dS£/3-A//^lFS G-yrc *{S£ i *♦ C % I* A* **r E s o* * NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 437 Fishery Publication Index, 1975-79 Lee C. Thorson May 1981 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quantity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, development and enforce- ment of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of interna- tional fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyzes, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular series continues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publications that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in economics studies and from management investigations appear in the Circular series. NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circulars are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the marine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from D822, User Services Branch, Environmental Science Information Center, NOAA, Rockville, MD 20852. Recent Circulars are: 418. Annotated bibliography of four Atlantic scombrids: Scomberomorus brasi/iensis, S. cavalla, S. maculatus, and S. regalis. By Charles S. Manooch III, Eugene L. Nakamura, and Ann Bowman Hall. December 1978, iii+ 166 p. 419. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Protozoa: Sar- codina: Amoebae. By Eugene C. Bovee and Thomas K. Sawyer. January 1979, iii + 56 p., 77 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 003-017-00433-3. 420. Preliminary keys to otoliths of some adult fishes of the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, and Beaufort Sea. By James E. Morrow. February 1979, iii + 32 p., 9 pi. (427.) Coastal upwelling off western North America, 1976. By Craig S. Nelson. July 1979, p. 65-75, 2 figs., 2 tables. (427.) Oceanic conditions during 1976 between San Francisco and Honolulu as observed from Ships of Opportunity. By J. F. T. Saur and D. R. McLain. July 1979, p. 77-92, 5 figs., 2 tables. (427.) The 1976 El Nino and recent progress in monitoring and prediction. By William H. Quinn. July 1979, p. 93-110, 7 figs., 4 tables. (427.) Sea surface temperature anomalies. By Douglas R. McLain. July 1979, p. 111-149, app. 1. 421 . Larval development of shallow water barnacles of the Carolinas (Cirripe- dia: Thoracica) with keys to naupliar stages. By William H. Lang. February 1979, iv + 39 p., 36 figs., 17 tables. 422. A revision of the catsharks, family Scyliohinidae. By Stewart Springer. April 1979, V+ 142 p., 97 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 003-020-00147-5. 423. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Crustacea: Cumacea. By Les Watling. April 1979, hi + 23 p., 35 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 003-017-00446-5. (427.) Fluctuations of sea surface temperature and density at coastal stations during 1976. By Douglas R. McLain. July 1979, p. 151-166, 7 figs., app. 1. (427.) Data on cold weather conditions along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts dur- ing the fall and winter of 1976-77. By J. Lockwood Chamberlin and Reed S. Armstrong. July 1979, p. 167-174, 1 fig., 1 table. (427.) Wind driven transport Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico. By Merton C. Ingraham. July 1979, p. 175-208, 4 figs., 1 table, app. 1. (427.) Sea surface temperature distribution from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Miami, Florida - 1976. By Joseph W. Deaver III. July 1979, p. 209-229, 3 figs., 2 tables, app. 1. 424. Guide to the leptocephali (Elopiformes, Anguilliformes, and Notacanthi- formes). By David G. Smith. July 1979, iv + 39 p., 54 figs. 425. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Arthropoda: Cirripedia. By Victor A. Zullo. April 1979, hi + 29 p., 40 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 003-017-00453-8. (427.) Water column thermal structure across the shelf and slope southeast of Sandy Hook, New Jersey, in 1976. By Steven K. Cook. July 1979, p. 231-257, 19 figs. (427.) Anticyclonic Gulf Stream eddies off the Northeastern United States dur- ing 1976. By David Mizenko and J. Lockwood Chamberlin. July 1979, p. 259-280, 16 figs., 2 tables. 426. Synopsis of biological data on the rock crab, Cancer irroratus Say. By Thomas E. Bigford. May 1979, v + 26 p., 11 figs., 21 tables. (427.) River runoff along the Middle Atlantic coast in 1976. By Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1979, p. 281-287, 1 fig., 1 table, app. 1. 427. Ocean variability in the U.S. Fishery Conservation Zone, 1976. By Julien R. Goulet, Jr., and Elizabeth D. Haynes, editors. July 1979, iii + 362 p. (427.) Introduction. By Julien R. Goulet, Jr. July 1979, p. 1-2. (427.) Summary. By Julien R. Goulet, Jr. July 1979, p. 3-10. (427.) Atmospheric circulation in 1976. By Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1979, p. 11-18, 2 figs. (427.) Atmospheric climatology and its effect on sea surface temperature — 1976. By Robert R. Dickson and Jerome Namias. July 1979, p. 19-33, 6 figs. (427.) Eastern Pacific sea surface conditions in 1976. By Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1979, p. 35-42. (427.) Climatic conditions related to the fish kill and anoxia off New Jersey during the summer of 1976. By Reed S. Armstrong. July 1979, p. 289-300, 5 figs. (427.) Variations in the position of the shelf water front off the Atlantic coast between Georges Bank and Cape Romain in 1976. By John T. Gunn. July 1979, p. 301-314, 8 figs., 1 table. (427.) Temperature structure on the continental shelf and slope south of New England during 1976. By R. Wylie Crist and J. Lockwood Chamberlin. July 1979, p. 315-335, 2 figs., app. 1. (427.) Continuous plankton records: Zooplankton and net phytoplankton in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, 1976. By Daniel E. Smith and Jack W. Jossi. July 1979, p. 337-348, 7 figs. (427.) Sea surface conditions in the western North Atlantic in 1976. By Julien R. Goulet, Jr., and Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1976, p. 43-50. (427.) Siphonophore ("lipo") swarming in New England coastal waters- update, 1976. By Carolyn A. Rogers. July 1979, p. 349-352, 1 fig. (427.) Anomalies of monthly mean sea level along the west coasts of North and South America. By Dale E. Bretschneider and Douglas R. McLain. July 1979, p. 51-64, 6 figs. (427.) Bottom-water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank during spring and autumn, 1976. By Clarence W. Davis. July 1979, p. 353-362, 6 figs., 3 tables. ■ MP MM °s^ A/ Went of NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 437 Fishery Publication Index, 1975-79 Lee C. Thorson May 1981 >» a o O in O a a U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Terry Leitzell, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Introduction Publication distribution Reference symbols Publication series Circular Data Report 4 Fishery Bulletin 4 Marine Fisheries Review 16 Special Scientific Report — Fisheries 23 Author index 26 Subject index 39 in Fishery Publication Index, 1975-79 LEE C. THORSON 1 ABSTRACT The following series of fishery publications put out by the Scientific Publications Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in calendar years 1975-79 are listed numerically and indexed by author and subject: Circular, Data Report, Fishery Bulletin, Marine Fisheries Review, and Special Scientific Report — Fisheries. INTRODUCTION PUBLICATION SERIES This index includes those publication series put out by the Scientific Publications Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, issued from 1975 through 1979. The index comprises a list of each publication series in numerical order and alphabetical indexes of authors and subjects. This index is a continuation of the following: Fishery Publication Index, 1965-74, NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 400; Fishery Publication Index 1955-64, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 296; Fishery Publication Index 1920-54, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 36; and Publications of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 1871-1940, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report — Fisheries 284. PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTION Copies of these publications, when available, may be ob- tained from D822, User Services Branch, Environmental Sci- ence Information Center, NOAA, Rockville, MD 20852. Most publications are distributed free to libraries that have been designated depository libraries for Government publica- tions; a list of depository libraries may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice, Washington, DC 20402. REFERENCE SYMBOLS The series are abbreviated as follows: Circular C Data Report D Fishery Bulletin FB Marine Fisheries Review MFR Special Scientific Report — Fisheries S 'Scientific Publications Office, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 1700 Westlake Ave. N., Room 336, Seattle, WA 98109. Circular Popular and semitechnical publications of general and re- gional interest intended to aid conservation and management. They are distributed free to libraries, research institutions both in this country and in foreign countries, and Federal and State agencies. Circular 330. EASTROPAC atlas. Volume 9- Physical oceanographic and meteorological data from principal participating ships, third survey cruise, February-March 1968, by Cuthbert M. Love (editor). February 1975, vii + 95 p., 132 figs. 330. EASTROPAC atlas. Volume 10 -Biological and nutri- ent chemistry data from principal participating ships, third survey cruise, February-March 1968, by Cuthbert M. Love and Roy M. Allen (editors). December 1975, viii + 80 p., 144 figs. 330. EASTROPAC atlas. Volume 11 -Physical oceano- graphic and meteorological data from Latin American ships and ships of opportunity, February 1967 — March 1968, by Cuthbert M. Love and Roy M. Allen (editors). July 1977, xv + 129 p., 402 figs. 331-390. Published prior to 1975. NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC 391. Calanoid copepods of the genera Spinocalanus and Mimocalanus from the central Arctic Ocean, with a review of the Spinocalanidae, by David M. Damkaer. June 1975, x + 88 p., 225 figs., 4 tables. 392. Fishery publications, calendar year 1974: Lists and in- dexes, by Lee C. Thorson and Mary Ellen Engett. June 1975, iv + 27 p., 1 fig. 393. Cooperative Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory and study — Texas: Area description, by Richard A. Diener. Sep- tember 1975, vi -I- 129 p., 55 figs., 66 tables. 394. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Tardigrada, by Leland W. Pollock. May 1976, iii + 25 p., 1 fig. 395. Report of a colloquium on larval fish mortality studies and their relation to fishery research, January 1975, by John R. Hunter (editor). May 1976, iii + 5 p. 396. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the western North Atlantic. A guide to their identification, by Stephen Lea- therwood, David K. Caldwell, and Howard E. Winn. Au- gust 1976, iv + 176 p., 168 figs., 1 table, 14 app. figs. 397. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Cnidaria: Scyphozoa, by Ronald J. Larson. August 1976, iii + 18 p., 28 figs. 398. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Higher fungi: Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, and Basidiomycetes, by A. R. Cavaliere. March 1977, iii + 49 p., 24 figs. 399. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Copepoda: Harpacticoida, by Bruce C. Coull. March 1977, iii + 48 p., 100 figs. 400. Fishery publication index, 1965-74, by Mary Ellen Engett and Lee C. Thorson. March 1977, iii + 220 p. 401. Fisheries and fishery resources of New York Bight, by J. L. McHugh. March 1977, v + 50 p., 43 figs., 49 tables. 402. Guide to the identification of scorpionfish larvae (Fam- ily Scorpaenidae) in the eastern Pacific with comparative notes on species of Sebastes and Helicolenus from other oceans, by H. Geoffrey Moser, Elbert H. Ahlstrom, and Elaine M. Sandknop. April 1977, v + 71 p., 40 figs., 38 tables. 403. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Sipuncula, by Edward B. Cutler. July 1977, iii + 7 p., 6 figs. 404. Revision of the sea basses of the genus Diplectrum (Pisces: Serranidae), by Stephen A. Bortone. September 1977, v + 49 p., 15 figs., 9 tables. 405. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Echinodermata: Holothuroidea, by David L. Paw- son. September 1977, iii + 15 p., 3 figs. 406. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae and Sphyriidae, by Ju- Shey Ho. December 1977, iii + 14 p., 16 figs. 407. Distribution of decapod Crustacea off northeastern United States based on specimens at the Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, by Austin B. Williams and Roland L. Wigley. December 1977, iii + 44 p., 2 figs., 1 table, 57 unnumbered figs. 408. Collection of tuna baitfish papers, by Richard S. Sho- mura (editor). December 1977, iii + 167 p. (408.) A summary of the tuna baitfish workship, by Richard S. Shomura. December 1977, p. 1-7. (408.) A review on the use of live baitfishes to capture skip- jack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the tropical Pacific Ocean with emphasis on their behavior, survival, and avail- ability, by Wayne J. Baldwin. December 1977, p. 8-35. (408.) The Pacific tuna pole-and-line and live-bait fisheries, by Howard O. Yoshida, Richard N. Uchida, and Tamio Otsu. December 1977, p. 36-51. (408.) Desired characteristics of a bait for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, by Heeny S. H. Yuen. December 1977, p. 52-54. (408.) Estimates of the amount of nehu, Stolephorus pur- pureus, per bucket of bait in the Hawaiian fishery for skip- jack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, by Thomas S. Hida and Jerry A. Wetherall. December 1977, p. 55-56. (408.) The fishery for nehu, Stolephorus purpureus, a live bait used for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, fishing in Hawaii, by Richard N. Uchida. December 1977, p. 57-62. (408.) Biology of the baitfishes Herklotsichthys punctatus and Pranesus pinguis in Majuro, Marshall Islands, by Thomas S. Hida and James H. Uchiyama. December 1977, p. 63-68. (408.) Observations of tuna bait species and their habitats in the Palau Islands, by Peter T. Wilson. December 1977, p. 69-74. (408.) Ponape live-bait observations, by Peter T. Wilson. December 1977, p. 75-80. (408.) Japanese skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, baitfish surveys in the western and southwestern Pacific Ocean, by Shoji Kikawa. December 1977, p. 81-88. (408.) Distribution and abundance of baitfish resources in Papua New Guinea waters, by A. D. Lewis. December 1977, p. 89-94. (408.) Appraisal of the live-bait potential and handling char- acteristics of the common tuna bait species in Papua New Guinea, by B. R. Smith. December 1977, p. 95-103. (408.) Relationships amongst skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, catch, bait catch, and the lunar cycle in Papua New Guinea skipjack tuna fishery, by R. E. Kearney. December 1977, p. 104-113. (408.) Catch statistics and abundance of nehu, Stolephorus purpureus, in Kaneohe Bay, by Jerry A. Wetherall. Decem- ber 1977, p. 114-118. (408.) Some aspects of the population biology of Stolephorus heterolobus from Palau, by Robert G. Muller. December 1977, p. 119-126. (408.) Capture, transportation, and pumping of threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, by Robert T. B. Iversen and Jay O. Puffinburger. December 1977, p. 127-136. (408.) A commercial tilapia, Tilapia mossambica, hatchery for Hawaiian skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, fishery- cost analysis and problematical study, by Bruce L. Crumley. December 1977, p. 137-148. (408.) Suitability of cultured topminnow Poecilia vittata, family Poeciliidae, as a live baitfish for skipjack tuna, Kat- suwonus pelamis, in the tropical Pacific, by Wayne J. Bald- win. December 1977, p. 149-155. (408.) Some economic and technological aspects related to commercial production of the topminnow Poecilia vittata, by Samuel F. Herrick, Jr. December 1977, p. 156-159. (408.) Evaluation of bait substitution schemes in Hawaiian fishery for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, by Jerry A. Wetherall. December 1977, p. 160-167. 409. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Copepoda: Cyclopoids parasitic on fishes, by Ju- Shey Ho. February 1978, iii + 12 p., 17 figs. 410. The 1976 Ceratium tripos bloom in the New York Bight: Causes and consequences, by Thomas C. Malone. May 1978, iv + 14 p., 17 figs., 1 table. 411. Systematics and biology of the tilefishes (Perciformes: Branchiostegidae and Malacanthidae), with descriptions of two new species, by James K. Dooley. April 1978, v + 78 p., 44 figs., 26 tables. 412. Synopsis of biological data on the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus), by Charles S. Manooch III and William W. Hassler. May 1978, iii + 19 p., 12 figs., 7 tables. 413. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Crustacea: Branchiura, by Roger F. Cressey. May 1978, iii + 10 p., 15 figs. 414. Synopsis of biological data for the winter flounder, Pseu- dopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), by Grace Klein- MacPhee. November 1978, iii + 43 p., 21 figs., 28 tables. 415. A basis for classifying western Atlantic Sciaenidae (Teleostei: Perciformes), by Labbish Ning Chao. September 1978, v + 64 p., 41 figs., 1 table. 416. Ocean variability: Effects on U.S. marine fishery re- sources — 1975, by Julien R. Goulet, Jr. and Elizabeth D. Haynes (editors). December 1978, iii + 350 p. (416.) Summary, by Julien R. Goulet, Jr. December 1978, p. 3-87. (416.) Atmospheric climatology and its effect on sea surface temperature — 1975, by Robert R. Dickson and Jerome Namias. December 1978, p. 89-101. (416.) Climatic change in the Pacific Ocean — an update through 1975, by James H. Johnson, Douglas R. McLain, and Craig S. Nelson. December 1978, p. 103-125. (416.) Anomalies of coastal sea surface temperatures along the west coast of North America, by Douglas R. McLain. December 1978, p. 127-140. (416.) Coastal upwelling off western North America, 1975, by Andrew Bakun. December 1978, p. 141-149. (416.) Oceanic conditions between the Hawaiian Islands and the U.S. west coast as monitored by ships of opportunity — 1975, by J. F. T. Saur. December 1978, p. 151-168. (416.) The tuna fishery in the eastern tropical Pacific and its relationship to sea surface temperatures during 1975, by Forrest R. Miller. December 1978, p. 169-178. (416.) Equatorial Pacific anomalies and El Nino, by William H. Quinn. December 1978, p. 179-190. (416.) Sunspot activity and oceanic conditions in the northern North Pacific Ocean, by Felix Favorite and W. James Ingra- ham, Jr. December 1978, p. 191-196. (416.) A single-layer hydrodynamical-numerical model of the eastern Bering Sea shelf, by James R. Hastings. December 1978, p. 197-212. (416.) Variations in the position of the shelf water front off the Atlantic coast between Cape Romain and Georges Bank in 1975, by John T. Gunn. December 1978, p. 213-228. (416.) Wind-driven transport in 1975, Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico, by John T. Gunn. December 1978, p. 229-239. (416.) Spring and autumn bottom-water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, 1968-75, by Clarence W. Davis. December 1978, p. 241-256. (416.) Initiation of monthly temperature transects across the northern Gulf of Maine, by J. Lockwood Chamberlin, John J. Kosmark, and Steven K. Cook. December 1978, p. 257-269. (416.) Temperature structure on the continental shelf and slope south of New England during 1975, by J. Lockwood Chamberlin. December 1978, p. 271-292. (416.) Passage of anticyclonic Gulf Stream eddies through Deepwater Dumpsite 106 during 1974 and 1975, by James J. Bisagni. December 1978, p. 293-298. (416.) Surface water drift south of Cape Lookout, North Carolina, by C. A. Barans and W. A. Roumillat. December 1978, p. 299-308. (416.) The distribution and abundance, growth, and mortality of Georges Bank-Nantucket Shoals herring larvae during the 1975-76 winter period, by R. Gregory Lough. December 1978, p. 309-331. (416.) Impact of autumn-winter swarming of a siphonophore ("Lipo") on fishing in coastal waters of New England, by Carolyn A. Rogers. December 1978, p. 333-350. 417. Guide to the identification of genera of the fish order Ophidiiformes with a tentative classification of the order, by Daniel M. Cohen and Jefrgen G. Nielsen. December 1978, vii + 72 p., 103 figs., 2 tables. 418. Annotated bibliography of four Atlantic scombrids: Scomberomorus brasiliensis, S. cavalla, S. maculatus, and S. regalis, by Charles S. Manooch III, Eugene L. Naka- mura, and Ann Bowman Hall. December 1978, iii + 166 p. 419. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae, by Eugene C. Bovee and Thomas K. Sawyer. January 1979, iii + 56 p., 77 figs. 420. Preliminary keys to otoliths of some adult fishes of the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, and Beaufort Sea, by James E. Morrow. February 1979, iii + 32 p., 11 plates. 421. Larval development of shallow water barnacles of the Carolinas (Cirripedia: Thoracica) with keys to naupliar stages, by William H. Lang. February 1979, iv + 39 p., 36 figs., 17 tables. 422. A revision of the catsharks, family Scyliorhinidae, by Stewart Springer. April 1979, v + 152 p., 97 figs., 3 tables. 423. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Crustacea: Cumacea, by Les Watling. April 1979, iii + 23 p., 35 figs., 1 table. 424. Guide to the Leptocephali (Elopiformes, Anguilliformes, and Notacanthiformes), by David G. Smith. July 1979, iv + 39 p., 54 figs. 425. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Arthropoda: Cirripedia, by Victor A. Zullo. April 1979, iii + 29 p., 40 figs., 1 table. 426. Synopsis of biological data on the rock crab, Cancer ir- roratus Say, by Thomas E. Bigford. May 1979, v + 26 p., 11 figs., 21 tables. 427. Ocean variability in the U.S. fishery conservation zone, 1976, by Julien R. Goulet, Jr. and Elizabeth D. Haynes (edi- tors). July 1979, 362 p. (427.) Atmospheric circulation in 1976, by Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1979, p. 11-18. (427.) Atmospheric climatology and its effect on sea surface temperature — 1976, by Robert R. Dickson and Jerome Namias. July 1979, p. 19-33. (427.) Eastern Pacific sea surface conditions in 1976, by Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1979, p. 35-42. (427.) Sea surface conditions in the western North Atlantic in 1976, by Julien R. Goulet, Jr. and Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1979, p. 43-50. (427.) Anomalies of monthly mean sea level along the west coasts of North and South America, by Dale E. Bret- schneider and Douglas R. McLain. July 1979, p. 51-64. (427.) Coastal upwelling off western North America, 1976, by Craig S. Nelson. July 1979, p. 65-75. (427.) Oceanic conditions during 1976 between San Francisco and Honolulu as observed from ships of opportunity, by J. F. T. Saur and D. R. McLain. July 1979, p. 77-92. (427.) The 1976 El Nino and recent progress in monitoring and prediction, by William H. Quinn. July 1979, p. 93-110. (427.) Sea surface temperature anomalies, by Douglas R. McLain. July 1979, p. 111-149. (427.) Fluctuations of sea surface temperature and density at coastal stations during 1976, by Douglas R. McLain. July 1979, p. 151-166. (427.) Data on cold weather conditions along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts during the fall and winter of 1976-77, by J. Lockwood Chamberlin and Reed S. Armstrong. July 1979, p. 167-174. (427.) Wind driven transport Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mex- ico, by Merton C. Ingham. July 1979, p. 175-208. (427.) Sea surface temperature distribution from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Miami, Florida — 1976, by Joseph W. Deaver III. July 1979, p. 209-229. (427.) Water column thermal structure across the shelf and slope southeast of Sandy Hook, New Jersey, in 1976, by Steven K. Cook. July 1979, p. 231-257. (427.) Anticyclonic Gulf Stream eddies off the northeastern United States during 1976, by David Mizenko and J. Lock- wood Chamberlin. July 1979, p. 259-280. (427.) River runoff along the middle Atlantic coast in 1976, by Elizabeth D. Haynes. July 1979, p. 281-287. (427.) Climatic conditions related to the fish kill and anoxia off New Jersey during the summer of 1976, by Reed S. Arm- strong. July 1979, p. 289-300. (427.) Variations in the position of the shelf water front off the Atlantic coast between Georges Bank and Cape Romain in 1976, by John T. Gunn. July 1979, p. 301-314. (427.) Temperature structure on the continental shelf and slope south of New England during 1976, by R. Wylie Crist and J. Lockwood Chamberlin. July 1979, p. 315-335. (427.) Continuous plankton records: Zooplankton and net phytoplankton in the Mid- Atlantic Bight, 1976, by Daniel E. Smith and Jack W. Jossi. July 1979, p. 337-348. (427.) Siphonophore ("Lipo") swarming in New England coastal waters — update, 1976, by Carolyn A. Rogers. July 1979, p. 349-352. (427.) Bottom-water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank during spring and autumn, 1976, by Clarence W. DaviS. July 1979, p. 353-362. 428. Morphological comparisons of North American sea bass larvae (Pisces: Serranidae), by Arthur W. Kendall, Jr. August 1979, iv + 50 p., 43 figs., 9 tables. 429. Synopsis of biological data on tunas of the genus Eu- thynnus, by Howard O. Yoshida. October 1979, iv + 57 p., 40 figs., 30 tables. Data Report Reports that include compilations of unanalyzed or partially analyzed data collected during biological, limnological, or oceanographic investigations. The reports are printed on microfiches and are distributed free to a restricted mailing list of laboratories, libraries, State fishery agencies, research insti- tutions, and research scientists. This series was terminated after number 102. 98. Trawl catches and oceanographic data from NMFS sur- veys of the Gulf of Alaska pandalid shrimp resources, 1973, by Duane H. Petersen. February 1975, 206 p. on 3 micro- fiches. 99. Raritan Bay macrobenthos survey, 1957-1960, by David Dean. February 1975, 51 p. on 1 microfiche. 100. Distribution and abundance of macroin vertebrate species of six phyla in Tampa Bay, Florida, 1963-64 and 1969, by John R. Hall and Carl H. Saloman. March 1975, 505 p. on 8 microfiches. 101. Releases of anadromous salmon and trout from Pacific Coast rearing facilities, 1960 to 1973, by Roy J. Wahle, Wil- liam D. Parente, Paula J. Jurich, and Robert R. Vreeland. April 1975, 443 p. on 7 microfiches. 102. Concentration of dissolved gases in the Willamette, Cow- litz, and Boise rivers, 1970-72, by Bruce H. Monk, Earl Dawley, and Kirk Beiningen. June 1975, 19 p. on 1 micro- fiche. Fishery Bulletin This series includes original research reports and technical notes on investigations in fishery science, engineering, and economics. Beginning in 1963 with volume 63, papers were bound together in a single issue of the bulletin instead of being issued individually. Beginning with volume 70, number 1, January 1972, the Fishery Bulletin became a periodical, issued quarterly. Vol. 73, no. 1, 1975. Effects of temperature and salinity on fertilization, em- bryonic development, and hatching in Bairdiella icistia (Pisces: Sciaenidae), and the effect of parental salinity acclimation on embryonic and larval salinity tolerance, by Robert C. May, p. 1-22. Fitting the generalized stock production model by least- squares and the equilibrium approximation, by William W. Fox, Jr., p. 23-37. Net phytoplankton and the greater than 20-micron phyto- plankton size fraction in upwelling waters off Baja California, by Theodore J. Smayda, p. 38-50. Optimum economic yield of an internationally utilized common property resource, by Lee G. Anderson, p. 51-66. Impact of thermal effluent from a steam-electric station on a marshland nursery area during the hot season, by William E. S. Carr and James T. Giesel, p. 67-80. Additional studies of the fishes, macroinvertebrates, and hydrological conditions of upland canals in Tampa Bay, Florida, by William N. Lindall, Jr., William A. Fable, Jr., and L. Alan Collins, p. 81-85. A reevaluation of the combined effects of temperature and salinity on survival and growth of bivalve larvae us- ing response surface techniques, by Gregory R. Lough, p. 86-94. Swim-bladder state and structure in relation to behavior and mode of life in stromateoid fishes, by Michael H. Horn, p. 95-109. Distribution and relative abundance of seven species of skates (Pisces: Rajidae) which occur between Nova Scotia and Cape Hatteras, by John D. McEachran and J. A. Musick, p. 110-137. The general feeding ecology of postlarval fishes in the Newport River estuary, by Martin A. Kjelson, David S. Peters, Gordon W. Thayer, and George N. Johnson, p. 137-144. The larval development of Pacific Euphausia gibboides (Euphausiacea), by Margaret D. Knight, p. 145-168. New records of Ellobiopsidae (Protista (incertae sedis) ) from the North Pacific with a description of Thalassomyces albatrossi n. sp., a parasite of the mysid Stilomysis major, by Bruce L. Wing, p. 169-185. A description of the Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scom- brus, eggs and early larvae, by Peter L. Berrien, p. 186-192. The concentration of mercury, copper, nickel, silver, cad- mium, and lead in the northern Adriatic anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus, and sardine, Sardina pilchar- dus, by Malvern Gilmartin and Noelia Revelante, p. 193-210. The correlation between numbers of vertebrae and lateral- line scales in western Atlantic lizardfishes (Synodonti- dae), by William W. Anderson, Jack W. Gehringer, and Frederick H. Berry, p. 202-206. Acute toxicity of ammonia to several developmental stages of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, by Stanley D. Rice and Robert M. Stokes, p. 207-211. Additional evidence substantiating existence of northern subpopulation of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, by Michael F. Tillman, p. 212-215. Comment. Introduction of Codium in New England waters, by Victor L. Loosanoff, p. 215-218. Vol. 73, no. 2, 1975. Heat exchange in the yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, and skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, and the adap- tive significance of elevated body temperatures in scom- brid fishes, by Jeffrey B. Graham, p. 219-229. Experimental studies of algal canopy interactions in a sea otter-dominated kelp community at Amchitka Island, Alaska, by Paul K. Dayton, p. 230-237. Production of two planktonic carnivores (chaetognath and ctenophore) in south Florida inshore waters, by M. R. Reeve and L. D. Baker, p. 238-248. Effects of acclimation on the temperature and salinity tol- erance of the yolk-sac larvae of Bairdiella icistia (Pisces: Sciaenidae), by Robert C. May, p. 249-255. The interaction of economic, biological, and legal forces in the Middle Atlantic oyster industry, by Richard J. Agnello and Lawrence P. Donnelley, p. 256-261. The reproductive biology of the protogynous hermaphro- dite Pimelometopon pulchrum (Pisces: Labridae), by Robert R. Warner, p. 262-283. An inverse correlation between meristic characters and food supply in mid-water fishes: Evidence and possible explanations, by Robert Karl Johnson and Michael A. Barnett, p. 284-298. Spin-labeling techniques for studying mode of action of petroleum hydrocarbons on marine organisms, by Wil- liam T. Roubal and Tracy K. Collier, p. 299-305. Teleconnections between northeastern Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico and northwestern Atlantic Ocean, by James H. Johnson and Douglas R. McLain, p. 306-316. Geographic and hydrographic distribution of Atlantic menhaden eggs and larvae along the Middle Atlantic coast from RV Dolphin cruises, 1965-66, by Arthur W. Kendall, Jr. and John W. Reintjes, p. 317-335. . Age and growth of Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, by Thomas A. Dark, p. 336-355. Evaluation of the return of adult chinook salmon to the Abernathy incubation channel, by Allen E. Thomas, p. 356-359. Ecological studies of the puerulus larval stage of the Cali- fornia spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, by Steven A. Serfling and Richard F. Ford, p. 360-377. A theoretical treatment of unstructured food webs, by G. D. Lange and A. C. Hurley, p. 378-381. Distribution and ecology of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in an offshore area of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, by Maurice Blackburn and Francis Wil- liams, p. 382-411. Reproduction and recruitment of the brackish water clam Rangia cuneata in the James River, Virginia, by Thomas D. Cain, p. 412-430. Hormonal-induced ovulation of the winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, by Alphonse S. Smigielski, p. 431-438. Distribution of melanin in the color pattern of Delphinus delphis (Cetacea; Delphinidae), by Sharon Gwinn and William F. Perrin, p. 439-444. Occurrence of two Congridae leptocephali in an estuary, by William J. Hauser, p. 444-445. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in sea-surface films and sub- surface waters at nearshore stations and in the North Central Pacific Gyre, by P. M. Williams and K. J. Rob- ertson, p. 445-447. Hatching survival of hybrids of Oncorhynchus masou with Salmo gairdneri and with North American species of Oncorhynchus, by James L. Mighell and James R. Dangel, p. 447-449. Trap contributions to losses in the American lobster fish- ery, by William W. Sheldon and Robert L. Dow, p. 449-451. Vol. 73, no. 3, 1975. Field criteria for survival of anchovy larvae: The relation between inshore chlorophyll maximum layers and suc- cessful first feeding, by Reuben Lasker, p. 453-462. Spermatophores and thelyca of the American white shrimps, genus Penaeus, subgenus Litopenaeus, by Isabel Perez Farfante, p. 463-486. Dynamics of American shad, Alosa sapidissima, runs in the Delaware River, by Mark E. Chittenden, Jr., p. 487-494. Selective and unselective exploitation of experimental populations of Tilapia mossambica, by Ralph P. Silli- man, p. 495-507. Uptake and loss of petroleum hydrocarbons by the mus- sel, Mytilus edulis, in laboratory experiments, by Rob- ert C. Clark, Jr. and John S. Finley, p. 508-515. Systematics and morphology of the bonitos (Sarda) and their relatives (Scombridae, Sardini), by Bruce B. Col- lette and Labbish N. Chao, p. 516-625. Velocity and transport of the Antilles Current northeast of the Bahama Islands, by Merton C. Ingham, p. 626-632. The distribution of myctophid fishes across the central equatorial Pacific, by A. Rucker Hartmann and Thomas A. Clarke, p. 633-641. Year-to-year variations in the planktology of the Oregon upwelling zone, by William T. Peterson and Charles B. Miller, p. 642-653. Use of otoliths to separate juvenile steelhead trout from juvenile rainbow trout, by J. T. Rybock, H. F. Horton, and J. L. Fessler, p. 654-659. Description of eggs and larvae of yellowfin menhaden, Brevoortia smithi, by Edward D. Houde and L. J. Swanson, Jr., p. 660-673. Two blooms of Gymnodinium splendens, an unarmored dinoflagellate, by Dale A. Kiefer and Reuben Lasker, p. 675-678. Enhanced survival of larval grass shrimp in dilute solu- tions of the synthetic polymer, polyethylene oxide, by Paul A. Sandifer, Paul B. Zielinski, and Walter E. Castro, p. 678-680. A computer program for analysis of polymodal frequency distributions (ENORMSEP), FORTRAN IV, by Marian Y. Y. Yong and Robert A. Skillman, p. 681. Records of larval, transforming, and adult specimens of the quillfish, Ptilichthys goodei, from waters off Oregon, by Sally L. Richardson and Douglas A. DeHart, p. 681-685. Effect of crowding on stock and catch in Tilapia mossam- bica, by Ralph P. Silliman, p. 685-686. The occurrence of elvers of Synaphobranchus affinis on the continental slope off North Carolina, by Charles A. Wenner, p. 687-691. Catches of albacore at different times of the day, by Wil- liam G. Pearcy, Daniel A. Panshin, and Donald F. Keene, p. 691-693. Vol. 73, no. 4, 1975. Marine trophic interactions by dynamic simulation of fish species, by James D. Parrish, p. 695-716. Homing behavior and contribution to Columbia River fisheries of marked coho salmon released at two loca- tions, by Robert R. Vreeland, Roy J. Wahle, and Ar- thur H. Arp, p. 717-725. Mesopelagic micronekton in Hawaiian waters: Faunal composition, standing stock, and diel vertical migra- tion, by Sherwood D. Maynard, Fletcher V. Riggs, and John F. Walters, p. 726-736. Description and biology of a new species of pelagic penaeid shrimp, Bentheogennema burkenroadi, from the northeastern Pacific, by Earl E. Krygier and Robert A. Wasmer, p. 737-746. The American Samoa longline fishery, 1966-71, by How- ard O. Yoshida, p. 747-765. Effects of photoperiod-temperature regimes and pinealec- tomy on body fat reserves in the golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas, by Victor L. de Vlaming, p. 766-776. Relationships between zooplankton displacement volume, wet weight, dry weight, and carbon, by Peter H. Wiebe, Steven Boyd, and James L. Cox, p. 777-786. Effects of various concentrations of dissolved atmo- spheric gas on juvenile chinook salmon and steelhead trout, by Earl M. Dawley and Wesley J. Ebel, p. 787-796. Biology and taxonomy of the genus Nematoscelis (Crus- tacea, Euphausiacea), by K. Gopalakrishnan, p. 797-814. Food, activity, and habitat of three "picker-type" micro- carnivorous fishes in the kelp forests off Santa Bar- bara, California, by Richard N. Bray and Alfred W. Ebeling, p. 815-829. Fishery regulation via optimal control theory, by William J. Palm, p. 830-837. Differentiation of freshwater characteristics of fatty acids in marine specimens of the Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus, by R. G. Ackman, C. A. Eaton, and B. A. Linke, p. 838-845. Zooplankton abundance and feeding habits of fry of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, and chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, in Traitors Cove, Alaska, with speculations on the carrying capacity of the area, by Jack E. Bailey, Bruce L. Wing, and Chester R. Matt- son, p. 846-861. Effects of trap selectivity and some population param- eters on size composition of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, catch along the Maine coast, by Jay S. Krouse and James C. Thomas, p. 862-871. Experimental exploitation of competing fish populations, by Ralph P. Silliman, p. 872-888. Pheromonal stimulation and metabolite inhibition of ovulation in the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, by Lo- Chai Chen and Robert L. Martinich, p. 889-894. Activity, movements, and feeding behavior of the cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus, and comparison of food habits with young tautog, Tautoga onitis, off Long Island, New York, by Bori L. Olla, Allen J. Bejda, and A. Dale Martin, p. 895-900. Correlation of upwelling index and Dungeness crab catch, by Louis W. Botsford and Daniel E. Wickham, p. 901-907. Net feeding in mesopelagic fishes, by Thomas L. Hopkins and Ronald C. Baird, p. 908-914. Gas-bubble disease: Mortalities of coho salmon, Onco- rhynchus kisutch, in water with constant total gas pres- sure and different oxygen-nitrogen ratios, by Robert R. Rucker, p. 915-918. Age-length-weight and distribution of Alaska plaice, rock sole, and yellowfin sole collected from the south- eastern Bering Sea in 1961, by Douglas D. Weber and Herbert H. Shippen, p. 919-924. Further studies regarding effects of transportation on sur- vival and homing on Snake River chinook salmon and steelhead trout, by Emil Slatick, Donn L. Park, and Wesley J. Ebel, p. 925-931. Comparative vulnerability of fry of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout to predation by torrent sculpin in stream aquaria, by Benjamin G. Patten, p. 931-934. Heritable resistance to gas bubble disease in fall chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, by S. P. Cramer and J. D. Mclntyre, p. 934-938. Vol. 74, no. 1, 1976. Daily growth increments in otoliths from larval and adult fishes, by Edward B. Brothers, Christopher P. Mathews, and Reuben Lasker, p. 1-8. Age and growth of the nehu, Stolephorus purpureus, (Pisces: Engraulidae), from the Hawaiian Islands as in- dicated by daily growth increments of sagittae, by Paul Struhsaker and James H. Uchiyama, p. 9-17. Aspects of the reproductive biology of the weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (Sciaenidae), in North Carolina, by John V. Merriner, p. 18-26. DDT and its metabolites in the sediments off southern California, by John S. MacGregor, p. 27-35. An energetics model for the exploited yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, population in the eastern Pacific Ocean, by Gary D. Sharp and Robert C. Francis, p. 36-51. Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival of winter flounder embryos, by Carolyn A. Rogers, p. 52-58. Reevaluation of fishing effort and apparent abundance in the Hawaiian fishery for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, 1948-70, by Richard N. Uchida, p. 59-69. Seasonal and inshore-offshore variations in the standing stocks of micronekton and macrozooplankton off Ore- gon, by William G. Pearcy, p. 70-80. Culture and growth of northern anchovy, Engraulis mor- dax, larvae, by John R. Hunter, p. 81-88. Effects of cooking in air or in nitrogen on the develop- ment of fishy flavor in the breast meat of turkeys fed tuna oil with and without a-tocopherol supplement or injection, by L. Crawford and M. J. Kretsch, p. 89-92. Biology of five species of searobins (Pisces, Triglidae) from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, by Thomas C. Lewis and Ralph W. Yerger, p. 93-103. An acoustic method for the high-seas assessment of mi- grating salmon, by Gary Lord, William C. Acker, Allan C. Hartt, and Brian J. Rothschild, p. 104-111. Analysis of returns of tagged Gulf menhaden, by Paul J. Pristas, Eldon J. Levi, and Robert L. Dryfoos, p. 112-117. Development and example application of a simulation model of the northern anchovy fishery, by Michael F. Tillman and Donald Stadelman, p. 118-130. Populations of sympatric sculpins, Cottus aleuticus and Cottus asper, in four adjacent salmon-producing coastal streams on Vancouver Island, B.C., by J. C. Mason and S. Machidori, p. 131-141. Review of the deep-sea fish genus Scopelengys (Neoscopelidae) with a description of a new species, Scopelengys clarkei, from the central Pacific, by John L. Butler and Elbert H. Ahlstrom, p. 142-150. Weight loss, mortality, feeding, and duration of residence of adult American shad, Alsoa sapidissima, in fresh water, by Mark E. Chittenden, Jr., p. 151-157. Distribution, abundance, and size of penaeid shrimps in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, by Harold A. Brusher and Larry H. Ogren, p. 158-166. Some features of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, fry emerging from simulated redds and concurrent changes in photobehavior, by J. C. Mason, p. 167-175. Feeding behavior, food consumption, growth, and res- piration of the squid Loligo opalescens raised in the laboratory, by Ann C. Hurley, p. 176-182. Contribution of the net plankton and nannoplankton to the standing stocks and primary productivity in Mon- terey Bay, California during the upwelling season, by David L. Garrison, p. 183-194. Abundance of macrocrustaceans in a natural marsh and a marsh altered by dredging, bulkheading, and filling, by Lee Trent, Edward J. Pullen, and Raphael Proctor, p. 195-200. Mortalities and epibiotic fouling of eggs from wild popu- lations of the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, by Wil- liam S. Fisher and Daniel E. Wickham, p. 201-207. Second record of black skipjack, Euthynnus lineatus, from the Hawaiian Islands, by Walter M. Matsumoto, p. 207. Optical malformations induced by insecticides in embryos of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia, by Judith S. Weis and Peddrick Weis, p. 208-211. Goose barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) on flotsam beached at La Jolla, California, by Lanna Cheng and Ralph A. Lewin, p. 212-217. Caloric values of some North Atlantic calanoid copepods, by Geoffrey C. Laurence, p. 218-220. Method for restraining living plantonic crustaceans, by Loren R. Haury, p. 220-221. Observations on the bigeye thresher shark, Alopias super- ciliosus, in the western North Atlantic, by Charles E. Stillwell and John G. Casey, p. 221-225. Epizoites associated with Bathynectes superbus (Deca- poda: Portunidae), by Elizabeth G. Lewis, p. 225-227. Vol. 74, no. 2, 1976. Growth and reproduction of the spotted porpoise, Sten- ne/la attenuata, in the offshore eastern tropical Pacific, by William F. Perrin, James M. Coe, and James R. Zweifel, p. 229-269. Growth of laboratory-reared northern anchovy, Engrau- lis mordax, from southern California, by Gary T. Saka- gawa and Makoto Kimura, p. 271-279. Development and use of sonar mapping for pelagic stock assessment in the California Current area, by Roger P. Hewitt, PaulE. Smith, and John C. Brown, p. 281-300. Economic and financial analysis of increasing costs in the Gulf shrimp fleet, by Wade L. Griffin, Newton J. Wardlaw, and John P. Nichols, p. 301-309. Long-term fluctuations of epibenthic fish and inverte- brate populations in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, by Robert J. Livingston, Gerard J. Kobylinski, Frank G. Lewis, III, and Peter F. Sheridan, p. 311-321. Description of zoeae of coonstripe shrimp, Pandalus hypsinotus, reared in the laboratory, by Evan Haynes, p. 323-342. Present and historical spawning grounds and nurseries of American shad, Alosa sapidissima, in the Delaware River, by Mark E. Chittenden, Jr., p. 343-352. Larval dynamics of the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, off the central Oregon coast, 1970-71, by R. Gregory Lough, p. 353-376. Subtidal and intertidal marine fouling on artificial sub- strata in northern Puget Sound, Washington, by Charles H. Hanson and Jonathan Bell, p. 377-385. Observations on the fish fauna associated with offshore platforms in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, by Rob- ert W. Hastings, Larry H. Ogren, and Michael T. Mabry, p. 387-402. Effects of increased water temperature on Daphnia pulex, by Donovan R. Craddock, p. 403-408. Life history, ecology, and behavior of Liparis inquilinus (Pisces: Cyclopteridae) associated with the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, by K. W. Able and J. A. Musick, p. 409-421. Further observations of the feeding ecology of postlarval pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides, and spot, Leiostomus xanthurus, by Martin A. Kjelson and George N. Johnson, p. 423-432. Thermal tolerance and resistance of the northern an- chovy, Engraulis mordax, by Gary D. Brewer, p. 433-445. Isolation and description of two vibrios pathogenic to Pacific salmon in Puget Sound, Washington, by Lee W. Harrell, Anthony J. Novotny, Michael H. Schiewe, and Harold O. Hodgins, p. 447-449. Relation of fish catches in gill nets to frontal periods, by Nelson May, Lee Trent, and Paul J. Pristas, p. 449-453. Phosphoglucomutase polymorphism in two penaeid shrimps, Penaeus brasiliensis and Penaeus aztecus sub- tilis, by Lawrence M. Lansford, Charles W. Caillouet, and Kenneth T. Marvin, p. 453-457. First record of the melon-headed whale, Peponocephala electro, in the eastern Pacific, with a summary of world distribution, by William F. Perrin, p. 457-458. Foods of juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in the inshore coastal waters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, 1966-67, by H. Richard Carlson, p. 458-462. Occurrence of two galatheid crustaceans, Munida forceps and Munidopsis bermudezi, in the Chesapeake Bight of the western North Atlantic Ocean, by Chae E. Laird, Elizabeth G. Lewis, and Paul A. Haefner, Jr., p. 462-463. Effects of mercury, cadmium, and lead salts on regenera- tion and ecdysis in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, by Judith S. Weis, p. 464-467. Notes on the early development of the sea raven, Hemi- tripterus americanus, by Lee A. Fuiman, p. 467-470. Vol. 74, no. 3, 1976. Fish schools as operational structures, by Charles M. Breder, Jr., p. 471-502. Estimation of fishing effort in the western North Atlantic from aerial search data, by M. L. Parrack, p. 503-515. Food and feeding of larvae of three fishes occurring in the California Current, Sardinops sagax, Engraulis mor- dax, and Trachurus symmetricus, by David K. Arthur, p. 517-530. Observations on the commercial fishery and reproductive biology of the totoaba, Cynoscion macdonaldi, in the northern Gulf of California, by Christine A. Flanagan and John R. Hendrickson, p. 531-544. Uptake, distribution, and depuration of 14 C-benzene in northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, and striped bass, Morone saxatilis, by Sid Korn, Nina Hirsch, and Jean- nette W. Strusaker, p. 545-551. Von Bertalanffy growth curves for striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax, and blue marlin, Makaira nigri- cans, in the central North Pacific Ocean, by Robert A. Skillman and Marian Y. Y. Yong, p. 553-566. Trophic interactions among fishes and zooplankters near shore at Santa Catalina Island, California, by Edmund S. Hobson and James R. Chess, p. 567-598. Protein taxonomy of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean seatrouts, genus Cynoscion, by Michael P. Weinstein and Ralph W. Yerger, p. 599-607. Prehatch and posthatch growth of fishes — a general model, by James R. Zweifel and Reuben Lasker, p. 609-621. North American crab fisheries: Regulations and their rationales, by R. J. Miller, p. 623-633. Vertical distribution and other aspects of the ecology of certain mesopelagic fishes taken near Hawaii, by Thomas A. Clarke and Patricia J. Wagner, p. 635-645. Distribution, food, and feeding of the threespine stickle- back, Gasterosteus aculeatus, in Great Central Lake, Vancouver Island, with comments on competition for food with juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, by J. I. Manzer, p. 647-668. Predator-prey relationship between Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, larvae and a predatory hyperiid amphipod, Hyperoche medusarum, by Hein von Westernhagen and Harald Rosenthal, p. 669-674. Estimates of rates of tag shedding by North Pacific alba- core, Thunnus alalunga, by R. Michael Laurs, William H. Lenarz, and Robert N. Nishimoto, p. 675-678. Paralytic shellfish poisoning in Tenakee, southeastern Alaska: A possible cause, by Steven T. Zimmerman and Robert S. McMahon, p. 679-680. Oil and grease: A proposed analytical method for fishery waste effluents, by Jeff Collins, p. 681-683. Occurrence of volatile N-nitrosamines in Japanese salmon roe, by D. F. Gadbois, E. M. Ravesi, and R. C. Lund- strom, p. 683-686. Underwater paint marking of porpoises, by William A. Watkins and William E. Schevill, p. 687-689. Grazing of freshwater and estuarine, benthic diatoms by adult Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, by Rob- ert K. Edgar and James G. Hoff, p. 689-693. Electrophoretic evidence of hybrid snow crab, Chionoe- cetes bairdi x opilio, by Allyn G. Johnson, p. 693-694. Effects of benzene on growth, fat content, and caloric content of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, by Sid Korn, Jeannette W. Struhsaker, and Pete Benville, Jr., p. 694-698. Fertilization method quantifying gamete concentrations and maximizing larvae production in Crassostrea gigas, by William H. Staeger and Howard F. Horton, p. 698-701. Vol. 74, no. 4, 1976. Day versus night activity of reef fishes in a kelp forest off Santa Barbara, California, by Alfred W. Ebeling and Richard N. Bray, p. 703-717. Incidence of cull lobsters, Homarus americanus, in com- mercial and research catches off the Maine coast, by Jay S. Krouse, p. 719-724. Fishery waste effluents: A method to determine relation- ships between chemical oxygen demand and residue, by Jeff Collins and Richard D. Tenney, p. 725-731. Population biology of Euphausia pacifica off southern California, by Edward Brinton, p. 733-762. Production of juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in a heated model stream, by Peter A. Bis- son and Gerald E. Davis, p. 763-774. Reproductive cycle, fecundity, and sex ratios of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (Pisces: Sparidae) in North Carolina, by Charles S. Manooch, III, p. 775-781. Mercury in fish and shellfish of the northeast Pacific. I. Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepsis, by Alice S. Hall, Fuad M. Teeny, Laura G. Lewis, William H. Hardman, and Erich J. Gauglitz, Jr., p. 783-789. Mercury in fish and shellfish of the northeast Pacific. II. Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, by Alice S. Hall, Fuad M. Teeny, and Erich J. Gauglitz, Jr., p. 791-797. Ecology of Hawaiian sergestid shrimps (Penaeidea: Ser- gestidae), by John F. Walters, p. 799-836. Decision theory applied to the simulated data acquisition and management of a salmon fishery, by Gary E. Lord, p. 837-846. Diel changes in swim bladder inflation of the larvae of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, by John R. Hunter and Carol Sanchez, p. 847-855. Ceriantharia, Zoanthidea, Corallimorpharia, and Ac- tiniaria from the continental shelf and slope off the eastern coast of the United States, by Bernt Widersten, p. 857-878. Dual structural equilibrium in the Florida shrimp process- ing industry, by Jose Alvarez, Chris O. Andrew, and Fred J. Prochaska, p. 879-883. Distribution and ecology of pelagic fishes studied from eggs and larvae in an upwelling area off Spanish Sahara, by Maurice Blackburn and Walter Nellen, p. 885-896. Life history of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, in Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska, by Richard A. Crone and Carl E. Bond, p. 897-923. Vertical distribution and diel migration of euphausiids in the central region of the California Current, by Marsh J. Youngbluth, p. 925-936. The application of systematic sampling to a study of in- fauna variation in a soft substrate environment, by Stephen Scherba, Jr. and Vincent F. Gallucci, p. 937-948. Size composition and growth of young rock crab, Cancer irroratus, on a rocky beach in Maine, by Jay S. Krouse, p. 949-954. Minimum swimming speed of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, by Ronald C. Dotson, p. 955-960. Production of fry and adults of the 1972 brood of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, from gravel incu- bators and natural spawning at Auke Creek, Alaska, by Jack E. Bailey, Jerome J. Pella, and Sidney G. Taylor, p. 961-971. Comparison of the most successful and least successful west coast albacore troll fishermen, by Donald F. Keene and William G. Pearcy, p. 973-982. Seasonal spawning cycles of the sciaenid fishes Gen- yonemus lineatus and Seriphus politus, by Stephen R. Goldberg, p. 983-984. Food of five species of cooccurring flatfishes on Oregon's continental shelf, by Michael J. Kravitz, William G. Pearcy, and M. P. Guin, p. 984-990. Age determination of a tropical reef butterflyfish utilizing daily growth rings of otoliths, by Stephen Ralston, p. 990-994. An epibenthic sampler used to study the ontogeny of ver- tical migration of Pandalus jordani (Decapoda, Caridea), by Peter C. Rothlisberg and William G. Pearcy, p. 994-997. Harness for attachment of an ultrasonic transmitter to the red drum, Sciaenops ocellata, by William E. S. Carr and Thomas B. Chaney, p. 998-1000. Vol. 75, no. 1, 1977. Changes in biomass of finfishes and squids from the Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras, 1963-74, as determined from research vessel survey data, by Stephen H. Clark and Bradford E. Brown, p. 1-21. Larval transport and year-class strength of Atlantic men- haden, Brevoortia tyrannus, by Walter R. Nelson, Mer- ton C. Ingham, and William E. Schaaf, p. 23-41. Effects of benzene (a toxic component of petroleum) on spawning Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, by Jeannette W. Struhsaker, p. 43-49. Biology of the rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus, in waters off Oregon, by Michael J. Hosie and Howard F. Horton, p. 51-60. Abundance and potential yield of the round herring, Etrumeus teres, and aspects of its early life history in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, by Edward D. Houde, p. 61-89. Reproductive biology of the female deep-sea red crab, Geryon quinquedens, from the Chesapeake Bight, by Paul A. Haefner, Jr., p. 91-102. Comparisons of catches of fishes in gill nets in relation to webbing material, time of day, and water depth in St. Andrew Bay, Florida, by Paul J. Pristas and Lee Trent, p. 103-108. Age determination, reproduction, and population dynamics of the Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias un- dulatus, by Michael L. White and Mark E. Chittenden, Jr., p. 109-123. Coastal and oceanic fish larvae in an area of upwelling off Yaquina Bay, Oregon, by Sally L. Richardson and William G. Pearcy, p. 125-145. Biology of offshore hake, Merluccius albidus, in the Gulf of Mexico, by Bennie A. Rohr and Elmer J. Gutherz, p. 147-158. Behavior of California gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, in southern Baja California, Mexico, by Kenneth S. Norris, Robert M. Goodman, Bernardo Villa-Ramirez, and Larry Hobbs, p. 159-172. Distribution and duration of pelagic life of larvae of Dover sole, Microstomas pacificus; rex sole, Glyp- tocephalus zachirus; and petrale sole, Eopsetta jordani, in water off Oregon, by William G. Pearcy, Michael J. Hosie, and Sally L. Richardson, p. 173-183. Selectivity of gill nets on estuarine and coastal fishes from St. Andrew Bay, Florida, by Lee Trent and Paul J. Pristas, p. 185-198. Long-term cadmium stress in the cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus, by J. R. Maclnnes, F. P. Thurberg, R. A. Greig, and E. Gould, p. 199-203. Maturation and induced spawning of captive Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus, by Roderick Leong, p. 205-211. Incorporating soak time into measurement of fishing ef- fort in trap fisheries, by C. Bruce Austin, p. 213-218. Species composition and relative abundance of larval and post-larval fishes in the Columbia River estuary, 1973, by David A. Misitano, p. 218-222. A note on: "Velocity and transport of the Antilles Current northeast of the Bahama Islands," by John T. Gunn and Merton C. Ingham, p. 222-225. Salinity acclimation in the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria, by Edwin P. Creaser, Jr. and David A. Clifford, p. 225-229. Photographic method for measuring spacing and density within pelagic fish schools at sea, by John Graves, p. 230-234. Feeding by Alaska whitefish, Coregonus nelsoni, during the spawning run, by James E. Morrow, Eldor W. Schallock, and Glenn E. Bergtold, p. 234-235. Egg mortalities in wild populations of the Dungeness crab in central and northern California, by William S. Fisher and Daniel E. Wickham, p. 235-237. Vol. 75, no. 2, 1977. Intensity regulation of bioluminescence during counter- shading in living midwater animals, by Richard Edward Young and Clyde F. E. Roper, p. 239-252. Fishery waste effluents: A suggested system for determin- ing and calculating pollutant parameters, by Jeff Col- lins and Richard D. Tenney, p. 253-259. American solenocerid shrimps of the genera Hymenopen- aeus, Haliporoides, Pleoticus, Hadropenaeus new genus, and Mesopenaeus new genus, by Isabel Perez Farfante, p. 261-346. Small-scale movements of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, in relation to ocean features as indicated by ultrasonic tracking and oceanographic sampling, by R. Michael Laurs, Heeny S. H. Yuen, and James H. Johnson, p. 347-355. Annual fluctuations in biomass of taxonomic groups of zooplankton in the California Current, 1955-59, by J. M. Colebrook, p. 357-368. Population biology of Pacific ocean perch, Sebastes alutus, stocks in the Washington-Queen Charlotte Sound region and their response to fishing, by Donald R. Gunderson, p. 369-403. Analysis of age determination methods for yellowtail rockfish, canary rockfish, and black rockfish off Oregon, by Lawrence D. Six and Howard F. Horton, p. 405-414. Predator-prey interactions in schooling fishes during periods of twilight: A study of the silverside Pranesus insularum in Hawaii, by Peter F. Major, p. 415-426. Fishes, macroinvertebrates, and their ecological interrela- tionships with a calico scallop bed off North Carolina, by Frank J. Schwartz and Hugh H. Porter, p. 427-446. Energy for migration in albacore, Thunnus alalunga, by Gary D. Sharp and Ronald C. Dotson, p. 447-450. Underwater sounds from ribbon seal, Phoca (Histrio- phoca) fasciata, by William A. Watkins and G. Carleton Ray, p. 450-453. Observations on feeding, growth, locomotor behavior, and buoyancy of a pelagic stromateoid fish, Icichthys lockingtoni, by Michael H. Horn, p. 453-456. Body size and learned avoidance as factors affecting predation on coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, fry by torrent sculpin, Cottus rhotheus, by Benjamin G. Patten, p. 457-459. Description of megalopa of snow crab, Chionoecetes bairdi (Majidae, subfamily Oregoniinae), by Stephen C. Jewett and Richard E. Haight, p. 459-463. Vol. 75, no. 3, 1977. A compartmentalized simulation model of the Southern New England yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, fishery, by Michael P. Sissenwine, p. 465-482. Income estimates and reasonable returns in Alaska's salmon fisheries, by James E. Owers, p. 483-492. Abundance and potential yield of the Atlantic thread her- ring, Opisthonema oglinum, and aspects of its early life history in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, by Edward D. Houde, p. 493-512. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus: Local migrations and fin erosion, by D. J. McDermott-Ehrlich, M. J. Sherwood, T. C. Heesen, D. R. Young, and A. J. Mearns, p. 513-517. Diel behavior of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, near Santa Catalina Island, California, by Terry C. Sciar- rotta and Donald R. Nelson, p. 519-528. A bioenergetic model for the analysis of feeding and sur- vival potential of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, larvae during the period from hatching to metamorphosis, by Geoffrey C. Laurence, p. 529-546. Description of larval and early juvenile vermilion snap- per, Rhomboplites aurorubens, by Wayne A. Laroche, p. 547-554. Short-term thermal resistance of zoeae of 10 species of crabs from Puget Sound, Washington, by Benjamin G. Patten, p. 555-559. A simplification for the study of fish populations by cap- ture data, by Samir S. Rafail, p. 561-569. Identification of fish species by thin-layer polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing, by Ronald C. Lundstrom, p. 571-576. Various species of phytoplankton as food for larval northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, and relative nutritional value of the dinoflagellates Gymnodinium splendens and Gonyaulax polyedra, by Edward D. Scura and Charles W. Jerde, p. 577-583. Courtship and spawning behavior of the tautog, Tautoga onitis (Pisces: Labridae), under laboratory conditions, by Bori L. Olla and Carol Samet, p. 585-599. Distribution, size, and abundance of microcopepods in the California Current system and their possible in- fluence on survival of marine teleost larvae, by David K. Arthur, p. 601-611. Abundance and potential yield of the scaled sardine, Harengula jaguana, and aspects of its early life history in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, by Edward D. Houde, p. 613-628. 10 Reproductive parameters of the offshore spotted dolphin, a geographical form of Stenella attenuata, in the eastern tropical Pacific, 1973-75, by William F. Perrin, Ruth B. Miller, and Priscilla A. Sloan, p. 629-633. The uptake, distribution, and depuration of 14 C benzene and U C toluene in Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, by Sid Korn, Nina Hirsch, and Jeannette W. Struhsaker, p. 633-636. Food habits and feeding chronology of rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax, in Lake Michigan, by Jeffrey W. Foltz and Carroll R. Norden, p. 637-640. Useable meat yields in the Virginia surf clam fishery, by Joseph G. Loesch, p. 640-642. Mercury in fish and shellfish of the northeast Pacific. III. Spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, by Alice S. Hall, Fuad M. Teeny, and Erich J. Gauglitz, Jr., p. 642-645. Localized mass mortality of red sea urchin, Stronglyocen- trotus franciscanus, near Santa Cruz, California, by John S. Pearse, Daniel P. Costa, Marc B. Yellin, and Catherine R. Agegian, p. 645-648. First record of a second mating and spawning of the spot prawn, Pandalus platyceros, in captivity, by John E. Rensel and Earl F. Prentice, p. 648-649. Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration and salinity on swimming speed of two species of tunas, by Andrew E. Dizon, p. 649-653. A nonlethal lavage device for sampling stomach contents of small marine mammals, by John D. Hall, p. 653-656. Vol. 75, no. 4, 1977. Life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juvenile sciaenid fishes in the York River Estuary, Virginia, by Labbish N. Chao and John A. Musick, p. 657-702. The United States shrimp fishery off northeastern South America (1972-74), by Albert C. Jones and Alexander Dragovich, p. 703-716. Seasonal cycle of zooplankton abundance and species composition along the central Oregon coast, by William T. Peterson and Charles B. Miller, p. 717-724. Growth and reproduction of the eastern spinner dolphin, a geographical form of Stenella longirostris in the eastern tropical Pacific, by William F. Perrin, David B. Holts, and Ruth B. Miller, p. 725-750. Production by three populations of wild brook trout with emphasis on influence of recruitment rates, by Robert F. Carline, p. 751-765. Koko Head, Oahu, sea-surface temperatures and salini- ties, 1965-73, Christmas Island sea-surface tempera- tures, 1954-73, by Gunter R. Seckel and Marian Y. Y. Yong, p. 767-787. A new genus and species of eelpout (Pisces: Zoarcidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, by Hugh H. DeWitt, p. 789-793. Seasonal migration of North Pacific albacore, Thunnus alalunga, into North American coastal waters: Distribution, relative abundance, and association with transition zone waters, by R. Michael Laurs and Ronald J. Lynn, p. 795-822. Biology of the summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, in Delaware Bay, by Ronal W. Smith and Franklin C. Daiber, p. 823-830. Larval development of the spider crab, Libinia emargi- nata (Majidae), by D. Michael Johns and William H. Lang, p. 831-841. The ribbonfish genus Desmodema, with the description of a new species (Pisces, Trachipteridae), by Richard H. Rosenblatt and John L. Butler, p. 843-855. Oxycline characteristics and skipjack tuna distribution in the southeastern tropical Atlantic, by Merton C. Ingham, Steven K. Cook, and Keith A. Hausknecht, p. 857-865. The source of cobalt-60 and migrations of albacore off the west coast of North America, by Earl E. Krygier and William G. Pearcy, p. 867-870. Length-width-weight relationships for mature male snow crab, Chionocoetes bairdi, by Duane E. Phinney, p. 870-871. Temporal aspects of calling behavior in the oyster toad- fish, Opsanus tau, by Michael L. Fine, Howard E. Winn, Linda Joest, and Paul J. Perkins, p. 871-874. Biology and host-parasite relationships of Cymothoa ex- cisa (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) with three species of snap- pers (Lutjanidae) on the Caribbean coast of Panama, by Michael P. Weinstein and Kenneth L. Heck, Jr., p. 875-877. Fecundity of the southern New England stock of yellow- tail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, by W. Huntting Howell and David H. Kesler, p. 877-880. "Mock fish" method for studying microbial inhibiting agents, by John H. Green and Louis J. Ronsivalli, p. 880-882. Reproductive cycle of the pink surfperch, Zalembius rosaceus (Embiotocidae), by Stephen R. Goldberg and William C. Ticknor, Jr., p. 882-884. Gallbladder lesions in cultured Pacific salmon, by Lee W. Harrell, p. 884-887. Timing of the surface-to-benthic migration in juvenile rockfish, Sebastes diploproa, off southern California, by George W. Boehlert, p. 887-890. Vol. 76, no. 1, 1978. Diseases, parasites, and toxic responses of commercial penaeid shrimps of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic coasts of North America, by John A. Couch, p. 1-44. Estimating natural and fishing mortalities of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in the ocean, based on recoveries of marked fish, by Kenneth A. Henry, p. 45-57. Effect of several diets on survival, development time, and growth of laboratory-reared spider crab, Libinia emarginata, larvae, by Thomas E. Bigford, p. 59-64. Description of reared eggs and young larvae of the spot- ted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, by William A. Fable, Jr., Theodore D. Williams, and C. R. Arnold, p. 65-71. Physical and chemical changes of pink shrimp, Pandalus borealis, held in carbon dioxide modified refrigerated seawater compared with pink shrimp held in ice, by Fern A. Bullard and Jeff Collins, p. 73-78. Taxonomy and distribution of Rouleina attrita and Rouleina maderensis (Pisces: Alepocephalidae), by Douglas F. Markle, p. 79-87. 11 Food and feeding habits of juvenile Atlantic tomcod, Microgadus tomcod, from Haverstraw Bay, Hudson River, by Stephen A. Grabe, p. 89-94. Eggs and larvae of Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus in continental shelf waters between Massachusetts and Florida, by Peter L. Berrien, p. 95-115. Daily and summer-winter variation in mass spawning of striped parrotfish, Scarus croicensis, by Patrick L. Colin, p. 117-124. Feeding behavior and major prey species of the sea otter, Enhydra lutris, in Montague Strait, Prince William Sound, Alaska, by Donald G. Calkins, p. 125-131. Trophic relationships among fishes and plankton in the lagoon at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, by Ed- mund S. Hobson and James R. Chess, p. 133-153. Spawning cycle, fecundity, and recruitment in a popula- tion of soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria, from Cape Ann, Massachusetts, by Diane J. Brousseau, p. 155-166. Diel movements of larval yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, determined from discrete depth sampling, by W. G. Smith, J. D. Sibunka, and A. Wells, p. 167-178. Bioeconomic contribution of Columbia River hatchery fall chinook salmon, 1961 through 1964 broods, to the Pacific salmon fisheries, by Roy J. Wahle and Robert R. Vreeland, p. 179-208. Polychaetous annelids of the Delaware Bay region, by Peter Kinner and Don Maurer, p. 209-224. Trophic ontogeny of the leopard searobin, Prionotus scitulus (Pisces: Triglidae), by Stephen T. Ross, p. 225-234. Description of larvae of the humpy shrimp, Pandalus goniurus, reared in situ in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, by Evan Haynes, p. 235-248. Immigration of fishes through the Suez Canal, by Adam Ben-Tuvia, p. 249-255. Food and habitat of three switch-feeding fishes in the kelp forests off Santa Barbara, California, by Milton S. Love and Alfred W. Ebeling, p. 257-271. Scomberomorus brasiliensis, a new species of Spanish mackerel from the western Atlantic, by Bruce B. Col- lette, Joseph L. Russo, and Luis Alberto Zavala- Camin, p. 273-280. Aggregation of the siphonophore Nanomia cara in the Gulf of Maine: Observations from a submersible, by Carolyn A. Rogers, Douglas C. Biggs, and Richard A. Cooper, p. 281-284. Computer program for analysis of the homogeneity and goodness of fit of frequency distributions, FORTRAN IV, by Michael L. Dahlberg, p. 285. Portable tripod drop net for estuarine fish studies, by R. Grant Gilmore, John K. Holt, Robert S. Jones, George R. Kulczycki, Louis G. MacDowell III, and Wayne C. Magley, p. 285-289. Surface feeding by a juvenile gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, by G. M. Wellington and Shane Anderson, p. 290-293. Homing of morpholine-imprinted brown trout, Salmo trutta, by Allan T. Scholz, Jon C. Cooper, Ross M. Horrall, and Arthur D. Hasler, p. 293-295. Diurnal variations in catches of selected species of ichthyoneuston by the Boothbay neuston net off Charleston, South Carolina, by Peter J. Eldridge, Frederick H. Berry, and M. Clinton Miller III, p. 295-297. Vol. 76, no. 2, 1978. Aspects of estuarine intertidal ecology of juvenile striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in Hawaii, by Peter F. Major, p. 299-314. Aging of Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, by William R. Nicholson and William E. Schaaf, p. 315-322. Variability in zooplankton biomass distribution in the northern Sargasso Sea: The contribution of Gulf Stream cold core rings, by Peter B. Ortner, Peter H. Wiebe, Loren Haury, and Steven Boyd, p. 323-334. Relative contribution of Hudson, Chesapeake, and Roanoke striped bass, Morone saxatilis, stocks to the Atlantic coast fishery, by Thomas J. Berggren and Joel T. Lieberman, p. 335-345. Copper sensitivity of Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, during its early life history, by D. W. Rice, Jr. and F. L. Harrison, p. 347-356. Estimated zooplankton production and their ammonia excretion in the Kuroshio and adjacent seas, by Tsutomu Ikeda and Sigeru Motoda, p. 357-367. Growth rate of the sand crab, Emerita analoga, (Hip- pidae) in two different environments, by Craig Fusaro, p. 369-375. Time-dependent solutions and efficient parameters for stock-production models, by R. Ian Fletcher, p. 377-388. Trophic relationships in juveniles of three species of sparid fishes in the South African marine littoral, by M. S. Christensen, p. 389-401. Effect of starvation on the histological and morphological characteristics of jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetri- ca, larvae, by Gail H. Theilacker, p. 403-414. Identification of stocks of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, by evaluating scale patterns with a polynomial discriminant method, by Rodney C. Cook and Gary E. Lord, p. 415-423. Effectiveness of escape vent shape in traps for catching legal-sized lobster, Homarus americanus, and harvest- able-sized crabs, Cancer borealis and Cancer irroratus, by Jay S. Krouse, p. 425-432. School structure of the squid Loligo opalescens, by Ann C. Hurley, p. 433-442. Northern anchovy school shapes as related to problems in school size estimation, by James L. Squire, Jr., p. 443-448. Synergistic effects of environmental variables on the metabolism of the copepod Euterpina acutifrons from two different areas off the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by G. Soares Moreira and W. B. Vernberg, p. 449-455. Description of larvae of a hippolytid shrimp, Lebbeus groenlandicus, reared in situ in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, by Evan Haynes, p. 457-465. Predicting abundance of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in New York waters from modal lengths, by Herbert M. Austin and Clarence R. Hickey, Jr., p. 467-473. 12 Observations on a white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus, probably killed in gill nets in the Gulf of Maine, by Steven K. Katona, Salvatore A. Testaverde, and Bradley Barr, p. 475-476. Reciprocal hybridization between the California and Gulf of California grunions, Leuresthes tenuis and Leu- resthes sardina (Atherinidae), by Nancy M. Moffatt and Donald A. Thomson, p. 476-480. Tychoplanktonic bloodworm, Glycera dibranchiata, in Sullivan Harbor, Maine, by Joseph J. Graham and Ed- win P. Creaser, Jr., p. 480-483. Simulated food patches and survival of larval bay an- chovy, Anchoa mitchilli, and sea bream, Archosargus rhomboidalis, by Edward D. Houde and Richard C. Schekter, p. 483-487. Discovery of juvenile Pacific salmon (coho) in a small coastal stream of New Brunswick, by Philip E. K. Symons and James D. Martin, p. 487-489. Subsampler for estimating the number and length fre- quency of small preserved nektonic organisms, by William H. Herke, p. 490-494. Vol. 76, no. 3, 1978. Diel feeding patterns of 16 species of mesopelagic fishes from Hawaiian waters, by Thomas A. Clarke, p. 495-513. On the restructuring of the Pella-Tomlinson system, by R. Ian Fletcher, p. 515-521. Parameter estimation for the Pella-Tomlinson stock pro- duction model under nonequilibrium conditions, by D. Rivard and L. J. Bledsoe, p. 523-534. Systematics and zoogeography of the porcupinefishes (Diodon, Diodontidae, Tetraodontiformes), with com- ments on egg and larval development, by Jeffrey M. Leis, p. 535-567. Probable case of streambed overseeding— 1967 pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, spawners and sur- vival of their progeny in Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska, by William R. Heard, p. 569-582. Vertical distribution and photosensitive vesicles of pelagic cephalopods from Hawaiian waters, by Richard Ed- ward Young, p. 583-615. Systematic sampling in a planktonic ecosystem, by E. L. Venrick, p. 617-627. Distribution and abundance of small flatfishes and other demersal fishes in a region of diverse sediments and bathymetry off Oregon, by William G. Pearcy, p. 629-640. Feeding habits of Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus; rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus; slender sole, Lyopsetta exilis; and Pacific sanddab, Citharichthys sordidus, in a region of diverse sediments and bathymetry off Oregon, by William G. Pearcy and Danil Hancock, p. 641-651. Skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, habitat based on temperature and oxygen requirements, by Richard A. Barkley, William H. Neill, and Reginald M. Gooding, p. 653-662. Historical trends and statistics of the southern oscillation, El Nino, and Indonesian droughts, by William H. Quinn, David O. Zopf, Kent S. Short, and Richard T. W. Kuo Yang, p. 663-678. The precision of simulated transect surveys of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, school groups, by Paul C. Fiedler, p. 679-685. Intersex anomalies in shrimp of the genus Penaeopsis (Crustacea: Penaeidae), by Isabel Perez Farfante, p. 687-691. On the role of the different fibre types in fish myotomes at intermediate swimming speeds, by Quentin Bone, Joe Kiceniuk, and David R. Jones, p. 691-699. Summer food of the Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, near Kodiak Island, Alaska, by Stephen C. Jewett, p. 700-706. A computer software system for optimizing survey cruise tracks, by Thomas D. Leming and Hillman J. Holley, p. 706-714. Vol. 76, no. 4, 1978. Pollution-associated diseases and abnormalities of fish and shellfish: A review, by Carl J. Sindermann, p. 717-749. Vertical distribution, diel vertical migration, and abun- dance of some mesopelagic fishes in the eastern subarc- tic Pacific Ocean in summer, by Bruce W. Frost and Lawrence E. McCrone, p. 751-770. Analysis of a simple model for estimating historical population sizes, by T. D. Smith and T. Polacheck, p. 771-779. Larval development of Galathea rostrata under lab- oratory conditions, with a discussion of larval develop- ment in the Galatheidae (Crustacea Anomura), by Robert H. Gore, p. 781-806. A theoretical examination of some aspects of the interac- tion between longline and surface fisheries for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, by William H. Lenarz and James R. Zweifel, p. 807-825. Aspects of brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, growth in the northern Gulf of Mexico, by Michael L. Parrack, p. 827-836. Thermal behavioral responses of selected California lit- toral fishes, by Karl F. Ehrlich, J. Myron Hood, Gerald Muszynsky, and Gerald E. McGowen, p. 837-849. Linear programming simulation of the effects of bycatch in the management of mixed species fisheries off the northeastern coast of the United States, by B. E. Brown, J. A. Brennan, and J. E. Palmer, p. 851-860. Effect of swimming speed on the excess temperatures and activities of heart and red and white muscles in the mackerel, Scomber japonicus, by John L. Roberts and Jeffrey B. Graham, p. 861-867. Thermal behavioral responses of the speckled sanddab, Citharichthys stigmaeus: Laboratory and field in- vestigations, by Karl F. Ehrlich, John S. Stephens, Gerald Muszynski, and J. Myron Hood, p. 867-872. Mercury and selenium in blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, from the Hawaiian Islands, by Cynthia D. Shultz and Bernard M. Ito, p. 872-879. Recent records of Callinectes danae and Callinectes marginatus (Decapoda: Portunidae) from North Carolina with environmental notes, by Peter W. Perschbacher and Frank J. Schwartz, p. 879-880. Analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbon pollutants: A simpli- fied extraction and cleanup procedure for fishery prod- 13 ucts, by Virginia F. Stout and F. Lee Beezhold, p. 880-886. Growth of juvenile spot prawn, Pandalus platyceros, in the laboratory and in net pens using different diets, by John E. Rensel and Earl F. Prentice, p. 886-890. Larval length-weight relations for seven species of north- west Atlantic fishes reared in the laboratory, by Geof- frey C. Laurence, p. 890-895. Effect of thermal increases of short duration on survival of Euphausia pacifica, by Donovan R. Craddock, p. 895-900. Lunar spawning of the threadfin, Polydactylus sexfilis, in Hawaii, by Robert C. May, Gerald S. Akiyama, and Michael T. Santerre, p. 900-904. The roles of prior residence and relative size in competi- tion for shelter by the Malaysian prawn, Macrobrach- ium rosenbergii, by John B. Peebles, p. 905-911. Principal spawning areas and times of marine fishes, Cape Sable to Cape Hatteras, by John B. Colton, Jr., Wallace G. Smith, Arthur W. Kendall, Jr., Peter L. Berrien, and Michael P. Fahay, p. 911-915. Recent sightings of the blue whale, Balenoptera musculus, in the northeastern tropical Pacific, by Lawrence S. Wade and Gary L. Friedrichsen, p. 915-919. Sex composition, length-weight relationship, and repro- duction of the white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus, in the western North Atlantic Ocean, by Raymond E. Baglin, Jr., p. 919-926. Records of piscivorus leeches (Hirudinea) from the cen- tral Columbia River, Washington State, by C. Dale Becker and Dennis D. Dauble, p. 926-931. Induced spawning and larval rearing of the yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, by Alphonse S. Smigiel- ski, p. 931-936. Trace metal contamination of the rock scallop, Hinnites giganteus, near a large southern California municipal outfall, by David R. Young and Tsu-Kai Jan, p. 936-939. Vol. 77, no. 1, 1979. Development and occurrence of larvae and juveniles of the rockfishes Sebastes crameri, Sebastes pinniger, and Sebastes halvomaculatus (Family Scorpaenidae) off Oregon, by Sally L. Richardson and Wayne A. Laroche, p. 1-46. Aerial survey of the bottlenosed dolphin, Tursiops trun- catus, and the West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus, in the Indian and Banana Rivers, Florida, by Stephen Leatherwood, p. 47-59. Development of pelagic larvae and postlarva of Squilla empusa (Crustacea, Stomatopoda) with an assessment of larval characters within the Squillidae, by Steven G. Morgan and Anthony J. Provenzano, Jr., p. 61-90. Variation in the fourbeard rockling, Enchelyopus cim- brius, a North Atlantic gadid fish, with comments on the genera of rocklings, by Daniel M. Cohen and Joseph L. Russo, p. 91-104. Early development of seven flatfishes of the eastern North Pacific with heavily pigmented larvae (Pisces, Pleuro- nectiformes), by B. Y. Sumida, E. H. Ahlstrom, and H. G. Moser, p. 105-145. Associations of tuna with flotsam in the eastern tropical Pacific, by Paul R. Greenblatt, p. 147-155. Description of larvae of the northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, reared in situ in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, by Evan Haynes, p. 157-173. Relationships of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, and its prey species near Santa Catalina Island, California, by Timothy C. Tricas, p. 175-182. Life history and vertical migration of the pelagic shrimp Sergestes similis off the southern California coast, by Makoto Omori and David Gluck, p. 183-198. The oceanic migration of American shad, Alosa sapidis- sima, along the Atlantic coast, by Richard J. Neves and Linda Depres, p. 199-212. Sources and distribution of bluefish, Pomatomus salta- trix, larvae and juveniles off the east coast of the United States, by Arthur W. Kendall, Jr. and Lionel A. Walford, p. 213-227. Contribution of 1960-63 brood hatchery-reared sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, to the Columbia River commercial fishery, by Roy J. Wahle, Reino O. Koski, and Robert Z. Smith, p. 229-242. Relative abundance, behavior, and food habits of the American sand lance, Ammodytes americanus, from the Gulf of Maine, by Thomas L. Meyer, Richard A. Cooper, and Richard W. Langton, p. 243-253. Seasonal dispersal and habitat selection of cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus, and young tautog, Tautoga onitis, in Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York, by Bori L. Olla, Allen J. Bejda, and A. Dale Martin, p. 255-261. Biology of walleye pollock, Theraga chalcogramma, in the western Gulf of Alaska, 1973-75, by Steven E. Hughes and George Hirschhorn, p. 263-274. Zooplankters that emerge from the lagoon floor at night at Kure and Midway Atolls, Hawaii, by Edmund S. Hobson and James R. Chess, p. 275-280. A survey of heavy metals in the surf clam, Spisula solidis- sima, and the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica, of the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, by D. R. Wenzloff, R. A. Greig, A. S. Merrill, and J. W. Ropes, p. 280-285. Apparent feeding by the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus, and humpback whale, Megaptera no- vaengliae, on the American sand lance, Ammodytes americanus, in the northwest Atlantic, by William J. Overholtz and John R. Nicolas, p. 285-287. Estimation of intertidal harvest of Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, on Puget Sound, Washington, beaches, by John G. Williams, p. 287-292. A contribution to the biology of the puffers Sphoeroides testudineus and Sphoeroides spengleri from Biscayne Bay, Florida, by Timothy E. Targett, p. 292-295. Correlates of maturity in the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, by Clifford A. Hui, p. 295-300. Larval development of Gobiesox rhessodon (Gobieso- cidae) with notes on the larva of Rimicola muscarum, by Larry G. Allen, p. 300-304. Spring and summer foods of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the eastern Bering Sea, by Kevin Bailey and Jean Dunn, p. 304-308. 14 Fecundity of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyran- nus, by Charles S. Dietrich, Jr., p. 308-311. Role of land and ocean mortality in yield of male Alaskan fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus, by Robert H. Lander, p. 311-314. Vol. 77, no. 2, 1979. Aggregation and fishery dynamics: A theoretical study of schooling and the purse seine tuna fisheries, by Colin W. Clark and Marc Mangel, p. 317-337. Shallow marsh habitats as primary nurseries for fishes and shellfish, Cape Fear River, North Carolina, by Michael P. Weinstein, p. 339-357. Larval development of the Cuban stone crab, Menippe nodifrons (Branchyura, Xanthidae) under laboratory conditions with notes on the status of the family Menip- pidae, by Liberta E. Scotto, p. 359-386. Assessment of composition of stock mixtures, by Jerome J. Pella and Timothy L. Robertson, p. 387-398. Behavior and ecology of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in the South Atlantic, by Bernd Wiirsig and Melany Wiirsig, p. 399-412. Growth of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, larvae in the sea, by Richard D. Methot, Jr. and David Kramer, p. 413-423. A linear programming approach to determining harvest- ing capacity: A multiple species fishery, by Robert A. Siegel, Joseph J. Mueller, and Brian J. Rothschild, p. 425-433. Some aspects of the biology of deep-sea lobsters of the family Polychelidae (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the western North Atlantic, by Elizabeth Lewis Wenner, p. 435-444. Reproduction in the blue shark, Phonace glauca, by Harold L. Pratt, Jr., p. 445-470. Mortality estimates for the New Zealand rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, by John H. Annala, p. 471-480. Walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma: Physical, chemical, and sensory changes when held in ice and in carbon dioxide modified refrigerated seawater, by Ker- mit D. Reppond, Fern A. Bullard, and Jeff Collins, p. 481-488. Thickness and depth distributions of some epipelagic fish schools off southern California, by D. V. Holliday and H. L. Larsen, p. 489-494. The effect of body size on the standard metabolic rate of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, by Richard W. Brill, p. 494-498. Effects of a thermal discharge on reproductive cycles in Mytilus edulis and Mytilus californianus (Mollusca, Bivalvia), by Anson H. Hines, p. 498-503. Incidence and distribution of piscine erythrocytic necrosis and the microsporidian, Glugea hertwigi, in rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax, from Massachusetts to the Canadian Maritimes, by Stuart W. Sherburne and Laurie L. Bean, p. 503-509. A simple method to obtain serum from small fish by James T. Winstead, p. 509-511. Stranding of the pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhyn- chus, in Florida and South Carolina, by A. Blair Irvine, Michael D. Scott, Randall S. Wells, and James G. Mead, p. 511-513. First records of a giant pelagic tunicate, Bathochordaeus charon (Urochordata, Larvacea), from the eastern Pacific Ocean, with notes on its biology, by Charles P. Gait, p. 514-519. Vol. 77, no. 3, 1979. Revision of the sauries (Pisces, Scomberesocidae) with descriptions of two new genera and one new species, by Carl L. Hubbs and Robert L. Wisner, p. 521-566. Effects of temperature and salinity on production and hatching of dormant eggs of Acartia californiensis (Copepoda) in an Oregon estuary, by John Kenneth Johnson, p. 567-584. Aerial census of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops trun- catus, in a region of the Texas coast, by Eric G. Barham, Jay C. Sweeney, Stephen Leatherwood, Robert K. Beggs, and Cecilia L. Barham, p. 585-595. Energetic significance of changes in swimming modes during growth of larval anchovy, Engraulis mordax, by Daniel Weihs, p. 597-604. An antipredation mechanism of the polychaete Phyllo- doce mucosa with notes on similar mechanisms in other potential prey, by Robert S. Prezant, p. 605-616. Contribution of wild and hatchery-reared coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, to the Oregon ocean sport fishery, by Dennis L. Scarnecchia and Harry H. Wagner, p. 617-623. Larval morphology of Pandalus tridens and a summary of the principal morphological characteristics of North Pacific panalid shrimp larvae, by Evan Haynes, p. 625-640. Spawning incidence and batch fecundity in northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, by J. Roe Hunter and Stephen R. Goldberg, p. 641-652. Utilization of the Nanaimo River estuary by juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, by M. C. Healey, p. 653-668. Composition, abundance, and distribution of zooplank- ton in the New York Bight, September 1974-September 1975, by David C. Judkins, Creighton D. Wirick, and Wayne E. Esaias, p. 669-683. Distribution and catch composition of Jonah crab, Cancer irroratus, near Boothbay Harbor, Maine, by Jay S. Krouse, p. 685-693. Effects of desiccation and autospasy on egg hatching suc- cess in stone crab, Menippe mercenaria, by Rodric A. Schlieder, p. 695-700. First records off Oregon of the pelagic fishes Paralepis atlantica, Gonostoma atlanticum, and Aphanopus carbo, with notes on the anatomy of Aphanopus carbo, by Kevin M. Howe, David L. Stein, and Carl E. Bond, p. 700-703. Changes in ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid, and protein content during ontogenesis in winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, and effect of starva- tion, by L. J. Buckley, p. 703-708. Eggs and early larvae of smallmouth flounder, Etropus microstomus, by Michael D. Scherer and Donald W. Bourne, p. 708-712. Evidence of postcapture ingestion by midwater fishes in trawl nets, by Thomas M. Lancraft and Bruce H. Robison, p. 713-715. 15 Inhibitory effect of the alga Pavlova lutherii on growth of mussel, Mytilus edulis, larvae, by G. F. Newkirk and D. L. Waugh, p. 715-718. Vol. 77, no. 4, 1979. Revision of the penaeid shrimp genus Penaeopsis (Crusta- cea: Decapoda), by Isabel Perez Farfante, p. 721-763. Likelihood methods for the von Bertalanffy growth curve, by Daniel K. Kimura, p. 765-776. Vertical distribution and development of larval fishes in the North Pacific central gyre during summer, by Valerie J. Loeb, p. 777-793. Resistance of different stocks and transferrin genotypes of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, and steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri, to bacterial kidney disease and vibriosis, by Gary W. Winter, Carl B. Schreck, and John D. Mclntyre, p. 795-802. Remarks on systematics, development, and distribution of the hatchetfish genus Sternoptyx (Pisces, Stomia- toidei), by Julian Badcock and Ronald C. Baird, p. 803-820. Behavior of the Hawaiian spinner dolphin, Stenella longi- rostris, by Kenneth S. Norris and Thomas P. Dohl, p. 821-849. Larval development of Hypoconcha sabulosa (Decapoda: Dromiidae), by William H. Lang and Alan M. Young, p. 851-863. Black rockfish, Sebastes melanops: Changes in physical, chemical, and sensory properties when held in ice and in carbon dioxide modified refrigerated seawater, by Jeff Collins, Kermit D. Reppond, and Fern A. Bullard, p. 865-870. Behavior and ecology of the dusky dolphin, Lagenorhyn- chus obscurus, in the South Atlantic, by Bernd Wiirsig and Melany Wiirsig, p. 871-890. Growth and survival in newly settled spat of the Manila clam, Tapes japonica, by John G. Williams, p. 891-900. Development and occurrence of larvae and juveniles of the rockfishes Sebastes flavidus and Sebastes melanops (Scorpaenidae) off Oregon, by Wayne A. Laroche and Sally L. Richardson, p. 901-924. Effects of trap venting on gear selectivity in the inshore Rhode Island American lobster, Homarus americanus, fishery, by Michael J. Fogarty and David V. D. Borden, p. 925-933. Acoustic measurements of a migrating layer of the Mexi- can lampfish, Triphoturus mexicanus, at 102 kilohertz, by R. E. Pieper and B. G. Bargo, p. 935-942. Embryonic development of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoor- tia tyrannus, and a fish embryo age estimation method, by Steven P. Ferraro, p. 943-949. Distribution and movements of Risso's dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the eastern North Pacific, by Stephen Leath- erwood, William F. Perrin, Vicky L. Kirby, Carl L. Hubbs, and Marilyn Dahlheim, p. 951-963. Description of larval and juvenile red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, by L. Alan Collins, John H. Finucane, and Lyman E. Barger, p. 965-974. Isolation of olive rockfish, Sebastes serranoides, popula- tions off southern California, by Milton S. Love, p. 975-983. Trends toward decreasing size of brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, and white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus, in reported annual catches from Texas and Louisiana, by Charles W. Caillouet, Frank J. Patella, and William B. Jackson, p. 985-989. Stage I zoeae of a crangonid shrimp, Crangon francis- corum angustimana, hatched from ovigerous females collected in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, by Evan Haynes, p. 991-995. Length-weight relationships of western Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, by Raymond E. Baglin, Jr., p. 995-1000. Developmental anatomy and inflation of the gas bladder in striped bass, Morone saxatilis, by James S. Bulak and Roy C. Heidinger, p. 1000-1003. Food of age 1 and 2 Atlantic tomcod, Microgadus tom- cod, from Haverstraw Bay, Hudson River, New York, by Stephen A. Grabe, p. 1003-1006. Marine Fisheries Review Marine Fisheries Review contains review articles, original research reports, significant progress reports, and technical notes on fisheries science, engineering, and economics; com- mercial and recreational fisheries; marine mammal studies; and aquaculture. Emphasis is on in-depth review articles and practical or applied aspects of marine fisheries rather than pure research. Vol. 37, no. 1, 1975. Seaweed aquaculture, by Arthur C. Mathieson, p. 2-14. The culture of the mussel, Perna perna, and the mangrove oyster, Crassostrea rhizophorae, in Venezuela, by Enri- que F. Mandelli and Amado Acuna C, p. 15-18. Culture of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, in Virginia, by Michael Castagna, p. 19-24. Crustacean aquaculture in Middle America, by Harold H. Webber, p. 24-30. Institutional constraints to the development of aquacul- ture, by Fernando Fournier, p. 31-32. Constraints on aquaculture projects, by Burton A. Landy, p. 33-35. Net-pen culture of Pacific salmon in marine waters, by Anthony J. Novotny, p. 36-47. Conflict of interest and its resolution as factors in the commercialization of aquaculture in the Americas, by Simon Williams, p. 48-51. Vol. 37, no. 2, 1975. Trends in catch-effort relationships with economic impli- cations: Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery, by John P. Nichols and Wade L. Griffin, p. 1-4. Skipjack tuna fishing in Papua New Guinea, 1970-73, by R. E. Kearney, p. 5-8. Electronic tags and related tracking techniques aid in study of migrating salmon and steelhead trout in the Columbia River Basin, by Gerald E. Monan, James H. Johnson, and Gordon F. Esterberg, p. 9-15. Selected information on recreational boats in the United States, by John Ridgely, p. 16-18. 16 Edible seaweeds — a survey of the industry and prospects for farming the Pacific Northwest, by Charles J. Hunter, p. 19-26. Attitudinal and demographic characteristics for regular and irregular users of fresh shellfish, by Peter M. San- chez, p. 27-30. Bypass and collection system for protection of juvenile salmon and trout at Little Goose Dam, by Jim Ross Smith and Winston E. Farr, p. 31-35. Vol. 37, no. 3, 1975. The purse-seine fishery for bluefin tuna in the northwest- ern Atlantic Ocean, by Gary T. Sakagawa, p. 1-8. An assessment of the South Pacific albacore, Thunnus alalunga, fishery, 1953-72, by Robert A. Skillman, p. 9-17. Experiments on some possible effects of tire reefs on pin- fish (Lagodon rhomboides) and black sea bass (Cen- tropristis striata), by R. B. Stone, L. C. Coston, D. E. Hoss, and F. A. Cross, p. 18-20. Development of a program to rehabilitate the oyster in- dustry of Prince Edward Island, by Clyde L. MacKen- zie, Jr., p. 21-35. An analysis of prices paid to fishermen before and after the establishment of a fishery cooperative, by Charles W. Lamb, Jr., p. 36-38. Vol. 37, no. 4, 1975. Fishing fleet activities revealed by night-time data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP), by Robert W. Fett, p. 1-4. Toward a planetary aquaculture — the seas as range and cropland, by Timothy Joyner, p. 5-10. An economic analysis of Georgia's marine charter boat fishing industry, by E. Evan Brown and Fred J. Holemo, p. 11-12. Observed and perceived impacts of distant water fishing: Oregon otter trawl case, by Courtland L. Smith, p. 13-15. Low level ionizing radiation and spice treatment of raw, headless, white shrimp, by A. N. Roy and J. D. Kaylor, p. 16-20. Energy efficiency comparison between the Washington and Japanese otter trawl fisheries of the Northeast Pacific, by Douglas J. Wiviott and Stephen B. Mathews, p. 21-24. Costs and earnings in the spiny lobster fishery, Florida Keys, by Bruno G. Noetzel and Mikolaj G. Wojinow- ski, p. 25-31. Spoilage and shelf life prediction of refrigerated fish, by Louis J. Ronsivalli and Stanley E. Charm, p. 32-34. Vol. 37, no. 5-6, 1975. Introductory remarks on diseases of crustaceans, by Gilbert B. Pauley, p. 2-3. Cellular response to injury in penaeid shrimp, by C. T. Fontaine and D. V. Lightner, p. 4-10. The immunological mechanisms of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, by John I. Stagner and James R. Redmond, p. 11-19. Gaffkemia, the fatal infection of lobsters (genus Homarus) caused by Aerococcus viridans (var.) homari: A review, by James E. Stewart, p. 20-24. A septicemic bacterial disease syndrome of penaeid shrimp, by Donald V. Lightner and Donald H. Lewis, p. 25-28. A comparative study of the bacterial flora of the hemo- lymph of Callinectes sapidus, by R. R. Colwell, T. C. Wicks, and H. S. Tubiash, p. 29-33. Serum changes in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, asso- ciated with Paramoeba perniciosa, the causative agent of gray crab disease, by Gilbert B. Pauley, Martin W. Newman, and Edith Gould, p. 34-38. Microsporidian infections of amphipods with special ref- erence to host-parasite relationships: A review, by H.-P. Bulnheim, p. 39-45. Fine structure of Minchinia sp. (Haplosporida) spolia- tion in the mud crab, Panopeus herbstii, by Frank O. Perkins, p. 46-60. A brief review of the involvements of Lagenidiutn, an aquatic fungus parasite, with arthropods, by Clyde J. Umphlett and E. M. McCray, Jr., p. 61-64. Vol. 37, no. 7, 1975. Synopsis of the northern Gulf of Mexico industrial and foodfish industries, by Elmer J. Gutherz, Gary M. Russell, Anthony F. Serra, and Bennie A. Rohr, p. 1-11. Economic impact of commercial shrimp landings on the economy of Texas, by Wade L. Griffin and Lonnie L. Jones, p. 12-14. Vacuum cooling and thawing fishery products, by Joseph H. Carver, p. 15-21. An empirical study of limited entry in Alaska's salmon fisheries, by James E. Owers, p. 22-25. A new incubator for salmonids designed by Alaska labo- ratory, by Frederick H. Salter, p. 26-29. Vol. 37, no. 8, 1975. Deep-sea red crab, Geryon quinquedens, survey off northeastern United States, by Roland L. Wigley, Roger B. Theroux, and Harriett E. Murray, p. 1-21. The Atlantic coast surf clam fishery— 1972, by John W. Ropes, Allan M. Barker, and George E. Ward, Jr., p. 22-27. Vol. 37, no. 9, 1975. Status of the Gulf and Atlantic menhaden fisheries and implications for resource management, by William E. Schaaf, p. 1-9. Some observations of feeding behavior of bottle-nosed dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico and {Tursiops cf T. gilli) off southern Califor- nia, Baja California, and Nayarit, Mexico, by Stephen Leatherwood, p. 10-16. Laboratory evaluation of a Denil-type steeppass fishway with various entrance and exit conditions for passage of adult salmonids and American shad, by Emil Slatick, p. 17-26. Night stalking flounder in the ocean surf, by Stanley M. Warlen, p. 27-30. 17 Vol. 37, no. 10, 1975. Assessment of North Pacific stocks of whales, by Michael F. Tillman, p. 1-4. Forecasts of Atlantic and Gulf menhaden catches based on the historical relation of catch and fishing effort, by William E. Schaaf, James E. Sykes, and Robert B. Chapoton, p. 5-9. Blue gold: Mariculture of the edible blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), by C. Graham Hurlburt and Sarah W. Hurlburt, p. 10-18. Housing development canals in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Mexico: Ecological consequences, regulations, and recommendations, by William N. Lindall, Jr. and Lee Trent, p. 19-24. High school students' perceptions of fish as a menu item, by Charles W. Lamb, Jr., p. 25-27. Vol. 37, no. 11, 1975. Japan's fisheries, 1975, by Tamio Otsu, p. 1-13. A uniform U.S. west coast logbook for albacore, Thun- nus alalunga (Bonnaterre), and coastwide albacore fishery data system, by R. Michael Laurs, Charles Hooker, Larry Hreha, and Richard Lincoln, p. 14-21. Fish prices: Historical trends in southern California com- mercial fisheries, by Gary Stauffer, Alec MacCall, and Bruce Wahlen, p. 22-30. Offshore headboat fishing in North Carolina and South Carolina, by Gene R. Huntsman, p. 13-23. A mobile laboratory with flow-through capability for thermal tolerance studies of aquatic organisms, by John R. Hughes, Theodore H. Blahm, and Donovan R. Craddock, p. 24-27. Vol. 38, no. 4, 1976. U.S. observers board Japanese trawl vessels in Bering Sea, by Mark Miller, Larry Nelson, Robert French, and Stephen Hoag, p. 1-10. Profitability and productivity analysis for the southeast- ern Alaska salmon fishery, by David S. Liao, p. 11-14. Status of giant clam stocks (Tridacnidae) on Helen Reef, Palau, Western Caroline Islands, April 1975, by Patrick G. Bryan and Daniel B. McConnell, p. 15-18. Escape of Dungeness crabs from pots, by William L. High, p. 19-23. Nitrite additives — harmful or necessary?, by Elinor M. Ravesi, p. 24-30. Vol. 38, no. 5, 1976. Nominal catch-per-unit effort of albacore, Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre), caught by U.S. jig vessels during 1961-70, by R. Michael Laurs, Harold B. Clemens, and Larry H. Hreha, p. 1-32. Vol. 37, no. 12, 1975. Possible anomalies of giant bluefin tuna, by Howard A. Schuck, p. 1-12. Exploratory shrimp trawling in the Hawaiian Islands, by Paul Struhsaker and Howard O. Yoshida, p. 13-21. Water surface area within statistical subareas used in reporting Gulf Coast Shrimp Data, by Frank Patella, p. 22-24. Thermal and microwave energy for shrimp processing, by M. R. R. Rao and A. F. Novak, p. 25-30. The Atlantic coast surf clam fishery— 1973, by John W. Ropes, Arthur S. Merrill, and George E. Ward, p. 31-34. Vol. 38, no. 1, 1976. Southern California recreational and commercial marine fisheries, by Alec D. MacCall, Gary D. Stauffer, and Jean-Paul Troadec, p. 1-32. Vol. 38, no. 2, 1976. Monitoring the ocean environment, by L. E. Eber, p. 1-9. Recreational shark fishing on the Texas Gulf coast: An exploratory study of behavior and attitudes, by Alan R. Graefe and Robert B. Ditton, p. 10-20. An automated unmanned fishing system to harvest coastal pelagic fish, by Wilber R. Seidel and Thomas M. Vanselous, p. 21-26. Vol. 38, no. 3, 1976. A system for monitoring the location of harvestable coho salmon stocks, by David J. Wright, Bruce M. Wood- worth, and James J. O'Brien, p. 1-7. An analysis of increasing costs to Gulf of Mexico shrimp vessel owners: 1971-75, by Wade L. Griffin and John P. Nichols, p. 8-12. Vol. 38, no. 6, 1976. The role of fish in meeting the world's food needs, by L. J. Ronsivalli, p. 1-3. Dockside price analysis in the Florida mullet fishery, by James C. Cato, p. 4-13. Distribution, age, and size of tagged adult steelhead trout in the Snake River drainage, by Lyle G. Gilbreath, Larry R. Basham, and Emil Slatick, p. 14-18. Understanding radiation energy and its use in the preser- vation of seafoods, by L. J. Ronsivalli, p. 19-24. Vol. 38, no. 7, 1976. Effect of atmospheric gas supersaturation on salmon and steelhead trout of the Snake and Columbia Rivers, by Wesley J. Ebel and Howard L. Raymond, p. 1-14. Scuba diving methods for fishing systems evaluation, by Donald A. Wickham and John W. Watson, Jr., p. 15-23. Comparative retention of dart and jaw tags on chinook salmon and steelhead trout during their spawning migration, by Emil Slatick, p. 24-26. Vol. 38, no. 8, 1976. Coho salmon farming in France, by Yves Harache and Anthony J. Novotny, p. 1-8. Bowhead whale field studies in Alaska, 1975, by Willman M. Marquette, p. 9-17. Utilization of the bowhead whale, by Geoffry M. Carroll, p. 18-21. Resource ecology data analysis at the Northwest Fisheries Center (NWFC), by F. Favorite, D. J. Brown, and W. J. Ingraham, Jr., p. 22-25. Vol. 38, no. 9, 1976. Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the northeast 18 Pacific Ocean, by Maurice E. Stansby, p. 1-11. Seasonal variations in chemical composition and protein quality of menhaden, by David Dubrow, Malcolm Hale, and Anthony Bimbo, p. 12-16. The giant Pacific octopus, by William L. High, p. 17-22. Vol. 38, no. 10, 1976. Inflammation and wound repair in oysters, by Albert K. Sparks, p. 2-4. Identification of proliferative lesions in mollusks, by Thomas C. Cheng, p. 5-6. Parasitic encapsulation in a marine prosobranch: The role of agranular hemolymph cells, by Timothy P. Yoshino, p. 7-9. Effects of phenol on clams, by C. Fries and M. R. Tripp, p. 10-11. A review of the histopathological effects of ionizing radi- ation on the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, by Michael C. Mix, p. 12-15. A proteomyxan amoeba stage in the development of Labyrinthomyxa patuxent (Hogue) Mackin and Schlicht, with remarks on the relation of the proteo- myxids to the neoplastic diseases of oysters and clams, by J. G. Mackin and Frank G. Schlicht, p. 16-18. Dermocystidium marinum infection in oysters, by Frank O. Perkins, p. 19-21. Minchinia nelsoni (MSX) disease of the American oyster, by Fred G. Kern, p. 22-24. Descriptions of polyps and epidermal papillomas in three bivalve mollusk species, by John C. Harshbarger, p. 25-29. Proliferative disorders in bivalve mollusks, by C. Austin Farley, p. 30-33. Occurrence of hematopoietic neoplasms in Virginia oys- ters (Crassostrea virginica), by E. Michael Frierman, p. 34-36. A general model for leucocyte cell renewal in bivalve mol- lusks, by Michael C. Mix, p. 37-41. Gonadal and hematopoietic neoplasms in Mya arenaria, by Paul P. Yevich and Carolyn A. Barszcz, p. 42-43. Dermal lesions and amobocytic accumulations in snails, by Charles S. Richards, p. 44-45. Some observations on comparative vertebrate and in- vertebrate pathology: A summary discussion of the workshop, by Harold L. Stewart, p. 46-48. The workshop on molluscan pathology: Closing com- ments, by Dante G. Scarpelli, p. 49-50. Vol. 38, no. 11, 1976. Environmental change and the northeast Pacific Ocean fisheries: Introductory remarks, by Maurice E. Stansby, p. 1-2. Pollution in the northeast Pacific Ocean, by Neva L. Karrick and Edward H. Gruger, Jr., p. 2-19. Impact of the transportation of petroleum on the waters of the northeastern Pacific Ocean, by Robert C. Clark, Jr., p. 20-26. Impact of cooling waters on the aquatic resources of the Pacific Northwest, by Donovan R. Craddock, p. 27-34. Effects of dredging on aquatic organisms — with special application to areas adjacent to the northeastern Pacific Ocean, by George R. Snyder, p. 34-38. Effects of dams on Pacific salmon and steelhead trout, by Gerald B. Collins, p. 39-46. Effects of water diversions on fishery resources of the west coast, particularly the Pacific Northwest, by Theodore H. Blahm, p. 46-51. Concluding remarks, by Maurice E. Stansby, p. 51. Vol. 38, no. 12, 1976. Soviet fisheries for bottomfish and herring off the Pacific and Bering Sea coasts of the United States, by A. T. Pruter, p. 1-14. The evolution of fisheries management philosophy, by Larry A. Nielsen, p. 15-23. Foreign direct investment in the U.S. commercial fisheries industry, by Robert A. Siegel, p. 23-25. Vol. 39, no. 1, 1977. Composition of the edible portion of raw (fresh or frozen) crustaceans, finfish, and mollusks. II. Macroelements: Sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, by Virginia D. Sidwell, David H. Buzzell, Pauline R. Foncannon, and Audrey L. Smith, p. 1-11. Red snappers of the Carolina coast, by Churchill B. Grimes, Charles S. Manooch III, Gene R. Huntsman, and Robert L. Dixon, p. 12-15. Finding fish with satellites, by Andrew J. Kemmerer and Johnny A. Butler, p. 16-21. Vol. 39, no. 2, 1977. Fisheries development in New England — a perspective, by W. F. Rathjen, p. 1-6. Technology in fisheries development, by Louis J. Ronsi- valli, p. 7-10. A machine for heading and eviscerating small fish, by J. M. Mendelsohn, T. J. Connors, and J. G. Callan, p. 11-18. Development of a color measuring system for minced fish blocks, by F. J. King and J. J. Ryan, p. 18-23. Some recent examples of fishing gear technology develop- ment or transfer in New England, by Robert E. Taber, p. 24-25. Export opportunities for New England fishery products, by Henry R. McAvoy and Paul M. Earl, p. 26-29. Vol. 39, no. 3, 1977. Mixed species utilization, by Daniel W. Baker and Steven E. Hulme, p. 1-3. Chilled seawater system for bulkholding sea herring, by Steven E. Hulme and Daniel W. Baker, p. 4-9. The southeastern Alaska herring fishery, by Howard O. Ness, p. 10-14. The recent development of the southeastern Alaska her- ring fishery, by Howard O. Ness, p. 15-18. Observations on the birth of a southeastern Alaska fish- ery, by Howard O. Ness, p. 19-22. Seasonal changes in spatial distribution and activity of two species of Pacific rockfishes, Sebastes flavidus and 5. ciliatus, in Lynn Canal, southeastern Alaska, by H. Richard Carlson and Louis Barr, p. 23-24. 19 Vol. 39, no. 4, 1977. Past, present, and future uses of minced fish, by Fred- erick J. King, p. 1-4. Effects of cadmium, mercury, and silver on marine ani- mals, by Anthony Calabrese, Frederick P. Thurberg, and Edith Gould, p. 5-11. Fishery engineering advancements: A 5-year SEFC progress report, by Thomas M. Vanselous, p. 12-24. Vol. 39, no. 5, 1977. Porpoise rescue methods in the yellowfin purse seine fish- ery and the importance of Medina panel mesh size, by Eric G. Barham, Warren K. Taguchi, and Stephen B. Reilly, p. 1-10. Effect of processing variables on storage characteristics of frozen minced Alaska pollock, by D. Miyauchi, G. Kudo, and M. Patashnik, p. 11-14. Response of costs and returns to alternative feed prices and conversions in aquaculture systems, by J. E. Easley, Jr., p. 15-17. The Atlantic coast surf clam fishery— 1974, by John W. Ropes and George E. Ward, Jr., p. 18-23. The right package for frozen fish, by L. J. Ronsivalli, p. 24. Vol. 39, no. 6, 1977. Modified tuna purse seine net achieves record low por- poise kill rate, by James M. Coe and Philippe J. Vergne, p. 1-4. The ocean pout: An example of underutilized fisheries resource development, by Daniel J. Sheehy, Soliman Y. K. Shenouda, Aaron J. Alton, Saul B. Saila, and Spiros M. Constantinides, p. 5-15. Performance of trawls used in resource assessment, by Fred Wathne, p. 16-23. Vol. 39, no. 7, 1977. Humpback whales in Hawaii: Vessel census, 1976, by Allen A. Wolman and Charles M. Jurasz, p. 1-5. Use of salt (NaCl) water to reduce mortality of chinook salmon smolts, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, during handling and hauling, by Clifford W. Long, Jerry R. McComas, and Bruce H. Monk, p. 6-9. Improved bypass and collection system for protection of juvenile salmon and steelhead trout at Lower Granite Dam, by Gene M. Matthews, George A. Swan, and Jim Ross Smith, p. 10-14. Care and maintenance of squid quality, by R. J. Learson and V. G. Ampola, p. 15-16. Oysters in the Pacific Northwest, by W. P. Breese, p. 17. Vol. 39, no. 8, 1977. Development of an aquacultural program for rehabilita- tion of damaged oyster reefs in Mississippi, by Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr., p. 1-13. Ciguatera in the U.S. Virgin Islands, by J. R. Sylvester, A. E. Dammann, and Richard A. Dewey, p. 14-16. The economic performance of Oregon's commercial fish- ermen in 1972, by David S. Liao and Joe B. Stevens, p. 17-22. Vol. 39, no. 9, 1977. Alteration and destruction of estuaries affecting fishery resources of the Gulf of Mexico, by William N. Lindall, Jr. and Carl H. Saloman, p. 1-7. Report of a colloquium on the multispecies fisheries prob- lem, June 1976, by Edmund S. Hobson and William H. Lenarz, p. 8-13. Innovations in harvest of pelagic resources, by Mitsuo Yesaki, p. 14-23. Vol. 39, no. 10, 1977. The Cuban grouper and snapper fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, by Joseph E. Tashiro and Susan E. Coleman, p. 1-6. Entrapment and impingement of fishes by power plant cooling-water intakes: An overview, by Charles H. Hanson, James R. White, and Hiram W. Li, p. 7-17. Development of a selective shrimp trawl for the south- eastern United States penaeid shrimp fisheries, by John W. Watson, Jr. and Charles McVea, Jr., p. 18-24. Vol. 39, no. 11, 1977. What is a tuna?, by W. L. Klawe, p. 1-5. A statistical and budgetary economic analysis of Florida- based Gulf of Mexico red snapper-grouper vessels by size and location, 1974-75, by James C. Cato and Fred J. Prochaska, p. 6-14. Loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, encountering shrimp trawls, by Larry H. Ogren, John W. Watson, Jr., and Donald A. Wickham, p. 15-17. Importance of eelgrass beds in Puget Sound, by Gordon W. Thayer and Ronald C. Phillips, p. 18-22. Vol. 39, no. 12, 1977. A review of the yellowfin-skipjack tuna fishery of the Atlantic Ocean and American participation, 1956-75, by Gary T. Sakagawa, Atilio L. Coan, and Ted C. Murphy, p. 1-10. Synoptic comparison of three sampling techniques for estimating abundance and distribution of selected megafauna: Submersible vs camera sled vs otter trawl, by Joseph R. Uzmann, Richard A. Cooper, Roger B. Theroux, and Roland L. Wigley, p. 11-19. The sea-run cutthroat trout resource and sport fishery, by Percy Washington, p. 20-22. Shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus, attacks on trawl- captured fish, by Salvatore A. Testaverde, p. 23. Vol. 40, no. 1, 1978. A concept for assuring the quality of seafoods to con- sumers, by L. J. Ronsivalli, C. Gorga, J. D. Kaylor, and J. H. Carver, p. 1-4. Preparation of fish fillet blocks, by John J. Ryan, p. 5-12. Flavors in fish from petroleum pickup, by Maurice E. Stansby, p. 13-17. The Pacific Northwest commercial fishery for striped bass, 1922-74, by Norman B. Parks, p. 18-20. Strandings of shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus, in New England in fall 1976, by F. E. Lux, J. R. Uzmann, and H. F. Lind, p. 21-26. 