employs a quasi-TEM model for uniform isolated transmission lines and for the even- and odd-mode transmission lines as- sociated with coupled-line structures. The con- ductor and dielectric losses in these structures are then related to equivalent charge-density distributions, which are evaluated using a method-of-moments solution. The transmis- sion lines treated by this which are evaluated using a method-of-moments solution. The transmission lines treated by this analysis may contain any number of lossy conductors and in- homogeneous dielectrics, consisting of any number of different homogeneous dielectric re- gions. After explicit expressions are developed for use in evaluating conductor and dielectric loss coefficients for the even and odd modes of coupled transmission lines a development is provided to explicity relate the four-port, ter- minal, electrical performance of directional couplers to the modal loss coefficients. Losses are evaluated for examples of four isolated transmission lines and one coupled transmis- sion line. For microstrip and coplanar waveguide the computed loss coefficients are in reasonable agreement with experimental data. For inverted microstrip and trapped in- verted microstrip, evaluations presented in both tables and graphs provide useful design information for circuit applications. A com- parison is made of the total loss characteristics of microstrip, coplanar waveguide, inverted microstrip, and trapped inverted microstrip. The utility of the analysis for coupled-transmis- sion-line losses is illustrated for the example of edge-coupled microstrip with a dielectric over- lay by comparing computed loss characteristics with measured values. AD-A029 546/9CP PC A10/MF A01 Mississippi Univ University Dept of Electrical Engineering Analysis of the Air Force Weapons Laborato- ry's Horizontally Polarized Dipole Electromag- netic Pulse Simulator Final rept. Mar 75-Aug 76 Chalmers M. Butler, K. R. Umashankar, and Donald R. Wilton. Aug 76, 219p AFOSR-TR-76- 1073 Grant AF-AFOSR-2825-75 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic pulse simula- tors, "Antennas, Mesh, Wire, Polarization, Horizontal orientation. Mathematical predic- tion, Electromagnetic fields, Transients, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: "Electromagnetic theory, Air Force Weapons Laboratory. This report presents an analysis of the operat- ing characteristics of the Horizontally Polarized Dipole Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. The analysis and an attendant computer pro- gram resulting from this work enable operators of the HPD Simulator to compute with reasona- ble accuracy and efficiency the transient elec- tromagnetic field radiated by the simulator into a specified test volume. A theory is developed for the loaded loop radiator, which is con- structed from cages of loaded wires, and cou- pled, integro-differential equations are formu- lated for the unknown current on the wires of the structure. These equations are solved in the frequency domain and desired radiated fields are computed via Fourier transform techniques. (Author) AD-A029 887/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Laurel Md Applied Physics Lab URLIM - a Unified Radome Limitations Com- puter Program, Volume 1. Theoretical Background Technical memo. R. K. Frazer. Jul 56, 97p Rept no. APL/JHU/TG- 1293A-Vol-1 Contract N00017-72-C-4401 Descriptors: "Radomes, "Computer programs, Data management, Guided missile trajectories, Aerodynamic heating, Heat transfer, Boresighting, Errors, Thermal stresses, Limita- tions, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: URLIM computer program. URLIM, a unified radome limitations computer program, has been developed to aid the radome design engineer by providing a definition of the maximum flight performance capabilities of radome materials. URLIM numerically deter- mines the response of the radome to aerodynamic heating and loading. It computes the following as functions of trajectory time: thermal stress; radar boresight error rates; mis- sile-radome attachment stresses caused by maneuvers, pressure, and drag forces; and the onset of radome melting. The basic output of the program is a notation of trajectory time at which the radome reaches its design limita- tions. Many options are available to the user of the URLIM program that provide a wide variety of analysis capability. For this reason, URLIM may also be considered as a general purpose aerodynamic heat transfer program as well as a specific purpose radome limitations program. Volume 1 of this report presents the theoretical background of the analysis techniques used in URLIM; Volume 2 provides a detailed explana- tion of how to use URLIM. (Author) AD-A030 080/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Theoretical Analysis of a Model for a Field Displacement Isolator Thesis Ram Sharon. Jun 76, 80p Descriptors: "Attenuators, Strip transmission lines. Substrates, Ferrites, Fourier transforma- tion, Computer programs, Mathematical analy- sis. Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Isolators. A frequency dependent analysis of a shielded edge-guided mode isolator is presented. A Fourier transform technique is applied to the boundary expressions of a structure built on a dielectric substrate, and the resulting equations are solved for the wavelength ratio. By using perturbation analysis and the results obtained for the dielectric case, solutions for the normal- ized propagation constant and attenuation for waves traveling in the -Z and 0Z directions, in a structure built on a ferrite substrate, are ob- tained. 15 AD-A030 463/4CP PC A02/MF A01 Computer Sciences Corp Falls Church Va Computer Program Description: PWRDEN - A Program for the Evaluation of Power Densi- ties in the Near Field of Antenna Apertures Technical note William B. Munsr n. Sep 76, 25p Contract DCA1G0-73-C-0008 Descriptors: *Antenna apertures, "Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, Com- munication satellite terminals, Near field, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: PWRDEN computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. Power density. This report describes the mathematical analysis and the computer program for the prediction of power densities in the vicinity of antenna aper- tures. (Author) AD-A031 096/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Battelle Columbus Labs Ohio Investigation of Cage and Bearing Instability in Despun Antenna Bearings Due to Changes in Lubricant Properties Summary rept. no. 2, 28 Feb 75-31 Jan 76 J. W. Kannel, S. S. Bupara, and C.J. Pentlicki. Apr 75, 89p AFML-TR-75-38-Pt-2 Contract F33615-74-C-5012 Prepared in cooperation with Comsat Labs., Clarksburg, Md. Descriptors: "Ball bearings. Instability, Dynam- ics, Computer programs. Satellite antennas, At- titude control systems, Antenna components, Lubrication, Stability. Identifiers: BASDAP 2 computer program, Bearing cages, Despun antennas. A computer program has been developed for the purpose of investigating cage instability in a despun antenna bearing. As a result of the ex- perimental and analytical studies, a stability criterion is presented which relates stability to lubricant and cage properties. In general, it is shown that a cage in a bearing can be unstable (regardless of the guiding surface) provided the cage is not externally constrained and the ball- race tractions are very high. AD-A031 108/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Research Foundation Colum- bus GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual Technical rept. Oct 74-Dec 75 R. J. Luebbers, R. G. Kouyoumjian, and L. Ton- That. Feb 76, 64p RADC-TR-76-23 Contract F30602-75-C-0051 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Antenna radiation patterns, "Antennas, "Electromagnetic radiation. Programming manuals, Scattering, Machine coding. Models, Diffraction, Reflection, User needs, Input out- put processing, Numerical analysis. This report describes the capabilities, limita- tions, and operation of the OSU, GTD-AMP Computer Code, which has been developed to calculate the electromagnetic radiation from currents on thin wires in the presence of a per- fectly-conducting polygonal plate positioned over a reflecting surface of infinite extent. Although the code is based on the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD) it is designed to be compatible with the Antenna Modeling Pro- gram (AMP). The GTD-AMP program described herein is capable of handling many antenna- scattering problems once the currents on the wire radiators are known. Ordinarily these cur- rents are found from the AMP program in the manner described in the text; however, they may be specified or obtained by other means. This combination of the moment method and GTD makes it possible to calculate radiation patterns which could not be calculated by either method individually. AD-A031 145/6CP PC A03/MF A01 City Coll New York Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Planar Circuits for Microwave Tubes Final rept. Jul 74-Jun 76 Morris Ettenberg. Jul 76, 42p CCEE-M2, ARO- 12106. 1-EL Grant DAHC04-74-G-0214, DAHC04-75-G-0176 Descriptors: "Microwave tubes, "Circuits, Planar structures, Tapes, Computer programs, Network flows, Computations. Identifiers: Network synthesis, Network analysis theory. Three variations of the Meander Line have been analyzed using the Fletcher Admittance technique. These are the Stub Loaded, Interline Loaded, and Quadruple Parallel lines. The dispersion characteristics have been calculated by evaluating the determinant of the boundary condition matrix and finding the approximate zero numerically. The interaction impedance has been calculated for the Stub Loaded and Quadruple Parallel lines. Comparisons of cal- culated and experimental results are presented. AD-A031 298/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Mb Associates San Ramon Calif Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Computer Program Manual (AMPJ) Apr 75, 58p Rept no. MB-R-75/37 Contract N00014-71-C-0187 See also AD-767 420, AD-A005 673 and AD- A025 890. Descriptors: "Antennas, "Mathematical models, "Electric wire, "Computer programs, Junctions, Geometry, Matrices(Mathematics), Machine coding. Computerized simulation. Identifiers: "Wire antennas. This manual is a supplement to the Engineer- ing, User's and Systems manuals prepared for the Antenna Modeling Program (AMP), and describes the operation, theory and coding of the changes made to AMP for more accurate treatment of multiple wire junctions and reduc- tion of the time for interaction calculations on large structures. (Author) AD-A031 428/6CP PC A08/MF A01 Cornell Univ Ithaca N Y Wide-Band Microwave Amplifier Realizations in Microstrip Employing a GaAs Schottky-Bar- rier Field-Effect Transistor Interim rept. 1974-1976 R. B. Watson, Jr. Aug 76, 161 p RADC-TR-76-246 Contract F30602-74-C-0001 Descriptors: "Field effect transistors, "Microwave amplifiers, "Transistor amplifiers, "Schottky barrier devices, Broadband, Strip transmission lines. Solid state electronics, Gal- lium arsenides, Dispersion relations. Computer programs, Fortran. Identifiers: Ladder networks. Lumped induc- tors, Chip capacitors. This work deals with the realization of two 4-8 GHz flat-gain amplifier designs in microstrip using a single GaAs Schottky-barrier field-ef- fect transistor. Two aspects of microstrip ampli- fier realization are considered. The first aspect is accurate realization of required lumped and distributed circuit elements. The second in- volves detailed mathematical modelling of practical circuit elements, permitting computer analysis and optimization of complete amplifier networks. After techniques for analysis and design of microstrip transmission lines are reviewed including loss and dispersion effects, particular areas of difficulty in practical design and fabrication of amplifiers are studied. These areas include microwave short circuit (DC open) realization using radial line sectors, fabri- cation of lumped inductors from Hewlett- Packard SBFET leads (Package 60), and circuit modelling of microstrip to coaxial transitions. Two versions of a simple amplifier design were built and measured on a Hewlett-Packard microwave network analyzer. A Fortran com- puter analysis program based on transmission scattering matrices was written to calculate the scattering parameters of ladder network models such as this first amplifier. The program aided in improving design methods such as the realization of lumped inductors. AD-A031 472/4CP PC A14/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Phased Array Antennas Final rept. Apr73-Jun 75 A. Hessel, S. Barone, B. R. Cheo, Y-L Liu, and J. Shapira. Mar 76, 317p ESD-TR-76-78 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Prepared in cooperation with Polytechnic Inst. of New York, Farmingdale. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics, rept. no. POLY-EE/EP-76-152. Descriptors: "Phased arrays, Conformal struc- tures, Spiral antennas, Computations, Com- puter programs, Admittance, Antenna radiation patterns, Antenna apertures, FORTRAN. The report contains theoretical analysis and computed results for various types of phased arrays. Arrays on the exterior of a conducting sphere and on the interior of a conducting cylinder are treated in the first two chapters. The spiral antenna is dealt with, as an isolated element and in an infinite array, in the next two chapters. The last chapter contains the analysis of ridge waveguide arrays and a study of their wide band performance. AD-A031 757/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Plane Wave Expansion for Arrays of Dipoles or Slots in Presence of Dielectric Slabs Technical rept. B. A. Munk, R. D. Fulton, and R. J. Luebbers. Sep 76, 83p ESL-3622-6, AFAL-TR-76-53 Contract F33615-73-C-1 173 Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, Slot antennas, Dipole antennas, Computer programs, Dielec- trics, Impedance, Admittance, Surface waves. Plane waves, Radomes. The report presents the admittance properties of slot arrays in the presence of dielectric layers. The work relates to the design of metal- lic radomes. The report discusses the ad- mittance properties of slot arrays in the presence of dielectric layers as a stepping stone to the transmission properties. These ad- mittance properties are also applicable to phased arrays. In particular, the admittance is shown here to be almost independent of scan angle up to plus or minus 70 degrees in the E-, H- and 45 degree plane. This was obtained by proper use of dielectric layers mounted ad- jacent to the slotted surface. The presence of surface waves is also investigated, and ways to avoid them are pointed out. Finally, the effect of a semi-infinite dielectric media upon an array of dipoles is determ ined. AD-A031 784/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering A Reactively Loaded Aperture Antenna Array Technical rept. John Luzwick, and Roger F. Harrington. Sep 76, 68 Rept nos. TR-76-10, TR-3 Contract N00014-76-C-0225 Descriptors: "Antenna apertures, "Antenna ar- rays, Reactance, Gain, Admittance, Computer programs, Matrices(Mathematics), Vector anal- ysis. Measurement, Voltage, Load- ing(Electronics), Resonance, Optimization, Waveguide slots, Beams(Radiation), Aiming. 16 Identifiers: "Reactive loads, 'Waveguide backed apertures. This report considers an array of reactively loaded aperture antennas, specifically, an N element array of closely-spaced waveguide- backed rectangular slots. Only the center waveguide is fed and the other waveguides are short circuited to provide the reactive loads. The positions of the short circuits are chosen to obtain maximum antenna gain in some specified direction. By varying the positions of the short circuits a directive beam can be steered through 180 deg. space. Both seven and nine element arrays are considered ex- plicitly. Feasibility for physical realization of the reactive loading is discussed. A computer pro- gram with operating instructions is included. (Author) AD-A031 802/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Bdm Corp Albuquerque N Mex SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual Final rept. Allan F. Malmberg, and Larry D. Ray. Jul 76, 45 BDM/A-145-75-TR-R1.AFWL-TR-75-279 Contract F29601-74-C-0106 See also AD-882 384 and AD-751 518. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Circuit analysis, 'Logic circuits, 'Computer aided diag- nosis, 'Transient radiation effects, 'Integrated circuits, Programming manuals, Subroutines, User needs, FORTRAN, Programming lan- guages, Gates(Circuits), Models, Response, Simulation. Identifiers: 'SCEPTRE computer program, Users manuals, NAND gates, NOR gates, OR gates. SCEPTRE/LOGIC is a modified version of the SCEPTRE circuit analysis program. This manual is intended as a guide for SCREPTRE users who wish to utilize the LOGIC features of the modified code. It is written with the assump- tion that the reader is familiar with input preparation and application of SCEPTRE. AO-A032 131/5CP PC A08/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regulations. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Dipoles Interim rept. Sep 74-Feb 76 Arlan T. Adams, Peter Hsi, and A. Farrar. Aug 76, 1 65p RADC-TR-76-241 -Pt-2 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 See also Part 1 , AD-A032 1 30. Descriptors: 'Microwave amplifiers, 'Solid state electronics, 'Phased arrays, 'Radar antennas, Dipole antennas, Planar structures, Electrical impedance. Excitation, Matrices(Mathematics), Far field, Redundancy, Random variables, Sam- pling, Harmonics, Computer programs, Anten- na radiation patterns, Gain. Identifiers: Method of moments. A computer program for the analysis of random effects in planar arrays is described. The method of moments is applied iteratively in conjunction with a random sampling process, to obtain mean far field beam patterns and their expected variation. Block-Toeplitz impedance redundancies and the zeros of the excitation matrix are utilized in a special efficient solution routine. Separate array analysis at fundamental and harmonic frequencies yields the expected ratio of harmonic to fundamental levels. The theory of the computer program is outlined and typical results are presented. Significant gain degradation is predicted at harmonic frequen- cies. The results are applied to the OTP regula- tions and it is concluded that certain types of microwave solid state devices tested are viable candidates for array elements in view of these regulations. (Author) AD-A032 686/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems Final rept. 1 Jan 73-30 Jun 76 Roger F. Harrington. Sep 76, 19p RADC-TR-76- 306 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, "Electromagnetic radiation, 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Matrix theory, Antennas, Synthesis, Apertures, Linear arrays, Waveguides, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: 'Antenna synthesis, Wire antennas, Method of moments. The objective of this research project was to in- vestigate applications of matrix methods to radiation and scattering systems. Four major topics were investigated, namely, (a) antenna pattern synthesis, (b) wire antennas over imper- fect ground, (c) radiation and scattering from large bodies, and (d) electromagnetic transmis- sion through apertures. All technical reports is- sued on project work are listed and abstracts of each are given. Published papers and oral papers related to project work are also listed. Based on the results of this project, recommen- dations for further research work are given. (Author) AD-A032 715/5CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Academy Annapolis Md Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors Research rept. Scott M.Jenkins. 17 Mar 76, 196p Rept no. USNA-TSPR-77 Report on a Trident scholar project. Descriptors: 'Dielectric properties, 'Semiconductors, Solid state electronics, Low frequency, Pressure transducers. Computer programs. Temperature, Audio frequency, Zinc selenides, Selenides, Arsenic compounds, Ar- senic sulfides, Cadmium selenides, Cadmium sulfides. Identifiers: Arsenide selenides, 'Amorphous semiconductors. The complex dielectric constant has been mea- sured for single crystal CdS and CdSe, and amorphous As2S3, As2Se3, and ZnSe at five audio frequencies 1000-10000 Hz) over the tem- perature range 4.2-300K at 1 atmosphere and over the pressure range 1-3000 atmospheres at temperatures from 260-320K. Anomalies are noted in the temperature variation of the real part of the dielectric constant for the As glasses. One anomaly is attributable to a Debye-type impurity while the other remains unexplained. The volume independent tem- perature derivative and temperature indepen- dent volume derivative of the real part of the dielectric constant are calculated for each material. These are used in conjunction with the Clausius-Mossotti equation to evaluate the various contributions to the pressure and tem- perature derivatives of the dielectric constant. For CdS, the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation is found to hold and the Szigeti effective charge is calculated. Finally, the possible use of these materials as a pressure transducer is discussed. (Author) AD-A033 412/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif Simplified VLF/LF Mode Conversion Program with Allowance for Elevated, Abritrarily Oriented Electric Dipole Antennas Interim research rept. Mar-Sep 76 R. A. Pappert , and L. R. Shockey. 10 Oct 76, 79p Reptno.NELC/IR-771 Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas, 'Ionospheric propagation, Electric fields, Very low frequen- cy, Low frequency, Orientation(Direction), FORTRAN, Homogeneity, Computer programs. Atmospheric disturbances, Anisotropy, digital computers. Identifiers: Mode conversions, Waveguide modes. This report presents an updated version of an earlier simplified mode conversion program for VLF/LF propagation in the earth-ionosphere waveguide. The new program includes the provision for calculating at an arbitrary height within the guide all three electric field com- ponents generated by an electric dipole of ar- bitrary orientation and height within the guide. The program is designed for treating air to air, ground to air or air to ground VLF/LF problems involving a waveguide channel which is horizontally inhomogeneous along the direction of propagation. (Author) AD-A033 495/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Laurel Md Applied Physics Lab High-Resolution Clock Control for the TIP Satellite Technical memo. R. E. Jenkins, and A. D. Goldfinger. Sep 76, 46p Rept no. APL/JHU/TG-1301 Contract N00017-72-C-4401 Descriptors: 'Clocks, 'Crystal oscillators, "Frequency synthesizers, 'Timing devices. Navigation satellites, Kalman filtering, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN, Navigation compu- ters, Frequency standards. Identifiers: Satellite clocks, Clock control, TIP satellite. The Transit Improvement Program (TIP) satel- lite clock is controlled by the IPS (Incrementally Programmable Synthesizer) and flight com- puter subsystems. Together they provide a synthesis of frequency offset and frequency drift that can be used to compensate for such errors in satellite crystal oscillator. To do this, the ground software must estimate the oscilla- tor offset and drift and then compute the proper control parameters to be injected into the satel- lite to steer the clock. The system provides a resolution of control of 1 part in 10 to the 13th power in frequency and 1 part in 10 to the 13th power per day in drift. Estimation of oscillator offset and drift from high-resolution pseudo- random noise epoch measurements is accom- plished by a discrete Kalman filter, based upon a three-state model with continuous random walks in frequency and frequency drift as the driving noise in the oscillator. A ground soft- ware program has been provided to implement the Kalman filter and compute the control parameters required to steer the satellite clock to the reference ground clock. The programs are written in Fortran 4. Complete listings of the software and operating procedures are pro- vided. (Author) AD-A033 592/7CP PC A04/MF A01 TRW Systems Group Redondo Beach Calif Nuclear Survivability Dept Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume I Final rept. M. Epstein, and J. R. Pistacchi. Sep 76, 65p AFWL-TR-73-256-Vol-1 Contract F29601 -73-C-0024 See also Volume 2, AD-A033 606. Descriptors: 'Programming languages. "Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, Radia- tion damage. Analogs, Circuit analysis. Transient radiation effects, Subroutines, Simu- lators. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, "NELSIM computer program. NELSIM is a FORTRAN IV computer program written for the CDC 6000 series computers. 17 NELSIM generates electric analogs from mechanical, thermal, electro mechanical and electro optical system input descriptions. The electrical analogs generated are in a format ac- ceptable to the SCEPTRE (System for Circuit Evaluation and Prediction of Transient Radia- tion Effects) program. The Nelsim output can then be executed on the SCEPTRE program to determine the system transient response. This report documents the theory and formulation utilized in the generation of NELSIM. The struc- ture of the program and its subroutines are discussed. Also included is a sample problem section illustrating the input and output of the program and subsequent transient response obtained. (Author) AD-A033 606/5CP PC A05/MF A01 TRW Systems Group Redondo Beach Calif Nuclear Survivability Dept Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume II Final rept. M. Epstein, and J. R. Pistacchi. Sep 76, 100p AFWL-TR-73-256-VOI-2 Contract F29601-73-C-0024 See also Volume 1 , AD-A033 592. Descriptors: 'Programming languages, "Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, Com- puter applications, Differential equations, Radiation damage. Transient radiation effects, Analog systems, Networks, Circuit analysis, Simulators, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'NELSIM computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. NELSIM is a computer program developed to convert non-electrical system descriptions into electrical analogs or differential equations con- sistent with existing circuit analysis programs. The program provides an interface between system level problems and electrical simulation programs. The module permits engineers not familiar with disciplines generally associated with circuit simulation programs to solve system problems without manually deriving the electrical analogs and differential equations necessary to utilize such programs. (Author) AD-A033 698/2CP PC A15/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Theory of Operation and Applications of Sam- pled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Fil- ters Doctoral thesis Stacy Vernon Holmes. Jun 76, 333p Descriptors: 'Charge coupled devices, 'Recursive filters, Moving target indicators, Analog systems, Computer programs, Theses, Computer aided design, FORTRAN. The theory of operation of charge coupled devices in the sampled analog mode is in- vestigated. The applications of charge coupled devices in recursive filters is explored, both in first and second order systems. A means for translating nth order filters to first or second order is explained. Tables are developed to assist the engineer in choosing the proper coef- ficients for second order recursive filter design. Applications of recursive filter systems to mov- ing target indicator processors are explored. AD-A034 095/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Electromag- netics Lab Study of Mutual Coupling between Two Slots on a Cylinder Final rept. 16 Jul-15 Nov 76 S. W. Lee, and R. Mittra. Nov 76, 63p Contract N00019-76-M-0622 Descriptors: 'Slot antennas, 'Magnetic dipoles, Displacement, Admittance, Cylindrical bodies, Electromagnetic fields, Coupling(lnteraction), Metal plates, Computer programs, Diffraction, Asymptotic series, Mathematical models, Com- plex variables. Identifiers: Mutual coupling. Contents: Calculation of Mutual Admittance between Two Slots on a Cylinder; Asymptotic Solution of Surface Field Due to a Magnetic Dipole on a Cylinder. AD-A034 975/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduction Computer Code Technical memo. J. Michael Clodfelter. Dec 76, 91 p Rept no. HDL-TM-76-28 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, 'Radiation damage, 'Computer programs, 'Machine coding, 'Radiation hardening. Curve fitting, Nuclear explosions. Electromagnetic pulses, Data processing, Subroutines, Data reduction, Plotting, Failure(Electronics), Least squares method. Identifiers: Semcon computer program. SEMCON is a semiconductor damage-data- reduction computer code that analyzes various semiconductor devices. The code evaluates semiconductor devices by giving the following information: (1) determination of damage— the failure or nonfailure of a device; (2) calculation of power, energy, and impedance; (3) least- squares fits of specific damage curves to chosen data; (4) selection of the best least- squares fit; and (5) log-log plots of least- squares fits. This report details the develop- ment and capabilities of SEMCON, as well as the procedures for using the code. (Author) AD-A035 052/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y The Complete Electromagnetic Fields in the Focal Region of a Paraboloidal Reflector Ronald L. Fante, and Richard L. Taylor. Sep 76, 20p Rept no. RADC-TR-76-295 Descriptors: 'Parabolic antennas, 'Cassegrain antennas, Electromagnetic fields, Computer programs, Reflectors, Fortran, Plane waves, Il- lumination. By using the physical optics approximation we have developed a computer progrm to calculate the complete near field distribution of a parabo- loid which is illuminated by a plane wave. This program is described and a number of results obtained with this program are presented, in- cluding some comparisons with known results for the fields in the focal plane. (Author) AD-A035 289/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Switching System Simulator Master's thesis Charles R.Williams. Dec 76, 139p Rept no. GE/EE-76-45 Descriptors: 'Switching circuits, 'Simulators, 'Computerized simulation, Algorithms, Com- puter programs, Programming languages, Models, Instruction manuals, User needs. Identifiers: CDC 6600 computers. Switching theory. Switching System Simulator (SSS) is a CDC 6600 computer program which simulates and evaluates networks of interconnected switching elements. SSS determines all the possible ways in which a given switching system can complete a set of input/output con- nections. SSS is not limited to specific types of switching systems but allows the user to define the functions required. The SSS input source program is taken from a schematic diagram of the switching system is to be simulated. Each input, output and interconnecting path must be labeled with a unique name. Using the SSS input language, the user prepares the source program which defines all the pertinent charac- teristics of the switching system as well as the required input/output connections. SSS com- piled a computer model of the switching system based on the input source program and outputs a list of all the possible switching element posi- tions which satisfy the required input/output connections. A user's manual is included as part of this thesis which describes the capabili- ties, features and input language conventions of SSS. (Author) AD-A035 401/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Mb Associates San Ramon Calif Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Computer Program Manual (AMP2) Jan 75, 184p Rept no. MB-R-75/4 Contract N00014-71-C-0187 See also AD-767 420, AD-A005 673, AD-A025 890 and AD-A031 298. Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Mathematical models, 'Programming manuals, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Computer programs, Machine coding, Wire, Magnetic fields, Integral equations, Hybrid systems, Computer files, Digital compu- ters, Engineering, Theory, Subroutines. Identifiers: CDC 6700 Computers. This manual is a supplement to the Engineer- ing, User's and Systems manuals prepared for the Antenna Modeling Program (AMP). This document describes the operation, theory, and coding of the changes made to AMP in order to decrease the running time for large voluminous structures with wire appendages. The options incorporated are surface modeling with surface patches as an alternative to wire grid modeling, and the use of approximate structure matrix elements where appropriate. In addition, an op- tion for the precautionary dumping of tempora- ry file storage is included. The AMP code as modified (AMP2) has been implemented on the Naval Ship Engineering Center CDC 6700 and has been delivered to the Naval Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Strategic Communica- tions Command, and the Rome Air Develop- ment Center. AD-A035 855/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Computational Techniques for the Reduction of Nonlinear Effects Using Passive Compen- sating Networks Phase rept. 1 Oct 74-1 Jul 76 Kendall L. Su. Dec 76, 98p RADC-TR-76-369 Contract F30602-75-C-01 18 Descriptors: 'Transistor amplifiers, 'Distortion, Frequency response, Compensators, Inter- modulation, Computer programs. Transfer functions, Mathematical models, Computa- tions, Nonlinear analysis. Identifiers: 'Network analysis theory. The objective of this effort is to develop design procedures to minimize nonlinear effects in mildly nonlinear circuits— Specifically, design procedures that will reduce nonlinear distor- tions such as intermodulation, desensitization, gain compression, etc. in communication equipment. The approach used relies on reduc- ing in-band nonlinear distortion products by modifying the first order transfer functions out- side the band of interest. The technique makes use of the fact that certain high-order nonlinear effects in the passband are functions of first- order network parameters at frequencies out- side the band. By appropriate modification of these first-order parameters in-band, nonlinear effects can be reduced. 18 AD-A035 902/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering A Solution for a Wide Aperture Reactively Loaded Antenna Array Technical rept. John Luzwick, and Roger F. Harrington. Jan 77, 31 p Rept nos. TR-77-1 , TR-5 Contract N00014-76-C-0225 See also AD-A031 784. Descriptors: 'Antenna apertures, 'Antenna ar- rays, 'Slot antennas. Waveguide slots, Com- puter programs, Reactance, Beam steering, In- tegral equations, Numerical integration, Matrices(Mathematics), Admittance. Identifiers: Reactive loads. This report considers an array of wide aperture reactively loaded antennas, specifically, an N element array of closely-spaced waveguide- backed rectangular slots radiating into a half- space region. Only the center slot is fed and the other slots are parasitically excited. The parasitic slots are reactively loaded by short- circuit waveguides. By varying the positions of the short circuits, a directive beam can be steered through 180 deg in space. The solution uses the moment method applied to the integral equation for the equivalent magnetic current in the aperture region and a numerical integration technique. Solutions for seven, nine, and fifteen element aperture arrays are given. A computer subroutine which generates the aperture half- space admittance matrix is described and listed. (Author) AD-A036 161/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Plate: A 2-D Transmission Line Current Sym- metry Code Final rept. John A. Justice. Jan 77, 105p Rept no. AFWL- TR-76-205 Descriptors: 'Transmission lines, 'Capacitors, Machine coding, Programming manuals, Two dimensional, Foils(Materials), Electric current, Voltage, User needs, Inductance, Resistors, Nu- merical methods and procedures. Identifiers: 'Capacitor banks, Users manuals, Mutual inductance, 'Computer programs, PLATE computer program. This report is primarily intended as a users manual for the two-dimensional current flow code PLATE. The current symmetry to a thin cylindrical foil that is being imploded by the j bar x B bar force in a short z-pinch device is considered. The code PLATE calculated azimuthal current asymmetries to the experi- mental load for various capacitor bank and parallel plate transmission line configurations. A discussion of numerical techniques is in- cluded. Two sample problems are discussed. A complete listing and sample output are in- cluded. (Author) AD-A036 250/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab Hanover N H A Computer Program to Determine the Re- sistance of Long Wires and Rods to Non- homogeneous Ground Steven A. Arcone. Jan 77, 21 p Rept no. CRREL- 77-2 Descriptors: 'Electrical resistivity, 'Electrical grounding, 'Electric wire, Direct current, Arctic regions, Permafrost, Electrodes, Rods, Terrain, Emplacement, Horizontal orientation, Vertical orientation, Earth models, Computer programs, Computations. A computer program was developed for finding the d-c resistance to ground of two simple elec- trodes, a straight horizontal wire and a verti- cally driven rod. The objective of this study was to develop a rapid means of finding the re- sistance to ground of simple electrode types in arctic environments where a two-layer earth model, frozen and unfrozen ground, is applica- ble. The program can consider homogeneous as well as two-layer earth, and the length, diameter and position of the electrodes. The computations were performed first by dividing an electrode into several smaller segments. Next the electrostatic potential of each segment was computed at the center of the electrode for unit-applied current. The segment potentials were then summed to find the total resistance to ground. Some specific computations are presented in comparison with previous theoretical work of other authors. The following conclusions were made: 1) A maximum run time of 165 seconds is needed for all two-layer arctic models where (a) the depth of the upper layer does not exceed 10 m, (b) the vertical rod length is less than 30 m, or (c) the horizontal wire length is less than 100 m; 2) Best accuracy is obtained when rod and wire radii are less than 0.01 m ; and 3) Coincidence of the center of the vertical electrode with the two-layer inter- face must be avoided. (Author) AD-A036 S63/5CP PC A02/MF A01 Army Missile Research Development and En- gineering Lab Redstone Arsenal Ala Guidance and Control Directorate Transients on a Lossless, Exponentially- Tapered Transmission Line Technical rept. David Mathews. 30 Dec 76, 12p Rept no. RG-77- 5 Descriptors: 'Transmission lines, 'Transients, Computer programs, Propagation, Convolution integrals. A solution for the problem of a voltage pulse propagating along a lossless, exponentially- tapered transmission line is presented in the form of a convolution integral. If the input pulse can be approximated in terms of simple func- tions, an analytical solution is possible. If not, numerical evaluation of the resulting integral is still much simpler than solving the differential equations of propagation. AD-A036 737/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Antenna Select Computer Program (ANTSEL) Phase rept. Jose Perini, and Harvey Schuman. Jan 77, 49p RADC-TR-77-32 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Electromagnetic interference, 'Ship antennas, Computer applications, Data storage systems, Fortran, Computer programs, Shipboard. Identifiers: ANTSEL computer program. The Antenna Select Computer code (ANTSEL) is described here. The code is designed to aid the ship designer in the selection of appropriate antennas at the concept stage of ship design. It is an initial version upon which the feasibility of such codes can be assessed. There are essen- tially three modes of operation — Learn, Search, and List. Under Learn Mode, stored antenna data is updated. Under Search Mode, antennas that meet desired specifications are found. Under List Mode, selected antenna data is presented. Listings of two versions of ANTSEL are included here. One version is suited for the Honeywell GCOS timesharing system. The other for the Control Data Corporation timesharing system. (Author) AD-A036 868/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y System Modularization to Minimize Life Cycle Costs Final technical rept. Aug 75-Jul 76 John E. Biegel, and Bio rat Bulcha. Jan 77, 51 p RADC-TR-77-13 Contract F30602-71-C-0312 descriptors: "Electronic equipment, 'Modules(Electronics), 'Life cycle costs, Circuit interconnections, Modular construction, Net- works, Systems engineering, Heuristic methods, Computer programs, Combinatorial analysis. Identifiers: Partitioning, Mean time to repair, Graph theory. When designing equipments, particularly elec- tronic equipments, there is a need to collect components into integral groups called modules. A network can be arbitrarily decom- posed into modules, but an optimum modu- larization would minimize the life cycle cost (LCC) of the system. This research was directed toward that goal. The method developed is a heuristic and no attempt has been made to establish its optimality (although no counter ex- amples are known). The problem is approached as one of decomposing a network subject to constraints. The problem may be stated as: Decompose a system to minimize the life cycle cost subject to physical constraints, a mean- time-to-repair constraint and establish spares to meet an availability constraint. A computer routine has been developed and explained. A flow chart is included. (Author) AD-A036 960/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Effect of CW-396A Radome on the Radiation Pattern of Rectangular Antennas Technical rept. Ronald L. Fante, Peter R. Franchi, and Richard L. Taylor. Dec 76, 32p Rept no. RADC-TR-76- 397 Descriptors: 'Radomes, 'Antenna radiation pat- terns, S band, L band, FORTRAN, Computer programs. Antenna lobes. Rectangular bodies. Identifiers: Grating lobes. This report studies the effect of the CW-396A radome on the radiation pattern of a number of different rectangular antennas. It was found that this radome produces grating lobes, which are approximately 30 dB below the main beam level at L-band and approximately 23 dB lower at S-band. A FORTRAN listing of the computer program used is included in this report. AD-A037 903/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif Electromagnetic System Interaction Al- gorithms (SEMCA, IPM, TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and Antenna Coupling, and Printouts) Technical document St Li. 3 Jan 77, 60p Rept no. NELC-TD-506 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic environments, 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Electromagnetic interference, Algorithms, Coupling(lnteraction), Computer programs. Shipboard, Models, Antennas, Radiofrequency, Data bases, Threshold effects, Attenuation, Er- rors, Transmitters, Receivers. Identifiers: TRED(Transmitter and receiver equipment development). TRED is a system design tool while SEMCA, IPM, and COSAM are mainly used as inter- ference prediction tools. A user-computer in- teractive program is recommended. It would be based on the TRED design philosophy and would be used during the design stage of ship- board RF communication systems. In addition, a performance evaluation program for ship- board RF communication systems is recom- mended. The purpose of the evaluation is to 19 predict final system performance in terms of ar- ticulation index and bit error rate. (Author) AD-A037 960/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Raytheon Co Bedford Mass Missile Systems Div Synthesis of Plane Stratified Dielectric Slab Spatial Filters Using Numerical Optimization Techniques Final rept. 1 Apr-30 Sep 76 J. H. Pozgay, S. Zamoscianyk, and L. R. Lewis. Dec 76, 105p BR-9389, RADC-TR-76-408 Contract F19628-76-C-0189 Descriptors: "Spatial filtering, "Dielectric films, X band, Planar structures, Antenna arrays, Laminates, Layers, Optimization, Synthesis, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Planar arrays, Microwave equip- ment. The synthesis of plane stratified dielectric slab spatial filters using numerical optimization techniques is presented. The stratified dielec- tric slab spatial filter is a unique concept for element pattern control on large planar arrays in that it gives protection for the array in the fashion of a radome. However, because of the relatively limited number of low loss microwave dielectrics, the synthesis of practical spatial fil- ters must proceed in a manner which guaran- tees that the final configuration consists of materials which are readily available and reproducible. A numerical optimization technique of stratified dielectric filter synthesis has been developed which provides this guarantee while simultaneously attaining the required spatial and frequency bandwidth response. Using the optimization technique, an eleven layer filter design for use with a large mechanically scanned array has been obtained which has greaterthan 10 dB rejection in an an- gular stopband of 36 deg and less than 0.3 dB transmission loss in an angular passband of 10 deg around broadside. An up to date tabulation of available low loss microwave dielectrics and complete computer program listings are given in the Appendices. (Author) AD-A038 135/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Mountain View Calif Electronic Systems Group-Western Div Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation Final technical rept. 1 May 74-30 Jun 76 James E. Rice, Jr. Jan 77, 152p RADC-TR-77-25 Contract F30602-74-C-0252, F30602-75-C-0287 Descriptors: "Radar antennas, "Planar struc- tures, "Antenna arrays, Computer programs, High frequency, Frequency modulation, Con- tinuous wave radar, Backscattering, Over the horizon detection. Identifiers: "Planar arrays, Low sidelobe arrays. From 1 May 1974 to 30 June 1976, GTE Syl- vania, Incorporated, Electronic Systems Group- Western Division, provided engineering field services in support of the RADC experimental HF FM/CW backscatter system at Dexter, New York. These services were primarily concerned with the design and development of a low side- lobe planar array, computer control of system parameters, and prediction of performance from precision measurements. This report discusses and details these efforts. (Author) AD-A038 142/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Pro- gram Jose Perini, and Kazuhiro Hirasawa. Jan 77, 68p RADC-TR-77-35 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns, "Computer programs, "Electromagnetic com- patibility, "Antennas, Electromagnetic fields, Distortion, Coupling(lnteraction), Communica- tion equipment, Geometry, Parameters. Identifiers: Mutual coupling. The Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Pro- gram is a user oriented code that allows the en- gineer designing a communication antenna farm to easily enter the antennas involved by simply calling their AF number (AT1181, AT1097, AT197, and a lightning rod LR1000) and specifying their location on an arbitrary reference plane. This reformer plane may be specified as a perfectly conducting infinite ground plane if desired. The program output may be any specified horizontal or vertical pat- tern. It can also calculate the mutual coupling between any two antennas. If the information provided by the AFCS SCREEN is available, the program can provide plots of the communica- tion range of station when the antenna pattern, antenna power, terrain topography, and receiver sensitivity are specified for any specified aircraft altitude. (Author) AD-A038 350/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Antenna Dept Conformal Phased Array Breadboard Final rept. Peter C. Bargeliotes, A. F. Seaton, Alfred T. Villeneuve, and Wolfgang H. Kummer. Jan 77, 80p Rept nos. 2753/981 , HAC-Ref-D6190 Contract N00019-76-C-0495 Descriptors: "Phased arrays, "Slot antennas, "Conformal structures, "Radar antennas, "Conical antennas. Phase shift circuits, Anten- na radiation patterns, X band, Admittance, Coupling(lnteraction), Guided missile anten- nas, Computer programs. Flush mounted slot antenna systems on metal- lic cones or ogival surfaces can be inertialessly scanned in the required direction. Since scanning over a wide angular region is generally desired, the radiation characteristics, including the effect of mutual coupling on the radiating elements, must be investigated before the more detailed system aspects are con- sidered. To this end, various approximation techniques have been examined for use in pat- tern calculations and in impedance calcula- tions. These include the approximate asymp- totic approach and the equivalence principle technique. The approximation techniques pro- vide simplified computations as compared with the exact technique, and are not applicable to all conditions. A combination of exact and ap- proximation techniques is generally required to design or analyze an array. The approximate asymptotic approach, which allows the separa- tion of the diffracted field and geometrical op- tics fields, has been examined in detail. It ap- pears that the asymptotic representation of the Legendre function chosen for the analysis leads to divergent expressions as the mode number m is increased, and hence limits the usefulness of the asymptotic approach in the present problem. The divergent nature of the asymptotic expression is verified by computed radiation patterns of several azimuthal modes. A computer program is being developed to apply the equivalence principle technique to a conical surface. AD-A038 627/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Watkins-Johnson Co Palo Alto Calif Pyrolytic Boron Nitride as a Dielectric Sub- strate Material for Microwave Intergrated Cir- cuits Final rept. 1 Jun 76-1 Apr 77 C. M. Krowne. 1 Apr 77, 43p Contract N00014-76-C-0896 Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, "Substrates, "Strip transmission lines, "Dielectrics, Microwave equipment, Pyrolysis, Boron nitrides, Tensors, Anisotropy, Couplers, Distor- tion, Computer programs, Electrical im- pedance. Identifiers: Pyrolytic boron nitride, Microstrip transmission lines, Phase velocity. Quasi-TEM electromagnetic theory is developed for microstrip lines on diagonal ten- sor dielectric substrate materials. Computer programs based on this theory using method of moments are described and were utilized to determine the electrical parameters for single and parallel-coupled microstrip lines on the substrate material pyrolytic boron nitride (PBN). Experimental measurements for single lines on PBN and for quadrature interdigitated coupled lines on PBN are reported. AD-A038 790/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Point Source Radiation Pattern Synthesis by Iterative Techniques Phase rept. Jose Perini, and Jason Chou. Feb 77, 40p RADC-TR-77-33 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns, "Steepest descent method, "Antenna arrays, Iterations, Planar structures, Computer pro- grams, Television antennas, Gain, Conver- gence, Omnidirectional antennas, Backlobes, Weighting functions, Optimization, Elec- tromagnetic compatibility. The steepest descent method has been applied to the radiation pattern synthesis of a planar array. The error function is defined as the dif- ference between the specified pattern and the radiation pattern over the entire synthesis range. The steepest descent technique is used to find the new array parameters such that the error function is a minimum. Synthesis exam- ples and a computer program implementation of the method are presented in the report. (Author) AD-A038 969/2CP PC A12/MF A01 General Electric Co Pittsfield Mass Ordnance Systems Digital Microcfrcuit Characterization and Specification Final technical rept. Apr 75-Dec 76 Thomas M. Ostrowski. Mar 77, 259 RADC-TR- 77-91 Contract F30602-74-C-0159 Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, "Microcircuits, "Microprocessors, Logic cir- cuits, Digital systems, Test methods. Functional analysis, computer programs, Debugging(Computers), Specifications, Flip flop circuits, Shift registers. Identifiers: Slash sheets. The objective of this effort was to generate MIL- M-38510 slash sheets for microprocessor in- tegrated circuits. The report includes the general microprocessor test philosophy developed and used, technical analyses of manufacturer generated functional test pro- grams, changes made to manufacturer pro- grams, and the approach taken in slash sheet development. Two slash sheets were developed; MOO for the 6800 and /420 for the 8080A microprocessor (not included in the re- port). Also included are analyses of functional tests for many low power Schottky flip flops and one CMOS register circuit (CD4035A). (Author) AD-A039 188/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Antenna Pattern Synthesis Computer Pro- gram Technical rept. Jose Perini, and Kazuhiro Hirasawa. Feb 77, 20p RADC-TR-77-37 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 20 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, Computer aided design, Synthesis, Electromagnetic compatibility, Elec- tromagnetic fields. Optimization. Optimization techniques have been applied to the antenna pattern synthesis problem using point sources and ignoring the mutual coupling effects. If these effects are to be taken into ac- count, it becomes very costly to perform the synthesis. In this report an approximate way to solve this problem has been prepared and im- plemented on a computer program . (Author) AD-A039 344/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Implementation of Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estimator (ORACLE) Rept. for Jul 75-Dec 76 George W. Lyne. Mar 77, 129p Rept no. RADC- TR-77-49 Includes Errata sheet dated Apr 77. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Failure(Electronics), 'Reliability (Electronics), Programming manuals, Flow charting, Elec- tronics, Components, Life expectancy, Esti- mates, Forecasting, Maintenance, Predictions, Modules(Electronics). Identifiers: 'Oracle computer program, Honeywell 6000 computers, MTBF(Mean time between failure), Mean time between failure. This report presents instructions for the imple- mentation of the ORACLE computer program, as developed by the US Army, on the RADC/Honeywell GCOS 6000 Computer System. This version of the ORACLE program is a software package which determines: The failure rate of electronic piece-parts based on the procedures set forth in MIL-HDBK-217B. The total piece-part failure rate of an electronic module, equipment and/or system. The MTBF for an electronic module, equipment and/or system based on the piece-part failure rates. (Author) AD-A039 509/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y A Time Domain Program for Wire Antenna Analysis Final rept. John Potenza. Apr 77, 142p Rept no. RADC-TR- 77-123 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Computer programs, Time domain, Transients, Subroutines, Mathe- matical models. Formats, Fortran, Data processing, Input output processing, identifiers: 'Wire antennas, Impulse response. This report discusses a user oriented computer routine to analyze antennas directly in the time domain. A number of sample cases were run and compared to previously published experi- mental results. A discussion of inputting data and output format is included to guide potential users. For the sake of completeness, a review of the time domain equations as well as the For- tran listing of the program are included. This in- formation was published in a final report (1) and was distributed only to RADC and NRL, and is not available through DDC. AD-A039 843/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Configured Bootlace Lenses Memorandum rept. J. P. Shelton. Apr 77, 31p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3483 Contract DOT-FA75WAI-556 Descriptors: "Microwave optics, 'Lenses, Microwave antennas. Focusing, Computer pro- grams, Ground controlled approach radar, Ray tracing, Fortran. Identifiers: 'Bootlace lenses. Lens antennas. The line-source bootlace lens produces op- timum focusing characteristics when it is con- strained to exhibit front-to-back as well as right-left symmetry. It is shown that the sym- metric bootlace lens is a one-parameter family when the radiating array is specified to be lambda/2 spaced with or - 90-degree coverage. Design equations for the lens are derived, and overall focusing performance and design data are plotted. A computer program of the design equations is presented. AD-A039 965/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C TE-Mode Solutions for Dielectric Slab Center Loaded Ridged Waveguide Interim rept. Charles W. Young, Jr. 29 Apr 77, 18p Rept no. NRL-8105 Descriptors: 'Waveguides, 'Transformers, Dielectrics, Broadband, Transmission lines, Propagation, Electromagnetic wave propaga- tion, FORTRAN, Computer programs, Trans- mission lines, Equivalent circuits, Transverse waves. Identifiers: Design. Dielectric slab center loaded ridged waveguide has been analyzed to obtain TE sub 10 propagation characteristics for the losses case. The analysis was performed by solving for the lowest order resonance of the transverse wave component, using an equivalent transmission line circuit which models the height change at the ridge as an effective shunt susceptance. Calculated and measured data are compared; they show good agreement. The analysis should prove useful in designing transformers to match empty ridged waveguide to slab loaded rectangular waveguide components such as toroidal phase shifters. (Author) AD-A040 026/7CP MF A01 BDM Corp Albuquerque N Mex General Electromagnetic Model for the Analy- sis of Complex Systems. Volume I. User's Manual Final technical rept. 2 Apr 74-30 Sep 76 R. J. Balestri, T. R. Ferguson, and E. R. Anderson. Apr 77, 182p RADC-TR-77-137-Vol-1 Contract F30602-74-C-0182 See also Volume 2, AD-A040 027. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic compatibility, 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Electromagnetic scattering, Antenna radiation patterns, Matrices(Mathematics), Solutions(General), Approximation(Mathematics), Iterations, User needs, Manuals, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN, Models. Identifiers: Method of moments, GEMACS com- puter program. Volume I of this report is the user's manual for the GEMACS code developed under this con- tract. GEMACS utilizes a MOM (Method of Mo- ments) formalism with the EFIE (Electric Field Integral Equation) for the solution of elec- tromagnetic radiation and scattering problems. The code employs both full matrix decomposi- tion and Banded Matrix Iteration solution techniques and is expressly designed for large problems. Volume II of this report describes the engineering approximations, the theory and im- plementation of the Banded Matrix Iteration scheme, and the results of a wire grid modeling study that established consistent wire grid modeling requirements for large structures. (Author) AD-A040 123/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Transient Waveform Analysis of Switching Converter Technical rept. Emil Kittl. Apr 77, 51 p Rept no. ECOM-4493 Descriptors: "DC to DC converters, 'Transients, Waveforms, Switching, Resonance, Computer programs, Steady state, Computerized simula- tion, Circuit analysis, Modes, Avalanche diodes, transistors. Identifiers: Power processing, Transient analy- sis. The DC to DC series resonance converter cir- cuit using antiparallel diodes to introduce two additional controlled time intervals for diode conduction has been modeled as an idealized series capacitor resonance circuit with four cyclic switching states. For the two transistor and two diode conduction periods of these states, linear circuit analysis is used. The boun- dary conditions at the time interface between the four switching states are defined for auto- matic cyclic sequencing so that a continuous string of wave trains of converter operation results. The computer program is written in basic language. AD-A040 223/OCP Not available NTIS Texas Tech Univ Lubbock Dept of Electrical En- gineering Rational Fault Analysis Interim rept. Richard Saeks, and Stanley R. Liberty. May 77, 252p Contract N00014-75-C-0924 Proceedings of Symposium on Rational Fault Analysis, Lubbock, Tex., 19-20 Aug 74. Availability: Marcel Dekker, Inc., N. Y., N. Y. 10016, HC $27.50 (No copies furnished by DDC). Descriptors: 'Test methods, 'Reliability, Faults, Electronics, Diagnosis(General), Statistical analysis, Computer programs, On line systems. Identifiers: 'Fault analysis, 'Meetings. This volume contains the proceedings of the Symposium on Rational Fault Analysis held in Lubbock, Texas in August 1974. Participants in the symposium represented industry, govern- ment, and universities. The topics covered in- clude fault analysis in analog and digital elec- tronics, testing of non-electrical devices, imple- mentation problems, and the mathematics of fault analysis. In addition bibliographies on analog and digital fault analysis are included (Author) AD-A040 269/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Breuer and Associates Encino Calif Functional Level Modeling of Complex Ele- ments in TEST/80 Melvin A. Breuer. 1 Sep 76, 81 Rept no. TEST/80-1-76 Contract N00014-75-C-1053 Descriptors: 'Logic elements, 'Circuit analysis, Computer programs, Gates(Circuits), Models, Automatic, Algorithms, Computer applications, Flip flop circuits, Shift registers, Counters, Machine translation. Identifiers: Automatic test generation program, Test/80 computer program, Computer soft- ware. This report documents the result of just one task of the contract. This task was to investigate the feasiblity of handling complex elements functionally, rather than at the logic level, in an ATG system. A ter.t generation system was as- sumed, based upon the concepts of path sen- sitization a la the D-algorithm. This feasiblity is shown in the report. More precisely, function models were developed for three devices (a flip- flop, a counter, and a shift register). These models include mechanisms for processing im- plication, D-drive and line justification. Con- cepts are discussed for dealing with both edge- 21 triggered and level devices, as well as a generic language for specifying the functional opera- tion of a device. (Author) AD-A040 271/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Breuer and Associates Encino Calif An Advanced Automatic Test Generation System for Digital Circuits Melvin A. Breuer. 29 Mar 77, 1 1 1 p Rept no. TEST/80-1-77 Contract N00014-75-C-1053 Descriptors: 'Logic circuits, 'Circuit analysis, Automatic, Digital systems, Preprocessing, Al- gorithms, Circuit testers, Random access com- puter storage, Shift registers, Gates(Circuits), Counters. Identifiers: Automatic test generation program, TEST/80 computer program. This is the third and final report documenting our research into the design of a new and powerful automatic test generation system for digital logic, called TEST/80. This system is designed around the following six concepts. 1. A powerful circuit preprocessing analysis which leads to greater efficiency during stimu- lus generation. 2. An effective initialization al- gorithm. 3. The use of time frames, phases and periods so that asynchronous circuits can be accurately processed during stimulus genera- tion. 4. The use of functional level primitives so that complex circuits including shift registers, counters and RAM's, can now be effectively processed. 5. The use of a stimulus generation algorithm which incorporates the concepts in 1-4. 6. The use of a functional level concurrent fault simulator, used to grade a test and produce a fault dictionary. AD-A040 398/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md User's Manual for the NLINE Multiconductor Transmission-Line Computer Code Technical rept. Janis Klebers. May 77, 52p Rept no. HDL-TR- 1803 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Transmission lines, 'Electromagnetic shield- ing, Electromagnetic pulses, Coupling circuits, Multiconductor cables, Electric cables, FOR- TRAN, Time domain, Magnetic fields. Compu- terized simulation. Computer applications. Identifiers: NLINE computer program, Plane waves. This manual describes applications of the mul- ticonductor transmission-line computer pro- gram, NLINE. The program computes the volt- ages and currents induced by an incident plane electro-magnetic wave on the conductors or in the loads of a lossless transmission line made up of 1 1 conductors or less. The solution is pro- vided both in the frequency and time domains. The program accepts arbitrary angles of in- cidence, transmission-line length, and resistive terminations. The Thevenin equivalent lumped- parameter method is described for use of NLINE with non-linear loads. Computational agreement with experimental data is demon- strated. A complete FORTRAN program listing is included. (Author) AD-A041 319/5CP MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y FAA Lightning Protection Study: Lightning In- duced Transients on Buried Shielded Cables: Numerical Analysis and Results Final rept. May 76-May 77 John D. Nordgard, and Chin-Lin Chen. May 77, 118pFAA/RD-77-83 Contract DOT-FA72WAI-353 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Lightning arresters, 'Electric ca- bles, Lightning, Transients, Numerical analysis, Coaxial cables, Protection, Electric current, Voltage, Surges, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Buried cables, Electromagnetic disturbances. This report is primarily concerned with analysis of induced transient current and voltage pulses on buried shielded transmission lines, due to earth conduction effects of nearby lightning discharges. A numerical method is presented in this report to determine the amount of coupling between a lightning discharge to ground and an earth-return transmission line. The transmis- sion line is assumed to be a long straight horizontal coaxial cable with an inner shield and an outer armor, terminated on both ends with typical communication equipment load im- pedances. The general case is considered here, in which the outermost conductor is not neces- sarily in perfect contact with the conducting earth but has a contact impedence with the earth, as in cables with an outer dielectric covering for corrosion or water protection. In- direct strikes to the cable via conductive coupling mechanisms through the earth are considered. Several average lightning channel conditions and several representative buried cable geometries are examined. The results are conveniently displayed via numerous graphs of the time histories and frequency spectra of the resulting transient current and voltage surges. (Author) AD-A041 321/1CP MF A01 Raytheon Co Bedford Mass Missile Systems Div Design and Analysis of Bifurcated Twin Dielectric Slab Loaded Rectangular Waveguide. Dual Frequency Array Elements Final rept. Jan 76-Feb 77 J. H. Pozgay, M. Fassett, and L. R. Lewis. 1 Mar 77, 246p BR-9674, RADC-TR-77-160 Contract F19628-75-C-0197 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Dielectric waveguides, 'Exciters, 'Phased arrays, 'Antenna arrays, Frequency, Strip transmission lines, Antenna apertures, High frequency, Mathematical analysis, Com- puter programs, Grids, Antenna lobes, Antenna feeds, Dual mode. The design and analysis of a unique dual frequency array element and three probe ele- ment exciter for aperture sharing at two widely separated frequency bands is presented. The bifurcated twin dielectric slab loaded rectangu- lar waveguide element simultaneously supports a single low frequency band phase center and four independently controllable high frequency phase centers, resulting in the formation of an independent radiating beam in each band. The principle element design objective is to minimize the element count while maximizing the rejection of high frequency grating lobes. It is shown that the slab loaded element results in 21 percent fewer phase and frequency control per unit array area than an alternate diplexed wide band element dual frequency concept for a scanning array operated over 15 percent bands centered at 4 and 8 GHz. The radiation and coupling properties of the array element are developed from a scattering formulation of the feedguide - free space discontinuity for the fully excited infinite array. Comparison of theoretical performance for triangular and rectangular grid configurations shows that considerable improvement in high frequency grating lobe rejection is obtained from the tri- angular lattice. To characterize the transverse aperture fields, a complete modal description of propagation in the inhomogeneously loaded guide is obtained through a component-by- component comparison of the degenerate eigen-functions of the structure. AD-A041 864/OCP PC A10/MF A01 Boeing Commercial Airplane Co Seattle Wash Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evaluation with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Soft- ware Final rept. Sep 73 to Dec 75 A. D. Thompson, S. C. Wilson, P. F. Rieder, W. L. Chu, and M.J. Mardesich. Sep 76, 214p D6- 44049, FAA-RD-75-173-4 Contract DOT-TSC-707-4 See also Volume 6, AD-A041 971 . Descriptors: 'Aircraft antennas, 'Air traffic con- trol systems, 'Scientific satellites, 'Communication satellites, Signal to noise ratio, Multipath transmission, Modems, Digital systems, Fast Fourier transforms, Algorithms, Envelope(Space), Scattering, Detectors, Data processing. Computer programs. Identifiers: ATS-6 satellite. Software used for the reduction and analysis of the multipath prober, modem evaluation (voice, digital data, and ranging), and antenna evalua- tion data acquired during the ATS-6 field test program is described. Multipath algorithms in- clude reformatting operations, delay-spectra time histories, delay-Doppler scatter function S(Tau, Omega), noise determination and removal, spread calculations, airborne tape analysis, and other detailed processing includ- ing time-domain analysis and various integral and Fourier operations on S(Tau, Omega). Modem and antenna evaluation data processing software includes algorithms for the determination of (1) C/N sub o and multipath interference ratio, S/l, (2) digital data bit-error rates, block error statistics, and inter-error spacing, and (3) ranging error statistics and dis- tribution. Sample outputs are given. Program listings and other information are provided in an auxiliary software data package. The report consists of seven volumes: I - Executive Sum- mary; II - Demonstration of Satellite-Supported Communications and Surveillance for Oceanic Air Traffic Control; III - Summary of U.S. Aeronautical Technology Test Program; IV - Data Reduction and Analysis Software; V - Mul- tipath Channel Characterization Test; VI - Modem Evaluation Test; VII - Aircraft Antenna Evaluation Test. (Author) AD-A042 149/5CP PC A02/MF A01 Bdm Corp El Paso Tex Power Series V-l Curve Element and Op- timization Improvements in the NET-2 Net- work Analysis Program Final rept. Allan F. Malmberg. 8 Aug 75, 10p Rept no. BDM/E-19-75-F-0158 Contract DAAG39-75-C-0158 Descriptors: 'Resistors, 'Computer programs, Nonlinear systems. Voltage, Electric current, Mathematical models, Optimization, Power se- ries, Subroutines, Digital computers, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Characteristic curves, NET-2 com- puter program, 'Network analysis theory. A model for a nonlinear resistor has been developed and im plemented in NET-2. The non- linear resistor has actually been implemented as an algebraic power series in which element voltage is a function of element current. The power series function is defined for non-nega- tive values of current and reflected into the other half plane (non-positive current) as a negative function. Details of the power series element are given. The FORTRAN listing of subroutine PSVI, the power series element rou- tine, is given in Appendix A. AD-A042 288/1CP MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Computer Aided Design of Digital Filters Salih Kayhan Elitas. Jun 77, 105p Availability: Microfiche copies only. 22 Descriptors: "Digital filters, "Computer aided design, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Modified transitional Butterworth Chebyshev filters, Butterworth filters, Chebyshev filters. Expressions for a generalized Modified Transi- tional Butterworth-Chebyshev (MTBC) filter are derived. The characteristics of this filter as ap- plied to digital filter design are investigated. It is shown that by adjusting location and order of the inserted zeros, the cut-off slope rate of the filter can be traded for maximum attenuation in the stop band. The performance of this MTBC filter is compared to that of Butterworth, Chebyshev, transitional Butterworth- Chebyshev filters together with those sug- gested by other investigators. It is shown that the stop-band attenuation can be significantly increased without great sacrifice of cut-off slope rate. Step response of this MTBC filter is also obtained and compared with other filters. Various tabulations as well as graphs of this filter are given for design purposes. A computer program is developed for the design of this filter. (Author) AD-A042 594/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J NASTRAN Data Generating Programs and Analytical Models for Analysis of Antenna Mast and Tower Structures Final rept. James W. Jetter, Jr. Jul 77, 29p Rept no. ECOM- 4508 Descriptors: "Antenna masts, "Towers, "Computer aided design, Guy wires, Aerodynamic loading, Computer programs. Static loads, Anchors(Structural), Wind velocity, Wind direction, Directional, Prestressing, Nodes, PUnched cards. This report is concerned with the development of data generating programs and analytical models to facilitate the structural analysis of antenna mast and tower structures subjected to static and dynamic loadings. The programs generate the data cards necessary to define the structure geometry and material properties of typical masts and towers for the NASA Struc- tural Analysis Program (NASTRAN). The auto- matic data generating program for masts can be used to model any mast of constant cross section and can handle any number of cable tie points and anchor points; deform cards to duplicate cable pretension are also generated as well as the force cards needed for represent- ing a uniform wind type pressure. The auto- matic data generator for towers generates a se- ries of tower stages and considers four (4) variations of tower geometry, three (3) possible base conditions and any number of sides greater than two (2). This program was designed for towers with regular generation properties and equal side lengths, but a separate program enables some variations in side length to be considered. In order to pro- vide an economical but efficient NASTRAN model for analyzing antenna towers, three models, with varying degrees of exactness were investigated using several NASTRAN rigid for- mats for analysis. The capabilities and limita- tions of these models, with respect to the rigid formats considered, was studied. (Author) AD-A042 600/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Analysis Techniques and Instrumentation for Blast Loaded Parabolic Antennas Progress rept. 26 May-8 Aug 75 James W. Jeter, Jr. Jul 77, 26p Rept no. ECOM- 4509 Descriptors: "Parabolic antennas, "Blast loads, "Computer aided design, Reinforce- ment(Structures), Computer programs, Flat plate models, Digital computers, Overpressure, Dynamic loads, Failure(Mechanics), Satellite communications, Punched cards, Time domain, FORTRAN. Identifiers: B-5700 computers. In this report, a physical model and blast analy- sis techniques are developed for a solid surface parabolic antenna, using the NASTRAN struc- tural analysis program. The antenna considered is the US Army Satellite Communication Agen- cy Antenna, consisting of a center section and four petal sections, all of which have the struc- tural configuration of stressed skin over rein- forcing ribs. The antenna is modelled as a net- work of flat membrane plates, except at con- nection points, where appropriate bending stresses are accounted for. An alternate model makes it possible to consider, to some extent, bending stresses in the skin. A simplifying as- sumption of symmetrical behavior of the reflec- tor reduces analysis costs considerably. When analysis of the center section alone is necessa- ry, removal of a minimal number of computer cards from the complete model results in a model of the center section. Computer pro- grams are described which translate the blast parameters and antenna geometry into concen- trated dynamic loads at NASTRAN grid points. The analysis procedure for dynamic loads is outlined. Instrumentation and maximum over- pressure loads for a shock tube test are recom- mended, based on available information. This task was supported financially by the Scientific Services Program of the US Army Research Of- fice. (Author) AD-A042 758/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind School of Electrical Engineering Influence of Horizontal Ground Wires on Low Angle Radiation from HF Antennas Interim technical rept. C. L. Chen , and W. L. Weeks. 19 May 77, 37p Scientific-1, RADC-TR-77-171 Contract F19628-76-C-0086 Descriptors: "Antennas, High frequency, Horizontal orientation, Ground(Electrical), Wire, Computer programs. Angles, Radiation, Polarization, Vertical orientation, Method of moments. Digital computer programs are being developed to evaluate the effects of horizontal ground wire systems on the low angle radiation from vertically polarized HF antennas. An ex- tensive method of moments program (WF- LLL2A) has been modified for this purpose. An alternative approximate method has also been studied and the results compared. Results to date indicate the feasibility of these types of calculations and that a low angle field enhance- ment of 20 to 25% by design of the ground wire system may be possible at the higher frequen- cies in the HF band. (Author) AD-A042 848/2CP PC A08/MF A01 Colorado State Univ Fort Collins Dept of Elec- trical Engineering Digital Filter Design and Implementation Methods Final technical rept. 4 Apr 73-30 Jun 74 Thomas A. Brubaker. Jul 77, 1 64p AFAL-TR-75- 211 Contract F33615-73-C-1253 Descriptors: "Digital filters, "Avionics, Flight control systems, Multiplexing, Interactions, Covariance, Control systems, Algorithms, Re- liability, Recursive filters, Transfer functions, Fortran, Computer programs. Identifiers: Design. This report describes methods for the design and implementation of digital filters that have applications in modern aircraft avionics and flight control systems. Design of the digital fil- ters and the interaction between the design and implementation are emphasized. Multiplexing of digital filters is discussed. (Author) AD-A042 859/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks Pa Management of Research and Development for Electronic Systems Individual study project rept. George L. Wooley. 3 Jun 77, 74p Descriptors: "Research management, "Electronics, Advanced systems, Technology, Department of Defense, Life cycles. Life ex- pectancy, Information transfer, Matrices(Mathematics), Development tests. Systems approach, Acquisition, Computers, Computer programs, Assessment, Risk analy- sis. The intent of this investigative research effort was to perform a critical appraisal of the De- partment of Defense technological innovation process in the light of recent research in private industry technological innovation. The study focuses specifically on Research and Develop- ment and technological innovations for elec- tronic systems. The focus is directed toward electronic systems because of the thesis that electronic technology is progressing rapidly enough to make the life span of technologies less than the optimun DOD system acquisition cycle time. The study concludes that more DOD electronic systems will be fielded with obsolete computer subsystems unless changes are made in the military R and D approaches. The first recommendation is that Department of Defense establish a program of joint service evaluation of com peting technologies as part of electronic systems development projects. The study also recommends the establishing of a more meaningful incentive program for govern- ment and contractor personnel that is unique to technological innovation. AD-A043 400/1 CP PC A06/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Dept of Electrical Engineering A GTD Analysis of the Circular Reflector An- tenna Including Feed and Strut Scatter Final technical rept. Mar 76-Apr 77 S. H. Lee, R. C. Rudduck, C. A. Klein, and R. G. Kouyoumjian. Aug 77, 105p 4381-1, RADC-TR- 77-259 Contract F30602-76-C-0224 Descriptors: "Parabolic antennas, "Antenna lobes, Scattering, Diffraction, Geometry, Nu- merical analysis, Antenna feeds. Antenna radia- tion patterns, Circular antennas. Computer pro- grams, Supports. Recently, the wide angle side lobes of a circular reflector antenna pattern were calculated by the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction and an overall pattern can be obtained from a com- bination of GTD and aperture integration methods. In this report, the analysis is extended to include the scattering from the feed sup- ports. The feed support scattering is treated using the concept of equivalent current line source. The cylinder scattering model developed in this report gives the effect of strut scattering on the wide angle side lobes of the reflector. The scattering from the feed struts al- ways has its greatest effect near the scattering cones for each strut. These scattering cones usually give rise to a maximum aperture blockage effect in certain off-principal plane patterns. The an alysis given here can be used to compute the complete pattern of any arbitrary plane cut for a practical circular reflector an- tenna system. (Author) AD-A043 560/2CP PC A02/MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Dept of Electrical En- gineering and Computer Sciences 23 Research in Integrated, High-Frequency Communication Circuits Final rept. 1 May 74-30 Apr 77 R.G.Meyer, and D.O. Pederson. Jul 77, 8p ARO-12131.6-EL Grant DAHC04-74-G-0151 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Communication equipment, 'Low noise am- plifiers, 'Voltage controlled oscillators. High frequency, Broadband, Monolithic struc- tures(Electronics), Transistor amplifiers, Distor- tion, Avalanche diodes. Computer aided design, Computer programs. Identifiers: Noise figure, Zener diodes. This report summarizes our research results in Integrated, High-Frequency Communication Circuits. A monolithic integrated circuit process giving 1.7 GHz transistors has been realized. This allowed realization of an op- timum, wideband, low-distortion, monolithic amplifier with 20 dB gain and 370 MHz band- width. The circuit incorporates low-noise Zener diodes and has a worst case noise figure of 9 dB. Research on monolithic VCOs yielded an optimum topology for a temperature-stable high-frequency VCO. A monolithic triangle sine wave converter yielding 0.3% total harmonic distortion over a 70 deg C temperature range has been realized for use with such VCOs. A computer-aided design program SINC-S has been written for the analysis of oscillator cir- cuits. This typically gives a factor of three im- provement in computation time compared with conventional techniques. (Author) AD-A043 804/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Pattern Magnitude Synthesis for a Reactively Loaded Circular Antenna Array Technical rept. John Luzwick, and Roger F. Harrington. Aug 77, 40p Reptno.TR-77-6 Contract N00014-76-C-0225 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, 'Antenna radia- tion patterns, Circular, Loading(Electronics), Synthesis, Optimization, Reactance, Dipole an- tennas, Algorithms, Excitation, Q factors, Com- puter programs, Matrices(Mathematics). This report presents a method for synthesizing a given radiation field magnitude pattern for a reactively loaded circular dipolar array. The reactively loaded circular dipole array has the center dipole fed and the outer dipoles parasiti- cally excited with reactive loads across their input terminals. Both seven and thirteen ele- ment arrays are considered. A Rosenbrock op- timization algorithm is applied directly to the synthesis error function to determine the reac- tive loads required for minimum error. Any ar- bitrarily shaped magnitude pattern can be treated. The pattern magnitude synthesis results for the reactively loaded array are com- pared to that of an optimally excited array. A computer program for the optimization al- gorithm with operating instructions is included. (Author) AD-A044 114/7CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Instrument Trainer Specialist AFSC 34151 Occupational survey rept. Apr-Jun 77. 22 Aug 77, 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-341 -222 Report on Electronics Principles. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Electronic technicians, "Skills, 'Job analysis. Training devices, Instrumenta- tion, Electronics, Electronic equipment, Careers, Career ladders, Jobs, Job satisfication, Job training, Surveys, Questionnaires, Com- puter programs, Air Force personnel. Data acquisition, Enlisted personnel, Maintenance personnel, Inventory. Identifiers: Occupational surveys, Air Force specialty codes, Instrument trainer specialty. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Instrument Trainer Specialists (AFSC 34151). The data for this re- port were collected during the period April through June 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. (Author) AO-A044 121/2CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Defensive Systems Trainer Specialist, AFSC 34152 Occupational survey rept. 22 Aug 77, 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-341 -222 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Electronic technicians, 'Skills, 'Job analysis, Defense systems, Electronic equipment, Electronics, Inventory, Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel, Careers, Jobs, Surveys, Questionnaires, Computer programs, Data acquisition, Training devices. Identifiers: Occupational surveys, Air Force Specialty Codes, Defensive Systems Trainer Specialty. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Defensive Systems Trainer Specialists (AFSC 34152). The data for this report were collected during the period April through June 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the sur- vey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. (Author) AD-A044 122/OCP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Analog Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Specialist, AFSC 34155 Occupational survey rept. Apr-Jun 77. 22 Aug 77, 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-341 -222 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Electronic technicians, "Skills, "Job analysis, Training devices. Navigation, Analog simulation, Tactical warfare, Electronic equipment, Electronics, Inventory, Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel, Careers, Jobs, Surveys, Questionnaires, Computer programs, Data acquisition. Identifiers: Occupational surveys, Air Force Specialty Codes, Analog Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Specialty. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airment assigned as Analog Naviga- tion/Tactics Training Devices Specialists (AFSC 34155). The data for this report were collected during the period April through Jun 1977. This report describes: (1) development and adminis- tration of the survey instrument; and (2) elec- tronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and as- signed to selected major commands. (Author) AD-A044 125/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Analog Flight Simulator Specialist, AFSC 34153 Occupational survey rept. Apr-Jun 77. 22 Aug 77, 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-341 -222 Descriptors: "Electronic technicians, "Skills, "Job analysis. Flight simulators, Analog systems, Electronics, Inventory, Air Force per- sonnel, Enlisted personnel, Careers, Jobs, Sur- veys, Questionnaires, Computer programs. Data acquisition, Electronic equipment. Identifiers: Occupational surveys, Air Force Specialty Codes, Analog Flight Simulator Spe- cialty. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Analog Flight Simu- lator Specialists (AFSC 341 53). The data for this report were collected during the period April through June 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. (Author) AD-A044 189/9CP MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Systems and Logistics An Analysis of the Exponential Function as the Underlying Distribution for Describing Failures in Inertial Measurement Units Master's thesis Lowell R. Crowe, and Levi D. Lowman, Jr. Jun 77, 186p Rept no. AFIT-LSSR-22-77A Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Inertial measurement units, Relia- bility(Electronics), Failure(Electronics), Dis- tribution functions, Attack aircraft, Jet bom- bers, Transport aircraft, Theses. Identifiers: A-7D aircraft, A-7E aircraft, AC-130H aircraft, C-5A aircraft, B-52G aircraft, B-52H air- craft, Exponential density functions, SIMFIT computer program. This study examined the assumption that the underlying failure distribution for inertial mea- surement units is exponential. Failure data from three inertial measurement units, the KT-73 unit from the A-7D/E and AC-130H, the FLIP unit from the C-5A, and the LN-15 unit from the B- 52G/H, were analyzed by use of the SIMFIT computer program. This program is a curve fitting technique employed for fitting a sample of data to twelve theoretical distributions. The research hypothesis was to show that the 'exponential assumption' of failures for the above units was inappropriate by finding a failure distribution which would better model the failure data. The results indicated that the gamma was, in fact, the best model of the dis- tributions tested and several other models, such as the Weibull and lognormal, were generally found to be better than the exponen- tial model. Other areas of reliability discussed include renewal, data aggregation, and infant mortality. (Author) AD-A044 394/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Computer Aided Wire Wrapping of Integrated Circuit Boards Final rept. Donald L. Bartusek. May 76, 26p Rept no. NSWC/WOL/TR-76-37 Descriptors: "Computer applications, "Wire winding machines, "Integrated circuits, "Circuit boards, Computer programs, Algorithms, Punched cards, Logic circuits, Wiring dia- grams. Identifiers: Wire wrapping. This report is written as a user's manual for the computer algorithm that automatically produces a deck of cards to submit to an auto- matic wire wrapping facility. A simplified user language is used for data input which is written in dip coordinates taken directly from the logic drawings. (Author 24 AD-A044 7S8/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ NY Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Science A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Al- gorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scatter- ing Problems Phase rept. 1 Jul 75-31 Dec 76 D. J. Buchanan. Aug 77, 50p RADC-TR-77-278 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Descriptors: 'Wire, 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Electromagnetic scattering, Algorithms, Boun- dary value problems, Error analysis. Numerical methods and procedures, Mathematical analy- sis. Convergence, Point theorem, Computer programs. Electric current, Distribution. Identifiers: Method of moments. This report contains results of numerical tests on a method of moments algorithm for the solu- tion of thin wire radiation and scattering problems. The algorithm has convergence behavior similar to a highly overdetermined field point matching scheme. It has been as- sumed, therefore, that information about the range of applicability of overdetermined wire formulations can be inferred from the results of these tests. Unfortunately, in the tests per- formed so far, the algorithm has proven to be generally inferior to the other formulations tested. The report is divided into three sections. The algorithm, called MBCRE (for Minimum Boundary Condition Residual Error) is described in Section I. Section II explains the test result tables and also the connection between the MBCRE algorithm and overdeter- mined point matching schemes. Section III is a listing of the computer program used for the tests. (Author) AD-A044 818/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Antenna Dept Dynamic Impedance Matching in Conformal Arrays Final rept. Jan 73-Jan 74 Peter C. Bargeliotes, Wolfgang H. Kummer, and Alfred T. Villeneuve. Jan 74, 90p Rept nos. 2265.30/184, HAC-Ref-C7488 Contract N0001 9-73-C-01 27 Descriptors: 'Conformal structures, 'Antenna arrays, 'Impedance matching, Electromagnetic fields, Conical bodies, Slot antennas, Legendre functions, Bessel functions, Antenna radiation patterns, Computer programs, Coordinates. Identifiers: Conformal arrays. Several topics relating to conformal arrays have received detailed attention in the last few years. These topics include pattern synthesis, types of appropriate radiating elements, and their im- pedance and mutual coupling characteristics, and wide angle scanning of linear arrays located on planar and conical surfaces. In the present report, the computation of an exact ele- ment pattern is described. The report begins with the general expressions for two potential functions representing the modal fields of ar- bitrary apertures on a conducting cone. Ex- pressions for the electric field components are then derived from the potential functions for circumferential and radial slots with particular slot excitations. The field expressions are the basis for a computer program which computes radiation patterns from both circumferential and radial slots. The appropriate approxima- tions for the Legendre functions and the spheri- cal Bessel functions used for their computa- tions are summarized in this report. The com- puter program is a modification and extension of one described by Pridmore-Brown and has been executed on the IBM 370 computer system, now operational at the Hughes Aircraft Company. The program computes the special functions in DOUBLE PRECISION, thus giving the required accuracy of the computations. AD-A044 851/4CP PC A17/MF A01 Florida Univ Gainesville Electron Device Research Center Computer Aided Engineering of Semi-Con- ductor Integrated Circuits Final rept. 1 Jan 76-31 Aug 77 David P. Kennedy. 31 Aug 77, 384p ECOM-75- 1344-F Contract DAAB07-75-C-1344, ARPA Order-2985 Descriptors: 'Computer aided design, 'Integrated circuits, 'Solid state electronics, Semiconductor devices, Model theory, Com- puter programs, Cost effectiveness, Mathemati- cal models, Metal oxide semiconductors, Field effect transistors. The objectives of this program are to remove the empiricism associated with the design and manufacturing of custom integrated circuits for military applications and to reduce the cost of these circuits by devising improved computer- aided engineering techniques. Efforts of research covered by this report are Part I, Semiconductor Device Modeling conducted by the University of Florida and, Part II, Integrated Circuit Process Modeling conducted by Stan- ford University. Part I of the report deals with: (a) A One-Dimensional Mathematical Model of MOSFET Operation; (b) The Inversion Layer Carrier Mobility in an MOSFET; (c) An Integral Equation-Relaxation Procedure for the Deter- mination of Equilibrium Potentials in Semicon- ductor Devices; (d) A Test Pattern Model using Monte Carlo Methods of Analysis; (e) Equivalent Circuit Studies; and (f) A Two- Dimensional Model for MOSFET Operation. Part II deals with: (a) Effects of Implantation Damage on Impurity Profiles in Annealed Si and Calculation of Range Profiles and Recoil Im- plantation in Multi-Layered Media; (b) Thermal Oxidation (a joint effort by Stanford University Integrated Circuits Laboratory, and Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp. Research and Development Laboratory); (c) Silicon Epitaxy; and (d) A Mathematical Model of Impurity Diffu- sion (conducted by Louisiana State University). (Author) AD-A045 460/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Parameter Independent Design Utilizing Scat- tering Parameters Master's thesis William F. Duke. Jun 77, 109p Rept no. AFIT- GE/EE/77-5 Descriptors: 'Transistor amplifiers, 'Microwave networks, Scattering, Parameters, Theses, Computer aided design, Optimization, Com- puter programs. Finite difference theory. Identifiers: Parameter independence design. A parameter independence factor for two-part networks is defined and a method for its calcu- lation using finite differences is shown. An ap- proach to two-part scattering-parameter circuit design using computer optimization techniques is developed and illustrations are presented to demonstrate the utilization of a digital computer for implementing this ap- proach. The versatility of the approach is clarified by demonstrating how both standard network design criteria and parameter indepen- dent network design requirements are specified and met. This design technique has direct Air Force application in the areas of microwave network design and Electronic Warfare with particular emphasis on the independence of the network parameters with respect to device parameters. (Author) AD-A045 653/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Digital Systems Lab SPRINT - An Interactive System for Printed Circuit Board Design User's Guide Technical rept. W. M. vanCleemput, T. C. Bennett, J. A. Hupp, and K. R. Stevens. Jun 77, 133p Rept no. DSL- TR-143 Contract N00014-75-C-0601, E4-76-C-03-051 5 Descriptors: 'Printed circuit boards, 'Computer aided design, Computer applications, Com- pilers, Programming languages, Automation, User needs, Handbooks. Identifiers: SPRINT computer program. Struc- tural design languages, SPITBOL programming language, SNOBOL programming language. The SPRINT system for the design of printed circuit boards is a collection of programs that allows designers to interactively design two- sided boards using a Tektronix 4013 graphics terminal. The major parts of the system are: a compiler for SDL, the Structural Design Lan- guage, and interactive component placement program, an interactive manual conductor rout- ing program, and automatic batch router, a via elimination program and a set of artwork generation programs. (Author) AD-A046 232/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Ultra-Flat UHF Delay Line Modules Technical rept. 1 Jul 73-24 May 77 A. J. Slobodnik, Jr, and J. H. Silva. Jul 77, 85p Rept no. RADC-TR-77-257 Descriptors: 'Acoustic delay lines, 'Modules(Electronics), Surface waves, Frequency response, Ultrahigh frequency, Feedback, Linear systems, Computer pro- grams, Ripples, Time domain, Lithium com- pounds, Niobates. Identifiers: 'Surface acoustic wave delay lines, SAW devices. Delay modules consisting of surface acoustic wave (SAW) delay lines, equalizers, and am- plifiers have been implemented. Ultra-flat (0 or - 0.1 dB passband frequency response over a 21 5 MHz bandwidth centered at 800 MHz has been demonstrated for 7.5 microsec of time delay. Module gain of up to 10 dB was achieved. Cascading three modules and using a feedback loop to simulate additional cascade elements demonstrated 500 microsec of time delay over 200 MHz bandwidth in a linear system. (Author) AD-A046 480/OC P M F A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Implementation of the Device Data Bank on the HDL IBM Computer Technical rept. Thomas V. Noon. Oct 77, 89p Rept no. HDL-TR- 1819 See also Rept. no. HDL-TR-1746, AD-C005 293L, Rept. no. HDL-TM-75-6, AD-A016 776 and Rept. no. HDL-TR-1821. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, 'Data banks, 'Computer applications. Damage, Army research, Computer programs, Libraries, Transistors, Semiconductor diodes, Elec- tromagnetic pulses. Radiation hardening, Transient radiation effects. Identifiers: DAMTRAC computer program, IBM- 370/168 computers, NET2 computer program. The Device Data Bank, as used by the DAM- TRAC and, in the near future, the NET2 circuit- analysis programs on the Harry Diamond Laboratories' IBM 370/168 computer, is presented. The new file structure of the device libraries, access method for use of the device parameters by DAMTRAC and other computer programs, and a management program to manage and maintain the device data bank are presented in detail. The job control lanuage (JCL) for executing the IBM version of DAM- TRAC on the HDL computer is also presented. (Author) 25 AD-A046 662/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Kentucky Univ Lexington Dept of Electrical En- gineering Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VII. Digital Computer Pro- grams for the Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Phase rept. Clayton R. Paul. Jul 77, 180 RADC-TR-76-101- VOL-7 Contract F30602-75-C-01 18 See also Volume 1 , AD-A025 028. Descriptors: 'Transmission lines, 'Multiconductor cables, *Coupling(lnteraction), 'Computer aided design, Computer programs, Electric cables, Electrical insulation, Electric conductors, Shape, Losses. Identifiers: Flatpack cables, XTALK computer program, XTALK2 computer program, FLAT- PAK computer program, FLATPAK2 computer program. Four digital computer programs, XTALK, XTALK2, FLATPAK, FLATPAK2, for determining the electromagnetic coupling within an (n01) conductor, uniform transmission line are presented. Sinusoidal steady state behavior of the line as well as the TEM or 'quasi-TEM' mode of propagation are assumed. XTALK and XTALK2 consider lines consisting of n wires (cylindrical conductors) and a reference con- ductor. The surrounding medium is homogene- ous and lossless. XTALK assumes that all (n01) conductors are perfect conductors whereas XTALK2 considers the conductors to be lossy. There are three choices for the reference con- ductor: a wire, a ground plane, an overall cylin- drical shield. FLATPAK and FLATPAK2 con- sider (n01) wire ribbon (flatpack) cables in which all wires are identical and are coated with cylindrical, dielectric insulations of identical thicknesses. All wires lie in a horizontal plane and all adjacent wires are separated by identi- cal distances. FLATPAK considers the wires to be perfect conductors and FLATPAK2 con- siders the wires to be lossy. The dielectric insu- lations are considered to be lossless. General termination networks are provided for at the ends of the line and the programs compute the voltages (with respect to the reference conduc- tor) at the terminals of these termination net- works for sinusoidal steady state excitation of the line. (Author) AD-A047 158/1CP PC A11/MF A01 Comsat Labs Clarksburg Md Multiple Beam Torus Antenna Study. Volume II Final rept. Jul 76-Feb 77 William J. English, and Carol Rieger. Mar77, 238pSBIE-AD-E1 00-001 Contract DCA100-76-C-0050 Supersedes AD-E100 001. See also Volume 1, AD-A047 157. Descriptors: "Multiple beam antennas, 'Communication satellite terminals, Communi- cation satellites, Antenna apertures, Toroids, Synchronous satellites, Beam steering, Parabolic antennas, Antenna feeds, Wind, Wide angles, Honeycomb cores, Structural mechanics, Sidelobes, Computer programs, Horn antennas, X band. Identifiers: 'Torus antennas, 'Satellite commu- nications, Satellite earth terminals, Mul- tifrequency. Partial contents: Geometrical and Beam Point- ing Considerations; Electrical (RF) Per- formance Characteristics; Mechanical and Structural Characteristics of the Uncorrected Front. Fed MBTA; and Cost Estimates for a Recoverable MBTA. AD-A047 490/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Honeywell Inc Minneapolis Minn Aerospace Div Central Airborne Performance Analyzer Final rept. Dec 66-Sep 68 John E. Barker, William L. Kruse, and Gilbert J. Mros. Mar 69, 101 p Rept no. 20714-FR2 Contract F33657-67-C-0743 Descriptors: 'Avionics, 'Performance(Engineering), 'Central processing units, Monitoring, Inflight, Reliabili- ty(Electronics), Failure(Electronics), Malfunc- tions, Computer Programs, Magnetic recording systems, Teleprinters, Airborne, Side looking radar, Infrared detectors, Aerial cameras, Reconnaissance cameras, Test Equipment, Maintenance management, Systems analysis, Jet fighters, Reconnaissance aircraft. Identifiers: F-4 aircraft, RF-4C aircraft. Studies have shown that significant improve- ments in aircraft effectiveness (availability, mis- sion success, spares, aerospace ground equip- ment requirements) will result if system moni- toring and fault isolation can be done in-flight during actual operation of those avionics systems which have the lowest reliabilities. The Central Airborne Performance Analyzer (CAPA) was used in this program to demonstrate the feasibility of in-flight fault isolation. The CAPA was installed in an RF4C aircraft and interfaced with the electronics systems of the side-looking radar, infrared detecting set, and KS72 camera without altering the circuitry of these systems. Data gathering missions were flown to acquire information about the signals being monitored. The CAPA was then programmed to continu- ously monitor the aircraft systems, detect any malfunction, isolate the malfunction to a line replaceable unit (LRU), and print the location of the malfunction along with the time of occur- rence. In short, the CAPA produces an easily understood maintenance message which is available to the flight line crew immediately upon aircraft landing, without the use of flight line aerospace ground equipment or any ground data processing. Data developed diring the test program proved the technical feasibility and showed that the application of CAPA to RF4C reconnaissance systems would increase the aircraft's effectiveness by 30 percent through increased aircraft availability and a greater number of successful missions. (Author) AD-A047 548/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Communications-Electronics Engineer- ing Installation Agency Fort Huachuca Ariz Propagation Engineering Div Electrically-Short Center-Fed Horizontal Dipole Antennas for High-Frequency Commu- nications Technical rept. 1 Apr-30 Nov 77 Harold F. Tolles. 