Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/guidetoseafaringOOunit GUIDE TO SEAFARING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick H. Mueller, Secretary MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Clarence G. Morse, Administrator Prepared by STATISTICS AND SPECIAL STUDIES OFFICE November 1959 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price 30 cents CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 PART I. United States flag shipowners, operators and/or agents who are parties to collective bargaining agreements with maritime unions. PART II A. Government agencies 21 B. Seafaring unions 32 C. Shipowner associations 34 PART III 35 Owners of United States flag oceangoing cargo, tankers and pas- senger ships, 1,000 gross tons and over (does not include non- owners operating ships registered under U. S. Flag), as of Janu- ary 1, 1959. (iii) SYMBOLS ▲ Owner and operator c Owner only A Operator only # Company was not the owner and/ or operator of any U. S. flag ships as of January 1, 1959, but for- merly was party to the Maritime Union agreements listed. LEGEND ARA American Radio Association (AFL-CIO). BME Brotherhood of Marine Engineers (AFL-CIO). BMO Brotherhood of Marine Officers CROA Caribbean Radio Officers Association IBU Inland Boatmen's Union of the Pacific MCS Marine Cooks and Stewards Union (AFL-CIO) MEBA Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, National (AFL-CIO) MFOW Marine Firemen, Oilers, Wipers and Watertenders Union (AFL-CIO) MMP Masters, Mates and Pilots of America, International Organization (AFL-CIO) MSO Marine Staff Officers, Office and Allied Personnel (AFL-CIO) NMU National Maritime Union of America (AFL-CIO) ROU Radio Officers' Union of the Commercial Telegraphers Union (AFL-CIO) SIU Seafarers International Union of North America (AFL-CIO) SOA Staff Officers Association of America (AFL-CIO) SUP Sailors Union of the Pacific (AFL-CIO) UMD United Marine Division, National Maritime Union of America, Local 333 (iv) INTRODUCTION Government, industry, and labor representatives have consistently requested the Maritime Admin- istration to revise its former publication Table of Maritime Collective Bargaining, emphasizing the importance of studying carefully current labor con- tracts before making decisions of policy or detailed determinations affecting maritime personnel. Seafaring union activity in the United States mari- time industry was first recorded in 1854, concurrent with the advent of steam-driven Great Lakes pack- ets, when marine engineers formed a temporary lo- cal union in Buffalo, N.Y., to prevent a threatened wage cut. In 1875 the marine engineer officers organized their union on a national basis. The first unlicensed seamen's union began on the Great Lakes in 1863 and was known as the Seamen's Beneficial Union of Chicago, a mutual improvement society with no economic objectives. The opening of the St . Lawrence Seaway may affect the pattern of wages and working conditions of sea- men manning U.S. flag deep sea ships engaged in that trade. In order to understand the complicated labor- management background and existing condi- tions on the Great Lakes, it is essential to study this phase of ship operation. The most recent treat- ment of Great Lakes labor history is presented in a publication of Michigan State University.* Legislation enacted in 1884 permitted U. S. flag ships to sign-on low paid foreign crews at foreign ports. The competition of low-wage alien seamen and other factors, including long hours, abusive treatment, poor food, and quarters, and the practice of shanghaiing ships' crew members, spurred the founding of the Coast Seamen's Union in 1885. In 1891 its name was changed to The Sailors' Union of the Pacific. In 1892 the Atlantic Coast Seamen's Union was established, and the unlicensed seamen's unions subsequently merged to form the Internation- al Seamen's Union. Interpretation and practical application of union contract provisions to matters of policy and every- day working problems requires a knowledge of the turbulent maritime labor history from 1900 through 1958. This period witnessed a series of eventful 1 Maritime Labor Relations on the Great Lakes by Professor Charles P. Larrowe (1959) . situations revolving around wages and working con- ditions and social and political issues. Various provisions incorporated in current agreements re- flect historical labor -management differences re- lating to prevailing practices, rank and file pres- sures, intense union rivalry, mutual distrust, and the struggle for economic advantages. These prob- lems ranged from individual operator bargaining to industry-wide negotiations concerning dry cargo and passenger ships (both subsidized and nonsubsi- dized), tankers, other special craft, tramps and in- dustrial carriers. The collective bargaining agree- ments included in this publication cover coastwise, intercoastal, noncontiguous and foreign trades of the United States. A study of seafaring labor relations reflects the trend toward maturity of unions and operators in their bargaining procedures, coordination of labor and management interests, and a significant ap- proach to stable collective bargaining. The latest detailed accounting of deep sea maritime labor- management affairs was published by Harvard University Press. 2 Of the 52,000 shipboard jobs manned by approxi- mately 100,000 seamen available at the beginning of 1959, almost 47,000 jobs, or 90 percent, were cov- ered by collective bargaining agreements between management firms or steamship companies and 13 principal maritime unions affiliated with the AFL/ CIO. Slightly more than 5,000 jobs, or 10 percent, were covered by agreements with approximately fifteen independent associations. The steamship firms identified on the following pages were responsible for the management and/or operation of 959 U.S. flag active merchant ships on January 1, 1959, consisting of 40 passenger and pas- senger-cargo combination ships, 598 dry cargo ships, 18 refrigerated ships, and 303 tankers. This publication includes owners and operators of U.S. flag ships of 1,000 gross tons and over, type of operation, and seafaring unions that are parties to collective bargaining agreements. It also lists Government agencies and private associations con- cerned with the economic and general welfare of seamen. *Tne Maritime Story by Joseph Goldberg (1958). (1) PART I MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS United States flag ship owners, operators and/or agents who are parties to collective bargaining agreements with maritime unions c 4-1 u CI. O VIM u o, >-. H Licensed officer V u CO Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator u Q u c '3d c W -3 M U Q u .9 60 C W -a ki « V w m # ACE STEAMSHIP CORP. 120 Wall St., New MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU York 5, N. Y. # ACTIUM STEAMSHIP CO., 17 State St., MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU New York 4, N. Y. # ADVANCE STEAMSHIP CORP., c/o Overseas MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Navigation Corp., 120 Wall Street, New York 5, N. Y. # AEGEAN MARINE CORP., c/o Mar-Trade MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Corp., 44 Whitehall Street, New York 4, N. Y. ▲ Aeolian STEAMSHIP CORP. OF DELAWARE, DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU 60 Wall Street, New York 5, N. Y. ▲ ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Pier 42 N. , DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS Seattle, Wash. # ALBA STEAMSHIP CORP., c/o AMHERST SS MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU CORP., 120 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. # ALBATROSS STEAMSHIP CO., INC., 29 MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. ▲ ALCOA STEAMSHIP COMPANY, 17 Battery DC MMP MEBA ROU MSO SIU SIU SIU Place, New York 4, N. Y, # ALLIANCE SHIPPING CO. , 44 Whitehall MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St. , New York, N. Y. ▲ AMERICAN BANNER LINES, INC., 52 Broad- P MMP MEBA ROU SOA SIU SIU SIU way New York 4, N. Y. A AMERICAN COAL SHIPPING, INC., 17 State DC-T ARA NMU NMU NMU St. , New York 4, N. Y. # AMERICAN-EASTERN CORP., 30 Rockefeller MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Plaza, New York, N. Y. A