20 Vol. 40, no. 2, 1978. Sharks and their utilization, by Louis J. Ronsivalli, p. 1-13. Relationship between size composition and ex-vessel value of reported shrimp catches from two Gulf Coast States with different harvesting strategies, by Charles W. Caillouet and Frank J. Patella, p. 14-18. Sea scallop resources off the northeastern U.S. coast, 1975, by Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr., Arthur S. Merrill, and Fredric M. Serchuk, p. 19-23. Oceanographic conditions off California to Vancouver Island in the summer of 1977, by W. James Ingraham, Jr. and Cuthbert M. Love, p. 24-28. The Pacific Northwest commercial fishery for American shad, by Norman B. Parks, p. 29-31. Vol. 40, no. 3, 1978. Immunity and practical vaccine development, by Albert L. Brown, p. 1-5. Cellular immunity in fish as measured by lymphocyte stimulation, by M. Michael Sigel, John C. Lee, E. Churchill McKinney, and Diana M. Lopez, p. 6-11. Immunization of fish with bacterins of Aeromonas salmonicida, by L. R. Udey and J. L. Fryer, p. 12-17. Immunization of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, against two bacterial diseases, by John H. Schachte, Jr., p. 18-19. Immunization of salmonids for control of vibriosis, by J. L. Fryer, J. S. Rohovec, and R. L. Garrison, p. 20-23. Vibriosis and current salmon vaccination procedures in Puget Sound, Washington, by Lee W. Harrell, p. 24-25. Epizootiology of channel catfish virus disease, by John A. Plumb, p. 26-29. Serological screening of channel catfish virus, by Stewart McConnell and Jack D. Austen, p. 30-32. A herpesvirus disease of green sea turtles in aquaculture, by Harold Haines, p. 33-37. Incidence of disease in warmwater fish farms in the south- central United States, by F. P. Meyer, p. 38-41. Enteric red mouth disease (Hagerman strain), by R. A. Busch, p. 42-51. Vibriosis and furunculosis in marine cultured salmon in Puget Sound, Washington, by Anthony J. Novotny, p. 52-55. Parasitic diseases of freshwater fishes, by W. A. Rogers, p. 56-57. Ornamental fish: Diseases and problems, by John B. Gratzek, Emmett B. Shotts, and Jack L. Blue, p. 58-60. Shellfish diseases, by Louis Leibovitz, p. 61-64. Control of fish diseases, by S. F. Snieszko, p. 65-68. Fish disease inspection and certification, by Diane Elliott, p. 69-71. Vol. 40, no. 5-6, 1978. Trap design and ghost fishing: An overview, by Ronald Joel Smolowitz, p. 2-8. Ghost fishing of vented and unvented lobster, Homarus americanus, traps, by K. J. Pecci, R. A. Cooper, C. D. Newell, R. A. Clifford, and R. J. Smolowitz, p. 9-43. A preliminary study of timed release mechanisms for lob- ster traps, by Alan J. Blott, p. 44-49. The effects of different escape vents on the selectivity of lobster traps, by Vernon E. Nulk, p. 50-58. Trap design and ghost fishing: Discussion, by Ronald Joel Smolowitz, p. 59-67. Annotated bibliography on lobster trapping and related subjects, by Ronald Joel Smolowitz, p. 68-77. Vol. 40, no. 7, 1978. Charles Woods, pioneer scientist on chemical composi- tion of fish, by Maurice E. Stansby, p. 1-4. The San Diego tuna industry and its employment impact on the local economy, by Steven Rockland, p. 5-11. Portunus spinimanus Latreille, a portunid crab with resource potential in the U.S. Virgin Islands, by David A. Olsen, Arthur E. Dammann, and Joseph A. LaPlace, p. 12-14. Mesh selectivity of West Indian fish traps, by David A. Olsen, Arthur E. Dammann, and Joseph A. LaPlace, p. 15-16. The Pacific Northwest commercial fishery for sturgeon, by Norman B. Parks, p. 17-20. The Atlantic halibut and its utilization, by J. T. R. Nick- erson, p. 21-25. Vol. 40, no. 8, 1978. An analysis of the charter boat fishing industry on the Texas Gulf Coast, by Robert B. Ditton, Richard N. Jarman, and Steve A. Woods, p. 1-7. Characteristics, participation, and motivations of Texas charter boat fishermen, by Robert B. Ditton, Thomas J. Mertens, and Martin P. Schwartz, p. 8-13. Preparation of a menhaden hydrolysate for possible use in a milk replacer, by Malcolm B. Hale and Paul E. Bauersfeld, Jr., p. 14-17. Seasonal effect on yield, proximate composition, and quality of blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, meats obtained from cultivated and natural stock, by Bohdan M. Slabyj, Donn L. Creamer, and Ruth H. True, p. 18-23. Catch-effort and price-cost trends in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery: Implications on Mexico's extended jurisdiction, by Vito Blomo, Wade L. Griffin, and John P. Nichols, p. 24-28. Estimating the structure of capacity utilization in the fishing industry, by Kenneth Ballard and Vito Blomo, p. 29-34. Vol. 40, no. 4, 1978. Eels and their utilization, by J. Perry Lane, p. 1-20. Status of the herring stocks fished by the Federal Republic of Germany fleet, by Holger Dornheim, p. 21-24. Economic aspects of the development of the herring roe gillnet fishery, southeastern Alaska, 1976, by Howard O. Ness, p. 25-30. Vol. 40, no. 9, 1978. Composition of the edible portion of raw (fresh or frozen) crustaceans, finfish, and mollusks. HI. Microelements, by Virginia D. Sidwell, Audrey L. Loomis, Karen J. Loomis, Pauline R. Foncannon, and David H. Buzzell, p. 1-20. A trawl design: Employing electricity to selectively cap- 21 ture shrimp, by Wilber R. Seidel and John W. Watson, Jr., p. 21-23. Use of carbon dioxide dissolved in refrigerated brine for the preservation of pink shrimp {Pandalus spp.), by Harold J. Barnett, Richard W. Nelson, Patrick J. Hunter, and Herman Groninger, p. 24-28. Status and problems of the American shrimp industry, by Roger W. Hutchinson, p. 29-31. Vol. 40, no. 10, 1978. Bacterial diseases of fishes and their control, by S. F. Snieszko, p. 2-3. Diseases and defense mechanisms of the lobster, Homarus americanus, by James E. Stewart, p. 4-5. A new bacterium (presumptive Vibrio species) causing ulcers in flatfish, by R. A. Robohm and C. Brown, p. 5-7. Bacteriologic studies of Long Island shellfish hatcheries: An abstract, by Louis Leibovitz, p. 8. Vibriosis in Maine and New Hampshire salmonids, by Evelyn S. Sawyer, p. 9-10. Anaerobic bacteria as possible disease agents in fish, by Lanny R. Udey, p. 10-12. Recent developments in channel catfish virus research, by J. A. Plumb and P. R. Bowser, p. 12-13. Viral diseases of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, by Phyllis T. Johnson, p. 13-15. Piscine erythrocytic necrosis (PEN): A viral infection of the Atlantic cod and other marine fishes, by Paul Reno, Marie Philippon-Fried, Bruce L. Nicholson, and Stuart Sherburne, p. 16-18. Viruses and viruslike lesions in marine mollusks, by C. Austin Farley, p. 18-20. Viruses and virus diseases of salmonid fishes, by Philip E. McAllister, p. 21-23. Phosphonoacetic acid inhibition of channel catfish virus replication, by Roger W. Koment, p. 24-25. Comments on trends in research on parasitic diseases of shellfish and fish, by Victor Sprague, p. 26-30. Susceptibility studies of various salmonids to whirling disease: Histological staining and spore concentration procedures, by Joseph O'Grodnick, p. 30-31. Some protozoan diseases of decapod crustaceans, by Thomas K. Sawyer and Sharon A. MacLean, p. 32-35. The principal parasitic diseases of warm-water fishes, by W. A. Rogers, p. 36. Trypanorhynch infections in the flesh of sciaenid fishes, by Robin M. Overstreet, p. 37-38. Larval nematodes parasitic in shellfish, by Thomas C. Cheng, p. 39-42. Environmentally related diseases of marine fish and shell- fish, by Carl J. Sindermann, p. 43. Nutrient requirement of the lobster and nutrition pathol- ogy, by Robert C. Bayer, Margie Lee Gallagher, and Dale F. Leavitt, p. 44. Nutritionally induced cataracts in salmonids fed purified and practical diets, by Hugh A. Poston, Ronald C. Riis, Gary L. Rumsey, and H. George Ketola, p. 45-46. Environmental parameters affecting fish physiology in water reuse systems, by Thomas L. Meade, p. 46-47. PCB-induced alterations in teleost liver: A model for environmental disease in fish, by David E. Hinton, James E. Klaunig, and Michael M. Lipsky, p. 47-50. A review of histopathological effects of selected contami- nants on some marine organisms, by George R. Gard- ner, p. 51-52. Vol. 40, no. 11, 1978. Scallops and their utilization, by John A. Peters, p. 1-9. Blue crab larval culture: Methods and management, by Mark R. Millikin, p. 10-17. The 1976 catch of bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, by Alaskan Eskimos, by Willman M. Marquette, p. 18-27. Vol. 40, no. 12, 1978. Composition of the edible portion of raw (fresh or frozen) crustaceans, finfish, and mollusks. IV. Vitamins, by Virginia D. Sidwell, Audrey L. Loomis, Pauline R. Foncannon, and David H. Buzzell, p. 1-16. Review of oxygen depletion and associated mass mortali- ties of shellfish in the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1976, by Frank W. Steimle and Carl J. Sindermann, p. 17-26. Vol. 41, no. 1-2, 1979. Structure and biology of Marteilia sp. in the amphipod, Orchestia gammarellus, by Thomas Ginsburger-Vogel and Isabelle Desportes, p. 3-7. Haplosporidian diseases of imported oysters, Ostrea edulis, in Dutch estuaries, by Paul van Banning, p. 8-18. Marteilia refringens and Crassostrea gigas, by Ann Cahour, p. 19-20. Occurrence of Minchinia sp. in species of the molluscan borer, Teredo, by Robert E. Hillman, p. 21-24. Cell structure of shellfish pathogens and hyperparasites in the genera Minchinia, Urosporidium, Haplosporidium, and Marteilia— taxonomic implications, by Frank O. Perkins, p. 25-37. Marteilia refringens and oyster disease — recent observa- tions, by Henri Grizel, p. 38-39. Classification of the Haplosporidia, by Victor Sprague, p. 40-44. Oyster diseases in Chesapeake Bay, by J. D. Andrews, p. 45-53. Development of resistance to Minchinia nelsoni (MSX) mortality in laboratory-reared and native oyster stocks in Delaware Bay, by Harold H. Haskin and Susan E. Ford, p. 54-63. Marteilia refringens— considerations of the life cycle and development of Abers disease in Ostrea edulis, by Georges Balouet, p. 64-66. Epizootiology of Marteilia refringens in Europe, by David J. Alderman, p. 67-69. Life cycle and ecology of Marteilia sydneyi in the Aus- tralian oyster, Crassostrea commercialis, by Peter H. Wolf, p. 70-72. Vol. 41, no. 3, 1979. A review of survival rates of fish eggs and larvae in rela- tion to impact assessments, by Michael D. Dahlberg, p. 1-12. 22 Geographic and monthly variation in composition of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, by Virginia D. Sidwell, Audrey L. Loomis, and Robert M. Grodner, p. 13-17. Floating horizontal and vertical raceways used in fresh- water and estuarine culture of juvenile salmon, Onco- rhynchus spp., by William R. Heard and Roy M. Mar- tin, p. 18-23. Vol. 41, no. 4, 1979. High quality frozen seafoods: The need and the potential in the United States, by J. T. R. Nickerson and L. J. Ronsivalli, p. 1-7. Productivity and profitability of South Carolina shrimp vessels, 1971-75, by T. M. Jones, J. W. Hubbard, and K. J. Roberts, p. 8-14. Survey of the charter boat troll fishery in North Carolina, 1977, by Charles S. Manooch III and Stuart T. Laws, p. 15-27. Vol. 41, no. 5-6, 1979. Relationship between marketing category (count) compo- sition and ex-vessel value of reported annual catches of shrimp in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, by Charles W. Caillouet, Frank J. Patella, and William B. Jackson, p. 1-7. The anomalous surface salinity minima area across the northern Gulf of Alaska and its relation to fisheries, by W. J. Ingraham, Jr., p. 8-19. Atmospheric climatology and its effect on sea surface temperature — winter 1977 to winter 1978, by Robert R. Dickson and Jerome Namias, p. 20-30. Marine environmental conditions off the coasts of the United States, January 1977-March 1978 — introduc- tion, by Robert A. Pedrick, p. 32-34. Marine environmental conditions off the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, January 1977-March 1978, by Merton C. Ingham, p. 35-47. Marine environmental conditions off the Pacific coast of the United States, January 1977-March 1978, by D. R. McLain, F. Favorite, and R. J. Lynn, p. 48-69. Vol. 41, no. 7, 1979. The foreign squid fishery off the northeast United States coast, by David J. Kolator and Douglas P. Long, p. 1-15. Optimal fish shipments from Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia, by Nik Hashim Nik Mustapha and Hiroshi Yamauchi, p. 16-19. The economic feasibility of assuring U.S. Grade A quality of fresh seafoods to the consumer, by Carmine Gorga, John D. Kaylor, Joseph H. Carver, Joseph M. Mendel- sohn, and Louis J. Ronsivalli, p. 20-27. Barge transportation of juvenile salmonids on the Colum- bia and Snake Rivers, 1977, by George T. McCabe, Jr., Clifford W. Long, and Donn L. Park, p. 28-34. Vol. 41, no. 8, 1979. Rainbow runner: A latent oceanic resource?, by Mitsuo Yesaki, p. 1-6. A night handline fishery for tunas in Hawaii, by Heeny S. H. Yuen, p. 7-14. Groundfish trawler profitability, northern Gulf of Mex- ico, by John P. Warren and Wade L. Griffin, p. 15-22. Estimates of bottom temperature from fish captured in lobster traps, by Steven K. Cook and R. Wylie Crist, p. 23-25. Vol. 41, no. 9, 1979. A comparison of fish populations on an artificial and natural reef in the Florida Keys, by R. B. Stone, H. L. Pratt, R. O. Parker, Jr., and G. E. Davis, p. 1-11. Artificial reefs off Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, by R. O. Parker, Jr., R. B. Stone, and C. C. Buchanan, p. 12-24. Access to and usage of offshore Liberty Ship reefs in Texas, by Robert B. Ditton, Alan R. Graefe, Anthony J. Fedler, and John D. Schwartz, p. 25-31. Changes in saltwater angling methods and gear in Califor- nia, by Susan E. Smith, p. 32-44. Vol. 41, no. 10, 1979. Interactions of marine mammals and Pacific hake, by Clifford H. Fiscus, p. 1-9. Management for increasing clam abundance, by Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr., p. 10-22. The Japanese longline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, 1978, by Allyn M. Lopez, David B. McClellan, Angelo R. Bertolino, and Mark D. Lange, p. 23-28. Boston Fish Pier landings, 1978: A review, by Donald A. Jerpi, p. 29-34. Vol. 41, no. 11, 1979. The groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regions, by Richard Bakkala, Wendy Hirschberger, and Katherine King, p. 1-24. The cod family and its utilization, by John J. Ryan, p. 25-36. Vol. 41, no. 12, 1979. Value added, margins, and consumer expenditures for edible fishery products in the United States, 1976-78, by Erwin S. Penn and Wenona J. Crews, p. 1-9. Oyster seed hatcheries on the U.S. west coast: An over- view, by Jerry E. Clark and R. Donald Langmo, p. 10-16. A mechanical escalator harvester for live oysters and shell, by D. S. Haven, J. P. Whitcomb, and Q. C. Davis, p. 17-20. Development of a self-culling blue crab pot, by Peter J. Eldridge, V. G. Burrell, Jr., and George Steele, p. 21-27. Composition of catches made by anglers fishing for summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, from New Jersey party boats in 1978, by Darryl J. Christensen and Walter J. Clifford, p. 28-30. Special Scientific Report— Fisheries Special scientific reports on fishery subjects, which docu- ment long-term or continuing scientific investigations of NMFS or which provide an intensive report on a study of restricted scope. Bibliographies of a specialized nature may also be published in this series. 23 675. Proceedings of the International Billfish Symposium, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 9-12 August 1972. Part 1. Report of the symposium, by Richard S. Shomura and Francis Williams (editors). March 1975, hi + 33 p., 1 fig. 675. Proceedings of the International Billfish Symposium, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 9-12 August 1975. Part 3. Species synopses, by Richard S. Shomura and Francis Williams (editors). June 1975, in + 159 p. (675.) Synopsis of biological data on blue marlin, Makaira nigricans Lacepede, 1802, by L. R. Rivas. June 1975, p. 1-16. (675.) Synopsis of the biology of the black marlin, Makaira indica (Cuvier), 1831, by Izumi Nakamura. June 1975, p. 17-27. (675.) Synopsis of biological data on the longbill spearfish, Tetrapturus pfluegeri Robins and de Sylva, by C. Richard Robins. June 1975, p. 28-38. (675.) Synopsis on the biology of the shortbill spearfish, Tetrapturus angustirostris Tanaka, 1914 in the Indo-Pacific areas, by Shoji Kikawa. June 1975, p. 39-54. (675.) Synopsis of the biology of the white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus Poey (1861), by F. J. Mather III, H. L. Clark, and J. M. Mason, Jr. June 1975, p. 55-94. (675.) Synopsis of the biology of the sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus (Shaw and Nodder, 1791), by G. L. Beardsley, Jr., N. R. Merrett, and W. J. Richards. June 1975, p. 95-120. (675.) Synopsis of biological data on the Mediterranean spear- fish, Tetrapturus belone Rafinesque, by Donald P. de Sylva. June 1975, p. 121-131. (675.) Synopsis of biological data on striped marlin, Tetrap- turus audax (Philippi), 1887, by Shoji Ueyanagi and Paul G. Wares, June 1975, p. 132-159. 676-682. Published prior to 1975. 683. Bioeconomic relationships for the Maine lobster fishery with consideration of alternative management schemes, by Robert L. Dow, Frederick W. Bell, and Donald M. Harri- man. March 1975, v + 44 p., 20 figs., 25 tables, 6 app. 684. Age and size composition of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, purse seine catch, 1963-71, with a brief discussion of the fishery, by William R. Nicholson. June 1975, iv + 28 p., 1 fig., 12 tables, 18 app. tables. 685. An annotated list of larval and juvenile fishes captured with surface-towed meter net in the South Atlantic bight during four RV Dolphin cruises between May 1967 and February 1968, by Michael P. Fahay. March 1975, iv + 39 p., 19 figs., 9 tables, 1 app. table. 686. Pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, tagging experi- ments in southeastern Alaska, 1938-42 and 1945, by Roy E. Nakatani, Gerald J. Paulik, and Richard Van Cleve. April 1975, iv + 39 p., 24 figs., 16 tables. 687. Annotated bibliography on the biology of the men- hadens, genus Brevoortia, 1963-1973, by John W. Reintjes and Peggy M. Keney. April 1975, 92 p. 688. Effect of gas supersaturated Columbia River water on the survival of juvenile chinook and coho salmon, by Theodore H. Blahm, Robert J. McConnell, and George R. Snyder. April 1975, hi + 22 p., 8 figs., 5 tables, 4 app. tables. 689. Ocean distribution of stocks of Pacific salmon, Oncor- hynchus spp., and steelhead trout, Salmo gairdnerii, as shown by tagging experiments. Charts of tag recoveries by Canada, Japan, and the United States, 1956-69, by Robert R. French, Richard G. Bakkala, and Doyle F. Sutherland. June 1975, viii + 89 p., 117 figs., 2 tables. 690. Migratory routes of adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in the eastern Bering Sea and Bristol Bay, by Richard R. Straty. April 1975, iv + 32 p., 22 figs., 3 tables, 7 app. tables. 691. Seasonal distributions of larval flatfishes (Pleuronecti- formes) on the continental shelf between Cape Cod, Massa- chusetts, and Cape Lookout, North Carolina, 1965-66, by W. G. Smith, J. D. Sibunka, and A. Wells. June 1975, iv + 68 p., 72 figs., 16 tables. 692. Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1972, by Steven K. Cook. June 1975, iv + 81 p., 81 figs. 693. Daily and weekly upwelling indices, west coast of North America, 1967-73, by Andrew Bakun. August 1975, iii+ 114 p., 3 figs., 6 tables, 1 app. 694. Semiclosed seawater system with automatic salinity, temperature, and turbidity control, by Sid Korn. September 1975, hi + 5 p., 7 figs., 1 table. 695. Distribution, relative abundance, and movement of skip- jack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the Pacific Ocean based on Japanese tuna long-line catches, 1964-67, by Walter M. Matsumoto. October 1975, hi + 30 p., 15 figs., 4 tables. 696. Large-scale air-sea interactions at Ocean Weather Station V, 1951-71, by David M. Husby and Gunter R. Seckel. November 1975, iv + 44 p., 11 figs., 4 tables, 3 app. 697. Fish and hydrographic collections made by the research vessels Dolphin and Delaware II during 1968-72 from New York to Florida, by S. J. Wilk and M. J. Silverman. Janu- ary 1976, iii+ 159 p., 1 table, 2 app. tables. 698. Summer benthic fish fauna of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey, by Stuart J. Wilk and Myron J. Silverman. January 1976, iv + 16 p., 21 figs., 1 table, 2 app. tables. 699. Seasonal surface currents off the coasts of Vancouver Island and Washington as shown by drift bottle experi- ments, 1964-65, by W. James Ingraham, Jr. and James R. Hastings. May 1976, hi + 9 p., 4 figs., 4 tables. 700. Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1973, by Steven K. Cook. June 1976, iii+ 13 p., 10 figs. 701. Seasonal abundance and distribution of zooplankton, fish eggs, and fish larvae in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, 1972-74, by Edward D. Houde and Nicholas Chitty. August 1976, iii + 18 p., 14 figs., 5 tables. 702. Length composition of yellowfin, skipjack, and bigeye tunas caught in the eastern tropical Atlantic by American purse seiners, by Gary T. Sakagawa, Atilio L. Coan, and Eugene P. Holzapfel. August 1976, iv + 22 p., 7 figs., 7 tables, 15 app. tables. 703. Aquacultural economics bibliography, by John Von- druska. October 1976, 123 p. 704. The macrofauna of the surf zone off Folly Beach, South Carolina, by William D. Anderson, Jr., James K. Dias, Robert K. Dias, David M. Cupka, and Norman A. Cham- berlain. January 1977, iv + 23 p., 2 figs., 31 tables. 705. Migration and dispersion of tagged American lobsters, Homarus americanus, on the southern New England conti- nental shelf, by Joseph R. Uzmann, Richard A. Cooper, and Kenneth J. Pecci. January 1977, v + 92 p., 45 figs., 2 tables, 29 app. tables. 24 706. Food of western North Atlantic tunas (Thunnus) and lancetfishes (Alepisaurus), by Frances D. Matthews, David M. Damkaer, Leslie W. Knapp, and Bruce B. Collette. January 1977, iii+ 19 p., 4 figs., 1 table, 11 app. tables. 707. Monthly temperature and salinity measurements of conti- nental shelf waters of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1963-65, by Robert F. Temple, David L. Harrington, and John A. Martin. February 1977, iii + 26p., 5 figs., lOtables. 708. Catch and catch rates of fishes caught by anglers in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, and adjacent coastal waters, 1973, by Doyle F. Sutherland. March 1977, hi + 9 p., 2 figs., 9 tables. 709. Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1974, by Steven K. Cook and Keith A. Hausknecht. April 1977, iv + 45 p., 10 figs., 9 tables, 35 app. figs. 710. Midwater invertebrates from the southeastern Chukchi Sea: Species and abundance in catches incidental to mid- water trawling survey of fishes, September-October 1970, by Bruce L. Wing and Nancy Barr. April 1977, hi + 43 p., 1 fig., 2 tables, 2 app. tables. 711. A list of the marine mammals of the world, by Dale W. Rice. April 1977, hi + 15 p. 712. Annual physical and chemical oceanographic cycles of Auke Bay, southeastern Alaska, by Herbert E. Bruce, Douglas R. McLain, and Bruce L. Wing. May 1977, iii + 11 p., 16 figs., 1 table. 713. Current patterns and distribution of river waters in inner Bristol Bay, Alaska, by Richard R. Straty. June 1977, iii + 13 p., 16 figs., 1 table. 714. Wind stress and wind stress curl over the California Cur- rent, by Craig S. Nelson. August 1977, hi + 87 p., 18 figs., 1 table, 3 app. 715. Bottom obstructions in the southwestern North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea, by G. Michael Russell, Abraham J. Barrett, L. Steve Sarbeck, and John H. Wordlaw. September 1977, hi + 21 p., 1 fig., 1 app. table. 716. Fishes and associated environmental data collected in New York Bight, June 1974-June 1975, by Stuart J. Wilk, Wallace W. Morse, Daniel E. Ralph, and Thomas R. Azaro- vitz. September 1977, hi + 53 p., 3 figs., 3 tables. 717. Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank ichthyoplankton collected on ICNAF larval herring surveys September 1971 -February 1975, by John B. Colton, Jr. and Ruth R. Byron. November 1977, hi + 35 p., 9 figs., 14 tables. 718. Surface currents as determined by drift card releases over the continental shelf off central and southern California, by James L. Squire, Jr. December 1977, iii+ 12 p., 2 figs. 719. Seasonal description of winds and surface and bottom salinities and temperatures in the northern Gulf of Mexico, October 1972 to January 1976, by Perry A. Thompson, Jr. and Thomas D. Leming. February 1978, iv + 44 p., 43 figs., 2 tables. 720. Sea surface temperature distributions obtained off San Diego, California, using an airborne infrared radiometer, by James L. Squire, Jr. March 1978, hi + 30 p., 15 figs., 1 table. 721. National Marine Fisheries Service survey of trace ele- ments in the fishery resource, by R. A. Hall, E. G. Zook, and G. M. Meaburn. March 1978, hi + 313 p., 5 tables, 3 app. figs., 1 app. table. 722. Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, purse seine fishery: Catch, fishing activity, and age and size composition, 1964-73, by William R. Nicholson. March 1978, hi + 8 p., 1 fig., 12 tables. 723. Ichthyoplankton composition and plankton volumes from inland coastal waters of southeastern Alaska, April- November 1972, by Chester R. Mattson and Bruce L. Wing. April 1978, iii + 11 p., 1 fig., 4 tables, 1 app. table. 724. Estimated average daily instantaneous numbers of recre- ational and commercial fishermen and boaters in the St. An- drew Bay system, Florida, and adjacent coastal waters, 1973, by Doyle F. Sutherland. May 1978, iv + 23 p., 31 figs., 11 tables. 725. Seasonal bottom- water temperature trends in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank, 1963-75, by Clarence W. Davis. May 1978, iv + 17 p., 22 figs., 5 tables. 726. The Gulf of Maine temperature structure between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, June 1975-November 1976, by Robert J. Pawlowski. December 1978, iii + 10 p., 14 figs., 1 table. 727. Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1975, by Steven K. Cook, Barclay P. Collins, and Christine S. Carry. January 1979, v + 93 p., 2 figs., 13 tables, 82 app. figs. 728. Vertical sections of semimonthly mean temperature on the San Francisco-Honolulu route: From expendable bathy- thermograph observations, June 1966-December 1974, by J. F. T. Saur, L. E. Eber, D. R. McLain, and C. E. Dorman. January 1979, hi + 35 p., 4 figs., 1 table. 729. References for the identification of marine invertebrates on the southern Atlantic coast of the United States, by Richard E. Dowds. April 1979, iv + 37 p. 730. Surface circulation in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico as deduced from drift bottles, by Robert F. Temple and John A. Martin. May 1979, ih + 13 p., 8 figs., 4 tables. 731. Annotated bibliography and subject index on the short- nose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, by James G. Hoff. April 1979, hi +16 p. 732. Assessment of the northwest Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus, stock, by Emory D. Anderson. April 1979, iv+13 p., 9 figs., 15 tables. 733. Possible management procedures for increasing produc- tion of sockeye salmon smolts in the Naknek River system, Bristol Bay, Alaska, by Robert J. Ellis and William J. McNeil. April 1979, hi + 9 p., 4 figs., 11 tables. 734. Escape of king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica, from derelict pots, by William L. High and Donald D. Worlund. May 1979, iii+11 p., 5 figs., 6 tables. 735. History of the fishery and summary statistics of the sock- eye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, runs to the Chignik Lakes, Alaska, 1888-1966, by Michael L. Dahlberg. August 1979, iv + 16 p., 15 figs., 11 tables. 736. A historical and descriptive account of Pacific coast anadromous salmonid rearing facilities and a summary of their releases by region, 1960-76, by Roy J. Wahle and Robert Z. Smith. September 1979, iv + 40 p., 15 figs., 25 tables. 737. Movements of pelagic dolphins (Stenella spp.) in the eastern tropical Pacific as indicated by results of tagging, with summary of tagging operations, 1969-76, by W. F. Per- rin, W. E. Evans, and D. B. Holts. September 1979, iii+ 14 p., 9 figs., 8 tables. 25 738. Environmental baselines in Long Island Sound, 1972-73, by R. N. Reid, A. B. Frame, and A. F. Draxler. December 1979, iv + 31 p., 40 figs., 6 tables. 739. Bottom-water temperature trends in the Middle Atlantic Bight during spring and autumn, 1964-76, by Clarence W. Davis. December 1979, iii + 13 p., 10 figs., 9 tables. AUTHOR INDEX Able, K. W., and J. A. Musick, FB 74:409 Acker, William C — see Lord et al. Ackman, R. G., C. A. Eaton, and B. A. Linke, FB 73:838 Acufla C, Amado — see Mandelli and Acuna C. Agegian, Catherine R. — see Pearse et al. Agnello, Richard J., and Lawrence P. Donnelley, FB 73:256 Ahlstrom, Elbert H. — see Butler and Ahlstrom —see Moser et al. —see Sumida et al. Akiyama, Gerald S. — see May et al. Alderman, David J., MFR 41(l-2):67 Allen, Larry G., FB 77:300 Allen, Roy M. — see Love and Allen Alton, Aaron J. — see Sheehy et al. Alvarez, Jose, Chris O. Andrew, and Fred J. Prochaska, FB 74:879 Ampola, V. G. — see Learson and Ampola Anderson, Emory D., S 732 Anderson, Lee G., FB 73:51 Anderson, Shane — see Wellington and Anderson Anderson, William D., Jr., James K. Dias, Robert K. Dias, David M. Cupka, and Norman A. Chamberlain, S 704 Anderson, William W., Jack W. Gehringer, and Frederick H. Berry, FB 73:202 Andrew, Chris O. — see Alvarez et al. Andrews, J. D., MFR 41(l-2):45 Annala, John H., FB 77:471 Armstrong, Reed S., C 427:289 —see Chamberlin and Armstrong Arnold, C. R. — see Fable et al. Arp, Arthur H. — see Vreeland et al. Arthur, David K., FB 74:517, 75:601 Austen, Jack D. — see McConnell and Austen Austin, C. Bruce, FB 75:213 Austin, Herbert M., and Clarence R. Hickey, Jr., FB 76:467 Azarovitz, Thomas R. — see Wilk et al. B Badcock, Julian, and Ronald C. Baird, FB 77:803 Baglin, Raymond, Jr., FB 76:919, 77:995 Bailey, Jack E., Jerome J. Pella, and Sidney G. Taylor, FB 74:961 , Bruce L. Wing, and Chester R. Mattson, FB 73:846 Bailey, Kevin, and Jean Dunn, FB 77:304 Baird, Ronald C. — see Badcock and Baird —see Hopkins and Baird Baker, Daniel W.— see Hulme and Baker , and Steven E. Hulme, MFR 39(3): 1 Baker, L. D. — see Reeve and Baker Bakkala, Richard G. — see French et al. , Wendy Hirschberger, and Katherine King, MFR 41(11):1 Bakun, Andrew, C 416:141; S 693 Baldwin, Wayne J., C 408:8, 149 Ballard, Kenneth, and Vito Blomo, MFR 40(8):29 Balouet, Georges, MFR 41(l-2):64 Banning, Paul van, MFR 41(l-2):8 Barans, C. A., and W. A. Roumillat, C 416:299 Bargo, B. G. — see Pieper and Bargo Bar ham, Cecilia L. — see Bar ham et al. Barham, Eric G., Jay C. Sweeney, Stephen Leatherwood, Robert K. Beggs, and Cecilia L. Barham, FB 77:585 , Warren K. Taguchi, and Stephen B. Reilly, MFR 39(5): 1 Barker, Allan M. — see Ropes et al. Barkley, Richard A., William H. Neill, and Reginald M. Gooding, FB 76:653 Barnett, Harold J., Richard W. Nelson, Patrick J. Hunter, and Herman Groninger, MFR 40(9): 24 Barnett, Michael A. — see Johnson and Barnett Barr, Bradley — see Katona et al. Barr, Louis — see Carlson and Barr Barr, Nancy — see Wing and Barr Barrett, Abraham J. — see Russell et al. Barszcz, Carolyn A. — see Yevich and Barszcz Basham, Larry R. — see Gilbreath et al. Bauersfeld, Paul E., Jr. — see Hale and Bauersfeld Bayer, Robert C, Margie Lee Gallagher, and Dale F. Leavitt, MFR 40(10):44 Bean, Laurie L. — see Sherburne and Bean Beardsley, G. L., Jr., N. R. Merrett, and W. J. Richards, S 675-3:95 Becker, Dale, and Dennis D. Dauble, FB 76:926 Beezhold, F. Lee — see Stout and Beezhold Beggs, Robert K. — see Barham et al. Beiningen, Kirk — see Monk et al. Bejda, Allen J. — see Olla et al. 26 Bell, Frederick W. — see Dow et al. Bell, Jonathan — see Hanson and Bell Ben-Tuvia, Adam, FB 76:249 Benville, Pete, Jr. — see Korn et al. Berggren, Thomas, and Joel T. Lieberman, FB 76:335 Bergtold, Glenn E. — see Morrow et al. Berrien, Peter L., FB 73:186, 76:95 —see Colton et al. Berry, Frederick H. — see Anderson et al. —see Eldridge et al. Bertolino, Angelo R. — see Lopez et al. Bigford, Thomas E., C 426; FB 76:59 Biggs, Douglas C. — see Rogers et al. Bimbo, Anthony — see Dubrow et al. Bisagni, James J., C 416:293 Bisson, Peter A., and Gerald E. Davis, FB 74:763 Blackburn, Maurice, and Walter Nellen, FB 74:885 , and Francis Williams, FB 73:382 Blahm, Theodore H., MFR 38(11):46 —see Hughes et al. , Robert J. McConnell, and George R. Snyder, S 688 Bledsoe, L. J. — see Rivard and Bledsoe Blomo, Vito — see Ballard and Blomo , Wade L. Griffin, and John P. Nichols, MFR 40(8):24 Blott, Alan J., MFR 40(5-6):44 Blue, Jack L. — see Gratzek et al. Boehlert, George W., FB 75:887 Bond, Carl E. — see Crone and Bond —see Howe et al. Bone, Quentin, Joe Kiceniuk, and David R. Jones, FB 76:691 Borden, David V. D. — see Fogarty and Borden Bortone, Stephen A., C 404 Botsford, Louis W., and Daniel E. Wickham, FB 73:901 Bourne, Donald W. — see Scherer and Bourne Bovee, Eugene C, and Thomas K. Sawyer, C 419 Bowser, P. R. — see Plumb and Bowser Boyd, Steven — see Ortner et al. —see Wiebe et al. Bray, Richard N. — see Ebeling and Bray , and Alfred W. Ebeling, FB 73:815 Breder, Charles M., Jr., FB 74:471 Breese, W. P., MFR 39(7): 17 Brennan, J. A. — see Brown et al. Bretschneider, Dale E., and Douglas R. McLain, C 427:51 Brewer, Gary D., FB 74:433 Brill, Richard W., FB 77:494 Brinton, Edward, FB 74:733 Brothers, Edward B., Christopher P. Mathews, and Reuben Lasker, FB 74: 1 Brousseau, Diane J., FB 76:155 Brown, Albert L., MFR 40(3):2 Brown, B. E., J. A. Brennan, and J. E. Palmer, FB 76:851 Brown, Bradford E. — see Clark and Brown Brown, C. — see Robohm and Brown Brown, D. J. — see Favorite et al. Brown, E. Evan, and Fred J. Holemo, MFR 37(4):11 Brown, John C — see Hewitt et al. Bruce, Herbert E., Douglas R. McLain, and Bruce L. Wing, S 712 Brusher, Harold A., and Larry H. Ogren, FB 74:158 Bryan, Patrick G., and Daniel B. McConnell, MFR 38(4):15 Buchanan, C. C. — see Parker et al. Buckley, L. J., FB 77:703 Bulak, James S., and Roy C. Heidinger, FB 77:1000 Bullard, Fern A. — see Collins et al. —see Reppond et al. , and Jeff Collins, FB 76:73 Bulnheim, H.-P., MFR 37(5-6):39 Burrell, V. G., Jr. — see Eldridge et al. Busch, R. A., MFR 40(3):42 Butler, John L. — see Rosenblatt and Butler , and Elbert H. Ahlstrom, FB 74:142 Butler, Johnny A. — see Kemmerer and Butler Buzzell, David H. — see Sidwell et al. Byron, Ruth R. — see Colton and Byron Cahour, Ann, MFR 41(1-2):19 Caillouet, Charles W. — see Lansford et al. , and Frank J. Patella, MFR 40(2): 14 , , and William B. Jackson, MFR 41(5-6): 1; FB 77:985 Cain, Thomas D., FB 73:412 Calabrese, Anthony, Frederick P. Thurberg, and Edith Gould, MFR 39(4):5 Caldwell, David K. — see Leatherwood et al. Calkins, Donald G., FB 76:125 Callan, J. G. — see Mendelsohn et al. Carline, Robert F., FB 75:751 Carlson, H. Richard, FB 74:458 , and Louis Barr, MFR 39(3):23 Carr, William E. S., and Thomas B. Chaney, FB 74:998 , and James T. Giesel, FB 73:67 Carroll, Geoffry M., MFR 38(8):18 Carty, Christine S. — see Cook et al. Carver, Joseph H., MFR 37(7): 15 —see Gorga et al. —see Ronsivalli et al. Casey, John G. — see Stillwell and Casey Castagna, Michael, MFR 37(1): 19 Castro, Walter E. — see Sandifer et al. Cato, James C, MFR 38(6):4 , and Fred J. Prochaska, MFR 39(1 1):6 Cavaliere, A. R., C 398 Chamberlain, Norman A. —see Anderson et al. Chamberlin, J. Lockwood, C 416:271 —see Crist and Chamberlin —see Mizenko and Chamberlin , and Reed S. Armstrong, C 427:167 , John J. Kosmark, and Steven K. Cook, C 416:257 Chaney, Thomas B. — see Carr and Chaney Chao, Labbish Ning, C 415 —see Collette and Chao , and John A. Musick, FB 75:657 Chapoton, Robert B. — see Schaaf et al. Charm, Stanley E. — see Ronsivalli and Charm Chen, Lo-Chai, and Robert L. Martinich, FB 73:889 Cheng, Lanna, and Ralph A. Lewin, FB 74:212 Cheng, Thomas C, MFR 38(10):5, 40(10):39 Chess, James R. — see Hobson and Chess 27 Chittenden, Mark E., Jr., FB 73:487, 74:151, 343 —see White and Chittenden Chitty, Nicholas — see Houde and Chitty Christensen, Darryl J., and Walter J. Clifford, MFR 41(12):28 Christensen, M. S., FB 76:389 Clark, Colin W., and Marc Mangel, FB 77:317 Clark, H. L. — see Mather et al. Clark, Jerry E., and R. Donald Langmo, MFR 41(12): 10 Clark, Robert C, Jr., MFR 38(11):20 , and John S. Finley, FB 73:508 Clark, Stephen H., and Bradford E. Brown, FB 75:1 Clarke, Thomas A., FB 76:495 —see Hartmann and Clarke , and Patricia J. Wagner, FB 74:635 Clemens, Harold B. — see Laurs et al. Clifford, David A. — see Creaser and Clifford Clifford, R. A. — see Pecci et al. Clifford, Walter J. — see Christensen and Clifford Coan, Atilio L. — see Sakagawa et al. Coe, James M. — see Perrin et al. , and Philippe J. Vergne, MFR 39(6): 1 Cohen, Daniel M., and Jo'rgen G. Nielson, C 417 , and Joseph L. Russo, FB 77:91 Colebrook, J. M., FB 75:357 Coleman, Susan E. — see Tashiro and Coleman Colin, Patrick L., FB 76:117 Collette, Bruce B. — see Matthews et al. , and Labbish N. Chao, FB 73:516 , Joseph L. Russo, and Luis Alberto Zavala-Camin, FB 76:273 Collier, Tracy K. — see Roubal and Collier Collins, Barclay P. — see Cook et al. Collins, Gerald B., MFR 38(11):39 Collins, Jeff, FB 74:681 —see Bullard and Collins —see Reppond et al. , Kermit D. Reppond, and Fern A. Bullard, FB 77:865 , and Richard D. Tenney, FB 74:725, 75:253 Collins, L. Alan — see Lindall et al. Colton, John B., Jr., and Ruth R. Byron, S 717 , Wallace G. Smith, Arthur W. Kendall, Jr., Peter L. Berrien, and Michael P. Fahay, FB 76:911 Colwell, R. R., T. C. Wicks, and H. S. Tubiash, MFR 37 (5-6):29 Connors, T. J. — see Mendelsohn et al. Constantinides, Spiros M. — see Sheehy et al. Cook, Rodney C, and Gary E. Lord, FB 76:415 Cook, Steven K., C 427:231; S 692, 700 —see Chamberlin et al. —see Ingham et al. , Barclay P. Collins, and Christine S. Carty, S 727 , and R. Wylie Crist, MFR 41(8):23 , and Keith A. Hausknecht, S 709 Cooper, Jon C. — see Scholz et al. Cooper, Richard A. — see Meyer et al. —see Pecci et al. —see Rogers et al. —see Uzmann et al. Costa, Daniel P. — see Pearse et al. Coston, L. C — see Stone et al. Couch, John A., FB 76:1 Coull, Bruce C, C 399 Cox, James L. — see Wiebe et al. Craddock, Donovan R., FB 74:403, 76:895; MFR 38(11):27 —see Hughes et al. Cramer, S. P., and J. D. Mclntyre, FB 73:934 Crawford, L., and M. J. Kretsch, FB 74:89 Creamer, Donn L. — see Slabyj et al. Creaser, Edwin P., Jr. —see Graham and Creaser , and David A. Clifford, FB 75:225 Cressey, Roger F., C 413 Crews, Wenona J. — see Penn and Crews Crist, R. Wylie — see Cook and Crist , and J. Lockwood Chamberlin, C 427:315 Crone, Richard A., and Carl E. Bond, FB 74:897 Cross, F. A. — see Stone et al. Crumley, Bruce L., C 408:137 Cupka, David M. — see Anderson et al. Cutler, Edward B., C 403 Dahlberg, Michael D., MFR 41(3): 1 Dahlberg, Michael L., FB 76:285; S 735 Daiber, Franklin C. — see Smith and Daiber Damkaer, David M., C 391 —see Mathews et al. Dammann, Arthur E. — see Olsen et al. —see Sylvester et al. Dangel, James R. — see Mighell and Dangel Dark, Thomas A., FB 73:336 Dauble, Dennis D. — see Becker and Dauble Davis, Clarence W., C 416:241, 427:353; S 725, 739 Davis, Gerald E.— see Bisson and Davis — see Stone et al. Davis, Q. C. — see Haven et al. Dawley, Earl — see Monk et al. Dawley, Earl M., and Wesley J. Ebel, FB 73:787 Dayton, Paul K., FB 73:230 Dean, David, D 99 Deaver, Joseph W., Ill, C 427:209 DeHart, Douglas A. — see Richardson and DeHart Depres, Linda — see Neves and Depres Desportes, Isabelle — see Ginsburger-Vogel and Desportes de Sylva, Donald P., S 675-3:121 De Vlaming, Victor L., FB 73:766 Dewey, Richard A. — see Sylvester et al. DeWitt, Hugh H., FB 75:789 Dias, James K. — see Anderson et al. Dias, Robert K. — see Anderson et al. Dickson, Robert R., and Jerome Namias, C 416:89, 427:19; MFR 41(5-6):20 Diener, Richard A., C 393 Dietrich, Charles S., Jr., FB 77:308 Ditton, Robert B. — see Graefe and Ditton , Alan R. Graefe, Anthony J. Fedler, and John D. Schwartz, MFR 41(9):25 , Richard N. Jarman, and Steve A. Woods, MFR 40 (8):1 ., Thomas J. Mertens, and Martin P. Schwartz, MFR 40(8): 8 Dixon, Robert L. — see Grimes et al. Dizon, Andrew E., FB 75:649 28 Dohl, Thomas P. — see Norris and Dohl Donnelley, Lawrence P. — see Agnello and Donnelley Dooley, James K., C411 Dorman, C. E. — see Saur et al. Dornheim, Holger, MFR 40(4):21 Dotson, Ronald C, FB 74:955 —see Sharp and Dotson Dow, Robert L. — see Sheldon and Dow , Frederick W. Bell, and Donald M. Harriman, S 683 Dowds, Richard E., S 729 Dragovich, Alexander — see Jones and Dragovich Draxler, A. F. — see Reid et al. Dryfoos, Robert L. — see Pristas et al. Dubrow, David, Malcolm Hale, and Anthony Bimbo, MFR 38(9): 12 Dunn, Jean — see Bailey and Dunn Earl, Paul M. — see McAvoy and Earl Easley, J. E., Jr., MFR 39(5):15 Eaton, C. A. — see Ackman et al. Ebel, Wesley J. — see Dawley and Ebel —see Slatick et al. , and Howard L. Raymond, MFR 38(7): 1 Ebeling, Alfred W. — see Bray and Ebeling —see Love and Ebeling , and Richard N. Bray, FB 74:703 Eber, L. E., MFR 38(2): 1 —see Saur et al. Edgar, Robert K., and James G. Hoff, FB 74:689 Ehrlich, Karl F., J. Myron Hood, Gerald Muszynski, and Gerald E. McGowen, FB 76:837 , John S. Stephens, Gerald Muszynski, and J. Myron Hood, FB 76:867 Eldridge, Peter J., Frederick H. Berry, and M. Clinton Miller III, FB 76:295 , V. G. Burrell, Jr., and George Steele, MFR 41 (12):21 Elliott, Diane, MFR 40(3):69 Ellis, Robert J., and William J. McNeil, S 733 Engett, Mary Ellen — see Thorson and Engett Engett, Mary Ellen, and Lee C. Thorson, C 400 Esaias, Wayne E. — see Judkins et al. Esterberg, Gordon F. — see Monan et al. Evans, W. E. — see Perrin et al. Fable, William A., Jr. — see Lindall et al. , Theodore D. Williams, and C. R. Arnold, FB 76:65 Fahay, Michael P., S 685 —see Colton et al. Farley, C. Austin, MFR 38(10):30, 40(10): 18 Farr, Winston E. — see Smith and Farr Favorite, F. — see McLain et al. , D. J. Brown, and W. J. Ingraham, Jr., MFR 38 (8):22 , and W. James Ingraham, Jr., C 416:191 Fedler, Anthony J. — see Ditton et al. Ferraro, Steven P., FB 77:943 Fessler, J. L. — see Rybock et al. Fett, Robert W., MFR 37(4): 1 Fiedler, Paul C., FB 76:679 Fine, Michael L., Howard E. Winn, Linda Joest, and Paul J. Perkins, FB 75:871 Finley, John S. — see Clark and Finley Fiscus, Clifford H., MFR 41(10): 1 Fisher, William S., and Daniel E. Wickham, FB 74:201, 75:235 Flanagan, Christine A., and John R. Hendrickson, FB 74:531 Fletcher, R. Ian, FB 76:377, 515 Fogarty, Michael J., and David V. D. Borden, FB 77:925 Foltz, Jeffrey W., and Carroll R. Norden, FB 75:637 Foncannon, Pauline R. — see Sidwell et al. Fontaine, C. T., and D. V. Lightner, MFR 37(5-6):4 Ford, Richard F. — see Ser fling and Ford Ford, Susan E. — see Haskin and Ford Fournier, Fernando, MFR 37(1):31 Fox, William W., Jr., FB 73:23 Frame, A. B. — see Reid et al. Francis, Robert C. — see Sharp and Francis French, Robert — see Miller et al. , Richard G. Bakkala, and Doyle F. Sutherland, S 689 Frierman, E. Michael, MFR 38(10):34 Fries, C, and M. R. Tripp, MFR 38(10): 10 Frost, Bruce W., and Lawrence E. McCrone, FB 76:751 Fryer, J. L. — see Udey and Fryer , J. S. Rohovec, and R. L. Garrison, MFR 40(3):20 Fuiman, Lee A., FB 74:467 Fusaro, Craig, FB 76:369 Gadbois, D. F., E. M. Ravesi, and R. C. Lundstrom, FB 74:683 Gallagher, Margie Lee — see Bayer et al. Gallucci, Vincent F. — see Scherba and Gallucci Gait, Charles P., FB 77:514 Gardner, George R., MFR 40(10):51 Garrison, David L., FB 74:183 Garrison, R. L. — see Fryer et al. Gauglitz, Erich J., Jr. — see Hall et al. Gehringer, Jack W. — see Anderson et al. Giesel, James T. — see Carr and Giesel Gilbreath, Lyle G., Larry R. Basham, and Emil Slatick, MFR 38(6): 14 Gilmartin, Malvern, and Noelia Revelante, FB 73:193 Gilmore, R. Grant, John K. Holt, Robert S. Jones, George R. Kulczycki, Louis G. MacDowell III, and Wayne C. Magley, FB 76:285 Ginsburger-Vogel, Thomas, and Isabelle Desportes, MFR 41 (l-2):3 Gluck, David — see Omori and Gluck Goldberg, Stephen R., FB 74:983 —see Hunter and Goldberg , and William C. Ticknor, Jr., FB 75:882 Gooding, Reginald M. — see Barkley et al. Goodman, Robert M.— see Norris et al. Gopalakrishnan, K., FB 73:797 Gore, Robert H., FB 76:781 Gorga, Carmine, John D. Kaylor, Joseph H. Carver, Joseph M. Mendelsohn, and Louis J. Ronsivalli, MFR 41(7):20 29 Gorga, L. J. — see Ronsivalli et al. Gould, Edith — see Calabrese et al. —see Maclnnes et al. —see Pauley et al. Goulet, Julien R., Jr., C 416:3 , and Elizabeth D. Haynes, C 416, 427, 427:43 Grabe, Stephen A., FB 76:89, 77:1003 Graefe, Alan R. — see Ditton et al. , and Robert B. Ditton, MFR 38(2): 10 Graham, Jeffrey B., FB 73:219 —see Roberts and Graham Graham, Joseph J., and Edwin P. Creaser, Jr., FB 76:480 Gratzek, John B., Emmett B. Shotts, and Jack L. Blue, MFR 40(3):58 Graves, John, FB 75:230 Green, John H., and Louis J. Ronsivalli, FB 75:880 Greenblatt, Paul R., FB 77:147 Greig, R. A. —see Maclnnes et al. —see Wenzloff et al. Griffin, Wade L. — see Blomo et al. —see Nichols and Griffin —see Warren and Griffin , and Lonnie L. Jones, MFR 37(7): 12 , and John P. Nichols, MFR 38(3):8 , Newton J. Wardlaw, and John P. Nichols, FB 74:301 Grimes, Churchill B., Charles S. Manooch III, Gene R. Huntsman, and Robert L. Dixon, MFR 39(1): 12 Grizel, Henri, MFR 41(l-2):38 Grodner, Robert M. — see Sidwell et al. Groninger, Herman — see Barnett et al. Gruger, Edward H., Jr. — see Karrick and Gruger Gunderson, Donald R., FB 75:369 Gunn, John T., C 416:213, 229, 427:301 , and Merton C. Ingham, FB 75:222 Gutherz, Elmer J. — see Rohr and Gutherz , Gary M. Russel, Anthony F. Serra, and Bennie A. Rohr, MFR 37(7): 1 Gwinn, Sharon, and William F. Perrin, FB 73:439 H Haefner, Paul A., Jr., FB 75:91 —see Laird et al. Haight, Richard E. — see Jewett and Haight Haines, Harold, MFR 40(3):33 Hale, Malcolm — see Dubrow et al. , and Paul E. Bauersfeld, Jr., MFR 40(8): 14 Hall, Alice S., Fuad M. Teeny, and Erich J. Gauglitz, Jr., FB 74:791, 75:642 , , Laura G. Lewis, William H. Hardman, and Erich J. Gauglitz, Jr., FB 74:783 Hall, Ann Bowman — see Manooch et al. Hall, John D., FB 75:653 Hall, John R., and Carl H. Saloman, D 100 Hall, R. A., E. G. Zook, and G. M. Meaburn, S 721 Hancock, Danil — see Pearcy and Hancock Hanson, Charles H., and Jonathan Bell, FB 74:377 , James R. White, and Hiram W. Li, MFR 39(10):7 Harache, Yves, and Anthony J. Novotny, MFR 38(8): 1 Hardman, William H. — see Hall et al. Harrell, Lee W., FB 75:884; MFR 40(3):24 ., Anthony J. Novotny, Michael H. Schiewe, and Harold O. Hodgins, FB 74:447 Harriman, Donald M. — see Dow et al. Harrington, David L. — see Temple et al. Harrison, F. L. — see Rice and Harrison Harshbarger, John C, MFR 38(10):25 Hartmann, A. Rucker, and Thomas A. Clarke, FB 73:633 Hartt, Allan C — see Lord et al. Haskin, Harold H., and Susan E. Ford, MFR 41(l-2):54 Hasler, Arthur D. — see Scholz et al. Hassler, William W. — see Manooch and Hassler Hastings, James R., C 416:197 —see Ingraham and Hastings Hastings, Robert W., Larry H. Ogren, and Michael T. Mabry, FB 74:387 Haury, Loren R., FB 74:220 —see Ortner et al. Hauser, William J., FB 73:444 Hausknecht, Keith A. —see Cook and Hausknecht —see Ingham et al. Haven, D. S., J. P. Whitcomb, and Q. C. Davis, MFR 41 (12):17 Haynes, Elizabeth D., C 427:11, 35, 281 —see Goulet and Haynes Haynes, Evan, FB 74:323, 76:235, 457, 77:157, 625, 991 Healey, M. C, FB 77:653 Heard, William R., FB 73:569 , and Roy M. Martin, MFR 41(3): 18 Heck, Kenneth L., Jr. —see Weinstein and Heck Heesen, T. C — see McDermott-Ehrlich et al. Heidinger, Roy C — see Bulak and Heidinger Hendrickson, John R. — see Flanagan and Hendrickson Herrick, Samuel, Jr., C 408:156 Henry, Kenneth A., FB 76:45 Herke, William H., FB 76:490 Hewitt, Roger P., Paul E. Smith, and John C. Brown, FB 74:281 Hickey, Clarence R., Jr. — see Austin and Hickey Hida, Thomas S., and James H. Uchiyama, C 408:63 , and Jerry A. Wetherall, C 408:55 High, William L., MFR 38(4):19, (9):17 , and Donald D. Worlund, S 734 Hillman, Robert E., MFR 41(1-2):21 Hines, Anson H., FB 77:498 Hinton, David E., James E. Klaunig, and Michael M. Lipsky, MFR 40(10):47 Hirsch, Nina — see Korn et al. Hirschberger, Wendy — see Bakkala et al. Hirschhorn, George — see Hughes and Hirschhorn Ho, Ju-Shey, C 406, 409 Hoag, Stephen — see Miller et al. Hobbs, Larry — see Norris et al. Hobson, Edmund S., and James R. Chess, FB 74:567, 76:133, 77:275 , and William H. Lenarz, MFR 39(9): 8 Hodgins, Harold O. — see Harrell et al. Hoff, James G., S 731 —see Edgar and Hoff Holemo, Fred J. — see Brown and Holemo Holley, Hillman J. — see Leming and Holley Holliday, D. V., and H. L. Larsen, FB 77:489 Holt, John K. — see Gilmore et al. 30 Holts, D. B. — see Perrin et al. Holzapfel, Eugene P. — see Sakagawa et al. Hood, J. Myron — see Ehrlich et al. Hooker, Charles — see Laurs et al. Hopkins, Thomas L., and Ronald C. Baird, FB 73:908 Horn, Michael H., FB 73:95, 75:453 Horrall, Ross M. — see Scholz et al. Horton, Howard F. — see Hosie and Horton — see Rybock et al. —see Six and Horton —see Staeger and Horton Hosie, Michael J. — see Pearcy et al. , and Howard F. Horton, FB 75:51 Hoss, D. E. — see Stone et al. Houde, Edward D., FB 75:61, 493, 613 , and Nicholas Chitty, S 701 , and Richard C. Schekter, FB 76:483 , and J. Swanson, Jr., FB 73:660 Howe, Kevin M., David L. Stein, and Carl E. Bond, FB 77:700 Howell, W. Huntting, and David H. Kesler, FB 75:877 Hreha, Larry — see Laurs et al. Hubbard, J. W. — see Jones et al. Hubbs, Carl L., and Robert L. Wisner, FB 77:521 Hughes, John R., Theodore H. Blahm, and Donovan R. Craddock, MFR 38(3):24 Hughes, Steven E., and George Hirschhorn, FB 77:263 Hui, Clifford A., FB 77:295 Hulme, Steven E. — see Baker and Hulme , and Daniel W. Baker, MFR 39(3):4 Hunter, Charles J., MFR 37(2): 19 Hunter, John R., C 395; FB 74:81 , and Stephen R. Goldberg, FB 77:641 , and Carol Sanchez, FB 74:847 Hunter, Patrick J. — see Barnett et al. Huntsman, Gene, MFR 38(3): 13 — see Grimes et al. Hurlburt, C. Graham, and Sarah W. Hurlburt, MFR 37(10):10 Hurlburt, Sarah W. — see Hurlburt and Hurlburt Hurley, Ann C, FB 74:176, 76:433 —see Lange and Hurley Husby, David M., and Gunter R. Seckel, S 696 Hutchinson, Roger W., MFR 40(9):29 I Ikeda, Tsutomu, and Sigeru Motoda, FB 76:357 Ingham, Merton C, C 427; FB 73:626; MFR 41(5-6):35 —see Gunn and Ingham —see Nelson et al. , Steven K. Cook, and Keith A. Hausknecht, FB 75:857 Ingraham, W. J., Jr., MFR 41(5-6):8 —see Favorite and Ingraham —see Favorite et al. , and James R. Hastings, S 699 , and Cuthbert M. Love, MFR 40(2):24 Irvine, A. Blair, Michael D. Scott, Randall S. Wells, and James G. Mead, FB 77:511 Ito, Bernard M. — see Shultz and Ito Iversen, Robert T. B., and Jay O. Puffinburger, C 408:127 Jackson, William B. — see Caillouet et al. Jan, Tsu-Kai — see Young and Jan Jarman, Richard N. — see Ditton et al. Jerde, Charles W. — see Scura and Jerde Jerpi, Donald A., MFR 41(10):29 Jewett, Stephen C, FB 76:700 , and Richard E. Haight, FB 75:459 Joest, Linda — see Fine et al. Johns, D. Michael, and William H. Lang, FB 75:831 Johnson, Allyn G., FB 74:693 Johnson, George N. — see Kjelson and Johnson —see Kjelson et al. Johnson, James H. — see Laurs et al. — see Monan et al. , and Douglas R. McLain, FB 73:306 , , and Craig S. Nelson, C 416:103 Johnson, John Kenneth, FB 77:567 Johnson, Phyllis T., MFR 40(10): 13 Johnson, Robert Karl, and Michael A. Barnett, FB 73:284 Jones, Albert C, and Alexander Dragovich, FB 75:703 Jones, David R. — see Bone et al. Jones, Lonnie L. — see Griffin and Jones Jones, Robert S. — see Gilmore et al. Jones T. M., J. W. Hubbard, and K. J. Roberts, MFR 41(4):8 Jossi, Jack W. — see Smith and Jossi Joyner, Timothy, MFR 37(4):5 Judkins, David C, Creighton D. Wirick, and Wayne E. Esaias, FB 77:669 Jurasz, Charles M. — see Wolman and Jurasz Jurich, Paula J. — see Wahle et al. K Karrick, Neva L., and Edward H. Gruger, Jr., MFR 38(1 1):2 Katona, Steven K., Salvatore A. Testaverde, and Bradley Barr, FB 76:475 Kaylor, John D. — see Gorga et al. —see Ronsivalli et al. —see Roy and Kaylor Kearney, R. E., C 408:104; MFR 37(2):5 Keene, Donald F. — see Pearcy et al. , and William G. Pearcy, FB 74:973 Kemmerer, Andrew J., and Johnny A. Butler, MFR 39(1): 16 Kendall, Arthur W., Jr., C 428 —see Colton et al. , and John W. Reintjes, FB 73:317 , and Lionel A. Walford, FB 77:213 Keney, Peggy M. — see Reintjes and Keney Kern, Fred G., MFR 38(10):22 Kesler, David H. — see Howell and Kesler Kiceniuk, Joe— see Bone et al. Kiefer, Dale A., and Reuben Lasker, FB 73:675 Kikawa, Shoji, C 408:81; S 675-3:39 Kimura, Daniel K., FB 77:765 Kimura, Makoto — see Sakagawa and Kimura King, Frederick J., MFR 39(4): 1 , and J. J. Ryan, MFR 39(2): 18 King, Kathrine — see Bakkala et al. Kinner, Peter, and Don Maurer, FB 76:209 Kjelson, Martin A., and George N. Johnson, FB 74:423 31 , David S. Peters, Gordon W. Thayer, and George N. Johnson, FB 73:137 Klaunig, James E. — see Hinton et al. Klawe, W. L., MFR39(11):1 Klein-MacPhee, Grace, C 414 Knapp, Leslie W.— see Mathews et al. Knight, Margaret D., FB 73:145 Kobylinski, Gerard J. — see Livingston et al. Kolator, David J., and Douglas P. Long, MFR 41(7):1 Koment, Roger W., MFR 40(10):24 Korn, Sid, S 694 , Nina Hirsch, and Jeannette W. Struhsaker, FB 74:545, 75:633 , Jeannette W. Struhsaker, and Pete Benville, Jr., FB 74:694 Koski, Reino O. — see Wahle et al. Kosmark, John J. — see Chamberlin et al. Kramer, David — see Methot and Kramer Kravitz, Michael J., FB 74:984 Kretsch, M. J. — see Crawford and Kretsch Krouse, Jay S., FB 74:719, 949, 76:425, 77:685 , and James C. Thomas, FB 73:862 Krygier, Earl E., and William G. Pearcy, FB 75:867 , and Robert A. Wasmer, FB 73:737 Kudo, G. — see Miyauchi et al. Kulczycki, George R. — see Gilmore et al. Laird, Chae E., Elizabeth G. Lewis, and Paul A. Haefner, Jr., FB 74:462 Lamb, Charles W., Jr., MFR 37(3):36, (10):25 Lancraft, Thomas M., and Bruce H. Robison, FB 77:713 Lander, Robert H., FB 77:311 Landy, Burton, A., MFR 37(1):33 Lane, J. Perry, MFR 40(4): 1 Lang, William H., C 421 —see Johns and Lang , and Alan M. Young, FB 77:851 Lange, G. D., and A. C. Hurley, FB 73:378 Lange, Mark D. — see Lopez et al. Langmo, R. Donald — see Clark and Langmo Langton, Richard W. — see Meyer et al. Lansford, Lawrence M., Charles W. Caillouet, and Kenneth T. Marvin, FB 74:453 LaPlace, Joseph A. — see Olsen et al. Laroche, Wayne A., FB 75:547 —see Richardson and Laroche , and Sally L. Richardson, FB 77:901 Larsen, H. L.— see Holliday and Larsen Larson, Ronald J., C 397 Lasker, Reuben, FB 73:453 —see Brothers et al. —see Kiefer and Lasker —see Zweifel and Lasker Laurence, Geoffrey C, FB 74:218, 75:529, 76:890 Laurs, R. Michael, Harold B. Clemens, and Larry H. Hreha, MFR 38(5): 1 , Charles Hooker, Larry Hreha, and Richard Lin- coln, MFR 37(11): 14 , William H. Lenarz, and Robert N. Nishimoto, FB 74:675 , and Ronald J. Lynn, FB 75:795 , Heeny S. H. Yuen, and James H. Johnson, FB 75:347 Laws, Stuart T. — see Manooch and Laws Learson, R. J., and V. G. Ampola, MFR 39(7):15 Leatherwood, Stephen, FB 77:47; MFR 37(9): 10 —see Barham et al. , David K. Caldwell, and Howard E. Winn, C 396 Leavitt, Dale F. — see Bayer et al. Lee, John C. — see Sigel et al. Leibovitz, Louis, MFR 40(3):61, (10):8 Leis, Jeffrey M., FB 76:535 Leming, Thomas D. — see Thompson and Leming , and Hillman J. Holley, FB 76:706 Lenarz, William H. — see Hobson and Lenarz —see Laurs et al. , and James R. Zweifel, FB 76:807 Leong, Roderick, FB 75:205 Levi, Eldon J. — see Pristas et al. Lewin, Ralph A. — see Cheng and Lewin Lewis, A. D., C 408:89 Lewis, Donald H. — see Lightner and Lewis Lewis, Elizabeth G., FB 74:225 —see Laird et al. Lewis, Frank G., Ill — see Livingston et al. Lewis, Laura G. — see Hall et al. Lewis, Thomas C, and Ralph W. Yerger, FB 74:93 Li, Hiram W. — see Hanson et al. Liao, David S., MFR 38(4): 11 , and Joe B. Stevens, MFR 39(8): 17 Lieberman, Joel T. — see Berggren and Lieberman Lightner, Donald V. — see Fontaine and Lightner , and Donald H. Lewis, MFR 37(5-6):25 Lincoln, Richard — see Laurs et al. Lind, H. F. — see Lux et al. Lindall, William N., Jr., William A. Fable, Jr., and L. Alan Collins, FB 73:81 , and Carl H. Saloman, MFR 39(9): 1 , and Lee Trent, MFR 37(10): 19 Linke, B. A. — see Ackman et al. Lipsky, Michael M. — see Hinton et al. Livingston, Robert J., Gerard J. Kobylinski, Frank G. Lewis III, and Peter F. Sheridan, FB 74:311 Loeb, Valerie J., FB 77:777 Loesch, Joseph G., FB 75:640 Long, Clifford W. — see McCabe et al. , Jerry R. McComas, and Bruce H. Monk, MFR 39(7):6 Long, Douglas P. — see Kolator and Long Loomis, Audrey L. — see Sidwell et al. Loomis, Karen J. — see Sidwell et al. Loosanoff, Victor L., FB 73:215 Lopez, Allyn M., David B. McClellan, Angelo R. Bertolino, and Mark D. Lange, MFR 41(10):23 Lopez, Diana M. — see Sigel et al. Lord, Gary E., FB 74:837 —see Cook and Lord , William C. Acker, Allan C. Hartt, and Brian J. Rothschild, FB 74:104 Lough, R. Gregory, C 416; FB 73:86, 74:353 Love, Cuthbert M. — see Ingraham and Love 32 ., and Roy M. Allen, C 330, vols. 9, 10, 11 Love, Milton S., FB 77:975 , and Alfred W. Ebeling, FB 76:257 Lundstrom, Ronald C, FB 75:571 —see Gadbois et al. Lux, F. E., J. R. Uzmann, and H. F. Lind, MFR 40(1):21 Lynn, Ronald J. — see Laurs and Lynn —see McLain et al. M Mabry, Michael T. — see Hastings et al. McAllister, Philip E., MFR 40(10):21 McAvoy, Henry R., and Paul M. Earl, MFR 39(2):26 McCabe, George T., Jr., Clifford W. Long, and Donn L. Park, MFR 41(7):28 MacCall, Alec — see Stauffer et al. , Gary D. Stauffer, and Jean-Paul Troadec, MFR 38(1):1 McClellan, David B. — see Lopez et al. McComas, Jerry R. — see Long et al. McConnell, Daniel B. — see Bryan and McConnell McConnell, Robert J. — see Blahm et al. McConnell, Stewart, and Jack D. Austen, MFR 40(3):30 McCray, E. M., Jr. — see Umphlett and McCray McCrone, Lawrence E. — see Frost and McCrone McDermott-Ehrlich, D. J., M. J. Sherwood, T. C. Heesen, D. R. Young, and A. J. Mearns, FB 75:513 MacDowell, Louis, III — see Gilmore et al. McEachran, John D., and J. A. Musick, FB 73:110 McGowen, Gerald E. — see Ehrlich et al. MacGregor, John S., FB 74:27 Machidori, S. — see Mason and Machidori McHugh, J.L., C 401 Maclnnes, J. R., F. P. Thurberg, R. A. Greig, and E. Gould, FB 75:199 Mclntyre, J. D. — see Cramer and Mclntyre —see Winter et al. MacKenzie, Clyde L., Jr., MFR 37(3):21, 39(8):1, 41(10):10 , Arthur S. Merrill, and Frederic M. Serchuk, MFR 40(2): 19 Mackin, J. G., and Frank G. Schlicht, MFR 38(10):16 McKinney, E. Churchill — see Sigel et al. McLain, Douglas R., C 416:127, 427:111, 151 —see Bretschneider and McLain —see Bruce et al. —see Johnson and McLain —see Johnson et al. —see Saur and McLain — see Saur et al. , F. Favorite, and R. J. Lynn, MFR 41(5-6):48 MacLean, Sharon A. — see Sawyer and MacLean McMahon, Robert S. — see Zimmerman and McMahon McNeil, William J. — see Ellis and McNeil McVea, Charles, Jr. — see Watson and McVea Magley, Wayne C. — see Gilmore et al. Major, Peter F., FB 75:415, 76:299 Malone, Thomas C, C 410 Mandelli, Enrique F., and Amado Acuna C, MFR 37(1):15 Mangel, Marc — see Clark and Mangel Manooch, Charles S., Ill, FB 74:775 —see Grimes et al. ., and William W. Hassler, C 412 ., and Stuart T. Laws, MFR 41(4): 15 ., Eugene L. Nakamura, and Ann Bowman Hall, C 418 Manzer, J. I., FB 74:647 Markle, Douglas F., FB 76:79 Marquette, Willman M., MFR 38(8):9, 40(11):18 Martin, A. Dale — see Olla et al. Martin, James D. — see Symons and Martin Martin, John A. — see Temple and Martin —see Temple et al. Martin, Roy M. — see Heard and Martin Martinich, Robert L. — see Chen and Martinich Marvin, Kenneth T. — see Lansford et al. Mason, J. C, FB 74:167 , and S. Machidori, FB 74:131 Mason, J. M., Jr. — see Mather et al. Mather, F. J., Ill, H. L. Clark, and J. M. Mason, Jr., S 675-3:55 Mathews, Christopher P. — see Brothers et al. Mathews, Stephen B. — see Wiviott and Mathews Mathieson, Arthur C, MFR 37(1):2 Matsumoto, Walter M., FB 74:207; S 695 Matthews, Frances D., David N. Damkaer, Leslie W. Knapp, and Bruce B. Collette, S 706 Matthews, Gene M., George A. Swan, and Jim Ross Smith, MFR 39(7): 10 Mattson, Chester R. — see Bailey et al. , and Bruce L. Wing, S 723 Maurer, Don — see Kinner and Maurer May, Nelson, Lee Trent, and Paul J. Pristas, FB 74:449 May, Robert C, FB 73:1, 249 , Gerald S. Akiyama, and Michael T. Santerre, FB 76:900 Maynard, Sherwood D., Fletcher V. Riggs, and John F. Walters, FB 73:726 Meaburn, G. M.— see Hall et al. Mead, James G. — see Irvine et al. Meade, Thomas L.-MFR 40(10):46 Mearns, A. J. — see McDermott-Ehrlich et al. Mendelsohn, Joseph M. — see Gorga et al. , T. J. Connors, and J. G. Callan, MFR 39(2): 11 Merrett, N. R. — see Beardsley et al. Merrill, Arthur S. — see MacKenzie et al. —see Ropes et al. —see Wenzloff et al. Merriner, John V., FB 74:18 Mertens, Thomas J. — see Ditton et al. Methot, Richard D., Jr., and David Kramer, FB 77:413 Meyer, F. P., MFR 40(3):38 Meyer, Thomas L., Richard A. Cooper, and Richard W. Langton, FB 77:243 Mighell, James L., and James R. Dangel, FB 73:447 Miller, Charles B. — see Peterson and Miller Miller, Forrest R., C 416:169 Miller, M. Clinton, III — see Eldridge et al. Miller, Mark, Larry Nelson, Robert French, and Stephen Hoag, MFR 38(4): 1 Miller, R. J., FB 74:623 Miller, Ruth B. — see Perrin et al. Millikin, Mark R., MFR 40(11):10 Misitano, David A., FB 75:218 33 Mix, Michael C, MFR 38(10): 12, 37 Miyauchi, D., G. Kudo, and M. Patashnik, MFR 39(5): 11 Mizenko, David, and J. Lockwood Chamberlin, C 427:259 Moffatt, Nancy M., and Donald A. Thomson, FB 76:476 Monan, Gerald E., James H. Johnson, and Gordon F. Esterberg, MFR 37(2):9 Monk, Bruce H. — see Long et al. , Earl Dawley, and Kirk Beiningen, D 102 Moreira, G. Soares, and W. B. Vernberg, FB 76:449 Morgan, Steven G., and Anthony J. Provenzano, Jr., FB 77:61 Morrow, James E., C 420 , Eldor W. Schallock, and Glenn E. Bergtold, FB 75:234 Morse, Wallace W. — see Wilk et al. Moser, H. G.— see Sumida et al. , Elbert H. Ahlstrom, and Elaine M. Sandknop, C 402 Motoda, Sigeru — see Ikeda and Motoda Mueller, Joseph J.— see Siegel et al. Muller, Robert G., C 408:119 Murphy, Ted C. — see Sakagawa et al. Murray, Harriett E. — see Wigley et al. Musick, J. A. — see Able and Musick —see Chao and Musick —see McEachran and Musick Mustapha, Nik Hashim Nik, and Hiroshi Yamauchi, MFR 41 (7): 16 Muszynski, Gerald — see Ehrlich et al. N Nakamura, Eugene L. — see Manooch et al. Nakamura, Izumi, S 675-3:17 Nakatani, Roy E., Gerald J. Paulik, and Richard Van Cleve, S686 Namias, Jerome — see Dickson and Namias Neill, William H. — see Barkley et al. Nellen, Walter — see Blackburn and Nellen Nelson, Craig S., C 427:65; S 714 —see Johnson et al. Nelson, Donald R. — see Sciarrotta and Nelson Nelson, Larry — see Miller et al. Nelson, Richard W. — see Barnett et al. Nelson, Walter R., Merton C. Ingham, and William E. Schaaf, FB 75:23 Ness, Howard O., MFR 39(3):10, 15, 19; 40(4):25 Neves, Richard J., and Linda Depres, FB 77:199 Newell, C. D. — see Pecci et al. Newkirk, G. F., and D. L. Waugh, FB 77:715 Newman, Martin W. — see Pauley et al. Nichols, John P. — see Blomo et al. —see Griffin and Nichols —see Griffin et al. , and Wade L. Griffin, MFR 37(2): 1 Nicholson, Bruce L. — see Reno et al. Nicholson, William R., S 684, 722 , and William E. Schaaf, FB 76:315 Nickerson, J. T. R., MFR 40(7):21 , and L. J. Ronsivalli, MFR 41(4): 1 Nicolas, John R. -see Overholtz and Nicolas Nielsen, Jdrgen G. — see Cohen and Nielsen Nielsen, Larry A., MFR 38(12): 15 Nishimoto, Robert N. — see Laurs et al. Noetzel, Bruno G., and Mikolaj G. Wojnowski, MFR 37(4):25 Norden, Carroll R. — see Foltz and Norden Norris, Kenneth S., and Thomas P. Dohl, FB 77:821 , Robert M. Goodman, Bernardo Villa-Ramirez, and Larry Hobbs, FB 75:159 Novak, A.F. — see Rao and Novak Novotny, Anthony J., MFR 37(1):36, 40(3):52 —see Harache and Novotny —see Harrell et al. Nulk, Vernon E., MFR 40(5-6):50 O O'Brien, James J. — see Wright et al. Ogren, Larry H. — see Brusher and Ogren —see Hastings et al. , John W. Watson, Jr., and Donald A. Wickham, MFR 39(1 1):15 O'Grodnick, Joseph, MFR 40(10):30 Olla, Bori L., Allen J. Bejda, and A. Dale Martin, FB 73:895, 77:255 , and Carol Samet, FB 75:585 Olsen, David A., Arthur E. Dammann, and Joseph A. LaPlace, MFR 40(7): 12, 15 Omori, Makoto, and David Gluck, FB 77:183 Ortner, Peter B., Peter H. Wiebe, Loren Haury, and Steven Boyd, FB 76:323 Otsu, Tamio, MFR 37(1 1):1 —see Yoshida et al. Overholtz, William J., and John R. Nicholas, FB 77:285 Overstreet, Robin M., MFR 40(10):37 Owers, James E., FB 75:483; MFR 37(7):22 Palm, William J., FB 73:830 Palmer, J. E. — see Brown et al. Panshin, Daniel A. — see Pearcy et al. Parente, William D. — see Wahle et al. Park, Donn L. — see McCabe et al. —see Slatick et al. Parker, R. O., Jr. — see Stone et al. , R. B. Stone, and C. C. Buchanan, MFR 41(9):12 Parks, Norman B., MFR 40(1):18, (2):29, (7):17 Parrack, M. L., FB 74:503, 76:827 Parrish, James D., FB 73:695 Patashnik, M. — see Miyauchi et al. Patella, Frank, MFR 37(12):22 —see Caillouet and Patella —see Caillouet et al. Patten, Benjamin G., FB 73:931, 75:457, 555 Pauley, Gilbert B., MFR 37(5-6):2 , Martin W. Newman, and Edith Gould, MFR 37(5-6):34 Paulik, Gerald J. — see Nakatani et al. Pawlowski, Robert J., S 726 Pawson, David L., C 405 Pearcy, William G., FB 74:70, 76:629 34 —see Keene and Pearcy —see Krygier and Pearcy —see Richardson and Pearcy —see Rothlisberg and Pearcy , and Danil Hancock, FB 76:641 , Michael J. Hosie, and Sally L. Richardson, FB 75:173 , Daniel A. Panshin, and Donald F. Keene, FB ., David O. Zopf, Kent S. Short, and Richard T. W. 73:691 Pearse, John S., Daniel P. Costa, Marc B. Yellin, and Catherine R. Agegian, FB 75:645 Pecci, Kenneth H. — see Uzmann et al. Pecci, K. J., R. A. Cooper, C. D. Newell, R. A. Clifford, and R. J. Smolowitz, MFR 40(5-6):9 Pedrick, Robert A., MFR 41(5-6):32 Peebles, John B., FB 76:905 Pella, Jerome J. — see Bailey et al. , and Timothy L. Robertson, FB 77:387 Penn, Erwin S., and Wenona J. Crews, MFR 41(12):1 Perez Farfante, Isabel, FB 73:463, 75:261, 76:687, 77:721 Perkins, Frank O., MFR 37(5-6):46, 38(10):19, 41(l-2):25 Perkins, Paul J. — see Fine et al. Perrin, William F., FB 74:457 —see Gwinn and Perrin , James M. Coe, and James R. Zweifel, FB 74:229 , W. E. Evans, and D. B. Holts, S 737 , David B. Holts, and Ruth B. Miller, FB 75:725 , Ruth B. Miller, and Priscilla A. Sloan, FB 75:629 Perschbacher, Peter W., and Frank J. Schwartz, FB 76:879 Peters, David S. — see Kjelson et al. Peters, John A., MFR 40(1 1):1 Petersen, Duane H., D 98 Peterson, William T., and Charles B. Miller, FB 73:642, 75:717 Philippon-Fried, Marie — see Reno et al. Phillips, Ronald C. — see Thayer and Phillips Phinney, Duane E., FB 75:870 Pieper, R. E., and B. G. Bargo, FB 77:935 Plumb, John A., MFR 40(3):26 , and P. R. Bowser, MFR 40(10): 12 Polacheck, T. — see Smith and Polacheck Pollock, Leland W., C 394 Porter, Hugh J. — see Schwartz and Porter Pratt, Harold L., Jr., FB 77:445 —see Stone et al. Prentice, Earl F. — see Rensel and Prentice Prezant, Robert S., FB 77:605 Pristas, Paul J. — see May et al. — see Trent and Pristas , Eldon J. Levi, and Robert L. Dryfoos, FB 74:112 , and Lee Trent, FB 75:103 Prochaska, Fred J. — see Alvarez et al. —see Cato and Prochaska Proctor, Raphael — see Trent et al. Provenzano, Anthony J., Jr. — see Morgan and Provenzano Pruter, A. T., MFR 38(12):1 Puffinburger, Jay O. — see Iversen and Puffinburger Pullen, Edward J.