^5, 3r^ iFS^J-^/pf^hS PB-245 345 FISH PROTEIN GiSM^lNTRATE INFORMATION PACKAGE PARTS I, II AND NORTH SERVICES, INCORPORATED PREPARED FOR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTED BY: *MP National Technical Information Senrice U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1 . Report No. NOAA-75091704 14. Title and Subtitle Fish Protein Concentrate Information Package Parts I, II and III PB 245 345 5. Report Date 1973 6. 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address North Services, Inc. 1700 N. Lynn Street Arlington, VA 22209 10. Proiect/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract/Grant No. DOC 3-33189 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address NCAA, National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Resource Utili.^ation Regents Drive College Park, MD 20740 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 1961-1973 14. 15. Supplementary Notes ^^^^ ^^^ NOM" 7 5091. 7 04- 1 . (Part IV) Reel of microfilin (16 mm), giving selected documentation oi the report. a o 1 u a 16. Abstracts Tj-j^g ^5 a collection of all pertinent docuraentacion relative to the involve- ment of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in the Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) Program. The purpose of this Information Bank is to provide the user with a ready reference and easy access to the work on FPC undertaken or sponsored by NMFS over a 12-year period 1961-1973. The Information Package was selectively compiled to most effectively meet potential user needs. To facilitate access to the information, the package has been divided into four parts. Part I provides a summary statement for each of six categories: General; Product Characteristics; Product Uses; Industrial/Economic Aspects; Laboratory Processes; and Production Processes. Part II is the selected NMFS- FPC Bibliography, which consists of titles, authors, type of document and call number. Part III of this file contains abstracts of selected documents considered to be of particular significance in the FPC Program. They are arranged in the same order as the bibliography. Part IV of the file consists of the reproduction on microfilm of the documentation determined to be of prime im- portance, particularly with regard to the de- tailed content thereof. These documents have been microfilmed in their entirety and are in the order given in the bibliography. (Part IV is sold as a separate item.) 17. Key Words and Document Analysis Fish protein concentrate Fish meal Documentation Bibliographies Food industry Food processing Food analysis Production engineering Product development 17b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Te-ms 12-year period 17a. Descriptors Production control Economic analysis Roproducod by NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U S DepArtmenI of Commerce Springfield, VA. 22151 17c. COSATl Field 'Gro-ip Prices subject to change 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report) UNn.ASSIFIF.n 20. Security ( Liss (This Page UNC l.ASSlFll-n 21. No. of P.iges 22. l^icc b» FORM NTis-35 (REV io-'>3i ENDORSED BY ANSI AND UNESCO. THIS FORM, MAY BE RFPRODUCFD USCOMM-DC e26S-P74 FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATE' INFORMATION PACKAGE Work supported by: Office of Resource Utilization National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration U. S. Department of Commerce 1973 Work performed by: Northrop Services, Inc. 1700 N. Lynn Street Arlington, Virginia 22209 Contract No. DOC 3-35189 NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work conducted or sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that the use would not infringe privately owned rights. FORWARD Purpose For over twelve years the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), previously the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, actively engaged in and sponsored research dedicated to the development of Fish protein Concentrate (FPC) as a product and as a process. During that time a substantial body of information was developed, some of it published and some not. The organization within the NMFS having prime responsibility for the FPC program and studies was the Office of Resource Utilization. Program planning and control was exercised by the Fisheries product Research and Inspection (FPR&I) Division and most of the research was conducted by that division's laboratories or contracted to universities and industry. Two laboratories performed the bulk of the inhouse effort. These were the pacific Utilization Research Center (PURC) in Seattle, Washington and the Southeast Utilization Research Center (SURC) in College park, Maryland. Tlie latter was kiiOwn during the height Oi. the FPC program as the National Center for Fish protein Concentrate. It was in these two laboratories that much of the state of the art was developed, whether we consider product forms and uses or the process used in translating the raw resource into a high quality protein concentrate. A third center of activity was the Experiment and Demonstration plant (EDP) in Aberdeen, Washington, where production techniques at a semiworks scale were employed and a substantial amount of high grade FPC produced. Also of importance was the expertise of the academic community em- ployed in some of the more critical considerations facing the FPC program. Studies of flavor and chemistry of FPC and research into its economic poten- tial illustrate the range of work sponsored by N^FS at the university level. Finally, industry know-how was utilized in the design, construction, and operation of pilot plant facilities. In 1972 the U.S. Congress chose not to renew sponsoring legislation. As a result, the work was brought to an orderly close with most of the on- going projects completed by the end of CY 1972. A number of projects car- ried out during this final phase had significant results. These were studies of the Aqueous Phosphate process (presscake), redesign of the process used in 11 the EDP» product testing, and studies to improve handling and storage of the raw material. One important project was continued until recently: a field testing of product acceptability in American Samoa. As the program wound down, several problems became apparent. These were: (1) Although NMFS had developed a great deal of information useful to any domestic or international organization interested in studying, producing, or using FPC> much of that information was not in a well organized, readily accessible form. It was also apparent that really useful information should be segregated from that which would be less meaningful to users. (2) A number of organizations have requested and continue to request information on FPC, even though the program has been discontinued. These include industry interested in building processing plants and developing countries seeking alternatives to other protein forms now available. As NMFS personnel have departed the program and with data not put together in a usable format, the valuable service of providing useful information in a timely and effective manner has become increasingly difficult. (3) It would be irresponsible not to ensure the ready availability of the information developed because of: a) the future potential of FPC and b) the fact that the information could substantially assist others in speeding up their research and development, avoiding mis- takes, and pragmatically assessing investment risks. Accordingly, in the interest of potential users, NMFS resolved to develop a selective body of information truly representative of the research it con- ducted or sponsored over the twelve year period. It should be clearly pointed out, however, that this information package is restricted to work conducted within the United States under the cognizance of NMFS. The bibliography, etc. does not include the significant volume of information developed throughout the world during this time period and appropriately cited in the Literature. LLl users Guide The FPC Information package is a collection of all pertinent documenta- tion relative to the involvement of NMFS in the FPC program. The purpose of this Information Bank is to provide the user, whether scientist, commercial investigator or layman, a ready reference and easy access to the work on FPC undertaken or sponsored by NMFS over a 12-year period, 1961-1973^ . The Information package was selectively compiled to most effectively meet potential user needs, primary potential users considered in structur- ing the file were: (1) The food processing industry (2) Manufacturers (both potential FPC and current fish meal manufacturers) (3) Universities (4) Foreign governments and agencies (5) State governments and agencies (6) potential consumer groups, with emphasis on institutions (7) NMFS/NOAA The approach to compilation of the package consisted of the following parts : (1) Define objectives, develop basic document structure, and means of access (2) Search file, collect and categorize data (3) Review and select pertinent data (4) prepare information package During data collection, files of the Washington, D.C. office of FPR&I> the College park Laboratory (SURC), including the Beltsville facility, the Seattle Laboratory (PURC) and the Experiment and Demonstration plant were searched and candidate documents collected for review and selection. In addition, all existing bibliographies and abstracts were collected, reviewed and documents retrieved if available. _' With the exception of a few selected works on the economics of FPC, all documentation referred to in this file was accomplished under the cognizance of or participated in by NMFS. A very substantial body of published litera- ture on FPC work not sponsored by NMFS and not cited in this package does exist. Suggested reference documents for that material are as follows; (a) Fish protein Concentrate, A Comprehensive Bibliography (Library of Congress), (b) Chemical Abstracts, (c) Biological Abstracts, (d) Marine Fisheries Ab- stracts, (e) Food Science Abstracts, and (f) Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews . iv Based on the data collected, major subject categories were identfified and the documentation placed in the appropriate category. The documentation was again reviewed with regard to the significance, applicability and avail- ability of each. Based on these criteria, a decision was made as to whether the document was to be merely listed in • the bibliography, or if it ^as to be abstracted, microfilmed or both. Following this the material was care- fully analyzed and the summary statements, including conclusions and recom^ mendations, were developed. To facilitate access to the information, the package has been divided into four parts, part I provides a summary statement for each of six categories. These categories are: (1) General (2) product Characteristics (3) product Uses (4) Industrial/Economic Aspects (5) Laboratory processes (6) production processes The summary statement includes an overview of the data and information avail- able in the category, the work pursued by NMFS, significant successes and failures, and, where appropriate, recommended future investigations and follow- up work, part II is the selected NMFS-FPC Bibliography, which consists of titles, authors, type of document and call numbero These are listed in annual chron- ology by the subject categories shown above. Within a given category and year, titles on the same general subject matter are listed together. The types of documents included are: published and unpublished articles and manuscripts; contractor final reports, and, if significant, interim reports; internal NMFS reports and memoranda; miscellaneous titles from speeches, papers presented at various conferences, etc. The current location of these documents is given, as well as whether they are microfilmed and/or abstracted. Part III of this file contains abstracts of selected documents considered to be of particular significance in the FPC Program, They are arranged in the same order as the bibliography. Part IV of the file consists of the reproduction on microfilm of the documentation determined to be of prime importance, particularly with regard to the detailed content thereof. These documents have been microfilmed in their entirety and are in the order given in the bibliography. The FPC Information Package will be offered for sale as two separate items. The first three parts of the package are available in printed formo Part ;^V is available on microfilmo These two items can be ordered from: National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U. S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page PART I. FPC SUMMARY STATEMENTS 1 OVERVIEW OF THE FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATE PROGRAM I. 1-1 1.1 Background I. 1-1 1.2 Development of the FPC Program 1.1-5 1.3 Program Completion 1.1-14 2 PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS 1.2-1 2.1 Conclusions 1.2-2 2.2 Composition 1.2-2 2.3 Nutritional Quality 1.2-8 2.4 Toxicological Studies 1.2-21 2.5 Recommendations for Further Work 1.2-25 3 PRODUCT USES 1.3-1 3.1 Conclusions and Recommendations 1.3-1 3.2 Uses and Formulations 1.3-2 3.3 Acceptability 1.3-9 3.4 Functionality 1.3-11 4 INDUSTRIAL/ECONOMIC ASPECTS 1.4-1 4.1 Conclusions and P.ecomniendatTOTis 1.4—1 4.2 Objectives and Approach 1.4-4 4.3 Accomplishments 1.4-5 4.4 Future Outlook 1.4-18 5 LABORATORY PROCESSES 1.5-1 5.1 Conclusions 1.5-1 5.2 Background 1.5-1 5.3 IPA Process 1.5-3 5.4 Other FPC Processes 1.5-14 6 PRODUCTION PROCESSES 1.6-1 6.1 Conclusions and Recommendations 1.6-1 6.2 EDP Production 1.6-3 6.3 Problem Areas /Recommended Work 1.6-8 vil PART II. NMFS FPC BIBLIOGRAPHY Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 GENERAL PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS PRODUCT USES INDUSTRIAL/ECONOMIC ASPECTS LABORATORY PROCESSES PRODUCTION PROCESSES Page II. 1-1 II. 2-1 II. 3-1 II. 4-1 II. 5-1 II. 6-1 PART III. SELECTED ABSTRACTS 1 GENERAL 2 PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS 3 PRODUCT USES 4 INDUSTRIAL /ECONOMIC ASPECTS 5 LABORATORY PROCESSES 6 PRODUCTION PROCESSES III. 1-1 III. 2-1 III. 3-1 III. 4-1 III. 5-1 III. 6-1 PART IV. SELECTED DOCUMENTATION GENERAL PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS PRODUCT USES INDUSTRIAL/ECONOMIC ASPECTS LABORATORY PROCESSES PRODUCTION PROCESSES IV. 1-1 IV. 2-1 IV. 3-1 IV. 4-1 IV. 5-1 IV. 6-1 vin Figures Page 2-1 .Weight Gains of Rats Fed Diets Containing 80 Percent Bread Supplemented with Varying Amounts of Either FPC or Lysine 1.2-20 Tables 2-1 Essential Amino Acid Contents of Protein in Egg, Milk, and FPC 1.2-4 2-2 Essential Amino Acid Patterns in Protein in Egg, Milk, and FPC 1.2-5 2-3 Mineral Composition of FPC Made by IPA Extraction of 12 Species of Fish 1.2-7 2-4 Nutritive Quality of Fish Protein 1.2-11 2-5 Nutritive Quality of Fish Protein Concentrate Prepared by Isopropyl Extraction of Various Species of Fish 1.2-12 2-6 Nutritive Quality of Fish Protein Concentrates Prepared by Different Methods from Various Species of Fish 1.2-13 2-7 Effect of Raw Material Source on the Protein Quality of FPC Prepared by Isopropyl Alcohol Extraction 1.2-14 2-8 Protein Quality of FPCs Prepared by Isopropyl Alcohol Extraction of Atlantic Menhaden 1.2-15 2-9 Nutritive Quality of FPCs Prepared by Enzyme Hydrolysis of Whole Red Hake and Evaluated Either as a Sole Source of Dietary Protein or as a Supplement to Wheat Flour 1.2-16 2-10 Summary of Toxicological Studies of FPC 1.2-24 3-1 Flavor of Food Products Fortified with FPC 1.3-4 3-2 Texture of Food Products Fortified with FPC 1.3-5. 3-3 Appearance of Food Products Fortified with FPC 1.3-6 4-1 Construction Costs for 200, 400, and 600 Ton/Day FPC Plants 1.4-9 4-2 FPC Process Cost and Design Model 1.4-14 IX PhUT i ® General © Frodoict Ciiara€t@ristl€S e Product Uses e Bndystrlai Eccisi^mlc Asp@ets ® Lals®rat©ry Processes © Pr@dMCti©rs Fr©€©ss©s SECTION 1 OVERVIEW OF THE FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATE PROGRAM 1.1 BACKGROUND 1.1.1 program Justification Fish protein concentrate (FPC) is any stable, wholesome product of high nutritive value, hygienically prepared from fish, in which protein and other nutrient materials are more concentrated than they were in the fresh fish, A more specific definition of fish protein concentrate (FPC) appears in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations covering the manufacture and use of FPC— As presently produced, FPC is an almost odorless and tasteless food supplement which does not- create perceptible physical changes to most products to which it is addedo Beginning in 1961; thp Rnrpan of Commercial Fisheries (BCF) and its successor, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), commenced a program to develop the technology of producing fish protein concentrate (FPC). This program accomplished much in FPC research, experimentation and the production of quantities of acceptable FPC in a semiworks plant. There were numerous justifications for the program efforts and for its continuation. In the final analysis, however, the overriding consideration prior to its termination was that the program appeared to be on the threshold of demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility of a product that would upgrade a natural resource and could help alleviate worldwide protein malnutrition. Such a demonstration would include a proper engineering evaluation, definitive information on resource availability and cost and a clearer understanding of both the economics of processing and the market potential for FPC. - U. S. Federal Register, XXXII, February 2, 1967, p. 1217. 1. 1-1 During the past two decades the populations of emerging countries* have increased more rapidly than has the supply of food. As a result, much of the world's population is suffering from malnutrition, particularly protein malnutrition. To compound the problem, the population explosion has increased the ratio, of people to land available fqr grazing animals needed to supply valuable animal protein. There is a need to make new sources of protein, especially animal protein, available in large quantities and at low cost. The worldwide need for additional protein was well described by the following general conclusions derived from reports of the president's Science Advisory Committee _' and the United Nations Economic and Social Council — ' ; (1) For over one-third of the present population in developing countries (750 million people), the ratio of protein to calorie intake in the diet is inadequate because of too little protein. . ' (2) The gap between nutritional protein requirements and actual consumption of protein is widening rapidly through- out the world. (3) protein deficient diets increase susceptibility to acute and chronic 'infection and disease, reduce the capacity for activity, promote apathy and cause death or mental and physical retardation in young children. To alleviate these needs, inexpensive sources of a high-quality protein product, compatible with the basic diets of diverse populations, are needed to supplement and upgrade the lesser quality proteins which predominate in the diets of many developing nations. The protein product must be such that it can be stored, shipped and marketed without refrigeration throughout the world and yet retain a high nutritional value. It must be available in a form that can be readily introduced into a wide' variety of traditional food products to ensure worldwide usage. Fish protein concentrate (FPC) appeared to have the potential to fulfill these requirements. - U.S., President, 1963-69 (Johnson), The World Food Problem, A Report of the president's Science Advisory Committee (Washington, D. C, 1967). 2' United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Increasing the production and use of Edible protein (E/4343, 1967). 1.1-2 1.1.2 Early Efforts Since the 1930 's there has been considerable worldwide FPC research aiim and existing processes for the manufacture of FPC. (3) Establish a laboratory research program to develop methods for FPC production. 1.1-4 The worldwide survey was conducted in 1961 and 1962 by the BCF laboratory at College park, Maryland. Identification of existing processes for FPC manu- facture would minimize the duplication of research and permit evaluation of the levels of world interest in FPC. Visits were made to several countries in Central America, South America and Europe to obtain firsthand information on the research and development efforts abroad. The survey indicated that there was considerable activity and interest in FPC by government, academic and private industrial institutions in many countries, but that only modest financial support had been made available for FPC programs. Numerous groups were working on the development of an acceptable and economically feasible FPC process. However, there was no apparent coordination of effort and limited sharing of advances and discoveries among the researchers. The sur- vey confirmed the need for protein supplementation of the diets of many developing nations and the probable suitability of FPC for reducing protein malnutrition. One of the most significant conclusions of the survey was that, despite considerable worldwide research and development activity, there was no existing process to manufacture FPC of acceptable quality in the quantities required. The conclusion was clear: BCF was justified in proceeding with the development of a process suitable for the commercial manufacture of FPC. The initial program within BCF encompassed broadly based research on all aspects of FPC. Included were studies on raw material requirements, processes and product analyses, process research was conducted in three areas: chemical, biological and physical, 1.2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE FPC PROGRAM 1.2.1 BCF/NMFS Effort In July 1963, Secretary of the Interior iJdall directed the rapid development of one commercially feasible method of producing FPC. Consequently, research emphasis in BCF was shifted from a broad base to one specific chemical process, isopropyl alcohol extraction. Experimental work concentrated on developing this process and analyzing the product. ]n addition, plans were made to demonstrate the commercial feasibility of the process by constructing an experiment and demonstration plant. Favorably im.pressed by the results of the research effort, the National Academy of Sciences urged continuing research and strong support by Congress for the FPC research and development program. 1.1-5 On Nov^ember 2, 1966, public Law 89-701 was signed, authorizing the construction and operation of an Experiment and Demonstration plant (EDP) for fish protein concentrate. To satisfy a funding deficiency, this law was amended in October 1968 by Public Law 90-549. Early in March 1971 the EDP commenced operations which continued into 1972. The following is a brief chronology of the highlights of the FPC program. The events and activities are presented by the time periods which identify major phases of the Program. These time periods are: July 1961 - July 1963 Covering the period from commence- ment of the research program in BCF to the Udall decision. July 1963 - November 1966 Research on the isopropyl alcohol extraction process leading to the passage of PL 89-701. November 1966 - October 1968 The period leading to the contract for the EDP. October 1968 - March 1971 Design and construction of the EDP. March 1971 - May 1972 EDP operation. Specific objectives of the National Marine Fisheries Service (which replaced the BCF in 1970) FPC programs were seen to be as follows: (1) Demonstration and evaluation of the continuous extraction process at the semiworks scale, using recycled isopropyl alcohol . (2) production of sizable quantities of FPC which meet FDA specifications and the standards acceptable in other countries. (3) provision of sample FPC for research purposes and the evaluation of potential uses of the product by both the public and private sectors. (4) Development of engineering scale-up data for use by industry in the design and construction of commercial plants . (5) Demonstration of the commercial feasibility of FPC production, both domestically and abroad, in terms of resources, economics of processing and market potential of FPC as a food supplement. 1.1-6 (6) Demonstration of the use of FPC as an additive for various standard manufactured foods to improve their nutritional quality and upgrade the diets of those consuming them. The accomplishment of these objectives would provide a basis for meeting the following goals: (1> Development of a domestic FPG 'industry to process present!\m that 1.2-9 it is possible to produce a high quality FPC from presscake otj- from fish meal. As shown in Table 2-8, there was little difference in the protein quality of menhaden FPC prepared from whole fish, deboned fish, presscake or fish meal . A recent study reported that FPC made from decomposed fish x^ras higher in quality than that made from fresh fish. In this study freshwater fish were allowed to decompose by storing them in *the laboratory for 24 hours, then they were processed into FPC. Although the yield and organoleptic qualities were poorer, the PERs of FPC made from decomposed fish were about 25 percent higher than those of FPC made from fresh fish. Mention should also be made of the nutritional quality of FPC produced by enzymatic hydrolysis. This type of FPC was not consistently as high in quality as FPC produced by solvent extraction because of a less favorable balance of amino acids. As shown in Table 2-9, enzymatically produced FPCs could be an effective protein supplement. When evaluated as a sole source of protein, the PERs ranged from 75 to 82 percent of that for casein. When added to wheat flour on a protein basis, the PERs were 91 to 99 percent of the values obtained with comparable mixtures of casein and wheat flour. Although the quality of protein in solvent-extracted FPC was generally reported to be at least equal to that in casein, there were some exceptions. Morrison and McLaughlan found that the PER values for several FPCs varied from 60 to 100 percent of the PER for casein. Specifically, FPC prepared by ethylene dichloride extraction was shown to be of lesser quality than that prepared by alcohol extraction. 1.2-10 TABLE 2-4 NUTRITIVE QUALITY OF FISH PROTEIN _' 1/ Source of Rats PER dietary protein No Sex Actual % of beef Halibut 20 M 20 F Lingcod 15 M Lemon Sole 15 M White spring salmon 15 M Red snapper 15 M Herring 15 F Beef 20 M 20 F 3.27 114 2.98 104 3.60 126 3.66 128 3.68 129 3.86 135 3.18 111 2.86 100 2.63 92 _' Source: Beveridge 1.2-11 TABLE 2-5 NUTRITIVE QUALITY OF FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATES PREPARED BY LSOPROPYL ALCOHOL EXTRACTION OF VARIOUS SPECIES OF FISH U Species of fish No. Samples PER Hake, Urophycis chuss Hake, Merluccius productus Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus Herring, Clupea harengus harengus Anchovy, Engraulis mordax Ocean poun, Macrozoarces amerlcanus Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus Moroccan sardine, Sardinia pilchardus % of casein 58 107 10 112 6 102 1 105 1 108 1 102 1 106 1 99 1/ Source: Sidwell et al. and NMFS, unpublished. 1.2-12 TABLE 2-6 NUTRITIVE QUALITY OF FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATES PREPARED BY DIFFERENT METHODS FROM VARIOUS SPECIES OF FISH Species of fish and No. processing method samples Per Ref , % of casein Hake, Merluccius gayi ; dried, hexane 4 106 18, 19 or ethanol extraction; Chile Sardine, Sardinella longiceps ; cooked 1 117 20 and pressed, ethanol extraction; India Bombay Duck, Harpoden nehereus ; 6 108 21 cooked and pressed, ethanol extraction; India Krill, Euphausia superba Dana; isopropyl 1 103 22 alcohol extraction; Australia Cod, Gadus morhua ; isopropyl alcohol 1 106 4 extraction; Canada Herring, Clupea harengus harengus ; 1 110 4 isopropyl alcohol extraction; Canada Hake, Urophycis chuss ; ethylene di- 1 89 23 chloride extraction; U.S.A. 1.2-13 TABLE 2-7 EFFECT OF RAW MATERIAL SOURCE ON THE PROTEIN QUALITY OF FPC PREPARED BY ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL EXTRACTION 1.1 1/ 2/ Raw material source from Cod PER % of casein Whole 106 Fillets 119 Headed & eviscerated 103 Trimmings 103 2/ Trimmings press cake— ' 88 Source: Power Trimmings cooked with indirect heat and pressed to 60 percent moisture. 1.2-14 TABLE 2-8 PROTEIN QUALITY OF FPCs PREPARED BY ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL EXTRACTION OF ATLANTIC MENHADEnI' Raw material Source PER % of casein Whole fish 101 Deboned fish 104 Whole f ish-presscake 98 Whole fish-fish meal 99 1/ Source: Stillings, Unpublished. 