AMERICAN EXPORT LINES, 39 Broadway, DC-P BMO BMO ARA BMO NMU NMU NMU New York 6, N. Y. # AMERICAN FOREIGN STEAMSHIP CORP., 80 MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. # AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY, MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS 90 Broad Street New York 4, N. Y. # AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE STEAMSHIP MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU CORP, c/o Seatraders, Inc., Room 429, 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. (2) MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a w « M V a. MM O 8. H Licensed officer Iri V u (1 H Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator a u c '3b c W 1 Pm M U u Q I) .s M e W VI s A AMERICAN MAIL LINE, LTD., 740 Stuart Building, Seattle 1, Wash. DC MMP MEBA ARA MSO SUP MFOW MCS A AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, 555 5th Ave., New York 17, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU A AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD., 311 California Street, San Francisco 4, Calif. DC-P MMP MEBA ARA MSO SUP MFOW MCS # AMERICAN REPUBLICS LINE, c/o Moore McCormack Lines, 5 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA SOA NMU NMU NMU # AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO., BOLAND & Cornelius, Managers, 1016 Marine Trust Bldg. , Buffalo 3, N. Y. MMP ARA # AMERICAN TANKER CORP. OF DEL., 380 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU ▲ AMERICAN TRADING & PRODUCTION CORPORA- TION, 555-5th Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. T ROU NMU NMU NMU # AMERICAN TRAMP SHIPPING DEVELOPMENT CORP., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU # AMERICAN TRANS-OCEAN NAVIGATION CORP., c/o Prudential S.S.Co., 17 State St., New York 4, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU A AMERICAN UNION TRANSPORT, INC., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # AMERICAN VIKING CORP., c/o Sieling & Jarvis Corp., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU A AMERICAN WATERWAYS CORP. 10 Columbus Circle New York 19, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU # AMEROCEAN S.S. CO., 60 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU # AMHERST S. S. CORP., c/o Overseas Navigation Corp., Agents, 120 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # AMTRON TANKER CORP., c/o Prudential S. S. Co., 17 State St., New York 4, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # ANCHOR S.S. CORP., c/o Overseas Naviga- tion Corp., 120 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # ARAPAHOE COMPANY, INC., 100 W. 10th St., Wilmington, Delaware SIU SIU SIU MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a w M M V c 8, H Licensed officer V u MM V i/S # INDEPENDENT TANK SHIPS, INC., c/o T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Marine Transport Lines, Room 2040, 111 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif. # INSULAR S. S. CORP., c/o Orion Shipping DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU & Trading Co . , 80 Broad St . , New York 4, N. Y. O INTERCONTINENTAL LIBERTIES, INC., 61 DC Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. # INTERCONTINENTAL S. S. CORP., c/o DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU Triton Shipping, Inc., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. O INTERCONTINENTAL TRANSP. CO., INC., 61 DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. # INTEROCEAN S. S. CORP., 311 California DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS St., San Francisco 4, Calif. A INTEROCEAN SS CO. , c/o North Atlantic DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU Marine Co., 60 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A ISBRANDTSEN S. S. CO., INC., 26 Broad- DC-T MMP BME ARA SOA NMU NMU NMU way, New York 4, N. Y. A ISTHMIAN LINES INC., 71 Broadway, New DC MMP BME ROU SIU SIU SIU York 6, N. Y. # JENNEY MFG. CO., 250 Boylston St., T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Newton, Mass. # JUPITER S. S. CORP., c/o Orion Ship- DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU ping & Trading, 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # K & C S. S. CORP., c/o Mar-Trade Corp., DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU 44 Whitehall St., New York 4, N. Y. # KEA S. S. CORP., Room 903, 17 State DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU St. , New York 4, N. Y. ▲ KEYSTONE SHIPPING CO., 1000 Walnut St., T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Philadelphia 7, Pa. O KEYSTONE TANKSHIP CORP., 1000 Walnut T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. A KINGSTON STEAMSHIP CORP., 60 Broadway, T MMP MEBA NMU NMU NMU New York, N. Y. O CHARLES KURZ & CO., 1000 Walnut St., T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Philadelphia 7, Pa. C KURZ MARINE, INC., c/o Keystone Ship- T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU ping Co., 1000 Walnut St., Phila. 7, Pa. 12 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued Owner and/or operator a o « 21 H Licensed officer u u Q c 1 Unlicensed crew members •S ao a W ■d O KURZ TANKERS INC., c/o Keystone Ship- ping Co., 1000 Walnut St., Phila. 7, Pa. A LIBERTY NAVIGATION & TRADING CO., INC., c/o J. H. Winchester & Co., Inc., 19 Rector St., New York 6, N. Y. O LOCUST TANKERS, INC., 611 Industrial Trust Bldg., 10th &. Shipley Streets, Wilmington 1, Delaware O LONG, QUINN & BOYLAN CO. , 21 West Street, New York, N. Y. A LUCKENBACH SS CO., INC., 100 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. A LUCKENBACH S. S. CO., 120 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. A LYKES BROS..S. S. CO., 821 Gravier St., New Orleans 12, La. O LYONS, JANE S., Coos Bay, Oregon # MAINE S. S. CORP., c/o Triton Shipping, Inc., 26 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. # MANNING BROS., c/o East Harbor Trad- ing, 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # MAR-ANCHA CORP., 99 Wall St., New York, N. Y. # MAR-TRADE CORP., 44 Whitehall St., New York 4, N. Y. O MARINE BULK CARRIERS, 60 Broadway, New York, New York A MARINE CARRIERS CORP., 25 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. MARINE CHEMICAL TRANSPORT CO., INC., c/o Marine Transport Lines, 11 Broad- way, New York 4, N. Y. # MARINE CORP., c/o Marine Transport Lines, Inc., 11 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. # MARINE INTERESTS CORP., c/o Marine Transport Lines, Inc., 11 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. A MARINE NAVIGATION CO., INC., 11 Broad- way, New York 4, N. Y. DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC MMP MMP MMP MEBA MEBA MEBA ARA ROU R0U NMU SIU SUP NMU SIU SUP NMU SIU SUP Vessels Chartered to Isbrandtsen. DC-T DC-T MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MEBA ARA MSO NMU NMU MEBA ARA NMU NMU MEBA ARA NMU NMU MEBA ARA NMU NMU MEBA ROU SIU SIU MEBA ROU SIU SIU MEBA ARA SIU SIU MEBA ROU SIU SIU MEBA ROU NMU NMU MEBA ROU NMU NMU MEBA ROU NMU NMU MEBA ROU NMU NMU MCS NMU NMU NMU NMU SIU SIU SIU SIU NMU NMU NMU NMU 13 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a _o C8 w 8. i >> H Licensed officer m o Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator u V a u .3 00 a w o 4) a V .a fifi e W ID -a u w CD A MARINE TRANSPORT LINES, INC., 11 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. DC-T MMP MEBA ROU S0A NMU NMU NMU # MARINER S. S. CO., 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, N J. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # MARIS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, c/o Ocean Freighting & Brokerage, 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # MARITIME OVERSEAS CORP., 61 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU A MARTIS S. S. CORP., c/o Mar-Trade Corp., 44 Whitehall St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU A MATHIASEN'S TANKER INDUSTRIES, INC., Public Ledger Bldg. , Philadelphia 6, Pa. T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU A MATSON NAVIGATION CO., 215 Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif. DC-P MMP MEBA ARA MS0 SUP MFOW MCS # MERCADOR TRADING CO., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU # MERCHANTS S. S. CORP., c/o Orion Ship- ping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU A METRO-PETROLEUM SHIPPING CO., INC., c/o Mar-Trade Corp., 44 Whitehall St., New York 4, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU # METRO S. S. CORP., 44 Whitehall St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU A MISSISSIPPI SHIPPING CO., 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., Box 316, New Orleans 9, La. DC-P MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU O MOHAWK EXPRESS, INC., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU A MOORE MCCORMACK LINES INC., (EAST), 5 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. DC-P-T MMP MEBA ARA SOA NMU NMU NMU A MOORE MCCORMACK LINES, INC., (PACIFIC REPUBLICS), 5 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. DC-^T MMP MEBA ARA MS0 SUP MFOW MCS # MORAN TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. Unite d Mari Marit nte Div ime Un ision ion— Lo of the cal 33 Natio 3 nal # MYSTIC S. S. DIVISION, Eastern Gas & Fuel, 250 Stuart St., Boston 10, Mass. DC-C MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU A NATIONAL BULK CARRIERS, INC., 380 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU 14 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a w Licensed officer Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator to 4) o it* M U V a u .9 a W 'i C/5 u 9 Q u .3 a H 4-1 t/3 # NATIONAL CARGO CARRIERS CORP., c/o DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU Orion Shipping & Trading, 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. O NATIONAL MARINE SERVICE, INC., 21 West T No Union Affiliation St. , New York 6, N. Y. # NATIONAL SHIPPING & TRADING COPR., 10 T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Columbus Circle, New York, N. Y. # NATIONAL TANKER CORP., Sieling & T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Jarvis, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. A NAUTILUS PETROLEUM CARRIERS, CORP., 24 T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU State St., New York 4, N. Y. # NAVIGATOR STEAMSHIP CORP., c/o Polarus DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Steamship Co . , 30 Broad St . , New York 4, N. Y. ▲ NEW ENGLAND INDUSTRIES, INC., 120 Wall DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU St., New York 5, N. Y. # NEW JERSEY INDUSTRIES, INC., 120 Wall MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU St., New York, N. Y. # R. A. NICOL & CO., INC., 17 Battery DC MMP MEBA ARA 'NMU NMU NMU Place, New York 4, N. Y. # NORTH AMERICAN TERMINAL S. S. CORP., DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU c/o Stockard S. S. Corp., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. # NORTHATLANTIC CARRIERS CORP., 24 State DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St., New York 4, N. Y. # NORTH ATLANTIC & GULF S. S. CO., 120 DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. # NORTH ATLANTIC MARINE CO., INC., 60 MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. # NORTHEASTERN S. S, CORP., c/o Orion DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Shipping & Trading Co. 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # NORTHERN TANKERS, INC., 2309 N. Lake T MMP MEBA IBU IBU IBU Ave., Seattle 3, Wash. # OCEAN CARRIERS, INC., 61 Broadway, MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU New York 4, N. Y. O OCEAN CLIPPERS, INC., 61 Broadway, DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU New York 6, N. Y. O OCEAN FREIGHTING & BROKERAGE CORP., DC-T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. 15 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued Owner and/ot operator ▲ OCEAN SHIPPING, INC., 52 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. A OCEAN TRAMP CARRIERS, INC., 52 Broad- way, New York 4, N. Y. O OCEAN TRAMP, INC., c/o Ocean Carriers Corp., 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO., INC., 61 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. # OCEANIC MARITIME CORP., c/o United Tanker Corp., 250 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y. O THE OCEANIC S. S. CO., c/o Matson Navigation, 215 Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif. '# OCEANIC WATERWAYS CORP., c/o Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # OCEANWAYS S. S. CORP., c/o Orion Ship- ping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. O OIL CARRIERS JOINT VENTURE, c/o Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. A OIL TRANSFER CORP., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. O OIL TRANSPORT, INC., c/o Joshua Hendy Corp. 612 S. Flower St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. ▲ OLSON & CO., OLIVER J. 121 N. San Mateo Drive, San Mateo, Calif. ▲ OLYMPIC S. S. CO., Pier 28, Seattle, Wash. ▲ OLYMPIC TRANSPORT, LTD. c/o Cargo Tankship Management Corp., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # OMEGA SHIPPING CO., c/o Boise Griffin 90 Broad St., New York, N. Y. A ORE NAVIGATION CORP., 25 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. A ORE TRANSPORT, INC., 1300 Leader Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio A ORION SHIPPING & TRADING CO. , 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC Licensed officer u V a MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP v | 6© a w MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA 1 dtf ROU ROU ROU ARA ARA ARA ARA ARA w to MSO Unlicensed crew members NMU NMU SIU SIU SUP NMU NMU SIU .a 60 a u NMU NMU SIU SIU MFOW NMU NMU SIU (A a & 41 NMU NMU SIU SIU MCS NMU NMU SIU United Marine Division of the National Maritime Union-Local 333 DC-T MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MEBA ARA SUP SUP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MEBA ARA MSO SUP MFOW MEBA ROU SIU SIU MEBA ROU SIU SIU MEBA ROU SIU SIU MEBA ROU SIU SIU MEBA ARA SIU SIU SUP MCS MCS SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU 16 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a a M u a. Lie ensed officer u u Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator 'o h u u a V 'So a W 1 as Mm 3 w u V Q u .3 3b c W t)5 # ORO NAVIGATION CO., 21 West St., New DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU York 4, N. Y. # OVERSEAS NAVIGATION CORP., 120 Wall DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St., New York, N. Y. A OWENS-PARKS LUMBER CO., INC., 2100 E. DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS 38 St., Los Angeles 11, Calif. O OZARK NAVIGATION CORP., Room 1901, 60 T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. # PACIFIC- ATLANTIC S. S. CO., QUAKER DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS LINE, c/o States S. S. Co., 262 Cali- fornia St., San Francisco, Calif. # PACIFIC CARGO CARRIERS CORP., c/o DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Orion Shipping & Trading Co., Room 500, 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. A PACIFIC FAR EAST LINE, INC., 141 DC MMP MEBA ARA MSO SUP MFOW MCS Battery St., San Francisco, Calif. O PACIFIC NAVIGATOR CORP. , 26 Broadway, DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS New York 4, N. Y. # PACIFIC RANGE S. S. CO., 21 West St., DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU New York, N. Y. # PACIFIC REPUBLICS, c/o Moore-McCormack DC MMP MEBA ARA MSO SUP MFOW MCS Lines, Inc., 5 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. U PACIFIC TANKERS, Div. of Joshua Hendy T MMP MEBA ROU SUP SUP SUP Corp., 612 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, Calif. # PACIFIC TRANSPORT LINES, INC., 262 DC MMP MEBA ARA MSO SUP MFOW MCS California St., San Francisco 11, Calif. A PACIFIC WATERWAYS CORP., 30 Broad St., DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU New York 4, N. Y. O PACIFIC WIND CORP., 26 Broadway, New DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU York, N. Y. O PACO TANKERS, INC., c/o Keystone Ship- T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU ping Co., 1000 Walnut St., Phila. 