e 55, 13/ a ; NESS 101 ^ TOFc o, NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 109 Q C X X •H OJ u OJ U TS C rc Cn C -H OJ •H > OJ -p e •H X o ^1 OJ u •H fa VIVQ HI Q31XVWdOd ^J^ e CD -p CO to w w o u \ CO g 0) 5-1 3 -H The AVHRR is a five channel (0.62\jm visible 1 , 0.91 yrn visible/ near IR, 3.74 pm IR, 11.00 urn IR 2 and 12.00 pm IR S ) imaging device that continuously scans in a horizon-to-horizon cross- track mode with scan steps provided by the forward motion of the spacecraft. Visible and infrared data resolution is approximately 1 km at the satellite subpoint. The HIRS/2, SSU and MSU instruments are functionally separate units of the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) , combining the retrievals from 27 spectral channels to produce atmospheric temperature profiles from the surface to 10 mb, water vapor con- tent of the atmosphere at three levels and total ozone content. The DCS is designed to obtain environmental data from fixed or moving platforms (buoys, ships, balloons, etc.) while allowing for earth location of up to 4000 platforms in a 24 hour period. Information is received by a non-interrogating random access system which stores the data, signal frequency and time of occur- ence of each transmission for up to 459 platforms in view. All data stored are retransmitted to Command and Data Acquisition (CDA) stations or echoed back to ground stations in view of the satellite at receiving time, the latter transmission not contain- ing earth location data. Earth location is performed by ground systems using the Doppler shift in frequency of successive plat- form transmissions. The SEM is the same unit described under the SMS/GOES satellite series . Data-relaying systems of the polar-orbiting satellites provide raw data readout of AVKRR, TOVS, DCS and SEM data to ground receiving stations around the world having Automatic Picture Trans- mission (APT) and modified S-Band High Resolution Picture Trans- mission (HRPT) receiving equipment. All sensor data for central processing are acquired by the NESS CDA stations at Gilmore Creek, Alaska, and Wallops Island, Virginia. Raw data signals are retransmitted via microwave and commercial communication satellites to Suitland, Maryland, where they enter a specialized Digital Data Handling Facility (DDHF) (Kahwajy 1970) . ■'■The original TIROS -N model will have a 0.725 urn visible number one channel. 2 Second generation AVHRR on future spacecraft will have a 10.8 um IR number four channel. 3 First generation AVHRR sensors will repeat channel four data. Dedicated medium-scale computers within the facility are used to perform certain preprocessing tasks and to arrange the data for further treatment (Bristor 1971) , by means of either manual analysis or large-scale computer. The data stream arriving at Suitland, Maryland is recorded on a photof acsimile recorder, on digital magnetic tape, or on both (Doolittle et al. 1970). Again, the data are available for further manual treatment or as input for large-scale com- puter processing. Photographic imagery products are not avail- able until at least 1-1/2 hours after receipt of signal at NESS Photof acsimile recording time and photo lab processing time of about 45 minutes each account for this delay. In addition to these processing delays, certain photo products by their nature (e.g., end of day mosaics, multiday composites) contribute to the delay. Data flow of the geostationary and polar-orbiter systems are displayed in figures 2 & 3. 2 o rH IW id -u C fd U Q) O fO a CO i o tn •H C. Using the Satellite Products Catalog This catalog has been constructed in a form that is clear, concise, and easily referenced. All products described are listed with their title, description, accuracy (when applicable), and primary users. An effort has been made to present an ex- ample of each product and any tables that might help to inform the user of what is available or where one might obtain data. Table 4 at the end of this volume is a product summary table for quick reference. For information on archived products, contact: NOAA/EDIS/NCC Satellite Data Service Division (SDSD) World Weather Building, Room 100 Washington, D.C. 20233 Phone: FTS-763-8111 or Comm (301) 763-8111 The acronyms and abbreviations used in this catalog are listed in a table on page ix. 10 D. Data Availability NESS satellite data products may be requested as follows: Real-time products — By prior arrangement with NESS after which the product is produced routinely on a standing order in real time or in delayed time before the operational master (film, tape, or hard copy) has been archived. For these products, users supply their own communication links and pick up the product or arrange to have it mailed. Requests for real-time products should be addressed to: National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) Director of Operations, FB-4 Washington, D.C. 20233 Retrospective products — These are produced from operational masters that require search of the archives at the SDSD of the National Climatic Center (NCC) , retrieval, preparation of copies, and refile of the master. Requests for retrospective data products should be addressed to: Satellite Data Services Division, NCC/EDIS World Weather Building, Room 100 Phone: FTS-763-8111 Washington, D.C. 20233 or (301) 763-8111 Both NESS and the Environmental Data and Information Service (EDIS) operate under a user charge and service policy that requires the recovery of the cost of reproduction of satellite data products The required charge will be specified during the initial arrange- ments for receipt of the data. Direct billing for these products is handled through NCC. 11 I. IMAGE PRODUCTS A. Geostationary Satellites 1. Full-Disk and Sector Displays. Description . The Satellite Services Division of NESS regularly distributes satellite photographic displays to the National Weather Service (NWS) offices and various other users. The data used to make these displays are obtained from the Visible Infra- red Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) sensor on board the Synchronous Meteorological Satellite (SMS) /Geostationary Operational Environ- mental Satellite (GOES) series. The sensor continually views the regions shown in figure 1. Eight visible channels in the range of 0.55 to 0.75 ym and two infrared channels in the 10.5- to 12.6-ym wavelength region are viewed as the VISSR instrument scans across the earth (Bristor 1975). For a description of the "enhanced" infrared (IR) data (figure 5) that are available, see the Satellite Service Division's "GOES/SMS User's Guide." Two complete full-disk data sets (one for the geostationary satellite over the subpoint 0.0° N. latitude, 135° W. longitude; the other for the subpoint 0.0° N. latitude, 75.0° W. longitude) are created at 15 and 45 min. after the hour and on the hour and the half hour, respectively. From these data sets, the full disks (figure 4) and various sectors (1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-km resolution) are produced. For each of these areas the image contains an equal amount of data points, thereby obtaining a finer resolution for the smaller regions. Each image contains a legend at the top and is available gridded or ungridded depending on the timeliness of data request. Archive tapes are made daily containing one visible and five infrared sectors from each satellite from 8/9/76 to 9/6/78 and from 9/6/78 to the present, containing five VIS and thirteen IR images. Each sector consists of data viewed for approximately 105° of latitude and 99° of longitude starting at 50° north latitude and centered in the east/west direction at the respective subsatellite positions. Both the infrared and the visible data are archived at 7.4-km (4-mile) resolution. The times of the data archived each day under normal conditions (times may differ by ± 1/2 to ± 1 hour) are given in table 1. Full-disk and sector displays are very useful as a real-time source for the location of actual or potential severe weather and for issuing advisories to data-sparse areas, for following 12 i 21:00 16SE79 I2A-Z 0066-1640 FULL DISC IP. Figure 4. Full-Disk Photographic Image (griddecT 13 cloud motion and deducing wind speed and direction from succes- sive pictures, and for use (in sequence) in producing movie loops. As a research tool or in alerting forecasters to potential areas of concern, the photographic images may be altered by enhancing the data displayed (figure 5) . An enhancement can emphasize areas of interest such as cloud tops, stratus decks, fog areas, etc., by alteration in the "gray scale" used. Accuracy . The photographic displays are available in 8-, 4-, 2-, and 1-km resolutions. Accuracy in the positioning of clouds and their movements is limited to the fit and proper locating of the map grid to the data displayed. Map grid fitting is dependent on the ability to accurately pinpoint the subpoint of the satellite (Bristor 1975) . Primary users . The full-disk and sector displays produced by NESS are used primarily by the National Weather Service (NWS) , National Meteorological Center (NMC) , internally in NESS, and by a number of other Government, university, and research concerns. All archived SMS/GOES data are handled by the Satellite Data Services Division (SDSD) of NCC in magnetic tape form. 14 Table 1 - Daily Archive of SMS/GOES Sectors East West 00002 VIS&IR 02452 IR 03002 IR 05452 IR 06002 IR 08452 IR 09002 IR 10152 IR 09302 IR 10452 IR 10002 IR 11452 IR 12002 IR 14452 VIS&IR 15002 VIS&IR 15152 IR 16002 VIS&IR 15452 IR 18002 VIS&IR 17452 VIS&IR 21002 VIS&IR 20452 VIS&IR 21302 IR 21452 VIS&IR 22002 IR 23452 VIS&IR 15 . 11:45 22AU79 35 A-Z 0006-1640 FULL DISC IR Figure 5. Enhanced Infrared Photographic Display 16 2 . Movie Loops . Description . The movie loops generated in NESS (Bristor 1975) are one of the tools used in the application of satellite data to weather forecasting and research. Movie loops also are pro- duced for display by commerical television stations. The data used for making movie loops are photographic images produced from the geostationary satellites' VISSR sensors. These data, either half hourly infrared or visible imagery, are combined into sequences of negatives to form a 16-mm movie loop. Three types of movie loop presentations are generated — "stop," "flow," and "alternate stop." The movie loops consist of 80 or more frames, the lengths of which depend on whether the loop is a "stop" or a "flow." A stop loop has the beginning and end scenes repeated for a minimum of 16 frames, with intervening scenes repeated once, while an alternate stop loop has alternating flow and stop segments. The flow loop holds the first scene and repeats 4 to 26 subsequent scenes only once. Filmstrips created for commercial TV display are in the form of a "stop" but are not closed into a loop. These movies are put through a rigid quality- control procedure by man and computer software to assure evenness of illumination and proper registration. Each movie loop or strip contains the date and start and end times located in the lower right-hand corner. Table 2 comprises a list of movie loops currently used in-house by NESS. The names, areal coverage, and types of loops are subject to change without notice. The satellite winds movie loops (see Satellite Winds under Meteorological Products) and the TV filmstrips are archived at the SDSD of the National Climatic Center (NCC) . Movie loops prepared for the Applications Division are on file with them and are available to in-house personnel. Primary Users . The movie loops are used by the Applications Division of NESS for its morning briefings. Another set of loops are prepared for the Interactive Processing Group for its winds program. TV filmstrips with a written discussion of the weather conditions (see Satellite Weather Summary) shown are available once per day to the commercial television networks. 