css.yMNIAFS QSKt-W NOAA TR NMFS CIRC-369 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION T NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-369 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service SEATTLE, WA November 1972 Field Guide to the Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) in the Western Atlantic HENRY A. FEDDERN NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quan- tity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, develop- ment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyses, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC series continues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publica- tions that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in economics studies and from management investigations appear in the Circular series. NOAA Technical Reports NMFS CIRC are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the ma- rine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from NOAA Publications Section, Rock- ville, Md. 20852. Recent Circulars are: 315. Synopsis of biological data on the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792. By Rich- ard G. Bakkala. March 1970, iii + 89 pp., 15 figs., 51 tables. 319. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan. By Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. March 1970, 8 pp., 7 figs. 330. EASTROPAC Atlas: Vols. 4, 2. Catalog No. 1 49.4:330/ (vol.) 11 vols. ($4.75 each). Avail- able from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402. 331. Guidelines for the processing of hot-smoked chub. By H. L. Seagran, J. T. Graikoski, and J. A. Emerson. January 1970, iv + 23 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. 332. Pacific hake. (12 articles by 20 authors.) March 1970, iii + 152 pp., 72 figs., 47 tables. 333. Recommended practices for vessel sanitation and fish handling. By Edgar W. Bowman and Alfred Larsen. March 1970, iv + 27 pp., 6 figs. 335. Progress report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Center for Estuarine and Menhaden Research, Pesticide Field Station, Gulf Breeze, Fla., fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 33 pp., 29 figs., 12 tables. 336. The northern fur seal. By Ralph C. Baker, Ford Wilke, and C. Howard Baltzo. April 1970, iii + 19 pp., 13 figs. 337. Program of Division of Economic Research, Bureau of Commerecial Fisheries, fiscal year 1969. By Division of Economic Research. April 1970, iii + 29 pp., 12 figs., 7 tables. 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Lab- oratory, Auke Bay, Alaska. By Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 6 figs. 339. Salmon research at Ice Harbor Dam. By Wesley J. Ebel. April 1970, 6 pp., 4 figs. 340. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Technological Laboratory, Gloucester, Massachusetts. By Bu- reau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 8 figs. 341. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. By the Lab- oratory staff. August 1970, iii + 24 pp., 11 figs., 16 tables. 342. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 22 pp., 20 figs., 8 tables. 343. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 39 pp., 28 figs., 9 tables. 344. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Tropical Atlan- tic Biological Laboratory progress in research 1965-69, Miami, Florida. By Ann Weeks. Oc- tober 1970, iv + 65 pp., 53 figs. 346. Sportsman's guide to handling, smoking, and pre- serving Great Lakes coho salmon. By Shearon Dudley, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran, and Paul M. Earl. September 1970, iii + 28 pp., 15 figs. 347. Synopsis of biological data on Pacific ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus. By Richard L. Major and Herbert H. Shippen. December 1970, iii + 38 pp., 31 figs., 11 tables. Continued on inside back cover. ,U0 ATMOSp^ ''Went of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Peter G. Peterson, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Philip M. Roedel, Director NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-369 Field Guide to the Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) in the Western Atlantic HENRY A. FEDDERN ■ o o SEATTLE, WA November 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 25 cents The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Key to the western Atlantic angelfishes 2 Pomacanthus arcuatus (Linnaeus, 1758) 7 