7, Pa. # PALMER SHIPPING CORP., 17 State St., DC-T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU New York 4, N. Y. # PAN AMERICAN S. S. CORP., Orion Ship- DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU ping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. O PANAGOPULOS, EUGENE, 80 Broad St., DC MMP MEBA 17 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a w W hi 8. kW Licensed officer u u VM O C/J Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator U u a u a 'So a W 'i pes M u V Q u .3 60 a U M p fcl # PAN-AMERICAN PETROLEUM & TRANSPORT CO., 122 E. 42 St., New York 17, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU ▲ PAN- ATLANTIC S. S. CORP., 61 St. Joseph St., Mobile 13, Ala. T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU PAN CARGO SHIPPING CORP., c/o National Shipping & Trading, 10 Columbus Circle, New York 19, N. Y. DC-T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # PANTRANSIT S. S. CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co . , 80 Broad St . , New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU A PANAMA CANAL CO., 24 State St., New York 4, N. Y. DC-P ARA NMU NMU NMU # PANOCEANIC S. S. CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU # PAROH S. S. CORP., c/o T. J. Stevenson, 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU PARAGON OIL CO., INC., c/o Circle Ship- ping Co., 2100 Hunters Point Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU O PEGOR S. S. CORP., c/o T. J.Stevenson, 26 Broadway, New York 14, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU ▲ PENINSULAR NAVIGATION CORP., c/o Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 17 Battery PI., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU O PENN NAVIGATION COMPANY, c/o Penn Ship- ping Co., 405 Park Ave., New York 22, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU A PENNTRANS COMPANY, 405 Park Ave., New York 22, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU ▲ PERMANENTE S. S. CORP., 1924 Broadway, Oakland 12, Calif. DC MMP MEBA ROU SUP MF0W MCS O PETROL SHIPPING CORP., c/o Mar-Trade Corp. 44 Whitehall St., New York 4, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU O PETROLEUM TANKERS, INC., c/o Sinclair Refining Co., 600 - Fifth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # PHILADELPHIA MARINE CORP., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU O PHILADELPHIA & NORTHERN SS CORP., French & Water Streets, Wilmington, Del. T No Co llecti ve Bar gainin g Agre ements. 18 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued Owner and/or operator Licensed officer a e w -a Unlicensed crew members .9 a w -a V O PHILADELPHIA TANKERS, INC., 260 S. Broad St., Philadelphia 1, Pa. # PHOENIX S. S. CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. PICO TANKERS CORP., c/o Union Oil Co. of Calif. Union Oil Bldg. , Los Angeles 17, Calif. O PIER SHIPPING CO., INC., 27 William St., New York 5, N. Y. A POCOHANTAS S. S. CO., Statler Bldg., Boston 16, Mass. # POLARUS S. S. CO., 30 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # PONCE CEMENT CORP., 21 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. A PONCE PRODUCTS, INC., 160 Third Ave., Miami, Fla., Also 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A POPE & TALBOT, INC., 100 Bush St., San Francisco 4, Calif. Also 19 Rector St., New York, N. Y. A PRUDENTIAL S. S. CORP., 17 State St., New York 4, N. Y. A PURE OIL CO., c/o Ocean Marine Dept. P. 0. Box 1046, Nederland, Texas # RADOCEAN TANKER CORP., c/o Radmar Trading Corp., 17 Battery PI., New York, N. Y. O RED HILLS CORP., c/o Southoil, Inc., 1721 Franklin St., Jacksonville, Fla. A RICHFIELD OIL CO., 555 S. Flower St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. O ROCKLAND S.S. CO., c/o North Atlantic Marine Co., 80 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. # WM. J. R0UNTREE CO., INC., 21 West St., New York 6, N. Y. A SABINE TRANSPORTATION CO., INC. Box 1500, Port Arthur, Texas # SEAFARER S. S. CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. 3 Tankers chartered to Atlantic Refining Co DC DC DC-T DC-T DC DC DC DC DC DC DC MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MEBA ARA MEBA R0U BME ARA MEBA ARA MEBA ARA MEBA R0U MEBA ROU MEBA ARA MEBA ARA MEBA ROU MEBA ROU MEBA ROU MEBA ARA MEBA ROU MSO Sabine Independent Officers Ass'n MMP MEBA ARA NMU SUP NMU NMU NMU SIU SIU SUP NMU NMU SIU NMU SUP SIU NMU NMU SUP NMU NMU NMU SIU SIU MF0W NMU NMU SIU NMU SUP SIU NMU NMU SUP NMU NMU NMU SIU SIU MCS NMU NMU SIU NMU SUP SIU NMU Sabine Independent Seamen's Ass'n NMU NMU NMU 19 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued Owner and/or operator o H Licensed officer Jxt .3 U ao V a a W Unlicensed crew members .S e w # SEAFORTH S. S. CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. A SEAS SHIPPING CO., INC., (ROBIN LINE), 39 Cortlandt St., New York, N. Y. # SEA TRADE CORP., 80 Broad St., New York, N. Y. ff SEATRADERS, INC., Room 429, 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. ▲ SEATRAIN LINES, INC., 15 Broad St., New York 5, N. Y. # SEA TRANSPORT CORP . , 250 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y. # SEVEN SEAS S. S. CORP., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. O SHEFFIELD TANKERS CORP . , c/o Marine Transport Lines, 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A SHEPARD S. S. CO., 31 Milk St., Boston, Mass. # SHIPENTER LINES, INC., 19 Rector St., New York, N. Y. # SHIPS & FREIGHTS, INC. c/o T. J. Stevenson Co., Inc. 80 Broad St., New York, N. Y. O SHIPS, INC., c/o Cities Service Oil Co., 70 Pine St., New York 5, N. Y. # SIELING & JARVIS, 42 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. A SINCLAIR REFINING CO., INC., (MARINE DEPT.), 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. # SMITH- JOHNSON S.S. CORP., Operators & Brokers, 56 Beaver St., New York 4, N. Y. O SKOURAS LINES, INC., 233 West 49th St., New York 19, N. Y. A SOCONY MOBIL OIL, CO., INC., 150 E 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. DC DC DC-T DC DC DC DC DC DC DC MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA Deepwater Officers ' Ass'n MMP MMP MMP MMP MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA Socony-Mo- bil Tanker Officers ' Ass'n ARA R0U ROU ROU ROU ARA ARA ROU ARA ROU ARA ROU ARA ARA ROU ARA ROU SOA NMU SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU NMU NMU SUP CIU SIU SIU NMU NMU SIU NMU NMU SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU NMU NMU MFOW SIU SIU SIU NMU NMU SIU NMU NMU SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU NMU NMU MCS SIU SIU SIU NMU NMU SIU NMU Socony-Mobil Tanker Men's Association 20 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued Owner and/or operator H Licensed officer u Q a W 1 Unlicensed crew members Q .3 e w 41 w 75 # SOUTH ATLANTIC NAVIGATION CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. § SOUTHERN CARGO CARRIERS CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. O SOUTHERN CHARTERING CO. , c/o Atlantic Refining Co., 260 S. Broad St.,Phila., Pa. # SOUTHERN SEAS S. S. CO., c/o U. S. Navigation Co., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. # SOUTHERN S. S. CO., P. O. Box 151, Wilmington 50, Del. ft SOUTHERN TRADING CO., P. 0. Box 151, Wilmington 50, Del. ft SOUTHPORT S. S. CORP., c/o Blidberg Rothchild Co., 80 Broad St., New York, N. Y. O SPERLING, HARRY & COMPANY, 26 Broadway New York 4, N. Y. ▲ SPRAGUE S. S. CO., 10 Post Office Square, Boston 9, Mass. ft STANDARD FRUIT & S. S. CO., 944 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans 2, La. O STANDARD OIL OF CALIF., 225 Bush St., San Francisco 20, Calif. O STANDARD SS CORP., ,601 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon ft STANOLIND MARINE TRANSPORT CO., c/o Pan-American Petroleum & Transp. Co., 122 E. 42 St., New York 17, N. Y. A STAPLES COAL CO., 80 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass. ft STARBOARD SHIPPING, INC., 11 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. ft STATE FUEL CO., OF BOSTON, c/o Mathiasen's Tanker Industries, 7th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. ft STATES CARGO CARRIERS CORP., Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC DC DC-T DC DC-C DC DC DC DC MMP MMP MEBA MEBA ARA ARA NMU NMU NMU NMU NMU NMU Atlantic Refining Operates Vessels, MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA Tankers Officers ' Ass ' n MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MMP MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA MEBA ARA NMU NMU ARA ARA SIU SIU ARA NMU NMU ARA NMU NMU ARA NMU NMU ARA NMU NMU ROU SUP SUP ARA SUP SUP ARA NMU NMU ARA NMU NMU ARA NMU NMU ROU SIU SIU ARA NMU NMU NMU SIU NMU NMU NMU NMU SUP SUP NMU NMU NMU SIU NMU 21 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a ••* Licensed officer Unlicensed crew members 14 Owner and/or operator I H U u a .a &0 a W o M-4 O C/5 u Q .9 60 a W in -a j3 Et u w 00 A STATES MARINE CORP., 90 Broad St., New DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU York 4, N. Y. A STATES MARINE CORP., OF DEL., c/o States DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Marine Corp., 90 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. ▲ STATES STEAMSHIP CO., 262 California DC MMP MEBA ARA MSO SUP MFOW MCS St., San Francisco 11, Calif. # STEELCRAFT S. S. CORP., 44 Whitehall DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St., New York 4, N. Y. A T. J. STEVENSON & CO. , INC., 80 Broad DC-T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St. , New York 4, N. Y. ▲ STOCKARD S. S. CORP., 17 Battery Place, DC-T MMP MEBA ARA SOA NMU NMU NMU New York 4, N. Y. # STONE S. S. CO., Orion Shipping & DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. O STONEWALL S. S. COMPANY, c/o Atlantic T Atlan- tic Rej Lining is the operator o. E this Refining Co., 260 S. Broad St., Phila Vi ;ssel . 