17 Table 2. --Movie loops available as of October 2, 1979 Sector Description VIR/IR or Satellite IR-Enhanced Resolution FDIR, (6-182, 18-62) WB2 Pacific Full Disk Eastern Pacific FDIR Northern Hemisphere (10-223; Full Disk 22-103) WC1 Atlantic Full Disk FDIR Atlantic Full Disk WB1 North America FDIR North America DAI East Coast - U.S. KA5 Upper Midwest - U.S GA Gulf Coast - U.S. SA1 Southwest - U.S. SA2 Pacific Northwest AB1 Alaska WC2 Equatorial Pacific FDIR Equatorial Pacific RRSD/PQ Special Hurricane/ FDIR Tornado Special Hurricane/ Tornado West West East IR VIS IR East VIS East Enhanced IR East VIS East Enhanced IR East VIS East VIS East VIS West VIS West VIS West VIS West VIS West VIS East VIS East Enhanced IR 8 km 2 km 8 km 4 km 8 km 2 km 8 km 1 km 1 km 1 km 1 km 1 km 2 km 4 km 4 km 1 km 8 km FDIR TV filmstrip - U.S East IR 8 km 18 3. U. S. Cloud Cover Depiction. Description . The U.S. Cloud Cover Depiction is sent out to the news media wire services via landline and to in-house users by mail once per day. The product used in-house (figure 6) consists of a photographic display, normally the 173 image, an NMC 152 sur- face analysis, and a brief narrative description of the location of cloud cover and weather over the continental United States. These are approximately 20 by 25 cm in size. The wire services receive a photographic display and discussion combined for fac- simile transmission. This product is useful for briefings and local displays of current weather. Primary users . The U.S. Cloud Cover Depiction is used by members of NOAA Headquarters, NESS, Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) , NASA, Department of Defense, and the news media wire services. This product is archived by the SDSD of NCC. 19 GOES-EAST DAILY WEATHER PICTURE FOR: OCTOBER 4. 1979 A BAND OF FRONTAL CLOUDINESS EXTENDS SOUTHWARD FROM A LOW PRESSURE CENTER OVER SOUTHERN ONTARIO THROUGH THE OHIO VALLEY AND INTO THE GULF STATES. INTENSE THUNDERSTORMS EXTEND FROM NORTHERN GEORGIA TO SOUTHERN MISSISS- IPPI. THM HIGH CLOUDS ARE VISIBLE OVER THE SOUTHWEST. Figure 6. U. S. Cloud Cover Depiction — Photographic Display, Surface Analysis, and Narrative Description 20 4. Daily Weather Picture Description . The daily weather picture (figure 7) is a photographic display of weather affecting the continental United States as seen from GOES - East and a descriptive narrative of cloud cover and major weather events portrayed, A WB-1 sector of the full disk image is used to generate this product for dissemination to users three times per day in either a visible or infrared display depending on time of day viewed. Primary Users . Commercial wire services for newspapers and television networks . 21 w 6 I B P CO CO U C rC fn ■H +J c CO 03 u rH x Q, -P Cr« 5 •* 3 C u V4 o •H X o rC X P • • +J -tf S-i X TJ )h p c 44 03 c ■0 03 C c u P V p co rC X <- CJ 4J a •H r4 -M co 0) u c -p X ■rH cc 03 rH rC J rH c 4-> u C p E U oj rC co p rJ P u 4H CO . 03 p c CO a V rC Q c U rC •H -P P co CJ 03 S-( rJ V-i CQ p (Li CO > p ■P £ 03 CO rj CO u U ■V O ? 3 a o o x; rH ^ rC! CO U o -P u z 2 H C) T3 3 CD > Hi r X *-^ <-i p • H 1 CO CO & CTi CO 'U c d r^ c OS —' \ a 03 H CTi •H rC rsi T3 CO u . \ 3 T3 m r> o d H C rH rH 03 f0 1 U rH Cl,rH rH u a en O *4H rtS C CTi 44 &3 CM G O 03 r4 £ rH T3 u c a a CO 03 03 4J CO £! 3 c Cd C >4 3 03 < CO Q) CD !h -U U ■H ft Sh (1) .c td tD ■H ns Q CD r4 P tj\ •H fa 22 Polar-Orbiting Satellites 1. Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass images. Description . The individual swaths shown in figure 8 are pro- duced after each satellite pass. These swaths provide complete coverage from pole to pole. Pass-to-pass contiguity is achieved by lateral east-to-west overlapping of the images. The process begins with the digitizing of the raw image signal. From there, the response values are adjusted by use of a concurrent voltage wedge. The voltage-to-count normalized responses are then ad- justed ("stretch") to remove scene foreshortening near the hori- zons. This is accomplished through differential sample repli- cation; the result is an equal area image. Latitude/longitude gridlines and coastal outlines are automatically melded with the image prior to display. The polar-orbiting satellite follows a path shown in figure 9 . From these tracks, 14 to 15 stretched gridded strips (computer produced grids fitting 1:1 aspect ratio data) are made using visible -data and when tropical storm coverage is needed, selected infrared nighttime data are produced. The photographic image produced is a set of three panels of 4km resolution, each 11.2 by 33.5 cm, which can be joined together to produce a continuous pole-to-pole strip. A legend appears at the top of the first two strips and the bottom of the third strip, containing satellite name; data type (day VIS or night IR) ; track number; orbit number; month, day, year of pass; time (hours/minutes/seconds) in GMT of the scan at legend position; and a "gray wedge" displaying the variation of white to black shown with appropriate "count value" limits. Stretched gridded strips provide users with a "quick look" and a view of the scene in the perspective and spatial reso- lution of the original signals. The data in the visible part of the spectrum are used for general meteorological applications such as the determination of cloud coverage, cloud types, and systematic patterns of cloudiness. The information may be used separately or together with conventional weather data to determine the structure and behavior of specific circulation systems. Over data-sparse regions, the satellite data are used as a substitute for conventional data. Models have been developed to relate the structure and patterns of clouds to conventional data. By using these relationships, bogus wind and density data can be inferred for use in standard analysis or in numeral forecasting models. 23 Figure 0. Stretched-gridded and unrectified pass-by-pass image 24 \f v / 1 --'-J H ;. ; xi. 3Etr i \ "* 3D \ : \ ! 2 % ^ \ k l\ j7 ! J J\ 1 J , A i \ J GJ /f*j > * v 'i ■ \ '^ \ \ y A . \ ^ rAl , \ .') Y» < v~" A ft \ ^ V 4, 1? -/ ^ < ' \5 /V'V \\ A <. 4 ■\ > 1 4 1 L ^ 1 i Ljj. IV i 8 7 "-', '\ s 1 : A \l *HL ft ■ft \ r" * \ ■ A \v J - \ \ /v\ : \ n \ i_A .'. X^''-/^ l.-^A.— _ Figure 9. Tracks of polar-orbiting satellite's subsatellite point 25 The picture may be used in sequence to observe changes of weather patterns at the synoptic or larger scales. Data are also time -composited for climatological and hydrological uses. Nighttime infrared data are used to determine the approximate temperatures of the emitting surfaces. From these, the type of surface observed can be distinguished, and the heights of cloud tops can be estimated. Although visible data are not obtained at night, the cloud-top information may be used to aid in the interpretation of visible data from the nearest daylight observation. The night IR data also are used along for general meteorological interpretation of cloud coverage, type, and pattern. Primary users . The stretched gridded strips are used internally by NESS and by NWS and DOD . The original data used to produce the gridded strips are archived by the SDSD of NCC. 26 2. Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaics Description . From a combined 24-hour set of AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) data observed by the polar-orbiting satellite, six polar-stereographic mosaics are made — Northern and Southern Hemisphere: VIS (figure 10), IR day (figure 11) and IR night with a resolution of 15km at the equator and 30km at the poles. These photographic displays are produced at about 42 for daytime and nighttime observa- tions . The process involves the accumulation of data on a disk in a 1, 024-by-l, 024 , 8-byte, polar array for each hemisphere The array is alined so it represents a subdivision of the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) grid system. Visible channel signals are brightness normalized to reduce the effect of varying solar illumination angles. The infrared signals are corrected for limb darkening (atmospheric absorption) caused by viewing at various angles. A legend appears at the top of each display providing the satellite name; name of display (N.H. or S.H.; VIS, IR day, or IR night) ; date (month/day /year) , and beginning and ending times of data displayed. The time passage of the satellite across the equator at six locations also is given on the display to help time-reference the data. Above the legend are three gray-scale wedges. The top wedge includes the recorder device number and a machine- produced scale used to calibrate the film recorder equip- ment. The middle scale is a data gray scale that depicts the range of the data. The bottom scale is also a data gray scale but in linear form. In the upper right corner of each infrared mosaic appears a box depicting the gross quantitative relation between gray tone and temperature in degrees Celsius. To accommodate the different temperature ranges that occur in tropical, temperate, and polar zones, a particular temperature range is represented in the box by gray tones that vary with latitude. By taking into account the cooler temperatures of higher latitudes, the scaling is arranged so only clouds will appear white or nearly white. 27 The applications of the daytime visual channel data and nighttime infrared data are the same as described in the Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass Images Section. Daytime infrared data are used to determine relative cloud-top heights as a function of the temperatures derived from these data. A major application is to supplement visible satellite data by relating the cloud-top heights to other characteristics in distinguishing cloud type and structure. However, when no visible data are available, the IR data may be used alone for general meteorological interpretation. Primary users . Hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaics are used by NESS, ERL, and DOD, and are archived by the SDSD of NCC. 28 Figure 10. Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaic (Northern and Southern Hemisphere Visible Data) 29 Figure 11. Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaic (Northern and Southern Hemisphere Infrared-Daytime Data) 30 3. Polar-Stereographic Quadrant Mosaics Description . The polar-stereographic quadrant mosaics (figure 12) are AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) displays of one-quarter of a hemisphere made up of up to four passes of the polar-orbiting satellite per quadrant with a resolution of 15km at the equator and 30km at the pole. Three types of displays are made for each hemisphere: VIS, IR day and IR night available to users at about 01&, 052, 138 and 173. The computer software and data base used to produce this product are the same as those mentioned for Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaics. The legend that appears at the top of each quadrant provides the date of processing (month/day /year) , satellite name, view number (1-8) , hemisphere, type of data, longi- tudinal coverage, date of data and beginning and end time of coverage. Polar-stereographic quadrants serve the same purpose as that described under Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass Images and Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaics. These displays are enlargements of the hemispheric mosaics, covering up to four passes. This makes them more useful for positioning of synoptic patterns, determination of cloud coverage, etc. , for the user interested in the macro- meteorological scale. Primary Users . This product is used by NESS, NWS and DOD. 31 Figure 12. Polar-Stereographic Quadrant Mosaic 32 4. Mercator Mosaics Description . The Mercator mosaics are made from 24 hours of stored AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) observations as viewed from the polar-orbiting satellite. These mosaics cover from 40°S to 40°N latitude comprising the total 360° of longitude in two sections (figures 13 and 14) . The computer software involved in producing the mosaics imposes a square mesh array (4,050 columns by 9 84 rows) on a Mercator projection scaled 11.25 map elements per degree of longitude at the equator. A resolution of 10km at the equator is achieved with this display increasing up to 8km at 40°N or S. The data are mapped in 8-bit (256 shades of gray) quantities, once per day, producing three displays: VIS, IR day and IR night available to users at about 043. Negatives of each display are archived at the SDSD. The legend located at the bottom of each display gives the satellite name, date (month/day /year) and time of first and last pass. Gray scales located at the top of each display are used to calibrate the film recorder equipment. The applications of this product are the same as that mentioned under GAC Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaics and Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass images. Primary Users . These mapped mosaics are used by NESS, NWS, ERL and DOD and archived by the SDSD of NCC. 33 Figure 13. Mercator Mosaic (Visible Data) 34 ■:■:■: ■■ : '^Kp ^Wf lib,. -Jfc' ' ' £ppt%ppf VJ% r*^jp JCfc* ^JP**» • Figure 14. Mercator Mosaic (Day-IR Data) 35 5. Local Area Coverage Images Description . The photographic display shown in figure 15 is produced from observations made by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor on board the polar-orbiting satellite. The AVHRR senses in the visible and infrared spectrum with a resolution of about 1km at satellite subpoint (directly below satellite) . High- resolution data collected by the satellite are either stored on board for later transmission as Local Area Coverage (LAC) data or broadcast directly to ground stations as a High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) . For a description of the picture transmission capabilities of the polar- orbiting satellite, see NOAA Direct Readout. Operational recorder capacity is limited to 11.5 minutes of data covering roughly 40° of latitude during each orbit, with a possible 3 to 4 LAC recordings per revolution under special circumstances. Areas recorded are selected at the request of qualified users. Each recording can produce 1 3/4 images, one full image covering 1600km by 2400km. These displays are not stretched, gridded or rectified. After the data have been received from the satellite, the Command and Data Acquisition (CDA) station transmits them to the Digital Data Handling Facility (DDHF) where magnetic tape records and Digital Muirhead Display (DMD) , 25-by-25 cm, negative film transparencies are made. Nega- tives and digital AVHRR data received by NESS are archived by SDSD of NCC. A legend appears at the bottom of the AVHRR image pro- viding a machine-produced grayscale for calibration and, immediately below from left to right, the receiving station identification (e.g., San Francisco — SFO, Lanion--LAN, Gilmore — GIL, and Wallops — WAL) , frame number, time of year (Julian date — ddd, hours — hh, minutes — mm, and seconds- ss) for first scan recorded, orbit (revolution) number (five digits), channel ID (1 — VIS, 4 — IR) , and operator specified input parameters (24 characters) . 36 The LAC images are very useful in the construction of Great Lakes and Coastal Ice Charts, Gulf Stream Wall Bulletins and Analyses, West Coast Thermal Front Analyses, Basin Snow Coverage Observations, Regional Snow Cover Analyses, Northern Hemispheric Snow and Ice Charts and for use in a variety of research work requiring high-resolution satellite data. Primary users . This product has an extensive list of users inside and outside NESS, including NWS, ERL , National Marine Fisheries Service, NASA, DOD , Arctic Institute, universities, and many foreign research and weather agencies. An archive is kept by the SDSD of NCC. 37 UftL 2 048:19:41:01 1796 1 HHRPT VIS TH 17FEB79 Figure 15. AVHRR Local Area Coverage Image 38 6. Seven-Day Minimum Brightness Composite Description . The purpose of the minimum brightness composite is to minimize the effects of cloudiness in satellite- acquired AVHRR data over polar regions. By saving only the minimum brightness response of each array location (1024- by-1024 array for each hemisphere) for a selected number of days, chart preparers can remove from that data set any relatively bright feature (clouds) that does not remain at one location for the 7-day period. The final product is a pair (VIS and IR) of polar-stereographic projection displays for each hemisphere (608 rows-by-608 columns S.H. and 1408 rows-by- 10 8 8 columns N.H.) recorded on tape and as a photo- graphic image (figure 16). The legend that appears at the top of each hemisphere display provides the type of data (VIS or IR) / hemisphere, and beginning and end date (month/day/year) , and times (GMT) of the composite. A gray scale appears at the top of the print for film recorder calibration. Seven-day composites are produced daily for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres with the latest 24 hours added to the data set and the oldest 24 hours deleted. This product is combined with other products to aid in differing areas of research and analysis. In locating permanent snowfields and icefields, the 7-day composite aids in the preparation of the Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Chart. Comparing the composite with other photographic displays, the analyst is able to separate the snowfield and icefield background from clouds. The 7-day composite also is helpful in terrain studies . Primary users . Two groups within NESS currently are using these data—Environmental Products Branch and the Synoptic Analysis Branch. These data are archived by SDSD of NCC . 39 Figure 16. Seven-day Minimum Brightness Composite 40 II. IMAGE SERVICES A. Geostationary Satellites 1. GOES Facsimile Displays Transmitted on Standard FAX Circuits Description . The data received from the VISSR sensor on board the SMS/GOES series of geostationary satellites are used in the computer-derived production of gridded and unrectified facsimile displays (figure 17) . These displays present the data in an un- altered form (unrectified) with an overlay of latitude and longi- tude lines and the outlines of land masses and U.S. State bound- aries. The resolution of visible data is 4 by 4 km and infrared 4 by 8 km. Each facsimile image contains a legend providing satellite name, type of data (visible--VIS , infrared — IR) , resolution (miles), and date (month/day /year) and time (GMT) of observation. The transmissions are sent on standard facsimile circuits at a rate of 210 lines per minute in 16 shades of gray. A list of facsimile products, the areas covered, and their times of transmission can be obtained from NOAA/NWS, W5 3 4 8060 13th Street Gramax Building Silver Spring, Md. 20910 Facsimile displays find their usefulness in the determination of cloud cover, cloud-top heights, and type, structure, patterns, and behavior of specific circulation systems. When periods occur in which other data sources become unavailable, facsimile images can be used as a substitute. With the collection of a series of images, local scene changes can be observed revealing small-scale motions, convective activity, and diurnal and differential heating effects. Primary Users . Satellite facsimile displays are used by the NWS, Department of Defense (DOD) , private meteorologists, universities, research concerns, and internally in NESS. 41 GOES-E IR 2X2 MI 10/17/79 18302 Figure 17. Gridded and Unrectified Facsimile Displays of SMS/GOES VISSR Data 42 2. GOES WEFAX Description . A service known as Weather Facsimile (WEFAX) is available to any individual or organization with the proper S-band receiving and display equipment. The area of reception from the east and west geostationary satellites is shown in figure 1. Both mapped AVHRR-GAC data from the polar-orbiting satellites and unmapped VISSR data from the SMS/GOES series geostationary satellites are processed in the NESS computer system and broadcast via the SMS/GOES satellites. The Mercator and polar-stereographic mapped AVHRR-GAC images (figures 18 and 19) and the unmapped VISSR images (figure 20) have a resolution of approximately 8 km and, depending on the schedule, may con- tain infrared or visible imagery. Each broadcast contains two displays and each display contains a legend providing the source of data (satellite identification) , date (month/day/year) , time of coverage (GMT), geographic location, data type and, at times, a supplemental coded message. Updated schedules are transmitted when they occur. Also, during simultaneous VISSR/WEFAX opera- tions, broadcasts are made at reduced uplink power in order to reduce the degradation of the VISSR data by WEFAX. A third geostationary satellite, designated GOES-Central , also is used to provide WEFAX services. However, its mode of opera- tion and products sent are sufficiently different than described here (see GOES-Central WEFAX) . Information on WEFAX ground receiving equipment and a list of WEFAX products and their time of transmission can be obtained from: Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S131 NOAA/National Environmental Satellite Service Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users . WEFAX services are utilized by foreign and domestic meteorological agencies, academic, commercial, and amateur station operators within receiving range of either GOES-East or GOES-West and having the proper S-band receiving equipment. 