SOU\R HEATING AND COOLING OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS DESIGN OF SYSTEMS 1980 EDITION 4i ENERGY EFFICIENCY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic Development Administration * i ♦ ♦ ♦ * SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS DESIGN OF SYSTEMS 1980 EDITION Prepared by SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY i<2X •?. / U.S. Department of Commerce Philip M. Klutznick, Secretary Luther H. Hodges, Jr., Deputy Secretary Robert T. Hall , Assistant Secretary for Economic Development SEPTEMBER 1980 NOTICE This manual was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States nor any agency thereof, nor their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party's use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this manual, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 FOREWORD "Solar Heating and Cooling of Residential Buildings," a two-volume manual, was developed with technical assistance funding from the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The Solar Energy Applications Laboratory of Colorado State University prepared the materials. Since its publication in 1977, the first edition has provided practical information for architects, mechanical engineers, contractors and tech- nicians concerned with the steady rise of energy costs. Wide acceptance of the manual marks a contribution by EDA toward nationwide efforts to help conserve America's hard pressed energy resources. The present edition of both volumes — "Design of Systems" and "Sizing, Installation and Operation of Systems" — updates the first edition. New material reflects recent research and practical experience in the fast-growing field of solar energy — a form of energy that can contrib- ute substantially to the reduction of fuel imports, lead to increased production of housing, and create opportunities for expanded employment. (JU» 3 tA+JUL. Robert T. Hall Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation PREFACE This manual was prepared primarily for use in conducting a practical training course on the design of solar heating and cooling systems for residential and small office buildings, but may also be useful as a general reference text. The content level is appropriate for persons with different and varied backgrounds, although it is as- sumed that readers possess a basic understanding of heating, ventilat- ing, and air-conditioning systems of conventional (non-solar) types. This edition is a revision of the manual with the same title, first printed and distributed by the U. S. Government Printing Office in October 1977. The manual has been reorganized, new material has been added, and outdated information has been deleted. If this manual is used for a practical level training course, there should be need for a minimum of supplementary material to conduct the course. The content level has been carefully evaluated and tested to be appropriate for practitioners in the building industry, such as con- tractors, engineers, and architects. Only active solar systems are described in this manual. Other text-books and workshop manuals are available for passive designs. Liquid and air-heating solar systems for combined space and service water heating or service water heating only are included in this manual. Furthermore, only systems with proven experience are discussed to any extent. The training course curriculum and this manual for Design of Systems for space and water heating were developed by the staff of the Solar Energy Applications Laboratory and vocational education specialists at Colorado State University in cooperation with the NAHB Research Foundation. A national advisory committee selected from vari- ous sectors of the home-building industry, university sources, private practice, and government, was established to provide advice and general guidance to the CSU project staff. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The original manual was prepared by the following staff members of the Solar Energy Applications Laboratory at Colorado State University: C. Byron Winn, Susumu Karaki , George 0. G. Lof, Gearold Johnson, Dan S. Ward, William S. Duff, and Sanford B. Thayer. Ivan E. Valentine and Milton E. Larson are the vocational education specialists at Colorado State University who participated in the program, and Ralph J. Johnson and H. W. Anderson of the NAHB Research Foundation provided expert advice regarding home building practices. The present edition was revised and rewritten by Susumu Karaki and George Lof. Development of the training course and preparation of the original manual were made possible by a matching grant from the Economic Develop- ment Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, with Colorado State University providing the matching funds. Financial assistance was also received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for video-taping lectures during early trial presentations. Financial assistance for preparing this revised manual was received from the Solar Heating and Cooling Research and Development Branch, Office of Conservation and Solar Applications, U. S. Department of Energy. Vincent Rice was the project monitor. Special appreciation is expressed to Diana Rose and Wendy Asa for their diligence and perseverance in typing and preparing the manuscript. Their patience and service are truly appreciated. CONTENTS OF MANUAL MODULE 1 COURSE OUTLINE MODULE 2 INTRODUCTION TO SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS MODULE 3 SOLAR RADIATION MODULE 4 SOLAR COLLECTORS MODULE 5 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ANALYSES MODULE 6 SYSTEM SIZING AND APPROXIMATE METHODS FOR ESTIMATING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE MODULE 7 COMPONENTS OF LIQUID SYSTEMS MODULE 8 COMPONENTS OF AIR SYSTEMS MODULE 9 DOMESTIC HOT WATER SYSTEMS MODULE 10 SOLAR SYSTEMS FOR SPACE HEATING MODULE 11 DESIGN PROCEDURES MODULE 12 ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS MODULE 13 OTHER ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS MODULE 14 INSTALLATION OF SOLAR SYSTEMS MODULE 15 OPERATIONAL CHECK-OUT MODULE 16 FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR COOLING MODULE 17 FUTURE PROSPECTS FOR SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 1 COURSE OUTLINE SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 1-i TABLE OF CONTENTS OBJECTIVES 1-1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 COURSE SCHEDULE 1-2 COURSE CONTENT 1-4 1-1 OBJECTIVES The training course is designed to develop the capability of each trainee to design solar heating and cooling systems for small buildings used as residences and offices. Specific objectives of the course are to develop capabilities of trainees to: 1. Identify different types of solar systems and their components. 2. Differentiate between experimental and proven systems. 3. Design solar systems for heating space and service water. 4. Calculate expected system performance of a specified solar heating system. 5. Recognize installation procedures and problems. 6. Measure and evaluate system performance. 7. Recognize maintenance requirements. 8. Explain system operation to system owners. INTRODUCTION The Solar Energy Applications Laboratory at Colorado State University prepared this manual to be used in conjunction with a train - ing course on the practical aspects of designing solar systems for space and service water heating. In determining curriculum content, a rigor- ous procedure was followed to (1) develop course standards, (2) estab- lish needs of contractors, engineers and architects to design and in- stall solar systems, (3) delineate objectives for the course and (4) develop the curricular materials. The manual is modularized for 1-2 flexibility in conducting the course and it is not essential (although preferable) to follow the modules in numerical order. So that the order of the modules can be rearranged, and so that the material may be conveniently used as a reference manual, there is some repetition and duplication. For example, components of liquid and air systems are covered not only in Modules 7 and 8 but also in the sections on heating systems (Modules 2 and 10). When the manual is used as a course textbook, these duplications may be employed as review material or they may be passed over. At Colorado State University the training course is conducted in five consecutive days, but the period of presentation may be varied to suit the needs at a particular location. Evening hours may be utilized during which one or more modules can be presented and discussed, or a shorter period than five days may be chosen and some material may be deleted. Each module has stated objectives, and examinations may be given to determine achievement levels of the trainees. COURSE SCHEDULE A course arrangement suitable for a five-day period is suggested on the following page. The modules are arranged, first to introduce trainees to fundamental concepts of solar systems and components, and then provide an approximate method of sizing systems. This is followed by a more detailed discussion of components and a detailed method of system design. After methods to estimate performance are discussed, economic issues are addressed. Installation concerns and system per- formance measurement procedures conclude the course. 1-3 >- O OL LL. in c — s- C 01 •i- o E C o o o ' — c o «* T- .-< +J (0 LU <— _l r— 33 IB Q 4-> O l/) z: c c E o ro < LU OC CO MODULE 16 (60 min) Fundamentals of Solar Cooling COURSE EVALUATION (30 min) z a: 33 o ^3 < >- < Q 00 cc 33 JZ I— — 3 c CO •!- •>- ^ E E o a> o o .c i in IO O 1 r-H LO 10 1 Ss r-< e I &. O 1 o LU t- +-> _l +-> 10 33 ro s- Q S- O O CU .o s: ql ro o _l C E o IO 3; u z 33 _l C in >> o ■— cm ro ^H C — '< CM O r-H 't— E LU O _1 c Z3 O Q w cri lu OJ — in a> >, OO > i— r-i -r- ro +-> c lu ro =t —1 c =3 S- o ai o +J s: ■— ■a: z CC 33 O Q =1 c in •i- ■(-> E o cu O Q- t- IO in 0) > — O c s- c r-. o_ O Ol LU i. —1 3 33 +J Q 3 O U- >- ■=£ Q OO LU Z Q Lul 3 oo ui c aj 3 ••: +-> oo E ro z 3 <£.—» O m c i 10 +-> E OS -r- | -O 0) El 3C +J 00 1 Cn 1/1 Z O 1 O >, Ot») 1 LU -i- O0 1-1 _l 4-> 1— 33 in 00 □ OJ LU O E 33 z: o o- a c s o CO LU cc CO i/> E ^~. OJ C +J •i- in E >> oo o Oi en ~-- c O +-> «— t ro OJ LU 31 _l z> s- O ro o .— s: o oo c E o IO a: o z =J _J — o c .c •1- +J E OJ s: o CM C ,-n en m t— I OJ .-I Q LU T3 —J cu 13 r- Q •<- o ro s: +-> cu a c E o oo i^ =t LU ct ca T3 0J 3 C +j C ■— o c - < O OO LU 3) 1— 00 Ol a: tj tj LU -—CO 3 C <0 .C 00 -r- +J Z E en ai E 1 -^-r- +J oo i oo ro Z O 1 IO E Oil 1 E •!- >-i^^ LU 0) X 1— — 1 ■!-> O oo 33 in J- LU Q >, O. 33 o oo a. o- s: «t c E o CO :*: LU oc ca at 3 C +■>. — c c O T" O E o LU _J 33 a o £ c 'e o IO X o z ZJ _l -o C 3 •r- cr E-r- _l O in CM l(- E i-H O QJ --' +J in m r~- +J >, c oo LU OJ —1 c =3 O Q CL 2 E S O c E o oo LU a: CO c ■•- ■- <. E 1- o o m oi E - — in a; +J 4-> CO c m ai >, LU C OO —1 o 33 O- C3 E o o sz o Z or 33 O ■-3 Q ■a: >- < Q Z o s: ro c c o in •r- Ol •!- OO E EC E OJ •.- o +J o •— i op u n-p i io >> --^ 3 1 -^ClO O 1 o i— i i cm -r- en 01 1 +-> c LU in 1 LU O •!- —IS- — 1 3 +-> 33 3 D-D «! a o a o ai O <_> Oi-I z: s: +j c c E o ro LU a: ca c c •<- O E--- +J O (0 en -r- ^_--o IO oo ce LU S_ _J ro 33 r— Q o o oo sz c E o IO DC o z Z3 _l C in ■1- i. E O +J o o CM OJ f— 1 1 — O «* o LU S_ _J ro 33 i— CI o O 00 ■si c E o oo < LU ce CO CO -— » c C •!- e'o o o <_> en in -_-T3 -O c ro lo ro o _i lu en —1 c 33 •■- C3 -!-> o ro s: cu 3T z C£ 33 O ■"3 Q >- o z 33 oo i. 3 c o O 1— — ■I- c +-> QJ -r- ro m E S- 3 4-> O O m 3: co 5) s---- aj ro CC i— O oo in s- c a; en c T- c w •i- OJ Q C3 T3 S- c c ro -i- ro r- e o C OO LO o «a- •i- 0J-— - •!-> > CL •!- 0J in LJ in OJ ro cc a. 01 E o oo 00 o o o o o CO O I— 1 o o OJ o o o o oo o oo oo >* C3 o in O 00 LO o o o o oo o i — en 1-4 COURSE CONTENT TOUR OF SOLAR HOUSES A pre-course tour of solar houses is provided to give trainees an opportunity to see different types of systems and different styles of solar homes. The duration of the tour is about three hours. MODULE 1 - COURSE OUTLINE The objectives of the course are discussed, and course schedule is presented. The purpose is to outline clearly to participants what is expected in the course. MODULE 2 - INTRODUCTION TO SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS This module presents the types of solar systems covered in this manual and training course. Because of the varied backgrounds expected of trainees, this introductory module is used to establish a common foundation for all trainees in the course. MODULE 3 - SOLAR RADIATION A procedure to calculate solar radiation on tilted collectors is the principal content of the module. It is also important to understand the variability of the energy source. MODULE 4 - SOLAR COLLECTORS The basic principles of flat-plate solar collectors are discussed in this module. Parameters which characterize collector performance are explained and factors which affect efficiency are discussed. Differ- ences between air and liquid-type collectors are explained. 1-5 MODULE 5 - HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ANALYSES For sizing furnaces, boilers, and air-conditioners for building space conditioning systems it is advisable to make heating and cooling load calculations. To design economical solar systems, such calcula- tions are essential. Simple procedures for heating and cooling load analyses are described in the module. MO DULE 6 - SYSTEM SIZING AND APPROXIMATE METHODS FOR ESTIMATING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Collector areas are selected arbitrarily or based upon economic criteria. Component sizes are based on collector area and simple rules. These design rules are presented and approximate methods to estimate system performance are described. MODULE 7 - COMPONENTS OF LIQUID SYSTEMS Components for air and liquid systems are basically different although their functions are similar. Storage heat exchangers, controls and pumps for liquid systems are discussed in this module. MODULE 8 - COMPONENTS OF AIR SYSTEMS Thermal energy storage, controls and blowers for air systems are described in this module. MODULE 9 - DOMESTIC HOT WATER SYSTEMS Different types of service water heating systems are described, operating characteristics are explained and a simple sizing procedure is presented. 1-6 MODULE 10 - SOLAR SYSTEMS FOR SPACE HEATING Detailed operating characteristics of solar heating systems are described in this module. MODULE 11 - DESIGN PROCEDURES The f-chart method for estimating system performance is the detailed design method that is generally used. The procedure is flex- ible in that components of different sizes may be included in the sys- tem, but application is limited to specified types of solar systems. MODULE 12 - ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS Procedures for calculating life-cycle costs of solar and conventional heating systems are presented. Various factors pertinent to the analysis are also explained. MODULE 13 - OTHER ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS Since life-cycle costing involves many assumptions, more simple approaches in determining economic viability of solar systems are ex- plained in this module. MODULE 14 - INSTALLATION OF SOLAR SYSTEMS Designers of solar systems should be generally aware of preferred installation procedures and problems which may arise during installa- tion. Through understanding of installation problems, designs can be made to minimize installation costs. 1-7 M ODULE 15 - OPERATIONAL CHECK-OUT All systems must be checked after installation to determine that the system operates properly. Items of concern and procedures for orderly inspection and testing are described. MODULE 16 - FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR COOLING Various solar cooling alternatives are described in this module. Absorption cooling systems, Rankine-cycle systems and desiccant cooling are described. MODULE 17 - FUTURE PROSPECTS FOR SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS Components of systems that are under development with prospects for future use are discussed. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 2 INTRODUCTION TO SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 2-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Page 2-iii OBJECTIVES .... INTRODUCTION .... SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS LIQUID-HEATING SOLAR SYSTEMS . A BASIC SYSTEM . DRAIN-BACK SYSTEM . DUAL-LIQUID SYSTEM . NEED FOR AUXILIARY HEATING METHODS OF HEAT DELIVERY . SERVICE WATER HEATING LIQUID SYSTEM COMPONENTS . Solar Collectors for Liquid Heating Thermal Storage Units AIR-HEATING SOLAR SYSTEMS A BASIC SYSTEM . SYSTEM OPERATION SERVICE WATER HEATING SYSTEM COMPONENTS . Solar Collectors for Air Heating Heat Storage in Air Systems AUXILIARY HEATERS 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-11 2-12 2-12 2-13 2-15 2-16 2-16 2-16 2-19 2-ii HYDRONIC SYSTEMS .... 2-19 AIR FURNACES 2-20 HEAT DISTRIBUTION 2-21 AUTOMATIC CONTROLS 2-21 SOLAR COOLING 2-23 2- \ i i LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 Schematic Diagram of a Simplified Liquid Type Solar Heating System ........ 2-2 2-2 Drain-Down System for Solar Collection and Storage. 2-4 2-3 Solar Collection in Non-Freezing Liquid and Heat Exchange with Water Storage ..... 2-4 2-4 Schematic Arrangement of a Solar Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Subsystem 2-6 2-5 Typical Liquid-Heating Collector with Tubular Liquid Passages ......... 2-8 2-6 Liquid-Heating Collector with Flow Between Metal Plates 2-8 2-7 Corning Glass Company Evacuated Tube Collector . 2-10 2-8 Schematic of the Owens-Illinois Evacuated Tube Solar Collector 2-10 2-9 Schematic Diagram of an Air-Heating Solar System (Simplified) 2-13 2-10 Air-Heating Solar System 2-14 2-11 Air Collector with Ducts Beneath Absorber and Internal Manifolds ....... 2-17 2-12 Air Collector with Perforated Absorber Plate . . 2-17 2-13 Pebble Bed Heat Storage Unit 2-18 2-14 Typical Use of Auxiliary in Liquid (Hydronic) Distribution System ....... 2-19 2-15 Solar Heat from Liquid System to Warm Air Distribution System ....... 2-20 2-16 Typical Controls for a Liquid-Heating Solar System. 2-22 2-17 Solar Heating and Cooling System .... 2-24 2-1 OBJECTIVES At the end of this module, the trainee should be able to: 1. Identify the principal characteristics of solar heating and cooling systems. 2. Describe the basic functions of key components of solar heating and cooling systems. 3. Recognize the advantages and limitations of different designs of components and systems. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this module is to provide a brief introduction to the types of solar heating and cooling systems that are available and in current use, and to explain the basic functions of the systems and their key components. Methods of solar heat collection, storage, and control are outlined, and the use of these components in complete systems with auxiliary heat supply is described. SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS A solar heating and/or cooling system can be defined as any system which utilizes solar energy to heat and/or cool a building, although a distinction is usually made between "active" and "passive" types. In contrast with architectural features which permit direct solar entry into the building, active systems require special equipment for collect- ing solar energy in liquid or air, storing heat, and distributing heat 2-2 to the rooms. They can be integrated directly into conventional HVAC systems in buildings with provisions for controlled collection and distribution of solar and auxiliary heat. Heat may be collected in a liquid, usually water, or in a gas, always air, for transport to storage or use. Both types are important and extensively used. LIQUID-HEATING SOLAR SYSTEMS A BASIC SYSTEM Figure 2-1 is a simplified schematic drawing of a liquid-heating solar system, representative of those widely available today. The key components are a solar collector, a tank for heat storage in hot water, an auxiliary furnace, and a system for delivering heat to the building. Many solar heating systems also include a heat exchanger for transfer- ring heat from a non-freezing collector fluid to water storage. <5 SOLAR THERMAL STORAGE UNIT (WATER TANK) AUXILIARY HEATER (FURNACE OR BOILER) HEAT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM <& AUXILIARY BOILER HOT WATER TO HEATING LOAD ENERGY INPUT <3- (GAS, ELECTRICITY, etc.) RETURN \ PUMP Figure 2-14. Typical Use of Auxiliary in Liquid (Hydronic) Distribution System 2-20 AIR FURNACES If the building is provided with a warm-air heating system, and if solar heat is supplied from either liquid or air collectors, an air furnace is usually used for auxiliary heat. Figure 2-10 shows auxiliary use in all-air systems, and Figure 2-15 shows a liquid-to-air heat ex- changer and warm-air auxiliary furnace in a solar liquid system. Electricity or any type of fuel may be supplied to the furnace. Aux- iliary heat may also be provided by a heat pump. Although the auxiliary heater is usually called upon to supply only part of the total space heating demand, there will be occasions when no solar heat is available from the collector or storage. Full design capacity must therefore be provided so that comfort can be maintained without solar supply during the coldest weather. WARM AIR TO ROOMS WARM AIR FURNACE SOLAR THERMAL STORAGE TANK ^> A/WVi VVsAAJ FUEL OR ELECTRICITY HEAT TRANSFER COIL RETURN AIR FROM ROOMS Figure 2-15. Solar Heat from Liquid System to Warm Air Distribution System 2-21 HEAT DISTRIBUTION In "hydremic" systems, hot water can be piped from storage or auxiliary boiler to coils imbedded in floors or ceilings (radiant heating) or to "radiators", fan-coil units, or baseboard strip heaters in individual rooms. The operating temperature of most baseboard hot water heaters is about 180°F, which is too high for use with typical solar systems. But if additional heating surface is provided, as for example, with double rows of baseboard tubes, lower temperatures may be usefully employed, and solar-heated water can be supplied at suitable temperatures. Forced warm air distribution is commonly used with all types of solar heating systems. In liquid collection and storage systems, hot water from the solar storage tank is pumped to a heating coil (finned- tube exchanger) as illustrated in Figure 2-15, and circulating air is heated as it passes through the coil. Figure 2-10 shows that in all-air systems, warm air from collector or storage is delivered through conven- tional distribution ducts via the auxiliary furnace in which additional heat is supplied if needed. AUTOMATIC CONTROLS To control the temperature in a conventionally heated home, the homeowner needs only to set a thermostat. The same is true in a house with a well-designed solar heating system. However, controls for solar heating and cooling are more complex than in a conventional system, because they must operate collector and storage pumps and blowers, 2-22 automatic valves and dampers, as well as the conventional equipment. To illustrate the principles, a schematic diagram of a control assembly for a liquid-heating solar system for space and domestic water is shown in Figure 2-16. Pressure ♦ Relief Valve STORAGE TANK DIFFERENTIAL THERMOSTAT PUMP NO. 5jT COLD WATER V -^ ^iL SUPPLY / / V f DIFFERENTIAL THERMOSTAT^ ^XJPUMP NO. 3 HEAT TO ROOMS VALVE i PUMP NO. 4 PRE- HEAT TANK ^ S4 HOT WATER HEATER _ SERVICE HOT WATER *S3 IS COMBINATION TEMPERATURE SENSOR AND 2 -STAGE THERMOSTAT Figure 2-16. Typical Controls for a Liquid-Heating Solar System In nearly all solar heating systems, a differential thermostat senses the difference in temperature between collector outlet and stor- age. When this difference is more than a preset number of degrees, the circulating pumps are operated and solar heat is stored. A pressure relief valve protects the system from excessive pressure which might otherwise develop if there is circulation failure during a sunny period. 2-23 Supply of heat to a building is usually controlled by a two-stage thermostat, the normal setting actuating pumps and fans which circulate solar heated air or water to the rooms. If the room temperature con- tinues to drop, a second (lower temperature) contact point in the ther- mostat actuates the supply of fuel or electricity to the auxiliary heater. Preheating of service water is controlled by a differential thermostat which senses the difference in temperature between the solar storage tank and the preheat tank. At a difference of more than a few degrees, circulation pumps are operated and heat is transferred from the main storage to the preheat tank. A "high set" thermostat (limit con- trol) may be used to prevent too high a temperature in the preheat tank by interrupting power to the circulation pumps. Numerous controllers for solar space heating systems are commercially available, and many varieties of control circuits and methods are being used. Design of control systems requires directions from the manufacturers of the control components and experience in their proper integration and adjustment. SOLAR COOLING There are several possible methods for cooling with solar energy. These include absorption refrigeration (lithium bromide-water and ammonia-water systems), Rankine-cycle vapor-compression, and desiccant- evaporative cooler combinations. Only the lithium-bromide absorption type is commercially available, and its operation with solar heat has been almost entirely in experimental installations. Although not solar 2-24 operated, heat pumps are sometimes used in solar heating systems for auxiliary heat supply and for conventional cooling with electric power. An absorption cooling system in which solar-heated water is the energy source is illustrated in Figure 2-17. Solar cooling by this and other methods is complex and expensive, so it is currently in an experimental status. Cooling machines that can be operated with hot water at 160°F to 200°F are commercially available in sizes from 3 tons to over 25 tons of cooling capacity. Chilled water, at 40°F to 45°F, is produced and supplied to one or more fan-coil units in the air circuit. Air is cooled, dehumidified, and distributed to the rooms. Heat is rejected from the system in cooling water which is recirculated through a cooling tower. SOLAR STORAGE TANK AIR I COOLING TOWER «G- ABSORP- TION CHILLEFl AUXILIARY BOILER t I AIR TO ROOMS - 5 A \ I 5 i > 7 t Time of Day Figure 3-5. Hourly Record of Total Solar Radiation on a Horizontal Surface on Clear Days in Fort Collins, Colorado (Data from Solar House I) 3-7 REGIONAL VARIATIONS To emphasize regional variations of solar radiation, the monthly average daily solar radiation at selected cities in the United States is listed in Table 3-1 for four months which represent the four seasons of the year. The variations are due to different latitudes as well as to weather conditions. Table 3-1 Monthly variations in Energy on a Horizontal Surface for Selected Cities in the United States [Btu/(ft 2 -day)] City Latitude December March June September Chicago, IL 41° 354 838 1690 1155 i Tucson, AZ 32° 07' 1172 1993 2601 2122 Washington, DC 38° 51' 632 1255 2081 1446 ! Miami, FL 25° 47' 1292 1829 1992 1647 Fairbanks, AK 64° 49' 66 860 1971 700 Los Angeles, CA 34° 03' 912 1641 2259 1892 , SOLAR RADIATION DATA FOR DESIGN PURPOSES DIMENSIONS AND CONVERSION FACTORS FOR ENERGY AND POWER The intensity of solar radiation is expressed in several different dimensions. In this manual, British Thermal Units (Btu), foot, and hour are used, but other dimensions may be encountered. Thus, the relation- ships between units are given in Table 3-2 and conversion factors are listed in Table 3-3. 3-8 Table 3-2 Energy and Power Units Abbreviation Unit Energy Density Btu/ft 2 kJ/m 2 Langley (cal/cm 2 ) British Thermal Units per square ft Kilojoules per square meter Calories per square centimeter Power Btu/(ft 2 -hr) kJ/(m 2 -hr) Langley/min W/m 2 British Thermal Units per square ft per hour Kilojoules per square meter per hour Calories per square centimeter per minute Watts per square meter Table 3-3 Conversion Factors for Energy and Power To Convert into Btu/ft 2 To Convert into Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) Multiply By Multiply By Langleys 3.69 Langleys/min 221 kJ/m 2 . 088 kJ/m 2 -hr .088 W/m 2 . 316 3-9 HORIZONTAL RADIATION DATA The principal source of solar radiation data for the United States is the National Weather Service Climatic Data Center at Asheville, North Carolina. Presently there are 86 stations throughout the United States and West Indies that are recording total radiation on a horizontal surface. At five stations the direct component is also measured. Of the 86 stations, 67 have their data processed for daily total only, and hourly data are processed at 19 stations. The estimated errors in the recorded data range from ± 5 percent to ± 30 percent, as reported by Jessup (Ref. 1). Monthly average daily total radiation on horizontal surfaces (from Ref. 2) for 81 locations in the United States and Canada is listed in Table A3-2 of the Appendix. Using these data, maps showing the monthly average daily radiation on a horizontal surface for each month of the year were drawn by the National Weather Service. The maps, printed in the Climatic Atlas of the United States, are reproduced in Figures A3-1 through A3-12 for the months of January through December respectively. The radiation units on the maps are Langleys per day and should be multiplied by the conversion factor, 3.69, to change the units to Btu/(ft 2 -day). RADIATION ON TILTED SURFACES When designing solar systems, it is advantageous to tilt the collectors to be perpendicular to the sun's rays. The increased amounts of solar radiation intercepted by a collector that is tilted, compared to the same collector in a horizontal position, are illustrated in Figure 3-6. When the collector is perpendicular to the incoming radia- tion, the additional energy intercepted is a maximum as seen in Figure 3-10 3-6(B). For any other angle, less solar energy is intercepted as seen in Figure 3-6(C). A collector which follows the sun across the sky so that the rays are always perpendicular to the surface intercepts the maximum amount of energy during the day. However, for many types of collectors, tracking is not practical, and is particularly unsuitable for residential solar heating systems. An alternative arrangement to a tracking collector is a collector array at a fixed tilt to intercept the maximum amount of radiation during a selected period of time, say September through May for a space heating system or during the entire year for a domestic water-heating system. I H , RADIATION INTERCEPTED BY A HORIZONTAL COLLECTOR I H , ADDITIONAL RADIATION INTERCEPTED BY A TILTED COLLECTOR 1 (A) COLLECTOR TILT ANGLE 0° (B) COLLECTOR TILT ANGLE 45° (Q COLLECTOR TILT ANGLE 75° Figure 3-6. Effect of Tilted Surface on Energy Intercepted To maximize solar energy collection during the heating season, the plane of the collector should be tilted at an angle greater than lati- tude. The reason is illustrated in Figure 3-7. The declination of the 3-11 sun, which is the angle between the plane of the equator and the sun at solar noon, 6, varies from zero degrees on September 21 and March 21, to -23° 45' on December 21 and +23° 45' on June 21, as shown in Figure 3-7(a). Thus a collector tilt, s, which is greater than the latitude angle, 0, is more nearly perpendicular to the solar rays from September through March as illustrated in Figure 3-7(b). To maximize summer collection, the collector should be tilted at an angle less than lati- tude, and if collection is desired throughout the year, a tilt angle nearly equal to the latitude is appropriate. The exact tilt angle for a given location will depend on climatic conditions, but a general rule is to tilt the collectors at latitude plus 15 degrees for a space heating system and at the latitude angle for a domestic water heating system. June 2 September 21 March 21 December 21 sr 23° 45 Horizonta Latitude Angle,

>?>>/>WWV^& ^TT^^^^^^^mr Monthly Average Daily Total Radiation on a Horizontal Surface Diffuse Collector Diffuse Collector , s Tilt An gle Monthly Average Daily Total Radiation on a Tilted Surface K. = R Terrestrial Extraterrestrial Tilted Horizontal _±H_ Figure 3-9. Solar Radiation on Horizontal and Tilted Surfaces 3-14 I T = R • I H (3-1) where I,, is determined from Table A3-2 or radiation maps of Figures A3-1 through A3-12 R is calculated from Equation (3-2), or interpolated from Tables A3-3 through A3-7, or read from graphs of Figures A3-13 through A3-40. r = (1 - L) R d + L (32SOS-S) + p (!£§§-!) (3-2) where s is collector tilt in degrees p is ground reflectance. A value of 0.25 may be representative for green grass, 0.2 for old concrete and crushed rock, and 0.1 for bituminous parking lot surface — is determined from Equation (3-3), and T H R . is determined from Equation (3-5). —■ = 1.3903-4.0273 K t + 5.532 K t 2 - 3.100 K t 3 , ... (3-3) and K. = -P- (3-4) T o 3-15 cos ((|>-s) cos 6 sin u) ' + uj" sin ( sin 6 in which, uj ' is the smaller value of [uj or cos (tan(4>-s) tanS)] uj " is uj ' expressed in radians s s r <)) is latitude angle, degrees s is collector tilt angle, degrees 8 is declination estimated from Equation (3-6), degrees uj is sunset hour angle calculated by Equation (3-7), degrees uj * is sunset hour angle expressed in radians 5 = 23.45 sin [360(^~)] (3.6) in which, n is the day of the year counted from January 1 uj = cos (-tan <\> tan5) (3-7) The calculation of the radiation on a tilted surface, Ij, by Equations (3-2) through (3-7) can be time consuming (and confusing), so it is more convenient to use a table of R values and even more conveni- ent to read R values from graphs. Because the value of R depends on many variables, R values not listed in Tables A3-3 through A3-7 must be interpolated from the tabular values (for different K.), latitude, collector tilt, and month of year. Interpolation of R values is some- what easier with the graphs of Figures A3-13 through A3-40. Values of K. for 81 cities are listed for each month in Table A3-2, and for loca- tions that are not listed, estimates need to be made, either from near- by locations or by reading the solar radiation maps for I H and the 3-16 appropriate value of I from Table A3-1 and solving Equation (3-4). The extraterrestrial radiation may also be calculated from Equation (3-8) ! o = h J T ^c^ ' 033 cos ( Hr )] [cos ♦ cos 6 sin ^s + o w 3?q sin (f) sin 6] dt (3-8) EXAMPLE PROBLEMS EXAMPLE PROBLEM 1 Determine the average daily radiation for the month of January on a collector surface that is tilted at an angle of 51 degrees in Las Vegas, Nevada. Solution Step 1. From Table A3-2 Read: L = 1035.8 Btu/(ft 2 -day) R t = 0.654 Latitude = 36° 05' N Tilt = Latitude + 15° Step 2. From Table A3-6 (for K. = 0.6), and tilt = latitude + 15°, Read: Latitude 35° R = 1.76 Latitude 40° R = 2.02 Step 3. Calculate for Latitude 36° 05' (36.08°) R = ( 2 -^33 76 ) x (36.08-35) + 1.76 = 1.82 3-17 Step 4. From Table A3-7 (for K. = 0.7), and tilt = latitude + 15 ( Read: Latitude 35° R = 1.86 Latitude 40° R = 2.15 Step 5. Calculate for Latitude 36° 05' R = ( 2 -^qI^ 86 ) x (36.08-35) + 1.86 = 1.92 Step 6. Calculate for R t = 0.654 R = ( 1 q 92 "^ 2 ) x (0.654-0.6) + 1.82 = 1.87 Step 7. I T = R • I H = 1.87 x 1035.8 = 1937 Btu/(ft 2 -day) ANSWER Alternate Solution to Problem 1 Step 1. From Table A3-2 Read: I H = 1035.8 Btu/(ft 2 -day) K t = 0.654 Latitude = 36° 05' N Step 2. Calculate Latitude - tilt = 36° - 51° = -15° or, Tilt = Latitude + 15° Step 3. From Figure A3-29 (Latitude 35°, Tilt 50°) Read for K t =0.654, R = 1.81 Step 4. From Figure A3-30 (Latitude 40°, Tilt 55°) Read for K t =0.654, R = 2.09 Step 5. Interpolate for latitude = 36° 05" (36.08°) R = ( 2 'll~-l' b 81 ) x (36.08-35) + 1.81 = 1.87 (compare with Step 6, previous solution, 1.87) Step 6. L = R • L = 1.87 x 1035.8 = 1937 Btu/(ft 2 -day) ANSWER 3-18 EXAMPLE PROBLEM 2 Determine the average daily radiation for the month of January on a collector surface that is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees for a solar heating system in Kansas City, Missouri. Solution Step 1. In Table A3-2 note that Kansas City, MO is not listed. Step 2. Find from Figure A3-1 I H = 190 Langleys/day = 190 x 3.69 = 701 Btu/(ft 2 -day) Latitude = 39.5° Step 3. Calculate K. From Table A3-1 Latitude 35° I = 1590 Btu/(ft 2 -day) Latitude 40° I = 1324 Btu/(ft 2 -day) Interpolate for Latitude 39.5° I Q = ( 13 4qI35 9 ° ) * (39.5-40) + 1324 = 1351 Btu/(ft 2 -day) h = =~ = 1351 = °- 519 - o Step 4. Calculate (latitude - tilt) Latitude - tilt = (39.5 - 45) = -5.5° or, Tilt = Latitude +5.5° Step 5. From Figure A3-29 (for latitude 35°, tilt = latitude + 15°) Read: for R t =0.519, R = 1.67 From Figure A3-30 (for latitude 40°, tilt = latitude + 15°) for K t = 0.519, R = 1.92 3-19 Interpolate for latitude 39.5° R = C 1 '^"^ 67 ) x (3.95-35) + 1.67 = 1.90 Step 6. From Figure A3-22 (for latitude 35°, tilt = latitude) Read: for L = 0.519, R = 1.57 From Figure A3-23 (for latitude 40°, tilt = latitude) for K t = 0.519, R = 1.79 Interpolate for latitude 39.5° R = &lll\s 57 ) x (39.5-35) + 1.57 = 1.77 o Step 7. Interpolate for collector tilt = latitude + 5.5 R = ( 1,9 °5o' 77 ) x (5.5°) + 1.77 = 1.82 Step 8. Calculate Ij I T = r • i H = (1.82)(701) = 1276 Btu/(ft 2 -day) ANSWER Alternate Solution to Problem 2 Step 1. Find from Figure A3-1 I H = 190 Langleys/day = 190 x 3.69 = 701 Btu/(ft 2 -day) Latitude = 39.5° Step 2. Calculate K. From Table A3-1: Latitude 35° I = 1590 Btu/(ft 2 -day) Latitude 40° I = 1324 Btu/(ft 2 -day) Interpolate for Latitude 39.5 o I = ( 15 40-35 24 ) x (40-39-5) + 1324 = 1351 Btu/(ft 2 -day) R t = f=l35l = - 519 3-20 Step 3. Calculate R from Equations (3-2) through (3-7) Use p = 0.2; n = 15; s = 45° Result R = 1.83 (compare with 1.82 from previous method) Step 4. Calculate Ij I T = 1.83 x 701 = 1283 Btu/(ft 2 -day) ANSWER. 3-21 REFERENCES 1. Jessup, E:, "A Brief History of the Solar Radiation Program", Report and Recommendations of the Solar Energy Data Workshop, November 29-30, 1973. Report No. NSF-RANN-74-062, NOAA, September 1974. 2. Liu, B. Y. H. , and Jordan, R. C. , (1977), "Availability of Solar Energy for Flat-Plate Solar Heat Collectors", Chapter V, Applica- tions of Solar Energy for Heating and Cooling of Buildings. ASHRAE GRP 170 edited by Jordan and Liu, ASHRAE, Inc., New York, New York. 3. Klein, S. A., Beckman, W. A., and Duffie, J. A., "A Design Procedure for Solar Heating Systems". Presented by International Solar Energy Society Meeting, Los Angeles, California, July/August 1975. 4. Liu, B. Y. H. , and Jordan, R. C. , (1963) "A Rational Procedure for Predicting a Long-Term Average Performance of Flat-Plate Collec- tors", Solar Energy , Volume 7, No. 2. 5. Liu, B. Y. H. , and Jordan, R. C, (1960) "The Interrelationship and Characteristic Distribution of Direct, Diffuse, and Total Solar Radiation." Solar Energy , Volume 4, No. 3, pp. 1-19. 6. Duffie, J. A., and Beckman, W. A., (1974) Solar Energy Thermal Processes , John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York. 7. National Bureau of Standards, Intermediate Minimum Property Standards for Solar Heating and Domestic Hot Water Systems. Report No. NBSIR 77-1226, March 1977. A3-1 APPENDIX A3-2 Table A3-1 I , Monthly Average Daily Extraterrestrial Radiation on a Horizontal Surface Btu/(ft 2 -day) Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 20 2349 2671 3019! 3301 i 3421 3445 3423 3332 3106 2763 2421 2246 25 2103 2474 2891 3266 3463 3524 3485 3329 3013 2588 2192 1995 30 1851 2260 2740 3206 3482 3581 3526 3303 2877 2395 1950 1735 35 1590 2030 2570 3124 3479 3619 3546 3254 2759 2184 1698 1468 40 1324 1788 2380 3019 3454 3637 3545 3183 2600 1950 1438 1194 45 1056 1535 2172 2892 3409 3636 3525 3090 2421 1720 1174 931 50 719 1275 1948 2746 3346 3621 3489 2979 2225 1470 910 669 55 535 1011 1769 2582 3209 3596 3441 2856 2012 1212 651 422 60 299 747 1459 2403 3185 3571 3389 2709 1784 950 405 200 A3-3 Table A3-2 Radiation and Other Data for 81 Locations in the United States* Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ALASKA Annette Is hi 236.2 Lat,55°02'N K t 0.427 El. 110 ft t a 35.8 Barrow Tu 13.3 Lat. 71'20'N K t El. 22 ft t a -13.2 Bethel Tj 14 2' 4 Lat. 60°47'N K t 0.536 El. 125 ft t a 9.2 Fairbanks Tj 66 Lat. 64°49'N K t 0.639 El. 436 ft t a -7.0 Hatanuska Tu 119.2 Lat. 6T30'N K t 0.513 El. 180 ft t a 13.9 ALBERTA Edmonton Tu 331.7 Lat53"35'N 1CV 0.529 El. 2219 ft t a 10.4 ARKANSAS Little Rock T^ 704.4 Lat. 34°44'N Kt 0.424 El. 265 ft t a 44.6 ARIZONA Phoenix T^ 1126.6 Lat. 33°26'N K t 0.65 El. 1112 ft t a 54.2 Tucson Jh 1171.9 Lat32°07'N K t 0.648 El. 2556 ft t a 53.7 CALIFORNIA Davis hi 599.2 Lat. 38°33'N K t 0.416 El. 51 ft t a 47.6 Fresno T^ 712.9 Lat. 36°46'N K t 0.462 El. 331 ft t a 47.3 Inyokern Tu 1148.7 Lat. 35°39'N K t 0.716 El. 2440 ft t a 47.3 Los Angeles, (WBO) Ih 911.8 Lat. 34°03'N K t 0.538 El. 99 ft t a 57.9 Los Angeles, (WBAS) ~U\ 930.6 Lat. 33°56'N K t 0.547 El. 99 ft t a 56.2 Riverside Tj 999.6 Lat. 33°57'N K t 0.589 El. 1020 ft t a 55.3 Santa Marl a Tu gs3 8 Lat. 34°54'N K t 0.595 El. 238 ft t a 54.1 COLORADO Grand Junction Tu, 848 Lat. 39°07'N K t 0.597 El. 4849 ft t 26.9 a Grand Lake Tu 735 Lat. 40°15'N K t 0.541 El. 8389 ft t a 18.5 428.4 0.415 37.5 883.4 0.492 39.7 1357.2 0.507 x4.4 1634.7 0.484 51.0 1638.7 0.441 56.2 1632.1 0.454 58.6 1269.4 0.427 59.8 962 0.449 54.8 454.6 0.347 48.2 220.3 0.304 41.9 152 0.361 37.4 143.2 0.776 -15.9 713.3 0.773 -12.7 1491.5 0.726 2.1 1883 0.553 20.5 2055.3 0.533 35.4 1602.2 0.448 41.6 953.5 0.377 40.0 428.4 0.315 31.7 152.4 0.35 18.6 22.9 2.6 -8.6 404.8 0.557 11.6 1052.4 0.704 14.2 1662.3 0.675 29.4 1711.8 0.519 42.7 1698.1 0.458 55.5 1401.8 0.398 56.9 938.7 0.336 54.8 755 0.406 47.4 430.6 0.432 33.7 164.9 0.399 19.0 83 0.459 9.4 283.4 0.556 0.3 860.5 0.674 13.0 1481.2 0.647 32.2 1806.2 0.546 50.5 1970.8 0.529 62.4 1702.9 0.485 63.8 1247.6 0.463 58.3 699.6 0.419 47.1 323.6 0.416 29.6 104.1 0.47 5.5 20.3 0.458 -6.6 345 0.503 21.0 27.4 1327.6 0.545 38.6 1628.4 0.494 50.3 1727.6 0.466 57.6 1526.9 0.434 60.1 1169 0.419 58.1 737.3 0.401 50.2 373.8 0.390 37.7 142.8 0.372 22.9 56.4 0.364 13.9 652.4 0.585 14 1165.3 0.624 26.3 1541.7 0.564 42.9 1900.4 0.558 55.4 1914.4 0.514 61.3 1964.9 0.549 66.6 1528 0.506 63.2 1113.3 0.506 54.2 704.4 0.504 44.1 413.6 0.510 26.7 245 0.492 14.0 974.2 0.458 48.5 1335.8 0.496 56.0 1669.4 0.513 65.8 1960.1 0.545 73.1 2091.5 0.599 76.7 2081.2 0.566 85.1 1938.7 0.574 84.6 1640.6 0.561 78.3 1282.6 0.552 67.9 913.6 0.484 54.7 701.1 0.463 46.7 1514.7 0.691 58.8 1967.1 0.716 64.7 2388.2 0.728 72.2 2709.6 0.753 80.8 2781.5 0.745 89.2 2450.5 0.667 94.6 2299.6 0.677 92.5 2131.3 .722 87.4 1688.9 0.708 75.8 1290 0.657 63.6 1040.9 0.652 56.7 1453.8 0.646 57.3 62.3 2434.7 0.738 69.7 78.0 2601.4 0.698 87.0 2292.2 0.625 90.1 2179.7 0.640 87.4 2122.5 0.710 84.0 1640.9 0.672 73.9 1322.1 0.650 62.5 1132.1 0.679 56.1 945 0.490 52.1 1504 0.591 56.8 1959 0.617 63.1 2368.6 0.662 69.6 2619.2 0.697 75.7 2565.6 0.697 81 2287.8 0.687 79.4 1856.8 0.664 76.7 1288.5 0.598 67.8 795.6 0.477 57 550.5 0.421 48.7 1116.6 0.551 53.9 1652.8 0.632 59.1 2049.4 0.638 65.6 2409.2 0.672 73.5 2641.7 0.703 80.7 2512.2 0.682 87.5 2300.7 0.686 84.9 1897.8 0.665 78.6 1415.5 0.635 68.7 906.6 0.512 57.3 616.6 0.44 48.9 1554.2 0.745 53.9 2136.9 0.803 59.1 2594.8 0.8 65.6 2925.4 0.815 73.5 3108.8 0.830 80.7 2908.8 0.790 87.5 2759.4 0.820 84.9 2409.2 0.834 78.6 1819.2 0.795 68.7 3170.1 0.743 57.3 1094.4 0.742 48.9 1223.6 0.568 59.2 1640.9 0.602 61.8 1866.8 0.571 64.3 2061.2 0.573 67.6 2259 0.605 70.7 2428.4 0.66 75.8 2198.9 0.648 76.1 1891.5 0.643 74.2 1362.3 0.578 69.6 1053.1 0.548 65.4 877.8 0.566 60.2 1284.1 0.596 56.9 1729.5 0.635 59.2 1948 0.595 61.4 2196.7 0.610 64.2 2272.3 0.608 66.7 2413.6 0.657 69.6 2155.3 0.635 70.2 1898.1 0.641 69.1 1372.7 0.574 66.1 1082.3 0.551 62.6 901.1 0.566 58.7 1335 0.617 57.0 1750.5 0.643 60.6 1943.2 0.594 65.0 2282.3 0.635 69.4 2492.6 0.667 74.0 2443.5 0.665 81.0 2263.8 0.668 81.0 1955.3 0.665 78.5 1509.6 0.639 71.0 1169 0.606 63.1 979.7 0.626 57.2 1296.3 0.613 55.3 1805.9 0.671 57.6 2067.9 0.636 59.5 2375.6 0.661 61.2 2599.6 0.695 63.5 2540.6 0.690 65.3 2293.3 0.678 65.7 1965.7 0.674 65.9 1566.4 0.676 64.1 1169 0.624 60.8 943.9 0.627 56.1 1210.7 0.633 35.0 1622.9 0.643 44.6 2002.2 0.632 55.8 2300.3 0.643 66.3 2645.4 0.704 75.7 2517.7 0.690 82.5 2157.2 0.65 79.6 1957.5 0.705 71.4 1394.8 0.654 58.3 969.7 0.59 42.0 793.4 0.621 31.4 1135.4 0.615 23.1 1579.3 0.637 28.5 1876.7 0.597 39.1 1974.9 0.553 48.7 2369.7 0.63 56.6 2103.3 0.572 62.8 1708.5 0.516 61.5 1715.8 0.626 55.5 1212.2 0.583 45.2 775.6 0.494 30.3 660.5 0.542 22.6 *Taken from Applications of Solar Energy for Heating and Cooling of Buildings, ASHRAE [2]. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington (WBCO) T^ Lat. 38°51'N Kt El. 64 ft t a FLORIDA Apalachicola J_n Lat. 29°45'N K t El. 35 ft ta Gainesville Tj Lat. 29°39'N Kt El. 165 ft t a Miami Tu Lat. 25°47'N K t El- 9 ft t a Tampa Jh Lat. 27°55'N Kt El. 11 ft t a GEORGIA Atlanta T^ Lat. 33°39'N Kt El. 976 ft t a Griffin Tj Lat. 33°15'N Kt El. 980 ft t, IDAHO Boise J_h Lat. 43°34'N Kt El. 2844 ft t a ILLINOIS Lemont T^ Lat. 41°40'N K t El. 595 ft t INDIANA Indianapolis Iu Lat. 39°44'N K t El. 793 ft t KANSAS Dodge City I>| Lat. 37°46'N Kt El. 2592 ft t, KENTUCKY Lexington 1# Lat. 38°02'N Kt El. 979 ft t a LOUISIANA Lake Charles lu Lat. 30°13'N K t El. 12 ft t a MAINE Caribou Tu Lat. 46°52'N K t El. 628 ft t a Portland Tj Lat. 43°39'N Kt El. 63 ft t a MANITOBA Winnipeg J^ Lat. 49°54'N K El. 786 ft t u MASSACHUSETTS Blue Hill Tj Lat. 42"13'N Kt El. 629 ft t„ A3-4 Table A3-2 (continued) Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Boston Lat. 42°22'N El. 29 ft t t 632.4 0.445 38.4 901.5 0.470 39.6 1255 0.496 48.1 1600.4 0.504 57.5 1846.8 0.516 67.7 2080.8 0.553 76.2 1929.9 0.524 79.9 1712.2 0.516 77.9 1446.1 0.520 72.2 1083.4 0.506 60.9 763.5 0.464 50.2 594.1 0.460 40.2 1107 0.577 57.3 1378.2 0.584 59.0 1654.2 0.576 62.9 2040.9 0.612 69.5 2268.6 0.630 76.4 2195.9 0.594 81.8 1978.6 0.542 83.1 1912.9 0.558 83.1 1703.3 0.559 80.6 1544.6 0.608 73.2 1243.2 0.574 63.7 982.3 0.543 58.55 1036.9 0.535 62.1 1324.7 0.56 63.1 1635 0.568 67.5 1956.4 0.587 72.8 1934.7 0.538 79.4 1960.9 0.531 83.4 1895.6 0.519 83.8 1873.8 0.547 84.1 1615.1 0.529 82 1312.2 0.515 75.7 1169.7 0.537 67.2 919.5 0.508 62.4 1292.2 0.604 71.6 1554.6 0.616 72.0 1828.8 0.612 73.8 2020.6 0.600 77.0 2068.6 0.578 79.9 1991.5 0.545 82.9 1992.6 0.552 84.1 1890.8 0.549 84.5 1646.8 0.525 83.3 1436.5 0.534 80.2 1321 0.559 75.6 1183.4 0.588 72.6 1223.6 0.605 64.2 1461.2 0.600 65.7 1771.9 0.606 68.8 2016.2 0.602 74.3 2228 0.620 79.4 2146.5 0.583 83.0 1991.9 0.548 84.0 1845.4 0.537 84.4 1687.8 0.546 82.9 1493.3 0.572 77.2 1328.4 0.590 69.6 1119.5 0.589 65.5 848 0.493 47.2 1080.1 0.496 49.6 1426.9 0.522 55.9 1807 0.551 65.0 2618.1 0.561 73.2 2002.6 0.564 80.9 2002.9 0.545 82.4 1898.1 0.559 81.6 1519.2 0.515 77.4 1290.8 0.543 66.5 997.8 0.510 54.8 751.6 0.474 47.7 889.6 0.513 48.9 1135.8 0.517 51.0 1450.9 0.528 59.1 1923.6 0.586 66.7 2163.1 0.601 74.6 2176 0.583 81.2 2064.9 0.562 83.0 1961.2 0.578 82.2 1605.9 0.543 78.4 1352.4 0.565 68 1073.8 0.545 57.3 781.5 0.487 49,4 518.8 0.446 29.5 884.9 0.533 36.5 1280.4 0.548 45.0 1814.4 0.594 53.5 2189.3 0.619 62.1 2376.7 0.631 69.3 2500.3 0.684 79.6 2149.4 0.660 77.2 1717.7 0.656 66.7 1128.4 0.588 56.3 678.6 0.494 42.3 456.8 0.442 33.1 (590) (0.464) 28.9 879 0.496 30.3 1255.7 0.520 39.5 1481.5 0.477 49.7 1866 0.525 59.2 2041.7 0.542 70.8 1990.8 0.542 75.6 1836.9 0.559 74.3 1469.4 0.547 67.2 1015.5 0.506 57.6 (639) (0.433) 43.0 (531) (0.467 30.6 526.2 0.380 31.3 797.4 0.424 33.9 1184.1 0.472 43.0 1481.2 0.47 54.1 1828 0.511 64.9 2042 0.543 74.8 2039.5 0.554 79.6 1832.1 0.552 77.4 1513.3 0.549 70.6 1094.4 0.520 59.3 662.4 0.413 44.2 491.1 0.391 33.4 953.1 0.639 33.8 1186.3 0.598 38.7 1565.7 0.606 46.5 1975.6 0.618 57.7 2126.5 0.594 66.7 2459.8 0.655 77.2 2400.7 0.652 83.8 2210.7 0.663 82.4 1841.7 0.654 73.7 1421 0.650 61.7 1065.3 0.625 46.5 873.8 0.652 36.8 36.5 38.8 47.4 1834.7 0.575 57.8 2171.2 0.606 67.5 76.2 2246.5 0.610 79.8 2064.9 0.619 78.2 1775.6 0.631 72.8 1315.8 0.604 61.2 47.6 681.5 0.513 38.5 899.2 0.473 55.3 1145.7 0.492 58.7 1487.4 0.521 63.5 1801.8 0.542 70.9 2080.4 0.578 77.4 2213.3 0.597 83.4 1968.6 0.538 84.8 1910.3 0.558 85.0 1678.2 0.553 81.5 1505.5 0.597 73.8 1122.1 0.524 62.6 875.6 0.494 56.9 497 0.504 11.5 861.6 0.579 12.8 1360.1 0.619 24.4 1495.9 0.507 37.3 1779.7 0.509 51.8 1779.7 0.473 61.6 1898.1 0.522 67.2 1675.6 0.527 65.0 1254.6 0.506 56.2 793 0.455 44.7 415.5 0.352 31.3 398.9 0.470 16.8 565.7 0.482 23.7 874.5 0.524 24.5 1329.5 0.569 34.4 1528.4 0.500 44.8 1923.2 0.544 55.4 2017.3 0.536 65.1 2095.6 0.572 71.1 1799.2 0.554 69.7 1428.8 0.546 61.9 1035 0.539 51.8 591.5 0.431 40.3 507.7 0.491 28.0 488.2 0.601 3.2 835.4 0.636 7.1 1354.2 0.661 21.3 1641.3 0.574 40.9 1904.4 0.550 55.9 1962 0.524 65.3 2123.6 0.587 71.9 1761.2 0.567 69.4 1190.4 0.504 58.6 767.5 0.482 45.6 444.6 0.436 25.2 345.4 0.503 10.1 555.3 0.445 28.3 797 0.458 28.3 1143.9 0.477 36.9 1438 0.464 46.9 1776.4 0.501 58.5 1943.9 0.516 67.2 1881.5 0.513 72.3 1622.1 0.495 70.6 1314 0.492 64.2 941 0.472 54.1 592.2 0.406 43.3 482.3 0.436 31.5 505.5 0.410 31.4 738 0.426 31.4 1067.1 0.445 39.9 1355 0.438 49.5 1769 0.499 60.4 1864 0.495 69.8 1860.5 0.507 74.5 - 1570.1 0.480 73.8 1267.5 0.477 66.8 896.7 0.453 57.4 535.8 0.372 46.6 442.8 0.400 34.9 MASSACHUSETTS (Contd. ) East Wareham Tu Lat. 4T46'N K t El. 18 ft t a MICHIGAN East Lansing Tu Lat. 42°44'N K t El. 856 ft t a Sault Ste. Marie In Lat. 46°28'N K t El. 724 ft t a MINNESOTA St. Cloud Tj Lat. 45°35'N K t El. 1034 ft t a MISSOURI Columbia Jh Lat. 38°58'N K t El. 785 ft t a MONTANA Glasgow I Lat. 48°13'N K El. 2277 ft t Great Falls Tu Lat. 47°29'N K t El. 3664 ft t a NEBRASKA Lincoln Jjj Lat. 40°51'N K t El. 1189 ft t a NEVADA Ely h Lat. 39°17'N Kt El. 6262 ft t, Las Vegas Tj Lat. 36°05'N K t El. 2162 ft ta NEW JERSEY Seabrook Tu Lat. 39°30'N Kt El. 100 ft t a NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Jn Lat. 35°03'N K t El. 5314 ft t a NEW YORK Ithaca Tu Lat. 42°27'N K t El. 950 ft t a iW New York I Lat. 40°46'N KV El. 52 ft t a Sayvllle Tu Lat. 40°30'N K? El. 20 ft t a Schenectady Tu Lat. 42°50'N K t El. 217 ft t a Upton Tu Lat. 40°52'N K t El. 75 ft t a NORTH CAROLINA Greensboro Tu Lat. 36°05'N Kt El. 891 ft t a A3-5 Table A3-2 (continued) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 504.4 0.398 32.2 762.4 0.431 31.6 1132.1 0.469 39.0 1392.6 0.449 48.3 1704.8 0.480 58.9 1958.3 0.520 67.5 1873.8 0.511 74.1 1607.4 0.489 72.8 1363.8 0.508 65.9 996.7 0.496 56 636.2 0.431 46 521 0.461 34.8 425.8 0.35 26.0 739.1 0.431 26.4 1086 0.456 35.7 1249.8 0.406 48.4 1732.8 0.489 59.8 1914 0.508 70.3 1884.5 0.514 74.5 1627.7 0.498 72.4 1303.3 0.493 65.0 891.5 0.456 53.5 473.1 0.333 40.0 379.7 0.349 29.0 488.6 0.490 16.3 843.9 0.560 16.2 1336.5 0.606 25.6 1559.4 0.526 39.5 1962.3 0.560 52.1 2064.2 0.549 61.6 2149.4 0.590 67.3 1767.9 0.554 66.0 1207 0.481 57.9 809.2 0.457 46.8 392.2 0.323 33.4 359.8 0.408 21.9 632.8 0.595 13.6 976.7 0.629 16.9 1383 0.614 29.8 1598.1 0.534 46.2 1859.4 0.530 58.8 2003.3 0.533 68.5 2087.8 0.573 74.4 1828.4 0.570 71.9 1369.4 0.539 62.5 890.4 0.490 50.2 545.4 0.435 32.1 463.1 0.504 18.3 651.3 0.458 32.5 941.3 0.492 36.5 1315.8 0.520 45.9 1631.3 0.514 57.7 1999.6 0.559 66.7 2129.1 0.566 75.9 2148.7 0.585 81.1 1953.1 0.588 79.4 1689.6 0.606 71.9 1202.6 0.562 61.4 839.5 0.510 46.1 590.4 0.457 35.8 572.7 0.621 13.3 965.7 0.678 17.3 1437.6 0.672 31.1 1741.3 0.597 47.8 2127.3 0.611 59.3 2261.6 0.602 67.3 2414.7 0.666 76 1984.5 0.630 73.2 1531 0.629 61.2 997 0.593 49.2 574.9 0.516 31.0 428.4 0.548 18.6 524 0.552 25.4 869.4 0.596 27.6 1369.7 0.631 35.6 1621.4 0.551 47.7 1970.8 0.565 57.5 2179.3 0.580 64.3 2383 0.656 73.8 1986.3 0.627 71.3 1536.5 0.626 60.6 984.9 0.574 51.4 575.3 0.503 38.0 420.7 0.518 29.1 712.5 0.542 27.8 955.7 0.528 32.1 1299.6 0.532 42.4 1587.8 0.507 55.8 1856.1 0.522 65.8 2040.6 0.542 76.0 2011.4 0.547 82.6 1902.6 0.577 80.2 1543.5 0.568 71.5 1215.8 0.596 59.9 773.4 0.508 43.2 643.2 0.545 31.8 871.6 0.618 27.3 1255 0.660 32.1 1749.8 0.692 39.5 2103.3 0.664 48.3 2322.1 0.649 57.0 2649 0.704 65.4 2417 0.656 74.5 2307.7 0.695 72.3 1935 0.696 63.7 1473 0.691 52.1 1078.6 0.658 39.9 814.8 0.64 31.1 1035.8 0.654 47.5 1438 0.697 53.9 1926.5 0.728 60.3 2322.8 0.719 69.5 2629.2 0.732 78.3 2799.2 0.746 88.2 2524 0.685 95.0 2342 0.697 92.9 2062 0.716 85.4 1602.6 0.704 71.7 1190 0.657 57.8 964.2 0.668 50.2 591.9 0.426 39.5 854.2 0.453 37.6 1195.6 0.476 43.9 1518.8 0.481 54.7 1800.7 0.504 6a. 9 1964.6 0.522 74.1 1949.8 0.530 79.8 1715 0.517 77.7 1445.7 0.524 69.7 1071.9 0.508 61.2 721.8 0.449 48.5 522.5 0.416 39.3 1150.9 0.704 37.3 1453.9 0.691 43.3 1925.4 0.719 50.1 2343.5 0.722 59.6 2560.9 0.713 69.4 2757.5 0.737 79.1 2561.2 0.695 82.8 2387.8 0.708 80.6 2120.3 0.728 73.6 1639.8 0.711 62.1 1274.2 0.684 47.8 1051.6 0.704 39.4 434.3 0.351 27.2 755 0.435 26.5 1074.9 0.45 36 1322.9 0.428 48.4 1779.3 0.502 59.6 2025.8 0.538 68.9 2031.3 0.554 73.9 1736.9 0.530 71.9 1320.3 0.497 64.2 918.4 0.465 53.6 466.4 0.324 41.5 370.8 0.337 29.6 539.5 0.406 35.0 790.8 0.435 34.9 1180.4 0.480 43.1 1426.2 0.455 52.3 1738.4 0.488 63.3 1994.1 0.53 72.2 1938.7 0.528 76.9 1605.9 0.486 75.3 1349.4 0.500 69.5 977.8 0.475 59.3 598.1 0.397 48.3 476 0.403 37.7 602.9 0.453 35 936.2 0.511 34.9 1259.4 0.510 43.1 1560.5 0.498 52.3 1857.2 0.522 63.3 2123.2 0.564 72.2 2040.9 0.555 76.9 1734.7 0.525 75.3 1446.8 0.530 69.5 1087.4 0.527 59.3 697.8 0.450 48.3 533.9 0.447 37.7 488.2 0.406 24.7 753.5 0.441 24.6 1026.6 0.433 34.9 1272.3 0.413 48.3 1553.1 0.438 61.7 1687.8 0.448 70.8 1662.3 0.454 76.9 1494.8 0.458 73.7 1124.7 0.426 64.6 820.6 0.420 53.1 436.2 0.309 40.1 356.8 0.331 28.0 583 0.444 35.0 872.7 0.483 34.9 1280.4 0.522 43.1 1609.9 0.514 52.3 1891.5 0.532 63.3 2159 0.574 72.2 2044.6 0.557 76.9 1789.6 0.542 75.3 1472.7 0.542 69.5 •1102.6 0.538 59.3 686.7 0.448 48.3 551.3 0.467 37.7 743.9 0.469 42.0 1031.7 0.499 44.2 1323.2 0.499 51.7 1755.3 0.543 60.8 1988.5 0.554 69.9 2111.4 0.563 78.0 2033.9 0.552 80.2 1810.3 0.538 78.9 1517.3 0.527 73.9 1202.6 0.531 62,7 908.1 0.501 51.5 690.8 0.479 43.2 NORTH CAROLINA (Contd.) Hatteras Tu, Lat. 35°13'N K t El. 7 ft ta NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck Tu Lat. 46°47'N K t El. 1660 ft t a OHIO Cleveland T^ Lat. 41°24'N ft El. 805 ft t a Columbus Tu Lat. 40°00'N K t El. 833 ft t a OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City Tu Lat. 35°24'N ft El. 1304 ft U Stillwater Iu, Lat. 36°09'N K t El. 910 ft t. ONTARIO Ottawa Lat. 45°20'N K Ah El. 339 ft tj Toronto Tu Lat. 43°41'N K t El. 379 ft tg OREGON Astoria Tu Lat. 46°12'N K t El- 8ft ^ Medford lu Lat. 42°23'N K t El. 1329 ft tg PENNSYLVANIA State College T^ Lat. 40°48'N K t El. 1175 ft tj RHODE ISLAND Newport J_h Lat. 41°29'N ft El. 60 ft t a SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Iu Lat. 32°54'N K t El. 46 ft t^ SOUTH DAKOTA Rapid City Tu Lat. 44°09'N K t El. 3218 ft ta TEXAS Brownsville Tu Lat. 25°55'N ft El. 20 ft t a El Paso Tu Lat. 31°48'N ft El. 3916 ft t a Fort Worth Tu Lat. 32°50'N ft El. 544 ft t. A3-6 Table A3-2 (continued) Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 891.9 0.546 49.9 1184.1 0.563 49.5 1590.4 0.593 54.7 2128 0.655 61.5 2376.4 0.661 69.9 2438 0.652 77.2 2334.3 0.634 80.0 2085.6 0.619 79.8 1758.3 0.605 76.7 1337.6 0.58 67.9 1053.5 0.566 59.1 798.1 0.535 51.3 587.4 0.594 12.4 934.3 0.628 15.9 1328.4 0.605 29.7 1668.2 0.565 46.6 2056.1 0.588 48.6 2173.8 0.579 67.9 2305.5 0.634 76.1 1929.1 0.606 73.5 1441.3 0.581 61.6 1018.1 0.584 49.6 600.4 0.510 31.4 464.2 0.547 18.4 466.8 0.361 30.8 681.9 0.383 30.9 1207 0.497 39.4 1443.9 0.464 50.2 1928.4 0.543 62.4 2102.6 0.559 72.7 2094.4 0.571 77.0 1840.6 0.559 75.1 1410.3 0.524 68.5 997 0.491 57.4 526.6 0.351 44.0 427.3 0.371 32.8 486.3 0.356 32.1 746.5 0.401 33.7 1112.5 0.447 42.7 1480.8 0.470 53.5 1839.1 0.515 64.4 (2111) (0.561) 74.2 2041.3 0.555 78 1572.7 0.475 75.9 1189.3 0.433 70.1 919.5 0.441 58 479 0.302 44.5 430.2 0.351 34.0 938 0.580 40.1 1192.6 0.571 45.0 1534.3 0.576 53.2 1849.4 0.570 63.6 2005.1 0.558 71.2 2355 0.629 80.6 2273.8 0.618 85.5 2211 0.565 85.4 1019.2 0.628 77.4 1409.6 0.614 66.5 1085.6 0.588 52.2 897.4 0.608 43.1 763.8 0.484 41.2 1081.5 0.527 45.6 1463.8 0.555 53.8 1702.6 0.528 64.2 1879.3 C.523 71.6 2235.8 0.596 81.1 2224.3 0.604 85.9 2039.1 0.607 85.9 1724.3 0.599 77.5 1314 0.581 67.6 991.5 0.548 52.6 783 0.544 43.9 539.1 0.499 14.6 852.4 0.540 15.6 1250.5 0.554 27.7 1506.6 0.502 43.3 1857.2 0.529 57.5 2084.5 0.554 67.5 2045.4 0.560 71.9 1752.4 0.546 69.8 1326.6 0.521 61.5 826.9 0.450 48.9 458.7 0.359 35 408.5 0.436 19.6 451.3 0.388 26.5 674.5 0.406 26.0 1088.9 0.467 34.2 1388.2 0.455 46.3 1785.2 0.506 58 1941.7 0.516 68.4 1968.6 0.539 73.8 1622.5 0.500 71.8 1284.1 0.493 64.3 835 0.438 52.6 458.3 0,336 40.9 352.8 0.346 30.2 338.4 0.330 41.3 607 0.397 44.7 1008.5 0.454 46.9 1401.5 0.471 51.3 1838.7 0.524 55.0 1753.5 0.466 59.3 2007.7 0.551 62.6 1721 0.538 63.6 1322.5 0.526 62.2 780.4 0.435 55.7 413.6 0.336 48.5 295.2 0.332 43.9 435.4 0.353 39.4 804.4 0.464 45.4 1259.8 0.527 50.8 1807.4 0.584 56.3 2216.2 0.625 63.1 2440.5 0.648 69.4 2607.4 0.710 76.9 2261.6 0.689 76.4 1672.3 0.628 69.6 1043.5 0.526 58.7 558.7 0.384 47.1 346.5 0.313 40.5 501.8 0.381 31.3 749.1 0.413 31.4 1106.6 0.451 39.8 1399.2 0.448 51.3 1754.6 0.493 63.4 2027.6 0.539 71.8 1968.2 0.536 75.8 1690 0.512 73.4 1336.1 0.492 66.1 1017 0.496 55.6 580.1 0.379 43.2 4443.9 0.376 32.6 565.7 0.438 29.5 856.4 0.482 32.0 1231.7 0.507 39.6 1484.8 0.477 48.2 1849 0.520 58.6 2019.2 0.536 67.0 1942.8 0.529 73.2 1687.1 0.513 72.3 1411.4 0.524 66.7 1035.4 0.512 56.2 656.1 0.44 46.5 527.7 0.460 34.4 946.1 0.541 53.6 1152.8 0.521 55.2 1352.4 0.491 60.6 1918.8 0.584 67.8 2063.4 0.574 74.8 2113.3 0.567 80.9 1649.4 0.454 82.9 1933.6 0.569 82.3 1557.2 0.525 79.1 1332.1 0.554 69.8 1073.8 0.539 59.8 952 0.586 54.0 687.8 0.601 24.7 1032.5 0.627 27.4 1503.7 0.649 34.7 1807 0.594 48.2 2028 0.574 58.3 2193.7 0.583 67.3 2235.8 0.612 76.3 2019.9 0.622 75.0 1628 0.628 64.7 1179.3 0.624 52.9 763.1 0.566 38.7 590.4 0.588 29.2 1105.9 0.517 63.3 1262.7 0.500 66.7 1505.9 0.505 70.7 1714 0.509 76.2 2092.2 0.584 81.4 2288.5 0.627 85.1 2345 0.650 86.5 2124 0.617 86.9 1774.9 0.566 84.1 1536.5 0.570 78.9 1104.8 0.468 70.7 982.3 0.488 65.2 1247.6 0.686 47.1 1612.9 0.714 53.1 2048.7 0.730 58.7 2447.2 0.741 67.3 2673 0.743 75.7 2731 0.733 84.2 2391.1 0.652 84.9 2350.5 0.669 83.4 2077.5 0.693 78.5 1704.8 0.695 69.0 1324.7 0.647 56.0 1051.6 0.626 48.5 936.2 0.530 48.1 1198.5 0.541 52.3 1597.8 0.577 59.8 1829.1 0.556 68.8 2105.1 0.585 75.9 2437.6 0.654 84.0 2293.3 0.624 87.7 2216.6 0.653 88.6 1880.8 0.634 81.3 1476 0.612 71.5 1147.6 0.576 58.8 913.6 0.563 50.8 TEXAS (Contd.) Midland T^ Lat. 31°56'N K* El. 2854 ft t a San Antonio Tu Lat. 29°32'N K t El 794 ft t, TENNESSEE Nashville Tu Lat. 36°07'N K t El. 605 ft tg Oak Ridge Tjh Lat. 36-01'N Kt El. 905 ft t, UTAH Salt Lake City In Lat. 40°46'N K El. 4227 ft t t ■•a WASHINGTON Seattle-Tacoma Tu Lat. 47°27'N K t El. 386 ft t a Seattle Tu Lat. 47°36'N K t El. 14 ft t a Spokane Tu Lat. 47°40'N K El. 1968 ft t WISCONSIN A3-7 Table A3-2 (continued) Feb Mar Apr May Oun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1066.4 0.587 47.9 1345.7 0.596 52.8 1784.8 0.638 60.0 2036.1 0.617 68.8 2301.1 0.639 77.2 2317.7 0.622 83.9 2301.8 0.628 85.7 2193 0.643 85.0 1921.8 0.642 73. 9 1470.8 0.600 70.3 1244.3 0.609 56.6 1023.2 0.611 49.1 1045 0.541 53.7 1299.2 0.550 58.4 1560.1 0.542 65.0 1664.6 0.500 72.2 2024.7 0.563 79.2 2250* 0.62 85.0 2364.2 0.647 87.4 2185.2 0.637 87.8 1844.6 0.603 82.6 1487.4 0.584 74.7 1104.4 0.507 63.3 954.6 0.528 56.5 589.7 0.373 42.6 907 0.440 45.1 1246.8 0.472 52.9 1662.3 0.514 63.0 1997 0.556 71.4 2149.4 0.573 80.1 2079.7 0.565 83.2 1862.7 0.554 81.9 1600.7 0.556 76.6 1223.6 0.540 65.4 823.2 0.454 52.3 614.4 0.426 44.3 604 0.382 41.9 895.9 0.435 44.2 1241.7 0.471 51.7 1689.6 0.524 61.4 1942.8 0.541 69.8 2066.4 0.551 77.8 1972.3 0.536 80.2 1795.6 0.534 78.8 1559.8 0.542 74.5 1194.8 0.527 62.7 796.3 0.438 50.4 610 0.422 42.5 622.1 0.468 29.4 986 0.909 36.2 1301.1 0.529 44.4 1813.3 0.579 53.9 63.1 71.7 81.3 79.0 1689.3 0.621 68.7 1250.2 0.610 57.0 42.5 552.8 0.467 34.0 282.6 0.296 42.1 520.6 0.355 45.0 992.2 0.456 48.9 1507 0.510 54.1 1881.5 0.538 59.8 1909.9 0.508 64.4 2110.7 0.581 68.4 1688.5 0.533 67.9 1211.8 0.492 63.3 702.2 0.407 56.3 386.3 0.336 48.4 239.5 0.292 44.4 252 0.266 38.9 471.6 0.324 42.9 917.3 0.423 46.9 1375.6 0.468 51.9 1664.9 0.477 58.1 1724 0.459 62.8 1805.1 0.498 67.2 1617 0.511 66.7 1129.1 0.459 61.6 638 0.372 54.0 325.5 0.284 45.7 218.1 0.269 41.5 446.1 0.478 26.5 837.6 0.579 31.7 1200 0.556 40.5 1864.6 0.602 49.2 2104.4 0.603 57.9 2226.5 0.593 64.6 2479.7 0.684 73.4 2076 0.656 71.7 1511 0.616 62.7 844.6 0.494 51.5 486.3 0.428 37.4 279 0.345 30.5 564.6 0.40 21.8 812.2 0.478 24.6 1232.1 0.522 35.3 1455.3 0.474 49.0 1745.4 0.493 61.0 2031.7 0.540 70.9 2046.5 0.559 76.8 1740.2 0.534 74.4 1443.9 0.549 65.6 993 0.510 53.7 555.7 0.396 37.8 495.9 0.467 25.4 786.3 0.65 20.2 1146.1 0.672 26.3 1638 0.691 34.7 1988.5 0.647 45.5 2114 0.597 56.0 2492.2 0.662 65.4 2438.4 0.665 74.6 2120.6 0.649 72.5 1712.9 0.647 61.4 1301.8 0.666 48.3 837.3 0.589 33.4 694.8 0.643 23.8 Madison L. Lat. 43°08'N K t El. 866 ft t g WYOMING Lander T^ Lat. 42°48'N K t El. 5370 ft t. *0r1g1nal values incorrect. Values estimated from insolation maps. A3-9 o OO 1^ S- o |Q£ u Q CD CD rH LO CM 00 oo 00 Ln rH OO cd Ln CD rH r-«. CM 00 OO CD oo Ln r-- •3- 00 rH 00 *d- CM CM OO OO CD <3" ^- CD 00 CD CM ID CD CD CD CD rH •si- «si- CM cm «si- r~~. r->- o rH O rH rH i-H rH rH rH CM rH rH HHH CM CM rH rH rH rH rH CM OO rH rH rH rH CM OO > O 00 o 00 rH Q CM CD ro Ln CD O CD rH rH CM CflrIN cm <=t m cm Ln 00 CM 00 «fr rH CM CM «3- rH OO "=J" CD 00 OO 00 oo CD CD CD CD CD ID ID rH CM . 00 00 CD CO ID 00 00 00 Ln 00 ID 00 ID CO «sf «sj- rH Ln CD ID ID ID oo r^ CD CD oo r^ cd CD ID i-H a) oo p-» "O CD CD 3 . . +-> +-> ro — 1 00 00 CD CD II • • rH co O CD CD CD rH CD CD Ln CD CD rH Ln CD ■si- CD CD rH rH Ln -si- CD CD 00 OO CD CD r*«. CD CD CD CU ■a 3 +J _J II +-> 1 — CM rH CD CD rH O CD CD 00 CM CD CD O CD CO CD 00 00 CD r^ CD 00 00 00 rH O O CD CD CD 1— (X) 00 00 ID "3" 00 00 CD CD 00 00 00 rH 00 00 rH + CU CM O ■a oo oo 3 • . +-> +-> 03 — i >=*• oo 00 00 II • • O CD r>* co r*- r-. cd r^. co r». h- r^~ CM rH O 00 00 00 CO ID ■vj- OO CD CO r-» r*». rH OO «si- *d" rrj U •i- O CM -P "si- «sj- i- . . CU > II CM <3" -P <3- "si- Ln 00 rH ^ ^ ID h- •P I— >r _ •i — S- Q- r- o o |H O rH o On] O oo o cn r*. o o CD r"». CD r». oo cd CD CD CD O rH O O I— rH O CD CD CD O O CD CD CD rH cd CM CD 00 CM "Si" ID in cn>t ID ID CD 00 **" co r^ I-l rH i-H rH rH rH rH rH rH CO o ID O o rH rH in rH rH CD CM CM *d- cn o o 00 rH ID O rH rH rH CD CM CM O rH CD O OO CD CD O O rH Ln rH OO CM cm r^ CO CO CM 00 CD r-. r^- oo ID CD CD O rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH CU Li_ CO o O rH Ln rH CM CM rH OO «d" Ln •St" CO rH rH Ln rH o r^ r-- CM CM OO CM Ln Ln r-. rH LD rH rH o r*« r^- CM CM OO CM ID CO CO ID r-N co •si- ^- co CD O rH CD CM O0 CD i-H i-H rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH C (TJ •-5 CD O rH OO CM ■sj- oo rH Ln r-«» cm rH CM OO CD Ln OO *3" CD CD rH CD Ln rH 00 CM CM IVHH OO ID P- O OO CO ^t" "Si- CD o rH OO LD OO ID CD ID rH rH rH rH rH rH CM rH rH rH rH rH rH CM rH rH rH rH rH CM CM rH rH rH rH rH CM -a 3 +J -P _l ID CM O O0 oo CD id cd Ln id Ln Ln CM CD OO Ln o id oo ■sj- ■=*■ O ID Ln ID ID O CM 00 mom OO "3- "Si- O ID ID ID ID O CM O0 ID CD ID OO 'Sj- "Sj" o Ln id Ln A3-10 P o N •i— s- o 03 c o +-> to o p CD u rfl «t- S- to CD P 03 C o p 03 •I — ■a 03 03 Q a» en fO S- s: CD OH <4- 1 1 O ai o u • r- fO P 4- fO S- ce: =S OO ^ co v|- 00 «^- o CM tD ID rH 00 00 00 CD Q rH CM co ID r-» CM o CM CO LD r^ o m Ln CO <3- tD 00 rH f^ 00 rH CM <3- r«- CD to r^ !-H rH rH rH rH CM CO rH rH rH rH CM CM CO rH rH rH rH CM CM CO rH rH rH rH CM CM CO > O 00 00 rH rH O rH CM O rH r^ cn CO rH r^ to r- <3- r» CO ID Cn rH to to CO CM to O rH rH CM <3" tO cn «* CM CO «tf in r^ rH r^ CM CO «=*- tD CO CM 00 Cn rH CM «3- r-^ rH 1--. i— 1 rH rH rH rH LT) rH LD rH cn CM O rH CM rH rH CO rH rH rH CM CM CM 00 CD rH CM rH |x*. rH rH rH CO rH CM CM CM 00 rH rH r^ in rH rH rH LD tD rH CM CM cn to p u o o rH rH CM CO «t i-*. rH rH CM CO «=*■ Ln oo rH rH CM CO -5J- ID 00 r-- oo cn O CM co to CO rH LD rH rH O rH LD rH O rH rH CO rH <* rH rH rH o <=f rH rH cn r-» rH 00 rH cn rH rH rH rH -vl- 00 rH rH CNJ cn -* o rH rH tO CO rH rH rH O O Q. 00 O O O rH rH CM CM O O O rH rH rH CM cn cn O O O rH rH ID tO to r^- 00 cn o rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH D) O O O rH CM ■* to Ln LD LO to to oo cn r*. to to to r- oo cn O -3- cn co oo co cn 3 O O O CD O O O cn cn cn cn cn cn cn 00 00 00 00 00 oo oo ^ «=s- >3- m id to to rH 00 rH rH tO rH to rH LD rH ID rH rH o cn co oo r-« r-> O cn oo r-» to to in LD r~. rH «5f 00 CM tO ,_ 3 cn en cn cn cn cn cn cn cn 00 00 00 00 00 00 r». r^ r^ r^ I s - r^ CO CO <3- «=}- «3" ID LD ■""3 ID rH CD T3 in rH + 03 3 U C ai r» CD LO «=fr <3- "* CO +-> o CO r^. to to Ln *t cu cn |x* to in «^- CO CM •i — ^t- to a> cm to o >3- 3 T3 en en cn cn cn cn cn •l — cn CO oo a 00 00 ■a r*. r-. r^ h«. r^ r-» r-. P CO CO co «3- >^- ld m D 3 . p •r- p P n3 p •r™ p i. CD > 03 II 03 II >> -J 00 00 r^ r- r^- 00 00 CM H rH o o o o — 1 CM rH o o cn cr> cn to cn CO (^- rH LD O fO en en cn cn cn cn cn P cn cn cn cn cn cn cn CO 00 00 oo h- r^ r» P CO CO «* «=3- LD LD tD s: II • p •I — II • P *i — h- .,_ ^z h- r- S- rH rH co «3- to cn CM co a cn O CM -=a- r» rH rH rH CM CO in oo •^- cn ^- cn ld rH 00 Q. O CD o o o o rH cn cn cn o o o o cn cn cn cn cn cn cn «3- , ^- LD LD tD r»- r-. rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH s_ <3" r*. rH LO rH o rH to cn CO r-» co CM CO CO to cn co cn r^ cn co cn to <3" ^~ tO rH 03 O o rH rH CM co «d- CD o rH rH CM CO «=f o o O rH rH CM CO to to r*. oo cn CD CM rH rH 00 co rH O rH o rH CO rH rH rH cn rH LO rH rH rH cn rH rH cn CO rH rH "3" «3" rH rH CO rH rH rH rH rH tD rH rH r^ oo «=i- -vl- LD 00 tD rH rH O ID XI u_ O rH CM CO ^1- to co rH CM CM CO Ln r-.. O rH CM CO "^" in r^ o co cn O rH CO to cn rH rH rH rH !-H rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH CM rH rH rH rH rH rH CM rH rH rH rH rH c rH O rH tO cn «!* CO «3" <3" to «3" O CM Ln rH rH "3- CO rH ID «3- m oo id r^ co to 00 •"3 rH CM CO «* UD o to CM CO <3" to cn CO o CO *3" m r^. cd ^- CM O rH CO LD CO CO rH rH rH rH rH rH CM CM rH rH rH rH rH CM CO rH rH rH rH CM CM CO rH rH rH rH rH CM CO a* -a +-> ID O LT> CD LD O Ln LO O LT) CD Ln CD Ln Ln CD m o Ln o Ln LD O m o id CD ID P 03 1 CM CO CO «t -3" un ID CM co CO <3- "3" Ln in CM CO CO «3- «3- Ln m CM CO CO «3- <3" LD in A3-11 o -t-> S- o \CtL u LO CD rH CM OO lD •3" CM LD CO r^~ LD CO CM co r^ LD CM CO cn "=f r-i 00 O rH >* "* «3- CD Q I— 1 CM ^■kDOl «sf >=t CO "3" CO 00 CM 00 O ^" LD i-~. o <=d- o oo CM CO CD CD OO O OO i-H i-H j-t rH rH CM CO r-H rH rH rH CM CM «3" T-i T-i r-i CM CM oo «3- r-i rH i— 1 rH CM CO <3" > CM i-H 00 CD CM oo r-~ CO CO O 00 LD CD «5f CO "3" 00 00 CO en CM CD O 00 r-i CM CD LD O i-H CM oo <* r-s o CO CM CO LD CD CD CO O oo «3- LfiNO >** CM o CM CO CO CD CO 1— 1 r-\ r-i rH rH rH CM CM rH r-i rH rH rH CM CO T-i T-i i— 1 T-i CM CM CO r-i rH i—t r-i r-i CM CO +J oo co O O CM CD CO ID i-H 00 00 CM o r^ CO CM O O CO CM cn O cn r-i - oo cn o i—l rH rH rH rH r-i rH i-H T~i r-i r-i r-i r-i r-i rH r-i r-i r-i r-i r-i r-i O) O O rH CM CO CO 00 ID ID CO I"*- 00 O CM CO CD cd r-» oo CD r-i r>- r-i r- cm oo -3" r-i 3 O O O O O o o CD CD CD CD CD O O 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD oo <3" «3" LD LD CD r- t-l i-H rH rH rH CD CO CD rH CO rH CO CO CD oo oo r*s. rH i— 1 r^ oo CD 00 r^ co co CO LD o OO I s *. i— 1 CO rH CD _ 3 en en CD CD CD CD CD CD 00 00 00 00 00 00 f^ r^ r*» r-» r». r*». r». oo OO OTt't LD LD ■-3 LO i-H i -a T-i + 'fD 3 u C CD ^ l£) LO ^ "vf *f «sf +-> oo r- CO CD ID LD LD a> (^ CD LO «3" OO CO CM •1 — cn CM LD CD «tf- 00 CO 3 T3 CD Cn CD CD CD CD CD •i— 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "O r^ r- r>- r» r»- 1*-. r-s +J CM CO CO CO >3- ^ LO """i 3 • • -p -p +-> ra _J =3 +-> S- CU > co II 03 II >> — i oo r*- r*. r^ 00 CD O rH r-i o o o r-i CM _l T-i o O CD CD CD o CM LD O «tf" CD "3" O n3 cd en CD CD CD CD o +-> cn CD CD CD CD CD CD 00 00 corviv r^ a -P oo OO «3" -=t •=!- LO CD s: II • • i-H •1 — h- II r^ ■p- •( i— }— S- i— 1 CM CO ID 00 CM CO oo a OCSI«t 00 CM rH T-i CM «3" CO oo o CM r~~ CO CD CD CO rH Q- O O O O O rH r-f CD cn o o o O T-i CD CD CD CD CD cn o *J- >=d- LD ID CD r^ oo i-H i-l r-\ i-H i— 1 i-H rH rH rH r-i rA r-i S- LO 00 CO CD CD CO O 00 r-i CD CM CD o -3- LD CD CO CD CD (O O oo rH CD CD O «5t CM (0 O O rH rH CM CO ID CD r-i rH CM CO «vf- ID O O T-i T-i CM O0 LD CD r»- NCOO rH CO rH i-H rH rH rH r-t rH rH r-i r-i T-i T-i T-i r-i T-i r-i rH rH rH r-i rH r-i rH r-i -Q cn CD ^■IDH O0 CO CD CO LO 00 LD CD CO CM CD CD CM CD «* CM CD o CO CD CD 00 CD 0) O rH CM 00 LO r^ O rH CM OO «3- CD 00 CM CM CM OO LD CD CD CO 00 o r-i CM LD r- r-i rH rH rH rH rH rH CM rH rH rH rH rH rH CM T-i T-i rH rH rH rH CM rH rH rH rH 1— 1 CM c «* O0 r». LO CM "vt" CD CD O co r-. 00 r*. ^t- 00 O CD CD CM LD 00 CO CD 00 LO O LD CD LO O ID LD O LO O LD O LD LD CD ID O LT) O ID LD O LD CD LD O LO (0 1 CM OO CO «3" «3- LT) LD CM CO CO «3- ^t- LD LD CM CO CO **■ *3- LD LD CM CO CO >3- «3" ID LD A3-12 4-> o N Z- O 3: 03 c o 4-> 03 O CJ u 05 4- S- 3 CO -a a> +-> 03 c o c o +-> 03 ■o ro O a> en 03 s- a» > > i — i r— r^ .rz +-> , c <+- o CD s: q I I 4- o ai o o r0 •i— <4- +-> i- 03 =3 ce LO o LD 1^ o \ac co 3- O r-i r-i *t cn ld "3- LD LDr^CM CO I— t LD r^- CO co r-. CO CO CM >3- co r^ ld r-» CD LD «3- O CO CO i— i rH rH rH CM CM co rH tH HHM CO >3- r-i r-i rH CM CM CO <*i- rH rH rH CM CM CO «3- > o ■3- i— i <3- C\J 1^- LD CM CO LO CO cm cn CM CO O rH CO <3" 1--. CO CO lono •vl- rH LD CO cn r-i CO LD r^» CD CM ld en cm CD CM r«~ ld CM CO r-i CM co co cn ^- r-«- o rH LD LD *3" i-l rH CTi ID O t-I HHH CO «3" CO Cvirrt CM LD CM LD cn rH rH r-i CM rH rH CM CO "vj- cn CO "si" LD CM CO rH rH CO r-i r-i r-i cn LD r-i CM r-i r-i CM ld r-^ CM CO <3" LD CM CO «3" LD CO rH rH rH CM CO co en rH rH CM LD i— 1 O O CM «3" CM CO ID O LD O o r-i i-H o o rH rH tH O LO rH rH rH CM r-I cn CM rH cn CO tH LD CD rH CO o rH rH rH rH LD CM HHCM r-i CM O O CO -vl- rH rH CD CO O O rH rH rH LD rH LD CD rH rH rH CM CM CO CO o LD LD r-i rH rH co r^- r-* ld r^- co rH CM cn co cn tH Q. =t LO LO rH LO CM ld r^ 03 <: rH rH r^. LD CD ID rH CD LO LT) T3 CT> CT> 3 . . -P •r™ +-> 03 -100 1^ en en rH tH rH LD LO LD cn cn cn -3- «tf- T3 3 +JNLD •r- CO CO -P • • 03 _J II rH O 4-> en en r-~ r — r~- CO CO CO LD lD LO CO CO CO O O rH cn cn en r-i r-i CO CO CO CO LD LD CO CO CM CO cn cn rH + CD -a 3 +3 +-> ro _J r~-« LD r-. r^» LD «3- o cn co r». LD LD LD r~- r — ■ r^- CO CO CM i — - r — r~~- cti cn cn r^- r-- r^> LD LD CM CM h-. r->. O tH CO CO '03 U '1 — -i-> S- CD > II LD O CM CO LD CO CM CM CO CM CM CO «3- cn «* CO co <3- cm r-» CM CO CO ^t r^. cm co co <3- *d- O ID LD LO r^ cm ^ ID «=i- o ID LD 3 o c 3 •"3 >> 03 +-> r-i £ -P ■r— r— *r- °l — S- Q. i— t-H O C\J CD «3- r^ o OOH iH cn rH CO cn cn cn rH CO LD O CD CD O LD r-i r-i r— i— 1 CM cn cn CO LD CO cn cn cn r-i LD O O cn LD CO Tj" cm cn LD LO LD LD LO «3" r^- oo rH to O rH O rH rH rH rH ID rH O rH CM CO rH rH r-i LD cn o CO r-i rH rH rH CT> LD LD rH CM CO r-i r-i r~~ CO "3" LD h«- r-i O rH LD CO CM rH CM CO r-i r-i «vt- cn ■vt" ID CO CM ld r^ rH CM ID co cn o rH rH CM «3" 03 i-H rH r-i CO rH rH rH rH CO O CO CM «3" LD r^l co co r-i o CM rH r-i r-i CD CO rH rH rH O LD «3" ■vi- ld r^-. r-i r-i CM CO o *d- r-i r-i LD <=*• CM CO rH rH r-i LD CD O 'd- LD CO rH rH cn CM O LD CM <3" cn o r-i CTl r-- r-i rH CO LD r-i r-i co cn cn co CD Ll_ tH LO rH rH C\J HHH rH CM CM «3- ld cn rH CD <3" CM CM r-i CO CO tH LO <3- rH rH rH CO CO CO LD CO CM CM CM CO LD r-~ r-- rH r-i CO 1^- "^- LO rH rH rH LD CM CD r^- cd «3- CM CM cn ^t- cn cd rH o r-- CM CO rH rH rH cn co CD LO CO CO rH CM CO rH cn o 03 rH i— 1 rH rH r-i CM CO rH r-i rH rH CM CM CO r-i rH rH CM CM CM "3" i— 1 rH r-i i— 1 CM CM «3- CD ■a 3 03 1 LD CM CD CO LD O ID CO <3- **■ CD LD LD LD LD CM CD CO LD CD LO CO >* rj- CD LD LD LD ID CD CM CO LD CD LD CO «3- «3- CD LD LD LD LO O CM CO LO CD LD CO «3- <3" CD LO LO ID A3-13 o 1^ s- o \cc u cn ro rH 00 00 CO UD rH 00 O r-i CO iD CD UD CO 00 CM CO UD CO UD r- LD CO r» ID UD CD o i— t CO mi^H 00 O =3" ID 00 rH ID OO 00 id r-. CO CO 00 UD CM CO LD oo cm r^ UD CM rH rH rH rH CM CM «3" r-i r-i rH CM CM CO <3- r-i r-i rH CM CM CO ID rH r-i rH CM CM CO ID > ud r- CM CM CM UD r-i *t r-. •3" 00 r-i OO CO *t 00 LOHI^ CM CO CO ID 1^- UD LD CO 00 o rH C\] "3" UD CO CO r-i CO *tf- UD CO CM r*» LD ■3" ID r-» cd co CO 00 rH CO LD 00 CM 00 r^ r-1 rH rH rH rH CM CO r-\ rH rH rH CM CM CO rH rH rH CM CM CM CO rH rH rH rH CM CM CO 4-> o r*» UD 00 CO m UD o r^ r^ CD r-. rH ID CO CD H CO 00 CO r-i CM *t 1^ r-i t-{ r-i rH rH rH CM r>- <3" r-i CM CO ID rH rH UD CO rH rH rH CO CO UD rH LD CM rH r-i r-i ^t r-i r-i r-i CO -^ CD r-i CM CO CD CM o rH rH rH CO CO O r-i CM CO CO CD- CD C/D O O HHCM CO «3" O O rH rH CM CO *fr O O O r-i CM CM <3" ID UD UD 1^- CO O rH rH t-H rH rH rH J-t T~\ r-i rH r-i r-i r-i rH r-i r-i r-i rH rH rH r-i r-i rH rH CX> O O rH CO UD CO CO ID ID UD 00 CD CO r». ID UD N00O CM UD r-i r^. WON ID CO 3 O O O O O O rH CO CO CO CO O O o 00 CO 00 00 CO CO CO CO CO "vf" ID ID ud r^. i-H rH rH rH rH ID LD UD rH rH r^ oo oo r-- r-i r — r — r — rH rH 00 CO UD ID ID «3" LD LD UD CO r^ cm r-» co 00 ID r _ 3 CO (DO CT> CX> CO CO 00 00 CO CO CO 00 00 r-«. P^ r». I"-. r»- r-« r» CM CM CO co «3- "=d" ID ■"D ID rH 1 CD ■a r-i + (0 3 U C a» ud ld «* «=t ^1- «3- -=3- +J UD LD ID <3" ^1- ID ID a> CO CM CM CM r-i CM CM •r- r-i ID CO «sf o ID r-i 3 -o co co C"> CT) CO CO CO "i — 00 00 00 00 00 oo a ■o i--. r^. h«. r-. r-» r^ r-- -f-> CM CM CM CO >^- *t ID o 3 . . +-> 4-> TO -J 3 J- . > fO II 03 II >> -100N r-» oo cn O CM O O O O r-i CM ■3" 1 OO 00 00 00 CO O r-i LD CO mHrv CO O 03 CO CO cn CT) cn o o +-> CO CO CO CO CO CTi co r*» r». r-* r-- r-* 00 00 +-> CM C> CO ^t- "* ID UD s: II • • r-i rH •r— II •r— r- • ^ •r— 1— r- S- rH CO ID 00 rH UD CM 00 O CM ID 00 OO cn r-i CM <3" UD CO «3- CO PN. <3" HCTIN UD f^. Q. O O O O rH r-i CM CO O O O CO r-^ rH CO CO CO CO CO O C3 CO •vl- LD ID UD r^ 00 r-i rH rH rH rH 1-\ T-i rH r-i r-i rH rH r-i rH J- UD rH r-» «=i- -3- r^ -vi- r-i UD CM CD O oo CM co «3- O 00 00 rH CO , ^- oo ■tlDO r^. cd 2: O rH rH CM CO «tf- UD r-i r-i CM CO "3- lO r^ O rH CM CM CO ID UD UD r^ 00 CO rH CM ID r-i i-l rH rH rH rH rH rH r-i HHH rH r-^ r-i r-i rH rH rH r-i r-i r-i r-i r-i -Q CM O HlDin CO <3" *t *$■ UD CM ^~ LD r-i O CO CM CO rH CO r-i UD CO UD UD CM r^ co r-i CM CO «3" UD CO CO CM CO "3" UD 00 rH UD CO CO ID UD CO CM n*. CO o cm <3- r^. CD ID rH rH rH rH rH rH CM rH r-i rH rH rH CM CM rH r-i rH rH rH CM CM rH HHH CM CM C r-. O UD CO CO UD O r** CM r-i 00 00 CD CO CO ID UD ID 00 «3- rH UD UD CD CO 00 00 CO rH CO <=d- UD O LD ID CO ID r^ co co O CD <5j- IX) 00 r-i ID CM >=3- CM <^- r^ o «3- r-i CO rH r-i rH rH CM CM CO r-i r-i rH rH CM OO -=*■ r-i r-i rH CM CM co <^- r-i r-H rH CM CM CO «3" cu T3 3 +-> LD O ID O ID O ID ID CD LD O ID O ID ID CD ID CD ID CD LD ID O ID O ID O ID -»-> fO 1 CM CO CO «3" "3- ID ID CM CO CO -3- «3- ID ID CM CO CO ^- «3" LD LD CM CO CO «^ «3- ID LD A3-15 MEAN DAILY SOLAR RADIATION ^Lai JANUARY Figure A3-1. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), January ;j ^^.v.^-..^MEAN DAILY SOLAR RADIATION Figure A3-2. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), February A3-16 Figure A3-3. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), March MEAN "DAILY SOLAR RADIATION (Lang leys)' APRIL Figure A3-4. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), April A3-17 Figure A3-5. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), May Figure A3-6. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), June A3-18 MEAN^DAILY SOLAR RADIATION (Langleys )\ -■f-ra»r Ul 1 Figure A3-7. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), July 7JMEAN DAILY SOLAR RADIATION (Langleys) Figure A3-8. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), August A3-19 SsA-~. ~TiEAN DAILY SOLAR RADIATION Figure A3-9. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), September 7(^ : -v.--. J ft % PrMEAN_DAILY SOLAR RADIATION Figure A3-10. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), October A3 -20 Figure A3-11. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), November -Je* Figure A3-12. Mean Daily Solar Radiation (Langleys), December A3-21 JULY K. Figure A3-13. Tilt Correction Factor for 25° Latitude, 10° Tilt A3-22 1.4 1.3 LATITUDE = 30° TILT= LATITUDE^ TILT=!5 1.0 0.9 K, Figure A3-14. Tilt Correction Factor for 30° Latitude, 15° Tilt A3-23 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3- 15. Tilt Correction Factor for 35° Latitude, 20° Tilt .8 1.7 1.6 1.5 .4 1.3 .2 .0 0.9 A3-24 LATITUDE=40 _TILT= LATITUDES TILT=25°„ . L -^_b: — MAY JUL J UN 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K< Figure A3- 16. Tilt Correction Factor for 40° Latitude, 25° Tilt A3-25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K< Figure A3- 17. Tilt Correction Factor for 45° Latitude, 30° Tilt A3-26 03 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K, Figure A3- 18. Tilt Correction Factor for 50° Latitude, 35° Tilt A3-27 ^Zf-~Z 4.0 LAT1TUDEa55l< T 1LT= L ATJJUDE--J5^ TlLTr_4 d ^F^r 3.5 T^l DEC 3.0 R 2.5 2.0 .5 1.0 AUG tMAY_ : JUL J UN 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3- 19. Tilt Correction Factor for 55° Latitude, 40° Tilt A3-28 0.9 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-20. Tilt Correction Factor for 25° Latitude, 25° Tilt A3-29 LATITUDE =30° TJ LT = LATI TUDE ^ ^ TILT= 30° 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-21. Tilt Correction Factor for 30° Latitude, 30° Tilt A3-30 R Figure A3-22. Tilt Correction Factor for 35° Latitude, 35° Tilt A3-31 3EE£EHEE&I DEC 0.7 K< Figure A3-23. Tilt Correction Factor for 40° Latitude, 40° Tilt A3-32 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 ^LATITUDE =4S* ~-r XILT= LATITUDE^ TILT = 45^^ r ^ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K, Figure A3-24. Tilt Correction Factor for 45° Latitude, 45° Tilt A3-33 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 R 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 - r •■"-[-• - LATITUDE =50° DEC TILT= LATITUDE TILT=50°__:__ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-25. Tilt Correction Factor for 50° Latitude, 50° Tilt A3-34 5.0 LATITUDE* 55l°L TILT* LATITUDE! _TILT=-55° ^ 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Figure A3-26. Tilt Correction Factor for 55° Latitude, 55° Tilt A3-35 0.9 0.8 0.7 JUN 0.3 Figure A3-27. 