(L-Tb.AlV.gf ■ united states Department of COMMERCE PUBLICATION ►, fJL\ r *U% o» ' DAD No. 32 May 1973 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Social and Economic Statistics Administration BUREAU OF THE CENSUS data access descriptions &P-8 Subject Reports from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing G U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary Social and Economic Statistics Administration Edward D. Failor, Administrator BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Vincent P. Barabba, Acting Director Robert L. Hagan, Deputy Director DATA USER SERVICES OFFICE Robert B. Voight, Chief ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Data Access Descriptions are developed in the Data User Services Office under the direction of Michael G. Garland, Chief, Data Access and Use Laboratory. Ann D. Casev. User Information Services, is responsible for general supervision. This report was prepared by Mary F. McQuade. Any suggestions, comments, or inquiries from users of Data Access Descriptions will be appreciated by the Bureau. Letters should be addressed to the Director, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. For sale by Publications Distribution Section, Social and Economic Statistics Administration, Washington, D.C. 20233. Subscription price $5.50 for 4 to 6 issues of Data Access Descriptions (issued occasionally), along with 12 monthly issues of Small-Area Data Notes. Single copies vary in price. Price this issue 50 cents. Subject Reports from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Population Census Subject Reports .... 1 General Information 1 Contents of the Reports 2 Summary Tape Data for Population Subjects 10 Housing Census Subject Reports 10 General Information 10 Contents of the Reports 10 Summary Tape Data for Housing Subjects 13 Further Information 13 INTRODUCTION This Data Access Description presents infor- mation on the subject reports planned from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing. These reports concentrate on particular population or housing subjects and provide detailed infor- mation and cross- relationships for them. Two series of subject reports are being issued: Series PC(2), dealing with population subjects, and series HC(7), dealing with housing subjects. The population subject reports will constitute volume II of the population census reports and the housing subject reports will constitute volume VII of the housing census reports. Subject reports, both population and housing, are being issued on a flow basis as they are prepared and completed. Publication of these reports will be noted, as it takes place, in Small-Area Data Notes. Order forms for those reports already released are being mailed with this Data Access Description. Short paragraph summaries in this DAD list the data to be found in each report and the geographic areas covered. In general, however, space has not allowed the inclusion of any indication of the degree of detail within a particular data item. Frequently, extensive categories within an item have had to be com- pressed in this DAD to one simple term. For example, "occupation" as used here may refer to 12 major occupation groups, 157 intermediate occupation groups, 440 detailed occupations, or some number of selected occupations within these three basic categories. Use of the term only indicates that some type of occupation data can be found in the report. Such condensations were unavoidable in dealing with the vast mass of information embodied in the subject reports. (To give some idea of the appearance of the tables in the subject reports, two sample table outlines, one from a population report and one from a housing report, are included at the end of this DAD.) Previous Data Access Descriptions have described other 1970 census reports. Data Access Description No. 27, Printed Reports From the 1970 Census of Population and Housing, series CEP-4, described the following reports: Population Volume I, Characteristics of the Population (chapters A and B only); Housing Volume I, Characteristics for States, Cities, and Counties, and Volume III, Block Statistics; and the joint population-housing Census Tract Reports. Data Access Description No. 19, Printed Reports From the 1970 Census- Housing, Volume II, described that volume of the housing reports. The information on the subject reports from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing, as described in this Data Access Description (CEP-8), is subject to possible minor revision. POPULATION CENSUS SUBJECT REPORTS General Information As of this writing, 39 subject reports from the 1970 Census of Population are scheduled for publication by the end of 1973, and one more (No. 3B) is in planning for later release. This compares with a total of 38 issued as a result of the 1960 census. The 1970 reports, issued in the PC(2) series and constituting volume II of the population census reports, can be grouped into 10 broad subject areas: Ethnic groups, migration, fertility, marriage and living ar- rangements, education, employment, occupation and industry, income, low income, and geo- graphic areas. The titles of the 40 reports are listed by category in figure 1. 1 Most of the data in the population subject reports are at the national level, with many of them containing additional information for regions. A few contain data for smaller geo- graphic areas- -generally, States and SMSA's. A number of the reports have already been issued (see individual entries); most of the rest are planned for release during 1973. Contents of the Reports ETHNIC GROUPS 1A. National Origin and Language. --This report provides information on various char- acteristics of the population by national origin and, occasionally, language. For the popu- lation as a whole, data are shown on age by nativity, parentage, race and Spanish language, and sex, and on mother tongue by nativity and parentage. Information is shown separately for the native population of native parentage by age and race and Spanish language and for the foreign stock by age, nativity, and country of origin on the following subjects: Selected social characteristics (relationship to house- hold head, marital status, fertility, and 1965 residence), years of school completed, mother tongue, employment status, occupation, income, and class of worker. These data are presented for the United States and regions, with some cross-classifications available for the United States only. In addition, tables in this report show, for the foreign born by year of immigration and country of birth, information on social charac- Figure 1. 1970 Census of Population: Subject Reports ETHNIC GROUPS A. National Origin and Language B. Negro Population C. Persons of Spanish Origin D. Persons of Spanish Surname E. Puerto Ricans in the United States F. American Indians G. Japanese, Chinese, and Filipinos in the United States MIGRATION 5. EDUCATION — Continued C Vocational Training 6. EMPLOYMENT Employment Status and Work Experience Persons Not Employed Persons With Work Disability Journey to Work A. B. C. D. E. Veterans A. State of Birth B. Mobility for States and the Nation C Mobility for Metropolitan Areas D. Lifetime and Recent Migration E. Migration Between State Economic Areas FERTILITY . OCCUPATION AND INDUSTRY A. Occupational Characteristics B. Industrial Characteristics C Occupation by Industry D. Government Workers E. Occupation and Residence in 1965 F. Occupations of Persons With High Earnings A. Women by Number of Children Ever Born B. Childspacing and Current Fertility 8. INCOME . MARRIAGE AND LIVING ARRANGEMENTS A. Family Composition B. Persons by Family Characteristics C. Marital Status D. Age at First Marriage E. Persons in Institutions and Other Group Quarters A. Sources and Structure of Family Income B. Occupation by Earnings and Education C. Income of the Farm-Related Population 9. LOW INCOME A. Low-Income Population B. Low-Income Areas in Large Cities 5. EDUCATION 10. AREAS A. School Enrollment B. Educational Attainment A. Americans Living Abroad B. State Economic Areas teristics including age, citizenship, marital status, and fertility, and economic character- istics including employment status, occupation, class of worker, and income; these data are available for the United States as a whole. Also