A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF .COMMERCE PUBLICATION I Data Access Description Collection, Evaluation, and Processing Series CEP-4 (Rev.) DAD No. 27 January 1972 uuMMERCE • Social and Econorr PRINTED REPORTS FROM THE 1970 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING CONTENTS Psge Introduction 1 Preliminary Reports i Population 1 Housing 1 Advance Reports 2 Population 2 Housing 2 Final Reports 2 Description of Population Volume I . . . 4 Description of Housing Volume I 4 Table Summaries for Selected 1970 Final Reports 4 Printed Reports/Summary Tapes 18 Additional Information lg Introduction Printed reports have always been the primary source for information gathered in the decennial census. Although printed reports are no longer the sole census product, they will continue to serve as an inexpensive means of producing summaries of the most basic and generally useful census tabulations. For the 1970 Census of Population and Housing, the printed reports are being issued in three stages. The first stage was preliminary field counts; the second was advance reports containing official population counts and selected 100-percent population and housing data; the third stage is the final reports which will ultimately constitute the bound volumes. This Data Access Description provides brief descriptions of the printed reports and summaries of the table outlines for the following reports: Population volume I, chapters A and B; housing volumes I and III; and the joint population-housing census tract reports. A description of housing volume II, along with table outlines, can be found in Data Access Description No. 19, Printed Reports From the 1970 Census— Housing, Volume II, series CEP-5. Preliminary Reports Population. --The three series of preliminary reports, based on preliminary population counts as compiled in the census field offices, were issued between May and November 1970. Series PC(P1) consisted essentially of separate State reports presenting preliminary population counts for each county and each incorporated place of 1,000 or more inhabitants. Series PC(P2) consisted of a report for each standard met- ropolitan statistical area (SMS A), showing statistics for the component parts of the SMSA. Series PC(P3) consisted of three national reports, one summarizing the preliminary population counts for congressional districts, one for cities of 25,000 or more inhabitants, and one for SMSA's. The figures in all the preliminary reports are superseded by those in the advance and final reports. Housing. - -The single series of preliminary housing reports, series HC(P1), was issued between June and October 1970 and consisted essentially of a report for each State. presenting preliminary housing unit counts for 'each place of 10,000 or more inhabit like those for population^yee superseded by t^ data in the advance and fif 'reports. *»*»* % Data Access Descriptions are intended as introductions to means of access 1 Census Bureau data for persons with data requirements not fully met by the printed * C0Ll# Advance Reports Population .- -Two series of advance reports were issued between September 1970 and March 1971 presenting selected data prior to the pub- lication of those data in the final reports. Each series consisted of a report for each State and the District of Columbia, as well as a U.S. summary report. Series PC(V1) contained final population counts for the State, counties, county subdivisions, all incorporated places, and un- incorporated places of 1,000 or more inhabitants. Series PC(V2) contained selected data on age, sex, race, and relationship to head of household for the State, SMSA's, counties, and places of 10,000 or more inhabitants. Housing . --Series HC(V1), issued betweenSep- tember 1970 and March 1971, consisted of a report for each State and the District of Columbia, as well as a U.S. summary report. The reports con- tained selected data, drawn from the final housing reports, on housing characteristics for the State, SMSA's, counties, and places of 10,000 or more inhabitants. Final Reports In general, the 1970 final printed reports show considerably greater detail for places of fewer than 50,000 inhabitants and for city blocks, and contain much more information on minority groups than reports from past censuses. The 1960 and 1970 reports are listed below, with a brief com- parison of the two. Comparison of Printed Reports From the 1960 and 1970 Censuses of Population and Housing I960 report 1970 report Comparison 1970 with 1960 CENSUS OF POPULATION Volume I. Characteristics of the Population: Chapter A. Number of t Series PC(l)-A 1970 similar to 1960 Inhabitants Chapter B. General Popu- tSeries PC(l)-B 1970 similar to 1960 lation Characteristics Chapter C. General Social Series PC(l)-C 1970 similar to 1960 and Economic Character- istics Chapter D. Detailed Series PC(l)-D 1970 similar to 1960 Characteristics Series PC (Si). Supplementary Series PC(Sl) Open series: 1970 Reports similar to 1960 CENSUS OF HOUSING