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Tilt Correction Factor for 25° Latitude, 40° Tilt A3-36 R K, Figure A3-28. Tilt Correction Factor for 30° Latitude, 45° Tilt A3-37 0.7 K, Figure A3-29. Tilt Correction Factor for 35° Latitude, 50° Tilt A3 -38 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 I .8 R 1.6 I .4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 LAT1TUDE=l4Q ° ^B^ TILT= LATITUDE 4 TILT=55 ° ^ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-30. Tilt Correction Factor for 40° Latitude, 55° Tilt A3-39 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-31. Tilt Correction Factor for 45° Latitude, 60° Tilt A3 -40 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 0.5 LATITUDE=.5Q° TILT= LATITUDE +15° TILTv65 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K, Figure A3-32. Tilt Correction Factor for 50° Latitude, 65° Tilt A3-41 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 DE^ -LATITUDE rr-^APR — AUG = MAY — JUL — -JUN 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K, Figure A3-33. Tilt Correction Factor for 55° Latitude, 70° Tilt A3-42 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K, Figure A3-34. Tilt Correction Factor for 25° Latitude, Vertical Tilt A3-43 R 1.0 MAY JUL 0.4 0.5 K Figure A3-35. Tilt Correction Factor for 30° Latitude, Vertical Tilt A3 -44 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-36. Tilt Correction Factor for 35° Latitude, Vertical Tilt A3-45 =^ftUG MAY JUL J UN 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K, Figure A3-37. Tilt Correction Factor for 40° Latitude, Vertical Tilt A3 -46 MAY JUbH 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-38. Tilt Correction Factor for 45° Latitude, Vertical Tilt A3-47 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 R 2.0 1.5 0.5 0.0 _j_ \- :,:: JUL JUN 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-39. Tilt Correction Factor for 50° Latitude, Vertical Tilt A3-48 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 K Figure A3-40. Tilt Correction Factor for 55° Latitude, Vertical Tilt TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 4 SOLAR COLLECTORS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 4-i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES . LIST OF SYMBOLS Page 4- i i i 4-iv 4-v OBJECTIVES 4-1 INTRODUCTION 4-1 TYPICAL SOLAR COLLECTORS 4-2 TYPICAL LIQUID COLLECTOR 4-2 TYPICAL AIR COLLECTOR 4-3 BASIC PRINCIPLES 4-4 HEAT LOSSES FROM COLLECTOR 4-7 SOLAR ENERGY ABSORPTION 4-9 SELECTIVE SURFACES 4-12 COLLECTOR PERFORMANCE 4-13 CONVENIENT PERFORMANCE EQUATION 4-13 HEAT RECOVERY FACTOR 4-14 COLLECTOR TEMPERATURE PATTERNS 4-15 COLLECTOR EFFICIENCY 4-17 Typical Collector Characteristics .... 4-20 Collector Characteristics Presented with Different Temperature Base ....... 4-22 Comparison of Liquid and Air Collector Performance. 4-25 CORROSION PROTECTION FOR LIQUID COLLECTORS .... 4-28 CORROSION BY OXIDATION 4-28 4-ii CORROSION BY ION EXCHANGE CORROSION BY GALVANIC ACTION . CORROSION BY CREVICING EROSION OF CONDUITS .... FREEZE PROTECTION FOR LIQUID COLLECTORS . ETHYLENE GLYCOL ADDITIVE . ORGANIC FLUIDS FOR FREEZE PROTECTION COLLECTOR ARRAYS REFERENCES Page 4-29 4-31 4-32 4-33 4-33 4-33 4-35 4-35 4-41 4-iii LIST OF FIGURES n Liquid- and Figure 4-1 Liquid-Heating Solar Collector 4-2 Air-Heating Solar Collector 4-3 Definition Sketch for Equation 4-1 4-4 Comparison of Typical Temperatures Air-Heating Solar Collectors . 4-5 Typical Collector Performance Curve 4-6 Measured Solar Collector Efficiencies of Several Collectors ....... 4-7 Comparison of Liquid and Air Collectors Based on Measured Performance (points shown are for air collector operating at 2 cfm/ft 2 . 4-8 Results of Performance Calculations 4-9 Specific Heat of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions. 4-10 Density of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions . 4-11 Viscosity of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions 4-12 Definition Sketch for Fluid Flow Distribution Through a Solar Collector Array . 4-13 Typical Arrangement of Internally Manifolded Collector Modules in an Array . Page 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-16 4-19 4-21 4-25 4-28 4-36 4-36 4-37 4-39 4-39 4-iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 4-1 Collector Performance Parameters .... 4-23 4-2 Comparison of Typical Solar Heating Systems Employing Liquid and Air Collectors . . . 4-27 4-3 Some Inhibitors Suitable for Use in Aqueous Solar Collector Fluids 4-30 4-4 Galvanic Order of Some Common Metals . . . 4-31 4-5 Concentration of Ethylene Glycol Required for Freeze Protection ....... 4-34 4-6 Some Physical Properties of Dowtherm J and Therminol 55 ....... 4-37 4-v LIST OF SYMBOLS 2 A Overall collector area or absorber area, ft c ' c Specific heat of fluid, Btu/(lb-°F) C Heat capacity flow rate = mc , Btu/(hr*°F) F R Heat recovery factor, a correction factor in the_col lector performance equation when T. is used instead of t 2 I Solar insolation, Btu/(hr*ft ) I Extraterrestrial radiation on a horizontal surface at the outer limits of earth's atmosphere, Btu/(hr«ft 2 ) Ij Solar radiation on the outer cover of a tilted collector per unit area, Btu/(hr*ft 2 ) m Fluid mass flow rate, lb/hr Q Useful heat delivered by the collector, Btu/hr T Atmospheric temperature, °F a T. Fluid temperature at the inlet to the collector, °F f Average temperature of the upper surface of the absorber p plate, °F U, Overall heat loss coefficient from the collector per unit collector area or absorber area, Btu/(hr*ft 2 *°F) a Absorptance of solar radiation by the absorber plate, no dimension rt Collector efficiency, useful heat delivered by the collector divided by the total solar radiation incident on the collector t Transmittance of solar radiation through the covers, no dimensions (ia) n Transmittance absorptance product when beam radiation is normal to the plane of the collector cover n 4-1 OBJECTIVES At the end of this module, the trainee should be able to: 1. Identify and describe the purpose of each component of a solar collector. 2. Compare the performance of various collectors. 3. Describe methods of preventing corrosion and freezing of collectors. 4. Describe the use of various fluids in collectors. 5. Recognize effect of system design on collector performance. 6. Explain the factors contributing to solar collector durability. INTRODUCTION Collectors may be divided into two classes, liquid- heating and air-heating solar collectors. A common design for both types consists of an absorber plate, with black surface coating, contained in a metal frame box with one or more transparent covers above the absorber plate. The covers are transparent to incoming solar radiation and relatively opaque to outgoing (long-wave) radiation. The principal purpose of transparent covers is to reduce heat losses. Insulation is placed beneath the absorber plate to reduce heat losses through the back of the collector. A special collector design uses a vacuum jacket around the absorber to reduce conduction and convection heat losses. 4-2 Nearly all practical systems for solar space heating and hot water heating involve flat-plate collectors. They are easy to install, re- quire no moving parts, and have reasonable prospects for reliable and durable operation. Some types of concentrating collectors are being tested in experimental situations, but their cost is much higher than the flat-plate types, and there is not sufficient information available at the present time to evaluate the practicality of concentrating collector systems. TYPICAL SOLAR COLLECTORS TYPICAL LIQUID COLLECTOR A partially sectioned diagram of a typical flat-plate liquid solar collector is shown in Figure 4-1. The drawing shows a commercially manufactured collector comprising a glass-covered metal box containing an absorber plate to which an array of tubes is attached and beneath which insulation is provided. A liquid is pumped through the collector tubes and manifolds for heating. Typical collector dimensions are 6.5 feet by 3.0 feet. The space between glass covers is about one-half inch and the inner glass cover is about one inch above the absorber plate. Two to four inches of insulation such as heat-resistant fibrous glass are commonly used below the absorber plate. Metal is probably the best material for absorber plates, and good thermal contact is required between the absorber plate and the tubes through which the liquid is transported. Volumetric flow rate is typically 0.02 gal/(min«ft ) of collector surface area. 4-3 MOUNTING BRACKET ABSORBER PLATE WITH SELECTIVE SURFACE COPPER TUBES SILICONE RUBBER PADS TO ISOLATE ABSORBER PLATE FROM FRAME I TWO COVER GLASSES GLASS SEAL TO FRAME INLET WATER HEADER STEEL FRAMING SEMI-RIGID INSULATION PLUMBING FITTING Figure 4-1. Liquid-Heating Solar Collector TYPICAL AIR COLLECTOR A sketch of a typical air-heating solar collector is shown in Figure 4-2. The principal difference between air- and liquid-heating collectors is the size and configuration of the fluid conduits. The figure shows three wide air passages directly beneath the absorber plate. Air therefore flows in contact with nearly the entire absorber surface, through channels about one-half inch high, at a sufficient velocity for effective heat transfer. The design shown also has an internal manifold for air distribution to the three channels of the collector panel. Volumetric flow rate is typically 2 cfm/ft of collector surface area. 4-4 METAL FRAME BOX TRANSPARENT COVERS ABSORBER PLATE INSULATION AIR PASSAGES INTERNAL MANIFOLD Figure 4-2. Air-Heating Solar Collector BASIC PRINCIPLES A solar collector is a device for converting the energy in solar radiation to heat in a fluid. This conversion is accomplished by ab- sorbing the solar radiation on a broad, thin metal surface which is in contact with a stream of liquid or gas. Absorption of solar energy causes the temperature of the metal surface to rise so that the tempera- ture of the fluid increases as it moves past the surface. Under steady conditions, the useful heat delivered by the solar collector is equal to the energy absorbed in the metal surface minus the heat losses from that surface directly and indirectly to the surround- ings. This principle can be stated in the relationship: 4-5 Useful Area Solar Heat heat = of radiation - ■ losses gain absorber absorbed or rewriting in equation form, where (4-1) Q is useful heat delivered by the collector, Btu/hr 2 A is total collector area, ft c Ij is the solar energy received on the upper surface of the sloping collector per unit area, Btu/(hr*ft 2 ) x is fraction of the incoming solar radiation which reaches the absorbing surface, no dimensions a is fraction of the solar energy reaching the surface which is absorbed, absorptivity, no dimensions U. is the overall heat loss coefficient, Btu/(hr*ft 2 «°F) transferred to the surroundings from each square foot of exposed collector surface per degree difference between average collector surface temperature and the surrounding air temperature T is average temperature of the upper surface of the absorber plate, °F T is atmospheric temperature, °F A diagrammatic representation of the terms in this relationship is shown in Figure 4-3. 4-6 \ :^ © CONVECTION LOSS RADIATION LOSS ABSORPTION REFLECTION BOTTOM OF COLLECTOR LATION CONDUCT!- FLUID PASSAGE ABSORBED ENERGY = A c I T ra EFFECTIVE HEAT LOSS = A c U L ( T p -T Q ) Figure 4-3. Definition Sketch for Equation 4-1 4-7 HEAT LOSSES FROM COLLECTOR In order that the performance of a solar collector can be as high as economically practical, the design and operating factors which can maximize the value of the first term on the right-hand side of Equation (4-1) and can minimize the value of the second term are selected. In other words, the greater the energy absorption in the metal surface and the lower the heat loss from that surface, the higher will be the useful recovery. If a bare metal plate serves as the collector, and with typical values of 2 to 10 Btu/(hr«ft 2 *°F) for the coefficient of heat transfer to the atmosphere, U. , the rates of heat loss will be so large that an absorber plate temperature 25 to 50 degrees above atmospheric temperature would be the maximum achievable under typical full solar 2 radiation of 300 Btu/(hr«ft ). Under these conditions no useful heat would be delivered from the collector because the heat loss would be equal to the solar heat absorbed, leaving nothing for useful delivery. To reduce the rate of heat loss occurring by radiation and convection, one or more transparent surfaces, such as glass, can be placed above the metal surface. The glass will transmit as much as 90 percent of the incident solar radiation and it will greatly reduce the heat loss coefficient, U, . The reduction in U. is due to the suppres- sion of convection losses from the absorber plate by the relatively stagnant air layer between the absorber plate and the glass, and by intercepting the long-wave, thermal radiation emitted by the hot metal surface because glass is opaque to the long-wave radiation. The heat loss coefficient can be reduced to 1 or 2 Btu/(hr«ft « F) by the use of one glass cover. Similar benefits can be realized by use of certain transparent plastic materials. 4-8 Further reduction in the heat loss coefficient can be realized by using a second transparent surface with an air space between the two surfaces. Two relatively stagnant air barriers to convection loss are then present, as well as two surfaces impeding radiation loss. Coeffi- cients in the range of 0.7 Btu/(hr*ft '°F) are typically then obtained. Radiation losses can be reduced by other techniques, such as by reducing the radiation-emitting characteristics of the heat absorbing surface. This measure is discussed in the section pertaining to the solar radiation absorbing characteristics of the surface. Thermal radiation emitted by the absorber plate may also be reduced by reflect- ing it downward from the lower glass cover by applying an infrared- reflecting coating on the glass. An optically transparent, very thin layer of tin oxide or indium oxide deposited on the glass will reduce radiation loss by reflecting it back to the absorber plate. This coat- ing absorbs a small fraction of the solar radiation, however, so the reduced thermal loss is largely off-set by reduced solar energy input to the absorber plate. Significant losses can occur from the side and back of the collector unless insulation is used. It is advisable to use a high- temperature insulation adjacent to the back side of the absorber plate layered with a lower temperature insulation to provide the required resistance to heat flow. The total R value of the insulation should be at least 10 for medium- temperature flat-plate collectors. A transparent honeycomb of thin plastic film can also suppress radiation loss if interposed between the absorber plate and the lower glass cover. Convection loss suppression also can be achieved, leading to improvement of overall efficiency. Low- to moderate-priced plastic 4-9 film does not appear to have sufficient resistance to damage by high collector-plate temperatures, however, so this technique has not been commercially utilized. The foregoing discussion has been concerned with methods for reducing U. , the heat loss coefficient, to the lowest practical level. By so doing, the total heat loss is minimized and collector efficiency is increased. It is evident from Equation (4-1) that losses also de- crease as the difference between plate temperature and air temperature decreases. The ambient (outside) air temperature is an uncontrollable factor, of course, but the fact that it varies with time and with geo- graphic location means that collector efficiency will also be dependent upon these factors. It is clear, also, that a collector will be more efficient at lower plate temperatures than at high temperatures. Plate temperature is dependent largely on the way the collector is operated, that is, by the temperature of the fluid being circulated in contact with the plate, the rate of fluid circulation, and the type of fluid. Fluid temperature depends on conditions elsewhere in the system, whereas the other factors depend on the collector design and the operating conditions. SOLAR ENERGY ABSORPTION In Equation (4-1), the first term is the solar energy absorbed in the absorbing surface, which depends upon the solar energy incident on the tilted surface of the collector and is affected by collector orien- tation, as outlined in Module 3. This climatic variable can be measured or derived from tables of averages, and if not already converted, can be calculated for the proper collector position. 4-10 The transmissivity of the glass, i, is a function of the quality of the glass and the angle at which the solar radiation reaches the glass. At normal incidence (solar beam perpendicular to the glass surface), one sheet of ordinary window glass reflects about eight percent of the solar radiation. Two sheets of glass with air space between reflect about 15 percent. Impurities in the glass, principally iron, result in some radiation absorption; typical glasses 1/8 inch in thickness absorb one to five percent per sheet. Glass with reasonably low iron content may absorb about two percent per sheet, so at normal incidence, the total transmission of two sheets of glass can be approximately 80 percent. The value of t is, therefore, 0.8. Because the beam radiation from the sun strikes the collector at an angle which varies throughout the day, as well as seasonally, a weighted mean transmissivity is somewhat lower than this normal -incidence value. Precise calculations can be made, but a satisfactory approximation for a single-glazed collector can be based on a 10 percent average reflection loss and a suitable absorption loss dependent on glass quality. Assum- ing two percent absorption, an average transmissivity, x, of a single sheet could be about 0.88. In a double-glazed collector, an effective transmission coefficient of 0.78 could be obtained with good quality glass. If plastics are used for the transparent surfaces, transmission coefficients could be appreciably different, depending upon the char- acteristics of the plastics. Some have transmissivities moderately higher than glass, whereas others show lower values. Methods for reducing the reflectivity of glass surfaces have been developed. Metallic films formed by vapor deposition are commonly used 4-11 as lens coatings in photographic equipment. These interference layers are too costly for use in solar collectors. Another process involves a delicate etching of the glass surface by acid treatment, producing essentially a slightly porous silica surface. Solar reflectivities as low as 1 to 2 percent can be obtained under carefully controlled condi- tions. Total transmissivity of a double-glazed collector can thereby be increased to values above 90 percent. The cost-effectiveness of this substantial improvement in performance has yet to be established. The solar absorptivity of the radiation-receiving surface, a, is dependent on the optical property of the materials exposed to solar radiation. Surfaces which appear black to the eye have high absorptiv- ity for the visible portion of the solar spectrum, and usually also are good absorbers for the infrared portion of the solar radiation. Carbon black, numerous oxides, and most black paints have absorptivities above 0.95, that is, they absorb 95 percent of the solar radiation reaching the surface. The remainder of the solar radiation is reflected upwards through the glazing. The overall efficiency of the collector is strong- ly dependent on the absorptivity of this surface. The most common types of absorber surfaces are heat-resistant black paints, usually applied by spraying, followed by curing with heat to eliminate solvents and to secure permanence. These surfaces must be capable of prolonged exposure to temperatures of 300°F to 400°F in double-glazed collectors, without appreciable deterioration or outgas- sing. In a recently developed solar air collector, sheet steel coated with black porcelain enamel (applied to the steel as a sprayed-on frit and fused to the surface in a furnace) is achieving successful application. 4-12 SELECTIVE SURFACES Most surfaces that are good absorbers for solar radiation are also good radiators of heat. If, for example, a surface has an absorptivity of 0.95 for solar radiation, it will normally radiate heat at a rate about 95 percent of that of a "perfect" radiator. Certain combinations of surfaces, known as selective surfaces, are capable of absorbing solar radiation effectively, while at the same time radiating heat at a low rate. Most selective surfaces are composed of a very thin black metal- lic oxide on a bright metal base. The black oxide coating is thick enough to act as a good absorber, with an absorptivity as high as 0.95, but it is essentially transparent to long-wave thermal radiation emitted by an object at a temperature of several hundred degrees F. Because bright metals have low emissivity for thermal radiation, that is, are poor heat radiators, and the thin oxide coating is transparent to such radiation, the combination is a poor heat radiator. As a result, the radiation loss from this type of surface is considerably lower than from a conventional, non-selective surface. The overall heat loss coeffi- cient for the collector, U, , has a lower value when a selective surface is used. The most successful and stable selective surface developed to date is made by electroplating a layer of nickel on the absorber plate, then electrodepositing an extremely thin layer of chromium oxide on the nickel substrate. Nickel oxide coatings have also been used, but they are less resistant to damage from moisture. Coatings of copper oxide on bright copper and nickel have similar properties, but temperature sta- bility is limited. The most effective selective surfaces have solar absorptivities near 0.95 and thermal emissivities near 0.1. 4-13 COLLECTOR PERFORMANCE CONVENIENT PERFORMANCE EQUATION Having now recognized the principal design factors affecting collector performance, specifically those related to heat loss control and those involving the absorption of solar radiation, we now can see from Equation (4-1) that if the numerical values of all the terms are known, the rate of useful heat recovery, Q , can be calculated. In addition to the design characteristics of the collector discussed above, the three operating conditions, solar radiation, average absorber-plate temperature, and ambient temperature must be known. With the exception of plate temperature, these terms can readily be measured or obtained from tables or charts. Absorber-plate temperature, however, is seldom known, nor can it be easily determined. It is affected by the other collector operating conditions and, most critically, by the temperature of the fluid being supplied to the collector. In an operating system comprising collector, storage, and space being heated, the temperature of the fluid in storage can be calculated or assumed until confirmed. This fluid is supplied to the collector and strongly controls the absorber-plate temperature in Equation (4-1). In a typical liquid collector, average plate temperatures usually are 10 to 20 degrees above inlet liquid temperature and, in air collectors, the temperature difference is 30 to 50 degrees. As a convenience, there- fore, Equation (4-1) can be modified by substituting inlet fluid temper- ature for the average plate temperature, if a correction factor is applied to the resulting useful heat determination. The resulting equation is 4-14 "u " f A^ l l ra " U L (T i " V ] (4 ' 2) where T. is the temperature of the fluid entering the collector F R is a correction factor or "heat recovery factor", having a value between and 1.0, such that the useful heat recovery calculated by Equation (4-2) is equal to that calculated by Equation (4-1). HEAT RECOVERY FACTOR The heat recovery factor, F R , can be interpreted as the ratio of the heat actually recovered to that which would be recovered if the collector plate were operating at a temperature equal to that of the entering fluid. This temperature equality would theoretically be pos- sible if the fluid were circulated at such a high rate through the collector that there would be a negligible rise in the temperature of the fluid passing through the collector, and the heat transfer coeffi- cient were so high that the temperature difference between the absorber surface and the fluid would be negligible. In Equation (4-2), the temperature of the inlet fluid is dependent on the characteristics of the complete solar heating system and the heat demand of the building. F R , however, is affected only by the collector characteristics and the fluid flow rate through the collector. As indicated above, the numerical value of F R would be 1.0 if the entering fluid temperature and the average plate temperature were the same. 4-15 COLLECTOR TEMPERATURE PATTERNS The better the heat transfer coefficient between the metal plate and the fluid, the more nearly the fluid temperature will approach the plate temperature at any one position in the collector, hence the higher will be the value of F R . Similarly, the greater the fluid circulation rate, the smaller will be the temperature change from inlet to outlet and the closer will be the inlet fluid temperature to the average plate temperature. Figure 4-4 shows a typical temperature pattern in a solar heater being supplied with liquid at 130 degrees. Liquid leaves the collector at about 150 degrees, the collector-plate temperature is about 10 degrees above the liquid temperature throughout the collector, and the average plate temperature is about 150 degrees. If typical values of the collector parameters are substituted in Equations (4-1) and (4-2), it will be found that using 130°F as inlet fluid temperature in Equation (4-2) instead of 150°F as the average plate temperature in Equation (4-1) would necessitate use of a heat recovery factor, F R , of about 0.9 to obtain the correct value of Q . If the coefficient of heat transfer between the collector plate and the liquid is lower, or if a lower fluid circulation rate is used, the value of F R would be slightly less. A temperature pattern in a typical air-heating collector operating with an air supply from the space being heated or from the cold end of a pebble-bed storage unit at 70°F is also shown in Figure 4-4. Full sun and a practical air circulation rate of about 2 cfm per square foot of collector are assumed in the example. An air temperature rise of about 60 to 80 degrees would occur under these conditions, which is much higher than in the liquid case because of the lower specific heat for air. The mass flow rate is about the same as that of the liquid 4-16 1 i y\ 1 1 ■ '1 T" "1 1 "1 ! — a> 10 S- - r-°\ a a. o o *""* i_ V- ai Ll_ 00 a> O , o i_ o o lO o CO a> o a. .q < i_ o o S- fO - £ ID o o a> *— k* to \- o _o Q) a> o O) a "o CO c •r- 0_ a. O o> ro __ k— Cl> E o "•4— :n o CO 1— — to o a> x i S- _Q < c 1 — C\J o < ■o O *— 0) ro 3 o _ a> O ._ c 1 > t- o ■a < n I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I <"l Q =3 a- •r™ o o o o o o o O o o o O o o O) 00 h- CO lO sr ro C\J — o CD 00 r- CD r~ CO at S- .*— 3 o a> -p 1 1 l! L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ro S- *■"* . o a a> - u_ r- Q_ Q. o a> O E a» l— — 00 l_ •^ Q. o CO < O O o a> fO O - e a> — CO CD "o O •i— Q- 1 r Plat. Q. a> o M- £ a> H "o O o CO O o a> T3 53- co i_ 3 o •«•" s_ o to cr CO o ro Q. E o ~ < !j - c a> X a) a> o i o _ o* o T3 •4— CM o 3 a> 73 , a) o o O" «3- _ > < II 1 1 | Y i | | | 1 1 /~< c o CO a Lj CD S- O O O o O O o o O O O o o o w Z3 Ll_ a> oo r- CD m ^f- ro CO O en CO r- that is, the ratio of useful heat delivery divided by the total solar radiation, by dividing both sides of the equation by I T and by A . Equation (4-3) is the result. (T, " T ) n„ = u c curl a i ( collector\ rn OA t . F D xa - F n U. [ r ] - **• • (4-3) IjA R R L L I T J vefficiency/ v J For a given collector operating at a constant fluid circulation rate, A , Fn, , a, and U. are nearly constant regardless of solar and tempera- ture conditions. Assuming that they are constant, Equation (4-3) repre- sents a straight line on a graph of efficiency versus T. - T /I T a as 4-18 shown in Figure 4-5. The characteristics of this line are an intercept (the intersection of the line with the vertical efficiency axis) equal to the numerical value of F R xa and a "slope" of the line, that is, the vertical scale change divided by the horizontal scale change, which is equal to F R U.. If experimental data on collector heat delivery at various temperatures and solar conditions are plotted on a graph with efficiency as the vertical axis and T. - T /I-p as the horizontal axis, the best straight line through the data points is a complete representa- tion of the collector performance over its entire operating range. Experimental data are normally taken for collectors with the collector tilted to be perpendicular to the solar beam radiation. Therefore, F D xa from performance curves is labeled F D (xa) where (xa) R r K n n indicates that the beam radiation is perpendicular to the plane of the collector cover. The point at which the line intersects the vertical axis corresponds to the fluid inlet temperature being the same as the ambient temperature, and collector efficiency is at its maximum. Where the line intersects the horizontal axis, collection efficiency is zero. This situation corresponds to such a low radiation level or such a high temperature of the fluid supply to the collector that heat losses are equal to solar absorption and no useful heat is delivered from the collector. At this point, the temperature of the absorber plate is equal to T., and is the maximum possible at the particular levels of ambient temperature and solar radiation. It is commonly referred to as stagnation temperature of the collector. In a solar heating system employing a non-freezing liquid and a heat exchanger for transfer of energy to storage, it is convenient 4-19 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 o0.6 £ 0.5 "o £ 0.4 til B 0.3 o o 0.2 0.0 VV'Wl (Ti-Tj i 'a (Eq. 4-3) F_{ra) (Intercept) =0.7 K n Experimental Data (Hypothetical in this Illustration) 0.7 Slope = F D U, = - : =— = 0.93 0.75 J L 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 T; -T 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 i ' a /hr-ft 2 °F\ \ Btu / Figure 4-5. Typical Collector Performance Curve 4-20 to modify the heat recovery factor, F R , so that it includes the exchanger and so that storage tank temperature may be substituted for T. in Equation (4-3). This adjusted factor, F R , is less than F R by the ratio of efficiencies obtainable with and without the exchanger. Its actual value can be determined by use of F R , the characteristics of the heat exchanger, and the liquid flow rates through the exchanger. The procedure for its determination is outlined in Module 7. For air col- lectors and for drain-back liquid collectors, no adjustment in F R is required. Typical Collector Characteristics Efficiencies of several types of collectors tested in the NASA Lewis Research Center are shown in Figure 4-6. Collectors 1 and 2 are seen to have the highest efficiencies, but final selection also depends on costs, durability, appearance, and so on. Collector 1 appears to have the best performance of all those compared in Figure 4-6 if nor- mally operated at conditions represented by the left-hand side of the graph. Such conditions are low operating temperatures or high solar radiation. Near the right-hand side of the graph, however, collector 2 is more efficient than collector 1, where high inlet collector tempera- tures or low solar radiation prevail. It is evident that some collec- tors are better than others in some temperature and radiation ranges, whereas a reversal can occur at different conditions. A graph such as Figure 4-6 for comparing a particular collector with others of similar type can be useful in selecting suitable equip- ment. Collector manufacturers usually provide such data. Of equal value are dependable data on the quantities F R (ia) and F R U. . Knowledge .0 0.9 4-21 Tj - Fluid Temperature at Inlet, °F Outdoor Air Temperature, I T - Solar Radiation on Tilted Collector, "o" r 1 lit • hn 0.4 0.6 T; -T„ I- 0.8 1.0 (hrft 2o F) BTU Figure 4-6. Measured Solar Collector Efficiencies of Several Collectors (Number label on graph refers to Reference Number in Table 4-1) 4-22 of those two factors is equivalent to having the graphical relationship. Table 4-1 contains this information for the same collectors shown in Figure 4-6 plus other commercially available collectors. Collector Characteristics Presented with Different Temperature Base The collector efficiency curves of Figures 4-5 and 4-6 and the characteristic values of F R U. and F r (toO listed in Table 4-1 apply specifically when the abscissa (horizontal axis) on the efficiency graph is expressed as the parameter (T. - T )/I T . Collector performance may i a be correlated with other collector temperatures, and various parameters are used for the abscissa of the collector efficiency curve. Two other parameters that are commonly used are: (1) [T. + T /2 - T ]/I-p and (2) (T - T )/I T , where T is collector outlet fluid temperature. In the first parameter, (T. + T )/2 is used instead of T. on the premise that an average of the inlet and exit temperatures more nearly represents the average plate temperature as expressed in Equation (4-1). It is also sometimes argued that the fluid temperature measured at the collector exit is more representative of collector performance because it is more indicative of the value or intensity of the heat collected. If the collector temperatures are "well behaved" as illustrated in Figure 4-6, it really makes little difference whether T-, (T. + T )/2, or T is used J 110 in the parameter to express collector efficiency. However, the heat recovery factor, F R , will differ for each case. When either (T. + T )/2 or T is used in the abscissa of the collector efficiency curve, corrections can be made to F R , hence to F R (ta) and F R U. . That is, the values of F R (xa) and F R U. that will 4-23 Table 4-1 Collector Performance Parameters* Ref. No. Manufacturer F R (xcO n F R U L (Btu/ft 2 h°F) Type 1 Honeywell (NASA) 0.863 0.715 Liquid 2 Owens-Illinois 0.447** 0.206** Liquid or Air 3 Miromit 0.724 0.947 Liquid 4 Beasley 0.600 0.759 Liquid 5 Revere 0.716 0.964 Liquid 6 Barber 0.816 1.204 Liquid 7 PPG 0.632 0.930 Liquid 8 Solar Products 0.600 1.057 Liquid 9 Solaron 0.516 0.516 Air 10 Rocky Mountain 0.679** 0.789** Liquid or Air 11 General Electric 0.639 0.614 Liquid 12 LeRC 0.745 0.820 Liquid 13 InterTechnology 0.650 0.610 Liquid 14 Southwest Std 0.672 0.794 Liquid 15 Sunworks 0.650 0.789 Liquid 16 Trantor 0.700 0.830 Liquid *From graphical presentation by Johnson, S.M. , and Simons, F.F. (1976) "Comparison of Flat-Plate Collector Performance Obtained Under Con- trolled Conditions in a Solar Simulator". Lewis Research Center, NASA, Cleveland, Ohio. Presented at Annual ISES Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. ** Numerical values apply to liquid collectors. 4-24 later be used in design calculations will be on the uniform basis, as if the parameter (T. - T a )/Ij were used to express the collector efficiency curve. The corrections are as follows: 1. When (T. + T )/2 is used, 10 Fn(ta) [corrected] = F R (ia) [uncorrected] x 1 + < F rV A c 2C_ 2. Within the terms in the bracket, F R U. is the uncorrected value and C is the collector fluid capacitance rate, C = mc (Btu/hr-°F) c p When T is used, o F R (xa) [corrected] = F R (ia) [uncorrected] x 1 + W\K and F R U, [corrected] = F R U. [uncorrected] x 1 + tf^a; where the terms in the brackets are defined under item (1) above. It should be noted that the mass flow rate and fluid capacitance rate through air collectors can significantly influence the collector performance discussed in the following section. The correction proce- dures cannot be applied for a flow rate that is different from that used to obtain the experimental data. 4-25 Comparison of Liquid and Air Collector Performance Efficiency relationships for a widely used air collector operating at two different air circulation rates and a liquid collector (collector 10 from Table 4-1) are shown in Figure 4-7. Whereas flow rate Liquid Collector #10 O.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 T;-Tn ft-hr-°F I T Btu Figure 4-7. Comparison of Liquid and Air Collectors Based on Measured Performance (points shown are for air collector operating at 2 cfm/ft 2 ) does not significantly affect the efficiency of a liquid collector, it is evident that air flow rate has a substantial influence on air collec- tor performance. Although even greater efficiencies can be achieved with higher air flow rates, the larger pressure drop and power require- 2 ments to circulate air at rates above 2 cfm/ft force a compromise between collector efficiency and power consumption. As seen from Figure 4-26 4-7, the liquid collector is more efficient than the air collector (toward the left-hand side) at the same inlet temperature, ambient temperature, and solar radiation level. It is important to recognize, however, that in space heating systems, liquid and air collectors nor- mally operate at very different inlet temperatures so that air collec- tors usually operate at conditions substantially nearer the left side of the graph than do the liquid type. The net result is comparable operat- ing efficiency of the two collectors when assembled in typical space heating systems. The foregoing comparison leads to the conclusion that whereas similar types of collectors such as flat-plate liquid heaters can be compared by means of a graph such as Figure 4-6, compari- sons cannot be drawn in this way between different types. A second conclusion is that since the conditions at which the collector must operate depend on system conditions, particularly storage temperature, comparative evaluation requires attention to the other components in the system and their effect on collector performance. Table 4-2 contains a step-by-step summary comparison of air and liquid types of collectors. Typical air and water heaters are compared at a high solar radiation level and at a fairly low solar intensity. Characteristic designs and operating conditions have been assumed. The results of the two calculations are shown in Figure 4-8 in graphical form. It may be noted that at the high solar radiation level, 300 Btu/(hr*ft 2 ), the two collectors have identical (50 percent) effi- ciency, and at the lower solar level, 150 Btu/(hr*ft 2 ), the air collec- tor (operating at the characteristically low return air temperature) has an efficiency substantially greater than the liquid collector. 4-27 Table 4-2 Comparison of Typical Solar Heating Systems Employing Liquid and Air Collectors Liquid Air 0.9 0.7 0.75 0.75 0.85 0.85 0.95 0.95 0.73 0.57 0.68 0.53 Performance Relationship : Collection Efficiency: jrh - f r « " f r u l <~4r^ C I I Design Characteristics : Heat Recovery Factor F R Heat Loss Coefficient U. Cover Transmission t Plate Absorptivity a F R (T0,) n F R U L Operating Conditions : Atmospheric Temperature T , °F 30 30 30 30 a Fluid Inlet Temperature T.,°F 130 130 70 70 Solar Radiation L, Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) 300 150 300 150 Fluid Flow Rate, gpm/ft 2 , cfm/ft 2 0.02 0.02 2.0 2.0 (T. - T a )/I T 0.333 0.666 0.133 0.266 ■ a i Calculated Performance : F R U L< T i " V'*T F R to, - F R U L (T r T a )/I T Collection Efficiency, % Computed Outlet Temperature, °F 0.23 0.46 0.07 0.14 0.50 0.27 0.50 0.43 50 27 50 43 145 138 134 125 4-28 0.8 0.6 £ 0.4 c o r 0.2 LU 0.73 I ^=0.68= F R U L Air Slope =0.53=F 'U, 0.133 I 0.333 I Lj • " X ■ I ' ' ' ' L 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 T, -T a Figure 4-8. Results of Performance Calculations CORROSION PROTECTION FOR LIQUID COLLECTORS Corrosion is a major problem that concerns not only collectors but the entire liquid-heating solar system. It is of particular concern in collectors with aluminum absorber plates and systems with aluminum pipes. There are several forms of corrosion that are of concern. These include pitting by oxidation and ion exchange, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, and erosion. CORROSION BY OXIDATION Oxidation of metals can be eliminated by removing the dissolved oxygen in the heat transfer liquid and preventing exposure of the liquid to the atmosphere. This can be accomplished in closed systems. While initially there will be free oxygen in the liquid, metal in the closed loop system will react with the oxygen and remove it from the liquid. 4-29 The amount of initial oxidation is not of practical concern. In drain-down systems, when fresh air is admitted repeatedly into the system, oxidation is a concern. If drain-down collectors are used, the collector tubing should have high resistance to oxidation. Copper and some types of stainless steel have been found reasonably satisfactory in such usage. CORROSION BY ION EXCHANGE Heavy metal ions in the collector fluid (and elsewhere in the system) can cause pitting. Pitting is aggravated by the presence of dissolved chloride ions which may originate from the water supply or from soldering fluxes in the piping. Heavy metal ions may result from corrosion of other parts of the system or may be present naturally in the water supply. Ion exchange and consequent pitting may be effectively prevented by addition of a small amount of corrosion inhibitor to the transport liquid. Some chemicals that are commonly used as inhibitors are listed in Table 4-3. It is particularly important that a corrosion inhibitor be added to systems involving antifreeze solutions in water. The most commonly used antifreeze is ethylene glycol. A 50 percent solution by volume of ethylene glycol in water will provide freezing protection down to about -30°F with a boiling point of about 230°F. At high temperatures the glycol can break down to form glycol ic acid. This decomposition is accelerated by dissolved oxygen in the system. The resulting acid will reduce the pH of the transport medium and tend to accelerate corrosion. Therefore a solar system that has a glycol antifreeze in the fluid 4-30 Table 4-3 Some Inhibitors Suitable for Use in Aqueous Solar Collector Fluids* Inhibitor Function Suitability Water Glycol Solution Sodium Tetraborate Na 2 B 4 y • 5H 2 Buffer, protects Fe 7 V Sodium Mercaptobenziothiazole (Na MBT) C ? H 4 NH 2 Na Cu alloy inhibitor V V Sodium Metasilicate Na 2 S 2 4 • 9H 2 General inhibitor for Cu, Fe, Al V V Sodium Orthophosphate Na 3 P0 4 • 12H 2 Protects Fe, Al V V Sodium Nitrate Na N0 3 Protects Fe, Al , and solder V V Sodium Orthoarsenate Na 3 A S0 4 • 12H 2 General inhibitor Most effective on Al V . V Chromates (Na, K, etc) General inhibitor for Al , Fe, and Cu V X *J.M. Popplewell, "Corrosion Prevention in Aluminum Solar Systems", Paper 170, Corrosion/77, San Francisco, California, March 1977. Notes: (1) Many other inhibitors suitable for solar service are available. This table lists a few of the more common ones only. (2) V = Suitable ? = Questionable X = Unsuitable 4-31 should be periodically monitored in order to avoid corrosion problems. The pH should be measured regularly and if it deviates more than one pH unit from the original value of the fresh solution, the system should be drained and a new solution should be used. The pH of the original solution can vary with the particular application but is normally recommended to exceed 10. CORROSION BY GALVANIC ACTION Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are joined in an electrolyte. The more noble metal acts as a cathode and is protected by the less noble metal, which acts as an anode and will be consumed. The galvanic relationship between various metals is listed in Table 4-4. Table 4-4 Galvanic Order of Some Common Metals* (Electrode Potential is for Sea Water) Metal Electrode Potential wrt H z (Volts) Magnesium -1.45 Zinc -0.80 Aluminum -0.53 Iron -0.50 Carbon steel -0.40 Lead -0.30 Tin -0.25 Copper -0.08 Stainless steel +0.07 (type 304) Platinum +0.40 *N.D. Tomashov, Theory of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , MacMillan, 1966. 4-32 Although the data were generated for sea water, the metals have the same order of activity in a different electrolyte. It is clear from the data that if copper and aluminum are coupled, the copper will act as a cathode and corrosion will be accelerated on the aluminum. The best protection against galvanic corrosion is to avoid contact between dissimilar metals. Dielectric couplers (rubber hose) may be used to join two dissimilar metals in the plumbing of a solar system. However, it is important to note that different alloys of the same material may have significantly different electrolytic potentials, and care should be taken to ensure that plumbing fittings are of the same alloy as the pipe. CORROSION BY CREVICING Crevice corrosion is similar to pitting corrosion and results in rapid loss of metal inside a crevice. The crevice can be the result of bad fittings, leaky gaskets, scale deposits, blockages, or unusual flow patterns. The crevice represents a restricted area where an occluded cell may develop. The mechanism of crevice corrosion is that oxygen is rapidly depleted inside the cell, thereby creating an anode. If there is abundant supply of oxygen outside the crevice, then the area outside the crevice can serve as a cathode. The small area inside the crevice will become active and rapid corrosion can occur. Crevice corrosion is perhaps a more difficult type of corrosion to avoid than the previously mentioned corrosion types. The best procedure is to attempt to eliminate crevices through good design, good installa- tion, and filtering to remove any debris that could lead to a blockage. 4-33 EROSION OF CONDUITS Erosion corrosion is the result of mechanical removal of the pro- tective film provided by an inhibitor, and it is most likely to occur when high flow rates and turbulent flow conditions exist. It is aggra- vated by the entrainment of air and debris. Control of the flow rate is the best way to avoid metal erosion. A general rule of thumb is to maintain flow rates less than 6 feet per second. It is also recommended that a filter be used to remove debris from the circulating liquid. FREEZE PROTECTION FOR LIQUID COLLECTORS ETHYLENE GLYCOL ADDITIVE Experience indicates that an ethylene glycol concentration of 10 to 20 percent is adequate to prevent pipe and tubing from bursting when exposed to temperatures well below the freezing point of the mixture. If the liquid in the system is static and flow at lower temperatures is not required, glycol concentrations as high as indicated in freezing point tables are not necessary. But pipes leading to a collector must be protected from freezing so that flow is always possible. Otherwise, the liquid in the collector may boil even in midwinter and, if the connecting pipes are frozen, flow cannot occur. Increased pressure in the absorber tubes caused by boiling could burst thin tubes. Adequate freeze protection for a water collector can be obtained with antifreeze concentrations that are less than those required in an automobile radiator, as the purpose of the antifreeze is to prevent damage to the collector, but not necessarily to prevent the formation 4-34 of ice crystals. In Table 4-5, the temperatures and percent ethylene glycol concentration in water (by volume) will result in a slushy Table 4-5 Concentration of Ethylene Glycol Required for Freeze Protection Percent Ethylene Glycol by Volume in Water Minimum Temperature for Freeze Protection, °F* 32 5 26 10 16 15 2 20 -18 c Flow will not be possible below these temperatures condition which, while very dense, does not result in damage to the absorber tubes. If the corrosion inhibitor additive in the antifreeze is to be effective, the minimum glycol concentration should be about 30 percent. For complete freeze protection in the most severe climates, ethylene glycol concentrations of 50 percent are usually recommended. In the presence of air, ethylene glycol degrades more readily than without air. A portion of the degradation product results in an acidic solution which promotes corrosion. If simultaneous exposure to oxygen and elevated temperatures of the ethylene glycol solution cannot be avoided, then the temperatures must be moderated. The allowable maximum temperature depends upon the degree of aeration and the desired service life of the solution. A temperature of 250°F may be acceptable when the 4-35 only source of air is a vent or vacuum breaker line. Antioxidants are helpful in some applications. The specific heat, density, and viscosity of aqueous ethylene glycol solutions vary with concentration and temperature. Of particular importance is the reduction of heat capacity and increase in viscosity of the mixture as concentration is increased and temperature is de- creased. The effects on the properties of the fluid mixtures are shown in Figures 4-9 through 4-11. In the absence of more detailed informa- tion, properties for mixture concentrations different from those shown will necessarily require some interpolative estimations. ORGANIC FLUIDS FOR FREEZE PROTECTION ( R) Dowtherm J^-^is an organic fluid which has a low freezing point and is also non-corrosive toward all metals or alloys commonly used in solar systems, such as steel, copper, aluminum, and stainless steel alloys. ($) (r) The physical properties of Dowtherm J^; as well as Therminol 55 v ~', are CRJ listed in Table 4-6. Therminol 55^-^is probably not adequate as a non- freezing fluid in cold climates. Silicone oils, although expensive, are stable, odorless, non-corrosive, and have no freezing or boiling problems. COLLECTOR ARRAYS The previous sections concerned individual collector modules or panels, and, in general, several modules are required in a solar system to provide the energy to meet the heating needs. Collector modules may 4-36 70 • 1 0.66 o C 0.64 9, 0.62 059 56 0.54 o tf o Surface conductances and resistances for air films for interior and exterior surfaces, in winter and summer, are tabulated in Table A5-1 of the Appendix to this module. The winter values are based on wind velo- city of 15 mph and summer values are based on wind velocity of 7 mph. Dead air spaces between walls offer thermal resistance. The resistance values are tabulated in Table A5-2 for 3/4-inch and 4-inch spaces for winter and summer conditions. For spaces between 3/4 inch and 4 inches, values may be interpolated. Thermal resistances of common building materials are tabulated in Table A5-3. U factors for windows and patio doors are listed in Table A5-4, and U factors for solid doors with and without storm doors are in Table A5-5. The values in these tables correspond with more complete tables listed in Chapter 20, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (1972). TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENTS The procedure for determining the overall heat transmission coefficients, U, for typical wall, roof, ceiling and floor construction is presented in this section. The values of R for materials and compo- nents are found in Tables A5-1 through A5-5. U factors for composite construction are determined in the following examples and U factors for other types of construction may be calculated by following these examples. 5-4 Example 5-1 - Frame Wall (2x4 studs) ITEM 1. Outside film (15 mph wind, winter) 2. Siding, wood (h x 8 lapped) 3. Sheathing (h inch regular) 4. Insulation batt (3-3% inch) 5. Gypsum wall board (h inch) 6. Inside surface (winter) Total Resistance, Rj U = 1/R T 0. 17 0. 81 1. 32 11. 00 0. 45 68 14.43 0.07 The calculated U factor applies to the area between 2x4 studs. Because the resistance to heat flow through the 2x4 stud is different from the insulation, a correction is sometimes considered. However, the correction is usually small, amounting to less than the accuracy of the R values, and therefore unnecessary. 5-5 Example 5-2 - Frame Wall (2x6 studs) From Example 5-1 R T Replace 3^- inch insulation, subtract Add 5^-inch insulation New R T U = 1/R T Difference in U from Example 1 Percent Difference from 2x4 wall 14.43 11.00 3.43 19.00 22.43 0.04 0.03 43 percent There is 43-percent reduction in heat loss for a 2 x 6 wall as compared with a 2 x 4 wall with correspondingly thicker insulation in the 2 x 6 wall. Example 5-3 - Solid Masonry Wall ITEM 1. Outside film ( 15 mph wind, winter) 2. Face brick (4 inch) 3. Common brick (4 inch) 4. Air space (3/4 inch) Gypsum board (h inch) Inside surface Total Resistance, Rj U = 1/R T ^^ R 0.17 0.44 0.80 1.28 0.45 0.68 3.82 0.26 5-6 Example 5-4 - Masonry Walls ITEM 1. Outside surface (15 mph) 2. Face brick (4 inch) 3. Cement mortar (h inch) 4. Cinder block (8 inch) 5. Air space (3/4 inch) 6. Gypsum board (h inch) 7. Inside surface Total Resistance, FL- U = 1/R-r 0.17 0.44 0.10 1.72 1.28 0.45 0.68 4.84 0.21 12 3 4 5 6 7 Example 5-5 - Basement Wall ITEM 1. Concrete wall (8 inch) 2. Insulation batt (2 inch) 3. Gypsum board (h inch) 4. Inside surface Total Resistance, R-p U = 1/R, _R 0.64 7.00 0.45 0.68 8.77 0.11 I 2 3 4 5-7 Example 5-6 - Insulated Ceiling, 6 inches ITEM 1. Inside surface 2. Insulation batt (6 inch) 3. Gypsum board (h inch) 4. Inside surface Total Resistance, Ry U = 1/R T 68 19. 00 45 0. 68 20.81 0.05 Example 5-7 - Insulated Ceiling, 9 inches ITEM 1. Inside surface 2. Insulation (9 inch) 3. Gypsum board (h inch) 4. Inside surface Total Resistance, R T U = 1/R T Percent decrease of U with 9- inch insulation over 6-inch insulation, 20 percent R 0.61 24.00 0.45 0.61 25.67 0.04 5-8 Example 5-8 - Floor ITEM 1. Top surface 2. Linoleum or tile 3. Felt 4. Plywood (5/8 inch) 5. Wood subfloor (3/4 inch) 6. Air space 7. Acoustic ceiling tile (3/4 inch) 8. Surface Total Resistance, Rj U = 1/R, 0.61 0.05 0.06 0.78 0.94 0.85 1.89 0.61 5.79 0.17 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Example 5-9 - Floor ITEM 1. Carpet and fibrous pad 2. Plywood (3/4 inch) 3. Insulation (9 inch) 4. Surface (still air) Total Resistance, R, U = 1/R, R 2.08 0.93 24.00 0.61 5-9 Example 5-10 - Basement Walls and Floor A heat transfer coefficient, U, for basement walls and floors of 0.10 Btu/(hr«ft '°F) is generally conservative because (dry) earth adds to overall thermal resistance. A ground temperature equal to the ground water temperature (generally 45°F to 55°F) is appropriate for use as the outside temperature in Equation (5-1). Example 5-11 - Pitched Roofs (Heat Flow Up) ITEM R 1. Outside surface (15 mph) 0.17 2. Asphalt shingle roofing 0.44 3. Building paper 0.06 4. Plywood deck (5/8 inch) 0.78 5. Inside surface 0.61 Total Resistance, R T 2.06 U = 1/R T 0.49 HEAT LOSS BY INFILTRATION There are two methods for estimating infiltration losses, the "crack" method and the "air change" method. Of the two methods, the air change method is simpler and easier to use and is the one discussed in this module. Details of the crack method are explained in the 5-10 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (1972). In either method, the objective is to determine the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of cold air which enters a building through cracks, open windows, and doors, to room temperature. The volume of cold air expected to enter a building through cracks during a one-hour period depends on such factors as wind direction and speed, pressure differences inside and outside the building, whether there are storm windows and doors or air locks on outdoor entrances. The entering volume of cold air may be expressed in terms of the volume of the room or the building interior and the number of air changes per hour. The average air changes for rooms with various fenestrations listed in Table A5-6 are in accordance with Chapter 19, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (1972). From the air change rate the contribution to the heating load by infiltration is calculated from Q = 0.018 V (T- - T Q ) (5-6) 3 where V is the volume change per hour (ft /hr) and Q is the increase in heating load, Btu/hr. When moisture is added to air to maintain winter comfort conditions, heat will be required to evaporate water which adds to the building heating load. The added heating load is: Q = 79.5 V (Wi " V (5 " 7) u w- 4-u •4T-14.+- 4. /4T4.3/. x ,,. is humidity ratio of where V is the infiltration rate (ft /hr), Wi J indoor air, and W is humidity ratio of outdoor air. o 5-11 DESIGN TEMPERATURES The "design" indoor temperature, T. , in Equation (5-1) is somewhat arbitrary, with 70°F commonly used for heating load calculations. When the procedure for heat load calculations was developed during the 1940's and early 50' s to size natural gas furnaces, the design indoor tempera- ture was 75°F. With modern building construction practices and materials a lower indoor temperature may be used. The lower indoor temperature leads to smaller design heat loss rates and smaller furnaces. The design outdoor temperature, T , is based on a statistical analysis of the hourly temperature readings in December, January, and February. For residential buildings a temperature is selected such that 99 percent of the time during those months, the air temperature is higher than that value. For non-residential buildings a 97.5 percent temperature is recommended. Design temperatures for residential build- ing calculations are listed for various cities in Table A5-10 in the Appendix. Temperatures of Unheated Spaces Attic Temperature - The attic temperature is determined from a steady-state balance of heat flow into and out of the attic. Heat flow into the attic is from the ceiling; heat flow out is through the roof surfaces and end walls. The general formula for determining attic temperature is: A U T + T (A U +AU) t - c c c o v r r w w y >£ ft \ 'at AU+AU+AU ^~ o; c C V V WW 5-12 where at A. A w w is attic temperature, °F is room temperature, °F is outside temperature, °F 2 is ceiling area, ft 2 is roof area, ft 2 is roof wall area, ft is ceiling U factor, Btu/(hr)(ft 2 )(°F) is roof U factor, Btu/(hr)(ft 2 )(°F) is wall U factor, Btu/(hr)(ft 2 )(°F) Example 5-12 - Attic Temperature for a Wood Shingled Roof Calculate attic temperature for a wood shingled roof with the given dimensions. T is -9°F, T is 68°F. See Example 5-6 for ceiling U factor, U = 0.05. See Example 5-11 for roof U factor, U = 0.49. For Example 5-1 a wall with no insulation has a U factor of: R-p from Example 5-1 Subtract insulation Subtract gypsum board Total Resistance, Rj U w = 1/R T 14.43 -11.00 - 0.45 2.98 0.34 Calculated Area: w 30 x 50 = 1500 ftT V2 x 15 x 50 x 2 = 2120 ft 2 30 x 15 x h x 2 = 450 5-13 t ~ (1500)(0.05)(68) + (-9)[(2120)(0.49) + (450)(0.34)] 'at (1500)(0.5) + (2120)(0.49) + (450)(0.34) T 5100 - 10,726 . 9 q or 'at ~ 75 + 1039 + 153 *•*■-• When ventilation is provided, at 0.5 cfm per square foot of ceiling, the attic temperature must be reduced from those calculated in Example 5-12. Thus, the attic temperature approaches outdoor tempera- ture. Attic temperature may be assumed to be the outdoor temperature with well- insulated ceilings without significant error in heat loss calculation . i Unheated Garage - With similar detailed calculations it can be shown that the temperature in an unheated garage is nearly equal to the mean of the indoor and outdoor temperatures. Since the garage tempera- ture is subject to large changes, a simple calculation to estimate the garage temperature is satisfactory, and T~ is used in Equation 5-1 in place of T . An unheated garage temperature may be estimated from T G = ° 2 n . (5-9) HEATING LOAD An example heat loss calculation is presented for a house in Fort Collins, Colorado. The building and plans are shown in Figure 5-1, and the description of materials is given in Table 5-1. The windows in all bedrooms are 3' x 4 1 , double hung, single pane, wood sash with storm windows having 3- inch air space. The window in the bathroom is 2' x 2' , 5-14 double hung, single pane, wood sash with storm window. The window in the living room is 4' x 8 1 , wood sash, double glass with ^-inch air space. The window in the kitchen is 2.5 1 x 4 1 double hung, single pane, wood sash with storm window. The window in the breakfast nook is 3 1 x 4 1 double glass, wood sash with Vinch air space. The 6' x 6 1 sliding patio door in the family room is double-glass wood frame with ^-inch air space. The basement windows are IV x IV and will be ignored in this calculation. Bathrooms and kitchen are ventilated. A worksheet is used to facilitate heat load calculations. The design winter temperature for Fort Collins, Colorado, is not listed in Table A5-10, but is taken to be -9°F. The design indoor temperature is chosen to be 68°F. The total heat loss rate from the building using the design temperatures is 53,215 Btu per hour (see page 2 of worksheet). Heating loads for each month of the year may be calculated from the heat loss rate and information on the average number of degree days in the month. A degree-day is the difference between 65°F and the average temperature during a 24-hour period, where average temperature is the mean of the high and low temperature. Thus if the average temperature for a 24-hr period is 64°F, there would be one degree-day for that day. The sum of the degree days for each day of the month results in the total degree days for the month, and the sum of the degree days in each month results in the annual degree-days. Monthly and annual degree days for a number of cities in the United States are listed in Table A5-10. Maps of heating degree days are also provided in Figures A5-1 through A5-12 and may be used for locations that are not tabulated in Table A5-10. 5-15 To calculate monthly and annual heating loads, calculate the unit heating load for the building, 0™, from Equation (5-10) Qnn - n — . He , at Los ^ Rat * . x 24(Btu/DD) (5-10) X DD Design Temperature Diff. v ' v ' For the example building, the unit heating load is Q D D = 5 68 2 - 5 (-9) 4 = 16590 Btu/DD and using the annual heating degree days for Denver, from Table A5-10, the annual heating load for the building, L, is L - 16590 x 6283 = 104.2 MMBtu where MMBtu is an abbreviation for million Btu. Using the calculations performed above, the furnace for the building should have a heat output capability of about 55,000 Btuh. It will be noted that the contractor has specified a hot water heating system with a 120-150 Btuh capability which is 2.5 to 3 times the re- quired capacity, and leads generally to inefficient water boiler opera- tion because of excessive on-off cycling for short intervals of opera- tion at lowered efficiency. HEAT GAINS TRANSMISSION Heating of air inside a building takes place by radiation and conduction from building surfaces and by infiltration of warm air into conditioned space. The detailed procedure for calculating heat gains into a building is quite complex, taking into account the thermal and optical properties of the building materials, time of day, day of the year, solar radiation intensity, etc. The procedure described in this 5-16 module is based on a simplified method using a design equivalent temperature difference (DETD). Heat gain is then computed by: Q = UA(DETD) (5-11) where Q is rate of heat gain, Btu/hr A is area of surface, ft U is heat transmission coefficient, Btu/(hr*ft *°F) DETD is design equivalent temperature difference. The DETD's for three design outdoor temperatures are listed in Table A5-7. U factors for typical construction may be computed in the manner shown in Examples 5-1 through 5-11. Heat gain through windows depends upon exposure to the sun and will differ for different window orientations as listed in Table A5-8. No credit is given for shade line below an overhang in the table. When a permanent overhang is provided, the shaded window may be treated as a north-facing window. Average shade lines below an overhang for various latitudes and window orienta- tions are given in Table A5-9. The overhang width multiplied by the shade factor determines the average effective shadow lines below the level of the overhang. Data are for August 1, averaged over 5 hours. INFILTRATION Infiltration in the summer is less than in winter because the temperature difference and wind velocity are usually less. Air changes per hour for the summer are listed in Table A5-6. Sensible heat gain is 5-17 determined by Equation (5-7) and latent heat gain by Equation (5-8). Residential cooling loads are almost always based only on sensible heat gains. OCCUPANCY Heat gain from human occupancy in a residence is usually assumed to be about 300 to 400 Btu per hour per person. For normally equipped kitchens, heat gains from electrical appliances may amount to 1200 Btuh although larger values may be applicable for homes with many appliances. SOLAR EQUIPMENT Heat gains (losses) from solar equipment in a residence, such as storage tanks, motors, heated pipes and ducts, will add to the cooling load. The heat gain could be significant from water storage tanks if the insulation is inadequate and the equipment room is not vented. A heat gain equivalent to the kitchen load, 1200 Btuh, may be assumed if the solar storage tank is used during the summer. LATENT HEAT A latent heat load of 30 percent of the sensible heat load is generally applicable for residential buildings. COOLING LOAD The distinction between maximum heat gain rate and cooling load is important in selecting the size of air-conditioning equipment. There are relatively few days each season with high heat gains, and a partial load condition exists for many hours during a season. Thus, cooling 5-18 equipment sized on the basis of maximum heat gain rate would be oversized, and would not perform efficiently because of intermittent cycling. Equipment should be designed to operate continuously for several hours a day in the warmest months. EXAMPLE The cooling load for the house of Figure 5-1 is calculated as shown in the Cooling Load Worksheet, pages 5-27 and 5-28. The outdoor design temperature is 89°F (not listed in Table A5-10 for Fort Collins). The indoor design temperature is 75°F. The U factors for walls, ceiling and door are the same as for winter conditions. Refinements in U factors were not made in these computations although the R factors in air films in Tables A5-1 and A5-2 would result in slightly different R factors. The overhangs over the south-facing windows effectively reduce the heat transfer rates to values equivalent to the north-facing windows, and there are no east- and west-facing windows. No credit is taken for shades or drapes over the windows. The temperature in the garage was assumed to be the mean between indoor and outdoor design temperatures, and the design equivalent tem- perature differences (DETD) given in Table A5-7 were interpolated for the design outdoor temperature of 89°F. The total cooling load for the building is calculated to be 18,621 Btuh. This low cooling load is a result of low design outdoor tempera- ture in Fort Collins, 89°F, and a building which is insulated properly with shading over windows. The values used apply for average summer conditions, so on days when temperatures reach 95°F, greater cooling 5-19 capacity is required. If not provided, interior temperature will rise above the desired setting. But if the air-conditioner is sized for the outdoor design temperature of 89°F, it will operate continuously in hot weather, and temperature excursions inside the building should not be large. 5-20 JBBLSggRABgfl 2078+f z -2 flo plus 1182 f t 2 - Base 3 26 ft 2 Colonial two-story with all the neces- sary size and luxury for a large or growing family • Four Bedrooms and Two Baths on the Second Floor • Large Entry With Open Stairway • Spacious Living Room • Formal Din- ing Room • U-Shape Kitchen With Eating Space • Family Room With Fireplace Located Next To Kitchen • Full Unfinished Basement • Two Car Garage • Paneling 3 ft. overhang 32.' _ TFlhw £ Ii> '""(J PANTRY ■ 2 -_ O - CD 2*r 286 m - 54' a— "~^ 32 -i FUTURE • ' '"f\\ BATH u H FURNACE CZZIO Si'i II H i FULL BASEMENT - 3i' *Roof Overhang 3 ft. Figure 5-1. Example Residential Building PLAN 809 5-21 Table 5-1 THA Yum JOOS VA rare. 26-1 Sl> Rat. 1/74 D fropot*d Construction □ Uod«r Construction Property addnu , klNHIWl 0« MUM lOullU C*«UO~>laf IIHllv MUmO UkuwtUallO* far Weeraie rv|UMt mi tirh*i ra*Mi. ferra Mir be •eearaire' aluae »a~.« Me gteple tf«W#>J«»4 dK*iIi |»|~hl« in •tigUsI <**«*. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS no. See— A iff 1*4 MB Ne. M-HOOU it! E Em3 WMa . Va7 Ory. Srtrfo. Mortpofjor or Sponior (Na«-I Confrorior or 8t/l'rdtr Rarrran Hnmp« Tt> (Na— r) INSTRUCTIONS 1. For additional information an how this form It to be aubroJtted. a_abaf of cootee. etc.. •♦« we inacructione applicable to the FHA Application for Mortgage Ineurance or VA Reo^ieel for Determination of Reaaonable Value, mm the caae tray ba. 2- Deecnbe all meteriala and equipment to ba uaed, whether or not ahowr. on tha drawtrura, °y marking an I Ln aach appropriate check-boa and entering the Information called for m aecti apaca. If apaoa la Inadequate, enter "See rruac" and deaenbr undar Hem 77 or on an attached aheet. THE USE OF PAINT CONTAJfflNG MORE THAN FrVE- TUfTH- OF OKI PERCENT LEAD OY VFJCHT IS HHOinnTtD. 3^ Wort not apecifically aaambad or anown will not ba c<— aidered unlaaa — Tiriir ■ auitfl] water heater . Aah dump and clean^ut haanh . hrirk . . mantel ttTinrl AddiUonal Inbrmatlon: Hunt i lnrny Marlr \23 Mnrlal ^O^fS. S. IXmiO* WALUi Waod frama: wood grade, and •prcict W.C. CfniT f \r •naalhiaf i n a..1 b«o r rl j thklmeu Jai! ; width . MU, W00( «WiwrUa. Sauce* . ; grade . . i grade . Ihlckn type — typa. ; Lath Q Corner bracing. Building paper or (ell ^________^___- I CD aoltdi □ tpacad * a. c, Q diagonal; i llae ; mpoaure *, Culenlng g_aV . Beai 1 6 i tiae ' eapoture *, (aliening Q il 1 " n t J 1 6 lb. Maaonry vtnmt Slllt. U»iaU n a n *) Maaonry: O >alid Q bead Q ttuccoed; total wall thicaneu . Backup malarial Door -lb Window i.IU Interior auriecee. dampprooring, coara a/ ______ A—diuonal loformalion: _________ "; lacing thlcLneaa . m l thlekneat ; weight . Bate flaihmg raatfta — facing maierial ______ bonding . Lia-la Baae Aa thing . furring —urrior pairoing: maiar— I J o n ag Blai r »*. X .» r i.o r pai nt Cable wall conatrucuon: JQ tame al main walla, Q other coniiructioa •. FIOOC; FILAMJNO: Jo-u. wood, grade, and ipecin -W_G_ — e onst i — r-iT° ,hc ' _; number of coait J ; bridging — J^^J. anchon LM- } at— _ . ihKkneaa ___ CoaoTW slab. _) baarm enl Aoor, O f\ru Aoor; Q ground aupponed; Q aclf-auopordne;; mm S Caok nmtonmi 6 / 6-1 0/ 1 UVF : inluUtion . membrane p<> 1 y M T-O t h ft ne) grawl ; ih«:k_a_ — 4_ Ptl lander alab: nu i— al , Addufe—tJ iataar - laiioni 7. SUtFlOOtlNOl (Oatcnba vndwrflooring for tp+uol floor* unoW mam 2 1 .) Malarial: grade and •peeart 1 / 4 '' t U flg a n d | f » » V t -f*«- -e^- Laid: Q Aral floor; _) arcond Aoor; Q ailK . . tq. A-l Q duuronal; QQ rta>> ejurlca. Additional laformaiMei: I. P)N|(H PlCOeiNO. 'Wood* only. Oatcnbo oikmt Hnuh Roofing undwr .ham 21.) Pint Hoar Ank Baor_ Additional Infer— ia FHAfw— TtVrt .e.,. » rcai ni 1 5-22 Table 5-1 (continued) DESCRIPTION OP MATERIALS ». PARTITION PSAMINOi ftrucU wood, |rade, and ipecta — DL£ rnuU fix tiat tad f— ^ 7ri * 7il " " r AddMonai t-fa""-" Rearing Wa I 1 «. • ?t4 fl 1 ft" n c ia CBUNO FJUMJNOt OUrfr. Joott: wood, fradr, tad tpacjc* Other _ AdtMofuJ WoftnlbM: tinier ( m affarhaM dfil) II. SOOP PRAMINOt RjlUn: wood, grade, and ip>cir« Ran Additional Information: fruit (ma att;mhfld i J • t m Jl 1 ) II KOOflNOi ■ridfUc. (tot dauil): erad* tad ipodn . 45 ° pitch •haethlaf,: wood, grttir, and •p~' L - 1," P II plyvonri lUoAaf Aaphalt ; n»d« 21St U.dorUy_E«j4 Built-up rooAnf ____________^__________ FWhine: material -ply. TiTll Additional U/ormtuon: , | (3 "•Hi O »p«o«d . .i tim. . i weijht «r talchocat _J^£_ . ; MBbir of pllet _^___ . i |t(i or wrlejht J£_ ,| ilea ; •urfadaf material . .1 fcattwW y a U , n n U i -• D ptvtl ttope; O «°*w fuarde 19, OVTTIU AND DOWNSPOUTSi Gurtm: material C3lv . DbwnipouU: material C a 1 V ■ .i |