43 w«f» :*:»:>-':-;>:•:<:>:-:■ m.m.!-;. : *ni. ***;*.*; s. imiUO'isssNMij;; '#^ttfi^hfTtftfllff 1 1^1 lftl '^Bi^*fr«rilrfliTit'M»ii^atf i«il«»i te»J«^ jfcK^^fct*^*^^**^****— ■a«*»*-»^*>fi ^j ■ ; ^.-^ fc^.^.^* 4« > ^j»|^j.n| T y t ^ iMUJUmiiiaMjaJi Figure 18. SMS/GOES WEFAX Mercator Mapped AVHRR-GAC Images 44 K^^ Figure 19. SMS/GOES WEFAX Polar-Stereographic Mapped AVHRR-GAC Images 45 USA NOAA GDES-E 10/18/79 0900Z NU IR r* W . ' fl»«K», ■y fe ; 4£9Kaf * f ^HtoiW'iu'.ii^^iui^iw^i :*l«l.J«**t»til«»i*i*i*M;t.*««i:»Hjl 3. i,i»i,I*iO »NM. »»l < v.*.*.*:».*i?i^iiVijUui USA WAA GQES-C 10/18/79 09002 SW IR Figure 20. SMS/GOES WEFAX Unrectified VISSR Images 46 3. GOES Central WEFAX Description . GOES spacecraft on which VISSR imaging systems have failed may be located at or near 105°W. This location, designated as the GOES-Central position, is currently occupied by GOES-2 which lost its imaging capability in early 1978. GOES-Central spacecraft are used to provide WEFAX services similar to those provided through spacecraft located at the GOES-East and GOES-West positions. However, there are several unique aspects concerning both the service and the spacecraft. First, there are no formal, long-term arrangements to main- tain a spacecraft at the GOES-Central position. As long as there is a GOES in space with an inactive VISSR system, sufficient on-board fuel to relocate it, and resources to support its operation, a spacecraft will be located at the GOES-Central position and used to provide WEFAX services. Second, all WEFAX broadcasts from this spacecraft will be at full uplink power since there would be no VISSR instrument to operate. Third, GOES-Central WEFAX products include both processed satellite imagery and selected National Meterological Center weather charts from the National Weather Service. Fourth, broadcasts are in large block times rather than in short segments. (Without an active VISSR, it is not necessary to alternate between VISSR imaging and WEFAX broadcasting.) Equipment necessary to receive WEFAX broadcasts from GOES- Central is identical to that required to receive WEFAX data from other GOES spacecraft. (Reception range is the same as that for other GOES WEFAX broadcasts.) Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S131 NOAA/National Environmental Satellite Service Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary Users . WEFAX services are utilized by foreign and domestic meteorological agencies, academic, commercial, and amateur station operators within receiving range of GOES- Central and having the proper S-band receiving equipment. 47 4. GOES Direct Readout Description . The VISSR observations acquired by the SMS/GOES satellites can be received by ground stations in the areas shown in figure 1. With the installation of a ground station, users can receive near-continuous imagery at several resolutions, de- pending upon the node of operation, 24 h each day (Rich and Pooham 1975) . Persons interested in the construction of a VISSR direct read- out receiving station should contact Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S131 NO AA /NESS, WWB Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users . Direct readout VISSR observations are used by foreign and domestic government agencies, universities, private consultant meteorological firms, research concerns, and amateur ground station operations. 48 5 . GOES Tap Description . A service known as GOES-Tap is available to users interested in receiving VISSR imagery transmitted to Satellite Field Service Stations (SPSS' s) via landlines. Information on GOES-tap can be obtained from Chief, SSD, S13 U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users . The GOES-Tap service is used mainly domestically by private meteorologists, universities, government agencies, TV stations and commercial air lines. 49 B. Polar Orbiting Satellites 1. Tiros-N/NOAA Facsimile Displays Description . The low resolution, Global Area Coverage (GAC) data received from the AVHRR sensor on board the polar- orbiting satellite are used in the computer-derived pro- duction of facsimile displays. These displays are in the form of mapped polar-stereographic and Mercator projections of 1:30H and 1:20 M respectively (figures 21 and 22). Labeling provides the location of latitude and longitude lines, the outlines of land masses, satellite name, time coverage (GMT), date (day/month/year), type of data (VIS, IR day, IR night) , and NESS code name. The transmissions are sent on standard facsimile circuits at a rate of 120 lines per minute in 16 shades of gray. A list of facsimile products, the areas covered, and their time of transmission can be obtained from NOAA/NWS, W5 34 8060 13th Street Gramax Building Silver Spring, Md . 20910 Facsimile displays find their usefulness in the determin- ation of cloud cover, cloud-top heights, and type, structure, patterns, and behavior of specific circulation systems. When periods occur in which other data sources become unavail- able, facsimile images can be used as a substitute. With the collection of a series of images, local scene changes can be observed revealing small-scale motions, convective activity, and diurnal and differential heating effects. Primary users . Satellite facsimile displays are used by NWS, DOD, private meteorologists, universities, research concerns, and internally in NESS. % ^ iMfe/ Figure 21. AVHRR GAC Mapped Polar-Stereographic Facsimile Display 51 Figure 22. AVHRR GAC Mapped Mercator Facsimile Display 52 2. NOAA Direct Readout Description . The NOAA polar-orbiting satellites continuously broadcast AVHRR, TOVS and SEM data to ground stations around the world. AVHRR data is provided both as a low resolution Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) and High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) . SEM and DCS are also included with the HRPT relays. Direct readout of TOVS data is a service known as Direct Sounder Broadcast (DSB) . The APT signal is sent on VHF; the HRPT signal is an S-Band signal, while DSB's can be received on both VHF and S-Band. Stations receive from two to five or more broadcasts per day, depending on the latitude (the greater the amount, the higher the latitude) and capabilities of the receiving system. An example of a direct readout image is shown in figure 23. NESS provides users with information on satellite tracking, data calibration, changes in transmitter status, and any other pertinent assistance that might affect the user's data reception. Requests for information on the planning, building, or modifying of a receiving station or on data utilization should be directed to Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S131 NOAA/National Environmental Satellite Service Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users . Direct readout data are used by foreign and domestic government agencies, universities, commercial organizations, research concerns, and amateur ground station operators . 53 Figure 23. Direct Readout Image received in Scotland United Kingdom 54 III. METEOROLOGICAL PRODUCTS A. Satellite Winds: Low-, Middle-, and High Level Cloud Motion Vector Field Messages Description . The process used to determine cloud motion vectors from geostationary satellite data involves three main steps: movie-loop generation, computer derivation of low- level winds, and man-machine derivation of middle- and high-level winds. The movie loop is a 16-mm film consisting of five land- registered photographic images representing 2 hours of real time, placed on a continuous loop with each image repeated twice and each beginning and end image repeated 20 times. The movie loop can then be projected on a digitizing board for the acquisition of beginning and end positions of clouds, thus obtaining cloud-motion vectors. The low- level wind vectors are computer derived by ingesting four photographic images 30 min. apart, selecting the best two images through a quality-control sequence, land-registering the images, cloud-target selecting at preselected offset 2.5° latitude/longitude locations, and wind-vector editing by comparison v/ith the 850-mb analysis. This fully automated process produces the low-level vectors that are put through a final quality check by the meteoro- logist/analyst. The middle- and high-level winds are derived through the use of the Man/Machine Interactive Processing System (MMIPS) (Bristor 1975) . First, the movie loop is viewed by the meteorologist/analyst, cloud targets are chosen, and beginning and end positions are recorded. Next, the cloud targets are viewed on the MMIPS cathode ray tube (CRT) , and temperatures are determined for each target chosen. The computer then compares cloud-target temper- ature and vertical temperature profiles from the latest NMC Global Analysis to obtain target heights and computes target velocity and direction of movement from the digi- tized movie-loop cloud-target movements. These data are put through a quality-control check with the 500- and 200-mb analyses. The cloud-motion vector fields are produced at 008, 122, and 182 and are then delivered to users by 32, 152 and 212 respectively. The derived data are ingested into the National Meteorological Center's numerical forecast models, sent to users via teletype (figure 24 and 25) , are archived on computer tapes by the Satellite Data Services Division of NCC. 55 TWXNIO KWBC 011000 YYXX 01100 200// 222 00401 97/// 21541 222 00501 98/// 21541 222 00701 94/// 14681 222 00805 4199/ 15681 34/// 21531 222 01301 82/// 21541 222 01404 3945/ 22541 222 01505 0013/ 22541 53/// 21541 222 01706 7853/ 15681 2602/ 15681 222 01803 1885/ 16681 222 02604 8776/ 24491 222 02707 7699/ 21531 2201/ 24471 222 23803 4743/ 20531 222 03402 3382/ 17601 222 03504 8600/ 37291 222 03605 5437/ 26491 20/// 23541 222 04402 1030/ 24491 333 00101 3890/ 10010 333 00301 3390/ 07519 333 00401 0090/ 09516 333 01201 8890/ 04019 333 01303 5909/ 04522 333 01403 5090/ 06517 333 01502 1890/ 09017 333 01605 8390/ 11020 333 01701 5090/ 12031 333 02204 8890/ 33004 333 02307 4890/ 09510 0590/ 12005 333 02404 8890/ 25503 16522 17529 35526 01026 01035 25566 23530 19023 24038 32528 34030 13019 25035 24549 29535 23559 27037 27563 19528 23539 21066 16681 09527 3938/ 21531 04520 21531 03030 22541 23542 5681/ 22541 22541 19030 