1.2-15 TABLE 2-9 NUTRITIVE QUALITY OF FPCs PREPARED KY ENZYME HYDROLYSIS OF WHOLE RED HAKE AND EVALUATED EITHER AS A SOLE SOURCE OF DIETARY PROTEIN OR AS" A SUPPLEMENT TO WHEAT FLOUR U PER Enzyme used prepare FPC to Sole source of protein 2 / Supplement to wheat flour — ' 2% protein 4% protein % of casein % of casein Pancreatin 82 95 94 Alcalase 75 92 91 Autolysis 82 99 95 1/ 2/ bource: ]. FPC' $ 544.620 $.0605 $ 544.620 $.0605 $ 544.620 $.0605 164.520 .0183 325.020 .0361 1,025.760 .1139 1.034,160 .1149 900",000 .1000 1,200.000 .1333 $1,925,760 $.2130 $2,234,160 $.2482 400 Ton/Day Raw Fish (150 Day Operation) DIRECT PRODUCTION COSTS:' Labor, Utilities, Operating Supplies, Maintenance, Plant Office Expense, Di- rect Payroll Expense and Packaging Cost INDIRECT PRODUCTION COSTS: Supervision, control Laporatory, inoi- rect Payroll Expense, Interest on Work- ing Capital, General Plant Overhead FIXED PRODUCTION COSTS: Depreciation (10 years), Taxes and In- surance MANUFACTURING (PROCESSING) COST:^ HMt MATERIAL COST: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST:* $ 950,040 $.0528 $ 950,040 $.0528 $ 950,040 $.0528 180,960 .0100 455,040 .0253 1,586,040 .0881 1.200,000 .0667 197,760 .0109 455.040 .0253 1,602,840 .0890 1, 800,000 .1000 214.560 455.040 .0119 .0253 1.619.640 .0900 2,400,000 .1333 $2,786,040 $.1548 $3,402,840 $.1890 $4,019,640 $.2233 600 Ton/Day Raw Fish (150 Day Operation) DIRECT PRODUCTION COSTS:' Labor, Utilities, Operating Supplies, Maintenance, Plant Office Expense, Di- rect Payroll Expense and Packaging Cost INDIRECT PRODUCTION COSTS: Supervision, Control Laboratory, Indi- rect Payroll Expense, Interest on Work- ing Capital, General Plant Overhead FIXED PRODUCTION COSTS: Depreciation (10 years). Taxes and In- surance MANUFACTURING (PROCESSING) COST:' RAH MATERIAL COST: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST:* $1,334,520 $.0494 $1,334,520 $.0494 $1,334,520 $0494 213,660 .0079 585,000 .0217 2.133,180 .0790 1. POO .000 $.0C C7 $3,933,180 $.1457 238,860 .0083 585,000 .0217 2;i58,380 .0799 2, 703,000 .1000 264,060 .0098 505,000 $4,8b8,3aJ ».1799 .0217 2,183,550 .0809 3.600,000 .1337 >7, 967, ICO >.2955 Unit costs ire based on a 151 yield of FPC from raw fish Excluding raw material cost Exclusive of row rratcrlal, sales and G 4 A expense Including raw ratcrlal, exclusive of sales and C & A expense 1.4-10 '^.S.Z.S By-products The FPC process produces two valuable by-products: (1) fish oil and (2-.) solubles. Sales values achieved for these by-products would be credited to the FPC operation, thereby reducing the cost of producing the FPC. The fish oil obtained in the FPC process will be higher in quality than fish oil pro- duced in conventional fish meal reduction and should have a selling value of 6 cents per pound or greater according to SWECO. Soluble and insoluble proteins can be recovered in a form consisting of 50 percent by weight, of solids, and acidified to a pH of 4.5, This product could be sold as an animal foodstuff or supplement. According to SWECO, the income realized from the sale of solubles should offset the recovery process- ing expenses. It can be assumed these solubles would have a minimum sales value of 0.5 cents per pound. profit Calculations and production Costs Assuming the average fishing season to be five months, according to SWECO calculations, even the least attractive alternative — a 200-ton per day plant paying $40 per ton for raw fish and selling FPC for 25 cents per pound- t^ »^v^ouo. £■ ex y j.ii(~j y^w poi- i^wAi i-v^i- j-j_oii, tAn\a u n 3 -o -b o )-. U 1- t.v tv t* t> ^ CJ ui o i O 1 u > ■J- >-< O • o c^ t-i •H .-1 •-* o o< o iJ U. c o o o o o o o o o o o o tn i. J o o o o o o CO o U u T •—4 ,~t en CM CJ ^ c > o 00 O * o •v> v> v> v>- u u U 3 W T3 O O -«* •e- f* t^ fj D Cm • • • vO o O 1 Oi > CSI .-1 CO .-A NO f— 1 >- *J rj o O 3 ■o H o o u u C. U) o. O 1 ■t> -«* t* i». ■fj. C XI • CO CM 00 00 J D a ■J Hi o u-i CM m .-1 i-H CM ON .-1 r D t ■^ j c ^ 1 O o CJ o o O O o o o o cT o CD* o o o o o o -< o a. o o CM CM CO CM CM 00 CM C^l OO CM . o v»- vy ■V>- v> vy o irt -o ■y. ■«. ■w- t^ •^ o o o • CO • f-« •-H 't c o o O •O f^ O 1 Q4 > fo CM CM CM CM U. X) > iJ - vO CM .-1 r-4 f—t r o X) o ro CM n CO CO i~i a, o c kO O O o O o o O o o o --1 « o O o o o (TJ iJ o O o o o U w «r» .-« 00 r» f^ ■-< o O «» lO in m CJ — < .-4 *i ca U4 '""^ 1 .-1 ; 1 jC •--« « rS Q) V C W) <9 ^ O J£ ^^ U •^ •^ C n u cQ 41 **-# UJ •r4 o «) t u <» U'>-i o -^ M) o v (^ aJ o 4J in •-^ .-< lA •~» It < CI C •— * >« u> o — «) < ex <» o U4 « ■-4 < « CL. 41 »-i '. ^ i— « ■VH ki U3 CV< W r-t u o. M (U M (U (U 1.4-14 4.3.3 FPC Marker, potential There are txvo general characteristics to be examined in this area: (1) the functional properties needed in the final food product to be made from the protein supplement and (2) the nutritional value of the material to the user of the final food product. There are many protein-rich materials which possess either unique func- tional or nutritional benefits, and the food industry is constantly examining these in various applications. The functional pr6perties are very important because the structure, texture and eating characteristics are dependent in a large part upon the functional properties of the proteins. It is not neces- sary however that a protein material possess beneficial functional properties to allow its use; a neutral effect may be perfectly satisfactory. If any protein material does not seem to be of value from the standpoint of functional properties, it is possible that it may possess outstanding characteristics in the area of nutrition. Guidelines for successful commercial development of FPC are: (1) Only the production of a practically odorless, flavorless and nonreverting FPC should be considered. (2) FPC will be used almost exclusively as an ingredient in other food products and will not be consumed by itself. (3) If FPC is to be accepted by the food industry, its good nutritional properties (i.e., a protein efficiency ratio at least equal to casein) must be taken for granted. In addition, the food industry will consider using FPC as an ingredient only if it can economically replace other in- gredients without a sacrifice in the quality of the final food product in which it is used. potential Markets Several of the suggested markets are based on the nutritional charac- teristics of FPC They include: (1) pet foods, (2) institutional diets, (3) geriatric and reducing diets, and (4) high protein snacks. Since it has been reported that a significant portion of canned pet food is consumed by humans, this product generally has to meet human standards with regard to sanitation and toxicity. Hence, there is an argument for a market for hvmian-grade FPC in pet foods. The high protein snack market would 1.4-15 / requires a Madison Avenue approach, in which the producer would attempt to convince the consumer that he should pay more for an FPC-supplemented snack. It has also been suggested that FPC might find a substantial market in the processed meat field which uses and distinguishes between functional protein and filler protein. Functional protein supplies texture, binding power and taste, and presently is comprised of meats costing the industry AO cents per pound of protein and more. Filler protein is expected to supply little more than bulk. Currently, by-products from the packing industry are available at about 3 cents per pound or about 10 cents per pound of protein, presently, FPC cannot compete with functional protein on the basis of its properties, or with filler protein on the basis of its costs. If the binding power of fish protein could be improved, it would open up a tremendous market for the product. While it was recognized that the greatest potential markets were in developing countries, much of the impetus of FPC development work came from developing countries. Food processors want protein with inexpensive ingredi- ents for the manufacture of a large variety of food products ranging from soups to cookies to sausages. The following were believed to be potential markets for FPC in developed countries: (1) Sale of a high-protein value product directly to the consumer market for "fad foods," (2) Sale of a tasteless and odorless concentrate to food processors for incorporation in staple food products, (3) Sale to food processors as a protein supplement for incorporation in dietary or specialty foods, (4) Sale to hospitals, prisons, schools, etc,, for incorporation as a protein supplement in institutional feeding, (5) Sale to the government for use in domestic food-aid programs, (6) Sale to the government to provide a store of strategic food supplies for emergency conditions, A. 3. 3. 2 protein Utilization Hammonds and Call of Cornell University described the current protein food additive market in the United States, protein ingredients are added to processed food products for their pliysical properties and for the improvement in the physical properti.es of the end product. These functional characteris- tics may be more important than the nutritional role for highly processed foods. ti' I.A-16 In a follow-up report, Hammonds and Call projected the future market for protein ingredients. Each of 16 major product categories was examined to determine the reasons for protein ingredient use and an assessment was made for the ease of penetration of new proteins for each category. protein needs were combined with ingredient characteristics, and three categories were established: (1) those with highly specialized uses, not likely to be subjected to replacement; (2) those with minimum functionality, highly vulnerable to replacement; and (3) the middle ground, those ingredi- ents vulnerable to replacement by a protein source with the correct functional properties . Hammonds and Call made an important point about ingredient image and the choice of markets to penetrate. It is easy for the producers of a new protein source to fall into the trap of serving the speciality food market segments. Once any early reputation is established as a "poor people's food" or as "animal feed," this reputation may hinder later marketing efforts. Care must be taken to establish and maintain an image suitable to the long- term goals for the protein ingredient. Development of functional characteristics and solution of flavor problems will determine the rate of growth for individual protein ingredients. How- ever, one trend seems clear; the continued decline in use of nonfat dry milk and dry whole milk. While the total level of protein in ingredient form grows at 9.3 percent annually, protein sources other than milk must grow at 13.9 percent in order to make up for declining milk use. Cornell University undertook a study for NMFS on consumer attitudes towards alternative protein ingredients, probably the most important fea- ture of the study was the ignorance of the consumer regarding protein ingredi- ents presently eaten and those likely to be purchased in the future. Prices and brand preferences were the most important determinents in purchasing. Consumer knowledge appears to be limited to the inference given to the name of the ingredient. In the direct comparison of ingredients, the product in which they are incorporated influences the consumer. Without any knowledge of FPC, consumers found soy protein concer.trate and textured vege- table protein quite acceptable, nonfat dry milk was less so, and whole fish protein concentrate came in last. On informing the consumer of the proper- ties of whole FPC, less than 20 percent objected to it. The consumer tests did not include real food products; hypothetical situations were constructed. 1.4-17 If FPC can be produced with beneficial functional properties for use in food systems, then it will receive consideration for use in products in the U.S. market. If the main beneficial characteristic is its nutritive value, then it will be of interest primarily in the lesser developed areas of the world. At present, FPC has few, if any, functional properties, though these may be improved in the future. The extent of the potential use of FPC cannot be defined with any degree of accuracy until the price range and functional properties of the product are more fully known. The easiest markets to pene- trate would be those of beverages and breakfast foods. If whole fish protein concentrate could preserve freshness, prolong shelf life and retain moisture, then it could compete with soy flour in baked products. The ability to ab- sorb fat, carry flavors and provide some texture improvement could mean that this ingredient could compete with the soy concentrate/soy isolate market in baby foods, baked goods and processed meats; that is, assuming that this could be done at a competitive price. The food industry will consider using FPC as an ingredient only if it can economically replace other ingredients without a sacrifice in quality. Its price would have to be competitive first of all with other animal pro- teins. If a maximum wholesale price of 25 to 30 cents a pound, at a minimum protein content of 80 percent can be assumed, FPC would be cheaper than other animal proteins. However, FPC will also have to compete with oilseed pro- teins and possibly with cereal proteins fortified with synthetic amino acids and would face serious competition from soybean products. Food processors have to convince themselves of the desirability of including FPC as an in- gredient in their existing products. Consumer acceptance may have psycho- logical implications but is of lesser importance since FPC should not in any manner change customary properties of the product. A. A FUTURE OUTLOOK The marketing of products labeled "with fish protein" may impair the position of FPC even if its price is competitive with other proteins, as pointed out in the study on consumer attitudes to FPC. Also, the nonfunc- tional properties of FPC make a cost comparison with other protein sources impossible at present. The only market arijas for IPA-FPC are in uses where nutritional quality 1.4-18 is important, e. g., baby foods, breakfast food, and canned and processed meats. These uses are presently supplied by nonfat dry milk (costing 40 to 50 cents per pound of protein) and soy concentrates and isolates (costing 27 to A2 cents per pound of protein). The importance of the raw material source in deciding where to locate FPC production facilities is quite clear. Among the most crucial factors are the cost and regularity of supply. Also, the oil content of the species utilized is potentially very important. Other factors of importance in choosing an efficient location are r a labor pool possessing necessary skills, and back-up facilities needed to maintain the fishing fleet and the FPC plant including recovery os by-products. No cost estimates to date have included the equipment needed to control emission of pollutants into the air and water. A plant located in the United States must take these costs into account. The value of by-products and the technology for their recovery is of vital importance to the commercial feasibility of FPC. Furthermore, this factor will increase in importance as increased utilization of lean fish for direct human consumption forces reduction operations (fish meal and FPC) to rely more and more upon clupeoids. One of the most severe impediments to the determination of the role of FPC in world protein markets is the lack of even rough estimates of processing' costs based on actual production experience. The very name "protein" suggests nutrition. This has been the traditional rolfe of protein and the focus of most work has been on the development of new protein sources. The problem of developing functional properties is often not appreciated during the early phases of research. However, it would be a mistake to abandon nutritional consideration entirely. Relatively bland, unsophisticated protein ingredients are used in some domestic products to raise the general protein level. There can be no doubt that there is a tremendous market for protein in the United States and that a very small penetration of this market percent- agewise would support a rather large FPC industry. I.A-19 SECTION 5 LABORATORY PROCESSES This section summarizes the laboratory and processing development ef- forts made by NMFS facilities throughout the course of the FPC program. 5.1 CONCLUSIONS FPC can be produced by various proven methods as tested in the labora- tory at both bench-scale and model-scale unit levels. The major effort of NMFS since 1963 has been concentrated on develop- ment of a solvent extraction process using isopropyl alcohol to remove water, lipids and flavors from whole raw fish. Various parameters of this process have been investigated on both lean and fatty species. While it appears to be a viable means of producing FPC, from both ',an engineering and economical standpoint, several process modifications require further explora- tion. In other vwrds, although enough work has been done to confirm the potential of producing FPC by the IPA process, a complete process has not been engineered and several modifications should be investigated. It may be generalized that the greater the degree of separation of protein from other constituents of fish (lipids, water and flavors), the more complex and costly the process will be. Thus, to bring FPC to commer- cial feasibility, a process must be developed that combines maximum simplic- ity and economy with an acceptable degree 'of protein concentration. 5.2 BACKGROUND 5.2.1 Early NMFS Participation Upon initiation of the FPC effort in 1961, laboratory work was devoted to a number of objectives. One of these was a worldwide investigation and literature survey to determ.ine the types of FPC bein^ produced, the avail- able or potential processes to produce them and the state of the art in general. One basic conclusion to be drawn from this initial survey and 1.5-1 literature search was the substantial level of interest throughout various nations in the development of FPC as a viable protein source. The survey reviewed a broad spectrum of FPCs, including fish pastes, sauces and protein isolates, as well as the more conventional FPCs. Types of FPCs ranged in characteristics from bland, odorless and tasteless prod- ucts to distinctive fish, beef or cheese flavored products. A variety of FPC processes had been proposed, which could be generally categorized into three types of processes: (1) chemical (solvent extraction) processes, (2) biological (enzymatic and bacterial hydrolysis) processes and (3) physi- cal (thermal and mechanical) processes. Based on these findings, NMFS designed a laboratory research program to investigate the three types of processes . The decision was made in 1963, to concentrate NMFS effort on rapidly developing what appeared to be the most promising FPC process at that time — the solvent extraction of fish by isopropyl alcohol (IPA) . The major por- tion of NMFS laboratory work, thereafter, was devoted to thoroughly inves- tigating and developing the JPA process from bench scale to the point of demonstrated commercial use. Most of the work was done by NMFS at their various laboratory facili- ties (particularly College Park and Beltsville, Maryland), with some speci- fic projects being done by contractors. 5.2.2 FPC processes In simplest terms, the principle of most FPC processes is the removal of water and lipids from whole fish by whatever means (chemical, biological or physical). Because lipids will rapidly oxidize, resulting in distinc- tive flavor and odor characteristics, maximum removal of lipids is necessary to minimize unfavorable characteristics in the final product. More complex separation and protein isolation processes have also been developed in the laboratory but the principle remains basically the same: separate the de- sired constituent (protein) from the undesired constituents (mainly water, lipids and flavors). From a general economic and engineering viewpoint, the greater the degree of separation achieved, the more complex and costly the processing will be. The simplest process is dehydration of whole fish followed by solvent extraction of the lipids. The most complex is the mechanical isolation of the most desirable raw muscle tissues (i.e., evis- ceration, skinning, deboning, etc.), followed by chemical isolation of the 1.5-2 protein from the lipids, water, etc. It was the aim of NMFS to develop a process for FPC manufacture which v/ould produce the most nutritious protein supplement by the most economical and least complex means, while not over-»» looking such important factors as product acceptability and safety. 5.3 IPA PROCESS 5.3.1 principle of the IPA process As a result of both the world survey and preliminary NMFS work, it was determined that solvent extraction processes promised the most favorable potential -for rapid development to a commercial scale. An important factor in the selection of the most promising type of process was whether the processing method and the resulting FPC would meet the standards and regula- tions of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; alcohol (solvent) extraction seemed to pose the fewest problems in this respect. The choice of solvent was dictated by a number of factors: extraction efficiency, safety, toxicity, availability, cost and stability of the sol- vent during its redistillation and recovery. Laboratory tests indicated that two solvents--ethanol and isopropanol — gave the best results in rela- tion to the above factors. IPA demonstrated better lipid extraction charac- teristics, was less costly and relatively free from the regulatory controls of the U.S. government. Thus, it was chosen over ethanol. The principle of the IPA process to produce FPC from whole raw fish is relatively simple. A successive series of countercurrent extractions of the comminuted fish are made with azeotropic IPA which dehydrates, defats and deodorizes the remaining fish solids. Residual IPA is removed by evap- oration and the remaining solids are milled and packaged. 5.3.2 Source Species NMFS considered and tested many different species of fish and marine animals for FPC manufacture. probably any edible aquatic animal can be used, by itself or in combination with others. Toxicity would be and is a principal constraint in selection, although toxic species of fish are rela- tively rare. However, because of the possibility of toxic fish existing in certain areas of the world, NMFS concluded that the processing of such species requires more investigation before they can bo considered in the manufacture of FPC \ Successful FPCs have been processed from shellfish, crustaceans, fin i.5-3 fish, telestoids and others. NMFS has studied (either cursorily or in detail) FPCs from hake, whiting, herring, menhaden, pollock, sardine, anchovy, ale- wives, smelt, ocean pout and flounder. Most have produced acceptable FPC with high nutritional value. It was recognized from the beginning that the fatty species of fish such as herring, menhaden, anchovy and sardines offered the greatest potential from a resource availability standpoint. Hake, however, was an abundant, low cost, underutilized resource on both the East and West Coasts of the U.S. in the early sixties and was selected for the initial investigations. Another advantage of hake was their lower fat and flavor content, thus process de- velopment was considered easier. Success with the development of an accept- able product from hake would encourage the more difficult and complex devel- opment of processing the species of higher fat content. 5.3.3 processing parameters NMFS investigated a number of processing parameters for IPA extraction at both the laboratory and pilot plant level. These investigations were aimed at extrapolation (i.e., engineering scale-up) to a large-scale demon- stration plant. Most of the parameters were related directly to the engi- neering aspects of the IPA process. Much of the data for establishing per- formance requirements for large-scale equipment were provided by laboratory work. Storage and Handling Since it is impossible to process a catch of fish instantaneously, even if the FPC processing plant were to be located on the vessel, satisfactory short-range storage (one day minimum) is necessary to hold the fish from time of harvest to time of processing. NMFS conducted several studies to inves- tigate various methods for storing the source fish, both on a long- and short- range basis. Frozen Frozen storage was the most frequently used method of storage during the FPC program, particularly for the laboratory and pilot plant work, but was not considered commercially feasible for FPC production. Very few studies were made of frozen storage because it was already a highly developed commer- cial method of fish storage. No particular problems were encountered with the use of frozen lean fish. It was found that freezer burn (partial dehy- dration in storage), normally undesirable, did not appear to adversely affect 1.5-4 I the quality of FPC . Later experiments with fatty fish indicated that several months frozen storage was generally satisfactory. Freshness of the fish prior to freezing Vs/as probably the most important factor in the quality of* the FPC produced. Losses of soluble protein (solubles) during extraction of the fish tended to be less for frozen fish than for fresh or thawed fish. This was probably due to a lower degree of enzymatic hydrolysis taking place from time of comminution to processing. Freeze Dried Freeze drying was not considered to be commercially feasible for a low- cost FPC and was never investigated as a means of dehydration prior to ex- traction of lipids. Freeze drying was used to prepare standard samples for nutritional evaluation and in studying methods and processing parameters for making FPC. The nutritional quality of protein in ipA-extracted fish (FPC) was found to be virtually the same as the protein in the freeze-dried standard . IPA Limited studies were conducted on the possibility of storing comminuted fish in IPA. Good preservation was obtained in one study with menhaden of low-fat content where the t ish-and-aicohoi slurry was heated to 170^ F prior to storage. Other studies using either fresh fish or cooked and pressed fish, stored in room temperature alcohol, indicated potential problems with FPC flavor and yield. No definitive studies were made on the stability of fish which was par- tially extracted with IPA. However, there were numerous occasions when the partially extracted fish solids were held several weeks at room temperature with apparently no adverse effect. There appears, however, to be no advantage of utilizing this method for storage. One may as well complete the process- ing and store the FPC. 5. 3. 3.1. A Refrigerated Sea Water or Brine Storage of fresh fish in refrigerated sea water (RSW) is known to be effective for varying periods, depending on the species and conditions. Studies showed that pacific hake autolyzed rather quickly in RSW and pro- longing the storage period resulted in a decreased yield of FPC RSW was also an unsatisfactory storage medium for anchovy (a fatty fish) because of the occurrence of off flavors in the FPC Frozen storage of anchovy worked best. However, if the landed fisli could be prechilled promptly in refrigerated 1.5-5 sea water, storage was satisfactory on a short-term basis. Storage of hake in refrigerated brine at the EDP was not entirely satisfactory (see Section 6.2). Dehydration Dehydration of raw fish prior to extraction was considered and investi- gated to a limited extent by NMFS .and extensively by others. Qooking, press- ing and drying (fish meal); vacuum drying; drum drying; flash drying; hetero- azeotropic dehydration and defatting; and vacuum dehydration in an oil medium are methods of dehydration that have been used or proposed. Generally, the use of such methods has resulted in a lower quality FPC Many of these methods, however, offer potential economies and possible advantages for in- termediate product preprocessing. Intermediate product preprocessing Some investigative work was done on the possibility of processing fish into an intermediate, product and then storing the intermediate product for subsequent processing into FPC. Like frozen storage, preprocessing offers potential long-range storage capability. There are several advan to produce a fish meal-type product (Zapata-Haynie Corporation). Conventional fish meal has been extracted to make FPC, However, the FPCs thus produced were not as acceptable organoleptically as those produced by direct IPA extraction. Some preprocessing methods show favorable potential, such as presscake from a food-grade fish meal operation or centrifuge cake produced by substituting a centrifuge for a conventional press in such an operation. The NMFS-developed aqueous extraction process has also shown promise in producing a storageable fish cake for subsequent processing into FPC or fish' protein isolates with desirable functional properties. 