REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) PENNSYLVANiA_STATE unwersh V JUL 2 2 1992 U.S. Depository Copy U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration Bureau of Economic Analysis ■%>. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS: A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) Second Edition May 1992 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Barbara Hackman Franklin, Secretary ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Mark W. Plant, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs and Administrator BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Carol S. Carson, Director Allan H. Young, Acting Deputy Director ' ~"".a»u» mm, For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 ISBN 0-16-037944-X Suggested Citation: U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Regional Multi- pliers: A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II). Second edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1992. Preface This handbook of regional output, earnings, and employ- ment multipliers was prepared by Richard M. Beemiller and Howard L. Friedenberg, under the general guidance of Hugh W. Knox, Associate Director for Regional Economics of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and under the direction of John R. Kort, Chief of the Regional Economic Analysis Division (READ). READ has a continuing research program to develop improved techniques for analyzing the regional economic impacts of projects and programs. In the early 1970's, READ developed a method known as the Regional In- dustrial Multiplier System (RIMS) for estimating regional input-output multipliers. The RIMS methodology was based on the work of Daniel H. Garnick and Ronald L. Drake. Further development, based on the work of Joseph V. Cartwright and Richard M. Beemiller, resulted in an enhanced method known as the Regional Input- Output Modeling System (RIMS II). In 1986, READ published a handbook for users of regional multipliers from REVIS II. The multipliers in this new edition of the handbook reflect recent methodological changes and data updates by Richard M. Beemiller. The methodological changes have improved the accuracy of multipliers for the agriculture and construction industries and the accuracy of employment multipliers for all industries. In addition, total multipliers now are available on a direct-effect basis as well as on a final-demand basis. Karen A. Newman provided typing assistance, and Shirley M. Watson and M. Gretchen Gibson provided editorial as- sistance. Eric B. Manning, under the guidance of Leland L. Scott, Chief of the Publication Services Branch, coordinated preparation of the publication for printing. Contents Preface iii Introduction M-l Availability of Regional 1-0 Multipliers From RIMS II M-2 Output, Earnings, and Employment Multipliers From RIMS II M-3 Direct Requirements Coefficients M-3 Total Requirements Coefficients M-3 Earnings Multipliers M-4 Employment Multipliers M-4 Total Final-Demand Multipliers for Output, Earnings, and Employment M-5 Total Direct-Effect Multipliers for Earnings and Employment M-5 Information Required From Users of RIMS II M-6 Appropriate Industrial Detail M-6 Appropriate Geographic Detail M-7 Illustrative Uses of RIMS II: Case Studies M-8 Case Study 1 : Building a New Electric Utility Facility M-8 Case Study 2: Operating a Manufacturing Plant M- 1 1 Case Study 3: Shutting Down a Military Base M-l 1 Case Study 4: Operating an Airport M-14 Appendix I. Further Reading M-16 Appendix II. Detailed Industries for Which Multipliers Are Available M-17 Appendix III. Industry Aggregations for Which Multipliers Are Available M-22 Statistical Section 1 Summary Table for All States: Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment 3 Sample Tables for California: A- 1.2. — 39-Industry-by-528-Industry Multipliers for Earnings 54 A-2. 1. — 39-Industry-by-39-Industry Multipliers for Output 87 A-2.2. — 39-Industry-by-39-Industry Multipliers for Earnings 90 A-2. 3. — 39-Industry-by-39-Industry Multipliers for Employment 93 A-2. 4. — Total Final-Demand Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment 96 A-2.5. — Total Direct-Effect Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Earnings and Employment 96 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Introduction Effective planning for public- and private-sector projects and programs at the State and local area levels requires systematic analysis of the economic impacts of the projects and pro- grams on affected regions. Systematic analysis of economic impacts, in turn, must take into account interindustry rela- tionships within regions because those relationships largely determine how regional economies respond to project and pro- gram changes. Thus, regional input-output (I-O) multipliers, which account for interindustry relationships within regions, are useful tools for regional economic impact analysis. In the mid-1970's, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) completed development of a method for estimating regional 1-0 multipliers known as RIMS (Regional Industrial Multi- plier System), which was based on the work of Garnick and Drake. 1 In the mid- 1 980' s, BEA completed an enhancement of RIMS, known as RIMS II (Regional Input-Output Model- ing System), and published a handbook for RIMS II users. 2 Now, BEA is making available a new edition of the hand- book, in which the multipliers are based on more recent data and improved methodology. 3 RIMS II is based on an accounting framework called an 1-0 table. An 1-0 table shows, for each industry, indus- trial distributions of inputs purchased and outputs sold. A typical 1-0 table in RIMS II derives mainly from two data sources: (1) BEA's national 1-0 table, which shows the input and output structure of more than 500 U.S. industries, and (2) BEA's four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) county wage-and-salary data, which can be used to adjust the national 1-0 table to show a region's industrial structure and trading patterns. 4 Using RIMS II, multipliers can be estimated for any re- gion composed of one or more counties and for any industry in the national 1-0 table. This handbook presents multipli- ers for States. The accessibility of the main data sources for 1 . See Daniel H. Garnick, "Differentia) Regional Multiplier Models," Journal of Regional Science 10 (February 1970): 35^7; and Ronald L. Drake, "A Short-Cut to Estimates of Regional Input-Output Multipliers," International Regional Science Review 1 (Fall 1976): 1-17. 2. See U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II): Estimation, Evaluation, and Application of a Disaggregated Regional Impact Model (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981). Also see U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Multipliers: A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986). 3. Methodological changes have improved the accuracy of multipliers for the agri- culture and construction industries and the accuracy of employment multipliers for all industries. 4. See U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, The 1982 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States (Washington, DC: U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1991); and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, State Personal Income, 1929-87: Estimates and a Statement of Sources and Methods (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, July 1989). RIMS II keeps the cost of estimating regional multipliers rel- atively low. Empirical tests show that estimates based on the modeling system and estimates based on relatively expensive surveys are similar in magnitude. Moreover, RIMS II easily can incorporate project-specific data supplied by users; such data can improve the accuracy of the multiplier estimates. 5 1-0 multipliers from RIMS II can be used to estimate the impacts of project and program expenditures by industry on regional output (gross receipts or sales), earnings (the sum of wages and salaries, proprietors' income, and other labor income, less employer contributions to private pension and welfare funds), and employment (number of jobs). Effective use of the multipliers for impact analysis requires proper interpretation of the 1-0 relationships. The second section of this handbook defines some key relationships. As discussed in the third section, users must provide information on the geographic and industrial patterns of the project or pro- gram expenditures under study or on the direct earnings and employment changes associated with the project or program. RIMS II is widely used in both the public and private sectors. In the public sector, for example, the Department of Defense (DOD) uses RIMS II to estimate the regional impacts of changes in defense expenditures; the Florida De- partment of Transportation uses RIMS II to estimate the regional impacts of constructing and operating transportation facilities. Private-sector analysts, consultants, and economic development practitioners use RIMS II to estimate the re- gional impacts of a variety of projects, the most typical of which is a new construction project. This handbook comprises three additional sections of text, three appendixes, and a statistical section. The second sec- tion of text discusses what the 1-0 multipliers mean, using nontechnical language and simplified accounting. The third section discusses the information that users of RIMS II must provide. The fourth section contains four hypothetical case studies that illustrate use of the multipliers. The studies focus on estimating the regional economic impacts of building a new electric utility facility, operating a manufacturing plant, shutting down a military base, and operating an airport. Ap- pendix I contains suggestions for further reading. Appendix II contains a list of the detailed industries for which multipliers are available, and Appendix III contains a list of the industry aggregations for which multipliers are available. The statis- tical section at the end of this handbook presents a selection of tables of 1-0 multipliers that are available from RIMS II. 5. See U.S. Department of Commerce, Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II), chapter 5. Also see Sharon M. Brucker, Steven E. Hastings, and William R. Latham III, "The Variation of Estimated Impacts from Five Regional Input-Output Models," International Regional Science Review 13 (1990): 119-39. M-l M-2 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS For all States, the statistical section presents a summary aggregate-industry table, which State planners and analysts will find convenient for estimating the impacts of project or program expenditures on output, earnings, and employment. In addition, for the State of California, the statistical section presents a sample of one of five detailed-industry tables that are available from RIMS II, and it presents samples of all five aggregate-industry tables that are available. Availability of Regional I-O Multipliers From RIMS II For any region composed of one or more counties, RIMS II can provide two series of tables of 1-0 multipliers; series A-l is for detailed industries, and series A-2 is for industry aggregations. Each series consists of five tables: (1) Output multipliers; (2) earnings multipliers; (3) employment multipliers; (4) total final-demand multipliers for output, earnings, and employment; and (5) total direct-effect multipliers for earnings and employment. Table desig- Type of multiplier Industry composition Presentation in handbook nation State Page A-1.1 Output multipliers Earnings multipliers 39 row industries and 528 column industries 39 row industries and 528 column industries 39 row industries and 528 column industries Totals of row industries for 528 industries ... Totals of row industries for 528 industries ... 39 row industries and 39 column industries 39 row industries and 39 column industries 39 row industries and 39 column industries Totals of row industries for 39 industries Totals of row industries for 39 industries A-1.2 California . 54-86 A-1.3 Employment multipliers Total final-demand multipliers for output, earnings, and employment. Total direct-effect multipliers for earnings and employment. Output multipliers Earnings multipliers Employment multipliers Total final-demand multipliers for output, earnings, and employment. Total direct-effect multipliers for earnings and employment. A-1.4 A-1.5 A-2.1 A-2.2 A-2.3 A-2.4 A-2.5 California . California . California . California . All States . California . All States . 87-89 90-92 93-95 96 3-53 96 3-53 Prices of tables (two series per region) are on a descending scale, starting at $1,500 per region for the first region ordered. For further information or to place an order, call (202) 523-0586 or write to Regional Economic Analysis Division, BE-61, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Output, Earnings, and Employment Multipliers From RIMS II To help planners and analysts estimate the impacts of project and program expenditures by industry on regional out- put, earnings, and employment, BEA makes available from RIMS II a set of tables of 1-0 multipliers (see box at end of preceding section). This section briefly explains the meaning of the 1-0 multipliers, starting with an explanation of direct requirements coefficients. 6 Direct requirements coefficients for industry 1 can be viewed as estimates of the dollar changes in output, for each additional dollar of output of industry 1 , that occur in regional industries from which industry 1 purchases inputs. These changes typically are called first-round, or direct, changes in output. Per dollar of output of industry 1, direct changes in output total 47 cents (the sum of the entries in column 1). Direct Requirements Coefficients Direct requirements coefficients for a given industry in a region show the inputs of goods and services from the re- gion's industries that the given industry requires to produce a dollar of output. Table 1 shows direct requirements coeffi- cients for a hypothetical region with five industries, including households. 7 (The data in this table and succeeding tables are for illustrative purposes only). Column 1, for example, shows that to produce a dollar of output, industry 1 requires (1)6 cents of inputs from regional firms in the same industry, (2) 12 cents, 8 cents, and 3 cents of inputs, respectively, from industries 2 through 4, and (3) 18 cents of labor inputs from households. 6. More comprehensive discussions of 1-0 multipliers can be found in the following publications: William H. Miemyk, The Elements of Input-Output Analysis (New York: Random House, 1965); Ronald E. Miller and Peter D. Blair, Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985); Harry W. Richardson, Input-Output and Regional Economics (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1972); W.A. Schaffer, ed.. On the Use of Input-Output Models for Regional Planning, Vol. 1 of Studies in Applied Regional Science (Leiden, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976); and Ronald E. Miller, Karen R. Polenske, and Adam Z. Rose, eds., Frontiers of Input-Output Analysis (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989). 7. Regional I-O multipliers account more fully for the regional economic repercus- sions of project and program expenditures if households are included as an industry. For more information, see Miller and Blair, Input-Output Analysis, in footnote 6. Table 1 . — Industry-by-lndustry Direct Requirements for a Hypothetical Region [Direct requirements from regional industries per dollar of industry output] Purchasing industry 1 2 3 4 House- holds 1 0.06 0.15 0.06 0.08 0.08 2 .12 .02 .10 .03 .10 3 .08 .08 .09 .02 .12 4 .03 .04 .06 .11 Households .18 .23 .13 .10 .06 Note. — Each entry represents the input required directly from the row industry for each dollar of output of the column industry. Total Requirements Coefficients Compared with direct requirements coefficients, total require- ments coefficients for a given industry in a region account more fully for the regional economic repercussions of pro- ducing a dollar of output of the given industry. Total requirements coefficients, which are expressed per dollar of output delivered to final demand (that is, to ultimate pur- chasers, such as consumers outside the region), reflect (1) the initial dollar of final demand for the output of the given indus- try, (2) direct requirements coefficients (see above), and (3) indirect requirements coefficients. Indirect requirements coef- ficients for a given industry in a region reflect (1) the regional production required to produce the given industry's direct re- quirements and (2) the regional production required to meet consumer demand generated by payments from the given in- dustry to households for their labor inputs (often termed the "induced effects"). Table 2 shows total requirements coefficients for the indus- tries from table l. 8 Column 1 shows, for example, that to 8. The mathematical derivation of a table of total requirements coefficients from a table of direct requirements coefficients is in U.S. Department of Commerce, Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II), chapter 4. Table 2. — Industry-by-lndustry Total Requirements for a Hypothetical Region [Total requirements, direct and indirect, from regional industries per dollar of output delivered to final demand] Purchasing industry 1 2 3 4 House- holds 1 1.14 0.22 0.13 0.12 0.15 2 .19 1.10 .16 .07 .16 3 .16 .16 1.16 .06 .19 4 .08 .05 .08 1.09 .15 Households .29 .34 .23 .17 1.17 Total ' 1.57 1.53 1.53 1.34 .65 1 . Excludes entries in households row. Note. — Each entry represents the output required, directly and indirectly, from the row in- dustry for each dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. M-3 M-4 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS deliver a dollar of output to final demand, industry 1 requires, both directly and indirectly, (1) $1.14 of output from regional firms in the same industry (the initial dollar of final demand for the output of industry 1, plus an additional 14 cents of output) and (2) 19 cents, 16 cents, and 8 cents of output, respectively, from industries 2 through 4. The output that in- dustry 1 requires from itself and from industries 2 through 4 includes earnings paid to households employed in industries 1 through 4. The fifth entry in column 1 is a summation of earnings paid to households; it shows that to deliver a dollar of output to final demand, industry 1 requires, both directly and indirectly, 29 cents of labor from households employed in industries 1 through 4. Total requirements coefficients for industry 1 can be viewed as estimates of the total (direct and indirect) changes in output that occur in the region's industries for each additional dollar of output of industry 1 delivered to final demand. Because total changes are dollar multiples of the initial dollar spent for the output of industry 1, total changes in output often are called output multipliers. For industry 1, the total (all- industry) final-demand multiplier for output is $1.57 (the sum of the first four entries in column 1). The statistical section of this handbook contains a sample table (A-2.1) of output multipliers available from RIMS II for California. The entries in table A-2.1 are the dollar changes in output that occur in 39 row industries per dollar of output delivered to final demand by the same 39 column industries. A similar table (A- 1.1, not shown) that shows 39 row indus- tries by 528 column industries also is available from RIMS II. (Appendix II identifies the 528 industries; appendix III shows the distribution of the 528 industries among the 39 industry aggregations). Earnings Multipliers Earnings multipliers for a given industry in a region show the earnings that the given industry pays, both directly and indirectly, to households employed in regional industries in connection with delivery of a dollar of output to final demand. Table 3 shows earnings multipliers for the industries from ta- bles 1 and 2. Column 1 shows, for example, that in order for industry 1 to deliver a dollar of output to final demand, regional firms must pay both directly and indirectly (1) 20 cents of earnings to households employed in the same indus- try, (2) 4 cents, 2 cents, and 1 cent of earnings, respectively, to households employed in industries 2 through 4, and (3) 2 cents of earnings to household employees. 9 Earnings multipliers for industry 1 can be viewed as es- timates of the total (direct and indirect) dollar changes in earnings that occur in households employed by regional in- dustries for each additional dollar of output of industry 1 delivered to final demand. For industry 1, the total (all- industry) final-demand multiplier for earnings is 29 cents (the sum of the entries in column l). 10 The statistical section contains sample tables (A- 1.2 and A-2.2) of earnings multipliers available from RIMS II for California. The entries in table A- 1.2 are the changes in earnings that occur in the households employed by 39 row industries per dollar of output delivered to final demand by 528 column industries. The entries in table A-2.2, which are aggregations of the entries in table A- 1.2, are the changes in earnings that occur in the households employed by 39 row industries per dollar of output delivered to final demand by the same 39 column industries. Employment Multipliers Employment multipliers for a given industry in a region show the number of full- and part-time jobs that regional industries provide, both directly and indirectly, in order for the given industry to deliver $1 million of output to final demand. 11 Table 4 shows employment multipliers for the industries from tables 1-3. Column 1 shows, for example, that in order for industry 1 to deliver $1 million of output to final demand, regional firms must provide (1)18 jobs in the same industry, (2) 3 jobs, 1 job, and jobs, respectively, in industries 2 through 4, and (3) jobs in households. 12 9. Each column of table 3 is derived by multiplying, in succession, each column entry in table 2 by each entry in the households row of table 1. 10. This total corresponds to the households entry in column 1 of table 2. 11. Output is expressed per $1 million, rather than per dollar, to minimize cases in which the number of jobs is less than 1 . Employment estimates on a job-count basis count all jobs held by an individual. 12. Column 1 of table 4 is derived by multiplying each entry in column 1 of table 3 by the corresponding ratio of employment to earnings. The ratios of employment to Table 3. — Industry-by-Industry Earnings Multipliers for a Hypothetical Region [Earnings, direct and indirect, per dollar of output delivered to final demand] Purchasing industry 1 2 3 4 House- holds 1 0.20 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03 2 .04 .25 .04 .02 .04 3 .02 .02 .15 .01 .02 4 .01 .01 .01 .11 .02 Households .02 .02 .01 .01 .06 Total .29 .34 .23 .17 .17 Note. — Each entry represents the earnings paid, directly and indirectly, to the households employed by the row industry for each dollar of output delivered to final demand by the col- umn industry. Table 4.— Industry-by-Industry Employment Multipliers for a Hypothetical Region [Number of jobs, direct and indirect, per $1 million of output delivered to final demand] Purchasing industry 1 2 3 4 House- holds 1 18 3 1 22 4 18 1 23 2 3 9 14 2 1 1 6 10 3 2 3 3 1 4 1 Total 1 9 Note.— Each entry represents the number of jobs provided, directly and indirectly, by the row industry for each $1 million of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-5 Employment multipliers for industry 1 can be viewed as estimates of the total (direct and indirect) changes in number of jobs that occur in regional industries for each additional $1 million of output of industry 1 delivered to final demand. For industry 1 , the total (all-industry) final-demand multiplier for employment is 22 jobs (the sum of the entries in column 1). The statistical section contains a sample table (A-2.3) of employment multipliers available from RIMS II for Califor- nia. The entries in table A-2.3 are the changes in number of jobs that occur in 39 row industries per $1 million of output delivered to final demand by the same 39 column industries. A similar table (A-1.3, not shown), with entries showing the changes in number of jobs that occur in 39 row industries per $1 million of output delivered to final demand by 528 column industries, also is available from RIMS II. Total Final-Demand Multipliers for Output, Earnings, and Employment The statistical section also contains a sample table (A-2.4) of total (all-industry) final-demand multipliers for output, earn- ings, and employment, which is available from RIMS II for California. (The first table in the statistical section contains information corresponding to that in table A-2.4 for all States and the District of Columbia.) Each of the 39 entries in table A-2.4 is a sum of changes that occur in all row industries for earnings are based on BEA's four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) county wage-and-salary and employment data. each additional dollar (or, in the case of employment, for each additional $1 million) of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. A similar table (A- 1.4, not shown), with each of 528 line entries showing a sum of changes that occur in all row industries for each additional dollar (or $1 million) of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry, also is available from RIMS II. Total Direct-Effect Multipliers for Earnings and Employment The statistical section contains a sample table (A-2.5) of total (all-industry) direct-effect multipliers for earnings and em- ployment, which is available from RIMS II for California. (The first table in the statistical section contains information corresponding to that in table A-2.5 for all States and the District of Columbia.) Each entry for earnings is the total dollar change in earnings that occurs in households employed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households employed by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. Each entry for employment is the total change in the number of jobs that occurs in all row industries for each additional job created in the industry corresponding to the entry. A similar table (A- 1.5, not shown), with each of 528 line entries showing a sum of changes that occur in earnings (or in number of jobs) in all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households (or for each additional job created) in the industry corresponding to the entry, also is available from RIMS II. Information Required From Users of RIMS II The preceding section explains the meaning of two alternative forms of total multipliers from RIMS II — final-demand multi- pliers and direct-effect multipliers (see the table for all States in the statistical section). The total final-demand multiplier expresses the total regional economic impact of project and program expenditures relative to a change in final demand for output, and the total direct-effect multiplier expresses the total impact relative to a direct change in household earn- ings or employment. The two total multipliers should yield the same impacts; the choice of which to use depends on the information available. The total final-demand multiplier requires information on changes in output delivered to fi- nal demand in an industry in a region; final-demand changes reflect purchases of goods and services, typically by con- sumers and businesses outside the region, by investors, and by government. 13 The total direct-effect multiplier requires information on direct changes in earnings and employment in industries experiencing final-demand changes. This section discusses information that users of REMS II must supply to use each multiplier. Appropriate Industrial Detail The use of final-demand multipliers and of direct-effect mul- tipliers requires the user to decide on the level of industrial detail at which to estimate the impacts. Total final-demand multipliers Suppose, for example, that users want to estimate the im- pact on household earnings in California of a $100.0 million expenditure by the Federal Government for public works that is divided evenly between the construction and the maintenance and repair of sewer facilities, highways, and streets. Users can view the expenditure as 2 final-demand changes of $50.0 million each that affect 2 of the 39 industry aggregations in appendix III — in this case, new construc- tion (industry 6) and maintenance and repair construction (industry 7). The impact of the expenditure on house- hold earnings in California is obtained by multiplying each final-demand change — $50.0 million — by total final-demand multipliers for household earnings for each of the two industry aggregations — 0.7531 and 0.8335, respectively (table A-2.4). The total impact on household earnings is the sum of the impacts resulting from the two final-demand changes — $79.3 million. 1 3. Demand is referred to as "final" because the goods and services are delivered to the ultimate purchaser, and the economic effects on the output of the region's industries come to an end. Alternatively, users can view the $100.0 million expend- iture as 4 final-demand changes of $25.0 million each that affect 4 of the 528 detailed industries in appendix II — in this case, new sewer system facilities construction (industry 11.0307), new highways and streets construction (11.0400), maintenance and repair of sewer facilities (12.0210), and maintenance and repair of highways and streets (12.0214). The impact of the expenditure on household earnings in California — $79.2 million (slightly less than when indus- try aggregations are used) — is obtained by multiplying each final-demand change — $25.0 million — by total final-demand multipliers for household earnings for each of the four detailed industries— 0.7359, 0.7407, 0.8406, and 0.8516, respectively (see totals for columns 11.0307, 11.0400, 12.0210, and 12.0214 in table A- 1.2). Total direct-effect multipliers If users have information on changes in employee earnings in the construction industry that result from the $100.0 mil- lion public works expenditure, then they can use the total direct-effect multiplier to estimate the impact on household earnings. Suppose users know that, as a result of two $50.0 million changes in final demand, employee earnings in new construction changes by $15.0 million and employee earnings in maintenance and repair construction changes by $21.2 mil- lion. The impact of the expenditures on household earnings in California is obtained by multiplying each direct earnings change — $15.0 million and $21.2 million — by the appropri- ate total direct-effect multiplier for earnings for each industry aggregation — 2.5110 and 1.9616, respectively (see table A- 2.5). The sum of the two impacts — $79.3 million — is the same as that obtained using the total final-demand multipliers for the industry aggregations. Alternatively, suppose users know that, as a result of four $25.0 million changes in final demand, employee earnings changes $4.9 million in new sewer system facilities construc- tion, $7.4 million in new highways and streets construction, $12.0 million in maintenance and repair of sewer facilities, and $12.8 million in maintenance and repair of highways and streets. In this case, the impact of the expenditures on household earnings in California is obtained by multiplying each direct earnings change by the appropriate total direct- effect multiplier for earnings for each of the four detailed industries— 3.7351, 2.4934, 1.7464, and 1.6762, respectively (table A- 1.5, not shown). The sum of the four impacts — $79.2 million — is the same as with the total final-demand multipliers for the detailed industries. M-6 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-7 The impact of the public works expenditure at a given level of industrial detail is the same using either the direct-effect multiplier or the final-demand multiplier. If a difference had occurred, it probably would have indicated that the RIMS II direct requirements coefficients, or first-round effects (the inputs from other industries that the construction industry re- quires to produce a dollar of output), were not representative of the case under study. In such situations, users should consider collecting primary data on the input requirements purchased within the region in order to estimate impacts (see the section presenting case studies). Appropriate Geographic Detail Users also must decide on the level of geographic detail at which to estimate the economic impacts of project and pro- gram expenditures. In some cases, users will choose a county grouping that already has been defined for planning purposes. For example, if users belong to an agency that plans for California, they might want estimates of the impacts of the expenditure on public works for the State as a whole (all counties). In other cases, users will choose a county group- ing that best approximates the region in which the impacts mainly occur. For example, if the public works are to be built in Sacramento County, users might want estimates of the impacts for a grouping of counties, including Sacramento County, in which production of most of the direct and in- direct requirements per dollar of public works construction occurs. Such a grouping might be the Sacramento economic area, as defined by BEA; the Sacramento economic area has a metropolitan statistical area of four counties (Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, and Yolo) as its center and includes seven other counties (Butte, Colusa, Glei.n, Nevada, Sierra, Sutter, and Yuba) that are economically related to the center. 14 As stated earlier, multipliers from RIMS II can be estimated for any region composed of one or more counties. 14. The BEA economic areas are described in "BEA Economic Area Projections of Income, Employment, and Population to the Year 2000," Survey of Current Business 70 (November 1990): 39-43. Illustrative Uses of RIMS II: Case Studies This section contains four case studies that illustrate how users of RIMS II can estimate the regional economic impacts of project and program expenditures by means of (1) multipliers from RIMS II, (2) information on final-demand changes in industries in regions, and (3) information on direct changes in household earnings and employment in industries in re- gions. Three of the case studies (1,3, and 4) also illustrate the use of primary data on regional expenditures to estimate economic impacts. As mentioned in the preceding section, users should consider collecting primary data to estimate im- pacts if differences occur between impact estimates based on total final-demand multipliers and impact estimates based on total direct-effect multipliers. Case Study 1: Building a New Electric Utility Facility Suppose an electric utility plans to invest $30.0 million to build a new generating facility in California. The investment is a change in final demand; upon completion of the facility, the economic effects on the output of California's industries come to an end. Users want to estimate the impacts of build- ing the facility on California's economy; they can use one of the three methods discussed below. Method 1: Estimating the impacts using information on final-demand changes Users must decide on the level of industrial detail to which to assign the building of the facility. They can view the building of the facility as a final-demand change of $30.0 million in (1) the new construction industry as a whole (industry 6 in ap- pendix III) or (2) the new electric utility facilities construction industry (industry 11.0303 in appendix II). Table 5 shows the derivation of estimates of the impacts of building the facility using total final-demand multipliers from RIMS II for both the industry aggregation and the detailed industry. The total final-demand multipliers for industrial output, household earnings, and employment for new con- struction are the totals for column 6 in tables A-2.1, A-2.2, and A-2.3 in the statistical section; the multipliers are sum- marized in table A-2.4. The total final-demand multipliers for new electric utility facilities construction are the totals for column 11.0303 in RIMS II tables A- 1.1, A- 1.2, and A- 1.3, respectively (only table A-1.2 for California is shown in the statistical section of this handbook). The impacts in columns 4-6 of table 5 are estimated by multiplying the final-demand change of $30.0 million by the respective multipliers in columns 1-3. When estimated for the industry aggregation, impacts total $74.3 million in in- dustrial output, $22.6 million in household earnings, and 795 jobs. When estimated for the detailed industry, impacts total $77.8 million in industrial output, $23.7 million in household earnings, and 765 jobs. Method 2: Estimating the impacts using information on direct changes in household earnings and employment Suppose construction of the facility directly creates 190 jobs and $7.0 million in associated household earnings in Cali- fornia's construction industry. Users can estimate the total impacts on household earnings and employment using this in- formation on the direct impacts. Users again must decide on the level of industrial detail to which to assign the building of the facility. Table 6 shows the derivation of estimates of the impacts of building the facility using total direct-effect multipliers from RIMS II for both the industry aggregation and the detailed Table 5.— Total Final-Demand Multipliers for Output, Earnings, and Employment and Total Impacts on Output, Earnings, and Employment of a $30.0 Million Change In Final Demand, Aggregated and Detailed Construction Industries, California Multipliers Impacts" Construction industry Output ' (dollars) 0) Earnings 2 (dollars) (2) Employ- ment 5 (number of jobs) (3) Output (thousands of dollars) (4) Earnings (thousands of dollars) (5) Employ- ment (number of jobs) (6) New construction ... 2.4756 2.5920 0.7531 .7893 26.5 25.5 74,268 77,760 22,593 23,679 795 New electric utility facilities 765 _____ 1. Each entry In column 1 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs In all industries tor each additional dollar ot output delivered to final demand by the corresponding construction Industry. 2. Each entry In column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings ot households em- ployed by all Industries tor each additional dollar ot output delivered to final demand by the corresponding construction Industry. 3. Each entry In column 3 represents the total change In number of jobs In all Industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding construction Industry. 4. For each construction Industry, the entries In columns 4, 5, and 6 are obtained by multi- plying $30.0 million by the entries In columns 1 , 2, and 3, respectively. M- REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-9 industry. The impacts in columns 3 and 4 are estimated by multiplying the direct changes (190 construction jobs and $7.0 million in construction earnings) by the respective multipliers in columns 1 and 2. When estimated for the industry aggre- gation, impacts total $17.6 million in household earnings and 623 jobs. When estimated for the detailed industry, impacts total $22.4 million in household earnings and 1 ,048 jobs. The impacts estimated with method 2 (table 6) differ sub- stantially from those estimated with method 1 (table 5). For example, the employment impact for the detailed industry using method 2 (1,048 jobs) is 37 percent higher than the cor- responding employment impact using method 1 (765 jobs). In theory, no difference should occur; the difference often in- dicates that the direct requirements coefficients, or first-round effects (the inputs from other industries that the construction industry requires to produce a dollar of output) estimated by Table 6. — Total Direct-Effect Multipliers for Earnings and Employment and Total Impacts on Earnings and Employment of a Direct Change in Earnings of $7.0 Million and a Direct Change in Employment of 190 Jobs, Aggregated and Detailed Construction Industries, California Multipliers Impacts Construction industry Earnings ' (dollars) (D Employ- ment 5 (number of jobs) (2) Earnings 3 (thousands of dollars) (3) Employ- ment 4 (number of jobs) (4) New construction 2.5110 3.1933 3.2799 5.5153 17,577 22,353 623 New electric utility facilities 1,048 1 . Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the corresponding construction industry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total change in number of jobs in all industries for each additional direct job in the corresponding construction industry. 3. For each construction industry, the entries in column 3 are obtained by multiplying $7.0 million by the entries in column 1. 4. For each construction industry, the entries in column 4 are obtained by multiplying 190 jobs by the entries in column 2. RIMS II are not representative of the case being analyzed. To the extent that the first-round effects are not representa- tive, the accuracy of the impact estimates can be improved by the use of primary data on expenditures by the construction industry. Method 3: Estimating the impacts using information on construction industry expenditures Users with information on expenditures made by the con- struction industry within California to build the facility can estimate the total impacts on industrial output, household earnings, and employment by treating the construction ex- penditures as final-demand changes and by applying these changes to the appropriate RIMS II multipliers. The informa- tion on expenditures provides users with their own estimates of the first-round effects on industry output; they need not use RIMS II estimates of the first-round effects. Inasmuch as the first-round effects typically account for a large share of total impacts, users can better estimate total impacts with the presumably more accurate primary data. Suppose the construction industry, in order to build the facility, spends $26.6 million in California, divided among industries as follows: Manufacturing: Concrete Structural metal Wiring devices Pipes Architectural and engineering services Earnings paid to California households Total Thousands of dollars 2,662 5,993 4,447 3,194 3,324 7,000 26,620 Table 7. — Total Final-Demand Multipliers for Output, Earnings, and Employment, and Total Impacts on Output, Earnings, and Employment of Selected Expenditures, Construction-Related Industries, California Multipliers Impacts 4 Construction-related industry Output • (dollars) (1) Earnings 2 (dollars) (2) Employ- ment 3 (number of jobs) (3) Output (thousands of dollars) (4) Earnings (thousands of dollars) (5) Employ- ment (number of jobs) (6) Ready-mixed concrete 2.3575 2.2160 2.1797 1.9816 2.6909 1.4174 0.5908 .6289 .6692 .5854 1.1495 .4209 20.8 23.2 26.2 20.0 41.1 18.6 6,276 13,280 9,693 6,329 8,945 9,922 54,445 30,000 84,445 1,573 3,769 2,976 1,870 3,821 2,946 16,955 7,000 23,955 55 Fabricated structural metal 139 Wiring devices 117 Pipe, valves, and pipe fittings 64 Engineering, architectural, and surveying services Subtotal 137 130 642 190 Equals: Total 832 1 . Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding construction-related industry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding construction-related industry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding construction-related industry. 