U.S. DEPARTMENT Environmental Data Service IY TO METEOROLOGICAL RECORDS DOCUMENTATION NO. 5.314 Catalog of Meteorological Satell Data -ESSA 3 and ESSA 5 Television Cloud Photography April 4 -June 30, 1967 PURPOSE The Key to Meteorological Records Documentation Series has been established to provide guidance information to research personnel making use of climatological data. Frequently users of such data have found it necessary to spend a great deal of time estab- lishing whether the criteria for observing or computing various elements have changed over the period of record or in what form the data are available. It is therefore hoped that the presentation of this series may not only conserve valuable time but may have a direct influence in improving the accuracy of research results. EARLIER TIROS AND ESSA DATA CATALOGS Earlier catalogs of TIROS and ESSA Meteorological Satellite data are available in this series, as follows: No. 5.31 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS I Television Cloud Photography", published in 1961, price 70 cents. No. 5.32 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS II Television Cloud Photography", published in 1963, price 20 cents. No. 5.33 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS III Television Cloud Photography", published in 1962, price 70 cents. No. 5.34 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS IV Television Cloud Photography", published in 1963, price $1.00. No. 5.35 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS V Television Cloud Photography", published in 1964, price $1.75. No. 5.36 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VI Television Cloud Photography", published in 1964, price $2.00. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 1 June 19, 1963 to December 31, 1963", published in 1965, price $1.25. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 2 January 1, 1964 to June 30, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 3 July 1, 1964 to December 30, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.37 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VII Television Cloud Photography Part 4 January 1, 1965 to December 31, 1965", published in 1966, price 45 cents. No. 5.38 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VIII Television Cloud Photography Part 1 December 21, 1963 to June 30, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.38 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VIII Television Cloud Photography Part 2 July 1, 1964 to December 31, 1964", published in 1965, price $1.00. No. 5.38 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS VIII Television Cloud Photography Part 3 January 1, 1965 to August 31, 1965", published in 1966, price 45 cents. (Continued on inside of back cover.) S *TES O* * U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE C.R. Smith, Secretary ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator ENVIRONMENTAL DATA StRVICE Woodrow C. Jacobs, Director KEY TO METEOROLOGICAL RECORDS DOCUMENTATION NO. 5.314 Catalog of Meteorological Satellite Data -ESSA 3 and ESSA 5 Television Cloud Photography April 4-June 30, 1967 WASHINGTON, D.C. 1968 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1.75 PREFACE This issue in the series of catalogs describing the television cloud photographs obtained by meteorological satellites includes material taken from both ESSA 3 and ESSA 5. It covers the period of April, May, and June 1967. The maps and listings generally follow the pattern established in the "Catalog of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS I Television Cloud Photography," published as No. 5.31 in the Environmental Data Service Series Key to Meteorological Records Documentation . However, digitized cloud maps replace the manually constructed nephanalyses which had been used in previous catalogs. There are two maps for each day; the first polar stereographic projection in each set is for the Northern Hemisphere and the second for the Southern Hemisphere. These maps are arranged according to pass day. Documentation Section National Environmental Satellite Center USING THE CATALOG 1. Scan the digitized cloud maps for areas of particular interest. 2. When a picture of interest is located, the film can be ordered by date from the National Weather Records Center, Asheville, N. C, at a cost of $8.50 per day. 3. Information for a particular pass, such as start time, subsatellite point (the point where the local vertical through the satellite intersects the earth's surface), and track number, may be determined by using the tabulated listings preceding the digitized cloud maps . CATALOG OF METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE DATA - ESSA 3 and ESSA 5 TELEVISION CLOUD PHOTOGRAPHY April 1, 1967 to June 30, 1967 The ESSA 3 meteorological satellite, launched on October 2, 1966 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is the third Environmental Survey Satellite in the TIROS Operational (TOS) System. ESSA 3 was put into a nearly circular, sun-synchronous polar orbit, approximately 892 statute miles above the earth's surface with an apogee of 925 statute miles and a perigee of 859 statute miles. The orbit is inclined 79° (Retrograde) to the equatorial plane with a nodal period of 114.5 minutes which corresponds to slightly more than 13 circuits of the earth each day. ESSA 3 is a TIROS type satellite in a "cartwheel" configuration which allows earth- oriented picture coverage. The spacecraft is spin-stabilized and magnetically torqued to a wheel attitude, so that the spin axis is normal to the plane of the orbit and the radially mounted cameras view the earth once during each spacecraft revolution about its axis. The cameras in the ESSA 3 satellite are one inch diameter vidicons (television camera tube) of the Advanced Vidicon Camera System (AVCS) type. Each picture covers an area of approximately 4,000,000 square miles. One camera provides full global coverage, therefore, two cameras provide full system redundancy. Each of the cameras can independently take pictures