— see Trent et al. Quinn, William H., C 416:179, 427:93 Kuo Yang, FB 76:663 Rafail, Samir Z., FB 75:561 Ralph, Daniel E. — see Wilk et al. Ralston, Stephen, FB 74:990 Rao, M. R. R., and A. F. Novak, MFR 37(12):25 Rathjen, W. F., MFR 39(2): 1 Ravesi, Elinor M., MFR 38(4):24 —see Gadbois et al. Ray, G. Carleton — see Watkins and Ray Raymond, Howard L. — see Ebel and Raymond Redmond, James R. — see Stagner and Redmond Reeve, M. R., and L. D. Baker, FB 73:238 Reid, R. N., A. B. Frame, and A. F. Draxler, S 738 Reilly, Stephen B. — see Barham et al. Reintjes, John W. — see Kendall and Reintjes , and Peggy M. Keney, S 687 Reno, Paul, Marie Philippon-Fried, Bruce L. Nicholson, and Stuart Sherburne, MFR 40(10): 16 Rensel, John E., and Earl F. Prentice, FB 75:648, 76:886 Reppond, Kermit D. — see Collins et al. , Fern A. Bullard, and Jeff Collins, FB 77:481 Revelante, Noelia — see Gilmartin and Revelante Rice, Dale W., S711 Rice, D. W., Jr., and F. L. Harrison, FB 76:347 Rice, Stanley D., and Robert M. Stokes, FB 73:207 Richards, Charles S., MFR 38(10):44 Richards, W. J. — see Beardsley et al. Richardson, Sally L. — see Laroche and Richardson —see Pearcy et al. , and Douglas A. DeHart, FB 73:681 , and Wayne A. Laroche, FB 77:1 , and William G. Pearcy, FB 75:125 Ridgely, John, MFR 37(2): 16 Riggs, Fletcher V. — see Maynard et al. Rivard, D., and L. J. Bledsoe, FB 76:523 Rivas, L. R., S 675-3:1 Roberts, John L., and Jeffrey B. Graham, FB 76:861 Roberts, K. J. — see Jones et al. Robertson, K. J.— see Williams and Robertson Robertson, Timothy L. — see Pella and Robertson Robins, C. Richard, S 675-3:28 Robison, Bruce H.— see Lancraft and Robison Robohm, R. A., and C. Brown, MFR 40(10):5 Rockland, Steven, MFR 40(7):5 Rogers, Carolyn A., C 416:333, 427:349; FB 74:52 , Douglas C. Biggs, and Richard A. Cooper, FB 76:281 Rogers, W. A., MFR 40(3):56, (10):36 Rohovec, J. S. — see Fryer et al. Rohr, Bennie A. — see Gutherz et al. , and Elmer J. Gutherz, FB 75:147 Ronsivalli, L. J., MFR 38(6):1, 19, 39(2):7, (5):24, 40(2):1 —see Gorga et al. —see Green and Ronsivalli —see Nickerson and Ronsivalli , and Stanley E. Charm, MFR 37(4):32 , C. Gorga, J. D. Kaylor, and J. H. Carver, MFR 40(1):1 35 Roper, Clyde F. E. — see Young and Roper Ropes, J. W. — see Wenzloff et al. , Allan M. Barker, and George E. Ward, Jr., MFR 37(8):22 , Arthur S. Merrill, and George E. Ward, Jr., MFR 37(12):31 , and George E. Ward, Jr., MFR 39(5):18 Rosenblatt, Richard H., and John L. Butler, FB 75:843 Rosenthal, Harald — see Westernhagen and Rosenthal Ross, Stephen T., FB 76:225 Rothlisberg, Peter C., and William G. Pearcy, FB 74:994 Rothschild, Brian J. — see Lord et al. —see Siegel et al. Roubal, William T., and Tracy K. Collier, FB 73:299 Roumillat, W. A. —see Barans and Roumillat Roy, A. N., and J. D. Kaylor, MFR 37(4): 16 Rucker, Robert R., FB 73:915 Russel, Gary M. — see Gutherz et al. , Abraham J. Barrett, L. Steve Sarbeck, and John H. Wordlaw, S 715 Russo, Joseph L. — see Cohen and Russo —see Collette et al. Ryan, John J., MFR 40(1):5, 41(11):25 —see King and Ryan Rybock, J. T., H. F. Horton, and J. L. Fessler, FB 73:654 Saila, Saul B. — see Sheehy et al. Sakagawa, Gary T., MFR 37(3): 1 , Atilio L. Coan, and Eugene P. Holzapfel, S 702 , , and Ted C. Murphy, MFR 39(12): 1 , and Makoto Kimura, FB 74:271 Saloman, Carl H. — see Hall and Saloman —see Lindall and Saloman Salter, Frederick, MFR 37(7):26 Samet, Carol — see Olla and Samet Sanchez, Carol — see Hunter and Sanchez Sanchez, Peter M., MFR 37(2):27 Sandifer, Paul A., Paul B. Zielinski, and Walter E. Castro, FB 73:678 Sandknop, Elaine M. — see Moser et al. Santerre, Michael T. — see May et al. Sarbeck, L. Steve — see Russell et al. Saur, J. F. T., C 416:151 , L. E. Eber, D. R. McLain, and C. E. Dorman, S 728 ., and D. R. McLain, C 427 Sawyer, Evelyn S., MFR 40(10):9 Sawyer, Thomas K. — see Bovee and Sawyer , and Sharon A. MacLean, MFR 40(10):32 Scarnecchia, Dennis L., and Harry H. Wagner, FB 77:617 Scarpelli, Dante G., MFR 38(10):49 Schaaf, William E., MFR 37(9): 1 —see Nelson et al. —see Nicholson and Schaaf , James E. Sykes, and Robert B. Chapoton, MFR 37(10):5 Schachte, John H., Jr., MFR 40(3):18 Schallock, Eldor W. — see Morrow et al. Schekter, Richard C — see Houde and Schekter Scherba, Stephen, Jr., and Vincent F. Gallucci, FB 74:937 Scherer, Michael D., and Donald W. Bourne, FB 77:708 Schevill, William E. — see Watkins and Schevill Schiewe, Michael H. — see Harrell et al. Schlicht, Frank G. — see Mackin and Schlicht Schlieder, Rodric A., FB 77:695 Scholz, Allan T., Jon C. Cooper, Ross M. Horrall, and Ar- thur D. Hasler, FB 76:293 Schreck, Carl B. — see Winter et al. Schuck, Howard A., MFR 37(12):1 Schwartz, Frank J. — see Perschbacher and Schwartz , and Hugh J. Porter, FB 75:427 Schwartz, John D. — see Ditton et al. Schwartz, Martin P. — see Ditton et al. Sciarrotta, Terry C, and Donald R. Nelson, FB 75:519 Scott, Michael D. — see Irvine et al. Scotto, Liberta E., FB 77:359 Scura, Edward D., and Charles W. Jerde, FB 75:577 Seckel, Gunter R. — see Husby and Seckel , and Marian Y. Y. Yong, FB 75:767 Seidel, Wilber R., and Thomas M. Vanselous, MFR 38(2):21 , and John W. Watson, Jr., MFR 40(9):21 Serchuk, Fredric M. — see MacKenzie et al. Serfling, Steven A., and Richard F. Ford, FB 73:360 Serra, Anthony F. — see Gutherz et al. Sharp, Gary D., and Ronald C. Dotson, FB 75:447 , and Robert D. Francis, FB 74:36 Sheehy, Daniel J., Soliman Y. K. Shenouda, Aaron J. Alton, Saul B. Saila, and Spiros M. Constantinides, MFR 39(6):5 Sheldon, William W., and Robert L. Dow, FB 73:449 Shenouda, Soliman Y. K. — see Sheehy et al. Sherburne, Stuart — see Reno et al. , and Laurie L. Bean, FB 77:503 Sheridan, Peter F. — see Livingston et al. Sherwood, M. J. — see McDermott-Ehrlich et al. Shippen, Herbert H. — see Weber and Shippen Shomura, Richard S., C 408:1 , and Francis Williams, S 675-1, -3 Short, Kent S. — see Quinn et al. Shotts, Emmett B. — see Gratzek et al. Shultz, Cynthia D., and Bernard M. Ito, FB 76:872 Sibunka, J. D. — see Smith et al. Sidwell, Virginia D., David H. Buzzell, Pauline R. Foncan- non, and Audrey L. Smith, MFR 39(1): 1 , Audrey L. Loomis, Pauline R. Foncannon, and David H. Buzzell, MFR 40(12): 1 , , and Robert M. Grodner, MFR 41(3):13 , , Karen J. Loomis, Pauline R. Foncan- non, and David H. Buzzell, MFR 40(9): 1 Siegel, Robert A., MFR 38(12):23 , Joseph J. Mueller, and Brian J. Rothschild, FB 77:425 Sigel, M. Michael, John C. Lee, E. Churchill McKinney, and Diana M. Lopez, MFR 40(3):6 Silliman, Ralph P., FB 73:495, 685, 872 Silverman, Myron J. — see Wilk and Silverman Sindermann, Carl J., FB 76:717; MFR 40(10):43 —see Steimle and Sindermann Sissenwine, Michael P., FB 75:465 Six, Lawrence D., and Howard F. Horton, FB 75:405 Skillman, Robert A., MFR 37(3):9 —see Yong and Skillman , and Marian Y. Y. Yong, FB 74:553 36 Slabyj, Bohdan M., Donn L. Creamer, and Ruth H. True, MFR40(8):18 Slatick, Emil, MFR 37(9): 17, 38(7):24 —see Gilbreath et al. , Donn L. Park, and Wesley J. Ebel, FB 73:925 Sloan, Priscilla— see Perrin et al. Smayda, Theodore J., FB 73:38 Smigielski, Alphonse S., FB 73:431, 76:931 Smith, Audrey L. — see Sidwell et at. Smith, B. R., C 408:95 Smith, Courtland L., MFR 37(4): 13 Smith, Daniel E., and Jack W. Jossi, C 427:337 Smith, David G., C 424 Smith, Jim Ross — see Matthews et al. , and Winston E. Farr, MFR 37(2):31 Smith, Paul E. — see Hewitt et al. Smith, Robert Z. — see Wahle and Smith — see Wahle et al. Smith, Ronal W., and Franklin C. Daiber, FB 75:823 Smith, Susan E., MFR 41(9):32 Smith, T. D., and T. Polacheck, FB 76:771 Smith, Wallace G. — see Colton et al. , J. D. Sibuka, and A. Wells, FB 76:167; S 691 Smolowitz, Ronald Joel, MFR 40(5-6):2, 59, 68 —see Pecci et al. Snieszko, S. F., MFR 40(3):65, (10):2 Snyder, George R., MFR 38(11):34 —see Blahm et al. Sparks, Albert K., MFR 38(10):2 Sprague, Victor, MFR 40(10):26, 41(l-2):40 Springer, Stewart, C 422 Squire, James L., Jr., FB 76:443; S 718, 720 Stadelman, Donald — see Tillman and Stadelman Staeger, William H., and Howard F. Horton, FB 74:698 Stagner, John I., and James R. Redmond, MFR 37(5-6):ll Stansby, Maurice E., MFR 38(9):1, (11):1, 51, 40(1):13, (7):1 Stauffer, Gary— see MacCall et al. , Alec MacCall, and Bruce Wahlen, MFR 37(11):22 Steele, George — see Eldridge et al. Steimle, Frank W., and Carl J. Sindermann, MFR 40(12): 17 Stein, David L.— see Howe et al. Stephens, John S. — see Ehrlich et al. Stevens, Joe B. — see Liao and Stevens Stewart, Harold L., MFR 38(10):46 Stewart, James E., MFR 37(5-6):20, 40(10):4 Stillwell, Charles E., and John G. Casey, FB 74:221 Stokes, Robert M. — see Rice and Stokes Stone, R. B. — see Parker et al. , L. C. Coston, D. E. Hoss, and F. A. Cross, MFR 37(3): 18 ., H. L. Pratt, R. O. Parker, Jr., and G. E. Davis, MFR 41(9): 1 Stout, Virginia F., and F. Lee Beezhold, FB 76:880 Straty, Richard R., S 690, 713 Struhsaker, Jeannette W., FB 75:43 —see Korn et al. Struhsaker, Paul, and James H. Uchiyama, FB 74:9 , and Howard O. Yoshida, MFR 37(12): 13 Sumida, B. Y., E. H. Ahlstrom, and H. G. Moser, FB 77:105 Sutherland, Doyle F., S 708, 724 —see French et al. Swan, George A. —see Matthews et al. Swanson, L. J., Jr. — see Houde and Swanson Sweeney, Jay C. — see Barham et al. Sykes, James E. — see Schaaf et al. Sylvester, J. R., A. E. Dammann, and Richard A. Dewey, MFR 39(8): 14 Symons, Philip E. K., and James D. Martin, FB 76:487 Taber, Robert E., MFR 39(2):24 Taguchi, Warren K. — see Barham et al. Targett, Timothy E., FB 77:292 Tashiro, Joseph E., and Susan E. Coleman, MFR 39(10): 1 Taylor, Sidney G. — see Bailey et al. Teeny, Fuad M. — see Hall et al. Temple, Robert F., David L. Harrington, and John A. Martin, S 707 , and John A. Martin, S 730 Tenney, Richard D. — see Collins and Tenney Testaverde, Salvatore A., MFR 39(12):23 —see Katona et al. Thayer, Gordon W. — see Kjelson et al. , and Ronald C. Phillips, MFR 39(11): 15 Theilacker, Gail H., FB 76:403 Theroux, Roger B. — see Uzmann et al. —see Wigley et al. Thomas, Allan E., FB 73:356 Thomas, James C — see Krouse and Thomas Thomson, Donald A. —see Moffatt and Thomson Thompson, Perry A., Jr., and Thomas D. Leming, S 719 Thorson, Lee C — see Engett and Thorson , and Mary Ellen Engett, C 392 Thurberg, Frederick P. — see Calabrese et al. —see Maclnnes et al. Ticknor, William C, Jr. — see Goldberg and Ticknor Tillman, Michael F., FB 73:212; MFR 37(10): 1 , and Donald Stadelman, FB 74:118 Trent, Lee — see Lindall and Trent —see May et al. —see Pristas and Trent , and Paul J. Pristas, FB 75:185 , Edward J. Pullen, and Raphael Proctor, FB 74:195 Tricas, Timothy C, FB 77:175 Tripp, M. R. — see Fries and Tripp Troadec, Jean-Paul — see MacCall et al. True, Ruth H.-see Slabyj et al. Tubiash, H. S. — see Colwell et al. U Uchida, Richard N., C 408:57; FB 74:59 —see Yoshida et al. Uchiyama, James H. — see Hida and Uchiyama —see Struhsaker and Uchiyama Udey, Lanny R., MFR 40(10): 10 , and J. L. Fryer, MFR 40(3): 12 Ueyanagi, Shoji, and Paul G. Wares, S 675-3:132 Umphlett, Clyde J., and E. M. McCray, Jr., MFR 37(5-6):61 Uzmann, J. R. — see Lux et al. , Richard A. Cooper, and Kenneth J. Pecci, S 705 37 _, Roger B. Theroux, and Roland L. Wig- ley, MFR 39(12): 11 Van Cleve, Richard — see Nakatani et al. Vanselous, Thomas M., MFR 39(4): 12 —see Seidel and Vanselous Venrick, E. L., FB 76:617 Vergne, Philipe J.— see Coe and Vergne Vernberg, W. B. — see Moreira and Vernberg Villa-Ramirez, Bernardo— see Norris et al. Vondruska, John, S 703 Vreeland, Robert R. — see Wahle and Vreeland —see Wahle et al. , Roy J. Wahle, and Arthur H. Arp, FB 73:717 W Wade, Lawrence S., and Gary L. Friedrichsen, FB 76:915 Wagner, Harry H. — see Scarnecchia and Wagner Wagner, Patricia J. — see Clarke and Wagner Wahle, Roy J. — see Vreeland et al. , Reino O. Koski, and Robert Z. Smith, FB 77:229 , William D. Parente, Paula J. Jurich, and Robert R. Vreeland, D 101 , and Robert Z. Smith, S 736 , and Robert R. Vreeland, FB 76:179 Wahlen, Bruce — see Stauffer et al. Walford, Lionel A. — see Kendall and Walford Walters, John F., FB 74:799 —see Maynard et al. Ward, George E., Jr. —see Ropes and Ward —see Ropes et al. Wardlaw, Newton J. — see Griffin et al. Wares, Paul G. — see Ueyanagi and Wares Warlen, Stanley M., MFR 37(9):27 Warner, Robert R., FB 73:262 Warren, John P., and Wade L. Griffin, MFR 41(8):15 Washington, Percy, MFR 39(12):20 Wasmer, Robert A. — see Krygier and Wasmer Wathne, Fred, MFR 39(6): 16 Watkins, William A., and G. Carleton Ray, FB 75:450 , and William E. Schevill, FB 74:687 Watling, Les, C 423 Watson, John W., Jr. —see Ogren et al. —see Seidel and Watson —see Wickham and Watson , and Charles McVea, Jr., MFR 39(10): 18 Waugh, D. L. — see Newkirk and Waugh Webber, Harold H., MFR 37(1):24 Weber, Douglas D., and Herbert H. Shippen, FB 73:919 Weihs, Daniel, FB 77:597 Weinstein, Michael P., FB 77:339 , and Kenneth L. Heck, Jr., FB 75:875 , and Ralph W. Yerger, FB 74:599 Weis, Judith S., FB 74:464 , and Peddrick Weis, FB 74:208 Weis, Peddrick — see Weis and Weis Wellington, G. M., and Shane Anderson, FB 76:290 Wells, A. — see Smith et al. Wells, Randall S. — see Irvine et al. Wenner, Charles A., FB 73:687 Wenner, Elizabeth Lewis, FB 77:435 Wenzloff, D. R., R. A. Greig, A. S. Merrill, and J. W. Ropes, FB 77:280 Westernhagen, Hein von, and Harald Rosenthal, FB 74:669 Wetherall, Jerry A., C 408:114, 160 —see Hida and Wetherall Whitcomb, J. P. — see Haven et al. White, James R. — see Hanson et al. White, Michael L., and Mark E. Chittenden, Jr., FB 75:109 Wickham, Daniel E. — see Botsford and Wickham —see Fisher and Wickham Wickham, Donald A. — see Ogren et al. , and John W. Watson, Jr., MFR 38(7): 15 Wicks, T. C.-see Colwell et al. Widersten, Bernt, FB 74:857 Wiebe, Peter H.— see Ortner et al. , Steven Boyd, and James L. Cox, FB 73:777 Wigley, Roland L. — see Uzmann et al. —see Williams and Wigley , Roger B. Theroux, and Harriett E. Murray, MFR 37(8): 1 Wilk, Stuart J., Wallace W. Morse, Daniel E. Ralph, and Thomas R. Azarovitz, S 716 , and M. J. Silverman, S 697, 698 Williams, Austin B., and Roland L. Wigley, C 407 Williams, Francis — see Blackburn and Williams —see Shomura and Williams Williams, John G., FB 77:287, 891 Williams, P. M., and K. J. Robertson, FB 73:445 Williams, Simon, MFR 37(1):48 Williams, Theodore D. — see Fable et al. Wilson, Peter T., C 408:69, 75 Wing, Bruce L., FB 73:169 —see Bailey et al. — see Bruce et al. —see Mattson and Wing , and Nancy Barr, S 710 Winn, Howard E. — see Fine et al. —see Leatherwood et al. Winstead, James T., FB 77:509 Winter, Gary W., Carl B. Schreck, and John D. Mclntyre, FB 77:795 Wirick, Creighton D. — see Judkins et al. Wisner, Robert L. — see Hubbs and Wisner Wiviott, Douglas J., and Stephen B. Mathews, MFR 37(4):21 Wojnowski, Mikolaj G. — see Noetzel and Wojnowski Wolf, Peter, MFR 41(l-2):70 Wolman, Allen A., and Charles M. Jurasz, MFR 39(7): 1 Woods, Steve A. — see Ditton et al. Woodworth, Bruce M. — see Wright et al. Wordlaw, John H. — see Russell et al. Worlund, Donald D. — see High and Worlund Wright, David J., Bruce M. Woodworth, and James J. O'Brien, MFR 38(3): 1 Wiirsig, Bernd, and Melany Wursig, FB 77:399, 871 Wiirsig, Melany — see Wursig and Wursig Yamauchi, Hiroshi — see Mustapha and Yamauchi Yang, Richard T. W. Kuo — see Quinn et al. 38 Yellin, Marc B. — see Pearse et al. Yerger, Ralph W. — see Lewis and Yerger —see Weinstein and Yerger Yesaki, Mitsuo, MFR 39(9): 14, 41 (8): 1 Yevich, Paul P., and Carolyn A. Barszcz, MFR 38(10):42 Yong, Marian Y. Y. — see Seckel and Yong —see Skillman and Yong , and Robert A. Skillman, FB 73:681 Yoshida, Howard O., C 429; FB 73:747 —see Struhsaker and Yoshida , Richard N. Uchida, and Tamio Otsu, C 408:36 Yoshino, Timothy P., MFR 38(10):7 Young, Alan M. — see Lang and Young Young, D. R. — see McDermott-Ehrlich et al. , and Tsu-Kai Jan, FB 76:936 Young, Richard Edward, FB 76:583 , and Clyde F. E. Roper, FB 75:239 Youngbluth, Marsh J., FB 74:925 Yuen, Heeny S. H., C 408:52; MFR 41(8):7 —see Laurs et al. Zavala-Camin, Luis Alberto — see Collette et al. Zielinski, Paul B. — see Sandifer et al. Zimmerman, Steven T., and Robert S. McMahon, FB 74:679 Zook, E. G. — see Hall et al. Zopf, David O. — see Quinn et al. Zullo, Victor A., C 425 Zweifel, James R. — see Lenarz and Zweifel —see Perrin et al. , and Reuben Lasker, FB 74:609 SUBJECT INDEX Abers disease life cycle and development in Ostrea edulis, MFR 41(l-2):64 Abralia trigonura bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:242 Abraliopsis sp. bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:243 Acanthomysis pseudomacropsis invertebrates, mid water Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Acanthonotozoma serratum invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Acanthostepheia behringiensis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Acartia californiensis effects of temperature and salinity on production and hatch- ing of dormant eggs diapause termination and population reappearance, FB 77:582 environmental conditions resulting in egg dormancy, FB 77:580 field population cycle, FB 77:571 hatching of resting eggs collected in field, FB 77:570, 576 resting egg production, FB 77:569, 573 Acartia clausii Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 Acartia longiremis Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 Acids, fatty differentiation of freshwater characteristics of, in marine specimens of Atlantic sturgeon, FB 73:838 Acipenser brevirostrum — see Sturgeon, shortnose Acipenser oxyrhynchus—see Sturgeon, Atlantic Actiniaria continental shelf and slope, U.S. east coast Actinauge verrilli, FB 74:872 Actinostola callosa, FB 74:865 Amphianthus nitidus, FB 74:873 Antholoba perdix, FB 74:869 Bolocera mediae, FB 74:863 Edwardsia sulcata, FB 74:860 Haliplanella luciae, FB 74:870 Haloclava producta, FB 74:863 Hormathia nodosa, FB 74:871, 872 Metridiwn senile fimbria turn, FB 74:870 Paranthus rapifomis, FB 74:868 Peachia parasitica, FB 74:863 Phelliactis americana, FB 74:872 Sagartiogeton verrilli, FB 74:870 Stephanauge nexilis, FB 74:875 Stephanauge (?) spongicola, FB 74:875 Stomphia coccinea, FB 74:868 Tealia crassicornis, FB 74:865 Aequipecten irradians—see Scallop, bay 39 Aerococcus viridans (var.) homari cause of fatal infection in lobsters, MFR 37(5-6):20 Aeromonas salmonicida bacterins used in fish immunization, MFR 40(3): 12 Age determination butterflyfish, tropical reef otoliths, daily growth rings, FB 74:990 larval and adult fishes otoliths, daily growth increments, FB 74:1 methods, analysis of for rockfish off Oregon age composition, FB 75:410 age-length relationship, FB 75:411 consistency of readings, FB 75:407 otolith method, validity, FB 75:409 otolith sections, FB 75:410 suitability of structures, FB 75:407 survival, FB 75:411 nehu, Hawaiian Islands sagittae, daily growth increments, FB 74:9 Aglantha digitate invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Air-sea interactions large-scale, at Ocean Weather Station V, 1951-71, S 696 Alabama oyster composition, geographic and monthly variation in, MFR 41(3):13 Alaska bowhead whale field studies, 1975, MFR 38(8):9 Bristol Bay, inner current patterns and distribution of river waters, S 713 Kachemak Bay Lebbeus groenlandicus, description of larvae, FB 76:457 salmon income estimates and reasonable returns, FB 75:483 limited entry, empirical study of, MFR 37(7):22 salmon, juvenile floating horizontal and vertical raceways, MFR 41(3):18 salmonids new incubator, MFR 37(7) :26 seal, fur yield of male, role of land and ocean mortality in, FB 77:311 Alaska, southeastern Auke Bay physical and chemical oceanographic cycles, S 712 herring fishery, MFR 39(3): 10, 19 herring gill net fishery, opening of, MFR 39(3): 19 herring roe gillnet fishery, 1976 economic aspect of development, MFR 40(4):25 ichthyoplankton composition and plankton volumes from inland coastal waters, April-November 1972, S 723 rockfish, dusky distribution and activity, seasonal changes, MFR 39(3) :23 rockfish, yellowtail distribution and activity, seasonal changes, MFR 39(3):23 salmon, pink tagging experiments, 1938-42 and 1945, S 686 salmon fishery profitability and productivity analysis, MFR 38(4): 11 Sashin Creek salmon, coho, life history, FB 74:897 salmon, pink, FB 76:569 Albacore — see Tuna, albacore Aleutian Islands groundfish resources, MFR 41(1 1): 1 Alewife New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Algae Amchitka Island, Alaska experimental studies of canopy interactions in a sea otter- dominated kelp community, FB 73:230 Alopias superciliosus—see Shark, bigeye thresher Alosa pseudoharengus — see Alewife Alosa sapidissima — see Shad, American Amchitka Island, Alaska experimental studies of algal canopy interactions in a sea otter-dominated kelp community at, FB 73:230 Amerosporae United States, northeastern key to genera and species, C 398 Ammodytes americanus—see Lance, American sand Ampelisca macrocephala invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Amphipods microsporidian infections of influence on sex determination, MFR 37(5-6):43 pathogenicity, MFR 37(5-6):42 taxonomic survey, MFR 37(5-6):39 transmission, MFR 37(5-6):41 Anaerobic bacteria disease agents in fish, MFR 40(10): 10 Anchoa mitchilli — see Anchovy, bay Anchovy, bay larval simulated food patches and survival of, FB 76:485 small preserved number and length frequency, subsampler for estimating, FB 76:490 Anchovy, northern additional evidence substantiating existence of northern subpopulation, FB 73:212 California current larvae, food and feeding, FB 74:517 u C-benzene uptake, distribution, and depuration, FB 74:545 energetic significance of changes in swimming modes during growth, FB 77:597 field criterial for survival criteria for successful first-feeding larvae, FB 73:460 laboratory-determined criteria for successful feeding, FB 73:454 shipboard experiments with first-feeding larvae, FB 73:457 study area, FB 73:457 temperature effect on feeding, FB 73:459 vertical distribution of larvae, FB 73:460 40 fishery, development and example application of simulation model, FB 74:118 growth of laboratory-reared in southern California comparisons, FB 74:277 growth curve, FB 74:274 hatching to juvenile, FB 74:272 juvenile to adult, FB 74:273 weight-length relation, FB 74:276 larvae, culture and growth laboratory cultured foods, FB 74:81 survival at metamorphosis, FB 74:85 larval relative nutritional value of the dinoflagellates Gymno- dinium splendens and Gonyaulax polyedra, FB 75:577 various species of phytoplankton as food for, FB 75:577 larval growth in the sea, FB 77:413 precision of simulated transect surveys of school groups, FB 76:697 school shapes as related to problems in school size estima- tion, FB 76:443 spawning incidence and batch fecundity batch fecundity, FB 77:649 oocyte growth, FB 77:648 ovary classification, FB 77:643 sex ratio and spawning incidence, FB 77:647 sexual maturity, FB 77:645 spawning incidence, FB 77:646 swim bladder inflation, diel changes adaptive advantages, FB 74:854 diel rhythm, FB 74:849 larval length, FB 74:850 mechanism, FB 74:852 relation between sinking speed, swim bladder volume, and larval length, FB 74:850 vertical migration, FB 74:853 thermal tolerance and resistance development and growth, FB 74:440 embryos and larvae, FB 74:435 juveniles and adults, FB 74:434 Anchovy, northern Adriatic concentration of mercury, copper, nickel, silver, cadmium, and lead in, FB 73:193 Ancylopsetta quadrocellata—see Flounder, ocellated Angling, saltwater California, changes in methods and gear in developments, MFR 41(9):32 fishing technique and tackle changes, MFR 41(9):35 live bait fishing, MFR 41(9):39 ocean salmon fishing, MFR 41(9):38 offshore bottomfishing, MFR 41(9):41 striped bass fishery, MFR 41(9):35 sturgeon fishery, MFR 41(9):36 Anguilla rostrata—see Eel, American Annelids, polychaetous Delaware Bay region, FB 76:209 Anodonta californiensis polyp, description of in foot, MFR 38(10):25 Anonyx lilljeborgi invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Anonyx nugax invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 A noplopoma fimbria — see Sablef ish Antilles Current velocity and transport northeast of Bahama Islands, FB 73:626, 75:222 Antinoe badia invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Antinoe sarsi invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Apalachicola Bay, Florida epibenthic fish and invertebrate populations long-term fluctuations, FB 74:311 Aphanopus carbo anatomy, notes on, FB 77:700 Oregon, first records off, FB 77:700 Apherusa glacialis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Aquaculture constraints of projects cables and pipelines, MFR 37(1):34 fishing rights, MFR 37(1):34 navigational rights, MFR 37(1):33 pollution and water quality, MFR 37(1):34 recreational rights, MFR 37(1):34 riparian landowner's rights, MFR 37(1):34 crustacean, in Middle America business plan, MFR 37(1):28 culture technology, MFR 37(1):26 markets, MFR 37(1):24 siting the enterprise, MFR 37(1):26 economics bibliography, S 703 in the Americas conflict of interest and its resolution as factors in com- mercialization, MFR 37(1):48 institutional constraints to the development of contiguous zone, MFR 37(1):31 high seas, MFR 37(1):31 inland waters, MFR 37(1):32 territorial sea, MFR 37(1):31 response of costs and returns to alternative feed prices and conversions grow-out systems, MFR 39(5): 15 rates of return, MFR 39(5): 16 unit costs, MFR 39(5): 16 seaweed cultivation, MFR 37(1 ):7 overview, MFR 37(1 ):5 Sea Grant projects, MFR 37(1):13 uses, MFR 37(1):3 Aquaculture, planetary seas as range and cropland choosing the crops, MFR 37(4):7 comparison of polar hemispheres, MFR 37(4):6 41 management, MFR 37(4): 7 oceans seen from space, MFR 37(4):5 productivity determinants, MFR 37(4):6 range and cropland, MFR 37(4):6 seeding the Southern Ocean with salmon, MFR 37(4):9 stocking the ocean range, MFR 37(4):9 Archosargus rhomboidalis—see Bream, sea Arctic Ocean, central calanoid copepods of Spinocalanus and Mimocalanus, C391 Arctica islandica — see Quahog, ocean Arctogadus glacialis—see Cod, polar Argis crassa invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Argis lar invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Argopecten gibbus—see Scallop, calico Argopecten irradians — see Scallop, bay Arthropoda: Cirripedia United States, northeastern biology, C 425 classification, C 425 key, C 425 morphology, C 425 systematic list, annotated, C 425 Arthropods review of involvements of Lagenidium with, MFR 37(5-6): 61 Artificial structures attractors of fish SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4):21 Ascomycetes United States, northeastern index to genera and species, C 398 key to spore groups, C 398 systematic list, annotated, C 398 Atheresthes stomias—see Flounder, arrowtooth Atlantic Bight, South fishes, larval and juvenile annotated list, captured with surface-towed meter net between May 1967 and February 1968, S 685 Atlantic coast Cape Romain to Georges Bank variations in position of shelf water front, 1975, C 416:213 cold weather conditions during fall and winter 1976-77 effects on estuarine and coastal waters, C 427:171 effects on fishery resources, C 427:172 entire coast colder than in previous 40 years, C 427:168 individual stations, C 427:169 surf clam fishery, 1973, MFR 37(12):31 wind driven transport 1975, C 416:229 1976, C 427:175 Atlantic coast, middle clam, surf heavy metals in, survey of, FB 77:285 quahog, ocean heavy metals in, survey of, FB 77:285 river runoff, 1976, C 427:281 Atlantic coast, southern invertebrates, marine references for identification, S 729 Atlantic Ocean seatrouts protein taxonomy, FB 74:599 tuna, review of yellowfin-skipjack fishery, 1956-75, MFR 39(12):1 Atlantic Ocean, eastern tropical tuna length composition, caught by American purse seiners bigeye, S 702 skipjack, S 702 yellowfin, S 702 Atlantic Ocean, North calanoid copepods caloric values of some, FB 74:218 Atlantic Ocean, northwest fishes, laboratory reared larvae length-weight relations, FB 76:890 Atlantic Ocean, northwestern bluefin tuna purse-seine fishery, MFR 37(3): 1 teleconnections between northeastern Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico and, FB 73:306 whales, fin and humpback feeding on American sand lance, FB 77:285 Atlantic Ocean, South dolphin, bottlenose behavior and ecology, FB 77:399 dolphin, dusky behavior and ecology, FB 77:871 Atlantic Ocean, southeastern tropical oxycline characteristics, FB 75:857 skipjack tuna distribution, FB 75:857 Atlantic Ocean, southwestern North bottom obstructions, S 715 Atlantic Ocean, western basis for classifying Sciaenidae, C 415 tuna, bluefin length-weight relationships, FB 77:995 possible anomalies, MFR 37(12): 1 Atlantic Ocean, western North bigeye thresher shark, observations on, FB 74:221 fishing effort estimation from aerial search data, FB 74:503 lobsters, deep-sea biology, FB 77:435 marlin, white sex composition, length-weight relationship, and repro- duction, FB 76:919 sea surface conditions, 1976, C 427:43 Atlas EASTROPAC physical oceanographic and meteorological data, C 330, vol. 11 EASTROPAC, third survey cruise biological and nutrient chemistry data, February-March 1968, C 330, vol. 10 42 Atmospheric climatology winter 1977 to winter 1978 sea surface temperature, effect on, MFR 41(5-6):20 Atmospheric gas supersaturation Snake and Columbia Rivers salmon, effect on, MFR 38(7): 1 steelhead trout, effect on, MFR 38(7): 1 Atwater, W. O. chemical composition of fish, MFR 40(7): 1 Atylus bruggeni invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Auke Bay, southeastern Alaska physical and chemical oceanographic cycles climatology, S 712 density, S 712 nutrients, inorganic, S 712 oxygen, dissolved, S 712 physiography and geology, S 712 runoff, S 712 salinity, S 712 stability, S 712 temperature, S 712 tides, S 712 Auke Creek, Alaska salmon, pink production of fry and adults from gravel incubators and natural spawning, FB 74:961 Aurelia aurita invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Axiothella sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 B Bacterial diseases — see Diseases, bacterial Bacterial kidney disease salmon, coho resistance of different stocks and transferrin genotypes, FB 77:795 trout, steelhead resistance of different stocks and transferrin genotypes, FB 77:795 Bahama Islands Antilles Current, velocity and transport northeast of, FB 73:626, 75:222 Bairdiella effects of acclimation on temperature and salinity tolerance of larvae salinity tolerance, FB 73:250 upper thermal tolerance, FB 73:250 effects of temperature and salinity on fertilization, embryonic development and hatching acclimation of spawning fish to low salinity, FB 73:5 capture and maintenance of fish, FB 73:2 deformed larvae, FB 73:12 embryonic mortality, FB 73:8 fertilization, FB 73:3 incubation, FB 73:3 incubation time, FB 73:7 induced maturation and spawning, FB 73:2 maturity of spawning fish, FB 73:6 normal development, FB 73:7 response surfaces, FB 73:13 spermatozoan activity, FB 73:5 survival of starved larvae, FB 73:12 viable hatch, FB 73:12 Bairdiella chrysoura York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Bairdiella icistia—see Bairdiella Baja California phytoplankton in upwelling waters off, FB 73:38 whale, gray behavior of California, FB 75:159 Balaena mysticetus—see Whale, bowhead Balaenoptera physalus—see Whale, fin Balenoptera musculus—see Whale, blue Banana River, Florida aerial survey of bottlenosed dolphin and West Indian manatee, FB 77:47 Bar Harbor, Maine temperature structure between, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, June 1975-November 1976, S 716 Barataria Bay, Louisiana oyster composition, geographic and monthly variation in, MFR41(3):13 Barnacles, goose La Jolla, California on beached flotsam, FB 74:212 Barnacles, shallow water larval development of the Carolinas Balanus amphitrite amphitrite, C 421 Balanus eburneus, C 421 Balanus improvisus, C 421 Balanus subalbidus, C 421 Balanus trigonus, C 421 Balanus venustus, C 421 Chelonibia patula, C 421 Chthamalus fragilis, C 421 Conopea galeata, C 421 definition and diagnostic characters, C 421 descriptions, C 421 keys, C 421 larval development, C 421 Lepas spp., C 421 Octolasmis muelleri, C 421 Barrow, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):23, 25 Basidiomycetes United States, northeastern index to genera and species, C 398 systematic list, annotated, C 398 Bass, kelp kelp forests off Santa Barbara, California diet and habitat distribution, FB 76:257 43 Bass, striped benzene, effects of caloric content, FB 74:694 fat content, FB 74:694 growth, FB 74:694 14 C-benzene uptake, distribution, and depuration, FB 74:545 developmental anatomy and inflation of the gas bladder, FB 77:1000 eggs and larvae survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR 41(3):1 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 New York waters abundance, prediction from modal lengths, FB 76:467 Pacific Northwest commercial fishery, 1922-74 commercial fishery, MFR 40(1): 18 fish introduction and range extension, MFR 40(1): 18 species description, MFR 40(1): 18 trends, MFR 40(1):20 relative contribution of Hudson, Chesapeake, and Roanoke stocks to Atlantic coast fishery best estimator of relative contribution, FB 76:341 discriminant functions, establishing, FB 76:340 estimating stock contribution for oceanic and over- wintering collections, FB 76:342 spawning-stock specimens, analysis, FB 76:337 spawning-stock specimens, collection, FB 76:336 spawning-stock specimens, processing, FB 76:336 stock percentages, adjusting estimates, FB 76:337 Bathochordaeus charon first record from eastern Pacific Ocean description, FB 77:515 distribution, FB 77:516 history, FB 77:514 Bathynectes superbus epizoites associated with, FB 74:225 Bathythermograph observations NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program, 1972 areas of study, S 692 data acquisition and processing, S 692 NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program, 1973 Atlantic, western, S 700 Gulf of Mexico, S 700 NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program, 1974 Atlantic, western, S 709 Gulf of Mexico, S 709 NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program, 1975 Cape Hatteras transects, S 727 Gulf of Maine transects, S 727 Gulf of Mexico transects, S 727 Middle Atlantic Bight transects, S 727 vertical sections of semimonthly mean temperature on San Francisco-Honolulu route annual cycles, S 728 California subsurface countercurrent, S 728 coastal upwelling, S 728 computational procedures, S 728 initial processing, S 728 instrumentation, S 728 mixed layers and thermoclines, S 728 observations, S 728 quality control, S 728 structure below permanent thermocline, S 728 temperature inversions, S 728 30-day temperature changes, S 728 Beaufort Sea keys to otoliths of some adult fishes, C 420 Bentheogennema burkenroadi Pacific Ocean, northeastern description and biology of a new species of, FB 73:737 Benzene bass, striped effects on growth, fat content, and caloric content, FB 74:694 herring, Pacific effects on spawning, FB 75:43 Bering Sea bottomfish and herring Soviet fisheries off U.S. coast, MFR 38(12): 1 Japanese trawl vessels U.S. observers board, MFR 38(4): 1 keys to otoliths of some adult fishes, C 420 Bering Sea, eastern groundfish resources, MFR 41(1 1):1 pollock, walleye foods, spring and summer, FB 77:304 salmon, adult sockeye migratory routes, S 690 single-layer hydrodynamical-numerical model of shelf grid system, C 416:198 parameterization and initialization of inputs, C 416:198 physical characteristics, C 416:197 simulated tidal height and current data, C 416:199 Bering Sea, southeastern age-length-weight and distribution, 1961 plaice, Alaska, FB 73:919 sole, rock, FB 73:919 sole, yellowfin, FB 73:919 Bibliography economics, aquacultural, S 703 Biological data EASTROPAC atlas principal participating ships, third survey cruise, Feb- ruary-March 1968, C 330, vol. 10 Bioluminescence animals, intensity regulation in midwater Abralia trigonura, FB 75:242 Abraliopsis sp., FB 75:243 Crytopsaras couesi, FB 75:247 Enoploteuthis sp., FB 75:245 Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis, FB 75:247 Octopoteuthis nielseni, FB 75:246 Oplophorus gracilirostris, FB 75:248 Pterygioteuthis microlampas, FB 75:244 Pyroteuthis addolux, FB 75:245 Biomass finfish and squid changes in, Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras, 1963-74, FB75:1 Biscayne Bay, Florida Sphoeroides spengleri biology of, contribution to, FB 77:292 44 Sphoeroides testudineus biology of, contribution to, FB 77:292 Bivalve larvae revaluation of combined effects of temperature and salinity on survival and growth Crassostrea virginica, FB 73:87 Mercenaria mercenaria, FB 73:88 Mulinia lateralis, FB 73:89 Bivalve variation application of systematic sampling to study of, in soft substrate environment, FB 74:944 Bloodworm, tychoplanktonic Sullivan Harbor, Maine, FB 76:480 Bluefish New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 sources and distribution of larvae and juveniles off U.S. east coast eggs, FB 77:216 hydrographic features of Middle and South Atlantic Bights, FB 77:216 juveniles, FB 77:220 larvae, FB 77:216 Boats marine charter fishing industry economic analysis of Georgia's, MFR 37(4): 11 Boats, recreational United States selected information on, MFR 37(2): 16 Boise River concentration of dissolved gases, 1970-72, D 102 Boltenia ovifera invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Bonito, Atlantic New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Bonitos systematics and morphology Allothunnus, FB 73:614 color pattern, FB 73:521 Cybiosarda, FB 73:594 Gymnosarda, FB 73:612 key to species of Sardini, FB 73:520 meristic characters, FB 73:524 morphometric characters, FB 73:524 Orcynopsis, FB 73:591 osteology, FB 73:533 Sarda, FB 73:597 scales, FB 73:523 soft anatomy, FB 73:524 systematics, FB 73:590 Boothbay Harbor, Maine crab, Jonah distribution and catch composition, FB 77:685 crab, rock distribution and catch composition, FB 77:685 Boston fish pier landings, 1978, MFR 41(10):29 Bottom obstructions Atlantic, southwestern North, S 715 Carribean Sea, S 715 Gulf of Mexico, S 715 Bottom temperature — see Temperature, bottom Bottomfish Gulf of Mexico, northern fishing grounds, MFR 37(7):3 historical aspects, MFR 37(7): 1 processing, MFR 37(7):5 tactics, MFR 37(7):4 vessels and gear, MFR 37(7):2 U.S. Pacific and Bering Sea coasts Soviet fisheries, MFR 38(12): 1 Bottomfish — see also Groundfish resources Brachydanio rerio — see Zebraf ish Brachyistius frenatus—see Perch, kelp Brazil Sao Paulo Euterpina acutifrons, synergistic effects on metabolism, FB 76:449 U.S. shrimp fishery off, 1972-74, FB 75:703 Brazilian shrimp investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 15 Bream, sea larval, simulated food patches and survival of, FB 76:483 Brevoortia annotated bibliography on biology, 1963-73, S 687 Brevoortia patronus— see Menhaden, Gulf Brevoortia smithi—see Menhaden, yellowfin Brevoortia tyrannus—see Menhaden, Atlantic Bristol Bay, Alaska current patterns and distribution of river waters dye studies, S 713 salinity distribution, S 713 tidal influence, S 713 wind effect, S 713 salmon, sockeye foods of juvenile in inshore coastal waters, 1966-67, FB 74:458 identifying stocks by evaluating scale patterns with a polynomial discriminant method, FB 76:415 migratory routes, S 690 British Columbia American shad, history of commercial fishery, MFR 40(2):29 Brittany, France Crassostrea gigas possibly infected by Marteilia refringens, MFR41(1-2):19 Brosme brosme—see Cusk Buccinum sclariforme invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Bulkholding herring, sea seawater system, chilled, MFR 39(3):4 Buoy, acoustic used for high-seas assessment of migrating salmon, FB 74:104 Burbot description, MFR 41(1 1):32 Busy con canaliculatum — see Whelk, channeled Busycon carica—see Whelk, knobbed Butterfish New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 45 Butterflyfish, millet-seed age determination using daily growth rings of otoliths, FB 74:990 Byblis gaimardii invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Cadmium cunner, long-term stress in, FB 75:199 marine animals, effects on, MFR 39(4):5 Calanus cristatus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Calanus finmarchicus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Calanus marshallae Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 California California and Gulf of California grunions hybridization, reciprocal, FB 76:476 changes in saltwater angling methods and gear, MFR 41(9):32 fishes, littoral thermal behavioral responses of selected, FB 76:837 oceanographic conditions, summer 1977, MFR 40(2):24 red sea urchin localized mass mortality, FB 75:645 Santa Barbara, kelp forests off food and habitat of three switch-feeding fishes, FB 76:257 shark, blue diel behavior near Santa Catalina Island, FB 75:519 wind stress and wind stress curl over the California Current, S714 California, central surface currents determined by drift card releases over continental shelf, S 718 California, central and northern crab, Dungeness egg mortalities in wild populations, FB 75:235 California, southern DDT and metabolites in sediments off, FB 74:27 Euphausia pacifica population biology, FB 74:733 fish prices historical trends, MFR 37(11):22 fish schools, epipelagic thickness and depth distributions, FB 77:489 marine fisheries anchovy, northern, MFR 38(1): 15 barracuda, MFR 38(1):7 bonito, Pacific, MFR 38(1): 11 interactions, MFR 38(1):25 mackerel, jack, MFR 38(1):15 mackerel, Pacific, MFR 38(1): 16 sardine, Pacific, MFR 38(1): 17 seabass, white, MFR 38(1):18 stock assessment methods, MFR 38(1):3 yellowtail, MFR 38(1):22 rockfish, juvenile migration, timing of surface to benthic, FB 75:887 rockfish, olive isolation of populations off, FB 77:975 scallop, rock trace metal contamination, FB 76:936 surface currents determined by drift card releases over continental shelf, S 718 California Current microcopepods distribution, size, and abundance, FB 75:601 survival of marine teleost larvae, influence on, FB 75:601 sonar mapping development and use for pelagic stock assessment, FB 74:281 wind stress and wind stress curl atmospheric stability effect, S 714 averaging effects, S 714 biological implications, S 714 coastal time series of curl, S 714 data reduction, S 714 monthly curl distributions, S 714 physical implications, S 714 seasonal cycle of wind stress distributions at the coast, S714 spatial and temporal variability of wind stress distribu- tions, S 714 zooplankton biomass, annual fluctuations, 1955-59, FB 75:357 California current, central region zooplankton and euphausiid populations density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:925 Callinectes danae recent records from North Carolina, FB 76:879 Callinectes marginatus recent records from North Carolina, FB 76:879 Callinectes sapidus—see Crab, blue Callorhinus ursinus—see Seal, Alaska fur Canadian Maritimes smelt, rainbow incidence and distribution of piscine erythrocytic necrosis and Glugea hertwigi, FB 77:503 Canals, housing development ecological consequences, regulations, and recommendations changes in water quality and sediment type, MFR 37 (10):20 qualitative and quantitative faunal changes, MFR 37 (10):22 regulatory mechanisms in management, MFR 37(10):22 types of development, MFR 37(10): 19 vegetation, destruction of wetland, MFR 37(10):20 Cancer borealis—see Crab, Jonah Cancer irroratus — see Crab, rock Cancer magister—see Crab, Dungeness Capacity, harvesting multiple species fishery, a linear programming approach, FB 77:425 46 Cape Ann, Massachusetts clam, soft shell spawning cycle, fecundity, and recruitment, FB 76:155 Cape Cod, Massachusetts flatfishes, larval seasonal distribution on continental shelf, 1965-66, S 691 lance, American sand relative abundance, behavior, and food habits, FB 77:243 sea surface temperature distribution from, to Miami, Florida, 1976, C 427:209 Cape Fear River, North Carolina fishes and shellfish shallow marsh habitats as primary nurseries, FB 77:339 Cape Lookout, North Carolina flatfishes, larval seasonal distributions on continental shelf, 1965-66, S691 surface water drift south of, C 416:299 Cape Romain, South Carolina shelf water front, variations in position between, and Georges Bank 1975, C 416:213 1976, C 427:301 Capture data simplification for the study of fish populations, FB 75:561 Caret ta caretta—see Sea turtles, loggerhead Caribbean coast snapper, host-parasite relationship with Cymothoa excisa, FB 75:875 Caribbean Sea bottom obstructions, S 715 Caroline Islands, western Helen Reef, Palau giant clam stocks, status as of April 1975, MFR 38(4):15 Catfish bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 Catfish, channel immunization against two bacterial diseases, MFR 40(3): 18 serological screening of virus, MFR 40(3):30 virus disease epizootiology cell culture characteristics, MFR 40(3):28 clinical signs and pathogenesis, MFR 40(3):27 control, MFR 40(3):29 immunological response, MFR 40(3):28 morphology and biophysical nature, MFR 40(3):28 transmission, MFR 40(3):26 virus replication phosphonoacetic acid inhibition of, MFR 40(10):24 virus research, recent developments, MFR 40(10): 12 Catsharks revision Apristurus, C 422 Asymbolus, C 422 Atelomycterus, C 422 Aulohalaelurus, C 422 Cephaloscy Ilium, C 422 Cephalurus, C 422 family Scyliorhinidae, C 422 Galeus, C 422 Halaelurus, C 422 Haploblepharus, C 422 Holohalaelurus, C 422 identification characters, C 422 Juncrus, C 422 key to genera of Scyliorhinidae, C 422 Parapristurus, C 422 Parmaturus, C 422 Pentanchus, C 422 Poroderma, C 422 Schroederichthys, C 422 Scyliorhinus, C All Celtic Sea herring stocks status, fished by the Federal Republic of Germany fleet, MFR 40(4):22 Central America crustacean aquaculture, MFR 37(1):24 Centropristis striata— see Sea bass, black Cephalolobus penaeus parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:12 Cephalopods Hawaiian vertical distribution and photosensitive vesicles, FB 76: 583 Ceratium tripos bloom in New York Bight, 1976 accumulation off New Jersey coast, C 410 biology, C 410 distribution of phytoplankton species, C 410 future research and monitoring, C 410 growth and respiration, C 410 horizontal distribution in maximum chlorophyll layer, C410 phytoplankton productivity, C 410 oxygen minimum layer, C 410 suspended particulate organic matter and phytoplankton, C410 time-course of bloom, C 410 vertical distribution, C 410 water column stratification and dissolved oxygen, C 410 Cerebratulus sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Ceriantharia continental shelf and slope, U.S. east coast Ceriantheopsis americanus, FB 74:858 Cerianthus borealis, FB 74:857 Cerithidea calif ornica parasitic encapsulation role of agranular hemolymph cells, MFR 38(10):7 Cero bibliography, annotated, C 418 Chaetodon miliaris—see Butterflyfish, millet-seed Channel catfish virus disease — see Catfish, channel Charleston, South Carolina ichthyoneuston catches Boothbay neuston net, FB 76:295 Chauliodus sloani inverse correlation between meristic characters and food supply, FB 73:290 Chelonia mydas—see Turtle, green sea 47 Chemical oceanographic cycles — see Auke Bay, southeastern Alaska Chesapeake Bay, Maryland oyster composition, geographic and monthly variation in, MFR41(3):13 oyster diseases in, MFR 41(l-2):45 Chesapeake Bight crab, red reproductive biology of female, FB 75:91 galatheid crustaceans occurrence of two in, FB 74:462 Chignik Lakes, Alaska salmon, sockeye history of fishery and summary statistics of runs, 1888-1966, S 735 Chionoecetes bairdi—see Crab, snow Chionoecetes opilio invertebrates, mid water Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Chlorinated hydrocarbon pollutants analysis of, FB 76:880 Chone cincta invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Christmas Island sea-surface temperature, 1954-73, FB 75:767 Chrysaora melanaster invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Chukchi Sea, southeastern species and abundance of midwater invertebrates, Septem- ber-October 1970, S 710 Ciguatera Virgin Islands ciguatoxic species and locations, MFR 39(8): 14 fisheries management, MFR 39(8): 15 origin and nature, MFR 39(8): 14 Citharichthys arctifrons—see Flounder, Gulf Stream Citharichthys sordidus — see Sanddab, Pacific Citharichthys stigmaeus— see Sanddab, speckled Clam abundance, management for increasing, MFR 41 (10): 10 Clam, giant Helen Reef, Palau, western Caroline Islands status of stocks, April 1975, MFR 38(4):15 Clam, hard New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Clam, Manila growth and survival in newly settled spat growth, FB 77:894, 895 movement of clams on beach, FB 77:898 plot construction, FB 77:892 sampling, FB 77:893 survival, FB 77:895, 896 Clam, soft shell neoplasms, gonadal and hematopoietic, MFR 38(10):42 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 salinity acclimation, FB 75:225 spawning cycle, fecundity, and recruitment from Cape Ann, Massachusetts recruitment, FB 76:162 reproductive cycle, FB 76:158 sex ratios and fecundity, FB 76:159 Clam, surf Atlantic coast status and trends of the fishery, 1973, MFR 37(12):31 Atlantic coast fishery — 1972 fishing areas, MFR 37(8):22 fleets, MFR 37(8):22 landing statistics, MFR 37(8):24 status and trends of the fishery, MFR 37(8):26 Atlantic coast fishery — 1974 fishery trends, MFR 39(5):21 fishing statistics from interviews, MFR 39(5): 19 fleet operations and landings by area, MFR 39(5): 18 mid-Atlantic coast heavy metals in, survey of, FB 77:280 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Virginia useable meat yields, FB 75:640 Clams phenol, effects on, MFR 38(10): 10 proteomyxids relation to neoplastic diseases of, MFR 38(10): 16 reproduction and recruitment in Virginia distribution and recruitment, FB 73:427 environmental data, FB 73:414 histological study of reproductive cycle, FB 73:415 hydrographic data, FB 73:423 larval setting, FB 73:421 relationship of reproductive cycle to environmental data, FB 73:425 sex ratio, FB 73:420 ship collectors, FB 73:414 study area, FB 73:413 Climatology, atmospheric effect on sea surface temperature 1975, C 416:89 1976, C 427:19 Clione limacina invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Clupea harengus harengus—see Herring, sea Clupea harengus pallasi— see Herring, Pacific Cnidaria: Scyphozoa United States, northeastern annotated systematic list, C 397 keys, C 397 natural history, C 397 orders, description of, C 397 scientific means, index, C 397 Cobalt-60 albacore, content in source and migration estimates on west coast, FB 75:867 Cod family and utilization Atlantic, MFR 41(1 1):26 burbot, MFR 41(1 1):32 classification, MFR 41(1 1):25 48 codas food, MFR41(11):33 codworm, MFR41(11):35 conservation, MFR 41(1 1):35 cusk, MFR 41(1 1):33 European, MFR 41(1 1):32 false, MFR 41(1 1):33 fillets, MFR 41(1 1):34 fishcakes, MFR 41(1 1):35 fish fillet blocks, MFR 41(11):34 Greenland, MFR41(11):27 haddock, MFR 41(1 1):27 hake, Argentine, MFR 41(1 1):32 hake, Pacific, MFR 41(11):31 hake, red, MFR 41(1 1):31 hake, South African, MFR 41(11):32 hake, white, MFR 41(1 1):31 handling, MFR 41(1 1):33 harvesting, MFR 41(1 1):33 Pacific, MFR 41(1 1):26 polar, MFR 41(1 1):27 pollock, Alaska, MFR 41(11):29 pollock, Atlantic, MFR 41(11):28 rockling, fourbeard, MFR 41(1 1):32 salted, MFR 41(1 1):35 selling, MFR 41(1 1):34 smoked, MFR 41(1 1):35 tomcod, MFR 41(1 1):32 whiting, MFR 41(1 1):30 whiting, blue, MFR 41(11):32 Cod, Atlantic description, MFR 41(1):26 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 piscine erythrocyctic necrosis (PEN), MFR 40(10): 16 Cod, Greenland description, MFR 41(11):27 Cod, Pacific description, MFR 41(11):26 resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(1 1):14 summer food near Kodiak Island, Alaska, FB 76:700 Cod, polar description, MFR 41(11):27 Codium introduction in New England waters, FB 73:215 Columbia River atmospheric gas supersaturation, effect on salmon, MFR 38(7): 1 trout, steelhead, MFR 38(7): 1 cobalt-60 content contamination source for albacore off west coast, FB 75:867 estuary, 1973 species composition and relative abundance of larval and post-larval fishes, FB 75:218 leeches, piscivorus records of, FB 76:926 salmon, coho homing behavior and contribution to, FB 73:717 salmon, juvenile chinook and coho effect of gas supersaturated water on survival, S 688 salmon, sockeye contribution of 1960-63 brood hatchery-reared to com- mercial fishery, FB 77:229 salmonids, juvenile barge transportation, 1977, MFR 41(7):28 Columbia River Basin electronic tags and related tracking techniques aid in study of migrating salmon and steelhead trout in, MFR 37(2):9 Columbia River hatchery salmon, fall chinook bioeconomic contribution to Pacific salmon fisheries, FB 76:179 Computer program analysis polymodal frequency distributions (ENORMSEP), FOR- TRAN IV, FB 73:681 Conger oceanicus — see Eel, conger Contaminants — see Pollutants, Pollution Control theory, optimal fishery regulation via, FB 73:830 Cooling waters aquatic resources of the Pacific Northwest, impact on biological effects, MFR 38(11):30 physical effects, MFR 38(11):29 sources of cooling water, MFR 38(1 1):27 Copepod Euterpina acutifrons synergistic effects on metabolism, FB 76:449 Copepoda: Harpacticoida United States, northeastern annotated systematic list, C 399 diagnostic characters, C 399 ecology, C 399 index, systematic, C 399 key, C 399 Copepods Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 Copepods, calanoid Arctic Ocean, central Mimocalanus, C 391 Spinocalanus, C 391 Atlantic Ocean, north caloric values of some, FB 74:218 Mimocalanus crassus, C 391 cultrifer, C 391 heronae, C 391 inflatus, C 391 major, C 391 nudus, C 391 ovalis, C 391 sulcifrons, C 391 Monacilla gracilis, C 391 tenera, C 391 typica, C 391 Spinocalanus abruptus, C 391 abyssalis, C 391 angusticeps, C 391 antarcticus, C 391 aspinosus, C 391 brevicaudatus, C 391 elongatus, C 391 49 hirtus, C 391 hoplites, C 391 horridus, C 391 longicornis, C 391 magnus, C 391 oligospinosus, C 391 polaris, C 391 similis, C 391 spinosus, C 391 terranovae, C 391 usitatus, C 391 va//rfw5, C 391 Teneriforma naso, C 391 Copepods, cyclopoid parasitic on fishes key, C 409 systematic list, annotated, C 409 Corallimorpharia continental shelf and slope, U.S. east coast Corynactis delawarei, FB 74:858 Coregonus nelsoni—see Whitefish, Alaska Cottus aleuticus populations of sympatric in four adjacent salmon-produc- ing coastal streams on Vancouver Island, FB 74:131 Cottus asper populations of sympatric in four adjacent salmon-produc- ing coastal streams on Vancouver Island, FB 74:131 Cottus rhotheus—see Sculpin, torrent Cowlitz River concentration of dissolved gases, 1970-72, D 102 Crab North American fisheries regulations and their rationales procedures for changing laws and regulations, FB 74:630 Crab, blue comparative study of the bacterial flora of the hemolymph, MFR 37(5-6):29 development of a self-culling pot, MFR 41(12):21 east coast fishery regulations and their rationales, FB 74:628 larval culture egg development in vitro, MFR 40(11): 11 egg mass: age and disease, MFR 40(11): 11 feed organisms, culture, MFR 40(11): 13 feeding, MFR 40(11): 12 holding tanks for mass culture, MFR 40(11): 13 mating and spawning, MFR 40(11): 10 survival in natural vs. artificial systems, MFR 40(11): 10 water quality, characteristics, and optimal parameters, MFR 40(11): 11 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 serum changes associated with Paramoeba perniciosa acrylamide gel electrophoresis, MFR 37(5-6):35 biochemical analysis, MFR 37(5-6):35 immunoelectrophoresis, MFR 37(5-6):35 viral diseases of, MFR 40(10): 13 West Bay, Texas abundance in natural and altered marshes, FB 74:195 Crab, Cuban stone larval development under laboratory conditions, FB 77:359 Crab, Dungeness California, central and northern egg mortalities in wild populations, FB 75:235 eggs mortalities and epibiotic fouling of, from wild popula- tions, FB 74:201 escape from pots crab recoveries, MFR 38(4):22 description of pots, MFR 38(4):20 fish captures, MFR 38(4):23 mark retention, MFR 38(4):22 marking test crabs, MFR 38(4):20 octopus predation, MFR 38(4):22 pots with tunnel triggers functional and escape rings closed, MFR 38(4):22 pots with tunnel triggers functional and escape rings open, MFR 38(4):21 pots with tunnels and escape rings open, MFR 38(4):20 source of crabs, MFR 38(4):20 larval dynamics off central Oregon coast, 1970-71 abundance, FB 74:357 climate, FB 74:357 distribution, FB 74:357 gut-fullness analysis, FB 74:364 hydrographic features, FB 74:353 population analyses, larval, FB 74:359 sampling variability, FB 74:356 Pacific coast statistical relationship between upwelling intensity and annual catch, FB 73:901 Puget Sound, Washington intertidal harvest, estimation of, FB 77:287 west coast fishery regulations and their rationales, FB 74:626 Crab, fiddler mercury, cadmium, and lead salts effects on regeneration and ecdysis, FB 74:464 Crab, horseshoe immunological mechanisms attempted change of hematocrit and aggulutinin con- centration, MFR 37(5-6): 12 bacterial cultures, MFR 37(5-6): 11 bactericidal assays, MFR 37(5-6): 13 chemical and physical analysis of exudate, MFR 37 (5-6): 12 collection of hemolymph, MFR 37(5-6): 12 electrophoresis, MFR 37(5-6): 12 exudate agglutination tests, MFR 37(5-6): 12 hemocyte hematocrit determination, MFR 37(5-6): 12 hemocytes and coagulation, MFR 37(5-6): 13 hemolymph heteroagglutinin, MFR 37(5-6): 13 hypodermal gland anatomy and histochemistry, MFR 37(5-6): 13 hypodermal gland mucoprotein, MFR 37(5-6): 15 preparation of antibody, MFR 37(5-6): 13 preparation of hemocyte lysates, MFR 37(5-6): 12 production of exudate, MFR 37(5-6): 12 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Crab, Jonah Boothbay Harbor, Maine distribution and catch composition, FB 77:685 traps, escape vent shape, FB 76:425 Crab, king Alaska fishery regulations and their rationales, FB 74:624 50 escape from derelict pots baited pot experiment, S 734 box shaped, S 734 confined crab viability experiment, S 734 conical snow crab, S 734 crowding experiment, S 734 effect of bait or dead crab, S 734 escape from standard pots, S 734 experimental design, S 734 fiberglass pyramid, S 734 history of problem, S 734 incidental catch observations, S 734 incidental catches, S 734 mortality in pots, S 734 pot description, S 734 pot loss magnitude, S 734 radical pyramid, S 734 selecting, handling, and tagging, S 734 tag returns, S 734 unbaited pot experiment, S 734 viability of escaped crab, S 734 Crab, mud fine structure of Minchinia sporulation in, MFR 37(5-6): 46 Crab, portunid Portunus spinimanus U.S. Virgin Islands, resource potential in, MFR 40(7): 12 Crab, red reproductive biology of female, Chesapeake Bight abdomen width changes, FB 75:99 copulation, physical evidence, FB 75:96 ovarian development incidence, FB 75:96 ovaries, redeveloping, FB 75:96 ovary development, FB 75:92 ovigerous females, FB 75:96 size at sexual maturity, FB 75:96 vulvae changes, FB 75:99 survey off northeastern U.S. bottom sediments and topography, MFR 37(8): 19 distribution, density, and biomass in relation to geo- graphic area and water depth, MFR 37(8):8 fishery, MFR 37(8):3 notes on biology, MFR 37(8): 15 previous studies, MFR 37(8): 1 size, MFR 37(8):6 Crab, rock Boothbay Harbor, Maine distribution and catch composition, FB 77:685 size composition and growth of young in Maine growth, FB 74:952 sex ratio, FB 74:951 size composition and seasonal distribution, FB 74:949 synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, C 426 distribution, C 