^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^— NOAA Technical Report ERL 376-AOML 22 A Comparison of Satellite-Observed Sea-Surface Temperatures With Ground Truth in the Indian Ocean Ants Leetmaa Matthew Cestari August 1976 ATMOSP^ r Mtm Of NOAA Technical Report ERL 376-AOML 22 A Comparison of Satellite-Observed Sea-Surface Temperatures With Ground Truth in the Indian Ocean Ants Leetmaa Matthew Cestari Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories Miami, Florida August 1976 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE £ Elliot Richardson, Secretary ^o^'Q/v o ° National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration w" Robert M. White, Administrator .-§ \ o Environmental Research Laboratories "^ - 1916 "- » Wilmot Hess, Director Boulder, Colorado m, a NOTICE The Environmental Research Laboratories do not approve, recommend, or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to the Environmental Research Laboratories or to this publication furnished by the Environmental Research Labora- tories in any advertising or sales promotion which would in- dicate or imply that the Environmental Research Laboratories approve, recommend, or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the adver- tised product to be used or purchased because of this Envi- ronmental Research Laboratories publication. n CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE SATELLITE-OBSERVED SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE MAPS 2 3. SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS ACCORDING TO SATELLITE DATA 3 4. COMPARISON OF SATELLITE DATA WITH SHIP REPORTS 5 5. COMPARISON OF SATELLITE DATA WITH 1963 SURFACE OBSERVATIONS 8 6. SUMMARY 10 7. REFERENCES 10 m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/comparisonofsateOOIeet A COMPARISON OF SATELLITE -OBSERVED SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURES WITH GROUND TRUTH IN THE INDIAN OCEAN Ants Leetmaa Matthew Cestari Daily worldwide sea-surface temperature maps are produced by the National Environmental Satellite Service. For the first half of 1975, sea-surface temperatures recorded on these maps were com- pared with concurrent ship observations in the Indian Ocean. Addi- tional comparisons were made with historical data. These show sys- tematic differences between the satellite and sea-surface observa- tions. The satellite-derived temperatures appear to be too low along the equator and along the East African coast in the vicinity of the equator. Furthermore, in April, May, and June the areas off the equator (and not along the coast) appear to have temperatures that are too high. Although the mean differences are not large (l°-2°C), the fact that the errors vary in time and space made it difficult to apply the satellite data for oceanographic interpre- tations. 1. INTRODUCTION Numerical experimentation has shown that the tropics are an important area for interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and the atmosphere. From present planning, it is clear that during the First GARP Global Experi- ment (FGGE) equatorial regions will receive special attention in the ocean as well as in the atmosphere. The Indian Ocean, because of the monsoons, will also have a special observing period during FGGE, the Monsoon Experi- ment (MONEX). Because of the importance of equatorial regions to climatic studies, and because FGGE will provide relatively complete meteorological coverage, a group of oceanographers has started planning an Indian Ocean Experiment (INDEX). The primary goal of INDEX will be to study the transient reponse of a low latitude ocean to a strong regular forcing by the atmosphere. Pilot experiments, whose results will aid in the design of the final experiment, are now taking place. Sea-surface temperature maps from satellite data could be a valuable tool to study the onset of the Somali Current, upwelling along the Arabian coast, and heat budgets in the Arabian Sea. At the present time such maps are available from the National Environmental Satellite Service. However, as with e^jery new product or technique, they have to be examined carefully to ascertain their limits of accuracy and applicability. This study reports on a number of intercomparisons between the satellite-observed sea-surface temperatures and "ground truth" in the Indian Ocean during the first half of 1975. The results suggest that more work has to be done before reliable sea-surface temperatures can be obtained from satellites. 