and store them for later playback to one of the Command-and-Data-Acquisition (CDA) stations which are located at Wallops Station near Chincoteague , Va., and Gilmore Creek, Fairbanks, Alaska. Pictures, taken every 260 seconds, are usually obtained in sequences of twelve frames to a pass. Each frame is electronically gridded by computer with latitude and longitude lines and geographic outlines merged with the picture. An identification legend underneath each picture provides the following information: year, month, day, hour, minute and second of picture taking time; track and zone numbers; station initial; satellite number; mode; camera; latitude of a labeled grid intersection near the picture center; latitude spacing of grids in degrees; longitude of a labeled grid intersection near the picture center; longitude spacing of grids in degrees; pass number; frame number; and sun glint position. The picture, figure 1, is located in the area of track 4 (TABLE 1) zone 58 (not referenced), with the latitude and longitude point of the picture located at 25°N and 105°W. The grids are spaced 5° both in latitude and longitude and sun glint is shown in the picture at 10°N and 109°W. For ESSA 3 the system of "TRACKS" is used to identify the general geographic areas over which picture sequences were taken. These tracks are listed in the ESSA 3 track table (TABLE 1) which appeals in this catalog immediately following the tabulated listings. The track boundaries are parallel to the path followed by the subsatellite point during the day- light portion of each orbital pass. The width of each track is exactly equal to the amount the earth rotates between consecutive passes. Thus, in general, the subsatellite point makes one traverse along each track each day (from midnight to midnight, GMT). The track bounda- ries are fixed permanently for the life of ESSA 3, and are arbitrarily referenced to the point 0° latitude, 0° longitude, with track numbers increasing westward. Since the ESSA 3 orbital period of 114.5 minutes is not an exact submultiple of 24 hours, the satellite starts 12 and 13 passes on alternate days. This results in track 13 being much narrower than the others and, thus, it is not traversed every day. There are also days on which one particular track is traversed just after GMT midnight, and again later the same day just before GMT midnight. The ESSA 5 meteorological satellite, launched on April 20, 1967, has characteristic features similar to ESSA 3. When pictures from ESSA 5 more nearly fit the operational re- quirements for data they are combined with pictures from ESSA 3 in the digitized cloud maps. ESSA 5, like ESSA 3, was put into a nearly circular polar orbit, approximately 892 statute miles above the earth's surface, with an apogee of 922 statute miles and a perigee Figure 1 - Example of ESSA 3 cloud Photography ESSA 5 similar of 861 statute miles. The orbit inclines 78.42 to the equatorial plane with an orbital period of 113.6 minutes which corresponds to 12.7 passes around the earth each day. The cameras in the ESSA 5 satellite are of the same design as those in the ESSA 3 satel- lite. Picture coverage of the entire sunlit area of the earth is possible each day. Each camera can independently take pictures and store them on tape for later playback to a CDA station in the same manner as ESSA 3 photos. Pictures, taken at 260 seconds, are in sequences of 6 or 12 frames to a pass, each frame being electronically gridded to show latitude, longitude and geographic outlines on the pic- ture. The grids are generally spaced at 5° intervals of latitude and longitude. The identi- fication legend underneath each picture supplies all pertinent information. The "track" system of ESSA 5 is similar to that of ESSA 3 and track boundaries are fixed for the life of the satellite. They are used to identify the geographic areas over which picture sequences were taken. These tracks are listed in the ESSA 5 track table (TABLE 2) which immediately follows the ESSA 3 track table (TABLE 1). Since the ESSA 5 orbital period of 113.6 minutes is not an exact multiple of 24 hours, the satellite starts 12 and 13 passes on alternate days. This results in track 13 being much narrower than the others and, thus, is not traversed every day. There also are days on which one particular track is traversed just after GMT midnight, and again later the same day just before GMT midnight. On the film reels, picture sequences are grouped together by track number and assembled in chronological order. Track numbers are stamped on the film immediately preceding the sequence to which they apply. The following pages of tabulated listings give descriptive information about the pic- tures obtained by ESSA 3 and ESSA 5. In the listings each picture sequence is described by one line, and the sequences are grouped together by date and track number. This is the order in which they appear on the film reel. The column headings and entries have the following meanings : PASS: Orbital pass number on which the pictures were taken. On the digitized cloud maps in this catalog, these numbers appear beneath the date in the lower right corner of the page. TRACK: Defines the geographic area which contains the path of the subsatellite point. The entries refer to TABLES 1 and 2. C: Camera number indicated in the legend. 