shown for the United States are persons in families with head or wife of foreign stock by type of family, and persons of foreign stock not in families, by relationship, nativity, and country of origin. A special feature of the report will be information shown for selected individual SMS A' s having at least 250, 000 persons of foreign stock on social characteristics (age, years of school completed, 1965 residence, and mother tongue) and economic characteristics (as above) of the population by nativity, parentage, and country of origin. IB. Negro Population. -- A number of social, economic, and housing characteristics for Negroes or families with Negro head are pre- sented in this report. Social characteristics for which information is given include age, sex, types of residence (urban, rural, etc.), rela- tionship to household head, presence of children, children ever born, place of birth, school en- rollment, years of school completed, marital status, 1965 residence, and size of family. Data are provided on economic characteristics such as employment status, class of worker, weeks worked, occupation, industry, hours worked by employed head, number of earners in family, income, type of income, income less than poverty level, and ratio of family income to poverty level. Housing characteristics covered in this report are number of owner households and renter households, rooms, per- sons, persons per room, units in structure, year structure built, equipment (private bath, 1+ bath, piped water, public water, public sewer, air conditioning), autos, value, and contract rent. Data are presented, for the most part, for the United States and regions and for States with 250,000 or more Negroes. In addition, separate tables feature information for SMSA's with 100,000 or more Negroes and for cities with 50,000 or more Negroes. 1C. Persons of Spanish Origin . --Character- istics of persons of Spanish origin are presented in this report. Information is given on age, sex, race, type of residence, relationship to household head, families by presence of children, children ever born, place of birth and citizenship, school enrollment, years of school completed, marital status, vocational training, and size of family. Data are also provided on employment status, class of worker, income, type of income, income less than poverty level, ratioof family income to proverty level, weeks worked, occupation, work disability, hours worked by employed head, and number of earners in family. Some information is given on housing characteristics, including rooms, persons, persons per room, units in structure, year structure built, equipment (private bath, washer, dryer, piped water, dish- washer, freezer, television set), value, and contract rent. Most of the above data are presented for all persons of Spanish origin, persons of Mexican origin, of Puerto Rican origin, and of Cuban origin, for the United States and each of 13 States with 100,000 or more persons of Spanish origin. Separate tables present selected social, economic, em- ployment, and housing characteristics for each of 29 SMSA's with 50,000 or more persons of Spanish origin and 31 cities with 25, 000 or more persons of Spanish origin. ID. Persons of Spanish Surname. --This re- port provides a variety of information on persons of Spanish surname in five southwestern States (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas). Basic information- -race, sex, type of residence, nativity, parentage, country of origin, and mother tongue- -is presented for the five States, each SMSA with 25,000 or more persons of Spanish surname, and each city with 25,000 or more persons of Spanish surname. Detailed characteristics, for the five States only, include age, Spanish language, relationship to household head, families by presence of children, children ever born, place of birth and citizenship, school enrollment, years of school completed, marital status, 1965 resi- dence, own children under 18. and size of family; also employment status, class ot worker, in- come, weeks worked, occupation, industry, hours worked by employed head, number of earners in family, type of income, income less than poverty level, and ratio of family income to poverty level. Data on housing characteristics are also given, on rooms, persons, persons per room, units in structure, year structure built, equipment (private bath, more than one bathroom, piped water, public water, sewer, air conditioning), automobiles, value, and con- tract rent. Additional tables provide selected data for each SMSA with 25,000 or more persons of Spanish surname and for each city with 10,000 or more persons of Spanish surname. IE. Puerto Ricans in the United States. -- This report contains data on social and economic characteristics of persons born in Puerto Rico or of Puerto Rican parentage. Most information is shown for SMSA's with 25,000 or more Puerto Ricans, for SMSA's with 10,000 to 25,000 Puerto Ricans, for cities with 10,000 or more Puerto Ricans, and for cities with 5,000 to 10,000 Puerto Ricans, as well as for the United States, regions, divisions, and selected States (those with 10,000 or more Puerto Ricans). These data include type of residence, relation- ship to household head, presence of children, children ever born, place of birth, school enrollment, years of school completed, employ- ment status, class of worker, income, rooms, persons, persons per room, units in structure, year structure built, selected equipment (com- plete bathroom, more than one bathroom, piped water, public water, public sewer, air condi- tioning), automobiles, value, contract rent, age, sex, marital status, industry, income of families, income less than poverty level, weeks worked, and occupation. Data shown only for the United States, regions, divisions, and selected States include race, mother tongue, percent in labor force, 1965 residence, earnings, children under 18, size of family, hours worked, number of earners in family, and type of income. An additional table presents information on State-to-State migra- tion of Puerto Ricans, 1965 to 1970, for the United States and States with 10,000 or more Puerto Ricans. IF. American Indians . --This report pro- vides information on the characteristics of the American Indian population, including age, sex, type of residence, relationship to household head, families by presence of children, children ever born, place of birth, school enrollment, years of school completed, marital status, 1965 residence, own children under 18, and size of family; also employment status, class of worker, income, weeks worked, occupation, industry, hours worked by employed head, number of earners in family, type of income, income less than poverty level, and ratio of family income to poverty level. Data on housing characteristics are given, including rooms, persons, persons per room, units in structure, year structure built, equipment (private bath, more than one bath, piped water, public water, public sewer, air conditioning, electricity), automobiles, value, and contract rent. The data described above are presented for the United States, regions, and either 18 States with 10,000 or more Indians or nine States with 25,000 or more Indians. Most of the data are also presented in separate tables for 30 SMS A' s with 2,500 or more Indians, 24 selected reser- vations, and 30 selected tribes. Additional tables provide information on 92 tribes by age, sex, and number living on identified reserva- tions; Indians on each of the 115 reservations identified for the 1970 census, by State, age, and sex; and mother tongue by age, sex, and whether living on identified reservations. (Aleuts and Eskimos are not included in this report. A supplementary report in series PC(S1) will be issued at a later date containing information for these groups.) 