1, Pa. # STRATFORD S. S. CORP., c/o Orion Ship- MMP MEBA ARA ping & Trading Co. 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # STRATHMORE SHIPPING CO., c/o Aegean DC MMP BME ROU SIU SIU SIU Shipping Co., Inc., 52 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. ▲ SUN OIL CO., 1608 Walnut St., Phila- T Sun M arine Sun M arine Em- delphia 3, Pa. Licei Offi Ass'i lsed sers ' l ploy ses ' A ss ' n # SUWANNEE S. S. COMPANY, 1010 Adams MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU St., Jacksonville 1, Florida A SWORD LINE, INC., 52 Wall St., New DC-T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU York 5, N. Y. ▲ TAK SHIPPING CORP., c/o Palmer Ship- DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU ping Co., 17 State St., New York 4, N. Y. # TANKERS CO., INC., 17 Battery Place, T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU New York 4, N. Y. O TANKER FOUR LAKES, INC., c/o T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU Mathiasen's Tanker Industries, Public Ledger Bldg. , Philadelphia, Pa. # TANKER SAG HARBOR CORP., c/o T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Mathiasen's Tanker Industries, Public Ledger Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa, 22 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continoed a o Licensed officer Unlicensed « crew members In V Owner and/or operator (A u u u a 'So a 1 2 J4 U V u .3 ojO a i H a W OS c/5 Q W i/5 O TANKERS AND TRAMPS, INC., c/o Cargo & T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Tankship Management Corp., 60 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. TENNANT, J. J., 206 Portland Trust DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon TERMINAL S. S. CO., INC., c/o A. L. DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Burbank & Co., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. # TERMINAL TANKER INDUSTRIES, c/o T MMP MEBA SIU SIU SIU Mathiasen's Tanker Industries, 7th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. O TERMINAL TRANSPORTATION CORP. , 250 Park T MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU Ave., New York 17, N. Y. A TERRACE NAVIGATION CORP., c/o James DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU W. Elwell &Co., Inc., 17 State St., New York 4, N. Y. # TEXAS CITY REFINING, INC., c/o MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Mathiasen's Tanker Industries, 7th & Chesnut Sts., Phila., Pa. ▲ TEXAS CO., 135 E. 42nd St., New York T Texas ; TKR Texas NMU NMU NMU 17, N. Y. Offic Ass' ;ers' n Radio Off. Ass 'n O THE CABINS TANKER, INC., Texas City T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Refining, Inc., Texas City, Texas # THREE OCEANS S. S. CORP., 80 Broad DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St., New York 4, N. Y. # TINI S. S. CO., U.S.A., Ltd., 21 West DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU St. , New York 4, N. Y. k TIDE WATER OIL CO., INC., 4201 Willshire T MMP MEBA ARA SUP SUP SUP Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. A TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL, 17 Battery T Tide \ 'ater ROU Tide 1 Yater ranker Place, New York 4, N. Y. Tanke i cers' Offi- Ass 'n Me) i' s As s'n O TIDEWAY STEAMSHIP CORP., c/o North T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Atlantic Marine Co., Inc., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. ▲ TRACY, CO., M. J., Broadway, New York C MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU 4, N. Y. O TRADERS S. S. CORP., Room 1400, 80 DC-T MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # TRAFALGAR S. S. CORP., c/o U. S. T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Petroleum Carriers, 29 Broadway, New 23 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a *j 08 M I 8, H Licensed officer to u V u VM Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator U V a V a 'So a W u V a .a 60 e W V) -a u 1/3 # TRAMP CARGO CARRIERS CORP., c/o Dover S. S. Co., Inc., 52 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU A TRAMP FREIGHTER CORP. , 17 Battery PI., New York 4, N. Y., DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU TRAMP SHIPPING & OIL TRANSPORTATION CO. , c/o Mar-Trade, Operator, 44 Whitehall St., New York 4, N. Y. DC-T MMP ARA NMU NMU NMU # TRANS-OCEANIC MARINE, INC., 39 East 51st St. , New York 22, N. Y. MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU TRANS-PACIFIC CO. , 1100 Provident Trust Bldg., 17th & Chestnut St., Phila. 3, Pa. MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS # TRANSAMERICAN S. S. CORP., 17 Battery PI., New York, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA # TRANSCAPE SHIPPING CO. , 30 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA SIU SIU SIU 4 TRANSFUEL CORP., 25 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU # TRANSNORTHERN SHIPPING CORP. , 30 Broad St. , New York, N. Y. MMP MEBA ARA # TRANSPACIFIC NAVIGATION CORP., c/o Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU O TRANSPORTATION UTILITIES, INC., 85 Liberty St., New York 6, N. Y. DC MEBA ROU O TRANSWESTERN ASSOCIATES, c/o Tak Ship- ping Corp., 30 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU ,NMU NMU # TRANSWORLD MARITIME CORP., c/o Seiling & Jarvis, 50 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU # TRIMOUNTAIN S. S. CO., c/o Bernuth Lembcke, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU A TRINIDAD CORP., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU # TRITON SHIPPING, INC., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU O TROPICANA PRODUCTS, Box 338, Bradenton, Florida DC MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU O UNION CARBIDE & CARBON CORP. , 30 East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU 24 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a w w 1/3 # WARREN MARITIME CORP., c/o Y. M. Cook T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Co., Houston 2, Tex. A WARREN PETROLEUM CORP. , Box 1589 T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU National Bank & Trust Bldg. , Tulsa 2, Oklahoma A WATERMAN S. S. CORP., 61 St. Joseph DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU St. , Mobile 13, Ala. # WESSEL, DUVAL &. CO., INC., 67 Broad DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU St., New York 4, N. Y. ▲ WEST COAST S. S. CO., 601 Board of DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS Trade Bldg., Portland 4, Oreg. O WESTERN HEMISPHERE CORP., c/o Tidewater T MMP MEBA ARA SUP SUP SUP Oil Co., 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. WESTERN OCEAN TRANSP. CO., c/o Union T MMP MEBA ARA SUP SUP SUP Oil Co., of Calif ., Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles Calif. # WESTERN TANKERS INC., 655 Madison Ave., T MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU New York 21, N. Y. ▲ WEYERHAEUSER S. S. CO., 21 State St., DC MMP MEBA ARA SUP MFOW MCS New York 4, N. Y. ; 141 Battery St., San Francisco, Calif. # WHITE RANGE S. S. CO., c/o Pan Range DC MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU Co., 21 West St., New York 6, N. Y. # WHITEHALL S. S. CORP., c/o