Volume I . Areas States and Small Characteristics for States, Cities, and Counties 1970 similar to 1960 but 1970 report in two parts: t Series HC(l)-A General characteristics: contains data for 100-percent items t Series HC(l)-B Detailed characteristics: contains data for both complete-count and sample items Volume II. Subject Reports Series PC (2) 1970 similar to 1960 Volume III Reports Selected Area Not to be published See footnotes at end of table. Comparison of Printed Reports From the 1960 and 1970 Censuses of Population and Housing-Continued I960 report 1970 report Comparison 1970 with 1< CENSUS OF HOUSING — Continued Volume II. Metropolitan Housing Series HC(2). Metropolitan Housing Characteristics 1970 similar to 1960 Volume III. City Blocks t Series HC(3). tics Block Statis- Data for more blocks will be pub- lished in 1970 Volume IV. Components of Inventory Change Series HC(4) 1970 similar to 1960 Volume V. Residential Finance Series HC(5) 1970 similar to 1960 Volume VI . Rural Hous ing Series HC(6). "Substandard' (preliminary Estimates of ' Housing title) For 1970, no rural housing volume will be published; Volume VI will cover substandard housing estimates Volume VII. Housing of Senior Citizens Series HC(7) . Reports Subject For 1970, no volume will be pub- lished on housing of senior citi- zens; the 1970 series HC(7) reports will provide detailed in- formation on particular subjects Series HC(Sl). Special Reports for Local Housing Authorities Series HC(Sl) Reports Supplementary For 1970, open series presenting miscellaneous types of housing data POPULATION-HOUSING JOINT REPORTS Series PHC(l) t Series PHC(l) . Census Tract More data to be published for 1970 Census Tracts Reports Series PHC (2) . Geographic Series PHC (2) General New report for 1970 present: .g Identification Code Scheme Demographic Trends for comparative 1960-1970 data for (will not be published in Metropolitan Areas, 1960- population counts and selected 1970) 1970 100-percent population and housing subjects Series PHC (3). Census County Series PHC (3) Employment New report for 1970 presenting Division Boundary Descriptions Profiles of Selected Low- statistics and economic character- (will not be published in 1970) Income Areas istics of residents of low-income neighborhoods in selected cities and rural areas Two additional series of reports will be published from the 1970 census: Series PHC(E). Evaluation Reports. — Open series presenting results of the 1970 census evaluation program. Series PHC(R). Procedural Reports. — Open series presenting information on administrative and methodological aspects of the 1970 census, including a comprehensive procedural history . * Title of 1970 report shown only when not the same as the 1960 title. t Table outlines for these reports are summarized in the figures in this Data Access Description. Description of Population Volume I .-- Pop- ulation volume I will consist of separate reports for 58 areas: the United States, each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Canal Zone, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Data will first be published in the series PC(1)- A through PC(1)-D reports. These reports will be issued in the form of four separate paperbound chapters, designated A, B, C, and D, for each of the 58 areas. The four chapters for each area will then be assembled and issued in a hard- cover "part." In addition, the 58 chapters A, Number of Inhabitants, will be assembled and issued in a hard-cover edition designated as part A. (For the outlying areas other than Puerto Rico, data for chapters C and D will not be tab- ulated; all data on characteristics of the population for these outlying areas will be included in chapter B.) Description of Housing Volume I . --Housing volume I will consist of separate reports for the same areas as for population volume I (see above). For each of these 58 areas, the data will first be issued in two separate paperbound chapters, designated as A and B, the HC(1) series of reports. The two chapters will then be assembled for each area and issued in a hard- cover "part." (For the outlying areas other than Puerto Rico, all the housing data will be in- cluded in chapter A.) Table Summaries for Selected 1970 Final Reports . --Reports in the series listed below are now being issued. Limitations of space in this Data Access Description do not permit presen- tation of complete table outlines for these reports; however, detailed information based on the table outlines is presented in a series of figures begin- ning on page 5. Figure Population: Volume I, Series PC(1)-A, Number of Inhabitants 1 Volume I, Series PC(1)-B, General Population Char- acteristics 2 Housing: Volume I, Series HC(1)-A, General Housing Characteristics 3 Volume I, Series HC(1)-B, Detailed Housing Characteristics 4 Volume III, Series HC(3), Block Statistics 6 Joint Population- Housing: Series PHC(l), Census Tract Reports Chapters C and D of population volume I have not been summarized. Users interested in the nature of their content may consult chapters C and D of volume I of the 1960 reports or of the 1970 reports as they become available. (The 1970 PC(1)-C reports are now being issued; the PC(1)-D reports are expected to be released beginning in February 1972.; Table outlines for the reports above are sum- marized in these figures: Figure 1. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Population Volume I, Chapter A-- Presents 1970 title and unit of tabulation (geographic areas, population character- istics) along with the number of the com- parable table, if any, from the 1960 series. Figure 2. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Population Volume I, Chapter B-- Presented in the same format as figure 1. Figure 3. Summary of Complete- Count Tables for Housing Volume I, Chapter A-- Presented in the same format as figure 1. Figure 4. Summary of Sample-Based Housing Data, Volume I, Chapter B-- Presents table summaries of sample-based housing data by geographic or ethnic cat- egories. Where statistics are shown for minority groups, the requisite population base is indicated. Figure 5. Summary of Tract Tables (Complete Count and Sample) -- Presents tables for joint population-housing census tract reports. An additional column in- dicates whether each table is based on complete-count or sample questions. Com- plete-count tables were released as re- producible sheets several months ahead of the entire tract reports. Figure 6. Characteristics of Housing Units and Population: 1970 (Block Statis- tics Reports) -- Presents table outlines for housing volume III block reports. There are only two tables for block reports, each with the same boxhead. The first table provides a place summary for places of 2,500 or more inhabitants within the blocked areas; the second table shows individual blocks within census tracts. Figure 1. Summary of Complete-Count Tables tor Population, Volume I, Chapter A (Tabulations for chapter A are from the First Count Summary Tapes) 1970 popula- tion table Comparable 1960 table (if any) Title (1970) Principal items tabulated P-A 1 P-A 1 Population of the State: Earliest Census to 1970 By urban and rural residence 2 P-A 2 Population by Size of Place: 1970 and 1960 Urban residence by inside and outside urbanized areas, rural residence, urbanized areas 3 P-A 3, except for 1920 cutoff Population by Urban and Rural Resi- dence: 1920 to 1970 By size of place 4 Population Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas: 1970 By size of place 5 P-A 4 Population of Incorporated and Unin- corporated Places : 1970 and 1960 By size of place 6 6a P-A 8, except in 1970 New England towns are in- cluded and percent in- crease is substituted for second preceding census P-A 8 Population of Places: 1970 and 1960 (For Hawaii) Population of Places of 300 or More: 1970 and 1960 (For Alaska) Population of Unincorpo- rated Places of 25 to 1,000: 1970 and 1960 All incorporated places and unincorporated places of 1,000 or more by location within counties By location for county equiv- alents (census divisions) 7 P-A 5, except for cutoff at 1900 Population of Incorporated Places of 10,000 or More: 1900 to 1970 By place 8 P-A 9, except for cutoff being lowered from 2,500 to 2,000 Population in 1970 of Areas Annexed Between 1960 and 1970 By incorporated places having 2,000+ inhabitants in 1960 9 P-A 6 Population and Land Area of Counties: 1970 and 1960 By urban and rural residence (county equivalents for some States) 10 P-A 7, except percent in- crease is substituted for the second preceding census Population of County Subdivisions: 1970 and 1960 By county 11 P-A 10 Population of Urbanized Areas: 1970 and 1960 By component parts of each area 12 Population of Urbanized Areas, by Type of Residence: 1970 By area 13 13a P-A 11 P-A 11a Population of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas: 1970 and 1960 Population of Standard Consolidated Areas (New York, N.Y.- Northeastern New Jersey and Chicago, 111 .-Northwestern Indiana SCA's) By component parts of each area By component parts of each area 14 PA-12 Population of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, by Type of Residence: 1970 By area — urban and rural 15 Population of Congressional Dis-tricts : 1970 By urban and rural congressional district, for States with more 1 district Figure 2. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Population, Volume I, Chapter B (Tabulations for chapter B are from the Second Count Summary Tapes) 1970 popula- tion table Comparable 1960 table (if any) Title (1970"> Principal items tabulated P-B 16 l P-B 13 Summary of General Character- istics: 1970 For State, by size of place, foi SMSA's, urbanized areas, places of 2,500+, and counties 17 P-B 15 Race by Sex: 1900 to 1970 For State, by size of place in 1970, and by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan residence in 1970 18 Percent Distribution by Race and Sex: 1900 to 1970 For State, by size of place in 1970 19 Single Years of Age by Race and Sex: 1970 For State 20 P-B 16 Age by Race and Sex: 1970 For State, by size of place and urban and rural residence 21 P-B 17, except for start at 1900 Age by Race and Sex: 1900 to 1970 For State 22 Household and Family Character- istics by Race: 1970 For State, by size of place and urban and rural residence 23 Race by Sex, for Areas and Places : 1970 For SMSA's including places of 50,000+ (or central cities) and urban balance, urbanized areas, and places of 50,000+ 24 P-B 20 Age by Race and Sex, for Areas and Places: 1970 Same as 23 25 Household Relationship and Type of Family by Race, for Areas and Places: 1970 Same as 23 26 P-B 18 Marital Status and Household Relationship, by Race and Sex, for Areas and Places : 1970 Same as 23 27 Race by Sex, for Places 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 For places 28 P-B 20 Age by Race and Sex, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 For places 29 Household Relationship and Type of Family by Race, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 For places 30 P-B 18 Marital Status and Household Re- lationship by Race and Sex, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 For places 31 P-B 22 General Characteristics for Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970 For places; by race by sex; age by sex; and relationship to head of household, relation- ship of persons under 18 years and of persons 65+ 'Numbering continues from last table in Chapter A. Figure 2. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Population. Volume I, Chapter B-Continued (lobulations for chapter B are from the Second Count Summary Tapes) 1970 popula- tion table Comparable 1960 table (if any) Title (1970) Principal items tabulated 32 P-B 23 General Characteristics for Places of 1,000 to 2,500: 1970 For places, by sex, race, age, and persons per household 33 P-B 25 General Characteristics for County Subdivisions: 1970 For minor civil divisions (MCD's) by sex, race, age, and persons per household . (Census county divisions where MCD's are not defined) 34 Race by Sex, for Counties: 1970 For counties 35 P-B 27 Age by Race and Sex, for Coun- ties : 1970 For counties 36 Household Relationship, Type of Family, and Race, for Counties: 1970 For counties 37 Marital Status and Household Relationship by Race, for Counties : 1970 For counties, by sex 38 P-B 29 General Characteristics of the Rural Population for Counties : 1970 For counties, by race by sex; age by sex; and relationship to head of household, relationship of persons under 18 years, and of persons 65+ 39 Age, Race, and Sex of the House- hold Population: 1970 For State, places of 2,500 or more with 1,000 or more in group quarters, and counties with 1,000 or more in group quarters Allocation tables B-l B-l Percent of Allocation for Nonresponse : 1970 For the State, urban and rural, and size of of place B-2 Characteristics Before and After Allocation: 1970 For the State, by race, sex, age, and marital status B-3 Percent of Allocation by Type of Allocation: 1970 For the State, urban and rural, and size of place by relationship, sex, race, age, and marital status B4 Percent of Allocation by Subject Combina- tions : 1970 For the State, urban and rural, and size of place by specified subject combinations B-5 B-2 Percent of Allocation for Nonresponse for Areas, Places, and Counties: 1970 For SMSA's, places of 10,000+, and counties Figure 3. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Housing, Volume I, Chapter A (Tabulations are from the Second Count Summary Tapes) 1970 housing table Comparable 1960 table (if any) Title (1970) and geographic areas covered Principal items tabulated H-l Summary Characteristics for Areas and Places; 1970 (The State; SMSA's; Places of 10,000 Inhabitants or More) Population; number of housing units; year-round units: rooms, one-unit structures, plumbing; occupied units: persons, tenure, Negro head, crowding, median value or con- tract rent; vacancy rate by tenure H-2 2, except last 4 items are new in 1970 Occupancy, Plumbing, and Struc- tural Characteristics for the State: 1970 (The State; Inside and Outside SMSA's; Urban and Rural) Population; tenure, race, and va- cancy status; plumbing; piped water; flush toilet; bathing facil- ities; kitchen facilities; ac- cess; units in structure; telephone H-3 5 Utilization Characteristics for the State: 1970 (The State; Inside and Outside SMSA's; Urban and Rural ) Rooms , persons , persons per room, by tenure H-4 7 Financial Characteristics for the State: 1970 (The State; Inside and Outside SMSA's; Urban and Rural) Value or contract rent, by occu- pancy or vacancy and plumbing; duration of vacancy H-5 8 Summary Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of Household for Areas and Places: 1970 (The State; SMSA's; Towns; Places of 10,000 Inhabitants or More) Population; occupied units : total rooms, persons, tenure, plumbing, crowding, one-unit structures, value or contract rent (similar to H-l) H-6 Occupancy, Plumbing and Finan- cial Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of