426 exploitation, C 426 identity, C 426 population, C 426 protection and management, C 426 traps, escape vent shape, FB 76:425 Crab, sand growth rate in two different environments environmental differences, FB 76:371 instantaneous growth rate rationale, FB 76:370 localities, FB 76:370 measuring growth, FB 76:373 sampling, FB 76:370 Crab, snow Alaska fishery regulations and their rationales, FB 74:625 Canada, eastern fishery regulations and their rationales, FB 74:627 electrophoretic evidence of hybrid, FB 74:693 mature male, length-width-weight relationships, FB 75:870 megalopa description, FB 75:459 Crab, spider diets, several effect on survival, development time, and growth of larvae, FB 76:59 larval development laboratory-reared and planktonic described and com- pared, FB 75:831 Crab, stone * egg hatching success, effects of desiccation and autospasy on, FB 77:695 Florida fishery regulations and their rationales, FB 74:630 Crab fisheries regulations and their rationales Alaska king, FB 74:624 Alaska snow, FB 74:625 blue, east coast, FB 74:628 Canada, eastern snow, FB 74:627 Dungeness, west coast, FB 74:626 Florida stone, FB 74:630 Crab pot development of self-culling blue body relationships, MFR 41(12):24 1977 results, MFR 41(12):23 1978 results, MFR 41(12):24 potential benefits, MFR 41(12):26 Crabs Puget Sound, Washington zoeae, short-term thermal resistance of 10 species, FB 75:555 Crabs, harvestable-sized traps, escape vent shape, FB 76:425 Crangon communis invertebrates, mid water Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Crangon dalli invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Crangon franciscorum angustimana Kachemak Bay, Alaska stage I zoeae hatched from ovigerous females collected in, FB 77:991 Crassostrea commercialis — see Oyster, Australian; Oyster, rock Crassostrea gigas — see Oyster, Japanese; Oyster, Pacific 51 Crassostrea rhizophorae — see Oyster, mangrove Crassostrea virginica hematopoietic neoplasms, occurrence in, MFR 38(10):34 response surface techniques reevaluation of combined effects of temperature and salinity on survival and growth using, FB 73:87 Crassostrea virginica — see also Oyster, American Croaker Gulf of Mexico, northern fishing grounds, MFR 37(7):8 historical aspects, MFR 37(7):6 processing, MFR 37(7):9 tactics, MFR 37(7):8 vessels and gear, MFR 37(7):7 Croaker, Atlantic age determination, reproduction, and population dy- namics age determination and growth, FB 75:113 habitat segregation between age groups, FB 75:119 size, maximum, and age, life span, and mortality rate, FB 75:119 somatic weight variation, FB 75:112 spawning, FB 75:110 total weight-length and girth-length relationships, FB 75:120 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 small preserved number and length frequency, subsampler for estimat- ing, FB 76:490 Croaker, white seasonal spawning cycle, FB 74:983 Cruise tracks computer software system for optimizing survey, FB 76: 706 Crustacea Nematoscelis biology and taxonomy, FB 73:797 Crustacea, decapod distribution off northeastern United States Acanthephyra pelagica, C 407 Acanthocarpus alexandri, C 407 Argis dentata, C 407 Aristaeomorpha foliacea, C 407 Axius serratus, C 407 Bathynectes superbus, C 407 Benthochascon schmitti, C 407 Bythocaris nana, C 407 Callianassa atlantica, C 407 Callianassa biformis, C 407 Callinectes sapidus, C 407 Calocaris templemani, C 407 Cancer borealis, C 407 Cancer irroratus, C 407 Carcinus maenas, C 407 Caridion gordoni, C 407 Catapagurus gracilis, C 407 Catapagurus sharreri, C 407 Chionoecetes opilio, C 407 Collodes robustus, C 407 Crangon septemspinosa, C 407 Dichelopandalus leptocerus, C 407 Dissodactylus mellitae, C 407 Emerita talpoida, C 407 Ethusa microphthalma, C 407 Eualus fabricii, C 407 Eualus gaimardii, C 407 Eualus pusiolus, C 407 Eumunida picta, C 407 Euprognatha rastellifera, C 407 Eurypanopeus depressus, C 407 Gennadas valens, C 407 Geryon quinquedens, C 407 Glyphocrangon longirostris, C 407 Hexapanopeus angustifrons, C 407 Hippolyte zostericola, C 407 Homarus americanus, C 407 Homola barbata, C 407 Hyas araneus, C 407 Hyas coarctatus, C 407 Hymenopenaeus robustus, C 407 Latreutes fucorum, C 407 Leander tenuicornis, C 407 Lebbeus groenlandicus, C 407 Lebbeus polaris, C 407 Lebbeus zebra, C 407 Leptochela carinata, C 407 Libinia dubia, C 407 Libinia emarginata, C 407 Lithodes maja, C 407 Lucifer faxoni, C 407 Metacrangon jacqueti agassizii, C 407 Munida iris, C 407 Munida vaiida, C 407 Myropsis quinquespinosa, C 407 Nematocarcinus rotundus, C 407 Neopanope sayi, C 407 Nephropsis aculeata, C 407 Ocypode quadrata, C 407 Ovalipes ocellatus, C 407 Pagurus acadianus, C 407 Pagurus annulipes, C 407 Pagurus arcuatus, C 407 Pagurus longicarpus, C 407 Pagurus politus, C 407 Pagurus pollicaris, C 407 Pagurus pubescens, C 407 Palaemonetes pugio, C 407 Palaemonetes vulgaris, C 407 Palicus gracilis, C 407 Pandalus borealis, C 407 Pandalus montagui, C 407 Pandalus propinquus, C 407 Panopeus herbstii, C 407 Parapagurus pilosimanus pilosimanus, C 407 Parapandalus willisi, C 407 Parapenaeus longirostris, C 407 Parthenope pourtalesii, C 407 Pasiphaea multidentata, C 407 Pasiphaea tarda, C 407 Pelia mutica, C 407 Penaeus aztecus, C 407 Pinnixa chaetopterana, C 407 Pinnixa sayana, C 407 Pinnotheres maculatus, C 407 52 Pinnotheres ostreum, C 407 Planes minutus, C 407 Plesionika martia, C 407 Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus, C 407 Polyonyx gibbesi, C 407 Pontophilus brevirostris, C 407 Pontophilus norvegicus, C 407 Portunus sayi, C 407 Rochinia crassa, C 407 Rochinia tanneri, C 407 Sabinea hystrix, C 407 Sabinea sarsi, C 407 Sabinea septemcarinata, C 407 Sclerocrangon boreas, C 407 Scyllarus depressus, C 407 Sergestes arcticus, C 407 Sergia robusta, C 407 Sesarma reticulatum, C 407 Solenocera necopina, C 407 Spirontocaris lilljeborgii, C 407 Spirontocaris spina, C 407 Stereomastis sculpta, C 407 Upogebia affinis, C 407 C/ca minax, C 407 C/co pugilator, C 407 i/co pugnax, C 407 Crustacea: Branchiura United States, northeastern key, C 413 systematic list, annotated, C 413 Crustacea: Cumacea United States, northeastern development and life history, C 423 ecology and distribution, C 423 external morphology, C 423 internal morphology, C 423 key, C 423 systematic list, annotated, C 423 Crustaceans bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 cadmium, mercury, and silver, effects of, MFR 39(4):7 composition of edible portion of raw (fresh or frozen) aluminum, MFR 40(9) :1 arsenic, MFR 40(9) :1 ascorbic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 barium, MFR 40(9): 1 biotin, MFR 40(1 2) :1 cadmium, MFR 40(9): 1 calcium, MFR 39(1): 1 chlorine, MFR 39(1): 1 choline, MFR 40(1 2) :1 chromium, MFR 40(9) :1 cobalt, MFR 40(9): 1 copper, MFR 40(9) :1 fluorine, MFR 40(9): 1 folic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 inositol, MFR 40(1 2) :1 iodine, MFR 40(9): 1 iron, MFR 40(9): 1 lead, MFR 40(9): 1 magnesium, MFR 39(1): 1 manganese, MFR 40(9): 1 mercury, MFR 40(9): 1 mercury, organic, MFR 40(9): 1 molybdenum, MFR 40(9) :1 niacin, MFR 40(1 2) :1 nickel, MFR 40(9): 1 pantothenic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 phosphorus, MFR 39(1): 1 potassium, MFR 39(1): 1 pyridoxine, MFR 40(12):1 riboflavin, MFR 40(12): 1 selenium, MFR 40(9): 1 silver, MFR 40(9): 1 sodium, MFR 39(1): 1 thiamin, MFR 40(12): 1 tin, MFR 40(9) :1 vanadium, MFR 40(9) :1 vitamin A, MFR 40(12): 1 vitamin B, 2 , MFR 40(12):1 vitamin D, MFR 40(12): 1 vitamin E, MFR 40(12): 1 zinc, MFR 40(9): 1 diseases of introductory remarks, MFR 37(5-6):2 method for restraining living planktonic, FB 74:220 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 38(9):6 Crustaceans, decapod — see Decapods Crytopsaras couesi bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:247 Ctenocalanus vanus Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 Cuba grouper and snapper fishery catch, MFR 39(10):5 fishing operations, MFR 39(10):3 gear, MFR 39(10):2 grounds, MFR 39(10):2 history, MFR 39(10): 1 vessels and personnel, MFR 39(10):3 Cunner activity, movements, and feeding behavior off New York daily activity and movements, FB 73:896 feeding, FB 73:897 food habits, FB 73:898 seasonal activity, FB 73:897 cadmium, long-term stress chemical uptake, FB 75:202 enzyme activity, FB 75:201 mortality and respiration, FB 75:200 Fire Island Inlet seasonal dispersal and habitat selection, FB 77:255 Currents coasts of Vancouver Island and Washington seasonal surface, shown by drift bottle experiments, 1964-65, S 699 Cusk description, MFR 41(11):33 Cuspidella mertensii invertebrates, midwater 53 Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Cyanea capillata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Cyclopsetta fimbriata — see Flounder, spotfin Cymothoa excisa biology and occurrence on three species of snappers, FB 75:875 Cynoscion macdonaldi—see Totoaba Cynoscion nebulosus York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Cyoscion nebulosus — see also Seatrout, spotted Cynoscion regalis York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Cynoscion regalis — see also Weakfish Daphnia pulex water temperature, effects of increased experiments relating to discharges of heated water, FB 74:405 experiments relating to water passing through cooling systems, FB 74:406 DDD in sediments off southern California, FB 74:27 DDE in sediments off southern California, FB 74:27 DDT and metabolites in sediments off southern California, FB 74:27 Decapods protozoan diseases of, MFR 40(10):32 Decision theory salmon fishery applied to data acquisition and management, FB 74:837 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program fishing fleet activities revealed by night-time data from, MFR 37(4): 1 Dehydrocooling fresh fish, MFR 37(7): 17 Delaware Bay flounder, biology of summer age, growth, food habits, and racial characters, FB 75:823 oyster stocks, laboratory-reared and native development of resistance to MSX mortality, MFR 41 (l-2):54 polychaetous annelids, FB 76:209 Delaware River shad, American present and historical spawning grounds and nurseries, FB 74:343 Delphinus delphis distribution of melanin in color pattern, FB 73:439 Delphinus delphis — see also Dolphin, common Dendronotus dalli invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Dermocystidium marinum oyster infection life cycle, MFR 38(10): 19 pathology, MFR 38(10): 19 structure, MFR 38(10): 19 taxonomy, MFR 38(10): 19 Desmodema — see Ribbonfish Deuteromycetes United States, northeastern index to genera and species, C 398 key to genera and species, C 398 systematic list, annotated, C 398 Diastylis glabra invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Diastylis lepechini invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Diatoms freshwater and estuarine, benthic menhaden, Atlantic, grazing by adult, FB 74:689 Dictyosporae United States, northeastern key to genera and species, C 398 Didymosporae United States, northeastern key to genera and species, C 398 Dinoflagellate Gymnodinium splendens two blooms, FB 73:675 Dinoflagellates nutritional value of two species for larval northern an- chovy, FB 75:577 Diodon — see Porcupinefishes Diplectrum bivittatum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum conceptione revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum eumelum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum euryplectrum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum formosum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum labarum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum macropoma revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum maximum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum pacificum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum radiale revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum rostrum revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 54 Diplectrum sciurus revision of sea bass genus Diplectrum, C 404 Diplodus cervinus trophic relationships in South African marine littoral dentition and gut morphology, FB 76:398 dietary composition, FB 76:396 recruitment and growth, FB 76:393 Diplodus sargus trophic relationships in South African marine littoral dentition and gut morphology, FB 76:398 dietary composition, FB 76:394 recruitment and growth, FB 76:392 Diplophos taenia inverse correlation between meristic characters and food supply, FB 73:287 Disease lobster Homarus americanus, MFR 40(10): 4 Diseases environmentally related fish and shellfish, MFR 40(10):43 teleost liver, PCB-induced alterations in model for environmental disease in fish, MFR 40(10):47 Diseases, bacterial anaerobic disease agents in fish, MFR 40(10): 10 fish control of, MFR 40(1 0):2 shellfish hatcheries, Long Island bacteriologic studies, MFR 40(10):8 Diseases, parasitic shellfish larval nematodes in, MFR 40(10):39 shellfish and fish research, comments on trends, MFR 40(10):26 warm-water fishes, MFR 40(10):36 Diseases, protozoan crustaceans, decapod, MFR 40(10):32 Dogfish, spiny Pacific Ocean, northeast mercury in, FB 75:642 Dolphin, bottlenose aerial census off Texas coast behavior, FB 77:592 calves, FB 77:589 comparisons with other population studies, FB 77:591 counts, FB 77:589 density estimate, alternative, FB 77:594 distribution, FB 77:592 dolphin density, estimated, FB 77:591 herd size and density, FB 77:589 perpendicular sighting distances and cues, FB 77:592 population estimates, possible biases, FB 77:592 population size, estimated, FB 77:589 study area, FB 77:586 Atlantic, South behavior and ecology of, FB 77:399 Dolphin, bottlenosed aerial survey in Indian and Banana Rivers, Florida, FB 77:47 observations of feeding behavior crowding, MFR 37(9): 14 feeding on fish attracted to nonworking shrimpers, MFR 37(9): 13 feeding on trash fish, MFR 37(9): 12 foraging behind working shrimp boats, MFR 37(9): 10 herding of schools of fish, MFR 37(9): 13 individual feeding, MFR 37(9): 14 sweeping schools of small bait fish, MFR 37(9): 14 Dolphin, common maturity, correlates of, FB 77:295 Dolphin, dusky behavior and ecology in South Atlantic group organization and calving periodicity, FB 77:881 interspecific interactions, FB 77:881 relationships of group sizes, feeding, and aerial behav- ior, FB 77:878 seasonal and daily surface feeding cycles, FB 77:874 seasonal occurrence pattern, FB 77:872 water depth and speed of movement, FB 77:874 Dolphin, eastern spinner Pacific Ocean, eastern tropical growth and reproduction, FB 75:725 Dolphin, spinner behavior of Hawaiian aerial behavior patterns, FB 77:831 arousal, FB 77:842 distribution, FB 77:824 dive patterns, FB 77:843 feeding, FB 77:835 marked animal studies, FB 77:828 morning shoreward movement, FB 77:837 morphology, FB 77:822 predators, FB 77:846 rest, FB 77:840 rest areas, FB 77:827 social, FB 77:843 sound emissions, FB 77:846 subsidence into rest, FB 77:839 systematics, FB 77:823 zigzag swimming, FB 77:842 Dolphin, spotted Pacific Ocean, eastern tropical gross annual reproductive rates compared with estimates for eastern spinner dolphin, 1973-75, FB 75:725 reproductive parameters, 1973-75, FB 75:629 Dolphin, white-sided Gulf of Maine probably killed in gill nets, FB 76:475 Dolphins identification guide to western North Atlantic Atlantic bottlenosed, C 396 Atlantic spotted, C 396 Atlantic white-sided, C 396 bridled, C 396 Fraser's, C 396 Guiana, C 396 rough-toothed, C 396 saddleback, C 396 spinner, C 396 striped, C 396 white-beaked, C 396 55 Dolphins, pelagic movements in eastern tropical Pacific as indicated by results of tagging, 1969-76 chronological account of tagging operations, S 737 long-term movements, S 737 radiotracking experiment, S 737 short-term movements, S 737 Dorosoma petenense — see Shad, threadfin Dredging Pacific Ocean, areas adjacent to northeast aquatic organisms, effects on, MFR 38(1 1):34 Drop net, portable tripod estuarine fish studies, FB 76:285 Drum, red ultrasonic transmitter, harness for attachment of, FB 74: 998 Dulichia spinossisma invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Echinodermata — see Holothuroidea Echiurus echiurus alaskanus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Ecology data analysis resource, at Northwest Fisheries Center, MFR 38(8):22 Economics aquacultural bibliography, S 703 Eel, American New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Eel, conger New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 occurrence of leptocephali in an estuary, FB 73:444 Eelgrass Puget Sound beds, importance of, MFR 39(11): 18 Eelpout Gulf of Mexico new genus and species described and figured, FB 75:789 Eels catching and preparation methods, MFR 40(4): 1 life history, MFR 40(4): 1 world demand, MFR 40(4): 1 Effluent from steam-electric station impact on marshland nursery area during the hot season, FB 73:67 Effluents — see Fishery waste effluents Eggs, fish — see Fish eggs El Nino equatorial Pacific anomalies and, C 416:179 historical trends and statistics, FB 76:663 recent progress in monitoring and prediction changes in filter and data applications, C 427:93 1976 event, C 427:95 outlook, C 427:96 use of sea surface temperature trends, C 427:94 Elagatis bipinnulata — see Runner, rainbow Elements, trace National Marine Fisheries Service survey in fishery re- source analytical procedures, S 721 data management, S 721 element levels, S 721 fish collection, S 721 sample preparation, S 721 Ellobiocystis caridarum new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:181 Ellobiocystis species? new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:182 Ellobiopsidae new records from the North Pacific artificial key to ellopsids found on mysids, FB 73:170 Ellobiocystis caridarum, FB 73:181 Ellobiopsis chattoni, FB 73:181 Thalassomyces albatrossi n. sp., FB 73:175 Thalassomyces boschmai, FB 73:171 Thalassomyces calif orniensis, FB 73:181 Thalassomyces capillosus, FB 73:180 Thalossomyces fagei, FB 73:179 Thalassomyces fasciatus, FB 73:178 Thalassomyces marsupii, FB 73:178 Thalassomyces species (not identified), FB 73:181 Ellobiopsis chattoni new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:181 Ellopsidae new records from the North Pacific Ellobiocystis species?, FB 73:182 Elvers North Carolina Synaphobranchus affinis, FB 73:687 Emerita analoga — see Crab, sand Enchelyopus cimbrius — see Rockling, fourbeard Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands trophic relationships among fishes and plankton, FB 76:133 Engraulis encrasicholus — see Anchovy, northern Adriatic Engraulis mordax — see Anchovy, northern Enhydra lutris — see Otter, sea Enoploteuthis sp. bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:245 ENORMSEP computer program analysis polymodal frequency distributions, FB 73:681 Enteric red mouth disease Hagerman strain agglutination test, passive, MFR 40(3):47 asymptomatic disease carrier state, MFR 40(3):45 carrier identification, MFR 40(3):47 carrier infections, cyclical nature, MFR 40(3):47 causative organism, MFR 40(3):43 clinical signs and pathology, MFR 40(3):43 economic effects, MFR 40(3):43 epidemiology, MFR 40(3):42 induced humoral immune response, MFR 40(3):49 mortality and transmission, MFR 40(3):43 Environmental change fisheries, northeast Pacific, MFR 38(1 1):1 56 Eopsetta jordani — see Sole, petrale Ephelota sp. parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:21 Epinephelus sp. North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3): 13 Epizoites associated with Bathynectes superbus, FB 74:225 Ericthonius difformis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Ericthonius tolli invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 ERTS-1 menhaden investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 13 Eschrichtius robustus — see Whale, gray Etropus microstomus — see Flounder, smallmouth Etrumeus teres — see Herring, round Eualus fabricii invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Eualus gaimardii invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Eualus macilenta invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Eualus stoneyi invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Eucalanus bungii invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Eudorella emarginata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Euphausia gibboides larval development, FB 73:145 Euphausia pacifica population biology off southern California annual biomass, FB 74:752 growth, FB 74:745 recruitment efficiency and spatial aggregation of eggs, FB 74:743 sex ratio, FB 74:755 southern California eddy, FB 74:736 spawning and recruitment, FB 74:738 survivorship, FB 74:749 temperature relationships of spawners and larvae, FB 74:744 thermal increases of short duration, effect on survival, FB 76:895 Euphausiacea Nematoscelis biology and taxonomy, FB 73:797 Euphausiids California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:925 Europe bluefin tuna possible anomalies, MFR 37(1 2): 3 Eusyllis sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Euterpina acutifrons coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil environmental variables on the metabolism, synergistic effects of, FB 76:449 Euthynnus synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, C 429 distribution, C 429 exploitation, C 429 identity, C 429 population, C 429 Euthynnus alletteratus — see Tuna, little Euthynnus lineatus — see Skipjack, black Exchodontes daidaleus — see Eelpout Extended jurisdiction SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4):24 Extended Normal Separator Program — see ENORMSEP Fatty acids — see Acids, fatty Federal Republic of Germany herring stocks, status, MFR 40(4):21 Fin fish cadmium, mercury, and silver, effects of, MFR 39(4):8 composition of edible portion of raw (fresh or frozen) aluminum, MFR 40(9): 1 arsenic, MFR 40(9) :1 ascorbic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 barium, MFR 40(9) :1 biotin, MFR 40(12): 1 cadmium, MFR 40(9) :1 calcium, MFR 39(1): 1 chlorine, MFR 39(1): 1 choline, MFR 40(1 2) :1 chromium, MFR 40(9): 1 cobalt, MFR 40(9): 1 copper, MFR 40(9): 1 fluorine, MFR 40(9): 1 folic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 inositol, MFR 40(1 2): 1 iodine, MFR 40(9): 1 iron, MFR 40(9): 1 lead, MFR 40(9): 1 magnesium, MFR 39(1): 1 manganese, MFR 40(9): 1 mercury, MFR 40(9): 1 mercury, organic, MFR 40(9): 1 molybdenum, MFR 40(9): 1 57 niacin, MFR 40(12): 1 nickel, MFR 40(9): 1 pantothenic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 phosphorus, MFR 39(1): 1 potassium, MFR 39(1): 1 pyridoxine, MFR 40(12): 1 riboflavin, MFR 40(12): 1 selenium, MFR 40(9): 1 silver, MFR 40(9): 1 sodium, MFR 39(1): 1 thiamin, MFR 40(12): 1 tin, MFR 40(9): 1 vanadium, MFR 40(9): 1 vitamin A, MFR 40(12): 1 vitamin B, 2 , MFR 40(12):1 vitamin D, MFR 40(12): 1 vitamin E, MFR 40(12): 1 zinc, MFR 40(9): 1 Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras, 1963-74 biomass changes as determined from research vessel survey data, FB 75:1 Gulf of Mexico, northern distribution, MFR 37(7):9 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 3 8(9): 6 Fire Island Inlet cunner seasonal dispersal and habitat selection, FB 77:255 tautog, young seasonal dispersal and habitat selection, FB 77:255 Fish bacterial disease, control of, MFR 40(10):2 catch and catch rates in St. Andrew Bay, Florida, 1973 catch rates by bait type, S 708 locations, S 708 species caught, S 708 chemical characteristics, northeast Pacific Ocean composition and nutritional properties, MFR 38(9): 11 finfish, miscellaneous, MFR 38(9):6 flatfishes, MFR 38(9):4 inorganic elements (ash), MFR 38(9):9 oils, MFR 38(9):8 proteins, MFR 38(9):8 proximate composition of fish parts, MFR 38(9):7 rockfish, MFR 38(9):5 salmon, MFR 38(9):4 trace components, MFR 38(9): 10 trash fish, unutilized and miscellaneous, MFR 38(9):6 trout, MFR 38(9):4 chemical composition of, MFR 40(7) :1 coastal pelagic automated unmanned fishing system to harvest, MFR 38(2):21 entrapment and impingement by power plant cooling- water intakes barriers, behavioral, MFR 39(10): 11 barriers, physical, MFR 39(10):13 cooling system design, MFR 39(10): 11 guidance and diversion systems, MFR 39(10): 11 impact assessment, MFR 39(10):9 impingement damage, MFR 39(10): 8 site evaluation, MFR 39(10): 10 environmental data collected in New York Bight, June 1974- June 1975, S 716 fillet blocks preparation, MFR 40(1):5 high school students' perceptions of, as a menu item importance of product attributes, MFR 37(10):26 perceptions of fish compared to beef and pork, MFR 37(10):25 identification thin-layer polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing, FB 75:571 inverse correlation between meristic characters and food supply in mid-water collection and analysis of data, FB 73:285 localities studied, FB 73:285 measures of biological productivity, FB 73:285 marine trophic interactions by dynamic simulation, FB 73:695 mesopelagic net feeding, FB 73:908 Mississippi Sound and Louisiana coast finding with satellites, MFR 39(1): 16 "mock," for studying microbial inhibiting agents, FB 75: 880 pollution-associated diseases and abnormalities experimentally induced lesions, FB 76:736 fin rot, FB 76:719 genetic abnormalities, FB 76:734 lymphocystis, FB 76:725 neoplasms, FB 76:728 pollutant-parasite interactions, FB 76:740 skeletal anomalies, FB 76:732 stress-provoked latent infections, FB 76:727 ulcers, FB 76:722 role in meeting world's food needs, MFR 38(6): 1 shallow marsh habitats as primary nurseries, FB 77:339 species, mixed utilization, MFR 39(3): 1 squid attacks on trawl-captured, MFR 39(12):23 summer benthic fauna of Sandy Hook Bay abundance, S 698 distribution, S 698 environmental preferences, S 698 length and age composition, S 698 Tampa Bay, Florida additional studies of, in upland canals, FB 73:83 utilization of mixed species, MFR 39(3): 1 Fish, adult daily growth increments in otoliths, FB 74:1 Fish, epibenthic long-term fluctuations of populations in Apalachicola Bay, Florida distribution, FB 74:313 physicochemical parameters, FB 74:313 seasonal fluctuations of dominant species, FB 74:314 Fish, freshwater parasitic diseases cestodes, MFR 40(3):57 crustaceans, MFR 40(3):57 nematodes, MFR 40(3):57 protozoans, MFR 40(3):56 trematodes, MFR 40(3):57 58 Fish, frozen right package for, MFR 39(5):24 Fish, larval development of Pacific Euphausia gibboides, FB 73:145 Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank collected during ICNAF larval herring surveys, Septem- ber 1971 -February 1975, S 717 mortality studies, report of colloquium on causes of mortality, C 395 density-dependent mortality, C 395 predation, guidelines for study, C 395 research recommendations, C 395 starvation, guidelines for study, C 395 Fish, mesopelagic vertical distribution and other aspects of ecology near Hawaii avoidance, FB 74:643 migration, FB 74:641 sex ratio, FB 74:643 sexual dimorphism, FB 74:643 Fish, minced past, present, and future uses, MFR 39(4): 1 Fish, multispecies — see Multispecies fisheries problem Fish, myctophid distribution across central equatorial Pacific Bolinichthys longipes, FB 73:636 Bolinichthys photothorax, FB 73:637 Centrobranchus choerocephalus, FB 73:636 Ceratoscopelus warmingi, FB 73:636 Diaphus brachycephalus, FB 73:636 Diaphus drachmani, FB 637 Diaphus eiucens, FB 73:636 Diaphus fragilis, FB 73:636 Diaphus garmani, FB 73:636 Diaphus jenseni, FB 73:636 Diaphus longleyi, FB 73:636 Diaphus lucidus, FB 73:637 Diaphus luetkeni, FB 73:637 Diaphus malayanus, FB 73:636 Diaphus problematicus, FB 73:636 Diaphus regani, FB 73:636 Diaphus signatus, FB 73:636 Diaphus splendidus, FB 73:636 Diaphus termophilus, FB 73:637 Diogenichthys atlanticus, FB 73:636 Diogenichthys laternatus, FB 73:636 Electrona rissoi, FB 73:637 Gonichthys teniculus, FB 73:636 Hygophum proximum, FB 73:636 Lampadena luminosa, FB 73:637 Lampanyctus hubbsi, FB 73:636 Lampanyctus "niger", FB 73:637 Lampanyctus nobilis, FB 73:636 Lampanyctus omostigma, FB 73:636 Lampanyctus steinbecki, FB 73:636 Myctophum asperum, FB 73:636 Myctophum aurolaternatum, FB 73:636 Myctophum nitidulum, FB 73:636 Myctophum obtusirostrum, FB 73:636 Myctophum selenoides, FB 73:637 Myctophum spinosum, FB 73:636 Notolychnus valdiviae, FB 73:636 Notoscopelus resplendens, FB 73:636 Symbolophorus evermanni, FB 73:636 Triphoturus nigrescens, FB 73:636 Fish, ornamental diseases and problems bacteriological examination and results, MFR 40(3):58, 59 parasitological examination and results, MFR 40(3):58, 59 virological examination and results, MFR 40(3): 59, 60 Fish, pelagic eggs and larvae, distribution and ecology off Spanish Sahara anchovy eggs, spatial and temporal distribution, FB 74:893 identification and enumeration, FB 74:888 sardine eggs, spatial and temporal distribution, FB 74:893 spatial distribution, FB 74:891 temperature and chlorophyll a, FB 74:888 zooplankton, FB 74:886 Fish, postlarval general feeding ecology in Newport River estuary, FB 73:137 Fish, refrigerated spoilage and shelf life prediction shelf life prediction, MFR 37(4): 33 spoilage and spoilage rate factors, MFR 37(4):32 Fish, small heading and eviscerating machine flesh, collection of minced fish, MFR 39(2): 15 LaPine gutting machine, MFR 39(2): 12 machines, survey of cleaning, MFR 39(2): 11 simple method to obtain serum from, FB 77:509 Fish, trophic interactions activity patterns of planktivorous fishes, FB 74:580 collecting fishes, FB 74:570 collecting zooplankters, FB 74:569 fishes studied, FB 74:568 zooplankter activity patterns, FB 74:571 zooplankter volumes, FB 74:571 Fish, warm water disease incidence on farms in south-central United States antibiotics used as prophylactics, MFR 40(3):40 bacterial infection and oxygen depletion incidence, MFR 40(3):38 disease incidence, MFR 40(3):38 protozoan infection incidence, MFR 40(3):38 treatment delivery systems, MFR 40(3):40 parasitic diseases, MFR 40(10):36 Fish blocks minced color measuring system, MFR 39(2): 18 Fish catches gill nets relation to frontal periods, FB 74:449 Fish collections from New York to Florida, 1968-72, S 697 Fish diseases anaerobic bacteria, possible disease agents, MFR 40(10): 10 bacterial, control of, MFR 40(10):2 chemoprophylaxis, MFR 40(3):67 control chemotherapy effectiveness, MFR 40(3):67 drug administration, MFR 40(3):65 drugs commonly used, MFR 40(3):65 parasite control, MFR 40(3):67 59 relationship of host, pathogen, and environment, MFR 40(3):65 environmentally related, MFR 40(10):43 inspection and certification bacterial, MFR 40(3):70 diagnostic examination of fish, MFR 40(3):71 parasitic, MFR 40(3):70 sampling, MFR 40(3):69 viral, MFR 40(3):69 model for environmental teleost liver, PCB-induced alterations in, MFR 40(10):47 parasitic research, comments on trends, MFR 40(10): 26 Fish eggs flounder, smallmouth, FB 77:708 mackerel, Atlantic description of eggs and early larvae, FB 73:186 menhaden, yellowfin description, FB 73:660 porcupinefishes development, comments on, FB 76:535 seasonal abundance and distribution, 1972-74 Gulf of Mexico, eastern, S 701 Spanish Sahara distribution and ecology of pelagic in an upwelling area off, FB 74:885 survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR 41 (3):1 Fish fauna associated with offshore platforms in northeastern Gulf of Mexico comparison of two platforms, FB 74:395 faunal composition, FB 74:389 habitat occupation and activity patterns, FB 74:396 winter-summer contrast, FB 74:395 Fish flavors petroleum pickup nature, MFR 40(1): 13 research, MFR 40(1): 14 Fish immunization Aeromonas salmonicida bacterins aggregating and nonaggregating strains, MFR 40(3): 12 vaccines, MFR 40(3): 15 virulence of strains, MFR 40(3): 13 Fish kill climatic conditions related to, and anoxia off New Jersey during summer 1976 application of oxygen model for 1976, C 427:292 climatological conditions, C 427:290 oxygen cycle and stratification, C 427:291 previous fish kills, C 427:294 regional aspects, C 427:292 Fish larvae Anchoa mitchilli, larval bay simulated food patches and survival of, FB 76:483 anchovy field criteria for survival, FB 73:453 anchovy, northern culture and growth, FB 74:81 diel changes in swim bladder inflation, FB 74:847 growth in the sea, FB 77:413 Atlantic, northwest, fishes, laboratory reared length-weight relations, FB 76:890 California Current anchovy, northern, FB 74:517 mackerel, jack, FB 74:517 sardine, Pacific, FB 74:517 coastal and oceanic off Yaquina Bay, Oregon assemblage, coastal, FB 75:133 assemblage, offshore, FB 75:138 comparison of coastal and Yaquina Bay larvae, FB 75: 141 comparison to northeast Pacific, FB 75:143 comparison with other planktonic components, FB 75: 142 distribution, coastal and offshore, FB 75:139 distribution, vertical, FB 75:130 sampling variability, FB 75:128 taxonomic problems, FB 75:128 Columbia River estuary, 1973 species composition and relative abundance, FB 75:218 daily growth increments in otoliths, FB 74:1 flounder, smallmouth, FB 77:708 flounder, winter analysis of feeding and survival potential, bioenergetic model for, FB 75:529 flounder, yellowtail diel movements determined from discrete depth sam- pling, FB 76:167 larval rearing, FB 76:931 Gobiesox rhessodon development, FB 77:300 herring, Pacific predator-prey relationship between, and Hyperoche medusarum, FB 74:669 mackerel, Atlantic continental shelf waters between Massachusetts and Florida, FB 76:95 description of eggs and early larvae, FB 73:186 mackerel, chub continental shelf waters between Massachusetts and Florida, FB 76:95 marine teleost, California Current microcopepod influence on survival, FB 75:601 menhaden, Atlantic larval transport and year-class strength, FB 75:23 menhaden, yellowfin description, FB 73:660 Oregon quillfish, FB 73:681 Oregon, distribution and duration of pelagic life in waters off sole, Dover, FB 75:173 sole, petrale, FB 75:173 sole, rex, FB 75:173 porcupinefishes development, comments on, FB 76:535 Rimicola muscarum notes on, FB 77:300 scorpionfish identification guide to eastern Pacific, C 402 sea bream simulated food patches and survival of, FB 76:485 60 seasonal abundance and distribution, 1972-74 Gulf of Mexico, eastern, S 701 seatrout, spotted, FB 76:65 shrimp, humpy description, FB 76:235 snapper, vermilion description, FB 75:547 Spanish Sahara distribution and ecology of pelagic in an upwelling area off, FB 74:885 survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR 41 (3):1 various species of phytoplankton as food for larval an- chovy, FB 75:577 Fish physiology environmental parameters affecting water reuse systems, MFR 40(10):46 Fish populations comparison on artificial and natural reef in Florida Keys area description, MFR 41(9): 1 biomass estimates, MFR 41(9): 10 cleaning stations, MFR 41(9):9 visual counts and rotenone collection, MFR 41(9): 10 experimental exploitation of competing aquarium tanks, FB 73:873 cleaning and treatment of aquaria, FB 73:874 competing populations, FB 73:877 enumeration, FB 73:875 experimental animals, FB 73:873 exploitation, FB 73:875 food and feeding, FB 73:873 handling, FB 73:875 independent populations, FB 73:876 recruitment relations, FB 73:878 simulation model, FB 73:880 water characteristics, FB 73:874 weighing, FB 73:875 Fish prices historical trends in southern California commerical fisheries market fish, MFR 37(1 1):28 tunas, MFR 37(1 1):25 wetfish, MFR 37(1 1):23 Fish scales found in mesopelagic fishes, FB 73:912 Fish schools as operational structures geometrical models, FB 74:472 locomotor problems, FB 74:491 movements, FB 74:482 shape, FB 74:482 size, FB 74:482 spacing, FB 74:476 traffic problems, FB 74:486 turning problems, FB 74:484 Fish schools, epipelagic thickness and depth distributions off southern California, FB 77:489 Fish schools, pelagic photographic method for measuring spacing and density within at sea, FB 75:230 Fish shipments optimal from Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia, MFR 41 (7): 16 Fish stock optimum economic yield of an internationally utilized common property resource, FB 73:51 Fish stock mixtures composition, assessment of, FB 77:387 Fish stock production model fitting the generalized by least-squares and equilibrium approximation comparative examples of equilibrium approximation methods, FB 73:28 comparative examples of the equilibrium approximation and transition prediction approaches, FB 73:32 fitting method, FB 73:25 Fish traps West Indian, mesh selectivity of, MFR 40(7): 15 Fisheries, commercial industry foreign direct investment in United States employment and payroll, MFR 38(12):24 financing, MFR 38(12):24 foreign trade, MFR 38(12):24 market position, MFR 38(12):24 motivation, MFR 38(12):25 policy aspects, MFR 38(12):25 scope, MFR 38(12):23 sources and locations, MFR 38(12):23 Fisheries, marine California, southern, recreational and commercial, MFR 38(1):1 Fisheries, mixed species United States, northeastern coast linear programming simulations of effects of bycatch on management, FB 76:851 Fisheries, otter trawl energy efficiency comparison between Washington and Japan efficiency, MFR 37(4):23 energy inputs, MFR 37(4):22 energy outputs, MFR 37(4):23 fisheries, MFR 37(4):21 Fisheries, trap soak time, incorporating into measurement of fishing effort, FB 75:213 Fisheries development New England availability, MFR 39(2): 1 crabs, MFR 39(2):2 future activities, MFR 39(2):5 industry interest, MFR 39(2): 1 markets, MFR 39(2): 1 mixed species, MFR 39(2):2 shellfish, other, MFR 39(2) :4 squids, MFR 39(2): 1 technological support, MFR 39(2):5 technology catch, increasing domestic, MFR 39(2):7 fishing pressure, redistribution, MFR 39(2):7 National Marine Fisheries Service, MFR 39(2):7 success by coincidence, MFR 39(2): 10 success by collaborative effort, MFR 39(2):9 61 Fisheries management evolution of philosophy biological management for maximum sustainable yield, MFR 38(12): 17 inexhaustibility debate, MFR 38(12):15 nonbiological criteria, MFR 38(12): 19 optimum sustainable yield, MFR 38(12):20 Fishermen, commercial economic performance of Oregon's in 1972 characteristics of fishermen, MFR 39(8): 17 costs and returns, MFR 39(8): 18 data source and description, MFR 39(8): 17 incomes, total, MFR 39(8):21 production functions, MFR 39(8):20 Fishermen, Texas charter boat characteristics, participation, and motivations fishing motivations, analysis, MFR 40(8): 11 fishing motivations, understanding, MFR 40(8): 10 group types, MFR 40(8): 10 motives, importance, MFR 40(8): 11 population, study, MFR 40(8):9 recreational fishing backgrounds and participation, MFR 40(8):9 sociodemographic characteristics, MFR 40(8):9 Fishery, troll survey of charter boat in North Carolina, 1977 economics, MFR 41(4):27 fish communities, production of pelagic, MFR 41(4):25 fishes, biological characteristics of pelagic, MFR 41(4): 26 fishes and habitats, MFR 41(4): 15 fishing areas, MFR 41 (4): 18 geographical distribution of landings, MFR 41(4):21 nontrolling activities, MFR 41(4):22 number of boats, MFR 41(4): 17 resource availability, MFR 41(4):24 seasonality of landings, MFR 41(4): 19 species composition, MFR 41(4): 18 survey methods, MFR 41(4):16 trip types, MFR41(4):18 user groups competition, MFR 41(4):26 vessels and equipment, MFR 41(4): 18 Fishery cooperative analysis of prices paid to fishermen before and after establishment of markets, MFR 37(3):36 objective, MFR 37(3):36 percent of export prices paid to fishermen, MFR 37(3): 38 prices received by fishermen, MFR 37(3):37 products, MFR 37(3):36 Fishery products chlorinated hydrocarbon pollutants in simplified extraction and cleanup procedure for, FB 76: 880 "mock fish," for studying microbial inhibiting agents, FB 75:880 New England export opportunities, MFR 39(2):26 United States, 1976-78 value added, margins, and consumer expenditures for edible, MFR41(12):1 vacuum cooling and thawing, MFR 37(7): 15 Fishery publications index, 1965-74, C 400 lists and indexes: 1974, C 392 Fishery regulation via optimal control theory, FB 73:830 Fishery resources west coast, particularly the Pacific Northwest water diver- sions, effects on, MFR 38(11):46 Fishery waste effluents chemical oxygen demand and residue method to determine relationships between, FB 74:725 oil and grease proposed analytical method, FB 74:681 pollutant parameters, system for determining and calculat- ing, FB 75:253 Fishes Columbia River estuary, 1973 species composition and relative abundance of larval and post-larval, FB 75:218 estuarine and coastal from St. Andrew Bay, Florida gill net selectivity, FB 75:185 gill net catches, St. Andrew Bay, Florida depth zone comparison, FB 75:105 net damage, FB 75:107 time of day comparison, FB 75:105 webbing material comparison, FB 75:104 keys to otoliths from Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, and Beaufort Sea accuracy, C 420 Agonidae, C 420 Anarhichadidae, C 420 Anoplopomatidae, C 420 Bathymasteridae, C 420 Bothidae and Pleuronectidae, C 420 Cottidae, C 420 Cyclopteridae, C 420 Gadidae, C 420 Hexagrammidae, C 420 Osmeridae, C 420 Pholididae, C 420 potential problems and sources of error, C 420 Scorpaenidae, C 420 species list, C 420 Stichaeidae, C 420 Trichodontidae, C 420 Zoarcidae, C 420 thermal behavioral responses of selected California littoral behavioral criteria, FB 76:845 data analyses, FB 76:841 experimental criteria, FB 76:837 gradient design, FB 76:839 relationship of temperatures selected and thermal his- tory, FB 76:843 temperature gradient shifting and reversal, FB 76:841 trophic relationships among, and plankton at Enewetak Atoll currents, strong, FB 76:140 currents, weak, FB 76:137 diurnal relationships, FB 76:145 fish collection, FB 76:136 mysids as prey during day, FB 76:151 62 nocturnal increase in fish eggs, FB 76:150 nocturnal relationships, FB 76:148 planktivore morphology and distance from reef, FB 76: 151 plankton collection, FB 76:135 water depth and size influence, FB 76:150 vertical distribution and development in North Pacific central gyre during summer Benthosema suborbitale, FB 77:789 Fishes, larval vertical distribution and development in North Pacific central gyre during summer Bolinichthys spp., FB 77:787 Centrobranchus spp., FB 77:789 Ceratoscopelus warmingi, FB 77:787 Cyclothone spp., FB 77:784 Diaphus spp., FB 77:787 Diogenichthys atlanticus, FB 77:790 family Gonostomatidae, FB 77:783 family Myctophidae, FB 77:786 family Sternoptychidae, FB 77:786 Hygophum spp., FB 77:790 Lampadena spp., FB 77:788 Lampanyctus spp., FB 77:788 Lobianchia gemellari, FB 77:789 Myctophum spp., FB 77:790 Notolychnus valdiviae, FB 77:789 subfamily Lampanyctinae, FB 77:787 subfamily Myctophinae, FB 77:789 Symbolophorus evermanni, FB 77:790 Triphoturus nigrescens, FB 77:789 Vinciguerria spp., FB 77:785 Fishes, larval and juvenile captured in South Atlantic Bight between May 1967 and February 1968 Antennariidae, S 685 Apogonidae, S 685 Atherinidae, S 685 Balistidae, S 685 Belonidae, S 685 Blenniidae, S 685 Bothidae, S 685 Carangidae, S 685 Chaetodontidae, S 685 Clupeidae, S 685 Congridae, S 685 Coryphaenidae, S 685 Cynoglossidae, S 685 Dactylopteridae, S 685 Diodontidae, S 685 Echeneidae, S 685 Elopidae, S 685 Engraulidae, S 685 Exocoetidae, S 685 Gadidae, S 685 Gempylidae, S 685 Gobiidae, S 685 Holocentridae, S 685 Istiophoridae, S 685 Kyphosidae, S 685 Lobotidae, S 685 Lutjanidae, S 685 Mugilidae, S 685 Mullidae, S 685 Muraenidae, S 685 Myctophidae, S 685 Nemichthyidae, S 685 Ophichthidae, S 685 Ophidiidae, S 685 Ostraciidae, S 685 Pomacentridae, S 685 Pomatomidae, S 685 Priacanthidae, S 685 Sciaenidae, S 685 Scombridae, S 685 Scorpaenidae, S 685 Soleidae, S 685 Sparidae, S 685 Sphyraenidae, S 685 Stromateidae, S 685 Syngnathidae, S 685 Synodontidae, S 685 Tetraodontidae, S 685 Triglidae, S 685 Uranoscopidae, S 685 Xiphiidae, S 685 Fishes, marine spawning principal areas and times of, FB 76:91 1 Fishes, mesopelagic Hawaiian diel feeding patterns of 16 species, FB 76:495 net feeding, FB 73:908 vertical distribution, vertical migration, and abundance in eastern Pacific Ocean abundance and standing stock estimation, FB 76:762 abundance variability in replicated samples, FB 76:762 micronekton associated with sound-scattering layers, FB 76:764 sample analysis, FB 76:755 sampling gear, FB 76:752 sampling program, FB 76:753 study area, FB 76:752 vertical distribution of crustaceans, FB 76:763 vertical distribution of fish, FB 76:755 Fishes, midwater postcapture ingestion in trawl nets, FB 77:713 Fishes, reef Santa Barbara, California day versus night activity in a kelp forest, FB 74:703 Fishing, distant water observed and perceived impacts Oregon otter trawl case, MFR 37(4): 13 Fishing, electrical SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4):20 Fishing effort trap fisheries soak time, incorporating into measurement, FB 75:213 Fishing effort estimation Atlantic, western North aerial search data, FB 74:503 Fishing fleet activities revealed by night-time data from Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, MFR 37(4): 1 63 Fishing gear technology development or transfer in New England harvesting technology, MFR 39(2):25 herring, MFR 39(2):24 squid, MFR 39(2):24 Fishing industry estimating structure of capacity utilization economic capacity, MFR 40(8):29 engineering capacity, MFR 40(8):29 harvesting sector, MFR 40(8):31 price-capacity utilization relationships, MFR 40(8):32 processing sector, MFR 40(8):31 theoretical background, MFR 40(8):30 Fishing industry, charter boat Texas Gulf Coast business characteristics, MFR 40(8): 3 financial information, MFR 40(8): 5 fishing activities, MFR 40(8):4 operators, MFR 40(8):3 organization, MFR 40(8):2 Fishing system automated and unmanned to harvest coastal pelagic fish attraction devices, MFR 38(2):22 benefits, MFR 38(2):25 concept of operation, MFR 38(2):23 control techniques, MFR 38(2):23 present constraints, MFR 38(2):25 pumping and processing equipment, MFR 38(2):23 evaluation using scuba diving methods, MFR 38(7): 15 Flatfish Oregon, continental shelf food of five species of cooccurring, FB 74:984 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 38(9):4 ulcer cause, presumptive Vibrio species, MFR 40(10):5 Flatfishes Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S691 early development in eastern North Pacific meristic counts of larvae, FB 77:107 Oregon distribution and abundance, FB 76:629 Florida mullet fishery dockside price analysis, MFR 38(6):4 puffers biology of, contribution to, FB 77:292 St. Andrew Bay fishes, catch and catch rates, 1973, S 708 St. Johns River, FB 73:68 shrimp processing industry dual structural equilibrium, FB 74:880 stranding of pilot whales, FB 77:511 Tampa Bay, FB 73:81 vessels, red snapper-grouper statistical and budgetary economic analysis of, 1974-75, MFR 39(1 1):6 Florida, south inshore waters production of two planktonic carnivores, FB 73:238 Florida Keys fish populations comparison on artificial and natural reef, MFR 41(9):1 spiny lobster fishery costs and earnings in, MFR 37(4):25 Flounder night stalking in ocean surf fishing implements, MFR 37(9):29 fishing methods, MFR 37(9):27 general technique, MFR 37(9):28 physical conditions, MFR 37(9):28 species caught, MFR 37(9):29 Flounder, arrowtooth resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11): 20 Flounder, deepwater Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S691 Flounder, dusky Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Flounder, fourspot Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Flounder, Gulf Stream Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Flounder, ocellated Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Flounder, smallmouth Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 eggs and early life, FB 77:708 Flounder, spotfin Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Flounder, summer biology, Delaware Bay age, growth, food habits, and racial characters, FB 75: 823 Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 New Jersey composition of catches made by anglers fishing from party boats in 1978, MFR 41(12):28 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Flounder, winter Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 changes in ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid, and pro- tein content, FB 77:703 64 embryos, effects of temperature and salinity on survival effects on embryonic development, FB 74:56 effects on viable hatch, FB 74:53 incubation time and duration of hatching interval, FB 74:55 influence on total and viable hatch, FB 74:53 hormonal-induced ovulation deoxycorticosterone, FB 73:431 freeze-dried carp pituitary, FB 73:431 human chorionic gonadotropin, FB 73:431 oxytocin, FB 73:431 pregnant mare serum gonadotropin, FB 73:431 larvae analysis of feeding and survival potential, bioenergetic model for, FB 75:529 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 starvation, effect of, FB 77:703 synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, C 414 distribution, C 414 fishing, C 414 identity, C 414 pond fish culture, C 414 population, C 414 protection and management, C 414 Flounder, witch Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Flounder, yellowtail Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 diel movements determined from discrete depth sampling, FB 76:167 induced spawning and larval rearing, FB 76:931 New England, southern compartmentalized simulation model, FB 75:465 fecundity, FB 75:877 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Food webs theoretical treatment of unstructured matrix approach, FB 73:379 series approach, FB 73:378 FORTRAN IV frequency distributions, FB 76:285 France coho salmon farming, MFR 38(8): 1 French Guiana U.S. shrimp fishery off, 1972-74, FB 75:703 Frontal periods relation of fish catches in gill nets to, FB 74:449 Furunculosis Puget Sound, Washington salmon, marine cultured, MFR 40(3):52 Gadus macrocephalus — ste Cod, Pacific Gadus morhua — see Cod, Atlantic Gadus ogac — see Cod, Greenland Gaffkemia fatal infection of lobsters, MFR 37(5-6):20 Galathea rostrata larval development under laboratory conditions ecdysial and sequential variation, FB 76:783 fifth zoea, FB 76:797 first zoea, FB 76:788 fourth zoea (advanced), FB 76:796 fourth zoea (regular), FB 76:794 megalopa, FB 76:799 second zoea, FB 76:790 synopses of galatheid larvae, FB 76:803 third zoea, FB 76:792 Gallbladder lesions salmon, cultured Pacific, FB 75:884 Gamefish Skylab-3 gamefish investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 14 Gammaracanthus loricatus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Gammarus wilkitzkii invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Gammarus zaddachi invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Gas bladder bass, striped developmental anatomy and inflation, FB 77:1000 Gas-bubble disease salmon, chinook, fall heritable resistance, FB 73:934 salmon, coho mortalities in water with constant total gas pressure and different oxygen-nitrogen ratios, FB 73:915 Gases, dissolved concentration, 1970-72 Boise River, D 102 Cowlitz River, D 102 Willamette River, D 102 Gasterosteus aculeatus — see Stickleback, threespine Genyonemus lineatus — see Croaker, white Georges Bank bottom- water temperatures during spring and autumn, 1976, C 427:353 fish (larval) collected during ICNAF herring surveys, September 1971 -February 1975, S 717 herring stocks status, fished by the Federal Republic of Germany fleet, MFR 40(4):23 sea scallop, resources 1975 distribution and abundance, MFR 40(2):20 length frequency, MFR 40(2):22 spawning season, MFR 40(2):20 seasonal bottom-water temperature trends, 1963-75, S 725 shelf water front variations in position between, and Cape Romain, 1975, C 416:213 65 variations in position between, and Cape Romain, 1976, C 427:301 spring and autumn bottom- water temperatures, 1968-75, C 416:241 Georges Bank-Nantucket Shoals herring larvae distribution and abundance, growth, and mortality during 1975-76 winter period, C 416:309 Georgia marine charter boat fishing industry economic analysis of, MFR 37(4): 11 Geryon quinquedens — see Crab, red Gill nets St. Andrew Bay, Florida comparison of fish catches in relation to webbing mate- rial, time of day, and water depth, FB 75:103 selectivity on estuarine and coastal fishes from St. Andrew Bay, Florida capture efficiency, FB 75:195 curves, normality of selection, FB 75:190 fishes, numbers and mean lengths of, selected for analy- sis, FB 75:187 gear and methods, FB 75:186 mean length-mesh size relation, FB 75:192 mesh-size regulations, FB 75:194 model for determining selectivity, FB 75:186 standard deviation-mesh size relation, FB 75:193 use limitations, FB 75:195 Globicephala macrorhynchus — see Whale, pilot Glugea hertwigi incidence and distribution in rainbow smelt from Massa- chusetts to Canadian Maritimes, FB 77:503 Glycera dibranchiata — see Bloodworm, tychoplanktonic Glycinde sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus — see Flounder, witch Glyptocephalus zachirus — see Sole, rex Gobiesox rhessodon larval development, FB 77:300 Gonostoma atlanicum Oregon, first records off, FB 77:700 Gonostomatidae North Pacific central gyre vertical distribution and development during summer, FB 77:783 Gonyaulax polyedra nutritional value for larval northern anchovy, FB 75:577 Great Central Lake, Vancouver Island threespine stickleback competition for food with juvenile sockeye salmon, FB 74:647 distribution, food, and feeding, FB 74:647 Groundfish resources Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands cod, Pacific, MFR 41(11): 14 commercially utilized species, MFR 41(1 1):4 environmental features, MFR 41(1 1): 1 flounder, arrowtooth, MFR 41(11):20 foreign catches, magnitude, MFR 41(1 1): 12 halibut, Pacific, MFR 41(1 1):22 Japanese fishery, MFR 41(1 1):5 mackerel, Atka, MFR 41(11): 19 Pacific cod fisheries, MFR 41(1 1):5 Pacific halibut fisheries, MFR 41(1 1):5 perch, Pacific ocean, MFR 41(11): 15 pollock, walleye, MFR 41(11):13 Republic of Korea fishery, MFR 41(11):11 sablefish, MFR 41(11): 17 sole, yellowfin, MFR41(11):19 Soviet fishery, MFR 41(1 1):9 Taiwanese fishery, MFR 41(11):12 total allowable catches in 1979, MFR 41(11):22 turbot, Greenland, MFR 41(11):20 Grouper Cuban fishery in Gulf of Mexico, MFR 39(10): 1 North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3): 13 vessels statistical and budgetary economic analysis of, 1974-75, MFR 39(1 1):6 Growth daily increments in otoliths larval and adult fishes, FB 74:1 daily increments of sagittae nehu, Hawaiian Islands, FB 74:9 Growth curve likelihood methods for von Bertalanffy applying likelihood ratio tests, FB 77:770 constructing confidence regions, FB 77:769 example, FB 77:771 failure of error assumptions, FB 77:769 failure of von Bertalanffy curve, FB 77:768 identity of parameter estimates, FB 77:767 least squares methods of estimation, FB 77:766 model and its maximum likelihood estimates, FB 77:765 similarity of covariance matrix estimates, FB 77:767 Growth model fish, prehatch and posthatch, FB 74:609 Grunion, California hybridization, reciprocal, FB 76:476 Grunion, Gulf of California hybridization, reciprocal, FB 76:476 Grunt, white North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, MFR 38(3): 13 Gulf coast cold weather conditions during fall and winter 1976-77 effects on estuarine and coastal waters, C 427:171 effects on fishery resources, C 427:172 entire coast colder than in previous 40 years, C 427:168 individual stations, C 427:170 shrimp water surface area within statistical subareas used in reporting data, MFR 37(12):22 shrimp catches, Texas and Louisiana size composition, effect on ex-vessel value, MFR 40(2): 14 Gulf of Alaska keys to otoliths of some adult fishes, C 420 66 pandalid shrimp resources, 1973 trawl catches and oceanographic data from NMFS surveys, D 98 pollock, walleye biology of, 1973-75, FB 76:263 Gulf of Alaska, northern salinity, surface fisheries, relation to, MFR 41(5-6):8 Gulf of California, northern totoaba commercial fishery and reproductive biology, FB 74:531 Gulf of Maine Bar Harbor, Maine, to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia temperature structure, June 1975-November 1976, S 726 bottom-water temperatures during spring and autumn, 1976, C 427:353 lance, American sand relative abundance, behavior, and food habits, FB 77:243 Nanomia cara aggregation, FB 76:281 seasonal bottom-water temperature trends, 1963-75, S 725 spring and autumn bottom-water temperatures, 1968-75, C 416:241 Gulf of Maine, northern initiation of monthly temperature transects across, C 416:257 Gulf of Mexico bottom obstructions, S 715 cooperative estuarine inventory and study Texas: area description, C 393 eelpout new genus and species described and figured, FB 75:789 estuaries, alteration and destruction of, MFR 39(9): 1 groundfish trawler profitability, MFR 41 (8): 15 hake, offshore biology, FB 75:147 longline fishery, Japanese, 1978, MFR 41(10):23 menhaden purse seine fishery catch, fishing activity, and age and size composition, 1964-73, S 722 seatrouts protein taxonomy, FB 74:599 shrimp, penaeid diseases, parasites, and toxic responses, FB 76:1 shrimp fishery trends in catch-effort relationships, MFR 37(2): 1 shrimp fishery, catch-effort and price-cost trends Mexico, implications on extended jurisdiction, MFR 40(8):24 shrimp fleet economic and financial analysis in increasing costs, FB 74:301 shrimp vessel owners increasing costs, 1971-75, MFR 38(3):8 thread herring, Atlantic abundance, potential yield, and early life history, FB 75:493 vessels, red snapper-grouper statistical and budgetary economic analysis of, 1974-75, MFR 39(1 1):6 wind driven transport 1975, C 416:229 1976, C 427:175 Gulf of Mexico, eastern sardine, scaled spawning seasons, spawning areas, adult biomass, and fisheries potential, FB 75:613 seasonal abundance and distribution, 1972-74 fish eggs, S 701 fish larvae, S 701 zooplankton, S 701 shrimp annual catches, marketing category composition, and ex-vessel value, MFR 41(5-6): 1 Gulf of Mexico, northern shrimp, brown aspects of growth, FB 76:827 Gulf of Mexico, northeastern fish fauna observations on, associated with offshore platforms, FB 74:387 searobins biology of five species, FB 74:93 Gulf of Mexico, northern Gulf menhaden analysis of returns of tagged, FB 74:112 industrial and foodfish industries, MFR 37(7): 1 seasonal description of winds and surface and bottom salinities and temperatures, October 1972 to January 1976, S 719 Gulf of Mexico, northwestern continental shelf waters, 1963-65 salinity measurements, S 707 temperature measurements, S 707 surface circulation as deduced from drift bottles, S 730 Gulf Stream cold core rings contribution to zooplankton biomass distribution vari- ability in Sargasso Sea, FB 76:323 Gulf Stream eddies anticyclonic off northeastern United States, 1976 envelopes of eddy center positions and boundaries, C 427:266 histories, C 427:262 methods of analysis and sources of information, C 427:259 zonal analysis of positions and movements, C 427:265 passage of anticyclonic through Deepwater Dumpsite 106, 1974-75, C 416:293 Guyana U.S. shrimp fishery off, 1972-74, FB 75:703 Gymnachirus melas — see Sole, naked Gymnodinium spendens nutritional value for larval northern anchovy, FB 75:577 two blooms, FB 73:675 H Haddock description, MFR 41(1 1):27 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Hadropenaeus affinis American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:317 67 Hadropenaeus lucasii American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:327 Hadropenaeus modestus American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:323 Haemulon plumieri—see Grunt, white Hake, Argentine description, MFR41(11):32 Hake, offshore biology in Gulf of Mexico age and growth, FB 75:155 depth related to size and sex, FB 75:150 distribution and abundance, FB 75:149 food habits, FB 75:153 reproduction, FB 75:151 standing stock, FB 75:156 Hake, Pacific age and growth collection methods, FB 73:337 determination of age composition, FB 73:339 growth in length, FB 73:346 growth in weight, FB 73:351 variability in age composition, FB 73:342 description, MFR 41(11):31 interactions with marine mammals, MFR 41(10): 1 Hake, red description, MFR 41(11):31 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Hake, silver New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Hake, South African description, MFR 41(11):32 Hake, white description, MFR 41(1 1):31 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Halibut, Atlantic Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S691 utilization, MFR 40(7):21 Halibut, Pacific catch-effort data, analysis of, FB 76:523 Pacific Ocean, northeast mercury content, FB 74:783 resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11): 22 Haliporoides diomedeae American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:290 Haplosporidia classification internal classification, MFR 41(1-2):41 proposed modification, MFR 41(l-2):43 relation to system of Protozoa, MFR 41(l-2):40 Haplosporidium cell structure haplosporosomes, MFR 41(l-2):27 organelles, other, MFR 41(l-2):32 sporulation, MFR 41(l-2):33 Harengula jaguana — see Sardine, scaled Harvesting capacity — see Capacity, harvesting Hatchetfish systematics, development, and distribution of genus Stern- optyx geographic and bathymetric distribution, FB 77:814 geographic variation, FB 77:809 measurements and counts, FB 77:805 photophore nomenclature, FB 77:804 postlarval development, FB 77:810 species distinction, FB 77:806 Haverstraw Bay Hudson River, New York