T. J. DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Stevenson, 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. WHITEHEAD SS.CORP., 19 Rector St., New DC MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU York 6, N. Y. # WINCHESTER, J. H. & CO., 19 Rector St., MMP MEBA NMU NMU NMU New York 6, N. Y. ▲ WINCO TANKERS, INC., 580 5th Ave., T MMP MEBA ROU NMU NMU NMU New York 36, N. Y. # WINSHIP CORP . , 580 5th Ave . , New York MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU 36, N. Y. # WINDSOR NAVIGATION CO., INC., 580 5th T MMP MEBA ARA NMU NMU NMU Ave., New York 36, N. Y. A WORLD CARRIERS, INC., c/o World Tramp- MMP MEBA ROU SIU SIU SIU ing Agencies, 26 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. # WORLDWIDE TANKERS, INC., 233 West 49th T MMP MEBA ROU SUP SUP SUP St. , New York 19, N. Y. 26 MARITIME COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS-Continued a .0 u H & a. >> H Licensed officer u u 2 Unlicensed crew members Owner and/or operator u Q u "S3o a W u o Q u .9 60 e W 10 -o # YARMOUTH S. S. CO., c/o Orion Shipping & Trading Co., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. # ZENITH S. S. CO., INC., c/o Seatraders, Inc., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. DC MMP MMP MEBA MEBA ARA ROU NMU SIU NMU SIU NMU SIU part n GOVERNMENT AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH SEAFARING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Frederick H. Mueller, Secretary of Commerce John J. Allen, Jr., Under Secretary for Transportation Frederick C. Nash, General Counsel FEDERAL MARITIME BOARD Clarence G. Morse, Chairman Ben H. Guill, Vice Chairman Thomas E. Stakem James L. Pimper, Secretary MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Clarence G. Morse, Maritime Administrator Walter C. Ford, Deputy Maritime Administrator E. Robert Seaver, General Counsel Statistics and Special Studies Office Irwin M. Heine, Chief M. K. 0' Sullivan, Chief, Labor Data Branch FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION SERVICE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Joseph F. Finnegan, Director Robert H. Moore, Deputy Director Walter A. Maggiolo, Director of Mediation Activity Region Address New York 1, N. Y. 341 Ninth Avenue Philadelphia 7, Pa. 1015 Chestnut Street Atlanta 23, Ga. 50 Seventh St. NE. Cleveland 14, Ohio Public Square and Superior Chicago 4, 111. 220 South State Street St. Louis 1, Mo. 815 Olive Street San Francisco 11, Calif. 630 Sansome Street Director Frank H. Brown Robert W. Donnahoo William S. Pierce Nicholas M. Fillo Charles H. Alsip William F. White Arthur C. Viat (27) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON 25, D. C. James Paul Mitchell, Secretary of Labor Harold C. Nystrom, Acting Solicitor OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL LABOR AFFAIRS Arnold Zempel, Executive Director BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Robert C. Goodwin, Director BUREAU OF LABOR STANDARDS Arthur W. Motley, Director Frank Kuehl, Chief, Welfare and Pension Reports Division 29 NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Board Members Boyd Leedom, Chairman Philip Ray Rodgers Stephen S. Bean Joseph A. Jenkins John H. Fanning Address Boston 8, Mass. 24 School Street New York 22, N. Y. 745 Fifth Avenue Buffalo 2, N. Y. 68 Court Street Philadelphia 7, Pa. 1500 Bankers Security Bldg. Baltimore 1, Md. 104 W. Baltimore St. Detroit 26, Mich. 232 W. Grand River Cleveland 14, Ohio Ninth-Chester Bldg. Tampa 2, Fla. 112 East Cass Street Chicago 3, 111. 176 West Adams Street New Orleans 13, La. 2026 St. Charles Ave. Hous ton , Tex . 1 Main Street Seattle 1, Wash. 500 Union Street Portland 4, Oreg. 208 S. W. Fifth Ave. San Francisco 2, Calif. 830 Market Street Los Angeles 14, Calif. 849 South Broadway Frank M. Kleiler, Executive Secretary Stuart Rothman, General Counsel Regional Officers Director Bernard L. Alpert Ivan C. McLeod Merle D. Vincent, Jr. Bennet F. Schauffler John A. Penello Thomas Roumell Phillip Fusco Harold A. Boire Ross M. Madden John F. LeBus Clifford Potter Thomas P. Graham, Jr. Robert J. Weiner (Officer in Charge) Gerald A. Brown Ralph E. Kennedy Chief Law Officer Robert Greene Samuel Kaynard Thomas Ramsey Daniel P. Dooley David C. Sachs Wm. T. Little Carroll L. Martin Martin Sacks William J. Cavers Charles M. Paschal, Jr. Thomas W. Kennedy Patrick H. Walker Louis S. Penfield Daniel J. Harrington 30 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Arthur S. Flemming, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Parke M. Banta, General Counsel PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Dr. Leroy E. Burney, Surgeon General J. Stewart Hunter, Chief, Information Services SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION William L. Mitchell, Commissioner Victor Christgau, Director, Bureau of Old Age and Survivors' Insurance (Central Office, Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md.) DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Christian A. Herter, Secretary of State Loftus Becker, Legal Adviser OFFICE OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS Laurence C. Vass, Director Robert T. Merrill, Chief, Shipping Division OFFICE OF SPECIAL CONSULAR SERVICES Allyn C. Donaldson, Director Joseph Bandoni, Chief, Seamen Affairs Section 31 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Robert Bernerd Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury Nelson P. Rose, General Counsel COAST GUARD Headquarters Vice Admiral Alfred C. Richmond, The Commandant Rear Admiral Henry T. Jewell, Chief, Office of Merchant Marine Saftey Captain R. Y. Edwards, Chief, Office of Merchant Vessel Personnel Portland 3, Maine P. 0. Box 108 Pearl Street Station Boston 9, Mass. 1400 Custom House Providence 3, R. I. 409 Federal Bldg. New London, Conn. 302 Post Office Bldg. Albany 1, N. Y. 313 Federal Bldg. New York 4, N. Y. 650 Custom House Philadelphia 6, Pa. 801 Custom House 2nd & Chestnut Sts. Baltimore 2, Md. 209 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Norfolk 1, Va. Box 540, U. S. Post Office & Court House Wilmington, N. C. Custom House Wharf Charleston 3, S. C. 32 U. S. Custom House Savannah 12, Ga. 205 Custom House Jacksonville 1, Fla. 210 Federal Bldg. Miami 32, Fla. 150 S. E. 3rd Avenue Marine Inspection Offices San Juan, P. R. 302 Federal Bldg. (P. 0. Box 3666) Tampa 2, Fla. 406 Federal Bldg. Mobile 9, Ala. 563 Federal Bldg. New Orleans 16, La. 328 Custom House Port Arthur, Tex. General Delivery Houston 11, Tex. 7300 Wingate Street Galveston, Tex. 232 Custom House Corpus Christi, Tex. 101 Federal Bldg. San Diego 1, Calif. 12-A, North Ramp, Broadway Pier Long Beach 2, Calif. 706 Times Bldg. San Francisco 26, Calif, 630 Sansome Street Portland 4, Oreg. 208 S. W. 5th Avenue Seattle 4, Wash. 618 2nd Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii P. 0. Box 4010 Guam Navy 926, F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif. Ketchikan, Alaska P. 0. Box 1719 Juneau, Alaska P. 0. Box 2631 Oswego, N. Y. 205 Federal Bldg. Buffalo 3, N. Y. 440 Federal Bldg. Cleveland 13, Ohio Main Post Office Bldg. West 3rd & Prospect Sts. Toledo 4, Ohio 501 Huron Street Detroit 26, Mich 430 Federal Bldg. Ludington, Mich National Bank Bldg. Chicago 17, 111. 