1.5-6 Comminution and Evisceration Comminution, or grinding, of fish is an important initial part of the IPA process, however, it has not been studied separately and problems have** been encountered in this area. Size of the comminuted particles does not appear to be critical below 3mm (or ^ inch). Particles twice that size may be satisfactory for large- scale plants. Frozen fish comrninuted much differently than did fresh, the frozen material showing a greater tendency to fracture. Some difficulties have been encountered with the fish clogging the comminution machinery and in stringy solids remaining in the resulting slurry. Studies utilized various machines, including a Reitz — mill, a Bibun-type deboner and a Beehive deboner (these combined deboning and comminution). Evisceration was not widely investigated, the principal approach being the utilization of whole fish for economic and technical reasons. However, very limited work was done on the development of an enzymatic evisceration process. No conclusive results are available. Deboning Deboning was studied in the Model Scale Unit (pilot plant, or MSU) , the laboratory and by contractors. Since the bones in fish account tor most of the minerals, including fluorides, their removal reduces the mineral content (thereby increasing the protein content) of the resulting FPC Two principal means of deboning were investigated. Wet deboning was accomplished by utiliz- ing any of several types of commercial meat-bone separators to remove bone from the raw fish before extraction. Dry deboning was carried out by the re- moval of bone particles from the dry extracted fish solids. The major purpose of bone removal was to decrease the fluoride content from those species of fish high in fluorides in order to meet the FDA require- ment for fluoride residue in FPC (100 ppm) . Deboning could also be used to increase the protein content if the FPC was made from excessively bony fish or simply to produce an especially high-protein FPC Normally it was con- sidered undesirable to lower the bone content of FPC, since the bones contain nutritionally valuable minerals and proteins, and their removal consituted not only added processing cost but a waste of material. The advantages of wet versus dry deboning are: (1) proven methods and equipment are available. — Reference to trade names does not imply endorsement by the National Marine fisheries Service, NOAA. 1.5-7 (2) Bones and other material (sometimes scales and skin) to be removed do not have to be solvent extracted, thus leaving extraction capacity in the plant to produce either higher quality protein or more through-put. The disadvantage is that a highly perishable by-product is created and constitutes a disposal/utilization problem. Dry deboning would have the advantages of; (1) permitting closer control of desired composition of the final product by use of blending or controlled classifi- cation. (2) A dry, stable by-product would be of higher value and be more easily sold. The disadvantage is that exposure of dried product to the deboning process greatly increases the opportunity for bacterial and other product contamination. Considerable work was done on dry deboning by classifying and gravity separation techniques, but no satisfactory operation was established. Solvent Ratios and Extraction Efficiency Various extraction parameters were studied, including solvent ratios, temperatures, times of extraction, particle size, number of stages, cross- current and countercurrent extraction, mixing and separating methods and equipment design. Because fish is a highly variable, complex, physical (colloidal) and chemical system which changes constantly, it is virtually impossible to com- pletely and accurately define and express the many complex and changing re- lationships . A multistage system of mixing and separating was selected for the basic process because of the extreme changes in physical properties that occur during extraction and the apparent lack of availability of any single com- mercial extraction system to adequately handle these changes. Filtra- tion ( vacuum, , gravity, screening, pressure, and centrifugal) and decanting (gravity and centrifugal) were studied. In spite of many disadvantages, centrifugal decantation has continually proven to be the most effective and consistently satisfactory method of separation applicable to the highly variable conditions enccjuntcred in alcohol extraction of raw fish. Many experiments were conducted to study the important variables and to 1.5-8 attempt to express the relationships between them in an accurate and meaning- ful manner necessary for good process design. The high degree of variability of the raw material and the behavior of the materials in processing, make'^t imperative that the process and plant design be flexible enough to be operable within wide limits. Key results of the extraction research carried out to permit development of the multistage mix and separation process selected by the NMFS may be sum- marized as follows; (1) Countercurrent extraction is satisfactory and necessary for economy of solvent usage. (2) Temperature of extraction should be held near the boiling point of the solvent, 80°C (65° to 80°C is satisfactory). (3) With moderately intense mixing, high temperatures and particle sizes of \ inch maximum, the extraction rate is rapid and con- tact time need not exceed 15 minutes per stage, (A) Efficiency of extraction is mostly influenced by the degree of separation of liquids and solids at each stage, and the highest efficiency is achieved by a centrifugal decanter. Com- plete solubility of lipids in the alcohol phase is not required in the first stage and would require a prohibitive solvent ratio. (5) Solvent to fish (or deboned flesh) weight ratios and number of stages required are inversely related. Neither are as greatly influenced by lipid content of the fish as would normally be anticipated from solubility phase diagrams. practical solvent to fish ratios are limited to between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds of azeotropic IPA per pound of fish and the number of stages limited to between 3 and 5, Desolventization and Drying Desolventizing is the reduction to the desired level of residual solvent in the extracted solids. With the variabilities of the process, prob- lems with analytical procedures and the effect of this processing step on the product characteristics, desolventizing has required much attention and yet remains to bo definitively resolved. Solvent extraction of water from protein tissues with alcohol removes free water and much of the "bound" water, replacing it with alcohol, some of which itself becomes "bound." Simple drying will not remove this "bound 1.5-9 alcohol" much below the 1 percent level in the final product. The release and replacement of the alcohol by water is necessary to meet the difficult specification limit of 250 ppm residual IPA set by the FDA. Drying temperatures were initially limited (below 65°C) through vacuum drying but gradually raised to as high as 120°C, as feeding studies proved little damage was done to the nutritional value of the FPC Steam stripping of the solvent-wet solids for desolventization, fol- lowed by drying to remove condensed moisture, was used and shown effective. As more attention was given to color of the product (the lighter, the better), it was shown that this direct steaming of wet solids resulted in darker FPC. Lighter color resulted if the solids were at least partly dried before steam stripping. Desolventizing of solvent-wet solids can best be accomplished by partial drying followed by steam stripping and final redrying, if necessary, to as- sure a final moisture content below 10 percent and residual alcohol below 250 ppm. The drying and desorption rates are still inadequately defined to permit precise design of such equipment. Since desolventizing contributes greatly to the removal of residual odors in the FPC, complete deodorization of the recycled solvent is not required in the recovery system. Milling The desired final particle size of FPC is defined by several factors, among which are its composition (bone and hard particle content) and its intended use. FPC is not easily milled and considerable difficulties have been ex- perienced in milling. A number of vendor's tests were made to select a satis- factory mill. Hammer mills have not proven adequate, and although air at- trition or fluid energy mills have been used with considerable success, their operation on FPC would be very expensive. Impact mills with classifiers appear to be a reasonable compromise, but control of input moisture can be difficult and capacities are low. Since fine milling is expensive any FPC producer will probably desire the flexibility of producing particle sizes to meet the specific customer demand. Specifications for fineness of FPC from the EDP wore set so that 95 percent would pass a standard 200-mosh screen. This resulted in a widely acceptable product. 1.5-10 Solvent Rncovery Miscella (solvent effluent from the extraction system) from the IPA extraction process is comprised of isopropyl alcohol, water, lipids, mixed soluble proteins, nitrogenous and mineral constituents and fine-suspended solids, including high-lipid flocculcnt solids. The composition is variable, depending upon the initial composition and condition of the fish, solvent ratio used, and degree of separation achieved with the first-stage separator. Depending on the lipid content of the fish, the miscelia can exist as either a two or three-phase system. Centrifugal separation will result in a heavy solids phase, a heavy oil phase (containing lipids and solvent), and a light solvent phase (containing solvent, water, solubles and dissolved oil). All components exist as complex mixtures of compounds. Solvent (the water azeotrope of isopropyl alcohol) must be recovered for reuse with minimum loss, but must be of a purity suitable for such reuse in the extraction system. Also, the extracted lipids and proteins must be recovered as by-products (if commercially feasible) and any waste products must be treated and discarded in an acceptable manner (pollution control). The rectification of isopropanol is a well known chem.ical engineering operation and presents no significant problem. Deodorization of the sol- vent is unique from the standpoint of the particular contaminants involved, but numerous standard techniques exist for purification. They include distillation and stripping, adsorption and chemical reaction. Definition of the degree of purity required has been one major problem of solvent deodori- zation because of difficulties in characterizing and quantifying odors in either the solvent or the FPC Several recovery systems were designed under contract but no complete recovery system has been adequately evaluated. One glassware system demon- strating a method of alcohol deodorization was constructed, evaluated and products tested. A follow-up design of a more complete^ 90 gallon per hour, pilot plant system was never tested. The EDP design did not utilize this system principle. The addition of acid (i.e., phosphoric) to the distillation column, if used in conjunction with proper desolventization design with bleed-off, v;ill adequately resolve the odor problem. The additional steps of oil, fines and solubles recovery are primarily economic and are intimately related to waste treatment. Their separation 1.5-11 and recovery is rather complex and costly. N>'lFS has contributed data on fish oil solubility in alcohol, investigated separation of oil from secondr, stage miscella and has shown that high quality triglycerides can be removed by cooling and centr ifuging. This solubility data was extended to several other solvents and more complex mixed lipids. 5.3.4 Model Scale Unit (MSU) The purpose of the model scale unit (MSU) was to augment bench-level laboratory efforts on a larger scale. The MSU was located in Beltsville, near the College park Laboratory. This facility V'/as designed as an inter- mediate step between the laboratory and the EDP . The MSU was an assembly of pumps, tanks, mixing vessels, a Bird centrifuge, a patterson-Kelley vacuum tumble dryer and a simple packed distillation column constructed of stainless steel. The assembly was mounted on a 10- by 40-foot platform and was capable of various types of batch operations under vacuum or pressure. Most of the system parameters developed in the laboratory were further tested in the MSU. Test samples were eventually produced in the MSU from East and West Coast hake, ocean pout, alewife, Alaskan pollock, Atlantic and Qui f menhaden and even beef (BFC)" Samples were also prepared from various dehydrated products of menhaden: fish meal, presscake, HTM meal, HTM centrifuge cake and flash-dried menhaden. Most engineering data was obtained for hake and menhaden. 5.3.5 problem Areas As indicated by the above discussions, research and development on FPC by IPA extraction can not be considered complete. Some parts of the system have received considerable attention, but more work is necessary in the less extensively studied areas. Moreover, during the course of the program new problems became apparent as unresolved parts of the system were studied. Among the most significant problem.s remaining were those in the areas of lipid recovery and waste treatment. Lipid Recovery Detailed work on lipid recovery was not conducted during the early phases of the FPC program because it had little economic consequence in processing non-oily species of fish such as hake. However, as increasing consideration was given to processing oily species such as menhaden and anchovy, the recovery of lipids became an important factor in determining the cost associated with the processing of FPC. 1.5-12 when comminuted fish is contacted with alcohol a large porfion of the oil can be removed by simple physical means. That is, when the fish/lPA slurry is separated into a solid and liquid fraction by either centrifuga- tion or pressing, a separate oil-rich phase may appear in the liquid efflu- ent. Subsequent extractions, howey,er, remove oil from the solids by solu- bilizing it into the alcohol. To recover oil in the IPA process, it then becomes necessary to separate it from the alcohol in the miscella. In addition (because of the mutual solubility of alcohol in oil), residual al- cohol must also be removed from the recovered oil and returned to the proc- ess. Laboratory work showed that a high quality oil can be prepared from fish processed by the IPA process. This oil can be distinctly superior to oil prepared in typical fish meal operations because it has been exposed to less heating and oxidation. Insufficient operating time and problems with existing plant equipment in the EDP, however, prevented further scaled-up testing and economic evaluation on oil recovery processing and characteri- zation of the oil for food or industrial use. Waste Effluents Only preliminary studies were made on the treatment of waste effluents from an FPC plant. These studies were done in conjunction with actual plant operations at the EDP at Aberdeen, Washington. Laboratory studies were provided in support of EDP efforts in this area. The major sources of waste effluents from the plant were identified from the following areas of plant operation: (1) Still bottoms from the alcohol recovery distillation unit (2) plant cleanup water, particularly that water used to keep the area around the deboner free of fish wastes, etc. (3) Waste brine from the fish holding tanks (A) Pvun-off water from the fish conv'eyors These effluents were normally discharged untreated into the local municipal waste treatment system, but occasionally caused a serious overload. Laboratory tests showed that the still bottoms were the major source of objectionable materials in the plant waste effluents. This effluent stream sometimes contained about 5.0 percent total solids, of which 40 percent wore classified as lipids. The 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of this stream frequently exceeded 80,000 ppm. When such high loads were dis- charged into the municipal sewer system, they responded very poorly to 1.5-13 primary treatment and clarification, causing serious foaming because of the high phospholipid content of the effluent stream. The aqueous and brine effluents depended on the fish processing load and related cleanup water used. They were composed mainly of nitrogenous components with a BOD range from 2,000 to 13,000 ppm. Laboratory tests showed that the treatment of still bottoms by classi- cal alum-lime treatments could reduce the BOD load by over 70 percent. The foaming characteristics of the effluents were destroyed by this treatment. Other treatments consisted of dissolving small quantities of sodium hexametaphosphate (less than 0.1%) in the aqueous plant effluents and then combining these treated effluents with the acidified still bottoms. This treatment produced a flock (easily removed by centrifugation) that reduced the nitrogenous compounds in the waste stream by 90 percent and the BOD level by 80 percent. This waste treatment work was never developed into a demonstrable work- ing unit and further work is indicated. 5.3.6 product Modification A considerable amount of work has been done under contract and by NMFS on modification of IPA-extracted FPC and has been reported in other sections. While pos tproduction modifications are highly desirable and justified for many applications, more research is needed on relatively simple modifications to tlie basic process to produce, for example, a more wettable, less dusty product. Bleaching can also be accomplished at the same time. Although water dispersion followed by spray drying has been investigated, this neces- sitates a high evaporative load approaching that of the basic process and it is costly. 5.4 OTHER FPC PROCESSES By 1968 the preparation of FPC by various solvent extraction systems (IPA and other solvents) had been evaluated to the point where their virtues and weak points were apparent. The major advantages of solvent processes were that: (1) organoleptically acceptable FPC could be produced in higher yield and therefore at lovvcr projected costs than FPC prepared by biological processes and (2) the nutritional (}uality of the FPC was higher (approximately equivalent to the raw material) than that produced by biological methods. 1.5-14 The negative aspects of solvent extraction systems were the unsolved problem of effective, efficient oil recovery and the lack of functional properties of the FPC solvent extraction of whole, raw fish. Economics dictated that an efficient process for use with fatty fish should produce both a high quality FPC and a utilizable oil. Functionality was not con- sidered critical for FPC to be used solely as a nutritional supplement. However, the lack of functional properties could be a deterrent to the full utilization and potential usefulness of FPC in various foods. This is particularly true in the U. S. where food manufacturers blend ingredients to complement one another and to achieve the characteristics desired by consumers. Although from 1963 on most laboratory research was directed toward the successful development of the IPA process to produce FPC for use as a protein supplement, alternate processes for preparing functional FPCs con- tinued to be investigated. At the laboratory level, biological (enzymatic) and aqueous-solvent processes were primarily studied. Some work was also done on an HTM process, 5.4,1 Biological Processes Biological processes can be divided into two categories: (1) those using enzymes to solubilize (hydrolyze) the proteinaceous tissues of fish in water and thereby releasing the lipid and bone fractions, and (2) those using microorganisms to convert the fish protein or lipids for use as a nutrient substrate. An attractive feature of the latter method is that selected microorganisms can use the lipids as a carbon source to produce additional amounts of protein. During the early phases of work on biological processes, over 400 micro- organisms were screened for their suitability as fermentation agents for the biological production of FPC, Organisms selected for detailed study were those showing high lipolytic activity for converting lipids into nonprotein nitrogen and protein. The results of this study indicated that two strains of Geotrichum candidum and one strain of Candida lipolyticus offered the best possibility for FPC preparation, FPC was prepared by biological processes using the above organisms. Evaluation of these processes indicated conversion of the lipids to protein wa<; not quantitative. With fatty fish, oil conversion often did not exceed 60 percent. 1.5-15 Freshly prepared FPC made by the biological process generally had good flavor and odor characteristics, but during storage flavor and odor reversion (development of objectionable odors and flavors) were often noted. In addition, research at the Seattle laboratory showed that sterilizing the raw fish prior to inoculation with the lipolytic organisms was difficult, with the resulting possibility of growth of other organisms during the fermentation step. A limited amount of work was also done with the organism Rhizopus oligosporus . This organism liberates a powerful antioxidant during its growing cycle. Efforts to produce storage-stable FPCs using this organism, however, were never satisfactorily demonstrated, and work on fermentation processes utilizing microorganisms was terminated in 1971. Considerably more success was achieved in preparing FPC by utilizing enzymes to hydrolyze the proteins so that they could be separated from the lipid and bone fractions. Using commercially available proteolytic enzyraes, an extensive study was made on various processing conditions for preparation of FPC. The nutritional characteristics and yields of the FPCs prepared by enzymic processes were generally quite inferior to those prepared by IPA extraction. This was due_ to the loss of tryptophan and histidine that were bound in the insoluble sludges formed by enzymic methods. However, an alkaline protease of Bacillus subtilis did release sufficient tryptophan and histidine into the resulting hydrolysate (protein fraction) so that the protein efficiency ratios (PERs) of the FPC were equivalent to casein. FPCs prepared by enzymic methods, while being soluble, were not bland because they are composed of amino acids and low molecular weight peptides. Although this characteristic would not hamper their use as a nutritional Supplement in certain types of foods such as soups and gravies, their use in many other types of foods would be restricted. 5,4.2 Aqueous-Solvent Processes In 1968, the Seattle laboratory began investigations on a promising process that used water washes on the insolubilized protein to remove the major portion of the lipids followed by solvent to remove residual lipids to produce an organoleptically stable FPC. This process utilized sodium hexametaphosphate to insolubilize the fish proteins and thus prevent the loss of protein during the water extraction step. Residual lipids were removed by extracting the insoluble proteins (presscake) with IPA. FPC 1.5-16 prepared by this method was organoleptically stable, nutritionally equiva- lent to FPC prepared by the IPA process and displayed several functional properties. In addition, oil recovery presented no problems because it was recovered from the aqueous washes employing currently available technology. A public service patent was granted on the process in August 1971. More recent work in this area showed that the presscake prepared by the fore- going process could be stabilized against microbiological and oxidative deterioration for 30 days at 20*^C. Stabilization of the presscake was ac- complished by the addition of sodium metabisulf ite and a mixture of anti- oxidants (propyl gallate and butylated hydroxytoluene) during processing. The stored presscake could then be processed into FPC with acceptable or- ganoleptic properties and no loss of nutritional properties. 5.4.3 Other processes The heat transfer method (HTM) of vacuum drying a comminuted slurry of fish in fish oil followed by various degrees of oil removal by centrifuga- tion and pressing has been patented and commercially developed. Research into its applicability as a preprocessing step was begun at NMFS but was discontinued because of other priorities. Additional biological or solvent extraction processing would be necessary to produce an acceptable FPC. Extraction research with different solvents, mixed solvents, use of cooked fish, pH modification and prewashing did not indicate any signifi- cant improvements that would justify modifications to the basic IPA process. Later work with low temperature extraction of lean fish with isopropyl al- cohol shov;od im.provements in functionality of the FPC but neu methods of low temperature desolventizing had not been satisfactorily developed. Other priorities replaced this work. 1.5-17 SECTION 6 PRODUCTION PROCESSES 6.1 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The general conclusions that can be drauTi regarding the technical and economic feasibility of producing FPC are based in part on work done at the Experiment and Demonstration plant (EDP), built under contract, by NMFS at Aberdeen, Washington. The purpose of the EDP was to test extraction of fish by isopropyl alcohol under various engineering conditions on a semiworks scale. There wore several objectives envisioned for EDP operations; a num- ber of these were fulfilled in the course of these operations. 6.1.1 Accomplishments of the EDP ' One of the primary objectives of the plant was to demonstrate the en- IPA extraction of fish (originally lean fish — pacific hake--although fatty species, menhaden and anchovy, were also used). The counterrurrent extrac- tion process had been developed and tested at bench level and at the model- scale unit level. This process was brought up to semix-;orks at the EDP and was proven feasible. Specific accomplishments of EDP operations were as follows: (1) Continuous, multistage extraction was effectively demonstrated at the semiworks scale. Although there were repeated inter- ruptions in operations caused by technical problems, these indicated and emphasized the necessity for a high degree of reliability and capability of controlling the subprocesses and components of the total process. (2) The EDP was able to produce sizable quantities of FPC of a high quality, meeting specifications set forth by the Food and Drug Administration. Although not as much FPC was produced as had been originally anticipated, the ED? was- able to provide 1.6-1 enough of the product for use m large-scale feeding and product evaluation studies both domestically and abroac^. (3) Despite the sometimes erratic operation of the plant, useful scale-up data was obtained for expanding operations to a commercial scal^. (4) Many production problems were identified; most of these were resolved or significant insights acquired toward their reso- lution. (5) Although little concrete economic data was obtained which would be directly applicable to commercial operation, a better per- spective was achieved in this area. Neither economic nor engineering design data are sufficiently complete for the design and construction of a large FPC plant. If this is desired, then these data must be obtained at the pilot plant level. There are no insurmountable technical problems. The two most critical problems remaining in the process desigif are in the desolventizing and waste treatment systems. If a high fat fish is to be processed and high quality oil to be produced, then more pilot plant work , is required in this area also. Many ffeel that neither the present nor possi- ble future value of oil warrants the additional capital investment that might be required in a commercial plant. Less critical problems exist in the areas of fish storage, centrifugal decanter sizing, mill selection and sizing, and solvent recovery system design (including solvent deodorization) . These could be reasonably overcome by overdesign. 6.1.2 Reconimendations The recommended approach to the design and construction of a large com- mercial plant would be to design and construct a prototype pilot plant to process 300 to 600 pounds of fish per hour and to operate this at the desired location on the specific species of fish to be used. All major design prob- lems could then be reasonably resolved to permit the design of a large com- mercial scale plant. Heretofore most considerations have been given to eventually building a large FPC plant capable of processing hundreds of tons of fish into a low- cost product daily. This approach would permit the supplying of significant quantities of high quality animal protein to supplement human nutritional 1.6-2 deficiencies. Alternatively, it is recommended that consideration be given to the construction of a moderate-sized commercial plant (possibly batch), capable of producing several tons of FPC per day and operating in conjunc- tion with a large, food-fish processing plant, to produce FPC for use in higher value speciality markets such as health foods, medically controlled diets and pharmaceuticals. The associated food-fish plant would be capable of supplying any amount of fish required for this operation as well as main- tenance, supervision, laboratory control, by-product and waste processing and disposal, product storage, shipping and marketing. It is believed that this approach could result in a profitable operation, be self-supporting and supply a basis and information for future expansion. 6.2 ED? PRODUCTION 6.2.1 Background of the EDP Establishment The construction and operation of a semiworks experiment and demonstra- tion plant was an important step in a logical sequence of development toward bringing FPC to production on a commercial scale. The EDP was the testing ground for further evaluation of the various subprocesses of FPC production established by the laboratory and MSU work. In 1965 the National Academy of Sciences passed a resolution recommend- ing that the Federal Government expand the research work on FPC by establish- ing a suitable pilot plant facility, capable of producing 10 tons of FPC per day. This resolution reflected a high level of interest by various compo- nents of the fishing industry and other food interests. Congress favored governmental sponsorship of such a plant to reduce private investment risk, to develop a market for FPC and to provide adequate quantities of FPC for human feeding studies. Accordingly, the EDP was authorized by Public Law 89-701, which was signed into law on November 2, 1966. The stated objec- tive of PL 89-701 was to develop practical and economical means of FPC production for use by the U.S. fishing industry. Following the tentative selection of a contractor (Ocean Harvesters, Inc.) for the design and construction of a semiworks plant, it became evi- dent that the financial allocations of PL 89-701 were inadequate. An amend- ment, PL 90-549, secured ir^ October 1968, reduced the number of plants from tv>/o to one and diverted available funds for construction and operation of that plant. The contract was then let to Ocean Harvesters, Inc. T.6-3 prior to the design and construction of a serniworks scale plant a pilot plant was originally planned by NMFS to further refine the laboratory proc- esses, plans were completed in 1967 for building such a plant, referred to as the modified model scale unit (MMSU) , to accommodate up to 300 pounds of raw material per hour. Contracts were let to design and build the MMSU and . to develop an engineering economic model to assist in evaluating the capital investment and processing costs. However, work on the MMSU was halted prior to completion, based on a decision that such a pilot plant was an unnecessary expenditure of time and money in light of the impending EDP. All inhouse engineering effort was subsequently devoted to evaluation of the contractor's design and operation of the EDP. plant operations commenced at the EDP in March, 1971 and continued for some 14 months with various interruptions. During this period much of the engineering and analytical work in the laboratory was focused toward solving production problems which arose in the EDP, developing modified processes and adapting the established lean fish process to accommodate fatty fish. Design The EDP was originally designed for the IPA extraction of FPC from lean fish. Subsequent modifications were necessary to permit limited experimental fatty fish processing. The proposed preliminary process design of the contractor deviated con- siderably from that of NMFS (at the time, the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries), The NMFS process design was based on a continuous-flow, multistage extraction process using centrifugal decanters as the liquid-solids separator at each stage. This was the method used in the MSU to prepare samples and conduct process studies. The contractor proposed and demonstrated the use of vi- brating screens and presses as a means of liquid-solids separation. The contractor's design was accepted as representing a lower potential capital investment and possible time savings in plant construction. The design and operation phases of the Ocean Harvesters, Inc., contract were : (1) Batch pilot plant process development (2) process design (3) plant design ('0 Construction I.6-A (5) Start-up (6) Lean fish (hake) processing operations (7) Modifications (8) Fatty fish (menhaden and anchovy) processing operations (9) Shut-down Objectives of the EDP Major objectives to be fulfilled by successful operation of the EDP were envisioned as follows: (1) Demonstration and evaluation of a continuous multistage process for FPC (using IPA) at the semiworks scale. (2) production of sizable quantities of FPC (for use in human feeding studies) meeting FDA specifications and applicable standards of other countries. (3) Stimulation of industry participation by development of engineer- ing scale-up data, including economic estimates, for use by in- dustry in the design and construction of commercial-scale FPC production plants. (A) Identification and resolution of processing problems not evident at laboratory -or pilot plant level; function as a testing ground for process modifications. (5) provision of personnel training and experience for possible fu- ture demonstration plants, domestic and foreign. 