"«••» -Scries WOO m * ,e ™' — alumi n u m taih thicknraj . ■ ; O aul> wrighu; Q baltaca. lypc . . ; tanritl brad Raahinf . Ptiai. . ; number cottt. Wctlbrntrippinf: type Scrtcai: D lull; j*J half; type taktmcat wlndowc type fil idlng Sprcitl wlndowt Additional IrJbrmtiion: mtteruj , icnu cloth mttrrial. tcroBoa,*^ all Storm tath. number. ; Storm uih, number . II. ENTRANCES AND EXTERIOR DSTAIU Main rniranc* door: mtlrrUI Mghpgfln/ Other cntrtnos doon: mtteritl Fir lhacknen . Head lUihlni 8 alv - mcta ^ Streea doon: ihk knew _!__". number 1 Combination worm and icrorn doom ihkknnt « "\ number •Kutwn: D Klnatd: Q (Ued. Rallinj* Kittarior miUwork: |rade tn4, Ira Thuwm ■ MATUMi UaIUM U.oeanjooa Miruiu 1 KUrlwa Arms t ran? or |-iihho r 1 M.Ik II '| c entry •i •1 other Carpet ffinHhrd ar»,i<; nnly) ( s «« attachoil) ,, t Location kferuuxk, Coum. ituu. Cat. lun, G*ae. Ire Heienr HUOMT O-x. Tvie (ho. FuHtl I •Uik Ceramic tile 7 ?" 63" 72" * IIJ-P** 1 .; mmhw hnrf| Q Attached; «..i«*-ul chremtf Bathroom uoruarWi (3 ReceMed; aaaicruvl rhrnmf Addition*] l/uVmauor»: ••ember b*^^ 33. KUMllNOi Mni Fiktu.i iDtmrono. No Bin*. kir.-hf Sr i gfl g -J44U- 3 U3; w hit e Lavatory Water cJoati . Bathtub hath A mur , — S t a n da r d S.Q 07 . D S 6 IP" Die ! > ' .t> h i» f M i l2 P B Slower over lub~_ Stall .newer A Laundry rrayi B r *8 S *- 3000 30x 6 A[J Outlaid rod ^Q Door Q pen: material Water tupply: Q pubiic; Q communiry ij«em, □ individual (private ) rruem * Sgwafe dWpo ti.1: fjQ public; Q communiry lyttem; Q individual (private) lyuern.tV «*m w mnpliU dtttil m uptrmU sVeuna/ / mi iptt]fi mHmu attmdii^ m nnirmmii. Houat drain (Irulde): Q can iroo; □ lilt; [J other _^£g Houee newer (ouuidt): Q cast iron, CJ ule ; D other Water piping: O galvenired ateel; Q copper tubing; □ other Sill cockj, number __2 Domestic water healer: type H? i : maJta and mndel \ O 9mi th ; healing capacity 3$ 3 gph. 100" rta*. Storage tana malarial glatt li np A ; capacity _ One aervice: Q uiillry company; fj liq. ptL |aj; ^ other ^ __„ 4JL_ gallona. Oaj piping: Q cooking, JJ houat healing Footing dralru connected to: □ 110*™ tewer; Q aeoltary erwer; Q dry well. Sump pump, make and model. ___________^ ; cepacia; , ,_ ; dlacruu-gee law Hot waterJ □ Stum, fj Vapor. Q One-pipe m«m. JQ Two-p«pe tyitem atari. Q Convecton. Q Baseboard radiation. Make and model Radiant pand: Q floor; Q wall; Q ceiling. Panel ccal: material n Circulator. Q Rerun* pump. Make and model Boiler: make and model ____ ________-_^__^_____^___— Oitput Additional information capaciry . . Btuh.; net rating . .gpm. Bruh Warm air: □ Gravity. "J Forced. Type et lyiicra _ Duct maacriai: lupply aqlv. reruni . Fumaca: make and model AdditioruU inlbrmaiioa: g tt U . s&d>- ;j~o &y~«' Iniuiauon. l. » nn o w . thickneu Q CXitaide air intake. lnpnl«»» plant Blnh ■ nuiput iff pi Jn< Btuh □ Space heater, Q floor fumaca; Q wail heaiar. Input. . Bruh.; output Btuh ; number units . Make, model Additional infornva»rn : ComroU: make and typei . Addilbonai information: La nn oit Fiatl: D Ce* 1 : D »'; D l«; Q Lq. pet pi; alectnc; Q other. Adoluooai inlormauon: ___^ _^ _^__^ „,. ; atorage capaary . T\r\r<% •quipmeni rurnuhed Kpanuily: Q Cat bursar, coavanloa type. Q Stoker: hopper feed Q, bin feed Q OU burner: □ proaure atomiaing; vaporiaiiyj _______^______^___^________^^_________ Make and modal OoaUrol Addhioaud UCorrruiuan: __________^_^___^______________^_________^__^_______ Ikprtrk heeling tytlera: typ« Addittoeul infarmailoo: _______________^____^__^__ Input . .went, . . voiu, autpui . Btuh. Veaulatiag •quiprnenti aula Ua, makt and modd . . . capacity . kite bee taKaurt Can. make aad model Other keedahg, veauiating. or cooling equipment i . i i t axB i 3 6 34. aiCUiC WlUNOi -Vrvica Q overhead: [3 underground. Panel. Q fuae boa; Q3 circuM-braakar; ""ka ElintOO Viring Q conduit: Q armored cabie, QC nonmetalUe cable; Q ki^ob and rube; Q "«h»r ipecial ouileo Q( r »' > f«: D "•*" heairr, Qixhrr Jryor -AMFi top No. circuiu j r, d L^ortaHI. Q Qwmea, Puaa-bunoa locauom front do or Additional iaaWanauao: 33. UOKT1NO nXTUHIS. Total number of Umiuiti «aa plant Total alio nance for Aatuna. typval laataUatioa, i IjQ . QQ NanrypM^I wutaliauon . Additional tnaomvattoa: DESCRIPTION Of MATERIALS 5-24 Table 5-1 (continued) DESCRIPTION OP MATERIALS OUlBf Wilt. Floor . ifc ?m H 463 -mfsi HAROWAIL frnoU,, ond flniiVJ c.,.^., k-.,. ,«,„„.. k Privacy lock ;tr master hd ir 2 - rage do o r,- m i oth.r ,i.„ ^ SSaS^ mrrnnrr daaxs inrlnilin g by ti»ob/nh»d custom, or* tuppiitd by T j rha a r LUsposaJ . lasiafce ratoi "iH rjar "**»• - RBE 353 Hood. Nautilus Opt io n al f . r e pU ea KaafrUa*»g Ma*Jt U3 'l- tl d iqj u °P*l » " a l Hn d . a .n a G a hin n r n.n.f.H r?T ; fl 0lla l I V AL 113Q Matf on Ml form.; P '"oaoqt/of.. Alwoyt by ,'om numb.r fo corr.ipond fo n W mbor.n Pr o v lJa h a t i»p— waafc«vii_ — - HO D Ut tKtWwm^f — MQ-a+x-Wt— » o »- d ry»r PORCHES: see plan a- THRACtS: "see plain OARAOtS: arfarh^rl c»„ p], nf WALKS AND DRIVIWAYS: " C»rt»»w. r . width 1 7 ! , baar m.e«ri.l_ 4ea ««4 ; i»ic.««._4 ";, m.icri.1 Troni walk: width _JJ ■ ™™l_ wwwu _, thickr*.. __4_ -. fcn,|c. „.,,. Wldln fcfp.: rrumrUI C OBCa Tf _; trwda ^U.-; rWra 6>l - Chrrk „.||, _ ao n a r a to - ; material ; ihicknra . . Inkknni . OTHM ONSTO IMMOVIMINTOi {S ^^ , JZ'Z'.r n "' m ' '"">"*"»»■ «*** '"- >v«n. < i. .»*< -....., ,„,„.„.„. „,,..,,. lANOSCAPtNO, PLANTINO, AND PINIJH ORADINO, T«o»l i ,„*.. qjj rrrml yMnt . Q lld , rardj . q w ytyl) ^ I— « r^M, «4M, - .Anif^: Q front yard 3Brf j e j ; Q .id, r .rd. r*»"l'nr O « •prrlnrtj arnj .hovn on drawmp. □ al Ukm: 5°**** trrea, o>ciduou». * ca&pcr. . Tort behind main buikJina; , Q mar yarrJ . Low AoMiim, i/TTt. dVcKtuoua. . H%hfrowtn| inruba. oVtiduoua, . Moditam-frowtn, thruba. oVoduoua, ■ l**1">"'»l ihruba, drcxtuoui . £^«f gi rat lrr*l. . t» c«g ioao ahnjba. . Vln«. )- r oar . B 4 B ^^^o?:,^^ ^ """^ 5 *• "-""* ^ °" -^ - • p —- -'•' = -p— — - - 5 th. u.« - 21. .lantiarv 1Q7^ S^fiaMurv . PHA rWm 3O0S VA hm Jo- uij Stfn 5- 25 ; WORKSHEET FOR HEAT LOAD CALCULATIONS (for Example Building) BUILDING SECTION SIZE NET U TEMP. HEAT TOTALS OR AREA OR C0EFF. DIFF. LOSS * 1 VOLUME VOLUME C68-C-9)] * BEDROOM 1 South wall (15+3)x8 120 .07 77 647 East wal 1 13.5x8 108 .07 77 282 Windows (2) 3x4 24 .50 77 924 Infiltration 2/3x15x13.6x8 1088 .018 77 1508 3361 BEDROOM 2 East wall 14x8 112 .07 77 604 North wall 11x8 76 .07 77 410 Window 3x4 12 .50 77 462 Infiltration 2/3x11x11x8 645 .018 77 894 2370 BATHROOM North wall 8x8 60 .07 77 323 Window 2x2 4 .50 77 154 Infiltration 3/4x7.5x11x8 495 .018 77 686 1163 BEDROOM 3 North wall 12x8 84 .07 77 453 West wall 10x8 80 .07 77 431 Wi ndow 3x4 12 .50 77 462 Infiltration 2/3x10x12x8 640 .018 77 887 2233 BEDROOM 4 & HALLWAY West wall 16x8 128 .07 77 690 South wall 14x8 88 .07 77 474 Windows (2) 3x4 24 .50 77 924 Infiltration 2/3x14x16x8 1195 .018 77 1656 3744 LIVING ROOM South wall 32x8 203 .07 77 1094 Door 3x7 21 .26 77 420 Window 4x8 32 .62 77 1528 East wall 13.5x8 108 .07 77 582 Infiltration 2/3x19x13.5x8 1368 .018 77 1896 5520 DINING ROOM East wall 13.5x8 108 .07 77 582 North wall 11x8 88 .07 77 474 Infiltration 1/3x11x13.5x8 396 .018 77 549 1650 5-26 WORKSHEET FOR HEAT LOAD CALCULATIONS (for Example Building) BUILDING SECTION KITCHEN, BREAKFAST North wall Window Window Infiltration FAMILY ROOM North wall Patio Door West wall South wall Infiltration HALL West wall Infiltration BASEMENT North wall West wall South wall East wall Floor Floor Infiltration CEILING Second floor Family room *Btuh SIZE OR VOLUME 18x8 2.5x4 3.4 1x18x11x8 21.5x8 6x6 13x8 22x8 2x13x22x8 17x8 1x8x8x17 54x8 28x8 54x8 28x8 32x28 13x22 1/6x54x13x8+ 1/6x15x32x8 32x28 13x22 NET AREA OR VOLUME 122 10 12 1584 136 36 104 176 4576 136 1088 432 224 432 224 896 286 1576 896 286 U COEFF. 07 50 50 018 07 58 20 52 018 TEMP. DIFF. E68-(-9)] 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 38 77 HEAT LOSS * 657 385 462 2195 733 1608 1602 3478 6342 .52 38 2687 .018 77 1508 .10 23 994 .10 23 515 .10 23 994 .10 23 515 .10 23 2061 .10 23 658 .018 77 2184 .04 77 2760 .04 77 681 Unit Heating Load = gfrfrfj x 24 = 16590 Btu/DD Annual Heating Load = 16590 x 6283 = 104.2 MMBtu TOTALS * 3699 13763 4195 7921 3641 TOTAL HEAT LOSS RATE (Btuh) 53215 5-27 COOLING LOAD WORKSHEET (for Example Building) BUILDING SECTION SIZE NET U or UNIT DETD HEAT TOTALS OR AREA OR HEAT GAIN VOLUME VOLUME GAIN BEDROOM 1 South wall 18x8 120 .07 19 160 East wal 1 13.5x8 1C8 .07 19 144 Windows (2) 3x4 24 27 648 Infiltration 1632 816 .018 14 205 1157 BEDROOM 2 East wall 14x8 112 .07 19 149 North wall 11x8 76 .07 19 101 Wi ndow 3x4 12 27 324 Infiltration 968 484 .018 14 122 696 BATHROOM North wall 8x8 60 .07 19 80 Wi ndow 2x2 4 27 108 Infiltration 660 660 .018 14 166 354 BEDROOM 3 North wall 12x8 84 .07 19 112 West wall 10x8 80 .07 19 106 Window 3x4 12 27 324 Infiltration 960 480 .018 14 121 663 BEDROOM 4 AND HALLWAY West wall 16x8 128 .07 19 170 South wall 14x8 88 .07 19 117 Windows (2) 3x4 24 27 648 Infiltration 1792 896 .018 14 226 1161 LIVING ROOM South wall 32x8 203 .07 19 270 Door 3x7 21 .47 19 188 Wi ndow 4x8 32 21 672 East Wall 13.5x8 108 .15 11 178 Infiltration 2052 1026 .018 14 258 1566 DINING ROOM East wall 13.5x8 108 .07 19 144 North wall 11x8 88 .07 19 117 Infiltration 1188 198 .018 14 50 311 5-28 COOLING LOAD WORKSHEET (for Example Building) BUILDING SECTION SIZE NET U or UNIT DETD HEAT TOTALS OR AREA OR HEAT GAIN VOLUME VOLUME GAIN KITCHEN, BREAKFAST North wal 1 1848 122 .07 19 162 Windows (2) 22 27 594 Infiltration 1584 1584 .918 14 399 1155 FAMILY ROOM North wall 21.5x8 136 .07 19 180 West wal 1 13x8 104 .20 19 395 South wall 22x8 176 .52 7 640 Patio door 6x6 36 21 756 Infiltration 2288 2288 .018 14 577 2548 HALL - West wal 1 17x8 136 .52 7 495 Infiltration 1088 1088 .018 14 274 769 CEILING Second floor 32x28 896 .04 39 1398 Family room 13x22 286 .04 39 446 1844 No load is calculated for basement. No credit for cool basement taken. TOTAL 12224 4 occupants x 225 900 Kitchen appliances 1200 Total Sensible Heat Gain 14324 Latent Heat Gain (30%xl4324) 4297 Latent + Sensible Heat Gain 18621 Cooling Load, Btuh 18621 A5-1 APPENDIX A5-2 Table A5-1 Surface Conductances and Resistances for Air Films ITEMS WINTER SUMMER f R f R INTERIOR SURFACES Ceiling 1.63 0.61 1.08 0.92* Sloped ceiling 45° 1.60 0.62 1.32 0.76* Wal Is and windows 1.46 0.68 1.46 0.68 Floor 1.08 0.92 1.08 0.92 EXTERIOR SURFACES Roofs, walls and windows 6.00 0.17+ 4.00 0.25 1 " * Heat flow direction reversed from winter conditions + 15 mph wind + 7.5 mph wind Table A5-2 Resistance Values for Air Spaces ITEM WINTER SUMMER \ Air Space 3/4" 4" 3/4" 4" Flat roof Wall 1.02 1.28 1.12 1.16 0.87 1.01 0.94 1.01 A5-3 Table A5-3 Resistance Values for Building Materials TYPE AND MATERIAL R TYPE AND MATERIAL R BUILDING BOARD SIDING Asbestos-cement: 1/8" 0.03 Asbestos-cement 0.21 1/4" 0.06 Wood shingles, 16" 0.87 Gypsum: 3/8" 0.32 Wood bevel ,1/2x8 0.81 1/2" 0.45 Wood bevel 3/4 x 10 1.05 Plywood: 1/4" 0.31 Wood plywood, 3/8 0.59 3/8" 0.47 Aluminum or steel 0.61 1/2" 0.62 Insulating Board: 3/4" 0.93 3/8" normal 1.82 Insulating Board 25/32" 2.06 3/8" foiled 2.96 Regular 1/2" 1.32 Laminated Paper 3/4" 1.50 FINISH FLOORING Acoustic Tile 1/2" 1.25 3/4" 1.89 Carpet and fibrous pad 2.08 Hardboard 3/4" 0.92 Carpet and rubber pad 1.23 Particle Board 5/8" 0.82 Cork tile, 1/8" 0.28 Wood Subfloor 3/4" 0.94 Terrazzo, 1" Tile, asphalt, linoleum, 0.08 MASONRY vinyl , rubber Hardwood 0.05 0.08 Concrete 6" 0.48 18" 0.64 INSULATION 10" 0.80 Concrete Blocks, Blanket and Batt: 2-2 3/4" 7.00 3 oval core 3-3 1/2" 11.00 Sand and Gravel 4" 0.71 5 1/4-6 1/2" 19.00 8" 1.11 Loose Fill 12" 1.28 Cellulose, per inch 3.70 Cinder 4" 1.11 Sawdust, per inch 2.22 8" 1.72 Perlite, per inch 2.70 12" 1.89 Mineral fibre Lightweight 4" 1.50 (rock, slag, glass) 3" 9.00 8" 2.00 4 1/2" 13.00 12" 2.27 6 1/4" 19.00 Concrete Blocks, 7 1/2" 24.00 2 rect. core Vermicul ite, per inch 2.20 Sand and Gravel 8" 1.04 Lightweight 8" 2.18 ROOFING Common Brick 2" 0.40 4" 0.80 Asphalt 0.44 Face Brick 2" 0.22 Wood 0.94 4" 0.44 3/8" Built-up Woods: oak, maple per inch 0.33 0.91 BUILDING PAPER fir, pine, softwoods per inch 1.25 15# felt 0.06 3/4" 0.94 i A5-4 Table A5-4 (J Factors for Windows and Patio Doors Btu/(hr*ft »°F) DESCRIPTION WINTER SINGLE GLASS Metal sash Wood sash, 80% glass 1.13 0.02 DOUBLE GLASS: 1/4" Air Space Metal sash Wood sash, 80% glass Wood sash, 60% glass 0.65 0.62 0.55 1/2" Air Space Metal sash Wood sash, 80% glass 0.70 0.49 TRIPLE GLASS 1/4" Air Space Metal sash Wood sash, 80% glass 0.56 0.45 STORM WINDOWS 1" to 4" Air Space Wood Metal 0.50 0.56 SLIDING PATIO DOORS Single Glass Wood frame Metal frame 1.07 1.13 Double Glass, 1/2" Air Space Wood frame Metal frame 0.58 0.64 A5-5 Table A5-5 U Factors for Solid Doors Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F) THICKNESS (IN) WINTER SUMMER WITHOUT STORM DOOR WITHOUT STORM DOOR WITH STORM DOOR, 50% GLASS WOOD METAL 1 1 h l h 2 0.64 0.55 0.49 0.43 0.30 0.28 0.27 0.24 0.39 0.34 0.33 0.29 0.61 0.53 0.47 0.42 Table A5-6 Air Changes for Average Residential Conditions KIND OF ROOM AIR CHANGE PER HOUR WINTER SUMMER Rooms with no windows or exterior doors Rooms with windows or exterior doors on one side Rooms with windows or exterior doors on two sides Rooms with windows or exterior doors on three sides Entrance halls and air locks 1/3 2/3 1 1 1/3 1 1/2 1/6 1/2 2/3 1 1 A5-6 Table A5-7 Design Equivalent Temperature Differences (°F) DESIGN OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE 85 95 105 TEMPERATURE RANGE DURING DAY 15-25 15-25 >25 >25 WALLS AND DOORS Wood frame and doors Masonry CEILINGS AND ROOF Under vented attic, dark roof Built-up roof (no ceiling), light roof FLOORS Over unconditioned rooms and open crawl space Over basement, enclosed crawl space 14 6 34 26 5 24 16 44 36 15 19 11 39 31 10 29 21 49 41 20 A5-7 Table A5-8 Design Heat Gains Through Windows Btu/(hr«ft ) OUTDOOR DESIGN TEMPERATURE SINGLE PANE DOUBLE PANE 85 95 105 85 95 105 NO AWNINGS OR INSIDE SHADING North 23 31 38 19 24 28 Northeast; Northwest 56 64 71 46 51 55 East and West 81 89 96 68 73 77 Southeast; Southwest 70 78 85 59 64 68 South 40 48 55 33 38 42 WITH DRAPERIES OR VENETIAN BLINDS North 15 23 30 12 17 21 Northeast; Northwest 32 40 47 27 32 36 East and West 48 56 63 42 47 51 Southeast; Southwest 40 48 55 35 40 44 South 23 31 38 20 25 29 ROLLER SHADES, HALF DOWN North 18 26 33 15 20 24 Northeast, Northwest 40 48 55 38 43 47 East and West 61 69 76 54 59 63 Southeast; Southwest 52 60 67 46 51 55 South 29 37 44 26 32 36 AWNINGS North 20 28 35 13 18 22 Northeast; Northwest 21 29 36 14 19 23 East and West 22 30 37 14 19 23 Southeast; Southwest 21 29 36 14 19 23 South 21 28 35 13 18 22 A5-8 Table A5-9 Shade Line Factors* (5 hour average, 1 August) WINDOW ORIENTATION LATITUDE 25 30 35 40 45 50 East and West 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Southeast; Southwest 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 South 10.1 5.4 3.6 2.6 2.0 1.7 ^Multiply shade line factors by width of overhang to determine shadow line below overhang. A5-9 Table A5-10 Heating Degree Days* and Design Outdoor Temperature o K rs is lo CO CO CO CM LO UD 1— ID co CT> Cn CT> cr> is lo 00 IS CO CT)U_ •i— O 4- cocr> ID LO O LO CM cooncor- • co rs cm ISCOr-ICMi— lr-IIOO 21 CM CO 1— 1 CM orsocnoocne^'* cni— ito«^-«cj-t— icncn 21 r— I CM 1 — IH r— 1 1—1 l—l 1 — 1 1— 1 1 — 1 cococncn^d-LO>^-CM co«3- en CMOLOCOUDCMOLO r-HC0rs00O«3-isoa~>coLO OISLO<^-COCOCOCO < LO<=3-^J-COCOrsCOLO COIDOV0O1CA00VD 2: I— 1 1— 1 l—l . 00 00 CM CnOO^COCOi— I^CO O* en rs^^-CMMTHDVO 1— itOLOCMi—icnoo^t- Q_ 1— > «— i co ct> 1— « LO coocr>cr>iscM^-co >- ^-<^- LU LU LO CO CO LO LOC0COCOC0«- CO CM r-H CO coroNrj-ooHHCo CMCnCMCTiLOVOIscO O CO ^ CM CO c\irscy>cn«3-cnoco tncMrsrsi^-cncocn 21 21 r-l 1— 1 t—l r-l r-H i—l r-H i—l t—l l-H . co rs cm CO osowojpjHn LOoocn^i- CM CM CO fOtOOOO'S-NODOlMOcj-cOO^OCOrH < O I—l cnLOLO«=i-orsisc\j iscr>cMt— icncorsN LU in O l—l t—l r-l r-l t—l r-H i—l 1— CO CM O COISLOISCMLOCNJCM COCOCOCOCOCMr-l^- _j D_ t— 1 rH CM O 00 H IM CVJ cj- CQHCMrocnHON i c\jcnco cocM^-cocr>cors«^- _3 r3 CMCMCOrsoO^-COCO coco«=i-co^j-lo>^i-co - 000 LOCMCOLOCns-COt-l t— ICOt— lOOr-ILOISOO ! o _j cj- rj- O CO H IS iO IS Oi-icoocoorsco 21 ID •"D CMCM00rsCOs-COi— 1 COCOCOCM^UDLOCO 21 O i — 1 I— < 1— T3 CO 03 c: Q E cu >> r— O r— 21 03 r— $- cu to c/) E 3 > ^£. 1— CU 03 < OVi- E n3 LU 2: c > cu < S-+) 2S.r-CQ > nj 3(/)J3+> 03 03 h- >>+-> < CO E + J -»- 4-> CO sz cu s- -i-> -c td td s- (U D)N L (U C E 3 1— «=c i~ c: jd c r— S-T- CC4->OEt- cu S- r$ • to +-> E •1 — 03 -a JT S- ■=c +J cu ex • c: F > rrj O) +-> CO JD s- r— • cu 3 '1 — E jQ u S- CO 03 >> s S- • TD > cu c E cu LU •1 — E +-> fl -t-> cu M- M- S- O) &9 F en &^ E en l—l "*— -* >*— * CM CM «t- rs IS en en r-H r-l -(-> sz CO CO cu 1 — 1 — F rt3 03 4-> +-> 4-> S- E c 03 OJ cu ex E E cu 03 03 Q "U •0 CO . M- "4- zo O O *\ .^ ^»i CO O O a> O O +j jD JZ\ 03 ■O -O +-> c c CO ra 03 DT IC -0 O) LU LU +-> CO CO CO CO M- O S- S- cu cu CO 4-> 4-> 03 CD- Q. p — OS 03 4-J JZ JZZ < C_) CD +J CU — 03 CO CU i- CU i- E tO 1— 3 r— CU •r- CJ> ^D -l-> JD 4-> r— 1 — I 03 03 03 03 O H- i~ t— CU •« CU S- E CU E Q. E CD O E O E O L 3 L (D J. w Lu <"3 U_ +J U_ •!— A5-10 Table A5-10 (continued o I=i «=3- CO CO lo r-. i— 1 . — 1 cn cn CO NNHN<^ LO O COO LO 1— 5: co cn O en r-H cn cn cncoococn co coco 00 ZD 1—1 1— < r— 1 ■ — 1 ■ — 1 r-H i—l CDLl_ OO ■l— o +- 1— 1 LO cn cn I-* LO cn CM 1—1 COCXICOCOCM LO O CMCXI CM CO CD Q CO l-H (XI co r-H 1 — 1 CM co COCOCMCO"^ CO CO ^3-"^- CO 3: _l (XI LO CM O (XI r^ CM cn CO CvlNN cococxir-ii— icxiOLOLOcocncnLOcxjr^ «=C LO CO CO CO T— 1 cn r-H CO CM CM O ^•rJ-CTiHlDOJNOlHNOCIHin^ rz> 1— 1 r~. co co r^- cxi CM CM LO r-H CM LO (0(D<*NONcominNrAj'vi-oom 2: < r^. r-l •=* r-H >=d- r-H co CO CM CM «3" LO r-4>^-CMi— ICMLOCMCOCMCM"^-r-ICOCMCXI LU O LO O CD O O O O CO LO coLOOcor-icnocoocor^cocOLOLO Z^ CO i—l co cn r-HCO r-HCOLOCn«^- LOCOCMOCO ZD r— 1 i—l CXI r-H CM i—l r-H r—l r^ O CO CO CO O CM cn O cr> ro r-» HCM(DOOONOCOrsCM- co LO cn CXI r-i «3- cn cor^LocnLO^-cocn'^t-ococO'— icnco «* 1—1 i-l CO CO 1— 1 CO •— 1 CM 1— 1 CM CXIr-HCM . i—( LO O LO t— 1 Cn ^J- CO LO LO CO CM oocoococnLOLocncococococncncxi or LO r^ co r^- cn CXI *3" CM O O O CO COCOLOCOr-ICMLO(OCOr-ICMCMr->.>^-C0 Q_ CO CO (XI I—l i — 1 . — 1 r-l CO LO 1— l^-i—lr-l(XILOCMCOr-ICM>^-i— ICMCMCM . 1— 1 r^ lo (XI 1— 1 O co >s}- O r--. cn r— i cnLOcnr^cooococor- loocxicococo c£ . — 1 1— i >3- CO LO CO LO co co cn COCDr-HCOCOCOLOO^COCMOCOCMCO LO < cn CNJ CO (XI CO I—l «* «^r- CO (MIDN CMLOCOCMCMr^CO«=a-COCOCOCMCOCOCO CO CD 2: . l-H CO l-H «* CO < — 1 r^ co •4-lOH NOVDNCM-iOir)Lf) >- ■=C 1— 1 •=d- co •3- CO r^ r~- CO LO CO CO coLOLOcococnLO^-cocor^coLOcO"^- O. •"3 1 — 1 i— 1 . CO lo r^. CD CO cn ■st CO T— • CVJ KCD 1— •cncocO'— «cmi— lOLor^i— ir- icMcnt— 1 LU (_> 1^. 1— I CT> O O 1—1 O r-H CO cn co ocnLOoocnocooLor^cnLOcor^cn LU LU <3- r-- ^r CO r^-. r~> LO uirvN CO"=SrLOCMCMCn«^l-^-LOLOCOCXI^-CMCO O O. r-H r- 1 . r^ «vj- CO CO 1^ CO r-l «3- LO CO ^1- cONr>. r^ t— icoLococncDcni-tcococMOcor-^ O CO (XI LO (Xi r-~ r-H «* "St co CM LO LO 1— KtroHr- icococMcoco"=^-t— iroHCvi l-H 2: . CO CM LO LO LO O r— r>» 00 r^ co r-«. cocnooococor^LOcot—icMr^cooco f— 1— LO CXI <^- 00 «^- CM CM r^ ro-^^ 'tWN'tNOMOincoon'tLn'* 3- CM lo r-i>^-cM"^-co i-hcoi—ico cn ^-ocooooocooco lo cm co lo co r— cn _I ZD CM r-l =3; cc < >- CD O O oo^oooocomrocxjoooiOHiooi _J (O t— 1 CD >> 1 — 4-> cn<+_ +j ■«-» s- 3 < E ra a: Cf- ra ^. (Dcnra-ocarzjcDS-cDracos LU 2^ +-> 1- c CO CO QJ -^ CO D_C_) CraOCQCXIC: 1 — ECDt-S- h- O CO rz r— z^ 1 — 4_ U_ S- ra-^C =a;cOra+ J CQrO- f ZiiDLL.rar0 +-> ra 1 — 1 CD -C CD -QCDtOCT) > — C 5--0 4->+J 1— ►— 1 m O O) co sz S g S- +J X —1 -i^ co zj i-s-cDcco •-^•r--aoc:cccc CO ct 1 — -£Z S- ZJ -r- =3 a: •f— a) <; ra -i- 1 — ZJZJS-OO-rJroOCDrarararararO - < Lu _l 1— cz> CQ CQ CQ CQ LU U l_JZOaCC(/)l/)(/)(/)CO(/) j A5-11 Table A5-10 (continued) o K ^f- O C\J LO LO co CO «^-«^J-LOCDLOi— lisOCMLOCMCM 1— ST O 00 cx> en en en CTl CTl 00 en cnencncncncncncncncncn cnu_ •i— o 4- r-» t- 1 cm co lo ^f 1— 1 LO CM CMCOCnLOLOLOCOCriLOLOO to z: !—) 1 1 1 r-H COCOCMLOCOi^-COCMCMCO«^- CD 1—4 1 Q 3 _l Ol CO CO rHCM NWN coencMcncOT-ii— iLocoLococo «=C CM C\J CO «=f <£> ■— 1 r^ en CO Or>-^J-COOLO'<|-LOLOCOCOLO O lo <^- cm lo *3r LO r-1 CO cr> cocO'cj-cmt— iloi— ir^-^-«^-LOCM < CO LO LO LO Lf> LO LO LO <3- i—l r-H r-H r— 1 UJ CO «!*■ LO <— 1 LO r>. ^t- lo LO 000000000000 2: LO CO LO CSJ i-H CM CM <^J- O i—l O ^ OCTlCO©'* 00 r- lo CM 000000000000 >- <^hoo<-s r-^ «h- I—l < ■=3" CO CM 1— 1 1— 1 CM 1— 1 CM I—l . LO C\J 00 r-» O LO CO r^. COLOOi— IOOOLOLOLOOO CrT CXl CO LO CO CM 1— 1 en <^- 00 CO i-H CM CO CO LO LO LO CO *5j- LO «3" LO CO . O CO r-^ CTl CM CO CTt r-H LO oocM^i-cncncnLOcocMCMi— 1 o cc CM CT> CO CM t^ moiN CO co<=3-Lor--. en ocooooo LO <=C OC0C0ISN CO CO CO r^ r-H r-H r-H r-H t-H CM r-H LO CD 2: I-H . CM CO CO r^ f-H LO r-H r-H ■3- OOrHVOrHlflVDLON^DCO'i - c/j OQ lo co co r^ lo lo en r~- LOcno^co^-coLor-^co^-LO TCS UJ f-H CTl CTl CTl CO en cti CO CM r-H 1— 1 CM I-H 1— 1 CM CM T-H CO u_ r-H r-H . lo 00 cm en LO en en r^ r^cOLOCMOLOLOOOLOCMr^ CO ^ NMCOOCO NOOl CO "*"^-^OO^CnmcvlONOCO >- <: «3" *—i •— • cm O CM CD en CO CM 1— 1 CO i-H CM^j-COCM Q ra 1— 1 1— 1 1— 1 i—l 1— 1 I — 1 I—l I— I . O CM LO CO LO lo en «— i r-* cni— icnoco-^-ococoOi— ilo UJ O CM CO CO i-l CO CO i—l 1— • CM 1— li— IOi— ICMLO"=J-CT>LOLOr^LO UJ UJ «3- f— 1 en en i—i en COCMt-HCO r-H 1— 1 CO CO r-H o Q 1— 1 r-H t— 1 1— 1 i—l r-H . LO LO a* LO IfiHCO CO coLO>vj-"v]-or~^ocMLOcoOLO O. > LO CM t-H CO LO I— 1 I— 1 «3- CO Lor--CM^- lo r-.cncnLO O OCOCONts LO r^ LO LO i—l r-H r-H i-H O ~ZL I-H . CT> LO CO CO LO I^CMI^ LooocMOOOoencooo J— \— CO LO CM r-i CM r-» «3- r-~ r-H r-H r-H CM - LO CTl LO O CD 000 000000000000 o _l LO ■^. 2: 1— 1 to f— O) JC 1— ra u a> a) 1 — n3 1 — JZ O) CQ Q 00 u +-> c O CD to 1 — U CU ^ c <_> s_ c ocas-T- •1— (1) > -P "O QJ 1 — to 1 — Q IOT3 O I— a. i- > 0; en ex. rio^cwcmoOfl no UJ ■=c to (O S- O O cu to m- re :s •r— 1 — 1 fOO w3i — -r C 18 c .a z: TJ +■> < E CC 1 — 4->4->-i<: OJ E n> 1^1 — Q.4-> 1— _J ra 1— c z: •r- J_ S — 1 ■— O rO >> S- O >>-^ (O 1— C r— E *^ 00 r— O CD S_ 13 i_ cn cn cr> on cn cn CTi cn cn cn cy> cr> cn cn cn CTt CTi 0~> CT>U_ •i— o -f— r^ CO CO CO CO ro ZD cn cn co ro r-H CO co co co <3- r^ co CO 1— 1 «=t O CO •3- "5fr CM CO <3- 21 21 CM CM CM CM CM CO r-H 1—1 CO CO co co r^. CO CO CO CO CO co <* CO CO CO UJ CD O O CD O O i-H CM CM 1 — 1 CD co cn co 00 cn 21 00 cn o~> cn ■=d- <3- co ro co I— 1 CO CO CO ZD 1 — 1 1—1 1— 1 ■"D CM CO «vf O O CO i— i co cn cn t~- 1— 1 cn co co CO co on r^. cn >- C\J CM ro >=j- cn CO CO 1— t "=t i-h 00 CO CO CO co 00 r-^ ro 2: CM CO CO CM ro CM i-H 1— 1 CM 1— 1 t— 1 1— 1 CM . 1 — 1 CO O CO ro r-» co CO CO r-l r^- co CO CO O O CO CD ■^1- r-^ i-H CM CO q: *t CO cn cn co r^. **■ ro co co CO CM CO cn co co cm i-h co CO r^» co cm o_ 1 — 1 i—i 1—1 ■=*• co CO «* co i-H "=i- «3- «v)- CO CO CM «=d- "=3- co . I-H h* O CO CO CO ■* 00 CM CO r^. «^- cn cr> CD 00 cr> 1— 1 cn CD cn ro ct: CO ro CO CO en co CO CM CO cn ro cn i-h ^j- co CO CM cn co CO )" <3- co CO CO C0 CM CM OD CO O i-H O i-H cn r~- on CD U_ 1 — 1 i — 1 1 — 1 1— 1 i—H i— 1 i— 1 i-H i-H . C\J cn cn cm CO h- "3- ro co oro<^ co cn <^- co co CO CO CO CO r-l CO "y ^1- CO <^j- CO 1-1 co cn 1— i CO O CO CM CO CD i-H r—l CO ro co r^ i-h cm >- < co CD co co co r^ =j- cn r— 1 [^ i-H i-H i-H CM O co 1— 1 O ■— 1 cc CD UJ en 1 — 1 I— 1 i — 1 i—l i — 1 i-H i-H i-H i-H 1 — 1 r-H i-H . co «tf CO CO r^ «* ■3- co CM CO r-» co O ron^- con CO CO co co r^ CD > < — 1 ro ro cn r^. CM cn cn co co O 1— 1 co r^ co co cn 00CMN <**■ •=3" ro ro CM *3- i-H r-*. ■— 1 r^- cn co 1-^ p~- r^» co CO co r^ r^ r^ CD 21 i — i 21 1—1 i — 1 . co NCON T— 1 1—1 r^ CO CO CO CO CO CO ^j- CO CO CO i-H 00 CO CM h- r— I— 1 CM r~^ co r~» co <3" CM i-H CM ^r 0-1 co cm ro CM cn CM NHN < c_> r-H 1— 1 i—t «^1- CO CO «3" <3- ■— 1 ro ro co "3- CM CM co ro co UJ 1— CM CO O CD O «* CM O CM CO CM CO rHCftN^- CVJ CO CO O i-H _i D_ I— 1 i— 1 CM CO 1^ CO CM r-» co 00 cn 00 i-h 1^- CO cn i-h < UJ •-1 CM CM i-H i—i i— 1 i-H r-H r— CO o . O O CD O O ^1- O O cn co cn O cn co CD CO «3 _i ZD ■=c - O CD O CO CO CD CO O 000 o _] i—» i-H 21 ZD •"D 21 1— i 3: h- zs. SI << CO CM h- «^- "3- CO CU 00 00 -0 00 Q 1 — t— r— ,— CD (U r— -O 21 1 — 1 — t— CU 1 — C O C > a. cu <: 03 03 ZS 03 > u_ U- r— I—l O 5- M- -O c 00 4-> cu rjid) (O cn 21 > 3 C h- CD c C co E C c 03 O CU O 00 -»-> -21 O 03 C T- 14- c —t S- U T- S_ Jxi •1— 1 — 1 C +-> •!- +-> 1— sz 1 — CT>t — E > O +J ZS O 03 03 JZ CD -0 "O CU O —J 03 JZ O CU O D_ 21 > O C O CD << CT> CT> CTl CTi Ol CTl O r-H CTi CTl CD CT. CTl CTl cn cn CO CO E cnu_ •1— o OO +- <* N HOCM CO CM CO LO CO CO 00 LO LO CTl CM CM CO LO in 2: 1 1 1— 1 1— 1 1— 1 1 CM CM CM CO CM I— t 1 CD 1 — 1 1 1 1 1 Q 3: 1 ^■(XHOHO CTi 00 <— ' CM O •st CO O 1 — 1 >3- cn lo ■^r r~- i-h < <*orvLnoj r»- CO «d" CO CM CO CO CO CM CO CM LO 00 CO CO t—* ID i-H CO CO 01 CO =j- CO LO ■5J- LO «3" ■^r r-H r-H r-H r-H i-H CM cn r^ LU CO CTl CO Cn ^f" 00 CTl CM CM CO "vf O CTi O OOOO CD CO r—t 2: co co r-^ co lo T-i <* 1— 1 CM CO t-H i-H r-H •"3 r^ t— 1 Cn "sT CO ■=3- r-. CTi LO LO O OOOO CO CM >- r-^ i-H co «— 1 CM •vf CM CO CM CO <3" O co r*». •=C rHCMCMMCM 1— 1 1— 1 CM t— 1 r-H 1— 1 t-H ^j- CO 21 . CO CTi CO CO t-H cm ^1- r-^ O LO LO CT. co r-~ cn cn i-H CO LO a: CM 00 «=T CO CO MtlO CO 1^ CTi CM r-H CO CO CM CO CO CO lo r-^ a. «Sj- «r4- LO >=t LO CO CO LO CO CM CO CO CO CO CO ■=c . CTi (^ CO CTi CO <— 1 CTi ^f CM LO CO LO CM O CO r-H LO CM ** CO CM o a: LO CO CM CO CVJ CO <— 1 CO CM ^f LO CO CO CO ONOicn ti- LO < CO CTl O CTi O r-* r-~ co 1^ CO r-^ co CO CM CM T-H i-H r-H CO ro CO 2: 1— 1 t— 1 T-H T—\ . CM CO «st CO «— 1 CO O LO CO «^j- CO CO CO r-H ■=3- CO CQ ^•^ocncM CO "vf LO cn CTi «— 1 t-H CO cnnisin CM r^ co 03 LU O rHM HM CTi CO CT 00 CO 00 CO 00 CO CM CM CM CM ■St «3" r-H CD U_ r-H i-H . CTi CO O LO O CO 1— 1 CO CM CO LO CO r-H cn co t-h co CM cn oo s: lo cn cvj co co CO LO CO CM CM CO "St CO r-» CD CTl CO CO LO cn co >- * 1— 1 1— 1 .-1 O CTl CTi ■=3- •=J- CM CO CO LO CO CO < rs 1— 1 r- 1 t— 1 «— 1 T-H I-H t — If — 1 1— 1 r-H r— 1 T-H i-H . uihso^d CO CTi CO O LO CO CM O . — 1 cn «3- i-H cm r<- LO LO LU CO CO CO ^J- CTi WCON CO CO O CTi CO CO t-H «3- CM r-~ CO r-H UJ LU 1— 1 CO CM CM CM O CTi O CTi CTi cn en co >=t CO CM CO CO "St LO CM a: CD Ul O 1— 1 r— 1 r-H r— 1 1— 1 I— 1 I— 1 T-H T-H . CO f^- CO 1-^ CTi LO CO O CM 00 CTi CTi CT. CO CO CO O CM r>» >=t r-^ Q > CO CO CD CO CD O CO 1— t r^ i-h CO O r-~ i-h cn t-h cn CTi •sd- O O 1-^ 00 CTi 00 CT» r--- co co CO CO CO CO CO CM CM CM t-h CM 00 cd >— 1 z: T-H . CM CO O CTi 00 CO 1— » «— * O CTi t-l CTi 00 CO i-h cn cn r^ CM CO h- »— CM CO LO CO CM r^ lo 00 r-~ cm CTi CO <3- LO CO i-H i-H "St CO < O CO CO «s*" CO -=3- CM CM CO CM CM CM CM CM CO LO LU 1— CO CTi CO CO CO rscoH r^ co LO •* "3" OOOO CO LO _l D_ CTi CTi LO CD CO LO CO 00 LO CO r~» lo LO CO CTi - O O CM O CM 000 CD OOOO CO CM _J 1—1 1— t r^. i-h z: •"3 2: O 1 — 1 1— «=C r- CO in CD CD CO E L0 >> >> CD n3 cn •— c +-> z O CD +-> 03 -M E C r- < ■•l — 13 i~ (0 i_ E •!- O •1- -r- "O >- O O r— ^ C O "O n3 CD -0 Wi- CD CD O T3 CD E 03 ^ +-> +-> •r- cc -O C£ O -E t— Q. 3 E LU E O 3 r— CO S- 03 (O-P CD CT. CT) > 1-H c O S- CD O 03 r— •r- 21 CT X S- ■=£ O (U <— J^ -r- O E E CO CO ro E 5 O > LU JO r— < < 1 — 13 13 CD CO O OTTD CD -E I— ■ p— .p— •1 — 1 — 1 X O &- CD CD -Z. •r- 4-> 1— 3 t- co jO O +■» 2: e -a ex. u z > X 3 ID CD +-> j_ -^ 3 S_ r-H c_ $- CO O 3 d) 3 -r- (O ct 000 O t- LU O CD 03 Z5 03 CD -E cnu_ •1— o +- co r^ LO . — 1 .— i LOstKrHCMCMCOvtCNJ 01 en r-H CO to :s r-H 1 III 1 1—1 1 — 1 CM 1— 1 t-4 CM CM CM CM ^i- co CO LO CO lo en LOCM^COOOCnCOLOCD CD LO CO CM CO CM CM O z- en cm LO CO CM O \tc\iLf)HNrvi£iHrs en vtCOOCM < 2: 1— i CnJ CM ro CO CO ■^-CM-vJ-COCMCM'^-CO'^- ^r "^3- CM CO CO . r-« ^ en co 1—4 O CM hsCNjNCTiaicriiHxto 00 r-H O LO r^ 1— 1 en o; 3" en ud en HOIO^DHHCOCTIN LO t— 1 LO LO CM 1— 1 r-H CO i_n < lo r^ en co CO CD en CMCnCMOOOt— icncM co ■*HHM CO CO CM LO CU S r— ) . — 1 1 — 1 I—l 1 — 1 1 — 1 I — 1 1 — 1 t — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 1— 1 . O LO CO Cvj t — 1 LO CO cncoLOcO'^rcMcocDO CO t— 1 O LO LO «d- r^- «d- to OQ cm r-*. LO h- ■* en cm cnLOcncnco>=i-LOOCO 1—1 CM COCO vt i—l r-H CO rO UJ co co en en 1— 1 r-J CMOCMi— It- li— ICMr-HCO LO cororost "St- <3" CO CO U_ r— 1 i—l r— ( 1 — It — It — It— It — It — It — It — It— 1 t— 1 1 — it — it — it — 1 . CO LO CO CO CM en r-H ^- h in 01 w h cntn LO en 1—1 co cm LO CO CM OO Z^. ro en r->- co CTl co r~^ OCO^-COLOCOt— IOCM ■si- t—i co en <=}- «d" r-H >- . en co lo r^ LO LO LO ■"3 1 — 1 < — 1 t— 1 t— 1 < — 1 1 — It — It — It — It— It— It — It — 1 r-H ■ — 1 « — 1 1 — 1 t — 1 . LO IX) LO CO CO i-H CM COCOfOCvlNrOCOCON r-H Nt^COO CM CO CM LU (_> O LO co CO en co r~» LOCOCnr-l>^-LOLOC0LO CO CM LO CO O O r-H LO LU UJ en en CD en CO CM <— 1 CMOCMCMt— It— ICMCDCO LO i-x «^r >3- lo LO LOst CC o UJ O r-H r-H ^H t — It — It — It — It — It — It — It — It — 1 1 — 1 t — 1 r— 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 . LO «3- O co co <-< Sl- CMCO^rCO^COLOCMT-H t—l LO -=3- LO LO lo en en O. > 00 CM en h> co r^ H fTM <* O H CO lO Ul co fOHOCO H(ON O LO CO CO lo LO co r-^ cnr^cncocococnr^cn J — 1 CM O O O CO CO CM CD s: t — 1 1— 1 r— 1 t — 1 r-H 2: 1 — 1 . <* r-- T— 1 lo CvJ <* CDOcnLOt^-r-nr^oo cvj r-H LO t^J- CTl LO t— 1 CO h- 1— LO CD CO . — 1 CO CM LO COLOCOLQCOCOCMOOO co OON<* LO 00 LO <=C O CM CO CO co CO LO ^t- LonLONtstvtLnNtm LO 1-^ LO <3- LO LU h- co co co O co en r^ cor^cocnLOcocDOcn co en lo lo OOO _l Q_ ■st CO CD lo en rH ^1- r^.cO'^-LOcoco'^-cMr^ 00 LO 00 CO CM ^t- LOOr^OCOCMr-HCOLO en CMHvtN OOO CD CnJ CM LO CO O CO vt CM CM CO CM O rHCOCOst _1 ZD t— 1 I—l r-H r-H - CvJ LO LO coocj»Loa>LocncMLO <— 1 r-H CNJ LO CO O CD O O _J 1— 1 CM LO LO 1— 1 IT) H CJI r^ NCM CMCM ^ ZD •"3 to z< r— O , — 1 — 1 cu > "-> S- I— CO CO >> fO r— co h- 1— O +-> to s: •r- -a re c: to -a •— 1 Q UJ -a CD •■- O t- 3 Q- Z^. CU ^ 00 r— 4-> r— S_ — a. cu cu C -!-> J— +) O CUi — •— « C S- z^zz •■— zn •1 — ^i •r- 4-> < +-> jd cc cn+-> tn rO 0-4-> CD O0 C «J 3 UJ ZZZ c 4- LO CD rd •!— fO C 0) CD CO JZ C IC CO CO O -i- jQ 1 — 1 •r- O) <=c =5 CO CD 1— < coc4->-aT-r3CU4-> uj -t-l S- CD CU 4-> 1—1 to TD CO ■=c >- 4-> "O CO CU +j 4-1 +-> O ZXZ (1) L rO C C W CT-v^ i^ — 2: rs CU C JZ c 00 -vi •!- J^ 1 — CC 1 — CD CO Z3 CO c -l-> S- C_> aP O-r (II C L w 3 -Zl , — -r-> C O -l— OO O S- CJ co A5-15 Table A5-10 (continued) 1 o t=; rs rs lo rs, «* LO i—1 t-H O CO r-. cm 00 O rs rs rs lo «sf CD co ^- rs 1— :d en O CT> CD CD 1— 1 0^ CD CD CD CD CO CD CD CD O CD CD CD CD r-H CD CD O CD CD r-H C7>U_ •l— o CO •f- C\J "3-Htsin LO O CM r- r^ CD fs. LO 'Cd- r-H LO LO 00 CO LO CO CM r-H to ■zz. 1 . — 1 CM CM CM t-H 1 r-H 1 1 1 t— 1 1 1 1 t-H 1 CM r-H CD *— 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 CD 3 _l LO r-H «H- O r-H CD LO O O CD <—l CO LO CD «3" CD <^f CM CO LO CO CO CD CM r-H cC ■3- <-H CO O LO =d- CM LO O CD CO ■ZL t— 1 I— < i-H O LO CO LO CD O CD r— t ^r- CO "=3" LO <3- rs CO CD CM CO LO zd "-3 1 — 1 r-H t-H r-H t-H CM CM i-h, CM r-i r-H 1— 1 CTinHlT) lo LO <3" CO r-H rs LO r-H r-H r-H CO 00 00 LO 00 CD LO lo rs co >- CM O CO CM O co CO 00 CO CO CD rs cd t-H rs co <3- cd 00 co O LO LO LO 1— 1 . — 1 < — 1 1— 1 1— 1 CM CO CO CO CO CO CM CO CM t-H CM CM CM CM CM «* st" CO CO . ^t- ■*00MH O co cm rs t-H CD CD r-H CM CM CO CD LO CM CD t-H CM <—( O CO C£ CM CD «3" t-H CD rs ^1" *H" LO LO CO is. CM LO O CD r-H LO LO rs cm rs i-h i-h rs. < CO CM CO CO CM LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO ■=3" <3" "5j- LO "^T LO LO LO LO r-H LO LO . LO CM CD *H- O O r*. co i-h CM CD is. O O <3" CO O CD t— 1 LO r-H IS, LO CD rs o CrT t-H 00 LO CD LO rs 00 LO CO <3" CM LO is. CO CO 00 CO CO CM * H LT) H IT) 'Hr CO CO CO CM CO ^ rs (ONCJN CD r-H «*■ CO CO CD CD CM t-H co t— 1 rs lo co cd t-H O co rs rs >- «=£ O i-H O CD CM is. rom-^-^- LO "Sl- CO CM ^)- CM CO CM CO CO CO LO O r-H «=c en •~3 i-H 1 — 1 1 — 1 < — 1 1— 1 I— 1 I— 1 I— 1 t-H t-H r-H t-H t-H r-H r-H r-H r-H t-H t-H r-t r-H, r-H r-H . rs LflCTHON LO LO CD I-- LO O lo rs CM LO «=d" LO LO 00 fs. rs ^j- is. LO t-H UJ (_> to co co rs CO LO LO LO LO <3" CD CO rs lo co lo rs cm co CD CO r-H CM CD txl LU CD cd cr> 00 r-H «3" H CO CM CM CM CM t-H CD CM r-H t-H r-H CM t-H r-H LO CD O Q «— 1 r-H 1 1 T— 1 < 1 t-H t— 1 t-H r-H r-H t-H r-H r-H t-H t-H r-H t-H r-H t-H t-H . 1— ) MCONO rs ■=;)- t— 1 LO CM O CM LO LO r-H O CM O CD O CM LO O CM rs. co co cm rs 00 cm rs <^- CM CO co rs O LO LO Is. LO LO co 1—1 CD O O O CD CD 00 rs 00 00 00 00 CD CD CD CO CO CO CD i— i ^ t-H t-H t-H t-H r-H . r-H O LO t— 1 CO rs 00 CO LO t-H <3- CM r-H t— 1 1— 1 rs rs cd co t— ( CM CO O LO h- I— LO CM CO LO CM CO O "=3- CD O LO CD LO 00 CD CD ^1- LO LO CD LO CD rs CD CO <: CD CM CM CM CM CM <* LO LO LO LO LO LO LO CO CO CO «d" CO "=H- -jH- LO LO *3- LO LU zc o t— *H" CD CD CD LO LO O 00 LO <3" fH «vT CO 00 LO i— 1 CO LO 00 LO LO «^" O *3- CD _i 0_ LO CO LO LO - O O O O O LO t-H CO CO r-H CD lo >^- O O CD O O CD CD CD 00 O CO O o _l CO CM CM CO LO co CM sf s ZD 1— 1 t— 4_ JC 1 — r— >> fO +-> t,_ 1 — ro Z3 a> to cC 1— 1 (0 CD t- -r- IO «a 1 — •r- f0 «£ to . — 1 — c 03 O CC •1 — Zf <+- cc 0)2LL a> Or— s2 1— 1 C -^ O- JD. -i- CD Z3 LU zd JO. to O O CD ^Z E to Q. Z3 CO • — 1 — to +-> «=C cu E h- E (OO-J C ■=£ •1— cd-m a> C CO LO O CC -OOO-CrrO-rJC CD :=» cu «=c CO n co •■— I — 1 — to ro S- CD T- a) to cc Ezu*+-+->jz:-r->a) <; O c 1— CO i — c • • s- 2^: 1 — (O dJ > r— 1— 1 — to CQ fOCi-S-fOOt — >« -* >> to c c CO 1— 1 ra -t-> -»-> a. •r™ 1— s- fa s: LU UJ _i cc 3 A5-16 Table A5-10 (continued) o K 1—1 r-H ^j- CM CO CM r-H LO r-H r-H 0«^"r— ICOr— IOO 1— Z3 en CTl cd cn CD OlOOl i—l CDCD CDCDCDCDCDCDCD cnu. co •I— o +- 1 — 1 <* <— 1 CM >3- CM CO ■=!- r-HCM LOr-lr^CMCMLOCM 00 2: r-H 1—1 I— 1 T— 1 i—l 1 r-H T— 1 1 1 r— 1 r-H r— 1 II ^-LO'^rcococo ^Z t— 1 < LU LO CO LO O CM O r-H CO O O LOCDLOOOCDCMCOOOCDLO z; p*. . — 1 r-H CM CO >^-CD«^-r-^ r-H "vfco«:Hr ID CO "-3 CO co CO •— 1 r-H CO r-H r—1 1"^ CDCOCDCDCOr>»• CD CO ro i—l CM CO CO CO CO COi-HC\JCMr-ICOCMr-.r-H*3- < 2: csj en 1 — 1 r-H i—l r-H CO CMCOCMCOr— Ir— Ir— ICMCMCM . CO O O i— < cd CO CTl CO r-H r-H ^■iflfOLncoorj-Ncoo cc CO CO CM co en CO CM ^1- O CO lO "^ ■* >* O CO rH Oi <^- N d. CO CM <3~ CO CO CM ^ LO CM CM LOCOLOCO<=a-«*"^-LOLOLO < r-H . CO CM ■ — 1 CD CO IT) N^-HH CMLOCDCD0100^1-O"=l- o C£ CO LO ■3" CM LO CD «3r CO CO CO CD«^-«HrCOCOr-HLOr— ir^O lo ^- r-H LO CO>^-r-HLOLOLOCDCOi-HO to CO CO CO •^f- r^ co 1— 1 «=J- uimco'tconrspjco"* rC LU r-H CO co CO 00 r^ co cn co co 1— Ir— ICDr— ICOCnOOr— Ir-Hr-H OQ u_ 1 — 1 1— 1 I — 1 1 — 1 r-H r-H r-H r-H r-H . co CO CO CD O CO CO O i—l <—ir^ocococDco«3-cot-i CO ■Zl LO CO CO co 00 co co t-h - < CO CO CD cn en cn cn r-H co r^. COCMi— ICMCDOCDCMCMCM < •D T— i 1— 1 1 — 1 r— 1 r-H 1— 1 1— 1 r-H 1 — Ir-Hi— 1 . O CM O r-H **" co cn co co cr> ^j-^j-r-^cocMcor-^LOcnco LlI C_) «3" «3" CO CM CM co cn ^r cm CDCOOLOOCOCOCMLOLO LU LU cm r^ CO cn cn COCOOCON r— Ir-Hr— Ir-HCDCDOOr— It- Ir— 1 cc CD LU O 1— i i—i r-H r-H r-H r-H r-H r-H r-H r-H . CM r-H cn CO CO cm cn lo co lo r^.ocMr»o«3-oor^co«3- Q > CM «H- ^f- r^ r^ •=3- CD cm r-»- CM rvHrON^uJwj-Wrj- O CO CO LO LO LO CO CO CO LO LO NODNNLninmrsNN CD i— i ^ r-H . ir> r^ . — 1 00 -=d- cn r-H cm co Or-HCOOCOCOCOLOCMLO i— r— CD LO LO «3- CO CM r-H CO O CO «^-r^.O"vl-CO>=l-C\Jr-HCMr-H - CO CO O O O CD O O OCMOCDOOOCDOCO O _1 cn CM r-H ■"3 •3- ^ O 1 — 1 • r— • ^ — .^-^ r-^ ■=c >> Q. O -!-> r— LU 10 >> «=C o. c CO oi -Q +-> — — -s*: t—i 1 — 1 O •1— a> >> J- >> Q ;n >- O O rs 4-> C C ro >> ro "U ^ CO LU cr •!- OO Q. T3 t- S_ ro «=c Q_ jt co (_> 1—4 $- CD ^ +->+-> cu ~o CD +-> CU S T3 to a; "1 C X 0) E r— DC SEOr— ES-+->OC0 LU < S- ro LU +J -^£ O LU ZJ O r— i- O >>r0tOi — (OCrOcoaj^ h- nz O 12 --3 c s- -t-> 2: CT4-> c a> CU >- err fi s. in 3 > O 3 > ro CD CDM- 4-> ^ CD -c: CU ro 1— 3: C • 3 Scu 3: -Q O0 1 — ^ -acc<4-c O-ES- CO LU O 4-> LU +J CU i- LU ■ — 1 — fO O •<— LU 1 — T-T-3CULi_rOOO>> " L - CD S ^ •< ^ r— ^ car CD CC CC CO ^ cr cr cr CT CT CT CT CO CD CT) CTi CTl CT CT CT CO t-H r-H en u_ CO •r— O +- ro CO "^t ud ro LO O CM «3" 00 O LO LO CM O CT CT t-H CM LO OJ rHconroLT) CO CTl CM CM O CO CO LO LO ^t- r-~- <3- «=j- 1-^ CO < <=j- CM CO CO CO CM CO CO CT CT CT LO ^J- LO LO LO LO LO LO LO CO CO UJ 0000000 NCOCflH CTi CTl LO r^ O CD LO O O zz. 1— 1 co en "=3- CO LO CM CO LO CO LO LO t — 1 1 — 1 r-H ■"3 MnWN- CO CXI C\J «=*■ CO CO CM CO CO LO O HUJiskO <3" CT ^ >^J- co «3- 2: CO CO CO CO CM HCMHH CM t-H CM CM . CO N ID 'vj- O UD N LO CO O t— 1 CT) LO CM LO en CO LO CO O CT CO 0; n rvtn ncocrio •3" LO CT CO CO CO LO CM CM >^J- CT <3" >^- CO <— 1 CM iHHMrH CXI LO r~~ LO LO ■53- CO LO "vf >=d- LO <^1- LO LO r-H CM . (M OrHCMNN^ CO LO CM CO r-H >— 1 CO CTl CTl ^t- 00 -=3- t-H r^ cr C£ CD «3" CO LO CO LO CXI O -=3" LO LO r^ O r-H O O CM LO CM CM CM CO LO ■=C LO "^" <>{■ LO ^J- CO LO CM CO CM CM co r^. en 00 co CT CO CT CT LO LO LO CD 21 t — 1 1 — It — 1 1 — 1 . CO 00 CXI CXI CO CM CXI CM CTl O CO LO NrvOlLT) CMHU)N *d- co CO CQ CO rHC0NHU)Ln -* NCM N t— 1 CO <3- «3" LO «^J- CT LO >^- LO CO CO UJ LO LO LO LO LO <3" LO ^J- LO LO «=1- O CO O CT CTl CD CT O CD LO LO CO U_ t— 1 r-H r-H i-H i — 1 ^H t-H t-H t-H . «3" O 1— 1 <^" LO LO CO co cm cr co co OOICON CT r^. O CT CO CO co ^ co co en co cxi >=3- lo ONCOU) CO r^ LO 00 CTi LO O O LO LO CT >- » UJ C_) N CM Ch r^ >-< CM «* LO CO LO 1— t r^- CMCOCO^ t— 1 CO CO LONnHLnmco 00 cn LO 'H/Lo«^i-cO'^-Lor-.o LO CO 1 Q_ «=d" CO CM CXI CMISi-HO o^> lo 00 r^ t-H IO t-H CM t-H t-H - 0000000 <3- CD CO H O CT O O CT CD O LO o _J CO <3- CM CO 2: ZD ■21 1 — 1 h- , CO 1 — 1 03 CD «=t S- r- 1— o> •I — O cu c a -i^ •r— C ^ C£ CD +-> CD &- O CO ^ fO c 4-> -a "O 3 -!-> -«-> «=c -^ _J as c: 00 •— >> O C (O 3 a> jx. +-> 2; E UJ t X' O W Dl c S- 00 00 c 1— _a c •1— 00 00 J— zc > 1— c -r- .1- +j n: 03 1 O T- c •1- (U E O >r- 3T3 D1 ZH -c: (tj <: Y— OJ dJ S- (U 3 -P L0 X) CD C S- 1 — 1— 1 <- c: aj 1— >, c e r— zs _i 1 — I— CO 1/1 in r t. t t •r- (U (d -r- zc ^ •r- 1 — id - l— A5-18 Table A5-10 (continued) o e CT> i — 1 OONrH CO CM CM CO CM CO CD cm cn i-h CD LO CO CO LO LO t— ZD to r^. CT) CT> CTi CTi en cn cn co cn cn o~> cn 00 cn 00 cn cn cn ct> cn sz cou_ •i— O +- r^ C\J r-H CO CO LO 1— 1 CON OlHN CO CM i-H CO CO O r-H cn co V) ^ CM CM CM CM CM CM i-H CM CM CM r-H r-H CD t — 1 Q 3: _i co r~- CO >=H- co r^ 10 1— t <3- «* 1— \ i— 1 1— 1 r^. LO «sj" «H- * LO LO CO LO LO LO "^f CO LO LO LO CM CM CM CM CO LU r—t r*-. LO CTi CO CO LO co >* cn ^j- CM cm cn O CO i^- CT> r-H 000 2: co r*» CO CO NcOOCM^ls CM CO r-H i-H CO CO CM cn lo ZD C\J r-H 1— 1 CO r-H r-H i-H CM CO CO cn r->. CM LO LO r^ co lo r^~ 00 "^ lo lo LO LO 1-^. ^J- CO 000 CM LO >- co co 1^ CM ■3" O <3- co r^ co co 00 cm i-h cn cn r~- ^3- CO r-H CM < 21 CO CO CM LO CM CM CM CM CM "3" CO CM . CO CO CM CO CO LONOl i-H LO CO CD O CM CO CO CM «!}• «3" rH «* O "vf d; co r^. CXI CM CO CT> en O i— 1 CD r^- 00 cn cn 00 r-. cn co r-H CO LO CO CO CM *H- co cm r^. co OHCO CX> CO co «^- <^- LO CO CO r^ co iHNN «H^ CO o err CO LO CO CO *HC0 r-~. 1— 1 1— 1 ■^l- r^ co -^- r^ co cn lo !->. CO cn lo «3- CO LO LO CO CD SI VO CO LO Cn CO CO LO LO CO 00 00 OM^rsco r^ co co CO CO CM CO CO <3" "^1- . c\j co r-^ lo r- co «=3- 00 r^» cn NHNOM LO CO CM lo 00 cn cz> cn LO O in CO CM CO CM CD ct> r~-. ^h- co r*- lo CO CM CO co cn lo <3- cn i-H CO CM NOCM CO CO IS) 2: LO <3- 1— 1 r-H CM CO CM LO HUJ^-HH O LO CM CM i-H co r^ co «=j- co >■ r~~ •—• 1— 1 cr> r^ co co HCVJN >=h- co cn co co nos O CM r-» r~. lo CO CO LU LU CO 1 — 1 NOCOCON r^ 1^ co cn cn cn T—t cn «H- LO LO CO CO o LU Q 1 — 1 1 — 1 1— 1 1— 1 i-H i-H i-H r-H . 1—1 l"»« lo co co >— < r^ r-» «^- co co ^- CO i-H CO NCMN >* CM LO LO r-^ r^ Q > IO CO CO x-i r~^ r- 1 Cn CO CT> CO Cn r-H "SJ- CM CM a~> co 1— • cn co 00 ^ r-H CO r-H O lo co LO cn co r^ lo LO LO CO co r^ co co r^. LONN LO CO CM CO CO C i- i — i :s . LO LO CO CM O LO cn 00 co CO i-H 00 «— • LO r^ «3- lo r^ cm cn ^d- co cm h- I— r~» i—) CO CO r-^ lo co CM CO <^- lo cn cn cn r>. lo con r^. LOCON r-H CO ^ 00 ■r- < E — fO TD t-H C _l cn O E zz enjz -c O < rO CU O sz CU s- Z^ SZ ZJ < C S- q. co Q. _J 1 — cm 1 — ZJ 2 ZJr- S_ c in 00 CO E 03 CU 1— _a (O E TD +J C S- _J O -Q CU ZS Dio 10 •— 1 H O <_) CO T- O ■1- sz LU 2: •1 — CU ra S- CU ra Z5 E >- +-> (/> TD JZl e 4-> E -0 (1)13 C > ra 1— S_ CO SZ -£Z O r— r— -Q E O to C -r- fO CO •r- C T- LU -*£ -p- ZC r— E CU sz +-> CU CU 4-> 2: CU CU S- 1— +-> "O (0 r— O O > 1— i- ZJ s- CU S- 1 — UJ +-> S- CD rO HCL CO 1— X ^Z . 1- S- .,- +j fO S- 1— OO ZD fO ■ — r-H O CM cn CM r-H CTl CTl O LO CO 1 — 1 LO co 2: 1—1 1 1— 1 . — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 r-H CM CO CO r-H CM CM CO CXI CO r-H .-H CM CM CM CM CM r-H CD Q 3 _J CO LO CTl CO . CM «H- LO «5f r-- CO CO ZD cm n co 1 — 1 CM "53- CM LO CO co cn r^ co cn co r-^ LO LO 'H- CM LO r-H O CO co i^r^ ■=3- CO CO CO CO CO CM CO t-H CM CM CM r-H r-H CO CM r-H CM r-H 1 — 1 CM CM U) r-~ co 00 CD O O O O CD O O O O O O O O O O O :s co cm r-. ZD 1 — 1 C0U3O CO LO CO CM CD CO CD CO O O CO O O . — 1 O O O O O O CO >- 00 cnj r~^ CO CM «H- CM «H- LO LO CO 2: CM CO CM . old n 1— 1 OCONCTlCO ■vt- CM r-H O O O LO CT> O CO I — 1 CD en co CTl r-H CO CD a: 1— 1 r-- CO LO cn «vf 00 cm r-H LO LO cn CD CTi CO CO CTl CO CO CO CM CO CM < CO CO LO CsJ i — 1 r— i 1 — 1 r-H CM r-H CM r-H CM r-H . LO r-H CM co CO CO CO CM CM l^» CO co <3- en cn cn CT> CTi CM ^ «h- CM CM CO LO CM CO o CrT CM LO CO CD LO CTl LO r— 1 LO <3- <3" CM 1-^- O r-H r-H r-H CO cn r-« CO CM CTi CO en lo [-X- r~x lo ^- cn «=J- LO CD - HOIN r->. co co <3- cn co co r^. CM CO CM CM r-H CM CO CO O r— 1 CO CD r-H O LO r--. CO O OCOCA LO «5t -St co ^- N COLO Ol cn co CO CO CO r^» co CM CO CO «^r CTi - cn cm en O CD CO CO CO CD CO CO CD -r- s_ , O O >>•— CD 1— s_ x: =3 O -1 — ro ^ i^ +J 1 — Ul O CD CD CD . — JZ 4-> E x: 1 — c Li- CD ra O CD U. CO 1 C 1 — CO 1 — "O CU r— > O O +-> c -^ -0 S- cn+-> t- ra Ul CO O fO "r— "r" T— •! — C l sz co co 00 h- m c: -a x ui +■> -r-> > X: > CC CO CD -1- •r— C 3 ro A3 CD +-> "O ra < X Q.XI ef r— s- 4-> 2 o_i— o_ +-> > Ul CD -Q 1 — 4-> +J X J— ZD s- a. z: "r— fO O E CO -^ X •r- ro CO O S- r— %- r— =5 i- _Q -0 s- c E (J u CO O 3 ItJ'r Ul 5_ JC C CD ra ra Ul -Q S =3 t. O (dr- O ra n3 Z5 • 1 — m ra •<- CO • 1 — CO xa 00 1— CQ CD ^ S ^ O 1— ■ 3 3 A5-20 Table A5-10 (continued) o K r>» CO "vf *3- CO «cj- LO CM LO CO CO «3" oj r-» lo 00 I— 2: ro CO CTl CO en cn en cn CO CO CO CTl CTl CTl CTi 00 CTi CTl CT>Ll_ •i— o +- LO OJ lo <=*- LO r-H CO O CM CM CO CTi i—l O 00 CO CU Q 2: 1— 1 1— 1 CM rH 1— 1 CM CM CM 1 *-> t— 1 3 1 1 r-^ CvJ CO en CTl CO 1— 1 LO O ^!- =i- LO «* «* LU r^. ^r 1 — 1 00000 O r^r^.CTiCTlLOCOCOLOCTl CTl CO CM CO 2: co CO LO CTl Kr^cnmrococo^-co ■=3" H rD t— 1 1 — 1 Hi — 1 ^- CO O CTi co r-^ CO co co r»» co lo <=f NCMMl^CO^HNO CO CO CTl LO >■ r^. ro r». LO lo r^ co lo co r^ O«3-<3-CTtC0L0C0r-~CM cn en cn i— 1 < CM CM 1 — 1 CO COCMCMCMCMCO«^i-i— 1 CM l—l r— 1 . en cm CO ■3- co r->. co CTi <—i CO CDCOi— 1 «5j- t— ILOLOCMLO «3- 1— 1 LO CO LO LO CO CO coLOcococoocOLor^ co r^. co co CO OJ 2: i—i i—i . CO O CXI CO CO 1— 1 LO CO CM CM LOCTiLOOOOLOCOLOCO CD CO ^" CO CO CQ CO . — 1 CO CO CO LO CD CM CO Ncnm[vcorxiH^ii3 r^ cn co cm -irvrocoro O CO O CM CO ^ LO r^~ r^ 1 — 1 ai^t-ro rHco 1^ COCOCOCMCOCOi— ICOCO COOCO^l- >- ■=£ CNJ 1— 1 1 — 1 LO co co r^ co co 00 oor^cooocMOjr^cTii-H co CO cn < O ■"D r— 1 r— 1 1— 1 i—l I—l I — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 . r— t CXI 1—) cn LO CM CO "3" LO -v}- COr^COOCMOOCTtCOCTi LO CM CO LO LU C_> «sj- CO en ■=3- ■^- cm cn co oj CO LOLOcoLocor^co>^-co CO CTi LO O LU LU . — 1 O co co co co r-» co CO MflNNOr- ICOCOO co cn co cn cc cd LU Q 1 — 1 . — 1 1— 1 1— 1 r— 1 1— 1 i—l . r^» en OJ 1—1 CD CD CO LO CTl CTi CO ^r OJ cn co -^ cn >^j- i—l co^j-wroNOrococM CTi CM 00 O CD CO co co co CO LO <3" ■* LO LO COLOCOCDCOOLOCOCO lo r^. lo co o ^: 1 — 1 ■21 I— I . CO CTl CM cn CM CO CO <3" CTi r^. CMCTt<3-<— iCOi— ICOOO ^•OIN^- h- h- st 1— 1 r^ CO i—l CM CO 1—1 CM 1—1 cvicMcocncnooi-no LO O LO CO d-N^cT^- CM ^ OJ CM LU 1— (T> r— t co r^ CD 1— 1 O CO «— 1 CO cocnr^-ojcococor^-si- CO LO CO O _! Q_ CTi CO <3- CO CO CO CO =c LU CM 1— 1 1— 1 1— 1 i— 1 i— 1 CO CO i—l I— 1 I— CO o I— . LO O O CD O O HNOCMtOHCftOCM O LO CD O CD CO rv <^- <^- co cm en r^ ■— i CM _J ro CM CM - CO OOOOO COO^-COCTiCOLOOO O cn O o _i CM co lo co lo r^ cn ■2L •"D CM CM O 1 — 1 J— o_ <=c >J > ^ O fl Q_ CO 1 — 1 — 1 c c: t_ "2: CD 5- CD +-> CQ 1 — 1— 1 ■ — O O O ZJ +-> JD -a ts CD (— CT) 1 — 1 ca 3^ c a) s: cd IOCU0(1)(U"OE3 *—* co cn co LU u. _J > "^ c 2: re -Q 1— -*: 2; •1—1 — 1 — 1 — c CU 1/1 cd > CU CO sz S- 1— O O »r— l— 1 -c E • l-H D_+->+->+J n3 O-O fO E 1— E -i- -i«£ h- < r— 1 — c cc: S- cc ac l ra CO CO >)io id m njpi — -^ co (B^ C C CO 1— *r- 03 d) LU rs ■— • fO >> O -i- rO (O (O (fl LU -C 1 — =3 (T3 rD 21 CO rs > CQ > CD _1 ^ CC CC ZS 3 Ocococococoi— rs>- 3 cd lu rc Q_ A5-21 Table A5-10 (continued) o e coocvjo CM en CM LO 1— 2: ID co cr> en en cn co cn en cnu_ CO •f— o +- c\j cm en co rHlDlDW CO ST 1— 1 H 1 1 r-H 1 r-H r-H CD 1 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q 3 _l cn en ro lo O CO CD CO - ro >=d- .— i r-» CO CO CO CO =C ro cm co co CO CO CO CO s: . ^1- O CO CM r^. CM "^ CM cr: LO «=*• 1— 1 <^" lo r^v m <• ex. U3LO UDVO CO CO CO CO <: . H O CO «* 1— 1 r^ *3- o OC <^-N rHLT) CM r-H r-l LO LO < 1— 1 O r-H O OOOO CO — 1 i — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 t— 1 I— 1 1 — 1 . «5f "=1- CO CO OCONLO CO ^ OlONN cn cm «— 1 lo >- cC «=}- LO "vl- CO CM CM «3" CO CM CM CO r>- «=tf- CM CM "vt- O cn cn cn co cn cn cn CD -zz 1— 1 . *d- t^* >^f- 1— 1 <* ninco H- \— 03CONN CM «3- LO CO - 00 CM LO CO CO Cn CO LO o _1 CM r-H CM "^1- r-4 CM 2: ^ 1 — 1 h- «=C 1— OO CD ^ 2; >> O) <1J CU C CO CO CO C .^i CD C fO LU 2: =3 ^ S- E S- -O t— c: s_ co ro •— 1 CD CD CU •■— < c_> cu -i- 2 s: a. >>-o 5- 1— CO - 03 .c as jc: 3 cd _ 1 2: s: 3 C_) _J CO A5-23 A5-24 CNJ < S- C7> A5-25 A5-26 IT) 0.9 Load heat exchanger e, C . L mm (UA) L " 2 £i C • i , L mm ^ o 1 < (UA) L < 3 Domestic Water Heating System Only Component Recommended Value Range of Values Collector orientation South Southeast to Southwest Collector tilt latitude latitude -35° to latitude +35° Collector fluid flow rate 0.02 gpm/ft 2 0.01 to 0.03 gpm/ft 2 Preheat storage tank volume 2 times DHW auxiliary tank 1.5 to 2.5 times DHW auxiliary tank Double-wall heat exchanger £ HX = °' 7 0.5 < e HX < 0.9 F R /F R = 0.95 F R /F R > 0.9 6-4 Table 6-2 Rules of Thumb for Sizing Components of Air Systems Space Heating System Component Recommended Value Range of Values Collector orientation South Southeast to Southwest Collector slope latitude +15° latitude -20° to vertical Collector air flow rate 2 cfm/ft 2 1.5 to 3 cfm/ft 2 Pebble-bed storage 0.75 ft 3 / ft 2 0.5 to 1 ft 3 /ft 2 Pebble size 0.75-1.5 in. Uniform sizes 0.5 to 3-in. Pebble-bed depth 6 ft 4 to 8 ft Pressure drop in pebble bed 0.15 in W.G. 0.1 to 0.3-in W.G. Pressure drop in ducts 0.08-in W.G./100 ft 0.06 to 0.10-in. W.G./100 ft Duct insulation R-7 R-4 to R-13 Domestic water heat exchanger £ HX = °' 4 0.2 < e HX < 0.7 Domestic water preheater tank volume 2 times DHW auxiliary tank 1.5 to 2.5 times DHW auxiliary tank Domestic Water Heating S ystem Only Component Recommended Value Range of Values Collector orientation South Southeast to Southwest Collector storage latitude -35° to latitude +35° Collector air flow rate 2 cfm/ft 2 1.0 to 3 cfm/ft 2 Heat exchanger £ HX = °' 7 0.5 < e HX < 0.9 Preheater tank volume 2 times DHW auxiliary tank 1.5 to 2.5 times DHW auxiliary tank 6-5 particularly in addressing the questions of a client. If there is easy access to a computer, detailed answers can be provided quickly using a complex performance estimation model, but because not everyone concerned has such access, rapid estimation procedures using hand-held calculators will be useful. Also, during the planning stages, approximate methods may be used advantageously to examine different system sizes for a particular application. There are several approximate methods for estimating system performance. Two are included in the module. The accuracies of estima- tion methods are dependent on location and system type. The numerical values resulting from these calculations may differ from more detailed performance estimation methods by as much as 20 percent. SYSTEMS TYPES ASSUMED The basic arrangements assumed for space and water heating systems are shown in Figures 6-1 through 6-4. In general, the calculations apply only to the types of systems shown. The methods are not appli- cable for swimming pool heaters, solar-assisted heat pumps, nor for systems using concentrating collectors. GRAPHICAL METHOD A simple graphical approach for estimating the fraction of annual space heating load that can be supplied by a solar system is shown in Figure 6-5. The curve can also be used to estimate the collector area required to meet a pre-selected solar fraction. The graphical method is illustrated by the examples given below: 6-6 SOLAR RELIEF VALVE HEAT EX- CHANGER MAIN STORAGE TANK ^ SERVICE H.W. TANK I lAUXIHARYl PRE- HEAT TANK WATER SUPPLY HOUSE AUXILIARY Figure 6-1. Schematic Diagram of a Liquid-Based Solar Space and Water Heating System HEAT EXCHANGER FAN RETURN AIR FROM HOUSE DAMPER A TO TAP WATER HEATER DAMPER B Figure 6-2. Schematic Diagram of an Air-Based Solar Space and Water Heating System 6-7 "— 0- STORAGE TANK TO HOT WATER LOAD Figure 6-3. Schematic Diagram of a Liquid-Based Domestic Water Heating System DOMESTIC WATER HEATER WATER PREHEAT TANK SUPPLY MAIN HEAT EXCHANGER Figure 6-4. Schematic Diagram of an Air-Based Domestic Water Heating System 6-8 o 10 .£ ~— a ♦- 4- c~ T3 c o CD -o O O o N £ 3 _J u_ \ +- O 3 ■*- o> x H o c m 1 o mJ ".JZ CO o CD § i TJ X w c O CD ^_ r- O O — «♦— o E _l o> O ( i Annu rea, o *— — CM ■a ^_ o CD X .— < o «♦- \- •s : cr -* o> \ c O tion ecto olar BTU T3 O 3 CD o — 2 o CO OQ ~ •• o Ll. O >% * o i- o l_ W l_ o o D < V o o 3 M- 3 C O J \ ■ co co ^ CO 1 -o 1 1 b_ < 1 CO 1 _l o cvi CD CO CM O "^ _• CO < CO b CO d 6 CVJ d E CO +■> to >> en D> c •I — -M 03 CD o c/> CI) Q. 3 1/7 OS O C cu n3 3 E C ■=c 4- O u rt3 S- CU S- 3 C7> CO d CD d d C\J d 6-9 Example 6-1 - Estimate the fraction of annual heating load that could be supplied by a liquid-heating solar system having 300 ft of collectors in a building that has an effective thermal conductance, (UA). , of 400 Btu/(hr*°F) and is located in Denver, Colorado. Solution - The parameter SA/L is the ratio of available solar energy in January divided by the building load for January. From Module 3, I = 742 Btu/ft 2 -day Therefore, S = I«n = 742 x 31 = 23002 Btu/ft 2 -mo and SA = 23002 x 300 = 6.9 x 10 6 Btu/mo From Module 5, L = (UA) L x 24 x DD Btu/mo L = 400 x 1132 x 24 Btu/mo L = 10.87 x 10 6 Btu/mo SA/L = 6.9/10.87 = 0.63 From Figure 6-5, F = 0.72 Example 6-2 - Determine the area of collectors required to supply 50 percent of the annual heating load for the building of Example 6-1. Solution ~ From Figure 6-5, for F = 0.5, SA/L ~ 0.37 . _ 0.37xL _ 0. 37x10. 87xl0 6 . 17 , f 2 rt S 23000 The graphical method illustrated above for estimating system performance (in terms of F) is very rapidly completed but a single curve cannot reflect different types of systems, different collectors, nor effects of geographical location, unless individualized curves are developed for every different circumstance. Other graphical procedures use a more refined approach by calculat- ing monthly solar fractions based on monthly solar-to-load ratios, but 6-10 the reliability of the results is only slightly improved. A universal curve of the type shown in Figure 6-5 is not possible with the variety of systems available. RELATIVE AREAS METHOD If the parameter of the horizontal axis in Figure 6-5 is expressed as a relative collector area, where the basis is collector area to supply approximately 50 percent of the load, the parameter AS/L could be re-expressed as SA/L _ A SA~7E A ' (6-1) where A is the collector area which will supply approximately 50 percent of the load. A curve similar to Figure 6-5 could be drawn and the curve could be described by a general equation: F _ C1 + C 2 £n (A/A Q ), (6-2) where C-. and C ? are constants for a given system type and location A is a selected collector area. The value of A is dependent upon the heating load, and the collector and system characteristics as expressed below: A s (UA) L A o = F^U L (Z) (6 " 3) whe re Fnta is a collector characteristic (dimensionless) 2 FpU. is a collector loss characteristic Btu/(hr*ft *°F) 6-11 (UA). is the effective thermal conductance of the building Btu/(hr-°F) A is a location -dependent value which reflects the thermal building load (hr-ft 2 -°F)/Btu Z is a location- and system-dependent value which affects collection losses (hr*ft *°F)/Btu. For any given location and system type, with knowledge of 4 values, C-. , C~, A and Z, and the collector characteristics, F R ia and F R U. , the annual solar fraction for the system may be determined. Values of C-. , C ? , A and Z for a number of locations are listed in Table 6-3 on pages 6-14 to 6-16. The relative areas method is illustrated in Example 6-3. Example 6-3 - Estimate the fraction of annual space and DHW heating load that could be supplied by a liquid-heating solar system having 300 ft of Miromit collectors, for a building that has an effective thermal conductance (UA), of 400 Btu/(hr*°F) and is located in Denver, Colorado. Solution - Collector characteristics (from Module 4) F R ta = 0.724 F R U L = 0.947 Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F) From Table 6-3 A s = 0.175 Z = 0.197 C 1 = .538 C 2 = .316 Assume a heat exchanger factor, F R /F R = 0.97 Using Equation (6-3) A = 0.175(400) „ -,. . f ,2 (0.97)(0.724) - (0.97X0. 947)(0.197) "' L ^' 6 TL F = 0.538 + 0.312 £n (300/134.3) = 0.79 6-12 Comparing the result with Example (6-1) it is noted that the difference is about 10 percent in this particular example, with the relative areas method considered to be more reliable than the single- graph method. For a domestic water heating system of the type illustrated in Figure 6-3, the calculation of A changes slightly to A D DATxlO" 3 A o = F'xa-F'U L (Z) ^ where 2 Arv is a location-dependent variable (ft •day)/(°F«kgal) D is daily hot water use (gal /day) AT is average yearly temperature rise from mains temperature to delivery temperature (°F) Example 6-4 - Determine the number of collector modules required to provide hot water for a family of four in a residential building in Kansas City, Mo. , if the solar system is to supply 60 percent of the yearly hot water requirement. Collector characteristics in F R xa = 0.724, F R U L = 0.947 Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F), and module size is 3 ft by 8 ft. Solution - Assume an average family of four requires 80 gallons of hot water per day, and average AT = (140°-50°) = 90°F. From Table 6-3 A Q = 3.357 Z = 0.234 (^ = 0.541 C 2 = 0.332 Assume F R /F R = 0.95 Using Equation (6-4) a - 3.357 x 80 x 90 x 10" 3 „ , n fi f .2 " (0.95)(0.724)-().95)(0. 947)(0.234) DU - bTL 6-13 From Equation (6-2) F = C ± + C 2 £n (A/A Q ) 0.6 = 0.341 + 0.332 In (A/A Q ) £n(A/A Q ) = 0.178 = e °- 178 = 1 194 A/Ao e i,iy4 A = 50.6 x 1.194 = 60.4 ft 2 2 Since 1 module = 24 ft , 2.52 modules are required, but fractional modules are not obtainable. Hence 3 collector modules are re- quired, and more than 60 percent of the hot water needs will be met by solar in average years. In using the relative areas method, it is necessary to calculate the natural logarithm, or the anti logarithm of a number. Most hand-held calculators designed for scientific work include the Jin function and its inverse, so no difficulty is encountered in the calculations. However, for the benefit of trainees without such calculators, an abbreviated table of natural logarithms of numbers is provided in this module. 6-14 Table 6-3 Constants for Relative Areas Method o>^NNrHcorNU)r^ir)WfHOOi^naikorNco^<-M03^srorninoooowLnerHt\imrorsOiHCsisir)cnH oinoao^innrncvicONWOw^HO^oiconHiHoeoaiNHifiNmnosvDOOirtineoCTicrioeONNtco^inin^^NOiHioo c\jr^r^co^r^CT^r^^^e\j^co^c\jooir)r^Oi^kOOc\ir^Mio^cooco^c^^ C)^f-tO«^r^f-H^i^c^^cQOC0C\JC0C0^C^OC\JCNJC0^(7«0^iJ^a3r^^i£>r^ CO^^^CSJC\JC\Jf-^i--rH.— iC\J^i^^«^«^^CM(MLnu)Lnin (m fo ro cm cm cm . ji^uDcor^iDvooo^HfOLftr^mr-omt-HaicMooai^o )tnta-a»oooocooonfl , MOin^ , iflinvots.*^ooO'-"^H(\ivONiHHii)w\onc^LncocftHoeoooHcnwa3^ minNMCOCOCOHOHOiriVOOOOrtiflOHNHOHOOHCONHOOWfOOiOHCOCftOWOOCOlOlflMaSMOlOlrtOCOCfiN c^csJCNJCvjc\ic^JogfOfOro<^tNJCNjrorororoc\jforocjrornriOM<^f^ oco^Mmcoco^^ooo^oai^inifta)co^ooooiHco^WN^oa)WN^^j^mii)Wfovovooir)iNifiNCON(Niweoeo t^OCD<3cMCJCNjroro^*oo^H-^roro<^ro^c^c^c\JtMro<^rocNjrnvOHf^invoiON^uiN^tt^wOivui^(sjinco^a>onoocoo^OrHrs«(nwrN.ttc\jNNOOcocftr^^o5000H^cft^oco5 COCO^^coroc\ifHr-iu , )r-irHLnr>.rsis,f y )iH^Mn r^-^«a-^D^cOf^ oo co •— i r-*. 10 uf> «a- uDvoo">iOLn*3-«d , «i-«*cocMeMf-<»-< r-irOMCM i— I ,— I i-H t-l OJ t-H i— i rH ^Hf-«f-Hi— IHr I,— I,— It--,— !i— IHr IH >Lnm(ocvj QJ -O C *r- i — QJ -£= '_ C -M -r- en o C OJ C • O CD C QJ to o m QJ >, U> y> U C O flJ' o u i- ; a>c u q I QJ fl «Z l- i •-- J- o o -a -o > c c c «a O O i— •>- fl w> cu ■U+J.f-.^>4J r— W £ 3 C %m CT-C > C t/1 Ofl> A C (O F« •«- O O C (J l/> O QJ O -C +*-i- C 3 o -O ■+-> JZ — C -^ E^>~ O-fOM-OfDOO^ OJ t_ Ifl «3 ■»- U >» fl C i— E ^- •>- u > >— C 0JU1 3, O <— C O 4J c c >» clt- * q f— +-> *0 3 C +J-P CT OJ 4-> «J c •r- fO Q) ffJ ■!- C l/> to C U Q L. 4-> ■<- CT»-C -C •»- .p. (J .r- .,_ g O 1- 13 -O C O X O O 2 -C QJ CQQ.HU J cu o c o -< o £ 2 — i 6-15 Table 6-3 (continued) j\0-HroCTiCvJ'CLf)CriN(TiPNO'-t(THDOC\Jl/)^DO^Oh«*J , ^"'^r ^o^^^oo<^^nc^JfOo^rn^c^JfOC^Jc^JC^Jc^l^^(^^fornf0^^o^■cot^J^j■Lrl^ iriooNOc\j^OHCouiLn^cj^o>rHOHHnn^iHMOiNO*^i^^c\JTOOc\jo>Hwioo^ro^invoo^cjicnon^ CM^c\jeMcooororoc\ie\JCMCMcocvjcsjco<^roc\jc\jCNjc^ oco^or^r^^OTr^oir)rou3i/}ii^co^^coc^r^i^rHO^ir>ini/>c^e\jc\]c^corn WN^Osi/5 0»N(^s^cnooc\jr^irtOinir)Ow^^HainLftooou)NW^ooo^LnNnv^nfOSHwcocoOLr>.c^cnLno^r^r^^r^^cic\JocMca ) r-» c\j r-» cm t . CM LT) r^ •-* ro *$■ vo ■ ■OfOCOOO' ICsJtMrHtvCOOOiO' siDiDnsy30ainrs03NCftfOiacji^o^DWincftNOO>^rHwno^coi^LniNOuiMTHiHW^on ro^^u^CMcococMfocoro^cocococMMCMCO^^rocMMro^^rococMco^u^ irtwifli^tr>uimijiinuiuiifiinini/ii^ir>uiininif»uiiiiLnLninioini^uiuii/)i^i^Lfi < m — - coo^^c^cMr^wcoooo^i^u^o^^rHoo^^ix)OCMr^ouiroo^cM<^cM^or^Or^u^^co^r^ wi»wooinN.o^foMcow ( Hi/)H(^Ht\jni/iMir)i^coHON csj«^c>JC^rocMCMcocsje\ic\jc\jcvjc\jc\iCMCsjCNjc\jc\jc^ CMCMfOcot^co^cM^i^cMu^c\jcoomOTtnoroOr^^^co^inr^r^r^^rHOCJ^ incocTic\jinc^ocsjp^Lntn^ocrittCMOO<^rO<^CMCMCM^<^rOCOT^CMCMCMfO.^«^^ ^Ooo^^^u^r^r^cocor^cOLnLnvo^or^r^r^c\jo<^cocococoaDLi^TO CNjrOOJCSJCSJCSJCsJC\JC^C>JCSJCVICMCMJC\JCSJC\je\JCNJCSlCSJCSJC^ i^^r^CM^ocot^CMCMco^i^ir)r^r^c^i^^LncMvococ^i^Or^r^ CMrOCMCO^CMCM.^CMCMCMCMCMCM^^.^^CMCNJCMO0^>^CM<^CMCMCsl.^CMCOC^ rtH^iftOONONNi^ocn^HLnsoiiri^ino»Hiii^N^soio^MraoiNNiHHoaiNCftH^NMrocicsir^is^a)uiiHCjM «^fo^uir^CM^r^o<7>coooocOin^^r^r^r^c#^CNjcMi^u^Lnroir)^^OCMi^r^ <^CMCMCMrorooomrocMCMCM<^CMcoc^rococMCMCMCMroMCMCMCMCMC^ ^^co^oc?to^.^fOCJ^*£>f^iriir>r^u^cOMij^rN.coinr^coc7tc^a\^cQm ^o3WrtN-H(\i^on^c\icoa3^co^vo^Lni/)Kcn^'*n^CTtiSo^NrHi/)couDvors.c\jiHi^^ CMOO^cot^^c^cocMCMCMcocMcorororocMCMCMi^rororo^CMCNJCMCO^ pomcowuia^Ln^Ln^rH^^c\ia)i^o^rHno^MN^NHuiM^rHOrHijiLnrHrNiiirouDivi^^ 3C >- uiH^HNOHrtiri^o^^o^^wcowOLna>NMoncnLTOON(Xi<-c\(OOt>in , r l ^oco(v^joaiHcsjH^^^>5--ioc^'d-i i \ coocM^a>aocMCM^<^^o^^o^^^^a)o%^<^cQcOr-NC^MrH^u^^uii/)N'HroroCTi^LnNLn^Lri^LnrHiriKr^ir)^q-NCNjacor\ja Hnniiiaii^nn^OrHOMrN.Ln^^rtwwHooiiTirHmrN.rHcOLno^NcriiNCOco ri cm vt in HHOoDko^^MCHko^^^nfn -tif)iDrni iiniHncMrocM'Hi-iinmirini/iintMfOrHocMrHt na-rHClmrHLTi-HMOUl . < < <*• : _j _i -J : i^,khi— ..-«oooozzz:t/M ■ out_>o<_>oooai OJ wi r— C e: >> Oi-Cfl aJ S i— i- fl S- r- Ut 6) >r* ,— *o at o r— c: ■*-» ro o •(- .C i— Q. +J -f- r- O 3 C -P 0)1/) 1- >U 1- (D WI B -^ O E S- O fl -r- C .Q t/> i/> O > i- O CJ Q.'i- c ■r- A3 +J > -r- 4J C +-> i/> i— 3 i/> 3 .* 3 S- J= 3 r 4-> C r- r- i- U +J C 3 ^- C _! _1 Z l/l «C CO fl C (O 'i- ID O QJ fl "3 O IO CO Z < CO (/> CJ O- O UJ _J O ^ r- a) « +J • • u <— ro +-> o t/i -— ro 4-> .a t/i < o o C -— 'I- a; > a> a> c i— i- i- ro > CT) S- i— ro O O -C C — t/) i- c s- .— A3 -r- ro •<- O ■»-> a; cq u 1 z: < i- TO -P Ji 1I4J dl C Ifl CdJ CT> E S» 4-» VJ t/> ro 3 O 3 0> >)roroO<^■ c-cu>-ajco 3 P OJ -Q >,(^ C J3 C£ S Or L 4)r- - i-r-( — ro OJi — *i-+J »■— O . hLnLr)LninLnLriLr>ir)ur>irJir)ir)LnL o3 0\OrHfoOLontr)^ors.o^c\jw^n^r>.Nrv^r^co^isCDr^oiiv.n^csjforoiD^mrs.ococ^rs0^iHN C\J«^C\JCM(^C^CMfOCMCMfOCMi^CMCMCMCMCMi^^i^.^i^.^.^^^r^r^f^CMC\IC^ en CM m ro ^3- *a- * i^m<^^<^rocMcoroc^mcMC\jeMcoc^focMCMr^c\jrornr^roroM t m «f «f OMOWN^fOOONWMNOiHOMnifl. oOfocvJesJ^^lnM^r^^^oeT^cJo^cocsJ1^oofo^<^^cotnfor^c^Jr^c^J^ooc^Jc^l^--^^ocOLn^■cocT> cm fo cn m cm cm cm csi en en ~ --■■■■■■ *£i CM f-< i-h r-* HNVO«)0>t-i fsi Ol yj O < N GO CMOfMcncocMCMCMrocMCM c\ic\jioMCGoooji^ey»"^cgo«3-Mr^^cNj<-*POCT^c*Jcoir)C^r^cnc\jf^ir>CNjOi^ rocTi^^i^cM^^c\jCM^cnr^cM^a3ettcyio^orncri.^r^r^CMa3vor^c^co^Lf>c^ o\ocno(^o^(MninaincocoojrHit^^in^rN<^o^c\ir^^uior^Mc\iOHM^oocninrs«j^comsncsiO^M ^HO^cocoor)csi(vjwn^O)uitNChHfo^ttfors^cMcM^co<^cn^csj^ir»cii^i^Lnrs^i^r-kDcoouifOM (^rHHHtsjw(NjwrvJwn(\j>^csirtHNtM«HHHOOiHOHOHOO(Mt\irHrH(\ic\jcgNcsimnnfvjr^(vjnwn ^■^■OHN'tf-OlfOaNC LT>00>CT»*3-CMt\i«3-r*-.V CMPOCMCMCMCMCMCMCMC iNrtinowo^inNnmrsHco^ninmi-toiaiinoioocij^HCnoOHConmrNfONJOvoiHcotsjo*^^ 'l/lODOONCOlO^OOHOOOWHO^OmOVOmCOCO'sflrtNNtfVOSkOlflHO^MnNM/HOO^W'!)- iCMCMfOfocMCMCMCMc^cncnCT>coLnr^cna^co^^cM\ococMOr^voT^for^^^uior^OOTC^ rHfnwcoooOri(\iHrtcvirofONCsjwNfonranNM^nonnniHcvJNc\jiHiHOOHH<\jHHrin^wfnr^cgrHNH inuiifliflirtifli/)inininuiiiiinininuiwiximmi^iniriuimir)uiwifiij)inirtinwifiininmuii/)m wvoNOWcOHHnwNinHinNinHOajMOoioiniflWwOiflHHO^NHnwfno^DOinNfOrio^iswwincvjvoioNCO \OOfOlflinsn0030lflWCVJW^i£OOW030H^MU10*ClWHNCOmvOChO^Hi-ifOHCyJinO*<\jONNNCOCO*NHCOO> cococsJC\jMc^coTfrcjrococ\JCvjc\JC^CNjroro^i^c\Jc\icsjesj«^c\jc w^o^cvj(Ni/ioii^oo^jco^jrouioownon^^iHwrN(^cjincft^y3Nw\DiiiMCOiHuir^coOrHiHn r^LncowN^M^^r^uiin^roo>cOMfOw^csj^^no>iHCftf^oico^uii^onto^Lncnco^inOiH^r^o^ fO^.^.^CMCMCMCMCMCMCOCMWCM.^i^CMCMr^t^^OO^O^O^OOCMC^.^CMCMCMCMC^ is? o>HffnsoinpNHkor*.uirscO'*'-* -■'■■■*■ en «*■ oo cm en <* r^ cm «3- r*. i*- *£• CO CO ko cr> lt> r-^ cj> oo 10 i_noHsovow CM CM CM CM CM t-H ^ ^MHr-trHfncvj^wfomnuv'HOO^oroHM^u'umrunovowjninOLnL cm «* cm ro ^ en * y k* \o m ir> -h m t O 3 fl r- « J- fl O r w q >4- . r- +3 J» -O 3VI oai t— «* oe c CL Dlf— TJr- J- O ' C CD 3 O C >> CJ> o •*■» o +->•.- o 4-> U) (_> C '— QJ (0 i O p— -o ■*-> -C D- fc. -.- 4-> Q. 3 fl O. rtS E air qjc O r--0 Olr- 0»f Otr- fc. c •— .e •.- •.- t_> C C 01 OJffi c -r 0) C r 3 D-r— C 1 a* O I- «— ;-r- t. O )>— urooai-o^-t-ci-E-Pc^cc • aw t c - 3 •»- CU Q.I- IO -r- flfl (TJT3 CU HJ£'r OWflW OO .CuOit/ll/JOEEO IJLJJ>03ZW^0l-f 6-17 TABLE OF NATURAL LOGARITHMS N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.30 -1.204 -1.201 -1.197 -1.194 -1.191 -1.187 -1.184 -1.181 -1.178 -1.174 0.31 -1.171 -1.168 -1.165 -1.162 -1.158 -1.155 -1.152 -1.149 -1.146 -1.143 0.32 -1.139 -1.136 -1.133 -1.130 -1.127 -1.124 -1.121 -1.118 -1.115 -1.112 0.33 -1.109 -1.106 -1.103 -1.100 -1.097 -1.094 -1.091 -1.088 -1.085 -1.082 0.34 -1.079 -1.076 -1.073 -1.070 -1.067 -1.064 -1.061 -1.058 -1.056 -1.053 0.35 -1.050 -1.047 -1.044 -1.041 -1 .038 -1.036 -1.033 -1.030 -1.027 -1.024 0.36 -1.022 -1.019 -1.016 -1.013 -1.011 -1.008 -1.005 -1.002 -1.000 -0.997 0.37 -0.994 -0.992 -0.989 -0.986 -0.983 -0.981 -0.978 -0.976 -0.973 -0.970 0.38 -0.968 -0.965 -0.962 -0.960 -0.957 -0.955 -0.952 -0.949 -0.947 -0.944 0.39 -0.942 -0.939 -0.936 -0.934 -0.931 -0.929 -0.926 -0.924 -0.921 -0.919 0.40 -0.916 -0.914 -0.911 -0.909 -0.906 -0.904 -0.901 -0.899 -0.896 -0.894 0.41 -0.892 -0.889 -0.887 -0.884 -0.882 -0.879 -0.877 -0.87 5 -0.872 -0.870 0.42 -0.868 -0.865 -0.863 -0.860 -0.858 -0.856 -0.853 -0.851 -0.849 -0.846 0.43 -0.844 -0.842 -0.839 -0.837 -0.835 -0.832 -0.830 -0.828 -0.826 -0.823 0.44 -0.821 -0.819 -0.816 -0.814 -0.812 -0.810 -0.807 -0.805 -0.803 -0.801 0.45 -0.799 -0.796 -0.794 -0.792 -0.790 -0.787 -0.785 -0.783 -0.781 -0.779 0.46 -0.777 -0.774 -0.772 -0.770 -0.768 -0.766 -0.764 -0.761 -0.759 -0.757 0.47 -0.755 -0.753 -0.751 -0.749 -0.747 -0.744 -0.742 -0.740 -0.738 -0.736 0.48 -0.734 -0.732 -0.730 -0.728 -0.7 26 -0.7 24 -0.722 -0.719 -0.717 -0.715 0.49 -0.713 -0.711 -0.709 -0.707 -0.705 -0.703 -0.701 -0.699 -0.697 -0.695 0.50 -0.693 -0.691 -0.689 -0.687 -0.685 -0.683 -0.681 -0.679 -0.677 -0.675 0.51 -0.673 -0.671 -0.669 -0.667 -0.666 -0.664 -0.662 -0.660 -0.658 -0.656 0.52 -0.654 -0.652 -0.650 -0.648 -0.646 -0.644 -0.642 -0.641 -0.639 -0.637 0.53 -0.635 -0.633 -0.631 -0.629 -0.627 -0.625 -0.624 -0.622 -0.620 -0.618 0.54 -0.616 -0.614 -0.612 -0.611 -0.609 -0.607 -0.605 -0.603 -0.601 -0.600 0.55 -0.598 -0.596 -0.594 -0.592 -0.591 -0.589 -0.587 -0.585 -0.583 -0.582 0.56 -0.580 -0.578 -0.576 -0.574 -0.573 -0.571 -0.569 -0.567 -0.566 -0.564 0.57 -0.562 -0.560 -0.559 -0.557 -0.555 -0.553 -0.552 -0.550 -0.548 -0.546 0.58 -0.545 -0.543 -0.541 -0.540 -0.538 -0.536 -0.534 -0.533 -0.531 -0.529 0.59 -0 . 5 28 -0.526 -0.524 -0.523 -0.521 -0.519 -0.518 -0.516 -0.514 -0.512 0.60 -0.511 -0.509 -0.507 -0.506 -0.504 -0.503 -0.501 -0.499 -0.498 -0.496 0.61 -0.494 -0.493 -0.491 -0.489 -0.488 -0.486 -0.485 -0.483 -0.481 -0.480 .0.62 -0.478 -0.476 -0.475 -0.473 -0.472 -0.470 -0.468 -0.467 -0.465 -0.464 0.63 -0.462 -0.460 -0.4 59 -0.4 57 -0.4 56 -0.454 -0.453 -0.4 51 -0.449 -0.448 0.64 -0.446 -0.445 -0.443 -0.442 -0.4^0 -0.439 -0.437 -0.435 -0.434 -0.432 0.65 -0.431 -0.4 29 -0.428 -0.4 26 -0.425 -0.423 -0.422 -0.4 20 -0.419 -0.417 0.66 -0.416 -0.414 -0.412 -0.411 -0.409 -0.408 -0.406 -0.405 -0.403 -0.402 0.67 -0.400 -0.399 -0.397 -0.396 -0.395 -0.393 -0.392 -0.390 -0.389 -0.387 0.68 -0.386 -0.384 -0.3 83 -0.381 -0.380 -0.378 -0.377 -0.375 -0.374 -0.373 0.69 -0.371 -0.370 -0.368 -0.367 -0.365 -0.364 -0.362 -0.3 61 -0.360 -0.3 58 6-18 TABLE OF NATURAL LOGARITHMS N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.70 -0.357 -0.355 -0.354 -0.352 -0.351 -0.350 -0.348 -0.347 -0.345 -0.344 0.71 -0.342 -0.341 -0.340 -0.338 -0.337 -0.335 -0.334 -0.333 -0.331 -0.330 0.72 -0.329 -0.327 -0.326 -0.324 -0.323 -0.322 -0.320 -0.319 -0.317 -0.316 0.73 -0.315 -0.313 -0.312 -0.311 -0.309 -0.308 -0.307 -0.305 -0.304 -0.302 0.74 -0.301 -0.300 -0.298 -0.297 -0.296 -0.294 -0.293 -0.292 -0.290 -0.289 0.75 -0.288 -0.286 -0.285 -0.284 -0.282 -0.281 -0.280 -0.278 -0.277 -0.276 |0.76 -0.274 -0.273 -0.272 -0.270 -0.269 -0.268 -0.267 -0.265 -0.264 -0.263 0.77 -0.261 -0.260 -0.259 -0.257 -0.256 -0.255 -0.254 -0.252 -0.251 -0.250 0.78 -0.248 -0.247 -0.246 -0.245 -0.243 -0.242 -0.241 -0.240 -0.238 -0.237 0.79 -0.236 -0.234 -0.233 -0.232 -0.231 -0.229 -0.228 -0.227 -0.2 26 -0.224 0.80 -0.223 -0.22 2 -0.221 -0.219 -0.218 -0.217 -0.216 -0.214 -0.213 -0.212 0.81 -0.211 -0.209 -0.208 -0.207 -0.206 -0.205 -0.203 -0.202 -0.201 -0.200 0.82 -0.198 -0.197 -0.196 -0.195 -0.194 -0.192 -0.191 -0.190 -0.189 -0.188 0.83 -0.186 -0.185 -0.184 -0.183 -0.182 -0.180 -0.179 -0.178 -0.177 -0.176 0.84 -0.174 -0.173 -0.17 2 -0.171 -0.170 -0.168 -0.167 -0.166 -0.165 -0.164 0.85 -0.163 -0.161 -0.160 -0.159 -0.158 -0.157 -0.155 -0.154 -0.153 -0.152 0.86 -0.151 -0.150 -0.149 -0.147 -0.146 -0.145 -0.144 -0.143 -0.142 -0.140 0.87 -0.139 -0.138 -0.137 -0.136 -0.135 -0.134 -0.132 -0.131 -0.130 -0.129 0.88 -0.128 -0.127 -0.126 -0.124 -0.123 -0.122 -0.121 -0.120 -0.119 -0.118 0.89 -0.117 -0.115 -0.114 -0.113 -0.112 -0.111 -0.110 -0.109 -0.108 -0.106 0.90 -0.10 5 -0.104 -0.103 -0.10 2 -0.101 -0.100 -0.099 -0.098 -0.097 -0.095 0.91 -0.094 -0.093 -0.092 -0.091 -0.090 -0.089 -0.088 -0.087 -0.086 -0.084 0.92 -0.083 -0.082 -0.081 -0.080 -0.079 -0.078 -0.077 -0.076 -0.075 -0.074 0.93 -0.073 -0.071 -0.070 -0.069 -0.068 -0.067 -0r066 -0.065 -0.064 -0.063 0.94 -0.062 -0.061 -0.060 -0.059 -0.058 -0.057 -0.056 -0.054 -0.053 -0.052 0.95 -0.051 -0.050 -0.049 -0.048 -0.047 -0.046 -0.045 -0.044 -0.043 -0.042 0.96 -0.041 -0.040 -0.03 9 -0.038 -0.037 -0.036 -0.035 -0.034 -0.033 -0.031 0.97 -0.030 -0.029 -0.028 -0.027 -0.026 -0.025 -0.024 -0.023 -0.022 -0.021 0.98 -0.020 -0.019 -0.018 -0.017 -0.016 -0.015 -0.014 -0.013 -0.012 -0.011 0.99 -0.010 -0.009 -0.008 -0.007 -0.006 -0.005 -0.004 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 1.00 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 1.01 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 1.02 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.025 0.026 0.027 0.028 0.029 1.03 0.030 0.031 0.031 0.032 0.033 0.034 0.035 0.036 0.037 0.038 1.04 0.039 0.040 0.041 0.04 2 0.043 0.044 0.045 0.046 0.047 0.048 1.05 0.049 0.050 0.051 0.052 0.053 0.054 0.054 0.055 0.056 0.057 1.06 0.058 0.059 0.060 0.061 0.062 0.063 0.064 0.065 0.066 0.067 1.07 0.068 0.069 0.070 0.070 0.071 0.072 0.073 0.074 0.075 0.076 1.08 0.077 0.078 0.079 0.080 0.081 0.082 0.083 0.083 0.084 0.085 1.09 0.086 0.087 0.088 0.089 0.090 0.091 0.092 0.093 0.093 0.094 6-19 TABLE OF NATURAL LOGARITHMS N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • 9 1.10 0.095 0.096 0.097 0,098 0.099 0.100 0.101 0.102 0.103 0.103 1.11 0.104 0.105 0.106 0.107 0.108 0.109 0.110 0.111 0.112 0.112 1.12 0.113 0.114 0.115 0.116 0.117 0.118 0.119 0.120 0.120 0.121 1.13 0.122 0.123 0.124 0.125 0.126 0.127 0.128 0.128 0.129 0.130 1.14 0.131 0.132 0.133 0.134 0.135 0.135 0.136 0.137 0.138 0.139 1.15 0.140 0.141 0.141 0.142 0.143 0.144 0.145 0.146 0.147 0.148 1.16 0.148 0.149 0.150 0.151 0.152 0.153 0.154 0.154 0.155 0.156 1.17 0.157 0.158 0.159 0.160 0.160 0.161 0.162 0.163 0.164 0.165 1.18 0.166 0.166 0.167 0.168 0.169 0.170 0.171 0.171 0.172 0.173 [1.19 0.174 0.175 0.176 0.176 0.177 0.178 0.179 0.180 0.181 0.181 1.20 0.182 0.183 0.184 0.185 0.186 0.186 0.187 0.188 0.189 0.190 1.21 0.191 0.191 0.192 0.193 0.194 0.195 0.196 0.196 0.197 0.198 1.22 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0.602 0.603 0.603 0.604 1.83 0.604 0.60 5 0.605 0.606 0.606 0.607 0.608 0.608 0.609 0.609 1.84 0.610 0.610 0.611 0.611 0.612 0.612 0.613 0.614 0.614 0.615 1.85 0.615 0.616 0.616 0.617 0.617 0.618 0.618 0.619 0.620 0.620 1.86 0.621 0.621 0.622 0.622 0.623 0.623 0.624 0.624 0.625 0.625 1.87 0.626 0.626 0.627 0.628 0.628 0.629 0.629 0.630 0.630 0.631 1.88 0.631 0.63 2 0.632 0.633 0.633 0.634 0.634 0.635 0.636 0.636 1.89 0.637 0.637 0.638 0.638 0.639 0.639 0.640 0.640 0.641 0.641 6-21 TABLE OF NATURAL LOGARITHMS N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.90 0.642 0.642 0.643 0.643 0.644 0.644 0.645 0.646 0.646 0.647 1.91 0.647 0.648 0.648 0.649 0.649 0.650 0.650 0.651 0.651 0.652 1.92 0.652 0.653 0.653 0.654 0.654 0.655 0.655 0.656 0.656 0.657 1.93 0.658 0.658 0.659 0.659 0.660 0.660 0.661 0.661 0.662 0.662 1.94 0.663 0.663 0.664 0.664 0.665 0.665 0.666 0.666 0.667 0.667 1.95 j 0.668 0.668 0.669 0.669 0.670 0.670 0.671 0.671 0.672 0.672 1.96 I 0.673 0.673 0.674 0.674 0.675 0.675 0.676 0.677 0.677 0.678 1.97 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1.107 1.107 1.107 1.108 1.108 1.108 3.03 1.109 1.109 1.109 1.110 1.110 1.110 1.1.11 1.111 1.111 1.112 3.04 1.112 1.112 1.113 1.113 1.113 1.114 1.114 1.114 1.114 1.115 3.05 1.115 1.115 1.116 1.116 1.116 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.118 1.1181 3.06 1.118 1.119 1.119 1.119 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.121 1.121 1.121 3.07 1.122 1.122 1.122 1.123 1.123 1.123 1.124 1.124 1.124 1.125. 3.08 1.125 1.125 1.126 1.126 1.126 1.127 1.127 1.127 1.128 1.128) 3.09 1.128 1.128 1.129 1.129 1.129 1.130 1.130 1.130 1.131 1.131 1 TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 7 COMPONENTS OF LIQUID SYSTEMS HEAT STORAGE CONTROLS HEAT EXCHANGERS PUMPS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 7-i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Page 7-i i i OBJECTIVE INTRODUCTION HEAT STORAGE WATER STORAGE .... Recommended Water Volume . Water Tanks Storage Location Installation Special Provisions . PHASE-CHANGE STORAGE SYSTEM CONTROLS .... BASIC COMPONENTS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION . Collecting Solar Heat Control of Space Heating . Control of Domestic Water Heat COMPONENTS .... Differential Thermostat . Room Thermostat Temperature Sensors . ng 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-4 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-10 7-12 7-12 7-13 7-13 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-19 7-20 7-21 7~ii Page INSTALLATION OF CONTROL HARDWARE . 7-21 Control Panels ...... 7-21 Locations of Temperature Sensors 7-22 AUXILIARY HEAT CONTROL 7-22 CONTROL SYSTEM CHECK-OUT 7-22 HEAT EXCHANGERS 7-23 COLLECTOR TO STORAGE HEAT EXCHANGER 7-23 Shell -and-Tube Type ..... 7-23 Selection ....... 7-25 Installation ...... 7-31 LOAD HEAT EXCHANGER 7-31 DOUBLE-WALLED HEAT EXCHANGER .... 7-36 PUMPS 7-37 REFERENCES 7-41 7-iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 7-1 Effect of Storage Size on Solar Heat Contribution to Total Load ........ 7-3 7-2 Cylindrical Tanks ....... 7-5 7-3 Reinforced Concrete Block Tank .... 7-5 7-4 A Prefabricated Water Tank for Thermal Energy Storage ......... 7-6 7-5 Bottom Insulation and Support Scheme for Flat- Bottom Water Storage Tanks ..... 7-8 7-6 Heat Storage in Phase-Change Materials . . . 7-11 7-7 Basic Components of Controls ..... 7-12 7-8 Sensor Locations in a Typical Liquid-Heating System 7-14 7-9 Typical Temperature Profiles of Collector and Storage Liquids in a Liquid-Heating System . . 7-15 7-10 Typical Circuitry for a Differential Thermostat . 7-19 7-11 Pictorial Representation of Hysteresis in the Differential Thermostat ...... 7-20 7-12 Single-Pass Counterflow Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger ......... 7-23 7-13 Multiple-Tube Heat Exchanger ..... 7-24 7-14 Effectiveness for a Counterflow Single-Pass Shell- and-Tube Heat Exchanger ...... 7-28 7-15 Effectiveness of Cross-Flow Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger ......... 7-34 7-16 Typical Performance Curves for a Centrifugal Pump . 7-37 7-17 Friction Loss in Copper Tubing .... 7-39 7-18 Pressure Loss in Various Elements .... 7-40 7-1 OBJECTIVE The objective in this module is to present information on components of liquid systems so that participants will be able to: 1. Select the appropriate size storage unit. 2. Properly size pumps. 3. Select heat exchangers. 4. Install a control unit for the system. INTRODUCTION The principal components of liquid- type solar systems are the collectors, heat storage units, pumps, and heat exchangers which are interconnected with pipes and regulated by automatic controls. Collec- tors were described in a previous module and specific attention is devoted here to other components of the solar system. HEAT STORAGE Storage of solar thermal energy is required in solar heating and cooling systems so that solar heat can be delivered to the building during non-sunny periods. The volume of storage needed is principally dependent on collector area. In liquid-based systems where solar heat is generally first collected in storage before delivery to the load, the storage unit should be large enough for all-day solar heat collection without penalizing collector efficiency, and small enough to raise the temperature in storage to meet load requirements. 7-2 Heat may be stored by raising the temperature of the storage medium (sensible heat storage), changing the state of the medium from solid to liquid (latent heat storage), or by chemical reaction of a suitable medium. Heat may be recovered by lowering the temperature of the stor- age medium, changing the phase from liquid to solid or by reversing the chemical reaction. For solar heating and cooling systems, sensible heat storage in water is commonly used. Some phase-change materials (PCM) are commercially available, but as yet there has been little practical experience using PCM storage units in solar heating and cooling systems. Chemical heat storage is appropriate for high temperature systems and is not being actively considered for space heating and cooling systems. WATER STORAGE The specific heat of water is 1 Btu/(lb*°F) which means that one Btu of heat energy can be stored in one pound of water when the tempera- ture of the water is raised one degree Fahrenheit. One gallon (U.S.) of water can store about 8.25 Btu for each degree of temperature rise (between 100°F to 160°F) or 495 Btu can be stored when the temperature is raised from 100°F to 160°F. A water tank with 1000 gallons of water will thus store 495,000 Btu of heat energy when the temperature is raised from 100°F to 160°F, which is a typical operating temperature range for water storage tanks in liquid- type solar heating systems. Recommended Water Volume Precise determination of water storage volume is not required for effective system operation, but there is a practical range of 1.5 to 7-3 2.5 gallons of water storage for each square foot of collector area. Thus, for a system with a collector area of 400 ft 2 , storage volume should be in the range of 600 to 1000 gallons. The effect of storage volume on the annual fraction of the total heating load supplied by the solar system is illustrated in Figure 7-1. c o o o o C C < No Storage of Storage Volumes Large Volumes of Storage Figure 7-1. Effect of Storage Size on Solar Heat Contribution to Total Load With no storage the amount of solar heat provided is limited because solar heat could be delivered and used only during the day when the thermostat calls for heat. The contribution of solar heat to the load increases rapidly with storage size, and the lower limit of the practical range is the knee in the curve. Theoretically, as the storage volume continues to increase, the solar fraction should also increase. 7-4 However, the maximum temperature achieved in storage reduces with increases in size, and with lower temperatures less useful heat is delivered to the load. Storage volume should not be oversized for solar heating and cooling systems. Water Tanks There are several types of water tanks that can be used in solar systems. Steel and fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks of the type shown in Figure 7-2 are commonly used, with steel tanks being more appropriate for higher water temperatures. With FRP tanks, even those that are especially designed for high temperature liquids, there should be controls to limit the water temperature in the tank. Tanks made of concrete or masonry blocks and lined with waterproof liners may also be used, as illustrated in Figure 7-3. It may be con- venient to utilize part of the building foundation walls to form one or more sides of the tank. The foundation for concrete tanks is of special concern because settlement can cause cracks to develop and the water- proof liner can be damaged if the cracks are large. Hypalon or butyl rubber liners are especially suitable for such installations. A prefabricated modular tank of rectangular shape, as shown in Figure 7-4, is commercially available and is suitable for storage of water. The tank is made of flat sections with foam insulation sand- wiched between two thin galvanized steel plates. Special connectors, corner sections, and steel channel whalers are used to form a struc- turally sound box, the time required for assembly of which is only a few hours. The preinsulated tank is especially well suited for retrofit systems because pieces can be easily carried through doorways. A water- proof liner is required. 7-5 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK © 1 \ / ABOVE-GROUND STORAGE TANK Figure 7-2. Cylindrical Tanks HYPALON LINING ALTERNATIVES: 1 BUTYL RUBBER 2 MORTAR & COAL TAR MEMBRANE REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE TOP a BOTTOM COURSE OF BOND BEAM BLOCK VERTICAL a HORIZONTAL REINFORCING Figure 7-3. Reinforced Concrete Block Tank 7-6 URETHANE FOAM STEEL STRAPS GALVANIZED STEEL PLASTIC LINER REINFORCEMENT KIT SPEED-LOK OPERATOR TONGUE & GROOVE CAM ACTION SPEED-LOK Figure 7-4. A Prefabricated Water Tank For Thermal Energy Storage Storage Location Water tanks may be located below or above ground level, and may be inside or outside the building. It is strongly recommended that heat storage tanks be placed within the building enclosure for ease of in- stallation and maintenance. An indoor storage location also protects the vessel and insulation from weathering. When storage tanks are located indoors, heat losses from the tank can meet part of the heat requirements of the building. To avoid overheating in summer, heat 7-7 storage should normally not be in use. Another arrangement is to locate the storage tank in a room where heat can be vented outdoors during the summer and communicated to the interior space during the winter. Installation Storage tanks are normally the first component of a solar system to be installed. Because of their size, it is advantageous to install the tank before the building is enclosed (for new construction), but the tank should also be placed where removal and replacement are possible. Sectional tanks discussed in the previous section are particularly suitable for installation in existing buildings. Storage tanks should be well insulated on all surfaces with insulation that rates to about R-30. For cylindrical tanks the bottom and saddle, or leg supports, are the most difficult to insulate. If a flat-bottom tank is installed, rigid insulation may be used below it as shown in Figure 7-5. However, the insulation should be supported above the floor so that it will not become wet when there is standing water on the floor. The prefabricated and preinsulated tank shown in Figure 7-4 can be supported on a base placed on the floor so that the bottom of the tank will be dry. When storage tanks are placed underground, the insulation around the tank must be of a type which will not absorb moisture. Materials such as neoprene foam could be used. The tank should be placed below the frost line unless a concrete- lined pit is provided. Underground installations have not been very successful in practice and should 7-8 HEAT STORAGE WATER TANK FOUNDATION Figure 7-5. Bottom Insulation and Support Scheme for Flat-Bottom Water Storage Tanks be avoided if possible. Whether storage tanks are placed underground or in the building, the tank and piping should be leak- tested after assembly. Special Provisions There should be provisions for draining water tanks. Steel tanks are generally provided with fittings for gravity drainage, but com- mercial FRP tanks may not have suitable openings. Special connections are available for installation on FRP tanks. Piping connections for tanks with liners are usually made through the lid because penetrations through the liner are sources for leakage. To drain such tanks, the water must be pumped out. 7-9 Connections of dissimilar metals to steel tanks should be avoided to prevent galvanic corrosion. When copper pipes are to be attached to steel tanks, it is advisable to use neoprene or silicone rubber hose between steel pipe stubs and copper piping. Special nylon or teflon- lined pipe connections are available. Water will expand and contract with temperature changes, so an open vent should be provided to prevent storage tanks from becoming pressur- ized. For most residential-sized tanks, a 2-in diameter pipe vent should be adequate. There will be vapor loss through the vent and there should be provisions for adding make-up water. Water can be added from a supply pipe with manual valve control, using a sight-glass to observe the water level in the tank, or a float control valve may be installed in the supply line to maintain a minimum water level. Boiling can occur in the storage tank and a vent will prevent damage to the system, the tank, and the contents of the building. While it is an uncommon occurrence during the heating season, boiling may be expected during the summer while the system is used only for domestic water heating. Frequent boiling will also cause build-up of mineral deposits with consequent corrosion, so water softeners are recommended for removal of minerals from the storage water. Make-up water should also be treated. In some systems, unvented pressurized tanks are used, particularly in conjunction with hydronic distribution piping and hot water boilers for auxiliary heat supply. Pressurized expansion tanks then must also be used to accommodate the changing liquid volumes. If boiling occurs, a pressure relief valve permits steam to escape through a vent. 7-10 A high temperature shut-off control switch for the collector pump may be used with some collectors to avoid boiling in storage. In such designs, boiling must be permitted in the collectors, or they must be drained, and the collectors must be able to sustain the high stagnation temperatures that will be reached with no fluid flowing through the col lectors. Corrosion is a potential problem whenever water is contained in a steel tank, and the probability of corrosion greatly increases as the temperature rises. Various types of lining will increase the life of the steel tank but will add substantially to the cost. Removal of minerals with a water softener and corrosion inhibitors in storage water are recommended whenever steel tanks are used. Water leakage is to be avoided, but some leakage from pipe fittings is inevitable. Floor drains should therefore be provided near the tank. PHASE-CHANGE STORAGE Large amounts of solar heat can be stored in special materials such as salt hydrates with a change in phase from a solid to a liquid state. When the solid material is heated and melting temperature is reached, a large quantity of heat is absorbed during the melting process. Further heating raises the temperature of the liquid phase and more heat is stored. The process is illustrated in Figure 7-6. During the reverse cycle, when the temperature of the storage medium drops, heat is recovered from the liquid, and when the freezing point is reached, a large quantity of heat is released as the liquid changes to a solid. A very small temperature difference is sufficient to change the phase of the material from solid to liquid or liquid to solid state. 