tomcod, Atlantic, food and feeding habits, FB 76:89 Hawaii cephalopods vertical distribution and photosensitive vesicles, FB 76: 583 dolphin, spinner behavior, FB 77:821 Koko Head, Oahu sea-surface temperatures and salinities, 1956-73, FB 75: 767 mesopelagic fishes diel feeding patterns, FB 76:495 vertical distribution and other aspects of ecology, FB 74:635 Penaeus marginatus found in quantities thought sufficient to sustain a small trawl fishery, MFR 37(12): 13 sergestid shrimps, ecology of, FB 74:799 shrimp trawling exploratory study, MFR 37(12): 13 silverside, Hawaiian predator-prey interactions in schools during twilight, FB 75:415 tuna handline fishery, night, MFR 41(8):7 whale, humpback, census in 1976, MFR 39(7): 1 zooplankters that emerge from the lagoon floor at night, FB 75:275 Hawaiian Islands black skipjack, second record, FB 74:207 marlin, blue mercury and selenium content, FB 76:872 nehu age and growth as indicated by daily growth increments of sagittae, FB 74:9 oceanic conditions between U.S. west coast and, 1975, C 416:151 Hebrides herring stocks status, fished by the Federal Republic of Germany fleet, MFR 40(4):23 Heceta Bank, Oregon demersal fishes distribution and abundance, FB 76:629 Hemitripterus americanus — see Sea raven Herklotsichthys punctatus — see Sardine Herring gill net fishery in southeastern Alaska, MFR 39(3): 19 status, fished by Federal Republic of Germany fleet, MFR 40(4):21 68 U.S. Pacific and Bering Sea coasts Soviet fisheries, MFR 38(12): 1 Herring, Atlantic eggs and larvae survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR41(3):1 Herring, Atlantic thread Gulf of Mexico abundance and potential yield, FB 75:493 early life history, FB 75:493 Herring, Pacific benzene, effects on spawning, FB 75:43 copper sensitivity during early life history bioassay system, FB 76:348 collection and handling, FB 76:348 continuous exposures, FB 76:351 statistical analysis, FB 76:350 thirty-six hour pulsed exposures, FB 76:353 predator-prey relationship between larvae and Hyperoche medusarum, FB 74:669 uptake, distribution, and depuration of 14 C benzene and l4 C toluene in, FB 75:633 Herring, round abundance, potential yield, and early life history in east- ern Gulf of Mexico, 1971-74 biomass concentration, FB 75:79 biomass estimating procedure, FB 75:65 egg abundance, FB 75:64, 76 egg and larvae abundance in relation to zooplankton, FB 75:75 egg occurrence, FB 75:69 fecundity and maturity, FB 75:75 hatching time, FB 75:76 larvae occurrence, FB 75:69 larval abundance, FB 75:64, 80 larval abundance and mortality, FB 75:67 plankton sampling, FB 75:62 potential yield to a fishery, FB 75:67, 79 spawning, annual, and biomass estimates, FB 75:77 survey area and times, FB 75:62 temperature and salinity, FB 75:64, 74 Herring, sea bulkholding seawater system, chilled, MFR 39(3):4 Herring, thread LANDSAT menhaden and thread herring investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 14 Herring fishery Alaska, recent development of southeastern history, MFR 39(3): 17 management situation, MFR 39(3): 17 sac roe fishery, MFR 39(3): 18 Alaska, southeastern bait, winter, MFR 39(3): 14 processing, MFR 39(3): 12 sac roe fishery, spring, MFR 39(3): 13 Herring larvae Georges Bank-Nantucket Shoals distribution and abundance, growth, and mortality during 1975-76 winter period, C 416:309 Herring roe gillnet fishery, southeastern Alaska, 1976 economic aspects of development, MFR 40(4):25 Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:247 Hippoglossina oblonga — see Flounder, fourspot Hippoglossina stomata — see Sole, bigmouth Hippoglossoides platessoides — see Plaice, American Hippoglossus hippoglossus — see Halibut, Atlantic Hippoglossus stenolepis — see Halibut, Pacific Hippomedon propinquus invertebrates, mid water Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Hirudinea— see Leeches Holothuroidea United States, northeastern key, C 405 morphology, C 405 systematic characters, C 405 systematic list, annotated, C 405 Homarus americanus — see Lobster, American Honolulu oceanic conditions between, and San Francisco, 1976, C 427:77 Hudson River, New York Haverstraw Bay food of age 1 and 2 Atlantic tomcod, FB 77:1003 Hyas coarctatus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October, 1970, S710 Hydrocarbons, chlorinated sea-surface films and subsurface waters in North Central Pacific Gyre, FB 73:445 Hydrographic observations from New York to Florida, 1968-72, S 697 Hydrological conditions Tampa Bay, Florida oxygen, FB 73:82 salinity, FB 73:82 temperature, FB 73:81 Hymenopenaeus aphoticus American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:275 Hymenopenaeus debilis American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:268 Hymenopenaeus doris American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:283 Hymenopenaeus laevis American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:278 Hymenopenaeus nereus American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:287 Hyperia galba invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Hyperia medusarum invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 69 Hyperoche mednsarum invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Pacific herring larvae predator-prey relationship between, FB 74:669 Hypoconcha sabulosa larval development larvae characteristics, FB 77:861 larval description, FB 77:852 species distinction, FB 77:861 systematic position, FB 77:861 Hypsopsetta guttulata — see Turbot, diamond I Ichthyoplankton composition from inland coastal waters of southeastern Alaska, April-November 1972 fish, larval abundance, S 723 fish egg relative abundance, S 723 plankton volumes and composition, S 723 Icichthys lockingtoni observations on feeding, growth, locomotor behavior, and buoyancy, FB 75:453 Ictalurus punctatus — see Catfish, channel IEF — see Isoelectric focusing Illex iliecebrosus — see Squid, shortfin Immunity vaccine development, MFR 40(3):2 Immunity, cellular fish, as measured by lymphocyte stimulation evidence that antibodies can regulate lymphocyte re- sponses, MFR 40(3):8 immune response, regulation, MFR 40(3):7 immunoglobulins, MFR 40(3): 7 immunologic response, MFR 40(3):7 suppressor cells, MFR 40(3): 10 Impact assessments fish eggs and larvae survival rates, in relation to, MFR 41 (3): 1 Incubator salmonids, MFR 37(7):26 Indian River, Florida aerial survey of bottlenosed dolphin and West Indian manatee, FB 77:47 Indonesian droughts historical trends and statistics, FB 76:663 Infauna variation application of systematic sampling to study of, in soft substrate environment, FB 74:937 International Billfish Symposium report background, S 675 distribution, S 675 fisheries, S 675 life history, S 675 mercury in billfishes, S 675 officers and organization, S 675 opening session, S 675 presentations, S 675 species identification, S 675 International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF) Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank larval fish collected during herring surveys, September 1971 -February 1975, S 717 Invertebrate pathology comparison with vertebrate pathology, MFR 38(10):46 Invertebrates, epibenthic long-term fluctuations of populations in Apalachicola Bay, Florida distribution, FB 74:313 physicochemical parameters, FB 74:313 seasonal fluctuations of dominant species, FB 74:314 Invertebrates, marine United States, southern Atlantic coast references for identification, S 729 Invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970 Acanthomysis pseudomacropsis, S 710 Acanthonotozoma serratum, S 710 Acanthostepheia behringiensis, S 710 Aglantha digitate, S 710 Ampelisca macrocephala, S 710 Anonyx lilljeborgi, S 710 Anonyx nugax, S 710 Antinoe badia, S 710 Antinoe sarsi, S 710 Apherusa glacialis, S 710 Argis crassa, S 710 Argis lar, S 710 Atylus bruggeni, S 710 Aurelia aurita, S 710 Axiothella sp., S 710 Boltenia ovifera, S 710 Buccinum sclariforme, S 710 Byblis gaimardii, S 710 Calanus cristatus, S 710 Caianus finmarchicus, S 710 Cerebratulus sp., S 710 Chionoecetes opilio, S 710 Chone cincta, S 710 Chrysaora melanaster, S 710 Clione limacina, S 710 Crangon communis, S 710 Crangon dalli, S 710 Cuspidella mertensii, S 710 Cyanea capillata, S 710 Dendronotus dalli, S 710 Diastylis glabra, S 710 Diastylis lepechini, S 710 Dulichia spinossisma, S 710 Echiurus echiurus alaskanus, S 710 Ericthonius difformis, S 710 Erict nonius tolli, S 710 Eualus fabricii, S 710 Eualus gaimardii, S 710 Eualus macilenta, S 710 Eualus stoneyi, S 710 Eucalanus bungii, S 710 Eudorella emarginata, S 710 Eusyllis sp., S 710 Gammaracanthus loricatus, S 710 70 Gammarus wilkitzkii, S 710 Gammarus zaddachi, S 710 Glycinde sp., S 710 Hippomedon propinquus, S 710 Hyas coarctatus, S 710 Hyperia galba, S 710 Hyperia medusarum, S 710 Hyperoche medusarum, S 710 Ischyrocerus latipes, S 710 Ischyrocerus megalops, S 710 Lebbeus groenlandicus, S 710 Leucon nasica, S 710 Lumbrineris fragilis, S 710 Lumbrineris similabris, S 710 Maera loveni, S 710 Margarites sp., S 710 Margaritopsis probiloffensis, S 710 Melita formosa, S 710 Monoculodes borealis, S 710 Musculus discors, S 710 A/ya truncata, S 710 M>ws lit oralis, S 710 A/ysis oculata, S 710 Mysis polaris, S 710 Natica clausa, S 710 Neomysis rayii, S 710 Nephtys paradoxa, S 710 Nucula tenuis, S 710 Pagurus trigonocheirus, S 710 Pandalus borealis, S 710 Pandalus goniurus, S 710 Paraphoxus milleri, S 710 Parathemisto libellula, S 710 Paroediceros lynceus, S 710 Phascolosoma sp., S 710 Pleustes panopa, S 710 Pontoporeia femora ta, S 710 Priscillina sp., S 710 Protomedia fascia ta, S 710 Protomedia stephenseni, S 710 Pseudalibrotus glacial is, S 710 Pseudalibrotus nanseni, S 710 Pseudomma truncatum, S 710 Rhachotropis aculeata, S 710 Rhachotropis oculata, S 710 Sagitta elegans, S 710 Sclerocrangon boreas, S 710 Serripes groenlandicus, S 710 Spinontocaris phippsii, S 710 Spiratella helicina, S 710 Stomphia sp., S 710 Synidotea bicuspida, S 710 Syrrhoe crenulata, S 710 Tecticeps alaskensis, S 710 Thysanoessa inermis, S 710 Thysanoessa longipes, S 710 Thysanoessa raschii, S 710 Tryphosa sp., S 710 Yoldia scissurata, S 710 Ischyrocerus latipes invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Ischyrocerus megalops invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gel identification of fish species by thin layer, FB 75:571 Isopod Cymothoa excisa biology and occurrence on three species of snappers, FB 75:875 Istiophorus platypterus — see Sailfish Japan longline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, 1978, MFR 41(10): 23 1975 fisheries Antarctic krill, MFR 37(11): 11 automatic fishing machines, MFR 37(11): 13 bluefin tuna rearing, MFR 37(11): 10 building boom continues for large skipjack tuna vessels, MFR37(11):13 capturing skipjack tuna live bait on high seas, MFR 37(1 1):10 problems with Soviet fishermen, MFR 37(11): 12 purse seining in western Pacific, MFR 37(1 1):2 sardines, MFR37(11):13 skipjack tuna fishery survey in Micronesia, MFR 37(1 1):9 southern water skipjack tuna fishery, July 1974- January 1975, MFR 37(1 1):3 tuna industry dilemma, MFR 37(1 1): 1 unusual abundance of eel elvers, MFR 37(1 1):12 use of live bigeye scad as longline bait, MFR 37(1 1): 1 1 otter trawl fisheries in northeast Pacific energy efficiency comparison with Washington, MFR 37(4):21 salmon roe N-nitrosamines, occurrence of volatile, FB 74:683 trawl vessels in Bering Sea, U.S. observers board bottomfish fishery, MFR 38(4):2 incidental catch of crab, MFR 38(4):7 incidental catch of halibut, MFR 38(4):6 observer program, MFR 38(4):4 species composition of catch, MFR 38(4):9 Jasus edwardsii—see Lobster, rock K Kachemak Bay, Alaska Crangon franciscorum angustimana stage I zoeae hatched from ovigerous females collected in, FB 77:991 Lebbeus groenlandicus, description of larvae, FB 76:457 shrimp, northern description of larvae reared in situ, FB 77:157 71 Kaktovik, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):27 Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii catch statistics and abundance of nehu, C 408:114 Katsuwonus pelamis — see Tuna, skipjack Kelp Santa Barbara, California reef fishes, day versus night activity, FB 74:703 Kingfish, northern New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Kivalina, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):22 Kodiak Island Pacific cod summer food near, FB 76:700 Koko Head, Oahu sea surface temperatures and salinities, 1956-73, FB 75:767 Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia optimal fish shipments from, MFR 41(7): 16 Kure Atoll, Hawaii zooplankters emerge from the lagoon floor at night, FB 77:275 Kuroshio zooplankton production and ammonia excretion, FB 76: 357 La Jolla, California goose barnacles on flotsam beached at, FB 74:212 Labyrinthomyxa patuxent proteomyxan amoeba stage in development of, MFR 38 (10):16 Lagenidium review of involvements with arthropods, MFR 37(5-6):61 Lagenophrys lunatus parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:17 Lagenorhynchus acutus — see Dolphin, whited-sided Lagenorhynchus obscurus — see Dolphin, dusky Lagodon rhomboides — see Pinfish Lake Michigan rainbow smelt food habits and feeding chronology, FB 75:637 Lampfish, Mexican acoustic measurements of a migrating layer at 102 kilo- hertz acoustic measurements, FB 77:936 biological sampling, FB 77:936 calculations, FB 77:936 Lance, American sand Atlantic, northwestern feeding by fin and humpback whales, FB 77:285 Gulf of Maine relative abundance, behavior, and food habits, FB 77: 243 Lancetfish food of, in western North Atlantic invertebrate, S 706 vertebrate, S 706 LANDSAT menhaden and thread herring investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 14 LANDSAT -see also Satellite Larimus fasciatus York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Larvae bairdiella effects of acclimation on temperature and salinity tolerance of yolk-sac, FB 73:249 bivalve reevaluation of combined effects of temperature and salinity on survival and growth using response surface techniques, FB 73:86 crab, Dungeness larval dynamics off central Oregon coast, 1970-71, FB 74:353 eel, conger occurrence of, in an estuary, FB 73:444 lobster, California spiny ecological studies of puerulus stage, FB 73:360 menhaden, Atlantic geographic and hydrographic distribution along Middle Atlantic coast, FB 73:317 reared in situ in Kachemak Bay, Alaska Lebbeus groenlandicus, description of, FB 76:457 Larvae, fish — see Fish larvae Larval fishes — see Fishes, larval Lebbeus groenlandicus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 reared in situ in Kachemak Bay, Alaska larvae, description of, FB 76:457 Leeches, piscivorus central Columbia River, Washington State records of, FB 76:926 Leiostomus xanthurus York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Leiostomus xanthurus — see also Spot Lepidopsetta bilineata — see Sole, rock Leptocephali guide to Elopiformes, Anguilliformes, and Notacanthi- formes Albulidae, C 424 Anguillidae, C 424 characteristics, C 424 Congridae, C 424 Cyemidae, C 424 Derichthyidae, C 424 Elopidae, C 424 Heterenchelyidae, C 424 identification, C 424 key, C 424 Macrocephenchelyidae, C 424 Moringuidae, C 424 Muraenidae, C 424 Myrocongridae, C 424 Nemichthyidae, C 424 72 Nettastomatidae, C 424 Ophichthidae, C 424 Saccopharyngoidei, C 424 Serrivomeridae, C 424 Synaphobranchidae, C 424 Xenocongridae, C 424 Leptomonas sp. parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:21 Lernaeopodidae United States, northeastern key, C 406 systematic list, annotated, C 406 Lesions proliferative identification in mollusks, MFR 38(10):5 Leucon nasica invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Leuresthes sardina — see Grunion, Gulf of California Leuresthes tenuis — see Grunion, California Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm derivative-free version Pella-Tomlinson model parameters, estimation of, FB 76:523 Libinia emarginata — see Crab, spider Limanda aspera — see Sole, yellowfin Limanda ferruginea — see Flounder, yellowtail Limulus polyphemus — see Crab, horseshoe Liparis inquilinus life history, ecology, and behavior of, associated with sea scallop abundance, geographic variation, FB 74:418 behavior of, FB 74:414 diel rhythm in fish-scallop association, FB 74:416 feeding, FB 74:414 juveniles, FB 74:412 larvae, FB 74:412 resting, FB 74:413 spawning behavior, FB 74:412 "Lipo" New England impact of autumn-winter swarming on fishing in coastal waters, C 416:333 swarming in New England coastal waters — update 1976, C 427:349 Little Goose Dam bypass and collection system for protection of juvenile salmon and trout at, MFR 37(2):31 Little Port Walter Bay, Alaska salmon, juvenile floating horizontal and vertical raceways, MFR 41(3):18 Lizard fish western Atlantic correlation between numbers of vertebrae and lateral-line scales, FB 73:202 Lobster Homarus americanus diseases and defense mechanisms of, MFR 40(10):4 nutrient requirement and nutrition pathology, MFR 40 (10):44 Lobster, American effects of trap selectivity and some population parameters on size composition along Maine coast body proportions of, FB 73:864 comparison of samples from commercial and research gear, FB 73:863 effects of throw backs on the fishery, FB 73:866 effects of vent size on trap efficiency, FB 73:869 length frequencies, FB 73:864 recommendations, FB 73:871 retention curves, FB 73:868 samples from commercial gear, FB 73:862 samples from research gear, FB 73:863 selectivity curves, FB 73:868 trap escapement study, FB 73:870 effects of trap venting on gear selectivity in inshore Rhode Island fishery catch per unit effort, FB 77:926 immersion time, FB 77:927 sex ratios, FB 77:930 size selectivity, FB 77:929 vent size, orientation, and lath spacing, FB 77:930 ghost fishing of vented and unvented traps, MFR 40(5-6): 9 incidence of culls off the Maine coast fishing intensity, effect on cull frequency, FB 74:721 seasonal and size variation in cull frequency, FB 74:719 value loss of catch due to culls, FB 74:723 migration and dispersion of tagged, southern New En- gland, S 705 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 trap contributions to losses of, FB 73:449 Lobster, California spiny ecological studies of puerulus larval stage comparison of habitat trap types, FB 73:366 duration of puerulus stage, FB 73:371 evaluation of natural seaweed and artificial habitat traps, FB 73:374 functional significance of puerulus stage, FB 73:373 habitat trap success in relation to position on the pier, FB 73:367 habitat traps maintained offshore, FB 73:368 implications for aquaculture and fishery management, FB 73:375 mode of life of puerulus stage, FB 73:372 neuston net sampling, FB 73:368 night-light observations, FB 73:363 paired neuston nets, FB 73:363 pigmentation related to date of settlement, FB 73:365 relationship of puerulus settlement to environmental factors, FB 73:369 seaweed habitat traps, FB 73:362 significance of nocturnal illumination of traps in attrac- tion of pueruli, FB 73:367 significance of Phyllospadix in settlement of puerulus stage, FB 73:374 suspension of habitat traps, FB 73:363 underwater night-lights, FB 73:362 Lobster, legal-sized traps, escape vent shape, FB 76:425 73 Lobster, rock mortality estimates for New Zealand size- frequency distributions analyses, FB 77:471 tag return data analyses, FB 77:475 Lobster, spiny costs and earnings in Florida Keys fishery fishing operations, MFR 37(4):27 laws and regulations, MFR 37(4):26 returns to capital and labor, MFR 37(4) :26 revenue and cost structure, MFR 37(4):28 sampling, MFR 37(4):27 Lobster fishery bioeconomic relationships for Maine bioeconomic simulation of fishery, S 683 biology of American lobsters, S 683 economic relationships, S 683 policy considerations, S 683 population dynamics, S 683 Lobster traps bottom temperature estimates, from fish captured in, MFR 41(8):23 gaffkemia, fatal infection of influence of environmental factors, MFR 37(5-6):20 pathogen growth and biochemical changes in host, MFR 37(5-6):21 Lobsters, deep-sea North Atlantic, western biology, FB 77:435 Loligo opalescens raised in laboratory feeding behavior, food consumption, growth, and res- piration, FB 74:176 school structure, FB 76:433 Loligo pealei — see Squid, long- fin Long Island, New York activity, movements, and feeding behavior of the cunner, and comparison of food habits with young tautog, FB 73:895 shellfish hatcheries bacteriologic studies, MFR 40(10): 8 Long Island Sound environmental baselines, 1972-73 macrofauna, benthic, S 738 nutrients, S 738 oxygen, dissolved, S 738 sediment heavy metals, microorganisms, S 738 sediment organic matter, S 738 sediments, S 738 temperature and salinity, S 738 Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps — see Tilefish Los Angeles Dover sole, local migrations and fin erosion chlorinated hydrocarbons in, FB 75:513 Lota lota — see Burbot Louisiana brown and white shrimp trends toward decreasing size in reported annual catches, FB 77:985 oyster composition, geographic and monthly variation in, MFR41(3):13 shrimp catches size composition, effect on ex- vessel value, MFR 40(2): 14 Louisiana coast fish, finding with satellites, MFR 39(1): 16 Lower Granite Dam bypass and collection system for protecting salmon and steelhead trout, MFR 39(7): 10 Lumbrineris fragilis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Lumbrineris similabris invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Lunar spawning — see Spawning, lunar Lutjanus buccanella—see Snapper, blackfin Lutjanus campechanus — see Snapper, red Lutjanus vivanus — see Snapper, silk Lyopsetta exilis — see Sole, slender M Machine, eviscerating fish, small, MFR 39(2): 11 Machine, heading fish, small, MFR 39(2): 11 Mackerel, Atka resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11): 19 Mackerel, Atlantic assessment of northwest stock abundance indices, S 732 catch, S 732 catch and stock size projections, S 732 catch composition, S 732 fishing mortality, S 732 partial recruitment, S 732 recruitment, S 732 stock size, S 732 description of eggs and early larvae, FB 73:186 eggs and larvae between Massachusetts and Florida body proportions, FB 76:99 contrasting characters, FB 76:104 distributions of eggs and larvae, FB 76:104 identification, FB 76:96 meristic characters, FB 76:98 pigmentation, FB 76:101 sampling, FB 76:95 treatment of specimens and data, FB 76:97 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Mackerel, chub effect of swimming speed on excess temperatures and activities of muscles body temperatures, FB 76:864 calibration procedures, FB 76:862 muscle activity at different swimming speeds, FB 76:865 surgical procedures and swimming experiments, FB 76: 861 eggs and larvae between Massachusetts and Florida body proportions, FB 76:99 74 contrasting characters, FB 76:104 distributions of eggs and larvae, FB 76:108 identification, FB 76:96 meristic characters, FB 76:98 pigmentation, FB 76:101 sampling, FB 76:95 treatment of specimens and data, FB 76:97 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Mackerel, jack California Current larvae, food and feeding, FB 74:517 effect of starvation on histological and morphological characteristics brain, FB 76:405 comparison of histological and morphological tech- niques, FB 76:410 data analysis, FB 76:405 digestive tract, FB 76:405 histological grading system, FB 76:404, 408 liver, FB 76:405 musculature, FB 76:408 pancreas, FB 76:405 Mackerel, king bibliography, annotated, C 418 Mackerel, Pacific maturation and induced spawning of captive hormones, test for induction of spawning, FB 75:207, 209 photoperiods, FB 75:205, 208 spawning condition, maintaining after normal spawning season, FB 75:207, 209 temperatures, ambient, FB 75:206, 208 Mackerel, serra Spanish bibliography, annotated, C 418 Mackerel, Spanish Atlantic, western, new species from, FB 76:273 bibliography, annotated, C 418 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Macrobenthos survey Raritan Bay, 1957-60, D 99 Macrobrachium rosenbergii — see Prawn, Malaysian Macrocrustaceans abundance in natural and altered marshes catch between areas, comparisons of, FB 74:197 day and night catches, comparison of, FB 74:196 dissolved oxygen, catch related to, FB 74:197 Macrofauna South Carolina surf zone collecting method selectivity, S 704 environmental variables and occurrence, relationships between, S 704 fishes, analysis of abundance, S 704 fishes, comparisons of yearly and seasonal abundance, S704 lengths and lengths to weight relationships, S 704 species, annotated list of selected, S 704 species ranking, S 704 Macroinvertebrates Tampa Bay, Florida additional studies of, in upland canals, FB 73:83 Tampa Bay, Florida, 1963-64 and 1969 distribution and abundance of six phyla, D 100 Macrozoarces americanus — see Pout, ocean Macrozooplankton standing stocks off Oregon, seasonal and inshore-offshore variations, FB 74:70 Maera loveni invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Maine Boothbay Harbor crab, Jonah, FB 77:685 crab, rock, FB 77:685 crab, rock size composition and growth of young, FB 74:949 effects of trap selectivity and some population parameters on size composition of American lobster catch along coast, FB 73:862 lobster fishery bioeconomic relationships, S 683 lobsters, cull in commercial and research catches, FB 74:719 salmonids vibriosis in, MFR 40(10): 9 Sullivan Harbor bloodworm, tychoplanktonic, FB 76:480 Maine, Gulf of fish (larval) collected during ICNAF herring surveys, September 1971 -February 1975, S 717 Majuro, Marshall Islands biology of baitfishes Herklotsichthys punctatus and Pra- nesus pinguis , C 408:63 Makaira indica — see Marlin, black Makaira nigricans — see Marlin, blue Mammals, marine interactions with Pacific hake, MFR 41(10): 1 list of the world Balaenopteridae, S 711 Delphinidae, S 711 Dugongidae, S 711 Eschrichtiidae, S 711 Monodontidae, S 711 Mustelidae, S 711 Odobenidae, S711 Otariidae, S 711 Phocidae, S711 Physeteridae, S 711 Platanistidae, S 711 synonyms, S 711 Trichechidae, S 711 Ursidae, S711 Ziphiidae, S 711 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 38(9): 7 small nonlethal lavage device for sampling stomach contents, FB 75:653 Manatee, West Indian aerial survey in Indian and Banana Rivers, Florida, FB 77:52, 58 Mar gar it es sp. invertebrates, midwater 75 Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Margaritopsis pribiloffensis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Marine animals cadmium, mercury, and silver, effects of, MFR 39(4):5 Marine environmental conditions United States Atlantic and Gulf coasts, MFR 41(5-6):35 off coasts of, MFR 4 1(5-6): 32 Pacific coast, MFR 41(5-6):48 Marine flora and fauna United States, northeastern Arthropoda: Cirripedia, C 425 Copepoda: cyclopoids parasitic on fishes, C 409 Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae and Sphyriidae, C 406 Crustacea: Branchiura, C 413 Crustacea: Cumacea, C 423 Echinodermata: Holothuroidea, C 405 Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae, C 419 Sipuncula, C 403 Marine fouling subtidal and intertidal, on artificial substrata in Puget Sound, Washington fouling colonization of construction materials, FB 74: 379 fouling organisms, seasonal distribution, FB 74:381 fouling organisms, vertical distribution in subtidal zone, FB 74:382 physicochemical environment, FB 74:378 Marine organisms spin-labeling techniques for studying mode of action of petroleum hydrocarbons on, FB 73:299 Marlin, black synopsis of biology bionomics and life history, S 675-3:21 distribution, S 675-3:19 exploitation, S 675-3:25 identity, S 675-3:17 Marlin, blue mercury and selenium in, from Hawaiian Islands, FB 76:872 Pacific, central North von Bertalanffy growth curves, FB 74:553 synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, S 675-3:4 distribution, S 675-3:2 exploitation, S 675-3:12 identity, S 675-3:1 population, S 675-3:9 protection and management, S 675-3:14 Marlin, striped Pacific, central North von Bertalanffy growth curves, FB 74:553 synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, S 675-3:139 distribution, S 675-3:136 exploitation, S 675-3:150 identity, S 675-3:132 population, S 675-3:149 protection and management, S 675-3:156 Marlin, white Atlantic, western North sex composition, length-weight relationship, and repro- duction, FB 76:919 synopsis of biology bionomics and life history, S 675-3:69 distribution, S 675-3:62 exploitation, S 675-3:81 identity, S 675-3:55 population, S 675-3:78 protection and management, S 675-3:88 Marshland nursery area impact of thermal effluent on, during the hot season collecting methods, FB 73:69 data presentation, FB 73:69 description of study area, FB 73:68 sampling stations, FB 73:69 Marteilia cell structure haplosporosomes, MFR 41(l-2):27 organelles, other, MFR 41(l-2):32 sporulation, MFR 41(l-2):33 Marteilia armoricana disease of imported oysters, Ostrea edulis, in Dutch estu- aries, MFR 42(1 -2): 8 Marteilia refringens Brittany, France possible infection of Crassostrea gigas, MFR 41(1-2): 19 disease of imported oysters, Ostrea edulis, in Dutch estu- aries, MFR 41(l-2):8 epizootiology in Europe, MFR 41(l-2):67 life cycle and development in Ostrea edulis epidemiology, MFR 41(l-2):64 interaction between host, parasite, and environment, MFR 41(l-2):66 morphology, MFR 41(l-2):64 oyster disease disease resistance of flat oysters, MFR 41(l-2):39 in situ studies of infections, MFR 41(l-2):38 Marteilia sp. biology, MFR 41(1 -2):5 occurrence in Orchestia gammarellus, MFR 41(l-2):5 structure, MFR 41(l-2):3 Marteilia sydneyi life cycle and ecology in Australian oyster, MFR 41(1-2): 70 Maryland oyster composition, geographic and monthly variation in, MFR41(3):13 Massachusetts smelt, rainbow incidence and distribution of piscine erythrocytic necro- sis and Glugea hertwigi, FB 77:503 Mediterranean Sea Red Sea, fishes found in, FB 76:249 Megaptera novaengliae — see Whale, humpback Melanogrammus aeglefinus — see Haddock Melita formosa invertebrates, midwater 76 Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Menhaden annotated bibliography on biology, 1963-73, S 687 ERTS-1 menhaden investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 13 hydrolysate preparation of, for possible use in a milk replacer, MFR 40(8): 14 LANDSAT menhaden and thread herring investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 14 seasonal variations in chemical composition, MFR 38(9): 12 protein quality, MFR 38(9): 12 Menhaden, Atlantic age and size composition of purse seine catch, 1963-71 catch, effort, and catch per unit of effort, S 684 changes in fishery, S 684 fishing effort, S 684 length and weight, S 684 total catch, S 684 year class strength, S 684 embryonic development and a fish embryo age estimation method, FB 77:943 fecundity, FB 77:308 forecasts of catches based on catch and fishing effort description of fishery, MFR 37(10):6 estimation of catches in previous years, MFR 37(10):6 forecasts of 1973 and 1974 catches, MFR 37(10):7 general feeding ecology of postlarval fishes in Newport River estuary, FB 73:137 geographic and hydrographic distribution of eggs and lar- vae along Middle Atlantic coast diel-vertical comparisons of larval catches, FB 73:325 eggs, FB 73:327 geographic distribution of larvae, FB 73:320 mid- water trawl catches, FB 73:327 temperature-salinity relations, FB 73:324 grazing of freshwater and estuarine, benthic diatoms by adults, FB 74:689 larval transport and year-class strength Ekman transport influence, FB 75:30 fishery implications, FB 75:38 physical oceanography of spawning region, FB 75:26 recruit-environmental model, FB 75:33 sardine, comparison with Pacific, FB 75:37 spawner-recruit relation, FB 75:28 spawning and larval distribution, FB 75:24 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 status of fishery and implications for management analysis of fishery, MFR 37(9):7 historical background of fishery, MFR 37(9):3 history and purpose of Federal biological studies, MFR 37(9):2 management recommendation for fishery, MFR 37(9):9 Menhaden, Gulf aging juvenile tagging, FB 76:318 length- frequency distributions, FB 76:317 rings, incidence and spacing, FB 76:318 rings, validity as year marks, FB 76:316 analysis of returns of tagged autumn releases and recoveries, FB 74:116 fishing areas, FB 74:112 methods of recovering tags, FB 74:113 methods of tagging, FB 74:112 spring releases and recoveries, FB 74:114 forecasts of catches based on catch and fishing effort description of fishery, MFR 37(10):7 estimation of catches in previous years, MFR 37(10):7 forecasts of 1973 and 1974 catches, MFR 37(10):7 purse seine fishery age and size composition, S 722 age and size distribution by longitude, S 722 catches, S 722 fishing distribution, S 722 fishing methods improvements, S 722 recruitment and relative abundance, S 722 sampling procedure, S 722 size and number of vessels, S 722 small preserved number and length frequency, subsampler for estimat- ing, FB 76:490 status of fishery and implications for management historical background of fishery, MFR 37(9):3 history and purpose of Federal biological studies, MFR 37(9):2 Menhaden, yellowfin description of eggs and larvae, FB 73:660 Menidia beryllina — see Silverside, tidewater Menidia menidia — see Silverside, Atlantic Menippe mercenaria — see Crab, stone Menippe nodifrons — see Crab, Cuban stone Menippidae crab, Cuban stone larval development under laboratory conditions, FB 77: 359 status of family, FB 77:359 Menticirrhus americanus York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Menticirrhus saxatilis York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Menticirrhus saxatilis — see also Kingfish, northern Mercenaria mercenaria response surface techniques reevaluation of combined effects of temperature and salinity on survival and growth using, FB 73:88 Mercenaria mercenaria — see also Clam, hard Mercury marine animals, effects on, MFR 39(4): 5 marlin, blue, from Hawaiian Islands, FB 76:872 Pacific Ocean, northeast spiny dogfish, FB 75:642 Merluccius albidus — see Hake, offshore Merluccius bilinearis — see Hake, silver; Whiting Merluccius capensis — see Hake, South African Merluccius hubbsi — see Hake, Argentine Merluccius productus — see Hake, Pacific Mesopelagic fishes— see Fishes, mesopelagic 77 Mesopenaeus tropicalis American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:332 Metal contamination scallop, rock near large municipal outfall, FB 76:936 Meteorological data EASTROPAC atlas from principal participating ships, third survey cruise, February-March 1968, C 330, vol. 9 Latin American ships and ships of opportunity, Feb- ruary 1967-March 1968, C 330, vol. 11 Mexico catch-effort and price-cost trends in Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery extended jurisdiction implications, MFR 40(8):24 Miami, Florida sea surface temperature distribution from, to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1976, C 427:209 Microbial outgrowth "mock fish," for studying inhibiting microbial agents, FB 75:880 Microcopepods California Current distribution, size, and abundance, FB 75:601 survival of marine teleost larvae, influence on, FB 75: 601 Microgadus tomcod — see Tomcod, Atlantic Micromesistius poutassou — see Whiting, blue Micronekton standing stocks off Oregon, seasonal and inshore-offshore variations, FB 74:70 Micronekton, mesopelagic Hawaii faunal composition, standing stock, and vertical migra- tion, FB 73:726 Microphallus sp. parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:24 Micropogon undulatus — see Croaker, Atlantic Micropogonias undulatus York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Micropogonias undulatus — see also Croaker, Atlantic Microstomus pacificus — see Sole, Dover Microwaves shrimp processing, effects on, MFR 37(12):25 Middle Atlantic Bight bottom-water temperature trends, spring and autumn, 1964-76 relationship of temperatures east and west of Cape Cod, S 739 temperature observations, S 739 temperature variation causes, S 739 temperature variation effects, S 739 zooplankton and net phytoplankton, 1976, C 427:337 Middle Atlantic Shelf sea scallop, resources 1975 distribution and abundance, MFR 40(2):21 length frequency, MFR 40(2):22 Midway Atoll zooplankters emerge from the lagoon floor at night, FB 77:275 Milk replacer preparation of menhaden hydrolysate for possible use in, MFR 40(8): 14 Mimocalanus Arctic Ocean, central key to species, C 391 Minchinia cell structure haplosporosomes, MFR 41(l-2):27 organelles, other, MFR 41(l-2):32 sporulation, MFR 41(l-2):33 fine structure of sporulation in mud crab, MFR 37(5-6):46 Minchinia nelsoni development of resistance to mortality in Delaware Bay laboratory-reared stocks, MFR 41(l-2):55, 56 monitoring program, MFR 41(l-2):56 native seed, MFR 41(l-2):58 disease of American oyster, MFR 38(10):22 Minchinia sp. occurrence in Teredo from New Jersey, MFR 41(1-2):21 Mississippi oyster reefs, damaged aquacultural program developed for rehabilitation, MFR 39(8) :1 Mississippi Sound fish, finding with satellites, MFR 39(1): 16 Mnemiopsis mccradyi production in south Florida inshore waters analysis of samples, FB 73:239 conversion of raw data to other units, FB 73:241 growth rates, FB 73:241 problems of measuring growth rate, FB 73:245 production calculation, FB 73:242 production comparisons, FB 73:246 sampling methods, FB 73:238 seasonal changes, FB 73:243 study site, FB 73:238 Mobile Bay, Alabama oyster composition, geographic and monthly variation in, MFR41(3):13 Mobile laboratory flow-through capability thermal tolerance studies on aquatic organisms, MFR 38 (3):24 Molluscan pathology workshop, closing comments on, MFR 38(10):49 Mollusks bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 cadmium, mercury, and silver, effects of, MFR 39(4): 6 composition of edible portion of raw (fresh or frozen) aluminum, MFR 40(9): 1 arsenic, MFR 40(9) :1 ascorbic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 barium, MFR 40(9) :1 biotin, MFR 40(12): 1 cadmium, MFR 40(9) :1 calcium, MFR 39(1): 1 chlorine, MFR 39(1): 1 78 r-T\ choline, MFR 40(12): 1 chromium, MFR 40(9): 1 cobalt, MFR 40(9): 1 copper, MFR 40(9): 1 fluorine, MFR 40(9): 1 folic acid, MFR 40(12): 1 inositol, MFR 40(12): 1 iodine, MFR 40(9): 1 iron, MFR 40(9): 1 lead, MFR 40(9): 1 magnesium, MFR 39(1): 1 manganese, MFR 40(9): 1 mercury, MFR 40(9): 1 mercury, organic, MFR 40(9): 1 molybdenum, MFR 40(9): 1 niacin, MFR 40(12): 1 nickel, MFR 40(9): 1 pantothenic acid, MFR 40(12):1 phosphorus, MFR 39(1):1 potassium, MFR 39(1): 1 pyridoxine, MFR 40(12): 1 riboflavin, MFR 40(12): 1 selenium, MFR 40(9): 1 silver, MFR 40(9): 1 sodium, MFR 39(1): 1 thiamin, MFR 40(12): 1 tin, MFR 40(9) :1 vanadium, MFR 40(9): 1 vitamin A, MFR 40(1 2) :1 vitamin B, 2, MFR 40(12): 1 vitamin D, MFR 40(1 2) :1 vitamin E, MFR 40(1 2): 1 zinc, MFR 40(9): 1 epidermal papillomas, description of in three bivalve species, MFR 38(10):25 lesions, identification of proliferative encapsulation cells, MFR 38(10):5 phagocytic cells, MFR 38(10):5 leucocyte cell renewal model for bivalve, MFR 38(10):34 polyps, description of in three bivalve species, MFR 38 (10):25 proliferative disorders in bivalve, MFR 38(10):30 Mollusks, marine viruses and viruslike lesions, MFR 40( 1 0) : 1 8 Monacilla Arctic Ocean, central key to species, C 391 Monoculodes borealis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Monolene sessilicauda — see Flounder, deepwater Montague Strait Prince William Sound, Alaska otter, sea, feeding behavior and major prey species, FB 76:125 Monterey Bay, California net plankton and nannoplankton contribution to standing stocks and primary produc- tivity during upwelling season, FB 74:183 Morone americana — see Perch, white Morone saxatilis — see Bass, striped Mortality sea urchin, red localized mass mortality near Santa Cruz, California, FB 75:645 Mugil cephalus — see Mullet, striped Mulinia lateralis response surface techniques revaluation of combined effects of temperature and salinity on survival and growth using, FB 73:89 Mullet dockside price analysis in Florida fishery annual prices, MFR 38(6):4 industry implications, MFR 38(6): 12 monthly prices, MFR 38(6):6 price flexibilities, MFR 38(6): 11 Mullet, striped ecology, aspects of estuarine intertidal distribution, FB 76:305 field sites and capture of fish, FB 76:299 predators, FB 76:307 Multiple species fishery harvesting capacity, a linear programming approach, FB 77:425 Multispecies fisheries problem report of a colloquium, June 1976, MFR 39(9):8 Munida forceps Chesapeake Bight occurrence in, FB 74:462 Munidopsis bermudezi Chesapeake Bight occurrence in, FB 74:462 Murrells Inlet, South Carolina artificial reefs, MFR 41 (9): 12 Muscles mackerel, chub effect of swimming speed on excess temperatures and activities, FB 76:861 Musculus discors invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Mussel culture in Venezuela areas, MFR 37(1):15 environmental factors, MFR 37(1): 17 outlook, MFR 37(1): 17 techniques, MFR 37(1):15 Mussel, bay uptake and loss of petroleum hydrocarbons mortality studies, FB 73:510 No. 2 fuel oil studies, FB 73:510 No. 5 fuel oil studies, FB 73:511 Mussel, blue cultivated and natural stocks seasonal effect on yield, proximate composition, and quality of meats, MFR 40(8): 18 mariculture of Atlantic coast of France — pole culture, MFR 37(10): 14 Netherlands bottom culture, MFR 37(10): 15 northwest Spain — raft or rope culture, MFR 37(10): 11 Mya arenaria — see Clam, soft shell 79 Mya truncata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Myctophidae Pacific, North central gyre vertical distribution and development during summer, FB 77:786 Mysis litoralis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Mysis oculata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Mysis polaris invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Mytilus californianus effects of thermal discharge on reproductive cycles, FB 77:498 Mytilus edulis effects of thermal discharge on reproductive cycles, FB 77:498 larvae, inhibitory effect on growth of Pavlova lutherii, FB 77:715 Mytilus edulis — see also Mussel, bay; Mussel, blue N N-nitrosamines salmon roe, Japanese occurrence of volatile, FB 74:683 Naknek River system Bristol Bay, Alaska possible management procedures for increasing produc- tion of sockeye salmon smolts, S 733 Nanaimo River, British Columbia salmon, chinook utilization of estuary by juvenile, FB 77:653 Nannoplankton Monterey Bay, California contribution to standing stocks and primary produc- tivity during upwelling season, FB 74:183 Nanomia cara Gulf of Maine aggregation, FB 76:281 Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island crab, planktonic spider larval development, FB 75:831 Natica clausa invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Nehu age and growth, Hawaiian Islands geographical comparison of growth rates, FB 74:16 catch statistics and abundance in Kaneohe Bay, C 408:114 fishery for baiting localities, C 408:57 capture methods, C 408:58 catch, effort, and catch per effort, C 408:58 day-bait production, C 408:59 night-bait production, C 408:59 species utilized, C 408:57 statewide production, C 408:58 Hawaiian Islands age and growth as indicated by daily growth increments of sagittae, FB 74:9 Hawaiian skipjack tuna fishery estimates of amount per bucket of bait in, C 408:55 Nekton small preserved number and length frequency, subsampler for estimat- ing, FB 76:490 Nematobrachion sp. California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:932 Nematodes larval, parasitic in shellfish, MFR 40(10): 39 parasitic on penaeid shrimp Thynnascaris sp., FB 76:26 Nematopsis brasiliensis parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:12 Nematopsis duorari parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:12 Nematopsis penaeus parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:12 Nematoscelis biology and taxonomy of the genus, FB 73:797 Nematoscelis sp. California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:932 Neomysis rayii invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Nephtys paradoxa invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Net, purse seine modified tuna, achieves record low porpoise kill rate, MFR 39(6): 1 Net feeding mesopelagic fishes, FB 73:908 Nets, gill fish catches relation to frontal periods, FB 74:449 Neuston net, Boothbay ichthyoneuston catches diurnal variations off Charleston, South Carolina, FB 76:295 New Brunswick Pacific salmon, juvenile discovery in small coastal stream, FB 76:487 New England Boston fish pier landings, 1978, MFR 41(10):29 fisheries development, MFR 39(2): 1 80 fishery products export opportunities, MFR 39(2): 26 fishing gear technology development or transfer, MFR 39(2):24 impact of autumn-winter swarming of siphonophore on fishing in coastal waters, C 416:333 introduction of Codium, FB 73:215 siphonophore swarming in coastal waters — update 1976, C 427:349 temperature structure on continental shelf and slope south of bottom temperature diagram for 1975, C 416:272 bottom temperatures in 1975, C 416:278 bottom temperatures in 1976, C 427:321 highlights of temperature sections, C 416:274, 427:316 long-term monthly mean bottom temperature diagram — 1940-66, C 416:273 occurrence of warm core Gulf Stream eddies, C 416:273 preparation of vertical sections and bottom temperature diagram, C 427:315 vertical temperature sections, C 416:271 New England, Southern flounder, yellowtail compartmentalized simulation model, FB 75:465 lobster, American migration and dispersion of tagged, S 705 New Hampshire salmonids vibriosis in, MFR 40(10):9 New Jersey climatic conditions related to fish kill and anoxia during summer of 1976, C 427:289 flounder, summer composition of catches made by anglers fishing from party boats in 1978, MFR 41(12):28 occurrence of Minchinia sp. in species of Teredo, MFR 41 (1-2):21 Sandy Hook Bay summer benthic fish fauna, July-October 1970, S 698 New York cunner seasonal dispersal and habitat selection, FB 77:255 Haverstraw Bay, Hudson River food of age 1 and 2 Atlantic tomcod, FB 77:1003 striped bass abundance, prediction from modal lengths, FB 76:467 tautog, young seasonal dispersal and habitat selection, FB 77:255 New York Bight Ceratium tripos bloom, 1976, C 410 fisheries and fishery resources alewives, C 401 bass, striped, C 401 bay scallop, Atlantic, C 401 bluefish, C 401 bonito, Atlantic, C 401 butterfish, C 401 clam, hard, C 401 clam, soft, C 401 clam, surf, C 401 cod, Atlantic, C 401 conch, C 401 crab, blue, C 401 crab, horseshoe, C 401 croaker, Atlantic, C 401 eels, C 401 flounder, summer, C 401 flounder, winter, C 401 flounder, yellowtail, C 401 food fisheries, C 401 haddock, C 401 hake, red C 401 hake, silver, C 401 hake, white, C 401 herring, Atlantic, C 401 industrial fisheries, C 401 industrial trawl fishery, C 401 kingfish, northern, C 401 lobster, American, C 401 mackerel, Atlantic, C 401 mackerel, chub, C 401 mackerel, frigate, C 401 mackerel, Spanish, C 401 menhaden, Atlantic, C 401 mussels, sea, C 401 New Jersey landings, C 401 oyster, American, C 401 perch, white, C 401 puffer, northern, C 401 scup, C 401 sea bass, black, C 401 sea scallop, Atlantic, C 401 semi-industrial fisheries, C 401 shad, American, C 401 shrimps, C 401 spot, C 401 squids, C 401 sturgeon, Atlantic, C 401 swordfish, C 401 tautog, C 401 tilefish, C 401 tuna, bluefin, C 401 tuna, little, C 401 weakfish, C 401 June 1974- June 1975 fishes and associated environmental data, S 716 zooplankton composition, abundance, and distribution of, FB 77:669 New Zealand lobster, rock mortality estimates, FB 77:471 Newport River estuary general feeding ecology of postlarval fishes menhaden, Atlantic, FB 73:137 pinfish, FB 73:137 spot, FB 73:137 Nightlighting attracting and controlling fish SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4):21 Nitrite additives harmful or necessary in foods?, MFR 38(4):24 North America mean sea level anomalies of monthly along west coast, C 427:51 81 west coast, 1967-73 daily and weekly upwelling indices, S 693 North America, west coast albacore, cobalt-60 content in source and migration estimates on west coast, FB 75:867 anomalies of coastal sea surface temperatures, C 416:127 North America, western coastal upwelling, 1975 Baja California, C 416:144 Cape Blanco to Point Conception, C 416:143 Gulf of Alaska, eastern, C 416:142 Gulf of Alaska, northern, C 416:141 Vancouver Island to central Oregon, C 416:142 coastal upwelling, 1976 Gulf of Alaska, C 427:66 Point Conception to Baja California, C 427:69 relation to fisheries, C 427:70 Vancouver Island to Point Conception, C 427:67 North Carolina charter boat troll fishery survey, 1977, MFR 41(4): 15 elvers, occurrence Synaphobranchus affinis, FB 73:687 offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73 recreational catches, effort, and angling quality, MFR 38(3):13 porgy, red reproductive cycle, fecundity, and sex ratios, FB 74:775 recent records of Callinectes danae, FB 76:879 Callinectes marginatus, FB 76:879 scallop, calico fishes, macroinvertebrates, and their interrelationships with, FB 75:427 shallow marsh habitats as primary nurseries, FB 77:339 weakfish, reproductive biology, FB 74:18 North Sea herring stocks status, fished by the Federal Republic of Germany fleet, MFR 40(4):21 Northwest Fisheries Center resource ecology data analysis, MFR 38(8):22 Norwegian Sea herring stocks status, fished by the Federal Republic of Germany fleet, MFR 40(4):23 Nosema nelsoni parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:13 Notemigonus crysoleucas — see Shiner, golden Nuclear detonations cobalt-60 content contamination source for albacore off west coast, FB 75:867 Nucula tenuis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Nuiqsut, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):27 Nutrient chemistry data EASTROPAC atlas principal participating ships, third survey cruise, Feb- ruary-March 1968, C 330, vol. 10 Nutrition lobster requirement and pathology, MFR 40(10):44 O Oahu Koko Head, Hawaii sea-surface temperatures and salinities, 1956-73, FB 75: 767 Ocean environment monitoring of application to fisheries, MFR 38(2):8 FAX program, MFR 38(2):3 fishing information, MFR 38(2):5 ship-of-opportunity program, MFR 38(2):7 Ocean variability effects on U.S. marine resources — 1975 Atlantic, C 416:10 Chesapeake Bay streamflow, C 416:23 coastal temperatures, C 416:21 copepoda, net phytoplankton, and temperature-salinity- copepod relationships in the Middle Atlantic Bight, C 416:28 data products, C 416:19 Pacific, C 416:6 sea surface temperature anomalies, C 416:24 seasonal cycles, C 416:4 transition zone, eastern North Pacific, C 416:26 U.S. fishery conservation zone, 1976 atmospheric circulation, C 427:11 Oceanic conditions between Hawaiian Islands and U.S. west coast, 1975 subsurface temperature structure, C 416:153 surface salinity, surface temperature, and heat storage, C 416:154 between San Francisco and Honolulu, 1976, C 427:77 Oceanographic sampling albacore movements small-scale in relation to ocean features, FB 75:347 Octopoteuthis nielseni bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:246 Octopus, Pacific aggressive behavior exaggerated, MFR 38(9): 18 distribution, MFR 38(9): 17 fast growth-short life, MFR 38(9): 17 fishery, MFR 38(9):20 handling underwater, MFR 38(9): 19 movements and feeding, MFR 38(9): 18 Octopus dofleini — see Octopus, Pacific Oil and grease fishery waste effluents proposed analytical method, FB 74:681 Oil — see Petroleum transportation Oithona similis Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha — see Salmon, pink Oncorhynchus keta — see Salmon, chum 82 Oncorhynchus kisutch — see Salmon, coho Oncorhynchus masou — see Salmon, cherry Oncorhynchus nerka — see Salmon, sockeye Oncorhynchus sp. North American hatching survival of hybrids of Oncorhynchus masou with, FB 73:447 Oncorhynchus spp. juvenile, freshwater and estuarine culture floating horizontal and vertical raceways, MFR 41(3): 18 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha — see Salmon, Chinook Opecoeloides fimbriatus parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:24 Ophidiiformes guide to identification of genera Abyssobrotula, C 417 Abythites, C 417 Acanthonus, C 417 Alcockia, C 417 Aphyonus, C 417 Barathrites, C 417 Barathrodemus, C 417 Barathronus, C 417 Bassobythites, C 417 Bassogigas, C 417 Bassozetus, C 417 Bathyonus, C 417 Bellottia, C 417 Benthocometes, C 417 Bidenichthys, C 417 Brosmophyciops, C 417 Brosmophycis, C 417 Brotula, C 417 Brotulataenia, C 417 Brotulina, C 417 Bythites, C 417 Calamopteryx, C 417 Carapus, C 417 Cataetyx, C 417 Cherublemma, C 417 C/j/'/ora, C 417 Dannevigia, C 417 Dermatopsis, C 417 Dermatopsoides, C 417 Diancistrus, C 417 Dicrolene, C 417 Dinematichthys, C 417 Diplacanthopoma, C 417 Dipulus, C 417 Echiodon, C 417 Encheliophis, C 417 Enchelybrotula, C 417 Epetriodus, C 417 Eretmichthys, C 417 Genypterus, C 417 Glyptophidium, C 417 Grammonoides, C 417 Gunterichthys, C 417 Hephthocara, C 417 Holcomycteronus, C 417 Homostolus, C 417 Hoplobrotula, C 417 Hypopleuron, C 417 Lamprogrammus, C 417 Lepophidium, C 417 Leucicorus, C 417 Lucifuga, C 417 Luciobrotula, C 417 Mastigopterus, C 417 Meteoria, C 417 Microbrotula, C 417 Monomitopus, C 417 Monothrix, C 417 Neobythites, C 417 Nybelinella, C 417 Og/76/a, C 417 Oligopus, C 417 Onuxodon, C 417 Ophidion, C 417 Otophidium, C 417 Parabassogigas, C 417 Parophidion, C 417 Penopus, C 417 Petrotyx, C 417 Porogadus, C 417 Propteridium, C 417 Pseudonus, C 417 Pycnocraspedum, C 417 Pyramodon, C 417 Raneya, C 417 Saccogaster, C 417 Sciadonus, C 417 Selachophidium, C 417 Sirembo, C 417 Snyderidia, C All Spectrunculus, C 417 Spottobrotula, C 417 Stygnobrotula, C 417 Tauredophidium, C 417 Thalassobathia, C 417 Typhlonus, C 417 Xyelacyba, C 417 Opisthonema oglinum — see Herring, Atlantic thread Oplophorus gracilirostris bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:248 Opsanus tau — see Toadfish, oyster Orchestia gammarellus structure and biology of Marteilia sp. in, MFR 41(l-2):3 Oregon Acartia californiensis effects of temperature and salinity on production and hatching of dormant eggs, FB 77:567 albacore catches at different times of the day, FB 73:691 American shad, history of commercial fishery, MFR 40(2):29 Aphanopus carbo, FB 77:700 crab, Dungeness larval dynamics off central coast, 1970-71, FB 74:353 distant water fishing off observed and perceived impacts, MFR 37(4): 13 83 feeding habits off sanddab, Pacific, FB 76:641 sole, Dover, FB 76:641 sole, rex, FB 76:641 sole, slender, FB 76:641 fishermen, commercial economic performance in 1972, MFR 39(8):17 Gonostoma atlanticum, first record off, FB 77:700 larvae, distribution and duration of pelagic life in waters off sole, Dover, FB 75:173 sole, petrale, FB 75:173 sole, rex, FB 75:173 micronekton and macrozooplankton seasonal and inshore-offshore variations in standing stocks, FB 74:70 oceanographic conditions, summer 1977, MFR 40(2):24 Paralepis atlantica, first record off, FB 77:700 rockfish age determination methods, analysis, FB 75:405 development and occurrence of larvae and juveniles, FB 77:1, 901 salmon, coho contribution of wild and hatchery-reared to ocean sport fishery, FB 77:617 monitoring location of, MFR 38(3): 1 small flatfishes and other demersal fishes distribution and abundance, FB 76:629 sole, rex biology, 1969-73, FB 75:51 upwelling zone year-to-year variations in the planktology of, FB 73:642 zooplankton seasonal cycle of abundance and species composition, FB 75:717 Oscillation, Southern historical trends and statistics, FB 76:663 Osmerus mordax—see Smelt, rainbow Ostrea edulis life cycle and development of Abers disease in, MFR 41 (l-2):64 Otoliths daily growth increments, larval and adult fishes, FB 74:1 separate juvenile steelhead trout from juvenile rainbow trout, FB 73:654 Otter, sea Montague Strait, Prince William Sound, Alaska feeding behavior and major prey species, FB 76:125 Oxygen Atlantic, southeastern tropical oxycline characteristics and skipjack tuna distribution, FB 75:857 Oxygen, dissolved York River estuary, Virginia mean values, May 1972-August 1973, FB 75:659 Oxygen concentration, dissolved tuna swimming speed, effect on, FB 75:649 Oxygen levels evaluation of contaminants on marine life, MFR 38(1 1):4 Oxyjulis californica — see Senorita Oyster composition, geographic and monthly variation in, MFR 41 (3): 13 Oyster, American Minchinia nelsoni disease, MFR 38(10):22 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Oyster, Australian life cycle and ecology of Marteilia sydneyi in age of oysters, MFR 41(l-2):72 condition of oysters, MFR 41(l-2):72 distribution of M. sydneyi, MFR 41(l-2):72 incubation period, MFR 41(l-2):72 morphology, MFR 41(1-2):71 solutions to disease problem, MFR 41(l-2):72 temperature and salinity, MFR 41(l-2):72 Oyster, European flat imported, haplosporidian diseases in Dutch estuaries Marteilia armoricana, MFR 41 (1-2): 10 Marteilia refringens, MFR 41 (1-2): 9 Oyster, Japanese Brittany, France possibly infected by Marteilia refringens, MFR 41(1-2):19 Oyster, mangrove culture in Venezuela areas, MFR 37(1): 15 environmental factors, MFR 37(1): 17 outlook, MFR 37(1): 17 techniques, MFR 37(1): 15 Oyster, Pacific fertilization method quantifying gamete concentrations and maximizing larvae production, FB 74:698 polyp, description of on mantle, MFR 38(10):25 radiation, ionizing histopathological effects on, MFR 38(10): 12 Oyster, rock epidermal papillomas, description of on mantle, MFR 38 (10):29 Oyster diseases Chesapeake Bay Dermocystidium marinum, MFR 41(l-2):46 direct infections versus alternate hosts, MFR 41(l-2):53 diseases caused by Minchinia costatis and M. nelsoni, MFR41(l-2):50 life cycle notes, MFR 41(1-2):51 Minchinia costalis, MFR 41(l-2):47 Minchinia nelsoni, MFR 41(l-2):47 Minchinia nelsoni activity patterns, MFR 41(l-2):48 monitoring methods, MFR 41(l-2):45 sporulation in susceptible spat, MFR 41(l-2):52 sporulation occurrence in M. nelsoni, MFR 41(l-2):52 Oyster farming Pacific Northwest, MFR 39(7): 17 Oyster industry development of program to rehabilitate, of Prince Edward Island applied research needed, MFR 37(3):34 cost-benefit ratios, MFR 37(3):34 development of management program, MFR 37(3):30 ecology of oyster grounds, MFR 37(3):23 functional operations of industry, MFR 37(3):26 oyster biology, MFR 37(3):22 84 pilot projects conducted, MFR 37(3):31 specific management program, MFR 37(3):32 Middle Atlantic interaction of economic, biological, and legal forces, FB 73:256 Oyster reefs aquacultural program for rehabilitation of damaged, in Mississippi Sound dredging effects, MFR 39(8):3 growth rate, MFR 39(8):4 hurricane impact, MFR 39(8):3 landings, historical, MFR 39(8):3 leveeing effects, MFR 39(8):2 location of reefs, MFR 39(8):2 oyster industry, MFR 39(8):6 physical aspects of sound, MFR 39(8):2 physical condition and oyster density in 1975, MFR 39(8):8 pollution effects, MFR 39(8):3 predators, commensals, and diseases, MFR 39(8):5 program development, MFR 39(8):9 rigid-tine cultivator recommended, MFR 39(8): 11 salinity and temperature regimes, MFR 39(8):5 spat recruitment, MFR 39(8):3 survival rate, MFR 39(8):4 Oyster seed hatcheries U.S. west coast cultchless seed, MFR 41(12): 13 hatchery technique developments, MFR 41(12): 1 1 problems and potentials, MFR 41(12): 12 seed, MFR 41(12):10 seed on cultch, MFR 41(12):12 seed sources, competing, MFR 41(12): 13 Oysters bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 Dermocystidium marinum infection in, MFR 38(10): 19 hematopoietic neoplasms in Virginia, MFR 38(10):34 inflammation and wound repair, MFR 38(10):2 mechanical escalator harvester design and construction, MFR 41(12): 17 field tests, MFR 41(12): 18 proteomyxids relation to neoplastic diseases of, MFR 38(10): 16 Pacific Coast rearing facilities releases of anadromous salmon and trout, 1960-73, D 101 salmonid rearing facilities historical and descriptive account and summary of their releases by region, 1960-76, S 736 Pacific Northwest American shad, history of commercial fishery, MFR 40(2):29 aquatic resources impact of cooling waters on, MFR 38(1 1):27 fishery resources water diversions, effects of, MFR 38(1 1):46 oyster farming, MFR 39(7): 17 sturgeon, commercial fishery, MFR 40(7): 17 Pacific Ocean bottomfish and herring Soviet fisheries off U.S. coast, MFR 38(12): 1 climatic change in, C 416:103 tuna pole-and-line and live-bait fisheries, C 408:36 tuna, skipjack distribution, relative abundance, and movement based on Japanese longline catches, 1964-67, S 695 Pacific Ocean, areas adjacent to northeast aquatic organisms, effects on dredging, MFR 38(1 1):34 Pacific Ocean, central equatorial Christmas Island sea-surface temperatures, 1954-73, FB 75:767 Pacific Ocean, central North marlin, blue von Bertalanffy growth curves, FB 74:553 marlin, striped von Bertalanffy growth curves, FB 74:553 Scopelengys clarkei, description of new species, FB 74:142 Pacific Ocean, eastern Bathochordaeus charon first record, FB 77:514 scorpionfish larvae identification guide, C 402 sea surface conditions, 1976, C 427:35 skipjack tuna distribution and ecology, FB 73:382 tuna, yellowfin energetics model for an exploited population, FB 74:36 whale, melon-headed first record in, with summary of world distribution, FB 74:457 Pacific Ocean, eastern North flatfishes, early development, FB 77:105 Pacific Ocean, eastern subarctic fishes, vertical