6.2.2 EDP processing pre-design Research The basis for FPC production in the EDP was provided by the several years of product research and evaluation at the bench and pilot plant scale, both by NMFS and by contractors. At the time of contract award to Ocean Harvesters for the design, construction and operation of the EDP, the solvent extraction process had not been adequately defined. Various subprocesses required fur- ther work for scale-up to a semiworks plant. Ocean Harvesters conducted further pre-plant design development work in several subprocesses, including comminution, deboning, screen/press separation of liquids and solids, de- solventizing, milling and solvent recovery. In addition to producing data necessary to scale-up the process design, another objective of the above work was the evaluation of various types of equipment for potential plant use. 1.6-5 FPC Subprocesses The following descriptions detail the stops involved in processing fish into FPC in the EDP. Fish procurement Most of the fish processed in the plant were obtained by contract from three trawlers equipped with midwater trawling gear and refrigerated sea water equipment for holding the fish prior to delivery. Additional fish, either iced or frozen, were shipped in by truck for special purposes of equip- ment testing or to supply fish not locally available. Fish Unloading, Storage and Refrigeration Fresh fish unloading was accomplished by a vacuum system commonly used by fish reduction plants. The fish were rinsed with fresh water, inspected by a U.S. Government fish inspector, measured volumetrically and conveyed to storage. Ocean Harvesters designed a brine storage system for fresh fish. This storage system required a subsystem for making brine, refrigeration and fish storage tanks . Fish preparation Deboning of some species of fish was necessary in order to reduce the fluoride content of the FPC Although bone may be removed before or after extraction, the greatest success had been obtained by use of meat/bone sepa- rators on fresh fish. This deboning approach was selected and resulted in sufficient comminution. Extraction Extraction was accomplished in the EDP by contacting the comminuted fish with hot azeotropic isopropyl alcohol for up to a maximum of thirty minutes in a jacketed vessel with a turbine agitator. Separation of the solids from the liquid was accomplished by pumping the hot mixture of fish and alcohol over a fine mesh, vibrating screen. The wet solids were further reduced in liquid content by pressing before being discharged to the next stage of extraction or to desolventizing. Only three stages of counter- current extraction were required when using a 2:1 soivent-to-f ish ratio for fish containing less than 6 percent lipids. Many operating problems were encountered with the use of screens and presses (see Section 6.3). A centrifugal decanter was later installed for evaluation. 1.6-6 Do s ol von ti zinc/ Drying Desolventization was achieved in the EUP in a four-stage, continuous, , »» jacketed dryer. Steam was introduced in the tirst and second stages counter- current to the flow of solids. A small amount of air was introduced counter- current to the solids in the third and fourth stages. Considerable difficul- ties were experienced in consistantly removing residual traces of solvent to below 250 ppm. Milling Following the desolventization phase, the dried solid concentrate was milled by an impact mill with an internal classifier and a product collector. Modifications to this mill were necessary to effect the desired particle size. Moisture content of the solid concentrate had to be kept below 7 per- cent to avoid jamming or overloading of the mill. Solvent and Oil Recovery The solvent effluent (miscella) contains alcohol, water, lipids, soluble protein, salts and fine suspended fish solids. These fine suspended solids were removed by centrifugation to prevent excessive fouling and foaming in the distillation column. The fines thus separated (sludge) contained a high percentage of lipids and solvent. Solvent was recovered from the sludge by stripping with steam and the fines discarded as waste. Alcohol was recovered by distillation and concentrated to approximately 90 percent by volume (azeotrope is 91% by volume). The remaining water, solu- bles and lipids, from the bottom of the still, were discarded. When high fat content fish such as anchovy or menhaden were processed, the miscella consisted of three phases: oil (containing solvent), alcohol (containing proteins, lipids, minerals and water), and dispersed solids (con- sisting of protein and lipids). A three-phase centrifuge was used to clarify the miscella, remove an oily phase and remove an oily sludge. Because of the high alcohol content of the miscella, the oil phase was the heavier of the two liquid phases. Oil was salvaged for sale but the oily sludge was wasted. Additional development work is necessary in this area in order to design an efficient recovery system. Waste Water Treatment Waste water effluents from the plant consisted of waste brine, wash water from fish and equipment, aqueous sludge from th? centrifuge after steam stripping to remove alcohol and aqueous effluent from the bottom of 1.6-7 the still. These effluents were screened (tangential and vibratjing screens), skimmed of oil and light solids in a skimming tank and finally subjected to a dissolved air flotation system. This treatment removed considerable soli4s and oil from the effluent but had "no significant effect on dissolyed solids and little impact on BOD because of the high amount of dissolved organic solids.. 6.3 PROBLEM AREAS /RECOMMENDED WORK During the operational stages of the EDP (March 1971 through May 1972) various operating and process design deficiencies were encountered. Some plant modifications were made during that period both to improve operation and to modify the plant to permit processing of fatty fish. It became ob- vious that extensive modification of the plant and process were necessary in order to achieve extended, trouble-free operation and production of an acceptable product. During the summer of 1972, NMFS contracted with a private engineering firm, p/E Development Company (PEDCO), to assist in a review and evaluation of the plant and to develop specifications and cost estimates to modify the plant for further operation and processing of high fat fish. The following dlGCuGGicn highlights seme cf the major problems identi- fied by PEDCO and offers several proposed solutions. 6.3.1 Storage The storage system of holding hake in chilled brine was only partially satisfactory. The fish handling system proved to be too destructive of the soft-fleshed fish, resulting in leaching of protein into the brine. Protein losses were significant after 2- or 3-days-. storage. The high fat and protein content of the used brine also presented a serious disposal problem. Freezing, although not economical for commercial application, was rec- ommended during further operation of the EDP on menhaden from the Gulf. Alternative methods could be dry refrigerated storage or preprocessing, such as partial dehydration by cooking and pressing followed by temporary preservation with alcohol. More investigation was required. 6.3.2 Fish preparation Deboning of fresh or thawed, chopped or whole fish was not completely resolved in the EDP. None of the deboners tested in the EDP demonstrated adequate reliability, efficiency of separation or sanitation. New deboners have been reported since.' EDP shutdown; these need to be subjected to pro- duction testing. 1.6-8 Dry deboning methods offer an alternative, but, again, more investi- gation is needed before a valid evaluation can be made of such processes. 6.3.3 Extraction Extraction in the EDP was a complex, multistage system with many in- terdependent unit operations. FPC production would be greatly expedited by combining these operations into a single countercurrent extractor. Such a system would resolve many of the problems identified in the extraction subprocess. Objectives in FPC extraction which were not achieved during EDP opera- tions were: (1) The optimum range of time for all stages of extraction was not determined for all species likely to be processed. Extraction contact times would probably be best investigated at pilot plant level, since the time factor will vary with the size of the plant. The experimental plants should be designed so that contact times can be varied up or down at least 50 percent from the best estimates. (2) Optimum removal of free oil in the first stages was not achieved. Extraction efficiency will be improved if free oil can be removed more completely during the first stage. One method of removal was given limited laboratory testing: a dip weir ring was installed just ahead of the liquid discharge from the decanter centrifuge bowl to direct the removal of liquid from the bottom of the cylin- drical pool in the decanter bowl. Since free oil is the heavier of the two liquid phases of the miscella, it should be removed preferentially. No improvement was evident when the weir ring vias used in a small laboratory machine, and no comparative runs with the weir ring were made in the EDP. The method is promising, but re- quires more complete testing. Other means of free oil removal should be sought as well . (3) Optimum interstage separation of finely divided solids from the miscella was not achieved. The use of screens and presses in the EDP proved unsatisfactory because of a high degree of fines loss through the screens and frequency of screen fouling and breakage. Both the NMFS and the PEOCO follow-up studies recommended replace- ment of screen and ptress separators with decanter centrifuges. The centrifuges proved superior in separating fine solids from 1.6-9 miscella both at laboratory and pilot plant level. However, even with the decanter added to the first stage in the EDP, from 0.2 to 1.0 percent of solids by volume remained in the first miscella. This level would have to be reduced. (A) Interstage slurry transfer and regulation needed improvement. The interstage slurry transfer pumps v^/ith the recycle controls, as recommended in the PEDCO study, should do the job of level control- ling satisfactorily, but the system is both costly and complex. Efforts should be made to develop an alternative approach. 6.3.4 Miscella Clarification and Oil Recovery These is an intrinsic limitation in the EDP method of oi.l removal from miscella: in centrifugal separation of an oil phase from the solvent phase^ the zone of operation is narrow with high oil loss on either side. If the IPA content is increased, the solubility of oil in the miscella will also increase, and the centrifuge can remove this dissolved oil. If the IPA content is decreased, the specific gravity of the miscella will become too close to that of the fish oil phase and the centrifuge will again fail to ef- fect separation. Even the best operations in the EDP resulted in oil residuals in the miscella of 0.25 to 0.5 percent by volume. This oil uLt.'atus> problerfis in the still, as well as waste disposal difficulties. The oil itself is degraded by the heat treatment in the IPA still . The problem of specific gravity was brought under control, in the en- gineering review study, by using excess IPA and a small amount of water. Adding a large excess of water to convert the miscella to the heavier liquid phase would solve many problems, but, this would be too costly in terms of additional load on the still. Another approach could possibly be better and needs to be investigated. The oil could be removed by centrifugation of a liquid stream taken from the second or third plate belov^; the column feed in the still. The exposure to column temperatures may be short enough to avoid degradation of the oil and oil would definitely be kept out of the reboiler isfhere most damage is done. There would also be some stripping of IPA out of the oil in such a system. The removal of IPA from the oil produced by methods used in the labora- tory has as yet to be accomplished in a pilot plant. A countorcurrent wash with water has been successful at bench scale in the laboratory, but it has not been tried in pilot scale equipment or in a continuous manner. 1.6-10 6.3.5 DGSolventizing and Drying The drying operation at the EDP was an unstable source of too much off- standard product. These sources of instability would be corrected by niodi^* fications recommended in the PEDCO review, but the revised system has yet to be tested. At this point, the remaining problems are of an engineering nature and very little will be gained from further laboratory testing of the current techniques. 6.3.6 Dry Milling Dry milling requires further design. In the EDP operation, the FPC was not coming out of the process at a constant moisture content. The energy of the impact mill overdries the solids duri.ng mil.ling, whereas feeding the mill wetter material to compensate this only jams the mill. Moisture adjustment of the milled solids or changes in milling equipment are required. 6.3.7 Solvent Recovery There are many divergent viewpoints on solvent recovery which have not been resolved. The major controversies involve oil recovery, odor removal and column control. The control problems are not too serious, since there is plenty of expertise available from the petroleum derivative industry to Ldckle that dLed., Ouul LtiiiiuvcLl iLuiii IPA iiicty uuu evtii bt; utiCtiSsaLy. D'-^ijI" ventizing as performed in the EDP deodorized the product even though the recovered IPA was heavily laden with odor compounds. The changes in the dryers and strippers as recommended by tlie engineering review study may trap and recycle these odor compounds back into the process. This can be answered only through actual pilot operation on a continuous basis. 6.3.8 Waste Water Treatment A satisfactory solution to the treatment of plant effluents was not accomplished during the operation of the EDP. The effluents from a plant modified according to the engineering review study would be greatly reduced in volume and biological oxygen demand. Whenever a plant is built in this country, the effluents must be under control from the start. One of the most practical alternatives to resolving the remaining problems in this area would be to build a pilot plant small enough that its wastes can be tolerated in a local sewer system, then develop the most economical treatment system to make the effluents acceptable in public waterways. 1.6-11 m^S FPC Z3Z o- «raC m hJ ^ — 1 g C3 w r/i o CO <-3 «^ rc: 1 — ' CI CO ** t5 LaJ CD X CJ ^ o •r-l ^ ^ 4-lf ^ ^ M M M H-l u p u as td m o to td 10 CO PUI P4 fU P4 PM f— c «« CO 60 •H 60 60 60 CD (U (U to r-l i-l 1-1 O O •rH o O o u CJ Q o O o "rt « u o •rl •r^ V4 U 2 3: 1 o 1 ^ f— •r-l >M to -t: ■H U o o tj O •r^ •r4 —J U to 60 CO CO t-> 0) C O =3 0) 3 4-1 o /-I O. K 'c CO 1 o •r4 4-) -a •H CO o O CO tu 4J •xi hJ O CO X) o (U ♦ • 0) j:: u u •a •» 4J to fu •H u 1-4 •H •H c ►^ CO C P4 r-4 t3 o 3 c e UJ to t-l 4J 0) o •H ■ x: ^ •H J_ C 4-) O 1-4 r-l u tU CM < o o VD ' O vO c M A4 C\ c a o^ c fs •H ^^ ' r-l •r-l 0) 1-1 o 4J •* >-l •r^ •H to • o (0 0) u ■-1 iJ to •r4 <-) "4-1 a to c 3 e ^ CO C c C lO E •z C b^ ccT g CJ c 1 cu O IS CD & o j: 1-1 o • o g o f-< u 60 1-1 rC w ^ r-l to 1-1 • • t-l • u > o g to CSJ tu '^ -l 3 " T^ 1 -H •r-l J.J u c to to 4) 60 CM -C • 7-^ « c to < u • u «; O n to eii o M ^1 iJ 01 4-1 1-1 ') b •r4 x: b *,: a o c c o n c o 1 o 1 § o .« ^ UJ pi OJ v-/ -a o V— ' 4J u 0) o *^^ X. H ^^ -H o "n "^ (J i-> u c D c u •r^ 1 ^4 •H c p= 1 a) c c Oi C •rJ o •rH OJ fl4 0) I-l CO "'(U w 4J iJ •H r-l 3 •r4 3 V4 ^ U D 1-4 0) 4J U -r^ r^ o U to o ^ Si o o tu O to Vj o to 60 u to u to •r^ rH to Du C N —1 (^ a. )^ PU cu 00 PLi Pu o b4 &4 C S « fl Ci^ fi^ x: ,-s C »-l •r-l M O • u • o .c W -H J= • (U x: • • ^ «: o X- ttJ (U to is to to Di g •to a! x: ■ a. U) (1) •r-l •r^ g •r-i to S . -IS ■r^ • rrrr r-2 1 — t-o f--) »- -^ *Fr ilZ ■5c •J: CZ3 X ><; t-3 ril """* O OJ o o •r^ •^^ y-l ^ -^ J4 A! 14-1 U-J yr Vj u U 14-1 ITS O (fl (TJ (tf ti o C3 P-. Q-, PU tu 1 — C c ■»^ O CJ 0 CO 00 CO •H C3 M .-4 1-1 •-I 1-4 > •H O o o o •H Q O u o o Q (0 0) •H . . Jj 0) ^ (0 •H 60 Pl4 C ^-s a: •1-1 w TJ CJ 4-1 fl4 tJ 1— 0) "^^ CO 0} _i a V4 Tt en 3 Q V^ CO i ^ ■^ 3) a 60 r-4 <; *4.J A d o a nJ C 1-1 o o ti o •r^ c CO o n) 4-l Ci3 •W " • «« o ^ Q fq n o o •S & o D • e 4-1 E ti OJ "^ a p a s 2 C B c ^ ^ a (y) u -o 0) 4-1 E u *J ■■ p o « >. 1-^ O E A o p - § •0 )-l CO (1) C CU U ca CO M CO }* to CJ Q) a, to V5 w CM X 00 Ph CO p4 ei V4 ^ c OJ 4-1 c ^N c _ /-^ C Q> «9 j:: M -H OS • u JZ ' •H X en -H Si yi .M u Da Fis N>IF ear o o CO <; M CO ^ Vj <5 & J-" CO 2 04 * u a, •r-l CO •H ^ CO fa fe; cu :'-' ^- CO c CL, • o V o C3 •rH CO tiO •H bO •rl C3 W Q l-« l-l o o > •i-t Q <4-< o u c :e 0) cr> s t— w Vi t3 •oc to OJ o- ttf Zj >-l (U i-i ca 00 Q (U i=3 c *-s o f^ o o W5 • c CO l-l Pu, H «4-l O CO u :3 o (U n >^ 4) u s-l 4-i u oc 4) c «k > cfl o f: o 0) (-1 >-l u T* u 4-1 r^ \D w v-l C •H •H vO T) iH o P ■ 4-) a^ . 4J p u c -l jr u C 0) o A 4) <: 4J 4J ^>> 4-i 4J to 0) o c c c 4) C n - u a o o n CM w o •l-l 4-1 1-1 CO (U •l-l 4J to 4-1 u V Of 1-1 0) u o •H CO 4J U o «\ Pm hJ • • c cu 4-1 o 4J t-l O 5 O < o <: % 5 II. 1-3 cv. •a: Dc: CO ^ c-D cd — 1 ^ OJl W ca o r -» O. ►— ' '■"" ■■ ' ■' ■ ■ ' C-> -< ex: t— X to oo «=c 2£ _j CC CD X X X X C_> X ^ JH ^ CI a. ^-1 03 03 03 CJ Q (11 tn H fS 1 "4-1 03 03 00 C •H 00 4J CJ 3 •0 U Pi 03 x: 60 r^ •^^ 60 C •H V4 . . 03 ^ C to oo u r— < OS 1 1 03 OO > S-1 S^ C^ Oi 1 C o O zz> • . X) ^ en 4J p^ r^ ■r^ Q (U r^ C c ■^^ C U^ 00 CO 14-1 c o ^ 03 o ^ 03 , ^ 03 CO 03 ^ 1—1 03 /^N •H t) O N-^ o v-^ U >-l Nw^ U "v-^ •r^ CO r. •-^ CJ ,^-N . * u ^-( 0) r— 1 CJ 01 1^-N < o b C U.I W u OO CM OJ ^ »• CN jn CO rsi 1-1 03 O U. m C ^ — ' ^- «** dJ J:^ e U •H 1 r% •H *^ 1 Xi *» •M •r4 UJ ^^ > •o 0) >i 03 >> > 03 Ft. p: p a u ^-^ 0) iJ ^«^ Oi 4J oc >^ c t.( 4J v-^ 00 d U .r o u o o o o u i^ r-< f= u )-i c (J (-1 r— 1 14 r-l c r-l U 03 V-l r-l CO •rJ ■-0 0) CJ P4 01 O P4 O 4_) • Pi -H 03 •4-1 •r-l Ci. •1-1 X) t/i TD C c CO ^ C CJ -0 c o u re >. 01 x: >^ .c x: j: j=; x: Vj >, x: ri 1—1 c u to c u CO o CJ • CO 0) c D Pi oj <: C/2 o. •r-l CO 03 •H 03 a, ;j 0) ■H F CO 03 03 C U. H Ci4 H t- H tl4 E H OJ • o 1 • M > 1 • >-i a; •w o i ro >-H r-l - =1= ex. tC cc CO CO I CO C-9 w 1 — CJ "J. ceL h- OO CI Lj i»_ C3 >< X <-:> t.i OJ (U 1) o o u •rH 'H •r^ **-( U-l IH j« X ^ U-l IM U-( u u M o O O J!> ti TO 04 fu P-i H^ c c B «: o o O 0 00 60 .-1 05 W CO (U CI 0) u •H •W •H r-4 r-l r-l 4-1 > > > l-l r-l i-l TO •H •r^ f-l O O O (U o Q Q u o O CO u lU f-l u — J •rl CO => a. 4-> u a to o a • o o r-l o •r-l X) •H 4-1 TO r-l . en r-l TO c 1 4J r-l CO U o TO I (-1 » 6 Si o 1 O" en «— k C C g u in 1 (P o .• O C p-l CM x: rx; u CJ •'>• o TO 60 ''^ CD c >, > (J • • •H CT» o c r-t « 4J ^-\ P^ J^ P^ o •H 3 to n s_^ CM v--- «X c 4J v-/ T-I CO > r-l A (^ U< o TO u c G V4 fU C » to to 4-l & J3 u •r^ C >-) •- 1 c in c (0 2 'u c o ^ ^ Oi Vj (U l-l 0) 1 M OJ o g 0) 4J • OJ 6 Lcl o l-l o 0) v_x M-i J= <■"• x: o H x: 0) ..J r^ <4-l 60 v-/ a) 0] o to CO to &4 to 4J :**- O o x: c D u •H |E •rH « u Vj (/) 1-1 o » o M Wi 01 en td • • r-l TO •a TO S a. o c c >-l Oi TO a x: -H to 4) -H tu Oi u CO n PU 60 Pk O • u u r-l C O u u TO •r-l /-N C 1— 1 5 C P o; tH U cd OJ TO OJ O • T3 x: CO -H — ; " •r^ O to Q. 0) CU 3 CL 3 en O TO CT 2 CO CL. C o u ON OS cc: C3 (« D U w Oi o (^ >4-l o 4-1 c w M 01 ■r-1 tJ" u c OJ ■H a (/) w to CJ (U o F o o Vj C/3 fu CO 2 U < O 2 •u rj o U 4-1 O rO 4-1 t-1 O o. (1) CU o I-H o c o H •u •a o o o o Cb U4 c c 03 -.-1 R -I CO ffi 3 4) V4 •H o > CO Ci (0 a u tL4 o 03 CJ CO - Oj t-< >. W r^ n) fO T3 • -3 i-i p 3: " EH w >< 3 o .. ^ Cn /-\ flj 00 4J • 1 • CO W 1^ CO • n 4J S en t CO CO 1-1 0) u .-t « 4J •r^ c 4J to (U CO en c • v4 •H M [i- (U •-) u i-< o « 03 u .-; -r^ PL. o M X C (U OJ >i 6 •H C fe • o O CJ o o < lo 5 CM en 5 o < «n o II. 1-6 cu en C3 en CO 1 — "^' " ' CJ «x X X X X t/0 CO -t s — i CD X * X X CJ s •r-l 01 a •iH •r-( 11 •r^ OJ •r^ ^ <4^ IM H-l ll-l t*-l .^ 3; u *H U-l l*-l n-l t-l •i-l T-l •rl •H r-l i-i > > > > > I-I ■H ■t-l •H •rH •r^ a Q Q Q uT (U •r^ U r-( 13 0) (U C 'r-l 4) u CM CO CC CD 1 — =3 u nj 00 c JZ « u u to 0) > JZ U) •r-l 14-1 v-^ 4-) •H N 4J 4-1 to . (U g • • OJ c 1 — ' li JZ u u C/5 ■^ -a c 4-1 ''^ 01 ni c c c: u .-1 c CO 3 •u M 1) > •r-l M M 0) I-I CM 4-) C Zi u y. > VJ 1— 1 > vj 0) OJ u 1 '~1 01 CO 6C c •r-i u Id Vj P-. v. C D Ul ■r^ « 4J to c c c 11 0. d) o. Q) D- •rH U] u m c 4J ^^ r— < G a •r^ m 1) § CO u in c a ^ u 01 1-1 ac JZ •H 1-1 i-i iM Vj CM to a> ty ci, u 01 D. tU O, CI- 'tI ca CO Ci x: 00 u u tr) >-i u C CM CJ CM ^ ID C J: CM x: -> CO to 0. 01 ca 21 m vO r» 00 ON t—t I fO rn ro <*i M H O a; o. CO 0) Q. o u x: CD o < II. 1-8 re o- •a: cxz eg ca 00 M H CO l-l oi u H U < a; H O Q O ►— t_> B X X X CO Cj3 -a: ^ ^j Li^ CO X QC CJ -rj: ^ ^ Ji! ^ n V4 U M 03 n) 01 f 2= On (ii4 Cli CLi CD 1— > /'^ (0 u-l ■H •— \ •r-l t) to t-4 , o ^4 CO a -H •r^ Cn 3 Cl, to Cn *^ 2 CD CO s-^ O f—A H > 4J •r4 CO ^ ^-^ O T^ K— O .—1 0) •H < •a: Vl x: CO 4J M e CD T3 01 CO •^ 3 to (U x: .-1 C c , U , u o • t^ CO o U^ CO H •r^ M Pm to u > 4J c (X, 00 -a to VD r; H 14-1 IjJ CO oJ C (U -CM •H O 3 C to 4-1 '-v 1 OJ «k (D- CO A CO c/j vc 4-1 u c ij 01 4J » (-1 P-. VO O 3 •r-l 3 ni M ^ "> 4-1 v; /^ J H O -J ■D ^ ■^ C/ >-< x^ a, j:: 4-) x: 4J x: 4J 0) ^^^ •■ u o to M 6 M CO O ^-^ c 0) ^ 4-1 OJ C o 0) 1-1 C • n o j-i c 4-) O M 4-1 XI o >-i -^ to tl) to tw to >. o ^ f— ^ w t§ U-l E 3 • on (O 3 LO -C CO vO (U O 0) O vD i) OJ O vD O d ' .-1 Co~ a\ r-H T—\ tr. f-4 X) ON XI •r^ r-l J3 , > a . I-I XI JO • f-H H QJ r43 •> Oi to w 4J a cu CO s CxJ to 4-1 o >, CD ■ r-4 ■A 3 •r4 O O C fj re 1 — W , 4-' to , V4 0) • 1-1 fc4 JJ nj kj c ►-5 to 4-1 ►J •> A4 (0 > CO c > CO to • -r^ «« 3 •H •• u <^ " x: s: E^ M u O 0) >-i cc u M to to til C (U 4-1 0) c c , c ^ >, to o >. u-l U) G CO d to c c o - "-:: 01 CO to i u 4-t o o U 01 .H (0 O , D. 4J OJ , Q. o . Q. o to o u. (5^ O •r-l ■r^ .n u •H i: c u •r-l c o u t-l ,— ( 4J t-i •r4 u OJ ?^ XI *c , u CO o , O 01 . o 1-1 EC ,_! Q to 3 Q to c 4-1 Q to 11 rt < tt Cu 3 CjT J=. 3 •r-l o 3 u-l to c u C CO to 4J £ C C to >-l T^ -r-l CI [i-i W o3 > t^ '^, •r-l 's to 2 ^4 to ^ ti ,, ^ CD E fi 0) x: B C C • 3 P= to N t3 to to N T3 u « M T3 1-1 -r^ Z: 4-) u 4-1 01 OJ c 4J OJ •r^ 4-1 >4-l V-i ^ o o V-i JS 14-1 U. w x: ty CO •> p o 3 10 c to 3 to o 3 to -1 c x: o i^ •r-l tl) --I l4-( a s: u^ 3 0) C ^ 3 to to oo < y-j tn D. IM K . 9. D. 14-1 •r4 D- ,? ° U-, •^ , C •r-l o C U-l 0) . c a, .rJ . . w u. u 13 Q u O '-^ :=) ■-U 4J CJ 3 c> -^ fA u V4 >-i VI I-I 13 <0 CO CO (0 CO a- a. 04 CUi a. a. cv, o >~ 32 o •u r^ f— 1 c^ t-l CO ,—1 v^ 4-1 •r-l CO o\ CO 1 — CO to 1-1 4J o •r^ • C3 c rH E > 4-1 —J CO OJ O OJ OQ u s •-^ c X u :=> w M >, X u 30 *» o. ■r-l 00 01 4-1 •r-l o 0) ■r4 c ■r^ CO iJ ■r^ o '/I H CQ 4J u OJ ,-< > S-l a; 0) u XI QJ TD c:; ij CO X P3 c > O 71 " 3 CO M ^ CO ■-J o x •r^ <-i o f— ( c Cl, /) CO 4-J a Ci. c (U CO o 01 u a CO a H •r-< C4-I u CO v^ 03 j: o u CO o 3 •r^ -U CO • 01 c ■c 0) •r^ -o M c ra CU re: \ JJ -J v^ ^-. ^ u o CO E 4II a ^H CO CO tl T. ri D C *■ 1-1 c c f— 1 4J i-i C CO ■4-1 •r^ •.-I y-l > o ■r-l 0-. X a X c 4-1 0) o u CLJ XJ CJ CO OJ CO 4-1 /-^ 01 CO c OJ c 1-3 01 vO o H 01 x; c H r^ •r4 c X ZTT 0^ £ 1— 1 CO ■r-l x; H-l •r-l 4-) ,^ X> ON OJ 4J CJ CJ Ci-I .— ( ^— ^ iJ U-, CJ CO -H •r-l 13 x: ■r4 X CO ^ i: 4-1 c aj -o W C4-I . iJ V-i C14 CO •H 4-1 •r-( r-< Ul o <; 4-t :s iC 01 u b-. i) G M-l X ^— ' Ci-I X 4-1 0) «C U-l M C c/) u 1-1 CO •r4 1 C44 14-1 O tc M 0) r-l «) .— » 0) OJ U, u to o o 4-1 01 c •y) 4-1 < tn v^ M-l C o ■r^ X ■r-l D U~i X 0) 03 o Pi 4J w ^ • CO • • •H 00 u 01 CO ■M 00 •r^ y 4-1 • c , 01 , — 1 X J-i-l u C • U4 ^1 J •r-l c < 6 < CO CO ^^ 3 t:-, ^ o •u •r-l ■r-l • c: ■,-i '.0 C4-I IX D , CO ^-v U t S D a c^ 4-1 3 c .'^. 00 A i: .^ C c J CO 1— t ^r^* 4-1 H >, U- CO g r-l 1-1 c ^ CO t-1 •^ 1— 1 4-1 X 3 •a 3 « Z) nj c CO . f« -0 > CT 1_) "^ 4J ■r4 ^ c ■ » ■ c CO D 1J 13 u OJ 01 U !10 c 03 v_x >-l ■ 1 •.^ p! o J3 C :S 01 CO ■r^ —- 1 4-1 c 0) n: 2 _ Zl c C O X f— 1 4-1 s-l C ■— 1 •r-4 OS —J G a 3 p: c dJ CO X 4-1 CO OJ 01 CO 1—1 •—* 1-1 01 6' XI o c u _t: C4-I •r^ K CO c f— 1 OT ■^ CO QC c M 01 •^ c Vj c .u u u s 01 ■^ 0; X ■J ly X X u o o ■<-i 3 CO >-l •r-i iJ ■^1 3 X u > •r-l 3 -.n •H H U-( CO CO C4-I VI 4-1 3: 0. 4-1 to u r-» — ' < ■r-l U C ■r-l tn CO 4-1 u •r-l .—1 —1 CO 4-1 CJ -—4 O , )-i 1/ u CO , I-I u . > r-l 00 ■ u ■rl (0 . X o a: 60 0) o o IV, 0) 00 o o u 00 o o u •rl <« ^ ^ >M M Vl o <0 . CO o. CU c o f-H rH 1-1 o O Q o O V o o en J M H >- W ac M -a: cc C5 CD < CD k; — 1 S CQ u U) a o g c o o CQ O Q. 00 o 6i H to CO o o <0 u w a> 4J > B •^^ 01 c: o =3 c ^ — ' o u 4J a o (D* f—i u O o a u CL Q a -a 0) O OQ l/I OJ 5 CJ o c TI o CO •r-l 3 o ■a CO 0) zc T) O . O tL, Ul, CQ >-) o G O '-N O H i-l O CO c o x; to r^ t/3 0-, CO •H I Ci-i . LO 10 (1) 4-1 C C vl 3 Vj ■-I XJ *-> c t/J 3 c o o w tj o > en o CQ ■V a CO y o c •r-l lU o a Si ! tfl 0-1 4-1 to 01 ce; g CN ^-^ .-I 00 o -o 0) CJ CM . to < a( c . •r-J o "n a «% aj (/)• <> 00 o c ^ ^ c •^ o U •r-l V) 1-1 to , u Pi o T3 . iJ CQ U. o n ON I 00 O H >— I (« s: 03 — ' c c D to e E O TJ to , 01 XJ r— 4 o •H o u to ^ c ;j > E ■H o c OJ -o to OJ ■a •H ex ■r-l —I to OJ to J-i o O r^ O CO tA C 0) 01 > u OJ a o -o to -a OJ o DQ ^ o CQ u w a o > CL o 01 Di Cti U V5 o to > a {-• ^ o OQ u n II. 2-3 >- a- •cC DC S I rn O- C/2 Qi < H O a o ai a, ►— ■ ■ ■"■■"•" k— «■ ■— * — "* CJ -tC ct.- >— t/1 X X X 1 CQ «t S m cz> X X X CJ s JiS ^ ^ -M Ji Jil M VI M n V4 Vi C3 Q CO CO to i" ^ Oi (U CU PC (Li ■ a, C3 OJ 0) d) tu 60 00 00 CO CO 00 cu t-i >-i .-( r-( i-i ■— ( i-t f-H .— 1 1— 1 ■-I .-1 o o o O o u CJ CD o o CJ x; 4J (0 1 4J •r4 c >» CO U-i o ua ^4 2 4J to •o 4-1 d d •H u OJ > <=> •H 4J O CO Q c (U iJ c r-l U4 C-i CO OJ u •r4 — 1 Ci3 •r< c cu 01 ■-H > o o .u 4-1 Z3 JD o a to = C O. M u ^ £ > « 0) c 4.) tn 1-1 c iJ r-J •H C tn 4J •r^ to CO -l o 4-) o x: '/) (U *_) •w O C o •r-l p (U c e ^ o ^-N U. fl4 CJ > Z H-l (U ■ ^ o u XI C o ^^ U o ■-^ ' >, D CO kJ o Ci-, 2^ ^ OJ CO .. to 01 d CO CT 0; 01 c 2; tu /-X ■r-l J^ Oi Q c^ ■H N->' t4-l U-l c r-l fc-. to . . — . o x; o c -r-l S.^ X o > U oo CT. o U3 .-1 o r^ !2 4J i-i oc: rH U CM ■r-t TD XI 00 CJ r-l r-J •r-4 X) • •rj C3 PL, fo b- O o c O 0) Q ^4 01 ac flH X c •r-l >, r; ^r^ *• 'ji CC 3 N (— c c u 5^ •U OO O t/5 > •o M 0-, < =D tM •H •r-l o 0) o CJ & 1-1 •r4 14-1 01 «C O ^J , > ^-^ •r4 c lU c M o o to CJ >, "q. c (U C •-! ^ (X3 1—4 XI B CO p c (U c to 3 Si •r-l 4-1 CO r-^ (U (fl D 1 — 1 o ra V o 4-) CO 4-1 < u (U '-'^ to U-l LU N) z ■r4 V) 2 . ■a d X I-I .-( H O 1-4 )-i r-3 o •r-l UJ . •— s d 01 ^ o i-i M n . u "J r\ r\ JJ — ' Q .•^ :-! ^ ' ^ -i H y^ (-1 iJ o UJ QJ Ci-, C »» to J 00 3 •-4 d >^ ^ C O ^-^ o ra 3 u o X) . Vj CJ d r . — I to ^■^ U tJ u ex U-l Q. c r— < •t C o •r-l 1-1 D <« r-l •r-l d to :::i tj H 3 4-1 o < f—* > C 1-4 E c XI si Pi p en 4-1 to V ^^ r— 1 •r4 ClJ d r) >^ c: o :i .—J * E p c . iJ 'r^ r— 1 ■-4 C/5 tn J^ u •^ i» o u •^ y. Q. , — ( c 1 4J 'f-i d o. CO u CO u d .^ OJ n] u •H C3 o u 4-< fj V) •r4 u 01 O 4J •r-l u ^ •H • ^ c; >-l w a r: , W < o to G OC D M 3 •r-l D 01 .-4 to •o r: ij OJ u- u , — 1 CQ OJ 4J ;j OO < cr a a: >'. K X3 4J 3 D D c 4-1 c a o a. 0) 1) iJ o 01 d j-i • o o , o !5 ■■fl , to x: Q >i , , C/) iSl . . X M 1-4 . d t/3 0-1 u a, ►J u M Oti a. 4-1 -■ -O (X, <-) Z I— 1 03 ^ CJ a- D- LO < C3 z: =i o\ o rH CN CO sr l-l - C-l rn w Ou M ■sC tj cc H ej3 r T c:> < 1 CO CO O C_J M lX. C) U- n n o g ,_ ■ ■ ' C-i •a; Cfl X y— cr> ra _-=£ a^ _j Ca- J CD X X C-l ;h " ^ j«: ^ .a! ^ ji: (0 IS' ^ CO vi ISC C3 (X, oa a: CL, Oi a, cu ►— i) O u 01 M r-l ro c U) > z: o c OJ w C3 w 10 o -o: CO (0 c o l-l U CO •H o •— 1 ro o •H 3 •H lx^ •r4 —J ■u l-l > 01 fi O- •--1 o XI c o ■V CO 3 v^ « •r^ x: c C H --X •'H A n) -r^ a a i-H ^-^ 4-1 -o t-" c S S C c y •v^ H >, •rl ^-l en V-i <2 (0 M > o 4-1 01 2 ON ■r-l O 1— 1 ^ OJ •^ j-i ■z. •r-l 4-J ■! o> u, U-l 4J 1 "S 4J 3 •r-l 7) O 1 u < OJ ,-1 l-l U 'C c ^D C -o a (n •r^ (0 o o ^-< ON ■r-l o OJ ^-s tl-l , >. -l-l > D 4-1 > 01 l-l > H o sr LA -H Vj (^ O ■r^ sz x: V-i ■r-l .-1 M vO ^ 03 05 ^ C in a 4-1 C/2 s-x »-l , , 3 en 'r~f H Du U. ro 01 1-1 y •r-( a ^^% u >u 0) l-l .—1 "^ ^ U_( r-l U-l rvj Ci^ c o u. f— < •r\ 1— ( ro •r-( Vj o O 01 O " > :i r^ w" •^ r> • ^ £ C ^ - •■t-t — ^ U) U-l iJ o 2^ o ■r-l UJ 0) u >-l Q. ^ •/) m l-l 3 o l-l o ro U Vi >^ o V o G u — 1 U_) x; o .— 1 o o ■r-l -Q o ^^ 3 '-N 1-1 c (/) a. o C —I 3 P-. O in CL ro ^-^ ex iJ C ^H u (X H ro 0) u I-. 