A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF GOMMERCE PUBLICATION ^ATtsO*^ United States Travel Service Stimulating Business and Pleasure Travel From Abroad n DEPARTMENT COMMERCE **res trav^ v u at LU UJ i> O E LU o < at < O uj — O Z o z o u C3 to Ik Z LLJ efe o z 3= a. * -I Q- o-< l-Z O 1C o UJ < ct o_ <£ IU u u. £jS Z -1 Q < >- Z i/i o 53 o UJ < 2 cc M to S ID UJ ■ *3 UJ U ~) _i £u- rr T~ o 3 u CO -- 0- mo —I h- 13 LU ■r- o K rsl ii i < < O en (T or. < CD < D_ q: O s m "3 o p= Uo ■> r^ Q 1- < CO r- O o UJ 111 => => P.- 1 1 ) > <->•< z xj ■a i tu o < 1 LU UJ tt. O o t— o o Q Z is LU O n - KJ Z< < -z. =c __l (TO ce "-3 LU UJ o z: uj i- i— * o i 1 IX Q£ 3*" J— < or cr ( > U ~ a. UJ u u. Z U- 3= oo i ) 3* LJ <: ^ > o f ) z - UJ 1 1 1 <: lj o: t— -j 5 UJ < en " The United States Travel Service (USTS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the national government tourist office of the United States. Its mission is to develop travel to the United States from foreign countries. It works with the travel industry; international agencies; multinational corporations; city, state and foreign governments; and other Federal agencies to encourage and facilitate inbound passenger traffic. Through its eight regional offices abroad, USTS provides information and technical assistance to the foreign travel trade segments which sell travel to the U.S. It carries out extensive information and advertising cam- paigns in foreign media to stimulate interest in U.S. travel destinations. Objectives USTS was established by the International Travel Act of 1961 (Public Law 87-63) to strengthen the domestic and foreign commerce of the United States and promote friendly un- derstanding of the U.S. by developing inbound tourism. Under this legislation, USTS' role was de- fined as primarily catalytic. The agency was created to: • stimulate travel to the United States by residents of foreign countries for the pur- pose of pleasure, business or study • encourage the development in the U.S. of low-cost tourist facilities, transporta- tion, accommodations and other arrange- ments • encourage the reduction and elimination of barriers to VISIT USA travel, and the facilitation of international travel gener- ally • collect, publish and provide for the ex- change of statistics and technical infor- S mation relating to international travel and $ tourism 8" A 1970 amendment to the Act elevated the position of the Director of USTS to Assistant ^ Secretary of Commerce for Tourism and in- creased the agency's authorized appropriation ceiling to $15 million annually. (For the year ending June 30, 1972, Congress appropriated $6.5 million.) The amendment also provided for a National Tourism Resources Review Com- mission, authorized a Federal matching grant program, and added U.S. territories, trustee- ships and possessions to the areas to be pro- moted. ACTIVITIES ABROAD Regional Travel Promotion Offices The overseas organization of USTS is built around eight travel promotion offices located as strategically as possible to cover the major potential VISIT USA markets. These regional offices are situated as follows: • LONDON, ENGLAND, covering Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland • PARIS, FRANCE, covering France, Spain, Belgium, Lux- embourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy and Italian and French-speaking Switzerland • FRANKFURT, GERMANY, covering West Germany, West Berlin, Austria and German-speaking Switzer- land • BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA, covering Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Uru- guay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile • MEXICO CITY, MEXICO covering Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Co- lombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama and Caribbean countries • SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, covering Australia and New Zealand • TORONTO, CANADA, covering Canada • TOKYO, JAPAN, covering Japan, Hong Kong and the Philippines Each regional office is staffed by an experi- enced director and travel promotion officers who speak the language or languages of the region they serve. These travel experts assist international air carriers, travel agents and tour operators on all aspects of developing tourism to the United States. They advise corporate sales managers on the preparation of VISIT USA incentive travel programs for distributors and dealers. They place VISIT USA advertising campaigns in local foreign media. They also provide reference and promotional tools, such as travel posters, films, booklets, maps, dis- plays, exhibits, special events calendars, trans- portation guides and accommodations director- ies to retail travel agents and tour operators who specialize in U.S. bookings or packages. In cooperation with VISIT USA travel-sup- pliers — primarily U.S. and foreign airlines — USTS offices conduct training programs and sales seminars for foreign travel agents and tour operators. They