Pomacanthus paru (Bloch, 1787) 7 Holacanthus bermudensis (Goode, 1876) 8 Holacanthus ciliaris (Linnaeus, 1758) 8 Holacanthus tricolor (Bloch, 1795) 8 C entropy ge argi Woods and Kanazawa, 1951 9 Acknowledgments 9 References 9 Figures Page 1. Pomacanthus arcuatus, juvenile, 48.3 mm SL (2 inches TL) 2 2. Pomacanthus arcuatus, subadult, 88.0 mm SL (4 inches TL) 2 3. Pomacanthus arcuatus, gray angelfish, adult, 215 mm SL (9 inches TL) 2 4. Pomacanthus paru, juvenile, 40.5 mm SL (2 inches TL) 3 5. Pomacanthus paru, subadult, 105 mm SL (4 inches TL) 3 6. Pomacanthus paru, French angelfish, adult, 205 mm SL (9 inches TL) 3 7. Holacanthus bermudensis, juvenile, 41.0 mm SL (2 inches TL) 4 8. Holacanthus bermudensis, subadult, 101 mm SL (4 inches TL) 4 9. Holacanthus bermudensis, blue angelfish, adult, 208 mm SL (9 inches TL) 4 10. Holacanthus ciliaris, juvenile, 43.2 mm SL (2 inches TL) 5 11. Holacanthus ciliaris, subadult, 84.4 mm SL (4 inches TL) 5 12. Holacanthus ciliaris, queen angelfish, adult, 201 mm SL (9 inches TL) 5 13. Holacanthus tricolor, juvenile, 26.8 mm SL {l l /% inches TL) 6 14. Holacanthus tricolor, subadult, 77.3 mm SL (31/2 inches TL) 6 15. Holacanthus tricolor, rock beauty, adult, 145 mm SL (6 inches TL) . . 6 16. Centropyge argi, juvenile, 29.5 mm SL (li/ 2 inches TL) 6 17. Centropyge argi, pigmy angelfish, adult, 65.3 mm SL (3 inches TL) . . 7 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/fieldguidetoangeOOfedd FIELD GUIDE TO THE ANGELFISHES (POMACANTHIDAE) THE WESTERN ATLANTIC By HENRY A. FEDDERN, Director, Marine Laboratory Precision Valve Corporation 8737 SW 132 Street Miami, Florida 33156 ABSTRACT A key illustrated by photographs and brief descriptions is presented to aid in identifying the six species of angelfishes, family Pomacanthidae, found in the western Atlantic. INTRODUCTION Fishes of the family Pomacanthidae 2 are dis- tinguished from those of the Chaetodontidae by the presence in the former of a large posteriorly pointing spine at the angle of the preoperculum. Worldwide, there are seven recognized genera, with three (Pomacanthus, Holacavithus, and C entropy ge) occurring in the western Atlantic. 1 Contribution No. 215, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami, Fl. 33149 and Contribution No. 1542, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33149. 2 Angelfishes have been separated under the name Pomacanthidae from the butterflyfishes (Chaetodonti- dae) by Burgess, W. (in press) on the basis of osteologi- cal and other characters. In this area, the genera are represented by six species. These have been difficult to identify be- cause of nomenclatorial changes and because of color changes from juvenile to adult. The juveniles of these species are of commer- cial importance in the marine aquarium fish hob- by, and the adults are the basis of a fishery in some parts of the Caribbean and the Antilles. The angelfishes comprise the most important group of fishes using live sponge as a source of food. An illustrated key is given for the identifica- tion of the juvenile, subadult, and adult stages of the western Atlantic species of angelfishes. Brief descriptions, common names, habitat, and distributions are also given for each species. KEY TO THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ANGELFISHES A. Dorsal spines 8 to 10 B. AA. Dorsal spines 13 to 15 C. B. Dorsal spines 9 (rarely 8 or 10). JUVENILE (less than 3 inches long) black with vertical yellow bars; the first bar (extending along the anterior edge of the head and between the eyes) extending across second bar (encircling the mouth) onto lower jaw; caudal fin truncate, with yellow bar on base, black oval in middle, and border transparent ; blue areas present on anal and ventral fins. SUBADULT individuals gray, each scale with darker spot, and with the yellow bars less distinct. ADULTS brownish-gray, with black spot on each large scale of body; inner side of pec- toral fin pale yellow; jaws white gray angelfish. Pomacanthus arcuatus (Fig. 1-3). Figure 2. — Pomacanthus arcuatus, subadult, 88.0 mm SL (4 inches TL). Figure 3. — Pomacanthus arcuatus, gray angelfish, adult, 215 mm SL (9 inches TL). Figure 1 — .Pomacanthus arcuatus, juvenile, 48.3 mm SL (2 inches TL). BB. Dorsal spines 10 (rarely 9). JUVE- NILE (less than 3 inches long) black with vertical yellow bars; the first bar (extending along the anterior edge of the head and between the eyes) extend- ing