C. szs: A?/a. : A/o S As& j^7 <♦*>" OFc o. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS 27 THE 1978 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AND TEXAS GULF COAST VERTICAL CONTROL SURVEYS Rockville, Md November 1980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE /National Oceanic and / National Ocean Atmospheric Administration / Survey NOAA Technical Publications National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey subseries The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) of the National Ocean Survey (NOS) , NOAA, establishes and maintains the basic National horizontal and vertical networks of geodetic control and provides governmentwide leadership in the improvement of geodetic surveying methods and instrumentation, coordinates operations to assure network development, and provides specifications and criteria for survey operations by Federal, State, and other agencies. NGS engages in research and development for the improvement of knowledge of the figure of the Earth and its gravity field, and has the responsibility to procure geodetic data from all sources, process these data, and make them generally available to users through a central data base. NOAA Technical Memorandums and some special NOAA publications are sold by the National Technical In- formation Service (NTIS) in paper copy and microfiche. Orders should be directed to NTIS , 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 (telephone: 703-487-4650). NTIS customer charge accounts are invited; some commercial charge accounts are accepted. When ordering, give the NTIS accession number (which begins with PB) shown in parentheses in the following citations. Paper copies of NOAA Technical Reports that are of general interest to the public are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) , Washington, DC 20402 (telephone: 202-783-3238). For prompt service, please furnish the GPO stock number with your order. If a citation does not carry this number, then the publication is not sold by GPO. All NOAA Technical Reports may be purchased from NTIS in hard copy and microform. Prices for the same publication may vary between the two Government sales agents. Although both are nonprofit, GPO relies on some Federal support whereas NTIS is self-sustained. An excellent reference source for Government publications is the National Depository Library program, a network of about 1,300 designated libraries. Requests for borrowing Depository Library material may be made through your local library. A free listing of libraries currently in this system is available from the Library Division, U.S. Government Printing Office, 5236 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304 (telephone: 703-557-9013). NOAA geodetic publications Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys . Federal Geodetic Control Committee, Department of Commerce, NOAA, NOS, 1974, reprinted June 1980, 12 pp. (A single free copy can be obtained from the National Geodetic Survey, 0A/C18x2, NOS/NOAA, Rockville, MD 20852. Multiple copies may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) Specifications To Support Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys . Federal Geodetic Control Committee, Department of Commerce, NOAA, NOS, 1975, re- vised June 1980. (A single free copy can be obtained from the National Geodetic Survey, OA/C18x2, NOS/NOAA, Rockville, MD 2085 2. Multiple copies may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Problems Related to the Redefinition of North American Geodetic Networks . Sponsored by U.S. Department of Commerce; Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (Canada); and Danish Geodetic Institute; Arlington, Va. , 1978, 658 pp (GPO #003-017-0426-1). NOAA Technical Memorandums, NOS/NGS subseries NOS NGS-1 Leffler, R. J., Use of climatological and meteorological data in the planning and execution of National Geodetic Survey field operations, 1975, 30 pp (PB249677). NOS NGS-2 Spencer, J. F. , Jr., Final report on responses to geodetic data questionnaire, 1976, 39 pp (PB254641). NOS NGS-3 Whiting, M. C. , and Pope, A. J., Adjustment of geodetic field data using a sequential method, 1976, 11 pp (PB253967). (Continued at end of publication) NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS 27 THE 1978 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AND TEXAS GULF COAST VERTICAL CONTROL SURVEYS Emery I . Balazs National Geodetic Survey Rockville, Md . November 1980 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Philip M. Klutznick, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Richard A. Frank, Administrator National Ocean Survey Herbert R. Lippold, Jr., Director CONTENTS Abstract 1 Introduction 1 History of leveling in the area 2 Survey scheme 2 Analysis of the data 5 Adjustments 5 Comparisons - - 10 Conclusion 13 References 13 Appendix A. Comparison of adjusted elevations in the Houston- Galveston area 14 Appendix B. Cooperative agreement 54 Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an endor- sement by NOAA National Ocean Survey. Use for publicity or advertising purposes of information from this publication concerning proprietary prod- ucts or the tests of such products is not authorized. li THE 1978 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AND TEXAS GULF COAST VERTICAL CONTROL SURVEYS Emery I. Balazs National Geodetic Survey National Ocean Survey, NOAA Rockville, Md. 20852 ABSTRACT. Comparisons between leveling surveys of different epochs are used to determine vertical displacement of permanent bench marks. Displacement of bench marks usually represents the movement of the surrounding area. In this report, the 1978 Houston- Galveston and Texas Gulf Coast releveling surveys are compared to the 1963, 1973, and 1976 releveling results. The changes in elevations of bench marks common to two or more epochs are tabulated and plotted in appendix A. From these differences, contour maps were prepared for the 1963-78 and 1973-78 epochs in the 2° x 2° area of maximum subsidence. Annual sub- sidence rates computed for the 1973-78 period are about 25 percent less in the maximum subsidence area than the rates computed for the 1963-73 period. INTRODUCTION The need for crustal movement determinations has steadily increased in recent years. Movement rates are used to predict future flood lines in coastal areas, to isolate fault lines, to locate areas not safe for devel- opment, etc. Rapidly changing rates are studied in tectonic areas as a possible precursor of earthquake activity. One of the best methods of crustal movement determination is precise differential leveling, in which elevations of permanent bench marks are determined at various epochs. After the elevations are made consistent and compared, the vertical dis- placement of each bench mark is determined. When these displacements are normalized, the rate of movement is obtained. The rates of movement of bench marks usually provide an accurate indica- tion of ground movement in the area. Bench marks — bronze disks set in massive structures, bedrock, concrete posts, or on steel rods driven far into the ground — are placed at intervals of about 1 kilometer (km) along level lines in rural areas, and at closer spacings in cities and areas of known movement (Whalen 1978). For example, on a 5-km level line in the south Houston area, 32 high quality bench marks were set to locate a sus- pected fault line. Accurate determination of crustal movement is extremely important in low-lying coastal areas, where subsidence could cause extensive flooding of existing communities or could be a major deterrent to economic growth. In these areas, subsidence-monitoring surveys provide a means to determine the trend and extent of such subsidence. HISTORY OF LEVELING IN THE AREA One of the areas in the United States that has been monitored for sub- sidence by precise leveling is a 7 800-square-km area surrounding Houston and Galveston, Texas. The development of this level net began in 1906 to provide vertical control to map the area. Additional surveys, funded by the U. S. Government, were carried out in 1918, 1932-36, 1941-44, 1950-51, 1953-54, 1958-59, and 1963-64. These surveys were planned and performed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. In 1973, 20 local groups and 5 Federal agencies, including the National Ocean Survey (NOS), NOAA, coop- erated in releveling the area (NOAA 1974). In 1976, a single line from Galveston via Baytown and Houston to LaGrange was releveled by the NOS National Geodetic Survey (NGS) at the request of the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District which funded the survey. In 1978, releveling of the Houston-Galveston area was again requested by the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District to monitor land movement in the area. NGS coordinated and managed the cooperative releveling proj- ect. In addition to NGS, several other agencies contributed to the re- leveling project: the United States Geological Survey, the Geothermal Energy Division of the Department of Energy, the Defense Mapping Agency's Corps of Engineers, and Meyers and Associates, Inc., a private engineering organization that participated in the final phase of the field observations. Another releveling project, Brazoria County, Placido Junction, and the Corpus Christi area, which will be referred to as the Texas Gulf Coast project in this report, was also completed at the same time. The two projects were connected at several points to enlarge the study area. The pertinent details of both the Houston-Galveston and the Texas Gulf Coast projects are included in this report. SURVEY SCHEME The observations were begun in May 1978 and completed in March 1979. Four types of compensator levels and two types of spirit levels were used during the projects. Most of the level lines were observed with Zeiss Ni 1 compensator levels. All levels had optical micrometers. Double-scale invar band leveling rods, standardized by the National Bureau of Standards, were used throughout the projects. Level lines that did not form closed loops were double-run to first-order, class I standards. These lines, including spur lines, were leveled in both the forward and backward direc- tions. The maximum allowable disagreement between forward and backward measurements between each pair of bench marks was 3 mm times the square root of the section length in kilometers. Level lines that formed loops were leveled in only one direction to first-order, class II standards (Whalen and Balazs 1976). The maximum allowable loop misclosure was 5 mm times the square root of the length of the loop in kilometers. Figures 1 and 2 show the level lines, with assigned line numbers, for the two proj- ects. The total length of lines in the Houston-Galveston project leveled o o CO 30°3CT +f TO RIVERSIDE I \ + 3 |05 r 30°30 9fS 9 ; 'CONROE MAGNOLIA 1 28 /N9 \ W 1 14^ \ \ M4 ^-.-^^ — \SPRING 14 \ WALLER^ 14 ■\24 > HUFFMAN^ 17 ^ r ^ DAYTON TO AUSTIN ft M4 A ii» \ 17 + 13 katy; U « -t OT^^K v COVE / + 29°00|_ o o 35 r J- -V SUGAR LANDL- 9 10) 10^ A TjSgfef^ \ 4 ;8AYTOWN L 4 * 7 %23il3 i T4 L 9 For Inset See Figure 2. 