prepare and distribute monthly newsletters to the travel trade, coun- sel and assist travel missions sponsored by U.S. cities, states and regions, and cooperate in special VISIT USA promotions conducted by the travel industry. International Conventions Office The USTS International Conventions Office is located in the American Embassy in Paris. There is also an International Conventions Man- ager in USTS' Washington headquarters. The goal of this program is to attract more of the multimillion dollar business generated annually by international congresses, and to increase the U.S. share of the world convention market. The conventions office encourages international as- sociations and organizations to schedule inter- national congresses in the U.S. and provides U.S. convention bureaus with prospect lists. FUNCTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES USTS' stateside headquarters is composed of two divisions and three offices — all based in Washington, D.C. Marketing The Marketing Division supports the promo- tional activities of the eight regional offices abroad. It not only assists in the preparation and execution of USTS' VISIT USA advertising and sales promotion campaigns abroad, but also is responsible for planning and implement- ing VISIT USA shows and exhibits in market areas around the world. The Division works with advertising agencies, travel-suppliers and other producers and distributors of multilingual VISIT USA promotion materials (brochures, posters, maps and display items) for overseas use. The Division also advises U.S. travel mis- sions, and works closely with other govern- mental agencies and the travel industry in ex- ploring new ways of promoting VISIT USA tour- ism. Visitor Services The Visitor Services Division works to im- prove the U.S. as a host nation for international visitors. It conducts national public service ad- vertising to stimulate interest in guests from abroad, to involve Americans in the VISIT USA promotional effort and to acquaint them with their role as hosts. It also helps the U.S. travel industry and American communities in adapt- ing their services to meet the needs of inter- national quests. The Division currently has programs under way to expand multilingual resources in the nation's hotels and airports. It coordinates, and publicizes overseas, the 73-city, community- operated Americans at Home program that makes it possible for foreign business and pleasure visitors to meet Americans in their homes. Jointly, with TraveLodge International, it operates a national single-number, toll-free telephone interpreter and information service for foreign visitors. The Visitor Services Division also conducts an active facilitation program to reduce bar- riers to foreign visitor travel to the U.S. [Spe- cific goals include the removal of restrictions, easing of visa requirements, and simplification of entry procedures for international visitors within the framework of U.S. laws.] Another of the Division's responsibilities is to coordinate Federal, state and local VISIT USA promotion efforts, thus producing a uni- fied forceful campaign. The Division provides domestic support to the International Conventions Office and Busi- ness Travel Development program by working with U.S. -based associations, and with conven- tion and visitors bureaus. The Visitor Services Division arranges U.S. familiarization tours for foreign travel agents and foreign journalists, to acquaint them with U.S. tourist attractions. A matching grant program — which enables cities, states, regions and nonprofit organiza- tions to share Federal financing for approved VISIT USA projects — is directed by the Visitor Services Division. Research and Analysis The Office of Research and Analysis provides data necessary for planning and evaluating USTS programs and projects. Specifically, the Office analyzes and interprets available second- ary statistical information and conducts re- search studies. The Office also conducts research into those aspects of the travel industry which offer growth potential, and engages in special research tech- niques designed to improve the overall cover- age and quality of travel statistics. The infor- mation is available for use by both industry and USTS. In addition, the Office evaluates legislation and regulatory decisions related to travel and tourism. It also prepares background reports and position papers for USTS use at intergov- ernmental and international meetings dealing with tourism. Information Services The Office of Information Services plans and conducts a world-wide information program for USTS which presents the VISIT USA program to the public. To support USTS travel promotion programs abroad and to service requests by foreign travel editors, radio and television producers, and authors of travel guides, the Office develops VISIT USA destination articles, illustrations, and other material designed to arouse foreign interest in U.S. cities, states and attractions. The Office of