1G. Japanese, Chinese, and Filipinos in the United States . --This report provides infor- mation on the social, economic, and housing characteristics of the Japanese, Chinese, and Filipinos, as well as on social and economic characteristics of Hawaiians and Koreans. Data are presented on age, sex, type of residence, relationship to household head, families by presence of children, children ever born, place of birth, school enrollment, years of school completed, marital status, 1965 residence, own children under 18, and size of family; also employment status, class of worker, income, weeks worked, occupation, industry, hours worked by employed head, number of earners in family, type of income, income less than poverty level, and ratio of family income to poverty level. Housing characteristics for which data are provided include rooms, persons, persons per room, units in structure, year structure built, equipment (private bath, more than one bathroom, piped water, public water, public sewer), automobiles, value, and contract rent. The above data are shown for the United States, regions, and each of five States with 10,000 or more Japanese, Chinese, or Fili- pinos. Selected data items from those above are also shown for 12 SMSA's and eight cities with 5,000 or more Japanese, 10 SMSA's and nine cities with 5,000 or more Chinese, and 12 SMSA's and seven cities with 5,000 or more Filipinos. Selected social and economic characteristics are also presented for Hawaiians and Koreans, for the United States, for each State having 10,000 or more Hawaiians or Koreans, and for each SMSA having 5,000 or more Hawaiians or Koreans. MIGRATION 2 A. State of Birth .- -This report presents a number of detailed cross-classifications on State, division, and region of birth and resi- dence, by sex, age, and race and Spanish origin. Data are included for the native population, by age and sex, and by State, division, and region of birth and residence. Net gain or loss through interstate, interdivisional, and interregional movement are also shown. Tables are provided on the native population of each region, division, and State of residence, by region, division, and State of birth; on age of the native population of each State, by division of birth; and on age of the native population born in each State, by division of residence. These data are shown by sex for total, white, and Negro populations, and in some tables for persons of Spanish origin. Information is also presented on the total population born in State of residence, in other States, or in foreign countries, by age and race and Spanish origin, for the total United States and for States; also on the total population born in each State, division, and region, by size of place and region of residence. An additional table contains data on the native population by race and division of birth, for SMSA's of 250,000 population or more. 2B. Mobility for States and the Nation. -- This report contains detailed cross-tabulations dealing with the mobility of the population. Data are included on mobility status, type of mobility (house, county, State, aboard), region and State of birth, age, years of school completed, income, employment status, occupation, children ever born, enrollment status and relative progress in school, 1965 and 1970 residence, and number of in-migrants and out-migrants. Further detail is given on sex, marital status, relation- ship to household head, number and age of own children under 18, earnings, type of household, SMSA residence (central city and balance of SMSA), number of persons in household, per- sons per room, owned or rented housing, ratio of value or rent to income, country of residence in 1965, and net migration. Tables are also included giving mobility information for persons enrolled in college or in the Armed Forces in 1965 or 1970. Data in this report are presented, selectively, for States, divisions, and regions of the United States, and are generally available for either the total and Negro populations or the white and Negro populations. 2C. Mobility for Metropolitan Areas. --This report presents information on the movement of the total and Negro population within, to, and from SMSA's of specified size (generally, in terms of total, central city, and balance of SMSA) and to and from nonmetropolitan places of specified size. (Individual SMSA' sand places are not identified.) Data are shown on age, sex, years of school completed, employment status, occupation, income, and children ever born. These data are for the total United States. Separate tables show mobility status and type of destination, cross-classified by most of the items described above, for total and Negro populations of each SMSA of 500,000 or more. 2D. Lifetime and Recent Migration. --This report contains data on the migration of the population (generally total and Negro, with some Spanish heritage tabulations), according to place of birth and 1965 and 1970 residence. Information is provided on birthplace in relation to State of 1965 and 1970 residence, division of 1965 and 1970 residence, gain or loss from migra- tion for divisions, and years of school completed. Data are provided on age, sex, employment status, occupation, family income, number of children ever born, and enrollment status and relative progress in school. Tables present information for the United States as a whole and, at times, for individual States and divisions. 2E. Migration Between State Economic Areas . --Data on migration of the population in and between the 510 State economic areas (SEA's) are provided in this report. The infor- mation shown for each SEA includes mobility status, age, sex, number of in-migrants and out-migrants, and 1965 and 1970 residence of migrants between SEA's. In addition, tables present the following material for the Negro population of SEA's with a Negro population of 25,000 or more: Age, sex, in-migrants, out- migrants, and migrants living indifferent SEA's in 1965 and 1970, according to State of 1965 residence and whether 1965 residence was in a metropolitan SEA. (Currently available- - 361 pp., $3.) FERTILITY 3A. Women by Number of Children Ever Born . --This report presents a number of de- tailed cross-tabulations of women by number of children ever born, by a broad range of factors. These include type of residence, age, size of urbanized area, race, nativity, Indian tribe, type of Spanish origin, country of origin of the foreign stock, region of birth, region of resi- dence, 1965 residence, 1965-1970 interregional migration, year moved into present home, marital status, year of first marriage, age at first marriage, times married, and years of school completed. Also included are employ- ment status, work disability, occupation, income, housing characteristics (value, gross rent, plumbing, number of rooms, persons per room), number of housing units in structure, poverty neighborhoods in individual large cities (those with 500,000 or more population), relationship to household head, type of group quarters, presence of own single children, and family size. Some information is presented by char- acteristics of the husband. Most of the data are provided separately for white and Negro populations, occasionally for persons of Spanish origin. The geographic area covered is generally the United States, with some regional data included. Supplementary data, on children ever born to single women, are also provided. 3B. Childspacing and Current Fertility. -- This report is in the preliminary planning stage and has not been definitely scheduled for publication. Plans for this report are to present data on the marriage and fertility histories of women, showing the proportions of cohorts of women who married at successive ages, and the cumulative number of births to these women as they passed from age to age or marriage duration to marriage duration. Some data on reconstructed age- specific birth rates for cal- endar periods are also planned to be shown. Some data may be shown by social and economic detail, with most of the data for the United States but some for regions. MARRIAGE AND LIVING ARRANGEMENTS 4A. Family Composition . --This report pre- sents data on family composition and on social and economic characteristics in relation to the life cycle of the family as determined by tabulations of families by age of head and by duration of marriage of the head. Among the aspects of family composition presented are size of household, size of family, number of presence of own and related children by age, ages of oldest and youngest children in the family, presence of adult family mem- bers (other than head and wife) by age, presence of parents and grandchildren of the family head, presence and characteristics of subfamilies, number and type of nonrelatives of the head who are sharing the housing unit, and presence of adult females (who are not employed) in families with young children. Most of the tables present data for three types of families: Husband- wife families, other families with male head, and families with female head. Some of the social characteristics by which families are classified in this report include age and sex of head, country of origin of heads and wives of foreign or mixed parentage, marital status of head, marital history of head and wife, age at first marriage of head and wife, year of first marriage of head, and education of head and wife and other family members. The economic characteristics of families shown include labor force status of head and wife, major occupation group of head and wife, hours worked by head, weeks worked and earnings of wife in 1969, and income of head and family in 1969. Most of the data in this report are presented for total, white, Negro, and Spanish origin populations, generally at the national level, but some regional. 