2 -^2/ GALVESTON TO CORPUS CHRISTI |29°C0' \ \ 18 / < y \ \ J 19 ^^ 19» 19 \ | 19 J^j 19 I /T 4-1 •H e o> tf> cO o •H CO > CM -J C •H O ■U w C/) 3 —i "3 < >-l OJ < o> O) O) •H "P" T~ i~ i cu > CO 0) H o o co (6 L|_| h- CO ID O o «fr CO O «fr o *■ CO t IOOH8 dO •3 w re 3diHSMOoaa do "AA IW 96'2 A1V3S dO "3 liAf 99> A1V3S dO M"IW9crO I L CD H c O ■U UJ O pa o •p >, H n3 01 en s-i o u-i M C •H > 0) Q U Pm I I 0) •H CD CM Ud)lN3W3AOW en NOlSnOH IV NOlSnOH dO 3N S31IW 87 NOlSnOH dO H1HON S3im ?9 \ 0USld< NOisnoH do HiaoN ssim ru NOlSnOH dO HldON SSIUM S'U 680* ONIHdS dO HinOS S31IW t'S ONIbdS dO HinOS S31IW 2"0 ONIBdS dO H1H0N S3HIIM PO DNIBdS dO H1HON S3"IIW C'Z 3OHNO0 dO HinOS S31IW C"2 CM 1- T 05 CO CO CO co in in in cd r»- n- CT> CT> CT> O^ CJ> G> C7> ct> in m r-^ in cd r*. o> cm in in o ^ co en m f^ o cm ^ , ^ t- T- ■>- 1- CM CM 0) H C O 4-1 CO o 00 •S 5-1 ex en CO •H > 0) O 5-1 c o u 5-i o M-l 00 c •H 0) > CD 14-1 O •H o 5-i PL, I I CD 5-i 00 •H (id) 1N3W3AOW CM I CO I QJ H Qj) 1N3W3AOW c o 4-1 '/. P o o U o c a) u -a c o c •H a •H o •H O ■H c •H M •H > •H > O 4-> m > n3 n o M c ■H > O •H o I I MD QJ M •H In the first minimum constraint adjustment of the 1978 data, only the elevation of Bench Mark J 305=Tidal 33 at the Galveston Tide Station was held fixed. This elevation was computed from the 1973 adjusted elevation and from a land movement rate of -5.3 mm per year, based on long term (1909-75) tidal observations at the tide station. This adjustment was evaluated for changes in elevation at each bench mark. The adjusted eleva- tions of several bench marks in the Sinton area (Texas Gulf Coast project) were the same as were determined in previous adjustments. In three areas — Austin, La Grange, and Riverside — the change between the elevations from the 1978 minimum constraint adjustment and the 1973 adjusted eleva- tions was significantly less than that expected from random leveling er- rors, indicating relative stability of these three areas. A second adjustment was performed, holding fixed all elevations which were held fixed in the 1973 adjustment. In addition, several stable bench marks in the Sinton area, which would not distort the elevations of other bench marks in the area, were selected as fixed points. The elevations from this second adjustment indicated an apparent 5-8 cm uplift in the time period 1973-78 for the Conroe area. According to local geologists, this apparent uplift could not be explained by geological evidence. More ac- ceptable was the theory that the Riverside area, where stability was as- sumed in the second adjustment, was slowly subsiding. Therefore, a third adjustment was made with different constraints. In the third adjustment, 1973 elevations in the Conroe area were held fixed. This resulted in 5-8 era lower elevations for the bench marks at Riverside than those from the second adjustment. The third adjustment can be compared to the 1973 and 1976 adjustments because almost identical constraints were used in all three. Since the 1973 adjusted elevations were compared to pre-1973 adjusted elevations on the same basis, elevations from the third adjustment can also be compared to similar pre-1973 adjusted elevations. The elevations determined by the third adjustment are avail- able from the National Geodetic Information Center, National Geodetic Survey, National Ocean Survey, NOAA, Rockville, MD 20852. COMPARISONS The adjusted elevations of bench marks common to two or more post-1963 surveys were compared in the 2° x 2° area of maximum subsidence. These bench marks were tabulated and plotted (appendix A) to determine the differences of elevations between the 1963-78, 1973-78, and 1976-78 epochs. The dif- ferences provided the basis for contour maps of subsidence for the 1963-78 epoch (fig. 7) and for the 1973-78 epoch (fig. 8). The differences of elevations and the contour intervals are given in feet as requested by the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District to facilitate comparison with the 1974 NOAA report. 10 OCof6p H OEof6 ,£3 u o PH 0) H 00.S6 1 0£o96 i (rt \ d id \ ° re \ o 5 \ \ .—I i c o 4-) Cfi 3 O M O u-i M-l 01 u c •H 01 ,£3 a C/3 0) Oil •H 11 12 CONCLUSION It was determined in the mid-1960' s that the withdrawal of underground water was the primary cause of the subsidence in the Houston-Galveston area. In 1975, the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District was cre- ated to monitor and control the withdrawal of underground water. Results of the 1978-79 leveling indicate that the rate of subsidence has decreased. The average subsidence rate, computed from the movement of 336 bench marks in the 1° x 1° area of maximum subsidence (quad 29095), was 8.3 percent less from 1973 to 1978 than from 1963 to 1978. Another comparison indicates that average subsidence rates during 1973-78 were approximately 25 percent less than during 1963-73. The average subsidence rate for the 1963-73 period was computed from the elevation changes of 445 bench marks reported in 1974 from the same quad as above. Although the average rate of sub- sidence for the quad is still large (approximately 36 mm per year), an analysis of the survey results indicates subsidence resulting from the withdrawal of underground water can be reduced and possibly stopped by using surface water instead of water pumped from wells. REFERENCES Federal Geodetic Control Committee, 1974, reprinted 1980: Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys . U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, Md . , 12 pp. (A single copy may be obtained from the National Geodetic Information Center, National Ocean Survey, NOAA, Rockville, MD 20852. Multiple copies may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) Federal Geodetic Control Committee, 1975, revised 1980: Specifications to Support Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys . U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, Md . , 46 pp. (A single copy may be obtained from the National Geodetic Information Center, Na- tional Ocean Survey, NOAA, Rockville, MD 20852. Multiple copies may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1974: 1973 releveling of the Houston-Galveston area, Texas. Unpublished technical report, National Geodetic Survey, National Ocean Survey, NOAA, Rockville, Md. 48 pp. Whalen, C. T. , 1978: Control leveling. NOAA Technical Report NOS 73 NGS 8, Rockville, Md , 21 pp. (Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, stock No. 003-017-00422-8.) Whalen, C. T. and Balazs, E. I., 1976: Test results of first-order class III leveling. NOAA Technical Report NOS 68 NGS 4, Rockville, Md , 30 pp. (Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, stock No. 003-017-00393-1.) 13 APPENDIX A.— C OMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA List of bench marks common to two or more epochs in quad N29094W. Quad N29094W 14 HOUSTON N29264E 1 15 ♦ ♦♦ ♦ 2$* ♦ ♦ i* * zfc *T till ♦ 3(9 ♦ . *2l6 ♦ ♦55 to ,,♦**>. HOUSTON KZ9266E 3 16 2 4 ♦ ,1, ♦ 2&9 2,4 ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦•*•♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ #9 ♦ ♦" ♦ A ill ♦ ./*• 1^3 ♦ 9 ♦ ♦ ♦* ♦♦ifl ♦ ♦ 03 * ♦ if* ,s « j!o ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ U ♦ 93 ♦ *• to HOUSTON N29266E 4 17 -&1 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA StRIAL DESIGNATION POSITION (OMS) ARCHIVE S SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEE NO. LAT (N) LONG (*/) LINE NO. 1978-1963 1978-1973 1973-197! 1 877-1450 TIDAL 19 29 18 30 94 47 28 L24406 2 -0.258 -0.087 -0.032 2 877-1450 TIDAL 35 29 18 29 94 47 30 L24406 2 -0.252 -0.084 -0.032 3 877-1450 TIDAL 42 29 18 32 94 47 36 L24406 2 -0.235 -0.074 -0.031 4 877-1450 TIDAL 32 29 18 24 94 47 42 L24406 2 -0.290 -0.090 -0.034 5 J 305=TIDAL 33 29 18 21 94 47 48 L24406 2 -0.280 -0.087 -0.034 6 Y 1213 29 18 8 94 48 36 L24406 2 -0.082 -0.032 7 F 9=K 305 29 13 94 48 57 L24406 2 -0.308 -0.088 -0.029 3 W 1219 29 17 54 94 49 29 L24406 2 -0.105 -0.039 9 C 1186 29 17 53 94 (+9 33 L24406 2 -0.352 -0.102 -0.037 10 R 1137 29 18 23 94 49 31 L24406 2 -0.369 11 S 1137 29 13 50 94 49 15 L24406 2 -0.371 12 U 1137 29 18 53 94 47 52 L24406 2 -0.291 13 S t56 29 17 32 94 50 25 L24406 2 -0.409 -0.130 -0.053 It 61 TXHD 29 16 46 94 49 58 L2t406 2 -0.H6 15 877-1488 TIDAL 3 29 17 32 94 52 34 L24406 2 -0.269 -0.U69 -0.040 16 877-1488 TIDAL 2 29 17 34 94 52 36 L24406 2 -0.259 -0.065 -0.035 17 V t56 29 18 2 94 53 35 L24406 2 -0.259 -0.062 -0.032 18 L 305 29 18 12 94 53 54 L24406 2 -0.298 -0.078 -0.035 19 P 1210 29 18 15 94 53 60 L24406 2 -0.U91 -0.041 20 W "+56 29 13 27 94 54 23 L24406 2 -0.351 -0.092 -0.042 21 W 457 29 18 48 94 54 41 L2*+406 2 -0.321 -0.082 -0.036 22 L 1144 29 19 94 55 47 L24406 2 -0.656 -0.226 23 M 1144 29 19 11 94 56 21 L24406 2 -0.706 -0.237 24 R 1144 29 19 37 94 57 36 L24406 2 -0.890 -0.319 25 Z 456 29 19 49 94 58 3 L24406 2 -0.875 -0.*81 26 V 1219 29 19 57 94 57 54 L24406 2 -0.H61 27 F 640 29 20 11 94 57 32 L24406 2 -0.852 -0.199 23 Q 456 29 20 5 94 58 51 L24406 2 -1.437 -0.515 29 Q 305 29 20 25 94 59 49 L24406 2 -1.015 -0.413 30 V 1006 29 18 31 94 47 16 L24406 3 -0.242 -0.088 -0.032 31 877-1450 TIDAL 40 29 18 41 94 47 13 L24406 3 -0.224 -0.079 32 877-1450 TIDAL 41 29 IS 44 94 47 13 L24406 3 -0.367 -0.181 33 R 1208 29 18 37 94 45 45 L2t406 3 -0.110 34 13.149 USE 29 19 47 94 46 23 L24406 3 -0.256 -0.108 35 JJ USE 29 19 51 94 46 22 L24406 3 -0.H5 36 TIDE STAFF 4 FT 29 19 50 94 46 26 L24406 3 0*006 37 JACINTO 29 20 4 94 45 8 L24406 3 -0.509 38 A 168 29 20 6 94 45 7 L24406 3 -0.3H7 59 JACINTO RM 1 29 20 3 94 45 7 L24406 3 -0.408 to JACINTO RM 2 29 20 1 94 45 9 L24406 3 -0.373 41 S 168 29 19 45 94 45 19 L24406 3 -0.395 42 C 163 29 19 6 94 45 42 L24406 3 -0.252 43 SAN RM 1 29 18 51 94 45 53 L24406 3 -0.245 44 SAN RM 2 29 18 49 94 45 52 L24406 3 -0.252 45 SAN 29 13 51 94 45 53 L24406 3 -0.277 46 H 305 29 18 40 94 45 59 L24406 3 -0,283 47 168 29 18 29 94 46 3 L24406 3 -0.321 -0.H4 48 a/ALL 29 17 51 94 46 40 L2t406 3 -0.214 -0.059 -0.023 49 WALL RM 1 29 17 52 94 46 39 L24406 3 -0.212 -0.061 -0.021 50 E 168 29 17 21 94 47 18 L24406 3 -0.242 -0.058 -0.028 51 877-1510 TIDAL 44 29 17 17 94 47 24 L24406 3 -0.246 -0.059 -0.029 52 877-1510 TIDAL 43 29 17 6 94 47 22 L24406 3 -0.219 -0.045 -0.013 53 877-1510 TIDE GAGE 29 17 7 94 47 20 L24406 3 -0.051 -0.018 54 F 168 29 16 52 94 43 L24406 3 -0.306 -0.079 55 X 1208 29 16 43 94 43 19 L24406 3 -0.079 56 G 163 29 16 30 94 48 38 L24406 3 -0.262 -0.065 57 CROCKETT RM Z 29 16 25 94 48 44 L24406 3 -0.251 -0.057 58 CROCKETT RM 1 29 16 27 94 48 42 L24406 3 -u.254 -0.061 59 W 1208 29 16 16 94 49 & L2*406 3 -0.074 60 HJ USE 29 16 94 49 33 L24406 3 -0.055 61 H 168 29 15 59 94 49 32 L24406 3 -0.250 -0.U40 62 B 1137 USE 29 15 52 94 49 43 L24406 3 -0.263 -0.050 63 C 1137 USE 29 15 47 94 49 53 L24406 3 -0.181 -0.024 64 D 1137 USE 29 15 42 94 49 60 L24406 3 -0.176 -0.U22 65 E 1137 USE 29 15 36 94 50 11 L24406 3 -0.182 66 F 1137 USE 29 15 31 94 50 21 L24406 3 -0.193 67 74+09.45 USE 29 15 19 94 50 43 L24406 3 -0.213 18 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL DESIGNATION POSITION (DMS) archive : s SJBSIDENCE (OR UPLIf NO. LAT (N) LONG <*) LINE NO. 1978- •1963 1978-197: 68 75+28 USE 29 15 19 94 50 44 L24406 3 -0. .215 69 93+87.8 USE 29 15 7 94 51 4 L24406 3 -0. ,267 70 111+37.3 USE 29 14 57 94 51 19 L24406 3 -o. .268 71 128+87.4 USE 29 14 49 94 51 35 L24406 3 -0, .260 72 145+87.4; i USE 29 14 36 94 51 54 L24406 3 -o. .268 73 162+87.6 USE 29 14 31 94 52 3 L2<+'+06 3 -o. .356 74 E 1186 29 14 44 94 52 26 L24406 3 -o, .397 75 NASS 29 14 34 94 52 52 L24406 3 -0, .448 76 F 1186 29 14 20 94 53 25 L24406 3 -o. .366 77 G 1186 29 13 50 94 54 13 L24406 3 -0- ,242 78 H 1136 29 13 28 94 54 52 L24406 3 -o. .357 79 J 1186 29 12 56 