01 o -■ O E 01 ^ :j ro :j c 4-1 t~M E D C '/) OS « tn ID U . — I C •l-l oc ■o csi M c c X 4-1 -*. E ,^ o u •—1 ro o E G CO C u a> O ti )-l a o i-t in o •i-i a, O ■r-l H c^ i> > _•<: 1-1 • ^( c t;j -r-l o i-j •s\ 1-1 ^ Q •u ro XI f-l x: ^H U r-l u rj u c c/; iJ o , >-l •^ l-l 3 (LJ •rJ (TJ a in D^ u o c}5 •a k ^" , — 1 C/5 4J l-l d u rH ai T3 CO :2 3 c C c j:: ■J CD a i-l C o o ly c: o o o , 'J Cu > , o 3 . O j/1 . -C U-( . c in u UJ CJ •-) u^ I Q o W ?: u X. •^ u " CO u- H o CJ < CD ac u- > vO r^ 00 ON o I— 1 =1 -X CJ C\ 1 Ol CM CM (S CO c > 1 s O o CO s O CQ O crt II. 2-5 n o t-t >- H rr: c/: o_ 1— 1 •*£ tj ar. ^ CJ3 r 1 CD <- 1 « CQ <, U, CQ o a o 1 — CJ -t cs: X X X ca -c ^^^_ • rt —J i^ CD X X X X CJ> :h ij: ^ ^ A! ^ J£ u to fa u M Vl V4 u U C3 !D 01 4-1 CO •r-l o •r-l y^^ 4-1 ^H cj c C r— 1 o •rj ■r7 •r^ •^^ ^^y ^ u XI -J o E r-l nj 4J u to d 01 CJ d 4-1 -0 o 0) X '-v CO c ^ ■U to tn •r-l ,^ < o 0) fj Q .u fa CO c -1^ .;:::; CO In VI •r^ U-l "Z u ^■•4 O ^ 4-1 u •^^ o e o 2 d t4-l a •r^ > 5^^ •o Cl4 >+-l OJ v_^ o ^-^ u ,—1 >^ C x: 01 4-1 o 4-1 •r4 c CO s •--1 r-H r-l -1— ( CJ 3: tU io •r4 d d •r-l tn •-N 4J fa •r^ h— Vj c •A u -J g cu c/^ > 4-1 •''-• =3 r— 1 ^-^ CO o :=) OJ o c Ci. 0) CO U-l CO "X nj vO 4-1 4-1 u-l 1— 1 N— •' ■r-l g t\3 X o (0 1 n) O •r^ tfl Vj d 4-1 , CT> ^ ■rV OO r^ •H i: (—1 d . O ^w.* < 02 t3> • l— J ^ G C r-^ cn XI to XI o 3 U-l CN4 ^ OJ •r-l v£) £ e o ■r^ tn ,—1 0) 1 — 1 O . 1 O •r-1 ^ r-l w :3 rC (0 1-1 Ci, to to CQ rn iJ o ,—1 .. •rl .—1 W u-l 01 d 01 o •A >. ^ i) 4J < c o 1 u-l .—1 to ■ • J^ •U LO ^j U-l 4J x: t1 •r-l < r U-l •r-l CJ ^^ , cc • n o 3 O •r-l 4_) d . ^1 OJ o X 3 1^ r j_i c r Qi o -C U) o rJ O o u , to M ^-^ o o '-N 1-1 a C u o ■r-l t/l X to 1t^ u-l r— 1 O U-J t— ^ K *" * ' ^^ ^ U"J 4-r 3 4-, l-l •r-l • O O ' JJ CO- U •r-l . 4-1 •r-l > 4-1 to o rr: d u • to -C 1— 1 Ixi 03 u. o -C < 1-1 4-) 'A U o t\; to u-l r^ ^ d > ^ d —J (= i! v-^ o •A c o Vj 1-1 •s ^ 01 O < • •• o •r-l c -^ a; O -I 4^ o U5 D. 0) O := ex a) o [i^ —1 d o d i •r-l 4-1 ,—1 CO d o o '-0 l« ij u o r— 1 a; C oi o tn a u c to to •• ■r-l r3 ^ nj Xi CO ofl OJ e 4-1 D > -C ■r-l a o •A o d 4-1 N] u M p c o 4-1 o u 4J o O to (/) 4-1 —4 u •r-l ■r-l •A •1-4 ex u 4-) Q T3 ."r-l (X. o o y 4-1 CJ ai ■H to d ^ o SO .-■.i U V-i o C o C nj O to 3 f— 1 4-1 ■r-l 1/1 a 4-1 v^ 0) cr . XI D. o . to < — 1 •r-l 3 i-) 6 -U M-l o J tu, o < 4-) •r-l o 4-1 -o < x; 3 to u CQ < : Nl 2 n. y-i c 1-1 c G C D D. ■o o •r-l 4-1 OJ o u o • • o • o •r-l ■ o AJ > • d _< cfc • • oa ro • ■ f,l a, - u a -) CO o o ►J a: CJ CO X) w :j - ct: ■-) - 02 l-l •-5 CD ae =d CM r^ CQ 33 CO CQ CQ CQ OQ II. 2-6 to re cu H O CO a o a: a. >•>»" '^■"" ""^"^ *"*"* ■M-w^in **■"*" *"■■ """ ' " ■ <_> «I oc ►— X X 1^ CO •-C nr ••- — * . . 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CO )-l l-l c (X, 3 E CO CO '^ n 11 cu >: J-< u 3 Vh >•< ■ -J XI CO CO TJ 'T-* k-i CO x; 4-1 ■rH J-l u -0 :- G ^ • l-l c , E C y ^ 'M c. CO , CO U • • D 11 a •rH -eS Xt *— * SJ 40 OS < c JD CJ C/1 < c. , a: cu -—I c < X U-l •" ISi , Q. Cfl •r4 E > CO CO , , . U-4 , f4 (0 < c_> U) Q. CQ •-) CO 3' >' 1-) u CO cr: lyi - XI -^ a '^ ■ ao - H w^ M Ci_ 05 •CC UJ rr: H CTJ < CD :< — 1 <. m -:^ t ) cu C-J CO - 1 Q_ H) u_ n o «-. a, ■"■"""" ■*~*~^ — «_■' -i cc . X oo X X X ca «c i^ ^ CD X X X X C_) ,^ . ^ ^ ^ -a: ^ 2= CD a. a, u a, u to CO cu t— a — I 4J r-t f— 1 —J t—i r-t nj r-l C3 r-< t-H o O (U •o rtt se 3 4J 0) s c 3 CD tl. ^-N CO .—1 f-4 a x: X) "o 7^ V ■Ji )-i u c o C-1 4_) u 11 X) CO ^^\ < •r-l V ^ ^ ^ i—i fl M en C ^-' i_} . 1 o (t: CJ C D ' CO CO U-l n G^ O 1) c ' c c o CO ■H H CO c )-l o ex a) •K Di O o e N c u o a 0) o o CO E l-l CJ x: • a Q X) ^ o c o CLI x; ^•a c o o c o CJ c ■H CJ 4J o 3 o S-i D Q O -. r^ CO I to •^ c o A o o )-l CO CO o c o o c o CO U CJ CL H o -o o 4J x; a o ca o ca : u N) ^ CJ < c ex . < o o CQ . ^ CQ CJ o *. c x: V .^ ■^ o CJ tji C/1 CO Cr; -a o , o O '■^ —1 -)' C30 o CQ < c c •r-l < o ^ -C o ex CO >. J-" iJ o •r-l E ,-( CO •r-l X X) fiJ CO -^ E •r-l 3 a: -r^ > X) < c o ca Cli CJ (-1 x: CJ Cl. CJ c •• •r-l vD ex n l-l 4) o n c >, il o ■rA n o .— 1 CO '^) CL, T3 O . O < u- u •-) CO --I c/5 O o -o o CJ x: H o O CO c CO E ■o CJ o c CO to :: u c/ c 1 c O ■- to q -a c o o O ■'^ CI r-l E E .-I "O c O --1 c Vj o — 1-1 CJ a o u c ll.2-i CO ■ ) >- 1— 1 H zxz V) cu M •cC Oi CO CD UJ H 1 c^ to <, CO o C3 Li- • ; u. C) TJ Q O g ^ JS w u to CL. CO (X. » — o V CD r-l .-< — ^ 1— 1 .-< o o o o o o bO o o u CO a> a; 00 o u C8 v 00 o o u CO a. 5J iO o o o ^ CL •r-l o o OJ c CO CO ^-J TD -1- u G > n) -a OJ o J X x: o « >~ lu, ■r-l u r-A . .a o UJ 3 01 o c 0) M ^ D. <0 o 03 O . J3 CO CO > 3 : V4 x; 4-1 u 3 o C- M a; o o >^ u~l r-l ro r-l I CO ^o U) CNJ r to C CD to O j-i c •r^ <0 •>-l J-I u r-l •.-1 *-> r-l )4 c •r4 J-) o JJ D c; C/1 X. c o • • u 03 •-) m O oa c c o •r^ 4-1 D Z o ex e o u o o OJ d -a o u u-l UJ U-i : O =0 n c: cN •H -■ U-i CO >*.( sz UJ o o \r\ O CO II. 2-9 S ' I CQ H H < o Q o 0_ ►— t_> "t cl; 00 X XJ « X CO 2: " —1 CD X X cr: Ci " *"~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ji: ji ^ >4 u )-i v< l-l u 1^ CD 0- 2 CO CVi <13 a, 03 a. £ ►-^ 0) v (U (U 01 :> •«s m bO 00 M 00 yj so =0 C_3 oO Q) ■ D- 1-1 0) U CO 3 -H •r4 > -J) N i-> >4-l x: JJ Sj ■u 'M c to CO CJ ■J2 ,_( 3J ^-N ■r* a. -o • -J .^ H U tL, . tu c ti C~ -Q c h- 1 c 05 D T3 n3 S 0) c c 1 — ' Nw^ CQ ^1 CD J-J c o u 'I ._, OJ >^ to 2 CO c Q C? G- >J Co., CO u U~l 0. in tn U_( •r-* i-i LJ M U IJ C U-l UJ £ X) a D. c r3 -i CU D j: r-l ■J) CO ■r-l ^ [J-, c U-i • w "J I-t V (/■i u r> a. CO 1-1 x: o 7) D. o ^ CO (J c • o CO o >, S-l H !-i M 0) S S ^ '-I c >> "3 ^ E 01 OJ S ■^^ »-i O Uh CO a: OJ 4-1 i -a •^ r; p :/! 3 .r-< ;x; Ci. "J U_l > • —1 j-i >, c^ 1-J ■ — ■ •r-t -'' .— ' ^1 •r^ XI " to \j iJ u •-0 u —1 ^ ~ :j l-l to '_, l-l a c ti: u ■J !J1 H vO o en II. 2-10 cx: en O M M UJ H O < f-3 o Q O ► - c .- CjI ►-— cn X X X c.-i ■^ T- L*. CD X CC X C_> *'J ' V4 ^ .M ^ .^<: u to a, 1 n) Wi M u M ^^ a, to to tu to » CD Oi pu, a.- a. • o to <1) OJ tu -r-l i: C i to P3 ■H U •r^ ,-1 •r-l o CI^ to ft. .-1 • r-( r-l OH .—1 to g< V-i V4 U . OJ CO C o ■X. 00 ( j:: > > •I-I ■a • ^ . o o O . r-l iJ 01 rJ fS 1 ^^ -rH •-N C3 1 o '5 c r-l VD 1 tT3 ^ —1 /'J r.u e ■ —1 t~-J to o 4-J 4-1 M ^^ o -i •r-l o 0) rH O to w o^ -^ - CN i CXI ON 01 e O •'-' 00 u e -» I-I U ! 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UJ 3 y: Vi u X ca U -' 3 : •r^ V-i D •r-l 1) o Oi o 4-1 Ql O 3 '^ o o k _.j i_J o CL iO >2 cc >, i'- —< OJ ■y) 1> c Q > u c c -^ 1 > >. o u O 7) C oc 4-1 •r^ I-I O •r^ •r^ V-l , o OJ • o rj )-i o 0) • 0) 3 (i> d. U c o X X IC u t4-i jr — 4 UJ CO 4-1 kJ X T3 4.4 CO < c I a ■r-l 4_) to y. 'J u. u- o in 0> O t ■r-< o CO -J in ■ o X . p" u~t »-l . •r-l a: /^ -: r-: 1 -1 -)' H r a. X : a- H H a: ;^. u. D- Q U. ' li- •-) "->! : CD -jr. vO r»» CO o\ O r-4 ■ J vO vO vO vO r>« r^ <_3 o O o o CQ o ta o CO II.2-11 tx: »— en X C3 u nt m 00 (U a: 0) 00 o O o u o o a. cc: — I £9 CO w u H U Q O 0> CO ex: (X E D 05 C o o c > 0) CO >-i fa ^ 5^ c 0) r-t i-l ---I [JM • O *J c 0) 6 ^ to c CJ C/2 rC > , 4-J w o o- w >^ •r-l f) cr> ^ n) •H r-l tl3 > c o Q a o 1-1 X >, Xi 4J o !-4 •r^ c O i—l ^ U-l cfl d • > C s OJ c QJ ■r-l •H cu O -. - CJ c a. ^^^^ tc U . .\ o CJ 3 1-1 •r-l ,c; o r~< Lj J-) 1—1 0) 1) y-i til 3 '0 1 o X. •rH iXi •r-l i-J o u. c « ■ • V4 •H V-i 1-4 o. 42 CO (U E iJ Vi X! • M •^^ ■r-l 0) u 2 3 > u. a. 1—1 c •r-l o ,o c; ni 4-J C P- •r^ QJ c O .u O O < l-i Oi 0) x; X ■u c/: •1- X) iu c ca X 4-1 c •r-l •rH 3 OJ 4-1 -c o 0/ u 4-J a, c o u PU -n *^^ c X) cfl C n) # rH > 4-1 &> •r-l r— 1 ^ •M Xi 14-1 cd O 4-1 D. >, 01 4-1 o •r-l ~- 0) a> c 4-1 o U CJ « M c W ■H rC OJ CJ 4-1 o 4-1 u o p^ D T3 •C o OT u •H c^ u. 11 ^ X 4-1 4-1 •r-l ■:? U-l O -a n 4-1 -) C ij "J PQ f: "J c > ^^ O c u CJ a H u-^ M o 0) c x: a, ij 03 S-i O CJ E N T3 4-) 0) )-■ JZ D 05 O J3 D C5. c :3 C_3 O o CJ CM O o CJ CO o o CJ o o o II. 3-1 -^m rn a. '•1 -qC m cx: 13 CO CD H r 1 _J 3 CQ Q CO o C3 ►— CJ x t/O CO -r :e _i Lj- C3 ci: X X c_> =E ^ M Ji ^ ^ ^ M u U Vj M u a: 00 00 00 CO 60 60 C3 u ^ t4-l ,^-N (U o o 2E iH cc CJ o C3 •• — c c ON •H t4-4 c o H^ .H c o •H •l-l «« •H tu u t_> • nJ c 4-1 c3 * > iJ o o ■rA CQ p •r-l u O =3 o 4-1 (X, o a. M •U CJ s u tfl •rH O O to to x: to •r-l ^4 to to < D fC 0) v^ < X CO u X c 4-) ClH —1 >, o u-l •r-l z! c ■rJ S (J /-v f-l nl o to ^ n ;> 2 a) r-l o. CO > ^— ' o ^ 3 nj D- to to kJ •r-l TD < 4J C| 3 « o OJ Vj CJ CJ •r-l X nl rn .—1 T-l —J "1' ' » — 1 ^ C- •^\ < _jl r-l ' !^ — •^ i — i-» Xi v'j Vi^ (_J w ■a ^O (0 tc V QJ CJ -u o c> t, (0 o 0^ CO •l-l ^ B p x 4-) o l-l ^ Vj H LW CJ g t4-l ""^ o C (^ (C CJ G Cu O 1—1 to O r-l u (U hJ 4J a. ^ a X ta g •X3 o P^ 00 a 00 )-i Zo c (U r-l ^ tfl . c 3 . c o "__' o r-l >-l o )-l < •r-l CO < •H c Cr: •l-l D o •r-l tfl 0) XJ 4-1 CJ as u a 3 ■1-1 x: u • -4 ;^': O s cS «C 0) o >^ 4-1 *■ r— 1 •r4 CL, > > >-l C to 1—1 Cij 1—1 r-l x: i-H o 0) CO ri l-l ttj a. ^ nj 0) n to o C 3 4J 0) 3 r-l (0 ■U c < c c: •H C tt3 3 C -o •r-l ^ U < tD c •r-l CO c t4-| • c x: •1-1 o CO « CJ CM o Q ITM . CXi ►J iw ^— s H U-l 4-1 • tA iTl ^•■^ 1 CO O r-l O cc >1 * u V CJ b ci z--. u 03 ^J 4J 4-» > 4-1 - to ** u 3 00 CJ Vj z Vj H- •o O >-l JJ "w CJ ^ ■r-l r— 1 4-J O' C 4-1 (Xi O F= c (U c •o Di D-i [J^ r-l C •H C •• O. C0 c to 0) o CJ OJ r-4 l-l CJ x: >> OJ o •l-l Oi o I-l (0 C M_l 3 to n r-l to D 00 Di Q) •H u (U tu .-1 o ■r-l o -o CJ c ^ u W '-^ •'-' N •I-l TD •w V 4-1 to 4J 1/1 to H o (0 CO i-l ■t-l • ^1 •f-i > tf c • U 'r-l •r^ > • U ■r4 u •O t^ -t-l 1— ( cd 01 u C/3 ■H c. 3 Q OJ tl (-1 .-J Ci o E X r-l ij •H o. (X, i-J r3 O Cu CJ 4-J n. o to 3 c iJ • <; O > (X, CJ • '• o CQ Cu CJ U- CXi o c? z in >o r«. 00 o o O O O o o .—1 CJ O o o o o o o o CJ CJ u CJ ir.3-2 Q. -a: CD _j C9 IX. W CO H Q o »— t3 -< o: 1 — t>o OQ «.£ .— 3 lA. C3 X tJ K tu a 1-1 /<: ^ 4<5 J^ ca CD qS CIt CD PL4 P4 CI4 PU P4 1 — ft «« 0) 00 to C>Q 00 •H t>0 i-< ^ CJ CJ Q CJ « M -j: ti .C •rl •rl U g 3 •0 •ss. 0) p C3 C U ►— 1-1 r^ «: U 4) CJ 1-1 ■• 0) 0( 3 )-i &" c 4J C ^ s u •H r-l CO ^ 00 H •u (U CJ^ CJ) VC 1 .C c -u M vO c r-l CPi 1 u Q) J3 CO ca CT> 1-1 X> « i-l nJ -l 0) r-l 0) I^ (U 4-1 (0 4-1 C 0) CO ^ 00 ^-s n c dl ><< O' i § """ c I-l 4J s u to A s.^ to to CO .^ £ 1-1 4-1 c •H St 1-1 ta ^ Q iH !-i 3 c p -o fl4 1 •< (4 s 0) •H •r^ « (4-1 " •0 •a a c s 14-1 W Q •0 c (1) >^ 4-1 C> 00 M "O ca C c » C Z 1-1 CO -r-l u w ^ 5t! to 1-1 5 u^ 4J • u t3 •r-l b to r-4 4-1 to 1-1 XI I-l M 3 x: C u ^ lH C u 4-1 4J c CO E to ca u 4J -rl 4J •H U CO /^ c •«-) 0) 4-1 CO CO IXj ca U I-l a to • D b g 4-1 4-1 § "^ OJ 13 <4-l t-i , cc: 4J c ^: ca c CO C 0) to eo •H CO 4) N-^ ca x; c 4J b£ • CJ •a v^ •0 E c 0) 4-i to « ■rH ^-N c PQ T) IJkJ c ; 4-» S 0) X ^-^ H 2^ 4_) 1-1 4J 4J fn ^ CO T3 a 1—1 to XI •rl CO s: c X a; p 4-1 aj to g ta >s a) 1-1 to s: to •H • u 4-1 • u c • OJ r-l £ V4 4.1 4-1 ?- • tj 1-1 < Q) Oi d) cd u 0) •H <: 4-1 4J Oi 1-1 r-< Q 4-) c CO 4-1 to tu Cu • D- &4 • m • u a • ft, ♦ (U (= • 0. (4-1 fl^ CO « 2; - « PU Q Q = P4 fri < > CO C3 se C3 •-4 CVJ fO »t ir> NO rH I-l i-t 1-4 iH 1-4 CJ CJ U U u II. 3-3 CU -a: ex: CD cs CO QQ CO a. CO w w H U ra Q o erf »— (-3 -a: f< X t/O en ::s _J k<- CD cc: X X <_> S= ^ ^ ^ u u V4 3= rt ci (tJ c=> f^ (U PM >— «c aj Q) 0) bO 60 60 r-l C3 nJ CO o (U » o +J OJ o r-l 1 <-S o u u •H nJ c C! 1 w » rt (d 4J C o O C33 >^ >-l vj (d O 1-1 1-1 13 ^ 4) rt vj 1-1 ■H •4J .4-1 a. C --I ^ C o 4-1 nJ C^ Vj 1-1 CJ a; o •rH 1-1 c O S o w n o w u 1-1 a to 4J o O ca o <: 3 cd n (^ <^ •> o o o /-N K C CO '< -a •H 53 o x: o § .c .OJ 00 d oS x: O 2 T" 4-1 E g td C! 00 o l-M '^^' M ■^ "— ' w 1-1 CM u e '-i o a) CO •H 1 v_X O f-^ -i n n J-i 6 O CJ 0) •!-< 03 g x: 4-j g 0^ tu •• fH Tl C/5 • • 0) E 4-1 c dJ o ,, o nj •r4 C •r4 Vj CO S 13 u ^N C PLI 4J <: U-> PM j: (4-1 v-/ O ^ 1— ( o w • 4-1 o O > H 4-1 Nw' u U-l » f^ •H flj 1-1 ^ o • LO o (d m 01 u 4J U vT c oi iJ X O C u t u •H m I-I •* r-l ■ » ■ V fM •<-> /-^ o 4J T3 rt E to -a CU • r-4 f=t Z C M u u o 60 o e pq td ,C S fa Ul P-, 3 I-l u )-l C iJ o J-l P= ■« iJ v.^ •H I-I r-4 C I-I U-l •H C o " 3 C -H E SI rt 0) 3 W 4-1 » -a 3 - CO Cu 4-1 g CO cu 4J x: C "^ 1-1 jr M 1—1 U-4 u 05 0) « a. •M U t-l o • (1) rt O o • )-l -H r-l (d . Vj -I-I CO - a. 6C rt -H 3: a (/I Q PU u CO| fX, m ct, o - P •-) •-) <=> ae f>i 00 o> o 1-4 I-I r-i CM CJ O 8 o o O o II. 3-4 re ex.' «x a: CO W H U to § AS 14 ar (d o ►4 •a: 4) C.3 (SO (=} Q> _j i-l r-l O CJ c o X X X u nt P4 0) w r-l 1-4 O O (U o ^ ^ H-l U o n> A4 (3 O 9) 1-i 00 CO r-4 •1-1 o Q O 15 CO P4 0) bO 0) o CO •H 0) .e: 4J •H Xi U 0) c 0) e -i (4 •O cd )^ 3 o t-l - Q CM I-J . O 2 "^ -a «^ CO •• 0) 01 PQ a u Vi 3 o XI a o P4 o 6 P-. to M o CO fO >4-l O o 0) >^ *-" 00 > -o o O 0) -r-l X O U y Dd -r-l <: • 4) 1 (i< (i< c U •H •u C •r-l -H U 0) 4-1 U D O en ^ W) tj c to tH ■r-l 1-1 e 1-1 (U •H x: JJ o M 1-1 • « Qi 0) I-l • 4) pa O w 4-1 O 1-1 0) o c T^ S t-< 0) 1-1 1-1 1-1 > u cu Vi od • 0) oi o C4 O o CM CM O u o •* CM CM O O O o CM O II. 3-5 C_5 -rC X X CD C3 u (X. (U 0) o 01 u •H •r-l Q Ph 4) 00 lU O o > Q u 0) 00 o u CO o o (U 00 - 3: ci. -a: C3 pq CO W H u a o 0) u c > 00 z o •-S r-l o o /-> pj p: - c ^4 j3 "to o ^^-^ o T) ■r-l CJ u O 4J pul tu o H o •r-l fi. 4-1 CIJ 00 CNJ w - U c W 1 01 rfl •n o o 4-1 vD ■M : ^ w Cri c- "^^ r- CO ^j PL, u ^ ' o 3 CM c .— » -~^ (U o •H C -d t^ c •r-l CO r-l o >-l -r-l 0) 4J T-l ;S to 4-1 O O (U 4-1 ttj vO t—i r-l C 4-) I— 1 o ^ * a r-l n) tu c 1-4 •r^ r-l l-l ^-^ c 0) ■r-l 1— 1 PM ^^ •r-l ta «-N .Q tlj P-I o Qi ^ iJ CO (U w trJ C to •H <; l-l fc. (J B ^ 4-1 o sz CO 4-1 ^ 0) g P^ Xi s o. •r-l to C ctJ t-1 O t-l > Pu, CO z tu 4-1 •r-l •M •M •r^ (X) 0) ' V— • •rl v^ o (TJ \^ r-l O •^ X 3 hJ to CM Pn o C r-l O -C C tu c o c < Vj X. •r-l to 13 ^ C <: G r-l o OJ •M 4-1 to c OJ < PL| •l-l to 4-1 r-l a to 4-1 T3 4-1 •r-l CO < nJ to M u l-l O- <^ c ^ D. C c 3 cd X. tu o •r4 > o to o •H CJ /— ^ M . O c cC *-i t-l k: o (J o •H Z) CJ3 u CO T3 aU -rA •H r-^ n1 O u 4-1 a u CJ u^ 4J OJ 4-1 OJ • r-l 3 .-1 • to o- (Tl •^ • t.n P? s rrt •H • !> ■u I-) T3 •-\ rt -) p D. 2 CJ n 3 P^ U-l aa 4-1 O iJ • H cn c C < S_^ OJ C v-^ T3 •rl 01 U ~ nj to 1 o • J3 02 • J3 0^ c:-l OJ 4-1 - •r-l CU T3 0) •r^ CQ ^ u C □a O r-l 4-1 . l-l r-l Q .-I n cd 4-» o ID l-l r-l c: o r-l x: <1> o v_x 3 " •a CM CO (U •• •o C 01 OJ u^ 01 C to U-l -r-l T3 4J Vj ty 4J p l-l 0) O 3 to 3 nj ■r-* I/l 4-1 OJ ,H ■r-l j-i -C c ^1 3 l-l J= •r-l X) OJ to -O CJ ti- 1-1 m to- (U C 4-1 01 CO o til c to tu to 4J ■H IJ u •r-l •M (y »-) : >-> a^ u< Di 13 :=i > Oi = > "I =1 VD r^ 00 a\ o I-l fM (VJ CM «M CM CO n CO o o o o o o o CJ o o CJ CJ o o II. 3-6 1— or: X C_3 o O .!«! X U u tS cfl P* cu V d) bO t>0 0) 0) p-l r-t 1-1 r-^ o o o u na CI. C9 CQ Cl. CO w H u :=) Q •a: «W o c o 1-1 u ca •H U O CO (0 <: •o ^-^ g 4J u o c PM •H o U-, H N-^ • o >> TJ « C/l U C cd ex J? o >-• o 3 o o C 4J n) <4-l o 60 m e s: •H 60 >^ 3 U O Cfl o > u-l U-l o O ?^ 60 iJ o o r-J 4) o u-i (1) H 4: CO O •* »r> CO en o O (J U J II. 3-7 co H O w PL. w >- < ac CI U- M «x ?: oc: O C3 z C3 o r 1 ,1, 1 tij ca . 1 "^ (1) 14-1 a o 1 M 0> 0) •H 4J u cd )-l M — ►4 *» c m "c 0) M o A 4J in •r-l c to to c o 4J XI 1-1 nJ CX •H to 4J c E 4-1 c c w o 3 to to j u to Ph c •r-l 00 Pm P^H -,-1 -y c •-• CJ t/1 u c o CN CJ y-1 fa Vj l-l f^ B r-J c >^ iJ 0) U-l to to ^o ^ w CJ *• w'i ^-^ J-l v_x c Z) /■'^ u CJ 4-1 05 T3 o ■o <; X) c CO CJ H o l-l c r-l o to o o •r4 c E ■r-l o 01 c 4-1 o o o u w Oi -a r- c to to .r4 t- > r-l U-J r-l O c^ — CO o CJ •rl 1-1 i-J 3 ■H 4-1 M X 4J •H -) ^ ^i C. r-l o rJ r-l 1- OJ — I > i-l u D Q o o o to u u C o u o o Q II. 4-1 OS est oa CO CO H o w to H o o w H H CO t3 1 — C_l «^ X X X CO m «ii T~ _j ij. C3 cc CO «•= 4-l X X u U U •4-1 u u 2r ttf ti (tf o CO cd o (X, t^ PU (U P^ 1— c •cC l-^ 1-1 o t-l r-l O u u o Q u O CO 0) . c •r-l o ITi (U •r^ a t> •• oa j:: 0) o c 1-1 0) 4-1 n 4J Oi Cl4 -01 cd u Ui c o 1-1 4J o to 1-1 ■u u 3 s •H 4J (0 C H m (U 1-1 u fij c c to '4-1 s^ CO rl CJ> 0) 0! C X o ^ 'Si ».D t-( e vD O •H o w r^ to •H ON « a ^ as C Vj 4-( I-l t4-l O I-l c AJ o c 1—1 o o c J-i o 3 to 3 =S= CO ^ 0) > •rH 3 c O u X. 0) t?-. e) W •c •H O 4-1 p Q O c 0) c U3 s ^ o a, M 4-1 w 0) •o 3 dJ to CS CO 0) CO to I-l c CtJ g 1-4 1-1 > r-l CO j U-l 14-1 • pn 4-1 •H 0) b '-' PQ I-l ^-N C •H Di o to 2 o O ^ o 0) f^ M Q a. c 4-1 I-l v-^ x: 4-1 o X) o 4-1 M CJ 3 4-1 o o- 4-1 1-1 4-1 o C 1-1 •V <; Pul O c CJ •iH c • CO c ^-\ •u S M I-l >^ Pm Vj 0) u ^ (U U 3 U-l •H W 03 1-1 60 o a > o o >-3 C o b ^ u A ,43 O u 1-1 i~! o /-N to c C U) ■o •r-l O iH 1-1 o e^ o Cu CO 3 o - < LU 4-1 g (U g o CO o 4-1 >4-l CO [^ Pm C o I-l pi U) v—' u o 0) a. n] c U o 1 ^ U3 fO 0) •H C c 3 a. (U n] o I— 1 to 0) IJ-I c O CM »— u P^ ^J cu CO f^ 0) a 03 •H x; o s— ' ■r-l « to 4) 4-1 -o OJ 4J 1-4 T3 , )J 4-1 CC c < U-l o r-l J: o • c M •M C D. c X. M 1-1 I-l 4J CJ O ■H r-l CO u S 1-1 )-i 00 < CO u O •r-l a r-l 1-1 O O r-l r-l O CJ r-l r-l O CJ u at (U CO r-l r-l o 4-1 e a= CO U CJ CJ •rl p-l u r-l O CO CO —J Cl3 u 3 u CJ u 4J U-4 o r-l u 4J p D o X) tL, CO • o n) c u ^ iU M CJ C r-l c "O H 3 CO ■J >% iJ ;g o o 1 r-l s CO' ■■ en •H c l^ U-l x: a CO o 0) M U to c Vl o 4-1 • M •r4 o > •r4 v.^ 0) CO iJ CO P^ i- o 4J « ^1 0) r-4 X! r^ c 3 CO u r~. C < a^ w P-i o o> a ft. ^^-^ 1— ( 0) .-H o 0) n r-l h- 1 u i_) •■-( c x; a. CJ rt o o U • ^^ ij 1 _ (J c CJ 0) • g 4-1 to 4-) oo u D c iJ 3 o c 1-1 1— 1 0) c c^ C O c •r^ C Vj to 4-1 r^ .^ OJ CD OJ u •r^ CJ r—i M-l i-H c * — » CC CJ rn o (U en •r-l ,—1 p-l CJ o CJ H- c dJ 4J 4-J X) OJ > o ,—1 =J o o o c OJ C 1-1 u c — -^ to (J) «C u c c •r-l XI 1-1 o o OJ > o 4-1 CO l-i o u 00 XI CO 0) 1-1 to •H o j: QJ M V-r* o 4-) c CJ Cu CO c QJ w w U CJ C •r-l D u •rH 0£ c ,—1 Di a OJ CO ■o o o -* >^ •n^ H r-l Vj iJ to iJ •r^ to CO CO •• u. M o <0 ,— ^ u o Jj 4-) > Ch 1) X •r-l h 00 t4-l " ^_l «j ■r-i lO Oj ;_i o U C^ 1 i-J Ol MLi £; tr. o /-^ U-l v_^ iJ P-. U_i CJ > O H 2C u~> CO s LU o 4J c •r-l * 4-) pa Vj v-^ y-i N— ' •» c fc 0) U 1) 1 U~I t-l X! U) IJ pL. V-l O en o f>- 3 U) 1—1 o 4-1 v^^ O V a X) o o r-l 01 ■M to .^ XI (J >^ a. o ^ 1-1 c CL u JZ r— 1 Cu c f—i u •r-l s^ C • H :ii V 0-. c ■o C u w o 1) to •r-l to o r-4 C u d cl OC 3 CJ c i3 c p Di 10 •r-l CJ o, •r^ CJ CJ CO CO ^ O • IJ-I O x: •r-l M c? CJ ;i- 7'. u c 4-1 D- .—1 o C "^ i~t o t-< CO i-l CI Ul -C - -C to •rj to G •— ' £: o o ca n] 4-J C X U o XI O u 1-1 r- cu o ■H _cu u • fl > r-l N c •r-l CO n ^ r-* CO co CJ Vj ^ U) <; k-l V • .Q ■ ^ :j il • u o 4_l • to G. * 3 iJ > J D ,_v u 4-1 ^^ u u U v-^ CJ CJ c CO 4J D CO 1) • c u D. ■r-» 1-1 o c c CO to w •^ to Ci-i JZ] u D • C u ^ 1-. • o c 1-1 • CJ Cu o • o • s Hi O o col x U :_) 6 (X, H o < 4-1 H Di - -) Z2 CJ ^ ^. CD ac: rl (SI n ^ m \0 r«. -< .— t r-l r-l r-l r-l f-i CJ o o Q o O Q o Q o Q II. 4-3 >- c- -a: OS CD CD CC3 CO H o w o M g o h- ■*** CJ c2 »— • X X oo CO mxt; ^^^^^ •«* V- |1J Li.. C3 ru- X X es __^ ,, 0) o CU 0) 0) lU CO M T-l M 00 ■1-1 t>0 U QJ to CU I-l i-4 > I-l M O 1-( •rl o Q CJ CJ Q CJ en 0) u CO 3 lU 4-) u c Rj OJ u J> 4-1 F-l CU ^ a m • 2 •r4 C CU pll o CO • «t u CO iJ ej m lU —1 Ota ^3 J3 CO o •H u "2 Q_ o fX4 p^ a OT CO , TO (^ C •r^ M CJ u CO CU *H X CO 3 4-1 "oj CU e u CO 0), e • o u WW y<^ rt •n »-l (U CO c b v> M-l e • u c CJ eg § x: u 1-1 u CO I^ O 1^ 1—1 Du 3 CO CO CU •H CU (U r-l cr oi c CU 4-1 :2 P4 to ^ Cct 0) CO > C S g cb 1-1 C c t4 1-4 tU m .c § r~ ^ 3 o •r^ 4J 4-1 CO • v-/ vD 4-> •H CU •H CO c •r^ S fO => O 4-1 4J h C • fe lU 1 > «t: CO 14-1 3 C u o CO 1-1 w CO e o B ^ 1-1 4-1 c » 4-1 3 1-1 4J 4-1 u pL| pi F= 3 M ij a. 1-1 CO 3 > 4-1 u X) V4 •» • t-l < ^ CT o -o v^-' o s 1-1 to •H a Cfl I-l w to CJ CO ^ w O o. c 04 T3 4-1 ^— / Q. a) o. CO •a N^' "O 0) CO c pS J J-l c 0) U 4-1 c •H or y: •H U ^ e CO CO o o O -) w i^ Q 2: • CO > z CD a= ri 00 a\ .-1 C<1 *n 5 «c i-i 1-4 CS CN eg Ol CM CJ o Q o Q Q Q Q Q § II. 4-4 >- Ou ca „ i pa ca CD CO w CO C/3 w o o a; (u >i o o pa ►-- .-iM^i ^^^^ CJ> ^ X »— c/» CO «x .A*^ «,— Lj ll- . ^ C3 K CJ ^ ^ ^ .AS j^ ^ .!^ ^ u M »4 )-i u VI h as: cz> t8 to 09 CO CD CO cS Pj 1^4 (^ P4 PL4 P4 Pui 1— 0) 0 C3 » *J r-l X C r-l u o <1> i tH w i>C| c «J o A-l to c c c (M to T-l o o •T-< r-l 00 ^S 1-4 ^— u r-l • o c CO -r-l «x (U T-l •n CO •H fcj 4-) C3 ■U tn § S I-l ■s • fiC tn 2^ —J ca to >-) c > •rl 1-1 , <« O Of > 4J u a o •>H »-x c D o CO m >, •r4 • ■4-1 s^ c tn o u . 0£; 1 ^ c to tn T-l to o or o o a 4) • c 0) r-l <*^ 4J a o O • > t> T-l 4J Q . C a o q h M « T-l x: M to / P4 ^ c 1— i "» CJ •J- s n 00 c .r4 T-l n tu O iJ d 0) -A tn ^N y O H C^ y-i X •^^ 4J a to (U CO tn i-( C3 w u CO (U 4J Pn t4 •H •H •r-l — CO tl-l ■a I-l r-t tl fi w c => 4J ^ c tn 4-l O x: ^N cr J3 - i • s tu o o 13 o 4-1 o g tn 2 u O • T3 y > u u (U 4-1 T-l to CU to 1 •r-l U5 CO •r4 >-) •H 4J U u ,<" Vl • 1 D 4-1 U 3 H 4J T3 -l •u ^^^ M D u M 14-1 o •s o u C (U « u ^^ u Ou 01 ^ 1 iJ 3 o- CO O 4-1 v_^ o o to 1-1 e o o p ■^w^ o 4) o X r-l ULl t/I T3 cx 0) CI. CO a / u j or pi C C a; C ^ (U 0) 0) ' 4.J 4-1 tn S >% OJ ^ a) 4-l g 4 CM o •I-l •r-l u •r4 [14 4-1 4-1 •r4 r^ CJ 4-1 :3 j-i to < x: tn V4 c g C 4-1 c > 1— 1 to c tn O c £ J-i u |4 se: flj (0 CO a CO 0) o Pk P4 »4 e^ P4 P4 »— 0) « a> 1-1 o 1-1 o o l-l i-f o 1-4 r-4 o CJ t-i l-l o o X! .^» , m 4J m 1-1 c V c (£4 I-« 0) 1-1 CQ 1-1 CO 3 "O CO 0) U-l u 4J 3 IV 4J o 1-1 1-1 4-1 o o e U to o ^— Vl c 4-l 0} 4-) 1-1 o o c ^ o M 3 P!i u 0) OL. 3 o to 3 &4 4-1 o 4J 4-1 lH 4J 0) c H *^N ffl c 0) 4J O Ph u-l o I-t CO > o 4J CO u 4J c lU o c o CJ c 1-1 4J W c m CA u 0) CC o o ■o 0) u a c o ^ u u 3 Z 0) •o 4J CJ ^-\ c o a) j2 0) ^1 o c 0) c en c /-> o 4_} u (U P4 > 1-4 ^ 1-1 0) o 1-1 •« l-l 0) z u l-l _ ^ m ti 00 o o 4J >*^ CO i-H t<0 -* o Ph at c ^ V w o s 1^ vO lU e -H vo /-^ ^4 u > oc a\ c E 4-1 ON N 0} P4 V c CO o i-( en o CO V 1-1 4J s CD CO u 0) 1-1 < o £3 u u CO V4 4J 1-1 S P^ ■-:] «C o a (U ^-s c • < u-l (X< 4J • 3 14-1 1-1 o c f-> 1-4 CO CO o 1-t 1-4 o O J= V 1—1 c 4J 4) u )-l (0 CO 4J U 4J B 0) 1-( en u u J3 4J t-l U c c J3 r» u c 0) c 3 X 3 D- u 4) o 0) 3 li^ CO )-4 4-1 M •o u Q T^ (U > 1-1 > *• &4 o o c J CO £ o 3 M V4 a l-l l-l 4) 3 o ^ fl 4J 4J T3 1-4 c 4J OJ CO 4J P>4 > • d u 4J (S /-N l-l u-l c " 4) CO lU V4 c (U V4 1-1 Q CO u-l - 60 >4 UJ > • O o a u 4) o- c C/3 l-l 1-1 ex. J^ (U c a) c c 0) (U Cl£ f— 1 ■—1 C3d c CQ 1-1 CJ U lU CO l-l CU • en M o s: o ^ <0 CO 1.1 •> u j-i <0 V4 )-J o T3 4-1 U.4 H 4-1 3 o u to E Q. 4-1 XJ M U 03 c 04 a. lu 1-1 u o o u 4J CQ 1-t H h u l-l • XI o • u 1-1 o 2 -U .-1 J-l Oi 0) ^ u > 4J •a 4J CO o J 3 U a o 4.1 n c o c & o D. ao o c 3 • c D. -O O. o 0) c OJ o M O a u • CO c 1^ • o 4J H o (X CO • C •o Q^ • o O CJ w o < p^ CiJ Pli U X •^ CJ Cfl >— ' CJ < ij Z 3 o CO o ^ a: —J 00 o o ON o o u o i l-l l-l o u 1-4 o II. 5-2 X u V 60 O O o eg 0) CO o M C9 P« (1) t>0 lU O 09 0) bO o o .i£ J^ h Wl CO CS tu PU 9) V CsO 00 (U a> i-l f-i f-l f-i o o o u --0 til >- ■ji rn V3 Q_ '-J •a: H cc: CD c <=> >H — 1 CQ o oa ^ C-3 g c o o u o c > I— I o o u (u IJ o J= o UJ ■ ^ CI > U ^ O rj (/) C Oi •'-I o • JO Di D In C O • c -J o :3 o > C 00 c r- ij C/5 o c . o CO u i-l a. o c u u o o (^ •r-l CO o JZ c 03 (fi 0) r-( •r^ G n) P^ t/) u D •M c C/3 H •H dJ f— ( x: c O u o c •H (3 ij 4-1 a >-( u o (0 3 u w XI a c ^^ M U. u GJ u > O U-l C) 0) (/) cd T) O c x: •r-( jj 01 0) u r. o u f— 1 P-. ni cr r* D 71 u-. •r-l -H u- U i-l T3 c C OJ a u o -J u o a u > *_t TJ c 3 CI u CI CO ^ D < u o o o T3 a CO u to o 3 x: u dj -o .-( o x: 3 ca o OS iJ 00 O u ai C •H u 00 o o CM O r-i I o> cr. O ti3 X X -r^ U ^ X :j c • o •::i fa T3 ^-^ C TO l-l •H >, i-l c nj CO C o o UJ o ml 01 E c 0) •H i-l t: tr. QJ > 01 C/1 ^ o > )-l Vi P-. 0) > « o M o M 0) cd cn t« < OJ CL, (J M w. c 0) o t-l o r3 o c CO o ■r-( X i-l u •r^ c Vj 01 i-l CC D '^. r3 CJ ._j 1-1 .— ' o n ■— i_) a i/i C/l c ■r-l H-l e; o -a n: c u c o ts. i-l "H tr. V) 0) o 3 Q o D. O c o o a o u u o N m Cfl 3 CJ 0) CO rr Ea g -n OJ V4 Di OJ .:i: nj o V c >-A •r^ CQ u o O u_< OT , C 2C nj Sj ^ H v/ o ^ o c (T) X c -r-t 01 a iJ ■r-l o ^ r—i 1-. r3 X D. — 3 O Q. to • c I-l Q 13 o CM O 10 II. 5-3 X ^ ,i<5 ^ ^ J4 ^ u VI 14 u 14 n to a «0 to « to (U P^ Pn P4 P4 PL| Q) CO w o_ Pi o fn Di CO c 3 U o o ^< E iJ CO . & (T3 CO ex a c« OJ i-l CO ■r-l 3 O O. dl to Di r-l to 0) u © u O 6 D -t3 C to p o e CO e D C to o e .J w z S to C o 1-1 JJ eg u 1-1 tM tI u a CO Q •C C to <^ c H e D -O C to >-( o E a iJ CO a a; o a. 2c: i-i CN fn - C/5 Qu CO It o OS Di en P-> o CO >> o CO H r > ;S Ol. o I I 0) CO o o In U 0) a o o c CO (U c CO 0) OJ •r4 •d a o 1^ o o n o U (0 00 o o m •r4 w >» r-l O Si c J3 to CO > O > •l-l u 4) 00 o u ^ ^ )-l u to to P4 fvl (U (U tsO 00 0) 0) l-l t-l l-< >-l o o u o > o •r^ u 1-1 (Xi (0 —I ^ & -'-. > ii o •>-y 1 — 1 o QJ c i-M ^c ra o — ^ 01 H CO ■n o • o X- ti_ 0) u o CO .•fl O P4 VI o tl-l o jc o u ex o u a o CO M "^ C X) O QJ -H QC i-> •^ O 3 x: -a U5 o U-. PL, (TJ O 00 V-i C iJ CO c 3 .a E 3 o o c U o o 11 :n 1-) -r-l u ;/l Vj i-J « Vj LU o ro U O v_^ n. 4-1 a CL 0) C -o a Ul Qi a r-l ci o h •r-l u Vj c i-i U u il .M o 1^. a U-, Vi o ,r-i t-i 3 Vj t. J i_) r" "■^ i-l c (/) c ■ o ■rJ • o a u Lu J t_) o to II. -5 -5 >- ■a: Cxi. C3 CO CO cu CO Cd C/3 CO w o o >^ o H O ^ ;3 »— C_3 •KC ^ X X t/> on -^c S£ 1 IJL. C3 >{ o: £_■> I^ «i_ Jrf a a JiS a a, u u u n u u 35 C3 CO ca CO CO CO CO P4 PLl P4 p< fa fa y— 0) 0) (U 0) (U 0) <«£ 00 bO bO M 60 60 C^ 4J ■rl c 4J 0) ^ Ci > 4J (U r^ •H l-l o 2E > > 14-1 *J o CO •r4 c Ui c o c 0) CO (U M 4J a m a c — 1 r- o 6 o ^_^ ' CO 0) 0) o fa CJ o C) fa ■u o u CO £ 60 CO O t-l /-> > /-N ;- g; CO C fa 4J >. J3 >. P-I CO' 1-1 •r^ c u iJ 01 fa V4 g e CO •H 0) yo c^ > XJ > O OJ 00 CO :^ 4-1 C3 t-( •H (1) •H c >4-l o C4-I 3 CJC Vi CO t-4 3; 3 o p CO 4J H c > 4J ►— c I-l 4-1 o l-H -O 1-1 o c =3 0) ■^^ •4-1 3 ^-^ (0 1-1 u 4) OS o c ^'^ S c en S ►-5 c r; p- -C o ^-\ o 3 1-1 e P o CO 0) o T3 • CO o .•a rH 0) C/) 1— 1 0) CO s CO t-l o o 4-1 O 4-1 •H o 13 H 1-1 n) 0) c o c: < U o c CJ •r4 -* u CD — ' u & rC CO <« •a 0) Pj M o e *J fa ii •a n o 4-1 CO 01 u 3 3 CO Pi c CO u O CO l-l jr o S^ I-l K c • CO cU fa t-l X C 0) U3 o u fa 1-) cc; 1-1 fa H O o •r-l V-i CO • CO t^ U t^ ^ »J J-l fa o ' *J 01 0) :3 u CO • CO 4-1 u 4-) u PQ rC ••-^ 4J V4 ■rH <; u £. c U u W W M 0) CO u CO u « • o U-l ,£^ o u o •» o C ^ O > 3 o O •rt r-l OJ UJ i-1 < c o - a PQ c a U Ou o X) D. 4J fa r-l o. c C 0) 4) o c OJ •r-l CO a; • OS c •r-l ^ CtJ C U-l CO OS I— 1 S o oJ OJ M OS CO c "J fa £ o o iJ (U ■r-l O 6 o O 1-1 OS 0) o 2 J_l J-l •H ?^ O iJ 1—1 (U u o • • u 4-) 4J M IJ S 0) CO c o o c c E c 0) c r-l U c a 4_) CO •1-1 • o ^1 u • o o 0) • o (0 • • o o <_ o P- x: A u o Z i-j tj CO u < w H OS ci ac m vO r«. 00 w u (d w ux U3 II. 5-6 a. oi. ca QQ to CO CO o o 04 1 — ■"" *"" ""^ CJ -=c or: ;«: X X X oo CXD 5 CD X X cc <_> SE ^ j«: .« J<5 ,« ^ w M Vi >.4 ki u CO n) n) CO CO C9 f^ fu PU PM tu (U ►— 0) 2: It-I t-i ^ ^ 0) 00 (U u CO 1-1 a c ^> CO r-l T^ •H CO u U-l VI 60 —J 01 Cu > <0 nj U-J > 2 <-> • H ^^ r-l PQ >^ O ^ X M u n T-l CO nj v; <1 ^--' ^0 • C CO o b C •'^ CO u CO v-> 00 •r^ rr o •H 13 > 0) >-i u . OJ a ^ c u r-l x: (0 4-1 n ;^ Vi o w" •\ CO a •r-l C x; -1 s cu CU r-( CJ •H ~> ^' •n4 • • c CO O c (U CO 1 e ^ ol c < V4 Q X x; 3 Oi .— 1 •H JJ •X. - •r-l •r-l ^ iJ CD x> ■ — -* u. Q u % u-l CO •r-l vO •^^ M JJ ■u 4-J [1. u-l r* C Q CNI 3 XJ • o CO o D • C CO c P •r-l to IS C u '-^ (0 :s: CQ •r-l o lis •r-l 3 4J a) >^ > •r^ -'- D e iJ a —1 4-1 c CO V4 XJ •-) 0£ x: Vj • 4-1 '.'; X, j: — ^ o • n -; y c - u) G X) u 4-1 ^ OS CU UJ CJ CO w CJ (0 O > iJ i-l Q >~ 1—1 H •rH C 0) U y c > cn ■r-l tn u u ■r-l CO U, -H H ■r-l x: Vi u w • -H G a • d) (U CO • XI • u 0. ■0 4J to ac =1 f-l cs CO ^ m vO SJ- vf SC St «* -< 1 — X X X X CT} CO -< 3 ^ A CD CC X X X CJ ;y ^ ^ J£ j«: Vj V4 U u CD TO a, TO CO TO fa K— o «< .-1 to oc ,-t r— I iO 30 C_5 CD iJ D G u •H CO U r-l c O u J3 •r4 D CO 0) OJ 1— I 11 M ■r^ iJ W >+-! fa 2: c •H c •r-l £ ac S-i U 3 u ta •— ( a; 1— ( TO TO "O u »— * 4-1 O- z Q. ^j OJ 2i n) TO t-l c OJ TO £ ^-^ ££ ,,— ^ E •a i •r-l 0) ^ .—1 .—1 CO fa 3 U-l H in 3 C a: OJ 4J 1) •r-l U 01 x; • ^ >-l § ^->. U u x: U j:: Ji 4-1 ^-» 4J N— ' — -1 -m f-" r* ••-1 — C u li-i ' c -* 5 Vj i-J cu >-i u g u J3 >-■ 4-) at C TO (0 >, w LO W SZ c >- N m •r-l ^ M-i 2 __^ TO 4-1 u OJ 1 ^ ■ v_^ K TO a C x: CO x; U-I CO TO -a X ^ yT D. 01 u y^N w r^ U) Vj t, w fa Q G LO f— * c. C/1 CNI u-i •r-l TO g •r^ S 0) U-l . ex: r~» v> 3 i u. r^ > vD u, .— ( Du Ui is E X PC o ON 3 .—1 2^ o> .n 1 f— 1 10 C tL, n 1 TO ^ r-l en c ,—1 00 .— ( J fT. 4-1 >^ S ^D 4-1 £ s vD ■ 3 «, V-i ca ^4 CM C *2 TO s: 1 TO 0- 3 ■ 4-1 . 01 • . X CO <« u r^ •• —1 ■r-l M •r-l TO r. >-l 3 u c nj — ( 4-1 ■r^l ^ u 4-) 4J tn >> .. 4-1 >^ . , TO a 'J> C 3 a: ^ TO f— 1 a\ u C3 c u r-» := d V4 r^ e i-> ■^ U r— 1 vO C 3 C-) 3 ro • CO > V4 m TO 0) •H ex > XI (C a. ■r-l Cu , r— 1 , O-l Q X H LU .—( CO 4_» (fc ^ ' — ' ■H DQ CQ u U-l pi C ?2 TO 4-1 14-I c 4-1 U) c M •< i-i TO 11 • 1 — I v-r a ■r^ A 0) t— 1 r~l x: •r-l I/) ■a •^ •r-l U) ■rA ■r-l 0) V •r^ >- 4-) < « 4-) 3 U) C . 1 a . — 1 —1 4-1 X IJ ^ Vj (0 •* CO •H —1 x: X • - . 1 CO X , " r— * W 4-1 TO tx, ■r-l X C C 3 c >. u. TO (J 'J 7) V) i> TO U _y • . > 3 CX •rH 4_) •r-l ^ >! "T" "J TO a -0 TO V c c T3 J-" rT- V4 •r-l J V 3 u tc H ■r-l ■r-l G ^ 4J -rJ ■^ —1 C (U . X a: u '^ ■0 c >-l rr a t-i TO ex. — ' 1; , e •r.* -0 .