A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION ► 5 ^SS^ >■ da. ■ \JU li Marine Ecosystems Analysis Program U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Bibliography of the New York Bight Part 2-lndexes * ^ LONG ISLAND SOUND V Montauk Pt /I LONG ISLAND Sandy^Hook + J f •' + ■ rja 5> r 5 V? jb + + "' 3 r '-^ Rockville, Md. January 1974 ~j / /' / sis ^tUAf^ i — + ' v V ♦ //I •so LA»)> nCU /r i°*A ir 3^ X ^f/M£»^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/bibliographyofnOOenvi r dD ATMOSP^ ^ r/ Wf NT Of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator Bibliography of the New York Bight Part 2-lndexes Prepared by Environmental Science Information Center Environmental Data Service MARINE ECOSYSTEMS ANALYSIS PROGRAM Office of Coastal Environment "8 « o «o Rockville, Md. January 1974 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $6.15 per 2 part set. Sold in sets only. Stock Number 0317-00223 SUBJECT INDEX Abnormalities PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Absorption Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 Experiments in Acoustic Absorption in Sand and Soil 02-1950-1796 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1183 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1184 Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 Biological Problems in Water Pollu-. tion 22-1960-0401 Absorption Spectra Studies on Absorption Spectra of Plant Pigments in Estuaries 01-1970-1128 Acantamoeba griffini Acantamoeba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Acanthamoeba Influence of Seawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamoeba 01-1970-1 120 Acanthocephala Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Acartia bifilosa The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Acartia clausi Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Acartia tonsa Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Access Routes Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Accidents Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Accretion (Legal Aspects) Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Acid Grounds Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 Acid Mine Water Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 Acid-Iron Wastes Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 Acidic Water Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Acidity Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Acids Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 Waste Disposal at Sea-Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Acmaea testudinales Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Acoustic Reflectance Surveys Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Acoustics Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Fish Talk (Sounds Made by Fish Are Picked Up by an Underwater Microphone for Viewing With C-R Oscilloscope) 01-1944-1807 Underwater Noise Due to Marine Life 01-1946-1795 Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced by Marine Life 01-1947-1775 SUBJECT INDEX Acoustics-(Cont. ) Acoustical Characteristics of Noise Produced by Snapping Shrimp 01-1948-1781 Recording Sounds of Undersea Life 01-1949-1776 Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise (Dclphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 Some Observations on Biological Noise 01-1950-1786 Fish Are Noisy in Narragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 Sonic Tag for Large Decapod Crustaceans 01-1970-1090 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep Sea 02-1943-1778 Underwater Sounds of Biological Origin 02-1943-1789 Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Acoustical Tables for Air and Sea Water 02-1943-1806 Attenuation of Sound in the Sea 02-1944-1780 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Reflection of Sound From Coastal Scabottoms 02-1948-1793 Sheet of Air Bubbles as Acoustic Screen for Underwater Noise 02-1948-2042 Experiments in Acoustic Absorption in Sand and Soil 02-1950-1796 lime-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Attcntuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Some Acoustic Properties of Marine- Fouling 32-1947-1808 Acteocina canaliculata Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say) 01-1971-1205 Bcnthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobcnthos 01-1971-4092 Actinoptychus Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Activated Sludge Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Milestones in the Development of the Activated Sludge Process 22-1965-0622 Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II., Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determination 22-1968-0854 A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Adaptation A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Dcsor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus hcteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 Adhesives Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Adiabatic Conditions The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Adjacent Landowners Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Adjudication Procedure Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Administration A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1 236 10-1966-7781 Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-7811 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Administrative Agencies Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Port of New York Authority 11-1936-1945 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 1 1-1971-3058 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 11-1971-3061 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 SUBJECT INDEX Administrative Decisions Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 11-1971-3061 Adoption of Practices Water Pollution Control-Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 11-1971-3058 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchoguc River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Adsorption Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Advcction A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at NYC. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 Lcad-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 2 1-1972-1240 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Aequipecten irradians Studies of the Nianjtic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Aerated Lagoons Milestones in the Development of the Activated Sludge Process 22-1965-0622 Aeration Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Milestones in the Development of the Activated Sludge Process 22-1965-0622 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 Aerial Photography Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Aerobic Bacteria A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 Aerobic Microflora of the Blucfish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Aerobic Conditions New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Aerobic Treatment Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-05 14 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Aeromonas Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Aeroradioactivity Surveys Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Aerosols The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1 ; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Aesthetics Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment ) 30-1971-3044 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchoguc River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 SUBJECT INDEX Agardhiella A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Age Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island (Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) 01-1972-1206 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island (Pseudoplcuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7531 Aggregates New Jersey Offshore Gravel Deposit 04-1964-5058 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Aggregation Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Aging (Biological) Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 Agitation Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Agriculture On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Agroclimatology Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Air Acoustical Tables for Air and Sea Water 02-1943-1806 Air Circulation Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Air Composition Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Air Environment Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 1 25 Meters 03-1973-7706 Operation New York— Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 11-1960-7730 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-0311 SUBJECT INDEX Air Environment-(Cont.) Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-0911 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1175 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1970-1181 Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City ' 21-1970-1 186 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1194 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Trace Metals-Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Air Exchange Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Air Masses Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Forecasting the Weather-An Objec- tive Method for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 SUBJECT INDEX Air Masses-(Cont.) Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Air Pollution The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Effect of Fall-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Scries 03-1961-0439 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 1 1-1970-1 164 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Studies of Radioactive Fall-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1 179 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 2 1-1954-0226 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 2 1-195 7-03 1 1 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 2 1-1958-0345 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-0480 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Scries 21-1962-0501 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 131 21-1963-0544 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonproccss Emissions 21-1966-2235 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 131 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 1 60 Miles 21-1968-0911 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 SUBJECT INDEX Air Pollution-(Cont.) Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 Surveillance for Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere 21-1969-0965 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhavcn National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1 175 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1177 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1970-1181 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1182 Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City 21-1970-1 186 Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1 189 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1193 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1 194 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Air Pollution Alerts Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Air Pollution Control Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologic, Folge I 5 21-1967-2242 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-225 1 8 SUBJECT INDEX Air Pollution Control-(Cont.) Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Air Pollution Effects Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City 21-1970-1186 Air Pollution Index New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Pollution Sources A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Air Pumps Pneumatic Breakwaters To Protect Dredges 02-1961-0443 Air Temperature Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Forecasting the Weather-An Objec- tive Method for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 The Climate of New Jersey. 03-1957-0308 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 Temperature Patterns Along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts 03-1959-0370 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-0453 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Temperature Terminology for Public Forecasts 03-1966-0707 Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimcter Data, Pt. 1, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-0811 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 SUBJECT INDEX Air Temperature-(Cont.) Climate of Scarsdale, New York 03-1968-0910 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1188 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1195 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1970-1181 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Air-Based Detectors 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 Air-Earth Interfaces Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Air-Pollution The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Air-Water Interfaces Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarine Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 The Area of Water Surface as a Con- trolling Factor in the Condition of Polluted Harbor Waters 22-1921-1897 Aircraft Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1182 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Aircraft Landing Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Airports Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 10 SUBJECT INDEX Airports-(Cont.) Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1182 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Alaska Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Albedo On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 Albula vulpi-s Juvenile Boncfish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Aldehydes New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 A lew if e Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Algae Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-1636 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-2141 Nereis boreali-americana, or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America. Part 1, Melanospermae 01-1852-1653 Nereis boreali-americana. Or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America, Part 2, Rhodospermae 01-1853-8000 Nereis boreali-americana, or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America, Part 3, Chlorospermae 01-1858-2162 Notice of an Undescribed Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 List of Algae Growing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 Marine Algae 01-1882-1648 Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 Collecting Algae on Staten Island 01-1941-1641 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 Periodicity of Algal Colonization in Great South Bay, New York During the Summer of 1962 01-1963-7511 Biolumineseence in Barncgat Bay 01-1964-7515 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barncgat Bay 01-1964-7517 Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Radioccological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Algal Control Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Alkalinity Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Alkalis (Bases) Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Alleles Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsolctus 01-1972-3083 Allochthonous Materials Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Alluvium A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Alosa Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the SUBJECT INDEX 11 Alosa-(Cont.) Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 Alosa aestivalis Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharcngus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Alosa pseudoharengus Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Alosa sapidissima Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Qualitv Control Programs 22-1970-1 106 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 Alouette Satellite Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Alpha Rays The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03- 1950-0 1 08 Alpine Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Altitude Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-195 1-0162 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Aluminosilicatc Formation Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Aluminum Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Alutera schoepfi A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Ambient Light Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 Ambient Noise Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 Ambrosia Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1189 American Shad Atlantic Coast Migrations of Amer- ican Shad 01-1958-0342 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 Amino Acids Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrea virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 Ammonia Standing Crop of Foraminifcra in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1 170 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Ammonification The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-7061 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Amoeba Acantamoeba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Amphibolites The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Amphidinium fusiforme Dinoflagellates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 Amphioplus abditus Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Amphipoda The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidae) 01-1972-3088 Deep-Sea Amphipoda From the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Caprellidea 01-1972-3089 Amplitude Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1 873- 1955 03-1956-0284 Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR- 16.0 KC/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Anadromous Fish Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 12 SUBJECT INDEX Anadromous Fish-(Cont.) Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Anaerobic Bacteria Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Analog Models Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Analysis An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 Report on Cruise of USNS Sands, Block Island Sound, 22 July-10 Au- gust 1967 02-1967-7746 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes, New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-1145 Analytical Techniques An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 Modal Analysis of Heavy Minerals of New Jersey Beach Sands by X-Ray Diffraction 04-1973-7572 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Anatomy Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Ancient Shores Ancient Submerged Shoreline Found Off New Jersey Coast 04-1967-0714 Anemometers Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Anguilla anguilla Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Anguilla rostrata Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Animal Behavior Some Observations on Biological Noise 01-1950-1786 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Animal Diseases A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Animal Groupings Descriptive Catalogue of the Ver- tebrates of New Jersey 01-1890-1930 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifcr) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Animal Growth Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-0611 Influence of Seawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamoeba 01-1970-1120 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say) 01-1971-1205 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Animal Metabolism Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Animal Morphology Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Influence of Seawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamoeba 01-1970-1120 Animal Parasites The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Halichoanolaimus raritanensis New Species (Chromadoroidea: Cyatholaimidae) From New Jersey 01-1966-7523 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01 1970-3019 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Animal Pathology Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 SUBJECT INDEX 13 Animal Pathology-(Cont.) Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Animal Physiology Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 The Sponge— Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-4081 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Shellfish Hatcherics--Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 Animal Populations The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 The Mammals of Long Island, New York 00-1971-7583 Descriptive Catalogue of the Ver- tebrates of New Jersey 01-1890-1930 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 01-1957-0303 A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 Marine Polychaetc Worms of the New England Region, Part I 01-1963-7778 Marine Life on the Artificial Reef Off Fire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 Winter Population of Loligo peali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Provinces 01-1970-7588 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polyccrella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea (Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1159 Animal Sounds Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Underwater Noise Due to Marine Life 01-1946-1795 Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced by Marine Life 01-1947-1775 Acoustical Characteristics of Noise Produced by Snapping Shrimp 01-1948-1781 Recording Sounds of Undersea Life 01-1949-1776 Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise (Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 Some Observations on Biological Noise 01-1950-1786 Fish Are Noisy in Narragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 Underwater Sounds of Biological Origin 02-1943-1789 Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Animal Wastes (Wildlife) The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-0480 Anions Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Annelids Observation of Some Common Polychaetes on New Jersey Oyster Beds With Special Reference to Polydora 01-1940-0058 Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 Annual Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Climate of Scarsdale, New York 03-1968-0910 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 14 SUBJECT INDEX AnnuaMCont.) Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Forty-First Annual Report (1910) 33-191 1-1920 Forty-Second Annual Report (1911) 33-1912-1921 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 Annual Benefits Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Annual Succession Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-7061 Anomalies Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 Anoxic Sediments Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Anquilla rostrata Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 1-1960-0390 Anthropogenic Aerosols Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 Antibiosis Antibiosis in Sea Water 22-1963-11532 Antibiotics (Pesticides) Antibiosis in Sea Water 22-1963-0532 Anticyclones Anticyclogencsis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Apholate Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Appalachian Mountain Region Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Plate Tectonics and Geomorphology 04-1973-7569 Appalachian Mountains Gravitational Determination of Deep- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 Application Methods Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 April Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Aprons Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Aqar Media Acantamoeba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Aquaria Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Aquatic Algae Notice of an Undescribed Form of Plcurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria 01-1900-1696 Drifting Algae 01-1914-1640 The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagcllate, Genus Ceratium 01-, 941-1859 Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 01-1951-1691 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Aquatic Animals Note on the Barnacles From the Cape May County, New Jersey 01-1930-1631 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 Plankton Studies, III; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise (Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Studies of the Niantic Rver, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Yes, There Are Corals in Rhode Island 01-1964-0571 A Fossil Sea-Turtle From New Jersey 01-1964-7740 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Feeding Rates of Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at Controlled Water Temperatures and During Different Seasons of the Year 01-1970-1093 Underwater Sounds of Biological Origin 02-1943-1789 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 SUBJECT INDEX 15 Aquatic Bacteria The Significance of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 01-1935-1634 A List of Marine Bacteria Including Descriptions of Sixty New Species 01-1944-1702 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Aquatic Drift Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight -Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-197 1-1203 Aquatic Knvironmcnt Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 Introduction to Algology With a Catalogue of American Algae, or Seaweeds, According to the Latest Classification of Prof. Harvey 1-1850-1655 On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 1-1862-1660 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 1-1925-1413 An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Plants From the Estuary of the Hud- son River 1-1935-1699 Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Statcn Island, New York 01-1958-5030 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletoncma costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- Organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 I he Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirospcrma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River—Utilizing Sonic I racking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 Environmental Characteristics of a River Estuary 02-1947-7104 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey) 04-1935-1564 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-401 1 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Operation New York--Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 1 1-1960-7730 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-78 I 5 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 531-666 O - 74 16 SUBJECT INDEX Aquatic Environments Cont.) The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Disposal of Waste in the Marine En- vironment and the Pollution of the 22-1965-0632 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shelf 22-1969-0982 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-115 1 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1 157 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Bcnthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Aquatic Habitats On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-1915-1689 The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 Habits and Life History of the Diatoms 01-1941-1654 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 SUBJECT INDEX 17 Aquatic Habitats-(Cont.) The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 The Use of Salt-Water Coves as Winter Flounder Nursery Grounds (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7532 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 33-1966-7541 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 Aquatic Insects Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 01-1963-7508 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Aquatic Life Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 Drifting Algae 01-1914-1640 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 A Biological Survey of the Salt Waters of Long Island 01-1939-1733 Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-7112 Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 Collecting Algae on Staten Island 01-1941-1641 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-71 14 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 Marine Fouling Communities of Rhode Island 01-1963-7509 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 The Plankton of Estuaries 01-1967-7043 The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1104 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Industrial Aspects of Organisms Found in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Staten Island 22-1944-1980 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Aquatic Microbiology Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Viability of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1950-0093 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1132 Aquatic Microorganisms Three Dinoflagellates From New Jer- sey 01-1929-7097 Habits and Life History of the Diatoms 01-1941-1654 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Glenodinium halli n.sp. and Gyrodini- um instriatum n.sp., Dinoflagellates From New York Waters 01-1963-7084 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 18 SUBJECT INDEX Aquatic Mieroorganisms-(Cont.) A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1132 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Aquatic Plants The Marine Cladophoras of New En- gland 01-1902-1682 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-1915-1689 Three Dinoflagellates From New Jer- sey 01-1929-7097 The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 Callitriche stagnalis in Eastern United States 01-1932-1698 Plants From the Estuary of the Hud- son River 01-1935-1699 Studies in the Genus Naias in the Northern States 01-1936-1638 A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Methods of Surveying Laminuria Beds 1-1944-1673 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 Report on Artificial Seaweed 1-1965-0614 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0670 Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 The Biology of Eelgrass 1-1968-0827 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7 124 Studies on Absorption Spectra of Plant Pigments in Estuaries 01-1970-1128 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 I he Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt ami Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 I he Relation of Plants to fide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-19 12-1659 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Aquatic Population Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Aquatic Populations List of the Seaweeds or Marine Algae of the South Coast of New England 01-1871-1647 The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Plants From the Estuary of the Hud- son River 01-1935-1699 Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-71 13 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 1 1 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943_1946 01-1952-7983 Ihe Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 01-1957-0303 A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore— Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 Marine Life on the Artificial Reef Off Fire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barncgat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 The Retention of Lamcllibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus a/tecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Provinces 01-1970-7588 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 SUBJECT INDEX 19 Aquatic PopuIations-(Cont.) Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Aquatic Productivity Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Aquatic Weed Control A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 The Biology of Eelgrass 01-1968-0827 Aquatic Weeds An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 Callitriche stagnalis in Eastern United States 01-1932-1698 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1965-0614 Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0670 Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Aqueducts Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-191 1-1502 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Storm King Crossing of the Hud- son River by the New Catskill Aqueduct of New York City 04-1912-1875 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Aquiculture Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission ( 1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 1 1-1965-7810 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Shellfish Hatcheries— Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 Rhode Island Experiments Produce More Lobsters 33-1970-1043 Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Oyster Culture Modernization in Long Island Sound 33-1970-1095 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Aquifer Characteristics The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fractured-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Aquifer Systems Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7718 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Mugothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Genese des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-412 1 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Aquifer Testing The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part I , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Aquifers Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-1701 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 20 SUBJECT INDEX Aquifers-(Cont.) The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1, Theory 04-1944-7916 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Mapping of Geological Formations and Aquifers of Long Island, N.Y. 04-1949-1445 Geologic Atlas of Long Island 04-1949-1538 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1 95 1 04-1951-7929 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1964-7628 Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fractured-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, SUBJECT INDEX 21 Aquifers-(Cont.) and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-41 14 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 Archaeology Notes on Block Island 04-1898-201 1 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area 04-1962-7598 Cretaceous Gastropods of New Jersey 04-1962-7600 Cretaceous Scaphopoda of New Jer- sey 04-1962-7601 Miscellaneous Fossils 04-1962-7602 Table Showing Distribution by For- mation of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7603 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Fossils of New Jersey 04-1965-7644 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Area Redevelopment A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 11-1965-7780 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 I, Oct. -1969 1 1-1969-7221 A real Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Areal Geology Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Areal Hydrogeology Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-7791 Argon Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-0911 Argon 41 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Argon-41 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 1 60 Miles 21-1968-091 1 Aromatic Compounds Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Artemia salina Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Artesian Aquifers Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Artesian Wells Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Arthrostraca The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 Arthur Kill Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-2114 Examination of Rivers and Harbors: Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 22 SUBJECT INDEX Artificial Beaches Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Artificial Habitats A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 Artificial Precipitation More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 Artificial Recharge Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 1 1-1968-0845 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- flucnt— a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island. New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Artificial Reefs An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Artificial Seaweed Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1965-0614 Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0670 Artificial Substrates Marine Life oil the Artificial Reef Off lire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-197 1-2215 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap I ires as Artificial Reels 33-197 1-3094 Asbestos Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City 2 1-1970-1 186 Asbury Park Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asburv Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ashaway Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Asia Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Asterias forbesi A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Feeding Rates of Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at Controlled Water Temperatures and During Different Seasons of the Year 01-1970-1093 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 Asterias vulgaris Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 Asthcnosphere Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithospherc in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Astrangia Yes, There Are Corals in Rhode Island 01-1964-0571 Atkins-Poole Formula Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Atlantic City The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting "Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1180 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric "Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03- 1 964-0594 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-0711 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Ground Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region 04-1928-1540 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Migrations of Amer- ican Shad 01-1958-0342 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-01 12 The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 "The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Hurricanes of I 95 1 03-1952-0172 Density of Sea Water at Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Stations: Atlan- tic and Gulf Coasts. 03-1952-0175 Atlantic Coastal Plain Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 SUBJECT INDEX 23 Atlantic Coastal Plain-(Cont.) Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of FLstuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 Sea Level Surfaces and the Problem of Coastal Subsidence 02-1927-1714 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02- 1924-1 7 1 3 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking? Evidence From the fides 02-1948-1725 Sea Level Changes Along the Coasts of the United States in Recent Years 02-1949-1830 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-195 2-0189 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Index of Tide Gages and Tide Gage Records for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 02-1957-0307 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 Some Direct Measurement of the Non-Tidal Drift on the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras 02-1962-0466 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Oceanographic Observations. 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and South Carolina 02-1972-7769 Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 1956 Hurricane Map, Compiled From Authentic Data Furnished by the United States Weather Bureau, Show- ing All Tropical Storms of Hurricane Intensity for the Past Five Years (1951-1955 incl.) 03-1956-0283 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic- Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic- Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Temperature Patterns Along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts 03-1959-0370 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-037 1 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Ash Wednesday E-'ast Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1968-0916 Late Tertiary Palcoclimatc of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 24 SUBJECT INDEX Atlantic Coastal Plain-(Cont.) Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Submarine Valleys Off the American Coast and in the North Atlantic 04-1903-1534 The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Clays 04-1904-2034 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 The Quarternary Formations of Southern New Jersey 04-1917-2079 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Certain Types of Sedimentation Now in Progress on or Near the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1924-2029 Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Ground Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region 04-1928-1540 Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results ()4_|937-1983 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and Congo Valley 04-1939-1597 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 Gravitational Determination of Deep- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 A Comparison of Magnetic, Seismic and Gravitational Profiles Across the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1626 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Composition and Structure of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey 04-1940-2023 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Cenozoic Formations, a Discussion 04-1945-2068 Deep Wells Along the Atlantic Coast 04-1945-2069 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 Orgin of Continental Shelves 04-1946-2111 Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-1947-1986 Studies on the Subsurface Geology and Paleontology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1948-2071 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Continental Margins and Geosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Ancient Submerged Shoreline Found Off New Jersey Coast 04-1967-0714 SUBJECT INDEX 25 Atlantic Coastal Plain-(Cont.) Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 1 1-1969-0985 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1894-1442 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 Atlantic Coastal Plains Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 Atlantic Menhaden An Unusually Large Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), From Rhode Island 01-1965-0606 Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Summary of Tags Released and Recovered for the Atlantic Men- haden, 1966-69 01-1971-3082 The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Atlantic Ocean Marine Algae 01-1882-1648 Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 The Fishes of Nantucket 01-1905-1935 Fish Notes for 1924 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1925-0840 Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1441 An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-7112 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 Wintering Mackerel Off New York 01-1949-1924 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-711 I On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Atlantic Coast Migrations of Amer- ican Shad 01-1958-0342 The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuroncctes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 An Unusually Large Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), From Rhode Island 01-1965-0606 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 26 SUBJECT INDEX Atlantic Ocean-(Cont. ) Some Bcnthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 Movements and Migrations of the Blucfish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Prohlcm 01-1971-1218 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Paruecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- Organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bav 01-1972-1241 Deep-Sea Amphipoda From the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Caprellidea 01-1972-3089 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden (11-1972-7857 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of l.atitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea ( Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 1-1972-7860 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Progress in the Investigation of Sur- face Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1932-1858 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, 1; "The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking'.' Evidence From the Tides 02-1948-1725 A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Circulation and Water Transport in the Coastal Area Between Martha's Vineyard and Barncgat Inlet, N.J. 02-1955-0251 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 Some Direct Measurement of the Non-Tidal Drift on the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras 02-1962-0466 Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 On a Dye Diffusion Experiment Off Long Island 02-1964-0557 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America 02-1966-0653 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States-Volume 1 , Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 An Analysis of Subsurface Currents and Temperature at a Site on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 02-1968-0888 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 SUBJECT INDEX 27 Atlantic Ocean-(Cont) A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-7011 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-197 1-7023 Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-1971-7067 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bighl 02-1972-1242 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and South Carolina 02-1972-7769 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thermocline 02-1973-7669 Hardness of Nearshorc Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Hurricanes of 195 1 03-1952-0172 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 1956 Hurricane Map, Compiled From Authentic Data Furnished by the United States Weather Bureau, Show- ing All Tropical Storms of Hurricane Intensity for the Past Five Years -(1951-1955 incl.) 03-1956-0283 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Submarine Valleys Off the American Coast and in the North Atlantic 04-1903-1534 Lineaments of the Atlantic Border Region 04-1904-2006 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 American Submarine Canyons 04-1934-2084 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 Gravity Measurements on the U.S.S. Barracuda 04-1937-1599 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Seismology and the Geological Ex- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and Congo Valley 04-1939-1597 The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shell Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Orgin of Continental Shelves 04-1946-21 1 1 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 28 SUBJECT INDEX Atlantic Ocean-(Cont.) Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 A Deep Fathogram Across the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1950-1982 Seamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay (New York) 04-1957-5019 Continental Margins and Gcosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Geology of the Continental Margin Off Eastern United States 04-1965-7640 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Atlantic Offers Oil Promise 04-1966-7698 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Microtopography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential- Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Gcomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-41 13 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 11-1949-7213 Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 The Iron Content of Sediment Sam- ples in New York Bight Obtained During R.V. Caryn Cruise 108, Oct. 19-24, 1956 22-1956-0275 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 Ocean Disposal of Waste Material 22-1968-0825 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-0998 SUBJECT INDEX 29 Atlantic Ocean-(Cont.) The Effects of Solid Waste Disposal on Benthic Communities in the New York Bight 22-1970-1115 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-1211 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 The Economics of Dredging Quahogs in Rhode Island 33-1965-0610 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 33-1970-7830 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Atmosphere The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Maximum Station Precipitation for 1 , 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 30 SUBJECT INDEX Atmosphere-(Cont-) Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-0811 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1 174 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-197 1-4048 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Patcrns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Depl. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-195 7-03 1 1 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Preliminary Data on Fallout from the Fall 1961 USSR lest Series 21-1962-0501 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 131 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Ncues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Tcchnologie, Folgc 15 21-1967-2242 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-091 1 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Atmospheric Composition Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Atmospheric Physics Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-065 3 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Temperature Terminology for Public- Forecasts 03-1966-0707 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1 198 SUBJECT INDEX 31 Atmospheric Physics-(Cont.) Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the SmalloScale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Atmospheric Pressure The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Occano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Forecasting the Weather-An Objec- tive Method lor Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 The Distribution of Peak Wind dusts in Hurricane Ha/el 1954 03-1955-0265 Memorandum on Water levels Ac- companying Atlantic (oast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1X73- 1955 03-1956-0284 Analysis of an Fast Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 The Storm Surge Problem in New York Citv 03-1957-0310 Maximum Hurricane Winds 03-195 7-03 14 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Barometric Pressure at New York City 03-1958-0350 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic- City 03-1964-0597 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1 199 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Atmospheric Transmission Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Attenuation Attenuation of Sound in the Sea 02-1944-1780 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1 183 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1 184 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1 198 Altcnluation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Attitudes Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York TJiuht 22-1958-2212 August Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1454-0222 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When I hev Fizzle 03-1955-0271 Auto-spectra The Rhode Island Sound Square Kilometer Study, 1967: Auto-Spectra of the Current Velocity Records 02-1968-0832 Automatic Control Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Automobile Emissions Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Automobiles Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Automotive Emissions Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Automotive Emmissions Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Autumn Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Avalonian Orogeny Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Average Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Sea Level Surfaces and the Problem of Coastal Subsidence 02-1927-1714 Studies of Mean Sea Level 02-1929-1712 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02-1929-1713 531-666 O - 74 32 SUBJECT INDEX Average-(Cont.) On the Determination of Mean High Water 02-1933-1723 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 Barometric Pressure at New York City 03-1958-0350 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Climate of Scarsdalc, New York 03-1968-0910 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Average Flow Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins-Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04- 1 970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Average Runoff Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Avoidance Behavior Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 ATS0 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Babylon Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Bacillariaceae Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Background Radiation Effect of Fail-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 Backwash Swash and Backwash Actions at the Beach Scarp 04-1964-7620 Bacteria A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number Test for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminifcran Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Pollution! of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1132 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Bactericidal Properties Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Bactericides The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Bacteriological Surveys Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 SUBJECT INDEX 33 Bacteriophage Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II., Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 Badlands Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Balance of Nature The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Balanus balanoides Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Balanus eberneus Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Balanus improvisus Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Balloons Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 A Scries of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tctroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-0811 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Barges Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 1 1-1957-7206 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Non-Propelled Acid Disposal Barge 22-1947-1459 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 New York Sludge Goes to Sea or to Parks 22-1959-0363 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 Barnacles Note on the Barnacles From the Cape May County, New Jersey 01-1930-1631 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Barnea truncata Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Barnegat Bay Bioluminesccnce in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 Barnegat Inlet A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Barrier Beach Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Barrier Beaches A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I., N.Y. 04-1951-0128 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Barrier Islands Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-41 10 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 11-1973-7989 34 SUBJECT INDEX Barrier Islands-(Cont.) Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 11-1973-7990 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 Barrier Migration Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Barriers A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options I 1-1973-7989 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 Harrington Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Basal Transgressive Sands Are Basal I ransgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Base Flow Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Sul- ficld, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1, Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Salinity of Ground Water in Rivcr- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1 95 1 04-1951-7929 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainvicw, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Cieology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7607 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-4114 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 SUBJECT INDEX 35 Base Flow-(Cont) The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Basement Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Basic Data Collections Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1 970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surfacc-Watcr Records 04-1972-3073 Basins Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Geology of the Narragansctt Basin 04-1899-1532 An Unconformity in the Narragansctt Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Seismology and the Geological Fx- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 Geophysical Exploration of Ocean Basins 04-1938-1997 Report on the Work of the Interna- tional Commission on Continental and Oceanic Structures 04-1938-1998 Report of the Special Committee on Geophysical and Geological Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1939-1984 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04- 1953-02 I 2 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 3 2-1897-1943 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Grecnport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Bathymetry Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 Reflection of Sound From Coastal Seabottoms 02-1948-1793 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 Bathymetry of Block Island Sound 02-1971-7751 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 The Floor of the Ocean; New Light on Old Mysteries 04-1942-1975 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 A Deep Fathogram Across the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1950-1982 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-021 I Seamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Microtopography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Bathythermographs Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. I 26 33-1962-048 1 Bay Park Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 Bay Scallops Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 Bayonne New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Bays Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of 1 887 01-1887-1915 Fish Notes for 1924 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1925-0840 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-19 19 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 A Biological Survey of the Salt Waters of Long Island 01-1939-1733 Marine Algae From Long Island, N.Y. 01-1940-1667 Fish Are Noisy in Narragansctt Bay 01-195 1-1768 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Plankton Biology of Raritan Bay 01-1959-0359 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 0UI963-0523 Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-75 17 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostcra marina in Great South Bav 01-1966-7246 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostcra marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 36 SUBJECT INDEX Bays-(Cont.) Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Report of the Harmonic Analysis of the Tides at Sandy Hook 02-1883-1707 Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-195 7-7803 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Dye Diffusion Experiments in the New York Bight 02-1963-0513 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Recent Sedimentation in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7599 Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches 04-1964-0574 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7959 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight -Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-0998 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1 142 SUBJECT INDEX 37 Bays-(Cont.) Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 The Sport Fisheries of Great South Bay and Vicinity 33-1962-7829 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7531 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 Bdellovibrio Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II., Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 Beach Behavior Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1 101 Beach Erosion Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-01 14 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 Swash and Backwash Actions at the Beach Scarp 04-1964-7620 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Problems of the New Jersey Beaches 04-1966-0669 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1 101 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential- Interfere nee Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 38 SUBJECT INDEX Beach Erosion-(Cont.) Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Beach Erosion: Is There a Solution 04-1971-3084 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-72 15 Ciateway Area Proposals 10-197 1-3043 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 1 1-1949-7213 Beach Fill A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Beach Users Leisure Market Studies: 1. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 Beaches Notes on the Midsummer lehthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent I ide Levels 01-1947-1926 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 Plain Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 1-1964-725 3 Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 A Synecological Study of I wo Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1908-7256 An Ordination of Phytopiankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 1-1972-4093 I he Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-190 1-1635 New Jersey Coast, the 2 feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- m a to logic a 1 Implications 02-1972-3036 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I., NY. 04-1951-0128 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04_ 1957-0322 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey ) 04-1960-0402 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Lire Island, New York 04-1960- c ;'M)7 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 Observation of Beach Cusp and Beach Ridge Formation on the Long Island Sound 04-1964-0564 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches 04-1964-0574 Swash and Backwash Actions at the Beach Scarp 04-1964-7620 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle 'Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Problems of the New Jersey Beaches 0' 1966-0669 Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 SUBJECT INDEX 39 Beaches-(Cont.) Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1101 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Modal Analysis of Heavy Minerals of New Jersey Beach Sands by X-Ray Diffraction 04-1973-7572 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-767 1 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian I. anil and Foreshore ) 10-1930-3052 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches IO-I93.VI45I Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-197 1-3053 Hotehkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-197 1-3055 Tueci V. Sal/hauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore ) 10-1972-3063 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 1 1-1972-5083 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 Bedrock Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-1911-1502 Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-1911-1520 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 The Geology of the Lincoln funnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 I he Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Retreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Bedrock Profiles New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Beds Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic- Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 40 SUBJECT INDEX Beds-(Cont.) Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Beds (Stratigraphic) Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Stratigraphic Names in the New Lon- don Area 04-1966-7713 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-77 19 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Beds (Stratigraphy) Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Beds Under Water Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 The Floor of the Ocean; New Light on Old Mysteries 04-1942-1975 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 Belmar Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1 , Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Belmar Wind Direction Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 Benchmarks Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-21 13 Beneficial Use Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 Benefits Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 Benthal Systems Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-101 I Benthic fauna Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Benthic Fauna The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 01-1957-0303 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, I, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1 ) 01-1963-0529 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 01-1968-0848 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Rates of Sediment Reworking by Yol- dia limatula in Buzzards Bay, Mas- sachusetts, and Long Island Sound 04-1963-7512 Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Benthic Flora Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria 01-1900-1696 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 SUBJECT INDEX 41 Benthic Flora-(Cont) Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchoguc River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Benthos The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 01-1957-0303 Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, 1, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station I ) 01-1963-0529 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 01-1968-0848 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey) 04-1935-1564 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight -Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 The Effects of Solid Waste Disposal on Benthic Communities in the New York Bight 22-1970-1 115 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1 151 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1159 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 42 SUBJECT INDEX Benthos-(Cont) The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 2 3-197 1-4047 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Berkshire Highlands Aeroradioaetivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Berms Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-196 1-0413 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Bcroc ovata On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Beryllium Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 3 2 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Beryllium-7 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 2 1-1962-0504 Beta Radioactivity Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 1-1963-0518 Beta Rays The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 Bibliographies Preliminary Bibliography With KWIC Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States 02-1965-7062 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Occanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation, 1937-8, Exhibit C; Papers Dealing With Sediments and Sedi- mentation Since 1933 04-1938-2096 Bibliography of Seismology 04-1939-1604 Bibliography of New York Quaterna- ry (ieology 04-1965-7652 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Air Borne F.mmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 I he Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphv 22-1972-1254 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Bigeye Occurrence of the Bigeye in Long Island Waters 01-1968-0835 Bioassay Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Bioassays Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Biochemical Cycles Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Biochemical Oxygen Demand Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 SUBJECT INDEX 43 Biochemical Oxygen Demand-(Cont.) A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Biochemistry Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Composition of a Domestic Sewage 23-1959-0364 Bioclimatology Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Biodcgradation Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Biodcgradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Biogcography The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 Bioindicators Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number lest for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Biological Activity Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Biological Communities On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-1915-1689 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Eclgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 Marine Fouling Communities of Rhode Island 01-1963-7509 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 The Mierobiota of Estuaries and 1 heir Roles 01-1967-7092 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Cioose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Biological Erosion Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Biological Properties Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Biological Surveys A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Biological Treatment Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Biological Processing of Waste Waters 22-1968-0882 Biology The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 Descriptive Catalogue of the Ver- tebrates of New Jersey 01-1890-1930 The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 Some Observations on Biological Noise 01-1950-1786 Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 1 - 1 95 1 - 1 69 1 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay. July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-201 1 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 44 SUBJECT INDEX Biology-(Cont) Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 Bioluminescence Bioluminescence in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Biomass Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-7113 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 11 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1 ) 01-1963-0529 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 The Bcnthic F.pifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-1971-7067 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Biorhythms Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-7113 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 Periodicity of Algal Colonization in Great South Bay, New York During the Summer of 1962 01-1963-7511 Bioluminescence in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Water Temperatures and Migration of American Shad 01-1971-3090 Benthic Rcpopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Biota The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Biotite Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Prccambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Bioturbation Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Bird Eggs Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Birds Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-0480 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Birth Defects The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 SUBJECT INDEX 45 Bivalve Larvae Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01-1950-0098 Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01-1950-0098 Bivalves Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Blankets Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Blizzards Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Block Canyon Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Block Island The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Scries of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: I. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-201 I Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1O64-7628 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Block Island Sound Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7114 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI 111, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 195 I 02-1952-0197 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Report on Cruise of USNS Sands, Block Island Sound, 22 July- 10 Au- gust 1967 02-1967-7746 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Bluchack Herring Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Bluefish Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 46 SUBJECT INDEX Boat Pollution Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Boating United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-01 12 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume 111; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Boats Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject I 1-1957-7206 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 life and Pollution in Circat South Bav 22-1971-3078 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters ami Shellfish 22-1972-7235 I he Atlantic Surf Clam fishery - 1969 33-197 1-3092 Bodies of Water Position of the Salt-Water Body in the MagothvC') Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 I he Hudson River I istuury, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of lion and Water- Oualitv Characteristics 04-1967-0723 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-197 1-5005 Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York Slate 24-1969-095H Body Waves Seismographs of High Magnification at long Periods 04-1959-0376 Bogs Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Vcgetational History of a New Jersey Tidal Marsh, Bog, and Vicinity 04-1964-7516 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Boichcmical Oxygen Demand Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Boilers Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Bonefish Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Books Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Borehole Geophysics Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic- Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Boreholes Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Notes on the Preglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1 IJ64-0567 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Boreholes Bedrock Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 Boring Mollusks Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Borrow Pits Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Botanical Collections Collecting Algae on Staten Island 01-1941-1641 Botany The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-1636 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-2141 An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 Additions to the Flora of Long Island 01-1904-1688 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1917-1692 The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 Collecting Algae on Staten Island 01-1941-1641 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-201 1 Bothus Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Bottom Features Microtopography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Bottom Fish Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Bottom Friction Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Bottom Sampling An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- SUBJECT INDEX 47 Bottom Sampling-! Com.) tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 A Vehicle Makes Ocean-Bottom Sur- veys 02-1967-7728 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 Bottom Sediments Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Geochcmical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifcra in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnccock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacca) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVcnus) mcrccnaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 The Hudson River Estuary, Hydrolo- gy, Sediments and Pollution 02-1966-0674 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey) 04-1935-1564 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina, Cover 04-1970-1100 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-1011 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-197 1-3021 Botulism Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 Boulders Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Bound Water Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Boundaries (Property) Moore V, Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Boundaries (Surfaces) Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1 , Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Boundary Layers The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Mesoscalc Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Boundary Processes The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarine Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 531-666 O - 74 48 SUBJECT INDEX Boundary Processes-(Cont.) Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Brachiopoda Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendalc Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Brackish Water The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 Further Investigation of Salt-Watcr Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Brackish-Water Fish Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 Breakwaters A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Pneumatic Breakwaters To Protect Dredges 02-1961-0443 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment ) 04-1971-3062 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Breeding Waterfowl Status Report, I9d8 01-1968-0865 Bretschneider curves Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 Brevoortia The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Brevoortia tyrannus An Unusually Large Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), From Rhode Island 01-1965-0606 Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Summary of Tags Released and Recovered for the Atlantic Men- haden, 1966-69 01-1971-3082 The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Bridge Construction Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Bridgeport Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Bridges Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 The (Jeology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Report on Examination of Harlem River, New York, To Determine Per- missibility of Fixed Bridges 32-1927-1589 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Brielle A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Brine Shrimp Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Bristol Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Bronx Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Bronx County Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Bronx River The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Bronx River Basin Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 SUBJECT INDEX 49 Brookhaven Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Maximum Hurricane Winds 03-1957-0314 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Environmental Monitoring Radiation Levels at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1969-0946 Environmental Monitoring Radiation Levels at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1969-0946 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1 188 Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 1 3 1 21-1963-0544 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 131 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 1 60 Miles 21-1968-091 1 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1189 Chemical Quality of Water, Brook- haven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, N.Y. 22-1964-0554 Chemical Quality of Water, Brook- haven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, N.Y. 22-1964-0554 Brookhaven National Laboratories Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 Brookhaven National Laboratory The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Brookhaven Reactor The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-01 10 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Brooklyn The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Brown Shrimp Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1 891 01-1970-3087 Browse Utilization Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Bryozoans A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Bubbles Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Sheet of Air Bubbles as Acoustic Screen for Underwater Noise 02-1948-2042 Pneumatic Breakwaters To Protect Dredges 02-1961-0443 Bucephalus sp. Minchinia nelsoni Hcmolymph-Frce Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrea virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 Buffalo Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Building Codes Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Spieglc V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Buildings Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 50 SUBJECT INDEX Buildings-(Cont.) Bioclimatic Orientation Method for Buildings 03-1967-0816 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Buoys The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Buried Gorges Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Buried River Channels Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 Buried Valleys Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-191 1-1502 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 Buttermilk Channel Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Buzzard Bay Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1 161 Buzzards Bay Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1 : Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Bypasses Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 BIFI Range Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Cadmium Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Caissons Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 Calcium Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Calcium Carbonate Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 California Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. 1 and II 22-1971-1213 Callinectes sapidus Callinectes sapidus, Favorite Target of Homo sapiens 01-1969-0975 Callitriche stagnalis Callitriche stagnalis in Eastern United States 01-1932-1698 Cambrian Period Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Camden New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Canada Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 Canal Construction Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Canals Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-1911 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Canneries Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Canonical Analysis The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Canyons Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Cape Cod Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 Cape May Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Cape May County Note on the Barnacles From the Cape May County, New Jersey 01-1930-1631 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Cape May Formation Marine Topography of the Cape May Formation (New Jersey) 04-1943-2044 SUBJECT INDEX 51 Cape May Peninsula Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Caprellidea Deep-Sea Amphipoda From the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Caprellidea 01-1972-3089 Carangids Notes on the Carangid Fishes of Long Island (USA) 01-1967-7540 Carbohydrates Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 Carbon Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 01-1957-0303 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Carbon Cycle Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Carbon Dioxide Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Carbon Monoxide Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1179 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume I; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1175 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1182 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations', Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Carbon Radioisotopes Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Carbonate Rocks Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Carbonates Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Carcinogens Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Cardioperiodicities Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Cargo Flows Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Carlstadt Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Cartographic Environmental Analysis A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Case Histories Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Case Studies Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Catalogue Catalogue of the Mollusca of Staten Island 01-1865-1405 Catch Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 Catch Crops Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Catch Statistics The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 Cation Adsorption A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Cation Exchange A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Cations A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at 52 SUBJECT INDEX Cations-(Cont.) One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Catskill Aqueduct Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-1911-1520 The Storm King Crossing of the Hud- son River by the New Catskill Aqueduct of New York City 04-1912-1875 Catskill System The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Cauliflower Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 Ceiling Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 1 1 1 Ceilometers Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Cell Division Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 Cements Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Cenozoic Era Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Cenozoic Formations, a Discussion 04-1945-2068 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-5011 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Census The Mammals of Long Island, New York 00-1971-7583 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVcnus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Cephalopods The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Ceratium An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ceratium 01-1941-1859 Cerium Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Cerium 144 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Cesium Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Cesium 137 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Cesium 144 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 Cestodes Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Champlain River Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Champlin Creek Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Channel Improvement The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 SUBJECT INDEX 53 Channel Improvement-(Cont.) Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7211 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject I 1-1957-7206 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 The Physical Phenomena of Harbor Entrances, Their Causes and Remedies; Delects of Present Methods of Improvement 32-1887-1708 Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-21 14 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-21 15 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-2117 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-2118 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-21 19 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-1911-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 54 SUBJECT INDEX Channel Improvement-(Cont.) Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Improvement of Hudson River by Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Watcrford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 Survey of Orowce Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Re-Examination of Peconic River, New York 32-1939-2128 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Channel Morphology Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Retreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Great Egg Buried Channel on the New Jersey Continental Shelf: A Possible Continuation of the Pleistocene Schuylkill River to Wilmington Canyon 04-1973-7567 Channeling Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Channels Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Table of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-2112 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Notes on the Prcglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Further Light on the Gorge of the Hudson 04-1910-2028 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 SUBJECT INDEX 55 Channels-(Cont-) Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Rctreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7211 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 11-1957-7206 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination of Rivers and Harbors: Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Improvement of Hudson River by Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-1711 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Charlestown A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 11-1973-7990 Charts A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 01-1957-0303 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Table of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-2112 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-0117 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- 56 SUBJECT INDEX Charts-(Cont.) jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise ST1RNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Index of Tide Gages and Tide Gage Records for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 02-1957-0307 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-01 12 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 Characteristic anil Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and Last Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 A Series of Sea Bree/e Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Temperature Terminology for Public Forecasts 03-1966-0707 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1199 United States Magnetic Tables and Magnetic Charts for 1915 04-1915-1617 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-2113 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Scpt. 1956. 21-1957-031 I Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Chatham Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Check Structures Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment ) 04-1971-3048 Chemical Analysis A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968- August 1969 01-1970-7242 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 The Association of Copper With Dis- solved Organic Matter in Seawater 02-1969-0992 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarinc Waters 02-1971-2221 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Water-Lcvel and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarinc, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 SUBJECT INDEX 57 Chemical Analysis-(Cont.) Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-1911 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Comparative Analysis of Sewage Sludges 22-1956-0273 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 Chemical Quality of Water, Brook- haven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, N.Y. 22-1964-0554 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Composition of a Domestic Sewage 23-1959-0364 Chemical Composition On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Chemical Compounds Water and Waste Water Analysis, II; Chemical Compounds, Degrees of Hardness 22-1969-0978 Chemical Munitions Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Chemical Oxygen Demand Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Chemical Precipitation Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Chemical Properties The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora scirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhavcn National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Chemical Reactions Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Chemical Stratification Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 Chemical Wastes Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 58 SUBJECT INDEX Chemical Wastes-(Cont.) Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Chemicals Water and Waste Water Analysis, II; Chemical Compounds, Degrees of Hardness 22-1969-0978 Chemical Pollution of Waters; a Modern Hydra 22-1970-1436 Chemistry Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Chemical Quality of Water, Brook- haven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, N.Y. 22-1964-0554 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Chesapeake Bay Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Chlamydomonas sp. Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 Chlorella Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-195 1-7290 Chlorella sp. Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 Chlorides On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Water-Levcl and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Chlori nation Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1104 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Chlorophyll Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Chlorophyta The Marine Cladophoras of New En- gland 01-1902-1682 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Chromium Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Chutes Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Circulation The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarine Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Flow Concentration Groins for Rcaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Circulation Patterns Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Cirripedia Note on the Barnacles From the Cape May County, New Jersey 01-1930-1631 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Cities Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-0811 Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Evidence of the Stability of the Rock Foundations of New York City 04-1907-2024 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-1911-1502 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 New York City; an Aseismic Area 04-1926-1999 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 SUBJECT INDEX 59 Cities-(Cont.) Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Die Geologische Geschichte des Bodens von Neu York 04-1939-1537 Rocks of New York City 04-1940-1557 Seismotectonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Genese des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 City of New York V. Feltmun (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore ) 10-1930-3052 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Lockcd Bay) 10-1932-3040 Report of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York 1 1-1912-1905 Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District-Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 I 1-1929-7934 Operation New York--Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 1 1-1960-7730 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse I 1-1970-1 164 Water and Wastewater Management in New York City I 1-1971-1204 The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Mcgapolis 12-1969-7015 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Trace Metals-Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 An Advectivc Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 60 SUBJECT INDEX Cities-(Cont.) Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Sewage Disposal at Seaside Towns 22-1961-0427 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Study of Estuurinc Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 New York Metropolitan Region—A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Predicting Future CJrowth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 I 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1121 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1143 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes, New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-1145 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1153 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-1711 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume 1 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 City Planning Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 11, Oct.- 1969 11-1969-7221 Civil Engineering Evidence of the Stability of the Rock Foundations of New York City 04-1907-2024 The Tunnel Construction of the Hud- son and Manhattan Railroad Co. 04-1910-1978 Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-1911-1520 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 The Geology of the Lincoln 'funnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 The Influence of Geology on the Con- struction of Rapid Transit Tunnels in the City of New York 04-1941-1516 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Piling Difficulties in the New York Area 04-1966-7696 Richmond Tunnel, Part 3 04-1967-7710 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 Report on Examination of Harlem River, New York, To Determine Per- missibility of Fixed Bridges 32-1927-1589 Improvement of Hudson River by Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 SUBJECT INDEX 61 Civil Engineering^ Cont.) New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 Claciohydrology Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Cladophora The Marine Cladophoras of New En- gland 01-1902-1682 Clams On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima, in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1 1 17 Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 I he Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Rates of Sediment Reworking by Yol- dia limatula in Buz/ards Bay, Mas- sachusetts, and Long Island Sound 04-1963-7512 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 33-1971-3092 Classification Descriptive Catalogue of the Ver- tebrates of New Jersey 01-1890-1930 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Clay Minerals Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Clays Benthic Studies in Buz/ards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-201 1 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Clays 04-1904-2034 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay ( New York ) 04-1957-5019 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 The Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Clean Air Act Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Cleaning Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Clear Sky Probabilities Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500G.m.t. ( 10 a.m., e.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 Climates Climate of Scarsdale, New York 03-1968-0910 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Climatic Climax Episodes in Early Staten Island Cli- mate 03-1964-7616 Climatic Data Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Maximum Station Precipitation for 1, 2, 3, 6, 1 2, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 What Will the Winter Be in New York City'.' 03-1955-0269 62 SUBJECT INDEX Climatic Data-(Cont) The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1873- 1955 03-1956-0284 The Climate of New Jersey. 03-1957-0308 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-0453 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Climate of Scarsdale, New York 03-1968-0910 Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500 G.m.t. (10 a.m., e.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Climatic Zones Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1 , Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Climatology A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Maximum Station Precipitation for I, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 What Will the Winter Be in New York City? 03-1955-0269 The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1873- 1955 03-1956-0284 Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 The Climate of New Jersey. 03-1957-0308 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Temperature Patterns Along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts 03-1959-0370 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-0453 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Episodes in Early Staten Island Cli- mate 03-1964-7616 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Bioclimatic Orientation Method for Buildings 03-1967-0816 Climate of Scarsdale, New York 03-1968-0910 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1195 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500 G.m.t. (10 a.m., e.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-031 1 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Clinobronzite Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Clogging Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Clostridium Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Cloud Cover Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 SUBJECT INDEX 63 Cloud Cover-(Cont.) Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 HI Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500 Cm. t. (10 a.m., e.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 Cloud Physics Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Cloud Seeding More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Clouds More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-01 12 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 The Forecasting of Micrometcorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Clutch Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Coals Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 Coarse Sediments New Jersey Offshore Gravel Deposit 04-1964-5058 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Coast Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Coastal Basins Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Coastal Drift Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Coastal Engineering Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0670 Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 The Rhode Island Sound Square Kilometer Study, 1967: Auto-Spectra of the Current Velocity Records 02-1968-0832 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 Research in the Coastal and Occano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Problems of the New Jersey Beaches 04-1966-0669 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1 101 Hcllgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Beach Erosion: Is There a Solution 04-1971-3084 531-666 O - 74 - 5 64 SUBJECT INDEX Coastal Engineering-(Cont.) Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorcfront 1 1-1949-7213 A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 1 1-1966-7783 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island I 1-1972-7579 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Waste Disposal in Marine Waters 22-1958-0326 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 The Physical Phenomena of Harbor Entrances, Their Causes and Remedies; Defects of Present Methods of Improvement 32-1887-1708 Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 New Shinnecoek Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 Coastal Marshes Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1178 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Coastal Plain The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 Coastal Plain Estuaries The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 Coastal Plains Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Recent Contributions to the Stratig- raphy of the Coastal Plain of the United States 04-1924-1971 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-1947-1986 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Coastal Ponds An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 Coastal States Organization Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 Coastal Structures Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 Research in the Coastal and Occano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 11-1966-7783 New Shinnecoek Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 SUBJECT INDEX 65 Coastal Traffic New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Coastal Waters Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Coastal Zone Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 1 1-1972-4089 Coastal Zone Management Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 1 1-1972-5083 Coastal Zone Planning Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 Coasts On the Distribution of Foraminifera on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shore Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1850-0001 Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1 854 01-1855-1914 Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 Checklist of the Marine Algae Based on Specimens Collected on the Shores of Long Island From 1839 to 1885 01-1886-1663 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Oft" the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America 01-1937-1666 Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 1-1947-7 1 13 The Weakfish (Cynoscion rcgalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore— Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 1-1963-7087 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 1-1965-0603 Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginca) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidac) 01-1972-3088 A Discussion of the Systematica, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinaily Separated Urosalpinx cinerea ( Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Circulation and Water Transport in the Coastal Area Between Martha's Vineyard and Barnegat Inlet, N.J. 02-1955-0251 Occanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-7061 Occanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Occanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Occanographic Observations, I960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Preliminary Bibliography With KWIC Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States 02-1965-7062 Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America 02-1966-0653 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1 178 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1 180 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1 183 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-701 1 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Occanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 66 SUBJECT INDEX Coasts-(Cont.) Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 The Acrologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 On a Subsidence of Land on the Seacoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 The Formation and Distribution of Flu viatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Recent Contributions to the Stratig- raphy of the Coastal Plain of the United States 04-1924-1971 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Interpretation of Gcomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Postglacial Stratigraphy and Morphology of Coastal Connecticut 04-1963-7631 Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1964-0553 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 Continental Shelf Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Problems of the New Jersey Beaches 04-1966-0669 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina, Cover 04-1970-1100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 SUBJECT INDEX 67 Coasts-(Cont.) Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Low Frequency Magnetotelluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-7671 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 11-1949-7213 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 11-1967-2209 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 1 1-1970-1052 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 11-1972-4089 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 1 1-1972-5083 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 11-1973-7989 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Walers Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Travel of Pollution in Shoreline Coastal Waters 22-1955-0250 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1970-1082 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-1119 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area— A Summary 22-1970-1125 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Chemical Pollution of Waters; a Modern Hydra 22-1970-1436 Quality Standards for the Coastal Waters of Long Island, New York 22-1970-7577 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-1970-7578 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Application of Mathematical Models to Diffusion of Coastal Sea Pollutants 22-1973-7574 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1894-1442 The Economics of Dredging Quahogs in Rhode Island 33-1965-0610 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 Cobalamin Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Cod Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Codium Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 Codium fragile Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Coelenterates A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Cohansey Formation Late Tertiary Palcoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Cold Regions On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 Cold Resistance Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 Biomcteorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 Cold Spring Harbor Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 68 SUBJECT INDEX Cold Spring Harbor-(Cont) The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Coliforms A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Viability of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1950-0093 Absorption of F. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 Kaccul Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II.. Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-077 1 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 A Water -Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Colleges Oceanography in New York— A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Colloids Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Colonization Periodicity of Algal Colonization in Great South Bay, New York During the Summer of 1962 01-1963-7511 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Color The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Colorimetry The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Combined Sewers Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Commercial Fish Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-1951-1929 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 SUBJECT INDEX 69 Commercial Fish-(Cont.) Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 Commercial Fisheries Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Commercial Fishing The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore— Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 11-1965-7810 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-2203 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Forty-First Annual Report (1910) 33-191 1-1920 Forty-Second Annual Report (1911) 33-1912-1921 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District. 1966 33-1967-7838 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 State's Fish Industry Plagued by Worst Year on Record 33-1970-1137 Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 33-1970-7830 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 Commercial Shellfish The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore— Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission (1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1 158 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 33-1971-3092 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Common Law Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Common Terns PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Communication Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Underwater Sounds of Biological Origin 02-1943-1789 Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR- 16.0 KC/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Community Development Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 11-1965-7780 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 Compaction Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1064-0553 Comparative Productivity A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 Compensation Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Competing Uses Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Competition Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibcnthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- 70 SUBJECT INDEX Competition^ Cont. ) sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Composition Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Compressibility Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Computer Models Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Concrete Structures Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 Concrete-lined Canals Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Concretes Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Condemnation City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Spieglc V. Borough of Beach Haven (Qwnership of Accreted Lands Occanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Condemnation Value Spieglc V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Occanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Condits Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station-Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Conduction The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 9 I -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Conductivity The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Low Frequency Magnetotelluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Conduits Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Coney Island One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Coney Island Channel Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Conferences The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Long Island 04-1965-7649 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 33-1966-7541 Confined Water Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac - Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Conglomerate Rocks A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Marine Unconformities, Marine Con- glomerates and Thickness of Strata 04-1936-2109 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Coniferous Forests Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Connate Water Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic ln- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Connecticut Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 List of Algae Growing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 SUBJECT INDEX 71 Connecticut-( Cont. ) Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Infrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 Decline of the Ycllowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginca) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 The Retention of Lamellibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number Test for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharcngus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis ( M itch ill ) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus cllipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 Sonic Tag for Large Decapod Crustaceans 01-1970-1090 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Influence of Seawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamocba 01-1970-1 120 Infrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrea vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapid issima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) 01-1972-1206 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 The Quarternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 72 SUBJECT INDEX Connecticut-( Cont. ) Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Postglacial Stratigraphy and Morphology of Coastal Connecticut 04-1963-7631 Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1964-0553 Postglacial Change of Sea Level in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut 04-1964-7618 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasvillc Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maltby Lakes Volcanics, New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1965-7637 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Stratigraphic Names in the New Lon- don Area 04-1966-7713 Coastal Gcomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1956-1959 04-1967-5033 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04_1967-773l Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1965-66 04-1967-7732 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Lead in a Connecticut Salt Marsh 04-1971-7584 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobili/ation 04-1972-7765 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Coram. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Environmental Protection Act of 197 1 10-1971-3060 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Water Pollution Control—Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 11-1971-3058 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 1 1-1971-3061 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-0311 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1 967 22-1968-0874 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 Calefaction of a River 24-1970-2355 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 SUBJECT INDEX 73 Connecticut-(Cont. ) Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-1711 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Shellfish Hatcheries-Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Connecticut River The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) I 1-1971-3064 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Connetquot River A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968- August 1969 01-1970-7242 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Conservation A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Problems of the New Jersey Beaches 04-1966-0669 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1 236 10-1966-7781 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 1 1-1949-7213 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-78 1 I The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-2203 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. I 1-1969-0985 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Conservation Law Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-11 12 Consolidation Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bcllport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Construction Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 Piling Difficulties in the New York Area 04-1966-7696 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7718 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 1 1-1969-7203 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station-Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 New Rochclle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 74 SUBJECT INDEX Construction Costs Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Consumptive Use Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Containment Shells Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Continental Basins Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Continental Margin New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States--Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Recent Contributions to the Stratig- raphy of the Coastal Plain of the United States 04-1924-1971 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Report on the Work of the Interna- tional Commission on Continental and Oceanic Structures 04-1938-1998 Gravitational Determination of Deep- seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders - Observations and Methods 04-1938-2098 The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 Gravitational Determination of Deep- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 Exploring the Continental Shelves and Slopes 04-1940-2088 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-1947-1986 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 Continental Margins and Geosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Some Potential Mineral Resources of the Atlantic Continental Margin 04-1965-7639 Geology of the Continental Margin Off Eastern United States 04-1965-7640 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Continental Rise Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 Continental Shelf On the Distribution of Foraminifera on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shorc Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1850-0001 Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America 01-1937-1666 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Primary Pioduction of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 SUBJECT INDEX 75 Continental Shelf-(Cont.) Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Provinces 01-1970-7588 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay II; Salinity 02-1935-1425 A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Some Direct Measurement of the Non-Tidal Drift on the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Cape Hattcras 02-1962-0466 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Ohscrvations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United Statcs--Volumc 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 An Analysis of Subsurface Currents and Temperature at a Site on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 02-1968-0888 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and South Carolina 02-1972-7769 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Submarine Valleys Off the American Coast and in the North Atlantic 04-1903-1534 Lineaments of the Atlantic Border Region 04-1904-2006 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Certain Types of Sedimentation Now in Progress on or Near the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1924-2029 Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 American Submarine Canyons 04-1934-2084 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 Seismology and the Geological Ex- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Report on the Work of the Interna- tional Commission on Continental and Oceanic Structures 04-1938-1998 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and Congo Valley 04-1939-1597 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 Gravitational Determination of Decp- Seatcd Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 Exploring the Continental Shelves and Slopes 04-1940-2088 76 SUBJECT INDEX Continental Shelf-(Cont.) Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Orgin of Continental Shelves 04-1946-2111 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-0211 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay ( New York ) 04-1957-5019 Continental Margins and Geosynclincs; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-501 1 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 New Jersey Offshore Gravel Deposit 04-1964-5058 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04_|964-762l Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Continental Shell Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Geology of the Continental Margin Off Eastern United States 04-1965-7640 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Atlantic Offers Oil Promise 04-1966-7698 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 Ancient Submerged Shoreline Found Off New Jersey Coast 04-1967-0714 Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic- Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Microtopography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Probable Holocenc Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 SUBJECT INDEX 77 Continental Shelf-(Cont.) Continental Shelf Sediments Off New Jersey 04-1971-7774 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Low Frequency Magnetotclluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Great Egg Buried Channel on the New Jersey Continental Shelf: A Possible Continuation of the Pleistocene Schuylkill River to Wilmington Canyon 04-1973-7567 Submersible and Side-Scan Sonar In- vestigation of the Central New Jersey Continental Shelf 04-1973-7568 Plate Tectonics and Geomorphology 04-1973-7569 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-7671 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 The Influence of Continental Water Oualitv on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shell 22-1969-0982 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 New York Metropolitan Region— A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Continental Slope An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Provinces 01-1970-7588 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Report on the Work of the Interna- tional Commission on Continental and Oceanic Structures 04-1938-1998 Behavior of Suspension Currents and Mud Slides on the Continental Slope 04-1938-2095 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Exploring the Continental Shelves and Slopes 04-1940-2088 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 Continental Margins and Geosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04_ 1959-5026 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-05 15 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Geology of the Continental Margin Off Eastern United States 04-1965-7640 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1 I 18 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Continents Report on the Work of the Interna- tional Commission on Continental and Oceanic Structures 04-1938-1998 78 SUBJECT INDEX Continuous Flow CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 Contours Bathymetry of Block Island Sound 02-1971-7751 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 Contracts An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Control Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1010 Control Rods Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Control Structures New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Control Systems Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Convection Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Conveyance Structures The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station--Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Cooling On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Cooling Degree Days Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Cooling Water Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1114 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1121 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971 3044 Cooperative Water-studies Program Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Coordination Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Coot Clam Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Copepods Notes on Marine Copcpoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 Copcpod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Bioluminesccncc in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 Copper Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 The Association of Copper With Dis- solved Organic Matter in Seawater 02-1969-0992 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Copper Compounds The Association of Copper With Dis- solved Organic Matter in Seawater 02-1969-0992 Coral Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Yes, There Are Corals in Rhode Island 01-1964-0571 Corallines Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Core Drilling Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Core Logging Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Cores Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, SUBJECT INDEX 79 Cores-(Cont) New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Coriolis Force The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Cornwall Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Correlation Analysis The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Corrosion Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms 01-1927-1632 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 1 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Corsair Canyon Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Cortlandt Complex Acroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Cortlandt Intrusives Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Cosmic Rays The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 Cospectra Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Cost Analysis A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume 1 32-1971-5080 Cost Comparisons Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Cost Surveys Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Cost-Benefit Analysis Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Costs The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Artificial- Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent— a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1114 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-2114 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-2115 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-2117 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-2118 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-21 19 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Grcenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-191 1-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1911-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 531-666 O - 74 80 SUBJECT INDEX Costs-(Cont.) Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, NY., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 3 2-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 3 2-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey ol Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Rc-F.xam ination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Crab Meadow Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Crabs The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Callinectes sapidus, Favorite Target of Homo sapiens 01-1969-0975 Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Crago septemspinosus The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Grasses On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Crassostrea Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Crassostrea virginica Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrea virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrea vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1 161 Crassotrea Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Creel Census Si/e, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island (Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 Species Composition, Si/e and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 SUBJECT INDEX ;i Crest-stage Gages Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Cretaceous Aquifers Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Cretaceous Deposits Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Cretaceous Period Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: I. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 Geological Notes: I. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-2011 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 The Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- tions of New Jersey 04-191 1-2031 Composition and Structure of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey 04-1940-2023 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 Cretaceous Gastropods of New Jersey 04-1962-7600 Cretaceous Scaphopoda of New Jer- sey 04-1962-7601 Miscellaneous Fossils 04-1962-7602 Table Showing Distribution by For- mation of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7603 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in New Jersey 04-1962-7612 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County. New Jersey 04.1963-7646 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Critical Flow The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 Crooked Backbones Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Crop Condition The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Crop Production A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Crop Response I he Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Crops Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Cross-sections Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04- 1 970-40 1 5 Cross-Sections The Geological Section of the East River at Seventieth Street, New York 04-1895-1690 Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, N.Y. 04-1909-1515 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 Croton Point The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Croton System The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Croton Valley Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 Cruises Report on Cruise of USNS Sands, Block Island Sound, 22 July- 10 Au- gust 1967 02-1967-7746 Crust Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 Crustaceans Notes on Marine Copepoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 Note on the Barnacles From the Cape- May County, New Jersey 01-1930-1631 Acoustical Characteristics of Noise Produced by Snapping Shrimp 01-1948-178 1 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Notes on As*ociations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus ebcrneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor 82 SUBJECT INDEX Crustaceans-(Cont.) and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Callinectes sapidus, Favorite Target of Homo sapiens 01-1969-0975 Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Sonic Tag for Large Decapod Crustaceans 01-1970-1090 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Provinces 01-1970-7588 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidae ) 01-1972-3088 Deep-Sea Amphipoda From the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Caprcllidea 01-1972-3089 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1 138 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972- 1 252 Crustal Movements Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Crustal Structure Gravitational Determination of Deep- seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders - Observations and Methods 04-1938-2098 Crystal Warping Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Crystalline Rock Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Crystalline Rocks Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Crystallization Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Ctenophores On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Cultivation The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Cultural Control The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Cultures Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission (1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 Influence of Scawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamoeba 01-1970-1120 Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Acantamocba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Cumulus Clouds More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Current Meters Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Currents Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Submersible and Side-Scan Sonar In- vestigation of the Central New Jersey Continental Shelf 04-1973-7568 Currents (Water) Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 01-1951-1691 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 SUBJECT INDEX 83 Currents (WaterMCont.) Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-1931-1716 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments (1962-63) 02-1966-0683 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 The Rhode Island Sound Square Kilometer Study, 1967: Auto-Spectra of the Current Velocity Records 02-1968-0832 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-7011 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Hurricane Modification of the Off- Shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-4110 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Movement and Mixing of Contami- nants in Tidal Estuaries 22-1960-0399 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1 147 Natural Science in Its Relation to Practical Navigation; Together With a Study of the Tides and Tidal Currents 32-1910-1737 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-171 1 Curriculum Resources Operation New York--Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 1 1-1960-7730 Curves Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 84 SUBJECT INDEX Cusp Formation Observation of Beach Cusp and Beach Ridge Formation on the Long Island Sound 04-1964-0564 Cutoffs Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Cyanides Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Cyanophyta Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 Cycles The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grcv. ) 01-1961-0418 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima, in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shell'. Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle oi 'Tempera- ture 02-193 3-1856 The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-706 1 1 lie Nitrogen Cycle ill Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7 125 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1873- 1955 03-1956-0284 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Cycling Nutrients A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966 67 01-1968-7294 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Cyclogtnesis Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Cyclones Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Direction Studies Using Mieroseism Ground- Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 195.3 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1968-0916 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-123 1 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Cytiopterus lumpus The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Cynoscion regalis The Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Cyprinodon variegatus Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Cyrtopleura costata Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Cysts Influence of Seawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamoeba 01-1970-1120 Cytological Studies Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 SUBJECT INDEX 85 Cytological Studies-(Cont) Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Dam Foundations Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Damages Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms 01-1927-1632 The Significance of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 01-1935-1634 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Hurricanes of 1 95 1 03-1952-0172 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1 955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore ) 10-1930-3052 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Smoke and Air Pollution. New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 Dams Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Data A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Data Analysis The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Data Collections Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-1636 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-2141 Additions to Local Records of New Jersey Fishes 01-1922-0838 Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Summary of lags Released and Recovered for the Atlantic Men- haden, 1966-69 01-1971-3082 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. I homas. Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Tabic of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-21 12 Progress in the Investigation of Sur- face Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1932-1858 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America 02-1966-0653 Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Report on Cruise of USNS Sands, Block Island Sound, 22 July-10 Au- gust 1967 02-1967-7746 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-701 1 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959 02-1972-7024 Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 United States Magnetic Tables and Magnetic Charts for 191 5 04-1915-1617 86 SUBJECT INDEX Data Collections-(Cont.) Condition of the Earth's Crust and the Earlier American Gravity Obser- vations 04-1922-2065 Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-2113 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-301 1 Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 1 1-1972-4089 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Measured and Predicted Contribu- tions From Fallout to Environmental Radiation Levels 21-1961-0417 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Surveillance for Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere 21-1969-0965 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 Shellfish Hatcheries— Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 33-1971-3092 Data Processing Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Dating Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pscudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Isotopic Age Study, Dutchess County, New York 04-1962-7611 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 Paleotemperature Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 Dating Rocks Geologic Age of the New York City Rocks 04-1945-1522 Dead Horse Inlet Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-2117 Decade Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Decision Making The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements fcr Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 SUBJECT INDEX 87 Decision Making-(Cont.) Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Decomposing Organic Matter Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Deep Tunnels Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 Deep Water Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 Deep-Sea Amphipoda From the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Caprellidea 01-1972-3089 Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep 02-1943-1778 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thcrmocline 02-1973-7669 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Deep Waterways Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Deep Wells Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Deep Wells Along the Atlantic Coast 04-1945-2069 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Deer Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Deflation Furrows Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Deformation Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Deformities Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Degradation (Decomposition) Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Digested Sludge Disposal Practices 23-1962-0455 Degradation (Slope) Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Delaware Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Deep Wells Along the Atlantic Coast 04-1945-2069 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Investigation of the Pollution of Cer- tain Tidal Waters of New Jersey, New York and Delaware 22-1917-1455 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Elcctrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Delaware Bay Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Delaware River Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 The Embattled Colossus; New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Delphinapterus leucas Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise (Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 Deltas Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Shelf and Deltaic Palcoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 A Scdimcntological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Demand Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Demersal Fish Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, I, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 88 SUBJECT INDEX Demersal Fish-(Cont) The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1) 01-1963-0529 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Democrat Point Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Density Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-1971-7067 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 04-1917-1598 Gravity Anomalies in the United States 04-1936-1603 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Northeastern United States 04-1938-1608 Gravitational Determination of Deep- seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders Observations and Methods 04-1938-2098 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolite Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-161 1 Density Currents Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 Density Stratifications The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Dependable Supply Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District-Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 11-1929-7934 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey 11-1945-7935 Deposition Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1189 Deposition (Sediments) Discussion on the Dynamic Action of the Ocean in Building Bars 02-1889-1559 On a Subsidence of Land on the Seacoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 The Limonite Deposits of Statcn Island, New York 04-1912-7310 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 The Ouarternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Certain Types of Sedimentation Now in Progress on or Near the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1924-2029 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 Origin and Environment of Source Sediments of Petroleum 04-1932-2107 A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation, 1937-8, Exhibit C; Papers Dealing With Sediments and Sedi- mentation Since 1933 04-1938-2096 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Relation of Radioactivity, Organic Content, and Sedimentation 04-1945-2077 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I. , N.Y. 04-1951-0128 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04- 1 967-0759 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast ofNcw England 04-1967-0767 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Deposition of 1 n.issic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1069-4005 Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-401 I Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04- 1 970-1 101 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04.1470-4137 SUBJECT INDEX 89 Deposition (Sediments)-(Cont.) Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Probable Holocene Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Geologic Effects of Ocetin Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Depth I he State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 fables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 I able of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-21 12 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Bamegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Depth-Area-Duration Analysis The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 Desalination Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Desalination and Devastation 22-1965-0616 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desilting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 1 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Desalination Plants Desalination and Devastation 22-1965-0616 MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Design Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-77 18 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 MSF Pilot Plant lest on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4. Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. I; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 Design Criteria Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay ( Draft Environmental Impact State- ment ) 30-1971-3044 Design Data Long Island Sources-Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County. Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the C'it\ of 1 I -'1912-7936 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station—Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape Mas County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment ) 30-1971-3044 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reels 33-197 1-3094 Detergent Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of (leaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Detergents Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Advances in Biological Waste I reat- ment 22-1963-0514 Contamination of Ground Water by Detergents in a Suburban Environ- ment; South Farmingdale Area, Long Island. New York 22-1964-7623 90 SUBJECT INDEX Detergents-( Cont. ) Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 Detonula confervacea Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 Detritus Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Development Geometry and Dcvelopemcnt of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Devonian Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Devonian Period Late Cayugan and Helderhergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Dew Point The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Diabase Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Diatomaceae Notice of an Undescribcd Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 Diatoms Notice of an Undescribcd Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1887-1665 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1889-2140 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Habits and Life History of the Diatoms 01-1941-1654 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 Studies on Absorption Spectra of Plant Pigments in Estuaries 01-1970-1128 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Dieldrin Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Diesel Engines Attentuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Differential-Interference Microscopy An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Differentiation Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Diffuse Radiation On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Diffusers Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 Diffusion Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 A Note on Horizontal Diffusion of Dye in the Ocean 02-1959-0358 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Dye Diffusion Experiments in the New York Bight 02-1963-0513 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thcrmocline 02-1973-7669 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 SUBJECT INDEX 91 Diffusion-(Cont.) Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-0811 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1188 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 131 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-0911 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1 193 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-1011 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-11 19 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1147 Application of Mathematical Models to Diffusion of Coastal Sea Pollutants 22-1973-7574 Diffusivity Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Digestion Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 Digital Computers Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 Dikes The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Dikes (Geologic) Clinobron/ite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Dilution Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Movement and Mixing of Contami- nants in Tidal Estuaries 22-1960-0399 Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 Dimensions Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 Dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 Three Dinoflagellates From New Jer- sey 01-1929-7097 An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ceratium 01-1941-1859 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Glenodinium halli n.sp. and Gyrodini- um instriatum n.sp., Dinoflagellates From New York Waters 01-1963-7084 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivitv 01-1965-70'74 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 Diptera Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 01-1963-7508 Pollutiom of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Direction The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 Directional Wave Spectrum The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 Disasters The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Mcgapolis 12-1969-7015 Discharge An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Discharge (Water) Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 92 SUBJECT INDEX Discharge (Water)-(Cont.) Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Water Pollution Control—Permits for New Discharges -Hearing 11-1971-3058 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 1 1-1971-3061 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Discharge Measurement Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data lor New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Discomfort Index Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Diseases Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus cberncus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 1-1969-0924 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 Pollutiom of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Disinfection Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 Dispersion Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1188 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1198 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-091 1 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1 189 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1 193 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Hydrographic Factors Involved in Dispersion of Pollutants Introduced Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-1876 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Dispersion of a Non-Conservative Waste Effluent Discharged From a Large Scale Continuous Source 22-1968-0873 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Disposal An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 SUBJECT INDEX 93 Disposal-(Cont.) The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Dissolved Oxygen A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 The Area of Water Surface as a Con- trolling Factor in the Condition of Polluted Harbor Waters 22-1921-1897 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Disposal of Sewage Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-0094 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Dis- tribution in the East River 22-1966-0663 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-101 1 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 Quantitative Estimation of Migritory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1 106 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1 158 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Dissolved Silica Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Dissolved Solids The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaccous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Distillation Study of Seawatcr Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 I 14 Study of Seawatcr Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Distribution On the Distribution of Foraminifera on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shore Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1850-0001 List of Algae G rowing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 Notes on the New England Marine- Algae, I 01-1882-1675 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, II 01-1883-1676 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, III 01-1884-1677 94 SUBJECT INDEX Distribution^ Cont. ) Notes on the New England Marine Algae, IV 01-1884-1678 Checklist of the Marine Algae Based on Specimens Collected on the Shores of Long Island From 1839 to 1885 01-1886-1663 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1887-1665 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1889-2140 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, V 01-1891-1679 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VI 01-1896-1680 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VII 01-1896-1681 Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 1 - 1 90 1 - 1 4 1 8 List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 The Marine Cladophoras of New En- gland 01-1902-1682 The Fishes of Nantucket 01-1905-1935 Annotated List of Fishes Known To Inhabit the Waters of Rhode Island 01-1910-1941 Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-1915-1689 Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 On the Marine Mollusca of Staten Island, N.Y. 01-1920-1434 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey 01-1920-1922 The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1933 The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-19 18 Plants From the Estuary of the Hud- son River 01-1935-1699 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 The Distribution of Common Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1951-0119 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1; Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Sighting of the Black Rudderfish 01-1966-7530 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 SUBJECT INDEX 95 Distribution-( Cont. ) The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRN1 HI, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thermocline 02-1973-7669 Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Rain-Drop-Sizc Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Results of Magnetic Observations, 191 1-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 A Theory of the Distribution of Radioactivity in Marine Sedimentary Rocks 04-1942-2134 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Dis- tribution in the East River 22-1966-0663 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Distribution Fish Migration Marine Fishes New to Long Island and Adjacent Waters 01-1949-1932 Distribution Patterns On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 Notes on Marine Copepoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-1915-1689 The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-71 12 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-711 1 The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 531-666 O - 74 - 7 96 SUBJECT INDEX Distribution Patterns-(Cont.) Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore— Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarinc Regions 01-1963-7088 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 Decline of the Ycllowtail Flounder (Limanda fcrruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 The Retention of Lamellibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 Winter Population of Loligo peali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Provinces 01-1970-7588 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-0117 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 SUBJECT INDEX 97 Distribution Patterns-(Cont.) Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 On Summertime Rainfall at New York.N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Lead in a Connecticut Salt Marsh 04-1971-7584 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1175 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1194 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Distribution Properties Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Distribution Systems Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 11-1957-7799 District of Columbia Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Diurnal Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Comparision of the Predicted With Observed Times and Heights of High and Low HOH at Sandy Hook 02-1890-1745 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Occanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Oceanographic Observations, 1 960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 98 SUBJECT INDEX Diurnal-(Cont.) On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Diurnal Distribution Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-01 11 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 On Summertime Rainfall at New York,N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1175 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Diversification The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 Diversion The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 Diversion Structures Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Diving Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Documentation Preliminary Bibliography With KWIC Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States 02-1965-7062 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Dolomite Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Domestic Wastes New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 Some Characteristics of a Domestic Sewage 22-1958-0335 Contamination of Ground Water by Detergents in a Suburban Environ- ment; South Farmingdale Area, Long Island, New York 22-1964-7623 Detergents in the Strcamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 Composition of a Domestic Sewage 23-1959-0364 Dominant Organisms Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Dose Rates Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 Dover Sole Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Drainage The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnccock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York 11-1957-7784 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Drainage Area Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 Drainage Basins Denudation 04-1909-1456 Drainage Density Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 Drainage Effects On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 SUBJECT INDEX 99 Drainage Effects-(Cont.) Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Drainage Engineering Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York 11-1957-7784 Drainage Patterns (Geologic) Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York 1 1-1957-7784 Drainage Programs Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Drainage Systems Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Great South Bay — Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Flood Control Project. Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 South Branch, Railway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rail- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York I 1-1957-7784 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Drains Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Dredge Holes A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 Dredge Spoil The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-1211 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Dredges Pneumatic Breakwaters To Protect Dredges 02-1961-0443 Dredging An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Effect of Pollution on Murine Life 01-1957-0303 A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Cioose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 Pneumatic Breakwaters To Protect Dredges 02-1961-0443 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 1 1-1972-7579 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 New York Metropolitan Region— A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-21 14 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-21 15 100 SUBJECT INDEX Dredging-(Cont.) Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-2117 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-2118 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-191 1-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1911-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey of Orowec Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Re-Examination of Peconic River, New York 32-1939-2128 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 SUBJECT INDEX 101 Dredging-(Cont.) Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 The Economics of Dredging Quahogs in Rhode Island 33-1965-0610 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Killed Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Dredging Spoil Disposal Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 Drift Bottles Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments (1962-63) 02-1966-0683 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Drift Reversals Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Drifting (Aquatic) Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 Some Direct Measurement of the Non-Tidal Drift on the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras 02-1962-0466 Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments (1962-63) 02-1966-0683 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Drill Holes Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Drilling Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 Further Light on the Gorge of the Hudson 04-1910-2028 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. -N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Drought Tolerance Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Droughts The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 1 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Drowned (Submerged) Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 102 SUBJECT INDEX Drowned (Submerged)-(Cont.) Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Drums The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 Dry Beds Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 Dry Ice The Most Extensive Cloud-Sccding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Ducks (Domestic) A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Ducks (Wild) A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Dumping Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Dune Sands Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes (11-1964-7253 Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavv Minerals 04-1967-0725 Dunes Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-725 3 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03.1964-0592 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 2 1, 1938 04-1939-2059 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals - 04-1967-0725 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1101' Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 11-1949-7213 Dusts New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Dutchess County Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Isotopic Age Study, Dutchess County, New York 04-1962-761 I Dye Concentrations Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Dye Dispersion A Note on Horizontal Diffusion of Dye in the Ocean 02-1959-0358 Dye Diffusion Experiments in the New York Bight 02-1963-0513 On a Dye Diffusion Experiment Off Long Island 02-1964-0557 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 Dye Releases A Note on Horizontal Diffusion of Dye in the Ocean 02-1959-0358 Dye Diffusion Experiments in the New York Bight 02-1963-0513 On a Dye Diffusion Experiment Off Long Island 02-1964-0557 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Dyes On a Dye Diffusion Experiment Off Long Island 02-1964-0557 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 DDD Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelccypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarinc Organisms 22-1972-4064 DDE The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pclecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 DDT Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1104 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 SUBJECT INDEX 103 DDT-(Cont-) DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 E Region Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 E. coli A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 E. Coli Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arcnaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Viability of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1950-0093 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Earth Resistivity Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Earth Resources Technology Satellite ERTS-1 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Earth-Water Interfaces Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Earth's Crust A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Condition of the Earth's Crust and the Earlier American Gravity Obser- vations 04-1922-2065 Gravitational Determination of Dccp- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 Earthquake Engineering Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Earthquakes A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 New York City; an Aseismic Area 04-1926-1999 Bibliography of Seismology 04-1939-1604 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Easements Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 East Greenwich Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 East Meadow Brook Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 East Providence Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 East River On the 'fides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 The Geological Section of the East River at Seventieth Street, New York 04-1895-1690 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Dis- tribution in the East River 22-1966-0663 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-2118 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-21 19 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Easthampton Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Ebb Tide The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Echinoderms A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Astcrias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibcnthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Echo Bay Harbor New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Echo Sounding A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Ecological Distribution Notes on Marine Copepoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 11 104 SUBJECT INDEX Ecological Distribution-(Cont. ) Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-7501 A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Decline of the Ycllowtail Flounder (Limanda fcrruginca) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Occurrence of the Bigeye in Long Island Waters 01-1968-0835 The Epiphytes and Epi/oans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 The Morid Fish Halargyreus johnsonii From the New York Bight 01-1970-1076 Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Provinces 01-1970-7588 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidae) 01-1972-3088 Deep-Sea Amphipoda From the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Caprellidea 01-1972-3089 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island (Pscudoplcuronectcs amcricanus) 33-1966-7531 Ecology The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 Notes on Marine Copcpoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1917-1692 The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-7112 Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-7111 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trcmatodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Hcrrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Palcocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-7501 Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipectcn irradians 01-1960-7095 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 SUBJECT INDEX 105 Ecology-(Cont.) Eelgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 01-1963-7508 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 1 01-1965-7227 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 2 01-1966-7226 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 The Biology of Eelgrass 01-1968-0827 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 01-1968-0848 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 3 01-1968-7225 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 Studies of Bcnthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Bcnthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 The Ecology of the Bcnthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barncgat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Environmental Characteristics of a River Estuary 02-1947-7104 Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Preliminary Bibliography With KWIC Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States 02-1965-7062 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-201 1 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Palcoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Operation New York— Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 1 1-1960-7730 106 SUBJECT INDEX Ecology-(Cont.) The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-2203 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 11-1969-0985 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 11-1970-1164 Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 11-1972-4089 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 11-1972-5083 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 11-1972-5083 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 1 1-1973-7989 The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Antibiosis in Sea Water 22-1963-0532 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II., Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1 151 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1 157 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region ,23-1971-4047 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 Shorcham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 SUBJECT INDEX 107 Ecology-(Cont) Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume 1 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Econometric Models Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Econometrics Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Economic Deposits The Prccambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-771 1 The Prccambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 Economic Feasibility An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 MSF Pilot Plant lest on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Economic Geology The Prccambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-771 1 The Prccambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Economic Impact Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 11-1965-7780 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Economic Justification Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Economic Prediction An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 1 1-1965-7780 Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Economics The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 New Jersey Offshore Gravel Deposit 04-1964-5058 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1 127 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 Economic Aspects of Solid Waste Disposal at Sea 23-1970-1058 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-2114 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-21 15 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-21 18 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-21 19 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Pcconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroncck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroncck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-191 1-1543 108 SUBJECT INDEX Economics-(Cont.) Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1911-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 City -vs- Bi-State Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Watcrford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1894-1442 New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 The Economics of Dredging Quahogs in Rhode Island 33-1965-0610 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 State's Fish Industry Plagued by Worst Year on Record 33-1970-1 137 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 Ecosystems A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-7501 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Eclgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters SUBJECT INDEX 109 Ecosystems-(Cont.) (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifcra From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Bcnthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 Cobulamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-197 1-7067 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) ()4_ 197 1-3056 Sedimentation and Foraminifcra] Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-197 1-4038 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Operation New York--Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 1 1-1960-7730 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-101 1 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 33-1966-7541 Ecotypes The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Eddies Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise ST1RNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 9 I -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhavcn National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhavcn Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhavcn National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 Eddy Exchange Coefficients Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Edge Waves Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Education Oceanography in New York— A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 Operation New York— Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 11-1960-7730 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Eel Grass (Zostera marina) A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Eelgrass Eelgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 The Biology of Eelgrass 01-1968-0827 Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina, Cover 04-1970-1100 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Eels Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Effects Effects of Subzero Temperatures and "Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1 130 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Effluents Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges-Hearing 1 I -197 1-3058 Waters— Permits for New Discharges I M 97 I -3061 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1 175 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 110 SUBJECT INDEX Effluents-(Cont) Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1970-1082 Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment ) 30-1971-3044 Egg Size Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspcrsus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Eggs Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaca tcstudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspcrsus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Elastic Deformation Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 Elasticity (Mechanical) Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 Electric Power Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Electric Power Demand Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Electric Power Industry Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 Electric Powerplants Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Manmadc Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit I); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station-Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay ( Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 SUBJECT INDEX 111 Electric Powerplants-(Cont.) Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Electrical Conductance Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Electrical Properties Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Electrical Studies Low Frequency Magnetotelluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Electrodialysis The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Electron Content Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Electron Density Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1 174 Electron Density (Concentration) Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Daysol IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 Electron Microscopy Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 An Application of Rcflectcd-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1471-1229 Electrophoresis Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 Elevation Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1465-7223 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Elphidium The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Eluvium A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Embryonic Growth Stage Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livello Em- brionale in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Emergence Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barncgat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Emerging Vegetation Stage Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Emerita talpoida Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Eminent Domain City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Empire State Building Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Emulsificr Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Encroachment Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-1701 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Endrin Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Energy Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1 180 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 531-666 O - 74 - 8 112 SUBJECT INDEX Energy-(Cont.) The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Energy Budget Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 Energy Transfer Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- mato logical Implications 02-1972-3036 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 9 I -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03. 1954-0223 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Engineering The Storm King Crossing of the Hud- son River by the New Catskill Aqueduct of New York City 04-1912-1875 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Engineering Soil Survey of New Jer- sey 04-1955-0247 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 Sewage Disposal at Seaside Towns 22-1961-0427 The Discharge of Sewage Into the Sea 22-1961-0437 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Becsley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-2114 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-2115 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-2117 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-21 18 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-21 19 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Pcconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-191 1-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1911-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 City -vs- Bi-Statc Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 SUBJECT INDEX 113 Engineering^ Cont.) Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Attentuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Re-Examination of Peconic River, New York 32-1939-2128 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Engineering Geology Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-1911-1520 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Seismotcctonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Engineering Soil Survey of New Jer- sey 04-1955-0247 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York 11-1957-7784 Engineering Hazards Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Engineering Structures A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-1911-1520 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 Piling Difficulties in the New York Area 04-1966-7696 Richmond Tunnel, Part 3 04-1967-7710 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report on the Protection and Preser- _«^_ vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 11-1949-7213 Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 England The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Enrichment Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Enteric Bacteria Aerobic Microflora of the Blucfish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarinc Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Enteromorpha Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Entrainment Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Environment A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 114 SUBJECT INDEX Environment-(Cont.) Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-0611 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Environmental Monitoring Radiation Levels at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1969-0946 Biomctcorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 Origin and Environment of Source Sediments of Petroleum 04-1932-2107 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 An Act... In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Operation New York--Llsing the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource I 1-1960-7730 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 1 1-1970-1052 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse I I- 1970- 1 164 Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of fools 1 1-1972-4089 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 South Branch, Railway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rail- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1 965-- 1 967 20-1969-2358 Vegetation Retention anil Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 131 2 1-1963-0544 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 Ihe Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fit/patrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 lhe Forked River Nuclear Station Unit I, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume 1 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Environmental impact Statements Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Environmental Control Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 Environmental Effects Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipectcn irradians 01-1960-7095 Population Distribution of Emcrita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 SUBJECT INDEX 15 Environmental Effects-(Cont.) Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacca 01-1969-7121 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Styloehus ellipticus (Girard ), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01- 1 970- 1109 A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 Seasonal Variations of Astcrias for- besi and Astcrias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mcrcenaria (OVenus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 Environmental Characteristics of a River Estuary 02-1947-7104 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 The Mctamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 An Act. ..in Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 1 1-1971-3058 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) I 1-1971-3064 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Measured and Predicted Contribu- tions From Fallout to Environmental Radiation Levels 21-1961-0417 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 116 SUBJECT INDEX Environmental Effccts-(Cont.) Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight--lnterim Report for January I, 1970 22-1969-7847 The Effects of Solid Waste Disposal on Bcnthic Communities in the New York Bight 22-1970-1 1 15 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Bcnthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 Reconnaissance Studies of Bcnthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1 162 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode- Island Sound 23-1972-2202 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchoguc River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchoguc River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Environmental Engineering Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment ) 30-1971-3044 Environmental Gradient Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 Environmental Impact Statements Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay SUBJECT INDEX 117 Environmental Impact Statements -(Con t. ) (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patcjiogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Environmental Protection Act Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Environmental Protection Agency EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Environmental Sanitation Pollution! of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Environmental Simulation Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Epibenthic Communities Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Epidemiology Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Epifauna The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Epincphelus morio Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Epiphytic Communities Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 Epiphytology Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Epizootiology The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-197 1-1217 Equations Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 Equilibrium Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pscu- dopleuronectes amcricanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 Equipment A Vehicle Makes Ocean-Bottom Sur- veys 02-1967-7728 New Offshore Station for NY. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Equity Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Erosion Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04- 1 905- 1514 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Geology of the City of New York 04- 1 909- 1511 The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 118 SUBJECT INDEX Erosion-(Cont.) Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement ) 04-1971-3070 Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Erosion Control Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Beach Erosion: Is There a Solution 04-1971-3084 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Ocean ward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Erosion Rates Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Erpobdella punctata Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Erythrops erythrophthalma Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Essex County, N.J. Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 1, Oct. -1969 11-1969-7221 Esthetics A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Estimating Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Estuaries On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 Plants From the Estuary of the Hud- son River 01-1935-1699 The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01-1950-0098 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7114 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 The Diversity of Species in Net Phytoplankton of the Raritan Estuary 01-1959-7500 Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Gcochcmical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 The Plankton of Estuaries 01-1967-7043 The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 The Retention of Lamellibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 Studies on Absorption Spectra of Plant Pigments in Estuaries 01-1970-1128 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 SUBJECT INDEX 119 Estuaries-(Cont-) Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira pra,egustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Environmental Characteristics of a River Estuary 02-1947-7104 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-195 1-1891 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Preliminary Bibliography With KWIC Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States 02-1965-7062 The Hudson River Estuary, Hydrolo- gy, Sediments and Pollution 02-1966-0674 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarine Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Gcochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-401 1 120 SUBJECT INDEX Estuaries-(Cont) Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina, Cover 04-1970-1100 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Hydrogruphic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Absorption of L. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Rcaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Movement and Mixing of Contami- nants in Tidal Estuaries 22-1960-0399 Oceanographic Observations, 1959, East Coast of the United States; A Polluted Estuary 22-1960-7027 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Bcnthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Bcnthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Phytoplankton Nutrients in Estuaries 22-1967-0733 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area— A Summary 22-1970-1125 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1147 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-1411 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 33-1966-7541 Estuarine Environment Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7114 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 SUBJECT INDEX 121 Estuarine Environment-(Cont.) Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 The Diversity of Species in Net Phytoplankton of the Raritan Estuary 01-1959-7500 Copcpod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 Gcochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 The Plankton of Estuaries 01-1967-7043 The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number lest for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Tcleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Environmental Characteristics of a River Estuary 02-1947-7104 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-71 15 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Preliminary Bibliography With KWIC Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States 02-1965-7062 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 11-1969-0985 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Oceanographic Observations, 1959, East Coast of the United States; A Polluted Estuary 22-1960-7027 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1 106 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 122 SUBJECT INDEX Estuarine Environment-(Cont.) Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 33-1966-7541 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Estuarine Environments Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochcmical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1 158 Estuarine Fisheries A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 F.stuaries 02-1967-0758 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1 960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 3 3-1966-7541 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Eulerian Coordinates A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 Eunotia Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Kupleura eaudata Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura eaudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura eaudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura eaudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Europe Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Eustasy Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking? Evidence From the Tides 02-1948-1725 Sea Level Changes Along the Coasts of the United States in Recent Years 02-1949-1830 The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Eutrophication Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorclla sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 SUBJECT INDEX 123 Eutrophication-(Cont. ) Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brcvoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Evaluation A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Evaporation Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Evapotranspiration Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some- Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Stream How During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Evolution The Sponge-Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-4081 Excavation Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Excessive Rainfall Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Exchangers Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Exeter Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Exhaust Noise Attentuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Exploration Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 A Vehicle Makes Ocean-Bottom Sur- veys 02-1967-7728 Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and South Carolina 02-1972-7769 Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 Geophysical Exploration of Ocean Basins 04-1938-1997 Exploring the Continental Shelves and Slopes 04-1940-2088 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersey 04-1941-1627 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 Atlantic Offers Oil Promisc 04-1966-7698 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Explosives Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Export Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Extinction Coefficients Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Extratropical Cyclones Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Extratropical Storm Surge Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 F Region Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Facies (Geologic) The Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 Facies (Sedimentary) A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 "The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Clays 04-1904-2034 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Cenozoic Formations, a Discussion 04-1945-2068 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 Studies on the Subsurface Geology and Paleontology of the Atlantic- Coastal Plain 04-1948-2071 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay ( New York ) 04-1957-5019 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 124 SUBJECT INDEX Facies (Sedimentary)-(Cont.) A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Probable Holocene Transgressivc Ef- fects on the Gcomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Fall River Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts- Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Fallout Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thermocline 02-1973-7669 Effect of Fall-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some- Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Studies of Radioactive Fall-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1 960-04 1 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 Measured and Predicted Contribu- tions From Fallout to Environmental Radiation Levels 21-1961-0417 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Studies of Nuclear Debris in Precipitation 21-1963-0537 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 1 3 1 21-1963-0544 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1 960-64 21-1966-0698 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Strontium-90 Yield of the 1967 Chin- ese Thermonuclear Explosion 21-1969-0971 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Fakements Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Ocean ward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Fathometers A Deep Fathogram Across the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1950-1982 Faults (Geologic) Lineaments of the Atlantic Border Region 04-1904-2006 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-191 1-1502 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-5011 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Geology of New York— A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Scismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Scdimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Plate Tectonics and Geomorphology 04-1973-7569 Faunal Provinces Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 SUBJECT INDEX 125 Feasibility Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-2114 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-2115 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-2117 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-21 18 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-21 19 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Pcconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-1911-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Report on Examination of Harlem River, New York, To Determine Per- missibility of Fixed Bridges 32-1927-1589 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey of Orowcc Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 126 SUBJECT INDEX Feasibility-(Cont.) Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Feasibility Studies Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Fecal Bacteria Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Fecal Streptococcus Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number Test for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 Fecundity Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Federal Governemcnt Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Federal Government EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1126 Nixon Is Urged To Push Cleanup of Harbor Here 22-1970-1 149 Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-21 14 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-21 15 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-2117 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-2118 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-191 1-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1911-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 SUBJECT INDEX 127 Federal Government-(Cont.) Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Re-Examination of Peconic River, New York 32-1939-2128 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Federal Project Policy Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7211 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Feeder Beaches The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Feedwater Treatment Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1114 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1121 Feldspathic Graywackes Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Fermentation Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Ferrioxalate Actinometry Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Ferry Boats Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 11-1957-7206 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 Fertility A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpit x cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Fertilizers Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Fetch The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Field Capacity Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Field Guides The Palisade Sill 04-1962-7606 Long Island 04-1965-7649 Fifty Years Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-01 1 I Filefish A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Filters Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determination 22-1968-0854 Filtration Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 Financing Leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 Fine Structure Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 531-666 O - 74 - 9 128 SUBJECT INDEX Fire Island A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 Marine Life on the Artificial Reef Off Fire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I., N.Y. 04-1951-0128 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Fire Island Inlet Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Fish Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 The Fishes of Nantucket 01-1905-1935 The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 Annotated List of Fishes Known To Inhabit the Waters of Rhode Island 01-1910-1941 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey 01-1920-1922 Additions to Local Records of New Jersey Fishes 01-1922-0838 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1441 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bav 01-1928-1940 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 Fish Talk (Sounds Made by Fish Are Picked Up by an Underwater Microphone for Viewing With C-R Oscilloscope) 01-1944-1807 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Wintering Mackerel Off New York 01-1949-1924 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey, With Off-Shore Species 01-1952-0183 An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakefish (Trachinoccphalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Occurrence of the Bigeye in Long Island Waters 01-1968-0835 A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 The Morid Fish Halargyreus johnsonii From the New York Bight 01-1970-1076 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus, Population 01-1970-1116 A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 SUBJECT INDEX 129 FisMCont.) A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1236 10-1966-7781 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 How Docs Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Fish, Sewage and Sea Outfalls 22-1961-0430 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1894-1442 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 Recent Records of Pugheaded Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From New York 33-1965-7518 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Fish Barriers Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 Fish Behavior The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Fish Talk (Sounds Made by Fish Are Picked Up by an Underwater Microphone for Viewing With C-R Oscilloscope) 01-1944-1807 Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced by Marine Life 01-1947-1775 Fish Are Noisy in Narragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Water Temperatures and Migration of American Shad 01-1971-3090 Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 130 SUBJECT INDEX Fish Behavior-(Cont.) The Use of Salt-Water Coves as Winter Flounder Nursery Grounds (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7532 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Fish Catches Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Fish Conservation A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 1 1-1969-0985 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Fish Diets The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1 ) 01-1963-0529 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Fish Diseases Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Fish Eggs Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Fish Establishment The Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River-Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Fish Farming Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Fish Food Organisms A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Fish Genetics Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Fish Harvest Forty-First Annual Report (1910) 33-1911-1920 Forty-Second Annual Report (1911) 33-1912-1921 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Fish Harvests A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 Fish Kills The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Fish Ladders Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Fish Management A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 SUBJECT INDEX 131 Fish Managements Cont.) Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 33-1966-7541 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 33-1970-7830 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Fish Migration Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 The Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Atlantic Coast Migrations of Amer- ican Shad 01-1958-0342 Sighting of the Black Rudderfish 01-1966-7530 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakcfish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island ( Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Summary of Tags Released and Recovered for the Atlantic Men- haden, 1966-69 01-1971-3082 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Occurrence of a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-7520 First Record of the Southern Kingfish (Menticirrhus americanus) From Long Island, New York 33-1965-7521 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Fish Migrations Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Water Temperatures and Migration of American Shad 01-1971-3090 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Fish Parasites The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Fish Passages Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Fish Physiology Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Fish Population A List of the Fishes of New Jersey 01-1920-1922 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Fish Populations Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1933 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, NY. 01-1949-1923 Marine Fishes New to Long Island and Adjacent Waters 01-1949-1932 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 The Distribution of Common Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1951-0119 An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, I, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- 32 SUBJECT INDEX Fish Populations-(Cont.) veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1 ) 01-1963-0529 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakcfish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Notes on the Carangid Fishes of Long Island (USA) 01-1967-7540 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island (Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Eishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7531 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Fish Predators Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Fish Reproduction Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Fish Stocking A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Fish Survival Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Fish Taxonomy The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphoeroides trichocephalus (Cope) 01-1971-1227 Fish Types Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1854 01-1855-1914 The Fishes of Nantucket 01-1905-1935 Annotated List of Fishes Known To Inhabit the Waters of Rhode Island 01-1910-1941 Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1933 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 Marine Fishes New to Long Island and Adjacent Waters 01-1949-1932 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Fisher's Island Sound Occurrence of a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-7520 Fisheries Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy SUBJECT INDEX 133 Fisheries-(Cont) Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1236 10-1966-7781 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1161 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Forty-First Annual Report (1910) 33-1911-1920 Forty-Second Annual Report (1911) 33-1912-1921 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 The Sport Fisheries of Great South Bay and Vicinity 33-1962-7829 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 Symposium on Estuarine Fisheries, 94th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1964 33-1966-7541 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Rhode Island Experiments Produce More Lobsters 33-1970-1043 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 33-1970-7830 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 Fisheries History Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Fisheries Planning Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Fishers Island Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Fishers Island Sound Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Fishers' Island Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Fishing The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-141 1 New Jersey's Marine Sport Fishery 33-1955-0254 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 State's Fish Industry Plagued by Worst Year on Record 33-1970-1 137 Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 33-1970-7830 Fishing Gear The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Fishkill Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder ( Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 134 SUBJECT INDEX Fishkill-(Cont) A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Fjords Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Flanders Bay Peconic River-Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Flash Distillation An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Flatworms Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus cllipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 Floating (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 Floating Plants Drifting Algae 01-1914-1640 Flocculation Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Flood Control Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Report on Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1931-1549 Flood Damage The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 Flood Damages Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Flood Data A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Flood Flow A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Flood Forecasting Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1 110 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Flood Plain Zoning Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Flood Profiles A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Flood Protection Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Flood Rock Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Flood Walls Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Floodproofing New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 1-1971-3064 Floods The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 SUBJECT INDEX 135 Floods-(Cont.) Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 Flood walls South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Floodways Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Flora An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1917-1692 The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 Florida Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Florida State University Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Flotation (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 Flotsam Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-1971-1203 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 Flounder Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus, Population 01-1970-1116 Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Scrum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1130 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Flow Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March- April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Time-of-Travel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 136 SUBJECT INDEX Flow-(Cont.) Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Flow Augmentation Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Flow Characteristics Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7888 Flow Control Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Flow Measurement CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Flow Measurements Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Flow Profiles Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 Flow Rates Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins- Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Flowering Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 Fluctuations The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Fluid Mechanics Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Fluke Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish — 22-1967-7542 Fluorescence Bioluminescence in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Fluorescent Dye A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 Fluorescent Dyes The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Fluoresence Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Fluorides Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Fluorometry Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Flushing The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 Flushing Bay Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Flushing Bay Creek Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Flushing Meadows Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 SUBJECT INDEX 137 Fluvial Sediments A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Fluviatile Gravels The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 Fly Ash Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Fog United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 Folds (Geologic) The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Geology of New York— A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Plate Tectonics and Geomorphology 04-1973-7569 Food The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Shellfish Hatcheries—Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 Food Abundance The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1) 01-1963-0529 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3 A) 01-1963-0531 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 Food Chains Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 Eelgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Station 59 22-1970-1123 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Food Habits On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 38 SUBJECT INDEX Food Habits-(Cont.) Feeding Rates of Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at Controlled Water Temperatures and During Different Seasons of the Year 01-1970-1093 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Food Supply Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Food Webs Eclgrass —A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 Foraminifera On the Distribution of Foraminifera on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shore Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1850-0001 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 01-1968-0848 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-41 16 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Fordham Gneiss The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Forecasting Comparision of the Predicted With Observed Times and Heights of High and Low HOH at Sandy Hook 02-1890-1745 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-0114 Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-7011 Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 SUBJECT INDEX 139 Forecasting-( Cont. ) Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-0711 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1195 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1199 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 131 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Acrometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Foreign Trade Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Foreshore Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Forest Soils Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Forestry Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Forests Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1188 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 Forge River Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Forked River Nuclear Station The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Formations The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 Fort Monmouth Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Fossil Fuels Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 Fossil Plants Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Fossils Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Miscellaneous Fossils 04-1962-7602 Table Showing Distribution by For- mation of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7603 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Fossils of New Jersey 04-1965-7644 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Fouling Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms 01-1927-1632 The Significance of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 01-1935-1634 Marine Fouling Communities of Rhode Island 01-1963-7509 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Some Acoustic Properties of Marine Fouling 32-1947-1808 Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Fouling Discs Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 140 SUBJECT INDEX Foundation Investigations Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Foundation Rocks Die Geologische Geschichte des Bodens von Neu York 04-1939-1537 Foundations Evidence of the Stability of the Rock Foundations of New York City 04-1907-2024 Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-1911-1520 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 Piling Difficulties in the New York Area 04-1966-7696 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Fourier Analysis Report of the Harmonic Analysis of the Tides at Sandy Hook 02-1883-1707 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Fracture Permeability Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fractured-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Fractures (Geologic) Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fractured-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Free Surfaces Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 Freezing Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1130 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Frequency A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Maximum Station Precipitation for 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1873- 1955 03-1956-0284 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Barometric Pressure at New York City 03-1958-0350 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR- 16.0 KC/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1198 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Frequency Analysis Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1110 Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 Frequency-Smear Studies Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Fresh Water The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Freshwater The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 SUBJECT INDEX 141 Freshwater-(Cont. ) Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Freshwater Fish Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Annotated List of Fishes Known To Inhabit the Waters of Rhode Island 01-1910-1941 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey 01-1920-1922 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 Occurrence of a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-7520 Friction Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1176 Frigorimeters Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Fronts (Atmospheric) Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Frost The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Frost Action Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Frost Heaving Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Frost Protection The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Fucus senatus The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 Fuel Element Reprocessing Surveillance for Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere 21-1969-0965 Fuels Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1 194 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Fulgurite A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Functional Morphology Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Fundulus Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Fundulus heteroclitus Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Fundulus majalis Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 Furrows Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Future Planning (Projected) Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography ROD 02-1965-7794 Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 11-1965-7780 An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 11-1965-7810 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-7815 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 11, Oct.- 1 969 11-1969-7221 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Gages Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1180 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 142 SUBJECT INDEX Gaging Stations Density of Sea Water at Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Stations: Atlan- tic and Gulf Coasts. 03-1952-0175 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Gallionella The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Gametogenesis Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Gametogensis A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Gamma Rays Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 The Total Gamma Ray Activity of Sedimentary Rocks as Indicated by Geiger Counter Determinations 04-1944-2076 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Gammaridea The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 Garbage Dumps New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 Gardiner's Bay Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeaguc Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Gardiners Clay A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-41 16 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay ( New York) 04-1957-5019 Gardiners Island The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1917-1692 Garnet Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Garnets Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 Gas Chromatography Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Gases Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 Gastropods Catalogue of the Mollusca of Staten Island 01-1865-1405 Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Mullcr) 01-1964-0558 Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculars (Say) 01-1971-1205 Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) 01-1972-1206 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea (Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Cretaceous Gastropods of New Jersey 04-1962-7600 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Gates Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Geiger Counters The Total Gamma Ray Activity of Sedimentary Rocks as Indicated by Geiger Counter Determinations 04-1944-2076 Gem Clam Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Gemma gemma Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Gene Loci Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 Gene Pools Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and SUBJECT INDEX 143 Gene Pools-(Cont.) Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 General Newton Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Generators Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Genetics Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Shellfish Hatcheries--Prescnt and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 Geochemistry Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-41 19 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-2I0 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Geochronology Continental Shelf Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Geodetic Surveys Atlas of New Jersey 04-1889-2131 The Present Status of the Geodetic Work in the United States and Its Value to Geology 04-1923-1958 Geography The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 Geohydrologic Units Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 Geologic The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 Geologic Control The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Geologic Era Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Geologic Faults Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Geology of the Under-Rivcr Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Geologic Formation Geologic Age of the New York City Rocks 04-1945-1522 Geologic Formations The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 531-666 O - 74 - 10 144 SUBJECT INDEX Geologic Formations-(ConL) The Geological Section of the East River at Seventieth Street, New York 04-1895-1690 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 Description of State Geologic Map of 1901 04-1902-2050 The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Clays 04-1904-2034 The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-191 1-1502 The Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- tions of New Jersey 04-191 1-2031 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 The Quarternury Formations of Southern New Jersey 04-1917-2079 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 The (ieology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Continental Shell' Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 Marine Unconformities, Marine Con- glomerates and Thickness of Strata 04-1936-2109 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Die Geologische Geschichte des Bodens von Neu York 04-1939-1537 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Composition and Structure of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey 04-1940-2023 Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. -N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 Marine Topography of the Cape May Formation (New Jersey) 04-1943-2044 The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolitc Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-161 I Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Cenozoic Formations, a Discussion 04-1945-2068 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Studies on the Subsurface Geology and Paleontology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1948-2071 The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Mapping of Geological Formations and Aquifers of Long Island, N.Y. 04-1949-1445 Geologic Atlas of Long Island 04-1949-1538 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay (New York) 04-1957-5019 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 The Palisade Sill 04-1962-7606 lsotopic Age Study of the Mctamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 lsotopic Age Study, Dutchess County, New York 04-1962-7611 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Pre-Quaternary Geology of the Mount Holly Quadrangle, New Jersey 04-1964-7625 Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Pleistocene Geology of Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1964-7630 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 SUBJECT INDEX 145 Geologic Formations-(Cont.) Long Island 04-1965-7649 Quaternary Geology of New York 04-1965-7651 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Geology of New York-A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 Stratigraphic Names in the New Lon- don Area 04-1966-7713 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Statcn Island, New York 04-1966-7722 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Cretaceous and Tertiary Grccnsands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Paleocurrents and Sedimentology of the Schenectady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Geologic History On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-2011 The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Clays 04-1904-2034 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 146 SUBJECT INDEX Geologic History-(Cont.) Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Seismology and the Geological Ex- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 Die Geologischc Geschichte des Bodcns von Neu York 04-1939-1537 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Composition and Structure of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey 04-1940-2023 Geologic Age of the New York City Rocks 04-1945-1522 Orgin of Continental Shelves 04-1946-211 I Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 A Deep Fathogram Across the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1950-1982 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Isotopic Age Study, Dutchess County, New York 04-1962-7611 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Postglacial Change of Sea Level in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut 04-1964-7618 Pre-Quaternary Geology of the Mount Holly Quadrangle, New Jersey 04-1964-7625 Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Pleistocene Geology of Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1964-7630 Continental Shelf Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 Fossils of New Jersey 04-1965-7644 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Quaternary Geology of New York 04-1965-7651 Bibliography of New York Quaterna- ry Geology 04-1965-7652 Historical Note on Studies of New York Quaternary Geology 04-1965-7653 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 The Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 SUBJECT INDEX 147 Geologic History-(Cont-) Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1970-4030 Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Probable Holocene Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Retreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Submergence Curve Inferred from Plcistocenc/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 Paleotcmperature Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 Great Egg Buried Channel on the New Jersey Continental Shelf: A Possible Continuation of the Pleistocene Schuylkill River to Wilmington Canyon 04-1973-7567 Plate Tectonics and Geomorphology 04-1973-7569 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Geologic Investigations On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 The Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-7924 Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1951 04-1951-7929 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 148 SUBJECT INDEX Geologic Investigations-(Cont.) Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut-- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maltby Lakes Volcanics, New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1965-7637 Some Potential Mineral Resources of the Atlantic Continental Margin 04-1965-7639 Geology of the Continental Margin Off Eastern United States 04-1965-7640 Fossils of New Jersey 04-1965-7644 Long Island 04-1965-7649 Historical Note on Studies of New York Quaternary Geology 04-1965-7653 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Submersible and Side-Scan Sonar In- vestigation of the Central New Jersey Continental Shelf 04-1973-7568 Geologic Mapping Atlas of New Jersey 04-1889-2131 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 Description of State Geologic Map of 1901 04-1902-2050 Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 Description of the Passaic Quadran- gle New York; New Jersey 04-1908-1977 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 Report on Geological Mapping of Sedimentary Rocks (exclusive of Granville) and Glacial Areas in New York State 04-1939-2002 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 The Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-7924 Mapping of Geological Formations and Aquifers of Long Island, N.Y. 04-1949-1445 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 Ground- Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Pre-Quaternary Geology of the Mount Holly Quadrangle, New Jersey 04-1964-7625 Ground Water in New York 04-1964-7627 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Fossils of New Jersey 04-1965-7644 Long Island 04-1965-7649 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 Geologic Surveys Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 Report on Geological Mapping of Sedimentary Rocks (exclusive of Granville) and Glacial Areas in New York State 04-1939-2002 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Long Island 04-1965-7649 Geologic Time Studies on the Subsurface Geology and Paleontology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1948-2071 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 SUBJECT INDEX 149 Geologic Time-(Cont.) Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Pre-Quaternary Geology of the Mount Holly Quadrangle, New Jersey 04-1964-7625 Pleistocene Geology of Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1964-7630 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1970-4030 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Geologic Units The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 The Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-7924 Correlation of Metasediments in Southeastern New York 04-1941-2053 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 Stratigraphic Names in the New Lon- don Area 04-1966-7713 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 The Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Geological Investigations Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Geological Surveys Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 Description of State Geologic Map of 1901 04-1902-2050 The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 The Quarternary Formations of Southern New Jersey 04-1917-2079 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkecpsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 The Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-7924 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Mapping of Geological Formations and Aquifers of Long Island, N.Y. 04-1949-1445 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 Postglacial Stratigraphy and Morphology of Coastal Connecticut 04-1963-7631 Some Potential Mineral Resources of the Atlantic Continental Margin 04-1965-7639 Historical Note on Studies of New York Quaternary Geology 04-1965-7653 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Geological Time Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Geology The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 50 SUBJECT INDEX Geology-(Cont.) The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 04-1917-1598 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Post Glacial History of the Hudson River Valley 04-1891-2048 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 The Geological Section of the East River at Seventieth Street, New York 04-1895-1690 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 Description of State Geologic Map of 1901 04-1902-2050 The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey' Clays 04-1904-2034 Notes on the Preglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-15 1 1 Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, NY. 04-1909-1515 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 A real and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 The Tunnel Construction of the Hud- son and Manhattan Railroad Co. 04-1910-1978 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-1911-1502 The Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- tions of New Jersey 04-191 1-2031 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 The Quarternary Formations of Southern New Jersey 04-1917-2079 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 The Quarternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Certain Types of Sedimentation Now in Progress on or Near the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1924-2029 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 Origin and Environment of Source Sediments of Petroleum 04-1932-2107 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Gravity Anomalies in the United States 04-1936-1603 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation, 1937-8, Exhibit C; Papers Dealing With Sediments and Sedi- mentation Since 1933 04-1938-2096 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 Report on Geological Mapping of Sedimentary Rocks (exclusive of Granville) and Glacial Areas in New York State 04-1939-2002 Rocks of New York City 04-1940-1557 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 The Influence of Geology on the Con- struction of Rapid Transit Tunnels in the City of New York 04-1941-1516 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersey 04-1941-1627 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Correlation of Mctascdiments in Southeastern New York 04-1941-2053 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 Relation of Radioactivity, Organic Content, and Sedimentation 04-1945-2077 Orgin of Continental Shelves 04-1946-2111 A Further Study of the Terminal Moraine in the New York City Area ()4_I947- 1530 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Studies on the Subsurface Geology and Paleontology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1948-2071 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 SUBJECT INDEX 151 Geology-(Cont) The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Acroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Bibliography of New York Quaterna- ry Geology 04-1965-7652 Historical Note on Studies of New York Quaternary Geology 04-1965-7653 Geology of New York-A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 Older Paleozoic Metamorphism and Pegmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-771 1 Stratigraphic Names in the New Lon- don Area 04-1966-7713 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpcntinite 04-1970-4030 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Textural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Peekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-301 1 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 152 SUBJECT INDEX Geology-(Cont.) Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume 1, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 11-1973-7989 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-1119 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Geology History Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Geomagnetic Fields Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 Geometry Geometry and Devclopement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Geomorphology The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Submarine Valleys Off the American Coast and in the North Atlantic 04-1903-1534 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 Lineaments of the Atlantic Border Region 04-1904-2006 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-15 14 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 The Quarternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 American Submarine Canyons 04-1934-2084 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Hudson (Jorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsic to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04- 1 939- 1517 Hurricane Modification of the Off- Shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 The Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-7924 The Floor of the Ocean; New Light on Old Mysteries 04-1942-1975 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 A Deep Fathogram Across the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1950-1982 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Seamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Postglacial Stratigraphy and Morphology of Coastal Connecticut 04-1963-7631 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Geometry and Devclopement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches 04-1964-0574 SUBJECT INDEX 153 Geomorphology-(Cont.) Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Postglacial Change of Sea Level in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut 04-1964-7618 Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island . 04-1967-0735 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-41 10 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-41 I I Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-41 13 Probable Holocene Transgressive Ef- fects on the Gcomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Submersible and Side-Scan Sonar In- vestigation of the Central New Jersey Continental Shelf 04-1973-7568 Plate Tectonics and Geomorphology 04-1973-7569 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-7671 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Geophysics The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 04-1917-1598 Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Results of Magnetic Observations, 191 1-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution ol Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 United States Magnetic Tables and Magnetic Charts for 1915 04-1915-1617 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Condition of the Earth's Crust and the Earlier American Gravity Obser- vations 04-1922-2065 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Gravity Anomalies in the United States 04-1936-1603 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Northeastern United States 04-1938-1608 Geophysical Exploration of Ocean Basins 04-1938-1997 Report on the Work of the Interna- tional Commission on Continental and Oceanic Structures 04-1938-1998 Gravitational Determination of Deep- seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders - Observations and Methods 04-1938-2098 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Report of the Special Committee on Geophysical and Geological Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1939-1984 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 Gravitational Determination of Deep- Scated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 A Comparison of Magnetic, Seismic and Gravitational Profiles Across the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1626 154 SUBJECT INDEX Geophysics-(Cont.) Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersey 04-1941-1627 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 A Theory of the Distribution of Radioactivity in Marine Sedimentary Rocks 04-1942-2134 Geologic Correlation of Areal Gravitational and Magnetic Studies in New Jersey and Vicinity 04-1943-1628 Results of Detailed Reflection Profile in New York 04-1943-1629 The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolite Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-1611 The Total Gamma Ray Activity of Sedimentary Rocks as Indicated by Geigcr Counter Determinations 04-1944-2076 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-1947-1986 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-195 3-0212 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Geology of the Continental Margin Off Eastern United States 04-1965-7640 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Low Frequency Magnetotelluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Georges Bank Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Geostrophic Wind The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-0811 Geostrophic Winds The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Geosynclines Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Continental Margins and Geosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Geothermal Studies Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York State 24-1969-0958 Geryon quinquedens The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Glacial Ages Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Glacial Aquifers Hydrogcology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Glacial Drift On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 SUBJECT INDEX 155 Glacial Drift-(Cont) Further Light on the Gorge of the Hudson 04-1910-2028 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 Report on Geological Mapping of Sedimentary Rocks (exclusive of Granville) and Glacial Areas in New York State 04-1939-2002 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 A Further Study of the Terminal Moraine in the New York City Area 04-1947-1530 Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments--World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Retreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton. New York 04-1973-7559 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-75 70 Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 Glacial Sediments Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-1911-1502 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 The Quarternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Engineering Geology (5th Ed. ) 04-1936-2072 Report on Geological Mapping of Sedimentary Rocks (exclusive of Granville) and Glacial Areas in New York State 04-1939-2002 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 A Further Study of the Terminal Moraine in the New York City Area 04-1947-1530 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Paleotemperature Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 Glaciation The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Retreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 Glaciers The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 The Quarternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 156 SUBJECT INDEX Glaciers-(Cont.) A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 Glaciology The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Glands Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1 103 Glastonbury Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Glastonbury Gneiss Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Glen Cove List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 Glenodinium halli Glcnodinium halli n.sp. and Gyrodini- um instriatum n.sp., Dinoflagellatcs From New York Waters 01-1963-7084 Gneiss Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Gnotobiotic Culture Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1 129 Gonads Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-0611 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Goniaulax sp. Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 Gonyaulax scrippsae Bioluminescence in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 Goose Creek A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 Gorges Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 Government Supports Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7211 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Governmental Interrelations The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Governments City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 Gowanus Bay Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Gowanus Creek Channel Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 Gracilaria A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Gradients (Streams) Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Grading South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 SUBJECT INDEX 157 Granites An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Granities Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 G ran u lorn etric Analysis Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Grasses The Biology of Eelgrass 01-1968-0827 Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina. Cover 04-1970-1100 Grasslands Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Gravels Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 Geological Notes: I. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 New Jersey Offshore Gravel Deposit 04-1964-5058 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Ncarshorc Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1 970- 1 40 1 Gravesend Bay Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Gravimeters Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 Gravimetric Geodesy Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Gravimetry The Tendency of Methods for the Measurement of the Force of Gravity on the Ocean 02-1901-1606 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolite Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-1611 Gravity The Tendency of Methods for the Measurement of the Force of Gravity on the Ocean 02-1901-1606 Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Gravity Anomalies The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 04- l 1917-1598 Gravity Anomalies in the United States 04-1936-1603 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Northeastern United States 04-1938-1608 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolite Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-1611 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Gravity Studies The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 04-H917-1598 The Tendency of Methods for the Measurement of the Force of Gravity on the Ocean 02-1901-1606 Condition of the Earth's Crust and the Earlier American Gravity Obser- vations 04-1922-2065 The Present Status of the Geodetic Work in the United States and Its Value to Geology 04-1923-1958 Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Gravity Anomalies in the United States 04-1936-1603 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Gravity Measurements on the U.S.S. Barracuda 04-1937-1599 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Northeastern United States 04-1938-1608 Gravitational Determination of Deep- seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders Observations and Methods 04-1938-2098 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Gravitational Determination of Deep- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 A Comparison of Magnetic, Seismic and Gravitational Profiles Across the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1626 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersey 04-1941-1627 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Geologic Correlation of A real Gravitational and Magnetic Studies in New Jersey and Vicinity 04-1943-1628 The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolite Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-161 I North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid- Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 158 SUBJECT INDEX Gravity Studies-(Cont.) Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Gravity Waves Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1198 Great Bay Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Great Egg Harbor Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of 1887 01-1887-1915 Great Kills Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Great Lakes Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Great South Bay Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorclla sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1 96 1 01-1963-0523 Periodicity of Algal Colonization in Great South Bay, New York During the Summer of 1 962 01-1963-751 1 Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay U 1-1964-0586 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Recent Sedimentation in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7599 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Pcconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 The Sport Fisheries of Great South Bay and Vicinity 33-1962-7829 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 SUBJECT INDEX 159 Great Swamp Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Streamflow During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Green Hill A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Greenport Harbor Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Grey Snapper Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Groins Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Groins (Structures) Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Ground Water Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Ground-Based Detectors 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 Groundfish Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 33-1970-7830 Groundwater Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-1701 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Ground Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region 04-1928-1540 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region ( New Jersey ) 04-1936-7881 Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-78X9 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Ground Watc" "roblems i" New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 195 1 04-1951-7929 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island--A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island. '956 04-i ,57-/872 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 531-666 O - 74 - 11 160 SUBJECT INDEX Groundwater-(Cont.) Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April I960 04-1960-7868 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island. Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York. With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fracturcd-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1956-1959 04-1967-5033 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1965-66 04-1967-7732 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Genese des Sols ct Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in I 959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-4114 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-Injection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Contamination of Ground Water by Detergents in a Suburban Environ- ment; South Farmingdale Area, Long Island, New York 22-1964-7623 Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Health Department Surveillance of Ground Water Quality 22-1968-4135 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 Chemical Pollution of Waters; a Modern Hydra 22-1970-1436 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 The Distribution of Gallionclla sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 SUBJECT INDEX 161 Groundwater Availability Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-795 1 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York--A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-79 16 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-79 17 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1 95 1 04-1951-7929 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-791 I Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April 1960 04-1960-7868 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, NY. 04-1962-0488 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1964-7628 162 SUBJECT INDEX Groundwater Availability-(Cont.) The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1956-1959 04-1967-5033 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Groundwater Barriers Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Groundwater Basins Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York--A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island. New York 04_|959-791 I Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-79 12 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April I960 04-1960-7868 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-196 1-7908 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Ground Water in New York 04-1964-7627 Groundwater Contamination Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Groundwater Movement Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York-A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-791 1 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-4114 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent-a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Groundwater Potential Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 SUBJECT INDEX 163 Groundwater Potential-(Cont.) Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Groundwater Recharge A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-41 14 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-lnjection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogcology 04-1973-7566 Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Groundwater Resources Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-1701 Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Ground Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region 04-1928-1540 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Depiction of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Salinity of Ground Water in Rivcr- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1951 04-1951-7929 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island--A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Watcr Resources 04-1953-7866 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- 164 SUBJECT INDEX Groundwater Resources-(Cont) mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-791 1 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group ( Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts- Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth Countv, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Ground Water in New York 04-1964-7627 Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1964-7628 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1956-1959 04-1967-5033 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1965-66 04-1967-7732 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Genese des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-Injection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Growth Rates Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Hcrrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 SUBJECT INDEX 65 Growth Rates-(Cont.) The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island ( Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis ( M itch ill ) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthie Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx einerea (Say) 01-1972-1206 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Growth Stages Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say) 01-1971-1205 Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livello Em- brionalc in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidae) 01-1972-3088 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 The Distribution of Gallionclla sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island ( Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-75 31 Grunts Sound Production in the Hacmulidae 01-1930-1770 Guidebooks Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Gulf of Maine Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 Gulf of Mexico Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Gulf Coastal Plain Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 Gulf Stream The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 Progress in the Investigation of Sur- face Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1932-1858 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 Gulls Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Gusts Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Gymnodinium Dinoflagellates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 166 SUBJECT INDEX Gyrodinium instriatum Glenodinium halli n.sp. and Gyrodini- um instriatum n.sp., Dinoflagellates From New York Waters 01-1963-7084 Habitability Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 Habitat Improvement An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Habitats Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 Habits and Life History of the Diatoms 01-1941-1654 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1965-0614 Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 The Sponge-Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-4081 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Hackcnsack River Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 1, Oct. -1969 1 1-1969-7221 MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackcnsack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Haddock Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Haemulidae Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Hail Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Halargyreus johnsonii The Morid Fish Halargyreus johnsonii From the New York Bight 01-1970-1076 Halibut Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Halichoanolaimus raritanensis Halichoanolaimus raritanensis New Species (Chromadoroidea: Cyatholaimidae) From New Jersey 01-1966-7523 Hallets Point Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Halophytes The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Hamilton Formation Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Harbor Moraines Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Harbors Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB1970-1 1 13 Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of 1 887 01-1887-1915 Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Table of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-2112 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 SUBJECT INDEX 67 Harbors-(Cont.) The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Postglacial Change of Sea Level in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut 04-1964-7618 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Port of New York Authority 1 1-1936-1945 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 11-1957-7206 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 1 1-1966-7783 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 Pollutiom of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 The Area of Water Surface as a Con- trolling Factor in the Condition of Polluted Harbor Waters 22-1921-1897 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Pollution Survey Sampling of New York Harbor 22-1956-0280 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1968-0852 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1 126 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1 143 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1 153 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-1971-1203 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 168 SUBJECT INDEX Harbors-(Cont.) The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-lgnition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 The Physical Phenomena of Harbor Entrances, Their Causes and Remedies; Defects of Present Methods of Improvement 32-1887-1708 Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, NY. 32-1908-21 16 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- sct Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination of Rivers and Harbors: Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-1711 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 New Offshore Station for N.Y. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Harbors New York Nixon Is Urged To Push Cleanup of Harbor Here 22-1970-1149 Hardness Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Hardness (Water) Water and Waste Water Analysis, II; Chemical Compounds, Degrees of Hardness 22-1969-0978 Harland Formation Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Harlem River Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 SUBJECT INDEX 169 Harlem River-(Cont) Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-1911-1543 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Report on Examination of Harlem River, New York, To Determine Per- missibility of Fixed Bridges 32-1927-1589 Harlem River Channel Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Hartford Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Harvesting A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barncgat Bay 01-1964-7517 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 33-1971-3092 Hatteras Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Hazards Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Haze An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 Headland Bay Beaches Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches 04-1964-0574 Headlands Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches 04-1964-0574 Heart Rate Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Heat Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Heat exchange Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Heat Budget Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Heat Exchangers Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Heat Flow Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Heat Islands Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Heat Resistance Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 Heat Sources Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Heat Transfer Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Heat Waves Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Heated Water Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Calefaction of a River 24-1970-2355 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Heating On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Heating Degree Day Data What Will the Winter Be in New York City? 03-1955-0269 Heavy Metals Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Lead in a Connecticut Salt Marsh 04-1971-7584 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight-Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 Station 59 22-1970-1 123 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 70 SUBJECT INDEX Heavy Metals-(Cont.) The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 Heavy Minerals A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Height Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhavcn National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Helderbergian Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Hele-Shaw Models Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Heliostat Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Hellgate A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Hellgatc's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate,N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Helminths Halichoanolaimus raritanensis New Species (Chromadoroidea: Cyatholaimidae) From New Jersey 01-1966-7523 Hematological Responses Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Hemitripterus americanus The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Hemolymph Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrca virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 Hempstead Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. I 1 236 10-1966-7781 Town of Hempstead V. Occanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Herricks Pond A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Herrings Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Heterotrophic Bacteria Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 High Water Mark On the Determination of Mean High Water 02-1933-1723 Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Highlands Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 Highway Effects Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 Highways Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 Hindcasting Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Histological Responses Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Histology Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 History The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission (1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 SUBJECT INDEX 171 History-(Cont.) Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940hl959 02-1972-7024 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 Post Glacial History of the Hudson River Valley 04-1891-2048 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Condition of the Earth's Crust and the Earlier American Gravity Obser- vations 04-1922-2065 The Present Status of the Geodetic Work in the United States and Its Value to Geology 04-1923-1958 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 A Study of Barncgat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Recent Results of Suboccanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 Vegetational History of a New Jersey Tidal Marsh, Bog, and Vicinity 04-1964-7516 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Historical Note on Studies of New York Quaternary Geology 04-1965-7653 Hellgatc's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Milestones in the Development of the Activated Sludge Process 22-1965-0622 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1894-1442 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 State's Fish Industry Plagued by Worst Year on Record 33-1970-1137 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 Holland Tunnel The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Holocene A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Holocentrus ascensionis A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Holoplankton Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Homarus americanus The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinqucdens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Sonic Tag for Large Decapod Crustaceans 01-1970-1090 Hornblende Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Hornblende Granulite Facies Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Hornblende Schists Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Hornerstown The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 Horseshoe Cove Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Horseshoe Cove Shoreline Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Horsrshoe Cove Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Hosts Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Housatonic Highlands Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Hudson Canyon Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Hudson Channel Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Hudson River The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 Plants From the Estuary of the Hud- son River 01-1935-1699 Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 1 01-1965-7227 172 SUBJECT INDEX Hudson River-(Cont) Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 2 01-1966-7226 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 3 01-1968-7225 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-01 17 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 The Hudson River Estuary, Hydrolo- gy, Sediments and Pollution 02-1966-0674 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Post Glacial History of the Hudson River Valley 04-1891-2048 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Submarine Valleys Off the American Coast and in the North Atlantic 04-1903-1534 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 Notes on the Preglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, N.Y. 04-1909-1515 Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 Further Light on the Gorge of the Hudson 04-1910-2028 The Storm King Crossing of the Hud- son River by the New Catskill Aqueduct of New York City 04-1912-1875 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Landslides in Unconsolidated Sedi- ments; With a Description of Some Occurrences in the Hudson Valley 04-1916-1529 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 The Mctamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkccpsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and Congo Valley 04-1939-1597 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolitc Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-1611 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-0211 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 SUBJECT INDEX 173 Hudson River-(Cont.) The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Gcochemical Properties Between Kingston and Havcrstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 The Hudson River 04-1969-1007 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-721 1 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 1 1-1969-7203 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 I, Oct. -1969 I 1-1969-7221 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Study of Seawatcr Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 114 Study of Seawatcr Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Report on Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1931-1549 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Improvement of Hudson River by Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Hudson River Channel Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Hudson River Estuary The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Hudson River Expressway Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 Hudson Rivers Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Hudson Valley The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolite Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-161 1 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Hudson-Adirondack Project The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Human Diseases Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Pollutiom of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House 174 SUBJECT INDEX Human Diseases-(Cont.) Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Human Ecology Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Bioclimatic Orientation Method for Buildings 03-1967-0816 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 11-1970-1164 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention; Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Gray Sky; ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Human Population Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1 970- 1181 New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1159 Humic Acids Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Humidity Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Humus Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Hunt River Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April 1960 04-1960-7868 Huntington Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Huntington Harbor A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Hurricane Able Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Hurricane Carol Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Hurricane Connie Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Hurricane Diane Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Hurricane Donna New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Hurricane Edith Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Hurricane Edna Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Hurricane Hazel Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Hurricanes Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1 110 SUBJECT INDEX 175 Hurricanes-(Cont.) United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 1956 Hurricane Map, Compiled From Authentic Data Furnished by the United States Weather Bureau, Show- ing All Tropical Storms of Hurricane Intensity for the Past Five Years ( 195 1-1955 incl.) 03-1956-0283 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 The Storm Surge Problem in New- York City 03-1957-0310 Maximum Hurricane Winds 03-1957-0314 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to-Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment ) 04-1971-3062 Hybridization A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish. Asterias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 Hydration Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Hydraulic Conductivity Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Hydraulic Models Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents. Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-1970-7578 Hydraulic Properties Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac - Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Genese des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 Hydraulic Structures Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 Hydraulic Transportation Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 Hydraulics A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fractured-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Submersible and Side-Scan Sonar In- vestigation of the Central New Jersey Continental Shelf 04-1973-7568 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 531-666 O - 74 - 12 176 SUBJECT INDEX Hydrobiology Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 Hydrocarbons Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume I; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Hydrodynamics Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 Hydmdynamic Patterns in l.otic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- m a to logical Implications 02-1972-3036 Hydroelectric Plants Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Hydroelectric Power Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 I -197 I -3064 Report on Hudson River. NY. 32-193 1-1549 Hydrogen Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 2 I- 1 972-7685 Hydrogen Ion Concentration The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical. Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of C'oaslal Resources 1-1970-2219 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 Hydrogeology A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Artesian-Well Prospects in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain Region 04-1896-7896 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Say brook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- ficed, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 The Mctamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937.7304 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island. New York 04-1937-7951 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04_|t)38-79 14 Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1, Theory 04-1944-7916 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-194S-7884 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1 95 1 04-1951-7929 Great South Bay-Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainvicw, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- SUBJECT INDEX 177 Hydrogeology-(Cont.) mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-791 1 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April 1960 04-1960-7868 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts- Rhode Island. Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island. 1957 04-1960-7906 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Position of the Salt-Water Body in the MagothyC?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-lslip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Cieology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island. New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-7791 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Hydrology of the Babylon-lslip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1964-7622 Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Ground Water in New York 04-1964-7627 Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7718 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1956-1959 04-1967-5033 Hvdrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic- Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-197 1-412 1 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-41 14 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 1 1-1968-0845 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in 78 SUBJECT INDEX Hydrogeology-(Cont-) the Sayrevillc Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Hydrography The Distribution of Common Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1951-01 19 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0670 Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-195 1-01 17 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and lis Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Transparency (by White Sccchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 I he 'Normal' Flushing lime and Half-life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 The Steady-Slate Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 195 1 02-1951-0145 The Transparency by Black and White Sccchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 The Transparency, by Black and White Sccchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry ami Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1 124 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1170 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 Hydrographic Factors Involved in Dispersion of Pollutants Introduced Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-1876 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 Hydrologic Aspects Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and SUBJECT INDEX 179 Hydrologic Aspects-(Cont.) Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Hydrologic Budget Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Hydrologic Cycle Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 Hydrologic Data Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drill Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments ( 1962-63) 02-1966-0683 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-195 1-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-195 1-7787 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1964-7622 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-307 2 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65. Part 1 ; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Hydrologic Models A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Hydrologic Properties Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Hydrology The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.j' 00-1969-0945 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-195I-7XOO Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 The Hudson River Estuary, Hydrolo- gy, Sediments and Pollution 02-1966-0674 Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-779 1 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1964-7622 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a FYactured-Shule Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Gcnese des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River. Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 180 SUBJECT INDEX Hydrology-(Cont) Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-197 1-4039 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters Erom Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-41 14 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York I 1-1957-77X4 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 1 1-1973-7989 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-l9h2-0456 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau Counts, New York 22-1970-4134 Project Ross 22-197 1-2357 Annual Report. Fiscal Year 1970- 197 1 22-1971-3002 ( alclaction of a River 24-1970-2355 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Hydrometers Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Hydrometry ( Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 Hydrophones Fish Talk (Sounds Made by Fish Are Picked Up by an Underwater Microphone for Viewing With C-R Oscilloscope) 01-1944-1807 Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Hygrometry Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant 1 he Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage 'treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Hypolimnion The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 lec 1 ime Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Pcriglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03- 1 967-0806 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency anil Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Ice Cover Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Ice Floes Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Ice Jams Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 1-1971-3064 Ice-Cemented Sand Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Identification Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Idlewild Airport Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 43 31. 03-1962-0498 Igneous Rocks The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Cieology of New Jersey Revised by Henrv B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 SUBJECT INDEX 181 Igneous Rocks-(Cont. ) The Palisade Sill 04-1962-7606 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maltby Lakes Volcanics, New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1965-7637 Geology of New York— A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Older Paleozoic Metamorphism and Pcgmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pclham Buy Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City Universitv of New York 04-1970-4014 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood- Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Textural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Pcekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Rcmobilization 04-1972-7765 C'linohronzitc in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Impact (Rainfall) Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-195 1-0166 Impaired Water Quality Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island. New York 22-1962-7608 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-76 13 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Import Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Impoundments Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Incineration Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 The Control- of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-1971-1203 Indexes Preliminary Bibliography With KW1C Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States 02-1965-7062 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Indian Point The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Indicators Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshorc Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-12 19 Indurations Heavy Mineral Concentration and Saslrugi-Likc Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Industrial Crops An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 11-1965-7810 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Industrial Plants An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 1 1-1965-7780 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in NY. -N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Industrial Aspects of Organisms Found in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Staten Island 22-1944-1980 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 1 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Industrial Production An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 1 1-1965-7780 An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 1 1-1965-7810 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Cias and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 Industrial Wastes New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report '(12-1971-2222 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement ) 1 1-1971-3046 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 182 SUBJECT INDEX Industrial Wastes-(Cont.) River Pollution 22-1959-0676 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 I 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-147 1-2213 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Sunimer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1 135 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Industrial Water Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Industries The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-7815 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 1 1-1969-7203 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Infant Mortality Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Infection 1 he Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Infiltration Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 Inflow Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Streamflow During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Information Function Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Information Retrieval Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 11-1972-4089 Infrared Radiation Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Infrasonic Sounding Techniques Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Inhibitors Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Injection Wells Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-77 18 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent— a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge vVeh at Bay 1 ,.rk. Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Injunction (Prohibitory) Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-305 7 SUBJECT INDEX 183 Inland Depression Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Inland Waterways Forty-First Annual Report ( 1910) 33-1911-1920 Forty-Second Annual Report (1911) 33-1912-1921 Inlet Filling Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Inlets A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Inlets (Waterways) Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnccock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-41 I 1 Sand Body Orated hv Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay. Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Insect Control Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Insecticides Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Insects Pollutiom of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Inshore Waters A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 Insolation On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Inspection New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Instrumentation Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Gravity Measurements on the U.S.S. Barracuda 04-1937-1599 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1 126 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-1971-1203 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Instruments An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Insurance An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Intake Noise Attentuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Intakes Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 Intensity Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 184 SUBJECT INDEX Inter-agency Cooperation Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Inter-Basin Transfers Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Interception Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Interfaces The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Internal Boundary Theory Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 International Law Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Interstate Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Interstate Rivers Biological Results in; Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Pjojcct Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Interstate Sanitation Commission Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Interstate Sanitation District A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-171 I Interstices Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of I.agoonal, Deltaic, River. Estuarine. and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal. Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Intertidal Areas Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 An Application of Rcflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Intracoastal Waterway The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Invariant Characters The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium ( Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Invertebrates Catalogue of the Mollusca of Staten Island 01-1865-1405 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 The Sponge— Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-408 1 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardincrs Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Table Showing Distribution by For- mation of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7603 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Investigations Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-J 947- 1986 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Inwood Marble The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Cieology of the City of New York 04-1909-15 11 Areal and Structural Cieology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Ciroup of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 SUBJECT INDEX 85 Inwood Marble-(Cont) Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Iodine Radioisotopes Effect of Fall-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 131 21-1963-0544 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 131 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Ion Concentration Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Ion Exchange Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in l.inslev Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Ion Transport Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0 173 Ionization The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-195 3-0201 Ionization Balance The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 Ionograms Structure and Variation of lopsitle Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth. New Jer- sey. During the Eclipse 03-1970-1 174 Ionosphere Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Ions A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Iron Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-78 17 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-77 1 1 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 The Iron Content of Sediment Sam- ples in New York Bight Obtained During R.V. Carvn Cruise 108, Oct. 19-24. 1956 22-1956-0275 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 Aquatic Life Water Oualily Criteria 22-1960-0380 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Iron Compounds Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Iron Oxide The Limonitc Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Irrigation Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 Report on Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1931-1549 Irrigation Efficiency Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Irrigation Engineering Report on Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1931-1549 Irrigation Water Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 Irrigation Wells Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-79 13 Irvington Harbor Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Island Long Island Water Resources 1 1-1970-1 1 12 Island Beach Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Island Beach State Park Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Islands The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's 186 SUBJECT INDEX IsIands-(Cont.) Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1917-1692 Collecting Algae on Statcn Island 01-1941-1641 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1964-7628 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 An Atlas of Long Island's Water Resources 22-1968-0877 Islip Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, lor the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Hydrology of the Babylon-lslip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-196 1-7946 Isobars The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1199 Isochrones The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Isohyets Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Isolation Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Isopach Maps Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Isopleths Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-01 I 1 Isopods Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira pracgustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Isostacy Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Isostasy Condition of the Earth's Crust and the Earlier American Gravity Obser- vations 04-1922-2065 Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Isotachs The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Isotherms Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Isotope Ratios Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Isotope Studies Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 Isotropy Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Jamaica Bay Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 A Water-Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, NY. 32-1908-21 17 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 SUBJECT INDEX 187 James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Powerplant The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 James River New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 Jamestown Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 January Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Japan Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Jelly Fish Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narrugansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Jellyfish Lactate and Succinate Oxidorcduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Jerusalem On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Jet Stream Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Jet Streams Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 John F. Kennedy Airport A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Joint Probability Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1 1 10 Jones Inlet A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 Jones' Salt Marsh The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 Judicial Decisions Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Lockcd Bay) 10-1932-3040 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceansidc Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Jurisdiction Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Juvenile Fish The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1 ) 01-1963-0529 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuroncctcs americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus hetcroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1 966-0665 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island ( Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7531 The Use of Salt-Water Coves as Winter Flounder Nursery Grounds (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7532 Kaolinite Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Kelps Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria 01-1900-1696 Kennedy Airport Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Kerosene Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Kill Van Kull Industrial Aspects of Organisms Found in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Staten Island 22-1944-1980 Killifishes Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 Kinetics Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 88 SUBJECT INDEX Kinetics-(Cont.) The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Kingfish First Record of the Southern Kingfish ( Menticirrhus americanus) From Long Island, New York 33-1965-7521 Kings County Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Kirkwood Formation Late Tertiary Paleoclimatc of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Knolls Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 Krinsley An Application of Rcflectcd-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-197 1-1229 Krypton Radioisotopes Surveillance lor Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere 21-1969-0965 Kyphosis Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-197 1-3081 La Guardia Airport Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urhan Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Laboratories H ask ins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Laboratory Animals Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Laboratory Cultivation Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Eoraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Laboratory Tests Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Labrid Fishes Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Labyrinthula The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozomes Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Lactophrys triqueter Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Lafayette Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Lagoons A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey) 04-1935-1564 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Lagrangian Coordinates A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 Lagrangian Tracers Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Lake Meadow A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Lake Ronkonkoma Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 Lakes A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Laminaria Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria 01-1900-1696 Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 Lamprophyric Dikes Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York Citv 04-1943-1969 Lantefitld's Group D. Streptococci Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield"s Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Land Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Land Clearing Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 SUBJECT INDEX 189 Land Development The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 Land Forming Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Land Management Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 11-1973-7989 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 Land Reclamation Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Land Resources Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 11-1973-7989 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level I 1-1973-7990 Land Subsidence On a Subsidence of Land on the Seaeoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 A Study of Bamcgat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Land Tenure Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Land Use Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeologv 04-1973-7566 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 11-1969-0985 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Landfalling Storms Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Landfill Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Landfills New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02- 197 I -2222 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey ( Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment ) 04-1971-3062 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project ( Draft Environmental Impact State- ment ) 32-1972-3054 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Landslides Landslides in Unconsolidated Sedi- ments; With a Description of Some Occurrences in the Hudson Valley 04-1916-1529 Lapse Rate A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-081 1 Larchmont Harbor Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1571 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Larvae On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01-1950-0098 Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast OM964-7525 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus hcteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 The Retention of Lamellibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Larval Growth Stage Ihe Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval nematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Reproduction ami Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 190 SUBJECT INDEX Late Cayugan Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Law Enforcement Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1236 10-1966-7781 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Water Pollution Control—Permits for New Discharges-Hearing 1 1-1971-3058 Lawrence Marsh An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Layering Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 LaGuardia Airport Objective Mesoscalc Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1 195 Lead The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Lead in a Connecticut Salt Marsh 04-1971-7584 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1 175 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Trace Metals-Fallout in New York City 2 1-1971-2268 Lead-2 1 2 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City '21-1972-1240 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Lead Radioisotopes Lead-2 12 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Leeches Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Legal Aspects Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1236 10-1966-7781 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Ocean ward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Town of Hempstead V. Oceansidc Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 11-1967-2209 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 11-1971-3058 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 11-1971-3061 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 1 1-1972-5083 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Legal Review Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 1 1-1971-3061 Legislation Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 SUBJECT INDEX 19! Legislation-(Cont. ) People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State— First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1236 10-1966-7781 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Spicgle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Occanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 1 1-1968-0845 Water Pollution Control—Permits for New Discharges-Hearing I 1-1971-3058 Waters-Permits for New Discharges I 1-1971-3061 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area—A Summary '22-1970-1 125 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Leptorhy nchoides thecatus Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Levees Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Lido Beach Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Life Cycles Habits and Life History of the Diatoms 01-1941-1654 On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus cdulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say) 01-1971-1205 Life History Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus a/tecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Life History Studies A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say) 01-1971-1205 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Light Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacca 01-1969-7121 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Light Intensity Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur. ) Hariot Subsp. Tomcn- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 The Transparency (by While Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 Evaluation of Several Multi Transmis- so meter Systems 03-1966-0704 Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Light Penetration Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 531-666 O - 74 - 13 192 SUBJECT INDEX Light Penetration-(Cont.) Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Light Water Reactors Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Lighting Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Lightning Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Lightning Arresters Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Lightships The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Limanda ferruginea Decline of the Ycllowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Limestones Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Limnology A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Limonite The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Limpets Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Limulus Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Lincoln Tunnel The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. -N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Linsley Pond Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Lironeca ovalis Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Lithification Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Lithosphere Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Litter Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Little Compton Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 11-1973-7990 Little Gull Channel Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Littoral Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1 854 01-1855-1914 On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Contribution a l'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island (Etat de New York) 04-1958-5022 Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Littoral Drift Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 SUBJECT INDEX 193 Littoral Drift-( Cont.) Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1101 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-41 1 1 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Littoral Zone Contribution a I'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island (Etat de New York ) 04-1958-5022 Lloyd Sand Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 Lloyds Sand Member Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Lobsters The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Sonic Tag for Large Decapod Crustaceans 01-1970-1090 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Rhode Island Experiments Produce More Lobsters 33-1970-1043 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Local Governments State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Ocean vvard of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Report of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York 11-1912-1905 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 11-1973-7990 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Locating Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1 150 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Locks New Shinnccock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Logging (Recording) Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barncgat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Deep Wells Along the Atlantic Coast 04-1945-2069 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Logrithmic Velocity Profile Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Loligo peali Winter Population of Loligo peali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Long Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Long Branch Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 Long Isalnd Sound Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 Long Island The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 The Mammals of Long Island, New York 00-1971-7583 List of Algae Growing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 Checklist of the Marine Algae Based on Specimens Collected on the Shores of Long Island From 1839 to 1885 01-1886-1663 Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 194 SUBJECT INDEX Long Island-(Cont.) Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 Additions to the Flora of Long Island 01-1904-1688 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1917-1692 The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 A Biological Survey of the Salt Waters of Long Island 01-1939-1733 Marine Algae From Long Island, N.Y. 01-1940-1667 Plankton Studies, III; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 Marine Fishes New to Long Island and Adjacent Waters 01-1949-1932 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore— Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Notes on the Carangid Fishes of Long Island (USA) 01-1967-7540 The Biology of Eclgrass 01-1968-0827 Occurrence of the Bigcye in Long Island Waters 01-1968-0835 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island ( Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 SUBJECT INDEX 195 Long Island-(Cont.) Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-1931-1716 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-0114 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-0114 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 On a Dye Diffusion Experiment Off Long Island 02-1964-0557 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography ROD 02-1965-7794 A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 On a Subsidence of Land on the Seacoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-1701 Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 196 SUBJECT INDEX Long Island-(Cont.) Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Mapping of Geological Formations and Aquifers of Long Island, NY. 04-1949-1445 Geologic Atlas of Long Island 04-1949-1538 The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1 95 1 04-1951-7929 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Water-Levcl and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island. New York 04-1953-7902 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- Water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay (New York) 04-1957-5019 Contribution a l'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island (Etat de New York) 04-1958-5022 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-501 1 Position of the Salt-Water Body in the Magothy(?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, NY. 04-1961-0414 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Pleistocene Geology of Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1964-7630 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Long Island 04-1965-7649 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcretc at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 SUBJECT INDEX 197 Long Island-(Cont.) The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7718 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Gencse des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 The Gardincrs Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy; Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4111 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-4114 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Paleotemperature Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 1 1-1965-7780 An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 11-1965-7810 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-7811 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-2203 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-7815 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 1 1-1968-0845 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 1 1-1970-1052 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 1 1-1970-1 127 Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 1 1-1972-4089 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 11-1972-7579 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 198 SUBJECT INDEX Long Island-(Cont.) The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-0911 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Contamination of Ground Water by Detergents in a Suburban Environ- ment; South Farmingdale Area, Long Island, New York 22-1964-7623 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Artificial- Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 An Atlas of Long Island's Water Resources 22-1968-0877 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Quality Standards for the Coastal Waters of Long Island, New York 22-1970-7577 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-1970-7578 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. I ; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 SUBJECT INDEX 199 Long Island-(Cont.) Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7531 Species Composition, Si/e and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 Feeding Habils of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Long Island Bay The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Long Island Coast Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Long Island Sound List of Algae Growing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Plankton Studies, III; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, 1, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1 ) 01-1963-0529 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-061 I Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium ( Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 01-1968-0848 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: ;Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Scrum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1 130 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- 200 SUBJECT INDEX Long Island Sound-(Cont.) raphy of Polycerella emcrtoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-1931-1716 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1170 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1183 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1184 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area 04-1962-7598 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Rates of Sediment Reworking by Yol- dia limatula in Buzzards Bay, Mas- sachusetts, and Long Island Sound 04-1963-7512 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Observation of Beach Cusp and Beach Ridge Formation on the Long Island Sound 04-1964-0564 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1101 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 SUBJECT INDEX 201 Long Island Sound-(Cont.) An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Oyster Culture Modernization in Long Island Sound 33-1970-1095 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Long-Range Forecasting Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Long-Term Planning Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 11-1957-7799 Longevity Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx cincrca (Say) 01-1972-1206 Longhorn Sculpin Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhorn Sculpin, Myoxoccphalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-1951-1929 Lordosis Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Los Angeles Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Loss on Ignition Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Low Flow Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Low Water Mark Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Low-flow Augmentation Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Luminance Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 Lumpfish The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Lutjanus analis Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Lutjanus griseus Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Lutjanus jocu Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Mackerel Wintering Mackerel Off New York 01-1949-1924 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 Macrobenthos Bcnthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Macrofauna Intcrtidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 MacArthur Airport Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Magnesium Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Magnetic Anomalies Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 Magnetic Anomolies Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Magnetic Basement Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Magnetic Declination The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1911-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Magnetic Disturbances Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 Magnetic Intensity Magnetic Survey of the Statcn Island Serpcntinitc 04-1956-0281 202 SUBJECT INDEX Magnetic Storms Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/1GC 03-1968-0912 Magnetic Studies Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1911-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 United States Magnetic Tables and Magnetic Charts for 1915 04-1915-1617 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 . 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Report of the Special Committee on Geophysical and Geological Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1939-1984 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 A Comparison of Magnetic, Seismic and Gravitational Profiles Across the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1626 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersev '04-1941-1627 Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Geologic Correlation of Areal Gravitational and Magnetic Studies in New Jersey and Vicinity 04-1943-1628 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-195 2-7303 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Magnetic Survey of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1956-0281 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 Aeromagnctic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 Magnetic Tables United States Magnetic Tables and Magnetic Charts for 1915 04-1915-1617 Magnetic Tags Summary of Tags Released and Recovered for the Atlantic Men- haden, 1966-69 01-1971-3082 Magnetite The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7711 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 Magnetotelluric Surveys Low Frequency Magnetotelluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Magothy Aquifer Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Magothy Formation Position of the Salt-Water Body in the MagothyC?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac - Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Main Creek Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Maine Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Maintenance Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Maintenance Costs Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Mamacoke Formation Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Mamaroneck Harbor Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 Mammals The Mammals of Long Island, New York 00-1971-7583 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 SUBJECT INDEX 203 Mammals-(Cont.) Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1 965-- 1967 20-1969-2358 Management State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-4114 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, NY. 11-1970-1052 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Water and Wastewater Management in New York City 1 1-1971-1204 Coastal Zone Management System; a Combination of Tools I 1-1972-4089 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1 ; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 3 3-1970-7830 Management Information Systems Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools I 1-1972-4089 Manganese The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 Manhasset Bay Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Manhasset Harbor Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Manhattan A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Manhattan Formation The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-151 1 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Manhattan Island Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, N.Y. 04-1909-1515 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Should the Term 'New York City Group* Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Manhattan Prong Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Manhattan Schist Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 Manhattanville Fault Zone Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-191 1-1502 204 subject Index Manhattanville Fault Zone-(Cont.) Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 Mantle Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Mapping Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York' 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Hurricanes of 195 1 03-1952-0172 The Present Status of the Geodetic Work in the United States and Its Value to Geology 04-1923-1958 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) \ 04-1940-1985 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Mapping of Geological Formations and Aquifers of Long Island, NY. 04-1949-1445 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Maps The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. ,04-1917-1598 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 1956 Hurricane Map, Compiled From Authentic Data Furnished by the United States Weather Bureau, Show- ing All Tropical Storms of Hurricane Intensity for the Past Five Years ( 1951-1955 incl.) 03-1956-0283 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 The Climate of New Jersey. 