1 = Camera number one 2 = Camera number two S: Comrnand-and-Data -Acquisition (CDA) station which received the sequence. W = Wallops Station, Va. F = Fairbanks, Alaska ALONG: Longitude of ascending node (equator crossing) MODA: Month and day on which the pictures were taken. HRMNSE: Time in hours, minutes and seconds of the first picture taken. SUBSATELLITE POINT PICTURE LOCATION: Indicates the latitude in degrees of the subsatellite point for each of the twelve frames in the orbital pass sequence. First latitude column corresponds to picture frame No. 12 The digitized cloud maps that appear in this catalog are prepared by a high speed digi- tal computer. In this process the signals comprising the picture taken by the satellite are assigned numerical values to indicate the relative brightness of each element. These data are normalized brightness, earth-located and repositioned on standard map projection. Mag- netic tapes are reproduced for input to a cathode ray tube film display device. These digi- tized cloud maps are constructed so that the overlap of day, 24 hours apart, is positioned in an area between 80 and 60 degrees East. On some days, the first pass of the mosaic day is the same as the last pass of the previous day to keep the 24 hour break in the required area. A detailed description of the procedures used to produce these digitized cloud maps is contained in reference 1; a condensed and edited version of this same article appears in reference 2. The photographic product, resulting from this computer processing, consists of 16 images; eight polar stereographic octants, 6 Mercator segments and two reduced polar hemispheric chips for each day. The digitized cloud maps are the reduced resolution north- ern and southern polar hemispheric chips in which latitude and longitude lines are spaced at 10° intervals. In some instances, blank areas and mislocated clouds appear on the digitized cloud maps which are irregularities of the computer operation and should be disregarded. The date appears in the lower right corner of the page along with inclusive pass numbers for the day. The ESSA 3 and ESSA 5 master films are deposited at the National Weather Records Center (NWRC), Environmental Science Services Administration, Federal Building, Asheville, North Carolina 28801. Persons or institutions desiring copies may order them from the NWRC in the form of 35 mm. positive transparencies for projection or 35 mm. duplication negatives from which opaque copies can be made. Pictures are ordered by date at a cost of $8.50 per day which includes the digitized computer maps for each day ordered (16 film chips per day). These digitized computer maps are also available separately on 100 foot reels, at $8.50 per reel, with each reel containing approximately 22 days of the film chips. All copies will be furnished with sprocket holes since the necessary film emulsion is available only in this form. It is not yet possible to furnish copies of individual frames or to provide enlarge- ments or other picture formats. Available also from the NWRC, for the cost of reproduction, are reels of microfilmed nephanalysis charts for TIROS I thru ESSA 1. t. | ■ ■ 1 . .<■ ■>■■■■ I. . I. . I ■_!_. 1_. t__l__l_. >._!__! ._l-_l- | t | . I . I I . I .». I .. 1. . I .. I . . I . REFERENCES 1. Bristor, C. L., Callicott, W. M. , and Bradford, R. E. : "Operational Processing of Satellite Cloud Pictures by Computer," Monthly Weather Review, 94(8), August 1966, pp. 515-527. 2. U. S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration, Environ- mental Data Service, "Catalog of Meteorological Satellite Data - ESSA 3 Television Cloud Photography, Part 2, January 1, 1967 to March 31, 1967." KMRD No. 5.313, Washington, D. C, 1967. PASS TRACK C S ALON riOOA MPHNSE SUB-SATELLITE POINT PICTURE LCX :atk DN LAT LAT LAT LAT lAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT 2272 1 1 2 r 69C 0401 004930 73S B2S 49S 36S 23S IS 2N I6N 29N 42N 56N 60N 2273 12 2 r 41C 0401 104426 73S 6IS 49S 36S 22S S 3N 17N 30N 43N S6N 69N 2274 13 2 r I2E 0401 123906 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I6N 30N 43N 56N 60N 2275 1 2 r 17V7 0401 143330 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 2N I6N 29N 42N 55N 60N 2276 2 2 r 45U 0401 162757 74S 62S 50S 37S 24S 1 IS 2N 15N 20N 42N 55N 67N 2277 3 2 r 74U 0401 102227 74S 63S 50S 37S 24S 1 IS IN 15N 20N 41N 54N 67N 2270 4 2 r 103U 0401 201701 74S 63S 51S 30S 25S 1 IS IN 14N 20N 41N 54N 67N 2279 5 2 r 1 3IU 0401 221 137 74S 63S 51S 30S 2SS 1 IS IN 14N 20N 41N 54N 67N 2200 6 2 r I60U 0402 0006 1 74S 63S 51S 30S 25S 1 IS IN 14N 20N 4IN 54N 67N 2201 7 2 u 17IE 0402 020050 74S 63S 51S 30S 24S 1 IS IN 15N 20N 41N S4N 67N 2202 2 u 14 3C 0402 035541 74S 6 3S SOS 37S 24S 1 IS IN 15N 20N 41N 55N 67N 2203 9 2 U 1 14E 0402 055027 74S 62S SOS 37S 24S 1 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23S 9S 3N I6N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2362 13 2 r 9E 0400 1 24002 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2363 1 2 r 19V 0400 144226 73S 62S 50S 37S 24S IOS 2N 15N 29N 42N 55N 60N 2364 2 2 r 40V 0400 163653 74S 63S SOS 37S 24S 1 IS IN 15N 20N 42N 55N 67N 2365 3 2 r 77V 0400 103123 74S 63S SIS 30S 25S 1 IS IN 14N 20N 41N 54N 67N 2366 4 2 r 105V 0400 202556 74S 63S SIS 30S 25S I2S IN 14N 20N 41N 54N 67N 2367 5 2 r 1 34V 0400 222033 74S 63S SIS 30S 25S 12S IN 14N 27N 41N 54N 67N 2360 6 2 r 163U 0409 001450 75S 64S 52S 39S 26S I2S ON 13N 27N 40N 53N 66N 2369 7 2 u I69C 0409 020930 75S 64S 52S 39S 26S 12S ON I3N 27N 40N 53N 66N 2370 2 u 140E 0409 040421 75S 64S 51S 30S 25S 12S ON I4N 27N 41N 54N 66N 2371 9 2 u 1 1 IE 0409 055906 74S 64S SIS 30S 25S 12S IN 14N 20N 4IN 54N 67N 2372 10 2 u 03E 0409 075355 74S 63S 51S 30S 24S 1 IS OIN I5N 20N 41N 62N 67N 2373 1 1 2 r 54E 0409 094047 74S 62S SOS 37S 24S IOS 2N I5N 29N 42N 55N 60N 2374 12 2 r 25E 0409 1 14326 74S 63S SOS 37S 24S 1 IS 2N 15N 20N 42N 55N 67N 2375 1 2 r 3U 0409 133750 74S 63S 51S 30S 25S 1 IS IN 14N 20N 41N 54N 67N 2376 2 2 r 32V 0409 153217 75S 64S 51S 30S 2SS 12S ON 14N 27N 40N 54N 66N 2377 3 2 r 61U 0409 1 72647 75S 64S 52S 39S 26S 12S ON 13N 27N 40N 53N 66N 2370 4 2 r 09V 0409 1 92 1 1 1 75S 65S 52S 40S 26S 13S ON 13N 26N 39N 52N 65N 2379 5 2 r 1 |0V 0409 21 1544 76S 65S 53S 40S 27S I4S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 65N 2300 6, 2 r 147V 0409 231020 76S 65S 53S 40S 27S 14S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 65N 2301 il 2 r 175U 0410 I 0500 76S 65S 53S 40S 27S 14S ON I2N 26N 39N 52N 65N 2302 a 2 w 156E 0410 025942 76S 65S 53S 40S 27S 13S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 6SN 2303 3 2 w 127E 0410 045420 75S 65S 52S 39S 26S 13S ON 13N 26N 40N 53N 65N 2304 1 ii 2 u 99E 0410 064916 75S 64S 52S 39S 26S 12S ON I3N 27N 40N 53N 66N 2305 1 1 2 r 70E 0410 004400 75S 64S 51S 30S 2SS 