7-11 SENSIBLE HEAT IN LIQUID SOLID PHASE PHASE CHANGE £ TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE Figure 7-6. Heat Storage in Phase-Change Materials There are two principal advantages to use of latent heat storage materials. The first is that it takes less volume to store a given quantity of heat compared to water storage, and the second is that the temperature remains nearly constant during phase change. A constant storage temperature, if relatively low, is conducive to good collector efficiency. There are, however, some disadvantages with latent heat storage units. The useful service life is generally limited, although significant improvements are being made. The melting temperatures of suitable materials, like Glaubers salt, are too low for effective use in space heating. (Glaubers salt melts at about 90°F.) Currently PCM materials are expensive when compared to water storage units, and con- tainerizing is costly also. Lastly, a current handicap is limited practical experience with PCM materials in solar heating systems. 7-12 SYSTEM CONTROLS Controls in solar systems must: (1) regulate the automatic collection and distribution of solar heat, and (2) operate the con- ventional heating system in conjunction with the solar system. Properly installed controls will maximize solar energy collection and distribu- tion and minimize electrical energy consumption to operate the system. Designing controls is a specialized field and is beyond the scope of this manual and training course, but it is important that basic func- tions of controls and principles of proper installation be understood. BASIC COMPONENTS A block diagram of the three basic components of a control system is shown in Figure 7-7. The sensors are generally temperature-measuring SENSORS COMPARATORS OUTPUT DEVICES Figure 7-7. Basic Components of Controls devices although optical sensors may be involved in certain systems. Comparators are differential thermostats which determine the difference in temperatures of two sensors. When the difference in temperatures is greater or less than preset values, output devices respond according to a prearranged plan. The output devices are the mechanical components of 7-13 the system, which in liquid systems are pumps, motorized valves, circulating fans or fan-coil units and auxiliary heaters. Although there are several types of controllers, the most common type is an "on-or-off" system where the mechanical device, such as a pump, is activated or stopped depending upon open or closed electrical circuits. Another type of control system regulates the speed of the pump (or selects an appropriate stage of a multiple-speed pump motor) according to the temperature difference of two sensors. This type of controller is yet uncommon, and experiments are being conducted to determine if the benefits of sophistication in controls are sufficient to overcome the disadvantages of greater cost and complexity. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Collecting Solar Heat A schematic diagram of a liquid- type solar heating system is illustrated in Figure 7-8. The system consists of flat-plate liquid- heating collectors with an antifreeze solution in the "collector loop" which is circulated by pump No. 1. A shell -and- tube type liquid- to- liquid heat exchanger is used to transfer heat to water in the storage tank, circulated by pump No. 2. Hot water from storage is circulated to a load heat exchanger by pump No. 3 to heat the building space. Two solenoid-operated valves are required; valve No. 1, which is normally open, controls water flow from the solar storage tank, and valve No. 2, which is normally closed, controls circulation through the auxiliary heater loop. 7-U u > _l < > ■p I/) >> to O) c -p rd CD I T3 •r— ZS O" 03 U •r— Q- rrj c -p ro O s- o c I- o UJ u_ u_ UJ cc UJ < X o X UJ < UJ X 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 o/ y <4 / S < 1 2 3 NTU = UA/C, mm Figure 7-14. Effectiveness for a Counterflow Single-Pass Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger 7-29 Example 7-1 - Select a heat exchanger for a liquid system with a collector area of 500 ft 2 . The collector has the following characteristic parameters: F R (ta) n =0.7 F R U L = 0.93 Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F) Assume a particular time of day when the intensity of solar radiation on the tilted collector, I T , is at a near-maximum level of 300 Btu/ (hr*ft 2 ), inlet fluid temperature, to the collector, T., is 130°F, storage water temperature is 128°F, and ambient temperature, T is 30°F. The collector fluid is a 50 percent mixture of ethylene glycol. Solution - The heat delivery rate from the collector is Q c = A c [I T F R (ta) n - F R U L ( Ti -T a )] Q c = 500[300(0.7) - 0.93(130-30)] Q = 58,500 Btu/hr ^c To size the heat exchanger in the collector loop, flow rates for the collector and storage liquids are needed. The desired flow rate through the collector is 0.02 gpm/ft 2 of collector, so the total flow is 500 x 0.02 = 10 gpm. The rate of storage water flow through the heat ex- changer is typically twice the rate through the collector, or 20 gpm. The heat capacitance flow rate for the collector fluid is calcu- lated from C = (mc ) . The temperature rise through the collector is determined as T = T. + Q /C . From Figure 4-9, c =0.8 Btu/(lb-°F) 1 c c p 7-30 and from Figure 4-10, the density is 1.048 g/ml which is equal to 8.34 x 1.048 = 8.74 lb/gal. Thus C c = 10 ( afl)x S.TA x 60(^X0.8^ and C = 4195 Btu/hr-°F c T Q = 130 + 58,500/4195 = 144°F. The heat capacitance rate of the storage water at a temperature of about 130° F is, C S = 20( mTFf ) x 8 - 34( iiT ) x °' 985t x 60 (KF) x 1( TEtV = 9858 Btu/hr-°F Clearly, C < C c , and C . /C = 4195/9858 = 0.43. To choose a heat J ' c S mm max exchanger, calculate 8 H w, _ 58,500 _ fl ft7 e HX ~ 4195(144-125) u ' 0/ ' From Figure 7-14, select NTU for £ = 0.87, C . /C v = 0.43, NTU = 3 cs mm max 2.8. The area of heat exchanger tube surface required, for an estimated U = 120 Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F), is AU - NUT =2.8 min A= 2.8(4195) =9?9ft2 With this information a heat exchanger can be selected from a manufacturer's catalog. ^0.985 is the specific gravity of water at 130°F (See Figure 4-10) 7-31 Installation Heat exchangers should be installed as close to the storage tank as possible. Pressure drops in heat exchangers are relatively large, and short pipe lengths in the fluid loops will minimize overall pressure drops and requirements for pumping power, and also will reduce heat losses. Supports for heat exchangers are generally necessary because of size and weight. The entire outside surface of the heat exchanger should be well insulated, including the shell and the support frame. Before insulating, however, the pipe connections should be tested for leaks. LOAD HEAT EXCHANGER There are several types of heat exchangers that may be used to transfer heat from storage to the rooms. Solar heated water may be circulated through radiant panels, through fan-coil units, through baseboard heating strips, or through duct coils of central air heating systems. If water temperature to a radiant wall, floor, or ceiling panel is 100°F to 120°F and a large panel area is used, room heating will be adequate. For fan-coil units and duct heating coils, water temperatures of 120° to 150° are needed. Baseboard heating strips require higher temperatures for effective operation, generally in the 160° to 190° range. Load heat exchangers discussed in this module are water- to-air cross-flow types. As with liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers, water- to- air heat exchangers can be sized to deliver any desirable rate of heat delivery to the room. From practical considerations, the load heat 7-32 exchanger should be limited to a size such that water at about 145°F can meet the design heating load. The heat delivery rate from a water-toair heat exchanger is determined by Equation (7-6) with 8. substituted for 8 H w. If the heat delivery rate is equal to the heat loss rate from the building enclosure, £. C . T n -T L mm _ R a (7-q^ «r y t r where T R is room temperature, °F T is design outdoor temperature, °F, a lc is storage water temperature, °F. For a location where T a = 0°F, T R = 70°F and T $ = 140°F, T R" T a 70-0 - T $ -T R " 140-70 "' L > and when extremely cold temperatures are experienced outdoors, T D -T k a would be larger than 70°F and correspondingly the water supply tempera- ture must be higher than 140°F to be able to provide adequate heat to the rooms. If a large heat exchanger is used (large s.C . ), water at lower temperature can supply the heating rate to meet the load. Let us assume that £,C . /(UA), = 3. In the example used above, L mm L 3 a o.6 u_ u. UJ QC Id O < X o X UJ < UJ X 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 .4./ \ •A / ys / ° f^^ Figure 7-15. NTU = (UA) /C . HX mm Effectiveness of Cross-Flow Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger 7-35 p is air density, lb/ft 3 a (c ) is specific heat of air. At 70°F, p = 0.075 lb/ft 3 , (c ) = 0.24 Btu/(lb-°F) Thus, 1960 V a " (0.75)(0.24)(60) " 1815 cfm From Figure 7-15 select a heat exchanger with minimum surface area. Usinq the curve C . /C = 0.25, NTU = 2.6, the overall heat transfer 3 mm max coefficient, U, can vary from 10 to 30 Btu/(hr*ft 2 *°F) for water-to-air heat exchangers. In this example use U = 25. Thus a heat exchanger with a surface area, A, equal to A = (2^X1160) = 2 04 ft* 25 is required. The water flow rate through the heat exchanger is calculated below: C ,1260=7840 Btu water 0.25 hr-°F ' and because C . = 60G p *(c ) *S water w"w p w w where G is flow rate, gal /mi n, p is water density, (8.34) lb/gal (c ) is specific heat of water, (0.993) Btu/(lb-°F) S is specific gravity of water at a given temperature (1). r 7840 1t; o w " (8. 34)(l)x(0. 993)(60) " lb - a gpm - It should be noted that the required air flow rate is large for a building with a heat loss rate of 715 Btu/(hr-°F), and the heat 7-36 exchanger size is large. If the design condition is selected for storage water temperature at 140°F, a smaller air flow rate and heat exchanger size would result, but with the storage temperature below 140°F, the heat flow rate from solar storage would be unable to meet the design load, so auxiliary heating would be required. DOUBLE-WALLED HEAT EXCHANGER To prevent contamination of household water and water mains, double-walled heat exchangers should be used for transfer of heat from solar storage to domestic water. Double-walled heat exchangers are not as commonly available as single-walled shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Liquid leaks through either wall must be readily detectable so that the unit may be repaired or replaced. One type utilizes a tube wrapped around the outside of the preheat tank. A Roll-Bond w sheet is par- ticularly suitable for this purpose. Other designs involve concentric serpentine tubes with water inside the inner tube and outside the outer tube. The annul us between the tubes is vented so that leaks can be detected. Another design involves parallel tubes cross-connected with many heat transfer fins to conduct heat from the hot tube to the cold tube, similar to baseboard heating strips. A design procedure for double-walled heat exchangers is not well established but fortunately, sizing is not critical for domestic water pre-heating. Typical flow rates for both sides of the heat exchanger are 2 to 3 gpm. Temperature drops of 5°F to 10°F across the heat ex- changer are satisfactory and temperature difference of about 20°F be- tween the hot and cold fluids is tolerable. Since the water circulation rate is small, pressure drop is low and only fractional horsepower circulation pumps (1/10 to 1/30) are needed. 7-37 PUMPS Centrifugal pumps are best suited for liquid-heating solar systems. Typical performance curves for a centrifugal pump are shown in Figure 7-16. Desirable Operating Region Discharge Figure 7-16. Typical Performance Curves for a Centrifugal Pump The "head" is the pressure generated by the pump expressed in feet of water and is the difference in pressure between the suction and discharge sides. The head generated by the pump is equal to the sum of the pressure drops across the components of the circulation loop. The efficiency of the pump is the ratio of fluid (or brake) power generated by the pump, to the electrical power delivered to the motor. From the curves in Figure 7-16 it is readily seen that pumps should be chosen to circulate the desired flow rate at required head to operate near peak efficiency. The size of motor needed for the pump is determined by the brake horsepower and pump efficiency. 7-38 Since the head produced by a pump is exactly balanced by the head losses in the system, it is necessary to estimate the head losses in the piping loops, across collectors, and through heat exchangers before selecting pumps. A chart for estimating friction losses in copper tubing is shown in Figure 7-17. Similar charts are available for other types of piping from suppliers. A nomograph for estimating head losses across valves and fittings is shown in Figure 7-18. Head losses for collectors and heat exchangers are given in manufacturers' catalogs and brochures. To estimate head losses in a particular loop, a piping layout (schematic) should be made with valves, fittings, filters, and other components shown in the loop. Pipe sizes should be selected so that flow velocities will not exceed about 7 ft/sec. With discharges selected and pressure losses calculated for each circulation loop, pump selections can be made from manufacturers' catalogs. 7-39 10 10 10 FRICTION LOSS ( feet of water per 100 ft ) Figure 7-17. Friction Loss in Copper Tubing 7-40 (TWWT) For Sudden Enlorgemenls ond Sudden Contractions the Equivalent Length is in feet of Pipe of the Smaller Diometer.d. The Dashed Line Shows the Determin- ation of the Equivalent Length of a 6 in. Standard Elbow. 3000 -2000 ;I000 •500 -300 200 I 00 UJ a. -50 J- o -30 < a: -20 w SUDDEN ENLARGEMENT. ..^^^ d/D-l/4 d/D-l/2 10 d/D-3/4 STANDARD ELBOW OR RUN OF TEE REDUCED 1/2 MEDIUM SWEEP ELBOW OR RUN OF TEE REDUCED 1/4 LONG SWEEP ELBOW OR RUN OF STANDARD TEE ORDINARY ENTRANCE D -=^0— _| SUDDEN CONTRACTION d/D-l/4 d/D-l/2 • d/D-3/4 45° ELBOW 48- 42- 36 — 30- 24 — O O 22- 20- 18- 14- 12- 10- 7- 4 1/2- -5 3 1-2 UJ a. Q. 3 1/2- < > o 2 1/2- | 11/2- 1-0.5 0.3 -0.2 -0.1 < o I 1/4- I 3/4- 1/2 p -0.5 -50 ■30 20 I -5 UJ < Q -2 - Figure 7-18. Pressure Loss in Various Elements 7-41 REFERENCES 1. Dickinson, W.S. , Neifert, R.D., Lof, G.O.G., and Winn, C.B., (1975). " Performance Handbook for Solar Heating Systems". Pre- sented at the 1975 International Solar Energy Society Congress, University of California at Los Angeles, California. 2. Klein, S.A. , Beckman, W.A. , and Duffie, J. A., (1975). "A Design Procedure for Solar Heating Systems". Presented at the 1975 Inter- national Solar Energy Society Congress, University of California at Los Angeles, California. 3. Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W.A. , (1974). Solar Energy Thermal Processes , John Wiley and Sons, New York. 4. Pickering, Ellis E. , (1975). "Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage", Proceedings of the Workshop on Solar Energy Storage Subsystems for the Heating and Cooling of Buildings, Charlottes- ville, Virginia, April 1975. 5. Peltzman, E.C., "Differential Thermostats for Solar Energy Systems", Rho Sigma, Inc., 15150 Raymer Street, Van Nuys, CA 91405. 6. Krieth, F. , (1966). Principles of Heat Transfer , International Textbook Co. , Scranton, PA. 7. ASHRAE (1972) Handbook of Fundamentals, ASHRAE, New York. 8. ASHRAE (1972) Guide and Data Book, ASHRAE, New York. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 8 COMPONENTS OF AIR SYSTEMS HEAT STORAGE CONTROLS HEAT EXCHANGERS BLOWERS, AIR HANDLERS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 8-i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES 8-iii OBJECTIVE 8-1 INTRODUCTION 8-1 HEAT STORAGE 8-1 PEBBLE BEDS 8-1 Pebble-Bed Containers ...... 8-2 Sizing the Pebble Bed 8-5 Horizontal Pebble Beds 8-7 Rocks for the Pebble Bed 8-7 PHASE CHANGE STORAGE 8-8 SYSTEM CONTROLS 8-8 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION .8-9 Collecting Solar Heat ...... 8-9 Delivering Heat to Storage . . . . 8- 11 Delivering Beat to Rooms . . . . . 8- 13 Heating from Storage ...... 8-13 Domestic Water Preheating ..... 8-14 TEMPERATURE SENSORS 8-14 INSTALLATION OF CONTROL HARDWARE 8-15 Control Panels 8-15 Location of Temperature Sensors .... 8-15 Auxiliary Furnace Control ..... 8-16 Control System Check-Out 8-16 8-ii HEAT EXCHANGER FOR SERVICE HOT WATER BLOWERS, AIR HANDLERS PERFORMANCE CURVES . BLOWER SELECTION REFERENCES Page 8-17 8-18 8-18 8-19 8-22 8-111 LIST OF FIGURES Page Typical Temperature Stratification in a Pebble Bed 8-3 Pebble-Bed Heat Storage Unit 8-4 Pressure Drop Through a Pebble Bed with 3/4- to 1-1/2-Inch Rocks 8-5 Horizontal-Flow Pebble Bed 8-7 Sensor Locations in Typical Air-Heating System . 8-10 Typical Temperature Variations at SI and S2 . . 8-12 Typical Efficiency Curves for Blowers . . . 8-18 Friction Loss in a Straight Duct .... 8-20 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 8-1 Pressure Loss in Pebble Beds ..... 8-6 F- igure 8- ■1 8- ■2 8- ■3 8- ■4 8- ■5 8- ■6 8- ■7 8- •8 8-1 OBJECTIVE The objective is to present information on components of air systems so that participants will be able to: 1. Select an appropriate-size heat storage unit. 2. Select blowers. 3. Install components properly to operate air systems. INTRODUCTION Air systems contain the same types of components as liquid systems, namely collectors, thermal energy storage units, heat exchangers for domestic water heating, prime movers to circulate heated fluid streams, and automatic controls. Module 7 contains general discussion of system components as well as comments on specific items applicable for liquid systems. This module is limited to discussion of specific components of air systems. HEAT STORAGE PEBBLE BEDS Rock pebbles are commonly used in air-heating solar systems to store sensible heat. Hot air from the collectors flows through a bed of pebbles and heat is rapidly transferred from the air to the rocks. The air cools as it passes through the pebble bed and leaves at a tempera- ture nearly equal to the temperature of the rocks at the exit end of 8-2 storage. The resulting temperature stratification in the bed is an advantage to collector operation and also to the supply of heat from storage to the rooms. For collection, cool air is returned to the collectors and operation is always at highest efficiency. When stored heat is delivered to the rooms, air flow direction through storage is reversed so that cool room air enters the cool end of the pebble bed, is heated as it flows through warm layers of rocks, and leaves at the opposite (hot) end of storage. Typical variations of temperatures during a full cycle of charging and discharging of heat in a pebble bed are shown in Figure 8-1. Although it is not essential, heated air from collectors should enter at the top of the pebble bed in vertical-flow storage beds and cool room air should be circulated from the bottom toward the top. In this arrangement the bottom of storage, which is coolest, is adjacent to the floor, so heat loss to the ground is minimized. Pebble-Bed Containers Pebble-bed containers can be wood frame boxes, poured concrete bins, masonry (concrete block) structures, or steel bins. Wood frame boxes are easily constructed even in places where access is limited. All containers must be structurally adequate and joints must be pre- vented from cracking either from the force of pebbles inside the con- tainer or by settlement of the foundation. Air leaks from containers should be minimized. A wooden box container is illustrated in Figure 8-2, with plenums at the top and bottom. The bottom plenum is created by supporting the pebbles on a screen resting on steel frames or on spaced concrete blocks. 8-3 O 10 55 m < CD cr iii a. o LU J X Ll_ \- rr 5 7" O X Q t- o rO < to O or o 2! o^ i ? w 0) -= °- t5 E y < <0cl K I OUpO ^ ° S ■o O) o» r— -Q -Q CD a. CO c O +J ro U +-> 13 J- 4-> t/5 ai s- ZJ 4-» TO S- O) Q. £ CO U •i — a. >> i co 0) 5- cn 3umvd3dW3i 8-4 COLD AIR CONNECTION I in. CONCRETE AGGREGATE RIGID INSULATION Figure 8-2. Pebble-Bed Heat Storage Unit Concrete blocks or other types of masonry may be used for the walls of pebble beds. They should be reinforced and insulated, and the in- terior should be lined or sealed to prevent air leakage. Insulating the walls to achieve R-10 to R-13 rating is generally satisfactory. A container made from poured concrete walls is relatively economical when constructed at the same time as basement walls. Only two additional walls in one corner of the basement are needed to form 8-5 the rock bin. Insulation should be placed against the inside walls, and the construction should be essentially air-tight. Sizing the Pebble Bed A maximum depth of about 8 feet of pebbles is recommended to limit pressure drops through the bed. The cross-sectional area of the con- tainer (perpendicular to flow direction) should be sized to achieve a superficial flow velocity of about 20 ft per minute. In 5 to 8 ft of path length, the pressure drop will be about 0.10- to 0.16-inch water gauge through a pebble bed containing 3/4- to 1.5- in diameter pebbles. A curve of pressure drop through a pebble bed as a function of super- ficial air velocity through the bed is shown in Figure 8-3. sz o> "1 a CO 2 CO o liJ a: £L -C o c 0.04 O 02 O.OI 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.00 1 0.0008 0.0005 6 8 10 12 14 AIR VELOCITY , fpm 18 20 Figure 8-3. Pressure Drop Through a Pebble Bed with 3/4- to 1-1/2-Inch Rocks 8-6 The effect of pebble size and air velocity on the pressure loss through the bed is indicated in Table 8-1. At a typical face velocity of 20 ft/mi n, the pressure loss in a pebble bed 6 feet deep is 0.17 inch water gauge if uniform 3/4-inch rock is used, and 0.09 inch water gauge if 1^-inch rock is used. If the rock is a mixture of sizes between these limits, the pressure loss is approximately the same as that pre- vailing with the smallest size, i.e., the 3/4-inch material. Table 8-1 Pressure Loss in Pebble Beds Air Face Velocity Feet Per Minute Pressure Loss Inches Water Gauge/foot of length 3/4-Inch Pebbles lVlnch Pebbles 10 15 20 25 0.008 0.017 0.028 0.046 0.0025 0.008 0.015 0.023 The volume of pebble bed recommended for air systems is one-half to one cubic foot for each square foot of collector area. Thus, for 400 ft 2 of collectors, 200 to 400 ft 3 of rocks are desired. With 200 ft 3 2 the container should have a cross-sectional area of about 40 ft , and 3 the depth will be about 5 ft. For 400 ft , the cross-sectional area 2 should be about 50 ft , and the depth will be about 8 ft. 8-7 Horizontal Pebble Beds Pebble beds with horizontal flow can be constructed if vertical space is limited. Channeling of airflow across the top of the bed is the principal concern because of settlement of the rocks in the con- tainer. Barriers along the top placed perpendicular to the flow will reduce channelling, but air flow along the top could still persist if there is a gap. To maintain uniform flow and temperature stratifica- tion, horizontal separators, such as plastic films or sheets, placed about 12 inches apart as shown in Figure 8-4 can be helpful. It is more difficult, because of space restrictions, to maintain large cross- sectional areas and short path lengths in horizontal pebble beds. Superficial flow velocities greater than 20 ft/min and path lengths longer than 10 ft, both of which may be necessary, will add substan- tially to electrical power requirements for air circulation. Screen Figure 8-4. Horizontal-Flow Pebble Bed Rocks for the Pebble Bed Rocks suitable for use as concrete aggregate are suitable for pebble-bed storage. Uniformity in size of pebbles is important to create uniform airflow through the pebble bed. Crushed rock or river 8-8 gravel should be screened for sizes usually from 0.75 to 1.5 inch and washed before placement if not reasonably clean and free of debris. When filling, the rock should be placed in a manner which minimizes fracturing. Small particles which fill the spaces between the pebbles will restrict air passage and cause non- uniformity of air flow and heat storage within the pebble bed. PHASE-CHANGE STORAGE Some phase-change storage materials (PCM's) for use with air heating systems are commercially available. Salt hydrates are packaged in tubular or capsule form, and heat is transferred to and from them by blowing air across the encapsulated materials. A large amount of heat can theoretically be stored in a small volume of material, but presently available compounds have freezing and melting temperatures that are too low (80°F to 95°F) for conventional warm-air heating systems. To store heat at higher temperatures, the temperature of the melted material must be increased, but because volume is limited, large quantities of sen- sible heat cannot be stored at higher temperatures. PCM costs are high, and temperatures are not suitable for forced air heating systems. Through continued research, appropriate PCM devices for space heating systems may become practical in the future. SYSTEM CONTROLS Components of a basic control subsystem for an air-heating solar system consist of sensors, differential thermostats, and relays or switches to activate the mechanical devices. The components are 8-9 substantially the same as for liquid-heating solar systems explained in Module 7. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Collecting Solar Heat A schematic diagram of a one-blower air-heating solar system is shown in Figure 8-5. The system consists of flat-plate collectors, pebble-bed storage, air handler, auxiliary furnace, and a domestic water-heating subsystem. Depending on the mode of operation, the dampers in the air handler open and close to circulate air through appropriate ducts. There are three temperature sensors: SI located near the top of the collector, S2 located at the bottom of storage or in the air duct supplying the collector, and S4 near the bottom of the domestic water pre-heat tank. The room thermostat is designated S3 and consists of two-stage contacts for heating. Sensor SI may be placed either in the air stream near the top of the collector or attached to the back side of the absorber plate. Temperature difference settings will be different for the two placements, with a larger difference setting required if the sensor is attached to the absorber plate. Normally SI is placed in the air stream within the collector. To initiate collection of solar heat, the temperature difference between SI and S2 is considered. If the difference is greater than a preset amount, say 15°F to 20°F, the blower in the air handler is activated and heat is delivered from the collectors. Unlike a liquid system, the air system can be controlled to deliver heat directly to the rooms as well as to storage. 8-10 a> +-> (/> >> on 05 +-> X I S- 03 U Q. c o •r- -P u o s- o c a) m i 00 Collector Air Temperature S Air Temperature at Bottom of ® Storages -^- 12 18 Time (hours) 24 Figure 8-6. Typical Temperature Variations at SI and S2 Normally, with a start set point of 15°F difference between SI and S2 and a stop set point of 2°F to 3°F, collection will begin on sunny winter days between 0800 and 0830 hrs, and stop between 1630 and 1700 hrs in the afternoon. With a start-to-stop temperature set point ratio as high as 5 to 7, on-and-off cycling of the blower will not usually occur either at the start of collection or at termination of collection. The foregoing temperature difference settings are small enough to provide virtually the maximum collectable solar heat to storage and to direct use. When air is supplied to the collector at about 70°F, these settings permit heat delivery to storage and directly to the rooms at temperatures as low as 85° (start-up) and even at 72° (shut-down). Because these temperatures may be too low for comfortable supply to the rooms, differential settings may, in common practice, be considerably higher. In a widely used air system, for example, the manufacturer 8-13 recommends (and provides factory settings) a start-up temperature difference of 40°F and a shut-down difference of 25°F. These settings assure air deliveries to the heated space at temperatures no less than 95°F. Delivering Heat to Rooms- When solar heat is being collected and thermostat S3 calls for room heating, dampers in the air handler and at the bottom of storage open and close appropriately to direct the air stream to the rooms. If the temperature of the air stream from the collector is not sufficiently warm to heat the room adequately, the second stage contact of the thermostat is completed and the auxiliary furnace is activated. Since the auxiliary furnace is sized to heat the rooms adequately by itself, room temperature will soon rise above the thermostat setting, the auxiliary furnace will be deactivated, dampers in the air handler will be repositioned, and solar heated air will then be directed to storage. Heating from Storage Only the thermostat S3 is required to control room heating from storage. The first stage calls for solar heat from storage. When heat delivery is inadequate to meet the room requirements, the second stage of the thermostat activates the auxiliary furnace. Room air is always circulated through storage whether auxiliary heating is required or not; thus all stored heat, regardless of its temperature, is utilized for space heating. 8-14 Domestic Water Pre-heating The control for pre-heating domestic water is a differential thermostat for sensors SI and S4. The temperature difference setting to start pre-heating may be about 15°F, and to stop pre-heating, the set point may be as low as 3°F. There is considerable variation in prac- tice, however, settings as high as 40° "on" and 25° "off" being observed. For water heating during the summer a by-pass duct may be used with a summer-winter damper that permits air circulation only through collec- tor and water coil. A temperature limit switch may be advisable to prevent boiling. With the system shown in Figure 8-5, where attic air is drawn through the collector and hot air is discharged outdoors, it is' not necessary to include a temperature limiter. However, if hot air is recirculated through the collector during the summer, air temperatures may become high enough for water to boil in the pre-heater tank. This condition is usually avoided by using S4 to turn off the blower and water pump when a preset temperature limit is reached. TEMPERATURE SENSORS Thermistors are usually employed as temperature sensors in air systems because they deliver ample voltage (2 to 6 volts) to the con- troller, and the signal is nearly linear. Sensors with output voltage that is linear with temperature provide more consistent control for solar energy collection and water heating because the temperature dif- ference setting is independent of absolute temperatures. That is, with "linear output" sensors, temperature difference settings are more rel iable. 8-15 INSTALLATION OF CONTROL HARDWARE Control Panels Control panels are usually compactly packaged for easy mounting. Connections to sensors and output devices are usually labeled and easy to attach. Some manufacturers include the control assembly with the air handler, and connections to dampers and the motor are wired at the factory. Only the sensor and thermostat connections are required for such units. For systems with damper motors outside the air handler, control wires will have to be attached separately. Instructions for installation should be provided with the system. Location of Temperature Sensors The sensor in the collector should be located near the exit of the top collector in an array with air flow from bottom to the top of the array. With or without forced air movement, the temperature is highest at the exit. The sensor at the bottom of storage should be in contact with the pebbles at the bottom. An alternative location for the sensor is in the bottom plenum or in the duct leading to the collector. Locating a sensor S2 (see Figure 8-5) in the return duct to the collectors rather than at the bottom of storage can cause difficulty if positioned too close to the collector. Even with a damper between the sensor and the collector, cold air from the idle collector may settle downward in the duct and cool S2. Air circulation may thus be initiated even when storage is warmer than the air at the collector outlet. The system will operate until warm air from storage heats sensor S2 and periodic cycling can result. Convenience in installation may be served, however, by a duct-mounted sensor S2, so a location near the bottom of 8-16 the pebble bed, just beyond the junction with the duct returning cold air from the rooms, should then be used. The sensor in the domestic water pre-heat tank should be located near the bottom where the coldest water is present. Auxiliary Furnace Control The auxiliary furnace is activated by the second stage of the room thermostat and shuts off when the thermostat set point is reached. To reduce room temperature fluctuation, the furnace is usually immediately activated if the temperature at the top of storage, determined by another sensor at that point, is below a preset level, such as 90°F. Use of such a control scheme will decrease slightly the solar contri- bution to the seasonal heating load but will increase comfort. Control System Check-Qut To assure reliable performance, all operating modes of the system should be checked out after installation. To initiate heat collection, in the absence of sunshine, the terminals of sensor SI at the controller can be short-circuited to simulate a high collector temperature. The blower should start, and if the room thermostat is at a low setting (below actual room temperature), air should flow through storage. The domestic water circulation pump should also start. While in this col- lection mode, increasing the room thermostat setting to the first stage contact should result in air circulation through the rooms. A further increase in thermostat setting, until the second stage is contacted, should activate the auxiliary furnace. With the short circuit removed (and little or no solar radiation), a thermostat setting slightly above 8-17 room temperature should start air circulation through storage to the rooms, and finally the second stage of the thermostat should activate the furnace. If the sun is at an intensity sufficient for collection, room heating from storage can be forced by disconnecting one of the leads from sensor SI. HEAT EXCHANGER FOR SERVICE HOT WATER Only one heat exchanger, a cross-flow air-to-water type such as described in Module 7, is required in an air-heating solar system in which service hot water is provided. Water circulation rates of 2 to 3 gpm are usually satisfactory for most domestic systems. Temperature rise in the heat exchanger will depend upon air temperature from the collectors, but a maximum rise of 15°F at midday with air temperature near 140°F will be satisfactory. Air flow rate through the heat ex- changer is established by the area of collectors. With this infor- mation, manufacturers or their representatives should be able to recommend a heat exchanger size. The heat exchanger should be in a location where it cannot freeze. By placing it in the heated space inside the building, there is reason- able protection from freezing. But if the exchanger is in the hot air duct between collector and blower (air handler), and if the collector damper in the air handler does not close tightly during the night heat- ing mode from storage, cold air from the collector could flow through the duct and freeze the water in the heat exchanger. A better location for the heat exchanger is between the air handler and storage as shown 8-18 in Figure 8-5. Even if the collector damper is not tightly closed, cold air cannot come in contact with the heat exchanger in this location. BLOWERS, AIR HANDLERS PERFORMANCE CURVES Representative performance curves for a centrifugal blower are illustrated in Figure 8-7. The pressure-discharge curve has a dip at 20 to 30 percent of peak capacity and a maximum at mid range. The brake horsepower (BHP) curve increases monotonically. Peak efficiency occurs to the right of peak pressure. For a blower that is belt-coupled to the motor, the speed of the impeller is variable. The effect of impeller speed on performance is illustrated by dashed curves, the rotational speed Np being less than N-. . o c o UJ a. x CD 3 0> Q. ro i- 10 o -J 2 . 0' o ~o' ( &oooo* 1&o¥ > _]» t-jj ni i hi i i/i i V i i i nil I0" 2 10"' 40° 10' FRICTION LOSS ( inches of water perlOOft) Figure 8-8. Friction Loss in a Straight Duct 8-21 systems such as described above, or in a design suitable for use with a second blower, usually part of a commercial warm air furnace. The latter system is more fully described in Module 10. 8-22 REFERENCES 1. Dickinson, W.S., Neifert, R.D., Lof, G.O.G., and Winn, C.B., (1975). "Performance Handbook for Solar Heating Systems". Pre- sented at the 1975 International Solar Energy Society Congress, University of California at Los Angeles, California. 2. Klein, S.A. , Beckman, W.A., and Duffie, J. A., (1975). "A Design Procedure for Solar Heating Systems". Presented at the 1975 Inter- national Solar Energy Society Congress, University of California at Los Angeles, California. 3. Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W.A. , (1974). Solar Energy Thermal Processes , John Wiley and Sons, New York. 4. Close, D.J., (1965). "Rock Pile Thermal Storage for Comfort Air Conditioning", Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol. MCI, No. 1, May 1965. 5. Peltzman, E.C., "Differential Thermostats for Solar Energy Systems", Rho Sigma, Inc., 15150 Raymer Street, Van Nuys, CA 91405. 6. Kreith, F. , (1966). Principles of Heat Transfer , International Textbook Co. , Scranton, PA. 7. ASHRAE (1972) Handbook of Fundamentals, ASHRAE, New York. 8. ASHRAE (1972) Guide and Data Book, ASHRAE, New York. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 9 DOMESTIC HOT WATER SYSTEMS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 9-i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES 9-i i i LIST OF TABLES 9-iii OBJECTIVES 9-1 INTRODUCTION 9-1 TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SOLAR HOT WATER HEATERS . . 9-2 NON-CIRCULATING TYPE 9-2 DIRECT HEATING, THERMOSIPHON CIRCULATING TYPE . . 9-3 DIRECT HEATING, PUMP CIRCULATION TYPES .... 9-5 DIRECT HEATING, PUMP CIRCULATION, DRAINABLE TYPES . . 9-7 CIRCULATING TYPE, INDIRECT HEATING 9-9 Liquid Transfer Media ...... 9-9 Air Transfer Media ....... 9-11 AUXILIARY HEAT 9-13 TEMPERATURE STRATIFICATION IN SOLAR HOT WATER TANK . . 9-14 TEMPERATURE CONTROL LIMIT 9-15 LOCATION OF COLLECTORS 9-18 ORIENTATION AND TILT OF COLLECTORS 9-18 PERFORMANCE OF TYPICAL SYSTEMS 9-19 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 9-19 QUANTITATIVE PERFORMANCE 9-21 SIZING THE COLLECTORS 9-25 SIZING EXAMPLES 9-28 9-ii Page Example 9-1 9-28 Example 9-2 9-29 REFERENCES 9-29 9-1 ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure ^2£ 9-1 Direct Heating, Thermosiphon Circulating Solar Water Heater . • 9-4 9-2 Direct Heating, Pump Circulation Solar Water Heater with Automatic Drain-Down (Applicable also to a Two- Tank System) 9 " 6 9-3 Indirect Heating, Pump Circulation Solar Water Heater with Liquid Heat Transfer Media .... 9-10 9-4 Solar Water Heater with Air Collectors . . . 9-12 9-5 Absorber and Tank Temperatures for Thermosiphon Flow During a Typical Day 9-25 9-6 Fraction of Annual Load Supplied by Solar as a Function of January Conditions for Hot Water Heaters . . 9-26 2 9-7 Average Daily Solar Radiation (Btu/ft ), Month of January .....••••• 9-27 LIST OF TABLES Table £*££ 9-1 Daily Means for Twelve Consecutive Months of Operation of Solar Water Heaters at Various Localities 9 ~ 23 9-2 Solar Water Heater Performance in Melbourne, Australia 9 ~ 24 9-1 OBJECTIVES From the contents of this module the trainee should be able to: 1. Identify the types of domestic hot water systems available. 2. Select a type of solar domestic hot water system that is appropriate for a particular location. 3. Select a suitable collector area and storage tank size for a specific application. 4. Design a solar domestic hot water system and specify the installation requirements. INTRODUCTION The oldest and simplest domestic use of solar energy is for heating water. Solar hot water heaters were used in the United States at least 75 years ago, first in southern California and later in southern Florida. Although the use of solar water heaters in the United States declined during the last 40 years, use in Australia, Israel, and Japan has risen rapidly, particularly in the last 15 years. Since 1974, solar water heating is again increasing in the United States as a direct result of the general public interest in solar energy applications, the demonstration programs of public utility companies, and the Solar Demon- stration Program and the research and development activities supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. 9-2 TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SOLAR HOT WATER HEATERS Most of the solar hot water heaters that have been experimentally and commercially used can be placed in two main groups: 1. Non-circulating types, involving the use of water containers that serve both as solar collectors and storage. 2. Circulating types, involving the supply of solar heat to a fluid circulating through a collector and storage of hot water in a separate tank. The circulating group may be divided into the following types and sub-types: 1. Direct heating, single-fluid types in which domestic water is heated directly in the collector, by: (a) Thermosiphon circulation between collector and storage. (b) Pumped circulation between collector and storage. 2. Indirect heating, dual-fluid types in which a non-freezing medium is circulated through the collector for subsequent heat exchange with water, when: (a) Heat transfer medium is a non-freezing liquid. (b) Heat transfer medium is air. NON-CIRCULATING TYPE Although of little potential interest in the United States, a type of solar water heater extensively used in Japan involves heat collection and water storage in the same unit. The most common type comprises a set of four to eight black plastic tubes about six inches in diameter and several feet long placed side-by-side in a box covered with glass 9-3 or clear plastic. Usually mounted in a tilted position, the tubes are filled each morning with water and heated by solar energy throughout the day. The filling can be accomplished by use of a float-controlled valve and a small supply tank. Late in the day, heated water can be drained from the tubes for bathing and other household uses not requiring pres- surized hot water service. Another type that can be used in non-freezing climates consists of a storage tank located inside a glazed and insulated box or cabinet placed at ground level outside the building. An insulated door on the south side of the box can be closed at night to reduce heat losses from the tank. The system operates with mains pressure so no pump is re- quired. Tanks can be supported at a tilted angle to maximize exposure of the blackened sides to sunshine, or the tank may be placed horizon- tally and an insulated lid added to expose more of the tank wall to direct sunlight. DIRECT HEATING, THERMQSIPHON CIRCULATING TYPE The most common type of solar water heater in non-freezing climates is shown in Figure 9-1. The collector, usually single glazed, may vary in size from about 30 square feet to 80 square feet, and the insulated storage tank is commonly in the range of 40 to 80 gallons capacity. The hot water requirements of a family of four persons can usually be met by a system in the middle of this size range, in a sunny climate. The thermosiphon system may be designed to operate at supply line pressure, or as an unpressurized system by installing a float valve in the storage tank. Alternatively a float-controlled elevated head tank can be utilized. For unpressurized systems, gravity flow from the hot water tank to hot water faucets would have to be accepted, although an automatic pump could be installed to provide pressure in the hot water 9-4 Collector Area Varies from 30 ro 60 t " 40 to &6 gallon Capacity Insulated Storage Tank vr, Figure 9-1. Direct Heating, Thermosiphon Circulating Solar Water Heater supply line. Plumbing systems and fixtures in the United States normally require a pressurized system. Locating the tank higher than the top of the collector permits circulation of water from the bottom of the tank through the collector and back to a point near the top of the tank. The density difference between cold and hot water produces the circulating flow. Temperature stratification in the storage tank permits operation of the collector under most favorable conditions, water at the lowest available tempera- ture being supplied to the collector and the highest available tempera- ture being provided to service. Circulation occurs only when solar energy is being received, so the system is self-controlling. The higher the radiation level, the greater the heating and the more rapid the cir- culating rate will be. In a typical collector under full sun, a 9-5 temperature rise of 15°F to 20°F is commonly realized in a single pass through the collector. To prevent reverse circulation and cooling of stored water when no solar energy is being received, the bottom of the tank should be located above the top header of the collector. If the collector is on a sloping house roof, the tank may also be on the roof or in the attic space above the collector level . Although seldom used in cold climates, the thermosiphon type of solar water heater can be protected from freezing by draining the col- lector. To avoid draining the storage tank also, thermostatically actuated valves in the lines between collector and storage tank must close when freezing threatens; a collector drain valve must open, and a collector vent valve must also be open. The collector will then drain and air will enter the collector tubes. Water in the storage tank, either inside the heated space or sufficiently well insulated to avoid freezing, does not enter the collector during the period when sub- freezing temperatures prevail. Resumption of operation requires auto- matic closure of the drain and vent valves and opening of the valves in the circulating line. The possibility of control failure or valve malfunction makes this complex system unattractive in freezing climates. DIRECT HEATING, PUMP CIRCULATION TYPES If placement of the storage tank above the collector is inconvenient or impossible, the tank may be located below the collector and a small pump used for circulating water between the collector and storage tank. This arrangement is usually more practical than the ther- mosiphon type in most residential buildings, because the collector would 9-6 often be located on the roof with a storage tank in the basement. Instead of thermosiphon circulation when the sun shines, a temperature sensor actuates a small pump which circulates water through the collector-storage loop. A schematic arrangement is shown in Figure 9-2. Air Vent Normally Open Solenoid Valve Temp. S Pres. Valve _/" Relief Sensor Collectors ^H, Mixing Valve :z ~\ Auxiliary "J Elements Cold Water Hot Water Drain Gate Valve Gate Valve Normally Closed Strainer ^ aTe valve Solenoid Valve Drain Figure 9-2. Direct Heating, Pump Circulation Solar Water Heater with Automatic Drain-Down (Applicable also to a Two-Tank System) To obtain maximum utilization of solar energy, control is based on the difference in water temperature at collector outlet and bottom of storage tank. Whenever this difference exceeds a preset number of degrees, say 10°F, the pump motor is actuated. The sensor at the col- lector outlet must be located close enough to the collector so that it is affected by collector temperature even when the pump is not running. Similarly, the sensor in the storage tank should be located in or near 9-7 the bottom outlet from which the collector is supplied. When the temperature difference is less than a somewhat lower preset value, say 2°F to 5°F, the pump is shut off and circulation ceases. To prevent reverse thermosiphon circulation and consequent water cooling when no solar energy is being received, a check valve should be located in the circulation line. If hot water use is not sufficient to maintain storage tank temperature at normal levels (as during several days of non-use), boil- ing may occur in the collector. If a check valve or pressure-reducing valve prohibits back flow from the storage tank into the main, a relief valve must be provided in the collector-storage loop. The relief valve will permit the escape of steam and prevent damage to the system. DIRECT HEATING, PUMP CIRCULATION, DRAINABLE TYPES If the solar water heater described above is used in a cold climate, it may be protected from freeze damage by draining the collec- tor when sub-freezing temperatures are encountered. Several methods can be used, all of which must provide dependable drainage, even when elec- tric power may not be available. One arrangement is shown in Figure 9-2. Drainage of the collector in freezing weather can be accomplished by automatic valves which provide water outflow to a drain (sewer) and air inflow to the collector. Although not the most common control system, one arrangement operates so that whenever the circulating pump is not running, these two valves are open. To assure maximum reliabil- ity, the valves should be mechanically driven to the drain position (by springs or other means), rather than electrically, so that in the event of a power failure, the collector can automatically drain. A 9-8 disadvantage of this design is the daily exposure of collector tubing to air and its corrosive action. The drainage system shown in Figure 9-2 is actuated by the temperature sensor ("Freeze Sensor") at the bottom of the collector. When it indicates a possibility of freezing, it causes the drainage and vent valves to open, thereby providing protection. Simultaneously with the opening of these valves, a motorized valve between the storage tank and pump inlet closes and a check valve in the line between collector and storage tank is forced shut, so that water pressure is retained in the tank. The temperature sensor can be of the vapor pressure type, with capillary tube connections to mechanical valve actuators, or of the electrical type where the valves are held open by electrical means, automatically closing at low temperatures and/or when electrical failure occurs. Start-up of a vented collector system must permit the displacement of air from the collector. In either the line-pressure system or the unpressurized system, the entry of water into the collector (from the shut-off valve or pump) forces air from the collector to the atmosphere through a simple air bleed valve of a type which automatically passes air but shuts off when water reaches it. The vent valve which admits air to the collector may be electrically operated (such as a normally open solenoid type), or it may be a "vacuum breaker" valve which is forced open by the decrease in pressure resulting from opening the drain valve. Reduction in the number of automatic valves required in this system, with at least two activators, is being attempted through design of one automatic valve unit, with multiple ports, stems, and seats, which can perform all the functions of the several valves now commonly 9-9 used. Considerable simplification, cost reduction, and reliability improvement may then be achieved. CIRCULATING TYPE, INDIRECT HEATING The needs and means for collector drainage of direct heating systems in freezing climates involve added costs, and there is still a risk of freezing. The drainage requirement can be eliminated by the use of a non-freezing heat transfer medium in the solar collector and a heat exchanger for transfer of heat from the solar-heated collecting medium to the service water. The collector never needs to be drained, and there is little risk of freezing. Corrosion rate in the wet collector tubes is also decreased because they are always liquid-filled and there is no free oxygen in the heat transfer medium. Liquid Transfer Media A method for solar water heating with a liquid heat transfer medium in the solar collector is illustrated in Figure 9-3. The most commonly used liquid is a solution of ethylene glycol (automobile radiator anti- freeze) in water. A pump circulates this unpressurized solution, as in the direct water heating system, and delivers the liquid to and through a liquid-to-liquid double-wall heat exchanger. Simultaneously, another pump circulates domestic water from the storage tank through the ex- changer, back to storage. The control system is essentially the same as that in Figure 9-2. If the heat exchanger is located below the bottom of the storage tank, and if the pipe sizes and heat exchanger design are adequate, thermosiphon circulation of water through the heat exchanger can be used and the pump can be eliminated from the water loop. A small expansion tank needs to be provided in the collector loop, preferably near the high point of the system if in an unpressurized collector circuit. This tank must have a vent to the atmosphere. If the 9-10 -CM S- ai -p 03 a> re s- 0) ■»-> 03 3: s- 03 ^— o oo c o •r- -f-> oj 1—" Z3 u S- 03 • ^ *l C_) "O a> cxs: E Z5 S- Q_ l/> CJ) c C 03 •r~ i- -t-> 1— 03 0) H-J re 03 O) +-> :r u s- 03 9-11 collector loop is operated under positive pressure, an expansion tank containing a diaphragm balanced by air pressure may be located at a convenient point, usually in the line near the solution pump. To meet most code requirements, the heat exchanger must be of a design such that rupture or corrosion failure will not permit flow from the collector loop into the domestic water, even if pressure on the water side of the exchanger drops below that on the antifreeze side. A conventional tube-and-shell exchanger would therefore not usually be acceptable. Similarly, a single pipe coil inside the storage tank, through which the collector fluid is circulated, would not be satis- factory. Parallel tubes with metal bonds between them, so that per- foration of one tube could not result in liquid entry into the other tube, would be satisfactory. A finned tube air-to-liquid heat exchanger can also be used by circulating the two liquids through alternate rows of tubes, heat transfer being by conduction through the fins. Tubes within tubes, with slight clearance between them for outflow of leaked fluid, may be used as immersed coils. Although aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol appear to be most practical for solar energy collection, organic liquids (R) (R) such as silicone oil, Dowtherm J and Therminol 55 w may be employed. Price and viscosity are drawbacks, but chemical stability and assurance against boiling are advantages over the antifreeze mixtures. Air Transfer Media An air-heating collector can be used to heat domestic water with an air-to-water heat exchanger, as illustrated in Figure 9-4. A solar air heater is supplied with air from a blower, the air is heated by passage ■Afl/V Sensor Col lectors Motor Damper iH Duct Motor Damper •jam 'DID:'! '"Hni"'i : oJDl 9-12 Differential /Thermostat 1 l5volt AC Air-To-Water Heat Exchanger Sensor XJ£ Drain ^M Cold Water -/ Mixing Valve Hot Water =----=] [Auxiliary Element BAux i Mai Elemen Drain Storage Tank Auxiliary Heater Blower Figure 9-4. Solar Water Heater with Air Collectors through the collector, and the hot air is then cooled in the heat exchanger through which domestic water from a storage tank is either pumped or circulated by thermosiphon action. Air from the heat ex- changer is recirculated to the collector. Differential temperature control (between collector and storage) is employed as in the other systems described. Advantages of the air heat transfer medium are the absence of corrosion in the collector loop, freedom from liquid leakage, and freedom from freezing, boiling, and evaporation of collector fluid. Disadvantages are the larger conduit between collector and heat ex- changer, higher power consumption for circulation, and larger collector surface requirements compared to liquid-heating collectors. 9-13 AUXILIARY HEAT A dependable supply of hot water requires the availability of auxiliary heat for supplementing the solar source. The numerous methods of providing auxiliary heat vary in cost and effectiveness. A general principle for maximizing solar supply and minimizing auxiliary use is to avoid direct or indirect auxiliary heat input to the fluid entering the solar collector. If auxiliary heat input is added to the solar hot water storage tank, so that the temperature of the liquid supplied to the collector is increased above that which only the solar system would provide, efficiency is reduced because of higher heat losses from the collector. Thus, auxiliary heat should be added at a point beyond (downstream from) the solar collector-storage system. A conventional electric hot water heater is shown in Figures 9-3 and 9-4 supplied with hot water from the solar tank (whenever a hot water tap is opened). Any deficiency in temperature is made up by electricity in the thermostatted conventional heater. To avoid confusion in terminology, the first, or solar heated, tank is commonly referred to as the "pre-heat" tank or "solar pre-heat" tank, and the second one as the "auxiliary hot water heater". It is evident that auxiliary heat supply in these designs cannot adversely affect the operation of the solar system. A one-tank system with the electric resistance heaters in the upper portion of the solar storage tank, as shown in Figure 9-2, is cheaper than the two-tank type, and should have nearly the same solar collection efficiency. Temperature stratification in the tank, accomplished by bringing cold water from the main into the bottom and by circulating through the collector from the bottom of the tank to the upper portion 9-14 of the tank, prevents auxiliary heat from increasing the temperature of the water supplied to the collector. Water returning from the collector may be brought into the tank below the level of the resistance heater so that a supply of hot water is always available at the thermostatted temperature. In effect, the two tanks shown in Figures 9-3 and 9-4 are combined into one, with temperature stratification providing a separa- tion. The total amount of storage is reduced unless the one tank is increased in size, but heat losses are also reduced. If relatively high-temperature water is desired, there may be an undesirable influence of auxiliary supply on collector efficiency because of some mixing in the tank. If auxiliary heating is by gas or oil, a two-tank system must be used because burners are located at the bottom of the heater tank. Auxiliary heat can thus raise the temperature of water near the bottom of the tank and adversely affect collector efficiency if the fuel-fired water heater is also used as the solar supply tank. Although the description of the above system refers to direct circulation of water through the collector, the same factors apply to the systems involving heat exchange with antifreeze solutions or air circulating through the collector. In all cases, auxiliary heat should be supplied downstream from the solar heat supply, regardless of whether the water itself is circulated through the collector or whether heat is exchanged between the domestic water and a solar heat transfer fluid. TEMPERATURE STRATIFICATION IN SOLAR HOT WATER TANK As in a conventional hot water heater, the temperature in the upper part of a solar hot water tank will normally be considerably higher 9-15 than at the bottom. The lower density of hot water permits this stratification, provided that turbulence at inlet and outlet connections is not excessive. The supply of relatively cold water from the bottom of the tank to the collector permits the collector to operate at its highest possible efficiency under the prevailing ambient conditions. With a circulation rate such that a temperature rise through the col- lector of 15°F to 20°F occurs, water from the lower part of the storage tank is furnished to the collector for maximum effectiveness. If little hot water is withdrawn from the tank during a sunny day, the late after- noon temperature at the bottom of an 80-gallon tank connected to a 40- to 50-square-foot collector may be well above 100°F — even approaching the temperature at the top of the tank. Collection efficiency thus varies throughout the day, depending not only on solar availability but also on the temperature of water supplied to the collector from the tank bottom. Data presented at the end of this module illustrate the range of temperatures achievable in solar water heaters. TEMPERATURE CONTROL LIMIT In addition to the differential temperature control desirable in most solar water heating systems (which sense temperature differences between collectors and storage), protection against excessive water temperature may be necessary. Several possible methods can be used. In nearly all types of systems, whether direct heating of the potable water or indirect heating through a heat exchanger, a thermostatically con- trolled mixing valve (tempering valve) can be used to provide hot water at constant temperature for household use as shown in Figures 9-3 and 9-16 9-4. Cold water is admitted to the hot water line immediately downstream from the auxiliary heater in sufficient proportion to secure the desired preset temperature. The solar hot water tank is allowed to reach any temperature attainable, and the auxiliary heater furnishes additional energy only when the auxiliary tank temperature drops below the thermostat set point. Maximum solar heat delivery is thus achieved, and no solar heat needs to be discarded except that which might some- times be delivered when the solar preheat tank is at the boiling point. Any additional solar heat collected under that condition would be dumped through a relief valve with steam escaping to the surroundings. Venting of steam from a solar hot water system involving a dual- liquid design, with heat exchanger, should normally be through a tem- perature-actuated valve in the hot water loop. Loss of collector fluid by boiling and vaporization is thereby avoided. It is necessary, how- ever, in this design, that the boiling temperature of the collector fluid be at least 20°F higher than the temperature at which the steam vent valve in the storage loop is actuated. If, for example, the relief valve at the top of the storage tank opens at 210°F, so that hot water and steam are discharged, the glycol solution should not boil at 230°F. Maintenance of a 50-percent mixture will prevent boiling as long as the liquid is circulated, even if not pressurized. A pressure of 15 psi on the glycol solution, commonly provided, further protects it from boiling and loss through the safety vent on the collector loop. If an organic liquid such as silicone oil or Dowtherm J ^ is used as the collector fluid, there is no risk of boiling in the collector even in an unpres- surized collection circuit. The temperature in the storage tank must be limited as in the case above. 9-17 Another option for high-temperature protection is available if an organic liquid or air is used as the heat collection medium. To prevent the storage tank from reaching a temperature higher than desired, a limiting thermostat in that tank can be used simply to discontinue circulation of the heat transfer fluid (organic liquid or air) through the collector and heat exchanger. No additional heat is therefore supplied to the hot water, and the intercepted solar energy is dissi- pated in the form of collector heat loss. The collector temperature rises substantially, frequently above 300°F, but with proper design, there should be no damage. With a reliable limit switch in the storage tank, there can be no dangerous pressure developing anywhere in the system. In addition, there is no loss of water (in the form of steam) even when there is no use of hot water for long periods. If a hot water/cold water mixing valve downstream from the auxiliary heater is not provided, a temperature limit control in the solar storage tank can be set at the maximum desired temperature of service hot water. Water cannot then be delivered at a temperature higher than the set point in the solar storage tank or the set point in the auxiliary heater, whichever is higher. Less solar storage capabil- ity would be involved in this design because the solar storage tank is prevented from achieving higher temperatures, even when solar energy is available. In a drain-down type of solar water heater operating at line pressure, with potable water circulating through the collector, the air bleed valve at the top of the collector may be able to vent sufficient steam to avoid overheating service water when usage is small. A tem- perature-actuated relief valve, set at a temperature or 210°F of less, 9-18 should also be provided in the top of the solar preheat tank to allow additional discharge of steam and hot water, if necessary. LOCATION OF COLLECTORS If the slope and orientation of a roof are suitable, the most economical location for a solar collector in a residential water heating system is on the south-facing portion of the roof. The cost of a struc- ture to support the collector is thereby eliminated, and pipe or duct connections to the conventional hot water system are usually convenient. In new dwellings, most installations can be expected on the house roof. Even in retrofitting existing dwellings with solar water heaters, a suitable roof location can usually be provided. If the mounting of collectors on the roof is impractical, for any of several reasons, a separate structure adjacent to the house may be used. A sloping platform supported on a suitable foundation can be the base for the collector. Pumps, storage tank, and heat exchanger, if used, can be located inside the dwelling. Effective insulation on ducts and piping must be provided, however, so that cold-weather operation will not be handicapped by excessive heat losses. In cold climates, collectors in which water is directly heated must be located so that drainage of the collector and exterior piping can be dependably and effectively accomplished. ORIENTATION AND TILT OF COLLECTORS When roof orientation and slope are not ideally suited for collector mounting, i.e., roof does not face due south and is not tilted 9-19 at the latitude angle, roof mounting may still be satisfactory. While collectors should be oriented to face due south whenever possible, variations as much as 15 degrees east or west of due south will have only slight effect on system performance. If the collectors are subject to shading in the late afternoon (say after 2:30 pm), orienting the collectors 15 degrees to the east will be beneficial to total heat collection during the day. Similarly, if morning cloudiness usually prevails because of local climatic conditions, it may be beneficial to face the collectors a few degrees to the west of south. For maximum annual heat collection, a south-facing collector should be tilted at about latitude angle. However, variations of 10 degrees greater or less than latitude angle will generally not decrease the amount of heat collected by more than 5 percent. PERFORMANCE OF TYPICAL SYSTEMS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A typical family of four persons, in the United States, requires about 80 gallons of hot water per day. At a customary supply tempera- ture of about 140°F and a cold water inlet temperature of 60°F, this is about 55,000 Btu per day. There is a wide variation in the solar availability from region to region and from season to season in a particular location. There are also the short-term radiation fluctuations due to cloudiness and the day-night cycle. Seasonal variations in solar availability result in a 200 to 400 percent difference in the solar heat supply to a hot water system. In 9-20 the winter, for example, an average recovery of 40 percent of 1200 Btu/ft 2 of solar energy on a sloping surface would require approximate- ly 100 ft 2 of collector for an average daily requirement of 50,000 Btu. Such a design would provide essentially all of the hot water needs on an average winter day, but would fall short on days of less than average sunshine. By contrast, a 50-percent recovery of an average summer radiant supply of 2000 Btu/ft 2 would involve the need for only 50 ft 2 of collector for satisfying the average hot water requirements. 2 It is evident that if 50 ft of collectors were installed, it could supply the major part, perhaps nearly all, of the summer hot water requirements, but it could supply less than half the winter needs. If 100 ft 2 of collectors were used to meet more of the winter demand, the system would be oversized for summer operation and excess solar heat would have to be wasted. In such circumstances, if an aqueous collec- tion medium were used, boiling of the system would frequently occur and collector or storage venting of steam would have to be provided. The more important disadvantage of the oversized collector (for summer operation) is the economic penalty associated with investment which is not fully utilized. Although the cost of a 100 ft 2 collector system would be approximately double that of a 50 ft 2 unit, the annual useful heat delivered would be considerably less than double. The larger system would, of course, deliver about twice as much heat in the winter season, when nearly all of it could be used, but in the other seasons, particularly in summer, heat overflow would occur. The net effect of these factors is a lower economic return per unit of invest- ment for the larger system. Stated another way, more Btu per dollar of investment (hence cheaper solar heat) can be delivered by the smaller system. 9-21 As a conclusion to the above example, practical design of solar water heaters should be based on desired hot water output in the sunni- est months rather than at some other time of year. If based on average daily radiation in the sunniest months, the unit will be slightly over- sized and a small amount of heat will be wasted on days of maximum solar input. And quite naturally, on partly cloudy days during the season, some auxiliary heat must be provided. In the month of lowest average solar energy delivery, typically one-half to one-third as much solar- heated water can be supplied, or equivalently the same quantity of water is supplied but with a temperature increase above inlet only one-half to one-third as high. Thus, fuel requirements for increasing the tempera- ture of solar-heated water to the desired (thermostatted) level could involve one-half to two-thirds of the total energy needed for hot water heating in a mid-winter month. QUANTITATIVE PERFORMANCE Although hundreds of thousands of solar water heaters have been used in the United States and abroad, quantitative performance data on systems in practical use have seldom been obtained. In households where no auxiliary heat was used, the solar system probably supplied hot water most of the time, but failed during bad weather. If booster heat was used, hot water was always available, but the relative contributions of solar and auxiliary were not known. In a few research laboratories, particularly in Australia, some analytical studies of solar water heater performance, confirmed in part by experimental measurements, have been performed. More recently, analytical studies at the University of Wisconsin have been carried out, 9-22 and performance data on typical heaters have been obtained at the National Bureau of Standards. Table 9-1, based on an Australian study, shows the performance of a double-glazed, 45 ft 2 solar water heater at several locations in that country where climatic conditions are similar to those in parts of the U.S. Variable solar energy and ambient tem- perature throughout the year result in 1.4 to 2.5 times as much solar heat supply to water in summer as in winter. Climatic differences produced a solar heat percentage ranging from 60 percent to 81 percent of the annual total hot water requirements. Table 9-2 shows monthly performance of the same system in Melbourne, Australia, with average collection efficiency varying between 29 and 40 percent of incident radiation. Variation in inlet, outlet, and ambient temperature in a typical thermosiphon type of solar water heater is shown in Figure 9-5. In a simulation study at the University of Wisconsin, hot water usage was programmed for a hypothetical residential user. The results show only slight variation in solar heat utilization at several use schedules and indicate only minor influence of storage temperature stratification on collector efficiency. In summary, the normal output of well-designed solar water heating systems can be roughly estimated by assuming approximately 40 percent solar collection efficiency. Average monthly solar radiation multiplied by collector area and 40 percent delivery efficiency can provide a rough measure of daily or monthly Btu delivery. The total Btu requirements for the hot water supply, based on the volume used and the temperature increase set, then serves as the basis for computing the percentage contribution from solar and the portion required to be supplied by fuel or electricity. 9-23 i cr> CU rO CO CU rO o o CO ZS O •i — $_ rO 4-> fO to s- *o CD rn s- cu fO rO O CO M- O c o +J rO S- cu O CO JZ o cu > •J™ +-> 13 o CD CO o o cu > h- s- o rO CU rO Q >> cu cr> «3- LO I-*- CO CT> r-> ro o o o «fr c x> ro <3- LO r->» CTl r-H i—i r^ CXI o I—l I—l >> LO i— 1 LO i-H LO r-» LO OO cu E i- =3 CO LO i— 1 «* CTi CTl CO CXI o o o LO o .Q «d- ^" LO r-» cr> .— 1 i—i r^ I—l LO CO CXI ^— LO t— 1 LO i—i LO CT» ro CU s: en c: o <3- co CTi r-* LO CXI r^. cr> o o o o ^— cu o ro LO CO cr CXI t— i r->- r^ CXI LO CXI cu LO i—l LO t— i LO CTi "=3" crs 1 i— E •r— "r- CD LO CO CO r^ LO CXI r^. o O o CO C 3 cu cr O CXI CO o cr> CXI CXI CTl I—l o r^. I—l Q LO I—! LO !—) CO o I—l LO rO s_ S- *3" «3- r^. «3- ro LO CO ==)- o o o ro cu -Q t— 1 ro CXI CO o CXI cxi CTi ro CO CO CXI c LO t— i LO ■—I I—l r^ CTi -=3- fO O * cu a rO LO LO LO *3- "!j- en CO oo o o o CO -Q CO •vT CVJ i—l LO 00 i—i o r-- LO =3- r-» I—l •i— LO C\J LO I—l r-- cn LO %. OQ cu T3 •t— CXI LO r-» CT> oo CXI o LO o O o I—l rO r— «=J- ro r>N CO CTi CXI cxi co i—i CT. r^ CXI CU LO >— < LO r-H r~-~. CTi ■^t- T3 < . — ■% -SZ # — % *• — ^ CO 3 .. — » +-> ., — ^ ss ZO -C ^£ 3 cu &5 — r\ 3 j*: , — > o JZ. CO -^ s_ » ^ sz s- -C 4-> c — ' cu 3 -!