downward only to second bar (en- circling the mouth) and not crossing on- to the jaws; caudal fin convex with narrow yellow stripe encircling elliptical black spot; blue areas present on the anal and ventral fins. SUBADULT individuals black, with several bars still present, but also with yellow crescents on large scales of body. ADULTS black with yellow crescents on the large scales; yellow stripe encircling eye and a yellow bar in front of pectoral fin; jaws white French angelfish. Pomacanthus paru (Fig. 4-6). Figure 4. — Pomacanthus paru, juvenile, 40.5 mm SL (2 inches TL). Figure 5. — Pomacanthus paru, subadult, 105 mm SL (4 inches TL). Figure 6. — Pomacinthus paru, French angelfish, adult, 205 mm SL (9 inches TL). C. Juveniles and subadults with bluish- white bars on body; adults with no large black areas on body posterior to the pectoral fin D. CC. Juveniles, subadults, and adults with the body blackish or with a large black area posterior to the pectoral fin. No bars on the body E. D. JUVENILE dark blue, with vertical bluish-white bars on head and body, and yellow-orange color on jaws, below eye, and on ventral and caudal fins; fourth major bluish-white bar (count- ing from front to rear) nearly straight. SUBADULT individuals with bars in- creasing in number, but then all fading; body becoming paler; posterior parts of dorsal and anal fins becoming yellow. ADULTS with bluish-whitish-brownish tone over head and body, and white edges present on the large scales of body; distal edge only of caudal fin yel- low, the rest similar in color to that of body; blue extending into proximal half of pectoral fin; usually no black mark- ings present blue angelfish. Holacanthus bermudensis (Fig. 7-9). Figure 8. — Holacanthus bermudensis, subadult, 101 mm SL (4 inches TL). Figure 9. — Holacanthus bermudensis, blue angelfish, adult, 208 mm SL (9 inches TL). Figure 7. — Holacanthus bermudensis, juvenile, 41.0 mm SL (2 inches TL). DD. JUVENILE (less than 2 inches long) dark blue, with vertical bluish-white bars on head and body, and yellow-or- ange on jaws, below eye, and on ventral and caudal fins; fourth bar (counting from front to rear) conspicuously curved. SUBADULT individuals with the bars fading and the body becoming paler with the adult pattern forming. ADULTS bluish to greenish on body, with orange triangles on large scales of body; large black spot speckled and en- circled with blue present on nape, with orange streak immediately posterior to it; a large black spot with a blue bar present at base of pectoral fin ; black blotches present on last rays of dorsal and anal fins; caudal fin entirely yel- low queen angelfish. Holacanthus ciliaris 3 (Fig. 10-12). «• Figure 11. — Holacanthus ciliaris, subadult, 84.4 mm SL (4 inches TL). Figure 10. — Holacanthus ciliaris, juvenile, 43.2 mm SL (2 inches TL). Figure 12. — Holacanthus ciliaris, queen angelfish, adult, 201 mm SL (9 inches TL). 3 Occasionally, angelfishes are found that display color patterns intermediate between those of the queen and blue angelfishes. These individuals are hybrids between the two species. (See Feddern, H. A., 1968a and b, for a more complete analysis of the status of these hybrids.) E. JUVENILE (less than 1.5 inches long) bright yellow, with black spot (encircled with blue) on upper side of body. SUB- ADULT individuals with black area ex- panding across blue circle and over the central portion of the body. ADULTS black over the central and rear parts of body and on dorsal and anal fins; head, forepart of body, and caudal, pec- toral, and pelvic fins yellow; red on edges of dorsal and anal fins rock beauty. Holacanthus tricolor (Fig. 13-15). Figure 15. — Holacanthus tricolor, rock beauty, adult, 145 mm SL (6 inches TL) EE. Figure 13. — Holacanthus tricolor, juvenile, 26.8 mm SL (1% inches TL). Body of juvenile and adult overall blu- ish-black, with orange on head and breast. Narrow blue stripe encircling eye, and other blue stripes outlining the head spines. Individuals usually less than 3 inches long pigmy angelfish. Centropyge argi (Fig. 16-17). Figure 14. — Holacanthus tricolor, subadult, 77.3 mm SL (3y 2 inches TL). Figure 16. — Centropyge argi, juvenile, 29.5 mm SL (iy 2 inches TL). Pomacanthus arcuatus (Linnaeus, 1758) gray angelfish Figures 1-3 Characterized by 8 to 10 spines in the dorsal fin (usually 9); adults with brownish-gray col- oration and a black spot on large body