12S IN I4N 20N 41N 54N 67N 2306 12 2 f 4IE 0410 103903 74S 63S SOS 37S 24S 1 IS 2N 15N 20N 42N 55N 67N 2307 1 3 2 r 13E 0410 123436 72S 60S 40S 3SS 2IS OS 4N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 2300 1 2 r 16V 0410 142937 71S 59S 46S 33S 20S 7S 6N 19N 33N 46N 59N 71N 2309 2 2 r 45V 0410 162417 71S 59S 47S 34S 20S 7S 5N 19N 32N 45N SON 70N 2390 3 2 r 73V 0410 101042 71S 60S 47S 34S 2IS OS SN ION 31N 45N SON 70N 2391 4 2 r 102V 0410 20 1 309 72S 60S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N 17N 31N 44N 57N 69N 2392 5 2 r 131V 0410 220739 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N I7N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2393 6 2 r 159V 041 1 0002 1 4 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 3N I7N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2394 7 2 u 172E 041 1 015650 73S 61S 40S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2395 2 u 143E 041 1 035130 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2396 9 2 w 1 15E 041 1 054613 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 3IN 44N 57N 69N 2397 10 2 u 06E 041 1 074059 72S 60S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 31N 44N 57N 70N 2390 1 1 2 r 57E 041 1 093540 72S 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 5N ION 32N 45N 50N 70N 2399 12 2 r 29E 041 1 1 1 3040 7IS 59S 47S 34S 20S 7S 5N 19N 32N 46N 59N 71N 2400 1 2 r ov 041 1 132517 71S 60S 47S 34S 21S 7S 5N ION 32N 45N SON 70N 240! 2 2 r 29V 041 1 151942 72S 60S 40S 35S 21S OS 4N 10N 31N 44N 57N 70N 2402 3 2 r 57V 041 I 171409 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2403 4 2 r 06V 041 1 190039 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2404 5 2 f 1 15U 041 1 210312 73S &1S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2405 & 2 F 143V 041 1 225749 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I6N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2406 »' 2 F 172V 0412 005224 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 60N 2407 2 U 159E 0412 024705 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2400 9 2 1/ 1 31 E 0412 044149 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2409 10 2 U 102E 0412 063636 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 31N 44N 57N 69N 2410 ! 1 2 u 73E 0412 003126 72S 60S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 3IN 44N SON 70N 241 1 12 2 r 45E 0412 102619 71S 60S 47S 34S 21S 7S 5N ION 32N 45N SON 70N 2412 13 2 r I6E 0412 1 22050 71S 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 5N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 2413 1 2 r 13V 0412 141522 72S 60S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N I7N 31N 44N 57N 69N 2414 2 2 F 41V 0412 160949 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 3N I7N 30N 43N 57N 69N 2415 3 2 r 70V 0412 100419 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2416 4 2 F 99V 0412 195053 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 60N 2417 5 2 F 127V 0412 215329 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2410 6 2 F 156V 0412 234003 73S 62S 49S 37S 23S IOS 2N I6N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2419 7 2 W I75E 0413 014244 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N l&N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2420 2 u I47E 0413 033720 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2421 9 2 U 1 IOE 0413 053214 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 43N 57N 69N PACE PASS TRACK C S ALON nOOA HPflNSE SUB -SATELLITE POINT PICTUKE LOCATION LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT 2422 10 2 U 89C 0413 072704 72S 61S 40S 3SS 22S S 4N I7N DIN 44N 57N 69N 2423 1 1 2 r 61C 0413 092157 72S COS 47S 34S 2IS 3 5N I8N 32N 45N SON 70N 2424 ia 2 r 32E 0413 1 1 1653 7IS 59S 47S 34S 20S 7S 6N 19N 32N 46N 59N 7IN 2423 1 3 2 r 3E 0413 1 3 1 1 32 7IS 59S 47S 34S 2IS 7'i 5N 19N 32N 45N SON 70N 2426 i 2 r 25U 0413 150557 72S 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 4N ION 31N 45N 50N 70N 2427 2 2 r 54U 0413 1 70024 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 3IN 44N 57N 69N 2420 3 2 r 03V 0413 105454 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2429 4 2 r 1 1 1U 0413 204927 73S 6IS 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I7N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 2430 5 2 r MOV 0413 224404 73S 6IS 49S 36S 23S 9S )N 17N 30N 43N S6N 69N 2431 6 2 r 169U 0414 003030 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 10S JN 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2432 7 2 u I63C 0414 023310 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S IN 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 2433 2 u 134E 0414 042002 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N I7N 30N 44N S7N 69N 2434 9 2 u I05E 0414 062240 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N I7N 3IN 44N 57N 69N 2435 10 2 u 77E 0414 001737 72S 60S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 3IN 4SN 50N 70N 24 36 1 1 2 r 40E 0414 101230 71S 60S 47S 34S 21S 7S 5N ION 32N 45N SON 71 N 2437 12 2 r I9E 0414 120700 72S 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 5N ION 31N 45N 50N 70N 2430 1 2 r 9V 0414 140132 72S 6IS 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 31N 44N S7N 69N 2439 2 2 r 30V 0414 155559 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 4 3N 57N 69N 2440 3 2 r 67U 0414 175030 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 244 1 4 2 r 95V 0414 194503 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 10S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 60N 2442 5 2 r 124U 0414 213939 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 29N 43N S6N 60N 2443 6 2 r 153U 0414 233413 73S 62S 50S 37S 23S 10S 2N 16N 29N 4 3N 56N 60N 2444 7 2 u 179E 0415 012053 73S 62S SOS 37S 23S IOS 2N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2445 2 u 150E 0415 032337 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 4 3N S6N 60N 2446 9 2 u 121E 0415 051024 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I7N 30N 4 3N 57N 69N 2447 