-> _^: *■ — N. -l«i CL c O 1— ' ■a C_> * — ^ fO c -C ^. — ^ v ^ o E I— a> o C_> 2 ro 3 E ^: ■a -o +-> CD Z3 ^— -* -i-> %. * OJ CU -P CO C ■«. * CO CU rO CU 4-> +-> 00 S- o * C S- cu CD en T3 3 3 CU o •i— ■it O =3 S_ .C ro CU JD jn .a 2 -l-> cu o +-> Z3 i- E •i— •i — -1-3 ro O) rO -l-> O O Z5 S- i_ c £ CO o S- >> S- rO +J +-> CO 4-> +j o O %. o rO en CU S- CO C c c •1 — •i — o _1 .c S- a. 3 o a> E a. cu E o o o 3 3 co c CU E S- O JZ1 -O o •r— cu +J cu •I— S- >> >> >> •r— •i— +-> -a +J 3 <+- en en en i- ^, r— i- CT S- s_ s- 4-> -l-J +-> s_ rO cu S- CU CO cu cu cu d E CO cu O +-> cu s- co E c E o O CU +-> •I"" rO +-> O CU cu 0) o a JD rO s- s fO >> r— s +-> s en n— i- S- s- s- O a -o S- +-> cu n— 4-> cu (O +-> r— r— i— 1— +-> o n— o o c CU o o o O o rO re UJ c_> re LU 31 1— CO CO OO oo q; -o %- ro 2 o • +J • rO c CU -a o S- CU -r- ra +-> +-> i— ro en •r— r - c +-> 3 •I - " a J3 S- 5- S- O •>- o 4-> O CO O _Q CU E fO r— O i — ^: 4- o o_ O o -i- co c s- o o fO E •1 — i— S- +J O CU u CO sz 3 1— ■o CM aj +-> £-. <+- • « — ^ %. LO O0 o ^f ZD «+- €\ CD J^. co ■a o c ro rO O E r— i — J3 i— £1 1 ro O •i-> en • i — ro +-> <— -*d- o M- 00 O) t- »> CU J- •a en o CU ro a N S- ro O o i— +-> z: en oo cu • i — • CO -O CO S- 3 cu CU o cu -O Q S- s_ en o cu CO • -a JD >> rO l— LO •!"■ • 0) ro CXI _c "O +J to • 3 CD Er— > . Q. O rO .a CU rO O r— . o cn-i-> ■a " C ffl CU LO ro CU ■a -C c -l-> cu cu (O -a >> CL 3 s- CO "O -♦-> fO =3 CU -r- -r- CO cn+j r— S- ro -r- CO rO i— X E x: Z5 CO a +-> ro CU CO ro s^ •r- O a -O S- •■- CO O s- s- +-> +-> t— CU ro O •r— ■P 3 (U ro (O CTr— nz 3 CU UJ * ■»< * 9-24 Table 9-2 Solar Water Heater Performance in Melbourne, Australia Month Mean Insolation on Absorber Mean Daily Supplemen- tary Energy Mean Daily Solar Energy Contribution System Efficiency Btu/ft z -day kWh Percent kWh Percent January 1630 2.9 75 8.9 40 February 2220 0.5 95 9.5 32 March 1690 2.6 74 7.4 33 April 1240 5.2 52 5.6 34 May 1290 6.2 47 5.5 32 June 1220 7.7 39 4.9 30 July 1290 8.1 38 5.0 29 August 1530 6.1 50 6.1 30 September 1600 4.9 59 7.1 33 October 1860 3.9 67 7.9 32 November 1880 3.7 68 7.9 32 December 1790 3.5 72 9.0 38 Year 1610 4.6 61 7.2 35 9-25 MELBOURNE 21 "4-55 BRIGHT SUNSHINE 140 120 ABSORBER 45 sq ft. TANK 70 IMP gal. UJ § 100 \- < K 80 UJ 60 40 ABSORBEI * OUTLEJ/^ 7 /k&$ ORBER INLET AT max/' 25.4° F Ambient 8 Figure 9-5. 10 II 12 13 TIME OF DAY (hours) 14 15 16 Absorber and Tank Temperatures for Thermosiphon Flow During a Typical Day SIZING THE COLLECTORS The curves shown in Figure 9-6 may be used to estimate the solar collector size required for hot water service in residential buildings having typical hot water systems. The system is assumed to be a pumped liquid type, with a liquid- to-liquid heat exchanger, delivering hot water to scheduled residential uses from 6:00 a.m. until midnight. A collector, of good quality (but not with the highest efficiency avail- able), is mounted at a tilt angle equal to the latitude; water is heated by collector and auxiliary from 50°F to 140°F. The shaded band repre- sents results of computer calculations for eleven different locations in the United States. The cities included in the study are Boulder, Colorado; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Madison, Wisconsin; Boston, Massachusetts; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Albany, New York; Manhattan, 9-26 Q LU a. 0.8 en 8 0.6 O O I- O 0.4 < z> 0.2 ^MEDIAN TILT = i .ATITUDE S = MEAN JANUARY SOLAR RADIATION ON A HORIZONTAL SURFACE, Btu/(ft 2 )(day) = AVERAGE nAIIY HOT WATER LOAD, Bt u/day 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 SA/L Figure 9-6. Fraction of Annual Load Supplied by Solar as a Function of January Conditions for Hot Water Heaters Kansas; Gainesville, Florida; Santa Maria, California; St. Cloud, Minnesota; and Washington, D.C. The hot water loads used in the computations range from 50 gallons per day (gpd) to 2000 gpd. The sizing curves are approximate and should not be expected to yield results closer than 10 percent of actual value. The vertical axis shows the fraction of the annual water heating load supplied by solar. The horizontal axis shows values of the para- meter, Sj A/L, which involves the average daily January radiation on a horizontal surface, Sjj the required collector area, A, to supply a certain percentage of the daily hot water load, L. The January average daily total radiation at locations in the United States can be estimated from the radiation map in Figure 9-7. Values on the map are given in Btu/(ft 2 *day). The curves are not applicable for values of solar fraction, f, greater than 0.9. 9-28 It should be remembered that the service hot water load will be nearly constant throughout the year while the solar energy collected will vary from season to season. A system sized for January, with collectors tilted at the latitude angle, will deliver high temperature water and may even cause boiling in the summer. A system sized to meet the load in July will not provide all of the load in the winter months. Tilting of the collector partially overcomes the effect of month-to- month differences in radiation and temperature. SIZING EXAMPLES Example 9-1 Determine the approximate size of collector needed to provide hot water for a family of four in a residential building in Kansas City, Missouri. SOLUTION: The average daily service hot water load in January is: L=80 gallons/day x 8.34 pounds/gallon x 1 Btu/(lb)(°F) x (140°F-50°F) = 60,048 Btu/day The desired service water temperature is 140°F and the temperature of the cold water from the main is 50°F. The monthly average daily solar radiation, S,, available in January, from Figure 9-7, is about 680 Btu/(ft 2 «day). For a water system to provide 60 percent of the annual load, from Figure 9-6, S, A/L is about 0.8. Therefore: A = 0.8 x L/Sj = (0.8 x 60048)7680 = 70.6 ft 2 . If 3-by-8-foot collector modules are available, 2.9 units would be required. Three collector units should therefore be used. 9-29 Example 9-2 Determine the size of collector needed to provide hot water for a family of four in Albuquerque, New Mexico. SOLUTION: The monthly load will be approximately the same as in Example 9-1: L=60,048 Btu/day From Figure 9-7, S, = 1115 Btu/(ft 2 *day). For a system to provide 60 percent of the annual load, Figure 9-6 shows that S,A/L is approximately 0.8. The collector area required is: A = (0.8 x 60048)71115 = 43.1 ft 2 Using 3-by-6-foot collector modules, 2.4 units would be required for this system; either two or three modules should be used. If two modules are used, the system would be expected to provide less than 60 percent of the annual load. REFERENCES Hollander, P., M. 0'Neil and W. Fisher (1978) Installation Guidelines for Solar DHW Systems In One and Two Family Dwellings . Franklin Research Center. U. S. Department of Energy (1978) "Solar Heating and Cooling Project Experiences Handbook" (preliminary issue). Prepared jointly by U. S. Department of Energy Project Management Centers, ASHRAE and the University of Alabama, July. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 10 SOLAR SYSTEMS FOR SPACE HEATING SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 10-i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES .... LIST OF TABLES OBJECTIVE INTRODUCTION SYSTEM TYPES LIQUID SYSTEMS SINGLE-LIQUID (DRAIN-BACK) SYSTEMS DUAL-LIQUID COLLECTION SYSTEM . LIQUID SUBSYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS . COLLECTORS AND STORAGE . COLLECTOR-STORAGE HEAT EXCHANGERS SUBSYSTEMS FOR SUPPLY OF SOLAR HEAT TO USE AUXILIARY HEAT .... AUXILIARY HEAT PUMP . SERVICE HOT WATER . PUMPS, PIPING AND ACCESSORIES . SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL .... PROTECTION AGAINST FREEZING AND BOILING AIR SYSTEMS DOUBLE-BLOWER DESIGN Storing Solar Heat and Heating Hot Water Daytime Space Heating Space Heating from Storage Summer Water Heating • 10-i ii • 10-i v . 10-1 • 10-1 • 10-2 • 10-3 • 10-4 • 10-8 ♦ 10-11 • 10-11 • 10-12 • 10-14 • 10-16 • 10-17 • 10-22 • 10-24 • 10-26 10-28 10-33 10-35 10-36 10-36 10-42 10-43 10-44 10-ii SINGLE-BLOWER DESIGN .... 10-45 STORAGE SYSTEM 10-45 AIR FLOW RATES 10-48 AUXILIARY HEAT 10-49 BLOWERS, DUCTS AND DAMPERS 10-51 10- iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 Page Schematic Diagram of a Single-Liquid (Drain-Back) Space Heating and Water Heating System (Gravity Return) . . 10-5 Schematic Diagram of a Single-Liquid (Drain-Back) Space Heating and Water Heating System (Siphon Return with Motorized Air Inlet Valve) 10-5 Schematic Diagram of Dual -Li quid Space Heating and Hot Water System ' 10-10 Typical Temperature Profiles in a Single-Pass Counterflow Heat Exchanger ......... 10-13 ng with Auxiliary Furnace .... 10-15 n Heating Mode 10-18 n Cooling Mode ...... 10-18 ng with Auxiliary Air- to- Air Heat Pump . . 10-19 ng System with Auxiliary Heat from Air-to-Water 10-21 Solar-Assisted Heat Pump (Liquid-to-Liquid) Heat Pump in Series with Solar Storage ...... 10-21 Collector Loop Fittings and Details, Dual-Liquid System. 10-25 Typical Controls for Dual-Liquid Solar Heating System . 10-29 Two-Blower Air-Heating Solar System .... 10-37 Storing Heat from Collectors ...... 10-39 Heating Building from Collectors ..... 10-39 Heating Building from Storage Unit (Also heating from auxiliary) 10-40 Service Hot Water Heating (Summer Operation) . . . 10-40 Single-Blower System ....... 10-46 Solar Heating System with Air- to-Air Heat Pump Auxiliary 10-50 General Layout of Typical Air-Heating Solar System . 10-52 10-5 Solar Heati 10-6 Heat Pump i 10-7 Heat Pump i 10-8 Solar Heati 10-9 Solar Heati Heat Pump . 10-iy LIST OF TABLES Table Page 10-1 Recommended Pipe Diameters for Various Flow Rates . . 10-26 10-2 Control Truth Table for Dual-Liquid Solar Heating System 10-30 10-3 Control Truth Table for a Two-Blower, Air-Heating Solar System Operation ........ 10-38 10-1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this module is to detail the design, operation, and performance of the principal types of solar heating systems. The trainee should be able to: 1. Determine the heating requirements of buildings and select solar heating systems best suited to those requirements. 2. Develop schematic and working plans of solar heating systems. 3. Specify compatible system components. 4. Determine the proper size of system components. 5. Provide design guidance and advice to installers of solar heating systems. INTRODUCTION In Module 2, the general principles of solar heating are presented. Subsequent modules contain design and operating details on solar collec- tors and other system components; solar systems for service hot water are covered in Module 9. The purpose of this module is the integration of the preceding information on components and sub-systems. Successful application of solar heating requires careful selection of components, their proper sizing, and their skillful assembly into well -functioning systems. Collectors, heat storage units, pumps and fans, controls, heat exchangers, and auxiliary heaters must be effec- tively integrated. A practical solar system must function automatical- ly, provide the desired comfort level in the building at all times. 10-2 require little maintenance, and operate reliably over a long period of time. After selecting a system type and specific components, the designer must determine the collector area requirements and storage volumes needed for providing the desired portion of the annual heat demands. Air and liquid flow rates, and blower and pump sizes can then be estab- lished. Heat exchangers are selected in accordance with the required heat transfer rates and the exchanger characteristics. The auxiliary furnace is sized by conventional methods to meet the design heating load of the building. SYSTEM TYPES General descriptions of solar heating systems employing flat-plate liquid and air collectors are presented in Module 2. Although there is a great deal of variety in system design among these two main types, most of the practical installations can be classified into similar groups and sub-groups. Liquid collectors are used in drain-back systems, with and without siphon return of water to storage, and in dual-liquid designs with a heat exchanger for transfer of heat from a non-freezing collector liquid to water storage. If heat is distributed in a hydronic system, auxili- ary heat is usually supplied by use of a water boiler, but sometimes a liquid-to-liquid or air-to-liquid heat pump is used. If heat is dis- tributed in warm air, a water-to-air exchanger is used for the solar supply, and a warm-air furnace is usually employed as auxiliary. An air-to-air heat pump may be used instead of the auxiliary furnace. 10-3 Most practical air solar systems involve some type of air-heating solar collector, a vertical-flow pebble bed for heat storage, and an air-to-water heat exchanger for service hot water supply. Variations in system design are usually limited to the air moving equipment (blowers and dampers) and auxiliary heat supply. A single blower and four motorized dampers are used in an air handler in numerous residential air solar systems, whereas two blowers and two motorized dampers are used in many others. A warm air furnace or air-to-air heat pump nearly always provides auxiliary heat. LIQUID SYSTEMS There are two main types of liquid solar heating systems in common use: one in which water is the heat collecting fluid, and the other which involves use of two liquids, one for collection and the second for storage. They differ in the principle applied to protect the collectors from freezing during cold sunless periods. There are also several arrangements for distributing heat from storage to the living space. The use of forced warm air from central heat exchangers, and hydronic loops with various types of exchangers in each room, are the most common methods. Additional variations involve the type of auxiliary heater, its energy supply, and its position in the heating system. The way in which service hot water supply is integrated with the solar heating system, and the methods for system control in winter and summer are further design and operating options. 10-4 SINGLE-LIQUID (DRAIN-BACK) SYSTEMS Two designs for solar heat collection and storage involving water as the heat collection and storage medium are shown in Figures 10-1 and 10-2. Heat is collected and stored in water, and freezing is avoided by draining the collector when it is not in use (Figure 10-1), or when freezing might occur (Figure 10-2). A primary requirement of all types of drain-back liquid systems is the design and positioning of collectors and piping on at least a slight slope. Any incidental upturns or lengthy horizontal piping sections result in incomplete drainage. Freezing can then cause rupture of pipes and collector tubing. Probably the most reliable type, shown in Figure 10-1, requires no specific controls for collector drainage. When pump operation is inter- rupted by the proper control signal, water drains from the collector back through the idle pump into the tank, while air rises into the collector from the top of the storage tank through the large (one-to two-inch) pipe between collector outlet and storage. If there are no water traps in the collector and piping, and if the down-flow pipe is of adequate size, this system is virtually fail-safe. But the lack of a water-filled, down-flow pipe requires the pump to deliver water against the full static head between collector top and tank water level, and the nightly exposure of the collector tubing and system piping to humid air increases normal liquid corrosion rates. Pumping power can be minimized by use of the siphon return design shown in Figure 10-2. Static head between storage and the top of the collector is recovered in the water-filled, down-flow return line (typi- cally one-half- to three-fourths-inch diameter). An automated air inlet 10-5 PARTIALLY FILLED RETURN PIPE VENT A DOMESTIC HOT WATER TANK TO BUILDING " HOT WATER SYSTEM THERMAL STORAGE (WATER TANK) PRE- HEAT TANK HEAT TO ROOMS FROM COLD WATER SUPPLY Figure 10-1. Schematic Diagram of a Single-Liquid (Drain-Back) Space Heating and Water Heating System (Gravity Return) AUTOMATIC AIR VENT VALVEi AUTOMATIC AIR VALVE MOTORIZED r- DRAIN VALVE tJ-V' (OPTION) VENT A DOMESTIC HOT WATER TANK TO BUILDING " HOT WATER SYSTEM THERMAL STORAGE (WATER TANK) - c o- HEAT TO ROOMS FROM COLD WATER SUPPLY Figure 10-2. Schematic Diagram of a Single-Liquid (Drain-Back) Space Heating and Water Heating System (Siphon Return with Motorized Air Inlet Valve) 10-6 valve ("siphon breaker") at the collector top opens when the collector temperature approaches the freezing point (or if there is a power outage). The open air inlet permits drainage of the collector and piping into the storage tank through the two connecting pipes while the collector fills with air from the atmosphere. When collector tempera- ture again rises, pumping resumes and air is forced out of the collector circuit through the automatic air vent valve, which closes when air is no longer being vented. Although this system requires less pumping power than the non-siphoning type shown in Figure 10-1, dependence on a control sensor and automatic valve, even though opening without power, increases the risk of freeze-damage. Three additional design variations in single-liquid (water) systems are used with sufficient frequency to merit description. The first is a modification of the drain-back design shown in Figure 10-2. Instead of using an electrically actuated air inlet valve, a motorized water drain valve on a branch of the return pipe (shown in dotted outline) may be used. When a sensor in the collector shows a temperature near the freezing point, (or if there is a loss of electric power), this valve opens. Because of the pipe opening into the air space in the tank, the weight of water in the return line causes a negative pressure at the top of the collector. This negative pressure causes the automatic air inlet valve to open and the collector to drain. When pumping is again started, both valves close, air is eliminated through the vent near the top of the collector, and water circulation is reestablished. 10-7 Another procedure for draining the collector is used when a pressurized hydronic system is required. Most conventional hot water heating systems operate at a hydraulic pressure of at least 15 psi. When a single-liquid solar system is incorporated, all components are under pressure. The storage tank is completely water-filled and a small expansion tank (sometimes called a compression tank) is used as in conventional hydronic systems. Freeze protection is provided by use of a motorized valve in the collector-storage circuit which opens to a drain (sewer). The pressure decrease causes the automatic air inlet valve to admit air to the collector while a motorized valve on the line from the tank outlet to the pump and a check valve on the line from the collector to the storage tank both close. Pressure is thus maintained in the storage tank as a small volume of water in the collectors and piping is drained away. Make-up water must be automatically supplied to replace the volume discharged. Start-up of the system involves reversal of the operations, air being purged through the automatic vent. A third alternative design involves circulation of water from storage through the collector when freezing would otherwise occur. In areas where freezing is very infrequent, a low- temperature sensor in the collector causes the pump to supply sufficient flow from storage to prevent freezing. The loss of heat which this procedure entails need not be excessive in regions suitable for this design. This is not a fail-safe design because a power outage or pump failure might occur during freezing weather. This risk can be avoided by supply of service water (from pressurized mains) to the collector through another auto- matic valve to the drain. Both valves can be actuated (opened) by low- temperature signal or by loss of power. 10-8 DUAL-LIQUID COLLECTION SYSTEM A widely used solar liquid heating design is shown in Figure 10-3. The system is arranged to collect solar heat in a non-freezing liquid, deliver the heat to water storage via a liquid- to- liquid heat exchanger, and supply heat from storage to the space heating and service hot water equipment. When solar heat cannot meet the demand of either domestic water or space heating, auxiliary heat is supplied from one or both of the conventional units shown. Although a solar domestic hot water heater can be completely separate from a solar space heating system, it is more convenient and economical to combine them. During the warm months of the year the collectors in an integrated system, which would otherwise be unused, can supply practically all of the required domestic water heating. The most commonly used liquid in the collector loop is a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (ordinary automobile radiator antifreeze), although propylene glycol and water may also be used. The advisable glycol concentration depends on the minimum temperature expected in the region where used. A 50-50 mixture provides maximum protection to -34°F. A centrifugal pump, usually at the lowest position in the loop, circulates the liquid solution through collectors and heat exchanger, typically at a rate of about 0.02 gallon per minute per square foot of collector. An expansion tank with open vent or pressure relief valve is installed preferably at the highest point in the loop. This tank should have a sight-glass or other liquid level indicator, and it should have a volume equal at least to half the volume in the collector loop. This tank is also a convenient point for charging the system with liquid. 10-9 In many dual -liquid systems, the collector loop is pressurized to a moderate (15 psi) pressure. The likelihood of boiling is thereby re- duced, positive pressure at pump inlet is assured, and fluid loss is minimized. Instead of a vented expansion tank near the top of the collector, a pressurized expansion tank of a few gallons capacity (such as in conventional hydronic heating systems) is usually mounted in the line near the circulating pump. This tank contains a flexible bladder which separates the liquid from pressurized air in the upper part of the tank. An automatic air vent and a pressure relief (safety) valve are also provided. After filling the collector loop through a suitable pipe connection on the suction side of the pump, compressed air is supplied to the expansion tank (usually by a hand pump) up to the desired pressure. In a more limited number of systems, some type of oil is used as the heat collection fluid. Silicones, diphenyl, Dowtherm w , Therminol ^ are examples. In addition to providing complete protection from freezing, these liquids will not boil at temperatures attainable in flat-plate collectors and they are non-corrosive. They are more expen- sive than antifreeze solutions, however, and their heat transfer proper- ties are not as favorable. A heat exchanger and water heat storage are always used in systems with non-freezing liquids because of the excessive cost of filling a thermal storage tank with such expensive liquids. The heat exchanger is usually a commercial tube-and-shell type through which water is circu- lated from storage by a centrifugal pump at a volumetric rate one to two times that in the collection loop. The pump is supplied from the bottom of the tank, and after being heated in the exchanger, the water is 10-10 Lc O^ EXPANSION TANK AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE NON-FREEZING LIQUID THERMAL STORAGE (WATER TANK) DOMESTIC HOT WATER TANK TO BUILDING ' HOT WATER SYSTEM PRE- HEAT TANK FROM COLD WATER SUPPLY HEAT TO ROOMS Figure 10-3. Schematic Diagram of Dual -Liquid Space Heating and Hot Water System returned to the tank near its top. In some systems, storage is heated more directly by circulating the collector fluid through long coils of tubing submerged in the tank. The water pump is thus eliminated, but pressure loss through the coil is higher than through an external heat exchanger, so power requirements in the collector pump are higher and access to the heat exchange surface and its connections is more difficult. 10-11 LIQUID SUBSYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS The individual components of heating systems in which solar heat is collected and stored in liquids are discussed in Module 7. The discus- sion is continued here, but with emphasis on equipment characteristics which affect, and are affected by, system design and performance. COLLECTORS AND STORAGE The efficiency of collectors in a solar system is influenced by all other components in the system. So that heat loss from the collector can be minimized, it should be supplied with liquid at the lowest avail- able temperature. With proper design and operation, moderate tempera- ture stratification in a water tank can be obtained; warm, lower density liquid lies near the surface, and colder, heavier liquid near the bottom of the tank. Water from the bottom of the storage tank should therefore be circulated directly or indirectly to the collector. If a heat ex- changer is used, as in Figure 10-3, water is circulated from the bottom of the storage tank, through the heat exchanger, back to the top of the tank. In a drain-down design, as in Figures 10-1 and 10-2, water from the bottom of storage is pumped through the collector. Heated water returns to the top of the tank. Typical rise in temperature of water flowing through the collector or through the heat exchanger is 10°F to 20°F during sunny mid-day periods. In addition to dependence on heat input from the collector, storage temperatures are affected by the rate of heat delivery to the load, dependent, in turn, on the characteristics of the load heat exchangers. 10-12 Selection and sizing of heat exchangers are therefore important in system design. While oversizing the heat exchangers has minor influence on system performance, undersizing can reduce the quantity and effici- ency of solar heat collection. COLLECTOR-STORAGE HEAT EXCHANGERS If a non-freezing liquid is circulated through the collector, a heat exchanger must be provided to transfer heat from the collector fluid to water storage. Because of temperature limitations in flat- plate solar collectors, the temperature difference across heat ex- changers should be small. This temperature difference is minimized in two ways: (1) by providing a large surface area for heat transfer in the exchanger and (2) by maintaining high flow rates through the exchanger. Tube-in-shel 1 heat exchangers are simple, efficient, and readily avail- able. They usually consist of multiple tubes enclosed within an outer shell. One fluid passes through the tubes while the other fluid passes outside the tubes. Large heat transfer surface can be provided in compact arrangements. The performance characteristics of a single-pass, counterflow heat exchanger are illustrated in Figure 10-4. A single tube is shown for simplicity but multiple tubes are usually involved. It can be seen from the temperature profiles that the temperature difference between fluids is reasonably small along the length of the heat exchanger. The manufacturer's guide should be followed in selecting a heat exchanger. If appropriate information is lacking, the manufacturer's representative should be consulted for assistance and/or advice. Data necessary for heat exchanger sizing and fluid flow rate determination 10-13 are the temperatures of the two fluids entering the exchanger and the Btu-per-hour heat transfer rate desired. At high fluid velocities and flow rates, good heat exchanger effectiveness can be achieved, but at the expense of pumping power. A practical compromise in these two opposing objectives is sought in system design. HOT COLLECTOR FLUID COOL STORAGE FLUID ~* Fiqure 10-4. Typical Temperature Profiles in a Single-Pass Counterflow Heat Exchanger 10-14 SUBSYSTEMS FOR SUPPLY OF SOLAR HEAT TO USE Heat from a solar hot water storage tank may be distributed to living spaces either in hot water or in warm air. For water distribu- tion, methods and equipment commonly used in conventional hydronic heating systems are employed. When activated by a room thermostat, a pump supplies solar-heated water from the top of the storage tank to one of several types of heating coils in each heated space in the building and returns the water to the lower part of the tank. Figures 10-1, 10-2 and 10-3 illustrate this application, the schematic heating coil in the building representing any type of liquid- to-air exchanger. Conventional baseboard strip heaters widely used with fuel-fired and electric hot water boilers* normally operate at water supply temper- atures of 160°F to 180°F. The limited heat transfer surfaces formed by a single water tube through closely spaced metal fins necessitate the use of these comparatively high temperatures. Temperatures in storage tanks supplied from typical flat-plate collectors seldom exceed 150°F in winter, so either additional baseboard heating surface is needed in solar systems or solar heat usage in cold weather must be heavily sup- plemented. A doubling of the usual baseboard heat transfer surface permits reduction in design (maximum) temperature to 130°F to 140°F and a substantial increase in solar heat usage at these temperatures where collection efficiency is materially improved. Solar-heated water can be distributed in conventional hydronic systems involving multiple fan-coil exchangers, pipe coils imbedded in floors and ceilings, and cast iron hot water "radiators". Temperatures * So-called boilers for residential space heating may in fact produce steam, but more commonly they serve as water heaters for hydronic (liquid water) heat distribution systems. 10-15 and flow rates are compatible with the requirements of most fuel- operated systems. In ducted warm air heating systems, hot water is supplied from solar storage to a finned coil heat exchanger in the main air duct and returned by a centrifugal pump to the tank (Figure 10-5). Air is circu- lated through the exchanger by a conventional fan or blower, and is usually heated from about 70°F to a temperature within 10°F to 15°F of the hot water supplied from storage. As explained below, a conventional warm air furnace is usually employed in this system so that the tempera- ture of air supplied from the solar coil can be increased when needed. FROM COLLECTOR OR HEAT iVENT EXCHANGER TO COLLECTOR OR HEAT EXCHANGER THERMAL STORAGE ( WATER TANK) COLD AIR RETURN FINNED WARM AIR SUPPLY ft AUXILIARY WARM AIR EXCHANGER FURNACE AND BLOWER Figure 10-5. Solar Heating with Auxiliary Furnace 10-16 AUXILIARY HEAT There are several methods for supplying auxiliary heat in a liquid solar system for space heating. In virtually all practical solar heat- ing designs, auxiliary heat is supplied to the fluid stream in which heat is distributed to the various zones in the building. With hydronic distribution (baseboard strips, individual fan coils, imbedded tubing, cast radiators), a fuel-fired or electrically heated hot water boiler is used as in Figures 10-1, 10-2, and 10-3. If a central heat exchanger and ducted warm air are employed, as in Figure 10-5, auxiliary heat is most economically and practically supplied in a furnace or electric heater through which the solar-heated air passes to the rooms. In hydronic distribution systems, the hot water boiler is best used in parallel with the solar supply from storage rather than in series with it, so that only one source is used at a time. The series design is seldom used because some of the heat supplied to the water passing through a thermostatted auxiliary boiler would flow on through the load exchangers and be accumulated in the solar heat storage tank. The resulting temperature rise in solar storage would reduce collector efficiency and capacity for solar heat storage. Figures 10-1, 10-2, and 10-3 show a single pump and automatic valve for hot water supply either from solar storage or from the auxiliary boiler. Suitable control equipment, explained below, regulates the system so that when the demand cannot be met by solar, auxiliary is used. If heat is distributed in warm air heated by exchange with solar-heated water, auxiliary heat is usually supplied to the air in a warm-air furnace located downstream from the solar coil as shown in Figure 10-5. There is no possibility that auxiliary heat can affect 10-17 solar storage in this design, so the series arrangement is advantageous. Use of stored solar heat even at comparatively low temperature (e.g. 80°F to 90°F) is thus made possible by further heating of the tepid air to useful temperatures of 130°F to 160°F. AUXILIARY HEAT PUMP A special type of auxiliary heater for solar systems is an electrically driven heat pump. A heat pump uses electrical energy to extract heat from a low temperature source and deliver the heat at a higher temperature. By this process, heat delivery at useful tempera- ture may be several times the electric energy input. In practice, annual performance factors (heat delivery per unit electric input) of about 2 are commonly achieved, although in colder climates, a somewhat lower factor generally prevails. The process is identical to a refrig- eration cycle, and the same machine that is used as a heat pump in winter may be used as a refrigeration air-conditioner in summer. Switching between heating and cooling is usually done inside the machine by reversing the evaporator and condenser units, as shown in Figures 10-6 and 10-7. One method of heat pump use in a warm air distribution system, il- lustrated in Figure 10-8, involves the condenser coil (heating coil) of an air-to-air heat pump in the air circuit downstream from the solar- to- air exchanger. Because of pressure limitations in the heat pump, the flow of water through the solar exchanger is usually interrupted when auxiliary heat is required so that air is not supplied to the heat pump evaporator coil at excessive temperatures (e.g., not above 100°F). As in conventional heat pump installations, electric resistance coils are provided for use during severe cold weather. 10-18 r -C -0- Heat Exchanger y Condenser (Heat to Load) ■©■ Receiver Expansion _ Valve i-O- J — & Heat Exchanger — cz ^— I Evaporator ( Heat from Aux, Solar, Amb. Air, ^ or Ground H 2 0) --T Compressor - i- 03 X Ixl i — UJ > O Lx CC O I- h- O < LxJ Ixl _l X _J O IT or Ixl cd <. X o X O O Ixl < CD < 2 < I- cc: or jv 1 1- h- I- CO < or o Ixl .J x 3 '5 en c 03 CD 03 O 00 o (. Z5 CD Ixl CD O (J < Ixl X < X O CC X H O Lxl 10-20 Another design (Figure 10-9) involves an air-to-water heat pump rather than a hot water boiler for auxiliary heat supply. Replacement of the boiler in Figure 10-1, 10-2, or 10-3 with the heat pump condenser coil and back-up electric resistance heater permits a reduction in energy consumption by virtue of a COP greater than unity. Heat dis- tribution may be in water or air as with fuel auxiliary. A third method for combining a heat pump with a solar heat supply is shown in Figure 10-10. In this application the water-to-water type is often referred to as a solar-assisted heat pump. The concept of a solar-assisted heat pump is the supply of stored solar heat to the evaporator of the machine at a temperature higher than outdoor ambient air. Higher COP and lower collector supply temperatures (with higher efficiency) could then result. If water in solar storage is not hot enough to meet demands directly, it is used as a source of heat to the heat pump evaporator coil. Heat is then supplied to the building by heating water in the condenser coil, with circulation to the living space or by exchange with air. In multizone distribution systems where individual water- to-air heat pumps in each zone are supplied with low- temperature water, the use of solar preheated water as the heat pump supply may reduce electricity use, provide heated air where and when needed, and minimize heat distribution cost. Because the fluid tempera- ture delivered from the collectors may be as low as 80°F to 100°F, collection efficiency can be higher than that obtained in a solar system supplying heat directly to use at water temperatures of 120°F to 180°F. It might also be possible to use cheaper collectors designed specifical- ly for operation at lower temperatures. When solar storage may approach the freezing point in midwinter, as a result of large withdrawals of 10-21 VENT A FROM COLLECTOR OR »» HEAT EXCHANGER TO COLLECTOR OR -* HEAT EXCHANGER g THERMAL STORAGE ( WATER TANK) OUTDOOR AIR COIL THREE-WAY VALVE D — tjw INDOOR WATER COIL WITH RESISTANCE HEATER HEAT PUMP -q> HEAT TO ROOMS Figure 10-9. Solar Heating System with Auxiliary Heat from Air-to-Water Heat Pump FROM COLLECTOR OR HEAT EXCHANGER VENT A TO COLLECTOR OR HEAT «« EXCHANGER THREE-WAY VALVE THERMAL STORAGE (WATER TANK) D EVAPORATOR CONDENSER COIL COIL HEAT TO ROOMS ^ — &o ^THREE-WAY VALVE HEAT PUMP Figure 10-10. Solar-Assisted Heat Pump (Liquid-to-Liquid) Heat Pump in Series with Solar Storage 10-22 heat for heat pump supply, electric resistance elements are called upon to meet the demand. This series arrangement of collector to storage to heat pump to load is handicapped, however, by excessive draw-down of storage in midwinter so that storage temperature is rarely sufficient for direct heating of the building. Nearly all of the heating demand during the cold months must therefore be met by electric energy either as heat pump supply or as resistance heating. The annual electricity requirement has usually been found greater than that for operating the parallel systems in which ambient air is the heat pump source. SERVICE HOT WATER Solar heat for service hot water is usually obtained by circulating water from the top of the main storage tank through a double-walled heat exchanger as shown in Figures 10-1 to 10-3. Simultaneously, potable water from the solar pre-heat tank is circulated through the heat ex- changer and back to the top of the pre-heat tank. These pumps operate whenever the temperature in the storage tank is greater than the water temperature in the pre-heat tank by a preset amount. When useful heat cannot be delivered from storage to the pre-heat tank or when the pre- heat tank has reached a limiting high temperature, say 175°F, the pumps do not operate. During the heating season, water temperature will frequently be less than 140°F, so dependable delivery of hot service water requires an auxiliary heater. Solar heat is therefore used to pre-heat cold water from the water main before it enters the hot water heater. During the summer, the water temperature in the pre-heat tank will usually be greater than 150°F, so auxiliary heating is only occasionally required. 10-23 Suppose that average use of service hot water in a household is 75 gallons per day. Also assume that the water temperature from the main is about 60°F and that the desired water delivery temperature is 140°F. The daily quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of the service water from 60°F to 140°F is therefore about 50,000 Btu. Deliv- ery of 50,000 Btu from 1000 gallons of storage to the service water heating system will cause a drop in storage water temperature of 6°F (assuming no heat is delivered from the collectors to storage in this period). If the storage tank temperature is less than 140°F, useful heat delivery to the service water heating system will be less than that indicated above, and the auxiliary heating unit will be required to maintain the desired water temperature in the hot water heater. In the summer months, there is usually enough heat in the solar heated tank to supply all of the service hot water requirements. To comply with most plumbing codes, the heat exchanger between main solar storage and the potable water supply must be double-walled. By this design, a perforation in a tube wall will not permit mixing of the two fluids, regardless of pressure difference. The resulting water leak will, instead, run out of the exchanger and prevent cross-contamination. Several designs for accomplishing this purpose are available. Another option for auxiliary use is an electric resistance heating element near the top of the solar pre-heat tank rather than a separate conventional water heater. Solar heated water is brought into the tank at a level below the electric heating element so that temperature strat- ification can be maintained. This design accomplishes the same purpose at somewhat lower cost than incurred with a separate electric water heater as auxiliary. 10-24 PUMPS, PIPING AND ACCESSORIES Centrifugal pumps are normally used for circulating liquids in the several loops of a solar heating system. For the design flow rates and system head losses, pumps may be selected from stock items in catalogs, or made to specifications by pump manufacturers. Centrifugal pumps should be located so that priming is not necessary, five feet of head on the suction side normally being sufficient. A check valve, strainer or filter, and an expansion tank should be installed in the collector loop. Figure 10-11 shows a portion of a vented, dual-liquid system. The check valve prevents thermosiphon flow and heat loss from the collector when the pump is not running and the collector is colder than the storage tank. A filter or strainer pre- vents entry into the collector of any particulate matter in the piping and collector fluid. An expansion tank must be provided in the collector loop to accommodate the increase in volume of the collector fluid as it is heated. The volume of the tank should be at least half the volume of the fluid in the collectors and headers. If positioned near the top of the collector array, it may be vented to the atmosphere or provided with a pressure relief valve to prevent dangerous pressure increase in the collector loop if boiling occurs. Alternatively, an expansion tank containing a flexible diaphragm or bladder may be used anywhere in the collector loop, and a pressurized system may then be operated. In single-liquid, drain-back systems, pump and piping considerations have been outlined in an earlier section of this module. The amount of electric energy used for circulating liquids through collectors, heat exchangers, storage tanks, and distribution systems 10-25 CONNECTIONS TO ALLOW FOR THERMAL EXPANSION AND CONTRACTI UPPER HEADER SOLAR COLLECTORS \r AVENT EXPANSION TANK CONNECTIONS TO ALLOW FOR THERMAL EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION SOLAR COLLECTORS TOR FILLING 'TO HEAT EXCHANGER LTER ^CHECK VALVE or uj co cc uj i- < org 5^ UJ < -£ UJ 595 CO I o< CO UJ cj — CL ro ^ Q Kujz * I— < UJ o < O co d 3 O X en UJ 1- < UJ h- < UJ X 3 o > a) "a> q: < LJ X I UJ to CO CO 4-> CD O =3 =5 Q S- o o +-• c o c_> ca u CL >> CM 1— I o CD s- 3 CO > _) CL CL Z> CO '^ 10-30 CM I O CD -Q 03 0J +J CO 3? CD E ■r— +■> 03 CD ac s- 03 O CO-—* CM -O .-< •i— I 3 CD CTrH —i 0J I i- i — Z3 03 CD 13 •!- Q Lu S- E O •!- CD _Q 03 o i- +J e o c_> E 03 1 1 E E E Li- O O O -a CU CD E E 1— > co CD CD CD 1— 1 I Q. CL ZJ 03 1 — O U. > O CD O S- CD +-> CD +-> S- -)-> i- CO CD > 03 0) CD q: +J 1— 1 1 E S- E 1— E 1— o 03 03 CD O CD -i- CD -r- i— S > Q--l-> Q. O Q. O o 2: O CO O CO O CQ LO 1 E 1 1 1 Q_ O ■vf 1 E 1 1 1 n_ O ro 1 1 E E E Q. O O O CM E 1 1 1 1 D. »— 1 e 1 1 1 1 Cu ^-^ O CM + ■=3" 1 CM 1 I 1 CO 1— V 1— ^_^ ^-^ ^_^ 1— 1 CO !— 1 CO CO CO CO CO 1 1 1— 1— I— ^ CO CO co co N»_ X Sw' "^^ • l-H V V V 1— cc ac a: 1 — ■ h- h- \— C_) CM 1 A , cn V CO LO 1— 1 + CM CM CM 1— 1— A «-H «— 1 1— 1 1 1 1 CO s- CD S- +-> 03 ^— 1— 03 r— CD CD ^ +J 3> O Z5 ZZ 03 CO Lt_ U_ 1— 1 CD 4-> 1— zc O -E -E -E < zc +J +J +J d; i. •r- •r— •r— lu 03 CD 2 2 3 Q_ n— (J •r— en CD O CO > E E E S_ •f- •1 — en , CD 4-> -»-> +J e CO 03 03 03 •1 — CD CD CD +j CD zc zc in E CD •1— CD CD CD 1— +-> O a O 1 — 03 03 03 03 O CD a. Q. a. O ZC CO CO CO CD -Q >> >> 03 -Q E CD CO -O CD 03 CD +J S- CO cn 3 CD -i-3 •o XJ 03 o cm >> -a E 03 LO 03 « co co cn « E 1—1 •!— E CD S co O ■*= h CO &_ O co +-> CD O O 03 E <+- CD i- 1— CD 03 4- U 4- -r- •r- Q_ "°S CD i- "D ZS CD 4-> S- 03 CD i- -o CD •!- Q. CO E E CD O I— U CD Er- o .a s- 03 ■t- +-> — co cn-r-j e -a •1- 03 +j 03 -o CD E -E 03 CD 1— cn 03 03 +J •■- C0 Q. ^^ 00 s- o ■r- CO H- 1— 03 cn E « •1— co -O CD •1- CD s- s- s- cn CD CD > -a o o s- cr> o <+- co 03 CD +-> o CD co co *> s- ^-^ CD • -M 1 — S- E 1— CD 03 03 1— 4-> +J 1 — CO 03 S- E +-> 03 -r- CO 1 — E O >, •1— CO JQ CO r-^ cn CD — ' cn E CO •r— CO 4-> +-> CD 03 CO .— 1 CM «=t U) CO CD 03 CO +-> +-> 3 +-> +-> 03 03 03 CO 03 +-> CD CD S- E CD E S- S- CD J- s- 03 Z5 Z5 Q. CD 13 > +J 4-> F ^1 +-> CD 03 03 CD +-> 03 1 — i- S- +■> S- CD CD CD F ai i- Q. Q. F O Q. E E O O F 4J CD CD O S- CD O +J +-> s- +J E II II II II II II CO 1— t CM ai h- ^t" 1 1— 1— \— CO 1— 10-31 temperature difference to start and stop circulation pumps No. 1 and No. 2. The temperature difference which shuts off the pumps, say 3°F, is less than the temperature difference which turns them on, so that exces- sive on-and-off cycling at the beginning and end of the day is avoided. When liquid first circulates through the collectors in the morning, the temperature rise from inlet to exit is only a few degrees (typically 3° to 5°F) because of low solar intensity. As solar intensity in- creases, the temperature rise in the circulating liquid increases to 15°F to 20°F by mid-day. During the circulation period, the storage water temperature increases gradually until late afternoon. When the solar intensity decreases to a level such that the collector can no longer provide useful heat to storage, circulation stops. The best control strategy for heat delivery to the building is by use of a room thermostat, S3, with dual set points. When heat is re- quired, the first stage contact of the thermostat is completed and water from the storage tank is circulated to the load heat exchanger (third line in table). If the storage water is warm enough, room temperature rises, and circulation stops. If the storage water is not warm enough to deliver heat at a rate greater than the rate of heat loss from the building, room temperature continues to fall until the second thermostat contact is made (fourth line in table). The auxiliary water boiler or auxiliary warm air fur- nace is then activated to restore the rooms to the comfort temperature set at the thermostat. If an auxiliary water boiler is used, an auto- matic valve is also positioned to terminate water flow from the storage tank and to supply hot water from the auxiliary unit to the load heat exchanger. When room temperature rises to the preset temperature, the 10-32 entire heat supply system then shuts off. In most designs, a low temperature sensor in storage, S2, can override the above sequence so that if storage is colder than a preset temperature, say 90°, the first contact in the room thermostat causes immediate use of auxiliary rather than the inadequate solar storage (last line in table). The control of a warm air furnace auxiliary is also by a second (lower temperature) contact in the room thermostat. When it is actu- ated, energy (fuel or electricity) is supplied to the furnace, all other operations continuing. Thus, the solar supply via the load-exchanger is augmented by auxiliary heat. If, however, storage is below a preset temperature, its usefulness is not usually enough to justify operation of the load pump and sensor S2 turns it off. And as in the system involving a hot water boiler, the furnace is switched on immediately by the first contact in the room thermostat if storage is colder than the low- limit setting. Solar pre-heating of domestic water is best regulated by a tempera- ture difference comparator similar to the control of the collection loop. The temperature sensor S2 at the bottom of the solar storage tank may also be used for the DHW pre-heater loop control, and a typical difference in temperature between the bottom and top of the main solar storage tank may be included in the temperature difference setting. Alternatively, a sensor may be installed at the top of the solar storage tank to control the pre-heater circulation pumps. The difference in temperature between sensors S2 and S4 controls pumps 4 and 5, as shown in Figure 10-12 and Table 10-2. 10-33 PROTECTION AGAINST FREEZING AND BOILING Protection of liquid collector/storage systems against damage caused by freezing or boiling of the collector fluid is a matter both of design and control. Freeze protection in dual-liquid systems requires maintenance of adequate concentration of ethylene glycol in the circu- lating solution. Periodic checking of the solution both for glycol concentration (by simple hydrometer similar to a tester for automobile radiator protection) and for pH (acidity) by litmus paper or other color indicator is essential to safe long-term operation. Antifreeze tables are commonly available for making up solutions that can provide freeze protection to temperatures ten degrees colder than recorded minimums. A 50-50 solution has the lowest freezing point, approximately -34°F. Because of deterioration and dilution by vapor loss and subsequent make-up with water, glycol concentrations should be maintained well above the lowest requirements. Decomposition of glycols by heat, with resulting acid formation, poses substantial corrosion hazards unless properly dealt with. Periodic replacement of collector fluid, at one- to two-year intervals, is highly desirable. An occasional pH check can show whether more or less frequent replacement is necessary. The use of neutralizing addi- tives, as needed, can reduce the frequency of solution replacement, but careful monitoring is necessary. In drain-back systems controlled by sensing dangerously low collector temperature, thereby actuating suitable valves, inspection and checking at the start of each heating season is essential. Piping and manual valves must be free to drain completely. A design and operating technique for avoiding collector freezing in mild winter climates involves use of water (without additives) in the 10-34 collector, but without drainage even when freezing weather occurs. The infrequency of such occasions justifies circulation, preferably at low rate, of water from storage through the collector during such cold, sunless periods. Moderate heat loss occurs, but freezing is avoided at modest cost. Such systems are vulnerable, of course, to equipment failure and power outages and could logically be used only where sub- freezing temperatures are rarely encountered. Another option in such climates is the use of a low temperature sensor to open valves (requir- ing power to close) that allow a slow flow of water from the main, through the collector, to a drain. There are several designs and operating procedures for control of boiling in the collector when heat demand is so low that high storage temperatures result. In drain-down and drain-back systems, boiling can be permitted, the vented steam being made up by automatic or manual addition of water to the storage tank. The collector may, alternative- ly, be allowed to drain when the collector temperature exceeds a limit setting, but prolonged exposure of the collector to the resulting high temperature can reduce its useful life. Closed loop collector systems (dual-liquid types) may also dis- charge excess heat by venting steam from the storage tank. The higher boiling point of the antifreeze solution protects it from boiling as long as there is circulation to the collector/storage heat exchanger. Water make-up to storage must then be provided. If circulation is interrupted by pump failure or power outage, boiling of the collector liquid can occur, even to the point of insufficient liquid in the system for subsequent start-up and operation. Water and anti-freeze solution must then be promptly added to the collector loop. 10-35 Another method for excess heat disposal in single- and dual-liquid systems involves the use of an air-cooled fan-coil exchanger (similar to an automobile radiator) through which overheated storage water is pumped and cooled. A tank sensor actuates the load pump, the exchanger fan, and a diverter valve when the tank temperature exceeds a preset limit such as 200°F. In all of the designs for freeze and boiling protection, the most important consideration is high reliability, because even one failure can result in serious equipment damage and high repair cost. AIR SYSTEMS In addition to the obvious differences between heat collection in liquids and in air, the following technical and operational factors may be noted. 1. Solar air systems involve the same medium for solar collection and space heating; solar-heated air can be delivered directly to the building without heat exchange or storage. 2. Heat storage can be accomplished in a bed of loose solids, typically 1- to 2-in gravel, which also serves as the heat exchanger. 3. Temperature stratification in a pebble bed and the return of air to the collector directly from the living space both provide low temperature (70°F) air to the collector with resulting favorable efficiency. 4. The combination of air density, specific heat, and practical flow rates provides a considerably higher temperature rise through the collector, typically a 60° to 90° increase, than in a liquid type. 10-36 DOUBLE-BLOWER DESIGN As with liquid-heating solar systems, there are numerous options for integrating a solar air collector and a pebble-bed heat storage unit into a complete building heating assembly. A widely used solar air system requires two blowers, one for circulating air through the collec- tor and the other for supplying warm air to the rooms. A schematic design of a two-blower, air-heating solar system for both space and domestic water heating is shown in Figure 10-13. There are six princi- pal components: solar collector, heat storage unit, air handler, auxili- ary heater and fan, a water heating coil, and a controller (not shown). The water heating coil is coupled to a storage tank and circulating pump, and piped to a conventional hot water heater. By combining the blower, dampers, and hot water coil in an "air handler", the installa- tion and operation of the system are simplified. The control sequences to operate the system in all modes are detailed in a "truth table" (Table 10-3). The operating modes are shown in Figures 10-14 through 10-17. In the table and figures, the abbreviation MD denotes a motor- ized damper and BD a back-draft damper which swings shut except when air is being forced against one of its faces. Storing Solar Heat and Heating Hot Water Solar collection and delivery of heat to storage are achieved by circulating air between collector and storage whenever a sufficient temperature rise can be achieved in the collector. The collector blower in the air handler is actuated by a differential thermostat, with the hot sensor in the air passage at the collector exit and the cold sensor near the cold end of the storage bed or in the air passage leading to 10-37 SOLAR COLLECTORS MOTORIZED DAMPER MOTORIZED DAMPER VA BACK -DRAFT DAMPERS WARM AIR TO ROOMS RETURN AIR FROM ROOMS Figure 10-13. Two-Blower Air-Heating Solar System 10-38 re S- cu CL o O) +-> CO s- ro o CO en 4-> CO s_ I T- o s- o S- +-> E O C_> to s- to -o "O -a -a -o > i — r— r— r— ^~ a. CO CO c_> O O O C_3 o S- rO Q. * 4- 4- 4- 4- 3: E c 4- 4- 4- 4- E 3 o O O O O o ■4-> Q_ O HI >> t- >> S_ =3 CU 4- 4- -Q 3 4- E E E E 4- •i- O O O O O O o S- i— 4-> CQ to • ^ Q S- o 4-> S- u cu 4- 4- CU 2 E E 4- E 4- E r— o o O O O O O r— i— O CQ O -o -a C\] cu E E E E cu to a> CU CU CU >LO >>CO i 1 ^ 4-> r-l CD4-> t— 1 en cu i— i cn+-> s- i—i Did) i-H E r-l rO 1 E CJ 1 e en i E O (0 1 E en ro i en 13 i CU o •i- CU o •r mo •r- CU •!- o •r- ro -i- o E CO o a) IC r- 1 +-> I— T-i +-> S- r-H +J r— i— .-) +J S- i— i— t •i— i— i •TD rO r— rO O (O i— -i- ro O •!- 4-> E o co a> CU O CU cu +-> cu CU O X cu CU +-> X cu rO •■— CU s: E S- ZC O S- ICO S- =n o zs s- IW 3 S- CU £_ •r- 3 CJ rs ■=C =J <: zj -E S- 3 s- en E E en E E en E E en E E en i cu en O •!- O O -r- O O -r- o o -a •!- O O T3 -r- CU +■> •!— +-> U- o i- Li- O S- LJL. O S- E Ll_ O t-CLL S- ro Li_ co — ar <+_ — Cri 4-»— Cd lf_ ro Qi t|_ ro — a. 3>— ' o E rO 4-> CU to cu S- Q. i? cu s- +-> rO S- cu Q. E cu +-> s- cu +-> ro T3 CU s- o CO -o cu cu (J X cu cu %- +J rO S- cu Q. E CU 4-> Q. o E ^z Z3 CL H- ♦r— en E T3 •r- CU +-> +J rO ro t— CU CJ -E a s- en •i— E o •i— CU en JQ E • r - O +-> to ro r— C5 rO +-> O %- rO CU +-> >> (O -Q 2 CU s- 4-> cu O -E n= 4-> * 10-39 ROOMS Figure 10-14. Storing Heat from Collectors FILTER IMDI COLLECTOR BLOWER |MD2 AUXILIARY FURNACE DISTRIBUTION BLOWER ILTER ROOMS Figure 10-15. Heating Building from Collectors 10-40 ti "^BD2 1 [FILTER DISTRIBUTION- BLOWER - L Figure 10-16. Heating Building from Storage Unit (Also heating from auxiliary) ROOMS STORAGE (PEBBLE BED) SUMMER BY- PASS r BD AIR HANDLER HOT WATER COIL ZU FILTER 1 1 Hh-QMDi COLLECTOR BLOWER I 0MD2 AUXILIARY FURNACE i } BD2 1 [FILTER -*— lj— DISTRIBUTION BLOWER ROOMS Figure 10-17. Service Hot Water Heating (Summer Operation) 10-41 the collector. When the hot sensor reaches a temperature about 45°F higher than the cold sensor, blower operation commences.* The signal from the controller that actuates the blower also positions dampers so that air passes from the collector to the hot end of the storage bed, through the pebbles, and from the cold end back to the collector. Figure 10-14 illustrates this mode of operation. At a flow rate of about 2 cfm/ft 2 of collector, midday air temperatures from the collector usually range from 130°F to 170°F when air is being admitted to the collector at 70°F. As sundown approaches, the temperature declines, and when the preset turn-off difference is reached, usually about 20°F, the controller turns off the blower and repositions directional dampers.* The pebble bed operates both as heat exchanger and heat-storage medium. The large heat exchange surface provided by the pebbles and the very low thermal conductivity from one pebble to another result in rapid transfer of heat from air to rock and a steep temperature gradient through the bed in the direction of air flow. In most residential air-heating solar systems, solar heated water is also provided. A common finned coil is usually mounted at the air handler outlet leading to the pebble bed. During typical operation on sunny days, a small pump circulates water from the bottom of an insulat- ed 50 to 100 gallon "pre-heat" tank, through the coil, and back to the top of the tank. If the temperature at collector outlet is higher than the tank bottom temperature by a preset amount, the pump is actuated. *These control temperatures are the actual factory settings on a controller in a widely used air-heating solar system. As explained in Module 8, an "on" setting as low as 15° difference and an "off" setting of 2° to 3° will permit additional solar heat collection, but air delivery temperatures at these control points are lower than usually needed for space heating without auxiliary boosting. 10-42 The coil is sized so that a relatively small fraction of the collected solar heat is transferred to the water, usually enough to decrease the air temperature two or three degrees. The rise in water temperature per pass depends on the temperature in the tank as well as on the air tem- perature. Normally when heat is being stored in the pebble bed, water is also being heated. Experience has shown that the coil location in Figures 10-13 to 10-17 is more satisfactory than in the duct between the collector and air handler, primarily because the possibility of freezing caused by nocturnal leakage of air through damper MD 1 is eliminated. As shown in Figures 10-1, 10-2 and 10-3, solar heated water for domestic use is usually supplemented with auxiliary heat in a conven- tional water heater. The same arrangement is used with air- type collec- tion systems. The two-tank design is nearly always employed if a fuel auxiliary is involved, but a single tank may be used if electric boost- ing is provided. In that case, solar heated water from the heat ex- changer enters the tank at a point about one-third of the distance down from the top of the tank, and the electric element is positioned immedi- ately above that point. Electrically heated water is therefore only in the upper third of the tank, and because of temperature stratification, the auxiliary heat does not adversely affect solar heat exchange. A tempering (mixing) valve should be installed in the service hot water supply line to prevent delivery of overheated water to the taps. Daytime Space Heating When heat is needed in the building at the same time solar energy is being collected, a room thermostat signals the control unit to move dampers and direct the flow of heated air from the collector directly to 10-43 the zones requiring heat, bypassing storage, as shown in Figure 10-15. In this mode, hot air passes from the collector through the collector blower, through the furnace with only its blower also in operation, and into the warm-air distribution system. Air circulates back from the rooms to the collector through conventional cold air return ducts. Either a motorized damper or a check damper (BD 2) (operated by slight pressure difference) is in this return duct. When room temperature requirements are satisfied, the thermostat breaks contact, and the storing mode is resumed. When there is a high heat demand and when the temperature of the air being delivered from the collector is insufficient to meet the demand, room temperature will continue to decline. A lower thermostat set point then turns on the fuel in the auxiliary heater, thereby in- creasing the temperature of air supplied to the rooms. The full design capacity of the furnace will always provide sufficient heat to meet any demand, so the building temperature will be restored to the preset value. Most commercially available warm-air furnaces for residential use contain a blower for circulation of warm air through the building via distribution ducts. In a typical all-air solar installation, the fur- nace blower is used in the normal manner for distributing warm air, supplied either from the collectors or from storage. The solar system blower operates when air is circulated through the collector either to storage or to distribution. Space Heating from Storage The third mode of operation, illustrated in Figure 10-16, is called for when heat is required in the building and solar collection is not taking place. Under these conditions, a room thermostat signals the 10-44 distribution blower in the furnace to operate and dampers to move so that room air will flow to the cold end of the storage bed, then from the hot end of the bed through the distribution blower and the furnace to the rooms via the air distribution system. Air leaving the hot end of the bed is only a few degrees below the rock temperature at that level. Heat is thus supplied to the room air by transfer from the heated pebbles. If the pebble-bed discharge temperature is sufficient, air entering the rooms will provide enough heat to satisfy the thermostat, and after a sufficient period, the blower will cease operation. If, however, room temperature continues to drop, the auxiliary heat supply will be actu- ated by the lower thermostat set point, and auxiliary heat will also be supplied. This operation continues until room temperature rises to the upper thermostat set point and fuel and blower are shut off. It can be seen from the above description that the use of solar heat is maximized by (1) collecting solar heat whenever moderate temper- ature delivery of 90°F to 100°F is possible; (2) utilizing even such low temperature heat, supplemented if necessary with auxiliary; (3) provid- ing, by means of temperature stratification, high temperature storage even when the storage unit is only partially heated; (4) bypassing storage when heat is needed during sunny hours; (5) using auxiliary energy only as a supplement, not as a replacement for solar. Summer Water Heating So that the domestic hot water supply can be solar heated in the summer when no space heating is needed, the heat storage unit and heated space can be by-passed as shown in Figure 10-17. A manual or automatic damper is opened in a by-pass duct so that air is circulated in a closed 10-45 loop between collector, water heating coil, and the collector blower. Dampers MD 2, BD 1, and BD 2 in closed positions and a manual shut-off prevent flow of hot air to storage or to the rooms. The blower and water pump are actuated by the difference in temperature between collec- tor outlet and hot water storage. SINGLE-BLOWER DESIGN Another damper arrangement does not require a furnace blower, so only the solar system blower is needed. Four motorized dampers are required (rather than two), but only two actuators are used. This system type is shown in Figure 10-18, with the blower and motorized dampers in an air handler cabinet. Although the cost of one blower and motor can be saved by this design, two additional dampers are required, the controls are more complicated, and airflow rates in the several modes are less adjustable. This arrangement is applicable when the air flow rate through the collectors is nearly equal to the air flow rate required in the heat delivery system to the rooms. Additional details on the single-blower system and on the air handler utilized with it are presented in Module 8. STORAGE SYSTEM A pebble bed as a heat storage component has been discussed in Module 8. There are, however, some additional features that affect the use of a pebble bed in a complete solar heating system. Heat flow in a pebble bed in the absence of air circulation is almost negligible, even in designs involving an air flow direction such that the hot end is at the bottom, the cold end at the top. Convective 10-46 heat transfer is minimized by the limited space for air movement between pebbles, and conduction is of little concern because of minimal pebble- to-pebble contact. Temperature profiles in a well-designed pebble bed do not change significantly overnight unless heat is being withdrawn by circulating air. At the bed center, for example, the temperature changes less than 1°F in 8 hours. ROOMS FROM ROOMS BACK- DRAFT DAMPERS BDI /BD2 ^-FILTER Figure 10-18. Single-Blower System For similar reasons, heat loss from the pebble bed through the container walls can be easily controlled. Thick insulation is not re- quired, both because of low conduction between the pebbles and the wall and also because the bed is usually in the building so that heat trans- ferred through the container wall is not actually lost. Insulation with an R factor of 10 is more than satisfactory. Ordinary concrete block, reinforced concrete, and wood plank or plywood with gypsum board liner 10-47 may be used. A box formed of conventional insulated stud walls 3-1/2 in. thick with fiberglass between studs, and a similar top, is another option. In all of these arrangements, an overnight loss of heat through the walls from a completely charged storage unit should not exceed 1% of the thermal content. The direction of air flow in the pebble bed is usually dictated by the position of heating system components rather than by thermal per- formance considerations. With storage depths of 6 ft or more, tests show that the performance of units having the hot end at the bottom is virtually the same as those heated from the top. The location of the blower, auxiliary furnace, and other system components, usually in the basement, may minimize duct lengths if the hot end is at the bottom of the pebble bed. But unless there is some practical reason to do other- wise, heated air should be supplied to the top of the bed so that there is minimum loss of temperature stratification and minimum heat loss from the bottom of the bed into the concrete base and underlying ground. Horizontal-flow pebble beds have also been used, but the top cover of the bed must be in close contact with the pebbles so that air does not channel through an open space above the packing. There is some evidence that channeling of warm air through the pebbles in the upper part of the bed and of cool air through the lower part may occur. If a horizontal position cannot be avoided, vertical baffles or horizontal separators should be provided to prevent channeling, as shown in Module 8. A pebble bed containing about one-half to three-fourths cubic foot of rock (weighing 50 to 75 pounds) per square foot of collector can store all of the heat deliverable from the collector on a completely sunny day. If all the heat collected during the day is delivered to 10-48 storage, maximum mid-winter collection of 800 Btu per square foot of collector would result in heating the pebbles from a starting tempera- ture of 70 degrees to a final average temperature of 125°F to 150°F. During the winter months, in most practical systems, half to two- thirds of this heat would be placed in storage, the balance being used directly in the daytime. Essentially all of the stored heat would then usually be delivered to the heated space during the following night. Studies have shown that the performance of a pebble-bed heat storage unit is dependent primarily on the mass of material and is comparatively insensitive to type of rock, dimensions of the bed, pebble size, and air flow rate. As a heat exchanger, effectiveness tends to increase with length of bed and with decreases in air flow rate and pebble size. But pressure loss and blower power requirements also increase with bed length and pebble fineness. Optimum design is thus an economic combination of these factors. Most commercially built pebble beds in single family houses are of nearly cubic shape, 5 to 7 feet dimension, containing 5 to 15 tons of locally sold screened gravel or crushed rock commonly used in concrete mixes. Rock size is usually 3/4 to 1-1/2 inch, with very little undersize material. Size uniformity is important for maintaining good heat transfer characteristics and low pressure loss and fan power consumption. Air velocity in typical pebble beds is usually not more than one-half foot per second, and pressure drop is generally less than 0.2 inch water gauge. AIR FLOW RATES An important design consideration is the flow rate through a solar air collector. Air delivery temperature decreases and solar collection efficiency increases with increased circulation rate. Fan power 10-49 requirement also rises with air flow, and there are practical limits to air circulation rates in the occupied space of a building. The effici- ency of a solar air collector depends not only on volumetric flow, but also on air velocity. The type of manifolding, the length of travel of air in the collector, and the width of the air passages affect velocity. In a typical commercial type of air collector, efficiency and pressure drop are at satisfactory levels with a flow of about 2 cfm/ft 2 of collector and a linear velocity of approximately 10 ft/sec. At an air flow rate of 2 cfm with a 13-ft air path through a solar collector having a 1/2- in. air passage, a pressure drop of approximately 0.25 in. of water is typical. Power requirements at this point of operation are moderate, less than 1 hp for circulating 1000 cfm of air through the collector and pebble bed. Total electric energy usage for solar energy collection, storage, and distribution in well-designed systems is less than ten percent of the solar energy supplied to use. AUXILIARY HEAT Auxiliary heat is usually supplied in solar air systems by use of a warm air furnace in series with the collector and storage units (Figures 10-15 and 10-16). This design permits maximum supply of solar energy by utilizing the solar system as a pre-heater of the air when heat require- ments are greater than solar heat availability. Essentially all of the collected and stored solar heat can thus be used, even if at low temperature. Warm air furnaces can be fueled with gas, oil, or propane, or they can be supplied with electricity. Control of auxiliary fuel or electri- city is usually provided through a dual-stage house thermostat, the lower temperature contact actuating the fuel valve or electric switch. 10-50 Electric motors for blowers in warm air furnaces are frequently mounted in the cabinet through which air passes, and are thereby air- cooled. When used as an auxiliary heater in a solar air system, this motor usually operates in a warm air stream, occasionally at tempera- tures as high as 175°. A "type B" motor, suitable for operation at such temperatures, should therefore be used rather than the "type A" usually supplied in the furnace. The motor in the (solar) air handler, if also in the warm air stream, should be of the same type. An air-to-air heat pump may also be used for supplying auxiliary heat, as shown in Figure 10-19. The condenser coil of the heat pump provides heat to the house air as the outdoor evaporator coil utilizes ambient air as the source of heat. Electric resistance back-up is also necessary for meeting high heating demands. Summer cooling can be supplied by reversing the evaporator and condenser functions so that electrically driven vapor-compression air-conditioning is provided in a conventional manner. AIR HANDLER HEAT PUMP FROM COLLECTOR TO AND FROM STORAGE COLD AIR RETURN TO COLLECTOR" AND STORAGE OUTDOOR UNIT ELECTRIC RESISTANCE COIL ^ T0 ROOMS FROM ROOMS Figure 10-19. Solar Heating System with Air-to-Air Heat Pump Auxiliary 10-51 Because of pressure limitations in commercially available heat pumps, they are not usually operated as temperature boosters for solar heated air. An air temperature of 100°F may not be sufficient for heating the building, but supply of air at that temperature to the condenser coil would cause excessive pressure in the heat pump. For this reason, air is supplied to the heat pump from the house air return via the by-pass shown in Figure 10-19 rather than from the solar system. A motor-operated damper in the by-pass duct opens when this operating mode is required. This damper and the heat pump compressor and fans are controlled by the low temperature contact in the two-stage house thermo- stat, which simultaneously closes the damper at the air handler outlet. The electric resistance back-up coil is usually controlled by a tempera- ture sensor in the heat pump system. BLOWERS, DUCTS AND DAMPERS An illustrative layout of a typical air-heating solar system (auxiliary heater and hot water tanks not shown) is presented in Figure 10-20. Although the positions of the several components will differ, the general arrangement in the two-blower system is usually as shown. Important operating considerations in the air- type system are blower power requirements and air leakage. A well-designed air system has approximately equal pressure loss through the collectors and pebble bed, typically about 1/4-inch water gauge in each unit, although pres- sure differences across well-designed pebble beds are often as low as 0.1 inch W.G. With ducting, dampers, and filters, the total system pressure drop can approach one inch of water . This pressure difference is about twice that usually encountered in a conventional forced air 10-52 COLLECTOR ARRAY HOT AIR FROM COLLECTORS - BACK-DRAFT DAMPERS HOT WATER COIL MOTORIZED DAMPER- I AIR HANDLER MOTORIZED DAMPER -2 SUPPLY AIR TO THE BLDG. a TO THE HEAT STORAGE UNIT TOP PLENUM -ROCK- %" TO l'/ 2 " SIZE BOTTOM PLENUM AUXILIARY HEATING UNIT Figure 10-20. General Layout of Typical Air-Heating Solar System distribution system, so additional blower power is required for its operation. A typical requirement in a conventional system is one-half to three- fourths horsepower for an air flow rate of 1000 to 1500 cfm. In a double-blower system, the collector blower motor is usually three- fourths to one horsepower, depending on collector area (300 to 700 square feet), and the distribution blower motor is of conventional size, usually about one-half horsepower. In a one-blower system, a one- horsepower motor will generally be required. The blowers also operate for longer periods than in the conventional system because of their use both for solar heat collection and for heat distribution. A one-inch water gauge pressure loss is about the maximum acceptable from the standpoint of blower power cost, although the electricity requirement is usually less than 10 percent of the solar heat supply. 10-53 Leakage of air in ducts, collectors, and storage is of greater concern in a solar heating system than in a conventional system because the pressure is higher, there is more ducting, the system operates for longer periods, and there may be more ducting through unheated space. Ducts should therefore be carefully inspected during installation and all joints should be sealed with a silicone sealing compound if sheet metal ducts are used. Ducts made of fiberglass board should be taped carefully at all corners and joints, and any perforations in the foil wrapper should be sealed. Insulation is needed to reduce heat loss through duct walls, particularly in unheated spaces such as attics. At least one inch of fiberglass with a rating of R-4 is recommended for duct insulation, with two inches for ducts in unheated spaces. Insula- tion may be either inside or outside sheet metal ducts. It is especially important with a solar air system that a well- scheduled installation be made. More space and access must be provided in the building for ducting than for pipes in a liquid system. Ductwork and component assembly can be done at the same time that the distri- bution ducts and furnace are installed in a typical construction sched- ule. There must be provision for construction and installation space and for full access to the space for systems and components. If fiberglass ductboard is used, it should not be in locations where it can be damaged by moving objects or occupants. Joints should be sealed with tapes or mastics recommended by the industry. Duct bends should be provided with turning vanes to reduce pressure loss. Ducts should be sized for air velocities between 600 and 800 feet per minute. Blowers, dampers, and auxiliary heaters may be provided by a single solar system supplier or they may be purchased separately. Factory 10-54 mounting of motorized dampers and water heating coil in or on a blower cabinet, to provide complete hot air handling capability, substantially reduces site labor and increases quality and reliability of the instal- lation. Blowers should be forward-curved squirrel cage type and prefer- ably belt-driven to enable adjustments in air-flow rates. Direct- coupled blowers with motors in the air stream may be used and have the advantage of quieter operation, but disadvantages are the need for a type-B (high temperature) motor and the impossibility of blower speed adjustment. Flexible connections between blowers and ducts are recom- mended. Louver- type dampers with neoprene or live silicone rubber seals are recommended for positive shutoff and smooth stroking. Damper drive motors should be located on the outside of ducts or air handlers and directly coupled to the damper shaft or through linkages. Special attention should be given to the linkages during installation to assure tight damper closure. In the one-blower system, damper pairs may be operated by the same drive motor so that one is closed when the other is open. Damper motors are available which operate on low voltage (24 volt) with spring returns, but greater reliability can be obtained by use of positive drive in two directions. Back-draft dampers, used in ducts to prevent reverse air flow, may be of the flexible flap type or shutter type. They must be mounted to provide a positive seal against reverse airflow. To prevent fouling and increased pressure loss in the pebble bed, filters should be installed in the air streams entering both ends of the storage unit. The filters should be changed or cleaned every few weeks during the first several months of operation to remove the initial dust from the system and building. 