03-1957-0308 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Atlas of New Jersey 04-1889-2131 Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 Description of State Geologic Map of 1901 04-1902-2050 Description of the Passaic Quadran- gle New York; New Jersey 04-1908-1977 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 United States Magnetic Tables and Magnetic Charts for 1915 04-1915-1617 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- i912 04-1915-2037 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Geologic Atlas of Long Mand 04-1949-1538 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 Sediments of Narragansctt Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Pre-Quaternary Geology of the Mount Holly Quadrangle, New Jersey 04-1964-7625 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Acromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic- Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Acromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Acromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 SUBJECT INDEX 205 Maps-(Cont.) Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-301 1 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 An Atlas of Long Island's Water Resources 22-1968-0877 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Marble Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 March The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 March 1972 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Marina Development Leisure Market Studies; I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 Marinas Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 Marine Algae Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Introduction to Algology With a Catalogue of American Algae, or Seaweeds, According to the Latest Classification of Prof. Harvey 01-1850-1655 List of the Seaweeds or Marine Algae of the South Coast of New England 01-1871-1647 List of Algae Growing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 Marine Algae 01-1882-1648 Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, 1 01-1882-1675 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, II 01-1883-1676 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, III 01-1884-1677 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, IV 01-1884-1678 Checklist of the Marine Algae Based on Specimens Collected on the Shores of Long Island From 1839 to 1885 01-1886-1663 Marine Algae of the New Jersey Coast and Adjacent Waters of Staten Island 01-1889-1661 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, V 01-1891-1679 Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VI 01-1896-1680 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VII 01-1896-1681 Seaweeds in Winter 01-1900-1639 Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria 01-1900-1696 List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 The Marine Cladophoras of New En- gland 01-1902-1682 Drifting Algae 01-1914-1640 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms 01-1927-1632 The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 Notes on the Marine Algae of New Jersey 01-1932-1664 Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America 01-1937-1666 Marine Algae From Long Island, N.Y. 01-1940-1667 An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ceratium 01-1941-1859 Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 01-1951-1691 Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 206 SUBJECT INDEX Marine Algae-(Cont) The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoidcs (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 195 8 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-197 1-4080 Marine Amoeba Acantamocba griffin i, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Marine Animals Notes on Marine Copepoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 Plankton Studies, 111; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 Underwater Noise Due to Marine Life 01-1946-1795 Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced bv Marine Life 01-1947-1775 A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Astcrias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 Marine Fouling Communities of Rhode Island 01-1963-7509 Marine Polychacte Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Marine Life on the Artificial Reef Off Fire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Winter Population of Loligo peali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Acantamoeba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-7811 Benthic Rcpopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Marine Bacteria The Significance of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 01-1935-1634 A List of Marine Bacteria Including Descriptions of Sixty New Species ()1_1944-I702 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Marine Biology On the Distribution of Foraminifera on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shore Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1850-0001 Introduction to Algology With a Catalogue of American Algae, or Seaweeds, According to the Latest Classification of Prof. Harvey 01-1850-1655 On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 Marine Algae 01-1882-1648 Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, I 01-1882-1675 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, II 01-1883-1676 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, III 01-1884-1677 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, IV 01-1884-1678 Checklist of the Marine Algae Based on Specimens Collected on the Shores of Long Island From 1839 to 1885 01-1886-1663 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1887-1665 Marine Algae of the New Jersey Coast and Adjacent Waters of Staten Island 01-1889-1661 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1889-2140 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, V 01-1891-1679 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VI 01-1896-1680 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VII 01-1896-1681 Seaweeds in Winter 01-1900-1639 List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 The Marine Cladophoras of New En- gland 01-1902-1682 The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 SUBJECT INDEX 207 Marine Biology-(Cont.) Drifting Algae 01-1914-1640 Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-191 5-1689 The Arthrostraca of Connecticut 01-1918-7775 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1441 Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms 01-1927-1632 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 Note on the Barnacles From the Cape May County, New Jersey 01-1930-1631 Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Notes on the Marine Algae of New Jersey 01-1932-1664 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 The Significance of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 01-1935-1634 Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America 01-1937-1666 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 A Biological Survey of the Salt Waters of Long Island 01-1939-1733 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-71 12 Marine Algae From Long Island, N.Y. 01-1940-1667 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ccratium 01-1941-1859 Plankton Studies, III; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 A Lisl of Marine Bacteria Including Descriptions of Sixty New Species 01-1944-1702 Fish Talk (Sounds Made by Fish Are Picked Up by an Underwater Microphone for Viewing With C-R Oscilloscope ) 01-1944-1807 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 Underwater Noise Due to Marine Life 01-1946-1795 Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced by Marine Life 01-1947-1775 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 Acoustical Characteristics of Noise Produced by Snapping Shrimp 01-1948-1781 Recording Sounds of Undersea Life 01-1949-1776 Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise (Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 11 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7114 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Plankton Biology of Raritan Bay 01-1959-0359 Eelgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polvnyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 Marine Fouling Communities of Rhode Island 01-1963-7509 Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium ( Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 The Plankton of Estuaries 01-1967-7043 Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Winter Population of Loligo pcali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrca virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1 103 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus. Population 01-1970-1 I 16 Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1 130 Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrca vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Paraccology of Benthonic For iminiftrj ind Associated Micro- 531-666 O - 74 - 14 208 SUBJECT INDEX Marine Biology-(Cont.) Organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) 01-1972-1206 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 A Note on Gametogcnesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 The Sponge— Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-4081 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-F.ye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea (Prosobranchia: Muricidac) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Sprinu Harbor 02-1912-1659 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1 178 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shelf 22-1969-0982 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1151 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1157 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 1 he Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 SUBJECT INDEX 209 Marine Biology-(Cont.) The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1894-1442 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhorn Sculpin, Myoxoccphalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-1951-1929 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1960 33-1967-0536 Marine Botany Nereis horeali-americana, or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America. Part I, Melanospermae 01-1852-1653 Nereis boreali-americana. Or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America, Part 2, Rhodospermae 01-1853-8000 Nereis boreali-americana, or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America, Part 3, Chlorospermac 01-1858-2162 Marine Degradation A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Marine Ecology Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Marine Environment Management Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 1 1-1969-0968 Marine Fish Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1 854 01-1855-1914 Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of 1887 01-1887-1915 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 1 - 1 90 1 - 1 4 1 8 The Fishes of Nantucket 01-1905-1935 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey 01-1920-1922 The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 Fish Notes for 1924 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1925-0840 Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1441 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1933 Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay 01-1928-1940 Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Wintering Mackerel Off New York 01-1949-1924 Marine Fishes New to Long Island and Adjacent Waters 01-1949-1932 The Distribution of Common Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1951-0119 Fish Are Noisy in Narragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey, With Off-Shore Species 01-1952-0183 The Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, I, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amcricanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 An Unusually Large Menhaden, Brcvoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), From Rhode Island 01-1965-0606 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes amcricanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 Sighting of the Black Rudderfish 01-1966-7530 A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode- Island 01-1967-0720 Identification and Seasonal Si/e Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Notes on the Carangid Fishes of Long Island (USA) 01-1967-7540 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Buy, New York 01-1969-0963 Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1 109 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amcr- icanus. Population 01-1970-1 1 16 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on 210 SUBJECT INDEX Marine Fish-(Cont.) Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Aerobic Microflora of the Blucfish ( Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira pracgustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight-Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment ) 32-1972-3054 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1894-1442 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-19 17 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England. II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33.m44.1y27 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-1411 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-1951-1929 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. I 26 33-1962-0481 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 First Record of the Southern Kingfish ( Menticirrhus americanus) From Long Island, New York 33-1965-7521 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island ( Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7531 The Use of Salt-Water Coves as Winter Flounder Nursery Grounds ( Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7532 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1966 33-1967-7838 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District, 1967 33-1968-7839 Marine Fisheries Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-141 1 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-1951-1929 New Jersey's Marine Sport Fishery 33-1955-0254 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 SUBJECT INDEX 21 Marine Fisheries-(Cont.) The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, I960 33-1967-0536 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 State's Fish Industry Plagued by Worst Year on Record 33-1970-1 137 Management of the Groundfish Fishe- ries of the Northwest Atlantic 33-1970-7830 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Marine Fouling Some Acoustic Properties of Marine Fouling 32-1947-1808 Marine Geology Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Rhode Island Murine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 A Vehicle Makes Ocean-Bottom Sur- veys 02-1967-7728 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1 178 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 Submarine Valleys Off the American Coast and in the North Atlantic 04-1903-1534 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Oil North America 04-1905-2090 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 American Submarine Canyons 04-1934-2084 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 Marine Unconformities, Marine Con- glomerates and Thickness of Strata 04-1936-2109 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Geophysical Exploration of Ocear Basins 04-1938-1997 Behavior of Suspension Currents and Mud Slides on the Continental Slope 04-1938-2095 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and Congo Valley 04-1939-1597 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 Exploring the Continental Shelves and Slopes 04-1940-2088 The Floor of the Ocean; New Light on Old Mysteries 04-1942-1975 Marine Topography of the Cape May Formation (New Jersey) 04-1943-2044 Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Ccnozoic Formations, a Discussion 04-1945-2068 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-021 1 Seamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Continental Margins and Gcosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 212 SUBJECT INDEX Marine Geology-(Cont) Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-5011 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Recent Sedimentation in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7599 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 New Jersey Offshore Gravel Deposit 04-1964-5058 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogcnic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Geology of the Continental Margin Off Eastern United States 04-1965-7640 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Micro topography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Washovcr Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-4110 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-411 1 Probable Holoccne Transgrcssive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Continental Shelf Sediments Off New Jersey 04-1971-7774 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 SUBJECT INDEX 213 Marine Geology-(Cont.) Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-7671 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-7811 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Marine Gravels The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 Marine Microbiology Foraminifcral Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Marine Microorganisms On the Distribution of Foraminifera on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shore Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1 850-0001 Dinoflagcllates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-71 12 A List of Marine Bacteria Including Descriptions of Sixty New Species 01-1944-1702 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 1 1 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Marine Plants Introduction to Algology With a Catalogue of American Algae, or Seaweeds, According to the Latest Classification of Prof. Harvey 01-1850-1655 Nereis boreali-americana, or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America. Part 1, Mclanospcrmac 01-1852-1653 Nereis boreali-americana, Or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America, Part 2, Rhodospermae 01-1853-8000 Nereis boreali-americana, or Con- tributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America, Part 3, Chlorospermae 01-1858-2162 On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 List of the Seaweeds or Marine Algae of the South Coast of New England 01-1871-1647 Marine Algae 01-1882-1648 Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms 01-1927-1632 The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 Eelgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 1 1-1965-781 1 Marine Resources The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations I 1-1970-1 127 Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Marine Strains Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Marine Waste Deposits Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 214 SUBJECT INDEX Maritime Air Masses Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Marking Techniques Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1117 Summary of Tags Released and Recovered for the Atlantic Men- haden, 1966-69 01-1971-3082 The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Markov Processes Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Marsh Management On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Marsh Plants Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Marshes Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-7501 A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 On a Subsidence of Land on the Seacoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1964-0553 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04- 1971-3056 Martesia smithi Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Martha's Vineyard The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Maryland Deep Wells Along the Atlantic Coast 04-1945-2069 Mass Movements (Geology) Differential Tiltins; of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Mass Spectrometry Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Mass Transfer Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Mass Transport Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 Mass Wasting Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Massachusetts Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Massaritia rotundata Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Mathematical Analysis The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Mathematical Models Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB I 970- 11 13 The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1196 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1193 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 SUBJECT INDEX 215 Mathematical Models-(Cont.) Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-1970-7578 A Water—Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Application of Mathematical Models to Diffusion of Coastal Sea Pollutants 22-1973-7574 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 Mathematical Studies Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Movement and Mixing of Contami- nants in Tidal Estuaries 22-1960-0399 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Measurement Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced by Marine Life 01-1947-1775 The Tendency of Methods for the Measurement of the Force of Gravity on the Ocean 02-1901-1606 Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 Some Direct Measurement of the Non-Tidal Drift on the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras 02-1962-0466 Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1 180 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 The Determination of Mean Sea Level 04-1937-1718 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Lcad-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determination 22-1968-0854 216 SUBJECT INDEX Measurements Cont. ) Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1126 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Mechanical Equipment Attentuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Mechanical Properties Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Mecox Bay Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Shinnccock Bay-Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Medusa Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Melt Water Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Rctreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Membrane Processes An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Membranes Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 Menidia The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Menticirrhus americanus First Record of the Southern Kingfish (Menticirrhus americanus) From Long Island, New York 33-1965-7521 Mercenaria mercenaria The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (0 Venus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Mercury Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brcvoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Meristic Data A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Merluccius bilinearis The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 Mesoclimatology Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Mesozic Era New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 Mesozoic Era Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-201 1 The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 The Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- tions of New Jersey 04-1911-2031 Cretaceous Gastropods of New Jersey 04-1962-7600 Cretaceous Scaphopoda of New Jer- sey 04-1962-7601 Miscellaneous Fossils 04-1962-7602 Table Showing Distribution by For- mation of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7603 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in New Jersey 04-1962-7612 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Shelf and Deltaic Palcoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 SUBJECT INDEX 217 Mesozoic Era-(Cont.) Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Metabolism Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1 89 1 01-1970-3087 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reacration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Metacylis A New Marine 1 intinnid 01-1966-0660 Metals Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island, New York 04-1950-5027 Trace Metals--Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1 142 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Metamorphic Rocks The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, N.Y. 04-1909-1515 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Correlation of Mctasediments in Southeastern New York 04-1941-2053 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bcllport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Geology of New York— A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Older Paleozoic Metamorphism and Pegmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1970-4030 Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 218 SUBJECT INDEX Metamorphic Rocks-(Cont.) Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Metamorphism Older Paleozoic Metamorphism and Pegmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Metamorphosis Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say) 01-1971-1205 Metasediments Correlation of Metasediments in Southeastern New York 04-1941-2053 Metasomatism The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Meteoric Water Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Meteorological Data The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0X39 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1 170 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhavcn 03-1956-0291 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonsct Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 1 I I Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1196 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Meteorology Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhavcn at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 No Pattern 03-1953-0206 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-081 1 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 SUBJECT INDEX 219 Meteorology-( Cont. ) Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Rain-Snow Mesoclimutology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Atmospheric COO at Brookhavcn, Long Island, New York: Patents of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21. 1938 04-1939-2059 Studies of Radioactive Fall-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 1 3 1 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhavcn National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Methodology Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 The Tendency of Methods for the Measurement of the Force of Gravity on the Ocean 02-1901-1606 Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Condition of the Earth's Crust and the Earlier American Gravity Obser- vations 04-1922-2065 Gravity Measurements on the U.S.S. Barracuda 04-1937-1599 The Determination of Mean Sea Level 04-1937-1718 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 1; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic- Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jcrscv Section 04-1940-1601 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 220 SUBJECT INDEX Methodology-( Cont. ) The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 Beach Erosion: Is There a Solution 04-1971-3084 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 The Physical Phenomena of Harbor Entrances, Their Causes and Remedies; Defects of Present Methods of Improvement 32-1887-1708 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 Methylene Blue Detergents in the Strcamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 Miami Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Microbaroms The Common Origin of Microscisms and Microbaroms 02-1972-7681 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Microbial Degradation Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Microbiology A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1887-1665 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1889-2140 Dinoftagellates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 Three Dinoflagellates From New Jer- sey 01-1929-7097 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number Test for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrea vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II., Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight--lnterim Report for January I, 1970 22-1969-7847 Composition of a Domestic Sewage 23-1959-0364 Sanitary Shellfish; Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 M icroclimatology The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 M icroenvironment Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 M icrometeorology Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1188 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Microorganisms Dinoflagellates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 The Microbiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 01-1967-7092 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, HI; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Bcnthic Studies 22-1972-1247 M icropaleontology New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 A Micropalcontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 Microprotopus Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidac) 01-1972-3088 Microscale Turbulence Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 SUBJECT INDEX 221 Microscopy Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Microseism Recorder Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Microseism s The Common Origin of Microseisms and Microbaroms 02-1972-7681 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Mid-Atlantic Ridge Recent Results of Suboccanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Middle Atlantic Bight Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 Middlesex County The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Middletown Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 Migration Atlantic Coast Migrations of Amer- ican Shad 01-1958-0342 The Lobster, Homarus amcricanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Waterfowl Status Report, 1 968 01-1968-0865 Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix. Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-4110 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Migration Patterns Atlantic Coast Migrations of Amer- ican Shad 01-1958-0342 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Milford Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Milk Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 1 3 1 21-1963-0544 Milk Pollution Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Mill Creek Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Millstone Quarry Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Milton Harbor Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Minchinia costalis A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Minchinia nelsoni A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Mineola Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Mineral Distribution Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 Mineralogy Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 A Petrographic and Pctrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island, New York 04-1950-5027 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Etude Granulomctrique et Rocntgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 222 SUBJECT INDEX Mineralogy-(Cont.) The Palisade Sill 04-1962-7606 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Some Potential Mineral Resources of the Atlantic Continental Margin 04-1965-7639 Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1 1 18 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Atlantic Continental Shell and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Composition of Garnets in Mctamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pclhani Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-41 19 Paleocurrcnts and Sedimentology of the Schenectady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 Modal Analysis of Heavy Minerals of New Jersey Beach Sands by X-Ray Diffraction 04-1973-7572 Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-11)73-7674 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Minerals Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Mining The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Stuclv 04-1963-0515 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Miocene Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Miocene Epoch Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Mitchel Air Force Base The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 Mixed Effluents Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Mixing A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-71 15 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 The Slate of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Sonic Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thermocline 02-1973-7669 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Movement and Mixing of Contami- nants in Tidal Estuaries 22-1960-0399 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1147 Mnemiopsis Lactate and Succinate Oxidorcduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Mnemiopsis Icidyi On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 Model Studies New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 SUBJECT INDEX 223 Model Studies-(Cont) Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Hcle-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-1970-7578 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Modernization Oyster Culture Modernization in Long Island Sound 33-1970-1095 Mohawk River Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Mohorovicic Discontinuity Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphcre in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Moisture Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Moisture Availability Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Moisture Content Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Moisture Deficiency Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Moisture Deficit The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Mollusk Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 Mollusks Catalogue of the Mollusca of Staten Island 01-1865-1405 On the Marine Mollusca of Staten Island, N.Y. 01-1920-1434 On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01 -1950-0098 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1 95 1 01-1951-0137 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop. Aequipccten irradians 01-1960-7095 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynvma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-061 I Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 The Retention of Lamcllibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission ( 1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1 I 17 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Development and Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say) 01-1971-1205 Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-41 16 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mcrcenaria, in 531-666 O - 74 - 15 224 SUBJECT INDEX Mollusks-(Cont.) Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 Cretaceous Gastropods of New Jersey 04-1962-7600 Cretaceous Scaphopoda of New Jer- sey 04-1962-7601 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Rates of Sediment Reworking by Yol- dia limatula in Buzzards Bay, Mas- sachusetts, and Long Island Sound 04-1963-7512 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1 138 The Economics of Dredging Quahogs in Rhode Island 33-1965-0610 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Momentum Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 9 I -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Momentum Flux The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Momentum Transfer The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Monitoring Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 Environmental Monitoring Radiation Levels at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1969-0946 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Monmouth County Engineering Soil Survey of New Jer- sey 04-1955-0247 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Monmouth Group Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Monthly Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959 02-1972-7024 The Climate of New Jersey. 03-1957-0308 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Climate of Scarsdale, New York 03-1968-0910 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Monthly Average Dispersion Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aeromctric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Morbidity Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Moriches Bay The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Report to the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- SUBJECT INDEX 225 Moriches Bay-(Cont.) raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Moriches Inlet Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 A Scdimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-197 1-7308 Morid Fish I he Morid Fish H dargyreus johnsonu From the New York Bight 01-1970-1076 Moronidae Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Morphometry A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 1-1970-3018 Mortality Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-195 2-0178 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Biometeorologicul Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications lor Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1970-1181 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Viability of Sewage Bacteria in Sea Water 22-1956-0278 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-141 1 Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Oyster Culture Modernization in Long Island Sound 33-1970-1095 Mountains The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-763 8 Movement Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix. Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Time-of-Travel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 226 SUBJECT INDEX Movement-(Cont. ) Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Hurricanes of 195 1 03-1952-0172 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-071 1 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 Movements The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Mt. Sinai A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor I 1-1966-77X3 Mud The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3 A ) 01-1963-0531 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport. Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 I he Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 New York Metropolitan Region--A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Mud Flats Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Mud-Water Interfaces Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Mudflows Behavior of Suspension Currents and Mud Slides on the Continental Slope 04-1938-2095 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 Mulinia lateralis Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Mullica River Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Multi-Stage Flash Distillation Study of Scawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-11 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1121 Multistage Flash Distillation MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Municipal Wastes Water Pollution Control-Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Muricidae Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cincrea (Say) ( Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 Muscovite Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Mussels On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linnc' 01-1944-1630 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Mutations The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Mya arenaria Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Mycteroperca microlepis Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Mycteroperca phenax Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhom Sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-1951-1929 Mysella planulata Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Mysidopsis bigelowi Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Mysids Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Mystic Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Mystic River Distribution and Ecology of Fishes of the Mystic River Estuary, Connec- ticut 01-1962-7502 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Mytilus californianus Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 SUBJECT INDEX 227 Mytilus edulis On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Nagasaki Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Naiads Studies in the Genus Naias in the Northern States 01-1936-1638 Naias Studies in the Genus Naias in the Northern States 01-1936-1638 Nannochloris Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Nannochloris atomus Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Nantucket Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic- City 03-1964-0597 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 Nantucket Island The Fishes of Nantucket 01-1905-1935 Nantucket Shoals Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 Napeague Bay Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04. | 473-7560 Narragansett Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level I 1-1973-7990 Narragansett Basin An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-19 14-2041 Narragansett Bay Fish Are Noisy in Narragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Narrows Tunnel City -vs- Bi-State Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 Nassa obsoleta The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trcmatodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Nassarius obsoleta Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Nassarius obsoletus Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 Nassau Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 Nassau County Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Water-!. evel and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologie Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-791 1 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Position of the Salt-Water Body in the Magothy(?) Formation in the Ccdar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (Januarv-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 National Recreation Areas Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 National Seashores Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Natural Gas Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 228 SUBJECT INDEX Natural History Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 Natural Resources Some Potential Mineral Resources of the Atlantic Continental Margin 04-1965-7639 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two; Knowledge Requirements 1 1-1970-1051 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 1 1-1970-1 127 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-195 1-1929 Natural Streams A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Natural Water A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Navesink River On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J During the Summer of 195 1 01-1951-0 137 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Risers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Navigable Rivers Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-2115 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-1911-1543 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Improvement of Hudson River by Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Navigable Waters Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore ) 10-1930-3052 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-21 14 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-2116 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-2118 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Natural Science in Its Relation to Practical Navigation; Together With a Study of the Tides and Tidal Currents 32-1910-1737 The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project ( Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Navigation Table of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-2112 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 SUBJECT INDEX 229 Navigation-( Cont. ) Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 1 1-1966-7783 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 1-1971-3064 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-21 14 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-21 15 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-21 16 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-21 18 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2 1 19 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 3 2-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Natural Science in Its Relation to Practical Navigation; Together With a Study of the Tides and Tidal Currents 32-1910-1737 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-191 1-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1911-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- sct Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-19 13-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-15 78 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Report on Examination of Harlem River, New York, To Determine Per- missibility of Fixed Bridges 32-1927-1589 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survev of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-155 1 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 230 SUBJECT INDEX Navigation-(Cont.) Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Re-Examination of Pcconic River, New York 32-1939-2128 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York ' 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Rc-Exumination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchoguc River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- m cut) 32-197 1-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- m e n t ) 32-1972-3054 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement ) 32-1972-7976 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, Xth Ed. 32-1973-5000 Negligence An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Nematodes Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 Neomysis americana The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Nephthys incisa Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Neponset Orogeny Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Nereis Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Neritic The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epi/ooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 Nerves Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Nesting Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Nests Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Nets Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Networks Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Neural Orgin Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 Neutral Stability Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 New England On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 List of the Seaweeds or Marine Algae of the South Coast of New England 01-1871-1647 Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, I 01-1882-1675 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, II 01-1883-1676 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, III 01-1884-1677 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, IV 01-1884-1678 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, V 01-1891-1679 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VI 01-1896-1680 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VII 01-1896-1681 Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria 01-1900-1696 The Marine Cladophoras of New En- gland 01-1902-1682 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1933 An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-71 13 The Distribution of Common Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1951-01 19 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 SUBJECT INDEX 231 New England-(Cont.) Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 Movements and Migrations of the Blucfish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-7061 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Gravitational Determination of Deep- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations ) 04-1940-1625 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 Low Frequency Magnetotelluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 1-1971-3064 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VIII; The Biology of the Longhorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus Mitchill, With a Discussion of the Southern New England 'Trash' 33-1951-1929 New Forms Notice of an Undescribed Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaccac 01-1870-1645 New Hampshire Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 New Haven List of Algae Growing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrea vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Techniques of Measuring, Recording and Processing Micro-Meteorological Variables in Forest Energy-Budget Studies 03-1962-0494 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Postglacial Change of Sea Level in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut 04-1964-7618 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maltby Lakes Volcanics, New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1965-7637 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 New Haven Harbor Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 New Jersey The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 On the Distribution of Foraminifcra on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shore Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1850-0001 Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1854 01-1855-1914 Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of 1 887 01-1887-1915 Marine Algae of the New Jersey Coast and Adjacent Waters of Staten Island 01-1889-1661 Descriptive Catalogue of the Ver- tebrates of New Jersey 01-1890-1930 232 SUBJECT INDEX New Jersey-(Cont. ) Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey 01-1920-1922 Additions to Local Records of New Jersey Fishes 01-1922-0838 The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 Fish Notes for 1924 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1925-0840 On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 Dinoflagellates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 Three Dinoflagellates From New Jer- sey 01-1929-7097 Note on the Barnacles From the Cape May County, New Jersey 01-1930-1631 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 Notes on the Marine Algae of New Jersey 01-1932-1664 Observation of Some Common Polychaetes on New Jersey Oyster Beds With Special Reference to Polydora 01-1940-0058 Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01-1950-0098 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey, With Off-Shore Species 1-1952-0183 Plankton Biology of Raritan Bay 01-1959-0359 The Diversity of Species in Net Phytoplankton of the Raritan Estuary 01-1959-7500 Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-750 1 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 1-1963-7508 Bioluminescence in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 A Fossil Sea-Turtle From New Jersey 01-1964-7740 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1965-0614 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0670 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Halichoanolaimus raritanensis New Species (Chromadoroidea: Cyatholaimidae) From New Jersey 01-1966-7523 Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 Sighting of the Black Rudderfish 01-1966-7530 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrea virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nclsoni 01-1970-1081 Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1117 A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livello Em- brionale in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Report of the Harmonic Analysis of the Tides at Sandy Hook 02-1883-1707 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Comparision of the Predicted With Observed Times and Heights of High and Low HOH at Sandy Hook 02-1890-1745 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-0114 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 SUBJECT INDEX 233 New Jersey-(Cont.) Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Time-of-Travel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1110 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1 178 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1 180 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and South Carolina 02-1972-7769 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Ha/el 1954 03-1955-0265 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 The Climate of New Jersey. 03-1957-0308 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1 , Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-07 1 1 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Bioelimatie Orientation Method for Buildings 03-1967-0816 Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR- 16.0 KC/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 1 1 I Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1 174 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1 198 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500G.m.t. ( 10 a.m., c.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 On a Subsidence of Land on the Seacoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 Atlas of New Jersey 04-1889-2131 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, 234 SUBJECT INDEX New Jersey-(Cont) Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Clays 04-1904-2034 Description of the Passaic Quadran- gle New York; New Jersey 04-1908-1977 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 The Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- tions of New Jersey 04-1911-2031 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 The Quarternary Formations of Southern New Jersey 04-1917-2079 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Ground Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region 04-1928-1540 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Murine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Water Supplies from the No. I Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Composition and Structure of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey 04:1940-2023 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 The Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-7924 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersey 04-1941-1627 Geologic Correlation of Areal Gravitational and Magnetic Studies in New Jersey and Vicinity 04-1943-1628 Marine Topography of the Cape May Formation (New Jersey) 04-1943-2044 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Deep Wells Along the Atlantic Coast 04-1945-2069 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Engineering Soil Survey of New Jer- sey 04-1955-0247 Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey-A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Color Aerial Photographs Facilitate Geologic Mapping on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1960-5006 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 Cretaceous Gastropods of New Jersey 04-1962-7600 Cretaceous Scaphopoda of New Jer- sey 04-1962-7601 Miscellaneous Fossils 04-1962-7602 SUBJECT INDEX 235 New Jersey-(Cont.) Table Showing Distribution by For- mation of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7603 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in New Jersey 04-1962-7612 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navcsink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 New Jersey Offshore Gravel Deposit 04-1964-5058 Vegetational History of a New Jersey Tidal Marsh, Bog, and Vicinity 04-1964-7516 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Pre-Quaternary Geology of the Mount Holly Quadrangle, New Jersey 04-1964-7625 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Streamflow During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 Fossils of New Jersey 04-1965-7644 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Problems of the New Jersey Beaches 04-1966-0669 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-771 I Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 Ancient Submerged Shoreline Found Off New Jersey Coast 04-1967-0714 Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fractured-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-11 18 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-41 10 Probable Holocenc Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of 236 SUBJECT INDEX New Jersey-(ConL) the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 Continental Shelf Sediments Off New Jersey 04-1971-7774 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 Great Egg Buried Channel on the New Jersey Continental Shelf: A Possible Continuation of the Pleistocene Schuylkill River to Wilmington Canyon 04-1973-7567 Submersible and Side-Scan Sonar In- vestigation of the Central New Jersey Continental Shelf 04-1973-7568 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-757 1 Modal Analysis of Heavy Minerals of New Jersey Beach Sands by X-Ray Diffraction 04-1973-7572 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Ocean ward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District— Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 1 1-1929-7934 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey 1 1-1945-7935 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 1 1-1949-7213 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 1 1-1957-7206 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 11-1967-2209 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 I, Oct. -1969 I 1-1969-7221 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Studies of Radioactive Fail-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 SUBJECT INDEX 237 New Jersey-(Cont.) Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Investigation of the Pollution of Cer- tain Tidal Waters of New Jersey, New York and Delaware 22-1917-1455 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1927 22-1929-1448 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1938 22-1939-1447 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 22-1968-0874 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1970-1082 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1126 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Chemical Pollution of Waters; a Modern Hydra 22-1970-1436 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-21 14 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-21 15 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 Examination of Rivers and Harbors: Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan 238 SUBJECT INDEX New Jersey-(Cont.) River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-171 1 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 33-1X94-1442 New Jersey's Marine Sport Fishery 33-1955-0254 New Jersey's Marine Sport Fishery 33-1955-0254 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 1 he Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 State's Fish Industry Plagued by Worst Year on Record 33-1970-1 137 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 3 3-1971-3092 leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 New Jersey Channel Statement of R.P. Holubowic/. Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 New York and New Jersey Channels. Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 New Jersey Pierhead Line Channel Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 New Jersey Shore Leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 New London Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Stratigraphic Names in the New Lon- don Area 04-1966-7713 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 New London County Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 New London Harbor New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 New London Quadrangle Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 New New Jersey Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 New Records A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 New Shoreham Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 New York Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB 1 970- 1 I 13 The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 The Outer Lands: A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island, and Long Island 00-1967-7536 The Mammals of Long Island, New York 00-1971-7583 Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Catalogue of the Mollusca of Staten Island 01-1865-1405 Checklist of the Marine Algae Based on Specimens Collected on the Shores of Long Island From 1839 to 1885 01-1886-1663 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1887-1665 Marine Algae of the New Jersey Coast and Adjacent Waters of Staten Island 01-1889-1661 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1889-2140 Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 Additions to the Flora of Long Island 01-1904-1688 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardincrs Island 01-1914-1672 Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardincrs Island 01-1917-1692 The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1441 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1933 Plants From the Estuary of the Hud- son River 01-1935-1699 SUBJECT INDEX 239 New York-(Cont.) A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 A Biological Survey of the Salt Waters of Long Island 01-1939-1733 Marine Algae From Long Island, N.Y. 01-1940-1667 Collecting Algae on Staten Island 01-1941-1641 Plankton Studies, HI; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Wintering Mackerel Off New York 01-1949-1924 Marine Fishes New to Long Island and Adjacent Waters 01-1949-1932 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 The Distribution of Common Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1951-0119 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trcmatodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 The Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore— Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 Eelgrass-A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, II, Food of the Ju- veniles From Sand-Shell Locality (Station 1 ) 01-1963-0529 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 Glenodinium halli n.sp. and Gyrodini- um instriatum n.sp., Dinoflagellates From New York Waters 01-1963-7084 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Periodicity of Algal Colonization in Great South Bay, New York During the Summer of 1962 01-1963-7511 Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-0611 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 Marine Life on the Artificial Reef Off Fire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of I 966 01-1966-0685 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 531-666 O - 74 - 16 240 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont.) Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Notes on the Carangid Fishes of Long Island (USA) 01-1967-7540 The Biology of Eelgrass 01-1968-0827 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Occurrence of the Bigcye in Long Island Waters 01-1968-0835 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 01-1968-0848 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 The Epiphytes and Epizoans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 Si/e, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island ( Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission (1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Neural Origin of Cardioperiodicities in Limulus 01-1970-1055 lntertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 The Morid Fish Halargyreus johnsonii From the New York Bight 01-1970-1076 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1104 Studies on Absorption Spectra of Plant Pigments in Estuaries 01-1970-1128 Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1130 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Foraminifera! Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobcnthos 01-1971-4092 The Colonization of a Dredged Chan- nel in Goose Creek, Long Island 01-1971-7288 The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 SUBJECT INDEX 241 New York-(Cont.) Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Tidal Phenomena of New York 02-1913-1734 Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Studies of Mean Sea Level 02-1929-1712 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02-1929-1713 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-193 1-1716 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-0114 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay Made dur- ing the Summer of 1 950 for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1951-7800 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 Report to the Towns of Brookhavcn and Islip, New York of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay 02-1952-7801 242 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont.) The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7115 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Made in June, 1957, for the Town of Islip, New York 02-1957-7803 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Dye Diffusion Experiments in the New York Bight 02-1963-0513 On a Dye Diffusion Experiment Off Long Island 02-1964-0557 The Persistence of "Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography ROD 02-1965-7794 Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Oceanography in New York— A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1 170 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1183 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1184 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 The Common Origin of Microseisms and Microbaroms 02-1972-7681 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhavcn Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 SUBJECT INDEX 243 New York-(Cont.) Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Forecasting the Weather-An Objec- tive Method for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhavcn at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Density of Sea Water at Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Stations: Atlan- tic and Gulf Coasts. 03-1952-0175 Effect of Fall-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 No Pattern 03-1953-0206 Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Maximum Station Precipitation for 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 What Will the Winter Be in New York City? 03-1955-0269 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1873- 1955 03-1956-0284 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Maximum Hurricane Winds 03-1957-0314 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Barometric Pressure at New York City 03-1958-0350 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-0453 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Episodes in Early Staten Island Cli- mate 03-1964-7616 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 244 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont.) Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Temperature Terminology for Public Forecasts 03-1966-0707 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhavcn National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0X05 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0X06 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-081 1 Bioclimatic Orientation Method for Buildings 03-1967-0X16 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0X18 Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Rain-Drop-Si/e Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-196X-0X96 Twenty Million Travelers 03-196X-0X98 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Climate of Searsdale, New York 03-1968-09 10 Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 Environmental Monitoring Radiation Levels at Brookhavcn National Laboratory 03-1969-0946 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 1 11 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1188 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1195 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1196 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1198 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Atmospheric COO at Brookhavcn, Long Island, New York: Patefns of Variation up to 1 25 Meters 03-1973-7706 On a Subsidence of Land on the Seacoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Post Glacial History of the Hudson River Valley 04-1891-2048 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 The Geological Section of the East River at Seventieth Street, New York 04-1895-1690 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 Description of State Geologic Map of 1901 04-1902-2050 The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 SUBJECT INDEX 245 New York-(Cont.) Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-1701 Notes on the Preglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Evidence of the Stability of the Rock Foundations of New York City 04-1907-2024 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, N.Y. 04-1909-1515 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 The Tunnel Construction of the Hud- son and Manhattan Railroad Co. 04-1910-1978 Further Light on the Gorge of the Hudson 04-1910-2028 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-1911-1502 Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-191 1-1520 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Storm King Crossing of the Hud- son River by the New Catskill Aqueduct of New York City 04-1912-1875 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 Buried Gorge of the Hudson River and Geologic Relations of Hudson Syphon of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1914-1973 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 Landslides in Unconsolidated Sedi- ments; With a Description of Some Occurrences in the Hudson Valley 04-1916-1529 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Vallev 04-1917-1952 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 New York City; an Aseismic Area 04-1926-1999 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic- Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 American Submarine Canyons 04-1934-2084 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-21 13 Rock '\ita MaptTM'i, laltun 04-1937-1503 The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Ground-Water Underflow in Croton Valley, New York— A Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Methods 04-1938-7914 Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Die Geologische Geschichte des Bodens von Neu York 04-1939-1537 Report on Geological Mapping of Sedimentary Rocks (exclusive of Granville) and Glacial Areas in New York State 04-1939-2002 Hurricane Modification of the Off- Shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Geology of the Under-Rivcr Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Rocks of New York City 04-1940-1557 Seismotectonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Correlation of Metasediments in Southeastern New York 04-1941-2053 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 246 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont.) Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Results of Detailed Reflection Profile in New York 04-1943-1629 Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Geologic Age of the New York City Rocks 04-1945-1522 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 A Further Study of the Terminal Moraine in the New York City Area 04-1947-1530 Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Mapping of Geological Formations and Aquifers of Long Island, N.Y. 04-1949-1445 Geologic Atlas of Long Island 04-1949-15 38 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pari 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Crape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island. New York 04-1950.5027 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I., N.Y. 04-195 1-0128 The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 195 1 04-1951-7929 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainvicw, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 A Bathymctric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-0211 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- Water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Magnetic Survey of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1956-0281 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay (New York) 04-1957-5019 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Contribution a l'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island (Etat de New York) 04-1958-5022 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Etude Granulometriquc et Roentgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- SUBJECT INDEX 247 New York-(Cont.) servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-5011 Position of the Salt-Watcr Body in the Magothy(?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Hydrology of the Babylon-lslip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area 04-1962-7598 Recent Sedimentation in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7599 The Palisade Sill 04-1962-7606 Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Isotopic Age Study, Dutchess County, New York 04-1962-7611 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Acroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Rates of Sediment Reworking by Yol- dia limatula in Buzzards Bay, Mas- sachusetts, and Long Island Sound 04-1963-7512 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-7791 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 Observation of Beach Cusp and Beach Ridge Formation on the Long Island Sound 04-1964-0564 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 Hydrology of the Babylon-lslip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1964-7622 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Ground Water in New York 04-1964-7627 Pleistocene Geology of Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1964-7630 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Long Island 04-1965-7649 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Quaternary Geology of New York 04-1965-7651 Bibliography of New York Quaterna- ry Geology 04-1965-7652 Historical Note on Studies of New York Quaternary Geology 04-1965-7653 Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 248 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont) Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 Geology of New York— A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 Piling Difficulties in the New York Area 04-1966-7696 Older Paleozoic Mctamorphism and Pegmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-771 I Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7718 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-772 1 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 Richmond Tunnel, Part 3 04-1967-7710 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Roscndale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Late Cayugan and Hclderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 The Hudson River 04-1969-1007 The Hudson River 04-1969-1007 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Genese des Sols et Sedimentation ()4_ 1 969-4009 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04- 1 969-40 1 3 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Microtopography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program; Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 Arc Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1 101 Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 The Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1970-4030 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 SUBJECT INDEX 249 New York-(Cont.) Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Tcxtural Evidence for Synorogcnic Intrusion of the Peckskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenvillc, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Watcr-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-41 1 I Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 A Scdimcntological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-41 14 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Prccambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Paleocurrents and Sedimentology of the Schenectady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Rctreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistoccne/Holocenc Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napcaguc Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Paleotempcraturc Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 250 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont.) Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7211 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State-First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1236 10-1966-7781 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Report of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York 11-1912-1905 Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Port of New York Authority 11-1936-1945 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 11-1957-7206 Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York 1 1-1957-7784 Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 11-1957-7799 Operation New York-Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource I 1-1960-7730 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 11-1965-7780 An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 11-1965-7810 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 1 1-1965-7811 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 1 1-1966-7783 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-7815 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 11-1970-1052 Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 11-1970-1164 Water and Wastewater Management in New York City 11-1971-1204 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 11-1972-4089 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 11-1972-7579 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarinc Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1179 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- SUBJECT INDEX 251 New York-(Cont.) dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Measured and Predicted Contribu- tions From Fallout to Environmental Radiation Levels 21-1961-0417 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-0480 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 1 3 1 21-1963-0544 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine I 3 I Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-0911 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 Surveillance for Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere 21-1969-0965 Strontium-90 Yield of the 1967 Chin- ese Thermonuclear Explosion 21-1969-0971 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1 175 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1177 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1970-1181 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1182 Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City 21-1970-1186 Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1 189 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1193 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1 194 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle, Final Report 21-1970-2262 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 252 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont) New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Lead-2 1 2 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 Pollution! of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-19 1 1-19 12 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Investigation of the Pollution of Cer- tain Tidal Waters of New Jersey, New York and Delaware 22-1917-1455 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Industrial Aspects of Organisms hound in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Statcn Island 22-1944-1980 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Biszht 22-1950-7959 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Pollution Survey Sampling of New York Harbor 22-1956-0280 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Chemical Quality of Water, Brook- haven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, N.Y. '22-1964-0554 Contamination of Ground Water by Detergents in a Suburban Environ- ment; South Farmingdale Area, Long Island, New York 22-1964-7623 Desalination and Devastation 22-1965-0616 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 SUBJECT INDEX 253 New York-(Cont.) Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Dis- tribution in the East River 22-1966-0663 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Phytoplankton Nutrients in Estuaries 22-1967-0733 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters. Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters. Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 States Plan Ahead for (Water) Pollu- tion Abatement (New York) 22-1967-7533 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1968-0852 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 22-1968-0874 An Atlas of Long Island's Water Resources 22-1968-0877 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Tritium in New York Slate Waters, 1 965 22-1969-2354 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report lor January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 New York Metropolitan Region— A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, NY. 22-1970-1084 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 I 14 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-1 1 19 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Station 59 22-1970-1 123 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area— A Summary 22-1970-1 125 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1 126 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1 134 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Otlici Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1 136 254 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont.) Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1143 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes, New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-1145 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1 153 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1153 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1159 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Chemical Pollution of Waters; a Modern Hydra 22-1970-1436 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 Quality Standards for the Coastal Waters of Long Island, New York 22-1970-7577 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-I970-757S Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - ' 22-1970-7960 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-1971-1203 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 SUBJECT INDEX 255 New York-(Cont.) Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Economic Aspects of Solid Waste Disposal at Sea 23-1970-1058 Survey of Murine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York State 24-1969-0958 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report. Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. I; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York. Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-21 16 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-2118 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-191 1-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 531-666 0-74-17 256 SUBJECT INDEX New York-(Cont. ) Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 City -vs- Bi-State Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 3 2-1927-1546 Report on Examination of Harlem River, New York, To Determine Per- missibility of Fixed Bridges 32-1927-1589 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 3 2-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- sel Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor. New York 32-1928-1760 Report on Hudson River, N.Y. 3 2-193 1-1549 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 3 2-193 2-1766 i'-'pro\ •■■nier' of Hudson Rive b\ Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 3 2-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Survey of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1940-1595 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-171 1 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project ( Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Brid;."' Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 New Offshore Station for N.Y. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project ( Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-1411 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 SUBJECT INDEX 257 New York-(Cont.) Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 The Sport Fisheries of Great South Bay and Vicinity 33-1962-7829 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 New York Landings, Marine District, 1962 33-1963-7837 Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Recent Records of Pugheadcd Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From New York 3 3-1965-75 18 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 3 3-1965-7519 Occurrence of a Northern Pike ( Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-75 20 First Record of the Southern Kingfish (Mcnticirrhus amcricanus) From Long Island, New York 33-1965-7521 Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 3 3-1965-7808 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island ( Pseudopleuronectes amcricanus) 33-1966-753 1 The Use of Salt-Water Coves as Winter Flounder Nursery Grounds ( Pseudopleuronectes amcricanus) 33-1966-7532 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Fisheries of New York, New York Landings, Marine District. 1966 33-1467-7838 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 Fisheries of New York. New York Landings, Marine District. 1967 33-1968-7839 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Oyster Culture Modernization in Long Island Sound 33-1970-1095 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 33-1971-3092 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 New York Aquarium Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 New York Bay New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-18 18 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 litlal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 New York Bight A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bieht 01-1958-7816 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom. Skeletonema costalum (Grcv. ) 01-1961-0418 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Winter Population of Loligo pcali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 The Morid Fish Halargyreus johnsonii From the New York Bight 01-1970-1076 Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I. July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Oxvuen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Dye Diffusion Experiments in the New York Bight 02-1963-0513 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report '02-1971-2222 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 258 SUBJECT INDEX New York Bight-(Cont.) Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardincrs Clay (New York ) 04-1957-5019 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-501 1 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-197 1-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7959 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 The Iron Content of Sediment Sam- ples in New York Bight Obtained During R.V. Caryn Cruise 108, Oct. 19-24, 1956 22-1956-0275 The Iron Content of Sediment Sam- ples in New York Bight Obtained During R.V. Caryn Cruise 108, Oct. 19-24, 1956 22-1956-0275 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 Phytoplankton Nutrients in Estuaries 22-1967-0733 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight -Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-0998 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight--lnterim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-0998 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight-Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 The Effects of Solid Waste Disposal on Benthic Communities in the New York Bight 22-1970-1 1 15 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-1119 Station 59 22-1970-1123 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area--A Summarv '22-1970-1 125 Water Ouality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1 126 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-121 1 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 SUBJECT INDEX 259 New York Bight-(Cont.) Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-1411 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1 96 1 33-1961-7823 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 New York Channel Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New- York and New Jersey Channels 3 2-1939-1592 New York City Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 On the Marine Mollusca of Staten Island, N.Y. 01-1920-1434 An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02-1929-1713 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Forecasting the Wcathcr-An Objec- tive Method for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 Effect of Fail-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 No Pattern 03-1953-0206 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Maximum Station Precipitation for 1 , 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 What Will the Winter Be in New York City? 03-1955-0269 The 7.6 Year Cycle in Barometric Pressure at New York City, 1873- 1955 03-1956-0284 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-045 3 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-065 3 Markov Chain Model for Mean Tem- perature Occurrences at New York City, New York 03-1966-0703 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Temperature Terminology for Public- Forecasts 03-1966-0707 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 260 SUBJECT INDEX New York City-(Cont) Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-0811 Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1 195 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1 196 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarinc and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1404-1743 The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Evidence of the Stability of the Rock Foundations of New York City 04-1907-2024 The Geographic Interpretation of New York City 04-1908-1981 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, N.Y. 04-1909-1515 Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 Arcal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 Further Light on the Gorge of the Hudson 04-1910-2028 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-1911-1502 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 New York City; an Aseismic Area 04-1926-19^9 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Die Geologische Geschichtc des Bodens von Neu York 04-1939-1537 Rocks of New York City 04-1940-1557 Seismotectonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. -N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Geologic Age of the New York City Rocks 04-1945-1522 A Further Study of the Terminal Moraine in the New York City Area 04-1947-1530 Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pclham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Report of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York 11-1912-1905 Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk SUBJECT INDEX 261 New YorkCity-(Cont) County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Operation New York— Using the Natural Environment of the City as a Curriculum Resource 1 1-1960-7730 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 11-1970-1164 Water and Wastewater Management in New York City 11-1971-1204 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1 179 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 Measured and Predicted Contribu- tions From Fallout to Environmental Radiation Levels 21-1961-0417 The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-0480 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 2 1-1963-2254 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlcnwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folgc 15 21-1967-2242 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 Strontium-90 Yield of the 1967 Chin- ese Thermonuclear Explosion 21-1969-0971 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1 175 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1 177 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1970-1181 Air Pollution bv Airports 21-1970-1 182 Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City 21-1970-1 186 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1193 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1 194 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 An Advective Model for Predicting Air Pollution Within an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1972-2279 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-191 1-1912 262 SUBJECT INDEX New York City-(Cont.) Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 New York Sludge Goes to Sea or to Parks 22-1959-0363 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Dis- tribution in the East River 22-1966-0663 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 New York City--a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 New York Metropolitan Region--A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 I 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area--A Summary 22-1970-1 125 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1 143 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes, New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-1145 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes, New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-1145 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 City -vs- Bi-State Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-1411 New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 New York City Emergency Water Supply The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 New York City Group The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York ( Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 New York Harbor Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB1970-1 113 Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York 01-1850-1644 Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular SUBJECT INDEX 263 New York Harbor-(Cont.) Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-01 17 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Pollution! of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Pollution Survey Sampling of New York Harbor 22-1956-0280 Pollution Survey Sampling of New York Harbor 22-1956-0280 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1968-0852 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1 105 264 SUBJECT INDEX New York Harbpr-(Cont.) Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1126 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1143 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 3 2-1915-1578 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-155 1 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Ho.ik. i niled Slates Coast Pilot 2 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 New York Harbor Deepwater Anchorage Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 New York International Airport Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 New York Marine District Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 New York State Barge Canal Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 New York York Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Newark Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Newark Airport Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Newark Basin Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Newark Bay Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Newark Group Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Newark Series The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 Newark, N.J. Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 11, Oct.- 1969 11-1969-7221 Newport Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 11-1973-7990 Newport Bight Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI 1, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 SUBJECT INDEX 265 Newport Bight-(Cont) The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 ^ 02-1953-0213 Newtown Creek Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Niantic Bay Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 Niantic Estuary Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Niantic River Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 The Retention of Lamellibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 Niches Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 1-1966-7246 The Mierobiota of Estuaries and Their Roles 1-1967-7092 The Epiphytes and Epi/oans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay. Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 Variation and Relative Niche Si/e in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Nicholls Shoreline Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Nickel Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-197 1-1236 Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 2 1-197 1-2268 Nitrates The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1170 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Nitric Oxide A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Nitrification The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-7061 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Nitrites Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 Nitrogen The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Nitrogen Compounds Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrca virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nclsoni 01-1970-1081 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. 1, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Nitrogen Cycle Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-7061 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7 125 Nitrogen Dioxide A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 Nitzschia closterium Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 Nocturnal A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1 133 266 SUBJECT INDEX Noise Attentuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Noise Pollution A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Nomograms Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Non-structural Alternatives Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Norfolk Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 North America A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomcntosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 North Atlantic The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 North Atlantic Slope Basins Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part'l; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 North Carolina Occurrence and Distribution of New Jersey Opisthobranchia 01-1968-7549 North Sea Harbor Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1 129 Northeast U.S. Marine Algae 01-1882-1648 Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 Seaweeds in Winter 01-1900-1639 The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 04- 1917-1598 Callitriche stagnalis in Eastern United States 01-1932-1698 Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 Studies in the Genus Naias in the Northern States 01-1936-1638 Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America 01-1937-1666 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 The Lobster, Homarus americanus, and the Red Crab, Geryon quinquedens, in the Offshore Waters of the Western North Atlantic 01-1959-0366 Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomcntosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinully Separated Urosalpinx cinerea ( Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Sea Level Surfaces and the Problem of Coastal Subsidence 02-1927-1714 Studies of Mean Sea Level 02-1929-1712 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02-1929-1713 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Circulation and Water Transport in the Coastal Area Between Martha's Vineyard and Barnegat Inlet, N.J. 02-1955-0251 Occanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Occanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Some Direct Measurement of the Non-Tidal Drift on the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Cape Hattcras 02-1962-0466 Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Occanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Occanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Occanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 An Analysis of Subsurface Currents and Temperature at a Site on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 02-1968-0888 Surface Drift on the Atlantic, Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment; a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural SUBJECT INDEX 267 Northeast U.S.-(Cont.) Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1178 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records / 02-1970-1180 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1183 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and South Carolina 02-1972-7769 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Wcatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 1956 Hurricane Map, Compiled From Authentic Data Furnished by the United States Weather Bureau, Show- ing All Tropical Storms of Hurricane Intensity for the Past Five Years (1951-1955 incl.) 03-1956-0283 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-0711 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1968-0916 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1199 Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Oceanic Aerosol Levels Deduced From Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere 03-1973-7759 Lineaments of the Atlantic Border Region 04-1904-2006 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 American Submarine Canyons 04-1934-2084 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Northeastern United States 04-1938-1608 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and Congo Valley 04-1939-1597 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-1947-1986 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Scamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 Continental Margins and Geosynclincs; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hattcras 04-1959-5026 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Atlantic Offers Oil Promise 04-1966-7698 268 SUBJECT INDEX Northeast U.S.-(ConL) Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Occanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-4011 Microtopography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Position of Regional Car- bonatc/Noncarbonutc Boundary in Nearshorc Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-Injection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Low Frequency Magnetotelluric Study of Electrical Conductivity Anomalies in New England 04-1972-7682 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-7671 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithospherc in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-0311 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 Oceanographic Observations, 1959, East Coast of the United States; A Polluted Estuary 22-1960-7027 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Northern Oceans An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ceratium 01-1941-1859 Northport Harbor Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Norwalk Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Norwalk Island Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 November Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Nuclear Energy Desalination and Devastation 22-1965-0616 Nuclear Explosions Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Effect of Fall-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 SUBJECT INDEX 269 Nuclear Explosions-(Cont.) No Pattern 03-1953-0206 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series -" 03-1961-0439 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1198 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Studies of Radioactive Fall-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Measured and Predicted Contribu- tions From Fallout to Environmental Radiation Levels 21-1961-0417 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Studies of Nuclear Debris in Precipitation 21-1963-0537 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Strontium-90 Yield of the 1967 Chin- ese Thermonuclear Explosion 21-1969-0971 Nuclear Powerplants Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhavcn Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 1-1971-3064 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Desalination and Devastation 22-1965-0616 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Manmadc Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Calefaction of a River 24-1970-2355 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 I 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fit/patrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Nuclear Reactors The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03- 1 95 1 -0 1 64 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 1 60 Miles 21-1968-091 1 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Calefaction of a River 24-1970-2355 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 270 SUBJECT INDEX Nuclear Reactors-(Cont.) Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Nuclear Wastes Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Studies of Nuclear Debris in Precipitation 21-1963-0537 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols, land II 22-1971-1213 Nucleation Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Nucula proxima Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Nudibranchs New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella cmertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda; Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 Nuisance Algae Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Nuisance Birds The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-04X0 Number Fish Per Acre Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 Numerical Analysis Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Nutrient Disposal Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Nutrient Removal The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Nutrient Requirements Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorclla sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Pcnaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 Shellfish Hatcheries— Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 Nutrients A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Plankton Studies, III; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 01-1951-1691 Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1 : Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1170 SUBJECT INDEX 271 Nutrients-(Cont) Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-1971-7067 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Fish, Sewage and Sea Outfalls 22-1961-0430 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Phytoplankton Nutrients in Estuaries 22-1967-0733 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Nyack Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 NAFEC Airfield Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Observation Wells Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey -A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Obstruction to Flow Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Ocean Bottom The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 Ocean Circulation Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Transparency, by Black and White Sccchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 Circulation and Water Transport in the Coastal Area Between Martha's Vineyard and Barnegat Inlet, N.J. 02-1955-0251 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-71 15 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments ( 1 962-63 ) 02-1966-0683 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 531-666 0-74-18 272 SUBJECT INDEX Ocean Circulation-(Cont.) Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959 02-1972-7024 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Natural Science in Its Relation to Practical Navigation; Together With a Study of the Tides and Tidal Currents 32-1910-1737 Ocean City Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Ocean County The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 I he Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Ocean Currents Plankton Studies. Ill; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical. Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Flarbor 02-1888-1842 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 A Note on Horizontal Diffusion of Dye in the Ocean 02-1959-0358 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Oceanographic Observations, I960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 An Analysis of Subsurface Currents and Temperature at a Site on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 02-1968-0888 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-7011 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarinc Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 SUBJECT INDEX 273 Ocean Currents-(Cont) Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Occanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 Ocean Dumping Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 New York Sludge Goes to Sea or to Parks 22-1959-0363 Marine Disposal of Wastes, Progress Report 22-1961-0424 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Sludge Disposal by Barging to Sea 22-1967-0750 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shelf 22-1969-0982 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 A Wasteline to the Sea; A Study Toward Regional Disposal of Concen- trated Wastes 22-1969-1009 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Economic Aspects of Solid Waste Disposal at Sea 23-1970-1058 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1 135 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Ocean Waves Discussion on the Dynamic Action of the Ocean in Building Bars 02-1889-1559 Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-01 14 Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Pneumatic Breakwaters To Protect Dredges 02-1961-0443 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Research in the Coastal and Occano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 The Common Origin of Microseisms and Microbaroms 02-1972-768 1 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 1 I I Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 274 SUBJECT INDEX Ocean Waves-(Cont.) Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-41 10 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-41 1 1 Oceanographic Data Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic- Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1170 Oceanography An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ceratium 01-1941-1859 Recording Sounds of Undersea Life 01-1949-1776 Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise (Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 Discussion on the Dynamic Action of the Ocean in Building Bars 02-1889-1559 Tidal Phenomena of New York 02-1913-1734 Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-1931-1716 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay II; Salinity 02-1935-1425 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 Sheet of Air Bubbles as Acoustic Screen for Underwater Noise 02-1948-2042 Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Circulation and Water Transport in the Coastal Area Between Martha's Vineyard and Barnegat Inlet, N.J. 02-1955-0251 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7115 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Index of Tide Gages and Tide Gage Records for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 02-1957-0307 SUBJECT INDEX 275 Oceanography-( Cont. ) Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 A Note on Horizontal Diffusion of Dye in the Ocean 02-1959-0358 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 Suspended Matter and Secchi Disc Visibility in Coastal Waters 02-1961-0431 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography R D 02-1965-7794 A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments ( 1962-63) 02-1966-0683 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume I, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Oceanography in New York--A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 / Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 A Vehicle Makes Ocean-Bottom Sur- veys 02-1967-7728 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 An Analysis of Subsurface Currents and Temperature at a Site on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 02-1968-0888 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1 170 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1178 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarine Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 The Role of Plankton in the Pb2 10 Balance and Po21() Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thermocline 02-1973-7669 276 SUBJECT INDEX Oceanography-) Cont. ) Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Report of the Special Committee on Geophysical and Geological Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1939-1984 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-103 3 Micro topography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, F.stuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Ba\ 22-1949-1853 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Oceanographic Observations, 1959, East Coast of the United States; A Polluted Estuary 22-1960-7027 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shell 22-1969-0982 The New York Bight; a Case Studj of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1 134 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1 157 Oceans An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ccratium 01-1941-1859 Observations of the Effects of Acid- lion Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 1-1450.0 104 I he Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic. Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 I he Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 0I-I9(i(i-069(1 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 1-1969-7292 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 Discussion on the Dynamic Action of the Ocean in Building Bars 02-1889-1559 The Tendency of Methods for the Measurement of the Force of Gravity on the Ocean 02-1901-1606 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Tidal Phenomena of New York 02-1913-1734 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep Sea 02-1943-1778 Attenuation of Sound in the Sea 02-1944-1780 Radioactivity of the Ocean 02-1944-2075 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 195 1 02-1951-0145 The Distribution of Oxvgen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 flic Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 I he Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Index of Tide Gages and Tide Gage Records for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 02-1957-0307 Some Spectral Irradiancc Measure- ments of Upwclling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 Ocean Currents 02-1968-0860 An Analysis of Subsurface Currents and Temperature at a Site on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 02-1968-0888 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1 180 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Observation of a Cyclonic Gulf Stream Eddy 02-1973-7667 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Density of Sea Water at Coast and Geodetic Survey fide Stations; Atlan- tic and Gulf Coasts. 03-1952-0175 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 An Unconformity in the Narragansctt Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatilc and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 SUBJECT INDEX 277 Oceans-(Cont.) Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Seismology and the Geological Ex- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Geophysical Exploration of Ocean Basins 04-1938-1997 Report of the Special Committee on Geophysical and Geological Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1939-1984 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 The Floor of the Ocean; New Light on Old Mysteries 04-1942-1975 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2 103 Seamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-049 1 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 City of New York V. Fcltinan (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore ) 10-1930-3052 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-146 1 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-145 1 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 I he Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-2 203 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- ■•">' 'd Oxy«cn "ith ' '-hies of O- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 Discharge of Waste Waters Into the Sea 22-1953-0210 Pollution of the Sea by Sewage 22-1954-0235 Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Travel of Pollution in Shoreline Coastal Waters 22-1955-0250 Viability of Sewage Bacteria in Sea Water 22-1956-0278 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Waste Disposal in Marine Waters 22-1958-0326 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Marine Disposal of Wastes, Progress Report 22-1961-0424 Fish. Sewage and Sea Outfalls 22-1961-0430 The Discharge of Sewage Into the Sea 22-1961-0437 Pipeline Disposal of Sewage and Trade Wastes 22-1963-0522 Antibiosis in Sea Water 22-1963-0532 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and 1 heir Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Disposal of Waste in the Marine En- vironment and the Pollution of the Sea 22-1965-0632 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Marine Disposal of Digested Screened Waste-Water Solids 22-1967-0748 Sludge Disposal by Barging to Sea 22-1967-0750 Ocean Disposal of Waste Material 22-1968-0825 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shelf 22-1969-0982 A Wasteline to the Sea; A Study Toward Regional Disposal of Concen- trated Wastes 22-1969-1009 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1 134 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1 15 1 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1 157 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2. Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-125 1 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Detection of Dumping in the New- York Bight 22-1972-5001 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 278 SUBJECT INDEX Oceans-(Cont. ) Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Economic Aspects of Solid Waste Disposal at Sea 23-1970-1058 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1135 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1 173 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Some Acoustic Properties of Marine Fouling 32-1947-1808 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Ouahogs 33-197 1-3075 October Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Odor Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Offlap Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Offshore Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook. New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Offshore Pilot Service New Offshore Station for N.Y. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Offshore Platforms Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- marv Report 04-197 1-2223 Oil Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and South Carolina 02-1972-7769 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Atlantic Offers Oil Promise 04-1966-7698 Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Oil Industry Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 Atlantic Offers Oil Promise 04-1966-7698 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Oil Pollution Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Disposal of Waste in the Marine En- vironment and the Pollution of the Sea 22-1965-0632 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brcvoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Oil Slicks Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Oil Spills New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1157 Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1161 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Bcesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Oil Wastes Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 SUBJECT INDEX 279 Oil Wastes-(Cont-) An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Oil Wells Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 Oily Water An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Old Lyme Quadrangle The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Old Mystic Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Olencira praegustator Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Oligochaetes Bcnthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Oligotrophy Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 On-site Investigation Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 On-site Investigations Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut. 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-197 1-3094 On-site Tests Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent -a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 On-Side Data Collections The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United Stales and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 On-Site Data Collections A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1911-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Leisure Market Studies: 1. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 On-Site Investigations Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor. Application 22-1962-0470 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Oneco Quadrangle Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Onlap Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Probable Holocene Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Opacity Suspended Matter and Secchi Disc Visibility in Coastal Waters 02-1961-0431 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Open Channels Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Operating Costs Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 1 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Operation and Maintenance MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Operations Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Opsanus tau The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 Optical Properties Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 280 SUBJECT INDEX Optical Properties-(Cont.) Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September. 1959, for the Townships of lslip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Suspended Matter and Secchi Disc Visibility in Coastal Waters 02-1961-0431 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1183 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1 184 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York ami Long Island 02-1970-2218 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Biuht 02-1972-5071 Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1472-7680 Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- somcter Systems 03-1966-0704 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Optimization The Economics and Use of Large Scale Elcctrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Optimum Development Plans South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-78 11 Orange County Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Organelles Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 Organic Acids Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 Organic Compounds Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1177 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1182 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1 161 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Organic Matter Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 01-1957-0303 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 The Association of Copper With Dis- solved Organic Matter in Seawater 02-1969-0992 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Relation of Radioactivity, Organic- Content, and Sedimentation 04-1945-2077 Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-l l >67-074 ' Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 SUBJECT INDEX 281 Organic Matter-(Cont. ) In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-lgnition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Organic Matter Utilization Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Organic Pesticides Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pclecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Organic Silt Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Organic Soils I he Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its 1 ributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connelquot River, Long Island, New York 23-197 1-7243 Organic Wastes Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island. New York 04-1963-0545 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden. Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Organizations Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-309 1 Organoleptic Properties Flavor Studies on Raritan Bav Fish 22-1967-7542 Orogeny Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Orography Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 195 3 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhavcn Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-0311 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Orowee Creek Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Oscillographs Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Oscilloscopes Fish Talk (Sounds Made by Fish Are Picked Up by an Underwater Microphone for Viewing With C-R Oscilloscope) 01-1944-1807 Ostrea Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Oswego Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-19 1 1 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Outfall Sewers I he Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Divine Investigators 22-1957-0299 Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 The Discharge of Sewage Into the Sea 22-1961-0437 Pipeline Disposal of Sewage and Trade Wastes 22-1963-0522 Prediction of Pollution From Planned Sewage Outlets 22-1964-0588 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Dispersion of a Non-Conservative Waste Effluent Discharged From a Large Scale Continuous Source 22-1968-0873 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-197 1-5074 Outlets Prediction of Pollution From Planned Sewage Outlets 22-1964-0588 Overcast Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Overflow Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, 1 hird Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay ' 22-1970-1 136 282 SUBJECT INDEX Overflows • An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Ownership of Beds Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Oxidants New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Oxidation Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Measures of Natural Oxidation in Pol- luted Streams. IV; Effect of Sewage on Atmospheric Reaeration Rates Under Stream Flow Conditions 22-1938-1458 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Oxidation Lagoons Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Oxides A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence. Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-l l )69-2246 Oxygen Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Resu'ts 22-1914-1906 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Bcnthal System 22-1969-101 1 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 Oxygen Chlorophyll Ratio Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Oxygen Demand Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea ( Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-1011 Oxygen Distribution A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Oxygen Requirements An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Oxygen Sag Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Oxygenation The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Oyster Bed Management Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Oyster Drills A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Oyster Setting Beds Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Qyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Oysters Observation of Some Common Polychaetes on New Jersey Oyster SUBJECT INDEX 283 Oysters-(Cont.) Beds With Special Reference to Polydora 01-1940-0058 Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-0611 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission (1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrea virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrea vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1161 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Oyster Culture Modernization in Long Island Sound 33-1970-1095 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Ozone Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Pacific Ocean Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Palaemonetes Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Paleobotany Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Paleoclimatology Episodes in Early Staten Island Cli- mate 03-1964-7616 Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 Paleotempcrature Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Paleocurrents Paleocurrents and Scdimcntology of the Schencctady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 Paleoecology Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Paleogeography Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 284 SUBJECT INDEX Paleogeography-( Cont. ) Scdimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Paleohydrology Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area 04-1962-7598 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Paleontology A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 A Fossil Sea-Turtle From New Jersey 01-1964-7740 Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-2011 Pctrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Studies on the Subsurface Geology and Paleontology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1948-2071 Cretaceous Gastropods of New Jersey 04-1962-7600 Cretaceous Scaphopoda of New Jer- sey 04-1962-7601 Miscellaneous Fossils 04-1962-7602 Table Showing Distribution by For- mation of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7603 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Vegetational History of a New Jersey Tidal Marsh, Bog, and Vicinity 04-1964-7516 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Invertebrate Fossils from Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1964-7621 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Fossils of New Jersey 04-1965-7644 Invertebrate Fossils From Cores From the Continental Shelf off New Jersey 04-1965-7645 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Cretaceous and Tertiary Grccnsands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Paleosalinity Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Paleozoic Age Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Paleozoic Era The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Older Paleozoic Metamorphism and Pegmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Palinurichthys perciformis Sighting of the Black Rudderfish 01-1966-7530 Palisade Sill The Palisade Sill 04-1962-7606 Palisades Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Palisades Diabase The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 Paludal Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 Palynology Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Vegetational History of a New Jersey Tidal Marsh, Bog, and Vicinity 04-1964-7516 Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 SUBJECT INDEX 285 Paly nology-( Cont. ) Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7859 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 Paragneisses Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Paralichthys Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 Paralichthys dentatus Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Parametric Hydrology Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Parasitism The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrea virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 Incidence of the Parasitic Isopod Olencira praegustator, in Juvenile At- lantic Menhaden 01-1972-7857 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 Park River Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Parks New York Sludge Goes to Sea or to Parks 22-1959-0363 Parlin Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 Particle Shape A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Etude Granulomctriquc ct Roentgcn- scopique des Quclques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 Particle Size Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; I: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quclques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size- Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 Paleocurrents and Sedimcntology of the Schenectady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Pcconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Particulate Analysis Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Particulate Density Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Passaic Description of the Passaic Quadran- gle New York; New Jersey 04-1908-1977 Passaic River The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Time-of-Travcl Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 286 SUBJECT INDEX Passaic River-(Cont.) New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, ll,Oct.-1969 1 1-1969-7221 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Flow Concentration Groins for Rcacration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Passaic River Basin Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Patchogue River Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Path of Pollutants Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-0911 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory; Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres; Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1 193 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Travel of Pollution in Shoreline Coastal Waters 22-1955-0250 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Movement and Mixing of Contami- nants in Tidal Estuaries 22-1960-0399 Oceanographic Observations, 1959, East Coast of the United States; A Polluted Estuary 22-1960-7027 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-1119 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-1970-7578 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 La Contaminacion por Petrolco 22-1971-3012 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Application of Mathematical Models to Diffusion of Coastal Sea Pollutants 22-1973-7574 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents SUBJECT INDEX 287 Path of Pollutants-(Cont) and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Path of Pollutatnts Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Pathogenic Bacteria Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Pathology Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Bcnthic Studies 22-1972-1247 Paths of Pollutants Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Peak Discharge Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Peat Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1964-0553 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments-World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 Peat Accumulation Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1964-0553 Peconic Bay Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Apparent Indispcnsability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Peconic River Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Peekskill Pluton Textural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Peekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Pegmatite The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Pegmatites Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Pegmatization Older Paleozoic Metamorphism and Pegmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 Pelecypods Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Penaeus aztecus aztecus Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Penalties (Legal) An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Peneplanes The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 Penilia avirostris Dimorfismo Scssuale a Livcllo Em- brionale in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Pennsylvania Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Pequannock River Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 1, Oct.- 1969 11-1969-7221 Perched Water The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Perches The Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Performance Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Period of Growth Periodicity of Algal Colonization in Great South Bay, New York During the Summer of 1962 01-1963-751 1 Permafrost Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Permeability Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Permit Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Permits Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line ) 10-1971-3053 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Water Pollution Control-Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 11-1971-3058 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 1 1-1971-3061 531-666 O / 288 SUBJECT INDEX Permits-(Cont.) The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 Persistence The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Perth Am boy Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Examination of Rivers and Harbors: Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Pesticide Residue Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Pesticide Residues Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Station 59 22-1970-1123 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 Pesticide Toxicity Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Pesticides Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 1 1-1970-1 127 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Petricola pholadiformis Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Petrofabrics Textural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Peekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Pedogenesis Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Petrography Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Rocks of New York City 04-1940-1557 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Petrology An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Notes on a Core-Sample From the Atlantic Ocean Bottom Southeast of New York City 04-1937-1974 Seismology and the Geological Ex- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Correlation of Metasediments in Southeastern New York 04-1941-2053 Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Unusual Lamprophyric Dikes in the Manhattan Schist of New York City 04-1943-1969 Geologic Age of the New York City Rocks 04-1945-1522 Orgin of Continental Shelves 04-1946-2111 Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions; The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod, Massachusetts 04-1952-5040 The Palisade Sill 04-1962-7606 Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Isotopic Age Study, Dutchess County, New York 04-1962-761 1 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 Older Paleozoic Metamorphism and Pegmatization in the Bronx, New York 04-1966-7700 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 SUBJECT INDEX 289 Petrology-(Cont) Textural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Peekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Drainage Density, Length Ratios, and Lithology in a Glaciated Area of Southern Connecticut 04-1971-4029 Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Rcmobilization 04-1972-7765 Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion) 04-1973-7757 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Pfizer Company EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Phaeodactylum tricornutum Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 Phaeophyta Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria 01-1900-1696 The Distribution of Fucus scnatus in America 01-1931-1695 Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 Pharmaceutical Wastes EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Phase Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR- 16.0 KC/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Phenocrysts Clinobronzite in the Diabase of East- ern Connecticut 04-1973-7674 Phenolic Pesticides Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Phlogopite Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Phonorecords Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Phosphate Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Phosphates Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1170 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 Phosphorous Compounds The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Phosphorus The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 The Annual Cycle of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in New England Coastal Waters 02-1958-7061 Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the Biochemical Cycle in the At- lantic Off New England 02-1963-7125 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Phosphorus Compounds The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Phosphorus-32 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Photoactivation Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Photogrammetry Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Photography Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 A Submerged Holoccne Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Photometry Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 Photoregulation Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Photosyntheses Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Photosynthesis Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1104 290 SUBJECT INDEX Photosynthesis-( Cont. ) Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Photosynthetic Oxygen Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 Physical Oceanography The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7115 Physical Parameters Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Physical Properties Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep Sea 02-1943-1778 Acoustical Tables for Air and Sea Water 02-1943-1806 Attenuation of Sound in the Sea 02-1944-1780 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Sheet of Air Bubbles as Acoustic Screen for Underwater Noise 02-1948-2042 Experiments in Acoustic Absorption in Sand and Soil 02-1950-1796 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-71 15 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 The Physical Phenomena of Harbor Entrances, Their Causes and Remedies; Defects of Present Methods of Improvement 32-1887-1708 Physiological Ecology Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 Phytoplankton Notice of an Undescribed Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 Drifting Algae 01-1914-1640 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Habits and Life History of the Diatoms 01-1941-1654 An Oceanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagellate, Genus Ceratium 01-1941-1859 Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-7113 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 01-1951-1691 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7114 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 The Diversity of Species in Net Phytoplankton of the Raritan Estuary 01-1959-7500 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skcletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1963-7088 SUBJECT INDEX 291 Phytoplankton-(Cont.) Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Dctonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Competition for Nutrients by Marine Phytoplankton in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarine Regions 01-1970-7089 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Observations on the Small Scale Dis- tribution of Estuarine Phytoplankton 01-1970-7101 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobcnthic Plants 01-1971-7080 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-1971-3016 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Phytoplankton Nutrients in Estuaries 22-1967-0733 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 Pictorial History A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 Piers Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 New Pier in Jamaica Bay 32-1972-4086 Pierson-Neumann method Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 Pigeons The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-0480 Pigments Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Pikes Occurrence of a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-7520 Piles (Foundations) Piling Difficulties in the New York Area 04-1966-7696 Piloting New Offshore Station for N.Y. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Pine Barrens Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 Pinger Probes Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Pipelines Pipeline Disposal of Sewage and Trade Wastes 22-1963-0522 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1 135 Pipes Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Pit Recharge Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1 122 Plagiogramma Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostcra marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Plainfield Formation Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Plainview Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Plan Geometry Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches 04-1964-0574 Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches 04-1964-0574 292 SUBJECT INDEX Planetary Boundary Layer Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Plankton Notice of an Undescribed Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 Fossil Marine Bacillariaceae on Long Island, New York 01-1896-1646 On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-71 12 Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 An Occanographic Consideration of the Dinoflagcllate, Genus Ceratium 01-1941-1859 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 1 1 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton o( lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 01-1951-1691 Plankton Biology of Raritan Bay 01-1959-0359 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 196 1 01-1963-0523 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuarv 01-1965-0638 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 Zooplankton Communities of the Navcsink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bav, New Jersey 01-1966-068 1 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 The Plankton of Estuaries 01-1967-7043 Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1104 Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livello Em- brionale in Pcnilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 Shallow Water Research at the Occanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brcvoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Plankton Blooms The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Planning Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography ROD 02-1965-7794 Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State— First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Long Island Sources -Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District— Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 1 1-1929-7934 Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 11-1957-7799 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County 11-1965-7780 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 SUBJECT INDEX 293 Planning-(Cont.) Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 11-1969-0985 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 11-1970-1052 Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Plant Ecology Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 Plant Groupings The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 Additions to the Flora of Long Island 01-1904-1688 Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 Plant Growth Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 Plant Morphology Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 Plant Physiology Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 Plant Pigments Studies on Absorption Spectra of Plant Pigments in Estuaries 01-1970-1128 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Plant Population The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 Plant Populations Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 Additions to the Flora of Long Island 01-1904-1688 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1917-1692 Callitriche stagnalis in Eastern United States 01-1932-1698 Collecting Algae on Staten Island 01-1941-1641 Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-7113 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 Planting Management An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 Plants The Native Flora of the Vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1925-1650 Plasma Frequency Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Plasma Proteins Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus. Population 01-1970-1116 Pleistocene Epoch A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 294 SUBJECT INDEX Pleistocene Epoch-(Cont.) Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Hydrogcology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Pleistocene Geology of Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1964-7630 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 The Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Submergence Curve Inferred from Plcistoccne/Holoccne Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeaguc Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Paleoternperature Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 Great Egg Buried Channel on the New Jersey Continental Shelf: A Possible Continuation of the Pleistocene Schuylkill River to Wilmington Canyon 04-1973-7567 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Pleurobrachia brunnea On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 Pleurobrachia pileus Luminescing Comb Jellies of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 Pleurobranchia Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Pleurosigma Notice of an Undescribed Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 Pliocene Epoch Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Pliovitellaria wisconsinensis Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Plum Island Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Plumes Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 The Forecasting of Micromcteorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 160 Miles 21-1968-091 1 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Plutons Textural Evidence for Synorogcnic Intrusion of the Peckskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Point Judith Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 Point Lookout Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Poisons The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Polar Regions Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Polarity Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Polinices duplicatus Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 Political Aspects Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Political Constraints Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Pollen Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1189 Pollen Counts Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Pollutant Identification Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1 179 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 SUBJECT INDEX 295 Pollutants Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-01 10 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1 179 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New- York (January-February 1964) "21-1965-2227 Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Borne Em missions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1177 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1182 Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City 21-1970-1186 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1 193 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 New York Shows Gains in Sootfall Pollution Battle 21-1971-2259 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Study of Air Pollution Aspects of Roadway Configurations; Final Re- port 21-1971-2284 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Investigation of the Pollution of Cer- tain Tidal Waters of New Jersey, New York and Delaware 22-1917-1455 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Hydrographic Factors Involved in Dispersion of Pollutants Introduced Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-1876 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1010 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 296 SUBJECT INDEX Pollutants-(Cont.) Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1161 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Pollution An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Pollution Abatement Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 1 1-1967-2209 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1179 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1177 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1 194 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 States Plan Ahead for (Water) Pollu- tion Abatement (New York) 22-1967-7533 Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1010 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Nixon Is Urged To Push Cleanup of Harbor Here 22-1970-1 149 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Advanced Waste Treatment, Summa- ry Report 23-1968-0878 Pollution Management Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 Pollution Metabolism Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Polonium The Role of Plankton in the Pb2I0 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Polycerella emertoni A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda; Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 Polychaete Tubes Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Polychaete Worms Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 Polychaetes Observation of Some Common Polychaetes on New Jersey Oyster Beds With Special Reference to Polydora 01-1940-0058 Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Polychlorinated Biphenyls The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Polydora Observation of Some Common Polychaetes on New Jersey Oyster Beds With Special Reference to Polydora 01-1940-0058 Observation of Some Common Polychaetes on New Jersey Oyster Beds With Special Reference to Polydora 01-1940-0058 Polyelectrolytes Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 SUBJECT INDEX 297 Polysiphonia Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Pomatomus saltatrix Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Pompton River Time-of-Travel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 Ponds A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-7501 Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 A Study of Charlcstown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Population A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1887-1665 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1889-2140 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 Population Distribution of Emcrita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pscudopleuronectcs amer- icanus. Population 01-1970-1116 Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1117 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) 01-1972-1206 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mcrcenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarinc Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Station 59 22-1970-1123 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Pore Water Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarinc, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Port Authorities Port of New York Authority 11-1936-1945 Port Authority of New York Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7211 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Port of New York Authority 1 1-1936-1945 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 1 1-1957-7206 City -vs- Bi-State Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 Port Chester Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Port Chester Harbor Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Port Jefferson Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 298 SUBJECT INDEX Port Jefferson Harbor Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Portsmouth Climatology and Low-Level Air Pol- lution Potential From Ships in Selected New England Ports 21-1966-0699 Postglacial Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 Postglacial Submergence Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Postlarvae Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 Potable Water Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Potassium Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Potassium Radioisotopes Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Potential Gradient Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Potential Water Supply Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State— First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey 11-1945-7935 Potholes On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Potomac Formation Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac - Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Potomac River Denudation 04-1909-1456 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Poughquag Formation Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Pound-Nets Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Power Law Profile Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Power Plants Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Power Spectra Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 Power System Operation Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit I); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit I); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. I; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Powerplants Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Pre-Newark Peneplane The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 Pre-Quaternary Pre -Quaternary Geology of the Mount Holly Quadrangle, New Jersey 04-1964-7625 Precambrian Era Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7711 The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Precipitable Water Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Precipitation The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset SUBJECT INDEX 299 Precipitation-( Cont. ) Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 Studies of Nuclear Debris in Precipitation 21-1963-0537 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Precipitation (atmospheric) Maximum Station Precipitation for 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 Precipitation (Atmospheric) Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-011 1 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 On Summertime Rainfall at New York,N. Y. 03-1951-0165 The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 The Climate of New Jersey. 03-1957-0308 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-0453 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. I , Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Climate of Scarsdalc, New York 03-1968-0910 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1196 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-031 1 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 300 SUBJECT INDEX Precipitation (Atmospheric)-(Cont. ) Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Trace Mctals--Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Precipitation Discrimination Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Precipitation Excess No Pattern 03-1953-0206 Precipitation Gages Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Precipitation Intensity Effect of Fail-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Precipitation Measurement Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Predation The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 Predators Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Preservation Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Pressure Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1180 Pressure Energy Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1180 Pressure Measuring Instruments Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 Pressure Recorder Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Pressure Waves Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1198 Priacanthus Occurrence of the Bigeye in Long Island Waters 01-1968-0835 Primary Productivity Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Relationship of Photosynthesis to Fish Production in the Sea 01-1969-0989 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Estuarine Phytoplank- ton and Macrobenthic Plants 01-1971-7080 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Probability The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1110 Productivity Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Organic Production in Moriches Bay, New York 01-1968-0850 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 SUBJECT INDEX 301 Productivity-( Cont. ) Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Profiles Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-0117 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-0117 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-7671 Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York State 24-1969-0958 Programs Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Project Benefits Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Project Feasibility South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Project Planning The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, New York: Statement Filed by the Port of New York Authority at Hearing Before New York District Engineers 04-1946-7205 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 1 1-1966-7783 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Project Purposes Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Project Scud The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Projections Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Projects Report on Cruise of USNS Sands, Block Island Sound, 22 July- 10 Au- gust 1967 02-1967-7746 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 Properties Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina. Cover 04-1970-1 100 Proposals A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 1 1-1966-7783 Prorocentrum A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Prosobranchia Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 Protection Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 302 SUBJECT INDEX Protection-( Cont. ) An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 Proteins Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus, Population 01-1970-1116 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Protelphidium Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Protozoa On the Distribution of Foraminifera on the Coast of New Jersey as Shown by the Off-Shore Soundings of the Coast Survey 01-1850-0001 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Influence of Seawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamoeba 01-1970-1 120 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 Acantamoeba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Micro- organisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1971-4040 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 A Warm-Water Pleistocene Fauna From the Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island 01-1972-4116 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera From New Jersey 04-1964-7615 Correlation and Foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous), Long Island, New York 04-1965-7650 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 Protozoans Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Provenance Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 Origin and Environment of Source Sediments of Petroleum 04-1932-2107 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island, New York 04-1950-5027 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Providence A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Psammolittoral Communities Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 Pseudomonas Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Pseudopleuronectes The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 SUBJECT INDEX 303 Pseudopleuronectes americanus The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, I, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus, Population 01-1970-1116 Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1 130 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7531 The Use of Salt-Water Coves as Winter Flounder Nursery Grounds (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7532 Psychological Aspects Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Public Access Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Public Health Biometeorological Study in Seasonal Variations of Stroke Mortality: Ef- fects of Artificial Climate on Seasonal Variation 03-1969-1034 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in New York City 21-1970-1181 Asbestos Air Pollution in New York City 21-1970-1 186 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Pollution! of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 Viability of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1950-0093 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Health Department Surveillance of Ground Water Quality 22-1968-4135 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Public Lands City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Public Meetings Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Public Opinion Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 1 1-1970-1 127 Public Rights City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Public Trust Doctrine Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 Publications Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Puffers A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphoeroides trichocephalus (Cope) 01-1971-1227 Puget Sound Sludge Disposal by Dilution in Puget Sound 22-1962-0477 531-666 O - 74 - 20 304 SUBJECT INDEX Puget Sound-(Cont) Sludge Disposal by Dilution in Puget Sound 22-1962-0477 Pugsley Creek Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Pulmonary Disease Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Pumped Storage Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Pumping Plants South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 Pure Water New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Putnam County Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Pychocline Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 Pyranometer Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 Pyrite Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Pyrrophyta The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey ut Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 Quadrature Spectra Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Quahogs Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 Quality Control Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 1 5 21-1967-2242 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Quarternary Period The Quarternary Formations of Southern New Jersey 04-1917-2079 The Quarternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Quartz An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Quaternary Period Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Post Glacial History of the Hudson River Valley 04-1891-2048 The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Postglacial Stratigraphy and Morphology of Coastal Connecticut 04-1963-7631 Quaternary Geology of New York 04-1965-7651 Bibliography of New York Quaterna- ry Geology 04-1965-7652 Historical Note on Studies of New York Quaternary Geology 04-1965-7653 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Probable Holocene Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Queens Borough Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau and Borough of Queens 04-1901-2013 Queens County Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 SUBJECT INDEX 305 Queens County-(Cont.) Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Queens Midtown Tunnel Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Quicksand Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Quincy Granite Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Quinnipiac Valley Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Quinqueloculina Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Radar Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-071 1 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-081 1 Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Radar Echoes Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-0711 Radiation Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 Environmental Monitoring Radiation Levels at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1969-0946 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Radiation Fog Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Radio Interference Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR- 16.0 K.C/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Radio Waves Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR-16.0 KC/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Radioactive Dating Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Isotopic Age Study, Dutchess County, New York 04-1962-7611 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Radioactive Decay Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Radioactive Gases Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Radioactive Waste Disposal Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Radioactive Wastes Studies of Radioactive Fail-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 306 SUBJECT INDEX Radioactive Wastes-(Cont) Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Radioactive Well Logging The Total Gamma Ray Activity of Sedimentary Rocks as Indicated by Geiger Counter Determinations 04-1944-2076 Radioactivity Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Radioactivity of the Ocean 02-1944-2075 The Ionization Balance of the At- mosphere 03-1950-0108 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 Effect of Fall-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 A Theory of the Distribution of Radioactivity in Marine Sedimentary Rocks 04-1942-2134 The Total Gamma Ray Activity of Sedimentary Rocks as Indicated by Geiger Counter Determinations 04-1944-2076 Relation of Radioactivity, Organic Content, and Sedimentation 04-1945-2077 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Studies of Radioactive Fail-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Radioactivity Effects Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine 1 3 1 21-1963-0544 Radioactivity Surveys Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 Radioactivity Techniques The Total Gamma Ray Activity of Sedimentary Rocks as Indicated by Geiger Counter Determinations 04-1944-2076 Radiochemical Analysis Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Radioecology The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 Radioisotopes Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-01 10 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Studies of Radioactive Fail-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Comparison of Computed and Mea- sured Ground-Level Dose Rates From Radioargon Emitted by the Brook- haven Reactor Stack 21-1954-0226 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 131 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 1 60 Miles 21-1968-0911 Surveillance for Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere 21-1969-0965 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Radioistopes Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 SUBJECT INDEX 307 Radiometry Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Radiosondes Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Radium Radioisotopes Radioactivity of the Ocean 02-1944-2075 Radon Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Ragweed Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Ragweed Pollen Experimental Data on Ragweed Pol- len Dispersion and Deposition From Point and Area Sources 21-1970-1189 Rahway South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Rahway River South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-1971-3051 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. 32-1907-2115 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Railroads City -vs- Bi-State Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 Rails Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Rain More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1 196 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Rain Gages Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Rain Water Water Resources Data for New York, 1970; Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Raindrops Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Rainfall Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Effect of Fall-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Maximum Station Precipitation for 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954-0233 Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Studies of Radioactive Fail-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1 960-64 21-1966-0698 Rainfall Disposition Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 Rainfall Intensity No Pattern 03-1953-0206 308 SUBJECT INDEX Rainfall Intensity-(Cont.) Maximum Station Precipitation for 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 Hours, Pt. 10, New York 03-1954,0233 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey 03-1967-0815 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Rainfall Variability Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Rallus longirostris Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Ramapo Fault Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Ramapo River Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 11, Oct. -1969 1 1-1969-7221 Ranges A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 The Morid Fish Halargyreus johnsonii From the New York Bight 01-1970-1076 Rare Fish Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Raritan Palynology of the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey and Long Island 04-1965-7647 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Raritan Bay Plankton Biology of Raritan Bay 01-1959-0359 Plankton Biology of Raritan Bay 01-1959-0359 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 Halichoanolaimus raritanensis New Species (Chromadoroidea: Cyatholaimidae) From New Jersey 01-1966-7523 An Ecological Study of the Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-7658 Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-0117 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront I 1-1949-7213 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 I, Oct.- 1 969 11-1969-7221 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1970-1082 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 Raritan Formation New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 Hydrologic Significance of Confining Layers in the Artesian Potomac- Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in New Jersey 04-1969-4006 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Raritan River Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 The Diversity of Species in Net Phytoplankton of the Raritan Estuary 01-1959-7500 SUBJECT INDEX 309 Raritan River-(Cont.) The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 11, Oct.- 1969 11-1969-7221 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1927 22-1929-1448 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1938 22-1939-1447 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors: Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Rates Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 No Pattern 03-1953-0206 Ravenswood Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Ray Paths Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Reaction Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Reactor Cores Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Reading Prong Isotopic Age Study of the Metamorphic History of the Manhat- tan and Reading Prongs 04-1962-7610 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gar- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Reaeration Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Reasonable Use Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Receiving Waters Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Recent Epoch Recent Foraminifers From the Atlan- tic Continental Shelf of the United States 01-1969-4136 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City 04-1962-0491 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Recharge Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Recharge Wells Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-lnjection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Reclaimed Water Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1132 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 310 SUBJECT INDEX Reclamation Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 Recordings Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Recreation Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-2203 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 1 1-1970-1127 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1 158 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment ) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 Recreation Demand Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Recreation Facilities Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Recreational Facilities Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Recrystallization Petrography of the Basement Gneiss Beneath the Coastal Plain Sequence, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 04-1964-0567 Recycling Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Station 59 22-1970-1123 Red Tide Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, May Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 Redfish Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Reduction (Chemical) Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Reefs Marine Life on the Artificial Reef Off Fire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Reflectance Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 An Application of Reflected-Light Differential-Interference Microscopy: Beach Studies in Eastern Long Island (U.S.A.) 04-1971-1229 Reflection Reflection of Sound From Coastal Seabottoms 02-1948-1793 Refraction (Water Waves) Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 Refractivity Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Regional Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Regional Analysis Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Regional Development Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography ROD 02-1965-7794 SUBJECT INDEX 311 Regional Development-^ Cont.) Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 11-1969-0985 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Regional Metamorphism Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Regression Analysis The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Regulated Flow Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Regulation Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 189 1 01-1970-3087 State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 11236 10-1966-7781 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 1 1-1972-5083 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Air Pollution Control in the City of New York 21-1968-2234 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Health Department Surveillance of Ground Water Quality 22-1968-4135 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. I; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Rehabilitation Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Relative Rights Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Relocation Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1 150 Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1150 Remedies City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Remote Sensing Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1178 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 312 SUBJECT INDEX Remote Sensing-(Cont.) Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Case Study of Radar Determined Rainfall as Compared to Rain Gage Measurements 03-1971-4056 Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500 Cm. t. (10a.m.,e.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Reproduction A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Population Distribution of Emerita talpoida at Point Lookout, New York 01-1962-7285 Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-0611 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima, in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 Morphology and Development of Codium fragile in Great South Bay, New York 01-1972-7236 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur. ) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Reproductive Cycle Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima, in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 Reptiles A Fossil Sea-Turtle From New Jersey 01-1964-7740 Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 Research and Development A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography ROD 02-1965-7794 A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Recent Contributions to the Stratig- raphy of the Coastal Plain of the United States 04-1924-1971 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7718 SUBJECT INDEX 313 Research and Developments Cont.) Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 An Outline Report of the Possibilities of Developing a Marine Industry in the Bi-County Area 11-1965-7810 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation 1930-1932 22-1932-2110 Marine Disposal of Wastes, Progress Report 22-1961-0424 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 Advanced Waste Treatment, Summa- ry Report 23-1968-0878 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Rhode Island Experiments Produce More Lobsters 33-1970-1043 Research Effectiveness The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Research Equipment A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 Research Facilities Haskins Laboratories: Research on Human Communication, Marine Ecology, and the Biochemistry of Protozoa 01-1967-7543 Explore Potential on Long Island for Oceanography ROD 02-1965-7794 A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 Research Management Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Research Priorities A Plan To Develop Long Island as a National Center for Oceanographic Research 02-1965-7809 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Reservoir Construction Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Reservoir Operation Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Reservoir Sites Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Reservoir Storage Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Reservoirs More Rain for New-Yorkers? 03-1950-0109 Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) I 1-1971-3064 Residence Time Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Resistivity Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Resource Allocation Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-781 1 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 11-1969-0985 Resources Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 1 1-1969-0968 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 11-1970-1052 Phytoplankton Nutrients in Estuaries 22-1967-0733 Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Resources Development State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Coastal Zone Management System: a Combination of Tools 11-1972-4089 Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Respiration Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Respiratory Diseases The Control of Incinerator-Caused Air Pollution in New York City: 1946-1965 21-1969-0957 314 SUBJECT INDEX Responses The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Retaining Walls New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Retention Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Reviews A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 Reynolds Number The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Rhabditis marina Gnotobiotic Culture and Physiologi- cal Ecology of the Marine Nematode 01-1970-1129 Rhode Island Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 Notes on Marine Copepoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 Annotated List of Fishes Known To Inhabit the Waters of Rhode Island 01-1910-1941 The Benthos of Block Island; I. The Invertebrates, Their Quantities, and Their Relation to the Fishes 01-1950-7779 Fish Are Noisy in Narragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-71 14 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 Marine Fouling Communities of Rhode Island 01-1963-7509 Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-7514 Biological Uptake in Shallow Benthic Environments 01-1964-0562 Yes, There Are Corals in Rhode Island 01-1964-0571 Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 An Unusually Large Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), From Rhode Island 01-1965-0606 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 The Growth and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Fishes in Two Rhode Island Estuaries 01-1966-0662 Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 Lactate and Succinate Oxidoreduc- tases in Marine Invertebrates 01-1969-0944 Callinectcs sapidus. Favorite Target of Homo sapiens 01-1969-0975 Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus, Population 01-1970-1116 Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphoeroides trichocephalus (Cope) 01-1971-1227 Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 The Sponge— Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-4081 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments (1962-63) 02-1966-0683 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 Report on Cruise of USNS Sands, Block Island Sound, 22 July-10 Au- gust 1967 02-1967-7746 The Rhode Island Sound Square Kilometer Study, 1967: Auto-Spectra of the Current Velocity Records 02-1968-0832 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1124 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarine Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent SUBJECT INDEX 315 Rhode Island-(Cont) New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: I. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-2011 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April 1960 04-1960-7868 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1964-7628 Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Continental Shelf Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle, Connecticut- Rhode Island 04-1965-7654 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina. Cover 04-1970-1100 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 11-1972-5083 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 11-1973-7989 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Forty-First Annual Report (1910) 33-1911-1920 Forty-Second Annual Report (1911) 33-1912-1921 Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Rhode Island Experiments Produce More Lobsters 33-1970-1043 Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith 33-1973-7556 316 SUBJECT INDEX Rhode Island Quahogs The Economics of Dredging Quahogs in Rhode Island 33-1965-0610 Rhode Island Sound The Sponge— Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-408! A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments (1962-63) 02-1966-0683 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The Rhode Island Sound Square Kilometer Study, 1967: Auto-Spectra of the Current Velocity Records 02-1968-0832 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1124 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Rhodium Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Rhodophyta The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Richardson Numbers The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 Richmond County Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Richmond Creek Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Richmond Tunnel Richmond Tunnel, Part 3 04-1967-7710 Ridge Formation Observation of Beach Cusp and Beach Ridge Formation on the Long Island Sound 04-1964-0564 Ridges Observation of Beach Cusp and Beach Ridge Formation on the Long Island Sound 04-1964-0564 Right-of-Way Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Rill Erosion Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Riparian Land Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Riparian Rights Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Hotchkiss Grove Ass'n. V. Water Resources Comm. (Judicial Review of Permits Allowing Pier Construc- tion on Navigable Waters) 10-1971-3055 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Riparian Waters City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore ) 10-1930-3052 Ripple Marks A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I., N.Y. 04-1951-0128 River Basin Commissions Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 River Basin Development Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 River Basins Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Post Glacial History of the Hudson River Valley 04-1891-2048 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 Landslides in Unconsolidated Sedi- ments; With a Description of Some Occurrences in the Hudson Valley 04-1916-1529 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 River Beds A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 SUBJECT INDEX 317 River Flow Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 Time-of-Travel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 River Regulation Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 River Training Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Rivers Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1 966 01-1966-0685 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 Age Determinations From Scales of Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) and Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) in Connec- ticut Waters 01-1969-7553 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 Environmental Characteristics of a River Estuary 02-1947-7104 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Time-of-Travel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 The Glacial or Post-glacial Diversion of the Bronx River From Its Old Channel 04-1897-2025 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Denudation 04-1909-1456 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 The Character of the Hudson Gorge at New York City 04-1910-2074 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April I960 04-1960-7868 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 318 SUBJECT INDEX Rivers-(Cont.) Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 The Hudson River 04-1969-1007 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 1 1-1967-2209 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey, Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey 12-1972-5090 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1927 22-1929-1448 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1938 22-1939-1447 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Dis- tribution in the East River 22-1966-0663 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Calefaction of a River 24-1970-2355 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Reaction as an Efficient Agent in Procuring Deeper Navigable Chan- nels in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors 32-1903-2004 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Hydraulic Principles Governing River and Harbor Construction 32-1922-2106 Report on Examination of Harlem River, New York, To Determine Per- missibility of Fixed Bridges 32-1927-1589 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Report on Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1931-1549 Examination of Rivers and Harbors: Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, N.J. To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1454 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Improvement of Hudson River by Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 The Harbor of New York, Improve- ment of Entrance Channels and New York and New Jersey Channels 32-1939-1592 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Roads Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Roccus americanus Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Roccus saxatilis Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 SUBJECT INDEX 319 Rock Excavation The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Rock Foundations Evidence of the Stability of the Rock Foundations of New York City 04-1907-2024 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Rock Mechanics The Tunnel Construction of the Hud- son and Manhattan Railroad Co. 04-1910-1978 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Rock Properties Beta Ray Ionization From the Ground 03-1953-0201 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Magnetic Survey of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1956-0281 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 Rockaway Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say. in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 Rockaway Inlet Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Rockaway Point Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Rockland County Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Rocks A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Rocks of New York City 04-1940-1557 Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. -N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Rockweed The Distribution of Fucus senatus in America 01-1931-1695 Rondout Creek Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River, New York and New Jersey; (South Ellenville, New York) Rondout Creek Basin, and Sandburg Creek, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3048 Rondout Formation Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Rondout Harbor Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Ronkonkoma Moraines Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Roseate Terns PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Rosendale Quadrangle Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Rotifers A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 Roughness (Hydraulic) A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Roughness (Wind) Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Rudderfish Sighting of the Black Rudderfish 01-1966-7530 Running Waters The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates frorn Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Runoff Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1 184 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 531-666 O - 74 - 21 320 SUBJECT INDEX Runoff-(Cont) Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Runoff Coefficient Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Runoff Effects The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Murine Waters 22-1962-0456 Runs Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Runway Visual Range Values Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Runways Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Ruppia maritima A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Rural Areas Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Sacttering Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1183 Safety Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 1 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 ; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Sag Harbor Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Saint Lawrence Seaway Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Salcrete Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Saline Lakes Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 Saline Wastes Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Saline Water The Algae of Connecticut (Fresh and Salt Water Forms) 01-1928-1658 Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Position of the Salt-Water Body in the Magothy(?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 SUBJECT INDEX 321 Saline Water Barriers Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Saline Water Instrusion Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Saline Water Intrusion Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-1701 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- Water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Position of the Salt-Water Body in the Magothy(?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Saline Water Systems Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- Water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 Position of the Salt-Water Body in the Magothy(?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Saline Water-Freshwater Interfaces Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7114 Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 The Plankton of Estuaries 01-1967-7043 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-71 15 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- Water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 322 SUBJECT INDEX Saline Water-Freshwater Interfaces-(Cont. ) Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-4011 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 1 1-1968-0845 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Oceanographic Observations, 1959, East Coast of the United States; A Polluted Estuary 22-1960-7027 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Fresh and Salty Ground Water beneath the Barrier Beaches of Southwestern Long Island, New York 22-1962-7609 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 Salinity On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctenophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 Plankton Studies, III; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia; :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Acantamoeba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay II; Salinity 02-1935-1425 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 SUBJECT INDEX 323 Salinity-(Cont.) Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Oceanographic Observations, I960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America 02-1966-0653 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1 , Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1 124 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1170 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Density of Sea Water at Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Stations: Atlan- tic and Gulf Coasts. 03-1952-0175 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 Position of the Salt-Water Body in the MagothyC?) Formation in the Cedar- hurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1960-7930 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 324 SUBJECT INDEX Salinity-(Cont.) Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 A Water-Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Clams and Scallops Industry of New York State 33-1901-1407 Salisbury Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Salmon Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Salmonella Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Salt Marshes Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-7501 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 01-1963-7508 Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 The Cultivation and Physiological Ecology of Members of Salt Marsh Epiphytic Communities 01-1970-1088 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Lead in a Connecticut Salt Marsh 04-1971-7584 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Salt Meadow Grass On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Salt Tolerance Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 Salts Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Saltwater Cord Grass On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Sample Preservation Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Sampling Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 SUBJECT INDEX 325 Sampling-(Cont) New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 The Iron Content of Sediment Sam- ples in New York Bight Obtained During R.V. Caryn Cruise 108, Oct. 19-24, 1956 22-1956-0275 Pollution Survey Sampling of New York Harbor 22-1956-0280 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 New York State Waters, Tritium in 1965 Errors To Sampling Avoid in 22-1969-2354 Collection and 22-1970-1070 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 San Diego Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 San Onofre Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Sand Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Sand Aquifers Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Sand Bars Discussion on the Dynamic Action of the Ocean in Building Bars 02-1889-1559 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 ' A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Sand By-Passing Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Sand Level Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Sand Spits Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Sand Splits Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Sand Waves The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Sand-Filled Bottoms Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Sandfill The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Sands Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1 : Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Experiments in Acoustic Absorption in Sand and Soil 02-1950-1796 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Preliminary Report on Ilmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 326 SUBJECT INDEX Sands-(Cont.) Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavv Minerals 04-1967-0725 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 Beach Erosion: Is There a Solution 04-1971-3084 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Modal Analysis of Heavy Minerals of New Jersey Beach Sands by X-Ray Diffraction 04-1973-7572 New York Metropolitan Region— A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Sandstones Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Sandy Hook On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livello Em- brionale in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Comparision of the Predicted With Observed Times and Heights of High and Low HOH at Sandy Hook 02-1890-1745 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Sandy Hook Bay The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 Fish Notes for 1924 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1925-0840 Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Report of the Harmonic Analysis of the Tides at Sandy Hook 02-1883-1707 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 11-1949-7213 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Sanitary Engineering Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 Comparative Analysis of Sewage Sludges 22-1956-0273 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 SUBJECT INDEX 327 Sanitary Engineering-(Cont) Waste Disposal in Marine Waters 22-1958-0326 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 Marine Disposal of Wastes, Progress Report 22-1961-0424 A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Biological Processing of Waste Waters 22-1968-0882 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shelf 22-1969-0982 A Wasteline to the Sea; A Study Toward Regional Disposal of Concen- trated Wastes 22-1969-1009 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Bcnthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1 252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1135 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 Sastrugi Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Satellites (Artificial) An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500G.m.t. (10a.m.,e.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 Sav brook Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Sayreville Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Scallops Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Scaphopods Cretaceous Scaphopoda of New Jer- sey 04-1962-7601 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Scarsdale Climate of Scarsdale, New York 03-1968-0910 Scatter Diagrams Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Scattering Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1184 Schist Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Schools (Education) Oceanography in New York— A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 Scintillations Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Scintillometers Effect of Fail-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Scoliosis Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Scomber scombrus Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 Scomber scrombus Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 Scophthalmus aquosus The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Scotian Shelf Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 Scrap Tires An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Screening-Multiple-Regression Technique Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Sculpins The Sea-Raven in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7589 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Scup Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 Sea Basses Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 328 SUBJECT INDEX Sea Breezes A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-111 1 Sea Floor Continental Shelf Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Sea Grant Program The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 1 1-1970-1051 Sea Level Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Tidal Phenomena of New York 02-1913-1734 Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 Sea Level Surfaces and the Problem of Coastal Subsidence 02-1927-1714 Studies of Mean Sea Level 02-1929-1712 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02-1929-1713 On the Determination of Mean High Water 02-1933-1723 New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking? Evidence From the Tides 02-1948-1725 Sea Level Changes Along the Coasts of the United States in Recent Years 02-1949-1830 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Forecasting the Weather-An Objec- tive Method for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 The Geology of Long Island 04-1914-2000 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-2113 The Determination of Mean Sea Level 04-1937-1718 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area 04-1962-7598 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Postglacial Change of Sea Level in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut 04-1964-7618 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Quaternary of the Hudson River Estuary; a Preliminary Report 04-1969-4002 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh SUBJECT INDEX 329 Sea Level-(Cont.) Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 A Very Late Wisconsin Glacial Ad- vance to Western Long Island 04-1973-7570 Sea Level Fluctuations Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Sea Robin The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 Sea State Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Sea Surface On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Sea Walls A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Sea Water Marine Algae of New England and Adjacent Coast 01-1882-1649 Some Interesting Features of Well Known Plants of New York Harbor 01-1895-1643 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 A Biological Survey of the Salt Waters of Long Island 01-1939-1733 Eelgrass— A Controversial Link in the Chain of Life in Our Marine Waters 01-1962-7806 The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Influence of Seawater Media on the Growth and Cyst Morphology of Six Species of Acanthamoeba 01-1970-1120 Acantamoeba griffini, a New Species of Marine Amoeba 01-1971-1222 Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay II; Salinity 02-1935-1425 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Acoustical Tables for Air and Sea Water 02-1943-1806 Attenuation of Sound in the Sea 02-1944-1780 Radioactivity of the Ocean 02-1944-2075 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Sheet of Air Bubbles as Acoustic Screen for Underwater Noise 02-1948-2042 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 Water Color Distribution in the New- port Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-Sep- tember, 1951 02-1952-0197 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Suspended Matter and Secchi Disc Visibility in Coastal Waters 02-1961-0431 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 330 SUBJECT INDEX Sea Water-(Cont.) Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 The Association of Copper With Dis- solved Organic Matter in Seawater 02-1969-0992 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1 124 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound-1970, Part 1 02-1970-1 170 Experimental Studies on the Optical Properties of Sea Water 02-1970-1183 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1 184 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-1971-7067 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-507 1 Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959 02-1972-7024 Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 Density of Sea Water at Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Stations: Atlan- tic and Gulf Coasts. 03-1952-0175 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Viability of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1950-0093 The Iron Content of Sediment Sam- ples in New York Bight Obtained During R.V. Caryn Cruise 108, Oct. 19-24, 1956 22-1956-0275 Viability of Sewage Bacteria in Sea Water 22-1956-0278 Waste Disposal in Marine Waters 22-1958-0326 Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 The Discharge of Sewage Into the Sea 22-1961-0437 Antibiosis in Sea Water 22-1963-0532 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Quality Standards for the Coastal Waters of Long Island, New York 22-1970-7577 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 Some Acoustic Properties of Marine Fouling 32-1947-1808 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 Sea-Level Determination The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Seashores Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1939-2093 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 11-1972-5083 Sewage Disposal at Seaside Towns 22-1961-0427 Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Seasonal Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-7113 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 The Distribution of Common Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1951-0119 SUBJECT INDEX 331 Seasonal-(Cont.) A Study of the Marine Algae of New York Harbor, Long Island and Ad- jacent Waters, With Particular Reference to the Location of Weed Beds 01-1951-0124 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) 01-1961-0418 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, III., Food of the Juveniles From a Mud Locality (Station 3A) 01-1963-0531 Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 Bioluminescence in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7515 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 The Benthic Epifauna of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0782 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 Feeding Rates of Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at Controlled Water Temperatures and During Different Seasons of the Year 01-1970-1093 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Seasonal Variations in the Fish Popu- lations of Great South Bay and the Connecticut River, Long Island, New York 01-1972-7237 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Progress in the Investigation of Sur- face Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1932-1858 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1124 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1 184 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Clear-Sky Probabilities for New Jer- sey and Adjacent Portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware at 1500G.m.t. (10 a.m., e.s.t.) 03-1972-5003 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Studies of Nuclear Debris in Precipitation 21-1963-0537 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 332 SUBJECT INDEX Seasonal-(Cont.) Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Connetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Seasonal Variability Density of Sea Water at Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Stations: Atlan- tic and Gulf Coasts. 03-1952-0175 Seasonal Variation Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Seaweed An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1965-0614 Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0670 Codium Reported From a New Jersey Estuary 01-1967-0743 Secchi Disks Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise ST1RNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRN1 III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Suspended Matter and Secchi Disc Visibility in Coastal Waters 02-1961-0431 Secondary Cyclones Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 Secondary Pollution Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 Secular Change The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1911-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Secular Variations Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Note on an Apparent Trend in An- nual Precipitation at New York City 03-1968-0915 Sediment Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Sediment Discahrge New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Sediment Discharge A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Rates of Sediment Reworking by Yol- dia limatula in Buzzards Bay, Mas- sachusetts, and Long Island Sound 04-1963-7512 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Sediment Distribution Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 The Quaternary Geology of the New Haven Region, Connecticut 04-1920-1558 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 Contribution a l'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island (Etat de New York) 04-1958-5022 SUBJECT INDEX 333 Sediment Distribution- (Coin . ) Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-401 1 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Continental Shelf Sediments Off New Jersey 04-1971-7774 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation 1930-1932 22-1932-2110 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Sediment Effects How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Sediment Load A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Sediment Sorting The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Sediment Transport The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 Discussion on the Dynamic Action of the Ocean in Building Bars 02-1889-1559 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 Certain Types of Sedimentation Now in Progress on or Near the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1924-2029 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 Behavior of Suspension Currents and Mud Slides on the Continental Slope 04-1938-2095 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I. , N.Y. 04-1951-0128 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 334 SUBJECT INDEX Sediment Transport-(Cont.) Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Contribution a l'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island (Etat de New York) 04-1958-5022 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-4011 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-41 10 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Sediment Yield Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 New York Metropolitan Region— A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Sediment-Water Interfaces Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 SUBJECT INDEX 335 Sedimentary Basins (Geologic) Seamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Continental Margins and Geosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Sedimentary Petrology Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay (New York) 04-1957-5019 Preliminary Report on llmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in New Jersey 04-1962-7612 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1964-0553 Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Heavy Mineral Concentration and Sastrugi-Like Deflation Furrows in a Beach Salcrete at Rockaway Point, New York 04-1966-0671 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Paleocurrents and Sedimentology of the Schenectady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 Sedimentary Rocks An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Marine Unconformities, Marine Con- glomerates and Thickness of Strata 04-1936-2109 Report on Geological Mapping of Sedimentary Rocks (exclusive of Granville) and Glacial Areas in New York State 04-1939-2002 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 A Theory of the Distribution of Radioactivity in Marine Sedimentary Rocks 04-1942-2134 The Total Gamma Ray Activity of Sedimentary Rocks as Indicated by Geiger Counter Determinations 04-1944-2076 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Sedimentary Structures The Gulf Stream Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea Bottom Off the Coast of the United States 02-1869-2063 A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I., N.Y. 04-1951-0128 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Sedimentation Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1965-0614 Discussion on the Dynamic Action of the Ocean in Building Bars 02-1889-1559 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 Certain Types of Sedimentation Now in Progress on or Near the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1924-2029 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 531-666 O - 74 - 22 336 SUBJECT INDEX Sedimentation-( Cont. ) Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation, 1937-8, Exhibit C; Papers Dealing With Sediments and Sedi- mentation Since 1933 04-1938-2096 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Relation of Radioactivity, Organic Content, and Sedimentation 04-1945-2077 A Deep Fathogram Across the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1950-1982 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island, New York 04-1950-5027 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 A Study of Minor Beach Features at Fire Island, L.I., NY. 04-1951-0128 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Contribution a l'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island ( Etat de New York ) 04-1958-5022 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only ) 04-1962-0492 Recent Sedimentation in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7599 Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Formation of Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks on a Beach and Lithologic Im- plications 04-1965-0607 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-4110 Continental Shelf Sediments Off New Jersey 04-1971-7774 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation 1930-1932 22-1932-2110 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York SUBJECT INDEX 337 Sedimentation-(Cont. ) (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Sedimentation Rates Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Application of Mathematical Models to Diffusion of Coastal Sea Pollutants 22-1973-7574 Sedimentology Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts 04-1910-2060 An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Certain Types of Sedimentation Now in Progress on or Near the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1924-2029 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Sediments of Continental Shelves 04-1932-2083 Origin and Environment of Source Sediments of Petroleum 04-1932-2107 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Behavior of Suspension Currents and Mud Slides on the Continental Slope 04-1938-2095 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation, 1937-8, Exhibit C; Papers Dealing With Sediments and Sedi- mentation Since 1933 04-1938-2096 Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States 04-1939-2097 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 A Further Study of the Terminal Moraine in the New York City Area 04-1947-1530 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island, New York 04-1950-5027 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 The Characteristics of Beach Drifting (New York) 04-1950-5049 Petrography and Genesis of the New Jersey Beach Sands 04-1954-5038 Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay ( New York ) 04-1957-5019 Preliminary Report on llmenite-bear- ing Sands from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1957-5039 Contribution a 1'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island (Etat de New York) 04-1958-5022 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Evolution, Function, and Decay of Fire Island, New York 04-1960-5007 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Sedimentation From a Hydraulic Dredge in a Bay 04-1962-0464 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 Recent Sedimentation in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7599 Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in New Jersey 04-1962-7612 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Rates of Sediment Reworking by Yol- dia limatula in Buzzards Bay, Mas- sachusetts, and Long Island Sound 04-1963-7512 Observation of Beach Cusp and Beach Ridge Formation on the Long Island Sound 04-1964-0564 338 SUBJECT INDEX Sedimentology-( Cont. ) Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Environments of Deposition on an Offshore Barrier Sand Bar, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1967-7733 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Processes and Structures of a Marine- Estuarine Environment 04-1969-401 1 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands? 04-1970-1085 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1970-4140 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Forms and Cycles in Beach Erosion and Deposition 04-1971-4097 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Barrier Island Formation and Migra- tion; New Evidence From New Jersey 04-1971-41 10 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4111 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Continental Shelf Sediments Off New Jersey 04-1971-7774 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4099 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Paleocurrents and Sedimentology of the Schenectady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 Geometry of Profiles Across Some Inner Continental Shelves of the United States 04-1973-7671 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation 1930-1932 22-1932-2110 SUBJECT INDEX 339 Sedimentology-( Cont. ) Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-1119 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Sediments Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Geology and Biology of the Sea Floor as Deduced From Simultaneous Photographs and Samples 01-1965-0641 Geochemical and Sedimentary En- vironments of Foraminifera in the Hudson River Estuary, New York 01-1966-0677 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 Paraecology of Benthonic Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 01-1970-4020 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 Foraminifera! Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-197 1-4092 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 Radioactivity of the Ocean 02-1944-2075 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 The Hudson River Estuary, Hydrolo- gy, Sediments and Pollution 02-1966-0674 Estuaries 02-1967-0758 Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 02-1969-7037 Determination of Humic Acids in Estuarian Sediments 02-1969-7260 Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 The Geological Section of the East River at Seventieth Street, New York 04-1895-1690 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 Notes on the Preglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Buried Channels Beneath the Hudson and Its Tributaries 04-1908-2027 Denudation 04-1909-1456 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Buried River Channels of the Northeastern States 04-1915-1519 The Formation and Distribution of Fluviatile and Marine Gravels 04-1915-2003 Landslides in Unconsolidated Sedi- ments; With a Description of Some Occurrences in the Hudson Valley 04-1916-1529 Conditions of Deposition on the Con- tinental Shelf and Slope 04-1918-1972 Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 Influence of Oscillating Sea Level on the Development of the Continental Shelf 04-1927-2081 Coastal Sands of the Eastern United States 04-1931-2047 Source of Long Island and New Jer- sey Sands 04-1932-1422 Origin and Environment of Source Sediments of Petroleum 04-1932-2107 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Geology of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey 04-1935-1523 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 340 SUBJECT INDEX Sediments-(Cont) Behavior of Suspension Currents and Mud Slides on the Continental Slope 04-1938-2095 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation, 1937-8, Exhibit C; Papers Dealing With Sediments and Sedi- mentation Since 1933 04-1938-2096 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments, Pt. 3, Radioactive Relations in Ocean Water and Bottom Sediments 04-1941-2062 Notes on the Elasticity of the Lloyd Sand on Long Island, New York 04-1941-7915 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island, New York 04-1950-5027 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1953-0212 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay (New York) 04-1957-5019 Contribution a I'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island ( Etat de New York) 04-1958-5022 Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Ouelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Continental Margins and Geosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands 04-1960-5010 Sediments of Narragansett Bay System and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1960-5059 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in New Jersey 04-1962-7612 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Atlantic Sediments, Erosion Rates, and the Evolution of the Continental Shelf; Some Speculations 04-1964-7629 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 Mineralogy as an Indicator of Beach Sand Movement Along the Rhode Island Shore 04-1966-5008 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 Knoll and Sediment Drift Near Hud- son Canyon 04-1967-0759 The Hudson River Estuary: Sedimen- tary and Geochemical Properties Between Kingston and Haverstraw, New York 04-1967-0761 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1968-7257 Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Color of Marine Sediments 04-1969-0984 Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off Long Island, New York 04-1969-4003 SUBJECT INDEX 341 Sediments-(Cont.) Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eelgrass, Zostera marina, Cover 04-1970-1 100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the U.S.; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1970-1118 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments 04-1970-4018 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4137 Continental Shelf Sediments Off Long Island, New York 04-1970-4138 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Geologic Implications of Migration of Fire Island Inlet 04-1971-4065 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Heavy Minerals of the Continental Margin From Southern Nova Scotia to Northern New Jersey 04-1971-4100 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Gravels of the Northeastern Part 04-1971-4101 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Continental Shelf Sediments Off New Jersey 04-1971-7774 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States-Petrology of the Sand Fraction of Sediments, Northern New Jersey to Southern Florida 04-1972-3011 Growth and Migration of Digitate Spits (April-September, 1971) at Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York; an Example of a Naturally Occurring Modified Sanita- ry Landfill System 04-1972-4105 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Fate of River Sediments on the Atlan- tic Coast of the U.S. 04-1972-7675 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Report of the Committee on Sedi- mentation 1930-1932 22-1932-2110 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 The Iron Content of Sediment Sam- ples in New York Bight Obtained During R.V. Caryn Cruise 108, Oct. 19-24, 1956 22-1956-0275 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Some Geochemical Properties of Hudson River Sediments: Kingston to Manhattan 22-1966-0672 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)— Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Seeds Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 Seepage Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 342 SUBJECT INDEX Seiches Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 Seirospora seirosperma The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Seismic Properties Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Bibliography of Seismology 04-1939-1604 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Seismic Reflection Method Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 Seismic Refraction Profiles Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Seismic Studies New York City; an Aseismic Area 04-1926-1999 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. I; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Seismology and the Geological Ex- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Bibliography of Seismology 04-1939-1604 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 4; Cape May, New Jersey Section 04-1940-1601 Seismotectonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 A Comparison of Magnetic, Seismic and Gravitational Profiles Across the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1626 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Status of Geological and Geophysical Investigations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1940-2035 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersey 04-1941-1627 Results of Detailed Reflection Profile in New York 04-1943-1629 Seismic Studies in Ocean Basins 04-1949-1987 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-5011 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Great Egg Buried Channel on the New Jersey Continental Shelf: A Possible Continuation of the Pleistocene Schuylkill River to Wilmington Canyon 04-1973-7567 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Seismic Waves The Common Origin of Microseisms and Microbaroms 02-1972-7681 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Bibliography of Seismology 04-1939-1604 Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Seismicity New York City; an Aseismic Area 04-1926-1999 Seismograms Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Seismographs Bibliography of Seismology 04-1939-1604 Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Seismography Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 SUBJECT INDEX 343 Seismology The Common Origin of Microseisms and Microbaroms 02-1972-7681 New York City; an Aseismic Area 04-1926-1999 Seismology and the Geological Ex- ploration of Ocean Basins 04-1937-1996 Bibliography of Seismology 04-1939-1604 Report of the Special Committee on Geophysical and Geological Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1939-1984 Seismotectonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Seismic Reflections From Beneath the Ocean Floor 04-1949-2005 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit I); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Seismotectonic Lines Seismotectonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 Seismotectonic Lines in New York City 04-1953-5043 Separated Sewers Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 September Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Seriola zonata Sighting of the Black Rudderfish 01-1966-7530 Serpentinite Magnetic Survey of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1956-0281 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1970-4030 Serratia Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Serum Osmality Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1130 Seston Plankton Studies: II. The Western North Atlantic, May-June 1939 01-1939-71 12 Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 1 1 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 The Plankton of Estuaries 01-1967-7043 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 Setting Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Settling Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Settling Velocity Differentiation of Beach and Sand Dunes, Using Settling Velocities of Light and Heavy Minerals 04-1967-0725 Sewage Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 11, Oct. -1969 11-1969-7221 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 11-1970-1164 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Measures of Natural Oxidation in Pol- luted Streams, IV; Effect of Sewage on Atmospheric Reaeration Rates Under Stream Flow Conditions 22-1938-1458 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Disposal of Sewage Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-0094 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Pollution of the Sea by Sewage 22-1954-0235 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Some Characteristics of a Domestic Sewage 22-1958-0335 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 344 SUBJECT INDEX Sewage-(Cont.) Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Sewage Disposal at Seaside Towns 22-1961-0427 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 The Discharge of Sewage Into the Sea 22-1961-0437 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Sludge Disposal by Barging to Sea 22-1967-0750 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 22-1968-0874 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1153 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-1211 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Composition of a Domestic Sewage 23-1959-0364 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Sewage Bacteria Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Rccharge-Injection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Viability of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1950-0093 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Viability of Sewage Bacteria in Sea Water 22-1956-0278 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II., Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 Implication of a Marine Amoeba in the Decline of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1969-0991 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Composition of a Domestic Sewage 23-1959-0364 Sewage Disposal The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Report of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York 11-1912-1905 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, ll,Oct.-1969 11-1969-7221 On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 Measures of Natural Oxidation in Pol- luted Streams, IV; Effect of Sewage on Atmospheric Reaeration Rates Under Stream Flow Conditions 22-1938-1458 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 SUBJECT INDEX 345 Sewage Disposal-(Cont.) Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Disposal of Sewage Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-0094 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Pollution of the Sea by Sewage 22-1954-0235 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Some Characteristics of a Domestic Sewage 22-1958-0335 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Diffuscrs for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 Sewage Disposal at Seaside Towns 22-1961-0427 Fish, Sewage and Sea Outfalls 22-1961-0430 The Discharge of Sewage Into the Sea 22-1961-0437 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 Effects of Characteristics and Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Sewage and Pipeline Disposal of Trade Wastes 22-1963-0522 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 Prediction of Pollution From Planned Sewage Outlets 22-1964-0588 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Sludge Disposal by Barging to Sea 22-1967-0750 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 22-1968-0874 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 A Wasteline to the Sea; A Study Toward Regional Disposal of Concen- trated Wastes 22-1969-1009 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Station 59 22-1970-1123 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1 138 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1143 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1 151 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1153 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-121 1 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Sewage Districts Report of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York 11-1912-1905 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 1, Oct. -1969 1 1-1969-7221 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-1711 Sewage Effluent Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 346 SUBJECT INDEX Sewage Effluents Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-Injection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Comparative Analysis of Sewage Sludges 22-1956-0273 Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Dispersion of a Non-Conservative Waste Effluent Discharged From a Large Scale Continuous Source 22-1968-0873 Combined and Stormwatcr Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Sewage Outfalls Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Fish, Sewage and Sea Outfalls 22-1961-0430 Sewage Sludge Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Comparative Analysis of Sewage Sludges 22-1956-0273 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-1211 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Sewage Treatment New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-Injection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 11-1967-2209 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 11, Oct.- 1969 11-1969-7221 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Dispersion and Aggregation of Sewage Colloids and Hydration of Sewage Sludge 22-1956-0282 Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 Some Characteristics of a Domestic Sewage 22-1958-0335 New York Sludge Goes to Sea or to Parks 22-1959-0363 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 ' 22-1968-0874 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 SUBJECT INDEX 347 Sewage Treatment-(Cont.) Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 Sewer Overflow An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Sewerage The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 Report of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York 1 1-1912-1905 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 1, Oct.- 1969 1 1-1969-7221 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 Prediction of Pollution From Planned Sewage Outlets 22-1964-0588 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows. 1967 22-1968-0874 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Sewers Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 1, Oct. -1969 1 1-1969-7221 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works Proposed for New York City 22-1914-1727 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 Disposal of Waste in the Marine En- vironment and the Pollution of the Sea 22-1965-0632 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 22-1968-0874 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Sex Distribution Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 Sexual Dimorphism Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livello Em- brionale in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 Sexual Maturity Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livello Em- brionale in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 Shad An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Factors Associated With Fluctuations in Abundance of Hudson River Shad 01-1954-0244 Atlantic Coast Migrations of Amer- ican Shad 01-1958-0342 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Water Temperatures and Migration of American Shad 01-1971-3090 Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, I960 33-1967-0536 Shales The Hudson Valley Belt of Graptolite Shales and Negative Anomalies of Gravity 04-1944-161 1 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Directional Hydraulic Behaviour of a Fractured-Shale Aquifer in New Jer- sey 04-1967-4000 Shallow Water Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1 854 01-1855-1914 On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 348 SUBJECT INDEX Shallow Water-(Cont. ) List of the Seaweeds or Marine Algae of the South Coast of New England 01-1871-1647 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, I 01-1882-1675 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, II 01-1883-1676 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, HI 01-1884-1677 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, IV 01-1884-1678 Checklist of the Marine Algae Based on Specimens Collected on the Shores of Long Island From 1839 to 1885 01-1886-1663 Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of 1887 01-1887-1915 Marine Algae of the New Jersey Coast and Adjacent Waters of Staten Island 01-1889-1661 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, V 01-1891-1679 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VI 01-1896-1680 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VII 01-1896-1681 Seaweeds in Winter 01-1900-1639 The Vegetation of Cold Spring Har- bor, New York 01-1913-1668 Notes on the Marine Algae of New Jersey 01-1932-1664 Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America 01-1937-1666 Marine Algae From Long Island, N.Y. 01-1940-1667 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Ecology and Distribution of Some Foraminifera From Shallow Waters on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 01-1966-7690 Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 The Sponge— Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-4081 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey) 04-1935-1564 Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Sand and Gravel Deposits in the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Sandy Hook to Cape May, New Jersey 04-1969-4008 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Sedimentation in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 04-1971-4109 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4111 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Shallow Waters Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 Shallow Wells Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Shape Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Shark River Inlet A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Shear Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Shear Velocity Structure Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Sheepshead Bay Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Shellfish On the Season of Attachment of Lar- vae of Mytilus edulis Linne' 01-1944-1630 Acoustical Characteristics of Noise Produced by Snapping Shrimp 01-1948-1781 SUBJECT INDEX 349 Shellfish-(Cont.) Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01-1950-0098 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 Studies of the Niantic River, Connec- ticut, With Special Reference to the Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians 01-1960-7095 Distribution of Shellfish Resources- South Shore-Suffolk County 01-1962-7797 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 Functional Morphology and Ecologi- cal Life History of the Gem Clam, Gemma gemma 01-1967-0741 Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima, in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 Callinectes sapidus, Favorite Target of Homo sapiens 01-1969-0975 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission (1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) ( Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1117 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrea vir- ginica 01-197 1-1202 A Parasite and Disease Survey of Connecticut Oysters 01-1971-1217 Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 The Biological Effects of Estuaries on Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic 01-1971-7785 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 Some Remarks on Sexual Dimor- phism in the Shark-Eye, Polinices duplicatus Say, in Rockaway, New York 01-1972-4084 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Aquaculture Sustains L. I. Sound Fishery 01-1972-7855 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Report for the Conference'on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1161 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-1411 Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Shellfish Farming Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Early Oyster Culture Investigations by the New York State Conservation Commission (1920-1926) 01-1969-7832 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus az- tecus Ives, 189 I 01-1970-3087 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33-1964-0552 Shellfish Hatcheries— Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 350 SUBJECT INDEX Shellfish Farming-(Cont.) Rhode Island Experiments Produce More Lobsters 33-1970-1043 Oyster Culture in Long Island Sound 1966-69 33-1970-1094 Oyster Culture Modernization in Long Island Sound 33-1970-1095 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 A Report on Shellfish Farming in Long Island Waters Critical Needs 33-9999-7812 Shellfish Hatcheries Shellfish Hatcheries--Present and Fu- ture 33-1969-0935 Shells Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 Ancient Oyster Shells on the Atlantic Continental Shelf 04-1965-7641 Shielding Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shinnecock Bay Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 1 - 1 90 1 - 1 4 1 8 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Shinnecock Bay--Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Shinnecock Inlet Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 Shinnecock Lock New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Ships Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms 01-1927-1632 A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-78 13 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 1 1-1957-7206 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 Attentuation of the Intake and Ex- haust Noises of Diesel Engines in Ships 32-1937-1797 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 New Offshore Station for N.Y. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Shipwrecks A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 Shoals Productivity of the Beuthic Microflora of Shoal Estuarine En- vironments in Southern New England 01-1971-7094 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0449 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 The Hudson River Model 04-1966-0675 Inner Continental Shelf Shoals, Florida to New Jersey 04-1971-4044 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-21 16 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Shore Protection A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 Case History of Fire Island Inlet, New York 04-1953-5029 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 A Pictorial History of Selected Struc- tures Along the New Jersey Coast 04-1964-0569 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Beach Erosion: Is There a Solution 04-1971-3084 New Beaches From Old Bottles 04-1972-4061 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 SUBJECT INDEX 351 Shore Protection^ Cont.) Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 11-1949-7213 Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area 11-1972-5083 Shoreham Reactor Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 3 30-1969-2341 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 1 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 ; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Safety Evaluation 30-1970-2334 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment I 1 30-1970-2335 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 9 30-1970-2337 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit I; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Analysis and Comparison with Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2331 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Shoreline Cover A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1178 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 Shorelines of Emergence A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Shores Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore Deposition of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey 04-1950-5031 Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-1952-7303 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, New York 04-1961-0450 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Geological and Economic Aspect of Beach Erosion Along the Connecticut Coast 04-1961-5014 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Shore Preservation, New York Dis- trict 04-1964-0563 Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 Ancient Submerged Shoreline Found Off New Jersey Coast 04-1967-0714 Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1 101 531-666 O - 74 - 23 352 SUBJECT INDEX Shores-(Cont.) Regional Shelf Studies; a Guide to Engineering Design 04-1972-7861 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 1 1-1949-7213 Travel of Pollution in Shoreline Coastal Waters 22-1955-0250 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Short Term Forecasting Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Short-Term Planning An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 Shrewsbury River On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 Shrimp Acoustical Characteristics of Noise Produced by Snapping Shrimp 01-1948-1781 Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Synopsis of Biological Data on the Brown Shrimp Penaeus a/tecus az- tecus Ives, 1891 01-1970-3087 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Sieve Analysis A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Silica Distribution of Dissolved Silica in In- terstitial Waters of Atlantic Sedi- ments 04-1973-7672 Silicates Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 Silicon Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Silting Shoaling of the Lower Hudson River 04-1961-0440 Hudson River Siltation Model, New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Silts Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments -World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 New York Metropolitan Region-A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Silurian Period Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Silver Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Silver Hake Trends in the Marine Fisheries of the Continental Shelf of the Eastern United States 33-1968-0853 Silver Iodide The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Simulation Analysis The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1 147 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Site Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Sites Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 SUBJECT INDEX 353 Sites-(Cont.) Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Geologic and Seismologic Evaluations for Fossil Fuel Power Plant Siting in New York 04-1972-7576 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1150 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Inventory of Estuarine Site Develop- ment Lagoon Systems: New Jersey Shore 22-1972-5091 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 7 30-1969-2339 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume I 30-1969-2343 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 3 30-1969-2345 New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Environmental Statement 30-1970-2333 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Size An Unusually Large Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), From Rhode Island 01-1965-0606 Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island (Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 A Southern Filefish up North 01-1972-3025 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Transportation of Sand Grains Along the Atlantic Shore of Long Island, New York: An Application of Elec- tron Microscopy 04-1964-0560 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Skeletonema costatum The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev. ) 01-1961-0418 Sky Cover Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Slate The Metamorphism of the Hudson River Slates from Poughkeepsie to Dover Furnace, New York 04-1937-7304 Slope Protection Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Slopes Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Swash and Backwash Actions at the Beach Scarp 04-1964-7620 Sludge Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Comparative Analysis of Sewage Sludges 22-1956-0273 Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-1011 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1 150 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-121 1 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Digested Sludge Disposal Practices 23-1962-0455 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Sludge Digestion Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Marine Disposal of Digested Screened Waste-Water Solids 22-1967-0748 Digested Sludge Disposal Practices 23-1962-0455 Sludge Disposal Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 354 SUBJECT INDEX Sludge Disposal-(Cont.) Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 New York Sludge Goes to Sea or to Parks 22-1959-0363 Design, Construction and Operation of Sewer Outfalls in Estuarine and Tidal Waters 22-1960-0388 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 Sludge Disposal by Dilution in Puget Sound 22-1962-0477 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Marine Disposal of Digested Screened Waste-Water Solids 22-1967-0748 A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 New York Metropolitan Region— A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1 142 Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1 150 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1 151 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-1211 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Digested Sludge Disposal Practices 23-1962-0455 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Sludge Dumping Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 Sludge Treatment Sludge Disposal by Dilution in Puget Sound 22-1962-0477 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Milestones in the Development of the Activated Sludge Process 22-1965-0622 Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determination 22-1968-0854 Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1150 Slumping Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Small Watersheds Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Smog Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 Smoke Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Smooth Trunk Fish Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 SUBJECT INDEX 355 Snails Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea (Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Snakefish Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Snow The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03- 1964-0600 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Survey of Fro/en Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1968-0916 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1 196 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Snow Cover The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Snow Forecasting Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 Snow Removal Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Snow Surveys Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Snowfall Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 195 3 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Snowfall Intensity Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Snow melt Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Snowstorms Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Social Aspects Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Social Behavior (Animal) A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 Underwater Sounds of Biological Origin 02-1943-1789 Social Impact Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Social Participation Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Sociology Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Sodium Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Effect of Fail-Out From Atomic Blast on Background Counting Rate 03-1953-0200 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Soft Clams On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 356 SUBJECT INDEX Soft-Shell Clam Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 Soil Analysis Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Soil Chemical Properties Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 Soil Chemistry Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Soil Compaction The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 Soil Conservation Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Soil Contamination An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 Soil Density The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 Soil Dynamics A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Soil Investigations The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Soil Mechanics Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Piling Difficulties in the New York Area 04-1966-7696 Soil Moisture The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Agricultural Drought in New England 03-1958-7586 Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Soil Physical Properties Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 Soil Properties Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 Soil Science Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Soil Stabilization Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Soil Surfaces The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Soil Surveys Engineering Soil Survey of New Jer- sey 04-1955-0247 Soil Tests Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Soil Water Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Soil Water Movement Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 Soil-Water-Plant Relationships Notes on the Hydrobiology of Lake Ronkonkoma 01-1952-7286 Vegetation of Selected Long Island Marshes 01-1956-7251 Notes on the Ecology of a Salt Marsh- -Crab Meadow, Long Island, New York 01-1962-7280 A Study of the Ecology of the Plants in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 01-1964-7252 Plant Ecology of Fire Island Barrier Dunes 01-1964-7253 The Comparative Plant Ecology of Jones' Salt Marsh, Cold Spring Har- bor, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7250 Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Soils A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7296 Plant Ecology of the Third Dry Lake of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York 01-1969-7276 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phytoplankton 01-1969-7292 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 An Ecological Investigation of the Lawrence Marsh 01-1970-7273 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 Experiments in Acoustic Absorption in Sand and Soil 02-1950-1796 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Foraminifera and Origin of the Gar- diners Clay (Pleistocene), Eastern Long Island, New York 04-1954-7967 Engineering Soil Survey of New Jer- sey 04-1955-0247 Properties of Sand and Silt Fractions in New Jersey Soils 04-1966-7692 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 New York Sludge Goes to Sea or to Parks 22-1959-0363 Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, (Unit 1); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 5 30-1969-2344 SUBJECT INDEX 357 Solar Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Solar Constant Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 Solar Corona Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 Solar Eclipses Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Solar Radiation Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 On the Albedo of the Sea Surface 03-1961-0446 Albedo Measurements Over the Northeastern United States 03-1964-0594 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 Bioclimatic Orientation Method for Buildings 03-1967-0816 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Solid Waste Disposal The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 Solid Wastes New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 1, Oct.- 1969 11-1969-7221 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 11-1970-1164 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7959 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 New York Metropolitan Region— A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 The Effects of Solid Waste Disposal on Benthic Communities in the New York Bight 22-1970-1 1 15 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1 , Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Digested Sludge Disposal Practices 23-1962-0455 Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Economic Aspects of Solid Waste Disposal at Sea 23-1970-1058 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1135 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1971-4082 Solubility New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Sonar Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 358 SUBJECT INDEX Sonar-(Cont.) Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River— Utilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Reflection of Sound From Coastal Seabottoms 02-1948-1793 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-0211 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Microtopography of Five Small Areas of the Continental Shelf by Side- Scanning Sonar 04-1969-7707 Submersible and Side-Scan Sonar In- vestigation of the Central New Jersey Continental Shelf 04-1973-7568 Sonic Tagging Sonic Tag for Large Decapod Crustaceans 01-1970-1090 Sorption Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Linsley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Sound Transmission Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Sound Waves Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced by Marine Life 01-1947-1775 Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise ( Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 Some Observations on Biological Noise 01-1950-1786 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep Sea 02-1943-1778 Underwater Sounds of Biological Origin 02-1943-1789 Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Acoustical Tables for Air and Sea Water 02-1943-1806 Attenuation of Sound in the Sea 02-1944-1780 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Reflection of Sound From Coastal Seabottoms 02-1948-1793 Sheet of Air Bubbles as Acoustic Screen for Underwater Noise 02-1948-2042 Experiments in Acoustic Absorption in Sand and Soil 02-1950-1796 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-1968-7754 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Sounding Reflection of Sound From Coastal Seabottoms 02-1948-1793 Bathymetry of Block Island Sound 02-1971-7751 Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Hudson River Fiord 04-1892-1979 A Deep Fathogram Across the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1950-1982 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Soundings Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-021 1 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Sounds List of Algae Growing in Long Island Sound Within 20 Miles of New Haven 01-1876-1651 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 Phytoplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7114 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IV Phytoplankton 01-1956-7078 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-7116 A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 The Demersal Fish Population of Long Island Sound, I, Species Com- position and Relative Abundance in Two Localities, 1956-57 01-1963-0527 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperature Waters Using Aerial Photography 01-1971-4079 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-1931-1716 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The Distribution of Oxygen in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight; SUBJECT INDEX 359 Sounds-(Cont) Cruise STIRNI I, July-September, 1951 02-1952-0184 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-71 15 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 The Nitrogen Cycle in Long Island Sound 02-1959-7086 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments ( 1962-63) 02-1966-0683 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1 124 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 October 1971 02-1972-7979 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Beach Behavior, North Shore, Long Island Sound 04-1970-1101 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Sediment Accumulation Rates in Long Island Sound by Pb-210 Dating and an Estimate of the Ra-228 Flux 04-1973-7673 Sludge Disposal by Dilution in Puget Sound 22-1962-0477 Sediments From Long Island Sound (New York)-Physical and Chemical Properties Reviewed 22-1966-7697 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Occurrence of a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-7520 Soundwaves Underwater Noise Due to Marine Life 01-1946-1795 Source Mechanisms The Common Origin of Microseisms and Microbaroms 02-1972-7681 Sources Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 South Fork The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 South Kingston Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 South Norwalk The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 South Oyster Bay A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVcnus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 South River Salt-Watcr Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Southhampton Marine Plant-Sediment Relationships in Shinnecock Bay, Southhampton, New York 01-1968-7270 Southold Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Spatfall Causes of Oyster Spat Mortality, Con- ditions of Oyster Seeding Beds, and 360 SUBJECT INDEX Spatfall-(Cont.) Recommendations for Oyster Bed Management 33-1970-1092 Spatial Distribution The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 A Synecological Study of Two Shore Areas of the Long Island Sound 01-1968-7256 Bathymetric Distribution of Plank- tonic Fish Eggs in Long Island Sound 01-1968-7547 Additions to 'Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut' 01-1971-7585 A Study of Selected Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fishes in Hunting- ton Harbor, Huntington, New York 01-1972-7262 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Temperature Patterns Along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts 03-1959-0370 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Aeroradioactivity and Generalized Geologic Maps of Parts of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas- sachusetts 04-1966-0664 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Occurrence of a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-7520 First Record of the Southern Kingfish (Menticirrhus americanus) From Long Island, New York 33-1965-7521 Spawning Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 Reproduction and Larval Develop- ment of Acmaea testudinales (Muller) 01-1964-0558 Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-0611 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-0638 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Water Temperatures and Migration of American Shad 01-1971-3090 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Investigation of Physical Conditions Controlling Spawning of Oysters and the Occurrence, Distribution, and Setting of Oyster Larvae in Milford Harbor, Connecticut 33-1928-1884 Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Fish Ladders as a Step in Restoring a Rhode Island Fishing Resource 33-1969-0964 Speciation The Diversity of Species in Net Phytoplankton of the Raritan Estuary 01-1959-7500 Glenodinium halli n.sp. and Gyrodini- um instriatum n.sp., Dinoflagellates From New York Waters 01-1963-7084 Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 01-1963-7508 Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Halichoanolaimus raritanensis New Species (Chromadoroidea: Cyatholaimidae) From New Jersey 01-1966-7523 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 Apparent Indispensability of Bacteria in Foraminiferan Nutrition 01-1969-0955 Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Genetic Variation in the Eel: HI; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphoeroides trichoccphalus (Cope) 01-1971-1227 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidae) 01-1972-3088 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Species Distribution Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 SUBJECT INDEX 361 Species Diversity Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Species Equitability Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Specific Conductivity Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Specific Gravity Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Spectra Some Spectral Irradiance Measure- ments of Upwelling Natural Light Off the East Coast of the United States 02-1961-0448 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Spectral Energy Distribution Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Spectrometers The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Spectrophotometry An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters 02-1973-7582 Spectroscopy Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Speed Layering Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Spermatozoa Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrca vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 Sphaerium Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Sphoeroides furthii The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphoeroides trichocephalus (Cope) 01-1971-1227 Sphoeroides trichocephalus The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphoeroides trichocephalus (Cope) 01-1971-1227 Spisula Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1117 Spisula polynyma A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Spisula solidissima Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima, in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 The Surf Clam, Rhode Island's Lar- gest Marine Bivalve 01-1972-1255 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 Spit-Bar Shorelines Geometry and Developement of Spit- Bar Shorelines at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0570 Spoil Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Spoil Banks Geologic Aspects of Waste Solid and Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 04-1972-7764 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 11-1972-7579 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Sponges The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 The Sponge— Ancient but Efficient Organism 01-1972-4081 Sport Fish Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 The Sport Fisheries of Great South Bay and Vicinity 33-1962-7829 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 Recent Records of Pugheaded Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From New York 33-1965-7518 Occurrence of a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Fisher's Island Sound, New York 33-1965-7520 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Sport Fisheries A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Sport Fishing Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 Feeding Habits of the Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0586 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island ( Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 New Jersey's Marine Sport Fishery 33-1955-0254 The Sport Fisheries of Great South Bay and Vicinity 33-1962-7829 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 362 SUBJECT INDEX Sports Fishing The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Spotfin Croaker Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Spotted Hake Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Spotted Turbot Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Spring Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Springs Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 Squalls Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Squids Winter Population of Loligo peali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Squirrelfish A First Record of the Squirrelfish From New York Waters 01-1970-3018 St. Lawrence River Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Stability Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhavcn 03-1970-1 176 Evidence of the Stability of the Rock Foundations of New York City 04-1907-2024 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Stabilization Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Seaside Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut 04-1965-0618 Stamford Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Standards Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1; Compliance with AEc's Interim Acceptance Criteria for ECCS for Light Water Reactors 30-1971-2332 Standing Crop Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 11 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Environmental Factors Affecting the Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral and Psammolittoral Com- munities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1972-3029 Standing Crops Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-7113 Some Quantitative Aspects of Prima- ry Production in a Rhode Island Coastal Salt Pond 01-1961-7120 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-7517 Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Starfish A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Herring Gulls Diving for Starfish 01-1965-0617 Feeding Rates of Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at Controlled Water Temperatures and During Different Seasons of the Year 01-1970-1093 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Seasonal Variations of Asterias for- besi and Asterias vulgaris in Great South Bay 01-1972-7239 Stargrass Callitriche stagnalis in Eastern United States 01-1932-1698 Starting Times Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 State Governments State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State— First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 SUBJECT INDEX 363 State Governments-(Cont.) Environmental Protection Act of 1971 10-1971-3060 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey 11-1945-7935 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 11-1971-3061 States Plan Ahead for (Water) Pollu- tion Abatement (New York) 22-1967-7533 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1126 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 State Jurisdiction Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10-1932-3040 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Report on the Protection and Preser- vation of the New Jersey Beaches and Shorefront 1 1-1949-7213 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges-Hearing 11-1971-3058 State University of New York Oceanography in New York— A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 Staten Island Catalogue of the Mollusca of Staten Island 01-1865-1405 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1887-1665 Marine Algae of the New Jersey Coast and Adjacent Waters of Staten Island 01-1889-1661 A Descriptive List of the Staten Island Diatoms 01-1889-2140 On the Marine Mollusca of Staten Island, N.Y. 01-1920-1434 Collecting Algae on Staten Island 01-1941-1641 Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Episodes in Early Staten Island Cli- mate 03-1964-7616 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Notes on the Northward Extension of the Yellow Gravel in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and East- ward 04-1894-2009 The Limonite Deposits of Staten Island, New York 04-1912-7310 Metalliferous Heavy Sands on Staten Island, New York 04-1950-5027 Magnetic Survey of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1956-0281 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1970-4030 Industrial Aspects of Organisms Found in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Staten Island 22-1944-1980 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1 158 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Stations Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Forecasting the Weather-An Objec- tive Method for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1 195 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Statistical Methods Estimation of the Sampling Distribu- tion and Numerical Abundance of Some Mollusks in a Rhode Island Salt Pond (Clams) 01-1965-7548 Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Statistical Models Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1 110 A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Temperature Patterns Along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts 03-1959-0370 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Statistics Gonad Development and Discharge of Spawn in Oysters of Long Island Sound 01-1965-061 1 Comparison of Postlarvae and Ju- veniles of Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis 01-1966-0665 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Living Resources 22-1970-105 3 Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery Off the East Coast of North America 33-1934-7836 364 SUBJECT INDEX Statistics-(Cont.) The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 Steam Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 114 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1121 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Steam Turbines Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Stenotomus Age at Maturity of Scup From New York Waters 01-1969-0940 Stenotomus chrysops Age and Growth of Scup in the Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-7552 Stepped Leaders Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 Sterilants Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Sterna The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Stichococcus Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplanklon 01-1965-7247 Stochastic Processes On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Stony Creek Dome Rb/Sr Study of the Stony Creek Granite, Southern Connecticut: A Case for Limited Remobilization 04-1972-7765 Storage Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Storm King The Storm King Crossing of the Hud- son River by the New Catskill Aqueduct of New York City 04-1912-1875 Storm King Mountain Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Storm Runoff Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1122 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 Storm Surge Index of Tide Gages and Tide Gage Records for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 02-1957-0307 The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Storm Water Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Storms Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1110 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Direction Studies Using Microseism Ground-Particle Motion 03-1954-0219 Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 SUBJECT INDEX 365 Storms-(Cont.) Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Maximum Hurricane Winds 03-1957-0314 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Survey of Frozen Pr/ecipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Snowfall, Snowfall Frequencies and Snow Cover Data for New England 03-1968-0903 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1968-0916 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 History of New Jersey Coastline 04-1951-5051 Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 Seasonal and Storm-Related Beach Changes at Ocean City, New Jersey 04-1973-7573 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Straits The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 Stratford Hurricane Protection P Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Stratification The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Review of the Oceanography of Long Island Sound 02-1955-7040 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; II. Physical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7115 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1954-1955 02-1959-7042 I Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Stratigraphy Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor 04-1878-2058 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Surface Geology, the Yellow Gravel 04-1893-2078 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-2010 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geological Notes: 1. Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Notes on Block Island 04-1898-2011 New York City Folio, New York 04-1902-2049 Description of State Geologic Map of 1901 04-1902-2050 Notes on the Geology of Long Island 04-1903-2133 The Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Clays 04-1904-2034 Notes on the Preglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 The Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- tions of New Jersey 04-1911-2031 An Unconformity in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts 04-1914-2041 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 The Quarternary Formations of Southern New Jersey 04-1917-2079 Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island 04-1917-7900 Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 ! 366 SUBJECT INDEX Stratigraphy-( Cont. ) Recent Contributions to the Stratig- raphy of the Coastal Plain of the United States 04-1924-1971 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 The Geology of New York City and Vicinity 04-1935-2067 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Correlation of Late Pleistocene Marine and Glacial Deposits of New Jersey and New York 04-1936-2045 Marine Unconformities, Marine Con- glomerates and Thickness of Strata 04-1936-2109 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 The Stratigraphy of New York City and Vicinity 04-1937-1518 The Sediments of the Continental Shelf Off the Eastern Coast of the U.S. 04-1938-1424 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Recent Marine Sediments; A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 Composition and Structure of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey 04-1940-2023 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1940-2086 Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Marine Topography of the Cape May Formation (New Jersey) 04-1943-2044 Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Cenozoic Formations, a Discussion 04-1945-2068 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 Studies on the Subsurface Geology and Paleontology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1948-2071 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 Bedrock Geology of Rhode Island 04-1953-7947 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-7301 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 New Evidence for Marine Phase of Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1961-5015 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 Records of Wells, Well Logs, and Summary of Stratigraphy of Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1962-7904 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Postglacial Stratigraphy and Morphology of Coastal Connecticut 04-1963-7631 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maltby Lakes Volcanics, New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1965-7637 Geology of New York— A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 New Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey 04-1966-7701 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 Pollen and Spores From the Marine Upper Cretaceous Formations of Delaware and New Jersey 04-1966-7712 Stratigraphic Names in the New Lon- don Area 04-1966-7713 The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island, New York 04-1966-7722 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 Late-Pleistocene Pollen Stratigraphy of Western Long Island and Eastern Staten Island, New York 04-1967-7726 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Late Pleistocene Environments of the Western Long Island Area 04-1967-7729 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Isotopic Ages From the New York City Group 04-1969-4023 Late Triassic Newark Group, North Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania and New York 04-1969-4028 Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Stratigraphic Relations Along the Western Edge of the Cortlandt Intru- sives and Their Bearing on the In- wood-Manhattan Problem 04-1970-4017 The Gardiners Clay of Eastern Long Island, New York; a Reexamination 04-1970-4024 SUBJECT INDEX 367 Stratigraphy-( Cont. ) Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group 04-1970-4025 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Reply 04-1970-4026 Comments on the Symposium on the New York City Group; Summary 04-1970-4027 Plant Microfossils From the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island 04-1970-4046 Definition of Possible Stratigraphic Units in North Central Long Island, New York, Based on Detailed Ex- amination of Selected Well Cores 04-1970-4146 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Surficial Glacial Deposits and Post- glacial Pollen Stratigraphy in Central Long Island, New York 04-1971-4107 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-4113 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4121 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Sediments of the New England Con- tinental Rise 04-1972-7771 Palynology of a Postglacial Bog in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 04-1972-7856 Origin and History of Maple Bog in the Sunken Forest, Fire Island, New York 04-1972-7X59 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 The Palynology of the Kirkwood For- mation of New Jersey 04-1973-7564 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Stratosphere Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Stream Beds Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-1011 Stream Erosion Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Stream Fisheries A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 Stream Gages Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Stream Improvement Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Streamflow Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Streamflow During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Measures of Natural Oxidation in Pol- luted Streams, IV; Effect of Sewage on Atmospheric Reaeration Rates Under Stream Flow Conditions 22-1938-1458 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Streams Paleocology, Pt. 2 of The Ecology of Foraminifera of Main and Richmond Creeks, Staten Island, New York 01-1958-5030 Stream Sculpture on the Atlantic Slope, New York 04-1931-2021 Report on Geology and Hydrology of Kings and Queens Counties, Long Island 04-1938-1531 Source of Ground-Water Runoff at Champlin Creek, Long Island, New York 04-1962-7607 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 531-666 O - 74 - 24 368 SUBJECT INDEX Streams-! Cont.) Measures of Natural Oxidation in Pol- luted Streams, IV; Effect of Sewage on Atmospheric Reaeration Rates Under Stream Flow Conditions 22-1938-1458 Industrial Aspects of Organisms Found in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Staten Island 22-1944-1980 Effect of Sludge on Oxygen Uptake of a Benthal System 22-1969-1011 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Streptococcus Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number Test for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Stress The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 ; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 6 30-1969-2340 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 10 30-1970-2336 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 8 30-1970-2338 Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Stress Analysis Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Striped Bass Aspects of the Early Life History of the Striped Bass Roccus saxatilis in the Hudson River 01-1957-0302 Seasonal Movements of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island (Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Recent Records of Pugheaded Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From New York 33-1965-7518 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Strontium Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 Strontium-90 Yield of the 1967 Chin- ese Thermonuclear Explosion 21-1969-0971 Strontium Radioisotopes Age of the Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Manhattan Prong 04-1958-0333 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Studies of Radioactive Fall-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Measured and Predicted Contribu- tions From Fallout to Environmental Radiation Levels 21-1961-0417 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0821 Strontium 89 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 Strontium 90 Investigation of the Climatic and Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Redistribution of Strontium-90 in the Soil 03-1959-0377 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 An Evaluation of Existing Fallout Collection Methods 21-1960-0410 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1 960-04 1 1 Structural Analysis Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 Structural Geology Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 The Geological Section of the East River at Seventieth Street, New York 04-1895-1690 The Geology of Block Island 04-1896-2046 Geology of the Narragansett Basin 04-1899-1532 Lineaments of the Atlantic Border Region 04-1904-2006 SUBJECT INDEX 369 Structural Geology-(Cont.) The Configuration of the Rock Floor of Greater New York 04-1905-1513 Bibliography of the Geology of Con- necticut 04-1907-1512 Geology of the City of New York 04-1909-1511 Section of the Hudson River Bed Op- posite Cortlandt Street, N.Y. 04-1909-1515 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 The Tunnel Construction of the Hud- son and Manhattan Railroad Co. 04-1910-1978 A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 The Geology of New Jersey 1910- 1912 04-1915-2037 Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Ocean Basins and Mar- gins, Introduction With Discussion 04-1932-1994 Some Foraminifera From Long Island and New York Harbor 04-1932-7306 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 Eastern New York and Western New England 04-1933-2040 Gravity Anomalies in the United States 04-1936-1603 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Northeastern United States 04-1938-1608 Report on the Work of the Interna- tional Commission on Continental and Oceanic Structures 04-1938-1998 Gravitational Determination of Deep- seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders - Observations and Methods 04-1938-2098 Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic Structure of the Coastal Plain 04-1938-2137 Geologic Features of Recent En- gineering Projects in New York City 04-1939-1506 Seismotectonic Lines (New York City) 04-1940-1610 Magnetic Investigations in the Atlan- tic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1624 Gravitational Determination of Deep- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 A Comparison of Magnetic, Seismic and Gravitational Profiles Across the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1940-1626 Geology of New Jersey 04-1940-2033 The Geology of New Jersey Revised by Henry B. Kummel 04-1940-2036 The Influence of Geology on the Con- struction of Rapid Transit Tunnels in the City of New York 04-1941-1516 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Geologic Correlation of Areal Gravitational and Magnetic Studies in New Jersey and Vicinity 04-1943-1628 Results of Detailed Reflection Profile in New York 04-1943-1629 Orgin of Continental Shelves 04-1946-2111 Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-1947-1986 Petroleum on the Continental Shelves 04-1947-2064 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia 04-1950-2089 The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 Seamounts in the North America Basin 04-1954-5042 Continental Margins and Geosynclines; The East Coast of North America of Cape Hatteras 04-1959-5026 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-5011 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maltby Lakes Volcanics, New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1965-7637 Magnetic Anomaly and Possible Orogenic Significance of Geologic Structure of the Atlantic Shelf 04-1965-7638 Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Geology of New York—A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 Recent Investigations on the Con- tinental Margin of Eastern United States 04-1966-7716 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 Structure of the Continental Margin Off the Atlantic Coast of the United States 04-1967-0756 Seismic Reflection Observations on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope and Rise Southeast of New England 04-1967-0767 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 The Bedrock Geology of the Old Lyme Quadrangle 04-1967-7734 Bedrock Geologic Map of the New London Quadrangle in Connecticut 04-1967-7737 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States, Shallow Struc- ture 04-1970-0863 Recent Engineering Data on the New York City Group of Formations 04-1970-4015 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Scrpentinite 04-1970-4030 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Textural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Peekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 370 SUBJECT INDEX Structural Geology-(Cont.) Bedrock Geologic Map of the Oneco Quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island 04-1971-4042 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Shallow Struc- ture 04-1971-4103 Inner Continental Shelf Program; Shallow Structure, Geomorphology, and Sediments 04-1971-4108 Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-41 13 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Structure Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Magnetic Survey of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1956-0281 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Structures Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement ) 04-1971-3070 Stuyvesant Harbor Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, NY. 32-1908-21 16 Stylochus ellipticus Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 Sub-Bottom Reflection Survey Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Submarine Canyons Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Geology of the Sea-Bottom in the Ap- proaches to New York Bay. 04-1885-1408 Submarine Valleys Off the American Coast and in the North Atlantic 04-1903-1534 Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 The Submarine Great Canyon of the Hudson River 04-1905-2091 Our Knowledge of the Filled Channel of the Hudson in the Highlands and the Submerged Gorge of the Con- tinental Shelf 04-1908-2026 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Glacial Troughs of the Continental Shelves 04-1931-2082 American Submarine Canyons 04-1934-2084 Canyons Off the New England Coast 04-1934-2085 Continental Shelf Sediments Off The Mid-Atlantic States 04-1936-1426 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Dredge Samples From the Submarine Canyons Between the Hudson Gorge and Chesapeake Bay 04-1936-2094 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and Congo Valley 04-1939-1597 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 The Sediments and Stratigraphy of the East Coast Continental Margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon 04-1949-1423 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-021 1 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Sediment-Filled Deep Valleys Under- lying New Haven Harbor 04-1965-7632 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States 04-1966-7715 The Continental Shelf 04-1966-7724 The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Eastern Continental Margin of the United States; Part 2, a Review 04-1970-4045 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 The Glaciated Shelf Off Northeastern United States 04-1971-4104 Probable Holocene Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 Great Egg Buried Channel on the New Jersey Continental Shelf: A Possible Continuation of the Pleistocene Schuylkill River to Wilmington Canyon 04-1973-7567 Plate Tectonics and Geomorphology 04-1973-7569 The Geologic Framework of Inner New York Bight - Its Influence on Positioning Offshore Engineering Structures 04-1973-7575 Submarine Channels Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 Submarine Geology Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Submarine Topography Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 Submarines Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Submerged (Drowned) Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 SUBJECT INDEX 371 Submerged (Drowned)-(Cont.) North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid- Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 Submerged Plants Studies in the Genus Naias in the Northern States 01-1936-1638 Submerged Vegetation Stage Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Submergence Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking? Evidence From the Tides 02-1948-1725 Sea Level Changes Along the Coasts of the United States in Recent Years 02-1949-1830 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Postglacial Marine Submergence of Long Island 04-1917-1991 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys 04-1919-1992 Features of the Shifts of Land and Sea Level in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain During Pleistocene and Post-Pleistocene Time 04-1920-2132 Effects of Post-Pleistocene Marine Submergence in Eastern North Amer- ica 04-1927-1697 The Making of the Valley; A Billion Years Along the Hudson 04-1936-1527 Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. I; Methods and Results 04-1937-1983 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Pt. 2; Geological Sig- nificance of the Geophysical Data 04-1937-2052 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part 5: Woods Hole, New York, and Cape May Sections 04-1950-0088 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area 04-1962-7598 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Ancient Submerged Shoreline Found Off New Jersey Coast 04-1967-0714 Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of the World 04-1968-0881 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 Probable Holocene Transgressive Ef- fects on the Geomorphic Features of the Continental Shelf Off New Jersey, United States 04-1971-4124 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Subsidence Sea Level Surfaces and the Problem of Coastal Subsidence 02-1927-1714 Studies of Mean Sea Level 02-1929-1712 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02-1929-1713 New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking? Evidence From the Tides 02-1948-1725 Sea Level Changes Along the Coasts of the United States in Recent Years 02-1949-1830 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 Recent Storm Effects on the Northern New Jersey Shoreline and Their Supposed Relation to Coastal Subsidence 04-1914-2022 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Relative Rise of Sea Level in Southern New England in Late Wisconsin and Recent Time 04-1962-0503 Postglacial Crustal Subsidence of the New York Area 04-1968-0834 Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-4115 Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Subsoil Geological Problems Presented by the Catskill Aqueduct of the City of New York 04-191 1-1520 The Subsoil and Bedrock of the Borough of Manhattan as Related to Foundations 04-1944-1528 Substrate Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks and the Culture of Mya arenaria 01-1969-0976 Subsurface Investigations The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 Gravitational Determination of Deep- Seated Crustal Structure of Continen- tal Borders (Structural Interpretation of Gravity-Observations) 04-1940-1625 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 372 SUBJECT INDEX Subsurface Investigations-( Cont. ) The Floor of the Ocean; New Light on Old Mysteries 04-1942-1975 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia 04-1945-2070 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Subsurface Mapping New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Geology of the Manhattan Formation 04-1962-7300 A Magnetic Map of the Long Island Sound and the Southward Continua- tion of Geological Units in Connec- ticut 04-1962-7596 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Subsurface Waters Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Suburban Areas Contamination of Ground Water by Detergents in a Suburban Environ- ment; South Farmingdale Area, Long Island, New York 22-1964-7623 Subzero Temperatures Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality ill the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectcs americanus 01-1970-1 130 Succession Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 Succotash Salt Marsh On Managing a Salt Marsh 01-1972-1243 Suffield Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Suffolk County Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 Great South Bay— Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay— Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Hydrology of the Shallow Ground- Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7908 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-7791 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1964-7622 Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 04-1968-0918 Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 1 1-1912-7936 Summary of Drainage Report— Suf- folk County, New York I 1-1957-7784 Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 11-1957-7799 An Industrial Development Program For Suffolk County I 1-1965-7780 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 Report on Need and Feasibility for Public Sewerage Disposal Facilities in Western Suffolk 23-1962-7796 Sulfates Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United States 21-1971-2224 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Sulfur Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1179 Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1 177 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1193 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1194 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Sulfur Compounds Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 SUBJECT INDEX 373 Sulfur Compounds-(Cont.) New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1 ; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution Episode in New York City 21-1972-2281 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1 179 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1 ; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 Reducing Sulfur Emissions 21-1967-2241 Neues aus der Kohlenwasserstoffgas- Technologie, Folge 15 21-1967-2242 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 Report on Sulfur Dioxide and Fly Ash Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers 21-1967-2286 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 New York's Fight Against Pollution 21-1970-1177 Model of Diffusion in Urban At- mospheres: Sulphur Dioxide in Greater New York 21-1970-1193 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1 194 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Sulfur Trioxide Concentration of Sulfur-Containing Pollutants in a Major Urban Area 21-1959-0373 Sulfuric Acid On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Summer Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1854 01-1855-1914 The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1 949 01-1951-1913 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of I 961 01-1963-0523 Periodicity of Algal Colonization in Great South Bay, New York During the Summer of 1962 01-1963-751 1 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound 1954-1955 01-1967-0790 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-01 17 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 374 SUBJECT INDEX Summer-(Cont.) The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Two Centuries of New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 2 1-1969-1026 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Observations on Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight During Summer of 1960 33-1960-7822 Fishery Conditions in the New York Bight during the Summer of 1961 33-1961-7823 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Summer Fish Types Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of 1887 01-1887-1915 Summer Flounder Feeding Habits of Summer Flounder in Great South Bay 01-1964-0565 A Review of Research Concerning Summer Flounder and Needs for Further Study 01-1966-7834 Summer Solstice A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 Sun Spots The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and at Some Foreign Stations (6th ed.) 04-1886-1616 Sunrise Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Sunspots Barometric Pressure at New York City 03-1958-0350 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 Abnormal Electron Density Distribu- tions Over Huancayo on Disturbed Days of IGY/IGC 03-1968-0912 Superadiabatic Conditions The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Superports Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Supreme Court Case New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 Surf Sex Composition of Striped Bass from the Long Island Surf 01-1968-7545 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 Species Composition, Size and Seasonal Abundance of Fish in the Surf Waters of Long Island 33-1967-7539 Feeding Habits of Striped Bass From the Surf Water of Long Island 33-1970-3013 Data on Samples for Surf Class and Ocean Quahogs 33-1971-3075 Surf Clams Reproductive Cycle of the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima, in Offshore New Jersey 01-1968-0847 Marking Surf Clams 01-1970-1117 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 33-1971-3092 Surf-Casting The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 Surface A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 Surface Drainage Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Streamflow During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Surface Drift Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Surface Runoff Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth Amboy, New Jersey 04-1956-5050 Surface Tension Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Surface Water Mathematical Model of Nutrient Conditions in Coastal Waters 01-1967-0791 Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 SUBJECT INDEX 375 Surface Water Availability The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Surface Waters The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1952-0179 Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America 02-1966-065 3 Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 Hydrographic Data Report: Long Island Sound- 1970, Part 1 02-1970-1 170 The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Radon in the Hudson River Estuary 02-1973-7662 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-7791 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 The Area of Water Surface as a Con- trolling Factor in the Condition of Polluted Harbor Waters 22-1921-1897 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 Surface Waves Seismographs of High Magnification at Long Periods 04-1959-0376 Surface-G round water Relationships Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Surfaces The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Surges Index of Tide Gages and Tide Gage Records for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 02-1957-0307 Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1 110 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 376 SUBJECT INDEX Surges-(Cont.) Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Surveys The Mammals of Long Island, New York 00-1971-7583 A Biological Survey of the Salt Waters of Long Island 01-1939-1733 Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Preliminary Survey: Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria L. Populations in Rivers and Beaches in the Region of Sandy Hook, N.J. 01-1952-0182 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey, With Off-Shore Species 01-1952-0183 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 A Report on a Biological Survey of the New York Bight 01-1958-7816 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 1 01-1965-7227 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 2 01-1966-7226 Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Progress Report 3 01-1968-7225 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 A Survey of the Phytoplankton of Point Judith Pond 01-1971-7122 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 Ecological Survey of the Hudson River, Final Report 01-1973-7277 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 A Vehicle Makes Ocean-Bottom Sur- veys 02-1967-7728 Report on Cruise of USNS Sands, Block Island Sound, 22 July- 10 Au- gust 1967 02-1967-7746 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 Description of the Passaic Quadran- gle New York; New Jersey 04-1908-1977 Some of the Latest Results of Ex- plorations in the Hudson River at New York City 04-1909-2014 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1911-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 The Present Status of the Geodetic Work in the United States and Its Value to Geology 04-1923-1958 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-2113 Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts 04-1937-1607 Marine Gravimetric Methods and Surveys 04-1938-1600 Recent Marine Sediments: A Sym- posium 04-1939-2108 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Their Application to Geological Problems in New Jersey 04-1941-1627 Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 Geophysical Investigations of Con- tinental Borders (Atlantic Coast, United States) 04-1947-1986 The Long Island Area, Pt. 6 of Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1951-5045 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River— Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-0211 Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental Rise South of Nova Scotia, Pt. 7 of Geophysical Investiga- tions in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1954-5044 Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 An Airborne Magnetic Survey of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern United States Continental Marign 04-1956-5024 Structure Section across the Hudson River at Nyack, New York, From Seismic Observations 04-1959-5052 Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey; Cooperative Beach Ero- sion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey) 04-1960-0402 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1963-0525 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-7791 A Search for Sand 04-1966-0667 Subsurface Environment of the New Jersey Coastal Plain in Eastern Mon- mouth County 04-1966-0668 Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of Southeastern New York and Southern New En- gland 04-1966-7695 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 SUBJECT INDEX 377 Surveys-(Cont.) Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Sub-Bottom Study of Long Island Sound 04-1970-4142 Crustal Interpretations From Mag- netic Anomalies 04-1973-7659 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 The Disposal (Exchange) of Land at Former Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, New York 12-1972-5075 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Initial Experiences With the Com- prehensive Air Pollution Survey in Nassau County, New York 21-1963-2264 Strontium-90 Deposition in New York City 21-1967-0746 Surveillance for Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere 21-1969-0965 Pollution Survey Sampling of New York Harbor 22-1956-0280 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Examination of Arthur Kill, N.J. 32-1907-21 14 Examination of Rahway River, N.J. ' 32-1907-21 15 Examination of Shoal Off Stuyvesant Harbor, Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1908-21 16 Examination and Survey of Jamaica Bay, Rockaway, and Dead Horse In- lets, N.Y. 32-1908-21 17 Examination of East River Between North and South Brother Islands, N.Y. 32-1908-21 18 Re-Survey of East River and Hell Gate, N.Y. 32-1908-2119 Examination and Survey of Harbor of Port Chester, N.Y. 32-1908-2120 Examination of the Channel From Jamaica Bay Through Great South Bay to Peconic Bay, N.Y. 32-1908-2121 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Sterling Basin, Greenport Harbor, New York 32-1909-1765 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Huntington Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1541 Mamaroneck Harbor, N.Y. 32-1910-1542 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Flushing Bay, New York 32-1910-1569 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Mamaroneck Harbor, New York 32-1910-1750 Harlem River, N.Y. at Johnson Iron Works 32-1911-1543 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1571 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York 32-191 1-1752 Examination of Rivers and Harbors, New York Harbor, New York 32-1911-1846 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; East River, Hell Gate and Little Hell Gate 32-1913-1572 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Buttermilk Channel, New York Har- bor, New York 32-1913-1573 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, Mill Creek and Vicinity, New York 32-1913-1574 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Harbor, New York 32-1913-1575 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, Upper Bay-Op- posite Anchorage Grounds 32-1913-1576 Examination and Survey of Rondout Harbor, N.Y. 32-1915-1544 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, Gowanus Bay 32-1915-1577 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Harbor, New York, Removal of Craven Shoal 32-1915-1578 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of North Shore of Long Island, New York 32-1915-1579 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Pugsley Creek, New York 32-1915-1580 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination of Jamaica Bay, New York 32-1915-1581 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1916-1582 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, N.Y., Between Staten Island and Hoffman Island 32-1916-2122 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York Harbor, N.Y. 32-1916-2123 New York and New Jersey Channels, Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1920-1553 Hudson River Survey; Hudson to Troy 32-1924-2124 Examination and Survey of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1926-1588 Report on Examination of Harlem River, N.Y. 32-1927-1546 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, N.Y. 32-1928-1547 Examination and Survey of Raritan River, N.J. 32-1928-1548 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Port Jef- ferson, New York 32-1928-1756 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Hudson River Below Hudson, New York 32-1928-1757 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Manhas- set Bay, New York 32-1928-1758 Examination of Rivers and Harbors, Examination and Survey of Raritan River, New Jersey 32-1928-1759 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Milton Harbor, New York 32-1928-1760 Examination and Survey of Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey 32-1932-1766 378 SUBJECT INDEX Surveys-(Cont.) Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Rahway River, New Jersey 32-1933-1761 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Cut-Off Channel off Perth Amboy, New Jersey To Connect the Raritan River Channel With the Southerly End of the Channel in Arthur Kill 32-1933-1762 Examination and Survey of New York Harbor, New York 32-1934-1551 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York Bay- Delaware River Sec- tion of Intracoastal Waterway 32-1934-1763 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Delaware River 32-1934-1764 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; New York and New Jersey Channels; Preliminary Examination and Survey 32-1935-1590 Preliminary Examination and Survey of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 32-1937-1591 Survey of Irvington Harbor, New York 32-1937-2125 Re-Examination of the Hudson River; Albany to Waterford 32-1938-1767 Examination of Great Kills, Staten Island, New York 32-1938-2126 Re-Examination of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, New York 32-1938-2127 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Survey of Northport Harbor, New York 32-1939-1585 Survey of Orowee Creek, New York 32-1939-1594 Survey of Larchmont Harbor, New York 32-1940-2129 Re-Examination of the East River, New York 32-1940-2130 Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Re-Examination of Jones Inlet, New York 32-1941-1596 Report on Newark Bay, New Jersey 32-1947-1552 New London Harbor and Thames River, Connecticut 32-1972-5077 Maintenance of Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, Navigation Project 32-1972-5079 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 Leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Suspended Load A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Suspended Sediments Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 The Sediment Yield of Major Rivers of the World 04-1968-0872 Suspended Solids The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Suspended Matter and Secchi Disc Visibility in Coastal Waters 02-1961-0431 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Relations Between Suspended Matter and Salinity in Estuaries of the Atlan- tic Seaboard, U.S.A. 04-1968-0908 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Comparative Analysis of Sewage Sludges 22-1956-0273 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Composition of Sewage and Sewage Effluents; Part 2 22-1961-0435 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Marine Disposal of Digested Screened Waste-Water Solids 22-1967-0748 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determination 22-1968-0854 Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Sustained Yield The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Swamps Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Streamflow During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Swash Swash and Backwash Actions at the Beach Scarp 04-1964-7620 Sweden Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Swell Spectrum The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 SUBJECT INDEX 379 Swimming Atlantic Coast of Long Island, Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York, Beach Ero- sion Control and Navigation Project, Atlantic Ocean and Great South Bay, New York (Final 04-1971-3049 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Synoptic Analysis Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Ouonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1196 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1197 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas; Volume II Areas: 4 Boston, 5 Quon- set Point, 6 New York, 7 Atlantic City 03-1970-7047 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Synoptic Case Histories Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Heavy Warm-Sector Rains From Il- linois to Middle Atlantic Coast 03-1956-0290 Drought Relieving Rains for Atlantic Coastal States, Aug. 23-26, 1957 03-1957-0309 Synoptic Data The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Synorogenic Plutonism Tcxtural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Peekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Synthetic Seaweed Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Synthetics Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Systematics Introduction to Algology With a Catalogue of American Algae, or Seaweeds, According to the Latest Classification of Prof. Harvey 01-1850-1655 Catalogue of the Mollusca of Staten Island 01-1865-1405 List of the Seaweeds or Marine Algae of the South Coast of New England 01-1871-1647 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, I 01-1882-1675 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, II 01-1883-1676 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, III 01-1884-1677 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, IV 01-1884-1678 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, V 01-1891-1679 Notes on Some Algae in the Herbari- um of Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York 01-1893-1686 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VI 01-1896-1680 Notes on the New England Marine Algae, VII 01-1896-1681 Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 01-1901-1418 Additions to the Flora of Long Island 01-1904-1688 The Fishes of Nantucket 01-1905-1935 Annotated List of Fishes Known To Inhabit the Waters of Rhode Island 01-1910-1941 Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 A List of the Fishes of New Jersey 01-1920-1922 Dinoflagellates From Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey 01-1929-1409 A List of Marine Bacteria Including Descriptions of Sixty New Species 01-1944-1702 The Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Sponges of Long Island 01-1950-7283 A Taxonomic and Population Study of the Bacteria in the Marginal Areas of the Freshwater Lakes of Long Island 01-1950-7291 Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 01-1963-7508 A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium ( Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphoeroides trichocephalus (Cope) 01-1971-1227 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United States (Amphipoda, Isaeidae) 01-1972-3088 A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 Systems Analysis Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 380 SUBJECT INDEX Systems Analysis-(Cont.) The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Application of Mathematical Models to Diffusion of Coastal Sea Pollutants 22-1973-7574 Tabanus nigrovittatus Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera, Tabanidae) of the Salt Marsh at Leeds Point, New Jersey 01-1963-7508 Tagging Size, Age Composition and Migration of Striped Bass From the Surf Waters of Long Island ( Roccus saxatilis) 01-1968-7544 Sonic Tag for Large Decapod Crustaceans 01-1970-1090 Movements and Migrations of the Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix. Tagged in Waters of New York and Southern New England 01-1970-1091 Marking Surf Clums 01-1970-1 1 17 Summary of Tags Released and Recovered for the Atlantic Men- haden, 1966-69 01-1971-3082 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Taste Flavor Studies on Raritan Buy Fish 22-1967-7542 Tautog Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 Tautoga A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 Tautoga onitis Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Tautoga onitus Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 Tautogolabrus adspersus Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Tautogs Blackfish Feeding Station 01-1966-7529 Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Taxes An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 Technical Writing Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Technology Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Beach Erosion: Is There a Solution 04-1971-3084 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 Tectonics Bibliography of Isostasy 04-1924-1605 Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Tectonic and Structural History of the Staten Island Serpentinite 04-1970-4030 Vertical Crustal Movements From Sea Level Measurements Along the East Coast of the United States 04-1972-7678 Teleosts Histological and Hematological Responses of an Estuarine Teleost to Cadmium 01-1970-1069 The Lumpfish on Eastern Long Island 01-1971-7591 Temperate Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Temperature Plankton Studies, V. Regional Sum- mary 01-1941-1414 A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 The Effect of Temperature on the Feeding Rate of the Rough Oyster Drill, Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1970-1098 Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1103 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 A Puffer Kill Related to Nocturnal Behavior and Adverse Environmental Changes 01-1970-1133 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America 02-1966-0653 Data File, Continental Margin Pro- gram, Atlantic Coast of the United States— Volume 1, Sample Collection Data 02-1966-7703 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1124 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 SUBJECT INDEX 381 Temperature-(Cont.) Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 What Will the Winter Be in New York City? 03-1955-0269 Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-0453 Temperature Terminology for Public Forecasts 03-1966-0707 Bioclimatic Orientation Method for Buildings 03-1967-0816 Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-031 1 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 Temperature Changes The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Temperature Control Application of Climatic Data to House Design 03-1954-0224 Temperature Distribution The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 Temperature Inversions Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y.