10 2 u 93E 0415 071313 72S 6IS 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N UN 44N 57N 69N 2440 1 1 2 r 64E 0415 090006 72S 60S 40S 3SS 2IS OS 4N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 2449 12 2 r 35E 0415 1 10302 71S 59S 47S 34S 20S 7S 5N 19N 32N 46N 59N 71N 2450 1 3 2 r 7E 0415 125743 71S 59S 47S 34S 21S 7S 5N I9N 32N 45N SON 70N 2451 1 2 r 22U 0415 145207 72S 60S 40S 35S 21S OS 4N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 2452 a 2 r 51U 0415 164635 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 3IN 44N 57N 69N 2453 3 2 r 79V 04 15 1 04 1 05 73S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 3N I7N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2454 4 2 r 100V 0415 203530 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I7N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2455 5 2 r 137V 0415 223014 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S IN I7N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2456 6 2 r 165V 0416 002449 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS JN 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2457 7 2 u 166E 0416 021930 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I6N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2450 2 u 137E 0416 041414 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2459 9 2 w 109E 04 16 06090 1 72S 6IS 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 1 7N 31N 44N 57N 69N 2460 10 2 w OOE 0416 000351 72S 60S 4QS 35S 21S OS 4N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 2461 1 1 2 r 5IE 0416 095044 71S 60S 47S 34S 21S 7S 5N 19N 32N 45N 59N 71N 2462 12 2 r 23E 0416 1 15324 7IS 60S 47S 34S 21S 05 SN ION 32N 45N SON 70N 2463 1 2 r 6V 0416 134747 72S 60S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N 17N 3IN 44N 57N 69N 2464 2 2 r 35V 0416 154213 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2465 3 2 r 63V 0416 173642 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2466 4 2 r 92V 0416 1931 14 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 60N 2467 5 2 r 121V 0416 212549 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 2N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2460 6 2 r 149V 0416 232027 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 2N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2469 7 2 u 170V 0417 01 1507 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N I6N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2470 2 u 153E 0417 030951 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 43N S6N 69N 2471 9 2 u 125E 0417 050430 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2472 10 2 u 96E 0417 065920 72S 61S 4QS 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 3IN 44N 57N 70N 2473 1 1 2 r 67E 0417 005421 72S 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 5N ION 32N 45N SON 70N 2474 12 2 r 39E 0417 104917 71S 59S 47S 34S 20S 7S 6N I9N 33N 46N S9N 71N 2475 13 2 r IOE 0417 124359 7IS 59S 47S 34S 20S 7S 5N I9N 32N 45N SON 71N 2476 1 2 r 19V 0417 143022 72S 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 5N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 2477 2 2 r 47V 04 17 163240 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N 17N 3IN 44N 57N 69N 2470 3 2 r 76V 0417 102717 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N I7N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2479 4 2 r 105V 0417 202149 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I7N 30N 43N S6N 69N 2400 5 2 r 133V 0417 221625 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2401 6 2 r 162V 0410 001 104 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2402 7 2 u 169E 0410 020545 73S 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 43N 57N 69N 2403 2 w 141E 0410 040029 73S 6IS 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2404 9 2 u 1 I2E 0410 055516 72S 6IS 40S 3SS 22S 9S 4N 17N 31N 44N 57N 70N 2405 10 u 03E 0410 075007 72S 60S 40S 35S 21S OS 5N ION 32N 45N SON 70N 2406 1 1 55E 0410 094501 71S 60S 47S 34S 20S 7S 5N 19N 32N 46N 59N 71N 2407 12 26E 0410 1 1 3940 71S 60S 47S 34S 21S 7S 5N ION 32N 45N SON 70N 2400 1 3V 0410 133403 72S 60S 40S 35S 2IS OS 4N ION 3IN 44N 57N 70N 2409 2 31V 0410 1 52029 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N I7N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2490 3 60V 0410 1 72259 73S 6IS 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I7N 30N 4 3N 57N 69N 2491 4 09V 0410 191731 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2492 5 1 17V 0410 21 1206 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2493 6 146V 0410 230644 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N I6N 30N 43N 56N 69N 2494 7 175V 0419 0101 13 74S 62S SOS 37S 24S IOS 2N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2495 w 157E 0419 025556 73S 62S SOS 37S 23S IOS 2N I6N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2496 9 u I20E 0419 045042 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N PACE PASS TRACK C S ALON HOOA HRflNSE SUQ-SATELL ITE POINT PICTURE LOCATION LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT 2497 10 1 U 99C 0419 064531 73S 6IS 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N S9N 2498 J 1 i r 71E 0419 004023 72S 61S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 31N 44N SON 70N 2499 12 ! r 42E 0419 103510 72S 60S 47S 34S 21S 7S 5N I9N 32N 45N SON 7 IN 2500 13 i r 1 3C 04 19 12 3000 71S 60S 47S 34S 2IS OS SN ION 32N 45N SON 70N 2501 1 i r 15W 0419 142423 72S 6IS 40S 35S 22S OS 4N 17N 31N 44N 57N 70N 2502 2 l r 44V/ 04 19 161049 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 2503 3 l r 7 3U 04 19 101310 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 43N S6N 69N 2504 4 l r 101 W 04 19 200750 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 2505 5 i r 1 30U 04 19 220226 73S 62S 50S 37S 23S IOS 2N I6N 29N 43N 56N SON 2506 6 i r 159W 04 19 235705 73S 62S 49S 37S 23S IOS 2N I6N 29N 4 3N S6N 60N 2507 7 1 u 1 73C 0420 015146 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 2500 1 u I44E 0420 034630 73S 62S 49S 