4. For each construction-related industry, the entries in columns 4, 5, and 6 are obtained by multiplying the entries in columns 1 , 2, and 3 by the respective expenditures. M-10 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Assume that the manufactured inputs are purchased from the manufacturer rather than from the wholesale trade or retail trade sectors. (Case study 3 provides an example of purchases made from the trade sectors.) Users must decide on the level of industrial detail to which to assign the expenditures. Assume that users view the ex- penditures as final-demand changes in the detailed industry (appendix II) that most closely matches the industry for which expenditures are known. The impacts in columns 4—6 of table 7 are estimated by multiplying the expenditures by the respective multipli- ers in columns 1-3. For example, the impacts associated with the expenditures on concrete are obtained by mul- tiplying the expenditure ($2.6 million) by the entries for ready-mixed concrete in columns 1-3. As another exam- ple, the impacts associated with the gross earnings paid to households — reflecting changes in household consump- tion expenditures — are obtained by multiplying earnings paid ($7.0 million) by the multipliers for households. The total impacts of the expenditures by the construction industry are the sum of (1) the industry impacts (see subtotals in table 7) and (2) the direct impacts on the construction industry itself. The total impact on California's industrial output is obtained by adding $54.4 million (the subtotal for column 4) and $30.0 million (the direct change in the output of the construction industry). The total impact on household earnings is ob- tained by adding $16.9 million (the subtotal for column 5) and $7.0 million (the direct change in the earnings of construction workers). The total impact on employment is obtained by adding 642 jobs (the subtotal for column 6) and 190 jobs (the direct change in construction industry jobs). Table 8. — Multipliers, by Industry, for Output, Earnings, and Employment, and Impacts, by Industry, on Output, Earnings, and Employment of a $50.0 Million Change in Final Demand, Electric and Electronic Equipment Industry, California Multipliers Output ' (dollars) (1) Earnings 2 (dollars) (2) Employ- ment 5 (number of jobs) (3) Impacts 4 Output (thou- sands of dollars) (4) Earnings (thou- sands of dollars) (5) Employ- ment (number of jobs) (6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining New construction Maintenance and repair construction Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance Insurance Real estate Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households Total 0.0129 .0006 .0284 .0009 .0236 .0462 .0015 .0159 .0117 .0277 .0691 .0298 .0095 .0077 .0265 .0419 .0217 1.1771 .0025 .0033 .0064 .0057 .0511 .0436 .0490 .1222 .0800 .0414 .0247 .1386 .0264 .0149 .0811 .0487 .0555 .0458 .7695 2.3937 0.0034 .0001 .0028 .0002 .0100 .0058 .0003 .0042 .0023 .0083 .0037 .0074 .0025 .0020 .0059 .0112 .0064 .4071 .0004 .0010 .0020 .0013 .0196 .0129 .0035 .0503 .0389 .0173 .0105 .0038 .0070 .0069 .0433 .0152 .0336 .0160 .0023 .7695 0.2 .1 .3 .2 .3 .1 .3 .1 .3 .1 .1 .2 .4 .2 11.3 .1 .1 .7 .3 .1 1.5 2.1 .5 .3 .1 .3 .4 1.6 1.4 1.0 .9 .3 25.9 645 30 1,420 45 1,180 2,310 75 795 585 1,385 3,455 1,490 475 385 1,325 2,095 1,085 58,855 125 165 320 285 2,555 2,180 2,450 6,110 4,000 2,070 1,235 6,930 1,320 745 4,055 2,435 2,775 2,290 38,475 119,685 170 5 140 10 500 290 15 210 115 415 185 370 125 100 295 560 320 20,355 20 50 100 65 980 645 175 2,515 1,945 865 525 190 350 345 2,165 760 1,680 800 115 38,475 10 5 15 10 15 5 15 5 15 5 5 10 20 10 565 1 5 5 35 15 5 75 105 25 15 5 15 20 80 70 50 45 15 1,295 1 . Each entry in column 1 represents the dollar change in output that occurs in each row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the electric and elec- tronic equipment industry. The column total is the sum of the entries in rows 1-38; these en- tries include earnings paid to households employed in industries 1-38. The column total ex- cludes the entry in row 39; this entry is the sum of earnings paid to households. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by each row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the electric and electronic equipment industry. The column total equals the entry in row 39, column 1. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the change in number of jobs in each row industry for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the electric and electronic equipment industry. 4. For each row industry, the entries in column 4, 5, and 6 are obtained by multiplying $50.0 million by the entries in columns 1 , 2, and 3, respectively. Note. — Column entries may not sum to totals due to rounding. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-ll Case Study 2: Operating a Manufacturing Plant Suppose a California firm that makes electric industrial con- trols (for example, motor starters) plans to increase annual sales to foreign markets by $50.0 million. The export of industrial controls is a change in final demand because the goods are delivered to the ultimate purchaser and the eco- nomic effects on the output of California's industries come to an end. Users want to estimate the impacts of the exports on California's economy. Users can view the exports as a final-demand change of $50.0 million occurring in (1) the electric and electronic equipment industry as a whole (industry 20 in appendix III) or (2) the industrial controls equipment industry (industry 53.0500 in appendix II). Assume that they choose the electric and electronic equipment industry. Table 8 shows the derivation of estimates of the impacts of increased exports using multipliers from RIMS II. Column 1 reproduces column 20, table A-2.1, from the statistical sec- tion. Each entry in column 1 is the dollar change in output that occurs in each row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the electric and electronic equipment industry. To obtain the dollar impact on the output of each row industry of an additional $50.0 million of output delivered to final demand by the manufacturer, multiply each entry in column 1 by $50.0 million. Column 4 shows the resulting impacts; the column total — $119.7 million — is the dollar impact on the output of all industries. Column 2 reproduces column 20, table A-2.2, from the statistical section. Each entry in column 2 is the dollar change in earnings of households employed by each row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the electric and electronic equipment industry. To obtain the impact on earnings paid to households by each row industry of an additional $50.0 million of output delivered to final demand by the manufacturer, multiply each entry in column 2 by $50.0 million. Column 5 shows the resulting impacts; the column total — $38.5 million — is the impact on the earnings paid to households by all industries. Column 3 reproduces column 20, table A-2.3, from the statistical section. Each entry in column 3 shows the change in number of jobs in each row industry for each additional $1 million of output delivered to final demand by the electric and electronic equipment industry. To estimate the impact on the number of jobs provided by each row industry of an additional $50.0 million of output delivered to final demand by the manufacturer, multiply each entry in column 3 by $50.0 million. Column 6 shows the resulting impacts; the column total — 1,295 jobs — is the impact on the number of jobs provided by all industries. This case study presents the impacts both on an all- industry-total basis (as in case study 1) and on an industry- by-industry basis. The additional industry information can be useful for planning purposes. For example, the impact on the output of the retail trade industry (table 8, row 29, column 4) can be used to estimate the change in sales tax revenues that result from the increase in exports. In input-output terms, retail trade output, which is referred to as "margin," consists of operating expenses, profits, sales taxes, and excise taxes. The first step in estimating the change in sales tax revenues is to adjust the impact on retail trade output ($4.0 million) to reflect the impact on retail sales. This adjustment is made by dividing the impact on retail trade output by an estimated retail trade margin. 15 If users estimate the retail trade margin to be 20 percent of retail sales, then the impact on retail sales is $20.0 million ($4.0 million divided by 0.20). The change in sales tax revenues is then estimated as the impact on retail sales multiplied by the sales tax rate; for example, a sales tax rate of 4 percent times the $20.0 million impact on retail sales yields a change in sales tax revenues of $0.8 million. Case Study 3: Shutting Down a Military Base Suppose the Federal Government plans to shut down a mili- tary base in the San Francisco area. Users of RIMS II want to estimate the impacts of the shutdown on the region where most of the impacts are expected to occur. Users choose the San Francisco-Oakland Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as the region for analysis. Suppose the Federal Government, in order to operate the military base, spends $100.0 million annually in the MSA, divided among industries as follows: Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing Machinery, except electrical Lumber and wood products and furniture Electric and electronic equipment Fabricated metal products Motor vehicles and equipment Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services . . Business services Miscellaneous services Earnings paid to military personnel Total Thousands of dollars 4,969 25,891 18,394 488 2,795 1,819 2,395 6,522 19,476 6,477 1,065 35,600 100,000 Impacts of expenditures for nonmanufactured goods and services The expenditures for maintenance and repair construction, for communication, for electric, gas, water, and sanitary serv- ices, for business services, and for miscellaneous services are changes in final demand. For these industries, the impacts are estimated by multiplying each final-demand change by the appropriate RIMS II multiplier. 15. See the table "Personal Consumption Expenditures by NIPA Categories (1982),' available from BEA's Interindustry Economics Division. M-12 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Impacts of expenditures for manufactured goods Impacts of expenditures by military personnel Suppose all manufactured goods are purchased from whole- salers; then these expenditures reflect charges for the output of wholesalers and transporters, as well as of manufacturers. In input-output terms, wholesale trade output, like retail trade output, is referred to as "margin" and consists of operating expenses, profits, sales taxes, and excise taxes. Before users can calculate the impacts of the expenditures for manufactur- ing, they must convert the expenditures for each manufactured good into charges for wholesale trade, for transportation, and for manufacturing. For each manufactured good, the charges — which must sum to the total expenditure for the good— can be estimated by multiplying the total expenditure by the percentage shares of the price paid for the good (as reflected in the Federal Government's defense budget) that are accounted for by wholesale margins, by transportation costs, and by producers' prices. 16 For example, the individ- ual charges associated with the expenditure for motor vehicles and equipment can be estimated by multiplying the expendi- ture ($2.4 million) by the shares of the price paid for motor vehicles and equipment that are accounted for by whole- sale margins (5 percent), transportation costs (3 percent), and producers' prices (92 percent). The individual charges are final-demand changes in the MSA if the wholesalers, transporters, and manufacturers are located there; otherwise, they are imports from outside the region and have no impact. Suppose that for motor vehi- cles and equipment, only the wholesalers are located in the MSA, and suppose that for the other manufactured goods, the transporters and manufacturers, as well as the wholesalers, are located in the MSA. The resulting estimates of the final- demand changes associated with the manufactured goods are as follows: Wholesale trade Transportation Manufacturing Machinery, except electrical Lumber and wood products and furniture Electric and electronic equipment Fabricated metal products Motor vehicles and equipment Total Thousands of dollars 2,637 175 20,798 16,093 407 2,666 1,632 23,610 The difference between the total final-demand change for manufacturing ($23.6 million) and total expenditures for man- ufacturing ($25.9 million) is the sum of the manufacturers' and transporters' charges associated with the expenditure for motor vehicles and equipment. The impacts of the expendi- tures for manufacturing now can be estimated by multiplying each final-demand change associated with the manufactured goods by the appropriate RIMS II multiplier. The final Federal Government expenditure whose impacts must be estimated is the earnings paid to military personnel. A change in these earnings will lead to a change in con- sumption expenditures in the MSA. Estimation of the impacts of the change in consumption is complicated by two factors. First, the final-demand change to be used with RIMS II mul- tipliers for impact estimation is the change in earnings spent in the MSA by military personnel — not the change in earn- ings received by them. For civilians, earnings spent in the MSA can be assumed to equal earnings received; for mili- tary personnel, in contrast, earnings spent in the MSA can be less than earnings received because spending can occur at base facilities. Second, the consumption pattern of military personnel can differ from the civilian consumption pattern that is reflected in the multipliers for the households industry in RIMS II. 17 For example, compared with civilians, mili- tary personnel receive a larger share of total earnings from payments-in-kind for clothing and housing, so they allocate a smaller share of total spending to these consumption items. In light of the contrast with civilian consumption, primary data on the consumption pattern of military personnel may be necessary in order to estimate impacts. To estimate expenditures made in the local economy by military personnel usually requires the cooperation of the mil- itary base personnel. Suppose that, with cooperation from base personnel, the user estimates that purchases in the MSA by military personnel are as follows: Manufacturing Food and kindred products and tobacco . Apparel Lumber and wood products and furniture Chemicals and petroleum refining , Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services . . Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Eating and drinking places Miscellaneous services Total Thousands of dollars 2,346 346 500 500 1,000 100 237 300 1,543 1,781 3,560 2,000 11,867 The expenditures for services are changes in final demand; the impacts are estimated by multiplying each final-demand change by the appropriate RIMS II multiplier. The expenditures for manufactured goods reflect charges for the output of wholesalers, retailers, and transporters, as well as of manufacturers. Assume that the wholesalers, re- tailers, and transporters are located in the MSA and that the manufacturers are located outside the MSA. Then the charges for wholesale trade, retail trade, and transportation output (but not manufacturing output) are changes in final demand in the MSA. 16. See the table "Input-Output Commodity by Fixed Investment Category (1982)," available from BEA's Interindustry Economics Division. 17. Typically, these multipliers are used to estimate the impacts of a change in consumption. This approach may not be appropriate when households are military personnel. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-13 Before users can calculate the impacts on the MSA of the expenditures by military personnel for manufactured goods, they must convert the expenditures for each good into final- demand changes in wholesale trade, in retail trade, and in transportation. For each good, the final-demand changes can be estimated by multiplying the total expenditure by the per- centage shares of national personal consumption expenditures (PCE) for the good that are accounted for by the wholesale trade, retail trade, and transportation industries. 18 For exam- ple, the final-demand changes associated with the expenditure for food and tobacco can be estimated by multiplying the ex- penditure ($0.3 million) by the shares of national PCE for food and tobacco that are accounted for by wholesale trade margins (9 percent), retail trade margins (23 percent), and transportation costs (2 percent). The resulting estimates of the total final-demand changes in wholesale trade, in retail trade, and in transportation that are associated with the expenditures by military personnel for manufactured goods are as follows: Transportation . Wholesale trade Retail trade Total Thousands of dollars 11 66 490 567 The difference between the total final-demand change for manufactured goods ($0.6 million) and the total expenditures for manufactured goods ($2.3 million) is the manufactur- 18. See the table "Personal Consumption Expenditures by NIPA Categories (1982)," available from BEA's Interindustry Economics Division. ers' portion of the charges for the goods; manufacturers are located outside the MSA. Total impacts The total changes in final demand from shutting down (or con- versely, operating) a military base are those associated with expenditure changes on the parts of both the military base as a whole and the base personnel, as discussed above. Assume that users choose to assign the final-demand changes to in- dustry aggregations from appendix III; the changes are shown in table 9, column 1 . This table shows the derivation of the impacts of shutting down the military base, using total multi- pliers from RIMS II for the defense-related industries to which the final-demand changes are assigned. For example, to esti- mate the impact on the earnings of households employed by all industries of $5.0 million of maintenance and repair con- struction not delivered to final demand, multiply $5.0 million (column 1) by the total final-demand multiplier for earnings for the maintenance and repair construction industry — 0.7661 (column 3). When summed for all defense-related indus- tries, impacts total $155.5 million in output, $40.4 million in earnings, and 1,555 jobs. The shutdown reduces economic activity in the MSA and so has a "negative" impact. If the military base is to be put to a different use after shutdown, economic activity will increase and have a "positive" impact on the MSA. REMS II multipli- ers can be used to estimate the positive impacts of the reuse. For example, if the military base is to be used for an industrial and recreational park, positive impacts will occur from the construction of industrial and recreational structures, mainly during the construction period. Over a longer timespan, posi- tive impacts will occur from the operation of new businesses Table 9.— Total Final-Demand Multipliers for Output, Earnings, and Employment, and Total Impacts on Output, Earnings, and Employment of a $72.2 Million Change in Final Demand, Defense-Related Industries, San Francisco-Oakland MSA Defense-related industry Change in final de- mand (thousands of dollars) (D Multipliers Output ' (dollars) (2) Earnings 2 (dollars) (3) Employ- ment 3 (number of jobs) (4) Impacts'" Output (thousands of dollars) (5) Earnings (thousands of dollars) (6) Employ- ment (number of jobs) (7) Maintenance and repair construction Machinery, except electrical Lumber and wood products and furniture Electric and electronic equipment Fabricated metal products Wholesale trade Retail trade Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services .... Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Miscellaneous services Total 4,969 16,093 407 2,666 1,632 2,703 490 286 6,759 19,776 1,543 1,781 6,477 3,560 3,065 72,207 2.1992 2.0645 1.9680 2.1791 2.0664 1.9790 2.2247 2.3515 1 .7597 2.3494 2.1013 2.1260 2.2255 2.0787 2.2880 0.7661 .6257 .5635 .6709 .5455 .6972 .8360 .7128 .5194 .2474 .6305 .8052 .9098 .6118 .7378 28.5 21.1 23.7 22.6 20.4 24.4 41.3 26.2 17.2 7.9 26.9 44.7 35.3 40.8 35.4 10,928 33,224 801 5,809 3,372 5,349 1,090 673 1 1 ,894 46,462 3,242 3,786 14,415 7,400 7,013 155,458 3,807 10,069 229 1,789 890 1,885 410 204 3,511 4,893 973 1,434 5,893 2,178 2,261 40,426 142 340 10 60 33 66 20 7 116 156 42 80 229 145 109 1,555 1 . Each entry In column 2 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs In all Industries tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding detense-related Industry. 2. Each entry In column 3 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households employed by all industries (or each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding detense-related Industry. 3. Each entry In column 4 represents the total change In number of jobs In all Industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding defense-related industry. 4. For each defense-related Industry, the entries In columns 5, 6, and 7 are obtained by multiplying the entry In column 1 by the entries In columns 2, 3, and 4, respectively. M-14 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS and from expenditures by tourists who visit the recreational park. The difference between the positive impacts of the reuse and the negative impacts of the base shutdown provides an estimate of the net gain or loss to the MSA in terms of output, earnings, and employment. Case Study 4: Operating an Airport Suppose the output sold to final demand in the San Francisco- Oakland MSA by an airport is $2.0 billion, and users want to estimate the impacts of these sales on the MSA. 19 In this case, users must be aware of the difference between the out- put sold to final demand by the airport and the expenditure changes that occur in the MSA in order to satisfy final de- mand. For example, the revenues collected in San Francisco for a San Francisco to New York flight partly reflect expend- itures made in New York for fuel and ground crews. Thus, it may be inappropriate to estimate the impacts on the MSA by multiplying airport sales ($2.0 billion) by RIMS II multipliers for the transportation industry. With information on expenditures made in the San Francisco-Oakland MSA by the airport to produce the sales to final demand, users can estimate the total impacts on out- put, earnings, and employment by treating the expenditures as final-demand changes and by applying these changes to the appropriate RIMS II multipliers. Suppose that, with coopera- tion from airport and air carrier personnel, the user estimates that annual expenditures in the MSA that are associated with sales to final demand are as follows: Fuel Wages and salaries Electricity Communication Contracted cleaning services Food for flight crews Lodging for flight crews . . . Total Millions of dollars 1,000 200 80 40 32 22 44 1,418 Assuming that users choose to assign the expenditures for operating the airport to detailed industries from appendix II, they can view the expenditures as final-demand changes for the airport-related industries shown in table 10, column 1; the final-demand changes then are tied to total final-demand multipliers from RIMS II. For example, after assignment of fuel purchases to petroleum refining, the multipliers for petro- leum refining (industry 31.0101 in appendix II) are used. 20 The impacts in columns 5-7 are estimated by multiplying the final-demand changes in column 1 by the respective multipli- ers in columns 2-4. To estimate the impact on the output of all industries of an additional $1.0 billion of fuel delivered to final demand by the petroleum refining industry, multiply $1,0 billion by the total final-demand multiplier for the output of petroleum refining — 1.8713 (column 2). The total impacts of the expenditures in the MSA by the airport are the sum of (1) the industry impacts (see subtotals in table 10) and (2) the direct impacts on the airport itself. The total impact on output in the MSA is obtained by adding 19. When the effects of household spending are included in the multiplier, the output sold to MSA residents who use the airport for vacation travel should not be included in the output sold to final demand in the MSA. 20. If fuel purchases are made from a wholesaler, then an estimate of the whole- sale trade margin is assigned to the wholesale trade industry, and the wholesale trade multiplier is used. See case study 3 for a discussion of wholesale trade margins. Table 10.— Total Final-Demand Multipliers for Output, Earnings, and Employment, and Total Impacts on Output, Earnings, and Employment of a $1.4 Billion Change in Final Demand, Airport-Related Industries, San Francisco-Oakland MSA Airport-related industry Change in final demand (millions of dollars) (D Multipliers Output ' (dollars) (2) Earnings 2 (dollars) (3) Employ- ment 3 (number of jobs) (4) Impacts" Output (millions of dollars) (5) Earnings (millions of dollars) (6) Employ- ment (number of jobs) (7) Petroleum refining Households Electric services (utilities) Communication, except radio and TV Services to dwellings and other buildings Eating and drinking places Hotels and lodging places Subtotal Plus: Direct impact Equals: Total 1,000 200 80 40 32 22 44 1,418 1.8713 1.2979 1.7957 1.7111 2.1393 2.0624 2.0614 0.1606 .3863 .2804 .5113 .9008 .6126 .6397 5.2 17.3 8.7 17.1 54.4 41.0 34.2 1,871 260 144 68 68 45 91 2,547 2,000 4,547 161 77 22 20 29 13 28 350 200 550 5,200 346 696 684 1,741 902 1,505 11,074 5,720 16,794 1 . Each entry In column 2 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs In all industries for each additional dollar ot output delivered to final demand by the corresponding airport-related Industry. 2 Each entry In column 3 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding airport-related industry. 3. Each entry In column 4 represents the total change In number of Jobs In all Industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the corresponding airport-related Industry. 4. For each airport-related Industry, the entries In columns 5, 6, and 7 are obtained by mul- tiplying the entry In column 1 by the entries in columns 2, 3, and 4, respectively. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-15 $2.5 billion (the subtotal of the entries in column 5) and $2.0 billion (the direct change in output). The total impact on household earnings is obtained by adding $350 million (the subtotal of the entries in column 6) and $200 million (the di- rect change in household earnings from column 1). Assuming employment at the airport is 5,720, then the total employment impact from airport operations is obtained by adding 1 1 ,074 (the subtotal of the entries in column 7) and 5,720. A more comprehensive analysis of the impacts on the MSA of airport operations could reflect final-demand changes at- tributable to airport operations in industries that partly depend on airport operations. These industries include freight for- warders and other transportation services (industry 65.0701, appendix II); arrangement of passenger transportation (indus- try 65.0702); and tourist-related industries, such as eating and drinking places (industry 74.0000), hotels and lodging places (industry 72.0100), retail trade (industry 69.0200), and local and suburban transit (industry 65.0200). For the tourist- related industries, the final-demand changes to be used with RIMS II multipliers are the expenditures made by tourists for the output of these industries. Appendix I Further Reading Those documents labeled "Available from BEA" can be ob- tained by writing to Regional Economic Analysis Division, BE-61, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Beemiller, Richard M. "Hybrid Approach to Estimating Economic Impacts Using the Regional Input-Output Model- ing System (RIMS II)." Transportation Research Record 1214 (1990): 89-96. . "Improving Accuracy by Combining Pri- mary Data with RIMS: Comment on Bourque." International Regional Science Review 13 (1990): 99-101. . "Local Area Fiscal Impact Analysis Us- ing the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II)." Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 23 (1989): 261-69. , and Zoe O. Ambargis. "A Comparison of RIMS II Input-Output Multipliers Based upon 1972 Industrial Relationships with Those Based upon 1977 Relationships." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Re- gional Science Association, Washington, DC, May 9-11, 1985. Available from BEA. Cartwright, Joseph V. "Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Program Impacts Within Metropolitan Areas." Paper pres- ented at the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Nashville, TN, April 14-16, 1979. Available from BEA. , and Zoe O. Ambargis. "Location Quotients and Trade in Regional 1-0 Tables." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Orlando, FL, May 2-4, 1984. Available from BEA. Kort, John R., and Joseph V. Cartwright. "Modeling the Multiregional Economy: Integrating Econometric and Input- Output Models." The Review of Regional Studies 1 1 (Fall 1981): 1-17. , Joseph V. Cartwright, and Richard M. Beemiller. "Linking Regional Economic Models for Pol- icy Analysis." International Series in Economic Modeling. Edited by James Schmidt and M. Ray Perryman. Vol. I: Re- gional Economic Modeling. Hingham, MA: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1986. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Anal- ysis. Regional Input-Output Modeling System: Estimation, Evaluation, and Application of a Disaggregated Regional Im- pact Model. Written by Joseph V. Cartwright, Richard M. Beemiller, and Richard D. Gustely. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Available from the Na- tional Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161: Accession No. PB-82-1 68-865; price $26 (paper copy), $9 (microfiche). . Regional Multipliers: A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986. U.S. Department of Defense. President's Economic Adjust- ment Committee, Office of Economic Adjustment. Modeling the Regional Economic Impacts of Major New Military Bases. Prepared by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Defense, April 1983. Available from BEA. . The Regional Economic Impact of Military Base Spending. Prepared by the U.S. Department of Com- merce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Defense, November 1980. Available from BEA. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Estimating the Potential Impacts of a Nuclear Reactor Accident: Methodology and Case Studies. Written by J.V. Cartwright, R.M. Beemiller, E.A. Trott, Jr., and J.M. Younger. Prepared by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April 1982. Available from the Commission's Division of Technical Information and Document Control, Washington, DC 20555: Accession No. NUREG/CR-2591; price $6.50. M-16 Appendix II Detailed Industries for Which Multipliers Are Available l [The detailed industries are based on the 1982 benchmark input-output accounts. The titles in boldface represent the groupings of industries used for the summary version of the 1982 tables. An asterisk preceding an SIC code indicates that the SIC industry is included in more than one l-O industry.] Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERIES 1 Livestock and livestock products: 1.0100 Dairy farm products 1 .0200 Poultry and eggs 1.0303 Meat animals and livestock 2 Other agricultural products: 2.0100 Cotton 2.0201 Food grains 2.0202 Feed grains 2.0203 Grass seeds 2.0300 Tobacco 2.0401 Fruits 2.0402 Tree nuts 2.0501 Vegetables 2.0502 Sugar crops 2.0503 Miscellaneous crops 2.0600 Oil bearing crops 2.0701 Forest products 2.0702 Greenhouse and nursery products 3 Forestry and fishery products : 3.0001 Forestry products 3.0002 Commercial fishing 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services: 4.0001 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services 4.0002 Landscape and horticultural services MINING 5 Iron and ferroalloy ores mining: 5.0000 Iron and ferroalloy ores 0241, "0191, *0259, 0291 025 (excl. 0254 and "0259), "0191, "0219, *0291 021, "0191, "0259, *0291 , 027 (excl. *0279) 0131, *0191, *0219, "0259, *0291 *011, *0191, *0219, "0259, *0291 *011, "0139, *0191, *0219, *0259, *0291 "0139, *0191, *0219, *0259, *0291 0132, *0191, *0219, "0259, "0291 *017, *0191, *0219, *0259, "0291 0173, "0179, *0191, *0219, *0259, *0291 0134, 0161, "0119, *0139, "0191, "0219, *0259, *0291 0133, *0191, *0219, "0259, *0291 *0119, *0139, "0191, 0219, •0219, "0259, *0291 0116, "0119, *013, *0173, "0219, *0259, *0291 "018, "0191, *0219, "0259, *0291 "018, *0191, *0219, *0259, "0291 081-4, 097 091 0254, 07 (excl. 074, and 078), 085, 092, *0279 078 101, 106 6 Nonferrous metal ores mining: 6.0100 Copper ore 6.0200 Nonferrous metal ores, except copper 7 Coal mining: 7.0000 Coal 8 Crude petroleum and natural gas: 8.0000 Crude petroleum and natural gas 9 Stone and clay mining and quarrying: 9.0001 Dimension, crushed and broken stone 9.0002 Sand and gravel 9.0003 Clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals 9.0004 Nonmetallic mineral services and miscellaneous minerals. 10 Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining: 10.0000 Chemical and fertilizer mineral CONSTRUCTION 11 New construction: 11.0101 Residential 1-unit structures, nonfarm 1 1 .0102 Residential 2-4 unit structures, nonfarm 1 1 .01 03 Residential garden apartments 11.0104 Residential high-rise apartments 1 1 .01 05 Residential additions and alterations, nonfarm 11.0106 Hotels and motels 1 1 .01 07 Dormitories and other group housing 11.0201 Industrial buildings 11.0202 Office buildings 1 1 .0203 Warehouses 11.0204 Garages and service stations 11.0205 Stores and restaurants 11.0206 Religious buildings 11.0207 Educational buildings 1 1 .0231 Hospitals 1 1 .0232 Residential institutions and other health related facilities. 11.0241 Amusement and recreation buildings 11.0250 Other nonfarm buildings 11.0301 Telephone and telegraph facilities 1 1 .0302 Railroads 11.0303 Electric utility facilities 11.0304 Gas utility facilities 11.0305 Petroleum pipelines 11.0306 Water supply facilities 11.0307 Sewer system facilities 11.0308 Local transit facilities 11.0400 Highways and streets 1 1 .0501 Farm housing units and additions and alterations. 11.0502 Farm service facilities 11.0601 Petroleum and natural gas well drilling 1 1 .0602 Petroleum, natural gas, and solid mineral exploration. 1 1 .0603 Access structures for solid mineral development. 1 1 .0701 Military facilities 11.0702 Dams and reservoirs 1 1 .0703 Other conservation and development facilities 11.0704 Other nonbuilding facilities 12 Maintenance and repair construction: 12.0100 Nonfarm residential structures 12.0201 Other nonfarm buildings 12.0202 Farm residential buildings 12.0203 Farm service facilities 12.0204 Telephone and telegraph facilities 12.0205 Railroads 102 103-5, * 108, 109 1111, "1112, 1211, *1213 131, 132 141-2 144 145 *148, 149 147 '15, *17, 6552 "15-17 "15-17,6552 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "16-17 "16-17 "16-17 "16-17 "16-17 "16-17 "16-17 "16-17 "16-17 "15, "17 "15, "17 "138 "108, "1112. "1213, "138, "148 "108, "1112, "1213, "148 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15-17 "15, "17 "15-17 "15, "17 "15, "17 "16-17 "16-17 M-17 M-18 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Detailed Industries for Which Multipliers Are Available ' — Continued Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes 12.0206 Electric utility facilities 12.0207 Gas utility facilities 12.0208 Petroleum pipelines 12.0209 Water supply facilities 12.0210 Sewer facilities 1 2.021 1 Local transit facilities 12.0212 Military facilities 12.0213 Conservation and development facilities 12.0214 Highways and streets 12.0215 Petroleum and natural gas wells 12.0216 Other nonbuilding facilities MANUFACTURING 13 Ordnance and accessories: 13.0100 Guided missiles and space vehicles 13.0200 Ammunition, except for small arms, n.e.c .... 13.0300 Tanks and tank components 13.0500 Small arms 13.0600 Small arms ammunition 13.0700 Other ordnance and accessories 14 Food and kindred products: 14.0101 Meat packing plants 14.0102 Sausages and other prepared meats 14.0103 Poultry dressing plants 14.0104 Poultry and egg processing 14.0250 Creamery butter and cheese 14.0400 Condensed and evaporated milk 14.0500 Ice cream and frozen desserts 14.0600 Fluid milk 14.0700 Canned and cured seafoods 14.0800 Canned specialties 14.0900 Canned fruits and vegetables 14.1000 Dehydrated food products 14.1100 Pickles, sauces, and salad dressings 14.1200 Fresh or frozen packaged fish 14.1301 Frozen fruits, fruit juices and vegetables 14.1302 Frozen specialties 14.1401 Flour and other grain mill products 14.1402 Cereal breakfast foods 14.1403 Blended and prepared flour 14.1501 Dog, cat, and other pet food 14.1502 Prepared feeds, n.e.c 14.1600 Rice milling 14.1700 Wet corn milling 14.1801 Bread, cake, and related products 14.1802 Cookies and crackers 14.1900 Sugar 14.2001 Confectionery products 14.2002 Chocolate and cocoa products 14.2003 Chewing gum 14.2101 Malt beverages 14.2102 Malt 14.2103 Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits 14.2104 Distilled liquor, except brandy 14.2200 Bottled and canned soft drinks 14.2300 Flavoring extracts and syrups, n.e.c 14.2400 Cottonseed oil mills 14.2500 Soybean oil mills 14.2600 Vegetable oil mills, n.e.c 14.2700 Animal and marine fats and oils 14.2800 Roasted coffee 14.2900 Shortening and cooking oils 14.3000 Manufactured ice 14.3100 Macaroni and spaghetti 14.3200 Food preparations, n.e.c 15 Tobacco manufactures: 15.0101 Cigarettes 15.0102 Cigars 15.0103 Chewing and smoking tobacco 15.0200 Tobacco stemming and redrying 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills 16.0100 Broadwoven fabric mills and fabric finishing plants. 16.0200 Narrow fabric mills 16.0300 Yarn mills and finishing of textiles, n.e.c 16.0400 Thread mills 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 17.0100 Floor coverings 17.0200 Felt goods, n.e.c 17.0300 Lace goods 17.0400 Padding and upholstery filling 17.0500 Processed textile waste •16-17 *16-17 M6-17 *16-17 •16-17 *16-17 •15-17 *15-17 *16-17 •138 •15-17 3761 3483 3795 3484 3482 3489 2011 2013 2016 2017 2021-2 2023 2024 2026 2091 2032 2033 2034 2035 2092 2037 2038 2041 2043 2045 2047 2048 2044 2046 2051 , 5462 2052 2061-3 2065 2066 2067 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2074 2075 2076 2077 2095 2079 2097 2098 2099 211 212 213 214 221-3, 2261-2 224 2269, 2281-3 2284 227 2291 2292 2293 2294 17.0600 Coated fabrics, not rubberized 17.0700 Tire cord and fabric 17.0900 Cordage and twine 17.1001 Nonwoven fabrics 17.1002 Textile goods, n.e.c 18 Apparel : 18.0101 Women's hosiery, except socks 18.0102 Hosiery, n.e.c 18.0201 Knit outerwear mills 18.0202 Knit underwear mills 18.0203 Knitting mills, n.e.c 18.0300 Knit fabric mills 18.0400 Apparel made from purchased materials .. 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products: 19.0100 Curtains and draperies 19.0200 Housefurnishings, n.e.c 19.0301 Textile bags 19.0302 Canvas and related products 19.0303 Pleating and stitching 19.0304 Automotive and apparel trimmings 19.0305 Schiffli machine embroideries 19.0306 Fabricated textile products, n.e.c 20 Lumber and wood products, except containers 20.0100 Logging camps and logging contractors ... 20.0500 Sawmills and planning mills, hardwood dimension and flooring mills. 20.0501 Millwork 20.0502 Wood kitchen cabinets 20.0600 Veneer and plywood 20.0701 Structural wood members, n.e.c 20.0702 Prefabricated wood buildings 20.0800 Wood preserving 20.0901 Wood pallets and skids 20.0902 Particleboard 20.0903 Wood products, n.e.c 21 Wood containers: 21.0000 Wood containers 22 Household furniture : 22.0101 Wood household furniture 22.0102 Household furniture, n.e.c 22.0103 Wood TV and radio cabinets 22.0200 Upholstered household furniture 22.0300 Metal household furniture 22.0400 Mattresses and bedsprings 23 Other furniture and fixtures: 23.0100 Wood office furniture 23.0200 Metal office furniture 23.0300 Public building furniture 23.0400 Wood partitions and fixtures 23.0500 Metal partitions and fixtures 23.0600 Drapery hardware and blinds and shades 23.0700 Furniture and fixtures, n.e.c 24 Paper and allied products, except containers: 24.0100 Pulp mills 24.0200 Paper mills, except building paper 24.0300 Paperboard mills 24.0400 Envelopes 24.0500 Sanitary paper products 24.0602 Building paper and board mills 24.0701 Paper coating and glazing 24.0702 Bags, except textile 24.0703 Die-cut paper and board 24.0704 Pressed and molded pulp goods 24.0705 Stationery products 24.0706 Converted paper products, n.e.c 25 Paperboard containers and boxes: 25.0000 Paperboard containers and boxes 26 Printing and publishing: 26.0100 Newspapers 26.0200 Periodicals 26.0301 Book publishing 26.0302 Book printing 26.0400 Miscellaneous publishing 26.0501 Commercial printing 26.0502 Lithographic platemaking and services 26.0601 Manifold business forms 26.0602 Blankbooks and looseleaf binders 26.0700 Greeting card publishing 26.0801 Engraving and plate printing 2295 2296 2298 2297 2299 2251 2252 2253 2254 2259 2257-8 231-8, *3999 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2399 2411 2421, 2426, 2429 2431 2434 2435-6 2439 2452 2491 2448 2492 2499 2441 , 2449 2511 2519 2517 2512 2514 2515 2521 2522 2531 2541 2542 2591 2599 261 262 263 2642 2647 266 2641 2643 2645 2646 2648 2649 265 271 272 2731 2732 274 2751-2,2754 2795 276 2782 277 2753 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-19 Detailed Industries for Which Multipliers Are Available ' — Continued Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes 26.0802 Bookbinding and related work 26.0803 Typesetting 26.0804 Photoengraving, electrotyping and stereotyping. 27 Chemicals and selected chemical products: 27.0101 Alkalies and chlorine 27.0102 Industrial gases 27.0103 Inorganic pigments 27.0104 Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c 27.0105 Cyclic crudes, intermediates, and industrial organic chemicals. 