94 55 37 L2'+ 1 +06 3 -o. .326 80 K 1186 29 12 41 94 56 16 L24406 3 -0, .316 81 D 460 RESET 1955 29 10 39 94 58 53 L2t*t06 3 -o. ,376 32 P 1137 29 10 22 94 59 19 L24406 3 -o. ,289 83 M 1186 29 10 10 94 59 44 L24406 3 - w 1 ,274 84 D 647 29 40 27 94 36 51 L24406 4 -0.050 85 R 1136 29 39 49 94 37 25 L24406 4 -0.U53 86 S 1136 29 39 18 94 38 1 L24406 4 -0.051 87 T 1136 29 33 50 94 38 24 L24406 4 -0.O56 88 U 1136 29 38 11 94 33 30 L24406 4 -0.061 89 V 1136 29 37 36 94 39 42 L2*+406 4 -0.055 90 E 1139 29 37 21 94 40 4 3 L24406 4 -0.038 91 D 1139 29 36 39 94 40 37 L24406 4 -0.043 92 C 1139 29 35 52 94 40 31 L24406 4 -0.045 93 Q 1139 29 35 18 94 41 1 L?4406 4 -0.U56 94 A 1139 29 34 39 9, 41 45 L24406 4 -0.079 95 Z 1136 29 34 10 94 42 34 L24406 4 -0.097 96 Y 1136 29 33 43 94 43 15 L2<+406 4 -0.082 97 X 1136 29 33 6 94 43 59 L2 l +'+06 4 -0.067 93 M 1136 29 32 34 94 44 40 L24406 4 -0.052 99 F 1139 29 32 9 94 45 33 L24406 4 -0.041 100 SMITH POINT AZ M< 29 31 43 94 46 11 L2'+ l +06 4 -0.034 101 J 1205 29 31 36 94 46 15 L24406 4 -0.028 102 SMITH POINT RM 2 29 31 34 9-4 45 54 L2<+<+06 4 -0.025 103 SMITH POINT 29 31 34 94 45 55 L24406 4 -0.026 104 K 1205 29 31 32 94 45 33 L24406 4 -0.017 105 H 1136 29 40 53 94 38 19 L2<+406 4 -0.072 106 A 647 29 40 36 94 38 53 L24406 4 -0.146 107 Z 646 29 40 32 94 40 L?4406 4 -0.087 108 3 1015 29 41 11 94 40 30 L2 ( +'406 4 -0.093 109 A 1015 29 41 59 94 40 30 L24406 4 -o.ioo 110 W 646 rtEsET 1953 29 42 58 94 40 23 L2 i +'+06 4 -0.142 111 V 646 29 43 22 94 41 9 L24406 4 -0.114 112 877-0559 TIDAL 1 29 44 7 9<+ 41 38 L2 ( +'+06 4 -0.141 113 877-0559 TIDAL 2 29 44 7 94 41 34 L24406 4 -0.134 lit H 1217 29 44 14 94 41 23 L24406 4 -0.071 115 G 1217 29 45 14 94 41 4 L24406 4 -0.121 116 S 1012 29 46 10 94 41 3 L24406 4 -0.095 117 Y 1012 29 46 14 94 40 47 L24406 4 -0.155 113 V 1145 29 46 25 94 40 14 L24406 4 -0.120 119 F 1217 29 47 10 94 39 55 L24406 4 -0.156 120 E 1217 29 48 5 94 39 29 L24406 4 -0.H9 121 X 1145 29 43 54 94 39 31 L24406 4 -0.128 122 L 1205 29 4 9 6 94 39 36 L?4406 4 -0.133 123 3 1205 29 49 44 94 40 10 L24406 4 -0.100 124 V 173 29 50 3 94 40 32 L24406 4 -0.108 125 F 35 TXKD 29 50 1 94 41 32 L24406 4 -0.098 126 T 1145 29 50 23 94 41 42 L24406 4 -0.126 127 S 1145 29 50 18 94 42 42 L24406 4 -0.H4 128 H 1013 29 50 13 94 43 54 L2H406 4 -0.106 129 Z 173 29 50 17 94 44 37 L24406 4 -0.135 130 3 1217 29 50 12 9H 44 37 L24406 4 -0.098 131 Q 1145 29 50 8 94 46 3 L24406 4 -0.126 132 P 1145 29 49 57 94 47 16 L24406 4 -0.111 133 S 173 29 49 35 94 48 15 L24406 4 -0 .537 -0.159 134 K 1013 29 49 4 94 49 11 L24406 4 -0 .710 -0.175 19 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN T H L HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SLRIAL ■MO. DESIG NATION POSITION (OMS) ARCHIVE S SUdSlOENCE (OR UPLIFT) 1^ FEET LAT (N) LONG (/J) LINE NO. 1978-1963 1973-1973 1973- •1976 155 L 1013 29 4 8 37 94 49 53 L24406 4 -0.355 -0.222 136 M 1013 29 48 1 94 50 44 L24406 4 -1.005 -0.^87 137 N 1013 29 47 38 94 51 30 L24406 4 -1.179 -0.336 133 H 1205 29 47 12 94 52 9 L244Q6 4 -0.376 139 A 1146 29 46 35 94 51 41 L24406 4 -1.161 -0.-560 140 A 1218 29 45 13 94 51 13 L24406 4 -0.319 141 C 1146 29 44 49 94 51 3 L24406 4 -0.930 -0.-S23 142 1146 29 43 46 94 50 57 L24406 4 -0.983 -0.337 143 s 660 29 43 46 94 50 51 L24406 4 -0.886 -0.->21 144 E 1146 29 42 50 94 51 30 L24406 4 -1.065 -0.343 145 J 1146 29 42 6 94 51 52 L24406 4 -1.295 -0.481 146 U 1204 29 41 23 94 52 5 L24406 4 -0.359 147 P 660 29 40 34 94 52 20 L24406 4 -0.307 -0.292 148 z 1205 29 40 94 53 9 L24406 4 -0.255 149 3 1218 29 39 44 94 54 7 L24406 4 -0.448 150 y 1205 29 40 15 94 54 53 L24406 4 -0.456 151 K 660 29 4Q 40 94 55 27 L24406 4 -1.264 -0.407 152 J 660 29 41 15 94 56 1 L24406 4 -1.734 -0.474 153 H 660 29 41 4 3 94 56 9 L24406 4 -1.411 -0.341 154 6 660 29 42 12 94 56 42 L24406 4 -1.826 -0.438 155 F 660 RESET 1954 2^ 42 57 94 57 12 L24406 4 -1.649 -0.412 156 X 1205 29 43 4C 94 57 14 L24406 4 -0.493 157 c 1205 29 43 44 94 57 29 L24406 4 -0.474 153 Z 1145 29 47 10 94 52 10 L24406 4 -1.290 -0.378 159 P 1013 RESET 1971 29 47 2 94 52 23 L24406 4 -0.^43 160 s 693 29 46 55 94 55 16 L24406 4 -1.569 -O.'+OS 161 c 1217 29 46 23 54 54 39 L24406 4 -0.368 162 R 1013 29 46 13 94 54 59 L244Q6 4 -1.390 -0.380 163 H 173 RESET 1953 29 45 34 94 55 33 LP4406 4 -1.775 -0.485 164 CHURCH AZ MK 29 45 30 94 55 59 L24406 4 -1.317 -0.544 165 CHURCH KM 1 29 45 26 94 56 23 L24406 4 -2.115 -0.°12 166 CHURCH 29 45 24 94 55 23 L24406 4 -2.226 -0.^79 167 CHURCH KM 2 29 45 24 94 56 27 L244Q6 4 -2.112 -0.383 163 1217 29 44 31 94 57 3 L24406 4 -0.351 i&y N 1205 29 43 46 94 57 35 L24406 4 -0.473 170 F 173 29 43 52 94 53 5 L24406 4 -2.502 -0.615 171 J 1183 29 45 20 94 53 19 L24406 4 -2.881 -0.693 172 Y 1133 29 43 11 94 53 45 L24406 4 -2.924 -0 . 753 173 G 1201 29 43 94 53 47 L24406 4 -0.835 174 U 1013 29 42 51 94 53 54 L24406 4 -2.914 -0.766 175 M 1148 29 42 43 94 53 55 L24406 4 -1.260 -0.*07 176 F 1146 TXHD 29 42 49 9-i 59 31 L24406 4 -3.159 -0.813 177 MORGAN POINT 3 RM3 29 40 54 94 59 22 L244Q6 4 -0.660 178 MORGAN POINT 3 29 40 54 94 59 22 L24406 4 -0.°67 179 E 1201 29 40 54 94 59 22 L24406 4 -0.°83 130 E 1205 29 40 36 94 53 52 L244C6 4 -0.471 181 E 1007 29 40 36 94 53 56 L24406 4 -1.384 -0.427 182 Y 169 RESET 1973 29 30 11 94 59 50 L24406 4 -0.650 183 C 1204 29 29 52 94 59 42 L24406 4 -0.325 134 G 1138 29 30 21 94 59 2 L24406 4 -1.937 -0.301 135 CLIFTON RM 4 29 31 2 94 53 14 L24406 4 -1.299 -0.361 186 CLIFTON RESET 1960 29 31 3 94 53 13 L24406 4 -1.263 -0.355 137 CLIFTON RM 3 29 31 1 94 53 12 L24406 4 -1.416 -0.O45 183 A 1137 29 30 42 94 57 13 L24406 4 -1.214 -0.499 lo9 B 1137 29 30 33 94 57 6 L24406 4 -1.183 -0.-+33 190 C 1137 29 30 38 94 57 3 L24406 4 -1.258 -0.329 191 D 1187 29 30 94 56 17 L24406 4 -1.172 -0.-+96 192 Z 1136 29 29 45 94 55 14 L24406 4 -1.190 -0.311 193 EAGLE POINT K M 2 29 29 40 94 54 49 L24406 4 -0.950 -0.412 194 EAGLE POINT k A 1 29 29 44 94 54 36 L24406 4 -0.323 -0.350 195 EAGLE POINT 29 29 45 94 54 37 L24406 4 -0.777 -0.^67 196 G 1205 29 29 48 94 55 2 L244Q6 4 -0.410 197 Y 1186 29 28 55 9 - 55 22 L24406 4 -1.047 -0.446 193 A 1006 29 23 60 94 56 2 L24406 4 -1.300 -0.660 199 25 i TXRU RESET 1954 29 29 17 94 57 3 L24406 4 -1.258 -0.310 200 X 1186 29 29 25 94 53 L24406 4 -1.432 -0.6Q5 20 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-G AlVeSTON AKEA SERIA|_ DESIGNATION POSITION IDMS1 i ARCHIVE S SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET NO. LA" ( :n> LONG 1 W) LINE NO. 1973-1963 1978-1973 1973-1976 201 V 170 RESET 1954 29 29 1 94 58 9 L24406 4 -1.309 -0.5*67 202 V 169 29 23 11 94 58 22 L24406 4 -1.489 -0.610 203 A 1186 29 28 17 94 58 46 L24406 4 -1.274 -0.543 20^ z 1201 29 28 55 94 59 4 L24406 4 -1.137 205 W 169 RESET 1945 29 28 45 94 58 59 L24406 4 -2.385 -1.201 206 r 1201 29 28 20 94 53 46 L24406 4 -0.381 207 T 1186 29 27 23 94 53 13 L24406 4 -1.237 -0.322 2G3 S 1186 29 26 25 94 57 55 L24406 4 -1.162 -0.444 209 MOSES 29 25 30 94 57 47 L24406 4 -1.202 -0.510 210 T 169 RESET 1945 29 24 59 94 57 32 L24406 4 -1.095 -0.484 211 S 169 29 24 29 94 57 6 L24406 4 -1.982 -0.828 212 z 458 29 24 27 94 57 1 L24406 4 -1.960 -0.838 213 A 459 29 24 22 94 57 2 L24406 4 -1.991 -0.846 2m Y 458 29 24 27 94 56 60 L24406 4 -1.779 -0.801 215 A 1205 29 24 26 94 56 14 L24406 4 -0. "03 216 3 459 29 24 27 94 55 25 L24406 4 -1.515 -0.&29 217 C 459 29 24 26 94 55 25 L24406 4 -1.489 -0.630 218 E 458 29 24 22 94 54 15 L24406 4 -1.131 -0.446 -0.140 219 N 1204 29 ^5 59 94 54 3 L24406 4 -0.4<+d -0.142 220 M 169 29 23 32 9^ 54 10 L24406 4 -1.162 -0.431 -0.112 221 Y 170 29 23 31 94 53 36 L24406 4 -0.970 -0.350 222 P 1204 29 23 16 94 52 45 L24406 4 -0.^08 223 Q 1204 29 22 60 94 52 L24406 4 -0.228 224 R 1204 29 22 44 94 51 9 L24406 4 -0.194 225 S 1204 29 21 57 94 43 52 L24406 4 -0.-593 226 C 1138 29 21 51 94 43 37 L24406 4 -0.698 -0.410 227 TEX 2 29 21 53 94 48 36 L24406 4 -0.688 -0.413 223 Z 640 r!EsET 1949 29 28 16 94 59 59 L24406 5 -1.623 -0.698 229 K 646 - LIME NO, 1976-1963 1978-1973 1973-197. 269 A 1014 29 51 49 94 49 9 L24406 17 -0.816 270 Z 1013 29 51 12 94 48 52 L24406 17 -0.645 271 E 1019 29 51 6 94 55 59 L24406 17 -0.920 272 D 1148 29 51 1 94 56 32 L24406 17 -1.137 273 N 1133 29 50 50 9-f 57 25 L24406 17 -1.260 274 V 659 29 50 34 94 59 19 L24406 17 -1.357 275 954 USGS 29 49 52 94 58 15 L24406 17 -1.237 276 Y 659 29 49 7 94 58 4 L24406 17 -1.362 277 D 1019 29 48 34 94 57 55 L24406 17 -1.434 273 A 660 29 47 52 9> 57 35 L24406 17 -1.572 279 E 1148 29 47 27 94 57 17 L24406 17 -1.596 2ao P 1133 29 47 24 94 57 29 L24406 17 -1.910 281 Q 1183 29 47 12 94 57 26 L24406 17 -1.763 282 B 660 29 46 51 94 56 4 7 L24406 17 -1.685 283 C 660 29 46 16 94 56 27 L24406 17 -2.148 284 V 659 RM 2 29 50 34 94 59 21 L24406 19 -1.438 285 P 1146 29 43 30 94 59 45 L24406 20 -2.769 -0.&79 -0.039 286 L 1019 29 46 46 94 59 26 L24406 20 -1.505 287 V 690 29 46 41 94 53 59 L2<+406 20 -..731 233 146 RESET 1959 29 46 42 94 57 50 L24406 20 -2.436 269 D 1204 29 27 21 94 57 40 L24406 32 -0.502 290 D 171 29 27 43 94 57 55 L24406 32 -1.281 291 E 1204 29 27 43 94 56 55 1.24406 32 -0.400 292 FOOL 29 27 36 94 56 53 L24406 32 -1.145 -0.<+36 293 G 1204 29 26 42 94 55 5 L24406 32 -0.265 294 H 1204 29 26 42 94 55 4 L24406 32 -0.281 295 J 1204 29 26 24 94 54 26 L24406 32 -0.294 296 K 1204 29 25 58 94 53 38 L24406 32 -0.343 297 L 1204 29 25 16 94 53 25 L24406 32 -0.297 293 A 1204 29 25 1 94 53 38 L24406 32 -0.277 -0.074 299 P 1226 29 24 58 94 53 4 2 L24406 32 -0.067 300 MOSES LAKE 79Q 29 24 58 94 53 41 L24406 32 -0.021 301 B 1204 29 24 53 94 53 37 L24406 32 -0.265 -0.068 302 M 1204 29 24 24 94 53 36 L24406 32 -0.265 -0.061 303 NO 8 USE 29 21 59 94 46 2 L2*406 4 304 NO 1 USE 29 21 59 94 46 1 L24406 4 305 2 167 29 21 43 94 45 39 L24406 4 306 TRAVIS RM 29 21 59 94 45 21 L24406 4 307 TRAVIS 29 21 58 94 45 22 L2t"+06 4 3q8 TRAVIS RM 2 29 21 58 94 45 23 L24406 4 309 H 171 RESET 1956 29 22 54 94 44 34 L24406 4 310 J 171 RESET 1956 29 23 30 94 43 51 L24406 4 311 A 1011 29 24 12 94 43 18 L24406 4 312 B 1011 29 24 54 94 42 38 L24406 4 313 C 1011 29 25 21 94 41 55 L24406 4 314 PARRS GKOVE RM 1 29 25 41 94 41 16 L24406 4 315 PARRS GROVE 29 25 40 94 41 13 L24406 4 316 3 171 RESET 1956 29 27 18 94 38 40 L24406 4 317 R 171 RESET 1956 29 27 39 94 37 57 L24406 4 318 PATTON 29 27 45 94 37 24 L24406 4 319 S 171 RESET 1956 29 27 58 94 36 55 L24406 4 320 T 171 RESET 1956 29 23 13 94 35 59 L24406 4 321 746 3 USGS 29 28 60 94 34 a L24406 4 322 T 1134 29 29 18 94 33 10 L24406 4 323 X 171 RESET 1954 29 29 38 94 32 18 L24406 4 324 CAPLEN 29 29 54 94 31 32 L24406 4 325 2 171 RESET 1954 29 30 20 94 30 27 L24406 4 326 A 172 RESET 1954 29 30 36 94 29 41 L24406 4 327 GILCHRIST RM 2 29 30 43 94 29 25 L24406 4 328 S 1134 29 30 59 94 23 38 L24406 4 329 K 1011 29 31 58 94 25 55 L24406 4 330 G 172 29 33 17 94 23 26 L24406 4 331 V 1134 29 33 43 94 23 41 L24406 4 332 E 310 29 34 12 94 23 55 L24406 4 333 A 1134 29 33 49 94 22 19 L24406 4 334 9 1011 29 39 13 94 22 20 L24406 4 335 S 1011 29 40 8 94 22 21 L24406 4 336 T 1011 29 40 34 94 22 27 L24406 4 22 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA LRIAl DESIGNATION 1 3 OSITION (QMS) ARCHIVE S MO, LAT (.M) LONG I/O LINE NO. 337 Z 1135 29 40 30 94 23 1 L2<+406 <♦ 333 H 643 29 40 32 94 23 58 L2'+'+06 4 339 F 1136 29 40 36 94 24 48 L24406 4 310 E 1136 29 40 33 94 25 49 L24406 4 34 604 ♦ ► ♦ ♦ ♦ * 301* 379 * * ♦ 5! < \i ♦ 569 ! a* ♦♦*»*, ****** * ** * ♦ * 4_ 639 ♦ ♦ 669 «?*♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ * £5*9 6i4^ + 6l9* ♦ 341 *3$6 ♦ « ♦ 316 •J 1 * .W ^V ♦ # -326* ^ . * * fi1 7*6 ,S \ + ^ * * 7*»* * ... * 162 ^ k * ♦ * 2 5«r * 281 * * 256* + + ?ll ♦ ♦ . , a, * * 2?1 * 211 7*6 + *«*•* ♦ t * 61 ♦ ♦ ''\ ♦ £ * *J* >* ,5 ° "»fc ■ ► % 100* \ ♦ **.•♦ . * ♦ ♦ HOUSTON N29265E 1 28 HOUSTON N29265E 2 29 HOUSTON N2926SE 3 30 "♦ 465* + * do 490 ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4>0 4>5 ♦ ♦ 445. ♦♦ 414 2>9 + 440 4o ♦* ♦ *£ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ 835 ♦ • 3 J 7 + * + * 392** + * 3*7 ♦♦* * * "lit* ++ 3!l^ + * 3& * * 36f366* *W * 2/K ^ + 269 + + + 2?9 «, ♦ ♦ zU ♦. ♦ ♦ 249* *. . 849 + 844 HOUSTON N29265E 4 31 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 to 11 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 51 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 DESIGNATION ALTA LOMA RM 1 ALTA LOMA RM 2 ALTA LOMA RESET S 752 U 752 RESET 1961 M 1184 X 1184 Y 752 RESET 1961 N 456 S 1144 B 901 P 1208 S 3o5 Z 1184 C 753 RESET 1951 Q 1210 753 RESET 1951 E 753 RESET 1951 Y 305 Y 1184 U 3o5 RESET 1954 P 456 K 1144 1144 691 1209 1186 1186 460 RESET 1955 1186 POSITION (DMS) ARCHIVE S SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET LAT (N) LONG (W) LINE NO. 1978-1963 1978-1973 1978-1976 460 460 M 460 MOTTO MOTTO RM MOTTO RM G 1146 TXHD HARROP HUMBLE H 1146 TXHD FARNED HUMBLE X 1204 DC TXHD HG TXHD TUNNEL TXHD V 1204 G 1148 BM 10 TXHD Q 1146 W 1204 F 1147 V 1185 P 1201 J 1006 L 170 RESET 1953 Q 1201 C 1189 H 1006 SYLVAN RM 2 SYLVAN RM 1 3L 436 USE K 1201 L 1201 WELL 1089 USGS F 1205 T 1201 U 1201 V 1204 29 22 17 29 22 5 29 22 5 29 21 51 29 20 9 29 18 42 29 18 35 29 17 52 29 20 32 29 21 10 29 21 24 29 21 43 29 21 35 29 21 55 29 22 18 29 22 22 29 22 50 29 23 22 29 22 42 29 22 54 29 23 7 29 23 24 29 23 38 29 23 42 29 23 53 29 24 10 29 9 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 41 9 18 8 34 60 59 6 43 44 45 42 29 42 49 29 42 43 29 42 42 29 42 34 29 42 27 29 42 20 29 42 11 29 42 2 29 42 6 29 42 3 29 41 44 29 41 17 29 41 4 29 40 22 29 39 54 29 39 55 29 39 55 29 40 13 29 39 50 29 39 3 29 38 45 29 38 38 29 38 38 29 38 11 29 37 59 29 37 12 29 37 11 29 37 5 29 37 6 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 10 35 95 10 44 29 36 13 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 21 21 22 52 51 29 17 2 9 55 41 29 11 7 16 22 21 30 6 19 6 53 7 30 8 27 3 15 9 27 23 5 17 a 33 46 23 39 38 38 1 16 21 42 50 59 10 19 15 9 37 51 47 43 44 4 5 7 18 3 3 6 50 50 6 9 4 55 4 4 52 L24406 L24406 L24406 L21406 L2I+406 L2if+06 L2l*06 L24406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L21406 L21406 L2I+106 L21406 L2i+106 L24406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L21406 L2i+<+06 L244Q6 L24406 L2I+106 L24406 L2I+106 L24406 L21+406 L24406 L2im06 L21406 L21406 L24406 L2i*406 L21+406 L21+406 L21406 L24406 L21406 L24406 L24406 L24406 L21406 L21+406 L21406 L24406 L2«f406 L24406 L21406 L2i+i+06 L24406 L24<+06 L24406 L2i+406 L2<*406 L2t+406 L24406 L24406 L2<+<+06 L2i+406 '1.006 •1.022 •1.038 •1.057 ■0.792 •0.735 •0.633 •0.723 ■0.854 •0.893 •0.910 •0.942 -0.941 ■1.012 •1.009 ■1.067 •0.808 ■0 .366 •1.651 •0.835 •0.873 •1.014 ■0.759 ■0.226 •0.187 ■0.263 •0.191 •0.189 •0.133 0.233 •0.184 ■0.189 ■0.202 ■3.243 ■2.889 ■2.758 ■2.726 -2.732 -3.377 -3.848 -3.281 -3.057 -3.254 -3.241 -2.956 -3.080 -3.072 -3.198 -2.714 ■0.301 •0.314 ■0.313 ■0.254 •0.246 •0.261 •0.248 •0.256 •0.268 •0.313 •0.296 •0.307 ■0.342 ■0.244 ■0.269 •0.286 ■0.287 •0.308 ■0.352 ■0.250 ■0.290 29 36 13 95 1 17 L244Q6 4 1.035 -0.152 0.934 0.875 -0.120 0.899 -0.125 0.356 -0.098 0.430 0.520 0.875 -0.101 0.808 -0.090 0.799 -0.087 0.838 1.048 -0.149 1.085 1.318 1.207 1.208 0.984 1.026 0.954 0.994 0.915 0.961 0.966 1.013 1.107 0.973 0.899 0.793 1.119 1.102 0.897 32 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA RIAL DESIGNATION POSITION (DMS) ARCHIVE a SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET NO. LAT (N) LONG (W) LINE NO, 1978-1963 1978-1973 1978-1976 68 F 170 29 35 47 95 1 26 L24406 4 -3.112 -1.085 69 R 1201 29 35 18 95 1 50 L2H406 4 -1.102 70 J 1201 29 34 33 95 1 4 L21406 4 -0.865 71 S 1201 29 33 50 95 1 35 L24406 4 -0.873 -0.124 72 w 1201 29 33 53 95 1 16 L24406 4 -1.065 -0.173 73 SEABROOK 1360 USGS 29 33 50 95 1 16 L24406 4 0.059 74 V 1201 29 33 52 95 1 15 L24406 4 -1.072 -0.183 75 C 170 29 33 27 95 1 L24406 4 -2.640 -0.950 76 T 1204 29 33 23 95 1 1 L24406 4 -0.896 77 877-0898 TIDE ST 29 33 23 95 1 1 L2(+406 4 0.695 78 Z 1188 29 32 57 95 1 21 L24406 4 -2.961 -1.045 79 u 1186 29 32 13 95 1 3 L24406 4 -2.967 -0.896 80 HANSON 29 32 1 95 33 L24406 4 -1.898 -0.707 81 HANSON RM 1 29 31 60 95 33 L21406 4 -1.958 -0.744 82 27 TXRD 29 31 36 95 4 3 L21406 4 -2.561 -1.078 83 X 1201 29 30 42 95 13 L24406 4 -0.702 84 F 753 RESET 1951 29 2<+ 30 95 5 32 L2i+406 5 -1.368 -0.499 85 G 753 RESET 1951 29 25 33 95 5 23 L24406 5 -1.312 -0.479 36 H 753 RESET 1951 29 26 27 95 5 32 L21406 5 -1.522 -0.522 37 E 1214 29 26 56 95 4 35 L24<+06 5 -0.680 88 U 1184 29 27 13 95 4 1 L24406 5 -5.002 -0.858 89 Y 640 RESET 1949 29 28 7 95 59 L24406 5 -1.430 -0.570 90 R 1184 29 26 16 9b 14 41 L24406 6 -1.057 -0.368 91 T 1208 29 27 2 95 14 10 L2i+406 6 -0.496 92 w 691 RESET 1953 29 27 44 95 13 42 L24406 6 -1.207 -0.531 93 a 1144 29 27 57 95 13 23 L24406 6 -1.039 -0.363 94 V 691 RESET 1953 29 28 36 95 13 12 L24406 6 -1.590 -0.7Q1 95 D 459 RESET 1953 29 29 18 95 12 43 L24406 6 -1.477 -0.562 96 T 1144 29 29 21 95 12 4 5 L24406 6 -1.525 -0.514 97 T 691 RESET 1953 29 29 57 95 12 5 L24406 6 -1.402 -0.559 98 E 459 29 30 <+2 95 11 52 L24406 6 -1.888 -0.720 99 S 616 29 31 32 95 10 6 L24<+06 6 -2.286 -0.760 100 B 1214 29 32 29 95 3 22 L24406 6 -0.798 101 P 646 29 32 IS 95 7 45 L24406 6 -2.618 -0.859 102 3M A TXHD 29 32 16 95 6 16 L2i+406 6 -2.148 -0.744 -0.147 103 U 1226 29 32 59 95 5 4 4 L24406 6 -0.176 104 5 1226 29 33 6 95 5 -U L24^06 6 -0.163 105 T 1226 29 33 3 95 5 47 L24406 6 -0.164 1C6 C 1214 29 33 3 95 5 48 L24406 6 -0.348 -0.165 107 APOLLO 29 33 26 95 5 22 L24406 6 -0.860 108 NASA 29 33 43 95 5 21 L24406 6 -0.335 109 D 1214 29 33 43 95 5 20 L24406 6 -0.847 110 JUPITER 29 33 ^8 95 5 13 L24406 6 -0.896 111 N 1187 29 34 2 95 5 45 L24406 6 -2.849 -0.950 112 SATURN 29 33 43 95 5 13 L24406 6 -0.883 113 GEMINI 29 33 32 95 5 21 L24406 6 -0.845 114 MERCURY 29 33 23 95 5 14 L24406 6 -0.813 115 K 1187 29 33 31 95 5 3 L24406 6 -2.383 -0.831 116 V 1226 29 33 25 95 4 31 L24406 6 -0.110 117 J 1137 29 33 7 95 5 22 L24406 6 -3.018 -0.970 -0.170 118 877-0898 TIDAL 5 29 33 53 95 4 L24406 6 -2.931 -0.926 -0.103 119 877-0898 TIDAL 4 29 33 53 95 3 57 L24406 6 -2.915 -0.934 -0.110 120 P 1187 29 33 53 95 3 9 L24406 6 -3.236 -1.067 -0.132 121 Q 1187 29 33 33 95 2 19 L24406 6 -2.741 -1.002 -0.152 122 F 1006 RESE1 ' 1964 29 33 37 95 1 60 L24406 6 -0.908 -0,127 123 F 639 29 24 47 95 6 L24406 7 -1.223 -0.475 -0.173 124 G 639 29 25 28 95 4 4 L24406 7 -1.205 -0.427 -0.145 125 H 639 29 26 5 95 1 19 L244Q6 7 -1.188 -0.407 -0.141 126 J 639 29 26 45 95 1 56 L24406 7 -1.497 -0.549 -0.188 127 L 1210 29 27 13 95 2 18 L24406 7 -0.652 -0.222 128 K 639 29 27 16 95 2 39 L24406 7 -1.522 -0.597 -0.203 129 L 753 RESET 1950 29 27 37 95 3 6 L24406 7 -2.239 •0,881 -0,336 130 K 1210 29 27 54 95 3 2 L24406 7 -0.857 -0.319 131 X 8 29 27 54 95 3 1 L24406 7 -2.222 -0.861 132 L 639 29 28 43 95 3 45 L24406 7 -1.773 -0,743 -0.251 133 H 458 29 29 12 95 4 13 L24406 7 -2.010 -0.780 -0.252 134 M 639 29 29 50 95 4 47 L24406 7 -2.485 -0.351 -0.238 33 COMPARISON OF AOJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL DESIGNATION 1 3 0SITI0N (DMS) ARCHIVE & SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET NO. LAT (N) LONG (W) LINE 1 M^ 1978-1963 1978-1973 1978-1976 135 L 1208 29 30 29 95 5 31 L2H06 7 -0.329 -0.206 136 N 639 29 31 17 95 6 9 L21106 7 -2.501 •0.802 -0.162 137 P 639 29 31 37 95 6 27 L2H06 7 -2.232 -0.727 -0.152 138 N 1210 29 32 2 95 6 51 L21106 7 -0.691 -0.112 139 639 RESET 1963 29 32 15 95 7 3 L2H06 7 -2.187 -0.717 -0.153 110 M 1210 29 32 21 95 7 12 L2H06 7 -0.663 -0.131 HI Y 1226 29 32 55 95 7 12 L21106 7 -0,162 112 Z 1226 29 33 17 95 7 7 L21106 7 -0.199 113 X 1226 29 33 53 95 7 5 L21106 7 -0.189 111 w 1226 29 33 19 95 7 7 L21106 7 -0,196 115 CLEAR LAKE i 3072 29 33 17 95 7 7 L21106 7 -0.003 116 CLEAR LAKE ' 710 29 33 19 95 7 8 L21106 7 -0.007 117 a 1208 29 32 55 95 7 13 L21106 7 -0.765 -0.161 118 U 1208 29 33 11 95 8 5 L21106 7 -0.773 -0.176 119 F 1211 29 33 22 95 8 9 L21106 7 -0.751 -0.179 150 R 639 RESET 1965 29 31 3 95 8 18 L2H06 7 -0.759 -0.188 151 S 639 RESET 1965 29 31 21 95 9 6 L21106 7 -0.715 -0.167 152 N 1208 29 31 55 95 9 33 L21106 7 -0.915 -0.223 153 U 639 29 35 31 95 10 7 L21106 7 -3.133 -1.039 -0.278 151 L 158 29 36 19 95 10 10 L21106 7 -3.170 -1.005 155 K 158 29 36 13 95 10 8 L211Q6 7 -3.399 -1.158 156 V 639 29 36 1 95 10 36 L2H06 7 -3.168 -1.033 -0.271 157 V 1208 29 36 31 95 11 2 L21106 7 -1.209 -0.317 158 B 1227 29 36 11 95 11 16 L2H06 7 -0.295 159 GENOA 2 AZ MK 29 37 23 95 11 52 L2H06 7 -1.037 -0.269 160 R 8 29 37 21 95 11 52 L21106 7 -3.162 -1.021 -0.256 161 GENOA RM 1 29 37 31 95 12 1 L21106 7 -3.702 -1.111 -0.280 162 V 1205 29 38 30 95 12 51 L21106 7 -1.099 -0.289 163 Z 639 RESET 1965 29 38 11 95 13 8 L21106 7 -1.052 -0.278 161 A 610 RESET 1962 29 39 30 95 13 51 L2H06 7 -3.115 -0.922 -0.212 165 T 1205 29 39 16 95 11 6 L21106 7 -0.316 -0.222 166 G 165 29 39 52 95 11 12 L21106 7 -3.231 -0.911 -0.275 167 B 610 29 10 15 95 11 33 L2H06 7 -2.662 -0.693 -0.211 168 RP 1 30LT 29 10 15 95 11 32 L21106 7 -2.671 -0.696 -0.211 169 C 610 RESET 1965 29 10 57 95 15 9 L21106 7 -0.259 170 610 RESET 1969 29 11 15 95 15 51 L21106 7 -0.223 171 E 1227 29 12 2 95 16 11 L2H06 7 -0.218 172 C 1227 29 12 6 95 16 27 L21106 7 -0.255 173 EAST END 995 29 12 6 95 16 26 L21106 7 -0.013 171 1227 29 12 7 95 16 28 L2H06 7 -0.261 175 L 1117 29 12 a 95 16 28 L21106 7 -2.710 -0.801 -0.263 176 8 29 12 31 95 16 10 L21106 7 -3.317 -0.932 -0.329 177 FIRE RM 2 29 13 i 95 17 2 L21106 7 -3.129 -0.392 -0.311 178 FIRE RM 3 29 13 i 95 17 2 L2H06 7 -0.931 -0.288 179 FIRE 29 13 i 95 16 60 L2H06 7 -3.113 -0.902 -0.301 180 FIRE RM 1 29 13 i 95 16 59 L21106 7 -3.138 -0.953 -0.353 181 HARRIS3URG OFFICE 29 13 20 95 16 38 L2H06 7 •2.360 182 A 171 29 13 20 95 16 33 L2H06 7 -2.372 183 R 158 29 13 17 95 17 36 L2H06 7 -2.660 -0.787 -0.282 181 F 765 29 11 2 95 18 11 L21106 7 -2.580 -0.773 -0.290 185 M 8 29 11 18 95 19 1 L21106 7 -2.926 -0.891 -0.327 186 V 1181 29 11 36 95 19 59 L2H06 7 -2.828 -0.912 -0.357 187 E 865 29 25 31 95 11 55 L21106 8 -0.952 188 E 157 29 25 51 95 15 51 L21106 8 -0.796 189 C 157 29 26 55 95 17 12 L2H06 8 -0.712 190 B 157 29 27 1 95 17 25 L2H06 8 -0.729 191 S 1211 29 30 1 95 27 51 L21106 8 -0.107 192 K 668 RESET 1919 29 30 16 95 27 33 L21106 8 •0.065 193 L 668 29 31 30 95 27 15 L2H06 8 -0.092 191 M 668 RESET 1918 29 32 22 95 26 53 L2H06 8 -0.188 195 N 668 RESET 1918 29 33 9 95 26 35 L2H06 8 -0.222 196 R 1211 29 33 35 95 26 21 L21106 8 -0.213 197 P 668 RESET 1918 29 33 57 95 26 15 L21106 8 -0.308 198 Q 1211 29 31 20 95 26 9 L21106 8 -0.361 199 R 668 29 35 7 95 25 17 L21106 8 -0.519 200 S 668 29 35 13 95 25 36 L21106 8 -0.588 201 s 16 TXHD 29 35 15 95 25 36 L21106 8 -0.581 34 COMPAKISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SLRIAl DESIGNATION POSITION (OMS1 ARCHIVE 5 SJ3SUENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET '10. LAT ( ;m) LONG < M ) LINE "' JO. 1975-1963 1973-1973 1973-1976 202 E 1151 29 36 20 95 25 22 L24406 8 -1.655 -0.664 203 T 1210 29 36 49 95 25 9 L24406 8 -0.541 204 J 668 29 36 48 95 24 43 L24406 8 -1.752 -0.647 205 U 1210 29 36 50 95 23 51 L24406 