36S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 2509 9 1 w 1 I5E 0420 054 1 10 73S 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 25 10 10 u 07E 0420 074020 61S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 31N 44N SON 70N 70N 251 1 1 1 1 F 50E 0420 093522 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 5N ION 32N 45N SON 7 ON 70N 2512 12 r 29C 0420 1 1 3010 59S 47S 33S 20S 7S 6N 19N 33N 46N 59N 71N 70N 251 3 1 3 r 1C 0420 1 32500 59S 46S 33S 20S 7S 6N 19N 32N 46N 59N 71N 70N 2514 1 r 20U 0420 151923 60S 47S 34S 21S OS 5N ION 32N 45N SON 70N 70N 2515 2 r 57U 0420 171 349 60S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 31N 44N 57N 70N 70N 2516 3 r 05W 0420 190010 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N I 7N 31N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2517 4 r 1 14W 0420 210250 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2510 5 r 14 3W 0420 225726 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2519 6 u 171U 042 1 005157 62S 49S 36S 23S 10S 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 7 ON 2520 7 u I60C 0421 024630 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 70N 2521 u 131E 0421 044 122 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2522 9 w 103E 0421 06 3609 61S 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 1 7N 31N 44N 57N 7 ON 70N 2523 10 u 74E 0421 003059 61S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 31N 45N 50N 70N 70N 2524 1 1 r 45E 0421 102552 60S 47S 34S 2IS 7S SN 19N 32N 45N 59N 71N 7 ON 2525 12 r 17E 0421 122031 60S 47S 34S 21S OS SN ION 32N 45N SON 70N 70N 2526 1 r 12U 0421 141455 61S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N ION 31N 44N 57N 70N 70N 2527 2 r 4IU 042 1 160922 61S 49S 35S 22S 9S 4N 17N 30N 44N S7N 69N 70N 2520 3 r 69W 0421 100353 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 4 3N 57N 69N 70N 2529 4 r 90W 0421 195026 62S 49S 36S 23S 10S 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 70N 2530 5 r 126U 0421 215302 62S 49S 36S 23S 10S 3N 16N 30N 43N 56N 69N 70N 253 1 6 r 155U 0421 234733 62S 50S 37S 23S 10S 2N I6N 29N 43N 56N 60N 70N 2532 7 u 176E 0422 014214 62S SOS 37S 23S 10S 2N I6N 29N 4 3N 56N 60N 70N 2533 w 140E 0422 033650 62S 49S 36S 23S 10S 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 70N 2534 9 u 1 I9E 0422 053145 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N S7N 69N 70N 2535 10 u 90E 0422 072635 61S 40S 35S 22S ss 4N 17N 31N 44N 57N 70N 70N 2536 1 1 r 62E 0422 092120 60S 40S 35S 2IS OS 5N ION 32N 45N SON 70N 70N 2537 12 r 33E 0422 1 1 1624 60S 47S 34S 20S 7S 6tJ 19N 33N 46N 59N 71N 70N 2530 1 3 r 4E 0422 131 105 59S 47S 34S 2IS 7S 5N 19N 32N 45N 59N 71N 70N 2539 1 r 24W 0422 150524 60S 40S 35S 21S OS 4N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 70N 2540 2 r 53U 0422 165956 61S 40S 35S 22S OS 4N 17N 31N 44N 57N 70N 70N 254 1 3 r 02W 0422 105427 6IS 40S 35S 22S 9S 4N 1 7N 31N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2542 4 r I I0VV 0422 204900 61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 70N 254 3 5 r 1 39V/ 0422 224337 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N I7N 30N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2544 6 u 160U 0423 003009 62S 49S 36S 23S 10S 3N I6N 30N 43N 56N 69N 70N 2545 7 w 164E 0423 023250 62S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 4 3N 57N 69N 70N 2546 w I 35E 0423 042734 61S 49S 36S 23S 9S 3N 17N 30N 44N 57N 69N 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61S 49S 36S 22S 9S 4N ION 31N 45N SON 70N 70N 2014 13 r 12E 0514 123307 62S 49S 36S 22S 9S 4N I7N 31N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2015 1 r I6W 0514 142730 62S SOS 37S 23S IOS 3N 16N 30N 4 3N 56N 69N 70N 2018 2 r 45U 0514 162156 63S SOS 37S 24S IOS 2N 16N 29N 43N 56N 60N 70N 2017 3 r 74U 0514 101625 63S 51S 30S 24S 1 IS 2N 15N 29N 42N 55N 60N 77N 2010 4 r 102V 0514 201057 64S SIS 30S 25S 1 IS IN 15N 20N 42N 55N 60N 77N 2019 5 r 131U 0514 220533 64S 51S 30S 25S 1 IS IN 15N 28N 42N 55N 67N 77N 2020 6 r I60U 0515 0000 1 2 64S SIS 30S 25S 1 IS IN 15N 28N 42N 55N 60N 77N 2021 7 u 172E 0515 015453 64S 51S 30S 2SS 1 IS IN 15N 29N 42N 55N 60N 77N 2022 u 143E 0515 034930 63S SIS 30S 24S 1 IS 2N 15N 29N 42N 56N 60N 77N 2023 9 u 1 I4C 0515 054426 63S SOS 37S 24S IOS 2N I6N 29N 43N 56N 60N 70N 2024 10 u 06C 0515 073917 62S SOS 37S 23S IOS 3N I7N 30N 44N 57N 69N 70N 2025 1 1 r 57E 0515 09341 1 62S 49S 36S 22S 9S 4N 17N 31N 44N SON 70N 70N 2826 12 r 28E 0515 1 1 2900 61S 49S 35S 21S OS 5N 18N 32N 45N 58N 7IN 70N 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52N 65N 75N 612 3 r sou 0607 105920 54S 41S 27S 14S ON I2N 26N 39N 52N 64N 75N 61 3 4 r OOU 0607 205250 54S 41S 20S 14S IS 12N 25N 39N 52N 64N 614 5 r 1 16U 0607 224629 54S 41S 20S 14S IS 12N 25N 30N 51N 64N 615 6 r 145U 0600 003952 55S 42S 20S 15S IS 1 IN 24N 30N 51N 616 7 w 1 73U 0600 023340 54S 41S 20S 14S IS 12N 25N 30N 51N 64N 75N 77N 617 v/ 1SQE 0600 042720 54S 4IS 20S 14S IS 12N 25N 39N 52N 64N 75N 77N 610 9 u 1 30E 0600 062102 54S 41S 27S 14S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 65N 75N 619 10 u I02C 0600 00 1446 53S 40S 27S 13S ON 1 3N 26N 39N 52N 65N 75N 620 1 1 u 73E 0600 100033 53S 40S 26S 13S ON 13N 27N 40N 53N 65N 76N 621 12 r 45E 0600 120222 52S 39S 25S 12S IN 14N 27N 4IN 54N 66N 76N 622 1 3 r 16C 0600 I 35556 52S 39S 26S 12S ON 14N 27N 40N 53N 66N 76N 623 1 r 12V/ 0600 1549 1 7 53S 40S 26S 13S ON 1 3N 26N 40N 53N 65N 75N 624 2 r 40U 0600 1 7424 1 53S 40S 27S 14S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 64N 75N 625 3 r 69V/ 0600 193600 54S 41S 27S 14S IS I2N 25N 39N 52N 64N 75N 626 4 r 97U 0600 212937 54S 41S 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015329 54S 41S 20S 15S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N 77N 642 7 u 160E 06 I 034705 54S 41S 20S 15S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N 77N 643 u 140E 06 10 054044 54S 41S 28S 14S IS 12N 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N 644 9 v/ 1 I2E 06 l 073425 54S 41S 20S 14S IS 12N 25N 39N 52N 64N 75N 645 10 VI 03E 06 10 092009 54S 41S 27S 14S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 65N 75N 646 1 1 r 55E 06 I 1 12156 53S 40S 27S I3S ON 1 3N 26N 40N 53N 65N 75N 647 12 r 26E 06 10 131527 53S 40S 27S 1 3S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 64N 75N 640 1 r 2U 06 I 150040 54S 41S 20S 14S IS 12N 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N 649 2 r 30U 06 10 1 702 1 1 55S 42S 20S 15S IS 1 IN 24N 30N 51N 63N 74N 650 3 r 59U 06 10 105036 56S 43S 29S 16N 3N 1 IN 24N 37N 5IN 63N 74N 65! 