10-55 The complete solar heating installation requires carpenters or masonry workers to construct and fill the pebble-bed container, plumbers to connect the domestic water heating system, heating and sheet metal workers to install collectors, ducts, dampers, controls, and furnace, and electricians to wire blowers and dampers. Consequently, the general contractor and the solar system contractor should coordinate their activities so that each task is accomplished at the most appropriate and convenient stage during construction. Quality installation is an impor- tant requirement for obtaining good performance of an air-heating solar system. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 11 DESIGN PROCEDURES SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS., COLORADO 11-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES . Page 11- i i i 11- i i i OBJECTIVE INTRODUCTION THE f-CHART METHOD DESCRIPTION CORRECTION FOR COLLECTOR/STORAGE HEAT EXCHANGER CORRECTION FOR AIR FLOW RATE THROUGH COLLECTOR CORRECTION FOR STORAGE . CORRECTION FOR LOAD HEAT EXCHANGER DOMESTIC WATER HEATING ONLY . CALCULATION PROCEDURE Incident Angle Modifier . Collector/Storage Heat Exchanger Correction Factor EXAMPLE 11-1 . EXAMPLE 11-2 . WORKSHEET A - AIR SYSTEMS WORKSHEET B - AIR SYSTEMS WORKSHEET C - AIR SYSTEMS WORKSHEET D - AIR SYSTEMS WORKSHEET E - AIR SYSTEMS WORKSHEET F - AIR SYSTEMS WORKSHEET G - AIR SYSTEMS 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-2 11-5 11-7 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-14 11-14 11-15 11-15 11-17 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24 11-ii Page WORKSHEET A - LIQUID SYSTEMS WORKSHEET B - LIQUID SYSTEMS WORKSHEET C - LIQUID SYSTEMS WORKSHEET D - LIQUID SYSTEMS WORKSHEET E - LIQUID SYSTEMS WORKSHEET F - LIQUID SYSTEMS WORKSHEET G - LIQUID SYSTEMS 11-25 • 11-27 11-28 • 11-29 • 11-31 11-32 • • 11-33 OLLECTO R SIZES 11-34 11-111 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 f-Chart for Liquid-Heating Solar Systems f-Chart for Air-Heating Solar Systems Heat Exchanger Factor F R /F R Collector Capacitance Factor (Air), K-. Storage Capacitance Factor, K« Load Heat Exchanger Factor, K. Hot Water Factor, K« f-Chart for Liquid-Heating Solar Systems (for Example Problem 11-2) Page • 11-3 • 11-4 ■ 11-6 • 11-8 • 11-9 ■ 11-11 11-12 11-35 LIST OF TABLES Table 11-1 Monthly Temperature (T ) in °F at Source for City Water in 14 Selected Cities Page 11-37 11-1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this module is to present a detailed method for estimating performance of solar heating systems. The trainee should be able to complete an f-chart system sizing procedure by "hand" calculation. INTRODUCTION Solar heating systems are sized to provide a desired fraction of the total annual heating load of the building. The desired fraction can be chosen arbitrarily or determined from economic analysis to minimize the annual cost of space heating and water heating with a solar- auxiliary system. Using approximate methods, the calculations lead to determination of collector area, and other components of the system are sized relative to the collectors. In detailed computations, collector area, storage size, heat exchanger size, and fluid flow rates through the collector are variable within practical ranges, and performance calculations include their variability. Among several detailed methods devised for estimating system performance, the one described in this module is the "f-cnart" method developed by Klein, Beckman and Duffie at the University of Wisconsin. The f-chart method is based on hour-by-hour simulations of performance of typical solar heating systems having wide ranges of system parameters in several geographic locations. Generalized correlation charts (f-charts) were developed for predicting the monthly fractions of the heating load supplied by solar energy. One chart was developed for 11-2 liquid-heating systems and another for air-heating systems. The f-chart method is applicable to system types described in Module 6. Several assumptions were made in developing the f-charts: 1. Heat losses from storage are negligible. 2. Average domestic hot water demand is distributed throughout the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in a nonuniform manner peaking at hours of 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. and the pattern is repeated every day. 3. Flat-plate collector performance can be characterized by two parameters, F R (xa) and F R U, . THE f-CHART METHOD DESCRIPTION There are separate f-charts for liquid- and air-type systems as shown on Figures 11-1 and 11-2, respectively. The coordinate axes X and Y characterize collector performance in relationship to the heating load for a specific month. In particular, x _ collector losses = A c F R U L (T ref " V At m-l) monthly heating load L ^ and A F xa S Y _ collector heat gain ... c R (n-2) monthly heating load L where X and Y are dimensionless, and the variables are explained below: A„ is the total collector area, ft c F R U, is the slope of the collector efficiency curve, Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F) Fp ia is the intercept on the collector efficiency curve, corrected for incidence angle, dimensionless 11-3 CD X E (U +-> in >> CO s_ I — o C/3 CD •i— -M ro CD X i •o o M- s- O 4- 0> >- 11-4 6 i :1 " : ; :"|:.:.„:. EEJEE!E,EE; m iri ct- ' ' _ j. :_ . ::.;.: ! = j: ' ::. .: ::: r.fO:|----- 0^ d:d:: :rE-tE±: ::.:.:L : II ....j ii , EEtErt*-EEE 11 - 11; u ■jf:iE . ::E!:E ; - " : . . :,::j:\:|: -:..- : : 1 j±E 1 '_r:_~ , .-'-'X ': ; E3rrr.:: SpS — 1 ■■ ■ ■ j.:r: : : .;'s.~.~. : -At::7 .__.!.. :: : 7:::'b-" .:^:]::.:: — i s ". ".?'.' : V-i::- JI.T.X1 ■ ■ "Ez "=Z+5i: . : :::::: \ ; " : -—;-'_■; E:Ei:::E .. _ _— ""'." . . Yj„. . - A I.:: 1 i ' : :'-.. l:i': 1 •— ;e^- : :.:..::; - \ :.. J ._.. f. (_:- :::-:::: Y rj\E £.\£ \ F;\ ~ .:^L;;Tr EE _ : '. . — 1 — E^ErrjrYi: E~ V ... --4I— - 1 . : ::+." : .. . — 1 — : : . : I v: . . : . \ - ~:.-.rlE _ :.:::1 ::iEbi:L:i J - : :!; . Yd : . eV j- ES - I - — _"■ — ~ .::::.j_:: ■nt^i::idfe|Srfe\ ^ : iA-|4:xE;\ — rai .EEiEEtLE' :E:: y :.»_.; 1; 1 :, 1 ._ 1; v_-» ■ ; ; i__ !.....: „.i:\ ;~:z ".: — -j ; \ .:— | — ~ •|\: — ' " : \! 1 \ ~1 :..\ : \ :~ ^T- ! — • E^EEJE: E-)^E7; Vi EEI Ej: IE IE 1:~± ; J : :J^^ : 3feE£ V: A : A A • |\x A?: -— ; i ' : ^eaee: ^^i\: :\ i\ fei^"— i.e ! i E V rV? ; ^: |V A \ \i V! ■ • V ' \ \ :-: A \ : --Ai CVi y \ x j • V A 1 \ i \ \ .. j .... | . .... !\ ■-■ .;;- ■} \ \ \ -j ■ j -■] ■"I--"- - Ye :\e \ eAeJVeeY ; \ \ EjJEeJi-^EE ' EYE :Vl::: V A ) V: Vj V Vi .: :::. _.:... ! j:.J;:j rjrrL-i X A . j_ V :.._ :.; \ A i \ \ \ \ .__ .... .. — — 1 — |... V . 1 A — |.-V- ..1 \ | V: \ : — '" — -- :::sz ErEj_-.E jErl.;r\j:;r::::; Vf:i : _\!:.: :: :\:il\~ . [ \ 6 \ .1 „ .....j--- .... :r~: i_ ---^-1 — 1 ,_j drt^ ^4--;± :: "V ~r V V \ \ V ' V I » .. . ; .... j. — .... — , ■)-\— • - \t- " \ j"\ - ■■: \ — i \ " \ — 1 — . - ! ..:— ■ .....:.:." -— EEEEE Y^ lVz: a j A A- A \ \ A - •;;-; - -! ■-- . ... :o: IEE - -H r- -~.m"]A"z~ -:■. ~|:E _ ._].., — r W: :ee EiE "Tt" jj - i \„ Y--:T\r3-\- 1 j Y \^ V \ ;; - E -- ::!X ~L\XX~ .EE L —--1-1- -y~r ^i^Y-^A^ V ! V 1 \ A J V jV \\ v v A \ \ - EE :.:s=r -p~- 2^± 1 I ±1]: E : EJEE :.■.;-_-: =:±± Y;;::^ \ :- :.:-± ::-:■ — - -;-i-H- 1 ; i : -j. n — irnr: EEEfEz ~^r.— — \i — "V 1 A \ i "'■;::." -■■■j-j-j" i -1 >- 3 1 V- -V— \~ — V _ja_^- ±r± -i-ri ~n ■ -+- \ i. .n Ei; - ■ XIZI4I —.:;l ; ; ■ \ CD OJ 00 X (0 OJ E CD 4-> co >> CO s- TCS 'o CO C7) c •I — +-> - 0.02- X = i Figure 11-3. Heat Exchanger Factor F R /F R 11-7 and, y = V F R U L> C c where 2 A„ is the collector area, ft c ' F R U. is the collector characteristic determined from the collector performance test data, as provided by the manufacturer, Btu/(hr*ft 2 *°F) The heat exchange factor may also be calculated from Equation (11-5) F R F7 ~ 1 + y(x-l) ^'^ Corrections are made to X and Y values calculated in Equations (11-1) and (11-2) as follows. X(new value) = X • F R /F R (11-6) Y(new value) = Y • F R /F R . (11-7) The new values of X and Y are used to determine monthly estimates of f from the chart, or Equations (11-3) and (11-4). In an air system, there is no heat exchanger between the collector and storage for space heat- ing, so a correction factor is not applied. CORRECTION FOR AIR FLOW RATE THROUGH COLLECTOR Air collector efficiencies are sensitive to air flow rates through the collector, and correction factors are appropriate if the airflow rate is different from the collector manufacturer's recommendation. The correction factor is applied to the X value as follows: 11-8 where Kl X(new value) = X • ^ (11-8) is determined from Figure 11-4 or from the Equation (11-9): _ . C c .0.28 "l 4.13A./ for 1 < C 7A„ < 5 c c (11-9) where C is capacitance flow rate through the collector c A is collector area c 1.3 I.I 1.0 0.9 0.8 f f .0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 — — Btu/h-°F-ft 2 A c Figure 11-4. Collector Capacitance Factor (Air), K-^ 11-9 CORRECTION FOR STORAGE The normal storage capacity is assumed to be two gallons of water 2 per square foot of collector [16.7 Btu/(ft -°F)] for a liquid system and 0.75 ft 3 of pebbles per square foot of collector [15 Btu/(ft 2 -°F)] for an air system. When storage sizes differ from these values, the effect is determined by a correction to the X value in the following way: X (corrected value) = X • K £ (11-10) where Kp is determined from Figure 115 or Equation (11-11) for water storage and Equation (11-12) for a pebble bed. Mc K 2 (water storage) = ( 16 ^ A ) p x-.25 for 5 < Mc /A < 60 P c (11-11) 20 30 40 50 60 (Mc p ) s ~a7~ Btu/ft 2 «°F Figure 11-5. Storage Capacitance Factor, K 2 11-10 where M is mass of storage (lb) c is specific heat of storage mass (Btu/lb*°F) 2 A is collector area (ft ) c Mc K 2 (pebble bed) = (j$-) 3 c for 5 < Mc /k < 60 (11-12) p c CORRECTION FOR LOAD HEAT EXCHANGER One additional correction factor should be considered for a liquid- based system: the size of the load heat exchanger. A small load heat exchanger will affect the storage tank temperature and the temperature of the fluid circulated to the collector. The correction factor is expressed as a function of the load heat exchanger effectiveness in comparison to the UA of the building, and is applied to Y as follows: Y (corrected value) = Y • K 4 (11-13) where K, is determined from Figure 11-6 or Equation (11-14). -0.139(UA) K A = 0.39 + 0.65 exp ( ? 21Ha ) 4 £ L L min for .5 < -jj^ < 10 (11-14) where £. is load heat exchanger effectiveness C • is the smaller capacitance flow rate through the heat mm r exchanger (UA),,. is the thermal conductance for the building 11-11 .0 0.9 0.8 *: 0.7 0.6 0.5 € L c min (UA) 10.0 bldg Figure 11-6. Load Heat Exchanger Factor, K. DOMESTIC WATER HEATING ONLY The f-charts in Figures 11-1 and 11-2 were developed for combined space and water heating systems but may be used for solar domestic water heating systems by applying a correction to X. The correction factor depends upon temperatures of the hot water supply, cold water inlet, and ambient air and is applied in the following manner: X (for DHW) = X • K 3 (11-15) where K 3 is determined from Figure 11-7 or Equation (11-16). K 3 = 1.18T W + 3.86 T M 202 - T 2.32 T - 66.2 a (11-16) 11-12 "~ 1 -i — HW Supply Temp.= l40°F HW Supplv Temp. = 1 20°F CW Supply Temp.= 70° F 20 4 60 80 100 Average Doy-Time Temperature (X), °F Figure 11-7. Hot Water Factor, K^ where T w is the hot water supply temperature, °F T„ is the cold water inlet temperature, °F, (see Table 11-1 at end of this module) T is the average ambient air temperature while collecting, °F. CALCULATION PROCEDURE The f-chart calculation procedure is outlined step-by-step and is followed by an example calculation. Space and DHW heating loads must be known or determined before beginning an f-chart performance analysis and it is helpful to use worksheets to organize the necessary computations. Separate worksheets are provided for air and liquid systems. 11-13 Step 1 . Solar System Data. Complete Worksheet A. Use available data from blueprints, specifications, inspections and handbooks. A heat load analysis for the building is required. For determining the UA of the building, refer to Worksheet B. Step 2 . Monthly and Annual Heating/DHW Loads, L. Use Worksheet B. If the design heating load for the building is not available, an analysis is required. (Refer to Module 5). Step 3 . Total Monthly Solar Radiation, S. Use Worksheet C. Step 4 . Collector Performance Characteristics, F R (xa), F R U, . Use Worksheet D. Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4 are transferred from Worksheet A. Corrections to F R (xa) , F R U, are necessary when the horizontal axis of the collector efficiency chart is based on fluid temperature other than the inlet temperature to the collector, T. . Although col- lector test standards suggest use of T. in expressing collector effi- ciencies, manufacturers do not always show collector characteristics in a uniform manner. The corrections to F n (xa) , and F D U, for different R n K l cases are explained below. T* - T Case 1 . In — ? , T* is T. . (fluid inlet temperature) No correction is needed T. + T Case 2. If T* is — — ? ou , which is the average of the inlet and outlet temperatures, F R (xa) (new value) = Fn(xot) (from efficiency curve) x F-n — t- 1 + R L c 1 2C c 11-14 where C is capacitance flow rate of the fluid through the collector, (m c ) Btu/(hr-°F) P c F R U. (new value) = F R U. (from efficiency curve) x f— n — j— 1 + R L c 1 2 C c r _ • „ _ ,volumetriCw~, . , j oor .n. w w heat w time . C c " m c p " ( flow rate )(fluid density)( capacitance )( conversion ) Case 3 . If T* is T . (fluid outlet temperature)Btu/hr°F FdC™),, = FdC™),, (from efficiency curve) x f-tt — a - k n k n 'd^i " l + R k c L c F R U. = F R U. (from efficiency curve) x r-n — jr- L c Incident Angle Modifier Corrections to transmittance, t, through the cover plates, and absorptance, a, for the absorber plate are necessary because of sun angle variations on the collector during the day. The F R (ta) deter- mined for normal incidence during collector testing must be corrected for an effective daily transmittance-absorptance product, (ia). to" _ ,0.91 for two cover plates (xa) *0.93 for one cover plate Collector/Storage Heat Exchanger Correction Factor For air systems there is no correction. For liquid systems, correction is made to F R in accordance with Module 7 (see Worksheet D Liquid Systems). Step 5 . Correction Factors K-,, K ? and K.. Use Worksheet E. Step 6 . System Performance parameters. Use Worksheet F. Step 7 . System Performance Calculations, f and ^ , . Use Worksheet G. 11-15 EXAMPLE 11-1 Estimate the performance of an air-type solar space and water heating system for a three bedroom house located in Denver, Colorado. A 2 collector area of 300 ft is planned. The house is wood framed with R-19 wall insulation and R-30 ceiling insulation. The overall dim- ensions of the house are 28 feet wide and 50 feet long and it is com- pletely weatherized. The heat loss calculations for the building have been made, and the overall UA (heat conductance) is 450 Btu/(hr-°F). Using the time con- version from hour to day, the heating and domestic hot water load for the building is 10,800 Btu/DD. Complete Steps 1 through 7. Step 1. Complete Worksheet A. (pp. 11-17, 11-18) Step 2. Complete Worksheet B. (p. 11-19) Step 3. Complete Worksheet C. (p Step 4. Complete Worksheet D. (p Step 6. Complete Worksheet F. (p Step 7. Complete Worksheet G. (p 11-20) 11-21) 11-23) 11-24) 2 Answer . For collector area of 300 ft , the air- type heating system will provide 76 percent of the total annual space and water heating load. EXAMPLE 11-2 Estimate the performance of a liquid-type space and water heating system for a three bedroom house located in Fort Collins, Colorado. The UA for the building is 714 Btu/(hr-°F) and hot water use is 80 gallons per day. The owner desires to install 500 ft of RQP Company collectors at a tilt of 50°. Collector characteristics are: 11-16 F R (T«) n = 0.73 F R U L = 0.54 Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F) based on (T. - T )/I T . l a I A mixture of 30 percent ethylene glycol and water is specified for 2 the collector loop. Storage volume is 1.5 gal/ft of collector. Answer . The solar system is estimated to provide 87.4 million Btu of useful heat for space and water heating, which is 68 percent of the total load. 11-17 Worksheet A Sheet 1 of 2 AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR SYSTEM DATA Building Owner Address Y)cy\ PW <_ ftVs3 J^Kh D^VKWcd * Vcv Q>tov^4o Ph. \<6l-OOGft Contractor SoUv (p^^\x^\;\<~ DeQ 13. Unit volume \,Q ft 3 /ft 14. Total volume (item 5 x 13) ZQQ ft 15. Storage Capacitance (vo1 ^^"^^^'^^ 3 r collector area 3 30 Btu/(ft 2 -°F) Auxiliary Furnace/Boiler Type \Aof /riV Manufacturer Leyin■ 4-J LU Q) h- CI J U1 x: >- t/i oo j* t- QC O i— i -i: < -a -5 O i 3 o cu • T3 .» ''■' '-> -o S Q V*) a> i- > •r- to CU (O • r- (1) to •r- CU 3 S. ■a t/> t- -i C *-s cu 3 nr S^ +-> 3 O T3 +-" r- la- .— 1 1 tO 0) uj tn o cu ii ii Q. F 2^ O Q. •O E «->l o a> in a> c cu ? i— +-> oo i— •1- +-> «=£ -Q vM !_ IO II O) Ul E h- 1 s- o u. aj (/) S- S- o O X: ai U- o CD IL o cr Q Ll 4- Q O Q z: I— LU 3: r— Total Heat'ing Load Btu/Mo. -a > V5- i r- r-~ ^5c PC) in •3- 6o >> IO •— o x: s: +-> -o 3 "«^ A — < — n >< — CJ _1 — — — — — • — «-i <-» s: o _j co E in 1— 3 E i/i 3 o mmmm m in r^ >o» T~ 4- \n O Q ^r ^3- v t~~ c— r-* v> <3" ^r Temp. Water Main Sup. m °F $ 4- 4" « 4- ^ — ■ co Vol. of DHW Used/Mo. Gal. /Mo. CI 4- Q o O o a O o ci o Q O <+- o -^ • CO O • >>£: z: CO o o o o o to co CM CO CO co co co co CO CO CO co z: q T3 >, +-> S: CO ZE CO X.D o <3" ~->a c>o ^> O , O 10 r- OIQ >) r ii to +-> S- to T3 in sj cj- r— ct xr cO CO c en >> . O CD to Li_ cr 1 . +j to c c jQ s_ s_ >> c CT> Q. +-> > CJ +-> o to CU to Q. to 3 3 3 01 o o cu o s: •o U_ s: 0 o z: (=1 1— >> to -a en nj •i- a S- CU o s- cn C3 cu i— Q un- — , << to CM 530 x "O cu >^- 11 +-> co u . *-«. CU CO O 0) X E y> w i- s_ >, O CU to "+- +-> ■o to t-n 3 X cu • >,-Q o iO to > 3 o- E 11 r- E II p 00 II S- t/) > s_ 3 u- o- ~--u_ o- _1 ■— cj co >* to 11-20 Worksheet C AIR SYSTEMS TOTAL MONTHLY SOLAR RADIATION AVAILABLE, S Project Location Collector Tilt Nearest Data Site Sk^ W^ &&5jjg*C c= Den v€ r Ut t)5° ueyvu V\f cv* 1 Month Monthly Avg. Daily Rad. on TiU Surf. l J Btu/(Dayft 2 ) No. of Days in month N Tot. Monthly Radiation on Tilt Surf. S Btu/(Mo-ft 2 ) Jan. 1175" 31 LL22S Feb. A>57 28 57.516 March ZOoX 31 k3.34y April LSli 30 £4 , A'SO May I4 7A 31 JS\,Uh June ITIO 30 fl ?OQ July Q3 31 f.3.04«7 Aug. 67 6 31 £&j 156 Sept. Z0&6> 30 feL sso Oct. a^ 4 - 31 £3,4S4- Nov. Ut4- 30 55 1 120 Dec. USr 31 S>.5(?fr 11-21 Worksheet D AIR SYSTEMS COLLECTOR COMBINED PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS, F R (xa), F R U L PROJEC T ^>un \)& X <\ K^ld ^Vic- Collector Efficiency Data from Worksheet A (lines 10(a), (b)) 1. Intercept, F R (xa) n = () , U^ 2. Slope, F R U L s ence Temperature 3. Collector area, A, Q-zo Reference Temperature Basis: 1. ft. ,] 2. t. + t . in out 3 00 ft 2 3. t out 4. Collector volumetric flow rate (Worksheet A, 11(d)) QOQ ft 3 /min Correction to t. basis 5. Case 1: (no correction) F D (xa) k n F R U L 6. Case 2: F R (xa) = F R xa x 6. 6,1 0>tO h\ A c 1 + 2 C. UA ¥l =f r u l x F R U L A c 1 + m± 2 C 8. 9, C = itl _ /volumetric time wspecificx conversion' ^heat ' *„ = m_ _ /voiumexricw,. ... w c c « (,4n^., ~,4.~ MdensityH p v flow rate v J ' v i where: for liquids, density = (8.34 lb/gal) x ( g?avity C) for air ' densit y = °- 075 lb / ft3 at 70° and 1 atm. specific heat = 0.24 Btu/lb-°F 7. Case 3: F D (xa) n = F D (xa) n x R VLW 'n 'R^ u/ n L l + F R U L A c xlb- F R U L F R U L 1 1 + F R U L A c KiA t . . 4. „ n M j.£. (xa) r.91, for two cover plates Incident Angle Modifier, j^j- = { >93j for one covep |\, ate xa F R Cra) » F R (H)„ X p^- ■ ^£L x _A«_ - _&i£ 11-22 Worksheet E AIR SYSTEMS CORRECTION FACTORS, K. , K 2 PROJEC T Oun WgjL \es \ \ c HC<_ Collector Flow Factor, K, 1. Air Flow rate (Worksheet A, line 11(b)) = 2. Capacitance Flow rate (from Worksheet A, line 11(c)) 3. K, = (from Figure 11-4) = 600 3to HAL cfm - I Btu/(h-ft 2 -°F)! Storage Mass Capacitance Factor, K 2 4. Storage Capacitance (Worksheet A, line 15 =) 5. Kp = (from Figure 11-5) = ^ Btu/ft 2.0| OAl^ 11-23 o r L. CO -> LU DH 1) CO E >■ y) CO 3 >-i 7f r $■ r> <: o o Oi o CO ex: LU s o Ll_ Di LU O- CO >- CO 00 X Co Of CO cr- C*5 <3- to O 8 1 ns r-. t_ 3: . +J o c CM VO o CM o CM •3" o csj o Cvl •a- CO *-1 1 Ll_ CM o CM 1 — 'A «0 o ^1- o « — LO > <: • u_ Q.0 • E O O, ID c4 CjO r- 4r S •^ ± 12 >3~ SO o *i- 1 — 1 CO >-l — 1 LL. or o O <>> 3 ^ ^f 0- co CO 0o z a 8 I 9 si d ^ S cm c 1— •!- O nj +-> T3 _l £ -t-> rtj rtj ^-» 0)0 3 h- ^ _J +■> eo o - * — 2* v^ 0c o- r^ 0c - -C 3 ■)-> +-> C CO - 4J O s: •(->!— co s: (Ot- — +■> -o 3 O (O C 4-» i_ ce o co ^3 ^0 ^0 o o or In 4- 0° o ft & JZ -t-> c o "■a -O u. o s. i. a. >> (T3 C 3 >> 3 ■"3 3 CO co 4-> U o > o V 01 o 4- 4- ^5- ^s> re <2 O Oj ^* ct . - CD 00 s: 4-> LU O) 1— CU OO -C >- 1/1 co j*: S- QC o i — ■ 3 0 o c - o o o; or - en Q LU co Q o 4J 4- O o < UJ o 2: I— o O •— i LU J— —I -=C _J O o o O —1 LO CD UJ < o 1— DC OO — o o tO S_ O r— E 3 (0 E "»» +Ji-NX3 o o c +-> O 4- O <0 >> to oo s- f0 S_ E +-> cu t/i E x >> as oo s- o *0"> s o o o _li— E -l-> • X o o> +-> I— 4-> _l CQ DC o <3~ cy> <5 c OS ^ V fcd Q^ <50 Otf "-3 CD ^ >n "Q Of vs F" 0^> Q Q o C cr Ol •4rl 3~ 6o tO > • +-> C i— Ol Q. 3 3 3 d) «"3 p-3 < CO ^1 o <5 +-> a o ^> o ^ ^S OS ^ ^^« ^ n 4-> o -M LU ^ £ 4-> O 4-> II (0 £= C 4- vj» 4-> O -l-> I c o •I- 3 o UJ ; S- o CsJ CO «* 1 c E 3 E +J CU CU CU -P CU CU CU J- jz: je jc «j V) °1 QAO Btu/(1b-°F) %32z lb/gal I Q gal/min ,5" 150 gal/ft 2 or ft 3 /ft 2 gal or ft 3 11-26 Worksheet A Sheet 2 of 2 LIQUID SYSTEMS 15. Specific heat of storage material c | Btu/(lb«°F) 16. Density ff 34- lb/gal 17. Total mass (14 x 16) M (J55 lb. 18. Total heat capacity (17 x 15) C s = Mc p L2S5 Btu/°F 19. Total heat capacity per unit collector area (18 v 5) \2.S Btu/(ft 2 -°F) Heat Exchangers 20. Collector/storage type ( ouVifay rlovy/ and manufacturer N au^A KaAiaias 21. Storage loop flow rate J \ 5" gal/min 22. Heat exchange effectiveness e „ 0.1 S cs — ^-x 23. Load heat exchanger type C\ios<- ^\ov) wc\.tgv - co^ and manufacturer Mouw^ \VQ gal 37. Auxiliary energy source cJU^OdS^ 38. Hot water set temperature \ ^cO Q F .1.1-27 UJ ca 1— c/i +-> >- a> on CD JC o Ul -*: — 1 V- c r o ■ — i ^ _i >- ~3 V) VI cad iL „ • CO 5> JC CO JT 7J +-> LL S- +J ^_/ +J to a) c: m +-> cd c 3 r4 c E CD 0) i CO co LL un CTl ca LL. I— i. O S- CTl S. 1 i. a> O CD C1J UJ CO O o. 4- 1 CO 3 ii II a. F o XJ E ^ M +-> -o """N c ai =n ai C+J — — ^r — CO O 'T 1— +-> UO i— •I™ r- -o s: o «=C -Q h- ^ CJ CO 11 c e ai O) El— n ai t- i i t- •1— o U- ii > i- 1 0£ LU H =C r-~ Total Heating Load L Btu/Mo. O ^ 4- <>3 <^8 r— Oq en 5T - •3— CD ■— o +J T3 3 "><«. C2 OQ 3 O X o +-> s: q — i ca ^3- v=> <>=» s9 \S VvSl w, r^ ss- E 1— Q. CD 1 U_ 3 E co 3 o X (IJt- :e a i— a; h- Q ■^ ■ v9 r— v- or c0 c0 4-> O 1— <* a. 3 oo • t- E Lu aoj ch- o E +JT- a> co co i— 3 s: 4 c0 <3- In x3 4- Vn ^ V CO co 4- O O o s: s: 3 W • zc -a • ■— O CD r— O CO CO > =D C3 So Q £ ^ a 4- to c6 A 06 O -~. • CO o • >>£: z o ca CO CO CM co o CO CO o CO CO CO o CO CO o CO CO CNJ -a >> U co \ c co Dicr 3 O Q.4-> +-> SI 00 3Z 0Q V9 c4 MM cA ri en, Q >, Q CO r- 0)Q >| -c ai co +-> S- CO -o c: en >> • O CD CO U- s: Q Q o ^0 V9 VS. ^s cr r- o +J c O s: c CO ■~3 jQ CO LL. o s. CO CL CO c >1 3 CO 3 CL 0) LO o o > O u CD a CO -a X3 CD ^d - t-> CO i > O co <♦- ■D CO i— 3 >>-o o CO co > -o I- — i — S II o o IS» S- 3 i— CM CO ^- CO + CO o- 11-28 Worksheet C LIQUID SYSTEMS TOTAL MONTHLY SOLAR RADIATION AVAILABLE, S Project San \>oAh r\c^idAu K'<] a densit y = °- 075 lb / ft3 at 70 Q and 1 atm. specific heat = 0.24 Btu/lb-°F 7. Case 3: F R (xa) n = F R (Ta) n x 1 1 + F R U L A c KUl F R U L = F R U L 1 + F R U L A c Hfc 8. Incident Angle Modifier, iM- = {'*} f ° r two cover P] ates (xa) .93 for one cover plate 11-30 Worksheet D Sheet 2 of 2 LIQUID SYSTEMS R Collector Loop Heat Exchanger Modifier, -^ ""R 9. For air systems and liquid systems without a collector/storage F' R heat exchanger, p— = 1 r R Capacitance Rate: 10. C c = (from line 6) = ^"S 11 Btu/(hr-°F) 11. C s = (calc. as for C c above) = iSOG Btu/(hr-°F) 12. C min = (lesser of C c and C g ) = 4 % \1 Btu/(hr-°F) 13. Collector Storage Heat Exchanger Effectiveness, e = Q , IS 14. x--J£— . 4gl7/4.73~f*g/7) ■ I-J3 cs min (from Worksheet A, line 22) 15 . .y.WJi. &*{.<*■) I +?ll - ,QSL c lfi F * - . 1 _ - °\% 16> \~ 1 + y(x-l) " '-^ 17. FfcCES) = F R (xa) n x M- x J* = ( Q.l tif.WCI*) ~ Ul n 'R 18. F^U L = F R U L x / = CSA)(M) r .^ T3> K 11-31 Worksheet E LIQUID SYSTEMS CORRECTION FACTORS, Kg, K 4 PROJECT l3u,n\)JL \^\<\c *c Storage Mass Capacitance Factor, K 2 Note: M includes hot water storage volume where it is solar heated 1. gals/ft of collector \s 2. K 2 = (from Figure 11-5) = 1 ,Q7 Load Heat Exchange Factor, K, 3. e L (from Worksheet A, line 26) = ; 75" 4 * C hot water supply loop = mc p = C H (from Worksheet A, lines 24 x 8.25 x 60) = (oOQ5~ Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) 5. C. , =mc=C air loop p A (from Worksheet A, line 25 x 0.075 x .24 x 60) = [0 1C Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) 6. C min = smaller of C H and C A = \^ { \ b Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) 7. (UA) bldg = (from Worksheet A, or B) = 7 (j~ Btu/(hr-°F) 8. !^Mln = \. 3G 9. K 4 = (from Figure 11-6) = 0^1 11-32 LlJ Ll_ 1— C/l 4-> ^~ 01 oo aj -C a CO -V —> s_ o- O 3 —i v 'i cm r 2 -=c o c_> cc o CL _1 c/j UJ a. ex: o cc uj co ■ v.a r~ 4 r- \o •0 \Y> r~- r^- rA (X) X M>-= cs - <5" v c^ *-V rA oo ^ cS ■a — — —1 O n ^r ' . ^=» r— CO n — -i— to 5- n: • a> • o B s- «d- CM ■=*- o «s- o ^j- •* o *d- o "*"* • e: •■- .c «d- i-— * C\J ^t- CXI «d- <^- CM ^~ CM ^s- CO r— 1^ r- l-~- r^ i~~. r» r-^ r— r^. i— ■!- > < • U- CLO uO r^ sS ^ I s5 N> lo ^o ^= A • E o ai, on 4- Ifl -~S -^ -«SI -^ lo CO vO sf-h- 1 — 1 rO \ Jr »r> r- — -4- -ft ^ >3- >-l — I r- r* « — ' ■*= — o Vi> r - u- * — — - <~i W^ <& — - OO 0© to v3 v3 o H •^ ■* t— ri c/> •Cj O <3 § O Q ° r- r^ o rs o — feO *~ — • ■^ <% ' rn ^3~ Vn sj~ l— X _i +J _ - — M Q3 X r— . Monthly 'ation nit Surf. '(Mo-ft 2 ) 3- 4- 0~ t — M~ cr- bo In r- O o 6o +JT3 3 one +j < ^- lr> <*- <*- *■ ^ * vo , ^0 rO 1— CC O CO 10 ^r *- jr x: +-> o ■r- , +-> c c jd S- S- >> C CD CL +-> > o o IO CD rt> Q. (O 3 3 3 cu o o cu ^- 1 •-o s: CO 1 X <*- 4-) +J CD Qj CD IS) S- OJ CO r~-^ 1— -C -c: a ^-^ en CO 1 H _l -^ j»; . i =) s- i- - a: o e: - at o o U- U- 3 3 <-> o <; u. X 11-33 co s: LU CSh- CO -l-> >- «D CO (D JCQ (A t—t -i£ ZD s-o- ai-> 3 -J «^> 4- > 'J 3 ^0 <£ y - - CJ3 c£ C£ < _J o CO >- en Q UJ co Q < O C3 I— o I— o 2: o o a: o C£ o LO (O s_ o 3 03 E 4-> i — \LU E 3 *0 *0 <3~ V> Oo r^. r- oo Vo vs> 0~- <3- U O C CO ^ <3" ^ s$- Q ^> c4 ? CO 03 s_ Ll_ tern eter 1-* r^ ot c* <5- > 03 CO S_ td o v- * >C6 «r ci- s- CM System Paramete X ^ 9- 4- to CO «9 • -a O 03 S o _i o E Vn O IC +-> CO ct ^ \S n * ■ rn cr ^ <5~ .c .c r— +-> . ♦ o •i— CD >, . -l-> . . . E c J2 &_ !_ >> c CO Q. +-> > o O 03 CD 03 O- 03 13 13 =3 0) u o ■— i— S- O O 3 O (_) CD •r- t\ »> Ll_ CQ U_ U_ +J +■> +-> = OO s- ro 1 O oo CD /^N c CM •1 — 1 +-> i— 1 n3 i-l 0) zc E 1 o> "D i — • 1 — -O 3 o cr s- • r- Q_ _l CD S- i — o a. u- E to +-> X S- LU CO sz i- o o i 4- «<_ w 00 1 CD i- zz CD oo s: LU CD 1— C/> +-> >- CD OO CU .C Q 00 i — i -i«; ZD i-cy o i — i s —1 c 7" 11-36 >- CD a; - D. ZD OO Q o CD I— o h— Li_ o o C£ o c£ OJ LU °^ i— o <_>•— i LUr- _l=C _|CJ oo O— 1 r— O fO S- O £ i" LfO rj fO E •»>. •4-> i — \LU Z5 O O E +-> r^ fc »£ fc> r- r*. kO Vi r^ r^ ^ <0 1 ^ i CO oo a s- u_ <6 -^5 <£ a v9 r^ Vn r* CO Q 4- c4 oo > • rs o en 4-> n <*> c- vS C* — ' ^o o- Vn • I 3- f— +-> CQ IE .C JC +-> . • a •r- CU >> • •<-> • . • C c -Q s- &_ >> c CD Q. +-> > O o fO a; re Q. fO =3 3 13 CD u o CU s: •"3 u_ s: cC s: ■"D O LU CO cr 4-> o I 00 -3" I c c , — E E 13 13 CU i — i — S- O O r3 <_> o en r\ *N U_ CQ u_ u_ +-> 4-> +J - CU CU CU 4-> CU CU CU S- -C -C -C 03 (/) CO 00 JZ ^i -^ ^: u _l S- S- s- o o O l +- X 3 3 3 Z <4- E E E F o o o o II s- S- S_ i- u. Ll_ Ll_ Ll_ LU , CM 0O "vf ^ 11-37 o "vj" O LO OJ CO r-^ LO CO LO 1^. CO LO LO LO cu LO r-. LO r^ r-^ CO *d- LO <* CO ■* <3" CO «3" fS Q >> c o: > 0> o , — OJ CO LO LO CO LO CO 00 00 LO 00 O- E o LO r-^ LO r^ r^ ^1- LO LO LO CO <3- <^f «=J- <^f O s <_> ^*£ +J 0* o Cn CvJ CO LO OJ t-H CO CO r^. LO t*^ r>- O o c_> o LO r~- LO r^- i^ LO !"*«. l~^ LO «vj- LO LO IO LO CO CO Qi •— 4J Q- CXl o LO OJ CO CO i-H LO cn 00 LO O OJ i— i •1 — •r— CU t-^ r^ 1^ r^ r»* LO CO t^- r-^ ■=d- LO LO LO LO <_> CO 03 c— *CJ S- i— CD Ci3 CU 4-> CO lo o LD OJ oo «^- CO LO CO OJ co r»- r~- o O S O 3 r«^ r^ 1^- r~s. r-» LO CO l^» r~«« LO LO LO CO ^- s- 1— CO o «3- OJ CO CO CTl <—> r>. CO o -=i- LO 00 l Qi ■=3- 3 LO r^ r-^ i^«. r^ LO 1^ r^ LO LO LO r*^ LO LO LO > 1—1 •"D •r— e cn i "r— 3 •■- E Cn o CO OJ CO O i— 1 1^ r-^ r^ t—t r^ ^3- O Cd S- 13 IT) r^. I~^. r*. r>» LO 00 LO LO «=d- LO r-- LO LO s_ S- •r— -i* t-H O >> 1^ O 00 OJ CO LO LO CO ro cn CO CO i— i r^ ■^1- > >> 03 LO r^ LO r^ r-- LO r^ LO LO ■=d- -=3- LO LO ^t- 1 S- +J s: LO CD o CO . a> Q. S- i — S- S- C\J o CO OJ CO CT> o LO LO i-H LO OJ OJ cn i 1- o O- LO i^ LO r>. 1-^ «!fr r^ LO io -^1- -=d- LO *j" CO •< CD i — 4- <=c E or 4-> __l ro ■Q 00 o o OJ CO o LO OJ r» r^. LO OJ LO CO A U_ <1) ■3- r^- LO i^« r^. "vl- *t «s3- «=j- CO CO OO cn CO >> CO (D o cn c CU e •r— e 00 o o OJ ro cn LO LO OJ LO en OJ CVI LO fO ■3- r->. LO r->- r»«. OO LT) '^t- *3- CO CO cn OO CO c CJ) ^E ■D o K- 4_> * — *r m CO ure i— I cu 3 3 CJ> T3 E O C_5 E o +-> H-> <_) a; 03 fO s- cn 3 r* 3 3: •i — —1 •i — '1 — «N T~ a> CD S- S- 3 •I— cc or DC 3: cc d; 1 cn •r~ > > • >^ o JE Q +-> >> o . •i — 4-> JD 4-> CO Qi *1 o *r— "O LO e r— 4J -^ -^ in <— i X cn Qi Cn s_ i cn 03 O) o S- •p— E 3 Qi s- o •r— c __l c: CD o E >> E •r— < cr > CD 3: > •i — 4-> o 03 >- o j*: +-> CD E 3 > ^: -C -<-> +J +■> a s- 5- '•— O 03 CO -Q CO e • LO LO r— 03 CO •!■■ s 4- O o -E •r™ O i — 03 a> +-> fO 03 03 O) O x: Qi >- Q_ S _1 s: 03 4-> s i— I OJ CO ■st LO LO r^ 00 cn o i — 1 OJ CO «* 03 +-> UJ 0) I— (!) C/l -C >■ CO GO s- OS o * 4 3 < o IT3 u en s- o Ol H3 3 4-> -o fO o -o z: C c Ol > CO CJ3 lt> OJ c +J ai E c I a> •r- Ol 2 !_ X) CO S- =3 c -*~^ 0) 3 fr? +-> 13 o -o ■•-> o» m II I— 1 (O CTl i- 1 j- t- OJ UJ ir> O 01 II n 2 ■i O O. E ■o e o aj 3:: 0) C Ol 1— ■4-J to c- (8 II 0) cn F 1— C o u. 0) CO i- s- JC OJ u. o o o I— Q < O LU i— § I- o 3: o • — i h- oo LU s: o o or o Q =c 1 Total Heating Load Btu/Mo. vo Monthly DHW Load Btu/Mo. ID E t— an i u. 3 E co 3o i > (0 0) c 3 3 ■"3 CD 3 o. oo u O > o OJ Q CO re 4-> O 1— OJ I- X l_ ^-^ O 3 >, -^ Ol CO CTl n3 •1- Q U. O 0) E ^ X Ol S- Ol CO s_ S- o s_ >>,° 01 en n3 t- -t-j O O) T3 m ■- 1 o -— 1 3 ■ l LT> -— ~ o •-> cj- < < c "- 1 o n> *. — * 0J — - X 0) o- -Q «d- >i-0 o + H3 CSJ fT3 TO > 1— ^^ T3 (— CO ~«. CT E ii — E H O o o II S- C > s. ^ Ll_ O- • — - Ll_ o- _J I— CSJ CO «3" CO Worksheet C AIR SYSTEMS TOTAL MONTHLY SOLAR RADIATION AVAILABLE, S Project Location Collector Tilt Nearest Data Site 1 2 3 Month Monthly Avg. Daily Rad. on Tilt Surf. T T Btu/(Dayft 2 ) No. of Days in month N Tot. Monthly Radiation on Tilt Surf. S Btu/(Mo-ft 2 ) . ._ _. _ _ ^ J Jan. 31 j | Feb. 28 j March i 31 ' i i April • 1 30 | May 3i i 1 \ June 30 July 31 : . Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 Worksheet D AIR SYSTEMS COLLECTOR COMBINED PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS, F R (xo), F R U L PROJECT Collector Efficiency Data from Worksheet A (lines 10(a), (b)) 1. Intercept, F R ( T a) n = 2. Slope, F D U, = _______ R L _____ Reference Temperature Basis: 1. t. , 2. in g — ^— » 3. Collector area, A„ = ft 2 3. t 4. Collector volumetric flow rate (Worksheet A, 11(d)) ft 3 /min Correction to t. basis 5. Case 1: (no correction) F R ( T a) n = F R \ - out 6. Case 2: F R ( TOt ) n = F R xa x F R U L =F R U L x 1 + F R U L A c 2 C_ 1 + F R U L A c 2 C_ C. = m. _ /volumetricw,. .. wW time c c p " ( f low rate M denslt yM )( specific conversion' v heat ' where: for liquids, density = (8.34 lb/gal) x ( gravity C) for air ' densitv = °- 075 lb / ft3 at 70° and 1 atm. specific heat = 0.24 Btu/lb»°F 1 Case 3: F R (xa) n = F R (xa) n x 1 + F R U L A c 8. 9, F R U L = F R U L 1 + F R U L A c T . , . . , M ,. r . (xa) r. 91, for two cover plates Incident Angle Modifier, |^j- = { >93j for one cover ^ n F R (xa) - F R (xa) n x -^ l( * _. = p.M x 0. 93 = 0X IW ■!-> LU OP 1— <1) tn .c: >- t/i i/l -XL S- d; o 3 «s: <: o o o Ll_ 00 X 1-^ Tot. Hrs in Mo. A time hr. «3- CM O CM o CM 1^ «3" o CM 1^ o CM <3- "3- ID '-1 1 U_ CM o CM in > a- i — t o >-i — i Li. co —1 to CM Total Heating Load Btu/Mo. - Tot. Monthly Radiation on Tilt Surf. Btu/(Mo-ft 2 ) .- . . . t JZ +-> c o c -Q cu Li. JZ <_> s- >> s: CU c 3 ■"3 >> 3 •~3 -i-j Q. CU 1/1 +-> o > o u CU Q IX. CJ ii ;i u I ^ —i ZD (J OS or < 11. LL i^ _l ID cc: u_ < ii i — CM oo|_i CD 00 s: +^ La a> »- - (A CO J* s-oi- O i-i 3 <. fO 3 £= E -=C O ^: 1— O o l-H LU 1— -J o +-> =5 o >- o CJ3 en LU c£ - OQ a LU CO Q o CJ3 LU I— o u_ o o a: LO Actual Solar en/mo E x 10 6 Btu/mo. ■=3" Solar Fraction/ mo. f co System Parameter Y CM System Parameter X • r— • -o o nju5 • 2:000 _l i— E ■4-> • X C5 O CD +J 1— +■> _J CQ rc o £Z U_ O r— •r— Q. (T3 Q. CO O O > o o 4-> o 4-J I o (T3 Z3 CT O CM 00 ^f I SZ E i — E E =3 =3 O) O O C5 C_) O CO CQ Ll_ U_ 4J 4-> +J - CD CD CD +-> CU CU 0) i- -C -C -E i — C\J CO ^3- LO SOLAR SYSTEM DATA Worksheet A Sheet 1 of 2 LIQUID SYSTEMS Building Owner Address Ph. Ph. Contractor Type of System (liquid or air, H/DHW) Site and Building Data 1. Location: Nearest City Lati tude 2. Building UA Btu/(hr-°F) 3. DHW volume per day gallons/day 4. Collector manufacturer 5. Collector area ft 2 6. Collector tilt degrees 7. Tilt = latitude + degrees 8. Collector orientation degrees from south 9. Collector shading % in December i 10. Collector efficiency data (a) F R (xa) n (b) F R U, Btu/(hr-ft 2 - °F) (c) Fluid temperature basis (circle one) Case 1 T i Case 2 T i + T out 2 Case 3 T . out 11. Collector Fluid: (a) Composition: (b) Specific heat, c (from Mod. 4) Btu/(lb-°F) (c) Fluid density, p (from Mod. 4) lb/gal (d) Flow rate G gal /mi n Storage 1 Data 12. Storage medium 13. Unit volume gal/ft 2 or ft 3 /ft 2 14. Total volume (item 5 x 13) gal or ft 3 15. Specific heat of storage material c 16. Density 17. Total mass (14 x 16) M 18. Total heat capacity (17 x 15) C c = Mc n s p 19. Total heat capacity per unit collector area (18 * 5) Heat Exchangers 20. Collector/storage type manufacturer 21. 22. 23. Storage loop flow rate Heat exchange effectiveness e Load heat exchanger type __ manufacturer cs 24. 25. 26. Load loop flow rate Building air supply flow rate Heat exchanger effectiveness e. DHW Pre-heater 27. Collector/storage heat exchanger type manufacturer 28. 29. 30. 31. Collector loop flow rate Heat exchanger effectiveness £■, Storage volume Storage mass, M st (line 30 x 8.34) Auxiliary Furnace/Boiler 32. Type 33. 34. 35. Manufacturer Rated capacity Auxiliary energy source Auxiliary DHW Unit 36. Size 37. Auxiliary energy source 38. Hot water set temperature Worksheet A Sheet 2 of 2 LIQUID SYSTEMS Btu/(lb< lb/gal lb. Btu/°F Btu/(ft 2 -' and F) gal /mi n and gal /mi n ft 3 /min and gal /mi n gal lb Btu/hr gal T) oo > UJ CQ 1— I/O +J >- nj T- 1 > ■1— o 13 ITS 1^ *• — II II o -a 1— cr a ■c- ro 3 c--~ O) a ** +-> =JO ■a +j Ol n3 U.f-1 m ai S- s_ s- QJ uj un o QJ II F 2^ o F o ai 3C "•" 4-> c to II QJ en E(- i- o u_ ai i/> S- S- -C ai U- o o ■OH Q § a: UJ I— SL o a or o a < nj +J -a _j — O QJ O 4-> >> i— o ■f? ^ ■•-> "O S-v. c 3 2! Q —I CQ dm i u. 3 E 3o a: ai -r- :c o h- ce i— • t- E Cl QJ C |— QJ lO (O 1- O O o s: s: 3 -s. . ar-o • r— O 0) I— O • ID CD o > -CO) 03 +j s_ >> . O Ol fdlL S Q Q o 3 >> CD JO ■i- Q S- QJ l/l S- S_ OS- >, O 01 en ro 1- +J <=C ct e ri o ZD ■? QJ — X 0) cr -Q <3" >>-Q o + ro <\J rO JO > 1—- — •o 1— cr E II r- E II o o o ii i- V > s- ^ u. o- ~— 'U- o- _i r— oo ro «a- uj Worksheet C LIQUID SYSTEMS TOTAL MONTHLY SOLAR RADIATION AVAILABLE, S Project Location Collector Tilt Nearest Data Site 1 2 3 Month Monthly Avg. Daily Rad. on Tilt Surf. r T Btu/(Dayft 2 ) No. of Days in month N Tot. Monthly Radiation on Tilt Surf. S Btu/(Mo-ft 2 ) Jan. 31 Feb. 28 March 31 April 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 Worksheet D Sheet 1 of 2 LIQUID SYSTEMS COLLECTOR COMBINED PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS, F r (to)-F r U,_ PROJEC T Collector Efficiency Data from Worksheet A (lines 10(a), (b)) 1. Intercept, F D (xa) = k n ■ 2. Slope, F D U, = _________ R L t. + t Reference Temperature Basis: 1. t. , 2. in ? ou , 3. t . 3. Collector area, A, ft : 4. Collector volumetric flow rate (Worksheet A, 11(d)) gal/min or ft 3 /min Correction to t. basis 5. Case 1: (no correction) F R (xa) = F R U L 6. Case 2: F r (tcx) = F R ia x Ll + F R U L A c 2 C_ F R U L =F R U L x L l + F R U L A c 2 C_ r . ,- vu i Mi!!i' i,i i«,,w. , ,\ ,' >, i um \/SpecifiC\ C„ - mc„ - U-,_ _ + „ )(density)( ^^JuL* ) volumetric' 'c " ""-p " v flow rate time conversion /v heat where: for liquids, density = (8.34 lb/gal) x ( g?a$ity C) for air > densit y = °- 075 lb / ft3 at 70° and 1 atm. specific heat = 0.24 Btu/lb-°F 7. Case 3: F R (xa) p = F R (xa) n x Ll + F R U L A c F R U L = F R U L L l + F R U L A c 8. Incident Angle Modifier, i^) = {•£ f ° r two cover P^ es (ia) .93 for one cover plate Worksheet D Sheet 2 of 2 LIQUID SYSTEMS F R Collector Loop Heat Exchanger Modifier, -fA 9. For air systems and liquid systems without a collector/storage F R heat exchanger, *- = 1 ■R Capacitance Rate: 10. C = (from line 6) = Btu/(hr-°F) 11. C = (calc. as for C_ above) = Btu/(hr«°F) 12. C . = (lesser of C and C ) = Btu/(hr-°F) mm c s 13. Collector Storage Heat Exchanger Effectiveness, e = 14. x = 16. 15. y= , u c e cs min (from Worksheet A, line 22) A C (F R U L ) F R " l +y(x-l) 17. F R (xa) ■ F R (xa) n x gj- X £ : n 'R 18 - F R U L =F R U L X ^ Worksheet E LIQUID SYSTEMS CORRECTION FACTORS, Kg, K 4 PROJECT Storage Mass Capacitance Factor, Ko Note: M includes hot water storage volume where it is solar heated 1. gals/ft 2 of collector 2. K 2 = (from Figure 11-5) = Load Heat Exchange Factor, K, 3. e. (from Worksheet A, line 26) = 4 * C hot water supply loop " : mc p =: C H (from Worksheet A, lines 24 x 8.25 x 60) = 5. C . t = mc = C« air loop p A (from Worksheet A, line 25 x 0.075 x .24 x 60) = 8. £■ C • L mm UA 9. K, = (from Figure 11-6) Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) 6. C min = smaller of C R and C A = Btu/(hr-ft 2 ) 7. (UA) bldg = (from Worksheet A, or B) = Btu/(hr-°F) >- UJ Lu 1— OO +-> >- 1 — 1 ^ r> s- o- O -^ _i ° H a; o ci. —i oo a: lu Q- o a: oo >- oo CO X a- r--~ «d" CM *i- CM •3- «a- CM ^a- CM «*• +J +-> r- lO r~. r-- r^. |-~- r~- r-. r-^ i~^ r~- t-> o e 1— •!- < , <° ll- O-O • E O 0), (O SI— fe- i — i co >3- >-i — i Uu 00 oo CJ) c I— -r- O nJ ■»-> T3 _l 2T CvJ 4-> to tO •>«. O 0) O 3 1— 31 _1 4-> CQ >, ^ ^~. I— S- CM .C 3 +> -l-> C OO 4- C O • Tot. Mo Radiati on Tilt Btu/(Mo _c -C 4-> • o • r— CD >> • 4-> • . C e .£> S- s_ >> C en Q- +j > u o to 0) tO Q. to 3 3 3 O) o o <1J s: •~3 U- s 4J CD CD oo CI) CI) JC _g rt t/) t/> 1 H _>t: v s- s- - cc O o u_ -^ -£ o F r- CJ O GO 2: UJ to 1— in ■p >- to CD .C Q (A 1— 1 ^S z> t- o- l-» 3 —1 «3 E C or 1— 1 uj h- —i O O +-> •»-> UJ _l o >- o - CQ Q UJ Q- O- ZD CO Q o \— o 1— u. o z: o 1— o 2 IT) Actual Solar en/mo Btu/mo. ■^- Solar Fraction/ mo. f ro System Parameter Y CM System Parameter X - Tot. Mo. Htg. Load Btu/mo. 4-> C O 2Z -Q OJ U_ 2: •1— a. < >> rO 2: 0) c ■-0 CJ> Q. CO O O > O O CU Q =3 o CO ^J. C Cr— E E 3 3d) r— r— S- O O 3 O O O) CQ U- U_ +J +-> +-> = Q) CD d) +-> (D CD CD S- x: -C .c re CO CO CO -d a;^:^ u_i S- S- S- O O O M- X 3: 3 3 = 4- E E E E O O O O II S- S_ S- &- U. U. U. U. UJ -!-> O 4-> 1 — cm ro -^-un TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 12 ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS., COLORADO 12-i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES 12- i i i LIST OF TABLES 12-iv OBJECTIVES 12-1 INTRODUCTION 12-1 FACTORS IN ANALYSES 12-2 EXAMPLE 12-1 12-12 EXAMPLE 12-2 12-13 EXAMPLE 12-3 12-13 ENERGY COSTS 12-15 INFLATION RATES 12-19 SOLAR SYSTEM COSTS 12-21 EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION TIME ESTIMATES . . . 12-22 Liquid-Heating Systems ...... 12-22 Air-Heating Systems ....... 12-23 Domestic Water Heaters ...... 12-24 TYPICAL INSTALLED COSTS 12-26 Space Heating System - Liquid Collectors . . 12-26 Space Heating System - Air Collectors . . . 12-26 Domestic Water Heaters ...... 12-27 MORTGAGE PAYMENTS 12-29 TAX CREDIT 12-29 PROPERTY TAXES 12-31 INSURANCE 12-31 12-ii Page ADDITIONAL INCOME TAX CREDITS • 12-32 OPERATING COSTS . 12-38 MAINTENANCE COSTS . . 12-39 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS 12-40 WORKSHEET LCA-1 12-40 WORKSHEET LCA-2 12-40 WORKSHEET LCA-3 12-45 WORKSHEET LCA-4 12-48 EXAMPLE 12-4 . . 12-50 EXAMPLE 12-5 . . 12-55 APPENDIX - State Solar Legislai Lion 12-1 ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 12-1 Energy Cost per Million Btu for Natural Gas, Propane, and No. 2 Fuel Oil 12-17 12-2 Energy Cost per Million Btu for Electricity . . 12-18 12-3 Inflation Factors 12-20 12-4 Repayment on Loan 12-30 12-iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 12-1 Values of P/X (d,r,n) for Discount Rate of Percent 12-6 12-2 Values of P/X (d,r,n) for Discount Rate of 4 Percent 12-7 12-3 Values of P/X (d,r,n) for Discount Rate of 6 Percent 12-8 12-4 Values of P/X (d,r,n) for Discount Rate of 8 Percent 12-9 12-5 Values of P/X (d,r,n) for Discount Rate of 10 Percent 12-10 12-6 Values of P/X (d,r,n) for Discount Rate of 12 Percent 12-11 12-7 Present Worth Factors (P) 12-16 12-8 Typical Equipment and Material Prices (in 1978) for Liquid-Heating Systems ..... 12-22 12-9 Installation Time Estimates for Typical Liquid- Heating Systems ....... 12-23 12-10 Typical Equipment and Material Prices (in 1978) for Air-Heating Systems ...... 12-23 12-11 Installation Time Estimates for Typical Air- Heating Systems ....... 12-24 12-12 Equipment Costs for Components of Domestic Water Heaters (1978 prices) 12-25 12-13 Estimates of Installation Times for Domestic Water Heaters 12-25 12-14 Fraction of Mortgage Payment (A) Which is Interest I/A = l-(l+i)J" m " 1 Mortgage Term (m) = 10 years 12-33 12-15 Fraction of Mortgage Payment (A) Which is Interest I/A = l-(l+i) J " m_1 Mortgage Term (m) = 15 years 12-34 12-16 Fraction of Mortgage Payment (A) Which is Interest I/A = l-d+i)- 3 """ 1 " 1 Mortgage Term (m) = 20 years 12-35 12-v Table Page 12-17 Fraction of Mortgage Payment (A) Which is Interest I/A = l-(l+i) J " m_1 Mortgage Term (m) = 25 years 12-36 12-18 Fraction of Mortgage Payment (A) Which is Interest I/A = l-(l+i) J " m_1 Mortgage Term (m) = 30 years 12-37 12-1 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this module are to describe methods for determining solar heating costs on a life-cycle basis and on a cash-flow basis and for comparing these costs with those of non-solar systems. The participant of this workshop should be able to: 1. Estimate the installed cost of a solar system. 2. Calculate the total life-cycle cost of a solar heating system. 3. Estimate the economic feasibility of a solar system. INTRODUCTION Solar heating systems require higher capital costs than conventional systems, and economic evaluations invariably involve cost comparisons between the two systems. Comparisons which do not account for future fuel cost savings for heating are both misleading and un- favorable to solar systems. By accounting for capital and operating costs of heating alternatives over a period of time, deemed to be the "life" of the systems, the relative economic merits of "paying for hardware" or "paying for energy" can be assessed. Thus, life-cycle costing methods have generally been used to make economic comparisons, although speculative assumptions for the rates of increase in energy prices, discount rates, costs for goods and services, property tax, and insurance must be used in the analysis. Credit is taken for income tax deductions allowable for property tax payments and mortgage (loan) interest payments. While life-cycle cost analysis is a fair method for 12-2 comparing solar and non-solar systems, consider annual cash flow differences between the two types of heating systems. Both methods are explained in this module. The economic principles in this module have been presented in sufficient detail for verification by financial specialists. Much of this material, such as the development of equations for discounted cash flow, need not be learned by the trainee. By following the examples in the work sheets and using the charts and tables in this module, calcula- tions are simplified. Solar heating practitioners concerned mainly with selecting and installing solar heating systems may seldom need economic information other than the costs of equipment and installation labor. Other material in this module can be, however, useful and important for those who are reponsible for making decisions and providing recommenda- tions on the most economical methods for the heating of buildings. FACTORS IN ANALYSES The total cost of a solar heating system, over its useful life, includes (1) capital and installation costs or mortgage payments on money borrowed to pay for the installed system, (2) fuel cost for the auxiliary unit, (3) operating and maintenance (0 and M) costs, and (4) income tax credits for initial investment and for annual interest and property tax payments. With a non-solar heating system the capital and and M costs are small but fuel costs are high (and rising steadily). A solar system has large capital costs, lower fuel costs, and non- negligible and M costs. A comparison is necessary to determine whether a solar system is economical compared to a non-solar system, and 12-3 the comparison is usually made for a selected number of years, which is estimated to be the "life" of a system. A life-cycle cost analysis is first explained followed by an annual cash-flow analysis. The yearly cash flow for a residential solar heating system is: Yearly cost _ Mortgage + Auxiliary + Property + Insurance (12-l'J with solar payment % fuel cost tax increase premium ^ * . Operating Maintenance _ Income tax savings for costs cost interest and taxes paid whereas for a non-solar system, Yearly cost _ Fuel + Operating and (\?-i\ for non-solar cost maintenance costs *■ ' In commercial buildings there are other factors such as depreciation of equipment and salvage value to be considered. The sum of the yearly cash flows over the "life" of the system can be construed as the life-cycle cost of the system, and the costs of the solar and non-solar systems can be compared over an equal life-time of n years, to determine which system would be more expensive. Cash flow calculations should include inflation, with fuel costs probably increas- ing more rapidly than costs of general goods and services (at least in the near-term). The use of different inflation factors for the items in Equation (12-1) or (12-2) in effect gives more weight to some cost items than to others, say fuel costs over mortgage payments as an example, particularly if mortgage payment is fixed and fuel cost rises. Because the sum of annual cash flows for both solar and non-solar systems would in effect add different value dollars each year as a consequence of inflation, a more appropriate economic comparison is made on the basis of present worth, which discounts future expenditures 12-4 to the value of first year dollars. Hence, when the present worth of future annual expenditure is computed, and these values are added, equivalent-value dollars are being considered. When the inflation and discount factors are taken into consideration in a life-cycle cost analysis, Equations (12-1) and (12-2) may be rewritten as follows: C T (solar) = (AC a )E 1 + C Q E o + C m E m + (l-F)Lc f E f (12-3) and C Tr (non-solar) = C E + C E + Lc.E. (12-4) IL ocomcm ff where A is the collector area, ft 2 , Cj is the total life-cycle cost of the solar system, $, Cj C is the total life-cycle cost of the non-solar system, $, C is the installed cost of the solar system per unit collector area, $/ft 2 , C is the first year operating cost for the solar system, $/yr, C is the first year operating cost for the non-solar system, oc $/yr, C is the first year maintenance cost for the solar system, m $/yr, c is the first year maintenance cost for the non-solar mc system, $/yr, ' c f is the first year fuel cost per unit of delivered heat, T $/MMBtu, E-, is an economic factor which accounts for downpayment, mortgage interest rate, insurance rate, property tax rate, income tax saving, inflation rate, and market discount rate, E is an economic factor which accounts for inflation rate of operating cost and market discount rate, E is an economic factor which accounts for inflation rate of maintenance cost and market discount rate, E f is an economic factor which accounts for fuel inflation rate and market discount rate, 12-5 F is the fraction of annual heat provided by the solar system, L is the annual heating load for the building, MMBtu. The economic factors, E , E , and E-: are the sums of annual o m f compounded inflation factors discounted annually to present worth. The present worth of the sum of an annuity over a life-time of n years inflated at a constant rate and discounted at a constant rate can be written as: P/X(d,r,n) = (1+d) " (1+r) for d 4 r (12-5) (l+d) n (d-r) and P/X(d,r,n) = n/(l+r) for d = r (12-6) where P is the present value of an annuity over n years, X is the first year cost, d is the discount rate, r is the inflation rate, n is the years of analysis or life of the system. The notation (d,r,n) after P/X indicates that the value of P/X refers to values of d, r, and n, placed in the appropriate terms in Equations (12-5) and (12-6). Tables of P/X values are provided in this module for an appropriate range of d, r, and n in Tables 12-1 through 12-6. The economic factors can now be expressed as: E Q = P/X(d,r Q ,n) years, (12-7) E m = p / x ( d >V n ) years ' (12 ' 8) E f = P/X(d,r f ,n) years. (12-9) The economic factor E-. is slightly more involved and is expressed as: 12-6 Table 12-1 Values of P/X (d, r, n) for Discount Rate of Percent Years Annual Rate of Increase 10 3 6 8 10 12 10.0 11.464 13.181 14.487 15.937 17.549 11 11.0 12.808 14.972 16.645 18.531 20.655 12 12.0 14.192 16.870 18.977 21.384 24.133 13 13.0 15.618 18.882 21.495 24.523 28.029 14 14.0 17.086 21.015 24.215 27.975 32.393 15 15.0 18.599 23.276 27.152 31.772 37.280 16 16.0 20.157 25.673 30.324 35.950 42.753 17 17.0 21.762 28.213 33.750 40.545 48.884 18 18.0 23.414 30. 906 37.450 45.599 55.750 19 19.0 25.117 33.760 41.446 51.159 63.440 20 20.0 26.870 36.786 45.762 57.275 72.052 21 21.0 28.676 39.993 50.423 64.002 81.669 22 22.0 30.537 43.392 55.457 71.403 92.503 23 23.0 32.453 46.996 60.893 79.543 104.603 24 24.0 34.426 50.816 66.765 88.497 188.155 25 25.0 36.459 54.865 73.106 98.347 133.334 26 26.0 38.553 59.156 79.954 109.182 150.334 27 27.0 40.710 63.706 87.351 121.100 169.374 28 28.0 42.931 68.528 95.339 134.210 190.699 29 29.0 45.219 73.640 103.966 148.631 214.583 30 30.0 47.575 79.058 113.283 164.494 241.333 12-7 Table 12-2 Values of P/X (d, r, n)_ for Discount Rate of 4 Percent Years ! Ar inual Rate of Increase 10 3 6 8 10 12 8.111 9.210 10.492 11.462 12.537 13.727 11 8.760 10.083 11.655 12.865 14.222 15.845 12 9.385 10.947 12.841 14.321 16.004 17.918 13 9.986 11.804 14.049 15.833 17.889 20.258 14 10.563 12.652 15.281 17.404 19.883 22.777 15 11.118 13.492 16.536 19.035 21.991 25.491 16 11.652 14.323 17.816 20.728 24.222 28.413 17 12.166 15.147 19.120 22.487 26.580 31.561 1 18 12.659 15.963 20.449 24.314 29.076 34.950 19 13.134 16.771 21.804 26.210 31.714 38.600 20 13.590 17.571 23.185 28.180 34.506 42.531 21 14.029 18.364 24.592 30.225 37.458 46.764 22 14.451 19.149 26.027 32.349 40.581 51.322 23 14.857 19.926 27.489 34.555 43.883 56.232 24 15.247 20.696 28.979 36.846 47.377 61.519 25 15.622 21.459 30.498 39.224 51.071 67.213 26 15.983 22.214 32.046 41.695 54.979 73.344 27 16.330 22.962 33.623 44.260 59.113 79.448 28 16.663 23.703 35.232 46.924 63.485 87.059 29 16.984 24.436 36.871 49.690 69.109 94.718 30 17.292 25.163 38.541 52.563 73.000 102.965 12-8 Table 12-3 Values of P/X (d s r, n) for Discount Rate of 6 Percent Years Annual Rate of Increase 10 3 6 8 10 12 7.360 8.319 9.434 10.277 11.208 12.238 11 7.887 9.027 10.377 11.414 12.575 13.874 12 8.384 9.715 11.321 12.573 13.993 15.603 13 8.853 10.383 12.264 13.753 15.464 17.430 14 9.295 11.033 13.208 14.956 16.991 19.360 15 9.712 11.664 14.151 16.182 18.575 21.399 16 10.106 12.277 15.094 17.430 20.220 23.553 17 10.477 12.873 16.038 18.703 21.926 25.83C 18 10.828 13.452 16.981 19.999 23.697 28.236 19 11.158 14.015 17.925 21.320 25.535 30.777 20 11.470 14.562 18.868 22.665 27.442 33.463 21 11.764 15.093 19.811 24.036 29.421 36.30C 22 12.042 15.609 20.755 25.433 31.474 39.298 23 12.303 16.111 21.698 26.857 33.605 42.466 24 12.550 16.598 22.642 28.307 35.817 45.813 25 12.783 17.072 23.585 29.784 38.112 49.35C 26 13.003 17.532 24.528 31.290 40.493 53.087 27 13.211 17.979 25.472 32.823 42.965 57.03E 28 13.406 18.414 26.415 34.386 45.530 61.207 29 13.591 18.836 27.358 35.978 48.191 65.615 30 13.765 19.246 28.302 37.601 50.953 70.272 12-9 Table 12-4 Values of P/X (d, r, n) for Discount Rate of 8 Percent Years Annual Rate of Increase ; 10 3 6 8 10 12 6.710 7.550 8.525 9.259 10.070 10.965 11 7.139 8.127 9.293 10.185 11.183 12.297 12 7.536 8.676 10.046 11.111 12.316 13.679 13 7.904 9.200 10.786 12.037 13.470 15.111 14 8.244 9.700 11.513 12.963 14.645 16.597 15 8.559 10.177 12.225 13.889 15.842 18.137 16 8.851 10.632 12.926 14.815 17.061 19.735 17 9.122 11.066 13.611 15.741 18.303 21.392 18 9.372 11.479 14.285 16.667 19.568 23.110 19 9.604 11.874 14.947 17.593 20.856 24.892 20 9.818 12.250 15.596 18.519 22.169 26.740 21 10.017 12.609 16.233 19.444 23.505 28.656 22 10.201 12.951 16.858 20.370 24.866 30.643 23 10.371 13.277 17.472 21.296 26.253 32.704 24 10.529 13.589 18.074 22.222 27.665 34.841 25 10.675 13.885 18.666 23.148 29.103 37.058 26 10.810 14.169 19.246 24.074 30.568 39.356 27 10.935 14.438 19.815 25.000 | 32.060 41.740 28 11.051 14.696 20.374 35.926 33.580 44.212 29 11.158 14.942 20.923 26.852 35.127 46.775 30 11.258 15.176 21.461 27.778 36.704 ! 49.433 12-10 Table 12-5 Values of P/X (d, r, n) for Discount Rate of 10 Percent Years Annual Rate of Increase 10 3 6 8 10 12 6.145 6.884 7.739 8.382 9.091 9.872 11 6.495 7.355 8.366 9.139 10.000 10.961 12 6.814 7.796 8.971 ; 9.882 10.909 12.069 13 7.103 8.209 9.554 10.611 11.818 13.197 14 7.367 8.596 10.116 11.377 12.727 14.346 15 7.606 8.958 10.657 12.030 13.636 15.516 16 7.824 9.297 11.179 12.721 14.545 16.708 17 8.022 9.614 11.681 13.399 15.455 17.920 18 8.201 9.911 12.166 14.064 16.365 ! 19.155 19 8.365 10.190 12.632 14.717 17.273 20.413 20 8.514 10.450 13.082 15.359 18.182 21.693 21 8.649 10.695 13.515 15.989 19.091 ! 22.997 22 8.772 10.923 13.933 16.607 20.000 24.324 23 8.883 11.137 14.335 17.214 20.909 25.675 24 8.985 11.337 14.723 17.810 21.818 27.051 25 9.077 11.525 15.097 18.396 22.727 28.452 26 9.161 11.701 15.457 18.970 23.636 29.878 27 9.237 11.865 15.804 19.534 24.545 31.331 28 9.307 12.019 16.138 20.088 25.455 32.809 29 9.370 12.613 16.461 20.632 26.364 34.315 30 9.427 12.299 16.771 21.166 27.273 35.848 12-11 Table 12-6 Values of P/X (d, r, n) for Discount Rate of 12 Percent Years Annual Rate of Increase 10 3 6 8 10 12 5.650 6.303 7.057 7.822 8.244 8.929 11 5,938 6.690 7.571 8.243 8.990 9.821 12 6.194 7.045 8.059 8.841 9.722 10.714 13 6.424 7.372 8.520 9.418 10.441 11.607 14 6.628 7.672 8.956 9.975 11.148 12.500 15 6.811 7.949 9.369 10.511 11.842 13.393 16 6.974 8.203 9.760 11.029 12.523 14.286 17 7.120 8.436 10.130 11.528 13.192 15.179 18 7.250 8.651 10.480 12.009 13.850 16.071 19 7.366 8.849 10.812 12.473 14.495 16.964 20 7.469 9.031 11.125 12.920 15.129 17.857 21 7.562 9.198 11.422 13.352 15.752 18.758 22 7.645 9.352 11.703 13.768 16.363 19.643 23 7.718 9.493 11.969 14.169 16.964 20.536 24 7.784 9.623 12.221 14.556 17.554 21.429 25 7.843 9.743 12.459 14.929 18.133 22.321 26 7.896 9.853 12.684 15.288 18.702 23.214 27 7.943 9.954 12.898 15.635 19.261 24.107 28 7.984 10.047 13.100 15.970 19.810 25.00 29 8.022 10.132 13.291 16.292 20.349 25.893 30 8.055 10.211 13.472 16.603 20.879 26.786 12-12 E 1 = a + [(1 - t)p + h)]P/X(d,g,n) + (1 - ofUri - t) P/ ! X (d,0,m) m P/X (d,i,m )-. ( 12 - 1Q \ U aJLU tJ P/X (i,0, m) Ct; P/X (0,i,m) J U ^ 1U; where a is the downpayment rate in the terms of the loan, and fixed mortgage payment is assumed, t is the effective income tax rate of the owner, p is the property tax rate based on initial capital cost (first year market value), h is the insurance premium rate, g is the inflation rate for general cost of goods and services (general inflation rate), i is the interest rate of the loan, m is the term (years) of the loan. Values of P/X (a,b,c) may be determined from Tables 12-1 through 12-6 by referring to the appropriate values in the tables as indicated by the terms in the parentheses following P/X. For example, P/X (d,0,m) may be determined by consulting the appropriate discount rate d, rate of annual increase 0, (zero), and years m. EXAMPLE 12-1 Determine the economic factors for costs of operation, maintenance, and fuel, E , E , and E^, if the annual rate of increase for operating o m f cost, r , is 10 percent, annual rate of increase for maintenance, r , is * o r m 6 percent, annual rate of increase for fuel, r f , is 12 percent, and the discount rate is 8 percent for a life span of 20 years. Solution: E Q = P/X (8,10,20) = 22.169 (from Table 12-4) E m = P/X (8,6,20) = 15.596 (from Table 12-4) E f = P/X (8,12,20) = 26.740 (from Table 12-4) 12-13 EXAMPLE 12-2 Determine the economic factor for interest, insurance, taxes, and other costs, E-, , if the terms of the loan are m = 25 years, i = 10 percent, and a = 20 percent downpayment. The property tax rate, p, is 3 percent and insurance rate, h, is 0.3 percent of market value, general inflation, g, is 6 percent, and the effective income tax rate is 35 percent. The market discount rate, d, is 8 percent. Solution: For Equation (12-10), find appropriate P/X values from the tables. P/X (d,g,n) = P/X (8,6,20) = 15.596 P/X (d,0,m) = P/X (8,0,25) = 10.675 P/X (i,0,m) = P/X (10,0,25) = 9.077 P/X (d,i,m) = P/X (8,10,35) = 29.103 P/X (0,i, m) = P/X (0,10,25) = 98.347 a = 0.20 t = 0.35 p = 0.03 h = 0.003 Thus, E 1 = 0.20 + [(l-.35)(0.03)+0.003](15.596) + (l-0.2)[(l-.35) 1§$7 + (0 - 35) 9XW ] E 1 = 1.245 (ans) EXAMPLE 12-3 Determine the present values of life-cycle costs of a solar system, a non-solar system and the savings with a solar system, given the following information: 12-14 A = 500 ft 2 r = 6% m C = 26 $/ft 2 a r f = 12% C = 87 $/yr o J m = 25 years C oc = 20 $/yr i = 10% C = 100 $/yr a = 20% down C mc = 10 $/yr p = 3% of market value F = 0.68 h = 0.3% of market value c f = 10.25 R/MMBtu g = 6% L = 130 MMBtu t = 35% r = 10% d = 8% Solution: The equation to apply for the solar system is Equation (12-13). From Example 12-1, E = 22.169, E m = 15.596, E f = 26.740. From Example 12-2, E-, = 1.245 Therefore, C T = (500)(26)(1.245) + (87)(22.169) + (100)(15. 596) + (1 - .68)(130)(10. 25X26.740) C-p = $31,075 present value (total cost) over 20 years of life The equation to apply to the non-solar system is Equation (12-4) C K = (20X22.169) + (20)(15.596) + (130)(10.25)(26.740) C TC = $36,230 present value (total cost) over 20 years of life The cost of the non-solar is clearly larger than the cost of the solar system. The difference, or savings realizable with the solar system, is: 12-15 Present value = c . - = 36 230 . 31 75 = $5155 of savings TC T ' ' While in Example 12-3 the present values of the total costs for systems and life time savings are determinable, the calculations are restricted to fixed annual increases, fixed discount rates, fixed property tax and insurance rates, and fixed income tax rates for the owner. These rates are, of course, uncertain in future years and highly variable. If variable rates are to be applied, a detailed year-by-year analysis of cash flow and present worth discounting must be carried out, using the basic form of Equations (12-1) and (12-2). Annual cash flows are calculated for a system and the annual cost may be discounted to present value. The cost in a future year may be discounted to present worth by multiplying the cost by the present worth factor, P, in: P = — i- - (12-11) (l+d) q where q is any year in the analysis period from 1 to n d is the market discount rate Values of P for practical ranges of d and q are tabulated in Table 12-7. ENERGY COSTS The conversion of unit costs of energy to dollars per million Btu ($/MMBtu) with various furnace efficiencies is shown in Figure 12-1 for natural gas, propane, and No. 2 fuel oil. The conversion of electrical energy costs to dollars per million Btu for resistance heating and heat 12-16 Table 12-7 Present Worth Factors CP) (use for Worksheet LCA-4) Discount Rate Year of Analysis 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 .943 .935 .926 .917 .909 .901 .893 .885 .877 .870 .862 2 .890 .873 .857 .842 .826 .812 .797 .783 .769 .756 .743 3 .840 .816 .794 .772 .751 .731 .712 .693 .675 .658 .641 4 .792 .763 .735 .708 .683 .659 .636 .613 .592 .572 .552 5 .747 .713 .681 .650 .621 .593 .567 .543 .519 .497 .476 6 .705 .666 .630 .596 .564 .535 .507 .480 .456 .432 .410 7 .665 .623 .583 .547 .513 .482 .452 .425 .400 .376 .354 8 .627 .582 .540 .502 .467 .434 .404 .376 .351 .327 .305 9 .592 .544 .500 .460 .424 .391 .361 .333 .308 .284 .263 10 .558 .508 .463 .422 .386 .352 .322 .295 .270 .247 .227 11 .527 .475 .429 .388 .350 .317 .287 .261 .237 .215 .195 12 .497 .444 .397 .356 .319 .286 .257 .231 .208 .187 .168 13 .469 .415 .368 .326 .290 .258 .229 .204 .182 .163 .145 14 .442 .388 .340 .299 .263 .232 .205 .181 .160 .141 .125 15 .417 .362 .315 .275 .239 .209 .183 .160 .140 .123 .108 16 .394 .339 .292 .252 .218 .188 .163 .141 .123 .107 .093 17 .371 .317 .270 .231 .198 .170 .146 .125 .108 .093 .080 18 .350 .296 .250 .212 .180 .153 .130 .111 .095 .081 .069 19 .331 .277 .232 .194 .164 .138 .116 .098 .083 .070 .060 20 .312 .258 .215 .178 .149 .124 .104 .087 .073 .061 .051 21 .294 .242 .199 .164 .135 .112 .093 .077 .064 .053 .044 22 .278 .226 .184 .150 .123 .101 .083 .068 .056 .046 .038 23 .262 .211 .170 .138 .112 .091 .074 .060 .049 .040 .033 24 .247 .197 .158 .126 .102 .082 .066 .053 .043 .035 .028 25 .233 .184 .146 .116 .092 .074 .059 .047 .038 .030 .024 12-17 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I.I 1.2 Dollars/Energy Unit Natural Gas- Price/100 ft 3 #2 Fuel Oil-Price/gallon Propane -Price /gal Ion Figure 12-1. Energy Cost per Million Btu for Natural Gas, Propane, and No. 2 Fuel Oil 12-18 5 6 7 8 9 Electricity 4/kWh Figure 12-2. Energy Cost per Million Btu for Electricity 12-19 pumps with various coefficients of performance is shown in Figure 12-2. To determine the cost per million Btu of heat generated from furnaces, electric resistance heaters, or heat pumps, follow the unit cost of energy, found on the horizontal axis of the graphs, vertically to the appropriate line on the graph and read the cost in dollars along the vertical axis. For example, if No. 2 fuel oil cost is one dollar per gallon, and the furnace efficiency is 60 percent, the energy cost is $12.00/MMBtu or $1.20 per therm. If the furnace is more efficient, say 70 percent, the energy cost is $10.29 MMBtu. Similarly, if electricity cost is five cents per kilowatt-hour ( IB £ O k- w o m 0. 17 >N CD C o 0. 16 IS c o 0. 15 h_ o o u Ll_ 0. 14 ^_ c £ 0. 13 >» o Q. WORKSHEET LCA-2 Worksheet LCA-2 outlines step-by-step procedure for calculating life-cycle costs of both the solar and non-solar systems. The economic factors, E values, are determined from Tables 12-1 through 12-6. 12-41 Worksheet LCA-1 Sheet 1 of 2 DATA SHEET FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Project Building Data 1. Annual space heating load 2. Annual DHW heating load 3. Total H and DHW load (add lines 1 & 2) Economic Data 11. C , installed cost of solar system per unit area 12. r^, estimated auxiliary fuel inflation rate 13. r , r , estimated electric energy inflation 14. g, r , estimated general inflation m rate 15. p, property tax rate (based on market value) 16. h, insurance premium rate 17. Federal income tax rate for owner 18. State income tax rate for owner 19. t, effective income tax rate {i.e., (line 17) + (line 18) - [2 x (line 17) x (line 18)]} 20. d, market discount rate MMBtu/yr MMBtu/yr MMBtu/yr Solar System Data 4. Collector area ft2 5. Fraction of annual heating load supplied from solar decimal Energy Prices 6. c , current energy cost for electrici e (use Figure 12-2) 0,m) 1 .. r (l-line 19) x (line 38) -, **• u l;l P/X (i,0,m) J "' L line 41 J 44. Add line 42 and line 43 45. 1 - a (1 - line 9) 46. Multiply: line 44 x line 45 47. (l-t)(p) + h (1 - line 19)(line 15) + (line 16) 48. Multiply: line 47 x line 37 49. E-,^ = (line 9) + (line 48) + (line 46) P/X (d,r o ,n) (see 12-1 through 12-6) P/X (d,r m ,n) i through 12-6) 50. E Q = P/X (d,r Q ,n) (see Tables 51. E m = P/X (d,r ,n) (see Tables 12-1 m m 12-44 Worksheet LCA-2 Sheet 2 of 2 52. E f = P/X (d,r f ,n) (See Tables 12-1 through 12-6) 53. (A)(C XE-.) = (line 34 x line 11 x line 49) $ a J. 54. C E n = (line 29 x line 50) $ oo 55. C E = (line 30 x line 51) $ mm 56. (l-F)(L)(c f )(E f ) = ( )( )( )( ) (1 - line 36) x line 35 x line 7 x line 52 57. C T = line 53 + line 54 + line 55 + line 56 - line 22 Total Cost for Non-Solar System 58. C E = line 32 x line 50 $ OC 59. Lc fc E f = line 35 x line 7 x line 52 $ (maintenance cost neglected) 60. C TC = line 58 + line 59 $ Present Value of Life-Cycle Cost Savings With Solar System 61. Savings = (line 60 - line 57) 12-45 WORKSHEET LCA-3 In Worksheet LCA-3, column [1] is the year into the future for which the analysis may be made. Column [2] is the annual mortgage payment (see Worksheet LCA-1, line 25). If the mortgage payment is a fixed annual amount, the payment for all future years would be the same as the first year. Column [3] is the fraction of the mortgage payment which is paid as interest. The fraction decreases with increasing years and may be determined from Tables 12-14 through 12-18 for the particular interest rate and term of the mortgage. Column [4] is the portion of the mortgage which is paid as interest and is the product of column [2] times column [3]. Column [5] is auxiliary fuel cost. Because fuel cost is expected to increase, the first year fuel cost should be increased in subsequent years. The first year fuel cost is the amount on line 26, Worksheet LCA-1. The second year fuel cost is determined by multiplying the first year cost by (1 + r f ), (for r f see line 12 of Worksheet LCA-1). For example, if the first year fuel cost is $400 and the fuel inflation rate is 15 percent, the second year cost is ($400 x 1.15 -) $460. The fuel cost for each succeeding year is determined by multiplying the previous year by (1 + fuel inflation rate). Note that the inflation rate may be changed for any year in the period of analysis. Column [6] is the annual property tax. The first year tax is calculated on line 27 on Worksheet LCA-1 and succeeding years can be escalated by the general inflation rate, g. Column [7] is the annual insurance premium, which is determined on line 28 of Worksheet LCA-1 for the first year. Succeeding years may be 12-46 increased by a fixed or variable rate as desired. If no other guideline is available, insurance rates may be assumed to increase at the assumed general inflation rate. Column [8] is the annual operating cost. The first year cost is estimated on line 29 of Worksheet LCA-1. Costs for succeeding years may be increased according to the fuel (electric) inflation rate. Column [9] is the annual maintenance cost. The first year cost is on line 30 of LCA-1. Maintenance costs may be increased annually according to general inflation rates of items of replacement, such as motorized valves, pumps, or domestic hot water tanks. Such costs may be added in the future year when replacement is expected. Column [10] is the income tax savings calculated by the product of the effective tax rate (on line 19 of Worksheet LCA-1) and the sum of annual interest paid, in column [4], plus property taxes, column [6]. Column [11] is the annual expense of solar system and is determined by: Column [2] + column [5] + column [6] + column [7] + column [8] + column [9] - column [10]. The first year cash flow is calculated by adding the down payment and subtracting the Federal tax credit. 12-47 co >- o 1— —J CO U_ O o =c CO lu <; —I o o >- c_> I v*v* *o- +-> 4-> C X to CD 03 O E I— O >> ro ■ — +-> EEL (O-r cd s- -o +-> C CD CD W JUi- >iO dJU CO Q Li- ra CM O +-> CD 4- "O -a 03 CD O E 03 O I +» CO O -^ l. (O s. O S- o +-> 4- 3 a CD S- CD i— 03 CD ■ — r — to O O C_> CO 03 aj ro E E E ■r- •!"■ *r- o u o CD CD CD o CD •i — CD +J +-> 4-> 03 03 03 S_ 4^ s- -l-> C c: CO •i — o CD •r— S- i — +-> CD CD 03 +J ~5 i — C 4- 4_ •r— C >> •1 — CD S_ en 03 1 — 03 •i — 03 en i— S- +-> •j — CD i_ X C O 3 CI) s: 03 CD •<- i— CL 2 O X CO CO CD en E X c O 03 ■r— U I— > c 03 »— i CO CD O c 03 +-> c CO CD o 4-> O co 03 Cn C +-> +-> 03 CO S- O CD O Q. O CD O 03 i_ CO >> +-> S- CD X O- 03 O I— S- D_ >> S- D_ *- CD O O) 03 • O) CO U-P (O 03 S- S- O CD i — Cn+J (O (O c ^ en CD c +-> E ■=C O 03 s- 03 CD CXI co CO oo co r-» co en •r- i— i ro sr i — t— • i c +-> r- ■=£ CI) CU14J •r- CD OJ C •r- 1 1 C TT 3 _l ai .— CD i. S- X -r- S_ X I — TO ■ — ro c: i — i (L) CU ^ ( r^ O) >1 + j CU >> +-> 3 I — 1 OJ CO CL) {/) . — -7 -!-> 3 CO 4-> i- OO +J C + U3 o 3 rtl O 3 rO 1 1 > U 4- CU >>■—! + !- U c- -o ■=>- rn <- on ro re oo i — ii — 1 IL> rO J >> O >, O C : 1 I) "O •r- E ■M C > +-> c > => + l/> O CU 00 O CU t— S_ o $_ s- u I- o I — ■r- -^l — cu cu )JC c o >. 4-> >> -!-> M-PE u 00 t-H OO »— 1 Q. 3 u- CD O 1 111 O 1 ■=1- •— s_ o ■« •_ O CC CU r-H O +-> 3 <-J 3 0J ai i u 00 4-> S 1 -l-> ! 1 fO CXI o 3 <0 3 ro CJ) ^-1 X o M- cu - 4- aj * -t-> >,r^ >,aD i- OO 1 — 1 L. D CM TJ CSJ O CU C\J m C" 00 C oo E i — i — i CU ra 3 a. (O 3 CU -O >i o c O C 1— ro C X) I ) IO r- E -OJ c > 1 — c- > r— 3 3 00 o ai n CU C CU r— s- o s- a. o C- CU C CU O -I— cu CL cu CI Co cu L^ OO • — oo oo • — O0 1 — II — 1 — 1 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 CNJ oo ^t ir> VO r^. 12-48 WORKSHEET LCA-4 Worksheet LCA-4 is used to compare life-cycle and cash-flow analyses for solar and non-solar systems. Column [1] is the year of analysis. Column [2] is the total fuel and operating cost for the non-solar system. The first year cost is the total of lines 31 and 32 on Work- sheet LCA-1. The costs in succeeding years are determined by multiply- ing the cost of fuel for the previous year (1 + r f ) and the cost for operation for the previous year by (1 + r ). Column [3] is the cumulative annual cash flow for the non-solar system. Column [4] is the present worth factor, determined from Table 12-7. Column [5] is the present worth of the annual cost for a non-solar system. Column [6] is the annual cost of the solar system, transferred from column [11] of Worksheet LCA-3. Column [7] is the cumulative annual cash flow for the solar system. Column [8] is the present value of the annual cost of the solar system determined by multiplying column [6] by column [4]. Column [9] is the present worth of savings with a solar system and is determined by column [5] - column [8]. Column [10 is the cumulative present worth of savings with a solar system and is the running sum of column [9]. Column [11] is the cumulative savings in cash flow and is determined by column [3] - column [7]. 12-49 c_> 4-> CU CU JZ to o CO c£ - O o z: i ct i-i o CO o 1 — 1 I— 1 I— 1 1 1 LU 1— CO >- co cc «=c _J o CO (O CU S- ■=c S- o +-> u CU o o Cumulative Savings (cash flow) -1 1 — 1 o I— 1 1 1 Cumulative Present Worth of Savings 1 — 1 l l Present 1 Present Worth of j Worth Annual of Cost i Savings l — I 00 1 1 1 — 1 i i Cumulative Expenses i — i to i i Expense with Solar System i — i LO 1 1 2: UJ S— CO >- CO < _] i o CO 1 1 z o 2: i j II -o Present Worth of Annual Cost 1 1 i i Present Worth Factor i — oo 1 Cumulative Expenses 1 — CM I Fuel plus Operating Expenses 1 — r— 1 i- I CU J >- i — ex. cc ■5* LT l£ r^ oc CP T— I— 1— 1 CM «— I— 1 I— LT i— tc r— |t— cc 1— ! c CM o _J •i — 4- as O <^ C\J c: co •i — -a ,_ c CU <0 3 4- 1— J co + to i— 4 a» ^—*" c • . •I — t/> X 1 — 1 r " fO - — »l — 1 1 1 -o CM ■a >l tO L_J c fO o E cu U E 3 #\ i. E i — 4-> 3 S_ 3 O to +-> A3 i— r-s o o 3 CU o i a 4- >)OW X r— 1 s_ t V) CU — 1 CU c\ CU res O rtJ r— 1 1 >> •r- r— -Q "O > 3 rd c 4-> c (D EH E to o S- 3 3 0 ^> ' a* (^ f N f P/X (d,0,m)i ... r (l-line 19) x (line 38) -, 43 - (1 " t)L P/X (i,0,m) J " L line 41 J 44. Add line 42 and line 43 Q t 73] 45. 1 - a (1 - line 9) j] , % 46. Multiply: line 44 x line 45 Q x SlLSL 47. (l-t)(p) + h A ,^ c (1 - line 19)(line 15) + (line 16) Oj Q32z> 48. Multiply: line 47 x line 37 fl. 3 \^ 49. E 2 = (line 9) + (line 48) + (line 46) | t [()/\- 50. E Q = P/X (d,r ,n) (see Tables 12-1 through 12-6) %% , (j 5 £ P/X (d,r ,n) (see Tables 12-1 through 12-6) \ V , \k 12-54 Worksheet LCA-2 Sheet 2 of 2 52. E f = P/X (d,r f ,n) (See Tables 12-1 through 12-6) 53. (A)(C a )(E 1 ) = (line 34 x line 11 x line 49) 54. C o E Q = (line 29 x line 50) 55. C E = (line 30 x line 51) mm 56. (l-F)(L)(c f )(E f ) = (.33)( ^.3 )(l3.o^(jg.^ I 4,-333 $ (1 - line 36) x line 35 x line 7 x line 52 57. C T = line 53 + line 54 + line 55 + line 56 - line 22 A-OC'f $ SAlAt iiL^lg $ Total Cost for Non-Solar System 58. C rt E = line 32 x line 50 OC 59. Lc f Ex = line 35 x line 7 x line 52 (maintenance cost neglected) 60. C JC = line 58 + line 59 Present Value of Life-Cycle Cost Savings With Solar System 61. Savings = (line 60 - line 57) 5~4-4- $ 44; 44 3$ ±£JkLl$ 12-55 EXAMPLE 12-5 Determine the life-cycle cost over 20 years of an air-heating solar space and water-heating system with 400 square feet of collectors. Calculate both the cumulative savings in cash flow and present worth of cumulative savings over the 20 years. Assume the following: 1. F, annual solar fraction is 0.50. 2. Parasitic energy requirement is 7.5 percent of the solar energy collected to store and distribute the heat. 3. c , current electrical energy cost is 5$/kWh. 4. A 30-year loan at 10 percent is obtainable with 10 percent down-payment. 5. Cost of the solar system is $17.25/ft 2 for collector-related costs plus $7805 for costs not related to collector area. In terms of collector area, the cost is [17.25 + (7805/400)] = $36.76/ft2. 6. r f , full inflation rate will vary, and let us assume a 40 percent increase over the next 2 years, dropping to 25 percent for the following 2 years, 15 percent for the following 4 years, and 8 percent for the balance of the years to 20 years. 7. g, general inflation rate will be affected by the fuel inflation rate and will tend to follow its pattern. Assume 12 percent for 2 years, 10 percent for the next 2 years, 8 percent for the following 4 years, and 6 percent for the balance of the years. 