3 Oct 77, 43p Rept no. CCC- EMEO-PED-77-8 Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas, 'Antenna feeds, 'Whip antennas, Horizontal orientation, Tacti- cal communications, High frequency, Long wavelengths, Radio equipment, Ground(Electrical), Monopole antennas, Induc- tors, Efficiency, Computer programs, Digital computers. Identifiers: CDC-6500 computers. Horizontal dipole antennas less than one-half wavelength long and vertical monopole anten- nas less than one-quarter wavelength high can be resonated with arm series loading inductors to increase their radiation efficiency. Available programs were used to obtain the optimum lo- cation and value of the inductors, and the limitations on the use of these programs are discussed. (Author) AD-A047 925/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab Pasadena Calif Computer Program for Design and Per- formance Analysis of Navigation-Aid Power Systems. Program Documentation, Volume I. Software Requirements Document Final rept. G. Goltz, L. M. Kaiser, and H. Weiner. Jul 77, 182p JPL-5040-27, CGR/DC-18/76 See also Volume 2, AD-A047 356. Descriptors: 'Computer program documenta- tion, 'Power supplies, "Computer aided design, Solar cells, Electric batteries, Feasibility stu- dies, Life expectancy, Cost effectiveness, Flow charting, Algorithms, Test and evaluation. Identifiers: DSPA computer program. A computer program has been developed for designing and analyzing the performance of solar array/battery power systems for the U.S. Coast Guard Navigational Aids. This program is called the Design Synthesis/Performance Anal- ysis (DSPA) Computer Program. The basic function of the Design Synthesis portion of the DSPA program is to evaluate functional and economic criteria to provide specifications for viable solar array/battery power systems. The basic function of the Performance Analysis por- tion of the DSPA program is to simulate the operation of solar array/battery power systems under specific loads and environmental condi- tions. This document establishes the software requirements for the DSPA computer program, discusses the processing that occurs within the program, and defines the necessary interfaces for operation. AD-A047 949/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center Baltimore Md F-4E Avionics Update Final rept. 15 Jun-30 Sep 76 A. F. Wenk. Aug 77, 48p AFAL-TR-77-91 Contract F33615-76-C-1340 See also Rept. no. AFAL-TR-76-190, AD-A042 255. Descriptors: 'Jet fighters, 'Aircraft fire control systems, 'Avionics, Computerized simulation, Digital computers, Head up displays, Computer programs, Display systems, Symbols, Aerial gunnery, Transformers, Distance measuring equipment, Tracer ammunition. Identifiers: *F-4E aircraft, *F-4 aircraft. This report covers the final phase of the previ- ous F-4E Austere HUD Program AFAL-TR-76- 190, dated December 1976. This report covers live aerial gun firing performance support that Westinghouse provided for the gunsight mechanization previously incorporated in test aircraft No. 304 at AFFTC. The report also covers SEAFAC support work and transformers delivered to SEAFAC. (Author) AD-A047 999/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Rooftop Antenna Pointing Program Final rept. Mar 74-Oct 77 Paul F. Humel. Nov 77, 143p Rept no. AFAL-TR- 77-228 Descriptors: 'Communication satellites, 'Parabolic antennas, 'Satellite tracking systems, Computer programs. Installation, Roofs, Aiming, Data processing, Ultrahigh frequency, K band, Ephemerides. Identifiers: LES-8 satellite, LES-9 satellite, C- 135 aircraft. This document p rovides a description of the in- house work performed in the Air Force Avionics Laboratory's Communication Systems Evalua- tion Laboratory (CSEL) to successfully point a ten-foot dish antenna at any earth orbiting satellite for which ephermeris data is available. Both the hardware and software aspects of the program are covered. (Author) 26 AD-A048 057/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Civil Engineering Lab (Navy) Port Hueneme Calif Computer Technique for Calculations of Potential Distribution in Multidielectric Media Technical note, Jul 74-Sep 76 Kwang Ta Huang, Brian R. Milner, and Andrew W. McClaine. Sep 77, 73p Rept no. CEL-TN- 1502 Descriptors: 'Dielectrics, 'Electrical insulation, 'Electric fields, Potential theory, Distribution, Computer programs, Poisson equation, Equa- tions, Finite difference theory. Identifiers: Multidielectric media, Laplace equation. A finite-difference method computer program for calculating the potential distribution for ax- isymmetric insulator configurations was developed. The program allows the use of unequal grid spacings and multiple dielectric constants. In addition, methods were developed to determine the potentials of con- ductors whose potentials are unknown, satisfy unknown grid boundary conditions, calculate electric flux line distributions, and plot the field lines by computer. The program has the flexi- bility to solve similar types of problems that in- volve the solution of Laplace's or Poisson's equations. Problems that consist of two-dimen- sional geometries can be treated by using a variation of the axisymmetric program. (Author) AD-A048 654/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Pattern Prediction of Wire Antennas on Satel- lite Structures Final rept. 1 Oct 76-1 Jan 78 G. A. Thiele. Jan 78, 10p Rept no. ESL-784575- 1 Contract N00173-76-C-0395 Descriptors: 'Satellite antennas, Artificial satel- lites, Method of moments, Computer programs, Geometry, Diffraction. Identifiers: Wire antennas, Geometrical theory of diffraction. A technique which combines the Method of Moments and the Geometrical Theory of Dif- fraction into a single Hybrid Technique is incor- porated into a computer program for determin- ing the performance of wire-type antennas on a planar satellite panel which is joined to other planar panels on each of its sides. The com- puter program, which is still undergoing revi- sions, is capable of handling up to five anten- nas on a single satellite metallic panel. (Author) AD-A049 549/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Army Communications-Electronics Engineer- ing Installation Agency Fort Huachuca Ariz Propagation Engineering Div Antenna Selection for Ionospheric Telecom- munication Systems Final technical memo. George Lane. Jan 77, 8p Rept no. E MEO-PED- TM-77-1 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Ionospheric propaga- tion, 'Telecommunication, 'Radio links. Nomo- graphs, High frequency, Angle of arrival, Area coverage, Gain, Coupling(lnteraction), Radiofrequency interference, Computer pro- grams, Digital computers, Frequency response, Maintainability, Costs. Identifiers: CDC-6500 computers. This memorandum presents the general princi- ples used in the design analysis of ionospheric telecommunication systems. In particular the requirements imposed by the propagating media are discussed. A technique for data presentation of predicted circuit performance is given in addition to several nomographs which are useful to the antenna selection process. (Author) AD-A049 571 /3CP PC A03/MF A01 Royal Signals and Radar Establishment Christchurch (England) Wiregrld Program for Antenna Modelling In- cluding Sinusoidal Interpolation of Current T. Benjamin. May 77, 47 RSRE-77014, DRIC- BR-58801 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Antenna radiation pat- terns, 'Computerized simulation, 'Mathematical models, Far field, Monopole an- tennas, Dipole antennas, Electrical impedance, Matrices(Mathematics), Interpolation, Sine waves, Electric current. Matching, Computer program verification, Flow charting, Computer programming, Great Britain. This report describes a method for computer modelling of aerial systems, especially aerials mounted on vehicles. It is based on the wiregrid modelling technique and uses a variation known as sinusoidal interpolation to represent the current in the wires of the model. Results are included for some preliminary test runs of the program, comparing them with standard results and the output of other modelling pro- grams. (Author) AD-A049 740/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Experimental Validation of the Antenna Pat- tern Distortion Computer Program (VHF An- tenna) Phase rept. Jose Perini, and Hubert Moses. Dec 77, 58p RADC-TR-77-374 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 See also Rept. no. RADC-TR-77-35, AD-A038 142. Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Dipole antennas, 'Antenna arrays, Computer programs, Electromagnetic compatibility, Very high frequency, Electromagnetic fields, Stand- ing wave ratios, Distortion, Voltage, Coupling(lnteraction), Mathematical models, Communication equipment, Ground(Electrical), Electromagnetic radiation, Diameters, Scale models, Antenna masts, Method of moments. Identifiers: Mutual coupling, Ground plane. The Antenna Pattern distortionn Computer Pro- gram was written at the request of AFCS to evaluate the distortion on the radiation pattern of communication antennas when mounted in close proximity to each other, such as in the communication towers of many AF installa- tions. Although the numerical method used in this computer program (Method of Moments) has been shown to be very accurate in many ap- plications, it was felt desirable to verify it with an experimental validation study. This was done at the RADC anechoic chamber. The first phase of the validation was for the VHF antenna AN1181. In view of the fact that the actual frequency range of this antenna (100-156 MHz) is below that of the RADC anechoic chamber, it was necessary to build a scale model of the an- tenna. This report presents a description of the measurement procedure, the results and a comparison with the corresponding Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program runs. AD-A050 015/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif 'ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Pro- gram: A User-Oriented Thin Wire Antenna Computer Code (Revised) Richard W. Adler. Aug 77, 41 p Rept no. NPS- 62AB770801 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Computer programs. Wire, Ground(Electrical). Identifiers: Thin wire antennas. Previous thin-wire antenna programs have either been very specialized or all-encom- passing. A beginning or occasional user does not need expertise in programming to gain in- sight into wire antenna structures, using this general purpose user-oriented code. The revi- sions contained herein correct deficiencies of handling the image problem in the original code and improve the accuracy of calculations of structures over finite ground. (Author) AD-A050 265/8CP PC A99/MF A01 Polytechnic Inst of New York Brooklyn Microwave Research Inst Progress Report No. 42, 15 September 1976 - 14 September 1977, to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee Scientific interim rept. Arthur A. Oliner. Nov77,610p Rept no. POLY- MRI-452. 42-77 Contract F44620-74-C-0056 Descriptors: 'Microwaves, 'Microwave equip- ment, 'Scientific research, Reports, Microwave antennas. Couplers, Gratings(Spectra), Dielec- tric waveguides, Radiation patterns, Correla- tors, Quantum electronics, Plasma waves, In- teractions, Optical equipment, Oscillators, Parametric devices, Electric power production. Microwave communications, Communications networks, Control systems, Automata, Com- puter program reliability, Debugging(Computers), Kalman filtering, Image processing. This report summarizes research accomplished under the aegis of the Microwave Research In- stitute and covers a broad spectrum ranging from basic theoretical physics, mathematics, and engineering, to experimental investigations involving basic measurements, development of devices, and materials. The report is organized into two major divisions. The first, Elec- trophysics, includes the topics of: Electromag- netics: Acoustics; Optics; Quantum Elec- tronics; Solid State and Materials; Wave-Matter Interactions; and Electric Power Engineering. The second, Systems, includes the topics of: Communications; Computer and Computer- Communications Networks; Safety, Reliability and Software Engineering; Systems, Control and Networks; and Data Processing. AD-A050 753/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Design of Skewed Isophasors of Electromag- netic Emitters Phase rept. Mar-Sep 77 Tapan Kumar Sarkar. Dec 77, 49p RADC-TR-77- 423 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Prepared in cooperation with Rochester Inst, of Tech., NY. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, "Antenna arrays, Emitters, Skewness, Optimization, Excitation, Frequency, Time signals, Computer programs, Farfield, Subroutines, Algorithms. Identifiers: Isophasor lines, Displaced phase center antennas. The magnitude of the slope of skewed isophasor lines from electromagnetic emitters is shown to be directly related to the physical distance between the geometric center of the spatially distributed electromagnetic emitters and the projected phase cebter obtained by ex- trapolation of the skewed isophasor lines. It is shown that the slope of the iosphasor lines not only depends on the excitations of the elec- tromagnetic emitters but also on the inter- emitter spacing. Finally, an optimization method is utilized to obtain the excitations for a set of spatially distributed electromagnetic emitters for a specified slope of the iosphasor lines, a fixed number of electromagnetic emit- ters and for a given minimum inter-emitter spacing. (Author) 27 AD-A050 845/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Extending and Interfacing the MSEP Semiconductor Damage Data Bank for Analy- sis and Retrieval by DAMTRAC Technical rept. Charles P. Ruzic. Dec 77, 105p Rept no. HDL- TR-1821 Descriptors: 'Tactical data systems, 'Semiconductor devices, 'Computer programs, Nuclear weapons, Electromagnetic pulses, Hardening, Damage assessment, Communica- tion equipment, Systems engineering, Field army, Tactical warfare, Vulnerability, High al- titude, Diodes, Data bases. Identifiers: DAMTRAC computer code. Presented are four groups of programs to up- date, maintain, and list the diode and transistor data bases for use with circuit analysis codes. The data bases are specifically designed to work with the DAMTRAC code, but can work with other circuit analysis codes, too. Included in the data bases are the standard TRAC parameters, references to the sources of these parameters, and damage parameters with in- dividual source references. (Author) AD-A051 018/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Electron Physics Lab Impatt Device Simulation and Properties Paul Bauhahn, and George I. Haddad. 14 Jul 76, 10pAFOSR-TR-78-0325 Grant AFOSR-76-2939 Availability: Pub. in IEEE Transactions on Elec- tron Devices, vED-24 n6 p634-642. Descriptors: 'Impatt diodes, Per- formance(Engineering), Computer programs, Doping, Silicon compounds, Gallium arsenides, Indium phosphides, Computations, Reprints. Identifiers: Computerized simulation. The purpose of this paper is to shed further light on the operating characteristics and limitations of IMPATT diodes, particularly those with Read or modified Read structures. This has been achieved by developing efficient and economical computer programs which incor- porate all of the important material parameters and doping profiles in an exact manner. These computer programs are then employed to study the properties of high-efficiency Si and GaAs structures. Some very interesting properties of these devices and the effects of material parameters and doping profiles on their per- formance are presented and discussed. This leads to a better understanding of these devices and their limitations. Preliminary calculations have also been carried out on an InP IMPATT diode and the results are presented. (Author) AD-A051 067/7CP PC A09/MF A01 Illinois Univ At Urbana-Champaign Electromag- netics Lab Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone Final rept. 16 Nov 76-15 Nov 77 S. W. Lee, and R. Mittra. Dec 77, 184p Rept nos. UIEM-77-24, UILU-ENG-77-2267 Contract N00019-77-C-0127 Descriptors: 'Admittance, 'Electric conductors, Slots, Cylindrical bodies, Diffraction analysis, Slot antennas, Antenna radiation patterns, Conical bodies, Green's function, Arrays, Con- formal structures, Computer programs. The present contract studied the mutual ad- mittance between two thin slots on a conduct- ing cylinder or a cone by ray techniques. Our main contribution in the development of an ap- proximate asymptotic Green's function for the surface function, expressed in terms of Fock functions, is simple to evaluate, and gives ex- cellent numberical results when compared with known exact solutions and/or experimental data. This report contains a brief administrative summary plus three attachments which give the technical details. AD-A052 433/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Semiconductor Device Damage Assessment for the INCA Program—A Probabilistic Ap- proach Technical rept. Robert L.Williams. Mar 78, 16pReptno. HDL- TR-1833 Contract MIPR-77-623 Descriptors: 'Damage assessment, 'Semiconductor devices, Electromagnetic pul- ses. Vulnerability, Thermal analysis. Response, Standard deviation, Probability density func- tions, Equilibrium(General), Convolution in- tegrals, Computer programs. Identifiers: Transients, Surges. Two methods are described for estimating the probability that a given semiconductor device will be damaged by an electrical transient. Both methods are based on existing device damage data which were obtained by step-stressing devices to failure, using rectangular pulses. Both methods require calculation of the time- dependent power waveform in the device, due to application of the transient. One method em- ploys only the largest peak of this power waveform, while the other includes the entire waveform in a convolution integral. Modifica- tions to the DAMTRAC circuit-analysis program are presented. (Author) AD-A052 613/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Dept of Electrical En- gineering Simulation of Digital Circuits Master's thesis Dennis Milton Moen. 1976, 115p Descriptors: 'Logic circuits, 'Computer aided design, Digital systems, Problem solving. Simu- lation, Machine coding, Gray scale, Counters, Nand gates, Flip flop circuits, Computer pro- grams, Flow charting, Theses. Identifiers: 'Computerized simulation. Simulation is a problem solving procedure for defining and analyzing a model of a system. Computer-aided design of digital logic has pro- vided the design engineer with an aid to reduce the tedious and time consuming task of design verification. This paper describes a simulation technique for the simulation of digital logic cir- cuits. This paper presents a level mode logic simulator that has improved economy in execu- tion time and ease of model generation. The passage of time is simulated in a precise fashion and element models are executed only when activity occurs in the circuit. A behavior model description is accomplished on an ele- ment level rather than a gate level. The use of three-valued logic and the use of precise timing delays for both rising and falling signal levels present a very accurate and informative circuit output timing diagram. This is demonstrated by simulation of an even-odd detection circuit and an up-down gray code counter. (Author) AD-A053 315/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Moore School of Electrical Engineering Philadelphia Pa Dept of Computer and Informa- tion Sciences NOPAL Processor: Intra-Test Sequencing Final rept. 30 Jun 75-31 Aug 77 Ronald Wayne Berman. Jan 78, 106 ECOM-75- 0650-F Contract DAAA25-75-C-0650 Descriptors: 'Test equipment, 'Test methods, Automatic, Computer programs, Algorithms, Sequences, Programming languages, Flow charting, Matrices(Mathematics). Identifiers: 'Automatic test equipment, "NOPAL processors. This report describes the algorithms, methods, and programs that represent the intra test sequencing phase of the NOPAL processor. The overall objective of the NOPAL system is to generate a program for computer controlled automatic test equipment for testing an elec- tronic unit under test. The input to the system is a nonprocedural description of the desired test expressed in the NOPAL language. The present report describes how such a specification can be analyzed and how a flowchart can be generated for performing the test. A sub- sequent phase of NOPAL generates a program based on the flowchart. The report can be read independently of the NOPAL processor. Readers interested only in the automatic sequencing of operations in a program can omit Chapters 1 and 2, which describe the NOPAL language and processor. Readers in- terested in greater detail on the NOPAL proces- sor can obtain further information in the references listed in the bibliography. (Author) AD-A053 357/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Reflective Butler Matrices Interim rept. J. Paul Shelton, and James K. Hsiao. 14 Mar78, 30p Rept no. NRL-8188 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, 'Antenna feeds. Coupling circuits, Hybrid circuits, Matrices(Circuits), Networks, Input, Symmetry, Output, Computer programs, Circuit analysis. Identifiers: 'Butler array antennas. A conventional Butler matrix can be modified to achieve a network which is symmetric about an axis midway between the input and output lines. Such a Butler matrix network can be cut in that plane of symmetry so that the input and output ports are identical. In this manner, the half-matrix corresponds to a reflection-type system in which the feed positions are in the aperture region. This report describes the modifications which symmetrize the Butler matrix and the method for cutting the network on the symmetry plane so as to achieve a reflec- tive matrix. A computer program which generates and plots this network is presented. (Author) AD-A053 560/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Kentucky Univ Lexington Dept of Electrical En- gineering Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VI. A Digital Computer Pro- gram for Determining Terminal Currents In- duced in a Multiconductor Transmission Line by an Incident Electromagnetic Field Phase rept. Clayton R. Paul. Feb 78, 197p RADC-TR-76-101- 6-VOL-6 Contract F30602-75-C-0118 Descriptors: 'Transmission lines, 'Multiconductor cables, 'Electromagnetic com- patibility, 'Coupling(lnteraction), Crosstalk, Electromagnetic fields. Identifiers: Wire to wire coupling. The report describes a digital computer pro- gram which is designed to compute the ter- minal currents induced in a multiconductor transmission line by an incident electromag- netic field. Sinusoidal steady state behavior of the line is assumed. The transmission line is uniform and consists of n wires and a reference conductor immersed in a homogeneous, loss- less, linear, isotropic medium. The n wires and the reference conductor are assumed to be lossless. The reference conductor may be a wire, an infinite ground plane or an overall, cylindrical shield . The incident electromagnetic 28 field may be a uniform plane wave or a general nonuniform field. The primary restriction on the program validity is that the cross sectional dimensions of the line, e.g., wire separation, must be much less than a wavelength. (Author) AD-A053 600/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications Boulder Colo Operational and Cost Considerations in the Use of Optical Waveguides in a Local Infor- mation Transfer System Final rept. R. L. Gallawa, and W.J. Hartman. Nov 77, 81 p Rept no.OT-77-133 Descriptors: 'Optical communications, 'Optical waveguides, "Information transfer, Information exchange, Coaxial cables, Fiber optics trans- mission lines, Glass fibers, Economic analysis, Cost models, Optical filters, Communication terminals, Computer programs, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Information transfer systems. Attention is given to the potential use of optical waveguides in an information exchange system consisting of many terminals distributed uniformly over a circle of radius R. Cost com- parison is given between coaxial cable and glass fiber systems, based on a model described in Section 2. The results show that the wide bandwidth capability of fibers leads to definite cost advantages as data rates increase. The model concentrates on the star and the loop distribution systems. The report also discusses various ways of coupling energy into and out of the fibers. AD-A053 684/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp Rome N Y Interactive Digital Receiver Simulator (IDRS) System User's Manual and Software Docu- mentation Robert E. bozek, Joseph C. Breda, Om P. Gupta, Roland H. Holman, and Raymond J. Staron. Mar 78, 148p PAR-76-30, RADC-TR-78- 44 Contract F30602-76-C-0126 Descriptors: 'Signal processing, 'Receivers, 'Computer programs, 'Simulators, Digital systems, Spectrum analysis, Histograms. Identifiers: IDRS computer program. This report describes the design and implemen- tation of the Interactive Digital Receiver Simula- tor (IDRS). The IDRS is a computer program that is capable of processing predetected signals that have been converted to digital for- mat and recorded. It allows a user to computer interactively produce (1) desired hardcopy pat- terns of signals for a detailed analysis of modu- lation characteristics and (2) processed signal segments for processing by pattern analy- sis/recognition programs for feature extrac- tion. In essence, the IDRS program provides the user with the capability of interactively creating a digital receiver to his specifications. (Author) AD-A054 415/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center Baltimore Md Analysis of the Performance of Image Glide Slope Antenna in the Presence of Truncated Ground Interim rept. G. J. Moussally, R. A. Moore, J. T. Godfrey, and H. F. Hartley. Mar 78, 77p FAA-RD-78-43 Contract DOT-FA74WA-3353 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Instrument landings, 'Glide path systems, Images, Glide slope, Elec- trical grounding, Computer programs, Terrain. Identifiers: Ground planes. An analysis has been performed to permit the calculation of fields of dipoles at any orienta- tion over lateral or transverse conducting half- planes and over multiple contiguous strips of arbitrary tilt angle. Computer programs were developed to calculate DDM over terrain types from half-planes and strips. Glide path DDM calculations over typical terrain types for the three image type glide slope systems have been computed. (Author) AD-A054 694/5CP PC A08/MF A01 Arinc Research Corp Santa Ana Calif Western Div Programmer's Manual for SNAP II Computer Program T. D. Price, and Carolyn Kimme. Aug 68, 175p Rept no. 474-01-2-916 Descriptors: "Circuit analysis, 'Computer pro- grams, Equivalent circuits, Subroutines, Frequency, Programming manuals. Identifiers: SNAP 2 computer program. SNAP II performs 5 main functions in solving a circuit. This manual provides a detailed techni- cal description of the SNAP II computer pro- gram. The manual is designed such that a qualified programmer cannot only gain a full working knowledge of the programming logic, but also alter or add to it by following specific guidelines. Included in the manual are: a description of the main program, subprograms, interrelations between programs, and each of the variables (code words) used in the pro- grams; a cross-reference indicating the pro- gram in which each variable is used; and flow charts depicting each logical sequence in the overall program. See also the user's manual, AD-A054 696. AD-A054 696/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Arinc Research Corp Santa Ana Calif Western Div User's Manual for SNAP II Computer Program T. D. Price, and C. M. Kimme. Aug 68, 76p Rept no. 474-01-1-909 Descriptors: 'Circuit analysis, 'Computer pro- grams, Equivalent circuits, Subroutines, Frequency, User needs, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: SNAP 2 computer program, Users manual. SNAP II is a computer program incorporating a wide variety of computational subroutines that can be easily used by a nonprogrammer for dc and ac analyses of linear and nonlinear circuits of up to 50 nodes and 200 circuit elements, with any computer of at least 32,000-word storage capacity. The program is designed, primarily for solving circuit problems in the frequency domain. It is characterized by: ease of com- puter programming, widely applicable forms of output, applicability to various types of compu- ters, and the user's ability to exercise all pro- gram options with no programming experience. Detailed steps for preparing an equivalent cir- cuit and instructions for preparing each of the cards describing the circuit are presented in the following sections. Also included are examples that exercise all of the analysis options, sug- gested analysis techniques, instructions for as- sembling the complete deck, and programming hints. See also the programmer's manual, AD- A054 694. AD-B000 051/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Research Labs Malibu Calif Beam Technology for the Fabrication of Microwave Integrated Circuits Final technical rept., 2 Jan 73-31 Mar 74 Robert Seliger. 31 Mar 74, 84p Contract N00019-73-C-0261 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, Fabrication, "Semiconductors, Ion implantation, 'Ion beams, focusing, 'Field effect transistors. Microwave equipment, Monolithic struc- tures(Electronics), Wafers, Deflection, Elec- tronic scanners, Computer programs. Digital computers, Transconductance, Gain, Gallium arsenides, Doping, Ions, Helium, Masking, Len- ses. Identifiers: Registration(lon beams), Einzel len- ses, Ion lenses. This report discusses the progress made during the fourth phase of a multiyear program, Janua- ry 1973 through March 1974, to demonstrate the feasibility of maskless doping by a focused programmable ion beam. A detailed discussion is given of further development of the experi- mental tiny ion beam system to include the ability to register ion beam patterns with exist- ing structure on a structure on a surstrate. A re- gistration accuracy of about one beam diame- ter, or 5 micrometers is reported. The size of the ion beam's scan field was measured and found to be about 0.5 mm x 0.5mm. Various possible applications of the tiny beam to microfabrica- tion are studied. The microwave field effect transistor is chosen as an important example of how a focused ion beam can create a laterally varying doping profile (in the plane of a wafer). It is shown by analysis that by tailoring the channel doping along the width of the channel, the gain range of an FET can be extended from one to four orders of magnitude. The results are presented of the first GaAs FET that was tailored by a focused ion beam under computer control. The electrical characteristics of this tailored device are in good qualitative agree- ment with those predicted by the analysis. AD-B000 106/5CP PC A05/MF A01 General Electric Co., Syracuse, NY. Heavy Mili- tary Equipment Dept. Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems Technical information series C. J. Eichenauer. Aug 74, 93p Rept no. R74EMH18 Descriptors: 'Radar transmitters, 'Power sup- plies, "Phased arrays, Power supplies. Alternat- ing current. Direct current, Circuits, Systems analysis, Computer programs. Analog compu- ters, Digital com puters. Matrix theory. Identifiers: "Computer aided design. Detailed quantitative analyses of phased-array power systems are often required as a result of the radar system's variable pulse templet operating conditions. A matrix format, with system capability factors forming columns and system operating modes forming rows, is presented as a useful type of display for the quantitative results of a power-supply system analysis. Four alternate forms of system analy- sis are then examined - use of steady-state techniques, use of analog computer techniques, development and use of special- purpose digital computer programs, and use of one of the general-purpose user-oriented cir- cuit analysis programs. Examples of each ap- proach are presented. Advantages and disad- vantages of each method of analysis are discussed. It is recommended that general-pur- pose user-oriented analysis programs be used for the majority of nonrepetitive phased-array transmitter investigations. AD-B000 216/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif Thin-Wire Modeling Techniques Applied to Antenna Analysis Technical document J. W. Rockway, and J. C. Logan. 1 1 Oci 74, 57p Reptno.NELC-TD-359 Distribution limitation now removed. 29 Descriptors: 'Antennas, Mathematical models, Wire, Electromagnetic radiation, Loop anten- nas, Computer programs, Coding, High frequency, Hydrofoils, Near field, Whip anten- nas, Frequency response, Helixes. Identifiers: AN/PRC-104, DE 1041 Vessel, Miniloop Antennas, Multiturn. This document is a summary of work performed in applying thin-wire modeling techniques in support of antenna analysis at NELC during FY74. Detailed discussion is limited to aspects which show how numerical modeling has con- tributed to an engineering solution. References cited throughout the document provide a source for more complete coverage of a given subject. The first part is intended as an in- troduction for the uninitiated reader but may prove informative also to those using the same computer codes. The second part describes how thin-wire modeling has been applied to several engineering problems. Thin-wire modeling is demonstrated to be a useful en- gineering tool in problems involving determina- tion of current distribution, impedance, near- and far-field electric and magnetic com- ponents, and efficiency. Listings of the special- ized subroutines added by NELC to the AMP program are appended. (Author) AD-B004 228/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft CO Fullerton Calif Ground Systems Group Millimeter-Wave System EMC Study Quarterly progress rept. no. 3, 6 Aug-6 Nov 74 Glenn G. Sundberg, and Robert F. Marsolais. Apr 75, 84pFR-75-10-238,ECOM-74-0171-3 Contract DAAB07-74-C-0171 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Electromagnetic compatibility, Millimeter waves, "Radiofrequency inter- ference, Millimeter waves, "Communication equipment, "Radar equipment, Spectrum signatures, Radar antennas, Computer pro- grams, Computer aided design, Electromag- netic shielding, HOrn antennas, Sidelobes, Ka band, Waveguides, Modulation. This report presents the results obtained from experiments and analysis performed during the third quarter effort of the Millimeter Wave Elec- tromagnetic Compatibility Study. The period covered is from 6 August to 6 November 1974. The major effort in the third quarter consists of performance of experiments which are related to the millimeter wave study, computer analysis of electromagnetic compatibility requirements for typical Army deployments, analysis of modulation effects, analysis of out-of-band an- tenna characteristics and initiation of the recommended EMC test program for millimeter wave system. Experiments ten through fourteen were performed during this quarter. These ex- periments involved electromagnetic compati- bility evaluation of millimeter wave communica- tion and radar systems. Shielding and reflectivi- ty tests were performed to determine the effects of building and equipment enclosures materials on propagation and scattering of millimeter wave emissions. AD-B004 752/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft CO Culver City Calif Antenna Dept Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Arrays Final rept. Jan 74-Jan 75 Peter C. Bargeliotes, Alfred T. Vilieneuve, and Wolfgang H. Kummer. Jan 75, 87p Rept nos. 2265-30/470, HAC-Ref-D0741 Contract N00019-74-C-0127 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, Antenna radia- tion patterns, Conical antennas, Conformal structures, Computer programs, Slot antennas, Scattering, Contours. Diffraction, Synthesis, Digital computers, Electric fields, Se- ries(Mathematics), Integrals, Equations, Bessel functions. Identifiers: "Conformal arrays, CDC 6600 Com- puters. Exact element patterns computed from expres- sions of two potential functions representing the model fields of arbitrary apertures on a con- ducting cone were compared with measured patterns. Circumferential and radial slots 6.22 lambda from the tip of a 10 deg half angle cone were used in the pattern measurements. Mea- sured and computed patterns are in very good agreement. During this same period, an asymp- totic approximation of the contour integrals representing the fields of the circumferential slot was carried out, resulting in approximate expressions for both field components. These expressions describe the component fields in terms of optical, transition and diffraction fields. The diffracted field is a product of a frequency-independent angular function and a simple function containing the position of the radiating element. Such representation of the fields is better suited for numerical computa- tion than the modal series. Recommendations for further investigative work on the topic of conformal arrays are also included. (Author) AD-B008 068/9CP PC A12/MF A01 Air Force Flight Test Center Edwards AFB Calif Flight Measurement of Aircraft Antenna Radiation Patterns Final rept. Ronald W. Mahlum. Oct 75, 257p Rept no. AFFTC-TD-75-3 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Aircraft antennas, Multipath transmission, "Antenna radiation patterns, Measurement, "Jet bombers, Ranges(Facilities), Digital computers, Near field, Extrapolation, Computer programs, Flight paths, Data processing, Skidding, Gain, Turn- ing flight, Mathematical prediction, Far field. Identifiers: Software, CDC 6500 computers, An- tenna gain, B-526 aircraft, B-52 aircraft. This report describes the technique developed at the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) for dynamic measurements of aircraft antenna radiation patterns in the presence of multipath radiation. A background on antenna pattern measurement techniques, flight pattern techniques, theory of multipath radiation, and documentation of computer software developed for postflight reduction of data are presented. The technique developed uses recorded signal strength and aircraft position data collected during skidding turns to produce computer generated plots (CDC 6500). The data is corrected for multipath radiation by com- puter predicted multipath gain at each data point. The resulting data is plotted offline with a CALCOMP plotter. (Author) AD-483 022/CP PC E01 MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Aeronauti- cal Div. Fault Diagnosis by White Noise Techniques Final rept. 15 Feb 65-28 Feb 66 Victor S. Levadi, Lawrence D. Turner, and Larry W. Christenson. May 66, 273p 20226-FR1 , AFAPL-TR-66-43 Contract AF 33(615)-2433 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Electronic equipment, Main- tenance, "Failure(Electronics), Test methods, Nonlinear systems, Pattern recognition, Cir- cuits, Statistical data, Power series, Decision theory, Digital computers, Reliabili- ty(Electronics), Programming(Computers), Al- gorithms, Integrators, Integrals, Integral equa- tions, Mathematical programming, Computer programs. Identifiers: Statistical decision theory, "Fault diagnosis. Topics investigated include: Representation of nonlinear systems (the Wiener-Volterra func- tional power series and other forms), methods of defining faults, the effect of these definitions on the diagnosability of the system, determina- tion of sufficient measurement data to charac- terize the system under test, and diagnostic procedures. Statistical decision theory is shown to provide an effective approach to fault diagnosis. Most efficient use is made of what- ever measurements or a priori information is available about the system under test. Learning machine techniques have been used to deter- mine the diagnostic decision rule by examining known faults. In one example, a single time sample of the output waveform is sufficient to detect faulty systems with 99% accuracy. A hardware implementation is capable of diag- nosing any one of four fault classes in less than 2 seconds, including measurement and prin- tout time. Only four time samples of the output are measured. The technique is also applicable whenever the properties of the data which characterize the various fault classes are unk- nown, e.g., testing via secondary effects, fault prediction. (Author) AD-705 248/CP HC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Magnetoplasma Dielectric. Gordon Kent, and Neil Sider. Mar 70, 45p TR- 70-3, AFOSR-70-0852TR Grant AF-AFOSR-1 266-67 Descriptors: "Cavity resonators, "Plasma medi- um, Resonant frequency. Simultaneous equa- tions, Bessel functions, Electromagnetic fields, Computer programs, Dielectrics. The computational procedures for obtaining the resonant frequencies, spatial parameters, and fields of a cavity resonator containing a cold, uniform, collisionless magnetoplasma dielectric are presented. The calculation of frequencies and spatial parameters involves the simultaneous solution of three equations. Two equations are rational in the three variables, and the third is transcendental in two of the variables. The transcendental functions have infinitely many real zeros and poles. An analysis is given to determine ranges of values of the spatial parameters and regions in the space of plasma parameters and frequency where solu- tions may exist. The method of solution starts with a trial value of frequency, the calculation of corresponding values of spatial parameters from two of the equations, and observation of the sign of the third function. A solution is determined by a change of sign of the third function. The transcendental functions are quotients of Bessel functions, and they are economically computed from continued frac- tions. The spatial paremeters enter into the field expressions as part of the arguments of Bessel functions. These functions, which have com- plex arguments, are computed from integral formulas. (Author) AD-705 S6S/CP HC E01 MF A01 Electromagnetic Research Corp College Park Md Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones In the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. Final rept. M. Katzin.and W. B.Johns, Jr. Jan 70,83pHDL- 0036-1 Contract DAAG39-67-C-0036 Descriptors: "Reentry vehicles, Blackout(Electromagnetic), "Slot antennas, Plasma sheath, Antenna radiation patterns. Iterative methods, Integral equations, Ad- mittance, Computer programs. 30 The radiation from slot antennas on a cone in the presence of an inhomogeneous sheath is treated. The sheath is considered as being made up of one or two conical layers, each of which is homogeneous. The boundary condi- tions lead to a system of integral equations, which number 4M 4 for a sheath composed of M(01 or 2) conical layers. These are reduced to singular integral equations of Cauchy type, which are solved in iterative fashion. For suffi- ciently fine stratification of the sheath, the first iteration should suffice. In general, fields of both magnetic and electric types are generated in the presence of a sheath, even though only a field of magnetic type may be generated in free space. For a ring slot, however, in which the ex- citation is azimuthally symmetrical, only a field of magnetic type is generated even in the presence of a sheath. It is shown that the solu- tion for this case forms the basis of the solution for the general case. The far field is found by a multidimensional saddle point evaluation. This is illustrated in detail for the free-space case, and then the far field patterns in the presence of a sheath are determined. This can be carried out successfully for all components, and to ar- bitrary orders of iteration. (Author) AD-706 007/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer-Alded Filter Design. Master's thesis Alec Patton Taylor, Jr. Dec 69, 43p Descriptors: 'Electric filters, Design, Computer programs, Pulse compression, Transfer func- tions, Theses. Identifiers: Sierra filters, Computer aided design, 'Pulse slimming filters. Several small-scale, special-purpose computer programs that were written to provide design data for a pulse-slimming filter over a wide range of parameter variations are contained herein. A large-scale computer program is also used to provide additional data. Some synthesis techniques are discussed, and some of the computer program outputs are directly applied in illustrating synthesis techniques for a specific pulse-slimming transfer functions. (Author) AD-706 008/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer-Aided Netowrk Design by Op- timization In the Frequency Domain. Master's thesis James Lau. Dec 69, 88 Descriptors: 'Electric filters, Design, Band-pass filters, Computer programs, Iterative methods, Search theory, Theses. Identifiers: 'Computer aided design, 'Network synthesis, CALAHAN computer program. The filter design problem is considered as an optimization problem. An iterative search technique is employed to adjust the variable network element values to approximate some desired network response, with a minimum of error. Explicit constraints are employed to en- sure physical realizability. The design process uses a combination of a modified version of Calahan's network analysis program with a direct search method of minimization developed by Hooke and Jeeves. The result is a procedure which uses the circuit designer's ex- perience and knowledge to set up the problem but relieves him of the tedious labor now per- formed by the high-speed digital computer. (Author) AD-706 063/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Parameter Estimation for the Mathematical Modeling of Semiconductors Using the Ebers- Moll Equations. Master's thesis William Arthur Crumly. Dec 69, 62p Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, Design, 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Mathematical models, 'Transistors, Mathematical models, Curve fitting, Least squares method, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Ebers-Moll transistor model, Parameter estimation, Computer aided design, Network analysis. An accurate method of parameter estimation for the mathematical modeling of semiconduc- tors using the Ebers-Moll equations is presented. Its usefulness is apparent in estimat- ing parameters to be used in computer circuit- analysis programs that have been developed. The Ebers-Moll models were modified to better represent the actual characteristics. The least- square-error methods presented for estimating the parameters are easy to program to the digital computer and result in parameters that are quite accurate in describing the actual characteristics. This procedure yields solutions for parameters that are quite helpful to the en- gineer in solving electrical circuits involving p- n diodes and junction transistors. (Author) AD-708 051 /CP HC E01 MF A01 Houston Univ Tex Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Uhcap Users Manual. Technical rept. G. F. Paskusz, A.D. Alley, and R. F. Miller. May 70, 69p Rept no. THEMIS-RE-1-70 Contract N00014-68-A-0151 Descriptors: 'Circuits, 'Programming(Computers), Alternating cur- rent, Direct current. Transients, Wiring dia- grams. Identifiers: UHCAP computer program, Com- puter aided analysis. The UHCAP Program is designed for circuit and system analysis. The purpose of the manual is to help potential users by defining pro- gramming capabilities and cataloging pro- gramming rules. (Author) AD-708 720/CP HC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines. Technical rept. Edgar J. Denlinger. 19 Nov 69, 77p TR-470, ESD-TR-69-388 Contract AF 19(628)-5167 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, Microwave frequency, 'Transmission lines, Electrical im- pedance, Electromagnetic fields, Phase shif- ters, Coupling circuits, Computer programs, Substrates, Dielectrics, Ferrites, Integral trans- forms, Fourier analysis, Theses. Identifiers: Microstrip circuits, Fourier transfor- mation. The investigation presents theoretical and ex- perimental results of single and coupled microstrip propagation on both a pure dielec- tric and a ferrite substrate. The theory enables one to obtain the frequency dependence of phase velocity and characteristic impedance and also to obtain the electromagnetic field quantitites around the microstrip line. It utilizes a Fourier transform method in which the hybrid mode solutions for a 'fictitious' surface current at the substrate-air interface are summed in such a way as to represent the fields caused by a current distribution that is finite only over the region occupied by the conducting strip and is assumed equal to that for the static case. The theory for the magnetized ferrite microstrip takes into account both the diagonal and off- diagonal components of the substrate's permeability tensor. Excellent agreement is ob- tained between experimental and theoretical results for single microstrip lines on both ceramic and demagnetized ferrite substrates. The coupled microstrip theory is applied to two commonly used microwave integrated circuit devices, the directional coupler and the meander- line phase shifter. (Author) AD-708 872/CP HC E01 MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Noise Quality Measurements for Microwave Noise Generators. Research and development technical rept. Calvin D. Bates. May 70, 47p Rept no. ECOM- 3275 Descriptors: 'Noise generators, Microwaves, 'Microwave oscillators, Noise(Radio), Power spectra, Probability density functions, Statisti- cal functions, Computer programs. Measurement techniques for characterizing the noise output of m icrowave noise generators are described. The aim of these measurements is to formulate a quantitative basis for the com- parison, selection and utilization of microwave noise generators. Three measurements, name- ly: the power density spectrum, the autocor- relation function, and the probability density function (PDF) are discussed. Experimental results for a crossed-field noise generator are shown. A computer program which was formu- lated to determine the statistics of the mea- sured PDF and permit comparison of test results with a 'normal' distribution is also discussed. Experimental results and analysis of two different noise spectra are also included to illustrate the utility of the noise measurement techniques. (Author) AD-709 057/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Application of Display in Flight Vehicle Mis- sion Performance Evaluation. Master's thesis Willi Konrad Alois Krauss. Oct 69, 82p Descriptors: 'Aeronautics, 'Display systems, Performance(Engineering), Graphics, Data processing systems, Aircraft equipment, Com- puter programs, Input-output devices, Theses. Identifiers: Computer graphics. With the increase in speed of moving vehicles there is a growing need for rapid, easy to in- terprete display of information concerning its dynamic state. With growing equipment stabili- ty a remedy can grow out of research and appli- cation of computer aided information presenta- tion, especially the production of proper dis- plays. While all information can be made to cor- respond to familiar schemes as close as desired new approaches to the general problem must be sought to find an improved information presentation. This study is concerned with the application of computer generated graphics for one or more display consoles for aid in the operation of the vehicle. In the first chapter a major aspect of the general program is chosen for a demonstration: a 'flight vehicle to destina- tion' situation is subjected to an experimental investigation. A general purpose computer with a graphics terminal that has become available just recently has been chosen for the study. Thereby implicitly a measure of the capability to perform a real time on line job is obtained. (Author) AD-709 064/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer-Aided Design of Linear Networks in the Frequency Domain. Final rept. Donald E. Kirk. 1 1 Jun 70, 49p Rept no. NPS- 52KI0061A 31 Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, Design, Non- linear programming, Optimization, Algorithms, Computer programs, Linear systems. Identifiers: Fletcher-Powell optimization pro- gram, Computer aided design. The design of linear networks to satisfy frequency domain performance specifications is formulated as a problem in nonlinear pro- gramming. Three optimization algorithms, pat- tern search, gradient projection, and the Fletcher-Powell method, are applied in con- junction with the network analysis program CALAHAN to the solution of the nonlinear pro- gramming problem. Examples which illustrate the range of application of the design programs are presented. (Author) AD-709 910/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Determining Partition Elements with Feed- back Constraints. Master's thesis Thomas Joseph B reckon. Jun 70, 76p Descriptors: "Digital computers, Design, "Logic circuits, Design, 'Gates(Circuits), Design, Digital systems, Computer programs, Graphics, Feedback, Algorithms, Theses. Identifiers: Network synthesis, Bipartite graphs, Graph theory. The partition problem is that step in the layout problem in which it must be decided which of the elementary digital circuits are to be coalesced into a single, electronic package. A solution of the partition problem must satisfy constraints on the maximum number of ele- mentary circuits that can be put into a single package, and on the number of external con- nections that can be attached to the package. A solution due to Lawler et al, which minimizes delay caused by clustering electronic elements, is extended to cyclic networks. A new algorithm to extract from a graph the maximal strongly- connected subgraphs (lobes) is developed, and a new approach to clustering the digital ele- ments of a lobe is presented. The digital circuit is represented by a bipartite graph, and solu- tions are expressed in terms of graph theory. (Author) AD-709 928/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif investigations of the Miyata Synthesis Technique. Master's thesis Richard Eric Carlson. Jun 70, 49p Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Electrical im- pedance, Complex variables, Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: Miyata synthesis, Network analysis theory, Network synthesis. These investigations generalize Miyata's synthesis of passive driving-point impedance functions by developing a step-by-step compu- tational technique for augmenting a general driving-point impedance to insure that the real part of the augmented impedance is positive term by term. This goal has been accomplished and programmed under the provision that the real part of the original impedance is minimum reactive, i.e., has no zeros on the j(omega)-axis. The latter requirement is not restrictive since zeros on the j(omega)-axis. (Author) AD-709 929/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analy- sis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. Master's thesis Leon Eugene Drouin, Jr. Jun 70, 61 p Descriptors: "Semiconductor devices, Radia- tion damage, Diodes(Semiconductor), Sen- sitivity, Capacitance, Mathematical models, Nu- merical analysis, Recovery, Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: "Radiation hardening, "Semiconductor junctions. The thesis is concerned with the numerical solution of a semiconductor junction recovery from a radiation pulse. The junction is represented by an Ebers-Moll model to account for diffusion current and space-charge capacitance. The radiation pulse is considered as giving rise to a photo-current to which it is related by a linear differential equation. Exact solutions are presented and the recovery time is presented and discussed as a function of several parameters. A simple piecewise linear analysis for a diode circuit is also presented to provide insight into the nature of the transient response and the recovery time. (Author) AD-710 200/CP HC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Frequency Domain Analysis of a Class of Nonlinear Networks. Technical note Jerzy Gorski-Popiel. 26 Nov 69, 50p TN-1 969- 62, ESD-TR-69-350 Contract AF 1 9(628)-51 67 Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Mathematical analysis, "Mixers(Electronics), Per- formance(Engineering), Computer programs, Nonlinear systems. Identifiers: Frequency domain analysis, Frequency response, MODCAP computer pro- gram. A method is given for analyzing in the frequen- cy domain the performance of linear networks containing nonlinear resistors. The method is applied to the evaluation of the frequency per- formance of a reactively terminated mixer. (Author) AD-710 239/CP HC E01 MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer-Aided Analysis of Cascaded Microwave Two-Port Networks. Technical rept. Thomas Arell, and Carl Lump. Apr 70, 50p Rept no. ECOM-3257 Descriptors: "Microwave networks, Analysis, Transmission lines, Integrated circuits, Feed- back, Electrical impedance, Computer pro- grams, Reflection, Matrix algebra. Identifiers: "Cascaded microwave networks, Network analysis theory, Computer aided design. A generalized computer program has been writ- ten to analyze microwave cascaded two-port networks. Circuit configurations employing a shunt feedback loop may also be considered. The program utilizes matrix manipulation of 'ABCD' and 'Y' parameters to obtain the com- bined network matrix in terms of 'ABCD' parameters. The program is capable of solving problems involving circuits containing any number of cascaded elements as well as net- works containing two elements (or two cascaded circuits) in parallel. (Author) AD-710 381/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Study of Digital Filters. Master's thesis Philip Joseph Walsh. Dec 69, 130p Descriptors: "Electric filters, Mathematical models, "Information theory, Digital systems, Low-pass filters, Band-pass filters, Difference equations, Integral transforms, Special purpose computers. Computer programs, Real time, Simulation, Theses. Identifiers: 'Digital filters, Laplace transforma- tion, Computerized simulation, Frequency response. The thesis discusses the subject of digital filters in two parts. First the analytical tools and synthesis techniques which are used for digital signal processors are explained and illustrated with examples. Emphasis is placed on (1) the generation and use of the digital transfer func- tion, (2) design procedures in the frequency domain using methods of continuous-filter design as intermediate steps, and (3) real-time digital-filter implementation schemes. In the second part of the thesis a machine-language computer program is presented for the real- time simulation of digital filters on a hybrid computer. The program is described in detail and experimental results for several filter designs and realization schemes are reported. It is believed that such a computer program, with its inherent ability to accurately simulate a special-purpose computer and to provide ex- ternal control of word length and clock frequency, could be used to experimentally determine specifications for the LSI implemen- tation of digital filters. (Author) AD-711 982/CP HC E01 MF A01 Motorola Inc Scottsdale Ariz Government Elec- tronics Div Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transdu- cers. Final rept. 1 Jun 69-30 Jun 70 Fred S. Hickemell. 30 Jun 70, 60p Contract N00014-69-C-0297 Descriptors: 'Electroacoustic transducers, Wave transmission, 'Wave transmission, Sil- icon, Substrates, Silicon dioxide, Cadmium sul- fides, Quartz, Zinc compounds, Oxides, Rayieigh waves, Very high frequency. Propaga- tion. Identifiers: SWEAT(Surface Wedge Elec- troAcoustic Transducer), SWEAT computer program, 'Surface waves. Wedge transducers. Love waves. Theoretical and experimental work was directed toward the development of wedge transducer techniques suitable for the genera- tion of broadband surface acoustic Love waves in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 500 MHz. Theoretical studies characterized wedge transduction and Love wave propagation characteristics. Bonding agents were identified which provided strong coupling of bulk shear waves to acoustic surface waves. Fused quartz and zinc oxide wedge transducers were used to excite surface waves in the VHF region. The propagation properties of Rayieigh waves on free surfaces and Rayieigh and Love waves on layered surfaces were investigated. Love and Rayieigh waves were guided on substrates of silicon using etched Si02 waveguide struc- tures. (Author) AD-713 156/CP HC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Computer Programs for Radiation and Scat- tering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires. Hu H. Chao, and Bradley J. Strait. 15 Sep 70, 101p Scientific-7, AFCRL-70-0374 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic waves, Scatter- ing, 'Antenna configurations, Mathematical analysis, Integral equations, Differential equa- tions, Operators(Mathematics), Matrix algebra. Boundary value problems, Computer programs. Wave functions, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Electromagnetic radiation, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. 32 The problem of electromagnetic radiation and scattering from thin wires with arbitrary shape and with arbitrary excitation and loading is con- sidered. This is treated as a boundary value problem which is formulated as an operator equation. Matrix methods along with the method of moments are used to solve the operator equation approximately. Computer programs suitable for handling radiation problems and plane-wave scattering problems are presented and described. For the former, current distributions, field patterns, and input impedances at the driving points are deter- mined. For the latter, current distributions and bistatic radar cross section patterns are found. Examples are given to illustrate several applica- tions of the programs. Numerical results are compared with experimental data and with results computed by other theoretical methods. (Author) AD-713 476/CP HC E01 MF A01 Cullen Coll of Engineering Houston Tex Dielectric Field Computations in Semiconduc- tor Oxide Integrated Circuits. Technical rept. Don L. Cannon. Jul 70, 82p Rept no. THEMIS- RE-3-70 Contract N0001 4-68-A-01 51 Report on Information Processing Systems. Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, Potential theory, 'Semiconductor devices, Voltage, Par- tial differential equations. Boundary value problems, Numerical analysis, Integration, Computer programs. Temperature, Thermal stability, Theses. Identifiers: Themis project, Harmonic func- tions, Elliptic differential equations. The report deals with the application of the point relaxation method for the numerical solu- tion of Laplace's or Poisson's equations in multi-dielectric regions in semiconductor in- tegrated circuits. In particular, the type of geometry considered in this report is a rectan- gular or square region whose boundary poten- tials may or may not be specified, with a dielec- tric interface parallel to one of the boundaries. This type of problem is very difficult to solve analytically and yet it is an important problem in planar integrated circuit analysis. The structure is essentially the same as the oxide over silicon or as the junction regions in such a device. Often the electrical field or the static tempera- ture distribution of such regions are required and the research described in this report pro- vides a technique for determining such infor- mation. (Author) AD-714 032/CP PC E01 MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor The Discrete Logical Design, Simulation System. J. R. Guskin, and T. J. Dingwall. Apr 70, 65p Rept no. Memo-26 Contract DA-49-083-OSA-3050, ARPA Order- 716 Report on Proj. CONCOMP. Descriptors: *Programming(Computers), Cir- cuits, "Logic circuits, Design, Networks, Wiring diagrams, Instruction manuals, Computer logic, Simulation, Subroutines, Syntax, Mathematical models, Algorithms, Combinatorial analysis, Reliability(Electronics), Integrated circuits. Identifiers: Computer aided design, Macropro- gramming. The paper describes the design and implemen- tation of a programming system for simulating a logical network. It is written in a form usable for a user's guide for this system. The system is intended to be used in the instruction of stu- dents in the area of logical design. AD-714 145/CP PC E01 MF A01 Iowa Univ Iowa City Dept of Mathematics B.I.B.I.: A Symbolic Language for Description and Simulation of Logical Circuits. Technical rept. Giuseppe Fantauzzi. Aug 70, 35p Rept no. THEMIS-UI-TR-31 Contract N00014-68-A-0500 Report on the Theory and Applications of Auto- maton Theory. Descriptors: "Programming languages, Design, "Logic circuits, Design, Algebras, Sequential analysis, Combinatorial analysis, Digital com- puters, Simulation, Algorithms, Pro- gramming(Computers), Mathematical models, Topology, Binary arithmetic. Identifiers: Computer aided design, BIBI pro- gramming language. Symbolic programming, Computerized simulation. A formal language is studied aimed at the for- mal description of any kind of boolean circuit either sequential or combinatorial. Such descriptions are intended to be used both for documentation purposes and for simulation on digital computers. For this reason the language has been designed to allow descriptions both suitable for computer simulation and easily un- derstandable for the people interested in the design of logical circuits. (Author) AD-714 845/CP PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Elec- tronic Systems Lab Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design. Final rept. Michael L. Dertouzos. Nov 70, 70 Rept no. ESL- FR-436 Contract Nonr-41 02(01), Grant NASI 2-2208 Sponsored in part by Grant NGL-22-009-019, and NsG-496. Descriptors: "Circuits, Design, "Programming(Computers), "Electrical net- works, Resistors, Capacitors, Wiring diagrams, Optimization. Identifiers: Computer aided design, CIRCAL 2 computer program. Network analysis theory, Network synthesis, On line computers. The report describes the status of CIRCAL-2, a general purpose on-line circuit-design pro- gram. It is a final report on research sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration for a period of about five years in the area of on-line circuit design. (Author) AD-715 121/CP PCA17MFA01 General Dynamics/Electronics San Diego Calif Study of Electronic Handling of Mail. Comple- tion Report for Work Task 5. Transmission Methods. Jul 70, 388p" Rept no. R-69-046-05 Contract RER-30-70 See also AD-715 120 and AD-715 122. Descriptors: "United States Government, "Communication systems, "Data transmission systems, Electronic equipment, Digital compu- ters, Broadband, Cost effectiveness. Mathe- matical models, Communication satel- lites(Active), Analog computers, Systems en- gineering, Multiplex, Coaxial cables. Errors, Control jystems. Identifiers: "Mail, "Electronic mail handling. The purpose of the report is to provide the basic information required to do preliminary systems engineering in transmission methods, and to make valid cost estimates of proposed system approaches. Emphasis is placed on the com- pilation and description of basic communica- tion techniques that are potentially useful for the electronic transmission of mail, in both analog and digital form; presentation of infor- mation on terminal and .transmission subsystems that will give an overview of poten- tially useful technologies; demonstration of practical transmission system design ap- proaches, for use in preliminary appraisals of different transmission media and methods; and provision of rational basis for estimating the recurring and nonrecurring costs of transmis- sion systems, so that trade-off studies can be made to assist in the choice of methods to be used. (Author) AD-717 307/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C Dome Filter Design and Analysis Program. Richard T. Antony. Oct 70, 28p Rept no. HDL- TM-70-26 Descriptors: "Radiofrequency filters, Phase shift, Design, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Dome filters. Computer aided design. One failing of the conventional Dome filter design is the need to arbitrarily specify a par- ticular parameter, denoted S. The report presents curves relating S to the maximum phase error and the usable bandwith of the filter. A design modification is presented that increases the filter bandwidth for a given phase error without an increase in the circuit com- plexity. Finally, employing this modification, a discussion and listing are given of a computer routine that designs the circuit elements and plots the theoretical performance curves of a Dome filter pair for a given phase error require- ment. (Author) AD-717 491/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Application of Cohn'S Sensitivity Theorem to Time Domain Responses. Master's thesis Alan Lee Dahlvig. Sep 70, 43p Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Sensitivity, Electrical impedance, Resistance(Electrical), Partial differential equations, Transfer func- tions, Topology, Integration, Theorems, Com- puter programs, Theses. Identifiers: Network analysis theory, Network synthesis. Time domain responses. A sensitivity theorem by R. M. Cohn states that for linear resistive circuits the ratio of a frac- tional change in the d.c. input resistance to a fractional change in an internal resistance is equal to the square of the ratio of the current through that internal resistance to the d.c. input current. The theorem is extended to show the sensitivity of input impedance to changes in in- ternal impedances for an arbitrary network at all frequencies. Equations are developed which show the relation between sensitivities and in- stantaneous power in the frequency domain. An extension to the time domain makes digital computer solutions possible (Author) AD-718 407/CP PC E01 MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Electronics Research Center Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide Technical rept. George A. Bennett, and Oren B. Kesler. 15 Oct 70, 111pTR-100, AFOSR-70-2874TR Grant AF-AFOSR -1792-69 Descriptors: "Waveguides, "Electromagnetic waves, Boundary value problems, Propagation, Numerical analysis. Computer programs. Identifiers: Electromagnetic radiation, Galer- kins method. The boundary value problem considered in the investigation was that of radiation of elec- tromagnetic waves from a two-dimensional parallel plate infinitely flanged waveguide. It was determined through extensive analysis that Galerkin's method is applicable to this problem and that its implementation by partial systems yields excellent results. Specific attention has 33 been given to a study of the accuracy of the method and the results of this study are re- ported. The method has been utilized to com- pute results that are not available elsewhere - the first 120 non-zero reflection coefficients for various frequencies in the resonance region. Also for several frequencies in this region, graphs of the reflection coefficient modulus versus mode number, illustrating their asymp- totic behavior, are presented. The complete computer program is included for the readers discernment and general reference. Sug- gestions are made for extensions of this work. (Author) AD-718 434/CP PC E01 MF A01 Maryland Univ College Park Dept of Electrical Engineering A Scattering Matrix Program for High Frequency Circuit Analysis R. W. Newcomb, and L. Basser. Nov 70, 5p AFOSR-TR-71-0210 Grant AF-AFOSR-1910-70 Prepared in cooperation with Fairchild Microwave and Optoelectronics Div., Mountain View, Calif. Sponsored in part by Contract F44620-67-C-0001 and Grants NSF-GK-1956, NSF-GK-24036. Descriptors: 'Circuits, Mathematical analysis, 'Programming(Computers), Time sharing, S- matrix, Design, Frequency. Identifiers: Network synthesis, 'Network analy- sis theory, SPEEDY computer program, Com- puter aided design, Frequency response. A time-shared program, SPEEDY, is discussed. The program is for small signal analysis of high frequency active circuits. It is based directly upon 2-port interconnections through the scat- tering matrix, thus eliminating continuous con- versions of parameters of previous routines. Program advantages are speed of calculation, due to the generality of S parameters and the limitation to 2-ports; the convenience of ac- cepting measured S parameter data, and the consequent avoidance of transistor equivalent circuits. The program includes two unique subroutines: one that handles all four possible combinations of parallel and series 2-port inter- connections, and one that converts 2-port com- mon emitter transistor parameters to common base or common collector configurations. (Author) AD-718 803/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md Correlation of Quantized Guassian Processes Daniel L. Rumsey. 7 Sep 70, 120p Rept no. NOLTR-70-185 Descriptors: 'Information theory, Correlation techniques, 'Correlators, Mathematical analy- sis, Signal-to-noise ratio, Statistical processes. Analog systems, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Gaussian processes. Random processes. The well-known Polarity Coincidence Correla- tor was originally developed to simplify the electronics involved in making an Analog Cor- relator while roughly approximating its output. The Polarity Coincidence Correlator clips the two input signals about their means and com- pares the resulting signals for polarity to deter- mine the degree of correlation. No amplitude information is used in this system. The idea of clipping each input signal into two regions, as in the Polarity Coincidence Case, is extended to quantizing each input signal into a greater number of regions. The resulting signals are then compared by region, weighted and summed for the degree of correlation. An ex- pression for the ou(put signal-to-noise ratio for this new type of correlator is developed and compared with the output signal-to-noise ratio of the Analog Correlator (ANC) and the Polarity Coincidence Correlator (PCC). It is shown that a good deal of improvement is achieved over the ANC and PCC under certain operating condi- tions. The theory behind these new types of correlators is developed for three and four re- gion clipping to show the feasibility of these correlators as possibly better alternatives to the Polarity Coincidence Correlator. (Author) AD-719 879/CP PC E01 MF A01 Technical Univ of Denmark Lyngby Lab of Elec- tromagnetic Theory Backfire Antennas Final scientific rept. 1 Jul 67-31 Aug 70 Erik Drago Nielsen. 20 Sep 70, 50p R81 , AFCRL- 70-0662 Contract F61052-67-C-0056 Descriptors: 'Antenna configurations, Numeri- cal analysis, Yagi antennas, Antenna radiation patterns, Reflectors, Computer programs, Denmark. Identifiers: "Backfire antennas. The research was restricted to surface wave structures consisting of dipole elements, espe- cially the Yagi antenna structure. Two different ways of approach were investigated. In the first method, usual array theory was employed, the mutual impedances between the dipole ele- ments were calculated according to the EMF method, and the radiation due to the presence of a large surface wave reflector of finite extent was determined from the surface current dis- tribution on the plate. The second method is based on Harrington's Method of Moments, which is a theory for setting up a matrix solu- tion to the problem by subdividing the whole antenna into small segments, over which a con- stant current may be assumed. Numerical results for Yagi backfire antennas and short- backfire antennas were compared with experi- mental results obtained in the Radio Anechoic Chamber, Technical University of Denmark. (Author) AD-721 581/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Fault Identification Matrix in Linear Networks Master's thesis Kwang Ho Yim. Sep 70, 104p Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, Failure(Electronics), Matrix algebra, Transfer functions, Differential equations, Computer programs, Reliability(Electronics), Theses. Identifiers: 'Network analysis theory, 'Network synthesis, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Electrical faults. A method utilizing vector representation is in- vestigated for determining a faulty element in passive and active networks by simple external measurements. A large system may be con- sidered as an interconnection of a number of sub-networks. By utilizing the relationships between the magnitudes of a transfer function at various frequencies and the deviations of a circuit element, the fault simulation curves can be drawn. The fault identification regions are defined from the fault simulation curves. A fault identification matrix is constructed cor- responding to the defined fault identification regions. The fault identification matrix, when premultiplied by a vector whose components are measured from a network, yields another vector whose components identify a network element which is faulty. A test procedure for the fault identification method is presented and verified. (Author) AD-721 582/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Fault Isolation Using Frequency Response Techniques Master's thesis Charles Gilbert Martinache. Sep 70, 79p Descriptors: 'Circuits, Test methods, Failure(Electronics), Detection, Frequency, Response, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Electrical fault location. An investigation of using the response of a cir- cuit at selected test frequencies to isolate faulty circuit components is made. A procedure using a sensitivity approach for intelligent selection of test frequencies is developed. The developed procedure is tested and the results are com- pared with results using conventional procedures. The effect of random, within tolerance variations of nonfaulty components on the results is studied for both conventional and developed procedures. (Author) AD-721 678/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Analysis and Computer Program for Tem- perature Distribution in a Hollow Cylindrical Ceramic Transducer Element Research rept. Russell W. Dunham. 15 Dec 70, 32p Rept no. NUSC/NL-4011 Descriptors: 'Electroacoustic transducers, Thermal stresses, 'Programming(Computers), Thermal analysis, Cylindrical bodies, Ceramic materials, Distribution functions, Partial dif- ferential equations, Boundary value problems, Green's function, Thermal expansion, Sonar. Identifiers: S1656 computer program, FOR- TRAN. The problem of temperature distribution in a hollow cylindrical ceramic element in a sonar transducer under operating conditions is analyzed using the appropriate Green's func- tion. The boundary conditions are taken to be (1) prescribed temperatures over the axial ends and (2) Newton's law of cooling satisfied over the inside and outside radial surfaces. Equilibri- um conditions are presented for determining a compatible temperature for the trapped interior gas if the temperatures of the axial ends and the exterior gas are known. Computer Program S1656 provides a convenient means of calculat- ing the temperature distribution in such ceram- ic cylinders. (Author) AD-721 803/CP REPRINT Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Electronic Components Lab DEMON~An Optical Seeking Computer Pro- gram for the Design of Microwave Circuits Vladimir G. Gelnovatch, and Ivan L. Chase. 10 Apr 70, 7p Availability: Pub. in IEEE Jnl. of Solid-State Cir- cuits, vSC-5 n6 p303-309 Dec 70. Descriptors: 'Programming(Computers), Op- timization, 'Microwave networks, Design, In- tegrated circuits, Search theory, Topology, Iterations, Microwave amplifiers, Transistors. Identifiers: DEMON computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Computer aided design, Network synthesis, Network analysis theory. An optimal seeking computer program for the design of generalized TEM microwave circuits has been written. The optimization process util- izes a simple but effective rationale called direct pattern search to reduce the error between a desired circuit objective and the cur- rent value of a chosen response. Lossy trans- mission live equations are utilized in the pro- gram for exactness. As an example of the utility of this program, a 2-4-GHz maximally flat mag- nitude microwave transistor amplifier is designed and fabricated. (Author) AD-722 095/CP PC E01 MF A01 Dartmouth Coll Hanover N H Dept of Mathe- matics 34 Case Study in Interactive Computer Graphics. Computer-Aided Design of Logical Circuits. Volume ll/Appendices Jean Gotman. Feb 71 , 21 1 p AFOSR-TR-71-0928 Contract F44620-68-C-0015 See also Volume 1 , AD-721 478. Descriptors: 'Logic circuits, Design, Computer logic. Control sequences, Computer programs, Subroutines, Graphics. Identifiers: Computer graphics, "Computer aided design, Interactive computer graphics. A software package is written for a computer- aided design of logical circuits. Using a graphic terminal and a light-pen, the user will build a logical circuit choosing the components from a set offered to him, and connecting them to each other. During this highly interactive process, all the user's mistakes may be corrected. The soft- ware system organizes the data from the pic- ture in a data structure specifically designed to allow easy manipulation of the picture on one hand, and for a subsequent simulation of the circuit on the other hand. The first part (creation of the circuit) makes use of a PDP-9 computer with 8k of core, a GRAPHIC-2 ter- minal and a 250 K disk. The second part (simulation) is done by the LOGICS program on a GE-635 Time-Sharing to which the PDP-9 is connected by a high-speed line. The user has a choice between 10 to 12 different components. Practically, the circuit may have approximately 30 to 40 components. (Author) AD-722 556/CP REPRINT California Univ Berkeley Electronics Research Lab BIAS-3-A Program for the Nonlinear DC Anal- ysis of Bipolar Transistor Circuits William J. McCalla, and William G. Howard, Jr. 8 Jul 70, 8p AFOSR-TR-71-1051 Contract DAHC04-67-C-0031 , Grant AF- AFOSR-1488-68 Revision of report dated 6 May 70. Availability: Pub. in IEEE Jnl. of Solid-State Cir- cuits, vSC-6 n1 p14-19Feb71. Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Mathematical models, "Integrated circuits, Field effect transistors, Programming(Computers), Voltage, Iterative methods. Matrix algebra. Identifiers: BIAS 3 computer program, Network analysis theory, FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN. A computer program for both analog and digital circuits that formulates and solves nonlinear equations for dc node voltages and transistor operating points is described. Temperature variations and dependence can be effectively simulated. (Author) AD-723 064/CP PC E01 MF A01 Virginia Univ Charlottesville Research Labs for the Engineering Sciences Towards a Completely Automatic Layout Designer Final rept. Craig A. Decker, and Linda N. Decker. Sep 70, 57p Rept no. EE-3390-101-70U Contract DAAG39-70-M-0688 Report on Computer-Aided Topographical Design. Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, Design, "Prog ram ming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Syntax, Computer programs, Seman- tics, Control sequences, Systems engineering. Identifiers: "Computer aided design, Computer graphics, ALGOL, Layout, Thick films. A topographical layout design program has been written in ALGOL to rearrange an initial configuration of components in order to minimize connection distances, minimize con- nection crossovers, and space components evenly over available area. The syntax and se- mantics of all design procedures are given, as well as examples of the automatic designer's performance. (Author) AD-723 216/CP PC E01 MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Stanford Electronics Labs A Study of Subharmonic Response in Non- linear System Models Technical rept. Niles Ransom Moseley. Apr 71, 11 8p Rept nos. SU-SEL-71-018, TR-6657-3 Contract N00014-67-A-01 12-0044 Descriptors: "Nonlinear differential equations, Integration, "Electrical networks, Fourier analy- sis, Approximation(Mathematics), Dynamic programming, Harmonic analysis, Periodic variations. Prog ram ming(Computers), Polynomials, Stability, Theorems. Identifiers: "Network analysis theory, Spectrum analysis, Periodic functions, ADAPT N com- puter program, LOCAL STAB computer pro- gram, LOCAL MIN computer program, STABILI- TY computer program. The report investigates the system model G(u, u dot u sup n, t) F(t), where F(t) is a periodic excitation. Using an approximate solution of the form u(t) Summation, R00 to UH (U sub c)(R) cos R (omega sub o) t (U sub s) (R) sin R (omega sub o) t), analytical theorems and com- puter results are obtained that yield information into the nature of the existence and non-ex- istence of subharmonic components in the response. By assuming G(u, u dot u sup n, t) to be a polynomial, theorems are developed that determine the conditions for the possible existence and non-existence of subharmonic response. (Author) AD-723 524/CP PC E01 MF A01 Schjeldahl (G T) Co Northfield Minn Feasibility Studies of Mosaic Near-Infrared Image Conversion Panels Technical rept. 1 Feb 70-31 Jan 71 Donald E. Anderson, and Richard L. Swisher. 15 May 71, 113pRept no. SER-0088 Contract N00014-70-C-0231 Descriptors: "Mosaics(Light-sensitive), Infrared images, "Viewing scscreens. Infrared equip- ment. Photoelectric materials. Semiconducting films, Electroluminescence, Manufacturing methods, Test methods, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Thin films, Thick films, "Electroluminescent panels, Near infrared radiation, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, IMINT com- puter program, IR computer program, Infrared converters. Two digital computer simulation techniques are presented for use in evaluating the per- formance of mosaic patterned, photoconduc- tive sensor/electroluminescent output, image conversion panels. One simulation technique is used for rapid calculation of output light for continuous input radiation levels varying over six orders of magnitude with the simulated panel operated at up to five different applied drive frequencies at each of five drive voltages. The second simulation technique evaluates the output brightness of the panel when operated at one frequency and voltage, but exposed to input radiation of chosen peak intensity and a square wave time profile. These computer simulations were used to evaluate combina- tions of available electroluminescent (EL) materials and near-infrared sensitive thin film photoconductors. Combinations such as PbS photoconductor with thin film ZnS:Mn EL lamps, CdSe photoconductor with thin film ZnS:Mn EL lamps, and CdSe photoconductor with thick film ZnS:Cu, CI EL lamps were in- vestigated. AD-723 637/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Program Technical rept. 1 Dec 68-1 Jun 69 Julien S. Nichols, and David R. Alexander. Apr 71 , 32p Rept no. AFWL-TR-70-50 Presented at the IEEE Conference on Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects (1969). Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Radiation damage, "Programming(Computers), Data processing systems, "Flight control systems, Mathematical models, Transients, Linear systems, Transfer functions, Differential equa- tions, Integral transforms, Systems engineer- ing. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program, Com- puterized simulation. Feedback control. The techniques that were developed that permit SCEPTRE to handle linear transfer functions are used to demonstrate how to analyze a mul- tifeedback loop control system which contains a combination of linear, radiation insensitive blocks and nonlinear, radiation sensitive blocks. The output of the system and the elec- trical signals at critical points within the system are determined for conditions of normal opera- tion, operation in an ionizing radiation environ- ment in which only one unit of the loop is as- sumed to be radiation sensitive, and operation in a neutron environment in which the same unit is assumed to be sensitive. (Author) AD-723 762/CP REPRINT California Univ Berkeley Dept of Electrical En- gineering Elements of Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis William J. McCalla, and Donald O. Pederson. 11 Aug 70, 16pAFOSR-TR-71-1429 Contract DAHC04-67-C-0031 , Grant AF- AFOSR-1488-68 Availability: Pub. in IEEE Transactions on Cir- cuit Theory, vCT18 n1 p14-26 Jan 71. Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Mathematical models, Programming(Computers), Transfer functions, Numerical analysis, Integration, Non- linear systems, Simulation, Transients, Reviews. Identifiers: "Computer aided design, Computer aided analysis, Numerical integration. Frequen- cy response. A survey is made of the principal techniques, procedures, and routines that are used in present programs for computer-aided circuits analysis. Programs (simulators) are reviewed and selected features compared for the four major classes of circuit analysis: linear dc and ac, nonlinear dc, nonlinear transient, and linear pole zero. (Author) AD-724 290/CP PC E01 MF A01 Pacific Missile Range Point Mugu Calif A High-Frequency Amplifier Synthesis Pro- gram. LINVIL Computer FORTRAN IV Pro- gram Performs Necessary Computations Plus Graphic Output Technical publication J. A. Means. 4 Jun 71, 57p Rept no. PMR-TP-71- 3 Descriptors: "Radiofrequency amplifiers, Design, "Programming(Computers), "Instruction manuals. Integrated circuits, Gain, Impedance matching, Algorithms, Computer programs. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, LINVIL computer program. Computer graphics, "Computer aided design. A FORTRAN IV program called LINVIL has been developed at the Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu, California, for the purpose of designing high-frequency amplifiers. The input data sup- plied by the engineer include the four complex parameters of the Y-, Z-, G-, H-, F-, Script F-, or S-type, center frequency, bandwidth, sensitivi- ty, and the source and load resistances. The 35 computer printout furnishes the maximum available gain, the maximum gain compatible with the sensitivity requirement, the network stability factor (Linvill's C factor), the complex value of load admittance, the complex value of source admittance, the parallel RLC element values required as a load to realize the band- width, and the element values (L and C) required to match, at the operating frequency, the complex load and source admittances to the desired load and source resistances. This report includes a brief review of the Linvill technique, examples of various designs with various input data, guides for the user, and a complete FORTRAN IV listing. (Author) AD-726 359/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C A Computer-Aided Data Reduction Technique for Radiation-Induced Conductivity Experi- ments Harold E. Boesch, Jr. May 71, 32p Rept no. HDL-TR-1545 Descriptors: 'Dielectrics, Electrical con- ductance, "Radiation damage. Dielectrics, Capacitors, Ionization, Electric insulation, Test methods. Computer programs. Identifiers: Data reduction, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, LOWDEG computer program, Computer graphics. A data analysis approach is described for ex- tracting time-dependent radiation-induced conductivity of a dielectric material from the recorded response of a test circuit. The technique makes possible accurate determina- tion of sample conductivity in time regimes where measurements are perturbed by time constants of the measuring circuit. Several representative test circuits and their conduc- tivity solutions are discussed. The circuit solu- tions are used in a computer program for the reduction of experimental conductivity data. (Author) AD-726 991/CP PC E01 MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Mossbauer Study of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of NdCo5 Master's thesis Carl D. Towery. Jun 71, 1 15p Contract GEP/PH/71-18 Descriptors: 'Magnetic alloys, Mossbauer ef- fect, Cobalt alloys, Neodymium alloys, Inter- metallic compounds, Computer programs, Magnets, Anisotropy, Theses. Identifiers: 'Permanent magnets, Mag- netocrystalline anisotropy, Iron 57. The project was initiated to determine if Moss- bauer spectrometry can be used to monitor manufacturing processes of permanent mag- nets made of rare earth-3d transition element compounds. Mossbauer spectra were obtained with absorbers made of powdered NdCo5 al- loyed with Fe57. These spectra were obtained at four different temperatures in a range over which a 90 degree rotation of the magnetic axis of NdCo5 is known to occur. The spectra were complex and changed significantly as tempera- ture changed. The number of absorption peaks in each of the spectra indicates that Fe57 may enter three nonequivalent crystal lattice sites in NdCo5. (Author) AD-728 979/CP PC E01 MF A01 Saclant ASW Research Centre La Spezia (Italy) A Description of Some Recursive Digital Fil- ters Technical memo. Jens M. Hovem, and Martin Thompson. 15 Jun 71, 28p Rept no. SACLANTCEN-TM-167 NATO furnished. Descriptors: 'Electric filters, Mathematical models, Difference equations, Low-pass filters, Band-pass filters, Transfer functions, Integral transforms, Bessel functions, Spectrum analyzers, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Digital filters, Recursive filters. Signal processing. A set of digital recursive filters has been pro- grammed on a digital computer. The filters are low-pass and band-pass realization of Butter- worth and Bessel characteristics. The method of synthesis, which is described, is by means of the matched z-transform of correcponding analogue filters. Some examples of time and frequency responses of the filters are presented. (Author) AD-729 578/CP REPRINT Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab MSTRIP (Parameters of Microstrip) Journal article Thomas G. Bryant, and Jerald A. Weiss. 30 Oct 70, 3 JA-3827, ESD-TR-71 -237 Contract AF 1 9(628)-51 67 Availability: Pub. in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vMIT-19 n4 p418-419Apr71. Descriptors: 'Strip transmission lines, Electri- cal properties, Electrical impedance, Dielectric properties, Prog ramming (Computers). Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, MSTRIP computer pro- gram. The program computes the characteristic im- pedance, phase velocity, and effective dielec- tric constant for a single strip or for both the even and odd modes of a coupled pair of strips. The calculation embodies the quasi-static ap- proximation which is accurate provided H1 is no greater than a few percent of the wavelength in an unbounded medium of relative permittivi- ty K. (Author) AD-730 117/CP PC E01 MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Coordinated Science Lab On the Design of Diagnosable Combinational Networks Michael Reid Paige. Jul 71 , 143p Rept nos. R- 519, UILU-ENG-71-2222 Contract DAAB07-67-C-0199, Grant NSF-GK- 15459 Descriptors: 'Logic circuits, Design, 'Computers, Maintenance, Gates(Circuits), In- tegrated circuits, Programming languages, Decision making, Reliability(Electronics), Mathematical models. Algorithms, Graphics, Compilers, Shift registers. Identifiers: Fault detection, Fault diagnosis. A vector notation for the generation of fault de- tection tests from the functional description of a logic network is introduced. It is shown that it is possible to treat the fault behavior and diag- nosis of the basic gate types (AND, OR, NAND, NOR) in a uniform manner and to extend this approach to two-level designs. The formulation of a design criterion to simplify the fault detec- tion problem in multi-level logic networks is studied. The simplification sought is two-fold: The network should be a priori completely diag- nosable, that is, all single and multiple faults can be detected; All the information pertaining to the diagnosis of the network can be obtained from the functional description of the element. It is shown that the criterion of network ir- redundancy satisfies the above requirements, while being a reasonable design tool. The use of a higher-level system design language for the specification of digital networks is ex- amined. Some general properties which are desirable in such a system to enhance the diag- nosability of the resulting design are discussed. A method for translating a design description into diagnosable hardware is presented. (Author) AD-730 321/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C Transient Radiation Analysis by Computer Program (TRAC)-360 Version Herbert J. Ill Matthews. Jul 71, 214p Rept no. HDL-TR-1522 Descriptors: 'Radiation damage, 'Computer programs, Prog ram ming(Computers). Identifiers: TRAC computer programs. TRAC was translated to operate on a IBM 360 computer. The report supplements existing documentation and supports the use of the pro- gram on IBM-360 computers. An error detected in the computation of photocurrents was cor- rected. Plans for future modifications to TRAC are presented. Complete program listings, link- age editor map and a sample problem are in- cluded as appendices. (Author) AD-730 615/CP PC E01 MF A01 Michigan State Univ East Lansing Div of En- gineering Research The Short-Backfire Antenna: A Numerical- Physical Optics Study of Its Characteristics Tsing-Zone Hsieh, Dennis P. Nyquist, and Kun- Mu Chen. Jul 71, 1 15p Scientific-2, AFCRL-71- 0394 Contract F19628-70-C-0072 Descriptors: 'Antennas, Numerical analysis, Antenna radiation patterns, Computer pro- grams, Electrical impedance. Radio fields. Identifiers: 'Backfire antennas. A numerical-physical optics method is applied to study the circuit (impedance) and radiation characteristics of the short-backfire antenna. This radiator, developed through extensive ex- perimentation by AFCRL, consists of a dipole exciter located between a large rimmed reflec- tor and a small secondary reflector. It has wide bandwidth and high directivity comparable to sophisticated reflector antennas. In the numeri- cal-physical optics method, the following steps are followed: (1) a set of coupled integral equa- tions for the currents excited in the dipole and on the surface of the secondary reflector are formulated and solved numerically, assuming for this step that the large reflector is infinite; (2) the surface cu rrents of the large reflector are approximated by a truncated form of those cal- culated for the infinite conducting sheet; (3) the radiation field maintained by the currents of the steps (1) and (2) is calculated; and (4) a dif- fracted field correction is made to account for the finite dimensions of the large reflector and its rim. This method has the advantage, relative to earlier studies, that it can successfully pre- dict the antenna's circuit characteristics. Excel- lent results are obtained for both square and circular geometries. Comparison is made with experimental measurements made by AFCRL. (Author) AD-730 616/CP PC E01 MF A01 Michigan State Univ East Lansing Div of En- gineering Research Investigation of Impedance Loaded Slot An- tennas Tsing-Zone Hsieh, Dennis P. Nyquist, and Kun- Mu Chen. Jul 71, 141p Scientific-3, AFCRL-71- 0397 Contract F19628-70-C-0072 Descriptors: 'Slot antennas, Electrical im- pedance, Integral equations, Numerical analy- sis. Computer programs. A simple, flush-mounted antenna consists of a slot cut in a ground plane and excited by a potential maintained between its edges at a point along its axis. The circuit and radiation 36 properties of electrically small slot antennas doubly loaded by lumped impedances con- nected between their edges are investigated. In the theoretical investigations, integral equa- tions for the electric field distributions excited in the impedance loaded slots by a delta-func- tion current source are formulated and solved numerically. In terms of these slot fields, the input impedances and the radiation fields of the loaded slot antennas are calculated. These analytical results are confirmed qualitatively by those of complementary experimental studies. It is demonstrated that the electrically small slot can be forced into a near antiresonant condi- tion by the selection of an optimum purely reac- tive loading. A large input resistance is sub- sequently obtained. This optimum reactance is found to be usually capacitive while the anten- na input impedance is inductive. Low loss capacitive loading and tuning impedances can thus be utilized to implement a high efficiency, small antenna. A second optimum reactance loading leads to radiation field patterns which can be highly directive in the case of the rectan- gular slot or greatly modified for the annular slot radiator. (Author) AD-731 145/CP PC E01 MF A01 Aerospace Medical Research Lab Wright-Pat- terson AFB Ohio Development and Preparation of Cost-Op- timized Troubleshooting Decision Trees Gerald P. Chubb, and Robert G. Mills. Nov 69, 13p Rept no. AMRL-TR-69-1 1 1 Descriptors: *Programming(Computers), Deci- sion making, *Failure(Electronics), Detection, 'Maintenance, Automation, Reliabili- ty(Electronics), Sequential analysis. Malfunc- tions, Regression analysis, Mathematical pre- diction, Optimization, Costs. Identifiers: Digital simulation. The logic tree diagrams have been prepared for several systems, such as the F-106 fire control systems. They have been well received by technicians but are more expensive to prepare than conventional technical orders. Moreover, these manually prepared diagrams were generated on the basis of expert engineering judgment. This paper discusses a computerized technique for optimizing the decision logic for a troubleshooting tree. Input requirements are outlined, and problems associated with these input parameters are reviewed. Approaches to surmounting these difficulties are suggested. If these suggested approaches demonstrably remove recognized input problems, methods can be recommended for documenting design analyses in a manner which greatly facilitates the production of either advanced performance aids or the specification of test sequences to be automated. (Author) AD-731 178/CP PC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering A Program for Computing Near Fields of Thin Wire Antennas Dah-Cheng Kuo, and Bradley J. Strait. 15 Sep 71, 44p Scientific-14, AFCRL-71-0463 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: "Computer programs. Electromag- netic compatibility, 'Antennas, Electromagnetic fields, Antenna configurations, Electric cur- rents, Electric fields, Inequalities. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, 'Thin wire antennas. A user-oriented computer program is presented and described for analyzing the near fields of thin wire antennas. The program is based on the method of moments and is an extension of a program presented earlier for computing far- field and current distributions. In general the wires of a given configuration can be arbitrarily bent and can be excited or loaded at arbitrary points along their lengths. It is also possible to include wire junctions enabling treatment of special configuretions such as wire crossed and supporting wires for long antennas. The subsectional approach used provides accurate results as close as one subsection length from the nearest wire surface. (Author) AD-731 292/CP PC E01 MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Office of Research Services Radiation from Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Fed Aperture Antennas Technical rept. May 68-Jul 69 Martin D. Bradshaw. Sep 71 , 1 70p AFWL-TR- 71-110 Contract F29601-68-C-0089 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns. At- mosphere entry, 'Slot antennas, Plasma sheath, Blackout(Electromagnetic), Dielectrics, Ad- mittance, Numerical analysis, Computer pro- grams, Antenna apertures, Integral transforms, Matrix algebra. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, Fourier transformation, Far field. Theoretical and experimental studies of the radiation pattern and input admittance of dielectric loaded waveguide fed aperture an- tennas are presented. The model consists of a waveguide fed, dielectric loaded aperture whose outer surface is flush with an infinite, perfectly conducting ground plane. The aper- ture and ground plane are covered by a dielec- tric layer. The window and the covering layer may be inhomogeneous in the direction of propagation. The analysis makes use of a mode-matching process that permits the ef- fects of higher order modes to be taken into ac- count in the dielectric loaded aperture section and in the covering layer. The window and layer are represented by an arbitrary number of in- homogeneous, lossy, dielectric slabs, each with slightly different permittivities. Collaction (point-matching) techniques are used to match boundary conditions at each interface within the dielectric loaded aperture section and two- dimensional Fourier transforms are used to match boundary conditions at each interface in the covering layer. Matrix techniques are used to handle an arbitrary number of layers in either region. A large number of experimental mea- surements of input admittance and far-field radiation pattern measurements are presented for three different aperture configurations, with and without a covering dielectric layer. A com- puter program is described that can handle the computations. The program is written in FOR- TRAN IV for a Control Data Corporation 6600 machine. Computed values of input admittance and far-field radiation patterns are presented. (Author) AD-731 406/CP PC E01 MF A01 Syracuse Univ Research Corp N Y HF Antenna Program Final rept. 15 May 70-31 May 71 Richard G. Russell. Jun 71, 198p Rept no. SURC-TR-71-169 Contract N00014-70-C-0348 Descriptors: 'Antennas, Design, 'Combat sur- veillance, Antennas, "Amphibious operations, Antennas, Deployment, Test methods, High frequency, Antenna radiation patterns, Elec- tromagnetic warfare. Marine Corps, Computer programs. An HF receiving antenna system for use with USMC Surveillance Systems was designed and fabricated. Antenna pattern measurements were taken on the SURC antenna test range. The formulated electrical design is included. Recommendations, including service testing, were made. (Author) AD-733 187/CP Reprint California Univ Berkeley Electronics Research Lab SLIC-A Simulator for Linear Integrated Cir- cuits Thomas E. Idleman, Francis S. Jenkins, William J. McCalla, and Donald O. Pederson. 2 Apr 71 , 19pAROD-6611:15-E Contract DAHC04-67-C-0031 , Grant AF- AFOSR-1488-68 Sponsored in part by Grant DA-ARO-D-31-124- 71-G50. Availability: Pub. in IEEE Jnl. of Solid-State Cir- cuits, vSC6 n4 p1 88-203 Aug 71 . Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits. Mathematical models, Computer programs. Linear systems, Transistors, Temperature, Gain, Transfer func- tions. Identifiers: SLIC computer program, Compu- terized simulation, Frequency response. A computer program for the simulation of linear integrated circuits (SLIC) is described. The pro- gram formulates and solves nonlinear equa- tions for dc node voltages and transistor operating points; generates linearized small- signal circuit models; and solves for the poles, zeros, frequency response, and anoise response of specified transfer functions. Tem- perature variations and operating point depen- dence can be effectively simulated. (Author) AD-733 202/CP PC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Analysis of Phase-Locked Loops Master's thesis Marvin Joseph Weniger. Sep 71 , 271 p Descriptors: "Phase-locked systems, Mathe- matical analysis, Comparators, Oscillators, Phase control devices, Per- formance(Engineering), Computer programs, Synchronization (Electronics), Information theory. Simulation, Stability, Theses. Identifiers: Digital simulation, Analog simula- tion. Feedback control. An investigation was conducted of a third order type two phase-locked loop with a sawtooth phase comparator using both analog and digital simulation techniques and employing an exact system simulation. The results are presented in terms of normalized system parameters and give the system performance as a function of the initial phase between the input and the VCO waveforms, the variation of the input from the VCO frequency, and the system gain and filter characteristics. Some of the data presented includes the time required for the system to meet different types of lock criterion together with the range of frequencies over which the system will lock and the range over which it will lock without cycle skipping. In- vestigations were conducted of the system per- formance for eight different types of phase comparators, of which two of the basic forms had been used previously and the rest were new with this work. It was found that two of the new forms, the R-S nonlinear and the additive with ramp nonlinearity exhibited significantly su- perior performance in that they possessed in- creased lock ranges, reduced lock times, and greater values of seize frequency than did the basic systems from which they were derived. It was found that three of the phase comparators yielded an unlimited lock range, even though the lock time became quite long for very large frequency variations. (Author) AD-733 389/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Command and General Staff Coll Fort Leavenworth Kans A Proposed Mathematical Model for Predict- ing Military Electronic Equipment Component Failure Rates and Isolating Underlying Failure Causes Master's thesis Raymond E. Starsman. 1970, 157p 37 Descriptors: *Failure(Electronics), Mathemati- cal models, 'Electronic equipment, Reliabili- ty(Electronics), Degradation, Probability densi- ty functions, Distribution functions, Klystrons, Magnetrons, Life expectancy, Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: "Failure analysis, Failure rate. A mathematical expression for combining the entire failure rate curve is derls ;d baseu on the assumption that the failure population is com- posed of three subpopulations, early, chance, and wearout. A graphical method is provided for separating the subpopulations and deter- mining the parameters of the model. The ex- pression is then applied to observed failure data in three detailed examples and in each case the model is shown to represent the ob- served data at the .05 significance level using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Two BASIC lan- guage computer programs are provided to sim- plify the use of the proposed model. (Author) AD-733 906/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Bulk Semiconductor Quasi-Optical Concept for Guided Waves for Advanced Millimeter Wave Devices Research and development technical rept. Metro M. Chrepta, and Harold Jacobs. Sep 71, 39p Rept no. ECOM- 3482 Descriptors: "Semiconductor devices, Waveguides, "Waveguides, K band, Silicon, Microwaves, Dielectrics, Phase shifters. Partial differential equations, Computer programs. Recent suggestions have been made for the design of bulk semiconductor millimeter wave devices, and in particular, a new type of phase shifter. In order for these designs to perform in a satisfactory manner it was found necessary to demonstrate that that electromagnetic propagation would occur largely in the interior of a semiconductor dielectric waveguide with relatively low loss. In this report an analysis is made of electromagnetic waves guided in an in- finite slab of material with the properties of high resistivity silicon. Calculations and preliminary experiments are demonstrated at frequencies near 16.0 GHz. It is concluded that propagation in the semiconductor medium offers the possi- bility of low loss circuitry and satisfies the requisites for device design. (Author) AD-735 682/CP PC E01 MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Ground-Loss Reduction at High Frequencies through the Use of Antenna Arrays Research and development technical rept. C. M. De Santis, and F. Schwering. Dec 71, 58p Rept no. ECOM-3518 Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, Attenuation, High frequency, Dipole antennas, Numerical analy- sis, Gain, Computer programs. High frequency antenna arrays are shown to reduce the effect of conduction losses normally associated with an antenna operating on or in proximity to the surface of the earth. It is demonstrated that the normal directivity gain as a function of array element spacing is modified by the presence of the finite conducting earth, and that at the lower frequencies in the HF range the gain of the array increases rapidly as the element spacing is increased from zero (single dipole) to about 1/10 of a wavelength. At this spacing, the gain approaches a limit which for low conductivities is close to a theoretical upper bound equal to the number of elements in the array. (Author) AD-735 946/CP PC E01 MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Bureau of En- gineering Research CAFA: A Computer-Alded Curve-Fit and Anal- ysis Program Technical rept. Bruce W. Noel. Sep 71 , 42p Rept no. EE- 1 87(71 )ONR-005 Contract N00014-68-A-0158 Descriptors: "Programming(Computers), Curve fitting, "Diodes(Semiconductor), Electrical pro- perties, Computer programs, Differential equa- tions, Integration, Numerical analysis, Mathe- matical models. Identifiers: CAFA computer program, Spline functions. The Theoretical basis for the CAFA program is discussed. An approximate technique evolving from the theory is applied to the analysis of the current-voltage characteristic of a hypothetical diode, with good results. A printout of the resultant program and data is included. (Author) AD-735 947/CP PC E01 MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Bureau of En- gineering Research The Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Devices for Radiation Vulnerability Studies Technical rept. T. A. Williamson, and W. W. Grannemann. Dec 71, 271p Rept no. EE-193(71)ONR-005 Contract N00014-68-A-0158 Descriptors: "Field effect transistors, "Radiation damage, "Capacitors, Semiconductor devices, Nuclear radiation, Computer programs, Manu- facturing methods, Vulnerability, Test methods, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Metal insulator semiconductor capacitors. The report discusses the following: The insu- lated gate field effect transistor (IGFET); Nuclear radiation effects on the IGFET; The fabrication of metal-insulator-silicon (MIS) capacitors: Analysis of the MIS capacitor; Test- ing of experimental devices, and Analysis of the experimental data. AD-736 379/CP PC E01 MF A01 Boeing Co Seattle Wash CIRCUS-2. A Digital Computer Program for Transient Analysis of Electronic Circuits. Volume I. User's Guide Final rept. Benjamin Dembart, and Loren D. Milliman. Jul 71, 103HDL-0070-1 Contract DAAG39-67-C-0070 Descriptors: "Computer programs, Instruction manuals, "Electrical networks. Mathematical models, "Circuits, Transients, Semiconductor devices, Simulation. Identifiers: "Circus 2 computer program, Net- work synthesis, "Network analysis theory, Equivalent circuits. CIRCUS-2 is a digital computer program that computes the time domain response of an elec- tronic circuit to an arbitrary forcing function. The dc steady-state of the network can be cal- culated by the program and used as initial con- ditions for the transient solution, or a set of ini- tial conditions may be input. CIRCUS-2 has models for basic elements and accepts user- defined models for other circuit components. The relationships allowed between elements in a model are quite general so that most types of components can be readily simulated. In the volume, a complete description of input required by the code is given along with a discussion of the options that may be used in modeling and in circuit analysis. Several exam- ples are provided. (Author) AD-736 984/CP PC E01 MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics The Proximity Effect in Systems of Parallel Conductors and Electrically Small Multiturn Loop Antennas Technical rept. Glenn Smith. Dec 71, 116p Rept no.TR-624 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0005 Descriptors: "Loop antennas, Mathematical analysis, Radio transmission, Attenuation, Effi- ciency, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Electrically small antennas, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. In the report losses in systems of parallel sound conductors are studied. Both the normal skin effect loss and the additional loss due to the close proximity of adjacent conductors are considered. The results obtained for the paral- lel conductors are used to evaluate the radia- tion efficiency of electrically small multiturn loop antennas. (Author) AD-737 010/CP Reprint Maryland Univ College Park Dept of Electrical Engineering Two Scattering Matrix Programs for Active Circuit Analysis Phichani Bodharamik, Les Besser, and Robert W. Newcomb. 1 Jun 71, 13p AFOSR-TR-72-0362 Grant AF-AFOSR-1910-70, NSF-GK-24036 Revision of report dated 3 Feb 71. Prepared in cooperation with Stanford Univ., Calif., Con- tract F44620-67-C-0001, Grant NSF-GK-1956. Availability: Pub. in IEEE Transactions on Cir- cuit Theory, vCT18 n6 p610-619 Nov 71. Descriptors: "Electrical networks, S-matrix, "Programming(Computers), Numerical analy- sis, Circuits, Data processing systems, Time sharing. Identifiers: "Network analysis theory, Computer aided analysis, GENERAL computer program, SPEEDY computer program. Two scattering matrix programs are described for the area of computer-aided analysis of ac- tive circuits. Both programs rest upon an itera- tive use of cascade loading, a connection previ- ously proven to incorporate any arbitrary con- nection. One program, GENERAL, covers the multiport case and through an incorporation of the generality of the scattering matrix handles any physical network. GENERAL proceeds by finding the scattering matrix of interconnec- tions through the use of the indefinite ad- mittance and by iteratively cascade loading such interconnections with components. The other (time-shared) program, SPEEDY, is a fast 2-port version. SPEEDY's time advantage comes about by programming the specific results for the most typical design connections (to which the program is limited). (Author) AD-737 089/CP PC E01 MF A01 Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment Portsmouth (England) DC Circuit Analysis by Computer Technical rept. N. A. Walter, and P. B. A. Border. Oct 71 , 20p ASWE-TR-71-32, DRIC-BR-27902 Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Mathematical models, "Reliability(Electronics), Mathematical prediction, Programming(Computers), Am- plifiers, Transistors, Great Britain. Identifiers: Equivalent circuits, Computer aided analysis. The Technical Report describes the importance of correct loading of electronic components in circuits to ensure the reliability of circuit opera- tion initially and over a long period of time. The full mathematical analysis of a circuit to establish these conditions allowing for the vari- ous changes in parameter can be a time con- 38 suming and difficult process. However by using the computer and correctly chosen programs it is possible to perform a complete d.c. analysis very simply, including junction temperature of any transistors. In order to demonstrate this, a number of examples are taken using several different programs readily available to the user. (Author) AD-737 670/CP PC E01/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C MASK MAKER I Technical rept. Michael E. Conner. Jan 72, 27p Rept no. HDL- TR-1582 Descriptors: "Masking, 'Computer programs, "Integrated circuits, Masking, 'Printed circuits, Masking, Automation, Silicon, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: Mask Maker 1 computer program, Photoresist techniques, FORTRAN. A new computer program, Mask Maker I, facilitates the drawing, or cutting, of geometric figures composed of right angles. The cut drawings are used as photomask masters in the production of integrated circuits, thick-film cir- cuits, and printed-circuit boards. The program accepts as input, figure-command cards and dimension cards and yields a magnetic tape which, when fitted onto a modified Calcomp plotter, will cause the plotter to cut the figures specified at the input. (Author) AD-738 538/CP PC E01/MF A01 American Micro-Systems Inc Santa Clara Calif Micropower Integrated Circuits Study Pro- gram Extension to Scope of Work Final rept. Jay L. Farley, Bruce O. Jordan, Daryl E. Mullins, and Perris Pringle. Oct 71 , 102p Contract DAAA21 -69-C-559 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, Reliabili- ty(Electronics), 'Field effect transistors. Mathe- matical models, Timing devices, Test methods, Semiconductor devices, Test equipment. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program. The Extension to Scope of Work provides further study of items not investigated completely by the original basic contract. These are the items dealing with computerized models of the field effect transistor. The prima- ry computer model is the SCEPTRE program. (Author) AD-739 162/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Complete Theory of Acoustic Bulk Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Piezoelectric Media Physical sciences research papers A. J. Slobodnik, Jr, and J. V. O'Brien. 24 Nov 71, 89p Rept nos. AFCRL-71-0601 , AFCRL-PSRP- 468 Descriptors: 'Piezoelectric crystals, Acoustic properties, "Delay lines, Microwave frequency, Propagation, Attenuation, Mechanical proper- ties, Electrical properties, Computer programs, Mathematical models. Identifiers: FORTRAN, BULK computer pro- gram, Acoustic surface waves, Microwave acoustics. Signal processing, Acoustic delay lines, Surface waves. A complete analysis of acoustic bulk wave propagation in arbitrary, anisotropic, piezoelectric media is presented. All mechani- cal and electrical quantities of interest are cal- culated. Propagation loss can be computed using the viscosity tensor approach. The entire analysis is implemented by a computer pro- gram which is described in detail. A complete listing and sample input-output data are pro- vided. Thus all necessary information for the quantitative design of high-frequency, low-in- sertion-loss, long-time-delay, microwave- acoustic-bulk-wave delay lines and other signal processing devices is provided. (Author) AD-739 203/CP PC E01/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Improved Programs for Analysis of Radiation and Scattering by Configurations of Arbitrari- ly Bent Thin Wires Dah-Cheng Kuo, and Bradley J. Strait. 15 Jan 72, 52p Scientific-15, AFCRL-72-0051 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: 'Antennas, Wire, Computer pro- grams, Numerical analysis, Electrical im- pedance, Antenna radiation patterns, Elec- tromagnetic fields, Scattering, Electric cur- rents, Radar echo areas. Identifiers: Near field, Far field. Improved user-oriented computer programs are presented and described for analyzing the electromagnetic behavior of arbitrarily bent thin-wire antennas and scatterers. A given problem can involve several wires of different shapes and radii and the wires can be excited or loaded at arbitrary points along their lengths. Matrix methods are used with the method of moments to compute various quantities of en- gineering interest. For radiation problems these include current distributions, input im- pedances, and specified far-field patterns and near-field distributions. For scattering problems the current is again calculated along with specified scattered field and bistatic radar cross-section patterns. Particular emphasis is given to required data input, and illustrative ex- amples are included. (Author) AD-739 477/CP PC E01/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ College Station Dept of In- dustrial Engineering Reliability Analysis of a Parallel-Standby System Research rept. James H. Brier. 1971, 137p Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Redundant components, 'Reliability(Electronics), 'Switching circuits, Reliability(Electronics), Costs, Failure(Electronics), Mathematical prediction, Inequalities, Computer programs, Tables, Theses. Identifiers: Mean time between failures. The paper maximizes the mean time between failures subject to a cost constraint for a system consisting of N-1 subsystems in standby, each subsystem containing M identical components with constant failure rates in parallel. The mathematical feasibility of determining the re- liability for particular values of N and M is in- vestigated. Finally the paper demonstrates that the values of N and M which maximize the MTBF of the system do not necessarily max- imize the reliability of that system for all time. (Author) AD-739 996/CP PC E01/MF A01 Honeywell Inc Hopkins Minn Government and Aeronautical Products Div Research and Development of a DC-DC Con- verter Semiannual rept. 1 Jun-31 Dec 71 J. T. Lingle, and L. V. Westbrook. Mar 72, 67p ECOM-0223-1 Contract DAAB07-71-C-0223 Descriptors: 'DC to DC converters, Design, Computer programs, Power supplies, Voltage regulators, Transistors, Reliability(Electronics), Cost effectiveness. Identifiers: Tradeoffs, Computer aided design. The purpose of the program was to develop a reliable, efficient, cost effective, high-density source capable of remote operation under a wide range of temperature variations for at least 3000 hours. To accomplish these objectives, it was necessary to analyze the battery-converter- regulator system configuration tradeoffs and to determine the optimum approach for efficiently matching the characteristics of new organic electrolyte lithium batteries and zinc air batte- ries to the characteristics of communications and surveillance equipment. This document describes the block diagram circuit analysis and computer-aided tradeoff studies and discusses initial breadboard circuit operation. (Author) AD-740 226/CP PC E01/MF A01 Auburn Univ Ala Dept of Physics Second Breakdown and Damage in Semicon- ductor Junction Devices Final rept. Paul P. Budenstein, Duane H. Pontius, and Wallace B. Smith. Apr 72, 174p* Contract DAAH01-71-C-0708 Descriptors: 'Transistors, Failure(Electronics), 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Failure(Electronics), Electrical properties, Thermal radiation, Radia- tion damage, Silicon, Semiconducting films, Optical properties. Test methods, Test equip- ment, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Second breakdown, Computerized simulation. The nature of second breakdown in junction devices and the relationship between second breakdown and damage are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. The expen- ments were performed on silicon-on-sapphire diodes using the stroboscopic method of Sunshine. Diodes of different geometry and dif- ferent base doping were included so the effects of these parameters on second breakdown could be determined. The stroboscopic technique allows the temperature configuration over the diode to be determined with a spatial resolution of several microns and a temporal resolution of about 20 ns. Second breakdown can be shown to involve three stages: nuclea- tion of a filament, growth of a relatively broad filament across the high-resistivity region, and growth of a second filament interior to the first wherein material is in a molten state. Theoreti- cal treatments are given to the nucleation, melt transition, and filamentation aspects of the problem. (Author) AD-741 118/CP PC E01/MFA01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Multifault Isolation In Linear Networks by the Method of Joint Signature Master's thesis Gary Lamour Long. Dec 71, 53p Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, Failure(Electronics), Low-pass filters, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs, Dif- ferential equations, Algebra, Approxima- tion(Mathematics), Theses. Identifiers: Network analysis theory, "Fault isolation, A study was made to isolate one and two com- ponent faults In simple linear networks by the method of joint signature of order two whereby two measurements of a failed network are coded to all possible combinations of two com- ponent values which will produce that fault with all Other elements at nominal value. Two addi- tional measurements were obtained, a new joint Signature of order two generated, and the faulty component set was selected as the fault pan with the same values at both joint signatures The method involves numerous solutions of sets of nonlinear equations. By assuming many values of a failed network function the equa tions were preso'ved on a one time only basis 39 for a network. One and two component faults were simulated in two simple low pass filter net- works, the highest success rate in isolating faults was approximately 80%. (Author) AD-741 243/CP PC E01/MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Coordinated Science Lab Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique Doctoral thesis Robert Michael Starnes. Apr 72, 123p Rept nos. R-554, UILU-ENG-72-2215 Contract DAAB07-67-C-0199 Descriptors: 'Sputtering, Semiconducting films, 'Nitrides, Polarization, Silicon com- pounds, Ionic current. Manufacturing methods, Instrumentation, Electrical properties. Com- puter programs, Theses. Identifiers: "Silicon nitrides, Radiofrequency sputtering, Amorphous materials, Amorphous semiconductors. The thesis is a study of ionic polarization in RF sputtered Si3N4 films by the technique of Ther- mally Stimulated Current (TSC). The model for this polarization phenomenon is a bound ion which may reside in either of two equilibrium potential minima. When an ion moves from one site to the other it behaves as an electric dipole. The TSC procedure consists of (1) biasing the film to establish a non-equilibrium distribution of ions, (2) thermal quenching to freeze the ions in their non-equilibrium state, and (3) reheating the film while measuring the current resulting from the equilibrium of ions in their states. The thesis describes the construction of an RF sput- tering system to deposit refractory insulating films as well as a vacuum dewar and automatic temperature programmer for taking TSC data. (Author) AD-741 919/CP PC E01/MF A01 Massachusetts Univ Amherst Dept of Electrical Engineering Implementation of N-Path Filters Using Two- Level Modulation Technical rept. LynnD.Dann. 10 May 72, 96p TR-1 , AFOSR-TR- 72-1113 Grant AF-AFOSR-21 1 1-71 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Electric filters, Modulation, Mathematical models, Band-pass filters, Fouri- er analysis, Series, Transfer functions, White noise, Information theory, Multiplex, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Fourier transformation, Digital fil- ters, Time invariant systems. Signal processing, Random noise, Control theory. Recently, renewed interest has been given to the use of N-path filters as an alternative method of realizing analog filters. The N-path filter is a configuration composed of N-parallel paths containing identical path filters flanked by input and output modulators. The design of an N-path filter requires that its periodic modu- lating functions provide a desired set of Fourier coefficients while the rest of the Fourier coeffi- cients may be arbitrary. To illustrate this numer- ical method, three applications of the N-path filter that are of practical interest are con- sidered: A single passband filter; A least mean- squared error filter; A filter matched to a periodic input signal. (Author) AD-742 430/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Application of CV Characteristics to Con- trolling MIS Processing Master's thesis Robert A. Fritschie. Mar 72, 79p Rept no. GE/EE/72-12 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, Quality control, 'Semiconductors, Electrical proper- ties, Capacitors, Transistors, Silicon com- pounds, Non-destructive testing, Impurities, Computer programs, Electrical conductance, Theses, Silicon dioxide, Alumina, Nitrides. Identiriers: Process control, IDLCV computer program, FORTRAN, Metal insulator semicon- ductors, Silicon nitrides. The purpose of this report is to determine the usefulness of the capacitance-voltage (CV) method as a process control tool. To accom- plish this task a study of the physics of MIS structures and the theory of the CV method are given. Then it is shown how the method can be used to obtain various physical properties of the semiconductor, insulator, and semiconduc- tor-insulator interface. A computer program which facilitates the determination of various properties from the CV characteristic is in- cluded. The substrate material used is n-type silicon and the kinds of insulators investigated in this study are: Si3N4:Si02, AI203:Si02, and Si02. (Author) AD-742 433/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking Master's thesis Thomas Burke Markham. Mar 72, 94p Rept no. GE/EE/72-15 Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, 'Satellite tracking systems, Computer programs, Antenna radia- tion patterns, Mathematical models. Feasibility studies, Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation. The possibility of replacing large highly directive parabolic antennas for satellite tracking with a phased array is investigated. It is shown that a non-planar array with a circular horizontal cross section and an elliptical verti- cal cross section has a far field radiation pat- tern suitable for satellite tracking. The problem is formulated for solution by a high speed digital computer and an analysis of the per- formance of the optimal array design is presented. (Author) AD-743 249/CP PC E01/MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Electronics Research Lab Horizontal Dipole Arrays Over Lossy Ground Technical rept. W.C. Kuo.and K. K. Mei. Dec 71, 108pReptno. ERL-71-4 Contract DAAK02-71-C-0206 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, Radio fields, Dipole antennas, Propagation, Numerical anal- ysis, Radio transmission, Computer programs, Integral equations. The Approximate Boundary Condition is in- troduced and applied to find the Hertz potential for a horizontal dipole over a lossy ground. The integrals so obtained can be computed much more economically than the Sommerfeld's in- tegral. The results of this approximation are compared with those of Sommerfeld's formu- las. It is found that the accuracy is very good in most of the cases even where both the dipole and observation positions are very close to the air-earth interface. The Hertz potential thus ob- tained is then applied to find the current dis- tribution for a horizontal antenna over a lossy ground. The resulting integral equation is then reduced to Hallen's type, and the current dis- tribution is obtained by a numerical technique. The current distribution for a parallel array an- tenna fed by the transmission line is also ob- tained by coupling the transmission line equa- tions to Hallen's equation. (Author) AD-743 399/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Systems and Logistics A Decision Model for the Selection of Stan- dardization Alternatives Masters thesis Willima J. Donahue, and Peter C. McKinney. 28 Jan 72, 76p Rept no. SLSR-5-72A Descriptors: 'Reliability(Electronics), 'Decision theory, 'Electronic equipment, Standardization, Value engineering, Mathematical models, Theses, Computer programs, Simulation. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. The Directorate of Engineering Standardiza- tion, Defense Electronics Supply Center, had no basis for comparing results obtained from conducting a standardization project involving established reliability (ER) parts with one in- volving non-ER parts. The study was concerned with determining how a mathematical model could be developed to assist in the selection of the most beneficial method of standardization. A simulation technique coupled with the con- cepts of decision theory was offered as an ap- propriate modeling technique. The study con- cluded that such a technique filled a void in the standardization process by providing a syste- matic methodology for examining standardica- tion alternatives. (Author) AD-743 834/CP PC E01/MF A01 Florida Univ Gainesville Dept of Electrical En- gineering A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices Fredrik A. Lindholm, Arthur J. Brodersen, Eugene R. Chenette, Larry L. Hench, and Sheng S. Li. 10 Oct 71, 178pScientific-8, AFCRL-72- 0075 Contract F19628-68-C-0058, ARPA Order-1060 See also AD-729 908. Descriptors: 'Semiconductors, Electrical pro- perties, 'Semiconductor devices. Electrical properties, 'Integrated circuits, Design, Silicon, Gallium arsenides, Photosensitivity, Radiation damage, Neutron reactions, Hall effect. Potassi- um compounds. Phosphates, Vanadium com- pounds, Oxides, Noise(Radio), Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Amorphous semiconductors, Photomagnetoelectric effect, Potassium phosphates, Vanadium oxides. Contents: Photodetection using photomagnetoelectric and dember effects in gold-doped silicon; Investigation of the recombination and trapping processes of photo-injected carriers in semi-insulating Cr-doped GaAs using PME and PC methods; Low temperature photomagnetoelectric and photocond uctive effects in n-type InAs; The effect of a buried layer on the collector breakdown voltages of bipolar junction transistors; Device characterization for computer analysis of large semiconductor circuits; Structural effects on fast neutron radiation sensitivity of semiconducting glasses; Effects of microstructure on the radiation stability of amorphous semiconductors; Electronic materials interfacial characterization program. AD-744 045/CP PC E01/MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics Current Distribution on an Infinite Tubular An- tenna in a Cold Collisional Magnetoplasma Technical rept. B. Bhat. May 72, 74p Rept no. TR-634 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0005, Grant NGR- 22-007-056 Sponsored in part by Grant NSF-GK-24105. 40 Descriptors: "Antennas, Plasma medium, Pipes, Electric currents, Resonance, Boundary value problems, Numerical analysis. Computer pro- grams. An infinite tubular antenna immersed in an un- bounded cold collisional magnetoplasma is treated as a boundary value problem. The d. c. magnetic field is assumed parallel to the anten- na. The antenna is driven by a delta function generator at z 0. It is shown that in the presence of collisions, the antenna is thin com- pared with all the characteristic wavelengths in the medium. An expression is derived for the total axial component of the current on the an- tenna and numerical solutions are obtained over a wide range of plasma parameters includ- ing the refractive index resonance regions of the magnetoionic medium. The effect of colli- sions on the current distribution along the an- tenna operating in each of the resonant and non-resonant regions is also studied. (Author) AD-744 056/CP PC A14/MF A01 Aerospace Research Labs Wright-Patterson AFBOhio Spectral Matching Factors for Photocathodes, Phosphor Screens, and Photographic Emul- sions in Image Intensifier-Recorders Using Night-Sky Illumination, and Related Problems Final rept. Radames K. H. Gebel, Hermann J. Spiegel, Hermann R. Mestwerdt, and Roy R. Hayslett. Apr 72, 321 p Rept no. ARL-72-0046 Descriptors: 'Photocathodes, Photosensitivity, "Viewing screens, Photosensitivity, 'Infrared film, Photosensitivity, 'Infrared detectors, Photosensitivity, Phosphorescent materials, Photographic emulsions, Image inten- sifiers(Electronics), Infrared images, Night sky, Background, Computer programs, Resolution. The purpose of this paper is to assess the per- formance of basic components of opto-elec- tronic image recording systems using night-sky illumination. The analysis is concerned with the matching efficiency between night-sky illu- mination and photocathodes, between photocathodes and phosphor screens and between phosphor screens and photographic films. To preserve resolution, a cascaded opto- electronic system must employ stages with maximum gain so that a minimum number of stages is contained in the system since espe- cially each phosphor screen contributes to the deterioration of resolution. (Author) AD-744 797/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Aided Design of Braid Parameters for Coaxial Cable Technical rept. Jack Spergel. Nov 71, 52p Rept no. ECOM-3517 Descriptors: 'Coaxial cables, Design, "Electromagnetic shielding, Coaxial cables, Computer programs. Attenuation, Textiles. Identifiers: Computer aided design, Braids, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. A computer program was designed to calculate braid parameters for coaxial cable such as per- cent coverage, fill factor, angle, attenuation factor (Kb). Data is provided over a range of car- riers, picks, ends, strand diameter, and diame- ter over the dielectric. (Author) AD-745 757/CP PC E01/MF A01 Schjeldahl (G T) Co Northfield Minn Feasibility Studies of Multispectral Mosaic Image Conversion Panels Final rept. 1 Feb 71-31 Jan 72 Donald E. Anderson, and Richard L. Swisher. 30 Mar72, 127p Contract N00014-71-C-0188 Descriptors: 'Viewing screens, Electrolu- minescence, 'Image converters, Feasibility stu- dies, Mosaics(Light-sensitive), Infrared images, Ultraviolet radiation, X rays, Light, Photoelec- tric materials, Computer programs, Electrical properties, Optical properties. Identifiers: 'Electroluminescent panels, Com- puterized simulation, IR computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN, IMINT computer program, GFIT com- puter program, ELFIT computer program, ELDG computer program, PLDATA computer program, MASSA computer program, FM com- puter program, AM computer program, MASSA 2 computer program, CASCAD computer pro- gram, Thin films, Thick films. A development program is described in which the feasibility of mosaic EL/PC image conver- sion panels sensitive to UV, near IR, X-rays, and visible light was studied. Thin Film photocon- ductors are electroded in a regular array with unit cells 0.020 inches on centers. These arrays are connected to opaque electrode arrays form- ing the back pads of an electroluminescent (EL) lamp array through the use of microglass spacer sheets. Both thick film EL and thin film (TFEL) lamp arrays were prepared and studied. The combinations of materials used were prepared in test sample form, electrically and optically parameterized, and then computer simulations were performed to determine the range of parameters needed for a successful assembly. The computer models simulate the transient or steady state optical stimulation of EL/PC cells with simple sinusoidal power ap- plied or more complicated wave-forms. All computer programs used are documented. (Author) AD-745 758/CP PC E01/MF A01 Schjeldahl (G T) Co Northfield Minn Feasibility Studies of Gray Scale Image Storage with Electrolu- minescent/Photoconductor Image Conver- sion Panels Final rept. 2 Mar 71-1 Mar 72 Donald E. Anderson, and Richard L. Swisher. 30 Mar 72, 119p Contract N00014-71-C-0276 Descriptors: 'Viewing screens. Electrolu- minescence, 'Image converters, Feasibility stu- dies, Mosaics(Light-sensitive), Photoelectric materials, Computer programs, Electrical pro- perties, Optical properties. Identifiers: 'Electroluminescent panels, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Computerized simulation, IR computer pro- gram, IMINT computer program, GFIT com- puter program, ELFIT computer program, PL- DATA computer program, ELDG computer pro- gram, MASSA computer program, FM com- puter program, AM computer program, MASSA 2 computer program, CASCAD computer pro- gram, Thin films, Thick films. A study program is described in which the feasibility of achieving levels of gray scale image storage in EL/PC image storage panels is studied. Both thick film EL and thin film EL lamp arrays were prepared and studied. Effort was concentrated on two techniques: slow decaying thin film photoconductors and mul- tifrequency electrical driving of fast response EL/PC panels. The combination of materials used were prepared in test sample form, electri- cally and optically parameterized, and then computer simulations were performed to deter- mine the range of parameters needed for a suc- cessful assembly. The computer models simu- lated the transient or steady state optical stimu- lation of EL/PC cells with simple sinusoidal power applied or more complicated waveforms. (Author) AD-745 979/CP PC E01/MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Cruft Lab Modified Dipoles. II. Numerical Solutions PeterS. Kao. Nov 71, 99p Scientific-13-Vol-2, AFCRL-72-0287 Contract F19628-68-C-0030 See also AD-745 285. Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas, Admittance, 'Conical antennas, Numerical analysis, Cylin- drical bodies, Computer programs, Antenna radiation patterns, Electric currents. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN. An infinite set of algebric equations was solved numerically for small cone angles. Com- parisons were made between the modified conical antenna and its limiting biconical an- tenna which provides both an extrapolatory nu- merical check for the modified conical antenna with shrinking central sphere and an un- derstanding of the underlying physical phenomena. Theoretical and experimental results are in very good agreement. (Author) AD-746 108/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides Final rept. Lamont V. Blake. Jun 72, 43p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2458 Descriptors: 'Waveguides, Microwave equip- ment, 'Microwaves, Attenuation, Computer programs, Microwave frequency, Copper, Alu- minum alloys. Brass, Copper alloys, Silver, Magnesium. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Aluminum alloy 1100. A Fortran computer plotting program has been developed to plot the attenuation of air-filled rectangular waveguide for the TE(10) mode, in the frequency range from about cutoff to three times cutoff. Plots are presented for military standard waveguides in the range 300 MHz to 50 GHz. The basic equations on which the pro- gram is based and a listing of the program are given. (Author) AD-747 691/CP MF A01 Ocean Technology Inc Burbank Calif Development of Graphic Area Displays for ASW Attack Management Simulator. Volume II Technical rept. 1 Oct 71-30 Jun 72 R. M. McGinty, and D. Whitaker. 1 5 Aug 72, 161p Rept no. C1003-Vol-2 Contract N00014-72-C-0042 See also Volume 1 , AD-747 708. Available in Microfiche Only. Descriptors: 'Antisubmarine fire control systems, 'Display systems, 'Antisubmarine war- fare, Naval vessels(Combatant), Target position indicators. Target designators. Kill probabili- ties, Cathode ray tube screens, Training devices. Computer programs. Identifiers: Computerized simulation. Scenarios. A Navy tactical display associated with surface ship anti-submarine attack control is in- vestigated. The levels of information integration are represented by an operational display system, a developmental display system and an advanced display concept. The experimental technique chosen employs a laboratory simula- tion of the display systems operated in a simu- lated tactical and sensor environment by sub- ject operators. The first phase of the research has included: definition of display formats and controls for a multi-mode laboratory display console; development of software for the dis- play console computer; design of a pilot experi- ment for verifying techniques; definition of man/display effectiveness measures; deter- mination of laboratory procedures; develop- ment of an operator training manual; an evalua- 41 tion of simulation software and experimental procedures. (Author) AD-748 465/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measure- ment System Technical rept. 1 Oct 70-1 Dec 71 David J. Johnson. May 72, 52p Rept no. AFWL- TR-72-40 Descriptors: "Plasma medium, *X-ray spec- troscopy, *X rays, "Photoelectric cells(Semiconductor), "X-ray filters, Photoelec- tric cells(Semiconductor), Computer programs, Fluorescence, Acceptability, Detectors, Semiconductors. Identifiers: ROSSPIN computer program, "Plasma diagnostics, XRADAT computer pro- gram. Computer codes were developed to determine X-ray filter/solid state detector response curves and to reduce filter-detector oscilloscope trace data obtained from pulsed plasma devices.' The first of these codes also generates theoretical X-ray spectra and calculates anticipated detec- tor outputs to aid in unfolding spectra. Eleven Ross filter pairs are also presented which, when used with silicon PIN detectors, give time resolved X-ray spectral information in the ener- gy range from 5 to 67 keV. (Author) AD-748 626/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif GRAPHANT: A FORTRAN Program for the Solution and Graphic Display of Gain and Pat- terns for Wire and Linear Antennas in the Presence of Lossy Ground Technical rept. R. W. Adler, and C. B. Robbins. Jun 72, 127p Rept no. NPS-52AB72061A Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns, "Antenna arrays, "Programming(Computers), Graphics, Ship antennas, Equations of motion, Gain, Computer programs. Identifiers: GRAPHANT computer program, FORTRAN, Interactive computer g raphics. An interactive computer graphics antenna gain pattern computation and display program for real-world antenna systems is presented. The use of the program as a teaching tool at the Naval Postgraduate School is discussed. Methods for applying the program for the synthesis and design of complex antenna systems are indicated. Research applications include techniques for rapid inspection of gain equations of newly developed antennas. A ship motion model is developed for studying the ef- fects of electrical geometry variations caused gy ship motion in heavy seas on maritime an- tenna systems and a dynamic presentation of pattern variations is made. (Author) AD-749 235/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Power Supply Voltage Monitor for Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) Applications Research and development technical rept. Harry A. Wheeler. Aug 72, 20p Rept no. ECOM- 4004 Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, Design, "Test equipment(Electronics), Failure (Electronics), Reliability(Electronics), Direct current, Power supplies, Temperature, Test methods, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Voltage monitors, Computer aided analysis, BITE(Built In Test Equipment), "Built- in test equipment. The report describes the design of a power supply voltage monitor capable of monitoring multiple dc voltages simultaneously, indicating out-of-tolerance voltages on one single lamp. Design data and temperature testing results are included for a given design, as well as a com- puter program for obtaining data for the design of any additional system to be monitored. (Author) AD-749 685/CP PC A17/MF A01 Pacific Missile Range Point Mugu Calif An Investigation of Synthetic Inductors Technical pub. J. A. Means. 14 Aug 72, 399p Rept no. PMR-TP- 72-6 Doctoral thesis. Descriptors: "Coils, Mathematical models, "Inductance, Simulation, Phase shifters, Com- puter programs, Stability, Circuits, Theses. Identifiers: Gyrators, Computerized simulation, ROOTLO computer program, Equivalent cir- cuits, IBM 7094 computers, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN. The purpose of this research is to investigate various methods of inductor simulation to characterize and establish the performance constraints of each method. The majority of the methods are shown to produce a driving point impedance function having a single zero and a single pole. Therefore, a generalized equivalent circuit for most of the realizations studied is equivalent to an R-L-R circuit. A program called ROOTLO is developed as an aid in classical sta- bility analysis. Degenerate circuit elements are presented as a conceptual aid in the design process. Several approaches to inductor simu- lation are investigated. These methods are the capacitively loaded VCT gyrator, the capacitive- ly loaded CVT gyrator, other controlled sources, and the intrinsic parameter approach which does not require an external capacitor. Actual circuits including element values and operating characteristics are included for each realization considered. A brief description of the power inductor is included, and a class B VCT gyrator is given. (Author) AD-750 590/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Systems Engineering and Integration Office A Laplace Transform Amplitude Function Generator Utilizing a Thin Film Semiconduc- tor Technical rept. James E. Brown, Jr. 31 Jul 72, 80p Rept no. RC- TR-72-2 Descriptors: "Test equipment. Semiconductor devices, "Semiconducting films, Signal genera- tors, "Integral transforms, Signal generators, Analog-digital computers, Electric fields, Com- plex variables, Analytic functions. Computer programs. Identifiers: "Laplace transformation, Thin films, Function generators, Analogs, Analog simula- tion, Wafers. The characteristics of many systems can be predetermined by application of an analog. The report was developed to produce a better tool in the area of the electric field analog. It develops as a straightforward proof of the analog existence with the main body being ex- perimental. The experimental area develops in normal form with early familiarization methods through various phases to the final result. The semiconductor can be used with more con- sistency, and better results, than any present guaranteed device on the market. (Author) AD-751 019/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A FORTRAN Subroutine for Plotting a Smith Chart Interim rept. John R. Brinson. Oct 72, 22p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2517 Descriptors: "Transmission lines, Electrical im- pedance, "Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Subroutines, Plotters, Waveguides, Microwave frequency. Identifiers: FORTRAN, "Smith chart, SMCCHART computer program. Computer determined waveguide or transmis- sion line parameters can now be shown on a Smith Chart plotted by the subroutine described in the report, saving tedious and time-consuming manual plotting. Also included is a subroutine, ADMTPLT, which selects the data to be plotted on the Smith Chart. All con- trol for the plotting of the charts and the data to be plotted is implemented in the main program. The effect of varying one parameter in the com- putation of data may be investigated by plotting more than one set of data on each chart. Ap- pendix A shows the development of the al- gorithms for plotting the Smith Chart, and Ap- pendix B shows the FORTRAN subroutine in a demonstration program. A sample plot is shown. (Author) AD-751 518/CP PC E01/MF A01 IBM Federal Systems Div Owego N Y Elec- tronics Systems Center SCEPTRE Support II. Volume I. Revised User's Manual (Supplement) Final rept. 15Apr70-1 Jul 72 Stephen R. Sedore, and Allen I. Wright. Sep 72, 60p AFWL-TR-69-77-Vol-1-Suppl Contract F29601 -70-C-0038 Supplement to AD-882 384. Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, "Radiation damage, "Programming(Computers), Instruc- tion manuals, Nuclear radiation, Transients, Mathematical models, Corrections. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program, "Transient radiation effects(Electronics), FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Equivalent cirvuits, IBM 7094 computers, IBM 360 computers. The report is intended to serve as a supplement to the SCEPTRE User's Manual, AFWL-TR-69- 77, Volume I, and also as a final report for Con- tract F29601-70-C-0038. The content of section 2 should be considered as additions to the ex- isting manual, while section 3 contains infor- mation to replace cited portions of the manual. The remainder is the final report that describes in detail the improvements to the program that were added during the contract period. (Author) AD-751 519/CP PC E01/MF A01 IBM Federal Systems Div Owego N Y Elec- tronics Systems Center Mathematical Formulation of SCEPTRE Technical rept. 1 5 Apr 70-1 Jul 72 Stephen R. Sedore, and John R. Sents. Sep 72, 70pAFWL-TR-72-77 Contract F29601 -70-C-0038 Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Radiation damage, 'Programming(Computers), Radiation damage, Integrated circuits, Nuclear radiation, Transients, Mathematical models, Matrix al- gebra, Integration. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program, Transient radiation effects(Electronics), FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, IBM 7090/94 computers, Truncation errors, Newton-Raphson method. SCEPTRE is a general DC and trainsient analy- sis FORTRAN 4 program with a capability for handling radiation effects circuit analysis problems. The report contains the theory and formulation that provides a basis for SCEPTRE and a description including flow diagrams of the program operation. (Author) AD-751 658/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif 42 A Computer Model (or Rapid Solutions and Visual CRT Display of Radiation Patterns for Arbitrarily Orientable Yagl-Uda Arrays Operating over Lossy Ground or In Ship- Ocean Environments Master's thesis Edward Elvis Kennedy. Jun 72, 129p Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, Mathematical models, Yagi antennas, Electrical impedance, Antenna radiation patterns, Gain, Optimization, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Com- puter graphics, FORTRAN, SDS-9300 compu- ters. An arbitrarily orientable Yagi-Uda array anten- na was modeled, and a computer simulation run to obtain the input impedance, gain pattern and front-to-back ratio of various arrays. The model made provisions for the antenna to be operated over either a lossy ground plane or aboard a ship in seas of specified state. Quick solution turn-around, with CRT display, ena- bled relatively rapid optimization of numerous arrays. Theory, resultant optimal designs and performances, photographs, and program list- ing are included. (Author) AD-752 474/CP PC E01/MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics Three-Term Exponential Product Solution for the Current on Dipole Antennas in Homogeneous Isotropic Media Technical rept. S. R. Mishra. Jun 72, 49p Rept no. TR-636 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0005 Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas, Electric cur- rents, Admittance, Integral equations, Integra- tion, Computer programs, Exponential func- tions. Identifiers: Periodic functions, Current distribu- tion, Charge distribution, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN. Hallen's integral equation for the current on a perfectly conducting dipole immersed in an in- finite, homogeneous, isotropic, dissipative medium is treated using a simplified form of the trigonometric solution. The form of the solution is an approximation to the rigorous King-San- dler-Wu (K. S. W.) solution and is more suitable from the engineering standpoint. Calculations made for electrical lengths beta H up to 3 pi/2 and for alpha/beta up to 1 are reported and are seen to agree well with the experimental results of Scott and the theoretical results predicted by the K. S. W. theory. It is expected that the theory will also be applicable to larger values of alpha/beta. (Author) AD-752 561/CP PC E01/MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Bureau of En- gineering Research A Radiation Effects Research Program Annual rept. 1 Sep 71-31 Aug 72 W. W. Grannemann, R. C. Allen, Jr, L. T. Boatwright, W. J. Byatt, and G. M. Wing. Sep 72, 144p Rept no. EE-199(72)ONR-005 Contract N00014-68-A-0158 Descriptors: "Semiconductors, Radiation damage, 'Semiconductor devices, Radiation damage, Band theory of solids, Atomic energy levels, Silicon, Transport properties, Phonons, Wave functions, Transistors, Gallium arsenides, Phosphides, Dielectrics, Capacitors, Indium an- timonides, Tellurium, Manufacturing methods, Electron bombardment, Ion bombardment. Titanium compounds, Dioxides, Semiconduct- ing films, Computer programs. Identifiers: Gallium phosphides, Light emitting diodes, Ion implantation, Thin films, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language. Invariant imbedding, Augmented plane wave method, Muffin tin potentials. Contents: Invariant imbedding applied to the solution of transport problems with internal sources - The ill-behaved reflection function case; Energy levels and density of states in three- dimensional crystals; Band structure of silicon by the APW method; Wave functions in semiconductors; Thermal oxidation of gallium arsenide phosphide; Radiation effects on GaAsP MIS capacitors; Open-tube Zn-diffused GaAs(1 -x)P(x) light- emitting diodes; A study of GaAs(1 /2)P(1 12) MIS capacitors fabricated by using electron-beam- evaporated aluminum oxide; Electron and neutron radiation effects on electron-beam evaporated high-mobility thin films of indium antimonide; Fabrication of p-type tellurium thin-film transistors using photoengraving and anodized AI203 techniques; Pulsed electron beam bombardment of semiconductor materials; Metal-insulator-semiconductor structures created by ion implantation; Metal-Ti02-silicon structures; Hybrid radiation-hardened line-driver amplifier; Radiation testing accessories designed for use during electron-beam tree experiments. AD-752 600/CP PC E01/MF A01 Braddock Dunn and Mcdonald Inc El Paso Tex NET-2 Network Analysis Program Users's manual Allan F. Malmberg. Sep 72, 149p Contract DAAG39-70-C-0050 Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Mathematical models, "Programming(Computers), Instruc- tion manuals, Diodes(Semiconductor), Gates(Circuits), Field effect transistors, Statisti- cal analysis, Distribution functions, Radiation effects, Neutron flux, Monte Carlo method. Curve fitting. Identifiers: NET 2 computer program, CDC 6600 computers, IBM 360 computers, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, "Network analysis theory, Equivalent circuits. The report constitutes the User's Manual for the Release 8 version of the NET-2 Network Analy- sis Program. It supersedes the Preliminary User's Manual which was published in May, 1970. The present report includes some addi- tional circuit elements for special purpose modeling. AD-752 933/CP Not available NTIS Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Dept of Electrical En- gineering Computer-Aided Network Design: Revised Edition Donald A. Calahan. 1972, 362p AFOSR-TR-72- 2383 Contract AF-AFOSR-2027-71 See also preliminary edition dated Jan 68, AD- 672 378. International Standard Book No. 07- 009601-5. Availability: Hard copy available from McGraw- Hill Book Co., New York, N. Y. $13.95. Descriptors: "Electrical networks, Design, Transients, Sensitivity, Circuits, Partial dif- ferential equations, Matrix algebra, Numerical analysis, Mathematical models. Transistors, Diodes(Semiconductor), Integral transforms, Graphics, Computer programs, Textbooks. Identifiers: "Network analysis theory, "Network synthesis, "Computer aided design, Sensitivity analysis, Graph theory. Contents: Network design by computer; Analysis of linear networks; Nonlinear DC circuit analysis; Transient analysis of dynamic networks; Sensitivity calculations; Automatic design; Tolerance analysis; Introduction to advanced techniques of equation formulation; Advanced numerical techniques in transient analysis; Sparse matrix procedures and related topics; Network optimization methods; Time-domain sensitivity calculation. AD-753 413/CP PC A12/MF E02 General Electric Co Syracuse N Y Simplified Modeling of Integrated Circuits for Radiation Performance Prediction Technical rept. Feb 71-Feb 72 J. R. Greenbaum. Nov 72, 274p* AFWL-TR-72- 42 Contract F29601 -71 -C-0049 Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, "Radiation damage, "Logic circuits, Radiation damage, Computer programs, Numerical analysis, Mathematical models, Shift registers, Gates(Circuits), Relaxation oscillators, Gamma rays. Neutron reactions. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, SCEP- TRE computer program, Operational amplifiers. Flip flops. The report describes a simple method for developing computer models for digital and analog integrated circuits. The models are capable of allowing computer prediction of both normal performance and performance when the devices are exposed to gamma and neutron radiation environments. Device models have been developed for two NAND gates, two flip-flops, one four-bit Shift Register, a Monostable Multivibrator, an AND-OR-IN- VERTER, and two operational amplifiers. All models are demonstrated to agree with ob- served laboratory performance for conditions of pulsed gamma radiation of 3 x 10 to the 10th power rads (Si)/Second. Neutron fluence levels of 1.2 x 10 to the 14th power neutrons per square centimeter, as well as non-radiation conditions. The 'black box' technique is em- ployed for model development. The model descriptions were developed for use with the SCEPTRE circuit analysis program. (Author) AD-753 666/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Nuclear Thermal Vulnerability of Honeycomb Radome Materials Master's thesis Michael V. Bell. Dec 72, 85p Rept no. GNE/PH/73-1 Descriptors: "Radomes, Vulnerability, "Sandwich panels, Thermal stability, Honeycomb cores, Nuclear explosion damage, Thermal radiation, Coatings, Carbon black, Synthetic rubber, Isocyanate plastics, Theses, Computer programs, Aircraft equipment. Identifiers: RATE MP computer program. The thermal vulnerability levels of honeycomb sandwich radome panels were determined by using quartz iodide lamps to irradiate the panels in a wind tunnel. The lamps and wind tunnel simulated a thermal pulse on a flying air- craft. The radome panels were tested with lampblack, neoprene, and polyurethane coatings. The pulses delivered the thermal energy of up to 29.9 cal/sq cm sec peak flux and 94.3 cal/sq cm total fluence. (Author) AD-753 908/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Academy Colo Steady State Shape of Orbiting Trailing Wire System Research rept. 43 Terry D. Hinnerichs, and Steven A. Crist. Oct 72, 36p Rept no. USAFA-RR-72-7 Descriptors: *Cables(Mechanical), Aerodynam- ic characteristics, 'Antennas, Towed bodies, Towing planes, Turning flight, Flight paths, Towed bodies, Lift, Drag, Equilibrium, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, FOR- TRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, T- 29 aircraft. The computer program described in this report simulates the spiral curve of a wire being towed behind an orbiting aircraft after steady state conditions have developed. Taking the case of a wire and drogue device towed by an aircraft in a constant orbit at a constant altitude, the authors divided the wire into n segments. Then each segment was treated as being in static equilibrium. Starting at the drogue end where all forces are known, general equations were derived which could be applied to each cable segment proceeding up to the aircraft. These equations were then programmed in Fortran 4 language. The results of this program's simula- tion of a USAF T-29 towing a wire are shown. (Author) AD-753 914/CP PC E01/MF A01 E-Systems Inc Falls Church Va Melpar Div Dielectric Lens Model Final technical rept. Philip L. Bachman. Nov 72, 131p 1057.00100, RADC-TR-72-299 Contract F30602-71-C-0129 Descriptors: "Lens antennas, Dielectrics, An- tenna feeds. Electromagnetic lenses. Super- high frequency. Extremely high frequency, Horn antennas, Lasers, Simulation, Antenna ar- rays, Computer programs, Antenna radiation patterns, Military satellites, Space communica- tion systems. Identifiers: Dielectric lenses, 'Microwave anten- nas, Computer aided design, Computerized simulation, FORTRAN. A study was conducted to determine the design and measure the performance of phase-cor- rected horn antennas employing the dielectric lenses. The objective is to provide data for a dielectric lens antenna system to be evaluated in a satellite communications link. The frequen- cy range of interest is from 15 to 60 GHz with maximum interest from 20 to 30 GHz. Computer programs were used to design lenses having two refracting surfaces and uniform amplitude distributions across the apertures for linked styrene for the lens material. Their performance was measured both individually and in array combinations, and the performance of larger arrays was predicted. (Author) AD-754 099/CP PC E06/MF E03 Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport R I An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hydrophone Sensitivity Technical rept. John W. Frye, and Michael A. Tucchio. 2 Nov 72, 77p* NUSC-TR-4317, CPG-73-0041 Descriptors: "Hydrophones, Sensitivity, 'Piezoelectric transducers. Structural proper- ties, Piezoelectric effect, Elasticity, Load- ing(Mechanics), Stresses, Fourier analysis, Matrix algebra, Computer programs. Identifiers: Finite element analysis, MARTSAM 2 computer program, UNIVAC 1108 computers, Hydrophone arrays, FORTRAN, AN/BQR-7. The report presents a finite-element shell analy- sis of a hydrophone using the MARTSAM II pro- gram in a UNIVAC 1 108 computer. In addition to the piezoelectric and elastic properties of the materials, the effects of end-cap geometry and physical properties were considered. Loading was applied as a train of plane waves acting directly on the surface, and no interaction with the surrounding water was considered. Both the theoretical development and formulation of the MARTSAM II program are presented. The analysis indicates that the performance of present-day hydrophones could be readily im- proved by modifying the geometry and material of end caps to minimize discontinuity stresses and fringing effects at the end-cap/cylinder junction. (Author) AD-754 263/CP PC E01/MF A01 Stewart Research Enterprises Los Altos Calif Circuit and Radiation Effects Analysis by Iterated Propagation of Bivariable Response Functions Technical rept. Feb 71 -Apr 72 Robert G. Stewart, and Peter S. Castro. Nov 72, 260p AFWL-TR-72-76 Contract F29601-71-C-0039 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Radiation damage, 'Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Mathematical models, Transfer func- tions, Neutron reactions, Logic circuits, Graphics, Gates(Circuits), Gamma rays. Identifiers: SAP computer program, Compu- terized simulation, Computer graphics, SCEP- TRE computer program, UNIVAC 1108 compu- ters, CDC 6600 computers. Radiation effects analysis of complex elec- tronic circuits by computers presently is limited by core storage and long execution times. A new method, entitled Iterated Propagation of Bivariable Response Functions, treats com- ponents in the block sense using experimen- tally obtained time domain response or transfer functions. These functions are described in a three dimensional space of the input stimuli, output response, and time, by means of fitting the experimental data with cubic polynomials matched in the spline sense at interstices of the fitting grid. The basic data was obtained using conventional oscilloscopic techniques at the Kirtland AFB, flash X-ray facility and the Sandia pulse reactor. A UNIVAC 1108 computer pro- gram called SAP, adapted to work with SCEP- TRE, uses a modified convolution process to calculate the electrical and the gamma and neutron radiation responses from the surface descriptions. (Author) AD-754 348/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Effect of Roll and Pitch on Antenna Radiation Patterns Master's thesis Stanley Robert Szemborski. Sep 72, 191p* Descriptors: 'Ship antennas. Motion, 'Antenna radiation patterns, Computer programs, Mathe- matical models, Simulation, Numerical analy- sis. Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Com- puter graphics. The strength of an incoming signal to a ship- board communications station is measured. The variations in this signal are analyzed for various conditions of roll, pitch, and signal direction. Graphs and computer outputs are used to present the magnitude and randomness of these signal variations. A smooth surface ap- proximation is used to simulate the problem, and this simulation is compared to observed data. (Author) AD-754 637/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab An Investigation of the Effects of a Lossy Earth on Antenna Patterns at VHF Technical rept. Edward H. Newman. Dec 72, 76p HDL-3281-1 Contract DAAG39-72-C-0041 Descriptors: 'Loop antennas, Antenna radiation patterns, Very high frequency, Alignment, At- tenuation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Electrically small antennas, Lossy materials, Far field. The objective of the report is to theoretically in- vestigate the potential of several low profile an- tennas for use at or near ground level locations, as compared with a quarter wavelength monopole. Of specific interest is the radiated field intensity at low elevation angles produced by VHF multiturn loop antennas having various orientations with respect to a flat lossy earth. (Author) AD-754 782/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Weapons Lab Dahlgren Va Stereo Antenna Patterns from Principal Plane Patterns Technical rept. Joseph H. Halberstein. Nov 72, 29p Rept no. NWL-TR-2812 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, In- tegral equations, Integration, Computer pro- grams, Antenna apertures, Gain. Identifiers: Trigonometric functions. In most antenna applications, it is sufficient to consider antenna patterns in two dimensions only, mostly the two-dimensional patterns in the principal planes. When antennas are con- sidered from the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electronic countermeasures (ECM) point of view, the STEREO-three-dimensional patterns become of interest. The question then arises whether it is possible to obtain the gain in an arbitrary direction from the gain patterns as measured in the two principal planes. The re- port answers this question in the affirmative for rectangular apertures and in the angular region around the antenna where its pattern is adequately represented by an aperture integral. (Author) AD-754 964/CP PC E01/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif Transmission Line Models for Use with Com- puter-Aided Circuit Analysis Codes Technical rept. 27 Oct 71-27 Oct 72 M. Lattimer Wright, and Leonard S. Gasiorek. Dec 72, 1 55p AFW L-TR-72-1 78 Contract F29601 -72-C-0019 Sponsored in part by Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Transmission lines, Radiation damage, 'Programming(Computers), Radiation damage, Mathematical models, Circuits, Semiconductor devices, Computer programs, Graphics, Neutron reactions, Ionization. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program. Com- puter aided analysis, Network analysis theory. Network flows, FORTRAN, CDC 6600. A model was developed for the class of n-con- ductor transmission lines for use with the SCEPTRE computer program. The model will reproduce the normal electrical performance of the line and is amenable to modifications that will reproduce the effects of an environment of ionizing, EMP, and neutron radiation. The model is based on the fact that wave propaga- tion on a multiconductor cable can be charac- terized by orthogonal, independent modes. Each of these modes can then be modeled as a single, independent transmission line. These lines, representing the modes, are connected to terminal-to-mode and mode-to-terminal con- verters at each end of the line. Thus, the overall model represents the terminal-to-terminal elec- trical behavior of an actual n-conductor cable. The model was verified by comparing the com- puter-calculated and experimentally measured responses of a three-conductor, two-transmis- sion-line structure. The report includes a CDC 6600 FORTRAN computer program to reduce 44 the measurement data required to derive the model parameters. (Author) AD-755 166/CP PC E01/MF A01 University of South Florida Tampa SCEPTRE Translator Feasibility Study Final technical rept. James C. Bowers, John E. O'Reilly, Jr, Gary A Shaw, and Richard D. Tabbutt. 23 Jan 73, 80p Contract DAAA21 -72-C-0760 Descriptors: 'Programming (Computers), "Compilers, 'Electrical networks, Mathematical analysis, 'Springs, Equations of motion, Trans- formations, Differential equations, Transfer functions, Mathematical models, Data processing systems, Kinematics, Statics, Dynamics, Graphics, Thermal radiation, Transients, Interfaces, Feasibility studies. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program, Translator routines, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Network analysis theory, Transient radiation effects(Electronics), IBM 7094 computers, IBM 360 computers, CDC 6600 computers, UNIVAC 1 108 computers. The basic objectives of the research are to in- vestigate the feasibility of and determine the best input format for a SCEPTRE translator capable of providing a point-to-point input of one-dimensional mechanical systems to the SCEPTRE compiler. The objectives have been realized by studying the SCEPTRE program. The compiler accepts point-to-point (or node- to-node) input of electrical elements of re- sistance, capacitance, inductance, voltage sources, and current sources. The ability of SCEPTRE to formulate differential equations from a topological description of an electrical circuit and to solve these equations with such programming ease on the user's part, prompted the search for electrical analogs with point-to- point mechanical systems for direct input through a SCEPTRE translator. The search was directed toward one-dimensional systems since electrical circuits processed by SCEPTRE are actually only one-dimensional current flow net- works (i.e. current can flow in only one dimen- sion, thus current is a scalar quantity.) With this approach in mind, the mathematical formula- tion of an acceptable mechanical to electrical (here-in denoted mechano-electrical) analog is established. (Author) AD-756 470/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Analysis and Design of Special Antenna Con- figurations Contract rept. G. A. Richards, J. H. Richmond, and N. H. Geary. Nov 72, 130pBRL-CR-81 Contract DAAD05-69-C-0031 Descriptors: 'Antenna configurations. Numeri- cal analysis, Loop antennas, Design, Computer programs, Electrical impedance, Gain, Radio fields. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN. A new reaction solution was formulated for three-dimensional wire antennas located in free space or over a ground plane, using a piecewise-sinusoidal expansion for the unk- nown current distribution on the antenna. A set of linear equations was developed for solution by a digital computer. Impedance, radiation ef- ficiency, field patterns, gain, and directivity can be calculated. Computer programs based on this new formulation were used to determine the impedance versus frequency for various loop antennas. Verification of the calculations with experimental results showed that the technique is highly accurate not only for the im- pedance but also for the current distribution. Calculated and measured results for several three-dimensional dipoles and a square halo antenna are also given. (Author) AD-756 503/CP PC E01/MF A01 Center for Naval Analyses Arlington Va A Computationally Simplified Pair-Exchange Algorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem Charles H. Heider. Nov 72, 31 p Rept no. CNA- Professional Paper-101 Descriptors: 'Circuit interconnections, Op- timization, 'Programming(Computers), Al- gorithms, Matrix algebra. Transformations, Per- mutations, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Quadratic assignment problem, Computer aided design, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, CDC 3800 computers. Recently, considerable interest has been generated in efficient quadratic assignment problem algorithms as a result of computer- aided design automation system projects. Cur- rently available QAP algorithms can be charac- terized as being computationally complex and requiring medium to large scale computers for implementation. Computer-aided design appli- cations, however, are frequently centered around small process control computers with limited available memory so that the more so- phisticated QAP procedures cannot be used. The paper presents a computationally sim- plified pair-exchange algorithm which has proven to be comparable with the currently available QAP algorithm and which is imple- mentable on a small computer. A CDC 3800 FORTRAN 4 subroutine listing is included. (Author) AD-756 520/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif IMPATT Diode Amplifier Master's thesis Charles Thomas Key. Dec 72, 36p Descriptors: 'Microwave amplifiers, 'Avalanche diodes, Silicon, Tests, Theses, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'IMPATT diodes. A high performance IMPATT diode test circuit was developed which is very effective in reduc- ing spurious oscillations of the diode under test by controlling the impedance presented to the diode by the circuit. In this circuit, a 10 GHz sil- icon diode was tested as an amplifier with power gains in excess of 20 db. (Author) AD-756 537/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Computer Technique for Near-Field Analy- sis of an Ultrasonic Transducer Master's thesis Carlton Albert Griggs. Mar 73, 60p Descriptors: 'Piezoelectric transducers. Acoustic properties, 'Ultrasonic radiation, Dif- fraction, Computer programs, Test methods, Fourier analysis, Integral transforms, Transfer functions, Test equipment, Theses. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. A computer technique for obtaining near-field cross-section views of an ultrasonic field is presented. The technique is applied to ul- trasonic transducer radiation patterns with sample contour drawings of several cross-sec- tions. A spatial frequency spectrum formulation of diffraction theory is chosen for the computa- tions which are performed with the aid of a fast Fourier transform routine. By experimentation an actual ultrasonic field was generated using a quartz transducer and the field was measured in a cross-sectional plane. A computer generated drawing of the measured data is compared to the drawing of a computer generated prediction of the field at the same plane. (Author) AD-756 575/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Symbolic Sensitivity Computation Algorithm Master's thesis John Hale Daniel. Dec 72, 57p Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, Sensitivity, 'Computer programs, Instruction manuals. Polynomials, Graphics, Partial differential equations. Mathematical models, Algorithms, Theses. Identifiers: Sensitivity analysis, 'Network analy- sis theory, FORTRAN, NASAP computer pro- gram, IBM 360/67 computers. A study and pursuant development is described of a digital computer program for the computa- tion of transfer function sensitivities in a sym- bolic form suitable for storage and subsequent repetitive numerical evaluation over a range of frequencies or parameter values. The algorithm is implemented in conjunction with the FOR- TRAN IBM 360/67 Network Analysis for Systems Applications Program (NASAP) developed by R. S. Schwartz at Northeastern University. Several example problems, as well as suggestions for possible improvement of the algorithm and its extrapolation into the areas of optimization and automatic design, are included. (Author) AD-756 862/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Noise Quality Investigation of Various Microwave Devices Research and development technical rept. Calvin D. Bates. Jan 73, 34p Rept no. ECOM- 4070 Descriptors: "Noise generators. Microwave equipment, Crossed field devices, Power spec- tra, Probability density functions, Computer programs. Measurements are described for investigating various microwave devices. A computer pro- gram was modified to assess the experimental probability density function (PDF) between vari- ous sigma values. Experimental results on four differrent devices are included and demon- strate the utility of the measurement scheme and the computer results. Gaussian, broadband noise electron beam sources were demon- strated and a solid-state noise source in- vestigated with respect to PDF quality. (Author) AD-756 875/CP PC E01/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Computer-Aided Optimization of Microwave Circuits Technical rept. William Gary Briscoe. Jan 73, 166p* Rept no. RE-73-3 Descriptors: 'Circuits, Design, Microwave equipment. Computer programs, Band-pass fil- ters, Mixers(Electronics), Optimization. Identifiers: 'Computer aided design, Compu- terized simulation, Network synthesis, FOR- TRAN, MUPROF computer program. A new optimization method called the Multiple PROjected Fibonacci (MUPROF) search is developed and applied to the design of microwave circuits. The MUPROF search is an elimination type direct search method. It is an extension of the projected Fibonacci search devised by Krolak and Cooper and requires about one-tenth the computation time required by the projected Fibonacci search. A wide variety of microwave circuits can be designed by using the MUPROF search to find the op- timum values for up to six design variables of a microwave circuit. The complete design op- timization program for microwave circuits is formed by combining the optimization program with a general microwave circuit analysis subroutine. (Author Modified Abstract) 45 AD-757 442/CP Reprint Army Electronics Technology and Devices Lab Fort Monmouth N J Let a Computer Design Your i-f Amplifier Randolph A. Reitmeyer, Jr. 1972, 5p Availability: Pub. in Electronic Design, 16 Mar 72. Descriptors: *Radiofrequency amplifiers, Design, Computer programs. Integrated cir- cuits, Field effect transistors. Identifiers: RFAMP computer program, Com- puter aided design, FORTRAN, Network synthe- sis, A. The report describes a modified FORTRAN pro- gram called RFAMP to simplify and speed the design of i-f amplifiers that use transistors and integrated circuits. AD-757 485/CP PC E01/MF A01 Raytheon Co Waltham Mass Research Div Analysis of Interdigital Transducers for Acoustic Surface Wave Devices Final rept. 15 Dec 71-14 Dec 72 Roger H. Tancrell, and Frank Sandy. 14 Mar 73, 30p S-1524, AFCRL-TR-73-0030 Contract F19628-72-C-0137 Descriptors: 'Piezoelectric transducers, Acoustic properties, Pro- gramming(Computers), Impedance matching, Curve fitting, Time-lag theory, Fourier analysis, Integral transforms, Electrical properties, Per- formance(Engineering), Least squares method. Identifiers: Surface waves, 'Acoustic surface waves, Interdigital transducers, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, CDC 6600 computers, COMBS computer program, MATCH computer program, TRANS computer program, LMSFT computer program, ACOUST computer program, Fast Fourier transform. Equivalent circuits, AF. A computer program has been written for the theoretical analysis of interdigital transducers for acoustic surface wave devices. The theory is based on an equivalent circuit model for the acousto-electric interactions. Results are presented in both the frequency and time domains. The program can analyze any general transducer geometry. The program is written in Fortran IV for the CDC 6600 computer. (Author) AD-758 519/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Thin Film Pb(0.9)Sn(0.1)Se Photoconductive Infrared Detectors, Metallurgical and Electri- cal Measurements Master's thesis William Godfrey McBride, Jr. Dec 72, 88p Descriptors: 'Infrared detectors, Electrical pro- perties, 'Semiconducting films. Photoconduc- tivity, Lead compounds, Tin compounds, Sele- nides, Vapor plating, Annealing, Thickness, Crystal structure, Band theory of solids, Car- riers(Semiconductors), Hall effect, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers: Lead selenides, Tin selenides, N. Pb(0.9)Sn(0.1)Se thin films were deposited onto cleaved (111) CaF2 and BaF2 substrates by either an open one-boat evaporation method or a Knudson type graphite boat method. Photoconductivity was observed after isother- mal annealing in Pb/Sn rich vapor to reduce their carrier concentrations to the mid-10 to the 16th power to mid-10 to the 17th power range. At 100K, 500K blackbody responsivities up to 60V/W have been developed, compared with the best blackbody responsivities around 100- 125 V/W reported for commercial photo-voltaic detectors of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te operated at 77K. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-758 883/CP PC A03/MF A01 Northrop Research and Technology Center Hawthorne Calif Evaluation of Semiconductor Device Analysis Using the Net-2 Computer Program Final rept. Feb-Oct72 J. P. Raymond, and M. G. Krebs. Oct 72, 46p* NRTC-72-6R, HDL-065-1 Contract DAAG39-72-C-0065 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, 'Radiation damage, 'Integrated circuits. Radia- tion damage, Mathematical models, Electrical properties, Microminiaturization(Electronics), Diodes(Semiconductor), Transistors, Gates(Circuits), Numerical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: NET-2 computer program, CDC 6600 computers. Transient radiation ef- fects(Electronics), Metal oxide semiconduc- tors, A. An evaluation of the capability of the NET-2 Cir- cuit/System Analysis Computer Program to perform analysis of radiation effects on com- plex semiconductor devices and microcircuits is presented. The mathematical models con- sidered include both the terminal built-in models and Linvill lumped models of bipolar and MOS devices. Computations of electrical performance and transient radiation-induced response are performed and compared to available exact results. The derivation of com- plex models for the elements of a junction-iso- lated bipolar microcircuit (including the multi- ple emitter transistor) is demonstrated as well as the analysis of a complete junction-isolated TTL Gate microcircuit. NET-2 capabilities in terms of computer run times, numbers of circuit elements allowed, and accuracy of solution are discussed. Device analysis examples include a p-n junction diode and an intrinsic lumped model p-n-p transistor. (Author) PC E01/MF A01 University Park AD-759 031/CP Pennsylvania State Univ Ordnance Research Lab Adaptive High Q Notch Filter Technical memo. Lynn A. Poole. 15 Aug 72, 103p Rept no. TM-72- 231 Contract N00017-70-C-1407 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Band-pass filters, Design, Rever- beration, Doppler effect, Transfer functions, Real time, Circuits, Computer programs, Theses, Transients. Identifiers: 'Notch filters, Signal processing, Adaptive filters, Equivalent circuits, N. The report develops the information, techniques, and circuitry for the realization of an adaptive notch filter. The principal applica- tion, considered in the filter design, was for the operation of the adaptive notch in conjunction with a real time signal processor. The design equation expresses the circuit components for the independent control of the filter response in terms of the desired filter characteristics of notch width, notch depth, and center frequen- cy. The experimental evaluation includes the adaptive characteristics, the transient behavior associated with the adaptation of the filter as well as the usual characteristics of system bandwidth, self noise, dynamic range and per- formance variation with temperature. The achieved performance establishes high expec- tations for the incorporation of an adaptive notch in a real time signal processor. (Author) AD-759 701/CP PC E01/MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Stanford Electronics Labs Computer-Generated Loci on Smith Charts to Aid Amplifier Design Technical rept. Nelson N. Chan. Mar 73, 59p Rept nos. SU-SEL- 73-008, TR-4825-7 Contract N00014-67-A-01 12-0038 Descriptors: 'Power amplifiers, Design, Electri- cal impedance, Gain, Plotters, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computer aided design, Smith charts, N. The design of amplifier systems is greatly facilitated by the use of computers. An amplify- ing element is often represented by a linear two-port model, which is characterized by a set of s-parameters at a particular frequency or at a set of discrete frequencies. With the s-parame- ters, it is possible to plot loci of constant power gain and loci of constant imput impedance on a load-reflection-coefficient plane (Smith Chart). With these plots, the designer can conveniently select the appropriate load to obtain the desired power gain and input impedance of the amplifier system at the frequency of interest. The HP9810 calculator and its associated plotter have been programmed to generate the above mentioned loci directly on a Smith Chart. The input data consists of only the s-parame- ters of the two port. These plots are simple and informative and can be obtained in a matter of minutes. (Author) AD-760 009/CP PC E01/MF A01 New Mexico Univ Albuquerque Bureau of En- gineering Research Investigations of Metal-Buried Silicide-Silicon Structures and Metal-Titanium Oxide-Silicon Structures Technical rept. R. J. Kopp, and W. W. Grannemann. May 73, 178p Rept no. EE-203(73)ONR-005 Contract N00014-68-A-0158 Descriptors: 'Capacitors, Manufacturing methods, 'Field effect transistors, Radiation damage, 'Semiconductor devices, Capacitors, Silicon dioxide, Silicon, Titanium compounds, Oxides, Ion bombardment, Electrical proper- ties, Nuclear radiation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Metal insulator semiconductor capacitors, Titanium oxides. Ion implantation, FORTRAN, N. Various MIS (metal-insulator-semiconductor) capacitors were fabricated on single-crystal sil- icon substrates. Widely differing insulator- material films and processing techniques were used in the construction of these capacitors. These MIS structures were used as test vehicles in several investigations of selected practical and theoretical problems of present engineer- ing interest. Electrical and physical charac- terizations of these systems are presented along with some modeling of insulator-film bulk properties and properties of the insulator- semiconductor interface regions. Also presented are the chemical, physical, and photolithographic processing methods used in the construction of these MIS structures. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-760 544/CP PC E01/MF A01 Clarkson Coll of Technology Potsdam N Y Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering An Experimental Study of Noise in MNOSFET Devices Phase completion rept. Robert F. Cotellessa, and Peter C. Hart. Jan 73, 135pRADC-TR-72-346 Contract F30602-72-C-0463 Descriptors: "Semiconductor devices, Noise(Radio), 'Field effect transistors, Noise(Radio), Theory, Voltage, Test methods, Test equipment, Computer programs, Instruc- tion manuals. Identifiers: Metal nitride oxide semiconductors. Metal insulator semiconductors, AF. The theory of the operation of metal-nitride- oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MNOSFET's) is briefly presented, as is the theory of noise in metal-insulator-semiconduc- 46 tor field effect transistors (MISFET's). The noise theory, as developed for a MISFET device, shows the noise to be dependent upon both the gate-to-source voltage and the threshold volt- age. Since a MNSOFET device is a variable thresholding device, it is probable that the noise of such a device would be dependent upon the state of the device. Indeed, this has been shown to be the case. An experimental in- vestigation of the noise of the MNOSFET device is accomplished using a digital spectral analy- sis measurement system. The measurement system is based upon a digital correlation anal- ysis followed by a computation of a fast Fourier transformation in order to obtain the noise power spectrum. (Author) AD-761 471/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Computer Solution of Hallen's Equation on Multi-Element Arrays Employing the Two Term Approximate Current Distribution Master's thesis Charles William Schillinger. Mar 73, 59p Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, Numerical analy- sis, 'Programming(Computers), "Integral equa- tions, Computer programs, Antenna radiation patterns, Gain, Admittance, Electrical im- pedance, Theses. Identifiers: Moments method, N. The objective of the analytical study was to develop a rapid theoretical analysis on approxi- mate half wavelength elements of an antenna configured in a co-planar, symmetrical array. A computer program was written employing the method of moments approach to the solution of Hallen's integral equation with an approximate two term entire domain expansion assumed for the current distributions. With the solution of the current distributions on each element, addi- tional calculations were made for the input im- pedance and admittance values, field distribu- tions, power gain, and a graphical output of the radiation pattern. (Author) AD-761 473/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Feasibility Study of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te Charge Coupled Devices for Infrared Imaging Appli- cations Master's thesis Alan Jeffrey Doshier. Mar 73, 85p Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, 'Infrared detectors, Lead compounds. Tin compounds, Tellurides, Electrical properties. Manufacturing methods, Feasibility studies. Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: Charge coupled devices, Lead tellu- rides. Tin tellurides, Metal insulator semicon- ductors, N. The purpose of this research was to examine the feasibility of narrow-gap semiconductor charged coupled devices for infrared imaging applications. The semiconductors considered are PbTe for a three to five micron imager and Pb(0.76)Sn(0.24)Te for an eight to 12 micron imager, both operated at a temperature of 85K. Theoretical calculations of signal current and storage time are made based on the metal-insu- lator-semiconductor theory developed for sil- icon MIS devices. Experimental studies of Pb(1- x)Sn(x)Te MIS were made which demonstrated that accumulation, depletion, and inversion layers can be controlled by gate voltage, follow- ing the general behavior of silicon MIS devices. A PbTe charged coupled device (CCD) infrated imager seems feasible. Feasibility of Pb(0.76)Sn(0.24)Te CCD's will require signifi- cant improvements in material and fabrication technology to increase storage time and reduce dark current. (Modified author abstract) AD-761 510/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Study of PbTe, PbSnTe, PbSe, PbSnSe, and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures Master's thesis Lawrence Michael Kost. Mar 73, 173p Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, Electri- cal properties, 'Infrared detectors. Feasibility studies, Lead compounds, Tin compounds, Tel- lurides, Selenides, Germanium, Manufacturing methods, Semiconducting films, Field effect transistors. Radiation damage, Electron bom- bardment, Space environmental conditions, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Metal insulator semiconductors. Lead tellurides, Lead selenides, Tin tellurides, Tin selenides, Charge coupled devices, N. A thorough understanding and a well developed fabrication procedure of MIS struc- tures are the prerequisite for charged coupled device applications. The object of this thesis is to study the narrow gap semiconductor MIS and investigate its feasibility for IR-charge cou- pled images applications. Two MIS studies were made. First, MIS of five lead-tin semicon- ductors were fabricated using E-gun evaporated 100-450A thick AI203 orSi02 layers as insulators. Second, MIS of 0.05ohm-cm p- type and 40ohm-cm n-type Ge were also stu- died. In addition, effects of electron bombard- ment simulating the space environment around Jupiter on a n-channel depletion MOSFET were studied. (Modified author abstract) AD-761 801/CP PC E01/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Capacitance and Equivalent Area of a Hollow Single Gap Prolate/Oblate Spheroidal Elec- tromagnetic Pulse Sensor Master's thesis Larry W. Wood. Jun 73,91p Rept no. GE/PH/73S-1 Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas. Numerical anal- ysis, 'Sensors, Electromagnetic pulses, 'Nuclear explosions. Electromagnetic pulses, Capacitance, Spheres, Computer programs. Theses, Partial differential equations, Potential theory. Integration. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Laplace equation, Har- monic functions, AF. Electromagnetic sensors of various geometric configurations are used to measure the nuclear electromagnetic pulse. Certain design parame- ters exist for these sensors and are so related that if any two are known, the others are also known. For dipole sensors, the two most readily calculable parameters are capacitance and equivalent area. The capacitance and equivalent area are calculated for both prolate and oblate hollow single-gap dipole sensors for various ranges of eccentricity and gap-size. The method used is a finite difference scheme in matrix form which solves Laplace's equation in spheroidal coordinates with mixed boundary conditions. The computations are performed on a CDC 6600 digital computer, and a sequence-to-sequence limiting procedure is used to improve the accuracy of the solution. The results are presented in graphical form and the validity of the method is discussed. Recom- mendations are made for improving the method. (Author) AD-762 041/CP PC E01/MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Insulated Loop Antenna in a Dissipative Medium Technical rept. Glenn S. Smith. Apr73, 103p Rept no. TR-637 Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0005 Descriptors: 'Loop antennas, Dielectrics, Elec- tromagnetic fields, Admittance, Electrical im- pedance, Fourier analysis, Series, Spheres, Computer programs, Radio transmission. Identifiers: Fourier series, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, N. The performance of a bare antenna as a radia- tor in a dissipative medium can be significantly altered by placing a dielectric coating around the antenna. For certain antenna types and specific properties of the dissipative medium, the dielectric insulation has been shown to im- prove the performance of the antenna. In this paper a thin wire circular loop antenna cen- tered in an insulating spherical cavity and im- mersed in an infinite homogeneous isotropic dissipative medium is analyzed. A Fourier series solution for the antenna current distribution is derived. The coefficients of the series are a combination of the coefficients for the loop in an infinite dielectric medium, which were deter- mined previously by Wu, and a second term, which is an infinite sum. The properties of the sum are examined and expressions for the an- tenna input admittance, impedance and elec- tromagnetic field in the dissipative medium are obtained. Numerical results are presented for specific antenna sizes and dissipative media. (Modified author abstract) AD-762 056/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Memorandum on the Radiation Patterns of a Slot Asymmetrically Located on a Square Plate Technical rept. C. Donn, and G. A. Thiele. Jun 73, 35p Rept no. ESL-2142-12 Contract N00014-67-A-0232-0018 Descriptors: 'Slot antennas, 'Antenna radiation patterns, Diffraction, Antenna apertures. Com- puter programs, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: N. A slot antenna mounted symmetrically in the center of a square plate will radiate a symmetri- cal antenna pattern. When the slot is moved to any other location the pattern will be unsym- metrical. The degree of symmetry degradation for various locations of a slot on a 2' by 2' square plate at approximately 1 GHz and 3 GHz is the subject of this investigation. To make the pattern calculations well-known first-order principles of the geometrical theory of diffrac- tion (GTD) are used. A user oriented computer program is presented in the appendix and its limitations discussed. (Author) AD-762 482/CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scorn Field Mass Junction Capacitance Techniques to Charac- terize Radiation Damage in Silicon Physical sciences research papers J. W. Diebold, H. M. DeAngelis, L. C. Kimerling, and J. J. Fitzgerald. 1 2 Mar 73, 38p Rept nos. AFCRL-PSRP-542, AFCRL-TR-73-0157 Descriptors: 'Silicon, 'Radiation damage, 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Electrical properties, Doping, Phosphorus, Capacitance, Voltage, Transients, Defects(Materials), Electron bom- bardment, Gamma rays. Neutron reactions. Computer programs. Identifiers: Schottky barrier diodes, CAPVOL computer program, FORTRAN, Semiconductor doping, AF. Capacitance-voltage and transient capacitance measurements were made on Schottky barrier- on-phosphorus-doped silicon diodes. Energy levels, emission coefficients, and associated in- troduction rates were determined for defects produced by 1.0-MeV electrons, Co(60)-gamma rays, and 5-MeV neutrons. Total defect in- troduction rates agree well with carrier removal 47 data of companion Hall effect samples. In the electron- and gamma-irradiated samples, specific introduction data reveal radiation-in- duced traps at E(c) - 0.24 eV, E(c) - 0.44 eV, and below midgap. The introduction rate of the traps located below midgap exhibits a strong dependence on donor concentration. In neutron-irradiated, float-zoned silicon a band of shallow trap levels is evident along with levels at E(c) - 0.37 eV, E(c) - 0.40 eV, and below midgap. In neutron-irradiated, crucible-grown silicon, trap levels are observed at E(c) - 0.18 eV, E(c) - 0.23 eV, E(c) - 0.24 eV, E(c) - 0.31 eV, and below midgap. (Author) AD-762 572/CP PC E01/MF A01 RCA Advanced Technology Labs Camden N J Millimeter Wave Phase Shifter Final rept. 1 Apr-31 Dec 72 Gary G. Weidner, and Burton J. Levin. Jun 73, 66pECOM-0168-0168-F Contract DAAB07-72-C-0168, ARPA Order-2099 Descriptors: 'Phase shifters. Millimeter waves, Diodes(Semiconductor), Waveguides, Propagation, Computer programs. Phased ar- rays. Identifiers: PIN diodes, A. The report describes exploratory work done on a new phase-shifting technique. The primary objective of this program was to develop and demonstrate a laboratory-model 140-GHz phase shifter. The desired variation in phase shift is produced by electronic modulation of the width of a rectangular waveguide which results in a change in the phase shift per unit length along the waveguide. The change in ef- fective width of the waveguide is accomplished by means of a PIN diode that is literally dis- tributed along a sidewall of the waveguide. Among the tasks required study were (1) propagation analysis for the diode-loaded waveguide to determine the relevant parame- ters, (2) fabricating and evaluating the dis- tributed PIN diodes, and (3) forming a phase shifter using these diodes. Computed and mea- sured data are presented for waveguides loaded with silicon slabs of various conductivi- ties and for distributed PIN diodes. The work demonstrated the potential feasibility of the dis- tributed PIN phase shifter. (Author) AD-762 910/CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass The Performance of 31 and 127 Bit Elastic Surface Wave Encoders and Decoders Physical sciences research papers Peter A. Devito, Paul H. Carr, and Thomas L. Szabo. 19 Dec 72, 59p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-73- 0736, AFCRL-PSRP-521 Descriptors: 'Secret communication systems, Coding, 'Transducers, Design, Communication equipment, Correlators, Delay lines, Decoding, Ultrasonic radiation, Per- formance(Engineering), Computer programs. Identifiers: Surface waves. Acoustic surface waves, 'Coders, 'Decoders, Signal processing, Secure communication, Interdigital transdu- cers, AF. The use of elastic surface waves to generate and correlate a 31- and 127-bit maximal length bi-phase modulated code for secure anti-jam communications is given. Included is an experi- ment and theoretical study of the effect of tem- perature differences and doppler shifts on the performance of surface wave encoders and decoders. Data is given for the selection of the optimum sequence and materials for a given application. (Modified author abstract) AD-763 903/CP PC A06/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ground Equipment and Materials Directorate Thermal Response of Power Transistors Technical rept. Dallas L. Thurman. 1 Jun 73, 1 16p* Rept no. RL- 73-4 Descriptors: 'Transistors, Thermal stability, Sil- icon, Mathematical models, Computer pro- grams, Leakage(Electrical), Power. Identifiers: 'Power transistors, FORTRAN, A. The report is a study of the thermal effects on planar epitaxial silicon power transistors. The primary objectives considered are power dis- sipation and junction temperature of the device. A nonlinear digital program model is developed with temperature being the dynamic factor. Theoretical techniques are developed to describe I sub(CBO), forward, and saturation region of operation, with respect to the tem- perature variable. Throughout the study, tem- perature has significant effects upon the opera- tion of the silicon power transistor. (Author) AD-763 943/CP PC E01/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Configuration to Electron Loading Final rept. K. G. Hamilton, J. W. Pritchett, and E. J. Halda. Dec 72, 166p SSS-R-72-1410, HDL-003-3 Contract DAAG39-71-C-0003 Descriptors: 'Silicon, Radiation damage, 'Transistors, Electron bombardment, Transients, Deformation, Monte Carlo method. Identifiers: Transient response, CRAM com- puter code, A. A two-dimensional elastic-plastic hydrodynam- ics code has been used to calculate the mechanical response of six axisymmetric semiconductor configurations to electron- beam loading. The grid response is displayed and discussed. The time variations of rear-sur- face velocities and displacements are shown at selected positions, while some rear-surface responses are exhibited as functions of radius at particular times. These calculations were performed for the prediction of, and com- parison with, experimental measurements made on specimens tested using an electron accelerator at Harry Diamond Laboratories. (Author) AD-764 046/CP PC E01/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Coupler Test Program CPL1 for Use with a HP (Hewlett Packard) Automatic Network Analyzer H. Paris Coleman. Jun 73, 17p Rept no. NRL- MR-2603 Descriptors: 'Microwave networks, Computer programs. Test equipment(Electronics). Identifiers: CPL1 computer program, 'Network analyzers, N. A computer program for use with Hewlett Packard automatic network analyzer equip- ment is described. The program is written in ATS BASIC and is designed to measure the per- formance characteristics of microwave coupler networks over a band of frequencies. (Author) AD-764 367/CP PC A11/MF A01 Polytechnic Inst of Brooklyn Farmingdale N Y Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies Final technical rept. Apr 71-Apr 72 Leopold B. Felsen, Alexander Hessel, George H. Knittel, Ralph Constantini, and Jacob Goldberg. May 73, 238p PIBEP-73-128, RADC-TR-73-187 Contract F30602-71-C-0316 Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, 'Radar antennas, Antenna components, Waveguides, Impedance matching, Design, Antenna radiation patterns, Numerical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: AF. The topics studied are: (1) multimode waveguide elements for phased arrays, (2) finiteness effects in an E-plane array of parallel- plate waveguides, (3) a transition radiating ele- ment for wide-angle wide-band matching, and (4) ray methods for computation of mutual coupling on conformal arrays. (Modified author abstract) AD-764 477/CP PC E06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Performance Analysis of Digital Radiometers Jorge Eduardo Swett. Mar 73, 1 58p Descriptors: 'Radiometers, Per- formance(Engineering), Data processing systems. Analog-to-digital converters, Band- pass filters. Digital systems, Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: Performance evaluation, Digital fil- ters, N. The work investigates the effects of digital processing in radiometers. It deals mainly with two digital versions of a total power radiometer. The first consists of RF, Mixer and IF sections followed by an analog to digital converter. All further processing is done in a digital com- puter. The second version consists of RF, Mixer and IF sections followed by a square law detec- tor, RC filter and analog to digital converter. From this point on the processing is done by a digital computer. A figure of merit is defined based on the performance of an analog total power radiometer. Exact results are obtained for the figure of merit of the first digital version. For the second, an approximate solution is ob- tained. The effects of saturation and finite step size of the quantizer were taken into considera- tion for the above results. The performance of digital balanced-Dicke and noise-adding radiometers is investigated using the above results. The effects of digital filtering on the performance of a radiometer is considered. (Author) AD-764 595/5CP PC E01/MF A01 Colorado State Univ Fort Collins Dept of Elec- trical Engineering Statistical Design of Nonrecursive Digital Fil- ters Technical rept. David C. Farden, and Louis L. Scharf. 