House- hold, for the State: 1970 (The State; Inside and Outside SMSA ' s ; Urban and Rural ) Population; tenure; plumbing; piped water; flush toilet; bathtub or shower; kitchen; access ; value or contract rent of occupied units, and plumbing H-7 Utilization Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of Household for the State: 1970 (The State; Inside and Outside SMSA's; Urban and Rural Units in structure, rooms, per- sons per room, by tenure; telephone H-8 Occupancy, Plumbing, and Struc- tural Characteristics for Areas and Places: 1970 SMSA's: (Places of 50,000 Inhabitants or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance, Urbanized Areas, Places of 50,000 Inhabitants or or More) Population; tenure, race, and vacancy status; plumbing; piped water; flush toilet; bathtub or shower; kitchen; access; units in structure; telephone H-9 Utilization Characteristics for Areas and Places: 1970 (Same geographic areas as H-8) Rooms, persons, persons per room, by tenure Figure 3. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Housing, Volume I, Chapter A-Continued (Tabulations are from the Second Count Summary Tapes) 1970 hous ing table Comparable 1960 table (if any) Title (1970) and geographic areas covered Principal items tabulated H-10 17 Financial Characteristics for Areas and Places: 1970 (Same geographic areas as H-8) Value or contract rent by occu- pancy or vacancy and plumbing; duration of vacancy H-ll Occupancy, Plumbing, and Finan- cial Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of House- hold, for Areas and Places: 1970 (Same geographic areas as H-8) Population; tenure; plumbing; piped water; flush toilet; bathtub or shower; kitchen; access; value or contract rent of occupied units, and plumbing H-12 Utilization Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of Household, for Areas and Places: 1970 (Same geographic areas as H-8) Units in structure; rooms, per- sons , persons per room , by tenure; telephone H-13 14-15 Occupancy, Plumbing, and Struc- tural Characteristics for Standard Metropolitan Statis- tical Areas and Constituent Counties: 1970 (SMSA's; Constituent Counties) Same as H-8 H-14 Utilization Characteristics for Standard Metropolitan Statis- tical Areas and Constituent Counties: 1970 (SMSA's; Cons t i tuent Count i es ) Same as H-9 H-15 Financial Characteristics for Standard Metropolitan Statis- tical Areas and Constituent Counties: 1970 ( SMSA's; Constituent Counties) Same as H-10 H-16 Occupancy, Plumbing, and Finan- cial Characteristics of Housing Units With Negro Head of House- hold, for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Constitu- ent Counties: 1970 (SMSA's; Constituent Counties) Same as H-ll H-17 Utilization Characteristics of Housing Units With Negro Head of Household, for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Constituent Counties: 1970 (SMSA's; Constituent Counties) Same as H-12 H-18 Occupancy, Plumbing, and Struc- tural Characteristics for Places of 10,000 to 50,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places) Same as H-8 10 Figure 3. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Housing, Volume I, Chapter A-Continued (Tabulations are from the Second Count Summary Tapes) 1970 hous ing table Comparable 1960 table (if any) Title (1970) and geographic areas covered Principal items tabulated H-19 Utilization Characteristics for Places of 10,000 to 50,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places) Same as H-9 H-20 Financial Characteristics for Places of 10,000 to 50,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places) Same as H-10 H-21 Occupancy, Plumbing, and Fi- nancial Characteristics of Housing Units With Negro Head of Household, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places With 400 or More Negro Population) Same as H-ll H-22 Utilization Characteristics of Housing Units With Negro Head of Household, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places With 400 or More Negro Population) Same as H-12 H-23 25 Occupancy, Utilization, and Plumbing Characteristics for Places of 2,500 to 10,000 In- habitants: 1970 (Places) Population; tenure, race, and vacancy status, plumbing; piped water; flush toilet; bathtub or shower; kitchen; units in structure; rooms; persons; persons per room H-24 Financial Characteristics for Places of 2,500 to 10,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places) Value or contract rent of occu- pied units and plumbing H-25 Occupancy, Utilization, and Plumbing Characteristics of Housing Units With Negro Head of Household, for Places of 2,500 to 10,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places With 400 or More Negro Population) Population; tenure; plumbing; piped water; flush toilet; bathtub or shower; kitchen; units in structure; rooms; persons ; persons per room H-26 Financial Characteristics of Housing Units With Negro Head of Household, for Places of 2,500 to 10,000 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places With 400 or More Negro Population) Same