4B. Persons by Family Characteristics. -- This report presents data for persons by family composition and the following social and eco- nomic family characteristics: Family status, age, sex, presence and marital status of parents, type of residence, marital status, married more than once, relationship to head, education of head, type of family, occupation of head, income, marital history of head, marital history of husband and wife (for married couples and children living with both parents), family re- lationship, years since first marriage, em- ployment status, and chief income recipient and characteristics. The tables also give in- formation on the living arrangements of the population, including characteristics of unre- lated persons sharing households of primary individuals. All data in this report are pre- sented for total, white, and Negro populations, for the United States. (Currently available- - 204 pp., $2.60.) 4C. Marital Status . --This report presents detailed cross-tabulations of marital status by various characteristics, for (1) persons 14 years old and over and (2) married couples. For persons 14 and over, information is included on age, sex, whether married more than once, whether known to have been widowed or divorced, type of residence, years since first marriage, education, occupation, and income. For married couples, data are shown cross-classified by characteristics of husband and wife, such as age, difference between ages, whether married more than once, race and Spanish origin, type of residence, education, number of times mar- ried, income, nativity, parentage, and country of origin. Data in the report are for total, white, and Negro populations, generally at the national level, but occasionally regional. (Currently available- -332 pp., $3.75.) 4D. Age at First Marriage. --This report presents information on age of persons at first marriage by age at census, type of residence, sex, year of first marriage, marital history, race, whether first marriage intact, country of origin, nativity, Spanish origin, years of school completed, occupation, and income. Ad- ditional data are given on years since first marriage and selected characteristics of hus- bands in subfamilies. Tables also provide information on first marriage rates in 1968 and 1969 by age and sex for the United States, regions, and States, and by education, occupation, and income, for the United States. All the data in this report are presented for total, white, and Negro populations, generally for the United States, but with some regional statistics; Spanish origin information is given for the United States, New York City (Puerto Rican only), and for five southwestern States. 4E. Persons in Institutions and Other Group Quarters . --This report provides information on inmates of institutions and on the noninstitu- tional population in group quarters. For inmates of institutions, data (for the United States) are given on age, race and Spanish origin, sex, type of control of institution, type of residence, marital status, year moved into institution, region of residence, region of birth, mobility, school enrollment, years of school completed, vocational training, occupation, income, and type of income. These data are presented separately for inmates in each of eight types of institution: Correctional institutions, mental hospitals and residential treatment centers, tuberculosis and chronic disease hospitals, homes for the aged and dependent by presence of nursing care, homes and schools for the mentally handicapped, homes and schools for the physically handi- capped, homes for dependent and neglected children and homes for unwed mothers, and training schools for juvenile delinquents and detention homes. Aditional information is given on inmates by type and size of institution, number of institutions by type and size, nativity, marital history, year last worked, and period of service for male veterans of the Armed Forces. Data for States and SMSA's of 500,000 or more are presented on age of inmates by race and sex for each of the eight types of institution listed above. Data for selected counties are included on inmates by type of institution, race, and sex. Totals of inmates by race and Spanish origin, and sex are also provided for regions, divisions, and States. Information on the noninstitutional population in group quarters (e.g. rooming or boarding house, military barracks, college dormitory, mission, ships, religious quarters, etc.) includes race and Spanish origin, and sex (for regions, divisions, and States), age, type of residence, type of group quarters, marital status, region of residence, region of birth, mobility, school enrollment, years of school completed, occu- pation, work disability, income, and type of income (for the United States). EDUCATION 5A. School Enrollment. --Data on enroll- ment status covered in this report include year in which enrolled and relative progress in school, classified by age, sex, type of resi- dence, country of origin, race, region of birth, region of residence, education of father and mother, control of school, occupation of father, family income, composition of family, marital status, presence of own children under 18, labor force status, living arrangements, and citizen- ship status and level of school of foreign-born persons. Information is also given on educational attainment for those not enrolled, by ethnic characteristics, age, sex, type of residence, race, employment status, occupation, family status, marital status, and presence of own children under 18. Information is generally shown for total, white, Negro, and Spanish language populations. Most tables are for the United States, although some regional data are included. 5B. Educational Attainment. - -Tables in this report contain data on years of school completed cross-classified by items including ethnic ori- gin, age, sex, type of residence, region of birth, region of residence, labor force status, marital status, presence of own children under 6, in- come, and occupation. Information is frequently shown for total and Negro populations. Most of the data are for the United States, but some tables contain information for regions. 5C. Vocational Training. --Information con- cerning vocational training, by field, is provided in this report including data on years of school completed, age, sex, labor force status, oc- cupation, earnings, occupational status, and industry. Data in this report are shown for total, white, Negro, and Spanish origin popula- tions, at the national level only. EMPLOYMENT 6A. Employment Status and Work Experi- ence . --This report contains material on em- ployment status (number and percent in labor force, civilian labor force, employed, and un- employed) and on weeks worked in 1969. Data for employment status or labor force status are presented by age, type of residence, sex, household relationship, marital status, school enrollment, years of school completed, 1965 residence, hours worked, and presence of own children. Selected data are also shown from previous censuses. Data are given for families on number of family members in labor force, earnings of head, size and type of family, type of residence, employment status of family members, and family income. Several tables contain information on the employment status and labor force status of women, including number and ages of own children, children ever born, marital status, age, type of residence, and earnings of husband. Data on employment status and labor force status are generally available for total and Negro populations, with some available for persons of Spanish origin. Tables on weeks worked in 1969 provide data on age, type of residence, race and Spanish origin, household relationship, marital status, sex, presence and age of own children, em- ployment status, labor force status, hours worked, school enrollment, years of school completed, 1965 residence, and earnings. These data are presented for total and Negro popu- 8 lations and sometimes for persons of Spanish origin. Selected data are also shown from previous censuses. All data in this report are at the national level. 