8 -0.917 206 w 668 29 36 49 95 22 50 L24406 8 -2.382 -0.794 207 s 1210 29 36 57 95 22 30 L24406 8 -0.739 208 V 1210 29 36 59 95 21 26 L24406 8 -0.309 209 Y 668 29 37 15 95 20 35 L24406 8 -2.094 -0.726 210 G 458 29 37 14 95 19 4 9 L24406 8 -1.996 -0.677 211 Z 668 29 37 14 95 19 7 L24406 a -2.341 -0.767 212 G 760 29 37 14 95 17 35 L24406 e -2.720 -0.896 213 M 1205 29 37 31 95 16 1 L24406 8 -0.851 214 V 1144 29 37 38 95 13 45 L24406 8 -3.305 -1.028 215 M 760 29 37 20 95 13 12 L24406 8 -3.324 -1.028 216 N 760 29 37 23 95 12 41 L24406 8 -3.399 -0.998 217 GENOA 2 RN I 5 29 37 20 95 12 6 L24406 8 •1.180 218 GENOA 2 Rf I 6 1 29 37 21 95 12 3 L24406 8 -1.190 219 V 640 29 37 50 95 10 30 L24406 8 -3.616 220 U 640 29 37 51 95 9 30 L24406 8 -4.225 221 u 1138 29 37 52 95 9 30 L24406 a -4,236 222 V 1138 29 37 SO 95 7 25 L21+406 8 -3.765 223 a/ELL 1117 USGS 29 38 7 95 7 6 L24406 8 -2.925 22"+ A 669 29 36 22 95 26 3 L24406 9 -1.934 -0.691 225 W 1210 HCFC 29 36 21 95 26 25 L21+406 9 -0.737 226 5251-0501 c OF H 29 36 21 95 26 45 L24406 9 -0.672 227 BUELL RM 3 L 29 36 21 95 26 48 L24406 9 -1.746 -0.677 228 3UELL 29 36 21 95 26 49 L24406 9 -1.733 -0.660 229 BUELL RM 2 29 36 20 95 26 49 L24406 9 -1.741 -0.678 230 5250-0216 C OF H 29 36 20 95 27 1 L24406 9 -0.592 231 BUELL AZ MK 29 36 20 95 27 22 L24406 9 -1.663 -0.636 232 5150-1316 C OF H 29 36 21 95 27 52 L24406 9 -0.620 233 5151-1302 c OF H 29 36 30 95 27 51 L24406 9 -0.480 23<+ B 669 29 36 46 95 27 52 L24406 9 -1.356 -0.552 235 5151-1309 c OF H 29 37 5 95 27 54 L24406 9 -0.568 236 5151-1311 c OF H 29 37 17 95 27 54 L24406 9 -0.695 237 5151-1313 c OF H 29 37 25 95 27 53 L24406 9 -0.373 238 G 1150 29 37 41 95 27 56 L24406 9 -2.032 -0.808 239 H 1150 29 38 25 95 27 49 L24406 9 -2.613 -0.969 240 P 805 29 38 49 95 27 49 L24406 9 -3.050 -1.102 241 X 1210 29 38 50 95 27 47 L24406 9 -1.091 242 N 8Q5 29 33 28 95 28 4 9 L24406 9 -0.967 2<+3 5152-0506 c OF H 29 38 20 95 29 7 L24406 9 -0.876 244 T 1211 29 38 11 95 29 36 L24406 9 -0.750 245 5052-1401 c OF H 29 37 55 95 30 11 L24406 9 -0.609 216 L 805 29 37 45 95 30 36 L24406 9 -0.628 247 K 805 29 37 23 95 31 32 L24406 9 -0.486 248 H 805 RESET 1954 29 36 57 95 33 27 L24406 9 -0.431 249 U 1211 TXHD 29 37 9 93 33 53 L24406 9 -0.373 250 G 805 X 29 37 18 95 34 15 L24406 9 -0.244 251 V 1211 29 37 35 95 34 49 L24406 9 -0.222 252 F 805 X 29 37 41 95 35 27 L2i+406 9 -0.169 253 W 1211 29 37 42 95 35 34 L24406 9 -0.197 254 X 1211 29 37 33 95 36 13 L2i+406 9 -0.174 255 Y 1211 29 37 22 95 37 7 L2i+406 9 -0.061 256 C 805 29 37 12 95 37 60 L2i+406 9 -0.045 257 3 805 29 37 95 38 32 L2i+H06 9 -0.058 258 X 1212 29 37 47 95 37 7 L24406 9 -0.210 259 Y 1212 29 38 37 95 37 3 L24406 9 -0.191 260 3 804 29 39 41 95 37 9 L24406 9 -0.341 261 Y 1208 29 40 17 95 37 36 L2i+4Q6 9 -0.224 262 Z 1208 29 40 4 95 38 + L24406 9 -0.165 263 H 1213 29 40 43 95 33 36 L24406 9 -0.202 264 3 1213 29 41 1 95 38 36 L24406 9 -0.251 265 F 1213 29 41 39 95 33 38 L24406 9 -0.230 266 E 1213 29 42 21 95 38 38 L24406 9 -0.341 267 rt 1212 29 41 46 95 50 45 L2H406 9 0.024 268 V 1212 29 <+2 8 95 50 4 8 L244Q6 9 0.014 269 u 1212 29 43 18 95 50 45 L244Q6 9 -0.033 35 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA :rial DESIGNATION 1 =»OSITION (DMS) ARCHIVE & SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET NO. LAT (IM) LONG (M) LINE 1 VO. 1978 -1963 1978-1973 1978-1976 270 D 806 29 44 2 95 50 15 L24406 9 -0.070 271 C 806 X 29 45 11 95 50 7 L21+406 9 -0.160 272 S 1212 29 45 40 95 49 36 L24406 9 -0.131 273 A 806 29 46 20 95 49 4 L24406 9 -0.145 274 R 1212 29 46 36 95 49 9 L24406 9 -0.150 275 U 1215 29 47 43 95 49 29 L2<*'+06 9 -0.176 276 209 USE 29 48 27 95 49 30 L2H406 9 -0.256 277 211 USE 29 49 27 95 49 24 L24406 9 -0.358 278 213 USE 29 50 18 95 49 24 L24406 9 -0.336 279 215 USE 29 51 10 95 49 24 L2I+406 9 -0.296 280 PTS 49 USGS 29 52 2 95 49 24 124406 9 -0.315 281 J 1008 RESET 1967 29 52 27 95 49 24 L24406 9 -0.336 282 F 804 29 46 13 95 38 33 L2i*406 10 -1, ,024 -0.408 283 3M USE 29 46 7 95 38 33 L24406 10 -o. ,959 -0.306 284 Z 1212 29 45 25 95 38 38 L2i»406 10 -0.233 285 C 1213 HCFC 29 43 23 95 38 37 L2i»406 10 -0.354 286 D 1213 29 42 52 95 38 38 L24406 10 -0.251 287 L 804 29 42 42 95 38 37 L24406 10 -0.284 288 K 1211 29 44 14 95 31 14 L24406 10 -0.702 289 K 1 W 100 29 44 14 95 31 14 L24406 10 -0.894 290 L 1211 29 44 25 95 31 IS L24406 10 -0.601 291 Q 669 RESET 1965 29 44 30 95 31 22 L24406 10 -2, ,513 -0.907 292 GAGING STA USGS 29 44 47 95 31 24 L24406 10 -0.590 293 R 669 29 45 9 95 31 33 L24406 10 -1. ,928 -0.750 294 S 669 29 45 51 95 31 46 L24406 10 -i, ,989 -0.7if2 295 T 669 29 46 40 95 31 51 L24406 10 -2, .327 -0.880 296 5056-0808 C OF H 29 44 14 . 95 30 51 L24406 10 -0.996 297 J 1211 29 44 14 95 30 21 L24406 10 -0.865 298 G 11 HCFC 29 44 15 95 30 2 L24406 10 -0.S77 299 H 1211 29 44 16 95 29 44 L2i*406 10 -0.778 300 G 1211 29 44 16 95 28 55 L2i*406 10 -0.919 301 F 1211 29 44 16 95 28 19 L24406 10 -0.848 302 E 1211 29 43 33 95 23 4 L24406 10 -1.095 303 D 1211 29 43 95 28 6 L24406 10 -1.024 304 F 1150 29 42 19 95 .28 4 L24406 10 -2, ,392 -0.814 305 Z 1210 29 42 20 95 27 33 L24406 10 -0.939 3q6 A 1211 29 41 54 95 27 33 L24406 10 -0.954 307 C 1211 29 41 23 95 27 33 L24406 10 -0.954 308 B 1211 29 41 21 95 27 31 L24406 10 -0.974 309 V 1182 29 40 51 95 27 33 L24406 10 -2, ,128 -0.803 310 E 1150 29 40 10 95 27 42 L21+406 10 -2, ,376 -0.935 311 5153-1308 C OF H 29 39 51 95 27 50 L24406 10 -0.941 312 Y 1210 29 39 17 95 27 49 L2i+406 10 -0.910 313 5153-1301 C OF H 29 39 14 95 27 49 L24406 10 -0.944 314 R 1211 29 39 21 95 26 30 L21+406 10 -1.041 315 « 1150 29 39 39 95 25 45 L24406 10 -2, ,688 -0.932 316 5253-1308 C OF H 29 39 45 95 25 22 L24406 10 -O.Si+7 317 X 1150 29 39 54 95 24 53 L24406 10 -1, ,214 -0.328 318 5353-0H0 C OF H 29 39 58 95 24 42 L24406 10 -0.389 319 YY 1150 29 40 9 95 23 57 L2(*406 10 -2, ,783 -0.877 320 S 1184 29 40 12 95 23 4 7 L2«f406 10 -2, ,692 -0.832 321 5353-0915 C OF H 29 40 21 95 23 24 L24406 10 -0.961 322 D 1144 29 40 24 95 23 15 L24406 10 -2, ,867 -1.020 323 5354-1602 C OF H 29 40 40 95 22 26 L2i*406 10 -0.824 324 5454-0103 C OF H 29 40 42 95 22 16 L24406 10 -0.768 325 Q 1211 29 40 51 95 21 47 L2t|H06 10 -0.840 326 5454-0405 C OF H 29 40 51 95 21 46 L2<+i+06 10 -0.8<+3 327 5454-0&06 C OF H 29 40 58 95 21 20 L2<+406 10 -0.747 328 C 1144 29 40 59 95 21 18 L2i*406 10 -2, ,152 -0.708 329 5454-0908 C OF H 29 41 6 95 20 55 L24406 10 -0.678 330 5454-1210 C OF H 29 41 13 95 20 28 L24406 10 -0.887 331 P 1211 29 41 14 95 20 26 L24406 10 -0.781 332 5454-1512 C OF H 29 41 21 95 20 10 L24406 10 -0.887 333 5<+ RESET 1957 29 45 37 95 21 46 L2t+406 11 -2. ,405 -0.738 334 J 1150 29 45 29 95 21 50 L24406 11 -2, ,688 335 N 54 29 45 28 95 21 41 L24406 11 -2, ,669 -0.822 336 K 1150 29 45 5 95 22 9 L2i+406 11 -2, ,560 36 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL DESIGNATION POSITION (DMS1 ARCHIVE : i SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEE NO. LAT (N) LONG 1 »i) LINE NO. 1978-1963 1978-1973 1978-197 337 BM 1 MCCENG 29 45 2 95 22 12 L24406 n -2.595 338 L 1150 29 44 32 95 22 33 L24406 n -2.534 339 P 1150 29 43 31 95 24 9 L24406 n -2.475 340 S 1150 29 43 4 95 26 50 L244Q6 n -2.928 341 Q 768 RESET 1964 29 47 9 95 43 7 L24406 12 -0.687 -0.139 -0.001 342 R 768 RESET 1964 29 47 6 95 47 9 L24406 12 -0,608 -0.112 0.013 343 3L 202 USE 29 47 8 95 45 58 L24406 12 -0.492 -0.134 -0.026 344 T 768 29 47 a 95 45 35 L24406 12 -0.*62 -0.085 0,010 345 U 768 29 47 8 95 44 49 L24406 12 -0.506 -0.086 0.009 346 V 768 29 47 9 95 43 53 L24406 12 -0.514 •0.108 -0.019 347 M 1215 29 47 8 95 43 13 L24406 12 -0.120 -0.021 348 BARKER 2 29 47 8 95 42 52 L24406 12 -0.169 -0.071 349 BARKER 2 RM 4 29 47 8 95 42 52 L24406 12 -0.154 -0.049 350 Z 1148 29 47 8 95 42 6 L24406 12 -0.618 -0.132 -0.021 351 K 1215 29 47 a 95 41 24 L2i*406 12 -0.175 -0.047 352 J 1215 29 47 8 95 41 10 L24406 12 -0.188 -0.056 353 B 1149 29 47 a 95 40 40 L24406 12 -0.751 -0.197 -0.056 354 N 1226 29 47 8 95 39 41 L24406 12 -0.070 355 P 1215 29 47 8 95 38 41 L24406 12 -0.247 -0.093 356 C 8 RESET 1964 29 47 a 95 38 27 L2(+406 12 -1.188 -0.299 -0.115 357 M 1226 29 47 4 95 37 26 L24406 12 -0.112 358 4858-0407 C OF H 29 47 2 95 36 22 L24406 12 -0.513 -0.218 359 V 1217 29 47 5 95 35 23 L24406 12 -0.542 -0.221 360 L 1226 29 47 6 95 35 7 L24406 12 -0,237 361 K 1226 29 47 22 95 35 e L24406 12 -0.215 362 J 1226 29 47 26 95 35 10 L24406 12 -0.230 363 ADDICKS 1795 29 47 27 95 35 a L24406 12 0.013 364 C 1149 29 47 4 95 34 46 L24406 12 -1.536 -0.588 -0.256 365 4958-0207 C OF H 29 47 3 95 34 10 L24406 12 -o.'m 366 4958-0507 C OF H 29 47 4 95 33 46 L24406 12 -0.595 -0.284 367 F 1149 29 47 5 95 32 43 L24406 12 -2.103 -0.797 -0.380 368 E 8 29 47 5 95 32 25 L24406 12 -1.984 -0.747 369 4958-1407 C OF H 29 47 3 95 32 23 L24406 12 -0.736 -0.346 370 4958-1608 C OF H 29 47 3 95 32 S L24406 12 -0.782 -0.358 371 M 1211 29 47 1 95 31 53 L24406 12 -0.833 -0.380 372 5058-0308 C OF H 29 47 4 95 31 37 L2H406 12 -0.780 -0.367 373 N 1211 29 47 2 95 30 50 L24406 12 -0.789 -0.362 374 W 100 AA-2 HCFC 29 47 2 95 29 53 L2i+406 12 -0.357 375 W 669 RESET 1954 29 47 3 95 29 13 L24406 12 -1.951 -0.678 -0.324 376 G 1149 29 47 3 95 28 45 L24406 12 -2.322 -0.819 -0.370 377 X 1181 29 47 3 95 23 L24406 12 -2.273 -0.731 -0.337 378 W 1217 29 46 50 95 26 22 L24406 12 -0.952 -0.440 379 X 1217 29 46 59 95 25 28 L24406 12 -0.848 -0.392 380 L 1215 29 46 59 95 24 32 L24406 12 -0.700 -0.329 381 B 760 29 46 58 95 24 33 L2i+406 12 -2.214 -0.705 382 C 760 29 46 53 95 23 31 L24406 12 -2.801 -0.809 -0.360 383 Y 1217 29 46 30 95 22 7 L24406 12 -0.553 -0.258 384 J 8 29 45 51 95 21 24 L24406 12 -1.876 -0.596 -0.265 385 R 1148 RESET 1973 29 46 52 95 59 43 L24406 13 -0.043 0.036 386 F 768 29 46 58 95 59 10 L24406 13 -0.409 -0.052 0.027 387 G 768 29 47 9 95 58 11 L24406 13 -0.462 -0.085 0.001 388 L 1028 29 47 9 95 57 27 L24406 13 -0.379 -o.ioo 0.012 389 H 768 29 47 9 95 56 54 L24406 13 -0.505 -0.092 0.030 390 J 768 29 47 9 95 56 10 L24406 13 -0.534 -0.120 0.021 391 Z 1203 29 47 9 95 55 14 L24'+06 13 -0.123 0.005 392 V 1148 29 47 8 95 54 31 L24406 13 -0.681 -0.222 -0.019 393 V 7 29 47 9 95 54 5 L24406 13 -0.645 -0.291 -0.061 394 L 768 29 47 7 95 52 52 L24406 13 -0.864 -0.323 -0.044 395 X 1148 29 47 9 95 52 4 L24406 13 -0.866 -0.322 -0.056 396 N 768 29 47 8 95 50 58 L24406 13 -0.715 -0.220 -0.026 397 Q 1215 29 47 7 95 49 36 L24406 13 •0.163 -0.006 398 Y 7 29 47 9 95 49 11 L24406 13 -0.662 -0.167 -0.013 399 Y 1148 29 47 10 95 48 54 L24406 13 -0.623 -0.144 0.007 ■+00 M 1221 29 47 37 95 24 34 L24406 14 -0.804 401 G 755 29 48 17 95 24 27 L24406 14 -0.873 402 L 1221 29 49 7 95 24 37 L24406 14 -0.776 4Q3 GALE 29 49 6 95 24 49 L24406 14 -0.835 4Q4 K 1221 29 49 9 95 25 34 L244Q6 14 -0.741 37 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL DESIGNATION POSI NO. LAT ( 405 J 1221 29 49 •♦06 H 1221 29 49 <+07 E 755 29 49 408 D 279 29 5Q 409 G 1221 29 51 "+10 F 1221 29 51 ■+11 N 1221 29 51 412 P 1221 29 51 413 Q 1221 29 5l 414 U 1007 29 51 415 C 755 29 52 416 E 1221 29 53 417 D 1221 29 54 418 Q 667 29 56 •+19 C 1221 29 56 •+20 Y 1008 29 57 '♦21 BAMMEL 29 57 ■+22 X 1216 29 57 423 G 1222 29 57 424 V 1008 29 56 425 F 1222 29 55 «*26 FAIRBANKS NWB AZ 29 55 427 W 1216 29 54 428 A 1216 29 54 429 Y 1216 29 58 430 E 1023 29 58 431 1023 29 59 432 R 1215 29 48 433 W 1007 29 48 434 2 1217 29 49 435 T 1215 29 49 436 Y 1007 29 49 437 FRESH 29 50 438 FRESH RM 2 29 50 439 S 1215 29 51 440 Y 1218 29 51 441 FAIRBANKS SEB RM 2 29 51 442 FAIRBANKS SEBRM 3 29 51 443 FAIRBANKS SEBAZ 