10101 S. Ewing Avenue Milwaukee 2, Wis. 511A Federal Bldg. St. Ignace, Mich. Municipal Bldg. Duluth 2, Minn. 311 Federal Bldg. 32 SEAFARING UNIONS ARA AMERICAN RADIO ASSOCIATION (AFL-CIO) 5 Beekman St., New York 7, N. Y. Phone: Cortlandt 7-6397 President: W. R. Steinberg Secretary-Treasurer: Bernard L. Smith ROU RADIO OFFICERS' UNION OF THE COM- MERCIAL TELEGRAPHERS UNION (AFL-CIO) General Chairman: Andrew McDonald 20 East Lexington St., Baltimore, Md. Phone : Plaza 2-6319 BME BROTHERHOOD OF MARINE ENGINEERS (AFL-CIO) 675 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn 32, N. Y. Phone: Sterling 8-4671 President : Wilbur Dickey Secretary-Treasurer : Charles King BMO BROTHERHOOD OF MARINE OFFICERS Local 13212 — United Mine Workers of America, District 50 95 River St., Hoboken, N. J. Phone: Oldfield 9-2015 President: Capt. Harold B. Wilder Secretary -Treasurer : Edward J. Farr CROA CARIBBEAN RADIO OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 80 Federal Street Boston 10, Mass. Phone: Hubbard 2-9700 President: Cecil E. Williams IBU INLAND BOATMEN'S UNION OF THE PACIFIC Pier 53, Seattle 4, Wash. Phone: Main 3-5117 President: Capt. John M. Fox 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone : Lackawanna 4-0268 Secretary-Treasurer: Joseph Glynn SIU SEAFARERS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA (AFL-CIO) 450 Harrison St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Phone: Douglas 2-8363 President: Paul Hall 675 4th Ave., Brooklyn 32, N. Y. Secretary-Treasurer : John Hawk Atlantic and Gulf District 674 4th Ave., Brooklyn 32, N. Y. Phone: Sterling 8-4671 Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Hall Great Lakes District 1038 3rd St., Detroit 26, Mich. Phone: Woodward 1-6857 Secretary-Treasurer: Fred J. Farnen MEBA MARINE ENGINEERS BENEFICIAL ASSOCIA- TION, NATIONAL (AFL-CIO) 711 14th St. NW., Washington, D. C. Phone: Sterling 3-2924 President: H. L. Daggett Secretary-Treasurer: A. F. Labarge MMP MASTERS, MATES, AND PILOTS OF AMERI- CA, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION (AFL-CIO) 711 14th St. NW., Washington, D. C. Phone: Sterling 3-0910 President: Capt. Robert Durkin Secretary-Treasurer: Capt. John Bishop NMU NATIONAL MARITIME UNION OF AMERICA (AFL-CIO) 346 W. 17th St., New York 11, N. Y. Phone: Chelsea 3-8770 President: Joseph Curran Secretary-Treasurer: Steve Federoff Pacific District MFOW MARINE FIREMEN, OILERS, WIPERS, AND WATERTENDERS UNION 240 Second St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Phone: Douglas 2-4592 President: S. E. Bennett Vice President: Jack Hatton MCS MARINE COOKS AND STEWARDS UNION 350 Fremont St., San Francisco, Calif Phone: Exbrook 7-5600 Secretary-Treasurer : Ed Turner SUP SAILORS UNION OF THE PACIFIC 450 Harrison St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Phone: Douglas 2-8363 Secretary-Treasurer: Morris Weisberger 33 SOA STAFF OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (AFL-CIO) 114 Liberty St., New York 6, N. Y. Phone: Barclay 7-4377 President: Henry Moreno Secretary-Treasurer: Burt Lanpher MSO MARINE STAFF OFFICERS, OFFICE AND ALLIED PERSONNEL (AFL-CIO) 68 Post St., San Francisco 4, Calif. Phone: Yukon 2-6855 Secretary-Treasurer: George F. Anderson UMD UNITED MARINE DIVISION, NATIONAL MARITIME UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL 333 107 Washington St., New York 4, N. Y. Phone: Bowling Green 9-7151 President: Joseph O'Hare Secretary-Treasurer: Willard Quick INDEPENDENT LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Atlantic Maritime Officers' Associa- tion Atlantic Maritime Employees Associa- tion 360 S. Broad St. , Philadelphia 1, Pa. Sun Marine Licensed Of ficers 'Associa- tion Sun Marine Employees Association 1608 Walnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. Tankers Officers' Association 225 Bush Street San Francisco 20, Calif. Tanker Association (Independent) 53 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Adviser: John J. Collins Member Associations Deepwater Officers' Association Esso Radio Officers ' Association Esso Staff Officers' Association Jersey Standard Tanker Officers' Association Socony-Mobil Tanker Men's Association Socony-Mobil Tanker Officers' Association Texas Tanker Officers' Associa- tion Texas Radio Officers' Associa- tion Tidewater Tanker Officers' Asso- ciation Tidewater Tanker Men's Associa- tion 34 SHIPOWNER ASSOCIATIONS American Merchant Marine Insitute, Inc., 11 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. President: Ralph E. Casey WASHINGTON OFFICE: 919 18th St. NW. , Washington 6, D. C. Vice President in Charge: Alvin Shapiro Association of American Ship Owners 76 Beaver St., New York 11, N. Y. President: George W. Morgan Pacific American Steamship Association 16 California Street, San Francisco 11, Calif. President: Ralph B. Dewey WASHINGTON OFFICE: 1625 K Street NW., Washington 6, D. C. Washington Vice President: J. Monroe Sullivan American Tramp Ship Owners' Association 11 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. President: James B. Stuart Executive Sec: Sidney Starbuck Pacific American Tankship Association Standard Oil Bldg., 25 California St., San Francisco, Calif, Sec. Treasurer: A. E. Benson Committee of American Steamship Lines 1000 Connecticut Ave. NW., Washington 6, D. C. Chairman: George Kill ion Pacific Maritime Associaton 16 California St., San Francisco 11, Calif, President: J. Paul St. Sure 35 PART III OWNERS OF UNITED STATES FLAG OCEANGOING CARGO TANKERS AND PASSENGER SHIPS, 1,000 GROSS TONS AND OVER (DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-OWNERS OPERATING SHIPS REGISTERED UNDER U. S. FLAG), AS OF JANUARY 1, 1959 Number of ships owned Company Dry cargo Passenger Tankers AEOLIAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 1 President: Riccardo San Venero ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC 9 President: D. E. Skinner ALCOA STEAMSHIP CO. , INC 13 President: W. C. White AMERICAN BANNER LINES, INC President: Arnold Bernstein AMERICAN MAIL LINE, LTD President: A. R. Lintner AMERICAN TRADING & PRODUCTION CORPORATION. President: Jacob Blaustein AMERICAN UNION TRANSPORTATION, INC. President: E. Holzer AMERICAN WATERWAYS CORPORATION. . , President: Thomas A. Spears ARROW STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC President: Michel Fribourg ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY, THE , President: Henderson Supplee, Jr. BAYVIEW SS. CORPORATION. BEAUREGARD, INC AMERICAN COAL SHIPPING CO. , INC 1 President: William C. Brewer AMERICAN EXPORT LINES, INC 20 Vice Presidents: L.S. Andrews and W.H. McConnell AMERICAN OIL COMPANY President: L. W. Moore AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD 20 President: George L. Killion ASPIN SS. CO. , INC 1 President: Jakob Isbrandtsen ATLANTIC CARRIERS, INC 1 ATLANTIC OCEAN TRANSPORT CORPORATION 1 President: T. W. Cullen BERNUTH LEMBCKE COMPANY, INC 2 President: O. M. Bernuth BETHLEHEM STEEL CORPORATION 21 President: Arthur B. Homer BIACKSHIPS, INC 11 Secretary: Richard O. Duff 36 Number of ships owned Company Dry cargo Passenger Tankers BLIDBERG ROTHCHILD COMPANY 1 President: Sylvester E. Rothchild BLOOMFIELD STEAMSHIP COMPANY 4 President: B. M. Bloomfield BROAD TANKERS CORPORATION President: David R. Grace BULK CARRIERS CORPORATION 1 President: T. J. Stevenson, Jr BULL, A. H. STEAMSHIP COMPANY 15 President: W. C. Brewer BURBANK, A . L. & COMPANY, LTD 1 President: Peter Burbank COASTWISE LINE 1 President: Robert Setrakian DIESEL TANKER A. C. DODGE, INC President: Francis S. Bushey DOLPHIN STEAMSHIP CORP. OF DELAWARE 1 DORIC SHIPPING & TRADING 1 CALIFORNIA TANKER COMPANY 3 President: G. E. Lindley CARGO SHIPS AND TANKERS, INC 2 CARRAS, J. M. INC 1 President: J. M. Carras CENTRAL GULF STEAMSHIP CORP .' 2 President: Niels F. Johnson CHAMBERLIN, W. R. & COMPANY 1 President: J. J. Tennant CHEMICAL TRANSPORTER, INC 1 President: Henry A. Gilbert CITIES SERVICE OIL COMPANY 10 President: E. L. Stauffacher CLARK STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 1 COASTAL SHIP CORPORATION 5 COLONIAL STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 3 President: Constantine P. Goulandris COMMERCE TANKER COMPANY, INC 1 Vice President: Joseph Oppe COMMERCE TANKER CORPORATION 2 COMPASS SS CORPORATION 1 DE LAPPE, W. A. CO., INC 1 DELSHIPS, INC 2 DENTON STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 1 President: S. H. Wang Company EAGLE CARRIERS, INC President: H. C. Lenfest EASTERN GAS & FUEL ASSOCIATES President: E. H. Bird EASTERN MARITIME CORPORATION EASTERN TANKSHIP CORPORATION President: M. A. Mathiasen EDISON STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: A. Sideratus EFFORT S. S. CORPORATION ELAM SHIPPING CORPORATION President: T. A. Margaronis ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY President: William Naden EPIPHANY TANKERS CORPORATION President: J«hn E. Panoras FAIRFIELD STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: S. H. Wang FALMOUTH STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: James B. Stuart FARRELL LINES, INC President: John J. Farrell FIGUEROA TANKER CORPORATION President: Th»mas F. Troxell FIRST TANKER CORPORATION President: D. J. Smith FLYING ENDEAVOR, INC FLYING FISH, INC FLYING GULL, INC FLYING HAWK, INC GLOBE TANKERS, INC President: K. F. Murchison GRACE