2445/ 21541 24039 22541 25053 21031 21541 21019 15681 15681 15681 24491 23481 23471 20531 24491 23541 26451 32531 35035 18033 24535 25029 31039 25059 23562 26535 23539 9977/ 15681 30527 15681 32526 92/// 9537/ 7150/ 27/// 22/// 5216/ 9665/ 15681 24491 25491 14681 14681 28431 27451 18528 24532 24471 30039 26052 25471 27044 25544 22539 27562 25471 24546 21041 34291 20548 25491 20554 3890/ 09515 0490/ 10511 3390/ 09016 0090/ 12517 8390/ 10016 5590/ 08517 5090/ 12020 3390/ 08514 0090/ 09514 5590/ 04008 3890/ 03507 0590/ 5590/ 05012 5090/ 03508 3890/ 0090/ 01503 5090/ 12503 0590/ 10015 0090/ 09509 05508 10011 3390/ 05011 Figure 24. Low-, Middle-, and High-Level Cloud Motion Vector Field Message 56 TELETYPE TRANSMISSION FORMAT This is the current format (as of 7-1-77) used to transfer Satellite Winds by long line tape drive from the 360/195 computer to the 360/40 computer. Each bulletin may have up to _90 reports. If more than _90 reports are avail- able for an octant then a second bulletin is created. In accordance with the description of the heading TWXXiii2, ii (=bulletin numbers) will be in- cremented while ±2 (=global octant) will remain the same as the first bulletin. Thus there are provisions for 810 (9x90) reports per octant. Description of Abbreviated Heading : (First line of bullein) TWXXii KWBC YYGGgg TW-Data Designator - Satellite Wind XX-Geographical Designator (a) XN - for northern hemisphere (b) XS - for southern hemisphere (c) XX - for unspecified area ii-Number of bulletin (iiia) where (a) ii = bulletin number (b) i.2 = global octant KWBC-Location indicator of originating office YY-Day of Month GG-Hour of day gg-Minute of hour Notes : 1. Current geographical coverage in the north-south and east-west directions are: 49°N southward to 49°S latitude 20°W westward to 170°E longitude Vectors that do not fall in these limits are ignored. 2. All vector locations are rounded off to the nearest whole degree. 3. Octant numbers for vectors that round up to 90 west or down to 180 west are changed to 1 in northern hemisphere and 5 in southern hemisphere; i.e., octant number is forced to either 1 or 5. 4. Section 1 of the SATOB Code form will be coded only once per bul- letin. For wind data, only Section 1, 2, 3 will be used. 5. All wind vectors of Section 2, code form 222 type will be coded first Maximum number of reports per line is 4. 6. All wind reports of Section 3, code form 333 type will be coded after completion of Section 2. Maximum number of reports per line is 5. 7. When there are no reports available for a given bulletin, the bulletin is transmitted with the charters "NIL" followed by an end of bulletin character. 8. Program accepts only octants 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 as valid octants. Figure 25. Key to Cloud Motion Vector Field Message 57 Accuracy . Neither the satellite winds nor the radiosonde observations can be used as an absolute standard; however, the radiosonde is the best tool we have in determining the atmospheric winds. Therefore, the derived satellite winds are compared with radiosonde observations to determine their accuracy (Bauer 1976, Hubert and Timchalk 1972, Hubert 1976, Novak and Young 1976, Poole et al. (1975) unpublished, Poole and Borneman (1975) unpublished, Young et al. 1972). For upper cloud vectors, Hubert (1976) determined that 68% deviated 15 kt or less from radiosondes, whereas lower cloud vector deviations were approximately half that of upper level deviations. He also states that "the accuracy of most cloud vector winds is about the same as that of balloon observations, but a small portion (say about 15 percent) contains significantly larger errors." Primary users . National Meteorological Center of the NWS, U.S. Air Force- Global Weather Center, U.S. Navy - Fleet Numerical Facility, twenty foreign countries and various research concerns. 58 B. Atmospheric Soundings Description . A combined instrument system on board the polar orbiting satellite known as the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) employs the MSU, SSu", and HIRS/2 sensors to provide global atmospheric soundings for oper- ations at the National Weather Service (NWS) and other users around the world. The two polar-orbiting satellites operated by NESS provide some 16,800 soundings per day. A display of the density of observations for a given 24 hour period in the Northern Hemisphere is shown in figure 26. The sensor observations are transmitted to one of the three receiving stations , Gilmore Creek, Alaska, Wallops Island, Virginia, or Lannion, France, and retransmitted to the Digital Data Handling Facility (DDHR) at Suitland, Mary- land, for computer generation of sounding products. The TOVS processing system (Modali and Novak 1979) converts the raw radiance retrievals of the three atmospheric sound- ers into operational products consisting of 1) Layer means temperatures for standard pressure levels 850 mb, 700 mb, etc., 2) Layer precipitable water amounts for the three layers of surface to 700 mb, 700-500 mb, and above 500 mb, and 3) Clear radiance values for the twenty HIRS/2 channels, four MSU channels and three SSU channels. These data are archived by the SDSD of NCC. NESS maintains these data on computer disk rotating files for input into current day products such as global sea surface temperature observations and weather analysis and forecast models. A portion of the sounding products are formatted into WMO code for trans- mission over the Global Telecommunications Service (GTS) network. Earth-located calibrated radiances are provided by agreement to the British Meteorological Office via a low data rate line from the DDHF. Accuracy . The accuracy of satellite atmospheric soundings is checked by comparison with radiosonde data. Accuracies listed here are goals that NESS expects to achieve for these products. For mandatory pressure levels in the atmosphere, layer mean temperature accuracy goals are: surface to 850 mb: ±2.5°K; 850 mb to tropopause: ±2.25°K; tropopause to 2.0 mb: ±3°K; and 2.0 mb to 0.5 mb: ±3.5°K. Layer precipitable water accuracy goal is ±30%. Clear radiance goals are within ±2%. 59 X A X XX r.-= J «*r^i--.ni-«w» Figure 26 . Atmospheric Soundings in the Northern Hemisphere for a Given 24 Hour Period 60 Primary users . Atmospheric sounding data is used internally at NESS, by the NWS, U.S. Navy, foreign weather operations, and various research concerns. An archive is kept by the SDSD of NCC. 61 C. Global Heat Budget Description . The global heat budget as analyzed from the polar-orbiting satellite's AVHRR data is determined daily for both the day and night longwave flux and the absorbed and available solar radiation. Infrared and visible radi- ances, derived from averaging a 10-by-10 array of GAC (4km resolution data) representing a 50km square of viewed area, are combined with time, earth location and angular measure- ments of satellite and sun altitude as an initial data base for analysis. The heat budget parameters are then derived, daytime and nighttime longwave flux from 12 hours of in- frared retrievals each and absorbed solar from the differ- ence between the solar constant and the visible spectrum retrievals, and mapped into 2.5° arrays by correcting for viewing angle and earth curvature. Hemispheric (125-by- 125 element) square arrays are then produced from a fit of the 2.5° fields, both data arrays being stored on a 37-day continuous disk archive. A monthly archive tape is produced from the disk data set for users and daily and monthly photographic displays of heat budget fields are generated for quality control. The photographic display (figure 27) is a set of three sections: nighttime-flux, daytime-flux and absorbed solar. Each section displays a northern and a southern hemisphere polar-stereographic and Mercator representation of the heat budget fields on disk. A legend appears at the top of each section providing the display title, date (month/ day/year), order of individual displays, average flux values (watts/meter 2 ) for each and the percentage of missing data. The Global Heat Budget fields are of importance to long- range forecasting and climate research. Accuracy . Global heat budget fields have an accuracy within ±1 watts/meter 2 for reflected and outgoing radiant energy. Spatial resolution, due to the nature of the data and its analysis, is approximately 100km. Primary users . The Global Heat Budget fields are used within the originating group of NESS-the Atmospheric Energitics Branch, the Long Range Prediction Group of the NWS and an archive is kept by the SDSD of NCC . 62 .: «i ■WMMHM 4 * % % / i ■ ' ' ' Its v» • * - • > • ~ -■* 4n „ «. - ** i » l « ft* *t * "' ; * jf . ^^ ■ if •fc- ~% * HP; .■pry ^r.*pr . JPHF ^ J, * * V*V/ J * 9 ■B ' ■ 1 1 ' ^laP^"^ ' ' '"" *^HP^P^P^*' w '" 7 |§jPpP<'^^^ a mm., ,. f l^^fi mJ/T «■ # ■ j^^^m^^te^^M^^^yp^^fe^ Figure 27. Global Heat Budget Quality Control Image 63 D. Weather Summary and Bulletins 1. Satellite Interpretation Message Description ♦ The Satellite Interpretation Message (figure 28) is a general synopsis of the weather affecting the United States supplied two to eight times per day depending on the SFSS issuing office. The summary is sent out on weather tele- type circuits to all users from the SIM issuing offices; Washington, D.C., Kansas City, MO, San Francisco, CA, Honolulu, HI, and Anchorage, AK. Primary users . This product is received by most domestic weather operations. 64 ZCZC WBC835 TSXX6 KWBC 201400 DCA SFSS SIM BASED ON SMS 2 DATA THRU 1300Z WKNG VORT MAX MOVG EWD 35KT ACRS UPR MI IS NOW JUST W OF SSM WITH ASSOCD TROF SEWD TO ERN LK ERIE. A SECOND SHRTWV LIES SWWD ACRS SRN LK MI. ANOTHER SHRTWV MOVG EWD 40KT THRU THE DAKS TO INL MCW LN WITH ASSOCD CLDS DMSHG IN PAST SVRL HR. PVA CONTS OVR AREA FM PA TO SC ALTHO VORT MAX I NO LONGER DISCERNIBLE AT THIS TIME. CSTL WTRS WITHIN 200MI OF COST S OF 40N ... BKN/OVC CI MVG NWD ALG NJ CST AND OFSHR SWD TO HAT WITH PTCHY CI ALG DELMARVA TO HAT CST. BKM MID CLDS PUSHING OFF SC/GA COST. SCT LOW CLDS OVR RMDR. MARINE AREA N OF 40N W OF 60W ... MULTILYRD CI S OF LN 40N69W 43N60W. BKN CI N OF THIS TO LN BOS 45N65W. RMDR CLR. RMDR OF MARINE AREA W OF 40W BTWN 30N AND 45N ... LOW CNTR 32N68W. MULTILYRD OVC TO CI WITHIN AREA 30N66W 35N65W 37N67W 34N71W 37N72W 43N60W 40N50W 30N62W WITH CLD NS THINNING TO SE. EMBDD SCT CNVRTN TO 350 E OF LOW ALG FNTL BND S OF 35N BTWN 66W AND 63W MOVG ENE 20 KT. FOR NYC INTL AVN INTERESTS . . . CNVTN SCT OR LESS. END COOKE Figure 23. Satellite Interpretation Message 65 2. Satellite Weather Bulletin Description . Satellite Weather Bulletins are coded messages describing past (12 and 24 h previous) and present location, movement, intensity (using Dvorak Tropical Disturbance Classi- fications) , and general cloud characteristics of tropical cyclones. Meteorologists routinely analyze and interpret polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite data images over all ocean areas for potential and existing tropical disturb- ances and prepare bulletins to be sent out as needed via teletype (figure 29). The bulletins are useful in alerting foreign weather operations to significant tropical weather due to the lack of conventional weather observations over the oceans. Accuracy . The accuracy in location and movement is dependent on the resolution of the satellite imagery used. Position location is given to the nearest tenth of a degree. Primary users . The product is used by foreign weather operations. 