27.0201 Nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers 27.0202 Fertilizers, mixing only 27.0300 Agricultural chemicals, n.e.c 27.0401 Gum and wood chemicals 27.0402 Adhesives and sealants 27.0403 Explosives 27.0404 Printing ink 27.0405 Carbon black 27.0406 Chemical preparations, n.e.c 28 Plastics and synthetic materials: 28.0100 Plastics materials and resins 28.0200 Synthetic rubber 28.0300 Cellulosic manmade fibers 28.0400 Organic fibers, noncellulosic 23 Drugs, cleaning and toilet preparations: 29.0100 Drugs 29.0201 Soap and other detergents 29.0202 Polishes and sanitation goods 29.0203 Surface active agents 29.0300 Toilet preparations 30 Paints and allied products: 30.0000 Paints and allied products 31 Petroleum refining and related products: 31.0101 Petroleum refining 31.0102 Lubricating oils and greases 31.0103 Products of petroleum and coal, n.e.c 31.0200 Paving mixtures and blocks 31.0300 Asphalt felts and coatings 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products : 32.0100 Tires and inner tubes 32.0200 Rubber and plastics footwear 32.0301 Reclaimed rubber 32.0302 Fabricated rubber products, n.e.c 32.0400 Miscellaneous plastics products 32.0500 Rubber and plastics hose and belting 33 Leather tanning and finishing: 33.0001 Leather tanning and finishing 34 Footwear and other leather products: 34.0100 Boot and shoe cutstock and findings 34.0201 Shoes, except rubber 34.0202 House slippers 34.0301 Leather gloves and mittens 34.0302 Luggage 34.0303 Women's handbags and purses 34.0304 Personal leather goods 34.0305 Leather goods, n.e.c 35 Glass and glass products: 35.0100 Glass and glass products, except containers 35.0200 Glass containers 36 Stone and clay products: 36.0100 Cement, hydraulic 36.0200 Brick and structural clay tile 36.0300 Ceramic wall and floor tile 36.0400 Clay refractories 36.0500 Structural clay products, n.e.c 36.0600 Vitreous plumbing fixtures 36.0701 Vitreous china food utensils 36.0702 Fine earthenware food utensils 36.0800 Porcelain electrical supplies 36.0900 Pottery products, n.e.c 36.1000 Concrete block and brick 36.1100 Concrete products, n.e.c 36.1200 Ready-mixed concrete 36.1300 Lime 36.1400 Gypsum products 36.1500 Cutstone and stone products 36.1600 Abrasive products 2789 2791 2793, 2794 2812 2813 2816 *2819 286 2873-4 2875 2879 2861 2891 2892 2893 2895 2899 2821 2822 2823 2824 283 2841 2842 2843 2844 285 291 2992 2999 2951 2952 301 302 303 306 307 304 311 313 3143-9 3142 315 316 3171 3172 319 321, 3229,323 3221 324 3251 3253 3255 3259 3261 3262 3263 3264 3269 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 328 3291 36.1700 Asbestos products 36.1800 Gaskets, packing and sealing devices 36.1900 Minerals, ground or treated 36.2000 Mineral wool 36.2100 Nonclay refractories 36.2200 Nonmetallic mineral products, n.e.c 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing: 37.0101 Blast furnaces and steel mills 37.0102 Electrometallurgical products 37.0103 Steel wire and related products 37.0104 Cold finishing of steel shapes 37.0105 Steel pipe and tubes 37.0200 Iron and steel foundries 37.0300 Iron and steel forgings 37.0401 Metal heat treating 37.0402 Primary metal products, n.e.c 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing: 38.0100 Primary copper 38.0200 Primary lead 38.0300 Primary zinc 38.0400 Primary aluminum 38.0500 Primary nonferrous metals, n.e.c 38.0600 Secondary nonferrous metals 38.0700 Copper rolling and drawing 38.0800 Aluminum rolling and drawing 38.0900 Nonferrous rolling and drawing, n.e.c 38.1000 Nonferrous wire drawing and insulating 38.1100 Aluminum castings 38.1200 Brass, bronze, and copper castings 38.1300 Nonferrous castings, n.e.c 38.1400 Nonferrous forgings 39 Metal containers: 39.0100 Metal cans 39.0200 Metal barrels, drums, and pails 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products : 40.0100 Metal sanitary ware 40.0200 Plumbing fixture fittings and trim 40.0300 Heating equipment, except electric 40.0400 Fabricated structural metal 40.0500 Metal doors, sash, and trim 40.0600 Fabricated plate work (boiler shops) 40.0700 Sheet metal work 40.0800 Architectural metal work 40.0901 Prefabricated metal buildings 40.0902 Miscellaneous metal work 41 Screw machine products and stampings: 41.0100 Screw machine products and bolts, nuts, rivets, and washers. 41.0201 Automotive stampings 41.0202 Crowns and closures 41.0203 Metal stampings, n.e.c 42 Other fabricated metal products: 42.0100 Cutlery 42.0201 Hand and edge tools, n.e.c 42.0202 Hand saws and saw blades 42.0300 Hardware, n.e.c 42.0401 Plating and polishing 42.0402 Metal coating and allied services 42.0500 Miscellaneous fabricated wire products 42.0700 Steel springs, except wire 42.0800 Pipe, valves, and oipe fittings 42.1000 Metal foil and leaf 42.1 100 Fabricated metal products, n.e.c 43 Engines and turbines: 43.0100 Turbines and turbine generator sets 43.0200 Internal combustion engines, n.e.c 44 Farm and garden machinery: 44.0001 Farm machinery and equipment 44.0002 Lawn and garden equipment 45 Construction and mining machinery: 45.0100 Construction machinery and equipment 45.0200 Mining machinery, except oil field 45.0300 Oil field machinery 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment: 46.0100 Elevators and moving stairways 46.0200 Conveyors and conveying equipment 46.0300 Hoists, cranes, and monorails 3292 3293 3295 3296 3297 3299 3312 3313 3315 3316 3317 332 3462 3398 3399 3331 3332 3333 *2819, 3334 3339 334 3351 3353-5 3356 3357 3361 3362 3369 3463 3411 3412 3431 3432 3433 3441 3442 3443 3444 3446 3448 3449 345 3465 3466 3469 3421 3423 3425 3429 3471 3479 3495-6 3493 3494, 3498 3497 3499 3511 3519 3523 3524 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 M-20 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Detailed Industries for Which Multipliers Are Available ' — Continued Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes 46.0400 Industrial trucks and tractors 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment: 47.0100 Machine tools, metal cutting types 47.0200 Machine tools, metal forming types 47.0300 Special dies and tools and machine tool accessories. 47.0401 Power driven hand tools 47.0402 Rolling mill machinery 47.0403 Metalworking machinery, n.e.c 48 Special industry machinery and equipment: 48.0100 Food products machinery 48.0200 Textile machinery 48.0300 Woodworking machinery 48.0400 Paper industries machinery 48.0500 Printing trades machinery 48.0600 Special industry machinery, n.e.c 49 General industrial machinery and equipment: 49.0100 Pumps and compressors 49.0200 Ball and roller bearings 49.0300 Blowers and fans 49.0400 Industrial patterns 49.0500 Power transmission equipment 49.0600 Industrial furnaces and ovens 49.0700 General industrial machinery, n.e.c 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical: 50.0001 Carburetors, pistons, rings, and valves 50.0002 Machinery, except electrical, n.e.c 51 Office, computing, and accounting machines: 51.0101 Electronic computing equipment 51.0102 Calculating and accounting machines 51.0300 Scales and balances 51.0400 Typewriters and office machines, n.e.c 52 Service industry machines: 52.0100 Automatic merchandising machines 52.0200 Commercial laundry equipment 52.0300 Refrigeration and heating equipment 52.0400 Measuring and dispensing pumps 52.0500 Service industry machines, n.e.c 53 Electric industrial equipment and apparatus: 53.0100 Instruments to measure electricity , 53.0200 Transformers 53.0300 Switchgear and switchboard apparatus 53.0400 Motors and generators 53.0500 Industrial controls 53.0600 Welding apparatus, electric 53.0700 Carbon and graphite products 53.0800 Electrical industrial apparatus, n.e.c 54 Household appliances: 54.0100 Household cooking equipment 54.0200 Household refrigerators and freezers 54.0300 Household laundry equipment 54.0400 Electric housewares and fans 54.0500 Household vacuum cleaners 54.0600 Sewing machines 54.0700 Household appliances, n.e.c 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment: 55.0100 Electric Tamps 55.0200 Lighting fixtures and equipment 55.0300 Wiring devices 56 Radio, TV, and communication equipment: 56.0100 Radio and TV receiving sets 56.0200 Phonograph records and tapes 56.0300 Telephone and telegraph apparatus 56.0400 Radio and TV communication equipment .... 57 Electronic components and accessories: 57.0100 Electron tubes 57.0200 Semiconductors and related devices 57.0300 Other electronic components 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 58.0100 Storage batteries 58.0200 Primary batteries, dry and wet 58.0300 X-ray apparatus and tubes 58.0400 Engine electrical equipment 58.0500 Electrical equipment and supplies, n.e.c 59 Motor vehicles and equipment: 59.0100 Truck and bus bodies 3537 3541 3542 3544-5 3546 3547 3549 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3559 3561,3563 3562 3564 3565 3566, 3568 3567 3569 3592 3599 3573 3574 3576 3572, 3579 3581 3582 3585 3586 3589 3825 3612 3613 3621 3622 3623 3624 3629 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3639 3641 3645-8 3643-4 3651 3652 3661 3662 3671-3 3674 3675-9 3691 3692 3693 3694 3699 3713 59.0200 Truck trailers 59.0301 Motor vehicles and car bodies 59.0302 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 60 Aircraft and parts: 60.0100 Aircraft 60.0200 Aircraft and missile engines and engine parts 60.0400 Aircraft and missile equipment, n.e.c 61 Other transportation equipment: 61.0100 Ship building and repairing 61.0200 Boat building and repairing 61.0300 Railroad equipment 61 .0500 Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts 61.0601 Travel trailers and campers 61.0602 Mobile homes 61 .0603 Motor homes (made on purchased chassis) ... 61.0700 Transportation equipment, n.e.c 62 Scientific and controlling instruments: 62.0100 Engineering and scientific instruments 62.0200 Mechanical measuring devices 62.0300 Environmental controls 62.0400 Surgical and medical instruments 62.0500 Surgical appliances and supplies 62.0600 Dental equipment and supplies 62.0700 Watches, clocks, and parts 63 Optical, ophthalmic, and photographic equipment: 63.0100 Optical instruments and lenses 63.0200 Ophthalmic goods 63.0300 Photographic equipment and supplies 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing: 64.0101 Jewelry, precious metal 64.0102 Jewelers materials and lapidary work 64.0104 Silverware and plated ware 64.0105 Costume jewelry 64.0200 Musical instruments 64.0301 Games, toys, and children's vehicles 64.0302 Dolls 64.0400 Sporting and athletic goods, n.e.c 64.0501 Pens and mechanical pencils 64.0502 Lead pencils and art goods 64.0503 Marking devices 64.0504 Carbon paper and inked ribbons 64.0600 Artificial trees and flowers 64.0701 Buttons 64.0702 Needles, pins, and fasteners 64.0800 Brooms and brushes 64.0900 Hard surface floor coverings 64.1000 Burial caskets and vaults 64.1 1 00 Signs and advertising displays 64.1200 Manufacturing industries, n.e.c TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC UTILITIES 65 Transportation and warehousing: 65.0100 Railroads and related services 65.0200 Local and suburban transit and interurban highways passenger transportation. 65.0300 Motor freight transportation and warehousing . 65.0400 Water transportation 65.0500 Air transportation 65.0600 Pipelines, except natural gas 65.0701 Freight forwarders and other transportation services. 65.0702 Arrangement of passenger transportation 66 Communications, except radio and TV: 66.0000 Communications, except radio and TV 67 Radio and TV broadcasting: 67.0000 Radio and TV broadcasting 68 Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services: 68.0100 Electric services (utilities) 68.0200 Gas production and distribution (utilities) 68.0301 Water supply and sewerage systems 68.0302 Sanitary services, steam supply, and irrigation systems. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE 69 Wholesale and retail trade: 69.0100 Wholesale trade 69.0200 Retail trade, except eating and drinking 3715 3711 3714 3721 3724, 3764 3728, 3769 3731 3732 374 375 3792 2451 3716 3799 3811 3823-4, 3829 3822 3841 3842 3843 387 383 385 386 3911 3915 3914 3961 393 3944 3942 3949 3951 3952 3953 3955 3962 3963 3964 3991 3996 3995 3993 *3999 40, 474, "4789 41 42, *4789 44 45 46 471,4723, *478 4722 48 (excl. 483) 483 491, '493 492, *493 494, 4952 495 (excl. 4952), 496-7, *493 50, 51 52-7 (excl. 5462), 59, 7396, 8042 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS M-21 Detailed Industries for Which Multipliers Are Available ' — Continued Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes Industry number and title Related 1972 SIC codes FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE 70 Finance and insurance: 70.0150 Banking and credit agencies 70.0300 Security and commodity brokers 70.0400 Insurance carriers 70.0500 Insurance agents, brokers, and services 71 Real estate and rental: 71.0100 Owner-occupied dwellings 71.0201 Real estate 71.0202 Royalties SERVICES 72 Hotels; personal and repair services (except auto): 72.0100 Hotels and lodging places 72.0201 Laundry, cleaning, garment services, and shoe repair. 72.0202 Funeral service and crematories 72.0203 Portrait, photographic studios, and other miscellaneous personal services, 72.0204 Electrical repair shops 72.0205 Watch, clock, jewelry, and furniture repair 72.0300 Beauty and barber shops 73 Business and professional services, except medical: 73.0101 Miscellaneous repair shops 73.0102 Services to dwellings and other buildings 73.0103 Personnel supply services 73.0104 Computer and data processing services 73.0105 Management and consulting services, testing and research labs. 73.0106 Detective and protective services 73.0107 Equipment rental and leasing services 73.0108 Photofinishing labs, photocopy, and commercial photography. 73.0109 Other business services 73.0200 Advertising 73.0301 Legal services 73.0302 Engineering, architectural, and surveying services. 73.0303 Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping, and miscellaneous services, n.e.c. 74 Eating and drinking places: 74.0000 Eating and drinking places 75 Automobile repair and services: 75.0001 Automotive rental and leasing, without drivers 75.0002 Automotive repair shops and services 60, 61 , 67 (excl. 6732) 62 63 64 65-6, (excl. 6552) 70 721,725 726 722, 729 762 763-4 723-4 769 734 736 737 7391-2, 7397 7393 7394 7332-3, 7395 732, 7331 , 7339, 735, 7399 731 811 8911 893, 899 58 751 753, 7549 75.0003 Automobile parking and car washes 76 Amusements: 76.0100 Motion pictures 76.0201 Theatrical producers (except motion pictures), bands, and entertainers. 76.0202 Bowling alleys, billiard and pool establishments. 76.0203 Commercial sports, except racing 76.0204 Racing (including track operations) 76.0205 Membership sports and recreation clubs 76.0206 Other amusement and recreation services .... 77 Health, educational, and social services and nonprofit organizations: 77.0100 Doctors and dentists 77.0200 Hospitals 77.0301 Nursing and personal care facilities 77.0302 Other medical and health services, including veterinarians. 77.0401 Elementary and secondary schools 77.0402 Colleges, universities, and professional schools. 77.0403 Libraries, correspondence and vocational schools, and educational services, n.e.c. 77.0501 Business associations and professional membership organizations. 77.0502 Labor organizations and civic, social, and fraternal associations. 77.0503 Religious organizations 77.0504 Other membership organizations 77.0600 Job training and related services 77.0700 Child day care services 77.0800 Residential care , 77.0900 Social services, n.e.c GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES 78 Federal Government enterprises: 78.0100 U.S. Postal Service 78.0200 Federal electric utilities 78.0300 Commodity Credit Corporation 78.0400 Other Federal Government enterprises 79 State and local government enterprises: 79.0000 State and local government enterprises SPECIAL INDUSTRIES 91 Household industry: 91.0000 Household industry 752, 7542 78 792 793 7941 7948 7997 791 , 799 (excl. 7997) 801-3, 8041 806 ■ 805 074, 8049, 807-9 821 822 823-9 861-2 863-4 866 84, 865, 869, 8922, 6732 8331 8351 8361 8321 , 8399 ( 2 ) 3 ) 1. The l-O industry classification shown in this appendix defines the industry data shown in the 1982 l-O accounts. A comparable commodity classification is not shown. However, the commodity titles used in the l-O tables are the same as the industry titles and, for the most part, the commodity output for the l-O industry is consistent with the primary product of the related SIC. Where the same commodity is the primary product of more than one SIC, the l-O accounts group the commodity as output of the l-O industry that is the largest producer. 2. Although the SIC assigns the same codes to activities of both private firms and govern- ment agencies, SIC codes In the l-O accounts are used only for classifying private activities. 3. Industry output is defined as the compensation of domestic household workers. Appendix III Industry Aggregations for Which Multipliers Are Available Numerical designation of industry aggregation Industry aggregation Numerical designation of component detailed industries ' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1.0100-2.0702, 4.0001-4.0002 3.0001-3.0002 7.0000 8.0000 5.0000, 6.0100-6.0200, 9.0001-9.0004, 10.0000 11.0101-11.0704 12.0100-12.0216 14.0101-15.0200 16.0100-18.0300 18.0400-19.0306 24.0100-25.0000 26.0100-26.0804 27.0101-31.0300 32.0100-34.0305 20.0100-23.0700 35.0100-36.2200 37.0101-38.1400 13.0200, 13.0500-13.0700, 39.0100-42.1100 43.0100-52.0500 53.0100-58.0500 59.0100-59.0302 13.0100, 13.0300, 60.0100-61.0700 62.0100-63.0300 64.0101-64.1200 65.0100-65.0702,78.0100 66.0000-67.0000 68.0100-68.0302, 78.0200 69.0100 69.0200 70.0150-70.0300 70.0400-70.0500 71.0100-71.0201 72.0100,76.0100-76.0206 72.0201-72.0300 73.0101-73.0303 74.0000 77.0100-77.0302 75.0001-75.0003, 77.0401-77.0900, 79.0000. 78.0400 91.0000 ' Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Appendix II identifies these industries. M-22 STATISTICAL SECTION • Summary Table for All States • Sample Tables for California SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES Alabama Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output 1 (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings" (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.3032 1.7525 1.9630 1 .4876 1.8651 2.3374 2.2145 2.4004 2.6559 2.5612 2.3189 2.0816 1.8681 2.0268 2.5097 2.2212 2.2159 2.2513 2.1994 2.1782 2.3360 2.1980 2.0354 2.1967 2.1004 1.6199 1.9361 1 .7962 2.0236 1 .9893 2.2644 1 .2200 1.8826 2.0166 1 .9889 2.0856 2.0428 2.1086 1.1455 0.4568 .2709 .5460 .2034 .5262 .7337 .8059 .4595 .6178 .6751 .5259 .6160 .3520 .4955 .6147 .6072 .5895 .6263 .6581 .6478 .6150 .6556 .6464 .5785 .7640 .4889 .3381 .6557 .7923 .7036 .8315 .0820 .5641 .7816 .8507 .6055 .9136 .6659 .3492 27.4 15.1 19.6 8.9 23.6 39.3 42.0 25.9 32.3 44.7 21.9 30.9 14.4 21.3 34.5 29.9 24.6 29.2 30.1 29.3 27.2 28.8 30.6 30.2 35.9 19.8 13.6 29.9 53.8 35.0 38.0 4.5 46.8 63.0 37.4 53.2 41.3 42.3 20.5 2.9751 3.6714 2.0302 2.0678 1 .8890 2.3690 1 .8296 3.4416 2.9478 2.5689 2.8610 1 .9952 2.8209 2.2824 2.7457 2.3132 2.5032 2.3869 2.2171 2.1875 2.6312 2.1891 1.9141 2.4417 1 .8579 1 .6535 3.6483 1.5936 1.6273 1 .8506 2.0198 5.0869 1 .8489 1 .6500 1.5988 1.9352 1.5155 1 .9880 2.5489 3.2745 3.1184 2.6182 2.1739 2.1852 1 .8689 3.2597 2.8634 2.0621 4.4745 2.0127 3.9878 2.8626 2.5606 2.3235 3.1776 2.5082 2.4718 2.4744 3.1268 2.6516 2.0823 2.3584 2.0782 2.1665 5.5118 1 .8384 1 .4623 1 .9655 2.3487 4.3073 1.4321 1 .3784 1.8561 1 .4240 1.7144 1.7168 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 4 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Alaska Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1.6915 1 .6824 1 .5294 1 .41 53 1 .7724 1 .4639 1 .5980 1.7560 1 .4672 1.3435 1 .9397 1.5896 1 .9847 1 .4235 1.4539 1 .6050 1.5412 1.5059 1 .3963 1 .4620 1.3756 1 .4397 1 .5377 1.4010 1 .8973 1 .4221 1.8100 1 .5800 1.7495 1 .7622 1.8538 1.1384 1 .6589 1.6351 1 .7002 1 .5499 1 .6760 1 .6554 .8186 0.4332 .3581 .3812 .1632 .5103 .3874 .5912 .3272 .3796 .3439 .3391 .4663 .1806 .3317 .2562 .3733 .3243 .4184 .3710 .4031 .3344 .4067 .5179 .2998 .4744 .3978 .2225 .5463 .6559 .6179 .6819 .0533 .4775 .6419 .7250 .4418 .7417 .5365 .2222 26.0 15.8 8.4 4.0 13.9 10.0 16.9 14.1 19.0 26.1 9.7 20.7 4.8 17.2 7.8 15.0 10.6 18.3 13.9 13.1 11.3 13.6 15.4 15.3 15.4 12.3 5.1 18.2 31.4 31.1 22.5 2.1 27.8 32.5 25.5 25.7 26.9 25.2 10.1 1.5775 1 .7090 1 .5034 1 .7595 1 .5296 1 .5239 1 .3822 2.2369 1.5101 1 .3874 2.1194 1.5123 4.4864 1.4716 1 .6557 1 .7333 1.7151 1.5033 1 .4266 1 .4730 1 .4452 1.4104 1 .3725 1.5992 1 .8459 1 .4267 2.7893 1 .4082 1 .4287 1.5718 1 .6249 3.9709 1 .5705 1 .3660 1.4012 1 .4976 1.3139 1 .5006 1 .3425 1 .5489 2.2392 2.7792 1 .9695 2.1170 1 .6921 2.1834 1 .3728 1.1836 2.6418 1.4441 6.5603 1.3192 2.0157 1 .6245 1 .8386 1.4439 1 .4799 1.6496 1.6199 1 .5382 1.6108 1.4184 2.0317 1 .6668 5.7519 1 .5860 1 .3591 1.4484 1 .8664 3.1000 1 .3284 1.2934 1.5178 1.3110 1 .3883 1 .4072 " Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industnes for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES Arizona Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings" (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .9799 1.7197 1.7147 1 .4695 2.4518 2.1155 1.9714 2.0450 1 .5978 1 .5869 1 .5923 1 .8286 1 .5727 1 .6079 1.8577 2.0310 2.3914 1 .8347 2.0708 2.3141 1.5927 2.0593 1 .9207 1 .8385 1 .8704 1 .6363 1.6091 1 .7983 2.0280 2.0448 2.4725 1 .3474 1.9119 1.9521 2.0166 1 .8730 2.0239 1.8614 1.1107 0.4828 .2251 .4799 .2033 .8130 .6780 .7470 .4066 .3654 .4434 .3814 .5780 .3393 .4394 .5158 .5544 .5195 .4958 .6308 .7801 .3330 .6559 .6464 .5002 .6996 .4987 .2570 .6663 .8017 .7203 .9264 .1272 .5934 .7926 .8813 .5709 .9177 .5397 .3489 24.5 11.4 16.3 8.6 31.8 30.7 35.7 19.8 20.0 29.1 15.8 28.0 15.4 21.9 28.1 25.7 20.9 22.5 23.4 31.0 14.1 24.4 25.0 25.1 31.2 20.4 9.8 28.6 48.5 31.3 42.8 6.4 39.2 52.2 44.4 50.2 38.5 30.2 18.9 2.2508 13.2591 1 .7896 2.0730 2.1582 2.2255 1.7127 3.2218 1 .9368 1.7152 1 .8748 1 .8400 2.1579 1.7550 2.0162 2.3126 3.9260 1 .9876 2.1732 2.1753 2.2781 2.0742 1.8417 2.0881 1 .6887 1.6910 2.9030 1 .6239 1.6515 1 .9420 2.1949 4.9289 1 .8677 1 .6072 1.6195 1.8300 1 .5200 1.9646 2.2321 12.1966 2.5692 2.6342 2.8335 2.6069 1.8101 3.3780 1 .8259 1.5042 2.2574 1 .9098 2.3913 1 .7602 1.9050 2.3830 4.7172 2.1123 3.0265 2.7084 2.6361 2.7936 2.3519 2.0619 1 .8904 2.0764 4.3034 1.9104 1 .5340 2.3217 2.4375 4.8211 1.5730 1 .4292 1 .6635 1.3535 1 .7403 1 .7932 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Arkansas Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.5644 1 .9460 1 .6462 1.4817 1.8894 2.1181 2.1697 2.7693 1.8177 1.7641 2.1336 2.0867 1 .8585 1 .8080 2.5615 2.1803 2.0463 2.0627 2.0668 2.1775 2.1113 1 .9397 1 .9291 2.1621 2.0871 1 .6038 1.8348 1.8108 2.0395 1 .9265 2.2334 1.1930 1 .8384 1 .9983 1 .9540 2.1619 2.0526 2.0901 1 .2057 0.4959 .2310 .4442 .1929 .5250 .6316 .7844 .5047 .3754 .4796 .4596 .5795 .3128 .4744 .6329 .5553 .4849 .5611 .5815 .6129 .5395 .5616 .5445 .5653 .7496 .4730 .2509 .6446 .7760 .6524 .8309 .0713 .5325 .7523 .8157 .6005 .8918 .6550 .3467 26.9 13.4 18.4 12.6 25.9 35.7 43.9 27.9 20.0 38.0 20.6 32.3 14.7 25.3 35.7 29.3 22.9 28.0 29.6 32.6 30.0 29.2 27.9 34.6 36.1 19.6 11.3 31.7 54.6 33.6 40.8 4.3 50.2 56.4 50.8 59.0 44.1 45.3 21.8 3.0973 12.6480 1 .6560 1 .9662 1 .7883 2.0793 1 .7438 4.1621 2.2275 1.8194 2.5437 2.0185 2.7003 1.8624 2.6497 2.3102 2.3733 2.0770 2.0847 2.1860 2.2829 1.9082 1 .9308 2.3154 1 .7674 1 .6038 3.0182 1.5709 1.5982 1.7814 1.9012 4.5056 1 .7600 1.6169 1.5356 1.9243 1.4925 1.8934 3.2241 8.3056 2.2435 1 .7950 2.0538 2.1292 1.8000 4.0161 2.3390 1 .5739 3.5065 2.0030 3.6799 1.9537 2.6738 2.3818 2.8562 2.3018 2.2942 2.2825 2.3075 2.0829 2.1314 2.1137 2.0683 2.2309 4.8761 1 .8391 1 .4882 2.0232 2.2281 4.0019 1.3835 1 .4530 1 .5273 1 .3943 1 .6806 1 .6795 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES California Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings" (dollars) Employment - (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.1651 2.1434 1.7751 1.5933 2.0508 2.4756 2.4028 2.2539 1 .7585 1.9798 1 .8556 2.0732 1 .9657 1 .9497 2.2309 2.2761 2.0247 2.1166 2.3437 2.3937 1 .8880 2.3522 2.2013 2.2007 2.4307 1.9262 2.2757 2.0632 2.3373 2.5757 2.8692 1.4301 2.3442 2.2431 2.3268 2.3012 2.3697 2.3142 1 .4345 0.5702 .4871 .4862 .2296 .5646 .7531 .8335 .4670 .3980 .5480 .4251 .6162 .2453 .5079 .6149 .6050 .5128 .5904 .7001 .7695 .4267 .7307 .6787 .5758 .7846 .5728 .2790 .7276 .8743 .9230 1 .0354 .1490 .6555 .8323 .9448 .6722 .9937 .7189 .4200 26.0 18.5 18.4 7.5 18.5 26.5 31.1 18.5 17.2 29.1 15.3 24.3 8.3 21.3 25.8 23.0 18.3 22.2 23.7 25.9 16.5 23.8 23.9 23.8 28.9 19.3 9.2 25.5 42.9 33.2 37.4 5.8 27.8 45.4 36.7 43.4 34.9 34.2 18.2 2.1827 2.7860 1 .8078 2.3345 1 .9823 2.5110 1.9616 3.7452 2.1441 2.0760 2.1695 2.0538 4.6266 2.0401 2.3578 2.3481 2.3028 2.2017 2.3893 2.2247 2.5791 2.2912 2.1340 2.5602 2.0426 1 .9370 3.9325 1 .7684 1 .7958 2.2136 2.4337 5.4499 2.4677 1 .7956 1.7711 2.1484 1 .6433 2.0531 1 .9745 2.8885 1 .9082 3.2647 2.5156 3.2799 2.1781 3.8996 2.0298 1.7557 2.4467 2.1226 5.8464 1.9441 2.2547 2.4216 2.5810 2.3246 2.9065 2.7070 2.6290 2.9224 2.4720 2.4282 2.2543 2.4157 5.1316 2.0908 1.6199 2.6032 2.7944 5.7892 2.3947 1.5119 1 .8705 1.5044 1 .8638 1.7914 " Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industny correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Colorado Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.5920 1.7237 1.9891 1.5605 2.3651 2.1282 2.1427 2.6212 1 .9352 1 .6685 1 .6634 1 .9457 1 .9978 1.8119 1 .9257 2.1351 2.1334 1 .8757 2.2274 2.2263 1 .7921 2.1453 1.9035 1.9655 2.1740 1 .7735 2.0326 1 .9755 2.2447 2.5443 2.7282 1 .3629 2.0752 2.1454 2.2655 2.3275 2.2432 2.2956 1.3536 0.5017 .2052 .5496 .2196 .6961 .6518 .7872 .4806 .5035 .4641 .4157 .5777 .3451 .5236 .5437 .5952 .5884 .4726 .6534 .7019 .4386 .7088 .5439 .5141 .7572 .5328 .3258 .7075 .8508 .9371 .9766 .1269 .6290 .8301 .9368 .6629 .9621 .6519 .4019 27.2 10.5 18.0 8.6 25.3 29.9 36.2 22.5 24.1 27.1 17.7 27.0 13.3 22.2 27.7 24.9 23.3 20.4 24.7 27.4 21.6 24.5 22.4 25.9 32.3 19.6 12.4 28.8 52.2 41.8 44.1 6.4 42.1 57.9 44.6 52.7 41.3 35.8 21.4 3.4432 12.1877 2.0455 2.2346 2.1347 2.2224 1.7838 4.4941 2.1242 1 .7782 1.8955 2.0156 2.8620 1.8540 2.0353 2.2059 2.2869 2.2267 2.3540 2.1824 2.1864 2.0156 2.0142 2.3466 1 .8824 1 .8036 3.8639 1.7212 1 .7493 2.1663 2.3882 5.0793 1.9744 1.7187 1 .7529 2.1207 1 .5990 2.3870 3.0114 9.4097 3.2107 3.1381 3.1070 2.3984 1.9109 5.5640 2.1999 1 .6059 2.1408 2.1297 3.9727 2.1056 1 .9293 2.4835 2.7522 2.4402 3.1600 2.7516 2.0686 3.0075 2.3609 2.1585 2.1739 2.5241 5.5710 2.1271 1 .5634 2.4735 2.6768 4.5442 1.5952 1.4405 1 .8394 1 .4799 1 .7969 2.0411 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industnes for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 dala, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES Connecticut Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings" (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .8482 1 .6975 1 .6563 1 .4837 1 .8738 2.1945 2.0820 1.7011 1 .7882 1.7851 1.8619 2.1113 1.9416 2.0587 1.9530 1 .9746 1 .9443 1 .9858 2.1383 2.1769 1 .8964 2.1586 2.0608 2.1915 1 .9883 1.6812 1.5084 1 .8272 2.0621 2.2048 2.9269 1 .3299 1.9637 2.0356 2.0625 1.9110 2.1105 2.1265 1.1327 0.6074 .3957 .4683 .2071 .5647 .7148 .7806 .3441 .4630 .5064 .4327 .6247 .4532 .5456 .5906 .5546 .4815 .5905 .6747 .6878 .5131 .6967 .6456 .6232 .7759 .5136 .2215 .6777 .8159 .8092 1.0511 .1220 .6185 .8214 .8771 .5893 .9319 .6375 .3591 31.6 18.6 10.9 5.2 17.7 25.8 26.6 11.9 18.1 21.6 13.4 22.8 14.1 19.3 22.9 19.1 16.2 20.6 21.9 23.2 18.3 22.2 21.6 23.7 29.3 14.9 7.0 21.3 40.0 26.6 34.9 4.4 34.4 43.5 32.9 36.2 33.2 29.3 15.1 1.7712 2.4087 1.7411 2.1051 1.8314 2.2844 1 .8078 2.6582 2.0925 1 .9072 2.2705 2.1591 2.6289 2.2429 2.0492 2.1172 2.4309 2.0577 2.1254 2.1560 2.1204 2.1126 2.0737 2.4331 1.7339 1.7371 2.5793 1.6470 1 .6759 2.0326 2.7057 5.8199 1 .9303 1 .6653 1 .6728 1.8835 1.5715 2.2245 1.5171 1.8541 3.1899 4.8079 2.2305 2.5035 2.0617 2.9746 2.0364 1.7812 2.8203 2.2172 3.5697 2.2879 1 .9844 2.2934 2.6809 2.1870 2.4885 2.3929 2.2603 2.5127 2.3632 2.3647 1 .7989 2.3550 3.2796 2.0160 1 .4992 2.4392 3.1481 6.1571 1.5392 1.4313 1 .7433 1.4123 1 .6764 1.8218 ' Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 10 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Delaware Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment ; (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .7707 1 .6072 1 .0000 1 .0000 1 .9948 1.9650 1.8801 2.0100 1 .9780 1 .6690 1 .4386 1.6931 2.0030 2.0683 1 .7027 1 .6698 1.8519 1 .7352 1 .7407 1 .6700 1 .4806 1.6011 1 .6748 1 .8640 2.0813 1.5000 1.5306 1 .6892 1.8907 1 .7964 2.0328 1.2621 1.7147 1 .7576 1 .8359 1 .7630 1.9477 1 .8025 .9739 0.3453 .3353 .5311 .5985 .6759 .3712 .4606 .4244 .2363 .5056 .3713 .4816 .4551 .3987 .4164 .4726 .5354 .4754 .2384 .4976 .4819 .4978 .6815 .4330 .2112 .5966 .7203 .5699 .7073 .0931 .4731 .6909 .7777 .5066 .8347 .5790 .2822 15.2 18.5 21.5 22.4 29.1 18.2 19.7 26.3 9.8 23.3 11.9 17.8 22.9 18.7 15.9 20.4 22.6 16.4 8.1 17.9 21.5 21.3 29.2 18.2 7.5 22.8 45.5 26.4 30.6 4.4 35.1 50.2 38.4 42.4 33.6 35.7 14.9 2.1249 1 .9265 1.8714 2.0211 1 .5947 2.7131 2.1637 1.7504 1.9258 1.6587 2.5396 2.0880 1.8188 1 .8800 2.1221 1 .7728 1 .6778 1 .6722 2.2700 1 .5554 1.6601 1.9153 1.8211 1 .5273 2.5679 1.5121 1 .5429 1 .7853 1.8470 5.1293 1.7352 1 .4582 1.4939 1 .6886 1.4554 1 .6742 2.2332 1 .6428 2.1244 2.9344 1 .7432 2.3742 2.2544 1.5013 2.0924 1 .7247 3.9392 2.3979 1.7258 1.8416 2.4631 1 .8745 1 .8242 2.2120 3.3647 1 .9470 1 .7562 2.0365 1.9604 1.7066 3.8990 1.8412 1 .4055 1.9168 2.0817 4.6750 1 .4099 1 .2856 1 .5246 1.3150 1.6216 1 .4887 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 11 District of Columbia Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .2870 1.0000 1.1434 1 .2773 1.2797 1 .2405 1.1432 1.1312 1 .0926 1.1342 1.1147 1 .3025 1 .5662 1.1533 1.1718 1.1855 1.1410 1.1528 1.1661 1 .2200 1 .0831 1.1747 1.1681 1.2213 1.2180 1 .2962 1 .3524 1 .2427 1.3667 1 .5374 1 .4889 1.1541 1.4144 1 .2744 1.3418 1 .2380 1 .2997 1 .4209 .4661 0.2737 .1123 .0492 .1383 .1563 .1761 .0917 .0656 .1074 .0715 .1533 .0545 .1041 .1270 .0975 .0670 .1192 .1160 .1277 .0511 .1347 .1237 .1433 .2463 .1425 .0500 .1813 .2201 .2390 .2097 .0226 .1599 .2237 .2614 .1432 .2463 .1941 .0504 16.7 2.4 1.0 2.9 5.9 6.1 2.3 2.4 7.0 1.5 4.4 1.2 4.6 4.5 4.6 1.1 2.7 2.0 3.0 .7 2.2 3.9 6.3 8.6 3.4 1.3 4.7 11.2 7.0 6.4 .8 6.9 16.3 7.0 9.3 7.9 6.7 1.9 1.1256 1.1305 1 .3544 1 .2391 1.3147 1.1082 1 .2224 1.1949 1.1793 1.1988 1.3312 2.2551 1.1784 1.1866 1 .2461 1 .2630 1.1788 1 .2054 1.2652 1.2630 1.1916 1.2018 1.2333 1.1155 1.3036 1.6502 1.1923 1 .2238 1 .4690 1 .4422 2.671 1 1 .4305 1.1605 1 .2072 1 .2387 1.1244 1.3161 1 .0669 1.2192 1 .6745 1.3919 1 .2393 1.1153 1 .2936 1.1790 1.0883 1 .3400 1.3815 2.5351 1.1201 1.1645 1.1669 1 .5806 1.2715 1.4515 1 .3548 1.8564 1 .4505 1 .2068 1.1610 1.1145 1.5474 1.7189 1 .2609 1.1348 1.5154 1 .4797 2.5424 1 .2926 1.0718 1 .2535 1.1039 1.1331 1 .2920 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 19R9 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 12 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Florida Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment - (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .8766 1 .7052 1 .5729 1 .4742 1 .7365 2.1260 2.0193 1.8724 1 .7887 1 .7088 1.7571 1 .8686 1 .7928 1.6913 1 .8499 1.8716 1 .6574 1.7121 1 .8761 1 .9882 1 .5856 1 .8320 1 .8665 1 .7687 1 .9557 1.6548 1.4021 1.8142 2.0508 2.2059 2.5441 1 .3559 1.9010 1 .9467 2.0172 2.0010 2.0459 2.0134 1.1313 0.5510 .3556 .4423 .2059 .4655 .6829 .7551 .3917 .4698 .4835 .3862 .5756 .3695 .4751 .5022 .5221 .4163 .4826 .5787 .6704 .3599 .5730 .6157 .4766 .7125 .5061 .2265 .6728 .8108 .8209 .9586 .1310 .5901 .7799 .8822 .6037 .9293 .5642 .3572 28.5 19.1 12.3 6.6 19.3 35.1 36.9 18.2 25.6 31.7 15.4 27.2 15.0 24.3 26.7 25.3 17.4 22.2 23.2 27.8 17.5 22.5 28.4 25.2 32.2 20.9 9.0 28.4 49.7 34.7 41.4 6.4 37.3 57.3 39.8 45.5 38.3 31.9 18.9 1.8981 2.7461 1 .6464 2.0952 1 .8838 2.2377 1 .7593 2.9117 1 .9836 1 .8346 2.2423 1 .9040 2.6763 1.8102 2.0638 2.0513 2.0040 1 .8736 1.9617 1.9238 2.0860 1 .8729 1 .8346 2.0544 1 .7946 1.7133 2.4433 1 .6369 1.6671 1 .9852 2.2529 4.9818 1.8764 1 .6281 1.6148 1.9316 1.5334 2.3821 1.8438 2.3380 3.3016 5.2582 2.1781 2.1106 1 .8096 3.1654 1 .7987 1 .5820 2.8737 1.9719 3.3985 1 .7459 1.9380 2.0352 2.3136 1.9644 2.3735 2.2191 2.0611 2.3100 1.9344 1.9121 1 .9489 2.0480 3.4955 1 .8975 1 .5068 2.3397 2.5692 4.9172 1.5949 1.3688 1 .7423 1 .4571 1 .7520 2.0266 " Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 13 Georgia Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.1446 1 .6360 1 .6948 1.5102 1.9162 2.4250 2.2773 2.1912 2.5216 2.6029 2.3074 2.3057 1 .9204 2.0343 2.5420 2.1422 2.0141 2.0401 2.0822 2.1441 1 .9646 2.0744 2.0993 2.3424 2.0667 1.7510 1.5518 1.9711 2.2284 2.3692 2.7259 1 .3598 2.1460 2.1678 2.1944 2.2877 2.2356 2.1927 1 .3250 0.4876 2163 .4732 .2120 .5154 .7632 .8191 .4268 .5480 .6803 .5250 .6839 .4154 .5413 .6366 .5905 .4965 .5401 .6308 .6388 .4278 .6017 .6559 .6516 .7176 .5284 .2339 .7113 .8523 .8555 1 .0008 .1261 .6626 .8223 .9079 .6626 .9672 .7207 .4005 26.0 10.5 26.0 7.7 20.7 36.8 39.0 19.3 26.4 40.8 21.3 30.6 16.8 25.5 32.2 26.0 19.8 24.1 27.7 26.9 17.0 24.1 29.6 31.5 29.7 20.2 8.9 27.9 51.2 36.7 41.5 5.9 41.7 59.5 39.1 50.3 39.8 40.6 20.7 2.4718 6.3794 1 .7609 2.1566 2.0096 2.4248 1 .8932 3.5754 3.2830 2.6105 2.9456 2.2178 2.7028 2.1633 2.7934 2.2821 2.4767 2.2959 2.1097 2.2035 2.9528 2.1640 2.0120 2.5201 1 .8979 1.7884 2.7497 1 .7302 1 .7520 2.1046 2.3524 5.4299 2.0526 1 .7592 1.7225 2.1192 1 .6032 1 .9968 2.1288 5.7236 1 .6035 3.3473 2.3803 2.3326 1 .9281 3.9367 3.1244 2.0758 3.7730 2.3076 3.2515 2.1060 2.6011 2.3776 2.9742 2.3426 2.2320 2.4632 3.8412 2.6577 2.1189 2.3743 2.2105 2.3289 4.0769 2.1492 1.5537 2.3738 2.7686 5.8404 1 .6697 1 .4295 1.9051 1 .4869 1 .8223 1 .7726 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 14 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Hawaii Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services ., Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1.7165 1.7608 1.0000 1.0000 1 .6325 1 .8491 1 .7759 1 .9573 1 .4900 1 .5883 1.4117 1 .7008 1 .2369 1 .5533 1 .5800 1 .6339 1 .3987 1 .4345 1 .6242 1.6054 1 .4598 1.7133 1 .6059 1.5215 1 .9994 1 .6052 1 .4373 1 .7626 1.9913 2.0351 2.2564 1.3814 1 .8606 1.8111 1 .9725 1 .8649 1.9488 1 .8450 1.0594 0.4776 .4420 .4623 .6044 .6696 .3765 .3445 .4454 .3439 .5295 .0904 .4444 .4427 .4179 .2377 .3089 .4606 .5680 .3801 .6200 .5003 .3878 .6270 .4843 .2094 .6478 .7824 .7360 .8460 .1417 .5743 .7261 .8707 .5578 .8924 .6210 .3251 28.6 22.0 15.5 20.8 23.5 18.4 19.8 31.0 13.7 18.5 3.4 24.7 18.7 14.4 6.2 12.5 19.4 25.6 19.7 22.6 20.7 24.4 26.9 17.4 7.0 26.8 42.9 31.6 34.9 6.0 29.2 41.7 34.8 36.6 32.8 35.5 15.9 1.7177 2.0171 1.6140 1 .8909 1.5642 2.9752 1 .7576 1 .6690 1.5548 1 .7062 2.6413 1.6164 1 .7077 1.8316 2.1318 1.7544 1 .7766 1.5039 1.6190 1.5468 1.6047 1.7441 1.8169 1 .6375 2.2945 1.5743 1 .6070 1.8489 1 .9842 4.1519 1.8013 1 .5233 1.5730 1 .7829 1 .4656 1.6718 1.5175 1.7789 2.0586 2.5463 1.9519 3.1193 1 .5335 1.4045 1.7111 2.1634 3.3344 1.4576 1 .7945 2.3286 9.4328 1 .8979 1 .8734 1 .5238 1.5112 1 .7898 1 .7329 1 .4502 1.9055 1.9941 3.2434 1 .7059 1.4716 1 .9483 2.1568 3.9055 1.6427 1.3944 1 .7204 1.4496 1 .6695 1 .4823 " Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 15 Idaho Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment - (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco i Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, Insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.1319 1 .7825 1 .0000 1 .4022 1.8165 1 .8850 1.8116 2.3397 1.5931 1 .4761 1 .9686 1 .8888 1 .8036 1 .5829 2.4884 2.0195 1 .6539 1 .5650 1 .8424 2.0770 1.5436 1 .9328 1 .6439 1.7309 1 .8395 1 .5095 1.4260 1 .6765 1.8561 1 .8304 2.0900 1.1648 1 .7226 1.7673 1.8149 1 .9992 1.8226 1 .7935 .9736 0.4807 .2188 .1817 .5305 .5977 .7132 .4551 .4154 .4158 .4384 .5669 .4045 .4323 .5690 .5292 .4687 .4531 .5404 .7268 .4011 .4865 .5465 .4882 .7295 .4605 .2027 .6279 .7533 .6524 .8386 .0661 .5336 .7306 .7859 .5851 .8596 .6052 .3080 22.9 11.4 7.5 22.1 28.0 34.8 22.8 25.7 33.6 17.6 33.7 16.4 26.5 24.4 32.9 17.0 23.7 24.3 31.7 21.6 26.6 30.4 29.3 34.1 21.2 8.6 31.3 51.7 34.2 44.5 3.8 50.4 56.5 39.3 59.7 42.5 40.6 19.7 2.5197 12.8770 1.8470 1.7444 2.0050 1.5739 3.8266 1 .8259 1 .5804 2.3893 1 .8588 2.2877 1 .7255 2.6851 2.3760 1.8010 1 .6689 1.9905 1.9704 1 .7676 2.2995 1 .6027 1.8838 1 .6458 1 .5570 2.3114 1.5259 1.5473 1 .7503 1 .8286 4.9969 1.7101 1 .5094 1.5212 1.8700 1.4257 1.7256 2.9074 8.6957 2.6751 2.3363 2.5091 1 .7949 3.9440 1 .7088 1.3741 3.5427 1 .7490 3.3290 1 .6409 3.5426 2.0658 2.9982 1 .7875 2.4810 2.4798 1.8453 2.1981 1 .6580 1 .8023 1 .9342 1 .8868 3.2894 1 .7461 1 .4673 1.9242 2.0194 3.8420 1.3480 1 .3604 1 .7064 1.3421 1.5816 1 .6028 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1 . Each entry In column 1 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs In all row Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the Industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry In column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the Industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry In column 3 represents the total change In number of jobs In all row Industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the Industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1969 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be In 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the Industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry In column 5 represents the total change In number of jobs In all row Industries for each additional job In the Industry corresponding to the entry. 16 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Illinois Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.2601 1.6638 2.2510 1.5917 2.1635 2.5941 2.5492 2.5765 1 .9525 1.8601 1 .9999 2.2239 1 .8927 2.2977 2.3871 2.3475 2.5461 2.6402 2.6369 2.5873 2.5992 2.6119 2.2859 2.5004 2.4659 1.9024 1.9832 2.1135 2.4184 2.5573 3.1015 1.3909 2.2143 2.3534 2.3722 2.4450 2.4391 2.5786 1.5144 0.5388 .2116 .6190 .2307 .5894 .7978 .8822 .4933 .4754 .5131 .4724 .6464 .3203 .5789 .6801 .6557 .6709 .7288 .7717 .7701 .6118 .7651 .6870 .6802 .8167 .5659 .3230 .7439 .8981 .8998 1 .0936 .1347 .6565 .8795 .9485 .6982 1 .0048 .8549 .4435 27.0 9.6 20.1 10.3 20.7 30.8 32.7 20.4 21.7 24.3 18.1 25.7 11.4 23.3 28.3 25.5 24.2 27.1 27.6 30.0 22.7 26.8 25.9 28.2 31.4 20.1 11.0 26.8 49.0 32.2 41.4 5.4 37.2 52.0 36.3 48.4 41.0 42.9 20.5 2.4996 12.2601 2.3014 2.3454 2.1803 2.5608 2.0584 4.9992 2.2727 1.9711 2.3470 2.2627 3.4102 2.3950 2.4554 2.3486 2.8573 2.7635 2.6256 2.5395 3.7116 2.5775 2.1852 2.7427 2.0753 1.9138 3.8570 1 .8079 1.8446 2.2311 2.6759 6.4103 2.1562 1 .8262 1 .7947 2.2315 1.6760 2.1346 2.0861 6.4589 3.1359 2.1223 2.6920 2.9119 2.4596 6.2007 2.0456 1 .8200 2.5857 2.4377 4.5654 2.4088 2.3793 2.4934 3.3720 3.0814 3.1758 2.7161 4.3348 3.2593 2.4730 2.6971 2.3091 2.4078 5.3610 2.2012 1.5871 2.801 1 3.0871 6.2783 1 .7065 1 .5042 2.0143 1 .5045 1.7651 1.8228 ' Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries lor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 17 Indiana Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings' 1 (dollars) Employment 1 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.2264 1 .5336 2.0827 1.5196 1.9954 2.4836 2.4389 2.5803 1.7599 1.7035 2.0483 1.9511 1 .7228 2.0984 2.2498 2.2868 2.4333 2.5198 2.5222 2.5707 2.5269 2.4176 2.1370 2.3019 2.3034 1.6910 1.9537 1.9118 2.1474 2.0148 2.4076 1 .2664 1 .9940 2.1554 2.0588 2.2624 2.2123 2.3224 1.3056 0.5034 .1812 .5687 .2084 .5521 .7600 .8542 .4840 .3834 .4590 .4756 .5875 .2957 .5337 .6440 .6184 .6435 .6967 .7412 .7223 .6539 .6572 .6308 .6234 .7869 .5012 -.3071 .6789 .8115 .6808 .8542 .0953 .5997 .8109 .8354 .6353 .9393 .7441 .3805 35.3 12.1 20.3 9.6 24.2 37.5 39.9 26.6 19.1 28.0 21.4 29.4 11.8 25.4 32.8 28.1 25.1 30.2 30.9 30.6 26.5 27.7 27.6 30.1 36.6 21.3 12.3 29.9 55.5 35.0 39.7 5.0 50.2 57.6 44.2 57.7 43.3 46.7 22.1 2.5084 5.2703 2.1145 2.1185 1.9571 2.3922 1.9528 4.9136 2.1821 1 .7943 2.3703 1 .8803 2.8155 2.1446 2.2590 2.3034 2.5945 2.5999 2.4480 2.7075 2.8832 2.6103 2.0552 2.4914 1 .9407 1 .6949 3.7312 1 .6499 1 .6667 1 .8525 2.1076 5.7360 1 .8850 1 .7039 1.6186 2.0304 1.5727 2.0591 1 .9576 2.9875 3.3168 2.4670 2.2999 2.5060 2.1914 6.4006 2.2304 1 .6525 2.7297 1 .9906 4.6958 2.2506 2.2440 2.5807 3.7649 2.9305 3.0193 3.4871 3.9758 3.3647 2.4515 2.6091 2.1884 2.1351 5.3335 2.0168 1.4951 1.9741 2.4865 4.9520 1.4546 1 .4743 1.6751 1 .4360 1 .7696 1 .7598 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Iowa Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) lings 2 Employment (number of jobs) 0.4856 30.8 .1939 12.4 .4656 21.7 .1855 6.5 .5012 24.0 .6468 35.1 .7706 39.6 .5082 28.7 .4575 32.0 .4642 30.8 .4366 21.2 .5185 27.9 .3662 16.6 .4693 21.9 .5533 27.6 .5110 24.5 .4482 18.5 .5504 25.9 .5759 24.5 .5951 26.9 .5597 27.5 .4831 23.3 .6040 31.6 .5274 27.8 .7552 36.0 .4699 20.8 .2169 9.3 .6529 31.4 .7798 58.2 .6833 35.8 .9239 46.2 .0735 4.2 .5361 53.1 .7811 66.3 .7977 43.2 .6222 65.8 .8914 45.5 .6708 47.6 .3488 22.5 Direct-effect multipliers Earnings" (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.3678 1 .7232 1 .6867 1 .4354 1.7770 2.0568 2.0822 2.9516 1 .7341 1 .6668 1 .7958 1 .7808 1 .7860 1 .8394 1.9086 1 .9844 1.8375 1 .9263 2.0769 1.9754 2.1390 1 .8794 1 .9775 2.0181 1 .9820 1.5704 1 .6636 1 .7882 1.9898 1.9489 2.5117 1.1923 1.8140 1 .9532 1.9161 2.2322 2.0166 2.0573 1.1631 2.9808 11.5071 1.7310 1 .8856 1 .7821 2.0354 1.7549 6.1762 1.9125 1 .7631 2.0626 1 .8590 2.5679 2.0120 2.0020 2.2145 2.1965 1 .9784 2.2289 1.9643 2.3516 2.1875 1 .9587 2.3088 1 .7268 1 .5888 2.7506 1 .5868 1.6017 1 .8099 2.2252 5.8110 1 .7927 1.5817 1.5533 1 .9885 1 .5034 1 .8788 2.6229 6.2815 2.0219 4.4209 2.0707 2.1148 1 .9493 8.3121 1 .6869 1 .6600 2.3542 2.0030 3.4961 2.4128 2.2373 2.5698 3.2442 2.2972 3.0229 2.4119 2.6277 2.5025 2.0909 2.4117 2.0474 2.0772 3.9978 1.9174 1 .4589 2.0259 2.6255 5.0573 1 .3734 1.3608 1 .6740 1 .3739 1 .6680 1.6344 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs In all row Industries tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the Industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry In column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the Industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry In column 3 represents the total change In number of jobs In all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be In 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry In column 4 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the Industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry In column 5 represents the total change In number of jobs In all row industries for each additional job In the Industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 19 Kansas Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) 3.6394 10.4338 1 .8065 2.0794 1 .8852 2.0789 1 .7674 5.8265 1 .7406 1.7264 2.0312 1 .9204 4.1433 1 .9408 1.8913 2.1815 1 .9748 1 .9403 2.0870 1 .9556 2.7779 1 .8246 1.8513 2.3431 1.8512 1.6417 3.5203 Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.8355 1 .6974 1 .8387 1 .5452 1.9782 2.1012 2.2337 3.2474 1.8189 1 .6824 1 .8294 1 .9546 2.1448 1.8713 1.9185 2.1330 2.0059 1.9193 2.0735 2.0809 1 .8909 1 .9827 1 .8775 2.2812 2.0387 1 .6673 2.1166 1.9414 2.1863 2.1573 2.6025 1 .2486 2.0587 2.0617 2.0916 2.2973 2.2073 2.0881 1.3263 0.1931 .1759 .4859 .2045 .5094 .6057 .7772 .5164 .5038 .4523 .4070 .5423 .2686 .4458 .5420 .5082 .5503 .5303 .5863 .6126 .3729 .6260 .5220 .6244 .5870 .4854 .2822 .6730 .8047 .7241 .9302 .0867 .6065 .7729 .8140 .6216 .9135 .6171 .3639 37.9 12.3 19.4 15.0 25.6 30.3 38.5 33.3 44.2 29.9 18.7 28.3 14.0 20.6 30.2 23.6 26.0 25.2 27.0 30.2 16.2 25.3 24.6 31.9 26.2 19.8 13.2 29.9 54.8 36.7 43.8 4.7 55.3 53.5 41.2 56.6 44.7 41.5 21.9 1 .6357 1 .6528 1 .8930 2.1801 5.5550 1 .8682 1 .6092 1.6314 1.9867 1 .5358 1.8815 2.6700 5.2431 2.4673 1.6418 2.0236 2.2546 1 .9574 8.5159 1 .3685 1 .5690 2.3685 2.0023 7.0227 2.2527 1 .8283 2.5203 2.2161 2.1696 2.41 58 2.1139 3.6504 2.4453 2.1278 2.4179 2.2807 2.1982 5.4007 2.0267 1 .5081 2.0802 2.5630 4.9203 1.4051 1 .4557 1.7664 1 .4540 1 .6934 1.6476 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 20 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Kentucky Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers .Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery seivices Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4394 1 .8632 2.0983 1.5177 2.0189 2.3591 2.3372 2.1674 1 .9655 1 .9346 2.0282 2.1054 1.7618 2.1783 2.2922 2.3493 2.6560 2.4442 2.4277 2.4961 2.4724 2.1758 2.1431 2.2679 2.2959 1.6776 2.0686 1 .9242 2.1610 2.0388 2.3357 1 .2243 1 .8730 2.1992 2.0770 2.1736 2.1974 2.3779 1.3303 0.4955 .2214 .5618 .2023 .5383 .7077 .8138 .3474 .5368 .5257 .4451 .6033 .2105 .5088 .6176 .6245 .6298 .7045 .6899 .6511 .5165 .6019 .6461 .5541 .7432 .4906 .3217 .6723 .8041 .6812 .8368 .0802 .5129 .8104 .8415 .6024 .9277 .6732 .3734 36.5 14.8 21.8 12.0 25.8 37.8 42.3 18.7 30.8 36.1 20.0 30.3 9.3 24.7 34.4 29.8 26.3 32.1 30.3 28.9 21.8 28.3 34.5 29.4 34.7 22.0 13.6 31.2 56.7 34.4 39.7 4.5 43.8 57.2 46.9 52.2 43.7 43.4 22.3 2.9504 13.1389 2.0887 2.0570 1.9491 2.2736 1.8498 4.0475 1 .8987 1 .9886 2.2986 1 .9584 3.4410 2.1390 2.3356 2.3043 2.9398 2.2216 2.3296 2.6660 3.7111 2.1549 1.9329 2.5079 1.8984 1 .6587 3.7408 1.6340 1.6515 1.8494 1 .9876 5.5548 1 .8689 1 .7039 1 .6006 1.9254 1.5491 2.2468 2.2975 9.1364 2.9926 1 .9067 2.1509 2.3146 1 .9460 6.1059 1.8444 1 .7486 2.8009 2.0869 5.4791 2.3029 2.2375 2.5315 4.0197 2.5095 2.9072 3.2560 5.5112 2.4042 1 .9362 2.4403 2.2037 2.0290 5.4906 1 .9356 1 .4791 2.0473 2.3235 4.6900 1 .4550 1.5031 1 .6356 1.4411 1.7522 1.8556 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 21 Louisiana Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment ; (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.0799 1 .9889 1 .7000 1.5410 2.1154 1 .9058 2.0592 2.1703 1 .9376 1 .7607 2.3721 2.1780 2.2609 2.2645 2.7196 2.1411 1 .8956 1 .8426 1 .8002 1.9219 1 .5670 1 .8826 1.8571 1 .9663 2.3062 1 .6665 2.1889 1 .8831 2.1218 2.0489 2.4444 1.2064 1 .9053 1.9873 1 .9987 2.0441 2.0990 2.0703 1.2333 0.4562 .3740 .4483 .2044 .4967 .5294 .7483 .3881 .5128 .4775 .4838 .6187 .2664 .4968 .6062 .5237 .3939 .5036 .4954 .5298 .2744 .5945 .5835 .4972 .6297 .4867 .2785 .6592 .7902 .6983 .8962 .0760 .5432 .7404 .8239 .5812 .8966 .6219 .3494 32.0 21.2 13.4 8.6 19.9 24.1 36.8 20.3 29.2 33.7 19.3 29.5 10.6 22.7 31.4 25.4 16.7 22.8 21.8 22.2 10.7 26.7 24.9 24.6 28.4 20.8 11.4 29.1 53.7 34.5 40.1 4.2 38.2 49.9 37.4 49.8 38.7 38.6 19.9 2.1727 2.9539 1.6779 2.0918 2.0043 1 .9607 1.6438 3.4310 1.7950 1 .8006 2.6133 1 .9564 4.7416 2.0698 2.9449 2.1369 2.3528 1 .8558 1.8341 1.9261 2.4417 1.7171 1 .6926 2.0584 2.1758 1 .6569 3.6016 1.6127 1 .6340 1.8215 2.0710 4.8986 1 .8333 1 .5970 1.5645 1 .8700 1.5024 1.9033 1.7381 2.5721 3.2669 2.6985 2.5938 2.1769 1.7419 3.7551 1.6902 1.5536 3.8842 2.0286 8.2260 2.1866 3.0791 2.1458 2.8274 2.0597 2.0935 2.3256 3.6567 1.9314 2.0061 2.1219 2.4506 1 .9942 4.9349 1.8816 1.4513 1 .9343 2.4121 3.8573 1.5219 1 .4306 1 .7479 1 .3977 1.7210 1 .6803 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1 989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 22 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Maine Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .6652 1 .5404 1 .0000 1 .0000 1 .6074 2.0010 1 .8863 1.8125 2.0933 2.1406 1 .7740 1 .8876 1.6001 1.8399 2.1695 1 .8422 1 .4365 1.6464 1 .7608 1.9844 1 .5588 1 .7660 1 .7841 1 .8602 1.8751 1.5354 1.3612 1 .6959 1.9023 1.7646 2.3812 1 .2370 1 .7386 1.8515 1.8618 1 .8294 1.9019 1 .8795 1.0275 0.4182 .2049 .4732 .6533 .7284 .3778 .5159 .5692 .4040 .5790 .3779 .5308 .5171 .5063 .3136 .4974 .6015 .6647 .4218 .6254 .5570 .5135 .7343 .4687 .2235 .6354 .7690 .6005 .8977 .0924 .5387 .7579 .8350 .5564 .8713 .5527 .3282 34.7 12.1 22.3 33.8 35.8 21.2 27.2 34.1 16.2 29.2 17.2 29.4 25.8 30.1 12.2 22.8 26.5 31.5 22.9 26.8 29.1 32.1 34.7 20.8 10.1 28.6 50.6 29.2 38.8 4.8 45.6 53.4 43.2 47.5 41.5 34.3 19.3 1 .8795 4.9699 1 .6225 2.0874 1 .6584 2.5257 2.4752 2.2752 2.1878 1.8556 2.0452 1.9718 2.3507 2.0691 1.8173 1.7343 1.7131 1 .9294 1.7279 1.6479 1 .7959 2.1104 1 .6742 1.5845 2.3091 1.5442 1.5794 1 .7434 2.1624 5.6997 1.7295 1 .5634 1.5268 1.7783 1 .4746 2.1140 1 .4923 6.6100 1.8219 2.2222 1 .8269 2.7800 2.5285 2.0384 3.2539 1.9054 2.4191 1.9414 2.7151 1 .8836 2.5309 1 .9695 2.0089 2.1538 1 .7374 1 .9782 1 .8459 1.8135 1 .8602 1.8913 2.8376 1.8144 1 .4671 1.9372 2.6499 5.4165 1 .3860 1 .4088 1.6097 1.3954 1.6199 1.8281 ' Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs of all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 23 Maryland Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .8899 1.6389 1 .6381 1.4844 1.7323 2.1225 2.0412 1.9281 1.6913 1 .6887 1.7248 1.9592 1 .7596 1.7349 1.8181 2.0765 2.0089 1.9921 1.8856 1.9067 1 .6889 1 .8707 1.8785 1.9143 2.0278 1 .6354 1.4931 1.8411 2.0702 2.2435 2.6269 1.3707 1.9212 1.9298 2.0808 2.0274 2.0846 2.0716 1.1546 0.4846 .3683 .4648 .2101 .5108 .6913 .7613 .3949 .4569 .4929 .4268 .6022 .4286 .4672 .5200 .5803 .5580 .5449 .5740 .6591 .3420 .6302 .6162 .5628 .7617 .5028 .2513 .6856 .8221 .8365 .9848 .1361 .5909 .7737 .8822 .6156 .9387 .7210 .3699 25.6 19.8 16.3 6.4 22.1 28.6 31.8 16.9 23.4 26.4 17.4 24.6 16.1 19.8 23.5 23.4 19.5 21.6 21.1 22.6 12.1 23.3 25.3 26.9 32.3 16.7 9.0 25.4 44.8 33.3 37.3 5.9 37.9 47.5 36.4 41.8 37.3 37.5 17.7 2.1301 2.3552 1.7281 2.1360 1.7821 2.2508 1.8085 3.0630 1 .9684 1 .8027 2.0753 2.0151 2.2812 1.9717 2.0233 2.3654 2.2898 2.2866 2.0000 1 .8232 2.7660 1.8215 1.8690 2.0994 1 .8455 1 .7005 2.7548 1.6663 1 .6886 2.0447 2.3463 5.0896 1.9325 1 .6325 1.7074 1.9675 1.5605 1.8885 1.8426 1.8580 2.1001 4.2405 1 .8209 2.4803 1 .9458 3.2385 1 .7545 1 .6329 2.2338 2.1869 2.7405 2.0113 1 .9459 2.5954 3.0049 2.3870 2.3451 2.2753 3.7344 2.1273 1 .971 1 1 .9032 1 .9470 2.2956 3.9997 1 .9933 1 .5325 2.3038 2.7631 5.1121 1 .5282 1.4092 1.8312 1.4714 1 .7072 1 .6964 ' Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs In all row Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the Industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs In all row Industries tor each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the Industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be In 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry In column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the Industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry In column 5 represents the total change In number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job In the Industry corresponding to the entry. 24 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Massachusetts Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output 1 (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1.8613 1.6739 1.6211 1 .0000 1.7355 2.1753 2.0855 1 .7344 2.2230 2.3333 1 .8606 2.0926 1 .7751 2.0866 1.9515 1 .8209 1.9218 1 .8927 2.2447 2.2693 1 .6841 2.0501 2.0500 1 .9267 1.9510 1.7190 1.6065 1 .8434 2.0819 2.1218 2.6957 1 .3386 1 .9709 2.0593 2.1181 1.9198 2.1089 2.1078 1.1583 0.6350 .4298 .4503 3 .5014 .6944 .7663 .3594 .5416 .6276 .4382 .6183 .3939 .5646 .5683 .4913 .4671 .5555 .6811 .7309 .3344 .6586 .6256 .4770 .7573 .5170 .2097 .6707 .8088 .7434 .9803 .1224 .5970 .7900 .8876 .5809 .9102 .7113 .3622 32.2 17.0 21.1 18.4 27.0 28.8 14.2 21.6 30.8 16.5 24.1 13.4 22.7 24.2 19.0 16.9 20.4 23.0 25.9 11.2 21.8 22.0 19.8 30.6 17.9 7.1 23.5 42.9 26.7 36.3 4.8 34.3 46.0 32.7 38.2 35.6 35.7 16.7 1 .7470 1.9747 1.7094 1.7713 2.2806 1.8093 2.5299 2.6730 2.4471 2.2275 2.1599 2.4397 2.2185 2.0725 1 .9824 2.3571 1.9745 2.3496 2.2010 2.8368 2.0146 2.1161 2.4225 1 .6984 1.7848 2.6479 1.6643 1.6962 2.0218 2.4225 5.7349 1 .9768 1.7164 1.7117 1.8955 1.5721 1.9309 1.5916 2.0461 1 .5839 1 .9908 2.4101 2.0381 2.6478 2.7484 2.0418 2.4374 2.3107 3.1456 2.2212 1.9830 2.0977 2.6623 2.2050 2.9522 2.5581 4.0848 2.5450 2.5294 2.3360 1 .7938 2.1992 3.3633 2.0017 1.5146 2.3908 2.7698 6.1320 1.5976 1.4476 1 .9241 1 .4273 1.6784 1 .6931 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row Industries lor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings in households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 25 Michigan Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 2 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .7833 1 .3907 1.0000 1.4477 2.1005 2.1913 2.1249 1 .8095 1 .8086 1 .9003 2.0237 2.0789 1 .8646 2.0897 2.1002 2.0487 2.1519 2.3508 2.1657 2.1782 2.4770 2.1356 1 .9835 2.0648 1 .8959 1 .5725 1.5810 1 .7576 1.9514 1 .9620 2.2135 1.2046 1 .8605 1 .8953 1 .9725 1 .9395 2.0127 2.0881 1 .0659 0.4433 .1655 .1922 .6123 .7068 .7839 .3463 .4338 .5207 .4627 .6313 .3814 .5349 .6155 .5704 .6099 .7035 .7215 .6437 .5631 .6068 .6288 .5597 .7181 .4777 .2116 .6537 .7817 .7142 .8286 .0793 .5745 .7571 .8518 .5800 .9067 .7281 .3317 35.1 9.7 7.4 23.1 30.2 31.7 15.6 17.2 19.6 17.3 27.2 13.5 23.1 25.1 21.4 21.7 26.3 26.1 24.7 19.3 22.2 25.1 24.5 28.8 18.1 7.5 24.2 48.7 31.4 33.8 3.7 38.3 50.0 36.5 49.9 39.2 42.0 17.5 2.0227 4.3015 1.9540 2.0412 2.2622 1.8160 2.7893 2.1632 2.0166 2.4461 1 .9957 2.6099 2.1968 2.2339 2.1583 2.3001 2.4326 2.0200 2.2883 3.8872 2.3016 1 .9363 2.3398 1 .6852 1.6155 2.5793 1.5886 1 .6056 1.8422 2.0020 5.4688 1.8490 1 .5949 1.6153 1 .8537 1.5110 1.8223 1.5571 2.8744 2.4041 2.4836 2.4017 2.0795 3.5207 2.4775 2.5507 2.9950 2.1020 3.6920 2.1780 2.4543 2.6170 2.9811 2.8572 2.5140 2.6706 6.4247 2.8092 2.1917 2.3571 1 .9438 2.0005 3.6638 2.0117 1.4420 2.0065 2.3495 4.6981 1 .5260 1.3903 1 .7696 1 .3398 1 .6294 1 .5856 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 26 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Minnesota Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment - (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.3484 1 .6805 1 .7363 1 .4876 2.1417 2.2478 2.2004 2.8534 1 .7837 1.7008 1 .9674 2.1615 1.5194 1 .9367 2.0311 1.9791 1.9215 1.9657 2.2756 2.2516 1.9194 2.0464 2.0612 1 .9540 2,0539 1.7000 1.4686 1 .9075 2.1514 2.2694 2.7737 1.2830 2.0391 2.1028 2.1321 2.3441 2.1527 2.2213 1 .2681 0.4943 .2139 .4803 .2029 .5943 .7085 .7979 .5153 .4930 .4726 .4548 .6246 .2401 .5080 .5801 .5545 .5393 .5902 .6718 .7023 .4261 .5820 .6498 .5069 .7078 .5088 .2078 .6853 .8247 .8108 .9912 .1031 .6315 .8345 .8830 .6572 .9358 .6394 .3781 28.3 12.4 35.9 6.1 22.8 32.7 33.5 25.1 24.2 33.0 16.3 28.6 9.5 23.1 25.3 26.4 23.3 23.7 26.3 30.2 16.8 26.0 26.1 23.9 29.2 20.7 7.6 27.1 52.2 34.4 43.1 5.0 46.6 55.2 42.8 55.8 42.3 36.6 20.6 2.8588 7.3174 1.7989 2.0779 2.0669 2.2518 1 .8329 5.7573 1.9160 1.8105 2.3646 2.1515 2.6068 2.0514 2.1381 2.0787 2.0481 1 .9802 2.3869 2.1976 2.7903 2.1868 1 .9724 2.3001 1.8108 1 .7330 2.4491 1.6776 1.7063 2.0413 2.4632 5.9232 1.9561 1.6646 1.6750 2.1157 1.5730 2.3472 2.4297 3.8739 1.3975 5.8357 2.7082 2.4173 2.1664 7.8064 1 .9249 1 .4825 3.5099 2.2258 3.3960 2.1596 2.3333 2.0447 2.2481 2.4062 3.0907 2.4561 3.6495 2.2917 2.4338 2.3308 2.1779 2.1934 3.6915 2.1477 1 .5234 2.4764 2.8914 4.9083 1.5288 1.4533 1 .7562 1.4442 1.7132 1 .8992 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry In column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs In all row Industries (or each additional dollar ot output delivered to final demand by the Industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change In number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the Industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be In 1969 dollars. 4. Each entry In column 4 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar ot earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the Industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change In number of Jobs in all row Industries for each additional Job In the Industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 27 Mississippi Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.3913 2.0012 1 .0000 1 .5042 1.8793 2.1638 2.2131 2.8156 1 .9046 2.0129 2.3868 2.1179 2.0458 2.1026 2.4446 2.1677 1 .9373 1 .9446 2.0399 2.0598 2.0455 2.0758 2.0698 2.1569 2.2432 1.6485 1 .9867 1 .8425 2.0564 1.9223 2.3219 1.1696 1 .9564 2.0345 1.9816 2.1597 2.0853 2.0927 1.2157 0.4487 .3194 .1948 .5004 .6328 .7777 .4789 .4514 .5377 .5150 .5986 .2554 .4874 .6163 .5636 .4418 .5046 .5546 .5753 .5129 .6722 .5949 .5536 .7207 .4830 .2659 .6483 .7761 .6410 .8453 .0625 .5944 .7416 .8172 .5940 .8945 .6406 .3428 31.4 18.4 11.6 28.1 36.7 44.5 30.3 26.1 41.3 23.4 33.1 12.3 25.9 35.5 30.8 21.9 25.4 27.9 29.9 31.2 30.6 33.1 29.5 36.3 22.3 12.0 32.1 56.6 35.3 41.0 3.8 56.2 63.8 39.5 57.6 42.3 44.9 21.7 2.8684 3.8008 1 .9802 1 .7555 2.1414 1 .7465 4.6253 2.0216 2.0296 2.7138 1.9521 3.9043 2.0409 2.4822 2.1556 2.2368 2.0298 2.0875 2.0348 2.1807 1 .7963 2.0072 2.2623 1.8916 1 .6333 3.2812 1 .5755 1.5940 1 .7575 1 .9924 5.2123 1 .7692 1 .6347 1.5511 1 .8985 1 .4936 1.8864 2.3468 4.0083 1.9241 1 .7880 2.0520 1 .7801 4.6838 2.0187 1 .7222 3.8230 1 .9529 6.3110 2.1205 2.4803 2.1956 2.5253 2.2676 2.3289 2.2172 2.0591 2.2578 2.0502 2.4259 2.1437 2.0300 5.4638 1.8141 1 .4532 1.8485 2.3504 4.0015 1.3726 1 .3782 1 .7780 1.4118 1 .7320 1 .6693 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 28 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Missouri Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4367 1 .7339 1 .8237 1 .4983 2.0205 2.3523 2.2947 2.5125 1.8454 1.8642 1 .6507 1 .9562 2.0319 2.1102 2.0917 2.2428 2.3352 2.1816 2.2018 2.3223 2.1879 1.9410 2.0444 2.1996 2.0440 1.7528 1 .7222 1.9214 2.1607 2.2480 2.6937 1 .2850 2.0502 2.1650 2.1392 2.3619 2.2370 2.2030 1.3750 0.5086 .3833 .4867 .1976 .5620 .7060 .7922 .4641 .4201 .5038 .3640 .5561 .4263 .5627 .5796 .5809 .5604 .5692 .6403 .6605 .4387 .5583 .6090 .5752 .6952 .5046 .2440 .6655 .7977 .7740 .9353 .0998 .6079 .8010 .8588 .6434 .9185 .6728 .3962 44.8 42.5 16.1 7.0 23.4 34.8 36.5 25.1 22.8 32.7 15.1 25.2 16.4 29.6 30.2 26.0 23.3 25.1 28.3 29.7 17.9 21.7 25.9 31.4 30.5 20.0 9.5 27.8 51.2 35.0 42.2 5.1 42.9 61.6 42.1 55.3 43.1 39.9 22.3 2.991 1 2.2052 1.8912 2.0990 1.9684 2.3705 1.9012 4.5543 2.2514 1 .9757 2.0229 2.0109 2.8458 2.2144 2.1920 2.4292 2.7136 2.3526 2.1830 2.3548 3.5780 1 .9808 1.9811 2.4790 1 .8467 1 .7835 3.0815 1 .6903 1.7122 2.0143 2.3671 6.0529 1 .9637 1.7339 1 .6739 2.1491 1 .6083 2.0280 1 .9927 1.3455 3.2668 3.9120 2.4506 2.4219 2.1279 6.7032 2.1224 1.7318 2.5060 2.2717 4.5778 2.1113 2.0969 2.6691 3.3220 2.6353 2.4856 2.6608 5.1787 2.7279 2.4164 2.2080 2.1679 2.4008 4.5339 2.1242 1.5437 2.3476 2.7665 5.2169 1 .6007 1 .4230 1 .7847 1 .4873 1.7525 1.7922 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 29 Montana Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment- (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings'' (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4045 1.6752 1 .7569 1.4511 2.0217 1 .6965 1 .8648 2.3602 1 .5765 1 .4855 2.2075 1 .7026 2.0559 1 .5965 2.5796 2.0969 2.2823 1 .6759 1 .6370 1 .6532 1.5467 1 .8084 1 .6604 1 .7261 2.0396 1.5322 1.9483 1 .7209 1 .9232 1.8460 2.1215 1.1529 1 .7722 1.8219 1.8133 1 .8029 1 .8749 1 .7826 1 .0409 0.4345 .1734 .4715 .1824 .5844 .4952 .7057 .3963 .3898 .3925 .4506 .5317 .1995 .4154 .5717 .5044 .4768 .4949 .5009 .5286 .3825 .4789 .5259 .4454 .7183 .4574 .2890 .6241 .7515 .6373 .8259 .0599 .5369 .7355 .7771 .5297 .8459 .5915 .3092 26.7 11.2 17.1 8.5 25.2 29.0 38.1 21.8 17.9 28.1 19.2 33.1 9.1 24.6 28.9 25.6 18.5 24.6 34.5 28.3 19.5 28.9 30.5 30.2 33.3 20.8 12.1 31.2 54.4 33.5 45.2 3.9 55.8 62.8 46.6 55.4 42.6 44.7 20.4 2.8901 10.2907 1.7533 1.8547 1 .7759 1 .7072 1.5558 3.4548 1.7715 1 .5886 2.5467 1 .6465 6.0417 1.6511 2.6583 2.3650 2.551 1 1 .6902 1.6188 1 .5963 1 .7474 1.9461 1 .6252 1 .8986 1 .6631 1.5464 3.2536 1.5168 1 .5436 1 .7232 1 .8250 4.5512 1.6814 1 .4960 1.4753 1 .6928 1 .4222 1.6550 2.7323 6.4524 2.7151 2.4425 2.3760 1 .7473 1.6884 3.9841 2.2594 1.4730 4.0094 1 .6238 8.8868 1 .6479 3.1082 2.4437 4.2062 1 .9431 1.5019 1 .7294 1.9530 1 .8870 1 .6892 1.7133 2.0224 1 .9967 4.8659 1 .7865 1 .4557 1 .9676 2.0209 3.4272 1.3177 1.3309 1 .5277 1 .3077 1 .5954 1 .4986 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1 . Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 30 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Nebraska Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4857 1.7842 1 .0000 1 .4280 1.6169 2.0215 1 .9599 3.0597 1.7107 1.5814 1 .5493 1 .7453 1.8811 1 .7820 1 .7622 1.9712 1 .7486 1 .8227 1 .8635 2.0029 1 .8530 1 .8929 1.8314 1 .8522 1.9156 1.6124 1 .8892 1 .7808 1 .9547 2.0342 2.6101 1.2319 1.8264 1.8725 1.9544 2.1276 2.0119 1.9378 1.1402 0.4631 .2020 .1830 .4681 .6385 .7202 .4978 .4679 .4307 .3733 .5380 .4215 .4824 .4905 .5441 .4511 .4785 .5100 .5967 .4729 .5211 .5679 .5080 .6955 .4765 .1866 .6413 .7626 .6973 .9331 .0855 .5566 .7472 .8018 .5917 .8798 .4665 .3373 25.1 11.2 9.5 24.3 33.1 37.7 26.1 29.2 33.0 17.3 29.1 19.0 23.3 25.6 29.0 19.4 22.9 23.7 27.8 24.3 25.2 29.0 30.2 29.7 20.6 8.7 31.0 55.7 35.0 47.3 4.9 58.7 58.6 44.7 59.4 43.7 27.0 21.1 3.3197 12.2205 1 .8967 1 .6365 2.0578 1 .6979 6.0845 1 .8686 1 .6968 1 .7982 1.7443 2.5812 1.8379 1.9161 2.1112 1.9681 2.0284 2.0445 2.0601 2.0923 2.0831 1 .7865 2.0494 1.7254 1 .6434 2.8662 1.5895 1.5973 1.9135 2.3346 5.5005 1.8044 1 .5451 1.5984 1.9283 1 .5089 2.1914 3.2906 9.9791 2.0813 1 .7875 2.2920 1 .8462 6.7942 1 .7426 1 .4685 2.0911 1 .8259 3.5355 2.0942 2.0056 2.1465 2.5701 2.2769 2.4103 2.4300 2.1992 2.3515 1 .9380 1.9364 2.1969 2.1464 3.4577 1 .8703 1 .4538 2.1972 2.6649 4.8062 1 .3373 1.3715 1.6677 1.3705 1 .6762 2.0850 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1 . Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 31 Nevada Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1.6710 1 .3429 1.0000 1 .4053 1.7843 1.7353 1 .6805 1.5420 1 .4295 1 .3942 1 .4036 1.5606 1 .5829 1 .4471 1.5049 1.8121 1.6915 1 .5034 1 .5599 1.5610 1 .4649 1 .5377 1 .5552 1.6127 1.6596 1.4772 1 .4879 1.6179 1.8068 1 .7747 1.9545 1 .2733 1.7339 1.6953 1 .7780 1.6102 1 .7643 1.6693 .8293 0.3792 .3265 .1780 .5484 .5604 .6400 .2711 .3821 .3696 .3459 .4862 .3512 .3704 .4408 .4295 .3466 .4235 .4874 .4835 .3577 .4814 .5289 .4258 .6306 .4374 .1897 .5965 .7158 .6247 .7617 .0994 .5265 .6718 .7729 .4865 .8250 .5324 .2549 21.0 8.1 5.1 19.0 21.6 26.1 12.3 18.1 24.2 17.6 23.4 13.5 18.5 21.6 16.6 12.3 17.9 21.0 23.1 15.3 20.4 21.2 17.5 26.0 17.3 6.5 23.4 39.5 27.3 30.9 4.7 26.1 40.4 33.8 39.8 28.6 30.0 12.7 1 .8750 1.5177 1.8533 1 .6224 1.8044 1.5163 2.1628 1 .5293 1 .5008 1.5666 1 .5832 1.8893 1.5624 1 .5659 2.1173 2.4229 1.5815 1.5691 1 .5738 1 .6624 1 .5408 1 .4927 1 .8625 1.5127 1.5143 2.2782 1.4842 1.5053 1 .6807 1 .7245 4.0762 1.6816 1 .4747 1.4925 1.5921 1.3813 1.6451 1.7139 2.8681 3.6510 2.0201 2.1590 1 .6697 2.3001 1 .5306 1 .3228 1 .4892 1.5684 2.1473 1 .4986 1.5245 2.3343 2.9023 1.6601 1.6409 1 .5507 1 .7679 1 .6242 1 .6395 2.1316 1.6441 1 .6872 3.0610 1 .6849 1 .4255 1.7883 1.9163 3.6234 1.6117 1 .3535 1.5646 1.2691 1 .6099 1.5087 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry In column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in. 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row Industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries tor each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 32 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS New Hampshire Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1.7444 1 .4888 1.0000 1.0000 1.7588 2.1930 2.0272 1 .6233 2.0396 2.1015 1 .8395 2.0460 1 .6269 1.9816 2.1449 1.8346 1 .8560 1 .8000 2.1403 2.0528 1.7501 1.8161 1 .9945 1 .9507 1.9228 1 .6257 1 .3867 1 .7865 2.0306 2.1152 2.6042 1.3079 1.7980 2.0068 2.0146 1 .9059 2.0333 1 .9407 1.1135 0.5391 .1882 .5238 .7224 .7732 .2957 .5308 .5931 .4273 .6069 .3498 .5522 .6059 .5506 .5100 .5412 .6710 .6918 .4476 .5772 .6488 .5352 .8001 .5023 .2197 .6689 .8132 .7703 .9729 .1158 .5325 .8253 .8825 .5838 .9269 .6521 .3632 35.8 10.2 22.0 31.5 33.7 12.8 23.8 32.6 16.9 28.1 14.4 24.4 31.9 25.4 20.4 23.1 25.2 27.9 18.9 23.4 26.5 27.8 37.1 19.1 8.7 26.7 48.0 33.8 41.1 5.5 36.9 50.6 39.2 44.0 40.3 36.7 19.0 1.7915 8.5791 1.8015 2.3279 1 .7908 2.8252 2.4129 2.2198 2.3445 2.1139 2.3076 2.1243 2.3704 1 .9520 2.1107 1 .9324 2.2440 1.9917 2.1566 1.8613 1.9782 2.2989 1.6516 1 .6986 2.3929 1 .6256 1 .6702 2.0149 2.3675 5.6268 1 .8692 1 .6527 1 .6436 1 .8658 1.5449 1 .8764 1 .5229 8.9367 2.0262 2.6703 2.0031 3.5076 2.5588 1 .9204 3.0384 2.1446 2.7091 2.251 1 2.2131 2.0056 2.4971 2.1140 2.9091 2.3166 2.4180 2.1738 2.2974 2.0733 1 .7423 2.1358 3.0768 1 .9573 1 .5240 2.2560 2.7337 5.1538 1 .4957 1 .4799 1.7739 1 .41 59 1 .6805 1.7015 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 33 New Jersey Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings" (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.1186 1.9399 1.0000 1 .5368 1.9518 2.4210 2.3448 1 .9722 2.1767 2.3330 1 .8791 2.1046 1 .8394 2.2665 2.1020 2.1911 2.0634 2.0891 2.2423 2.2506 1 .8695 1 .9984 2.1287 2.3175 2.3909 1.7805 1 .5927 1 .9829 2.2455 2.4172 2.9140 1.3536 2.1456 2.1531 2.2209 2.1472 2.3041 2.1817 1.3331 0.6802 .4686 .2193 .5513 .7571 .8324 .4122 .5388 .6407 .4162 .6305 .3386 .5842 .6014 .6259 .5123 .5643 .6872 .7063 .3935 .6259 .6171 .6168 .8176 .5383 .2627 .7134 .8574 .8730 1.0510 .1263 .6592 .8186 .9054 .6419 .9788 .7048 .4034 35.7 19.8 6.5 18.5 27.9 29.4 14.5 20.2 29.5 14.8 24.0 10.9 22.6 23.5 23.3 17.3 20.3 23.8 24.1 13.4 22.5 20.5 24.2 31.0 16.7 8.6 24.2 42.2 32.0 35.0 4.8 30.1 46.1 33.0 39.0 36.1 34.4 17.1 1.9174 2.3187 2.2292 1 .9662 2.4896 1 .9528 3.1496 2.5289 2.4282 2.3524 2.0979 3.0345 2.3300 2.2005 2.1805 2.4730 2.2874 2.2128 2.1601 2.9839 1 .9283 2.1704 2.6799 2.0620 1 .8208 2.8940 1.7337 1 .7609 2.1440 2.5646 6.0895 2.0784 1 .7400 1 .7482 2.0516 1 .6320 2.0324 1.6061 2.0470 3.5679 2.3056 2.7595 2.2397 3.7349 2.6290 2.0723 2.5971 2.1647 4.2074 2.2347 2.1590 2.2486 2.8847 2.4411 2.4969 2.4915 3.6730 2.0804 2.6479 2.5767 2.1499 2.3442 3.8339 2.0415 1 .5626 2.3437 3.1088 5.8306 1 .8272 1.4431 1 .8954 1 .4879 1 .7390 1 .7202 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dolla, change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 34 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS New Mexico Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment ; (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4472 1 .7586 1.8519 1 .4974 2.1476 1.8393 1 .9643 2.1084 1 .7229 1 .5867 1.5486 1 .7523 2.0956 1 .6468 1.8967 2.1567 2.5849 1.6781 1 .7303 1.9988 1.4958 1.7846 1.7709 1 .5890 2.0828 1.6012 2.2690 1 .8078 2.0401 1.9665 2.1819 1.2300 1 .8286 1.9222 1.9919 1 .8640 2.0044 1 .9626 1.1367 0.4490 .1953 .4925 .1937 .5484 .5330 .7164 .3795 .4599 .4325 .3324 .5407 .2104 .4581 .4820 .5419 .4360 .4686 .5003 .6532 .2607 .5569 .5552 .3785 .6808 .4732 .2909 .6450 .7763 .6831 .8141 .0841 .5263 .7501 .8219 .5458 .8799 .6219 .3254 26.0 11.2 16.6 9.0 23.0 25.0 38.9 21.5 26.9 29.2 16.8 32.3 9.6 27.6 27.0 27.6 18.4 24.1 23.0 29.1 12.5 22.4 24.4 25.0 31.1 22.2 12.0 31.0 52.9 35.1 41.3 4.9 45.1 57.0 40.2 51.8 41.8 41.1 20.0 3.0291 11.5851 1.8311 1.9692 1 .9596 1.8698 1.6127 2.8314 1.7888 1 .6342 1 .7596 1 .6825 5.7448 1 .6625 1 .9845 2.2943 4.951 1 1 .7040 1.7440 1.8350 2.1953 1.7198 1 .6866 1.7896 1 .7335 1 .6000 3.8241 1 .5674 1.5945 1.7820 1 .8668 4.8479 1.7663 1 .5435 1.5828 1.7445 1.4668 1.7883 2.8939 8.4047 3.0071 2.4086 2.5841 2.2058 1 .6756 2.7887 1 .7594 1.5131 1.8711 1 .6277 7.6217 1.5949 1 .9704 2.3268 6.3525 1 .8087 2.0307 2.1878 2.4562 2.2979 2.0524 1 .6043 2.0509 1 .8989 5.6623 1 .8037 1.4764 1.9269 2.0770 4.1251 1.4090 1.3731 1 .7657 1.3410 1.6436 1 .6341 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1 . Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs In all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change In earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row Industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry In column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings ot households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the Industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 35 New York Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment - (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings' 1 (dollars) Employment - (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .6286 1.5163 1 .0000 1.4544 1 .7233 1.9490 1.9160 1.7827 1 .6988 2.0044 1.6959 1.9555 1.5541 1 .8028 1.7822 1.8387 1 .8627 1 .8269 1 .9767 2.0237 1 .8636 1 .8368 1 .7436 1 .8372 1.9119 1.7650 1.4212 1 .7730 2.0153 2.0126 2.5330 1.3424 2.0517 1 .9650 1 .9799 1 .9443 2.0171 2.1378 1 .0755 0.3666 .3013 .1825 .4522 .5847 .6708 .3175 .4074 .5223 .3599 .5190 .2590 .4518 .4895 .4857 .4107 .4989 .5560 .6132 .4447 .5280 .4415 .4321 .6575 .4947 .1941 .6105 .7387 .6712 .8800 .1171 .5597 .7171 .7922 .5410 .8244 .7300 .3077 24.3 17.7 4.9 15.4 22.9 23.9 12.0 16.9 23.3 12.7 17.8 8.1 19.0 21.1 17.7 13.4 18.5 18.1 20.9 14.4 16.5 13.8 17.8 24.7 15.2 6.1 19.8 39.0 18.2 28.8 4.3 24.3 45.7 25.8 35.1 30.3 34.4 13.1 1 .8400 2.0072 1 .9921 1 .7575 1 .9894 1 .6666 2.7614 1.9014 2.1049 2.0074 2.0964 2.3671 1 .9207 1.8714 1.9186 2.2494 1 .8789 2.0485 1 .9469 2.1512 1.8576 1.9515 2.2074 1 .6908 1 .7949 2.3181 1.5927 1.6286 1 .8774 2.2422 4.5294 2.1541 1.6323 1.5841 1 .8559 1.5003 1.7531 1.3910 1.4816 3.3496 1.9011 1 .9483 1.8154 3.2258 1.8184 1 .9325 2.1419 2.3217 2.9113 1 .7733 1 .7023 1 .9797 2.5564 1 .8887 2.3505 2.1188 2.5595 2.2020 2.3601 1.9978 1 .7445 2.3701 2.9124 1 .8393 1 .41 06 2.7239 2.5346 4.4025 1 .9559 1 .3224 1 .7930 1 .3729 1.5704 1.5478 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row Industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 36 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS North Carolina Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .9988 1 .5082 1 .0000 1 .0000 1.8244 2.2802 2.1977 2.0528 2.6844 2.6725 2.2420 2.1578 1 .9251 2.0113 2.4150 2.0687 2.0558 1.9145 2.1308 2.1489 2.0592 2.1466 2.0199 2.2023 1.9841 1.6871 1.4526 1.8404 2.0402 2.0297 2.3578 1.2706 1 .9206 2.0595 2.0211 2.1051 2.1215 2.1159 1.2053 0.4719 .1635 .4833 .7213 .8015 .3655 .6576 .7089 .5250 .6401 .4647 .5361 .6842 .5997 .4905 .5426 .6315 .6454 .5071 .5805 .6114 .5971 .7260 .5072 .2200 .6694 .7956 .7085 .8634 .0995 .5836 .7888 .8445 .6084 .9298 .6973 .3655 25.9 8.8 20.4 35.9 41.4 17.2 33.4 43.8 22.4 31.9 18.4 25.1 36.6 29.1 21.1 25.5 26.2 28.1 23.0 29.0 28.9 32.4 32.6 21.1 9.1 29.1 52.3 33.5 38.5 5.2 44.7 53.5 43.5 50.9 40.3 41.2 20.4 2.2106 9.0332 1.9332 2.3075 1.8556 3.5043 3.1280 2.7688 2.8137 2.0857 2.4122 2.1793 2.5167 2.1071 2.5260 2.0245 2.2036 2.1708 2.5103 2.4108 1.9929 2.4748 1.7726 1.7238 2.4961 1.6352 1.6424 1 .8930 2.0826 5.6041 1 .8735 1.6929 1.6229 1.9543 1.5545 1.9266 2.0383 6.7032 2.3337 2.4467 1.8739 4.3629 2.9187 2.2345 3.6692 2.0799 3.4891 2.3139 2.3905 2.1513 2.9766 2.1544 2.7547 2.5278 2.8158 2.4059 2.1310 2.2453 2.0222 2.1549 3.6247 1 .9503 1.4841 2.1100 2.4375 5.3389 1.4845 1.4848 1 .6706 1 .4240 1 .7809 1.7579 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 37 North Dakota Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 1 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings" 1 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.1284 1 .7792 1.8335 1.4741 1 .7547 1.7017 1 .8687 2.4871 1 .8021 1.5390 1.5005 1.7305 2.0858 1 .6320 1 .6956 1.7901 1 .0000 1.6751 1 .6989 1.8718 1 .5278 1 .7794 1.7014 1 .4989 2.0526 1.5578 2.1708 1.7591 1.9739 1.8197 2.2168 1.1608 1.8000 1 .8973 1 .8753 2.0399 1.9276 2.0316 1.1515 0.4439 .2041 .4738 .1816 .4631 .4747 .6827 .4305 .4836 .4361 .3423 .5249 .2021 .3966 .4813 .4626 .4437 .4488 .5679 .2947 .5880 .4798 .2805 .6777 .4454 .2806 .6088 .7344 .5863 .7877 .0606 .5266 .7440 .7759 .5579 .8323 .5883 .3212 29.9 14.7 17.8 9.2 22.7 28.1 38.8 25.5 28.3 31.7 17.3 35.3 9.7 25.0 34.2 29.2 23.6 21.6 30.0 16.1 26.8 26.7 17.5 33.6 22.1 12.1 30.0 58.3 33.2 41.8 4.0 64.4 65.0 48.0 63.3 43.8 46.0 22.5 2.2930 12.5242 1.8217 1 .9097 1 .6302 1 .7328 1.5636 4.1531 1 .9538 1.5467 1 .6508 1 .6437 5.6852 1.7182 1 .7094 1 .8987 1 .7622 1 .8085 1.7913 2.0826 1 .6254 1 .6938 2.0527 1 .6985 1 .5569 3.7306 1.5301 1 .5598 1.7162 1 .9379 5.0643 1 .6820 1 .5087 1 .4873 1 .8438 1.4381 1 .9084 2.1341 5.7720 2.9762 2.4264 2.0280 1.8355 1.7198 4.9286 2.0291 1 .4628 1.9311 1 .6040 8.8159 1 .6839 1 .5695 1.8020 1 .9987 2.2314 2.0482 2.2418 2.1527 1 .8898 1 .9742 2.0612 1 .9899 6.4581 1 .9323 1.4481 1.9271 2.3274 3.8205 1 .2769 1.3540 1 .5648 1 .3384 1 .6352 1.6216 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 38 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Ohio Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings' 1 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.1748 1 .6296 2.1567 1 .5353 2.0720 2.5254 2.4658 2.3333 1 .9891 1 .7768 2.3426 2.3407 1 .9009 2.2108 2.2356 2.3395 2.5658 2.6019 2.5227 2.4497 2.7356 2.4477 2.2033 2.3311 2.3418 1 .7647 1.9781 1 .9672 2.2279 2.2424 2.4624 1.2680 2.0424 2.2029 2.1700 2.2885 2.2481 2.4107 1 .3559 0.5155 .2574 .5867 .2103 .5545 .7662 .8550 .4448 .4642 .4768 .5346 .6535 .3079 .5434 .6289 .6309 .6729 .7260 .7512 .6898 .6357 .7195 .6795 .6058 .8053 .5187 .3118 .6915 .8321 .7813 .8657 .0954 .6159 .8351 .8783 .6473 .9461 .7605 .3923 43.8 18.5 20.8 9.7 23.6 36.7 38.5 22.3 21.2 26.9 21.6 29.1 12.1 23.0 30.1 26.1 25.8 29.5 30.2 28.6 24.3 26.8 29.6 28.4 35.5 20.7 12.2 28.3 54.5 35.9 38.0 4.8 44.5 57.7 40.8 55.5 42.9 46.0 21.6 2.3861 3.1506 2.1977 2.1539 2.0550 2.4784 1 .9677 4.0874 2.2982 1 .8753 2.7286 2.2917 3.2414 2.2743 2.2820 2.3397 2.791 1 2.6422 2.4098 2.4770 3.8604 2.3857 2.0218 2.5657 1.9304 1 .7673 3.7404 1 .6931 1.7219 1 .9935 2.1582 6.0430 1.9321 1.7176 1.6812 2.0844 1 .5929 2.1059 1 .6799 1 .9382 3.2338 2.3129 2.3481 2.4634 2.1630 5.5599 2.4294 1.7148 3.3770 2.5081 4.7084 2.5818 2.2476 2.7835 3.7743 3.1064 2.9307 2.8929 6.0117 3.3357 2.2539 2.5568 2.1800 2.2596 5.1695 2.1089 1 .5091 2.2422 2.5394 5.3360 1 .5352 1 .4593 1 .8246 1.4410 1 .7439 1 .7540 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 39 Oklahoma Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment-' (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment' (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4802 1.6285 1 .8357 1.5199 1.9419 1 .9064 2.1677 2.3460 1 .6257 1.7055 1 .5967 1 .8260 2.1397 1.7716 1 .8886 2.1970 1 .9687 1.9931 1 .9999 2.0025 2.0455 1 .9207 1 .8403 1 .9289 2.1120 1 .6857 2.2565 1 .8721 2.1117 2.0262 2.4437 1.2054 1.8955 2.0434 2.0471 2.0313 2.0815 2.4035 1.2186 0.4242 .1642 .4774 .1941 .4979 .5219 .7587 .4048 .2950 .4542 .2831 .5136 .2106 .4055 .4975 .5582 .4709 .5372 .5367 .5757 .3996 .6113 .5427 .5077 .5928 .4869 .2696 .6468 .7765 .6734 .8803 .0726 .5347 .7417 .8463 .5678 .8809 .5289 .3266 24.5 9.3 18.8 9.4 22.1 25.4 38.3 20.7 16.7 33.9 11.8 27.0 9.4 17.7 26.3 25.0 20.2 24.0 23.2 24.6 16.6 24.2 24.3 22.0 26.0 19.3 11.4 28.5 51.8 34.9 41.8 4.1 44.6 52.6 43.0 50.5 42.2 30.3 19.0 3.0627 9.7406 1 .7749 1 .9735 1.8188 1 .8970 1 .6828 3.3732 1 .9804 1.7193 2.0047 1 .7485 5.7956 1 .8624 1 .8801 2.0466 2.0771 1 .9784 2.0251 1 .9359 2.9240 1 .7224 1 .6994 1.9586 1 .7902 1 .6465 3.6241 1 .5720 1 .5950 1 .7922 2.0410 4.2061 1 .7665 1.6122 1 .5430 1.8147 1 .4701 2.8161 2.7298 6.3889 2.2711 2.1554 2.0906 1 .9867 1 .7499 3.5762 1 .8726 1 .4859 2.4906 1.7621 8.8849 2.1679 1.8610 2.3027 2.4655 2.2392 2.3741 2.2935 3.8178 2.2036 1.9314 2.3873 2.1257 2.1757 5.0973 1 .8589 1 .4576 1 .8688 2.2976 3.5438 1.4013 1 .4248 1 .6228 1 .3668 1 .5899 2.3042 " Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 40 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Oregon Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.0728 1 .8028 1 .6650 1 .4586 1 .7990 2.2060 2.1114 2.2063 1 .6591 1 .6827 2.0783 2.1337 1 .7233 1.7713 2.6854 2.0672 1 .9496 2.0033 2.0582 2.1830 1 .7547 2.0713 1 .9783 2.0151 2.0538 1.6601 1.5401 1.8117 2.0402 2.1084 2.4892 1 .2596 1.9131 1.9232 2.0138 2.1334 2.0403 2.0319 1.1615 0.5218 .2609 .4652 .1962 .5175 .7049 .7830 .4607 .4403 .4676 .4608 .6307 .3846 .4749 .6365 .5799 .5076 .5770 .6276 .7275 .3602 .6038 .6308 .5350 .7384 .5011 .2508 .6623 .7973 .7631 .9125 .0959 .5875 .7537 .8445 .6247 .9107 .6996 .3616 29.1 14.4 15.0 6.7 23.2 35.4 36.1 23.1 21.8 29.4 17.5 29.9 16.5 22.7 28.5 28.5 19.6 25.2 25.9 29.9 15.0 25.8 27.4 29.4 31.8 19.3 9.7 28.2 49.8 35.9 41.6 5.0 48.1 52.0 43.3 53.6 39.9 43.1 20.2 2.3283 7.9397 1.7535 2.0225 1.8515 2.2536 1 .7927 3.5580 1.8563 1.8193 2.7021 2.0828 2.3555 1.9481 3.0216 2.2529 2.2268 2.1109 2.1164 2.0866 2.7363 2.1446 1.9638 2.3522 1.8886 1.7177 2.6825 1.6318 1 .6603 1 .9325 2.2295 5.1591 1.8845 1 .6287 1.6432 2.0241 1.5351 1.8117 2.1644 6.0831 2.9941 4.1832 2.0734 2.2778 1.9776 3.5594 1.9257 1.5955 4.1294 2.1426 2.8350 2.0059 3.5390 2.2251 3.0582 2.3403 2.5676 2.5392 3.4026 2.5073 2.2798 2.0563 2.2199 2.3898 3.9939 1 .9828 1.5312 2.1559 2.5698 4.2762 1.4415 1 .4270 1 .6946 1 .4351 1.7364 1.6172 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 41 Pennsylvania Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number ot jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings' 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.0642 1 .5420 2.1706 1 .5697 2.0673 2.5972 2.4693 2.2167 2.1438 2.4027 2.1766 2.3677 1.8107 2.3383 2.3165 2.4254 2.4919 2.5697 2.5016 2.5580 2.3980 2.4796 2.2886 2.6167 2.3791 1.7735 2.1030 2.0097 2.2847 2.2605 2.7386 1.3055 2.1388 2.2797 2.2643 2.3449 2.3442 2.4133 1.4114 0.4625 .1743 .5979 .2244 .5752 .8025 .8645 .4409 .5079 .6526 .4844 .6819 .2806 .5926 .6486 .6665 .6540 .7194 .7500 .7672 .5967 .7316 .7173 .6965 .8231 .5302 .3410 .7134 .8614 .7763 .9724 .1096 .6549 .8650 .9289 .6727 .9794 .8040 .4166 28.6 8.8 20.6 8.1 22.5 33.3 35.6 19.6 24.6 36.8 18.8 29.2 10.2 25.8 29.2 26.7 23.8 28.6 28.5 30.5 23.2 26.9 28.1 28.1 33.9 19.8 12.5 27.6 51.2 32.3 39.3 4.9 43.0 54.9 38.1 50.8 40.5 42.7 20.7 2.4800 10.0791 2.2230 2.2817 2.0651 2.5956 1.9871 3.4875 2.4751 2.4381 2.6729 2.2810 3.3877 2.3490 2.3991 2.4033 2.7498 2.6328 2.4343 2.4257 3.0165 2.4504 2.1035 2.9952 1 .9700 1 .7930 4.1497 1.7338 1 .7693 2.0786 2.4019 6.8151 2.0248 1 .7775 1 .7385 2.1500 1.6443 2.0616 1 .8490 5.8637 3.0166 3.2449 2.3929 2.8939 2.2285 3.8749 2.2855 2.0583 3.1767 2.3838 5.0197 2.3395 2.3266 2.6798 3.5720 2.8552 2.9246 2.7299 3.5630 3.1338 2.4416 3.4792 2.1803 2.2593 5.6759 2.0855 1 .5328 2.3252 2.7868 6.0906 1 .5685 1 .4769 1 .9362 1.4761 1.8031 1 .8006 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 42 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Rhode Island Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .7857 1 .7796 1 .0000 1 .4279 1.5994 2.0057 1 .9284 1.5930 2.1881 2.1781 1.5315 1 .6985 1.7764 1.9444 1 .7963 1.8134 1.8413 1.8172 1 .9609 1 .9528 1 .7530 1 .7797 1 .8667 1.8354 1 .8390 1.5894 1 .6899 1 .7039 1 .9090 2.0296 2.4619 1.2510 1.7644 1 .8940 1 .9062 1.7812 1.9371 1 .9287 1.0085 0.6766 .4854 .1926 .4779 .6669 .7385 .3193 .5560 .6087 .3697 .5468 .3590 .5279 .5391 .5542 .4311 .5612 .6385 .6557 .4796 .6134 .6207 .4612 .7490 .4925 .1999 .6475 .7845 .7747 .9381 .1001 .5515 .7657 .8534 .5567 .8910 .7083 .3339 32.2 19.2 5.0 20.3 30.1 31.3 14.6 26.5 33.0 16.8 24.4 14.7 23.5 26.5 23.8 18.2 26.0 27.2 27.3 20.1 25.5 27.8 22.7 34.2 19.2 7.9 27.1 46.8 32.3 38.2 4.6 40.8 50.5 39.7 43.7 38.6 41.1 17.7 1.6370 2.1879 1 .9585 1 .6406 2.1171 1.7283 2.3045 2.5635 2.2727 1 .7945 1.7413 2.4395 2.0528 1.8918 1 .8571 2.3009 1 .8534 1.9544 1 .8908 1 .9686 1 .7004 1 .8266 2.2752 1 .6399 1.6647 2.6644 1 .5735 1.6113 1.9138 2.2744 6.0786 1.8120 1.6166 1.5887 1.7791 1.5046 1.7462 1 .6999 2.7799 9.8219 1.8480 2.3568 2.0008 2.3801 2.6211 2.0426 1 .8972 1.8984 2.9123 2.1944 1 .8692 2.0553 2.5905 1 .9078 2.1905 2.1524 2.3097 1 .9285 1.9612 2.1920 1 .7528 2.0632 3.2728 1 .8200 1 .4900 2.2571 2.7031 5.3420 1.4410 1.4189 1 .6785 1 .3759 1.6449 1 .5828 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 43 South Carolina Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number ot jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment' (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .7895 1 .4909 1 .6384 1.0000 1.8595 2.2330 2.1264 2.0783 2.6755 2.5716 2.2453 2.0530 1 .9276 1 .9837 2.4270 2.0547 1 .9988 1.9916 2.0124 2.1036 1 .9845 1 .9877 2.0390 2.0982 2.0132 1.5917 1 .4367 1 .7609 1 .9834 2.0166 2.3115 1 .2950 1.8915 1.9017 1 .9347 1 .9325 2.0382 1 .9064 1.0945 0.4480 .1585 .4558 I .5301 .7163 .7724 .4134 .6330 .6690 .5161 .6091 .4574 .5033 .5761 .5873 .4812 .5531 .6114 .6279 .4830 .6633 .6054 .5569 .7457 .4784 .2305 .6452 .7777 .7334 .8619 .1064 .5837 .7347 .8249 .5731 .9014 .5937 .3336 35.1 9.7 17.7 24.5 41.3 40.9 24.2 32.8 44.3 21.9 32.2 18.3 22.6 31.9 28.6 20.9 26.3 28.3 31.0 24.1 31.8 30.1 30.5 36.3 20.6 9.8 30.5 55.2 37.2 41.6 6.1 48.2 61.2 41.4 52.1 40.9 40.6 20.5 1 .9437 9.0231 1 .6946 1 .8792 2.2268 1.8019 3.2590 3.1885 2.6288 2.7174 1 .9538 2.2846 2.1991 2.6384 2.1124 2.4475 2.0722 1 .9922 2.0836 2.3983 1.8044 1.9849 2.2970 1 .7902 1.6176 2.4692 1 .5680 1 .5973 1.8163 2.0351 5.0436 1 .8026 1 .5935 1.5631 1.8315 1.5004 1 .8439 1 .5965 12.2709 2.3782 2.2048 2.0638 1 .8878 3.6929 3.2682 2.1188 3.9450 1.9454 3.2906 2.6193 2.6847 2.2994 3.1273 2.2851 2.3058 2.2328 2.5492 2.0272 2.1524 2.2042 2.0214 2.0792 3.9489 1 .8362 1 .4545 2.0205 2.3624 4.5698 1 .4456 1 .3594 1.7175 1 .3979 1 .7453 1 .6259 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change In output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 44 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS South Dakota Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4763 1 .0000 1 .0000 1.4111 1.8352 1 .8673 1.8944 3.0196 1.4616 1.5197 1.4744 1.6761 1.6013 1 .6006 1 .8956 1 .9309 1.6744 1 .7370 1 .7894 1.9194 1.7216 1.7148 1.7192 1 .6260 1.9045 1.5671 1 .4696 1.7172 1.8899 1 .9565 2.3077 1.1595 1 .7299 1.8573 1.8428 2.1055 1.9174 1 .8653 1.1014 0.4447 .1825 .5768 .5949 .7372 .4720 .3349 .3932 .3571 .5430 .3502 .4426 .5125 .5274 .3942 .5111 .5451 .6115 .4427 .4845 .4854 .4227 .7464 .4750 .2131 .6392 .7617 .7239 .8875 .0643 .5296 .7786 .7858 .5926 .8741 .6349 .3426 25.6 8.8 25.5 34.3 42.5 26.6 36.1 26.7 20.2 37.1 18.7 26.3 29.9 27.7 22.3 27.7 31.0 37.2 26.2 26.5 23.6 28.1 36.4 24.1 9.5 34.4 59.0 41.6 50.8 4.2 58.5 64.9 46.4 66.0 46.7 47.7 24.0 3.4177 1 .8552 1 .6966 1.9214 1.6413 5.9208 1 .7766 1.7175 1 .7246 1 .6698 2.1248 1 .7349 2.0836 2.1579 2.1194 1 .8270 1 .8563 1.9196 2.0154 1.8783 1.8461 1.8885 1 .6851 1 .6056 2.4783 1 .5534 1.5644 1 .7889 2.0391 5.7171 1.7134 1 .5301 1 .5294 1 .8938 1.4753 1.7461 3.6067 2.5603 2.4208 2.1003 1 .7827 6.9924 1 .3483 1 .6597 1.8513 1.6179 2.3977 1.8069 2.1934 2.4043 2.2415 2.0991 2.0259 1 .9770 2.1015 2.1477 2.4589 1.8196 2.0952 2.0720 4.2279 1 .8330 1 .4700 1 .9838 2.3118 4.1782 1 .3334 1 .3877 1 .6570 1 .3586 1.6757 1 .6061 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 45 Tennessee Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings' (dollars) Employment' (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.0354 1.5435 1.8710 1 .4905 1.9016 2.4310 2.3024 2.3057 2.7703 2.601 1 2.2533 2.2903 2.0319 2.1070 2.2842 2.2810 2.2720 2.1379 2.2643 2.2379 2.4228 2.1759 2.1722 2.4243 2.0912 1 .7633 1 .7357 1 .9223 2.1375 2.1231 2.5649 1.2701 2.0170 2.1628 2.1338 2.2775 2.2369 2.1337 1 .3473 0.4647 .1666 .5165 .2040 .5481 .7642 .8266 .4376 .6653 .6954 .5129 .6753 .4596 .5565 .6535 .6567 .5706 .6107 .6406 .6145 .5694 .6277 .6539 .6639 .7310 .5217 .3284 .6850 .8155 .7308 .9233 .0973 .6144 .8213 .8704 .6476 .9517 .5862 .4015 40.8 10.4 21.3 7.4 23.7 36.1 40.0 23.7 34.4 44.8 21.4 32.2 18.5 25.8 35.2 29.5 24.1 26.8 28.7 28.8 24.8 28.2 29.6 33.3 32.2 21.9 13.1 29.6 52.5 35.0 40.8 5.1 42.3 52.5 43.0 51.3 40.0 33.3 22.1 2.3819 10.0522 1 .9533 2.1096 1 .9080 2.4312 1.9002 3.8940 3.2412 2.6592 2.8803 2.1825 2.6559 2.2904 2.3696 2.3504 2.7571 2.2215 2.3979 2.5043 3.2435 2.2360 2.0989 2.7301 1 .8681 1 .7941 3.0402 1.6932 1 .7035 1 .9492 2.2346 5.3994 1 .9867 1.7417 1.6831 2.1050 1 .6094 2.3478 1 .6378 7.7000 2.3766 3.8155 2.2416 2.6367 2.0002 5.1084 3.0158 2.1080 3.6730 2.2512 3.5984 2.4119 2.1909 2.5900 3.3427 2.5314 2.6721 2.6446 3.9029 2.5400 2.3491 2.6177 2.1582 2.2848 4.4237 2.0234 1 .5242 2.1155 2.6375 4.8170 1.6194 1.5468 1 .7690 1 .5320 1 .8906 2.0160 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entn/ in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 46 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Texas Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.8303 2.0660 2.0174 1.6513 2.2466 2.3145 2.4518 2.7572 2.1434 2.0158 2.2747 2.1939 2.3811 2.4440 2.3281 2.5126 2.4562 2.2528 2.2460 2.6097 1.9918 2.3208 2.2764 2.3191 2.4871 1 .9097 2.4559 2.1402 2.4522 2.5674 3.0170 1 .3793 2.3051 2.3591 2.4103 2.5111 2.4756 2.3643 1.5712 0.5323 .3644 .5317 .2349 .5634 .6505 .8501 .5036 .4879 .5434 .4831 .6267 .3085 .5695 .6006 .6338 .5555 .5918 .6105 .7870 .4234 .6731 .6876 .5776 .7297 .5565 .3226 .7298 .8778 .8783 1 .0450 .1260 .6812 .8586 .9498 .6884 .9971 .7093 .4341 29.4 18.1 18.2 9.5 22.7 26.8 38.3 24.0 24.3 33.2 19.5 29.5 11.7 25.6 29.6 28.0 22.2 25.4 24.1 30.4 18.1 25.3 28.9 25.6 30.9 21.3 12.2 28.8 52.1 38.7 44.5 6.0 43.3 53.0 41.7 50.6 42.7 39.5 22.3 3.6064 3.3476 1 .9823 2.3945 2.1115 2.3567 1 .8673 4.4883 2.3888 2.0582 2.6346 2.0789 5.2312 2.3187 2.3966 2.4855 2.7247 2.2956 2.2995 2.3457 2.8097 2.2590 2.0614 2.5358 2.1260 1 .8871 4.4168 1 .7784 1 .8079 2.1798 2.5198 5.0156 2.0635 1 .7806 1 .7747 2.2061 1 .6553 2.0744 2.9051 3.0282 2.8840 3.0173 2.5024 2.8011 1 .9751 4.9047 2.2516 1 .7495 3.1521 2.0755 9.2009 2.3034 2.2590 2.5604 3.2218 2.4577 2.7884 2.9361 3.0021 2.9691 2.3127 2.6730 2.3983 2.4609 6.5537 2.2126 1 .5934 2.4112 2.9114 4.6223 1 .6524 1.5361 1 .9342 1.5468 1 .8275 1 .8098 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 47 Utah Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services ... Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.4455 1.7554 1 .9535 1.5124 2.6325 2.1872 2.1821 2,6161 1 .7575 1.7159 1 .4789 1 .8609 1 .7324 1 .7861 1.8851 2.3660 2.5737 2.2681 2.1571 2.2616 1 .9789 2.0875 2.0196 1 .9439 2.2681 1.7415 2.0641 1.9196 2.1618 2.2501 2.4718 1.2315 2.0247 2.0856 2.1209 2.2361 2.1741 2.0803 1.2815 0.4349 .3999 .5289 .2035 .7782 .6659 .7886 .4526 .4732 .4770 .2802 .5638 .2102 .4661 .5398 .6266 .5834 .6346 .6266 .7117 .5084 .6370 .5906 .4940 .7506 .5182 .2853 .6838 .8191 .7928 .9011 .0848 .6019 .7833 .8690 .6300 .9359 .6800 .3717 32.2 28.4 19.8 9.5 32.8 32.2 39.9 27.9 34.3 37.9 12.7 32.5 9.6 22.6 32.5 30.0 24.4 29.5 29.2 31.9 23.7 26.3 29.1 28.4 34.0 23.7 11.9 31.5 58.7 41.6 47.5 4.9 45.0 58.6 50.1 63.4 47.2 40.0 23.3 3.3692 1 .9700 1 .9667 2.0690 2.2454 2.1686 1 .7872 3.9458 1 .9074 1 .7909 1.9718 1 .8309 3.5401 1 .8722 1 .9236 2.5289 3.4679 2.2122 2.1738 2.1022 2.1536 2.0272 1 .9902 2.1925 1 .8785 1.7519 3.6980 1.6618 1 .6823 2.0126 2.1285 5.0715 1 .941 1 1 .6927 1.6643 2.0135 1.5558 1.8736 2.5233 1.6647 3.0708 2.6406 3.2131 2.6368 1 .9940 4.4946 1.5921 1.5170 2.4345 1 .8320 4.6326 2.1189 1 .8042 2.7967 4.9599 2.5473 2.5699 2.6432 2.5445 2.8736 2.2307 2.0506 2.3556 2.3128 5.6081 2.0979 1 .5241 2.2728 2.3905 4.3562 1 .6432 1.4810 1 .7090 1.4141 1.7312 1 .8773 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 48 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Vermont Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .8366 1.6610 1 .0000 1 .0000 1.5967 1 .9766 1 .8773 2.1983 1 .7627 1 .6482 1 .7570 1.8618 1 .4736 1 .5945 2.1087 1.8058 1 .6826 1 .6991 1 .7567 2.1165 1 .5686 1 .7008 1 .7781 1.8001 1.8611 1.5537 1.3323 1.6851 1.8921 1 .7385 2.3129 1.2561 1 .7620 1 .7977 1 .8382 1 .8263 1.8818 1.8155 .9847 0.3579 .1791 .4587 .6406 .7125 .3578 .4345 .4569 .3751 .5427 .3312 .4304 .5927 .5295 .4343 .5318 .6109 .7068 .4036 .5270 .6327 .4740 .7663 .4722 .2006 .6291 .7599 .5838 .8736 .0961 .5442 .7324 .8148 .5408 .8618 .6058 .3102 24.5 11.2 21.9 34.6 36.3 20.1 24.2 30.0 17.8 29.0 15.5 22.0 36.1 27.0 20.9 22.2 28.0 27.2 18.8 21.8 26.7 27.3 36.1 20.9 8.8 28.9 50.9 28.1 38.8 5.0 40.7 50.7 44.4 45.9 42.2 38.6 18.5 2.3563 10.6262 1.6549 2.0695 1.6733 3.7381 2.0249 1 .7463 2.3277 1.8730 1.8147 1 .7385 2.2363 1 .9498 1.9547 1 .7364 1 .6755 2.0504 1.8112 1.7448 1.6595 2.1171 1.6163 1.5964 2.1837 1.5288 1 .5607 1.7244 2.0759 5.0941 1 .7242 1 .5278 1 .5080 1.7284 1 .4533 1.7294 1 .9530 8.2118 1 .8350 2.1427 1.8010 4.4670 1 .9635 1.5891 2.8496 1 .8901 2.0545 1.8123 2.1050 2.0090 2.1349 2.1654 1 .8920 2.8603 2.0873 2.2147 2.0077 1 .9857 1 .8089 1 .9370 2.8332 1.7815 1 .4531 1.9447 2.4904 5.3075 1 .4607 1 .3945 1.5530 1 .3825 1 .5759 1.5972 ' Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 49 Virginia Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities: * Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1 .9098 1 .4746 1.8931 1.5021 1 .8622 2.2925 2.1057 2.0194 2.4721 2.5230 2.0984 2.0963 1 .7701 1 .9602 2.2455 2.0794 1.8437 1 .9363 1 .9864 2.0549 1 .7765 1.9811 1.9681 2.0744 2.0196 1.7167 1.7031 1 .8903 2.1324 2.2912 2.4154 1.3542 2.0002 2.0651 2.1368 2.1083 2.1404 2.1139 1.2126 0.4274 .1602 .5288 .2112 .5304 .7263 .7798 .3529 .6219 .6879 .4954 .6287 .4186 .5115 .6290 .5770 .4636 .5659 .6127 .6656 .3809 .6896 .6195 .5667 .7149 .5204 .2790 .6878 .8234 .8332 .8839 .1265 .6155 .8200 .8843 .6136 .9396 .6967 .3684 28.9 8.7 19.6 6.8 23.0 32.2 36.1 17.3 31.9 43.7 20.0 27.5 16.2 22.1 31.9 26.4 17.7 23.4 25.7 25.7 15.6 28.6 26.6 27.2 30.4 19.5 10.6 27.3 50.2 37.0 37.6 6.0 43.2 53.1 38.3 48.4 39.9 39.4 19.7 2.2353 7.0586 1 .9661 2.1469 1 .9202 2.3795 1 .7968 3.4333 2.8351 2.5965 2.5894 2.0689 2.1889 2.1653 2.3736 2.2422 2.2004 2.0010 2.0005 1 .9796 2.5843 1 .7764 1.9561 2.3739 1 .8380 1 .7599 3.2196 1.6715 1.6912 2.0415 2.1188 5.0667 1.9155 1 .6570 1.7147 1.9612 1.5578 1.9515 1.7330 4.9807 2.5085 4.7873 2.1043 2.7158 1.9135 4.2994 2.6055 2.041 1 3.3340 2.2449 2.7823 2.3525 2.2683 2.2773 2.8180 2.2602 2.2400 2.4425 3.1246 2.0403 2.1613 2.3464 2.0975 2.3206 4.7204 2.0559 1.5168 2.2605 2.4628 5.3243 1.5118 1.4516 1 .9047 1 .4355 1 .7426 1.7484 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 50 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Washington Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.0767 1.9543 1.7152 1 .4868 1.8854 2.2449 2.1081 2.2230 1 .7045 1 .6502 2.2068 2.1526 1 .4572 1.7611 2.5612 2.1442 2.1610 1 .9645 1 .9353 1 .9678 1 .6436 1 .8978 1.9001 1.9616 2.2183 1.6672 1 .6909 1.8718 2.0980 2.1723 2.5999 1.3063 1.9319 1.9901 2.0694 2.1789 2.1019 2.0168 1.2197 0.4975 .4651 .4764 .2049 .5574 .7027 .7679 .4534 .4356 .4532 .4917 .6456 .2092 .4654 .6104 .5767 .5123 .5238 .5931 .6350 .3305 .5762 .5993 .5165 .7048 .5017 .2518 .6763 .8107 .7655 .9544 .1099 .5950 .7969 .8625 .6336 .9251 .6085 .3670 24.8 18.4 16.8 6.6 22.2 30.8 34.2 20.9 22.3 28.3 18.4 29.8 7.9 22.5 26.8 26.6 19.5 22.0 24.3 26.1 13.4 20.9 23.5 26.8 29.5 19.6 9.7 27.9 48.0 33.0 41.6 5.4 43.6 53.0 41.2 50.6 40.4 34.0 19.6 2.2891 2.4313 1.7712 2.0831 1.8191 2.2682 1 .7665 3.5139 1 .9721 1 .7670 2.7063 2.0254 2.3925 1.8931 2.9838 2.3193 2.5687 2.1233 1.9366 1 .8870 2.4390 1.9181 1.8164 2.2062 2.0647 1 .6965 2.9114 1 .6435 1.6651 1.9764 2.2629 5.3899 1.8657 1 .6058 1.6518 2.0249 1.5406 1.9433 2.2158 3.0553 2.4020 4.6029 2.2192 2.6265 1 .9428 3.6183 1.8813 1.5437 3.9860 2.0555 3.3672 1.8670 3.2008 2.3246 3.3570 2.3674 2.2585 2.1925 2.9823 2.6054 2.2486 2.0206 2.3832 2.1596 3.8849 1 .9563 1 .5373 2.3137 2.5886 4.4787 1 .4826 1.4117 1 .7267 1.4456 1 .6935 1 .7450 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 51 West Virginia Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings'' (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 1.5385 1 .2484 1 .7232 1 .4386 1.6841 1.7162 1 .8274 1.7537 1.6182 1.5196 1.8100 1 .5304 1 .9661 1.8855 2.1107 2.0241 1 .9647 1 .9544 1.7817 1 .8658 1 .6887 1 .7224 1.6128 1 .7993 1.8101 1.4390 2.1897 1 .5845 1.7546 1.5976 1.8417 1.1311 1.5962 1 .7663 1.6618 1 .6552 1 .7745 1 .7522 .8804 0.2991 .0891 .4614 .1766 .4542 .5058 .6836 .3346 .4546 .4136 .3970 .4419 .3303 .4879 .4991 .5715 .4943 .5083 .5565 .5381 .4247 .5074 .4882 .4501 .6657 .4244 .2559 .5779 .6927 .5215 .7008 .0518 .4402 .6925 .7037 .4871 .8081 .6083 .2636 21.1 5.8 16.2 8.3 23.5 29.5 36.4 19.4 32.2 37.1 21.4 25.2 12.9 29.0 30.0 27.3 18.4 21.7 26.0 24.1 21.2 20.9 23.3 27.3 30.3 19.6 10.7 27.7 53.1 28.4 34.2 3.0 37.8 55.4 39.0 52.3 37.6 47.5 17.1 1.8640 5.3762 1.7447 1.8258 1.6288 1.7533 1.5644 2.1790 1 .6384 1.5814 2.0123 1.5616 2.5772 1.8639 2.2922 1.8644 2.0421 2.0721 1.7001 1.7968 1.8421 1 .7073 1.5636 2.0051 1 .6091 1 .4594 3.6047 1.4283 1.4470 1 .5587 1.6449 4.3973 1 .5862 1 .4745 1 .4094 1.5831 1.3754 1 .5801 1 .6233 3.6069 2.5939 2.1779 1 .7220 1 .7037 1 .6580 2.3050 1 .4961 1.3730 2.0292 1 .5869 4.0541 1.7594 2.2225 2.0584 3.1309 2.4334 1.9125 2.1166 1.9417 2.1557 1.7583 1 .8359 1 .8850 1.7106 5.0514 1.6466 1.3384 1.6499 1.8822 3.8857 1.3511 1.3311 1 .4804 1.2544 1.5613 1 .3958 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 19C0 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 52 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS Wisconsin Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.7444 1.9704 1 .0000 1 .0000 1 .8376 2.2157 2.1687 2.8153 1.7780 1.7571 1.9953 2.1429 1.7532 1 .9650 2.2573 1 .9033 1.9019 1.9219 2.2010 2.0715 2.2968 2.2784 1.9751 2.1388 2.0178 1 .6284 1.4646 1.8150 2.0376 2.0125 2.4048 1.2127 1 .9321 1 .9996 2.0070 2.3090 2.0682 2.1486 1 .2074 0.5335 .2477 .5280 .6992 .7905 .4965 .4742 .4776 .4482 .6265 .3527 .5120 .6238 .5300 .5792 .5472 .6561 .6273 .5118 .6419 .6174 .5931 .7746 .4891 .2009 .6601 .7960 .7169 .8599 .0793 .6095 .8134 .8510 .6400 .9144 .7125 .3597 29.4 15.2 23.2 33.9 36.1 24.6 24.7 29.1 18.3 30.7 14.5 25.1 31.6 24.2 25.2 24.4 27.7 27.6 20.9 28.3 28.2 30.3 36.8 21.5 8.0 29.1 55.8 35.7 40.7 4.2 55.1 61.5 43.9 59.7 44.5 46.4 21.5 3.6631 1 1 .7861 1.8370 2.2016 1.8158 5.1801 1 .9240 1.8810 2.4532 2.0613 2.5237 2.0704 2.3884 2.0263 1 .8926 2.0386 2.2581 2.0795 3.3708 2.4632 1.9139 2.3251 1.7251 1 .6539 2.3710 1.6042 1 .6348 1.8443 2.1633 6.1947 1 .8230 1 .5929 1 .5884 2.0455 1.5315 1 .9080 3.4096 4.8060 2.1976 2.4115 2.1377 6.1778 1.9704 1 .7286 3.4131 2.1799 3.6589 2.1901 2.4704 2.3120 2.2827 2.3834 2.8371 2.5010 5.1273 2.9153 2.2135 2.3914 1 .9503 2.0377 3.4751 1.9784 1 .4698 2.0410 2.5395 5.0068 1 .3962 1.3909 1.6916 1 .41 08 1 .6745 1.6564 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1 . Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. SUMMARY TABLE FOR ALL STATES 53 Wyoming Total Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Final-demand multipliers Output ' (dollars) Earnings 2 (dollars) Employment 3 (number of jobs) Direct-effect multipliers Earnings 4 (dollars) Employment 5 (number of jobs) Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance ... Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.5378 1.7418 1.7004 1.4315 1.8176 1.5532 1.7318 2.2281 1.6312 1.4112 1 .0000 1 .5872 2.0451 1 .5430 2.1965 2.0849 1 .8358 1.5411 1 .5425 1.5712 1 .4367 1 .5940 1 .5246 1 .5357 1.8891 1 .4604 2.1080 1.6184 1 .7973 1 .6843 1 .8296 1.1465 1 .6902 1.6732 1 .6683 1.6194 1 .7425 1 .6848 .8742 0.3553 .1553 .4408 .1727 .4043 .4185 .6579 .3126 .4396 .3815 .4822 .1844 .3859 .4795 .4570 .4523 .3211 .4501 .4654 .3549 .3962 .4968 .4220 .5798 .4267 .2664 .5793 .6949 .5581 .6939 .0565 .4946 .6604 .7058 .4711 .7897 .5520 .2485 34.8 13.2 15.2 7.8 15.5 21.8 35.6 20.1 10.9 42.8 29.2 8.2 21.1 28.0 28.5 15.0 15.4 22.2 21.2 17.5 24.6 25.9 29.6 26.1 20.4 10.7 28.3 54.0 31.2 37.6 3.5 49.5 56.0 45.0 54.4 40.2 41.3 17.4 3.3597 9.3302 1.6595 1 .7780 1.7184 1.5617 1.4451 3.1170 1.7112 1.4331 1.5146 5.6660 1.5616 2.3223 2.2658 1 .8706 1 .7986 1.5302 1.5200 1 .5283 1.7331 1 .4270 1 .5469 1.6585 1 .4609 3.4540 1 .4255 1 .4451 1 .5796 1 .5970 4.1991 1.5851 1 .3996 1 .3880 1 .5245 1.3412 1.5550 2.5279 7.4069 2.5863 2.4171 2.5982 1 .7462 1.5855 3.8073 1.2156 1.5532 8.1123 1.6613 2.4252 1.9392 3.8809 2.0165 1 .7647 1 .8558 1 .7377 1 .7088 1 .5890 1 .4666 2.0818 1 .7897 5.4550 1.7112 1 .3669 1 .7404 1.8009 3.7256 1.3095 1.2906 1.4216 1 .2360 1 .4968 1 .4570 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. 4. Each entry in column 4 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 5. Each entry in column 5 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. 54 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings [Dollars] 1.0100 1.0200 1.0303 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.1578 .0001 .0020 .0002 .0072 .0072 .0002 .0020 .0008 .0027 .0046 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0003 .0015 .0012 .0013 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0311 .0050 .0021 .0257 .0192 .0144 .0064 .0031 .0031 .0030 .0182 .0067 .0181 .0092 .0011 0.1220 .0002 .0025 .0002 .0074 .0229 .0002 .0022 .0028 .0036 .0090 .0018 .0009 .0007 .0004 .0016 .0013 .0014 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0006 .0248 .0055 .0024 .0391 .0193 .0110 .0059 .0021 .0038 .0038 .0225 .0072 .0232 .0100 .0011 0.0830 .0001 .0017 .0002 .0064 .0061 .0001 .0014 .0006 .0022 .0040 .0009 .0006 .0005 .0003 .0012 .0013 .0011 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0132 .0040 .0017 .0238 .0137 .0127 .0061 .0036 .0023 .0022 .0183 .0049 .0166 .0075 .0007 0.2678 .0001 .0042 .0006 .0122 .0046 .0003 .0033 .0015 .0043 .0112 .0013 .0013 .0010 .0005 .0021 .0019 .0021 .0004 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0179 .0067 .0048 .0399 .0293 .0207 .0048 .0064 .0053 .0059 .0293 .0103 .0239 .0154 .0016 0.2693 .0001 .0048 .0005 .0088 .0041 .0002 .0028 .0009 .0035 .0081 .0010 .0010 .0007 .0004 .0016 .0016 .0017 .0004 .0004 .0006 .0007 .0148 .0059 .0028 .0270 .0267 .0153 .0123 .0053 .0041 .0042 .0232 .0091 .0219 .0130 .0015 0.2484 .0001 .0044 .0007 .0092 .0041 .0002 .0027 .0010 .0036 .0100 .0012 .0011 .0008 .0004 .0018 .0020 .0018 .0004 .0004 .0006 .0007 .0170 .0060 .0030 .0329 .0265 .0144 .0123 .0053 .0042 .0043 .0252 .0091 .0215 .0118 .0015 0.3175 .0001 .0042 .0002 .0064 .0041 .0002 .0042 .0019 .0032 .0062 .0010 .0015 .0006 .0003 .0014 .0009 .0015 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0007 .0152 .0056 .0030 .0238 .0263 .0098 .0074 .0024 .0039 .0038 .0184 .0088 .0228 .0109 .0016 Total 3592 .3647 .2443 .5446 .5004 .4905 .5209 0.2901 .0001 .0046 .0003 .0096 .0049 .0003 .0047 .0108 .0045 .0093 .0016 .0228 .0009 .0005 .0023 .0019 .0021 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0009 .0190 .0071 .0037 .0455 .0317 .0160 .0079 .0040 .0051 .0054 .0283 .0111 .0263 .0156 .0018 .6025 0.3702 .0001 .0041 .0003 .0090 .0051 .0003 .0049 .0023 .0040 .0075 .0013 .0018 .0008 .0004 .0018 .0017 .0020 .0004 .0005 .0007 .0009 .0149 .0068 .0036 .0287 .0328 .0155 .0112 .0040 .0051 .0055 .0257 .0110 .0275 .0155 .0019 .6298 0.3698 .0001 .0026 .0003 .0084 .0049 .0003 .0047 .0022 .0039 .0055 .0015 .0018 .0008 .0004 .0017 .0015 .0019 .0004 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0151 .0067 .0031 .0304 .0324 .0150 .0100 .0044 .0049 .0051 .0241 .0108 .0271 .0150 .0019 .6207 0.3278 .0001 .0035 .0004 .0083 .0045 .0002 .0031 .0010 .0038 .0073 .0011 .0012 .0008 .0004 .0017 .0018 .0019 .0004 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0135 .0063 .0034 .0272 .0300 .0156 .0108 .0045 .0045 .0048 .0243 .0100 .0248 .0147 .0017 .5669 0.3483 .0001 .0025 .0005 .0075 .0045 .0002 .0031 .0010 .0035 .0067 .0011 .0011 .0007 .0003 .0016 .0014 .0018 .0004 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0142 .0061 .0032 .0237 .0295 .0128 .0100 .0035 .0044 .0046 .0216 .0098 .0250 .0134 .0017 .5717 0.2882 .0001 .0029 .0002 .0090 .0042 .0002 .0028 .0009 .0036 .0059 .0011 .0011 .0008 .0004 .0017 .0018 .0018 .0004 .0004 .0006 .0007 .0123 .0061 .0029 .0273 .0280 .0170 .0111 .0063 .0042 .0044 .0239 .0094 .0227 .0139 .0016 .5197 0.3967 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0071 .0049 .0002 .0034 .0010 .0037 .0039 .0014 .0011 .0007 .0003 .0016 .0016 .0018 .0004 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0115 .0063 .0020 .0208 .0325 .0147 .0103 .0042 .0046 .0048 .0226 .0106 .0272 .0149 .0019 .6230 0.4310 .0001 .0042 .0002 .0078 .0054 .0004 .0037 .0016 .0039 .0056 .0031 .0013 .0013 .0004 .0017 .0014 .0020 .0004 .0005 .0007 .0009 .0137 .0069 .0037 .0264 .0351 .0137 .0100 .0032 .0050 .0051 .0232 .0115 .0298 .0152 .0020 .6822 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 55 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0000 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0000 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 1 0.0728 0.0030 0.3395 0.7217 0.0027 0.0031 0.0022 0.0009 0.0024 0.0026 0.0024 0.0024 0.0025 0.0044 0.0038 2 .0169 .2236 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 3 .2690 4 .0014 .0064 .0037 .0071 .0040 .0031 .0021 .1008 .0031 .0030 .0057 .0044 .0054 .0029 .0028 5 .0002 .0001 .0008 .0003 .2950 .3661 .0004 .2786 .2971 .2568 .2608 .2356 .0018 .0016 6 .2942 .2830 7 .0099 .0105 .0159 .0178 .0144 .0137 .0093 .0156 .0111 .0122 .0106 .0111 .0102 .0101 .0098 8 .0045 .0095 .0064 .0098 .0048 .0055 .0038 .0016 .0042 .0044 .0043 .0043 .0040 .0065 .0061 9 .0003 .0020 .0009 .0004 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0012 .0011 10 .0023 .0011 .0028 .0047 .0008 .0042 .0013 .0040 .0093 .0012 .0053 .0032 .0055 .0150 .0018 .0065 .0020 .0094 .0100 .0025 .0032 .0010 .0041 .0058 .0023 .0037 .0011 .0046 .0066 .0020 .0026 .0008 .0032 .0036 .0019 .0011 .0004 .0024 .0013 .0004 .0029 .0010 .0038 .0050 .0026 .0030 .0010 .0039 .0037 .0014 .0030 .0010 .0045 .0040 .0020 .0030 .0011 .0046 .0041 .0019 .0027 .0009 .0037 .0052 .0015 .0043 .0020 .0065 .0075 .0026 .0043 11 .0019 12 .0057 13 .0090 14 .0041 15 .0007 .0006 .0007 .0041 .0013 .0014 .0013 .0008 .0011 .0034 .0034 .0026 .0014 .0012 .0006 .0026 .0019 .0025 .0022 .0015 .0006 .0031 .0025 .0037 .0016 .0009 .0047 .0064 .0099 .0026 .0029 .0010 .0018 .0077 .0061 .0032 .0012 .0013 .0010 .0048 .0094 .0024 .0004 .0004 .0003 .0018 .0013 .0011 .0011 .0008 .0012 .0043 .0075 .0030 .0011 .0010 .0012 .0040 .0068 .0029 .0011 .0008 .0024 .0063 .0194 .0025 .0011 .0009 .0021 .0050 .0078 .0027 .0012 .0007 .0012 .0076 .0055 .0025 .0301 .0158 .0030 .0147 .0035 .0107 .0324 16 .0167 17 .0038 18 .0194 19 .0049 20 .0113 21 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0006 .0006 .0003 .0001 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0003 .0004 .0004 22 .0003 .0493 .0009 .0010 .0008 .0007 .0005 .0002 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0006 .0007 .0007 23 .0011 .0011 .0008 .0012 .0008 .0010 .0006 .0003 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0016 .0017 24 .0005 .0008 .0012 .0017 .0010 .0010 .0007 .0003 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0012 .0012 25 .0114 .0171 .0276 .0330 .0218 .0206 .0113 .0049 .0149 .0143 .0184 .0330 .0149 .0276 .0279 26 .0038 .0062 .0076 .0126 .0077 .0084 .0054 .0029 .0069 .0069 .0071 .0071 .0066 .0107 .0103 27 .0014 .0023 .0033 .0044 .0084 .0052 .0026 .0015 .0047 .0048 .0133 .0076 .0123 .0035 .0034 28 .0207 .0300 .0487 .0508 .0285 .0285 .0242 .0071 .0251 .0232 .0288 .0260 .0220 .0466 .0519 29 .0156 .0283 .0367 .0654 .0317 .0359 .0247 .0104 .0270 .0279 .0272 .0275 .0251 .0976 .0447 30 .0130 .0114 .0169 .0206 .0134 .0171 .0112 .0050 .0151 .0140 .0141 .0131 .0289 .0173 .0167 31 .0064 .0165 .0107 .0188 .0099 .0109 .0070 .0029 .0074 .0077 .0079 .0081 .0071 .0121 .0117 32 .0013 .0021 .0027 .0067 .0024 .0032 .0024 .0009 .0023 .0024 .0022 .0022 .0021 .0035 .0032 33 .0038 .0047 .0092 .0092 .0052 .0058 .0036 .0018 .0069 .0077 .0058 .0062 .0054 .0068 .0065 34 .0043 .0041 .0127 .0090 .0047 .0052 .0036 .0015 .0046 .0047 .0043 .0044 .0037 .0062 .0059 35 .0542 .0309 .0382 .0561 .0349 .0403 .0242 .0163 .0337 .0334 .0303 .0342 .0304 .0564 .0886 36 .0064 .0106 .0138 .0244 .0111 .0127 .0087 .0040 .0102 .0107 .0102 .0104 .0094 .0180 .0148 37 .0130 .0238 .0306 .0528 .0261 .0299 .0211 .0089 .0232 .0239 .0234 .0234 .0216 .0344 .0334 38 .0102 .0151 .0216 .0363 .0231 .0238 .0115 .0047 .0118 .0123 .0115 .0119 .0112 .0189 .0181 39 .0009 .0016 .0021 .0036 .0018 .0021 .0014 .0006 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0015 .0024 .0023 Total .2951 .5439 .6940 1.2099 .5976 .6856 .4841 .2043 .5306 .5477 .5360 .5370 .4954 .7875 .7653 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 56 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 11.0103 11.0104 11.0105 11.0106 11.0107 11.0201 11.0202 11.0203 11.0204 11.0205 11.0206 11.0207 11.0231 11.0232 11.0241 11.0250 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0036 .0001 .0026 .0015 .2735 .0093 .0061 .0008 .0042 .0020 .0058 .0080 .0058 .0331 .0155 .0046 .0202 .0067 .0107 .0004 .0007 .0020 .0011 .0269 .0104 .0033 .0532 .0440 .0158 .0115 .0031 .0065 .0058 .0873 .0148 .0329 .0173 .0023 0.0037 .0001 .0034 .0012 .2411 .0093 .0062 .0009 .0042 .0021 .0062 .0065 .0040 .0146 .0156 .0052 .0291 .0066 .0117 .0005 .0008 .0021 .0016 .0256 .0102 .0033 .0465 .0424 .0160 .0110 .0030 .0063 .0058 .0901 .0207 .0310 .0203 .0021 0.0037 .0001 .0035 .0017 .2190 .0100 .0059 .0005 .0039 .0023 .0072 .0123 .0041 .0367 .0142 .0037 .0180 .0031 .0136 .0004 .0008 .0014 .0012 .0284 .0109 .0034 .0505 .1107 .0156 .0109 .0034 .0064 .0059 .0409 .0146 .0315 .0186 .0022 0.0040 .0001 .0027 .0024 .3133 .0096 .0068 .0003 .0047 .0020 .0061 .0067 .0045 .0084 .0187 .0053 .0230 .0057 .0120 .0005 .0007 .0030 .0014 .0246 .0105 .0034 .0443 .0472 .0174 .0122 .0034 .0071 .0065 .1379 .0181 .0364 .0206 .0025 0.0034 .0001 .0030 .0012 .2921 .0096 .0063 .0004 .0046 .0020 .0058 .0057 .0031 .0113 .0143 .0062 .0368 .0050 .0094 .0005 .0007 .0024 .0020 .0240 .0101 .0032 .0456 .0455 .0165 .0116 .0032 .0066 .0061 .1007 .0162 .0336 .0192 .0023 0.0039 .0001 .0029 .0009 .3790 .0092 .0069 .0004 .0047 .0018 .0059 .0054 .0025 .0055 .0104 .0036 .0223 .0057 .0130 .0005 .0009 .0021 .0013 .0224 .0102 .0033 .0394 .0479 .0177 .0127 .0035 .0073 .0066 .1300 .0160 .0378 .0207 .0026 0.0038 .0001 .0026 .0014 .3285 .0092 .0064 .0010 .0044 .0022 .0057 .0073 .0035 .0091 .0130 .0049 .0260 .0068 .0127 .0004 .0008 .0025 .0012 .0241 .0101 .0032 .0450 .0442 .0167 .0119 .0033 .0068 .0061 .0998 .0159 .0349 .0203 .0024 Total 7532 .7106 .7214 .8343 .7702 .8666 .7984 0.0036 .0001 .0025 .0013 .3554 .0091 .0064 .0003 .0044 .0017 .0056 .0050 .0038 .0064 .0170 .0053 .0290 .0045 .0218 .0004 .0011 .0018 .0011 .0226 .0101 .0032 .0403 .0442 .0164 .0119 .0031 .0066 .0060 .0731 .0152 .0348 .0190 .0024 .7964 0.0038 .0001 .0032 .0017 .4265 .0093 .0069 .0003 .0048 .0016 .0060 .0059 .0021 .0057 .0169 .0034 .0173 .0081 .0057 .0005 .0008 .0011 .0012 .0219 .0100 .0032 .0346 .0479 .0166 .0125 .0033 .0070 .0066 .1012 .0159 .0382 .0214 .0026 .8757 0.0040 .0001 .0029 .0014 .4132 .0093 .0069 .0007 .0048 .0019 .0058 .0071 .0034 .0064 .0125 .0040 .0229 .0056 .0118 .0005 .0008 .0027 .0013 .0235 .0100 .0033 .0415 .0479 .0169 .0125 .0033 .0070 .0065 .0859 .0163 .0379 .0221 .0026 .8672 0.0039 .0001 .0035 .0020 .3822 .0095 .0067 .0007 .0048 .0018 .0061 .0063 .0024 .0067 .0203 .0036 .0178 .0044 .0092 .0005 .0007 .0026 .0012 .0247 .0102 .0033 .0390 .0469 .0169 .0125 .0033 .0069 .0066 .1014 .0153 .0370 .0248 .0025 .8484 0.0040 .0001 .0026 .0015 .3361 .0096 .0066 .0008 .0045 .0023 .0059 .0081 .0040 .0115 .0164 .0050 .0256 .0048 .0152 .0005 .0009 .0029 .0012 .0246 .0107 .0034 .0447 .0459 .0172 .0123 .0034 .0070 .0063 .1078 .0158 .0361 .0201 .0025 .8278 0.0039 .0001 .0031 .0016 .2868 .0096 .0064 .0007 .0044 .0020 .0059 .0073 .0044 .0060 .0172 .0059 .0269 .0081 .0137 .0005 .0008 .0037 .0012 .0253 .0106 .0033 .0470 .0454 .0170 .0118 .0033 .0069 .0062 .1180 .0156 .0345 .0217 .0024 .7891 0.0041 .0001 .0030 .0017 .3130 .0097 .0065 .0009 .0044 .0019 .0058 .0064 .0038 .0089 .0182 .0051 .0269 .0055 .0139 .0004 .0007 .0026 .0013 .0235 .0104 .0034 .0449 .0465 .0172 .0121 .0033 .0070 .0063 .1166 .0153 .0354 .0210 .0024 .8102 0.0038 .0001 .0031 .0020 .2833 .0096 .0063 .0007 .0044 .0019 .0059 .0066 .0035 .0100 .0218 .0052 .0246 .0071 .0120 .0004 .0008 .0025 .0012 .0246 .0100 .0033 .0443 .0452 .0169 .0118 .0032 .0068 .0062 .1159 .0161 .0340 .0214 .0023 .7790 0.0043 .0001 .0031 .0013 .4419 .0092 .0073 .0007 .0050 .0019 .0060 .0070 .0028 .0065 .0127 .0035 .0163 .0046 .0108 .0005 .0008 .0027 .0013 .0226 .0102 .0034 .0383 .0504 .0175 .0130 .0035 .0073 .0071 .1117 .0171 .0400 .0221 .0027 .9172 NOTE.— Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 57 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 11.0301 11.0302 11.0303 11.0304 11.0305 11.0306 11.0307 11.0308 11.0400 11.0501 11.0502 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0701 11.0702 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0034 .0001 .0028 .0008 .3347 .0080 .0059 .0003 .0040 .0014 .0051 .0061 .0022 .0033 .0065 .0285 .0068 .0029 .0103 .0004 .0006 .0013 .0010 .0191 .0086 .0029 .0389 .0431 .0141 .0103 .0029 .0058 .0056 .0852 .0135 .0322 .0172 .0022 0.0042 .0001 .0024 .0004 .4277 .0088 .0078 .0003 .0054 .0016 .0063 .0041 .0018 .0023 .0030 .0020 .0059 .0019 .0098 .0005 .0008 .0012 .0013 .0198 .0103 .0032 .0276 .0521 .0186 .0134 .0039 .0081 .0074 .2462 .0173 .0435 .0216 .0030 0.0036 .0001 .0031 .0015 .2472 .0090 .0063 .0003 .0043 .0015 .0059 .0053 .0023 .0029 .0129 .0055 .0205 .0037 .0161 .0004 .0008 .0018 .0011 .0222 .0096 .0031 .0368 .0523 .0169 .0114 .0035 .0071 .0061 .1940 .0146 .0345 .0191 .0024 0.0045 .0001 .0026 .0003 .3629 .0094 .0083 .0003 .0056 .0017 .0070 .0043 .0020 .0019 .0025 .0018 .0076 .0024 .0037 .0005 .0007 .0012 .0014 .0198 .0111 .0034 .0283 .0532 .0208 .0142 .0043 .0090 .0078 .3500 .0187 .0456 .0232 .0031 0.0038 .0001 .0027 .0005 .2774 .0085 .0067 .0003 .0047 .0014 .0058 .0045 .0019 .0019 .0047 .0049 .0125 .0026 .0056 .0005 .0007 .0014 .0012 .0195 .0095 .0030 .0329 .0444 .0181 .0121 .0036 .0075 .0069 .2538 .0150 .0367 .0212 .0025 0.0033 .0001 .0031 .0017 .2424 .0087 .0060 .0003 .0042 .0014 .0055 .0048 .0023 .0017 .0166 .0093 .0192 .0037 .0040 .0005 .0007 .0014 .0011 .0232 .0095 .0030 .0333 .0404 .0171 .0114 .0032 .0067 .0061 .1855 .0138 .0328 .0216 .0022 0.0034 .0001 .0027 .0021 .1970 .0088 .0059 .0003 .0041 .0015 .0058 .0060 .0022 .0021 .0241 .0056 .0172 .0114 .0059 .0004 .0007 .0013 .0011 .0251 .0099 .0030 .0409 .0402 .0174 .0113 .0032 .0068 .0059 .1942 .0141 .0321 .0198 .0022 Total 7379 .9959 .7893 1.0454 .8411 .7516 .7359 0.0033 .0001 .0044 .0037 .1830 .0090 .0057 .0002 .0038 .0014 .0059 .0086 .0018 .0037 .0326 .0040 .0209 .0033 .0119 .0005 .0008 .0015 .0011 .0300 .0096 .0031 .0350 .0429 .0167 .0109 .0031 .0064 .0059 .1603 .0139 .0307 .0209 .0021 .7030 0.0047 .0001 .0056 .0055 .2971 .0089 .0059 .0002 .0040 .0015 .0052 .0177 .0018 .0022 .0219 .0029 .0147 .0023 .0097 .0005 .0008 .0010 .0023 .0294 .0089 .0032 .0319 .0403 .0154 .0109 .0030 .0061 .0058 .1001 .0136 .0323 .0209 .0022 .7407 0.0041 .0001 .0035 .0014 .3565 .0093 .0063 .0008 .0044 .0021 .0055 .0098 .0026 .0361 .0153 .0029 .0192 .0033 .0062 .0004 .0006 .0011 .0012 .0255 .0097 .0033 .0470 .0438 .0146 .0116 .0031 .0063 .0062 .0580 .0145 .0346 .0195 .0024 .7929 0.0033 .0001 .0047 .0017 .3049 .0082 .0055 .0004 .0038 .0020 .0048 .0083 .0039 .0059 .0120 .0052 .0166 .0024 .0070 .0005 .0006 .0010 .0010 .0223 .0087 .0029 .0374 .0412 .0144 .0103 .0027 .0054 .0053 .0685 .0126 .0301 .0206 .0021 .6882 0.0019 .0001 .0019 .0006 .2470 .0051 .0035 .0001 .0024 .0007 .0028 .0044 .0008 .0009 .0045 .0049 .0046 .0062 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0006 .0133 .0057 .0019 .0270 .0225 .0074 .0060 .0019 .0032 .0032 .0205 .0077 .0195 .0091 .0013 .4459 0.0021 .0001 .0019 .3119 .0045 .0038 .0001 .0026 .0007 .0046 .0024 .0008 .0008 .0005 .0004 .0017 .0018 .0014 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0007 .0080 .0065 .0017 .0126 .0246 .0076 .0065 .0021 .0037 .0035 .0283 .0081 .0214 .0097 .0015 .4895 0.0019 .0001 .0010 .3154 .0035 .0035 .0001 .0024 .0006 .0023 .0018 .0007 .0007 .0004 .0002 .0014 .0010 .0011 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0067 .0038 .0014 .0103 .0227 .0066 .0059 .0015 .0030 .0031 .0115 .0073 .0198 .0088 .0014 .4532 0.0028 .0001 .0060 .0017 .2251 .0079 .0051 .0002 .0039 .0012 .0049 .0062 .0019 .0019 .0116 .0025 .0152 .0026 .0031 .0006 .0007 .0014 .0009 .0223 .0083 .0027 .0274 .0357 .0133 .0100 .0027 .0057 .0052 .1365 .0122 .0281 .0246 .0019 .6446 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 58 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 1 1 .0703 1 1 .0704 12.0100 12.0201 12.0202 12.0203 12.0204 12.0205 12.0206 12.0207 1 2.0208 12.0209 12.0210 12.0211 12.0212 12.0213 1 0.0037 0.0045 0.0040 0.0040 0.0039 0.0030 0.0145 0.0039 0.0298 0.0031 0.0034 0.0034 0.0038 0.0046 0.0038 0.0038 2 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 3 4 .0040 .0033 .0035 .0030 .0039 .0044 .0030 .0025 .0029 .0039 .0028 .0035 .0026 .0044 .0036 .0035 5 .0016 .0018 .0013 .0010 .0021 .0057 .0003 .0015 .0007 .0019 .0031 .0038 .0018 .0027 .0053 .0041 6 .4337 .5074 7 .0085 .0085 .3283 .4908 .2939 .2423 .5354 .5650 .4028 .3836 .3736 .4277 .4898 .3173 .3723 .5448 8 .0068 .0071 .0065 .0070 .0058 .0049 .0067 .0071 .0062 .0058 .0060 .0062 .0067 .0056 .0059 .0071 9 .0003 .0003 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 10 .0048 .0014 .0053 .0054 .0021 .0031 .0099 .0018 .0088 .0020 .0028 .0050 .0015 .0053 .0072 .0020 .0054 .0077 .0018 .0111 .0021 .0093 .0047 .0022 .0066 .0150 .0043 .0104 .0094 .0034 .0206 .0046 .0097 .0048 .0022 .0056 .0094 .0055 .0074 .0099 .0033 .0192 .0042 .0109 .0040 .0025 .0054 .0205 .0046 .0188 .0147 .0045 .0186 .0042 .0090 .0034 .0014 .0047 .0125 .0032 .0091 .0181 .0061 .0166 .0033 .0150 .0047 .0014 .0048 .0054 .0019 .0023 .0037 .0047 .0050 .0017 .0060 .0049 .0014 .0051 .0042 .0016 .0086 .0030 .0034 .0079 .0019 .0115 .0043 .0014 .0050 .0055 .0018 .0026 .0063 .0065 .0199 .0028 .0161 .0040 .0015 .0047 .0117 .0018 .0017 .0122 .0053 .0240 .0028 .0068 .0047 .0015 .0049 .0091 .0018 .0018 .0233 .0053 .0198 .0030 .0047 .0042 .0014 .0048 .0129 .0046 .0020 .0135 .0047 .0128 .0028 .0035 .0047 .0014 .0051 .0079 .0030 .0024 .0132 .0020 .0145 .0035 .0037 .0038 .0014 .0049 .0109 .0027 .0030 .0099 .0057 .0152 .0027 .0242 .0040 .0016 .0049 .0112 .0037 .0039 .0134 .0069 .0111 .0039 .0167 .0050 11 .0015 12 .0052 13 .0073 14 .0027 15 .0026 16 .0152 17 .0026 18 .0123 19 .0023 20 .0034 21 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0004 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0005 22 .0007 .0008 .0007 .0008 .0006 .0007 .0006 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0007 .0006 .0007 .0010 .0008 .0007 23 .0011 .0010 .0025 .0021 .0015 .0018 .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0017 .0012 .0013 .0015 .0014 .0013 24 .0011 .0015 .0013 .0012 .0012 .0010 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0010 .0010 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0013 .0012 25 .0224 .0210 .0274 .0235 .0289 .0274 .0170 .0206 .0191 .0213 .0241 .0242 .0207 .0263 .0268 .0237 26 .0092 .0092 .0111 .0104 .0091 .0081 .0085 .0085 .0090 .0077 .0077 .0084 .0136 .0085 .0080 .0090 27 .0031 .0031 .0035 .0034 .0032 .0029 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0029 .0029 .0030 .0031 .0029 .0030 .0032 28 .0272 .0290 .0479 .0455 .0542 .0417 .0271 .0317 .0366 .0387 .0388 .0336 .0331 .0384 .0376 .0311 29 .0456 .0479 .1086 .0494 .0451 .0409 .0468 .0493 .0494 .0395 .0391 .0411 .0449 .0469 .0451 .0480 30 .0156 .0159 .0176 .0180 .0170 .0125 .0140 .0143 .0137 .0131 .0134 .0133 .0144 .0126 .0128 .0147 31 .0123 .0126 .0116 .0125 .0107 .0087 .0114 .0119 .0108 .0102 .0101 .0106 .0114 .0099 .0100 .0121 32 .0033 .0033 .0035 .0033 .0029 .0025 .0031 .0032 .0030 .0027 .0027 .0028 .0031 .0027 .0028 .0032 33 .0068 .0068 .0067 .0067 .0058 .0050 .0060 .0063 .0059 .0054 .0055 .0057 .0061 .0053 .0055 .0064 34 .0064 .0066 .0063 .0065 .0055 .0049 .0062 .0064 .0058 .0057 .0060 .0057 .0061 .0055 .0055 .0066 35 .1269 .0794 .0418 .0354 .0393 .0419 .0302 .0358 .0409 .0294 .0326 .0416 .0415 .0463 .0353 .0380 36 .0150 .0155 .0160 .0160 .0145 .0117 .0152 .0156 .0139 .0138 .0165 .0142 .0156 .0142 .0136 .0157 37 .0379 .0397 .0349 .0386 .0309 .0269 .0372 .0396 .0343 .0315 .0315 .0338 .0367 .0303 .0321 .0393 38 .0233 .0211 .0190 .0194 .0164 .0206 .0195 .0194 .0184 .0193 .0159 .0177 .0178 .0186 .0190 .0191 39 .0026 .0027 .0024 .0026 .0021 .0018 .0026 .0027 .0024 .0022 .0022 .0023 .0025 .0021 .0022 .0027 Total .8672 .9091 .7982 .8850 .7068 .6158 .8529 .9059 .7851 .7223 .7219 .7734 .8406 .6941 .7358 .9004 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 59 California Table A-1.2.— 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earning! [Dollars] -Continued 12.0214 12.0215 12.0216 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0103 14.0104 14.0250 14.0400 14.0500 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 . 34 . 35 36 37 . 38 . 39 Total 0.0038 .0001 .0038 .0059 .5162 .0067 .0003 .0046 .0014 .0049 .0117 .0028 .0024 .0079 .0013 .0074 .0016 .0055 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0015 .0274 .0085 .0031 .0272 .0440 .0141 .0115 .0031 .0061 .0061 .0348 .0149 .0372 .0190 .0025 .8516 0.0032 .0001 .0027 .0005 .4786 .0060 .0002 .0041 .0012 .0043 .0062 .0027 .0023 .0064 .0014 .0067 .0056 .0030 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0220 .0077 .0029 .0280 .0387 .0129 .0104 .0027 .0054 .0056 .0293 .0129 .0335 .0159 .0023 .7683 0.0042 .0001 .0044 .0051 .4093 .0062 .0003 .0043 .0016 .0050 .0128 .0052 .0049 .0154 .0045 .0143 .0031 .0126 .0005 .0009 .0012 .0012 .0265 .0090 .0032 .0366 .0440 .0147 .0111 .0029 .0059 .0058 .0372 .0139 .0342 .0199 .0023 .7844 0.0035 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0100 .0064 .0003 .0043 .0016 .0104 .0036 .0040 .0016 .0011 .0025 .0065 .0068 .0520 .0004 .4044 .0022 .0013 .0174 .0130 .0032 .0329 .0400 .0155 .0109 .0031 .0075 .0059 .0475 .0166 .0346 .0166 .0024 .7923 0.0029 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0111 .0051 .0003 .0038 .0017 .0088 .0033 .0019 .0035 .0011 .0091 .3240 .0067 .0138 .0003 .0038 .0013 .0011 .0160 .0113 .0045 .0279 .0320 .0129 .0088 .0024 .0064 .0052 .0413 .0125 .0275 .0139 .0019 .6304 0.0024 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0095 .0044 .0002 .0029 .0010 .0046 .0028 .0034 .0012 .0008 .0293 .0055 .0056 .0056 .0006 .2653 .0007 .0008 .0181 .0070 .0029 .0358 .0275 .0102 .0077 .0021 .0049 .0041 .0269 .0105 .0237 .0115 .0016 .5429 0.0032 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0103 .0058 .0002 .0039 .0019 .0090 .0074 .0044 .0028 .0013 .0113 .3546 .0073 .0264 .0004 .0006 .0010 .0016 .0241 .0115 .0035 .0443 .0363 .0131 .0100 .0028 .0071 .0057 .0406 .0143 .0314 .0157 .0022 .7186 0.0026 .0001 .0021 .0002 .0104 .0047 .0002 .0032 .0025 .0084 .0069 .0035 .0016 .0010 .0074 .3089 .0063 .0029 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0009 .0187 .0095 .0038 .0311 .0295 .0104 .0083 .0022 .0059 .0048 .0318 .0114 .0254 .0128 .0017 .5828 0.0039 .0001 .0026 .0001 .0102 .0073 .0003 .0050 .0017 .0077 .0065 .0026 .0020 .0012 .0042 .5563 .0040 .0158 .0004 .0030 .0011 .0012 .0248 .0111 .0046 .0330 .0466 .0151 .0125 .0033 .0077 .0069 .0445 .0161 .0404 .0189 .0028 .9255 0.0158 .0009 .0001 .0030 .0735 .0001 .0011 .0019 .0061 .0016 .0008 .0004 .0003 .0002 .0010 .0006 .0008 .0001 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0095 .0048 .0013 .0177 .0105 .0059 .0033 .0013 .0025 .0017 .0144 .0041 .0099 .0049 .0006 .2019 0.0040 .0001 .0013 .0046 .1387 .0001 .0019 .0034 .0155 .0021 .0025 .0008 .0005 .0006 .0028 .0008 .0012 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0006 .0159 .0065 .0021 .0487 .0177 .0079 .0049 .0015 .0036 .0028 .0203 .0071 .0152 .0080 .0010 .3455 0.0427 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0065 .1671 .0002 .0023 .0051 .0059 .0047 .0013 .0009 .0006 .0003 .0013 .0011 .0014 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0006 .0169 .0062 .0029 .0266 .0207 .0093 .0058 .0017 .0036 .0036 .0219 .0081 .0201 .0095 .0012 .4035 0.0210 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0058 .1757 .0002 .0023 .0059 .0080 .0035 .0012 .0009 .0005 .0009 .0044 .0011 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0010 .0007 .0147 .0077 .0030 .0339 .0210 .0132 .0060 .0018 .0043 .0049 .0270 .0086 .0192 .0094 .0012 .4129 0.0885 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0070 .0746 .0002 .0022 .0055 .0108 .0042 .0026 .0010 .0011 .0005 .0024 .0014 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0006 .0007 .0261 .0068 .0030 .0444 .0210 .0133 .0064 .0026 .0039 .0035 .0250 .0081 .0189 .0099 .0012 .4018 0.0623 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0064 .0789 .0002 .0020 .0056 .0098 .0035 .0035 .0009 .0028 .0014 .0069 .0030 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0006 .0007 .0211 .0070 .0037 .0339 .0189 .0143 .0057 .0022 .0038 .0033 .0230 .0074 .0168 .0088 .0011 .3642 0.0396 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0081 .1811 .0002 .0028 .0172 .0081 .0044 .0040 .0037 .0012 .0006 .0029 .0018 .0019 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0250 .0090 .0037 .0491 .0261 .0126 .0075 .0025 .0048 .0047 .0322 .0104 .0226 .0120 .0015 .5060 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 60 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0898 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0076 .1189 .0002 .0025 .0075 .0089 .0044 .0040 .0011 .0009 .0005 .0033 .0016 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0273 .0088 .0031 .0322 .0237 .0142 .0071 .0028 .0048 .0039 .0282 .0091 .0213 .0109 .0014 0.0026 .0443 .0030 .0001 .0076 .1824 .0005 .0031 .0038 .0149 .0046 .0022 .0012 .0010 .0031 .0153 .0020 .0020 .0003 .0101 .0012 .0009 .0175 .0081 .0038 .0528 .0271 .0126 .0097 .0022 .0049 .0047 .0310 .0113 .0231 .0127 .0016 0.0176 .0001 .0024 .0004 .0069 .1345 .0002 .0026 .0063 .0147 .0041 .0016 .0015 .0156 .0050 .0259 .0017 .0017 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0219 .0093 .0041 .0580 .0237 .0107 .0069 .0020 .0052 .0042 .0298 .0094 .0202 .0109 .0014 0.0475 .0001 .0029 .0004 .0079 .1534 .0002 .0030 .0064 .0098 .0044 .0016 .0031 .0142 .0046 .0237 .0021 .0019 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0299 .0083 .0048 .0597 .0272 .0119 .0079 .0024 .0048 .0044 .0294 .0107 .0231 .0125 .0016 0.0599 .0001 .0031 .0001 .0077 .1786 .0002 .0032 .0094 .0178 .0040 .0020 .0028 .0008 .0007 .0028 .0021 .0020 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0010 .0282 .0099 .0053 .0558 .0285 .0122 .0082 .0026 .0056 .0050 .0415 .0113 .0241 .0130 .0017 0.0168 .0001 .0021 .0007 .0063 .1228 .0002 .0024 .0058 .0199 .0038 .0118 .0012 .0261 .0006 .0036 .0018 .0016 .0003 .0004 .0009 .0009 .0256 .0087 .0054 .0390 .0217 .0100 .0067 .0018 .0047 .0040 .0266 .0086 .0185 .0100 .0013 Total 4558 .5293 .4622 .5281 5527 .4224 0.0035 .0539 .0028 .0001 .0069 .1431 .0006 .0028 .0052 .0045 .0045 .0023 .0010 .0007 .0006 .0022 .0022 .0017 .0002 .0123 .0007 .0007 .0199 .0064 .0024 .0507 .0233 .0104 .0088 .0019 .0039 .0039 .0262 .0096 .0198 .0112 .0014 .4522 0.0664 .0001 .0031 .0001 .0084 .1630 .0003 .0034 .0102 .0118 .0052 .0099 .0034 .0010 .0021 .0096 .0020 .0021 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0010 .0351 .0103 .0048 .0651 .0294 .0128 .0085 .0027 .0057 .0049 .0339 .0114 .0249 .0137 .0017 .5697 0.0121 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0071 .1932 .0002 .0028 .0136 .0109 .0042 .0116 .0013 .0011 .0008 .0035 .0019 .0018 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0225 .0093 .0035 .0529 .0250 .0106 .0072 .0022 .0050 .0043 .0311 .0098 .0214 .0112 .0015 .4883 0.0504 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0072 .0829 .0002 .0027 .0029 .0057 .0032 .0009 .0008 .0005 .0003 .0011 .0015 .0013 .0002 .0007 .0005 .0006 .0317 .0062 .0024 .0551 .0188 .0101 .0064 .0022 .0039 .0030 .0228 .0079 .0158 .0091 .0011 .3626 0.0147 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0065 .1313 .0002 .0021 .0127 .0139 .0027 .0014 .0010 .0006 .0005 .0021 .0013 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0006 .0009 .0159 .0099 .0027 .0357 .0190 .0090 .0057 .0017 .0088 .0031 .0296 .0078 .0162 .0088 .0011 .3710 0.0105 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0061 .1323 .0001 .0021 .0148 .0102 .0030 .0019 .0009 .0007 .0004 .0018 .0012 .0015 .0002 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0231 .0085 .0028 .0385 .0191 .0093 .0057 .0017 .0086 .0042 .0265 .0079 .0163 .0088 .0011 .3736 0.0066 .0003 .0017 .0001 .0057 .0991 .0002 .0021 .0088 .0161 .0055 .0046 .0008 .0006 .0023 .0114 .0014 .0014 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0177 .0092 .0029 .0375 .0175 .0090 .0053 .0015 .0086 .0030 .0269 .0073 .0149 .0081 .0010 .3411 0.0181 .0003 .0023 .0004 .0063 .0867 .0003 .0023 .0021 .0058 .0190 .0022 .0008 .0009 .0003 .0016 .0014 .0014 .0002 .0005 .0007 .0006 .0332 .0067 .0027 .0527 .0189 .0126 .0059 .0018 .0038 .0030 .0314 .0079 .0158 .0096 .0011 .3613 0.0526 .0023 .0001 .0072 .0664 .0001 .0019 .0025 .0055 .0030 .0008' .0008 .0005 .0003 .0011 .0013 .0013 .0002 .0008 .0004 .0006 .0303 .0060 .0028 .0522 .0177 .0106 .0062 .0022 .0073 .0030 .0219 .0072 .0149 .0084 .0010 .3413 0.0272 .0032 .0001 .0070 .0934 .0001 .0020 .0032 .0089 .0029 .0009 .0008 .0005 .0003 .0011 .0019 .0014 .0002 .0005 .0005 .0007 .0305 .0070 .0065 .0521 .0186 .0098 .0062 .0019 .0073 .0031 .0249 .0075 .0156 .0088 .0011 .3577 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 61 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2001 14.2002 14.2003 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0067 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0064 .3038 .0002 .0030 .0048 .0077 .0029 .0020 .0010 .0008 .0004 .0015 .0015 .0018 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0183 .0082 .0030 .0262 .0282 .0115 .0079 .0022 .0049 .0041 .0411 .0107 .0242 0126 .0017 0.0062 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0057 .2271 .0002 .0025 .0125 .0076 .0031 .0038 .0010 .0009 .0004 .0017 .0017 .0016 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0173 .0077 .0031 .0329 .0235 .0097 .0067 .0018 .0043 .0036 .0295 .0093 .0202 .0110 .0014 0.0758 .0001 .0044 .0001 .0078 .1498 .0002 .0026 .0046 .0069 .0042 .0032 .0010 .0007 .0004 .0015 .0019 .0016 .0003 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0327 .0067 .0079 .0424 .0250 .0127 .0079 .0024 .0041 .0040 .0253 .0096 .0211 .0113 .0014 0.0220 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0067 .1813 .0002 .0025 .0100 .0083 .0033 .0031 .0012 .0026 .0008 .0038 .0019 .0016 .0002 .0004 .0008 .0008 .0206 .0077 .0031 .0459 .0232 .0113 .0068 .0020 .0043 .0037 .0313 .0094 .0199 .0109 .0014 0.0104 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0062 .1341 .0002 .0022 .0062 .0097 .0030 .0049 .0009 .0009 .0021 .0105 .0020 .0016 .0002 .0005 .0008 .0007 .0267 .0075 .0029 .0481 .0209 .0112 .0061 .0018 .0040 .0035 .0376 .0085 .0178 .0096 .0012 0.0042 .0018 .0001 .0057 .1419 .0002 .0020 .0097 .0118 .0038 .0048 .0008 .0006 .0007 .0030 .0017 .0016 .0002 .0003 .0009 .0007 .0163 .0071 .0026 .0355 .0182 .0088 .0053 .0015 .0039 .0053 .0224 .0076 .0155 .0086 .0011 Total 5538 .4617 .4838 .4549 .4068 .3561 0.0052 .0001 .0023 .0008 .0073 .1224 .0001 .0024 .0069 .0161 .0040 .0017 .0011 .0301 .0063 .0323 .0024 .0017 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0209 .0092 .0043 .0302 .0222 .0124 .0078 .0018 .0052 .0034 .0320 .0088 .0189 .0102 .0013 .4337 0.0381 .0001 .0038 .0001 .0076 .0792 .0001 .0023 .0012 .0081 .0035 .0009 .0009 .0006 .0003 .0014 .0015 .0016 .0003 .0005 .0005 .0007 .0497 .0081 .0074 .0699 .0219 .0178 .0074 .0024 .0046 .0037 .0284 .0087 .0181 .0111 .0012 .4137 0.0401 .0001 .0024 .0008 .0068 .0987 .0002 .0027 .0059 .0198 .0039 .0013 .0039 .0316 .0004 .0023 .0020 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0244 .0098 .0037 .0633 .0235 .0142 .0074 .0022 .0054 .0039 .0303 .0097 .0200 .0110 .0014 .4571 0.0020 .0012 .0005 .0035 .0505 .0001 .0013 .0026 .0140 .0018 .0021 .0053 .0196 .0003 .0011 .0016 .0010 .0001 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0119 .0065 .0022 .0325 .0122 .0083 .0070 .0011 .0034 .0020 .0190 .0053 .0104 .0057 .0007 .2381 0.0056 .0001 .0022 .0005 .0104 .1711 .0002 .0027 .0049 .0136 .0043 .0069 .0012 .0159 .0050 .0257 .0025 .0021 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0010 .0216 .0125 .0035 .0430 .0255 .0132 .0075 .0022 .0056 .0042 .0365 .0106 .0217 .0114 .0015 .4975 0.0067 .0016 .0001 .0053 .0848 .0001 .0018 .0027 .0248 .0053 .0022 .0008 .0011 .0008 .0039 .0013 .0015 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0011 .0194 .0131 .0022 .0408 .0169 .0107 .0051 .0015 .0064 .0029 .0334 .0073 .0144 .0080 .0010 .3304 0.1501 .0001 .0042 .0004 .0115 .1154 .0003 .0035 .0020 .0073 .0081 .0060 .0014 .0014 .0005 .0023 .0021 .0023 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0010 .0258 .0092 .0076 .0788 .0322 .0199 .0073 .0049 .0062 .0063 .0384 .0128 .0269 .0159 .0018 .6156 0.0077 .0013 .0030 .0293 .0001 .0010 .0007 .0026 .0012 .0008 .0004 .0003 .0001 .0006 .0008 .0007 .0001 .0003 .0002 .0003 .0132 .0032 .0025 .0519 .0089 .0062 .0029 .0009 .0019 .0016 .0122 .0038 .0075 .0042 .0005 .1727 0.0036 .0016 .0004 .0036 .0623 .0001 .0013 .0030 .0042 .0015 .0005 .0005 .0018 .0002 .0009 .0010 .0009 .0001 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0212 .0056 .0036 .0425 .0118 .0085 .0038 .0011 .0026 .0021 .0168 .0051 .0100 .0055 .0007 .2295 0.0035 .0097 .0047 .0002 .0085 .1935 .0003 .0032 .0023 .0084 .0055 .0344 .0015 .0014 .0005 .0023 .0025 .0023 .0003 .0027 .0010 .0010 .0350 .0105 .0076 .0731 .0291 .0134 .0088 .0024 .0055 .0049 .0343 .0116 .0247 .0132 .0017 .5652 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 62 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3200 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0200 17.0300 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0019 .0019 .0001 .0047 .0525 .0001 .0018 .0030 .0114 .0029 .0065 .0008 .0034 .0020 .0100 .0015 .0013 .0002 .0011 .0005 .0006 .0796 .0065 .0022 .0410 .0174 .0099 .0053 .0015 .0035 .0027 .0207 .0069 .0144 .0085 .0010 0.0054 .0018 .0002 .0052 .0836 .0001 .0016 .0052 .0109 .0024 .0041 .0007 .0071 .0006 .0034 .0012 .0011 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0006 .0269 .0067 .0035 .0382 .0152 .0081 .0046 .0013 .0036 .0026 .0208 .0061 .0129 .0070 .0009 0.0028 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0077 .3603 .0002 .0035 .0179 .0068 .0032 .0028 .0012 .0007 .0004 .0016 .0025 .0021 .0003 .0004 .0017 .0010 .0208 .0082 .0072 .0191 .0321 .0116 .0091 .0027 .0050 .0070 .0362 .0137 .0278 .0140 .0019 0.0071 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0072 .1798 .0002 .0024 .0135 .0064 .0033 .0138 .0011 .0007 .0004 .0015 .0014 .0016 .0002 .0004 .0008 .0007 .0198 .0073 .0029 .0421 .0217 .0091 .0063 .0020 .0041 .0036 .0248 .0088 .0186 .0094 .0013 0.0161 .0001 .0024 .0003 .0069 .1476 .0002 .0025 .0101 .0120 .0054 .0158 .0012 .0063 .0008 .0039 .0020 .0019 .0002 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0247 .0081 .0035 .0531 .0232 .0106 .0068 .0020 .0045 .0048 .0319 .0105 .0198 .0105 .0014 Total 3295 .2947 .6357 .4257 .4534 0.0020 .0001 .0014 .0059 .2386 .0002 .0025 .0135 .0057 .0024 .0025 .0010 .0007 .0005 .0021 .0029 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0110 .0069 .0023 .0280 .0229 .0119 .0064 .0017 .0040 .0044 .0269 .0104 .0198 .0101 .0014 .4537 0.0013 .0013 .0036 .1170 .0001 .0018 .0053 .0096 .0028 .0010 .0006 .0004 .0004 .0018 .0014 .0013 .0002 .0002 .0018 .0006 .0129 .0064 .0017 .0172 .0152 .0100 .0045 .0013 .0037 .0025 .0446 .0063 .0131 .0078 .0009 .3008 0.0158 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0070 .0036 .2038 .0025 .0021 .0042 .0043 .0029 .0010 .0011 .0003 .0012 .0018 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0008 .0007 .0146 .0058 .0041 .0317 .0226 .0113 .0064 .0019 .0036 .0077 .0347 .0091 .0193 .0105 .0013 .4422 0.0033 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0092 .0052 .3003 .0036 .0018 .0165 .0044 .0120 .0014 .0021 .0005 .0018 .0026 .0023 .0003 .0005 .0011 .0013 .0230 .0136 .0036 .0404 .0323 .0130 .0090 .0027 .0076 .0130 .0413 .0139 .0276 .0160 .0019 .6320 0.0204 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0063 .0035 .2107 .0024 .0022 .0032 .0038 .0010 .0009 .0005 .0003 .0011 .0018 .0020 .0002 .0003 .0006 .0006 .0131 .0051 .0035 .0301 .0218 .0098 .0060 .0019 .0033 .0080 .0205 .0088 .0186 .0097 .0013 .4256 0.0109 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0064 .0038 .2341 .0026 .0021 .0034 .0039 .0049 .0011 .0006 .0003 .0013 .0019 .0016 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0183 .0057 .0037 .0317 .0239 .0101 .0067 .0020 .0042 .0086 .0309 .0098 .0206 .0104 .0014 .4715 0.0018 .0015 .0001 .0043 .0023 .1287 .0018 .0015 .0026 .0034 .0049 .0006 .0004 .0003 .0008 .0013 .0009 .0001 .0003 .0005 .0005 .0135 .0041 .0024 .0227 .0140 .0070 .0041 .0012 .0022 .0040 .0150 .0060 .0120 .0062 .0008 .2739 0.0032 .0001 .0039 .0001 .0085 .0053 .3061 .0037 .0020 .0165 .0074 .0062 .0013 .0008 .0005 .0019 .0025 .0023 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0013 .0358 .0141 .0056 .0400 .0344 .0143 .0102 .0026 .0074 .0086 .0445 .0135 .0286 .0183 .0020 .6557 0.0036 .0001 .0031 .0001 .0094 .0062 .4204 .0042 .0025 .0163 .0035 .0014 .0014 .0008 .0004 .0017 .0031 .0024 .0004 .0005 .0012 .0014 .0260 .0139 .0056 .0252 .0382 .0135 .0101 .0034 .0077 .0137 .0465 .0171 .0330 .0161 .0023 .7564 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 63 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 17.0400 17.0500 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1002 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0039 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0077 .0055 .2597 .0032 .0050 .0130 .0044 .0033 .0011 .0007 .0004 .0015 .0020 .0019 .0003 .0005 .0007 .0011 .0320 .0112 .0042 .0415 .0283 .0122 .0080 .0024 .0060 .0073 .0344 .0114 .0243 .0126 .0017 0.0022 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0074 .0039 .1919 .0027 .0028 .0147 .0035 .0018 .0010 .0006 .0003 .0013 .0028 .0017 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0010 .0242 .0113 .0032 .0459 .0238 .0102 .0069 .0022 .0058 .0097 .0364 .0114 .0204 .0108 .0014 Total 5559 .4665 0.0024 .0001 .0026 .0002 .0063 .0039 .2144 .0053 .0017 .0111 .0100 .0044 .0010 .0007 .0003 .0015 .0018 .0018 .0002 .0004 .0011 .0010 .0191 .0102 .0040 .0387 .0244 .0113 .0070 .0021 .0052 .0065 .0371 .0098 .0210 .0109 .0014 .4809 0.0016 .0013 .0002 .0041 .0023 .1073 .0016 .0008 .0107 .0033 .0015 .0011 .0114 .0002 .0009 .0014 .0012 .0001 .0002 .0005 .0007 .0099 .0080 .0027 .0221 .0141 .0069 .0041 .0012 .0041 .0038 .0228 .0059 .0121 .0062 .0008 .2772 0.0030 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0095 .0050 .2655 .0034 .0024 .0162 .0033 .0048 .0012 .0011 .0004 .0016 .0026 .0022 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0013 .0355 .0140 .0036 .0515 .0309 .0176 .0087 .0026 .0072 .0097 .0429 .0134 .0265 .0136 .0018 0.0021 .0001 .0031 .0003 .0066 .0036 .1797 .0025 .0041 .0131 .0166 .0037 .0010 .0008 .0004 .0017 .0015 .0017 .0002 .0004 .0009 .0010 .0212 .0107 .0044 .0361 .0224 .0095 .0066 .0019 .0058 .0045 .0324 .0087 .0192 .0101 .0013 6069 .4398 0.0091 .0001 .0028 .0001 .0079 .0054 .3059 .0035 .0038 .0103 .0059 .0012 .0027 .0008 .0004 .0017 .0028 .0020 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0012 .0286 .0098 .0044 .0319 .0310 .0132 .0089 .0027 .0059 .0111 .0372 .0134 .0271 .0139 .0018 .6100 0.0024 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0061 .0043 .2646 .0029 .0061 .0126 .0052 .0059 .0010 .0006 .0003 .0014 .0016 .0018 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0011 .0184 .0104 .0029 .0266 .0264 .0112 .0073 .0020 .0061 .0079 .0355 .0105 .0228 .0114 .0016 .5224 0.0027 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0060 .0043 .2859 .0116 .0017 .0039 .0043 .0138 .0011 .0007 .0003 .0015 .0016 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0024 .0154 .0066 .0027 .0327 .0269 .0099 .0075 .0021 .0042 .0078 .0227 .0104 .0232 .0116 .0016 .5320 0.0030 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0070 .0049 .3433 .0051 .0025 .0073 .0067 .0029 .0011 .0007 .0003 .0016 .0019 .0018 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0013 .0168 .0067 .0035 .0269 .0302 .0131 .0083 .0022 .0045 .0107 .0265 .0121 .0261 .0136 .0018 .5985 0.0034 .0001 .0031 .0001 .0076 .0057 .3623 .0038 .0264 .0050 .0064 .0016 .0015 .0008 .0005 .0022 .0026 .0021 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0024 .0439 .0081 .0039 .0345 .0362 .0123 .0104 .0029 .0057 .0074 .0323 .0133 .0307 .0200 .0021 .7030 0.0033 .0023 .0001 .0050 .0031 .2049 .0021 .0013 .0027 .0053 .0045 .0007 .0005 .0002 .0011 .0014 .0012 .0002 .0003 .0006 .0005 .0139 .0047 .0034 .0266 .0197 .0078 .0058 .0016 .0032 .0049 .0186 .0073 .0168 .0089 .0012 .3858 0.0028 .0001 .0018 .0062 .0046 .0080 .3142 .0017 .0072 .0027 .0017 .0010 .0006 .0003 .0013 .0011 .0019 .0003 .0004 .0009 .0021 .0173 .0092 .0024 .0307 .0287 .0143 .0081 .0023 .0051 .0056 .0281 .0122 .0246 .0129 .0017 .5642 0.0024 .0001 .0012 .0055 .0037 .0073 .2503 .0017 .0042 .0019 .0011 .0009 .0005 .0002 .0010 .0010 .0014 .0002 .0003 .0008 .0007 .0141 .0060 .0019 .0292 .0230 .0145 .0064 .0020 .0041 .0039 .0239 .0098 .0199 .0100 .0014 .4565 0.0022 .0001 .0013 .0051 .0034 .0119 .1968 .0037 .0046 .0021 .0025 .0022 .0005 .0002 .0011 .0009 .0014 .0002 .0003 .0008 .0007 .0140 .0067 .0031 .0407 .0209 .0097 .0061 .0018 .0038 .0040 .0214 .0087 .0180 .0102 .0012 .4123 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 64 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2.