4 r 07U 06 10 204904 56S 43S 29S !6S 2S ION 24N 37N SON 62N 652 5 r 1 16VV 06 10 224235 56S 4 3S 29S I6S 3S ION 23N 37N SON 62N 653 6 r 144V/ 061 1 003615 56S 43S 29S I6S 2S ION 24N 37N SON 654 7 w 1 72U 06 1 1 022951 56S 43S 29S I6S 2S ION 24N 37N SON 63N 74N 77N 655 u 159E 061 1 042331 55S 42S 29S 16S 2S •ION 24N 37N 53N 63N 74N 77N 656 9 u 1 31E 061 1 061712 55S 42S 29S I5S 2S 1 IN 24N 37N 51N 63N 74N 657 10 w 103E 061 1 001056 55S 42S 20S 15S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N 650 1 1 w 74E 061 1 100443 54S 41S 20S 14S IS I2N 25N 39N 52N 64N 75N 659 12 r 46E 061 1 1 15032 54S 40S 27S 14S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 65N 75N 660 1 3 r I7E 061 I 1 35206 54S 41S 27S 14S ON I2N 25N 39N 52N 64N 75N 661 1 r 1 1V/ 061 1 154529 54S 41S 20S 14S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N 662 2 r 39U 06 1 1 I 73054 55S 42S 20S 15S 2S 1 IN 24N 30N 51N 63N 74N 66 3 3 r 60V/ 061 1 193222 55S 42S 29S 15S 2S 1 IN 24N 37N SON 63N 74N 664 4 r 96V/ 061 1 212552 55S 42S 29S 16S 2S ION 24N 37N SON 63N 665 5 r 125W 061 1 231925 56S 43S 29S 16S as ION 24N 37N SON 63 666 6 r 153U 0612 01 1257 56S 43S 29S 16S 2S ION 23N 37N SON 63N 667 7 u 179E 0612 030634 56S 43S 29S I6S 2S ION 24N 37N 50N 62N 73N 77N 660 w I50E 0612 050014 55S 42S 29S I6S 2S ION 24N 37N 50N 63N 74N 77N 669 9 u I22E 0612 065357 55S 42S 29S 15S 2S 1 IN 24N 37N 51N 63N 74N 670 10 u 93E 0612 004742 55S 42S 20S I5S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N 671 1 1 1 r 65E 0612 104 1 30 54S 41S 20S 14S IS I2N 25N 39N 52N 64N 75N 672 12 I r 37E 0612 123503 54S 41S 20S 14S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 64N 74N PAcr 16 PASS TRACK 673 1 3 674 1 675 2 676 3 6 7 7 4 670 5 678 h 600 7 60 1 60? F 15W 0627 160529 S4S 41S 20S 5S IS 1 IN 24N 30N 51N 63N 74N 065 2 2 F 44U 0627 175054 S5S 42S 29S 5S 2S 1 IN 24N 37N 50N 63N 74N 066 3 2 F 72V/ 0627 195222 S5S 42S 29S 6S 2S ION 24N 37N SON 62N 06 7 4 2 F 101U 0627 214552 55S 43S 29S 6S ?s ION 23N 37N SON 62N 060 5 2 F I29U 0627 233922 56S 43S 30S 6S 3S ION 2 3N 36N 49N 62N 069 6 2 F 157V/ 0620 013250 56S 43S 30S 6S 3S ION 23N 36N 49N 62N 070 7 2 w 174E 0620 032636 S6S 43S 29S &S JS ION 23N 37N SON 62N 73N 77N 071 2 w 146E 0620 05201 7 55S 42S 29S 6S ?5 ION 24N 37N SON 62N 74N 77N 072 9 2 W 1 17E 0620 071400 55S 42S 29S 5S 2S 1 IN 24N 37N SON 63N 74N 073 10 a u 09E 0620 090746 55S 42S 20S 5S IS 1 IN 24N 30N SIN 63N 74N 074 1 1 2 F 61E 0620 1 101 34 54S 41S 20S 4S IS 12N 2SN 30N SIN 64N 7SN 075 12 2 r 32E 0620 125525 53S 40S 27S 3S ON 1 3N 26N 39N 52N 65N 75N 076 1 3 2 f 4E 0620 144901 53S 40S 27S 4S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 64N 75N 077 1 2 F 25U 0620 164226 S4S 41S 27S 4S IS 12N 25N 30N SIN 64N 74N 070 .' 2 f 53U 0620 103553 S4S 41S 20S 5S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 63N 74N 079 3 2 r 01W 0620 202923 54S 42S 20S 5S 2S 1 IN 24N 37N 50N 62N 000 4 e f 1 10VV 0620 222256 55S 42S 20S 5S ?s 1 IN 2*N 30N SIN 63N 001 5 2 r 1 30V/ 0629 001625 55S 42S 29S 5S 2% 1 IN 24N 37N 50N 002 I, 2 f 166V/ 0629 02 1002 55S 42S 29S 5S ?S 1 IN 24N 37N 50N 003 7 2 u 165E 0629 040342 55S 42S 20S SS 2S 1 IN 24N 30N 51N 63N 74N 77N 004 .' w 1 37E 0629 055724 54S 41S 20S SS IS 1 IN 2SN 30N 51N 64N 74N 77N 005 9 2 w 100E 0629 075109 54S 41S 20S 4S IS 12N 25N 30N 51N 64N 75N 006 10 2 w OOE 0629 094456 53S 40S 27S 4S ON 12N 26N 39N 52N 64N 75N 007 1 1 2 f 52E 0629 1 1 3046 5 3S 40S 26S 3S ON 1 3N 26N 40N 53N 65N 75N 000 12 2 f 23E 0629 1 33221 S3S 40S 26S 3S ON 1 3N 26N 39N 52N 65N 75N 009 1 ^ F 5W 0629 152545 53S 40S 27S 4S ON 12N 2SN 39N 52N 64N 75N 090 2 ? r 34U 0629 17191 1 S4S 41S 27S 4S 1 S 12N ?5N 30N 51N 64N 74N 091 ] 2 r 62W 0629 191240 S4S 41S 20S 4S IS 1 IN 25N 30N 51N 63N 74N 092 4 ^ F 90U 0629 2 1 06 1 1 S4S 41S 20S 5S IS 1 IN 24N 30N 51N 63N 093 5 2 r 1 19W 0629 225945 54S 41S 20S SS 1 S 1 IN 24N 30N SIN 63N 094 6 2 F 147V/ 0630 005319 54S 41S 20S 5S 1 s 1 IN 24N 30N SIN 63N 095 7 2 w 1 76U 06 30 024650 54S 41S 20S SS IS 1 IN 25N 30N SIN 63N 74N 77N 096 ^ u 156E 0630 044030 S4S 4IS 20S 4S 1 s 1 IN 25N 30N SIN 64N 74N 77N 097 9 ^ u 120E 06 30 063422 54S 4IS 27S 4S IS 12N 2SN 39N 52N 64N PAr.r 19 PASS TRACK c s ALON OA HPMNSt sue -SATCLLITC POINT PICTURE LOC :atic IN LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT LAT 890 10 2 U 99E 0630 002000 53S 40S 27S I3S ON I2N 26N 39N 32N 65N 75N 999 1 1 2 r 7IC 0630 102156 53S 40S 26S I3S ON I3N 26N 40N 33N 63N 75N 76N 900 12 2 r 42C 0630 121547 53S 39S 26S 1 3S IN I4N 27N 41N 54N 67N 76N 90 1 1 3 2 r 1 )t 06 30 140923 52S 39S 26S 12S ON I4N 27N 40N 53N 6SN 75N 902 I 2 r 14W 06 30 160246 52S 39S 26S 1 3S ON 1 3N 26N 40N 52N 65N 75N 90 3 2 ? r 4 3U 06 30 1 756 1 3 53S 40S 27S I3S ON 1 3N 26N 39N 52N 65N 75N 904 3 2 r 7IW 06 30 19494 1 53S 40S 27S I4S ON 12N 25N 39N 52N 64N 905 4 i r ioow 06 30 21431 3 54S 41S 20S I4S IN 1 3N 24N 30N 52N 64N 906 5 i r 120W 06 30 2 3 364 4 54S 42 20S 14S 2N 12N 26N 30N 52N 64N PAcr 20 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 TRACK TABLE FOR ESSA 3 Range of Ascending Nodes 28. 7W 28. 7W - 57 ,4W 57. 4W - 86 ,1W 86. 1W - 114 ,8W 114. 8W - 143 ,5W 143. 5W - 172 ,2W 172.2W - 159 IE 159. IE - 130 4E 130. 4E - 101 7E 101. 7E - 73 0E 73. 0E - 44 3E 44. 3E - 15 6E 15. 6E - Difference between Tracks - 28.7 Track No , 1 2 3 h 5 (> 7 8 9 10 11 12 L3 o TRACK TABLE FOR ESSA 5 Range of Ascending Nodes Track No , 28. 4W 56. 8W 85. 2W 113. 6W 142. 0W 170. 4w 161. 2E 132. 8E 104. 4E 76. 0E 47. 6E 19. 2E 28. 4W 56. 8W 35. 2W 113. 6W 142. 0W 170. 4W 161. 2E 132. 8E 104. 4E 76. 0E 47. 6E 19. 