2. THE SATELLITE-OBSERVED SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE MAPS The National Environmental Satellite Service provides daily worldwide satellite sea-surface temperature (SSST) maps. This product is known as the Global Sea-Surface Temperature Computation (GOSSTCOMP). One form of this is an uncontoured computer printout with sea-surface temperature values for each one-half degree of latitude and longitude. With each numerical value for temperature is a code that indicates the estimated reliability of the data. If the code is "+4" , then the last reading had been taken four days before the date of the map, etc. If the number of days exceeds nine, the code space is blank, and the temperature value given is from historical data. If data are available for the day of the map, a letter appears in the code space. An "+A" indicates that the temperature listed is an average of five readings. A "+B" indicates an average of five to eight values and so on up to "+H" which indicates that over 25 values were averaged. The better maps in our analysis had mostly D's through H's associated with the temperature readings. For this s to represent an whole week beca weekly represen start with the selected was co Africa from 6°S the collection month to illust tudy, the daily map with the highest code letter was selected entire week. One day was chosen to be representative of a use changes from day to day were observed to be small, and tations were more readily compared than daily maps. They week of January 3-9 and end with June 1-7, 1975. Each map ntoured in the area of the Indian Ocean off the coast of to 15°N and 35°W to 65°E in latitude and longitude. From of maps, one was selected from the early portion of each rate any monthly differences (Figs. 1-3). 50° E IO°N IO°N FiguAz J. SatdUUtz A&a-iuAfiaco. Vaj^vJkI 2. ScuteZtLte. Ada-AuA&acz twpoMVbjJio. data {on. JanaaAy 197S. twp&WLtuAn data {ok Vebtiuany 1975, 3. SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS ACCORDING TO SATELLITE DATA The seasonal variations of sea-surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean is strongly related to the NE and SW monsoons, the transition periods be- tween them, and the ocean current systems established by the winds. The features observed on the maps must be interpreted in the context of these phenomena. Figure 1 shows that there was not a wide range of temperatures in January. Most of the readings were either slightly greater or less than 26°C. On either side of the equator the temperatures are somewhat warmer than at the equator. During February (fig. 2), the sea surface immediately north and south of the equator warms, while temperatures at the equator re- main cool, as in January. North of approximately 8°N the temperatures begin to decline with areas containing temperatures lower than 24°C. This is colder than in January. In March (fig 3) the same pattern persists, but a warming trend is evident. The area of the equator continues to remain cool, and the areas immediately north and south of the equator (5°S-8°N) are warmer. Larger areas of 28°C and higher temperatures are visible, with 30°C tempera- tures reported for some locations. Temperatures for April (fig. 4) show an increased warming trend, with many areas containing temperatures of 30°C and higher. 50° E 10° N 10° N VIquaq. 3. SatoJUUX.il i>oji-i>uJi{ i a.c.vJi{axL2. tem- p&icutuAz data ^on May J 9 75. p&tcutuAd data ^OK June. 7 975. 4. COMPARISON OF SATELLITE DATA WITH SHIP REPORTS We can compare the satellite data with actual ship observations obtained at the same time in the same area. For February through May 1975 data are available from a chartered research vessel, La Cu/u.eo4£, in the vicinity of the equator. Bucket thermometer readings (estimated accuracy ±0.2°C) were taken periodically along 55°40'E from 3°S to 2°N. The National Weather Ser- vice also provides information on air temperature, dew point, and sea surface temperature at ship positions through its twice-daily surface-weather maps. There were 106 cases in which bucket thermometer readings from La Cu/UeuMi could be compared with data from the satellite. The mean differ- ence for the whole data set was +0.4°C. Temperatures recorded from the ships were, on the average, higher. The standard deviation was 0.9°C. This indicates that the scatter was quite large. The mean difference actu- ally is rather small. However, if the data are studied in more detail, it becomes clear that there are obvious trends. The satellite temperature data for the equator are always lower