as H-24 H-27 Selected Characteristics for Places of 1,000 to 2,500 In- habitants: 1970 (Places) Population; housing units; plumb- ing; tenure; rooms; value or contract rent; crowding; vacancy status 11 Figure 3. Summary of Complete-Count Tables for Housing, Volume I, Chapter A-Continued (Tabulations are from the Second Count Summary Tapes) 1970 housing table Comparable 1960 table (if any) Title (1970) and geographic areas covered Principal items tabulated H-28 Selected Characteristics for Housing Units With Negro Head of Household, for Places of 1,000 to 2,500 Inhabitants: 1970 (Places with 400 or More Negro Population) Population; occupied units; plumbing; rooms; value or contract rent; tenure; crowding H-29 Selected Characteristics for Counties: 1970 (Counties) Same as H-27 H-30 Selected Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of Household, for Counties: 1970 (Counties With 400 or More Negro Population) Same as H-28 Allocation tables A-l A-l (similar in character- istics to 1970, but for State and size of place) Computer Allocation Rates for Nonresponse or Inconsistency for the State: 1970 (the State, inside and outside SMSA's, urban and rural) Selected housing characteristics A-2 Computer Allocation Rates for Nonresponse or Inconsistency for Areas and Places : 1970 (SMSA's, places 2,500 inhabit- ants or more) Selected housing characteristics A-3 Computer Allocation Rates for Nonresponse or Inconsistency for Counties: 1970 (Counties) Selected housing characteristics (Housing data available by in tha printed report*) Figure 4 Summary of Sample-Based Housing Data. Volume I. Chapter B State Reports tod geographic or ethnic categories. The numbers In the cells below rcf« No*. s,,. sv.s\ Places 10,000 50 , 000 It. MUM Urban Rural Rural farm Occu- pied farm Can- alt lai places SO, lino. Urban bal- SUSA Urban- ized SMSA county 2,500 10,000 County Negro lean 1 11' Sisacirv Chaxa.ctarls.tlca. 31 38 11* 38 3 SI* 38* 11' IS 31 38 31 38 31 31 38 ■38° 38 — Year-round units In structures built 1960- 70, with 5' units, with 1- bathrooms, air con- ditioning. 3- bedrooms. Occupied units moved Into 1969-70, 2* autos, appliances, second hone 32 Occupucj and Plumbing 32 32 32 32 32 Ch.ir.u tiristlcs. --Pop- ulation: tenure, race, and vacancy status; plumbing; piped water; flush toilet; bathtub or shower, kitchen; ac- cess, phone 33 Utilization Charactarla- 33 33 33 33 33 Hcji. --Rooms, persons. persons per room, by 34 Financial Characteris- 34 34 34 tics . --Valui- or con- of vacancy, plumbing 35 Structural and Plumbing 35 43 3 53 35 35 35 35 35 43 43 43 43 48 43 ChaxactarUtlc a . — 48 Units in structure, 53 year built, and bath- rooms, by tenure; base- ment; source of water; sewage disposal 36 Equipment and Financial 36 14 54 36 36 36 36 36 44 44 44 44 49 44 fh.Lr.u tenstics.— Air 49 conditioning; autos; 54 heating, year moved in- to, by tenure; gross rent ; asking rent 37 Pnala and Appliances. - 37 42 45 3 47 s 55 57 37 42 37 42 37 42 37 42 37 42 45 47 45 47 45 45 47 50 52 42 47' 42 Bedrooms bv tenure, el- 45 evator, type of fuel, 52* 47 clothes washer, dryer. 50 dishwasher, food freez- 52 er. TV, second home, 55 battery radio 57 39 i i .;. -r. \ ilur.bi :.. . ,'.n' ; 39 69 ! 75 39 39 39 39 69 69 69 69 72 39 69 69 I Lnani i il Char u terls- 72 75 tlcs. —Population, ten- ure, plumbing, water, flush toilet, bathtub or shower, kitchen, ac- rent 10 Utilization Characteris- 40 70 s 76 40 40 40 40 70 70 70 70 73 40 70 70 tics .--Roins. persons. 73 76* persons per room, by 76 tenure; plumbing; phone See footnote at end of flgu (Housing data available by in the printed reports) Figure 4. Summary of Sample-Based Housing Data, d geographic or ethnic categorii Volume I, Chapter B (State Reportsl-Continued s. The numbers in the cells below refer to the ta Table Nos. Housing data State SHISA Places 10,000 50,000 In/ out SMSA Urban Rural "arm Occu- cities Other places 50,000 Urban SMSA Urban- SMSA county Places 2,500 to 10,000 County Negro Spanish 41 Structural, Plumbing 41 4 6 3 71 3 56 77 41 41 41 41 46 71 46 71 46 71 71 51 74 41 46 51 56 s 71 46 Equipment, and Financial 77" 51 Characterlsl Lcs. --Units 56 71 74 77 in structure, year by tenure; bathrooms. water; sewage disposal; gross rent 58 Structural, Plumbing, 62 62 58 59 62 66 59 8 80" 59 62 Equipment, and Financial Characteristics.— Units 83 83 in structure, year built, bathrooms, source of water, sewage dis- posal, air conditioning, heating, phone, autos, year moved into unit by 60 Occupancy, Utilization, and Plumbing Character- 60 60 60 istics , — Population; piped water; flush toi- let; bathtub or shower; kitchen; rooms; persons; 61 Financial Characteris- 61 79 61 65 82 65 s 79 8 65 79 82 rent , plumbing 63 Fuels and Appliances.