Information Services dissemi- nates program information to travel trade pub- lications and the general mass media to create an awareness of Government/industry efforts to generate inbound visitor travel. Administration The Office of Administration provides man- agement services in the areas of budget, per- sonnel and procurement for both USTS' Wash- ington headquarters and its overseas offices. The Office exercises the administrative func- tions for the matching grant program under the Visitor Services Division. GOVERNMENT/INDUSTRY COOPERATION The VISIT USA program of USTS links gov- ernment travel-expansion efforts with industry programs. From the beginning, USTS has worked closely with carriers, travel agents, hotels and related services. It also cooperates with Federal, state and local government travel organizations; travel trade associations; trade 8 union groups; chambers of commerce; civic and professional groups; and international and regional organizations which promote travel and tourism throughout the world. Government/industry cooperation is fur- thered by the Travel Advisory Board of the De- partment of Commerce, composed of 15 travel and related-industry executives. The Board meets regularly to advise USTS on plans and policies to implement the VISIT USA program. USTS' State Liaison Officers — one from each state, the District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam and American Samoa — are appointed by the respective governors to serve as liaison representatives between their gov- ernments and USTS. Most of these represen- tatives are state travel directors or executives of city convention and visitor bureaus. The group serves as an important link in main- taining closer working relationships between the individual state tourism programs and the VISIT USA program of the U.S. Government. USTS also uses the services of the 42 field offices of the Department of Commerce throughout the United States. The Secretary of Commerce submits an annual program report on the activities of USTS to the President and Congress. This report is available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, at 55 cents per copy. STATE AND TERRITORIAL TRAVEL INFORMATION OFFICES The following U.S. states and territories maintain travel promotion and information of- fices. They disseminate free maps, posters, counter cards, calendars of events, directories of lodgings, and descriptive travel literature about their cities, resorts, parks, recreational areas, plant tours and other attractions. Some provide automobile routings and pre-trip in- formation. These offices also make available informa- tion about civic, service and other organiza- tions which extend friendly greetings and hos- pitality to international visitors. ALABAMA Alabama Bureau of Publicity and Information State Highway Building Montgomery, Alabama 36104 ALASKA Alaska Travel Division Department of Economic Development Pouch E Juneau, Alaska 99801 ARIZONA Travel Development Section Department of Economic Planning and Development 3003 North Central Avenue, Suite 1704 Phoenix, Arizona 85012 ARKANSAS Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism 149 State Capitol Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 CALIFORNIA State of California Office of Tourism and Visitor Services 1400 Tenth Street Sacramento, California 95814 COLORADO Travel Development Section Colorado Division of Commerce and Development 602 State Capitol Annex Denver, Colorado 80203 CONNECTICUT Connecticut Development Commission Vacation-Travel Promotion State Office Building Hartford, Connecticut 06115 10 DELAWARE Bureau of Travel Development Division of Economic Development Department of Community Affairs and Economic Development 45 The Green Dover, Delaware 19901 FLORIDA Bureau of Tourism Florida Department of Commerce 107 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 GEORGIA Tourist Division Georgia Department of Industry and Trade P. O. Box 38097 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 HAWAII Hawaii Visitors Bureau 2270 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 801 Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 IDAHO Department of Commerce and Development State Capitol Building, Room 108 Boise, Idaho 83707 ILLINOIS Division of Tourism Illinois Department of Business and Economic Development 222 South College Street Springfield, Illinois 62706 INDIANA Division of Tourism Department of Commerce State House, Room 336 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 IOWA Iowa Development Commission Tourism and Travel Division 250 Jewett Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 KANSAS Travel Division Kansas Department of Economic Development 122-S State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 KENTUCKY Department of Public Information Advertising and Travel Division Capitol Annex Building Frankfurt, Kentucky 40601 11 LOUISIANA Louisiana Tourist Development Commission P.O. Box 44291 Baton Rouga, Louisiana 70804 MAINE