2 29 51 444 X 1218 29 52 445 Z 1218 29 52 446 R 1008 29 53 447 S 1008 RESET 1963 29 53 448 FAIRBANKS NW BASE 29 54 449 Z 1008 RESET 1963 29 55 450 JACKSON 2 AZ MK 29 55 451 JACKSON RESET 1968 29 55 452 JACKSON RM 2 29 55 453 Z 1215 29 56 454 Y 1215 29 57 455 CC 25 USE 29 57 456 A 1009 29 57 457 D 1222 29 58 458 WATER WELL 171 USGS 29 58 459 CYPRESS AZ MK 2 29 58 460 J 1009 29 58 461 A 1222 29 59 462 L 1009 29 59 463 B 1222 29 59 464 C 1222 29 59 465 PADDOCK RM 2 29 53 466 510 USE 29 53 467 PADDOCK AZ MK 29 53 468 G 1008 29 53 469 508 USE 29 54 470 507 USE 29 54 471 506 USE 29 55 TION (DMS) ARCHIVE S SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET N) LONG LINE NO. 1978-1963 1978-1973 1973-1976 10 95 26 13 L2i+<+06 14 -0.719 13 95 27 13 L24406 14 -0.543 45 95 27 39 L24406 14 -0.790 32 95 28 4 L24406 14 -0.810 2 95 28 22 L24406 14 -0.733 57 95 28 52 L24406 14 -1.138 56 95 29 33 L24406 14 -0.935 55 95 30 42 L2(f<+06 14 -0.735 55 95 31 28 L2i+<+06 14 -0.744 19 95 31 27 L2I4406 14 -0.7<+0 37 95 29 17 L2<+406 14 -0.785 31 95 29 46 L2i+406 14 -0.607 19 95 30 14 L2<+406 14 -0.652 14 95 31 13 L2(+406 14 -0.682 41 95 31 39 L2(f406 14 -0.714 31 95 32 4 L2tf406 14 -0.678 57 95 32 16 L2<+<+06 14 -0.638 54 95 32 26 L244Q6 m -0.566 1 95 33 33 L24406 14 -0.657 30 95 34 13 L2^406 14 -0.515 29 95 35 50 L24406 14 -0.306 1 95 36 51 L2<+**06 14 -0.284 52 95 37 11 L2I+406 14 -0.320 49 95 37 6 L24406 14 -0.331 5 95 32 21 L24406 14 -0.588 60 95 32 52 L2i+406 14 -0.409 49 95 33 20 L2t*406 14 -0.235 95 30 50 L24406 15 -0.714 24 95 31 28 L24406 15 -0.765 5 95 31 33 L2I+406 15 -1.036 28 95 31 34 L2<+<+06 15 -0.920 54 95 31 45 L24406 15 -0.839 17 95 31 45 L2<+i+06 15 -0.715 17 95 31 46 L2im06 15 -0.689 9 95 31 55 L24406 15 -0.661 33 95 32 21 L2<+406 15 -0.7S7 42 95 32 41 L2<+406 15 -0.707 43 95 32 41 L24406 15 -0.699 52 95 32 52 L24406 15 -0.718 16 95 33 29 L24406 15 -0.704. 50 95 34 17 L24406 15 -0.597 15 95 34 54 L2I+406 15 -0.467 48 95 35 39 L24406 15 -0.357 46 95 37 2 L24406 15 -0.388 20 95 37 52 L24406 15 -0.342 45 95 38 26 L24406 15 -0.327 56 95 38 42 L24406 15 -0.287 56 95 38 42 L24406 15 -0.282 54 95 40 6 L24406 15 -0.235 13 95 40 27 L24406 15 -0.251 19 95 40 41 L24406 15 -0.198 33 95 40 60 L24406 15 -0.207 7 95 41 50 L2i+406 15 -0.195 12 95 41 52 L2f*406 15 -0.177 23 95 42 14 L24406 15 -0.129 42 95 43 3 L24406 15 -0.184 4 95 43 57 L21+406 15 -0.188 25 95 44 55 L24406 15 -0.197 43' 95 45 40 L24406 15 -0.167 53 95 46 11 L24406 15 -0.178 8 95 40 59 L24406 16 -0.416 10 95 40 &0 L2i+406 16 -0.434 20 95 40 59 L24406 16 -0.372 39 95 40 60 L24406 16 -0.254 26 95 41 10 L24406 16 -0.428 56 95 41 10 L24406 16 -0.380 32 95 41 10 L244Q6 16 -0.923 38 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL DESIGNATION 1 'OSITION (DMS) ARCHIVE S SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET NO. LAT (N) LONG <*> LINE 1 YO. 1978-1963 1978-1973 1978- ■1976 172 501 USE 29 56 33 95 10 10 L24406 16 -0.306 173 B 1009 29 57 6 95 10 25 L24106 16 -0.299 171 V 1218 29 52 13 95 10 58 L24106 16 -0.326 175 C 1008 29 52 1 95 10 53 L24106 16 -0.282 176 B 1008 29 51 21 95 11 22 L21106 16 -0.255 177 A 1008 29 50 11 95 11 33 L24406 16 -0.281 178 521 USE 29 19 29 95 12 11 L21106 16 -0.251 179 F 1008 29 18 53 95 12 11 L24406 16 -0.231 '♦SO 523 USE 29 18 95 12 11 L24406 16 -0.186 181 GAGING STATION 1 29 18 3 95 11 33 L24406 16 -0.214 182 10 USE 29 17 53 95 11 17 L24106 16 -0.213 183 B 1216 29 53 1 95 19 26 L24406 16 -0.379 ten 220 USE 29 53 17 95 19 26 L24406 16 -0.302 185 PAVLICEK 29 51 11 95 19 26 L24406 16 -0.341 186 222 USE 29 51 11 95 18 26 L24406 16 -0.310 187 179 USE 29 54 10 95 18 26 L24406 16 -0.390 188 180 USE 29 55 7 95 18 25 L21106 16 -0.304 189 T 1009 29 56 11 95 18 23 L244Q6 16 -0.221 190 S 1009 29 57 3 95 18 29 L24406 16 -0.193 191 C 1216 29 58 95 18 30 L24406 16 -0.149 192 R 1009 29 58 51 95 18 31 L241Q6 16 -0.165 193 D 1216 29 59 13 95 18 33 L24406 16 -0.168 191 « 662 29 59 51 95 15 50 L24406 17 -0.340 195 V 662 RESET 1955 29 59 57 95 15 3 L24406 17 -0.119 196 G 1021 29 59 57 95 11 15 L24406 17 -0.059 197 T 662 RESET 1955 29 59 57 95 13 31 L24106 17 -0.025 198 S 662 RESET 1955 29 59 57 95 12 33 L24106 17 -0.162 199 P 662 RESET 1955 29 59 51 95 10 11 L24106 17 -0.142 500 HARMASTON Rl* 1 3 29 59 51 95 9 57 L24106 17 -0.167 501 HARMASTON rn 1 2 R 29 59 53 95 9 19 L24406 17 -0.147 502 HARMASTON RESET 29 59 53 95 9 18 L24406 17 -0.143 503 N 662 29 59 53 95 9 17 L24406 17 -0.167 501 HARMASTON A2 : MK 29 59 <+3 95 9 23 L24406 17 -0.246 505 M 662 29 59 51 95 9 1 L24106 17 -0.226 506 F 1202 29 57 11 95 L24106 17 -0.264 507 M 661 29 57 31 95 C 12 L24106 17 -1.216 -0.320 508 G 1202 29 57 12 95 39 L24406 17 -0.292 509 L 661 29 56 51 95 1 5 L24106 17 -1.066 -0.289 510 H 1202 29 56 37 95 1 24 L24406 17 -0.210 511 K 661 29 56 21 95 1 17 L24106 17 -1.081 -0.267 512 CR0S8Y RM 1 29 56 2 95 2 5 L24106 17 -1.222 -0.311 513 CROSBY RM 2 29 56 2 95 2 5 L24406 17 -0.329 511 CR0S8Y 29 56 2 95 2 5 L24106 17 -1.181 -0.314 515 D 158 29 55 19 95 2 27 L24106 17 -1.310 -0.111 516 Q 1202 29 55 32 95 2 19 L24106 17 -0.518 517 C 158 29 55 16 95 3 9 L24106 17 -1.516 -0.159 518 P 1202 29 51 56 95 3 35 L24406 17 -0.112 519 F 55 29 51 31 95 1 3 L24406 17 -1.511 -0.118 520 S 1020 29 55 35 95 12 11 L24406 18 -0.326 521 N 666 29 55 3 95 13 11 L24406 18 -0.603 522 W 1020 29 51 19 95 13 27 L24106 13 -0.628 523 V 1020 29 51 9 95 11 9 L24106 18 -0.720 521 R 666 RESET 1957 29 53 29 95 H 52 L24106 18 -0.917 525 DYERS RM 1 29 53 29 95 15 27 L21106 IS -0.799 526 DYERS RESET 1968 29 53 29 95 15 25 L24106 13 -0.816 527 S 666 29 52 50 95 15 30 L24406 18 -0.738 528 G 1215 29 52 5 95 15 15 L24406 18 -0.777 529 U 666 29 51 23 95 15 45 L24406 13 -0.801 530 R 1217 29 50 31 95 15 15 L24406 18 -0.822 531 W 666 29 50 10 95 16 11 L24106 18 -0.773 532 X 666 RESET 1956 29 19 23 95 16 12 L24406 18 -0.779 533 U 1020 29 56 5 95 12 9 L241Q6 13 -0,170 531 N 1020 29 56 13 95 11 33 L21106 18 -0.176 535 T 1020 29 57 27 95 10 18 L21106 18 -0.116 536 M 1020 29 58 3 95 10 2 L24106 18 -0.382 537 J 662 29 58 15 95 9 24 L24106 18 -0.308 538 R 1020 29 59 3 95 3 6 L24406 18 -0.131 39 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL DESIGNATION POSITION LONG < !rt) LINE NO. 1978-1963 1978-1973 1978- ■1976 941 T 751 29 5 17 95 15 16 L24424 3 0.055 942 Z 1209 29 7 15 95 15 4 L24424 3 0.037 943 Q 751 29 7 5 95 15 15 L24424 3 0.070 914 H 1210 29 6 3 95 16 29 L24424 3 0.060 945 W 1209 29 5 39 95 16 60 L24424 3 0.047 9i+6 V 1209 29 5 4 95 17 44 L24424 3 0.063 947 U 1209 29 4 31 95 18 23 L24424 3 0.016 943 T 1209 29 4 95 19 2 L24424 3 0.144 9i+9 R 1209 29 2 50 95 20 27 L24424 3 -0.012 950 X 1209 29 2 42 95 20 19 L24424 3 0.070 951 PHARR 2 A2 ! MK RE 29 2 27 95 20 6 L24424 3 0.051 952 PHARR 2 Riv 1 2 29 2 22 95 20 4 L24424 3 0.084 953 PHARR 2 29 2 21 95 20 3 L24424 3 0.077 951 PHARR 2 Rf 1 1 29 2 20 95 20 2 L24424 3 0.068 955 Q 1209 29 1 24 95 19 42 L24424 3 0.107 956 P 1209 29 43 95 19 42 L24424 3 0.116 957 E 751 29 41 95 19 43 L24424 3 0.056 958 F 1143 29 8 36 95 25 26 L24424 4 -0.235 0,090 959 U 52 29 7 59 95 25 52 L24424 4 -0.258 0.067 960 G 1143 29 6 32 95 25 47 L24424 4 0.081 961 W 1206 29 5 45 95 25 44 L24424 4 0.125 962 J 1143 29 4 59 95 25 41 L24424 4 0.108 963 K 1143 29 4 6 95 25 37 L24424 4 0.127 964 L 1143 29 3 9 95 25 23 L24424 4 0.085 965 S 1206 29 3 7 95 25 28 L24424 4 0.085 966 D 1143 29 2 34 95 24 53 L24424 4 0.098 967 N 753 RESET 1959 29 1 29 95 23 55 L24424 4 0.080 968 T 1206 29 1 6 95 23 33 L24424 4 0.119 969 U 1206 29 50 95 23 32 L24424 4 0.145 970 V 1206 29 15 95 23 19 L24424 4 •0.005 971 PLANT B 2 29 1 95 23 14 L24424 4 0.073 972 PLANT 3 2 RM 6 29 2 95 23 14 L.24424 4 0.120 973 PLANT B 2 RM 5 29 1 95 23 13 L24424 4 0.126 974 L 1206 29 2 43 95 34 17 L24424 5 0.243 975 H 52 29 2 41 95' 34 10 L24424 5 0.240 976 J 865 29 27 48 95 21 26 L24406 8 977 E 306 29 28 27 95 23 16 L24406 8 978 F 306 29 29 5 95 25 3 L24406 8 979 T-BR NO 2 USE 29 42 19 95 42 55 L24406 9 980 Q 769 29 42 3 95 45 56 L24406 9 961 GASTON RM 2 29 n 56 95 43 33 L24406 9 982 GASTON RM 1 29 <*i 55 95 48 34 L24406 9 963 GASTON 29 ii 55 95 48 33 L24406 9 984 M 769 29 42 41 95 38 3 L24406 10 985 LIESTMAN 29 42 48 95 36 55 L24406 10 986 L 769 29 42 53 95 35 26 L24406 10 987 J 667 29 59 34 95 15 28 L24406 17 988 B 668 29 56 45 95 25 50 L24406 18 989 Y 667 29 57 21 95 25 25 L24406 18 990 X 667 29 57 52 95 28 49 L24406 18 991 W 667 29 58 18 95 29 9 L24406 18 992 H 667 29 58 14 95 15 44 L24406 18 993 3ENDER 1 *M 2 29 58 37 95 15 39 L24406 18 994 L 667 29 56 20 95 15 26 L24406 18 995 X 805 29 32 41 95 33 43 L24406 27 996 K 693 29 14 22 95 21 13 L24424 1 997 J 693 29 14 51 95 21 32 L24424 1 998 A 586 29 1 48 95 40 60 L24424 1 999 B 586 29 1 16 95 40 5 L24424 1 1000 J 757 29 38 95 52 57 L24424 1 1001 VAN VLECK 29 1 6 95 53 24 L24424 1 1002 VAN VLECK RM 2 29 1 7 95 53 24 L24424 1 1003 E 752 29 15 57 95 14 54 L24424 2 1004 F 752 29 15 23 95 14 6 L24424 2 1005 N 586 29 9 95 32 12 L24424 5 TOTAL NUMBER OF STATIONS IN 1 DEGREE QUAD = 1005 46 List of bench marks common to two or more epochs in quad N30095W. o o o- o V / y / /^ / / /3/y /// V// 31 29 Quad N30095W 47 HOUSTON H30265E 1 48 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ilo ♦ tt5 ilo ♦ 1**5 6 *OUST0* H30265E 2 49 V ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ h 4 ♦ ♦ It* ♦ It ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦♦ fa — 1^-- * !. HOUSTM »3©263E 3 50 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA SERIAL DESIGNATION POSITION (DMS) ARCHIVE i SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET NO. LAT (N) LONG <*) LlNF NO. 1978-1963 1978-1973 1978' ■1976 1 G 1010 30 a 49 93 38 25 L24406 9 -0.U84 2 U 1216 30 a 43 95 38 14 L24406 9 -0.054 3 E 1010 30 a 11 95 37 17 L24406 9 -0.099 4 H 1010 30 7 29 95 36 1 L24406 9 -0.U61 5 PTS 100 USGS 30 7 6 95 35 34 L24406 9 -0.U71 b R 1216 30 6 37 95 34 32 L24406 9 -0.U87 7 PTS 101 USGS 30 6 20 95 33 29 L24406 9 -0.U54 3 C 1010 30 6 12 95 32 49 L24406 9 -0.U51 9 s 1216 30 6 2 95 51 50 L24406 9 -0.062 10 A 1010 3G 5 51 95 30 4 5 L24406 9 -0.092 11 T 1216 50 5 23 95 23 39 L24406 9 -0.109 12 X 1009 30 5 11 93 26 57 L24406 9 -0.158 13 SPRING 30 5 2 93 25 60 L24406 9 -0.141 14 SPRING KM 1 30 5 2 95 25 60 L244C6 9 -0.158 15 PTS 104 USGS 3C 5 2 95 25 60 L244C6 9 -0.213 lb A 1221 30 2 14 95 34 44 L24406 14 -0.204 17 L 279 50 3 15 95 35 13 124406 14 -0.172 18 3 1023 30 4 5 95 35 4 8 L24406 14 -0.157 19 \l 1216 50 4 54 95 36 15 L24406 14 -0.179 20 Z 1216 30 5 55 95 36 50 L24406 14 -0.149 21 H 279 30 6 3 95 56 55 L24406 14 -0.150 22 U 1216 30 6 12 95 36 59 L24406 14 -0.172 23 P 279 30 6 55 95 37 21 L24406 14 -0.156 24 F 1010 50 7 51 95 37 50 L24406 14 -0.115 25 Q 279 30 3 30 95 33 3 L?4406 14 -0.U54 26 J 1010 30 5 51 95 36 57 L24406 14 -0.152 27 a 1216 30 5 24 95 37 45 L24406 14 -0.199 28 L 1010 30 5 21 95 38 42 L24406 14 -0.263 29 M 1010 30 4 58 95 59 55 L?4406 14 -0.224 31 M 1010 30 4 45 95 40 26 L24406 14 -0.276 31 P 1010 30 4 45 95 41 20 L24406 14 -0.254 32 ROSE HILL AZ MK 30 5 7 95 42 32 L24406 14 -0.178 33 P 1216 30 4 45 93 43 2 L24406 14 -0.171 34 N 1216 30 4 49 95 43 56 L24406 14 -0.141 35 M 1216 30 4 45 95 4 4 32 L24406 14 -0.123 56 L 1216 30 4 39 95 45 32 L24406 14 -0.161 37 K 1216 30 4 13 95 46 23 L24406 14 -0.130 38 J 1216 30 3 59 95 47 27 L24406 14 -0.128 39 H 1216 50 <+ 3 95 43 23 L24406 14 -0.133 40 G 1216 3u 4 9 95 49 29 L2440S 14 -0.143 41 H 1023 30 4 8 95 50 29 L24406 14 -0.153 42 F 1216 30 3 17 95 50 29 L24406 14 -0.151 45 F 1023 50 2 27 95 50 23 124406 14 -0.145 44 r 1 HCFC 