scales. Dorsal soft rays 29-33 (usually 30-32). Anal fin with 3 spines and 17-20 soft rays (usually 18-19) . Pectoral fin with 1 spine and 18-19 soft rays. Lateral-line scale pores 43-50 (usually 45- 49). Gill rakers 16-19 (usually 17-18). Max- imum size: from literature records, 2 ft, 6.5 lb.; from personal collections, 315 mm Standard Length [SL] (15 inches Total Length [TL]), 1,852 g. This species has often been referred to as Pomacanthus aureus (Bloch, 1787). Common names are black angelfish (also used for P. paru and Holacatithus tricolor in Bermuda) , gray angelfish, chirivita, chivirita, chibirico, por- tugais, mariposa, zwarte angel, tjamba, frade, paru-da-pedra, squaretail black angelfish, zwarte engel, and cachama blanca. The gray angelfish is relatively common in its habitat near the bottom in sponge, coral and rocky areas from shore to the deepest part of the reef (in Florida) . In British Guiana, the species has been found as deep as 198 ft. Juveniles are solitary; adults form large aggregations, small groups, and male-female pairs. The gray angelfish occurs in an area of the western Atlantic bounded by: northeast Flor- ida, Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Martinique, Grenadines, Trinidad, Salvador' (Brazil), British Guiana, Curagao, Panama (Caribbean) , Conzumel, Cuba, and the west coast of Florida. The species strays northward along the east coast of the United States to New Jersey. Pomacanthus paru (Bloch, 1787) French angelfish Figures 4-6 Characterized by 9-10 spines in the dorsal fin (usually 10) ; adults black with yellow crescents on large body scales. Dorsal soft rays 27-31 (usually 29-30). Anal fin with 3 spines and 21- 24 soft rays (usually 22-23) . Pectoral fin with 1 spine and 17-19 soft rays (usually 18). Lateral- line scale pores 40-48 (usually 46-47). Gill rak- ers 17-20 (usually 18) . Maximum size: from lit- erature records, 14 inches; from personal col- lections, 330 mm SL (16 inches TL), 1,772 g. This species has also been called black angel- fish. Other common names are tjamba pretoe, chivirita, chirivita, chivirica, chibirico, indian- fish, flatfish, paru, roundtail black angelfish, and cachama negra. The species is common but scattered through- out its habitat. It is found near the bottom in areas of sponge, coral, and rock and occurs from shore to the deepest part of the reef (in Florida) . Off Colombia, the species has been found at a depth of 228 ft. Juveniles are solitary. Adults usually form pairs but may also be seen in small groups. The French angelfish occurs in an area of the western Atlantic bounded by: northeast Flor- ida, Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks Islands, Virgin Islands, St. Martin, Grenadines, Natal (Brazil), Ascension Island, Colombia, Panama (Carib- bean), Costa Rica (Caribbean), Texas, and Fort Walton Beach (Florida). The species may stray northward along the east coast of the United States to New Jersey. Figure 17. — Centropyge argi, pigmy angelfish, adult, 65.3 mm SL (3 inches TL). * Also known as Bahia. Holacanthus bermudensis (Goode, 1876) blue angelfish Figures 7-9 Characterized by 13-15 spines in the dorsal fin (usually 14); adults with white edges on large body scales, only the distal margin of the caudal fin yellow, and lacking a large spot on the nape. Dorsal soft rays 18-21 (usually 19). Anal fin with 3 (rarely 4) spines and 18-20 soft rays (usually 19) . Pectoral fin with 1 spine and 16-20 soft rays (usually 18). Lateral-line scale pores 41-48 (usually 45). Gill rakers 18-22 (usually 19-20). Maximum size: from literature rec- ords, 18 inches, 6 lb. ; from personal collections, 340 mm SL (16 inches TL), 1,964 g. Other common names are common angelfish and spotted angelfish. The blue angelfish is common in its habitat near the bottom in areas of sponge, coral, and rock. Off Florida, it occurs from shore to be- yond the deepest portion of the reef. Off South Carolina, the species has been taken in a depth of 252 ft. Juveniles are solitary. Adults form aggregations of small to large size and pairs. Hybrids occur between this species and Hola- canthus ciliaris. The blue angelfish occurs in essentially a lin- ear band along the eastern coast of the Americas, extending from Bermuda, South Carolina, At- lantic and Gulf sides of Florida to Texas and Alacranes (Yucatan). The species is rare but known to occur in the Bahamas and at St. Lucia, West Indies (Fowler, 