— ( i^ x: •r^ CO < Q- >^ CO U. Q- r-( 4-1 CO Uu C- u Q < in J CO p il w -^ < a N D. a. c TO fa ^ —1 • •r-4 TO • < c . , - CQ U. s :c '-s " UJ <-> •-) " •n •-) - < n fa CD ac r* 00 CT> i—t CM rJ > CO CO a. «« o o:: r< ej3 Pu| CD _j o CO ca H CO ^ Ou O iJh. « t— s X X X X ty> CO 5 a a: X X X X X tJ Z 4-l CO O CLi C3 03 0bl o o o 03 O CO o t— c e C c c 0) O 60 -T* l-t T-t r^ > O -r* CJ Q «< (U > CO > r-l > 1-1 > o 0) -r^ •r4 0) 1-1 O 1-t O 1-t CJ CO Q Q CO Q U Q O Q « 3 .1 O a: 4J .O u (U PM b ^ < o M c CO & u x: C 0) cu ^*-v •r-l "O to V4 C j_i TS c n CO (U 3 4J v4 o 4J 4-l •g 0) en ■-4-1 o HI 4J co" J fc CO o. D 3 m «C n •I-l o 0) 4) b "O ^J a c h D IM o 1-4 U* 4J u 4J >-> ^ 1 > CO m (U (U C 1 T3 4-l a h bC 4J CO CD 4-1 /~\ X 0) CO CO ^-\ CO & g P^ •-N CO tn CO w Ci n CO CO en pn •— \ X c: 0) o 1 c 3 O CJ I-l o c 5 O •rl 01 I-l o 0) o 1— 1 o iJ (1) o cx ^ (U C- •I-l o a. 4-1 u 0) Q. Q iJ a. CO 4J Oi CO ^J (-1 01 C -l •H ci C C a: X) C OS ^ 3 GJ D. M 3 <0 "o tx 01 u 0) V4 W C/5 u Q CO N CO CO r3 o CO p- y) CO CO (U M CO 4J tj CO O U c • b ^ o I-l C- O CO Q 1 Zi u CM O A ^ >^4 o CO (ui 1 CO 0) aj g fij 2 <=> a: rd CO !Q o w CJ o o o o o o u w w UJ UJ w II. 5-9 3= -a: oc: t3 2 LA- Q 1^ 1 — ' CJ "X ot: t— oo X x; J uZ C3 Crt CO i= Il> ^ A! ^ ^ 1-1 in re CD a. C14 P4 H^ c «=: 0) 0) a> u C5 00 OO 60 00 1-1 CD 1 a) (U 0) « to i-H r-l i-H r-) •H cH 1-1 rH •-I > O o •1-1 o o CJ u Q c 4J c •H c CO ■4J r-« CO 4-1 (14 4J 6£ c u o to •H o PL4 c X <4-l PLI CO 3C a to C3 0) >> (U s h- 4J <0 Q ■u: to o 1 «_5 4-1 M r-l CD c a; c . u > P^ o 1 4J \0 CO •a 4J u •r-l 4-1 to to 6 1 . c u o » A fl4 C3 ON 4-1 O C3> CO tj> V4 t3N • ^ 1-1 o i-H F-< o CO f-l CO 1-1 u Q 1 3 •^ o 0) a =) T3 /-v in •r^ 1) l*-l . •» 4.) «< o CO tN ID u C/2 r-t u u ^ c o CO A p^ CD iJ to 3 a g s" to u w OJ •-5 (U (U v-^ 0) B u s u ct: j:: •t-l o 12 CO < • 4J •a > ■r-l J3 C/D Oi, 4J y— \ C (U CO to y-N CM c • c CO pcj OJ hJ (U a u " 4J (1) o r- 1 o X c a, E c • TJ CO 60 4-1 «4I 4-1 c Q) 1-1 Dh H CO O 0) (0 c u 1-1 K 0) 3 ^ CO •H 14-1 < •■-1 I-l tJ 1-1 « •H c . u OJ V4 a. *J < CO a CO •a o U 0) o 0) CO OJ to D > w D ■ri X o V4 CO D- U -r-l eu •H o tA 0) u to ^ 2: CO •a lU -Oi Ix, 3 CO >, c 4) CO ^^-' u w A x) c > -■ C to 1 c • 01 -w 4-1 M < OJ u 4-1 • XI to to Vj H r3 cc: 1 r-l c 4-1 s c <: 3 (U IV 4J M ^ o •H o Q 0) &0 0) o o 15 0) o o CJ •H IM o c o •1-1 > •H Q 0) o •w ^4-1 o c o tH U) •H > •r-l Q a. -a: CO S (Z) w V) CO w CJ § z o M P4 —i ex. en ►— c o u u 3 o M u u C 0) u 5 o 4-) o u CO •H o CO I lO fO tn a CD O > o CO o y-i z (0 ^ u D • -a o c M &0 N O u o O CJ • CJ Q Q O o c« I C o (/) )-l c o V-1 Cu O CO CM o cu 0) O CO oi fu u ■ o a O) u o C3 vO O o ft, 1^ eo o o o o (t4 b t <4-l >4-l u 14 u M u U-t «t o o 60 bO 60 60 f-l 60 ca •r^ 1-1 0) 0) 0) 0) 4J > o O O O 0) o •r^ t4 u O o o CO CJ Q Q o ID ;= c o 1-1 4J c _J a o CO V4 •H CL. #-v 0) 4J « •r4 u C CO Q •rt c d h o CU 0) u CO Q> e ex n •H c TS 6C •r4 1-4 e CO 6C 1-4 T3 H n c o v fl w 4J •o u n t c o o CO T3 o o h V ^~\ •H u h P4 a •o 3 V-' o c . a o- m J= u to •H iH 4J c m fa t-i c iJ r~ " o 1-1 >> E */i o^ B u ^ fa X u 3 h r-l W O 4J CO CO I-l e (U 4J fd >■ •H X O U-l ^4 lH u 4J fa u ^ 4J -o O •r* iJ U-l o c 6£ «« o u o 1 C M 00 O C vO •rl O fa 0) 4J CO 4J o 1-1 4-> 3 C4-I f4 4J (U •<-l 0] s u fa 1-1 CO u l-l (X 4J 4J •• (U ^^ 3 CO 1-4 4J o o 10 C 3 /-^ c P4 4J >^ u I-l . c /^ CJ C- c (0 .C 1-1 1-1 g 3 O 5 1-1 CU s S 0) M r-l tH I-l T-l fa <4-l > 4-t u 3 ai O PM M ^ 4J ro 3- 1-1 o /-\ 4J ^-\ Q 3 Q 3 < O en CO u O O ^ 3 «-l OT CO U v—" m 4J j N— • o u -^ C m § (1) § IM o 4-1 4J (U ca 4J M a. CO 1-1 c c g 4J 2 O f-l U ^N > X U O c — / CO V^ i-H o c to CU O toi V4 o aJ U CO c O tA g 60 M 1—1 O- C )-i ex CO Vj O- CO CO j-i T3 a. fa ^ 4J d o U 0) -W C CO 0) w > y—\ Oi, 6 od (U ftj •7-i CO < CU o:: c ■H CO Ph a (U CO u C/5 fc • rH • U-l • U >^ (U 0) u Q o. CJ 5C T3 § fa " a w J3 CJ en 1-1 S 4J •a Q CO a; S 4-1 CJ m Ph O p^ ^ O Ph ■a c 1-1 pL^ V4 c Ph • C ^ . O Q • ^ l>l • sl o • o o • s o • o ►< o M W ^2 (S Pi 2 fa Pli g S O CJ < •-) z CO 3 CJ "T 3B <*1 «* ir» « n. 00 a> o ^ i-l f-« t-i 1-4 1-1 f-l f-< CM o o o o o o o o CJ PUI (^ ft* b fa fa fa fa II. 6-3 C/1 >- UO rn C/2 ex. -a: C/3 cr: CJ rr: C3 a. — 1 5 no 1— 1 H CJ U Q. UJ l-k. o ^ <_> «< cc X X oo 1 CO ■»»; 2 — 1 LA. cz> a: X X C_3 3E -> -rA 1-1 •H ••-( o ^ (U U) 0) u en U (0 ■U to CO ~^ I-l •r-l r-l U -M ■U -I-l 4J •I-l •rl i-t 1-4 > I-l to > (0 > to > > O O ■r-l o 0) -r-l 0) -H CJ •r^ •^^ CJ CJ Q o W Q 00 Q CO Q Q e 3 •1-1 CO o o. as %. CD CO ^_ «£ f-l f_> CO 4.J c —J c o CO n •r-l rD t-l 4J o- c to c >4 o> o c 0) :5 •r-l 4J to o 4J c M ^" . g S ^ O c ij u 1-1 u 1-4 OJ , — 1 3 c to -i ttf ZJZ •H a to t^ < 1-1 c >— D --N o J) u •r-l =5 cr CO '-' ■< ^-^ Q G -a 3 c O nJ 01 c '-N c o 1-1 *J D r-l 1— 1 o 7) o (U k; C ^ CO : -^ c t) a ^—^ ^ CJ u, 'C ro '■">■ t 3 Q) a — ' V O. •rJ M J2 X S .—1 to y. ■ •r^ H 1 — cn a o ■> J-) 3 CU D • CJ D. X •r^ XI ^ Um 3 Q ).l V -LJ o to to r— J to to 1— 1 < to 3 CO 3 U Pu 3 O ^ o ■o c u fa 5^: f— 1 b Ci .—1 u, cr a. CU D. o c ^ l-> o o o • O • • g < • c lii • C ^ o < M LO w O Qi ^ PJ —> cw •-) ' •-) r) : Qi r) CD ar t-< fJ CM «M OJ . — 1 . O O o o o O o «s (ii in (M u* Ct4 h Pu CD , . II.6-A -X Cxi, t3 (=3 00 w to w o o O CO ^ ^ CJ «« X X CO o «« =5 — 1 L^ CD o; CJ 5£ 4J CL4 CO fa fa C3 c C c C3 c (U > > > > r-l r-l o 1-1 1-1 •H •M •rl CJ a Q Q Q Q ^->> U P- >% fe 60 O r-l 0) O 4J e T^ CB o ^ H >-i o 4J as <4-( M c to C3 o ai e 1 c •w (U . 14-1 U CM c c C P4 4-1 fa > to o o CU 4-1 >4-l 13 CJ) c c o 1-1 CJ O C CO 1-1 4J c 4-1 C 3 U CO 1-1 ^ CNl •H 4J CO P~t CD 1-1 to •rl oo r^ cu en r-l S (U 4-1 cr* 4-1 vj <4.4 c CM CO 4J •rl or P-i C CO 60 4-) G 0) c <4-l ^~ o taij C CO 4-1 1-1 C oi CO 1-1 =5 £1 E ^ •1-1 U CJ 4-1 M r-l T) «« tfl a; 2 4-1 u cu CO 6£ fa •r-l o >w/ 0) C/) a. u ?- C S l^ cu c w u U 1-1 CM c N 2: C w J-i M U-( •1-1 4J e H c 4-1 (U O C 1-1 cu CO O B r-l c 3 &. CO c • CO ^^ .r fa T3 u ^-\ 3 < c • 4-1 u u CO CO C *->. CO M cu p •% 0) g CO (U ^1v u CO 3 C to ^ CU CO. UJ O 01 I-l 4J 3 c E ^ S CO CO & •T3 C v—' fa ^ —J •H 1-1 r-l c 00 •rl (U C4-I C •rl 2j tl. CT3 (U cu 01 u J-l >. -0 Qi s CO CO 4-1 4J 6C S 4J y^ o o ^ tn c 1—1 M CU rH (U 01 N.-' H CO CO )-l c ^-^ w .—1 01 U3 . e C ^ a U 4-1 0. •r^ o PM 0- 4-1 CU w « •rl •rl 1-1 cu •rl f— 1 cu to •r-l tj m CU CO 0) u u Qi r-l E 1-^ ffi r-l r-4 S •1-1 u pi; cu c ai 0) u • u CU • • x> cu •H Q •rl • c u iJ CO J cu Ci h4 C/3 CO '-> 3 c CQ CO -a ca 00 3 00 iH fa CO a h4 D- t/l u. Cu fa 6 •rl fa fa cr Ea w: Bd CT3 CO • CO CO PLI c I-l • i • C 3 H ^ e a: 00 o» f-4 e»« n •* « e>4 CM ro fO CO ro *n » O -« fu fa fa fa fa fa b t_> II. 6-5 4- X > Q o > a X X 0) o o 0) ■r-l w Q u Id o o •1-1 Q o •1-1 Q Ql- cc: C3 CO w 00 V) w o I-I H O Q O d o o 0) CO o CO tH 6C 4-1 <> CD CO 1-^ I-I g o O >-( o 4J o 1 « U) IM M c c K •r^ X H O r-4 CO ■H w c b c 1-4 to t4 f^ w < U CT^ PM I-I o t-t 4-1 H to p-l ■ M CO /-N > 4J > > T) O K ■ • pq w J-l -0 c D >4-l o to 4J 3 o u i-J a) C r tu c PU 4-1 •1-4 Oi CO o to 4J 4-1 M c o to <: •H V4 CO c c 1-1 5 CJ c «« •r4 V4 ^-\ g O c CO o o Q 0) /— \ U-l CO 4-1 o CO a) tn o S to •1-1 4J CO o M CU 4J 1 4-1 3 T-l to 3 > Pa l~) c b g 0) 4-1 .-1 CO CO ^•N c: 4-1 • g ^ c: o N--* u 4.) 4-1 M CU /--s >1 CO to to •n CU CO to Dd o ■u u CO o B CO t s_x CO s O ' 1-1 b 2: c a. \_^ o 01 CL c u, 1-1 •o XI JS u dJ u 1 4-1 o •r4 AJ >, X) U-l c 4J o g T3 c ai o u 0) < c (1) •r4 CO •H ^ CO tu w to 1-1 , x: ti •H M XI 1-4 M -H Vj XI 1-1 _] u O ^ , CO OJ i_i O Q C/1 c« CO C/3 1-1 tj 3 f-l w CO •-' LJ 3 Ml c O g o c c b g cy b 2 OJ CI. 1-1 b 1—1 a. C u o • CO o o u o Pi • •-) erf c U CO • erf 1 1-1 • c in vO r» t» CJN I-I CM ro en r> n ro St vl- •«« o: X t/> OQ •<£ SE _j Ul. CD X X X X c_> • z y QJ 0> 4-| «M Vj u-l C3 m ►— ELi «« C c C C C c C C_> 0) C3 •H •r^ •rl -H •t-l •r4 60 ■H w 05 CO CO CO (0 V (0 •r-< •r-( •rl •H •H •H i-l •H > > > > > > ■-I > -r-l •M T-l •H •r-l •i-l •r-l Q Q Q Q Q Q Q .U u c (U a> UJ c 2: C < — » Q) 3 I-l »— •-I CO •ce u-l u C3 C u-l •H 3 w 60 •-I c CO 0. 0. § u u u iJ u 4-1 u-l H CJ V4 CO CO 0) ^— ^ u •r! "3 t£ n CN Vj a) 4-1 r~- CD x: c )-i ON a to iJ r-l CJ •r-l u C/2 -1 in Cu x: >-. •r-l c y . ^ CM 4J U Vj •^^ I/O r^ .r-4 (U a •rJ .-N jj ^ ON "3- > < i-> CO CO c £3 CO c u c JJ S ""^ >— 0) •r^ .-J Z J-) ^ < 1Z3 1-) CU Cu •«x TO r— I > D u c lU > l-l s 0) x: VJ ■r^ < • .-1 Vj to *^ 3 c c CO c > •0 iJ ■r-l ■U •r-l r-J a •r^ J u N R & CJ w CJ J^ ^"j •r^ sJ 4-» *r-( 9 •a 10 to fa Q f3 AJ J-1 •r-t u a u D ■0 /■-» Ci -0 C Oi c W ^ U PU /-^ c r-l ^- C .:^ Cj 4-1 HI N-^ . c CO ^-N CO 2. < CO TO ^— /' r^ CJ t > r-l c 1.1 > CO 1". •H N •r-l ta 6 u 0) f— 1 01 CO u-l ■a n CJ CJ 4-1 u-l G 4_t •• 4-1 a c CJ t •J: G c V) CO v./ U CO 4-J ^— ^ ■r-l •w^ CJ JZ Vj c JZ ■■T. O Vj 0) -~^ • v-- c •" i-) -C 4-t cu CJ Oj C Qi Q c 1-1 ij n. >-l c- CJ u c iJ 'J) c C ■ ^ Vj U Vj 1 -0 Sj U) o o 1-1 OJ t= (0 ■~> f-~* 0) —1 a yC CJ 4J H T. c- tc c l-i cr a oi J-J C Dd 4_1 cc: -X C f— 1 •-> C ■-I G Qi cc c — i CJ C >> c >-i c. >. '/I 1-1 .c •r^ Vj S: c • D Vj • Vj ■ri J i_t •r-l Q CO nj UJ CO m Q t/5 u D l-i la 3 •^ Q CO .— 1 O a o u Q u 4-1 >7 Q . fa u Q . fa < cti C c :3 •r^ Q a. • c < > UJ 4-J tn • CO < Oj C3 ■JC 1 r-l Ij_ Uh ti. \x* k< Uj U, Cu II. 6-7 re ex. «3: cc CD cp 1 CQ ca a. CO to w o o z o l-l H u Q O CO -<< CO U O »< 01 o •H X U-( u VM ro O P4 c o •H o Q 0) e (0 4-< U 13 M 3 « 4J x: W o 0) 5 M o 3 i-i ■O fe tU o X) o c u to /'N CM /^\ *J •U • i-< V) 3 e o 4J ttj 1 o CtJ o U o 1 1— 1 o •H >- CM b D. U ^^ (U 3 , 4-1 ►4 C) -a ecj i-l >— 1 M Ph c tU .-1 O T3 lu D u c 0) D- OJ u o < J^ O to (U o ca to Oi SI JD vi T3 to c iJ M vi •H CM Ol o to c a b ^ u c o o to • Ph T-l ^-^ u cd to o o •r-l ^ li^ n IM to O Ph c tU o bO 1-1 tU to I-l •r^ I-l > O T-l O Q CO tH r^ !-J o to 1-1 > o iH 4J T-4 to O a E o o a, o ci to tu o •1-1 tw •4-1 o c o ■1-1 to •H > Q X X o •r^ U-( U-l O C o •H to •1-1 > •H Q tU U ■H CM VM O c o •r* cn •rt > T-l Q U •f-l <4-l IM O c o T-l to •1-1 > T-l Q u o D- 1) CO C CO tu a o I-l CJ u ■U U U) O CU Cu > OJ M a: to ~ -u o C to CO U u c o o »-l 0. *-) 4J W CO O u oi to m O O I X T-l Q to >-i to O CJ ex. > &=: tc c T^ M ■QJ tu c c (id u O - CU Vi tu o ed Q CO o m o to o m o u-i to o m o tM o CO o II. 6-8 w >- w -I- M < 8 CD 0-. o d M H O Q O CO a. ► - ■ CJ «* ex: 1 — X X C/O CO <; CJ ^. •^ o o o •H U-l z: U-l U-i CD O O ►— c c «« o o C_3 •H •H O Q •H > •H Q T) c « 2= rH C3 CO ^« 4J ►— c: -a: ^ X >-% •H ^ o • c ^*-^ v-^ H o 43 c u M 0) <0 ^< o tJ e o •» c j= D tn T3 (0 0) U ^ C .-1 hJ Qi 4) 4J <0 C14 UJ •U )-l , — ij iJ tf) o oc c J ►^ a O O. c H^ 01 > o •rH •H •a AJ M cd 3 4-1 c u o (B o <0 U OJ i—t (13 Vj TD c >. (fl 0; u •H Q to c O C D e •fe ^r4 O O to (U U^ V-' u OilQ -) Z C3 z: a\ O 1 u-i vO * o o -< u. u. c_> II. 6-9 v\ f*>J T LECTE© AdSTKACT ■vi *] r Ti Secti©&i A GEr^E^AL III. 1-1 A0I3 Marine Protein Concentrate Fishery Leaflet 584 BCF, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of Interior ABSTRACT General information was given on a method to convert red hake into a high-quality marine protein concentrate for human consumption. Plans for and estimates of processing and product costs were shown for a proposed commercial process. Data were presented on the physical, chemical, nutritional, bacteriological, and toxicological studies on marine protein concentrate, produced by a method closely approximating the proposed commercial process. III. 1-2 A014 Proceedings, Conference on Fish Protein Concentrate Federal-Provincial Atlantic Fisheries Committee, Canada ABSTRACT Session 1: The World Protein Situation World Fisheries and the Protein Gap - R. Hamlisch, R. Kreuzer The Constitution and Objectives of the FAO/WHO/UNICEF Protein Advisory Group (PAG) - Z. I. Kertesz. The Role of the Canadian Aid Program .... - L, D. Hudon. Session 2: Canadian Raw Material Resources The Potential Use of Canadian Raw Material Resources for the Manufacture of FPC - Brian Meagher. Fish Resources and their Potential Utilization for FPC - W. R. Martin. Maximum Utilization of Resources: the Fishing Industries View - E. L. Harrison. Fillet Trimmings as a Potential Raw Material for FPC - A. Cunningham. Session 3: Processing Technology The Development and Scope of the Halifax Process - D. R. Idler Nutritional Characteristics and Projections on Production Costs of Products, prepared by the Halifax Process - H. E. Power. FPC Processing Methods - E. R. Pariser. Research Progress on FPC - D. G. Snyder. Session 4: Standards of FPC Wholesomeness of FPC - Leo Friedman. Safety of FPC - A, B. Morrison, The Purpose and Need for Quality Standards for FPC - H. V. Dempsey. Canadian Food and Drug Regulations as They May Relate to FPC - D. G. Chapman Poisonous Fishes and Marine Biotoxins - R. F. Nigrelli. Session 5: Development of the Industry The Development of a Canadian FPC Industry; Possible Approaches - B. Weinberg. An Economic Assessment of a Commercial FPC Operation - C. D. Holder, K. H. Kidd , W. B. Jagyar, D. S. Ross. Some Engineering Aspects of Commercial FPC Production - A Carsten. III. 1-3 Session 6: Markets for FPC Potential Utilization by the Cereal Products Industry - J. Holme, Potential Markets for FPC in the Pharmaceutical and Diet Food Industry D. L. Simmons. Fish - the Underdeveloped Resource for Food, Feed, and Chemicals - E. Levin. The Development of the FPC Industry in North America - W. M. Chapman. Addenda FPC in Foods - V. D. Sidwell. Feeding Trials on Undernourished Children. . . - N. L. Lahiry, M. N. Moorjani, M. Swaminathan. III. 1-4 A017 Fish Protein Concentrate Program National Marine Fisheries Service ABSTRACT This paper presents one approach for using the potential of the sea to provide the animal protein that man so greatly needs, It emphasizes an accelerated program for development of a protein supplement — fish protein concentrate — employing the techni- cal and international capabilities of the Agency for International Development (AID) and the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries . Present and future f ood-f rom-the-sea goals of AID and BCF are discussed in terms of such considerations as interactions with industry; costs, personnel, and facilities; alternatives and constraints. III. 1-5 An23 The Fish Protein Concentrate Story, Part 5: Bringing the Product Home Bureau of Commercial F.isheries Program D. G. Snyder ABSTRACT Research on fish protein concentrate (FPC) by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries of the Department of the Interior began in 1961. The general aim of the program v/as to study the manu- facture and use of FPC as a major deterrent against global pro'- tein malnutrition and as a potential economic stimulus to the American fishing industry. The program as initially conceived encompassed several research areas. At the urging of the Secre- tary of the Interior, the program was later accelerated to effect, as rapidly as possible, participation between government and in- dustry in getting FPC to the people who need it, in a form they want and can use, and at a price they can afford. III. 1-6 A033 Fish Protein for Human Foods R. Finch ABSTRACT This article reviewed the growth of world fishery supplies, their present contribution to human protein needs, the potential for increasing their harvest and the efficiency of their utiliza- tion in the human diet, and the factors which may limit their further development. The major part of the review was devoted to fish protein concentrate (FPC) since the production, safety, nutrition, and use of various forms of this product, and their potential for increasing the availability of fish protein, had been the subject of a number of scientific publications in re- cent years . III. 1-7 A034 Fish Protein Concentrate - Its Status Today V. Sidwell; B. Stillings; G. Knobl, Jr. (NMFS) ABSTRACT The FPCs produced were, in general, bland tasting and varied in color from vrhite to dark tan. They contained between 75 and 95% high-quality protein and they exhibited limited func- tional properties according to standards set by industry for high- protein foodstuffs. The characteristic of limited functional properties, far from being a drawback, was in many circumstances advantageous since FPC could be added to existing food products to improve markedly the nutritional quality without significantly altering other characteristics. Also, in some instances, the addition of FPC appears to improve the shelf life of the final baked products. All solvent extracted FPCs or even all isopropyl alcohol extracted FPCs were not completely alike. Significant differ- ences in odor, lipid content, stability, taste, nutritional value, and functional properties were obtained depending upon the process- ing conditions and the species of fish used. Experimental work was conducted to produce FPC with various solvents, and with enzymes, microorganisms, or combinations of enzymes and solvents. The functional properties of p-^oducts resulting from these processes were improved. Some of these prod- ucts appeared to be particularly promising for use in certain food because of their functional attributes. Although many problems remained to be solved and addition- al research was required to show how FPC can be utilized more efficiently, an FPC industry had been born and was growing. III. 1-8 A035 Fish Protein Concentrate - The State of the Art G. M. Knobl, Jr. (NMFS) ABSTRACT This report covered the background of the efforts to develop fish protein concentrate; the work being done to establish FPC production plants was briefly outlined. Most of these plants were producing FPC by solvent extraction procedures (usually isopropyl alcohol) . The FPCs were, in general, bland tasting and varied in color from white to dark tan. They contained between 75 and 95% high- quality protein and exhibited limited functional properties accord- ing to standards set by industry for high protein foodstuffs. The report outlined the experimental work to produce FPC with various solvents and with enzymes, microorganisms, or combinations of en- zymes and solvents. The products resulting from these processes showed improved functional properties. Some of these appeared promising for use in certain foods. Although many problems remained to be solved and additional research to show how FPC could be utilized more efficiently was indicated, the conclusion was that an FPC industry had been es- tablished. III. 1-9 A037 Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) Program Review Northrop Services, Inc. ABSTRACT This was the first part of a two-part document on FPC by the contractor. The purpose of this part of the report was to provide for the Congress and the American public a compre- hensive and objective review of the first eleven years of the NMFS program to develop fish protein concentrate. The report covered the FPC Program from its undertaking in 1961 by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, defined the magnitude of the problem, and provided background to the existing program. Important milestones of the program were detailed, giving information regarding budgetary history, pro- gram management, program interfaces, and activities of related governmental agencies. Laboratory and contract research on FPC was covered, and the NMFS pilot experiment and demonstra- tion plant, built to prove the feasibility of commercial manu- facture, was described. Appendices to the review included a bibliography of references on the product. HI. 1-10 A039 FPC Program Plan Northrop Services, Inc. ABSTRACT This dociiraent constituted Part II of the Northrop Services, Inc., contract report. The purpose of this part of the report was to provide for NMFS : (1) a logical, effective plan of work to fulfill the objectives of an FPC program, and (2) a management plan to enable efficient and effective implementation of the plan of work. The management plan developed by the contractor delineated the roles of the FPC Program Manager and other key personnel and their interrelationships. Also covered were the interfaces among organizations outside of NMFS. Project planning and implementation methods were developed, ^including schedules FPC were 35 to 1507o higher than those for bread supplemented with lysine. When bread was included in diets on the basis of 807. by weight, the highest weight gains were produced with either 107o FPC or 0.47. lysine. With 107. FPC the weight gain was 367. higher than with 0.47. lysine. III. 3-3 C017 Quality and Nutritive Value of Pasta Made from Rice, Corn, Soya, and Tapioca Enriched with Fish Protein Concentrate W. H, Kwee; V. Sidwell; R, C. Wiley; and 0. A. Hammerle ABSTRACT Fish protein concentrate supplemented to flours of rice, corn, soya, and tapioca could contribute significantly to the protein intake of the population of developing countries. As pasta may well be considered a universal food, it was chosen as a carrier for FPC. Pasta were evaluated organoleptically and in animal feeding studies and were also evaluated obiec- tively. Both 10 and 20% FPC additions were efficient in increas- ing the protein content and nutritional value of pasta. From sensory and objective evaluations, rice pasta appeared to be the most acceptable. Of corn, soya, and tapioca pasta, tapioca seemed most promising for further investigation; it promoted a more attractive color and counteracted grittiness in the FPC, but its texture became too soft during cooking. III. 3-4 C020 Phosphate Complexes of Soluble Fish Proteins Their Formation and Possible Uses J. Spinelli and B. Koury ABSTRACT Sarcoplasmic fish proteins in dilute aqueous concentrations were quantitatively precipitated from solution as condensed phos- phate complexes. The ratio of phosphorus to nitrogen in the com- plexes was dependent on the concentration of the condensed phos- phate present in the solution, the type of phosphate, and the pH of the solution. Available lysine and feeding data indicated that the nutritional characteristics of the complexed proteins were not impaired. The work suggested that the reaction product between condensed phosphates and soluble proteins could be used to recover waste proteins from industrial effluents. III. 3-5 C02I Changes in Physical and Sensory Characteristics of Doughs and of Bread Containing Various Amounts of Fish Protein Concentrate and Lysine V. D. Sidweil and 0. A. Hammerle ABSTRACT A study was made of the physical and sensory characteris- tics of bread fortified with various amounts of either fish protein concentrate (FPC) or lysine. Doughs were prepared from mixtures containing wheat flour and 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% FPC or 0.2, 0.^, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0% lysine. Standard methods were used to evaluate the rheology of doughs and characteristics of bread. When 20% FPC was added to wheat flour at a ratio of 20% or less, more water was absorbed by the dough than without FPC. FPC increased farinograph development time and stability, and in the extensigraph test it caused a decrease in extensibility and an increase in resistance to extension. Fortification of wheat flour with various amounts of lysine did not change the characteristics of dough appreciably. Addition of FPC decreased the volume of loaves, and the crumb became darker, coarser, and more compact.. Addition of lycinc to bread had little effect on either loaf volume or appearance. Judges accepted the texture and flavor of bread with 5 or 10% FPC about as well as that with no FPC. Bread containing higher amounts of FPC was less accepta- ble. Acceptability studies revealed no appreciable differences between breads containing various amounts of lysine. III. 3-6 C024 Nutritive Quality of Wheat Flour and Bread Supplemented with Either Fish Protein Concentrate or Lysine B. R. Stillings, V. D. Sidwell, 0. A. Hammerle ABSTRACT Studies were made to determine the relative supplemental value of fish protein concentrate (FPC) and of lysine when added to wheat flour. The nutritive quality of the supplemented wheat flour was determined before and after processing into bread. Mixtures were prepared containing wheat flour and either to 25% FPC or 0.1 to 1.0% lysine. When unprocessed mixtures were added directly to rat diets at a 1.6% nitrogen level, 15% FPC and 0.2 to 0.4% lysine produced the maximum weight gain, pro- tein efficiency ratio (PER) , net protein utilization, and total protein and fat in the carcasses. Maximum responses obtained with FPC were greater than those obtained with lysine. I'Then bread was added to diets at a 1.6% nitrogen level, 25% FPC and 0.4% lysine produced maximum weight gain and PER. The protein ratings for bread supplemented witti 10 to 25% FPC were 35 to 150% higher than those for bread supplemented with lysine. When bread was included in diets on the basis of 80% by weight, the highest weight gains were produced with either 10% FPC or 0.4% lysine. With 10% FPC the weight gain was 36% higher than with 0.4% lysine. III. 3-7 C025 Evidence Indicates, that a Premix of FPC and Wheat Flour can be Made and Transported V. D. Sidwell, B. R. Stillings and G. M. Knobl, Jr. ABSTEAGT The authors conducted a study to determine if mixtures of wheat flour and fish protein concentrate (FPC) would tend to separate during the agitation of a mechanical shaker. Mixtures of 90% wheat flour and 10% FPC were placed on a shaker for 168 hours. Despite differences in particle size between the wheat flour and the FPCs, there was no evidence of separation. III. 3-8 C028 FPC Institutional Recipes R. G. Kerr and B. J. Gerson ABSTRACT The home economist in the Market Research and Services Division of NOAA developed 22 recipes, including breads, desserts, main dishes, sandwich filling, sauces and soups. These foods con- tained as one of their ingredients 5-12% FPC; the percent of FPC was based on the weight of the dry ingredients. The recipes were considered acceptable in texture, flavor, and appearance when the panelists rated it 90% or better. The inclusion of FPC in the formulation increased the cost to one half cent or less per serving, and increased the protein content two to three times over that of a similar food product with no FPC. III. 3-9 C030 FPC Consumer Recipes R. Kerr and B. Gerson ABSTRACT Fish protein concentrate (FPC) prepared from red 'hake ( Urophycis chuss ) by the isopropanol extraction method was one of the ingredients in a number of family-size recipes for breads, desserts, main dishes or casseroles, sandwich filling, and soups. The recipes were modified until the final products received a 95% acceptability by a panel of 10-12 judges. (Note: No decision was made for the publication of these recipes.) Hi. 3-10 C031 Utilization of FPC and Acceptability V. D. Sidwell ABSTRACT This review paper described the work that laboratories through- out the world had done in the utilization of FPC. The work done at the NMFS laboratory concentrated on the use of FPCs with varying in- tensities of flavor and a comparison of the functional qualities of FPC with so_y flour and dried milk solids. Menhaden FPC was made under different conditions so that re- sulting products would have varying kinds of physical characteristics. Differences in flavor diminished when the FPCs were incorporated at the 107o level in bread and plain cookies. There was no difference in texture when chocolate was added to the cookie. Because the menhaden-FPC v;as naturally dark, the final products were dark, but even that characteristic improved when incorporated into a food at the 10% level. The loaf volume of the breads containing 10% FPC made from presscake or fish meals were significantly greater than the breads made from regular FPC, probably due to the residual fate in the FPCs that may act as a svrfaf" taTi*" - Tt was found that a higher percentage of protein supplement could be added when FPC was the supplement (9%) than if dried milk solids or soy flour (3-6%) were used. Pasta fortified with 3 or 6% protein from FPC, 3oy flour, dried milk solids, and .2% or .4% lysine was evaluated for its nutritional value and its physical properties. The suggested fortification level is 6.8% FPC of the total dry ingredients. Indications were that when comparable amounts of FPC, soy flour or milk solids were added to a formulation, FPC posed the fewest problems in the modification of an established formulation or process. III. 3-11 C032 Crackers Fortified with Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) V. Sidwell and B. Stillings ABSTRACT In recent years considerable attention has been given to the development and use of protein supplements. Among these, fish protein concentrate (FPC) has been shown to be especially high in nutritional quality and relatively low in cost. To be effective in providing protein for people, how- ever, protein supplements must be in a form they will accept. Obviously, people eat "foods" and not "nutrients"; thus it is important that the nutrients be supplied in foods they enjoy eating. Snacks are popular and provide an excellent vehicle for supplying required nutrients. In these studies, crackers containing varying amounts of FPC were e'^'alu^te'^ ^^'^i^ nll^r^ ti nnal aualitv. sensory factors and physical characteristics. III. 3-12 C033 Candy Fortified with Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) V. Sidwell ABSTRACT Fish protein concentrate (FPC) made by the isopropanol method could be used to fortify candy with very few technological problems, especially if the FPC was added at the end of the processing pro- cedure. Up to 12% of the total weight of the ingredients was added to caramels, 6% to cream fillings. The color of the final product was the biggest difference between the fortified and the non-fortified candies. The changes in texture and flavor were not significant. The effect of color could be minimized by the addition of colorings, nuts, or fruits. III. 3-13 C035 Effect of Varying Amounts of Fat and Dough Conditioner on Loaf Volume and Rheology of Doughs V. Sidwell and B. Stillings ABSTRACT This study was made to observe the effect of varying levels of fat (lard) and dough conditions on the loaf volume. Three different dough conditions were used--sucrose monotallowate (SMT) , sodium stearoly-2- lactylate (SSL) , and a blend of mono- and diglyceride and polysorbate 60 (MDP) . The bread was prepared by the sponge method. Fish protein concentrate was added at the rate of 10% of the flour. One percent of SMT replaced 8% of the lard in che formulation and produced a comparable size loaf of bread. The maximum size loaf was obtained when 3% SMT and 2 or 37c fat (lard) was used. The addition of .5% SSL, along with 1 or 2% fat (lard) made the largest loaf of bread. It appeared that SSL had a sparing effect on the use of fat in the formulation. MDP could replace the fat that is used in the formulation, i.e., 1.5% MDP and 3% fat. The best results were obtained when a small amount was added to improve ^1 — 1 ji,'_„ „\ The amylo/visco/graph showed that the addition of SMT changed the viscosity of the mixture most markedly. It took more time to reach peak viscosity with each addition of SSL, but in no case did it change the density of the gel. Each level of MDP did not make a marked change in the viscosity of the flour and FPC mixture. The farinograph curves showed that with each addition of SMT, more tim.e was needed to develop the dough. At the .5%. of SSL there was an improvement in the stability of the dough over that with no or more SSL. The use of MDP improved the stability of the dough, but no change was very marked. HI. 3-14 ^ ©Stl©i1 ^1 PdlSTE^IAL S^sKDil'ilC ASPECT Hi. 4-1 D007 FPC An Economic Model for a New Industry S. Wright (SWECO, Inc.) ABSTRACT The data in this brochure have been prepared from actual tests and represent a definitive economic analysis of FPC plant construction and operation. A basic modular design for an FPC production plant was developed, and economic models are present- ed for plants with capacities of 200, 400, and 600 tons of raw fish per day. Graphs were developed for these models that show the effects on gross profit (before selling expenses, general and administrative expenses, and corporate taxes) of variations in fishing season, cost of raw fish, and selling price of the finished FPC. The data in these graphs were condensed from the results of extensive computer analyses in which a number of fixed costs were integrated with