31 Jul 73, 41p Contract N00123-73-C-1375, N00014-67-A- 0299-0019 Revision of report dated 23 Mar 73. Descriptors: 'Electric filters, Design, Statistical analysis, Low-pass filters, Band-pass filters, Stochastic processes, Power spectra, Com- puter programs, identifiers: 'Digital filters, Signal processing, N. The problem of designing a finite duration im- pulse response (FIR) digital filter to approxi- mate a desired spectral response is treated in the paper. The philosophy adopted is that for a given FIR filter structure, the filter coefficients can be designed to provide a minimum mean- squared error (MMSE) estimate of a random signal sequence (the design signal) imbedded in a random noise sequence. By treating the signal and noise covariance functions as design parameters, one can design FIR filters with spectral responses that approximate the power spectral density of the design signal. For signal processing applications that require some attention to signal fidelity, as well as noise rejection, the MMSE philosophy seems appropriate (as opposed to a maximum signal- to-noise ratio philosophy, for example). (Modified author abstract) AD-764 809/OCP PC A07/MF A01 TRW Systems Group Redondo Beach Calif 48 Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Program (SYNAP). Volume I Final technical rept. 3 May 72-3 Mar 73 Brian A. Haas, Eugene J. Mock, and John R. Pistacchi.Jul73, 139pAFWL-TR-73-51-Vol-1 Contract F29601-72-C-0091 Report on SYNAP (Symbolic Network Analysis Program). Descriptors: *Programming(Computers), Cir- cuits, 'Electrical networks, Transfer functions, 'Circuits, Transfer functions, Topology, Graphics, Matrix algebra, Nuclear explosions, Electromagnetic pulses, Transients. Identifiers: "SYNAP computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Computer aided analysis, CDC 6000 computers, "Network analysis theory, AF. SYNAP (Symbolic Network Analysis Program) is a Fortran 4 computer program written for the CDC 6000 series computers. SYNAP generates literal and/or numerical transfer functions and their corresponding response based on a linear circuit topology or signal flowgraph descrip- tion. The report contains the theory and formu- lation used in the generation of SYNAP. The structure of the program, its subroutines and various storage schemes are discussed. Also included is a sample problem section illustrat- ing the input and output of the various portions of the program. (Author) AD-764 890/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass Div of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics Electrically Small Loop Antenna Loaded by a Homogeneous and Isotropic Ferrite Cylinder - Parti Technical rept. D. V. Giri. Jul 73, 51p Rept no. TR-646-PM Contract N00014-67-A-0298-0005 Descriptors: 'Loop antennas, Ferrites, Mag- netic cores, Integral transforms, Computer pro- grams, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Fourier transformation, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, N. A theoretical treatment was developed for the problem of an electrically small loop antenna loaded by an infinitely long, homogeneous, isotropoc but lossy ferrite rod. The loop which carries a constant current was idealized to be a delta-function generator. An effective magnetic current (volts) is expressed explicitly in the form of an inverse Fourier integral. The con- tribution to the total current from the simple pole which can be associated with the surface wave is called the transmission current while the contribution from the branch cut giving rise to the radiated field is, correspondingly, the radiation current. Also, the asymptotic behavior of the current very near the delta-function source was investigated. Two values of electri- cal radii of the rod are considered and for one of the cases the magnetic current is plotted for a range of values of the permeability of the fer- rite rod. (Author) AD-765 337/1CP PC A05/MF A01 TRW Systems Group Redondo Beach Calif Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Program (SYNAP). Volume II. SYNAP User's Manual Technical rept. 3 May 72-3 Mar 73 Brian A. Haas, Eugene J. Mock, and John R. Pistacchi. Jul 73, 87p AFWL-TR-73-51-Vol-2 Contract F29601-72-C-0091 See also Volume 1 , AD-764 809. Descriptors: "Programming(Computers), In- struction manuals, "Electrical networks, Transfer functions, "Circuits, Transfer func- tions, Topology, Integral transforms, Graphics, Mathematical models, Electromagnetic pulses, Nuclear explosions, Transients. Identifiers: "SYNAP computer program, "Network analysis theory, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6000 compu- ters, Laplace transformation, AF. SYNAP is a prmputer program developed to provide a mathematical modeling capability to the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) system analysis code and a mathematical inter- face to the currently available circuit analysis codes. The program derives literal and/or nu- merical transfer functions as expanded ratios of polynomials of the Laplace transform variable S. It also rpovides AC, transient and sensitivity analysis for the transfer function. SYNAP greatly extends the capability of existing circuit analysis programs to solve larger and more complex circuit and a system analysis problems. The transfer functions derived can replace detailed piece-part topological circuits, thus enabling analyses to be performed on systems containing a larger number of circuits. (Author) AD-765 517/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Varian Associates Palo Alto Calif Transmitter Tube for Troposcatter Application Final rept. Jun 70-Jul 71 A. Goldfinger. Jun 73, 73p ECOM-0228-F-70 Contract DAAB07-70-C-0228 Descriptors: "Klystrons, Microwave amplifiers, "Radio transmitters, Klystrons, Microwave com- munication systems, Tuning devices, Focusing, Magnets, Heat exchangers, S band, Computer programs. Identifiers: Troposcatter communication systems, Tropospheric scatter communication, A. The program was directed toward further development and testing of a klystron amplifier. The goal was the fabrication and delivery of a practical field transmitter with an overall effi- ciency of 50%; the transmitter in this case is defined as the klystron tube, focusing mechanism, and cooling system. Efficiency is defined as the rf power output divided by the sum of the power inputs to the klystron amplifi- er, the focusing mechanism, and the cooling system. (Modified author abstract) AD-765 668/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Slot Line Ferrite Isolator Master's thesis Imon Lester Pilcher. Jun 73, 45p Descriptors: "Attenuators, Ferrites, Waveguide slots, Microwave equipment. Perturbation theory. Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: "Slot line isolators, Isolators, N. A slot line isolator configuration is investigated experimentally. The configuration is analyzed using perturbation theory. Theoretical results obtained from a computer program based on the analysis are compared with the experimen- tal measurements. (Author) AD-765 697/8CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes Master's thesis Gordon Lee Smith. Jun 73, 89p Descriptors: "Diodes(Semiconductor), Electri- cal properties, "Photodiodes, Electrical proper- ties. Lead compounds, Tin compounds, Tellu- rides, Band theory of solids, Manufacturing methods, Crystal growth, Car- riers(Semiconductors), Hall effect, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: "Lead tellurides, "Tin tellurides, Heterojunctions, Photovoltaic effect, N. The electrical and photovoltaic properties of single heterojunction (SH) Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te diodes have been studied. SH diodes were fabricated by sequential depositions of p-type Pb(0.86)Sn(0.14)Te using stiochiometric source material and n-type Pb(0.80)Sn(0.20)Te using metal rich source material. At T 77K, their energy gaps are 0.136 ev and 0.103 ev, respec- tively. SH diodes of good rectification with RoA products ranging from 3.5 to 18.6 have been obtained. Operated at 100K, 500K black body photovoltaic responses up to 0.2 volt/watt has been obtained. The current-voltage charac- teristics have been studied theoretically based on both the Anderson Diffusion Model and the Thermionic Emission Model. Using Anderson's model, and assuming delta E(c) 0, constant electron affinity across the junction, fair agree- ments have been found between measurements and theoretical calculations. (Author) AD-766 245/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schottky Diodes and Laser Diode Degrada- tion Physical sciences research papers Jacques E. Ludman. 31 May 73, 81 p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-73-0344, AFCRL-PSRP-550 Descriptors: "Diodes(Semiconductor), "Radiation damage, "Photodiodes, "Neutron reactions, Gallium arsenides, Lasers, De- fects(Materials), Atomic energy levels. Mathe- matical models. Computer programs. Identifiers: "Light emitting diodes, "Schottky diodes, Gallium arsenide lasers, Semiconduc- tor lasers, Injection lasers, AF. GaAs Schottky and laser diodes are irradiated with high energy neutrons and the resultant trap and defect structure analyzed. The Schott- ky diodes are irradiated with a clean high-ener- gy neutron beam from a Van de Graaff ac- celerator, and the laser irradiation is done in a nuclear reactor. The defect structure is shown to consist of energetically discrete trap levels, but the levels are found not to operate indepen- dently. A new defect model is proposed based on coupled defect levels and is shown to be in good agreement with the observations. On the basis of this model, values for the discrete trap levels are determined. Experimentally, Schottky diodes are cooled to temperatures in the region 78K, to 178K, the back bias is turned off and on again, and the capacitance versus time (capacitance decay) is monitored. These mea- surements are used to derive the activation energies of the trap levels. Trap levels are found at 175, 220, 325, 380 and 460 mV below the con- duction band. Several general numerical techniques are developed for the purpose of fitting experimental data to both the indepen- dent-level and coupled-level decay models. (Author) AD-766 252/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Special Programs for Analysis of Radiation by Wire Antennas Bradley J. Strait, Tapan Sarkar, and Dah-Cheng Kuo. 1 Jun 73, 76p Scientific-1, AFCRL-TR- 0399-73 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns. Nu- merical analysis, Antennas, Antenna arrays, Computer programs, Design, Optimization, Ground(Electrical). Identifiers: AF. Two user-oriented computer programs are presented and described. The first is suitable for handling efficiently typical analysis and design problems involving linear arrays of parallel thin-wire antennas. The second is 49 designed to enable efficient analysis of radia- tion from vertical wire antennas over systems of radial ground wires. Examples are given to il- lustrate various applications of both programs. Special attention is devoted to use of the first program together with a standard optimization procedure to design linear arrays of wire ele- ments with unequal spacings and/or unequal wire lengths. (Author) AD-766 427/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Air Force Cambridge Research Labs L G Han- scom Field Mass Acoustic Surface Wave Diffraction and Beam Steering Physical sciences research papers Thomas L. Szabo, and Andrew J. Slobodnik, Jr. 3 May 73, 182p Rept nos. AFCRL-TR-73-0302, AFCRL-PSRP-548 Descriptors: 'Microwave equipment, Design, Piezoelectric crystals, Lithium compounds, Niobates, Diffraction, Band-pass filters, Acoustic filters, Transducers, Delay lines, Per- formance(Engineering), Computer programs, Least squares method. Identifiers: 'Acoustic surface waves, Surface waves, 'Lithium niobates, 'Microwave acoustics, Interdigital transducers, Beam steer- ing, Acoustic delay lines, MAIN computer pro- gram, SLQ computer program, LAGG computer program, CDC 6600 computers, AF. The report contains a detailed description of diffraction in acoustic surface wave devices. This source of loss is highly important in the design and realization of bandpass filters, long time delay lines and other devices for electronic sensors and communications systems. A complete review of acoustic surface wave dif- fraction on anisotropic substrates is presented. Full experimental verification of theory is pro- vided. Complete computer program listings and descriptions are provided. The limits of applica- bility of the parabolic velocity surface theory are quantitatively delineated. Universal diffrac- tion loss design curves are given for all parabol- ic materials. A limitation in the use of the exact angular spectrum of waves theory occurs for materials having a power flow angle slope ap- proximately - 1 unless the velocity surfaces are very accurately known. Both YZ LiNb03 and 16- 1/2 degree double rotated LiNb03 fall in this category. Approximate diffraction loss design curves are given for YZ LiNb03. A complete tabular summary of all important material pro- perties affecting acoustic surface wave device design is included. (Author) AD-766 677/9CP PC A08/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer-Aided Design, Simulation and Op- timization for Microwave Integrated Circuits Technical rept. Vladimir Gelnovatch. Aug 73, 151p* Rept no. ECOM-4146 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, Design, 'Microwave equipment, Integrated circuits, Transistor amplifiers, Optimization, Numerical analysis, Computer programs, Iterative methods. Identifiers: 'Computer aided design, DEMON computer program, Transferred electron am- plifiers, FORTRAN, A. A realistic design approach, specifically directed at the successful implementation of microwave integrated circuits, involves the use of measured data to represent complex devices and the use of an effective CAD (Computer Aided Design) program to iteratively analyze, simulate, and optimize the performance of a given circuit. By means of a variety of techniques the designer may make effective use of the computer to perform the measure- ment characterization of an unknown device, reduce the data to a form suitable for further processing and perform a circuit analysis; changing critical element parameters in an in- telligent manner until specific requirements are met. The execution of the iterative analysis may be performed automatically by incorporating an efficient self-optimization algorithm in order to achieve some optimal objective. A variety of these techniques have been described in some detail. Several examples of the computer simu- lation of the anticipated performance of certain types of solid state microwave integrated circuit amplifiers have demonstrated the effectiveness of using actual measured device data and CAD to realize an optimum circuit design. The results obtained on these amplifier modules working under conditions identical to those specified in their simulation have proved to be in excellent agreement. (Author) AD-766 689/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Applications to Radar Processing Technical rept. Robert H. Fletcher, Jr. 30 Apr 73, 109p Descriptors: 'Electric filters, Design, 'Moving target indicators. Electric filters, Low-pass fil- ters, Band-pass filters. Integral transforms. Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Digital filters, Recursive filters, FORTRAN, A. The design and analysis of recursive digital fil- ters by use of the bilinear z-transformation are presented for Butterworth and Chebyshev Type I filters. Although the motivation and primary emphasis of this work lies in the area of radar moving-band-stop filtering as well. The design and analysis of these filters are accomplished with the aid of a set of FORTRAN subroutines which are described and listed here. Examples illustrating the use of these subroutines and some typical results are included. (Author) AD-767 023/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Thermal Analysis Using the Chrysler Im- proved Numerical Differencing Analyzer for Third-Generation Computers (CINDA-3G) Pro- gram Research rept. Robert L. Fromer. 16 Jul 73, 108p* Rept no. NUSC-TR-4461 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, Thermal anal- ysis, 'Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Modules(Electronics), Semiconduc- tor devices, Heat transfer, Mathematical models. Identifiers: CINDA-3G computer program, UNIVAC 1108 computers, FORTRAN 5 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN, Computer aided analysis, Network synthesis, AN/BQS-13, Finite difference theory, N. The application of the CINDA-3G computer pro- gram to the solution of thermal problems in- volving integrated circuit modules is discussed in detail. Included is a brief review of heat transfer principles and thermal modeling techniques. CINDA-3G uses numerical techniques, and proper network modeling of the problem is essential. It is shown that the temperature distributions obtained with the computer program for a sample problem com- pare favorably with a one-dimensional analytic (hand-calculated) solution. Therefore, the CINDA-3G program appears to be a useful tool in solving complex thermal problems of limited size. (Author) Portions of this document are not fully legible. AD-767 420/3CP PC E09/MF A01 Information Systems Menlo Park Calif Antenna Modeling Program Manual 10 Apr 73, 291 p Rept no. IS-R-72/10 Contract N00014-71-C-0187 Systems Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, Computer pro- grams, 'Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Antenna radiation patterns, Gain, Subroutines, Mathematical models, Matrix al- gebra, Integral equations, Polarization. Identifiers: FORTRAN, AMP computer program, Thin wire antennas, N. The manual contains a detailed discussion of the FORTRAN coding of the Antenna Modeling Program (AMP). Its purpose is to aid the pro- grammer in understanding the intricacies of the Fortran coding, and it is designed as a reference manual so that the programmer can examine the function of one subroutine or com- mon block separately. By the same token the FORTRAN list is an integral part of the manual and should be used in conjunction iwth reference to the manual. The Antenna Modeling Program is based on the thin wire electric field integral equation which relates the exciting electric field to the induced currents on some specified thin wire geometry. The integral equa- tion is reduced to an N dimensional system of linear equations by representing the current in terms of N sinusoidal basis functions and en- forcing the integral equation at N discrete points. AD-767 654/7CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Application of the Piecewise-Sinusoidal Reaction Matching Technique to Linear Dipole Antennas Master's thesis Michael Lynn Bryant. Jun 73, 105p Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas, Electrical im- pedance, Electric currents, Matrix algebra, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Piecewise sinusoidal reaction matching technique, Current distribution, FOR- TRAN, Method of moments, N. The paper is an application of the Piecewise- Sinusoidal Reaction Matching Technique (PSRMT) to linear, parallel thin-wire dipoles. The 'method of moments' is briefly outlined and the fundamental electromagnetic principles of reciprocity, surface equivalence and reaction are discussed. Through a logical combination of these concepts, PSRMT is developed and ap- plied to thin-wire dipoles radiating in free space due to a delta function voltage generator at their center. The driving point impedance and the current distribution are calculated and compared to results obtained from other inde- pendent theoretical techniques. (Modified author abstract) AD-767 659/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Investigation on the Application of the Method of Partial Images to a Dynamic Problem Master's thesis John Francis Tim ony. Jun 73, 45p Descriptors: 'Dipole antennas, Electrical im- pedance, Electrostatic fields, Dielectrics, Ad- mittance, Green's functions, Matrix algebra, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Method of moments, Image processing, Monopole antennas, N. The method of partial images has been suc- cessfully applied to electrostatic problems in- volving conductors on a dielectric substrate. This same method is investigated for its adapta- tion to dynamic problems. A Green's Function is derived and applied to the problem of a wire dipole antenna on a dielectric substrate. The input admittance of the antenna is computed by 50 the method of moments. Experimentally mea- sured values of input admittance are compared with the theoretical values and the error is discussed. (Author) AD-767 906/1CP PC E01/MF A01 Syracuse UnivN Y Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Pro- gram Technical rept. Jose' Perini, and Kazuhiro Hirasawa. Aug 73, 43p* RADC-TR-73-230 Contract F30602-72-C-0360 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, Distortion, Electromag- netic compatibility, Communication systems, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Honeywell 635 computers, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, AF. Presently, when a new communication facility is designed, there is no simple way that the pro- ject engineer can predict the interaction between the many antennas that will be present in the facility. The available rules of thumb are too crude and do not really give any detailed in- formation on the antenna pattern distortion or mutual coupling effects. Recent developments in the area of computer aided design of anten- nas allowed the development of a computer program that can perform an accurate analysis of the most common antenna installations with far more detail than has been possible. The description and usage of this program is the subject of the report. (Author) AD-768 214/9CP PC E01/MF A01 Tennessee Technological Univ Cookeville Dept of Electrical Engineering An Adaptive Transmitting Array to Maximize Power Flow in a Specific Direction Final rept. 1 Apr-30 Sep 73 Roy N. Adams, Joseph N. Anderson, and William L. Fuqua. 24 Sep 73, 32p Contract N00019-73-C-0361 Descriptors: "Phased arrays, Adaptive control systems, Radiofrequency power, Computer programs, Simulation, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, N. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate a method of increasing a transmitting arrays out- put in a specified direction by adaptive techniques. The report describes an analytical development of an appropriate algorithm, a digital simulation of the system, and the experi- mental implementation together with test results at 300 MHz. (Modified author abstract) AD-768 848/4CP PC A07/MF A01 Howard Univ Washington D C School of En- gineering A Study on Communicaton Antenna Isolation Final rept. Bing A. Chiang. Jun 73, 134p FAA-RD-73-94 Contract DOT-FA73WA-3156 Descriptors: "Phased arrays, "Electromagnetic compatibility, Antenna radiation patterns, Radiofrequency interference, Admittance, Elec- trical impedance. Computer programs, Air traf- fic control systems, Antenna arrays. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FAA. Problems on FAA communication antennas re- lated to isolation are analyzed. The concpet of using progressively phased circular array to achieve high isolation is studied. The method of study is divided into theoretical and experimen- tal. Theoretical study involved using moment method. Symmetrical dipoles were used as ele- ments. Factors analyzed include array radius, antenna size, position accuracy, impedance, radiation pattern, and isolation. The experimen- tal study involved building scale antennas from existing FAA coaxial dipoles and used them as array elements, and simulated matrix feed con- ditions to study isolation and radiation pattern. An isolation of 55 db was found possible. The concept is shown to provide high isolation in a very limited space. It provides flexibility for beam forming, and azimuth scanning. (Author) AD-768 872/4CP PC E01/MF A01 Rhode Island Univ Kingston Dept of Electrical Engineering A Description of the FORTRAN Program 'Filters' Technical rept. James T. Lewis. 27 Sep 73, 26p Rept no. URI- EE-4044/3 Contract N0001 4-68-A-021 5-0006 Descriptors: "Electric filters, Design, "Computer programs, Electric filters. Low-pass filters, High-pass filters, Minimax technique, Iterative methods. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Digital filters, FILTERS computer program, N. A FORTRAN program to compute minimax digital filters with or without horizontal restrain- ing lines in the passband or stopband is described. A listing of the program and the out- put from the solution of two problems is in- cluded. (Author) AD-769 211/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab A General Method and FORTRAN Program for the Design of Recursive Digital Filters Technical rept. Joseph J. Wolcin. 25 Sep 73, 47p Rept no. NUSC-TR-4629 Descriptors: 'Digital filters, 'Computer pro- grams, Low pass filters, High pass filters, Band pass filters, Transfer functions, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Recursive filters, Design, Butter- worth filters, Chebychev filters, N. A general method for the design of digital filters is presented, and a FORTRAN program that fol- lows the steps of the method is described. The computer program can design any low-pass, high-pass, bandpass, or band-reject digital filter by using either Butterworth, Chebyshev, or elliptic approximations to the ideal rectangu- lar type frequency response. The user need only provide the program with a set of structured specifications, and as output the user obtains the transfer function of the minimum order filter that meets his requirements. For convenience, the transfer function is expressed in a form that allows immediate implementation in a cascade type realization. (Author) AD-769 439/1CP PC E03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Far Field Analysis of Parallel Plate Lu- neberg Lenses for Various Feeds Master's thesis Robert Boyd Birchfield. Sep 73, 74p Descriptors: 'Luneberg lenses. Far field, Lu- neberg lens antennas, Antenna aperatures. In- tegral equations. Microwave antennas. Plates, Parallel orientation. Antenna radiation patterns. Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: N. The thesis developed expressions for the aperature fields and integral equations for the far field radiation characteristics of the Parallel Plate Luneberg Lens Microwave Antenna operating in the TEM or TE sub (10) modes. These expressions were programmed on a digital computer to predict the far field radia- tion patterns for several feed systems. Experi- mentation produced far field radiation patterns that were very close to the theoretical patterns for the TE sub 10 mode lens and substantially different for the TEM mode lens. (Author) AD-769 585/1CP PC E01/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Washington D C Design and Analysis of 90-Degree Phase Dif- ference Networks W. Weibach. May 73, 50p Rept no. HDL-TM-73- 4 Descriptors: 'Phase shift circuits, Electric fil- ters, Computer programs, Networks. Identifiers: Network analysis theory, A. The parameters of a 90 degree phase difference (Dome) filter, and their relationship to the filter characteristics, are derived and discussed. The design of two RC implementations and their worst-case analyses are shown. (Author) AD-770 120/4CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Phase Shifter Test Programs for Use with an H.P. Automatic Network Analyzer Memorandum rept. George T. O'Reilly, and H. Paris Coleman. Nov 73, 15p Rept no. NRL-MR-2675 Descriptors: 'Phase shift circuits, Analyzers, 'Analyzers, 'Computer programs, Microwave equipment, Networks. Identifiers: NRPS1 computer program, RPS1 computer program, N. Two computer programs for use with Hewlett Packard automatic network analyzer equip- ment are described. The programs are written in ATS BASIC and are designed to measure the performance characteristics of microwave phase shifters over a band of frequencies. The first program is for use with a nonreciprocal phase shifter and the second is for use with a reciprocal phase shifter. (Author) AD-771 952/9CP PC E01/MF A01 Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment Portsmouth (England) A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far- Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni- Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder Technical rept. T. J. Green. Sep 73, 18p ASWE-TR-73-27, DRIC- BR-37572 Descriptors: 'Omnidirectional antennas, 'Antenna radiation patterns, Far field, Com- puter programs. Great Britain, Barriers, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: OMNI computer program, SD. The degrading effects of cylindrical metal ob- structions on the far-field radiation pattern of an omni-directional antenna, vertically or horizontally polarized were investigated by A. J. Hissink. The note is a description of a computer program to evaluate the far-field radiation pat- tern of such a system. The program which is adapted from Hissink's work, is written in FOR- TRAN for use on Corn-Share Commander II time sharing facility. (Author) AD-772 714/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Computer Programs for Antenna Pattern Synthesis Joseph R. Mautz, and Roger F. Harrington. Oct 73, 72p Scientific-3, AFCRL-TR-73-0654 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, "Computer programs, Synthesis, Eigenvectors. Identifiers: FORTRAN, AF. 51 The report contains computer programs, in- structions, and sample input-output data for antenna pattern synthesis as developed in the previous report 'Computational Methods for Antenna Pattern Synthesis'. The programs are valid for point sources arbitrarily distributed in a plane, and for pattern synthesis in this plane. Included are programs for synthesis with (1) pattern magnitude and phase specified, (2) pat- tern magnitude only specified, (3) these two cases with a constraint on the source norm, and the first two cases with a constraint on the source quality factor. Also included are pro- grams to compute and plot the specified and synthesized patterns. (Author) AD-772 771/2CP PC A09/MF A01 Rockwell International Corp Los Angeles Calif Los Angeles Aircraft Div A Study of the Influences of Solid-State Elec- trical Distribution on Aircraft Power Genera- tion User's manual technical rept. Elmer Fasol, Stewart G. Dawson, Roberto J. Urdaniyia, and Louis A. Ule. Nov 73, 195p NA- 73-723-2, AFAPL-TR-73-109-Supp-1 Contract F33615-72-C-1759 See also AD-772 763. Descriptors: *Electric generators, *Auxiliary power systems, Aircraft equipment, Electrical equipment, Electric power, Distribution, Solid state electronics, Computerized simulation, Digital computers, Digital simulation, Instruc- tion manuals, Computer programs. Identifiers: AF. A typical CSD generator computer run is presented as an example with an exactly cor- responding flow diagram, a definition of terms, notation, and operating modes. The subrou- tines are briefly defined, and the load identifiers are defined. The supporting math models were submitted in the October 1973 supplemental monthly report as enclosures. A VSCF con- verter computer run is presented with an ex- actly corresponding flow diagram, including subroutines. (Author) Descriptors: 'Strip transmission lines, Parallel orientation, Dielectrics, Computer programs, Electrical impedance, Partial differential equa- tions. Theses. Identifiers: N. A general analysis of coplanar lines on r. dielec- tric substrate is presented. The field equations are written in terms of Hertzian potentials and boundary conditions are applied to generate a system of linear equations. These equations are then Fourier transformed and reduced to a form where a computationally efficient solution can be obtained by the method of moments. Any desired accuracy may be obtained by expand- ing the transform of the current if the problem is one involving strip conductors of the electric field if there are slots. A one term expansion products very good results. Both wavelength and characteristic impedance of the transmis- sion line structure are obtained. Theoretical and experimental results are presented for coplanar strips. (Author) AD-773 777/8CP PC E08/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Dept of Electrical Engineering Networks of Two-Input One-Output Flexible Cells - A Study of Logical Properties and Techniques for Learning Realizable Func- tions Jon Terry Butler. Mar 73, 213p AFOSR-TR-74- 0116 Grant AF-AFOSR-2048-71 Descriptors: "Electrical networks, 'Switching circuits, "Circuit interconnections, Input output devices, Mathematical logic, Combinatorial analysis. Synthesis, Graphics, Computer pro- grams, Theses. Identifiers: Network synthesis, Switching theory, AF. The report discusses many previously unknown logical properties of networks of two-input one- output cells, such as the number and type of functions realized. In addition, new algorithms are presented which are used to cause the net- works to realize a given function. noise ratio, Functions(Mathematics), Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Laguerre functions, 'Correlation functions, N. The work deals with the correlation functions and their methods of obtention. A method without a pure time delay is considered which uses Laguerre functions type filters. The possi- bilities of using the nonsymmetric Laguerre type filter are analyzed. A very inexpensive set of circuits which are useful to obtain the men- tioned filters for low frequency signals are presented, together with their computer analy- sis and laboratory realizations. (Author) AD-775 637/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Coordinated Science Lab Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Cir- cuits Doctoral thesis Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio. Aug 73, 71 p* Rept nos. R-617, UILU-ENG-73-2219 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259, Grant NSF-GK- 31633 Descriptors: 'Circuits, Microwave equipment, Microwave amplifiers, Integrated circuits, Com- puter programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Computer aided design, A. The thesis discusses a computer program for the analysis and design of distributed-lumped circuits, including microwave integrated cir- cuits. It is capable of frequency domain analy- sis, optimization of transducer power gain, reflection coefficient, and/or noise figure. Also, the program can compute the return difference with respect to any admittance parameter so that the stability of the circuit can be deter- mined by the Nyquist criterion. The program handles complex impedances, resistors, capacitors, inductors, transmission lines, inde- pendent current sources and grounded voltage sources, voltage controlled current sources, and multiport elements, such as, transistors and circulators, described by their scattering or admittance parameters. It contains a free-for- mat input. (Modified author abstract) AD-772 815/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind School of Electrical Engineering Short-Pulse Switches for Airborne High- Power Supplies Final rept. 31 Jul 72-31 May 73 David B. Miller, and Hannis W. Thompson, Jr. Nov 73, 102p AFAPL-TR-73-81 Contract F33615-72-C-2097 Descriptors: 'Electronic switches, Solid state switches, Semiconductor devices, Indium an- timonides, Silicon, Magnetic devices, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Corbino disks, AF. Prototypes of both magnetically and optically activated high current, high voltage switches are fabricated and tested. Feasibility is demon- strated for both the silicon optically-activated and the indium antimonide, magnetically-ac- tivated switches. A near-intrinsic silicon switch shows resistance decrease of almost four or- ders of magnitude with radiation from Xenon flash lamps. Resistance increase of an InSb cube is demonstrated; this result leads to theoretical predictions of three orders of mag- nitude resistance increase for a corbino-disk device with modest fields (1-3 wb/sq m). (Author) AD-772 882/7CP PC E05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Parallel Coplanar Strips on a Dielectric Sub- strate Master's thesis Armando Echeandia Luna. Dec 73, 95p AD-774 143/2CP PC A10/MF A01 North Hills Associates Glen Cove N Y Research Program on Multi Dimensional Matrix Addressing Techniques Final rept. 1 Aug 72-30 Sep 73 Sol Sherr, Al Loshin, and Arnold Spitalny. 28 Dec 73, 223p Contract N00014-73-C-0152 Continuation of research reported in AD-751 666, Contract N00014-72-C-0248. Descriptors: 'Display systems, Liquid crystals, Addressing, Detectors, Multiplexing, Computer programs. Identifiers: Liquid crystal display systems, 'Matrix display systems, N. A research program is reported on in which multi dimensional addressing techniques are investigated, theoretically and empirically. Among the coupling techniques included are electrical, optical and gas discharge. In addi- tion several models are described using liquid crystals as the display media and a combination of electrical and optical addressing in single and multi-layer assemblies. (Modified author abstract) AD-775 024/3CP PC E03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Correlation Functions Using Laguerre Type Circuits Master's thesis Jorge Pedro Auge. Dec 73, 62p Descriptors: 'Circuits, Correlation techniques, Electric filters, Signal processing, Signal to AD-776 091/1CP PC A09/MF A01 Signatron Inc Lexington Mass Electronic Device Modeling Technical rept. no. 2, 13 May-13 Aug 73 L. Ehrman. Jan 74, 199p RADC-TR-73-407 Contract F30602-73-C-0193 See also report dated Dec 73, AD-774 551. Descriptors: 'Transistors, Field effect transistors. Bipolar transistors, Electromag- netic compatibility, Models, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Electronics, Nonlinear systems, Electronic equipment, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, AF. The software for implementation of the charge- control bipolar transistors model and the means for obtaining the parameters of the charge-control transistor model from experi- mental measurements are developed. A com- parison of predicted and measured nonlinear distortion products based upon several junc- tion field effect transistors is reported. (Author) AD-776 399/8CP PC A07/MF A01 IIT Research Inst Chicago III EMP Response of Parabolic Reflector Anten- nas Final rept. P. P. Toulios, and Y. Shiau. Dec 73, 138p Rept no.UTRI-E6276 Contract DAAG39-73-C-0189 Descriptors: 'Parabolic antennas, Electromag- netic pulses, Response, Satellite communica- 52 tions, Mathematical analysis, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: A. A theoretical investigation was conducted to approximately determine the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) response of Satellite Communica- tions Antenna Systems (SATCOM). The ultimate objective is to be able to estimate system susceptibility to an EMP environment. AD-776 773/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Load Impedance Characteristics of TRAPATT Oscillators Technical rept. Jerry D. Welch. 9 Jul 73, 1 25p TR-496, ESD-TR- 73-183 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Microwave oscillators, 'Avalanche diodes, Electrical impedance, Im- pedance matching. Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: TRAPATT diodes, AF. A study was made of the impedance required to match the diode in a time-delay-triggered TRAPATT oscillator. The investigation includes both a theoretical analysis and an experimental verification. It provides the most accurate closed-form analysis of TRAPATT oscillator waveforms and efficiencies to date and resolves inconsistencies in the dynamics of the time- delay-triggering processes which have not been adequately explained in previously published analyses. A technique is given for determining the required diode matching im- pedance and presenting the impedance data in a single set of resistance and reactance curves valid for any fundamental frequency of oscilla- tion. The analysis includes the parasitics of the package and mount and shows that the required matching impedance is strongly in- fluenced by these parasitics; without them the chip itself would be a very broadband device. (Modified author abstract) AD-776 912/8CP PC E06/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Adjustable Digital Time Converter Technical rept. Helmuth M. Kaunzinger, and Otto E. Rittenbach. Feb 74, 130p Rept no. ECOM-4201 Descriptors: 'Signal processing, 'Moving target indicators, Radar signals, Processing equip- ment, Compression, Time, Digital systems, Analog to digital converters, Frequency conver- sion, Target recognition, Target signatures, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: COMP computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, A. The presentation covers the analysis, computer solution and simulation, design, construction and performance evaluation of an experimental digital time converter with five compression ratios ranging from 3.16 to 316 in a geometric progression. With an analog to digital converter at the input and a digital to analog converter at the output, this time converter operates with data samples circulating in register rings. The updating of this rotating information occurs at selected slow rates while readout samples are taken at a constant fast rate. The original sequence of input samples is preserved in the compressed output when a correct relationship exists between updating and readout rates, generated in appropriate timing circuits. The compressed signal is presented in segments of approximately .5 second each. The pci- formance evaluation shows that the chosen ap- proach is valid, that an experimental model works as expected, and that subsequent radar systems studies can be made with this time converter. (Modified author abstract) AD-776 996/1CP PC E04/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Heat Pipe Cooled Microwave Window Final rept. Gene T. Colwell, Harold L. Bassett, and James M. Schuchardt. Feb 74, 75p Contract DAHC60-73-C-0068 Descriptors: 'Microwave equipment, 'Heat pipes, 'Heptanes, Windows, Cooling, Dielec- trics, Alumina, Beryllium oxides, Carbon tetrachloride, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Microwave windows, A. The program centered around the examination and selection of suitable dielectric window materials for a heat pipe cooled microwave win- dow and the selection of a working fluid. Two ceramic materials, aluminum oxide and beryl- Ma, were found to be appropriate for window materials in the high average power microwave device. The aluminum oxide material does not possess thermal properties as desirable as the beryllia, but the aluminum oxide is less costly. A number of working fluids were found to have desirable properties, both thermal and microwave, and two of these were very good fluids, Heptane and Carbon Tetrachloride. An experimental heat pipe was constructed and tested as part of this program. The tests in- dicated that the heat pipe cooled windows could handle up to 2-3 megawatts of RF power at a frequency near 3.0 GHz. (Author) AD-777 268/4CP PC E05/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Energy Spectra for Frequency-Shift-Keyed Signals Transmitted by Synchronously Resonated, Very Low Frequency Antennas Master's thesis Tee R. Ill Hadley. Dec 73, 100p Rept no. GE/EE/73A-10 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Frequency shift keyers, Spectra, Frequency shift, Very low frequency, Resonance, Data transmission systems, Digital systems, Spectrum analysis. Resonators, Broadband, Theses, FORTRAN, Computer programs. Identifiers: Electronic broadbanding, CDC 6600 computers, AF. Electronic broadbanding is a technique whereby very low frequency (VLF) antennas can be resonated (retuned) synchronously with a frequency-shift-keyed (FSK) signal for trans- mission of binary data at rates well over 1000 baud. The thesis investigates the transmitted energy density spectrum for an electronically broadbanded VLF antenna system in which a frequency shift can occur only at the instant of an antenna-current zero-crossing with positive slope. A computer solution shows that the transmitted spectrum is approximately equivalent to the spectrum of an ideal, constant amplitude, FSK signal. A further investigation, again by computer program, shows that if the total frequency shift between the marking and spacing frequencies occurs over a finite period, rather than instantaneously, then the spec- trum's sidelobes will be reduced significantly. (Modified author abstract) AD-777 320/3CP PC A10/MF A01 Microwave Associates Inc Burlington Mass Octave-Bandwidth, High-Directivity Microstrip Couplers Final rept. 17 Mar 72-30 Jun 73 Charles Buntschuh. Jan 74, 218p RADC-TR-73- 396 Contract F30602-72-C-0282 Descriptors: 'Couplers, Strip transmission lines, Broadband, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Design, AF. The purpose of the study was to examine techniques of velocity compensation, broad- banding, and tight coupling, and combine them to produce high-directivity, broad band micros- trip couplers from 3 to 20 dB. A further objec- tive was to develop a design procedure, with supporting tables and charts, to facilitate the rapid design of microstrip couplers and to veri- fy the procedure experimentally. (Modified author abstract) AD-777 722/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C FFT Doppler Filter Performance Computa- tions Memorandum rept. J. K. Hsiao. Mar74,64p Rept no. NRL-MR-2744 Descriptors: 'Filters, Doppler systems, Coherent radar, Moving target indicators, Radar clutter, Fourier transformation, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN, Clutter. Identifiers: Fast Fourier transform, N. The fundamental theory of a FFT doppler filter is briefly reviewed. Computer programs to plot the responses and improvement factors of these filters are presented in this report. A wide choice of weighting functions are included in these programs. A number of examples are computed and presented. (Author) AD-777 887/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering Programs for Analysis of Radiation by Linear Arrays of Vertical Wire Antennas over Imper- fect Ground Bradley J. Strait, Tapan Sarkar, and Dah-Cheng Kuo. 15 Jan 74, 58p Scientific-4, AFCRL-TR-74- 0042 Contract F19628-73-C-0047 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, Electromagnetic radiation. Computer programs, Linear systems, Far field. Electrical impedance, Antennas, Elec- tric current. Identifiers: AF. Two user-oriented computer programs are presented and described for analyzing radia- tion from linear arrays of vertical thin-wire an- tennas over the horizontal plane surface of an imperfectly conducting earth. The first program can handle arbitrary excitation of the array wire, although it is assumed they are equally spaced and all of the same length and radius. The second program is equipped to treat unequally spaced arrays of wires that can be of different lengths and radii, but it is assumed the wires are all centerfed. Both assume the wires are un- loaded and that the conductivity of the earth is finite. The effects of the imperfectly conducting earth are accounted for approximately by using the method of reflection coefficients. Com- puted output consists of current distributions, input impedances, and far-field patterns specified by the user. (Author) AD-778 947/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Harris-lntertype Corp Melbourne Fla Radiation Systems Div Recursive Algorithms for Adaptive Array An- tennas Final technical rept. Jun 72-Jun 73 Charles A. Baird , Jr. Mar 74, 1 50p RADC-TR-74- 46 Contract F30602-72-C-0499 Descriptors: 'Antenna arrays, Algorithms, Recursive functions, Signal processing, Data transmission systems. Digital systems. High 53 rate, Antennas, Computers, Control, Phased ar- rays, Antijamming, Pulse communications, Computer programs, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Kalman filtering, Adaptive systems. The techniques define digital control al- gorithms based on least squares estimation methods to adjust the parameters of a mul- tichannel array filter to perform automatic null steering. The algorithms are designed to con- verge to the optimal filter parameters (array weights) defined by the solution of a set of linear algebraic equations (a Wiener-Hopf type equation), and their relationship to Kalman fil- tering methods are discussed. Both conver- gence analysis and simulations demonstrate rapid convergence behavior; however, accurate computations appear to be required for some cases due to ill-conditioning of these equa- tions. The basic recursive algorithm is derived for use with desired signal approximations, and several techniques for signal acquisition are discussed and simulated. Also, alternative al- gorithm forms based on using desired signal direction of arrival information are developed and simulated. Finally, the performance of the basic recursive algorithm is compared, through simulations, to the gradient (LMS) and random search methods. (Modified author abstract) PC A03/MF A01 Bernardino Calif AD -779 680/8CP Aerospace Corp San Technology Div Space Charge Limiting from Blackbody Radiation Interim rept. Mar-May 73 Gerald G. Comisar. 14 May 74, 41p TR- 0074(4124)-3, SAMSO-TR-74-118 Contract F04701-73-C-0074 Descriptors: *Diodes(Electron tubes), 'Blackbody radiation, Space charge, Photoelectric emission, Computer programs. Identifiers: BBDIODE computer program, IBM 370/155 computers. A grounded, parallel-plate vacuum diode illu- minated by x rays generates a two-sided dis- tribution of non-Maxwellian photoelectrons. The resulting potential hill problem may be reduced to a first-order nonlinear differential equation subject to two-point boundary condi- tions. An iterative APL/360 program has been written to allow the user to perform on-line cal- culations of potentials. Numerical results are presented for several cases of incident blackbody radiation and unequal two-sided emission. (Author) AD-779 896/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough (England) Small Transformer Design by Computer Technical rept. M. D. Palmer. Feb 74, 46p RAE-TR-73155, DRIC- BR-39351 Descriptors: 'Transformers, Power supplies, Modules(Electronics), Computer applications, Cores, Ferrites, Computer programs, Great Britain. Identifiers: 'Computer aided design. The overall efficiency of one module in a modu- lar power supply for an ion motor is mainly determined by the individual efficiencies of the power transistors, the output transformer and the bridge rectifier diodes. A computer program was written to investigate transformer design under conditions compatible with the other cir- cuit elements with the aim of obtaining im- provements in efficiency and reduction in mass. Transformers produced to the resu Iting designs had efficiencies in excess of 98% and masses some 25% less than their predecessors. AD-780 461/OCP PC E03/MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif Revision to the Frequency Tracking and Esti- mation Program (Phase-Locked Loop) Technical rept. Roger M. Golden, and William B. Kendall. Feb 74, 46p Rept no. TSC-PD-067-21 Contract N00014-71-C-0033 Descriptors: 'Phase locked communications, 'Phase locked systems, Frequency, Tracking, Signal processing, Satellite communications, Electronics, Computer programs. A number of modifications have been incor- porated into the Frequency Tracking and Esti- mation Program (Phase-Locked Loop). The modifications improve the tracking properties of the PLL as well as make the program more convenient to use. A summary of the modifica- tions along with a description of all of the parameters needed by the program is given in this report. (Author) AD-781 330/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Polytechnic Inst of New York Brooklyn Dept of Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics Integrated Circuit Reliability Prediction and Complexity Models Scientific rept. Henry R. Goldenberg. Jun 73, 1 28p Rept nos. PINY-EE/EP-74-004, PINY-EER-103 Contract N00014-67-A-0438-0013 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Reliability(Electronics), Models, Reliability, Predictions, Failure(Electronics), Hazards, Weibull density functions. Logic circuits, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. A method for calculating the average hazard rate for a catastrophic failure test using the test duration, the number of failures, and the sam- ple population, is shown. If the number of failures is much less than the sample popula- tion, the failure rate can be approximated by the number of failures divided by the product of the sample population and the test duration. A equivalency criterion is developed that allows a transformation between hazard model shapes. The model shapes examined in detail are the constant, the Weibull, and the piecewise linear shapes. It is shown that significant errors in re- liability can result from assuming a constant hazard. The principal failure modes of digital integrated circuits are examined, and they are related to the complexity of the circuit by qualitative arguments. The analysis is per- formed for the TTL 7400 series and the Schottky 74S00 series. It is shown that the hazard func- tion of the integrated circuits is a Weibull func- tion of time with a scale parameter proportional to the number of gates in the devices. (Modified author abstract) AD-781 832/1CP PC E05/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Characteristics of Si02 Films Grown in an HcL Purged Environment Master thesis Richard Randol Hoffmeister. Jun 74, 1 14p Rept no. GE/EE/74-26 Descriptors: 'Integrated Circuits, 'Metal oxide semiconductors, 'Dielectric films, 'Silicon dioxide, 'Hydrogen chloride, Manufacturing, Sodium, Impurities, Computer programs, Theses. The major purpose of the research is to study how the addition of HCI affects the charac- teristics of oxides typically used in integrated circuit manufacture. HCI was used in two ways: an HCI/02 mixture was used to clean the oxida- tion tube prior to oxidation, and an HCI/02 mix- ture was used in an in situ process. The oxide parameters having a significant impact on device performance were identified and mea- sured by using both C-V and l-V techniques. An HCI distribution system was constructed and used with a conventional oxidation furnace. Negligible trapping of sodium ions at the Si- Si02 interface was observed for oxides grown in an HCI cleaned tube and conventional ox- ides, while strong trapping of the ions was ob- served when HCI was used in situ. (Modified author abstract) AD-782 095/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Texas Tech Univ Lubbock Dept of Electrical En- gineering Optimum Filter Modeling of Integrated Cir- cuits Final rept. 1 Dec 70-31 May 72 K. S. Chao, S. R. Liberty, R. H. Seacat, and M. A. Chipman. Jun 74, 1 1 7p AFWL-TR-72-1 21 Contract F29601 -71-C-0048 Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Radiation ef- fects, Signal processing, Nonlinear systems. White noise, Computerized simulation. Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program, Wiener filters, Operational amplifiers. The report provides a complete and unified description of variations on the Wiener theory for modeling nonlinear systems. In particular, applications to the modeling of integrated cir- cuit operational amplifiers in an ionizing radia- tion environment are considered. Detailed in- vestigations of four modifications of the Wiener method are discussed here (Lee's method, the indirect method, Bose's method, and the matrix method), as well as extensions of the Wiener theory to include time varying and multiple- input multiple-output systems. It is shown that the matrix method is the best of the methods in- vestigated. A modeling technique based upon this method is presented including a FORTRAN subprogram which can be used in conjunction with the SCEPTRE circuit analysis program for application as indicated above. (Author) AD-782 251/3CP PC A09/MF A01 University of South Florida Tampa Dept of Elec- trical Engineering SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems J.C. Bowers, J. E. O'Reilly, Jr, and G. A. Shaw. 31 Jan 74, 200p Contract DAAA21-73-C-0433, DAAA21-73-C- 0655 Report on AMC CAD-E Series. Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, 'Mechanical components, 'Computer applications, Circuits, Mechanical engineering. Computer pro- gramming, FORTRAN, Transfer functions. Topology, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: SUPERSCEPTRE computer pro- gram, SCEPTRE computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, Network analysis theory. Computer aided design. SUPERSCEPTRE is a preprocessor developed for use in conjunction with the SCEPTRE cir- cuit analysis program. SUPERSCEPTRE ena- bles the user to simulate one-dimensional mechanical systems, transfer functions, and digital logic devices in addition to electrical networks. SUPERSCEPTRE retains the useful features of SCEPTRE and includes a mechani- cal description language analogous to the SCEPTRE circuit description language. The language is easy to learn and no previous com- puter programming experience is needed to use SUPERSCEPTRE effectively. The derivation of equations is not required since SUPER- SCEPTRE automatically formulates the describing equations of a system from the com- ponent values and the system topology. AD-782 281 /0CP PC A06/MF A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Mountain View Calif Electronic Systems Group-Western Div 54 High Pressure Transducer Technical rept. G. Kirby Miller. 15 Jun 74, 107p Rept no. TR-3 Contract N00014-72-C-0307 See also AD-906 983. Descriptors: 'Transducers, 'Hydrophones, Electrical properties, Sensitivity, Environmental tests, Temperature, Performance(Engineering), Tolerances(Mechanics), Coaxial cables, Relia- bility(Electronics), Electrets, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. The primary purpose of the study is to measure and evaluate the performance of an electret coaxial cable transducer as a hydrophone. This includes any possibel environmental effects on performance such might be caused by depth pressure, temperature, and motion-caused tur- bulence. AD-782 351/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Im- pedances and Far-Field Pressures of Free- Flooded Ring Transducers interim rept. Peter H. Rogers, and Joseph F. Zalesak. 14 Jun 74, 128p Rept no. NRL-7749 Descriptors: 'Transducers, Far field, Pressure, Electromagnetic radiation, Acoustic im- pedance, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Ring transducers, SHIP computer program. Tables of coefficients for determining the radia- tion impedance and far-field pressure of a free- flooded vibrating ring in an arbitrary medium at 45 frequencies for each of 36 ring geometries were produced. The only restriction on the known velocity distribution for using the tables is that the inside, top and bottom, and outside normal surface velocities must be uniform. Simple formulas for determining the normal surface velocity distribution for some special cases and formulas for determining the radia- tion resistance and far-field pressure in the low- frequency limit were developed. (Author) AD-782 399/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Analysis of Discrete Pulse Forming Networks Driving Non-Linear Flash Lamp Loads Final rept. Orville C. Barr. Jun 74, 76p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2808 Descriptors: 'Pulse generators, 'Flash lamps, 'Xenon lamps, Mathematical models, Electrical networks, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Network analysis theory, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6400 compu- ters, 'Pulse forming networks. An interactive design tool for analyzing discrete lumped parameter pulse forming networks driv- ing time invarient nonlinear flash lamp loads is described. The program is written in FORTRAN IV for the Control Data Kronos timesharing system. The program handles linear (resistive) loads as well as xenon flashlamps. The formula- tion is structured to allow easy modification. Up to 10 mesh PFN's can be handled. (Author) AD-782 419/6CP PC A13/MF A01 Rochester Univ N Y Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer Final rept. 1 Apr 72-30 Sep 73 P. Das. May 74, 290p RADC-TR-74-125 Contract F30602-72-C-0312 Descriptors: 'Surface waves, 'Acoustooptics, Elastic waves, Correlators, Space charge, Signal processing, Piezoelectric crystals, Semiconductors, Layers, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Ultrasonic radiation, Rayleigh waves, Lithium compounds, Niobates, Cadmi- um sulfides. Identifiers: 'Acoustic surface waves, Piezoelec- tric semiconductors, Lithium niobates. The is a comprehensive report on the theoreti- cal and experimental performance of devices using elastic surface waves in layered struc- tures. The following are the main achievements of this effort: (1) Space charge coupled convol- vers and correlators using surface waves and layer waves; experimental demonstration of lowest insertion loss, a few orders of magnitude lower than the previous state-of-the-art devices; and development of a detailed theory. (2) A new technique for optical probing of sur- face waves and layer waves: experimental determination of the decay parameter of a sur- face wave in the direction normal to the propagation surface; and the complete elastic fields in the layer wave structure; demonstra- tion of 25% diffraction efficiency for each first order with only 500 mw of electrical power driv- ing the surface wave transducers. Other impor- tant contributions in this report are the theoreti- cal analysis of the layer wave propagation in- cluding loss or gain, and the observation of streaming phenomena in a liquid layer due to layer waves. (Author) AD-783 039/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Microstrip Design Procedure for L-Band Transistor Power Amplifiers Interim rept. G. T. O'Reilly, R. E. Neidert, and H. E. Heddings. 27 Jun 74, 47p Rept no. NRL-7745 Descriptors: 'Power amplifiers, 'Transistor am- plifiers, Strip transmission lines, Microwave amplifiers, L band, Impedance matching, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Computer aided design. A procedure which uses microstrip matching circuits was formulated for designing L-band transistor power amplifiers. The procedure uses a precision measurement technique for transistor impedances and an optimization rou- tine for realizing the required matching circuits in microstrip. A model for large step discon- tinuities in microstrip was developed and was included in a computer optimization program. Good agreement was obtained between mea- sured and calculated microstrip circuit im- pedances. The computer-aided procedure was used to develop L-band, class C, pulse- operated transistor power amplifiers. Signifi- cant improvement was obtained in power gain, bandwidth, and collector efficiency over am- plifiers designed by more conventional methods. (Author) AD-783 897/2CP PC A09/MF A01 Atlantic Research Corp Alexandria Va Ad- vanced Programs Group Methods of Moments Applications. Volume V. Thin Wire Antenna Analysis Computer Codes Compared with Measured Data Final rept. Feb 73-Mar 74 Thomas E. Baldwin, Jr, and Richard Robertson. Jul 74, 179p RADC-TR-73-217-Vol-5 Contract F30602-73-C-0131 See also Volume 4, AD-773 173. Descriptors: "Dipole antennas, Near field, Matrices(Mathematics), Currents, Admittance, Computer programming. Loop antennas. Identifiers: Method of moments. The method of moments is applied to various wire antenna problems for the purpose of in- vestigating the following trade-offs: (1) accura- cy of current distributions on the structure, (2) general applicability of several expansion func- tions to a variety of geometries, (3) computer storage requirements, and (4) computer central processor time (CPU). Three computer pro- grams designed to treat radiation and scatter- ing problems for thin-wire structures by the method of moments were compared extensive- ly with each other and with experimental data. Each of these three programs are available in the literature and represent a variety of different techniques such as pulse, triangle, and sinusoidal expansion functions, respectively, to determine current distributions. (Author) AD-785 139/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Applied Science Associates Inc Denver Colo Computer Generated Troubleshooting Trees: The Program Final rept. William J. Pieper, and Allen L. Pinkus. Jul 74, 96p* AFHRL-TR-74-20(ll) Contract F33615-72-C-1682 Descriptors: 'Reliability(Electronics), "Computer programs, Computer programming, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Troubleshooting trees, 'Fault isola- tion, Fault detection, Fault tolerant computing, FORTRAN 4 programming language. This report describes the development, use, and tryout of a computer program to prepare troubleshooting trees by computer. The pro- gram inputs information on the system data flow, component reliabilities, and costs of available tests. An iterative process is then used to select the most efficient sequence of tests to isolate all possible faults. This is accomplished by computing an index of information gained per unit cost (IGUC) for each test. The test with the highest IGUC is selected as the first test in the tree. The IGUCs are then recomputed for the remaining tests and the test with the highest IGUC is added as the next step in the tree. The process is continued until a tree is developed which will isolate all faults in the system. (Modified author abstract) AD-785 512/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Transverse Propagation Constants in Dielec- tric Waveguides Research and development technical rept. Kenneth L. Klohn, John F. Armata, Jr, and Metro M. Chrepta. Aug 74, 27p Rept no. ECOM-4242 Descriptors: 'Dielectric waveguides, Propaga- tion, Constants, Millimeter waves, Transverse, Silicon, Computations, Computer programs. Identifiers: Optical waveguides. Dielectric waveguides have been proposed as a transmission medium at optical and millimeter wave frequencies. In each case, calculations of the transverse propagation constants were car- ried out based on simplifying assumptions which allowed a closed form solution to basic transcendental equations. In this report, exact calculations of the transverse propagation con- stants were made for silicon waveguides having various aspect ratios by solving the transcen- dental equations on a programmed calculator. No simplifying assumptions were made. The results were used to compute guide wavelengths, and the values were compared to the values obtained experimentally and to those calculated using approximate formulas. The validity of the approximations and the condi- tions and circumstances in which it is ap- propriate to use them are discussed. (Author) AD-786 005/9CP PC A10/MF A01 Colorado Univ Boulder Dept of Electrical En- gineering Variable Speed Commutatorless Energy Con- verters Final rept. Sep 71 -Dec 73 on Phase A Edward A. Erdelyi, and David A. Remington. Dec 73, 206p 55 Contract DAAK02-70-C-0244 Report on Investigation of Three-Phase Induc- tion Motors Supplied by Square and Staircase Wave Voltages. Descriptors: 'Induction motors, 'Variable speed drives, Drives, Electrical equipment. Numerical analysis, Computer programs, Runge Kutta method. The theory of three phase squirrel cage induc- tion motors supplied by chopped d.c. supplies is developed. The differential equations are solved by a fourth order Runge-Kutta method explained in the appendix. The waveform of the applied voltage is either square of staircase in shape. The numerical method, specially modified for the application, yields the follow- ing results: (a) Current waveshapes in the stator when square wave voltages of 20 Hz to 120 Hz, and stepped wave voltages of 30 to 100 Hz, are applied to the stator terminals, (b) The torque variations at different loads and frequencies, (c) The slip variations at different loads and frequencies. (Modified author abatract) AD-787 292/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Guidance and Control Directorate The Transient Current Induced on a Conduct- ing Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Ap- plications to Cable Driver Design Technical rept. Hugh W. Greene, J. Darryl Holder, and Leonard L. Tsai. 16 Aug 74, 63p Rept no. RG-7508 Descriptors: 'Electric cables, 'Electromagnetic pulses, 'Electromagnetic shielding, Transients, Plane waves, Fourier transformation. Computer programs, FORTRAN, Radiation hardening. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, CDC 6600 computers. The current excited on an infinite perfectly con- ducting cylinder by an incident electromagnetic pulse plane wave is analyzed using Fourier transform techniques. Two methods, eigen- function series solution and moment methods, are used independently to calculate the cur- rents in the frequency domain. Time domain cylinder currents are found by inverse trans- forming the eigenfunction series results. These are computed at various aspects angles on the cylinder for three different cylinder sizes. The apparent rotational asymmetry and increase in rise time from the theoretical solution should be useful in improving cable driver design. A number of possible extensions of this problem are given together with an approach to corre- late simulator and cable driver data. (Author) AD-787 463/9CP PC A07/MF A01 Illinois Univ Urbana Coordinated Science Lab Effects of Redundancy on Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Combinational Logic Circuits Howard Warren Pribble. Sep 74, 136p Rept nos. R-657, UILU-ENG-74-2223 Contract DAAB07-72-C-0259 Descriptors: 'Logic circuits, Faults, Gates(Circuits), Redundant components, De- tection, Computations, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Fault detection, 'Fault tolerant computing. Most fault detection and diagnosis systems in use today operate under the single-fault as- sumption, namely that the circuits will be tested often enough so that any single fault can be de- tected and corrected before another fault oc- curs. This reasoning fails when the circuit under test contains redundancy because of the undetectable faults which redundancy implies. While an undetectable fault will not affect the logical operation of the circuit, it was demon- strated by Friedman that the presence of an un- detectable fault can cause other faults (the second-generation faults) to behave differently than in the normal case or even to become un- detectable. The result of this fact is that a fault which cannot be detected and therefore is not corrected, may cause tests for other faults to become invalid. To prevent this, Friedman recommended the removal of 'certain kinds of redundancy.' (Author) AD-787 486/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Electronics Lab Center San Diego Calif Millimeter Wave Gunn Amplifier, Diode Characterization and Network Optimization Technical document 1 Jan-1 Jul 74 D. Rubin. Aug 74, 45p Rept no. NELC-TD-340 Descriptors: 'Microwave amplifiers, Gunn diodes, Millimeter waves, Ka band, Optimiza- tion, Computer programs. A Ka-band amplifier structure with 7.5 GHz bandwidth and 6 dB gain was fabricated. Sim- ple adjustments lead to 15 dB gain with 2.5 GHz bandwidth. Measurements utilize double cosine tapered waveguide matching sections terminated by reduced height waveguide and calibrated sliding shorts. From slotted line mea- surements of reflection coefficients, two port cavity S parameters may be obtained. Insertion of the diode gives new reflection coefficients from which diode impedance can be separated. The accuracy of the calculated diode and waveguide parameters can be checked by test- ing calculated reflection gain vs. measured reflectometer gain over the frequency range using various calibrated short positions. Using the diode terminal impedance data, computer optimized matching circuits can be designed for particular gain and bandwidth require- ments. (Author) AD-787 522/2CP PC A03/MF A01 University of South Florida Tampa Dept of Elec- trical Engineering SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems. Chapters V and VI J. C. Bowers, J. E. O'Reilly, Jr, and G. A. Shaw. 1 Jul74,47p* Contract DAAA21 -73-C-0433, DAAA21 -73-C- 0655 Report on AMC CAD-E Series. Supplement to report dated 31 Jan 74, AD-782 251 . Descriptors: 'Electrical networks, 'Mechanical components, 'Computer applications, Logic circuits, Mechanical engineering, Gates(Circuits), Special func- tions(Mathematical), Instruction manuals, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: 'SUPERSCEPTRE computer pro- gram, SCEPTRE computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, Network analysis theory, Computer aided design. SUPERSCEPTRE is a preprocessor developed for use in conjunction with the SCEPTRE cir- cuit analysis program. SUPERSCEPTRE retains the useful features of SCEPTRE and includes a mechanical description analogous to the SCEPTRE circuit description language. This re- port is a supplement to the original user's manual. AD-787 868/9CP PC A07/MF A01 Sperry Rand Corp Gainesville Fla Sperry Microwave Components Div Microwave Integrated Circuit Steerable Polarizer Final rept. 21 Nov 72-21 Mar 74. Sep 74, 131p NJ-2761-0383, RADC-TR-74-230 Contract F30602-73-C-0082 Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, 'Steerable anten- nas, Antenna arrays, Linear arrays, Electronic scanners, Phase shift circuits, Microwave equipment, Integrated circuits, Strip transmis- sion lines, Polarization, Modules(Electronics), Antenna feeds, Microwave oscillators, Gunn diodes, Tuning devices, Varactor diodes, Receivers, Computer programs, FORTRAN. The report contains the results of a program to develop and build an electronically steerable MIC linear array with a single MIC receiver front end and the necessary array feed structure. The linear array consisted of four modules in a sin- gle housing bolted to a second housing con- taining four cylindrical waveguide antennas. Phase shifters for beam steering and polariza- tion diversity were tight-coupled meander line, nonreciprocal ferrite structures flux driven to obtain effectively 4-bit operation. A varactor tuned MIC Gunn oscillator was investigated for use as the local oscillator. A new design ap- proach consisting essentially of lumped tuning elements was used. A mathematical model for this approach was generated and compu- terized. A new design approach in phase shifter flux drivers using standard commercial com- ponents was derived. (Modified author ab- stract) AD -803 999/CP PC E01 MF A01 Litton Industries, San Carlos, Calif. Electron Tube Div. Study of High-Power Electrostatically Focused Klystrons Final rept. 1 Jul 64-28 Feb 66 J. F. Hull, G. E. Pokorny, and A. J. Prommer. 1 Aug 66, 151p ECOM-03348-F Contract DA-36-039-AMC-03348(E), ARPA Order-436 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Klystrons, Phased arrays, S band, Focusing, Electrostatics, Electron guns, Com- puter programs. Electric fields, Radar equip- ment, Electron beams, Phase(Electronics), Electron lenses, Electric shunts. The report covers a two-year program of ex- perimental study to establish the feasibility of increasing the power level of electrostatically focused klystrons (ESFK's) to the 1 megawatt peak power range at S-band, and to increase their bandwidth capability with an ultimate ob- jective of 10 percent of center frequency. Since this new type of tube does not require external magnetic focusing structures and all the focus- ing fields are entirely self-contained within the metal envelope of the tube, it is feasible to operate these tubes in close proximity to each other with center-to-center spacings commen- surate with that required for phased array radar systems. The achievement of the 1 MW peak power level at S-band was very successfully demonstrated in a tube which had efficiencies in the 42 - 45 percent range without a depressed collector, a gain of over 30 dB, and a bandwidth of about 3 percent. The feasibility of achieving much broader bandwidths than this was demonstrated on a lower power tube with a broadband output circuit whose hot bandwidth was shown to be 4.55 percent at the 50 kW power level. (Author) AD-806 839/CP PC E01 MF A01 Litton Industries, San Carlos, Calif. Electron Tube Div. Development of a Ku-Band Crossed-Field Amplifier (500 Watt Tube) Final rept. 1 Jul 64-15 Oct 66 John W. Jensen, Gerold E. Pokorny, and E. K. Shaw. Dec 66, 106p ECOM-00276-F Contract DA-28-043-AMC-00276(E) Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Crossed field devices, 'Traveling- wave tubes, Manufacturing methods, K band, Linear systems, Computer programs, Electrical properties, Delay lines, Waveguide windows. Electron beams, Magnetic fields, Configura- tion, Electron guns, Microwave amplifiers. 56 This report first details the electrical design of the tube. It was derived from a design used in another tube at a lower frequency. A large- signal analysis computer program is used to verify the design. The delay line and the elec- tron gun were also derived from the lower frequency tube. The depressed collector used in the tube was also developed by computer analysis. The mechanical design of the tube, based on prior experience in developing similar devices, is given in detail. Several innovations have been incorporated in this design. A per- manent magnet design was developed that has the desirable feature of being completely shielded. (Author) AD-812 886/CP PC E01/MF A01 Sperry Rand Research Center, Sudbury, Mass. Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements Final rept. 2 Feb-1 Nov 66 G. F. Ross, R. H. T. Bates, L. Susman, G. Hanley, and R. Smith. Feb 67, 231 p SRRC-CR-66-40, RADC-TR-66-790 Contract AF 30(602)-4050 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, 'Radar antennas, 'Dipole antennas, Phased arrays, 'Loop anten- nas, Phased arrays, 'Log periodic antennas, Phased arrays, 'Slot antennas, Phased arrays, 'Horn antennas, Phased arrays, 'Spiral anten- nas, Phased arrays, 'Biconical antennas, Phased arrays, Transients, Theory, Computer programs, Electromagnetic wave reflections, Mathematical models, Response, Mathematical analysis, Antenna apertures, Propagation. Identifiers: Time domain analysis. The purpose of the study is to investigate the transient behavior of various radiating elements used in radar phased array systems such as the dipole, the loop, the log-periodic, the slot, the horn, and the spiral antennas. Both the driving point impulse response and the step modulated response in the far field are evaluated experi- mentally and theoretically. (Author) AD-819 850/CP PC A14/MF A01 Stanford Univ., Calif. Microwave Lab. Microwave Propagation in Periodic Ferrite Structures Technical rept. W. F. Egan. Aug 67, 320p ML-1535, RADC-TR- 67-377 Contract AF 30(602)-3595 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Ferrites, Microwaves, 'Band-pass filters, Ferrites, Mathematical analysis, Single crystals, Magnetic fields, Resonators, Delay lines, Phase(Electronics), Attenuation, Equa- tions of motion, Information theory. Computer programs, Approximation^ athematics), Precession, Magneto-optic effect, Graphics, Garnet, Perturbation theory, Parametric am- plifiers, Yttrium compounds. Identifiers: Mutual coupling, Yttrium iron gar- net, Yttrium ferrites. A new structure for the propagation of microwave signals has been investigated. It consists of a periodic, linear array of single crystal YIG spheres operating in the uniform mode of precession and coupled together by their external magnetic fields. The concept of a YIG sphere as a microwave resonator is thereby extended to a transmission system consisting of coupled resonators. The array is found to have the properties of a band pass filter whose center frequency and bandwidth are controlla- ble by a dc magnetic field in which the array is immersed. (Author) AD-841 117/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. School of Electrical Engineering. The Limited Space Charge Accumulation Mode in GaAs Interim technical rept. Wilbert Keith Kennedy, Jr. Aug 68, 155p RADC- TR-68-269 Contract F30602-68-C-0042 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Diodes(Semiconductor), 'Microwave oscillators. Gallium arsenides, Radiofrequency power, Per- formance(Engineering), X band, Radiofrequen- cy pulses. Band theory of solids, Electrical net- works, Waveguides, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: LSA(Limited Space charge Accumu- lation mode). Limited space charge accumula- tion modes, Computer simulation, Gunn diodes. The generation of large pulse microwave power with the limited space charge accumulation (LSA) mode in gallium arsenide is discussed. The theory of the LSA mode is reviewed and a theoretical circuit analysis presented. The ex- perimental results for the LSA operation are presented. Device performance was also in- vestigated and results on spectrum, pulse length and injection phase locking are presented. (Author) AD-841 397/CP HC E01 MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab., Kirtland AFB, N. Mex. Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Com- puter Program. Technical rept. 10 Jun-31 Jul 68 John P. Portasik, Carter M. Glass, and Michael L. Goode. Sep 68, 36p Rept no. AFWL-TR-68-98 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Circuits, Radiation damage, 'Computer programs, Damage assessment, Prog ram ming(Computers), Transients, Response, Nuclear radiation, Transfer func- tions, Flight control systems, Stability, Am- plifiers. Identifiers: SCEPTRE computer program. Systems analysis is accomplished entirely within the original configuration of the SCEP- TRE computer program. No subprograms or other special constructs are required. Models of amplifiers and transfer functions are derived and examples illustrating their use are given. The method provides considerable flexibility in that one or more electronic subsystems can be interconnected arbitrarily with one or more sub-systems represented by transfer functions. (Author) AD-850 272/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. School of Electrical Engineering. Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide Technical rept. Stephen Ingalls Long. Mar 69, 122p RADC-TR- 69-42 Contract F30602-68-C-0042 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Gallium arsenides. Epitaxial growth, 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Microwave oscillators, Solutions, Semiconducting films, Carriers(Semiconductors), Electrical proper- ties, Computer programs, Impurities, Theses. Identifiers: 'Gunn diodes. The theory and experimental procedure for growth of epitaxial layers of GAAS by the solu- tion regrowth method is described. Both GAAS of low carrier concentration with high mobility and intentionally doped GAAS layers, suitable for application to Gunn effect devices, can be grown by this process. Several methods for the evaluation of the thickness, doping profiles and mobility of the GAAS layers are discussed. The limitations of these methods are also presented. Several working Gunn devices were fabricated either with solution grown contacts on commercially made epitaxial active layers or with solution grown active layers. (Author) AD-859 848/CP HC E01 MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab., Kirtland AFB, N. Mex. Model Conversion for Circus, Trac, Sceptre, and Net-1. Technical rept. 1 Nov 68-15 Feb 69 Carter M. Glass, and Gary K. Pritchard. Jul 69, 47p Rept no. AFWL-TR-69-37 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Mathe- matical models, 'Transistors, Mathematical models, "Circuits, Design, Transients, Nuclear radiation, Programming(Computers), Design. Identifiers: Computer aided design, CIRCUS computer program, TRAC computer program, SCEPTRE computer program, NET 1 computer program. Transistor and diode models used in transient circuit analysis codes are analyzed. The transistor models built into CIRCUS, NET-1, and TRAC, and the Ebers Moll Model commonly used in SCEPTRE, are illustrated. Tables of conversion factors are given to simplify conver- sion between models, and similar data are given for diode models. Problems that may be encountered in model conversions are ex- plored. (Author) AD-864 906/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. School of Electrical Engineering. Suppression In Active Devices-Circuits Interim technical rept. (Annual), 1 Nov 68-31 Oct 69 J. M. Ballantyne. Dec 69, 1 15p RADC-TR-69-410 Contract F30602-68-C-0073 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Diodes(Semiconductor), Microwave oscillators, 'Microwave oscillators, Reliability(Electronics), Electromagnetic com- patibility, Noise(Radio), Interferometers, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: "Gunn diodes, "Spurious radiation. The aim of this project is to study the spurious emissions from transit-time Gunn diodes which affect the electromagnetic compatibility of these devices. Harmonic emission far from the fundamental and noise emission in the vicinity of the fundamental have been studied. Efforts on the harmonic program were directed toward the isolation and elimination of extraneous reflections and interferences in the far infrared interferometer. Noise from Gunn effect oscilla- tors has been extensively measured. A major contribution to the noise spectrum is upcon- verted flicker noise present in the diode cur- rent. An analytic treatment of this up-conver- sion process is g iven. (Author) AD-865 352/CP PC A12/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton, Calif. Ground Systems Group. Theoretical Investigation of Acoustic Surface Waves on Piezoelectric Crystals Final rept. 1 Dec 68-30 Nov 69 William R. Jones, James J. Campbell, and Sonja L. Veilleux. 4 Dec 69, 257p FR-69-14-1312, AFCRL-70-0020 Contract F19628-69-C-0132 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Piezoelectric crystals, Acoustic properties, Computer programs. Electric cur- rents, Surface properties, Films, Sound trans- mission. Identifiers: Surface waves, Acoustic surface waves. The report describes the analyses of several piezoelectric and pure elastic surface wave 57 propagation problems and computer programs which implement their numerical study. In addi- tion, the formal analysis of an electric current line source located above a piezoeiectric crystal half space is presented in some detail. (Author) AD-867-379/CP PC E04/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, N.Y. Computerized RADC Reliability Notebook (GE/645/TSS/Basic) Final technical rept. George W. Lyne. Mar 70, 102p Rept no. RADC- TR-70-14 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: *Reliability(Electronics), Computer Programs, Failure(Electronics), Life Expectan- cy, Malfunctions, Probability, Stresses, Poten- tiometers, Capacitors, Electric connectors, Electric relays, Electric switches, Semiconduc- tor devices, Microminiaturization(Electronics), Handbooks. Identifiers: AF. Computer programs which enable the reliability engineer to mechanically apply the 'RADC Re- liability Notebook,' Volume II, September 1967, in obtaining the failure rate of piece parts are presented. (Author) AD-873 830/CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif. Nonlinear Computer Models of Field-Effect Transistors Master's thesis Arthur David Rathjen. Jun 70, 52p Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Field effect transistors, Mathe- matical models, 'Inverter circuits, Siumlation, Amplifiers, Limiters, Mixers(Electronics), Transfer functions, Matrix algebra, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Computer aided design, Compu- terized simulation, Trac computer program, Fortran 4 programming language, Fortran, "Network analysis theory. Whenever active devices are included in an electronic circuit that is to be analyzed by a computer, appropriate models for these devices must be developed. A lumped large- signal dynamic model of the field-effect transistor (FET) is presented and the procedure for pointwise linearization of this model is described. This linearized model is suitable for use with the TRAC (Transient Radiation Analy- sis by Computer program) network analysis program. Implementation of this model using TRAC coding was demonstrated by pro- gramming an example circuit for each of two basic types of field-effect transistor. The per- formance of the model in simulating a basic pulse invertor circuit was compared with actual device behavior. Suggestions for extension of this work are included. (Author) AD-875 184/CP PC E01/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. School of Electrical Engineering. Nonlinear Study of Semiconductor Avalanches Interim Technical rept. Reidar Lauri Kuvas. Aug 70, 235p RADC-TR-70- 142 Contract F30602-68-C-0042 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Avalanche diodes, Per- formance(Engineering), Car- riers(Semiconductors), Microwaves, Noise(Radio), Radiofrequency oscillators, Ap- proximation^ athematics), Response, Parametric amplifiers, Computer programs. Identifiers: Impatt diodes. A time-dependent differential equation for the generated conduction current density in a semiconductor avalanche has been derived in the quasistatic approximation. The modifica- tion of the intrinsic response time is shown to be of special importance in the design of avalanche photodiodes. Analytical design criteria for such diodes are given. (Author) AD-876 732/CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab., White Oak, Md. Computer Design of Stripline Components Richard O. Giorgis, Alan J. Ramsbotham, and Donald L. Wilson. 4 Jun 70, 90p Rept no. NOLTR-70-105 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Strip transmission lines, Microwave equipment, "Microwave equipment, Design, Passive, Coupling circuits, Electric fil- ters, Computer programs, Electrical im- pedance. Identifiers: "Computer aided design. The paper presents a number of computer pro- grams used in the analysis and synthesis of passive microwave stripline components. The programs generate electrical and dimensional parameters for parallel coupled lines, stub tuned lines, couplers, and filters. Also included are programs to calculate characteristic im- pedance. The programs are written in both BASIC and FORTRAN computer languages and the emphasis of the report is placed on the use of the programs and not on the theoretical aspects of the structures. (Author) AD-894 473/8CP PC E04/MF A01 Martin Marietta Aerospace, Orlando, Fla. EMP Generated Waveforms Subsystems and Circuits May 72, 79p Rept no. OR-1 1 930 Contract DAAH01-71-C-1366 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Transmission lines, Radiation damage, "Electromagnetic pulses, Radiation damage. Guided missiles(Surface-to-surface), Nuclear explosions, Electronic equipment. Mathematical prediction, Mathematical models, Program ming(Computers). Identifiers: CTRAN computer program, Persh- ing, XMGM-31 A missiles, A. The primary objective was to develop a technique for predicting the characteristics of coupled energy on system cables having a wide range of parameters. It was also desired to present the results of the prediction technique in the form of nomographs or charts to be used by system designers. Energy coupled into com- plex systems generally contains many frequen- cy components and amplitude variations. In order to facilitate design and test specification requirements, a simplified mathematical model of the major frequency and amplitude com- ponents was desirable. (Author) AD-910 226/OCP PC A08/MF A01 RCA Advanced Technology Labs., Camden, N.J. Approaches to Custom LSI Final rept. 1 Jun 72-1 Mar 73 Albert Feller, J. Greenhouse, T.J. Lombard, A. M.Smith, and J. E.Saultz. Mar 73, 158p AFAL- TR-73-17 Contract F33615-72-C-1929 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, Design, Semiconductor devices, Computer programs, Simulation, Manufacturing, Logic circuits, Gates(Circuits), Transients, Sapphire, Silicon, Costs, Flow charting, Films, Subroutines, Plot- ters, Interfaces, Loran, Reliability(Electronics). Identifiers: Avionics, Bipolar transistors, Com- plementary metal oxide semiconductors, "Computer aided design. Emitter coupled logic, Metal oxide semiconductors, Schottky barrier devices. Semiconductor diodes, Silicon on sap- phire, Thick films, Thin films, "Large scale in- tegrated circuits, Medium scale integrated cir- cuits. A study was conducted to determine why few avionics systems are being designed today using custom LSI arrays and to propose solu- tions and recommendations that would con- tribute to increased utilization of custom LSI ar- rays in avionic system designs. An extensive survey of the technologies and techniques available for custom LSI array design and fabri- cation was made, followed by a similarly exten- sive survey of airframe and space houses to determine the reasons for not using custom LSI arrays in new eq uipment. AD-913 866/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, Pa. Aero-Electronic Technology Dept. Efficiency Study of Electrically Short High- Frequency Antennas Phase rept. Gerald Palatucci. Aug 73, 67p Rept no. NADC- 73054-20 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Aircraft antennas, Efficiency, An- tenna feeds, Impedance matching, Dipole an- tennas, Conical bodies, Helical antennas. At- tenuation, Tuned circuits, Voltage, Standing wave ratios, Jet fighters, Patrol aircraft, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs. Digital computers, High frequency, Communication systems, Cylindrical bodies. Disks, Inductance, Fixed capacitors. Identifiers: F-14 aircraft, Electric coils, Load- ing(Electrical), S-3 aircraft. The requirements for high-frequency commu- nication systems are becoming more stringent especially for small aircraft such as the F-14 and S-3. To optimize the transmitter power budget, the relative efficiency of various anten- na configurations including the coupling cir- cuits required to match the antenna to the transmitter has been compared in this analytic and experimental study. AD-914 142/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center, New Lon- don, Conn. New London Lab. Machine for Information Display and Simula- tion (MIDAS) Research rept. Andrew C. Krajec. Sep 73, 29p Rept no. NUSC- TR-4631 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Display systems, "Sonar equip- ment, Man machine systems, Real time. Simula- tion, Cathode ray tubes. Digital computers, Resolution, Plan position indicators, Semicon- ductor devices, Mathematical models. Input output devices. Video signals, Interactions. Identifiers: AN/SQS-26, Computer driven dis- plays, Minicomputers, Video processors, Com- puter aided design, DDP 516 computers, Com- puter programs. The machine for information display and simu- lation (MIDAS) is a tool for basic display research and a simulator for evaluating console design. A data General Supernova minicom- puter directs the operation of two independent high-resolution display controllers. A Honeywell DDP-516 minicomputer executes real-time mathematical models of the AN/SQS- 26 sonar system and its environment and tar- gets. Control of the wide dynamic range of dis- play parameters (e.g., refresh rate and video and reflection signals) are accessible to the ex- perimenter for display research. The simulation capabilities of Midas are demonstrated by its display-level simulation of the AN/SQS-26 mod display subsystem in order to evaluate the 58 subsystem prior to specification. (Modified author abstract) AD-920 001/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Varian Associates Palo Alto Calif Light Sensing and Emitting Div High Speed 1.06 Micron Photomultiplier Tubes Final rept. 1 Jun 71-29 Jun 73 R. S. Enck, Jr. Jun 74, 94p AFAL-TR-73-401 Contract F3361 5-71 -C-1 763 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared detectors, 'Crossed field devices, "Photomultiplier tubes, Response, "Laser communications, Frequency multipliers, "Neodymium lasers, Harmonic generators, Near infrared radiation, Green, Gain, Bandwidth, Quantum efficiency, Light pulses, Yttrium alu- minum garnet, Photosensitivity, Dynodes, Noise(Electrical and electromagnetic), Digital computers, Computer programs, Transients, In- dium phosphides, Arsenides, Gallium arse- nides, Bibliographies. Identifiers: Transient response, S-20 photocathodes, Rise time, Fall time, Indium ar- senide phosphides, Group 3 elements. Group 5 elements, Negative electron affinity, Computer aided design. This report describes the results of work per- formed under this contract the original purpose of which was to design and develop high speed 1.06 micron sensitive static crossed field photomultipliers. As a result of two program modifications, this contract successfully developed two different static crossed field photomultipliers (SCFPs). The end use of such devices would be their incorporation into gigabit laser communication systems as optical receivers. The first development of this three- phase program was a high output current (250 microamp) four-stage device which features 120 picosecond rise and fall times, a 3- gigahertz bandwidth, 1000 gain, and either S-20 or 1.06 micron InAsP photocathodes achieving 7% quantum efficiency at 5000A and 1.4% quantum efficiency at 1 .06 microns. The second development was a 250 microamp output cur- rent, six-stage SCFP achieving 100,000 gain at 150 picosecond rise and fall times (2.5 GHz bandwidth) and incorporated GaAs 0.53 micron photocathodes which achieved 18% quantum efficiency. Excess noise for these devices was less than 1 dB. Finally, 0.53 micron GaAs photocathodes were incorporated into 250 microamp output current four-stage devices with the same gain and bandwidth as achieved in the first development. Quantum efficiencies of 22% at 0.53 micron were produced as well as high gain gallium phosphide dynodes and ex- cess noise of less than 0.4 dB. AD-921 703/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Radiation Lab VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mutual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots Technical rept. 1 Sep 72-31 Aug 73 Mohamed A. Hidayet, John A. M. Lyon, and Charles B. Loftis, Jr. Feb 74, 142p 004970-2-T, AFAL-TR-73-399-Pt-2 Contract F33615-71-C-1495 See also Part 1 , AD-91 8 224L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Phased arrays, Linear arrays, "Slot antennas, Coupling(lnteraction), Com- puter programs. Boundary value problems, Very high frequency. Ultrahigh frequency, An- tenna radiation patterns, Antenna arrays, Phase shift circuits, Electromagnetic fields, Matrices(Mathematics), Antenna feeds, Waveguides, X band. Identifiers: Blind spots. The analysis of finite planar arrays of slots is developed. This analysis includes as special cases the linear array of slots with weak coupling and the linear array with strong coupling. This strong coupling case has not been available heretofore in the literature. Likewise the analysis of the finite planar array is presented for the first time in this report. The degenerate or special case of the linear array with the weak coupling of slots is presented with experimental confirmation of results. The experiments of others were used to verify the finite planar array analysis. A complete and error free program has been written in Fortran IV language during this study. This program will enable the sponsor to fully utilize the advanced methods of calculation of array performance without the necessity of making expensive ex- perimental models of planar arrays. This type of early design calculation also makes it possible to avoid 'blind spots' in the projected array per- formance. The analysis may be adapted to ar- rays using other than slot elements through the use of the same basic approximation methods as well as with full use of reciprocity and sym- metry. ANL-TKK/RJL-2 PC E01/MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. "Forgy"- a Companion Computer Program of "Trim" to Calculate Forces and Energy in Electromagnets T. K. Khoe, and R.J. Lari.4 Jan 72, 26p Descriptors: "Magnets. For abstract, see NSA26 19, number 47599. ANL-7659 HC A14 MF A01 Argonne National Lab., III. INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVER- SION SYMMETRY R. L. Aurbach, J. B. Ketterson, F. M. Mueller, and L. R. Windmiller. Jul 70, 31 1p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Solid state physics. For abstract, see NSA 25 07, number 14433. AWRE-O-30/75 PC E99/MF A01 UKAEA Weapons Group, Aldermaston. Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin, Rectangular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. P. G. Hambling. Aug 75, 27 U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Microelectronic circuits, "Temperature distribution, Computer codes, Fortran. Identifiers: ERDA/420800. A program in Fortran IV currently used on IBM 370/168 to compute temperature distribution across a thin, rectangular conduction and con- vection cooled microcircuit is described. Flowcharts (with a commentary) a user's manual and a worked example are given. BDX-613-1062 PC A03/MF A01 Bendix Corp., Kansas City, Mo. (Usa). Solid State Circuit Breaker. Technological Spinoff Report. E. R.Elmer. Feb 74, 28p Contract AT(29-1)-613 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *S codes, "Circuit breakers, "Design, Electronic circuits. For abstract, see NSA 29 12, number31647. BNL-50585 PC A02/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. User's Guide for GRAPEL: Graph for En- gineering Language L.Osterer. Jul 76, 14p Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Electronic cir- cuits, CDC computers, Computer aided design, Fortran, G codes, Logic circuits. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, ERDA/990200, "Logic design. A logic design diagram is constructed from "MODEL" input statements which describe devices, signals, and their connections to one another. The circuit design process accom- plished by iterations of "LINDA" and "MODEL" can be accelerated with the pictorial display provided by this program, without any further data preparation. After design completion, GRAPEL results serve as documentation. (ERA citation 03:019521) CEA-CONF-2650 PC A04/MF A01 CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Lab. d'Electronique et de Technologie de Nnformatique. Imag 2 Program for the Cad of Electronic Cir- cuits: Bipolar and Mosfet Models at L. E.T.I. J. Borel, B. Baylac, and E. Mackowiak. 31 Oct 73, 57p Rept no. CONF-7306105-1 U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, "Design, "Computer codes, "I codes, "Electronic circuits, Design, Mathematical models, Mosfet, Op- timization, Performance. For abstract, see NSA 31 02, number 05436. CEA-N-1347 PC E01 MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires. Data Acquisition and Processing Program for Thermionic Diodes Parameters, on a Pdp 8-I Computer. Jacques Colomes, and Thierry Alleau. Oct 70, 33 p U.S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Thermionic converters. For abstract, see NSA 24 24, number 51472. CEA-R-4337 PC E01/MF A01 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique, Bruyeres- Le-Chatel (France). Centre D'Etudes. Simulation of gamma Ray Effects on Bipolar Transistors Using the Cao Programs P. Cottin, and G. Hantelle. Jul 72, 29p Lang- In French. U. S. Sales only Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Gamma radiation, "Transistors. For abstract, see NSA 27 03, number 05376. COM-71-50317/CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Time and Frequency Div. Efficient Numerical and Analog Modeling of Flicker Noise Processes Technical note J. A. Barnes, and Stephen Jarvis, Jr. Jun 71 , 25p Rept no.NBS-TN-604 Paper copy available from GPO $0.35/copy as stock no. 0303-0861, C1 3. 46:604. Descriptors: "Random noise. Computerized simulation. Digital filters. White noise, Transfer functions, Difference equations. Mathematical models. Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FLICKER computer program. Flicker noise. 59 It is shown that by cascading a few simple re- sistor-capacitor filers, a filter can be con- structed which generates from a white noise source a noise signal whose spectral density is very nearly flicker, over several decades of frequency f. Using difference equations model- ing this filter, recursion relations are obtained which permit very efficient digital computer generation of flicker noise time-series over a similar spectral range. These analog and digital filters may also be viewed as efficient approxi- mations to integrators of order one-half. (Author) COM-73-50805/3CP PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Electromagnetics Div. Considerations for the Precise Measurement of Amplifier Noise Technical note David F. Wait. Aug 73, 133p Rept no. NBS-TN- 640 Paper copy available from GPO $1.25 as C1 3.46:640. Descriptors: 'Amplifiers, "Electromagnetic noise, Measurement, Thermal noise, Computer programs, Errors. Identifiers: NBS. For the best accuracy in measuring noise figure, attention should be given to the choice of the hot and the cold noise standards and to mismatch problems. Tables and graphs are presented to aid in choosing the proper mea- surement conditions, and an example is given to demonstrate their use. This paper essentially supplements a previous paper (included in an appendix), treating in more detail topics that become important when state-of-the-art mea- surements are required. COM-75-10376/2CP PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Electromagnetics Div. Characterization of a High Frequency Probe Assembly for Integrated Circuit Measure- ments Final rept. R. L. Jesch, and C. A. Hoer. Apr 75, 60p Rept no. NBS-TN-663 Sponsored in part by Air Force Weapons Lab., Kirtland AFB, N. Mex. Paper copy also available from GPO as C1 3.46:663. Descriptors: 'Probes, Integrated circuits, Mea- surement, Transistors, Computer programs, BASIC programming language. A detailed, applications-oriented description of a measurement technique that characterizes a high-frequency probe assembly for integrated circuit measurements is given along with the procedure that extracts the parasitic effects of the probe assembly from measurements made at the input connectors of the probe assembly. The scattering parameters of an integrated-cir- cuit device or transistor can now be extracted and accurately determined up to 2 GHz at the wafer stage of assembly. This represents a sig- nificant advance over conventional techniques that enable only dc parameters to be measured. Measurement results using this technique are given along with the precision of values ob- tained as well as the nature of the measurement bias introduced by the probe assembly. COM-75-10711/0CP PCA03/MFA01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Electronic Technology Div. Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data Final rept. Sep 72-Sep 74 Richard L. Mattis, and Martin G. Buehler. Jun 75,43p Rept no. NBS-Special Pub-400-11 Contract ARPA Order-2397 Sponsored in part by Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 75-619089. Paper copy also available from GPO as C13.10:400-11. Descriptors: 'Semiconductor doping, 'Junction diodes, Computer programs, Silicon, Semicon- ductors, Density(Number/volume), Capacitance, Electrical potential. Semiconduc- tor devices, BASIC programming language, Ad- ditives. Identifiers: CV1 computer program, CV2 com- puter program. A computer program is presented which is suitable for calculating dopant density vs. depth profiles from capacitance-voltage data for the case of a Gaussian-diffused p-n junction diode. The program includes corrections for peripheral capacitance of round or rectangular diodes and back depletion of the space charge region into the diffused layer. Inputs to the pro- gram consist of the surface dopant density, the junction depth, the background dopant density in the diffused layer, the junction diameter, three scaling parameters, and the capacitance- voltage data pairs. Output from the program is in the form of a plot and an optional listing of dopant density as a function of depth. The equations underlying the program are given and are related to the program whose operation is described in detail. A second program, for generating idealized capacitance-voltage data pairs. Output from the program is in the form of a plot and an optional listing of dopant density as a function of depth. The equations underly- ing the program are given and are related to the program whose operation is described in detail. A second program, for generating idealized capacitance-voltage data for a Gaussian-dif- fused diode on material with a constant dopant density is also included. CONF-760829-6 PC A02/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Computer Program to Calculate Composite Conductor Losses in Pulsed Poloidal Coil Systems W. H. Gray, and J. K. Ballou. 1976, 5p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Applied superconductivity conference, Stan- ford, California, United States of America (USA), 17 Aug 1976. Descriptors: 'Superconducting magnets, 'Tokamak type reactors, Composite materials, Computer codes, Eddy currents, Energy losses, Heat transfer, Hysteresis, P codes. Identifiers: ERDA/700202, ERDA/420201. The code was used to analyze the present design for the poloidal coil system of the ORNL Experimental Power Reactor (EPR). This design requires that superconductor hysteresis losses, superconductor coupling losses, stabilizing material eddy current losses, and structural material eddy current losses be taken into con- sideration in the calculation of conductor losses. A tabulation of individual losses vs variations in superconductor characteristics and coil current changes is presented to demonstrate the parameters which significantly affect the design. Results indicate that the total energy released into the cryogenic system is less than one-half of that predicted by the previ- ously oversimplified calculation. (ERA citation 02:012073) CONF-771104-1 PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. SALSIM: A Language for Control of Digital Logic Simulation G. R. Case, and J. D. Stauffer. Jul 77, 4p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 11. annual ASILOMAR conference on circuits, systems, and computers, Pacific Grove, Califor- nia, USA, 7 Nov 1977. Descriptors: 'Integrated circuits, 'Programming languages. Computer aided design. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, Simulation, SALSIM programming language, Large scale integrated circuits, Simulation languages. During the development of large-scale-in- tegrated circuits, logic simulation is used to verify the circuit functions and to develop a sequence of input vectors to test the chip after fabrication. In the simulation phase it is neces- sary to provide a user-oriented simulation lan- guage to allow the designer easily to apply the desired states to the input terminals of the net- work and to monitor its response. The SALSIM language was designed to achieve this goal. The language has three major functions: con- trol of program execution, application of vec- tors to the input terminals of the network under test, and control of the information generated by the network output. The latter function al- lows the user to examine the results of the net- work simulation and to interface the simulaton results with other programs used to generate test sequences or apply the sequences to the actual chip after it is built. Similar to FORTRAN, the language is easy to learn. Typical state- ments are explained. (ERA citation 03:004754) CONS/3800-1 PC A05/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Cryogenics Div. Helium Research in Support of Superconduct- ing Power Transmission. Annual Report, July 1975-September 1976 M. C. Jones, V. D. Arp, W. R. Parrish, D. E. Daney, and P. R. Ludke. Feb 77, 90p Contract EX-76-A-1 0-3800 Descriptors: 'Helium, 'Superconducting ca- bles, 'Transducers, Burnout, Computer calcu- lations, Computer codes, Energy conservation, Fluid flow, Heat transfer. Performance, Power transmission, Research programs, Test facili- ties, Thermal conductivity, Thermodynamic properties. Identifiers: ERDA/200303, ERDA/420201, Su- perconducting power transmission, Power lines. This is the second annual report of research on helium related problems in support of super- conducting power transmission development. Results are presented from experimental and computer modeling of the performance of cur- rent leads cooled with supercritical helium gas. Performance characteristics studied are burn- out conditions and existence of oscillation in the helium gas. Some conclusions on the feasi- bility of data transmission from high-voltage re- gions to grounded read-out instrumentation, on thermometry and on helium impurity mea- surements are reported. Test results of microwave cavity pressure transducers for use at helium temperatures are discussed in detail. Some improvements in computer codes for helium properties and some recent data on the thermal conductivity of helium are described. A recently completed flow facility is described which has been built for research on flow and heat transfer dynamics of supercritical helium in channels of high aspect ratio modeling su- perconducting power transmission line chan- nels. (ERA citation 02:056360) COO-2383-0013 PC A06/MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana Dept. of Computer Science. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, April, May, June 1974. W. J. Poppelbau m. 1 18p Rept no. UIUCDCS- QPR-74-2 Contract AT(11-1)-2383 Descriptors: 'Computers, 'Research programs, 'Electronic circuits, Research programs, Auto- mation, Computer codes, Education, Logic cir- cuits, Magnetic fields. 60 For abstract, see NSA 31 03, number 07993. DEMO-75/5 PC A03/MF A01 Democritus Nuclear Research Center, Athens (Greece). Time Domain Synthesis of Digital Laguerre Filters. R. E. King, and P. N. Paraskevopoulos. Jun 75, 38p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Electric filters, Design, Cdc com- puters. Computer codes, Fortran. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Digital filters, Greece. The essential theory and a time domain synthe- sis procedure for a class of digital filters which are the discrete analogs of the classical con- tinuous Laguerre filters are presented. The resultant filters are nonrecursive and yet have an infinite impulse response. These filters pos- sess a transversal structure which may be suitably truncated. An algorithm for minimizing truncation errors and a computer-aided design procedure are presented. Two typical examples are given which illustrate the synthesis procedure. EPRI-EL-284 PC A12/MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. Fundamental Investigation of Arc Interruption In Gas Flows. Final Report G. Frind, R. E. Kinsinger, R. D. Miller, H. T. Nagamatsu, and H. O. Noeske. Jan 77, 251 p Descriptors: 'Circuit breakers, Aerodynamics, Air, Carbon dioxide, Carbon fluorides, Com- puter codes. Dielectric properties. Gas flow, Gases, Mathematical models, Nitrogen oxides, Nozzles, Optimization, Performance testing, Power systems, Sulfur fluorides. Identifiers: ERDA/200300, "Interrupters, 'Gas blast circuit breakers, Sulfur fluorides. Work on the problem of early, or thermal, recovery of gas blast interrupters is reported. The objective of this work is to obtain a quan- titative understanding of the physical and aerodynamic processes important for the op- timization of such apparatus. In investigations of model testing techniques, recovery speed (RRRV) was found to be completely indepen- dent of power frequency over a wide range as long as nozzle blocking and metallic electrode vapor contamination effects are avoided. In in- vestigations of nozzle and electrode geometry, a sharply defined optimal position was found for the upstream electrode with respect to the nozzle throat. Correlations were established between RRRV and features of the flow field at various electrode positions. A diffuse arc sec- tion, contributing very little to the recovery speed, was found at the downstream end of nozzles in which large divergence angles and/or low nozzle pressure ratios led to separa- tion of the flow from the wall and associated in- ternal shock waves. Gases and gas mixtures which have thermal recovery speeds nearly as fast as that of SF sub 6 were identified. Such gas mixtures, particularly those with SF sub 6 , permit gaining an advantage over pure SF sub 6 by operation at higher total pressure. A simple theory which indicates the relative recovery speed of gases based on explicit properties of the gas molecular structure was developed. Collectively, the new information holds promise for significant improvements in the thermal in- terruption speed of gas blast interrupters. (ERA citation 02:024309) EPRI-EL-537 PC A10/MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Design and Development Center. Controlled Impedance Short Circuit Limiter. Research Report 654 D. A. Paice, J. Zubek, J. Bonk, and R. P. Putkovich. Sep 77, 201 Descriptors: 'Current limiters, 'Hvac systems, Computer codes, Cost, Design, Economics, Electrical faults, Mathematical models, Per- formance, Performance testing, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/200301, Limitr circuits. Continued growth of electrical power systems and the consequent increase in fault currents has produced the need for current limiting devices. The objective of this program was to investigate the technical and economic factors associated with one particular fault current technique, the controlled impedance current limiter. In this method, a series tuned inductor- capacitor circuit, placed in the line, has virtually zero impedance under normal operation; how- ever, during a fault the series tuned configura- tion is rapidly altered into a high resistive im- pedance. Five circuit variations of this limiter were examined. Performance of the resonant circuit limiters was analyzed and evaluated by using a digital computer simulation and by tests on a scaled-down model. The computer simula- tion was based on a power system application having a throughput rating of 300 MVA at a nominal system voltage of 145 kV. The results of this study, however, are applicable for limiters in 69 kV to 345 kV systems. The major parameters of interest were the first cycle peak let-through current, steady state limited fault current, and peak component stresses. With this current limiter, the fault current has rela- tively little offset and the instantaneous peak let-through current can be held to about 10 times rated current. The fault current after one cycle is typically held to 2 times rated current and is resistive (0 exp phase angle). The major components of the limiter are conventional in- ductors and capacitors. Typically, a limiter module having a 100 MVA throughput rating occupies a space of 34 x 26 x 20 ft. The costs vary between $1500 to $3900 per MVA. If this cost can be justified, the application, in view of its losses (approximately 0.1%) is especially at- tractive on a bus tie where its low load factor imposes a minimum of penalty. Furthermore, the strong current limiting performance cou- pled with resistive follow-through current results in minimum fault current contribution to the system. (ERA citation 03:010073) EPRI-EL-545 PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. School of Elec- trical Engineering. Computer Program for Determination of Earth Potentials Due to Faults or Loss of Concentric Neutral on Urd Cable E. B. Joy, and H. N. Nunnally. May 77, 1 18p Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Electric cables, 'Underground power transmission, B codes. Computer calculations. Corrosion, Earth crust, Electric potential, Electrical faults, Numerical solution, Power transmission, Soils. Identifiers: ERDA/200301. Extruded solid dielectric cables with bare con- centric neutral wires have received wide indus- try acceptance for underground residential dis- tribution primary construction. The per- formance of this type of cable has been out- standing since the early 1960's. However, in- cidences of corrosion of the bare copper con- centric neutral wires have caused the utilities to consider methods of mitigating the corrosion process. One viable method to control the cor- rosion is to apply an appropriate semiconduct- ing or insulating jacket over the neutral wires. However, the effects of the jackets on "touch and step" potentials during short-circuits was not known. A research program was un- dertaken to develop a general computer pro- gram to calculate "touch and step" potentials, using the Franksville, Wisconsin Test Data as a basis for verifying the program. An additional objective was to compute earth surface poten- tials resulting from operation with an open neutral. The basic approach to the calculation of "touch and step" potentials is to isolate a section of cable of arbitrary length. A dis- tributed parameter model is used to represent this cable section, the surrounding soil and supplemental grounding within the section. An equivalent circuit is employed to represent the remainder of the electrical system. The calcula- tion of the "touch and step" potentials involves the solution of sets of simultaneous equations for the isolated section and Kirchoff's equa- tions for the external equivalent circuit. (ERA citation 03:006572) EPRI-7825-FR PC A11/MF A01 l-T-E- Imperial Corp., Greensburg, Pa. Optimized Design for Gas Cable Systems. Final Report. J. C. Cronin. Sep 75, 226p Contract E(49-18)-1615 Descriptors: *Hv systems, Gas-insulated cables, "Gas-insulated cables. Design, Comparative evaluations, Computer codes, Cost, Economics, Electrical insulation, Optimization, Performance, Performance testing, Sulfur fluorides, Underground power transmission. Identifiers: ERDA/200301, 'Power transmission lines. The results of an 18-month research study on the optimization of gas-filled cables for high voltage underground power transmission are presented. Information is included on computer programs for evaluating single- and three-con- ductor designs and for comparing aboveground and underground installation modes; systems capability; economics and de- mand; cost of SF sub 6 transmission line; development of metallic and nonmetallic enclo- sures and of conductor joints; insulation per- formance; and field testing. EUR-5285e PC E99/MF A01 Commission of the European Communities, Ispra (Italy). Joint Research Centre. Interactive System for the Automatic Layout of Printed Circuit Boards (Araignee). M.Combet, J. Eder, and C. Pagny. 1974,34 U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Printed circuits, 'Fabrication, Au- tomation, Computer codes. Identifiers: ERDA/420800. For abstract, see ERA 75 05, number 00907. HMI-B-182 PC A03/MF A01 Hahn-Meitner-lnstitut fuer Kernforschung Ber- lin G.m.b.H. (F.R. Germany). Bereich Daten- verarbeitung und Elektronik. Computer Aided Production of Manufacturing Camac-Wired Boards by the Multiwire- Technique. M. Martini, and W. Brehmer. Oct 75, 27p In German. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Electronic circuits, 'Fabrication, Camac system, Computer codes, Design. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, West Germany. The multiwire-technique is a computer con- trolled wiring method for the manufacturing of circuit boards with insulated conductors. The technical data for production are dimensional drawings of the board and a list of all points which are to be connected. The listing must be in absolute co-ordinates including a list of all soldering points for component parts and a reproducible print pattern for inscription. For this wiring method a CAMAC standard board, a layout plan with alpha-numeric symbols, and a computer program which produces the essen- tial technical data were developed. A descrip- tion of the alpha-numeric symbols, the quality of the program, recognition and checking of these symbols, and the produced technical data is presented. 61 IS-3691 PC A09/MF A01 Ames Lab., Iowa. Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors C. H. Culp, and D. E. Eckels. Jan 76, 197p Contract W-7405-eng-82 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'On-line mea- surement systems, "Semiconductor switches, Data acquisition systems, Design, Electric con- ductivity, Electronic circuits, Hp computers, Measuring methods, Performance testing, Pul- ses, Semiconductor materials, Timing proper- ties. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, ERDA/360603, ERDA/990200, Amorphous semiconductors. A computer-controlled data acquisition system which was employed to measure the threshold switching parameters of amorphous semicon- ductors is described. This system is capable of measuring the delay time required for a sample to switch, the electrical energy put into a sam- ple and the charge passing through it during the delay time, and its ambient temperature. With this equipment an experimenter is able to control the magnitude and maximum duration of the voltage applied to a sample, the time in- terval between applications of voltage, and the load resistor in series with a sample. An HP 21 14B minicomputer provides control and anal- ysis capabilities for this system. Basically, this apparatus is a constant voltage pulse generator and signal processor. Major modules of this system are a transistorized high voltage switch, a digitally controlled high voltage resistor and power supply, a low-thermal-noise input- scanner, a precision timer, and two analog in- tegrators. The amplitude of a voltage pulse can be varied from OV to 1 kV and the maximum du- ration can be varied from 10 mu s to 300 s. Dur- ing the voltage pulse, a signal which represents the current through a sample is processed by analog integrators and signal multipliers. If the sample switches to a low-resistance state dur- ing a voltage pulse, this equipment automati- cally detects the event and removes the voltage from the sample to prevent sample deteriora- tion. Following the voltage pulse, a tele- typewriter prints the raw data from the integra- tors, power supply, and timer and the calcu- lated values of the charge and energy input. 44 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 01 :013994) ITEF-22(1976) MF A01 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoi Energii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Teoreticheskoi i Ehksperimental'noi Fiziki. System for Connection of a Scanning Mea- suring Equipment with a Computer. Hardware and Software on the Basis of the BESM-4 Computer N. F. Avdeev, M. N. Bogomolov, and G. A. Volkov. 1976, 36p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Interactive display devices, "Scanning measuring projectors, BESM com- puters, Computer codes, Data processing, Dia- grams, Equipment interfaces, On-line measure- ment systems. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, ERDA/990200, USSR, BESM-4 computers. A system of communication of viewing and measuring devices is considered ensuring an on-line operation with BESM-4 computer. A program of film data processing is presented. A detailed description is given with respect to an interface. Modifications are mentioned in some units of the semi-automatic devices which en- sure a communication with a computer. The communication system allows for a man- machine dialogue. (Atomindex citation 08:344322) JAERI-M-6865 MF A01 Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis Computer Code for Element Coll Test by Finite Element Method H. Nishimura, and S. Shimamoto. Jan 77, 48p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Superconducting coils, 'Superconducting magnets, 'Stress analysis, Computer calculations, Electromagnetic fields, Finite element method, Manuals, Spatial dis- tribution, T codes, Toroidal configuration, Two- dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/420201, Japan, Finite ele- ment analysis. In the element coil test examining properties of a superconductive toroidal coil, the computer code estimates the stress distribution based on the electromagnetic force in a test module coil. The code consists of the programs of elec- tromagnetic force calculation, automatic mesh generation and stress calculation respectively. The input procedure is described, with some example calculations. The following were revealed: the stress in superconductive wires is highest at top and bottom of the coil. And, the external reinforcement dose not much con- tribute to reducing the stress. In the case of 226 nodes, the code requires a main memory core of 216 kW and a CPU time of 15.2 sec. in FACOM 230-75. (Atomindex citation 08:344341) JINR-10-9553 MF A01 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description N.Yu.Shkobin. 1976, 19p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Printed cir- cuits, Algorithms, Computer aided design, Manufacturing, Microprocessors, Optimization, Performance, T codes, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, Computer aided manufacturing, TROPA computer program, USSR. The structure, operating principle and manuals on utilization of the 'Tropa' program are described. The program transforms symbolic description of a printed circuit card into control codes of the 'ADMAR' semiautomatic device. An algorithm is given with respect to optimiza- tion of 'idle running' of semiautomatic device technological components. The algorithm pro- vides a 30-40% time saving for manufacture of printed circuit cards. The 'Tropa' program is oriented for a small-size computer of a PDP-8 type operating in dialogue with an operator. Equipped with trouble-shooting and editing systems, the program is well accommodated for industrial use and easy in operation. (Atomindex citation 08:341273) LA-4205(Add.) HC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. The B Modification of TACS1. Charles L. Wilson. 3 Mar 70, 38p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Semiconductor devices, Mathe- matical models, Computer programs, Boundary value problems, Transistors. Identifiers: TACS1 computer program, Fermi surfaces, Schottky barriers. For abstract, see NSA 241 6 LA-4539 PC E01 MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Andymg3- the Basic Program of a Series of Monte Carlo Programs for Time-Dependent Transport of Particles and Photons D. R.Harris. Oct 70, 21 p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Elementary particles, 'Photons. For abstract, see NSA 25 05, number 09601. LBL-4805 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Calculation of Magnetic Fields for Engineer- ing Devices J. S. Colonias. Jun 76, 7p Rept no. CONF- 760619-5 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Joint international magnetics and magnetism and magnetic materials intermag conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America (USA), 15 Jun 1976. Descriptors: 'Magnetic fields, Accelerators, Calculation methods, Computer calculations, Computer codes, Doublet-3 device, Electric ca- bles, Mathematical models, Superconducting magnets, Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/420200. The methodology of magnet technology and its application to various engineering devices are discussed. Magnet technology has experienced a rigid growth in the past few years as a result of the advances made in superconductivity, nu- merical methods and computational techniques. Included are discussions on: (1) mathematical models for solving magnetic field problems; (2) the applicability, usefulness, and limitations of computer programs that utilize these models; (3) examples of application in various engineering disciplines; and (4) areas where further contributions are needed. (ERA citation 02:003642) LBL-564 PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Computer Programs for Accelerators and Electronic Circuit Designs John S. Colonias. Dec 71 , 59p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Accelerators, 'Circuits, 'Computer programs, 'Electric fields, 'Electromagnetic fields. For abstract, see NSA 26 11, number 26167. N70-23656/CP HC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Elec- tronic Systems Lab. Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User's Manual. M. L. Dertouzos, and J. R. Stinger. May 69, 75p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 09363, ESL-R-381 Contract NGL-22 -009-019, NONR-4102/01/ Descriptors: 'Circuits, 'Computer programs, 'Manuals, 'Network analysis, 'On-line pro- gramming, Circuit diagrams, Input/output rou- tines, Optimization. For abstract, see STAR 0810 N70-26353/CP HC E01 MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). Transformer Designs by Computer Pro- grammes. R. N. Davie. Oct 69, 95p Rept no. WRE-TN-ECD- 55 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Structural design, 'Transformers, Electric power plants, Electrical engineering. For abstract, see STAR 081 2 N70-26441/CP HC E01 MF A01 Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby. Lab. of Electromagnetic Theory. 62 Laboratory of Electromagnetic Theory of the Technical University of Denmark Annual Re- port, 1967e1968. 1968, 18pReptno.D-82 Descriptors: 'Electrical engineering, 'Research and development, Antenna radiation patterns, Bibliographies, Computer programs, Con- ferences, Fortran, Numerical analysis. For abstract, see STAR 081 2 N70-28433/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Description and Evaluation of Digital-Com- puter Program for Analysis of Stationary Out- side- Coil Lundell Alternators. G.Bollenbacher. Jun70, 119p Rept no. NASA- TN-D-5814 Contract 120-27 Descriptors: "Ac generators, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Digital computers, 'Energy conversion efficiency, Electromagnetic properties, Equip- ment specifications, Leakage, Rotors, Systems engineering. For abstract, see STAR 0814 N70-29745/CP HC E01 MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Operating Characteristics of Computer Pro- grams for Nonlinear Transient Analysis. W. J. Schneider. 1 Jun 70, 56p Rept nos. NASA- CR-110366, JPL-TR-32-1429 Contract NAS7-100 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Computerized simulation, 'Network analysis. Analysis (mathematics), Circuits, Nonlinear programming, Semiconductor devices. For abstract, see STAR 081 5 N70-30099/CP HC E01 MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Adelaide (Australia). Design of Chebyshev Passband Filters Ap- proximating a Given Attenuation Charac- teristic in the Stopband. G. R. Haack. Jun 67, 34p Rept no. WRE-TN- PAD-167 Descriptors: 'Bandpass filters, 'Chebyshev ap- proximation, 'Computer programs, 'Wave at- tenuation, Applications of mathematics, At- tenuation coefficients, Bandwidth, Fortran, Iterative solution, Ripples. For abstract, see STAR 081 5 N70-33277/CP HC E01 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Control of Electronic Circuit Designs for Space Vehicles. O. J.Magrini. Jul 70, 15p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 5920, E-5460 Descriptors: 'Circuits, 'Electronic equipment, 'Systems engineering. Aerospace environ- ments. Computer programs, Performance pre- diction. For abstract, see STAR 081 7 N70-33528/CP HC E01 MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). Analysis of Large Dipole Arrays by Digital Computer. J. L. Whitrow. Sep 69, 37p Rept no. WRE-TN- ED-178 Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, 'Antenna radia- tion patterns, 'Dipole antennas, Computer pro- grams, Digital computers. For abstract, see STAR 0818 N70-36567/CP HC E01 MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Tube Dept. Circuit Efficiency Enhancement Studies at 12 G Hz Final Report. G. M. Branch. 29 May 70, 67p Rept no. NASA- CR-72696 Contract NAS3-1 1533 Descriptors: 'Klystrons, 'Power amplifiers, 'Satellite television. Beam waveguides, Cavity resonators, Computer programs, Electron beams, Television transmission. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-36972/CP HC E01 MF A01 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). Recursive Digital Filtering with Zero Phase Shift. J. L. Roughan. Mar 69, 18p Rept no. WRE-TN- TSD-36 Descriptors: 'Digital filters, 'Phase shift, 'Recursive functions, Algorithms, Computer programs, Data processing. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-37184/CP HC E01 MF A01 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough (England). Synthesis of Active Pulse Filters. G. F. Kimbell. Jan 70, 21p Rept no. RAE-TR- 70014 Descriptors: 'Electric filters, "Electric pulses, 'Low pass filters, 'Network synthesis. Band- width, Computer programs, Electric networks, Signal transmission, Transfer functions, Waveforms. For abstract, see STAR 0820 N70-37959/CP HC E01 MF A01 Technology for Communications International, Mountain View, Calif. Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Characteristics on the Rae Satellite, Part 1 Final Report. Aug 70, 226p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 131 12, TCI- 2236-PT-1 Contract NAS5-1 1256 Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns, "Computer programs, "Current distribution, "Dipole antennas, "Radio astronomy explorer satellite, Damping, Libration, Orthogonality, Preamplifiers, Printouts. For abstract, see STAR 0821 N71-11302/CP PC A09 Laboratoire D Automatique Et de Ses Applica- tions Spatiales, Toulouse (France). Contribution to the Digital Control of a Synchromachine. Contribution A La Commande Numerique D'une Synchromachine C.Chicoix. 1969, 183p Lang- in French Spon- Sponsored By Com- pagn. Intern, de llnformatique Descriptors: "Binary data, "Digital to analog converters, "Field effect transistors, "Function generators, "Trigonometric functions, Com- puter programs, Error analysis, Real time operation, Synchronism, Transistor logic. For abstract, see STAR 0902 N71-11374/CP PCA12 Laboratoire D Automatique Et de Ses Applica- tions Spatiales, Toulouse (France). Contribution to the Study of Logic Circuits Using Computers. Contribution A I'Etude des Circuits Logiques Par Ordinateur M. Diaz, and G. Hamalainen. Oct 69, 260p Rept no. LAAS-613-614 Lang- in French Spon- Sponsored By Direc. Gen. A La Rech. Sci. EtTech. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Computerized simulation, "Logic circuits, "Network analysis, Equivalent circuits, Input/output routines, Mathematical models, Problem solving, Switching circuits, Transistor logic, Volt-ampere characteristics. For abstract, see STAR 0902 N71-19172/CP PC A04 Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury (Australia). A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF LOW PASS FILTERS WITH UNIFORM OR SEMIUNIFORM DISSIPATION G. R. Haack. May 70, 69p Rept no. WRE-TN-ED- 193 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Computerized design, "Low pass filters, Dis- sipation, Insertion loss. Mathematical models, Network synthesis. For abstract, see STAR 0908 N71-21053/CP PC A04 Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby. Lab. of Electromagnetic Theory. Admittance of a Thick Antenna - Numerical Procedure and Results R. A. Hurd.and J. Jacobsen. Nov 69, 69p Rept no. R-74 Descriptors: "Antenna feeds, "Computer pro- grams, "Linear arrays, Computation, Electrical impedance, Integral calculus, Numerical in- tegration. Identifiers: NASA subject code 07. For abstract, see STAR 0910 N71-25896/CP PC E01 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Elec- tronic Systems Lab. Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design Final Report M. L. Dertouzos. Nov 70, 67p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 18642, ESL-FR-436 Contract NAS12-2208, NGL-22-009-019 Spon- Sponsored in Part By Arpa Descriptors: "Circuit diagrams, "Computerized design, "On-line programming, Computer pro- grams, Fortran, Ibm computers, Optimization. For abstract, see STAR 091 4 N71-31451/CP PC E01 MF A01 Technische Univ., Berlin (West Germany). Fakultaet Fuer Elektrotechnik. The Behavior of Plane Space Discharge Diode with Maxwellian Velocity Distribution in the Alternating- and Noise-Regimes of the Propagation Time Das Verhalten Der Ebenen Raumladungsdiode Mit Maxwellscher Geschwindigkeitsverteilung Bei H.K.Hubert. 1969, 91p Lang- in German 63 Descriptors: 'Diodes, 'Electron transfer, 'Propagation modes, 'Signal to noise ratios, Approximation, Computer programs, Maxwell- boltzmann density function. For abstract, see STAR 091 8 N72-12093/CP PC E01/MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Radial Rib Antenna Surface Deviation Analy- sis Program J. V. Coyner, Jr. 1 5 Dec 71 , 70p Rept nos. NASA- CR-124570, JPL-TM-33-518 Contract NAS7-1 00 Descriptors: 'Antennas, "Computer programs, 'Ribs (supports), 'Surface properties, Deflec- tion, Mesh, Root-mean-square errors. For abstract, see STAR 1003 N72-13158/CP PCE01/MFA01 Royal Inst, of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden). Div. of Electron Physics. Computer Program for Calculation of Electri- cal Parameters in Cavity Resonators with Cylindrical Symmetry M. Sedlacek. Sep 71, 75p Rept no. TRITA-EPP- 71-06 Descriptors: 'Cavity resonators, 'Computer programs, 'Cylindrical bodies, 'Relaxation method (mathematics), Dissipation, Electric fields, Electrical impedance, Energy storage, Fortran, Q factors, Resonant frequencies, Sym- metry. For abstract, see STAR 1004 N72-15208/CP PC E01/MF A01 Technische Hogeschool, Eindhoven (netherlands). Optimization of Small AC Series Commutator Motors Ph.D. Thesis R. H.Dijken. 1971,1 90p Descriptors: 'Alternating current, 'Commutators, 'Electric motors, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Optimization, Rotors. For abstract, see STAR 1006 N72-20198/CP PC E01/MF A01 Laboratoire Dautomatique Et de Ses Applica- tions Spatiales, Toulouse (france). Operations Manual for the Laas 2 Electronic Circuit Simulation Program in Pulsed Mode . Notice Dutilisation de Laas 2, Programme de Simulation de Circuits Electroniques en Regime Impulsionnel H. Jaladieu.Oct71, 19p Rept no. LAAS-NT-SIS- 71-T-03 Descriptors: 'Circuits, 'Computer pro- gramming, 'Computerized simulation, Capaci- tors, Diodes, Electric current, Electric net- works, Electric potential, Equivalent circuits, Resistors. The LAAS 2 program is a computer program for simulating electric and electronic circuits in- cluding power and current sources, resistors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors giving the values of current and voltage on each branch of a network list and format of input data are defined and some explanations are given on the print-out. N72-20230/CP PC E01/MF A01 Technische Univ., Berlin (west Germany). Eddy Current Distribution in Parallel Conduc- tors Wirbelstromverteilung in Parallelen Leitern Ph.D. Thesis M. Ehrich.1970, 134p Descriptors: 'Eddy currents, 'Electric conduc- tors, 'Electrical properties, 'Parallel plates, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Nu- merical analysis. A numerical analysis of the electrical properties and distribution of eddy currents in parallel conductors is presented. The conditions exist- ing in conductors in the form of thin plates, wide plates, and circular cylinders are ex- amined. Computer programs for solving the mathematical relationships are explained. The following assumptions were imposed on condi- tions affecting the eddy currents over a cross section of the conductor: (1) omission of the capacitance mathematical relationships are ex- plained. The following assumptions were im- posed on conditions affecting the eddy cur- rents over a cross section of the conductor: (1) omission of the capacitance current, (2) con- stant permeability in space, and (3) the field strength does not depend on the longitudinal direction of the conductor. N72-22218/CP PC E01/MF A01 Caed Corp., La Canada, Calif. Design of Microstrip Components by Com- puter T. C. Cisco. Mar 72, 266p Rept no. NASA-CR- 1982 Contract NASI -10521 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Computerized design, 'Microwave equipment, 'Strip transmission lines, Fortran, Integrated circuits, Microwave coupling, Microwave switching. Miniaturization. A number of computer programs are presented for use in the synthesis of microwave com- ponents in microstrip geometries. The pro- grams compute the electrical and dimensional parameters required to synthesize couplers, fil- ters, circulators, transformers, power splitters, diode switches, multipliers, diode attenuators and phase shifters. Additional programs are in- cluded to analyze and optimize cascaded trans- mission lines and lumped element networks, to analyze and synthesize Chebyshev and Butter- worth filter prototypes, and to compute mixer intermodulation products. The programs are written in FORTRAN and the emphasis of the study is placed on the use of these programs and not on the theoretical aspects of the struc- tures. (Author) N72-26187/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Toroidal Transformer Design Program with Application to Inverter Circuitry J. A. Dayton, Jr. Jun 72, 38p Rept nos. NASA- TM-X-2540, E-6785 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Computerized design, 'Inverters, "Transformers, Fortran, Magnetic cores, Spacecraft power supplies, Temperature com- pensation, Toroids, Weight (mass). Estimates of temperature, weight, efficiency, regulation, and final dimensions are included in the output of the computer program for the design of transformers for use in the basic parallel inverter. The program, written in FOR- TRAN 4, selects a tape wound toroidal magnetic core and, taking temperature, materials, core geometry, skin depth, and ohmic losses into ac- count, chooses the appropriate wire sizes and number of turns for the center tapped primary and single secondary coils. Using the program, 2- and 4-kilovolt-ampere transformers are designed for frequencies from 200 to 3200 Hz and the efficiency of a basic transistor inverter is estimated. (Author) N73-10145/CP PC E08/MF A01 Autonetics, Anaheim, Calif. Analysis of a Display and Control System Man-Machine Interface Concept. Volume 1 Final Technical Report D. R. Karl. 8 Sep 72, 214p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 1 28576, C71 -999/401 -VOL-1 Contract NAS9-1 2266 Descriptors: "Display devices, "Man machine systems, 'Space shuttle orbiters, 'Spacecraft control, Cathode ray tubes, Computer pro- grams. Computers, Data management, Redundancy, Systems engineering. An evaluation was made of the feasibility of utilizing a simplified man machine interface concept to manage and control a complex space system involving multiple redundant computers that control multiple redundant subsystems. The concept involves the use of a CRT for display and a simple keyboard for con- trol, with a tree-type control logic for accessing and controlling mission, systems, and subsystem elements. The concept was evalu- ated in terms of the Phase B space shuttle orbiter, to utilize the wide scope of data management and subsystem control inherent in the central data management subsystem pro- vided by the Phase B design philosophy. Results of these investigations are reported in four volumes. (Author) N73-10147/CP PCE04/MFA01 Autonetics, Anaheim, Calif. Analysis of a Display and Control System Man-Machine Interface Concept. Volume 3 Appendices C, D and E Final Report D. R. Karl. 8 Sep 72, 93p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 128578, C71 -999/401 -VOL-3 Contract NAS9-1 2266 Descriptors: 'Coding, 'Format, 'Space shuttle orbiters. Computer programs, Computers, Man machine systems, Redundancy, Spacecraft components. For abstract, see STAR 1101 N73-10148/CP PC A05/MF A01 Autonetics, Anaheim, Calif. Analysis of a Display and Control System Man-Machine Interface Concept. Volume 4 Appendix F Final Report D. R. Karl. 8 Sep 72, 78p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 1 28579, C71 -999/401 -VOL-4 Contract NAS9-1 2266 Descriptors: 'Display devices, 'Space missions, 'Space shuttle orbiters, 'Spacecraft control. Computer programs, Computers, Man machine systems, Mission planning, Redundancy. For abstract, see STAR 1101 N73-13422/CP PC A03/MF A01 Australian Post Office Research Labs., Mel- bourne. Programmable Logic Tester N. Gale. Jul 70, 28p Rept no. REPT-6570 Descriptors: 'Circuit boards, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Control equipment, 'Logic circuits, Decision making. Decoders, Logical elements. Static tests. Test equipment. A high speed static tester consisting mainly of storage and decoding was developed which is capable of performing a simple GO/NO GO test of logic ciruity. The device is computer driven 64 with all decision making, comparison, and sequencing under program control. The ter- minal, its operation, and the program descrip- tion are described. N73-16191/CP PC E05/MF A01 Laboratoire Central de Recherches Thomson- csf, Orsay (France). Study of the Influence of Nanoelectronic Technology on the Development and Per- formance of Rapid Logic Circuits Using Little Power . Etude de Linfluence des Technolo- gies Nanoelectronique sur la Conception et les Performances des Circuits Logiques Ra- pides a Faible Consommation Final Report R. Lyon-caen. 1971, 129p Contract DEL-INF-70. 80.038.00. 21 2.75.01 Language French Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Computerized simulation, 'Electrical re- sistance, 'Field effect transistors, 'Logic cir- cuits. Avalanche diodes, Equivalent circuits, Gates (circuits), Logic design, Quadrupoles. Identifiers: NASA. The program AFLOU for the calculation of FET characteristics is described and applied to cal- culation of the resistance. Two types of re- sistance samples were designed, the first for high frequency simulation studies, the second for analysis of resistance dispersion and other resistance variations. The delays due to ioniza- tion and deionization of zener diodes are evalu- ated. N73-20187/CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Electroscience Lab. An Integral-Equation Solution for TE Radia- tion and Scattering from Conducting Cylin- ders J. H. Richmond. Apr 73, 82p Rept nos. NASA- CR-2245, TR-2902-7 Contract NGL-36-008-138 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Polarization characteristics, 'Polarized elec- tromagnetic radiation, Computer programs, Low frequencies, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: NASA. The piecewise-sinusoidal reaction technique is applied to low frequency radiation and scatter- ing from noncircular cylinders with perfect or imperfect conductivjty. This report presents the theory, computer programs and numerical results for these two-dimensional problems with the TE polarization. (Author) N73-20258/CP PC E06/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Electromagnetic Techniques Lab. Avalanche-Diode Oscillator Circuit with Tun- ing at Multiple Frequencies Final Report, 4 Dec. 1969 - 4 Dec. 1 970 D. Parker, C. M. Ablow, R. E. Lee, A. Karp, and D. R.Chambers. Feb 71, 143p Rept no. NASA- CR-1 31 399 Contract NASI 2-2231, DOT-TSC-6 Descriptors: 'Avalanche diodes, 'Dynamic characteristics, 'Electric current, 'Harmonic oscillation, Computer programs. Efficiency, Semiconductor devices, Solid state devices, Tuning. Identifiers: NASA. Detailed theoretical analysis of three different modes or types of high efficiency oscillation in a PIN diode are presented. For the TRAPATT mode in a PIN diode, it is shown that a traveling avalanche zone is not necessary to generate a dense trapped plasma. An economical com- puter program for TRAPATT oscillations in a PIN diode is described. Typical results of diode power, dc-to-RF conversion efficiency, and required circuit impedances are presented for several different current waveforms. A semi- analytical solution for a second type of high ef- ficiency mode in a PIN diode is derived assum- ing a rectangular current waveform. A quasi- static approximation is employed to derive a semianalytical solution for the voltage across a PIN diode in a third mode, where avalanching occurs during a major portion of a half cycle. Calculations for this mode indicate that the power increases proportionally to the mag- nitude of the drive current with a small decrease in efficiency relative to the ordinary TRAPATT mode. An analytical solution is also given for a PIN diode, where it is assumed that the ionization coefficient is a step function. It is shown that the step-ionization approximation permits one to draw possible patterns of avalanche region in the depletion layer as a function of time. A rule governing admissible patterns is derived and an example solution given for one admissible pattern. Preliminary experimental results on the high-efficiency oscillations are presented and discussed. Two different experimental circuits, which used channel-dropping filters to provide indepen- dent harmonic tuning, are described. Simpler circuits used to produce high-efficiency oscilla- tions are discussed. Results of experiments using inexpensive Fairchild FD300 diodes are given. (Author) N73-21082/CP PC E01/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Digital-Computer Program for Design Analy- sis of Salient, Wound Pole Alternators D. S. Repas. Apr 73, 88p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D- 7258, E-7244 Descriptors: 'Ac generators, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Digital computers. Flow charts, For- tran, Input/output routines. Identifiers: NASA. A digital computer program for analyzing the electromagnetic design of salient, wound pole alternators is presented. The program, which is written in FORTRAN 4, calculates the open-cir- cuit saturation curve, the field-current require- ments at rated voltage for various loads and losses, efficiency, reactances, time constants, and weights. The methods used to calculate some of these items are presented or ap- propriate references are cited. Instructions for using the program and typical program input and output for an alternator design are given, and an alphabetical list of most FORTRAN sym- bols and the complete program listing with flow charts are included. (Author) N73-31764/6CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Summary of Attitude Dynamic Analysis for Imp-J Wire Antenna Spacecraft L. W. Bell. Sep 73, 26p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 70465, X-732-73-256 Descriptors: 'Antennas, 'Explorer satellites, 'Spacecraft design, Computer programs, Deployment, Mission planning. Identifiers: NASA. The work is reported in the determination of ac- ceptable deployment sequences, simulation of EFM antenna deployment, and contingency analysis for the IMP-J S/C. The spacecraft, mis- sion profile and deployment sequences are described along with the simulation of EFM deployment and deployment failure. N74-10225/2CP PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion, Washington, D.C. Computer Programs: Electronic Design Criteria: A Compilation 1973, 13p Rept no. NASA-SP-5963(01) Circuit Descriptors: 'Circuit diagrams, "Computer pro- grams, 'Structural design criteria, "Technology utilization, Computerized design, Electronic equipment, Information dissemination, Nasa programs. Identifiers: NASA. A Technology Utilization Program for the dis- semination of information on technological developments which have potential utility out- side the aerospace community is presented. The 21 items reported herein describe pro- grams that are applicable to electronic circuit design procedures. (Author) N74-17891/4CP PC A02/MF A01 Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment, Portsmouth (England). A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far- Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni- Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder T. J. Green. Sep 73, 18p Rept nos. TR-73-27, BR37572 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, 'Far fields, 'Omnidirectional antennas, Cylindrical bodies, Electromagnetic scattering, Fortran, Metal shells, Time sharing. Identifiers: NASA. The degrading effects of cylindrical metal ob- structions on the far-field radiation pattern of an omnidirectional antenna, vertically or horizontally polarized were investigated. A description is given of a computer program to evaluate the far-field radiation pattern of such a system. The program is written in FORTRAN for use on Corn-Share Commander 2 time sharing facility. (Author) PC A05/MF A01 Technology, Otaniemi N74-21892/6CP Helsinki Univ. of (Finland). Radio Lab. APLAC2: A Flexible DC and Time Domain Cir- cuit Analysis Program for Small Computers. M. Valtonen. 1973, 76p Rept no. S-56 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Linear cir- cuits, "Network analysis, "Transistor amplifiers, 'Transmission lines, Basic (Programming lan- guage). Direct current, Domains, Minicompu- ters, Monte carlo method, Nonlinear systems, Time. APLAC2 (Analysis Program for Linear Active Circuits) is a small nodal anal/sis program writ- ten in BASIC for the dc and time domain analy- sis of linear (and nonlinear) networks. The basic elements accepted by APLAC2 are the lumped linear (time-invariant or time-variable) re- sistances, inductances, and capacitances as well as independent and the two types of con- trolled current sources. The output consists of the node voltages. Because of the flexibility of BASIC, APLAC2 is capable of performing the analysis of nonlinear and lossless transmission line networks and dc-sensitivity, dc-worst-case and Monte-Carlo analyses. Furthermore, mu- tual couplings, arbitrary library models, and re- sistive n-ports may be used with the networks to be computed. (Author) N74-22824/8CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Parabolic Cylinder Antennas. R. F. Schmidt. Sep 73, 59p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-70631.X-81 1-73-221 65 Descriptors: 'Cylindrical antennas, "Far fields, 'Fresnel region, 'Parabolic antennas, Antenna design. Antenna feeds, Computer programs, Polarization (Waves), Radar reflectors, Sidelobes. Some of the features of single and dual parabolic-cylinder reflector antenna systems are discussed in terms of wave conversions, field divergence, and wavefronts in Fresnel and Fraunhofer regions. Beam-squinting, by mechanical displacement and electrical phase gradient methods, is introduced together with the combination of these methods. In the case of dual parabolic cylinders there is also a discussion of surface-truncation, parametric representation of surface intersections, main- aperture blockage by the subsystem, and beam squinting. A few diffraction patterns are presented to illustrate the type of data available via a formulation equivalent to the complex- vector Kirchhoff-Kottler formulation. Main and cross-polarization components of the solution are available as they are inherently part of the field solution in the Cartesian coordinate system. A means of displaying main and cross- polarization components for arbitrary beam- scanning in space is outlined. Extensions to monopulse tracking with variable-beamwidth (zooming) capability are introduced. (Author) N74-26497/9CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Digital Computer Simulation of Inductor-Ener- gy-Storage DC-to-DC Converters with Closed- Loop Regulators. A. K. Ohri, H. A. Owen, T. G. Wilson, and G. E. Rodriguez. 18 Jun 74,41p Rept no. NASA-TM- X-69467 Contract NGL-34-001-001 Conf-Presented at the 1974 Spacecraft Power Conditioning Electron. Seminar, Frascati, Italy, 20-22 May 1974. Descriptors: 'Computerized simulation, 'Converters, 'Direct current, 'Electric equip- ment, 'Performance tests, Computer programs. Electrical properties, Performance prediction. The simulation of converter-controller com- binations by means of a flexible digital com- puter program which produces output to a graphic display is discussed. The procedure is an alternative to mathematical analysis of con- verter systems. The types of computer pro- gramming involved in the simulation are described. Schematic diagrams, state equa- tions, and output equations are displayed for four basic forms of inductor-energy-storage dc to dc converters. Mathematical models are developed to show the relationship of the parameters. (Author) N74-28548/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough (England). Small Transformer Design by Computer. M. D. Palmer. Feb 74, 47p Rept nos. RAE-TR- 73155, BR39351 Descriptors: 'Computerized design, 'Power supply circuits, 'Transformers, Computer pro- grams, Efficiency, Electronic modules, Ion en- gines. The overall efficiency of one module in a modu- lar power supply for an ion motor is mainly determined by the individual efficiencies of the power transistors, the output transformer, and the bridge rectifier diodes. A computer program was written to investigate transformer design under conditions compatible with the other cir- cuit elements with the aim of obtaining im- provements in efficiency and reduction in mass. Transformers produced from the resulting designs had efficiencies in excess of 98% and masses some 25% less than their predecessors. (Author) PC A04/MF A01 Columbus. ElectroScience N74-28706/1CP Ohio State Univ Lab. Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Rectan- gular Cylinder Which Is Illuminated by an Array of Line Sources. R. G. Kouyoumjian, and N. Wang. Jun 74, 73p Rept nos. NASA-CR-2405, ESL-3001-7 Contract NGR-36-008-144 Descriptors: 'Aircraft antennas, 'Antenna radia- tion patterns, 'Cylindrical antennas, 'Spacecraft antennas, Computer programs, Electromagnetic radiation, Magnetic fields, Scattering cross sections. The geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) is employed to analyze the radiation from a per- fectly-conducting rectangular cylinder illu- minated by an array of line sources. The excita- tion of the cylinder by a single electric or mag- netic current line source is considered first, and a solution which includes contributions from the geometrical optics rays and all singly- and doubly-diffracted rays is obtained. A new dif- fraction coefficient valid in the transition re- gions of the shadow and reflection boundaries is employed to obtain a continuous total field, except for negligible discontinuities in the doubly-diffracted field at its shadow bounda- ries. Patterns calculated by the GTD method are found to be in excellent agreement with those calculated from an integral equation formula- tion. Using superposition the solution for array or aperture excitation of the rectangular cylinder is obtained. A computer program for this solution is included. (Author) PC A03/MF A01 Inst, of Tech., N74-29562/7CP Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Pasadena. Lightweight 3.66-Meter-Diameter Conical Mesh Antenna Reflector. D. M. Moore. 15 Jun 74, 47p Rept nos. NASA- CR-139219.JPL-TM-33-685 Contract NAS7-100 Descriptors: 'Antenna design, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Conical bodies, Structural engineering, Transmission lines. A description is given of a 3.66 m diameter non- furlable conical mesh antenna incorporating the line source feed principle recently developed. The weight of the mesh reflector and its support structure is 162 N. An area weighted RMS surface deviation of 0.28 mm was obtained. The RF performance measure- ments show a gain of 48.3 db at 8.448 GHz cor- responding to an efficiency of 66%. During the design and development of this antenna, the technology for fabricating the large conical membranes of knitted mesh was developed. As part of this technology a FORTRAN computer program, COMESH, was developed which per- mits the user to predict the surface accuracy of a stretched conical membrane. (Author) N74-29572/6CP PC A02/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Dipoles. J. H. Richmond, and N. H. Geary. Aug 74, 13p Rept nos. NASA-CR-138310, ESL-2902-18 Contract NGL-36-008-138 Descriptors: 'Antenna design, 'Dipole anten- nas, 'Electromagnetic properties, 'Monopole antennas, Computer programs, Electrical im- pedance, Electrical properties. Numerical anal- ysis. The mutual impedance of nonplanar-skew sinusoidal dipoles is presented as a summation of several exponential integrals with complex arguments. Mathematical models are developed to show the near-zone field of the sinusoidal dipole. The mutual impedance of coupled dipoles is expressed as the sum of four monopole-mobopole impedances to simplify the analysis procedure. The subroutines for solving the parameters of the dipoles are discussed. (Author) N74-34603/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. ElectroScience Lab. Computer Program for Thin Wire Antenna over a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane. J. H. Richmond. Oct 74, 46p Rept nos. NASA- CR-140622, ESL-2902-19 Contract NGL-36-008-138 Descriptors: "Antennas, 'Computer programs, Galerkin method, Load distribution (Forces), Sine waves. A computer program is presented for a thin- wire antenna over a perfect ground plane. The analysis is performed in the frequency domain, and the exterior medium is free space. The an- tenna may have finite conductivity and lumped loads. The output data includes the current dis- tribution, impedance, radiation efficiency, and gain. The program uses sinusoidal bases and Galerkin's method. (Author) N75-14960/9CP PC A07/MF A01 Avco Corp., Wilm ington, Mass. Systems Div. Feasibility Study of a Step Scanned Om- nidirectional Communications Antenna for an International Magnetospheric Explorer Spacecraft. Final Report, 1 Apr. -22 Jul. 1974. R. E. Herskind. 28 Oct 74, 135p Rept nos. NASA- CR-139161.AVSD-0298-74-RR Contract NAS5-20020 Descriptors: 'Omnidirectional antennas, 'Spacecraft antennas. Antenna feeds, Antenna radiation patterns. Computer programs, Graphs (Charts), Phase shift. The results of this study has indicated that om- nidirectional antennas requiring directive gains steered off broadside are limited by the feed system efficiencies. The directive gain can be increased to offset the feed losses, but this ap- proach leads quickly to diminishing returns. While gains of 4.8 db appear feasible, a system gain of 3.0 db is considered practical. These results apply to antenna configurations limited in packaging volume to 10 cm diameter by 61 cm length. (Author) N75-20625/0CP PC A04/MF A01 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough (England). Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters. B. Lake, and W. V. Reeder. Aug 74, 73p Rept nos. RAE-TR-74068, BR42762 Descriptors: 'Bandpass filters, 'Microwave frequencies, 'Strip transmission lines, 'Thick films, Computer programs. Computerized design. Microstrip and stripline bandpass filters are described. Design computer programs are in- cluded together with worked examples. Com- parisons between measured and theoretical responses for a number of practical filters are also given. (Author) N75-26202/2CP PC A09/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. Physical Science Lab. 66 Antenna and Radome Loss Measurements for Mfmr and Pmis with Appendix on Mfmr/Pmls Computer Programs. K. R. Carver, and W. K. Cooper. May 75, 199p Reptnos. NASA-CR-141871,P*A-00817 Contract NAS9-95451 Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns, 'Computer programs, "Microwave radiometers, "Radomes, Brightness temperature, Calibrat- ing, Data reduction, Microwave imagery, Per- formance tests. The NMSU/PSL radiometer antenna calibration facility is described, and the antenna and radome loss measurements made on the pas- sive microwave imaging system and the mul- tifrequency microwave radiometer are sum- marized. Antenna/radome data reduction techniques, estimation of sky brightness tem- peratures, and bucket performance tests are presented along with radiometer computer pro- grams. N75-28281/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Centro de Investigaciones Fisicas (Leonardo Torres Quevedo), Madrid (Spain). Rf Characteristics of a Deployable Antenna for Satellites: Computer Program Manual. 1975, 119p Rept no. ESRO-CR(P)-645-B Contract ESTEC-2070/73-HP Subm-Prepared for Messerschmitt-Boelkow- Blohm. Descriptors: "Radio frequencies, "Reflectors, "Satellite antennas, "User manuals (Computer programs), Antenna radiation patterns, Circular polarization, Distortion, Horn antennas, Mathe- matical models, Performance predi tion, Subroutines. A computer program to supply RF charac- teristics of an antenna which, as a consequence of its work conditions, can become mechani- cally distorted, is described together with its as- sociated subroutines. The radiant system is presented in order to know the possibilities of the program. The antenna includes as reflective surface a paraboloid of revolution fed by three horns placed around its focus. In the case of a deployable antenna, the reflector has mechani- cally two different parts: the rigid central disk (diameter01.70 m) which apart from thermal distorsions can be considered undistorted, and the deployable part consisting of twelve radial ribs supporting a reflecting wire grid, which are folded until the satellite becomes operational in its orbit. The system works as a multibeam one with three horns as feeders that em it with circu- lar polarization in the lambda equals 2.5cm. Foreseen distortions refer both to the reflectors and to the system of horns. N75-31343/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Technovators, Silver Spring, Md. Quasi-lsotroplc VHF Antenna Array Design Study for the International Ultraviolet Ex- plorer Satellite. Final Report. J. K. Raines. 18 Jul 75, 104p Rept no. NASA-CR- 144663 Contract NAS5-22364 Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, "Antenna design, "lue, "Very high frequencies, Computer pro- grams, Electromagnetic compatibility, Satellite observation. Results of a study to design a quasi-isotropic VHF antenna array for the IUE satellite are presented. A free space configuration was ob- tained that has no nulls deeper than -6.4 dbi in each of two orthogonal polarizations. A com- puter program named SOAP that analyzes the electromagnetic interaction between antennas and complicated conducting bodies, such as satellites was developed. (Author) N75-32317/0CP PC A06/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. Dept. of Electrical Engineer- ing. Development of Automated Test Procedures and Techniques for Lsl Circuits. Final Technical Report. B.D.Carroll. 4 Sep 75, 101pReptno. NASA-CR- 143951 Contract NAS8-31 190 Descriptors: "Automatic test equipment, "Electronic equipment tests, "Large scale in- tegration, Algorithms, Computer programs, Sequential control. Testing of large scale integrated (LSI) logic cir- cuits was considered from the point of view of automatic test pattern generation. A system for automatic test pattern generation is described. A test generation algorithm is presented that can be applied to both combinational and sequential logic circuits. Also included is a pro- grammed implementation of the algorithm and sample results from the program. (Author) N75-33328/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Physics Lab. RVO-TNO, The Hague (Netherlands). Microwaves Dept. A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. W. P. M. N. Keizer. Mar 75, 71 p Rept nos. PHL- 1975-04, TDCK-6601 4 Descriptors: "Green function, "Microwave transmission, "Propagation modes, "Strip transmission lines, "Transverse waves, Com- puter programs, Fortran, Microwave coupling, P-i-n junctions, Phase shift circuits, Phased ar- rays. A general method is proposed for analyzing the propagation characteristics of microstrip trans- mission lines within a transverse electromag- netic wave approximation. These transmission lines are characterized by conducting strips, large groundplanes, dielectric layer insulation, and planar geometry. The method is based on the Green's func*ion integral approach for for- mulating the problem. Numerical results were obtained by solving the integral equation using the subinterval method. Numerical results are presented for single and coupled micros- triplines. A synthesis procedure is described which gives the geometry of a pair of coupled microstrip lines that corresponds to prescribed electrical properties. Further application is made to the design of PIN diode phase shifters and for active phased array modules. Computer programs written in FORTRAN IV are included. (Author) N76-13379/2CP PC A11/MF A01 Marconi Space and Defence System Ltd., Stan- more (England). Antenna Dept. A Study of the Prediction of Antenna Per- formances from Near Field Measurements. Final Report. R. W. Ashton, K. Jolly, P. J. Wood, and B. Claydon. Jun 75, 243p Rept nos. MTR-75/43, ESA-CR(P)-694 Contract ESTEC-2239/75-HP Descriptors: "Antenna radiation patterns, "Satellite antennas, "Test facilities, Computer programs, Cost estimates, Far fields, Field in- tensity meters, Performance prediction, Probe method (Forecasting). The problem of testing satellite antennas by means of a near field method is studied. Facili- ties and measurement methods both in Europe and the U.S. are reviewed. Preferred techniques are selected and a test facility for antennas is defined. A cost and timescale plan is given. Procedures of antenna testing are described and a computer program for calculating the far field of an antenna from measurements in the near field is implemented. The accuracy of method is discussed. N76-13798/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, Va. School of En- gineering. Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 1: Theory Manual. C. H. Cooke. 1975, 45p Rept no. NASA-CR- 144889 Contract NASI -9434 Descriptors: "Circuit reliability, "Computer pro- grams, "Network analysis, Algorithms, Cdc 6600 computer, Flow charts, Fortran, Linear systems, Numerical integration, User requirements. STICAP (Stiff Circuit Analysis Program) is a FORTRAN 4 computer program written for the CDC-6400-6600 computer series and SCOPE 3.0 operating system. It provides the circuit analyst a tool for automatically computing the transient responses and frequency responses of large linear time invariant networks, both stiff and nonstiff (algorithms and numerical integra- tion techniques are described). The circuit description and user's program input language is engineer-oriented, making simple the task of using the program. Engineering theories un- derlying STICAP are examined. A user's manual is included which explains user interaction with the program and gives results of typical ciicuit design applications. Also, the program struc- ture from a systems programmer's viewpoint is depicted and flow charts and other software documentation are given. (Author) N76-13799/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, Va. School of En- gineering. Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 2: User's Manual. C. H. Cooke, and M. N. Ransom. 1975, 79p Rept no. NASA-CR-144890 Contract NASI -9434 Descriptors: "Circuit reliability, "Computer pro- grams, "Network analysis, Algorithms, Cdc 6600 computer, Flow charts, Fortran, Linear systems, Numerical integration, User requirements. For abstract, see N76-13798. N76-13800/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, Va. School of En- gineering. Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 3: systems. C. H.Cooke, and M.N. Ransom. 1975, 126p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 44891 Contract NASI -9434 Descriptors: "Circuit reliability, "Computer pro- grams, "Network analysis, Algorithms, Cdc 6600 computer, Flow charts, Fortran, Linear systems, Numerical integration, User requirements. For abstract, see N76-13798. N76-15333/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. ElectroScience Lab. Noise Performance of Very Large Antenna Arrays. M.S. Thesis. H.C. Lin. Sep 75, 122p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 144716, TR-3931-1 Contract NAS5-20521 Descriptors: "Antenna arrays, "Signal to noise ratios, "Thermal noise, Computer programs, Noise measurement, Performance prediction, Radiometers. The maximum size and resolution of receiving antenna arrays is found to be limited by signal- to-noise ratio considerations. For square arrays 67 containing no active elements, a practical limit at 30 GHz appears to be on the order of 10 me- ters for communications and one to two meters for radiometry. These limitations can be over- come by use of active devices at various levels of the array organization. The nature of the resulting tradeoffs is indicated. Explicit formu- las are developed for both passive and active arrays, and sample computations and the com- puter programs are given. (Author) N76-17297/2CP PC A05/MF A01 M&S Computing, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Pro- gram Description. B. T. Johnson, and J. F. Taylor. Feb 76, 95p Rept nos. NASA-CR-144167, REPT-73-0002-REV-1 Contract NAS8-25621 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, 'Computer programs, 'Computer systems design, 'Microelectronics, Data processing terminals, Design analysis. Identifiers: 'Computer aided design. An artwork interactive design system is described which provides the microelectronic circuit designer/engineer a tool to perform cir- cuit design, automatic layout modification, standard cell design, and artwork verification at a graphics computer terminal using a graphics tablet at the designer/computer interface. (Author) N76-18228/6CP PC A07/MF A01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. User's Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 2 of Program Documentation. R. W. Bains, H. A. Herwig, J. K. Luedeman, and E. M. Torina. Jun 74, 143p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 147450, TRW-25990-H036-RO-00-V-2 Contract NAS9-1 3834 Descriptors: 'Space shuttles, 'Spacecraft power supplies, 'User manuals (Computer pro- grams), Energy requirements, Flow charts, Loads (Forces). The Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis SEPS computer program which performs detailed load analysis including predicting energy demands and consumables require- ments of the shuttle electric power system along with parameteric and special case stu- dies on the shuttle electric power system is described. The functional flow diagram of the SEPS program is presented along with data base requirements and formats, procedure and activity definitions, and mission timeline input formats. Distribution circuit input and fixed data requirements are included. Run procedures and deck setups are described. (Author) N76-18230/2CP PC A14/MF A01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. Electrical Power Section. Program Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 1 of Program Documentation. R. W. Bains, H. A. Herwig, J. K. Luedeman, and E. M. Torina. Jun 74, 314p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 147451, TRW-25990-H040-R0-00-V-1 Contract NAS9-1 3834 Descriptors: 'Space shuttles, 'Spacecraft power supplies, 'User manuals (Computer pro- grams), Energy requirements, Flow charts, Loads (Forces), Subroutines. Identifiers: SEPS computer program. The Shuttle Electric Power System (SEPS) computer program is considered in terms of the program manual, programmer guide, and pro- gram utilization. The main objective is to pro- vide the information necessary to interpret and use the routines comprising the SEPS program. Subroutine descriptions including the name, purpose, method, variable definitions, and logic flow are presented. (Author) N76-18953/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Structures. J. D. Gassaway. Feb 76, 96p Rept nos. NASA- CR-144175, EIRS-EE-74-1 Contract NAS8-26749 Descriptors: 'Charge coupled devices, 'Electrostatics, 'Numerical analysis, 'Shift re- gisters, Algorithms, Bucket brigade devices, Computer programs, Dielectrics, Iterative solu- tion, Semiconductors (Materials). An analysis is presented which is based upon a numerical solution of Gauss's law for the multi- ple dielectric semiconductor and electrode structure. The formulation resulted in a large set of equations, usually nonlinear, which were solved by an iterative scheme based upon the Gauss-Seidel method employing a relaxation parameter. Proper consideration of the non- linearity of the space-charge in the semicon- ductor allowed convergent solutions which can give reasonable approximations to the channel potential profiles though not as good for esti- mating the space charge itself. The results of this work, which are three computer programs, are listed. None of the programs give the elec- tric field explicitly as output data. However, when this information is desired, the programs can be expanded to include field estimations based on a polynominal fit to the potential field, or they may serve as subprograms for main pro- grams dealing with general aspects of charge transfer. (Author) N76-20337/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse (France). Antenna Optimization In the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors. Program User Manual Op- timisation d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Stabilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Pro- gramme. C. Quere. Jan 76, 50p Rept nos. CNES-NT-26, REPT-74/81/CT/MA/EM Misc-Supersedes Rept-74/81/CT/Ma/Em. In French; English Summary. Descriptors: 'Antenna design, 'Attitude stabili- ty, 'Communication satellites, 'Satellite anten- nas, 'User manuals (Computer programs), An- tenna radiation patterns, Broadcasting, Errors, Ground stations, Instrument orientation, Op- timization, Satellite attitude control. Identifiers: France. A program is described for calculating dimen- sions and orientation of a satellite antenna which minimizes the power to be radiated to ground in such a way that the received level is higher than a given threshold value. Errors in satellite attitude are taken into account in this optimization. The antenna radiation pattern is approximated by an elliptical paraboloid. N76-20370/2CP PC A05/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Fortran Program for Induction Motor Analysis. G. Bollenbacher. Mar 76, 86p Rept nos. NASA- TN-D-8184, E-8486 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Fortran, 'Induction motors, Design analysis, Electrical properties, Energy conversion efficiency, Error detection codes, Input/output routines. Prin- touts, Torque, User manuals (Computer pro- grams). A FORTRAN program for induction motor anal- ysis is described. The analysis includes calcula- tions of torque-speed characteristics, efficien- cy, losses, magnetic flux densities, weights, and various electrical parameters. The program is limited to three-phase Y-connected, squirrel- cage motors. Detailed instructions for using the program are given. The analysis equations are documented, and the sources of the equations are referenced. The appendixes include a FOR- TRAN symbol list, a complete explanation of input requirements, and a list of error messages. (Author) N76-20859/4CP Not available NTIS Thomson-CSF, Paris (France). D.I.B./S.C.A.S. Test and Simulation of Large Scale In- tegrated Circuits, Part 1 Outil pour la Simula- tion et le Test des Circuits Integres a Grande Echelle, 1ERE Partie. Final Report. E. Girard, J. C. Rault, and R. Tulloue. Jul 74, 331 p Rept no. SCAS-74.675 Contract DGRST-73-7-1392 Language in French. Descriptors: 'Computerized simulation, 'Electronic equipment tests, 'Large scale in- tegration, 'Logic circuits, Performance predic- tion, Algorithms, Bibliographies, Computer programs, Gates (Circuits), Sequencing. Identifiers: France. Various computer programs are described to show the response to a given input sequence as applied to large scale integrated logical cir- cuits. The circuit may be synchronous or asynchronous, and simple detectable faults such as short circuits, open circuits, and stuck gates are listed. The programs have different accuracy requirements as dictated by the simu- lation needs. A predictive algorithm is used based on construction and exploitation of event scheduling. The circuits are described at gate or macroset level. Their description and the event scheduling description are memorized by the computer in list format. A detailed bibliog- raphy containing 1,180 items is given. N76-21919/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Intertechnique S. A., Plaisir (France). Dept. Telemesure. Selfrepairing Semiconductor Memories. Part 3: Parametric Study Memoires Autorepara- bles a Semico nducteurs. Tome 3: Etude Parametrique. Jun 75, 138p Rept nos. D6/DB/FB/1378/B-PT- 3, ESA-CR(P)-794-PT-3 Contract ESTEC-2119/73-HP Seri-5. Subm-Prepared Jointly with Microelec- tronic-Lewicki. Language in French. Descriptors: 'Computer storage devices, 'Metal oxide semiconductors, 'Self repairing devices. Computer components. Computer programs. Feasibility analysis, Integrated circuits. Parameterization. Identifiers: France, 'Semiconductor computer storage. Evaluations of the Philips 256 bit static memory in CMOS technology and the S.G.S. 1024 bit dynamic memory in P.MOS technology were made. For each of the two memories the study was carried out using checking logic with stan- dard components (type CMOS RCA) and checking logic of the optionally monolithic cir- cuit type. The extensive feasibility calculations made, the establishment of the feasibility for- mula, the corresponding programs, and the feasibility calculations of memories without sel- frepairing system s are annexed. N76-22277/7CP PC A04/MF A01 McDonnell-Douglas Technical Services Co., Inc., Houston, Tex. Astronautics Div. 68 Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. J. F. Lindsey, and D. H. Orr. Jan 75, 70p Rept nos. NASA-CR-147672, REPT-1 .2-DN-B0203- 001 Contract NAS9-1 3970 Descriptors: 'Antennas, "Space shuttle orbiters, "Superhigh frequencies, 'Switching, Air- borne/spaceborne computers, Computer pro- grams, Onboard equipment. Identifiers: 'Spacecraft antennas. Automatic switching of the shuttle orbiter S- band quad antennas by the orbiter on-board computers was evaluated. The development and use of an extensive computer program to determine antenna switch position states as a function of time for various orbital activities is described. The selection of the optimum quad antenna element at any given time is based on the look angle to the appropriate Tracking Data Relay Satellite (TDRS). It is shown that a 2.4 second period is required for updating the S- band quad antenna switch state based on a maximum roll rate of 2 deg per second. The possibility of a variable update period is sug- gested since the 2 deg per second attitude rate is seldom encountered and would, for example, dictate approximately 248,000 on-board com- puter calculations during Reference Mission 2. The average number of antenna switch state changes was found to be in the range of 1,300 for Reference Mission 2. (Author) N76-22943/4CP PC A03/MF A01 M&S Computing, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Banning Design Automation Software Imple- mentation. Final Report. R. L. Kuehlthau. 28 Oct 75, 41 p Rept nos. NASA- CR-144031, REPT-75-0037 Contract NAS8-25621 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Computerized design, Fortran, Integrated cir- cuits, Printed circuits, Systems analysis, User manuals (Computer programs). Identifiers: Large scale integrated circuits. The research is reported for developing a system of computer programs to aid engineer- ing in the design, fabrication, and testing of large scale integrated circuits, hybrid circuits, and printed circuit boards. The automatic layout programs, analysis programs, and inter- face programs are discussed. N76-23523/3CP Not available NTIS Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Al- dermaston (England). Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin, Rectangular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. P. G. Hambling. Aug 75, 27p Rept no. AWRE-O- 30/75 Descriptors: 'Microelectronics, 'Surface cool- ing, 'Temperature distribution, FORTRAN, Con- ductive heat transfer, Convective heat transfer, Heat sinks, User manuals (Computer pro- grams). Identifiers: Great Britain, 'PLOTEM 2 computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, IBM 370/168 computers. A program in FORTRAN 4 currently used on IBM 370/168 to compute temperature distribu- tion across a thin, rectangular conduction and convection cooled microcircuit is described. Flow charts (with a commentary), a user's manual and a worked example are given. (Author) N76-28863/8CP Electronics and Control Lab. PC A03/MF A01 Djanal User's Manual. Final Report. E. R. Pitts. 23 Jul 76, 32p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 149948, REPT-76-0023 Contract NAS8-31 358 Descriptors: 'Computerized design, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Large scale in- tegration, Computerized simulation. Masks, Network analysis, Transistors. Identifiers: 'DJANAL computer program. The primary purpose of TPG interface (TPGITF) software is to create test patterns, according to a mathematical model, for a real device. In order for the device actually to be tested or to be accurately simulated, a means is required to transform the TPGITF generated test into forms acceptable as input to logic test equipment or to a software logic simulator. The MACRODATA-200 Logic Test System and the LOGSIM logic simulator are the particular systems supported by the TPGITF software. A description is presented of the TPGITF software processor. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the TPG, LOGSIM, and TOIL systems. Flow charts are given. (Author) N76-30448/4CP PC A03/MF A01 RCA Labs., Princeton, N.J. Design, Processing, and Testing of Lsi Arrays for Space Station. Quarterly Technical Report, 1 Jan. - 31 Mar. 1976. A. C. Ipri. Apr 76, 26p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 149981, PRRL-76-CR-17 Contract NASI 2-2207 Descriptors: 'Large scale integration, 'Space stations, 'Spacecraft electronic equipment. Computer programs. Data reduction, Electronic equipment tests, Fabrication, Gates (Circuits), SOS (Semiconductors). The work on the Process Analysis Structure was continued with the layout being completed, the 100X and 10X artwork being finalized, and the process and test sequences being prepared. Test programs were written for com- puter-controlled integrated-circuit testing and data reduction. (Author) N76-33374/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Rome (Italy). Centro Onde Millimetriche. Digital Analysis of Superior Electric Circular Mode Filters Analisi Numerica di Filth Per I Modi Circolari Elettrici Superiors. G. Falciasecca, and S. Rogai. 14 Nov 75, 37p Language in Italian. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Coupled modes, 'Electric filters, 'Superhigh frequen- cies, 'Wave attenuation, Circular cylinders. Dielectric properties. Numerical analysis, Per- formance prediction, Phase shift. Waveguides. Identifiers: Italy. A computer program to calculate the parame- ters of an electric filter for higher circular modes is presented. Starting from a circular wave guide sliced along a diametral plane, a phase shift is introduced by a dielectric con- centric solid half cylinder while the restitution of the original phase is performed on the other half volume using a concentric dielectric shell. The various parameters involved are discussed with regard to attenuation of higher modes. An example is given of a filter of good charac- teristics up to 60 GHz. The underlying mathe- matical analysis is outlined. N76-33898/7CP PC A10/MF A01 Waterloo Univ. (Ontario). Dept. of Electrical En- gineering. Analysis of Errors in Piecewise Linear Net- work Computations. M. E. Zaghloul. Oct 75, 219p Rept no. UWEE/75-4 Contract NRC-A-71 13 Descriptors: 'Error analysis, 'Network analysis, "Nonlinear systems, Computer programs, Linear programming. Matrices (Mathematics), Numerical analysis. Identifiers: Canada. Nonlinear networks in which the nonlinear ele- ment characteristics are approximated by con- tinuous piecewise linear functions are con- sidered. The network solution errors resulting from these approximations were studied first for nonlinear resistive networks and then for nonlinear dynamic networks. The measure of a matrix is used as a tool to compute bounds on these errors. These bounds are obtained both in terms of the properties of the original non- linear network and of the properties of the ap- proximating piecewise-linear network. The behavior of these bounds in terms of the net- work's physical properties is presented. Appli- cations of these results to numerical examples of nonlinear networks and their approximating piecewise-linear counterparts are illustrated. In addition an alternative numerical method is in- troduced for computing, from the piecewise- linear solution, bounds on the regions in space where the exact solutions lie. A computer pro- gram for the case of resistive networks was developed and several numerical examples are presented. An extension to the dynamic net- works is presented with some illustrative nu- merical examples. (Author) N77-10410/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Grenoble Univ. (France). Centre d'Etude des Phenomenes Aleatoires et Geophysiques. Numerical Simulation of the Existence Test for the Diffusion Function in a Variable Parameter Medium Simulation Numerique du Test d'Existence de la Fonction de Diffusion d'UN Milieu a Parametres Variables. P. Ningre, and G. Jourdain. 2L Nov 75, 1 10p Rept no. CEPHAG-51/75 Language in French. Descriptors: 'Computerized simulation, 'Low pass filters. Diffusion, Existence theorems. In- dependent variables, Computer programs, Cor- relation, Data sampling, Discrete functions. Estimating, Graphs (Charts), Marine environ- ments. Random processes, White noise. Identifiers: France. A model of a filter with variable parameters axcited by monochromatic waves is described. Two kinds of media are considered: the Wide Sense Stationary (WSS) and WSS with the addi- tion of no correlation termed WSSUS. The ex- istence or not of a diffusion function may be tested by following the time evolution of the mean value of the output power or input power as a function of frequency. The theoretical pro- perties of the impulse response of the filter are detailed together with the estimators used. The results of computations to the second order for WSS and WSSUS media are discussed together with the interaction between two frequencies in each of these media. An application to marine environments is proposed. N77-23328/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Ticra A/S, Lyngby (Denmark). Snift - Computer Program for Spherical Near- Field Far-Field Technique, Volume 2. F. Jensen. 29 Nov 76, 28p Rept nos. S-45-03-V- 2, ESA-CR(P)-916-V-2 Contract ESTEC-2478/75-AK Seri-2. Subm-Prepared Jointly with Tech. Univ. Of den. Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, "Computer programs, Far fields, Near fields, 69 Satellite antennas, Fourier transformation, Satellite configurations, Spherical shells, User manuals (Computer programs). Identifiers: Denmark, SNIFT computer program. The program described performs the transfor- mation of a satellite antenna near field, mea- sured on a spherical surface, to the cor- responding far field. The programming lan- guage used is FORTRAN 4. The transformation applies a Fourier transformation subroutine. A program listing is included. N77-25372/2CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Computer Program for Analysis of Coupled- Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. D.J. Connolly, and T. A. Omalley. May 77, 53p Rept nos. NASA-TN-D-8492, E-8839 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Design analysis, 'Traveling wave tubes, Computerized simulation, Fortran, IBM 360 computer. Mathe- matical models, Time sharing. Identifiers: Computer aided design. A flexible, accurate, large signal computer pro- gram was developed for the design of coupled cavity traveling wave tubes. The program is written in FORTRAN IV for an IBM 360/67 time sharing system. The beam is described by a disk model and the slow wave structure by a sequence of cavities, or cells. The computa- tional approach is arranged so that each cavity may have geometrical or electrical parameters different from those of its neighbors. This al- lows the program user to simulate a tube of al- most arbitrary complexity. Input and output couplers, severs, complicated velocity tapers, and other features peculiar to one or a few cavi- ties may be modeled by a correct choice of input data. The beam-wave interaction is han- dled by an approach in which the radio frequency fields are expanded in solutions to the transverse magnetic wave equation. All sig- nificant space harmonics are retained. The pro- gram was used to perform a desig n study of the traveling-wave tube developed for the Commu- nications Technology Satellite. Good agree- ment was obtained between the predictions of the program and the measured performance of the flight tube. N77-25432/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales, Paris (France). Modelization of Quartz Oscillators. Ph.D. Thesis - Paris 6 Univ. P. Bressy. Feb 77, 97p Rept no. ONERA-NT- 1976-13 Misc-Report Will Also Be Announced as Trans- lation (Esa-TT-384). In French; English Summary. Descriptors: 'Crystal oscillators, "Mathematical models, 'Quartz crystals, Bipolar transistors, Computer programs, Excitation, Frequency measurement, Frequency stability, Frequency standards, Nonlinear systems, Time measuring instruments. Identifiers: France, Theses. Any improvement of the quality of quartz frequency standards requires a thorough study of all oscillator parameters, the fluctuations of which, whether random or not, may cause a degradation of frequency stability due to either the resonator or the oscillator electronics. Only the latter is developed. An attempt was made to establish as complete a modelization as possi- ble of the oscillator active circuits and to demonstrate its validity by comparing the theoretical results issued from this modeliza- tion to experimental results. It is the oscillator starting period that permits an efficient verifica- tion of the model validity. The direct treatment of the oscillator differential equations does not yield in practice the solution describing the whole transient regime; this is due in particular to the very high value of the resonator quality factor. A mathematical model making use of the theories of the first harmonic and of perturba- tions makes it possible to emphasize the frequency and amplitude variations of the signal during the whole transient regime. The oscillator under study is of Pierce type. Two kinds of modelization have been considered. The first reduces the oscillator electronics to a single voltage amplifier with a nonlinear characteristic of quadratic type. The second makes use of the Ebers and Moll transistor model. The excitation level of the quartz being particularly high in this type of oscillator, it is necessary to introduce in the resonator equivalent scheme nonlinear parameters whose effect is to provoke a frequency shift in the sense opposite to that resulting from the amplifying unit. This way, through an ap- propriate choice of the shape of the nonlinear characteristic of the active circuit, it is possible to attenuate the frequency variations caused by the fluctuations of the oscillation amplitude. N77-26399/4CP PC A04/MF A01 European Space Research and Technology Center, Noordwijk (Netherlands). Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Fil- ters. J. K. Nielsen. Mar 77, 72p Rept no. ESA-TM-171 Descriptors: 'Bandpass filters, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Electric filters, 'Network analysis, At- tenuation, Chebyshev approximation, Delay, El- liptic functions, Phase shift. Identifiers: Computer applications, Nether- lands. The ESA computer program for electric filter analysis (FILTEN) is presented. At present, the program can perform analysis on bandpass fil- ters of the following types: Butterworth, Chebyshev, elliptic function, and special pur- pose filters for which the locations of the poles and zeroes in the complex frequency plane are known. The program can interface with a series of programs in the ESTEC MODSIM system. N77-27309/2CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Tex. Performance Characteristics of Three-Phase Induction Motors. M. E. Wood. May 77, 40p Rept nos. NASA-TM- 74762, JSC-1 2899 Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, "Induction motors, Performance prediction, Space shuttle orbiters. Computer programs, Electric motors. Performance tests, Space transportation. An investigation into the characteristics of three phase, 400 Hz, induction motors of the general type used on aircraft and spacecraft is summarized. Results of laboratory tests are presented and compared with results from a computer program. Representative motors were both tested and simulated under nominal conditions as well as off nominal conditions of temperature, frequency, voltage magnitude, and voltage balance. Good correlation was achieved between simulated and laboratory results. The primary purpose of the program was to verify the simulation accuracy of the computer program, which in turn will be used as an analytical tool to support the shuttle orbiter. N77-29353/8CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion, Cleveland, Ohio. Lewis Research Center. Users' Manual for Computer Program for One-Dimensional Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. T. A. Omalley, and D. J. Connolly. Aug 77, 67p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X-3565, E-8900 Descriptors: "Traveling wave tubes, "User manuals (Computer programs), Subroutines, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Electron trajectories. Identifiers: IBM-360/67 computers. The use of the coupled cavity traveling wave tube for space communications has led to an increased interest in improving the efficiency of the basic interaction process in these devices through velocity resynchronization and other methods. To analyze these methods, a flexible, large signal computer program for use on the IBM 360/67 time-sharing system has been developed. The present report is a users' manual forthis program. N77-29358/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse (France). Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Boucle de Phase Numerique Tres Basse Frequence. D. Dassaud. Dec 76, 101 p Rept no. CNES-NT-62 In French; English Summary. Descriptors: 'Phase locked systems, 'Wiener filtering, Digital systems, Synchronism, Very low frequencies, Computer programs, Compu- terized simulation, European space programs, Flow charts, Microprocessors, Spin stabiliza- tion, Synchronous satellites. Identifiers: France. The study and the implementation of a very low frequency digital phase locked loop in the specific application of the synchronization of image taking in the geostationary Meteosat satellite are described. Wiener's method was used to obtain the optimum filter and the imple- mentation of this filter was achieved with the M 6800 microprocessor. The results are adaptable for any spinned satellite in which phases or frequencies slaved to the spin rate are desired. N77-29424/7CP PC A07/MF A01 European Space Agency, Paris (France). Modelling of Quartz Oscillators. P. Bressy. Jun 77, 139p Rept nos. ESA-TT-384, ONERA-NT-1976-13 Tran-Transl. Into English of 'Modelisation des Oscillateurs a Quartz', Onera, Paris Report Onera-NT-1976-13, 1976. Misc-Original Report in French Previously Announced as N77-25432. Descriptors: 'Crystal oscillators, 'Mathematical models, Quartz crystals, Bipolar transistors. Computer programs. Excitation, Frequency measurement, Frequency stability, Frequency standards, Nonlinear systems, Time measuring instruments. Identifiers: Translations, France. Any improvement of the quality of quartz frequency standards requires a thorough study of all oscillator parameters, the fluctuations of which, random o r not, may cause a degradation of frequency stability due to either the resona- tor or the oscillator electronics. Only the latter was considered; an attempt was made to establish as complete a modelization as possi- ble of the oscillator active circuits and to demonstrate its validity. It is the oscillator start- ing period that permits an efficient verification of the model validity. Direct treatment of the oscillator differential equations does not, in practice, yield the solution describing the whole transient regime, mostly because of the very high value of the resonator quality factor. A mathematical model using the theories of the first harmonic and of perturbations permits 70 emphasizing the frequency and amplitude variations of the signal during the whole transient regime. The oscillator studied was of the Pierce type. Of the two models considered, the first reduces the oscillator electronics to a single voltage amplifier with a nonlinear characteristic of quadratic type, the second makes use of the Ebers and Moll transistor model. The excitation level of the quartz being particularly high in this type of oscillator, it is necessary to introduce in the resonator equivalent scheme nonlinear parameters, provoking a frequency shift in the sense op- posite to that resulting from the amplifying unit. Thus, through an appropriate choice of the shape of the nonlinear characteristic of the ac- tive circuit, the frequency variations caused by the fluctuations of the oscillation amplitude can be attenuated. N77-30382/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Ticra A/S, Lyngby (Denmark). Computer Programs for General Reflector An- tenna Systems and Spherical Wave Expan- sion. Final Report. P. Balling, and K. Pontoppidan. Feb 77, 67p Rept nos. S-56-02, ESA-CR(P)-939 Contract ESTEC-2646/76-NL-AK Descriptors: 'Antenna design, "Computer pro- gramming, "Horn antennas, "Parabolic anten- nas, Antenna feeds, Far fields, Spherical har- monics. Identifiers: Denmark. The theory for the analysis of very general reflector antenna systems is developed and an associated computer program (GRASP) is con- structed. The physical optics method is applied. Compared to previous computer programs, a number of extensions are carried out to obtain a high degree of generality and flexibility. Vari- ous types of reflector surfaces and feed pat- terns are incorporated in the program package. Far-field patterns as well as finite-range pat- terns may be calculated. A spherical wave ex- pansion program (SWE) is developed. This pro- gram determines the spherical wave coeffi- cients for a given feed pattern which may be measured or calculated. Hence, it is possible to perform an accurate determination of the in- cident field on the reflector surface in cases where this is located in the near field of the feed. N77-33602/2CP PC A08/MF A01 Duke Univ., Durham, N. C. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. User's Manual: Computer-Aided Design Pro- grams for Inductor-Energy-Storage DC-to-DC Electronic Power Converters. S. Huffman. 30 Jun 77, 157p Rept nos. NASA- CR-152612, S-02 Contract NAS5-22475 Descriptors: "Inductors, "User manuals (Computer programs), "Voltage converters (Dc to dc), Computer programs, Data bases, Systems engineering. Identifiers: Electric coils, Computer aided design, Energy storage. Detailed instructions on the use of two com- puter-aided-design programs for designing the energy storage inductor for single winding and two winding dc to dc converters are provided. Step by step procedures are given to illustrate the formatting of user input data. The procedures are illustrated by eight sample design problems which include the user input and the computer program output. N77-82112/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. Dept. of Electrical Engineer- ing. Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simu- lation of Sequential Logic Circuits Interim rept. B. D. Carroll. 16 May 77, 84p NASA-CR-1 50304 Contract NAS8-31 572 Descriptors: "Logic circuits, "Logic design, "Computerized simulation, Computer pro- grams, Flip flops, Gates(Circuits), Computation, Boolean functions. Identifiers: "SIMLOG computer program, PDP- 11/40 computers, IBM-370/158 computers. This report contains a description of the latest version of the SIMLOG logic simulation pro- gram. New features contained in the latest ver- sion include automatic race analysis, fault simulation, and a flexible starting state specifi- cation procedure. Problems that remain in the simulator are also discussed. A proposed reor- ganization of the program to overcome some of these problems is described. Flow charts and listings of the current program are included. N78-11316/4CP PC A02/MF A01 Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Espoo (Finland). Radio Lab. A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. D. E. Meharry. 1977, 7p Rept nos. REPT-S-92, ISBN-951 -750-958-8 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Electrical impedance, "Gunn diodes, "Mathematical models. Electron oscillations, Fourier transfor- mation, Gallium arsenides, Iteration, Tempera- ture effects. Identifiers: Finland, Computerized simulation, "Transferred electron devices. A computer program is presented which calcu- lates the behavior of a transferred electron oscillator operating in the quenched domain mode. The program, which is based on previ- ous theoretical work, includes options for the inclusion of diffusion effects, a temperature de- pendent threshold field, and calculation of the admittance of a packaged device, has no lengthy iterative calculations so that results are obtained very quickly. N78-13328/7CP PC A15/MF A01 Systems Science and Software, La Jolla, Calif. A Three Dimensional Dynamic Study of Elec- trostatic Charging in Materials. Contractor Report, Jul. 1976 -Jul. 1977. I. Katz, D. E. Parks, M. J. Mandell, J. M. Harvey, and D. H. Brownell, Jr. Aug 77, 334p Rept nos. NASA-CR-135256, SSS-R-77-3367 Contract NAS3-201 19 Descriptors: "Electrostatic charge, "Materials tests, "Secondary emission, "Spacecraft struc- tures, Aluminum, Backscattering, Compu- terized simulation, Dielectrics, Electrodynam- ics, Emission spectra, Kapton (Trademark), Magnesium, Teflon (Trademark). Identifiers: NASCAP computer program. A description is given of the physical models employed in the NASCAP (NASA Charging Analyzer Program) code, and several test cases are presented. NASCAP dynamically simulates the charging of an object made of conducting segments which may be entirely or partially covered with thin dielectric films. The object may be subject to either ground test or space user-specified environments. The simulation al- ternately treats (1) the tendency of materials to accumulate and emit charge when subject to plasma environment, and (2) the consequent response of the charged particle environment to an object's electrostatic field. Parameterized formulations of the emission properties of materials subject to bombardment by electrons, protons, and sunlight are presented. Values of the parameters are suggested for clean alu- minum, AI203, clean magnesium, MgO, Si02 kapton, and teflon. A discussion of conductivity in thin dielectrics subject to radiation and high fields is given, together with a sample calcula- tion. N78-13329/5CP PC A16/MF A01 Systems Science and Software, La Jolla, Calif. Nascap User's Manual. Contractor Report, Jul. 1976- Jul. 1977. M.J. Mandell, J. M. Harvey, and I. Katz. Aug 77, 354p Rept nos. NASA-CR-135259, SSS-R-77- 3368 Contract NAS3-201 19 Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, "Spacecraft charging, User manuals (Computer programs), Backscattering, Dielectrics, Finite element method, Graphs (Charts), Materials tests, Poisson equation. Secondary emission. Identifiers: NASCAP computer program. The NASCAP (NASA Charging Analyzer Pro- gram) code simulates the charging process for a complex object in either tenuous plasma or ground test environment. Detailed specifica- tions needed to run the code are presented. The object definition section, OBJDEF, allows the test object to be easily defined in the cubic mesh. The test object is composed of conduct- ing sections which may be wholly or partially covered with thin dielectric coatings. The potential section, POTENT, obtains the electro- static potential in the space surrounding the object. It uses the conjugate gradient method to solve the finite element formulation of Pois- son's equation. The CHARGE section of NASCAP treats charge redistribution among the surface cells of the object as well as charg- ing through radiation bombardment. NASCAP has facilities for extensive graphical output, in- cluding several types of object display plots, potential contour plots, space charge density contour plots, current density plots, and parti- cle trajectory plots. N78-14235/3CP PC A02/MF A01 Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen (West Germany). Calculation of the Desired Angle Values for the Alignment of a Stabilized Two Axis Rotat- ing Platform in an Aircraft Berechnung der Winkel-Sollwerte fuer die Ausrichtung Eines Stabilisierten Zwei-Achsen-Drehstandes in Einem Flugzeug. E. Hoermann. Feb 77, 24p Rept no. DLR-IB-552- 76/27 Language in German. Descriptors: "Airborne equipment, "Alignment, "Antennas, "Backscattering, "Meteorological parameters, Azimuth, Computer programs, Elevation angle, Scatterometers, Seas, Stabil- ized platforms. Identifiers: West Germany. A procedure to calculate from the navigation gyroscope values the desired values for the drive control of an antenna rotating platform (azimuth and elevation) on board an aircraft is described. The study is part of the scatterome- ter project in which the possibility of establish- ing from backscatter measurements, informa- tion on the motion of the sea and hence the wind direction and the wind force was in- vestigated. To this end, a stabilizing antenna pointed slanted towards the sea is mounted on board an aircraft flying along a predetermined path. The position of the antenna should not be influenced by the movements of the aircraft. The method gives simplified equations for elevation over azimuth and for azimuth over elevation values. N78-17280/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Espoo (Finland). Radio Lab. 71 Calculation of the Effects of Dew on Radome Performance. D. E. Meharry. 