8. Homeowner's insurance is available for a premium of 0.3 percent of insured value for the first year (use system cost) and will increase according to the general inflation rate. 9. Property tax for the first year is 3 percent of market value and will increase steadily at 7 percent per year. 10. The owner's Federal income tax rate is 25 percent now but will increase to 45 percent over the 20 years of analysis. Assume a linear rate of increase, i.e. one percent per year. There is no state income tax. 11. Maintenance cost will be $100 per year for the first 5 years, which will increase to $150 for the following 5 years. In the 11th year there will be a motor replacement necessary which will cost $300, but thereafter the maintenance cost remains at $150/yr. 12-56 12. Assume a steady market discount rate of 10 percent over the 20-year period. The annual cash flow for the solar system is calculated on Worksheet LCA-3. If the inflation scenario is realistic, the cost for heating the building in the year 2000 can be 12 times larger than present for the conventional heating system and 4 to 5 times larger with the solar plus auxiliary system. According to the calculations, by the third year, the cost of heating with the solar plus auxiliary system is about the same as heat- ing with auxiliary alone and with the solar system there is a 50 percent reduction in consumption of fuel oil. This observation is borne out in the calculations shown on Worksheet LCA-4, where cumulative present worth of savings over twenty years is calculated, and for comparison, cumulative savings of annual cash flow are also shown. The cumulative savings of cash flow is not a realistic value because, although "dollar" savings are added each year to determine the total savings, the value of the dollar changes each year because of inflation. The cumulative present worth column sums devalued dollars, and provided a realistic economic scenario has been applied, the owner of this solar house can expect to save a significant amount of money each year beyond the third year by installing the solar system. At the same time, consumption of heating fuel is reduced by about one-half. 12-57 Worksheet LCA-1 Sheet 1 of 2 DATA SHEET FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Project So (\r 11 Building Data 1. Annual space heating load 2. Annual DHW heating load 3. Total H and DHW load (add lines 1 & 2) Solar System Data 4. Collector area 5. Fraction of annual heating load supplied from solar Energy Prices 6. c , current energy cost for electricity (use Figure 12- 2) _ff_5 $ /MMBtu M • CO $/MMBtu 3>0 yrs Q< \Q d eci ma 1 flAO d ecimal M(XV\ #3 % \} % 4O3 d ecimal « 2> d ecimal fi,2,t>~ d ecimal Q d ecimal Q 1 2 5 d e c i ma 1 OilO d ecimal 12-58 Worksheet LCA-1 Sheet 2 of 2 Solar System Cost Items 21. Installed cost (line 4 x line 11) 22. Federal tax credit for solar (40% of first $10,000 of system cost) 23. Downpayment (line 21 x line 9} 24. Amount of loan (line 21 - line 23) 25. Annual mortgage payment (multiply line 24 by annual mortgage rate from Figure 12-41 C 26. C f , first year cost of auxiliary heating T (line 3 x (1-line 5) x line 7) 27. First year property tax (line 21 x line 15). 28. First year insurance premium (line 21 x line 16) 29. C , first year cost of operating the solar system (line 3 x (a value between .05 and .10) x line 6 ) 30. C , first year maintenance cost m (estimate) 4,Oq6 $ IA1Q $ \Ao3 $ /yr "7 7£ $ /yr Non-Solar System Cost Items 31. C» , first year cost of fuel for non- solar system (line 3 x line 7) 32. C , first year cost of operating non-solar system (line 3 x .01 x line 6) ¥\r\ _$/yr 44- J/yr 5^L_$/yr J/yr too \tt2~ .$/yr 11 $/yr 12-59 co I— I CO o I— —I co lo- co o n: CO lu c_> >- CO t LU It Q IN -40 *0 +-> +-> E X >> f0 r— +-> >> O d) O CO Q L±- <0 ^r fl fl it) o a o cu e o 4-> fO c c tO •!— O -i- S_ i— +J 3 r— CM-f- •l- E a> s- DlrOr- fO •<— »o 0)i— s- +■> -r- CU s- x e O 3 00 CO LO CM a> E 4-> A3 CU 'i- t— Q- S O X CO LU CO CO e o +j r— CU CO •r- 3 O X U_ O < +-> CO cu x> S- -r- O CD to ra cu • en co s_ O 4-> ra CU 1X3 S- +J S- O E i — en+-> ra ra E 3 0)0) E +J E E S- >> < O 18 s: o_ i- cu a C\J & "sT^ w or 5 * Oo CT> <3-"V be H fr£ ^c ^ ^r^ H OC O- be ,0 vVVrf ^V> '-T rT ^^ C«Ti ^ o oo =■«* .0 ^c^v- A^r rn bc|^ CD OC^ Ci,Ct a o (Yp o r0 <5" C ~3 o rt CO «5> rt fcte >= ^0 c^i r\ en l — I JH n3 M- I CD 3 to C t-H co i— t— i I C +J CI J c ) C ■!- 1 1 C ■n _j _ i cu ■ — cu en + i= c X >, 0^ + c. i + 1 1 13 s_ C\J ,_, ft ^ 00 Q. cu n 'H a> -lO C r C 00 zz ul u— i + 3 3 4- X C X o c 10 (B c i — i-a l 01 >1 +J 31 IT3 > OJ C/l 01 l/li — "O v) CU C5 (>n ai O O + fO +-> '_ o i. U CJ i.+ lD L aj i ) J ro O 3 03 1 ' 03 c <_> M~ ai o i+- CU CU — ' L XJ i_ C) <3- -i-j (0 ^ ^ m t. co i — ^i — 1 +-> (JJ r0 j CI J td =j un ^n Tl >1 o >l O C ! ' S- (1! ■i.) Tl •^ E -r- '_ +J C > +-> c > 3 + 4_ (J V) c> ai ut o CU r— S- U L. V I > S- Ol — s_ X 0J U- aj Q-<_) C\J O m Li_ C/) U_ w, ^— "-— M 1 u_ ■M C T— •— _i co ■■- rj c-H I— «t- +-» crx — ic_J to c: zj ro _j s- x •o +-> E s- -3 <+- cu o i o o i ■3-i— s-o-a:s_o s_ . O 3 « X O <4- cu O CU CNJ ro C 00 ~3 CU H3 Z> CU , o c: o c -o •>- -r- -a -I- -r- -3 oo O CU C CU i — t- CJ C O) O -i- cu < onou-oo — CNJ ro ^r LO CU O V. cu Q. CU CU CL CU U~l LT> C/3 12-60 i o -t-J OJ - nz _i l— <: cc ■z. o CO -ZL O UJ o oo LU LU CC _1 O- C_> >- Q O Z I < LU U- 3 >-> o 00 cr> co co >- OO cc o CO its o CO i — CX>4- e 3 OO O > to o ro CD J. s_ o OJ o o 0) > 4- •r- -!-> O +-> E ZJ cu s_ E £- O 3Q-3W c jz (L) 4-> l/l S- 4- t- CU O O > J- 3 ■4-> E O X- c o o< UD l-n CO OO >- oo CC to e o» cu i/> E E -E S- CU cu +j , -U OO CO 4- 4-> O r— E (O +-> CU -E Z3 to 4-> E O CU S_ E C_> s- o< O- 3 V^ In «n e -e o CU ■)-> +J l/> S_ CJ CU O A3 S- 3 Lu 1^- Or to cu to E CU CL X to CD (/) 3 c u •!— tO Q.+J E rO CU ■— S- CL CU CU X =3 Q.LU U- O nT 1 ^ eh _.Q a Vn — crl r d be -3 to ^o s- CU >- CXI tC vie n^ Q — no r^ n ^, to >3 Q «->=*- CO co o ivS^-tjo C ^ 3* cl 4- vDrri <-3 — «0 Q O v^^- ^>T\^ — co cr> ^^ ^ fO -i 1 !! _ £ ro « V w «N I CX3 ftO CO - nSiC rt CV«v 6c|<3- CTrA OS rO n^S \o—^r ~C *r ry ■QQ^rsl ^o c% ^■v^r- r4^ ro ^^^ cl ^a n ^■t^vr > ^ ^ CO NT" iol to cr> o |C\J CU 4-> 4- (O O t— M- OJ E CO -i- T3 ■— E CU «C 13 M- i— I ro + to i— 1 CU E •• •p- to X I — I r— 5- CM "O >> tO 1 — 1 E re O E CU O E 3 "J- E r— +-> 3 $- 3 o to +-> > O CNJ 5 t— i LT3 U) i — i (O E 3 +-> CU CM ci ie o io i — 1 1 >> i-i- -O -O > Z3 Worksheet LCA-1 Sheet 1 of 2 DATA SHEET FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Project Building Data 1. Annual space heating load 2. Annual DHW heating load 3. Total H and DHW load (add lines 1 & 2) Solar System Data 4. Collector area 5. Fraction of annual heating load supplied from solar Energy Prices 6. 7. c , current energy cost for electricity (use Figure 12-2) cVkWh c f , c f , current cost of fuel TC (use Figure 12-1 or 12-2) Terms of Loan 8. m, term of the loan for solar system 9. a, downpayment % 10. i, interest rate on loan % Economic Data 11. C , installed cost of solar system per unit area 12. r f , estimated auxiliary fuel inflation rate 13. r , r , estimated electric energy inflation 14. g, r , estimated general inflation m rate 15. p, property tax rate (based on market value) 16. h, insurance premium rate 17. Federal income tax rate for owner 18. State income tax rate for owner 19. t s effective income tax rate {i.e., (line 17) + (line 18) - [2 x (line 17) x (line 18)]} _MMBtu/yr _MMBtu/yr MMBtu/yr ft 2 decimal _$/MMBtu $/MMBtu _yrs _decimal decimal $/ft : decimal decimal decimal decimal 20. d, market discount rate decimal decimal Worksheet LCA-1 Sheet 2 of 2 Solar System Cost Items 21. Installed cost (line 4 x line 11) $ 22. Federal tax credit for solar (40% of first $10,000 of system cost) $ 23. Downpayment (line 21 x line 9) $ 24. Amount of loan (line 21 - line 23) $ 25. Annual mortgage payment (multiply line 24 by annual mortgage rate from Figure 12-4) $/yr 26. C f , first year cost of auxiliary heating (line 3 x (1-line 5) x line 7) $/yr 27. First year property tax (line 21 x line 15) Myr 28. First year insurance premium (line 21 x line 16) $/yr 29. C , first year cost of operating the solar system (line 3 x (a value between .05 and .10) x line 6) $/yr 30. C , first year maintenance cost (estimate) $/yr Non-Solar System Cost Items 31. Cc , first year cost of fuel for non- solar system [line 3 x line 7) $/yr 32. C , first year cost of operating non-solar system (line 3 x .01 x line 6) $/yr Worksheet LCA-2 Sheet 1 of 2 LIFE-CYCLE COST ANALYSIS Total Cost for Solar System 33. n, total years of analysis 34. A, collector area (line 4 of LCA-1) 35. L, annual heat load (line 3 of LCA-1) 36. F, fraction of annual heat provided by the solar system (line 5 of LCA-1) 37. P/X (d.g.n) through 12-6 38. P/X (d,0,m) through 12-6 39. P/X (i,0,m) through 12-6 40. P/X (d,i,m) through 12-6 41. P/X (0,i,m) through 12-6 See Tables 12-1 See Tables 12-1 See Tables 12-1 See Tables 12-1 see Tables 12-1 ne 40 _yrs ft 2 MMBtu decimal Ao / + \ r P/X (d,i,m) -i . / line 19 x lii **' ^ JL P/X (0,i,m) J " l line 41 /l-5 m + N[- P/X (d,0,m)- | .. r ( l-line 19) x (line 38) -, 43 - u " t)L p/x (i,o,m) J - L mrtvi J 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Add line 42 and line 43 1 - a (1 - line 9) Multiply: line 44 x line 45 (l-t)(p) + h (1 - line 19)(line 15) + (line 16) Multiply: line 47 x line 37 E, = (line 9) + (line 48) + (line 46) E o = P/X ( d >V n) (see Tables 12-1 through 12-6) E m = P/X (d,r ,n) (see Tables 12-1 m m through 12-6) Worksheet LCA-2 Sheet 2 of 2 52. E f = P/X (d,r f ,n) (See Tables 12-1 through 12-6) 53 . (A)(CJ(E 1 ) = (line 34 x line 11 x line 49) 54. C E Q = (line 29 x line 50) _____ 55. C E = (line 30 x line 51) mm 56. (l-F)(L)(c f )(E f ) = ( )( )( )( ) (1 - line 36) x line 35 x line 7 x line 52 57. C T = line 53 + line 54 + line 55 + line 56 - line 22 Total Cost for Non-Solar System 58. C,E = line 32 x line 50 OC 59. Lc f E f = line 35 x line 7 x line 52 1 (maintenance cost neglected) 60. C JC = line 58 + line 59 Present Value of Life-Cycle Cost Savings With Solar System 61. Savings = (line 60 - line 57) CD 00 _cr S- c -M to c X 01 cu TO O E h- CJ> >> to ^— +-> E D TO •1 — CU S~ T3 +-> c O) CU to 2 T3 S- >, o CU C_) 00 O u_ TO E *i — CNI <_) +-> CU 4- -O U~> X> TO CU O c 1 ,11 i — TO •> 4-> > — 1 O 1 -M 4- _l O 4-> TO C CU CU o (\) S_ -i- sz TO +J 00 u ^£ <~ TO c. O S- o +-> 4- 3 U CU S- CU i— fd CU r— i — 00 o o ' — ' c_> oo fO TO TO E E E ■r" *r- # p- DUO CU CU CU "O T3 "O CU o CU -r- CU +J +J -M TO TO TO %. r— S- 4- +-> SZ sz 00 -r- o CU • ( — i- r— 4-> CU CU TO +-> 3 i — c: 4- 4- •i — c >> •1 — CU s- CD TO r— TO •t- TO CDr— S^ +-> T- 0) S- X c O 13 CU s: CO CU E o o CD c *l — > TO co CU (_> TO 4-> C 00 CU o +-> o TO UD 0O CNJ >> +-> S- CU X Q. TO O I— S- TO •r- l— +J 1 CU 00 •i- =3 O X U_ C_> 4- O O 03 S- u_ 00 cu -a s- -r- CU TO +-> D_ CU +J en oo TO CU CD O0 SL +-> TO CU S- +-> o c CU « — CD-t-> TO TO C 3 DllU c -■-> E 3 *- >> <£ O TO 21 Q. S- TO CU CM co ^X) CO en CXI OO UD CO r— (_) I — r _a fT3 4- IO 3 w ST .-i on Ol ' — i s= cr. c (/I c U) ' — 1+3 -1 i- X l- X o C 1 — r0 i — ro c; ( — i -a CI 01 "EN (1) CU >1 ■»-> ai >M ■»-> rs c. i-a •> a> oo CU Iflr- XJ t/> ai o on ai O O + ra s- 3 l/l ^J ^ on +-> 1- + ID 1. (11 < ) 3 ra O ; (T3 1 1 re o 4- 01 <_> M- OJ 01 ra -) CU rtl 3 on on Tl >, O >, O c — i_ m u ■-) •r- E •,- '. -u > -(-> > rs + 4- i) t/i l> CU on n CU r— S_ — a> Lj_ r— ai O-tJ CNJ O m u_ c> L._ oo — '-'I U_ +j aj cu ■m +-> a) ro o o ra ra CXI -r- _j co •i— 3 ai cu E i O CM ■~ t- cr> en . + + 0) 4- I ,_, on .c: =r . . — +J ex i_j to on "o C 3 CO _1 S_ X >> -C C O >, ■»-> Q. 3 4- ai O I a; O 1 "=f I — •- O ■=£ s- O cc HI ^ O *J 3 o -i o Ol 1 (_> CO ^J S 1 4-J S 1 >n^ >,oo S- on i — i S- T3 CM X) CNJ O CU CM rn C on C on E ' — ' — ' Ol rO 3 CU fl =3 CU _a >> O C o c: i — ra c Tl 1 ) ro 1- E +J c > .— T > i— =3 13 CO o ai a cu C Ol r— i_ u s- cu '. > s- cu C 0) o Ol o. 01 - n: _J 1— «=C C£ ^ o < 3: 1— h- co 2: O UJ co LU UJ Ol _l D- O >- Q <_> ^ 1 < (T> co CO >- CO d; - CO o CO I CD S- CO E « fl 3 CO o c_> O) > <4- r- -4-> O (O CD -C E — CO +-> -i- 3 CD S- > E S- O fO 3 a. 3 co c_> +-> tO CJC OT| cd +-> E CO S- t|_ -r- O) o o > S- 3 fO Q_ CO II O) to E -E S- CD +J fO Q-'i- 1 — CO X 3 O >> UJ CO CO <+- 4-> O r— E (TJ 4-> E O CD S- E O S- O >=C Q- 3 +-> S- E -E O (U +J +-> CO S- o to r- CD t-> co ea E — cd 3 CL E X 3 uj o CO CD CO 3 E O) — -i— CO CL+-> E fO CU 1— S- O. ai a) x 3 Q-UJ u. o a; CM CO LO UD CO cr> O r-H CO UDNCOCTl ^ONOOCTlOrH rifcifcil S| CD +-> fO 1 — 1 <- <=c E O _l •1 — +-> 4- ro O 1— 4- CM E co "«- -O , — E QJ ra 3 CO 1— I 0) - — E •• •1— CO X I 1 >— S- <3" fO -— M — I 1 I "o ai +-> cm ■O >i CO 1 — I E ia o E a> o e 3 •> i- E 1— +-> 3 S- 3 o co +-> ai 1 — r,ucm x T— { S- "O to CD 03 ! +-> a> CM CD T3 O n3 1 — 1 1 >> -r- r- _Q "O > 3 rO E +-> e a» E 1— E to O S- 3 3 S~ O Q. O O) r— •1- a> — o cu o U_ CO < wo CM CO «3" LO APPENDIX ALASKA TAX INCENTIVES Alaska allows a 10% residential fuel conservation credit of up to $200 per individual or married couple for money spent on the following: 1) insulation; 2) insulating windows; 3) labor related to items 1 and 2; 4) alternate energy systems which are not dependent on fossil fuel, including solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal. Expires 12/31/82 (Chapter 94, Laws of 1977). Contact State Department of Revenue Income Tax Division Pouch SA continue State Office Building Juneau, AK 99811 (907) 465-2326 GRANTS AND LOANS This act creates the Alaska Renewable Research Corporation. The Corporation is funded by a portion of the state's proceeds from mineral leases, rentals, bonuses, and royalties. Most of the Corporation's budget is used as venture capital for new businesses involved in renewable resources such as forest products, fisheries, agriculture and renewable energy resources. Up to 10% of every annual appropriation may be used as grants to the same types of enterprises (Chapter 179, Laws of 1978). Contact Alaska Renewable Research Corporation Box 1647 Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 465-4616 Suite One 313 "E" Street Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 272-2500 This law establishes an Alternative Power Resource Revolving Loan Fund in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development. The fund shall be used to develop energy production from sources other than fossil or nuclear fuel. This includes wind, water and solar devices. Loans may not exceed $10,000 (Chapter 29, Laws of 1978). Contact Division of Business Loans Department of Commerce & Economic Development Pouch D Juneau, AK 99811 (907) 465-2510 (907) 274-6693 (Anchorage) (907) 452-8182 (Fairbanks) NATIONAL m .SOLAR u INFORMATION COWER im? 3/30/80 The Center is operated by the Franklin Research Center tor the U S. Department ol Housing and Urban Development and the U S Department ol Energy The listings contained herein are based on information known by the Center at the time ol print- ing Periodic updates are available. For more information, please contact us at P.O. Box 1607, Rockville. MD 20850 or call toll Iree (800) 523-2929. In Pennsylvania call (800) 462-4983. In Alaska and Hawaii call (800) 523-4700. ARIZONA TAX INCENTIVES Individuals may claim an income tax credit equal to 35% of the cost of a solar energy device through 1983. Thereafter the percentage decreases 5% per year until the credit expires on 12/31/89. The maximum credit is $1,000. Home builders may claim the credit on new speculative solar homes in lieu of the purchaser. The credit is available at the same rates for commercial and industrial solar installations. All credits include carry forward provisions (Chapter 93, Laws of 1975; Chapter 129, Laws of 1976; Chapter 112, Laws of 1978; Chapter 146, Laws of 1979). Solar energy devices are exempt from property taxes through 12/31/89 (Chapter 165, Laws of 1974; Chapter 146, Laws of 1979). Solar energy devices are exempt from Transaction Privilege and Use Taxes through 12/31 /89 (Chapter 42, Laws of 1977; Chapter 146, Laws of 1979). A 25% credit is allowed for residential insulation and ventilation devices, such as insulating doors and windows. Maximum credit is $100. Credit expires 12/31/84 (Chapter 112, Laws of 1978). Contact State Department of Revenue Box 29002 Phoenix, AZ 85038 (602) 255-3381 LAND USE Provides authority for local governments to regulate solar access (Chapter 94, Laws of 1979). Contact Local planning commission or zoning board STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION Local building codes may include provisions requiring that new, single-family residences be designed to facilitate future installation of solar heating equipment (Chapter 94, Laws of 1979). Contact Local building official ARKANSAS TAX INCENTIVES An energy conservation income tax deduction is available to any individual, fiduciary or cor- poration. Eligible items include insulation and energy conservation adjustments made to buildings constructed before 1/1/79. Also eligible are these additions made to new or existing buildings: devices using solar energy, bioconversion energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy (for mechanical or electrical power) for space heating or cooling or water heating; devices using wind energy; and devices creating energy from woodburning in stoves, furnaces, or fireplaces with controllable drafts and dampers. Deductions exceeding income may be car- ried forward until exhausted. Eligible expenditures must be made before 12/31/84. The Com- missioner of Revenue may promulgate regulations for the administration of the deduction (Act 535,1977; Act 742, 1979; Act 59, 1980). Contact State Department of Revenue Income Tax Section 7th and Wolfe Streets Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 371-2193 CALIFORNIA TAX INCENTIVES California provides personal income tax credit of 55% of the cost of a solar energy system, up to a maximum of $3000. If a system is installed in other than a single-family dwelling and the cost exceeds $6000, the credit equals 25% of the cost, or $3000, whichever is greater. In both, single-family dwellings and other buildings, the cost of energy-conserving devices installed in conjunction with the solar enorqv system may also be included in the total cost used to calculate the tax credit. If a federal credit is claimed, the state credit is reduced by the amount of the federal credit. The same provisions apply to corporate taxpayers. Taxpayers who partial- ly own and partially lease a solar system from a public utility are also eligible for the credit. The system must meet the criteria of the California Energy Commission. Eliglible expenses for credit include attorney's fees, compensation, and recording fees associated with obtaining a solar easement. Credit expires 12/31/80 (Chapter 168, Laws of 1976; Chapter 1082, Laws of 1977; Chapter 1154, Laws of 1978; Chapter 816, Laws of 1979). Contact Franchise Tax Board Attn: Correspondence Sacramento, CA 95807 (916) 355-0370 GRANTS AND LOANS This law creates the Solar Energy Demonstration Loan Program and provides $2000 interest- free loans for solar space heating and domestic hot water systems in areas where a state of emergency has been declared (Chapter 1 and Chapter 7, Laws of 1978). Contact Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Research and Policy Development 921 10th Street, Fifth Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-4728 The maximum loan available to veterans for home mortgages is increased to $60,000 if the home is equipped with a solar energy system (Chapter 1243, Laws of 1978; Chapter 48, Laws of 1979). Contact Department of Veterans' Affairs 1227 "O" Street P.O. Box 1559 Sacramento, CA 95807 (916) 445-2347 or any local district office of the Department of Veterans' Affairs LAND USE Anyone who owns, occupies, or controls real estate is prohibited from allowing a tree or shrub to cast a shadow on a solar collector between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Trees casting a shadow before the installation of a collector are excluded (Chapter 1366, Laws of 1978). This law declares that any restriction on real property purporting to prohibit the installation and use of a solar energy system is void and unenforceable. It recognizes solar easements and prescribes their contents. City and county governments may not prohibit or restrict solar energy systems except to ensure the public health. The law requires that new subdivision maps be designed to accommodate passive solar energy systems to the maximum extent possible. It permits city and county governments to require the dedication of solar easements before approving the map (Chapter 1154, Laws of 1978). Contact Local planning or zoning body STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION Any city or county may require that new buildings subject to the State Housing Law be con- structed in a manner that permits the installation of solar heating (Chapter 670, Laws of 1976). Contact Local building inspector The California Energy Commission is required to adopt regulations and standards governing solar energy equipment (Chapter 1081, Laws of 1977). Contact California Energy Commission 1111 Howe Avenue Sacramento. CA 95825 (916) 3?2-3690 COLORADO TAX INCENTIVES Alternative energy devices will be assessed for real estate tax at 5% of their value. Eligible devices must use solar or geothermal energy, renewable biomass, or wind resources. Passive solar designs are included, but devices for the direct combustion of wood are ineligible. The exemption expires 12/31/89 (Chapter 344, Laws of 1975; Chapter 363, Laws of 1979). Contact Local tax assessor Creates an income tax deduction for alternative energy devices. Eligible deductions include the cost of solar, wind, geothermal, or renewable biomass systems. Passive solar designs are in- cluded to the extent that construction costs exceed those of conventional designs. Devices for the direct combustion of wood do not qualify. Corporate taxpayers may use the deduction in lieu of depreciation (Chapter 512, Laws of 1977; Chapter 374, Laws of 1979). Contact Colorado Department of Revenue Capitol Annex Building 1375 Sherman Street Denver, CO 80203 (303) 839-2801 LAND USE Solar easements are recognized and their contents are prescribed. They are subjected to the same conveyancing and recording requirements as other easements. Any unreasonable restriction on real estate, based on aesthetic considerations and effectively prohibiting or restricting the installation and use of a solar energy device, is declared void and unenforceable (Chapter 326, Laws of 1975; Chapter 358, Laws of 1979). This law authorizes local governments to regulate uses of land in planning and zoning regula- tions to assure access to direct sunlight for solar energy devices. Special exceptions to zoning regulations may be granted to protect solar access. Subdivision regulations may be altered to protect solar access. Effective 1/1/80 (Chapter 306, Laws of 1979). Contact Local zoning board or planning commission CONNECTICUT TAX INCENTIVES Municipalities are authorized to exempt windmills, waterwheels and solar heating, cooling or electrical systems from real estate tax. Installation must occur before 10/1/91. The exemption will be effective for 15 years after installation. Passive solar energy systems, constructed or in- stalled after 10/1/80 may also be exempted. Systems must meet standards of the Office of Policy and Management (Public Act 76-409; Public Act 77-490; Public Act 79-479). Solar collectors are exempt from sales tax through 10/1 /82 (Public Act 77-457) Contact Commissioner of Revenue Services 92 Farmington Avenue Hartford, CT 06115 (203) 566-7120 GRANTS AND LOANS This law requires the Commissioner of Economic Development to establish an energy conser- vation loan fund. The Commissioner shall make low-cost loans from this fund for insulation, energy conservation materials and alternate energy devices to be installed in residential buildings containing not more than four dwelling units. Alternate energy devices are those which use solar radiation, wind, water, or geothermal resources for space heating or cooling, water heating or generation of electricity. Loans can range from $400 to $3000. The State Bond Commission may authorize the issuance of bonds to fund the loan program (Public Act 79-509). The law authorizes the Department of Economic Development to make loans for industrial ap- plications of energy conservation techniques, solar, wind, hydro, biomass or other forms of renewable energy (Public Act 79-520). Contact Department of Economic Development 210 Washington Street Hartford, CT 06115 (203) 566-4555 This law authorizes the Connecticut Housing Financing Authority to make and insure loans for energy conservation improvements and installation of renewable energy systems for space heating and cooling, water heating, and electricity in residential buildings. Renewable energy sources eligible include wind, solar, water and biomass (Public Act 79-578). Contact Connecticut Housing Financing Authority 190 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103 (203) 525-9311 LAND USE The zoning commission of each city, town, or borough is authorized to regulate development to encourage energy efficiency and the use of renewable forms of energy, including solar (Public Act 78-314). Contact Local planning or zoning body STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The Office of Policy and Management is required to establish standards for solar energy systems (Public Act 76-409; Public Act 79-479). Contact Office of Policy and Management 20 Grand Street Hartford, CT 06115 (203) 566-5765 DELAWARE TAX INCENTIVES This law provides an income tax credit of $200 for solar energy devices designed to produce domestic hot water. Systems must meet HUD Intermediate Minimum Property Standards Sup- plement for Solar Heating and Domestic Hot Water Systems. Systems must be warranted ac- cording to criteria set out in the law (Chapter 512, Laws of 1978). Contact Division of Revenue State Office Building 820 French Street Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 571-3360 FLORIDA TAX INCENTIVES Effective 7/1/79, solar energy systems are exempt from sales and use tax until 6/30/84 (Chapter 339, Laws of 1979). Contact Florida Department of Revenue Sales Tax Division Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32304 (904) 488-6800 LAND USE Solar easements are recognized and subject to the same requirements as other easements; the contents are prescribed (Chapter 309, Laws of 1978). STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The Florida Solar Energy Center is required to establish standards for solar energy systems (Chapter 246, Laws of 1976). Contact Florida Solar Energy Center 300 State Road 401 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 (305) 783-0300 The law stipulates that no single-family dwelling shall be constructed unless it is designed to facilitate future installation of a solar hot water system (Chapter 361, Laws of 1974). Contact Local building inspector All solar energy systems manufactured or sold in Florida must meet the standards established by the Florida Solar Energy Center (Chapter 309, Laws of 1978). Contact Bureau of Codes and Standards 2571 Executive Center Circle Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904) 488-3581 GEORGIA TAX INCENTIVES Real estate owners may claim a refund of sales tax paid for the purchase of solar equipment. Expires 7/1/86 (Act 1030, 1976; Act 1309, 1978). Contact State Department of Revenue, Sales Tax Division 309 Trinity-Washington Building Atlanta, GA 30334 (404) 656-4065 Any county or municipality may exempt solar heating and cooling equipment and machinery used to manufacture solar equipment from property taxes. Expires 7/1/86 (Georgia Constitu- tion, Article VII, Section 1, Paragraph IV). Contact Local city council or county board of supervisors LAND USE Solar easements are recognized and subject to the same requirements as other easements; the contents are prescribed (Act 1446, 1978). HAWAII TAX INCENTIVES A 10% income tax credit is provided to individuals and corporations who purchase solar energy devices that are placed in service by 12/31/81. The law also provides property tax exemptions for solar energy systems through 12/31/81. This exemption also applies to any non-nuclear and non-fossil fuel system and to any improvement that increases the efficiency of systems which use fossil fuel (Act 189, 1976). Contact State Tax Department P.O. Box 259 Honolulu, HI 96809 (808) 548-3270 IDAHO TAX INCENTIVES This law allows an income tax deduction for a solar heating/cooling or solar electrical system installed in the taxpayer's residence. The deduction equals 40% of the cost in the first year and 20% of the cost in each of the next 3 years; the maximum deduction in any year is $5000. This deduction also applies to systems fueled by wind, geothermal energy, wood, or wood pro- ducts. Built-in fireplaces qualify if they have control doors, regulated draft, and heat ex- changers that deliver heated air to substantial portions of the residence (Chapter 212, Laws of 1976). Contact State Tax Commission 5257 Fairview Boise, ID 83722 (208) 384-3290 LAND USE Solar easements are recognized and are made subject to the same requirements as other easements; the contents are prescribed (Chapter 294, Laws of 1978.) ILLINOIS TAX INCENTIVES A property owner who installs a solar or wind energy system may claim an alternate valuation for property taxes. The property is assessed twice: with the solar or wind energy system and also as though it were equipped with a conventional system. The lesser of the two assessments is used to compute the tax due. Owners must file a claim with the local Board of Assessors. (Public Act 79-943, 1975; Public Act 80-430, 1977). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors GRANTS AND LOANS This law establi?hes a $5 million research, development, and demonstration program for non- coal, non-nuclear energy (Public Act 80-432, 1977). Contact Illinois Institute of Natural Resources 325 West Adams Room 300 Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 785-2800 STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The Illinois Institute of Natural Resources is required to establish guidelines and regulations for solar energy systems (Public Act 80-430, 1977). Contact Illinois Institute of Natural Resources 325 West Adams Room 300 Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 785-2800 INDIANA TAX INCENTIVES The law permits the property owner who installs a solar heating and cooling system to. have property assessment reduced by the difference between the assessment of the property with the system and the assessment of the property without the system. The owner must apply to the county auditor (Public Law 15, 1974; Public Law 68, 1977). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors An income tax credit is created for individuals, corporations, and partnerships that install solar or wind energy systems for heating space or water or for generating electricity. For single- family dwellings the credit equals 25% of eligible expenditures to a maximum of $3,000. For other buildings the credit equals 25% of expenditures to a maximum of $10,000. Credit ex- ceeding tax liability may be carried forward until exhausted. Expenditures must be made by 12/31/82. The Department of Revenue shall promulgate rules to implement the credit, including performance and quality standards for qualifying systems. (Public Law 20, 1980). Contact Indiana Department of Revenue 202 State Office Building Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 232-2101 IOWA TAX INCENTIVES Installation of a solar energy system will not increase the assessed, actual, or taxable values of property for 1979-1985 (Section 441.21, Code of 1979). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors GRANTS AND LOANS This law establishes a loan and grant fund for property improvements and mortgages for low- income families. Solar energy systems qualify as improvements (Chapter 1086, Laws of 1978). Contact Iowa Housing Finance Authority 218 Liberty Building Des Moines, IA 50319 (515) 281-4058 KANSAS TAX INCENTIVES The individual taxpayer is allowed an income tax credit of 25% of the cost of a residential solar energy system to a maximum of $1000. A solar energy installation on business or investment property receives a credit equal to 25% of the system cost, $3000, or that year's tax bill, whichever is the least amount. The cost of an installation on business or investment property can be amortized over 60 months. Wind energy systems are also covered by this law. Credit ex- pires 7/1/83. (Chapter 434, Laws of 1976; Chapter 346, Laws of 1977). If a solar system supplies 70% of the energy for heating and cooling, the property owner may be reimbursed for 35% of his property tax for up to 5 consecutive years. Applies through 1985. Claims must be filed with the Department of Revenue (Chapter 345, Laws of 1977; Chapter 419, Laws of 1978). Provides an income tax deduction of 50% (maximum $500) of the cost of insulating residential buildings owned by the taxpayer. The deduction can be applied separately to each residential building owned and insulated by the taxpayer. To qualify, a building must have been con- structed before 7/1/77. The insulating materials must meet minimum standards for energy con- servation in new buildings prescribed by the Federal Housing Administration (Chapter 410, Laws of 1978). Contact State Department of Revenue P.O. Box 692 Topeka, KS 66601 (913) 296-3909 LAND USE Solar easements are recognized and are subject to the same requirements as other easements; the contents are prescribed (Chapter 277, Laws of 1977). LOUISIANA TAX INCENTIVES Solar energy equipment installed in owner-occupied residential buildings or in swimming pools are exempt from property tax (Act 591, 1978). Contact Local parish tax assessor STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The law requires the Department of Natural Resources and Development to adopt regulations and standards governing solar energy devices (Act 542, 1978). Contact Department of Natural Resources and Development P.O. Box 44396 Baton Rouge, LA 70804 (504) 342-4500 MAINE TAX INCENTIVES Solar space or water heating systems are exempt from property tax for 5 years after installa- tion. Eligible taxpayers must apply to the local Board of Assessors. Purchasers of solar energy systems may also receive a sales tax rebate from the Office of Energy Resources (Chapter 542, Laws of 1977). Contact (for property tax) Local assessor or board of assessors. Contact (for sales tax) Office of Energy Resources 55 Capitol Street Augusta, ME 04330 (207) 289-3811 This law creates an income tax credit for solar, wind, and wood energy systems which provide space or Wcter heating or electrical or mechanical power. Fireplaces and woodstoves not operating as central heating systems are ineligible. Both active and passive solar systems qualify. The credit equals the lesser of $100 or 20% of eligible expenditures. Retroactive to 1/1/79 (Chapter 557, Laws of 1979). Contact Bureau of Taxation Department of Finance and Administration State Office Building Augusta. ME 04333 (207) 289-2076 LAND USE Local governments are permitted to enact zoning ordinances to protect access to direct sunlight for solar energy use (Chapter 418, Laws of 1979). Contact Local zoning or planning group Planning boards are permitted to protect solar access in new developments through subdivi- sion regulations. These may include restrictive covenants, height restrictions, and setback re- quirements (Chapter 435, Laws of 1979). Contact Local planning board MARYLAND TAX INCENTIVES A solar energy unit will be assessed at no more than a conventional system needed to serve the building (Chapter 509, Laws of 1975; Chapter 509, Laws of 1978). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors 10 Baltimore City and any other city or county may offer property tax credits for the use of solar systems in any type of building. Credit may be applied over a 3-year period (Chapter 740, Laws of 1976). Contact Local city or county department of revenue LAND USE Solar easements are recognized as a lawful restriction on land (Chapter 934, Laws of 1977). GRANTS AND LOANS This law authorizes the city of Baltimore to issue $2 million in municipal bonds. The proceeds from the sale of bonds shall be used for energy conservation loans and loan guarantees to im- prove residential buildings in the city. The bond issue requires an ordinance of the Baltimore City Council and the approval of the electorate of the city (Chapter 12, Laws of 1979). MASSACHUSETTS TAX INCENTIVES Solar energy systems are exempt from property tax for 20 years from the date of installation (Chapter 734, Laws of 1975; Chapter 388, Laws of 1978). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors A personal income tax credit of 35% of the cost of renewable energy equipment is created. The equipment must be installed in the taxpayer's principal residence in the state. Maximum credit is $1000. Eligible equipment must use solar energy for space heating or cooling or water heating or must use wind energy for any nonbusiness residential purpose. If a federal income tax credit or grant is received by the taxpayer, the state credit will be reduced. The credit ex- pires 12/31/83. Sales of equipment for residential solar energy systems, wind power systems, or heat pumps are exempt from sales tax. Wood-fueled central heating systems installed in a person's prin- cipal residence in the state and costing more than $900 are exempt from sales tax through 12/31/83. Eligible furnaces must be approved by the State Fire Marshall or Building Code Com- issioner (Chapter 796, Laws of 1979). Corporations may deduct the cost of a solar or wind energy system from income. The system will also be exempt from tangible property tax (Chapter 487, Laws of 1977). Contact State Department of Corporations & Taxation 100 Cambridge Street Boston MA 02204 (617) 727-4201 (income tax) (617) 727-4601 (sales tax) GRANTS AND LOANS Banks and credit unions are authorized to make loans with extended maturation periods and in- creased maximum amounts for home improvements, including solar energy systems. Banks may lend up to $15,000. and credit unions may lend up to $12,000 (Chapter 28, Laws of 1977; Chapter 260, Laws of 1977; Chapter 73, Laws of 1978). Contact Local bank or credit union MICHIGAN TAX INCENTIVES This law exempts solar, wind, or water energy conversion devices from real and personal pro- perty tax. An application must be filed with local tax assessor, who will submit it to the state tax commission for certification. Authority to exempt expires 7/1/85, but exemptions made by that time stay in force (Public Act 135. 1976). 11 Contact Local Government Services Treasury Building Lansing, Ml 48922 (517) 373-3232 Proceeds from sales of solar, wind, or water energy conversion devices used for heating, cool- ing, or electrical generation in new or existing residential or commercial buildings are excluded from business activities tax. Expires 1/1/85 (Public Act 132, 1976). Tangible property used for solar, wind, or water energy devices is excluded from excise tax if it is used to heat, cool, or electrify a new or existing commercial or residential building. Expires 1/1/85 (Public Act 133, 1976). Income tax credit may be claimed for a residential solar, wind, or water energy device that is used for heating, cooling, or electricity. This includes devices designed to use the difference between water temperatures in a body of water. Energy conservation measures installed in connection with such devices are also eligible; these include insulation, water-flow reduction devices, and some wood furnaces. Swimming pool heaters are eligible only if 25% or more of their heating capacity is used for residential purposes. The credit is refundable. The law in- structs the Department of Commerce to establish system eligibility standards within 180 days of the law's passage. To be eligible, expenditures must be made by 12/31/83. The rate of credit changes annually. For 1980, the rate for single-family dwellings is 25% of the first $2000 spent, plus 15% of the next $8000 spent. In 1980, the rate for other buildings is 25% of the first $2000, plus 15% of next $13,000 (Public Act 605, 1978; Public Act 41, 1979). Contact State Department of Treasury State Tax Commission State Capitol Building Lansing, Ml 48922 (517) 373-2910 STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The Department of Commerce is required to formulate standards for solar energy systems (Public Act 605, 1979). Contact Energy Extension Service Michigan Energy Administration Department of Commerce P.O. Box 30228 Lansing, Ml 48909 (517) 373-6430 MINNESOTA TAX INCENTIVES The market value of solar, wind, or agriculturally derived methane gas systems used for heating, cooling, or electricity in a building or structure is excluded from property tax. The in- stallations must be done prior to 1/1/84 (Chapter 786, Laws of 1978). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors This law provides an individual income tax credit of 20% of the first $10,000 spent on renewable energy source equipment installed on a Minnesota building of six dwelling units or less. Eligi- ble expenditures include: those eligible as federal renewable energy source property (solar, wind, and geothermal); earth-sheltered dwellings; equipment producing ethanol, methanol or methane for fuel, but not for resale; passive solar energy systems. Excess credit can be car- ried forward through 1984. Federal regulations of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service shall be us- ed to administer relevant portions of the credit. Expenditures must be made between 1/1/79 and 12/31/82 (Chapter 303, Laws of 1979). 12 Contact Department of Revenue Centennial Office Building 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55145 (612) 296-3781 LAND USE Zoning ordinances may provide for the protection of solar access for solar energy systems. Solar easements are recognized and the contents are prescribed; they are enforceable in civil actions. Depreciation resulting from easements (but not any appreciation) shall be included in revaluation for property tax (Chapter 786, Laws of 1978). Contact (for zoning) Local planning or zoning body Local governments are prohibited from preventing earth-sheltered construction as long as it otherwise complies with local zoning ordinances. Variances can be given to facilitate earth- sheltered construction. An appropriation of $20,000 is made to conduct a study of impediments to earth-sheltered construction (Chapter 2, Special Session, Laws of 1979). Contact Minnesota Energy Agency 980 American Center Building 150 E. Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 296-5120 STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The Building Code Division of the Department of Administration is required to promulgate per- formance standards for solar energy systems (Chapter 333, Laws of 1976). Contact Minnesota Department of Administration Building Code Division 408 Metro Square Building St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 296-4639 MISSISSIPPI TAX INCENTIVES Labor, property or services used in the construction of solar energy heating, lighting, or electric generating facilities used by universities, colleges, or junior colleges are exempted from sales tax. Expires 1/1/83 (§27-65-105 of the Mississippi Code). Contact Mississippi Tax Commission Sales Tax Division P.O. Box 960 Jackson, MS 39205 (601) 354-6274 MISSOURI LAND USE This law declares that the right to use solar energy is a property right, but it cannot be ac- quired by eminent domain. Solar easements are recognized and subjected to the same con- veyancing and recording requirements as other easements. The contents are mandated (§442.021 of the Missouri Code). 13 MONTANA TAX INCENTIVES Energy systems using non-fossil fuel energy (such as solar, wind, solid wastes, decomposition of organic wastes, solid wood wastes, and small scale hydroelectric) installed in an income tax- payer's dwelling before 12/31/82 are eligible for an income tax credit of 10% of the first $1000 and 5% of the next $3000. If a federal tax credit is also claimed, the state credit is reduced to 5% of the first $1000 and 2 1/2% of the next $3000 (Chapter 548, Laws of 1975; Chapter 574, Laws of 1977; Chapter 652, Laws of 1979), This law provides individual or corporate income tax deductions for energy conservation im- provements, including storm windows and insulation. It applies to all types of buildings at the following rates: Residential buildings Non-residential buildings 100% of 1st $1000 100% of 1st $2000 50% of 2nd $1000 50% of 2nd $2000 20% of 3rd $1000 20% of 3rd $2000 10% of 4th $1000 10% of 4th $2000 (Chapter 576, Laws of 1977). Contact State Department of Revenue Income Tax Section Sam Mitchell Building Helena, MT 59601 (406) 449-2837 This law provides a 10-year real estate tax exemption for capital investments in non-fossil forms of energy generation as defined in the state income tax law (Montana Code Annotated 15-32- 102). The maximum exemptions are $20,000 for a single-family dwelling and $10,000 for other buildings (Chapter 639, Laws of 1979). Contact S'ate Department of Revenue Property Assessment Division Sam Mitchell Building Helena, MT 59601 (406) 449-2808 GRANTS AND LOANS This law permits utility companies to install and finance energy conservation materials and non- fossil forms of energy generation systems. The interest rate on energy conservation loans can be no less than two percentage points below the discount rate on 90-day commercial paper in the Ninth Federal Reserve District. The interest rate on non-fossil energy loans shall be 5% to 7% annually. Financial institutions may lend money for energy conservation materials and non- fossil energy systems at no less than two percentage points below the Federal Reserve rate. Any interest foregone by not charging the prevailing rate of interest for home improvement loans may be claimed as a credit against energy producer's license tax by a utility, or against corporation license tax by a financial institution (Montana Code Annotated 15-32-107). Contact Local lending institution or utility company This law amends the Montana Code (MCA90-4-101) to permit the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to participate in commercial as well as non-commercial projects under its renewable resources research, development and demonstration program (Chapter 624, Laws of 1979). Contact Energy Division Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Capitol Station Helena, MT 59601 (406) 449-3940 14 LAND USE This law recognizes solar easements and subjects them to the same conveyancing and re- cording requirements as other easements. The contents ar prescribed (Chapter 524, Laws of 1979). NEBRASKA LAND USE This law recognizes solar easements and prescribes their contents. Easements can be enforc- ed in a civil suit. Local governments may include solar access considerations in their zoning or- dinances and development plans. Variances from other ordinances may be granted to facilitate solar access (Legislative Bill 353, 1979). Contact Local zoning board or planning commission NEVADA TAX INCENTIVES This law establishes a property tax allowance on solar, wind, geothermal, water-powered, or solid waste energy systems in residential buildings. The property tax allowance equals the dif- ference in tax on the property with the energy system and the tax on the property without the energy system. The allowance may not exceed the tax accrued or $2000, whichever is less. Claims are to be filed with the county assessor (Chapter 345, Laws of 1977). Contact Local county assessor LAND USE This law formally recognizes solar easements and prescribes their contents. The easement will run with the land upon transfer of title but can terminate upon expiration or release (Chapter 314, Laws of 1979). STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The Nevada Department of Energy is required to establish energy conservation standards, in- cluding provisions on the design and construction of solar, geothermal, wind or other renewable energy systems. Standards must then be included in all city and county building codes (Chapter 17, Laws of 1979). Contact Nevada Department of Energy 1050 E. Williams Suite 405 Capitol Complex Carson City, NV 89710 (702) 885-5157 NEW HAMPSHIRE TAX INCENTIVES Cities and towns are enabled to grant property tax exemptions to property owners with solar heating, cooling, or hot water systems and will decide the amount of the exemption and the manner of determination. An application for the exemption must be filed with the local assessor (Chapter 391, Laws of 1975; Chapter 5202, Laws of 1977). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors 15 NEW JERSEY TAX INCENTIVES Solar heating and cooling systems, including sea thermal gradients and wind-powered systems, are exempt from property tax. Systems must be certified under the State Uniform Construction Act on forms designated by the Division of Taxation. Systems must meet stan- dards established by the State Department of Energy. Expires 12/31/82 (Chapter 256, Laws of 1977). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors Solar energy devices designed to provide heating, cooling, electrical or mechanical power are exempt from sales tax. These systems must meet the standards established by the state Department of Energy (Chapter 465, Laws of 1977). Contact State Division of Taxation Tax Counselors P.O. Box 999 Trenton, NJ 08646 (609) 292-6400 LAND USE Solar easements are recognized and subject to the same requirements as other easements; the contents are prescribed (Chapter 152, Laws of 1978). STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION The Division of Energy Planning and Conservation of the State Department of Energy is re- quired to adopt standards for solar energy systems (Chapter 256, Laws of 1977). Contact Department of Energy 101 Commerce Street Newark, NJ 07102 (201) 648-3290 NEW MEXICO TAX INCENTIVES This law provides for an income tax credit of 25% of the cost of a solar energy system or a maximum of $1000. It is available for solar energy systems which heat or cool the taxpayer's residence and for swimming pool heating systems. The criteria of the Solar Heating and Cool- ing Demonstration Act of 1974 (42 USC 5506) must be met. Credit in excess of the taxes due wil be refunded (Chapter 12, Laws of 1975; Chapter 170, Laws of 1978; Chapter 353, Laws of 1979). Individuals may claim an income tax credit for a solar energy system used in an irrigation pumping system. The system design must be approved by the Energy Resources Board prior to installation, and it must result in a 75% reduction in the use of fossil fuel. This law is not ap- plicable if federal credit were claimed or if credit were claimed for this equipment under other provisions of the state law. Credit in excess of the taxes due will be refunded (Chapter 114, Laws of 1977). Contact State Department of Taxation & Revenue Income Tax Division P.O. Box 630 Santa Fe, NM 87503 (505) 827-3221 LAND USE The right to use solar energy is a property right of landowners; disputes regarding access will be settled by rule of prior appropriation (Chapter 169, Laws of 1977). 16 STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION This law directs the New Mexico Solar Energy Research and Development Institute to develop performance standards for solar energy equipment (Chapter 347, Laws of 1977). Contact New Mexico Solar Energy Research and Development Institute Box 3 SOL New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003 (505) 646-1846 NEW YORK TAX INCENTIVES This law provides a property tax reduction for owners of solar or wind energy systems. Passive systems qualify to a limited extent. The reduction of assessment is equal to the difference be- tween assessment of the property with the energy system and assessment of the property without the system. The system must conform to guidelines of the state energy office and must be instal'ed before 7/1/88. The exemption is good for 15 years after it is granted (Chapter 322, Laws of 1977; Chapter 220, Laws of 1979). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors LAND USE This law recognizes solar easements and subjects them to the same conveyancing and record- ing requirements as other easements. The contents are prescribed (Chapter 705, Laws of 1979). This law amends the general city law, the village law, and the town law to make the protection of solar access a valid purpose of zoning regulations. Effective 1/1/80. Before 9/30/80 the state energy office must issue guidelines to assist local governments in implementing the act (Chapter 742, Laws of 1979). Contact Local zoning board or New York State Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 (518) 474-8181 STANDARDS AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION This law requires that the Commissioner of the State Energy Office promulgate guidelines and definitions for solar energy systems (Chapter 322, Laws of 1977). Contact New York State Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 (518) 474-8181 NORTH CAROLINA TAX INCENTIVES This law provides for a corporate and individual income tax credit of 25% of the cost of a solar heating, cooling, or hot water system. There is a maximum credit of $1000 per unit or building. Although this credit may be taken only once, the amount of credit may be spread over 3 years. The system may be in any type of building, and it must meet the performance criteria of the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or the North Carolina Secretary of Revenue (Chapter 792, Laws of 1977; Chapter 892, Laws of 1979). 17 Contact State Department of Revenue Income Tax Division P.O. Box 25000 Raleigh, NC 27640 (919) 733-3991 Buildings with solar heating or cooling systems shall be assessed as though they had a con- ventional system. Expires 12/1/85 (Chapter 965, Laws of 1977). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors NORTH DAKOTA TAX INCENTIVES This law provides for an income tax credit for solar or wind energy devices. The credit is 5% per year for 2 years. The system must provide heating, cooling, mechanical, or electrical power (Chapter 537, Laws of 1977). Contact State Tax Commission Income Tax Division Capitol Building Bismarck, ND 58505 (701 ) 224-3450 Solar heating or cooling systems in any building are exempt from property tax for 5 years after installation (Chapter 508, Laws of 1975). Contact Local assessor or board of assessors LAND USE Solar easements are recognized and subject to the same requirements as other easements; the contents are prescribed (Chapter 425, Laws of 1977). OHIO TAX INCENTIVES Solar, wind, and hydrothermal energy systems installed through 12/31/85 are exempt from real estate tax. A corporate franchise tax credit of 10% of the cost of a solar or wind energy system is created. The law creates a sales tax exemption for materials sold to a construction contrac- tor for use in a solar, wind, or hydrothermal energy system. Sales of these systems are exempt from sales tax; components and labor costs are also covered by the exemption. This exemp- tion is valid through 12/31/85. A personal income tax credit of 10% of the cost of a solar, wind, or hydrothermal energy system is created. The system must be installed in a building that is owned and occupied as a dwelling, or owned and operated by the taxpayer in Ohio. The credit includes a two-year carry toward provision and a maximum credit of $1000. To qualify for any of these tax advantages, the taxpayer's system must provide space heating or cooling, hot water, industrial process heat, mechanical or electrical energy and must meet guidelines estabished by the Department of Energy. Passive designs are included to a limited extent (Amended Substitute House Bill 154, 1979). Contact (for income and Ohio Tax Commission franchise tax information) Income Tax Division 1030 Freeway Drive Columbus, OH 43229 (614) 466-7910 18 Contact (for sales tax information) Contact (for guidelines) Ohio Department of Energy 30 E. Broad Street, 3 13-8 Solar System • • 13-8 Economic Parameters . • • 13-9 SOLUTION .... • • 13-9 REFERENCES .... 13-11 13-ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 13-1 Nomograph for Determining SPB and DPB . . . 13-5 13-2 Concept of Optimum Collector Area .... 13-7 13-1 OBJECTIVES The objectives in this module are to: 1. Determine the cost of solar thermal energy delivered from a system. 2. Establish cost effectiveness of a system. 3. Determine an economic optimum collector area for a system. INTRODUCTION In a preceding module, two procedures are described for calculating the total life-cycle cost (TLCC) of solar heating systems and the TLCC of conventional heating systems. If the TLCC of the solar system is less than the TLCC of a conventional system, the solar system is con- sidered to be cost effective. The first procedure described yields the TLCC of both solar and conventional systems directly but assumes con- stant interest, inflation, and discount rates during the period of analysis. The second procedure, although more tedious in calculation, allows TLCC determinations with variable rates of interest, inflation, and discount in any year according to an economic "scenario". In both methods, discount, inflation, and interest rates can be treated in "real" terms, or alternatively, discount and inflation rates can be treated in marginal terms relative to the general inflation rate for goods and services. The concept of life-cycle costs applied to residential systems is probably too complex for the average homeowner; also, determination of cost effectiveness is susceptible to assumed energy inflation and 13-2 discount rates. Therefore, there may be some utility in appraising the economic value of solar systems by alternative approaches presented in this module. BREAKEVEN COST Instead of attempting to predict the rates of inflation explicitly in the analysis, a simple approach is a calculation of the breakeven cost of the solar system. Breakeven occurs when the cost of energy delivered by the solar system is equal to the cost of the conventional energy it displaces and is usually calculated in terms of a uniform annual cost. In simplest terms, inflation and discount rates are ignored, and the uniform annual cost of the solar system is considered to consist of annual mortgage repayment (principal plus interest) and operating costs. More complex breakeven analysis would include other annual costs such as property taxes, insurance, and maintenance minus an annual credit for income tax saving on interest paid on the mortgage. The simple calculation assumes that property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs are offset by an annual income tax credit on the interest paid (at least in the first few years). A breakeven cost calculation is illustrated by the following example. EXAMPLE 13-1 2 A solar heating system with 400 ft of collectors costs $14,000 o ($35/ft ). After taking a Federal income tax credit of $4,000 and a State income tax credit of $1,000, a 30-yr loan is negotiated for the balance of $9,000 at 10 percent interest rate. The solar system will 13-3 provide an annual average useful thermal energy of 65 million Btu. Determine a (simple) breakeven cost for the solar system. SOLUTION At 10 percent interest, a 30-yr loan will necessitate a uniform annual payment of $955 to repay the $9,000 loan. Since the average net annual energy delivery is $65 MMBtu, the solar energy cost, or breakeven cost, is $14.69/MMBtu. In terms of various types of conventional energy used for heating, the breakeven prices of the conventional fuels are: Type of Furnace Electrical resistance Oil furnace at 60 percent efficiency (140,000 Btu/gal) Propane furnace at 70 percent efficiency (90,000 Btu/gal) Natural gas furnace at 70 percent efficiency (1,000 Btu/ft 3 ) Breakeven Price 5.0r^> ' ! 1 i 5 1 : 1 *\ ^Kr 1 "I II II 1 i 1 III / : 1 . i"X^ ' - ! ! 4 1 1 : 1 i i ill 1 1 1 ■ : i 1 j ,. , . j. .... _ 1 • 3 i iff / 1 Hll i ni •;-.: : | 1 1 |-'L:zl - 1 H-i- \ il ~: 1 ! . ;:Lrq_ — :-; |--:- r ::[Xr,-:nzp::. : 1 i — 2 f | — 1 — t — i— — v)\ tn| — u>\ -->»j >j^-j>»|U_L ~t~ CD'rCD bo | -H-j-:-- ::i2j >»i T" V^ —M oo | 2' 3e EHJiEp i::-_;=z:j:-r_|^__ 1 .-,_ , . -i 1- — :-r h -4-4- I j — ; — ; — ■ — ■-- : i II | _._ l—j-4- — — ■-:- I i I : 1 ' i- I : /-bdqr: ■ ■ -— 1 - |....|. | ; 1 i f ~: ii i I H- r • : 1 ; 1 , ■• I | ! j_ . |. • ' I 1 ■M^ 1 :::.j.i: i - — Inflation Discount © Investment Cost, $ rlOx I0 4 Z 8 - 6 - 4 s8 : 6 - 4 - 2 LlOxlO 2 Annual Savings, $ r-20,000 - 15,000 -10,000 \ 8,000 - 6,000 - 4,000 - 2,000 1,000 800 600 5 10 15 Discounted Payback Period, yrs 20 Figure 13-1. Nomograph for Determining SPB and DPB 13-6 CDD _ 80000 SPB - 1172 _ 172 = 8 years Using the nomograph of Figure 13-1, the solid line connecting $1000 annual savings with $8000 investment cost leads to a simple payback of 8 years as calculated above. Also, following the dashed horizontal line to curve (T) , the discounted payback period is 7.6 years. If the fuel inflation rate and discount rate are both 10 percent, the payback period is slightly longer, as indicated by the intercept of the horizontal dashed line and curve (?) . Other combinations of inflation rates and 10 percent discount rate may be read from the nomograph by interpolating between the appropriate curves. ECONOMIC OPTIMUM COLLECTOR AREA There is, in most situations, an economically optimum collector area in the sense that annual heating cost with a combined solar and conventional energy system is minimum for a specific solar system size. However, optimum area, (A*), is dependent upon the economic assumptions made in the analysis. Using the life-cycle cost approach, the concept of optimum collector area is illustrated in Figure 13-2. The curve labeled LCC is the life-cycle cost for the solar system alone, LCC is the life-cycle cost for conventional energy required as auxiliary to the heating system. The sum of LCC and LCC is the total life-cycle cost for the system, TLCC. As collector area increases, LCC increases (nearly linearly with collector area) and LCC decreases because solar energy supplies an increasing fraction of the total heat requirements. Depending upon the shape of the two curves, there will 13-7 o I- C/) O o UJ _J O >- o I UJ u_ TLCC LCC LCC COLLECTOR AREA, A CONCEPT OF OPTIMUM COLLECTOR AREA Figure 13-2. Concept of Optimum Collector Area generally be a minimum point in the TLCC curve, and the collector area corresponding to the minimum is labeled the optimum collector area, A*. The determination of A* is readily made by using the first procedure for computing TLCC described in the previous module and a simple equation-based method for determining the solar fraction such as the relative areas method described in Module 6. The TLCC of the solar/ auxiliary system is given by Equation (12-3) and is repeated below: TLCC = C T (solar) - (ACJE-, + C E + CE + (l-F)Lc f E., I a 1 oo mm ff The minimum point in the TLCC curve occurs where (13-2) C a E l " Lc f E f & = ° (13-3) 13-8 The functional relationship of annual solar fraction F and collector area A is expressed in the relative areas method (Module 6) as F = C;L + c 2 £n(^-) (13-4) o Thus, dF .. c 2 (13-5) and by substituting into Equation (13-3) I— r\ I— L* jp L. jj a* = -Vr 1 ( 13_6 ) a L l where L is the total building heating load (MMBtu) c f is cost of conventional energy (cost/MMBtu) c ? is a location dependent constant (dimensionless) E f is the economic factor for fuel cost E-. is the economic factor for the system 2 C is unit cost of the solar system (cost/ft ) a The use of Equation (13-6) is illustrated by the following example. EXAMPLE 13-3 Determine the optimum collector area for a liquid-heating solar system on a building located in Washington, D.C., and calculate the annual solar fraction the optimum system will provide: The following information is given: Solar System 1. Liquid-heating collectors: F R (ta) = 0.75 F R U L = 1.00 Btu/(hr-ft 2 -°F) 13-9 2. Building UA = 450 Btu/(hr-°F) 3. Auxiliary Heating - Electrical Energy Economic Parameters 1. Electrical energy cost, c f = 5bldg x 24 Hiy X D ° L = 450 x 24 x 4224 = 45.62 MMBtu c 2 = 0.271 (from Module 6) A * _ 0.271 x 45.62 x 14.65 x 21.693 28 x 1.076 A* = 130 ft 2 of collectors Using the relative areas method the solar fraction is calculated to A = 0.237(450) = 24 2 M o . 75-1. 0(. 307) ^ 1 TX F = .520 + .271 £n(130/241) = 0.35 13-11 REFERENCES 1. Barley, CD. and Winn, C.B. (1978) "Optimal Sizing of Solar Collectors by the Method of Relative Areas", Solar Energy , Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 279-289. 2. Barley, CD. (1979) "Load Optimization in Solar Space Heating Systems," Solar Energy , Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 149-156. 3. Brandemuehl , M.J. and Beckman, W.A. (1979), "Economic Evaluation and Optimization of Solar Heating Systems", Solar Energy , Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 1-10. 4. Ruegg, R.T. , McConnaughey, Sav, G.T. , and Hockenbery, K.A. (1978), Life Cycle Costing. ABS Building Science Series 113, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, September. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE M INSTALLATION OF SOLAR SYSTEMS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 14-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES 14- ii OBJECTIVE 14-1 INTRODUCTION 14-1 INSTALLATION OF STORAGE VESSELS 14-2 WATER TANKS 14-2 PEBBLE BEDS 14-5 INSTALLATION OF COLLECTORS 14-6 PLUMBING AND DUCTING 14-8 ADAPTING TO EXISTING HEATERS 14-11 ELECTRIC SERVICE 14-13 14-ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 14-1 Support for Vertical Water Storage Tanks . . 14-3 14-2 Connecting Collector to Header .... 14-9 14-3 Recommended Arrangement for Retrofit Installations with a Central Air Circulation System . . . 14-11 14-4 Air-Heating Solar System for Retrofit Installations 14-12 14-1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this module is to explain preferred installation practices for solar systems. At the end of this module the trainee should be able to: 1. Identify a logical sequence for installing solar systems for new and retrofit construction. 2. Recognize items of specific concern for retrofit installations. INTRODUCTION The cost of labor to install a solar system is a substantial portion of the total solar system cost. Careful planning of the instal- lation can significantly lower costs and improve the economic viability of a solar space conditioning and domestic water heating system. There are many important considerations in the installation of a system which affect not only initial costs, but operating, maintenance, and repair costs as well, and the latter factors can, in the long term, be as important as the first cost if the systems are not properly installed. Whether the system is being installed in a new structure or is being retrofitted in an existing building, there are many common con- cerns. Other factors apply specifically to retrofit installations which may limit the options for locating storage tanks and other equipment inside the building, or mounting collectors on the roof. Scheduling the installation of the several parts of a solar heating system, whether for new or retrofit construction, is an important part of overall planning. An awareness of major factors when designing and planning system layouts 14-2 should result in minimum expense for installation, optimum operation, and low maintenance costs. INSTALLATION OF STORAGE VESSELS The first component of a solar system which should be installed in a new building is the solar storage vessel. The important factors of concern are foundation and footings, scheduling construction of the storage unit, placement of prefabricated tanks, anchoring the vessel, leak testing, insulating, and placing control sensors in the vessel. Many of these items are common to water tanks and pebble beds, and new and retrofit situations. However there are some important differences between water tanks and pebble beds that affect installation methods. WATER TANKS Several types of water containers are suitable for storage of solar-heated water. Regardless of the type of vessel used, the founda- tion must be adequate to support the weight of the tank when filled with water. If a cylindrical tank is placed vertically, the weight will be supported by the total area of the foundation. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 14-1. 3 The weight of water is 62.4 lb/ft , so a tank which is 6 ft high 2 filled with water has a water load of about 375 lb/ft . With an ad- ditional weight of about 300 lb for the steel tank, the total load on 2 the foundation is about 390 lb/ft . A concrete foundation at least 6 inches thick, reinforced with a 6- in. heavy wire mesh, is recommended to support the load. The type of soil beneath the foundation should also 14-3 FOUNDATION BOTTOM INSULATION AND SUPPORT SCHEME FOR WATER STORAGE TANK Figure 14-1. Support for Vertical Water Storage Tanks be considered. Sandy soil or gravel will cause no settlement problems, but if the soil contains a large amount of clay, expansion will take place when the soil becomes moist, and lift the foundation despite the weight of the water tank. In such cases, there should be a control joint in the concrete around the tank separating the foundation from the basement floor to prevent uncontrolled cracking of the foundation caused either by soil settlement or expansion. Cylindrical water tanks are sometimes placed horizontally and supported by two or more saddle footings which rest on the foundation. The load of the water tank is concentrated at the saddles and the unit load will be larger than the load under a vertical tank. The foundation should be poured for the projected area of the tank so that the load on individual footings will be spread over the entire concrete pad. 14-4 It is recommended that storage tanks not be buried beneath the basement or garage because access for replacement or maintenance is difficult and expensive. Underground tanks outside the building meet with less objection, but tanks should preferably be placed above grade for accessibility. If there is no choice for placement except under- ground, the insulation on the tank must be completely protected from moisture penetration. There should also be provision for drainage in case of leakage from the tanks or from surface or ground water. Because of these factors, unless the tank can be placed inside the building, a separate underground chamber to house the storage tank is recommended. All storage tanks should be inspected carefully for damage before and after placement. Although inspection may be difficult if a pre- insulated tank is purchased, pre-instal lation inspection may detect flaws so that unnecessary and costly replacement after installation can be avoided. There should be at least 10 inches of fiberglass insulation, or equivalent, around a water tank to prevent excessive heat losses. It is desirable to achieve at least an R-30 insulation value. While heat losses from tanks placed within the heated envelope are distributed into the building and are utilized, these losses are uncontrolled and may contribute to overheating portions of the building, which is wasteful use of solar heat. All tanks should be leak- tested after the piping is installed and connections are made and before insulation is applied. If the solar system is unpressurized, leak detection by filling the storage tank is satisfactory. However, if the system is to be pressurized the tanks should be pressure-tested. 14-5 The control sensor(s) should be placed in the tank before insulation is applied to the outside of the tank. An immersion well is suitable for thermistors, whether vertical or horizontal tanks are used. PEBBLE BEDS The foundation for rock storage boxes must be able to support a 2 load of 500 to 600 lb/ft depending upon the size and depth of pebbles used. Pebbles of 0.75- to 1.5-in. sizes weigh approximately 100 to 120 lb/ft . In retrofit applications, constructing a container for a pebble bed is less difficult than installation of a water tank. However, placement of gravel into the box may pose some difficulties. In new construction, the pebbles should be placed before the subfloor is laid above the rock box. Considerable expense for gravel placement can be spared if the rocks can be loaded into the box directly from above rather than with a conveyor after the flooring has been placed. The control sensor at the bottom of storage can be attached to the supporting screen after gravel has been placed, by reaching through the bottom port. In many systems, this sensor is mounted in the duct sup- plying cold air from storage and from the rooms to the collector. If a control sensor is needed at the top of the rock bed, likewise, the sensor can be inserted through the top port. It is important that rock containers be air tight. All corners and joints in the box should be sealed from the inside with a pliable seal- ant. Many suitable sealant materials are available. Because sealing a pebble bed container from the outside is difficult, careful sealing during initial construction is very important. 14-6 Rock containers should be insulated at least to R-13. Less insulation is required for pebble-bed containers than for water tanks because the rate of heat conduction from the pebbles to the walls is low, and most of the heat lost through the walls comes from air cir- culating along the walls inside the storage container. Nevertheless, because the wall area of a container is large, insulation is needed to minimize these heat losses. Locating storage in an existing building may be difficult without sacrificing valuable living space. Storage boxes for rocks can be located in the backyard above grade if desired. An underground rock bed may also be constructed, but the exterior should be sealed from moisture and the walls should be insulated to minimize heat losses. By far the most desirable location for a pebble bed is inside the heated space. INSTALLATION OF COLLECTORS The cost of installing collectors varies widely with design. Some manufacturers design collectors to minimize installation time and cost, while other manufacturers give little or no consideration to the in- stallation process; although their collector costs may be low, the installation costs may be very high. Some manufacturers of liquid collectors provide plumbing fittings on the collector frame which are sturdy enough to be torqued with a pipe wrench. Other manufacturers simply provide a pipe stub protruding loosely from the frame and leave the problem of making piping connections to the installer. While col- lectors with prefitted connections may be more expensive than those without connections, the total installed cost of the former may be 14-7 considerably less than the latter. Similarly, collectors with provisions for anchoring the modules to the roof and for surface and edge flashing designed to fit the collectors can result in considerable time saving during installation. Air collectors with internal mani- folding can result in considerable installation cost reduction compared to collectors that require two roof penetrations and separate ducting for each collector module. Collectors are normally mounted on the roof of a building to minimize overall labor and material costs. In new construction, roof trusses should be angled at a suitable pitch, and collectors can be mounted either directly on the sheathing or integrally with the roof trusses. For retrofit construction, the pitch of the roof may not be at the desired angle, and collector tilt may have to be adjusted with standoffs above the finished roofing. If standoffs are used, a minimum spacing between the collector and the finished roofing is usually re- quired by building codes. The spacing required will vary with location. Costs for mounting collectors with standoffs may be considerably higher than costs for mounting collectors directly on the roof. Wind and snow loads for standoff mounting will be larger than normal and the struc- tural adequacy of roof trusses should be checked. Rack-mounted collectors are suitable for flat roofs and placement on the ground. For ground-level installations, safeguards such as fences must be provided around the collector. An advantage of a rack- mounted array is that collectors can be assembled at ground level. A disadvantage, especially of the air types, is that duct runs and connections may be expensive. 14-8 PLUMBING AND DUCTING After installing the collectors, pipe and duct connections are required. Headers must be connected to liquid collectors and ducts from manifolds to air collectors. Depending upon the type of collectors and arrangement of the array, headers and ducts may be connected to each collector or groups of collectors. For domestic water heating, requir- ing only a few collectors, headers may be connected to each module; but for space heating systems, collectors are usually interconnected in a two- or three-high array. In such arrangements, interconnection of collectors must be made during assembly. If the absorber metal and piping in liquid collectors are of the same material, connections from the header to the collector may be made as illustrated in Figure 14-2. The "bent tube" arrangement allows thermal expansion and contraction of the header without creating exces- sive stress at the connectors. If, however, the absorber and pipe are dissimilar metals, a dielectric (non-metallic) coupling must be used. In that case, the offset between header and collector connections should be less than shown in Figure 14-2 to avoid crimping the flexible hose connections. Headers should be sloped to drain. For closed loop systems, a slope of 1/4 in. for each 10 feet of header is adequate, but for drain- down systems, a slope of 2 in. for each 10 feet is desirable. Headers should be covered with a hood, the base of which is flashed and the top of which should be easily removable for access to the header connections. 14-9 HEADER SWEAT TO FLARE CONNECTION FLARED MALE ELBOW SOLAR COLLECTOR Figure 14-2. Connecting Collector to Header Copper and high temperature plastic (CPVC) pipe are commonly used in solar installations. Of the two, copper is preferable, but if CPVC piping is used, supports must be provided at frequent intervals along horizontal runs so that the pipe will not sag when heated by a warm liquid. Long straight lengths of plastic piping should be avoided wherever possible. All piping should be leak- tested with water and pressurized to specified limits. Pipes in the collector loop, including the manifold, should be insulated with at least 1 inch of closed cell material . 