more than 50 combinations of these major variables. III. 4-2 D098 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries Volume I - The Protein Situation in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate General Oceanology, Inc. ABSTRACT This report established that protein malnutrition exists in certain target groups in Korea, and that fish protein concentrate might contribute to ameliorating the protein short- age. Economics and raw materials shortages, however, mitigated against a self-priming commercial FPC operation in Korea. Some alternative paths for protein relief via FPC were, however, possible. The elements of protein nutrition and fortification were first reviewed. The Korean protein system was described, and the "protein gap" was calculated so that the need of nutrition- ally deprived target groups could be determined. Alternatives were proposed for meeting the TCnrppn prntein np.eds. including the use of FPC. The cost/effectiveness of protein fortifica- tion was determined. The feasibility of producing FPC locally was examined, and alternatives were sought for obtaining sup- plies of FPC in the future. The implications of a protein sup- plement program on national nutrition policies were examined, including the possible role of FPC, and the cost of closing the "protein gap". III. 4-3 DOll Fish Protein Concentrate: The Growth of an Industry George M. Knobl, Jr. ABSTRACT This was a six page paper defining several types of FPCs, some of their uses and characteristics, approved fish, active or emminent commercial or experimental FPC plants with status and descriptions of processes, some market and price considera- tions, and present research efforts. In summary, an FPC industry had been established and was growing. Several plants were either in operation or under con- struction. Isopropyl alcohol was used, in each instance, as the solvent to remove water and lipids . The IPA-FPC produced was essentially a "non-functional" product, but had a place on the world market. FPCs with improved functional properties were desirable and research was underway to develop them. Barring unfoi-eseeu circums Lances , the FPC industry chculd have continued to grow. III. 4-4 D012 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate A. H. Kyle (MIT) ABSTRACT This contract report reviewed the dimensions of the world protein situation and explored the possibility of applying cost benefit analyses to investment in protein supplement programs. The conclusion was that at the time of the report it was not useful to attempt to quantify the benefits. FPC was compared with its alternatives, with the conclusion that at contemporary (1970) cpsts, FPC would rarely be the most efficient source for a developing country. Technical problems in evaluating costs associated with balance of payments considerations, unemployment, and the cost of capital were also discussed. Cost and demand data on FPC for the specific case of Chile were developed. The cost in Chile was estimated to be 25 cents per pound, and at this price FPC at best would be marginally competitive with other protein sources. For the United^ States, FPC's nutritional qualities would not necessarily guarantee it a market where overnutrition is as big a problem as undernutrition. With improvement in ^functional properties, FPC could begin to compete with meat products. The public-good argument would support a well-funded government research and development program in FPC. III. 4-5 D0I4 Utilization of Protein Ingredients in the U.S. Food Industry Part I The Current Market for Protein Ingredients Part II The Future Market for Protein Ingredients Timothy M. Hammonds and David L. Call The first part of this contract report reviewed and evaluated the existing market for new protein sources, specifi- cally FPC. A substantial current market potential for protein was identified and potentials of various proteins were estab- lished. It was concluded, however, that the protein market was not an easy one into which to introduce FPC. Part II of the report discussed the vulnerability of each food category investigated in Part I. A market guide was developed, presenting a summary of major foods using protein, the properties required to penetrate each category, the competi- tive price range needed (1969) , and an estimate of protein volume potential. The canned and processed meat industry was identified as having the largest growth potential. The other fastest growing markets, in order of growth, were instant breakfast, snack food, and pet food. Canned and processed meats, baked goods, and breakfast products were certified as the prime targets for new proteins. Dairy products may be secondary targets because of problems of penetration, and pet food because of the very low cost required. The ingredients with which a new protein may expect to compete with were identified as the soy pro- teins, nonfat dry milk, and dry whole milk. Dry whole milk has the lowest protein content and is often included for its fat, not its protein content. This leaves soy and nonfat dry milk as the principal targets. Elimination of disagreeable flavor was determined to be the single most important factor for stimulating sales of new protein ingredients. III. 4-6 D016 Preparation of Fish Protein Concentrate and Fish Meal John Spinelli ABSTRACT Raw, ground, whole or deboned fish was contacted with an acidic aqueous solution of a condensed inorganic phosphate, e.g., sodium hexametaphosphate, to insolubilize the protein fractions of the tissue components. The insolubilized protein could then be water washed to removed oil and other undesired tissue components. Either fish meal, suitable for animal feed, fertilizer, etc., or high protein concentrate, suitable for human food use, was recov- ered. III. 4-7 D017 Cost Comparison of IPA and Presscake - IPA Process L. Durilla, K. Almenas, and G. Gentry ABSTRACT A cost comparison of the standard IPA and Presscake-IPA process for the production of fish protein concentrate (FPC) was made. The major advantages of preprocessing the fish before it is fed into the IPA processing plant appeared to be: 1. A fattier fish could be used as the raw material. The cooking and pressing operations used in producing the presscake feed also removed the major portion of the oil associated with the fish. 2. Cooked presscake could be stored readily. This could be taken advantage of in extending the operation time of the IPA processing units. 3. Presscake was a more concentrated feed, thus processing capacity for an equivalent amount of output product can be reduced, III. 4-8 D022 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate J. Crutchfield and R. Deacon ABSTRACT Research conducted on fish protein concentrate in the past has been concerned primarily with processing technology and nutritional evaluation. Efforts to evaluate the economic role of FPC in world markets have been few by comparison. Al- though such research has been of generally high quality, it has often been limited in scope. Some analyses have focused upon single locations for production and consumption and have exam- ined FPC in light of a single specific use; others have looked at potential markets with little or no analysis of economic as- pects of production; most reports have evaluated FPC on the ba- sis of present technology and have not tried to assess potential gains from further research. A more global approach to the prob- lem, considering production, marketing and the allocation of research effort is needed. An outline of such an approach and some preliminary ccnclusicnc from this type of analysis are provided in this paper. III. 4-9 D023 Engineering Economic Model for Fish Protein Concentration Processes K. K. Almenas, J. W. Gentry, and J. M. Marchello ABSTRACT A process engineering economic model for fish protein concentration processes has been developed. The model predicts the construction and operating costs for fish meal plants and for plants producing fish protein concentrate (FPC) by iso- propyl alcohol extraction, biological, and presscake isopropyl alcohol extraction. Typical process flow sheets and a computer program were developed to be used in the design and cost computations. The model provided for each process to be studied both internally and externally in comparison with alternate processes. The pro- gram and model were prepared in such a way that changes and up- dating may be accomplished quite readily as new information be- comes available. This report contains directions for users and descriptions' of the processes. A listing of the computer pro- gram and example calculations for each process are presented in the appendix to guide the user and to illustrate the nature of the model output. While the model did develop construction, operating, and production aspects of the processes, it did not deal with the economics of selling the products and the resulting profit and return on investment. Problems of allocation of costs and mar- keting arrangements were not covered in this report, but must be considered in the final decisions relating to a complete evalua- tion of alternatives. III. 4-10 AT©i^Y OC s III. 5-1 E005 Design and Construction of a Fish Protein Concentrate Processing Unit Utilizing Solvent Extraction Procedures J. Connally ABSTRACT A model-scale plant for processing raw fish by a variety of solvent extraction procedures was designed, constructed, tested, and delivered to the College Park Laboratory of the Bu- reau of Commercial Fisheries of the U.S. Department of the Inter- ior. Built largely of stainless steel, with sanitary fittings In all important sections, the unit permits the processing of over 500 pounds of raw fish per day using the following process- ing steps: 1. Batch extraction 2. Continuous liquid-solid separation 3. Solvent recovery by distillation 4. Vacuum drying of extracted fish proteins. Experimental runs were made using different tjrpes of fish. The lowest fat content was achieved by an isopropanol extraction operation developed by BCF personnel: the process utilized two batch extractions and a continuous percolation of solvent through a fish slurry. This produced a fish protein concentrate product containing approximately 70% protein with a fat content of 0.3%. III. 5-2 E008 Design and Evaluation of a Process for the Manufacture of Fish Protein Concentrate IONICS, Inc. ABSTRACT For the past several years the U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries has concerned itself with the development of a high quality fish protein concentrate which would be suitable for worldwide use in human diets. The major emphasis of their work was directed toward producing samples of fish protein concentrate and evaluating them from the standpoint of nutri- tional value. These samples proved to be excellent sources of animal protein. Therefore, it now remained to be demonstrated whether this process could yield high quality FPC at a low cost. The analyses performed were concerned with demonstrating the technical feasibility and estimating the manufacturing costs of FPC plants capable of handling either 5 or 50 tons per day of lean, raw fish. IONICS investigated the variables associated with the dehydration and extraction steps such as time of contact, temperature, solvent composition and solvent to fish ratio, as well as the general area of recovery of valuable components from an FPC miscella. III. 5-3 E013 Odor Removal from Reclaimed AIPA in Marine- Protein Concentrate Process (Report No. I) S. C. Spalding ABSTRACT Azeotropic isopropanol recovered from the process for preparing a food grade marine protein concentrate was shown to be contaminated by amines which were volatile and which gave the alcohol a fishy to ammoniacal odor overtone character. To remove the amines and deodorize this product so that it may be reused in the process it was recommended that the hydrogen form of a strong acid type (Dowex SOW x 8) ion exchange resin be used to collect these amine compounds. The remaining overtone odors which then become noticeable are removed by one pass through an absorbant carbon (Bamebey Cheney RA grade carbon) column there- by completing the regeneration of the solvent isopropanol for reuse in the process. III. 5-4 # E015 Odor Removal from Reclaimed AIPA in Marine Protein Concentrate Process (Report No. II) S. C. Spalding ABSTRACT A series of odor panel samples were submitted to BCF to demonstrate certain process sequences which yield an uncontam- inating (odor-wise) constant boiling isopropanol-water product judged as satisfactory by an odor evaluation panel. Three deodorization processes were studied in greater detail to be certain that the several unit operations employed would provide reasonable engineering solutions. The product of each of the three procedures passed an odor panel trial and 1. The present cross flow process should be changed over to a counter current process so that proper simulation of product streams may be obtained for study. 2. Of the three processes found to be capable of prodncnng an acceptable product, the two step fractional distillation — flash evaporation scheme should be applied to the 600///day pilot plant runs contemplated under item 1 above. III. 5-5 .E016 A Study of Centrifugal Methods for Fluorine Reduction In Fish Protein Concentrate and Fish Protein Recovery From Isopropanol Suspension C. Y. Lee, G. F. Schneider, W. A. Ruemell ABSTRACT It has been shown that reduction of fluorine in red hake protein concentrate to less than 100 ppm is possible by centri- fugal deboning in an isopropanol-water slurry under certain con- trolled conditions. Yields of 80 to 85% dry solids input are indicated at rates up to 30 GPM with the P-660 Super-D-Canter. The importance of comminution conditions upon yield and fluorine removal was confirmed; fluorine removal appears surprisingly dependent upon isopropanol concentration as well. Recovery of red hake protein concentrate from isopropanol suspension was effected at 0.3 to 0.7 GPM with the P-660 Super- D-Canter. Insoluble solids removals varied from 97 to 85% at 0.3 and 0.7 GPM, respectively. The use of centrifugal equipment for both fluorine removal and protein recovery appeared practicable. However, protein recovery, particularly after the first stage extraction, would require the use of a decanter and disc centrifuge in series if practical recoveries are to be achieved. III. 5-6 E020 A Mechanism of Mass Transfer in a Red Kake (Uyophycis chuss) - Azeotropic Isopropanol System D. Harris, R. M. Heck, and H, G. Blocker ABSTRACT The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries embarked on a program to design a countercurrent extraction process for the production of fish protein concentrate from red hake ( Urophycis chuss ) . The extraction process involved contacting azeotropic isopropyl al'cohol (AIPA) with ground fish to removed lipids and water from the fish solids. The wet extracted solids were then dried and steam stripped to remove residual alcohol. The resulting dried product was then milled and bagged. The FPC product was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for human consumption. The design of the extraction system for this process re- quired fundamental data on the mechanism of the extraction of the lipids and the rate of extraction as a function of tempera- ture, impeller speed, and power input. The lipids needed to be extracted because they were a class of compounds that contribute to spoixage oj. j-'ivj uncier storagE, There was no known work in the literature concerning mass transfer, extraction rate, approach to equilibrium, of mass transfer temperature dependence concerning red hake extraction processes. The purpose of the work reported here was to obtain such information for use in process design. III. 5-7 E022 Bone Particulate Separation — Fish Protein Concentrate Barkeley and Dexter Laboratories, Inc. ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were the separation of bone fraction from FPC. Methods tested: cascading/air slit, cyclone/ vortex, electrostatic, vibration/flotation separation techniques. Based on the assumption that FPC may contain as high as 2000 ppm F, fillets contain 45 ppm and it was determined desirable to re- duce fluoride content to 100 ppm in final FPC fraction. Reliable analysis was a major problem. An x-ray method of control proved inadequate. Ash contents were indicative but not accurate. Fluoride assays and ash analyses were also made by Skinner and SherTn?in; Tnr , . Newton Mass.. Barkley and Dexter used an Orion specific ion meter for fluoride assays. The cascade/air slit method applied to milled FPC initially containing 360 ppm F resulted in fractions containing as high as 830 ppm F and as low as 130 ppm. The cyclone/vortex method re- sulted in fractions as low as 99 ppm F. Electrostatic separation of unmilled FPC indicated no significant separation. Vibration separation tests resulted in fractions from 350 ppm F down to 100 or 150 ppm F. It was concluded that vibration/separation can recover 84% with 200 ppm F. The contractor recommended the construction and evaluation of a pilot plant unit combining methods of bone separation. A recovery of 52% containing 100 to 150 ppm F was predicted. Conclusion: Fluoride content cannot be reduced effectively to less than 100 ppm by mechanical separation in view of fact that milled fillet is of the same order F content. III. 5-8 E037 Controlling the Fluoride Level of Fish Protein Concentrate By Selective Removal of Bones L, Beiremain and W. rfamperson ABSTRACT The report consisted of five single spaced, typed pages of data diagrams and a graph relating ash content to fluoride content. The objective was to recover a low-fluoride fraction from FPC [by utilizing milling/screening/air classification] and to verify the assumption that the fluoride level would be rough- ly proportional to bone content and whether lead was concentrated in bone. Unmilled hake FPC was subjected to various combinations and permutations of coarse milling, air classification, and screening with 20, 24, 32 and 48-mesh screens. Previous work on an earlier sample had indicated good possibilities for these techniques. It was not possible to achieve separation of a satisfactory fraction with less than 100 ppm F by any sequence applied. It was questioned whether variations in F content^ of fish or methods of processing FPC (raw fish grinding, mixing, extracting or temperatures) have resulted in the solids having different physical or chemical composition. Samples separated by floating in chloroform separated bone fractions containing 1200 ppm F (ash, 58.0%) and light fraction containing 148 ppm F (ash, 8.2%) from a mixture containing 268 ppm F (ash, 19.5%). A sample of sea bass, bones separated by hand, resulted in bones containing ash, 48% (dry wt.) and flesh with ash, 3.1%. Hake flesh fraction separated by chloroform contained 6.7% ash (158 ppm F) indicating the hake particles of flesh fraction contained considerable bone. The main conclusion drawn was that the two samples used did not represent a material well suited to mechanical separa- tion of the bone and meat portions and would not have resulted in a product with fluoride reliably below 100 ppm. Further study of FPC process was recommended to determine what conditions affect the amount and distribution of fluorides, also coarse grinding of fish prior to extraction. III. 5-9 E038 Use of Solvents in the Manufacture of Fish Protein Concentrates N, L, Brown, E. R. Pariser, and Jo A, Price ABSTRACT This survey was made under contract by Esso on potential candidates for use in FPC manufacture; the report discussed the criteria used for selection and presented a survey of some seven solvents which could be used in FPC manufacture. Technical criteria, categories, functions and history of solvent use and selection relative to FPC were discussed. Unlike more commercial solvent extractions, which were for recovery of the oil, FPC extraction was for the purpose of completely removing the lipids from the substrate and therefore further restricting the characteristics and function of the solvent as to its effects on the FPC product. Isopropyl alcohol, ethanol, methanol, butanols, n-hexane, n-heptane, acetone, trichloroethane, carbon disulfide, cellosolve, dioxane, 1, 2-dichloroethane and ethylacetate were some of the solvents that have been used singly or in combination for FPC extraction. Few have been used in commercial productions. The apnendix contained the Esso table of solvents and an pvnl^na^i on of the table was given. The following were given in the list whenever available: boiling point, molecular weight, refractive index, freezing point, density, surface tension, water interfacial tension, dielective constant, dipole moment, viscosity, vapor pressure, flash point, flamma- bility limit, specific heat, heat of vaporization, Trouton's constant, solubility parameter, degree of hydrogen bonding, water solubility, lipids extracted, azeotrope with water, health hazard, availability and cost. III. 5-10 En4i Using Enzymes to Make Fish Protein Concentrates M. B. Hale ABSTRACT Fish protein concentrates having desirable functional properties could be prepared by using selected enzymes to solu- bilize protein and release lipids. Research by the National Marine Fisheries Service into enzymatic processes was described and published in the form of a Special Scientific Report. The relative activities of 23 commercially available pro- teolytic enzyme preparations acting on a fish protein substrate were measured. Pancreatin, pepsin and papain had highest ac- tivity per unit cost of enzyme. Soluble hydrolysates were prepared from red hake (Uro- phycis chuss ) using a variety of enzyme and digestion conditions. Concentrations of the amino acids tryptohan and histidine in the soluble products were critical nutritionally and varied with the pH of hydrolysis. A soluble FPC having a protein efficiency ra- tio equal to that of casein was prepared with an alkaline bacter- -f - T „ „j. ^u Q C -LclX ClliC^lUC CXI_ ^J1.L \J , J , Production costs were estimated for a soluble product pre- pared from whole fish and a partially soluble product prepared from press cake through the use of enzymes. III. 5-11 E043 Effect of Ice Storage on the Chemical and Nutritive Properties of Solvent-Extracted Whole Fish - Red Hake, Urophycis chuss D. L, Dubrow, N. L, Brown, E. R. Pariser, n. Miller, Jr., and V. Sidwell ABSTRACT Because red hake that are to be used in the future pro- duction of fish protein concentrate will be caught in quantity, the preservation of the hake during periods of glut will present a problem that possibly can be solved by storage of the hake in ice. Whole red hake were held in ice for 2, 6, 8, and 11 days. Organoleptic tests on the fresh fish showed that they were edible on the eighth day but were not edible on the eleventh day. Samples of fish were removed during each period of storage and were processed (1) by freeze drying to produce a reference sam- ple and (2) by solvent extraction with isopropyl alcohol to pro- duce a fish protein concentrate. Proximate composition, amino acid composition, and nutritive quality were determined compara- tively on both of these two kinds nf nrocessfd samDles , From the data obtained, it was concluded that red hake stored in ice for 8 days were suitable for use in the production of fish protein concentrate and that they would be suitable for this use up to the point of spoilage of the fish, which occurred sometime between 8 and 11 days. III. 5-12 E044 Solubilization of Fish Protein Concentrate S. R. Tannenbaum, D. Wang, and M. C. Archer ABSTRACT The solubilization of FPC by Bacillus subtilis protease (Monzyme) has been investigated. The conditions vjhich eliminate the problems of microbial contamination and salt accumulation were defined. A kinetic treatment revealed that enzyme was absorbed to the surface of the substrate, the initial rate of reaction being proportional to the surface area of substrate exposed to aqueous phase. The overall kinetics were described by a sequence of first order process - an initial, fast re- action in which loosely bound polypeptide chains were cleared from an insoluble protein particle, and a second, slower re- action in which a more compacted core of the protein is digested. Further studies showed that the solubilization of the de- solventized or non-desolventized FPC did not change the physical characcer of the £iiial piuduut. Meuhaden presscake studies shewed that 50% of the total lipids was extracted into the soluble fraction of the substrate. The continuous production of the solubilized FPC in a pilot reactor capable of producing many kilograms per day showed the effects of FPC concentration, residence time and reactor temperature correlated with the batch data obtained in former studies. III. 5-13 E046 Studies on the Use of Carbon Dioxide Dissolved in Refrigerated Brine for the Preservation of Whole Fish H. Barnett, R. W. Nelson, P. J. Hunter, S. Bauer, and H. Groniger ABSTRACT Although storing fish in refrigerated seawater had many advantages over storing them in ice, the use of refrigerated seawater also had several disadvantages, one of which was the difficulty in controlling the growth of spoilage bacteria in the fish. Reported here is the effect on the growth of bacteria in rockfish and chum salmon of dissolving carbon dioxide in brine. Storing the fish in the refrigerated brine treated with carbon dioxide inhibited the growth of the bacteria, retarded the rate at which the fish decrease in quality, and increased their stor- age life by at least 1 week. III. 5-14 E047 Protein Autolysis Rates at Various pH's and Temperatures* in Hake, Merluccius productus , and Pacific Herring, Clupea harengus pallasi , and "Their Effect on Yield in the Preparation of Fish Protein Concentrate B, Koury, J. Spinelli, D. Wieg ABSTRACT The rate of protein autolysis at temperatures ranging from 30° to 80° C and at pH's ranging from 3.0 to 7.0 was determined on hake and Pacific herring. Autolysis rates were generally greatest at acidic pH's and began to decrease after temperatures exceeded 50°C. Autolysis rates were much greater in hake than in Pacific herring. The yield of fish protein concentrate pre- pared from hake showed a close inverse correlation to the degree of autolysis. III. 5-15 E043 Making Fish Protein Concentrate by Enzymatic Hydrolysis M. B. Hale ABSTRACT Research into biological methods for fish protein concen- trate (FPC) preparation carried out v/ithin the National Marine Fisheries Service is summarized. The effects of various process- ing conditions and commercially available proteolytic enzymes on yields and characteristics of water-soluble fish protein hydrolysates are presented. Soluble FPC prepared from red hake ( Urophycis chuss ) tended to be deficient in either tryptophan or histidine, depending on the pH of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of raw fish with an alkaline protease of Bacilus subtilis at pH 8.5 or above gave the best balance of essential amino acids and a high yield of soluble product. Pancreatin also gave very good results at pH 8.5. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) of a to- tally soluble FPC prepared from alewife ( Alosa pseudoharengus) was equivalent to that of casein. Soluble products prepared from hake were equivalent to casein as a wheat supplement but not as a sole source of protein. Process outlines and prelimi- nary cost estimates are presented for the production of two types of fish protein hydrolysatp.s. Possible food uses and the flavor problem are discussed. This report includes a literature survey of fish protein modifications by fermentation and selected chem- ical hydrolysis methods, as well as by enz3nnatic hydrolysis pro- cesses. III. 5-16 E049 Approaches to the Utilization of Fish for the Preparation of Protein Isolates Enzymic Modifications of Myofibrillar Fish Protein J. Spinelli, B. Koury, and R. Miller ABSTRACT It was concluded that the sensitivity of fish proteins to physical and chemical alterations precluded their use as func- tional ingredients in foods unless they could be modified so that desirable functional characteristics could be preserved during processing and subsequent storage. The use of proteolytic enzymes to produce soluble protein hydrolysates from fish proteins has been studied by several groups. Cheftel et al. (1971) described the use of proteolytic enzymes to solubilize fish protein concentrate. The use of raw fish as a substrate for proteolytic enz>Tne hydrolysis was stud- ied by Sen et al. (1962) and Srlpathy et al. (1964) . Some of the problems associated with such procedures were the prolonged times required for the complete solubilization of the proteins and the development of bitter flavors due to the formation of III. 5-17 E050 Approaches to the Utilization of Fish for the Preparation of Protein Isolates Isolation and Properties of Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Fish Proteins J. Spinelli, B. Koury, and Px.. Miller ABSTRACT Recently Meinke et al (1972) discussed some of the factors that influence the production of protein isolates from fish. In this work, data on the solubility characteristics and the recovery of isolates from whole raw fish and frozen fish at various pH's, salt concentrations and temperatures were presented. No attempts, however, were made to separate the basic protein components of fish muscle, and factors that influence the functional and organo- leptic characteristics of isolates when subjected to various pro- cessing procedures were not reported. The work dealt in these latter areas and was divided into two parts: 1. To separate the two major protein fractions of fish muscle (myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic) and to determine some of the physical chemical and or'^anols'^tic '•^ro'^erties (^f pach before and after drying. 2. To evaluate the use of some proteolytic enzymes as an aid in modifying the physical and chemical characteristics of the separated protein fractions. 