50 1 45 95 50 39 L24406 14 -0.148 i+5 3 1221 30 1 13 95 34 12 L24406 15 -0.256 *6 HOCKLEY RM 3 30 14 ^5 47 3 L24406 15 -0.169 47 U 1009 30 33 95 47 56 L24406 15 -0.156 48 X 1215 30 1 5 95 49 19 L24406 15 -0.170 49 N 1009 30 1 13 95 49 54 L24406 15 -0.162 50 E 1216 50 18 95 43 53 L24406 16 -0.177 51 P 1009 50 55 95 43 55 L24406 16 -0.166 52 W 1215 50 55 9 = 43 56 L24406 16 -0.168 53 G 666 50 1 14 95 23 31 L24406 17 -0.200 54 F 666 RESET 1954 30 1 12 93 22 46 L24406 17 -0.244 55 E obo 30 1 7 95 22 15 L24406 17 -0.145 56 3 1217 30 3 58 93 21 23 L24406 17 -0.279 57 P 1217 30 51 95 20 48 L244Q6 17 -0.222 58 N 1217 30 40 9 19 46 L24406 17 -O.27O 59 M 1217 30 25 93 19 4 L24406 17 -0.2*6 60 D 1156 30 10 95 13 30 L244Q6 17 -0.321 61 Z 662 30 4 93 13 12 L24406 17 -0.362 62 Y 662 30 4 95 17 38 L24406 17 -0.349 63 X 662 50 3 95 16 32 L24406 17 -0.259 64 K 1020 50 42 95 3 L24406 17 -0.109 65 J 1020 50 59 95 7 14 L24406 17 -0.H3 66 H 1020 30 1 12 95 6 7 L24406 17 -0.184 67 ti 661 30 1 21 95 5 22 L24406 17 -0.157 68 662 30 14 95 6 34 L24406 18 -0.117 51 COMPARISON OF ADJUSTED ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON. GALVESTON AREA SLRIAL DESIGNATION POSITION (dms: 1 ARCHIVE & SUBSIDENCE (OR UPLIFT) IN FEET NO. LAT i IN) LONG ' IW) LINE NO. 1973-1963 1978-1973 1973- ■1976 69 HUFFMAN RM 2 A2 30 14 95 5 53 L24406 18 -0.169 70 F 1215 30 16 95 5 46 L24406 13 -0.J-67 71 H 1215 30 4 95 5 35 L24406 18 -0.181 72 HUFFMAN 30 14 95 5 36 L24406 13 -0.192 73 HUFFMAN RM 1 30 15 95 5 36 L24406 18 -0.200 74 L 1217 3U 47 95 5 32 L24406 18 -0.190 75 E 1021 30 24 93 23 54 L24406 24 -0.769 -0.241 76 A 39 30 1 15 93 24 3 L24406 24 -0.682 -0.243 77 E 1215 30 1 36 95 24 11 L24406 24 -0.164 73 U 1149 30 1 38 95 24 12 L24406 24 -0.605 -0.155 79 Z 33 30 2 32 95 24 26 L24406 24 -0.565 -0.168 d0 J 1203 30 3 16 95 24 39 L24406 24 -0.147 SI K 1203 30 3 55 95 24 43 L24406 24 -0.150 62 Y 86 30 4 32 95 24 55 L24406 24 -0.403 -0.137 33 L 1203 30 4 45 95 25 L24406 24 -0.171 84 K 67 30 51 11 93 23 51 L?4406 2a -0.286 85 L 1166 30 so 25 95 23 37 L24406 28 -0.299 86 D 1215 30 50 6 95 23 24 L24406 28 -0.291 37 L 87 30 50 48 95 2 4 7 L24406 28 -0.287 38 Z 1164 30 50 24 95 24 25 L24406 28 -0.230 89 R 1164 30 49 25 95 24 19 L24406 23 -0.251 90 M 87 30 48 54 95 24 9 L24406 23 -0.212 91 Y 1164 30 48 3 95 23 53 L24406 28 -0.306 92 N 37 30 47 14 95 23 51 L24406 23 -0.235 93 P 87 30 46 21 95 23 42 L24406 28 -0.220 94 X 1164 30 45 33 95 23 43 L?4406 28 -0.234 95 3 87 30 44 36 95 24 1 L24406 23 -0.200 96 R 37 30 43 13 95 24 4 6 L24406 28 -0.151 97 «v 1164 30 42 38 95 25 27 L24406 23 -0.193 93 S 87 30 42 24 95 26 2 L24406 23 -0.135 99 V 1164 30 41 45 95 26 42 L24406 23 -0.195 100 3 1215 30 41 32 95 26 47 L24406 28 -0.179 101 K 1166 30 39 44 95 27 3 L24406 23 -0.165 102 U 1164 30 37 42 95 23 45 L24406 23 -0.162 103 X 87 30 36 51 95- 23 52 L24406 23 -0.135 104 A 1215 30 35 57 95 23 44 L24406 28 -0.H7 105 Y 87 30 35 12 95 23 53 L24406 23 -0.106 106 T 987 30 34 41 95 23 42 L24406 28 -0.103 107 A 33 30 33 44 95 23 23 L24406 23 -0.079 103 W 1203 30 33 34 95 23 31 L24406 28 -0.U75 109 V 1203 30 33 9 95 23 39 L24406 28 -O.U70 HO T3M NEW *AVEKLY 30 32 20 95 23 53 L24406 28 -0.073 111 U 1203 30 32 16 95 23 55 L24406 23 -0 .066 112 C 975 30 32 15 95 23 53 L24406 23 -0.107 115 T 1203 30 32 6 95 23 56 L24406 28 -0.060 114 S 937 30 31 32 95 29 5 L24406 23 -0.110 115 c 86 30 30 55 95 29 1 L24406 28 -0.053 116 N 1164 30 30 14 95 23 55 L?4406 23 -0.043 117 33 30 29 34 95 28 41 L24406 28 -0.128 no D 1165 30 28 57 95 28 20 L24406 28 -0.U74 119 S 1164 30 28 29 95 23 25 L?4406 28 -0.057 120 E 66 30 27 54 95 23 38 L24406 28 -0.026 121 3 1165 30 26 56 95 28 40 L24406 28 0.U17 122 VI 1164 30 25 43 95 23 4 3 L24406 28 -o.ooi 123 G aa 30 25 25 95 28 41 L24406 28 -0.056 124 PARK 30 25 10 95 28 40 L24406 28 -0.U04 125 'J 1203 30 25 10 95 23 40 L24406 28 -0.002 126 PARK RM 1 30 25 10 95 28 40 L24406 28 0.0 127 PARK RM 2 30 25 10 95 23 40 L24406 28 -0.003 123 P 1205 30 24 19 95 28 24 L24406 28 0.004 129 J 33 30 22 46 95 27 47 L24406 23 -0.099 130 V 1149 30 21 53 93 27 38 L244Q6 23 -0.007 131 w 1149 30 20 57 95 27 32 L24406 28 0.053 132 s 1203 30 20 19 93 27 27 Lp4406 28 0.004 133 K 88 30 20 6 95 27 23 L244Q6 23 0.014 134 X 1149 30 19 13 95 27 18 L24406 23 -0.023 155 CONROE K M 1 30 13 43 95 27 32 L24406 28 -0.009 136 N 88 RESET 1955 30 18 28 95 27 24 L24406 28 -0.OQ7 52 COMPARISON OF AOJUSTLU ELEVATIONS IN THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA LRIAl □ ESI NO. 137 R 1203 133 K 1149 139 r 1215 mo L 1149 l 26 42 L24406 28 -0 . .353 -0.022 30 10 55 95 26 31 L24406 23 -0, ,362 -0.047 30 9 53 95 26 13 L24406 23 -0 .375 -0.067 30 9 9 9" 26 3 L24406 23 -o. .365 -0.060 30 3 7 95 25 52 L24406 23 -0, .403 -0.065 30 7 15 9b 25 38 L24406 23 -0.098 30 6 16 95 25 24 L24406 23 -0.075 50 5 50 95 25 16 L24406 23 -0 .427 -0.036 30 5 2 95 25 4 L24406 2b -o. .50d -0.120 TOTAL NUMBER OF STATIONS IN l OEGREE QUAD = 156 53 APPENDIX B.— COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION AND THE HARRIS-GALVESTON COASTAL SUBSIDENCE DISTRICT GENERAL INFORMATION: Federal, State, and local agencies are interested in determining the rate and potential danger from land sub- sidence in the greater Houston, Texas, area. The prob- lem has a profound effect on the management of business activities and the protection of life and property. The State of Texas has established a special agency, the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District (HGCSD) , to monitor and control the withdrawal of underground water as one method of reducing subsidence. The HGCSD has requested the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration (NOAA) to manage and assist in a releveling of the area to provide data essential to this effort. NOAA and the HGCSD have also requested the support and assistance of all interested Federal, State, and local agencies. This document provides the details of the overall project and the terms of the NOAA/HGCSD coopera- tive agreement. 1. This Agreement is between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Harris- Galveston Coastal Subsidence District (HGCSD) . NOAA is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the National Networks of Geodetic Control. The leveling surveys performed under this Agreement will become a part of that network or will be validation of existing parts of the network. 2. The HGCSD requires precise geodetic surveys over portions of the National Geodetic Control Network in Texas in conjunction with the reduction of subsidence 3. State and local agencies will use the data generated by the surveys performed under this Agreement for planning and engineering activities to reduce hazards associated with hurricanes and subsidence. These requirements will be considered in the leveling plan. 54 This Agreement is in accordance with the responsi- bility of the Department of Commerce for coordina- tion of geodetic control and related surveys. The Federal Coordinator for Geodetic Control and Related Surveys of the Department of Commerce will notify all member agencies of the survey to be undertaken. The planned time for the project will be approxi- mately April 1, 19 78, through July 15, 197 8, with the NOAA activities starting several months earlier in mark recovery and setting. NOAA will continue the analysis and provide adjusted elevations after the completion of the leveling with planned comple- tion by August 31, 1978. The limited time frame will require the use of leveling teams from NOAA, and other cooperating Federal and local agencies due to the coverage required. NOAA will also coordinate the technical activities of the contributing agencies using funds provided under this Agreement. II REFERENCES AND AUTHORITIES: 1. United States Code, Title 33, Sections 883e - 884. 2. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16, Revised May 6, 1967. 3. "Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys," February 1974, Federal Geodetic Control Committee (FGCC) ; "Specifications to Support Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys," July 1975, FGCC. Ill PURPOSE: NOAA will provide technical management and coordination for releveling designated lines of the National Geodetic Control Network within the Counties of Harris and Galveston, Texas, as well as certain other lines in adjacent Counties as have been requested by the HGCSD. This activity is in support of the State of Texas program to reduce subsidence potentially dangerous to life and property including industries with nationwide impact. 55 IV DEFINITIONS: Geodetic control surveys will be performed in accordance with Federal "Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys," February 1974, and "Specifications to Support Classifi- cation, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys," July 19 75, approved by the Office of Management and Budget. V RESPONSIBILITIES OF AGENCIES: The NOAA agrees to: a. Conduct a one- or two-day workshop before the start of the project for observers and recorders of participating agencies. b. Perform the overall technical coordination and management of the approximately 1,500-mile leveling project in the Houston/Galveston, Texas, area that will require level units from NOAA and other cooperating Federal, State, and local agencies. Leveling will conform to First-Order, Class II specifications as defined in the "Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys," as amended by survey instructions. Spur lines will be run both backward and forward and double simultaneous run on loops will be performed. c. Furnish 15 people to participate in and coordinate the activities of other agencies participating. d. Prepare agreements for transfer of funds from other Federal Agencies to NOAA to be used for this project, e. Training as needed, technical direction, and moni- toring of activities will be furnished to all participating leveling units by NOAA. f . Consult with Federal, State, and local agencies and other interested parties in planning the level lines, Primary consideration will be given to the lines required by the HGCSD to monitor ground water with- drawal. The surveying needs thac are related to the protection of life and property will be included in the project. 56 g. Provide the planning, reconnaissance, mark setting, adjustment, and publication of the data for the project with an estimated cost to NOAA of $150,000. The HGCSD agrees to: a. Provide funding on an actual cost basis to NOAA to accomplish and fund the releveling of approximately 1,500 miles in the Houston/Galveston area, but not to exceed $300,000. This is to be accomplished by the payment of $200,000 to NOAA at the beginning of the project as an advance of funds with quarterly accounting for the use of funds to be provided by NOAA. Should the actual cost exceed the $200,000 advanced by HGCSD, then HGCSD shall pay additional amounts to NOAA up to, but not to exceed, the $300,000 based on quarterly billings by NOAA. b. Consult with NOAA and other interested agencies in determining the lines to be observed. c. Assist NOAA in obtaining additional personnel and funding from other Federal Agencies interested in the releveling program. d. Assist NOAA in coordination with other Federal, State, and local agencies before and during the project. e. Use recording and abstract forms provided by NOAA for the leveling survey. f. Provide for contract services as required. VI PROGRAMMING, BUDGETING, FUNDING, AND REIMBURSABLE ARRANGEMENTS : 1. Within the terms of this Agreement, budgeting, funding, and reimbursements will be accomplished by the respective parties entering into this Agree- ment in accordance with the responsibilities contained herein. 