66 SATELLITE WEATHER BULLETIN NOAA-4 VIS/IRDAY WEST PACIFIC RUBY 01 JULY 1976 0022Z 23N 126. IE T5.5/5.5/D0.5/24HRS PAST POSITIONS: E21.2N 124E 301209Z IRNITE 21. IN 122. 9E 300123Z VIS/IRDAY CENTER DEFINED BY ROUND DISTINCT EYE APPROX ONE-THIRD DEG DIA. PLEASE ACK SGD/NOAA-NESS ABXX 13 KWBC SATELLITE TROPICAL DISTURBANCE SUMMARY ALL MOVEMENTS AND TRENDS 24 HRS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED WEST PACIFIC NOAA 4 VIS/IRDAY 3020 00-0 1 020 0Z 23N 126. IE 0022Z T5 . 5 /5 . 5/DO . 5/24HRS RUBY 27. 2N 142. 3E 2226Z T4 . 5/4 . 5MINUS/SO. 0/24HRS SALLY BRKN BAND MOD ACTIVE CONV DEVELOPED FROM YDA EXTENDS 9N*144E TO EQ. 140E TO EQ. 135E DEG WIDE. WIDELY SCTD BAND MOD ACTIVE CONV WEAKER THAN YDA EXTENDS 4N 180W TO 5N 170E TO 13N 160E 1 DEG WIDE. SOUTH PACIFIC NOAA 4 VIS/IRDAY 30 1 50 0-3 2 30 Z SCTD BAND MOD ACTIVE CONV SAME AS YDA EXTENDS 10S 150E TO 12S 160E 2 DEG WIDE. SCTD AREA MOD ACTIVE CONV SAME AS YDA 5-7S FROM 147E TO 156E. BRKN AREA MOD ACTIVE CONV DEVELOPED FROM YDA CENTERED Z0S 170E 2 DEG DIA. 7/1 0530 A Figure 29. Satellite Weather Bulletin 67 3. Satellite Weather Summary Description . A weather summary is supplied to television networks as a supplement to satellite weather movie loops The overlays reveal frontal positions along with high and low pressure centers for both the 008 and 123 synoptic analyses. A narrative describing weather highlights for the two synoptic time periods including detailed east and west coast summaries (figure 30) clarifies significant weather events portrayed in the TV movie loop. The over- lay and weather summary are supplied with the TV movie loop (mentioned under Movie Loops) to users once per day. Primary users. Commercial television networks. 68 TCUS40 KWBC 2 ZCZC WBC5 89 TCUS40 KW3C 291800Z SATELLITE WEATHER SUMMARY FOR 0CT03ER 29 19 79 USA VIEW FROM 7PM EST OCT 28 TO 7AM EST OCT 29 CLOUDS WITH TWO FRONTAL SYSTEMS ARE ON THE MOVIE TODAY WITH SOME CLEAR SKIES IN BETWEEN. ONE FRONT MOVES RAPIDLY EASTWARD THROUGH NEW ENGLAND PUSHING CLOUDS INTO THE ATLANTIC. .. AND THEN TRAILS WESTWARD ACROSS VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE. SIGNIFICANT SHOWERS FELL ALONG THE FRONT IN TENNESSEE AND TO THE SOUTH IN MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA. ONLY VERY LIGHT RAIN FELL ALONG THE REMAINDER OF THE FRONT EXCEPT IN NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND WHERE A LOW PRESSURE CENTER ALSO HELPED PRODUCE SOME SNOW. A SECOND FRONT EXTENDS FROM MINNESOTA TO COLORADO. THE LARGE AREA OF CLOUDS NORTH OF THIS FRONT IS ASSOCIATED WITH A DEVELOPING SNOW STORM CENTERED IN SOUTHERN COLORADO. SNOW BEGAN ACCUMULATING OVERNIGHT IN NORTHERN COLORADO AND WYOMING. CLEARING OCCURS ALONG THE WEST COAST BEHIND THIS DEVELOPING STORM. EASTERN U.S. VIEW FROM 7AM TO NOON EST OCT 29 GRAY LOOKING LOW CLOUDS REMAIN OVER NEW ENGLAND AND MOST OF THE NORTHEAST. A LOW DEVELOPS IN NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI ALONG THE STATIONARY FRONT THERE. THIS DEVELOPMENT SHOWS UP NICELY ON THE SATELLITE PICTURE AS A LARGE COMMA SHAPED AREA OF CLOUDS AND SHOWERS IS EAST OF THE LOW CENTER. CLEAR SKIES EXTEND FROM THE MIDWEST ACROSS THE SOUTHERN PLAINS TO WEST TEXAS. THE INCREASING LARGE MASS OF CLOUDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPING SNOW STORM IN COLORADO EXTENDS FROM THE DAKOTAS TO ARIZONA. WESTERN U.S. VIEW FROM 7AM TO NOON EST OCT 29 CLOUDS WITH THE DEVELOPING SNOW STORM CAN BE SEEN IN THE ROCKIES. BUILDING HIGH PRESSURE BRINGS CLEAR SKIES ALONG THE WEST COAST. OFF THE NORTHWEST COAST. .. CLOUDS ARE APPROACHING AHEAD OF A LOW AND COLD FRONT. Figure 30. Satellite Weather Summary 69 4. Cloud Top and Tropopause Message Description . The Cloud Top and Tropopause message (figure 31) is a list of chosen latitude-longitude or weather station locations and the tropopause height, cloud-top height and temperature of cloud tops at that location including any relevant remarks. Cloud top temperatures (reported to the nearest degree Celcius) are provided from interactive man- computer retrieval of current infrared digital data received from the SMS/GOES satellites. These retrieved temperatures are matched with the latest NMC prognosis or analysis to determine the relative height (reported to the nearest hundred feet) in the atmosphere. Tropopause height is requested directly from the latest NMC prognosis or analysis. This message is sent out to users by teletype four times per day after each major synoptic time period. Accuracy . For temperature estimation of cloud tops the accuracy (Hubert, 1979 personal cummunication) is as good as ±1°C and heights ±25mb for deeply convective clouds degrading as the cloud becomes thinner or its emissivity diminishes less than 1. No accuracy determinations of tropopause height from the NMC prognosis or analysis has yet been made. Primary users . This product is available to most domestic weather operations. 70 NNNN + 4-A ZCZC WBC509 TBXX10 KWBC 261200 DCA SFSS CLOUD TOP AND TROPOPAUSE MESSAGE THE FOLLOWING CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURES WERE DERIVED FM SMS 2 260900Z INFRARED DATA WHILE CLD TOP AND TROP HGTS ARE FROM NMC 260000Z GLOBAL ANALYSIS. HGTS ARE IN HNDS OF FT AND TEMP IN DEG C. LCTN BOS PIT 370 M49 450 HIGHEST TOPS NR EDGE OF BND NYG 300 M30 520 OVC HI LVL CLDSIN SWLY FLOW RDU CAE CGS 310 M32 510 OCEAN AREA. . . 40N42W 100 P04 40N50W 210 M12 CLDNS ASSOCD WITH SFC 45N60W 240 M16 38N61W 440 M62 30N75W 420 M55 END TOP TOP TROP REMARKS HGT TMP HGT 310 M36 460 JTSTR 370 M49 450 HIGHEST 300 M30 520 OVC HI L 300 M30 540 290 M2 9 520 450 SC 490 CLDNS ASSOCD 510 510 TSTM 550 Figure 31. Cloud Top and Tropopause Message 71 5. Tropical Disturbance Summary Description . The Tropical Disturbance Summary (figure 32) is a coded message listing all Satellite Weather Bulletins sent during the previous 24 h and the locations of all vortices with tropical history, significant disturbed areas, and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) . Two summaries are sent out via teletype per day for each ocean area covered. These areas are the Atlantic, East Pacific (to 140°W) , Central Pacific, West and South Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. The sum- maries are prepared by meteorologists using visible and infrared satellite imagery from both the polar-orbiting and geostation- ary satellites. With the reception of these summaries, the coastal and marine areas of the globe can keep a watchful eye on significant tropical weather situations. Accuracy . The movement is given to the nearest degree of latitude (±60 nm or 112 km). Position location is given to the nearest degree of latitude/longitude. Primary users. The product is used by foreign weather operations 72 ABSS 16 KWBC SATELLITE TROPICAL DISTRUBANCE SUMMARY ALL MOVEMENTS AND TRENDS 24 HRS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED CENTRAL AND WEST PACIFIC NOAA-4 IRNITE 270543Z TO 271330Z BRKN MODERATELY ACTIVE TO ACTIVE ITCZ HAS INCREASED IN INTENSITY... ITCZ 3 TO 4 DEG WIDE BEGINNING IN EAST PACIFIC FROM 9N 140W TO 5N 155W TO 6N 177W TO 4N 168E. MODERATELY ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA THAT HAS WEAKNENED AND MOVED 4 DEG TO THE WEST... 5 DEG DIAMETER CENTERED 13N 131E. BRKN MODERATELY ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA THAT HAS INCREASED IN ACTI- VITY PAST 12 HRS...5N TO 19N BETWEEN 120E AND 126E. BRKN ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA BOUND BY 20N 160E TO 18N 172E TO 33N 175E TO 20N 160E...HAS EXHIBITED LITTLE MOVMNT AND CHANGE. VORTEX DESCRIBED BY UPPER CLOUDS AT 34N 164E. NO TROPICAL CYCLONE ACTIVITY NOTED. SOUTH PACIFIC NOAA-4 IRNITE 270340Z TO 271127Z BRKN MODERATELY ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA THAT HAS SHOWN LITTLE CHANGE. BOUND BY 2N 158E TO 10S 160E TO IN 135E TO 2N 158E. NO TROPICAL CYCLONE ACTIVITY NOTED. Figure 32. Satellite Tropical Disturbance Summary 73 IV. OCEANOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS A. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Products 1. Global SST Observations Description . Global sea surface temperature observations are obtained daily from the polar-orbiting satellite's AVHRR sensor in the infrared spectrum and its High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS/2) unit. The model used in obtaining these temperatures is the fully automated computer procedure GOSSTCOMP (Global Operational Sea Surface Temperature Computation) . The surface temperature observations are derived by a maximum likelihood technique (Crosby and Glasser, 1978) applied to 50km resolution target arrays of GAC (4km resolution) data. Acceptable SST targets are determined by a comparison with coincident equivalent brightness temperatures derived from HIRS/2 data revealing a cloud-free target (Walton et. al., 1976). A correction for atmospheric attenuation is applied to the data by a multiple linear regression technique involving the brightness temperature in the HIRS/2 water vapor channel. The model generates 30,000 to 40,000 time and earth- located values of sea surface temperature daily. The derived observations are stored on computer disk for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) numerical forecast models and remote terminal users, entered onto a seven-day magnetic tape archive available through the Satellite Data Services Division (SDSD) of the NCC , and used in the production of global, climatic and regional scale analyses. Selected observations are transmitted twice daily by teletype on the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) (figures 33 and 34). Accuracy . The accuracy of satellite derived sea surface temper- atures is dependent on the nature of the satellite environmental sensors, the computer procedure GOSSTCOMP and the type of sea truth used for comparison, namely NMC ship observations (Pichel et. al., 1979). Accuracy goals are ±1.5°C. These goals are achieved over approximately 70% of the global ocean. Primary Users . The primary users of this data are the National Weather Service (NWS), oceanographic services, environmental research concerns, and commercial fisheries. The data are archived by the SDSD of NCC. 74 TSXS17 KWBC 251600 YYDD 25100 230// 444 76402 01102 06094 444 76601 45084 444 76701 18088 444 75004 35110 49106 05134 18124 444 75108 50106 54106 77098 20116 33114 11116 24120 25122 444 75307 68116 33120 35122 48124 01134 16134 18140 444 75409 91102 92100 95094 51112 63114 40124 42120 01138 05148 444 75604 46150 38154 16148 18170 444 75712 86104 51136 53126 55120 57128 42158 44142 45142 38146 00172 16156 19178 444 74011 94132 96138 97138 65164 68158 33168 35170 38188 13190 15198 08196 444 74108 91150 93146 56178 68156 41170 43208 13220 25218 444 74203 70152 49196 28198 444 74310 93142 95146 88150 60166 63166 65162 68158 41196 33188 20196 444 74402 81144 95154 444 74508 77178 66194 68196 35226 38210 13264 15242 09216 444 74512 93164 86164 98170 54190 66186 43194 45206 38192 10216 04208 15212 08214 444 74709 91166 98173 60198 66178 68182 40196 46190 48186 09198 444 73009 93210 89202 66216 68214 41232 43224 48226 10246 08250 444 73108 90202 93230 60216 72240 40234 23258 10250 03276 Figure 33. Teletype Message of Global Sea Surface Temperature Observations . 