-N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 Report of an Air Pollution Incident in New York City, November 1953 21-1962-2228 Intermittent Air Pollution Episode in New York City, 1962 21-1963-2254 Some Observations of Plume Rise and Plume Concentration Distribution Over New York City 21-1967-2266 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 Temperature Trends Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Temperatures Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1130 Temporal Distribution Seasonal Fluctuations of the Phytoplankton Population in New En- gland Coastal Waters 01-1947-7113 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 On the Seasonal Distribution of Tem- perature and Salinity in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-1124 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Studies of Nuclear Debris in Precipitation 21-1963-0537 Air Research Monitoring Station System 21-1967-0730 Terminal Moraine Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Recent Subsurface Explorations in New York City 04-1942-2135 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Terminal Moraines A Further Study of the Terminal Moraine in the New York City Area 04-1947-1530 Terns The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Terraces (Geologic) Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 382 SUBJECT INDEX Terraces (Geologic)-(Cont.) Continental Shelf Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Continental Shelf Sediments off New Jersey 04-1973-7761 Terrain Analysis Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Terrestrial Habitats A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Terrestrial Magnetism Results of Magnetic Observations, 1911-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1913 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 United States Magnetic Tables and Magnetic Charts for 1915 04-1915-1617 Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 ()4_1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Terrestrial Strains Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Tertiary Period Late Tertiary Paleoclimate of Eastern United States 03-1970-7766 Geological Notes: 1 . Long Island and Block Island 04-1896-2161 Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 The Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- tions of New Jersey 04-1911-2031 Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean 04-1924-2138 Composition and Structure of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey 04-1940-2023 Slumping on the Continental Margin Southeast of Long Island, New York 04-1967-0745 Shelf and Deltaic Paleoenvironments in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Forma- tions of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1969-4022 Miocene Distribution of Molluscan Provinces along the East Coast of the United States 04-1969-7708 Position of Regional Car- bonate/Noncarbonate Boundary in Nearshore Sediments Along a Coast; Possible Climatic Indicator 04-1969-7709 A Transverse Fault on the Continen- tal Shelf of Rhode Island 04-1971-1216 Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Tertiary Treatment Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1132 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Test Wells The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Testing Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Testing Procedures Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Tetroons Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 1 970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 Thalassiothrix Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 Thames River Environmental Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7752 Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 Gross Beta Radioactivity in Marine Organisms 01-1963-0518 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Thames River (Connecticut) Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Theoretical Analysis Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep Sea 02-1943-1778 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 A Theory of the Distribution of Radioactivity in Marine Sedimentary Rocks 04-1942-2134 Potential Freshwater Reservoir in the New York Area 04-1966-0658 Thermal Effects Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea (Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Thermal Insulation Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 SUBJECT INDEX 383 Thermal Loading Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Thermal Pollution Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Calefaction of a River 24-1970-2355 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Regulating Thermal Effluent in New York State 24-1971-2346 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 Toward a Rational Power Policy: Reconciling Needs for Energy and Environmental Protection 30-1971-2260 Thermal Enrichment; Problems and Potential 30-1971-2329 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 Agencies and Thermal Discharges 33-1971-2328 Growing of Marine Animals (Especially Oysters and Clams) on a Commercial Scale Using Heated Sea- water Effluent 33-1971-2330 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Thermal Powerplants Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 Thermal Profiles Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York State 24-1969-0958 Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York State 24-1969-0958 Thermal Properties The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959 02-1972-7024 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1176 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York State 24-1969-0958 Thermal Radiation On Summertime Rainfall at New York, N. Y. 03-1951-0165 Thermal Stratification Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 Thermocline The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 01-1966-0690 Progress in the Investigation of Sur- face Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1932-1858 A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 Experiments and Hydrographic Sur- veys Off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 1963 02-1965-0648 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1 184 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thermocline 02-1973-7669 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 Thermoclines Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 531-666 0-74-25 384 SUBJECT INDEX Thermoperiodism Seasonal Growth of Benthic Marine Plants as Related to Environmental Factors in an Estuary 01-1958-7076 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 Thiamine Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Thorium Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Thunderstorms United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-01 12 Upward Stepped Leaders From the Empire State Building 03-1954-0225 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 1 1 I Thyroid Thyroid Function in Male Killifish, Fundulus hcteroclitus, Adapted to High and Low Temperatures and to Fresh Water and Sea Water 01-1970-1 103 Tidal Bench Marks Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-21 13 Tidal Current Tables Tidal Current fables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-701 1 Tidal Currents Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Tidal Current fables, 1972. Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-701 I Tidal Effects Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-19 15-1689 The Retention of Lamellibranch Lar- vae in the Niantic Estuary 01-1967-7546 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Tragedy at Nofthporl 01-1972-2200 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Tidal Phenomena of New York 02-1913-1734 Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 On the Determination of Mean High Water 02-1933-1723 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 The Physical Structure, Circulation and Mixing in a Coastal Plain Estuary 02-1952-0189 The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of lslip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967: Flow Patterns and Kinetic Encrgv Distribution 02-1969-0966 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-701 1 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- matological Implications 02-1972-3036 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Long Island Sound in the Quaternary Era, With Observations on the Sub- marine Hudson River Channel 04-1890-1976 Notes on the Submarine Channel of the Hudson River 04-1891-2039 A Menace to New York Harbor En- trance 04-1905-1560 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Surveys of the Coast of New Jersey 04-1928-2001 The Determination of Mean Sea Level 04-1937-1718 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, SUBJECT INDEX 385 Tidal Effects-(Cont) Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Submergence Effects on a Rhode Island Barrier and Lagoon and In- ferences on Migration of Barriers 04-1970-1054 New London Hurricane Protection Project, New London, Connecticut (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 04-1971-3062 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Movement and Mixing of Contami- nants in Tidal Estuaries 22-1960-0399 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1 159 A \Vater--Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Application of ERTS-A Data to the Protection and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Environment 22-1972-7581 Tidal Energy The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1110 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Tidal Gates Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Tidal Marshes A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 Research in the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1 178 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Marine Sedimentary Environments in the Vicinity of the Norwalk Islands, Connecticut 04-1962-0482 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Vegetational History of a New Jersey Tidal Marsh, Bog, and Vicinity 04-1964-7516 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Lagoonal, Estuarine, Tidal Marsh, and Deltaic Environ- ments 04-1971-4072 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Tidal Valleys Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Tidal Water Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 Tidal Waters Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1 854 01-1855-1914 List of the Seaweeds or Marine Algae of the South Coast of New England 01-1871-1647 Report on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey, During the Summer of I 887 01-1887-1915 Seaweeds in Winter 01-1900-1639 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 One Summer's Survey of Shallow Water Fishes, at Coney Island, N.Y. 01-1949-1923 Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Report of the Harmonic Analysis of the Tides at Sandy Hook 02-1883-1707 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Tidal Phenomena of New York 02-1913-1734 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-1931-1716 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a 386 SUBJECT INDEX Tidal Waters-(Cont) Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey) 04-1935-1564 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-Filling Sands'.' 04-1970-1085 Offset Tidal Inlets, Long Island, New York 04-1971-41 I 1 A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Investigation of the Pollution of Cer- tain Tidal Waters of New Jersey, New York and Delaware 22-1917-1455 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Disposal of Sewage Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-0094 Hydrographic Factors Involved in Dispersion of Pollutants Introduced Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-1876 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 Salt-Water Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1143 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1147 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Does Industrial Calefaction Jeopardize the Ecosystem of a Long Tidal River 24-1970-2359 Natural Science in Its Relation to Practical Navigation; Together With a Study of the Tides and Tidal Currents 32-1910-1737 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-171 1 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England; Analysis of the Fish Population of the Shore Zone 33-1944-1938 Studies on the Marine Resources of Southern New England, VII; Analysis of a Fish Population 33-1948-1928 Tide Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Tide Control New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Tide Frequency Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-11 10 Tide Gaging Stations Index of Tide Gages and Tide Gage Records for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 02-1957-0307 Tide Gauging Stations The Determination of Mean Sea Level 04-1937-1718 Tide Tables Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 Tides On the Shore Zones and Limits of Marine Plants on the New England Coast 01-1862-1660 Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-1915-1689 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Report of the Harmonic Analysis of the Tides at Sandy Hook 02-1883-1707 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 On the Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1886-1836 Circulation of the Sea Through New York Harbor 02-1887-1732 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Currents of New York Bay and Har- bor 02-1888-1841 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Comparision of the Predicted With Observed Times and Heights of High and Low HOH at Sandy Hook 02-1890-1745 The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Tidal Phenomena of New York 02-1913-1734 Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Table of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-2112 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 SUBJECT INDEX 387 Tides-(Cont.) Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 Sea Level Surfaces and the Problem of Coastal Subsidence 02-1927-1714 Studies of Mean Sea Level 02-1929-1712 Mean Sea Level Studies in New York Waters 02-1929-1713 Tidal Phenomena of Long Island Sound 02-1931-1716 Tides and Currents of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1932-1826 On the Determination of Mean High Water 02-1933-1723 New Jersey Coast, the 2 Feet Per Century Myth 02-1933-2032 Tides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking? Evidence From the Tides 02-1948-1725 Sea Level Changes Along the Coasts of the United States in Recent Years 02-1949-1830 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-0117 The Exchanges of Fresh and Salt Waters in Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-0125 The 'Normal' Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of the Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, July-September, 1959, for the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, New York 02-1960-0386 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Tidal Current Survey of Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1967-0727 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Research in 'the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Environment 02-1970-1068 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1 1 10 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1 184 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-701 I Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 The Tidal Energetics of Narragansett Bay 02-1973-7663 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Report on the Result of Physical Sur- veys of New York Harbor 04-1887-1838 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 Shore Processes and Shoreline Development 04-1919-2019 The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersev) 04-1935-1564 Tidal Bench Marks of New York 04-1936-21 13 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut Coast 04-1962-0479 Postglacial Sea Level, Coastal Sub- sidence and Littoral Environments in the Metropolitan New York City Area 04-1962-0491 Tidal Cycle of Changes in an Equilibrium Beach, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0568 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 388 SUBJECT INDEX Tides-(Cont.) Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observa- tions From the Beach Evaluation Pro- gram, January-March 1968 04-1969-0970 Landward Transport of Bottom Sedi- ments in Estuaries of the Atlantic Coastal Plain 04-1969-0995 Hurricane Protection Project, Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Disposal of Sewage Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-0094 Hydrographic Factors Involved in Dispersion of Pollutants Introduced Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-1876 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1 147 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Natural Science in Its Relation to Practical Navigation; Together With a Study of the Titles and Tidal Currents 32-1910-1737 Studies of Tides and Currents in Waterways of Interstate Sanitation District 32-1940-171 I New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 3 2-1971-3050 Time Variations in lime and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish. Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Time Series Analysis A Study of the Phytoplankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 04-1962-7777 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Time-Smear Studies Time-Smear and Frequency-Smear Studies on the BIFI Range 02-1971-1228 Tintinnid A New Marine Tintinnid 01-1966-0660 Titanium Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Toadfish The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 Tomentosoides A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Topographic Mapping Symposium on Recent Trends in Geophysical Research; Recent Developments in the Geophysical Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1936-1995 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1962-7949 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Topography Shallow Water Research at the Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University 02-1962-0423 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre by Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Atlas of New Jersey 04-1889-2131 The Physical Geography of New York State 04-1902-2099 Description of the Passaic Quadran- gle New York; New Jersey 04-1908-1977 The Present Status of the Geodetic Work in the United States and Its Value to Geology 04-1923-1958 Major Features in the Geology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 04-1926-2092 A Study of Barnegat Inlet, New Jer- sey and Related Shore Line Phenomena 04-1934-1526 Report of the Special Committee on Geophysical and Geological Study of Oceanic Basins 04-1939-1984 Present Position of the Former Topo- graphic Surface of Appalachia (From Seismic Evidence) 04-1940-1985 Opportunities for Collaborative Research in Further Study of Con- tinental Borders 04-1940-2100 Marine Topography of the Cape May Formation (New Jersey) 04-1943-2044 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Submarine Geology; Swedish Deep Sea Expedition 04-1949-2061 Submarine Topography in the North Atlantic 04-1949-2103 North Atlantic Hydrography and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 04-1949-2104 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Continental Shelf Studies Reveal Record of the Past 04-1965-0609 Map Showing Relation of Land and Submarine Topography, Nova Scotia to Florida 04-1965-7046 The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 SUBJECT INDEX 389 Topography-( Cont. ) Topography and Structure of the Continental Shelf and Slope Off Northeastern United States 04-1966-7691 Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Retreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Report on Hudson River, N.Y. 32-1931-1549 Tornadoes Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Total Carbon Content Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-lgnition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Total Intensity Inshore Marine Magnetic Investiga- tions: The Area From New Jersey to Cape Cod 04-195 3-0212 Toxicity Effects of Apholate, and Insect Steri- lant, on an Estuarine Fish, Shrimp, and Gastropod 01-1966-0656 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota Willi Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 1-1970-2219 Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton Of- 1972-4087 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement ) 1 1-197 1-3046 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Airborne Particulates in New York City 21-1970-1083 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 Aquatic 1 lie W iter Quality Crileri i 22-1960-0380 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Fish, Sewage and Sea Outfalls 22-1961-0430 Gross Beta-Activity in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1961-0432 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1142 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Early Warning of the ferns 22-1971-1210 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tvrannus 22-1971-7269 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 Trace Elements Development of a Biological Monitor- ing System and a Survey of Trace Metal Radionuclides and Pesticide Residues in the Lower Hudson River 01-1969-7228 Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 The Role of Plankton in the Pb210 Balance and Po210 Balance in Sur- face Ocean Water and the At- mosphere 02-1973-7661 Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 Tracers A Note on Horizontal Diffusion of Dye in the Ocean 02-1959-0358 Dye Diffusion Experiments in the New York Bight 02-1963-0513 A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 Atmospheric Dispersion at Brook- haven National Laboratory 03-1966-2285 The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Formulation and Use of Fluorescent Tracer Coatings in Sediment Trans- port Studies 04-1966-7688 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Interstate Atmospheric Transport of Tracer Particles in N.Y. -N.J. Metropolitan Area. A Report to the Interstate Sanitation Commission of New York, New Jersey Connecticut on Investigations Conducted in 21-1958-0346 390 SUBJECT INDEX Tracers-(Cont.) Comparison of Estimated and Mea- sured Long-Term Iodine 1 3 1 Concen- trations From a Continuous Elevated Source 21-1967-0819 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Continuous Point Source Plume Behavior Out to 1 60 Miles 21-1968-0911 Atmospheric Diagnostics Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Second Status Report. 21-1969-1039 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 The Study of the Behavior and Sig- nificance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage Treatment Plants of Selected Cities 22-1961-0421 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Trachinocephalus imops Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Trachinotus falcatus Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Tracking Techniques Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 Connecticut River Ecological Study: A Study of the Rate and Pattern of Shad Migration in the Connecticut River--U tilizing Sonic Tracking Ap- paratus 01-1973-7988 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments (1962-63) 02-1966-0683 A Feasibility Study on the Use of Fluorescent Tracers: Jones Inlet, Long Island, New York 02-1972-7233 The Development and Application of a Fluorescent Marking Technique for Tracing Sand Movements on Beaches 04-1962-7597 Use of Fluorescent Tracers To Deter- mine Foreshore Sediment Transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1964-0575 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Training Oceanography in New York-A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 Transfer Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Transgressions Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 Stratigraphic Record of Transgressing Seas in Light of Sedimentation on At- lantic Coast of New Jersey 04-1961-0420 Transmission Lines The Completion and Proposed Operation of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant by the Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333. 30-1972-5084 Transmissivity Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep Sea 02-1943-1778 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York 04-1972-3004 Transmissometers Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Transparency Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 The Transparency, by Black and White Secchi Disc, of the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1952-0198 Transportation Deep Water Ports on Long Island 02-1965-7813 Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 11-1957-7206 Role of the Coastal and Upper Estuarine Waters Contributing Phytoplankton to the Shoals of the Niantic Estuary 20-1965-0612 Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 Maintenance of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers SUBJECT INDEX 391 Transportation-(Cont.) Navigation Project (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3047 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume I 32-1971-5080 A Comprehensive Transportation Study for Proposed Bridge Crossings; Volume II 32-1971-5081 A Comprehensive Study of Proposed Bridge Crossings of Long Island Sound; Summary 32-1971-5082 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Offshore Jetport for New York-New Jersey Megalopolis 32-1972-2226 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 New Offshore Station for N.Y. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 Trapping Effect of New York-New Jersey Pound-Net Catches on Shad Runs of Hudson and Connecticut Rivers 33-1959-0361 Trawling Effects of Subzero Temperatures and Trawling Stress on Serum Osmolality in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleu- ronectes americanus 01-1970-1 130 Studies of the Marine Resources of Southern New England, II; A Prelimi- nary Analysis of the Connecticut Trawl Fishery 33-1944-1927 Marine Fisheries of New York State 33-1972-2201 Treatment Facilities Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges-Hearing I 1-1971-3058 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Trees Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Trematodes The Seasonal and Environmental Fluctuations in the Infestation of Nassa obsoleta (Say) With Larval Trematodes in the Long Island Area 01-1955-7289 Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Trespass Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Triassic Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1968-0840 Seismicity in the Vicinity of the Ramapo Fault, New Jersey-New York 04-1968-0846 Triassic Period Composition of Triassic Lockatong and Associated Formations of Newark Group, Central New Jersey and Adjacent Pennsylvania 04-1965-7642 The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York 04-1967-7727 Deposition of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in Separate Basins, Eastern North America 04-1969-4005 Sedimentology and General Structure of the Northern Portion of the Newark Basin 04-1972-4123 Tributaries Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Trickling Filters Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Tritium Fallout Tritium and Mixing in the Main Oceanic Thermocline 02-1973-7669 Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Trophic Level Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Tropical Cyclones Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-0374 Hurricanes of 195 1 03-1952-0172 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 1956 Hurricane Map, Compiled From Authentic Data Furnished by the United States Weather Bureau, Show- ing All Tropical Storms of Hurricane Intensity for the Past Five Years (1951-1955 incl.) 03-1956-0283 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Maximum Hurricane Winds 03-1957-0314 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 392 SUBJECT INDEX Tropical Cyclones-(Cont.) Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-05 17 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Hurricane Modification of the Off- Shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Sand Transfer, Beach Control, and Inlet Improvements, Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach, New York 04-1961-0447 Tropical Storms Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-027 1 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-073 1 Troposphere Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Patents of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 3 2 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Trout Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine fisheries 33-1972-3086 Tsunamis Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Tubes Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1^7 1-1 2l l > Tuckerton Analysis of an Last Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Tungsten Mixing and Transfer Within the Stratosphere 21-1960-0384 Tungsten 185 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-0411 Tunicates Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Tunnel Construction The Tunnel Construction of the Hud- son and Manhattan Railroad Co. 04-1910-1978 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 The Influence of Geology on the Con- struction of Rapid Transit Tunnels in the City of New York 04-1941-1516 Richmond Tunnel, Part 3 04-1967-7710 Tunnel Design Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Tunnel Hydraulics Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Tunnel Linings Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Tunnel Pressure Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Tunneling Further Light on the Gorge of the Hudson 04-1910-2028 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 New York Bay; Bedrock Profile 04-1962-0460 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Hellgate's Infamous Past, Part II, General Newton and Conquest 04-1971-1220 Tunnels Orgin of Channels Surrounding Man- hattan Island 02-1905-1404 The funnel Construction of the Hud- son ami Manhattan Railroad Co. 04-1910-1978 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 The Geology of the Hudson River and Its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels 04-1913-1524 The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Engineering Geology (5th Ed.) 04-1936-2072 Geology of the Under-River Section of the Queens Midtown Tunnel 04-1940-1509 The Geology of the Lincoln Tunnel (N.Y. - N.J.) 04-1941-1508 The Influence of Geology on the Con- struction of Rapid Transit Tunnels in the City of New York 04-1941-1516 Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 Richmond Tunnel, Part 3 04-1967-7710 City -vs- Bi-State Plans for Port of New York 32-1922-2136 Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Study of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Turbellarians Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 Turbidity Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of fhe Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Studies of Benthic Cover in Near- Shore Temperate Waters Using Aeri- al Photography 01-1971-2220 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 Suspended Matter and Secchi Disc Visibility in Coastal Waters 02-1961-0431 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations .on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 SUBJECT INDEX 393 Turbidity-(Cont) Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Optical Properties of Sea Water of the North Atlantic Ocean at Argus Island and Block Islands at Long Island 02-1970-1184 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1 138 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment ) 32-1971-7973 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance Dredging, Port Chester Harbor, New York; Navigation Pro- ject 32-1972-5087 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Maintenance of the Harlem River Channel, New York, Navigation Pro- ject (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7977 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Turbidity Currents Bibliography of Submarine Valleys Off North America 04-1905-2090 Behavior of Suspension Currents and Mud Slides on the Continental Slope 04-1938-2095 The Origin of Submarine Canyons; A Critical Review of Hypotheses 04-1939-1517 A Bathymetric Profile Across the Hudson Submarine Canyon and Its Tributaries 04-1953-0211 Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons 04-1970-7760 Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents; Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Turbulence A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Rhode Island Sound Square Kilome- ter Study 1967; Flow Patterns and Kinetic Energy Distribution 02-1969-0966 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-01 10 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 The Forecasting of Mierometcorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Electric Conductivity and Small Ion Concentration of the Atmosphere at One Metre Above Ground and Con- ductivity at Ground Level. 03-1952-0173 The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 9 I Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1 188 Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 394 SUBJECT INDEX Turbulence Spectra Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Turbulence Spectrum The Vertical Momentum Flux at Brookhaven at 109 Meters 03-1952-0174 Turbulent Boundary Layers The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 9 I -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 Turbulent Diffusion Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Physical Processes of Mixing in the Ocean and Coastal Waters, and a Set of Practical Guidelines for the Application of Existing Diffusion Equations in the 02-1969-0979 Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Turbulent Flow Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 A Review of Theoretical Models of Turbulent Diffusion in the Sea 02-1962-0472 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-195 3-0202 A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 The Relation Between Space and Time Correlations in the Atmosphere 03-1956-0285 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Turtles A Fossil Sea-Turtle From New Jersey 01-1964-7740 Twin Island The Role of Metasomatism in the Formation of Layering in Am- phibolites of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, The Bronx, New York 04-1969-4139 Composition of Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks of Twin Island, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 04-1971-4119 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Statement of the Port of New York Authority at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearing on New York and New Jersey Channels Pro- ject 1 1-1957-7206 U.S. Coast Guard The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 U.S.S. Barracuda Gravity Measurements on the U.S.S. Barracuda 04-1937-1599 Ultimate Oxygen Demand Eutrophication of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 Ultrasonics Net Avoidance Behavior in American Shad ( Alosa sapidissima) as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1971-7987 The Behavior of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) During Migration From Salt to Fresh Water as Observed by Ultrasonic Tracking Techniques 01-1972-7986 infrastructure Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa From the American Oyster Crassostrea vir- ginica 01-1971-1202 Ultraviolet Radiation Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of Sunlight 03-1965-0652 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. I, Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion 21-1971-1224 Ulva Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Ulva latissima On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Uncasville Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Unconformities Marine Unconformities, Marine Con- glomerates and Thickness of Strata 04-1936-2109 Should the Term 'New York City Group' Be Maintained? 04-1970-4016 Unconformities (Geologic) Geology of New York— A Short Ac- count 04-1966-7694 Unconsolidated Sediments The New England-Acadian Shoreline 04-1925-2017 Under Currents Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Underground The Abundance of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria (OVenus) mercenaria, in Relation to Substrate Character in South Oyster Bay, New York 01-1972-7287 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study 04-1963-0515 Underground Structures The Geology of the Vehicular Tunnel Across the Hudson River 04-1924-7302 Richmond Tunnel, Part 3 04-1967-7710 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Underground Waste Disposal Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 SUBJECT INDEX 395 Underwater Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 Fish Talk (Sounds Made by Fish Are Picked Up by an Underwater Microphone for Viewing With C-R Oscilloscope) 01-1944-1807 Underwater Noise Due to Marine Life 01-1946-1795 Measurements of Underwater Noise Produced by Marine Life 01-1947-1775 Acoustical Characteristics of Noise Produced by Snapping Shrimp 01-1948-1781 Recording Sounds of Undersea Life 01-1949-1776 Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise ( Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 Fish Are Noisy in Narragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Sound Transmission Tests (in Shallow Water) at Low and High Frequencies, September 10 to November 18, 1942 02-1942-1803 Underwater Sounds of Biological Origin 02-1943-1789 Phonographic Records of Underwater Sounds 02-1943-1791 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Reflection of Sound From Coastal Seaboltoms 02-1948-1793 A Vehicle Makes Ocean-Bottom Sur- veys 02-1967-7728 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Some Applications of Meteorology to Underwater Ambient Noise Studies in Block Island 03-196S-7754 The Long Island Sound Sub-Bottom Topography in the Area Between 73 Degree 00 Latitude W and 73 Degree 30 Latitude W 04-1963-7307 Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 A Submerged Holocene Shoreline Near Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1967-0735 Some Acoustic Properties of Marine Fouling 32-1947-1808 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Underwater Sound The Production of Sound in the Drum Fishes, the Sea-Robin, and the Toad- fish 01-1908-1805 United States Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-1636 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-2141 The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 04-1917-1598 Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 Gravity Anomalies in the United States 04-1936-1603 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Biology and Management of the American Shad and Status of the Fisheries, Atlantic Coast of the United States, I960 33-1967-0536 Universities Oceanography in New York— A Prospectus 02-1966-7814 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 I -I 966-78 I 5 Unsaturated Flow Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, N.Y. 04-1970-1 122 Uplift Pressure A Significant Contrast Between the Atlantic and Pacific Coastal Region 04-1922-2007 Upper Cretaceous Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Upstream Upstream Bottom Currents in New York Harbor 22-1958-0341 Upton The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Chemical Composition of Atmospher- ic Precipitation in the Northeastern United Stales 21-1971-2224 Up welling The Residual Drift in Eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; A Preliminary Report 02-1972-5092 Generation of a Cyclonic Circulation Gyre bv Two-Layered Flow in the Eastern Passages of Long Island Sound 02-1972-7686 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Uranium Radioisotopes Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1965-1967 20-1969-2358 Uranium Concentrations in Surface Air at Rural and Urban Localities Within New York State 21-1971-2353 Urban Boundary Layers Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Urban Heat Islands Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 A Model for Predicting the Depth of the Mixing Layer Over an Urban Heat Island With Applications to New York City 21-1971-2275 Urban Hydrology Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Urban Pollution Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Urban Renewal South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement) 04-197 1-305 1 Urban Runoff Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Urbanization Ground-Water Problems in the New- York City Area 04-1959-5028 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 396 SUBJECT INDEX Urbanization^ Cont.) Preliminary Analysis of Rate of Movement of Storm Runoff Through the Zone of Aeration Beneath a Recharge Basin on Long Island, NY. 04-1970-1122 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Park River Conduit, Hartford, Con- necticut (Final Environmental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3070 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-41 14 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 New York Metropolitan Region — A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1 158 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Llreas The Distribution of Urea in Coastal and Oceanic Waters 02-197 1-3016 Urine The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 2 1-1962-0480 Urophycis regius Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 1-1970-30 17 Urosalpinx cinerea Combined Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Feeding, Reproductive, and Survival Rates of Eupleura caudata (Say) and Urosal- pinx cinerea (Say) (Prosobranchia: :Muricidae) 01-1970-1097 Population Age Structure, Growth and Longevity of the Marine Gas- tropod Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) 01-1972-1206 A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea (Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Utilities Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 Valleys The Hudson River Valley Before the Advent of Man 00-1924-2012 On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Connecticut and Hudson Valleys 04-1914-1990 Landslides in Unconsolidated Sedi- ments; With a Description of Some Occurrences in the Hudson Valley 04-1916-1529 Hudson Gorge in the Highlands 04-1936-2102 Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Vanadium Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Trace Metals-Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Variability Primary Production of Continental Shelf Waters Off New York 01-1958-0338 Variations in Time and Intensity of Setting of the Starfish, Asterias for- besi, in Long Island Sound During a 25-Year Period 01-1964-0561 Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Identification and Seasonal Size Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 Feeding Rates of Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at Controlled Water Temperatures and During Different Seasons of the Year 01-1970-1093 The Responses of Young American Shad to Rapid Temperature Changes 01-1970-1109 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus. Population 01-1970-1116 Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Regional Survey of Gene Frequencies in the Mud Snail Nassarius obsoletus 01-1972-3083 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 The Rhode Island Square Kilometer Study, 1967: 3, Time and Spatial Temperature Fluctuations 02-1968-0833 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-093 1 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Seasonal Variation in Temperature and Salinity in Block Island Sound 02-1972-7677 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-197 1-4054 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1911-1912 04-1912-1618 Results of Magnetic Observations, 19 13 04-1913-1619 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1914 04-1914-1620 Distribution of Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1915-1614 SUBJECT INDEX 397 Variability-(Cont.) Results of the Magnetic Observations Made by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 04-1916-1613 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1919 04-1919-1621 Magnetic Declination in United States 04-1920-1615 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1924 04-1924-1622 Results of Magnetic Observations, 1925 04-1925-1623 Geological Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in Southern New England and the Hudson Valley Region 04-1943-1609 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments-World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Significance of Variations in Distribu- tion Coefficients for Coexisting Gur- net and Biotite From the New York- New Jersey Precambrian of the Read- ing Prong 04-1972-7683 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) '21-1965-2227 Strontium-90 Deposition in New- York City 21-1967-0746 New Jersey Air Quality Data, January Through April, 1969 ami Review of Monthlv Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Vertical Temperature Structure Dur- ing the 1966 Thanksgiving Week Air Pollution F.pisode in New York City 21-1972-2281 On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 2 1-1972-5070 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Preliminary Field Studies Using Faith Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bav 33-1971-3021 Varieties The Mammals of l.oim Island, New York 00-197 1-7583 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-1636 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-2141 Notice of an Undescribcd Form of Pleurosigma, Family Diatomaceae 01-1870-1645 Three Dinoflagellates From New Jer- sey 01-1929-7097 The Diversity of Species in Net Phytoplankton of the Raritan Estuary 01-1959-7500 A Possible Hybrid Population of the Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), in Western Long Island Sound 01-1960-7503 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 Glenodinium halli n.sp. and Gyrodini- um instriatum n.sp., Dinoflagellates From New York Waters 01-1963-7084 Distribution of Phytoplankton Species with Respect to Salinity Between the Coast of Southern New England and Bermuda 01-1963-7087 The Diversity of Phytoplanktonic Populations in Oceanic, Coastal, and Estuarinc Regions 01-1963-7088 The Occurrence of Pyrrophyta in a Brackish Cove: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey at Mantoloking, Mav Through December, 1966 01-1967-7103 New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States; Ostracode Zoogeography in the Southern Nova Scotian and Northern Virginian Fau- nal Prov inces 1-1970-7588 The Tetraodontid Pufferfish Sphoe- roides furthii (Steindachner), A Ju- nior Synonym of Sphocroidcs trichoccphalus (Cope ) 01-1971-1227 Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium hotulinum Type C 01- 1 97 1 -3077 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bav, New York 01-1972-3022 Variation and Relative Niche Size in the Sea Mussel Mytilus edulis in As- sociation With Mytilus californianus 01-1972-3037 Taxonomy and Distribution of Microprotopus Along the East Coast of the United Stales ( Amphipoda, Isaeidae ) 01-1972-3088 Deep-Sea Amphipoda From the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Caprellidea 01-1972-3089 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Vegetation Flora of the Vicinity of New York 01-1915-1700 Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 The Vegetation of the Salt Marshes and of the Salt and Fresh Water Ponds of Northern Coastal New Jer- sey 02-1909-1652 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1 178 On a Subsidence of Land on the Seacoast of New Jersey and Long Island 04-1857-1970 Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Pollen Diagrams From Three Former Cedar Bogs in the Hackensack Tidal Marsh, Northeastern New Jersey 04-1963-7507 Vegetational History of a New Jersey Tidal Marsh, Bog, and Vicinity 04-1964-7516 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment 04-1971-4066 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 Vegetation Retention and Vegeta- tion-Milk Ratios of Fallout Iodine I 3 1 21-1963-0544 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 Vegetation Effects Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 398 SUBJECT INDEX Vegetation Effects-(Cont.) Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 Vegetation Establishment An Attempt To Introduce a Seaweed Into the Local Flora 01-1902-1656 Dune Formation and Stabilization by Vegetation and Plantings 04-1957-0322 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Velocity Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 Velocity and Ray Paths of Sound Waves in Sea Water 02-1937-1802 Coastal Currents Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1942-1428 Acoustical Tables for Air and Sea Water 02-1943-1806 Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 Time-of-T ravel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 The Rhode Island Sound Square Kilometer Study, 1967: Auto-Spectra of the Current Velocity Records 02-1968-0832 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-195 1-0161 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-081 I Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Atmospheric Gravity Waves From Nuclear Explosions 03-1970-1 198 Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Fluorescent Tracer Particle Deter- mination of the Size-Velocity Rela- tion for Foreshore Sediment Trans- port, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1965-0619 Sn Velocities and the Composition of the Lithosphere in the Regionalized Atlantic 04-1973-7705 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Vertebrae Incidence of Crooked Vertebral Columns in Juvenile Atlantic Men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus 01-1971-3081 Vertebrates Descriptive Catalogue of the Ver- tebrates of New Jersey 01-1890-1930 The Cretaceous Fossils of New Jersey 04-1962-7604 Vertical Gravity Gradient Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1969-0950 Vertical Gravity Gradients Variations of Vertical Gravity Gradient in New York City and Al- pine, New Jersey 04-1970-4129 Vertical Tectonics Past Sea Levels, Eustasy and Defor- mation of the Earth 04-1972-7862 Very Low Frequency Interfering VLF Radio Signals Ob- served on GBR- 16.0 KC/S During November and December 1965 03-1967-0817 Viability Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Viability of Escherichia coli in Sea Water 22-1950-0093 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Viability of Sewage Bacteria in Sea Water 22-1956-0278 Vibrations A Seismic Study of the Sediments in the Hudson River 04-1967-7299 Vibrio Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria, a Convenient Laboratory Animal for Screening Pathogens of Bivalve Mol- luscs 01-1971-3079 Virginia Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 Deep Wells Along the Atlantic Coast 04-1945-2069 Viscosity The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Numerical Computations of Storm Surges With Bottom Stress 03-1967-0731 Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 Visibility Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0229 Flight Investigation of the Per- formance of Low Ceiling/ Visibility Meteorological Equipment 03-1954-0230 Design and Calibration of a Remote- Indicating, Photoelectric Brightness Meter 03-1955-0260 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 An Operational Flight Evaluation of An Approach Zone Slant Visibility Measuring System. 03-1957-0320 Variations of Atmospheric Transmis- sivity and Cloud Height at Newark. 03-1958-0347 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Evaluation of Several Multi-Transmis- someter Systems 03-1966-0704 Analysis of Runway Visual Range 03-1966-0706 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 SUBJECT INDEX 399 Visibility-(Cont) Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1111 Relationship Between Snow Accumu- lation and Snow Intensity as Deter- mined From Visibility 03-1971-1239 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Smoke and Air Pollution; New York, New Jersey 21-1958-2237 A Pilot Study of Air Pollution in Providence, Rhode Island 21-1962-2238 Summary of Conference and Conclu- sions and Recommendations on In- terstate Air Pollution; New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 21-1967-2250 Effect of Air Pollutants on Visibility in Fog and Haze 21-1968-0843 Vitamin B Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Vitamins Some Ecological Factors Influencing the Growth of Great South Bay Phytoplankton 01-1965-7247 Cobalamin and Thiamine in Long Island Sound: Patterns of Distribution and Ecological Significance 02-1961-7126 Vortices The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Wading Birds Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 Wanaque Reservoir Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, I 1, Oct. -1969 I 1-1969-722 1 Wappinger Formation Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-195 7 Warm Springs Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Warm-Water Fish Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-19 13 Warning Systems United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 11-1971-3064 Warren Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Washington Sludge Disposal by Dilution in Puget Sound 22-1962-0477 Washington Canyon The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Washington County Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 Washover Erosion Washover Erosion; Important Processes in Creating Bays of Digitate Spit, Democrat Point, Fire Island, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4034 Washovers Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Wassan County Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 11-1969-0968 Waste Deposits Distribution of Waste Deposits in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters Based on Carbon Contents and Loss-on-Ignition (Volatile Matter) 23-1971-7970 Waste Dilution The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Digestion of Sewage by the Harbor Water and the Exhaustion of Dis- solved Oxygen With Tables of Ox- ygen and Other Chemical Results 22-1914-1906 Mapping the Field of Contamination Over an Ocean Sewer Outfall 22-1946-1400 Hydrographic Factors Involved in Dispersion of Pollutants Introduced Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-1876 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 Sludge and Effluent Disposal by Dispersal 22-1961-0426 Sludge Disposal by Dilution in Puget Sound 22-1962-0477 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Waste Disposal Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB 1 970- 1113 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Geology and Hydrology of the Atlan- tic and Gulf Coastal Plain as Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 04-1962-7923 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 An Act. ..In Relation to Removal of Il- legal Fill in Protected Waters 10-1971-5005 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse I 1-1970-1 164 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 The Development of Air Contami- nant Emission Tables for Nonprocess Emissions 21-1966-2235 Air Borne Emmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 531-666 O - 74 - 26 400 SUBJECT INDEX Waste Disposal-(Cont) Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion, a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 Non-Propelled Acid Disposal Barge 22-1947-1459 Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7X26 Disposal of Sewage Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-0094 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7959 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-195 1-0 150 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area. Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 2 2-195 1-0360 Rate of Dispersion in the Wake of a Barge at Sea 22-1952-0181 Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Travel of Pollution in Shoreline Coastal Waters 22-1955-0250 Waste Disposal in Marine Waters 22-l l *58-0326 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-22 I 2 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-78 18 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, I 958 22-1958-782 I Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 Diffusion of Sewage I fflucnt in an Ocean Current 22-19(iO-()382 Measurement of loxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-l9(iO-()389 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Marine Disposal of Wastes, Progress Report 22-l l )61-0424 Sewage Disposal at Seaside Towns 22-1961-0427 The Discharge of Sewage Into the Sea 22-1961-0437 Effect of Sewage From the Coal- Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 Pipeline Disposal of Sewage and Trade Wastes 22-1963-0522 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Disposal of Waste in the Marine En- vironment and the Pollution of the Sea 22-1965-0632 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Marine Disposal of Digested Screened Waste-Water Solids 22-1967-0748 Ocean Outfall Design for Economy of Construction 22-1967-0753 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Advances in Water Pollution Research. Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Ocean Disposal of Waste Material 22-196,8-0825 Preliminary Investigation of Waste- Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1968-0852 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound 22-1968-0867 Dispersion of a Non-Conservative Waste Effluent Discharged From a Large Scale Continuous Source 22-1968-0873 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shelf 22-1969-0982 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January I, 1970 22-1969-0998 A Wasteline to the Sea; A Study Toward Regional Disposal of Concen- trated Wastes 22-1969-1009 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 New York Metropolitan Region-A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 The Effects of Solid Waste Disposal on Benlhic Communities in the New York Bight 22-1970-1 1 15 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1 134 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1 1.38 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1 143 Slowly Citv Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1 153 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-1971-1203 SUBJECT INDEX 401 Waste Disposal-(Cont) Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 The Marine Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Dredge Spoil in the Waters of the New York Bight 22-1971-121 1 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Manmade Radionuclides in the Hud- son River Estuary 22-1971-2348 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Bcnthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1472-125 1 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight. Section 7. Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8. Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 Digested Sludge Disposal Practices 23-1962-0455 Advanced Waste Treatment, Summa- ry Report 23-1968-0878 Biological Factors To Be Considered in Disposal of Obsolete Gas Muni- tions in the Sea; Report to the De- partment of the Interior Working Group on Possible Effects of Disposal of Chemical Warfare 23-1969-0981 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Economic Aspects of Solid Waste Disposal at Sea 23-1970-1058 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1 135 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1 173 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Management of Waste Solids in Coastal Ocean Waters 23-1471-4082 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. (Unit 1 ); Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 4, Volume 2 30-1969-2342 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-141 1 Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead ' 33-1971-3076 Waste Disposal Wells Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Waste Dumps Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 New York Metropolitan Region-A Major Sediment Source 22-1970-1075 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1 173 Waste Treatment Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 1 1-1967-2209 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 1-1471-3064 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Some Characteristics of a Domestic Sewage 22-1958-0335 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1463-05 14 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-22 14 Milestones in the Development of the Activated Sludge Process 22-1965-0622 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-"l 967-0744 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 402 SUBJECT INDEX Waste Treatments Cont.) Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determination 22-1968-0854 Biological Processing of Waste Waters 22-1968-0882 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1 1 14 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1 121 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 Advanced Waste Treatment, Summa- ry Report 23-1968-0878 Waste Water Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Waste Water (dilution) Water and Wastewater Management in New York City 1 1-1971-1204 Waste Water (Pollution) The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Non-Propelled Acid Disposal Barge 22-1947-1459 Discharge of Waste Waters Into the Sea 22-1953-0210 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Marine Disposal of Digested Screened Waste-Water Solids 22-1967-0748 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Biological Processing of Waste Waters 22-1968-0882 Water and Waste Water Analysis, II; Chemical Compounds, Degrees of Hardness 22-1969-0978 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Waste Water Disposal The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Water Pollution Control-Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 11-1971-3058 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 11-1972-7579 Discharge of Waste Waters Into the Sea 22-1953-0210 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 Pipeline Disposal of Sewage and Trade Wastes 22-1963-0522 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station-Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Waste Water Treatment Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB1970-1 I 13 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 11-1971-3058 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 1 1-1972-7579 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 Ultimate Disposal of Waste Water Concentrates to the Environment 22-1968-0880 Biological Processing of Waste Waters 22-1968-0882 Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Wastes A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1179 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Impact of Low Sulfur Fuel on Air Quality in New York City 21-1970-1194 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 SUBJECT INDEX 403 Wastes-(Cont.) Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Non-Propelled Acid Disposal Barge 22-1947-1459 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Some Characteristics of a Domestic Sewage 22-1958-0335 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Advances in Biological Waste Treat- ment 22-1963-0514 Pipeline Disposal of Sewage and Trade Wastes 22-1963-0522 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Disposal of Waste in the Marine En- vironment and the Pollution of the Sea 22-1965-0632 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Recommendations for Studies on Wastes Disposal Practices in the Coastal Waters Off New York Harbor 22-1968-0838 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1968-0852 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Dispersion of a Non-Conservative Waste Effluent Discharged From a Large Scale Continuous Source 22-1968-0873 A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 A Wasteline to the Sea; A Study Toward Regional Disposal of Concen- trated Wastes 22-1969-1009 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1970-1082 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes, New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-1145 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1153 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Advanced Waste Treatment, Summa- ry Report 23-1968-0878 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes,-an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-4047 Wastes Disposal Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 Watch Hill Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Washington County, Rhode Island, and New London County, Connecticut 04-1967-7731 Water The Persistence of 'Winter.' Water on Continental Shelf South of Long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 On the Chemical Composition of Fog and Cloud Water 03-1955-0264 Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 The Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope, a Program for Study (U. 1 963-05 15 Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Environmental Surveillance Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Installa- tion, 1 965-- 1967 20-1969-2358 Lead in the Connecticut Environment 21-1971-2261 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Thermal Profile of the Waters of New York State 24-1969-0958 Water Allocation (Policy) Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District -Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 1 1-1929-7934 Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 1 1-1957-7799 Water Analysis The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 404 SUBJECT INDEX Water Analysis-) Cont. ) The Distribution of Particulate Material in the North Atlantic 02-1967-7255 Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Water and Waste Water Analysis, II; Chemical Compounds, Degrees of Hardness 22-1969-0978 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Water Balance Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Water Birds A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 Clapper Rail Investigations on the South Shore of Long Island 01-1970-7592 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-197 1-1210 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 Water Chemistry The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 1952-1954: III. Chemical Oceanog- raphy 02-1956-7066 A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 Estuarine and Coastal Water Dynam- ics Controlling Sediment Movement and Plume Development in Long Island Sound 02-1973-7848 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 Differences Between Field and Laboratory Determinations of pH, Al- kalinity, and Specific Conductance of Natural Water 04-1963-0546 Oceanographic Cruise Summary, Block Island-Fishers Island Acoustic Range, July-Aug. 1967 04-1969-1033 Integrated Continental-Shelf and Marginal Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity 04-1970-1067 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Water and Waste Water Analysis, II; Chemical Compounds, Degrees of Hardness 22-1969-0978 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Water Circulation Copepod Indicator Species in Estua- ries 01-1962-0469 Drift of Medusae and Their Distribu- tion in Relation to the Hydrography of the Niantic River, Connecticut 01-1962-0489 Species Diversity in Net Phytoplank- ton of Raritan Bay 01-1962-0493 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Currents and Tides in New York Har- bor 02-1923-1741 A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Tidal Current Charts, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound 02-1943-7010 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 A Pattern of Surface Coastal Circula- tion Inferred From Surface Salinity- Temperature Data and Drift Bottle Recoveries 02-1952-0169 The Accumulation of River Water Over the Continental Shelf Between Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay 02-1955-0249 Circulation and Water Transport in the Coastal Area Between Martha's Vineyard and Barnegat Inlet, N.J. 02-1955-0251 Estuarine Circulation Patterns 02-1955-7039 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 SUBJECT INDEX 405 Vater Circulation-(Cont.) The Influence of the Continental Shelf on the Tides of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 02-1958-0349 Time Lapse Photography of Ice Floes To Record Estuarine Current Pat- terns 02-1962-0499 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Non-Tidal Circulation in Rhode Island Sound; Drift Bottle and Sea Bed Drifter Experiments (1962-63) 02-1966-0683 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Tidal Currents and Coastal Drift in the Vicinity of the Head of Hudson Canyon 02-1969-7029 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanogruphic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Tidal Current Tables, 1972, Atlantic Coast of North America 02-1971-701 I Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Hydrodynamic Patterns in Lotic In- tertidal Sands and Their Biocli- m a to logic a I Implications 02-1972-3036 Anticyclogenesis in the Oceans as a Result of Outbreaks of Continental Polar Air 02-1972-7968 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 (Final Report on Project To Study Surface Circulation and Floating Material in New York Bight Waters) 02-1973-7278 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the Fast Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 The Continental Margin Off the At- lantic Coast of the United States: Car- bonate in Sediments, Nova Scotia to Hudson Canyon 04-1967-0800 Processes and Structures of a Marinc- Estuarine En\ ironment (I4-I9(i9-401 1 Spatial and Temporal Observations of Suspended Sediment; Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound 04-1969-4012 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Travel of Pollution in Shoreline Coastal Waters 22-1955-0250 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reaeration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 Lower Hudson River Siltation 22-1965-0627 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 La Contaminacion por Petroleo 22-1971-3012 A Water -Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Water Circulations Observations of the Tide on the At- lantic Continental Shelf 02-1965-7030 Water Column Spread of Sewage Sludge and Dredging Spoils in the Hudson Chan- nel: Effect on the Concentration of Poisonous Metals in the Water Column and in the Food Chain of the New York Bight 22-1970-1 142 Water Conservation The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1 I 12 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Water Consumption (Except Consumptive Use) Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Water Costs An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Water Demand The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Long Island Water Resources 11-1970-1112 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 Water Distribution (Applied) Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District-Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 1 1-1929-7934 406 SUBJECT INDEX Water Distribution (Applied)-(Cont.) Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 11-1957-7799 Water Equivalent Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Water Importing Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Water Injury The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 Water Jets Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Water Law Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 City of New York V. Feltman (Condemnation of Riparian Land and Foreshore) 10-1930-3052 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1945-7214 Report to the Legislature of the State of New York 10-1947-7215 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7208 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Adequate Annual 10-1956-7209 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-7210 Statements and Exhibits Presented Before the Public Works Subcommit- tee of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives in Support of the Request for an Ap- propriation To 10-1956-721 1 Statement of R.P. Holubowicz, Marine Planning Analyst for the Port of New York Authority, Before the Subcommittee on Public Works of the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate Urging Adequate Federal 10-1958-7212 Report of the Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Navigable Waterways 10-1964-7216 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-3053 Town of Hempstead V. Oceanside Yacht Harbor, Inc. (Upland Owner's Right of Access) 10-1972-3041 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 11-1971-3061 Water Level Tidal Phenomena in the Harbor of New York 02-1913-1735 Is the Atlantic Coast Sinking? Evidence From the Tides 02-1948-1725 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Water Level Fluctuations Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of Factors Affecting the Dis- tribution of Marine Plants 01-1915-1689 Notes on the Midsummer Ichthyofau- na of a Connecticut Beach at Dif- ferent Tide Levels 01-1947-1926 On the Tides and Tidal Currents of Hell Gate 02-1857-1835 New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Report of the Harmonic Analysis of the Tides at Sandy Hook 02-1883-1707 On the Tides and the Currents of Hell Gate 02-1883-1729 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1827 Tidal Levels and Flow of Currents in New York Bay and Harbor 02-1888-1842 Comparision of the Predicted With Observed Times and Heights of High and Low HOH at Sandy Hook 02-1890-1745 The Relation of Plants to Tide Levels; A Study of the Distribution of Marine Plants at Cold Spring Harbor 02-1912-1659 Table of Depths for Channels and Harbors, Coasts of the United States 02-1913-2112 Flood and Ebb in New York Harbor 02-1923-1720 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1925-1721 Sea Level Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Its Fluctuations 02-1925-1722 On the Determination of Mean High Water 02-1933-1723 Tides and Currents of New York Har- bor 02-1935-1829 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast, North and South America 02-1972-7038 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm Tides in New York Bay 03-1960-0405 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1963-0517 Beaches and Tidal Marshes 04-1896-2080 Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Shoreline Investigations on the Atlan- tic Coast 04-1927-2020 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Bottom Conditions in a Tidal Lagoon (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey) 04-1935-1564 The Determination of Mean Sea Level 04-1937-1718 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1951 04-1951-7929 Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 SUBJECT INDEX 407 Water Level Fluctuations-(Cont.) Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area 04-1962-7598 Vegetation, Climate, and Coastal Submergence in Connecticut 04-1963-7506 Bedrock Valleys of the New England Coast as Related to Fluctuations of Sea Level 04-1964-7617 Postglacial Change of Sea Level in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut 04-1964-7618 Coastal Gcomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1956-1959 04-1967-5033 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments— World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 The Atlantic Coast of Long Island 04-1969-0961 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 Water Level Recorders Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Water Levels Theoretical and Empirical Study of Storm Induced Water Level Anoma- lies 02-1959-03 74 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of New York City 04-1904-1743 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1 95 1 04-1951-7929 Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 1; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 Water Resources Data for New York, 197 I : Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Water Loss Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Water Management (Applied) Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region ( New Jersey ) 04-1936-7881 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-7854 Long Island Sources-Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District— Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 11-1929-7934 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey 1 1-1945-7935 Bi-County Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-781 1 Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Water and Wastewater Management in New York City 11-1971-1204 Waters— Permits for New Discharges I 1-1971-3061 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 1 1-1972-7579 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume I, A Report on a Manage- ment Problem and an Evaluation of Options 11-1973-7989 Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 1 1-1973-7990 Quality Standards for the Coastal Waters of Long Island, New York 22-1970-7577 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 408 SUBJECT INDEX Water Management (Applied)-(Cont.) Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Water Management (Applied) Water Supply Development Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Water Masses A Study of Mixing Processes Over the Edge of the Continental Shelf 02-1950-0089 Water Policy Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State— First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Water Pollution A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Investigations on Certain Ecological Requirements of the Alga Chlorella sp. in Great South Bay 01-1951-7290 Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Effect of Pollution on Marine Life 1-1957-0303 Species Diversity in Net Phyloplank- ton of Raritan Bay 1-1962-0493 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 A Survey of the Invertebrates From Selected Sites of the Lower Hudson River 01-1966-0680 A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors ) 01-1966-7232 flic Bacterial Effect of Scawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 1-1968-0848 Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number Test for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-09.29 Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 The Flushing of Tidal Estuaries 02-1951-1891 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Report on the Bottom Sampling and Self Contained Diving Survey in the New York Bight and the Iron Content of the Sediment Samples, R/V CARYN Cruise 108, October 19-24, 1956. 02-1957-7817 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 The Hudson River Estuary, Hydrolo- gy, Sediments and Pollution 02-1966-0674 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 South Branch, Rahway River, New Jersey Flood Control Project, Rah- way, New Jersey (Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement; 04-1971-3051 Travel of Pollution-Indicator B ictcni Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-Injection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 An Act. ..In Relation to Prohibiting Insurance Coverage Against Environ- mental Pollution 10-1971-3065 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-2203 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-7815 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 Comprehensive Master Plan: Water and Sewer Report, Elements Nos. 10, 1 I, Oct.- 1969 11-1969-7221 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1 127 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 11-1971-3046 Water Pollution Control -Permits for New Discharges—Hearing 11-1971-3058 Waters-Permits for New Discharges 1 1-1971-3061 Radiological Health Data 20-1962-0474 Studies of Radioactive Fall-Out Fol- lowing 1961 USSR. Tests 20-1963-0550 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Environmental Protection in the City of New York 20-1970-1 179 Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 Pollution! of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemina- tion of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House Fly; A Report to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants' 22-1908-2016 SUBJECT INDEX 409 Water Pollution-(Cont.) On the Growth of Ulva latissima in Water Polluted by Sewage 22-1910-1642 Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Metropolitan District of New York and New Jersey 22-1910-1726 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Investigation of the Pollution of Cer- tain Tidal Waters of New Jersey, New York and Delaware 22-1917-1455 The Area of Water Surface as a Con- trolling Factor in the Condition of Polluted Harbor Waters 22-1921-1897 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1927 22-1929-1448 Pollution of New York Harbor 22-1933-1736 Bactericidal Action of Sea Water 22-1936-1457 Measures of Natural Oxidation in Pol- luted Streams, IV; Effect of Sewage on Atmospheric Reaeration Rates Under Stream Flow Conditions 22-1938-1458 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1938 22-1939-1447 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1941-1406 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Non-Propelled Acid Disposal Barge 22-1947-1459 Hydrographic Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Disposal of Sewage Into Tidal Waters 22-1950-0094 Hydrographic Factors Involved in Dispersion of Pollutants Introduced Into filial Waters 22-1950-1876 Marine Pollution Problems in the North Atlantic Area, Trans. 2d Seminar Biol. Problems Water Pollu- tion 22-1951-0360 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Discharge of Waste Waters Into the Sea 22-1953-0210 Pollution of the Sea by Sewage 22-1954-0235 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Viability of Sewage Bacteria in Sea Water 22-1956-0278 Pollution Survey Sampling of New York Harbor 22-1956-0280 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Problems of Sewage Disposal at Coastal Towns 22-1961-0814 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay, a Polluted Estuary 22-1962-0468 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Application 22-1962-0470 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor, Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 A Study of the Movement and Diffu- sion of an Introduced Contaminant in New York Harbor Waters 22-1962-0473 A Typical Phosphate Cycle of Estua- ries in Relation to Benthic Metabol- ism 22-1962-0485 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission: New York Harbor Model, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 22-1963-0506 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Biological and Chemical Features of Tidal Estuaries 22-1964-0556 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Prediction of Pollution From Planned Sewage Outlets 22-1964-0588 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Estimating Diffusion Characteristics of Tidal Waters 22-1965-0626 Disposal of Waste in the Marine En- vironment and the Pollution of the Sea 22-1965-0632 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 Phytoplankton Nutrients in Estuaries 22-1967-0733 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Marine Disposal of Digested Screened Waste-Water Solids 22-1967-0748 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume II; Sources of Pollution 22-1967-2207 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Ocean Disposal of Waste Material 22-1968-0825 Trace Contaminants in the Hudson River 22-1968-0861 410 SUBJECT INDEX Water Pollution-(Cont) Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 The Present Biological Status of the Hudson River 22-1968-0871 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 22-1968-0874 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 In Situ Primary Productivity Studies, Pollution Analysis, and the Deter- mination of Dissolved Proteinaceous Organic Matter in the Great South Bay 22-1968-7258 Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemicals, a Study of the Ef- fects of Cleaning Oil Contaminated Beaches With Chemical Dispersants 22-1969-0939 Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Demonstration of the Limitation and Effects of Waste Disposal on an Ocean Shelf 22-1969-0982 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Continuation of the Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1969-0990 Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1010 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries--New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Fish and Pollution: Experimental Stu- dies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus 22-1969-7271 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Plankton as Indicators of Pollution in New York Waters 22-1970-1071 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Analyses of Dredged Wastes, Fly Ash, and Waste Chemicals, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1970-1074 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Numerical Simulation of Water Quality in Coastal Waters and Estua- ries 22-1970-1089 Predicting Future Growth of Organic Pollution in Metropolitan Area Rivers 22-1970-1099 Coastal Zone Geology and Its Rela- tionship to Water Pollution Problems 22-1970-11 19 Station 59 22-1970-1123 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area— A Summary 22-1970-1125 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1126 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1 134 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1970-1143 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1 147 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1151 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1 157 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1158 Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Chemical Pollution of Waters; a Modern Hydra 22-1970-1436 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Preliminary Analyses of Urban Wastes; New York Metropolitan Re- gion 22-1970-5004 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 Urban Wastes in the Coastal Ocean 22-1971-4041 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 MSF Pilot Plant Test on Polluted Waters 22-1971-4070 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grants for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York 22-1971-5074 Mercury Contamination of Plankton Feeding Fish: Experimental Studies on the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus 22-1971-7269 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 5, Chemical Studies 22-1972-1250 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 6, Surface and Bottom Water Improvement 22-1972-1251 SUBJECT INDEX 411 Water Pollution^ Cont.) The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Detection of Dumping in the New York Bight 22-1972-5001 Barge Dumping of Wastes in the New York Bight 22-1972-5002 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Distribution of Fecal Coliforms in Sediments of the New York Bight 22-1972-7238 Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 Application of Mathematical Models to Diffusion of Coastal Sea Pollutants 22-1973-7574 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Pipeline Transport for Oceanic Place- ment of Concentrated Solid Wastes 23-1970-1 135 Harbor Dredging Presents Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Coke Works Electric Generating Plant, New Haven Harbor, Connec- ticut 30-1972-5078 The Forked River Nuclear Station Unit 1, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Docket No. 50-363 30-1972-5085 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 East River, New York; Spur Channel to Astoria Waterfront 32-1972-5086 Maintenance of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York; Naviga- tion Project 32-1972-5088 Surveying Sewage Pollution in Shellf- ish Producing Waters 33-1936-1879 Waste Disposal as Related to Shellfish 33-1937-2051 Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-1411 Sanitary Shellfish; Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076 New Rochelle and Echo Bay Harbors, New York 35-1972-5076 Water Pollution Barges Sludge Disposal by Barging to Sea 22-1967-0750 Water Pollution Control Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Ability of Bacteria Isolated From Long Island Waters 01-1970-7241 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 11-1966-7815 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 1 I- 1967-2209 Long Island's Approach to Coastal Zone Planning 1 1-1969-0968 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 11-1971-3061 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1904-1898 Protection of River and Harbor Waters From Municipal Wastes 22-1911-1912 Tidal Information in the Possession of the Commission and Correspondence on This Subject With the USCGS 22-1914-1728 The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1932-2030 Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Pollution Abatement in New York Area 22-1940-1900 Post War Program for Abatement of Pollution in New York Harbor 22-1946-1899 Pollution of the Sea by Sewage 22-1954-0235 Viability of Sewage Bacteria in Sea Water 22-1956-0278 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 Dispersal of Pollution by Tidal Move- ments 22-1957-0301 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 Prediction of Pollution From Planned Sewage Outlets 22-1964-0588 Diffusion Phenomena in Coastal Areas 22-1965-0621 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 States Plan Ahead for (Water) Pollu- tion Abatement (New York) 22-1967-7533 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters-- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Waste Disposal in the Coastal Waters of New York Harbor 22-1968-0852 Characterization and Conditioning of Water Treatment Plant Sludge 22-1968-0870 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows, 1967 22-1968-0874 Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1010 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 412 SUBJECT INDEX Water Pollution Control-(Cont.) Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey-Third Session 22-1969-7217 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Some Comments on the Factors In- fluencing the Spread of Pollutants in Shelf Waters 22-1970-1072 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area 22-1970-1079 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1970-1082 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1 106 Water Pollution in the Greater New York Area— A Summary 22-1970-1 125 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1 126 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1 136 Nixon Is Urged To Push Cleanup of Harbor Here 22-1970-1 149 Slowly City Curbs Port Sewage 22-1970-1 153 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on C ohforms in Jam uc'i B ty 22-1970-7554 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 Harbor Drift Disposal 22-1971-1203 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 A Waterfront Cleanup Program for the New York-New Jersey Area 22-1971-4060 Ocean Waste Dumping Operations Monitoring 22-1971-5056 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Pollution Management in Coastal States 22-1972-3091 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Advanced Waste Treatment, Summa- ry Report 23-1968-0878 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Water Pollution Control Equipment Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Water Pollution Control Federation The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 Water Pollution Effects The Significance of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 01-1935-1634 Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 Biological Benefits of the Moriches and Shinnecock Inlets With Particular Reference to Pollution and the Shellf- isheries 01-1965-7782 Some Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1967-7824 Ecology of Benthonic Foraminifera in Western Long Island Sound and Ad- jacent Nearshore Areas 01-1968-0848 Benthic Studies of the Acid Grounds 01-1969-7825 Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1104 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 The Benthic Macrofauna of Moriches Bay, New York 01-1972-3022 Toxicity of Mercury to Phytoplankton 01-1972-4087 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 The Role of Bacteria in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces 02-1939-1633 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophi- cation in the Coastal Marine Environ- ment 02-1971-1221 Offshore Drilling Conference; Sum- mary Report 04-1971-2223 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Industrial Aspects of Organisms Found in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Staten Island 22-1944-1980 Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 SUBJECT INDEX 413 Water Pollution Effects-(Cont.) Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7959 Absorption of E. coli on River and Estuarine Silts 22-1951-0129 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Discharge of Waste Waters Into the Sea 22-1953-0210 Pollution of the Sea by Sewage 22-1954-0235 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Travel of Pollution in Shoreline Coastal Waters 22-1955-0250 How Does Siltation Affect Fish Production 22-1957-0297 Marine Outfall Studies by Qualified Diving Investigators 22-1957-0299 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-0330 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 Some Studies of the Disposal of Iron Wastes at Sea 22-1958-7818 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Settleablc Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Measurement of Toxicity of Organic Wastes of Marine Organisms 22-1960-0389 The Risk of Infection Through Bathing in Sewage Polluted Water 22-1960-0392 Analysis of Diurnal Oxygen Curves for the Assay of Reiteration Rates and Metabolism in Polluted Marine Bays 22-1960-0396 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Occanographic Observations. 1959, East Coast of the United Stales; A Polluted Estuary 22-1900-7027 Fish, Sewage and Sea Outfalls 22-1961-0430 Effect of Sewage From the Coal-Tar Chemical Industry on Fisheries and Aquatic Organisms 22-1962-0462 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 The Biology of Polluted Waters 22-1963-0521 Antibiosis in Sea Water 22-1963-0532 Benthic Repopulation of the Raritan River Estuary Following Pollution Abatement 22-1964-0555 Factors To Be Considered in the Abatement of Sea and Estuarine Pol- lution 22-1964-0572 The Diffusion of Wastes in Open Coastal Waters and Their Effects on Primary Biological Productivity 22-1964-0573 Interim Report on Gross Physical and Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal 22-1964-0580 Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 Some Effects of a Synthetic Deter- gent on Estuarine Fishes 22-1965-0608 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Some Aspects of Pollution, Parasitism, and Inlet Restriction in Three New Jersey Estuaries 22-1967-0736 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters. Third Session, Volume III; Appendices 22-1967-2208 Flavor Studies on Raritan Bay Fish 22-1967-7542 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 Eutrophication of Estuaries 22-1969-0948 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-0998 Investigations of Effects of Sewage Sludge and Acid Waste Disposal Practices on Offshore Marine En- vironments 22-1969-1018 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries-New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 The Effects of Solid Waste Disposal on Benthic Communities in the New York Bight 22-1970-1 1 15 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 The New York Bight; a Case Study of Ocean Pollution 22-1970-1134 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1138 Ecological Effects of Sewer Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1970-1 151 Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1 157 The National Estuarine Pollution Study 22-1970-1 158 414 SUBJECT INDEX Water Pollution Effects-(Cont.) Evaluation of the Influence of Dump- ing in the New York Bight 22-1970-1166 Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 The Impacts of Oil on the East Coast 22-1971-3085 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 Water Quality Deterioration and Marginal Pollution in Jamaica Bay, New York City 22-1971-4083 Reconnaissance Studies of Benthic Organisms in New York Harbor and Adjacent Waters 22-1971-7971 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight; Summary Final Re- port 22-1972-1245 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 1, Introduc- tion 22-1972-1246 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 2, Benthic Studies 22-1972-1247 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 4, Finfish Studies 22-1972-1249 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 7, Conclu- sions 22-1972-1252 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 8, Litera- ture Cited 22-1972-1253 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 9, Bibliog- raphy 22-1972-1254 Pollutant Concentrations in Abnor- mal Young Terns From Long Island Sound 22-1972-3020 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Acid-Iron Waste Disposal and the Summer Distribution of Standing Crops in the New York Bight 22-1972-4063 Chlorinated Pesticides in Estuarine Organisms 22-1972-4064 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1162 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound 23-1972-2202 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Effects of Man's Activities on Estuarine Fisheries 33-1972-3086 Water Pollution Sources Recovery and Enumeration of Lan- cefield's Group D. Streptococci From Estuarine and Marine Waters 01-1972-7234 Fouling Growth in Millstone Quarry and the Thames River, Connecticut 01-1972-7745 Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 New York Ocean Science Laboratory Workshop; the Problems of Long Island Waters; Summary Report 02-1971-2222 Long Island, Staten Island and Man- hattan 04-1956-5036 Water Pollution Control— Sewer and Disposal Plant Projects 10-1971-3057 Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 11-1967-2209 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-1911 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 Industrial Aspects of Organisms Found in Kill Van Kull at Living- stone, Staten Island 22-1944-1980 Non-Propelled Acid Disposal Barge 22-1947-1459 Waste Disposal at Sea— Preliminary Report on Acid-Iron Waste Disposal 22-1948-7819 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7959 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 Report on the Status of Pollution of Raritan River and Bay and the Effect of Discharging Into the Bay Treated Mixed Effluents 22-1951-7961 Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Waste Disposal in Marine Waters 22-1958-0326 Public Meeting on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1958-2212 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 Marine Disposal of Wastes, Progress Report 22-1961-0424 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 Further Investigation of Salt-Water Encroachment in Coastal Aquifers in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1962-7608 Ground-Water Resources of Cape May County, New Jersey; Salt-Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers 22-1962-7613 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Contamination of Ground Water by Detergents in a Suburban Environ- ment; South Farmingdale Area, Long Island, New York 22-1964-7623 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 SUBJECT INDEX 415 Water Pollution Sources-(Cont.) A Late Summer Red Tide in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey 22-1965-7522 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1965-7828 Paths of Pollution: A Model Study 22-1966-0659 New York Harbor Coliform Density Pollution Study 22-1966-0673 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Water Transport Between South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1968-7274 New York City— a Major Source of Marine Sediment 22-1969-0943 Water and Waste Water Analysis, II; Chemical Compounds, Degrees of Hardness 22-1969-0978 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight -Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-0998 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1969-2204 An Evaluation of the Significance of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Hudson River Conference Area 22-1969-2210 Pollution and Eutrophication Problems of Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1969-7083 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Groundwater Pollution From Natural Gas and Oil Production in New York 22-1969-7219 Combined and Stormwater Sewer Discharges: Extent of Problem and Remedial Programs 22-1969-7275 Plant Effluent to Raritan River Estua- ry 22-1969-7804 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1136 Chemical Pollution of Waters; a Modern Hydra 22-1970-1436 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 Water Pollution as Related to Com- mercial and Pleasure Craft 22-1970-7259 The Present Status of the Prevention of Oil Pollution of the Oceans by Ships 22-1970-7261 Development of Scientific Parameters for the Control of Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows and Other Pollution Sources and the Quantitative Assessment of the Ecology of Jamaica Bay; Final Rep. - 22-1970-7960 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols. I and II 22-1971-1213 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in Shellfish (Pelecypoda) From Estua- ries of Long Island, New York 22-1971-3008 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 Detergents in the Streamflow of Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 22-1971-4043 A Preliminary Investigation of Lead in the Benthic Environment of Long Island Sound 22-1971-7264 An Investigation of the Mercury in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1971-7266 The Distribution of Gallionella sp. in Long Island's Ground Water 22-1971-7284 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Marine Waste Deposits Near New York 22-1972-3010 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 An Investigation of the Lead in the Water, Plankton, and Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 22-1972-7265 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 'Sediment' Unmixing in the New York Bight Area 22-1973-7563 An Investigation of the Federal, State, and Local Oil Spill Contingency Plans for the Long Island Sound Area 22-1973-7849 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Ocean Dumping; A National Policy 23-1970-1 162 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Hydrologic Interpretations Based on Infrared Imagery of Long Island, New York 24-1972-3006 Atlantic City Electric Company, B.L. England Station— Unit No. 3, Beesley's Point, Cape May County, New Jersey Great Egg Harbor Bay (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 30-1971-3044 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Maintenance of Newtown Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7974 Water Pollution Standards Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Water Pollution Treatment Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 531-666 O - 74 - 27 416 SUBJECT INDEX Water Pollution Treatments Cont.) Cleansing New York Harbor 22-1922-1840 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 Water Pollution Research 1967 22-1968-7218 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries-New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Water Properties Some Notes on the Sound Velocity Structure of Block Island Sound 00-1967-7748 Light Transmission Observations From a Station Near the Mouth of the Thames River, Connecticut 00-1972-7756 The Influences of Organisms on the Composition of Sea Water 01-1963-7065 The Respiration of F.stuarinc Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervacea 01-1969-7121 A Comparison of the Seasonal Varia- tion of Estuarine and Oceanic Phvtoplankton 01-1969-7292 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 1-1970-2219 A Study of the Nutrient Cycles in the Connetquot River, Oakdale, New York, December 1968-August 1969 01-1970-7242 The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Some General Ideas Concerning the Transmission of Sound in the Deep Sea 02-1943-1778 Attenuation of Sound in the Sea 02-1944-1780 The Distribution of Salinity in the Estuary of the Delaware River 02-1952-7033 On the Nature. Occurrence, ami Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Alone the Edge of the (lull' Stream 02-1952-7051 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; IX. Production and Utilization of Organic Matter 02-1956-7041 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Environmental Characteristics of Raritan Bay 02-1962-7032 Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Atlas of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and pH 02-1963-7059 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 A Proposed Study of Suspended Par- ticulate Matter in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Vicinity 02-1965-7741 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Physical Oceanography of Block Island Sound 02-1969-7747 Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 Suspended Sediment Distribution in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7742 Observations of Underwater Visibility in Rhode Island Sound 02-1970-7743 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1 969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, Januarv-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, Januarv-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-1971-7067 Pigment and Pigment Ratio (430NM/665NM) in Several Marine Environments 02-1971-7091 Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959 02-1972-7024 Trace Metal Enrichment in the Sea- surface Microlayer 02-1972-7064 Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey 03-1969-1032 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters From Continental Shelf Sedi- ments 04-1968-0901 Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 Factors Affecting the Survival of En- teric Organisms in the Sea 22-1970-1063 Water Purification The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 Hypochlorination of Wastewater Ef- fluents in New York City 22-1967-7537 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Water Quality Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB1970-1 1 13 SUBJECT INDEX 417 Water Quality-(Cont) The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 A Study of Submerged Dredge Holes in New Jersey Estuaries With Respect to Their Fitness as Finfish Habitat 01-1969-0956 The Effects of Dredging on the Nutrient Cycles in Goose Creek, New York, 1967-68 01-1969-7295 The Nitrogen and Phosphorus Factors of the 'Small Form' of Great South Bay 02-1951-7279 A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Water Transparency Studies, Obser- vations and Their Analysis in Long Island's Great South Bay 02-1968-7254 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2101 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York. 1968 04-1969-3072 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Travel of Pollution-Indicator Bacteria Through the Magothy Aquifer, Long Island, New York 04-1972-4125 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 The Area of Water Surface as a Con- trolling Factor in the Condition of Polluted Harbor Waters 22-1921-1897 Sewage Pollution - Effect on the Shellfish and Fishing Industries 22-1939-0057 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 A Study of the Newly Created Acid Grounds, 1958 22-1958-7821 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting .Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Water Quality and Upwelling at Grays Harbor Entrance 22-1960-0397 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 The Influence of Continental Water Quality on Shallow Marine Waters 22-1962-0456 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters 22-1963-0535 Progress Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Second Ses- sion 22-1963-2214 Chemical Quality of Water, Brook- haven National Laboratory and Vicinity, Suffolk County, NY. 22-1964-0554 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Dis- tribution in the East River 22-1966-0663 Study of Estuarine Pollutant and Water Quality Distribution in the New York City-New Jersey Metropolitan Area 22-1967-0738 Response to Pollution of New York Harbor and Thames Estuary 22-1967-0744 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 DDT Residues in an East Coast Estuary; a Case of Biological Concen- tration of a Persistent Insecticide 22-1967-0792 Summary Report for The Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Ad- jacent Interstate Waters; Third Ses- sion 22-1967-2205 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1010 Review of the Literature of 1968 on Waste Water and Water Pollution Control 22-1969-1025 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-221 1 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Pollution Control in the Raritan Bay Area 22-1970-1082 Effects of Urbanization on the Quali- ty of Selected Streams in Southern Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1084 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Wastewater Treatment and Its Effects on Receiving Waters 22-1970-1105 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1 126 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 418 SUBJECT INDEX Water Quality-(Cont) A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1 147 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1159 Environmental Simulation as a Tool in a Marine Waste Disposal Study of Jamaica Bay 22-1970-1402 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 A Water— Quality Simulation Model for Well Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas: Vol. Ill, Jamaica Bay Simulation 22-1971-4088 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 The Estuary of the Hudson River, USA 22-1972-3023 Urhani7ation, Water Pollution, and Puhlic Policy 22-1972-50X9 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 A Bihliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement ) 32-1971-3050 Maintenance of the Flushing Bay and Creek, New York, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1972-3054 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Water Quality Control Water Quality Analysis for the New York Harbor NYB 1970-1 1 13 A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Supervisor of the Harbor Permit Pro- gram for Waste Disposal in the Atlan- tic Ocean (Draft Environmental Im- pact Statement) 1 1-1971-3046 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) I 1-1971-3064 Summary of Findings on Waste Disposal in New York Bight as of Oc- tober, 1949 22-1949-7826 Progress Report on Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1950-7827 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 River and Sea Pollution; A Public Health Challenge 22-1957-0300 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 A Study of the Pollution Control Ef- forts in Suffolk County, New York, as It Pertains to the Long Island Duck Industry 22-1965-7807 Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Health Department Surveillance of Ground Water Quality 22-1968-4135 Assessing the Quality of Urban Drainage 22-1969-0986 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Errors To Avoid in Collection and Sampling 22-1970-1070 Water Chemistry of the Lower Hud- son River 22-1970-1087 Quantitative Estimation of Migratory Fish Survival Under Alternative Water Quality Control Programs 22-1970-1106 Water Quality of the New York Har- bor and Bight Areas 22-1970-1126 A Water Quality Simulation Model for Well-Mixed Estuaries and Coastal Seas 22-1970-1147 Effect of Seasonal Effluent Chlorina- tion on Coliforms in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7554 Quality Standards for the Coastal Waters of Long Island, New York 22-1970-7577 The Movement and Quality of Coastal Waters: A Review of Models Relevant to Long Island, New York 22-1970-7578 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Maintenance of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Navigation Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7976 Water Quality Management Protecting Long Island Aquifers Against Salt-water Intrusion 11-1968-0845 Water Quality Standards Report on the Immediate Water Pol- lution Control Needs for the In- terstate and Intrastate Waters of the New Jersey Coastal Region 11-1967-2209 Waters— Permits for New Discharges 1 1-1971-3061 Cleaning Our Environment; the Chemical Basis for Action 20-1969-1016 Sewage Contamination of Coastal Bathing Waters 22-1954-0239 Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria 22-1960-0380 Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion 22-1960-0401 Determination of Sea-Water Pollu- tion, III; a Standard of Pollution Caused by City Waste 22-1961-0428 Some Physical Parameters and Their Significance in Marine Waste Disposal 22-1967-0755 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for the Protection of Fish 22-1967-0779 Report on the Quality of the In- terstate Waters of the Lower Passaic River and Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor 22-1969-2211 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Quality Standards for the Coastal Waters of Long Island, New York 22-1970-7577 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Water Requirements The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 SUBJECT INDEX 419 Water Requirements-(Cont.) A Bibliography of Articles Concern- ing Pollution and Its Abatement in or Adjoining the Interstate Sanitation District 1934-1947 22-9999-7958 Water Resources Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 1951 04-1951-7929 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- Water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Cape May Peninsu- la, Lower Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1959-7903 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk Countv 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk Countv 04-1963-7791 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1964-7622 Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Ground Water in New York 04-1964-7627 Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1964-7628 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 420 SUBJECT INDEX Water Resources-! Cont.) Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1965-66 04-1967-7732 Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Resources Investigations In Connecticut, 1968 04-1969-3069 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part 1 ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1 933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State--First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Bi-Counly Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 1 1-1965-78 1 1 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 1 1-1970-1052 Long Island Water Resources I 1-1970-1 1 12 The Contamination of Ground-Water bv Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 River Pollution 22-1959-0676 River Pollution 22-1962-1462 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 River Pollution 22-1966-1463 An Atlas of Long Island's Water Resources 22-1968-0877 Health Department Surveillance of Ground Water Quality 22-1968-4135 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Water Resources Development Ground Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region 04-1928-1540 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 Design and Construction of a Unique Injection Well on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7718 Genese des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-4114 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State-First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 1 1-1912-7936 Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District— Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 1 1-1929-7934 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey I 1-1945-7935 Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York I 1-1957-7799 Bi-Counly Needs for the Proper Preservation, Management and Development of Its Marine Resources 11-1965-7811 A Proposal to the Town of Brook- haven for the Development of Mount Sinai Harbor 1 1-1966-7783 Water Pollution Control— Permits for New Discharges— Hearing 11-1971-3058 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 11-1972-7579 Proceedings: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hudson River and Its Tributaries— New York and New Jer- sey—Third Session 22-1969-7217 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Water Resources Institute Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1970- 1971 22-1971-3002 The Rhode Island Water Resources Research Program, Seventh Annual Report 22-1971-3071 Water Resources Planning States Plan Ahead for (Water) Pollu- tion Abatement (New York) 22-1967-7533 Water Reuse Sewage Salinity Prevents Use of Ef- fluent for Golf Course Irrigation 22-1957-0298 Artificial-Recharge Experiments Utilizing Renovated Sewage-plant Ef- fluent—a Feasibility Study at Bay Park, New York, U.S.A. 22-1967-0718 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 A Note on Bacterial Growth Around a Recharge Well at Bay Park, Long Island, N.Y. 22-1970-1 132 Water Rights People V. Miller (Municipal Title to Clams in Land-Locked Bay) 10"- 1932-3040 Spiegle V. Borough of Beach Haven (Ownership of Accreted Lands Oceanward of Property Line) 10-1971-305 3 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore ) 10-1972-3063 Water Sampling Water Sampler Programmable (WASP) 02-1967-7272 Industrial Wastewater Discharges 22-1969-3074 Water Shortage Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York Citv 22-1966-7978 SUBJECT INDEX 421 Water Sports Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Implication of Pleasure Craft in the Sanitary Pollution of Estuarine Waters and Shellfish 22-1972-7235 Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Water Starwort Callitriche stagnalis in Eastern United States 01-1932-1698 Water Storage The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 1 1-1969-7203 Water Supply The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Salt-Water Encroachment in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 02-1966-7699 Average Annual Runoff and Precipitation in the New England- New York Area 03-1955-7920 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Estuarine and Coastal Oceanography of Block Island Sound and Adjacent New York Coastal Waters, Progress Report, Period Ending 15 August 1972 03-1972-7980 Underground Water Resources of Long Island 04-1906-170 1 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-19 16-7899 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Ground-Water Problems on the Barri- er Beaches of New Jersey 04-1926-2 101 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Ground Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region 04-1928-1540 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park, New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Some Relations Between Ground Water Hydrology and Oceanography 04-1933-1886 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersey 04-1937-7882 Engineering Report on the Water Supplies of Long Island, New York 04-1937-7951 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1 , Theory 04-1944-7916 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren anil Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty. Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 195 I 04-1951-7929 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Engineering Report 04-1952-7932 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Report on the Water Resources of the State of Rhode Island 04-1952-7948 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Progress Report on Studies of Salt- Water Encroachment in Long Island, New York, 1953 04-1954-7931 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Feasibility of Development of Water Supply Resources of Rhode Island 04-1957-7933 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County, Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Ground-Water Problems in the New York City Area 04-1959-5028 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut, 1955-1958; Progress Report 04-1959-5046 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Geology and Ground-water Supplies of the South-shore Beaches of Long Island, New York 04-1959-5048 Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic ) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-795 2 422 SUBJECT INDEX Water Supply-(Cont) Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, NY. 04-1962-0488 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Effect of Urbanization on Storm Discharge and Groundwater Recharge in Nassau County, New York 04-1963-0547 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Geologic Research for New York City's Water Supply Projects 04-1964-7619 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York ()4_1964-7622 Hydrogeology of the Huntington- Smithtown Area, Suffolk County, New York 04-1964-7626 Ground-Water Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island 04-1964-7628 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Study of Ground Water Recharge in Santa Clara Valley, California and Its Application to New Jersey 04-1966-7689 The Changing Pattern of Ground Water Development on Long Island, New York 04-1966-7702 New Jersey's Water Resources 04-1966-7714 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1965-66 04-1967-7732 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Genese des Sols et Sedimentation 04-1969-4009 Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part I; North Atlan- tic Slope Basins— Volume 2; Basins From New York to Delaware 04-1970-3066 Status of Salt-Water Encroachment in 1969 in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4036 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-4033 The Hydrogeology of the South Fork of Long Island, New York 04-1971-4098 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Summary of the Hydrologic Situation on Long Island, New York, as a Guide to Water-Management Alter- natives 04-1972-4114 Microbiological Aspects of Ground- Water Recharge-lnjection of Purified Chlorinated Sewage Effluent 04-1972-4126 Residential Land-Use Planning in Eastern Connecticut Based on Hydrogeology 04-1973-7566 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District— Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 1 1-1929-7934 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey 11-1945-7935 Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 11-1957-7799 Managing the Natural Environment; A Regional Plan for Water, Sewage, Air and Refuse 11-1970-1164 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal 22-1954-0238 Proceedings; Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Hud- son River and Its Tributaries; New York and New Jersey 22-1965-0633 Long Island Recharge Studies 22-1966-7693 Engineering Study of the Potentiali- ties and Possibilities of Desalting for Northern New Jersey and New York City 22-1966-7978 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Health Department Surveillance of Ground Water Quality 22-1968-4135 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply to New York City 22-1970-1114 Study of Seawater Desalting as Emer- gency Water Supply for New York City 22-1970-1121 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Dispersal of Plating Wastes and Sewage Contaminants in Ground Water and Surface Water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa Area, Nas- sau County, New York 22-1970-4134 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Preliminary Findings on the Deter- gent and Phosphate Contents of Water of Southern Nassau County, New York 22-1971-4095 Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Integrated Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal on Long Island 22-1972-7580 SUBJECT INDEX 423 Water Supply Development Preliminary Report on the Geology and Groundwater Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Report of the Special Joint Legisla- tive Committee To Investigate the Potable Water Resources of the State of New York, 1933, Complete Report 10-1933-7937 Dynamic Planning, First Step in Water Resources Development for New York State— First Progress Re- port 10-1960-7938 Long Island Sources— Reports, Resolutions, Authorizations, Surveys and Designs Showing Sources and Manner of Obtaining from Suffolk County, Long Island, an Additional Supply of Water for the City of 11-1912-7936 Water Supply Problems of the Northern Metropolitan District— Ac- tivities of the Commission, July 1 to December 31, 1929 1 1-1929-7934 Report on the Development of Adequate Water Supplies for North and South New Jersey 11-1945-7935 Report on a Comprehensive Plan for the Development and Distribution of the Available Water of Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, New York 1 1-1957-7799 Government and Natural Resources: The Hudson River Basin 11-1969-7203 Water Table Hydrologic Effects of the 1962-66 Drought on Long Island, New York 03-1969-1029 Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Underground Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1906-7965 Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Ground Water in the Norwalk, Suf- field, and Glastonbury Areas, Con- necticut 04-1920-7939 Ground Water Supplies in the Vicini- ty of Asbury Park. New Jersey 04-1930-7954 Ground Water Supplies of the Passaic River Valley Near Chatham, New Jer- sey 04-1932-7955 Statement Concerning Cooperative Investigation of Ground-Water Resources of Long Island, New York 04-1933-7957 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 1, Theory 04-1944-7916 Correlation of Ground-Water Levels and Precipitation on Long Island, New York, Part 2, Correlation of Data 04-1945-7917 The Water Table in the Western and Central Parts of Long Island, New York 04-1945-7918 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Salinity of Ground Water in River- head and Southhold Townships; Suf- folk County, New York 04-1951-7928 The Water Table in Long Island, New York, in January 195 1 04-1951-7929 The Recovery of Ground-Water Levels in Brooklyn, New York, From 1947 to 1950 04-1952-7925 Water-Level and Chloride-Content Data at Outpost Observation Wells in Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1953-7902 Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Ground Water Sources on Long Island, New York 04-1955-7958 The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Ground-Water Levels and Related Hydrologic Data From Selected Ob- servation Wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7911 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, With Special Emphasis on the Newark Group (Triassic) 04-1959-7941 Ground-Water Supplies in Pleistocene and Cretaceous Deposits of Northwestern Nassau County, New York 04-1959-7952 Ground-Water Problems in New York and New England 04-1959-7963 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1957 04-1960-7906 Sources of Ground Water in Southeastern New York 04-1960-7942 Ground-Water Levels and Their Rela- tionship to Ground-Water Problems in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7909 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1958-1959 04-1961-7919 Appraisal of the Ground-Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island 04-1961-7921 Head and Flow of Ground Water of Variable Density 04-1961-7926 Chemical and Physical Quality of Water Resources in Connecticut- Progress Report 04-1961-7940 Hydrology of the Babylon-Islip Area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1961-7946 Ground-Water Resources of Dutchess County, New York 04-1961-7950 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Plum Island, Suffolk County, New York 04-1962-7894 Geology and Ground-Water Condi- tions in Southern Nassau and Southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Sea-Water En- croachment 04-1962-7944 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 04-1963-7895 Hydrogeology of Northwestern Nas- sau and Northeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York, With Special Reference to Water in Cretaceous and Pleistocene Aquifers 04-1963-7953 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1956-1959 04-1967-5033 Ground-Water Levels in Connecticut, 1965-66 04-1967-7732 Water-Level Surfaces in the Aquifers of Western Long Island, New York, in 1959 and 1970 04-1971-403 3 Ground-Water and Geohydrologic Conditions in Queens County, Long Island, New York 04-1971-4039 Hele-Shaw Model of Long Island Aquifer System 04-1972-3003 Water Temperature Seaweeds in Winter 01-1900-1639 Some Mid-Winter Algae of Long Island Sound 01-1914-1657 On the Occurrence and Food Habits of Ctcnophores in New Jersey Inland Coastal Waters 01-1925-1413 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 Plankton Studies, III; Long Island Sound 01-1941-2073 424 SUBJECT INDEX Water Temperature-(Cont.) Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 Plankton Algae and Their Biological Significance 01-1951-1691 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 Observations on the Structure of Red Tides in New Haven Harbor Connec- ticut 01-1954-0218 The Ecology of Phytoplankton Blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1954-0245 Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 1-1960-0390 The Physiological Ecology of a Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev. ) 01-1961-0418 Plankton Energetics of Raritan Bay 01-1961-0429 Bioluminescence in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-75 15 The Distribution of Phytoplankton, and Its Relationship to Hydrography Between Southern New England and Venezuela 1-1966-0690 Winter Population of I.oligo peali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 Experimental Studies on the In- fluence of Temperature, Light, and Salinity on Cell Division of the Marine Diatom Detonula confervaeea 01-1969-712 1 Feeding Rates of Starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at Controlled Water Temperatures and During Different Seasons of the Year 1-1970-1093 The State of Knowledge With Regard 10 the Effects of Physical and Chemi- cal Environmental Conditions on Marine Biota With Emphasis on the Long Island Situation 01-1970-2217 The State of Knowledge With Regard to the Effects of Physical, Chemical and Biological Conditions on the Uses of Coastal Resources 01-1970-2219 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 1-1970-7093 Water Temperatures and Migration of American Shad 1-197 1-3090 Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-1971-4092 An Ordination of Phytoplankton Populations in Ponds of Varying Salinity and Temperature 01-1972-4093 The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Urosalpinx cinerea ( Prosobranchia: Muricidae) Popula- tions 01-1972-7860 Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides (Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Various Depths Below the Surface 02-1874-1865 Sea Temperature on the Continental Shelf 02-1888-1861 Oceanographic Work Originating in the New York Region During 1925- 1926 02-1928-2057 Progress in the Investigation of Sur- face Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1932-1858 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 A Geographical Ecological Analysis of the Seasonal Changes in Water Temperature Conditions in Shallow Water Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. 02-1933-1864 fides and Currents in Hudson River 02-1934-1431 Average Monthly Sea Surface Tem- peratures of the Western North At- lantic Ocean 02-1947-1869 Hydrography of the Western Atlantic; The Long Island and Block Island Sounds 02-1948-1885 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-01 17 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 195 1 02-1951-0190 Hydrography of the Long Island and Block Island Sound 02-1952-0195 On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Along the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhaven, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7025 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Influence of Atmospheric Synoptic Situations on Shallow Water Tem- perature Experience Using a Semi- Continous Recording System; and Preliminary Investigation of Discon- tinuities Along a Normal Ebb Tide 02-1962-0496 Oceanographic Observations, 1960, East Coast of the United States 02-1963-7028 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiometry 02-1965-0646 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America 02-1966-0653 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Average Surface Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1966-7044 Bottom Water Temperature on the Continental Shelf Off New England 02-1967-0764 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United Slates 02-1967-7019 An Analysis of Subsurface Currents and Temperature at a Site on the Continental Shelf of the Northeastern United States 02-1968-0888 SUBJECT INDEX 425 Water Temperature-(Cont. ) Monthly Sea Temperature Structure From the Florida Keys to Cape Cod 02-1968-0917 A Comparison of Current and Long- Term Temperatures of Continental Shelf Waters, Nova Scotia to Long Island 02-1968-7551 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 The Physical Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1970-1077 Hydrographic Data Report Long Island Sound 1969 02-1970-1167 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-2221 Near-Shore Physical Oceanography 02-1971-4085 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Average Monthly Sea-Water Tem- peratures, Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959 02-1972-7024 United States Coast Pilot. Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-01 12 Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of Water from Wells in Suf- folk County. Long Island, New York 04-1958-7910 Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Water Resources Investigations in New York, 1968 04-1969-3072 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 04-1971-4038 Water Resources Data for New York, 1970: Part 2; Water Quality Records 04-1972-3068 Paleotemperature Analyses of Several Sangamon and Early Wisconsin Marine Faunas From Long Island, New York, and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 04-1973-7565 Chemical Investigation of the Lower Hudson Area 22-1937-1685 Oceanographic Studies for a Small Waste Water Outfall 22-1965-0625 Chloride Concentration and Tem- perature of the Waters of Nassau County, Long Island, New York 22-1965-7648 Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Water Quality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Thermal Loading in the Marine Dis- trict 24-1970-3014 Urbanization and Its Effect on the Temperature of the Streams on Long Island, New York 24-1970-4037 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross HI Cruise No. I 26 33-1962-0481 Fish and Power Plants 33-1970-1078 Water Temperature Prediction Temperature Prediction Model For Long Island Sound 03-1972-8004 Water Temperatures Water Resources Investigations in New Jersey, 1968 04-1969-3067 Water Transfer Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Water Transport Circulation and Water Transport in the Coastal Area Between Martha's Vineyard and Barnegat Inlet, N.J. 02-1955-0251 Water Treatment The Economic Impact of Drought on Water Supply Systems in the Passaic River Basin, N.J. 00-1969-0945 Organic Pollution of New York Har- bor. Theoretical Considerations 22-1962-0471 Index to Research on Coastal and Estuarine Waters in the United States 22-1967-0721 The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Water Utilization Ground Water Utilization, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1959-7907 Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Gateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 Tucci V. Salzhauer (Public Rights to Use of Foreshore) 10-1972-3063 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume I; Project Studies and Results 22-1967-2206 Report on the Water Quality of Long Island Sound 22-1971-2213 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 30-1972-2361 Water Waves The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Water Wells Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Deep-Well Recharge With Treated Sewage Water at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; Early Findings 04-1969-4001 Detergents and Associated Contami- nants in Ground Water at Three Public-Supply Well Fields in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 22-1970-4133 Water Year Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Water Yield The Relation Between Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Southern Nas- sau and Southeastern Queens Coun- ties, Long Island, New York 04-1959-5047 Effect of Great Swamp, New Jersey, on Streamflow During Base-Flow Periods 04-1965-0649 Water Resources Data for New York, 1971: Part I ; Surface-Water Records 04-1972-3073 Water-Courses (Legal Aspects) Moore V. Ventnor Gardens (Ownership of Lands Below High Water Mark) 10-1930-3042 Waterbury Ground Water in the Waterbury Area, Connecticut 04-1916-7899 Waterfowl A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 426 SUBJECT INDEX WaterfowM Cont. ) Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 Maintenance of Great South Bay and Patchogue River, New York, Naviga- tion Project (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 32-1972-7975 Watershed Management Denudation 04-1909-1456 Watersheds Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Watersheds (Basins) Fishes of the Area With Annotated List 01-1937-1443 A Biological Survey of the Lower Hudson Watershed 01-1937-1662 Maximum Known Discharges of New York Streams 02-1965-7223 On Water Courses Upon Long Island 04-1877-2139 Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York 04-1905-1514 Denudation 04-1909-1456 Moriches Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7786 Peconic River-Flanders Bay Drainage Basin 04-1951-7787 Great South Bay--Easterly Section Drainage Basin 04-1952-7788 Shinnecock Bay--Mecox Bay Drainage Basin 04-1953-7789 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April I960 04-1960-7868 Surface Waters of Eastern Suffolk County 04-1963-7790 Surface Waters of Western Suffolk County 04-1963-7791 Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Effects of Urban Development on Direct Runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1970-4130 Preliminary Results of Hydrologic Studies at Two Recharge Basins on Long Island, New York 04-1970-4131 Sewage Pollution in the Metropolitan Area Near New York City and Its Ef- fect on Inland Water Resources 22-1902-1415 Chemical Investigation of the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-191 1 Biological Studies of Polluted Waters in the Oswego Watershed 22-1928-2159 Water Quality in Industrial Areas: Profile of a River 22-1970-1159 Pollution Principles/Water Pollution and Sewage Disposal 22-1972-7858 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 Watertight Condition of Large Caissons During Construction 04-1965-7687 Wave Damping The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 Wave Energy Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 Wave Forecasting The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-0114 Wave Gages Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Wave Height Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1180 Wave Pile-Up The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1 1 10 Wavelengths The Vertical Flux of Momentum by Small Eddies 03-1951-0161 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Waves (Water) Report on Artificial Seaweed 01-1965-0614 A Model Study of the Effect of Sub- merged Breakwaters on Wave Action 02-1940-7200 Notes on Surface Waves 02-1949-1989 The Analysis of Tidal Phenomena in Narrow Embayments 02-1950-1739 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 02-1951-0114 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 The Directional Swell Spectrum Off Block Island 02-1967-0739 CW Measurements across Block Island Sound 02-1969-7753 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1110 Research in the Coastal and Oceanic Environment: a Summary of Research Accomplished Under Project Themis by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Science, Engineer- ing 02-1970-1178 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-1180 Comparison of Pressure and Staff Wave Gage Records 02-1970-4069 Summary of Selected Reference Material on the Oceanographic Phenomena of Tides, Storm Surges, Waves, and Breakers 02-1970-7201 Tidal Currents and Water Exchanges in Western Block Island Sound 02-1971-7267 Wave and Current Effects on Con- tinental Shelf Sediments 02-1971-7776 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Edge Waves on the Continental Shelf 03-1956-0289 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Beach Morphology Investigations, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0505 Upper Stratification of Hudson Apron Region 04-1963-0516 Swash and Backwash Actions at the Beach Scarp 04-1964-7620 Sedimentation-Erosion Cycles of Sin- gle Tidal Periods on Long Island Sound Beaches 04-1965-0613 Plan Geometry of Headland-Bay Beaches 04-1965-0620 Correlation of Littoral Transport With Wave Energy Along Shores of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-0657 Storm Rollers 04-1971-1215 Long Island's Ocean Beaches 04-1971-1223 Storm Rollers 04-1971-4032 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 SUBJECT INDEX 427 Weakfish The Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in New York Waters 01-1956-7833 Weather Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 What Will the Winter Be in New York City? 03-1955-0269 Sulfur Dioxide in New York City At- mosphere 03-1956-0286 The 1957 Drought in the Eastern United States 03-1957-0312 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Feeding New York City 12-1956-0287 Study of the Effect of Weather on Mortality in New York City 12-1960-0408 Patterns of Urban Heat-Wave Deaths and Implications for Prevention: Data From New York and St. Louis During July, 1966 12-1972-4049 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 Air Pollution in New York City 21-1965-2229 A Survey of Air Pollution in Commu- nities Around the John F. Kennedy International Airport (Sept. -Oct. 1964) 21-1966-2236 Another Look at New York City's Air Pollution Problem 21-1968-2265 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 Weather Data Diurnal Variation of Precipitation Frequency at New York City 03-1950-0111 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Rainfall Associated With Hurricanes and Other Tropical Disturbances 03-1956-0293 A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Evaluation of Precipitation Measure- ments With the WSR-57 Weather Radar 03-1964-0600 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-071 1 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Water Content of Snow-Storms in New York State: Variations Among Different Physiographic Regions 03-1969-1037 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1199 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 Weather Forecasting United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-01 12 Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03-1951-0157 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Forecasting the Weather-An Objec- tive Method for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at New York City. 03-1951-0160 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 The Storm Surge Problem in New York City 03-1957-0310 Survey of Meteorological Factors Pertinent to Reduction of Loss of Life and Property in Hurricane Situations 03-1957-0323 Spring and Fall Freezing Tempera- tures in New York State 03-1959-7587 Hurricane Tide Prediction for New York Bay 03-1960-0404 Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Temperature Terminology for Public Forecasts 03-1966-0707 428 SUBJECT INDEX Weather Forecasting-(Cont. ) Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Twenty Million Travelers 03-1968-0898 Upgrading Terminal Weather Obser- vations 03-1968-0904 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1968-0916 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1 195 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1 196 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1 197 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1 199 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Weather Modification The Most Extensive Cloud-Seeding Experiment 03-1955-0272 Weather Patterns Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall O.V|t)54-()222 Weather Patterns at East Coast Ter- minals of United Air Lines 03-1954-0231 Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 Precipitation at New York City as Re- lated to Solar Coronal Activity 03-1955-0262 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Temperature Patterns Along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts 03-1959-0370 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Research Directed Toward the Use of Synoptic Simulation to Develop Forecast Models Compatible for Use in System 433L 03-1962-0498 Mean Five-Day Pressure Pattern of the Great Atlantic Coast Storm, March 1962 03-1963-0541 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Climatological Regime of Rainfall As- sociated With Hurricanes After Land- fall 03-1968-0914 Forecasting Snow and Rain for The New York City Area Using the Method of Ordered Statistics 03-1969-0942 Prediction of Snowfall Distribution About 850-mb Cyclones Along the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1970-1 197 Weathering Clay Minerals of the Weathered Bedrock Underlying Coastal New York 04-1973-7767 Well Clogging Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Well Data Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain, Part III; Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Section 04-1939-1988 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Kings County, New York 04-1948-7897 Deep Artesian Observation Well at Plainview, Nassau County, Long Island, New York 04-1952-7945 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Records of Wells and Ground-Water Quality in Monmouth County, New Jersey— A Preliminary Report 04-1959-7912 Factual Data for Public-Supply Wells and Selected Irrigation Wells in Mon- mouth County, New Jersey 04-1960-7913 Fresh and Salty Ground Water in Long Island, N.Y. 04-1962-0488 Well Filters Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Well Screens Experimental Injection of Tertiary- Treated Sewage in a Deep Well at Bay Park, Long Island, New York; A Summary of Early Results 22-1972-3000 Preliminary Results of Injecting Highly Treated Sewage-Plant Effluent Into a Deep Sand Aquifer at Bay Park, New York 22-1972-7972 Wells Fluctuations of the Water Level in Wells, With Special Reference to Long Island, New York 04-1906-7964 Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 Geology of Long Island 04-1946-1510 Geologic Correlation of Logs of Wells in Long Island, New York 04-1953-7305 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 West Haven Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut 04-1961-0451 Westchester Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Westchester County Geomagnetic Survey of a Portion of Southeastern New York 04-1942-1602 The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Some Stratigraphic Relationships with the New York City Group in Westchester County, New York 04-1966-7704 SUBJECT INDEX 429 Westchester County-(Cont) Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Westchester Creek Examination of Rivers and Harbors; Examination and Survey of Westchester Creek, New York 32-1915-1755 Westerly Rhode Island's Barrier Beaches: Volume II, Reports and Recommen- dations at the Community Level 11-1973-7990 Western Boundary Undercurrent Geologic Effects of Ocean Bottom Currents: Western North Atlantic 04-1972-7969 Westwood Studies of Radioactive Fall-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR Test Series 21-1962-0501 Deposition of Beryllium 7 and Phosphorus 32 in Precipitation at North Temperate Latitudes 21-1962-0504 Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 Tritium in Atmospheric Hydrogen 21-1972-7685 Wetlands Ecological Observation of Pools in the Salt Marshes of New Jersey 01-1959-7501 Salt Marsh Vegetation, Cape May, New Jersey 01-1966-7657 A Supplementary Report on the Wet- lands of the Long Island Region 04-1961-7798 Hurricane Protection Project. Strat- ford, Connecticut (Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement) 04-1971-3056 Pollen and Paleosalinity Analyses From a Holocene Tidal Marsh Sequence, Cape May County, New Jersey 04-1972-3035 The Impending Submergence of the Coastal Zone 04-1972-4076 Ciateway Area Proposals 10-1971-3043 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment I 1-1966-2203 The Status and Potential of the Marine Environment 1 1-1966-78 15 Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island. New York; Descriptive Evaluations I 1-1970-1 127 State of the Art for Selected Marine Resources Problems on Long Island 1 1-1972-7579 Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Wetlands Act of 1970 The New Jersey Wetlands Mapping Program 10-1972-4075 White Bass Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 White Croakers Some Effects of Sewer Affluent on Marine Life 22-1964-0993 White Perch Responses of Some Anadromous Fishes to Varied Oxygen Concentra- tions and Increased Temperatures 01-1970-1060 White Porpoise Underwater Listening to the White Porpoise (Delphinapterus leucas) 01-1949-1800 Whitestone Bridge Geological Features of the Whitestone Bridge, N.Y. 04-1941-1507 Wholesale Fish Trade New York City's Wholesale Fishery Trade 33-1964-7792 Width Preliminary Survey of the Adequacy of Channel Dimensions of the New York-New Jersey Channels Project 04-1955-7207 Wildlife Intertidal Sand Macrofauna From Long Island, New York 01-1970-1057 Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. I 1236 10-1966-7781 Connecticut River Basin Plan for Comprehensive Development (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) 1 1-1971-3064 Navigation Project, Great South Bay, and Patchogue River, New York (Final Environmental Impact State- ment) 32-1971-7973 Wildlife Conservation A Way To Save Our Salt Marshes 01-1965-7656 The Wildlife Wetlands and Shellfish Areas of the Atlantic Coastal Zone. 1 1-1969-0985 Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island 22-1887-7090 Report for the Conference on Pollu- tion of Raritan Bay and Adjacent In- terstate Waters, Third Session, Volume 111; Appendices 22-1967-2208 The Early Warning of the Terns 22-1971-1210 Williams Bridge On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Willimantic Ground Water in the Hartford, Stam- ford, Salisbury, Willimantic, and Saybrook Areas, Connecticut 04-1916-7905 Willow brook 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 Wilmington Canyon The Seaward Extension of Submarine Canyons Off the Northeast Coast of the United States. 04-1967-0766 Wilmington Emergency Water Supply The Economics and Use of Large Scale Electrodialysis Plants on Selected Tidal Estuarial Waters 22-1971-3059 Wind Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations: North American Coastal Marine Areas, Volume 2. Area 4, Boston; Area 5, Quonset Point; Area 6, New York; Area 7, At- lantic City 03-1970-1 1 1 1 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Wind Chill Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. 1, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Wind Direction Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Occano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 430 SUBJECT INDEX Wind Direction-(Cont.) Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data; October, 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Wind Erosion Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Wind Forecasting Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Wind Pressure Hurricanes. Prepared by the AIA Committee on Disaster Control. 03-1959-0368 Wind Tides Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Joint Probability Method of Tide Frequency Analysis Applied to Atlan- tic City and Long Beach Island, New Jersey 02-1970-1110 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Port Jefferson Harbor, New York Navigation Project (Final Environ- mental Impact Statement) 32-1971-3050 Wind Tunnels Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 Wind Velocity Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-01 10 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Statistical Properties of the Vertical Flux and Kinetic Energy at 100 Me- ters 03-1953-0202 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 A Simultaneous Lagrangian-Eulerian Turbulence Experiment 03-1955-0263 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 91 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Space and Time Correlations in Wind Velocity; Reply by Frank Gifford, Jr. 03-1957-0321 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 SUBJECT INDEX 431 Wind Velocity-(Cont) Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-0711 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-081 1 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mesonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhavcn 03-1970-1176 Dispersion Into and Within Forests 03-1970-1 188 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 New Jersey Air Monitoring Systems and Air Quality Data. October', 1965 Through December, 1968 21-1969-2257 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 New Jersey Air Quality Data. January Through April, 1969 and Review of Monthly Averages Since 1966 21-1970-2271 Source Emissions and the Vertically Integrated Mass Flux of Sulfur Diox- ide Across the New York City Area 21-1971-1234 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Winds Time and Intensity of Setting of the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound 01-1966-0661 Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 Tidal Currents in New York Harbor as Shown by Floats 02-1913-1832 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 A Comparison of the Environmental Characteristics of Some Shelf Areas of Eastern United States 02-1955-0261 Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-7071 The Effect of Steady Winds on Sea Level at Atlantic City. 02-1957-0313 Report on a Survey of the Chemistry, Biology and Hydrography of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay, Con- ducted During June and September 1958 For the Townships of Islip and Brookhavcn, Long Island, New York 02-1958-0336 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Near-Surface Oceanic Diffusion From a Continuous Point Source 02-1965-0651 Salinity Variations in the Connecticut River 02-1966-7524 Tidal Variation of Hydrography of Block Island Sound Observed in Au- gust 1965 02-1967-0728 Example of Radar as a Tool in Forecasting Tidal Flooding 02-1967-0732 Transport and Mixing Processes in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0783 A Drift Bottle Study in Long Island Sound 02-1967-0793 The U.S. Coast Guard Large Naviga- tional Sea Buoy and Its Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System 02-1968-0839 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1028 A Study of Temperature and Salinity Changes Along the Northern New Jersey Coast 02-1969-1038 Effects of Wind on Net Estuarine Cir- culation 02-1972-7676 Tides and Circulation in Central Long Island Sound 02-1973-7664 Some Features of the Circulation in the New York Bight 02-1973-7665 The Seasonal Density Structure and Circulation on the Continental Shelf 02-1973-7668 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 The Theoretical Ground-Level Dose- Rate From the Radioargon Emitted by the Brookhaven Reactor Stack 03-1950-0110 United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 03-1950-0112 Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs in Advance 03-1951-0158 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 The Forecasting of Micrometeorolog- ical Variables 03-1951-0164 Impact Deposition of Atmospheric Sea Salts on a Test Plate 03-1951-0166 Relation of Gustiness to Other Meteorological Parameters 03-1953-0203 The Onset of Turbulence in an Elevated Layer Near Sunrise 03-1953-0204 Periglacial Frost-Thaw Basins in New Jersey 03-1953-0205 Study of the Snowstorm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 as a Forecast Problem 03-1954-0220 The Partition and Intensity of Eddy Energy at the 91 -Metre Level During Unstable Conditions as Observed at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1954-0223 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 531-666 0-74-28 432 SUBJECT INDEX Winds-(Cont.) Selected Ceiling-Visibility-Wind Rela- tionships at New York International Airport, New York 03-1955-0267 Study of the Tropical Hurricane Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States 03-1955-0270 Weather and Cauliflower on Long Island 03-1956-0288 Structure of Small Scale and Middle Scale Turbulence at Brookhaven 03-1956-0291 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 Atmospheric Turbulence Charac- teristics at Brookhaven Between 23 and 9 1 Meters Height. 03-1956-0295 Empirical Methods for Forecasting the Maximum Storm Tide Due to Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms 03-1957-0305 An Early-Season Snowstorm Along the Atlantic Coast, December 4-5, 1957. 03-1957-0306 Maximum Hurricane Winds 03-1957-03 14 Structure of Turbulence at O'Neill, Nebraska, and Its Relation to the Structure of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island. 03-1957-0316 Water Levels Accompanying Atlantic Coast Hurricanes 03-1957-0317 Characteristic and Generalized Isohyetal Patterns for Gulf and East Coast Hurricanes. 03-1957-0318 The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 Wind-Speed Profiles at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1959-0372 Climatic Guide for New York City, New York and Nearby Areas 03-1959-0378 A Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1960-0407 Factors Leading to Variations in Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Over Eastern United States 03-1960-0409 Some Observational Details of the Sea Breeze in the New York City Area 03-1961-0442 A Concise Climatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1961-0453 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Series of Sea Breeze Observations in the New York City Area 03-1963-0542 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Relation of Wind and Pressure to Ex- tratropical Storm Surges at Atlantic City 03-1964-0597 Statistical Approach to the Short- Period Prediction of Surface Winds 03-1964-0598 Wind Gust Spectra 03-1964-0599 Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Vertical Structure of Turbulence 03-1965-0650 Budget of Turbulent Energy Near the Ground 03-1966-0701 A Simplified Method of Estimating Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters 03-1966-0709 Boundary-Layer Meteorology as Derived From Reduction of Frigorimeter Data, Pt. I, Temperate Zone 03-1966-0710 Movement and Predictability of Radar Echoes 03-1966-071 1 Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Analysis of Low-Level, Constant Volume Balloon (Tetroon) Flights Over New York City 03-1967-081 1 Steadiness of the Wind 03-1967-0818 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Tower-Induced Errors in Wind Profile Measurements 03-1968-0899 Comparison of Low-Level Trajecto- ries in an Urban Atmosphere 03-1968-0900 Use of Radar in Short-Period Ter- minal Weather Forecasting 03-1968-0919 Evaluation of the Atlantic City Mcsonet for Short Range Prediction of Aviation Terminal Weather 03-1969-1031 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1 176 Airborne Hot-wire Measurements of the Small-Scale Structure of At- mospheric Turbulence 03-1971-1237 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Atmospheric COO at Brookhaven, Long Island, New York: Paterns of Variation up to 125 Meters 03-1973-7706 Hurricane Modification of the Off- shore Bar of Long Island, New York 04-1939-2015 Sedimentary Environments at Moriches Bay, L.I. (abstract only) 04-1962-0492 Characteristics of Sedimentary En- vironments in Moriches Bay 04-1964-7624 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Air Pollution in Connecticut: Report of a Cooperative Survey by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Con- necticut State Dept. of Health, April- Sept. 1956. 21-1957-0311 Review of Air Pollution in New York State 21-1958-0348 The Representativeness of Local Ob- servations in Air Pollution Surveys 21-1961-2225 Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Gray Sky: ESSA'S Role in a National Crisis 21-1967-0809 Environmental Monitoring of Iodine 131 as a Verification of Meteorologi- cal Calculations of Dispersion of a 100 Meter Stack 21-1968-0902 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 New York City's Meteorology Pro- gram 21-1969-2246 Air Pollution by Airports 21-1970-1 182 Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 SUBJECT INDEX 433 Winds-(Cont.) Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Developing a Practical Dispersion Model for an Air Quality Region 21-1971-1235 A Regional Air Quality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Air Quality Diffusion Model: Applica- tion to New York City 21-1972-2277 Waves as a Factor in Effluent Disposal 22-1954-0242 Atlantic Coast; Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, United States Coast Pilot 2, 8th Ed. 32-1973-5000 Winter An Account of the Fishes Dredged by the Albatross II Along the Continen- tal Slope South of New England in February and March, 1929 01-1931-1934 Wintering Mackerel Off New York 01-1949-1924 Environmental Control of Autumn and Winter Diatom Flowerings in Long Island Sound 01-1959-71 16 Winter Occurrences of Anquilla ros- trata Elvers in New England and Mid- dle Atlantic Estuaries 01-1960-0390 Waterfowl Status Report, 1968 01-1968-0865 Winter Population of Loligo peali in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 01-1969-0987 Behavior of Winter Flounder in a Natural Habitat 01-1969-1020 The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-195 1-01 17 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-012 1 The Transparency (by While Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI 111, January-Februarv, 1 952 02-1953-0216 Transparency of Long Island Sound Waters 02-1959-0375 The Persistence of 'Winter' Water on Continental Shelf South of long Island, New York 02-1964-0559 Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Temperature Trends in New York City 03-1954-0228 Winds and Temperatures to Forty Kilometers 03-1955-0259 What Will the Winter Be in New York City? 03-1955-0269 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 New York Weather Highlights 03-1961-0445 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 Respiration of a Forest Measured by Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Dur- ing Temperature Inversion 03-1966-0712 Two Centuries ot New England Cli- mate 03-1967-0813 Study in Correlation Between Mor- tality and Temperature 03-1968-0909 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1968-0916 Precipitation Regime of Long Island, New York 03-1969-1036 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1 196 Evaluation of Surface Prognostic Charts for the Atlantic Provinces and Western North Atlantic for a Winter Season. 03-1970-1 199 Objective Forecasts of Precipitation Using PE Model Output 03-1970-1200 Rain-Snow Mesoclimatology of the New York Metropolitan Area 03-1971-1233 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Natural Infrasound as an Atmospher- ic Probe 03-1971-4048 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Use of Primitive-Equation Model Output To Forecast Winter Precipita- tion in the Northeast Coastal Sections of the United States 03-1972-4055 Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) "21-1965-2227 Carbon Monoxide and Air Pollution From Automobile Emissions, New York City 21-1968-2230 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 21-1969-1026 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations on Surburban Long Island, New York 21-1972-2283 Winter Water Temperatures and an Annotated List of Fishes: Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras Albatross III Cruise No. 126 33-1962-0481 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 Winter Flounder Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 A Study of Winter Flounder Mortality Rates in Great South Bay, New York 01-1969-0963 Plasma Protein Variation in a Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes amer- icanus. Population 01-1970-1 I 16 Growth and Age of Winter Flounder in Four Bays of Long Island ( Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-75 3 1 The Use of Salt-Water Coves as Winter Flounder Nursery Grounds ( Pseudopleuronectes americanus) 33-1966-7532 Winter Killing Tragedy at Northport 01-1972-2200 Wiscasset Potential Environmental Effects of an Offshore Submerged Nuclear Power Plant; Vols, land II 22-1971-1213 Wisconsin Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Withdrawal Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Station 59 22-1970-1 123 Wolfram 185 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Wood Wastes Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on Ground Water Temperatures in Southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 04-1963-0545 Woodmont The Surficial Geology of the New Haven and Woodmont Quadrangles 04-1965-7633 Worms Observation of Some Common Polychaetes on New Jersey Oyster 434 SUBJECT INDEX Worms-(Cont.) Beds With Special Reference to Polydora 01-1940-0058 Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region, Part 1 01-1963-7778 The Connecticut River Study 01-1965-7655 Halichoanolaimus raritanensis New Species (Chromadoroidea: Cyatholaimidae) From New Jersey 01-1966-7523 Some Factors Influencing Predation by the Flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus (Girard), on Oysters 01-1970-1086 A Survey and Investigation of the Shallow Water Invertebrates of South Oyster Bay 01-1972-7281 The Ecology of the Benthic Macro In- vertebrates of Barnegat Bay, New Jer- sey 01-1972-7594 Rhode Island Marine Bibliography 02-1966-4094 Characteristics and Effects of Hyperion Effluent 22-1962-0520 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Volume 3 22-1967-0757 Some Ecological Effects of Discharged Wastes on Marine Life 22-1970-1 138 Indicators of Solid Waste Pollution 22-1971-1219 Wrasses Age and Growth of the Tautog, Tau- toga onitus, Linnaeus, From Rhode Island 01-1967-0720 Identification and Seasonal Si/e Changes of Eggs of the Labrid Fishes, Tautogolabrus adspersus and Tautoga onitis, of Long Island Sound 01-1967-0747 X-Ray Diffraction Elude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique tics Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux do Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Modal Analysis of Heavy Minerals of New Jersey Beach Sands by X-Ray Diffraction 04-1973-7572 X-Rays Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sey, During the Eclipse 03-1970-1 174 Yeasts Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish ( Pomatomus saltalrix ) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Yellow Gravel Some Further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore of Long Island and Eastward 04-1894-2008 Geological Notes: I . Long Island and Nantucket 04-1895-20 10 Yellowtail Flounder Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Yield Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Yonkers Gneiss Whole-Rock Rb-Sr Age of the Yon- kers Gneiss, Manhattan Prong 04-1969-0952 Yttrium 91 Fallout in New York City During 1958 21-1960-041 1 Zero Plane Displacement Growth of the Internal Boundary Layer Following Large Changes in Roughness 03-1964-0596 Zinc Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1963-0533 Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Or- ganisms in Fishers Island Sound and Its Estuaries 01-1964-0566 Trace Metals-Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Zinc Levels Zinc-65 Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut) 22-1962-0459 Zirconium 95 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Zirfaea erispata Boring Mollusks in Long Island Waters 01-1971-7590 Zone of Saturation Winter Ground-Water Temperatures Along the Mullica River, Wharton Tract, New Jersey 04-1962-0495 Zone Delineation Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water 22-1969-0972 Zoning Planning and Coordination in the New Jersey-New York- Connecticut Air Quality Control Region 21-1971-2270 Long Island Sand and Gravel Mining 31-1970-1401 Zoogeography New Records of Nudibranchs From New Jersey 01-1969-0953 Zooplankton Notes on Marine Copepoda of Rhode Island 01-1906-7985 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Quantitative Studies of Summer Plankton Populations of the Western North Atlantic 01-1948-1417 A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of Lake Meadow 01-1950-7282 A Survey of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1952-7844 Quantity and Composition of the Zooplankton of Block Island Sound, 1943-1946 01-1952-7983 Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Oceanography of Long Island Sound 01-1956-7845 Oceanography of Long Island Sound, 1952-1954; VI, Biology of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa 01-1956-7981 A Study of Charlestown and Green Hill Ponds, Rhode Island 01-1961-7982 The Abundance, Seasonal Occur- rence and Distribution of the Epizooplankton Between New York and Bermuda 01-1962-7505 Planktonic Fish Eggs and Larvae of Sandy Hook Estuary 01-1965-063 8 Zooplankton Communities of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey 01-1966-0681 The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 An Analysis of Zooplankton of Block Island Sound 01-1967-7755 Dimorfismo Sessuale a Livcllo Em- brionale in Penilia avirostris Dana 01-1971-3028 Zooplankton of the Sandy Hook Bay Area, New Jersey 01-1972-4058 A Study of the Disposal of Chemical Waste at Sea; Report of the Commit- tee or Investigation of Waste Disposal 22-1951-0150 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight— Interim Report for January 1, 1970 22-1969-7847 The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Section 3, Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-1248 SUBJECT INDEX 435 Zooplankton- 1 Cont. ) The Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight, Final Report, Sec- tion 3: Zooplankton Studies 22-1972-7984 Zostera Standing Crop of Foraminifera in Sublittoral Epiphytic Communities of a Long Island Salt Marsh 01-1969-0951 Studies on Absorption Spectra of Plant Pigments in Estuaries 01-1970-1128 The Oxygen Consumption of Selected Sediments of Great South Bay and Some of Its Tributary Rivers 02-1968-7245 Zostera marina The Eel-Grass Situation Along the Middle Atlantic Coast 01-1937-1410 A Standing Crop Estimate of Some Marine Plants in Barnegat Bay 01-1964-75 17 Epiphytic Diatoms of Zostera marina in Great South Bay 01-1966-7246 The Biology of Eclgrass 01-1968-0827 The Epiphytes and Epi/oans of Zostera marina in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 01-1968-7244 Benthic Ecology of a Shallow Bay: Macrobenthos 01-197 1-4092 Preliminary Observations on the Pro- perties of Bottom Sediments With and Without Eclgrass, Zostera marina. Cover 04-1970-1 100 1822-1956 Sunspots and Temperatures 03-1965-0653 1887 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 The Fisheries of the Hudson River 33-1887-1449 1892 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 01-1892-1452 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 3 3-1894-1442 Economic and Natural History Notes on Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 3 3-1894-1442 1910 Forty-First Annual Report (19 10) 33-191 1-1920 1911 Forty-Second Annual Report (19 11) 33-19 12-1921 1921 The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 1922 Additions to Local Records of New- Jersey Fishes 01-1922-0838 Additions to Local Records of New Jersey Fishes 01-1922-0838 1949 1924 Fish Notes for 1924 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1925-0840 1925 Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 1927 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1927 22-1929-1448 1931 New Jersey -vs- City of New York; City Dumping Garbage in Ocean as Nuisance 10-1931-1461 1933 Remedy Against City for Pollution of State Waters and Beaches 10-1933-1451 1935 Offshore Sewage Sludge Disposal 10-1935-1450 1936 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 Fisheries Investigations in the Lower Hudson River 33-1937-1438 1938 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurricane of Sept. 21, 1938 04-1939-2059 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1938 22-1939-1447 Studies on Raritan River Pollution 1938 22-1939-1447 1944 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Hurricane Studies of New York Har- bor 03-1962-0483 1946 The Use of Mean Sea Level as a Geophysical Datum 04-1946-1724 1948 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Accuracy of Present Wave Forecast- ing Methods With Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New Jersey and Long Island Coasts 03-1951-0163 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; I, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 1950 1951 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 Studies on Factors Influencing Rag- weed Pollen Counts in the New York Metropolitan District; 1, Pollen Stu- dies on Ambrose Lightship in New York Harbor District 21-1954-0234 Turbulence Studies Useful in Wind Tunnel Simulation of Atmospheric Conditions 03-1951-0162 The Aerologist Puts an Ear to the Ground 03-1952-0169 Hurricanes of 1 95 1 03-1952-0172 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 1952 The Weather and Circulation of July 1952; a Month With Drought 03-1952-0170 Dog Days of 1952 03-1952-0171 Applicability and Key to Meteorologi- cal Punch Card Data, April 1950- March 1952 03-1954-0227 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 1953 Comparison of Hindcast and Ob- served Waves Along the Northern New Jersey Coast for the Storm of November 6-7, 1953 02-1954-0221 No Pattern 03-1953-0206 Collection of Reports on the Storm of Nov. 6-7, 1953 03-1954-0232 Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 1954 Weatherwatch. Heat and Hurricanes Mark the Fall 03-1954-0222 The Distribution of Peak Wind Gusts in Hurricane Hazel 1954 03-1955-0265 436 SUBJECT INDEX 1954-(Cont.) Report of the Commission To Study Sea Storm Damage 03-1955-0266 Memorandum on Water Levels Ac- companying Atlantic Coast Hur- ricanes 03-1955-0268 Analysis of an East Coast Tornado Situation 03-1956-0292 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 1955 Benthic Studies in Buzzards Bay; 1: Animal Sediment Relationships 01-1958-0340 Extreme Sea Water Temperatures and Densities Alrng the North Atlan- tic States During Summer 1955 02-1957-0304 Hurricanes: They Cost Even When They Fizzle 03-1955-0271 Hurricane Rains and Floods of Au- gust 1955, Carolinas to New England 03-1956-0294 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 1956 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-701 3 Contributions of Hudson and Con- necticut Rivers to New York-New Jersey Shad Catch of 1956 33-1959-0356 1957 Oceanographic Observations, 1957, East Coast of the United Stales 02-1959-7025 The 195 7 Drought in the Eastern United Slates 03-1957-0312 Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 Smoke and Air Pollution, New York, New Jersey 21-1958-0345 1958 Oceanographic Observations, 1958, East Coast of the United States 02-1959-7026 Fallout From 1957 and 1958 Nuclear Test Series 03-1961-0439 1960 New Jersey's Climate 03-1961-0441 1961 The Microbiology of a Long Island Bay in the Summer of 1961 01-1963-0523 Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Studies of Radioactive Fail-Out Fol- lowing 1961 U.S.S.R. Tests 20-1963-0550 Preliminary Data on Fallout From the Fall 1961 USSR lest Series 21-1962-0501 1962 1969 Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 The Great Atlantic Coast Tides of March 5-8, 1962 02-1962-0500 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Seashore Preservation: Recreation Opportunities and Storm Damage, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland 03-1962-0502 Analysis of the 500-MB and Surface Prognoses Issued by the National Meteorological Center During the March Storm of 1962 03-1963-0548 Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 1963 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 1964 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 1965 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1965 01-1967-0754 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 1967 Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son During the Summer of 1966 01-1966-0685 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Along the Shores of the Lower Hud- son River During the Summer of 1967 01-1967-0752 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Strontium-90 Yield of the 1967 Chin- ese Thermonuclear Explosion 21-1969-0971 1968 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Objective Mesoscale Temperature Forecasts 03-1970-1 195 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1 196 Snowfall Prediction Method for the Atlantic Seaboard 03-1971-1238 1970 Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1196 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. II, Bronx Ground Data, Tetroon Helicopter Data 21-1971-1225 1970 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the New York City Area, Vol. Ill, Willowbrook Ground Data, Raritan Ground Data 21-1971-1226 AUTHOR INDEX 437 Aaroe, WH New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Abbot, CG Sixteen-Day Weather Forecasts From Satellite Observations 03-1961-0438 Abe,T Distribution of Marine Bacteria and Coli-Form Group Bacteria Along the Ocean Lines Between Southeast Asia and New York 01-1963-7513 Adams, H III Coastal Storms of the Eastern United States 03-1964-0595 Adams, JK The Basal Contact of the Hor- nerstown Formation in New Jersey 04-1973-7571 Aghajanian, JG The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Red Algae Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey) Dixon 01-1972-7263 Akpati, BN Foraminiferal Distribution and En- vironmental Variables in Eastern Long Island Sound, New York 01-1971-4035 Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Ecology in Eastern Long Island Sound. New York 04-1971-4038 Aldrich, FA On Studies of Soft Clam Populations Conducted in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers and at Sandy Hook, N.J. During the Summer of 1951 01-1951-0137 Alexander, AE A Petrographic and Petrologic Study of Some Continental Shelf Sediments 04-1934-1561 Alexandrov, EV (ed.) Symposium on the New York City Group of Formations; 40th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association on May 3, 1968, at Queens College of the City University of New York 04-1970-4014 Allen, K The Pollution of New York Harbor and Its Remedy 22-1916-1896 Allen, LA Faecal Bacteria in Polluted Water 22-1952-0214 Allen, WB Ground Water in the Vicinity of Ex- eter School, Lafayette, Washington County, Rhode Island 04-1946-7865 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Exeter, Rhode Island 04-1948-7871 Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island 04-1950-7869 The Ground-Water Resources of Rhode Island— A Reconnaissance, With a Section on Surface-Water Resources 04-1953-7866 Ground-Water Resources of the East Greenwich Quadrangle, Rhode Island 04-1956-7867 Ground-Water Levels in Rhode Island, 1956 04-1957-7872 Ground-Water Conditions in the Hunt River Basin, Rhode Island, April 1960 04-1960-7868 Ground-Water Map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island, Showing Water-Bearing For- mations and Related Ground-Water Data 04-1960-7873 Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Ground-Water Map of the East Providence Quadrangle, Mas- sachusetts-Rhode Island 04-1969-7870 Ailing, HL Petrographic Studies of Some New York Sediments 04-1922-1942 Almquist, FOA Public Water Supplies of Connecticut During the 1957 Drought. 03-1959-0367 Alperin, IM Juvenile Bonefish Albula vulpes in Great South Bay, New York 01-1964-0587 Notes Concerning the Occurrence of the Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops) in Long Island Waters 01-1967-7538 Notes on the Carangid Fishes of Long Island (USA) 01-1967-7540 Recent Records of Pugheaded Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From New York 33-1965-7518 Marine Fishes New or Uncommon to Long Island, New York 33-1965-7519 Dispersal, Migration and Origins of Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) From Great South Bay, Long Island 33-1966-7527 Occurrence of Yearling Striped Bass along the South Shore of Long Island 33-1966-7528 Altschuler, SJ Microbiological Studies in Long Island Sound 01-1967-0799 Amato, CG New Jersey State's Role in Power Reactor Site Approval 30-1969-2356 New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Anderson, AH Studies on the Parasites of Some Long Island Freshwater Fish 01-1963-7249 Anderson, FE Bioturbation of Sediments in a Northern Temperate Estuary 04-1971-1230 Anderson, J Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocar- bons 01-1970-1 104 Anderson, JG Lightning to the Empire State Build- ing, Pt. 3. 03-1952-0168 Anderson, K Tritium in New York State Waters, 1965 22-1969-2354 Anderson, MS Comparative Analysis of Sewage Sludges 22-1956-0273 Anderson, P Water Quality Characteristics of New Jersey Streams 04-1966-0682 Anderson, PW Time-of-Travel Measurements on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, New Jersey 02-1966-0702 438 AUTHOR INDEX Anderson, PW-(Cont. ) Analyses of Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters 22-1968-3005 Angas, WM Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project 04-1960-0406 Shark River Inlet Sand By-Passing Project; New Jersey Coast 04-1961-0413 Angell, JB Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission 32-1897-1943 Angell, JK Study of the Sea Breeze at Atlantic City, N.J. Using Tetroons as Lagran- gian Tracers 03-1965-0644 Mesoscale Diffusion Derived From Tetroon Flights 03-1967-0803 Tetroon Flights Over New York City 21-1968-0892 Anibal, EC Textural Evidence for Synorogenic Intrusion of the Peekskill Pluton, New York 04-1970-4148 Anonymous Fish Are Noisy in Nurragansett Bay 01-1951-1768 The State of Knowledge of Chemical Processes Affecting Long Island Coastal and Estuarine Waters 02-1971-4080 Synthetic Seaweed 04-1965-0601 Ancient Submerged Shoreline Found Off New Jersey Coast 04-1967-0714 Discovery of Submerged Shoreline Off New Jersey Provides Clues to the Area's Glacial Age Topography 04-1967-0715 Hudson River Siltation Model. New York Harbor 04-1969-0921 EPA Versus Pfizer 10-1972-3038 Port of New York Authority I 1-1936-1945 Environmental Auditors Speak Out on Sulphur Dioxide 21-1972-2280 Non-Propelled Acid Disposal Barge 22-1947-1459 Pollution of the Sea by Sewage 22-1954-0235 Problems of Combined Sewer Facili- ties and Overflows. 1967 22-1968-0874 Sludge Disposal at Sea 22-1969-0889 New York Sludge 22-1970-1042 The Problems of Long Island Waters 22-1971-4078 PCB'S in the News Again 22-1972-3015 Light Oil Spillage 22-1972-3030 Spill Clean-up Continues; Damage Unknown 22-1972-7851 Advanced Waste Treatment, Summa- ry Report 23-1968-0878 Sludge Disposal at Sea 23-1969-0922 Harbor Dredging Presents , Another Waste Disposal Problem 23-1971-4059 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Plans World-Record 1000- MW Unit for Its Ravenswood Generating Station 30-1963-2248 New Shinnecock Lock Is Improve- ment on Success 32-1967-0716 New Offshore Station for NY. Har- bor Pilots 32-1972-7850 Underwater Farming, Long Island's Oldest Industry and Newest Business Frontier 33-1963-7805 Rhode Island Experiments Produce More Lobsters 33-1970-1043 Antevs, E Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England 04-1926-1944 Antman, HS State's Role in Oceanography 02-1967-0804 Antonnini, GA Development of the Horseshoe Cove Shoreline, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0454 Interpretation of Geomorphic Fea- tures at Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 04-1962-0478 Appel, CA Ground-Water Models Solved by Digital Computer 04-1965-7643 Salt-Watcr Encroachment into Aquifers of the Raritan Formation in the Sayreville Area, Middlesex Coun- ty, New Jersey 22-1962-7614 Applin, ER (ieologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf 04-1971-41 13 Arendt, PR Structure and Variation of Topside Ionosphere Close to the Fort Mon- mouth Longitude 03-1965-0645 Onset of Severe Amplitude Scintilla- tions of Satellite Radio Signals During Sunrise 03-1968-0893 Possible Relation of a Specific Iono- spheric Event to Simultaneous Meteorological Data 03-1968-0894 Synoptic Preview of Ionospheric Data Taken at Fort Monmouth, New Jer- sev. During the Eclipse 03-1970-1174 Armstrong, NE Ecological Factors in Jamaica Bay 22-1970-7593 Arnason, A Genetic Variation in the Eel: III; Comparisons of Rhode Island and Icelandic Populations; Implications for the Atlantic Eel Problem 01-1971-1218 Arndt, WF Sheet of Air Bubbles as Acoustic Screen for Underwater Noise 02-1948-2042 Arnold, A A Sixteen-Month Series of Mid- Stratospheric Temperature Measure- ments. 03-1959-0369 Arnold, AF The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide 02-1901-1635 Arnold, EL Jr Observations of the Effects of Acid- Iron Waste Disposal at Sea on Animal Populations 01-1950-0104 Northward Dispersal of Warm-Water Fishes in Southern New England Dur- ing the Summer of 1949 01-1951-1913 A mow, T Ground Water in Bronx, New York, and Richmond Counties, With Sum- mary Data on Kings and Queens Counties, New York City, New York 04-1953-7943 Aronowitz, L Comparison of Air Pollution Models With Aerometric Data for the Air Quality Region Centered on New York City 21-1970-2251 Air Pollution Models of the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut Air Quality Region 21-1970-2258 Arvy, L Studies on the Biology of Barnacles: Parasites of Balanus eberneus and B. balanoides From New York Harbor and a Review of the Parasites and Diseases of Other Cirripedia 01-1969-0924 Asee, M Oxygen Balance of an Estuary 02-1960-7106 Ash, D On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Ashraf, A Subbottom Basement Drainage System of Inner Continental Shelf off Southern New England 04-1973-7768 Assaf, G Lead-212 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City 21-1972-1240 Asselstine, ES The Ground Water Resources of Westchester County, New York, Part 1 , Records of Wells and Test Holes 04-1955-7875 Athearn, WD Comparison of Clay From the Con- tinental Shelf off Long Island With the Gardiners Clay ( New York ) 04-1957-5019 AUTHOR INDEX 439 Atkinson, LP Nutrient-Density Relationships in the Western North Atlantic Between Cape Lookout and Bermuda 02-1971-7067 Atlas, R Distribution of Oil Degrading Microorganisms in Raritan Bay 01-1972-1241 Atlas, SM Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quelques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Atwater, MA Storm Rainfall Variability Over Con- necticut 02-1972-3039 Ayers, JC Processes Contributing to the Decrease of Coliform Bacteria in a Tidal Estuary 01-1952-0178 The Transparency (by White Secchi Disc) of the Waters in and About New York Harbor 02-1951-0132 The 'Normal* Flushing Time and Half-Life of New York Harbor 02-1951-0133 The Average Rate of Fouling of Sur- face Objects and of Submerged Ob- jects in the Waters Adjacent to New York Harbor 02-1951-0134 The Steady-State Condition and the Unbalanced Condition in Tidal Estua- ries, With Special Reference to the Unbalanced Condition of New York Harbor in March-April 1950 02-1951-0136 Drift Bottle Studies in the Newport Bight and New York Bight Areas, Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0145 The Oceanography of the New York Bight 02-1951-7846 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of New York Bight, Block Island Sound and Newport Bight: Cruise STIRNI I, Julv-September 195 1 02-1952-0179 The Distribution of Salinity in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI 111, January-February 1952 02-1952-0188 The Distribution of Temperature in the Waters of Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, and Newport Bight, Cruise STIRNI III, January- February 1952 02-1953-0213 A Winter Survey of Oxygen Distribu- tion in Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Cruise STIRNI III, January-February, 1952 02-1953-0216 Hydrographie Considerations Rela- tive to the Location of Sewer Outfalls in Raritan Bay 22-1949-1853 Ocean Currents, Pollution-and-Fish 22-1950-7820 Azarovitz, T Seasonal Variations of Temperature and Sound Speed in Block Island Sound 02-1971-7749 Babcock, HN The Improvement of New York Har- bor 32-1924-1947 Bache, AD New York Bay and Sandy Hook Tidal Currents 02-1858-1818 Backus, RH The Distribution of Temperature in New York Harbor and Its Ap- proaches 02-1951-0117 The Distribution of Salinity in New York Harbor and Its Approaches 02-1951-0121 The Transparency by Black and White Secchi Disc of the Waters of New York and Newport Bights. Cruise STIRNI I, July-September 1951 02-1951-0190 Bagg.JF Study of Environmental Impacts of Alternative Long Island Sound Bridge Sites 32-1971-3001 Bailey, JW Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-1636 Notes on the Algae of the United States 01-1847-2141 Bailey, P Physical Long Island; Its Glacial Origin, Historic Storms, Beaches, Prairies and Archaeology 04-1959-5020 Baird, D Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7723 Baird, DA A Fossil Sea-Turtle From New Jersey 01-1964-7740 Baird, Si- Report on the Fishes of the New Jer- sey Coast, as Observed in the Summer of 1 854 01-1855-1914 Baker, AH Lincoln Tunnel: The Field Measure- ment and Studv of Stresses 32-1937-7220 Baker, EA Iron in the Mullica River and in Great Bav, New Jersey 04-1971-1201 Balachandran, NK Coupling Between a Moving Air-pres- sure Disturbance and the Sea Surface 03-1969-1030 Ball, R Four Years Experience in Testing Connecticut Air for Suspended Par- ticulates 21-1971-2263 Ballenzweig, EM Composite 200-mb Temperature Fields Over Extratropical Cyclones 03-1955-0257 Banks, RE On the Nature, Occurrence, and Origin of Cold Low Salinity Water Along the Edge of the Gulf Stream 02-1952-7051 Barad, ML Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Sta- ble Atmospheres 03-1951-0156 Barbaross, NL Surface Water Resources Planning in Hudson Basin 04-1968-0906 Barber, RT Growth of Phytoplankton in Waters From the New York City Sludge Dumping Grounds 22-1970-7843 Barker, AM The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery in 1966 33-1967-0724 The Atlantic Surf Clam Fishery - 1969 33-1971-3092 Barksdale, HC Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Water Supplies from the No. 1 Sand in the Vicinity of Parlin, New Jersev 04-1937-7882 The Ground-Water Supplies of Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey 04-1943-7880 The Effect of the Proposed New York Bay-Delaware River Section of the In- tracoastal Waterway on the Ground Waters of New Jersey 04-1945-7879 Ground Water Problems in New Jer- sey 04-1945-7884 Artificial Recharge of Productive Ground-Water Aquifers in New Jer- sey 04-1946-7877 Depletion of Ground Water in New Jersey 04-1949-7885 Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-water Supply of the Newark, New Jersey Area 04-1951-5032 Ground Water in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Area 04-1952-7886 The Contamination of Ground-Water by Salt Water near Parlin, New Jersey 22-1940-7883 Barlow, JP Physical and Biological Processes Determining the Distribution of Zooplankton in a Tidal Estuary 01-1955-7070 Effect of Wind on Salinity Distribu- tion in an Estuary 02-1956-707 1 Eutrophicution of a Tidal Estuary 22-1963-0507 440 AUTHOR INDEX Barnard, JL Marine Pollution 22-1959-0365 Barnes, JR Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Barnett, SG III Late Cayugan and Helderbergian Stratigraphy Southeastern New York and Northern New Jersey 04-1967-7739 Barr, JW The Hudson River Estuary, a Prelimi- nary Investigation of Flow and Water- Quality Characteristics 04-1967-0723 Barr, WC Analysis of Surface Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Observa- tions, April-October 1968 03-1969-1035 Barron, JL Pollution Abatement in New York Area - Westchester and Long Island 22-1940-1433 Barrows, WL A Fulgurite From the Raritan Sands of New Jersey, With Historical Sketch and Bibliography 04-1910-7309 Barsom, KM Dispersion of a Surface Waste Field in the Sea 22-1966-0678 Barilla, R Biodegradation of Oil Slicks in the Marine Environment 22-1970-1045 Barton, NH Description of the Passaic Quadran- gle New York; New Jersey 04-1908-1977 Bartsch, AF Settleable Solids, Turbidity, and Light Penetrations as Factors Affecting Water Quality 22-1960-0381 Basbagill, WJ Air Contaminant Measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York (January-February 1964) 21-1965-2227 Baskerville, CA A Micropaleontological Study of Cretaceous Sediments on Staler) Island, New York 04-1966-7722 Geology and Foundation Treatment of Sensitive Sediments-World's Fair Highway Complex, New York 04-1968-0822 Bassett, CR The Seasonal Variations of Iron and Humic Acid in the Coiinetquot River, Long Island, New York 23-1971-7243 Battan, LJ Summer Rainfall in the New York City Area 03- 1 9S1-01 57 Bean, TH Repor' on the Fishes Observed in Great Egg Harbor Bay. New Jersey, During the Summer of 1887 01-1887-1915 Catalogue of the Fishes of Long Island, With Notes Upon Their Dis- tribution, Common Names, Habits and Rates of Growth 1.- 1 90 1 - 1 4 1 8 The Food and Game Fishes of New York 33-1903-1917 Beck, HL Environmental Gamma Radiation From Deposited Fission Products, 1960-64 21-1966-0698 Bederwall, K A Systematic Evaluation of Discharg- ing Polluted Water Into the Sea 22-1966-0684 Beerbower, J Paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous (Navesink) Beds at Poricy Brook, Monmouth County, New Jersey 04-1963-7646 Begeman, CR Carcinogenic Air Pollution in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1968-2239 Carcinogenic Air Pollutants in Rela- tion to Automotive Traffic in New York 21-1971-1232 Benedict, BA The Respiration of Estuarine Copepods as a Function of Salinity 01-1966-7248 Benton, AH The Mammals of Long Island, New York 00-1971-7583 Radioecological Surveillance of the Waterways Around a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Plant 22-1969-2352 Benton, <.S More Hurricanes in Your Future 03-1955-0258 Berberian, GA Factors in Measurement of Absolute Sea Surface Temperature by Infrared Radiomctry 02-1965-0646 Bere, R A Quantitative Study of the Plankton of the Bays of Long Island 01-1939-1669 Berkcy, CP Notes on the Preglacial Channels of the Lower Hudson Valley as Revealed by Recent Borings 04-1906-1948 A Summary of an Investigation Into the Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan and the Condition of the East River Channel 04-1909-1949 Areal and Structural Geology of Southern Manhattan Island 04-1910-1950 Geology of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct 04-191 1-1502 Geological Features of the City Tun- nel of the Catskill Aqueduct 04-1912-1562 The Geology of New York City and Its Relations to Engineering Problems 04-1912-1951 Unstable Conditions Exhibited by Some of the Rock Foundations of the Hudson Valley 04-1917-1952 New York City and Vicinity 04-1933-1953 Rock Data Map of Manhattan 04-1937-1503 Geological Contributions From the Deep Tunnels of New York City 04-1947-1954 Berkson, H Marine Fouling Communities of Rhode Island 01-1963-7509 Bernard, JM Forest Floor Moisture Capacity of the New Jersey Pine Patterns 03-1963-0539 Berner, RA Carbonate Alkalinity in the Pore Waters of Anoxic Marine Sediments 02-1970-1046 Bernstein, AB Temperature Patterns Along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts 03-1959-0370 Berry, RJ Growth Studies of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), in Rhode Island 01-1965-0602 Estimates of the Theoretical Biomass of Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), Required for a Fishery in Rhode Island 01-1965-0615 Bertoni, RS Geophysical Investigations in Block Island Sound 04-1972-7679 Bevin, LJ Improvement of Hudson River by Narrowing Navigable Fairway 32-1933-1955 Bhat, JV Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, II., Bacteriophages, Bdel- lovibrio, Coliforms and Other Organ- isms 22-1965-0636 Bidwell, MH Waste Disposal and the Fisheries of the Salt Water Adjacent to the Greater New York Metropolitan Dis- trict 33-1948-141 1 Biederman, EJ Shoreline Sedimentation in New Jer- sey 04-1958-7772 Biederman, EW Jr. Distinction of Shoreline Environ- ments in New Jersey 04-1962-7504 Biel, ER The Climate of New Jersey 03-1958-0344 Bierschenk, W'H Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island 04-1960-7922 Bigelow, HB Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 01-1925-1939 AUTHOR INDEX 441 Bigelow,HB-(Cont.) Exploration of Comp. Coastal Water Off the Northeast United States 01-1933-1855 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, III; A Volumetric Study of the Zooplankton (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay) 01-1939-1857 Studies of the Waters on the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay, I; The Cycle of Tempera- ture 02-1933-1856 Studies of the Waters of the Con- tinental Shelf, Cape Cod to Ches- apeake Bay II; Salinity 02-1935-1425 Exploration of the Coast Water Between Nova Scotia and Ches- apeake Bay, July-August 1913; United States Fisheries Schooner Grampus 32-1922-1854 Bigwood, BL A Flood-Flow Formula for Connec- ticut 04-1955-7X88 Bilello, MA Survey of Frozen Precipitation in Urban Areas as Related to Climatic Conditions 03-1967-0805 Frozen Precipitation; Its Frequency and Associated Temperatures 03-1971-4054 Binmort', TV Oyster Seed Farming Proves Good Venture 33_]964-0552 Bird, I) Scientist Questions the Moving of Sludge Site 22-1970-1 150 Bird,PH Some Structural Features of the Hud- son Valley 04-1941-1957 Biscay e, PE l.ead-2 12 in the Urban Boundary Layer of New York City '21-1972-1240 Black, J A Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 22-1971-1208 Survey of Marine Waste Deposits, New York Metropolitan Region 23-1971-1173 Blackball, JA Ground-Water Resources of Bristol, Warren and Barrington, Bristol Coun- ty, Rhode Island (14-1450-7X69 Blade, E Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution, in New York City: Statistical Analysis of Twelve Years 2 1-1969-1026 Blaik, M Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Blank, HR Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation, in the Bronx, New York 04-1972-4120 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Reply) 04-1973-7758 Block Island Sound Bathymetr\ of Block Island Sound 02-1971-7751 Bloom, AL Postglacial Submergence of the Con- necticut C ast 04-1962-0479 Evidence of Submergence From Con- necticut Tidal Marshes 04-1962-7595 Submergence of the Connecticut Coast 04-1963-0540 Postglacial Stratigraphy and Morphology of Coastal Connecticut 04-1963-7631 Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh 04-1964-0553 Coastal Geomorphology of Connec- ticut 04-1967-0717 Bloomer, G Paleocurrents and Sedimentology of the Schenectady-Frankfort Forma- tions, New York State 04-1973-7557 Bloomfiled, P On The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data 21-1972-5070 Blumer, M Oil Pollution in the Marine Environ- ment 22-1970-1 157 Hydrocarbon Pollution of Edible Shellfish by an Oil Spill 22-1970-1 161 Bobb, WH Effects of Proposed Runway Exten- sions at LaGuardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Disper- sion 04-1964-7863 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets on Tides and Currents in East River, Hydraulic Model In- vestigation 04-1969-0926 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor Model 22-1963-3032 Bocchieri, JR Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1967-0742 Boerner, RE A Comparative Study of Reproduc- tive Patterns in Populations of Codi- um fragile Subspecies Tomentosoides Off the Northeast Coast of North America 01-1972-7240 Bogen, 1) Trace Metals— Fallout in New York City 21-1971-2268 Bohlen, WF Turbidity Measurements in Estuaries 02-1972-7680 Suspended Material Concentrations in Eastern Long Island Sound 02-1973-7660 Some Observations of Suspended Material Transport Near the Mouth of the Connecticut River 04-1971-4091 Bokuniewicz, HJ Hardness of Nearshore Sediments, Long Island Sound 02-1973-7670 Boltz, JK Enrichment, Isolation and Cultural Characteristics of Marine Strains of Clostridium botulinum Type C 01-1971-3077 Bonde, GJ Pollution of a Marine Environment 22-1967-0771 Bornstein, RD Observations of the Urban Heat Island Effect in New York City 03-1968-0895 Boroff, DA Botulism in a Tidal Estuary in New Jersey 22-1967-7534 Boros, L New Jersey's Development of a Com- prehensive Environmental Surveil- lance Program 30-1970-2350 Bott, MHP Structural Geologic Considerations in Diplog Interpretations 04-1972-41 15 Bouck, GB Fine Structure and Organelle As- sociations in Brown Algae 01-1965-0603 Bourodimos, EL Turbulent Transfer and Mixing of Submerged Heated Water Jet 02-1972-7853 Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River, A Hydraulic Model Study 22-1970-1047 Water Ouality Analysis of the Passaic River in New Jersey 22-1972-7684 Bove, JL Airborne Lead and Carbon Monoxide at 45th Street, New York City 21-1970-1 175 Bowen, ZP Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Rondout Formation in the Rosendale Quadrangle, Southeastern New York 04-1967-7736 Bower, BT Waste Management; Generation and Disposal of Solid, Liquid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes in the New York Re- gion; a Report of the Second Re- gional Plan 21-1968-2249 Bowerman, FR Disposal of Digested Sludge by Dilu- tion 22-1954-0240 Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 442 AUTHOR INDEX Bowes, DR Polyphase Deformation in the Man- hattan Formation of Manhattan Island, New York City 04-1969-4013 Hornblende Schists in the Manhattan Formation in the Bronx, New York (Discussion ) 04-1973-7757 Bowie, W The Gravimetric Survey of the U.S. 01-1917-1598 The Present Status of the Geodetic Work in the United States and Its Value to Geology 04-1923-195 8 Bowman, MJ Hydrographic Study of the Shelf and Slope Waters of New York Bight 02-1972-5071 Bowman, TE Notes on Associations Between Hyperiid Amphipods and Medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River 01-1963-75 14 Bowne, NE The Development of a Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Con- necticut, Volume 1; Summary Report 21-1967-2233 A Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1968-2231 Simulation Model for Air Pollution Over Connecticut 21-1969-1027 A Regional Air Ouality Simulation Model 21-1971-2282 Boyd, G Take a Deep Deadly Breath 21-1967-2247 Boyer, AE Jr Space and Time Variations in At- mospheric Transmission at a Runway 03-1963-0543 Boyer, PS Cretaceous and Tertiary Greensands and Their Fauna, New Jersey Coastal Plain 04-1972-4127 Boy kin, JC Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in I.insley Pond Mud 02-1962-0486 Boyle, R The Hudson River 04-1969-1007 Boynton, GR Aeromagnetic Map of the Old Mystic Quadrangle, and Part of the Mystic Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7634 Aeromagnetic Map of the Uncasville Quadrangle and Part of the New Lon- don Quadrangle, New London Coun- ty, Connecticut 04-1965-7635 Aeromagnetic Map of the Ashaway Quadrangle and Part of the Watch Hill Quadrangle, Connecticut and Rhode Island 04-1965-7636 Bradfisch, J Artificial Seaweed 01-1966-0654 Bradley, J Luminescing Comb Jellies" of the New Jersey Coast 01-1964-7525 Brady, TF Nixon Is Urged To Push Cleanup of Harbor Here 22-1970-1 149 Brandes, EA Snow Prediction in the Eastern United States 03-1970-1196 Search for Necessary Conditions for Heavy Snow on the East Coast 03-1971-1231 Brandon, DD Long Island Water Resources 04-1971-4122 Brasefield, CJ Winds and Temperatures in the Lower Stratosphere 03-1950-0107 Brashears, ML Jr. Ground-Water Temperature on Long Island, New York, as Affected by Recharge of Warm Water 04-1941-7889 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water on Long Island, New York 04-1946-7890 The Configuration of the Rock Floor in Western Long Island, New York 04-1948-7898 Braverman, MM The Contribution to Air Pollution by Pigeons 21-1962-0480 New York City's Air Pollution Index 21-1965-0604 Bray, HG Differential Tilting of the Continental Shelf Off the Atlantic Coast of North America 04-1925-2055 Breder, CM Jr Additions to Local Records of New Jersey Fishes 01-1922-0838 The Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay 01-1922-1419 Fish Notes for 1924 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1925-0840 Fish Notes for 1925 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1926-1420 The Marine Fishes of New York and Southern New England 01-1927-1441 Fish Notes for 1929 and 1930 From Sandy Hook Bay 01-1931-1918 The Species of Fish in the New York Harbor 01-1938-1919 Brehmer, ML The Effects of Thermal Effluents on Marine Organisms 24-1966-7127 Brennan, DJ Sediment and Water Characteristics, Peconic Bays, Long Island, New York 04-1973-7558 Brennan, E Role of Wind Parameters in Deter- mining Sulphur Dioxide Concentra- tions in Carlstadt, New Jersey 21-1966-0705 Relationship of Wind Parameters in Determining Oxidant Concentrations in Two New Jersey Communities 21-1968-0905 Brenowitz, AH A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters (Suffolk County Board of Super- visors) 01-1966-7232 Bretschneider, CL Ash Wednesday East Coast Storm, March 5-8, 1962, A Hindcast of Events, Causes, and Effects 03-1964-0592 Brewer, J Marine Life on the Artificial Reef Off Fire Island, New York 01-1965-7526 Brey, ME Concentration Changes of CA, LI, MG, K, NA, and SR in the Hudson River, New York 02-1968-2360 Brief, RS Elemental Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Metropolitan New York 21-1971-1236 Briggs, M Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Briggs, PT A Length-Weight Relationship for Tautog From the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 01-1969-0927 Rare or Uncommon Fishes Seined in Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3017 Records of Ectoparasitic Isopods From Great South Bay, New York 01-1970-3019 The Sport Fisheries of Great South Bay and Vicinity 33-1962-7829 The Sport Fishery in the Surf on the South Shore of Long Island From Jones Inlet to Shinnecock Inlet 33-1965-0628 The Sport Fisheries for Winter Flounder in Several Bays of Long Island 33-1965-0631 The Sport Fisheries for Scup in Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1968-0824 The Sport Fisheries for Tautog in the Inshore Waters of Eastern Long Island 33-1969-0928 Comparison of Shore-Zone Fishes Over Naturally Vegetated and Sand- Filled Bottoms in Great South Bay 33-1971-3021 AUTHOR INDEX 443 Bright, C Comparison of Air Pollution From Aircraft and Automobiles, Project Eagle; Final Report 21-1970-2262 Brisou, J Bacteriological Aspects of the Hy- giene of Bathing Beaches 35-1954-0236 Bristor, CL Forecasting the Passage of Cold Fronts at N.Y.C. 30-Hrs, in Advance 03-1951-0158 Britton, NL List of Algae (Collected Near Glen Cove, L.I.) 01-1902-1637 On Some Large Potholes Near the Williams Bridge, New York 04-1882-1959 Boring Through Drift and Cretaceous Sediments on Staten Island 04-1888-1961 Brody, R Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Broecker, WS Rates of Removal of Thorium from Surface Sea Water 02-1973-7666 Project Ross 22-1971-2357 Bromberg, AW Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Brooke, HE Photoregulation of the Expression of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) 01-1971-1214 Brooks, NH Diffusion of Sewage Effluent in an Ocean Current 22-1960-0382 Diffusers for Disposal of Sewage in Sea Water 22-1960-0400 Brower, WA Environmental Guide for Seven U.S. Ports and Harbor Approaches 03-1972-4052 Brown, C Heterotrophic Bacteria in Long Island Sound 01-1970-7555 Brown, CL Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-0886 Brown, CL Jr. Biological Results in: Report for the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters- Third Session, Volume I, Project Stu- dies and Results 22-1967-7750 Brown, JS Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water Along Coasts 04-1922-1962 A Study of Coastal Ground Water With Special Reference to Connec- ticut 04-1925-1963 Groundwater in the New Haven Area 04-1928-1504 Brown, MV Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Seismic Evidence for Post-Cretaceous Faulting Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1960-5011 Seismic Refraction Profiles on the Continental Shelf South of Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. 04-1961-0414 Brown, RM Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0806 Hail, Hail: A Case History 03-1967-0807 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1176 Diffusion Measurements in the 10- 100 KM Range 21-1972-2276 Brown, RP Status of Oceanic Disposal of Solid Wastes; a Preliminary Review 23-1969-1002 Marine Disposal of Solid Wastes, -an Interim Summary 23-1969-1004 Bruderer, BE A Preliminary Investigation of the Sediments of the Great South Bay, Long Island, New York 04-1970-7268 Brumbach, JJ The Climate of Connecticut 03-1965-0647 Bruno, A Salinity Distribution in the Thames River: New London to Norwich, Con- necticut 02-1971-7744 Brunstein, MS Supplementary Report on the Ground-Water Supplies of the Atlan- tic City Region (New Jersey) 04-1936-7881 Brush, RO Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York; Descriptive Evaluations 11-1970-1127 Buchanan, CC A Comparison of Sport Fishing Statistics From Man-Made and Natu- ral Habitats in the New York Bight 33-1971-2215 An Investigation of the Use of Scrap Tires as Artificial Reefs 33-1971-3094 Bucher, W Key to Papers Published by an In- stitute for the Study of Modern Sedi- ments in Shallow Seas 04-1938-1964 Bucher, WH Submarine Valleys and Related Geologic Problems of the North At- lantic 04-1940-1965 Recent Results of Suboceanic Geolo- gy and Major Earth Problems 04-1949-1966 Buck, JD Occurrence of False-positive Most Probable Number Test for Fecal Streptococci in Marine Waters 01-1969-0929 Aerobic Microflora of the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Intestine 01-1972-3026 Buddington, AF The Precambrian Magnetite Deposits of New York and New Jersey 04-1966-7721 Bue, CD Stream Flow From the United States into the Atlantic Ocean During 1931- 60; Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States 02-1970-7012 Buechley, RW Heat Island (equals) Death Island 03-1972-7852 Buelow, RW Ocean Disposal of Waste Material 22-1968-0825 Preliminary Investigation of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1968-0826 Buller, RJ Decline of the Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Off New En- gland 01-1966-7835 Drift Bottle Releases Off New Jersey, a Preliminary Report on Experiments Begun in 1948 02-1950-0106 A Survey of the Sports Fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1948 33-1950-0097 Rumpus, D Quantitative Ecology of the Plankton of the Western North Atlantic 01-1949-71 1 1 Bumpus, DF Report on a Survey of the Hydrog- raphy of Great South Bay and Moriches Bay Made in June, 1954, for the Towns of Islip and Brook- haven, New York 02-1954-7802 Oceanographic Observations, 1956, East Coast of the United States 02-1957-7013 Residual Drift Along the Bottom on the Continental Shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1965-0605 Surface Circulation on the Continen- tal Shelf Off Eastern North America Between Newfoundland and Florida 02-1965-0635 Reversals in the Surface Drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight Area 02-1969-0931 Surface Drift on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf of the United States, 1960-1967 02-1969-1.028 A Description of the Circulation on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of the United States 02-1973-7014 Bunamo, MC Competition for Handling U.S. Foreign Trade Cargoes: The Port of New York's Experience 32-1973-7770 444 AUTHOR INDEX Burchell, RW Leisure Market Studies: I. Beach Users, II. Marina Development 35-1969-0969 Burd, RS A Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal 22-1968-0876 Burden, WD Development of Certain Sections of the North Shore of Long Island 04-1926-7297 Burdick, GE An Analysis of the Factors, Including Pollution Having Possible Influence on the Abundance of Shad in the Hudson River 01-1954-0237 Burger, HR Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maltby Lakes Volcanics, New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1965-7637 Burger, HR HI Stratigraphy and Structure of the Western Part of the New Haven Quadrangle, Connecticut 04-1967-7738 Burgess, F (Eds.) Pollution and Marine Ecology 22-1967-0765 Burkenroad, MD Sound Production in the Haemulidae 01-1930-1770 Burkholder, PF Studies of Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters of Southern Long Island, New York 01-1970-7093 Burkholder, PR Studies on Some Long Island Sound Littoral Communities of Microorgan- isms and Their Primary Productivity 01-1965-7074 The Biology of Eclgrass 01-1968-0827 Productivity and Nutrient Values of Plants Growing in the Salt Marshes of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island 01-1969-7124 Burnham, SH The Flora of the Town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiners Island 01-1914-1672 Burns, BR Distribution and Biology of Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) From the At- lantic Coast of the United States in the NMFS Woods Hole Collection 01-1971-3080 Burr, E A Tidal Problem in New York Harbor 02-1925-1704 Burton, I The Human Ecology of Coastal Flood Hazard in Megapolis 12-1969-7015 Busch, NE Summary of Recent Turbulence Mea- surements at Brookhaven National Laboratory 03-1967-0722 Vertical Velocity Variances and Reynolds Stresses at Brookhaven 03-1970-1176 Buzas, MA The Discrimination of Morphological Groups of Elphidium (Foraminifer) in Long Island Sound Through Canoni- cal Analysis and Invariant Characters 01-1966-7720 Species Diversity; Patterns in Modern and Miocene Foraminifera of the Eastern Margin of North America 01-1973-7762 Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Cadwell, DH Bedrock Control of Late Wisconsinan Ice Retreatal Positions and Melt- Water Channels Near Hamilton, New York 04-1973-7559 Calabrese, A Reproductive Cycle of the Coot Clam, Mulinia lateralis (Say), in Long Island Sound 01-1970-1050 A Note on Gametogenesis in the Oyster Drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) 01-1972-4074 Caldwell, DM A Sedimentological Study of an Ac- tive Part of a Modern Tidal Delta, Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York 04-1971-7308 Submergence Curve Inferred from Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Cores From Gardiners and Napeague Bays, New York 04-1973-7560 Canzonier, WJ Hemolymph-Free Amino Acids and Related Nitrogenous Compounds of Crassostrea virginica Infected With Bucephalus sp. and Minchinia nelsoni 01-1970-1081 Carames, M Experiences With Operating an Auto- matic Water Quality Monitoring System in an Estuarine Environment 22-1970-1049 Carey, AG Jr. Energetics of the Benthos of Long Island Sound, I. Oxygen Utilization of Sediment 02-1967-7535 Carey, CL Preliminary Studies on the Viability and Dispersal of Coliform Bacteria in the Sea 22-1949-2142 Carey, GW Urbanization, Water Pollution, and Public Policy 22-1972-5089 Carlson, RO Seismic Refraction Profiles in the Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain Near Ambrose Lightship 04-1955-0246 Carlston, CW Tritium-Hydrologic Research: Some Results of the U.S. Geological Survey Research Program 04-1964-0593 Carotti, AA Air Borne F.mmissions From Mu- nicipal Incinerators; Summary Report of State of Knowledge, Recommenda- tions for Further Studies and an An- notated Bibliography 21-1967-2232 Carpenter, BH Smithsonian Advisory Committee Re- port on Studies of the Effects of Waste Disposal in the New York Bight 22-1972-5073 Carpenter, JH The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Observations of Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycles in Some Coastal Plain Estuaries 01-1969-7075 A Study of Some Major Cations in Natural Waters 02-1957-7056 Measurements of Turbulent Diffusion in Estuarine and Inshore Waters 02-1960-0398 New Measurements of Oxygen Solu- bility in Pure and Natural Water 02-1966-7057 Carr, JA The Precipitation Pattern Associated With an Atlantic Coastal Storm 03-1952-0167 Carriker, MB Some Recent Investigations of Natu- ral Bivalve Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries 01-1950-0098 Carstensen, EL Propagation of Sound Through a Liquid Containing Bubbles, Part II; Experimental Results and Theoretical Interpretation 02-1947-1771 Carstensen, LP Relation of Precipitation to the Pres- sure Pattern in New York City Area in Winter 03-1951-0159 Carter, HH The Bacterial Effect of Seawater Under Natural Conditions 01-1967-0778 Case, GR Rare Marine Reptiles From the Cretaceous of New Jersey 01-1966-7,723 Caso, RG Testimony Before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Sub- committee on Fish and Wildlife Con- servation on H.R. 1 1 236 10-1966-7781 Cassin, JM A Study of the Phytopiankton Cycle of Goose Creek, New York, 1966-67 01-1968-7294 Interdisciplinary Monitoring of the New York Bight 02-1972-1242 Castiglione, L Aerial Photographic Studies of the Coastal Waters of New York and Long Island 02-1970-2218 AUTHOR INDEX 445 Cataneo, R Rain-Drop-Size Distributions in Humid Continental Climates, and As- sociated Rainfall Rate-Radar Reflec- tivity Relationships 03-1968-0896 Chamberlin, JL A Geographical Study of the Clam, Spisula polynyma (Stimpson) 01-1963-0510 Chambers, JT Jr Digested Sludge Disposal Practices 23-1962-0455 Chang, DT Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Chapman, VJ Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology, Sec- tion VI and VII; Comparisons With Marshes on the East Coast of N. America 01-1940-1874 Methods of Surveying Laminaria Beds 01-1944-1673 Marine Algal Ecology 01-1946-1674 Charlesworth, J Jr. Modal Analysis of Heavy Minerals of New Jersey Beach Sands by X-Ray Diffraction 04-1973-7572 Charlesworth, LJ Bay, Inlet, and Nearshore Marine Sedimentation: Beach Haven-Little Egg Inlet Region, New Jersey 04-1968-7773 Charlier, RH Contribution a l'Etude Comparative des Littoraux Septentrional et Meridional de Long Island ( Etat de New .York ) 04-1958-5022 Etude Granulometrique et Roentgen- scopique des Quclques Sediments Lit- toraux de Long Island, New York 04-1959-5023 Charmatz, R Preliminary Observations on Long Island Sound Sediments 04-1961-5016 Charnley, HW A Qualitative Survey of the Per- manent Net Zooplankton of the Upper Waters of Herrick's Pond 01-1955-7293 Chase, J Oceanographic Observations, 1961, East Coast of the United States 02-1964-7016 Oceanographic Observations, 1962, East Coast of the United States 02-1965-7017 Oceanographic Observations, 1963, East Coast of the United States 02-1966-7018 Oceanographic Observations, 1964, East Coast of the United States 02-1967-7019 Oceanographic Observations, 1966, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-0933 Oceanographic Observations, 1965, East Coast of the United States 02-1969-7020 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States January-December 1969 02-1971-7021 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1967 02-1971-7022 Oceanographic Observations Along the East Coast of the United States, January-December 1968 02-1971-7023 Wind-Induced Changes in the Water Column Along the East Coast of the United States 03-1959-0371 Chasick, AH Fundamentals of Activated Sludge 22-1969-1000 Chelminski, P The Stratigraphy of the Continental Shelf East of New Jersey 04-1966-7719 Cheney, PB The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning; Functional Step Two: Knowledge Requirements 11-1970-1051 Marine Resources Planning and Management for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, N.Y. 11-1970-1052 Chenoweth, PA The Pegmatite Dikes on Manhattan Island, New York 04-1947-7298 Chermack, EA Sounding of the Atmosphere by In- direct Means, Pt. 6 03-1963-0549 Chess, J A Marine Kill on New Jersey Wrecks 01-1969-0959 Chess, JR Comparative Investigations of the Development of Epibenthic Commu- nities From Gloucester, Mas- sachusetts to St. Thomas, Virgin Island 01-1971-3093 Chestnut, L Jr. Hydrogeology of a Sanitary Landfill in Glacial Drift in Eastern Connec- ticut 22-1973-7561 Church, PE Progress in the Investigation of Sur- face Temperatures of the Western North Atlantic 02-1932-1858 Churchill, AC Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction in New York; Populations of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot Subsp. Tomen- tosoides ( Van Goor) Silva 01-1972-7864 Cinquemani, LJ Morphology and Sediment Distribu- tion in the Little Gull Channel, Western Block Island Sound, New York 04-1973-7562 Clark, GL Observations on Transparency in the Southwestern Section of the North Atlantic Ocean 02-1941-1416 Clark, GM Atlantic Mackerel Fishery, 1804- 1965 33-1967-7831 Clark, J Seasonal Movements-of Striped Bass Contingents of Long Island Sound and the New York Bight 01-1968-0829 Ecology of Anadromous Fish of the Hudson River 01-1969-1005 Clark, JR Living Resources 22-1970-1053 Clark, KB A Discussion of the Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Zoogeog- raphy of Polycerella emertoni and Related Species (Gastropoda: Nu- dibranchia) 01-1972-4073 Clark, R Observations on Dredging and Dis- solved Oxygen in a Tidal Waterway 02-1968-08X6 Clark, RD Drought of 1961-1967 and the New York City Water Supply System 04-1968-0897 The Embattled Colossus: New York City Water Supply System, Its Past, Present, and Future 22-1968-0830 Clark, WB Results of a Recent Investigation of the Coastal Plain Formations in the Area Between Massachusetts and North Carolina 04-1908-1968 Clarke, L Report on Critical Needs of the Com- mercial Fishing Industry of Long Island, New York 33-1965-7808 Claus, G Ultrastructure of Synechococcus marina sp. nov., A Neritic Cyanophyte From Milford, Connec- ticut 01-1963-7510 Life and Pollution in Great South Bay 22-1971-3078 Clausen, RT Studies in the Genus Naias in the Northern States 01-1936-1638 Clay, CS Some Seismic Profiles Onshore and Offshore Long Island, New York 04-1959-0352 Clem,JD Sanitary Shellfish: Keeping a Step Ahead 33-1971-3076