1977, 28p Rept nos. REPT-S-98, ISBN-951-751-044-6 Descriptors: 'Radomes, Extremely high frequencies, Mathematical models, Superhigh frequencies, Antenna radiation patterns, Com- puter programs, Dielectric properties, Numeri- cal analysis, Thickness. Identifiers: DEW, Performance, Radio transmis- sion, Finland. It has been noted that the formation of dew on the outside of a radome adversely affects its performance, often to a severe degree. A theoretical treatment of the problem is re- ported, starting with a flow graph analysis of the multilayered air-dew-radome-air structure and then integrating the results over the anten- na aperture. Numerical calculation of both emission and transmission at 22.2 and 78 GHz show at least qualitative agreement with mea- surements. Quantitative agreement cannot be checked until the development of a method for directly measuring dew thickness on the radome, for which a possible solution is also presented. N78-18341/5CP PC A03/MF A01 European Space Agency, Paris (France). Computer Aided Analysis of Microwave Elec- tronic Circuits in the Frequency Domain (Esamec). J. G. Ferrante, J. K. Nielsen, and A. Montenegro. Dec 77, 46p Rept no. ESA-TT-441 Descriptors: "Computerized design, 'Microwave circuits, 'Network analysis, Com- puter programs, Frequency response, Transfer functions, Electrical impedance, Failure analy- sis, Failure modes, Junction diodes, Matrices (Mathematics), Meteosat satellite, P-l-N junc- tions, Phase shift circuits. Identifiers: Translations, Computer aided design, France. Two general methods are presented for microwave network analysis to be integrated into computer-aided design software known as ESAMEC (ESA Microwave Electronic Circuits). They are the wiring operator method, based on the equivalent representation of transfer matrices, and the nodal analysis method using an infinite admittance matrix. ESAMEC is ap- plied to the failure-mode analysis of a variable phase shift network, using PIN diodes, to be flown aboard Meteosat. N78-19397/6CP PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Up-Date of Traveling Wave Tube Improve- ments. E. Buck. 1978, 15p Rept nos. NASA-TM-78852, E-9572 Conf-Presented at Electronic Warfare Symp., Warner Robins AFB, Ga., 20-24 Mar. 1978. Descriptors: 'Traveling wave tubes, Technology assessment, Accumulators, Beams (Radiation), Cathodes, Circuits, Computer programs, Research and development, Structural design. A brief survey is presented of areas of progress on traveling wave tube designs. Data demon- strates the effect of multistage depressed col- lectors, the design of which is made possible by powerful NASA computer programs. Other top- ics include beam refocusing, RF circuit losses, and cathode testing. N78-20805/5CP Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Pasadena. PC A05/MF A01 Inst, of Tech., Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. R. K. Kirschman. 1 Mar 78, 96p Rept nos. NASA- CR-156131.JPL-PUB-77-32 Contract NAS7-1 00 Descriptors: 'Hybrid circuits, 'Integrated cir- cuits, 'Pattern registration, 'Photographic film, 'Photographic plates, 'Semiconductor devices, 'User manuals (Computer programs), Com- puter graphics, Computer techniques, Compu- terized design, Data conversion routines, En- gineering drawings, Fortran, Imaging techniques. Identifiers: 'Photomasks, Masking, Photoen- graving. A user's manual for a set of computer programs written in FORTRAN for the layout and genera- tion of photomasks is presented. A limited amount of related information on photomasks, their design, and use is included. Input to the programs includes data descibiing the photomask design. Possible outputs include plots of the layout and a magnetic tape for con- trolling generation of the photomask by a pat- tern generator. ORNL/MIT-242 PC A04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Oak Ridge, Tenn. School of Chemical Engineering Practice. Design of Cryogenic Heat Exchangers for a Superconducting Magnet W. A. Chrusciel, B. Y. Tao, and S. A. Ventura. 26 Oct 76, 56p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Heat exchangers, 'Superconducting magnets, Computer codes. Cryogenics, Design, Helium, Refrigeration, Simulation, Thermonuclear reactors. Identifiers: ERDA/700202, ERDA/420201, Com- puterized simulation. Computer programs were written to design and simulate the behavior of three heat exchangers for cooling supercritical helium to approxi- mately 4.3 exp K at 4 atm. Helium, at 1, 3, or 5 gm/sec, is cooled by passing it through 0.635- cm-diam copper tubing immersed in a liquid nitrogen bath, through a copper, concentric tube, counter-current heat exchanger, and then through 0.635-cm copper tubing immersed in a liquid helium bath. The helium then enters a su- perconducting test magnet and finally passes through the annulus of the countercurrent exchanger before venting to the atmosphere. Several acceptable designs are presented that meet design and space limitations. (ERA cita- tion 02:042296) PAT-APPL-617 89S/CP PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Phase Modulator. Patent Application. C. P. Hearn. Filed 29 Sep 75, 17p N76-1 0356/3, NASA-CASE-LAR-1 1607-1 Government-owned invention available for licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Phase modulation, 'Power series, 'Signal generators, 'Patent applications, Com- puter programs, Equipment specifications, Product development, Waveforms. Method and apparatus are presented for producing a phase-modulated waveform hav- ing a high degree of linearity between the modulating signal and the phase of the modu- lated carrier signal. Two signals representing finite odd and even power series transforma- tions of the modulating signal are produced and multiplied with two quadrature com- ponents of the input carrier signal, respectively. One of the multiplied signals is subtracted from the other and the resulting signal is hard- limited to produce a phase-modulated output signal. The means for producing the two signals representing the odd and even power series of the modulating signal includes means for varying the coefficients of the two power se- ries. By means of an existing computer pro- gram, the coefficients of the two power series are selected such that there is an extremely high degree of linearity between the modulat- ing signal and the phase of the modulated carri- er signal. PAT-APPL-765 165/CP PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Tex. Phase Array Antenna Control. Patent Application. G. D. Doland. Filed 3 Feb 77, 51 p N77-1 9320/9, NASA-CASE-MSC-14939-1 Contract NAS9-1 2200 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, 'Steerable anten- nas, 'Patent applications, Antenna arrays. Cir- cuits, Computer programs, Numerical control. Spacecraft antennas. The present invention provides several im- provements in steering and control of phased array antennas having a small number of ele- ments, typically on the order of 5 to 17 ele- ments. Among the improvements are increas- ing the number of beam steering positions, reducing the possibility of phase transients in signals received or transmitted with the anten- nas, and increasing control and testing capaci- ty with respect to the antennas. PAT-APPL-878 629/CP PC A03/MF A01 Department of the Navy Washington D C Analog and Digital Circuit Tester Patent Application Dean A. Winkler. Filed 1 7 Feb 78, 45 AD-D004 789/4 Availability: This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Patent applications, 'Circuit testers, Analog systems. Digital systems, Modules(Electronics), Computer programs. Au- tomatic, Cassettes, Waveform generators. An automatic tester is described for singularly testing a plurality of different types of standard electronic modules. A test program is written for each type of standard electronic module and this test data is stored on cassette tape. As the tester is adaptable for testing different types of modules, interface and switching matrix between the tester and the module under test is accomplished by an interface card and a matrix of relays. A plurality of programmable power supplies and programmable waveform genera- tors are provided in the tester and instructions on the cassette tape dictate the desired values and wave shapes to be supplied to a particular module under test. The cassette tape also has data which represents the acceptable output requirements of a module under test and a measurement system measures the actual out- puts and a comparison is then made with the measured output and the desired output to in- dicate either failure or acceptance of the module under test. (Author) PATENT-3 996 532 Not available NTIS National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. Phase Modulating with Odd and Even Finite Power Series of a Modulating Signal. Patent. 72 C. P. Hearn, R. H. Couch, and L. R. Wilson. Patented 7 Dec 76, 8p N77-14292/5, PAT-APPL- 617 895 Misc-Filed 29 Sep. 1975 Supersedes N76-10356 (14 - 01, p 0048). This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of Patent available Commis- sioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Phase modulation, 'Patents, Elec- tric pulses, Power series, Analysis (Mathematics), Computer programs. Electronic equipment. Identifiers: PAT-CL-332-22. Method and apparatus is presented for produc- ing a phase-modulated waveform having a high degree of linearity between the modulating signal and the phase of the modulated carrier signal. Two signals representing finite odd and even power series transformations of the modulating signal are produced and multiplied with two quadrature components of the input carrier signal, respectively. One of the mul- tiplied signals is subtracted from the other and the resulting signal is hard-limited to produce a phase-modulated output signal. The means for producing the two signals representing the odd and even power series of the modulating signal includes means for varying the coefficients of the two power series. By means of an existing computer program, the coefficients of the two power series are selected such that there is an extremely high degree of linearity between the modulating signal and the phase of the modu- lated carrier signal. PATENT-4 016 511 Not available NTIS Department of the Air Force Washington D C Programmable Variable Length High Speed Digital Delay Line Patent John L. Ramsey, and Allen E. Post. Filed 19 Dec 75. patented 5 Apr 77, 4p AD-D003 915/6, PAT- APPL-642 521 Supersedes PAT-APPL-642 521-75, AD-D002 322. Availability: This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of patent available Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C. 20231 $0.50. Descriptors: 'Patents, 'Delay lines, Digital systems. Switching circuits, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: PAT-CL-333-29. A variable length, digital delay line apparatus is described which uses a set of progressively in- creasing delay devices in conjunction with a set of digitally selectable switching units to vary the delay times over a predetermined delay range. (Author) PB-239 306/4CP PC A11/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Ener- gy Lab. Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part II. Heat Con- duction in the Cable Insulation of Force- Cooled Underground Electrical Power Trans- mission Systems Yearly rept. Joel V. Sanders, Leon R. Glicksman, and Warren M. Rohsenow. May 74, 240p Rept no. MIT-EL-74-004 Also pub. as Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cam- bridge. Heat Transfer Lab., Rept. no. 80619-88. Prepared in cooperation with Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., New York. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports as PB-239 304-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Power transmission lines, 'Liquid cooling, Coolants, Oils, Fluid flow, Heat transfer, Thermal conductivity, Subsurface structures, Computerized simulation. Insula- tion, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Underground, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. Forced-cooled systems for oil-filled pipe-type cable circuits have recently been considered. In such systems the conduction resistance through the paper insulation of the cables is the limiting thermal resistance. Assuming bilateral symmetry, steady-state conditions, and two- dimensional heat transfer, a FORTRAN IV com- puter program was written to solve the heat conduction problem in the cable insulation for arbitrary configurations of a three-cable system. For a steel pipe, a cable system is most susceptible to overheating in the equilateral configuration with the three cables touching. Proximity effects are very significant in forced cooling, especially when cables are not pro- vided with a copper tape under the insulation moisture seal assembly, accounting for as much as 21% of the total oil temperature rise between refrigeration stations. This figure, however, is reduced to 8% when 0.005 inch thick copper tape is present. PB-239 307/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Ener- gy Lab. Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part III. The Pre- diction of Friction Factors in Turbulent Flow for an Underground Forced Cooled Pipe-Type Electrical Transmission Cable System Yearly rept. Joseph W. Beckenbach, Jr, Leon R. Glicksman, and Warren M. Rohsenow. Sep 74, 1 1 1 p Rept no. MIT-EL-74-005 Also Pub. as Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cam- bridge. Heat Transfer Lab., Rept. no. MIT-HTL- 80619-89. Prepared in cooperation with Con- solidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., New York. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports as PB-239 304-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Power transmission lines, 'Liquid cooling, Coolants, Oils, Fluid flow, Fluid mechanics. Friction, Turbulent flow, Subsur- face structures. Computer programs, Compu- terized simulation, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Underground, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. Forced cooled systems for underground, oil filled, pipe-type electrical transmission cable systems are becoming increasingly common in large urban centers. In systems of this type there exist a number of electrical transmission cables in an oil filled conduit. These cables are wrapped with a semi-circular, protective skid wire, which increases the turbulence in the flow and up until now has prevented any accurate or realistic prediction of the pressure drop. An equation has been used which correlates the friction factor of the rough surface which has been developed which combines the effects of the rough and smooth surface on the flow to obtain friction factor vs. Reynolds number plot for the entire pipe-type cable system. This theory has been written in the form of a FOR- TRAN IV computer program which accepts as input the geometrical dimensions of a system and yields as output the friction factor and cor- responding Reynolds Number for the entire pipe-type cable geometry. The results predicted from the theory are consistently 15-30% above the experimentally determined values. PB-247 116/7CP PC A09/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Electromagnetics Div. Time Domain Automatic Network Analyzer for Measurement of RF and Microwave Com- ponents Final rept. 1 Jul 73-30 Jun 74 William L. Gans, and James R. Andrews. Sep 75, 177p Rept no. NBS-TN-672 Contract CCG-72-68 Descriptors: 'Network analyzers, Microwave equipment, Attenuation, Fourier transforma- tion, Insertion loss, Pulse generators, Oscil- loscopes, Minicomputers, Computer programs. Spectrum analysis, BASIC programming lan- auaoe. 'Time guage. Identifiers: Time domain, Automatic domain automatic network analyzers. The technical note describes in detail a new NBS instrument for the measurement of the scattering parameters of RF and microwave components. The instrument is the Time Domain Automatic Network Analyzer (TDANA). It uses time domain pulse measurements to ob- tain frequency domain parameters. The frequency range is dc to 18 GHz with a lower upper limit for large values of attenuation. The instrument consists of three major com- ponents: an ultra-fast pulse generator, a broad- band sampling oscilloscope, and a digital minicomputer. PB-252 688/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, Colo. Inst, for Telecommunication Sciences. A Numerical Method for Generating Earth Coverage Footprints from Geostationary An- tennas Randy H. Ott. May 75, 83p USPS-1 702-1 12 Descriptors: 'Communications satellites. 'Antenna radiation patterns, Telecommunica- tion, Spacecraft antennas, Synchronous satel- lites, Power spectra. Algorithms, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Electronic message system. An algorithm is described for generating on a microfilm out-put earth coverage footprints from geostationary satellite antennas. A separate algorithm for determining whether given stations are included in or excluded from a particular footprint is described. The antenna beam can be elliptic in cross-section with an ar- bitrary orientation of semi-minor and semi- major axes. Several examples of the use of the algorithms are presented. PB-254 574/7CP PC A16/MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, Calif. Matrix Analysis of Linear Induction Machines Final rept. Sep 72-Dec 74 David G. Elliott. Sep 75, 358p JPL-SP-43-24, FRA/ORD-75/77 Descriptors: 'Induction motors, 'Matrix methods. Magnetic fields, Liquid metal pumps, Magnetohydrodynamic generators, Matrices(Mathematics), Computation, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: 'Linear induction motors. A new method of analyses for linear induction machines, the matrix method, has been developed. The method handles linear induc- tion motors, both single- and double-sided, and linear induction liquid metal pumps and generators, both flat and annular. The primary currents can be prescribed, calculated from prescribed phase voltages, or optimized for maximum machine efficiency. The matrix method incorporates accurate modeling of the magnetic field of the finite-length iron includ- ing the fields due to fringing, variable gap, slots, coils, and phase belts. The coils may have any arbitrary phase connections. PB-260 426/2CP CP T05 Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. Broadcast Bureau. RADIAT Computer Program Software John Boursy, and Bill Lannin. Oct 76. mag tape* FCC/DF-76/008 73 Source tape is in EBCDIC character set. Tape(s) can be prepared in most standard 7 or 9 track recording modes for one-half inch tape. Identify recording mode desired by specifying character set, tract, density, and parity. Call NTIS Computer Products if you have questions. Price includes documentation, PB-260 427. Descriptors: "Software, 'Antenna radiation pat- terns, 'Radio broadcasting, "Radio stations, "Computer programs, "Directional antennas, Amplitude modulation, Computations, FOR- TRAN, Magnetic tapes. Identifiers: RADIAT computer program, FOR- TRAN 5 programming language. Radiation patterns are calculated for standard broadcast (AM) stations, including theoretical, standard, modified standard, stability and reradiation patterns. Also, included are related calculations such as RMS studies, nearfield studies, and computation of mutual im- pedances. Results of some intermediate calcu- lations may also be printed. Limitations - max- imum of 20 towers 50 augmentations; both can be easily changed. Known error - incorrect results for modified standard (augmented) pat- tern special angles will result if the first vertical angle is not on the horizontal. The program is written in the FORTRAN V programming lan- guage for implementation on a Honeywell 6023 computer using the GCOS operating system. 168K bytes of storage are required to operate the program. PB-260 427/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. Broadcast Bureau. A User's Guide to RADIAT, CONTOUR, CLIPPING, SKYWAVE Final rept. John Boursy. 25 Apr 75, 81 p* FCC/DF-76/008a For system on magnetic tape, see PB-260 426. Descriptors: "Instructions, "Computer pro- gramming, "Radio broadcasting, Directional antennas, Antenna radiation patterns, Iono- spheric propagation, Radio waves, Radiofrequency interference, Amplitude modu- lation. Identifiers: RADIAT computer program, CON- TOUR computer program, CLIPPING computer program, SKYWAVE computer program. This is a user's guide for four FORTRAN com- puter programs used in FCC's broadcast bu- reau. RADIAT is used for standard broadcast (AM) directional antenna calculations. CON- TOUR is used for distance, bearing, midpoint latitude and Skywave field factor calculations. CLIPPING is used for 'clipping' studies for nighttime standard broadcast (AM) interference studies. SKYWAVE is used to calculate the ex- tent of 10% and 50% nighttime Skywave con- tours for standard broadcast (AM) stations. PB-261 770/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An Assessment of Current Development Final rept. C. A. Skalski. Jun 76, 144p MTR-7028, FRA- ORD/D-76/260 Contract DOT-FR-54090 Descriptors: "Rapid transit railways, "Electric drives, "Synchronous motors, Electric motors, Superconducting magnets, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Computer programs. Identifiers: "Tracked air cushion vehicles, "Magnetic levitation, "Linear synchronous mo- tors, "Guideways, Air core motors. The development of the air-core linear synchronous motor (LSM) is exam ined primari- ly on the basis of work done in the United States and Canada during the past five years. The out- standing performance features of these motors are demonstrated in terms of a simple theory, numerous design examples, and discussions of practical aspects. Comparisons to iron-core LSMs and linear induction motors are made. Also, the possibility of using air-core LSMs as an alternative to conventional railroad electrifi- cation techniques is pointed out. PB-263 119/OCP PCA08/MFA01 West Virginia Univ., Morgantown. Dept. of Elec- trical Engineering. Evaluation of In-Mine Grounding System and Codification of Ground Bed Construction and Measurement Techniques Annual rept. Wils L. Cooley. 1 Aug 75, 169p BuMines-OFR- 20-77 Grant G0144138 Descriptors: "Electrical grounding, "Coal mines, Safety, Electrical faults, Measurement, Design, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Evaluation. Identifiers: Mine safety. Measurements were made of earth currents from dc haulage lines to evaluate their effect on ground beds, grounding, and ground monitor- ing. Ground bed construction and measure- ment techniques making use of a programma- ble portable calculator were developed. The programs were also arranged in standard For- tran. Guides for construction and measurement are included as appendices to the report. Theoretical modeling of ground beds was con- ducted. PB-264 300/5CP PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. Electromagnetics Div. A Microwave Vector Voltmeter System Final rept. Keith C. Roe, and Cletus A. Hoer. Aug 76, 70 Rept no. NBSIR-76-844 Sponsored in part by School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, Tex. Descriptors: "Voltmeters, Microwave equip- ment, Amplitude, Calibrating, Phase angle, Au- tomation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Vector voltmeters. The report presents a system description and operating procedure for a vector voltmeter system which covers the frequency range .5 to 12 GHz. The design is based upon a seven-port junction where phase and amplitude informa- tion is obtained using only power detectors. The system is computer controlled and self- calibrating for ratio measurements. PB-267 785/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer Final rept. Jan 75-Mar 77 Roger A. Dworak, Angel G. Jordan, and John S. Thorne. Mar 77, 1 13 BuMines-OFR-106-77 Contract H03461 38 Descriptors: "Electrical fault location, "Microcomputers, "Reflectometers, Computer programs, Power lines, Transmission lines. Identifiers: Time domain, Intel 8080 computers, TDRM computer program, Trailing cables. Faults which occur in electrical coal mine trail- ing cables as either short circuits or open cir- cuits have been successfully located in the past by a variety of simple techniques. On the other hand resistive faults require the use of more so- phisticated techniques to provide accurate fault location, especially in the range of 50 ohms to 1 megohm. The report describes the work done on the development of the time domain reflec- tometry microcomputer (TDRM). Modifications to the FMC-model 302A cable fault locator is described in appendix D. The TDRM unit uses an 8080 microcomputer to accurately locate major faults in low capacitance cables to within plus or minus one foot when properly calibrated. Major faults in high capacitance ca- bles are usually located within plus or minus 5 feet. The upper limits of fault detection are 01 kilohm shunt fault and 07 ohm series fault. In practice fault detection limits are reduced to 0300 ohms shunt fault and 030 ohms series fault because of discontinuities caused by cable repair. PB-270 900/4CP PC A15/MF A01 West Virginia Univ., Morgantown. Engineering Experiment Station. Mine Grounding Systems: Evaluation of Ground Beds and Ground-Bed Monitors and Evaluation of Modular Ground-Wire Monitor Annual rept. 1 Jul 75-15 Oct 76 Wils L. Cooley. 6 May 77, 349p BuMines-OFR- 1 22-77 Contract G01441 38 Descriptors: "Electrical grounding, "Coal mines, Safety, Monitors, Monitoring, Mines(Excavations), Electrical faults, Measure- ment, Evaluation, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Mine safety. Several aspects of coal mine safety-ground system operation are studied. Evaluations of two sophisticated ground-wire monitors are presented, along with a detailed report of development work on a modular ground-wire monitor. A portion of the report covers stray current flow in the safety-ground system, analyzing in detail conditions surrounding the generation of both dc and ac ground wire cur- rent. Considerable detail is provided concern- ing studies of mine ground beds. Additional progress is reported in the development of a continuous ground-bed monitor, and new techniques are developed for the design of ground beds and their resistance measure- ment. New methods of accurately measuring electrical parameters of finite layered conduct- ing structures are also reported. The effects of stray currents in ground beds is included. Touch- and step-potentials associated with mining equipment are analyzed, and methods are presented for determining earth voltage gradients around structures contacting earth. Instrumentation to determine gradients easily is suggested. Finally, an extensive effort is described dealing with lightning transients on open-pit coal mine ground systems. The nature of the transients, their expected frequency of occurrence, and the ways in which they damage equipment are analyzed in detail. PB-271 815/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, Colo. Inst, for Telecommunication Sciences. A Program Description of 'Orbit - Prints': Con- tours of Power Density at the Geostationary Orbit W. A. Kissick, and D. N. Rebol. Jun 77, 95p Rept no. OTR-77-126 Descriptors: "Radio transmission, "Computer programs, "Spectral energy distribution, Radio field strength, Power spectra, Antenna radia- tion patterns, Fortran, Radio stations, Synchronous satellites. Identifiers: Fortran 4 programming language. Communication terminals, ORBITPR computer program. The report describes a computer program which calculates the contours of terrestrial- emitter power density measured at or near the geostationary orbit. The program calculates the power density for an array of points located on the inside surface of a sphere described by the geostationary orbit. The theory and calcula- 74 tions used assume free-space propagation. The geometry allows for arbitrary aiming of the emitter antenna, and several antenna patterns for the terrestrial emitters are included as subroutines of the computer program. The pri- mary output of the program is a computerized plot of contour intervals of power density. The program was written in Fortran IV for the U.S. Department of Commerce, Boulder Laborato- ries' computer. Flow charts and program listings are included in the report. PB-273 036/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. The Power Transmission Project. Progress Report In 1973. Part II. Cryogenic and Mechanical Engineering Technical note E. B. Forsyth, J. W. Dean, and K. F. Minati. 16 Apr75,164pPTP-26, NSF/RA/N-74-033 Grant NSF-AG-381 See also Report dated Mar 74, PB-244 583. Descriptors: 'Superconducting power trans- mission, *Power transmission lines, Liquid heli- um, Cryogenics, Refrigerating, Computer pro- grams, Refrigerators, Capitalized costs, Cost estimates, Supercritical flow, Design. Identifiers: 'Superconducting cables, Cryogenic cables, Cryogenic refrigeration. The progress report describes an active development program concerned with the development of cryogenic envelopes contain- ing the superconducting cables in a thermally- insulated environment. Three concepts for the design of this envelope are under study and are discussed. Also included in the report are some thoughts concerning the design of cable ter- minations for superconducting cable systems. A discussion of refrigeration design for trans- mission line applications is included. A report of some subcontract work at the National Bu- reau of Standards, Cryogenic Division, on a study of the modes of instability in supercritical helium systems concludes the body of this re- port. Appendix I contains a study of explosive welding of joints in stainless steel pipes carried out at Battelle, Columbus Laboratories. Appen- dix II is entitled 'Potential Oscillations in Helium Cooling Systems for Superconducting Power Transmission Lines.' Appendix III is concerned with a transmission system refrigerator, and Appendix IV contains a computer program that calculates the thermal performance and esti- mates the capital cost and yearly electrical power cost for the supercritical helium refrigerator design shown in the report body. PB-280 550/5CP PC A10/MF A01 Cambridge Systems Corp., Mass. Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance Final rept. Feb-Jun 77 Hector C. Ingrao, and William I. Ill Thompson. Mar 78, 209pCSC-77-101, FRA/ORD-78/15.II Contract DOT-FR-74292 Descriptors: "Railroad terminals, "Railroad cars, 'Identification systems, "Optical scanners. Calibration, Legibility, Labels, Railroad trains, Electrooptics, Fortran, Computer programs. Decoders, Multiplexers, Data processing. Rail- roads, Information systems, Networks. Identifiers: "Automatic railroad car identifica- tion systems, "Optical automatic car identifica- tion, "Rail scanners, Readability, TRAIN FOR computer program, Fortran 4 programming language, Decsystem-10 computers. The results of the Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) study on readability and scanner performance conducted on the Chicago Railroad Terminal Information System (CRTIS) data which includes operation from February 1 to June 15, 1977 are presented. The main purpose of the study was to determine the scanner non-read and error-read contributions to overall OACI readability measurements, the use of the calibration train concept as a method of OACI network analysis, and possible network automatic checkout. The study attempts to separate the non-read and error-read com- ponents due to the scanner performance from other label factors which affect the readability measurements. The scanner performance con- tribution to non-read and error-reads was esti- mated on the basis of scanner readability dif- ferences observed by means of calibration trains. The calibration train concept is sug- gested as an effective tool to evaluate OACI scanner network performance. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) SAND-75-0041 PC A05/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. EBW1: A Computer Code for the Prediction of the Behavior of Electrical Circuits Containing Exploding Wire Elements. T. J. Tucker, and R. P. Toth. Apr 75, 82p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Electronic circuits. Exploding wires, "Exploding wires, "Computer calcula- tions, "Computer codes, *E codes, Detonators, Electric conductivity, Electric fuses. Resistivity versus specific action data for 23 ele- mental metals and alloys are combined with a MIMIC language computer program to predict the behavior of electrical circuits containing ex- ploding wire elements. SAND-75-0279 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Opsnap: A Users' Manual. R.L. O'Nan. May 75, 50p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "O codes, "Microwave equipment, Design, "Electronic cir- cuits, Design, "Rf systems, Design, Algorithms, Hp computers, Optimization, Simulation, Systems analysis. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, OPSNAP computer program. OPSNAP is a general microwave circuit analysis and optimization program that allows an en- gineer to describe his circuit in terms of ports rather than nodes, and to get as a result both the circuit response and the proper circuit values necessary to achieve a certain "optimum". The algorithm used works on S- parameters only; no conversions between S, Y, or Z are made. This allows the program to be extremely general in terms of the topology and types of devices allowed. It is configured to run in an HP 2100/21 16 computer having 24K words of core and paper tape and teletype I/O peripherals. It was at one time a Hewlett- Packard working tool and has been donated to the ARFTG users library by H. P. This manual is intended as a guide for the use of the program. The program accepts lumped circuit elements, distributed circuit elements and circuit ele- ments defined by their S-Parameters. OPSNAP can be operated in one of three modes. A fully defined circuit can be analyzed, the operator can interact with the program by entering cir- cuit values via the teletype, or the circuit can optimize circuit values to achieve a required overall circuit operation. SAND-75-0613 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. TA533 Function Matrix and Status Interface Test Program T. D. Sullivan. Apr 76, 27p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Electronic equipment, FORTRAN, Pdp computers, T codes, Testing. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, ERDA/990200. A FORTRAN program is described which allows testing of a TA533. Diagnostic information is printed by the program as an aid for localizing malfunctions in a TA533. Program control is under user input options. 1 figure, 3 tables. (ERA citation 01:017048) SAND-75-0620A PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Schematic Definition Language (SDL) T. L. Bisbee, and W. C. Burd. May 77, 36p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Printed circuits, "Programming languages, Cdc computers, Computer aided design, Electronic circuits, Manuals, Pro- gramming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/420800, "Interactive graphics, DAVINCI-2 computer pro- gram, SDL programming language. This document serves as the users guide for a basic language used to define electrical circuits where the data generated is input to an interac- tive graphics program titled DAVINCI-II. 3 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 02:050508) SAND-75-6192 PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Design Rule Checking and Analysis of IV Mask Designs B. W. Lindsay, and B. T. Preas. 1975, 22p Rept no. CONF-760609-7 13. design automation conference, Palo Alto, California, United States of America (USA), 27 Jun1976. Descriptors: "Computer codes. "Integrated cir- cuits, Algorithms, Computer-aided design, L codes. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, ERDA/990200. A new mask analysis code for design rule checking is described. The code provides a number of high-level (LOGMASC) commands which allow the designer complete freedom in performing almost any design rule check desired, from simple width or tolerance checks to sophisticated checks involving pattern recognition. One of the extremely important features of the sophisticated checks is the elimination of false design rule violations nor- mally encountered when only simple checks are performed. This feature saves much of a design engineer's time. Since only the actual errors are printed or plotted, this feature should be contrasted with the long list of possible er- rors obtained from most design rule checking codes, from which the engineer must sort out the actual errors. Although the use of the LOG- MASC code is described for a CMOS circuit, the code is completely general and can be used for design rule checking and analysis of mask in- formation for any technology. The LOGMASC code described is easy to use, versatile, and provides efficient use of computer time. 4 figures, 6 tables. (ERA citation 01 :017049) SAND-76-0017 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. SAW Devices: Description and Computer Models D. W. Palmer. Mar 76, 48p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: "Sonic probes. Computer codes. Computer-aided design. Design, Equivalent cir- cuits. Mathematical models, Operation, Piezoelectricity, Sound waves, Surfaces, Trans- ducers, Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, Acoustic surface waves, "SAW devices. Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices have become common elements in radar, communi- cation, and coded security systems. This docu- ment is intended to facilitate SAW usage at 75 Sandia Laboratories. This intention is for- warded by presenting a tutorial on SAW device properties and applications, and listing several computer programs which model SAW device properties. The usefulness of computer models in checking design and specification is demon- strated by comparison of the model predictions with rf measurements of SAW devices. The computer programs listed are in a format com- patible with the in-house CDC 6600 computer using a SCOPE operating system along with the SC-4020 plotter. 25 figures, 1 table. (ERA cita- tion 01 :020794) SAND-76-9216 PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Integrated Set of Computer Aids for Custom IC Design C. W. Gwyn. Dec 76, 24p Rept no. CONF- 770705-1 Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Conference on computer-aided design of elec- tronic and microwave circuits and systems, Hull, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK), 12 Jul 1977. Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, Cdc compu- ters, Computer codes, Computer aided design, Production, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, ERDA/990200. An integrated set of computer aids was developed to reduce the time and cost for producing a custom MOS IC design. The basic codes, use of codes in the circuit design sequence, and benefits realized by using com- puter aids are described. 5 figures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 02:052762) SAND-77-0939 PC A11/MF A01 Berne Electronics, Inc., Albuquerque, N.Mex. AITRAC: Augmented Interactive Transient Radiation Analysis by Computer. User's Infor- mation Manual Oct 77, 229 Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Electronic cir- cuits, A codes, Computer aided design, Direct current, Electric currents, Manuals, Mathemati- cal models, Radiation effects, Transients. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, ERDA/440200, AITRAC computer program, Surges. AITRAC is a program designed for on-line, in- teractive, DC, and transient analysis of elec- tronic circuits. The program solves linear and nonlinear simultaneous equations which characterize the mathematical models used to predict circuit response. The program features 100 external node— 200 branch capability; con- versional, free-format input language; built-in junction, FET, MOS, and switch models; sparse matrix algorithm with extended-precision H matrix and T vector calculations, for fast and accurate execution; linear transconductances: beta, GM, MU, ZM; accurate and fast radiation effects analysis; special interface for user- defined equations; selective control of multiple outputs; graphical outputs in wide and narrow formats; and on-line parameter modification capability. The user describes the problem by entering the circuit topology and part parame- ters. The program then automatically generates and solves the circuit equations, providing the user with printed or plotted output. The circuit topology and/or part values may then be changed by the user, and a new analysis, requested. Circuit descriptions may be saved on disk files for storage and later use. The pro- gram contains built-in standard models for re- sistors, voltage and current sources, capaci- tors, inductors including mutual couplings, switches, junction diodes and transistors, FETS, and MOS devices. Nonstandard models may be constructed from standard models or by using the special equations interface. Time functions may be described by straight-line segments or by sine, damped sine, and ex- ponential functions. 42 figures, 1 table. (ERA citation 03:024913) SAND-77-1254C PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Architecture for Contemporary Computer Aids to Generate IC Mask Layouts B. T. Preas, and C. W. Gwyn. 1977, 3p Rept no. CONF-771 104-2 Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 11. annual ASILOMAR conference on circuits, systems, and computers, Pacific Grove, Califor- nia, USA, 7 Nov 1977. Descriptors: "Integrated circuits, "Computer aided design, Fabrication. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, SICLOPS computer program, Masking. A new automatic layout code (Sandia In- tegrated Circuit Layout Program System- SICLOPS) is being developed which avoids earlier problems, provides flexibility for desig- ning ICs using different technologies, and pro- vides the basis necessary to design highly com- plex chips bordering on VLSI complexity. The SICLOPS layout approach relies on a struc- tured hierarchical layout using modules con- sisting of assemblies of standard cells or bond- ing pads and macrocells. One of the keys to ef- ficiency is the use of the same routing al- gorithms at each stage of the layout to optimize the layout for the individual modules prior to in- corporating the modules in the overall chip layout. The SICLOPS program is expected to generate a CMOS IC layout using a silicon gate technology which is approximately a factor of five higher in device density than a metal gate technology. (ERA citation 03:004757) SAND-77-2035 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout K. E. Wiegandt. Dec 77, 35p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Resistors, Computer-aided design. Films, Microelectronic circuits, Pdp computers, Printed circuits, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, UCMD 47 computer program, "Film resistors. Layout. This document describes program UCMD 47— an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for parametrically producing thin-film resistor layouts in three generalized configurations. (ERA citation 03:026775) SC-CR-69-3309 HC E01 MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., State College. Dept. of Physics. Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens. Final rept. H. Val McAdams, Jr. Jan 70, 62p Descriptors: "Antenna configurations, Elec- tromagnetic fields, "Integral equations, Numeri- cal analysis. Penetration, Antennas, Computer programs, Algorithms, Electric currents, Elec- tric wire. For abstract, see NSA 241 5 SC-DR-710831 PCE01/MFA01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Users Manual for the Sandia Microcircuit Mask Generation Program D. . Schroeder, and D. . Schueler. Nov 71 , 34p Descriptors: "Circuits, "Computer programs. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 07, number 16916. SC-DR-720718 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Tonopah, Nev. (Usa). Ticon: The Tonopah Test Range Timing and Control System R. L. Shaum. Jun 73, 52p Descriptors: "Control systems, "Testing, "Electronic equipment, "Time measurement, "Data acquisition systems, Electronic equip- ment. Computer codes, Measuring methods. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 10, number 26908. SC-DR-720816 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Computer Catalog for Electronic Components L. J. Klamerus. Nov 72, 26p Descriptors: "Computer programs. For abstract, see NSA 27 04, number 09226. SLA-73-133 PCE01/MFA01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Devlib: A Pdp-10 Semiconductor Device Library Program G. R. Case, and J. B. Meland. Apr 73, 62p Descriptors: "Computer codes, *D codes, "Semiconductor devices, "Information retrieval, Pdp computers. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 04, number 10485. SLA-73-153 PC E01/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Computer Codes for Power Amplifier Design J. .Webb. Feb 73, 28p Descriptors: "Am plifiers, "Computer programs. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 10, number 24274. SLA-73-5309 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Computer Generated Visual Documentation of Theoretical Store Separation Analyses H. R. Spahr. 1973, 29p Rept no. CONF-730925- 2 Descriptors: "Interactive display devices, "Missiles, "Aircraft, Missiles, "Computer codes, *M codes. Magnetic tapes, Memory devices, Photography. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 10, number 26843. SLA -73-541 9 PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Simulation of Relativistic Electron Beam Diodes J. W. Poukey, J. R. Freeman, and F. G. Yonas. 1973, 22p Rept no. CONF-730529-4 Descriptors: "Diode tubes, "Mathematical models, "Computer codes, *D codes, Electron beams. Electrons, Relativistic range. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 05, number 1 2489. SLA-73-561 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Cable Development Status Computer Pro- gram L. J. Klamerus, G . Voida, and H. C. Olson. Jul 73, 31p Descriptors: "Information systems, Electric ca- bles, "Electric cables, "Specifications, 76 "Computer codes, *C codes, Pdp computers, Planning. Identifiers: AEC. Forabstract, see NSA28 10, number 26840. SLA-73-661 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. User's Guide to a Computerized sa Resistor Catalog (Resis) L. J. Klamerus, and K. J. Payne. Jul 73, 48p Descriptors: 'Resistors, 'Manuals, 'Computer codes, *R codes, Information retrieval, Pdp computers, Specifications, Standards. Identifiers: AEC. Forabstract, see NSA28 10, number 26841. SLA-73-670 PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Gain: An Interactive Graphics Interface for Circuit Analysis Programs D. R. Blazek, and A. F. Schkade. Jul 73, 24p Descriptors: 'Electronic circuits, 'Performance testing, 'Computer codes, *G codes, 'Interactive display devices. Electronic circuits, Cathode ray tubes, Cdc computers, Inspection, Pdp computers, Reliability. Identifiers: AEC. Forabstract, see NSA28 10, number 26842. SLL-73-225 PC E05/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. (Usa). Two Computer Programs for the Sensitivity Analysis of Higher Order Filters M. A. Soderstrand, and J. F. Lathrop. Jan 74, 125p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Electric filters, 'Sensitivity, 'Computer codes, *C codes, Fortran, Polynomi- als, R codes, Transfer functions. Identifiers: AEC. Forabstract, see NSA29 08, number 20513. UCID-1502(Rev.1) PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Computer Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuits (Programs Available to Lrl Design En- gineers). W. G. Jr. Magnuson.9Oct70,7p Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *B codes, C codes, Design, Digital computers, E codes, Electronic circuits, Magnetic tapes, Per- formance, Physical radiation effects, Pro- gramming, Reliability, S codes, Semiconductor materials, Simulation. Forabstract, see NSA30 09, number 26159. PC E99/MF A01 Livermore Lawrence Liver- UCID-16963 California Univ more Lab. W2t-Ariz/LLL1: A Time-Domain Code for Stu- dying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. R. M. Bevensee. 3 Nov 75, 57 Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Shielding, 'Magnetic shielding, 'Computer calculations, "Computer codes, *W codes, Wires. Identifiers: ERDA/644007, ERDA/420800, 'Electromagnetic shielding, W2T-ARIZ/LLL1 computer code. This code is an extension of the code ARBANG developed at the University of Arizona. The original code solved for the temporal e/sub z/(anti rho.t) field on the shadow side of a sin- gle planar grating of round, equally spaced parallel wires excited by an incident plane wave of temporal excitation composed of two decay- ing exponentials. The incident field is polarized parallel to the wires, the system is infinitely long in that direction, and the angle of incidence is arbitrary. The extended code W2T-ARIZ/LLL1 which was developed at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) computes the e/sub z/(anti rho.t) field at any point in empty space for any one of three cases: (1) a single grating of AR- BANG, (2) a pair of parallel gratings (with the wires parallel), and (3) one grating with a per- fectly conducting plane some distance away. The theoretical basis of the code is presented and the accompanying code listing is ex- plained. Some limitations are noted and sample computations for a particular data set are discussed. Information is given about code storage- and execution-time. UCID-17024 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Cur- rents J. L. Willows. 1 Mar 76, 66p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Antennas, Computer codes. Design, Measuring methods, Motion, Numerical solution, S codes, Seas. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, 'Yagi antennas, SWANT computer code, 'Doppler radar, 'Ocean currents, Ocean surface. The purpose of this study was to design Yagi antennas meeting the design criteria. The study consisted of numerical calculations made with the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory SWANT computer code. The code was modified to in- clude a gain calculation, to incorporate normal- ized field-pattern calculations, and to output the plots and summaries presented in the 62 figures at the end of the report. These antennas were designed for the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for use in its Doppler backscatter radar system that monitors the near-coastline ocean surface cur- rents. (ERA citation 01 :020535) UCID-17389 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Stored Energy in Transformers: Calculation by a Computer Program P. A. Willmann, and E. B. Hooper, Jr. Feb 77, 26p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Transformers, Accuracy, Energy losses, Faraday induction, Neutral beam sources, Power supplies, Stored energy, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/420200. A computer program was written to calculate the stored energy in a transformer. This result easily yields the inductance and leakage reactance of the transformer and is estimated to be accurate to better than 5 percent. The pro- gram was used to calculate the leakage reactance of the main transformer for the LLL neutral beam High Voltage Test Stand. (ERA citation 02:036562) PC A03/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCID-17621 California Univ., more Lab. EFFI: A Code for Calculating the Electromag- netic Field, Force, and Inductance in Coil Systems of Arbitrary Geometry. User's Manual S. J. Sackett. 5 May 77, 48p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Magnet coils, 'MFTF devices, "Tokamak devices, Cdc compu- ters, E codes, Electromagnetic fields. Magnetic fields, Magnetic flux. Identifiers: ERDA/700202, ERDA/657007, EFFI computer program. EFFI calculates magnetic flux lines, fields, forces, and inductance for an arbitrary system of coils made from circular arc and/or straight segments of rectangular cross section conduc- tor. The preparation of input to the code and the output options available are described. Several examples, including the magnet design for MFTF and a divertor design for a Tokamak are used for illustration. All input to EFFI is for- mat free, and is checked for validity before any calculations are done. To aid the user in cor- recting mistakes, each error detected produces a diagnostic giving the objection to the data and the number of the offending data card. If no errors are detected, the program automatically expands memory to the size required for the problem. EFFI produces both printed and graphical output. Each page of output is labeled with the problem title; the time, machine and data of the run: and the version number and compile date for EFFI. In addition, each column of numbers on each page is ap- propriately labeled. Plots of field contours, field profiles, flux lines, field magnitude along a flux line, and forces can all be obtained at the op- tion of the user. On field contour and flux line plots, lines of intersection between the coils and the plotting plane are also shown. 5 figures. (ERA citation 03:025487) UCID-17708 PC A06/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. DASLL: (Design Automation System at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory) R.J.Smith, II, and W. G. Magnuson, Jr. Jan 78, 109p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Printed cir- cuits, CDC computers, Computer aided design, D codes, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Manuals. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, CDC-7600 compu- ters, Printed circuit boards, Layout, DASLL system. This manual shows how to use the DASLL system to lay out printed circuit boards by using the OCTOPUS CDC 7600 computer system and other equipment at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. 18 figures. (ERA citation 03:029129) UCID-30084 PC A06/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore (Usa). Lawrence Livermore Lab. Wamp: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program. F. J. Deadrick, and E. K. Miller. 10 Dec 73. 109p Contract W-7405-eng-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *W codes, 'Antennas, 'Computer calculations. Boundary conditions. Electric fields, Electromagnetic fields, Fortran, Impedance. Manuals, Simula- tion. Forabstract, see NSA 29 10. number 26483. UCRL-14855 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radia- tion Lab. Linear Network Analysis Computer Program (User's Manual). Darrow F. Dawson, and Waldo G. Magnuson. Jr. 9 Jun 66. 29p Descriptors: 'Electrical networks. Mathematical analysis, 'Programming(Computers), Instruc- tion manuals, Electric filters. Coupling circuits. 77 Transformers, Linear systems, Response, Feed- back amplifiers. Identifiers: "Network analysis theory. For abstract, see NSA2416 mutual impedance between two segments of the structure by the use of approximate formu- las due to Norton (when appropriate) or, when necessary, by the evaluation of Sommerfeld in- tegrals through numerical contour integration. Descriptors: "Electronic circuits, "Design, Com- puter calculations, Computer codes, Integrated circuits, Microelectronics, Mos transistors. For abstract, see NSA 3111, number 32455. UCRL-50944 HC E01 MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radia- tion Lab. TORMAG- A PROGRAM FOR SYMMETRY OP- TIMIZATION OF TOROIDAL MAGNETS O. A. Anderson, and Dieter Fuss. 1 Oct 70, 7p Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Magnet coils, "Thermonuclear reactors. For abstract, see NSA 25 08, number 17212. UCRL-51277 PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Twtd- a Computer Program for the Time- Domain Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures M.Van Blaricum, and E. . Miller. 28 Oct 72, 124p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Antennas, "Computer programs. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 27 10, number 24276. UCRL-51397 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Code for Viewing Mafco Conductors from Any Angle T. N. Haratani.and R. W. Moir. 15Jun73, 14p Contract W-7405-eng-48 U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Electric conductors, "Inspection, "Computer codes, *M codes, Magnetic fields, Rotation. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 08, number 20593. UCRL-51515 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore (Usa). Lawrence Livermore Lab. Computer Models for Antennas. E.K.Miller. 21 Jan 74, 32p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Antennas, "Mathematical models, Air, Computer codes, Electromagnetic radia- tion, Ground level. Interfaces, Numerical solu- tion, Programming, Wires. For abstract, see NSA 30 01, number 02424. UCRL-51821 PC A09/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter An- derem. D. L. Lager, and R.J. Lytle. 21 May 75, 176p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *W codes, "Antennas, "Electric currents, "Sommerfeld in- tegrals, "Computer calculations, Cdc compu- ters, Fortran, Impedance, Wires. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. A description is given of the subroutine package added to the computer program WF- LLL2A to extend its capabilities to include solv- ing for the currents on thin wire structures when the structures interact strongly with a lossy ground. This includes not only the case of a structure located above the ground, but also buried beneath it and with portions above and below the ground. The routines solve for the UCRL-52028 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Liver- more Lab. WF-SYR/LLL1: A Thin-Wire Computer Code for Antennas or Scatterers with Pulse Expan- sion Functions for Current R. M. Bevensee. 18 Feb 76, 49p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Antennas, "Computer codes, "Electromagnetic radiation, Cdc computers, Electric currents, Electric fields, Fortran, Manuals, Scattering, W codes. Identifiers: ERDA/657007, ERDA/990200, WF- SYR/LLL1 computer program. This report includes both the theoretical framework and the explanation of the WF- SYR/LLL1 code listing and should serve as a user's manual. The code solves for frequency domain currents and related quantities on wire structures or solid bodies modelled by grids of interconnected thin wires, acting either as an- tennas or scatterers. The code is a modified version of code WF-SYR. Essentially, the trian- gular testing functions were replaced by im- pulse functions at the wire segment centers, and the triangular expansion functions were replaced by pulse (rectangular) functions for current and by pulse doublets for charge. The basic method-of-moments equations of the code are developed, including a charge redis- tribution scheme for multiple junctions. The code listing is explained as adapted to a cross wire. Code limitations are summarized, and suggestions are made for extending the code to allow for wires of differing radii and to include subroutines for computing near or far (radiation) fields from a computed current- charge distribution. Formulas for storage and execution time are given. The modelling of physical structures to obtain greater accuracy in computed pulse currents on the segments is discussed. Along with the code listing, the test- case output for a cross wire antenna and scat- terer are included. 20 figures. (ERA citation 01:021867) PC A03/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Liver- UCRL-52080 California Univ more Lab. Computer Analysis of the Twin-Whip Antenna G. J. Burke, and A. J. Poggio. 1 Jun 76, 29 Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: "Antennas, Communications, Computer codes. Mathematical models, N codes, Numerical analysis, Ships. Identifiers: ERDA/420200. Computer techniques are used to analyze the twin-whip, high-frequency, HF communication antenna employed by the U.S. Navy. The anten- na is considered both on an infinite ground plane and mounted on a bracket. The program NEC, a modification of the AMP program, was used for the analysis and is very briefly described. Several models of the source region are evaluated, and the results are compared with measured input impedances. A model using a transmission line for the feed region is found to give very accurate results. (ERA cita- tion 02:001264) PC A02/MF A01 Livermore Lawrence Liver- UCRL-76454 California Univ. more Lab. Programs for Computer Aided Design of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (Mos) Lsi Elec- tronic Circuits. E. E. Alexander. 23 Oct 74, 6p Rept no. CONF- 741001-54 UCRL-77294 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Computer Program to Evaluate the Quality of a Pc Board Router. H. H. Loomis, Jr. 5 Sep 75, 14p Rept no. CONF- 751109-2 Descriptors: "Printed circuits, "Computer codes, Automation, Computers, Design, Per- formance testing, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, ERDA/990200. This paper gives a general description of the Design Automation System under development at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and presents the details of the portion of that system which makes quantitative evaluations of a given router for a given problem. Specific de- fects in the solution are also identified by the program. The evaluator, therefore, aids in the debugging of routers and the improvement of router heuristics. WFPS-TME-009 PC A04/MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Fusion Power Systems Dept. Six Phase Rectifier Digital Computer Simula- tion R. W. Miller, and J. O. Nichols. Oct 75, 66p Contract EY-76-C-02-3073 Descriptors: "Magnet coils, "Power supplies, "Tftr device, Computer codes, Electrical pro- perties, Fortran, Mathematical models, Simula- tors. Identifiers: ERDA/700203, "Computerized simu- lation, Electric converters, Rectrifiers. A digital computer program has been developed for the simulation of a six-pulse con- verter with a resistance-inductance load. The program calculates the time histories of the voltages and currents on both the ac and dc sides of the rectifier bridges. The grid delay angle is calculated in terms of the load current, supply voltage, and commutating reactance. The program is written in FORTRAN and is ex- ecutable on the CDC 7600. P Plotted output of ten variables can be requested. This program is a preliminary effort toward the development of analytical and programming techniques that can be used in the simulation of the twelve- pulse controlled rectifiers in the TFTR toroidal field coil energy conversion system. (ERA cita- tion 03:009459) WFPS-TME-045 MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Fusion Power Systems Dept. Structural Analysis Methods and Design Solutions for Ohmic Heating Solenoids R. A. Smith. Sep 77, 19p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Portions of document are illegible. Descriptors: "Superconducting magnets, "Tokamak type reactors, "Solenoids, Computer calculations, Computer codes, Current density, Design, Joule heating, Materials, Mechanical structures, Stress analysis, Supports. Identifiers: ERDA/700202, ERDA/420201, Ohmic dissipation, Heating coils. Design equations with solutions are derived for the ohmic heating coil solenoid unique to a tokamak fusion device. The solutions are pro- vided to perform a detailed structural analysis of every conducting turn in the radial build of the solenoid. The derivations follow from the theory of elasticity for a body possessing cylin- 78 drical anisotropy where the material properties are different in the radial and tangential directions. Distinction is made to provide separate models for the region of the solenoid: (a) where turn-to-turn radial contact is main- tained with radial compression or with a bond tensile strength in regions of radial tension, and (b) where there is turn-to-turn radial separation due to the absence or the loss of bonding in lo- cations of would-be radial tension. (ERA cita- tion 03:027641) 79 SUBJECT INDEX AC GENERATORS Description and Evaluation of Digital-Computer Program for Analysis of Stationary Outside- Coil Lundell Alternators. N70-28433/CP Digital-Computer Program for Design Analysis of Salient, Wound Pole Alternators N73-21082/CP ACCELERATORS Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 ACOUSTIC DELAY LINES Computer-Aided Design of Bulk Microwave Acoustic Delay Lines AD-A007 970/7CP Programmable Acoustic Signal Processing Devices AD-A013 419/7CP Ultra-Flat UHF Delay Line Modules AD-A046 232/5CP ACOUSTIC DETECTION Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Per- formance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP ACOUSTIC SURFACE WAVES Surface Acoustic Wave Filters at UHF: Design and Analysis AD-A017 106/6CP Analysis of Interdigital Transducers for Acoustic Surface Wave Devices AD-757 485/CP Acoustic Surface Wave Diffraction and Beam Steering AD-766 427/9CP Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer AD-782 419/6CP ACOUSTOOPTICS Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer AD-782 419/6CP ADAPTIVE CONTROL SYSTEMS Adaptive Processing Experiment (APE) Phase II AD-A027 071 /OCP ADAPTIVE PROCESSING Adaptive Processing Experiment (APE) Phase II AD-A027 071 /OCP ADAPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSORS Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 AD-A026 111/5CP ADMITTANCE Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP AERONAUTICS Application of Display in Flight Vehicle Mission Performance Evaluation. AD-709 057/CP AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS Sidelobe Suppression Mode Performance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 242/1CP Improved Sidelob Suppression Mode Per- formance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 243/9CP Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A041 864/0CP AIRBORNE EQUIPMENT Calculation of the Desired Angle Values for the Alignment of a Stabilized Two Axis Rotating Plat- form in an Aircraft Berechnung der Winkel-Soll- werte fuer die Ausrichtung Eines Stabilisierten Zwei-Achsen-Drehstandes in Einem Flugzeug. N78-14235/3CP AIRCRAFT Computer Generated Visual Documentation of Theoretical Store Separation Analyses SLA-73-5309 AIRCRAFT ANTENNAS Computer Programs for Scattering Effects In- vestigation AD-A024 634/8CP Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A041 864/OCP Flight Measurement of Aircraft Antenna Radiation Patterns AD-B008 068/9CP Efficiency Study of Electrically Short High- Frequency Antennas AD-913 866/0CP Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Rectangular Cylinder Which Is Illuminated by an Array of Line Sources. N74-28706/1CP AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Circuits AD-A015 174/6CP AIRCRAFT FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS F-4E Avionics Update AD-A047 949/3CP ALIGNMENT Calculation of the Desired Angle Values for the Alignment of a Stabilized Two Axis Rotating Plat- form in an Aircraft Berechnung der Winkel-Soll- werte fuer die Ausrichtung Eines Stabilisierten Zwei-Achsen-Drehstandes in Einem Flugzeug. N78-14235/3CP ALTERNATING CURRENT Optimization of Small AC Series Commutator Mo- tors N72-15208/CP AMORPHOUS SEMICONDUCTORS Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS HF Antenna Program AD-731 406/CP AMPLIFIERS Considerations for the Precise Measurement of Amplifier Noise COM-73-50805/3CP Computer Codes for Power Amplifier Design SLA-73-153 ANALYZERS Phase Shifter Test Programs for Use with an H.P. Automatic Network Analyzer AD-770 120/4CP ANTENNA APERTURES Time Domain Aperture Antenna Study. Volume II AD-A002 144/4CP Computer Program Description: PWRDEN - A Program for the Evaluation of Power Densities in the Near Field of Antenna Apertures AD-A030 463/4CP A Reactively Loaded Aperture Antenna Array AD-A031 784/2CP A Solution for a Wide Aperture Reactively Loaded Antenna Array AD-A035 902/6CP ANTENNA ARRAYS Reactively Loaded Directive Antennas AD-A001 105/6CP Analysis of Radiation by Linear Arrays of Parallel Horizontal Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground AD-A004 131/9CP A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures AD-A014 643/1CP Analysis of Radiation by Wire Antennas over Im- perfect Ground AD-A014 848/6CP Design of Reactively Controlled Antenna Arrays AD-A015 675/2CP Phased Array Antennas Scanned near Endfire AD-A028 781 /3CP Plane Wave Expansion for Arrays of Dipoles or Slots in Presence of Dielectric Slabs AD-A031 757/8CP A Reactively Loaded Aperture Antenna Array AD-A031 784/2CP A Solution for a Wide Aperture Reactively Loaded Antenna Array AD-A035 902/6CP Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/OCP Point Source Radiation Pattern Synthesis by Iterative Techniques AD-A038 790/2CP Design and Analysis of Bifurcated Twin Dielectric Slab Loaded Rectangular Waveguide. Oual Frequency Array Elements AD-A041 321 /1CP Pattern Magnitude Synthesis for a Reactively Loaded Circular Antenna Array AD-A043 804/4CP Dynamic Impedance Matching in Conformal Ar- rays AD-A044 818/3CP Experimental Validation of the Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program (VHF Antenna) AD-A049 740/4CP Design of Skewed Isophasors of Electromagnetic Emitters AD-A050 753/3CP Reflective Butler Matrices AD-A053 357/OCP Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Arrays AD-B004 752/2CP Ground-Loss Reduction at High Frequencies through the Use of Antenna Arrays AD-735 682/CP Horizontal Dipole Arrays Over Lossy Ground AD-743 249/CP GRAPHANT: A FORTRAN Program for the Solu- tion and Graphic Display of Gain and Patterns lor Wire and Linear Antennas in the Presence of Lossy Ground AD-748 626/CP A Computer Model for Rapid Solutions and Visual CRT Display of Radiation Patterns for Arbitrarily Orientable Yagi-Uda Arrays Operating over Lossy Ground or in Ship-Ocean Environments AD-751 658/CP Computer Solution of Hallen's Equation on Multi- Element Arrays Employing the Two Term Approxi- mate Current Distribution AD-761 471/CP Systems Manual Antenna Modeling Program AD-767 420/3CP Programs for Analysis of Radiation by Linear Ar- rays of Vertical Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground AD-777 887/1 CP Recursive Algorithms for Adaptive Array Antennas AD-778 947/2CP Analysis of Large Dipole Arrays by Digital Com- puter. N70-33528/CP Quasi-lsotropic VHF Antenna Array Design Study for the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. N75-31343/7CP Noise Performance of Very Large Antenna Arrays. N76-15333/7CP ANTENNA CONFIGURATIONS Computer Programs for Radiation and Scattering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires. AD-713 156/CP Backfire Antennas AD-719 879/CP Analysis and Design of Special Antenna Configu- rations AD-756 470/CP Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens. SC-CR-69-3309 ANTENNA DESIGN Lightweight 3.66-Meter-Diameter Conical Mesh Antenna Reflector. N74-29562/7CP Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Dipoles. N74-29572/6CP Ouasi-lsotropic VHF Antenna Array Design Study for the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. N75-31343/7CP Antenna Optimization in the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors. Program User Manual Optimisa- tion d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Sta- bilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Programme. N76-20337/1CP Computer Programs for General Reflector Anten- na Systems and Spherical Wave Expansion. N77-30382/4CP 80 SUBJECT INDEX ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ANTENNA FEEDS Minimum Directivity of Multiple-Beam Antennas AD-A013 950/1CP A Moment Method Technique for Probe-Fed Cavi- ty-Backed Slot Antennas AO-A025 718/8CP Electrically-Short Center-Fed Horizontal Dipole Antennas for High-Frequency Communications AD-A047 548/3CP Reflective Butler Matrices AD-A053 357/OCP Admittance of a Thick Antenna - Numerical Procedure and Results N71-21053/CP ANTENNA LOBES A GTD Analysis of the Circular Reflector Antenna Including Feed and Strut Scatter AD-A043 400/1 CP ANTENNA MASTS Instrumentation of Replacement Base Insulator Assembly - VLF East Tower, Lualualei, Hawaii AD-A026 188/3CP NASTRAN Data Generating Programs and Analyti- cal Models for Analysis of Antenna Mast and Tower Structures AD-A042 594/2CP ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERNS Bent Plate Computer Program Listing AD-A018 999/3CP Roll Plane Computer Program AD-A019 000/9CP Roll Plane and Bent Plate Programs. Release No. 1 AD-A019 001/7CP Antenna Prediction Computer Programs AD-A024 552/2CP Computer Programs for Scattering Effects In- vestigation AD-A024 634/8CP A Computer program for Radiation from Arbitrari- ly Oriented Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground AD-A025 457/3CP Computer Program Description: PWRDEN - A Program for the Evaluation of Power Densities in the Near Field of Antenna Apertures AD-A030 463/4CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual AD-A031 108/4CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP Effect of CW-396A Radome on the Radiation Pat- tern of Rectangular Antennas AD-A036 960/3CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program AD-A038 142/6CP Point Source Radiation Pattern Synthesis by Iterative Techniques AD-A038 790/2CP Antenna Pattern Synthesis Computer Program AD-A039 188/8CP Pattern Magnitude Synthesis for a Reactively Loaded Circular Antenna Array AD-A043 804/4CP Wiregrid Program for Antenna Modelling Includ- ing Sinusoidal Interpolation of Current AD-A049 571 /3CP Experimental Validation of the Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program (VHF Antenna) AD-A049 740/4CP Flight Measurement of Aircraft Antenna Radiation Patterns AD-B008 068/9CP Radiation from Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Fed Aperture Antennas AD-731 292/CP GRAPHANT: A FORTRAN Program for the Solu- tion and Graphic Display of Gain and Patterns for Wire and Linear Antennas in the Presence of Lossy Ground AD-748 626/CP The Effect of Roll and Pitch on Antenna Radiation Patterns AD-754 348/CP Stereo Antenna Patterns from Principal Plane Patterns AD-754 782/CP Memorandum on the Radiation Patterns of a Slot Asymmetrically Located on a Square Plate AD-762 056/CP Special Programs for Analysis of Radiation by Wire Antennas AD-766 252/1CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program AD-767 906/1 CP A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder AD-771 952/9CP Computer Programs for Antenna Pattern Synthes- is AD-772 714/2CP Analysis of Large Dipole Arrays by Digital Com- puter. N70-33528/CP Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Charac- teristics on the Rae Satellite, Part 1 Final Report. N70-37959/CP An Integral-Equation Solution for TE Radiation and Scattering from Conducting Cylinders N73-20187/CP A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder N74-17891/4CP Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Rectangular Cylinder Which Is Illuminated by an Array of Line Sources. N74-28706/1CP Antenna and Radome Loss Measurements for Mfmr and Pmis with Appendix on Mfmr/Pmis Computer Programs. N75-26202/2CP A Study of the Prediction of Antenna Per- formances from Near Field Measurements. N76-13379/2CP Snift - Computer Program for Spherical Near- Field Far-Field Technique, Volume 2. N77-23328/6CP A Numerical Method for Generating Earth Coverage Footprints from Geostationary Antennas PB-252 688/7CP RADIAT Computer Program PB-260 426/2CP ANTENNA SYNTHESIS Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP ANTENNAS ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Program. A General Purpose User-Oriented Computer Pro- gram for Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures in the Presence of Finite Ground AD-A004 227/5CP Minimum Directivity of Multiple-Beam Antennas AD-A013 950/1CP Antenna Mathematical Modeling (GTD) AD-A025 259/3CP Analysis of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory's Horizontally Polarized Dipole Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator AD-A029 546/9CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual AD-A031 108/4CP Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMPJ) AD-A031 298/3CP Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMP2) AD-A035 401 /9CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program AD-A038 142/6CP A Time Domain Program for Wire Antenna Analy- sis AD-A039 509/5CP Influence of Horizontal Ground Wires on Low Angle Radiation from HF Antennas AD-A042 758/3CP Antenna Selection for Ionospheric Telecommuni- cation Systems AD-A049 549/9CP Wiregrid Program for Antenna Modelling Includ- ing Sinusoidal Interpolation of Current AD-A049 571 /3CP ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Program; A User-Oriented Thin Wire Antenna Computer Code (Revised) AD-A050 015/7CP Analysis of the Performance of Image Glide Slope Antenna in the Presence of Truncated Ground AD-A054 415/5CP Thin-Wire Modeling Techniques Applied to Anten- na Analysis AD-B000 216/2CP The Short-Backfire Antenna: A Numerical-Physi- cal Optics Study of Its Characteristics AD-730 615/CP A Program for Computing Near Fields of Thin Wire Antennas AD-731 178/CP HF Antenna Program AD-731 406/CP Improved Programs for Analysis of Radiation and Scattering by Configurations of Arbitrarily Bent Thin Wires AD-739 203/CP Current Distribution on an Infinite Tubular Anten- na in a Cold Collisional Magnetoplasma AD-744 045/CP Steady State Shape of Orbiting Trailing Wire System AD-753 908/CP Energy Spectra for Frequency-Shift-Keyed Signals Transmitted by Synchronously Resonated. Very Low Frequency Antennas AD-777 268/4CP Radial Rib Antenna Surface Deviation Analysis Program N72-12093/CP Summary of Attitude Dynamic Analysis for Imp-J Wire Antenna Spacecraft N73-31764/6CP Computer Program for Thit. Wire Antenna over a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane N74-34603/2CP Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. N76-22277/7CP Calculation of the Desired Angle Values for the Alignment of a Stabilized Two Axis Rotating Plat- form in an Aircraft Berechnung der Winkel-Soll- werte fuer die Ausrichtung Eines Stabilisierten Zwei-Achsen-Drehstandes in Einem Flugzeug. N78-14235/3CP Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 Wamp: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program UCID-30084 Twtd- a Computer Program for the Time-Domain Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures UCRL-51277 Computer Models for Antennas UCRL-51515 Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem. UCRL-51821 WF-SYR/LLL1 : A Thin-Wire Computer Code for Antennas or Scatterers with Pulse Expansion Functions for Current UCRL-52028 Computer Analysis of the Twin-Whip Antenna UCRL-52080 ANTISUBMARINE FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS Development of Graphic Area Displays for ASW Attack Management Simulator Volume II AD-747 691 /CP ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings Part 2 EIGSHIP Predicted Per- formance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP Development ol Graphic Area Displays for ASW Attack Management Simulator Volume II AD-747 691/CP ARMATURES Development and Analysis of Four Pole Balanced Armature Transducer lor US Navy Sound Powered Telephones AD-A025 154/6CP ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Heuristic Techniques in Computer Aided Circuit Analysis AD-A021 171/4CP 81 SUBJECT INDEX ASSEMBLERS LOLA User's Manual AD-A026 102/4CP ATTENUATORS Theoretical Analysis of a Model for a Field Dis- placement Isolator AD-A030 080/6CP Slot Line Ferrite Isolator AD-765 668/9CP ATTITUDE STABILITY Antenna Optimization in the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors Program User Manual Optimisa- tion d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Sta- bilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Programme. N76-20337/1CP AUTOMATIC RAILROAD CAR IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5CP AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT NOPAL Processor: Intra-Test Sequencing AD-A053 315/8CP Development of Automated Test Procedures and Techniques for Lsi Circuits. N75-32317/0CP AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEMS A Study of the Influences of Solid-State Electrical Distribution on Aircraft Power Generation AD-772 771 /2CP AVALANCHE DIODES Analysis, Design, and Fabrication of High-Effi- ciency, High Average Power, Pulsed TRAPATT Diode Oscillators AD-A023 252/OCP Properties of S-Band TRAPATT Diode Oscillators AD-A024 432/7CP IMPATT Diode Amplifier AD-756 520/CP Load Impedance Characteristics of TRAPATT Oscillators AD-776 773/4CP Nonlinear Study of Semiconductor Avalanches AD-875 184/CP Avalanche-Diode Oscillator Circuit with Tuning at Multiple Frequencies N73-20258/CP AVIONICS Computer Simulation of MUX Bus Voltage Waveforms under Steady State Conditions AD-A013 107/8CP Digital Filter Design and Implementation Methods AD-A042 848/2CP Central Airborne Performance Analyzer AD-A047 490/8CP F-4E Avionics Update AD-A047 949/3CP B CODES Computer Analysis and Design of Electronic Cir- cuits (Programs Available to Lrl Design En- gineers). UCID-1502(Rev.1) BACKFIRE ANTENNAS Backfire Antennas AD-719 879/CP The Short-Backfire Antenna: A Numerical-Physi- cal Optics Study of Its Characteristics AD-730 615/CP BACKSCATTERING Calculation of the Desired Angle Values for the Alignment of a Stabilized Two Axis Rotating Plat- form in an Aircraft Berechnung der Winkel-Soll- werte fuer die Ausrichtung Eines Stabilisierten Zwei-Achsen-Drehstandes in Einem Flugzeug N78-14235/3CP BALL BEARINGS Investigation of Cage and Bearing Instability in Despun Antenna Bearings Due to Changes in Lubricant Properties AD-A031 096/1CP BAND PASS FILTERS Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters AD-A002 335/8CP Impact of SAW Filters on RF Pulse Frequency Measurement by Double Detection AD-A011 603/8CP Surface Acoustic Wave Filters at UHF: Design and Analysis AD-A017 106/6CP the Digital Control of a Adaptive High Q Notch Filter AD-759 031 /CP Microwave Propagation in Periodic Ferrite Struc- tures AD-819 850/CP BANDPASS FILTERS Design of Chebyshev Passband Filters Approxi- mating a Given Attenuation Characteristic in the Stopband. N70-30099/CP Notes on the Oesign of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters. N75-20625/0CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Filters. N77-26399/4CP BICONICAL ANTENNAS Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP BINARY DATA Contribution to Synch romachine. N71-11302/CP BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS High-Frequency Transister Modeling for Circuit Design AD-A006 640/7CP Technical Tasks for the NET-2 Network Analysis Program AD-A011 343/1 CP Neutron Hardness Assurance for Bipolar Transistors through Determination of Physical Parameters AD-A019 155/1CP BLACKBODY RADIATION Space Charge Limiting from Blackbody Radiation AD-779 680/8CP BLAST LOADS Analysis Techniques and Instrumentation for Blast Loaded Parabolic Antennas AD-A042 600/7CP BOOTLACE LENSES Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP BUILT-IN TEST EQUIPMENT Power Supply Voltage Monitor for Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) Applications AD-749 235/CP BURIED CABLES FAA Lightning Protection Study: Lightning In- duced Transients on Buried Shielded Cables: Nu- merical Analysis and Results AD-A041 319/5CP BUS CONDUCTORS Computer Simulation of MUX Bus Voltage Waveforms under Steady State Conditions AD-A013 107/8CP The Standard' MUX Bus: Some Constraints on Information Flow Arising from MIL-STD-1553 (USAF) AD-A017 677/6CP BUTLER ARRAY ANTENNAS Reflective Butler Matrices AD-A053 357/OCP C CODES Cable Development Status Computer Program SLA-73-561 Two Computer Programs for the Sensitivity Analy- sis of Higher Order Filters SLL-73-225 CABLES (MECHANICAL) Steady State Shape of Orbiting Trailing Wire System AD-753 908/CP CAMERA TUBES Intensified Silicon Diode-Array Target TV-Camera Tube (EBSICON); Description and Mathematical Model AD-A020 994/OCP CAPACITOR BANKS Plate: A 2-D Transmission Line Current Symmetry Code AD-A036 161/8CP CAPACITORS Plate: A 2-D Transmission Line Current Symmetry Code AD-A036 161 /8CP The Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of Metal-lnsulator-Semiconductor Devices for Radia- tion Vulnerability Studies AD-735 947/CP Investigations of Metal-Buried Silicide-Silicon Structures and Metal-Titanium Oxide-Silicon Structures AD-760 009/CP CASCADED MICROWAVE NETWORKS Computer-Aided Analysis of Cascaded Microwave Two-Port Networks. AD-710 239/CP CASSEGRAIN ANTENNAS The Complete Electromagnetic Fields in the Focal Region of a Paraboloidal Reflector AD-A035 052/OCP CAVITY RESONATORS The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Mag- netoplasma Dielectric. AD-705 248/CP Computer Program for Calculation of Electrical Parameters in Cavity Resonators with Cylindrical Symmetry N72-13158/CP CENTRAL PROCESSING UNITS Central Airborne Performance Analyzer AD-A047 490/8CP CHARACTER ERROR RATE MATCHAR - A Computer Program for Estimating Character Error Rate AD-A022 966/6CP CHARGE COUPLED DEVICES A Quantum Mechanical Description of Charge In- jection Devices (CID) AD-A017 956/4CP Theory of Operation and Applications of Sampled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Filters AD-A033 698/2CP Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP CHARGE INJECTION DEVICES A Quantum Mechanical Description of Charge In- jection Devices (CID) AD-A017 956/4CP CHEBYSHEV APPROXIMATION Design of Chebyshev Passband Filters Approxi- mating a Given Attenuation Characteristic in the Stopband. N70-30099/CP CIRCAL2 COMPUTER PROGRAM A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Design Programs AD-A024 768/4CP CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Maintenance for the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram AD-A019 470/4CP Heuristic Techniques in Computer Aided Circuit Analysis AD-A021 171/4CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Mixer Circuits AD-A021 720/8CP A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs AD-A026 567/8CP SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual AD-A031 802/2CP Functional Level Modeling of Complex Elements in TEST/80 AD-A040 269/3 CP An Advanced Automatic Test Generation System for Digital Circuits AD-A040 271/9CP Programmer's Manual for SNAP II Computer Pro- gram AD-A054 694/5CP User's Manual for SNAP II Computer Program AD-A054 696/0CP CIRCUIT BOARDS Computer Aided Wire Wrapping of Integrated Cir- cuit Boards AD-A044 394/5CP Programmable Logic Tester N73-13422/CP CIRCUIT BREAKERS Solid State Circuit Breaker. Technological Spinoff Report. BDX-613-1062 Fundamental Investigation of Arc Interruption in Gas Flows. Final Report EPRI-EL-284 82 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design Final Report N71-25896/CP Computer Programs: Electronic Circuit Design Criteria: A Compilation N74-10225/2CP CIRCUIT INTERCONNECTIONS A Computationally Simplified Pair-Exchange Al- gorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem AD-756 503/CP Networks of Two-Input One-Output Flexible Cells - A Study of Logical Properties and Techniques for Learning Realizable Functions AD-773 777/8CP CIRCUIT RELIABILITY Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 1: Theory Manual. N76-13798/3CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 2: User's Manual. N76-13799/1CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 3: systems. N76-13800/7CP CIRCUIT TESTERS Analog and Digital Circuit Tester PAT-APPL-878 629/CP CIRCUITS Extended SCEPTRE. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A009 594/3CP Extended SCEPTRE. Volume II. Mathematical For- mulation AD-A009 595/OCP Operator's Manual for Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Air- craft Electrical Circuits AD-A014 835/3CP Planar Circuits for Microwave Tubes AD-A031 145/6CP Uhcap Users Manual. AD-708 051 /CP Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design. AD-714 845/CP A Scattering Matrix Program for High Frequency Circuit Analysis AD-718 434/CP Fault Isolation Using Frequency Response Techniques AD-721 582/CP CIRCUS-2. A Digital Computer Program for Transient Analysis of Electronic Circuits. Volume I. User's Guide AD-736 379/CP Computer-Aided Optimization of Microwave Cir- cuits AD-756 875/CP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume I AD-764 809/OCP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume II. SYNAP User's Manual AD-765 337/1CP Correlation Functions Using Laguerre Type Cir- cuits AD-775 024/3CP Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Circuits AD-775 637/2CP Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Computer Program. AD-841 397/CP Model Conversion for Circus, Trac, Sceptre, and Net-1. AD-859 848/CP Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User's Manual. N70-23656/CP Control of Electronic Circuit Designs for Space Vehicles. N70-33277/CP Operations Manual for the Laas 2 Electronic Cir- cuit Simulation Program in Pulsed Mode . Notice Dutilisation de Laas 2. Programme de Simulation de Circuits Electroniques en Regime Impulsionnel N72-20198/CP Users Manual for the Sandia Microcircuit Mask Generation Program SC-DR-710831 CIRCUS 2 COMPUTER PROGRAM CIRCUS-2. A Digital Computer Program for Transient Analysis of Electronic Circuits. Volume I. User's Guide AD-736 379/CP CLOCKS High-Resolution Clock Control for the TIP Satel- lite AD-A033 495/3CP COAL MINES Evaluation of In-Mine Grounding System and Codification of Ground Bed Construction and Measurement Techniques PB-263 119/OCP Mine Grounding Systems: Evaluation of Ground Beds and Ground-Bed Monitors and Evaluation of Modular Ground-Wire Monitor PB-270 900/4CP COAXIAL CABLES Computer Aided Design of Braid Parameters for Coaxial Cable AD-744 797/CP COOERS The Performance of 31 and 127 Bit Elastic Sur- face Wave Encoders and Decoders AD-762 910/CP CODING Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 3 Appendices C, D and E N73-10147/CP COILS An Investigation of Synthetic Inductors AD-749 685/CP COMBAT SURVEILLANCE HF Antenna Program AD-731 406/CP COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Research in Integrated. High-Frequency Commu- nication Circuits AD-A043 560/2CP Millimeter-Wave System EMC Study AD-B004 228/3CP COMMUNICATION SATELLITE TERMINALS Multiple Beam Torus Antenna Study. Volume II AD-A047 158/1CP COMMUNICATION SATELLITES Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A041 864/OCP Rooftop Antenna Pointing Program AD-A047 999/8CP Antenna Optimization in the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors Program User Manual Optimisa- tion d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Sta- bilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Programme. N76-20337/1CP COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Study of Electronic Handling of Mail. Completion Report for Work Task 5 Transmission Methods AD-715 121/CP COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS The Standard' MUX Bus: Some Constraints on Information Flow Arising from MIL-STD-1553 (USAF) AD-A017 677/6CP COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITES A Numerical Method for Generating Earth Coverage Footprints from Geostationary Antennas PB-252 688/7CP COMMUNICATIONS TRAFFIC MATCHAR - A Computer Program for Estimating Character Error Rate AD-A022 966/6CP COMMUTATORS Optimization of Small AC Series Commutator Mo- tors N72-15208/CP COMPILERS SCEPTRE Translator Feasibility Study AD-755 166/CP COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Computer-Aided Amplifier Design in BASIC AD-A006 370/1 CP User's Manual for PCBOARD AO-A010 313/5CP Investigation and Study of Computational Techniques for Design and Fabrication of In- tegrated Electronic Circuits AD-A017 094/4CP Automated Design of Digital Integrate Circuit Masks AD-A019 851/5CP Multiwall Radome ANalysis Program AD-A023 480/7CP A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Design Programs AD-A024 768/4CP A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs AD-A026 567/8CP Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Voltage. Vaporization-Cooled. Three-Phase. Core-Type Transformer AD-A027 260/9CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Dissipation Losses in Isolated and Coupled Transmission Lines for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated-Circuit Applications AD-A029 211/OCP A Computer Aided Design of Digital Filters AD-A042 288/1 CP NASTRAN Data Generating Programs and Analyti- cal Models for Analysis of Antenna Mast and Tower Structures AD-A042 594/2CP Analysis Techniques and Instrumentation for Blast Loaded Parabolic Antennas AD-A042 600/7CP Computer Aided Engineering of Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits AD-A044 851/4CP SPRINT - An Interactive System for Printed Circuit Board Design User's Guide AD-A045 653/3CP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling Volume VII Digital Computer Programs for the Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines AD-A046 662/3CP Computer Program for Design and Performance Analysis of Navigation-Aid Power Systems Pro- gram Documentation, Volume I. Software Requirements Document AD-A047 925/3CP Simulation of Digital Circuits AD-A052 613/7CP Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP Computer-Aided Netowrk Design by Optimization in the Frequency Domain. AD-706 008/CP Case Study in Interactive Computer Graphics Computer-Aided Design of Logical Circuits Volume ll/Appendices AD-722 095/CP Towards a Completely Automatic Layout Designer AD-723 064/CP Elements of Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis AD-723 762/CP A High-Frequency Amplifier Synthesis Program. LINVIL Computer FORTRAN IV Program Performs Necessary Computations Plus Graphic Output AD-724 290/CP Computer-Aided Network Design: Revised Edition AD-752 933/CP Computer-Aided Optimization of Microwave Cir- cuits AD-756 875/CP Computer-Aided Design. Simulation and Op- timization for Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-766 677/9CP Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Circuits AD-775 637/2CP Small Transformer Design by Computer AD-779 896/OCP Computer Design of Stripline Components AD-876 732/CP Approaches to Custom LSI AD-910 226/OCP Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Program Description N76-17297/2CP Architecture for Contemporary Computer Aids to Generate IC Mask Layouts SAND-77-1254C 83 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTER AIDED DIAGNOSIS SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual AD-A031 802/2CP COMPUTER AIDED INSTRUCTION Heuristic Techniques in Computer Aided Circuit Analysis AD-A021 171 /4CP COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Computer Analysis of Conformal Phase Arrays AD-A002 732/6CP Computer Analysis and Design of Electrical Cir- cuits Using the IBM 360/67 and the XDS 9300 Computer and the AGT/10 Display Unit AD-A004 265/5CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Digital, and Control Systems. Revision I AD-A011 348/0CP Computer Aided Wire Wrapping of Integrated Cir- cuit Boards AD-A044 394/5CP Implementation of the Device Data Bank on the HDL IBM Computer AD-A046 480/0CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems AD-782 251/3CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems. Chapters V and VI AD-787 522/2CP COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE LOLA User's Manual AD-A026 102/4CP COMPUTER CALCULATIONS EBW1 : A Computer Code for the Prediction of the Behavior of Electrical Circuits Containing Explod- ing Wire Elements. SAND-75-0041 W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Wamp: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program. UCID-30084 Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem. UCRL-51821 COMPUTER CODES Solid State Circuit Breaker. Technological Spinoff Report. BDX-613-1062 User's Guide for GRAPEL: Graph for Engineering Language BNL-50585 Imag 2 Program for the Cad of Electronic Cir- cuits: Bipolar and Mosfet Models at LET. I. CEA-CONF-2650 Computer Program for Determination of Earth Potentials Due to Faults or Loss of Concentric Neutral on Urd Cable EPRI-EL-545 Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description JINR-10-9553 EBW1: A Computer Code for the Prediction of the Behavior of Electrical Circuits Containing Explod- ing Wire Elements. SAND-75-0041 Opsnap: A Users' Manual. SAND-75-0279 TA533 Function Matrix and Status Interface Test Program SAND-75-0613 Design Rule Checking and Analysis of IV Mask Designs SAND-75-6192 AITRAC: Augmented Interactive Transient Radia- tion Analysis by Computer. User's Information Manual SAND-77-0939 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 Devlib: A Pdp-10 Semiconductor Device Library Program SLA-73-133 Cable Development Status Computer Program SLA-73-561 User'S Guide to a Computerized sa Resistor Catalog (Resis) SLA-73-661 Gain: An Interactive Graphics Interface for Circuit Analysis Programs SLA-73-670 Computer Generated Visual Documentation of Theoretical Store Separation Analyses SLA-73-5309 Simulation of Relativistic Electron Beam Diodes SLA-73-5419 Two Computer Programs for the Sensitivity Analy- sis of Higher Order Filters SLL-73-225 Computer Analysis and Design of Electronic Cir- cuits (Programs Available to Lrl Design En- gineers). UCID-1502(Rev.1) W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Stored Energy in Transformers: Calculation by a Computer Program UCID-17389 EFFI: A Code for Calculating the Electromagnetic Field, Force, and Inductance in Coil Systems of Arbitrary Geometry. User's Manual UCID-17621 DASLL: (Design Automation System at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory) UCID-17708 Wamp: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program. UCID-30084 Code for Viewing Mafco Conductors from Any Angle UCRL-51397 Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem. UCRL-51821 WF-SYR/LLL1: A Thin-Wire Computer Code for Antennas or Scatterers with Pulse Expansion Functions for Current UCRL-52028 Computer Program to Evaluate the Quality of a Pc Board Router. UCRL-77294 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Program Description. N76-17297/2CP COMPUTER PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs AD-A026 567/8CP Computer Program for Design and Performance Analysis of Navigation-Aid Power Systems. Pro- gram Documentation, Volume I. Software Requirements Document AD-A047 925/3CP COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program Volume I. User's Manual Engineer- ing Section AD-A008 526/6CP Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program Volume II. User's Manual Usage Sec- tion AD-A008 527/4CP Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program. Volume III. Computer Program Documentation AD-A008 528/2CP A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Analysis Programs AD-A009 185/OCP CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices AD-A010 002/4CP MECA 74 (Multivalued Electronic Circuit Analysis - Version 1974) - A Faster Computer Program for Analyzing Resistive Nonlinear Circuits AD-A014 418/8CP Operations Manual for the Laas 2 Electronic Cir- cuit Simulation Program in Pulsed Mode . Notice Dutilisation de Laas 2, Programme de Simulation de Circuits Electroniques en Regime Impulsionnel N72-20198/CP Computer Programs for General Reflector Anten- na Systems and Spherical Wave Expansion. N77-30382/4CP A User's Guide to RADIAT, CONTOUR, CLIPPING, SKYWAVE PB-260 427/0CP COMPUTER PROGRAMS 'ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Program, A General Purpose User-Oriented Computer Pro- gram for Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures in the Presence of Finite Ground AD-A004 227/5CP Extended SCEPTRE. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A009 594/3CP Extended SCEPTRE. Volume II. Mathematical For- mulation AD-A009 595/0CP Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Circuits AD-A015 174/6CP The EMCAP (Electromagnetic Compatibility Anal- ysis Program) Properties of the Banded Matrix Iterative Solution Technique for Thin Wire Mo- ments Problems AD-A018 444/0CP Development of Lightweight Transformers for Air- borne High Power Supplies. Volume II AD-A018 546/2CP Bent Plate Computer Program Listing AD-A018 999/3CP Roll Plane Computer Program AD-A019 000/9CP Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estimator (ORACLE) AD-A019 219/5CP A Computer Program to Calculate Surface State Densities and Lateral Nonuniformities in Metal- Oxide-Semiconductor Devices AD-A019 438/1 CP Maintenance for the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram AD-A019 470/4CP A Computer Model for a High Power SCR AD-A022 375/0CP MATCHAR - A Computer Program for Estimating Character Error Rate AD-A022 966/6CP Users Manual for SUPERSAP2 AD-A022 979/9CP Wire Moments Problems of Intermediate Size AD-A023 198/5CP Multiwall Radome ANalysis Program AD-A023 480/7CP Antenna Prediction Computer Programs AD-A024 552/2CP Computer Programs for Scattering Effects In- vestigation AD-A024 634/8CP A Computer program for Radiation from Arbitrari- ly Oriented Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground AD-A025 457/3CP A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs AD-A026 567/8CP ICEDIT -- An Interactive Graphics Editor for In- tegrated Circuit Masks AD-A027 022/3CP URLIM - a Unified Radome Limitations Computer Program, Volume 1. Theoretical Background AD-A029 887/7CP Computer Program Description: PWRDEN - A Program for the Evaluation of Power Densities in the Near Field of Antenna Apertures AD-A030 463/4CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual AD-A031 108/4CP Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMPJ) AD-A031 298/3CP SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual AD-A031 802/2CP SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP 84 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION Plate: A 2-0 Transmission Line Current Symmetry Code AD-A036 161/8CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program AD-A038 142/6CP Antenna Pattern Synthesis Computer Program AD-A039 188/8CP Implementation ot Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Lite Estima- tor (ORACLE) AD-A039 344/7CP A Time Domain Program for Wire Antenna Analy- AD-A039 509/5CP User's Manual for the NLINE Multiconductor Transmission-Line Computer Code AD-A040 398/OCP Power Series V-l Curve Element and Optimization Improvements in the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram AD-A042 149/5CP 'ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Program: A User-Oriented Thin Wire Antenna Computer Code (Revised) AD-A050 015/7CP Extending and Interfacing the MSEP Semicon- ductor Damage Data Bank for Analysis and Retrieval by DAMTRAC AD-A050 845/7CP Interactive Digital Receiver Simulator (IDRS) System User's Manual and Software Documenta- tion AD-A053 684/7CP Programmer's Manual for SNAP II Computer Pro- gram AD-A054 694/5CP User's Manual for SNAP II Computer Program AD-A054 696/OCP Transient Radiation Analysis by Computer Pro- gram (TRAC)-360 Version AD-730 321 /CP A Program for Computing Near Fields of Thin Wire Antennas AD-731 178/CP CIRCUS-2. A Digital Computer Program for Transient Analysis of Electronic Circuits. Volume I. User's Guide AD-736 379/CP MASK MAKER I AD-737 670/CP A FORTRAN Subroutine for Plotting a Smith Chart AD-751 019/CP Circuit and Radiation Effects Analysis by Iterated Propagation of Bivariable Response Functions AD-754 263/CP A Symbolic Sensitivity Computation Algorithm AD-756 575/CP Antenna Modeling Program - Systems Manual AD-767 420/3CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program AD-767 906/1CP A Description of the FORTRAN Program Filters' AD-768 872/4CP A General Method and FORTRAN Program for the Design of Recursive Digital Filters AD-769 211/4CP Phase Shifter Test Programs for Use with an HP Automatic Network Analyzer AD-770 120/4CP Computer Programs for Antenna Pattern Synthes- is AD-772 714/2CP Computer Generated Troubleshooting Trees: The Program AD-785 139/7CP Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Computer Program. AD-841 397/CP INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVERSION SYM- METRY ANL-7659 Data Acquisition and Processing Program for Thermionic Diodes Parameters, on a Pdp 8-I Computer. CEA-N-1347 Simulation of gamma Ray Effects on Bipolar Transistors Using the Cao Programs CEA-R-4337 Andymg3- the Basic Program of a Series of Monte Carlo Programs for Time-Dependent Transport of Particles and Photons LA-4539 Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User S Manual. N70-23656/CP Transformer Designs by Computer Programmes. N70-26353/CP Description and Evaluation of Digital-Computer Program for Analysis of Stationary Outside- Coil Lundell Alternators. N70-28433/CP Operating Characteristics of Computer Programs for Nonlinear Transient Analysis. N70-29745/CP Design of Chebyshev Passband Filters Approxi- mating a Given Attenuation Characteristic in the Stopband. N70-30099/CP Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Charac- teristics on the Rae Satellite, Part 1 Final Report. N70-37959/CP Contribution to the Study of Logic Circuits Using Computers. N71-11374/CP A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF LOW PASS FILTERS WITH UNIFORM OR SEMIU- NIFORM DISSIPATION N71-19172/CP Admittance of a Thick Antenna - Numerical Procedure and Results N71-21053/CP Radial Rib Antenna Surface Deviation Analysis Program N72-12093/CP Computer Program for Calculation of Electrical Parameters in Cavity Resonators with Cylindrical Symmetry N72-13158/CP Oesign of Microstrip Components by Computer N72-22218/CP Toroidal Transformer Design Program with Appli- cation to Inverter Circuitry N72-26187/CP Programmable Logic Tester N73-13422/CP Study of the Influence of Nanoelectronic Technology on the Development and Per- formance of Rapid Logic Circuits Using Little Power Etude de Linfluence des Technologies Nanoelectronique sur la Conception et les Per- formances des Circuits Logiques Rapides a Faible Consommation N73-16191/CP Digital-Computer Program for Design Analysis of Salient, Wound Pole Alternators N73-21082/CP Computer Programs: Electronic Circuit Design Criteria: A Compilation N74-10225/2CP A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder N74-17891/4CP APLAC2: A Flexible DC and Time Domain Circuit Analysis Program for Small Computers. N74-21892/6CP Lightweight 3.66-Meter-Diameter Conical Mesh Antenna Reflector. N74-29562/7CP Computer Program for Thin Wire Antenna over a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane N74-34603/2CP Antenna and Radome Loss Measurements for Mfmr and Pmis with Appendix on Mfmr/Pmis Computer Programs. N75-26202/2CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 1 : Theory Manual. N76-13798/3CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 2: User's Manual. N76-13799/1CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability Volume 3: systems. N76-13800/7CP Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Program Description N76-17297/2CP Fortran Program for Induction Motor Analysis. N76-20370/2CP Banning Design Automation Software Implemen- tation. N76-22943/4CP Digital Analysis of Superior Electric Circular Mode Filters Analisi Numerica di Filtri Per I Modi Circolari Elettrici Superiori. N76-33374/9CP Snift - Computer Program for Spherical Near- Field Far-Field Technique, Volume 2. N77-23328/6CP Computer Program for Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-25372/2CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Filters. N77-26399/4CP A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. N78-11316/4CP RADIAT Computer Program PB-260 426/2CP A Program Description of Orbit - Prints': Con- tours of Power Density at the Geostationary Orbit PB-271 815/3CP Users Manual for the Sandia Microcircuit Mask Generation Program SC-DR-710831 Computer Catalog for Electronic Components SC-DR-720816 Computer Codes for Power Amplifier Design SLA-73-153 TORMAG- A PROGRAM FOR SYMMETRY OP- TIMIZATION OF TOROIDAL MAGNETS UCRL-50944 Twtd- a Computer Program for the Time-Domain Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures UCRL-51277 COMPUTER SOFTWARE A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs AD-A026 567/8CP COMPUTER STORAGE DEVICES Selfrepairing Semiconductor Memories Part 3: Parametric Study Memoires Autoreparables a Semiconducteurs. Tome 3: Etude Parametrique N76-21919/5CP COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Program Description. N76-17297/2CP COMPUTERIZED DESIGN A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF LOW PASS FILTERS WITH UNIFORM OR SEMIU- NIFORM DISSIPATION N71-19172/CP Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design Final Report N71-25896/CP Design of Microstrip Components by Computer N72-22218/CP Toroidal Transformer Design Program with Appli- cation to Inverter Circuitry N72-26187/CP Small Transformer Design by Computer N74-28548/7CP Banning Design Automation Software Implemen- tation. N76-22943/4CP Djanal User's Manual. N76-28863/8CP Computer Aided Analysis of Microwave Electronic Circuits in the Frequency Domain (Esamec). N78-18341/5CP COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Program. A General Purpose User-Oriented Computer Pro- gram for Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures in the Presence of Finite Ground AD-A004 227/5CP Technical Tasks for the NET-2 Network Analysis Program AD-A011 343/1 CP Computer Simulation of MUX Bus Voltage Waveforms under Steady State Conditions AD-A013 107/8CP 85 SUBJECT INDEX Computer-Aided Analysis of Mixer Circuits AD-A021 720/8CP Simulation Module Simulation Module Nonelectrical Languages (NELSIM). Volume I AD-A033 592/7CP Nonelectrical Languages (NELSIM). Volume II AD-A033 606/5CP Switching System Simulator AD-A035 289/8CP Wiregrid Program for Antenna Modelling Includ- ing Sinusoidal Interpolation of Current AD-A049 571 /3CP Simulation of Digital Circuits AD-A052 613/7CP Operating Characteristics of Computer Programs for Nonlinear Transient Analysis. N70-29745/CP Contribution to the Study of Logic Circuits Using Computers. N71-11374/CP Operations Manual for the Laas 2 Electronic Cir- cuit Simulation Program in Pulsed Mode . Notice Dutilisation de Laas 2, Programme de Simulation de Circuits Electroniques en Regime Impulsionnel N72-20198/CP Study of the Influence of Nanoelectronic Technology on the Development and Per- formance of Rapid Logic Circuits Using Little Power . Etude de Linfluence des Technologies Nanoelectronique sur la Conception et les Per- formances des Circuits Logiques Rapides a Faible Consommation N73-16191/CP Digital Computer Simulation of Inductor-Energy- Storage DC-to-DC Converters with Closed-Loop Regulators. N74-26497/9CP Test and Simulation of Large Scale Integrated Circuits, Part 1 Outil pour la Simulation et le Test des Circuits Integres a Grande Echelle, 1ERE Partie. N76-20859/4CP Numerical Simulation of the Existence Test for the Diffusion Function in a Variable Parameter Medium Simulation Numerique du Test d'Existence de la Fonction de Diffusion d'UN Milieu a Parametres Variables. N77-10410/7CP Performance Characteristics of Three-Phase In- duction Motors. N77-27309/2CP Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simula- tion of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2CP Nascap User's Manual. N78-13329/5CP Six Phase Rectifier Digital Computer Simulation WFPS-TME-009 COMPUTERS On the Design of Diagnosable Combinational Net- works AD-730 117/CP Quarterly Technical Progress Report, April, May, June 1974. COO-2383-0013 CONDUCTION (HEAT TRANSFER) CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices AD-A010 002/4CP CONFORMAL ARRAYS Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Arrays AD-B004 752/2CP CONFORMAL STRUCTURES Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP Dynamic Impedance Matching in Conformal Ar- rays AD-A044 818/3CP CONICAL ANTENNAS Phased Array Antennas Scanned near Endfire AD-A028 781 /3CP Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP Modified Dipoles. II. Numerical Solutions AD-745 979/CP CONICAL BODIES Lightweight 3.66-Meter-Diameter Conical Mesh Antenna Reflector. N74-29562/7CP CONTROL EQUIPMENT Programmable Logic Tester N73-13422/CP CONTROL SYSTEMS Ticon: The Tonopah Test Range Timing and Con- trol System SC-DR-720718 CONVERTERS Digital Computer Simulation of Inductor-Energy- Storage DC-to-DC Converters with Closed-Loop Regulators. N74-26497/9CP CORRELATION FUNCTIONS Correlation Functions Using Laguerre Type Cir- cuits AD-775 024/3CP CORRELATORS Experimental Study of Correlator Filters Not Utilizing a Delay AD-A005 467/6CP Correlation of Quantized Guassian Processes AD-718 803/CP COUPLED MODES Digital Analysis of Superior Electric Circular Mode Filters Analisi Numerica di Filtri Per I Modi Circolari Elettrici Superior! N76-33374/9CP COUPLERS Octave-Bandwidth, High-Directivity Microstrip Couplers AD-777 320/3CP COUPLING (INTERACTION) Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VII. Digital Computer Programs for the Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines AD-A046 662/3CP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VI. A Digital Computer Program for Deter- mining Terminal Currents Induced in a Multicon- ductor Transmission Line by an Incident Elec- tromagnetic Field AD-A053 560/9CP CROSSED FIELD DEVICES CFA Design Improvement Program AD-A024 065/5CP Development of a Ku-Band Crossed-Field Amplifi- er (500 Watt Tube) AD-806 839/CP High Speed 1.06 Micron Photomultiplier Tubes AD-920 001/5CP CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS High Stability Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator Study AD-A022 702/5CP High-Resolution Clock Control for the TIP Satel- lite AD-A033 495/3CP Modelization of Quartz Oscillators. N77-25432/4CP Modelling of Quartz Oscillators. N77-29424/7CP CURRENT DISTRIBUTION Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Charac- teristics on the Rae Satellite. Part 1 Final Report. N70-37959/CP CURRENT LIMITERS Controlled Impedance Short Circuit Limiter. Research Report 654 EPRI-EL-537 CYLINDRICAL ANTENNAS Parabolic Cylinder Antennas. N74-22824/8CP Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Rectangular Cylinder Which Is Illuminated by an Array of Line Sources. N74-28706/1CP CYLINDRICAL BODIES Computer Program for Calculation of Electrical Parameters in Cavity Resonators with Cylindrical Symmetry N72-13158/CP D COOES Devlib: A Pdp-10 Semiconductor Device Library Program SLA-73-133 Simulation of Relativistic Electron Beam Diodes SLA-73-5419 DAMAGE ASSESSMENT Semiconductor Device Damage Assessment for the INCA Program— A Probabilistic Approach AD-A052 433/0CP DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS Ticon: The Tonopah Test Range Timing and Con- trol System SC-DR-720718 DATA BANKS Implementation of the Device Data Bank on the HDL IBM Computer AD-A046 480/0CP DATA BASES Reliability Growth Study AD-A023 926/9CP DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Study of Electronic Handling of Mail. Completion Report for Work Task 5. Transmission Methods. AD-715 121/CP DC TO DC CONVERTERS Transient Waveform Analysis of Switching Con- verter AD-A040 123/2CP Research and Development of a DC-DC Converter AD-739 996/CP DECISION THEORY A Decision Model for the Selection of Stan- dardization Alternatives AD-743 399/CP DECODERS The Performance of 31 and 127 Bit Elastic Sur- face Wave Encoders and Decoders AD-762 910/CP DELAY LINES Complete Theory of Acoustic Bulk Wave Propaga- tion in Anisotropic Piezoelectric Media AD-739 162/CP Programmable Variable Length High Speed Digital Delay Line PATENT-4 016 511 DESIGN Solid State Circuit Breaker. Technological Spinoff Report. BDX-613-1062 Imag 2 Program for the Cad of Electronic Cir- cuits: Bipolar and Mosfet Models at L. E.T.I. CEA-CONF-2650 Programs for Computer Aided Design of Metal- Oxide-Semiconductor (Mos) Lsi Electronic Cir- cuits. UCRL-76454 DESIGN ANALYSIS Computer Program for Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-25372/2CP DIELECTRIC FILMS Synthesis of Plane Stratified Dielectric Slab Spa- tial Filters Using Numerical Optimization Techniques AD-A037 960/2CP Characteristics of Si02 Films Grown in an HcL Purged Environment AD-781 832/1CP DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDES Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP Analysis of Slot Line Type Waveguides AD-A018 452/3CP Design and Analysis of Bifurcated Twin Dielectric Slab Loaded Rectangular Waveguide. Dual Frequency Array Elements AD-A041 321 /1CP Transverse Propagation Constants in Dielectric Waveguides AD-785 512/5CP DIELECTRICS Pyrolytic Boron Nitride as a Dielectric Substrate Material for Microwave Intergrated Circuits AD-A038 627/6CP Computer Technique for Calculations of Potential Distribution in Multidielectric Media AD-A048 057/4CP A Computer-Aided Data Reduction Technique for Radiation-Induced Conductivity Experiments AD-726 359/CP 86 SUBJECT INDEX ELECTRIC FILTERS DIGITAL COMPUTERS Determining Partition Elements with Feedback Constraints. AD-709 910/CP Description and Evaluation of Digital-Computer Program for Analysis of Stationary Outside- Coil Lundell Alternators. N70-28433/CP Digital-Computer Program for Design Analysis of Salient, Wound Pole Alternators N73-21082/CP DIGITAL FILTERS Adaptive Processing Experiment (APE) Phase II AD-A027 071 /OCP A Computer Aided Design of Digital Filters AD-A042 288/1CP Digital Filter Design and Implementation Methods AD-A042 848/2CH A Study of Digital Filters. AD-710 381/CP A Description of Some Recursive Digital Filters AD-728 979/CP Statistical Design of Nonrecursive Digital Filters AD-764 595/5CP Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Applications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP A General Method and FORTRAN Program for the Design of Recursive Digital Filters AD-769 211/4CP Time Domain Synthesis of Digital Laguerre Fil- ters. DEMO-75/5 Recursive Digital Filtering with Zero Phase Shift. N70-36972/CP DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTERS Contribution to the Digital Control of a Synchromachine. N71-11302/CP DIODE TUBES Simulation of Relativistic Electron Beam Diodes SLA-73-5419 DIODES The Behavior of Plane Space Discharge Diode with Maxwellian Velocity Distribution in the Alter- nating- and Noise-Regimes of the Propagation Time N71-31451/CP DIODES (ELECTRON TUBES) Space Charge Limiting from Blackbody Radiation AD-779 680/8CP DIODES (SEMICONDUCTOR) Parameter Estimation for the Mathematical Modeling of Semiconductors Using the Ebers- Moll Equations. AD-706 063/CP CAFA; A Computer-Aided Curve-Fit and Analysis Program AD-735 946/CP Second Breakdown and Damage in Semiconduc- tor Junction Devices AD-740 226/CP Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP The Limited Space Charge Accumulation Mode in GaAs AD-841 117/CP Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide AD-850 272/CP Model Conversion for Circus, Trac, Sceptre, and Net-1. AD-859 848/CP Suppression in Active Devices-Circuits AD-864 906/CP DIPOLE ANTENNAS Simplified VLF/LF Mode Conversion Program with Allowance for Elevated, Abritrarily Oriented Electric Dipole Antennas AD-A033 412/8CP Electrically-Short Center-Fed Horizontal Dipole Antennas for High-Frequency Communications AD-A047 548/3CP Experimental Validation of the Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program (VHF Antenna) AD-A049 740/4CP Modified Dipoles. II. Numerical Solutions AD-745 979/CP Three-Term Exponential Product Solution for the Current on Dipole Antennas in Homogeneous Isotropic Media AD-752 474/CP Capacitance and Equivalent Area of a Hollow Sin- gle Gap Prolate/Oblate Spheroidal Electromag- netic Pulse Sensor AD-761 801/CP An Application of the Piecewise-Sinusoidal Reac- tion Matching Technique to Linear Dipole Anten- nas AD-767 654/7CP An Investigation on the Application of the Method of Partial Images to a Dynamic Problem AD-767 659/6CP Methods of Moments Applications Volume V. Thin Wire Antenna Analysis Computer Codes Compared with Measured Data AD-783 897/2CP Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP Analysis of Large Dipole Arrays by Digital Com- puter N70-33528/CP Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Charac- teristics on the Rae Satellite. Part 1 Final Report. N70-37959/CP Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Dipoles. N74-29572/6CP DIRECT CURRENT Digital Computer Simulation of Inductor-Energy- Storage DC-to-DC Converters with Closed-Loop Regulators. N74-26497/9CP DIRECTIONAL ANTENNAS Reactively Loaded Directive Antennas AD-A001 105/6CP RADIAT Computer Program PB-260 426/2CP DISPLAY DEVICES Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 1 Final Technical Report N73-10145/CP Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept Volume 4 Appendix F N73-10148/CP DISPLAY SYSTEMS Application of Display in Flight Vehicle Mission Performance Evaluation. AD-709 057/CP Development of Graphic Area Displays for ASW Attack Management Simulator Volume II AD-747 691/CP Research Program on Multi Dimensional Matrix Addressing Techniques AD-774 143/2CP Machine for Information Display and Simulation (MIDAS) AD-914 142/5CP DISTORTION Computational Techniques for the Reduction of Nonlinear Effects Using Passive Compensating Networks AD-A035 855/6CP DJANAL COMPUTER PROGRAM Djanal User'S Manual. N76-28863/8CP DOME FILTERS Dome Filter Design and Analysis Program. AO-717 307/CP DOPPLER RADAR Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Avalanche-Diode Oscillator Circuit with Tuning at Multiple Frequencies N73-20258/CP E CODES EBW1: A Computer Code for the Prediction of the Behavior of Electrical Circuits Containing Explod- ing Wire Elements. SAND-75-0041 ECONOMIC MODELS Reliability Growth Study AD-A023 926/9CP EDDY CURRENTS Eddy Current Distribution in Parallel Conductors Wirbelstromverteilung in Parallelen Leitern N72-20230/CP EIGSHIP COMPUTER PROGRAM Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings Part 2 EIGSHIP Predicted Per- formance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP A0-A024 448/3CP ELECTRIC CABLES FAA Lightning Protection Study; Lightning In- duced Transients on Buried Shielded Cables; Nu- merical Analysis and Results AD-A041 319/5CP The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP Computer Program for Determination of Earth Potentials Due to Faults or Loss of Concentric Neutral on Urd Cable EPRI-EL-545 Cable Development Status Computer Program SLA-73-561 ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP Eddy Current Distribution in Parallel Conductors Wirbelstromverteilung in Parallelen Leitern N72-20230/CP Code for Viewing Mafco Conductors from Ary Angle UCRL-51397 ELECTRIC CURRENT Avalanche-Diode Oscillator Circuit with Tuning at Multiple Frequencies N73-20258/CP ELECTRIC CURRENTS Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem UCRL-51821 ELECTRIC DRIVES The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Digital Computer Simulation of Inductor-Energy- Storage DC-to-DC Converters with Closed-Loop Regulators. N74-26497/9CP ELECTRIC FIELDS Computer Technique for Calculations of Potential Distribution in Multidielectrlc Media AD-A048 057/4CP Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 ELECTRIC FILTERS Experimental Study of Correlator Filters Not Utilizing a Delay AD-A005 467/6CP Computer-Aided Filter Design. AD-706 007/CP Computer-Aided Netowrk Design by Optimization in tha Frequency Domain. AD-706 008/CP A Study of Digital Filters. AD-710 3S1/CP A Dttorlption of Some Recursive Digital Filters AD-728 979/CP Implementation of N-Path Filters Using Two-Level Modulation AD-741 919/CP Statistical Design of Nonrecursive Digital Filters AD-764 595/5CP Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Applications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP A Description of the FORTRAN Program T liters' AO-768 872/4CP Time Domain Synthesis of Digital Laguerre Fil- ters. DEMO-75/5 Synthesis of Active Pulse Filters. N70-37184/CP 87 SUBJECT INDEX Digital Analysis of Superior Electric Circular Mode Filters Analisi Numerica di Filtri Per I Modi Circolari Elettrici Superiori. N76-33374/9CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Filters. N77-26399/4CP Two Computer Programs for the Sensitivity Analy- sis of Higher Order Filters SLL-73-225 ELECTRIC GENERATORS A Study of the Influences of Solid-State Electrical Distribution on Aircraft Power Generation AD-772 771/2CP ELECTRIC MOTORS Practical Stability of a Reluctance Synchronous Machine AD-A007 659/6CP Optimization of Small AC Series Commutator Mo- tors N72-15208/CP ELECTRIC PULSES Synthesis of Active Pulse Filters. N70-37184/CP ELECTRIC WIRE Electromagnetic Compatibility Study of Conduct- ing Wires AD-A004 235/8CP The EMCAP (Electromagnetic Compatibility Anal- ysis Program) Properties of the Banded Matrix Iterative Solution Technique for Thin Wire Mo- ments Problems AD-A018 444/OCP Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMPJ) AD-A031 298/3CP A Computer Program to Determine the Resistance of Long Wires and Rods to Nonhomogeneous Ground AD-A036 250/9CP ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Laboratory of Electromagnetic Theory of the Technical University of Denmark Annual Report, 1967-1968 N70-26441/CP ELECTRICAL FAULT LOCATION Fault Isolation Using Frequency Response Techniques AD-721 582/CP Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer PB-267 785/4CP ELECTRICAL GROUNDING A Computer Program to Determine the Resistance of Long Wires and Rods to Nonhomogeneous Ground AD-A036 250/9CP Evaluation of In-Mine Grounding System and Codification of Ground Bed Construction and Measurement Techniques PB-263 119/OCP Mine Grounding Systems: Evaluation of Ground Beds and Ground-Bed Monitors and Evaluation of Modular Ground-Wire Monitor PB-270 900/4CP ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. N78-11316/4CP ELECTRICAL INSULATION Instrumentation of Replacement Base Insulator Assembly - VLF East Tower, Lualualei, Hawaii AD-A026 188/3CP Computer Technique for Calculations of Potential Distribution in Multidielectric Media AD-A048 057/4CP ELECTRICAL NETWORKS Computer Analysis and Design of Electrical Cir- cuits Using the IBM 360/67 and the XDS 9300 Computer and the AGT/10 Display Unit AD-A004 265/5CP A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Analysis Programs AD-A009 185/OCP Technical Tasks for the NET-2 Network Analysis Program AD-A011 343/1CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Digital, and Control Systems. Revision I AD-A011 348/OCP MECA 74 (Multivalued Electronic Circuit Analysis - Version 1974) - A Faster Computer Program for Analyzing Resistive Nonlinea r Circuits AD-A014 418/8CP Parameter Estimation for the Mathematical Modeling of Semiconductors Using the Ebers- Moll Equations. AD-706 063/CP Computer-Aided Design of Linear Networks in the Frequency Domain. AD-709 064/CP Investigations of the Miyata Synthesis Technique. AD-709 928/CP Frequency Domain Analysis of a Class of Non- linear Networks. AD-710 200/CP Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design. AD-714 845/CP Application of Cohn'S Sensitivity Theorem to Time Domain Responses. AD-717 491/CP Fault Identification Matrix in Linear Networks AD-721 581/CP BIAS-3-A Program for the Nonlinear DC Analysis of Bipolar Transistor Circuits AD-722 556/CP A Study of Subharmonic Response in Nonlinear System Models AD-723 216/CP Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Program AD-723 637/CP Elements of Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis AD-723 762/CP CIRCUS-2. A Digital Computer Program for Transient Analysis of Electronic Circuits. Volume I. Users Guide AD-736 379/CP Two Scattering Matrix Programs for Active Circuit Analysis AD-737 010/CP DC Circuit Analysis by Computer AD-737 089/CP Multifault Isolation in Linear Networks by the Method of Joint Signature AD-741 118/CP Mathematical Formulation of SCEPTRE AD-751 519/CP NET-2 Network Analysis Program AD-752 600/CP Computer-Aided Network Design: Revised Edition AD-752 933/CP SCEPTRE Translator Feasibility Study AD-755 166/CP A Symbolic Sensitivity Computation Algorithm AD-756 575/CP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume I AD-764 809/OCP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume II. SYNAP User's Manual AD-765 337/1CP Networks of Two-Input One-Output Flexible Cells - A Study of Logical Properties and Techniques for Learning Realizable Functions AD-773 777/8CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems AD-782 251/3CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems. Chapters V and VI AD-787 522/2CP Linear Network Analysis Computer Program (User'S Manual). UCRL-14855 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES Eddy Current Distribution in Parallel Conductors . Wirbelstromverteilung in Parallelen Leitern N72-20230/CP ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE Study of the Influence of Nanoelectronic Technology on the Development and Per- formance of Rapid Logic Circuits Using Little Power Etude de Linfluence des Technologies Nanoelectronique sur la Conception et les Per- formances des Circuits Logiques Rapides a Faible Consommation N73-16191/CP ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY A Computer Program to Determine the Resistance of Long Wires and Rods to Nonhomogeneous Ground AD-A036 250/9 CP ELECTRICALLY SMALL ANTENNAS The Proximity Effect in Systems of Parallel Con- ductors and Electrically Small Multiturn Loop An- tennas AD-736 984/CP ELECTROACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Per- formance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers. AD-711 982/CP Analysis and Computer Program for Temperature Distribution in a Hollow Cylindrical Ceramic Transducer Element AD-721 678/CP ELECTROLUMINESCENT PANELS Feasibility Studies of Mosaic Near-Infrared Image Conversion Panels AD-723 524/CP Feasibility Studies of Multispectral Mosaic Image Conversion Panels AD-745 757/CP Feasibility Studies of Gray Scale Image Storage with Electroluminescent/Photoconductor Image Conversion Panels AD-745 758/CP ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Electromagnetic Compatibility Study of Conduct- ing Wires AD-A004 235/8CP Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program. Volume I. User's Manual Engineer- ing Section AD-A008 526/6CP Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program. Volume II. User's Manual Usage Sec- tion AD-A008 527/4CP Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program. Volume III. Computer Program Documentation AD-A008 528/2CP The EMCAP (Electromagnetic Compatibility Anal- ysis Program) Properties of the Banded Matrix Iterative Solution Technique for Thin Wire Mo- ments Problems AD-A018 444/OCP Wire Moments Problems of Intermediate Size AD-A023 198/5CP Antenna Select Computer Program (ANTSEL) AD-A036 737/5CP Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA, IPM, TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base. Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program AD-A038 142/6CP General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A040 026/7CP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VI. A Digital Computer Program for Deter- mining Terminal Currents Induced in a Multicon- ductor Transmission Line by an Incident Elec- tromagnetic Field AD-A053 560/9CP Millimeter-Wave System EMC Study AD-B004 228/3CP A Study on Communicaton Antenna Isolation AD-768 848/4CP ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENTS Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA, IPM, TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 38 SUBJECT INDEX FAR FIELDS ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE Antenna Select Computer Program (ANTSEL) AD-A036 737/5CP Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA, IPM, TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP ELECTROMAGNETIC NOISE Considerations for the Precise Measurement of Amplifier Noise COM-73-50805/3CP ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Dipoles. N74-29572/6CP ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE SIMULATORS Analysis of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory's Horizontally Polarized Dipole Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator AD-A029 546/9CP ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP EMP Generated Waveforms Subsystems and Cir- cuits AD-894 473/8CP ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION GTD-AMP Computer Program Description User's Manual AD-A031 108/4CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems Volume I. User's Manual AD-A040 026/7CP A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems AD-A044 758/1CP W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 WF-SYR/LLL1: A Thin-Wire Computer Code for Antennas or Scatterers with Pulse Expansion Functions for Current UCRL-52028 ELECTROMAGNETIC SCATTERING Bent Plate Computer Program Listing AD-A018 999/3CP Computer Programs for Scattering Effects In- vestigation AD-A024 634/8CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems Volume I. User's Manual AD-A040 026/7CP A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems AD-A044 758/1CP ELECTROMAGNETIC SHIELDING Linear and Non-Linear EMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab AD-A021 452/8CP User's Manual for the NLINE Multiconductor Transmission-Line Computer Code AD-A040 398/OCP Computer Aided Design of Braid Parameters for Coaxial Cable AD-744 797/CP The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 ELECTROMAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY Users Manual for SUPERSAP2 AD-A022 979/9CP ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY Analysis of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory's Horizontally Polarized Dipole Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator AD-A029 546/9CP ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Computer Programs for Radiation and Scattering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires. AD-713 156/CP Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide AD-718 407/CP ELECTRON TRANSFER The Behavior of Plane Space Discharge Diode with Maxwellian Velocity Distribution in the Alter- nating- and Noise-Regimes of the Propagation Time N71-31451/CP ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS SOFTWARE A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs AD-A026 567/8CP ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS User's Guide for GRAPEL: Graph for Engineering Language BNL-50585 Imag 2 Program for the Cad of Electronic Cir- cuits: Bipolar and Mosfet Models at L.ET.I CEA-CONF-2650 Quarterly Technical Progress Report, April, May. June 1974. COO-2383-0013 Computer Aided Production of Manufacturing Camac-Wired Boards by the Multiwire-Technique. HMI-B-182 EBW1 : A Computer Code for the Prediction of the Behavior of Electrical Circuits Containing Explod- ing Wire Elements. SAND-75-0041 Opsnap A Users' Manual. SAND-75-0279 AITRAC: Augmented Interactive Transient Radia- tion Analysis by Computer. User's Information Manual SAND-77-0939 Gain: An Interactive Graphics Interface for Circuit Analysis Programs SLA-73-670 Programs for Computer Aided Design of Metal- Oxide-Semiconductor (Mos) Lsi Electronic Cir- cuits. UCRL-76454 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Reliability Growth Study AD-A023 926/9CP Heat Sinks: A Study of Variable Types of Heat Sinks (En Undersogelse af Forskelligt Udformede Koleprofiler. Forskellige Faktorers Indflydelse pa Profilets Virkning) AD-A027 407/6CP System Modularization to Minimize Life Cycle Costs AD-A036 868/8CP Fault Diagnosis by White Noise Techniques AD-483 022/CP A Proposed Mathematical Model for Predicting Military Electronic Equipment Component Failure Rates and Isolating Underlying Failure Causes AD-733 389/CP A Decision Model for the Selection of Stan- dardization Alternatives AD-743 399/CP Control of Electronic Circuit Designs for Space Vehicles. N70-33277/CP TA533 Function Matrix and Status Interface Test Program SAND-75-0613 Ticon: The Tonopah Test Range Timing and Con- trol System SC-DR-720718 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT TESTS Development of Automated Test Procedures and Techniques for Lsi Circuits N75-32317/0CP Test and Simulation of Large Scale Integrated Circuits, Part 1 Outil pour la Simulation et le Test des Circuits Integres a Grande Echelle, 1ERE Partie. N76-20859/4CP ELECTRONIC MAIL HANDLING Study ol Electronic Handling of Mail Completion Report for Work Task 5 Transmission Methods. AD-715 121/CP ELECTRONIC SCANNERS Phased Array Antennas Scanned near Endfire AD-A028 781 /3CP ELECTRONIC SWITCHES Short-Pulse Switches for Airborne High-Power Supplies AD-772 815/7CP ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS Instrument Trainer Specialist AFSC 34151 AD-A044 114/7CP Defensive Systems Trainer Specialist. AFSC 34152 AD-A044 121/2CP Analog Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Spe- cialist, AFSC 34155 AD-A044 122/OCP Analog Flight Simulator Specialist. AFSC 34153 AD-A044 125/3CP ELECTRONICS Management of Research and Development for Electronic Systems AD-A042 859/9CP ELECTROSTATIC CHARGE A Three Dimensional Dynamic Study of Electro- static Charging in Materials. N78-13328/7CP ELECTROSTATICS Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP ELEMENTARY PARTICLES Andymg3- the Basic Program of a Series of Monte Carlo Programs for Time-Dependent Transport of Particles and Photons LA-4539 ENERGY CONVERSION EFFICIENCY Description and Evaluation of Digital-Computer Program for Analysis of Stationary Outside- Coil Lundell Alternators. N70-28433/CP ERROR ANALYSIS Analysis of Errors in Piecewise Linear Network Computations. N76-33898/7CP EXCITERS Design and Analysis of Bifurcated Twin Dielectric Slab Loaded Rectangular Waveguide Dual Frequency Array Elements AD-A041 321/1 CP EXPLODING WIRES EBW1 : A Computer Code for the Prediction of the Behavior of Electrical Circuits Containing Explod- ing Wire Elements. SAND-75-0041 EXPLORER SATELLITES Summary of Attitude Dynamic Analysis for Imp-J Wire Antenna Spacecraft N73-31764/6CP F-4 AIRCRAFT F-4E Avionics Update AD-A047 949/3CP F-4E AIRCRAFT F-4E Avionics Update AD-A047 949/3CP FABRICATION Interactive System for the Automatic Layout of Printed Circuit Boards (Araignee). EUR-5285e Computer Aided Production of Manufacturing Camac-Wired Boards by the Multiwire-Technique HMI-B-182 FAILURE ANALYSIS A Proposed Mathematical Model for Predicting Military Electronic Equipment Component Failure Rates and Isolating Underlying Failure Causes AD-733 389/CP FAILURE (ELECTRONICS) Implementation of Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estima- tor (ORACLE) AD-A039 344/7CP Fault Diagnosis by White Noise Techniques AD-483 022/CP Development and Preparation of Cost-Optimized Troubleshooting Decision Trees AD-731 145/CP A Proposed Mathematical Model for Predicting Military Electronic Equipment Component Failure Rates and Isolating Underlying Failure Causes AD-733 389/CP FAR FIELDS A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder N74-17891/4CP 89 SUBJECT INDEX Parabolic Cylinder Antennas. N74-22824/8CP FAULT ANALYSIS Rational Fault Analysis AD-A040 223/OCP FAULT DETECTION Automated Multiple Fault Test Generation for Combinational Networks AD-A023 174/6CP Effects of Redundancy on Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Combinational Logic Circuits AD-787 463/9CP FAULT DIAGNOSIS Fault Diagnosis by White Noise Techniques AD-483 022/CP FAULT ISOLATION Multifault Isolation in Linear Networks by the Method of Joint Signature AD-741 118/CP Computer Generated Troubleshooting Trees: The Program AD-785 139/7CP FAULT TOLERANT COMPUTING Effects of Redundancy on Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Combinational Logic Circuits AD-787 463/9CP FERRITES Microwave Propagation in Periodic Ferrite Struc- tures AD-819 850/CP FERROMAGNETIC MATERIALS Linear and Non-Linear EMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab AD-A021 452/8CP FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS Wide-Band Microwave Amplifier Realizations in Microstrip Employing a GaAs Schottky-Barrier Field-Effect Transistor AD-A031 428/6CP Fabrication of Beam Technology for the Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-BOOO 051 /3CP The Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Devices for Radia- tion Vulnerability Studies AD-735 947/CP Micropower Integrated Circuits Study Program Extension to Scope of Work AD-738 538/CP Investigations of Metal-Buried Silicide-Silicon Structures and Metal-Titanium Oxide-Silicon Structures AD-760 009/CP An Experimental Study of Noise in MNOSFET Devices AD-760 544/CP Nonlinear Computer Models of Field-Effect Transistors AD-873 830/CP Contribution to the Digital Control of a Synchromachine. N71-11302/CP Study of the Influence of Nanoelectronic Technology on the Development and Per- formance of Rapid Logic Circuits Using Little Power . Etude de Linfluence des Technologies Nanoelectronique sur la Conception et les Per- formances des Circuits Logiques Rapides a Faible Consommation N73-16191/CP FILM RESISTORS User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 FILTERS FFT Doppler Filter Performance Computations AD-777 722/OCP FLASH LAMPS Analysis of Discrete Pulse Forming Networks Driving Non-Linear Flash Lamp Loads AD-782 399/OCP FLAT CABLES Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume II. Computation of the Capacitance Matrices for Ribbon Cables AD-A025 029/OCP FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Program AD-723 637/CP FORMAT Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 3 Appendices C, D and E N73-10147/CP FORTRAN Fortran Program for Induction Motor Analysis. N76-20370/2CP FREQUENCY SHIFT KEYERS Energy Spectra for Frequency-Shift-Keyed Signals Transmitted by Synchronously Resonated, Very Low Frequency Antennas AD-777 268/4CP FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERS High-Resolution Clock Control for the TIP Satel- lite AD-A033 495/3CP FRESNEL REGION Parabolic Cylinder Antennas. N74-22824/8CP FUNCTION GENERATORS Contribution to the Digital Control of a Synchromachine N71-11302/CP G CODES Gain: An Interactive Graphics Interface for Circuit Analysis Programs SLA-73-670 GALLIUM ARSENIDES Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide AD-850 272/CP GAMMA RADIATION Simulation of gamma Ray Effects on Bipolar Transistors Using the Cao Programs CEA-R-4337 GAS BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKERS Fundamental Investigation of Arc Interruption in Gas Flows. Final Report EPRI-EL-284 GAS-INSULATED CABLES Optimized Design for Gas Cable Systems Final Report EPRI-7825-FR GATES (CIRCUITS) Determining Partition Elements with Feedback Constraints. AD-709 910/CP GLIDE PATH SYSTEMS A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures AD-A014 643/1CP Analysis of the Performance of Image Glide Slope Antenna in the Presence of Truncated Ground AD-A054 415/5CP GREEN FUNCTION A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. N75-33328/6CP GROUND (ELECTRICAL) A Computer program for Radiation from Arbitrari- ly Oriented Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground AD-A025 457/3CP GUIDEWAYS The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP GUNN DIODES Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide AD-850 272/CP Suppression in Active Devices-Circuits AD-864 906/CP A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. N78-11316/4CP HARMONIC OSCILLATION Avalanche-Diode Oscillator Circuit with Tuning at Multiple Frequencies N73-20258/CP HEAT EXCHANGERS Design of Cryogenic Heat Exchangers for a Su- perconducting Magnet ORNL/MIT-242 HEAT PIPES Heat Pipe Cooled Microwave Window AD-776 996/1CP HEAT SINKS Heat Sinks: A Study of Variable Types of Heat Sinks (En Undersogelse af Forskelligt Udformede Koleprofiler. Forskellige Faktorers Indflydelse pa Profilets Virkning) AD-A027 407/6CP HEAT TRANSFER Heat Sinks: A Study of Variable Types of Heat Sinks (En Undersogelse af Forskelligt Udformede Koleprofiler. Forskellige Faktorers Indflydelse pa Profilets Virkning) AD-A027 407/6CP HELIUM Helium Research in Support of Superconducting Power Transmission. Annual Report, July 1975-- September 1976 CONS/3800-1 HEPTANES Heat Pipe Cooled Microwave Window AD-776 996/1 CP HEURISTIC METHODS Heuristic Techniques in Computer Aided Circuit Analysis AD-A021 171/4CP HORN ANTENNAS Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP Computer Programs for General Reflector Anten- na Systems and Spherical Wave Expansion. N77-30382/4CP HV SYSTEMS Optimized Design for Gas Cable Systems. Final Report EPRI-7825-FR HVAC SYSTEMS Controlled Impedance Short Circuit Limiter. Research Report 654 EPRI-EL-537 HYBRID CIRCUITS Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual N78-20805/5CP HYDROGEN CHLORIDE Characteristics of Si02 Films Grown in an HcL Purged Environment AD-781 832/1CP HYDROPHONES An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hydrophone Sensitivity AD-754 099/CP High Pressure Transducer AD-782 281 /OCP I CODES Imag 2 Program for the Cad of Electronic Cir- cuits: Bipolar and Mosfet Models at LET. I. CEA-CONF-2650 IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5CP IMAGE CONVERTERS Feasibility Studies of Multispectral Mosaic Image Conversion Panels AD-745 757/CP Feasibility Studies of Gray Scale Image Storage with Electroluminescent/Photoconductor Image Conversion Panels AD-745 758/CP IMPATT DIODES Avalanche and Depletion Region Widths for Uniformly Doped Gallium Arsenide Impact Avalanche Transit Time Diodes AD-A017 475/5CP Impatt Device Simulation and Properties AD-A051 018/OCP IMPATT Diode Amplifier AD-756 520/CP IMPEDANCE MATCHING Dynamic Impedance Matching in Conformal Ar- rays AD-A044 818/3CP INDUCTANCE An Investigation of Synthetic Inductors AD-749 685/CP INDUCTION MOTORS Variable Speed Commutatorless Energy Conver- ters AD-786 005/9CP Fortran Program for Induction Motor Analysis. N76-20370/2CP 90 SUBJECT INDEX ISOLATORS Detectors for 10.6 Detectors for 10.6 Performance Characteristics of Three-Phase In- duction Motors. N77-27309/2CP Matrix Analysis of Linear Induction Machines PB-254 574/7CP INDUCTORS User'S Manual: Computer-Aided Design Programs for Inductor-Energy-Storage DC-to-DC Electronic Power Converters. N77-33602/2CP INERTIAL MEASUREMENT UNITS An Analysis of the Exponential Function as the Underlying Distribution for Describing Failures in Inertial Measurement Units AD-A044 189/9CP INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Devlib: A Pdp-10 Semiconductor Device Library Program SLA-73-133 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Cable Development Status Computer Program SLA-73-561 INFORMATION THEORY A Study of Digital Filters. AD-710 381/CP Correlation of Quantized Guassian Processes AD-718 803/CP INFORMATION TRANSFER Operational and Cost Considerations in the Use of Optical Waveguides in a Local Information Transfer System AD-A0S3 600/3CP INFRARED BOLOMETERS Thin-Film Semiconductor micrometer Radiation AD-A026 266/7CP INFRARED DETECTORS Thin-Film Semiconductor micrometer Radiation AD-A026 266/7CP Spectral Matching Factors for Photocathodes, Phosphor Screens, and Photographic Emulsions in Image Intensifier-Recorders Using Night-Sky Il- lumination, and Related Problems AD-744 056/CP Thin Film Pb(0.9)Sn(0.1)Se Photoconductive In- frared Detectors, Metallurgical and Electrical Measurements AD-758 519/CP Feasibility Study of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te Charge Cou- pled Devices for Infrared Imaging Applications AD-761 473/CP Study of PbTe, PbSnTe. PbSe, PbSnSe, and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures AD-761 510/CP High Speed 1.06 Micron Photomultiplier Tubes AD-920 001 /5CP INFRARED FILM Spectral Matching Factors for Photocathodes, Phosphor Screens, and Photographic Emulsions in Image Intensifier-Recorders Using Night-Sky Il- lumination, and Related Problems AD-744 056/CP INSPECTION Code for Viewing Mafco Conductors from Any Angle UCRL-51397 INSTRUCTION MANUALS A High-Frequency Amplifier Synthesis Program. LINVIL Computer FORTRAN IV Program Performs Necessary Computations Plus Graphic Output AD-724 290/CP INSTRUCTIONS A User's Guide to RADIAT, CONTOUR, CLIPPING, SKYWAVE PB-260 427/OCP INSTRUMENT LANDINGS A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures AD-A014 643/1CP Analysis of the Performance of Image Glide Slope Antenna in the Presence of Truncated Ground AD-A054 415/5CP INTEGRAL EQUATIONS Computer Solution of Hallen's Equation on Multi- Element Arrays Employing the Two Term Approxi- mate Current Distribution AD-761 471/CP Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens. SC-CR-69-3309 INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS A Laplace Transform Amplitude Function Genera- tor Utilizing a Thin Film Semiconductor AD-750 590/CP INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP Computer Aided Analysis of Integrated Injection Logic AD-A015 808/9CP Investigation and Study of Computational Techniques for Design and Fabrication of In- tegrated Electronic Circuits AD-A017 094/4CP Automated Design of Digital Integrate Circuit Masks AD-A019 851 /5CP A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Design Programs AD-A024 768/4CP Packaging Effects on Semiconductor Device Radiation Response AD-A026 222/OCP ICEDIT — An Interactive Graphics Editor for In- tegrated Circuit Masks AD-A027 022/3CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Dissipation Losses in Isolated and Coupled Transmission Lines for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated-Circuit Applications AD-A029 211/OCP SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual AD-A031 802/2CP Pyrolytic Boron Nitride as a Dielectric Substrate Material for Microwave Intergrated Circuits AD-A038 627/6CP Digital Microcircuit Characterization and Specifi- cation AD-A038 969/2CP Research in Integrated, High-Frequency Commu- nication Circuits AD-A043 560/2CP Computer Aided Wire Wrapping of Integrated Cir- cuit Boards AD-A044 394/5CP Computer Aided Engineering of Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits AD-A044 851 /4CP Beam Technology for the Fabrication of Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-B000 051 /3CP Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines. AD-708 720/CP Dielectric Field Computations in Semiconductor Oxide Integrated Circuits. AD-713 476/CP BIAS-3-A Program for the Nonlinear DC Analysis of Bipolar Transistor Circuits AD-722 556/CP Towards a Completely Automatic Layout Designer AD-723 064/CP SLIC-A Simulator for Linear Integrated Circuits AD-733 187/CP MASK MAKER I AD-737 670/CP Micropower Integrated Circuits Study Program Extension to Scope of Work AD-738 538/CP A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices AD-743 834/CP Power Supply Voltage Monitor for Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) Applications AD-749 235/CP SCEPTRE Support II. Volume I. Revised User's Manual (Supplement) AD-751 518/CP Simplified Modeling of Integrated Circuits for Radiation Performance Prediction AD-753 413/CP Circuit and Radiation Effects Analysis by Iterated Propagation of Bivariable Response Functions AD-754 263/CP Evaluation of Semiconductor Device Analysis Using the Net-2 Computer Program AD-758 883/CP Computer-Aided Design. Simulation and Op- timization for Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-766 677/9CP Thermal Analysis Using the Chrysler Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer for Third- Generation Computers (CINDA-3G) Program AD-767 023/5CP Integrated Circuit Reliability Prediction and Com- plexity Models AD-781 330/6CP Characteristics of Si02 Films Grown in an HcL Purged Environment AD-781 832/1CP Optimum Filter Modeling of Integrated Circuits AD-782 095/4CP Approaches to Custom LSI AD-910 226/OCP Imag 2 Program for the Cad of Electronic Cir- cuits: Bipolar and Mosfet Models at LET. I. CEA-CONF-2650 SALSIM: A Language for Control of Digital Logic Simulation CONF-771 104-1 Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. N78-20805/5CP Design Rule Checking and Analysis of IV Mask Designs SAND-75-6192 Integrated Set of Computer Aids for Custom IC Design SAND-76-9216 Architecture for Contemporary Computer Aids to Generate IC Mask Layouts SAND-77-1254C INTEGRATED INJECTION LOGIC CIRCUITS Computer Aided Analysis of Integrated Injection Logic AD-A015 808/9CP INTERACTIVE DISPLAY DEVICES System for Connection of a Scanning Measuring Equipment with a Computer. Hardware and Soft- ware on the Basis of the BESM-4 Computer ITEF-22(1976) Gain: An Interactive Graphics Interface for Circuit Analysis Programs SLA-73-670 Computer Generated Visual Documentation of Theoretical Store Separation Analyses SLA-73-5309 INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS User's Manual for PCBOARD AD-A010 313/5CP ICEDIT — An Interactive Graphics Editor for In- tegrated Circuit Masks AD-A027 022/3CP Schematic Definition Language (SDL) SAND-75-0620A INTERRUPTERS Fundamental Investigation of Arc Interruption in Gas Flows. Final Report EPRI-EL-284 INVERTER CIRCUITS Nonlinear Computer Models of Field-Effect Transistors AD-873 830/CP INVERTERS Toroidal Transformer Design Program with Appli- cation to Inverter Circuitry N72-26187/CP ION BEAMS Beam Technology for the Fabrication of Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-B000 051/3CP IONOSPHERIC PROPAGATION Simplified VLF/LF Mode Conversion Program with Allowance for Elevated, Abritrarily Oriented Electric Dipole Antennas AD-A033 412/8CP Antenna Selection for Ionospheric Telecommuni- cation Systems AD-A049 549/9CP ISOLATORS Theoretical Analysis of a Model for a Field Dis- placement Isolator AD-A030 080/6CP 91 SUBJECT INDEX IUE Ouasi-lsotropic VHF Antenna Array Design Study for the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. N75-31343/7CP JET BOMBERS Flight Measurement of Aircraft Antenna Radiation Patterns AD-B008 068/9CP JET FIGHTERS F-4E Avionics Update AD-A047 949/3CP JOB ANALYSIS Instrument Trainer Specialist AFSC 34151 AD-A044 114/7CP Defensive Systems Trainer Specialist, AFSC 34152 AD-A044 121/2CP Analog Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Spe- cialist, AFSC 34155 AD-A044 122/OCP Analog Flight Simulator Specialist, AFSC 34153 AD-A044 125/3CP JUNCTION DIODES Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data COM-75-10711/0CP KLYSTRONS Transmitter Tube for Troposcatter Application AD-765 517/8CP Study of High-Power Electrostatically Focused Klystrons AD-803 999/CP Circuit Efficiency Enhancement Studies at 12 G Hz Final Report. N70-36567/CP LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION A Laplace Transform Amplitude Function Genera- tor Utilizing a Thin Film Semiconductor AD-750 590/CP LARGE SCALE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Approaches to Custom LSI AD-910 226/OCP LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION Development of Automated Test Procedures and Techniques for Lsi Circuits. N75-32317/0CP Test and Simulation of Large Scale Integrated Circuits, Part 1 Outil pour la Simulation et le Test des Circuits Integres a Grande Echelle, 1ERE Partie. N76-20859/4CP Design, Processing, and Testing of Lsi Arrays for Space Station. N76-30448/4CP LASER COMMUNICATIONS High Speed 1.06 Micron Photomultiplier Tubes AD-920 001 /5CP LEAD TELLURIDES Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP LENS ANTENNAS Optimization of a Communication Satellite Multi- ple-Beam Antenna AD-A013 104/5CP Dielectric Lens Model AD-753 914/CP LENSES Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP LIFE CYCLE COSTS System Modularization to Minimize Life Cycle Costs AD-A036 868/8CP LIGHT EMITTING DIODES Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP LIGHTNING Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Circuits AD-A015 174/6CP LIGHTNING ARRESTERS FAA Lightning Protection Study: Lightning In- duced Transients on Buried Shielded Cables: Nu- merical Analysis and Results AD-A041 319/5CP LINEAR ARRAYS Admittance of a Thick Antenna - Numerical Procedure and Results N71-21053/CP LINEAR CIRCUITS APLAC2: A Flexible DC and Time Domain Circuit Analysis Program for Small Computers. N74-21892/6CP LINEAR INDUCTION MOTORS Matrix Analysis of Linear Induction Machines PB-254 574/7CP LINEAR SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP LIQUID COOLING Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part II. Heat Conduction in the Cable Insulation of Force-Cooled Un- derground Electrical Power Transmission Systems PB-239 306/4CP Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part III. The Prediction of Friction Factors in Turbulent Flow for an Un- derground Forced Cooled Pipe-Type Electrical Transmission Cable System PB-239 307/2CP LITHIUM NIOBATES Acoustic Surface Wave Diffraction and Beam Steering AD-766 427/9CP LOG PERIODIC ANTENNAS Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP LOGIC CIRCUITS Computer Aided Analysis of Integrated Injection Logic AD-A015 808/9CP Automated Multiple Fault Test Generation for Combinational Networks AD-A023 174/6CP SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual AD-A031 802/2CP An Advanced Automatic Test Generation System for Digital Circuits AD-A040 271 /9CP Simulation of Digital Circuits AD-A052 613/7CP Determining Partition Elements with Feedback Constraints. AD-709 910/CP The Discrete Logical Design, Simulation System. AD-714 032/CP B.I.B.I.: A Symbolic Language for Description and Simulation of Logical Circuits. AD-714 145/CP Case Study in Interactive Computer Graphics. Computer-Aided Design of Logical Circuits. Volume ll/Appendices AD-722 095/CP On the Design of Diagnosable Combinational Net- works AD-730 117/CP Simplified Modeling of Integrated Circuits for Radiation Performance Prediction AD-753 413/CP Effects of Redundancy on Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Combinational Logic Circuits AD-787 463/9CP Contribution to the Study of Logic Circuits Using Computers N71-11374/CP Programmable Logic Tester N73-13422/CP Study of the Influence of Nanoelectronic Technology on the Development and Per- formance of Rapid Logic Circuits Using Little Power . Etude de Linfluence des Technologies Nanoelectronique sur la Conception et les Per- formances des Circuits Logiques Rapides a Faible Consommation N73-16191/CP Test and Simulation of Large Scale Integrated Circuits, Part 1 Outil pour la Simulation et le Test des Circuits Integres a Grande Echelle, 1ERE Partie. N76-20859/4CP Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simula- tion of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2CP LOGIC DESIGN User's Guide for GRAPEL: Graph for Engineering Language BNL-50585 Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simula- tion of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2CP LOGIC ELEMENTS Functional Level Modeling of Complex Elements in TEST/80 AD-A040 269/3CP LOGIC LANGUAGE ASSEMBLER LOLA User's Manual AD-A026 102/4CP LOOP ANTENNAS The Development of a Multiturn Loop Antenna for the AN/PRC-77 AD-A006 929/4CP The Proximity Effect in Systems of Parallel Con- ductors and Electrically Small Multiturn Loop An- tennas AD-736 984/CP An Investigation of the Effects of a Lossy Earth on Antenna Patterns at VHF AD-754 637/CP A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Insu- lated Loop Antenna in a Dissipative Medium AD-762 041/CP Electrically Small Loop Antenna Loaded by a Homogeneous and Isotropic Ferrite Cylinder - Part I AD-764 890/OCP Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP LOW NOISE AMPLIFIERS Research in Integrated, High-Frequency Commu- nication Circuits AD-A043 560/2CP LOW PASS FILTERS Synthesis of Active Pulse Filters. N70-37184/CP A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF LOW PASS FILTERS WITH UNIFORM OR SEMIU- NIFORM DISSIPATION N71-19172/CP Numerical Simulation of the Existence Test for the Diffusion Function in a Variable Parameter Medium Simulation Numerique du Test d'Existence de la Fonction de Diffusion d'UN Milieu a Parametres Variables N77-10410/7CP LUNEBERG LENSES The Far Field Analysis of Parallel Plate Luneberg Lenses for Various Feeds AD-769 439/1 CP M CODES Computer Generated Visual Documentation of Theoretical Store Separation Analyses SLA-73-5309 Code for Viewing Mafco Conductors from Any Angle UCRL-51397 MACHINE CODING SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP MAGIC COMPUTER PROGRAM A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Design Programs AD-A024 768/4CP MAGNET COILS EFFI: A Code for Calculating the Electromagnetic Field, Force, and Inductance in Coil Systems of Arbitrary Geometry. User's Manual UCID-17621 TORMAG- A PROGRAM FOR SYMMETRY OP- TIMIZATION OF TOROIDAL MAGNETS UCRL-50944 Six Phase Rectifier Digital Computer Simulation WFPS-TME-009 MAGNETIC ALLOYS Mossbauer Study of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of NdCo5 AD-726 991 /CP MAGNETIC CORES Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Voltage, Vaporization-Cooled, Three-Phase, Core-Type Transformer AD-A027 260/9CP 92 SUBJECT INDEX MICROWAVE OSCILLATORS MAGNETIC DIPOLES Study of Mutual Coupling between Two Slots on a Cylinder AD-A034 095/OCP MAGNETIC FIELDS Calculation of Magnetic Fields for Engineering Devices LBL-4805 MAGNETIC LEVITATION The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP MAGNETIC SHIELDING W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 MAGNETS "Forgy"- a Companion Computer Program of "Trim" to Calculate Forces and Energy in Elec- tromagnets ANL-TKK/RJL-2 MAIL Study of Electronic Handling of Mail. Completion Report for Work Task 5. Transmission Methods. AD-715 121/CP MAINTENANCE Development and Preparation of Cost-Optimized Troubleshooting Decision Trees AD-731 145/CP MAN MACHINE SYSTEMS Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 1 Final Technical Report N73-10145/CP MANUALS Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User'S Manual. N70-23656/CP User'S Guide to a Computerized sa Resistor Catalog (Resis) SLA-73-661 MASKING MASK MAKER I AD-737 670/CP MASKS Automated Design of Digital Integrate Circuit Masks AD-A019 851/5CP MATERIALS TESTS A Three Dimensional Dynamic Study of Electro- static Charging in Materials. N78-t3328/7CP MATHEMATICAL MODELS Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMPJ) AD-A031 298/3CP Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMP2) AD-A035 401 /9CP Wiregrid Program for Antenna Modelling Includ- ing Sinusoidal Interpolation of Current AD-A049 571 /3CP Modelization of Quartz Oscillators. N77-25432/4CP Modelling of Quartz Oscillators. N77-29424/7CP A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. N78-11316/4CP Simulation of Relativistic Electron Beam Diodes SLA-73-5419 Computer Models for Antennas. UCRL-51515 MATHEMATICAL PREDICTION The EMCAP (Electromagnetic Compatibility Anal- ysis Program) Properties of the Banded Matrix Iterative Solution Technique for Thin Wire Mo- ments Problems AD-A018 444/OCP Computer Programs for Scattering Effects In- vestigation AD-A024 634/8CP MATRICES (CIRCUITS) Some Comments on Power Combiner/Switch Matrices AD-A018 697/3CP MATRIX DISPLAY SYSTEMS Research Program on Multi Dimensional Matrix Addressing Techniques AD-774 143/2CP MATRIX METHODS Matrix Analysis of Linear Induction Machines PB-254 574/7CP MATRIX THEORY Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems AD-A032 686/8CP MECA 74 COMPUTER PROGRAM MECA 74 (Multivalued Electronic Circuit Analysis - Version 1974) - A Faster Computer Program for Analyzing Resistive Nonlinear Circuits AD-A014 418/8CP MECHANICAL COMPONENTS SUPER-SCEPTRE. Users Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical. Mechanical, Digital, and Control Systems. Revision I AD-A011 348/OCP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical. Mechanical. Logic and Control Systems AD-782 251 /3CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems Chapters V and VI AD-787 522/2CP MEETINGS Final Report of the Joint Logistics Commanders Electronic Systems Reliability Workshop AD-A016 826/OCP Rational Fault Analysis AD-A040 223/OCP MESSAGE PROCESSING The 'Standard' MUX Bus: Some Constraints on Information Flow Arising from MIL-STD-1553 (USAF) AD-A017 677/6CP MATCHAR - A Computer Program for Estimating Character Error Rate AD-A022 966/6CP METAL INSULATOR SEMICONDUCTORS A Quantum Mechanical Description of Charge In- jection Devices (CID) AD-A017 956/4CP METAL OXIDE SEMICONDUCTORS Characteristics of Si02 Films Grown in an HcL Purged Environment AD-781 832/1CP Selfrepairing Semiconductor Memories. Part 3: Parametric Study Memoires Autoreparables a Semiconducteurs Tome 3: Etude Parametrique N76-21919/5CP METEOROLOGICAL PARAMETERS Calculation of the Desired Angle Values for the Alignment of a Stabilized Two Axis Rotating Plat- form in an Aircraft Berechnung der Winkel-Soll- werte fuer die Ausrichtung Eines Stabitisierten Zwei-Achsen-Drehstandes in Einem Flugzeug. N78-14235/3CP MFTF DEVICES EFFI: A Code for Calculating the Electromagnetic Field, Force, and Inductance in Coil Systems of Arbitrary Geometry User's Manual UCID-17621 MICROCIRCUITS Digital Microcircuit Characterization and Specifi- cation AD-A038 969/2CP MICROCOMPUTERS Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer PB-267 785/4CP MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin. Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection AWRE-O-30/75 MICROELECTRONICS Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Program Description. N76-17297/2CP Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin. Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. N76-23523/3CP MICROPROCESSORS Digital Microcircuit Characterization and Specifi- cation AD-A038 969/2CP MICROWAVE ACOUSTICS Acoustic Surface Wave Diffraction and Beam Steering AD-766 427/9CP MICROWAVE AMPLIFIERS CFA Design Improvement Program AD-A024 065/5CP Wide-Band Microwave Amplifier Realizations in Microstrip Employing a GaAs Schottky-Barrier Field-Effect Transistor AD-A031 428/6CP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regu- lations. Part 2 Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Dipoles AD-A032 131/5CP IMPATT Diode Amplifier AD-756 520/CP Millimeter Wave Gunn Amplifier, Diode Charac- terization and Network Optimization AD-787 486/OCP MICROWAVE ANTENNAS Dielectric Lens Model AD-753 914/CP MICROWAVE CIRCUITS Computer Aided Analysis of Microwave Electronic Circuits in the Frequency Domain (Esamec). N78-18341/5CP MICROWAVE EQUIPMENT Computer-Aided Analysis of Dissipation Losses in Isolated and Coupled Transmission Lines for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated-Circuit Applications AD-A029 211/OCP Progress Report No. 42. 15 September 1976 - 14 September 1977. to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee AD-A050 265/8CP Acoustic Surface Wave Diffraction and Beam Steering AD-766 427/9CP Computer-Aided Design. Simulation and Op- timization for Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-766 677/9CP Heat Pipe Cooled Microwave Window AD-776 996/1CP Computer Design of Stripline Components AD-876 732/CP Design of Microstrip Components by Computer N72-22218/CP Opsnap: A Users' Manual. SAND-75-0279 MICROWAVE FREQUENCIES Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters. N75-20625/0CP MICROWAVE NETWORKS Parameter Independent Design Utilizing Scatter- ing Parameters AD-A045 460/3CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Cascaded Microwave Two-Port Networks. AD-710 239/CP DEMON--An Optical Seeking Computer Program for the Design of Microwave Circuits AD-721 803/CP Coupler Test Program CPL1 for Use with a HP (Hewlett Packard) Automatic Network Analyzer AD-764 046/CP MICROWAVE OPTICS Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP MICROWAVE OSCILLATORS Analysis. Design, and Fabrication of High-Effi- ciency. High Average Power. Pulsed TRAPATT Diode Oscillators AD-A023 252/OCP Design of a Varactor Tuned Gunn Oscillator Using Microstrip Circuitry AD-A023 287/6CP Properties of S-Band TRAPATT Diode Oscillators AD-A024 432/7CP Noise Quality Measurements for Microwave Noise Generators. AO-708 872/CP Load Impedance Characteristics of TRAPATT Oscillators AD-776 773/4CP 93 SUBJECT INDEX The Limited Space Charge Accumulation Mode in GaAs AD-841 117/CP Suppression in Active Devices-Circuits AD-864 906/CP MICROWAVE RADIOMETERS Antenna and Radome Loss Measurements for Mfmr and Pmis with Appendix on Mfmr/Pmis Computer Programs. N75-26202/2CP MICROWAVE TRANSMISSION A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. N75-33328/6CP MICROWAVE TUBES CFA Design Improvement Program AD-A024 065/5CP Planar Circuits for Microwave Tubes AD-A031 145/6CP MICROWAVE WINDOWS Heat Pipe Cooled Microwave Window AD-776 996/1CP MICROWAVES Progress Report No. 42, 15 September 1976 - 14 September 1977, to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee AD-A050 265/8CP Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides AD-746 108/CP MILLIMETER WAVES Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP MISSILES Computer Generated Visual Documentation of Theoretical Store Separation Analyses SLA-73-5309 MIXERS (ELECTRONICS) Computer-Aided Analysis of Mixer Circuits AD-A021 720/8CP Frequency Domain Analysis of a Class of Non- linear Networks. AD-710 200/CP MIXING CIRCUITS Computer-Aided Analysis of Mixer Circuits AD-A021 720/8CP MODULES (ELECTRONICS) System Modularization to Minimize Life Cycle Costs AD-A036 868/8CP Ultra-Flat UHF Delay Line Modules AD-A046 232/5CP MOMENTS Wire Moments Problems of Intermediate Size AD-A023 198/5CP MONOPOLE ANTENNAS Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Dipoles. N74-29572/6CP MOSAICS (LIGHT-SENSITIVE) Feasibility Studies of Mosaic Near-Infrared Image Conversion Panels AD-723 524/CP MOVING TARGET INDICATORS Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Applications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP Adjustable Diaital Time Converter AD-776 912/8CP MULTICONDUCTOR CABLES Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume II. Computation of the Capacitance Matrices for Ribbon Cables AD-A025 029/OCP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VII. Digital Computer Programs for the Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines AD-A046 662/3CP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling Volume VI. A Digital Computer Program for Deter- mining Terminal Currents Induced in a Multicon- ductor Transmission Line by an Incident Elec- tromagnetic Field AD-A053 560/9CP MULTIPLE BEAM ANTENNAS Optimization of a Communication Satellite Multi- ple-Beam Antenna AD-A013 104/5CP Multiple Beam Torus Antenna Study. Volume II AD-A047 158/1CP MULTIPLEXING Computer Simulation of MUX Bus Voltage Waveforms under Steady State Conditions AD-A013 107/8CP NELSIM COMPUTER PROGRAM Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume I AD-A033 592/7CP Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume II AD-A033 606/5CP NEODYMIUM LASERS High Speed 1.06 Micron Photomultiplier Tubes AD-920 001 /5CP NETWORK ANALYSIS Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User's Manual. N70-23656/CP Operating Characteristics of Computer Programs for Nonlinear Transient Analysis. N70-29745/CP Contribution to the Study of Logic Circuits Using Computers. N71-11374/CP APLAC2: A Flexible DC and Time Domain Circuit Analysis Program for Small Computers. N74-21892/6CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 1: Theory Manual. N76-13798/3CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 2: User'S Manual. N76-1 3799/1 CP Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 3: systems. N76-13800/7CP Analysis of Errors in Piecewise Linear Network Computations. N76-33898/7CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Filters. N77-26399/4CP Computer Aided Analysis of Microwave Electronic Circuits in the Frequency Domain (Esamec). N78-18341/5CP NETWORK ANALYSIS THEORY Computer Analysis and Design of Electrical Cir- cuits Using the IBM 360/67 and the XDS 9300 Computer and the AGT/10 Display Unit AD-A004 265/5CP A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Analysis Programs AD-A009 185/OCP MECA 74 (Multivalued Electronic Circuit Analysis - Version 1974) - A Faster Computer Program for Analyzing Resistive Nonlinear Circuits AD-A014 418/8CP Computational Techniques for the Reduction of Nonlinear Effects Using Passive Compensating Networks AD-A035 855/6CP Power Series V-l Curve Element and Optimization Improvements in the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram AD-A042 149/5CP A Scattering Matrix Program for High Frequency Circuit Analysis AD-718 434/CP Fault Identification Matrix in Linear Networks AD-721 581/CP A Study of Subharmonic Response in Nonlinear System Models AD-723 216/CP CIRCUS-2. A Digital Computer Program for Transient Analysis of Electronic Circuits. Volume I. User's Guide AD-736 379/CP Two Scattering Matrix Programs for Active Circuit Analysis AD-737 010/CP NET-2 Network Analysis Program AD-752 600/CP Computer-Aided Network Design: Revised Edition AD-752 933/CP A Symbolic Sensitivity Computation Algorithm AD-756 575/CP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume I AD-764 809/OCP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume II. SYNAP User's Manual AD-765 337/1CP Analysis of Discrete Pulse Forming Networks Driving Non-Linear Flash Lamp Loads AD-782 399/OCP Models of Field-Effect Nonlinear Computer Transistors AD-873 830/CP Linear Network Analysis Computer Program (User's Manual). UCRL-14855 NETWORK ANALYZERS Coupler Test Program CPL1 for Use with a HP (Hewlett Packard) Automatic Network Analyzer AD-764 046/CP Time Domain Automatic Network Analyzer for Measurement of RF and Microwave Components PB-247 116/7CP NETWORK SYNTHESIS Computer Analysis and Design of Electrical Cir- cuits Using the IBM 360/67 and the XDS 9300 Computer and the AGT/10 Display Unit AD-A004 265/5CP Computer-Aided Netowrk Design by Optimization in the Frequency Domain. AD-706 008/CP Fault Identification Matrix in Linear Networks AD-721 581/CP Computer-Aided Network Design: Revised Edition AD-752 933/CP Synthesis of Active Pulse Filters. N70-37184/CP NETWORKS SCEPTRE Models of a Pulse Forming System AD-A009 175/1 CP NEUTRON REACTIONS Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP NITRIDES Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP NOISE GENERATORS Noise Quality Measurements for Microwave Noise Generators. AD-708 872/CP Noise Quality Investigation of Various Microwave Devices AD-756 862/CP NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A Study of Subharmonic Response in Nonlinear System Models AD-723 216/CP NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Analysis of Errors in Piecewise Linear Network Computations. N76-33898/7CP NOPAL PROCESSORS NOPAL Processor: Intra-Test Sequencing AD-A053 315/8CP NOTCH FILTERS Adaptive High Q Notch Filter AD-759 031 /CP NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS Capacitance and Equivalent Area of a Hollow Sin- gle Gap Prolate/Oblate Spheroidal Electromag- netic Pulse Sensor AD-761 801/CP NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP O CODES Opsnap: A Users' Manual. SAND-75-0279 OCEAN CURRENTS Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 94 SUBJECT INDEX POLARIZED ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (OACI) OMNIDIRECTIONAL ANTENNAS A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder AD-771 952/9CP A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder N74-17891/4CP Feasibility Study of a Step Scanned Om- nidirectional Communications Antenna for an In- ternational Magnetospheric Explorer Spacecraft. N75-1496079CP ON-LINE MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 ON-LINE PROGRAMMING Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User's Manual. N70-23656/CP Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design Final Report N71-25896/CP OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS Analysis of Two Low Q Active Filter Circuits AD-A023 899/8CP OPTICAL AUTOMATIC CAR IDENTIFICATION Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5CP OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Operational and Cost Considerations in the Use of Optical Waveguides in a Local Information Transfer System AD-A053 600/3CP OPTICAL SCANNERS Optical Automatic Car Identification Readability and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5CP OPTICAL WAVEGUIDES Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP Operational and Cost Considerations in the Use of Optical Waveguides in a Local Information Transfer System AD-A053 600/3CP ORACLE COMPUTER PROGRAM Implementation of Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estima- tor (ORACLE) AD-A039 344/7CP PARABOLIC ANTENNAS An Analysis of the Fresnel Region of a Large Parabolic Communication Antenna with the Scalar Diffraction Theory AD-A008 509/2CP The Complete Electromagnetic Fields in the Focal Region of a Paraboloidal Reflector AD-A035 052/OCP Analysis Techniques and Instrumentation for Blast Loaded Parabolic Antennas AD-A042 600/7CP A GTD Analysis of the Circular Reflector Antenna Including Feed and Strut Scatter AD-A043 400/1 CP Rooftop Antenna Pointing Program AD-A047 999/8CP EMP Response of Parabolic Reflector Antennas AD-776 399/8CP Parabolic Cylinder Antennas. N74-22824/8CP Computer Programs for General Reflector Anten- na Systems and Spherical Wave Expansion. N77-30382/4CP PARALLEL PLATES Eddy Current Distribution in Parallel Conductors . Wirbelstromverteilung in Parallelen Leitern N72-20230/CP PATTERN REGISTRATION Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual N78-20805/5CP PERFORMANCE (ENGINEERING) Central Airborne Performance Analyzer AD-A047 490/8CP PERFORMANCE TESTING Gain: An Interactive Graphics Interface for Circuit Analysis Programs SLA-73-670 the Magnetocrystalline PERFORMANCE TESTS Digital Computer Simulation of Inductor-Energy- Storage DC-to-DC Converters with Closed-Loop Regulators. N74-26497/9CP PERMANENT MAGNETS Mossbauer Study of Anisotropy of NdCo5 AD-726 991 /CP PHASE LOCKED COMMUNICATIONS Revision to the Frequency Tracking and Estima- tion Program (Phase-Locked Loop) AD-780 461 /OCP PHASE-LOCKED SYSTEMS An Analysis of Phase-Locked Loops AD-733 202/CP Revision to the Frequency Tracking and Estima- tion Program (Phase-Locked Loop) AD-780 461/OCP Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Bou- cle de Phase Numerique Tres Basse Frequence N77-29358/7CP PHASE MODULATION Phase Modulator. PAT-APPL-617 895/CP Phase Modulating with Odd and Even Finite Power Series of a Modulating Signal. PATENT-3 996 532 PHASE SHIFT Recursive Digital Filtering with Zero Phase Shift. N70-36972/CP PHASE SHIFT CIRCUITS Design and Analysis of 90-Degree Phase Dif- ference Networks AD-769 585/1CP Phase Shifter Test Programs for Use with an HP. Automatic Network Analyzer AD-770 120/4CP PHASE SHIFTERS Millimeter Wave Phase Shifter AD-762 572/CP PHASED ARRAYS Computer Analysis of Conformal Phase Arrays AD-A002 732/6CP Wideband Solid-State Phased-Array Antenna Development at UHF AD-A015 090/4CP Phased Array Antennas Scanned near Endfire AD-A028 781 /3CP Phased Array Antennas AD-A031 472/4CP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regu- lations Part 2 Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Dipoles AD-A032 131/5CP Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP Design and Analysis of Bifurcated Twin Dielectric Slab Loaded Rectangular Waveguide. Dual Frequency Array Elements AD-A041 321/1CP Design of Skewed Isophasors of Electromagnetic Emitters AD-A050 753/3CP Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking AD-742 433/CP Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies AD-764 367/CP An Adaptive Transmitting Array to Maximize Power Flow in a Specific Direction AD-768 214/9CP A Study on Communicaton Antenna Isolation AD-768 848/4CP Microwave Integrated Circuit Steerable Polarizer AD-787 868/9CP Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mu- tual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots AD-921 703/5CP Phase Array Antenna Control PAT-APPL-765 165/CP PHOTOCATHODES Spectral Matching Factors for Photocathodes. Phosphor Screens, and Photographic Emulsions in Image Intensifier-Recorders Using Night-Sky Il- lumination, and Related Problems AD-744 056/CP PHOTODIODES Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP PHOTOELECTRIC CELLS (SEMICONDUCTOR) A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. N78-20805/5CP PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual N78-20805/5CP PHOTOMASKS Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. N78-20805/5CP PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES High Speed 1.06 Micron Photomultiplier Tubes AD-920 001 /5CP PHOTONS Andymg3- the Basic Program of a Series of Monte Carlo Programs for Time-Dependent Transport of Particles and Photons LA-4539 PIEZOELECTRIC CRYSTALS Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP Complete Theory of Acoustic Bulk Wave Propaga- tion in Anisotropic Piezoelectric Media AD-739 162/CP Theoretical Investigation of Acoustic Surface Waves on Piezoelectric Crystals AD-865 352/CP PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hydrophone Sensitivity AD-754 099/CP A Computer Technique for Near-Field Analysis of an Ultrasonic Transducer AD-756 537/CP Analysis of Interdigital Transducers for Acoustic Surface Wave Devices AD-757 485/CP PLANAR ARRAYS Synthesis of Plane Stratified Dielectric Slab Spa- tial Filters Using Numerical Optimization Techniques AD-A037 960/2CP Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/OCP PLANAR STRUCTURES Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/OCP PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AO-748 465/CP PLASMA MEDIUM The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Mag- netoplasma Dielectric AD-705 248/CP A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP PLOTEM 2 COMPUTER PROGRAM Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin, Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection N76-23523/3CP POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS An Integral-Equation Solution for TE Radiation and Scattering from Conducting Cylinders N73-20187/CP POLARIZED ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION An Integral-Equation Solution for TE Radiation and Scattering from Conducting Cylinders N73-20187/CP 95 SUBJECT INDEX POWER AMPLIFIERS Computer-Generated Loci on Smith Charts to Aid Amplifier Design AD-759 701 /CP Microstrip Design Procedure for L-Band Transistor Power Amplifiers AD-783 039/1CP Circuit Efficiency Enhancement Studies at 12 G Hz Final Report. N70-36567/CP POWER SERIES Phase Modulator. PAT-APPL-617 895/CP POWER SUPPLIES Computer Program for Design and Performance Analysis of Navigation-Aid Power Systems. Pro- gram Documentation, Volume I. Software Requirements Document AD-A047 925/3CP Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP Six Phase Rectifier Digital Computer Simulation WFPS-TME-009 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS Small Transformer Design by Computer. N74-28548/7CP POWER TRANSISTORS Thermal Response of Power Transistors AD-763 903/CP POWER TRANSMISSION LINES Optimized Design for Gas Cable Systems. Final Report. EPRI-7825-FR Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part II. Heat Conduction in the Cable Insulation of Force-Cooled Un- derground Electrical Power Transmission Systems PB-239 306/4CP Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part III. The Prediction of Friction Factors in Turbulent Flow for an Un- derground Forced Cooled Pipe-Type Electrical Transmission Cable System PB-239 307/2CP The Power Transmission Project. Progress Report in 1973. Part II. Cryogenic and Mechanical En- gineering PB-273 036/4CP PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS SPRINT - An Interactive System for Printed Circuit Board Design Users Guide AD-A045 653/3CP PRINTED CIRCUITS User's Manual for PCBOARD AD-A010 313/5CP MASK MAKER I AD-737 670/CP Interactive System for the Automatic Layout of Printed Circuit Boards (Araignee). EUR-5285e Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description JINR-10-9553 Schematic Definition Language (SDL) SAND-75-0620A DASLL: (Design Automation System at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory) UCID-17708 Computer Program to Evaluate the Quality of a Pc Board Router. UCRL-77294 PROBES Characterization of a High Frequency Probe As- sembly for Integrated Circuit Measurements COM-75-10376/2CP PROGRAMMING (COMPUTERS) Uhcap Users Manual. AD-708 051 /CP The Discrete Logical Design, Simulation System. AD-714 032/CP Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design. AD-714 845/CP A Scattering Matrix Program for High Frequency Circuit Analysis AD-718 434/CP Analysis and Computer Program for Temperature Distribution in a Hollow Cylindrical Ceramic Transducer Element AD-721 678/CP DEMON— An Optical Seeking Computer Program for the Design of Microwave Circuits AD-721 803/CP Towards a Completely Automatic Layout Designer AD-723 064/CP Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Program AD-723 637/CP A High-Frequency Amplifier Synthesis Program. LINVIL Computer FORTRAN IV Program Performs Necessary Computations Plus Graphic Output AD-724 290/CP Development and Preparation of Cost-Optimized Troubleshooting Decision Trees AD-731 145/CP CAFA: A Computer-Aided Curve-Fit and Analysis Program AD-735 946/CP Two Scattering Matrix Programs foi Active Circuit Analysis AD-737 010/CP GRAPHANT: A FORTRAN Program for the Solu- tion and Graphic Display of Gain and Patterns for Wire and Linear Antennas in the Presence of Lossy Ground AD-748 626/CP SCEPTRE Support II. Volume I Revised User's Manual (Supplement) AD-751 518/CP Mathematical Formulation of SCEPTRE AD-751 519/CP NET-2 Network Analysis Program AD-752 600/CP Transmission Line Models for Use with Com- puter-Aided Circuit Analysis Codes AD-754 964/CP SCEPTRE Translator Feasibility Study AD-755 166/CP A Computationally Simplified Pair-Exchange Al- gorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem AD-756 503/CP Computer Solution of Hallen's Equation on Multi- Element Arrays Employing the Two Term Approxi- mate Current Distribution AD-761 471/CP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume I AD-764 809/OCP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume II. SYNAP User's Manual AD-765 337/1CP Thermal Analysis Using the Chrysler Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer for Third- Generation Computers (CINDA-3G) Program AD-767 023/5CP Linear Network Analysis Computer Program (User'S Manual). UCRL-14855 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume I AD-A033 592/7CP Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume II AD-A033 606/5CP B.I.B.I.: A Symbolic Language for Description and Simulation of Logical Circuits. AD-714 145/CP SALSIM: A Language for Control of Digital Logic Simulation CONF-771 104-1 Schematic Definition Language (SDL) SAND-75-0620A PROGRAMMING MANUALS LOLA User's Manual AD-A026 102/4CP Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMP2) AD-A035 401 /9CP PROPAGATION MODES The Behavior of Plane Space Discharge Diode with Maxwellian Velocity Distribution in the Alter- nating- and Noise-Regimes of the Propagation Time N71-31451/CP A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. N75-33328/6CP PULSE FORMING NETWORKS Analysis of Discrete Pulse Forming Networks Driving Non-Linear Flash Lamp Loads AD-782 399/0CP PULSE GENERATORS Analysis of Discrete Pulse Forming Networks Driving Non-Linear Flash Lamp Loads AD-782 399/0CP PULSE SLIMMING FILTERS Computer-Aided Filter Design. AD-706 007/CP QUADRATIC ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM A Computationally Simplified Pair-Exchange Al- gorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem AD-756 503/CP QUARTZ CRYSTALS Modelization of Quartz Oscillators. N77-25432/4CP R CODES User'S Guide to a Computerized sa Resistor Catalog (Resis) SLA-73-661 RADAR ANTENNAS Shaped Elevation Beam Antenna AD-A023 225/6CP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regu- lations. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Dipoles AD-A032 131/5CP Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/0CP Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies AD-764 367/CP Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP RADAR EQUIPMENT Millimeter-Wave System EMC Study AD-B004 228/3CP RADAR TRANSMITTERS Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP RADIATION DAMAGE Packaging Effects on Semiconductor Device Radiation Response AD-A026 222/OCP SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP A Computer-Aided Data Reduction Technique for Radiation-Induced Conductivity Experiments AD-726 359/CP Transient Radiation Analysis by Computer Pro- gram (TRAC)-360 Version AD-730 321/CP The Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of Metal-lnsulator-Semiconductor Devices for Radia- tion Vulnerability Studies AD-735 947/CP SCEPTRE Support II. Volume I. Revised User's Manual (Supplement) AD-751 518/CP Simplified Modeling of Integrated Circuits for Radiation Performance Prediction AD-753 413/CP Circuit and Radiation Effects Analysis by Iterated Propagation of Bivariable Response Functions AD-754 263/CP Evaluation of Semiconductor Device Analysis Using the Net-2 Computer Program AD-758 883/CP Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP RADIATION EFFECTS Optimum Filter Modeling of Integrated Circuits AD-782 095/4CP RADIATION HARDENING SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. AD-709 929/CP RAOIO ASTRONOMY EXPLORER SATELLITE Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Charac- teristics on the Rae Satellite. Part 1 Final Report. N70-37959/CP 96 SUBJECT INDEX SCHOTTKY BARRIER DEVICES RADIO BROADCASTING RADIAT Computer Program PB-260 426/2CP A User's Guide to RADIAT, CONTOUR. CLIPPING. SKYWAVE PB-260 427/OCP RADIO FIELDS Analysis of Radiation by Wire Antennas over Im- perfect Ground AD-A014 848/6CP RADIO FREQUENCIES Rf Characteristics of a Deployable Antenna for Satellites: Computer Program Manual. N75-28281/4CP RADIO LINKS Antenna Selection for Ionospheric Telecommuni- cation Systems AD-A049 549/9CP RADIO STATIONS RADIAT Computer Program PB-260 426/2CP RADIO TRANSMISSION A Program Description of Orbit - Prints': Con- tours of Power Density at the Geostationary Orbit PB-271 815/3CP RADIO TRANSMITTERS Transmitter Tube for Troposcatter Application AD-765 517/8CP RADIOFREQUENCY AMPLIFIERS A High-Frequency Amplifier Synthesis Program. LINVIL Computer FORTRAN IV Program Performs Necessary Computations Plus Graphic Output AD-724 290/CP Let a Computer Design Your i-f Amplifier AD-757 442/CP RADIOFREQUENCY FILTERS Analysis of Two Low Q Active Filter Circuits AD-A023 899/8CP Dome Filter Design and Analysis Program. AD-717 307/CP RADIOFREQUENCY INTERFERENCE Millimeter-Wave System EMC Study AD-B004 228/3CP RADIOMETERS Performance Analysis of Digital Radiometers AD-764 477/CP RADOMES Rain Impact Damage to Supersonic Radomes AD-A007 157/1CP Multiwall Radome ANalysis Program AD-A023 480/7CP URLIM - a Unified Radome Limitations Computer Program, Volume 1. Theoretical Background AD-A029 887/7CP Effect of CW-396A Radome on the Radiation Pat- tern of Rectangular Antennas AD-A036 960/3CP Nuclear Thermal Vulnerability of Honeycomb Radome Materials AD-753 666/CP Antenna and Radome Loss Measurements for Mfmr and Pmis with Appendix on Mfmr/Pmis Computer Programs. N75-26202/2CP Calculation of the Effects of Dew on Radome Per- formance. N78-17280/6CP RAIL SCANNERS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5CP RAILROAD CARS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5CP RAILROAD TERMINALS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5CP RAIN EROSION Rain Impact Damage to Supersonic Radomes AD-A007 157/1CP RANDOM NOISE Elficient Numerical and Analog Modeling of Flicker Noise Processes COM-71-50317/CP RAPID TRANSIT RAILWAYS The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP REACTIVE LOADS A Reactively Loaded Aperture Antenna Array AD-A031 784/2CP RECEIVERS Interactive Digital Receiver Simulator (IDRS) System User's Manual and Software Documenta- tion AD-A053 684/7CP RECURSIVE FILTERS Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP Theory of Operation and Applications of Sampled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Filters AD-A033 698/2CP RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS Recursive Digital Filtering with Zero Phase Shift. N70-36972/CP REDUNDANT COMPONENTS Reliability Analysis of a Parallel-Standby System AD-739 477/CP REENTRY VEHICLES Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones in the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. AD-705 565/CP REFLECTOMETERS Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer PB-267 785/4CP REFLECTORS Rf Characteristics of a Deployable Antenna for Satellites: Computer Program Manual. N75-28281/4CP RELAXATION METHOD (MATHEMATICS) Computer Program for Calculation of Electrical Parameters in Cavity Resonators with Cylindrical Symmetry N72-13158/CP RELIABILITY Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estimator (ORACLE) AD-A019 219/5CP Reliability Growth Study AD-A023 926/9CP Rational Fault Analysis AD-A040 223/OCP RELIABILITY (ELECTRONICS) Final Report of the Joint Logistics Commanders Electronic Systems Reliability Workshop AD-A016 826/OCP Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estimator (ORACLE) AD-A019 219/5CP Automated Multiple Fault Test Generation for Combinational Networks AD-A023 174/6CP Implementation of Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estima- tor (ORACLE) AD-A039 344/7CP DC Circuit Analysis by Computer AD-737 089/CP Reliability Analysis of a Parallel-Standby System AD-739 477/CP A Decision Model for the Selection of Stan- dardization Alternatives AD-743 399/CP Integrated Circuit Reliability Prediction and Com- plexity Models AD-781 330/6CP Computer Generated Troubleshooting Trees: The Program AD-785 139/7CP Computerized RADC Reliability Notebook (GE/645/TSS/Basic) AD-867-379/CP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Laboratory of Electromagnetic Theory of the Technical University of Denmark Annual Report, 1967-1968. N70-26441/CP RESEARCH MANAGEMENT Management of Research and Development for Electronic Systems AD-A042 859/9CP RESEARCH PROGRAMS Quarterly Technical Progress Report, April. May. June 1974 COO-2383-0013 RESISTORS Power Series V-l Curve Element and Optimization Improvements in the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram AD-A042 149/5CP User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 User's Guide to a Computerized sa Resistor Catalog (Resis) SLA-73-661 RF SYSTEMS Opsnap: A Users' Manual. SAND-75-0279 RIBS (SUPPORTS) Radial Rib Antenna Surface Deviation Analysis Program N72-12093/CP RING TRANSDUCERS Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Impedances and Far-Field Pressures of Free-Flooded Ring Transducers AD-782 351/1CP S CODES Solid State Circuit Breaker Technological Spinoff Report. BDX-613-1062 SANDWICH PANELS Nuclear Thermal Vulnerability of Honeycomb Radome Materials AD-753 666/CP SATELLITE ANTENNAS Optimization of a Communication Satellite Multi- ple-Beam Antenna AD-A013 104/5CP Pattern Prediction of Wire Antennas on Satellite Structures AD-A048 654/8CP Rf Characteristics of a Deployable Antenna for Satellites: Computer Program Manual. N75-28281/4CP A Study of the Prediction of Antenna Per- formances from Near Field Measurements. N76-13379/2CP Antenna Optimization in the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors. Program User Manual Optimisa- tion d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Sta- bilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Programme. N76-20337/1CP SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Multiple Beam Torus Antenna Study. Volume II AD-A047 158/1 CP SATELLITE TELEVISION Circuit Efficiency Enhancement Studies at 12 G Hz Final Report. N70-36567/CP SATELLITE TRACKING SYSTEMS Rooftop Antenna Pointing Program AD-A047 999/8CP A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking AD-742 433/CP SAW DEVICES SAW Devices: Description and Computer Models SAND-76-0017 SCANNING MEASURING PROJECTORS System for Connection of a Scanning Measuring Equipment with a Computer. Hardware and Soft- ware on the Basis of the BESM-4 Computer ITEF-22(1976) SCEPTRE COMPUTER PROGRAM Extended SCEPTRE. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A009 594/3CP Extended SCEPTRE. Volume II. Mathematical For- mulation AD-A009 595/OCP SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual AD-A031 802/2CP SCHOTTKY BARRIER DEVICES Wide-Band Microwave Amplifier Realizations in Microstrip Employing a GaAs Schottky-Barrier Field-Effect Transistor AD-A031 428/6CP 97 SUBJECT INDEX SCHOTTKY DIODES Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Progress Report No. 42, 15 September 1976 - 14 September 1977, to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee AD-A050 265/8CP SCIENTIFIC SATELLITES Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A041 864/OCP SECOND BREAKDOWN Second Breakdown and Damage in Semiconduc- tor Junction Devices AD-740 226/CP SECONDARY EMISSION A Three Dimensional Dynamic Study of Electro- static Charging in Materials. N78-13328/7CP SECRET COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS The Performance of 31 and 127 Bit Elastic Sur- face Wave Encoders and Decoders AD-762 910/CP SELF REPAIRING DEVICES Selfrepairing Semiconductor Memories. Part 3: Parametric Study Memoires Autoreparables a Semiconducteurs. Tome 3: Etude Parametrique. N76-21919/5CP SEMICONDUCTING FILMS Thin-Film Semiconductor Detectors for 10.6 micrometer Radiation AD-A026 266/7CP A Laplace Transform Amplitude Function Genera- tor Utilizing a Thin Film Semiconductor AD-750 590/CP Thin Film Pb(0.9)Sn(0.1)Se Photoconductive In- frared Detectors, Metallurgical and Electrical Measurements AD-758 519/CP SEMICONDUCTOR COMPUTER STORAGE Selfrepairing Semiconductor Memories. Part 3: Parametric Study Memoires Autoreparables a Semiconducteurs. Tome 3: Etude Parametrique. N76-21919/5CP SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices AD-A010 002/4CP Investigation and Study of Computational Techniques for Design and Fabrication of In- tegrated Electronic Circuits AD-A017 094/4CP A Computer Program to Calculate Surface State Densities and Lateral Nonuniform ities in Metal- Oxide-Semiconductor Devices AD-A019 438/1CP Packaging Effects on Semiconductor Device Radiation Response AD-A026 222/OCP SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP Implementation of the Device Data Bank on the HDL IBM Computer AD-A046 480/OCP Extending and Interfacing the MSEP Semicon- ductor Damage Data Bank for Analysis and Retrieval by DAMTRAC AD-A050 845/7CP Semiconductor Device Damage Assessment for the INCA Program--A Probabilistic Approach AD-A052 433/OCP Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. AD-709 929/CP Dielectric Field Computations in Semiconductor Oxide Integrated Circuits. AD-713 476/CP Bulk Semiconductor Quasi-Optical Concept for Guided Waves for Advanced Millimeter Wave Devices AD-733 906/CP Application of CV Characteristics to Controlling MIS Processing AD-742 430/CP A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices AD-743 834/CP A Radiation Effects Research Program AD-752 561/CP Evaluation of Semiconductor Device Analysis Using the Net-2 Computer Program AD-758 883/CP Investigations of Metal-Buried Silicide-Silicon Structures and Metal-Titanium Oxide-Silicon Structures AD-760 009/CP An Experimental Study of Noise in MNOSFET Devices AD-760 544/CP Feasibility Study of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te Charge Cou- pled Devices for Infrared Imaging Applications AD-761 473/CP Study of PbTe, PbSnTe. PbSe, PbSnSe, and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures AD-761 510/CP The B Modification of TACS1. LA-4205(Add.) Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. N78-20805/5CP Devlib: A Pdp-10 Semiconductor Device Library Program SLA-73-133 SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES Properties of S-Band TRAPATT Diode Oscillators AD-A024 432/7CP SEMICONDUCTOR DOPING Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data COM-75-10711/0CP SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTIONS Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. AD-709 929/CP SEMICONDUCTOR SWITCHES Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 SEMICONDUCTORS Users Manual for SUPERSAP2 AD-A022 979/9CP Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP Fabrication of Beam Technology for the Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-BO00 051 /3CP Application of CV Characteristics to Controlling MIS Processing AD-742 430/CP A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices AD-743 834/CP A Radiation Effects Research Program AD-752 561/CP SENSITIVITY Two Computer Programs for the Sensitivity Analy- sis of Higher Order Filters SLL-73-225 SENSORS Capacitance and Equivalent Area of a Hollow Sin- gle Gap Prolate/Oblate Spheroidal Electromag- netic Pulse Sensor AD-761 801/CP SHIELDING W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 SHIFT REGISTERS Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP SHIP ANTENNAS Antenna Select Computer Program (ANTSEL) AD-A036 737/5CP The Effect of Roll and Pitch on Antenna Radiation Patterns AD-754 348/CP SIDELOBES Sidelobe Suppression Mode Performance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 242/1 CP Improved Sidelob Suppression Mode Per- formance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 243/9CP SIGNAL GENERATORS Phase Modulator. PAT-APPL-617 895/CP SIGNAL PROCESSING Experimental Study of Correlator Filters Not Utilizing a Delay AD-A005 467/6CP Programmable Acoustic Signal Processing Devices AD-A013 419/7CP Some Comments on Power Combiner/Switch Matrices AD-A018 697/3CP Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 AD-A026 111/5CP Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP Interactive Digital Receiver Simulator (IDRS) System User's Manual and Software Documenta- tion AD-A053 684/7CP Adjustable Digital Time Converter AD-776 912/8CP SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIOS The Behavior of Plane Space Discharge Diode with Maxwellian Velocity Distribution in the Alter- nating- and Noise-Regimes of the Propagation Time N71-31451/CP Noise Performance of Very Large Antenna Arrays. N76-15333/7CP SILICON Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Con- figuration to Electron Loading AD-763 943/CP SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS Silicon Controlled Rectifier Large Signal Model AD-A020 872/8CP A Computer Model for a High Power SCR AD-A022 375/0CP SILICON DIOXIDE Characteristics of Si02 Films Grown in an HcL Purged Environment AD-781 832/1CP SILICON NITRIDES Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP SIMLOG COMPUTER PROGRAM Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simula- tion of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2CP SIMULATORS Switching System Simulator AD-A035 289/8CP Interactive Digital Receiver Simulator (IDRS) System User's Manual and Software Documenta- tion AD-A053 684/7CP SKILLS Instrument Trainer Specialist AFSC 34151 AD-A044 114/7CP Defensive Systems Trainer Specialist, AFSC 34152 AD-A044 121/2CP Analog Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Spe- cialist, AFSC 34155 AD-A044 122/0CP Analog Flight Simulator Specialist, AFSC 34153 AD-A044 125/3CP SLOT ANTENNAS A Moment Method Technique for Probe-Fed Cavi- ty-Backed Slot Antennas AD-A025 718/8CP Phased Array Antennas Scanned near Endfire AD-A028 781 /3CP Study of Mutual Coupling between Two Slots on a Cylinder AD-A034 095/OCP A Solution for a Wide Aperture Reactively Loaded Antenna Array AD-A035 902/6CP Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP 98 SUBJECT INDEX SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones in the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. AD-705 565/CP Investigation of Impedance Loaded Slot Antennas AD-730 616/CP Radiation from Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Fed Aperture Antennas AD-731 292/CP Memorandum on the Radiation Patterns of a Slot Asymmetrically Located on a Square Plate AD-762 056/CP Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mu- tual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots AD-921 703/5CP SLOT LINE ISOLATORS Slot Line Ferrite Isolator AD-765 668/9CP SLOT LINES Hybrid Mode Analysis of Coplanar Transmission Lines AD-A013 473/4CP SMITH CHART A FORTRAN Subroutine for Plotting a Smith Chart AD-751 019/CP SOFTWARE Roll Plane and Bent Plate Programs. Release No. 1 AD-A019 001 /7CP RADIAT Computer Program PB-260 426/2CP SOLENOIDS Structural Analysis Methods and Design Solutions for Ohmic Heating Solenoids WFPS-TME-045 SOLID STATE ELECTRONICS A Method to Predict the Thermal Performance of Printed Circuit Board Mounted Solid State Devices AD-A016 576/1CP Damage Analysis Modified TRAC Computer Pro- gram (DAMTRAC) AD-A016 776/7CP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regu- lations. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Dipoles AD-A032 131/5CP Computer Aided Engineering of Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits AD-A044 851 /4CP SOLID STATE PHYSICS INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVERSION SYM- METRY ANL-7659 SOMMERFELD INTEGRALS Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem. UCRL-51821 SONAR EQUIPMENT Machine for Information Display and Simulation (MIDAS) AD-914 142/5CP SONIC PROBES SAW Devices: Description and Computer Models SAND-76-0017 SPACE COMMUNICATIONS Minimum Directivity of Multiple-Beam Antennas AD-A013 950/1CP SPACE MISSIONS Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 4 Appendix F N73-10148/CP SPACE SHUTTLE ORBITERS Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 1 Final Technical Report N73-10145/CP Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 3 Appendices C. D and E N73-10147/CP Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 4 Appendix F N73-10148/CP Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. N76-22277/7CP SPACE SHUTTLES User'S Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 2 of Program Documentation. N76-18228/6CP Program Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 1 of Program Documentation. N76-18230/2CP SPACE STATIONS Design, Processing, and Testing of Lsi Arrays for Space Station. N76-30448/4CP SPACECRAFT ANTENNAS An Analysis of the Fresnel Region of a Large Parabolic Communication Antenna with the Scalar Diffraction Theory AD-A008 509/2CP Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Rectangular Cylinder Which Is Illuminated by an Array of Line Sources. N74-28706/1CP Feasibility Study of a Step Scanned Om- nidirectional Communications Antenna for an In- ternational Magnetospheric Explorer Spacecraft. N75-14960/9CP Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. N76-22277/7CP SPACECRAFT CHARGING Nascap User'S Manual. N78-13329/5CP SPACECRAFT CONTROL Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 1 Final Technical Report N73-10145/CP Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 4 Appendix F N73-10148/CP SPACECRAFT DESIGN Summary of Attitude Dynamic Analysis for Imp-J Wire Antenna Spacecraft N73-31764/6CP SPACECRAFT ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Design, Processing, and Testing of Lsi Arrays for Space Station. N76-30448/4CP SPACECRAFT POWER SUPPLIES User'S Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 2 of Program Documentation. N76-18228/6CP Program Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 1 of Program Documentation. N76-18230/2CP SPACECRAFT STRUCTURES A Three Dimensional Dynamic Study of Electro- static Charging in Materials. N78-13328/7CP SPATIAL FILTERING Synthesis of Plane Stratified Dielectric Slab Spa- tial Filters Using Numerical Optimization Techniques AD-A037 960/2CP SPECIFICATIONS Cable Development Status Computer Program SLA-73-561 SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION A Program Description of 'Orbit - Prints': Con- tours of Power Density at the Geostationary Orbit PB-271 815/3CP SPIRAL ANTENNAS Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements AD-812 886/CP SPRINGS SCEPTRE Translator Feasibility Study AD-755 166/CP SPURIOUS RADIATION Suppression in Active Devices-Circuits AD-864 906/CP SPUTTERING Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP STEEPEST DESCENT METHOD Point Source Radiation Pattern Synthesis by Iterative Techniques AD-A038 790/2CP STEERABLE ANTENNAS Microwave Integrated Circuit Steerable Polarizer AD-787 868/9CP Phase Array Antenna Control. PAT-APPL-765 165/CP STRESS ANALYSIS Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis Computer Code for Element Coil Test by Finite Element Method JAERI-M-6865 STRIP TRANSMISSION LINES Analysis of Electrical Characteristics of Edge- Coupled Microstrip Lines with a Dielectric Overlay AD-A001 306/0CP Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters AD-A002 335/8CP Hybrid Mode Analysis of Microstrip on Dielectric and Ferrite Substrate AD-A003 538/6CP Method of Moments Applications Volume VI Matrix Methods for Static Microstrip AD-A009 637/OCP Hybrid Mode Analysis of Coplanar Transmission Lines AD-A013 473/4CP Analysis of Slot Line Type Waveguides AD-A018 452/3CP Microstrip Loss AD-A021 789/3CP Computer-Aided Analysis of Dissipation Losses in Isolated and Coupled Transmission Lines for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated-Circuit Applications AD-A029 211/OCP Pyrolytic Boron Nitride as a Dielectric Substrate Material for Microwave Intergrated Circuits AD-A038 627/6CP MSTRIP (Parameters of Microstrip) AD-729 578/CP Parallel Coplanar Strips on a Dielectric Substrate AD-772 882/7CP Computer Design of Stripline Components AD-876 732/CP Design of Microstrip Components by Computer N72-22218/CP Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters. N75-20625/OCP A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. N75-33328/6CP STRUCTURAL DESIGN Transformer Designs by Computer Programmes. N70-26353/CP STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA Computer Programs: Electronic Circuit Design Criteria: A Compilation N74-10225/2CP SUBSTRATES Pyrolytic Boron Nitride as a Dielectric Substrate Material for Microwave Intergrated Circuits AD-A038 627/6CP SUPERCONDUCTING CABLES Helium Research in Support of Superconducting Power Transmission. Annual Report. July 1975— September 1976 CONS/3800-1 The Power Transmission Project. Progress Report in 1973. Part II. Cryogenic and Mechanical En- gineering PB-273 036/4CP SUPERCONDUCTING COILS Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis Computer Code for Element Coil Test by Finite Element Method JAERI-M-6865 SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS Computer Program to Calculate Composite Con- ductor Losses in Pulsed Poloidal Coil Systems CONF-760829-6 Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis Computer Code for Element Coil Test by Finite Element Method JAERI-M-6865 Design of Cryogenic Heat Exchangers for a Su- perconducting Magnet ORNL/MIT-242 Structural Analysis Methods and Design Solutions for Ohmic Heating Solenoids WFPS-TME-04 5 99 SUBJECT INDEX SUPERCONDUCTING POWER TRANSMISSION The Power Transmission Project. Progress Report in 1973. Part II. Cryogenic and Mechanical En- gineering PB-273 036/4CP SUPERHIGH FREQUENCIES Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. N76-22277/7CP Digital Analysis of Superior Electric Circular Mode Filters Analisi Numerica di Filtri Per I Modi Circolari Elettrici Superiori. N76-33374/9CP SUPERSAP 2 COMPUTER PROGRAM Users Manual for SUPERSAP2 AD-A022 979/9CP SUPERSCEPTRE COMPUTER PROGRAM SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Digital, and Control Systems. Revision I AD-A011 348/OCP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems. Chapters V and VI AD-787 522/2CP SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVE DELAY LINES Ultra-Flat UHF Delay Line Modules AD-A046 232/5CP SURFACE COOLING Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin, Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. N76-23523/3CP SURFACE PROPERTIES Radial Rib Antenna Surface Deviation Analysis Program N72-12093/CP SURFACE WAVES Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers. AD-711 982/CP Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer AD-782 419/6CP SURGES Operator's Manual for Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning induced Voltages in Air- craft Electrical Circuits AD-A014 835/3CP SURVEILLANCE Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 AD-A026 111/5CP SWITCHING Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. N76-22277/7CP SWITCHING CIRCUITS Switching System Simulator AD-A035 289/8CP Reliability Analysis of a Parallel-Standby System AD-739 477/CP Networks of Two-Input One-Output Flexible Cells - A Study of Logical Properties and Techniques for Learning Realizable Functions AD-773 777/8CP SYNAP COMPUTER PROGRAM Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume I AD-764 809/OCP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume II. SYNAP User's Manual AD-765 337/1 CP SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Control of Electronic Circuit Designs for Space Vehicles. N70-33277/CP TACTICAL DATA SYSTEMS Extending and Interfacing the MSEP Semicon- ductor Damage Data Bank for Analysis and Retrieval by DAMTRAC AD-A050 845/7CP TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION Computer Programs: Electronic Circuit Design Criteria: A Compilation N74-10225/2CP TELECOMMUNICATION Antenna Selection for Ionospheric Telecommuni- cation Systems AD-A049 549/9CP TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT Development and Analysis of Four Pole Balanced Armature Transducer for US Navy Sound Powered Telephones AD-A025 154/6CP TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin, Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. AWRE-O-30/75 Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin, Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. N76-23523/3CP TEST EQUIPMENT NOPAL Processor: Intra-Test Sequencing AD-A053 315/8CP A Laplace Transform Amplitude Function Genera- tor Utilizing a Thin Film Semiconductor AD-750 590/CP TEST EQUIPMENT (ELECTRONICS) Power Supply Voltage Monitor for Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) Applications AD-749 235/CP TEST FACILITIES A Study of the Prediction of Antenna Per- formances from Near Field Measurements. N76-13379/2CP TEST METHODS Rational Fault Analysis AD-A040 223/OCP NOPAL Processor: Intra-Test Sequencing AD-A053 315/8CP TESTING Ticon: The Tonopah Test Range Timing and Con- trol System SC-DR-720718 TFTR DEVICE Six Phase Rectifier Digital Computer Simulation WFPS-TME-009 THERMAL NOISE Noise Performance of Very Large Antenna Arrays. N76-15333/7CP THERMIONIC CONVERTERS Data Acquisition and Processing Program for Thermionic Diodes Parameters, on a Pdp 8-I Computer. CEA-N-1347 THERMONUCLEAR REACTORS TORMAG- A PROGRAM FOR SYMMETRY OP- TIMIZATION OF TOROIDAL MAGNETS UCRL-50944 THICK FILMS Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters. N75-20625/0CP THIN WIRE ANTENNAS A Program for Computing Near Fields of Thin Wire Antennas AD-731 178/CP TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEXING The 'Standard' MUX Bus: Some Constraints on Information Flow Arising from MIL-STD-1553 (USAF) AD-A017 677/6CP TIME DOMAIN AUTOMATIC NETWORK ANALYZERS Time Domain Automatic Network Analyzer for Measurement of RF and Microwave Components PB-247 116/7CP TIME MEASUREMENT Ticon: The Tonopah Test Range Timing and Con- trol System SC-DR-720718 TIMING DEVICES High-Resolution Clock Control for the TIP Satel- lite AD-A033 495/3CP TIN TELLURIDES Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP TOKAMAK DEVICES EFFI: A Code for Calculating the Electromagnetic Field, Force, and Inductance in Coil Systems of Arbitrary Geometry. User's Manual UCID-17621 TOKAMAK TYPE REACTORS Computer Program to Calculate Composite Con- ductor Losses in Pulsed Poloidal Coil Systems CONF-760829-6 Structural Analysis Methods and Design Solutions for Ohmic Heating Solenoids WFPS-TME-045 TORUS ANTENNAS Multiple Beam Torus Antenna Study. Volume II AD-A047 158/1 CP TOWERS NASTRAN Data Generating Programs and Analyti- cal Models for Analysis of Antenna Mast and Tower Structures AD-A042 594/2CP TRACKED AIR CUSHION VEHICLES The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP TRANSDUCERS Electret Tape Transducer AD-A021 736/4CP The Performance of 31 and 127 Bit Elastic Sur- face Wave Encoders and Decoders AD-762 910/CP High Pressure Transducer AD-782 281 /OCP Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Impedances and Far-Field Pressures of Free-Flooded Ring Transducers AD-782 351 /1CP Helium Research in Support of Superconducting Power Transmission. Annual Report, July 1975-- September 1976 CONS/3800-1 TRANSFERRED ELECTRON DEVICES A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. N78-11316/4CP TRANSFORMERS Development of Lightweight Transformers for Air- borne High Power Supplies. Volume II AD-A018 546/2CP Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Voltage, Vaporization-Cooled, Three-Phase, Core-Type Transformer AD-A027 260/9CP TE-Mode Solutions for Dielectric Slab Center Loaded Ridged Waveguide AD-A039 965/9CP Small Transformer Design by Computer AD-779 896/OCP Transformer Designs by Computer Programmes. N70-26353/CP Toroidal Transformer Design Program with Appli- cation to Inverter Circuitry N72-26187/CP Small Transformer Design by Computer. N74-28548/7CP Stored Energy in Transformers: Calculation by a Computer Program UCID-17389 TRANSIENT RADIATION EFFECTS SCEPTRE Models of a Pulse Forming System AD-A009 175/1 CP Extended SCEPTRE. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A009 594/3CP Extended SCEPTRE. Volume II. Mathematical For- mulation AD-A009 595/OCP Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Circuits AD-A015 174/6CP Damage Analysis Modified TRAC Computer Pro- gram (DAMTRAC) AD-A016 776/7CP SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program User's Manual AD-A031 802/2CP TRANSIENT RADIATION EFFECTS (ELECTRONICS) SCEPTRE Support II. Volume I. Revised User's Manual (Supplement) AD-751 518/CP TRANSIENTS Transients on a Lossless, Exponentially-Tapered Transmission Line AD-A036 563/5CP Transient Waveform Analysis of Switching Con- verter AD-A040 123/2CP 100 SUBJECT INDEX WIRE ANTENNAS TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIERS Computer-Aided Amplifier Design in BASIC AD-A006 370/1 CP Wide-Band Microwave Amplifier Realizations in Microstrip Employing a GaAs Schottky-Barrier Field-Effect Transistor AD-A031 428/6CP Computational Techniques for the Reduction of Nonlinear Effects Using Passive Compensating Networks AD-A035 855/6CP Parameter Independent Design Utilizing Scatter- ing Parameters AD-A045 460/3CP Microstrip Design Procedure for L-Band Transistor Power Amplifiers AD-783 039/1 CP APLAC2. A Flexible DC and Time Domain Circuit Analysis Program for Small Computers. N74-21892/6CP TRANSISTORS Parameter Estimation for the Mathematical Modeling of Semiconductors Using the Ebers- Moll Equations. AD-706 063/CP Second Breakdown and Damage in Semiconduc- tor Junction Devices AD-740 226/CP Thermal Response of Power Transistors AD-763 903/CP The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Con- figuration to Electron Loading AD-763 943/CP Electronic Device Modeling AD-776 091 /1CP Model Conversion for Circus, Trac, Sceptre, and Net-1, AD-859 848/CP Simulation of gamma Ray Effects on Bipolar Transistors Using the Cao Programs CEA-R-4337 TRANSMISSION LINES Plate: A 2-D Transmission Line Current Symmetry Code AD-A036 161/8CP Transients on a Lossless. Exponentially-Tapered Transmission Line AD-A036 563/5CP User's Manual for the NLINE Multiconductor Transmission-Line Computer Code AD-A040 398/OCP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VII. Digital Computer Programs for the Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines AD-A046 662/3CP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VI. A Digital Computer Program for Deter- mining Terminal Currents Induced in a Multicon- ductor Transmission Line by an Incident Elec- tromagnetic Field AD-A053 560/9CP Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines. AD-708 720/CP A FORTRAN Subroutine for Plotting a Smith Chart AD-751 019/CP Transmission Line Models for Use with Com- puter-Aided Circuit Analysis Codes AD-754 964/CP EMP Generated Waveforms Subsystems and Cir- cuits AD-894 473/8CP APLAC2: A Flexible DC and Time Domain Circuit Analysis Program for Small Computers N74-21892/6CP TRANSMITTER RECEIVERS The Development of a Multiturn Loop Antenna for the AN/PRC-77 AD-A006 929/4CP TRANSVERSE WAVES A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. N75-33328/6CP TRAPATT DEVICES Analysis, Design, and Fabrication of High-Effi- ciency, High Average Power, Pulsed TRAPATT Diode Oscillators AD-A023 252/OCP Properties of S-Band TRAPATT Diode Oscillators AD-A024 432/7CP TRAVELING WAVE TUBES Development of Computer Program TWTVA for Calculation of 3-D Electron Trajectories in Cou- pled-Cavity TWTs AD-A025 132/2CP Development of a Ku-Band Crossed-Field Amplifi- er (500 Watt Tube) AD-806 839/CP Computer Program for Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-25372/2CP Users' Manual for Computer Program for One- Dimensional Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-29353/8CP Up-Date of Traveling Wave Tube Improvements. N78-19397/6CP TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS Contribution to the Digital Control of a Synchromachine. N71-11302/CP TROUBLESHOOTING TREES Computer Generated Troubleshooting Trees: The Program AD-785 139/7CP ULTRASONIC RADIATION A Computer Technique for Near-Field Analysis of an Ultrasonic Transducer AD-756 537/CP UNDERGROUND POWER TRANSMISSION Computer Program for Determination of Earth Potentials Due to Faults or Loss of Concentric Neutral on Urd Cable EPRI-EL-545 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Study of Electronic Handling of Mail. Completion Report for Work Task 5. Transmission Methods. AD-715 121/CP USER MANUALS (COMPUTER PROGRAMS) Rf Characteristics of a Deployable Antenna for Satellites: Computer Program Manual. N75-28281/4CP User's Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 2 of Program Documentation. N76-18228/6CP Program Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 1 of Program Documentation. N76-18230/2CP Antenna Optimization in the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors. Program User Manual Optimisa- tion d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Sta- bilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Programme. N76-20337/1CP Djanal User's Manual. N76-28863/8CP Users' Manual for Computer Program for One- Dimensional Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-29353/8CP User'S Manual: Computer-Aided Design Programs for Inductor-Energy-Storage DC-to-DC Electronic Power Converters. N77-33602/2CP Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. N78-20805/5CP VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES Variable Speed Commutatorless Energy Conver- ters AD-786 005/9CP VERY HIGH FREQUENCIES Quasi-lsotropic VHF Antenna Array Design Study for the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. N75-31343/7CP VIEWING SCREENS Spectral Matching Factors for Photocathodes. Phosphor Screens, and Photographic Emulsions in Image Intensifier-Recorders Using Night-Sky Il- lumination, and Related Problems AD-744 056/CP Feasibility Studies of Multispectral Mosaic Image Conversion Panels AD-745 757/CP Feasibility Studies of Gray Scale Image Storage with Electroluminescent/Photoconductor Image Conversion Panels AD-745 758/CP VIEWING SCSCREENS Feasibility Studies of Mosaic Near-Infrared Image Conversion Panels AD-723 524/CP VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATORS Research in Integrated, High-Frequency Commu- nication Circuits AD-A043 560/2CP VOLTAGE CONVERTERS (DC TO DC) User'S Manual. Computer-Aided Design Programs for Inductor-Energy-Storage DC-to-DC Electronic Power Converters. N77-33602/2CP VOLTMETERS A Microwave Vector Voltmeter System PB-264 300/5CP W CODES W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Wamp: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program. UCID-30084 Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem. UCRL-51821 WAVE ATTENUATION Design of Chebyshev Passband Filters Approxi- mating a Given Attenuation Characteristic in the Stopband. N70-30099/CP Digital Analysis of Superior Electric Circular Mode Filters Analisi Numerica di Filtri Per I Modi Circolari Elettrici Superiori. N76-33374/9CP WAVE TRANSMISSION Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers. AD-711 982/CP WAVEGUIDE BACKED APERTURES A Reactively Loaded Aperture Antenna Array AD-A031 784/2CP WAVEGUIDE COUPLERS Numerical Method for Determination of Microstrip Interdigitated Coupler Design Parameters AD-A024 028/3CP WAVEGUIDE LENS ANTENNAS Optimization of a Communication Satellite Multi- ple-Beam Antenna AD-A013 104/5CP WAVEGUIDE SLOTS Analysis of Slot Line Type Waveguides AD-A018 452/3CP WAVEGUIDES TE-Mode Solutions for Dielectric Slab Center Loaded Ridged Waveguide AD-A039 965/9 CP Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide AD-718 407/CP Bulk Semiconductor Quasi-Optical Concept for Guided Waves for Advanced Millimeter Wave Devices AD-733 906/CP Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides AD-746 108/CP WHIP ANTENNAS Electrically-Short Center-Fed Horizontal Dipole Antennas for High-Frequency Communications AD-A047 548/3CP WIENER FILTERING Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Bou- cle de Phase Numerique Tres Basse Frequence. N77-29358/7CP WIRE Wire Moments Problems of Intermediate Size AD-A023 198/5CP A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems AD-A044 758/1 CP WIRE ANTENNAS Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMPJ) AD-A031 298/3CP A Time Domain Program for Wire Antenna Analy- AD-A039 509/5CP 101 SUBJECT INDEX WIRE WINDING MACHINES Computer Aided Wire Wrapping of Integrated Cir- cuit Boards AD-A044 394/5CP X-RAY FILTERS A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP X RAYS A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP XENON LAMPS Analysis of Discrete Pulse Forming Networks Driving Non-Linear Flash Lamp Loads AD-782 399/OCP YAGI ANTENNAS Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 102 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ADMIRALTY SURFACE WEAPONS ESTABLISHMENT PORTSMOUTH (ENGLAND) ASWE-TR-71-32 DC Circuit Analysis by Computer (DRIC-BR-27902) AD-737 089/CP ASWE-TR-73-27 A Computer Program tor Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder (DRIC-BR-37572) AD-771 952/9CP BR37572 A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder N74-17891/4CP TR-73-27 A Computer Program for Evaluating the Far-Field Radiation Pattern of an Omni-Directional Antenna Obstructed by a Vertical Metal Cylinder N74-17891/4CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF TR-0075(5901-02)-1 An Analysis of the Fresnel Region of a Large Parabolic Communication Antenna with the Scalar Diffraction Theory (SAMSO-TR-75-84) AD-A008 509/2CP AEROSPACE CORP SAN BERNARDINO CALIF TECHNOLOGY DIV TR-0074(4124)-3 Space Charge Limiting from Blackbody Radiation (SAMSO-TR-74-118) AD-779 680/8CP AEROSPACE MEDICAL RESEARCH LAB WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO AMRL-TR-69-111 Development and Preparation of Cost-Optimized Troubleshooting Decision Trees AD-731 145/CP AEROSPACE RESEARCH LABS WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO ARL-72-0046 Spectral Matching Factors for Photocathodes, Phosphor Screens, and Photographic Emulsions in Image Intensifier-Recorders Using Night-Sky Il- lumination, and Related Problems AD-744 056/CP AIR FORCE ACADEMY COLO USAFA-RR-72-7 Steady State Shape of Orbiting Trailing Wire System AD-753 908/CP AIR FORCE AERO PROPULSION LAB WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFAPL-TR-74-118 Practical Stability of a Reluctance Synchronous Machine AD-A007 659/6CP AIR FORCE AVIONICS LAB WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFAL-TR-75-183 Multiwall Radome ANalysis Program AD-A023 480/7CP AFAL-TR-77-228 Rooftop Antenna Pointing Program AD-A047 999/8CP AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH LABS HANSCOM AFB MASS AFCRL-PSRP-621 Impact of SAW Filters on RF Pulse Frequency Measurement by Double Detection AD-A011 603/8CP AFCRL-PSRP-634 Surface Acoustic Wave Filters at UHF: Design and Analysis AD-A017 106/6CP AFCRL-TR-75-0011 Impact of SAW Filters on RF Pulse Frequency Measurement by Double Detection AD-A011 603/8CP AFCRL-TR-75-0311 Surface Acoustic Wave Filters at UHF: Design and Analysis AD-A017 106/6CP AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH LABS L G HANSCOM FIELD MASS AFCRL-PSRP-468 Complete Theory of Acoustic Bulk Wave Propaga- tion in Anisotropic Piezoelectric Media AD-739 162/CP AFCRL-PSRP-521 The Performance of 31 and 127 Bit Elastic Sur- face Wave Encoders and Decoders AD-762 910/CP AFCRL-PSRP-542 Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP AFCRL-PSRP-548 Acoustic Surface Wave Diffraction and Beam Steering AD-766 427/9CP AFCRL-PSRP-550 Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP AFCRL-TR-73-0157 Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in Silicon AD-762 482/CP AFCRL-TR-73-0302 Acoustic Surface Wave Diffraction and Beam Steering AD-766 427/9CP AFCRL-TR-73-0344 Defect Levels in Neutron-Irradiated GaAs Schott- ky Diodes and Laser Diode Degradation AD-766 245/5CP AFCRL-TR-73-0736 The Performance of 31 and 127 Bit Elastic Sur- face Wave Encoders and Decoders AD-762 910/CP AFCRL-71-0601 Complete Theory of Acoustic Bulk Wave Propaga- tion in Anisotropic Piezoelectric Media AD-739 162/CP AIR FORCE FLIGHT TEST CENTER EDWARDS AFB CALIF AFFTC-TD-75-3 Flight Measurement of Aircraft Antenna Radiation Patterns AD-B008 068/9CP AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFIT-CI-76-45 Thin-Film Semiconductor Detectors for 10.6 micrometer Radiation AD-A026 266/7CP AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AFIT-GE/EE/77-5 Parameter Independent Design Utilizing Scatter- ing Parameters AD-A045 460/3CP GE/EE/72-12 Application of CV Characteristics to Controlling MIS Processing AD-742 430/CP GE/EE/72-15 A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking AD-742 433/CP GE/EE/73A-10 Energy Spectra for Frequency-Shift-Keyed Signals Transmitted by Synchronously Resonated, Very Low Frequency Antennas AD-777 268/4CP GE/EE/74-26 Characteristics of Si02 Films Grown in an HcL Purged Environment AD-781 832/1CP GE/EE/75-30 Automated Design of Digital Integrate Circuit Masks AD-A019 851/5CP GE/EE/76-2 Automated Multiple Fault Test Generation for Combinational Networks AD-A023 174/6CP GE/EE/76-8 Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Voltage, Vaporization-Cooled, Three-Phase, Core-Type Transformer AD-A027 260/9CP GE/EE-76-45 Switching System Simulator AD-A035 289/8CP GE/PH/73S-1 Capacitance and Equivalent Area of a Hollow Sin- gle Gap Prolate/Oblate Spheroidal Electromag- netic Pulse Sensor AD-761 801/CP GNE/PH/73-1 Nuclear Thermal Vulnerability of Honeycomb Radome Materials AD-753 666/CP Mossbauer Study of Anisotropy of NdCo5 AD-726 991 /CP the Magnetocrystalline AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO SCHOOL OF SYSTEMS AND LOGISTICS AFIT-LSSR-22-77A An Analysis of the Exponential Function as the Underlying Distribution for Describing Failures in Inertial Measurement Units AD-A044 189/9CP SLSR-5-72A A Decision Model for the Selection of Stan- dardization Alternatives AD-743 399/CP AIR FORCE OCCUPATIONAL MEASUREMENT CENTER LACKLAND AFB TEX AFPT-90-341-222 Instrument Trainer Specialist AFSC 34151 AD-A044 114/7CP AFPT-90-341-222 Defensive Systems Trainer Specialist, AFSC 34152 AD-A044 121/2CP AFPT-90-341-222 Analog Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Spe- cialist. AFSC 34155 AD-A044 122/OCP AFPT-90-341-222 Analog Flight Simulator Specialist, AFSC 34153 AD-A044 125/3CP AIR FORCE WEAPONS LAB., KIRTLAND AFB, N. MEX. AFWL-TR-68-98 Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Computer Program. AD-841 397/CP AFWL-TR-69-37 Model Conversion for Circus, Trac. Sceptre, and Net-1. AD-859 848/CP AFWL-TR-70-50 Systems Analysis Using the Sceptre Program AD-723 637/CP AFWL-TR-72-40 A Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Measurement System AD-748 465/CP AFWL-TR-76-205 Plate: A 2-D Transmission Line Current Symmetry Code AD-A036 161 /8CP ALFORD (ANDREW) CONSULTING ENGINEERS WINCHESTER MASS A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures (FAA-RD-75-64) AD-A014 643/1 CP AMERICAN MICRO-SYSTEMS INC SANTA CLARA CALIF Micropower Integrated Circuits Study Program Extension to Scope of Work AD-738 538/CP AMES LAB., IOWA. Computer Controlled Data Measurement and Analysis System Used for Measuring Switching Parameters of Semiconductors IS-3691 APPLIED SCIENCE ASSOCIATES INC DENVER COLO Computer Generated Troubleshooting Trees: The Program (AFHRL-TR-74- 20(H)) AD-785 139/7CP ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB., ILL. "Forgy"- a Companion Computer Program of "Trim" to Calculate Forces and Energy in Elec- tromagnets ANL-TKK/RJL-2 INVERSION OF DE HAAS-VAN ALPHEN DATA. I. CLOSED SURFACES WITH INVERSION SYM- METRY ANL-7659 ARINC RESEARCH CORP SANTA ANA CALIF WESTERN DIV 474-01-1-909 User's Manual for SNAP II Computer Program AD-A054 696/OCP 103 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX 474-01-2-916 Programmer's Manual for SNAP II Computer Pro- gram AD-A054 694/5CP ARIZONA UNIV TUCSON DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Simulation of Digital Circuits AD-A052 613/7CP ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLL FORT LEAVENWORTH KANS A Proposed Mathematical Model for Predicting Military Electronic Equipment Component Failure Rates and Isolating Underlying Failure Causes AD-733 389/CP ARMY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INSTALLATION AGENCY FORT HUACHUCA ARIZ PROPAGATION ENGINEERING DIV CCC-EMEO-PED-77-8 Electrically-Short Center-Fed Horizontal Dipole Antennas for High-Frequency Communications AD-A047 548/3CP EMEO-PED-TM-77-1 Antenna Selection for Ionospheric Telecommuni- cation Systems AD-A049 549/9CP ARMY ELECTRONICS COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH N J ECOM-3257 Computer-Aided Analysis of Cascaded Microwave Two-Port Networks. AD-710 239/CP ECOM-3275 Noise Quality Measurements for Microwave Noise Generators. AD-708 872/CP ECOM- 3482 Bulk Semiconductor Quasi-Optical Concept for Guided Waves for Advanced Millimeter Wave Devices AD-733 906/CP ECOM-3517 Computer Aided Design of Braid Parameters for Coaxial Cable AD-744 797/CP ECOM-3518 Ground-Loss Reduction at High Frequencies through the Use of Antenna Arrays AD-735 682/CP ECOM-4004 Power Supply Voltage Monitor for Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) Applications AD-7-.9 235/CP ECOM-4070 Noise Quality Investigation of Various Microwave Devices AD-756 862/CP ECOM-4146 Computer-Aided Design, Simulation and Op- timization for Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-766 677/9CP ECOM-4201 Adjustable Digital Time Converter AD-776 912/8CP ECOM-4242 Transverse Propagation Constants in Dielectric Waveguides AD-785 512/5CP ECOM-4342 A Quantum Mechanical Description of Charge In- jection Devices (CID) AD-A017 956/4CP ECOM-4368 Avalanche and Depletion Region Widths for Uniformly Doped Gallium Arsenide Impact Avalanche Transit Time Diodes AD-A017 475/5CP ECOM-4382 Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estimator (ORACLE) AD-A019 219/5CP ECOM-4493 Transient Waveform Analysis of Switching Con- verter AD-A040 123/2CP ECOM-4508 NASTRAN Data Generating Programs and Analyti- cal Models for Analysis of Antenna Mast and Tower Structures AD-A042 594/2CP ECOM-4509 Analysis Techniques and Instrumentation for Blast Loaded Parabolic Antennas AD-A042 600/7CP ARMY ELECTRONICS COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH N J ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LAB DEMON--An Optical Seeking Computer Program for the Design of Microwave Circuits AD-721 803/CP ARMY ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES LAB FORT MONMOUTH N J Let a Computer Design Your i-f Amplifier AD-757 442/CP ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND TEXARKANA TEX INTERN TRAINING CENTER USAMC-ITC-02-08-75-220 A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Analysis Programs AD-A009 185/OCP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA ADVANCED SENSORS DIRECTORATE RE-73-3 Computer-Aided Optimization of Microwave Cir- cuits AD-756 875/CP Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Applications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA GROUND EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS DIRECTORATE RL-73-4 Thermal Response of Power Transistors AD-763 903/CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA GUIDANCE AND CONTROL DIRECTORATE RG-7508 The Transient Current Induced on a Conducting Cylinder by an EMP Plane Wave with Applications to Cable Driver Design AD-787 292/2CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND INTEGRATION OFFICE RC-TR-72-2 A Laplace Transform Amplitude Function Genera- tor Utilizing a Thin Film Semiconductor AD-750 590/CP ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING LAB REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA GUIDANCE AND CONTROL DIRECTORATE RG-77-5 Transients on a Lossless. Exponentially-Tapered Transmission Line AD-A036 563/5CP ARMY WAR COLL CARLISLE BARRACKS PA Management of Research and Development for Electronic Systems AD-A042 859/9CP ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP ALEXANDRIA VA ADVANCED PROGRAMS GROUP Methods of Moments Applications. Volume V. Thin Wire Antenna Analysis Computer Codes Compared with Measured Data (RADC-TR-73-21 7-VolS) AD-783 897/2CP ATOMIC WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, ALDERMASTON (ENGLAND). AWRE-O-30/75 Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin. Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. N76-23523/3CP AUBURN UNIV., ALA. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-143951 Development of Automated Test Procedures and Techniques for Lsi Circuits. N75-32317/0CP Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simula- tion of Sequential Logic Circuits (NASA-CR-1 50304) N77-82112/2CP AUBURN UNIV ALA DEPT OF PHYSICS Second Breakdown and Damage in Semiconduc- tor Junction Devices AD-740 226/CP AUSTRALIAN POST OFFICE RESEARCH LABS., MELBOURNE. REPT-6570 Programmable Logic Tester N73-13422/CP AUTONETICS, ANAHEIM, CALIF. C71 -999/401 -VOL-1 Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 1 Final Technical Report N73-10145/CP C71 -999/401 -VOL-3 Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 3 Appendices C. D and E N73-10147/CP C71 -999/401 -VOL-4 Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 4 Appendix F N73-10148/CP NASA-CR-1 28576 Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 1 Final Technical Report N73-10145/CP NASA-CR-128578 Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 3 Appendices C, D and E N73-10147/CP NASA-CR-1 28579 Analysis of a Display and Control System Man- Machine Interface Concept. Volume 4 Appendix F N73-10148/CP AVCO CORP., WILMINGTON, MASS. SYSTEMS DIV. AVSD-0298-74-RR Feasibility Study of a Step Scanned Om- nidirectional Communications Antenna for an In- ternational Magnetospheric Explorer Spacecraft. N75-14960/9CP NASA-CR-139161 Feasibility Study of a Step Scanned Om- nidirectional Communications Antenna for an In- ternational Magnetospheric Explorer Spacecraft. N75-14960/9CP BATTELLE COLUMBUS LABS OHIO Investigation of Cage and Bearing Instability in Despun Antenna Bearings Due to Changes in Lubricant Properties (AFML-TR-75-38-Pt-2) AD-A031 096/1 CP BDM CORP ALBUQUERQUE N MEX BDM/A-2-76-TR Wire Moments Problems of Intermediate Size (RADC-TR-76-48) AD-A023 198/5CP BDM/A-141-75-TR The EMCAP (Electromagnetic Compatibility Anal- ysis Program) Properties of the Banded Matrix Iterative Solution Technique for Thin Wire Mo- ments Problems (RADC-TR-75-272) AD-A018 444/OCP BDM/A-145-75-TR-R1 SCEPTRE/LOGIC Circuit Analysis Program Users Manual (AFWL-TR-75-279) AD-A031 802/2CP General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems. Volume I. User's Manual (RADC-TR-77-137-VOI-1) AD-A040 026/7CP BDM CORP EL PASO TEX BDM/E-19-75-F-0158 Power Series V-l Curve Element and Optimization Improvements in the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram AD-A042 149/5CP Maintenance for the NET-2 Network Analysis Pro- gram (HDL-140-1) AD-A019 470/4CP BENDIX CORP., KANSAS CITY, MO. (USA). Solid State Circuit Breaker. Technological Spinoff Report. BDX-613-1062 BERNE ELECTRONICS, INC., ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX. AITRAC: Augmented Interactive Transient Radia- tion Analysis by Computer. User's Information Manual SAND-77-0939 BOEING AEROSPACE CO SEATTLE WASH D224-1 3047-2 Users Manual for SUPERSAP2 (AFWL-TR-75-70) AD-A022 979/9CP 104 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX COMSAT LABS CLARKSBURG MD BOEING CO SEATTLE WASH CIRCUS-2. A Digital Computer Program for Transient Analysis of Electronic Circuits. Volume I. User's Guide (HDL-0070-1) AD-736 379/CP BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE CO SEATTLE WASH D6-44049 Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software (FAA-RD-75-173-4) AD-A041 864/OCP BRADDOCK DUNN AND MCDONALD INC EL PASO TEX Technical Tasks for the NET-2 Network Analysis Program (HDL-071-1) AD-A011 343/1 CP NET-2 Network Analysis Program AD-752 600/CP BREUER AND ASSOCIATES ENCINO CALIF TEST/80-1-76 Functional Level Modeling of Complex Elements in TEST/80 AD-A040 269/3CP TEST/80-1-77 An Advanced Automatic Test Generation System for Digital Circuits AD-A040 271 /9CP BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, N.Y. PTP-26 The Power Transmission Project. Progress Report in 1973. Part II. Cryogenic and Mechanical En- gineering (NSF/RA/N-74-033) PB-273 036/4CP User's Guide for GRAPEL: Graph for Engineering Language BNL-50585 CAED CORP., LA CANADA, CALIF. NASA-CR-1982 Design of Microstrip Components by Computer N72-22218/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Elements of Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis (AFOSR-TR-71-1429) AD-723 762/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCES Research in Integrated. High-Frequency Commu- nication Circuits (ARO-12131.6-EL) AD-A043 560/2CP CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY ELECTRONICS RESEARCH LAB ERL-71-4 Horizontal Dipole Arrays Over Lossy Ground AD-743 249/CP BIAS-3-A Program for the Nonlinear DC Analysis of Bipolar Transistor Circuits (AFOSR-TR-71-1051) AD-722 556/CP SLIC-A Simulator for Linear Integrated Circuits (AROD-6611:15-E) AD-733 187/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB. CONF-760619-5 Calculation of Magnetic Fields for Engineering Devices LBL-4805 Computer Programs for Accelerators and Elec- tronic Circuit Designs LBL-564 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. CONF-741001-54 Programs for Computer Aided Design of Metal- Oxide-Semiconductor (Mos) Lsi Electronic Cir- cuits. UCRL-76454 CONF-751 109-2 Computer Program to Evaluate the Quality of a Pc Board Router. UCRL-77294 Computer Analysis and Design of Electronic Cir- cuits (Programs Available to Lrl Design En- gineers). UCID-1502(Rev.1) W2t-Ariz/LLL1 : A Time-Domain Code for Studying Electromagnetic Shielding by Wire Gratings. UCID-16963 Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 Stored Energy in Transformers: Calculation by a Computer Program UCID-17389 EFFI: A Code for Calculating the Electromagnetic Field, Force, and Inductance in Coil Systems of Arbitrary Geometry. User's Manual UCID-17621 DASLL: (Design Automation System at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory) UCID-17708 Twtd- a Computer Program for the Time-Domain Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures UCRL-51277 Code for Viewing Mafco Conductors from Any Angle UCRL-51397 Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem. UCRL-51821 WF-SYR/LLL1: A Thin-Wire Computer Code for Antennas or Scatterers with Pulse Expansion Functions for Current UCRL-52028 Computer Analysis of the Twin-Whip Antenna UCRL-52080 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE. LAWRENCE RADIATION LAB. Linear Network Analysis Computer Program (User'S Manual). UCRL-14855 TORMAG- A PROGRAM FOR SYMMETRY OP- TIMIZATION OF TOROIDAL MAGNETS UCRL-50944 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE (USA). LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. Wamp: A Users Manual for the Wire Antenna Modeling Program. UCID-30084 Computer Models for Antennas. UCRL-51515 CAMBRIDGE SYSTEMS CORP., MASS. CSC-77-101 Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance (FRA/ORD-78/15.II) PB-280 550/5CP CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIV., PITTSBURGH, PA. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer (BuMines-OFR-106-77) PB-267 785/4CP CEA CENTRE D'ETUDES NUCLEAIRES DE GRENOBLE, 38 (FRANCE). LAB. D'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATIOUE. CONF-7306105-1 Imag 2 Program for the Cad of Electronic Cir- cuits: Bipolar and Mosfet Models at LET. I. CEA-CONF-2650 CENTER FOR NAVAL ANALYSES ARLINGTON VA CNA-Professional Paper-101 A Computationally Simplified Pair-Exchange Al- gorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem AD-756 503/CP CENTER FOR NAVAL ANALYSES ARLINGTON VA OPERATIONS EVALUATION GROUP CRC-289 MATCHAR - A Computer Program for Estimating Character Error Rate AD-A022 966/6CP CENTRE NATIONAL D'ETUDES SPATIALES, TOULOUSE (FRANCE). CNES-NT-26 Antenna Optimization in the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors. Program User Manual Optimisa- tion d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Sta- bilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Programme. N76-20337/1CP CNES-NT-62 Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Bou- cle de Phase Numerique Tres Basse Frequence. N77-29358/7CP REPT-74/81 /CT/M A/EM Antenna Optimization in the Presence of Sta- bilization Errors. Program User Manual Optimisa- tion d'Antenne en Presence d'Erreurs de Sta- bilisation. Manuel d'Utilisation du Programme N76-20337/1CP CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES FISICAS (LEONARDO TORRES QUEVEDO), MADRID (SPAIN). ESRO-CR(P)-645-B Rf Characteristics of a Deployable Antenna for Satellites: Computer Program Manual N75-28281/4CP CITY COLL NEW YORK DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CCEE-M2 Planar Circuits for Microwave Tubes (ARO-12106 1-EL) AD-A031 145/6CP CIVIL ENGINEERING LAB (NAVY) PORT HUENEME CALIF CEL-TN-1430 Instrumentation of Replacement Base Insulator Assembly - VLF East Tower, Lualualei. Hawaii AD-A026 188/3CP CEL-TN-1502 Computer Technique for Calculations of Potential Distribution in Multidielectric Media AD-A048 057/4CP CLARKSON COLL OF TECHNOLOGY POTSDAM N Y CTRUMP: Its Development and Use in Solution of Problems of Conduction Heat Flow in Solid State Devices (RADC-TR-75-74) AD-A010 002/4CP CLARKSON COLL OF TECHNOLOGY POTSDAM N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING An Experimental Study of Noise in MNOSFET Devices (RADC-TR-72-346) AD-760 544/CP COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING LAB HANOVER N H CRREL-TL-508 Heat Sinks: A Study of Variable Types of Heat Sinks (En Undersogelse af Forskelligt Udformede Koleprofiler. Forskellige Faktorers Indflydelse pa Profilets Virkning) AD-A027 407/6CP CRREL-77-2 A Computer Program to Determine the Resistance of Long Wires and Rods to Nonhomogeneous Ground AD-A036 250/9CP COLORADO STATE UNIV FORT COLLINS DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Digital Filter Design and Implementation Methods (AFAL-TR-75-211) AD-A042 848/2CP Statistical Design of Nonrecursive Digital Filters AD-764 595/5CP COLORADO UNIV BOULDER DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Variable Speed Commutatorless Energy Conver- ters AD-786 005/9CP COMMISSARIAT A LENERGIE ATOMIOUE, BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL (FRANCE). CENTRE D'ETUDES. Simulation of gamma Ray Effects on Bipolar Transistors Using the Cao Programs CEA-R-4337 COMMISSARIAT A LENERGIE ATOMIOUE, SACLAY (FRANCE). CENTRE D'ETUOES NUCLEAIRES. Data Acquisition and Processing Program for Thermionic Diodes Parameters, on a Pdp 8-I Computer. CEA-N-1347 COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, ISPRA (ITALY). JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE. Interactive System for the Automatic Layout of Printed Circuit Boards (Araignee). EUR-5285e COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP FALLS CHURCH VA Computer Program Description: PWRDEN - A Program for the Evaluation of Power Densities in the Near Field of Antenna Apertures AD-A030 463/4CP COMSAT LABS CLARKSBURG MD Multiple Beam Torus Antenna Study Volume II (SBIE-AD-E100-001) AD-A047 158/1 CP 105 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX CORNELL UNIV ITHACA N Y Wide-Band Microwave Amplifier Realizations in Microstrip Employing a GaAs Schottky-Barrier Field-Effect Transistor (RADC-TR-76-246) AD-A031 428/6CP CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N.Y. SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. The Limited Space Charge Accumulation Mode in GaAs (RADC-TR-68-269) AD-841 117/CP Solution Growth of Gallium Arsenide (RADC-TR-69-42) AD-850 272/CP Suppression in Active Devices-Circuits (RADC-TR-69-410) AD-864 906/CP Nonlinear Study of Semiconductor Avalanches (RADC-TR-70-142) AD-875 184/CP CULLEN COLL OF ENGINEERING HOUSTON TEX THEMIS-RE-3-70 Dielectric Field Computations in Semiconductor Oxide Integrated Circuits. AD-713 476/CP DARCOM INTERN TRAINING CENTER TEXARKANA TEX DARCOM-ITC-02-08-76-016 A Survey of Computer-Aided Electronic Circuit Design Programs AD-A024 768/4CP DARTMOUTH COLL HANOVER N H DEPT OF MATHEMATICS Case Study in Interactive Computer Graphics. Computer-Aided Design of Logical Circuits. Volume ll/Appendices (AFOSR-TR-71-0928) AD-722 095/CP DEMOCRITUS NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTER, ATHENS (GREECE). Time Domain Synthesis of Digital Laguerre Fil- ters. DEMO-75/5 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON D C AD-D003 915/6 Programmable Variable Length High Speed Digital Delay Line PATENT-4 016 511 PAT-APPL-642 521 Programmable Variable Length Digital Delay Line PATENT-4 016 511 High Speed DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON C AD-D004 789/4 Analog and Digital Circuit Tester PAT-APPL-878 629/CP DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT, OBERPFAFFENHOFEN (WEST GERMANY). DLR-IB-552-76/27 Calculation of the Desired Angle Values for the Alignment of a Stabilized Two Axis Rotating Plat- form in an Aircraft Berechnung der Winkel-Soll- werte fuer die Ausrichtung Eines Stabilisierten Zwei-Achsen-Drehstandes in Einem Flugzeug. N78-14235/3CP DUKE UNIV., DURHAM, N. C. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-152612 User'S Manual: Computer-Aided Design Programs for Inductor-Energy-Storage DC-to-DC Electronic Power Converters. N77-33602/2CP S-02 User's Manual: Computer-Aided Design Programs for Inductor-Energy-Storage DC-to-DC Electronic Power Converters. N77-33602/2CP E-SYSTEMS INC FALLS CHURCH VA MELPAR DIV 1057.00100 Dielectric Lens Model (RADC-TR-72-299) AD-753 914/CP ELECTROMAGNETIC RESEARCH CORP COLLEGE PARK MD Radiation from Slot Antennas on Cones in the Presence of a Layered Plasma Sheath. fHDL-0036-1) AD-705 565/CP ELECTRONICS AND CONTROL LAB. NASA-CR-149948 Djanal User's Manual. N76-28863/8CP REPT-76-0023 Djanal User'S Manual. N76-28863/8CP EPSCO LABS WILTON CONN 5082 Development and Analysis of Four Pole Balanced Armature Transducer for US Navy Sound Powered Telephones AD-A025 154/6CP EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY, PARIS (FRANCE). ESA-TT-384 Modelling of Quartz Oscillators. N77-29424/7CP ESA-TT-441 Computer Aided Analysis of Microwave Electronic Circuits in the Frequency Domain (Esamec). N78-18341/5CP ONERA-NT-1976-13 Modelling of Quartz Oscillators. N77-29424/7CP EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER, NOORDWIJK (NETHERLANDS). ESA-TM-171 Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Filters. N77-26399/4CP FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, WASHINGTON, D.C. BROADCAST BUREAU. RADIAT Computer Program (FCC/DF-76/008) PB-260 426/2CP A User's Guide to RADIAT, CONTOUR, CLIPPING, SKYWAVE (FCC/DF-76/008a) PB-260 427/OCP FLORIDA UNIV GAINESVILLE DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Scientific-8 A Center of Competence in Solid State Materials and Devices (AFCRL-72-0075) AD-743 834/CP Investigation and Study of Computational Techniques for Design and Fabrication of In- tegrated Electronic Circuits AD-A017 094/4CP FLORIDA UNIV GAINESVILLE ELECTRON DEVICE RESEARCH CENTER Computer Aided Engineering of Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits (ECOM-75-1344-F) AD-A044 851 /4CP FONDAZIONE UGO BORDONI, ROME (ITALY). CENTRO ONDE MILLIMETRICHE. Digital Analysis of Superior Electric Circular Mode Filters Analisi Numerica di Filtri Per I Modi Circolari Elettrici Superiori. N76-33374/9CP GENERAL DYNAMICS/ELECTRONICS SAN DIEGO CALIF R-69-046-05 Study of Electronic Handling of Mail. Completion Report for Work Task 5. Transmission Methods. AD-715 121/CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PITTSFIELD MASS ORDNANCE SYSTEMS Digital Microcircuit Characterization and Specifi- cation (RADC-TR-77-91) AD-A038 969/2CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SCHENECTADY, N.Y. Fundamental Investigation of Arc Interruption in Gas Flows. Final Report EPRI-EL-284 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. TUBE DEPT. NASA-CR-72696 Circuit Efficiency Enhancement Studies at 12 G Hz Final Report. N70-36567/CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO SYRACUSE N Y Simplified Modeling of Integrated Circuits for Radiation Performance Prediction (AFWL-TR-72-42) AD-753 413/CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO SYRACUSE N Y HEAVY MILITARY EQUIPMENT DEPT R74EMH15 Computer-Aided Amplifier Design in BASIC AD-A006 370/1 CP R74EMH18 Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SCHENECTADY N Y SRD-75-005 Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Aircraft Electrical Circuits (AFFDL-TR-75-36-Vol-1) AD-A015 174/6CP SRD-75-006 Operator's Manual for Computer Programs for Prediction of Lightning Induced Voltages in Air- craft Electrical Circuits (AFFDL-TR-75-36-Vol-2) AD-A014 835/3CP GEORGIA INST OF TECH ATLANTA Computational Techniques for the Reduction of Nonlinear Effects Using Passive Compensating Networks (RADC-TR-76-369) AD-A035 855/6CP Heat Pipe Cooled Microwave Window AD-776 996/1 CP GEORGIA INST OF TECH ATLANTA ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION GIT-A-1708-F Shaped Elevation Beam Antenna AD-A023 225/6CP GEORGIA INST OF TECH ATLANTA SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Silicon Controlled Rectifier Large Signal Model (AFAPL-TR-75-89) AD-A020 872/8CP A Computer Model for a High Power SCR (AFAPL-TR-75-106) AD-A022 375/OCP Computer Program for Determination of Earth Potentials Due to Faults or Loss of Concentric Neutral on Urd Cable EPRI-EL-545 GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOL'ZOVANIYU ATOMNOI ENERGII SSSR, MOSCOW. INST. TEORETICHESKOI I EHKSPERIMENTAL'NOI FIZIKI. System for Connection of a Scanning Measuring Equipment with a Computer. Hardware and Soft- ware on the Basis of the BESM-4 Computer ITEF-22(1976) GRENOBLE UNIV. (FRANCE). CENTRE D'ETUDE DES PHENOMENES ALEATOIRES ET GEOPHYSIOUES. CEPHAG-51/75 Numerical Simulation of the Existence Test for the Diffusion Function in a Variable Parameter Medium Simulation Numerique du Test d'Existence de la Fonction de Diffusion d'UN Milieu a Parametres Variables. N77-10410/7CP GTE SYLVANIA INC MOUNTAIN VIEW CALIF Electret Tape Transducer (RADC-TR-76-22) AD-A021 736/4CP GTE SYLVANIA INC MOUNTAIN VIEW CALIF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS GROUP-WESTERN DIV TR-3 High Pressure Transducer AD-782 281 /0CP Advanced Array Design. Test and Evaluation (RADC-TR-77-25) AD-A038 135/OCP GTE SYLVANIA INC NEEDHAM HEIGHTS MASS Extended SCEPTRE. Volume I. User's Manual (AFWL-TR-73-75-Vol-1) AD-A009 594/3CP Extended SCEPTRE. Volume II. Mathematical For- mulation (AFWL-TR-73-75-Vol-2) AD-A009 595/0CP HAHN-MEITNER-INSTITUT FUER KERNFORSCHUNG BERLIN G.M.B.H. (F.R. GERMANY). BEREICH DATENVERARBEITUNG UND ELEKTRONIK. Computer Aided Production of Manufacturing Camac-Wired Boards by the Multiwire-Technique. HMI-B-182 106 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ILLINOIS UNIV URBANA COORDINATED SCIENCE LAB HARRIS-INTERTYPE CORP MELBOURNE FLA RADIATION SYSTEMS DIV Recursive Algorithms for Adaptive Array Antennas (RADC-TR-74-46) AO-778 947/2CP HARRY DIAMOND LABS ADELPHI MD HDL-TM-75-6 Damage Analysis Modified TRAC Computer Pro- gram (DAMTRAC) AD-A016 776/7CP HDL-TM-76-8 ICEDIT -- An Interactive Graphics Editor for In- tegrated Circuit Masks AD-A027 022/3CP HDL-TM-76-28 SEMCON: A Semiconductor Damage Data Reduc- tion Computer Code AD-A034 975/3CP HDL-TR-1676 Computer-Aided Design of Bulk Microwave Acoustic Delay Lines AD-A007 970/7CP HDL-TR-1803 User's Manual for the NLINE Multiconductor Transmission-Line Computer Code AD-A040 398/OCP HDL-TR-1819 Implementation of the Device Data Bank on the HDL IBM Computer AD-A046 480/OCP HDL-TR-1821 Extending and Interfacing the MSEP Semicon- ductor Damage Data Bank for Analysis and Retrieval by DAMTRAC AD-A050 845/7CP HDL-TR-1833 Semiconductor Device Damage Assessment for the INCA Program—A Probabilistic Approach AD-A052 433/OCP HARRY DIAMOND LABS WASHINGTON D C HDL-TM-70-26 Dome Filter Design and Analysis Program. AD-717 307/CP HDL-TM-73-4 Design and Analysis of 90-Degree Phase Dif- ference Networks AD-769 585/1CP HDL-TR-1522 Transient Radiation Analysis by Computer Pro- gram (TRAC)-360 Version AD-730 321 /CP HDL-TR-1545 A Computer-Aided Data Reduction Technique for Radiation-Induced Conductivity Experiments AD-726 359/CP HDL-TR-1582 MASK MAKER I AD-737 670/CP HARVARD UNIV CAMBRIDGE MASS CRUFT LA8 Scientific-13-Vol-2 Modified Dipoles. II. Numerical Solutions (AFCRL-72-0287) AD-745 979/CP HARVARD UNIV CAMBRIDGE MASS DIV OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED PHYSICS TR-624 The Proximity Effect in Systems of Parallel Con- ductors and Electrically Small Multiturn Loop An- tennas AD-736 984/CP TR-634 Current Distribution on an Infinite Tubular Anten- na in a Cold Collisional Magnetoplasma AD-744 045/CP TR-636 Three-Term Exponential Product Solution for the Current on Dipole Antennas in Homogeneous Isotropic Media AD-752 474/CP TR-637 A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Insu- lated Loop Antenna in a Dissipative Medium AD-762 041 /CP TR-646-Pt-1 Electrically Small Loop Antenna Loaded by a Homogeneous and Isotropic Ferrite Cylinder - Part I AD-764 890/OCP HELSINKI UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY, ESPOO (FINLAND). RADIO LAB. ISBN-951 -750-958-8 A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. N78-11316/4CP ISBN-951-751-044-6 Calculation of the Effects of Dew on Radome Per- formance. N78-17280/6CP REPT-S-92 A Computer Program Modeling the Behavior of a Transferred Electron Device. N78-11316/4CP REPT-S-98 Calculation of the Effects of Dew on Radome Per- formance. N78-17280/6CP HELSINKI UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY, OTANIEMI (FINLAND). RADIO LAB. S-56 APLAC2: A Flexible DC and Time Domain Circuit Analysis Program for Small Computers. N74-21892/6CP HONEYWELL INC HOPKINS MINN GOVERNMENT AND AERONAUTICAL PRODUCTS DIV Research and Development of a DC-DC Converter (ECOM-0223-1) AD-739 996/CP HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. AERONAUTICAL DIV. 20226-FR1 Fault Diagnosis by White Noise Techniques (AFAPL-TR-66-43) AD-483 022/CP HONEYWELL INC MINNEAPOLIS MINN AEROSPACE DIV 20714-FR2 Central Airborne Performance Analyzer AD-A047 490/8CP HOUSTON UNIV TEX DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING THEMIS-RE-1-70 Uhcap Users Manual. AD-708 051 /CP HOWARD UNIV WASHINGTON D C SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING A Study on Communicaton Antenna Isolation (FAA-RD-73-94) AD-768 848/4CP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO CULVER CITY CALIF ANTENNA DEPT 2265.30/184 Dynamic Impedance Matching in Conformal Ar- rays AD-A044 818/3CP 2265-30/470 Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Arrays AD-B004 752/2CP 2753/981 Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP HAC-Ref-C7488 Dynamic Impedance Matching in Conformal Ar- rays AD-A044 818/3CP HAC-Ref-D0741 Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Arrays AD-B004 752/2CP HAC-Ref-D6190 Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO CULVER CITY CALIF ELECTRO OPTICAL DIV HAC-P76-121-Vol-3 Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 (SAMSO-TR-76-83-VOI-3) AD-A026 111/5CP HAC-Ref-D4535-Vol-3 Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 (SAMSO-TR-76-83-VOI-3) AD-A026 111/5CP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO CULVER CITY CALIF RADAR MICROWAVE LAB HAC-P76-232 Phased Array Antennas Scanned near Endfire AD-A028 781 /3CP HAC-Ref-D3119 Phased Array Antennas Scanned near Endfire AD-A028 781/3CP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO., FULLERTON, CALIF. GROUND SYSTEMS GROUP. FR-69-14-1312 Theoretical Investigation of Acoustic Surface Waves on Piezoelectric Crystals (AFCRL-70-0020) AD-865 352/CP FR-75-1 0-238 Millimeter-Wave System EMC Study (ECOM-74-0171-3) AD-B004 228/3CP HUGHES RESEARCH LABS MALIBU CALIF Beam Technology for the Fabrication of Microwave Integrated Circuits AD-B000 051/3CP l-T-E- IMPERIAL CORP., GREENSBURG, PA. Optimized Design for Gas Cable Systems. Final Report. EPRI-7825-FR IBM FEDERAL SYSTEMS DIV OWEGO N Y ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS CENTER SCEPTRE Support II. Volume I. Revised User's Manual (Supplement) (AFWL-TR-69-77-Vol-1-Suppl) AD-751 518/CP Mathematical Formulation of SCEPTRE (AFWL-TR-72-77) AD-751 519/CP IIT RESEARCH INST CHICAGO ILL IITRI-E6276 EMP Response of Parabolic Reflector Antennas AD-776 399/8CP ILLINOIS UNIV AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COORDINATED SCIENCE LAB R-673 Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP R-689 Computer Aided Analysis of Integrated Injection Logic AD-A015 808/9CP R-697 Analysis of Slot Line Type Waveguides AD-A018 452/3CP R-716 Computer-Aided Analysis of Mixer Circuits AD-A021 720/8CP UILU-ENG-75-2207 Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Circuits AD-A012 963/5CP UILU-ENG-75-2224 Computer Aided Analysis of Integrated Injection Logic AD-A015 808/9CP UILU ENG-75-2232 Analysis of Slot Line Type Waveguides AD-A018 452/3CP UILU-ENG-76-2204 Computer-Aided Analysis of Mixer Circuits AD-A021 720/8CP ILLINOIS UNIV AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ELECTROMAGNETICS LAB UIEM-77-24 Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP UILU-ENG-77-2267 Mutal Admittance between Slots on a Cylinder or Cone AD-A051 067/7CP Study of Mutual Coupling between Two Slots on a Cylinder AD-A034 095/OCP ILLINOIS UNIV URBANA COORDINATED SCIENCE LAB R-519 On the Design of Diagnosable Combinational Net- works AD-730 117/CP R-554 Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP R-617 Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Circuits AD-775 637/2CP 107 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX R-657 Effects of Redundancy on Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Combinational Logic Circuits AD-787 463/9CP UILU-ENG-71-2222 On the Design of Diagnosable Combinational Net- works AD-730 117/CP UILU-ENG-72-2215 Study of Dipolar Polarization in Silicon Nitride Films Using an Adapted Thermally Stimulated Current Technique AD-741 243/CP UILU-ENG-73-2219 Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Circuits AD-775 637/2CP UILU-ENG-74-2223 Effects of Redundancy on Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Combinational Logic Circuits AD-787 463/9CP ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. UIUCDCS-QPR-74-2 Quarterly Technical Progress Report, April, May, June 1974. COO-2383-0013 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MENLO PARK CALIF IS-R-72/10 Antenna Modeling Program - Systems Manual AD-767 420/3CP INTELCOM RAD TECH SAN OIEGO CALIF INTEL-RT-8025-724 Packaging Effects on Semiconductor Device Radiation Response AD-A026 222/OCP INTERTECHNIQUE S. A., PLAISIR (FRANCE). DEPT. TELEMESURE. D6/DB/FB/1378/B-PT-3 Selfrepairing Semiconductor Memories. Part 3: Parametric Study Memoires Autoreparables a Semiconducteurs. Tome 3: Etude Parametrique N76-21919/5CP ESA-CR(P)-794-PT-3 Selfrepairing Semiconductor Memories. Part 3: Parametric Study Memoires Autoreparables a Semiconducteurs. Tome 3: Etude Parametrique. N76-21919/5CP IOWA UNIV IOWA CITY DEPT OF MATHEMATICS THEMIS-UI-TR-31 BIB. I.: A Symbolic Language for Description and Simulation of Logical Circuits. AD-714 145/CP JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH INST., TOKYO. Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis Computer Code for Element Coil Test by Finite Element Method JAERI-M-6865 JET PROPULSION LAB., CALIF. INST. OF TECH., PASADENA. JPL-PUB-77-32 Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. N78-20805/5CP JPL-TM-33-518 Radial Rib Antenna Surface Deviation Analysis Program N72-12093/CP JPL-TM-33-685 Lightweight 3.66-Meter-Diameter Conical Mesh Antenna Reflector. N74-29562/7CP JPL-TR-32-1429 Operating Characteristics of Computer Programs for Nonlinear Transient Analysis. N70-29745/CP NASA-CR-1 10366 Operating Characteristics of Computer Programs for Nonlinear Transient Analysis. N70-29745/CP NASA-CR-1 24570 Radial Rib Antenna Surface Deviation Analysis Program N72-12093/CP NASA-CR-139219 Lightweight 3 66-Meter-Diameter Conical Mesh Antenna Reflector. N74-29562/7CP NASA-CR-156131 Photomask and Pattern Programming Manual. N78-20805/5CP JET PROPULSION LAB., PASADENA, CALIF. JPL-SP-43-24 Matrix Analysis of Linear Induction Machines (FRA/ORD- 75/77) PB-254 574/7CP JPL-5040-27 Computer Program for Design and Performance Analysis of Navigation-Aid Power Systems. Pro- gram Documentation, Volume I. Software Requirements Document (CGR/DC-J8/76) AD-A047 925/3CP JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV LAUREL MD APPLIED PHYSICS LAB APL/JHU/TG-1278 Wideband Solid-State Phased-Array Antenna Development at UHF AD-A015 090/4CP APL/JHU/TG-1 293A-VOI-1 URLIM - a Unified Radome Limitations Computer Program, Volume 1. Theoretical Background AD-A029 887/7CP APL/JHU/TG-1301 High-Resolution Clock Control for the TIP Satel- lite AD-A033 495/3CP JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description JINR-10-9553 JOINT TECHNICAL COORDINATING GROUP ON ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY Final Report of the Joint Logistics Commanders Electronic Systems Reliability Workshop AD-A016 826/0CP KENTUCKY UNIV LEXINGTON SCEPTRE Models of a Pulse Forming System (RADC-TR-75-69) AD-A009 175/1CP KENTUCKY UNIV LEXINGTON DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume II. Computation of the Capacitance Matrices for Ribbon Cables (RADC-TR-76-101-Vol-2) AD-A025 029/OCP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VII. Digital Computer Programs for the Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines (RADC-TR-76-101-VOL-7) AD-A046 662/3CP Applications of Multiconductor Transmission Line Theory to the Prediction of Cable Coupling. Volume VI. A Digital Computer Program for Deter- mining Terminal Currents Induced in a Multicon- ductor Transmission Line by an Incident Elec- tromagnetic Field (RADC-TR-76-W1-6-VOL-6) AD-A053 560/9CP LABORATOIRE CENTRAL DE RECHERCHES THOMSON-CSF, ORSAY (FRANCE). Study of the Influence of Nanoelectronic Technology on the Development and Per- formance of Rapid Logic Circuits Using Little Power . Etude de Linfluence des Technologies Nanoelectronique sur la Conception et les Per- formances des Circuits Logiques Rapides a Faible Consommation N73-16191/CP LABORATOIRE D AUTOMATIOUE ET DE SES APPLICATIONS SPATIALES, TOULOUSE (FRANCE). LAAS-613-614 Contribution to the Study of Logic Circuits Using Computers. N71-11374/CP Contribution to the Digital Control of a Synch romachine. N71-11302/CP LABORATOIRE DAUTOMATIOUE ET DE SES APPLICATIONS SPATIALES, TOULOUSE (FRANCE). LAAS-NT-SIS-71-T-03 Operations Manual for the Laas 2 Electronic Cir- cuit Simulation Program in Pulsed Mode . Notice Dutilisation de Laas 2, Programme de Simulation de Circuits Electroniques en Regime Impulsionnel N72-20198/CP LITTON INDUSTRIES, SAN CARLOS, CALIF. ELECTRON TUBE DIV. Study of High-Power Electrostatically Focused Klystrons (ECOM-03348-F) AD-803 999/CP Development of a Ku-Band Crossed-Field Amplifi- er (500 Watt Tube) (ECOM-00276-F) AD-806 839/CP LITTON SYSTEMS INC SAN CARLOS CALIF ELECTRON TUBE DIV L-59333-2 Development of Computer Program TWTVA for Calculation of 3-D Electron Trajectories in Cou- pled-Cavity TWTs AD-A025 132/2CP LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB., N. MEX. The B Modification of TACS1. LA-4205(Add.) Andymg3- the Basic Program of a Series of Monte Carlo Programs for Time-Dependent Transport of Particles and Photons LA-4539 M&S COMPUTING, INC., HUNTSVILLE, ALA. NASA-CR-144031 Banning Design Automation Software Implemen- tation. N76-22943/4CP NASA-CR-144167 Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Program Description. N76-17297/2CP REPT-73-0002-REV-1 Artwork Interactive Design System (Aids) Program Description. N76-17297/2CP REPT-75-0037 Banning Design Automation Software Implemen- tation. N76-22943/4CP MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEM LTD., STANMORE (ENGLAND). ANTENNA DEPT. ESA-CR(P)-694 A Study of the Prediction of Antenna Per- formances from Near Field Measurements. N76-13379/2CP MTR-75/43 A Study of the Prediction of Antenna Per- formances from Near Field Measurements. N76-13379/2CP MARTIN MARIETTA AEROSPACE, ORLANDO, FLA. OR-11930 EMP Generated Waveforms Subsystems and Cir- cuits AD-894 473/8CP MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A Scattering Matrix Program for High Frequency Circuit Analysis (AFOSR-TR-71 -0210) AD-718 434/CP Two Scattering Matrix Programs for Active Circuit Analysis (AFOSR-TR-72-0362) AD-737 010/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB AI-M-328 Heuristic Techniques in Computer Aided Circuit Analysis AD-A021 171/4CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB ESL-FR-436 Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design. AD-714 845/CP ESL-FR-436 Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design Final Report N71-25896/CP ESL-R-381 Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User's Manual. N70-23656/CP NASA-CR-109363 Circal-2 - a General-Purpose on-Line Circuit- Design Program. User'S Manual. N70-23656/CP NASA-CR-1 18642 Computer Aided Electronic Circuit Design Final Report N71-25896/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. ENERGY LAB. MIT-EL-74-004 Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part II. Heat Conduction in the Cable Insulation of Force-Cooled Un- derground Electrical Power Transmission Systems PB-239 306/4CP 108 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS MIT-EL-74-005 Forced Cooling of Underground Electric Power Transmission Lines. Part III. The Prediction of Friction Factors in Turbulent Flow for an Un- derground Forced Cooled Pipe-Type Electrical Transmission Cable System PB-239 307/2CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH LEXINGTON LINCOLN LAB JA-3827 MSTRIP (Parameters of Microstrip) (ESD-TR-71-237) AD-729 578/CP JA-4412 Minimum Directivity of Multiple-Beam Antennas (ESD-TR-75-197) AD-A013 950/1CP TN-1 969-62 Frequency Domain Analysis of a Class of Non- linear Networks. (ESD-TR-69-3S0) AD-710 200/CP TN-1975-39 Optimization of a Communication Satellite Multi- ple-Beam Antenna (ESD-TR-75-180) AD-A013 104/5CP TR-470 Dynamic Soultions for Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines. (ESD-TR-69-388) AD-708 720/CP TR-496 Load Impedance Characteristics of TRAPATT Oscillators (ESD-TR-73-183) AD-776 773/4CP Phased Array Antennas (ESD-TR-76-78) AD-A031 472/4CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., OAK RIDGE, TENN. SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE. Design of Cryogenic Heat Exchangers for a Su- perconducting Magnet ORNL/MIT-242 MASSACHUSETTS UNIV AMHERST OEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TR-1 Implementation of N-Path Filters Using Two-Level Modulation (AFOSR-TR-72-1113) AD-741 919/CP MB ASSOCIATES SAN RAMON CALIF MB-R-75/4 Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMP2) AD-A035 401 /9CP MB-R-75/37 Antenna Modeling Program Supplementary Com- puter Program Manual (AMPJ) AD-A031 298/3CP MCDONNELL AIRCRAFT CO ST LOUIS MO Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program. Volume I. User's Manual Engineer- ing Section (RADC-TR-74-342-VOI-1) AD-A008 526/6CP Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program. Volume II. User's Manual Usage Sec- tion (RAOC-TR-74-342-Vol-2) AD-A008 527/4CP Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Analy- sis Program. Volume III. Computer Program Documentation (RADC-TR-74-342-VOI-3) AD-A008 528/2CP MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS TECHNICAL SERVICES CO., INC., HOUSTON, TEX. ASTRONAUTICS DIV. NASA-CR-147672 Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. N76-22277/7CP REPT-1 2-DN-B0203-001 Shuttle Orbiter S-Band Quad Antenna Switching Evaluation. N76-22277/7CP MICHIGAN STATE UNIV EAST LANSING DIV OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH Scientific-2 The Short-Backfire Antenna: A Numerical-Physi- cal Optics Study of Its Characteristics (AFCRL-71-0394) AD-730 615/CP Scientific-3 Investigation of Impedance Loaded Slot Antennas (AFCRL-71-0397) AD-730 616/CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR Memo-26 The Discrete Logical Design, Simulation System. AD-714 032/CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR COOLEY ELECTRONICS LAB 014820-19-T High-Frequency Transister Modeling for Circuit Design (ECOM-0138-19-T) AD-A006 640/7CP CEL-TR-205 High-Frequency Transister Modeling for Circuit Design (ECOM-0138-19-T) AD-A006 640/7CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Computer-Aided Network Design: Revised Edition (AFOSR-TR-72-2383) AD-752 933/CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR ELECTRON PHYSICS LAB 012147-F Analysis. Design, and Fabrication of High-Effi- ciency. High Average Power, Pulsed TRAPATT Diode Oscillators (HDL-CR-75-201-1) AD-A023 252/0CP TR-1 34 Properties of S-Band TRAPATT Diode Oscillators (RADC-TR-76-62) AD-A024 432/7CP Impatt Device Simulation and Properties (AFOSR-TR-78-0325) AD-A051 018/OCP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR RADIATION LAB 004970-2-T VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mu- tual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots (AFAL-TR-73-399-Pt-2) AD-921 703/5CP Sidelobe Suppression Mode Performance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas (TSC-FAA-7S-3) AD-A015 242/1CP Improved Sidelob Suppression Mode Per- formance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas (TSC-FAA-7S-4) AD-A015 243/9CP MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES INC BURLINGTON MASS Octave-Bandwidth, High-Directivity Microstrip Couplers (RADC-TR-73-396) AD-777 320/3CP MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV., MISSISSIPPI STATE. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. EIRS-EE-74-1 Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP NASA-CR-144175 Electrostatic Analysis of Charge-Coupled Struc- tures. N76-18953/9CP MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV., STATE COLLEGE. DEPT. OF PHYSICS. Electromagnetic Field Penetration of Wire Screens. SC-CR-69-3309 MISSISSIPPI UNIV UNIVERSITY DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Analysis of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory's Horizontally Polarized Dipole Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator (AFOSR-TR-76-1073) AD-A029 546/9CP MITRE CORP BEDFORD MASS MTR-2948 Computer Simulation of MUX Bus Voltage Waveforms under Steady State Conditions (ESD-TR-75-67) AD-A013 107/8CP MTR-3041 The Standard' MUX Bus: Some Constraints on Information Flow Arising from MIL-STD-1553 (USAF) (ESD-TR-75-96) AD-A017 677/6CP MTR-3073 Intensified Silicon Diode-Array Target TV-Camera Tube (EBSICON); Description and Mathematical Model (ESD-TR-75-362) AD-A020 994/OCP MITRE CORP., MCLEAN, VA. MTR-7028 The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development (FRA-ORD/D-76/260V PB-261 770/2CP MOORE SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PHILADELPHIA PA DEPT OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES NOPAL Processor: Intra-Test Sequencing (ECOM-75-0650-F) AD-A053 315/8CP MOTOROLA INC SCOTTSDALE ARIZ GOVERNMENT ELECTRONICS DIV Surface Wedge Electro-Acoustic Transducers AD-711 982/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, CLEVELAND, OHIO. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER. E-8900 Users' Manual for Computer Program for One- Dimensional Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-29353/8CP NASA-TM-X-3565 Users' Manual for Computer Program for One- Dimensional Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-29353/8CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, GREENBELT, MD. NASA-TM-X-70465 Summary of Attitude Dynamic Analysis for Imp-J Wire Antenna Spacecraft N73-31764/6CP NASA-TM-X-70631 Parabolic Cylinder Antennas. N74-22824/8CP X-732-73-256 Summary of Attitude Dynamic Analysis for Imp-J Wire Antenna Spacecraft N73-31764/6CP X-81 1-73-221 Parabolic Cylinder Antennas. N74-22824/8CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, GREENBELT, MD. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. NASA-TM-X-69467 Digital Computer Simulation of Inductor-Energy- Storage DC-to-DC Converters with Closed-Loop Regulators. N74-26497/9CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER, LANGLEY STATION, VA. N76-10356/3 Phase Modulator. PAT-APPL-617 895/CP N77-14292/5 Phase Modulating with Odd and Even Finite Power Series of a Modulating Signal PATENT-3 996 532 NASA-CASE-LAR -11 607-1 Phase Modulator. PAT-APPL-617 895/CP PAT-APPL-617 895 Phase Modulating with Odd and Even Finite Power Series of a Modulating Signal. PATENT-3 996 532 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, CLEVELAND, OHIO. E-5460 Control of Electronic Circuit Designs for Space Vehicles. N70-33277/CP E-6785 Toroidal Transformer Design Program with Appli- cation to Inverter Circuitry N72-26187/CP E-7244 Digital-Computer Program for Design Analysis of Salient, Wound Pole Alternators N73-21082/CP 109 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX E-8486 Fortran Program for Induction Motor Analysis. N76-20370/2CP E-8839 Computer Program for Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-25372/2CP E-9572 Up-Date of Traveling Wave Tube Improvements. N78-19397/6CP NASA-TM-X-2540 Toroidal Transformer Design Program with Appli- cation to Inverter Circuitry N72-26187/CP NASA-TM-78852 Up-Date of Traveling Wave Tube Improvements. N78-19397/6CP NASA-TN-D-5814 Description and Evaluation of Digital-Computer Program for Analysis of Stationary Outside- Coil Lundell Alternators. N70-28433/CP NASA-TN-O-5920 Control of Electronic Circuit Designs for Space Vehicles. N70-33277/CP NASA-TN-D-7258 Digital-Computer Program for Design Analysis of Salient, Wound Pole Alternators N73-21082/CP NASA-TN-D-8184 Fortran Program for Induction Motor Analysis. N76-20370/2CP NASA-TN-D-8492 Computer Program for Analysis of Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes. N77-25372/2CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LYNDON B.JOHNSON SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON, TEX. JSC-12899 Performance Characteristics of Three-Phase In- duction Motors N77-27309/2CP N77-1 9320/9 Phase Array Antenna Control. PAT-APPL-765 165/CP NASA-CASE-MSC-1 4939-1 Phase Array Antenna Control. PAT-APPL-765 165/CP NASA-TM-74762 Performance Characteristics of Three-Phase In- duction Motors. N77-27309/2CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. NASA-SP-5963(01) Computer Programs: Electronic Circuit Design Criteria: A Compilation N74-10225/2CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, BOULDER, COLO. CRYOGENICS DIV. Helium Research in Support of Superconducting Power Transmission. Annual Report, July 1975— September 1976 CONS/3800-1 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, BOULDER, COLO. ELECTROMAGNETICS DIV. NBS-TN-640 Considerations for the Precise Measurement of Amplifier Noise COM-73-50805/3CP NBS-TN-663 Characterization of a High Frequency Probe As- sembly for Integrated Circuit Measurements COM-75-10376/2CP NBS-TN-672 Time Domain Automatic Network Analyzer for Measurement of RF and Microwave Components PB-247 116/7CP NBSIR-76-844 A Microwave Vector Voltmeter System PB-264 300/5CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, BOULDER, COLO. TIME AND FREQUENCY DIV. NBS-TN-604 Efficient Numerical and Analog Modeling of Flicker Noise Processes COM-71-50317/CP High- NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY DIV. NBS-Special Pub-400-11 Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Basic Program for Calculating Dopant Density Profiles from Capacitance-Voltage Data COM-75-10711/0CP NAVAL ACADEMY ANNAPOLIS MD USNA-TSPR-77 Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors AD-A032 715/5CP NAVAL AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER WARMINSTER PA NADC-75251-20 Roll Plane and Bent Plate Programs. Release No. 1 (DOO/DF-75/003) AD-A019 001 /7CP NADC-75251-20a Roll Plane Computer Program (DOD/DF-7S/003a) AD-A019 000/9CP NADC-75251-20b Bent Plate Computer Program Listing (DOD/DF-75/003b) AD-A018 999/3CP NAVAL AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER, WARMINSTER, PA. AERO-ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY DEPT. NADC-73054-20 Efficiency Study of Electrically Short Frequency Antennas AD-913 866/OCP NADC-75250-20 Computer Programs for Scattering Effects In- vestigation AD-A024 634/8CP NADC-75251-20C Antenna Prediction Computer Programs AD-A024 552/2CP NAVAL AMMUNITION DEPOT CRANE IND Neutron Hardness Assurance for Bipolar Transistors through Determination of Physical Parameters (AFWL-TR-74-327) AD-A019 155/1CP NAVAL AVIONICS FACILITY INDIANAPOLIS IND NAFI-TR-2027 MECA 74 (Multivalued Electronic Circuit Analysis - Version 1974) - A Faster Computer Program for Analyzing Resistive Nonlinear Circuits AD-A014 418/8CP NAVAL ELECTRONICS LAB CENTER SAN DIEGO CALIF NELC/IR-771 Simplified VLF/LF Mode Conversion Program with Allowance for Elevated, Abritrarily Oriented Electric Dipole Antennas AD-A033 412/8CP NELC-TD-340 Millimeter Wave Gunn Amplifier, Diode Charac- terization and Network Optimization AD-787 486/0CP NELC-TD-359 Thin-Wire Modeling Techniques Applied to Anten- na Analysis AD-B000 216/2CP NELC-TD-506 Electromagnetic System Interaction Algorithms (SEMCA, IPM. TRED, and COSAM are Compared with Respect to Modeling Philosophy, Flexibility, Data Base, Noises and Interferences, Interference Threshold Criteria, Attenuation Modeling and An- tenna Coupling, and Printouts) AD-A037 903/2CP NAVAL ORDNANCE LAB., WHITE OAK, MD. NOLTR-70-105 Computer Design of Stripline Components AD-876 732/CP NOLTR-70-185 Correlation of Quantized Guassian Processes AD-718 803/CP NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIF NPS-52AB72061A GRAPHANT: A FORTRAN Program for the Solu- tion and Graphic Display of Gain and Patterns for Wire and Linear Antennas in the Presence of Lossy Ground AD-748 626/CP NPS-52AB74121 Electromagnetic Compatibility Study of Conduct- ing Wires AD-A004 235/8CP NPS-52AB74122 'ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Program, A General Purpose User-Oriented Computer Pro- gram for Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures in the Presence of Finite Ground AD-A004 227/5CP NPS-52KI0061A Computer-Aided Design of Linear Networks in the Frequency Domain. AD-709 064/CP NPS-59-Kk75071 A Method to Predict the Thermal Performance of Printed Circuit Board Mounted Solid State Devices AD-A016 576/1 CP NPS-62AB770801 'ASAP' Antennas-Scatterers Analysis Program: A User-Oriented Thin Wire Antenna Computer Code (Revised) AD-A050 015/7CP Hybrid Mode Analysis of Microstrip on Dielectric and Ferrite Substrate AD-A003 538/6CP Computer Analysis and Design of Electrical Cir- cuits Using the IBM 360/67 and the XDS 9300 Computer and the AGT/10 Display Unit AD-A004 265/5CP Experimental Study of Correlator Filters Not Utilizing a Delay AD-A005 467/6 CP Hybrid Mode Analysis of Coplanar Transmission Lines AD-A013 473/4CP Microstrip Loss AD-A021 789/3CP Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP Theoretical Analysis of a Model for a Field Dis- placement Isolator AD-A030 080/6CP Theory of Operation and Applications of Sampled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Filters AD-A033 698/2CP A Computer Aided Design of Digital Filters AD-A042 288/1 CP Computer-Aided Filter Design. AD-706 007/CP Computer-Aided Netowrk Design by Optimization in the Frequency Domain. AD-706 008/CP Parameter Estimation for the Mathematical Modeling of Semiconductors Using the Ebers- Moll Equations. AD-706 063/CP Application of Display in Flight Vehicle Mission Performance Evaluation. AD-709 057/CP Determining Partition Elements with Feedback Constraints. AD-709 910/CP Investigations of the Miyata Synthesis Technique. AD-709 928/CP Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Junctions. AD-709 929/CP A Study of Digital Filters. AD-710 381/CP Application of Cohn'S Sensitivity Theorem to Time Domain Responses. AD-717 491 /CP Fault Identification Matrix in Linear Networks AD-721 581/CP Fault Isolation Using Frequency Response Techniques AD-721 582/CP An Analysis of Phase-Locked Loops AD-733 202/CP Multifault Isolation in Linear Networks by the Method of Joint Signature AD-741 118/CP A Computer Model for Rapid Solutions and Visual CRT Display of Radiation Patterns for Arbitrarily Orientable Yagi-Uda Arrays Operating over Lossy Ground or in Ship-Ocean Environments AD-751 658/CP 110 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX OHIO STATE UNIV COLUMBUS DEPT OF ELECTRICAL The Effect of Roll and Pitch on Antenna Radiation Patterns AD-754 348/CP IMPATT Diode Amplifier AD-756 520/CP A Computer Technique for Near-Field Analysis of an Ultrasonic Transducer AD-756 537/CP A Symbolic Sensitivity Computation Algorithm AD-756 575/CP Thin Film Pb(0.9)Sn(0.1)Se Photoconductive In- frared Detectors, Metallurgical and Electrical Measurements AD-758 519/CP Computer Solution of Hallen's Equation on Multi- Element Arrays Employing the Two Term Approxi- mate Current Distribution AD-761 471 /CP Feasibility Study of Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te Charge Cou- pled Devices for Infrared Imaging Applications AD-761 473/CP Study of PbTe, PbSnTe, PbSe, PbSnSe, and Ge Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Structures AD-761 510/CP Performance Analysis of Digital Radiometers AD-764 477/CP Slot Line Ferrite Isolator AD-765 668/9CP Study of PbSnTe Single Heterojunction Diodes AD-765 697/8CP An Application of the Piecewise-Sinusoidal Reac- tion Matching Technique to Linear Dipole Anten- nas AD-767 654/7CP An Investigation on the Application of the Method of Partial Images to a Dynamic Problem AD-767 659/6CP The Far Field Analysis of Parallel Plate Luneberg Lenses for Various Feeds AD-769 439/1CP Parallel Coplanar Strips on a Dielectric Substrate AD-772 882/7CP Correlation Functions Using Laguerre Type Cir- cuits AD-775 024/3CP Nonlinear Computer Models of Field-Effect Transistors AD-873 830/CP NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON D C NRL-MR-2458 Computer Plots of Attenuation in Standard Rectangular Waveguides AD-746 108/CP NRL-MR-2517 A FORTRAN Subroutine for Plotting a Smith Chart AD-751 019/CP NRL-MR-2603 Coupler Test Program CPL1 for Use with a HP (Hewlett Packard) Automatic Network Analyzer AD-764 046/CP NRL-MR-2675 Phase Shifter Test Programs for Use with an HP. Automatic Network Analyzer AD-770 120/4CP NRL-MR-2744 FFT Doppler Filter Performance Computations AD-777 722/OCP NRL-MR-2808 Analysis of Discrete Pulse Forming Networks Driving Non-Linear Flash Lamp Loads AD-782 399/OCP NRL-MR-3483 Focusing Characteristics of Symmetrically Con- figured Bootlace Lenses AD-A039 843/8CP NRL-7745 Microstrip Design Procedure for L-Band Transistor Power Amplifiers AD-783 039/1 CP NRL-7749 Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Impedances and Far-Field Pressures of Free-Flooded Ring Transducers AD-782 351/1CP NRL-7810 Analysis of Electrical Characteristics of Edge- Coupled Microstrip Lines with a Dielectric Overlay AD-A001 306/OCP NRL-7826 Computer Analysis of Conformal Phase Arrays AD-A002 732/6CP NRL-7937 Some Comments on Power Combiner/Switch Matrices AD-A018 697/3CP NRL-7964 Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Per- formance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP NRL-8009 Computer-Aided Analysis of Dissipation Losses in Isolated and Coupled Transmission Lines for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated-Circuit Applications AD-A029 211/OCP NRL-8105 TE-Mode Solutions for Dielectric Slab Center Loaded Ridged Waveguide AD-A039 965/9CP NRL-8188 Reflective Butler Matrices AD-A053 357/OCP NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER WHITE OAK LAB SILVER SPRING MD NSWC/WOL/TR-75-3 Design of a Varactor Tuned Gunn Oscillator Using Microstrip Circuitry AD-A023 287/6CP NSWC/WOL/TR-75-51 Analysis of Two Low Q Active Filter Circuits AD-A023 899/8CP NSWC/WOL/TR-76-37 Computer Aided Wire Wrapping of Integrated Cir- cuit Boards AD-A044 394/5CP NAVAL UNDERSEA CENTER SAN DIEGO CALIF NUC-TP-517 LOLA User's Manual AD-A026 102/4CP NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER NEW LONDON CONN NEW LONDON LAB NUSC/NL-4011 Analysis and Computer Program for Temperature Distribution in a Hollow Cylindrical Ceramic Transducer Element AD-721 678/CP NUSC-TR-4461 Thermal Analysis Using the Chrysler Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer for Third- Generation Computers (CINDA-3G) Program AD-767 023/5CP NUSC-TR-4629 A General Method and FORTRAN Program for the Design of Recursive Digital Filters AD-769 211/4CP NUSC-TR-4631 Machine for Information Display and Simulation (MIDAS) AD-914 142/5CP NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER NEWPORT R I NUSC-TR-4317 An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hydrophone Sensitivity (CPG-73-0041) AD-754 099/CP NAVAL WEAPONS CENTER CHINA LAKE CALIF NWC-TP-5843 Numerical Method for Determination of Microstrip Interdigitated Coupler Design Parameters AD-A024 028/3CP NAVAL WEAPONS LAB DAHLGREN VA NWL-TR-2812 Stereo Antenna Patterns from Principal Plane Patterns AD-754 782/CP NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV., LAS CRUCES. PHYSICAL SCIENCE LAB. NASA-CR-141871 Antenna and Radome Loss Measurements for Mfmr and Pmis with Appendix on Mfmr/Pmis Computer Programs. N75-26202/2CP PA-00817 Antenna and Radome Loss Measurements for Mfmr and Pmis with Appendix on Mfmr/Pmis Computer Programs. N75-26202/2CP NEW MEXICO UNIV ALBUQUERQUE BUREAU OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH EE-187(71)ONR-005 CAFA: A Computer-Aided Curve-Fit and Analysis Program AD-735 946/CP EE-193(71)ONR-005 The Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of Metal-lnsulator-Semiconductor Devices for Radia- tion Vulnerability Studies AD-735 947/CP EE-199(72)ONR-005 A Radiation Effects Research Program AD-752 561/CP EE-203(73)ONR-005 Investigations of Metal-Buried Silicide-Silicon Structures and Metal-Titanium Oxide-Silicon Structures AD-760 009/CP NEW MEXICO UNIV ALBUQUERQUE OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Radiation from Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Fed Aperture Antennas (AFWL-TR-71-1 10) AD-731 292/CP NORTH HILLS ASSOCIATES GLEN COVE N Y Research Program on Multi Dimensional Matrix Addressing Techniques AD-774 143/2CP NORTHROP RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER HAWTHORNE CALIF NRTC-72-6R Evaluation of Semiconductor Device Analysis Using the Net-2 Computer Program (HDL-065-f; AD-758 883/CP OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TENN. Computer Program to Calculate Composite Con- ductor Losses in Pulsed Poloidal Coil Systems CONF-760829-6 OCEAN TECHNOLOGY INC BURBANK CALIF C1003-Vol-2 Development of Graphic Area Displays for ASW Attack Management Simulator. Volume II AD-747 691/CP OFFICE NATIONAL D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES AEROSPATIALES, PARIS (FRANCE). ONERA-NT-1976-13 Modelization of Quartz Oscillators. N77-25432/4CP OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS BOULDER COLO OT-77-133 Operational and Cost Considerations in the Use of Optical Waveguides in a Local Information Transfer System AD-A053 600/3CP OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, BOULDER, COLO. INST. FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SCIENCES. OTR-77-126 A Program Description of Orbit - Prints'; Con- tours of Power Density at the Geostationary Orbit PB-271 815/3CP A Numerical Method for Generating Earth Coverage Footprints from Geostationary Antennas (USPS- 1 702- 11 2) PB-252 688/7CP OHIO STATE UNIV., COLUMBUS. ESL-2902-18 Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Dipoles. N74-29572/6CP NASA-CR-138310 Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Dipoles. N74-29572/6CP OHIO STATE UNIV COLUMBUS DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4381-1 A GTD Analysis of the Circular Reflector Antenna Including Feed and Strut Scatter (RADC-TR-77-259) AD-A043 400/1 CP Networks of Two-Input One-Output Flexible Cells - A Study of Logical Properties and Techniques for Learning Realizable Functions (AFOSR-TR-74 -01 T6) AD-773 777/8CP 111 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX OHIO STATE UNIV COLUMBUS ELECTROSCIENCE LAB ESL-2142-12 Memorandum on the Radiation Patterns of a Slot Asymmetrically Located on a Square Plate AD-762 056/CP ESL-2902-19 Computer Program tor Thin Wire Antenna over a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane. N74-34603/2CP ESL-3001-7 Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Rectangular Cylinder Which Is Illuminated by an Array of Line Sources. N74-28706/1CP ESL-3622-6 Plane Wave Expansion for Arrays of Dipoles or Slots in Presence of Dielectric Slabs (AFAL-TR-76-53) AD-A031 757/8CP ESL-3824-1 The Development of a Multiturn Loop Antenna for the AN/PRC-77 AD-A006 929/4CP ESL-4091-3 A Moment Method Technique for Probe-Fed Cavi- ty-Backed Slot Antennas AD-A025 718/8CP ESL-784575-1 Pattern Prediction of Wire Antennas on Satellite Structures AD-A048 654/8CP NASA-CR-2245 An Integral-Equation Solution for TE Radiation and Scattering from Conducting Cylinders N73-20187/CP NASA-CR-2405 Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Rectangular Cylinder Which Is Illuminated by an Array of Line Sources. N74-28706/1CP NASA-CR-140622 Computer Program for Thin Wire Antenna over a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane. N74-34603/2CP NASA-CR-144716 Noise Performance of Very Large Antenna Arrays. N76-15333/7CP TR-2902-7 An Integral-Equation Solution for TE Radiation and Scattering from Conducting Cylinders N73-20187/CP TR-3931-1 Noise Performance of Very Large Antenna Arrays. N76-15333/7CP An Investigation of the Effects of a Lossy Earth on Antenna Patterns at VHF (HDL-3281-1) AD-754 637/CP Analysis and Design of Special Antenna Configu- rations (BRL-CR-81) AD-756 470/CP OHIO STATE UNIV RESEARCH FOUNDATION COLUMBUS Antenna Mathematical Modeling (GTD) (RADC-TR-76-107) AD-A025 259/3CP GTD-AMP Computer Program Description. User's Manual (RADC-TR-76-23) AD-A031 108/4CP OLD DOMINION UNIV., NORFOLK, VA. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-1 44889 Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 1: Theory Manual. N76-13798/3CP NASA-CR-144890 Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 2: User's Manual. N76-13799/ICP NASA-CR-144891 Sticap: A Linear Circuit Analysis Program with Stiff Systems Capability. Volume 3: systems. N76-13800/7CP PACIFIC MISSILE RANGE POINT MUGU CALIF PMR-TP-71-3 A High-Frequency Amplifier Synthesis Program. LINVIL Computer FORTRAN IV Program Performs Necessary Computations Plus Graphic Output AD-724 290/CP PMR-TP-72-6 An Investigation of Synthetic Inductors AD-749 685/CP PATTERN ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION CORP ROME N Y PAR-76-30 Interactive Digital Receiver Simulator (IDRS) System User's Manual and Software Documenta- tion (RADC-TR-78-44) AD-A053 684/7CP PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK ORDNANCE RESEARCH LAB TM-72-231 Adaptive High O Notch Filter AD-759 031/CP PHYSICS LAB. RVO-TNO, THE HAGUE (NETHERLANDS). MICROWAVES DEPT. PHL-1 975-04 A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. N75-33328/6CP TDCK-66014 A General Method for Calculating the Charac- teristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines. N75-33328/6CP PICATINNY ARSENAL DOVER N J User's Manual for PCBOARD AD-A010 313/5CP POLYTECHNIC INST OF BROOKLYN FARMINGDALE N Y PIBEP-73-128 Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies (RADC-TR-73-187) AD-764 367/CP POLYTECHNIC INST OF NEW YORK BROOKLYN DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTROPHYSICS PINY-EE/EP-74-004 Integrated Circuit Reliability Prediction and Com- plexity Models AD-781 330/6CP PINY-EER-103 Integrated Circuit Reliability Prediction and Com- plexity Models AD-781 330/6CP POLYTECHNIC INST OF NEW YORK BROOKLYN MICROWAVE RESEARCH INST POLY-MRI-452. 42-77 Progress Report No. 42, 15 September 1976 - 14 September 1977, to the Joint Services Technical Advisory Committee AD-A050 265/8CP PRINCETON UNIV N J SOLID STATE AND MATERIALS LAB 1256-AMS A Computer Program to Calculate Surface State Densities and Lateral Nonuniformities in Metal- Oxide-Semiconductor Devices AD-A019 438/1CP PSSL-221275 A Computer Program to Calculate Surface State Densities and Lateral Nonuniformities in Metal- Oxide-Semiconductor Devices AD-A019 438/1CP PURDUE UNIV LAFAYETTE IND SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Scientific-1 Influence of Horizontal Ground Wires on Low Angle Radiation from HF Antennas (RADC-TR-77-171) AD-A042 758/3CP Short-Pulse Switches for Airborne High-Power Supplies (AFAPL-TR-73-81) AD-772 815/7CP R AND D ASSOCIATES MARINA DEL REY CALIF RDA-TR-9000-001 Linear and Non-Linear EMP Diffusion Through a Ferromagnetic Conducting Slab AD-A021 452/8CP RAYTHEON CO BEDFORD MASS MISSILE SYSTEMS OIV BR-9389 Synthesis of Plane Stratified Dielectric Slab Spa- tial Filters Using Numerical Optimization Techniques (RADC-TR-76-408) AD-A037 960/2CP BR-9674 Design and Analysis of Bifurcated Twin Dielectric Slab Loaded Rectangular Waveguide. Dual Frequency Array Elements (RADC-TR-77-160) AD-A041 321 /1CP RAYTHEON CO WALTHAM MASS RESEARCH DIV S-1524 Analysis of Interdigital Transducers for Acoustic Surface Wave Devices (AFCRL-TR-73-0030) AD-757 485/CP RCA ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LABS CAMDEN N J Millimeter Wave Phase Shifter (ECOM-0168-0168-F) AD-762 572/CP Approaches to Custom LSI (AFAL-TR-73-17) AD-910 226/OCP RCA LABS., PRINCETON, N.J. NASA-CR-149981 Design, Processing, and Testing of Lsi Arrays for Space Station. N76-30448/4CP PRRL-76-CR-17 Design, Processing, and Testing of Lsi Arrays for Space Station. N76-30448/4CP RHODE ISLAND UNIV KINGSTON DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING URI-EE-4044/3 A Description of the FORTRAN Program 'Filters' AD-768 872/4CP ROCHESTER UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Elastic Surface Waves in the Presence of a Fluid Layer (RADC-TR-74-125) AD-782 419/6CP ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA COLLINS RADIO GROUP High Stability Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator Study (ECOM-73-0137-3) AD-A022 702/5CP ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORP ANAHEIM CALIF ELECTRONICS RESEARCH DIV C73-369/501 Programmable Acoustic Signal Processing Devices (ECOM-73-0106-F) AD-A013 419/7CP ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORP LOS ANGELES CALIF LOS ANGELES AIRCRAFT DIV NA-73-723-2 A Study of the Influences of Solid-State Electrical Distribution on Aircraft Power Generation (AFAPL-TR-73- 109-Supp-1) AD-772 771 /2CP ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER, GRIFFISS AFB, N.Y. RADC-TR-70-14 Computerized RADC (GE/645/TSS/Basic) AD-867-379/CP RADC-TR-75-253 Reliability Growth Study AD-A023 926/9CP RADC-TR-76-295 The Complete Electromagnetic Fields in the Focal Region of a Paraboloidal Reflector AD-A035 052/OCP RADC-TR-76-397 Effect of CW-396A Radome on the Radiation Pat- tern of Rectangular Antennas AD-A036 960/3 CP RADC-TR-77-49 Implementation of Operational Procedures for Optimized Reliability and Component Life Estima- tor (ORACLE) AD-A039 344/7CP RADC-TR-77-123 A Time Domain Program for Wire Antenna Analy- sis AD-A039 509/5CP RADC-TR-77-257 Ultra-Flat UHF Delay Line Modules AD-A046 232/5CP FAA Lightning Protection Study: Lightning In- duced Transients on Buried Shielded Cables: Nu- merical Analysis and Results (FAA/RD-77-83) AD-A041 319/5CP ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT, FARNBOROUGH (ENGLAND). BR39351 Small Transformer Design by Computer. N74-28548/7CP Reliability Notebook 112 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX SYRACUSE UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER BR42762 Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters. N75-20625/0CP RAE-TR-70014 Synthesis of Active Pulse Filters. N70-37184/CP RAE-TR-73155 Small Transformer Design by Computer (DRIC-BR-39351) AD-779 896/OCP RAE-TR-73155 Small Transformer Design by Computer. N74-28548/7CP RAE-TR-74068 Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters (DRIC-BR-42762) AD-A002 335/8CP RAE-TR-74068 Notes on the Design of Microstrip and Stripline Bandpass Filters. N75-20625/0CP ROYAL INST. OF TECH., STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN). DIV. OF ELECTRON PHYSICS. TRITA-EPP-71-06 Computer Program for Calculation of Electrical Parameters in Cavity Resonators with Cylindrical Symmetry N72-13158/CP ROYAL SIGNALS AND RADAR ESTABLISHMENT CHRISTCHURCH (ENGLAND) RSRE-77014 Wiregrid Program for Antenna Modelling Includ- ing Sinusoidal Interpolation of Current (DRIC-BR-58801) AD-A049 571/3CP SACLANT ASW RESEARCH CENTRE LA SPEZIA (ITALY) SACLANTCEN-TM-167 A Description of Some Recursive Digital Filters AD-728 979/CP SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX. CONF-730529-4 Simulation of Relativistic Electron Beam Diodes SLA-73-5419 CONF-730925-2 Computer Generated Visual Documentation of Theoretical Store Separation Analyses SLA-73-5309 CONF-760609-7 Design Rule Checking and Analysis of IV Mask Designs SAND-75-6192 CONF-770705-1 Integrated Set of Computer Aids for Custom IC Design SAND-76-9216 CONF-771104-2 Architecture for Contemporary Computer Aids to Generate IC Mask Layouts SAND-77-1254C SALSIM: A Language for Control of Digital Logic Simulation CONF-771 104-1 EBW1 : A Computer Code for the Prediction of the Behavior of Electrical Circuits Containing Explod- ing Wire Elements. SAND-75-0041 Opsnap: A Users' Manual SAND-75-0279 TA533 Function Matrix and Status Interface Test Program SAND-75-0613 Schematic Definition Language (SDL) SAND-75-0620A SAW Devices: Description and Computer Models SAND-76-0017 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 Users Manual for the Sandia Microcircuit Mask Generation Program SC-DR-710831 Computer Catalog for Electronic Components SC-DR-720816 Devlib: A Pdp-10 Semiconductor Device Library Program SLA-73-133 Computer Codes for Power Amplifier Design SLA-73-153 Cable Development Status Computer Program SLA-73-561 User's Guide to a Computerized sa Resistor Catalog (Resis) SLA-73-661 Gain: An Interactive Graphics Interface for Circuit Analysis Programs SLA-73-670 SANDIA LABS., LIVERMORE, CALIF. (USA). Two Computer Programs for the Sensitivity Analy- sis of Higher Order Filters SLL-73-225 SANDIA LABS., TONOPAH, NEV. (USA). Ticon: The Tonopah Test Range Timing and Con- trol System SC-DR-720718 SCHJELDAHL (G T) CO NORTHFIELD MINN SER-0088 Feasibility Studies of Mosaic Near-Infrared Image Conversion Panels AD-723 524/CP Feasibility Studies of Multispectral Mosaic Image Conversion Panels AD-745 757/CP Feasibility Studies of Gray Scale Image Storage with Electroluminescent/Photoconductor Image Conversion Panels AD-745 758/CP SIGNATRON INC LEXINGTON MASS Electronic Device Modeling (RADC-TR-73-407) AD-776 091/1CP SPERRY RAND CORP GAINESVILLE FLA SPERRY MICROWAVE COMPONENTS DIV NJ-2761-0383 Microwave Integrated Circuit Steerable Polarizer (RADC-TR-74-230) AD-787 868/9CP SPERRY RAND RESEARCH CENTER, SUDBURY, MASS. SRRC-CR-66-40 Transient Behavior of Radiating Elements (RADC-TR-66-790) AD-812 886/CP STANFORD RESEARCH INST MENLO PARK CALIF Transmission Line Models for Use with Com- puter-Aided Circuit Analysis Codes (AFWL-TR-72-178) AD-754 964/CP STANFORD RESEARCH INST., MENLO PARK, CALIF. ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNIQUES LAB. NASA-CR-131399 Avalanche-Diode Oscillator Circuit with Tuning at Multiple Frequencies N73-20258/CP STANFORD UNIV CALIF DIGITAL SYSTEMS LAB DSL-TR-143 SPRINT - An Interactive System for Printed Circuit Board Design User's Guide AD-A045 653/3CP STANFORD UNIV CALIF EDWARD L GINZTON LAB GL-2523 Acousto-Optic Interactions AD-A028 734/2CP STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. MICROWAVE LAB. ML-1535 Microwave Propagation in Periodic Ferrite Struc- tures (RADC-TR-67-377) AD-819 850/CP STANFORO UNIV CALIF STANFORO ELECTRONICS LABS SU-SEL-71-018 A Study of Subharmonic Response in Nonlinear System Models AD-723 216/CP SU-SEL-73-008 Computer-Generated Loci on Smith Charts to Aid Amplifier Design AD-759 701/CP TR-4825-7 Computer-Generated Loci on Smith Charts to Aid Amplifier Design AD-759 701/CP TR-6657-3 A Study of Subharmonic Response in Nonlinear System Models AD-723 216/CP STEWART RESEARCH ENTERPRISES LOS ALTOS CALIF Circuit and Radiation Effects Analysis by Iterated Propagation of Bivanable Response Functions (AFWL-TR-72-76) AD-754 263/CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y Antenna Select Computer Program (ANTSEL) (RADC-TR-77-32) AD-A036 737/5CP System Modularization to Minimize Life Cycle Costs (RADC-TR-77-13) AD-A036 868/8CP Point Source Radiation Pattern Synthesis by Iterative Techniques (RADC-TR-77-33) AD-A038 790/2CP Antenna Pattern Synthesis Computer Program (RADC-TR-77-37) AD-A039 188/8CP Experimental Validation of the Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program {VHF Antenna) (RADC-TR-77-374) AD-A049 740/4CP Design of Skewed Isophasors of Electromagnetic Emitters (RADC-TR-77-423) AD-A050 753/3CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program (RADC-TR-73-230) AD-767 906/1CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING ATR-74-6 Reactively Loaded Directive Antennas AD-A001 105/6CP Scientific-1 Special Programs for Analysis of Radiation by Wire Antennas (AFCRL-TR-0399-73) AD-766 252/1CP Scientific-3 Analysis of Radiation by Linear Arrays of Parallel Horizontal Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground (AFCRL-TR-74-0S38) AD-A004 131 /9CP Scientific-3 Computer Programs for Antenna Pattern Synthes- is (AFCRL-TR-73-0654) AD-772 714/2CP Scientific-4 Programs for Analysis of Radiation by Linear Ar- rays of Vertical Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground (AFCRL-TR-74-0042) AD-777 887/1CP Scientific-6 Analysis of Radiation by Wire Antennas over Im- perfect Ground (AFCRL-TR-75-0337) AD-A014 848/6CP Scientific-1 1 A Computer program for Radiation from Arbitrari- ly Oriented Wire Antennas over Imperfect Ground (RADC-TR-76-136) AD-A025 457/3CP Scientific-14 A Program for Computing Near Fields of Thin Wire Antennas (AFCRL-71-0463) AD-731 178/CP Scientific-1 5 Improved Programs for Analysis of Radiation and Scattering by Configurations of Arbitrarily Bent Thin Wires (AFCRL-72-0051) AD-739 203/CP TR-1 Reactively Loaded Directive Antennas AD-A001 105/6CP TR-3 A Reactively Loaded Aperture Antenna Array AD-A031 784/2CP TR-4 Design of Reactively Controlled Antenna Arrays AD-A015 675/2CP TR-5 A Solution for a Wide Aperture Reactively Loaded Antenna Array AD-A035 902/6CP 113 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX TR-75-10 Design of Reactively Controlled Antenna Arrays AD-A015 675/2CP TR-76-10 A Reactively Loaded Aperture Antenna Array AD-A031 784/2CP TR-77-1 A Solution for a Wide Aperture Reactively Loaded Antenna Array AD-A035 902/6CP TR-77-6 Pattern Magnitude Synthesis for a Reactively Loaded Circular Antenna Array AD-A043 804/4CP Method of Moments Applications. Volume VI. Matrix Methods for Static Microstrip (RADC-TR-73-21 7-Vol-6) AD-A009 637/OCP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regu- lations. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Dipoles (RADC-TR-76-241-Pt-2) AD-A032 131/5CP Applications of Matrix Methods to Radiation and Scattering Systems (RADC-TR-76-306) AD-A032 686/8CP Antenna Pattern Distortion Computer Program (RADC-TR-77-35) AD-A038 142/6CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Scientific-7 Computer Programs for Radiation and Scattering by Arbitrary Configurations of Bent Wires. (AFCRL-70-0374) AD-713 156/CP TR-70-3 The Computation of the Frequencies and Fields of a Cavity Resonator Containing a Mag- netoplasma Dielectric. (AFOSR-70-08S2TR) AD-705 248/CP SYRACUSE UNIV NY OEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER SCIENCE A Minimum Boundary Condition Error Algorithm for Thin Wire Radiation and Scattering Problems (RADC-TR-77-278) AD-A044 758/1CP SYRACUSE UNIV RESEARCH CORP N Y SURC-TR-71-169 HF Antenna Program AD-731 406/CP SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SOFTWARE, LA JOLLA, CALIF. NASA-CR-135256 A Three Dimensional Dynamic Study of Electro- static Charging in Materials. N78-13328/7CP NASA-CR-135259 Nascap User's Manual. N78-13329/5CP SSS-R-72-1410 The Dynamic Response of a Semiconductor Con- figuration to Electron Loading (HDL-003-3) AD-763 943/CP SSS-R-77-3367 A Three Dimensional Dynamic Study of Electro- static Charging in Materials. N78-13328/7CP SSS-R-77-3368 Nascap User's Manual. N78-13329/5CP TECHNICAL UNIV. OF DENMARK, LYNGBY. LAB. OF ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. D-82 Laboratory of Electromagnetic Theory of the Technical University of Denmark Annual Report, 1967-1968. N70-26441/CP R-74 Admittance of a Thick Antenna Procedure and Results N71-21053/CP R81 Backfire Antennas (AFCRL-70-0662) AD-719 879/CP Numerical TECHNISCHE HOGESCHOOL, EINDHOVEN (NETHERLANDS). Optimization of Small AC Series Commutator Mo- tors N72-15208/CP TECHNISCHE UNIV., BERLIN (WEST GERMANY). Eddy Current Distribution in Parallel Conductors . Wirbelstromverteilung in Parallelen Leitern N72-20230/CP TECHNISCHE UNIV., BERLIN (WEST GERMANY). FAKULTAET FUER ELEKTROTECHNIK. The Behavior of Plane Space Discharge Diode with Maxwellian Velocity Distribution in the Alter- nating- and Noise-Regimes of the Propagation Time N71-31451/CP TECHNOLOGY FOR COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. NASA-CR-113112 Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Charac- teristics on the Rae Satellite, Part 1 Final Report. N70-37959/CP TCI-2236-PT-1 Theoretical Analysis of Dipole Antenna Charac- teristics on the Rae Satellite, Part 1 Final Report. N70-37959/CP TECHNOLOGY SERVICE CORP SANTA MONICA CALIF TSC-PD-067-21 Revision to the Frequency Tracking and Estima- tion Program (Phase-Locked Loop) AD-780 461 /OCP Adaptive Processing Experiment (APE) Phase II (RADC-TR-76-130) AD-A027 071 /OCP TECHNOVATORS, SILVER SPRING, MD. NASA-CR-144663 Ouasi-lsotropic VHF Antenna Array Design Study for the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. N75-31343/7CP TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV COOKEVILLE DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING An Adaptive Transmitting Array to Maximize Power Flow in a Specific Direction AD-768 214/9CP TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV COOKEVILLE DEPT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE TTU-ES-74-3 Rain Impact Damage to Supersonic Radomes (RL-75-5) AD-A007 157/1CP TEXAS A AND M UNIV COLLEGE STATION DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Reliability Analysis of a Parallel-Standby System AD-739 477/CP TEXAS TECH UNIV LUBBOCK DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Rational Fault Analysis AD-A040 223/0CP Optimum Filter Modeling of Integrated Circuits (AFWL-TR-72-121) AD-782 095/4CP TEXAS UNIV AUSTIN ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER TR-100 Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves from a Flanged Waveguide (AFOSR-70-2874TR) AD-718 407/CP THERMAL TECHNOLOGY LAB INC BUFFALO N Y Development of Lightweight Transformers for Air- borne High Power Supplies. Volume II (AFAPL-TR-75-15-Vol-2) AD-A018 546/2CP THOMSON-CSF, PARIS (FRANCE). D.I.B./S.C.A.S. SCAS-74.675 Test and Simulation of Large Scale Integrated Circuits, Part 1 Outil pour la Simulation et le Test des Circuits Integres a Grande Echelle, 1ERE Partie. N76-20859/4CP TICRA A/S, LYNGBY (DENMARK). ESA-CR(P)-916-V-2 Snift - Computer Program for Spherical Near- Field Far-Field Technique, Volume 2. N77-23328/6CP ESA-CR(P)-939 Computer Programs for General Reflector Anten- na Systems and Spherical Wave Expansion. N77-30382/4CP S-45-03-V-2 Snift - Computer Program for Spherical Near- Field Far-Field Technique, Volume 2. N77-23328/6CP S-56-02 Computer Programs for General Reflector Anten- na Systems and Spherical Wave Expansion. N77-30382/4CP TRW SYSTEMS GROUP, REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. NASA-CR-1 47450 User's Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 2 of Program Documentation. N76-18228/6CP TRW-25990-H036-RO-00-V-2 User'S Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 2 of Program Documentation. N76-18228/6CP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume I (AFWL-TR-73-51-Vol-1) AD-764 809/OCP Automatic Transfer Characteristics Modeling Pro- gram (SYNAP). Volume II. SYNAP User's Manual (AFWL-TR-73-5 1 -Vol-2) AD-765 337/1 CP TRW SYSTEMS GROUP, REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. ELECTRICAL POWER SECTION. NASA-CR-147451 Program Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 1 of Program Documentation. N76-18230/2CP TRW-25990-H040-R0-00-V-1 Program Manual for the Shuttle Electric Power System Analysis Computer Program (Seps), Volume 1 of Program Documentation. N76-18230/2CP TRW SYSTEMS GROUP REDONDO BEACH CALIF NUCLEAR SURVIVABILITY DEPT Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume I (AFWL-TR-73-256-VOI-1) AD-A033 592/7CP Nonelectrical Languages Simulation Module (NELSIM). Volume II (AFWL-TR-73-256-Vol-2) AD-A033 606/5CP UKAEA WEAPONS GROUP, ALDERMASTON. ATOMIC WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. Plotem 2: A Fortran Program That Computes the Temperature Distribution Across a Thin, Rectan- gular Microcircuit Which Is Cooled by Conduction to Heat Sinking Edges and by Convection. AWRE-O-30/75 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA TAMPA SCEPTRE Translator Feasibility Study AD-755 166/CP UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA TAMPA DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS A Survey of Computer-Aided-Design and Analysis Programs (AFAPL-TR-76-33) AD-A026 567/8CP UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA TAMPA DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Digital, and Control Systems. Revision I AO-A011 348/OCP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems AD-782 251 /3CP SUPER-SCEPTRE. User's Manual. A Program for the Analysis of Electrical, Mechanical, Logic and Control Systems. Chapters V and VI AD-787 522/2CP VARIAN ASSOCIATES BEVERLY MASS CFA Design Improvement Program AD-A024 065/5CP VARIAN ASSOCIATES PALO ALTO CALIF Transmitter Tube for Troposcatter Application (ECOM-0228-F -70) AD-765 517/8CP VARIAN ASSOCIATES PALO ALTO CALIF LIGHT SENSING AND EMITTING DIV High Speed 1.06 Micron Photomultiplier Tubes (AFAL-TR-73-401) AD-920 001/5CP 114 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., PITTSBURGH, PA. FUSION VERMONT UNIV BURLINGTON DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Time Domain Aperture Antenna Study. Volume II (RADC-TR-74-2S4-Vol-2) AO-A002 144/4CP VIRGINIA UNIV CHARLOTTESVILLE RESEARCH LABS FOR THE ENGINEERING SCIENCES EE-3390-101-70U Towards a Completely Automatic Layout Designer AD-723 064/CP WATERLOO UNIV. (ONTARIO). DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. UWEE/75-4 Analysis of Errors in Piecewise Linear Network Computations. N76-33898/7CP WATKINS-JOHNSON CO PALO ALTO CALIF Pyrolytic Boron Nitride as a Dielectric Substrate Material for Microwave Intergrated Circuits AD-A038 627/6CP WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, ADELAIDE (AUSTRALIA). WRE-TN-PAD-167 Design of Chebyshev Passband Filters Approxi- mating a Given Attenuation Characteristic in the Stopband. N70-30099/CP WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, SALISBURY (AUSTRALIA). WRE-TN-ECD-55 Transformer Designs by Computer Programmes. N70-26353/CP WRE-TN-ED-178 Analysis of Large Dipole Arrays by Digital Com- puter. N70-33528/CP WRE-TN-ED-193 A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF LOW PASS FILTERS WITH UNIFORM OR SEMIU- NIFORM DISSIPATION N71-19172/CP WRE-TN-TSD-36 Recursive Digital Filtering with Zero Phase Shift. N70-36972/CP WEST VIRGINIA UNIV., MORGANTOWN. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Evaluation of In-Mine Grounding System and Codification of Ground Bed Construction and Measurement Techniques (BuMines-OFR-20-77) PB-263 119/OCP WEST VIRGINIA UNIV., MORGANTOWN. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. Mine Grounding Systems: Evaluation of Ground Beds and Ground-Bed Monitors and Evaluation of Modular Ground-Wire Monitor (BuMines-OFR-1 22-77) PB-270 900/4CP WESTINGHOUSE DEFENSE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS CENTER BALTIMORE MD F-4E Avionics Update (AFAL-TR-77-91 ) AD-A047 949/3CP Analysis of the Performance of Image Glide Slope Antenna in the Presence of Truncated Ground (FAA-RD-78-43) AD-A054 415/5CP WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., PITTSBURGH, PA. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER. Controlled Impedance Short Circuit Limiter. Research Report 654 EPRI-EL-537 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., PITTSBURGH, PA. FUSION POWER SYSTEMS DEPT. Six Phase Rectifier Digital Computer Simulation WFPS-TME-009 Structural Analysis Methods and Design Solutions for Ohmic Heating Solenoids WFPS-TME-045 115 MAIL ORDER TO: NT1S National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Springfield, Va. 22161 (703) 557^4650 TELEX 89-9405 For DDC Users Only DDC User Code Contract Number (last 6 characters only) Treasury Agency Location Code For Government Users (who report on SF-224) (8 digit) □ Date PURCHASER: Telephone: SHIP TO: (Enter if different from address at left) Name Organization Address City, State, ZIP Attention: METHOD OF PAYMENT ~\ Charge my NTIS deposit account no. [~] Purchase order no. fj Check enclosed for $ ] Ship & Bill. See reverse (not applicable outside North America). Q Charge to my American Express Card account number Card expiration date Signature Order Options Normal delivery time takes three to five weeks. It is vital that you order by number or your order will be manually filled, in- suring a delay. 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