— 63 63 63 67 67 7 67 Bedrooms by tenure, type of fuel, clothes washer, dryer, dish- washer, freezer, TV, battery radio, second 64 Occupancy. Utilization, 78 64 64 s 78 8 78 and Plumbing Charac- 81 a 81 teristics . --Popula- tion, tenure, plumbing, piped water, flush toi- kitchen, rooms, persons, persons per room 68 Selected Characteris- 68 9 68 9 68 8 ing, rooms and persons, year built, piped and source of water, sewage disposal, value, gross table 'In New York, New Jersey, and Penn parentage. In Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texa guage or Spanish surname. In the remain with head of Spanish language. 2 Numc SCA's. 4 Places of 10,000+. s Ther side SMSA's. G Data not shown for places of less than 50,000 inhabitants percent sample items for SMSA's and places with less than 10,000 Negro inha 400 Negro or Spanish American inhabitants or more, as appropria ral farm portions thereof. I 42 States Lng continue will be addi "Data t housing un its wit i head of Puerto Rican birth or wil 1 be for housin ; units w ith head of Spanish Ian h Americ an tabu Lations w ill be for housing u nit 3 An addi tional :ategory will b included for :ent ral citi es" and "not in centra cities," but in than 400 Neg ro inhabitants. Data ot shown for 5- 7 W ith 10,000 Negr d inhabit ants o more. "With for county. only for rural and occupied ru- 14 Figure 4. Summary of Sample-Based Housing Data, Volume I, Chapter B (State Reports)-Continued Allocation tables 1970 hous ing table Title (1970) Principal items tabulated B-l Computer Allocation Rates for Nonresponse or Inconsistency for the State: 1970 (For the State; Inside and Outside SMSA's; Inside and Outside of Central Cities within SMSA's; Urban and Rural) Units in structure, year structure built, complete bathrooms, basement, source of water, sewage disposal, air conditioning, heating equipment, bedrooms, elevator in structure, automobiles available, year moved into unit, fuels, household equipment items (appliances) B-2 Computer Allocation Rates for Nonresponse or Inconsistency for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Places of 2,500 Inhabit- ants or More, and Counties: 1970 (For SMSA's; Places of 2,500+; Counties) Year structure built, heating equipment, units in structure, source of water, sewage disposal, complete bathrooms, air condition- ing, basement, year moved into unit, auto- mobiles available B-3 Computer Allocation Rates for Nonresponse or Inconsistency for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Places of 10,000 Inhabit- ants or More, and Counties: 1970 (For SMSA's; Places of 10,000+; Counties) Bedrooms, stories in structure, passenger elevator (in structure with 4 stories or more), house heating fuel, cooking fuel, water heating fuel, clothes washing machine, clothes dryer, dishwasher, home food freezer, number of television sets, UHF-equipped sets (for units with 1 or more television sets), battery-operated radio, own second home 15 Figure 5. Summary of Tract Tables (Complete Count and Sample) (Complete-count tables are from the Second Count Summary Tapes. Sample items are from the Fourth Count Summary Tapes) 1970 table Comparable 1960 table Title Principal items tabulated Basis P-l P-l General Characteristics of the Popu- lation: 1970 Race; age by sex; relationship to head of household; type of family and number of own children; marital status by sex Com- plete count P-2 Social Characteristics of the Popu- lation: 1970 Nativity, parentage, and country of origin; school enrollment; years of school completed; children ever born; residence in 1965; means of transportation and place of work Sample P-3 P-3 (by indus- try) Labor Force Characteristics of the Population: 1970 Employment status by sex; occupation by total and females employed; in- dustry; class of worker Sample P-4 Income Characteristics of the Popu- lation: 1970 Income in 1969 of families and un- related individuals ; type of income in 1969 of families; ratio of family income to poverty level ; in- come below poverty level by family characteristics Sample P-5 P-4 General and Social Characteristics of the Negro Population: 1970 (for tracts with 400+ Negroes) Age by sex; relationship to head of of household; type of household; school enrollment; years of school completed; residence in 1965 Sample P-6 P-4 Economic Characteristics of the Negro Population: 1970 (for tracts with 400+ Negroes) Employment status and occupation by sex, and total; family income in 1969; ratio of family income to poverty level ; income below poverty level by family characteristics Sample P-7 P-4 General and Social Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language: 1970 Note: Alternatively, in 5 South- western States : ... of Spanish Language or Spanish Surname: 1970, and in 3 Mid- dle Atlantic States: ... of Puerto Rican Birth or Parent- age: 1970. All for tracts with 400+ of the specified groups. Same as P-5 Sample P-8 P-4 Economic Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language: 1970 (Same note as table P-7) Same as P-6 Sample H-l H-l and 2 Occupancy, Utilization, and Financial Characteristics of Housing Units: 1970 Tenure, race, and vacancy status; lacking some or all plumbing facili- ties; complete kitchen facilities and access; rooms; persons; persons per room; value; contract rent