75 (First line of bulletin) TSXXii KWBC YYGGgg TS - Data designator : Satellite SST observations XX - Geographical designator (a) XN - Northern Hemisphere (b) (c) ii - (a) (b) KWBC - YY - GG - i 2 ) 99 - XS - Southern Hemisphere XX - Unspecified area Number of bulletin (ii Bulletin number within a given octant Global octant Indicator of originating office Day of month Hour of day Minutes of hour H ±2 (Second line) YYDD 25100 230// YY - SATOB code designator DD - Indicator of surface data 25 - Day of month 10 - Observation time in hours GMT - Tens of minutes of the hour 2 - Country of origin (United States = 2) 30 - Satellite identifier (30 = TIROS-N; 31 = NOAA-6; 32 = NOAA-7; etc. ) (Third line) 444 76402 444 - 7 - 6 - 4 - 02 - 01102 O6094 Indicator of new Global octant 10° latitude square of observation 10° longitude square of observation (4 = 140° or 40° square) 10° latitude/longitude square (6 = 60° square) Number of observations in the 10° square (Each following group) - 1 - 102 - Degrees of latitude from 10° square origin Degree deviation in longitude from 10° square origin Sea surface temperature in degrees Celcius * 10 Figure 34. Key to Global Sea Surface Temperature Teletype Message 76 2. Monthly SST Observation Mean Description . Monthly displays of mean global sea surface temp- eratures, monthly observation density, and the standard deviation about the mean are portrayed in contoured Mercator projection geographic charts derived from averaging global SST observations. A 2.5° latitude-longitude quadrangle averaging scheme is applied to the global SST observation digital data base resulting in data files of averaged fields covering a month's period. This digital data is available to NOAA/NESS terminal users and is archived yearly on magnetic tape available from SDSD. Charts of monthly mean SST's, monthly observation density, and standard deviations from the mean are contoured monthly and sent to users. An archive of the charts is kept by SDSD of the NCC . Accuracy . Satellite derived SST observation monthly means are compared with ship observation monthly means. Accuracy goals are ±1.5°C. These goals are achieved over approximately 70% of the global ocean. Primary Users . The monthly observation mean data are used internally at NESS and by the National Marine Fisheries Service. An archive is kept by SDSD of National Climatic Center. 77 3. Large Scale Analyzed SST Fields Description . The global sea surface temperature (SST) observations provided from computer processing of polar-orbiter AVHRR and HIRS/2 data are used as input in the creation of large scale, global- 5.0° (500 km) and 1.0° (100km) grid and regional-0 . 5° (50km) grid analyzed SST fields. All observations in the vicinity of a grid point are assigned a weight which depends on reliability, average temperature gradient, and the distance between the observation and the field grid point. The weighted observations and the previous analysis grid point temperature are used to arrive at an updated grid point temperature. The 1.0° field is produced daily from all observations obtained during the previous 24 hours. The 5.0° field is created daily by averaging 1.0° field grid point temperatures. The 0.5° field is analyzed weekly using observations from the previous seven days. The analyzed fields are stored on computer disk with semi-monthly archive tapes produced from the 1.0° scale analysis and monthly tapes from the 5.0° and 0.5° scale analyses. Contour charts produced once a week from the global-1.0° grid analysis data set, cover the earth in Mercator segments of 50° latitude-by-50° longitude from 70°N to 70°S, overlapping at 20°N and 20°S by five degrees (figure 35) . The contour interval is 1° Celcius. Questionable areas are manually encircled with heavy lines. Areas where no observations were made in the previous three days are contoured with dashed lines. Each chart segment is labeled by reference to the northern hemisphere (NH) , southern hemisphere (SH) , or equator (EQ) and the longitude of the western boundary. The date of the chart is the date on which the chart was created; the data depicted are primarily from the previous day. Regional contour charts provide coverage of the U.S. 200 mile Conservation and Management Zone in approximately 25° latitude- by-25° longitude segments (figure 36) encompassing the east coast from 5°N to 53°N and 52°W to 100°W, the west coast from 15°N to 63°N and 97°W to 145°W, and the Hawaii-Alaska environs from 15°N to 63°N and 142°W to 170°E. The contour interval is 1.0° Celcius. Questionable areas are manually encircled with heavy lines. Areas where no observations were made in the previous seven days are contoured with dashed lines. Each chart segment is labeled according to its geographical area, Atlantic Coast 1 , 2 or 3; Pacific Coast 1, 2 or 3; or Hawaii/Alaska 1, 2, 3 or 4. The date of the chart corresponds to the ending date of observations used. These charts are produced on 310mm sheet film and archived at SDSD. Chart copies are sent to users on a weekly basis. No contour charts of the 5.0° grid fields are produced since this analysis represents an average of the 1.0° grid field. 78 Two photographic displays are used for quality assessment, one representing the global analysis (figure 37) and the other depicting the regional analysis (figure 38) . The global photo- graphic display provides a gray scale representation of sea surface temperatures from -85°C to +61°C in eight tonal steps along with a portrayal of observation density in four tonal steps. The date given is the processing date. Data depicted are primarily from the previous day. Remote terminal users, having access to the NOAA/NESS computer center, may retrieve analyzed field data stored on the current disk files. A program can be run to extract the latest analyzed fields in sections and display the data in a hardcopy form or on a CRT screen (figure 39). Analyzed fields of sea surface temperature are useful in monitoring conditions conducive to hurricane formation and intensification, in preparing ocean thermal frontal analyses, as input to weather forecasting models and in research projects concerning the ocean sciences. Accuracy . The accuracy of SST analyzed fields is dependent on the observation technique, procedure of analysis and, in the case of contour charts, the contour display program (Pichel et al. , 1979) . Areas of best representation of actual sea surface temperature are those with the greatest number of observations. False gradients occur at borders of data-sparse regions. Ocean areas smaller than the analysis grid, i.e., gulfs, bays, and seas, receive no gridpoint updating. Outside of these areas of concern, normally encircled on contour charts by quality control personnel and outside of data sparse regions which are dashed, the accuracy is ±1.5°C when compared with ship observations. Primary Users . SST analyzed fields are used by the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Weather Service, environmental research concerns and commercial fisheries. The data charts and tapes are archived by SDSD of the NCC. GOSSTCOMP SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 79 4 W 3 5 W 50W Z5W 2 (JTV 15 W 1 W 5 W 65N 60N 5 25N" A,QH 35W 30W Z5W 20N 15W 1 0N 5W im* IH 04 5 W 10/30/79 Figure 35. Sea Surface Temperature 1° Analyzed Field 80 NESS 50 KM SST ANALYSIS 30N 25N 20N 15N 10N 30N 25N 20N 15N 10N 0W £% Tk ATLANTIC COAST ! 11/13/79 •^BJ^f, Figure 36. Sea Surface Temperature 0.5° Analyzed Field SN21-1 > * I #•%* & 4 "^H* Figure 37. Quality Control Photographic Display of Global and Climatic Scale SST Analyzed Fields 82 Figure 38 • Quality Control Photographic Display of SST Regional Scale Analyzed Fields GOSSTCOMP SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES LONGITUDE WEST OF GREENWICH IN TENTHS OF DEGREES 900 880 *60 e<.0 820 800 780 760 740 720 ■ ■■itiiiii ■a>C-** ♦♦ + * «# ♦ » ♦» ♦* +* «* ♦* ♦* tt *2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 »» ** « ** *» *< ** *» «* »» *» *» 241 236 233 232 229 225 216 i30-+* ♦* +* +* ♦* +* ♦» ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦♦ *1 *1 *1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 *» ** * f *, 4* «* 44 •» ** *, ** 226 pj! 229 230 232 228 221 216 -20-+* ♦* +* ** ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦* +1 +1 +1 *1 *1 *2 +1 +1 +1 »» ,, ** 4* ,* 44 4 * », t * 44 251 230 224 232 229 229 225 218 216 310-+* ♦» +* ♦* ♦* + * +* ♦* ♦* *l +1 *1 +1 *l *l *l *l *1 *l L ». ». ** *• *♦ ** ** •* *• 242 2„5 242 238 236 229 227 223 222 220 A T 100-+* *l *1 +1 +1 ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦* +1 +1 +1 *1 +1 *2 +1 +1 +1 *1 I ** 231 23C 228 227 *♦ ** *♦ ** 240 244 244 241 239 229 228 225 225 223 T U Z9C-+1 +1 *1 +1 *1 +1 +1 ♦* ♦* +* +1 *1 +1 *1 +2 +2 *1 +1 *1 D 236 235 233 230 228 226 227 »* »» •» 251 241 247 241 232 232 230 229 229 E ^80-+l +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 *1 ♦* ♦* *1 *1 +1 ♦ ? +2 *2 *1 +1 +1 I 237 237 236 234 231 232 233 237 ** ♦* 251 249 245 238 235 234 233 232 234 N 270-+1 *1 *1 +1 +1 +1 *1 +1 ♦* ♦* *4 *3 +3 +3 +2 *2 +1 +1 +1 T 239 238 238 238 237 239 238 240 ** ** 253 250 246 237 236 237 237 237 239 E N 260— <-l *1 *1 *1 +1 +1 +1 *1 +1 ♦* *4 *3 *3 +3 *2 *2 +2 +1 +1 T 239 240 243 245 249 249 24fc 242 248 ** 258 256 252 ?38 239 239 241 245 248 H S 25G-+1 *1 *1 +1 +1 *1 +1 +1 +1 +1 *1 +1 *1 +3 *2 *2 +2 +1 *1 241 2*5 251 255 255 253 249 2<.f 247 242 240 240 251 24C 241 243 246 249 253 C F 240-+1 +1 *1 +1 +1 +1 *1 *1 *1 *1 +1 +1 +1 +3 +3 +2 +2 *l *l 245 250 256 256 258 256 2? 2 248 247 243 241 245 252 252 245 248 251 255 254 C E 230— H +1 +1 +1 +1 *1 +1 ♦* ♦* ♦* +3 *^ +3 +3 +3 +2 +2 *1 *1 G 246 248 253 257 262 263 256 ** ** ** 263 260 260 257 247 254 256 256 255 R f 220-+1 *1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +* ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦* +3 +3 *2 +2 +1 *1 E 2<-5 246 250 255 268 269 *» ** «» ** *» »* •* 262 258 259 260 258 256 c 21C-+* ♦* ♦» ♦* +1 *1 +1 *1 *1 +1 *1 +1 ♦» ♦* ♦* +3 +2 +1 +1 4* ,. 