111.5-1^ E053 Bench Level Storage Study (Fresh Menhaden in IPA) D. Dubrow ABSTRACT Bench level experiments were conducted to examine the effects of several levels of IPA on the storage stability of fresh, raw menhaden, cooked menhaden, and cooked and pressed menhaden for storage periods of up to sixty days. This experiment consisted of two parts as follows: (1) Unprocessed stored material was analyzed for aerobic/ anaerobic bacteria, soluble nitrogen, and lipid oxida- tion at one-week intervals for the first month, then at 45 days, and at 60 days. (2) FPC samples from three series of bench level extrac- tions made at (control), 30 days, and 60 days were analyzed for yield, organoleptic qualities, proteins, lipids, ash and volatiles. Variables included three different levels of IPA and raw, cooked, and cooked and pressed menhaden. As the experiment pro- gressed, IPA level variables decreased. In addition, peroxide was added during extraction and com- pared to samples with no peroxide content. From the results reported, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Raw fish stored with 40% or less alcohol, by weight of the water content, did not produce a satisfactory FPC. 2. Raw fish could be stored at a level of 160% or 1:1 sol- vent to wet solid ratio for 3 to 5 weeks and produced a satisfac- tory FPC. 3. Raw fish could probably be stored at an 80% IPA level (0.5 to 1 solvent to solid ratio) for a similar period of time. 4. Cooked fish, could be stored at a minimum level of IPA of 40% (0.25 to 1 solvent to solid ratio) or 160% (21:1) for 3 to 5 weeks and produced a satisfactory FPC. 5. Cooked-pressed fish was not recommended for storage for FPC at this time. III. 5-19 E054 Frozen Menhaden Storage Studies J. Spinneli ABSTRACT The objective of this project was to identify at the laboratory level critical constraints and/or problems associated with the processing for FPC of frozen menhaden that have been held in storage for periods of 30 and 60 days. The results of 30-day studies, conducted at both bench level and scaled-up unit, indicated that organoleptic qualities and yields of FPC were acceptable. Sixty-day storage studies at bench level indicated that a borderline acceptable product could be made. These studies had a twofold significance: (1) Frozen menhaden could be used successfully for (2) A storage period of up to sixty days for frozen menhaden could increase substantially the operating time for a commercial plant. III. 5-20 E055 Separating Bone Particles From Whole Menhaden FPC (Air-Flotation) D. Dub row ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of separating bone matter from whole menhaden FPC in order to increase the total protein content. FPCs processed from fresh fish and frozen fish were tested on a V135A Gravity Separator Table. After the FPCs had been passed over this device, they were analyzed to determine fractions of ash, protein, and volatile content. Unmilled, coarsely milled, and finely milled FPCs were tested, with the resulting determination that the coarsely milled samples were best suited for this method of separation. The use of the air flotation method appeared to be technically promising for the removal of bone particles from FPC; it may not have been economically feasible on a commercial scale. III. 5-21 E056 Preparation and Storage Properties of Presscake Made by the Aqueous Phosphate Process for Use in FPC Manufacture J. Spinelli ABSTRACT Several methods of preparing FPC have been specifically investigated to offset the production costs that are related to a fluctuating raw material supply. In reviewing the status and suggested methods for preparing FPC, Finch (1970) cites six methods where the starting material for preparing FPC is not raw fish, but rather fish meal. Two methods use a cooked press - cake instead of raw fish (Lahiry et al., 1972; Whaley and Moshy, 1966). Although it has been adequately demonstrated that high quality FPC can be prepared from presscake (Lawler, 1970; Spi- nelli et al. , 1971), the storage characteristics of presscake and quality of FPC prepared from presscake stored for protract- ed periods of time has not been reported. It was the purpose of this work to determine the process parameters necessary to produce a stable presscake (made by the aqueous phosphate process) that could be stored at ambient tem- perature and remain suitable for the preparation of a high quali- ty FPC. The specific objectives were as follows: 1. Evaluation of the conditions of preparation and the additives necessary to prevent microbiological and oxidative deterioration of the presscake during storage. 2. Evaluation of the organoleptic and nutritional properties of FPC made from stored presscake. III. 5-22 Section F P^OI^yCTIOI^ PROCESSES III. 6-1 FOOl MIT-UNICEF Studies on the Production of Fish Protein Concentrate for Human Consumption E. R. Pariser and E. Odland ABSTRACT Among procedures suggested for the preparation of fish protein concentrates, solvent defatting and solvent deodorizing showed promising results and were further investigated. Process- ing methods based upon these operations vary mainly in the method of dehydration, choice of solvent or solvents, and condi- tions of extraction. In an effort to clarify the effects of these variables on the composition, protein quality, and taste and smell characteristics of the final product, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) , in consultation with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , arranged for a study of those problems by the Department of Food Technology of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , This study was completed in 1961. The purpose of this paper was to summarize the results. This summary reported on the following: the raw material selected; the processing methods and equipment used? and the effect of the processing variables on the final product. III. 6-2 F002 Preliminary Process Design and Cost Estimate for a 50 Ton Per Day FPC Plant Central Engineering Laboratories Food Machinery Corp. ABSTRACT The preliminary plant design and cost estimate for a plant to convert 50 tons per day of a low oil content fish into fish protein concentrate (FPC) was presented in this report. The process used is extraction of fresh fish with an isopropyl alcohol-water mixture to remove the oil and water. The insolu- ble solids remaining consist of 80 to 85% protein. The capital required to build a plant of this size was esti- mated at 1.3 million dollars. This figure was arrived at by the relatively standard method of estimating the cost of major pro- cess equipment items and applying factors for such items as installation, piping, utilities, buildings, etc. The accuracy of this type estimate is about ±25%. Based on this capital in- vestment, the product cost was estimated at about 26c/lb FPC, when oTT^Tc^ tr1 nc ^50 dflvs/vear. The amount of fish processed in a solvent extraction plant such as this depended quite strongly on the oil content of 'the fresh, whole fish. This design and cost estimate was based on an oil content of 2.5%wt, typical for red hake caught off the coast of Massachusetts. Fish with higher oil content will re- quire a greater amount of solvent, and, as a result, each extractor will contain less fish in each batch. Thus, for a fish such as this, the capacity of the plant described in this report would decrease and the operating costs per pound of FPC would increase correspondingly . This preliminary design and cost estimate indicated the relative contribution of several areas of the proposed pro- cess to the overall cost. The results permitted attention to be focused on those areas which are likely to have the greatest effect on the cost of producing FPC. III. 6-3 F009 FPC; The NMFS Experiment and Demonstration Plant Process R. C. Ernst ABSTRACT The purpose and objectives of the National Marine Fisheries Services semi-works FPC plant in Aberdeen, Washington, are de- scribed. The design, construction and operation of the plant are discussed and the results of operations to date presented. These results are then discussed, conclusions drawn, and recom- mendations are made for further plant modifications and operations I III. 6-4 F0I8 Modification of EDP for Fatty Fish Processing G. M. Marchello ABSTRACT This eight page memo was Dr. Marchello 's report on recom- mendations for modifications to the EDP as a result of his chair- ing a technical review and discussion meeting in Aberdeen, May 24-25, 1971, among Ocean Harvesters, Sweco, and NMFS personnel. Attendees were listed; highlights, recommendations, diagram and cost estimates were included. These recommendations were later modified by NMFS and Ocean Harvesters. [Unofficial question was "what can be done for $150,000".] This meeting was for the purpose of technical review and to recommend plant modifications for fatty fish processing. Prob- lems and possible solutions were discussed. Four-stage extraction, IPA losses, oil recovery, steam sparge to still, second oil cen- trifuge addition, sludge/oil inversion, and vacuum evaporator were all lueuLloned. Changes rcccmmcndcd were: 1) conversion of present oil centrifuge to three-phase, 2) installation of film evaporator, 3) addition of acid to still or mono-sodium acid phosphate solu- tion, and 4) installation of spare slurry pump and deboner parts. Total estimate $140,500. [note: Recommendations were determined reasonably valid at the time, but were later determined obsolete.] III. 6-5 F022 storage of Hake in Brine Ocean Harvesters, Inc. ABSTRACT A one-week, short "loss" experiment was reported on storage of hake in refrigerated brine at the EDP. Trend curves of data indicated: protein - loss 0.30%/day, 0.39%/day; volatile matter - loss 0.14%/day, gain 0.14%/day; fat - loss 0.16%/day, 0.21%/day; ash - gain 0.34%/day, 0.39%/day from whole and broken fish respec- tively stored in refrigerated brine. 1. A yield of 10 to 10.5% deboned hake-FPC (96% protein) was determined realistic for good quality hake. 2. A yield of 8 to 9% was determined to be expected of fish stored 3 or 4 days in brine and was achieved at Aberdeen. 3. Screen problems at Aberdeen were being intensified by the poor quality fish. This was especially true cf extraction stage one, because the IPA could not harden the fish protein which had been altered by the brine and by autolysis - even at SST. III. 6-6 F027 FPC Processes R. Finch ABSTRACT The general and technical requirements for a satisfactory process for making fish protein concentrate were investigated. Solvent extraction processes, especially those using isopropyl alcohol (IPA) , were examined most widely. Stages in the extrac- tion of fish with IPA as a prototype method were reviewed. Vari- ation in solvent processes, modifications to simplify them and -to retain functionality in the end products, and non-solvent methods, including enzymic digestion were considered. Future developments were explored. III. 6-7 F02a Bacteriological Aspects of Fish Protein Concentrate Production from a Large-Scale Experiment in Demonstration Plant S. L. Paskell and D. Goldmintz ABSTRACT A fish protein concentrate Experiment and Demonstra- tion Plant capable of handling 100,000 pounds per day of fish has been built by the National Marine Fisheries Service in Aber- deen, Washington, Although FPC is now being produced which meets microbiological specifications, several difficulties were en- countered during start-up. In the production of FPC from this plant microbiological studies included locating possible sources of contamination by evaluating operational areas of fish-holding, intra-plant transport of intermediate and dried product, air quality, and equipment cleaning as well as analyses of product -from various stages. Food grade Pacific hake (Merluccius productus ) held in 5% circulating brine at 0° to 2°C were used for FPC production. While Flavobacterium , Achromobacter , Pseudomonas , and other or- ganisms were introduced with fish into the brine, by 8 days when spoilage was detected, as much as 80% of the psychrophilic popu- lation were pseudomonads. Acceptable fish with counts up to 500,000 per gram yielded FPC with less than 300 per gram and a few thermaduric Bacillus . S taphylccoccus aureus , enterics, and Clostridia were occasionally found. When FPC with higher counts was encountered, growth in residual solids within the conveyors of the dry transport system was the usual cause. During process- ing, material left the driers at 70°C with only 6% moisture. As the product cooled, moisture increased due to condensation within the system and drier malfunction. Temperatures were optimum for mesophilic growth throughout much of the conveyor system. Con- tamination was traced to difficulty in sanitizing conveyors and removing residual product. Fallout, human contact and Bacillus in the system provided the chief flora. By redesign of offending equipment and emphasis on stringent sanitation, the plant can operate with alleviation of microbiological problems. III. 6-8 F033 EDP Discussion and Review of Plant Design and Operation Problems Requiring Consideration for Modification R. C. Ernst, Jr. ABSTRACT The purpose of the dissertation was to give an engineering con- tractor additional understanding of the basic process, the problems with the plant and suggested solutions. The EDP process was described with the recommended changes. No specific dat?, sizes, models or rates were given. This document preceded the P/E Development Company's report but contained some preferred alternatives. Frozen menhaden were tempered, removed from boxes, chopped and ground as whole fish or optionally thawed in a heated screw and deboned with a Bibun or Beehive separator. Screens and presses were replaced with tentri- fugal decanters for four heated stages of extraction. Desolventizing was modified. Air conveying was used from fourth stage to milling room. Re- ducing noise level, sanitation, and storage of unmilled FPC, for analysis prior to milling were emphasized. Other changes in the plant were to be made to permit adequate control, sampling, and measurements for ob- taining adequate design data for commercial plant design. III. 6-9 F035 Engineering Review Study of EDP C. Linderman (: ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to specify modifica- tions for the EDP so that it would be capable of producing specification grade FPC while running continuously (100 hours or more) at design conditions and feed rates. Work included a review of the FPC process as it now exists in the EDP, in- vestigation of problems experienced with the present equipment, processing and waste disposal problems experienced during the hake run of 1971 and subsequent trials on menhaden and anchovy, and finished product quality. Solutions to the existing prob- lems were developed and associated costs were estimated. As the result of the problem review, proposed solutions and cost estimates, several alternate plans were added to the report. These alternates include three waste treating systems, two control room locations, two methods of providing additional office space, and the effect on capital costs of leasing cer- tain pieces of process equipment. III. 6-10 F037 Summary Report of the Hake Run 1971 (OHI-001) Ocean Harvesters, Inc. ABSTRA.CT This summary report outlines the activities and accomplish- ments of the 1971 hake operation at the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) fish protein concentrate (FPG) Experiment and Demonstration Plant at Aberdeen, Washington. III. 6-11 F039 Fresh Anchovy Studies J. Spinelli ABSTRACT Bench level studies assessed the effect df two methods of preservation and storage time upon the processing of fresh an- chovy into FPC. The scaled-up study simulated on a smaller scale a hypothetical operation with the EDP. This was necessary to enable design input for storage and handling facility modi- fications which in all probability would be required at the EDP. The studies completed in the foregoing experiments demonstra- ted the feasibility of shipping commercial quantities of fresh anchovy from San Pedro to the EDP for the purpose of manufactur- ing FPC. III. 6-12 F050 Evaluation of a Dissolved Air Flotation Separator for EDP Waste Water Treatment A. McPhee and R. Ernst ABSTRACT The disposal of waste water used or produced during the production of fish protein concentrate at the NMFS Experiment and Demonstration Plant in Aberdeen, Washington, has been a water pollution problem of severe magnitude. To combat this problem, all plant effluent streams were routed through a gravity skimming tank and then through a carborundum unit before being discharged into the Chehalis River. An evaluation of these water pollution control facilities and analysis of individual waste water streams is presented. The carborundum unit did not perform as well as originally expected. Typical operating problems for the Carborundum Flotation Separator were also defined as well as results to be expected for different waste water sources. Secondary waste water treatment was also dealt with briefly. III. 6-13 F054 Start Up Critique (OHl-002) Ocean Harvesters, Inc. ABSTRACT This contract report covered the experiences, procedures, problems, solutions, and modifications encountered during start up operations with the Experiment and Demonstration Plant at Aberdeen. I III. 6-14 F055 Operations Manual (OHl-003) Ocean Harvesters, Inc. ABSTRACT This contract report presented descriptions of the process and equipment (with flow sheets attached) for the Experiment and Demonstration Plant at Aberdeen. The report included details of operator duties, checklists, and procedures for start-up, operation, shut-down, emergen- cies, and cleaning. 111.6-15 F056 Lean Fish Operations (OHl-004) Ocean Harvesters, Inc. ABSTRACT This contract report covered production, operation, process, equipment, and product evaluation for lean fish operations at the Experiment and Demonstration Plant at Aberdeen. Flow sheets, material balances, equipment specifications, analytical procedures, and recommendations are included for the FPC processing of hake. III. 6-16 F057 Fatty Fish Operations (OHl-005) Ocean Hai^vesters, Inc. ABSTRACT This contract report reviewed the limited fatty fish runs on frozen anchovy and menhaden which were made at the Experiment and Demonstration Plant at Aberdeen. Production descriptions, problems, operational modes, and analyses were covered. III. 6-17 F059 Final Project Report (OHI-006) Ocean Harvesters, Inc. ABSTRACT This contract report reviewed in entirety the contrac- tor's role in the Experiment and Demonstration ^lant at Aberdeen. Described and evaluated were research, design, construction, modifications, and operations, including the contractor's conclusions and recommendations. The report included as appendices research reports, drawings, specifi- cations, operating reports, analyses, and evaluation reports. III. 6-18 F060 Rapid Thawing and Deboning of Frozen Menhaden for the Experimental and Demonstration Plant J. Dyer and L. Lehman, Division Office ABSTRACT To develop a quick, economical method for thawing of frozen menhaden for future operations at the Experiment and Demonstra- tion Plant (EDP) by using an active-surface heat exchanger, sever- al combinations of disintegrator, extructor and thermascrew were used. The feasibility of operating the EDP on frozen fish with from 15 minutes to 1 hour of plant running time required to clear the thawing system was proven. There are some improvements in this thawing system still to be made and tested. These are: 1. The case around the disintegrator should be jacketed with warm water and designed for more efficient discharge. This should prevent the ground material from freezing solid and plug- ging the space outside the screen. This blockage probably con- tributed greatly to the over-reduction in particle size. The frozen rish chips weie helJ in coutact with the hammers toe long. 2. The thermascrew should be a twin-screw, counter-rotating unit with the flights intermeshed. This configuration would knead the frozen agglomerates into complete annihilation resulting in uniform and more complete thawing of the fish particles. III. 6-19 PhWf l¥ SELECTED POeyR/'aEP^TATIOPI S@£ti© A004 AOlO AOll A020 A021 A022 A023 A026 A028 A031 "Fish Protein Concentrate - A High Quality Animal Protein" E. R. Pariser (NMFS) "Fish Protein Concentrate" (NMFS) "Fish Protein Concentrate" (NMFS) "The Fish Protein Concentrate Story - 1. Enter: FPC" D. G. Snyder (NMFS) "The Fish Protein Concentrate Story - 2. The Deep Yarn of FPC E. R. Pariser (NMFS). 3. pish Catch for FPC - W. M. Chapman "The FPC Story - Here and There: Dragging the Net" - 4. World Efforts Towards. FPC - G. M. Knobl, Jr. "The FPC Story; BrinBing the Product Home - 5. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Program" D. G. Snyder (NMFS) "Fish Protein Concentrate" NMFS, Hearings, House of Representatives Committee "The U.S. Fish Protein Concentrate Program" R. Finch (NMFS) "The Fish Protein Concentrate Story - 10. U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries FPCs: Nutritional Quality and Use in Foods" V. Sidwell, B. Stillings, G Knobl, Jr. (NMFS) IV. 1-1 SECTION A (Cont'd) A038 FPC Program Executive Summary (Northrop Services, Inc.) A040 "Fish Protein Concentrate" Hearings, House of Representatives Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries IV. 1-2 Sectaooi F[H^O0)5JCT CMA^ACTElF^iSTiC B004 "Possible Interference of Fats, Carbohydrates, and Salts in Amino Acid Determinations in Fish Meal, Fish Protein Concen- trates and Mixed Animal Feeds" - Smith, Ambrose, Knobl (NMFS) BOOS ''Nutritional ^valuation of Fish Protein Concentrate" B. R. Stillings, (NMFS) BOll The Chemi stry of Flavor Reversion in Fish Protein Concentrate W. Wick (MIT) B012 "Nature of the Residual Lipids in Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC)" B. F. Medwadowski, J. Van Der Veen, H, S. Olcott (University of California) B013 "Volatile Constituents of Fish Protein Concentrate" E. Wick, E. Underriner, E. Paneras (MIT) B016 "Nature of Residual Lipids in Menhaden Fish Protein Concentrate" B. Medwadoski, J. Van Der Veen, H. S. Olcott (University of California) BO 18 The Chemistry of Flavor Reversion in Fish Protein Concentrate E. Wick (MIT) B022 "Determination of Isopropyl Alcohol in Solid Fish Protein Concentrate by Gas-Liquid Chroma togrphy" P. Smith, Jr., N. L. Brown (NMFS) B023 "Sequence of Limiting Amino Acids in Fish Protein Concentrate Produced by Isopropyl Alcohol Extraction of Red Hake" B. R. Stillings, 0. A. Hammerle,'D. G. Snyder (NMFS) B024 Ch emical Evaluation of Solvent Purity Required fo r Fish Protein Concentrate Production Using Recovered IPA Azeotrope and the Chemistry of Flavor in Fish Protein Concentrate E. Wick (MIT) B027 "FPC's Quality Virtually the Same as Its Raw Material's Quality" D. L. Dubrow, E. R. Pariser, N. L. Brown, H. Miller, Jr. (N>tFS) B030 "Solubilization of Fish Protein Concentrate - 1. An Alkaline Process: S. R. Tannenbaum, M. Ahern (MIT), R. P. Bates (NMFS) IV. 2-1 SECTION B (Cont'd) B032 "Effect of Heat on the Chemical and Nutritive Stability of Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC)" D. L. Dubrow, B. R. Stillings (NMFS) B034 Lipid Composition of Fish Protein Concentrate H. Olcott (University of California) B036 "Adaptation of the AOAC Fluoride Method for Determining Fluoride in Fish Protein Concentrate" R. B. Klemm, M. E. Ambrose (NMFS) B037 "Biological Availability of the Fluoride of Fish Protein Concentrate in the Rat" - I. Zipkin, S.M. Zucas , B.R. Stillings B040 "Fish Protein Concentrate; A New Source of Dietary Protein" B. R. Stillings, G. M. Knobl, Jr. (NMFS) B043 "Relative Utilization of Casein, Fish Protein Concentrate and Isolated Soybean Protein for Growth and Pancreatic Enzyme Regeneation of the Protein Calorie Malnourished Baby Pig" W, G. Pond (Cornell Univ.), W. Snyder, J. T. Snook, E. F. Walker, Jr., D. A. McNeill, and B. R. Stillings (NMFS) B044 "Effect of Storage on Lipids of Fish Protein Concentrate" B. Medwadoski, A. Hanley, J. Van Der Veen, H. S. Olcott (University of California) B047 "Enzymatic Solubilization of Fish Protein Concentrate: Batch Studies Applicable to Continuous Enzyme Recycling Processes" C. Cheftel, M. Ahern, D. I. C. Wang, S. R. Tannenbaum (MIT) B048 "Moisture Adsorption of Fish Protein Concentrate at Various Relative Humidities and Temperatures" J. G. Rasekh, B. R. Stillings, D. L. Dubrow (NMFS) B049 "Availability of Amino Acids in Sarcoplasmic Fish Proteins Complexed with Sodium Exametaphosphate" G. A. Pelroy, J. Spinelli (NMFS) B050 "The Wholesomeness of Fish Protein Concentrate: A New Approach to the Evaluation of Food Safety" L. Friedman, 0. G. Glaser, N. L. Brown, E. R. Pariser (MIT) B055 The Chemistry of Flavor in Fish Protein Concentrate and Chemical Evaluations of Solvent Purity Required for FPC Production E. Wick (MIT) IV. 2-2 SECTION B (Cont'd) B056 "Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Color, Composition and Nutritive Quality of FPC (Fish Protein Concentrate)" J. Rasekh, B. R. Stillings, V. Sidwell (NMFS) B057 Effects of Processing Parameters on the Chemical and Functional Characteristics of FPC D. L. Dubrow (NMFS) B061 Use of Fish Protein Concentrate in the Treatment of Kwashiorkor and Its Protein Value in Pre-School Age Children N..S. Scrimshaw (MIT) B064 Nutritional and Safety Characteristics of FPC B. R. Stillings (NMFS) B069 The Use of Hydrogen Peroxide in FPC Extraction R. Ernst (NMFS) B071 "Reduction of Mercury with Cysteine in Comminuted Halibut and Hake Fish Protein Concentrate" J. Spinelli, M. Steinberg, R. Miller, A. Hall, L. Leman (NMFS) IV. 2-3 ti© CT USE C007 "FPC in Foods" V. Sidwell (NMFS) C015 C017 C020 C023 C024 C025 C027 C029 C031 "Fatty Fish Petition to FDA" P. Roedel (NMFS) "Quality and Nutritive Value of Pasta Made from Rice, Corn, Soya, and Tapioca Enriched with Fish Protein Concentrate" W. H. Kwee (University of Maryland), V. Sidwell, R. C. Wiley, 0. A. Hammerle (NMFS) "Phosphate Complexes of Soluble Fish Proteins; Their Formation and Possible Uses" J. Spinelli, B. Koury (NMFS) "Anchovy Petition to FDA" P. Roedel (NMFS) "Nutritive Quality of Wheat Flour and Bread Supplemented with Either Fish Protein Concentrate or Lysine" B. R. Stillings, V. D. Sidwell, 0. A. Hammerle (NMFS) "Evidence Indicates that -- A Premix of FPC and Wheat Flour Can Be Made and Transported" V. D. Sidwell, B. R. Stillings, G. M. Knobl, Jr. -(NMFS) "Increased Residual IPA Level Petition to FDA" P. Roedel (NMFS) "Petition for Approval of FPC in >fenufa ctured Foods" J. Culbertson (National Fishmeal and Oil Association) Utilization of FPC and Acceptability V. D. Sidwell (NMFS) IV. 3-1 S®cti©Bi ED irxIPySTKSAL ECO^JO^l'^iC ASPECT D014 Utilization of Protein Ingredients in the U. S. Food Industry Part I - The Current Market for Protein Ingredients. Part II The Future l^Iarket for Protein Ingredients P. M Hammonds, D. L. Call (Cornell U.) D016 "Preparation of Fish Protein Concentrate and Fish Meal John Spinelli (NMFS) D021 Consumer Attitudes Toward Alternative Protein Ingredients D. L. Call (Cornell U.) D022 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate J. Crutchfield and R. Deacon (U. of Washington) IV. 4-1 @cti©ii ^) E003 "Literature Study of Solvents for Fish Extraction' J. A. Price (Esso Research and Engineering Company) E017 E022 E027 E030 E031 E032 E033 E038 E042 "Fish Fermentation". L. Burkholder, P. R. Burkholder, A. Chu, N. Kostyl, and 0. A. Roels (Columbia University, N. Y.) Bone Particulate Separation -- Fish Protein Concentrate (Barkeley and Dexter Laboratories, Inc.) Studies for the Purification of Isopropyl Alcohol C . Cinrins ^F.sso Rpsparrh and F.ncn' np><=>-ri no n^>m^lan■^7^ ». N -- -— - ---o o r yx "Experimental Production of Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) From Mediterranean Sardines" N. L. Brown, H. Miller (NMFS) "Relative Activities of Commercially Available Enzymes in the Hydrolysis of Fish Protein" M. B. Hale (NMFS) ''Holding Raw Fish (Red Hake) in Isopropyl Alcohol for FPC (Fish Protein Concentrate) Production" D. Dubrow, 0. Hammerle (NMFS) Studies for the Purification of Isopropyl Alcohol G. Ciprios (Esso Research and Engineering Company) Use of Solvents in the Manufacture of Fish Protein Concentrate N. L. Brown, E. R. Pariser (MIT) J. A. Price (Esso Research and Engineering Company) "Chemical and Nutritional Characteristics of Fish Protein Concentrate Processed from Heated Whole Red Hake , ( Urophyc is chuss )" D. L. Dubrow; B. R. Stillings (NMFS) IV. 5-1 SECTION E (Cont'd) E045 E047 E048 E051 E053 E05A E055 E056 E059 "The Fish Protein Concentrate Story-13. Aqueous Phosphate Processing" J. Spinelli, J. Dyer, L. Lehman, D. Wieg (NMFS) "Protein Autolysis Rates at Various pH's and Temperatures in Hake, Merluccius productus , and Pacific Herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, and Their Effect on Yield in the Prep- aration of Fish Protein Concentrate" B. Koury, J. Spinelli, D. Wieg (NMFS) Making Fish Protein Concentrate by Enzymatic Hydrolysis M. B. Hale (NMFS) "Application of Ternary Equilibrium Data to the Production of Fish Protein Concentrate"- McPhee, Dubrow, Henderson Bench Level Storage Study (Fresh Menhaden. in IPA) D. Dubrow (NMFS) Frozen Menhaden Storage Studies J. Spinelli (NMFS) Separating Bone Particles from Whole Menhaden FPC (Air- Flotation) D. Dubrow (NMFS) Preparation and Storage Properties of Press Aqueous Phosphate Process for Use in FPC Manufacture J. Spinelli (NMFS) Frozen Menhaden Storage R. Ernst (NMFS) II IV. 5-2 Sectaon F RODOCTiOi^ PROCESSES F009 FPC : The KMFS Experiment and Demonstration Plant Process R. C. Ernst, Jr. (NMFS) F015 EDP Evaluation Guidelines (NMFS) F021 Power Consumption in Solid-Liquid Slurries A. D. McPhee, N. L. Brown (NMFS) F035 Engineering Review Study of EDP C. Linderman (PEDCO) F037 Summary Report of the Hake Run 1971 (OHI-001) (Ocean Harvesters, Inc.) F039 Fresh Anchow Storape Studies J. Spinelli (NMFS) F04A Drying Desolventization Study J. Dyer (NT^FS) F0A6 Decanter Selection J. Dyer (NMFS) F048 Distillation Alternatives R. Ernst (NllFS) F050 Evaluation of a Dissolved Air Flotation Separator for FPC Effluent Water Treatment A. D. McPhee, R. C. Ernst, Jr. (NT^FS) F052 Rapid Analytical Procedure Studies (Bacteriological) S. Paskell (N"MFS) F053 Seasonal Composition (Menhaden) Variations D. Pubrow (NT-IFS) F058 Review of Engineering Review Study J. Dyer, R. Ernst (NMFS) F059 Final Project Report (OH 1-006) (Ocean Harvesters, Inc.) IV. 6-1