6B. Persons Not Employed . --This report provides data on the characteristics of persons not employed, including age, year last worked, type of residence, sex, family status, marital status, household relationship, years of school completed and enrollment status, 1965 activity, presence and age of own children, income other than earnings, poverty status, number of re- lated children under 18, occupation, and industry. Most of the data in the report are for total and Negro populations, with some tabulations also provided for persons of Spanish origin. Data in this report are at the national level. 6C. Persons With Work Disability. --This report contains information concerning presence and duration of work disability. Data are provided on sex, age, type of residence, house- hold relationship, marital status, years of school completed, vocational training, employ- ment status, presence of children under 18, type of family, labor force status, occupation, 1969 work experience, earnings, type of earn- ings, family income, and income other than earnings. Information is generally provided for total, white, and Negro populations and occasionally for persons of Spanish origin. Data in this report are for the Nation as a whole. (Currently available- -204 pp., $2.60.) 6D. Journey to Work . --This report of over 1,000 pages consists of two tables. Table 1 contains information on place of work and location of residence (in terms of counties and cities inside and outside SMSA) and means of transportation to work for SMSA's of 250,000 or more. The second table presents information on the characteristics (sex, age, race and Spanish language, household relationship, years of school completed, occupation, industry, earn- ings, and means of transportation to work) of the population working in selected areas of SMSA's: Every central city and every other incorporated area having 50,000 or more popu- lation and each county or the remainder of each county in the SMSA; in addition, in New England, every town of 50,000 or more population. 6E. Veterans . --This report contains infor- mation on the characteristics of civilian male veterans, including period of service, age, living arrangements, relationship, marital status, number and age of own children, size of family, employment status, years of school completed, type of residence, weeks worked, labor force status, income, occupation, earn- ings, class of worker, source of income, tenure, persons in institutions by type of institution, migration (for regions, divisions, and States), mobility status, type of mobility, 1965 activity, 1965 residence, value of unit, persons, rooms, facilities (plumbing, kitchen, heating), value, and contract rent. Data in this report are shown for total, white, Negro, and Spanish language populations, at the national level. OCCUPATION AND INDUSTRY 7 A. Occupational Characteristics. - -Data are provided in this report on occupation and sex for two groups: The experienced civilian labor force and the employed. About half the tables show detailed occupation. Information presented includes age, income, earnings, hours worked, weeks worked, years of school completed, race and Spanish origin, type of residence, marital status, family relationship, number of own chil- dren, 1965 residence, and class of worker. Some tables present data separately for Negro and Spanish origin populations. Information is shown only for the United States as a whole. 7B. Industrial Characteristics . - -This re- port contains much the same type of information as 7A, except on industry and sex, for the same two groups: The experienced civilian labor force and the employed. Also included is a section showing class of worker by agricultural and nonagricultural industries and sex, cross- classified by many of the same characteristics. Most of the items listed above are provided for Negro and Spanish origin populations, in addi- tion to total. Data are shown at the national level only. 7C. Occupation by Industry. - -This report contains detailed cross-tabulations of occupa- tion by industry and, generally, age, race and Spanish origin, and sex. Information is also presented on years of school completed and earnings. Data in this report are provided for the Nation as a whole. (Currently available- - 532 pp., $7.25.) 7D. Government Workers. --Information on various characteristics of government workers is included in this report. Data are generally presented by level of government (Federal, State, local), occupation or industry, race and Spanish origin, and sex, for such subjects as age, years of school completed, weeks worked, earnings, and income. Tables in this report present information for the United States. 7 E. Occupation and Residence Five Years Ago. --This report contains information on oc- ;upation, industry, and residence, in 1965 and 1970. Data include age, sex, race and Spanish origin, years of school completed, earnings, and labor force mobility, occupational mobility, and interstate migration. Some data are available for regions, although most are for the United States. 7F. Occupations of Persons With High Earnings . --This report presents data on oc- cupation and sex for persons who earned $15,000 or more in 1969 by race and Spanish origin, age, years of school completed, earnings (for total, Negro, and Spanish origin populations), weeks worked, class of worker, type of resi- dence, and industry. Selected items of the above data are shown separately for wage and salary workers and self-employed workers. In addition, tables are included on occupation and earnings of wife by occupation of husband. Data in this report are at the national level. INCOME 8A. Sources and Structure of Family In- come . --This report provides data on the type of income in 1969 by selected characteristics of families. Information is presented on number and relationship of earners; income; size and type of family; age and race and Spanish origin of head; type of residence; occupation of head; poverty status of families; education of head; type of income and age, race, and sex of un- related individuals; type of income and earnings of families; income, race, and sex of family members; employment status of head; presence and age of related children; and work experience. Tabulations in this report are for total, white, and Negro populations. Regional data are pro- vided on income, 1940 to 1970; all other information is for the United States. (Currently available- 512 pp., $4.80.) 8B. Earnings by Occupation and Education. - - Data in this report cover the occupation, earn- ings, and years of school completed for persons in the experienced civilian labor force 18 years old and over, with earnings in 1969. Informa- tion is presented by sex, age, race and Spanish origin, and work experience in 1969. Tables include data for the United States and, selec- tively, for the North and West regions combined and the South region. (Currently available- - 440 pp., $4.50.) 