distribution, diel vertical migration, and abundance of some mesopelagic in summer, FB 76: 751 Pacific Ocean, eastern tropical dolphin, eastern spinner growth and reproduction, FB 75:725 dolphin, spotted gross annual reproductive rates compared with estimates for eastern spinner dolphin, 1973-75, FB 75:725 reproductive parameters, 1973-75, FB 75:629 dolphins, pelagic movements as indicated by results of tagging, 1969-76, S737 porpoise, spotted growth and reproduction, FB 74:229 tuna associations with flotsam, FB 77:147 tuna fishery relationship to sea surface temperatures during 1975, C 416:169 whale, blue recent sightings, FB 76:915 Pacific Ocean, equatorial anomalies and El Nino forecast method, C 416:183 recent index trends and indications, C 416:183 85 resume for early 1975 El Nino event, C 416:180 statistical evidence, C 416:181 • Pacific Ocean, North albacore seasonal migration into North American coastal waters, FB 75:795 tag shedding, estimates of rates, FB 74:675 chlorinated hydrocarbons in sea-surface films and subsur- face waters, FB 73:445 fishes, larval vertical distribution and development in central gyre during summer, FB 77:783 Pandalus tridens larval morphology and summary of principal morpho- logical characteristics of larvae, FB 77:625 Pacific Ocean, northeast Bentheogennema burkenroadi description and biology of a new species of, FB 73:737 chemical characteristics of fish caught in, MFR 38(9): 1 dogfish, spiny mercury in, FB 75:642 fisheries and environmental change, MFR 38(1 1):1, 51 halibut, Pacific mercury content, FB 74:783 otter trawl fisheries energy efficiency comparison between Washington and Japanese, MFR 37(4):21 petroleum, impact of transportation, MFR 38(1 1):20 pollution, man-caused, MFR 38(1 1):2 sablefish mercury content, FB 74:791 teleconnections between, and Gulf of Mexico and north- western Atlantic Ocean, FB 73:306 Pacific Ocean, northern North sunspot activity and oceanic conditions, C 416:191 Pacific Ocean, south albacore assessment of fishery, 1953-72, MFR 37(3):9 Pacific Ocean, southwestern Japanese skipjack tuna baitfish surveys, C 408:81 Pacific Ocean, western Japanese skipjack tuna baitfish surveys, C 408:81 Pagrus pagrus — see Porgy, red Pagrus sedecim — see Porgy, red Pagurus trigonocheirus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Palau aspects of population biology of Stolephorus heterolobus, C 408:119 Palau Islands tuna bait species observations of, and their habitats, C 408:69 Panama Caribbean coast snapper, host-parasite relationship with Cymothoa excisa, FB 75:875 Pandalus borealis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Pandalus borealis — see also Shrimp, northern; Shrimp, pink Pandalus goniurus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Pandalus goniurus — see also Shrimp, humpy Pandalus hypsinotus — see Shrimp, coonstripe Pandalus jordani sampler, epibenthic, used to study ontogeny of vertical migration, FB 74:994 Pandalus platyceros — see Prawn, spot Pandalus tridens larval morphology and summary of morphological characteristics comparison of larval stages with descriptions by other authors, FB 77:636 morphological characteristics, summary, FB 77:637 Stage I zoea, FB 77:625 Stage II zoea, FB 77:628 Stage III zoea, FB 77:629 Stage IV zoea, FB 77:633 Stage V zoea, FB 77:634 Stage VI zoea, FB 77:634 Stage VII zoea, FB 77:636 Panopeus herbstii — see Crab, mud Panulirus argus — see Lobster, spiny Panulirus interruptus — see Lobster, California spiny Papillomas, epidermal descriptions of in three bivalve mollusk species, MFR 38 (10):25 Papua New Guinea distribution and abundance of baitfish resources, C 408:89 relationships amongst skipjack tuna catch, bait catch, and lunar cycle, C 408:104 skipjack tuna fishing in 1970-73, MFR 37(2):5 tuna bait species appraisal of live-bait potential and handling charac- teristics, C 408:95 Paracalanus parvus Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 Parachristianella dimegacantha parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:24 Parachristianella heteronegacanthus parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:26 Parachristianella monomegacantha parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:24 Paralabrax clathratus — see Bass, kelp Paralepis atlantica Oregon, first records off, FB 77:700 Paralichthys dentatus — see Flounder, summer Paralithodes camtschatica — see Crab, king Paramoeba perniciosa cause of serum changes in blue crab, MFR 37(5-6):34 Paraphoxus milleri invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 86 Parasitic diseases — see Diseases, parasitic Parathemisto libellula invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Parauronema sp. parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:21 Paroediceros lynceus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Parophrys vetulus — see Sole, English Parrotfish, striped spawning, daily and summer-winter variation in mass behavior, general, FB 76:118 behavior, mass spawning, FB 76:119 predation, FB 76:122 spawning frequency, FB 76:120 Pathology vertebrate and invertebrate observations on comparative, MFR 38(10):46 Patinopecten caurinus — see Scallop, Pacific sea Pavlova lutherii inhibitory effect on growth of Mytilus edulis larvae, FB 77:715 Pelagic resources harvest, innovations in flotsam and vessels, MFR 39(9): 18 moored objects, MFR 39(9): 16 night-lights, MFR 39(9): 18, 20 pots, fish, MFR 39(9): 17 pots, towed midwater, MFR 39(9): 19 structures, artificial, MFR 39(9):20 trolling, MFR 39(9): 15 Pella-Tomlinson system parameter estimation under nonequilibrium conditions, FB 76:523 restructuring, FB 76:515 Penaeopsis intersex anomalies in shrimp of the genus, FB 76:687 revision of penaeid shrimp genus key to species, FB 77:723 P. balssi, FB 77:724 P. challengeri, FB 77:728 P. eduardoi, FB 77:734 P. jerry i, FB 77:737 P. rectacuta, FB 77:741 P. serrata, FB 77:748 Penaeopsis balssi revision of shrimp genus, FB 77:724 Penaeopsis challengeri revision of shrimp genus, FB 77:728 Penaeopsis eduardoi revision of shrimp genus, FB 77:734 Penaeopsis jerryi revision of shrimp genus, FB 77:737 Penaeopsis rectacuta revision of shrimp genus, FB 77:741 Penaeopsis serrata revision of shrimp genus, FB 77:748 Penaeus aztecus — see Shrimp, brown Penaeus aztecus subtilis phosphoglucomutase polymorphism in, FB 74:453 Penaeus brasiliensis phosphoglucomutase polymorphism in, FB 74:453 Penaeus duorarum — see Shrimp, pink Penaeus marginatus Hawaiian Islands, exploratory study found in quantities thought sufficient to sustain a small trawl fishery, MFR 37(12): 13 Penaeus setiferus — see Shrimp, white Peponocephala electro — see Whale, melon-headed Peprilus triacanthus — see Butterfish Perch, kelp food, activity, and habitat in kelp forests off California activity, FB 73:821 food, FB 73:818 habitat, FB 73:823 overlap with other species, FB 73:824 resource breadth, FB 73:823 Perch, Pacific ocean population biology in Washington-Queen Charlotte Sound region age composition, FB 75:380 age-length relationships, FB 75:376 fecundity, FB 75:391 life history, general features, FB 75:372 migrations and availability, FB 75:373 mortality, FB 75:383 recruitment to fishery, FB 75:381 response to fishing, FB 75:394 sexual maturation, FB 75:385 size composition, FB 75:378 stock delineation, FB 75:371 resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11): 15 Perch, white New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Perch, yellow eggs and larvae survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR 41(3):1 Perna perna — see Mussel Petalidium suspiriosum ecology of Hawaiian, FB 74:824 Petroleum hydrocarbons spin-labeling techniques for studying mode of action of, on marine organisms, FB 73:299 Petroleum transportation Pacific Ocean, impact on northeast biological fate of oil, MFR 38(11):25 chemical and physical fate of oil, MFR 38(11):24 crude oil tanker traffic, MFR 38(11):23 fisheries, direct effects on, MFR 38(11):25 marine resources, potential effects of oil pollution on, MFR 38(1 1):26 oil pollution sources, MFR 38(1 1):22 Prudhoe Bay crude oil, expected production, MFR 38 (11):20 superports and supertankers, MFR 38(1 1):21 transportation and production, MFR 38(11):20 Phanerodon furcatus — see Seaperch, white 87 Phascolosoma sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Phenol clams, effects on, MFR 38(10): 10 Phoca (Histriophoca) fasciata — see Seal, ribbon Phosphonoacetic acid inhibition of virus replication in channel catfish, MFR 40 (10):24 Photoperiod effects of photoperiod-temperature regimes on body fat reserves golden shiner, FB 73:766 Phragmosporae United States, northeastern key to genera and species, C 398 Phyllodoce mucosa antipredation mechanism behavior, FB 77:610 fish response, FB 77:607 histology and ultrastructure of parapodial cirri, FB 77: 610 Physical oceanographic cycles — see Auke Bay, southeastern Alaska Physical oceanographic data EASTROPAC atlas from principal participating ships, third survey cruise, February-March 1968, C 330, vol. 9 Latin American ships and ships of opportunity, Feb- ruary 1967-March 1968, C 330, vol. 11 Phytoplankton food for larval northern anchovy, FB 75:577 in upwelling waters off Baja California biogeographical comments, FB 73:45 carbon abundance, FB 73:43 net phytoplankton, FB 73:40 numerical abundance, FB 73:41 vertical distribution, FB 73:44 Phytoplankton, net Mid-Atlantic Bight, 1976, C 427:337 Pike, northern eggs and larvae survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR 41(3):1 Pimelometopon pulchrum — see Sheephead, California Pinealectomy effects on body fat reserves golden shiner, FB 73:766 Pinfish experiments on some possible effects of tire reefs on, MFR 37(3): 18 feeding ecology, observations of postlarval current speed and feeding intensity, FB 74:424 daily rations, FB 74:425 evacuation rates, FB 74:424 feeding periodicity, FB 74:425 size related food preferences, FB 74:428 temporal variation in midday feeding, FB 74:424 general feeding ecology of postlarval fishes in Newport River estuary, FB 73:137 Piscine erythrocytic necrosis Cod, Atlantic, MFR 40(10): 16 incidence and distribution in rainbow smelt from Massa- chusetts to Canadian Maritimes, FB 77:503 Placopecten magellanicus — see Scallop, sea Plaice, Alaska Bering Sea, southeastern, 1961 age-length-weight and distribution, FB 73:919 Plaice, American Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Carolina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S691 Plankton found in mesopelagic fishes diversity, FB 73:912 Oregon upwelling zone year-to-year variations, FB 73:642 trophic relationships among fishes and, at Enewetak Atoll, FB 76:133 Plankton — see also Zooplankton Plankton, net Monterey Bay, California contribution to standing stocks and primary produc- tivity during upwelling season, FB 74:183 Platyhelminthes parasitic on penaeid shrimp Microphallus sp., FB 76:24 Opecoeloides fimbriatus, FB 76:24 Parachristianella dimegacantha, FB 76:24 Parachristianella heteronegacanthus, FB 76:26 Parachristianella monomegacantha, FB 76:24 Prochristianella hispida, FB 76:24 Renibulbus penaeus, FB 76:26 Pleistophora ( = Plistophora) penaei parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:14 Pleoticus muelleri American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:309 Pleoticus robustus American solenocerid shrimp, FB 75:297 Pleurogrammus monopterygius — see Mackerel, Atka Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus — see Plaice, Alaska Pleuronichthys coenosus — see Turbot, C-O Pleuronichthys decurrens — see Turbot, curlfin Pleuronichthys ocellatus — see Turbot, gulf Pleuronichthys ritteri — see Turbot, spotted Pleuronichthys verticalis — see Turbot, hornyhead Pleustes panopla invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Poecilia vittata — see Topminnow Pogonias cromis York River estuary life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Point Hope, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):22 Pollachius virens — see Pollock, Atlantic Pollichthys mauli inverse correlation between meristic characters and food supply, FB 73:288 Pollock, Alaska description, MFR 41(11):29 effect of processing variables on storage characteristics of frozen minced addition of ingredients, MFR 39(5): 13 alternate uses, MFR 39(5): 14 comparing preservation methods, MFR 39(5): 12 minced flesh particle size, MFR 39(5): 13 minced flesh yield, MFR 39(5): 12 washing the flesh, MFR 39(5): 12 Pollock, Atlantic description, MFR 41(11):28 Pollock, walleye Bering Sea, eastern foods, spring and summer, FB 77:304 Gulf of Alaska, western biology of, 1973-75, FB 77:263 physical, chemical, and sensory changes when held in ice and in carbon dioxide modified refrigerated sea water chemical analyses, FB 77:482, 484 effects of washing ground flesh, FB 77:487 physical appearance and yield, FB 77:483 sampling, FB 77:481 sensory assessments, FB 77:483 sensory evaluation, FB 77:482 resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11): 13 Pollutants chlorinated hydrocarbon, analysis of, FB 76:880 histopathological effects on marine organisms, MFR 40 (10):51 Pollution acute toxicity of ammonia to several developmental stages of rainbow trout, FB 73:207 cadmium, mercury, and silver marine animals, effects on, MFR 39(4):5 U C benzene and l4 C toluene in Pacific herring uptake, distribution, and depuration, FB 75:633 chlorinated hydrocarbons in Dover sole local migrations and fin erosion, FB 75:513 cobalt-60 content in albacore source and migration estimates on west coast, FB 75: 867 concentration of mercury, copper, nickel, silver, cad- mium, and lead northern Adriatic anchovy and sardine, FB 73:193 fishery waste effluents parameters, system for determining and calculating, FB 75:253 Gulf of Mexico estuaries, alteration and destruction of, MFR 39(9):5 Pacific Ocean, areas adjacent to northeast living resources, impact of material disposal on, MFR 38(1 1):36 Pacific Ocean, northeast contaminants, physical transport and distribution of, MFR 38(1 1):6 contamination, toxicology of, MFR 38(1 1):6 marine life, effects on, MFR 38(1 1):8 marine resources, potential effects of oil pollution on, MFR 38(1 1):26 oxygen levels, MFR 38(1 1):4 physical environment, MFR 38(1 1):4 salinity, MFR 38(1 1):5 temperature, MFR 38(1 1):5 wastes, domestic, MFR 38(11): 12 wastes, industrial, MFR 38(11): 15 Puget Sound, Washington short-term thermal resistance of zoeae of 10 species of crabs, FB 75:555 scallop, rock trace metal contamination near municipal outfall, FB 76:936 Polyacrylamide gel fish identification thin-layer isoelectric focusing, FB 75:571 Polychaete variation application of systematic sampling to study of, in soft substrate environment, FB 74:942 Polychaetes Delaware Bay region polychaetous annelids, FB 76:209 Polychelidae lobsters, deep-sea biology, FB 77:435 Polydactylies sexfilis — see Threadfin Polymers, synthetic dilute solutions of enhanced survival of larval grass shrimp, FB 73:678 Polyps descriptions of in three bivalve mollusk species, MFR 38 (10):25 Pomatomus saltatrix—see Bluefish Ponape observations on tuna baitfish, C 408:75 Pontoporeia femorata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Population parameters effects of on size composition of American lobster catch along Maine coast, FB 73:862 Population sizes model for estimating historical bias, FB 76:773 bias estimation, FB 76:772 variance, FB 76:776 variance estimation, FB 76:773 Porcupinefishes egg and larval development, comments on, FB 76:535 systematics and zoogeography, FB 76:535 Porgy, red North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3): 13 North Carolina fecundity, FB 74:775 reproductive cycle, FB 74:775 sex ratios, FB 74:775 synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, C 412 89 distribution, C 412 fishing, C 412 identity, C 412 population, C 412 Porpoise identification guide to western North Atlantic harbor, C 396 kill rate record low, using modified tuna purse seine net, MFR 39(6): 1 rescue methods and importance of Medina panel mesh size appendage penetration tests, MFR 39(5):5 field tests, MFR 39(5):8 Medina panel history, MFR 39(5):2 NMFS gear program, MFR 39(5):4 Porpoise, spotted growth and reproduction in eastern tropical Pacific color pattern, FB 74:242 gestation period, FB 74:234 growth, fetal, FB 74:234 growth, postnatal, FB 74:236 Japanese population, comparison with, FB 74:266 length at birth, FB 74:234 length- weight relationships, FB 74:242 production, gross annual, FB 74:265 reproduction, female, FB 74:248 reproduction, male, FB 74:243 reproduction, seasonality, FB 74:243 schooling in relation to reproduction, FB 74:265 sex ratios, FB 74:264 underwater paint marking, FB 74:687 Portunus spinimanus — see Crab, portunid Pots, crab Dungeness crab escape from, MFR 38(4): 19 Pout, ocean development of an underutilized fishery resource candling and lesion occurrence, MFR 39(6):9, 10 chemical analysis, MFR 39(6): 10, 11 growth, MFR 39(6):7 marketing, MFR 39(6): 12 movement, MFR 39(6):7 processing time, MFR 39(6):9, 10 sex composition, MFR 39(6):7 size, MFR 39(6):7 tag mortality and retention, MFR 39(6):8 taste panel evaluations, MFR 39(6):9, 11 yield, MFR 39(6):9, 10 Pranesus insularum — see Silverside, Hawaiian Pranesus pinguis— see Silverside Prawn, Malaysian roles, prior residence and relative size, FB 76:905 Prawn, spot growth, in laboratory and net pens using different diets, FB 76:886 second mating and spawning in captivity, first record of, FB 75:648 Prince Edward Island oyster industry development of program to rehabilitate, MFR 37(3):21 Prionace glauca — see Shark, blue Prionotus scitulus — see Searobin, leopard Priscillina sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Prochristianella hispida parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:24 Prosobranch, marine Cerithidea californica role of agranular hemolymph cells in parasitic encapsu- lation, MFR 38(10):7 Protomedia fasciata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Protomedia stephenseni invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Protozoa parasitic on penaeid shrimp Cephalolobus penaeus, FB 76:12 Ephelota sp., FB 76:21 Lagenophrys lunatus, FB 76:17 Leptomonas sp., FB 76:21 Nematopsis brasiliensis, FB 76:12 Nematopsis duorari, FB 76:12 Nematopsis penaeus, FB 76:12 Nosema nelson i, FB 76:13 Parauronema sp., FB 76:21 Pleistophora ( = Plistophora) penaei, FB 76:14 Thelohania duorara, FB 76: 1 3 Thelohania penaei, FB 76:13 Zoothamnium sp., FB 76:17 Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae United States, northeastern collecting methods, C 419 culture, C 419 diagnostic characters, C 419 ecology, C 419 key to families, genera, and species, C 419 observational techniques, C 419 problems in determining identity of marine Sarcodina, C419 systematic list, annotated, C 419 Protozoan diseases — see Diseases, protozoan Prudhoe Bay crude oil expected production and transportation, MFR 38(1 1):20 Pseudalibrotus glacialis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Pseudalibrotus nanseni invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Pseudocalanus sp. Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance, FB 75:717 Pseudomma truncatum invertebrates, midwater 90 Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Pseudomonas sp. "mock fish" used for studying microbial outgrowth of, FB 75:880 Pseudopleuronectes americanus — see Flounder, winter Pterygioteuthis microlampas bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:244 Ptilichthys goodei — see Quillfish Puffer Sphoeroides spengleri biology of, contribution to, FB 77:292 Sphoeroides testudineus biology of, contribution to, FB 77:292 Puffer, northern New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Puget Sound, Washington clam, Manila growth and survival in newly settled spat, FB 77:891 crab, Dungeness intertidal harvest, estimation, FB 77:287 crabs, 10 species short-term thermal resistance of zoeae, FB 75:555 eelgrass beds, importance of, MFR 39(1 1): 18 marine fouling subtidal and intertidal, on artificial substrata, FB 74:377 potential for Porphyra culture, MFR 37(2):25 salmon, Pacific isolation and description of two vibrios pathogenic to, FB 74:447 vibriosis and current salmon vaccination procedures, MFR 40(3):24 Pyroteuthis addolux bioluminescence, intensity regulation of during counter- shading, FB 75:245 Quahog, ocean mid-Atlantic coast heavy metals in, survey of, FB 77:280 Queen Charlotte Sound perch, Pacific ocean population biology and response to fishing, FB 75:369 Queenfish seasonal spawning cycle, FB 74:983 Quillfish Oregon records of larval, transforming, and adult specimens of, FB 73:681 Radiation ionizing histopathological effects on Crassostrea gigas, MFR 38 (10):12 white shrimp low level ionizing, and spice treatment, MFR 37(4): 16 Radiation energy seafoods, use in preservation of dose, measurement of, MFR 38(6):21 food preservation, MFR 38(6):22 nature, MFR 38(6): 19 penetration, MFR 38(6):20 Raja eglanteria distribution and relative abundance Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, FB 73:114 Raja erinacea distribution and relative abundance Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, FB 73:119 Raja garmani distribution and relative abundance Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, FB 73:114 Raja laevis distribution and relative abundance Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, FB 73:119 Raja ocellata distribution and relative abundance Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, FB 73:121 Raja radiata distribution and relative abundance Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, FB 73:114 Raja senta distribution and relative abundance Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras, FB 73:123 Rangia cuneata — see Clams Raritan Bay macrobenthos survey, 1957-60, D 99 Red Sea immigration of fishes into the Mediterranean, FB 76:251 Reefs, artificial Murrells Inlet, South Carolina area, MFR 41(9): 12 fish population estimates, MFR 41(9): 14 fish recruitment, MFR 41(9):17 fish territoriality, MFR 41(9): 17 growth, MFR 41(9):21 invertebrates and plants, MFR 41(9): 15 mutualism, MFR 41(9):21 pre-construction surveys, MFR 41(9): 14 seasonal species composition, MFR 41(9): 18 sport fishery, MFR 41(9): 13 Reefs, Liberty Ship access to and usage of in Texas charter/party boat operator survey, MFR 41(9):27, 28 Houston/Galveston boat fishermen survey, MFR 41(9): 27,29 Reinhardtius hippoglossoides — see Turbot, Greenland Remote sensing SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 15 Renibulbus penaeus parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:26 Rhachotropis aculeata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Rhachotropis oculata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 91 Rhode Island lobster, American effects of trap venting on gear selectivity in inshore fishery, FB 77:925 spider crab, laboratory-reared larval development, FB 75:831 spider crab, planktonic larval development, FB 75:831 Rhomboplites aurorubens — see Snapper, vermilion Ribbonfish description and ontogenetic changes, FB 75:843 new species, FB 75:843 Rimicola muscarum larva, notes on, FB 77:300 Rockfish California, southern migration, timing of surface-to-benthic in juveniles, FB 75:887 development and occurrence of larvae and juveniles off Oregon Sebastes flavidus, FB 77:902 Sebastes melanops, FB 77:902 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 3 8(9): 5 Rockfish, black changes in physical, chemical, and sensory properties when held in ice and in carbon dioxide modified refrigerated seawater analyses, FB 77:866 chemical analyses, FB 77:867 effects of washing minced flesh, FB 77:868 frozen storage, FB 77:868 physical appearance and yield, FB 77:866 sampling, FB 77:865 sensory, FB 77:866 sensory evaluation, FB 77:867 Oregon age determination methods, analysis, FB 75:405 Rockfish, blue kelp forests off Santa Barbara, California diet and habitat distribution, FB 76:257 Rockfish, canary Oregon age determination methods, analysis, FB 75:405 Rockfish, dusky Alaska, southeastern distribution and activity, seasonal changes, MFR 39(3): 23 Rockfish, olive isolation of populations off southern California artificial tagging, FB 77:976 biological tagging, FB 77:976 size variation, FB 77:978 kelp forests off Santa Barbara, California diet and habitat distribution, FB 76:257 Rockfish, yellowtail Alaska, southeastern distribution and activity, seasonal changes, MFR 39(3): 23 Oregon age determination methods, analysis, FB 75:405 Rock fishes development and occurrence off Oregon identification, FB 77:2 meristics, FB 77:3 morphometries, FB 77:3 spination, FB 77:5 terminology, developmental, FB 77:5 Rockling, fourbeard description, MFR 41(11):32 variation in body proportions, FB 77:94 color, FB 77:93 meristics, FB 77:93 sampling areas, FB 77:92 Rouleina attrita taxonomy and distribution description, FB 76:83 distribution, FB 76:85 ecology, FB 76:84 key, FB 76:81 nomenclature, FB 76:81 Rouleina maderensis taxonomy and distribution description, FB 76:84 distribution, FB 76:85 ecology, FB 76:84 key, FB 76:81 Runner, rainbow oceanic resource, latent, MFR 41(8): 1 Sablefish mercury in, from northeast Pacific age, FB 74:795 geographical location, FB 74:792 sex, FB 74:796 size, FB 74:793 utilization, FB 74:796 resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11): 17 Sagitta elegans invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Sagitta hispida production in south Florida inshore waters analysis of samples, FB 73:239 conversion of raw data to other units, FB 73:241 growth rates, FB 73:241 problems of measuring growth rate, FB 73:245 production calculation, FB 73:242 production comparisons, FB 73:246 sampling methods, FB 73:238 seasonal changes, FB 73:243 study site, FB 73:238 Sagittae daily growth increments in nehu indicate age and growth, FB 74:9 Sahara, Spanish pelagic fish eggs and larvae 92 distribution and ecology in an upwelling area off, FB 74:885 Sailfish synopsis of biology bionomics and life history, S 675-3:101 distribution, S 675-3:98 exploitation, S 675-3:116 identity, S 675-3:95 population, S 675-3:112 protection and management, S 675-3:117 St. Andrew Bay, Florida estimated average daily instantaneous numbers of recrea- tional and commercial fishermen and boaters, 1973 commercial fishing, S 724 marine estuarine features, S 724 methods of estimating effort, S 724 recreational fishing, S 724 transit recreational boats and occupants, S 724 fishes catch and catch rates, 1973, S 708 gill net selectivity on estuarine and coastal fishes, FB 75:185 gill net fish catches comparison on webbing materials, times of day, and water depths, FB 75:103 penaeid shrimp, distribution, abundance, and size, FB 74:158 St. Lawrence Island, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):21 Salinity effects on survival winter flounder embryos, FB 74:52 evaluation of contaminants on marine life, MFR 38(1 1):5 Koko Head, Oahu, 1956-73, FB 75:767 tuna swimming speed, effect on, FB 75:649 York River estuary, Virginia mean values, May 1972- August 1973, FB 75:659 Salinity, surface Gulf of Alaska, northern fisheries, relation to, MFR 41(5-6):8 Salmo clarki — see Trout, cuttroat Salmo gairdneri — see Trout, rainbow; Trout, steelhead Salmo trutta — see Trout, brown Salmon Alaska income estimates and reasonable returns, FB 75:483 limited entry, empirical study of, MFR 37(7):22 bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 bypass and collection system for protection of juveniles fish holding area, MFR 37(2):35 fish screening facilities, MFR 37(2):33 gatewell orifices and transportation pipe, MFR 37(2): 32 upwell and fish grader, MFR 37(2):34 electronic tags and related tracking techniques aid in mi- gration study future, MFR 37(2): 15 radio tracking, MFR 37(2): 13 sonic tracking, MFR 37(2): 10 high-seas assessment of migrating acoustic buoy, FB 74:104 receiver-decoder system, FB 74:104 Lower Granite Dam bypass and collection system fish marking and lab facilities, MFR 39(7): 13 gatewell orifices and bypass system, MFR 39(7): 11 holding area, MFR 39(7): 13 screening facilities, MFR 39(7): 10 upwell and fish grader, MFR 39(7): 13 net-pen culture of Pacific in marine waters brood stock development, MFR 37(1 ):44 commercial pens, MFR 37(1):38 commercial production farms, MFR 37(1):45 diseases, MFR 37(1):41 enhancement of sport fisheries, MFR 37(1 ):46 environmental requirements, MFR 37(1):45 experimental pens, MFR 37(1):37 growth, MFR 37(1):40 possible uses of hybrids, MFR 37(1):43 Pacific, cultured gallbladder lesions in, FB 75:884 Pacific fry comparative vulnerability to predation by torrent scul- pin in stream aquaria, FB 73:931 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 38(9):4 profitability and productivity analysis for Alaska fishery cost and returns in commercial fishery, MFR 38(4): 12 data sources, MFR 38(4): 11 factors affecting profitability, MFR 38(4): 12 production functions, MFR 38(4): 13 resource productivities, MFR 38(4): 13 vessel characteristics, MFR 38(4): 11 Snake and Columbia Rivers atmospheric gas supersaturation, effect on, MFR 38(7): 1 Salmon, anadromous release from Pacific Coast rearing facilities, 1960 to 1973, D 101 Salmon, cherry hatching survival of hybrids with North American species of Oncorhynchus, FB 73:447 Salmo gairdneri, FB 73:447 Salmon, chinook Columbia River hatchery bioeconomic contribution to Pacific salmon fisheries, FB 76:179 dart and jaw tags comparative retention during spawning migration, MFR 38(7):24 effect of gas supersaturated Columbia River water on survival effect of water depth on survival, S 688 mortality and incidence of gas-bubble disease symp- toms, S 688 relation between Columbia River water and water in test tanks, S 688 effects of various concentrations of atmospheric gas on effect of oxygen concentration on time to death measurements, FB 73:790 effect of supersaturation stress on growth, FB 73:791 effect of supersaturation stress on survivors, FB 73:793 progression of gas bubble disease, FB 73:792 recovery from gas bubble disease, FB 73:793 93 relationships among mortality, exposure time, and gas concentration, FB 73:790 evaluation of return of adults to Abernathy incubation channel migrants from Abernathy Creek, FB 73:357 migrants from incubation channel, FB 73:357 releases of hatchery fingerlings, FB 73:357 returns from Abernathy Creek, FB 73:358 returns from Abernathy Incubation Channel, FB 73:358 returns from hatchery-reared fingerlings, FB 73:358 treatment of adults, FB 73:357 gas-bubble disease heritable resistance for fall, FB 73:934 mortalities, natural and fishing estimating, based on recoveries of marked fish, FB 76:45 ocean distribution as shown by tagging experiments coastal recoveries in year tagged, S 689 coastal recoveries subsequent to year of tagging, S 689 high-seas recoveries in year of tagging, S 698 high-seas recoveries subsequent to year of tagging, S689 production of juvenile in a heated model stream associated flora, FB 74:765 benthos and drift, FB 74:765 disease, FB 74:769 food availability, FB 74:769 periphyton biomass and sedimentation, FB 74:771 physical characteristics of stream, FB 74:763 temperature, direct effects on growth, FB 74:768 temperature regulation, FB 74:764 temporal changes in production, FB 74:767 smolts salt water used to reduce mortality during handling and hauling, MFR 39(7):6 Snake River effects of transportation on survival and homing, FB 73:925 utilization of Nanaimo River estuary by juveniles distribution and relative abundance in estuary, FB 77: 660 downstream run of fry, FB 77:657 estuary population, estimate of total, FB 77:663 estuary sampling, FB 77:655 food habits and feeding rates, FB 77:667 marine sampling, FB 77:655 population outside estuary, FB 77:665 river sampling, FB 77:653 sample processing, FB 77:656 size and growth in estuary, FB 77:662 study area description, FB 77:656 Salmon, chum ocean distribution as shown by tagging experiments coastal recoveries in year tagged, S 689 coastal recoveries in years subsequent to tagging, S 689 high-seas recoveries in year tagged, S 689 high-seas recoveries in years subsequent to tagging, S689 zooplankton abundance and feeding habits of fry in Traitors Cove, Alaska carrying capacity of Traitors Cove, FB 73:857 feeding in the estuary, FB 73:849 feeding in Traitors River, FB 73:849 food selection, FB 73:856 grazing rate, FB 73:856 initiation of feeding, FB 73:854 zooplankton abundance and distribution, FB 73:853 Salmon, coho body size and learned avoidance as factors affecting predation by torrent sculpin, FB 75:457 Columbia River homing behavior and contribution to, FB 73:717 effect of gas supersaturated Columbia River water on survival effect of water depth on survival, S 688 mortality and incidence of gas-bubble disease symp- toms, S 688 relation between Columbia River water and water in test tanks, S 688 farming in France brood stock development, MFR 38(8):7 freshwater culture, MFR 38(8):3 seawater culture, MFR 38(8):3 fry, some features of emerging from simulated redds and concurrent changes in photobehavior, FB 74:167 gas-bubble disease mortalities in water with constant total gas pressure and different oxygen-nitrogen ratios, FB 73:915 juvenile, in small coastal stream of New Brunswick, FB 76:487 life history in Sashin Creek, Alaska age determination, FB 74:904 age of juveniles in stream, FB 74:910 emigration and salinity tolerance of fry, FB 74:908 escapement size, FB 74:899 fecundity, FB 74:905 fry and smolts, numbers, FB 74:907 growth and age characteristics, FB 74:911 interspecific competition, FB 74:903 juveniles entering estuary, FB 74:907 redd life, FB 74:902 retained eggs, FB 74:905 spawners, distribution and density, FB 74:903 survival and instantaneous mortality rates, FB 74:917 survival from potential egg deposition to emergence, FB 74:913 survival of juveniles, FB 74:914 monitoring location of harvestable, MFR 38(3): 1 ocean distribution as shown by tagging experiments coastal recoveries in year tagged, S 689 coastal recoveries subsequent to year of tagging, S 689 high-seas recoveries in years tagged, S 689 Oregon ocean sport fishery contribution of wild and hatchery-reared, FB 77:617 resistance of different stocks and transferrin genotypes to bacterial kidney disease and vibriosis, FB 77:795 Salmon, juvenile freshwater and estuarine culture floating horizontal and vertical raceways, MFR 41(3):18 Salmon, marine cultured vibriosis and furunculosis, Puget Sound, Washington description of diseases, MFR 40(3):52 diagnostic procedures, MFR 40(3):53 disease observations, MFR 40(3):53 94 drug sensitivity tests, MFR 40(3):53 mortality assessments, MFR 40(3):53 therapeutic treatment procedures, MFR 40(3):53 Salmon, Pacific bioeconomic contribution of fall chinook salmon, FB 76:179 dams, effects on, MFR 38(11):39 juvenile, in small coastal stream of New Brunswick, FB 76:487 Puget Sound, Washington isolation and description of two vibrios pathogenic to, FB 74:447 Salmon, pink ocean distribution as shown by tagging experiments coastal recoveries in year of tagging, S 689 coastal recoveries subsequent to year of tagging, S 689 high-seas recoveries in year tagged, S 689 production of fry and adults from gravel incubators and natural spawning in Alaska adults, recovery of marked, FB 74:965 adults, size of returning, FB 74:968 adults, timing of return, FB 74:969 egg collection and eyeing, FB 74:962 fry counting and processing, FB 74:963 fry size and developmental index, FB 74:967 natural spawning, FB 74:962 oxygen levels, FB 74:963 raising eyed eggs to fry stage, FB 74:962 survival from egg to fry, FB 74:966 survival from egg to returning adult, FB 74:967 survival from fry to returning adult, FB 74:966 survival from marking effects, FB 74:967 time of emergence and seaward migration, FB 74:968 water filter and purifier, FB 74:962 water temperatures, FB 74:963 Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska streambed overseeding, probable case of, FB 73:569 tagging experiments in southeastern Alaska, 1938-42 and 1945 experimental and analytic methods, S 686 historical review, S 686 migration routes as determined from tag recoveries, S686 mortality rates, S 686 recommendations for design of future tagging experi- ments, S 686 relative abundance and migration as determined from trap catch data, S 686 travel rate determined from tagging data, S 686 zooplankton abundance and feeding habits of fry in Traitors Cove, Alaska carrying capacity of Traitors Cove, FB 73:857 feeding in the estuary, FB 73:849 feeding in Traitors River, FB 73:849 food selection, FB 73:856 grazing rate, FB 73:856 initiation of feeding, FB 73:854 zooplankton abundance and distribution, FB 73:853 Salmon, sockeye Bristol Bay, Alaska, 1966-67 foods of juvenile in inshore coastal waters, FB 74:458 contribution of 1960-63 brood to Columbia River com- mercial fishery differential mark mortality, FB 77:236 economic evaluation, FB 77:237 estimating procedures, FB 77:233 hatchery, FB 77:233 hatchery contribution to fishery, FB 77:236 lake existence, FB 77:239 marked fish recovery, FB 77:234 marking and release procedure, FB 77:233 potential hatchery catch, FB 77:236 problems, adults, FB 77:240 problems, downstream migrants, FB 77:239 sampling results, FB 77:234 Wenatchee system stock, FB 77:230 Great Central Lake, Vancouver Island competition for food with the threespine stickleback, FB 74:647 history of fishery and summary statistics of runs to Chignik Lakes, Alaska, 1888-1966 catches, escapements, and total runs by stock, S 735 catches and escapements, S 735 climate, S 735 history of commercial fishery, S 735 research at Chignik, S 735 watershed, S 735 identifying stocks of Bristol Bay by evaluating scale patterns with polynomial descriminant method discriminant function analyses or pattern recognition, FB 76:415 high seas stocks, FB 76:419 inshore stocks, FB 76:420 migratory routes of adult in eastern Bering Sea and Bristol Bay Bristol Bay salmon fishery, S 690 inshore distribution, S 690 offshore distribution, S 690 synopsis of distribution and migratory routes, S 690 ocean distribution as shown by tagging experiments coastal recoveries in year tagged, S 689 coastal recoveries subsequent to year of tagging, S 689 high-seas recoveries in year tagged, S 689 high-seas recoveries subsequent to year of tagging, S 689 possible management procedures for increasing production of smolts abundance of juvenile and associated species, S 733 adequacy of natural spawning grounds, S 733 additional spawners required, S 733 current fry recruitment estimates, S 733 desirable fry recruitment, S 733 egg-to-fry survival, S 733 fecundity, S 733 fry-to-smolt survival, S 733 physical aspects and productivity of lakes, S 733 predation as a limiting factor, S 733 recommendations, S 733 spawning populations and sex ratios, S 733 Salmon fishery decision theory applied to simulated data acquisition and management, FB 74:837 Salmon roe Japanese 95 N-nitrosamines, occurrence of volatile, FB 74:683 Salmonid rearing facilities historical and descriptive account of Pacific coast Alaska, S 736 British Columbia, S 736 California, S 736 Columbia Basin, S 736 hatchery numbers, S 736 history, S 736 Oregon coastal, S 736 rearing trends, S 736 size at time of release, S 736 species reared, S 736 Washington coastal and Puget Sound, S 736 Salmonids Alaska new incubator, MFR 37(7):26 immunization for control of vibriosis bacterin, length of oral administration, MFR 40(3):21, 22 bacterin administration and challenge, MFR 40(3):20 bacterin concentration, MFR 40(3):21, 22 bacterin preparation, MFR 40(3):20 oral and injected bacterins, comparison, MFR 40(3):21, 22 temperature effect on oral immunization, MFR 40(3):21, 22 laboratory evaluation of Denil-type steeppass fishway for passage of effect of entrance conditions, MFR 37(9):23 effect of exit conditions, MFR 37(9):23 effect of 50-foot long Denil on fish passage, MFR 37(9): 23 equipment and procedures, MFR 37(9): 17 evaluation of prototype Denil fishway installation, MFR 37(9):23 Puget Sound, Washington vibriosis and vaccination procedures, MFR 40(3):24 viruses and virus diseases of, MFR 40(10):21 whirling disease, susceptibility studies, MFR 40(10): 30 Salmonids, juvenile barge transportation on Columbia and Snake Rivers, 1977 auxiliary oxygen system, MFR 41(7):31 capacity and loading-and-unloading procedures, MFR 41(7):31 chemical treatments, MFR 41(7):32 drain facilities, MFR 41(7):31 holding areas, MFR 41(7):28 oxygen and temperature monitoring, MFR 41(7):33 potential problem areas, MFR 41(7):33 transport program, MFR 41(7):33 water supply system, MFR 41(7):30 Salt water salmon, chinook smolts reduce mortality during handling and hauling, MFR 39 (7):6 Salvelinus fontinalis—see Trout, brook Samoa, American longline fishery, 1966-71, FB 73:747 Sampling, stratified systematic application to study of infauna variation in soft substrate environment bivalves, FB 74:944 polychaetes, FB 74:942 procedures, field, FB 74:939 procedures, statistical, FB 74:939 sediment, FB 74:941 Sampling, systematic in a planktonic ecosystem, FB 76:617 Sampling techniques comparison of three for estimating abundance and distribu- tion of selected megafauna sled, camera, MFR 39(12): 13 submersible, MFR 39(12): 12 trawl, otter, MFR 39(12): 14 San Diego sea surface temperature distributions obtained using an air- borne infrared radiometer, S 720 tuna industry employment impact on the local economy, MFR 40(7): 5 San Francisco oceanic conditions between, and Honolulu, 1976, C 427:77 Sanddab, Pacific feeding habits off Oregon differences among stations, FB 76:643 variations with season or size of fish, FB 76:645 Heceta Bank, Oregon distribution and abundance, FB 76:629 Oregon, continental shelf food of, FB 74:984 Sanddab, speckled thermal behavioral responses: laboratory and field inves- tigations, FB 76:867 Sandy Hook, New Jersey water column thermal structure across shelf and slope southeast of, 1976, C 427:231 Sandy Hook Bay New Jersey summer benthic fish fauna, July-October 1970, S 698 Santa Barbara, California kelp forests food and habitat of three switch-feeding fishes, FB 76:257 kelp forests off food, activity, and habitat of three microcarnivorous fishes in, FB 73:815 reef fishes day versus night activity in a kelp forest, FB 74:703 Santa Catalina Island, California sea urchin, red localized mass mortality, FB 75:645 shark, blue did behavior of, FB 75:519 relationships of, and its prey species near, FB 77:175 trophic interactions among fishes and zooplankters, FB 74:567 Sao Paulo, Brazil Euterpina acutifrons environmental variables on the metabolism, synergistic effects of, FB 76:449 Sarda sarda — see Bonito, Atlantic Sardina pilchardus—see Sardine Sardine biology at Majuro, Marshall Islands age and growth estimates, C 408:65 distribution and abundance, C 408:65 96 maturity and fecundity, C 408:66 observational program, C 408:63 sampling methods, C 408:64 scouting methods, C 408:63 stomach contents, C 408:66 concentration of mercury, copper, nickel, silver, cadmium, and lead in, FB 73:193 Sardine, Pacific California Current larvae, food and feeding, FB 74:517 Sardine, scaled Gulf of Mexico, eastern abundance and potential yield, FB 75:613 early life history, FB 75:613 Sardinops sagax — see Sardine, Pacific Sargasso Sea zooplankton biomass distribution variability Gulf Stream cold core rings contribution, FB 76:323 Sarpa salpa trophic relationships in South African marine littoral dentition and gut morphology, FB 76:398 dietary composition, FB 76:397 recruitment and growth, FB 76:393 Sashin Creek, Alaska salmon, coho life history, FB 74:897 salmon, pink streambed overseeding, probable cause of, FB 76:569 Satellite Mississippi Sound and Louisiana coast finding fish with, MFR 39(1): 16 Sauries revision beak development, FB 77:523 distribution, FB 77:550 Elassichthys Hubbs and Wisner, new genus, FB 77:534 Elassichthys adocetus Bohlke 1951, FB 77:534 genera description and comparisons, FB 77:541 generic separation justification, FB 77:542 gonads, FB 77:542 identification aids, FB 77:529 key to species, FB 77:528 lateral line scales, FB 77:546 mucus pores and canals of head, FB 77:545 Nanichthys Hubbs and Wisner, new genus, FB 77:530 Nanichthys simulans Hubbs and Wisner, new species, FB 77:531 Nanichthys simulans synonymy, FB 77:531 pharyngeal bones and teeth, FB 77:549 phylogeny, FB 77:523 Scomberesox saurus scombroides, FB 77:535 subspecific separation justification, FB 77:539 Scallop, bay culture in Virginia conditioning for spawning, MFR 37(1):21 development, MFR 37(1):21 fertilization, MFR 37(1):21 food, MFR 37(1):22 larval competitors, MFR 37(1):22 larval density and larval environment, MFR 37(1 ):22 larval diseases, MFR 37(1):22 larval predators, MFR 37(1):22 natural history, MFR 37(1):20 setting, MFR 37(1):23 spawning, MFR 37(1):21 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 utilization aquaculture, MFR 40(1 1):9 biology, MFR 40(1 1):3 harvesting, MFR 40(1 1):5 history, MFR 40(1 1):1 processing, MFR 40(1 1):6, 7 Scallop, calico fishes, macroinvertebrates, and their interrelationships with, off North Carolina environmental data, FB 75:429 environmental observations, FB 75:431 fishery, FB 75:427 growth, FB 75:434 sampling vessels, FB 75:429 utilization aquaculture, MFR 40(1 1):9 biology, MFR 40(1 1):3 harvesting, MFR 40(1 1):5 history, MFR 40(1 1):2 processing, MFR 40(1 1):6, 7 Scallop, Pacific sea utilization biology, MFR 40(1 1):4 history, MFR 40(1 1):2 Scallop, rock trace metal contamination near a large southern California municipal outfall, FB 76:936 Scallop, sea life history, ecology, and behavior of Liparis inquilinus associated with, FB 74:409 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 resources, northeastern U.S. coast 1975, MFR 40(2): 19 utilization aquaculture, MFR 40(1 1):8 biology, MFR 40(1 1):2 harvesting, MFR 40(1 1):4 history, MFR 40(1 1):1 processing, MFR 40(1 1):6 quality problems, MFR 40(1 1):8 Scarus croicensis—see Parrotfish, striped Sciaenidae classifying western Atlantic Bairdiella key, C 415 Cynoscion key, C 415 diagnoses and primary synonymy of suprageneric groups, genera, and species, C 415 Equetus key, C 415 external morphology groupings, C 415 key to genera and species, C 415 Larimus key, C 415 Menticirrhus key, C 415 Micropogonias key, C 415 Ophioscion key, C 415 otolith morphology groupings, C 415 Paralonchurus key, C 415 Pareques key, C 415 97 phylogenetic relationships of genera and suprageneric groups, C 415 relationships of genera within suprageneric groups, C 415 relationships of suprageneric groups, C 415 Sciaena key, C 415 Stelliferkey, C 415 swim bladder morphology groupings, C 415 synopsis of suprageneric groups, genera, and species, C415 Umbrina key, C 415 Sciaenids trypanorhynch infections in, MFR 40(10): 37 York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Sciaenops ocellata York River estuary, Virginia life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juveniles, FB 75:657 Sciaenops ocellata— see also Drum, red Sclerocrangon boreas invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Scolecosporae United States, northeastern key to genera and species, C 398 Scomber japonicus— see Mackerel, chub; Mackerel, Pacific Scomber scombrus— see Mackerel, Atlantic Scomberomorus brasiliensis new species, western Atlantic, FB 76:273 Scomberomorus brasiliensis— see also Mackerel, serra Spanish Scomberomorus cavalla—see Mackerel, king Scomberomorus maculatus—see Mackerel, Spanish Scomberomorus regalis—see Cero Scombridae — see Tuna Scopelengys review of genus and description of a new species from cen- tral North Pacific, FB 74: 142 Scopelengys clarkei new species from the central North Pacific, FB 74:142 Scophthalmus aquosus—see Windowpane Scorpionfish larvae identification guide, eastern Pacific character summary, C 402 Ectreposebastes imus, C 402 Helicolenus dactylopterus, C 402 key to early preflexion, C 402 key to postflexion, C 402 life history series, C 402 Pontinus type A, C 402 Pontinus type B, C 402 Scorpaena guttata, C 402 Scorpaena type A, C 402 Scorpaenodes xyris, C 402 Sebastes capensis, C 402 Sebastes cortezi, C 402 Sebastes fascia tus, C 402 Sebastes jordani, C 402 Sebastes levis, C 402 Sebastes macdonaldi, C 402 Sebastes marinus, C 402 Sebastes paucispinis, C 402 Sebastes sp. — Gulf of California type A, C 402 Sebastes viviparus, C 402 Sebastolobus alascanus, C 402 Sebastolobus altivelis, C 402 species from northwestern Pacific, C 402 Scuba diving methods for evaluation of fishing systems diver operations, MFR 38(7):21 diver safety, MFR 38(7):21 trawls, dynamically deployed, MFR 38(7): 15 trawls, statically deployed, MFR 38(7): 18 Sculpin, torrent in stream aquaria comparative vulnerability of fry of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout to predation by, FB 73:931 predator on coho salmon fry, FB 75:457 Sculpins populations of sympatric on Vancouver Island age determination, FB 74:133 age structure, FB 74:136 annual growth, mortality, and length-weight relations, FB 74:138 biomass distribution, FB 74:137 distribution and relative abundance, FB 74:133 general life history, FB 74:133 population estimates, FB 74:132 population sampling, FB 74:132 Scup New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Sea bass genus Diplectrum revision Diplectrum bivittatum, C 404 Diplectrum conceptione, C 404 Diplectrum eumelum, C 404 Diplectrum euryplectrum, C 404 Diplectrum formosum, C 404 Diplectrum labarum, C 404 Diplectrum macropoma, C 404 Diplectrum maximum, C 404 Diplectrum pacificum, C 404 Diplectrum radiate, C 404 Diplectrum rostrum, C 404 Diplectrum sciurus, C 404 gonad morphology, C 404 key to species, C 404 osteology, C 404 zoogeography, C 404 morphological comparisons of North American larvae Anthias, C 428 Centropristis, C 428 Diplectrum, C 428 Epinephelus, C 428 Hemanthias, C 428 Hypoplectrus, C 428 Liopropoma, C 428 Mycteroperca, C 428 Paralabrax, C 428 Paranthias, C 428 Plectranthias, C 428 Pronotogrammus, C 428 Pseudogramma, C 428 98 Rypticus, C 428 Schultzea, C 428 Serraniculus, C 428 Serranus, C 428 Sea bass, black experiments on some possible effects of tire reefs on, MFR 37(3):18 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3):13 Sea level, mean anomalies of monthly along west coasts of North and South America Aleutian Islands, C 427:55 California Current, C 427:56 data, C 427:51 Gulf of Alaska-Pacific Northwest, C 427:55 Mexico-Central America, C 427:56 Peru Current region, C 427:56 Sea otter Amchitka Island, Alaska experimental studies of algal canopy interaction in a kelp community, FB 73:230 Sea raven notes on early development, FB 74:467 Sea-surface temperature — see Temperature, sea surface Sea turtle, loggerhead encountering shrimp trawls, MFR 39(11): 15 Sea urchin, red Santa Cruz, California localized mass mortality, FB 75:645 Sebastes alutus—see Perch, Pacific Ocean Seafoods concept for assuring quality to consumers, MFR 40(1): 1 radiation energy to preserve, MFR 38(6): 19 Seafoods, fresh economic feasibility of assuring U.S. Grade A quality cost to insure U.S. Grade A quality, MFR 41(7):25 cost-benefit analysis, MFR 41(7):26 gross profit margins, MFR 41(7):26 prices at three levels, MFR 41(7):22 procedure, MFR 41(7):20 prototype processor costs, MFR 41(7):25 prototype retailer costs, MFR 41(7):25 sales trends, MFR 41(7):22 Seafoods, frozen United States, need and potential for high quality handling procedure, recommended, MFR 41(4):7 packaging, MFR 4 1(4): 3 retail handling, MFR 41(4):4 temperature control, MFR 41(4):2 transportation, MFR 41(4):4 warehouse and freezing capacities, MFR 41(4):3 Seal, Alaska fur yield of male, role of land and ocean mortality in, FB 77: 311 Seal, ribbon underwater sounds from, FB 75:450 Seaperch, white food, activity, and habitat in kelp forests off California activity, FB 73:821 food, FB 73:818 habitat, FB 73:823 overlap with other species, FB 73:824 resource breadth, FB 73:823 Searobin, leopard trophic ontogeny, FB 76:225 Searobins biology of five species from northeastern Gulf of Mexico bottom type, FB 74:100 depth distribution, FB 74:99 food habits, FB 74:102 geographic distribution, FB 74:99 sexual maturity, FB 74:101 size-depth relationship, FB 74:100 spawning season, FB 74:101 time of capture, FB 74:100 water temperature, FB 74:100 Seatrout, spotted eggs and larvae, description embryonic development, FB 76:66 growth, FB 76:70 larval development, FB 76:67 Seatrouts protein taxonomy Atlantic Ocean, FB 74:599 Gulf of Mexico, FB 74:599 Seawater system, semiclosed automatic salinity, temperature, and turbidity control alarm system, S 694 flow description, S 694 salinity control, S 694 temperature control, S 694 Seaweed aquaculture Chondrus, MFR 37(1): 10 Enteromorpha, MFR 37(1):9 Eucheuma, MFR 37(1): 12 Gelidium, MFR 37(1):9 Gracilaria, MFR 37(1):9 kombu, MFR 37(1):7 Macrocystis, MFR 37(1): 10 Monostroma, MFR 37(1):9 nori, MFR 37(1):7 overview, MFR 37(1):5 Pterocladia, MFR 37(1):9 Sea Grant projects, MFR 37(1): 13 uses of seaweed, MFR 37(1):3 wakame, MFR 37(1):7 Seaweeds bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 Seaweeds, edible survey of industry Japanese production, MFR 37(2):22 potential industry in United States, MFR 37(2):23 U.S. production and supply, MFR 37(2):20 world production, MFR 37(2):20 Sebastes alutus—see Perch, Pacific ocean Sebastes ciliatus—see Rockfish, dusky Sebastes crameri development and occurrence off Oregon, FB 77:6 Sebastes diploproa—see Rockfish 99 sflavidus opment and occurrence of larvae and juveniles off Oregon, FB 77:902 sflavidus— see also Rockfish, yellowtail s helvomaculatus opment and occurrence off Oregon, FB 77:30 s melanops opment and occurrence of larvae and juveniles off Dregon, FB 77:902 s melanops— see also Rockfish, black s mystinus—see Rockfish, blue s pinniger opment and occurrence off Oregon, FB 77:19 y pinniger— see also Rockfish, canary ? serranoides—see Rockfish, olive n dian Islands rlin, blue, found in, FB 76:872 t activity, and habitat in kelp forests off California ivity, FB 73:821 d, FB 73:818 )itat, FB 73:823 dap with other species, FB 73:824 aurce breadth, FB 73:823 s armatus iy of Hawaiian, FB 74:810 s atlanticus jy of Hawaiian, FB 74:805 s consobrinus jy of Hawaiian, FB 74:813 s cornutus iy of Hawaiian, FB 74:808 s erectus »y of Hawaiian, FB 74:809 s orientalis & of Hawaiian, FB 74:811 s pectinatus \y of Hawaiian, FB 74:815 s sargassi gy of Hawaiian, FB 74:813 s similis istory and vertical migration off southern California oast ly and ontogenetic vertical migration, FB 77:187 wth, FB 77:190 wth, sexual maturity, and longevity, FB 77:196 ition between spawning season and environment, FB 77:194 wning season, FB 77:189 s tanillus iy of Hawaiian, FB 74:812 s vigilax jy of Hawaiian, FB 74:811 igemmea \y of Hawaiian, FB 74:819 isulcata ry of Hawaiian, FB 74:822 ulgens jy of Hawaiian, FB 74:816 ardineri yy of Hawaiian, FB 74:818 Sergia inequalis ecology of Hawaiian, FB 74:821 Sergia laminata ecology of Hawaiian, FB 74:824 Sergia maxima ecology of Hawaiian, FB 74:823 Sergia scintillans ecology of Hawaiian, FB 74:817 Sergia tenuiremis ecology of Hawaiian, FB 74:823 Seriphus politus—see Queenfish Serripes groenlandicus invertebrates, midwater Chukchi sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Shad, American dynamics of runs in Delaware River age and repeat spawner composition, FB 73:489 comparative magnitudes of runs, 1961-68, FB 73:490 comparative year-class strengths, FB 73:491 sex composition of spawning runs, FB 73:488 size composition, FB 73:489 laboratory evaluation of Denil-type steeppass fishway for passage of effect of entrance conditions, MFR 37(9):24 effect of exit conditions, MFR 37(9):25 effect of test period duration, MFR 37(9):25 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 oceanic migration along Atlantic coast coastal migration, FB 77:208 distribution of international catches, FB 77:204 offshore distribution, FB 77:206 vertical distribution, FB 77:207 Pacific Northwest commercial fishery history, MFR 40(2): 29 present and historical spawning grounds and nurseries in Delaware River areas contributing to successful production of adults, FB 74:349 spawning period, FB 74:344 spawning period behavior, FB 74:345 weight loss, mortality, feeding, and duration of residence in fresh water feeding behavior, FB 74:153 gonad weight-length relationships prior to spawning, FB 74:152 somatic weight-length relationships prior to spawning, FB 74:152 total and fork length conversion, FB 74:152 total weight-length relationships prior to spawning, FB 74:152 upstream mortality, FB 74:153 Shad, threadfin capture, transportation, and pumping bait seine and skiff, C 408:128 capture and handling, C 408:131 docksite holding tanks, C 408:128 fish pumps, C 408:130 oxygenation system, C 408:128 portable transport tanks, C 408:128 pumping experiments, C 408:135 100 Shark, bigeye thresher Atlantic, western North, observations on, FB 74:221 Shark, blue relationships of it and its prey species near Santa Catalina Island, California, FB 77:175 reproduction, FB 77:445 Santa Catalina Island, California, near diel behavior, FB 75:519 Shark fishing behavior and attitudes of recreational fishers attitudes and motivations, MFR 38(2): 13 comparison of shark fishers to other fishers, MFR 38 (2): 17 fisher characteristics, MFR 38(2): 13 fishing patterns, MFR 38(2): 13 Sharks description and physical characteristics, MFR 40(2) :1 occurrence and habits, MFR 40(2) :1 relationship to man, MFR 40(2): 1 utilization, MFR 40(2): 1 Sheephead, California reproductive biology age and growth, FB 73:165 age determination methods, FB 73:263 anatomical features of gonad and sexual transformation, FB 73:267 coloration, sex, and field distribution of coloration types, FB 73:274 distribution of gonad development classes with time, FB 73:271 methods, FB 73:264 multiple spawning and fecundity, FB 73:272 sex ratio and estimate of survival, FB 73:279 source of materials, FB 73:263 time of sampling, FB 73:263 transformation schedule, FB 73:268 Shelf water front variations in position off Atlantic coast, 1975 data analysis, C 416:214 data source, C 416:213 intrusion of slope water over Georges Bank, C 416:216 monthly mean frontal positions, C 416:215 trends in weekly frontal positions, C 416:214 yearly mean frontal positions, C 416:216 variations in position off Atlantic coast, 1976 data, C 427:301 data analysis, C 427:302 intrusion of slope water over Georges Bank, C 427:305 monthly mean frontal positions, C 427:304 weekly frontal positions, C 427:302 yearly mean frontal position, C 427:304 Shellfish fresh attitudinal and demographic characteristics for regular and irregular users, MFR 37(2) :27 oxygen depletion and mass mortalities in Middle Atlantic Bight in 1976 fish and shellfish stocks, MFR 40(12): 19 fish populations, effects on, MFR 40(12):22 shellfish, effects on, MFR 40(12):20 meteorological and hydrological events, MFR 40(12): 19 oxygen depletion, extent, MFR 40(12): 18 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 38(9):6 pathogens and hyperparasites cell structure, MFR 41(l-2):25 pollution-associated diseases and abnormalities experimentally induced lesions, FB 76:736 genetic abnormalities, FB 76:734 neoplasms, FB 76:728 pollutant-parasite interactions, FB 76:740 shell disease, FB 76:724 shallow marsh habitats as primary nurseries, FB 77:339 Shellfish diseases arthropods, MFR 40(3):62 bacterial, MFR 40(3):62 environmentally related, MFR 40(10):43 etiology unknown, MFR 40(3):62 fungal, MFR 40(3):62 hatchery operation studies, MFR 40(3):62 helminthic, MFR 40(3):62 larval nematodes parasitic in, MFR 40(10): 39 parasitic, MFR 40(3):62, (10):26 testing bacterial pathogenicity, MFR 40(3):63 viral, MFR 40(3):61 Shellfish hatcheries Long Island bacteriologic studies, MFR 40(10): 8 Shellfish poisoning, paralytic Tenakee, southeastern Alaska possible cause, FB 74:679 Shiner, golden effects of photoperiod-temperature regimes and pinealec- tomy on body fat reserves, FB 73:766 Shrimp bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 Brazilian shrimp investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 15 catches, two Gulf Coast States relationship between size composition and ex-vessel value, MFR 40(2): 14 Gulf Coast water surface area within statistical subareas used in re- porting data, MFR 37(12):22 Gulf of Mexico increasing costs of vessel owners, 1971-75, MFR 38(3):8 Hawaii, exploratory trawling Penaeus marginatus found in quantities thought suffi- cient to sustain a small trawl fishery, MFR 37(12): 13 intersex anomalies of the genus Penaeopsis, FB 76:687 Pandalus jordani sampler, epibenthic, used to study ontogeny of vertical migration, FB 74:994 solenocerid, American Hadropenaeus, key to species, FB 75:316 Hadropenaeus affinis, FB 75:317 Hadropenaeus lacasii, FB 75:327 Hadropenaeus modestus, FB 75:323 Haliporoides diomedeae, FB 75:290 Hymenopenaeus, key to species, FB 75:268 Hymenopenaeus aphoticus, FB 75:275 Hymenopenaeus debilis, FB 75:268 Hymenopenaeus doris, FB 75:283 Hymenopenaeus laevis, FB 75:278 101 Hymenopenaeus nereus, FB 75:287 Mesopenaeus tropicalis, FB 75:332 Pleoticus, key to species in western Atlantic, FB 75:296 Pleoticus muelleri, FB 75:309 Pleoticus robustus, FB 75:297 Solenoceridae, key to genera, FB 75:265 South America, northeastern, 1972-74 U.S. fishery, FB 75:703 Texas economic impact, MFR 37(7): 12 thermal and microwave energy for processing, MFR 37 (12):25 