1915). Holacanthus ciliaris (Linnaeus, 1758) queen angelfish Figures 10-12 Characterized by 13-15 spines in the dorsal fin (usually 14) ; adults with a black spot circled with blue on the nape, the caudal fin entirely yellow, and orange triangles on the large body scales. Dorsal soft rays 19-21 (usually 20). Anal fin with three spines and 19-20 soft rays. Pectoral fin with 1 spine and 16-19 soft rays (usually 18). Lateral-line scale pores 40-46 (usually 44-45). Gill rakers 18-22 (usually 19- 20). Maximum size: from literature records, 24 inches; from personal collections, 244 mm SL (12 inches TL), 741 g. Other common names for this species are isa- belita, rey de tjamba, yellow angel, golden angel, blue angel, patele, palometa, cachama de piedra, and marguerite. The queen angelfish is fairly common in its habitat near the bottom in areas of sponge, coral, and rock. It occurs from shore to the deepest portion of the reef (in Florida). Juveniles are solitary. Adults usually form pairs. Hybrids occur between this species and Holacanthus ber- mudensis." The queen angelfish occurs in an area of the western Atlantic bounded by: northeast Florida, Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks Islands, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Barbados, Trinidad, Sal- vador" (Brazil), Bonaire, Panama (Caribbean), Nicaragua, Yucatan (Mexico) , and Panama City (Florida). Holacanthus tricolor (Bloch, 1795) rock beauty Figures 13-15 Characterized by 13-15 spines in the dorsal fin (usually 14) ; adults black over most of the body with yellow caudal fin. Dorsal soft rays 17-19 (usually 17-18). Anal fin with 3 spines and 17- 20 soft rays (usually 18). Pectoral fin with 1 spine and 16-17 soft rays (usually 16) . Lateral- line scale pores 42-44. Gill rakers 16-20 (usually 18). Maximum size: from literature records, 12 inches; from personal collections, 174 mm SL (9 inches TL), 276 g. Other common names for this species are black angelfish (in Bermuda), tjamba, swede, catali- neta, vaqueta de dos colores, banana kojo, sol- dado, ladronchi, cachama medio luteo, and mar- guerite. The rock beauty is common in its habitat near the bottom in coral and rock areas. In Florida, the species is restricted to the offshore reefs, down to the limit of coral growth, whereas in the Bahamas individuals commonly occur along See footnote 3, p. 5. See footnote 4, p. 7. shore also. Both j uveniles and adults are usually solitary but are sometimes seen in small groups. The rock beauty occurs in an area of the west- ern Atlantic bounded by: Cumberland Island (Georgia), Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks Islands, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guade- loupe, Barbados, Trinidad, Rio de Janeiro (Bra- zil), Salvador 7 (Brazil), Natal (Brazil), British Guiana, Curasao, Cuba, and Tortugas (Florida) . Centropyge argi Woods and Kanazawa, 1951 pigmy angelfish Figures 16-17 Characterized by 14 spines in the dorsal fin (rarely 15) ; adults with the caudal fin and most of the body a bluish-black. Dorsal soft rays 15- 17 (usually 16). Anal fin with 3 spines and 16-17 soft rays. Pectoral fin with 1 spine and 15-16 soft rays. Lateral-line scale pores 36-42 (usually 38) . Gill rakers 21-24 (usually 22-23) . Maximum size: from literature records, 53.5 mm SL; from personal collections, 62.1 mm SL (3.5 inches TL), 14.5 g. Other common names for this species are vel- vet angelfish and cherubfish. The pigmy angelfish is rare in shallow waters but is abundant in certain areas in deeper waters off southeast Florida and the Bahamas, in areas of coral and rock. In Martinique, the species has been found at a depth of 252 ft. Both the juveniles and adults occur singly or in small groups. The pigmy angelfish at present is known to occur in an area of the western Atlantic bounded by: West Palm Beach (Florida), Bermuda, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands, Martinique, Curagao, Colombia, Yucatan, and Florida Keys. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Dr. C. Richard Robins and Mr. Frederick Berry for their help in making available the fish collections of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and S°e footnote 4, p. 7. the Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory, re- spectively. They also helped to review the man- uscript and make suggestions. Mr. George C. Miller and Dr. Robert V. Miller of the Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory helped orient my thoughts on the relationships among the species, and the former aided in the final preparation of this manuscript which has been abstracted from a portion of my doctoral dissertation at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami, Florida. REFERENCES BOHLKE, J. E., and C. C. G. Chaplin. 