57 2. If the HGCSD must hire leveling units from outside private sources to assist in accomplishing the releveling project, the $300,000 will be reduced by this amount. 3. The Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, 1730 Nasa Road 1, Building 2, Houston, Texas 77058, will be billed on a quarterly basis. 4. NOAA participation in this project is subject to budgetary limitations and administrative approval. 5. It will be necessary for periodic releveling in the future. The HGCSD, to the extent possible, will furnish to NOAA a listing of the desired geo- detic surveys by October 1 of each year. NOAA will give the highest practical priority to the accomp- lishment of these surveys. However, acceptance of funds and commitment by NOAA to perform work are subject to administrative approval and budgetary limitations . 6. The HGCSD shall also be free to furnish to NOAA at any time a list of additional geodetic surveys, desired but unanticipated, at the time of the annual listing specified above. Priorities for this additional work are subject to prior commit- ments as stated above. However, NOAA will make every effort to render assistance within a reasonable time frame. 7. NOAA will provide estimates prior to initiating each project. An evaluation will be made to deter- mine the reimbursement required from the HGCSD for each project. VII PROCEDURES FOR INSPECTION/QUALITY ASSURANCE: NOAA will be responsible for inspection and quality assurance of the entire leveling project. NOAA will provide technical and management control over NOAA, USGS, and U. S. Army units engaged on this project. Local agencies will manage their own units with technical coordination from NOAA, assisted by the HGCSD. 58 VIII PUBLICATION The results of the geodetic surveys will be made a part of the National Vertical Geodetic Control Network and will be published by NOAA, and thereby will be placed in the public domain. IX PUBLIC AFFAIRS/PRESS LIAISON: Press releases or other public announcements regarding this project may be prepared by the HGCSD or NOAA, each of which shall consult with the other prior to distri- bution. X DATA RIGHTS: There are no restrictions on the use by Governmental Agencies of data produced by this Agreement. Such data is considered to be in the public domain. XI SUBSIDIARY AGREEMENTS: Additional working agreements, regarding specific cooperative efforts, if needed, shall be effected in writing by both parties as the need arises. XII THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The HGCSD will be responsible for liability to third parties for any acts arising out of the performance of official duties by its employees in accordance with applicable State or county law. Liability of the United States Government for acts of its employees is governed by the Federal Tort Claims Act and certain other Federal statutes. XIII AMENDMENTS AND REVIEW: This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties conrprned. It may be subject to reconsideration at such other times as may be required and as agreed to by the parties entering into the Agreement. 59 XIV OTHER PROVISIONS: Nothing herein is intended to conflict with current NOAA or HGCSD directives or appliable law. If the terms of this Agreement are inconsistent with existing directives or with applicable law of any of the parties entering into this Agreement, then those portions of this Agreement which are determined to be inconsistent shall be invalid; but the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement not affected by any inconsistency shall remain in full force and effect. At the first opportunity for review of the Agreement, such changes as are deemed necessary will be accomplished by either an amendment to this Agreement, or by entering into a new agreement, whichever is deemed expedient to the interest of both parties. Should disagreement arise as to the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement, or amendments, and/or revisions thereto, that cannot be resolved at the operating level, the area(s) of disagreement shall be reduced to writing by each party and presented to the other party for consideration at least 30 days prior to forwarding to respective higher quarters for appropriate resolution. XV TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: This Agreement will become effective upon the signa- ture of both the approving officials of the respective parties entering into this Agreement, and will remain in effect until terminated by (1) mutual agreement, (2) 30 days' advance written notice by either party, or (3) completion of the objectives of this Agreement. In the event of termination prior to completion of the objectives of this Agreement, all direct and indirect phasing-out costs shall be paid by the party requesting termination. Termination costs claimed shall not exceed the actual costs incurred as a result of termi- nation of the project. 60 APPROVED National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration t < I.I, ^ Wilmot N. Hess Acting Associate Administrator Harris -Galveston Coastal Subsidence District Date Date 3- ?-?? 61 (Continued from inside front cover) NOS NGS-4 Snay, R. A., Reducing the profile of sparse symmetric matrices, 1976, 24 pp (PB258476). NOS NGS-5 Dracup, Joseph F. , National Geodetic Survey data: availability, explanation, and application, Revised 1979, 45 pp (PB80 118615). NOS NGS-6 Vincenty, T. , Determination of North American Datum 1983 coordinates of map corners, 1976, 8 pp (PB262442). NOS NGS-7 Holdahl, S. R. , Recent elevation change in Southern California, 1977, 19 pp (PB265940). NOS NGS-8 Dracup, Joseph F. , Fronczek, Charles J., and Tomlinson, Raymond W. , Establishment of cali- bration base lines, 1977, 22 pp (PB277130). NOS NGS-9 NGS staff, National Geodetic Survey publications on surveying and geodesy 1976, 1977, 17 pp (PB275181). NOS NGS-10 Fronczek, Charles J., Use of calibration base lines, 1977, 38 pp (PB279574). NOS NGS-11 Snay, Richard A., Applicability of array algebra, 1978, 22 pp (PB281196). NOS NGS-12 Schwarz, Charles R. , The TRAV-10 horizontal network adjustment program, 1978, 52 pp (PB283087), NOS NGS-13 Vincenty, T. and Bowring, B. R. , Application of three-dimensional geodesy to adjustments of horizontal networks, 1978, 7 pp (PB286672). NOS NGS-14 Snay, Richard A., Solvability analysis of geodetic networks using logical geometry, 1978, 29 pp (PB291286). NOS NGS-15 Carter, William E. , and Pettey, James E. , Goldstone validation survey - phase 1, 1978, 44 pp (PB292310). NOS NGS-16 Vincenty, T. , Determination of North American Datum 1983 coordinates of map corners (second prediction), 1979, 6 pp (PB297245). NOS NGS-17 Vincenty, T. , The HAVAGO three-dimensional adjustment program, 1979, 18 pp (PB297069). NOS NGS-18 Pettey, James E. , Determination of astronomic positions for California-Nevada boundary monuments near Lake Tahoe , 1979, 22 pp (PB301264). NOS NGS-19 Vincenty, T. , HOACOS: A program for adjusting horizontal networks in three dimensions, 1979, 18 pp (PB301351). NOS NGS-20 Balazs, Emery I. and Douglas, Bruce C. , Geodetic leveling and the sea level slope along the California coast, 1979, 23 pp (PB80 120611). NOS NGS-21 Carter, W. E. , Fronczek, C. J., and Pettey, J. E. , Haystack-Westf ord Survey, 1979, 57 pp (PB81 108383). NOS NGS-22 Goad, C. C. , Gravimetric tidal loading computed from integrated Green's functions, 1979, 15 pp (PB80 128903). NOS NGS-23 Bowring, B. R. and Vincenty, T. , Use of auxiliary ellipsoids in height-controlled spatial adjustments, 1979, 6 pp (PB80 155104). NOS NGS-24 Douglas, B. C. , Goad, C. C. , and Morrison, F. F. , Determination of the geopotential from satellite-to-satellite tracking data, 1980, 32 pp (PB80 161086). NOS NGS-25 Vincenty, T. , Revisions of the HOACOS height-controlled network adjustment program, 1980, 5 pp (PB80 223324). NOS NGS-26 Poetzchake, H. , Motorized leveling, 1980, 19 pp. (Continued on inside back cover) U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1980 340-997/318 (Continued) NOAA Technical Reports, NOS/NGS subseries NOS 65 NGS 1 Pope, Allen J., The statistics of residuals and the detection of outliers, 1976, 133 pp (PB258428). NOS 66 NGS 2 Moose, R. E. and Henriksen, S. W. , Effect of Geoceiver observations upon the classical triangulation network, 1976, 65 pp (PB260921). NOS 67 NGS 3 Morrison, Foster, Algorithms for computing the geopotential using a simple-layer density model, 1977, 41 pp (PB266967). NOS 68 NGS 4 Whalen, Charles T. and Balazs, Emery, Test results of first-order class III leveling, 1976, 30 pp (GPO// 003-017-00393-1) (PB265421). NOS 70 NGS 5 Doyle, Frederick J., Elassal, Atef A., and Lucas, James R. , Selenocentric geodetic reference system, 1977, 53 pp (PB266046). NOS 71 NGS 6 Goad, C. C. , Application of digital filtering to satellite geodesy, 1977, 73 pp (PB- 270192). NOS 72 NGS 7 Henriksen, Soren W. , Systems for the determination of polar motion, 1977, 55 pp (PB274698). NOS 73 NGS 8 Whalen, Charles T. , Control leveling, 1978, 23 pp (GPO// 003-017-00422-8) (PB286838). NOS 74 NGS 9 Carter, William E. and Vincenty, T. , Survey of the McDonald Observatory radial line scheme by relative lateration techniques, 1978, 33 pp (PB287427). NOS 75 NGS 10 Schmid, E. , An algorithm to compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix, 1978, 5 pp (PB287923). NOS 76 NGS 11 Hardy, Rolland L. , The application of multiquadric equations and point mass anomaly models to crustal movement studies, 1978, 63 pp (PB293544). NOS 79 NGS 12 Milbert, Dennis G. , Optimization of horizontal control networks by nonlinear programing, 1979, 44 pp (PB80 117948). NOS 82 NGS 13 Grundig, Lothar, Feasibility study of the conjugate gradient method for solving large sparse equation sets, 1980, 22 pp (PB80 180235). NOS 83 NGS 14 Vanicek, P., Tidal corrections to geodetic quantities, 1980, 30 pp (PB80 189376). NOS 84 NGS 15 Bossier, John D. and Hanson, Robert H. , Application of special variance estimators to geodesy, 1980, 16 pp (PB80 223332). NOS 85 NGS 16 Grafarend, Erik W. , The Bruns transformation and a dual setup of geodetic observational equations, 1980, 73 pp (PB80 202302). NOS 86 NGS 17 Vanicek, P. and Grafarend, Erik W. , On the weight estimation in leveling, 1980, 36 pp (PB81 108284). NOS 87 NGS 18 Snay, R. A. and Cline, M. W. , Crustal movement investigations at Tejon Ranch, Calif. , 1980, 35 pp. NOS 88 NGS 19 Dracup, Joseph F. , Horizontal Control, 1980, 40 pp. NOAA Manuals, NOS/NGS subseries NOS NGS 1 Floyd, Richard P., Geodetic bench marks, 1978, 56 pp (GPO// 003-017-00442-2) (PB296427). NOS NGS 2 Input formats and specifications of the National Geodetic Survey data base: Pfeifer, L. , Vol. I — Horizontal control data, 1980, 205 pp. Pfeifer, L. and Morrison, N. , Vol. II — Vertical control data, 1980, 136 pp (Distribution of this loose-leaf manual and revisions are maintained by the National Geodetic Survey, NOS/NOAA, Rockville, MD 20852.) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Survey National Geodetic Survey, OA/C18x2 Rockville, Maryland 20852 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Ill MlEflM \_>WlVHvrcr com-; PRINTED MATTER AQQDD72D U.S. UthAM I mciv I ur v^wivilvrcn\_,i_ COM-210