Maine Department of Economic Development State House Augusta, Maine 04330 MARYLAND Division of Tourism State Office Building, Room 404 Annapolis, Maryland 21401 MASSACHUSETTS Division of Tourism Massachusetts Department of Commerce and Development Leverett Saltonstall Building Boston, Massachusetts 02202 MICHIGAN Michigan Tourist Council 300 S. Capitol, Suite 102 Lansing, Michigan 48926 MINNESOTA Vacation Information Center Minnesota Department of Economic Development 51 East 8th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 MISSISSIPPI Travel Department Mississippi Agricultural and Industrial Board State Office Building, Room 1504 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 MISSOURI Missouri Tourism Commission P. 0. Box 1055 Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 MONTANA Department of Highways — Advertising Unit Helena, Montana 59601 NEBRASKA Tourism Division Nebraska Department of Economic Development P.O. Box 94666 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 NEVADA Tourism-Travel Division Department of Economic Development Carson City, Nevada 89701 NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire Division of Economic Development P.O. Box 856 Concord, New Hampshire 03301 12 NEW JERSEY New Jersey State Promotion Department of Labor and Industry P.O. Box 400 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 NEW MEXICO Tourist Division New Mexico Department of Development 113 Washington Avenue Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 NEW YORK Travel Bureau New York State Department of Commerce 112 State Street Albany, New York 12207 NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources Travel and Promotion Division P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota Travel Department State Capitol Grounds Bismarck, North Dakota 58501 OHIO Travel and Tourist Division Ohio Department of Development P.O. Box 1001 Columbus, Ohio 43216 OKLAHOMA Oklahoma Tourism & Information Division 500 Will Rogers Memorial Building Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 OREGON Travel Information Section Oregon State Highway Division Salem, Oregon 97310 PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania Department of Commerce Bureau of Travel Development 402 South Office Building Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 RHODE ISLAND Tourist Promotion Division Rhode Island Development Council Roger Williams Building Providence, Rhode Island 02908 13 SOUTH CAROLINA Division of Travel and Tourism South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Box 1358 Columbia, South Carolina 29202 SOUTH DAKOTA Travel Division South Dakota Department of Highways Pierre, South Dakota 57501 TENNESSEE Tennessee Department of Conservation Division of Information and Tourist Promotion 2611 West End Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37203 TEXAS Texas Tourist Development Agency Box 12008, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 UTAH Utah Travel Council Council Hall, Capitol Hill Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 VERMONT Information/Travel Development Vermont Development Agency 61 Elm Street Montpelier, Vermont 05602 VIRGINIA Virginia State Travel Service 911 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 WASHINGTON Tourist Promotion Division Department of Commerce and Economic Development General Administration Building Olympia, Washington 98504 WEST VIRGINIA Travel Development Division West Virginia Department of Commerce State Capitol Charleston, West Virginia 25305 WISCONSIN Bureau of Vacation and Travel Services Department of Natural Resources Box 450 Madison, Wisconsin 53701 14 WYOMING Wyoming Travel Commission 2320 Capitol Avenue Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (WASHINGTON, D.C.) Washington Convention and Visitors Bureau 1129 20th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 AMERICAN SAMOA Office of Tourism Government of American Samoa Pago Pago, American Samoa 96920 CANAL ZONE Panama Canal Company 425 13th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20004 COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico Tourism Development Company G.P.O. Box BN San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 GUAM Guam Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 3520 Agana, Gaum 96910 VIRGIN ISLANDS Tourist Bureau Department of Commerce P.O. Box 1692 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Virgin Islands 00801 TRUST TERRITORY OF PACIFIC ISLANDS (Caroline, Marshall and Mariana Islands) Office of Tourism/ Economic Development Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950 15 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES II ADDDD71 c I c n3MD Forei gn Doll ars Year Vi si tors Spent in U.S. (Mi llions) (Mi llions) 1961 6.3 1,057 1962 5.9 1070 1963 6.1 1, 133 | 1964 6.6 1,357 1965 7.8 1545 1966 9.0 1785 1967 9.6 1,881 1968 10.9 2,035 1969 12.5 2,361 1970 13.2 2,696 1971 (Est .) 13.8 2,875 «***NT °* c * r +TK9 T ******