8C. Income of the Farm- Related Popula- tion . --This report presents data on the char- acteristics of families and persons with farm self- employment income in 1969, and rural-farm households. Information is included on poverty status, value of farm products sold, occupation, employment status, class of worker, weeks worked, number of earners, age, sex, size of family, presence of own children under 18, years of school completed, persons in house- holds, type of residence, persons per room, heating equipment, and flush toilet. Data are presented for the United States and States; in addition, data are shown for the Negro and Spanish origin populations in States having 5,000 or more Negro and Spanish origin persons, families, or heads of households, as specified. LOW INCOME 9A. Low- Income Population. --This report contains numerous cross-classifications of data for the low- income population. Data are pre- sented in terms of all income levels and incomes below the poverty level. Information is given on such characteristics as age, sex, race and Spanish origin, family status, country of origin, presence and age of related children, size and type of family, marital status, children ever born, school enrollment, educational attainment, work experience, employment status, vocational training, weeks worked, occupation and class of worker, place of work, means of transportation to work, earnings, and number of earners in family. Data are also provided on type of residence, size of place of residence, place of birth, 1965 residence, and housing characteristics including tenure, value, gross rent, equipment (telephone, television, battery radio, washer, dryer), year moved into unit, year structure built, units and stories in structure, persons, heating equipment, plumbing, and crowding. In addition, separate tables present selected characteristics of vet- erans, disabled persons, and the potentially poor. Most of the data in the report are for total, white, Negro, and Spanish origin populations. Tables are generally for the United States, although some contain information for regions. 9B. Low-Income Areas in Large Cities. -- This report includes data for the 50 largest cities (individually and combined) and the four largest boroughs in New York City. In one table, data are presented for the total city and six aggregates of census tracts within the city: Those tracts in which the percent of persons below poverty level in 1969 was 20 percent or more, 30 percent or more, and 40 percent or more, and census tracts with a poverty rate of less than 20 percent, less than 30 percent, and less than 40 percent. Characteristics in- cluded are sex, race and Spanish language, income, relationship to household head, origin of foreign stock, years of school completed, employment status, type of income, and selected housing characteristics. The bulk of the report presents data for the total city, those areas consisting of census 10 tracts with a poverty rate for persons of 20 percent or more, and the balance of the city. Information for these areas is shown for total, white, Negro, and Spanish language populations. Data are included on age, sex, relationship to household head, place of birth, 1965 residence, school enrollment, years of school completed, presence and living arrangements of children, fertility, family status, size of family, number of earners, employment status, place of work, means of transportation to work, weeks worked, occupation, income, type of income, difference between income and poverty level, ratio of income to poverty level, tenure and vacancy status, year structure built, units in structure, year head moved into unit, equipment (air conditioning, automobile, telephone, plumbing facilities), persons per room, value, and gross rent. Many of the data items in this report are cross-classified by poverty status in 1969. AREAS Summary Tape Data for Population Subjects Summary tape versions of all the population subject reports will be available for purchase; costs have not yet been determined. These tapes will generally contain data for States, and in some cases for smaller geographic areas. For further information on user tapes, write to the Users' Service Staff, Data User Services Office, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. HOUSING CENSUS SUBJECT REPORTS General Information Nine reports on particular housing subjects are planned for release as part of the publica- tion program of the 1970 Census of Housing. This is the first time housing subject reports have been issued as part of a decennial census. Subject reports are issued as series HC(7) and will make up volume VII of the housing census reports. 10A. Americans Living Abroad . --This re- port provides information on the United States civilian population living abroad- -Federal ci- vilian employees and dependents, dependents of Armed Forces abroad, other citizens abroad, and crews of merchant vessels. Data are shown on country of residence, sex, age, race, relationship to household head, presence of children, nativity and parentage, place of birth of person and of parents, citizenship, marital status, 1965 residence, school enrollment, years of school completed, employment status, class of worker, occupation, industry, year left the United States, ability to speak local language, and local language spoken. Most of these data are presented for the population living abroad (excluding crews of merchant vessels) by selected country of residence. 10B. State Economic Areas. - -This report presents population information for each of the 510 State economic areas on subjects in- cluding age, sex, relationship to household head, presence of own children under 18 years, type of residence, nativity, parentage, country of origin, mother tongue, State of birth, school enrollment, years of school completed, family composition, children ever born, type of group quarters, employment status, marital status, percent in labor force, weeks worked, industry, occupation, class of worker, income, type of income, and income less than poverty level. Some of the data are shown separately for Negro, Spanish heritage, and rural populations. (Currently available- -425 pp., $3.50.) Reports currently planned deal with the following subjects: 1. housing characteristics by household composition 2. housing of senior citizens 3. space utilization of the housing inven- tory 4. structural characteristics of the hous- ing inventory 5. mover households 6. mobile homes 7. geographic aspects of the housing in- ventory 8. cooperative and condominium housing 9. housing of selected racial groups These reports are discussed in more detail in the next section of this DAD. Most of the tables in the nine housing sub- ject reports planned at present are shown for total, Negro, and Spanish language populations. All the reports contain data for the United States and some geographic grouping below the national level (in some cases, areas as specific as SMSA's). The nine reports are scheduled for release during the year 1973. Contents of the Reports 1. Housing Characteristics by Household Composition. - -This report contains data on value, gross rent, 1969 income of families and 11 primary individuals, year structure built, and units in structure. Information is shown for owner- and renter-occupied units, by household composition, plumbing facilities, year moved into unit, persons, persons per room, presence of nonrelatives, presence of own children, and rooms. Data are shown for total, Negro, and Spanish heritage populations, and are arranged in four series of tables, A-D, one series each for the United States, in central cities, in SMSA's not in central cities, and outside SMSA's. (Currently available- -648 pp., $5.90.) 