1968. Fishes of the Bahamas and adjacent tropical waters. Livingston Publ. Co., Wynnewood, Pa., 771 p., 36 pis., many illus. An excellent general account of the fishes found in the region. FEDDERN, H. A. 1968a. Hybridization between the western Atlantic angelfishes Holacanthus isabelita and H. ciliaris. Bull. Mar. Sci., 18:351-382, 15 figs., 6 tables. An analysis of hybridization and description of hybrids between the blue and queen angelfishes in Florida. 1968b. Systematics and ecology of western Atlantic angelfishes, family Chaetodontidae, with an anal- ysis of hybridization in Holacanthus. Disserta- tion, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fl., 211 p., 46 figs., 35 tables. This dissertation is in three sections: a syste- matics section (from which this "Circular" is ab- stracted) with color photographs to illustrate juvenile, subadult, and adult of each species; a hybridization section, dealing with hybridization between the blue and queen angelfishes; and a food section, that analyzes the food and feeding of these angelfishes from four habitats in southern Florida. FOWLER, H. W. 1915. The fishes of Trinidad, Grenada, and St. Lucia, British West Indies. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 67:520-546, 4 figs. FRASER-BRUNNER, A. 1933. A revision of the chaetodont fishes of the subfamily Pomacanthinae. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1933: 543-599, 29 text-figs., 1 pi. A worldwide treatment of angelfishes, from preserved specimens. The species are described mainly from adults; few juveniles are shown. HERALD, E. S. 1961. Living fishes of the world. Doubleday and Co., Inc., Garden City, N.Y., 304 p., 145 pis. A general account of the major groups of fishes on a worldwide basis. LIMBAUGH, C. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 535, 331 p., 34 pis. 1961. Cleaning symbiosis. Sci. Am., 205:42-49, A systematic account of the fishes present at illus. the Dry Tortugas, including notes on behavior and Describes parasite-picking behavior of a num- coloration. ber of the southern Florida marine fish and STRAUGHAN, R. P. L. shrimp, including the French angelfish. 1964. The salt water aquarium in the home. A. S. Barnes and Co., New York, 304 p., 153 figs. LOXGLEY, W. H., and S. F. HILDEBRAND. General information on maintaining marine 1941. Systematic catalogue of the fishes of Tor- fishes in home aquaria, with information on angel- tugas, Florida, with observations on color, habits fishes scattered throughout the book. The names and local distribution. Pap. Tortugas Lab., 34. used are sometimes incorrect. GPO 985-243 10 349. Use of abstracts and summaries as communica- tion devices in technical articles. By F. Bruce Sanford. February 1971, iii + 11 pp., 1 fig. 350. Research in fiscal year 1969 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C. By the Laboratory staff. No- vember 1970, ii + 49 pp., 21 figs., 17 tables. 351. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pascagoula, Mississippi, July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1969. By Harvey R. Bulbs, Jr., and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv + 29 pp., 29 figs., 1 table. 352. Upstream passage of anadromous fish through navigation locks and use of the stream for spawn- ing and nursery habitat, Cape Fear River N C 1962-66. By Paul R. Nichols and Darrell e! Louder. October 1970, iv + 12 pp., 9 figs., 4 tables. 356. Floating laboratory for study of aquatic organ- isms and their environment. By George R. Snyder, Theodore H. Blahm, and Robert J. Mc- Connell. May 1971, iii + 16 pp., 11 figs'. 361. Regional and other related aspects of shellfish consumption — some preliminary findings from the 1969 Consumer Panel Survey. By Morton M. Miller and Darrel A. Nash. June 1971, iv + 18 pp., 19 figs., 3 tables, 10 apps. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS STAFF BLDG. 67, NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98115 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AQ0Q072DlfiS3fi POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 210