than the surface observations and the differ- ence becomes greater as time goes on. For example, for all intercomparisons (32) in the region from 0.5°S to 0.5°N the mean difference is +0.9°C. The standard deviation is 0.7°C. Clearly the equator is systematically colder in the satellite data. This conclusion supports our previous speculations. The satellite data were also compared with merchant ship reports. Un- fortunately, there is a wery limited amount of ship data available in real time. Also, frequently only the air temperatures are available rather than the sea-surface temperatures. In the tropics this is not a serious problem because the differences between these are usually small. Thus, to maximize the data set, the ship reports were compared three ways. First the Satellite Sea Surface Temperatures (SSSTs) were compared with the reported air tempera- tures. The SSSTs were then compared with the sea-surface temperatures, and finally with air and sea temperatures that were within one degree of each other. Approximately 270 ship reports were available in the period from January to JUne 1975. The difference between air temperature from ship reports and satellite sea-surface temperature was determined from three 2-month groups. For Janu- ary-February, the mean difference was +0.85. For March-April it was -0.59, and for May-June it was -0.97. This indicates that the satellite tempera- tures are lower than actual temperature measurements for January and February, but higher than actual for March-April and May-June. These differences also appear to have a geographic dependence. Figure 7 shows the geographical distribution of these differences. For May-June the satellite reads low in the vicinity of the equator and along the Somali coast, and high else- where. March-April shows the same trend. In January-February the satellite reads systematically low almost everywhere. The difference between sea-surface temperatures from merchant vessels and SSST was investigated for only May-June because not enough data were available for other months. The geographic distribution of the differences is shown in figure 8. Again the satellite appears to read low in the vicin- ity of the coast and the equator and high elsewhere. 40° E 5CV 60' \l_UW 1 + 1.4 3 + 1.23 1 -0 5 1 + 1.0 2 + 1.08 4 + 0.7 1 2 +1.7 + 3.8 1 + 1.3 2 +0.1 + 1.0 + 28 2 + 2 OS -0.1 +1.4 2 + 1.4 -0.1 1 + 1.0 + 5.0 + 1.8 + 1 1 + 1 < -1.5 1 ♦205 -1.0 1.3 + OIS It +0.84 IO°N ^ 1 • -3.8 1 -3.3 -1 4 'as 4 -1 1 + 1.3 1 + 1.2 2 + 0.2 1 +0.2 2 -048 I -0 24 1 -0.73 1 -0.08 IO°N January-February March-April N_UW 1 -I.I 1 -2 « 2 -1.8 ft 4 -1.03 1 -1.1 ^+1 7 1 + 1.1 2 +085 1 + 03 +08 2 +2.7 1 + 1.3 1 +08 1 -1.8 1 -1.3 1 + 3.8 1 +2.» 2 -188 1 -0 8 8 -1.18 t -2.1 -03 1 -1.0 i -1.8 4 -03 1 + 8 1 + 1.2 48 -1.7 2 -1.88 1 -3.4 IO°N May-June flgu/iz 1 '. Gzognaphlc (Lu&UbiitLon ofi di^zAznd-ZA between cua tzmpzAatuAU and batzVLitz bza-i>vJi\adZ tzmpzhatuAZA , Thz uppzA numbzA In za.dk 6quaAz -LndidatzA thz numbzA o{) compasiiAonA . 40° E 50' 60' \ _ u | t -2 2 f- ) 1 +0.8 t -2 1 por fro.73 4 -1.28 1 -2 2 2 ■JO 45 1 + 1.3 1 + 18 + 3.1 -0.7 1 +0.7 1 + 08 2 -1.2 3 -2 23 4 -1.2 -0.3 1 + 1.0 1 -0.5 3 -0.17 1 + 0.8 1 -0.2 1 -2.4 IO°N V-Iquaq. S. Gtognapkic ttiAfsiibuutLon o& difi&oAmceA bd- £wovu> u)QA£ made, between hatoJUUutQ. i>e.a-t>vJi- fiaae. tempoAatuAe. data, avid kiitotUcal bhip data. Table. 7. Compa/vUon ofi AveAage. SSST'6 with HtitotvLcal Skip Data, SSST SHIPS Apri 1 SSST SHIPS May SSST SHIPS June REGION 28.49 28.52 29-64 29.51 29-32 27-90 Mean Temp. 0.48 0.66 0.86 Standard Deviation REGION I I 29-25 28.38 30.34 29-50 29.74 27-17 Mean Temp. 0.60 0.78 0.90 Standard Deviation REGION I I I 29-93 28.84 30.82 29.43 29-49 26.65 Mean Temp, 0.56 1.06 1.20 Standard Deviation COMPARISON OF SATELLITE DATA WITH 1963 SURFACE OBSERVATIONS From the International sea-surface temperature for surface observations from s fig. 10) may 'be compared wi obvious difference is that temperature minimum. Also along the coast sea-surface are in the satellite data. that the International Indi Indian Ocean Expedition, data are available on 1963 (Wyrtki , 1973). These were accumulated from hips. Maps for January through June 1963 (see th satellite temperature maps from 1975. One in January-June, 1963, there was no equatorial in the 1963 data, there is no indication that temperatures are lower for January-April as they Another difference between the two data sets is an Ocean Expedition maps for April and May contain 8 50° E 60° January 50° E 60° y-s>25 y^\~^ ""Nr £5