44 ** 272 270 26« 2 6 7 266 265 261 260 *» ** ** 262 262 259 257 200- + » ♦* +» +1 *1 +1 *1 *l +1 *1 +1 +1 +1 ♦* ♦* ♦* ♦ ♦* ♦* 44 »* ** 268 270 273 269 267 266 266 264 261 261 ** ** ** 266 »» •* 100- + * +* ♦* +1 +1 +1 +1 *1 +1 +1 *B *B *A + A *A *A +A ♦♦ +* 44 44 44 267 268 269 268 267 266 266 264 263 263 258 258 258 258 ** *» 180-*» +» +1 +1 +1 +1 *1 +C *D *E +F *G ♦<; *G *E +6 *A +A ♦* *<■■ »* 264 265 267 267 267 267 266 265 265 266 266 265 262 258 257 259 ** tiiiiaatit 900 660 660 840 e20 800 780 760 740 720 LOCATION OF TEMPERATURE WITH REFERENCE TO LAT LONG GRID 1 ♦5 -AGE OF TEMPERATURE IN DAYS. IF BLANK OVER 9 DAYS. IF LETTFRED 1 DAf OLU.WHERE THE NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS USED IN ANALYSYS AT POINT IS GIVEN IN LETTER CODE, A IS 1-4 OBS.B IS 5-8. ..ETC 145-TEMPERATURE IN DEGREFSX10 CENTIGRADE (RIGHT JUSTIFIED! LAND IS SIGNIFIED BY ASTERISKS Figure 39. Remote Terminal Printer Display of Sea Surface Temperature Analyzed Field Data 84 4. Great Lakes and Coastal Surface Water Temperature Analyses Description . Analyses of the Great Lakes surface temperatures (Strong 1974) and designated coastal zone sea surface temper- atures are produced as observed (whenever cloud free) from the data obtained from the polar-orbiting satellite's High Resolu- tion Picture Transmission (HRPT) displays. The data are computer analyzed for each region with a contour interval of 1°C. The final products (figures 40 and 41) are then manually adjusted for accuracy and mailed to users. The surface temperature analyses are useful in determining the rate of lake freeze and areas of upwelling. With this knowledge plus observed weather and ice-observed conditions, a forecast can be made for the routing of ships and in predicting the length of the shipping season. Accuracy . This product has been checked, using ship observations to determine its accuracy. The surface temperature analysis can experience an overall bias of ±1.5°C absolute. The accuracy of the sensor in observing temperature is ±0.5°C relative. Observations are limited to cloud-free situations. Primary Users . The Great Lakes and Coastal Surface Water Temperature Analyses are used by NWS, commercial marine trans- portation, research concerns, internally at NESS and an archive is kept by SDSD of NCC. 85 Figure 40. Great Lakes Surface Temperature Analysis 86 w -H CO >i rH m c u p JJ 0) E d) Eh U 0) -P rfl tn •H En 91 ■P u u CD o H U -H -P o < C 0) en 0) u ■H 92 Qi 01 LU op. 1— 2(3) t— Z. 3 v~ S n LU u Sf) -* ft LU £Z u 1— 15 LU LU 7* ■Pfr U CO ~ 2 UJ O SO *8 > < z fs 2^ < o O o £3 i— • 2 >- 5 -s o a. ot Si O 5 < >• Z <| Z p Z +J v CD o u •H -p u (T5 +J LT) "=? Q) U o •H fa 93 C. Ocean Current Analyses 1. Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin and Analysis Description . The western Atlantic currents comprising the Caribbean current, Florida current and Gulf Stream flowing from the eastern Gulf of Mexico around Florida to the 44th parallel along the east coast of the United States are of interest to the mariner in the areas of fishing and shipping. Plotting current position, areas of cold and warm eddies, and shelf /slope water interface help the mariner in reducing costs in transporting merchandise and locating areas of good fishing. The Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin (figure 46) informs the mariner of the position of the "north wall" or western boundary of the Gulf Stream. The fastest currents are found 12-15 miles seaward of this location. It also indicates eddy locations and diameters. The bulletin is determined through human analysis of polar-orbiter AVHRR and GOES-VISSR imagery. Bulletins" of the position of the Gulf Stream Wall are sent out via teletype and marine radio broadcasts three times a week to users. The Gulf Stream Analysis (figure 47) is a gridded, human analysis of the Gulf Stream prepared from polar-orbiter AVHRR and GOES-VISSR imagery. This analysis is mailed and transmitted via facsimile weekly to users. Accuracy . Human analysis, chart resolution, and variability of the current produce an accuracy of positioning of ±5km for the bulletin and the analysis. Primary Users . The users of the Gulf Stream data include coastal marine shipping, fisheries, U.S. Coast Guard, recreation and boating interests, and marine research. An archive of the analyses is kept by the SDSD of NCC . 94 October 9, 1979 GULF STREAM LOCATION- THE LINE DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE OF POINTS REPRESENTS THE WEST WALL OF THE GULF STREAM. 27.0/80.0 30.7/80.0 32.7/78.0 32.8/76.7 34.1/76.1 36.1/73.1 37.7/68.9 33.1/76.3 35.0/74.8 37.0/72.0 37.5/66.9 33.5/76.1 35.7/74.2 37.2/70.2 THE MAXIMUM CURRENT OF THE GULF STREAM LIES APPROXIMATELY 12-15 MILES SEAWARD OF THIS LINE. COLD EDDIES: 31.3/77.7/50 NMI. DIAM. 31.5/76.3/50 NMI. DIAM. 33.4/74.0/55 NMI. DIAM. WARM EDDIES: 37.0/74.4/60 NMI. DIAM. 38.7/71.8/90 NMI. DIAM. 42.0/64.7/65 NMI. DIAM. LATEST SATELLITE DATA: 10/09/79 @ 0900Z Figure 46. Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin 95 CO ■H M >i rH (I! c < e rC 0) 5-1 +J CO <^ H 3 O ^r Powir Authority , Environment Canada Portland RFC. Coluxbia Basin Network California State De.pt. of Water Resources Salt Las* City WC, Soil Conser- vation Service Portland WC . Columbia Baain Network Portland WC , Columbia Basin Network Soi 1 Conservation Service, Great Fallt RDO Bureau of Reclamat ion . Kansas City RFC, Soil Conservation Service Bureau of Reclamation, Kenees City RFC, Soil Conservation Service Nt Regional Hydrologist NWS Portland RFC, Columbia Baain Network Soil Conservation Service . Fort worth RFC Soil Conservation Service. Fort Worth RFC California Stoats Oept . of water Portland RFC , Columbia Basin Network Salt Lake City RFC, Phoenix ROO, Salt River Project, U.S. Geological Survey Salt Lake City RFC Portland RFC. Columbia Basin Network marine Bureau of Civil Emergency Preparedneas . New Brunswick Oept. of Environment, environment Canada. St. John Basin Task Force Bureau of Reclamation, Kansas City RFC, Soil Conservation Service Soil Conservation Service, Sacramento RFC Portland RFC. Columbia Basin Network Salt Lake City RFC, Phoenix RDO, Salt River Project. U.S. Geological Survey Soil Conservation Service, Sacramento RFC Portland RFC, Columbia Basin Network Portland RFC. Columbia Basin Network Motes on Users : 1. The Columbia Basin Network includes the Soil Conservation Service. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National heather Service. BonnevlLle Power Administration. B.C. Hydro and Power Autnority, as well as otner state and local agencies. 2. Basins being, done for the Bureau of Reclamation in Denver, Colorado, are retransmitted from the site to field offices in Caspar. Laramie, and Cheyenne, Wyoming. 3. The St. John Basin Task Torce includes the National Weather Service, U.S. Aj-my Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey. Environment Canada,, and otner state, provincial agencies. 4. nost basms are tupped twice weekly cloud cover permitting. The S*lt. Verde end St. John basins are mapped daily cloud cover permitting. The Tehoe-Tmckee. Carson and Walker basins are mapped only at the end of each month. 103 B. Regional Snow Cover Analyses Description . The Regional Snow Cover Analyses are graphical (1:7.5M and 1:10M) displays of snow cover for selected regions of the world produced from analysis of GOES-VISSR and polar- orbiter stretched gridded imagery . The current regions mapped are the Great Lakes, Northeastern United States and the Himalayas with corresponding spatial resolution of 1km (western hemisphere GOES) and 4km (GAC data only-eastern hemisphere) . The analyses (figure 52) are produced from direct overlay of the photographic imagery with a gridded boundary map. Users are provided with a political/geographic boundary map indi- cating areas covered by snow and those unobservable due to clouds. These products are sent out via telecopier twice a week for western hemisphere observed regions and once a week for eastern. Regional Snow Cover Analyses find their usefulness in fore- casting lake inflow amount/rates (Great Lakes) , water supply (Northeastern U.S.), and flood watch and drought monitoring (Himilayas) . Accuracy . From hand analysis, map and photographic imagery resolution, an accuracy of snow boundary positioning of ±5km is achieved. Primary users . Great Lakes Region - Corps of Engineers, Detroit District; Northeastern U.S. - NV7S Eastern Region (Hartford, Harrisburg, Cincinnati - River Forecast Centers); and Himilayas - Joint Agricultural Weather Facility - USDA/NOAA An archive is kept by SDSD of NCC . 104 en -h to >i H rd C < a) > o u o c CO c o ■H tn 0) W ■o JX — 1 c c s: ' 0> s: > w a) 2 O U u > > I/} "O -H — - 3 c c >- 2 K 3 CL c — eg it u 1 *J u rr. c c ra u c i/ OJ •^ t-- u, cr 10 c 41 a *-J u l- a > u en 41 D to u 4J i a o > CO c •c » N CO 01 to < 41 a U V) (C u « U < -H £- o z -o > en ■O" 4> 3 I - E 01 01 (A to C E c u M 1-1 -H c O CO ^ m u 3 — 3 l- £ « I» ±j to >H O w H to T3 I- C o o tc a dl CL 4J ■H ra .n f X u-< U 0) (T) 3 to 4-> a 41 O t- tO -H ra jj ^ ri to o ±> C.I - >. 3 tn ra n p H u >M-I ■-• ra ra -o c fcj r .c -H c c [0 u tw Cl a re ra w o (J X o •H QJ 4J l/^ U- U S * ■ c o _ C/} C/3 CO t- 01 TJ C C O >. 3 O O .= E O a ■H 4-1 c o u re n e D n aj 01 >> a > n re to i — 4J 1 rH o a. a. j-> co (J 4-J CT -H > O -H -C TJ J= T3 a JC C o cj u -a ti u TJ -H ai x: re a -= a a a a a co 13 Cl o 4J U U U C/l u oc to u ^ QJ 0J r— . 01 ^H .e o x o r- a. r- t_ I Z I to Co Co V- o >- o o; cn o» f* 1- O 3 O o u o u CO H 00 03 ^D 01 3.5 00 3 iA O ■— l 0*^ (U r- , c JZ oc c X C C J3 CO O. O CO 1 CO CO 1 X o u U 91 W •H 1* C/5 re tj on Cfl M e ai m CO w CO > 01 *-" > c 3 > CU ^ X VI ^ a. ryw 01 .^ oc a: to M l- 01 — > e re v> re H i > u ~ tn 01 a rj CJ re ' h _ — >* u: re 01 tj ~ a c i u CO c -C oo tn > •H 1— 1 01 u > W3 x w 110 OJ cr * O -U U tfl U — I Qj I* a U] -J ('. .c a 1 01 V 5 (N| w Ik c "J .r •rl eg J= Oi tJ iH u eg 1 o CI 1-1 3 to OJ r. -c ! 1 r. o OJ a u- ~j u J3 o. CO tr. 3 LU ■o 7. OJ r. iJ u co *-J CO ~j *-* 3 R • y M J= OJ " Ul CI u c ■c C B u re o gj CO re re 1- Tl E OJ or 0; re *-> C c '- cr re US re u 4J UJ J-J C OJ V- (0 en re > CO c CD p I- re u t: J-J I -J 01 is 0) c re 01 > ^ •a re re c LO re CL OJ C •rH a o o (NO .-J 0£ .= — vC C 4J C • re u-l ~- u T3 CO C 55 1H c I t; re re ^ C ^C *-> I c re e j-» re *o v; a s > H M Oi < J W H .J oo CO W O H UJ u < O O CO o re re ^ c CO co co v- re W UJ o C C I w c u >- i-i -- — re > Ill - > C E C *. - u co c V4 3 co m c r - u - u w re >, o > c^ co -H i-i O i-l CO -H X 3 O 30 u 0) C U 01 -H c -^ ra u *j w S- — I -W O U U Q) i-i 00 CO CO 0) 6 X ra < CO u CO u. 13 c a: -h c ra &. TJ CO T3 ,-< c c 1M -c tJ u-i 3 tNj -O TJ u C ct ■0 CD c Nl re ■o t%; Id r o i-J O ^~ re « : o « 3 co u *■» o re X u c i- or: u co E ra OJ O J 3 rt 4J *o u » ^ u TJ "J ra OL ra ra z m ■o M o K— V. H Dl 11 ■0 to *-( CO C E C u S£ •H i re •H CJ 4J 0, O !-• en •M U 1 J X i/. 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