Com- plete count H-2 H-l and 2 Structural, Equipment, and Financial Characteristics of Housing Units: 1970 Units in structure; year structure built; heating equipment; basement; selected equipment; year moved into unit; automobiles available; gross rent; gross rent as percentage of income by income Sample 16 Figure 5. Summary of Tract Tables (Complete Count and Sample)-Continued (Complete-count tables are from the Second Count Summary Tapes. Sample Items are from the Fourth Count Summary Tapes) 1970 table Comparable 1960 table Title Principal items tabulated Basis H-3 H-3 Occupancy, Utilization, and Financial Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of Household: 1970 (for tracts with 400+ Negro popu- lation) Tenure and plumbing; rooms; persons; persons per room; value; contract rent Com- plete count H-4 H-3 Structural, Equipment, and Financial Characteristics of Housing Units with Negro Head of Household: 1970 (for tracts with 400+ Negro popu- lation) Units in structure; year structure built; selected equipment; year moved into unit; gross rent; gross rent as percentage of income by income Sample H-5 H-4 Characteristics of Housing Units with Household Head of Spanish Language (for tracts with 400+ per- sons of Spanish language) (See note, P-7 for alternative tables) Tenure and plumbing; rooms; units in structure; year structure built; persons; persons per room, year moved into unit; selected equipment; value; gross rent; contract rent; gross rent as percentage of income by income Sample 17 Figure 6. Characteristics of Housing Units and Population: 1970 (Block Statistics Reports) (Data exclude vacant seasonal and vacant migratory housing units. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, average, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text) Total popula- tion Percent of total Occupied housing units population Owner Blocks within Negro In group quarters Under 18 years 62 years and over Total Lacking some or all plumbing facili- ties Units in— Total Lacking some or all plumbing facili- ties census tracts One-unit struc- tures Struc- tures of 10 or more units number of rooms Occupied housing units — Continued Owner — Con . Average value (dol- lars) Percent Negro Lacking some or all plumbing facili- ties Average number of rooms Average contract rent (dol- lars) Percent Negro 1.01 or more persons per room With all plumbing facili- ties One- person house- holds With female head of family roomers , boarders , lodgers IS Printed Reports Summary Tapes Since the 1960 decennial census, expansion of the tabulation program required to produce the printed reports, as well as changes in content of the complete-count and sample questionnaires, resulted in many alterations in the tables and their presentation. It is hoped that by being informed of the contents of the printed reports, potential users of census data will be able to ascertain whether printed reports will fully meet their needs or whether they also will re- quire the use of 1970 census summary tapes. Persons interested in the contents of the summary tapes may refer to these previous Data Access Descriptions, available upon request from the Bureau of the Census: CT-1 (Rev.), General Information About Summary Tapes (DAD 18) CT-2 (Rev.), First Count Summary Tapes From the 1970 Census of Pop- ulation and Housing (DAD 13) CT-3 (Rev.), Second Count Summary Tapes From the 1970 Census of Pop- ulation and Housing (DAD 26) CT-4 (Rev.), Third Count (Block) Summary Tapes From the 1970 Census of Population and Housing (DAD 25) CT-5 (Rev.), Fourth Count Summary Tapes From the 1970 Census of Pop- ulation and Housing (DAD 22) CT-6, Fifth Count (ZIP Code) Sum- mary Tapes From the 1970 Census of Population and Housing (DAD 23) Additional Information Inquiries about the contents of population volume I, chapters C and D, and other population and housing volumes, as well as requests for further explication, should be addressed to: Director Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. 20233 (Please refer to Data Access Description No.27, Collection, Evaluation, and Processing Series, CEP-4 Revised.) TODAY'S FastJact-finding book...forTOD/W , Sfast pace! WHEN you want the facts . want them in a hurry want them accurate . easy-to-find . . . current or historical . S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE POCKET DATA BOOK US/ttS-71 WI ^~— I 352p.il. $1.75 THE POCKET DATA BOOK USA 1971 — the third edition of this popular, compact, all-purpose reference book issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. There are FACTS -thousands of them. . . FIGURES. . . 68 CHARTS AND GRAPHS . . .512 easy-to-read statistical tables offering authoritative data on all major facets of the economic and social structure of the United States. The Pocket Data Book USA 1971 contains narrative text in capsule form, an explanation of terms, plus an alphabetical subject index. THE POCKET DATA BOOK USA 1971 includes information on . . . 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