2. Housing of Senior Citizens . --Part 1, the United States Summary, contains data on age, number of persons, and age and number in group quarters for persons 60 years old and over; household composition for households with head 60 years old and over; and, for households with member 60 years old and over, number of persons in household, income in 1969 of families and primary individuals, plumbing facilities by persons per room, value, and gross rent. Information is generally shown by household composition, age of head, and 1969 income of families and primary individuals. Some tables present data by gross rent as percentage of income, number of rooms, units in structure, presence of elevator, and other selected char- acteristics (bathrooms, three bedrooms or more, washer, dryer, freezer, second home, air conditioning, and automobiles available), as well as tenure, year structure built, year moved into unit, rooms, persons, valu?, value- income ratio, and gross and contract rent. Data are shown for total, Negro, and Spanish language populations and appear in 10 series of tables, A-J, one series each for the United States, inside SMSA's, in central cities, inside SMSA's not in central cities, in urbanized areas of SMSA's not in central cities, outside SMSA's, places of 10,000- to 50,000 inhabitants outside SMSA's, places of 2,500 to 10,000 inhabitants and other urban outside SMSA's, rural non- farm outside SMSA's, and occupied rural farm outside SMSA's. Part 2 of this report presents data for indi- vidual States, SMSA's, and places for persons under 60 years old and in several categories over 60 years old, or for households with head of these ages. Data are shown for the United States, States, SMSA's, and places of 100,000 or more on age of persons and percent distri- bution by age; percent of housing units owner- occupied, in one-unit structures, lacking some or all plumbing facilities, with 1.01 or more persons per room; and on median income, value, and gross rent. For States and for SMSA's of one million inhabitants or more, information is given on household composition by such housing characteristics as units in structure, year moved into unit, year structure built, rooms, persons, and selected characteristics (baths, three bedrooms or more, washer, dryer, dishwasher, freezer, second home, air con- ditioning, and automobiles available). Data are shown for total, Negro, and Spanish language populations. 3. Space Utilization of the Housing Inven- tory. --Data included in this report cover such indicators as persons per room, rooms, persons, income in 1969 of families and primary indi- viduals, units in structure, value, and gross rent. Information is presented on household composi- tion, presence of children, bedrooms, year structure built, plumbing facilities, bathrooms, heating and laundry equipment, selected appli- ances, value- income ratio, gross rent as per- centage of income, and years of school, labor force status, and occupation of head of household. Most data are presented for owner- and renter- occupied housing for total, Negro, and Spanish language populations, in five series of tables, A-E, one series each for the United States, inside SMSA's, in central cities, inside SMSA's not in central cities, and outside SMSA's. 4. Structural Characteristics of the Housing Inventory . --Data in this report are provided on housing characteristics such as units in structure, year structure built, heating equip- ment, plumbing facilities, bedrooms, and stories and elevator in structure. Information is shown for owner- and renter-occupied units by house- hold characteristics, including own children under 18; persons 60 years and over; household composition; marital status of head; other relatives of head; roomers, boarders, or lodg- ers; years of school completed by head; occupa- tion of head; and persons by income; also by plumbing, structural, and financial character- istics, including rooms, persons per room, plumbing facilities, source of water, sewage disposal, value, value- income ratio, gross rent, and gross rent as percentage of income; and by cooking and heating equipment and appliances. Most data are shown for total, Negro, and Spanish language populations and the tables appear in five series, A-E, one series each for the United States, inside SMSA's, in central cities, inside SMSA's not in central cities, and outside SMSA's. 5. Mover Households . --This report pro- vides data on households which have moved 1965-1970 by year, or which have moved prior to 1965. Data include year head moved into present housing unit, income in 1969 of families and primary individuals, household composition, 12 and age of head. Information is given on rooms, persons, plumbing facilities, units in structure, year structure built, complete bathrooms, heat- ing equipment, air conditioning, automobiles available, value, value- income ratio, gross rent, and gross rent as percentage of income. Data are also presented on household char- acteristics, such as presence of children under 18 and, for head of household, residence in 1965 and 1970, marital status, years of school, labor force status, and occupation, industry, and veteran status. These data are presented for total, Negro, and Spanish language popu- lations, in five series of tables, A-E, one series each for the United States, and the Northeast, North Central, South, and West regions. 6. Mobile Homes. --This report contains in- formation on mobile home units and the residents of mobile homes. Items shown are location by State of mobile homes, model year of mobile homes, household composition, income in 1969 of families and primary individuals, plumbing facilities, and rooms. Information is shown on persons, persons per room, age of head, gross rent, gross rent as percentage of income, residence of head in 1965, year moved into unit, children under 18, occupation of head, years of school completed by head, selected characteristics (washer, dryer, air conditioning, telephone, television, automobiles), heating equipment, source of water, and sewage disposal. The tables, most of which present data sepa- rately for owner- and renter- occupied units, appear in 10 series. Series A-C, for the United States, inside SMSA's, and outside SMSA's, contain data for total, Negro, and Spanish language populations. Series D-H present data for the Northeast, North Central, South, and West regions and the 16 States with 50,000 or more mobile homes; data in these five series of tables appear for the total population only. The two remaining series, I and J, contain data for the 35 remaining States with fewer than 50,000 mobile homes (including the District of Columbia) and for the 16 SMSA's with 10,000 or more mobile homes. In these last two series, the data descnoea above appear tor the total copulation only. 7. Geographic Aspects of the Housing Inven- tory . --Tables in this report present data for urban and rural residence by various categories of place size. Items include occupancy char- acteristics (population, population in housing units, tenure, and year moved into unit), plumb- ing characteristics (number of complete bath- rooms, sewage disposal, source of water, piped water, flush toilet, bathtub or shower, and complete plumbing facilities), utilization char- acteristics (rooms, persons, persons per room, and bedrooms), financial characteristics (value, contract rent, and gross rent), structural char- acteristics (units in structure, year structure built, basement, elevator, complete kitchen facilities, and access), fuels and appliances, and household characteristics (household com- position, income in 1969, value-income ratio, and gross rent as percentage of income). Data are presented for total, Negro, and Spanish language populations and will appear in five series, A-E, one each for the United States, and the Northeast, North Central, South, and West regions. 8. Cooperative and Condominium Housing. -- This report contains information on owner - occupied cooperative and condominium housing units. Data shown include household composi- tion, persons in such units, income of families and primary individuals, children under 18 and persons 65 years old and over, units in struc- ture, and year structure built. Information is shown on rooms, bedrooms, persons per room, year moved into unit, selected characteristics (second home, air conditioning, automobiles), residence of head, race of head, complete bath- rooms, stories in structure, elevator, and (for household head) veteran status, years of school completed, employment status, occupation, in- dustry, class of worker, and means of trans- portation to work. Tables in this report are shown in 12 series, A-L, one series each for the following geographic areas: United States, inside SMSA's, in central cities, inside SMSA's not in central cities, Northeast, North Central, South, West, States with 10,000 or more owner- occupied cooperative and condominium housing units, States with 2,500 to 10,000 such units, SMSA's with 10,000 or more such units, and SMSA's with 2,500 to 10,000 such units. Less detail is shown for series J-L. 9. Housing of Selected Racial Groups. -- There are two parts to this report, each con- taining data for units with household head of selected racial groups (i.e., American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, and "other races" than white and Negro). Part l,the U.S. summary, contains data on population, tenure, year