14-10 It is extremely important that ducts in air systems be leak- tight, because performance can otherwise be significantly affected. Unlike in liquid systems, leaks are not easily detected, but if warm air escapes from a collector loop, cold air must enter the system elsewhere to make up for the air leak. Because leaks are difficult to avoid in a complex arrangement of collector arrays, the best practice is to position the blower in the loop so that air leakage is into the collector array. This infiltration into the collector provides pre- heated ventilating air to the building, which ultimately escapes through cracks and openings. If warm air leaks out of the collector array, cold air must enter the building, thus increasing the normal amount of infiltration and discomfort. Ducts may be made of fiberglass ductboard or sheet metal with insulation on the inside or outside, with external insulation usually being preferred. Ductboard can be taped to seal the joints, and metal ducts may be joined with drive clips and hard casted or covered with duct tape. Bends and elbows should contain turning vanes to minimize pressure losses and fan power consumption. Connections between ductwork and blowers should be made with flexible (usually fabric) sections to dampen noise from vibrating blowers and motors, and for ease of removing the blower for service and maintenance. Connections between the ducts and storage box should be flexible to allow for differential movement of the storage box relative to the ducts. 14-11 ADAPTING TO EXISTING HEATERS Solar heating systems are readily adaptable to air distribution systems. While baseboard convectors are prevalent in many non-solar hydronic systems, flat-plate collectors will not perform well with such systems so fan-coil units are usually preferred. A water-to-air coil can be installed in the cold air return duct of an existing warm air- heating system as illustrated in Figure 14-3. Usually the blower is an integral part of a furnace, whether fuel -fired or electric, and for electric furnaces the automatic controls must be reconnected so that the COLD AIR RETURN AIR HEATING DUCT COIL EXISTING DUCTS HOT AIR TO BUILDING Figure 14-3. Recommended Arrangement for Retrofit Installations with a Central Air Circulation System 14-12 blower is independent of the heating element. Locating the heating coil ahead of the blower, as shown in Figure 14-3, is preferred so that air is pre-heated by the solar system. However, if the blower motor is in the air stream, its life may be reduced because it is subjected to a high temperature environment. Alternatively a type B (higher tempera- ture operation) motor may be used. Generally, the location of the water- to-air heating coil is dependent upon the duct arrangement. A two-blower arrangement for a retrofit air solar system might be arranged as shown in Figure 14-4. The existing blower will have to be decoupled from the heating element control and reconnected to the central solar system controller. NEW CONSTRUCTION EXISTING SYSTEM ^ / HOT AIR TO fWf BUILDING \ \ REMOVE \ EXISTING | RETURN DUCT ' SECTION / / / / / ROOM AIR RETURN Figure 14-4. Air-Heating Solar System for Retrofit Installations 14-13 ELECTRIC SERVICE Connections to the control box, pumps, and blowers are usually 120 V A.C. single-phase power. Electrical connections to valves and damper motors are normally 24 volts, and transformers are provided with the controller. Low voltage wiring is also appropriate for thermostats. Control panels should be located conveniently for easy access during installation and maintenance. Control devices are usually field- wired according to instructions provided by the system (or controller) manufacturer. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 15 OPERATIONAL CHECK-OUT SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 15-i TABLE OF CONTENTS OBJECTIVE .... INTRODUCTION . GENERAL PROCEDURE . VISUAL INSPECTION . FINAL CHECK OPERATIONAL CHECK-OUT PERFORMANCE TEST AIR SYSTEMS INSPECTION CHECK LIST - COLLECTORS INSPECTION CHECK LIST - PEBBLE-BED HEAT STORAGE UNIT. START-UP PROCEDURES - AIR HANDLER PERFORMANCE CHECK . PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS LIQUID SYSTEMS . PUMPS HEAT EXCHANGER . ANTIFREEZE SOLUTION LIQUID LEVELS . CORROSION INHIBITOR DRAIN-DOWN SYSTEMS . Collector Loop . Storage Tank Sensors and Controls Page 15-1 15-1 15-2 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-4 15-6 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-11 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-16 15-17 15-18 15-18 15-18 15-19 15-20 15-ii Page PERFORMANCE CHECK 15-21 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 15-23 APPENDIX A15-1 15-1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this module is to acquaint the trainee with: 1. The importance of thorough check-out of a completed solar heating system. 2. The general procedure for checking the proper functioning of the system. 3. The information for adjusting the controls in a solar heating system to achieve effective and dependable operation. INTRODUCTION The numerous components in a solar heating system, with their interconnection and interdependence, require thorough checking for proper functioning before final completion and acceptance. Although there are substantial differences in systems, a reasonably standard procedure of inspection, functional checking, and adjustment can be applied in most installations. Where check-out instructions of the system designer and/or manufacturer are available, they should be closely followed. Step-by-step directions are included in installation manuals provided by a few suppliers of complete solar heating systems. Specific directions for installation, adjustment, and checking are also usually supplied by manufacturers of solar system controllers. The installer's use of a complete check list or form is recommended as the best protection against omissions, subsequent operation problems, customer complaints, expensive damage, and costly service calls. 15-2 GENERAL PROCEDURE VISUAL INSPECTION The first step in a practical check-out procedure is a visual comparison of the completed system with construction drawings and manu- facturers' instructions. Fluid flow patterns, sizes and locations of ducts and piping, and sealing of duct joints should be verified. Elec- trical' connections on controls, sensors, and motors should be checked for integrity and conformity with plans. The collector installation should be inspected for alignment, tight connections, properly posi- tioned piping and ductwork, and security of collector support and perimeter flashing. After completion of the visual inspection of the idle system, various observations should be made when the equipment is operated in each required mode. Generally, the following checks will usually be necessary: 1. Observation of leakage of liquids or air at any point in the system, while running in each operating mode; 2. Verification of proper functioning of all moving parts and controls, including motors, pumps, fans, motorized valves and dampers, manual valves and dampers, check valves and dampers, fuel valves, electrical switches and relays, thermostats and their contacts, draining and venting valves and fittings, and any other adjustable components in the system; 3. Liquid levels and compositions; 15-3 4. Cleanliness and freedom from obstructions in flow channels for liquids and air; 5. After initial operation, cleanliness of filters in liquid and air circuits; 6. Verification of proper control settings and their proper action (turning on, turning off) in actuating motors, valves, and dampers; 7. Detailed check of proper functioning of safety and limiting devices and designs, such as complete drain-down of water from collectors and piping in drain-down systems, automatic valves for draining, venting, and bleeding liquid systems, overheat protection devices such as pressure relief valves and sensor actuated drain valves, and any other system protection devices; 8. Complete check of auxiliary heating and distribution system. The check-out procedure outlined above should be followed prior to final insulation of the principal system components and piping unless insulation is part of the equipment such as in internally insulated air ducts. The heat storage unit may, however, be insulated prior to final system check. FINAL CHECK Following the testing and the repair and correction of faults which may be found, insulation should be applied to components and inter- connections in the system, as recommended or required. A final check on the proper functioning of all moving parts and control functions should then be made to eliminate possibility of malfunction accidentally caused 15-4 by damage during the insulation process, and as a double check on system functions. This final check-out may advantageously be done in collabo- ration with the system owner so that he may understand its operation. OPERATIONAL CHECK-OUT Of particular importance is the careful use of manufacturer's and designer's check-out instructions in verifying and correcting the in- stallation and operation of each system and its components. Procedures are provided by some suppliers of complete solar heating systems, and the manufacturers of the principal components usually supply check-out information on their own products. Collectors, pumps, motorized valves and dampers, and control subsystems are examples. In checking operations in various modes, it is usually necessary for the system installer to simulate one or more conditions not pre- vailing at the time of testing. If the sun is obscured, for example, solar collector checking requires imposing some type of artificial condition to actuate the appropriate components. The supplier of the controller or of the complete system usually offers instructions on simulating each operating mode by making jumper connections across sensor terminals. Sensor control settings must be verified, however, by observations under actual conditions. PERFORMANCE TEST The third major checking procedure is the measurement of heat delivery from the solar heating system. Although only a few systems are provided with convenient and accurate facilities for solar system effi- ciency checking, the installer can usually make a reasonably reliable 15-5 determination of performance. By comparing the measured results with design values, the quality of the system and its installation can be verified. As indicated in more detail below, measurement of inlet and outlet collector temperatures, and measurement or estimate (based on measured pressures) of collector fluid flow rate near noon on a sunny day will provide sufficient information for at least a minimum evalua- tion of system performance. A general blank form for use in checking a complete solar heating system is presented in the Appendix to this module. It includes numer- ous items which might be considered trivial or obvious, but even a minor fault, if overlooked and uncorrected, can cause poor performance, system deterioration, or building damage. Heating practitioners may also notice omissions which, in their experience, should be covered in the check-out process. Since the listing is intended to apply to all types of solar heating systems, some items are not applicable in each case considered. Although sometimes difficult, measurement of solar heat collection and delivery to use provides the best assurance of good system per- formance. Fluid temperature rise and flow rate through the collectors, ambient temperature, and solar radiation should be measured. Solar heat collection and collection efficiency can then be calculated. If flow rates cannot be directly measured, they may sometimes be approximated by determining pressure drops across manufactured standard equipment, such as a heat exchanger or collector, in which the pressure-flow relation- ships are known. 15-6 AIR SYSTEMS Among the check-out steps listed in the general procedure, several are particularly important in air systems. Air leakage, damper closure, blower and motor operation, and proper control should be thoroughly checked. Because of their specialized aspects, collectors, storage units, air handlers, and controllers require more than routine attention. The collector inspection check list used by installers of a nationally distributed solar air heating system follows: INSPECTION CHECK LIST - COLLECTORS ^ 1. Collector Array: Refer to plans 2. Holding proper dimension from collector to collector - thus making airtight seal from port to port: Refer to specifica- tions and/or plans. 3. Used specified material for port and end cap sealant: Refer to specifications and/or plans. 4. Relief tubes sealed and in place: Refer to specifications. 5. Confirm location and dimensions of 2 x 8 (W x 7 1/8") frame. 6. Cap strips installed so proper and airtight seal is accomplished. 7. Perimeter insulation installed: Refer to specifications and/or plans. 8. Perimeter flashings installed properly: Refer to specifications and/or plans. 'Courtesy of The Solaron Corporation, used by permission. 15-7 9. Connecting Collars: Refer to plans. a. Location b. Sealed properly 10. Heat Sensors: Refer to plans. a. Installed properly b. Correct location An inspection list for the pebble-bed heat storage unit specified by the same solar air system manufacturer follows: INSPECTION CHECK LIST - PEBBLE-BED HEAT STORAGE UNIT (1) 1. Location: Refer to plans. 2. Location of Duct Openings: Refer to plans. 3. Dimensions of Unit: Refer to plans. 4. Dimensions of Duct Openings: Refer to plans. 5. General Construction: Refer to plans. a. If construction does not follow plans, make sure modifications are adequate to meet specifications b. Check for exposed wood - all combustible surfaces must be covered with a non-combustible material 6. Check all joints: a. Sealed adequately b. Correct sealant used (i.e. suitable for temperatures around 180°F) ^ ^Courtesy of The Solaron Corporation, used by permission. 15-8 7. Lower Plenum: Refer to plans. a. Proper materials used b. Correct dimensions c. Correct spacing of bond beam block 8. Upper Plenum: Refer to plans. Correct Dimensions 9. Rock: Refer to specifications. a. Proper size b. Free of foreign materials (clean) c. Proper amount d. No depressions in rock bed (level on top) 10. Storage Unit Lid: Refer to specifications. a. Construction b. Sealed adequately c. Proper sealant used (i.e. suitable for temperatures around 180°F) An air handler start-up procedure, which is effectively an installation check list, is shown below. This procedure also verifies the proper functioning of nearly all the elements in the control system. START-UP PROCEDURES - AIR HANDLER (1) I. Preliminary Check 1. Double check all line and low voltage wiring and connections (see wiring diagram for exact wiring hook-up to unit). 'Courtesy of The Solaron Corporation, used by permission. 15-9 2. Check all damper positions, both inside air handler and any dampers that might be located elsewhere in the duct system. 3. Check belt-driven power train (tighten set screws on pulleys, confirm V-belt alignment, etc.). 4. Check voltage supply to unit. Should voltage not be correct, contact electrician before proceeding with start-up. 5. Open all registers, diff users and grilles in distribution system. II. Start-up on "Sunny Days" 1. Set heat anticipators in space thermostat. a. W-, (first stage heating) set at 0.7 amp. b. Wp (second stage heating) set at 0.1 amp. 2. Set thermostat so W-. is calling for heat. W ? must not be calling for heat at this time. NOTE: The use of a jumper between W, and R H at the AU control panel can be used in lieu of setting the thermostat. Before the system is given approval, however, check system operation with the thermostat to insure proper operation. 3. Set Sub-base switches (if present). a. "Fan-Auto" b. "System-Heat" 4. Turn on circuit breakers. 5. Turn on disconnect feeding the AU air handler. 15-10 6. Observe unit operation. a. The auxiliary furnace blower should be running. There should be no auxiliary heat. b. The AU air handler blower should start as long as sensors T and T . have a 45 degree F or greater temperature differential . c. Air flow through dampers in the air handler, and BD1 and BD2, should be as shown on your plans (refer to A.E.M. "Control System" schematic). d. A temperature differential of less than 45 degrees F will automatically switch the system into a "heat from stor- age" mode. If there is no heat in storage (less than 90 degrees F), the control board will automatically by-pass the solar heating circuit and bring on the auxiliary heat source without having W ? in the space thermostat in a "heat" position (closed circuit). e. When the rock storage unit has enough heat (greater than 90 degrees F) available, and the T , T . differential is 3 ' co ci less than 45 degrees F, the air handler will direct the air flow through the rock storage unit and into the auxiliary furnace. This will be accomplished without the auxiliary heat coming on. 7. Set the space thermostat so W-. and VL are not calling for heat (open). a. The auxiliary furnace blower will cease operating b. The AU air handler will continue to operate 15-11 c. The dampers inside the All air handler will direct the solar heated air to the rock storage unit (see flow schematic on your plan and/or your A.E.M. "Control System" schematic. ) 8. Set the space thermostat so W-. and W ? are calling for heat (closed circuit). a. The auxiliary furnace should operate in a conventional manner b. The AU air handler blower will continue to operate c. Dampers in the AU unit will direct air through the rock storage and into the auxiliary furnace (see flow schematic on your plan and/or "Control System" schematic in your A.E.M. ). PERFORMANCE CHECK Knowledge of the heat output of a solar air heating system is of value to the owner. If measurement of air flow rate is impossible or impractical, static pressure readings at several places in the system can be used to obtain a reasonably close estimate of flow rate by com- paring measured pressure drop across collectors, air handler, or hot water coil against manufacturer's data. Small holes (1/4- inch diameter) may be drilled or punched through duct walls at the positions shown in the Solar Heating Flow Schematic shown on the next page^ '' Flexible tubing is then inserted for connection to a manometer. *■ 'Courtesy of The Solaron Corporation, used by permission. 15-12 SOLARON COLLECTORS U- o Solaron Ai \Optiona Sum mer Byposs ^-Air Plenum PROJECT NAME: Typical PrOJPrt DATE.. PROJECT TYPE: RES'L X COMM'L IND'l AGRI OTHER location: Sunbeam Valley, California COLLECTOR ARRAY:_2_HIGH X 12 WIDE = 468 SO ft serviceman: I Deal Heavenly company: SUPERIOR SUNBEAMS, INC. PHONE (_) BD-2 Filter L___Ajr_i FLOV SCHEMATIC = Open P.O. = Partially Optn C = Closed SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS HEATING FROM COLLECTOR HEATING FROM STORAGE STORING HEAT HEATING WITH AUX. FURNACE WATER HEATING (SUMMER) PO PO. PO. 2^c ON OFF ON OFF ON Solaron air rioodlT ON OFF ON OFF ON Aux. Furnact ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF FOR HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS? MD-2 Closed, MD-3 Open, 8D-I Closed AIR HANDLER L SOLAR AUX Design CFM Design Ext. SP Fan RPM HP Motor RPM Volt Phase FLA SF SFA Insul. Class Motor Mfg Model No 936 D.80" 1160 1/2 1725 115 1 fi.n 1.25 6.8 B GE 4T0051 T, (CFM S0 , ) + T 2 (CFM aux - CFM S0 , ) CFMnux T, = I30°F T 2 = 68° F T 3 = IIT-F TEMPERATURE 6 STATIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS STORING HEAT| Moto 5 r _ ( J mps - HEATING FROM STORAGE HEATING FROMJ Motor Amps. COLLECTOR j 5.3 POINT ... . °F STATIC PRESSURE S.P. DIFF. POINT °F STAT 1 C PRESSURE S.P. DIFF. POINT °F STATIC PRESSURE S.P. DIFF. 1 X ^0.00" X _ 0.00" 1 _ -.19" ) .42" 2 138 -.34" 2 -" 2 - -.94" > .69 3 132 + .35" 3 130 -.29" 3 _ -.20" >.19 ).14 > .04" 4 68 + .16" 4 68 -.15" 4 - -.16" 5 66 + .06" 5 - -.01" 5 66 -.34" >.31 > .00 ) .42" 6 141 -.25" 6 - -.01" 6 122 -.76" 7 7 - -.42" 7 - -.21" ) .60 ) .48" 8 8 117 + .18" 8 - + .27" © COPYRIGHT 2-1978 SOLARON CORP., DENVER, CO. 80222 15-13 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Air Heating System A. Collector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Heat delivery rate: «c = (%)(V T i )(60) Area, A c ft 2 Inlet temperature, T. °F Outlet temperature, T °F Pressure drop across blower, Wp in W.G Flow rate, V cfm Air density, p .07 lb/ft 3 Specific heat, c .24 Btu/(1 = V . pCpCY^XeO) Btu/hr B. Collector Efficiency: 1. Solar radiation on horizontal surface, In Btu/(ft2 . > 2 or on tilted surface, Iy Btu/(ft *hr) 2. Collector efficiency Q c h = t-t- x 100 % c Vc 15-14 or sensitive differential pressure gauge. Temperature sensors (glass or dial thermometers, thermocouples, or thermistors) are also inserted through holes at these points. A performance analysis form used by installers of a widely used air system, with sample data, is shown on the preceding page^ . Points for measurement of temperature and static pressure are indicated. By com- parison of static pressure differences across the several components with those shown in the manufacturer's engineering data sheets at vari- ous flow rates, actual flow rates may be closely estimated. Heat output may then be calculated by completing the form entitled Performance Analysis, Air Heating System . By use of a simple hand-held meter, solar radiation can also be measured so that collection efficiency, item B2 in the Performance Analysis form, may be calculated. Comparison with manufacturer's performance data may then be made. If a large difference is found, causes should then be investigated. LIQUID SYSTEMS The principal components of a typical liquid space heating system requiring check-out procedures specific to the liquid type (as compared with air) are 1. liquid pumps 2. liquid- to- liquid heat exchanger 3. valves and piping for draining and venting. ^Courtesy of The Solaron Corporation, used by permission. 15-15 The other system components such as collectors, storage tank, motorized valves, pipe connections, sensors and controllers, all have their counterparts in the air systems previously described. If the supplier of a main component, such as the collector, has provided a complete system design and check-out procedure, those instructions should be followed. In other instances, particularly if large or custom-designed systems are involved, the mechanical engineering designer or consultant may specify a check-out procedure. If no specific inspection list is available, the installer should follow the general guidelines previously outlined, altering them as may be necessary for the specific system involved. PUMPS With respect to pumps, the installer should check speed (unless directly coupled to motor), and by means of permanent or temporary gauges, the pressure difference from inlet to outlet of the pump. Proper mounting, alignment, and attachment to piping and wiring should also be checked. Noise and vibration should be within acceptable limits. By use of the pump speed and the fluid pressure difference, the pump manufacturer's charts or graphs may be used to determine volumetric flow rate. This rate should then be compared with the desired or designed flow rate and, if not in satisfactory agreement, causes for difference should be determined and corrected. Because misleading pressure readings may sometimes be obtained at points near pumps, measurements of pressure differences across other components in the system should also be made. Pressure loss through the collector array and across a heat exchanger may be compared with the 15-16 manufacturer's flow rate-pressure drop data to confirm the flow measurements. If serious discrepancies appear, their cause should be determined. HEAT EXCHANGER In dual-liquid systems, proper operation of the collector-storage heat exchanger must be verified. Counter flow of the two liquids is essential, so piping connections must be checked to verify the flow of one liquid in a direction opposite to the flow of the other. When operating under conditions such that solar energy is being collected, the inlet and outlet temperature of the collector fluid, the inlet temperature of the storage fluid, and the static pressure at all four points should be measured. If thermometer wells are not provided in the piping, temperature sensors (thermocouples, thermistors or small-bulb thermometers) should be tightly taped to the outside of the pipe in close proximity to the heat exchanger connections. At least 2 inches of pipe insulation should be applied over the temperature sensor along at least 1 foot of pipe length. After they become constant (several minutes) the readings will be sufficiently close to the liquid tempera- tures at those points. Calculation of a heat balance on the exchanger and a comparison of pressure loss with those shown in the manufacturer's data should then be made. ANTIFREEZE SOLUTION The concentration of antifreeze solution in the collector liquid should be verified by use of a hydrometer such as commonly available 15-17 for testing automobile radiator coolants. If the test shows inadequate freeze protection, addition of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol as specified by the designer should be made until the concentration is satisfactory. Tables of antifreeze concentration and liquid density may be used if the hydrometer does not show the freezing temperatures directly. Drainage of some liquid from the collector loop may be necessary in order that antifreeze can be added. LIQUID LEVELS The liquid level both in the collector loop and in the storage tank should be determined by whatever means are provided in the system. Sight gauges, pointer type indicators, inspection ports, and overflow valves or other means may be used, depending on design. In a closed collector loop, proper filling and functioning of the expansion tank must be verified, sufficient liquid being present to fill the collector loop and sufficient additional space being available for the enlarged liquid volume when solar heated. Consideration must be given to the temperature of the liquid at which the expansion tank level is noted so that either an increase or decrease in liquid volume can be accommodated. If a non-aqueous liquid is used in the collector loop, such as a silicone oil, its quantity and quality should be checked. Normal proce- dure would involve filling of the system by the installer, from a known supply of the chemical. In case of doubt, some chemical or physical property of the liquid which the manufacturer recommends for identifica- tion should be ascertained. 15-18 CORROSION INHIBITOR If a corrosion inhibitor is used in the storage liquid, the most satisfactory procedure for insuring protection is careful compliance with designer's instructions when the inhibitor is first added to the system. If later verification of the quantity and quality of the addi- tive is required, a chemical or physical test of a sample of the solu- tion should be made by the installer. In some cases, a sample may have to be supplied to a testing laboratory for checking. In exceptional cases, the most economical procedure may be the draining and recharging of the storage unit, with properly measured additives. DRAIN-DOWN SYSTEMS Collector Loop In drain-down systems, careful inspection of all piping and connections must be made to verify the absence of any low points or traps in the system that might prevent complete drainage. Even, hori- zontal runs of pipe should be avoided, slight slope being a much pre- ferred design. Access of air to the collector either through an at- mospheric valve or from the storage tank via an adequately sized pipe must be verified. Systems that are designed for collector drainage to occur either when freezing threatens or when the pump ceases operation must be thoroughly and completely checked by dependable and repeated drainage and refilling, without fault. Those that are designed to drain back into the storage tank, either through an open return or siphon return 15-19 when the pump ceases operation, can be checked by interrupting the power supply to the pump motor. After a minute or so, absence of water out- flow through an opened drain valve located in the collector supply piping above the level of water in the storage tank indicates satisfac- tory collector drainage. The lack of water in the return line from the collector to the storage tank can be similarly verified. In siphon return systems, the opening of the "siphon breaker" air inlet valve at the top of the collector piping assembly must also be verified. This valve must be open whenever electric power is accidentally or purposely interrupted. Start-up of the system after drainage must also be checked by restoring power to the pump and to the siphon breaker valve (if the valve is of the electric-operated type). Observation of flow returning to storage, if in a visible location, or verification of normal pres- sures at various points in the circulating loop can confirm satisfactory displacement of air from the collector and piping, and the restoration of normal flow. In the siphon return system, verification of proper functioning of the air bleed valve at the top of the piping array must also be made. Storage Tank If main storage is operated at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure and is non-vented (usually because a pressurized hydronic heat distribution system is involved), proper operation of the pressure relief valve (safety valve) on the storage tank must be established. If the valve cannot be tested satisfactorily in place, it should be removed 15-20 temporarily and tested with measured pressure by use of a pressure test kit. The greater complexity of the piping and valving in this type of system requires verification of complete collector drainage by methods recommended by the designer of the system employed. There is sufficient variation in the designs of these systems, including liquid level con- trol, automatic water make up, check valves, by-pass piping, and motor- ized valves, that there is no standard check-out procedure applicable to all systems. Sensors and Controls Systems which involve collector drainage only when freezing threatens are usually actuated by a temperature sensor in the collector or in the atmosphere. These controls must be checked by artificially cooling the sensor below the temperature at which it functions to drain the collectors. The application of ice to the sensor should turn off the pump and allow the collector to drain. Removal of the ice will then permit the sensor to warm up and restart the pump. These operations can be visually verified. Proper functioning of controls and other components which prevent overheating and/or boiling of fluids in the collector and storage loops must also be verified. Several types of overheat protection devices are commonly used, so the manufacturer's instructions should be carefully followed in the check-out procedure. An excessive temperature condition can usually be electrically simulated by a suitable signal to the con- troller, and the functioning of the overheat protection system observed. Circulation of water from the storage tank through a heat rejection 15-21 coil, drainage of the collector, draw-off of domestic hot water from the solar pre-heat tank and automatic addition of cold water, and discharge of hot water from the solar hot water storage tank, are the principal methods employed. Checking the operation of whatever system is in use is essential. If the overheat sensor is accessible, a small electric heating element can be temporarily applied at the proper point by the installer, thereby checking the entire system in place, including the control elements. If this condition has to be simulated by causing an open circuit or short circuit in the overheat sensor contact in the controller, the sensor itself should be checked by heating prior to installation. Controller manufacturers usually provide check data for all standard elements in the control circuitry. Measurement of electrical resistances can usually provide satisfactory evidence of proper operation. PERFORMANCE CHECK Following the checking of proper functioning of all components in the system under all conditions of operation, measurement of heat output and efficiency of the system should be made. The following table (Performance Analysis, Liquid Heating System) indicates the measurements needed and the calculations required. The previously described methods for measuring collector flow rate and temperature rise at full and nearly constant solar radiation levels should be conducted simultaneous- ly with measurement of solar radiation intensity. These measurements should be made near mid-day so that conditions are as constant as practical. Calculation of the heat delivery from the collector is a 15-22 simple multiplication of the temperature rise, flow rate, and heat capacity factors. Dividing this quantity by the solar radiation input rate provides efficiency data. Comparison with the manufacturer's rating data at the temperatures and solar radiation levels corresponding to those applied during the test can then show the degree of agreement with the designed values. Unexplained differences, if any, then need to be investigated and corrected. 15-23 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Liquid Heating System Collector 1. Area, A c 2. Inlet temperature, T. 3. Outlet temperature, T 4. Pressure drop across pump 5. Fluid flow rate, G 6. Specific heat, c p 7. Fluid specific weight, y 8. Heat delivery rate: ft 2 _°F °F psi gpm Btu/(lb-°F) lb/gal Btu Q„ = Gyc (T -T.)(60) , x c ' p v o i yv y hr Collector Efficiency: 1. Solar radiation on horizontal n . //£ .2 . ^ surface, L,, or Btu/(ft * hr ^ tilted surface, I T Btu/(ft -hr) 2. Collector efficiency Q c n = t4- x loo % c n M c A15-1 APPENDIX A15-2 Inspection Check List Project: Owner: Address: Date Inspected: Inspector: Approved: Disapproved: Exceptions: (refer to Exception Notes) Yes No Solar Collectors: 1. Structural strength appears adequate 2. Are resistant to weather 3. Are resistant to fire 4. Provided with an efficiency curve in acceptable form 5. Have material with potential for outgassing 6. Are provided with adequate flashing 7. Meet safety requirements 8. The glazing is adequate for strength 9. The glazing appears to have satisfactory durability 10. The absorbed material and coating are acceptable Energy Transport System: 1. Expansion or contraction will cause damage 2. Joints with dissimilar metals are suitably protected 3. Air distribution system is adequately sized 4. Filters are placed properly 5. Pipe and duct hangers are adequate 6. Valves and dampers are acceptable A15-3 Yes No C. Thermal Storage Units: 1. Container materials are sufficiently durable 2. Contamination of air or water is adequately prevented 3. Materials in storage units are compatible with other units of the system D. Heat Transfer Fluids: 1. Are chemically stable 2. Are thermally stable 3. Are non-corrosive 4. Pose a safety hazard 5. Have a sufficiently high flash point E. Heat Exchangers: 1. Are suitable with the system 2. Potable water is suitably protected from non-potable heat source 3. Heating coils are adequate F. Gaskets and Seals: 1. The system is adequately gasketed for pressure 2. Ducts are adequately sealed G. Insulation and Moisture Protection: 1. Insulation materials constitute a fire hazard 2. Materials are thermally stable 3. Pipe and duct insulation is adequate 4. Storage is adequately insulated H. Hose Couplings: 1. Are thermally stable 2. Are compatible with the heat transfer fluid 3. Are compatible with piping material I. Controls: 1. Fail-safe protection is adequate 2. Pressure relief devices are adequate 3. Vacuum relief is provided 4. Main shut-off valves and switches are identified 5. Automatic controls are provided A15-4 Yes No Installation, Operation and Maintenance: 2. The system is generally maintainable Auxiliary Heating and Hot Water Units: 1. The auxiliary heater is sized adequately to maintain comfort conditions 2. The auxiliary DHW system is adequate Solar System: 1. Leak tests have been performed 2. Freeze protection is adequate 3. Adequate isolation valves have been installed 4. There is adequate drainage when components are installed and dismantled 5. There is generally adequate protection from scalding temperatures 6. Catchments are provided for boil-out and overflow of toxic materials 7. Water hammer arresters are adequate 8. Air bleeds and vent valves are adequate 9. Vents, chimneys and ventilation are adequate 10. Performance estimates are available Exception Notes TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 16 FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR COOLING SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 16-i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES 16- ii GLOSSARY OF TERMS 16-iii OBJECTIVE 16-1 INTRODUCTION 16-1 CATEGORIES OF SPACE COOLING METHODS 16-1 DEFINITION OF TERMS 16-2 REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS 16-3 ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION 16-5 Temperature Restrictions .... 16-6 Types of Li thium-Bromi de-Absorption Refrigeration Systems .... 16-7 SOLAR RANKINE-CYCLE ENGINE .... 16-8 HEAT PUMP 16-10 EVAPORATIVE COOLING 16-10 EVAPORATIVE COOLING THROUGH ROCK BED 16-10 EVAPORATIVE COOLING WITH ROOF PONDS AND SPRAYS 16-11 DESICCANT COOLING (DEHUMIDIFICATION) 16-13 TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL OPEN-CYCLE DESICCANT SYSTEM 16-13 SOLID DESICCANT SYSTEMS 16-15 REFRIGERATION COOLING WITH ROCK BED OR WATER STORAGE 16-15 REFERENCES 16-18 16- ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 16-1 Vapor-Compression Air-Conditioner Schematic . 16-4 16-2 Absorption Air-Conditioner or Chiller — Schematic Drawing ...... 16-5 16-3 Rankine-Cycle Vapor-Compression System . . 16-9 16-4 Evaporative Cooling with Rock-Bed Storage . 16-12 16-5 Schematic of Triethylene Glycol (Liquid Desiccant) Open-Cycle Air-Conditioning System . 16-14 16-6 Solid Desiccant Dehumidification and Cooling System ("MEC" System) . . . . . 16-16 16-iii GLOSSARY OF TERMS absorbent A liquid in which a refrigerant can be dissolved or combined coefficient of performance refrigerant ton of refrigeration Ratio of heat removal rate (cooling rate) to energy supply rate Working fluid in a refrigeration system Heat removal at a rate of 12,000 Btu per hour 16-1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this module is to develop understanding of the principles of solar space cooling systems. In order to test whether this objective is met by the trainee, as a minimum level of accomplish- ment, the trainee should be able to: 1. List the different solar cooling methods and 2. Describe the operation of solar cooling systems. INTRODUCTION The withdrawal of heat from the air within a building enclosure which results in a temperature or humidity lower than that of the natural surroundings is termed space cooling or air-conditioning. Cooling methods powered by solar energy are of particular interest in this module. CATEGORIES OF SPACE COOLING METHODS There are three categories of space cooling methods for residential buildings. They are: 1. Refrigeration 2. Evaporative cooling 3. Desiccant cooling (dehumidification). Solar energy may be used as the principal energy supply in some refrigeration systems and in desiccant cooling cycles. Evaporative cooling is only indirectly related to solar in being dependent on 16-2 climatic factors and in the opportunity for joint use of some of the solar heating equipment. The discussion in this module concerns prin- cipally refrigeration methods. Evaporative and desiccant cooling are also briefly mentioned. DEFINITION OF TERMS The capacity of a refrigeration machine to cool room air is customarily measured in tons of refrigeration . A ton of refrigeration is the removal of heat at a rate of 12,000 Btu per hour. Another often- used term in connection with refrigeration equipment is coefficient of performance, COP. The COP expresses the effectiveness of a refrigera- tion cooling system as the useful refrigeration effect divided by the net energy supplied to the machine. COP is determined by the simple equation below: CO p _ Heat energy removed Energy supplied from external sources The COP of a mechanical vapor-compression refrigeration machine is characteristically about two and can be as high as four. The COP of a lithium-bromide-water absorption refrigeration machine is about 0.8 and more often operates in the range from 0.6 to 0.7. A COP less than 1.0 means there is more energy supplied to the machine than heat energy removed from the room air. From the cooling capacity and COP, the energy consumed by the machine to produce the cooling effect can be determined by dividing the heat removal rate by the COP. For example, with a 3- ton absorption air chiller having a heat removal rate of 36,000 Btu per hour and a COP of 0.6, the rate of heat supply to the generator is 60,000 Btu per hour (36,000 + 0.6). 16-3 REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS Cooling is achieved in refrigeration systems by removing heat from air or water as it comes in contact with a cold refrigerated surface. That surface is maintained at its low temperature by evaporating a liquid refrigerant at a still lower temperature from the opposite side or face of the surface. Heat absorbed by the evaporating refrigerant is supplied by the air or water being cooled. The most common method for providing the energy necessary for this process is by an electrically powered compressor which raises the pressure of the refrigerant vapor so that it can be condensed to a liquid for subsequent evaporation at lower pressure and temperature as shown in Figure 16-1. Conventional vapor-compression refrigeration systems powered by electric motors can be driven by electricity produced in a solar engine of some type, or the compressor can be powered directly by the solar engine, without electricity generation. A system of this type is de- scribed below. Another process for supplying refrigerant to a surface through which heat is transferred from air or water being cooled involves the heating of a mixture of refrigerant and an absorbing liquid. The re- frigerant is condensed and evaporated as in the vapor-compression sys- tem, then reabsorbed and returned to the generator where it is again vaporized by heat from fuel. These absorption refrigeration systems may be modified for solar heat supply. Further details are shown in Figure 16-2 and in the following sub-section. Of the two principal types of commercially available refrigeration units, only the absorption type is driven by solar energy to an appre- ciable extent. Among several types of experimental and commercial 16-4 Li- o O lO o Q. O > c o w. 0) ! f 0> 1_ «*- a> or a> EVAPORATOR Warm Air from Rooms 75° F PRESSURE- REDUCING VALVE OR RESTRICTOR Cool ^ Air to Rooms 55° F if" Low Pressure Refrigerant, Liquid and Vapor, 40° F ^ CONDENSER - — Liquid Refrigerant, 100° F Atmosphere High Pressure Refrigerant Vapor, I20°F Figure 16-1. Vapor-Compression Air-Conditioner Schematic 16-5 RETURN TO COOLING TOWER MM WARM AIR OR WATER PUMP COOLING TOWER WATER Figure 16-2. Absorption Air-Conditioner or Chiller -- Schematic Drawing absorption machines, the lithium-bromide-water unit is currently (1980) the only one commercially available for residential space cooling by use of solar energy supply. ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION An absorption refrigeration machine uses heat energy to provide cooling. When a liquid mixture of refrigerant and absorbent is heated, the refrigerant is vaporized from the solution. Refrigerant vapor flows from the generator through a condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator, then into an absorber, where it recombines with the absorbent. In a lithium-bromide-water absorption machine, water is the refrigerant and a lithium-bromide solution is the absorbent. An absorbent is a liquid 16-6 which combines with or dissolves the refrigerant at low temperatures but will release the refrigerant when heated to higher temperatures. As the refrigerant is absorbed, heat is generated and must be removed by a cooling medium of some type, usually water. Operation of a lithium-bromide absorption cycle is explained with the aid of Figure 16-2. Water vapor refrigerant is boiled from the liquid solution in the generator by providing solar heated water to the generator at temperatures between 160°F and 210°F. Vapor leaving the generator enters the condenser, where it is cooled to about 100°F and condensed to liquid by cooling water from an outdoor cooling tower. The condensate passes through a pressure-reducing valve or restrictor into the evaporator (chiller) coil where it cools to about 40°F and vaporizes by absorbing heat from the air or water being chilled. Vaporized re- frigerant then passes to the absorber where it meets concentrated lithium-bromide solution from the generator at a temperature of about 100°F. In this absorption process, heat is released and removed by cooling water from the cooling tower. The lithium-bromide solution is returned from the absorber to the generator via a heat exchanger, by a pump or by gravity. The recouperator in the diagram is a heat exchanger which pre-heats the dilute solution as it flows from the absorber to the generator and at the same time cools the hot concentrated solution which flows from the generator to the absorber. Temperature Restrictions The temperature of the hot water supplied to the generator of a solar-operated lithium-bromide absorption refrigeration machine is usually between 160°F and 210°F. The heat input rate to the generator 16-7 must be sufficiently high to boil the refrigerant (water) from the solution. If the supply temperature is below 160°F, the heat transfer rate diminishes to a point too low for satisfactory operation. Low temperature in the recouperator can result in crystallization of lithium-bromide in the outlet tube leading from the recouperator to the absorber, eventually extending to the generator as water continues to be boiled off and the concentration of lithium-bromide increases. If the supply temperature is appreciably above 210°F, the heat transfer rate diminishes to a point too low for satisfactory operation (not usually possible because of temperature limitations in the solar collector and storage tank). Cooling water temperature is dependent on atmospheric temperature and humidity and is generally a few degrees above the wet-bulb tempera- ture. Design cooling water temperature is normally 80°F, but consider- able variation is common. Types of Lithium-Bromide-Absorption Refrigeration Systems There are two types of lithium-bromide-water absorption refrigeration systems. In the direct expansion tube, air is circulated from the building to the evaporator coil, where cooling and dehumidifi- cation occur. In the chiller type, water is cooled by circulation through the coil. The chilled water is then pumped through a separate fan-coil unit through which room air is circulated. Chilled water may also be stored in one or two tanks coupled both to the chiller and the water-to-air fan-coil, thereby reducing fluctuations and intermittent chiller operation. 16-8 Figure 16-2 shows a mechanical pump for return of liquid from absorber to generator. This design is used in a commercial 3-ton chiller. A direct expansion 3-ton air-conditioner has employed a bubble-pump (similar to a coffee percolator tube) to lift the boiling solution from the generator to a vapor-liquid separator, so that the height change provides the pressure difference between generator- condenser on the high pressure side and evaporator-absorber on the low-pressure side. SOLAR RANKINE-CYCLE ENGINE Instead of driving the compressor of a vapor-compression refrigeration machine with an electric motor, an alternative source of power for the compressor is a solar-powered engine. Solar heat can be used to produce steam or other vapor to drive a turbine. The turbine may be coupled directly to the compressor of a refrigeration machine, as shown in a schematic drawing of a simplified system in Figure 16-3, or an electric generator and motor set may be used to couple the two sys- tems. Heat is supplied to a boiler from a solar collector. Fluid in the boiler is vaporized and the vapor drives the rotor of the turbine. The rotating shaft then drives a compressor in a vapor-compression refriger- ation machine which produces the desired cooling effect. Vapor from the turbine is condensed and returned to the boiler. The regenerator is a heat exchanger to recover some of the heat from the vapor leaving the turbine. Working fluids include water (steam), several types of fluor- carbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and others. This machine is still in 16-9 E a> 4-> to >> <•> c o to in a> s_ Q. E O o I 5- O Q- 0) p— u o I CD c •I — c fO 05 < _J O UJ o Cf •- 16-10 experimental and developmental stages and not yet available as a commerical unit. If it becomes commercial, it is probable that this system would be more practical in large sizes (at least 25 tons) than in residential capacities. HEAT PUMP A heat pump can be used both for heating and for cooling. As a cooling unit, it is essentially a vapor-compression refrigerator which absorbs heat from inside a building and rejects it to the outside air. It is driven by an electric motor, normally supplied with commercial electricity from central station power plants. The principles of operation are described in Module 7. EVAPORATIVE COOLING EVAPORATIVE COOLING THROUGH ROCK BED Air may be cooled by evaporation of water under conditions such that heat for vaporization is supplied by the air. The so-called swamp cooler employs this principle. As an example, ambient air at 100°F dry-bulb temperature and 70°F wet-bulb temperature (relative humidity 22 percent) can be evaporatively cooled by water sprays to about 77°F. However, the relative humidity would rise to an uncomfortable 71 percent. It is evident that evaporative cooling does not require solar energy, so it is not a solar cooling process. However, because the rock bed in an air-heating solar system can be used for heat transfer and cool storage in an evaporative cooling system, this method is sometimes associated with solar cooling. 16-11 An evaporative cooler coupled with a rock-bed storage unit is shown in Figure 16-4. Night air is evaporatively cooled and circulated through the rock bed to cool the pebbles. During the day, warm air from the building can then be cooled by circulation through the cool pebble bed. Humidity supplied to the night air is thus not introduced to the living space. Dampers are positioned to direct the circulation of air appropriately. When cool air can no longer be delivered from the rock bed, outdoor air may be evaporatively cooled directly and delivered to the rooms. Evaporative cooling is practical only in fairly dry climates where relative humidities and night temperatures are normally low. EVAPORATIVE COOLING WITH ROOF PONDS AND SPRAYS There are two solar houses, one in California and the other in Arizona, that utilize evaporative cooling and night-time radiation to reduce day-time temperature rise in those structures. Each building has a shallow water pond on a flat roof with sectional i zed retracting in- sulating covers over the pond. By retracting the covers at night, the water cools by evaporation and radiation to the sky. The covers are closed during the day to prevent solar heating of the pond. Heat is absorbed in the water by conduction through the ceiling of the rooms immediately below. During the mild winters in these locations, the shallow ponds are used for space heating. The insulating covers are retracted during sunny days to collect solar heat in the pond and closed at night to prevent excessive heat loss. The stored heat is conducted through the metal roof (ceiling) for radiation into the living space below. In 16-12 O) 03 s_ o +-> CO -o CD CQ I u o •I— C O o o (D > •r— ■P 03 S- o a. > I S- Z3 16-13 climates where heating and cooling demands are low, this design may be of interest. Roof ponds or sprays are also frequently used in commercial and industrial buildings simply to reduce excessive roof-top temperatures resulting from solar absorption on large area flat roofs. The exposed roof is continuously sprayed or flooded with water so that evaporation can minimize roof-surface temperature. Solar cooling is not involved. DESICCANT COOLING (DEHUMIDIFICATION) TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL OPEN-CYCLE DESICCANT SYSTEM In locations where humidities are high, evaporative cooling can be accomplished if the air is first dehumidified by some means. One system commercially used for air dehumidification is shown schematically in Figure 16-5. Moist room air is dehumidified by contacting it with a solution of triethylene glycol in which moisture is absorbed. The dehumidified air then passes through mist eliminators and then through an evaporative cooler where its temperature is reduced to a comfortable level. The liquid desiccant passing through the absorber picks up moisture from the building air and becomes diluted. Solar heat may be used to regenerate the dilute triethylene glycol solution which is returned to the absorber and recycled. Regeneration is accomplished by spraying the glycol solution into a stream of solar heated air in which moisture evaporated from the glycol solution is exhausted to the atmosphere. If there is insufficient solar heat, an auxiliary heater may be used to heat the air stream. Heat is recovered from the glycol 16-14 CO < X X UJ UJ or UJ X Q_ CO O ♦ tr HA >-uj or §t << UJ o HZ cc ; i UJ <<■ UJX xo X UJ AUXII GAS H ■ i \t (/) _j o o z z < x E? Z 3 £=> 2 _J — _i U_ fro _l UJ ^o UJ q: CO or UJ o HZ << UlJX Xo X UJ 1 • •*•••••• i I • UJ o HZ << UJX xo X UJ "1 1^ • • • • * *": CO _i a: o UJ o o _JUJ H < Z CD a: o o z oo CJ** 2 CO _J 5o CO o OH _J < o CO UJ o UJ > I, bo: : - _i o _j Q UJ H < o o 5 cr CO H Z IjJ UJ H a: C ) UJ < z o o Z) _J Q i E CD +J CO en c C o o I S- cu c a> a. o ■p c (0 o o •I— to O) Q 3 a- o u >> cu c ai -P o u •r— +-> rd £ CU .c o CO I CD D5 ! ! I 16-15 solution leaving the stripping column by heat exchange with solution leaving the absorber. The system may be operated over a substantial range of air temperatures, but the higher temperatures, in the area of 180°F, result in superior system performance and higher COP's. A liquid desiccant open-cycle system in large sizes, using conventional heat sources, is commercially available, but solar opera- tion has been only in limited experiments. This type of system has not been actively considered for residential space cooling systems. SOLID DESICCANT SYSTEMS Another method for dehumidifying air in preparation for evaporative cooling involves use of solid adsorbents which can be regenerated by heat. Silica gel granules, lithium chloride and calcium chloride crystals, and "molecular sieve" zeolite granules are all commercially used in air-drying applications. Figure 16-6 shows how one of these processes can be adapted to regeneration with solar heat. A combination of dehumidification, air-to-air heat supply from solar and fuel can provide air-conditioning. This and other cycles, employing solar heated water and solar heated air for regeneration, have been experimentally investigated, but no commercial units are available. REFRIGERATION COOLING WITH ROCK BED OR WATER STORAGE Another cooling process that is not powered by solar energy, but is aided by the solar storage normally used for space heating, employs conventional cooling machines. A heat pump or vapor-compression 16-16 m 5°° o 00 O "^ o O CM CM o CM o O CM rO h- co ^ IO 92 C/) O o h CO ■p o LU 4-> o o o ■a c fO c o •r- -P O 3 -C C 03 U L> •r- to CU Q ■o 2 •r— o I — o or © o O0 ro 2 u> O ^ V£> o^ °~ 1 u. »o t£> n rH or — CU < s- 3 or io 16-17 air-conditioner supplies cool air to the storage unit during periods of low electric demand. Off-peak pricing permits lower cost air- conditioning by this night-time cooling of storage which then supplies cool air to the building by heat exchange during the daylight hours when power rates are usually higher. Water tanks may be used, with suitable heat exchangers, or pebble beds can be operated as direct air coolers. The possibility of moisture condensation and odor generation in a pebble bed used as cold storage must, however, be considered and avoided. 16-18 REFERENCES 1. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, ASHRAE, Inc., New York, 1972. 2. Barber, R.E., "Solar Air Conditioning Systems Using Rankine Power Cycles - Design and Test Results of Prototype Three-Ton Unit", Proceedings, Institute of Environmental Sciences Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, April 1975. 3. Bliss, R.W. , Jr., "The Performance of an Experimental System Using Proceedings, United Nations Conference on New Sources of Energy, Volume 5, pp. 148-158, Rome, 1964. 4. Chung, R. , Duffie, J. A., and Lof, G.O.G., "A Study of a Solar Air Conditioner", Mechanical Engineering, Volume 85, Number 8, pp. 31-35, August 1963. 5. Close, D.J., et. al., "Design and Performance of a Thermal Storage Air Conditioning System", Institute of Engineering Australia - Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Transcriptions, Volume MC 4, Number 1, pp. 45-54, May 1968. 6. Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W.A. , Solar Energy Thermal Processes, J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1974. 7. Hay, H.R. , and Yellott, J. I., "A Naturally Air-Conditioned Building", Mechanical Engineering, Volume 92, pp. 19-25, January 1970. 8. Johnston, R.C.R., "Regenerative Evaporative Air Conditioning with Dehumidifi cation" , AIRAH Transactions, Volume 21, Number 2, pp. 29-34. February 1967. 9. Threlkeld, J.L. , Thermal Environmental Engineering, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1970. 10. Ward, D.S., Weiss, T.A. , and Lof, G.O.G., "Preliminary Performance of CSU Solar House I Heating and Cooling System", International Solar Energy Society Congress and Exposition, Los Angeles, California, July 1975. 11. Wilbur, P.J. and Mitchell, C.E., "Solar Absorption Air Conditioning Alternatives," Solar Energy, Vol. 17, pp. 193-199, 1975. TRAINING COURSE IN THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS MODULE 17 FUTURE PROSPECTS FOR SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LABORATORY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 17-i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES . INTRODUCTION . OBJECTIVE SOLAR COLLECTORS SELECTIVE SURFACES . EVACUATED TUBE COLLECTORS TRANSPARENT HONEYCOMBS CONCENTRATING COLLECTORS . THERMAL STORAGE HEAT EXCHANGER . SYSTEMS Page 17- ■ii 17- ■ii 17- ■1 17- ■2 17- ■2 17- ■2 17- ■4 17- ■6 17- ■8 17- ■8 17- ■12 17- ■13 17-ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 17-1 Types of Evacuated Tube Collectors .... 17-5 17-2 Transparent Honeycomb Collector .... 17-7 17-3 Direct Contact, Li quid- Li quid Heat Exchanger . . 17-13 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 17-1 Selective Surfaces Characteristics .... 17-3 17-2 Properties of Phase-Change Heat Storage Materials . 17-10 17-3 Properties of Possible Collector Fluids . . . 17-14 17-1 INTRODUCTION The solar systems described in this manual are examples of thousands that have been installed in the last three years. Performance data, mainly from well -instrumented systems, indicate that they can function satisfactorily in residential buildings. Air and liquids heated by solar energy in flat-plate collectors provide temperatures suitable for space heating, hot water supply, and cooling by absorption refrigeration. Although heat delivery efficiencies of the various systems differ between them, and fluctuate with climatic conditions, they should average about 30 percent of the solar radiation received. If this average can be improved by better components at equal or lower cost, the improvements are worthwhile. A number of new features and components of systems are being investigated, and several might provide substantial improvement in system performance. Flat-plate collectors can be improved with selec- tive coatings or redesigned to produce higher heat collection efficien- cies. Evacuated collectors are inherently more efficient than conven- tional types, and developments which could reduce their cost can have important effects on commercial use. Heat storage in phase-change materials could reduce the space required for the solar heating system, and heat collection and storage by use of two immiscible liquids may result in system simplification and improved performance. If cooling equipment using solar-heated air can be developed, air-heating solar systems could be used throughout the year for heating and cooling. These and other developments may become important in the solar heating and cooling of buildings. 17-2 OBJECTIVE This module contains descriptions of new concepts and developments in solar heating and cooling systems that could improve overall perfor- mance and economy. Its objective is to provide the trainee a basis for anticipating future developments and improvements in the systems de- scribed in this course and to recognize the research and development effort being devoted to component hardware in solar heating and cooling systems. SOLAR COLLECTORS The component which has the greatest influence on system performance and cost is the solar collector. Improvements in the col- lector which will increase its efficiency and reduce its cost can be particularly important. Among numerous possibilities are durable selec- tive surfaces on absorbers, transparent honeycomb structures between absorbers and glazings, evacuated spaces between absorber surfaces and the glazings, and lower cost materials and assembly methods. SELECTIVE SURFACES Selective surfaces have high absorptance for solar radiation and low emittance for long-wave radiation. Substitution of such materials for non-selective black paints commonly used can increase solar collec- tion more than the cost difference, therby improving cost effectiveness of the collectors. Although already used in numerous commercially produced collectors, further improvements in optical properties and 17-3 durability, and reduction in cost, should be possible. Several selective coatings such as copper oxide on copper and black nickel on galvanized steel have been extensively used on solar water heaters in Australia and Israel, but performance and durability have not been completely satisfactory. Black chrome (electro-deposited chromium oxide on nickel-plated steel or copper) is the most widely used selective coating in the United States. Cost reduction could have an important influence on the future market for solar heating systems. It can be expected that virtually all commercial collectors for space heating and hot water supply will be provided with selective absorber coatings in the near future. The radiation properties of several selective surfaces are listed in Table 17-1. Table 17-1 Selective Surfaces Characteristics Coating Absorptance for Emittance for Solar Radiation Thermal Radiation at 200°F Chemically Oxidized Copper 0.90 0.15 Converted Zinc 0.90 0.071 Black Nickel 0.88 0.066 Black Chrome 0.92 0.085 Black Anodized Aluminum 0.93 0.07 Chemically Oxidized Stainless Steel 0.95 0.10 17-4 EVACUATED TUBE COLLECTORS Removal of nearly all of the air in the space between the absorber and the glazing results in greatly reduced heat loss and a substantial efficiency improvement in solar collectors. There are a number of different designs that are being assembled and tested, and at least three manufacturers produce them in moderate quantities. Evacuated collectors produce more useful heat than equal areas of standard flat- plate collectors under the same sun and weather conditions, because heat conduction and convection through the evacuated space are negligible and, if the absorber coating is a selective surface, the radiation loss is small. Most flat-plate collectors have high efficiency with low inlet fluid temperatures, but have low efficiencies when the fluid temperature is near 200°F. The evacuated tube collector has a signifi- cant advantage when producing high temperature heat and can be used effectively with solar cooling units which require hot water at tempera- tures near 200°F. Several types of evacuated tube collectors are shown in Figure 17-1. Types A, B, and C are being produced on a semi-commercial scale and are being used in numerous demonstration heating and cooling instal- lations, primarily in the United States and Japan. Types D and E are experimental evacuated tube collectors which have been tested in a few systems. In each design, a selective absorber surface is in an evacu- ated space. Types A, B, and E involve cylindrical-shaped absorber surfaces deposited on interior glass surfaces, while flat metal absorber surfaces are used in Types C and D. Double-walled glass tubes (Dewar flasks) are used in Types A and B, single tubes are used in C and D, and 17-5 GLASS ENVELOPE, ^VACUUM HEAT TRANSFER FLUID OUT GLASS DELIVERY TUBE .TM (a) Owens-Illinois Sunpak Double -Walled Evacuated Collector Tube. METAL HEAT- TRANSFER I -VACUUM HEAT TRANSFER FLUID (b) General Electric TC-IOO Solartron Double-Walled Evacuated Collector Tube. EVACUATING TUBE END CAP* COLLECTOR TUBE (c) Sanyo Single-Walled Evacuated Collector Tube with Unidirectional Flow. PYREX GLASS TUBE U-SHAPED COPPER TUBE (d) Corning Single-Walled Evacuated Collector Tube. (e) Philips Mark IV Evacuated Collector Tube (Section) with Flat Glass Cover. Figure 17-1. Types of Evacuated Tube Collectors 17-6 single tubes with flat glass covers are used in E. In all designs except C, the fluid enters and leaves the tube at the same end, and in all designs except A, the fluid conduits are metal tubes (usually copper). In type A, the fluid is in contact only with glass, and in type E, the fluid flows in passages outside the glass tubes. Types A, B, and E, with minor modifications, may be used for air heating as well as water heating. Collection efficiencies, based on solar radiation received by the sloping surface within the perimeter of the entire collector array, including space between tubes, are typically about 70 percent at temper- atures for space heating (120°F to 150°F) and about 55 to 60 percent at the higher (200°F) temperatures required by lithium chloride absorption chillers. These efficiencies are substantially higher than good flat- plate collectors, particularly for cooling. Whether the superior effi- ciency justifies their higher current cost is doubtful, but the possi- bilities for manufacturing economies by automated production in large volume sustain commercial interest in this technology. TRANSPARENT HONEYCOMBS Heat loss from a flat-plate collector can be reduced by subdividing the air space between the absorber plate and the cover glass into small cells by use of a transparent "egg crate" or "honeycomb" structure. Convection movement of air in these small (one-quarter-inch or less) cells is substantially reduced, and thermal radiation from the absorber to the cover is also partially intercepted and suppressed. The trans- parent walls of these cells, however, permit the passage of solar 17-7 GLASS COVER STEEL FRAME PIPING CONNECTION TRANSPARENT HONEYCOMB ABSORBER PLATE FIBER GLASS INSULATION Figure 17-2. Transparent Honeycomb Collector radiation with very little loss, even when obliquely intercepting the rays of the sun. The result of this design addition is increased solar collection efficiency. The principal problem in the use of this concept is achievement of sufficient durability of an economical material. Most transparent plastics cannot withstand the temperatures occasionally encountered when the fluid flow through the absorber is interrupted, melting or other type of failure then being probable. Thin glass honey- combs, as for example by use of a panel of side-by-side thin-walled glass tube sections, have been too costly for practical application. The future prospects for this concept appear to rest on the possibility for developing economical plastic materials and honeycomb structures 17-8 capable of withstanding the temperatures encountered in efficient solar collectors. If such materials are developed, honeycomb flat-plate collectors appear to have good prospects for practical use. CONCENTRATING COLLECTORS Concentrating collectors are being experimentally used when very high temperature fluid is needed to drive heat engines or for industrial process heat. If concentrating collectors can be designed to be less costly or more efficient than flat-plate collectors, to operate reli- ably, and to require little maintenance, such collectors also have potential use in space heating systems. Experience thus far has indi- cated otherwise, but there is considerable research underway and new designs for concentrating collectors are being developed. There has been experimental use of a sun-tracking linear focusing collector with a plastic Fresnel lens, and arrays of evacuated tubes with trough-shaped reflectors filling the spaces between tubes have been advertised for sale. Their costs are not competitive with flat-plate collectors in space heating applications nor with evacuated tube collectors (without concentration) for cooling applications. THERMAL STORAGE Future developments in the selection and application of materials in which heat can be stored by melting or other phase-change process may result in reduction in heat storage volume requirements. Hydrated 17-9 salts such as sodium sulphate decahydrate (Glauber's salt) and hydrated calcium chloride have been experimentally used, eutectic mixtures of two or more salts (having single melting points) have also been investi- gated, and several types of waxes have been evaluated. Table 17-2 contains a list of materials which have been used as phase-change heat storage media. The potential advantage of this type of heat storage material is the smaller weight and volume required, compared with water and pebbles, for storage of an equal amount of energy. A second advantage, in some systems, is the storage of most of the energy at a constant temperature, i.e., the melting point of the material. Where volume limitations are very severe, phase-change thermal storage may become economically practical . There are a number of disadvantages, however, in the use of these heat storage media. The need for transferring heat into and out of the solid and liquid compounds usually requires their containment in small elements, an inch or two in cross-section. Space between the elements must be provided for circulation of air or water from the solar collec- tor and from the space being heated. Container cost and durability and the added volume of the free space in the storage bin or tank impose design and cost limitations. A second disadvantage in most of the phase-change materials developed for solar space heating is their relatively low melting temperature. Although higher collector efficiency is obtained at low temperature, most space heating systems cannot advantageously use water 17-10 03 S_ 0) 4-> 03 S CD CD 03 S- o p CO +-> TCI C\J CO 1 3: r^ rH (D CD Ol C r— 03 .Q .c 03 o I— 1 U 21 ro S- 03 o >>co "DPP •r- .1- 4- O" c i/i •i- 0) XI — 1 Q r— O C! .Q O r— P -r- ^ It W 3 CD 3 P nr u_ cq m CD 5- C 3 •I- p P ro r— S- Ll_ a) aj o s: q. E aj CM s c c c ,!«"> -p a> a> CD CO c: 3 3 3 >^> CD S_ 5- S- p 3 CD CD CD c S- c C C at at o CO CO o CM m ■3- LT> ID CD o O 1 l-H rH 00 00 o CO LT) •3" 00 O I 00 00 CD o CM 00 CM CO 1—1 I 00 *3- o 03 o ro •i— S- p ro o CM o CM X CM x CM x o o T-\ LD CM r-i • • x • <3- CO CD «=t o O « O Q_ CM CM CO x CO i — CM CM CM CJ ro ro ro ro z z Z C_3 ro to to ai p ro .e Q- tn O P ro 3 to O -a o o 1-3 E a) •<- e 3 -Q T3 3 »r- 3 O •<- (J (O to "O i — i— •<- O ro C3 Q tO O ro ro J- ro D_ CD C •i — i — u • >! CD u c •r— ■a r— ai U p >> 03 u ai Q- ■a s- p ro s- ID o . Q.4- to ai c 1- d) r— •r— c .a p o 03 to P a> a> • ( — 3 to 3 cx rO tS> .C >1 Q- ** p CD • r— <+- c r— o • 1 — • 1 — p -Q c 1 — 03 o a> E • r— E E P ro ro P ^~ 1- C <4- ro 0) Q- 3 ■a a> 5- c to CD c ro ai o >> > <_> P •^ •r— V) >> 1— c 1 — • 1 — a> S- J3 p 03 rO X a> P LU 2: CO ^ / — V <"~\ I— 1 CM ro 17-11 or air at the low temperature levels of 90°F to 100°F. Considerably larger heat exchange surfaces or much higher air circulation rates in warm air systems would have to be used. Some of the phase-change materials, particularly the hydrated salts, on repeated melting and solidifying may permanently separate into liquid and solid portions, thereby defeating the phase-change heat storage capability. And in air systems, the relatively constant temper- ature of the heat stored is a disadvantage rather than an advantage, because the highly beneficial temperature stratification such as that occurring in pebble beds cannot be achieved. The overriding consideration in heat storage selection is cost, and the presently suggested materials all are much more expensive, in as- sembled heat storage units, than tanks of water or bins of rocks. For storing half a million Btu, installed costs of advertised phase-change systems are two to five times as great as systems for sensible heat storage in rock and water. Future prospects for practical use of phase-change storage in space heating systems depend on development of improved materials having considerably lower cost, longer life, and transitions in the 120° to 160° temperature range. If such materials can be identified and de- veloped, their application could enhance the capability and economy in space heating systems. An even more speculative possibility is the storage of solar heat in chemical reactions which absorb energy in the reaction process. By slight alteration in conditions such as the lowering of temperature or pressure, the reaction will reverse so that the stored energy is liber- ated as heat at a temperature near that at which solar collection 17-12 previously took place. Although such chemical processes are known, none is now a likely candidate for this application. Of particular advan- tage, if such a system can be developed, is the storage of the energy in materials which can be at room temperature. No heat losses or insulated containers would need to be involved. The possibilities for successful development of some such system do not appear promising at this time, but new discoveries might alter this situation. HEAT EXCHANGER A disadvantage in most liquid- heating solar systems is the temperature difference required for heat transfer to storage by means of a heat exchanger. The collector must operate at a temperature 10°F to 20°F higher than if no heat exchanger were used, and heat collection efficiency is therefore adversely affected. Now under investigation is a heat exchanger-storage combination unit in which heat is transferred from liquid droplets that transport heat from the collector to water in the storage tank. A liquid that is immiscible with water is pumped through the solar collector and through the storage tank as droplets. If the density of the liquid is sub- stantially different from that of water, the droplets will either rise or descend through the water in the storage tank. A schematic diagram of a heat exchanger-storage unit is shown in Figure 17-3. In this design, the collector liquid is heavier than water. It is delivered to the top of the tank, broken up into droplets at the perforated plate, and collected in the bottom cone. Because of the very large total surface areas of the droplets, the temperature difference between 17-13 LIQUID WATER SURFACE-* HOT WATER TO LOAD COLD WATER FROM LOAD ^ PUMP TOP OF LIQUID (SURFACE) PERFORATED PLATE J« u CD i— r— o CO C_) r*- cu r- i t — -Q 0J • i — i — to JD to n3 o r— D_ o> ■r" -P S- Ol Q. O S- Q. •-> l^— -t-> 03 00 rH CSJ CD lD CO CT) O to OT en en CO «vf =n o o o o Q- co O LL- •i- >>o *4- P O CD 00 00 o CO C\J r^>- ro cn r~ •t- -r- o i-H o «3- C\J «3- CO CM i— i CO o U > CSJ a» co Q. S- P rH C\] o I— 1 o rH cn cn oo CO r-1 r-i rH r-i r-1 r-1 o o o o CO CD ro 05 c: +-> /"-> •i- c u_ 00 «3- <3" oo LD O CM CO o 00 1 •!— O Cn co <3" CD rH r^. 00 cn i— i lo •r- O W CD r~~- CD LT> «3" r-- r^ -=f «3- CO O D_ co O) c •r- -p r~S o N C U_ rH CO i— 1 rH r^« CO CD r^ o o a> t- o CO CO CO "3- Csl rH r^ CD CSJ i— i a) o w 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i S- CL- io- a> a> 0J -p P p ro re r0 U ai JC CL ro p Q_ P *r— Q. rO to fO "O O) r— O jz ro to "D fO .c Q. jz Q. 10 /~\ •"■«> 3 p -P p o r— r- ^"■^ r— -C i — r0 fO jz >> >> © u_ Q. >> i — i — a> Q. X X C fO n3 -p ai a> © ,— 0) SZ jz CO r^ jz JZ lo >> .c P +-> o >> <— r— m N Q. JZ .c: M tO >> >> o C Q- Q. C a> JZ x: r— a> -a 0) s- +-> p o E X) >> ^ _Q u 1 > P x: r— o CSJ CSJ i= x: >> in 3 p >) <^s ^> S- +-> P at .a <1J x: «r— a) 3 3 S- • r- >r- -P s- •r— •r— .c o oa O Q Q LU r— Q o 1— ! 17-15 vapor-compression machines, absorption chillers with high temperature heat supply from solar concentrators, and desiccant cycles with solar regeneration of the drying agent. Significant effort is also being made in the development of so-called total energy systems, in which high temperature heat from solar energy is used to generate electricity and the low temperature "waste" heat is used to heat and cool a cluster of buildings. Such systems, if economically successful, would probably best be used in grouped facilities such as military bases but, with some variation, might serve a number of homes or apartment complexes. In the long term, development of photovoltaic systems for electricity supply to residential buildings is a possibility. Solar electricity could then operate heating and cooling systems as well as other electrical equipment in the building. Whether the cost of photo- voltaic systems will ever be low enough to be competitive with electri- city generated from fossil or nuclear fuels is an open question, but a considerable amount of effort is being devoted to improve efficiency and reduce the costs. Other system improvements which should increase the use of solar energy in buildings are hybrid designs consisting of passive as well as active components. As quantitative information and operating results of passive design techniques become available, superior designs can be identified and their cost effectiveness measured. Greater use of direct heating of residential space with passive systems may then decrease size requirements of the active components and thereby reduce overall costs. A U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1980 329-853/6631 IpBir