Shrimp, brown aspects of growth in Gulf of Mexico length, FB 76:829 weight, FB 76:831 Gulf of Mexico, eastern annual catches, marketing category composition and ex- vessel value, MFR 41(5-6): 1 small preserved number and length frequency, subsampler for estimating, FB 76:490 South America, northeastern, 1972-74 U.S. fishery, FB 75:703 Texas and Louisiana trends toward decreasing size in reported annual catches, FB 77:985 Texas and Louisiana catches size composition, effect on ex-vessel value, MFR 40(2): 14 West Bay, Texas abundance in natural and altered marshes, FB 74:195 Shrimp, coonstripe zoeae description of, reared in laboratory, FB 74:323 Shrimp, crangonid Crangon franciscorum angustimana stage I zoeae hatched from ovigerous females collected in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, FB 77:991 Shrimp, grass West Bay, Texas abundance in natural and altered marshes, FB 74:195 Shrimp, hippolytid Lebbeus groenlandicus larvae, description of, FB 76:457 Shrimp, humpy Kachemak Bay, Alaska larvae, description of, FB 76:235 Shrimp, larval grass survival, enhanced in dilute solutions of polyethylene oxide, FB 73:678 Shrimp, northern Kachemak Bay, Alaska description of larvae reared in situ, FB 77:157 Shrimp, pandalid Gulf of Alaska resource, 1973 trawl catches and oceanographic data from NMFS sur- veys, D 98 Shrimp, penaeid cellular response to injury fibrocytes, MFR 37(5-6):7 "fixed" phagocytes, MFR 37(5-6):6 hemocyte elimination of foreign material, MFR 37(5-6): 6 hemocyte function in encapsulation, MFR 37(5-6):5 hemocyte function in phagocytosis, MFR 37(5-6):5 melanin formation, MFR 37(5-6):8 diseases, parasites, and toxic responses in, Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic coasts of North America bacteria, FB 76:6 broken-back syndrome, FB 76:40 cadmium, FB 76:32 chemotherapeutic chemicals, FB 76:35 DDT, FB 76:28 dieldrin, FB 76:28 fungi, FB 76:10 gas bubble disease, FB 76:39 mercury, FB 76:33 mirex, FB 76:29 muscle necrosis, spontaneous, FB 76:37 nematodes, FB 76:26 organochlorines, FB 76:28 organophosphates and carbamates, FB 76:30 PCB's, FB 76:29 petroleum, FB 76:32 platyhelminthes, FB 76:23 protozoa, FB 76:10 "shell disease" and black gills, FB 76:39 tumors, FB 76:37 viruses, FB 76:2 revision of genus Penaeopsis, FB 77:721 St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, distribution, abundance, and size, FB 74:158 septicemic bacterial disease syndrome bacteria isolated, MFR 37(5-6):26 clinical signs of bacterial disease, MFR 37(5-6):26 infectivity experiments, MFR 37(5-6):26 methods of isolation and culture, MFR 37(5-6):25 pathogenicity experiments, MFR 37(5-6):27 Shrimp, pink Gulf of Mexico, eastern annual catches, marketing category composition and ex- vessel value, MFR 41(5-6): 1 physical and chemical changes due to holding carbon dioxide modified refrigerated seawater compared with ice, FB 76:73 preserved in carbon dioxide dissolved in refrigerated brine bacteriological measurements, MFR 40(9): 25 C0 2 concentration, MFR 40(9):27 pH, MFR 40(9):26 refrigerated brine equipment, MFR 40(9):25 salt concentration, MFR 40(9):27 sensory evaluation, MFR 40(9): 27 West Bay, Texas abundance in natural and altered marshes, FB 74:195 Shrimp, pink-spotted South America, northeastern, 1972-74 U.S. fishery, FB 75:703 Shrimp, white Gulf of Mexico, eastern annual catches, marketing category composition and ex- vessel value, MFR 41(5-6): 1 low level ionizing radiation and spice treatment of raw, headless, MFR 37(4): 16 102 spermatophores and thelyca of American descriptions, FB 73:466 Penaeus (Litopenaeus) occidentalis, FB 73:469 Penaeus (Litopenaeus) schmitti, FB 73:476 Penaeus (Litopenaeus) setiferus, FB 73:479 Penaeus (Litopenaeus) stylirostris, FB 73:472 Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei, FB 73:466 role of coxal plates in retention of compound spermato- phore, FB 73:482 spermatophore comparisons, FB 73:483 Texas and Louisiana trends toward decreasing size in reported annual catches, FB 77:985 Texas and Louisiana catches size composition, effect on ex-vessel value, MFR 40(2): 14 West Bay, Texas abundance in natural and altered marshes, FB 74:195 Shrimp fishery catch-effort and price-cost trends in Gulf of Mexico implications on Mexico's extended jurisdiction, MFR 40 (8):24 trends in catch-effort relationships in Gulf of Mexico catch, MFR 37(2):3 catch/unit of effort, MFR 37(2):3 effort, MFR 37(2): 1 United States, southeastern trawl, developing selective shrimp, MFR 39(10):48 Shrimp fleet economic and financial analysis of increasing costs in Gulf of Mexico cash flow data, FB 74:302 costs and returns, FB 74:302 data collection, FB 74:302 financial analysis with cost adjusted to 1974 and 1975, FB 74:305 vessel classes, comparison, FB 74:304 vessel classification, FB 74:303 vessel description, FB 74:302 Shrimp industry, American status and problems imports, MFR 40(9):30 insurance rates, MFR 40(9):31 jurisdictions, extended, MFR 40(9):31 operating costs, MFR 40(9): 30 overcapitalization, MFR 40(9):30 Shrimp processing dual structural equilibrium in Florida industry characteristics, FB 74:881 entry and exit patterns, 1959-71, FB 74:880 forecasting firm distribution and predicting structural equilibrium, FB 74:882 theoretical considerations, FB 74:880 Shrimp separator trawl SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4):20 Shrimp trawl, electric SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4):20 Shrimp trawling Hawaiian Islands exploratory study, MFR 37(12): 13 Shrimp trawls encountered by loggerhead sea turtles, MFR 39(11): 15 Shrimp vessels — see Vessels, shrimp Shrimps ecology of Hawaiian sergestid color pattern and daytime vertical distribution: role of countershading, FB 74:825 contamination problem in analysis of vertical distribution data, FB 74:803 feeding chronology and diet, FB 74:829 feeding study, FB 74:803 interspecific relations, FB 74:831 nighttime vertical distribution and migration, FB 74:827 Petalidium suspiriosum, FB 74:824 reproduction and growth, FB 74:831 sampling area, FB 74:799 Sergestes armatus, FB 74:810 Sergestes atlanticus, FB 74:805 Sergestes consobrinus, FB 74:813 Sergestes cornutus, FB 74:808 Sergestes erectus, FB 74:809 Sergestes orientalis, FB 74:811 Sergestes pectinatus, FB 74:815 Sergestes sargassi, FB 74:813 Sergestes tantillus, FB 74:812 Sergestes vigilax, FB 74:811 Sergia bigemmea, FB 74:819 Sergia bisulcata, FB 74:822 Sergia fulgens, FB 74:816 Sergia gardineri, FB 74:818 Sergia inequalis, FB 74:821 Sergia laminata, FB 74:824 Sergia maxima, FB 74:823 Sergia scintillans, FB 74:817 Sergia tenuiremis, FB 74:823 vertical distribution, FB 74:800 Silver marine animals, effects on, MFR 39(4):5 Silverside biology at Majuro, Marshall Islands age and growth estimates, C 408:65 distribution and abundance, C 408:65 maturity and fecundity, C 408:66 observational program, C 408:63 sampling methods, C 408:64 scouting methods, C 408:63 stomach contents, C 408:66 Silverside, Atlantic embryos, optical malformations induced by insecticides, FB 74:208 Silverside, Hawaiian predator-prey interactions in schools during twilight, FB 75:415 Silverside, tidewater small preserved number and length frequency, subsampler for estimating, FB 76:490 Simulation, dynamic marine trophic interactions of fish species, FB 73:695 Siphonophore Nanomia cara aggregation, FB 76:281 103 New England impact of autumn-winter swarming on fishing in coastal waters, C 416:333 swarming in New England coastal waters — update 1976, C 427:349 Sipuncula United States, northeastern key, C 403 scientific names index, C 403 systematic list, annotated, C 403 Skates distribution and relative abundance of interspecific relationships, FB 73:128 Raja eglanteria, FB 73:114 Raja erinacea, FB 73:119 Raja garmani, FB 73:114 Raja laevis, FB 73:119 Raja ocellata, FB 73:121 Raja radiata, FB 73:125 Rajasenta, FB 73:123 Skylab-3 gamefish investigation SEFC progress report, MFR 39(4): 14 Smelt, rainbow eggs and larvae survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR 41(3):1 Lake Michigan food habits and feeding, FB 75:637 Massachusetts to Canadian Maritimes incidence and distribution of piscine erythrocytic necrosis and Glugea hertwigi, FB 77:503 Snail dermal lesions and amebocytic accumulations, MFR 38 (10):44 Snake River atmospheric gas supersaturation effect on salmon, MFR 38(7): 1 effect on trout, steelhead, MFR 38(7): 1 chinook salmon and steelhead trout effects of transportation on survival and homing, FB 73:925 salmonids, juvenile barge transportation, MFR 41(7):28 trout, steelhead distribution, age, and size of tagged adult in drainage, MFR 38(6): 14 Snapper Cuban fishery in Gulf of Mexico, MFR 39(10): 1 Panama, Caribbean coast of host-parasite relationship with Cymothoa excisa, FB 75:875 Snapper, blackfin Carolina coast description, life history, and fishery, MFR 39(1): 14 North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3): 13 Snapper, red Carolina coast description, life history, and fishery, MFR 39(1): 12 North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3):13 vessels statistical and budgetary economic analysis of, 1974-75, MFR 39(1 1):6 Snapper, silk Carolina coast description, life history, and fishery, MFR 39(1): 13 North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3): 13 Snapper, vermilion Carolina coast description, life history, and fishery, MFR 39(1): 14 larval and early juvenile, description of, FB 75:547 North and South Carolina offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, MFR 38(3): 13 Soak time incorporating into measurement of fishing effort in trap fisheries, FB 75:213 Sole, bigmouth early development in eastern North Pacific developmental stages, description, FB 77:135 egg description, FB 77:111 Sole, Dover chlorinated hydrocarbons in local migrations and fin erosion, FB 75:513 feeding habits off Oregon differences among stations, FB 76:643 variations with season or size of fish, FB 76:645 Heceta Bank, Oregon distribution and abundance, FB 76:629 larvae, distribution and duration of pelagic life off Oregon collections, FB 75:174 distribution, inshore-offshore and north-south, FB 75:178 distribution, vertical, FB 75:181 growth and development, FB 75:175 juveniles, benthic, FB 75:181 larval stages, FB 75:175 seasonality, growth, and length of larval life, FB 75:176 Sole, English Oregon, continental shelf food of, FB 74:984 Sole, naked Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Sole, petrale larvae, distribution and duration of pelagic life off Oregon collections, FB 75:174 distribution, inshore-offshore and north-south, FB 75:178 distribution, vertical, FB 75:181 growth and development, FB 75:175 juveniles, benthic, FB 75:181 larval stages, FB 75:175 seasonality, growth, and length of larval life, FB 75:176 Oregon, continental shelf food of, FB 74:984 Sole, rex biology in Oregon waters, 1969-73 age and growth, FB 75:53 length-weight relationships, FB 75:53 mortality rate, FB 75:55 reproduction, FB 75:56 stock identification, FB 75:57 104 feeding habits off Oregon differences among stations, FB 76:643 variations with season or size of fish, FB 76:645 Heceta Bank, Oregon distribution and abundance, FB 76:629 larvae, distribution and duration of pelagic life off Oregon collections, FB 75:174 distribution, inshore-offshore and north-south, FB 75:178 distribution, vertical, FB 75:181 growth and development, FB 75:175 juveniles, benthic, FB 75:181 larval stages, FB 75:175 seasonality, growth, and length of larval life, FB 75:176 Oregon, continental shelf food of, FB 74:984 Sole, rock Bering Sea, southeastern, 1961 age-length-weight and distribution, FB 73:919 Oregon, continental shelf food of, FB 74:984 Sole, slender feeding habits off Oregon differences among stations, FB 76:643 variations with seasons or size of fish, FB 76:645 Heceta Bank, Oregon distribution and abundance, FB 76:629 Sole, yellowfin Bering Sea, southeastern, 1961 age-length-weight and distribution, FB 73:919 resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11): 19 Sonar mapping development and use for pelagic stock assessment in Cali- fornia Current area automated hydroacoustic data acquisition and processing system, FB 74:292 automated sonar survey, FB 74:294 bottom topography, FB 74:289 diurnal and seasonal effects, FB 74:285 experiment, charter boat, FB 74:291 experiment, fish trap, FB 74:290 target size, FB 74:283 target strength, FB 74:285 South America mean sea level anomalies of monthly along west coast, C 427:51 South America, northeastern U.S. shrimp fishery, 1972-74, FB 75:703 South Carolina barnacles, shallow water larval development, C 421 crab, spider larval development of laboratory-reared, FB 75:831 Folly Beach macrofauna of surf zone, S 704 Murrells Inlet artificial reefs, MFR 41 (9): 12 offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73 recreational catches, effort, and angling quality, MFR 38(3): 13 shrimp vessels productivity and profitability, 1971-75, MFR 41(4):8 stranding of pilot whales, FB 77:511 Southeast Fisheries Center fishery engineering advancements 5-year progress report, MFR 39(4): 12 Soviet fisheries bottomfish and herring off U.S. Pacific and Bering Sea coasts data adequacy, MFR 38(12):8 fishing operations, economics, MFR 38(12):6 fishing operations, types, MFR 38(12):3 future, MFR 38(12): 13 historical perspective, MFR 38(12): 1 impact on U.S. fisheries, MFR 38(12): 11 species harvested, MFR 3 8(1 2): 8 Spawning flounder, yellowtail induced, FB 76:931 marine fishes principal areas and times of, FB 76:911 prawn, spot second mating and spawning in captivity, first record of, FB 75:648 tautog behavior under laboratory conditions, FB 75:585 Spawning, lunar threadfin, in Hawaii, FB 76:900 Spearfish, longbill synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, S 675-3:33 distribution, S 675-3:33 exploitation, S 675-3:35 identity, S 675-3:28 population, S 675-3:35 Spearfish, Mediterranean synopsis of biological data bionomics and life history, S 675-3:126 distribution, S 675-3:124 exploitation, S 675-3:128 identity, S 675-3:121 population, S 675-3:128 protection and management, S 675-3:128 Spearfish, shortbill synopsis on biology in Indo-Pacific areas bionomics and life history, S 675-3:45 distribution, S 675-3:43 exploitation, S 675-3:51 identity, S 675-3:39 population, S 675-3:49 Sphoeroides maculatus—see Puffer, northern Sphoeroides spengleri—see Puffer Sphoeroides testudineus—see Puffer Sphyriidae United States, northeastern key, C 406 systematic list, annotated, C 406 Spin-labeling techniques studying mode of action of petroleum hydrocarbons on marine organisms contaminant-host interaction, FB 73:303 membranes and their properties, FB 73:302 outlook, FB 73:305 spin-labeling, fundamentals, FB 73:300 105 localanidae rctic Ocean, central Arctic hydrography, C 391 description, C 391 distribution, vertical, C 391 field methods, C 391 key to genera, C 391 laboratory methods, C 391 ocalanus rctic Ocean, central key to species, C 391 ocalanus— see also Copepods, calanoid ontocaris phippsii vertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 atella helicina vertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 ula solidissima—see Clam, surf eding ecology, observations of postlarval current speed and feeding intensity, FB 74:424 daily ratios, FB 74:425 evacuation rates, FB 74:424 feeding periodicity, FB 74:425 size related food preferences, FB 74:428 temporal variation in midday feeding, FB 74:424 neral feeding ecology of postlarval fishes in Newport River estuary, FB 73:137 2w York Bight fishery resource, C 401 ilus acanthias—see Dogfish, spiny id ire and maintenance of quality, MFR 39(7): 15 •reign fishery off northeast U.S. coast background, MFR41(7):1 by-catch, MFR 41(7): 12 catch and effort, MFR 41(7): 10 depth sounders and net recorders, MFR 41(7):4 feasibility of domestic fishery, MFR 41(7): 13 fishing areas, MFR 41 (7): 10 fishing operations, MFR 41(7):6 foreign vessels, MFR 41 (7): 2 preferred fishing conditions, MFR 41(7):6 processing catch, MFR 41(7):7 trawl gear, MFR 41(7):2 boratory-reared feeding behavior, food consumption, growth, and respi- ration, FB 74:176 oligo opalescens school structure, FB 76:433 id, longfin ew York Bight fishery resource, C 401 id, shortfin sh, attacks on trawl-captured, MFR 39(12):23 ew York Bight fishery resource, C 401 randings in New England in fall 1976 catches by research vessel, MFR 40(1):22 distribution and fishery, MFR 40(1):21 estimating numbers stranded, MFR 40(1):25 examining stranded squid, MFR 40(1):23 reasons for strandings, MFR 40(1):25 stranding reports, MFR 40(1):22 strandings, past, MFR 40(1):23 Squids Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras, 1963-74 biomass changes as determined from research vessel sur- vey data, FB 75:1 Squilla empusa development of pelagic larvae and postlarva, FB 77:61 SST — see Temperature SST maps monitoring the location of harvestable coho salmon, MFR 38(3): 1 Steam-electric station impact of thermal effluent from, on marshland nursery area during the hot season, FB 73:67 Stellwagen Bank lance, American sand relative abundance, behavior, and food habits, FB 77:243 Stenella attenuata—see Dolphin, spotted; Porpoise, spotted Stenella longirostris—see Dolphin, eastern spinner Stenotomus chrysops—see Scup Sternoptychidae Pacific, North central gyre vertical distribution and development during summer, FB 77:786 Stickleback, threespine Great Central Lake, Vancouver Island competition for food with juvenile sockeye salmon, FB 74:647 distribution, food, and feeding, FB 74:647 Stock-production models time-dependent solutions and efficient parameters Graham system analysis, FB 76:378 Pella-Tomlinson system analysis, FB 76:382 Stolephorus heterolobus aspects of population biology from Palau bait fishery, C 408:121 growth, C 408:120 mortality, C 408:120 Stolephorus purpureus— see Nehu Stomphia sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Strongylocentrotusfranciscanus—see Sea urchin, red Sturgeon Pacific Northwest commercial fishery, MFR 40(7): 17 Sturgeon, Atlantic differentiation of freshwater characteristics of fatty acids in marine specimens, FB 73:838 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Sturgeon, shortnose annotated bibliography and subject index, S 731 Stylocheiron sp. California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:932 Suez Canal immigration of fishes, FB 76:249 Sullivan Harbor, Maine bloodworm, tychoplanktonic, FB 76:480 Surf clam — see Clam, surf 106 Surface currents California, central and southern determined by drift card releases over continental shelf, S718 Surfperch, pink reproductive cycle, FB 75:882 Surinam U.S. shrimp fishery,. 1972-74, FB 75:703 Swim bladder anchovy, northern diel changes in inflation, FB 74:847 state and structure in relation to behavior and mode of life in stromateoid fishes fish size at inflation, FB 73:101 regression, FB 73:101 regression in relation to behavior and mode of life, FB 73:105 relative dimensions and capabilities, FB 73:102 structure, FB 73:97 Swimming speed minimum tuna, albacore, FB 74:955 tuna dissolved oxygen concentration and salinity, effect of, FB 75:649 Swimming speeds mackerel, chub effect on excess temperatures and activities of heart and red and white muscles, FB 76:861 role of different fibre types in fish myotomes carp, FB 76:693 herring, Pacific, FB 76:692 trout, rainbow, FB 76:694 Swordfish New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Syacium papillosum — see Flounder, dusky Synaphobranchus affinis North Carolina occurrence of elvers, FB 73:687 Synidotea bicuspida invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Synodontidae correlation between numbers of vertebrae and lateral-line scales in western Atlantic lizardfish, FB 73:202 Synthetic polymers — see Polymers, synthetic Syrrhoe crenulata invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Tags dart and jaw, comparative retention on trout, steelhead, MFR 38(7):24 Tags, electronic aid in study of migrating salmon and steelhead trout in Columbia River Basin, MFR 37(2):9 Tampa Bay, Florida fishes, macroin vertebrates, and hydrological conditions of upland canals, FB 73:81 macroinvertebrate species distribution and abundance of six phyla, 1963-64 and 1969, D 100 searobin, leopard trophic ontogeny, FB 76:225 Tapes japonica— see Clam, Manila Tardigrada United States, northeastern annotated list, of the world, C 394 ecology, C 394 key to species, C 394 listing, C 394 scientific names, index, C 394 Tautog comparison of food habits with the cunner off Long Island, New York, FB 73:895 courtship and spawning behavior under laboratory condi- tions, FB 75:585 Fire Island Inlet seasonal dispersal and habitat selection, FB 77:255 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Tautoga onitis—see Tautog Tautogolabrus adspersus — see Cunner Tecticeps alaskensis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Teleosts liver, PCB-induced alterations in, MFR 40(10):47 Temperature aquatic organisms, thermal tolerance studies mobile laboratory with flow-through capability, MFR 38 (3):24 bottom, York River estuary mean values, May 1972-August 1973, FB 75:659 crabs, 10 species short-term thermal resistance of zoeae from Puget Sound, Washington, FB 75:555 effects of photoperiod-temperature regimes on body fat reserves in golden shiner, FB 73:766 effects on survival winter flounder embryos, FB 74:52 Euphausia pacifica thermal increases of short duration, effect on survival, FB 76:895 thermal effects on shrimp processing, MFR 37(12):25 toxicological impact of a contaminant, MFR 38(1 1):5 Temperature — see also SST maps Temperature, bottom estimates, from fish captured in lobster traps, MFR 41(8):23 Temperature, sea surface anomalies, C 427:111 anomalies of coastal along west coast of North America air temperatures, C 416:130 coastal temperatures, C 416:129 data sources and processing, C 416:127 effects on fisheries, C 416:132 index station temperatures, C 416:128 relation of data sets, C 416:131 107 atmospheric climatology effect on, C 416:89; MFR 41(5-6): 20 Christmas Island, 1954-73, FB 75:767 distribution from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Miami, Florida, 1976, C 427:209 fluctuations of, and density at coastal stations, 1976 east coast, C 427:154, 155 Gulf of Mexico, C 427:155, 156 west coast, C 427:152, 153 Koko Head, Oahu, 1956-73, FB 75:767 San Diego, California distributions obtained using an airborne infrared radiom- eter, S 720 Temperature transects Gulf of Maine, northern initiation of monthly, C 416:257 Tenakee, Alaska shellfish poisoning, paralytic possible cause, FB 74:679 Teredo bartschi New Jersey Minchinia sp., occurrence of, MFR 41(1-2):21 Teredo furcifera New Jersey Minchinia sp., occurrence of, MFR 41(1-2):21 Teredo navalis New Jersey Minchinia sp., occurrence of, MFR 41(1-2):21 Tessarabrachion sp. California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:929 Tetrapturus albidus—see Marlin, white Tetrapturus angustirostris — see Spearfish, shortbill Tetrapturus audax—see Marlin, striped Tetrapturus belone—see Spearfish, Mediterranean Tetrapturus pfluegeri— see Spearfish, longbill Texas dolphin, bottlenose aerial census in a region of coast, FB 77:585 fishermen, charter boat characteristics, participation, and motivations, MFR 40 (8):8 Gulf Coast charter boat fishing industry, MFR 40(8): 1 study of behavior and attitudes of recreational shark fishers, MFR 38(2): 10 Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory and study channelization and fill, C 393 coast, C 393 dimensions, C 393 economic development, C 393 environmental properties, C 393 estuarine bottom sediments, C 393 fauna, C 393 geology, C 393 pollution, C 393 population, C 393 stream discharge, C 393 vegetation, C 393 reefs, Liberty Ship access to and usage of offshore, MFR 41(9):25 shrimp economic impact, MFR 37(7): 12 shrimp, brown and white trends toward decreasing size in reported annual catches, FB 77:985 shrimp catches size composition, effect on ex-vessel value, MFR 40(2): 14 Thalassomyces albatrossi n. sp. new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:175 Thalassomyces boschmai new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:171 Thalassomyces californiensis new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:181 Thalassomyces capillosus new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:180 Thalassomyces fagei new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:179 Thalassomyces fasciatus new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:178 Thalassomyces marsupii new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:178 Thalassomyces species new records from the North Pacific, FB 73:181 Thelohania duorara parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:13 Thelohania penaei parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:13 Theragra chalcogramma — see Pollock, Alaska; Pollock, walleye Thread fin Hawaii lunar spawning, FB 76:900 Thunnus alalunga—see Tuna, albacore Thunnus albacares—see Tuna, yellowfin Thunnus obesus—see Tuna, bigeye Thunnus thynnus thynnus—see Tuna, bluefin Thynnascaris sp. parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:26 Thysanoessa inermis invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Thysanoessa longipes invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Thysanoessa raschii invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Thysanoessa sp. California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:929 Thysanopoda sp. California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:929 Tilapia commercial hatchery — cost analysis and problematical study 108 cost estimate for construction of commercial production plant, C 408:140 estimate of value of nehu, C 408:138 features of tank construction, C 408:145 operating expenses, C 408:141 production and production costs, C 408:142 Tilapia mossambica effect of crowding on stock and catch, FB 73:685 selective and unselective exploitation of experimental populations basic relations, FB 73:498 course of populations, FB 73:497 exploitation and response, FB 73:500 genetic response, FB 73:502 Tilefishes New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 systematics and biology Branchiostegidae, C 411 Branchiostegus albus, C 411 Branchiostegus argentatus, C 41 1 Branchiostegus doliatus, C 411 Branchiostegus ilocanus, C 411 Branchiostegus japonicus, C 411 Branchiostegus sawakinensis, C 41 1 Branchiostegus semifasciatus, C 41 1 Branchiostegus serratus, C 41 1 Branchiostegus vittatus, C 41 1 Branchiostegus wardi, C 41 1 Caulolatilus affinis, C 41 1 Caulolatilus chrysops, C 411 Caulolatilus cyanops, C 41 1 Caulolatilus guppyi, C 41 1 Caulolatilus hubbsi, C 411 Caulolatilus intermedius, C 411 Caulolatilus microps, C 41 1 Caulolatilus princeps, C 411 Caulolatilus williamsi, C 41 1 evolution, C 411 Hoplolatilus (Asymmetrurus) fourmanoiri, C 411 Hoplolatilus (Asymmetrurus) oreni, C 41 1 Hoplolatilus (Hoplolatilus) cuniculus, C 411 Hoplolatilus (Hoplolatilus) fronticinctus, C 411 Hoplolatilus (Hoplolatilus) starcki, C 411 key to families, C 411 key to genera of Branchiostegidae, C 41 1 key to genera of Malacanthidae, C 411 key to species of Branchiostegus, C 411 key to species of Caulolatilus from Pacific Ocean, C 41 1 key to species of Caulolatilus from western Atlantic Ocean, C411 key to species of Lopholatilus, C 411 key to species of Malacanthus, C 411 key to subgenera and species of Hoplolatilus, C 41 1 life history, early, C 41 1 Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, C 411 Lopholatilus villarii, C 411 Malacanthidae, C 411 Malacanthus brevirostris, C 411 Malacanthus latovittatus, C 41 1 Malacanthus plumieri, C 411 summary of synonyms, C 41 1 Toadfish, oyster calling behavior, temporal aspects, FB 75:871 Tomcod, Atlantic food and feeding habits of juveniles in Haverstraw Bay, Hudson River, New York, FB 76:89 Haverstraw Bay, Hudson River, New York food of age 1 and 2, FB 77:1003 Topminnow economic and technological aspects related to commercial production, C 408:156 suitability of cultured as live baitfish for skipjack tuna brood stock, C 408:153 density, C 408:152 dissolved oxygen, C 408:152 food and feeding, C 408:153 lighting requirements, C 408:152 pH, C 408:152 recommended facility design, C 408:154 water exchange rate, C 408:152 water salinity, C 408:151 water temperature, C 408:151 Totoaba commercial fishery and reproductive biology in northern Gulf of California breeding migration, FB 74:534 decline of fishery, FB 74:538 diet, FB 74:537 distribution, FB 74:537 habitat, FB 74:537 history of fishery, FB 74:532 spawning concentration, FB 74:535 Trachurus symmetricus—see Mackerel, jack Tracking, ultrasonic albacore movements small-scale in relation to ocean features, FB 75:347 Traitors Cove, Alaska salmon, pink and chum, fry zooplankton abundance and feeding habits, FB 73:846 Transmitter, ultrasonic harness for attachment of drum, red, FB 74:998 Transport, wind-driven Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico, 1975, C 416:229 Transportation Snake River chinook salmon and steelhead trout effects on, FB 73:925 Traps, lobster annotated bibliography on, and related subjects, MFR 40 (5-6):68 design and ghost fishing availability and catchability, MFR 40(5-6):62 bait, MFR 40(5-6):63 behavior, MFR 40(5-6):63 biological deterioration, MFR 40(5-6):61 catch escape panels, MFR 40(5-6):65 corrosion, MFR 40(5-6):61 destruction by dragged gear, MFR 40(5-6):62 effort, reduced, MFR 40(5-6):65 escape vents, MFR 40(5-6):7 escape vents, sublegal, MFR 40(5-6):65 escapement, MFR 40(5-6):62 factors affecting ghost fishing, MFR 40(5-6): 5 109 fishery, MFR 40(5-6):2 habipots, MFR 40(5-6):66 head design, MFR 40(5-6):60 injury and mortality, MFR 40(5-6):63 lobster range, MFR 40(5-6):2 loss assessment, MFR 40(5-6):64 loss cutting, MFR 40(5-6):65 management, MFR 40(5-6):3 materials, MFR 40(5-6):60 pots, number lost, MFR 40(5-6):59 preventing and decreasing ghost fishing, MFR 40(5-6):6 sections, degradable, MFR 40(5-6):65 set-over days, MFR 40(5-6):62 shape, MFR 40(5-6):59 size, MFR 40(5-6):59 storm surge, MFR 40(5-6):61 substrate burial, MFR 40(5-6):62 effect of selectivity on size composition of American lob- ster catch along Maine coast, FB 73:862 escape vents ghost fishing, MFR 40(5-6): 11 selectivity, MFR 40(5-6): 50 ghost fishing of vented and unvented catch gear distribution, MFR 40(5-6): 10 description of trawls and pots, MFR 40(5-6): 11 environmental monitoring, MFR 40(5-6): 13 ghost-pot catch, MFR 40(5-6): 17 ghost-pot trawls, surveying, MFR 40(5-6): 12 natural population, MFR 40(5-6): 13 pot trawls, setting and hauling of surface-buoyed, MFR 40(5-6): 11 study area, MFR 40(5-6):9 surface-hauled pot catch, MFR 40(5-6): 14 timed release mechanisms release mechanism, MFR 40(5-6):44, 45, 49 release method, MFR 40(5-6):44, 48 release timer, MFR 40(5-6):44, 45 Trawl, selective shrimp development for southeast U.S. shrimp fisheries fish escape device, MFR 39(10):21 rectangular mesh separator panel design, MFR 39(10):21 skylights, MFR 39(10):22 square mesh separator panel design, MFR 39(10):21 Trawl, shrimp employing electricity to selectively capture electrical fishing technology, recent advances, MFR 40 (9):22 webbing panel type separator trawls, MFR 40(9):21 Trawler, groundfish Gulf of Mexico, northern profitability, MFR 41(8): 15 Trawling, shrimp— see Shrimp trawling Trawls performance of, used in resource assessment Eastern trawl (83-112 foot) measurements, MFR 39(6):20 field test set, MFR 39(6):18 footrope unit, MFR 39(6): 17 400-mesh Eastern trawl measurements, MFR 39(6): 19 headrope unit, MFR 39(6): 17 playback unit, MFR 39(6): 18 61-foot shrimp sampling trawl measurements, MFR 39 (6):21 wing units, MFR 39(6): 18 Trichechus manatus— see Manatee, West Indian Triphoturus mexicanus—see Lampfish, Mexican Tripod drop net — see Drop net, portable tripod Trout bibliography of aquacultural economics, S 703 bypass and collection system for protection of juveniles fish holding area, MFR 37(2):35 fish screening facilities, MFR 37(2):33 gatewell orifices and transportation pipe, MFR 37(2):32 upwell and fish grader, MFR 37(2): 34 Pacific Ocean, northeast chemical characteristics, MFR 38(9):4 release from Pacific Coast rearing facilities, 1960 to 1973, D 101 Trout, brook wild production by three populations with emphasis on influ- ence of recruitment rates, FB 75:751 Trout, brown homing, morpholine-imprinted, FB 76:293 Trout, cutthroat angling techniques, MFR 39(12):22 life history, MFR 39(12):20 population status, MFR 39(12):20 Trout, rainbow acute toxicity of ammonia to several developmental stages, FB 73:207 hatching survival of hybrids of Oncorhynchus masou with, FB 73:447 use of otoliths to separate from juvenile rainbow trout, FB 73:654 Trout, steelhead dams, effects on, MFR 38(11):39 dart and jaw tags comparative retention during spawning migration, MFR 38(7):24 distribution, age, and size in Snake River drainage length, MFR 38(6): 16 ocean-age composition, MFR 38(6): 16 tag recoveries, MFR 38(6): 15 timing of recoveries, MFR 38(6): 15 weight, MFR 38(6): 16 effects of various concentrations of atmospheric gas on effect of oxygen concentrations on time to death measure- ments, FB 73:790 effect of supersaturation stress on growth, FB 73:791 effect of supersaturation stress on survivors, FB 73:793 progression of gas bubble disease, FB 73:792 recovery from gas bubble disease, FB 73:793 relationships among mortality, exposure time, and gas concentration, FB 73:790 electronic tags and related tracking techniques aid in migra- tion study future, MFR 37(2): 15 sonic tracking, MFR 37(2): 10 fry comparative vulnerability to predation by torrent scul- pin in stream aquaria, FB 73:931 Lower Granite Dam bypass and collection system fish marking and lab facilities, MFR 39(7): 13 gatewell orifices and bypass system, MFR 39(7): 11 110 holding area, MFR 39(7): 13 screening facilities, MFR 39(7): 10 upwell and fish grader, MFR 39(7): 13 ocean distribution as shown by tagging experiments coastal recoveries in year of tagging, S 689 coastal recoveries subsequent to year of tagging, S 689 resistance of different stocks and transferrin genotypes to bacterial kidney disease and vibriosis, FB 77:795 Snake and Columbia Rivers atmospheric gas supersaturation, MFR 38(7): 1 Snake River effects of transportation on survival and homing, FB 73:925 use of otoliths to separate from juvenile rainbow trout, FB 73:654 Trypanorhynch infections sciaenid flesh, MFR 40(10):37 Tryphosa sp. invertebrates, midwater Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 Tuna associations with flotsam in eastern tropical Pacific, FB 77:147 Hawaii handline fishery, MFR 41(8):7 Pacific pole-and-line and live-bait fisheries bait and tuna catches, C 408:46 factors affecting CPUB, C 408:48 Hawaiian, C 408:38 Japanese pole-and-line, C 408:41 landings, C 408:44 landings related to fleet size, C 408:45 Pacific, eastern, C 408:36 purse seine fisheries, theoretical study aggregation and fishery dynamics, FB 77:317 swimming speed dissolved oxygen concentration and salinity, effect of, FB 75:649 Tuna, albacore assessment of South Pacific fishery, 1953-72 fishing effort, MFR 37(3): 10 generalized production model, MFR 37(3): 14 index of relative abundance, MFR 37(3): 13 total catch, MFR 37(3): 12 total effective effort, MFR 37(3): 14 catch-per-unit effort, U.S. jig vessels, 1961-70 annual concentration index, MFR 38(5):4 annual latitudinal variation in distribution of fishery, MFR 38(5):3 annual standardized catch-per-unit effort, MFR 38(5):3 offshore distribution of fishery, MFR 38(5):4 seasonal development of fishery, MFR 38(5):4 cobalt-60 content source and migration estimates on west coast, FB 75: 867 energy for migration, FB 75:447 movements, small-scale related to ocean features capture, handling, and tagging, FB 75:347 oceanographic observations, aircraft, FB 75:349 oceanographic observations, ship, FB 75:348 sea surface temperature, FB 75:350 speed, FB 75:349 temperature fronts, upwelling, FB 75:350 thermal structure, vertical, FB 75:354 tracking equipment, FB 75:348 tracking procedure, FB 75:348 North American coastal waters distribution, relative abundance, and association with Transition Zone waters, FB 75:795 Oregon catches at different times of the day, FB 73:691 Pacific, North tag shedding, estimates of rates, FB 74:675 Samoan longline fishery, 1966-71, FB 73:747 swimming speed, minimum comparison among four scombrids, FB 74:958 density variations, FB 74:956 determining, FB 74:957 estimates, field, FB 74:959 uniform U.S. west coast logbook for coastwide data system, MFR 37(11): 18 design of logbook, MFR 37(11): 14 dissemination of catch-effort information to cooperat- ing fishermen, MFR 37(11): 18 distribution of logbooks and collection of logbook rec- ords, MFR 37(11): 15 west coast troll fishermen, comparison of the most successful and least successful, FB 74:973 Tuna, bigeye Atlantic, eastern tropical length composition, caught by American purse seiners, S702 Tuna, black skipjack Hawaiian Islands, second record, FB 74:207 Tuna, bluefin Atlantic, western length-weight relationships, FB 77:995 New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 possible anomalies Atlantic, western, MFR 37(12): 1 European waters, MFR 37(1 2): 3 purse-seine fishery in Atlantic Ocean age composition, MFR 37(3):6 catch rate, MFR 37(3):7 fishery, MFR 37(3): 1 fishery effort, MFR 37(3):5 total catch, MFR 37(3):2 Tuna, little New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Tuna, skipjack Atlantic, eastern tropical length composition, caught by American purse seiners, S702 Atlantic Ocean, southeastern tropical distribution, October-November 1968, FB 75:857 Atlantic Ocean fishery, 1956-75 catch rates, MFR 39(12):7 size composition, MFR 39(12):8 stock, state of, MFR 39(12):9 surface fishery, MFR 39(12):3 desired characteristics of a bait for behavior, C 408:53 111 flavor, C 408:53 size, C 408:53 survival, C 408:53 distribution, relative abundance, and movement in Pacific Ocean, 1964-67 adult-larvae relationship in equatorial Pacific, S 695 catch per unit effort distribution, S 695 data source, S 695 effort distribution, S 695 longline data evaluation, S 695 movement, past studies, S 695 movement, present study, S 695 distribution and ecology in eastern tropical Pacific biological characteristics, FB 73:388 chlorophyll, FB 73:395 currents, FB 73:395 caught, FB 73:403 distribution by time of day, FB 73:388 forage, FB 73:396 mixed layer depth, FB 73:394 off-track catches, FB 73:388 oxygen content of water, FB 73:395 pole-and-line fishing, FB 73:405 sex and maturity, FB 73:406 size, FB 73:405 water temperature, FB 73:392 zooplankton, FB 73:395 effect of body size on standard metabolic rate, FB 77:494 evaluation of bait substitution schemes in Hawaiian fishery assumptions and uncertainties, C 408:166 evaluating alternative bait systems, C 408:164 feasibility line, C 408:164 opportunity cost of nehu, C 408:161 temporal variation in opportunity cost, C 408:161 fishing in Papua New Guinea bait fishery, MFR 37(2): 8 catch, MFR 37(2):7 companies, MFR 37(2):5 possible future development, MFR 37(2):8 vessels, MFR 37(2):5 Hawaiian fishery estimates of amount of nehu per bucket of bait in, C 408:55 heat exchange in, and adaptive significance of elevated body temperature adaptive significance, FB 73:226 body temperatures, FB 73:221 differences in heat exchangers, FB 73:224 heat-exchange structure and red muscle distribution, FB 73:222 thermal profile, FB 73:225 Japanese baitfish surveys in western and southwestern Pacific Ocean equatorial oceanic waters, C 408:84 Papua New Guinea, C 408:81 South Pacific islands, C 408:84 reevaluation of fishing effort and apparent abundance in Hawaiian fishery, 1948-70 catch reports, FB 74:60 comparison of catch per effective trip and catch per day fished, FB 74:62 differences in catch per effective trip between vessel classes, between areas, and among years, FB 74:64 fishing areas, FB 74:61 interrelation of total catch, fishing intensity, and appar- ent abundance, FB 74:67 measures of apparent abundance and fishing intensity, FB 74:66 relation between catch per day fished and catch per effec- tive trip, FB 74:64 reporting of zero-catch trips, FB 74:60 sources of variability in fishing power among vessels, FB 74:60 standardization of catch per day fished, FB 74:66 vessels, classes of, FB 74:61 relationships amongst catch, bait catch, and lunar cycle in Papua New Guinea annual variations in number of days lost due to failure to catch bait, C 408:106 influence of amount of bait held on tuna catch and catch per bucket, C 408:110 influence of moon phase on daily average catch of bait, C 408:109 influence of moon phase on tuna and tuna catch per bucket of bait, C 408:111 variation according to moon phase in number of days lost due to failure to catch bait, C 408:108 review on use of live baitfishes to capture in Pacific Ocean baitfish behavior, C 408:9 baitfish evaluation, C 408:13 baitfish families, C 408:14 body coloration, C 408:9 body form, C 408:9 body length, C 408:9 schooling behavior, C 408:11 survival in captivity, C 408:11 tropical Pacific, C 408:149 temperature and oxygen requirements, FB 76:653 Tuna, yellowfin Atlantic, eastern tropical length composition, caught by American purse seiners, S702 Atlantic Ocean fishery, 1956-75 catch rates, MFR 39(12):2, 5 longline fishery, MFR 39(12):2 size composition, MFR 39(12):3, 7 stock, state of, MFR 39(12):8 surface fishery, MFR 39(12):3 energetics model for an exploited population food as a population regulator, FB 74:46 population dynamics, FB 74:37 spawning survival versus population biomass, FB 74:47 total drag determination, FB 74:41 velocity determination, FB 74:41 heat exchange in, and adaptive significance of elevated body temperature adaptive significance, FB 73:226 body temperatures, FB 73:221 comparisons within genus Thunnus, FB 73:225 differences in heat exchangers, FB 73:224 heat-exchange structure and red muscle distribution, FB 73:222 thermal profile, FB 73:225 112 Pacific, eastern catch-effort data, analysis of, FB 76:523 purse seine fishery porpoise rescue methods, MFR 39(5): 1 theoretical examination of interaction between longline and surface fisheries availability of stock to gear, FB 76:809 effects of age-specific sex ratios on yield per recruit to gear and stock fecundity, FB 76:813 simulation model of dispersal and recruitment patterns, FB 76:816 Tuna baitfish distribution and abundance in Papua New Guinea waters, C 408:89 observations on, in Ponape lagoon, C 408:75 Palau Islands observations of species and their habitats, C 408:69 Papua New Guinea appraisal of live-bait potential and handling characteris- tics, C 408:95 summary of workshop criteria of good baitfish species, C 408:1 cultured stocks, C 408:3 natural stocks, C 408:2 transporting, holding, and substitute baits, C 408:5 tuna fishing and baitfish problem, C 408:1 Tuna fishery Pacific, eastern tropical relationship to sea surface temperatures during 1975, C 416:169 Tuna industry San Diego employment impact on the local economy, MFR 40(7):5 Tunas food of, in western North Atlantic invertebrate, S 706 vertebrate, S 706 Turbot, C-O early development in eastern North Pacific developmental stages, description, FB 77:116 egg description, FB 77:107 Turbot, curlfin early development in eastern North Pacific developmental stages, description, FB 77:111 egg description, FB 77:107 Turbot, diamond early development in eastern North Pacific developmental stages, description, FB 77:132 egg description, FB 77:108 Turbot, Greenland resource in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, MFR 41(11):20 Turbot, gulf early development in eastern North Pacific developmental stages, description, FB 77:126 egg description, FB 77:107 Turbot, hornyhead early development in eastern North Pacific developmental stages, description, FB 77:120 egg description, FB 77:107 Turbot, spotted early development in eastern North Pacific developmental stages, description, FB 77:127 egg description, FB 77:107 Turkey fed tuna oil with and without a-tocopherol supplement or injection effects of cooking in air or nitrogen on development of fishy flavor in breast meat, FB 74:89 Tursiops truncatus—see Dolphin, bottlenose Turtle — see Sea turtle Turtle, green sea herpesvirus disease clinical and histological picture, MFR 40(3):34 farm facilities and operation, MFR 40(3):33 gray-patch disease development, MFR 40(3):36 isolation attempts, MFR 40(3):37 presence of virus in lesions, MFR 40(3):35 temperature effect, MFR 40(3):36 transmission studies, MFR 40(3):35 vaccination attempts with virus, MFR 40(3):37 virus origin, MFR 40(3):36 Tychoplankton Sullivan Harbor, Maine bloodworm, tychoplanktonic, FB 76:480 U Uca pugilator—see Crab, fiddler United States Atlantic coast marine environmental conditions January 1977-March 1978, MFR 41(5-6):35 coasts marine environmental conditions January 1977-March 1978, MFR 41(5-6):32 commercial fisheries industry foreign direct investment, MFR 38(12):23 continental shelf and slope, eastern coast Ceriantharia, Zoanthidea, Corallimorpharia, and Acti- niaria, FB 74:857 Gulf coast marine environmental conditions January 1977-March 1978, MFR 41(5-6):35 northeast coast foreign squid fishery, MFR 41(7):1 northeast coast, 1975 sea scallop resources, MFR 40(2): 19 observers board Japanese trawl vessels in Bering Sea, MFR 38(4): 1 Pacific and Bering Sea coasts Soviet fisheries for bottomfish and herring, MFR 38(12): 1 Pacific coast marine environmental conditions January 1977-March 1978, MFR 41(5-6):48 west coast oceanographic conditions, summer 1977, MFR 40(2):24 United States, east coast bluefish sources and distribution of larvae and juveniles off, FB 77:213 United States, northeastern anticyclonic Gulf Stream eddies during 1976, C 427:259 Arthropoda: Cirripedia, C 425 Cnidaria: Scyphozoa from coastal waters, C 397 113 Copepoda: cyclopoids parasitic on fishes, C 409 Copepoda: Harpacticoida from New Jersey to Maine, C 399 Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae and Sphyriidae, C 406 Crustacea: Branchiura, C 413 Crustacea: Cumacea, C 423 fungi of intertidal zone Ascomycetes, C 398 Basidiomycetes, C 398 Deuteromycetes, C 398 Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae, C 419 Tardigrada of marine coastal areas, C 394 United States, northeastern coast fisheries, mixed species linear programming simulations of effects of bycatch on management, FB 76:851 United States, south-central warmwater fish farms disease incidence, MFR 40(3):38 United States, southeastern shrimp fisheries trawl, developing selective shrimp, MFR 39(10): 18 United States, west coast oceanic conditions between Hawaiian Islands and, 1975, C 416:151 Upwelling, coastal North America, western, 1975, C 416:141 Upwelling, coastal indices North America, west coast daily and weekly, 1967-73, S 693 Urophycis chuss—see Hake, red Urophycis tenuis— see Hake, white Urosporidium cell structure haplosporosomes, MFR 41(l-2):27 organelles, other, MFR 41(l-2):32 sporulation, MFR 41(l-2):33 Vaccine development and immunity bacterial, inactivated, MFR 40(3):3 bacterial, modified live, MFR 40(3): 3 cell line, stable, MFR 40(3) :4 fish vaccines, MFR 40(3):4 immunity types, MFR 40(3):2 inactivated vs. live, MFR 40(3):2 vaccine types, MFR 40(3):2 viral, MFR 40(3):3 Vacuum heat thawing frozen fishery products, MFR 37(7): 18 Vancouver Island, British Columbia Cottus aleuticus and Cottus asper populations of sympatric in four adjacent salmon-pro- ducing coastal streams, FB 74:131 currents, seasonal surface off coast shown by drift bottle experiments, 1964-65, S 699 oceanographic conditions, summer 1977, MFR 40(2):24 Venezuela culture of mussels and mangrove oysters, MFR 37(1): 15 Vertebrate pathology comparison with invertebrate pathology, MFR 38(10):46 Vessels Japanese trawl U.S. observers board in Bering Sea, MFR 38(4): 1 offshore headboats, fishing in North and South Carolina, MFR 38(3): 13 shrimp, increasing costs in Gulf of Mexico, 1971-75, MFR 38(3):8 Vessels, shrimp South Carolina fishing effort, MFR 41(4): 11 opportunity wages, MFR 41(4):11 productivity, MFR 41(4): 10 profitability, MFR 41(4):8 Vibrio species, presumptive ulcer cause in flatfish, MFR 40(10):5 Vibrios Puget Sound, Washington isolation and description of two, pathogenic to Pacific salmon, FB 74:447 Vibriosis immunization of salmonids for control, MFR 40(3):20 Puget Sound, Washington salmon, marine cultured, MFR 40(3):52 salmon vaccination procedures, MFR 40(3):24 salmon, coho resistance of different stocks and transferrin genotypes, FB 77:795 salmonids Maine and New Hampshire, MFR 40(10):9 trout, steelhead resistance of different stocks and transferrin genotypes, FB 77:795 Vinciguerria lucetia inverse correlation between meristic characters and food supply, FB 73:288 Vinciguerria nimbaria inverse correlation between meristic characters and food supply, FB 73:289 Viral diseases catfish, channel phosphonoacetic acid inhibition of, MFR 40(10):24 Cod, Atlantic piscine erythrocytic necrosis (PEN), MFR 40(10): 16 crab, blue, MFR 40(10): 13 mollusks, marine, MFR 40(10): 18 salmonids, MFR 40(10):21 Virgin Islands, U.S. ciguatera problem, MFR 39(8): 14 Portunus spinimanus resource potential, MFR 40(7): 12 Virginia clam, surf useable meat yields, FB 75:640 culture of bay scallop in, MFR 37(1): 19 James River reproduction and recruitment of Rangia cuneata, FB 73:412 sciaenids, juvenile life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology in the York River estuary, FB 75:657 114 Virus research catfish, channel recent developments, MFR 40(10): 12 W Wainwright, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):23 Wales, Alaska whale, bowhead 1976 catch by Eskimos, MFR 40(11):22 Walleye eggs and larvae survival rates, in relation to impact assessments, MFR 41(3):1 Washington crab short-term thermal resistance of zoeae from Puget Sound, FB 75:555 crab, Dungeness intertidal harvest, estimation, FB 77:287 currents, seasonal surface off coast shown by drift bottle experiments, 1964-65, S 699 leeches, piscivorus records of, Columbia River, FB 76:926 oceanographic conditions, summer 1977, MFR 40(2):24 otter trawl fisheries in northeast Pacific energy efficiency comparison with Japan, MFR 37(4):21 perch, Pacific ocean population biology and response to fishing, FB 75:369 Puget Sound eelgrass beds, importance of, MFR 39(11): 18 shad, American, history of commercial fishery, MFR 40(2):29 Wastes — see Pollution Water diversions west coast, particularly the Pacific Northwest fishery resources, effects on, MFR 38(1 1):46 Water reuse systems environmental parameters affecting fish physiology, MFR 40(10):46 Weakfish New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 reproductive biology in North Carolina, FB 74:18 West Bay, Texas macrocrustaceans, abundance in a natural marsh and a marsh altered by dredging, bulkheading, and filling, FB 74:195 West coast fishery resources water diversion, effects of, MFR 38(1 1):46 West Indies fish traps, mesh selectivity of, MFR 40(7): 15 Whale, blue Pacific, northeastern tropical recent sightings, FB 76:915 Whale, bowhead Alaska field studies, 1975 autumn whaling, MFR 38(8): 16 migration, MFR 38(8): 15 spring whaling, MFR 38(8):10 utilization, MFR 38(8): 14 whaling effort, MFR 38(8): 14 whaling methods, MFR 38(8): 12 whaling villages, MFR 38(8): 10 1976 catch by Alaskan Eskimos autumn whaling, MFR 40(11):25 effort, MFR 40(1 1):23 spring whaling, MFR 40(11):21 utilization, MFR 40(11):20 whaling methods, MFR 40(11): 19 utilization of animal traps and spears, MFR 38(8): 19 arts and crafts, MFR 38(8):21 commercial products, MFR 38(8): 18 Eskimo implements, MFR 38(8): 19 food, MFR 38(8): 18 heat, MFR 38(8): 18 light, MFR 38(8): 18 toys, MFR 38(8):21 Whale, fin Atlantic, northwest feeding on the American sand lance, FB 77:285 Whale, gray Baja California, southern behavior, aerial, FB 75:165 behavior, aggressive, FB 75:169 buoyancy and respiration, FB 75:167 feeding, FB 75:169 observation studies, FB 75:164 phonation, FB 75:170 population segregation, FB 75:169 thigmotaxis, FB 75:166 tracking studies, FB 75:162 juvenile, surface feeding, FB 76:290 Whale, humpback Atlantic, northwest feeding on the American sand lance, FB 77:185 Hawaii census, 1976 aerial photography, MFR 39(7):2 color phases, MFR 39(7):4 distribution and abundance, MFR 39(7):2 group size and behavior, MFR 39(7):3 interference with activities, MFR 39(7):4 vessels, MFR 39(7): 1 Whale, melon-headed Pacific, eastern first record in, with summary of world distribution, FB 74:457 Whale, pilot Florida and South Carolina strandings, FB 77:511 Whales assessment of North Pacific stocks current status of stocks, MFR 37(10):2 future research needs, MFR 37(10):3 IWC action on proposed whaling moratorium, MFR 37(10):3 modern whaling in North Pacific, MFR 37(10): 1 recent research on sei whales, MFR 37(10):3 identification guide to western North Atlantic Antillean beaked, C 396 Atlantic pilot, C 396 115 beluga, C 396 blue, C 396 bowhead, C 396 Bryde's, C 396 dense-beaked, C 396 dwarf sperm, C 396 false killer, C 396 fin, C 396 goosebeaked, C 396 grampus, C 396 humpback, C 396 killer, C 396 many-toothed blackfish, C 396 minke, C 396 narwhal, C 396 North Sea beaked, C 396 northern bottlenosed, C 396 pygmy killer, C 396 pygmy sperm, C 396 right, C 396 sei, C 396 short-finned pilot, C 396 sperm, C 396 True's beaked, C 396 Whelk, channeled New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Whelk, knobbed New York Bight fishery resource, C 401 Whirling disease salmonids, susceptibility studies of, MFR 40(10):30 Whitefish, Alaska feeding during spawning run, FB 75:234 Whiting description, MFR 41(1 1):30 Whiting, blue description, MFR 41(11):32 Willamette River concentration of dissolved gases, 1970-72, D 102 Windowpane Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape Lookout, North Caro- lina, 1965-66 seasonal distributions of larval on continental shelf, S 691 Wisconsin, northern brook trout, wild production by three populations with emphasis on influ- ence of recruitment rates, FB 75:751 Woods, Charles chemical composition of fish, MFR 40(7): 1 Xiphias gladius—see Swordfish Yaquina Bay, Oregon fish larvae coastal and oceanic in an upwelling area off, FB 75:125 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia temperature structure between, and Bar Harbor, Maine, June 1975-November 1976, S 726 Yoldia scissurata invertebrates, mid water Chukchi Sea, southeastern, September-October 1970, S710 York River estuary, Virginia sciaenid fishes, juvenile life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology, FB 75:657 Zalembius rosaceus—see Surf perch, pink Zebrafish pheromonal stimulation and metabolite inhibitor of ovula- tion in, FB 73:889 Zoanthidea continental shelf and slope, U.S. east coast Epizoanthus incrustatus, FB 74:858 Zoeae Puget Sound, Washington crabs, short-term thermal resistance of, FB 75:555 Zooplankters Kure and Midway Atolls, Hawaii emerge from lagoon floor at night, FB 75:275 Santa Catalina Island trophic interactions with fishes, FB 74:567 Zooplankton abundance of, and feeding habits of pink and chum salmon fry in Traitors Cove, Alaska, FB 73:846 biomass distribution variability in Sargasso Sea biomass, regional, FB 76:325 biomass structure, ring, FB 76:331 biomass structure, shallow, FB 76:329 diel migration, FB 76:328 organic flux to deep sea, FB 76:332 regional contribution of Gulf Stream cold core rings, FB 76:329 vertical structure, FB 76:328, 330 California Current, annual fluctuations in biomass, 1955-59 data processing methods, FB 75:358 geographical distribution, FB 75:359 year-to-year fluctuations, FB 75:361 California Current, central region density, vertical range, and diel movement, FB 74:925 Mid-Atlantic Bight, 1976, C 427:337 New York Bight composition, abundance, and distribution of, FB 77:669 Oregon coast, central seasonal cycle of abundance and species composition, FB 75:717 production, and ammonia excretion in Kuroshio and adja- cent seas biomass, habitat temperature, and size distribution, FB 76:357 feeding and production estimates, FB 76:361 mortality loss during production, FB 76:362 ratio of herbivores to carnivores, FB 76:363 respiration and ammonia excretion, FB 76:360 relationships between displacement volume, wet weight, dry weight, and carbon theoretical consideration, FB 73:777 116 seasonal abundance and distribution, 1972-74 Gulf of Mexico, eastern, S 701 Zoothamnium sp. parasitic on penaeid shrimp in Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, FB 76:17 Zostera marina— see Eelgrass r i, U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981 —796-532 117 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS NMFS Circular and Special Scientific Report— Fisheries Guidelines for Contributors CONTENTS OF MANUSCRIPT First page. Give the title (as concise as possible) of the paper and the author's name, and footnote the author's affiliation, mailing address, and ZIP code. Contents. Contains the text headings and abbreviated figure legends and table headings. Dots should follow each entry and page numbers should be omitted. Abstract. Not to exceed one double-spaced page. Foot- notes and literature citations do not belong in the abstract. Text. See also Form of the Manuscript below. Follow the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, 1973 edi- tion. Fish names, follow the American Fisheries Society Special Publication No. 6, A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada, third edition, 1970. Use short, brief, informative headings in place of "Materials and Methods!' Text footnotes. Type on a separate sheet from the text. For unpublished or some processed material, give author, year, title of manuscript, number of pages, and where it is filed — agency and its location. Literature cited. In text as: Smith and Jones (1977) or (Smith and Jones 1977); if more than one author, list accord- ing to years (e.g., Smith 1936; Jones et al. 1975; Doe 1977). All papers referred to in the text should be listed alphabeti- cally by the senior author's surname under the heading "Literature Cited"; only the author's surname and initials are required in the author line. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the literature citations. Abbreviations of names of periodicals and serials should conform to Biologi- cal Abstracts List of Serials with Title Abbreviations. For- mat, see recent SSRF or Circular. Abbreviations and symbols. Common ones, such as mm, m, g, ml, mg, °C (for Celsius), °?o, % , etc., should be used. Abbreviate units of measures only when used with numerals; periods are rarely used in these abbreviations. But periods are used in et al., vs., e.g., i.e., Wash. 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Original of the manuscript should be typed double-spaced on white bond paper. Triple space above headings. Send good duplicated copies of manuscript rather than carbon copies. The sequence of the material should be: FIRST PAGE CONTENTS ABSTRACT TEXT LITERATURE CITED TEXT FOOTNOTES APPENDIX TABLES (provide headings, including "Table" and Arabic numeral, e.g., Table 1.-, Table 2.-, etc.) LIST OF FIGURE LEGENDS (entire legend, including "Figure" and Arabic numeral, e.g., Figure 1.-, Figure 2.-, etc.) FIGURES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Send ribbon copy and two duplicated copies of the manu- script to: Dr. Carl J. Sindermann, Scientific Editor Northeast Fisheries Center Sandy Hook Laboratory National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Highlands, NJ 07732 Copies. Fifty copies will be supplied to the senior author and 100 to his organization free of charge. PE Tl| S | 1 i A |}!.K. R 1 f " TV L| BRA RIES UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS STAFF ROOM 336 1700 WESTLAKE AVENUE N. SEATTLE, WA 98109 ^00007501^1^! OFFICIAL BUSINESS POSTAGE AND FEES PAlu DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COM-210 THIRD CLASS BULK RATE NOAA SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was established as part of the Department of Commerce on October 3, 1970. The mission responsibilities ot NOAA arc to assess the socioeconomic impact of natural and technological changes in the environment and to monitor and predict the state of the solid Earth, the oceans and their living resources, the atmosphere, and the space environment of the Earth. The major components of NOAA regularly produce various types of scientific and technical informa- tion in the following kinds of publications: PROFESSIONAL PAPERS — Important definitive research results, major techniques, and special inves- tigations. CONTRACT AND GRANT REPORTS — Reports prepared by contractors or grantees under NOAA sponsorship. ATLAS — Presentation of analyzed data generally in the form of maps showing distribution of rainfall, chemical and physical conditions of oceans and at- mosphere, distribution of fishes and marine mam- mals, ionospheric conditions, etc. TECHNICAL SERVICE PUBLICATIONS — Re- ports containing data, observations, instructions, etc. A partial listing includes data serials; prediction and outlook periodicals; technical manuals, training pa- pers, planning reports, and information serials; and miscellaneous technical publications. TECHNICAL REPORTS — Journal quality with extensive details, mathematical developments, or data listings. 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