moved into unit, complete bathrooms, source of water, sewage disposal, piped water, flush toilet, bathtub or shower, plumbing facil- ities, residence of head, rooms, persons, per- sons per room, bedrooms, value, rent, units in structure, year structure built, basement, elevator, kitchen facilities, access, fuel (house heating, water heating, and cooking), selected characteristics (washer, dryer, dishwasher, 13 freezer, television, battery radio, second home, air conditioning, automobiles), heating equip- ment, household composition, income, value- income ratio, and gross rent as percentage of income. The data will appear in this part of the report in nine series of tables, A- 1, one series each for the United States, inside SMSA's, in central cities, inside SMSA's not in central cities, outside SMSA's, Northeast, North Central, South, and West. Part 2 contains tables showing the same data as described above for each State and SMSA with 5,000 or more American Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, or Koreans. Summary Tape Data for Housing Subjects Summary tape versions of some of the housing subject reports will be available for purchase; costs have not yet been determined. These tapes wil contain data for each region, division, and State, for the following areas: Total Inside SMSA's In central cities Not in central cities Urban Rural Outside SMSA's Urban Rural For further information on user tapes, write to the Users' Service Staff, Data User Services Office, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information on the subject re- ports from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing, write to: Director Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. 20233 Please refer to Data Access Description No. 32, Collection, Evaluation, and Processing Series, CEP-8. Sample table outline from Population Subject Report PC(2)-4C, Marital Status Toble 8. Social and Economic Characteristics of Persons Ever Married 14 Years Old and Over by Whether Known to Have Been Widowed, Divorced, or Widowed and Divorced, Race, and Sex: 1970 [Data based on 5-percent sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] United States ALL RACES Male, 14 yean old and over Age: 14 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 64 years 65 to 74 years 75 years and over Years since first marriage: Less than 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 29 years 30 to 39 years 40 to 49 years 50 years ond over Mole. 35 to 44 years old Age at first marriage: 14 to 17 years 18 and 19 years 20 and 21 years 22 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 44 years rears of school completed: Elementary: to 4 years 5 to 7 years 8 years High school: 1 to 3 years 4 years College: 1 to 3 years 4 years 5 years or more .. Median school years completed . Income in 1969: No income $1 to $999 or loss $1,000 to $2,999 $3,000 to $4.999 $5,000 to $6.999 $7,000 to $9.999 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $19.999 $20,000 or more Median income Ever married Known to have been- Widowed Percent Number of total Divorced Number Percent of total Widowed and divorced Married, spouse present Total Known to have been - Widowed Percent Number of total Divorced Number Percent of total < Female, [repeat same as male, but delete income in 1969 and substitute the following] Labor force status and children: In labor force With no own children under 18 years With own children under 18 years With own children under 6 years Not in labor force I With no own children under 18 years — With own children under 18 years With own children under 6 years (Repeat same as ALL RACES for WHITE and NEGRO] Sample table outline from Housing Subject Report HC(7)-6, Mobile Homes Table A-3. Income in 1969 of Families and Primary Individuals in Owner and Renter Occupied Mobile Homes: 1970 Household Head — All Races I Data based on sample. i base for derived figures (percent, median, etc ) and meoning of symbols, see textl United States Owner occupied mobile hornet ROOMS 1 room 2 rooms _._ _ 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms or more Median PERSONS 1 person _ __ 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons or more Median _ PLUMBING FACILITIES BY PERSONS PER ROOM With all plumbing facilities 1 00 or less 1 01 or more Lacking some or all plumbing facilities 1 00 or less 1.01 or more PERSONS PER ROOM 50 or less __ 051 to 100 1.01 lo 1 50. _ 1,51 or more YEAR MOVED INTO UNIT 1969 to March 1970 1968 __ 1967 __. 1965 ond 1966 1960 to 1964 1959 or earlier YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED BY HEAD Median __ SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS Automatic clothes washing machine Clothes dryer With air conditioning Telephone avoiloble With television Automobiles ovailable I 2 or more Renter occupied mobile homes ( Repeat same as owner occupied, with the addition of the following] GROSS RENT Less thon $50 $50 to $59 $60 to $79 $80 to $99 .._ __ $100 to $149 $150 or more No cash rent Median GROSS RENT AS PERCENTAGE OF INCOME Less ihon 10 percent 10 to 14 percent 15 to 19 percent 20 to 24 percent 25 to 34 percent 35 percent or more Not computed Less than $2,000 $2,000 to $2,999 $3,000 to $3,999 $4,000 to $4,999 $5,000 to $5,999 $6,000 to $6,999 $7,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $24,999 $25,000 or more Med Ion {dollars) ft U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973 — 511-326/1219 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Social and Economic Statistics Administration BUREAU OF THE CENSUS key resources on Census '70 ORDER FORM Please indicate number of copies □ PART 1 and 2 of the 1 970 Census Users' Guide @ $5.80 for both □ PART 1 only of the 1970 Census Users' Guide @ $2.10 per copy C3.6/2:C33/2/970-2/PT. 1 □ PART 2 only of the 1 970 Census Users' Guide @ $3.70 per copy C3.6/2:C33/2/970-2/PT. 2 MAILORDER FORM WITH PAYMENT TO Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 or any U.S. Department of Commerce district office Make check or money order payable to: Superintendent of Documents TOTAL AMOUNT % Name Address City State Zip code 1970 Census Users' Guide Part 1 and Part 2 The 1970 Census Users' Guide is a two-part publication designed to furnish most of the information data users will need for effective access and use of 1970 census data products. Part 1 of the Guide (standard, paper-bound publication) includes the text and three appendixes. The text covers such subjects as the collection and processing of 1970 data, data delivery media (computer tapes, microfilm, and printed materials), maps and information on how to obtain census materials. The appendixes are: 1970 Census Users' Dictionary - defines concepts associated with population and housing tabulations and geographic areas relevant to the collection and publication of data. Comparison of Printed Reports and Summary Tapes summarizes and compares the contents of the reports and tapes. Glossary - defines many terms used in connection with collecting, processing, and publishing census data, and lists many abbreviations relevant to the census. Part 2 of the Guide (prepunched for 3-ring binder) contains appendixes specifically related to the use of census summary tapes and the Address Coding Guide. Technical Conventions and Character Set - present information on the physical characteristics, format, and languages associated with tapes released by the Bureau. 1st-4th Count Technical Documentation - describes the arrangement of geographic codes and census data on the first four series of summary tapes. Address Coding Guide Technical Documentation- furnishes informa- tion on the format and content of ACG's. Many data users will find both Parts 1 and 2 of great value. Part 1, with its comprehensive coverage of the decennial census program, data products, and related services, is an important instructional and reference tool. Part 2, concerned exclusively with computer tape products, is designed particularly for those who plan to obtain tapes or who want complete information on the data content of the summary tapes. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Social and Economic Statistics Administration BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Washington, D.C. 20233 PEf J. 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