2E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 L3 Difference between Tracks - 28.4 Day to day variations and irregularities which result in improper locating or display of the data are apparent in this catalog. At present, inadequate computer facilities prevent any effort to reformat the mosaic image on an after-the-fact basis. Those days with obvious problems are listed below in chronological order: DATE 4/ 4/67 4/ 5/67 4/ 7/67 4/ 9/67 4/10/67 4/24/67 5/ 5/67 5/14/67 5/16/67 5/23/67 5/24/67 6/ 1/67 6/ 2/67 6/ 3/67 6/ 4/67 6/16/67 6/19/67 AREA N. Pole 90 E N. Pole 180 W 140 E 80 W 170 W 140 W All 80 E 130 E All 1 ), i: >0 100 E-20 E 150 E-60 E All 80 E-40 E, 160 E-40 E 80 W REASON Grey scale pattern inserted for missing frame. One pass missing Grey scale pattern inserted for missing frame. One frame had garbled signal. One pass unreadable due to poor signal. Part of one pass garbled due to poor signal. Pass offset by one frame. One frame garbled due to poor signal. Horizontal streaks injected by computer malfunction. Frames out of vertical sync. Frames out of vertical sync. Switched to ESSA 5 data. Pass offset by one frame. 2 3 Passes interchanged. 3 Passes offset by a frame. Output not available due to computer problems. 2 Passes interchanged, 1 Pass offset by a frame. 4 Passes clipped due to error in solar illumination correction program. 1) ESSA 5 cameras were more responsive than ESSA 3 cameras, therefore the data suddenly appears more profuse and brighter. 2) Tape recorder problems aboard the ESSA 5 satellite prevented processing of the first frame of data of each readout sequence, thus affecting the computer logic to locate the data in the expected sequence. Some other inconsistencies are related to photographic and printing problems. Original film negatives may not exhibit these problems. Any comments pertaining to the Catalog of Meteoro- logical Satellite Data - ESSA 3 and ESSA 5 Television Cloud Photography Part 3, will be welcomed and should be addressed to: Chief, Documentation Section National Environmental Satellite Center Environmental Science Services Administration Washington, D. C. 20233 21 ... >:./ *? a. ^** flw^u^o ov^ '••.; ..~-v. ■ X » " ,,-:■ £>*?,*$& .•V> '*?■ .-'' ?'&, ^\^9('-. : tS: /f^: x^^fa^^ 9 ^JP*:^p y ;,.':■■" ■■IJ^'.'X .\ Tj . Jr * ,-Jf •• . fc J b^ ^*^5F>^ % : 4lP ' ' j J^ t • ^'- ■ ''£ p*C : ..^ v — Jgr*)fjf; ....«0. /T , V: : - ^'"••'"ifaj JQ?i£. 2 B*!>1 •fc^* 4 f / * iX--: . ■ • JTKbu- -.:jQ • ■ '/lyy "' •'• . ^ 4wtHfcj^fejB^"-"^ ^^H^Hjr -. , kSkjhHS JK» ..'.?'. 'v . JBp- t / ■ /-'/''^i^gv ;-••' ■ W : ; r • JP ^. *' -**^^ -^^ « • ijifj ^2 .1Q0C-- ..■■**■ * ; "TV ._*'**% iio"aB \ m ts& ,8 6 67 ^»SS 2485 2437 ••'■ J ; ';1 ■ :,$ '■fr, o" " x -» PI.: . ■j*. ■■'■'■-■* .; <"' m ''-now 1 ' * • - .■ M * • '/' \ '• :■<*;■ V ^ <*-|£OU .,^1 * 1, / - i^iir"' / :..•' HI '4- ' * •* si?- - .•-••# ... f* .-.»'■ ■• Jt ? * ' ■ f **P*V. ■■■ ^«SS - 3438- 2510 | .S-fc'asigsa^ j I^HPB^fi'^^w LSI 3 * • * '• ' r , ' £&' ^ * ^*-^j D '< o- *"'••- ""■ '• ■■ '■■ •' "-•:' •". -'4 ' , • , • * jL . '' :£OS ' 60S * ' ' '„■'"■ iiiiiiiiiioi a* . '* -60% 60S • '. 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" •• . V jf ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ • .-^ ' . - jJ& DOS .•" -" % m B 4^iaoc ■ • ■"* •■•-•;iooe'R'--" ni •-■ ««s" ,„„.„, f— a «l$ |..^OU:.'...,,- '•^'^'"'•■■> / '%'-, a ^ * . * " ■\Sr '•i4au. » *■„ _ ■**"'■: •40U -■ \^ ■ ■''■'': > eoi. a a . IGOW : v .4 ; ' : i ir ^m ■ - $' 4i# * -. ' v 60 *-. 60S *V* ... , ',< •'5 f •■■v wLJk T: t * «• '■wmifK : \'%J\ \ .•■;"'•.. : r *i • Sot 10OC ■ " • \ - mi JOS - • J . < ::«* It: ■.».■' «. * HI > ■ - • . km >\- tsii 30 ^ 67 ■■■■■■ MAJOR COMPUTER BREAKDOWN. SEE CATALOG LISTINGS FOR INFORMATION ON AVAILABILITY OF FILM FOR THIS DATE 6/4/67 ESSA 5 Pass 570 - 581 No. Hemisphere MAJOR COMPUTER BREAKDOWN. SEE CATALOG LISTINGS FOR INFORMATION ON AVAILABILITY OF FILM FOR THIS DATE 6/4/67 ESSA 5 Pass 570 - 581 So. Hemisphere ,.* ■*:' . , *2s2ss^^s S5s^^^*iw ..:-'«Bt ^fei '■*»■ /xrtygwsS ^t'T^". »* BPW i • jMl"- ■ff^' T, ^s^f! > ^--jw^fe.;.w W-yp / * •• T^M •' \ - -'?• ; U%*ij0* *~: • ■~'»£ '-f •"<£ •-Sr ~|-. . • > '' : %^V' '•• ' : - J' "•'"■ '""•'■^ : :-^ •'••. "V^gfc • : •£ : * ■ A •''.'■ .<-.■. • •-. n0^'" '"■-#.** \ g ••.^f . -v ■■ ; • !■ . il / MS ..." «J^ -,.;••!*' . jfe'^F* • • '"•jC^^Ms"'< • '"•-' ': : :' V" • • J*-" V ■ V--M .. '"'if*-.;. ,_ \&'.) ;; '^^h^i^ : ^, ■ • " • %l %:^ ^■4 • % U^ ;-•-' 11$ ■ V&* '• ..•■'". ^/^iVSKx^^sa^ '•MJ *|r ; 3 M^Jkl- ■■% W . *0fy J^p iiMiif™ B6?? friiLB ■ j 3HRp^~j .^ ■ -.. A>-it k «nr- :JH^ ■C: '% i % IfcL.- Sj ' - ^ J '•■ .' .-•-**--•" ■•^••••^ v ^-^■' .•• w ••' B8J KyJ if Ml ■ « . . /•° '•-,** 'fit • ±. ^»SS 785- 797 1 .3 S MB S4 "",l%r"-,' SHHto ■■■: ^ j '* ": :^:- : V"v l.Li .-. • / :,::•'•• .Wj ^»fe ■■.•'* • jfc ";•-..;_' \.:.;'\ \ 1 /■ / -?*''' *™- $k'^£»^ ■ /Jfci^S l:;;L;<^;L|L^ a •^jj •'■''.."•••.-"'"'• -. If t* '•' '. . i«jj ! JLJiJJlJ/../.. • ,' _" ■''■•--.*.•.•}.*' "■::,'.■■- ^WBL nT; "•' '■ r %sK&^w * ** PI' naiM"-<:' aLflpr . '•.. . ■••.. . . '•• ... • ; '?«K .4**' *" ? WV1 »■■ '30S/' '.'. / : •■• ' S& '%; / ' '.i'-L f :^p''-'' ^^^. L--:'^ ^fe^^'" '^1 ^ASS 848- SCO U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1968 O— 308-020 i No. 5.39 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS IX Television Cloud Photography Part 1 January 22, 1965 to April 30, 1965", published in 1966, price $1.75. No. 5.39 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS IX Television Cloud Photography Part 2 May 1, 1965 to July 26, 1965", published in 1967, price $1.25. No. 5.310 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - TIROS X Television Cloud Photography Part 1 July 2, 1965 to September 30, 1965, published in 1967, price $1.25. No. 5.311 "Catalogue of Meteorological Satellite Data - ESSA 1 Television Cloud Photography Part 1 February 3, 1966 to March 31, 1966", published in 1966, price $1.00. No. 5.313 "Catalog of Meteorological Satellite Data - ESSA 3 Television Cloud Photography Part 2 January 1, 1967 to March 31, 1967", published in 1967, price $1.50. J*? 0F '% ^ATES 0< * ''KJSKS'.fF'S^S , ill A00007207U0