LINES, INC President: J. Peter Grace GRAINFLEET, INC President: Raymond Arar GREENPOINT TANKERS, INC President: H. L. Schwartz GULF OIL CORPORATION President: W. K. Whitef»rd GULF & SOUTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO., INC, President: Lewis Laphan 37 Number of ships owned Dry cargo Passenger Tankers l 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 1 1 1 14 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 22 13 1 1 15 5 38 Number of ships owned Company Dry cargo Passenger Tankers HARCON STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC 1 President: L. C. Burns HERALD SS. CORPORATION 1 HERON STEAMSHIP COMPANY 1 HESS TANKSHIPS COMPANY 6 Vice President: Leon Hess HILLICONE STEAMSHIP COMPANY President: J. J. Coney INTERCONTINENTAL LIBERTIES, INC 2 INTERCONTINENTAL TRANSPORTATION CO. , INC 2 President: Raphael Recanti INTER-OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO 1 ISBRANDSTEN COMPANY 10 President: Jakob Isbrandtsen ISTHMIAN LINES, INC 24 President: A. E. King MARINE NAVIGATION COMPANY, INC Vice Presidents: C. Bosak and H. J. Maass MARTIS STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President and Director: Anthony G. Couloucoundis KEYSTONE SHIPPING COMPANY 3 President: Charles Kurz KEYSTONE TANKSHIP CORPORATION 9 President: J. C. Kail KINGSTON STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 1 President: Stanley S. Unger KURZ & COMPANY, INC. , CHARLES 8 President: Charles Kurz KURZ TANKERS, INC 1 KURZ MARINE, INC 1 LIBERTY NAVIGATION & TRADING CO. , INC 2 President: Miguel J. Ossorio LOCUST TANKERS , INC 1 LONG QUINN & BOYLAN CO 5 LUCKENBACK STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC 16 President: James Sinclair LYKES BROS. STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC 45 President: S. B. Turman LYONS, JANES 1 MARINE BULK CARRIERS 1 MARINE CARRIERS CORP 1 MARINE CHEMICAL TRANSPORT COMPANY, INC 1 President: H. J. Maass 39 Company MATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY President: R. Sevier METRO PETROLEUM SHIPPING COMPANY President: T. J. Mitruw MISSISSIPPI SHIPPING COMPANY, INC President: H. X. Kelly MOHAWK EXPRESS, INC MOORE MCCORMACK LINES, INC President: William T. Moore NATIONAL BULK CARRIERS, INC President: D. K. Ludwig NATIONAL MARINE SERVICE, INC President: Davis A. Wright NAUTILUS PETROLEUM CARRIERS CORP NEW ENGLAND INDUSTRIES, INC President: Jacob Michael OCEAN CLIPPERS, INC OCEAN FREIGHTING & BROKERAGE CORP President: Kenneth H. Stevenson OCEAN SHIPPING, INC President: Constantine Pr«ios OCEAN TRAMP INC OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, INC President: Herman Merkin OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC President: Randolph Sevier OIL CARRIERS JOINT VENTURE OIL TRANSFER CORPORATION President: H. A. Gilbert OIL TRANSPORT, INC OLSON, OLIVER J. & COMPANY President: E. Whitney 01s»n OLYMPIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY OLYMPIC TRANSPORT ORE TRANSPORT, INC President: Joseph H. Thompson OWENS- PARK LUMBER COMPANY, INC President: C. R. Melin OZARK NAVIGATION CORP PACIFIC FAR EAST LINES, INC President: T. E. Cuffe PACIFIC NAVIGATOR CORPORATION Number of ships owned Dry cargo Passenger Tankers 20 11 38 li l l 12 40 Number of ships owned Company PACIFIC WATERWAYS CORPORATION President: Howard M. Pack PACIFIC WIND CORPORATION PACO TANKERS, INC President: Chas. Kurz PANAGOPULOS, EUGENE PANAMA CANAL COMPANY President: W. E. Potter PAN ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP CORPORATION. . . President: M. P. McLean PAN CARGO SHIPPING CORPORATION President: Thos. A. Spears PARAGON OIL CO. , INC President: H. L. Schwartz PEGOR SS. CORPORATION PENN NAVIGATION COMPANY PENINSULAR NAVIGATION CORPORATION President: Joseph S. Someck PENNTRANS COMPANY President: Nicolas M. Salgo PERMANENTE STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: Henry J. Kaiser PETROL SHIPPING CORPORATION PETROLEUM TANKERS, INC PHILADELPHIA & NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. PHILADELPHIA TANKERS, INC President: H. G. Schad PICO TANKERS CORPORATION President: Thomas F. Troxell PIER SHIPPING COMPANY, INC POCAHONTAS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC.... President: H. R. Hawthorne PONCE PRODUCTS , INC President: Jose A. Ferre POPE & TALBOT, INC President: George A. Pope, Jr. PRUDENTIAL STEAMSHIP CORP President: E. D. Hardaloupas PURE OIL COMPANY, THE President: R. L. Milligan RED HILLS CORPORATION President: Gordon Duke RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION President: Charles S. Jones Dry cargo l Passenger Tankers 41 Company ROCKLAND SS. CORPORATION SABINE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, INC.. President: M. T. Ball SEATRAIN LINES, INC President: John L. Weller SHEFFIELD TANKERS CORPORATION SHEPARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY President: T. H. Shepard SHIPS INCORPORATED President: B. S. Watson SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY President: T. B. Kimball SKOURAS LINES, INC President: Spyros S. Skouras SOCONY MOBIL OIL COMPANY, INC President: Albert L. Nickerson SOUTHERN CHARTERING COMPANY President: Milton C. Jackson SPERLING, HARRY SPRAGUE STEAMSHIP COMPANY President: Horace B. Holland STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. . President: T. S. Peterson STANDARD STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: Calvin N. Souther STAPLES COAL COMPANY President: John Worchester STATES MARINE CORPORATION President: C. S. Walsh STATES MARINE CORPORATION OF DEL President: C. S. Walsh STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY President: J. R. Dant STEVENSON & COMPANY, T. J President: T. J. Stevenson STOCKARD STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: L. N. Stockard STONEWALL STEAMSHIP COMPANY SUN OIL COMPANY President: Robert G. Dunlop SWORD LINE, INC President: E. A. Hires TAK SHIPPING CORPORATION President : Joseph Kahn Number of ships owned Dry cargo Passenger Tankers l 12 13 15 15 1 18 42 Number of ships owned Company TANKER "FOUR LAKES , " INC President: F. F. Sweeton TANKERS & TRAMPS CORPORATION President: Manuel E. Kulukundis TENNANT, J. J. & COMPANY President: John J. Tennant TERMINAL STEAM SHIP COMPANY President: Nathan H. Schine TERMINAL TRANSPORT CORPORATION President: H. C. Lenfest TERRACE NAVIGATION CORP. President: David W. Swanson THE CABINS TANKER, INC President: F. F. Sweeton THE TEXAS COMPANY President: James W. Foley TIDEWATER OIL COMPANY, INC President: George Getty II TIDEWAY STEAMSHIP CORPORATION TRACY, M & J, INC President: William J. Tracy TRADERS STEAMSHIP CORP President Nicholas A. Georgantas TRAMP SHIPPING & OIL TRANSPORTATION CORP TRANSFUEL CORP President: Harold E. Van der Linde TRANS-PACIFIC COMPANY TRANSPORTATION UTILITIES, INC President: Harry N. Moore TRANSWESTERN ASSOCIATES TRINIDAD CORPORATION President: J. H. Durbin TROPICANA PRODUCTS, INC President Anthony T. Rossi UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION President: Howard S. Bunn UNITED FRUIT STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: Kenneth H. Redmond UNITED MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC President: Kenneth H. Redmond UNITED STATES LINES COMPANY President: J. M. Franklin UNITED VINTNERS LINE, INC President: Louis Petri Dry cargo Passenger Tankers l 13 53 24 43 Number of ships owned Company UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO , Treasurer: J. Parker Hall VERITAS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC.... Vice President: D. Dritsas VICTORY CARRIERS, INCORPORATED President: Granville Conway WALNUT TANKERS, INC , WARREN PETROLEUM CORPORATION President: J. E. Allison WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: J. K. McLean WATERMAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION President: J. K. McLean WESTERN HEMISPHERE CORPORATION. . . , President: M. A. Mathiasen WESTERN OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. . , President: Hugh Jay Jacks WEST COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY President: Calvin N. Souther WEYERHAEUSER STEAMSHIP COMPANY President: Donald Watson WHITEHEAD STEAMSHIP CORPORATION. . . President: S. G. Fassoulis WINCO TANKERS, INC , President: John C. Hodges WORLD CARRIERS, INC Dry cargo Passenger Tankers 1 27