— 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0500 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0800 20.0901 20.0902 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0025 .0001 .0015 .0055 .0040 .0105 .2546 .0020 .0047 .0025 .0054 .0010 .0006 .0003 .0012 .0014 .0016 .0002 .0007 .0009 .0008 .0225 .0063 .0023 .0371 .0249 .0097 .0070 .0022 .0039 .0051 .0258 .0105 .0215 .0105 .0015 .4928 0.0026 .0001 .0014 .0001 .0061 .0044 .0107 .3076 .0015 .0055 .0035 .0020 .0011 .0006 .0004 .0013 .0015 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0011 .0026 .0140 .0072 .0023 .0340 .0274 .0101 .0076 .0023 .0044 .0046 .0253 .0114 .0237 .0116 .0016 .5438 0.0032 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0079 .0054 .0069 .3212 .0022 .0071 .0095 .0064 .0013 .0008 .0004 .0018 .0019 .0035 .0003 .0004 .0009 .0023 .0201 .0104 .0030 .0415 .0332 .0326 .0094 .0029 .0073 .0184 .0332 .0137 .0287 .0144 .0020 .6564 0.0026 .0001 .0016 .0001 .0063 .0045 .0114 .2660 .0034 .0069 .0039 .0214 .0013 .0008 .0004 .0016 .0013 .0019 .0003 .0004 .0011 .0011 .0155 .0073 .0024 .0405 .0274 .0109 .0076 .0022 .0047 .0047 .0282 .0108 .0237 .0174 .0016 .5434 0.0029 .0001 .0015 .0060 .0047 .0051 .3676 .0019 .0052 .0023 .0010 .0010 .0006 .0003 .0012 .0010 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0152 .0074 .0027 .0215 .0299 .0104 .0082 .0024 .0048 .0054 .0280 .0111 .0259 .0125 .0018 .5933 0.0024 .0001 .0014 .0001 .0056 .0038 .0128 .2407 .0024 .0051 .0033 .0038 .0010 .0007 .0003 .0012 .0010 .0015 .0002 .0004 .0013 .0015 .0131 .0067 .0023 .0376 .0236 .0107 .0066 .0019 .0039 .0043 .0236 .0096 .0204 .0112 .0014 .4677 0.0086 .0009 .0020 .0001 .0057 .0030 .0002 .0020 .0008 .0026 .0033 .0033 .1661 .0007 .0020 .0084 .0091 .0019 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0098 .0042 .0016 .0207 .0190 .0085 .0057 .0014 .0028 .0029 .0186 .0068 .0155 .0141 .0011 .3550 0.0048 .0003 .0025 .0001 .0104 .0045 .0002 .0030 .0011 .0039 .0037 .0020 .3031 .0008 .0009 .0046 .0040 .0020 .0003 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0224 .0066 .0033 .0291 .0287 .0127 .0084 .0021 .0042 .0043 .0252 .0110 .0242 .0150 .0017 .5531 0.0036 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0108 .0055 .0002 .0036 .0022 .0074 .0061 .0024 .3295 .0029 .0015 .0242 .0028 .0025 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0267 .0103 .0034 .0572 .0344 .0144 .0097 .0028 .0057 .0052 .0329 .0135 .0294 .0155 .0020 .6737 0.0037 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0111 .0060 .0002 .0040 .0040 .0087 .0110 .0041 .3914 .0012 .0011 .0154 .0024 .0025 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0011 .0246 .0115 .0035 .0462 .0377 .0149 .0106 .0031 .0063 .0056 .0360 .0147 .0323 .0168 .0022 .7386 0.0041 .0003 .0024 .0001 .0090 .0044 .0002 .0029 .0013 .0043 .0088 .0023 .2834 .0008 .0008 .0038 .0033 .0019 .0003 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0236 .0070 .0039 .0354 .0277 .0127 .0080 .0020 .0042 .0041 .0245 .0106 .0235 .0133 .0016 .5384 0.0039 .0002 .0028 .0001 .0114 .0057 .0002 .0038 .0024 .0070 .0096 .0017 .3420 .0011 .0014 .0173 .0030 .0026 .0004 .0007 .0008 .0010 .0312 .0103 .0035 .0618 .0362 .0162 .0103 .0029 .0059 .0058 .0362 .0143 .0307 .0171 .0021 .7034 0.0031 .0001 .0023 .0003 .0145 .0052 .0003 .0035 .0017 .0084 .0054 .0023 .2961 .0052 .0024 .0232 .0059 .0031 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0257 .0107 .0033 .0497 .0326 .0150 .0092 .0026 .0060 .0050 .0350 .0131 .0279 .0147 .0019 .6379 0.0033 .0002 .0044 .0003 .0090 .0040 .0002 .0027 .0013 .0057 .0123 .0014 .2145 .0008 .0007 .0035 .0029 .0018 .0003 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0273 .0074 .0037 .0427 .0250 .0132 .0074 .0019 .0043 .0039 .0327 .0103 .0212 .0122 .0015 .4859 0.0040 .0002 .0027 .0001 .0123 .0057 .0002 .0038 .0018 .0069 .0057 .0018 .3537 .0011 .0011 .0085 .0037 .0024 .0004 .0006 .0010 .0010 .0306 .0096 .0037 .0539 .0358 .0166 .0101 .0029 .0058 .0057 .0379 .0154 .0305 .0186 .0021 .6978 0.0031 .0001 .0039 .0003 .0097 .0048 .0002 .0032 .0017 .0048 .0289 .0049 .2649 .0011 .0009 .0059 .0025 .0021 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0321 .0078 .0070 .0443 .0304 .0139 .0091 .0023 .0048 .0050 .0312 .0120 .0257 .0153 .0018 .5884 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 65 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 20.0903 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0034 .0001 .0030 .0002 .0110 .0055 .0002 .0036 .0029 .0080 .0111 .0041 .3444 .0015 .0012 .0116 .0028 .0024 .0004 .0005 .0009 .0011 .0247 .0104 .0054 .0453 .0345 .0148 .0098 .0028 .0058 .0051 .0343 .0142 .0294 .0157 .0020 .6744 0.0047 .0002 .0031 .0001 .0144 .0069 .0003 .0046 .0114 .0083 .0047 .0020 .4033 .0013 .0010 .0043 .0041 .0029 .0005 .0007 .0013 .0012 .0384 .0116 .0047 .0752 .0432 .0242 .0122 .0034 .0072 .0079 .0512 .0187 .0367 .0229 .0025 .8414 0.0034 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0131 .0058 .0006 .0038 .0036 .0090 .0084 .0030 .3464 .0026 .0011 .0133 .0030 .0025 .0004 .0005 .0012 .0012 .0246 .0107 .0036 .0512 .0359 .0150 .0101 .0029 .0063 .0054 .0455 .0157 .0306 .0163 .0021 0.0027 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0089 .0047 .0004 .0032 .0030 .0041 .0106 .0106 .2979 .0025 .0006 .0061 .0017 .0020 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0008 .0189 .0076 .0031 .0431 .0297 .0118 .0084 .0037 .0046 .0052 .0285 .0118 .0254 .0137 .0017 0.0034 .0001 .0031 .0001 .0137 .0060 .0003 .0040 .0025 .0077 .0094 .0092 .3590 .0015 .0013 .0144 .0029 .0027 .0004 .0005 .0011 .0012 .0276 .0104 .0044 .0520 .0375 .0141 .0108 .0031 .0063 .0067 .0410 .0160 .0317 .0184 .0022 7016 .5815 .7269 0.0032 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0104 .0051 .0089 .0037 .0021 .0058 .0046 .0112 .2800 .0011 .0017 .0068 .0023 .0020 .0003 .0005 .0011 .0016 .0194 .0079 .0027 .0393 .0296 .0219 .0084 .0024 .0049 .0045 .0309 .0133 .0253 .0134 .0017 .5802 0.0029 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0108 .0052 .0040 .0064 .0066 .0099 .0064 .0089 .2645 .0029 .0105 .0138 .0025 .0027 .0003 .0005 .0011 .0011 .0227 .0111 .0034 .0484 .0321 .0169 .0090 .0028 .0076 .0053 .0454 .0136 .0274 .0176 .0019 .6286 0.0038 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0097 .0056 .0064 .0067 .0027 .0096 .0038 .0158 .2153 .0011 .0074 .0193 .0029 .0023 .0003 .0006 .0011 .0011 .0205 .0100 .0028 .0435 .0296 .0167 .0084 .0028 .0057 .0048 .0615 .0127 .0253 .0159 .0017 .5797 0.0035 .0001 .0026 .0001 .0134 .0061 .0029 .0040 .0038 .0084 .0063 .0046 .3356 .0014 .0015 .0130 .0028 .0030 .0004 .0005 .0012 .0012 .0215 .0116 .0034 .0476 .0378 .0208 .0107 .0034 .0065 .0075 .0847 .0164 .0323 .0173 .0022 .7401 0.0029 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0096 .0053 .0029 .0035 .0040 .0077 .0061 .0051 .2790 .0010 .0063 .0143 .0025 .0026 .0003 .0005 .0010 .0010 .0186 .0105 .0032 .0441 .0331 .0252 .0093 .0028 .0058 .0053 .0784 .0131 .0285 .0144 .0020 .6522 0.0033 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0124 .0059 .0055 .0045 .0036 .0076 .0057 .0077 .3204 .0016 .0069 .0158 .0028 .0028 .0004 .0006 .0012 .0012 .0343 .0110 .0036 .0473 .0368 .0194 .0103 .0030 .0062 .0059 .0652 .0156 .0315 .0175 .0022 .7225 0.0031 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0110 .0056 .0006 .0037 .0028 .0071 .0065 .0078 .3571 .0018 .0026 .0132 .0023 .0027 .0003 .0005 .0010 .0010 .0216 .0099 .0034 .0409 .0350 .0155 .0097 .0030 .0059 .0055 .0407 .0143 .0301 .0175 .0021 .6885 0.0027 .0001 .0023 .0002 .0100 .0049 .0003 .0032 .0034 .0067 .0061 .0022 .2866 .0011 .0104 .0138 .0039 .0026 .0003 .0004 .0010 .0009 .0197 .0095 .0043 .0396 .0304 .0151 .0087 .0026 .0053 .0048 .0408 .0125 .0261 .0137 .0018 .5978 0.0026 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0125 .0047 .0058 .0032 .0020 .0072 .0044 .0086 .2604 .0011 .0161 .0101 .0024 .0024 .0003 .0004 .0010 .0010 .0196 .0092 .0031 .0442 .0291 .0117 .0082 .0024 .0051 .0048 .0305 .0124 .0249 .0135 .0017 .5692 0.0027 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0089 .0048 .0018 .0033 .0025 .0067 .0043 .0035 .3014 .0011 .0074 .0156 .0031 .0041 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0009 .0168 .0089 .0028 .0477 .0303 .0118 .0085 .0027 .0052 .0048 .0294 .0120 .0261 .0132 .0018 .5978 0.0042 .0001 .0060 .0013 .0095 .0049 .0004 .0026 .1713 .0040 .0101 .0021 .0339 .0008 .0006 .0033 .0030 .0020 .0004 .0006 .0014 .0007 .0309 .0062 .0141 .0365 .0250 .0123 .0088 .0019 .0042 .0044 .0288 .0094 .0210 .0125 .0014 .4808 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 66 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings— Continued [Dollars] 24.0200 24.0300 24.0400 24.0500 24.0602 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0704 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0025 .0001 .0044 .0008 .0088 .0036 .0003 .0024 .1877 .0040 .0065 .0055 .0154 .0007 .0006 .0027 .0023 .0016 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0006 .0239 .0058 .0077 .0336 .0224 .0100 .0068 .0017 .0038 .0037 .0228 .0086 .0189 .0108 .0013 .4336 0.0028 .0001 .0063 .0006 .0102 .0038 .0004 .0025 .1772 .0040 .0079 .0018 .0362 .0008 .0008 .0038 .0030 .0018 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0007 .0265 .0072 .0105 .0350 .0245 .0112 .0076 .0018 .0040 .0042 .0255 .0091 .0204 .0124 .0014 .4676 0.0025 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0073 .0044 .0002 .0030 .3033 .0045 .0053 .0024 .0018 .0007 .0003 .0015 .0021 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0008 .0200 .0077 .0029 .0384 .0279 .0101 .0079 .0026 .0052 .0044 .0268 .0110 .0239 .0122 .0016 .5480 0.0013 .0015 .0001 .0040 .0022 .0010 .0015 .1281 .0041 .0032 .0034 .0014 .0005 .0002 .0010 .0011 .0010 .0002 .0002 .0005 .0005 .0150 .0046 .0021 .0263 .0143 .0063 .0044 .0011 .0034 .0023 .0147 .0054 .0121 .0070 .0008 .2766 0.0028 .0001 .0071 .0016 .0139 .0045 .0004 .0029 .2325 .0045 .0070 .0019 .0138 .0010 .0007 .0024 .0038 .0019 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0008 .0294 .0068 .0145 .0354 .0276 .0110 .0082 .0021 .0048 .0046 .0319 .0120 .0232 .0135 .0016 .5318 0.0020 .0001 .0026 .0003 .0062 .0036 .0006 .0024 .1998 .0045 .0104 .0107 .0019 .0007 .0009 .0016 .0021 .0016 .0002 .0004 .0009 .0007 .0216 .0068 .0033 .0398 .0223 .0092 .0065 .0018 .0046 .0034 .0228 .0090 .0190 .0101 .0013 .4354 0.0020 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0062 .0035 .0003 .0024 .2108 .0050 .0093 .0083 .0015 .0006 .0004 .0014 .0020 .0017 .0002 .0004 .0009 .0007 .0205 .0063 .0032 .0334 .0222 .0090 .0065 .0018 .0046 .0054 .0215 .0088 .0189 .0104 .0013 .4340 0.0017 .0001 .0016 .0001 .0059 .0030 .0001 .0020 .1899 .0037 .0030 .0030 .0026 .0005 .0003 .0011 .0016 .0012 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0005 .0235 .0053 .0024 .0205 .0186 .0072 .0054 .0015 .0040 .0029 .0187 .0074 .0160 .0083 .0011 .3656 0.0028 .0001 .0051 .0001 .0091 .0048 .0002 .0032 .2982 .0051 .0058 .0124 .0038 .0008 .0004 .0019 .0025 .0020 .0003 .0005 .0010 .0010 .0333 .0081 .0117 .0366 .0305 .0110 .0090 .0023 .0063 .0052 .0291 .0120 .0261 .0144 .0018 .5985 0.0021 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0067 .0038 .0007 .0026 .2530 .0045 .0034 .0026 .0019 .0006 .0003 .0013 .0016 .0015 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0203 .0069 .0030 .0362 .0243 .0091 .0072 .0022 .0049 .0039 .0232 .0093 .0207 .0112 .0014 .4746 0.0021 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0062 .0037 .0002 .0025 .2303 .0055 .0057 .0022 .0016 .0006 .0006 .0014 .0020 .0015 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0196 .0068 .0029 .0383 .0235 .0092 .0068 .0021 .0050 .0037 .0288 .0096 .0200 .0108 .0014 .4588 0.0020 .0001 .0026 .0001 .0069 .0036 .0002 .0024 .2337 .0032 .0059 .0015 .0029 .0006 .0008 .0040 .0020 .0015 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0006 .0265 .0058 .0032 .0194 .0226 .0085 .0066 .0018 .0033 .0034 .0222 .0088 .0192 .0105 .0013 .4388 0.0031 .0001 .0026 .0001 .0093 .0057 .0002 .0037 .0070 .3567 .0042 .0015 .0017 .0008 .0004 .0017 .0018 .0028 .0004 .0006 .0021 .0011 .0416 .0186 .0030 .0283 .0354 .0160 .0101 .0028 .0060 .0055 .0501 .0159 .0301 .0170 .0021 .6901 0.0027 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0066 .0050 .0002 .0030 .0053 .2481 .0039 .0017 .0014 .0007 .0004 .0015 .0017 .0024 .0003 .0005 .0018 .0010 .0364 .0095 .0023 .0260 .0283 .0142 .0081 .0028 .0064 .0050 .0695 .0185 .0243 .0135 .0017 .5567 0.0023 .0001 .0016 .0001 .0059 .0041 .0002 .0027 .0043 .2459 .0033 .0012 .0011 .0006 .0003 .0012 .0012 .0019 .0003 .0004 .0016 .0009 .0354 .0090 .0020 .0349 .0255 .0135 .0073 .0023 .0063 .0039 .0318 .0114 .0218 .0118 .0015 .4993 0.0029 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0075 .0054 .0004 .0036 .0075 .3795 .0060 .0046 .0017 .0008 .0007 .0018 .0019 .0023 .0003 .0005 .0027 .0010 .0282 .0084 .0032 .0297 .0336 .0137 .0092 .0026 .0053 .0052 .0325 .0141 .0290 .0147 .0020 .6645 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 67 California Table A-1.2. — 39-Industry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 26.0400 26.0501 26.0502 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0801 26.0802 26.0803 26.0804 27.0101 27.0102 27.0103 27.0104 27.0105 27.0201 1 0.0029 0.0028 0.0036 0.0022 0.0030 0.0021 0.0032 0.0040 0.0035 0.0043 0.0022 0.0017 0.0021 0.0022 0.0016 0.0018 2 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 3 4 .0023 .0024 .0028 .0019 .0023 .0016 .0028 .0028 .0024 .0072 .0047 .0027 .0039 .0029 .0078 .0118 5 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0016 .0001 .0104 .0053 .0011 .0121 6 7 .0071 .0073 .0093 .0065 .0079 .0054 .0081 .0111 .0091 .0107 .0120 .0088 .0078 .0093 .0083 .0095 8 .0053 .0003 .0051 .0002 .0066 .0003 .0040 .0002 .0054 .0011 .0039 .0002 .0060 .0002 .0075 .0024 .0066 .0003 .0081 .0003 .0038 .0002 .0029 .0001 .0039 .0002 .0040 .0002 .0029 .0001 .0030 9 .0001 10 .0034 .0053 .3456 .0047 .0047 .0014 .0007 .0005 .0018 .0019 .0023 .0033 .0082 .3308 .0080 .0051 .0016 .0008 .0006 .0019 .0020 .0022 .0044 .0027 .4739 .0060 .0019 .0016 .0011 .0030 .0023 .0051 .0040 .0026 .0126 .2248 .0044 .0021 .0017 .0006 .0004 .0014 .0023 .0020 .0035 .0100 .3468 .0040 .0060 .0017 .0008 .0012 .0048 .0023 .0024 .0025 .0059 .2319 .0032 .0031 .0011 .0005 .0003 .0012 .0015 .0017 .0039 .0038 .4375 .0051 .0014 .0014 .0008 .0005 .0017 .0027 .0025 .0049 .0040 .5189 .0119 .0034 .0018 .0011 .0008 .0027 .0030 .0031 .0043 .0021 .4801 .0040 .0017 .0014 .0009 .0030 .0019 .0042 .0036 .0049 .0029 .4452 .0082 .0161 .0018 .0016 .0020 .0029 .0044 .0041 .0025 .0018 .0053 .1871 .0010 .0009 .0008 .0007 .0030 .0094 .0021 .0018 .0008 .0062 .1237 .0009 .0007 .0006 .0014 .0133 .0030 .0015 .0026 .0025 .0050 .2396 .0010 .0010 .0007 .0015 .0025 .0070 .0019 .0026 .0015 .0066 .2396 .0010 .0009 .0007 .0009 .0023 .0053 .0019 .0020 .0015 .0033 .1500 .0036 .0008 .0006 .0008 .0036 .0035 .0015 .0020 11 .0011 12 .0033 13 .1171 14 .0030 15 ... .0008 16 .0006 17 .0005 18 .0021 19 .0023 20 .0015 21 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0003 .0003 .0002 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0007 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 22 .0005 .0005 .0006 .0004 .0005 .0003 .0005 .0006 .0006 .0008 .0005 .0003 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0006 23 .0026 .0027 .0079 .0015 .0026 .0019 .0032 .0037 .0062 .0089 .0007 .0005 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0010 24 .0011 .0010 .0027 .0041 .0011 .0008 .0010 .0014 .0012 .0014 .0007 .0006 .0007 .0008 .0005 .0006 25 .0244 .0235 .0249 .0195 .0201 .0164 .0195 .0262 .0195 .0304 .0166 .0108 .0156 .0209 .0167 .0380 26 .0108 .0077 .0117 .0077 .0098 .0075 .0087 .0112 .0111 .0111 .0074 .0062 .0068 .0076 .0050 .0054 27 .0026 .0030 .0039 .0029 .0029 .0021 .0037 .0040 .0032 .0065 .0145 .0134 .0072 .0074 .0073 .0130 28 .0328 .0339 .0402 .0377 .0345 .0365 .0264 .0311 .0295 .0470 .0350 .0248 .0292 .0236 .0271 .0295 29 .0323 .0311 .0417 .0250 .0330 .0235 .0370 .0451 .0407 .0492 .0236 .0175 .0245 .0249 .0179 .0190 30 .0139 .0124 .0162 .0117 .0131 .0109 .0137 .0166 .0150 .0180 .0088 .0067 .0085 .0088 .0082 .0105 31 .0093 .0088 .0118 .0073 .0109 .0067 .0105 .0125 .0113 .0150 .0068 .0053 .0069 .0072 .0051 .0061 32 .0028 .0026 .0037 .0020 .0027 .0019 .0032 .0041 .0034 .0043 .0018 .0014 .0018 .0019 .0014 .0015 33 .0070 .0060 .0080 .0055 .0070 .0056 .0066 .0087 .0076 .0111 .0041 .0036 .0041 .0045 .0030 .0032 34 .0049 .0046 .0064 .0040 .0052 .0038 .0058 .0072 .0063 .0078 .0038 .0028 .0036 .0038 .0027 .0030 35 .0367 .0318 .0393 .0439 .0375 .0302 .0358 .0526 .0425 .0660 .0518 .0431 .0355 .0440 .0292 .0287 36 .0155 .0139 .0165 .0110 .0157 .0113 .0161 .0218 .0181 .0286 .0108 .0088 .0097 .0109 .0072 .0076 37 .0276 .0266 .0359 .0213 .0282 .0201 .0317 .0389 .0350 .0396 .0200 .0149 .0210 .0213 .0153 .0160 38 .0152 .0146 .0184 .0115 .0152 .0126 .0173 .0194 .0182 .0319 .0102 .0079 .0103 .0107 .0077 .0091 39 .0019 .0018 .0025 .0015 .0019 .0014 .0022 .0027 .0024 .0027 .0014 .0010 .0014 .0015 .0010 .0011 Total .6327 .6091 .8216 .4887 .6456 .4600 .7252 .8919 .8013 .9060 .4580 .3402 .4818 .4887 .3500 .3668 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 68 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0023 .0001 .0040 .0044 .0091 .0047 .0002 .0038 .0034 .0052 .1089 .0049 .0010 .0009 .0007 .0021 .0055 .0022 .0003 .0006 .0018 .0008 .0479 .0079 .0047 .0486 .0246 .0138 .0074 .0022 .0043 .0039 .0982 .0107 .0208 .0128 .0014 .4762 0.0017 .0001 .0037 .0021 .0065 .0031 .0001 .0020 .0026 .0146 .1122 .0018 .0010 .0034 .0007 .0041 .0015 .0015 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0228 .0070 .0044 .0344 .0188 .0235 .0059 .0016 .0037 .0030 .0418 .0080 .0160 .0091 .0011 .3658 0.0033 .0002 .0042 .0012 .0096 .0041 .0002 .0026 .0099 .0049 .1468 .0065 .0114 .0008 .0014 .0058 .0084 .0023 .0004 .0006 .0025 .0008 .0304 .0076 .0120 .0381 .0247 .0188 .0087 .0020 .0043 .0054 .0493 .0111 .0207 .0114 .0014 .4737 0.0022 .0001 .0054 .0020 .0083 .0040 .0002 .0024 .0037 .0050 .1816 .0043 .0010 .0008 .0020 .0071 .0024 .0017 .0002 .0006 .0007 .0007 .0300 .0074 .0039 .0374 .0225 .0099 .0065 .0019 .0040 .0035 .0359 .0095 .0192 .0101 .0013 .4392 0.0035 .0001 .0047 .0004 .0135 .0062 .0003 .0041 .0035 .0071 .3657 .0078 .0037 .0012 .0016 .0030 .0183 .0030 .0004 .0007 .0012 .0011 .0261 .0110 .0066 .0441 .0382 .0147 .0106 .0028 .0063 .0059 .0642 .0168 .0327 .0164 .0022 .7497 0.0022 .0001 .0052 .0010 .0094 .0047 .0002 .0026 .0014 .0049 .2257 .0021 .0010 .0008 .0011 .0051 .0019 .0017 .0002 .0005 .0011 .0007 .0221 .0070 .0031 .0366 .0239 .0101 .0068 .0019 .0041 .0037 .0355 .0101 .0206 .0104 .0014 .4710 0.0016 .0219 .0001 .0102 .0030 .0001 .0020 .0018 .0037 .1296 .0009 .0007 .0006 .0007 .0016 .0072 .0016 .0002 .0006 .0008 .0005 .0176 .0055 .0088 .0290 .0184 .0099 .0056 .0015 .0032 .0029 .0363 .0079 .0157 .0080 .0011 .3607 0.0037 .0002 .0048 .0051 .0094 .0065 .0002 .0030 .0050 .0067 .2038 .0034 .0017 .0040 .0018 .0050 .0020 .0019 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0008 .0363 .0081 .0047 .0498 .0262 .0140 .0076 .0021 .0046 .0040 .0372 .0108 .0224 .0122 .0015 .5122 0.0018 .0001 .0068 .0004 .0071 .0032 .0002 .0021 .0025 .0045 .1502 .0098 .0009 .0008 .0005 .0018 .0026 .0016 .0002 .0005 .0007 .0006 .0177 .0062 .0060 .0344 .0198 .0091 .0058 .0016 .0034 .0040 .0448 .0077 .0169 .0101 .0012 .3878 0.0016 .0077 .0005 .0071 .0031 .0001 .0020 .0017 .0038 .1698 .0010 .0007 .0005 .0005 .0018 .0026 .0013 .0002 .0005 .0006 .0005 .0166 .0053 .0066 .0274 .0183 .0081 .0053 .0014 .0030 .0028 .0235 .0070 .0156 .0084 .0011 .3582 0.0024 .0001 .0027 .0003 .0092 .0043 .0007 .0029 .0062 .0034 .2927 .0010 .0017 .0007 .0003 .0015 .0024 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0198 .0068 .0048 .0264 .0273 .0098 .0077 .0020 .0046 .0042 .0372 .0107 .0234 .0122 .0016 .5348 0.0021 .0001 .0059 .0002 .0076 .0038 .0003 .0025 .0032 .0045 .2385 .0037 .0009 .0006 .0004 .0015 .0021 .0016 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0162 .0066 .0051 .0316 .0235 .0094 .0067 .0017 .0045 .0036 .0314 .0092 .0202 .0101 .0014 .4626 0.0041 .0001 .0026 .0002 .0088 .0059 .0002 .0037 .0038 .0100 .2543 .0038 .0013 .0046 .0007 .0037 .0024 .0031 .0003 .0005 .0015 .0011 .0199 .0112 .0036 .0455 .0349 .0188 .0099 .0030 .0064 .0063 .1428 .0146 .0299 .0196 .0021 .6855 0.0016 .0001 .0022 .0009 .0053 .0038 .0001 .0019 .0063 .0083 .1439 .0059 .0008 .0014 .0007 .0034 .0032 .0014 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0163 .0065 .0026 .0374 .0178 .0079 .0052 .0015 .0036 .0027 .0226 .0074 .0152 .0082 .0010 .3492 0.0019 .0001 .0022 .0007 .0060 .0035 .0002 .0022 .0088 .0089 .1563 .0117 .0014 .0025 .0015 .0128 .0018 .0018 .0002 .0004 .0008 .0007 .0197 .0079 .0025 .0357 .0206 .0090 .0060 .0017 .0042 .0042 .0281 .0089 .0176 .0099 .0012 .4035 0.0017 .0001 .0033 .0002 .0055 .0039 .0001 .0020 .0023 .0051 .1611 .0095 .0008 .0007 .0008 .0055 .0014 .0014 .0002 .0004 .0008 .0006 .0172 .0063 .0052 .0350 .0189 .0086 .0056 .0015 .0035 .0031 .0242 .0074 .0161 .0084 .0011 .3694 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 69 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0301 32.0302 32.0400 32.0500 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0019 .0001 .0021 .0003 .0054 .0044 .0002 .0022 .0071 .0082 .1673 .0092 .0010 .0069 .0009 .0063 .0014 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0007 .0007 .0154 .0077 .0024 .0332 .0203 .0088 .0059 .0016 .0042 .0031 .0317 .0085 .0174 .0094 .0012 0.0028 .0001 .0042 .0015 .0073 .0048 .0001 .0025 .0020 .0073 .2034 .0017 .0009 .0025 .0023 .0118 .0016 .0017 .0002 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0243 .0073 .0031 .0354 .0230 .0106 .0066 .0019 .0045 .0035 .0292 .0098 .0197 .0108 .0014 0.0008 .0381 .0001 .0086 .0014 .0001 .0009 .0004 .0017 .0279 .0006 .0004 .0003 .0002 .0012 .0010 .0008 .0001 .0003 .0002 .0003 .0088 .0025 .0031 .0150 .0085 .0068 .0027 .0008 .0015 .0014 .0148 .0034 .0073 .0041 .0005 0.0018 .0001 .0133 .0001 .0074 .0039 .0001 .0021 .0056 .0050 .1715 .0015 .0009 .0006 .0012 .0088 .0013 .0016 .0006 .0005 .0009 .0006 .0178 .0071 .0033 .0308 .0199 .0115 .0058 .0016 .0036 .0031 .0232 .0076 .0171 .0088 .0012 0.0015 .0178 .0075 .0026 .0001 .0018 .0012 .0039 .1184 .0007 .0007 .0004 .0003 .0013 .0014 .0014 .0002 .0009 .0008 .0005 .0310 .0056 .0071 .0208 .0168 .0120 .0052 .0014 .0031 .0027 .0233 .0063 .0142 .0118 .0010 0.0021 .0001 .0144 .0172 .0084 .0037 .0002 .0025 .0025 .0045 .1951 .0036 .0035 .0021 .0004 .0022 .0016 .0017 .0002 .0006 .0007 .0007 .0257 .0072 .0047 .0298 .0236 .0113 .0066 .0018 .0041 .0037 .0279 .0086 .0199 .0107 .0014 0.0023 .0001 .0141 .0035 .0106 .0042 .0020 .0028 .0098 .0055 .1972 .0036 .0025 .0186 .0006 .0023 .0018 .0020 .0003 .0007 .0010 .0008 .0340 .0089 .0064 .0435 .0265 .0132 .0076 .0021 .0046 .0042 .0320 .0102 .0225 .0128 .0015 Total 3989 .4517 .1666 .3919 .3257 .4547 .5164 0.0019 .0001 .0025 .0003 .0057 .0035 .0002 .0024 .0010 .0054 .0066 .2066 .0009 .0007 .0011 .0029 .0017 .0014 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0007 .0248 .0062 .0035 .0321 .0223 .0111 .0065 .0017 .0040 .0033 .0329 .0082 .0190 .0105 .0013 .4342 0.0034 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0097 .0057 .0036 .0039 .0046 .0065 .0058 .3748 .0018 .0011 .0005 .0021 .0037 .0022 .0003 .0006 .0013 .0012 .0233 .0092 .0038 .0498 .0356 .0154 .0099 .0030 .0057 .0066 .0415 .0149 .0307 .0152 .0021 .7020 0.0026 .0001 .0086 .0002 .0085 .0046 .0002 .0031 .0022 .0060 .0119 .2618 .0012 .0014 .0004 .0020 .0026 .0019 .0005 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0316 .0071 .0063 .0328 .0321 .0125 .0104 .0022 .0047 .0052 .0379 .0112 .0247 .0239 .0017 .5662 0.0026 .0001 .0029 .0003 .0084 .0046 .0005 .0031 .0024 .0061 .0076 .2942 .0011 .0027 .0022 .0094 .0029 .0020 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0009 .0249 .0081 .0042 .0313 .0292 .0123 .0084 .0023 .0048 .0044 .0322 .0114 .0248 .0133 .0017 .5688 0.0023 .0001 .0027 .0002 .0079 .0041 .0003 .0027 .0043 .0041 .0116 .2482 .0021 .0018 .0008 .0032 .0038 .0027 .0003 .0004 .0009 .0007 .0179 .0096 .0036 .0368 .0253 .0105 .0072 .0021 .0039 .0042 .0270 .0101 .0218 .0122 .0015 .4987 0.0025 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0074 .0045 .0016 .0031 .0025 .0050 .0061 .3178 .0010 .0008 .0012 .0035 .0020 .0018 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0188 .0078 .0038 .0297 .0284 .0120 .0079 .0021 .0044 .0045 .0274 .0106 .0245 .0119 .0017 .5614 0.0033 .0001 .0032 .0003 .0066 .0099 .0002 .0025 .0021 .0044 .0113 .2019 .0009 .0006 .0003 .0016 .0013 .0015 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0007 .0195 .0065 .0038 .0447 .0229 .0100 .0066 .0019 .0082 .0052 .0254 .0090 .0197 .0103 .0013 .4487 0.0024 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0062 .0047 .0041 .0028 .0026 .0046 .0047 .2729 .0030 .0008 .0004 .0014 .0021 .0016 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0012 .0274 .0062 .0028 .0303 .0258 .0100 .0072 .0021 .0045 .0046 .0237 .0112 .0223 .0112 .0015 .5097 0.0026 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0066 .0049 .0025 .0032 .0038 .0090 .0043 .3030 .0017 .0008 .0005 .0019 .0022 .0019 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0026 .0226 .0092 .0025 .0341 .0293 .0167 .0082 .0023 .0058 .0051 .0359 .0125 .0253 .0127 .0017 .5788 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 70 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 1 .. 2 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0033 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0080 .0058 .0203 .0042 .0054 .0103 .0098 .3183 .0014 .0011 .0007 .0023 .0033 .0025 .0005 .0006 .0012 .0015 .0350 .0113 .0032 .0440 .0362 .0363 .0101 .0029 .0066 .0069 .0400 .0156 .0307 .0199 .0021 .7036 0.0034 .0001 .0041 .0001 .0091 .0063 .0036 .0042 .0041 .0080 .0049 .3016 .0013 .0008 .0004 .0018 .0019 .0025 .0003 .0018 .0009 .0013 .0858 .0120 .0043 .0392 .0353 .0156 .0105 .0031 .0128 .0072 .0403 .0172 .0303 .0160 .0021 .6943 0.0031 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0088 .0054 .0110 .0037 .0031 .0073 .0042 .3095 .0058 .0010 .0009 .0155 .0021 .0024 .0003 .0004 .0011 .0029 .0221 .0107 .0031 .0467 .0332 .0219 .0093 .0027 .0106 .0056 .0406 .0142 .0286 .0143 .0020 .6559 0.0029 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0073 .0052 .0061 .0035 .0020 .0064 .0055 .3269 .0012 .0008 .0005 .0047 .0019 .0020 .0003 .0004 .0010 .0043 .0222 .0083 .0027 .0368 .0309 .0121 .0085 .0027 .0098 .0055 .0325 .0140 .0267 .0131 .0018 .6124 0.0032 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0081 .0057 .0044 .0038 .0018 .0070 .0072 .3533 .0016 .0010 .0007 .0060 .0022 .0023 .0003 .0005 .0010 .0014 .0266 .0095 .0031 .0319 .0343 .0163 .0096 .0028 .0110 .0058 .0530 .0156 .0297 .0148 .0020 00032 .0001 .0026 .0002 .0100 .0060 .0008 .0038 .0036 .0070 .0141 .2972 .0032 .0012 .0018 .0297 .0030 .0026 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0061 .0250 .0104 .0037 .0594 .0345 .0145 .0096 .0030 .0105 .0058 .0435 .0157 .0297 .0152 .0020 6795 .6807 0.0030 .0001 .0045 .0030 .0128 .0054 .0002 .0036 .0039 .0083 .0093 .0040 .0099 .3135 .0008 .0031 .0042 .0032 .0004 .0006 .0015 .0011 .0253 .0191 .0090 .0442 .0339 .0152 .0096 .0027 .0061 .0054 .0347 .0133 .0289 .0162 .0020 .6619 0.0028 .0001 .0057 .0070 .0116 .0050 .0002 .0034 .0203 .0090 .0096 .0023 .0018 .2956 .0007 .0024 .0057 .0021 .0003 .0006 .0011 .0010 .0287 .0092 .0125 .0307 .0318 .0131 .0091 .0024 .0057 .0049 .0315 .0122 .0272 .0140 .0019 .6234 0.0021 .0001 .0037 .0031 .0156 .0037 .0002 .0025 .0018 .0044 .0045 .0012 .0017 .2085 .0006 .0044 .0018 .0019 .0002 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0322 .0068 .0101 .0240 .0239 .0155 .0072 .0018 .0038 .0039 .0274 .0090 .0202 .0109 .0014 .4622 0.0035 .0001 .0085 .0050 .0168 .0060 .0002 .0040 .0014 .0050 .0073 .0014 .0018 .3652 .0007 .0034 .0040 .0025 .0004 .0008 .0009 .0010 .0499 .0092 .0195 .0254 .0378 .0156 .0106 .0027 .0054 .0064 .0368 .0158 .0317 .0174 .0022 .7264 0.0032 .0001 .0053 .0020 .0181 .0058 .0002 .0038 .0024 .0055 .0089 .0016 .0016 .3543 .0006 .0022 .0034 .0024 .0004 .0006 .0010 .0009 .0479 .0093 .0097 .0328 .0360 .0151 .0104 .0030 .0053 .0061 .0370 .0154 .0306 .0165 .0021 .7014 0.0029 .0001 .0057 .0035 .0106 .0051 .0002 .0034 .0015 .0045 .0042 .0012 .0033 .3032 .0005 .0020 .0029 .0023 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0009 .0678 .0083 .0103 .0204 .0328 .0133 .0096 .0024 .0047 .0053 .0288 .0129 .0272 .0174 .0019 .6230 0.0041 .0001 .0111 .0073 .0203 .0071 .0003 .0047 .0015 .0065 .0081 .0018 .0021 .3455 .0008 .0031 .0046 .0031 .0007 .0011 .0010 .0012 .1323 .0109 .0207 .0328 .0467 .0192 .0144 .0034 .0066 .0086 .0451 .0185 .0378 .0295 .0026 .8652 0.0030 .0001 .0047 .0014 .0094 .0055 .0002 .0037 .0064 .0061 .0074 .0013 .0014 .3668 .0007 .0042 .0038 .0056 .0003 .0006 .0012 .0010 .0365 .0088 .0092 .0279 .0347 .0139 .0096 .0025 .0055 .0057 .0342 .0132 .0298 .0149 .0020 .6834 0.0037 .0001 .0037 .0009 .0119 .0067 .0003 .0045 .0023 .0065 .0039 .0014 .0015 .4844 .0005 .0019 .0037 .0025 .0004 .0006 .0011 .0011 .0551 .0108 .0077 .0302 .0427 .0151 .0117 .0030 .0062 .0073 .0341 .0157 .0367 .0178 .0025 .8402 0.0048 .0001 .0050 .0018 .0148 .0086 .0004 .0060 .0027 .0076 .0072 .0019 .0020 .5484 .0009 .0050 .0079 .0038 .0005 .0008 .0020 .0014 .0880 .0140 .0098 .0516 .0539 .0190 .0145 .0038 .0079 .0119 .0534 .0219 .0461 .0233 .0032 1.0561 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 71 California Table A-1.2.— 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1800 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0034 .0001 .0032 .0016 .0107 .0063 .0003 .0043 .0030 .0057 .0036 .0015 .0015 .4358 .0014 .0111 .0043 .0115 .0004 .0007 .0051 .0011 .0412 .0104 .0067 .0279 .0399 .0149 .0108 .0030 .0060 .0066 .0315 .0148 .0343 .0177 .0023 .7845 0.0038 .0001 .0041 .0035 .0120 .0066 .0003 .0044 .0028 .0070 .0078 .0015 .0019 .3784 .0013 .0030 .0057 .0028 .0006 .0008 .0022 .0012 .0843 .0107 .0182 .0449 .0417 .0162 .0135 .0034 .0066 .0076 .0392 .0166 .0354 .0191 .0024 .8118 0.0030 .0001 .0033 .0201 .0132 .0051 .0002 .0034 .0013 .0073 .0050 .0013 .0019 .3003 .0007 .0031 .0021 .0023 .0003 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0466 .0100 .0052 .0249 .0326 .0180 .0093 .0025 .0056 .0057 .0363 .0128 .0275 .0148 .0019 .6301 0.0029 .0001 .0026 .0078 .0109 .0052 .0002 .0035 .0014 .0081 .0052 .0017 .0021 .3348 .0036 .0077 .0032 .0023 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0012 .0271 .0105 .0036 .0280 .0330 .0162 .0093 .0025 .0057 .0053 .0385 .0130 .0281 .0149 .0019 .6437 0.0028 .0001 .0033 .0302 .0118 .0048 .0002 .0032 .0013 .0067 .0062 .0012 .0017 .2559 .0006 .0029 .0026 .0021 .0003 .0007 .0007 .0009 .0553 .0088 .0044 .0294 .0307 .0138 .0088 .0023 .0054 .0049 .0335 .0117 .0258 .0140 .0018 .5908 0.0022 .0001 .0060 .0121 .0109 .0039 .0002 .0026 .0051 .0069 .0068 .0025 .0014 .1854 .0008 .0028 .0029 .0022 .0003 .0007 .0006 .0008 .0422 .0082 .0138 .0246 .0244 .0121 .0072 .0019 .0048 .0040 .0287 .0096 .0206 .0112 .0014 .4718 0.0029 .0001 .0022 .0102 .0092 .0053 .0002 .0035 .0022 .0056 .0057 .0018 .0026 .3579 .0007 .0037 .0053 .0022 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0009 .0203 .0080 .0038 .0359 .0330 .0141 .0092 .0024 .0053 .0052 .0332 .0138 .0285 .0142 .0020 .6529 0.0022 .0001 .0022 .0016 .0073 .0038 .0010 .0026 .0034 .0051 .0095 .0019 .0010 .2404 .0015 .0014 .0020 .0018 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0008 .0228 .0101 .0034 .0260 .0241 .0105 .0068 .0020 .0041 .0038 .0267 .0095 .0207 .0106 .0014 .4733 0.0028 .0001 .0032 .0054 .0106 .0051 .0002 .0034 .0048 .0057 .0154 .0073 .0026 .2670 .0013 .0045 .0034 .0023 .0003 .0008 .0009 .0009 .0458 .0089 .0050 .0471 .0314 .0158 .0090 .0025 .0053 .0052 .0351 .0132 .0269 .0142 .0018 .6153 0.0031 .0001 .0024 .0007 .0094 .0055 .0002 .0037 .0041 .0057 .0062 .0067 .0043 .3685 .0013 .0093 .0031 .0023 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0244 .0093 .0037 .0381 .0344 .0132 .0095 .0027 .0054 .0052 .0320 .0137 .0296 .0147 .0020 .6772 0.0024 .0001 .0039 .0112 .0096 .0042 .0002 .0028 .0033 .0056 .0048 .0012 .0014 .1971 .0009 .0016 .0029 .0018 .0003 .0007 .0007 .0008 .0795 .0076 .0077 .0182 .0265 .0150 .0078 .0021 .0044 .0041 .0325 .0107 .0223 .0124 .0015 .5097 0.0022 .0001 .0040 .0021 .0083 .0040 .0002 .0026 .0038 .0052 .0082 .0022 .0014 .2353 .0013 .0028 .0024 .0017 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0007 .0225 .0068 .0097 .0311 .0247 .0117 .0072 .0019 .0042 .0039 .0277 .0101 .0212 .0108 .0015 .4852 0.0025 .0001 .0038 .0059 .0090 .0044 .0002 .0030 .0014 .0046 .0035 .0010 .0024 .2775 .0008 .0016 .0026 .0021 .0003 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0475 .0078 .0073 .0177 .0279 .0120 .0082 .0022 .0043 .0043 .0268 .0111 .0237 .0126 .0016 .5439 0.0031 .0001 .0050 .0233 .0127 .0055 .0002 .0036 .0025 .0065 .0101 .0021 .0017 .2906 .0010 .0065 .0037 .0027 .0004 .0007 .0008 .0010 .0526 .0100 .0093 .0383 .0344 .0153 .0101 .0032 .0059 .0052 .0385 .0140 .0292 .0162 .0020 .6679 0.0026 .0001 .0040 .0041 .0209 .0047 .0002 .0032 .0012 .0084 .0047 .0014 .0017 .0014 .2739 .0049 .0049 .0031 .0003 .0008 .0009 .0010 .0276 .0091 .0086 .0409 .0298 .0124 .0085 .0022 .0053 .0048 .0348 .0111 .0255 .0128 .0017 .5833 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 72 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0200 38.0300 38.0400 38.0500 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0021 .0001 .0028 .0110 .0189 .0037 .0002 .0025 .0008 .0034 .0029 .0010 .0021 .0032 .2091 .0021 .0040 .0030 .0002 .0009 .0024 .0007 .0262 .0059 .0105 .0224 .0234 .0107 .0071 .0017 .0036 .0038 .0259 .0092 .0201 .0104 .0014 0.0023 .0001 .0025 .0004 .0120 .0042 .0002 .0028 .0015 .0042 .0059 .0015 .0042 .0009 .2264 .0059 .0180 .0029 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0211 .0074 .0044 .0544 .0265 .0111 .0076 .0021 .0042 .0042 .0302 .0101 .0226 .0116 .0015 0.0020 .0001 .0026 .0004 .0096 .0035 .0002 .0024 .0011 .0039 .0048 .0015 .0018 .0007 .1634 .0120 .0094 .0040 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0006 .0209 .0064 .0048 .0624 .0222 .0105 .0064 .0018 .0037 .0035 .0264 .0086 .0189 .0099 .0013 0.0023 .0001 .0037 .0004 .0134 .0041 .0002 .0027 .0010 .0040 .0076 .0012 .0013 .0008 .2171 .0069 .0048 .0035 .0003 .0005 .0007 .0007 .0221 .0140 .0045 .0563 .0257 .0113 .0073 .0020 .0042 .0042 .0308 .0099 .0220 .0112 .0015 0.0032 .0001 .0028 .0042 .0187 .0058 .0002 .0040 .0013 .0078 .0038 .0022 .0022 .0018 .3793 .0046 .0066 .0037 .0004 .0007 .0010 .0011 .0219 .0134 .0066 .0358 .0370 .0137 .0103 .0027 .0060 .0062 .0541 .0138 .0317 .0156 .0022 0.0023 .0001 .0028 .0002 .0089 .0043 .0002 .0029 .0013 .0053 .0028 .0021 .0011 .0007 .2864 .0052 .0051 .0021 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0008 .0163 .0075 .0060 .0390 .0272 .0101 .0073 .0020 .0043 .0043 .0270 .0102 .0233 .0115 .0016 0.0028 .0001 .0040 .0003 .0101 .0051 .0002 .0034 .0012 .0046 .0103 .0013 .0012 .0009 .3600 .0021 .0031 .0020 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0009 .0182 .0082 .0067 .0315 .0321 .0123 .0086 .0025 .0048 .0049 .0324 .0119 .0276 .0135 .0019 Total 4593 .5172 .4334 .5042 .7264 .5337 .6323 0.0020 .0001 .0028 .0060 .0084 .0037 .0002 .0025 .0017 .0035 .0050 .0013 .0107 .0008 .2245 .0049 .0036 .0023 .0002 .0005 .0007 .0007 .0177 .0074 .0049 .0291 .0232 .0097 .0065 .0017 .0036 .0037 .0238 .0091 .0200 .0100 .0014 .4576 0.0022 .0001 .0040 .0042 .0102 .0038 .0002 .0025 .0009 .0034 .0074 .0020 .0009 .0008 .2121 .0018 .0031 .0023 .0003 .0007 .0006 .0006 .0353 .0057 .0110 .0263 .0243 .0168 .0072 .0019 .0039 .0037 .0273 .0092 .0205 .0115 .0014 .4700 0.0016 .0022 .0399 .0064 .0028 .0001 .0019 .0006 .0036 .0021 .0008 .0008 .0005 .1212 .0016 .0019 .0013 .0002 .0003 .0005 .0005 .0324 .0049 .0052 .0260 .0181 .0076 .0054 .0014 .0030 .0030 .0209 .0068 .0153 .0089 .0010 .3507 0.0016 .0021 .0002 .0062 .0026 .0001 .0018 .0007 .0024 .0022 .0023 .0007 .0005 .1151 .0012 .0022 .0020 .0002 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0402 .0046 .0039 .0476 .0170 .0073 .0050 .0014 .0026 .0027 .0186 .0066 .0142 .0078 .0010 .3260 0.0019 .0001 .0023 .0005 .0072 .0033 .0001 .0022 .0012 .0042 .0036 .0025 .0020 .0006 .1730 .0044 .0034 .0028 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0006 .0339 .0064 .0039 .0448 .0213 .0090 .0062 .0016 .0037 .0034 .0235 .0084 .0180 .0107 .0012 .4131 0.0019 .0001 .0029 .0002 .0075 .0033 .0001 .0022 .0011 .0037 .0037 .0029 .0016 .0006 .1755 .0061 .0066 .0023 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0279 .0058 .0051 .0428 .0215 .0090 .0064 .0016 .0037 .0035 .0224 .0081 .0180 .0106 .0012 .4120 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 73 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0018 .0001 .0020 .0025 .0068 .0032 .0001 .0021 .0010 .0043 .0039 .0029 .0012 .0006 .1777 .0047 .0072 .0024 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0007 .0161 .0079 .0034 .0380 .0201 .0091 .0059 .0015 .0036 .0032 .0223 .0078 .0172 .0^91 .0012 0.0021 .0001 .0022 .0003 .0079 .0038 .0003 .0025 .0014 .0054 .0066 .0044 .0016 .0030 .2100 .0056 .0044 .0036 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0213 .0074 .0032 .0477 .0238 .0113 .0068 .0019 .0041 .0039 .0265 .0096 .0204 .0108 .0014 0.0029 .0001 .0029 .0008 .0121 .0052 .0002 .0035 .0014 .0055 .0031 .0015 .0015 .0011 .3626 .0021 .0123 .0028 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0009 .0185 .0172 .0058 .0242 .0330 .0137 .0091 .0025 .0051 .0075 .0306 .0124 .0283 .0145 .0019 Total .3928 .4673 .6486 0.0028 .0001 .0025 .0011 .0113 .0052 .0002 .0034 .0020 .0072 .0037 .0014 .0012 .0012 .3505 .0021 .0129 .0022 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0010 .0208 .0096 .0046 .0276 .0323 .0120 .0104 .0025 .0059 .0053 .0334 .0131 .0277 .0147 .0019 .6355 0.0030 .0001 .0032 .0011 .0113 .0054 .0002 .0036 .0022 .0071 .0047 .0017 .0013 .0102 .3450 .0060 .0154 .0026 .0004 .0006 .0010 .0010 .0221 .0095 .0051 .0326 .0342 .0169 .0097 .0029 .0068 .0054 .0348 .0135 .0292 .0162 .0020 .6680 0.0021 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0072 .0039 .0002 .0026 .0015 .0060 .0035 .0064 .0010 .0006 .2300 .0111 .0026 .0021 .0003 .0004 .0012 .0007 .0264 .0074 .0049 .0319 .0242 .0098 .0070 .0019 .0042 .0040 .0248 .0099 .0208 .0109 .0014 0.0018 .0001 .0019 .0002 .0064 .0033 .0001 .0022 .0016 .0126 .0063 .0013 .0013 .0006 .0295 .1506 .0027 .0018 .0002 .0003 .0006 .0007 .0184 .0066 .0034 .0404 .0204 .0093 .0060 .0017 .0041 .0032 .0232 .0080 .0174 .0096 .0012 4753 .3989 0.0023 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0083 .0042 .0002 .0028 .0016 .0054 .0085 .0014 .0011 .0008 .0201 .2371 .0041 .0023 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0008 .0201 .0098 .0040 .0472 .0263 .0106 .0076 .0021 .0046 .0042 .0264 .0105 .0225 .0120 .0015 .5144 0.0024 .0001 .0024 .0004 .0099 .0045 .0002 .0030 .0045 .0046 .0050 .0019 .0012 .0010 .0093 .2876 .0052 .0025 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0008 .0179 .0077 .0053 .0361 .0279 .0124 .0079 .0022 .0042 .0046 .0274 .0114 .0240 .0120 .0016 .5507 0.0024 .0001 .0019 .0002 .0095 .0044 .0002 .0029 .0023 .0054 .0045 .0073 .0012 .0016 .0307 .2536 .0064 .0029 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0008 .0157 .0087 .0032 .0362 .0275 .0124 .0079 .0021 .0044 .0044 .0298 .0117 .0236 .0122 .0016 .5414 0.0024 .0001 .0018 .0002 .0086 .0044 .0002 .0029 .0021 .0049 .0031 .0012 .0015 .0012 .0134 .2670 .0127 .0062 .0003 .0005 .0061 .0013 .0164 .0077 .0029 .0385 .0276 .0122 .0078 .0023 .0043 .0044 .0288 .0112 .0237 .0120 .0016 .5433 0.0028 .0001 .0023 .0002 .0143 .0051 .0002 .0034 .0014 .0047 .0048 .0031 .0014 .0010 .0165 .3148 .0039 .0036 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0009 .0205 .0162 .0033 .0475 .0323 .0134 .0091 .0026 .0067 .0049 .0298 .0125 .0275 .0146 .0019 .6289 0.0025 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0147 .0046 .0002 .0030 .0019 .0064 .0035 .0024 .0017 .0067 .0227 .2645 .0038 .0028 .0003 .0004 .0009 .0009 .0197 .0095 .0033 .0385 .0288 .0117 .0082 .0024 .0066 .0043 .0296 .0118 .0245 .0130 .0017 .5600 0.0029 .0001 .0025 .0007 .0161 .0054 .0002 .0036 .0014 .0051 .0042 .0028 .0016 .0014 .0162 .3262 .0080 .0038 .0004 .0007 .0011 .0010 .0207 .0092 .0035 .0549 .0340 .0135 .0095 .0026 .0079 .0051 .0353 .0137 .0289 .0152 .0020 .6611 0.0025 .0001 .0021 .0002 .0140 .0045 .0002 .0030 .0025 .0044 .0047 .0026 .0024 .0010 .0189 .2702 .0038 .0032 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0191 .0089 .0032 .0434 .0286 .0118 .0081 .0023 .0063 .0043 .0272 .0116 .0243 .0128 .0017 .5562 0.0029 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0172 .0054 .0002 X036 .0048 .0051 .0049 .0085 .0024 .0012 .0212 .3140 .0143 .0031 .0003 .0006 .0010 .0010 .0222 .0089 .0035 .0450 .0337 .0137 .0094 .0027 .0069 .0053 .0319 .0139 .0287 .0151 .0020 .6570 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 74 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2— 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings— Continued [Dollars] 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0027 .0001 .0023 .0002 .0128 .0047 .0002 .0031 .0013 .0051 .0063 .0018 .0034 .0016 .0195 .2684 .0046 .0032 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0008 .0219 .0087 .0034 .0488 .0295 .0133 .0084 .0024 .0069 .0045 .0298 .0118 .0252 .0172 .0017 .5772 0.0020 .0001 .0017 .0002 .0080 .0036 .0001 .0024 .0012 .0036 .0033 .0011 .0012 .0009 .0248 .2019 .0023 .0025 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0006 .0181 .0066 .0028 .0457 .0230 .0105 .0066 .0019 .0051 .0036 .0235 .0086 .0196 .0103 .0013 .4499 0.0029 .0001 .0020 .0002 .0084 .0053 .0002 .0035 .0016 .0067 .0032 .0014 .0013 .0009 .0128 .3599 .0083 .0024 .0003 .0005 .0008 .0010 .0180 .0098 .0042 .0348 .0332 .0160 .0093 .0027 .0054 .0053 .0351 .0127 .0287 .0163 .0020 .6570 0.0031 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0097 .0056 .0003 .0054 .0019 .0054 .0042 .0023 .0016 .0011 .0195 .2956 .0454 .0033 .0004 .0007 .0008 .0010 .0212 .0085 .0038 .0489 .0355 .0160 .0098 .0027 .0055 .0053 .0721 .0133 .0306 .0157 .0021 0.0024 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0079 .0044 .0002 .0030 .0034 .0052 .0137 .0041 .0041 .0009 .0162 .2484 .0049 .0025 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0250 .0077 .0041 .0427 .0276 .0122 .0078 .0022 .0045 .0044 .0270 .0104 .0236 .0136 .0016 7009 .5408 0.0028 .0001 .0021 .0002 .0211 .0051 .0002 .0034 .0025 .0046 .0055 .0024 .0021 .0020 .0182 .3230 .0055 .0036 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0009 .0179 .0164 .0036 .0379 .0326 .0119 .0089 .0027 .0049 .0055 .0314 .0122 .0278 .0153 .0019 .6377 0.0024 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0085 .0045 .0002 .0030 .0056 .0098 .0037 .0029 .0035 .0011 .0068 .2965 .0048 .0021 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0015 .0152 .0105 .0034 .0265 .0281 .0112 .0078 .0022 .0053 .0044 .0304 .0114 .0243 .0141 .0017 .5573 0.0027 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0086 .0049 .0002 .0033 .0036 .0086 .0033 .0023 .0039 .0012 .0135 .3078 .0050 .0025 .0003 .0004 .0008 .0010 .0168 .0150 .0034 .0445 .0307 .0121 .0086 .0024 .0057 .0048 .0327 .0124 .0265 .0137 .0018 .6072 0.0029 .0001 .0020 .0002 .0095 .0053 .0002 .0035 .0029 .0062 .0035 .0081 .0022 .0012 .0103 .3440 .0046 .0024 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0010 .0169 .0108 .0040 .0505 .0329 .0127 .0091 .0027 .0052 .0053 .0319 .0130 .0284 .0137 .0019 .6505 0.0031 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0300 .0056 .0002 .0037 .0030 .0061 .0051 .0027 .0034 .0038 .0118 .3243 .0054 .0054 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0011 .0198 .0283 .0038 .0426 .0350 .0145 .0097 .0027 .0057 .0061 .0400 .0137 .0300 .0148 .0021 .6880 0.0036 .0001 .0035 .0005 .0182 .0065 .0003 .0042 .0020 .0064 .0150 .0027 .0016 .0025 .0029 .3816 .0061 .0039 .0004 .0006 .0012 .0011 .0245 .0351 .0057 .0505 .0398 .0160 .0111 .0034 .0063 .0067 .0433 .0161 .0339 .0178 .0023 .7774 0.0029 .0001 .0035 .0005 .0096 .0053 .0002 .0034 .0016 .0083 .0240 .0041 .0012 .0012 .0056 .3004 .0039 .0022 .0003 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0240 .0094 .0050 .0486 .0319 .0135 .0090 .0027 .0057 .0050 .0335 .0126 .0273 .0143 .0019 .6251 0.0028 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0104 .0051 .0003 .0034 .0032 .0054 .0039 .0140 .0045 .0010 .0137 .3047 .0056 .0027 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0009 .0210 .0087 .0037 .0524 .0322 .0152 .0091 .0026 .0052 .0049 .0329 .0132 .0276 .0145 .0019 .6311 0.0027 .0001 .0027 .0002 .0096 .0050 .0002 .0034 .0014 .0059 .0033 .0028 .0012 .0009 .0181 .3031 .0048 .0023 .0005 .0005 .0009 .0009 .0207 .0088 .0051 .0553 .0311 .0152 .0089 .0023 .0053 .0049 .0297 .0124 .0268 .0140 .0018 .6128 0.0026 .0001 .0021 .0002 .0084 .0047 .0002 .0032 .0013 .0063 .0032 .0022 .0013 .0009 .0200 .2980 .0049 .0030 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0009 .0172 .0089 .0031 .0360 .0298 .0150 .0084 .0023 .0051 .0045 .0379 .0114 .0256 .0132 .0018 .5854 0.0019 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0066 .0034 .0002 .0023 .0127 .0051 .0027 .0053 .0012 .0012 .0269 .1609 .0025 .0019 .0002 .0004 .0005 .0007 .0305 .0064 .0035 .0343 .0217 .0122 .0063 .0017 .0038 .0034 .0220 .0086 .0185 .0098 .0013 .4229 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 75 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 1 0.0028 0.0024 0.0025 0.0024 0.0019 0.0024 0.0027 0.0023 0.0026 0.0028 0.0030 0.0032 0.0031 0.0030 0.0035 0.0029 2 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 3 4 .0024 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0014 .0017 .0019 .0016 .0023 .0018 .0020 .0022 .0022 .0023 .0025 .0023 5 .0004 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0002 6 7 .0111 .0085 .0086 .0096 .0077 .0102 .0126 .0099 .0110 .0114 .0131 .0146 .0100 .0092 .0103 .0089 8 .0051 .0044 .0045 .0042 .0034 .0045 .0050 .0041 .0048 .0051 .0056 .0059 .0057 .0056 .0065 .0052 9 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0002 10 .0034 .0018 .0065 .0042 .0021 .0030 .0011 .0053 .0025 .0022 .0031 .0014 .0048 .0027 .0021 .0028 .0012 .0070 .0031 .0030 .0023 .0024 .0064 .0026 .0051 .0030 .0011 .0051 .0029 .0022 .0033 .0012 .0071 .0033 .0021 .0028 .0010 .0079 .0027 .0042 .0032 .0013 .0076 .0036 .0021 .0034 .0013 .0068 .0031 .0027 .0037 .0014 .0067 .0038 .0059 .0039 .0016 .0055 .0040 .0027 .0038 .0013 .0057 .0035 .0019 .0037 .0013 .0051 .0037 .0016 .0043 .0021 .0073 .0043 .0025 0034 11 .0024 12 .0077 13 .0035 14 .0051 15 .0039 .0018 .0175 .3019 .0058 .0026 .0011 .0009 .0181 .0119 .2852 .0061 .0011 .0015 .0291 .0106 .2663 .0094 .0015 .0010 .0094 .0075 .2438 .0028 .0011 .0010 .0103 .0110 .1708 .0034 .0013 .0013 .0138 .0132 .2802 .0032 .0023 .0020 .0131 .0136 .3135 .0054 .0012 .0012 .0129 .0068 .2598 .0035 .0013 .0012 .0087 .0165 .2883 .0169 .0016 .0012 .0084 .0217 .3284 .0078 .0015 .0019 .0146 .0204 .3442 .0085 .0041 .0018 .0115 .0145 .3482 .0141 .0015 .0014 .0078 .0082 .3893 .0139 .0017 .0013 .0120 .0067 .3918 .0075 .0016 .0021 .0079 .0052 .4762 .0034 .0018 16 .0014 17 .0168 18 .0150 19 .2918 20 .0153 21 .0004 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0004 .0005 .0004 .0003 .0004 .0003 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 22 .0007 .0017 .0017 .0010 .0020 .0009 .0007 .0005 .0007 .0007 .0009 .0011 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 23 .0009 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0006 .0007 .0009 .0007 .0010 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0010 .0009 .0010 .0010 24 .0010 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0008 .0012 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0010 .0014 .0010 .0009 .0011 .0010 25 .0225 .0144 .0164 .0183 .0144 .0166 .0184 .0133 .0166 .0161 .0183 .0200 .0186 .0177 .0185 .0180 26 .0094 .0086 .0083 .0084 .0075 .0082 .0101 .0090 .0097 .0101 .0109 .0114 .0102 .0096 .0106 .0111 27 .0036 .0027 .0032 .0028 .0023 .0030 .0030 .0027 .0027 .0030 .0034 .0034 .0031 .0033 .0035 .0031 28 .0506 .0297 .0441 .0526 .0471 .0421 .0386 .0342 .0340 .0382 .0468 .0676 .0426 .0349 .0311 .0484 29 .0317 .0279 .0287 .0265 .0211 .0283 .0314 .0261 .0309 .0320 .0350 .0369 .0361 .0352 .0406 .0325 30 .0151 .0104 .0121 .0105 .0089 .0113 .0128 .0104 .0123 .0127 .0136 .0150 .0140 .0137 .0151 .0148 31 .0090 .0026 .0077 .0021 .0080 .0021 .0074 .0021 .0060 .0017 .0079 .0021 .0087 .0024 .0073 .0020 .0087 .0024 .0089 .0025 .0096 .0027 .0102 .0029 .0100 .0027 .0098 .0026 .0112 .0031 .0093 32 .0025 33 .0054 .0044 .0045 .0049 .0041 .0048 .0055 .0048 .0054 .0055 .0059 .0060 .0059 .0057 .0066 .0061 34 .0048 .0047 .0048 .0041 .0034 .0045 .0049 .0042 .0052 .0050 .0056 .0059 .0056 .0055 .0061 .0052 35 .0331 .0306 .0285 .0319 .0262 .0297 .0336 .0299 .0389 .0322 .0369 .0402 .0368 .0332 .0400 .0379 36 .0132 .0105 .0108 .0107 .0087 .0109 .0127 .0103 .0118 .0123 .0137 .0149 .0143 .0137 .0161 .0133 37 .0271 .0240 .0246 .0227 .0181 .0243 .0269 .0224 .0260 .0276 .0301 .0317 .0311 .0302 .0350 .0277 38 .0144 .0122 .0127 .0115 .0090 .0119 .0135 .0110 .0150 .0134 .0148 .0157 .0157 .0156 .0175 .0163 39 .0019 .0016 .0017 .0016 .0012 .0017 .0018 .0015 .0018 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0021 .0021 .0024 .0019 Total .6206 .5497 .5641 .5205 .4144 .5568 .6172 .5139 .5960 .6322 .6895 .7266 .7117 .6926 .8008 .6350 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 76 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 47.0402 47.0403 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0400 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 50.0001 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0026 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0084 .0049 .0002 .0033 .0012 .0070 .0028 .0015 .0011 .0013 .0117 .0074 .3118 .0087 .0004 .0008 .0009 .0009 .0178 .0092 .0034 .0370 .0302 .0122 .0081 .0024 .0057 .0049 .0353 .0124 .0261 .0128 .0018 0.0029 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0089 .0054 .0002 .0036 .0019 .0067 .0034 .0035 .0013 .0012 .0081 .0139 .3674 .0099 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0153 .0105 .0030 .0358 .0345 .0135 .0098 .0026 .0059 .0054 .0340 .0128 .0295 .0161 .0020 0.0033 .0001 .0023 .0002 .0118 .0060 .0003 .0040 .0018 .0076 .0036 .0036 .0022 .0015 .0157 .0113 .3763 .0123 .0004 .0007 .0010 .0011 .0213 .0111 .0034 .0522 .0377 .0165 .0104 .0030 .0068 .0058 .0410 .0156 .0324 .0161 .0022 Total 5982 .6745 .7427 0.0034 .0001 .0025 .0002 .0128 .0063 .0003 .0042 .0016 .0081 .0037 .0045 .0029 .0016 .0145 .0074 .3842 .0114 .0004 .0007 .0011 .0012 .0235 .0118 .0038 .0561 .0393 .0175 .0109 .0032 .0072 .0063 .0495 .0166 .0337 .0171 .0023 .7717 0.0030 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0106 .0055 .0002 .0036 .0037 .0076 .0033 .0046 .0028 .0015 .0203 .0102 .3056 .0096 .0006 .0024 .0011 .0010 .0206 .0116 .0035 .0585 .0339 .0155 .0095 .0029 .0065 .0055 .0417 .0141 .0292 .0149 .0020 .6696 0.0029 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0097 .0054 .0002 .0036 .0012 .0065 .0029 .0028 .0018 .0013 .0113 .0040 .3666 .0089 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0181 .0095 .0030 .0398 .0339 .0147 .0093 .0025 .0059 .0052 .0357 .0135 .0293 .0142 .0020 0.0035 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0126 .0063 .0003 .0042 .0017 .0083 .0037 .0058 .0020 .0016 .0162 .0096 .3600 .0303 .0004 .0009 .0013 .0012 .0221 .0136 .0036 .0605 .0393 .0183 .0109 .0032 .0072 .0063 .0464 .0163 .0338 .0171 .0023 6707 .7731 0.0031 .0001 .0025 .0002 .0108 .0057 .0002 .0038 .0015 .0069 .0045 .0029 .0018 .0020 .0106 .0117 .3607 .0119 .0004 .0008 .0010 .0010 .0196 .0111 .0034 .0483 .0357 .0157 .0099 .0029 .0064 .0056 .0393 .0138 .0307 .0153 .0021 .7041 0.0027 .0001 .0019 .0002 .0090 .0049 .0002 .0033 .0020 .0072 .0028 .0035 .0017 .0014 .0164 .0095 .2971 .0110 .0004 .0008 .0009 .0009 .0172 .0101 .0030 .0414 .0307 .0131 .0086 .0024 .0059 .0050 .0355 .0121 .0264 .0134 .0018 .6042 0.0030 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0107 .0055 .0002 .0036 .0019 .0053 .0031 .0013 .0014 .0017 .0151 .0044 .3590 .0026 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0009 .0196 .0088 .0043 .0470 .0342 .0136 .0095 .0025 .0059 .0057 .0379 .0140 .0294 .0146 .0020 .6729 0.0032 .0001 .0023 .0002 .0122 .0059 .0020 .0039 .0022 .0064 .0044 .0026 .0024 .0016 .0231 .0193 .3331 .0098 .0004 .0010 .0034 .0010 .0219 .0105 .0036 .0582 .0366 .0159 .0102 .0030 .0064 .0058 .0414 .0154 .0314 .0164 .0022 .7195 0.0042 .0001 .0029 .0002 .0133 .0077 .0003 .0051 .0017 .0066 .0052 .0034 .0082 .0015 .0104 .0031 .5745 .0029 .0005 .0007 .0012 .0013 .0220 .0108 .0046 .0353 .0480 .0174 .0131 .0040 .0076 .0072 .0443 .0188 .0416 .0200 .0029 .9525 0.0031 .0001 .0022 .0002 .0109 .0057 .0002 .0038 .0017 .0056 .0033 .0024 .0015 .0019 .0200 .0067 .3694 .0052 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0195 .0100 .0037 .0464 .0356 .0143 .0098 .0027 .0061 .0060 .0400 .0140 .0307 .0152 .0021 .7027 0.0032 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0115 .0059 .0003 .0039 .0021 .0061 .0034 .0036 .0020 .0014 .0102 .0129 .3641 .0229 .0004 .0007 .0012 .0010 .0209 .0106 .0033 .0503 .0368 .0150 .0101 .0029 .0063 .0056 .0389 .0151 .0316 .0159 .0022 .7248 0.0030 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0100 .0055 .0012 .0037 .0022 .0058 .0035 .0054 .0016 .0015 .0139 .0104 .3475 .0132 .0004 .0009 .0012 .0010 .0191 .0101 .0032 .0452 .0348 .0149 .0097 .0028 .0060 .0054 .0399 .0136 .0300 .0151 0021 .6859 0.0031 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0153 .0057 .0002 .0038 .0023 .0067 .0036 .0029 .0014 .0016 .0144 .0155 .3757 .0027 .0005 .0006 .0009 .0010 .0180 .0097 .0038 .0293 .0372 .0145 .0100 .0026 .0061 .0066 .0417 .0142 .0309 .0212 .0021 .7083 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change In earnings that occurs In the row Industry (or each additional dollar ol output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column Industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 77 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 50.0002 51.0101 51.0102 51.0300 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0100 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0600 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0037 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0131 .0068 .0007 .0045 .0024 .0085 .0040 .0020 .0017 .0028 .0104 .0098 .4569 .0043 .0004 .0016 .0011 .0013 .0204 .0116 .0037 .0383 .0427 .0214 .0118 .0036 .0074 .0065 .0608 .0176 .0368 0185 .0025 0.0033 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0101 .0060 .0002 .0039 .0030 .0061 .0038 .0066 .0016 .0014 .0036 .0098 .3178 .0502 .0004 .0007 .0016 .0012 .0217 .0122 .0032 .0635 .0369 .0188 .0105 .0033 .0097 .0057 .0400 .0161 .0317 .0165 .0022 0.0037 .0001 .0027 .0002 .0107 .0067 .0003 .0044 .0053 .0194 .0061 .0088 .0019 .0016 .0090 .0141 .2671 .0941 .0004 .0007 .0024 .0023 .0256 .0139 .0037 .0828 .0413 .0261 .0118 .0035 .0074 .0068 .0505 .0186 .0354 .0187 .0024 0.0032 .0001 .0030 .0002 .0096 .0060 .0002 .0039 .0026 .0060 .0062 .0044 .0015 .0014 .0123 .0122 .3208 .0422 .0004 .0006 .0016 .0011 .0217 .0116 .0035 .0450 .0373 .0205 .0107 .0029 .0060 .0058 .0517 .0164 .0316 .0180 .0022 0.0034 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0102 .0062 .0003 .0041 .0053 .0068 .0080 .0307 .0019 .0016 .0044 .0129 .2955 .0241 .0004 .0006 .0014 .0014 .0221 .0126 .0035 .0774 .0380 .0215 .0107 .0033 .0064 .0060 .0588 .0163 .0327 .0166 .0022 0.0032 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0127 .0059 .0003 .0039 .0028 .0065 .0053 .0054 .0024 .0015 .0118 .0314 .3258 .0167 .0004 .0007 .0012 .0022 .0222 .0112 .0037 .0529 .0364 .0150 .0103 .0029 .0067 .0060 .0439 .0156 .0314 .0157 .0022 0.0032 .0001 .0054 .0001 .0112 .0058 .0003 .0039 .0032 .0076 .0059 .0083 .0036 .0017 .0108 .0095 .3298 .0161 .0006 .0007 .0009 .0011 .0207 .0104 .0034 .0535 .0387 .0166 .0122 .0030 .0065 .0058 .0418 .0150 .0313 .0252 .0021 Total .8424 .7259 .8108 .7246 .7499 .7187 .7160 0.0025 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0086 .0046 .0002 .0030 .0022 .0067 .0035 .0030 .0026 .0015 .0113 .0104 .2488 .0168 .0003 .0007 .0044 .0012 .0168 .0091 .0031 .0557 .0286 .0117 .0080 .0022 .0057 .0045 .0329 .0116 .0246 .0127 .0017 .5634 0.0027 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0093 .0050 .0002 .0033 .0018 .0069 .0036 .0029 .0012 .0011 .0109 .0131 .2946 .0077 .0003 .0008 .0241 .0009 .0168 .0101 .0033 .0316 .0309 .0147 .0086 .0023 .0056 .0051 .0362 .0124 .0267 .0133 .0018 .6122 0.0028 .0001 .0021 .0011 .0133 .0051 .0002 .0034 .0028 .0069 .0053 .0043 .0023 .0015 .0090 .0213 .2892 .0112 .0003 .0007 .0011 .0010 .0216 .0122 .0030 .0495 .0322 .0127 .0090 .0027 .0061 .0052 .0363 .0131 .0276 .0139 .0019 .6321 0.0035 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0100 .0065 .0003 .0043 .0021 .0084 .0038 .0037 .0016 .0017 .0033 .0122 .0094 .4512 .0004 .0007 .0019 .0012 .0172 .0136 .0034 .0476 .0405 .0153 .0108 .0033 .0067 .0062 .0392 .0160 .0350 .0169 .0024 .8024 0.0030 .0001 .0028 .0001 .0102 .0055 .0002 .0036 .0028 .0082 .0056 .0027 .0025 .0017 .0148 .0075 .0116 .3211 .0004 .0007 .0011 .0011 .0223 .0115 .0034 .0530 .0342 .0182 .0096 .0026 .0080 .0056 .0377 .0140 .0294 .0148 .0020 .6738 0.0031 .0001 .0021 .0002 .0129 .0056 .0002 .0038 .0020 .0110 .0042 .0034 .0017 .0018 .0081 .0138 .0040 .3398 .0004 .0006 .0012 .0016 .0208 .0138 .0031 .0505 .0352 .0184 .0098 .0028 .0087 .0056 .0411 .0139 .0302 .0151 .0021 .6928 0.0030 .0001 .0023 .0002 .0096 .0055 .0003 .0036 .0026 .0092 .0039 .0035 .0016 .0025 .0164 .0091 .0049 .3295 .0004 .0008 .0010 .0011 .0215 .0119 .0035 .0485 .0342 .0172 .0096 .0026 .0081 .0054 .0384 .0140 .0294 .0152 .0020 .6728 0.0038 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0168 .0068 .0003 .0046 .0026 .0094 .0048 .0050 .0018 .0016 .0056 .0123 .0059 .4233 .0004 .0007 .0017 .0013 .0223 .0346 .0038 .0618 .0430 .0208 .0119 .0034 .0091 .0067 .0435 .0170 .0370 .0183 .0025 .8471 0.0030 .0001 .0027 .0005 .0093 .0054 .0002 .0036 .0025 .0084 .0100 .0017 .0019 .0010 .0137 .0033 .0041 .3191 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0010 .0254 .0110 .0036 .0504 .0335 .0179 .0096 .0027 .0083 .0053 .0354 .0133 .0286 .0155 .0020 .6559 Note.— Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II Iden- tifies the column Industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 78 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0600 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0400 1 0.0029 0.0030 0.0027 0.0027 0.0022 0.0025 0.0024 0.0037 0.0023 0.0024 0.0030 0.0030 0.0038 0.0029 0.0034 0.0034 2 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 3 4 .0037 .0022 .0022 .0021 .0019 .0018 .0017 .0026 .0020 .0022 .0024 .0024 .0027 .0023 .0022 .0020 5 .0007 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0003 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0002 .0001 6 7 .0098 .0112 .0097 .0091 .0080 .0092 .0081 .0125 .0081 .0081 .0096 .0103 .0113 .0088 .0101 .0096 8 .0052 .0055 .0049 .0048 .0041 .0044 .0044 .0069 .0043 .0044 .0054 .0055 .0068 .0052 .0061 .0061 9 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0002 .0003 .0002 .0003 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0002 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 10 .0035 .0018 .0077 .0059 .0156 .0037 .0100 .0097 .0045 .0071 .0033 .0055 .0068 .0062 .0035 .0032 .0042 .0066 .0060 .0087 .0027 .0043 .0068 .0043 .0050 .0030 .0052 .0074 .0048 .0057 .0030 .0052 .0079 .0042 .0083 .0046 .0026 .0067 .0060 .0078 .0029 .0041 .0064 .0055 .0033 .0029 .0055 .0071 .0041 .0014 .0036 .0043 .0071 .0058 .0047 .0036 .0026 .0067 .0052 .0036 .0046 .0044 .0090 .0053 .0096 .0035 .0026 .0396 .0055 .0080 .0041 .0029 .0086 .0061 .0208 .0042 11 .0017 12 .0076 13 .0036 14 .0037 15 .0015 .0043 .0028 .0019 .0029 .3192 .0023 .0014 .0055 .0112 .0035 .3347 .0017 .0058 .0149 .0236 .0041 .2432 .0026 .0026 .0095 .0123 .0183 .2287 .0014 .0062 .0117 .0149 .0056 .2075 .0083 .0042 .0121 .0118 .0034 .2396 .0013 .0009 .0077 .0069 .0029 .2521 .0017 .0014 .0072 .0108 .0039 .4360 .0019 .0025 .0111 .0152 .0031 .2287 .0018 .0140 .0053 .0018 .0029 .2399 .0032 .0083 .0126 .0211 .0041 .2994 .0014 .0013 .0116 .0182 .0043 .3280 .0162 .0030 .0035 .0156 .0093 .3298 .0015 .0009 .0009 .0034 .0053 .2669 .0021 .0014 .0043 .0138 .0063 .3600 .0021 16 .0011 17 .0033 18 .0086 19 .0068 20 .4417 21 .0003 .0004 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0003 .0004 .0004 22 .0010 .0111 .0005 .0006 .0006 .0005 .0005 .0007 .0005 .0004 .0006 .0005 .0007 .0005 .0006 .0008 23 .0009 .0012 .0112 .0045 .0063 .0038 .0039 .0012 .0127 .0009 .0011 .0009 .0024 .0014 .0018 .0024 24 .0010 .0011 .0012 .0009 .0017 .0015 .0054 .0021 .0013 .0009 .0018 .0010 .0017 .0028 .0013 .0012 25 .0363 .0213 .0215 .0226 .0202 .0198 .0200 .0226 .0204 .0183 .0225 .0214 .0261 .0292 .0211 .0185 26 .0105 .0141 .0107 .0094 .0083 .0096 .0101 .0128 .0091 .0092 .0111 .0116 .0139 .0133 .0134 .0126 27 .0076 .0034 .0038 .0033 .0034 .0031 .0029 .0040 .0034 .0034 .0035 .0036 .0039 .0037 .0034 .0031 28 .0358 .0369 .0593 .0746 .0498 .0407 .0383 .0847 .0447 .0548 .0541 .0477 .1011 .0580 .0625 .0379 29 .0331 .0348 .0308 .0300 .0256 .0277 .0276 .0434 .0269 .0273 .0336 .0340 .0424 .0323 .0380 .0388 30 .0167 .0182 .0150 .0159 .0118 .0124 .0167 .0210 .0120 .0151 .0175 .0176 .0190 .0130 .0167 .0154 31 .0095 .0095 .0086 .0084 .0072 .0078 .0078 .0118 .0075 .0077 .0095 .0095 .0120 .0092 .0106 .0106 32 .0026 .0027 .0024 .0023 .0019 .0022 .0022 .0034 .0021 .0021 .0028 .0027 .0035 .0028 .0030 .0031 33 .0075 .0082 .0060 .0061 .0053 .0056 .0057 .0074 .0053 .0070 .0076 .0074 .0081 .0070 .0069 .0065 34 .0055 .0059 .0051 .0049 .0042 .0048 .0046 .0071 .0044 .0046 .0054 .0056 .0283 .0054 .0059 .0058 35 .0339 .0419 .0374 .0313 .0264 .0311 .0320 .0439 .0292 .0310 .0370 .0369 .0585 .0439 .0464 .0387 36 .0129 .0133 .0124 .0122 .0103 .0114 .0110 .0173 .0106 .0115 .0134 .0141 .0176 .0134 .0150 .0146 37 .0284 .0300 .0265 .0258 .0221 .0238 .0238 .0374 .0231 .0234 .0289 .0292 .0364 .0279 .0328 .0335 38 .0144 .0151 .0135 .0134 .0112 .0133 .0127 .0187 .0130 .0122 .0149 .0148 .0205 .0149 .0168 .0162 39 .0019 .0021 .0018 .0018 .0015 .0016 .0016 .0026 .0016 .0016 .0020 .0020 .0025 .0019 .0023 .0023 Total .6500 .6869 .6069 .5903 .5055 .5446 .5446 .8573 .5299 .5364 .6626 .6692 .8346 .6383 .7517 .7683 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 79 California Table A-1 .2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Mu [Dollars] iers for Earnings— Continued 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0300 58.0400 58.0500 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0038 .0001 .0029 .0003 .0118 .0069 .0003 .0046 .0025 .0066 .0048 .0039 .0028 .0165 .0023 .0129 .0062 .4478 .0004 .0007 .0018 .0013 .0244 .0128 .0046 .0525 .0432 .0243 .0120 .0033 .0086 .0068 .0423 .0171 .0372 .0189 .0026 .8519 0.0044 .0001 .0034 .0004 .0149 .0079 .0003 .0054 .0022 .0086 .0088 .0066 .0022 .0020 .0092 .0181 .0063 .4900 .0005 .0008 .0016 .0015 .0266 .0171 .0049 .0703 .0490 .0261 .0136 .0040 .0096 .0077 .0588 .0198 .0424 .0224 .0029 .9705 0.0034 .0001 .0025 .0002 .0113 .0062 .0003 .0042 .0028 .0070 .0062 .0219 .0019 .0014 .0052 .0238 .0068 .3699 .0004 .0006 .0015 .0012 .0218 .0133 .0038 .0586 .0389 .0173 .0108 .0032 .0076 .0060 .0383 .0155 .0335 .0171 .0023 .7669 0.0030 .0001 .0046 .0006 .0098 .0054 .0002 .0036 .0033 .0100 .0121 .0146 .0014 .0010 .0090 .0029 .0032 .2728 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0011 .0310 .0116 .0047 .0691 .0340 .0197 .0100 .0028 .0092 .0056 .0395 .0138 .0288 .0164 .0020 .6587 0.0026 .0001 .0030 .0134 .0096 .0048 .0002 .0032 .0038 .0099 .0084 .0075 .0016 .0010 .0059 .0296 .0040 .2249 .0003 .0007 .0010 .0011 .0254 .0110 .0033 .0476 .0301 .0185 .0086 .0024 .0068 .0051 .0391 .0123 .0257 .0140 .0018 .5882 0.0031 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0095 .0057 .0002 .0039 .0020 .0118 .0051 .0053 .0015 .0012 .0042 .0145 .0058 .3675 .0003 .0009 .0016 .0013 .0183 .0149 .0030 .0424 .0361 .0184 .0101 .0030 .0083 .0086 .0397 .0138 .0311 .0155 .0021 .7131 0.0032 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0098 .0057 .0004 .0038 .0028 .0095 .0040 .0049 .0015 .0010 .0096 .0109 .0052 .3316 .0008 .0007 .0011 .0012 .0242 .0121 .0033 .0663 .0369 .0186 .0102 .0028 .0098 .0057 .0401 .0148 .0307 .0162 .0021 .7040 0.0047 .0002 .0032 .0002 .0205 .0085 .0003 .0048 .0043 .0125 .0061 .0073 .0030 .0018 .0107 .0100 .0129 .3531 .0005 .0008 .0021 .0016 .0292 .0151 .0048 .0608 .0447 .0230 .0126 .0039 .0106 .0074 .0965 .0376 .0383 .0204 .0026 .8763 0.0022 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0096 .0041 .0008 .0038 .0014 .0084 .0043 .0021 .0018 .0016 .0087 .0091 .0093 .0029 .2376 .0008 .0008 .0009 .0152 .0092 .0026 .0328 .0257 .0099 .0072 .0020 .0048 .0042 .0296 .0102 .0219 .0116 .0015 .5007 0.0024 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0100 .0043 .0012 .0029 .0012 .0056 .0045 .0057 .0058 .0014 .0143 .0125 .0090 .0030 .2183 .0010 .0009 .0008 .0204 .0080 .0029 .0574 .0273 .0111 .0077 .0021 .0046 .0045 .0278 .0109 .0231 .0129 .0016 .5294 0.0016 .0014 .0001 .0063 .0029 .0006 .0062 .0011 .0046 .0034 .0064 .0011 .0017 .0032 .0088 .0060 .0064 .1188 .0013 .0022 .0007 .0178 .0060 .0019 .0564 .0186 .0082 .0054 .0015 .0035 .0032 .0200 .0075 .0157 .0092 .0011 .3607 0.0024 .0001 .0018 .0002 .0092 .0043 .0002 .0029 .0013 .0066 .0036 .0044 .0013 .0023 .0195 .0088 .0139 .0039 .2512 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0155 .0083 .0031 .0251 .0293 .0103 .0077 .0020 .0047 .0048 .0277 .0104 .0233 .0204 .0016 .5347 0.0032 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0095 .0058 .0003 .0048 .0014 .0084 .0036 .0045 .0020 .0012 .0060 .0086 .0115 .0224 .0004 .3464 .0147 .0011 .0214 .0112 .0031 .0332 .0363 .0203 .0100 .0028 .0099 .0055 .0422 .0137 .0313 .0159 .0021 .7171 0.0032 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0103 .0057 .0003 .0039 .0013 .0087 .0033 .0022 .0015 .0011 .0190 .0081 .0089 .0069 .0004 .3659 .0019 .0011 .0210 .0114 .0034 .0282 .0360 .0185 .0100 .0027 .0110 .0057 .0440 .0136 .0310 .0156 .0021 .7101 0.0036 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0106 .0065 .0003 .0045 .0016 .0089 .0041 .0037 .0027 .0015 .0087 .0096 .0074 .0284 .0004 .4184 .0046 .0013 .0212 .0128 .0036 .0348 .0413 .0202 .0114 .0032 .0104 .0062 .0507 .0155 .0357 .0180 .0024 .8169 0.0033 .0001 .0023 .0002 .0249 .0060 .0003 0048 .0013 .0058 .0050 .0019 .0038 .0020 .0058 .0102 .0103 .0088 .0004 .4044 .0032 .0011 .0172 .0094 .0033 .0369 .0385 .0145 .0106 .0028 .0060 .0060 .0383 .0141 .0330 .0163 .0023 .7550 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. L 80 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0602 61.0603 61 .0700 62.0100 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 63.0100 63.0200 1 0.0022 0.0025 0.0026 0.0031 0.0029 0.0019 0.0030 0.0031 0.0033 0.0035 0.0029 0.0034 0.0028 0.0031 0.0036 0.0037 2 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 3 4 .0016 .0024 .0019 .0024 .0021 .0016 .0021 .0021 .0023 .0031 .0022 .0020 .0021 .0020 .0027 .0036 5 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0004 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0015 .0002 .0001 .0002 6 7 .0145 .0146 .0109 .0140 .0145 .0083 .0119 .0089 .0094 .0100 .0084 .0082 .0086 .0088 .0101 .0100 8 .0041 .0046 .0047 .0054 .0050 .0035 .0053 .0057 .0062 .0064 .0053 .0054 .0052 .0055 .0065 .0067 9 .0013 .0004 .0004 .0039 .0036 .0030 .0003 .0002 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0025 .0007 .0002 .0003 .0003 10 .0042 .0010 .0042 .0045 .0020 .0044 .0028 .0045 .0143 .0037 .0042 .0041 .0011 .0042 .0038 .0023 .0022 .0014 .0176 .0089 .0123 .0090 .0077 .0022 .0048 .0043 .0043 .0013 .0012 .0104 .0320 .0114 .0042 .0101 .0080 .0059 .0056 .0057 .0208 .0052 .0097 .0251 .0094 .0110 .0045 .0021 .0076 .0060 .0041 .0386 .0064 .0055 .0325 .0078 .0112 .0052 .0012 .0073 .0043 .0035 .0066 .0032 .0039 .0163 .0044 .0045 .0039 .0029 .0057 .0057 .0041 .0036 .0014 .0156 .0083 .0050 .0051 .0038 .0021 .0077 .0037 .0037 .0028 .0017 .0042 .0073 .0078 .0274 .0042 .0024 .0083 .0037 .0035 .0016 .0014 .0067 .0099 .0071 .0333 .0042 .0022 .0081 .0060 .0044 .0018 .0014 .0065 .0178 .0079 .0225 .0036 .0044 .0083 .0055 .0108 .0020 .0018 .0040 .0139 .0043 .0104 .0033 .0058 .0079 .0053 .0060 .0016 .0017 .0031 .0115 .0035 .0103 .0035 .0027 .0071 .0042 .0035 .0014 .0033 .0097 .0062 .0035 .0093 .0038 .0025 .0079 .0039 .0109 .0021 .0020 .0032 .0187 .0047 .0187 .0044 .0025 .0067 .0056 .0188 .0019 .0036 .0016 .0140 .0053 .0401 .0044 11 .0030 12 .0068 13 .0054 14 .0063 15 .0020 16 .0106 17 .0011 18 .0023 19 .0053 20 .0037 21 .0003 .0006 .0019 .0029 .0018 .0042 .0033 .0004 .0005 .0004 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0006 .0004 .0005 22 .2611 .2740 .2137 .2350 .1996 .1548 .2836 .0010 .0007 .0006 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0006 .0007 .0007 23 .0016 .0009 .0009 .0013 .0011 .0008 .0012 .3616 .4014 .4015 .3100 .2821 .3240 .2938 .3359 .4315 24 .0007 .0008 .0009 .0016 .0012 .0008 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0021 .0011 .0010 .0011 .0020 .0013 .0012 25 .0130 .0179 .0190 .0272 .0240 .0175 .0255 .0179 .0178 .0215 .0175 .0172 .0181 .0207 .0207 .0231 26 .0067 .0077 .0087 .0102 .0114 .0093 .0096 .0117 .0123 .0116 .0108 .0101 .0107 .0115 .0135 .0138 27 .0022 .0031 .0032 .0037 .0032 .0021 .0036 .0030 .0032 .0037 .0036 .0031 .0030 .0032 .0036 .0040 28 .0321 .0355 .0777 .0626 .0591 .0409 .0787 .0386 .0397 .0437 .0382 .0375 .0383 .0662 .0513 .0391 29 .0262 .0297 .0293 .0338 .0314 .0220 .0335 .0357 .0396 .0399 .0323 .0302 .0326 .0341 .0413 .0416 30 .0093 .0118 .0126 .0167 .0146 .0091 .0134 .0144 .0140 .0159 .0130 .0143 .0134 .0143 .0193 .0161 31 .0072 .0084 .0083 .0096 .0088 .0063 .0093 .0099 .0108 .0111 .0092 .0085 .0091 .0103 .0116 .0135 32 .0020 .0022 .0024 .0028 .0025 .0018 .0029 .0028 .0030 .0030 .0025 .0025 .0027 .0028 .0034 .0033 33 .0041 .0046 .0054 .0061 .0057 .0046 .0063 .0065 .0063 .0063 .0059 .0059 .0065 .0072 .0076 .0095 34 .0039 .0046 .0049 .0056 .0048 .0035 .0057 .0055 .0061 .0061 .0050 .0048 .0051 .0056 .0063 .0064 35 .0245 .0280 .0301 .0363 .0351 .0321 .0380 .0376 .0358 .0393 .0365 .0386 .0383 .0372 .0918 .0472 36 .0096 .0108 .0120 .0140 .0130 .0088 .0133 .0151 .0149 .0164 .0145 .0129 .0139 .0144 .0162 .0196 37 .0224 .0250 .0251 .0289 .0268 .0187 .0287 .0307 .0336 .0342 .0277 .0260 .0280 .0293 .0354 .0351 38 .0114 .0137 .0129 .0153 .0138 .0105 .0147 .0159 .0219 .0181 .0148 .0165 .0185 .0180 .0193 .0204 39 .0015 .0017 .0017 .0020 .0018 .0013 .0020 .0021 .0023 .0023 .0019 .0018 .0019 .0020 .0024 .0024 Total .5139 .5727 .5753 .6608 .6146 .4282 .6582 .7040 .7692 .7840 .6338 .5952 .6411 .6720 .8101 .8045 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 81 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0600 64.0701 64.0702 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0023 .0001 .0017 .0003 .0070 .0041 .0003 .0027 .0025 .0069 .0051 .0043 .0011 .0010 .0029 .0053 .0027 .0300 .0003 .0004 .2264 .0008 .0153 .0084 .0025 .0307 .0255 .0148 .0072 .0020 .0051 .0039 .0322 .0102 .0219 .0131 .0015 .5024 0.0019 .0001 .0014 .0014 .0058 .0035 .0002 .0024 .0028 .0057 .0020 .0018 .0009 .0007 .0097 .0011 .0023 .0015 .0002 .0003 .0007 .1918 .0147 .0064 .0022 .0454 .0213 .0091 .0064 .0018 .0043 .0036 .0258 .0101 .0183 .0099 .0013 .4186 0.0011 .0012 .0023 .0034 .0020 .0001 .0013 .0008 .0025 .0020 .0005 .0005 .0023 .0020 .0007 .0012 .0009 .0001 .0002 .0003 .0912 .0356 .0033 .0011 .0201 .0124 .0061 .0036 .0010 .0022 .0020 .0128 .0054 .0105 .0059 .0007 0.0027 .0001 .0020 .0007 .0099 .0051 .0002 .0033 .0040 .0074 .0028 .0012 .0013 .0010 .0083 .0034 .0040 .0022 .0003 .0005 .0011 .3132 .0262 .0091 .0055 .0325 .0307 .0126 .0096 .0025 .0055 .0050 .0365 .0152 .0265 .0132 .0018 0.0033 .0001 .0028 .0005 .0110 .0060 .0003 .0043 .0035 .0213 .0046 .0071 .0070 .0030 .0029 .0024 .0046 .0028 .0004 .0005 .0014 .3138 .0255 .0171 .0058 .0468 .0364 .0161 .0113 .0032 .0091 .0056 .0536 .0181 .0309 .0231 .0021 0.0041 .0001 .0027 .0001 .0133 .0072 .0008 .0047 .0031 .0168 .0067 .0058 .0233 .0014 .0079 .0067 .0083 .0540 .0004 .0008 .0020 .3492 .0302 .0164 .0042 .0629 .0438 .0190 .0122 .0037 .0093 .0071 .0547 .0209 .0377 .0194 .0026 2395 .6072 7085 .8636 0.0023 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0072 .0042 .0030 .0055 .0077 .0090 .0072 .0087 .0076 .0009 .0021 .0084 .0041 .0294 .0003 .0007 .0013 .1779 .0193 .0086 .0028 .0443 .0257 .0128 .0076 .0022 .0049 .0042 .0302 .0113 .0219 .0137 .0015 .5004 0.0028 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0080 .0049 .0030 .0035 .0060 .0065 .0116 .0016 .0016 .0009 .0006 .0024 .0024 .0029 .0003 .0004 .0009 .2722 .0268 .0090 .0031 .0472 .0299 .0172 .0086 .0030 .0052 .0051 .0343 .0135 .0257 .0235 .0018 .5886 0.0026 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0078 .0046 .0011 .0058 .0040 .0066 .0061 .0073 .0047 .0014 .0067 .0049 .0032 .0035 .0003 .0005 .0011 .2445 .0201 .0085 .0031 .0513 .0283 .0180 .0081 .0024 .0050 .0045 .0314 .0127 .0242 .0151 .0017 .5536 0.0032 .0001 .0031 .0004 .0100 .0058 .0032 .0039 .0062 .0236 .0047 .0255 .0017 .0049 .0012 .0073 .0038 .0031 .0004 .0007 .0013 .2573 .0257 .0185 .0039 .0518 .0360 .0295 .0108 .0031 .0097 .0078 .0542 .0164 .0305 .0265 .0021 .6979 0.0044 .0001 .0051 .0012 .0148 .0077 .0023 .0050 .0048 .0256 .0100 .0170 .0417 .0126 .0017 .0146 .0056 .0038 .0005 .0008 .0015 .2399 .0410 .0221 .0056 .1442 .0462 .0209 .0133 .0043 .0114 .0077 .0708 .0226 .0395 .0311 .0027 .9045 0.0038 .0001 .0025 .0002 .0131 .0071 .0003 .0046 .0033 .0204 .0053 .0095 .0127 .0021 .0057 .0133 .0061 .0034 .0005 .0006 .0014 .3772 .0262 .0174 .0041 .0469 .0425 .0229 .0116 .0038 .0094 .0089 .0598 .0218 .0363 .0236 .0025 .8307 0.0026 .0001 .0021 .0003 .0084 .0047 .0022 .0031 .0102 .0181 .0069 .0368 .0019 .0034 .0007 .0043 .0029 .0025 .0003 .0004 .0011 .1780 .0246 .0146 .0034 .0669 .0286 .0156 .0082 .0026 .0074 .0049 .0413 .0129 .0245 .0130 .0017 .5613 0.0342 .0001 .0033 .0001 .0108 .0207 .0004 .0037 .0039 .0181 .0100 .0134 .0016 .0012 .0041 .0026 .0044 .0027 .0004 .0005 .0012 .2453 .0265 .0153 .0036 .0472 .0348 .0180 .0101 .0036 .0082 .0059 .0520 .0173 .0301 .0258 .0020 .6833 0.0031 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0098 .0057 .0009 .0038 .0019 .0156 .0085 .0019 .0013 .0010 .0023 .0048 .0044 .0025 .0004 .0005 .0010 .3378 .0267 .0134 .0059 .0304 .0341 .0145 .0098 .0025 .0079 .0055 .0492 .0172 .0294 .0151 .0020 .6735 0.0030 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0100 .0056 .0015 .0037 .0034 .0165 .0058 .0082 .0015 .0011 .0064 .0049 .0041 .0026 .0004 .0005 .0011 .3083 .0265 .0141 .0038 .0438 .0339 .0151 .0099 .0028 .0078 .0054 .0449 .0161 .0290 .0176 .0020 .6639 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 82 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0300 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0000 67.0000 68.0100 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0059 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0107 .0057 .0009 .0037 .0030 .0181 .0070 .0025 .0160 .0012 .0033 .0064 .0046 .0032 .0003 .0005 .0012 .2989 .0285 .0147 .0034 .0445 .0342 .0154 .0096 .0029 .0082 .0056 .0478 .0170 .0295 .0156 .0020 .6746 0.0038 .0001 .0037 .0009 .0130 .0068 .0003 .0044 .0172 .0222 .0112 .0263 .0130 .0015 .0008 .0032 .0046 .0035 .0005 .0007 .0015 .2132 .0411 .0180 .0074 .0607 .0417 .0361 .0123 .0039 .0099 .0070 .1498 .0191 .0357 .0203 .0024 .8179 0.0030 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0110 .0054 .0026 .0035 .0017 .0201 .0061 .0015 .0083 .0014 .0058 .0238 .0039 .0028 .0003 .0005 .0010 .2472 .0261 .0166 .0036 .0600 .0325 .0153 .0092 .0028 .0083 .0055 .0480 .0157 .0280 .0150 .0019 .6408 0.0031 .0001 .0023 .0001 .0097 .0056 .0002 .0038 .0057 .0137 .0053 .0087 .0097 .0014 .0080 .0120 .0038 .0078 .0004 .0005 .0010 .3196 .0206 .0130 .0030 .0404 .0344 .0139 .0096 .0030 .0070 .0052 .0396 .0154 .0295 .0157 .0020 .6750 0.0036 .0001 .0030 .0002 .0157 .0059 .0005 .0047 .0065 .0171 .0092 .0035 .0102 .0014 .0043 .0082 .0141 .0028 .0003 .0006 .0014 .2244 .0248 .0135 .0032 .0534 .0328 .0160 .0093 .0029 .0076 .0054 .0600 .0225 .0277 .0162 .0019 .6350 0.0033 .0001 .0065 .0002 .0775 .0060 .0002 .0040 .0012 .0051 .0063 .0015 .0022 .0012 .0014 .0033 .0044 .0038 .0004 .0008 .0008 .0010 .3870 .0076 .0028 .0259 .0386 .0160 .0107 .0030 .0059 .0054 .0404 .0144 .0324 .0179 .0022 .7414 0.0034 .0001 .0083 .0001 .0134 .0062 .0003 .0043 .0013 .0061 .0078 .0019 .0014 .0014 .0006 .0036 .0018 .0034 .0008 .000 7 .0008 .0011 .4697 .0084 .0030 .0308 .0444 .0175 .0144 .0032 .0057 .0066 .0311 .0148 .0338 .0205 .0023 .7751 0.0039 .0001 .0060 .0001 .0113 .0068 .0003 .0046 .0014 .0058 .0061 .0017 .0015 .0010 .0005 .0025 .0018 .0028 .0007 .0006 .0009 .0011 .5207 .0129 .0032 .0301 .0483 .0163 .0143 .0040 .0065 .0066 .0353 .0164 .0368 .0274 .0025 .8423 0.0033 .0001 .0063 .0001 .0131 .0057 .0005 .0048 .0014 .0070 .0064 .0018 .0015 .0010 .0021 .0051 .0147 .0035 .0004 .0238 .0010 .0014 .2916 .0107 .0036 .0304 .0340 .0387 .0103 .0044 .0057 .0053 .0685 .0143 .0292 .0155 .0020 .6693 0.0031 .0001 .0107 .0001 .0118 .0061 .0002 .0035 .0013 .0074 .0088 .0013 .0012 .0008 .0006 .0021 .0017 .0032 .0003 .0072 .0008 .0010 .3465 .0136 .0030 .0268 .0331 .0187 .0106 .0032 .0057 .0063 .0413 .0199 .0282 .0141 .0019 .6465 0.0008 .0022 .0001 .0173 .0013 .0001 .0027 .0003 .0014 .0011 .0004 .0004 .0010 .0005 .0014 .0022 .0013 .0001 .0003 .0002 .0003 .0585 .0023 .0031 .0075 .0087 .0104 .0044 .0010 .0028 .0015 .0113 .0035 .0071 .0051 .0005 .1633 0.0046 .0002 .0036 .0001 .0130 .0084 .0003 .0052 .0024 .0115 .0047 .0024 .0027 .0011 .0005 .0024 .0027 .0035 .0005 .0011 .0011 .0016 .5376 .0204 .0034 .0272 .0488 .0422 .0234 .0057 .0083 .0078 .0612 .0286 .0418 .0237 .0029 .9564 0.0053 .0002 .0025 .0001 .0149 .0096 .0003 .0059 .0021 .0154 .0043 .0021 .0020 .0012 .0005 .0024 .0020 .0044 .0005 .0007 .0014 .0018 .6093 .0298 .0055 .0274 .0552 .0334 .0247 .0068 .0098 .0101 .0919 .0331 .0477 .0244 .0033 1.0919 0.0028 .0001 .0014 .0001 .0237 .0044 .0002 .0030 .0010 .0052 .0026 .0019 .0010 .0007 .0007 .0024 .0011 .0155 .0003 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0126 .3067 .0025 .0172 .0278 .0141 .0076 .0027 .0056 .0047 .0278 .0109 .0239 .0120 .0016 .5476 0.0036 .0001 .0019 .0001 .0130 .0069 .0003 .0042 .0015 .0095 .0033 .0017 .0016 .0011 .0005 .0022 .0016 .0135 .0003 .0006 .0018 .0012 .0196 .3115 .0027 .0225 .0375 .0178 .0101 .0039 .1098 .0089 .0547 .0174 .0323 .0182 .0022 .7396 0.0027 .0063 .0001 .0307 .0023 .0001 .0016 .0005 .0023 .0031 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0008 .0023 .0035 .0023 .0002 .0008 .0006 .0004 .0196 .0038 .1066 .0124 .0153 .0107 .0069 .0013 .0023 .0028 .0187 .0057 .0126 .0073 .0009 .2896 NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 83 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 68.0200 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0150 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 71.0202 72.0100 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0011 .0325 .0108 .0019 .0001 .0013 .0004 .0019 .0013 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0002 .0011 .0007 .0010 .0001 .0002 .0004 .0003 .0071 .0027 .1025 .0067 .0122 .0076 .0035 .0010 .0018 .0019 .0143 .0045 .0104 .0054 .0007 .2391 0.0046 .0001 .0027 .0011 .1041 .0066 .0003 .0043 .0059 .0088 .0089 .0170 .0021 .0121 .0021 .0125 .0038 .0064 .0005 .0007 .0034 .0014 .0271 .0191 .1668 .0530 .0402 .0325 .0626 .0044 .0104 .0115 .0683 .0188 .0340 .0182 .0023 .7786 0.0026 .0001 .0079 .0002 .0151 .0043 .0002 .0028 .0011 .0044 .0071 .0013 .0064 .0009 .0012 .0058 .0024 .0048 .0032 .0009 .0178 .0008 .0247 .0069 .1901 .0341 .0268 .0145 .0372 .0021 .0043 .0108 .0311 .0118 .0228 .0117 .0016 0.0035 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0094 .0061 .0002 .0040 .0024 .0086 .0034 .0016 .0021 .0010 .0004 .0019 .0015 .0025 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0011 .0177 .0130 .0030 .4368 .0374 .0167 .0101 .0037 .0080 .0064 .0478 .0177 .0316 .0185 .0022 0.0044 .0001 .0030 .0001 .0139 .0076 .0003 .0048 .0032 .0134 .0041 .0018 .0017 .0011 .0005 .0023 .0017 .0032 .0005 .0006 .0010 .0015 .0234 .0166 .0043 .0241 .5327 .0198 .0128 .0064 .0088 .0090 .0655 .0231 .0385 .0224 .0026 0.0045 .0002 .0024 .0001 .0147 .0080 .0003 .0051 .0023 .0126 .0039 .0019 .0017 .0011 .0005 .0022 .0020 .0041 .0004 .0007 .0014 .0017 .0423 .0185 .0034 .0251 .0471 .4858 .0176 .0055 .0083 .0072 .1007 .0239 .0405 .0273 .0028 5216 .7247 .8806 .9276 0.0043 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0102 .0077 .0003 .0049 .0017 .0109 .0038 .0017 .0016 .0010 .0004 .0019 .0019 .0035 .0004 .0008 .0011 .0014 .0318 .0174 .0033 .0228 .0464 .5249 .0131 .0047 .0101 .0069 .0894 .0224 .0401 .0195 .0027 .9177 0.0051 .0002 .0026 .0001 .0135 .0092 .0003 .0057 .0022 .0127 .0042 .0020 .0019 .0012 .0005 .0023 .0020 .0039 .0005 .0007 .0014 .0018 .0311 .0226 .0037 .0269 .0538 .0521 .6034 .0062 .0119 .0082 .0667 .0306 .0464 .0229 .0032 1.0637 0.0041 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0105 .0076 .0003 .0048 .0016 .0086 .0034 .0015 .0015 .0009 .0004 .0018 .0015 .0030 .0004 .0006 .0011 .0014 .0254 .0170 .0032 .0216 .0450 .0153 .5535 .0050 .0088 .0069 .0486 .0235 .0389 .0188 .0027 .8917 0.0062 .0003 .0001 .0174 .0007 .0001 .0005 .0002 .0008 .0010 .0003 .0006 .0005 .0002 .0012 .0003 .0007 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0027 .0013 .0003 .0039 .0078 .0041 .0100 .0018 .0008 .0007 .0090 .0019 .0036 .0020 .0002 .0815 0.0057 .0009 .0002 .0288 .0022 .0001 .0013 .0007 .0043 .0019 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0003 .0017 .0007 .0015 .0001 .0002 .0004 .0004 .0092 .0055 .0010 .0089 .0150 .0129 .0102 .0579 .0031 .0024 .0274 .0090 .0102 .0061 .0007 .2335 0.0066 .0001 .0027 .0001 .0240 .0057 .0004 .0049 .0017 .0108 .0040 .0036 .0016 .0023 .0005 .0022 .0014 .0034 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0015 .0215 .0179 .0060 .0237 .0348 .0208 .0100 .0052 .3306 .0095 .0587 .0132 .0296 .0162 .0020 .6789 0.0040 .0001 .0038 .0001 .0112 .0071 .0010 .0095 .0018 .0075 .0054 .0033 .0016 .0010 .0005 .0026 .0018 .0029 .0004 .0006 .0010 .0016 .0235 .0117 .0062 .0294 .0438 .0209 .0123 .0051 .0068 .4911 .0523 .0203 .0373 .0219 .0026 .8540 0.0052 .0001 .0025 .0004 .0154 .0063 .0004 .0046 .0016 .0121 .0045 .0030 .0018 .0142 .0007 .0031 .0014 .0028 .0004 .0006 .0009 .0091 .0260 .0139 .0036 .0313 .0398 .0179 .0108 .0041 .0070 .4182 .0497 .0149 .0342 .0182 .0023 .7832 0.0043 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0108 .0078 .0004 .0073 .0029 .0148 .0039 .0018 .0017 .0010 .0005 .0021 .0035 .0036 .0004 0006 .0037 .0015 .0235 .0149 .0034 .0270 .0486 .0233 .0131 .0052 .0079 .5182 .1137 .0191 .0421 .0254 .0029 .9635 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 84 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0105 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0031 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0082 .0057 .0002 .0038 .0014 .0053 .0034 .0028 .0015 .0012 .0013 .0037 .0103 .0420 .0003 .0005 .0010 .0010 .0156 .0099 .0027 .0354 .0360 .0127 .0096 .0030 .0057 .3891 .0280 .0133 .0310 .0165 .0021 0.0027 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0198 .0047 .0015 .0039 .0016 .0059 .0038 .0035 .0019 .0012 .0008 .0042 .0023 .0026 .0003 .0004 .0010 .0037 .0142 .0085 .0023 .0539 .0302 .0135 .0080 .0035 .0047 .2857 .0316 .0125 .0253 .0160 .0017 0.0045 .0001 .0027 .0001 .0113 .0081 .0003 .0055 .0019 .0079 .0089 .0053 .0019 .0012 .0005 .0026 .0013 .0031 .0005 .0006 .0010 .0026 .0192 .0131 .0039 .0310 .0517 .0173 .0139 .0058 .0079 .6644 .0336 .0178 .0446 .0228 .0031 0.0028 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0163 .0050 .0002 .0034 .0012 .0053 .0039 .0032 .0014 .0010 .0015 .0047 .0159 .0045 .0004 .0018 .0012 .0019 .0145 .0089 .0025 .0346 .0324 .0111 .0087 .0028 .0050 .0049 .3613 .0124 .0271 .0156 .0019 0.0051 .0001 .0028 .0001 .0112 .0076 .0003 .0053 .0023 .0079 .0082 .0021 .0017 .0011 .0005 .0024 .0017 .0057 .0005 .0006 .0010 .0015 .0208 .0133 .0034 .0292 .0481 .0190 .0131 .0040 .0075 .0079 .6198 .0195 .0411 .0229 .0028 0.0050 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0100 .0087 .0003 .0058 .0018 .0088 .0040 .0018 .0019 .0010 .0005 .0021 .0013 .0042 .0005 .0007 .0012 .0016 .0255 .0166 .0034 .0251 .0549 .0203 .0145 .0047 .0082 .0082 .7506 .0209 .0476 .0233 .0033 0.0038 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0093 .0069 .0003 .0046 .0024 .0128 .0036 .0036 .0016 .0009 .0006 .0023 .0065 .0104 .0004 .0006 .0012 .0012 .0198 .0185 .0030 .0257 .0434 .0179 .0116 .0041 .0069 .0063 .5493 .0174 .0375 .0193 .0026 Total 7092 .5793 1.0222 .6214 .9424 1.0908 .8587 0.0041 .0001 .0027 .0001 .0103 .0073 .0003 .0047 .0017 .0089 .0045 .0025 .0016 .0010 .0006 .0022 .0021 .0101 .0005 .0007 .0011 .0013 .0303 .0164 .0032 .0251 .0444 .0198 .0122 .0046 .0088 .0064 .5442 .0207 .0379 .0219 .0026 .8671 0.0050 .0001 .0029 .0001 .0149 .0085 .0003 .0057 .0017 .0079 .0044 .0026 .0019 .0012 .0006 .0026 .0019 .0107 .0005 .0007 .0023 .0015 .0255 .0176 .0040 .0283 .0530 .0225 .0143 .0045 .0281 .0081 .6691 .0218 .0457 .0230 .0031 1.0468 0.0033 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0079 .0061 .0002 .0041 .0012 .0054 .0029 .0014 .0013 .0008 .0004 .0020 .0018 .0030 .0003 .0005 .0009 .0014 .0173 .0101 .0026 .0185 .0383 .0145 .0128 .0032 .0058 .0058 .5189 .0143 .0332 .0159 .0023 .7602 0.0039 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0107 .0071 .0003 .0046 .0018 .0079 .0036 .0017 .0016 .0010 .0006 .0022 .0019 .0080 .0004 .0006 .0077 .0013 .0316 .0163 .0032 .0268 .0433 .0202 .0117 .0045 .0076 .0065 .5357 .0197 .0374 .0197 .0026 .8559 0.0037 .0001 .0021 .0001 .0096 .0067 .0003 .0043 .0027 .0099 .0035 .0027 .0015 .0009 .0005 .0023 .0021 .0053 .0004 .0006 .0014 .0015 .0211 .0155 .0029 .0239 .0409 .0160 .0110 .0038 .0068 .0059 .5247 .0185 .0354 .0183 .0024 .8097 0.0041 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0116 .0071 .0003 .0048 .0020 .0222 .0039 .0018 .0016 .0010 .0004 .0021 .0014 .0030 .0005 .0006 .0011 .0014 .0233 .0178 .0030 .0234 .0432 .0200 .0121 .0065 .0157 .0076 .5038 .0216 .0365 .0243 .0025 .8348 0.0047 .0001 .0027 .0001 .0109 .0084 .0003 .0057 .0019 .0084 .0042 .0019 .0019 .0011 .0005 .0022 .0014 .0034 .0005 .0007 .0014 .0017 .0270 .0161 .0036 .0262 .0542 .0174 .0148 .0063 .0120 .0080 .7191 .0188 .0464 .0250 .0032 1.0619 0.0051 .0001 .0026 .0001 .0111 .0092 .0004 .0062 .0021 .0094 .0044 .0024 .0020 .0012 .0005 .0023 .0020 .0039 .0005 .0007 .0013 .0017 .0224 .0144 .0037 .0277 .0580 .0276 .0155 .0058 .0121 .0091 .7825 .0217 .0502 .0264 .0034 1.1495 0.0050 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0102 .0090 .0003 .0060 .0019 .0086 .0042 .0021 .0019 .0011 .0005 .0023 .0049 .0047 .0005 .0007 .0012 .0018 .0197 .0129 .0036 .0279 .0570 .0199 .0151 .0058 .0087 .0086 .7851 .0214 .0494 .0237 .0034 1.1320 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III Identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 85 California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0100 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0302 77.0401 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0100 .0014 .0021 .0001 .0098 .0267 .0002 .0037 .0033 .0080 .0033 .0030 .0015 .0021 .0006 .0027 .0033 .0025 .0003 .0008 .0007 .0012 .0213 .0098 .0036 .0427 .0340 .0208 .0095 .0041 .0075 .0066 .0487 .3268 .0293 .0154 .0020 0.0029 .0001 .0044 .0001 .0087 .0051 .0002 .0037 .0013 .0068 .0052 .0019 .0013 .00.15 .0015 .0087 .0280 .0035 .0009 .0008 .0008 .0010 .0214 .0113 .0029 .0316 .0364 .0166 .0119 .0035 .0055 .0062 .0386 .0135 .0274 .3113 .0019 0.0027 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0078 .0049 .0002 .0034 .0012 .0050 .0047 .0014 .0012 .0023 .0013 .0098 .0030 .0041 .0072 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0148 .0085 .0026 .0318 .0688 .0115 .0083 .0030 .0048 .0143 .0279 .0123 .0264 .3032 .0018 0.0037 .0001 .0022 .0001 .0143 .0060 .0003 .0042 .0013 .0057 .0032 .0014 .0014 .0010 .0006 .0024 .0014 .0072 .0004 .0005 .0009 .0012 .0177 .0093 .0035 .0209 .0375 .0159 .0103 .0072 .0060 .0072 .0650 .0183 .0311 .4003 .0021 0.0037 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0103 .0087 .0003 .0039 .0016 .0190 .0033 .0014 .0020 .0009 .0004 .0017 .0012 .0025 .0003 .0005 .0018 .0014 .0228 .0170 .0028 .0205 .0330 .0162 .0093 .0042 .3370 .0051 .0503 .0156 .0283 .0162 .0019 0.0035 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0104 .0060 .0003 .0062 .0015 .0108 .0031 .0014 .0020 .0008 .0004 .0018 .0015 .0036 .0004 .0005 .0010 .0012 .0195 .0157 .0027 .0205 .0369 .0155 .0099 .0042 .3186 .0061 .1443 .0164 .0317 .0243 .0022 Total .6694 .6284 .6054 .7115 .6476 .7271 0.0044 .0001 .0024 .0001 .0224 .0063 .0003 .0042 .0016 .0101 .0036 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0005 .0023 .0023 .0039 .0003 .0005 .0010 .0021 .0230 .0133 .0058 .0217 .0379 .0196 .0106 .0069 .3444 .0132 .1010 .0198 .0324 .0180 .0022 .7428 0.0224 .0002 .0033 .0001 .0208 .0130 .0004 .0072 .0023 .0121 .0054 .0024 .0024 .0017 .0007 .0032 .0018 .0042 .0006 .0009 .0014 .0026 .0335 .0177 .0050 .0347 .0687 .0286 .0187 .0076 .8245 .0111 .0735 .0269 .0590 .0283 .0040 1.3510 0.0059 .0009 .0073 .0038 .0001 .0017 .0007 .0057 .0015 .0014 .0006 .0005 .0002 .0011 .0006 .0013 .0002 .0002 .0004 .0007 .0093 .0063 .0016 .0105 .0166 .0102 .0047 .0028 .1637 .0031 .0294 .0074 .0141 .0079 .0010 .3235 0.0415 .0002 .0035 .0002 .0268 .0093 .0004 .0068 .0025 .0171 .0055 .0027 .0022 .0015 .0007 .0033 .0025 .0048 .0005 .0012 .0.016 .0032 .0351 .0193 .0066 .0340 .0566 .0259 .0158 .0095 .5240 .0138 .1072 .0285 .0477 .0276 .0033 1.0929 0.0106 .0001 .0017 .0001 .0132 .0059 .0002 .0033 .0013 .0070 .0028 .0028 .0012 .0009 .0005 .0021 .0015 .0024 .0003 .0015 .0007 .0015 .0163 .0092 .0031 .0189 .0305 .0132 .0086 .0070 .3156 .0064 .0465 .0136 .0259 .0141 ..0018 .5920 0.0046 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0106 .0082 .0003 .0056 .0020 .0071 .0049 .0022 .0018 .0011 .0005 .0022 .0013 .0035 .0005 .0006 .0035 .0014 .0235 .0136 .0034 .0265 .0524 .0179 .0137 .0056 .0077 .0074 .0467 .0179 .7123 .0218 .0031 1.0383 0.0058 .0002 .0029 .0002 .0215 .0096 .0004 .0060 .0023 .0084 .0099 .0064 .0019 .0017 .0006 .0029 .0015 .0041 .0005 .0006 .0039 .0014 .0188 .0115 .0043 .0346 .0499 .0166 .0137 .0093 .0073 .0085 .0471 .0194 .6243 .0206 .0029 .9816 0.0057 .0002 .0029 .0001 .0339 .0096 .0004 .0051 .0017 .0064 .0072 .0031 .0019 .0021 .0006 .0030 .0014 .0033 .0004 .0006 .0021 .0012 .0186 .0100 .0046 .0278 .0448 ,.0159 .0122 .0054 .0065 .0080 .0391 .0171 .5521 .0191 .0026 .8766 0.0049 .0001 .0031 .0002 .0113 .0081 .0003 .0055 .0019 .0072 .0113 .0054 .0019 .0017 .0006 .0024 .0015 .0034 .0005 .0007 .0086 .0014 .0250 .0134 .0037 .0375 .0515 .0190 .0137 .0056 .0081 .0075 .0476 .0187 .6618 .0217 .0031 1.0200 0.0078 .0001 .0027 .0003 .1063 .0083 .0004 .0045 .0034 .0110 .0055 .0030 .0028 .0036 .0011 .0058 .0023 .0075 .0004 .0006 .0015 .0019 .0221 .0117 .0035 .0333 .0436 .0179 .0134 .0095 .0081 .0070 .0593 .0191 .0363 .3635 .0025 .8315 Note.— Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row Industry tor each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column Industry. Appendix II Iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. 86 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-1.2. — 39-lndustry-by-528-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0300 78.0400 79.0000 91.0000 1 0.0067 0.0102 0.0040 0.0049 0.0061 0.0051 0.0057 0.0065 0.0111 0.0060 0.0048 0.0057 0.0042 0.0058 2 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0004 .0002 .0001 .0008 .0001 .0002 3 4 .0025 .0042 .0030 .0027 .0029 .0034 .0023 .0019 .0030 .0030 .0029 .0014 .0124 .0028 5 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0003 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0001 6 7 .0485 .0191 .0157 .0401 .0517 .0202 .0166 .0073 .0189 .0355 .0115 .0050 .0420 .0106 8 .0076 .0074 .0067 .0072 .0075 .0067 .0076 .0097 .0222 .0113 .0088 .0133 .0047 .0110 9 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0003 .0010 .0002 .0004 .0003 .0004 .0002 .0003 .0004 10 .0051 .0022 .0107 .0047 .0022 .0048 .0028 .0262 .0055 .0026 .0044 .0037 .0702 .0048 .0026 .0048 .0040 .0341 .0047 .0023 .0054 .0024 .0076 .0046 .0020 .0044 .0052 .0618 .0056 .0024 .0051 .0028 .0091 .0049 .0061 .0026 .0018 .0106 .0026 .0040 .0066 .0022 .0070 .0060 .0034 .0048 .0026 .0305 .0048 .0031 .0063 .0016 .0075 .0044 .0018 .0030 .0014 .0047 .0022 .0013 .0032 .0011 .0048 .0062 .0016 .0076 11 .0018 12 .0070 13 .0049 14 .0020 15 .0021 .0019 .0007 .0035 .0022 .0051 .0018 .0016 .0007 .0028 .0020 .0098 .0016 .0011 .0005 .0024 .0016 .0031 .0021 .0015 .0007 .0032 .0018 .0037 .0022 .0018 .0007 .0035 .0015 .0036 .0017 .0012 .0006 .0027 .0028 .0035 .0098 .0012 .0017 .0158 .0019 .0034 .0012 .0007 .0003 .0016 .0008 .0033 .0018 .0014 .0005 .0027 .0013 .0032 .0019 .0018 .0007 .0030 .0015 .0042 .0019 .0011 .0005 .0022 .0015 .0030 .0010 .0009 .0004 .0024 .0011 .0018 .0012 .0013 .0010 .0032 .0023 .0073 .0023 16 .0013 17 .0005 18 .0024 19 .0013 20 .0034 21 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0004 .0004 .0002 .0004 .0004 .0008 .0003 .0005 .0006 22 .0007 .0007 .0010 .0006 .0006 .0007 .0006 .0003 .0006 .0006 .0009 .0005 .0007 .0008 23 .0018 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0011 .0009 .0010 .0013 .0010 .0007 .0008 .0012 24 .0016 .0017 .0021 .0019 .0025 .0015 .0027 .0016 .0022 .0022 .0015 .0008 .0008 .0017 25 .0259 .0244 .0474 .0479 .0222 .0435 .0221 .0149 .0208 .0340 .7711 .0156 .0205 .0203 26 .0128 .0241 .0127 .0126 .0130 .0163 .0125 .0130 .0142 .0269 .0106 .0066 .0064 .0117 27 .0034 .0042 .0039 .0044 .0036 .0038 .0039 .0028 .0054 .0047 .0037 .0024 .0207 .0042 28 .0284 .0387 .0301 .0280 .0269 .0308 .0359 .0231 .0369 .0308 .0260 .0229 .0430 .0298 29 .0484 .0460 .0410 .0424 .0479 .0392 .0479 .0247 .0433 .0450 .0565 .0277 .0310 .0712 30 .0192 .0307 .0172 .0163 .0174 .0198 .0245 .0123 .0155 .0300 .0169 .0105 .0118 .0204 31 .0143 .0144 .0116 .0124 .0175 .0138 .0144 .0068 .0119 .0124 .0150 .0073 .0093 .0183 32 .0105 .0079 .0043 .0082 .0128 .0062 .0065 .0039 .0064 .0057 .0044 .0020 .0026 .0046 33 .0078 .0142 .0077 .0137 .0116 .0166 .0094 .0065 .0077 .0138 .0077 .0056 .0046 .0094 34 .0077 .0069 .0074 .0069 .0074 .0082 .0081 .0041 .0070 .0073 .0080 .0040 .0045 .0098 35 .0520 .0792 .0527 .0663 .0399 .0630 .0599 .0319 .0639 .0672 .0351 .0267 .0321 .0349 36 .0185 .0188 .0180 .0222 .0178 .0188 .0183 .0104 .0169 .0206 .0190 .0129 .0110 .0228 37 .0410 .0392 .0352 .0361 .0405 .0331 .0414 .0213 .0374 .0387 .0487 .0240 .0258 .0620 38 .5361 .4405 .3845 .3838 .5380 .3111 .5395 .2513 .4676 .4252 .0252 .3302 .2657 .0276 39 .0028 .0027 .0024 .0025 .0028 .0023 .0028 .0015 .0026 .0026 .0033 .0016 .0018 .0043 Total .9399 .8984 .8067 .8267 .9284 .7581 .9474 .4871 .8539 .8850 1.1158 .5486 .5904 .4209 NOTE.— Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix II iden- tifies the column industries, and Appendix III identifies the row industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 87 California Table A-2.1. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Output [Dollars] 1 8 10 11 12 13 1 .. 2 . 3 . 4 ., 5 . 6 . 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1.1407 .0007 .0445 .0008 .0255 .0557 .0017 .0149 .0157 .0140 .1268 .0057 .0158 .0037 .0019 .0086 .0053 .0071 .0022 .0022 .0021 .0037 .0513 .0223 .0410 .0849 .0618 .0366 .0214 .1393 .0218 .0119 .0535 .0338 .0430 .0432 .5702 0.0677 1 .0029 .0527 .0006 .0207 .0479 .0067 .0141 .0057 .0137 .1599 .0053 .0049 .0033 .0047 .0134 .0083 .0136 .0019 .1126 .0046 .0033 .0448 .0202 .0293 .0666 .0523 .0291 .0328 .0935 .0176 .0080 .0757 .0311 .0352 .0390 .4871 0.0082 .0004 1 .0000 .0245 .0013 .0219 .0287 .0010 .0100 .0041 .0109 .0629 .0070 .0054 .0047 .0039 .0161 .0297 .0101 .0017 .0019 .0019 .0030 .0296 .0184 .0356 .0600 .0512 .0271 .0164 .1140 .0138 .0074 .0471 .0280 .0351 .0319 .4862 0.0052 .0002 1 .0273 .0003 .0433 .0140 .0005 .0047 .0022 .0091 .0264 .0022 .0023 .0024 .0014 .0085 .0049 .0053 .0008 .0008 .0011 .0016 .0154 .0118 .0229 .0206 .0258 .0153 .0101 .2126 .0075 .0037 .0362 .0155 .0166 .0149 .2296 0.0099 .0004 .0438 1.0134 .0288 .0339 .0011 .0116 .0053 .0139 .0897 .0068 .0056 .0036 .0072 .0197 .0238 .0110 .0022 .0026 .0025 .0039 .0437 .0244 .1001 .0611 .0599 .0435 .0196 .1381 .0249 .0096 .0670 .0348 .0407 .0429 .5646 0.0134 .0009 .0379 .0045 1 .0002 .0209 .0455 .0047 .0156 .0096 .0200 .1020 .0119 .0548 .0554 .0200 .0652 .0164 .0381 .0026 .0031 .0053 .0052 .0597 .0339 .0461 .1003 .1266 .0374 .0257 .1405 .0238 .0121 .1607 .0484 .0544 .0527 .7531 0.0166 .0007 .0438 .0057 1.0211 .0496 .0040 .0177 .0095 .0191 .1222 .0170 .0259 .0374 .0148 .0626 .0134 .0343 .0028 .0031 .0057 .0054 .0606 .0343 .0471 .0999 .1349 .0400 .0269 .1491 .0242 .0129 .0779 .0496 .0602 .0526 .8335 0.1617 .0055 .0277 .0017 .0173 1.1364 .0011 .0101 .0280 .0366 .0655 .0164 .0062 .0333 .0057 .0572 .0054 .0065 .0016 .0025 .0023 .0036 .0637 .0295 .0484 .1114 .0493 .0285 .0166 .0920 .0169 .0086 .0612 .0308 .0340 .0308 .4670 0.0243 .0003 .0252 .0004 .0131 .0249 1 .0429 .0139 .0106 .0154 .0612 .0212 .0034 .0025 .0012 .0045 .0046 .0053 .0013 .0015 .0022 .0037 .0390 .0201 .0426 .0702 .0416 .0220 .0134 .0745 .0123 .0126 .0463 .0264 .0288 .0251 .3980 0.0100 .0007 .0199 .0003 .0144 .0334 .0405 1.1484 .0090 .0224 .0484 .0096 .0042 .0024 .0013 .0053 .0035 .0066 .0018 .0018 .0030 .0075 .0384 .0298 .0338 .0774 .0571 .0337 .0181 .1018 .0173 .0121 .0539 .0377 .0396 .0347 .5480 0.0074 .0005 .0339 .0009 .0147 .0262 .0019 .0088 1.0773 .0130 .0826 .0151 .0234 .0024 .0030 .0111 .0053 .0054 .0015 .0018 .0023 .0028 .0598 .0202 .0551 .0660 .0449 .0213 .0148 .0801 .0143 .0077 .0436 .0275 .0307 .0284 .4251 0.0107 .0005 .0285 .0004 .0182 .0386 .0014 .0126 .0391 1.0717 .0748 .0120 .0050 .0029 .0025 .0075 .0059 .0083 .0021 .0023 .0074 .0055 .0697 .0389 .0382 .0758 .0647 .0337 .0208 .1217 .0230 .0103 .0847 .0477 .0445 .0416 .6162 0.0050 .0002 .3256 .0022 .0218 .0160 .0005 .0051 .0054 .0099 1.1118 .0056 ,0024 .0037 .0017 .0095 .0039 .0042 .0008 .0012 .0014 .0017 .0487 .0134 .0488 .0484 .0265 .0200 .0098 .1004 .0082 .0044 .0467 .0166 .0177 .0167 .2453 Total' 2.1651 2.1434 1.7751 1.5933 2.0508 2.4756 2.4028 2.2539 1.7585 1.9798 1.8556 2.0732 1.9657 1. Each column total is the sum of the entries in rows 1-38; these entries include earnings paid NOTE. — Each entry represents the dollar change in output that occurs in the row industry for to households employed in industries 1-38. Each column total excludes the entry in row 39; this each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix III entry is the sum of earnings paid to households. identifies the row and column industries. 88 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-2.1. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Output — Continued [Dollars] 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total ' 0.0088 .0004 .0420 .0009 .0177 .0317 .0032 .0106 .0186 .0149 .1106 1.0357 .0070 .0068 .0040 .0152 .0096 .0090 .0017 .0019 .0028 .0039 .0480 .0310 .0484 .0876 .0532 .0268 .0169 .0978 .0164 .0091 .0545 .0333 .0367 .0328 .5079 1.9497 0.0130 .0078 .0315 .0006 .0233 .0381 .0083 .0140 .0129 .0219 .0802 .0194 1.1641 .0057 .0158 .0402 .0096 .0090 .0021 .0030 .0030 .0044 .0553 .0300 .0467 .1033 .0649 .0369 .0207 .1144 .0191 .0102 .0733 .0413 .0444 .0424 .6149 2.2309 0.0105 .0005 .0487 .0457 .0258 .0367 .0012 .0125 .0285 .0236 .0982 .0085 .0095 1 .0995 .0050 .0134 .0103 .0087 .0020 .0028 .0031 .0042 .1028 .0337 .1133 .0758 .0640 .0348 .0207 .1143 .0192 .0106 .0658 .0392 .0437 .0393 .6050 2.2761 0.0087 .0004 .0338 .0068 .0248 .0309 .0010 .0105 .0061 .0177 .0700 .0097 .0061 .0056 1.0844 .0178 .0170 .0107 .0018 .0021 .0025 .0034 .0623 .0299 .0765 .1008 .0542 .0270 .0174 .0948 .0163 .0093 .0627 .0324 .0370 .0322 .5128 2.0247 0.0100 .0005 .0287 .0012 .0293 .0357 .0011 .0121 .0103 .0219 .0689 .0113 .0073 .0065 .0862 1.0701 .0146 .0125 .0020 .0023 .0030 .0040 .0483 .0428 .0500 .1026 .0623 .0312 .0195 .1082 .0213 .0100 .0628 .0381 .0426 .0375 .5904 2.1166 0.0119 .0005 .0255 .0007 .0233 .0426 .0017 .0143 .0119 .0223 .0614 .0194 .0065 .0060 .0319 .0348 1.1368 .0884 .0025 .0032 .0047 .0050 .0514 .0371 .0444 .1288 .0732 .0403 .0229 .1297 .0288 .0117 .0789 .0475 .0505 .0432 .7001 2.3437 0.0129 .0006 .0284 .0009 .0236 .0462 .0015 .0159 .0117 .0277 .0691 .0298 .0095 .0077 .0265 .0419 .0217 1.1771 .0025 .0033 .0064 .0057 .0511 .0436 .0490 .1222 .0800 .0414 .0247 .1386 .0264 .0149 .0811 .0487 .0555 .0458 .7695 2.3937 0.0073 .0003 .0198 .0007 .0167 .0259 .0028 .0201 .0060 .0179 .0480 .0215 .0053 .0069 .0343 .0297 .0267 .0197 1.0357 .0040 .0047 .0032 .0418 .0229 .0333 .1104 .0459 .0219 .0145 .0770 .0140 .0077 .0462 .0276 .0308 .0370 .4267 1.8880 0.0122 .0006 .0248 .0007 .0247 .0439 .0024 .0176 .0076 .0280 .0598 .0148 .0123 .0058 .0284 .0306 .0259 .0815 .0030 1.1412 .0221 .0052 .0508 .0381 .0437 .0852 .0762 .0429 .0234 .1307 .0312 .0116 .0836 .0459 .0527 .0431 .7307 2.3522 0.0116 .0005 .0279 .0011 .0201 .0420 .0029 .0140 .0153 .0250 .0696 .0314 .0068 .0087 .0194 .0345 .0151 .0742 .0023 .0025 1 .0286 .0050 .0448 .0378 .0440 .0970 .0710 .0364 .0224 .1240 .0234 .0111 .0887 .0454 .0490 .0477 .6787 2.2013 0.0113 .0006 .0310 .0009 .0220 .0376 .0064 .0178 .0273 .0398 .0812 .0325 .0263 .0064 .0268 .0230 .0158 .0353 .0020 .0024 .0039 1.0307 .0519 .0375 .0424 .1196 .0608 .0366 .0196 .1108 .0201 .0103 .0793 .0475 .0416 .0417 .5758 2.2007 0.0139 .0006 .0657 .0007 .0387 .0493 .0016 .0169 .0071 .0225 .1887 .0066 .0059 .0043 .0033 .0113 .0105 .0119 .0029 .0165 .0032 .0053 1.1710 .0409 .0461 .0691 .0862 .0496 .0293 .1578 .0240 .0134 .0851 .0558 .0566 .0582 .7846 2.4307 0.0101 .0004 .0182 .0004 .0458 .0351 .0011 .0120 .0053 .0183 .0438 .0060 .0047 .0036 .0028 .0098 .0041 .0482 .0018 .0019 .0030 .0041 .0326 1 .0389 .0327 .0435 .0609 .0353 .0182 .1195 .0777 .0118 .0608 .0376 .0413 .0348 .5728 1.9262 1. Each column total is the sum of the entries in rows 1-38; these entries include earnings paid to households employed in industries 1-38. Each column total excludes the entry in row 39; this entry is the sum of earnings paid to households. Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in output that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix III identifies the row and column industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 89 California Table A-2.1. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Output — Continued [Dollars] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 0.0052 0.0129 0.0160 0.0164 0.0185 0.0104 0.0187 0.0142 0.0159 0.0468 0.0188 0.0157 0.0224 2 .0002 .0006 .0007 .0008 .0009 .0002 .0006 .0006 .0007 .0053 .0008 .0007 .0010 3 4 ..... .2569 .0269 .0338 .0292 .0293 .0067 .0251 .0311 .0280 .0253 .0364 .0418 .0334 5 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0006 .0007 .0007 .0005 6 7 .0420 .0218 .0316 .0331 .0300 .0604 .0323 .0250 .0245 .0225 .0367 .0658 .0249 8 .0168 .0456 .0570 .0584 .0670 .0103 .0513 .0501 .0570 .2090 .0657 .0510 .0819 9 .0006 .0013 .0016 .0017 .0018 .0004 .0016 .0026 .0016 .0013 .0019 .0015 .0023 10 .0057 .0029 .0078 .0459 .0037 .0151 .0115 .0281 .0661 .0060 .0179 .0159 .0428 .0805 .0068 .0193 .0101 .0408 .0722 .0066 .0211 .0100 .0405 .0723 .0069 .0031 .0021 .0079 .0179 .0022 .0166 .0078 .0426 .0565 .0083 .0237 .0093 .0266 .0753 .0119 .0192 .0093 .0306 .0699 .0086 .0139 .0160 .0260 .0573 .0120 .0216 .0098 .0248 .0936 .0173 .0153 .0102 .0452 .0905 .0076 .0285 11 .0089 12 .0231 13 .0820 14 .0074 15 .0034 .0030 .0015 .0069 .0052 .0055 .0075 .0037 .0017 .0081 .0046 .0089 .0063 .0040 .0020 .0092 .0052 .0111 .0064 .0042 .0021 .0089 .0066 .0129 .0070 .0043 .0021 .0092 .0064 .0129 .0023 .0027 .0011 .0048 .0016 .0036 .0065 .0046 .0019 .0078 .0043 .0100 .0062 .0057 .0032 .0105 .0163 .0432 .0064 .0039 .0023 .0093 .0116 .0178 .0056 .0089 .0024 .0147 .0093 .0091 .0071 .0055 .0023 .0101 .0045 .0133 .0065 .0066 .0036 .0192 .0103 .0168 .0089 16 .0048 17 0021 18 0100 19 .0043 20 .0127 21 .0014 .0024 .0029 .0031 .0033 .0005 .0021 .0027 .0030 .0022 .0031 .0103 .0043 22 .0014 .0022 .0027 .0034 .0033 .0006 .0031 .0025 .0033 .0028 .0029 .0029 .0037 23 .0032 .0028 .0034 .0050 .0049 .0008 .0046 .0057 .0051 .0025 .0146 .0039 .0041 24 .0018 .0050 .0066 .0072 .0076 .0012 .0061 .0094 .0068 .0051 .0061 .0061 .0075 25 .0285 .0445 .0539 .0887 .0692 .0129 .0472 .0465 .0548 .0513 .0508 .0564 .0511 26 .0123 .0438 .0551 .0616 .0733 .0110 .0512 .0399 .0499 .0329 .0413 .0380 .0391 27 1 .5202 .0431 .0598 .0473 .0486 .0084 .0502 .0533 .0452 .0502 .0544 .0848 .0583 28 .0253 1.0617 .0583 .0604 .0636 .0139 .0508 .0775 .0627 .1061 .0751 .0776 .0726 29 .0309 .0768 1.0932 .0967 .1076 .0188 .0693 .0870 .0983 .0702 .1035 .0980 .1456 30 .0226 .0402 .0472 1.1768 .1116 .0196 .0402 .0420 .0458 .0504 .0411 .0372 .0490 31 .0162 .0233 .0292 .0392 1 .4033 .0217 .0217 .0264 .0303 .0218 .0311 .0263 .0419 32 .0933 .1452 .2096 .1975 .2187 1.1015 .1673 .1701 .1879 .1478 .2357 .1857 .2267 33 .0087 .0298 .0295 .0327 .0440 .0069 1.2546 .0249 .0363 .0278 .0284 .0295 .0354 34 .0060 .0137 .0190 .0153 .0169 .0032 .0146 1.0305 .0152 .0145 .0165 .0178 .0200 35 .0343 .0958 .1247 .1937 .1215 .0331 .1234 .0992 1.1759 .0944 .0881 .0825 .0662 36 .0179 .0566 .0730 .0758 .0947 .0166 .0472 .0531 .0606 1 .0445 .0586 .0482 .0730 37 .0201 .0525 .0631 .0666 .0747 .0108 .0473 .0601 .0682 .0486 1.0905 .0519 .1025 38 .0179 .0528 .0630 .0746 .0616 .0105 .0462 .0562 .0602 .0421 .0570 1.0481 .0742 39 .2790 .7276 .8743 .9230 1 .0354 .1490 .6555 .8323 .9448 .6722 .9937 .7189 1 .4200 Total 1 2.2757 2.0632 2.3373 2.5757 2.8692 1.4301 2.3442 2.2431 2.3268 2.3012 2.3697 2.3142 1.4345 1. Each column total is the sum of the entries in rows 1-38; these entries include earnings paid to households employed in industries 1-38. Each column total excludes the entry in row 39; this entry is the sum of earnings paid to households. Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in output that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix III identifies the row and column industries. 90 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-2.2. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings [Dollars] 1 8 10 11 12 13 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.2980 .0001 .0044 .0002 .0108 .0069 .0003 .0039 .0031 .0042 .0067 .0014 .0041 .0010 .0004 .0023 .0015 .0025 .0004 .0007 .0007 .0008 .0197 .0066 .0029 .0349 .0301 .0153 .0091 .0038 .0058 .0055 .0286 .0106 .0260 .0151 .0017 .5702 0.0177 .1753 .0052 .0002 .0088 .0060 .0012 .0037 .0011 .0041 .0085 .0013 .0013 .0009 .0010 .0036 .0024 .0047 .0003 .0359 .0015 .0007 .0172 .0060 .0021 .0274 .0255 .0121 .0140 .0026 .0047 .0037 .0404 .0097 .0213 .0137 .0015 .4871 0.0021 .0001 .2690 .0024 .0004 .0093 .0036 .0002 .0026 .0008 .0033 .0033 .0018 .0014 .0012 .0009 .0043 .0087 .0035 .0003 .0006 .0006 .0007 .0114 .0054 .0025 .0247 .0249 .0113 .0070 .0031 .0037 .0034 .0251 .0088 .0212 .0112 .0015 .4862 0.0014 .1010 .0001 .0184 .0017 .0001 .0012 .0004 .0027 .0014 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0003 .0023 .0014 .0018 .0001 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0059 .0035 .0016 .0085 .0125 .0064 .0043 .0058 .0020 .0017 .0193 .0049 .0100 .0052 .0007 .2296 0.0026 .0001 .0043 .2886 .0122 .0042 .0002 .0031 .0010 .0042 .0048 .0017 .0015 .0009 .0016 .0053 .0070 .0038 .0004 .0008 .0008 .0009 .0168 .0072 .0071 .0251 .0292 .0181 .0084 .0038 .0066 .0044 .0358 .0109 .0246 .0150 .0017 .5646 0.0035 .0002 .0037 .0013 .3000 .0089 .0057 .0009 .0041 .0019 .0060 .0054 .0030 .0143 .0143 .0044 .0175 .0048 .0132 .0004 .0010 .0017 .0012 .0229 .0100 .0033 .0413 .0616 .0156 .0109 .0038 .0063 .0056 .0857 .0152 .0329 .0184 .0023 .7531 0.0043 .0001 .0043 .0016 .4339 .0062 .0007 .0047 .0019 .0057 .0065 .0042 .0068 .0096 .0033 .0168 .0039 .0119 .0005 .0010 .0018 .0012 .0233 .0101 .0033 .0411 .0657 .0167 .0115 .0041 .0064 .0060 .0416 .0155 .0364 .0184 .0025 .8335 0.0422 .0010 .0027 .0005 .0073 .1417 .0002 .0027 .0055 .0110 .0035 .0041 .0016 .0086 .0013 .0153 .0016 .0022 .0003 .0008 .0007 .0008 .0245 .0087 .0034 .0459 .0240 .0119 .0071 .0025 .0045 .0040 .0326 .0096 .0205 .0108 .0014 .4670 0.0064 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0056 .0031 .1936 .0037 .0021 .0046 .0032 .0053 .0009 .0006 .0003 .0012 .0014 .0018 .0002 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0150 .0059 .0030 .0289 .0203 .0092 .0057 .0020 .0033 .0058 .0247 .0083 .0174 .0088 .0012 .3980 0.0026 .0001 .0020 .0001 .0061 .0042 .0075 .3032 .0018 .0067 .0026 .0024 .0011 .0006 .0003 .0014 .0010 .0023 .0003 .0006 .0009 .0017 .0147 .0088 .0024 .0319 .0278 .0141 .0077 .0028 .0046 .0056 .0287 .0118 .0239 .0122 .0016 .5480 0.0019 .0001 .0033 .0003 .0062 .0033 .0004 .0023 .2111 .0039 .0044 .0038 .0061 .0006 .0007 .0030 .0016 .0019 .0002 .0006 .0007 .0006 .0230 .0060 .0039 .0272 .0218 .0089 .0063 .0022 .0038 .0036 .0232 .0086 .0186 .0099 .0013 .4251 0.0028 .0001 .0028 .0001 .0077 .0048 .0003 .0033 .0077 .3215 .0040 .0030 .0013 .0007 .0006 .0020 .0017 .0029 .0003 .0007 .0024 .0012 .0268 .0115 .0027 .0312 .0315 .0141 .0089 .0033 .0061 .0048 .0452 .0149 .0269 .0146 .0018 .6162 0.0013 .0320 .0006 .0092 .0020 .0001 .0013 .0011 .0030 .0589 .0014 .0006 .0009 .0004 .0026 .0012 .0015 .0001 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0187 .0040 .0035 .0199 .0129 .0083 .0042 .0027 .0022 .0020 .0249 .0052 .0107 .0058 .0007 .2453 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix III identifies the row and column industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 91 California Table A-2.2. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings — Continued [Dollars] 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .. 6 . 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 0.0023 .0001 .0041 .0002 .0075 .0040 .0006 .0028 .0036 .0045 .0059 .2579 .0018 .0018 .0009 .0041 .0028 .0031 .0003 .0006 .0009 .0009 .0185 .0092 .0034 .0361 .0259 .0112 .0072 .0027 .0044 .0042 .0291 .0104 .0222 .0115 .0015 .5079 0.0034 .0014 .0031 .0002 .0099 .0047 .0015 .0037 .0025 .0066 .0043 .0048 .3036 .0015 .0035 .0108 .0028 .0031 .0003 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0212 .0089 .0033 .0425 .0316 .0154 .0088 .0031 .0051 .0047 .0391 .0129 .0268 .0149 .0018 .6149 0.0027 .0001 .0048 .0130 .0110 .0046 .0002 .0033 .0056 .0071 .0052 .0021 .0025 .2833 .0011 .0036 .0030 .0030 .0003 .0009 .0010 .0010 .0395 .0100 .0080 .0312 .0312 .0145 .0088 .0031 .0051 .0049 .0351 .0123 .0264 .0138 .0018 .6050 0.0023 .0001 .0033 .0019 .0105 .0039 .0002 .0028 .0012 .0053 .0037 .0024 .0016 .0014 .2415 .0048 .0050 .0037 .0003 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0239 .0088 .0054 .0415 .0264 .0112 .0074 .0026 .0043 .0043 .0334 .0101 .0224 .0113 .0015 0.0026 .0001 .0028 .0003 .0125 .0045 .0002 .0032 .0020 .0066 .0037 .0028 .0019 .0017 .0192 .2870 .0043 .0043 .0003 .0007 .0010 .0009 .0185 .0126 .0035 .0422 .0303 .0130 .0083 .0030 .0056 .0047 .0335 .0119 .0258 .0131 .0018 5128 .5904 0.0031 .0001 .0025 .0002 .0099 .0053 .0003 .0038 .0023 .0067 .0033 .0048 .0017 .0015 .0071 .0093 .3331 .0306 .0004 .0010 .0015 .0011 .0198 .0110 .0031 .0530 .0356 .0168 .0098 .0035 .0077 .0054 .0421 .0149 .0306 .0151 .0021 .7001 0.0034 .0001 .0028 .0002 .0100 .0058 .0003 .0042 .0023 .0083 .0037 .0074 .0025 .0020 .0059 .0112 .0064 .4071 .0004 .0010 .0020 .0013 .0196 .0129 .0035 .0503 .0389 .0173 .0105 .0038 .0070 .0069 .0433 .0152 .0336 .0160 .0023 .7695 0.0019 .0001 .0019 .0002 .0071 .0032 .0005 .0053 .0012 .0054 .0025 .0053 .0014 .0018 .0076 .0080 .0078 .0068 .1714 .0013 .0015 .0007 .0161 .0068 .0024 .0454 .0223 .0091 .0062 .0021 .0037 .0036 .0246 .0086 .0186 .0130 .0013 .4267 0.0032 .0001 .0024 .0002 .0105 .0055 .0005 .0046 .0015 .0084 .0032 .0037 .0032 .0015 .0063 .0082 .0076 .0282 .0005 .3639 .0070 .0012 .0195 .0113 .0031 .0351 .0371 .0179 .0100 .0036 .0083 .0054 .0446 .0144 .0319 .0151 .0022 .7307 0.0030 .0001 .0027 .0003 .0086 .0052 .0005 .0037 .0030 .0075 .0037 .0078 .0018 .0022 .0043 .0093 .0044 .0257 .0004 .0008 .3271 .0011 .0172 .0112 .0031 .0399 .0346 .0152 .0095 .0034 .0062 .0052 .0473 .0142 .0296 .0167 .0020 .6787 0.0030 .0001 .0030 .0003 .0094 .0047 .0012 .0047 .0053 .0119 .0043 .0081 .0069 .0017 .0060 .0062 .0046 .0122 .0003 .0008 .0012 .2318 .0199 .0111 .0030 .0492 .0296 .0153 .0083 .0030 .0053 .0048 .0423 .0149 .0251 .0146 .0017 .5758 0.0036 .0001 .0065 .0002 .0164 .0062 .0003 .0045 .0014 .0068 .0100 .0016 .0015 .0011 .0007 .0030 .0031 .0041 .0005 .0052 .0010 .0012 .4498 .0121 .0033 .0284 .0420 .0207 .0125 .0043 .0064 .0062 .0454 .0175 .0342 .0204 .0023 .7846 0.0026 .0001 .0018 .0001 .0195 .0044 .0002 .0032 .0010 .0055 .0023 .0015 .0012 .0009 .0006 .0026 .0012 .0167 .0003 .0006 0009 .0009 .0125 .3072 .0023 .0179 .0297 .0147 .0077 .0033 .0206 .0055 .0325 .0118 .0250 .0122 .0017 .5728 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix III identifies the row and column industries. 92 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-2.2. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Earnings- [Dollars] -Continued 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0.0013 .0253 .0001 .0179 .0021 .0001 .0015 .0006 .0023 .0024 .0009 .0009 .0008 .0003 .0019 .0015 .0019 .0002 .0004 .0010 .0004 .0110 .0036 .1078 .0104 .0150 .0094 .0069 .0026 .0023 .0028 .0183 .0056 .0122 .0063 .0008 0.0034 .0001 .0026 .0001 .0093 .0057 .0002 .0040 .0023 .0084 .0035 .0015 .0020 .0009 .0004 .0022 .0014 .0031 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0011 .0171 .0129 .0031 .4369 .0374 .0167 .0099 .0040 .0079 .0064 .0511 .0177 .0318 .0185 .0022 0.0042 .0001 .0033 .0001 .0134 .0071 .0003 .0047 .0031 .0128 .0043 .0017 .0017 .0010 .0005 .0025 .0015 .0038 .0005 .0009 .0011 .0015 .0207 .0163 .0042 .0240 .5323 .0197 .0124 .0057 .0078 .0088 .0665 .0228 .0382 .0221 .0026 0.0043 .0001 .0029 .0001 .0141 .0073 .0003 .0051 .0020 .0122 .0038 .0016 .0017 .0011 .0005 .0024 .0019 .0045 .0005 .0011 .0016 .0016 .0341 .0182 .0034 .0249 .0471 .4907 .0167 .0054 .0087 .0071 .1033 .0237 .0403 .0261 .0028 0.0048 .0002 .0029 .0001 .0128 .0084 .0003 .0056 .0020 .0122 .0038 .0017 .0018 .0011 .0005 .0025 .0019 .0045 .0005 .0010 .0015 .0017 .0266 .0217 .0035 .0262 .0524 .0466 .5970 .0060 .0117 .0078 .0648 .0296 .0452 .0216 .0031 Total .2790 .7276 .8743 .9230 1.0354 0.0027 .0007 .0001 .0257 .0013 .0001 .0008 .0004 .0024 .0009 .0006 .0006 .0007 .0002 .0013 .0005 .0012 .0001 .0002 .0003 .0003 .0049 .0033 .0006 .0057 .0091 .0082 .0092 .0301 .0018 .0015 .0176 .0052 .0065 .0037 .0004 .1490 0.0049 .0001 .0025 .0001 .0137 .0064 .0003 .0044 .0015 .0128 .0030 .0021 .0017 .0012 .0004 .0021 .0012 .0034 .0004 .0010 .0015 .0014 .0181 .0151 .0036 .0209 .0337 .0168 .0092 .0046 .3333 .0067 .0658 .0148 .0286 .0162 .0020 .6555 0.0037 .0001 .0031 .0002 .0106 .0062 .0005 .0063 .0018 .0080 .0040 .0030 .0016 .0015 .0007 .0028 .0048 .0149 .0004 .0008 .0018 .0021 .0179 .0118 .0038 .0319 .0423 .0175 .0112 .0047 .0066 .4777 .0529 .0166 .0363 .0197 .0025 .8323 0.0042 .0001 .0028 .0001 .0104 .0071 .0003 .0051 .0018 .0092 .0037 .0021 .0017 .0010 .0005 .0025 .0034 .0062 .0005 .0010 .0016 .0015 .0211 .0148 .0032 .0258 .0479 .0191 .0129 .0051 .0096 .0070 .6273 .0190 .0412 .0211 .0028 .9448 0.0122 .0009 .0025 .0002 .0095 .0261 .0002 .0037 .0031 .0078 .0030 .0030 .0015 .0023 .0005 .0039 .0027 .0031 .0004 .0009 .0008 .0011 .0197 .0097 .0036 .0437 .0342 .0210 .0093 .0040 .0074 .0067 .0504 .3268 .0294 .0148 .0020 .6722 0.0049 .0001 .0036 .0002 .0156 .0082 .0004 .0057 .0019 .0074 .0050 .0043 .0018 .0014 .0005 .0027 .0013 .0046 .0005 .0009 .0046 .0014 .0195 .0122 .0039 .0309 .0504 .0171 .0132 .0064 .0075 .0076 .0470 .0183 .6594 .0200 .0030 .9937 0.0041 .0001 .0041 .0002 .0280 .0064 .0003 .0040 .0020 .0135 .0048 .0019 .0017 .0017 .0008 .0051 .0030 .0058 .0017 .0009 .0012 .0014 .0217 .0112 .0060 .0319 .0477 .0155 .0112 .0051 .0078 .0082 .0440 .0151 .0314 .3670 .0022 .7189 0.0058 .0002 .0033 .0001 .0106 .0102 .0004 .0075 .0017 .0069 .0043 .0019 .0023 .0012 .0005 .0027 .0013 .0044 .0007 .0012 .0013 .0017 .0196 .0116 .0041 .0299 .0709 .0204 .0178 .0062 .0094 .0093 .0353 .0228 .0620 .0260 .0043 .4200 Note. — Each entry represents the dollar change in earnings that occurs in the row industry for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Appendix III identifies the row and column industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 93 California Table A-2.3. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Employment [Number of jobs] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 15.0 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 2.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2 6.4 3 9.6 4 .1 .1 .1 2.4 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .7 5 7.4 6 8.1 7 .4 .3 .3 .6 .4 .3 14.6 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 8 .3 .2 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 5.4 .1 .2 .1 .2 .1 9 .1 8.8 .3 10 .2 .1 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .3 .1 .2 .1 .1 .3 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .4 .1 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2 19.0 .1 .3 .1 .1 .1 6.8 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 12.3 .1 .1 .1 1 1 12 .1 13 1.6 14 .1 15 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .6 .5 .1 .6 .1 .3 .4 .1 .6 .1 .1 .3 .5 .1 .3 .1 .1 .1 16 17 18 .1 19 20 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .4 .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 21 22 .9 23 .1 .1 .1 24 .1 .1 .1 .1 25 .7 .6 .4 .2 .6 .8 .8 .8 .5 .5 .8 .9 .6 26 .2 .2 .1 .1 .2 .3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .1 27 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 28 1.0 .8 .7 .3 .7 1.2 1.2 1.4 .9 .9 .8 .9 .6 29 1.6 1.4 1.4 .7 1.6 3.3 3.6 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.2 1.7 .7 30 .5 .4 .3 .2 .6 .5 .5 .4 .3 .4 .3 .4 .3 31 .3 .4 .2 .1 .3 .3 .4 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .1 32 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 33 .3 .2 .2 .1 .3 .3 .3 .2 .1 .2 .2 .3 .1 34 .4 .2 .2 .1 .3 .4 .4 .3 .4 .4 .2 .3 .1 35 1.0 1.5 .9 .7 1.3 3.1 1.5 1.2 .9 1.1 .9 1.7 .9 36 1.0 .9 .8 .4 1.0 1.4 1.4 .9 .8 1.1 .8 1.4 .5 37 .8 .7 .7 .3 .8 1.0 1.1 .6 .5 .7 .6 .8 .3 38 .8 .7 .6 .3 .8 1.0 1.0 .6 .5 .7 .5 .8 .3 39 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .3 .3 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 Total 26.0 18.5 18.4 7.5 18.5 26.5 31.1 18.5 17.2 29.1 15.3 24.3 8.3 Note. — Each entry represents the change In number of jobs that occurs in the row industry for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Be- cause the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output delivered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. Appendix 111 identifies the row and column industries. 94 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California Table A-2.3. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Employment— Continued [Number of jobs] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 2 3 4 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 5 .3 6 7 .3 .3 .4 .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .4 .3 .3 .6 .7 8 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 9 .1 .1 10 .2 .1 .2 .2 11.3 .2 .1 .3 .1 .2 .2 .2 .3 .1 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .2 .1 .3 .1 .1 .2 .1 .3 .1 .2 .3 .1 .3 .1 .3 .3 .2 .1 .2 .3 .3 .1 .2 .2 .1 .3 .1 .3 .3 .2 .5 .1 .4 .3 .3 .3 .1 .2 1 1 12 .2 13 .1 14 .1 15 .1 .1 .1 13.3 .1 .1 .4 .1 10.5 .1 .1 .1 7.7 .2 .1 .1 .6 10.2 .1 .1 .2 .3 .1 .1 .2 .4 .1 .1 .2 .3 .1 .1 .2 .3 .1 .1 .1 .3 .3 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 16 17 18 .1 19 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 9.3 .8 .2 11.3 .2 .2 .2 .8 .1 .7 .1 .3 .1 .1 20 .5 21 6.5 22 9.3 .1 23 .1 .2 10.0 24 .1 .1 10.1 .1 25 .6 .7 1.3 .8 .6 .7 .7 .5 .7 .6 .7 15.0 .4 26 .2 .2 .3 .2 .3 .3 .3 .2 .3 .3 .3 .3 8.3 27 .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 28 1.1 1.3 .9 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.5 .8 .5 29 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 1.2 2.0 1.9 1.6 2.3 1.6 30 .3 .5 .4 .3 .4 .5 .5 .3 .5 .5 .5 .6 .5 31 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 .3 .3 .2 .3 .3 .3 .4 .2 32 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 33 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .2 .4 .3 .2 .3 .9 34 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .4 .4 .2 .3 .3 .3 .4 .4 35 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.6 .9 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.2 36 1.0 1.2 1.1 .9 1.1 1.4 1.4 .8 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.1 37 .7 .8 .8 .7 .8 .9 1.0 .6 1.0 .9 .8 1.1 .8 38 .6 .8 .7 .6 .7 .8 .9 .7 .8 .9 .8 1.1 .7 39 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 .2 Total 21.3 25.8 23.0 18.3 22.2 23.7 25.9 16.5 23.8 23.9 23.8 28.9 19.3 Note. — Each entry represents the change In number of jobs that occurs in the row industry for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the column Industry. Be- cause the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output delivered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. Appendix III identifies the row and column industries. SAMPLE TABLES FOR CALIFORNIA 95 California Table A-2.3. — 39-lndustry-by-39-lndustry Multipliers for Employment — Continued [Number of jobs] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.3 2 3 4 .6 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 5 6 7 .6 .3 .5 .5 .4 .9 .5 .4 .4 .3 .5 .9 .4 8 .1 .2 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 .3 1.0 .3 .2 .4 9 10 .1 .1 .3 .1 .3 .3 .1 .5 .3 .1 .5 .3 .1 .5 .1 .1 .3 .5 .4 .1 .3 .3 .1 .4 .2 .1 .3 .4 .1 .3 .3 .1 .5 .5 1 1 .1 12 .3 13 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 14 .1 15 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 16 17 18 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .4 .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .2 .1 19 20 .1 21 .1 22 23 .1 .1 24 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 25 .4 .6 .7 1.1 .9 .2 .6 .6 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 26 .1 .3 .4 .5 .6 .1 .4 .3 .4 .3 .3 .3 .3 27 2.7 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 28 .3 13.0 .7 .7 .8 .2 .6 .9 .8 1.3 .9 .9 .9 29 .8 2.0 28.9 2.6 2.8 .5 1.8 2.3 2.6 1.9 2.7 2.6 3.9 30 .3 .5 .6 15.0 1.4 .2 .5 .5 .6 .6 .5 .5 .6 31 .2 .3 .4 .5 18.8 .3 .3 .4 .4 .3 .4 .4 .6 32 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 1.1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 33 .1 .3 .3 .4 .5 .1 14.6 .3 .4 .3 .3 .3 .4 34 .2 .4 .6 .5 .5 .1 .4 30.9 .5 .4 .5 .5 .6 35 .7 1.9 2.4 3.8 2.4 .6 2.4 1.9 23.0 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.3 36 .5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.7 .5 1.4 1.5 1.8 30.2 1.7 1.4 2.1 37 .4 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 .2 .9 1.1 1.3 .9 20.4 1.0 1.9 38 .3 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.2 .2 .9 1.1 1.1 .8 1.1 20.0 1.4 39 .1 .3 .3 .3 .4 .1 .2 .3 .4 .3 .4 .3 .5 Total 9.2 25.5 42.9 33.2 37.4 5.8 27.8 45.4 36.7 43.4 34.9 34.2 18.2 Note. — Each entry represents the change in number of jobs that occurs in the row industry for each additional 1 million dollars of output delivered to final demand by the column industry. Be- cause the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output delivered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. Appendix III identities the row and column industries. 96 REGIONAL MULTIPLIERS California California Table A-2.4. — Total Final-Demand Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Output, Earnings, and Employment Table A-2.5. — Total Direct-Effect Multipliers, by Industry Aggregation, for Earnings and Employment Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco .. Textile mill products Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries .. Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance .. Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households Output ' (dollars) 2.1651 2.1434 1.7751 1 .5933 2.0508 2.4756 2.4028 2.2539 1 .7585 1 .9798 1 .8556 2.0732 1 .9657 1 .9497 2.2309 2.2761 2.0247 2.1166 2.3437 2.3937 1 .8880 2.3522 2.2013 2.2007 2.4307 1 .9262 2.2757 2.0632 2.3373 2.5757 2.8692 1.4301 2.3442 2.2431 2.3268 2.3012 2.3697 2.3142 1 .4345 Earnings 2 (dollars) 0.5702 .4871 .4862 .2296 .5646 .7531 .8335 .4670 .3980 .5480 .4251 .6162 .2453 .5079 .6149 .6050 .5128 .5904 .7001 .7695 .4267 .7307 .6787 .5758 .7846 .5728 .2790 .7276 .8743 .9230 1 .0354 .1490 .6555 .8323 .9448 .6722 .9937 .7189 .4200 Employ- ment' (number of jobs) 26.0 18.5 18.4 7.5 18.5 26.5 31.1 18.5 17.2 29.1 15.3 24.3 8.3 21.3 25.8 23.0 18.3 22.2 23.7 25.9 16.5 23.8 23.9 23.8 28.9 19.3 9.2 25.5 42.9 33.2 37.4 5.8 27.8 45.4 36.7 43.4 34.9 34.2 18.2 * Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in output that occurs in all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corre- sponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of output delivered to final demand by the industry corresponding to the entry. 3. Each entry in column 3 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional 1 million dollars of outpul delivered to final demand by the industry correspond- ing to the entry. Because the employment multipliers are based on 1989 data, the output deliv- ered to final demand should be in 1989 dollars. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries: Agricultural products and agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Forestry and fishery products Mining: Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Miscellaneous mining Construction: New construction Maintenance and repair construction Manufacturing: Food and kindred products and tobacco Textile mill products .- Apparel Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and petroleum refining Rubber and leather products Lumber and wood products and furniture Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Transportation and public utilities:* Transportation Communication Electric, gas, water, and sanitary services Wholesale and retail trade: Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate: Finance Insurance .. Real estate Services: Hotels and lodging places and amusements Personal services Business services Eating and drinking places Health services Miscellaneous services Households 2.1827 2.7860 1.8078 2.3345 1 .9823 2.5110 1.9616 3.7452 2.1441 2.0760 2.1695 2.0538 4.6266 2.0401 2.3578 2.3481 2.3028 2.2017 2.3893 2.2247 2.5791 2.2912 2.1340 2.5602 2.0426 1 .9370 3.9325 1 .7684 1 .7958 2.2136 2.4337 5.4499 2.4677 1 .7956 1 .771 1 2.1484 1 .6433 2.0531 Employment 2 (number of jobs) 1 .9745 2.8885 1.9082 3.2647 2.5156 3.2799 2.1781 3.8996 2.0298 1 .7557 2.4467 2.1226 5.8464 1 .9441 2.2547 2.4216 2.5810 2.3246 2.9065 2.7070 2.6290 2.9224 2.4720 2.4282 2.2543 2.4157 5.1316 2.0908 1.6199 2.6032 2.7944 5.7892 2.3947 1.5119 1 .8705 1.5044 1 .8638 1.7914 ' Includes Federal Government enterprises. 1. Each entry in column 1 represents the total dollar change in earnings of households em- ployed by all row industries for each additional dollar of earnings paid directly to households em- ployed by the industry corresponding to the entry. 2. Each entry in column 2 represents the total change in number of jobs in all row industries for each additional job in the industry corresponding to the entry. Aoooow^mts AOQOOmflMMitS ISBN 0-16-037944-X 780160"379444 90000